classes ::: subject, the School, work,
children ::: programs (Education)
branches ::: Education, my education

bookmarks: Instances - Definitions - Quotes - Chapters - Wordnet - Webgen

class:the School

storytelling rap
childrens books
educational media

The Mother, On Education
Rudolf Steiner, The Essentials of Education
Rudolf Steiner, Education As a Force for Social Change
Alice Bailey, Education in the New Age

  The Mother
  Rudolf Steiner

The Mother, On Education
1.02 - Education
1.03 - Physical Education
1.04 - Vital Education
1.05 - Mental Education
1.06 - Psychic Education

Aleister Crowley, Magick Without Tears, 1.72 - Education

Wikipedia - Education
Wikipedia - Pedagogy

see also ::: study, the Student, programs, courses, the Library, the School
see also ::: the Science of Living, the Science of Knowing, training
see also ::: the Teacher, the Curriculum
see also ::: assessment, questionnaire, questions, learn,

see also ::: assessment, courses, learn, programs, questionnaire, questions, study, the_Curriculum, the_Library, the_School, the_Science_of_Knowing, the_Science_of_Living, the_Student, the_Teacher, training

questions, comments, suggestions/feedback, take-down requests, contribute, etc
contact me @ or
join the integral discord server (chatrooms)
if the page you visited was empty, it may be noted and I will try to fill it out. cheers

now begins generated list of local instances, definitions, quotes, instances in chapters, wordnet info if available and instances among weblinks










Education As a Force for Social Change
Education in the New Age
my education
On Education
Philosophy of Education
problem of education
programs (Education)
The Essentials of Education



educational ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to education.

education contact "job" The person at a company who should receive educational material. (2004-03-11)

education contact ::: (job) The person at a company who should receive educational material.(2004-03-11)

educationist ::: n. --> One who is versed in the theories of, or who advocates and promotes, education.

education ::: n. --> The act or process of educating; the result of educating, as determined by the knowledge skill, or discipline of character, acquired; also, the act or process of training by a prescribed or customary course of study or discipline; as, an education for the bar or the pulpit; he has finished his education.


1. Lacking education or knowledge. 2. Unaware because of a lack of relevant information or knowledge.

(2) The predominantly naturalistic and positivistic period coincides roughly with the nineteenth century. The wars of independence were accompanied by revolt from scholasticism. In the early part of the century, liberal eclectics like Cousin and P. Janet were popular in South America, but French eighteenth century materialism exerted an increasing influence. Later, the thought of Auguste Comte and of Herbert Spencer came to be dominant especially in Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, and Chile. Even an idealistically inclined social and educational philosopher like Eugenio Maria de Hostos (1839-1903), although rejecting naturalistic ethics, maintains a positivistic attitude toward metaphysics.

(2) The term experimental psychology is also used in a more restricted sense to designate a special branch of psychology consisting of laboratory studies conducted on normal, human adults as distinguished from such branches as child, abnormal, differential, animal or comparative, social, educational and applied psychology. This restricted sense is employed in the titles of text-books and manuals of "experimental psychology." Included in this field are such topics as sensory phenomena, perception, judgment, memory, learning, reaction-time, motor phenomena, emotional responses, motivation, thinking and reasoning. This identification of experimental psychology with a specific type of content is largely a result of historical accident, the first experimental psychologists were preoccupied with these particular topics.

3. In its historical aspect, aristocracy is a definite class or order known as hereditary nobility, which possesses prescriptive rank and privileges. This group developed from primitive monarchy, by the gradual limitation of the regal authority by those who formed the council of the king. The defense of their prerogatives led them naturally to consider themselves as a separate class fitted by birthright to monopolize government. But at the same time, they assumed a number of corresponding obligations (hence the aphorism noblesse oblige) particularly for maintaining justice, peace and security. [The characteristics of hereditary aristocracy are: descent and birthright, breeding and education, power to command, administrative and military capacities, readiness to fulfill personal and national obligations, interest in field sports, social equality of its members, aloofness and exclusiveness, moral security in the possession of real values regardless of criticism, competition or advancement.] In certain societies as in Great Britain, birth-right is not an exclusive factor: exceptional men are admitted by recognition into the aristocratic circle (circulation of the elite), after a tincture of breeding satisfying its external standards. The decline of hereditary nobility was due to economic rather than to social or political changes. Now aristocracy can claim only a social influence.

6.001 "education" /siks dub*l oh wun/, /dub*l oh wun/ or rarely /siks dub*l oh fun/ {MIT}'s introductory computer class for majors, known for its intensity. Developed by {Gerald Sussman} and {Hal Abelson}, the course is taught in {Scheme} and introduces {recursion}, {higher-order functions}, {object-oriented programming} and much more. Students who grasp the {meta}circular {interpreter} gain entry into the {Knights of the Lambda-Calculus}. 6.001 has been exported to several other colleges, sometimes successfully. The textbook, "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs", written with Julie Sussman is a classic that can be found on the shelves of many computer scientists, whether they took the course or not. Legendary characters from the class, problem sets, and book include the wise Alyssa P. Hacker, Ben Bitdiddle, Lem E. Tweakit and Eva Lu Ator, the careless Louis Reasoner and {Captain Abstraction}. (1994-11-22)

accomplishment ::: n. --> The act of accomplishing; entire performance; completion; fulfillment; as, the accomplishment of an enterprise, of a prophecy, etc.
That which completes, perfects, or equips thoroughly; acquirement; attainment; that which constitutes excellence of mind, or elegance of manners, acquired by education or training.

ACGIH ::: American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists; an organization of professional personnel in governmental agencies or educational institutions engaged in occupational safety and health programs. ACGIH develops and publishes recommended occupational exposure limits (see TLV) for hundreds of chemical substances and physical agents.

Acorn Computers Ltd. "company" A UK computer manufacturer, part of the {Acorn Computer Group} plc. Acorn was founded on 1978-12-05, on a kitchen table in a back room. Their first creation was an electronic slot machine. After the {Acorn System 1}, 2 and 3, Acorn launched the first commercial {microcomputer} - the {ATOM} in March 1980. In April 1981, Acorn won a contract from the {BBC} to provide the {PROTON}. In January 1982 Acorn launched the {BBC Microcomputer} System. At one time, 70% of microcomputers bought for UK schools were BBC Micros. The Acorn Computer Group went public on the Unlisted Securities Market in September 1983. In April 1984 Acorn won the Queen's Award for Technology for the BBC Micro and in September 1985 {Olivetti} took a controlling interest in Acorn. The {Master} 128 Series computers were launched in January 1986 and the BBC {Domesday} System in November 1986. In 1983 Acorn began to design the Acorn RISC Machine (ARM), the first low-cost, high volume {RISC} processor chip (later renamed the {Advanced RISC Machine}). In June 1987 they launched the {Archimedes} range - the first 32-bit {RISC} based {microcomputers} - which sold for under UKP 1000. In February 1989 the R140 was launched. This was the first {Unix} {workstation} under UKP 4000. In May 1989 the A3000 (the new {BBC Microcomputer}) was launched. In 1990 Acorn formed {Advanced RISC Machines} Ltd. (ARM) in partnership with {Apple Computer, Inc.} and {VLSI} to develop the ARM processor. Acorn has continued to develop {RISC} based products. With 1992 revenues of 48.2 million pounds, Acorn Computers was the premier supplier of {Information Technology} products to UK education and had been the leading provider of 32-bit RISC based {personal computers} since 1987. Acorn finally folded in the late 1990s. Their operating system, {RISC OS} was further developed by a consortium of suppliers. {Usenet} newsgroups: {news:comp.sys.acorn}, {news:comp.sys.acorn.announce}, {}, {news:comp.binaries.acorn}, {news:comp.sources.acorn}, {news:comp.sys.acorn.advocacy}, {}. {Acorn's FTP server (}. {HENSA software archive (}. {Richard Birkby's Acorn page (}. {RiscMan's Acorn page (}. {Acorn On The Net (}. {"The Jungle" by Simon Truss (}. [Recent history?] (2000-09-26)

Acorn Computers Ltd. ::: (company) A UK computer manufacturer, part of the Acorn Computer Group plc. Acorn was founded on 1978-12-05, on a kitchen table in a back room. Their January 1982 Acorn launched the BBC Microcomputer System. At one time, 70% of microcomputers bought for UK schools were BBC Micros.The Acorn Computer Group went public on the Unlisted Securities Market in September 1983. In April 1984 Acorn won the Queen's Award for Technology for the The Master 128 Series computers were launched in January 1986 and the BBC Domesday System in November 1986.In 1983 Acorn began to design the Acorn RISC Machine (ARM), the first low-cost, high volume RISC processor chip (later renamed the Advanced RISC Machine). In launched. This was the first Unix workstation under UKP 4000. In May 1989 the A3000 (the new BBC Microcomputer) was launched.In 1990 Acorn formed Advanced RISC Machines Ltd. (ARM) in partnership with Apple Computer, Inc. and VLSI to develop the ARM processor. Acorn has continued to develop RISC based products.With 1992 revenues of 48.2 million pounds, Acorn Computers was the premier supplier of Information Technology products to UK education and had been the leading provider of 32-bit RISC based personal computers since 1987.Acorn finally folded in the late 1990s. Their operating system, RISC OS was further developed by a consortium of suppliers.Usenet newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn, comp.sys.acorn.announce,, comp.binaries.acorn, comp.sources.acorn, comp.sys.acorn.advocacy, . . . . .[Recent history?](2000-09-26)

Ada/Ed ::: (language, education) An interpreter, editor, and run-time environment for Ada, intended as a teaching tool. Ada/Ed does not have the capacity, New York University as part of a project in language definition and software prototyping.AdaEd runs on Unix, MS-DOS, Atari ST, and Amiga.It handles nearly all of Ada 83 and was last validated with version 1.7 of the ACVC tests. Being an interpreter, it does not implement most representation clauses and thus does not support systems programming close to the machine level.Latest version: 1.11.0a+, as of 1994-08-18. A later version is known as GW-Ada.E-mail: Michael Feldman . , . . (1999-11-04)

Ada/Ed "language, education" An {interpreter}, editor, and {run-time environment} for {Ada}, intended as a teaching tool. Ada/Ed does not have the capacity, performance, or robustness of commercial Ada compilers. Ada/Ed was developed at {New York University} as part of a project in language definition and software prototyping. AdaEd runs on {Unix}, {MS-DOS}, {Atari ST}, and {Amiga}. It handles nearly all of {Ada 83} and was last validated with version 1.7 of the {ACVC} tests. Being an interpreter, it does not implement most {representation clauses} and thus does not support systems programming close to the machine level. A later version was known as {GW-Ada}. E-mail: Michael Feldman "". {(}, {(}. {For Amiga (}. {RISC OS port (}. (1999-11-04)

"Ah! Since India is the cradle of religion and since so many gods preside over her destiny, who among them will accomplish the miracle of resuscitating the city?" A. Choumel (in an article on Pondicherry in 1928) Follows response by the Mother: "Blinded by false appearances, deceived by calumnies, held back by fear and prejudice, he has passed by the side of the god whose intervention he implores and saw him not; he has walked near to the forces which will accomplish the miracle he demands and had no will to recognise them. Thus has he lost the greatest opportunity of his life—a unique opportunity of entering into contact with the mysteries and marvelswhose existence his brain has divined and to which his heart obscurely aspires. In all times the aspirant, before receiving initiation, had to pass through tests. In the schools of antiquity these tests were artificial and by that they lost the greater part of their value. But it is no longer so now. The test hides behind some very ordinary every-day circumstance and wears an innocent air of coincidence and chance which makes it still more difficult and dangerous.It is only to those who can conquer the mind’s
   references and prejudices of race and education that India reveals the mystery of her treasures. Others depart disappointed, failing to find what they seek; for they have sought it in the wrong way and would not agree to pay the price of the Divine Discovery."
   Ref: CWM Vol. 13, Page: 372-373

Ajahn Chah BodhiNAna. (1918-1992). A prominent Thai monk who was one of the most influential Thai forest-meditation masters (PHRA PA) of the twentieth century. Born in the village of Baan Gor in the northeastern Thai province of Ubon Ratchathani, he was ordained as a novice at his local temple, where he received his basic education and studied the Buddhist teachings. After several years of training, he returned to lay life to attend to the needs of his parents, but motivated by his religious calling, at the age of twenty, he took higher ordination (UPASAMPADA) as a BHIKsU and continued his studies of PAli scripture. His father's death prompted him to travel to other monasteries in an effort to acquire a deeper understanding of Buddhist teaching and discipline under the guidance of different teachers. During his pilgrimage, he met AJAHN MUN BHuRIDATTA, the premier meditation master of the Thai forest-dwelling (ARANNAVASI) tradition. After that encounter, Ajahn Chah traveled extensively throughout the country, devoting his energies to meditation in forests and charnel grounds (sMAsANA). As his reputation grew, he was invited to establish a monastery near his native village, which became known as Wat Pa Pong after the name of the forest (reputed to be inhabited by ghosts) in which it was located. Ajahn Chah's austere lifestyle, simple method of mindfulness meditation, and straightforward style of teaching attracted a large following of monks and lay supporters, including many foreigners. In 1966, he established Wat Pa Nanachat, a branch monastery specifically for Western and other non-Thai nationals, next to Wat Pa Pong. In 1976, he was invited to England, which led to the establishment of the first branch monastery of Wat Pa Pong there, followed by others in Switzerland, Australia, New Zealand, and Italy. He also visited the United States, where he spoke at retreats at the Insight Meditation Center in Barre, Massachusetts. Ajahn Chah died in 1992, after several years in a coma.

Alliance Israelite Universelle ::: International Jewish organization, founded in Paris in 1860 to protect the rights of Jewish citizens and to promote education and professional development among Jews around the world.

Ambedkar, Bhimrao Ramji. (1891-1956). Indian reformer and Buddhist convert, who advocated for reform of the caste system and improvements in the social treatment of "untouchables" or the Dalit community during the independence period. The fourteenth child of a Dalit caste family in the Indian state of Maharashtra, Ambedkar was one of the few members of his caste to receive a secondary-school education and went on to study in New York and London, eventually receiving a doctorate from Columbia University. Upon his return to India, he worked both for Indian independence from Britain and for the social and political rights of the untouchables. After independence, he served in Nehru's government, chairing the committee that drafted the constitution. Seeking a religious identity for Dalits that would free them from the caste prejudice of Hinduism, he settled on Buddhism after considering also Islam, Christianity, and Sikhism. Buddhism had been extinct in India for centuries, but Ambedkar's research led him to conclude that the Dalits were descendants of Buddhists who had been persecuted by Hindus for their beliefs. In 1956, six weeks before his death, Ambedkar publicly converted to Buddhism and then led an audience of 380,000 in taking refuge in the three jewels (RATNATRAYA) and in accepting the five precepts (PANCAsĪLA) of lay Buddhists. Eventually, millions of other Indians, mostly from low-caste and outcaste groups, followed his example. In his writings, Ambedkar portrayed the Buddha as a social reformer, whose teachings could provide India with the foundation for a more egalitarian society.

Amdahl Corporation ::: (company) A US computer manufacturer. Amdahl is a major supplier of large mainframes, UNIX and Open Systems software and servers, data storage subsystems, data communications products, applications development software, and a variety of educational and consulting services.Amdahl products are sold in more than 30 countries for use in both open systems and IBM plug-compatible mainframe computing environments.Quarterly sales $397M, profits $13M (Aug 1994).In 1997 Amdahl became a division of Fujitsu. . (1995-05-23)

Amdahl Corporation "company" A US computer manufacturer. Amdahl is a major supplier of large {mainframes}, {UNIX} and {Open Systems} software and servers, data storage subsystems, data communications products, applications development software, and a variety of educational and consulting services. Amdahl products are sold in more than 30 countries for use in both open systems and {IBM} plug-compatible mainframe computing environments. Quarterly sales $397M, profits $13M (Aug 1994). In 1997 Amdahl became a division of {Fujitsu}. {(}. (1995-05-23)

Andrew Project "project" A distributed system project for support of educational and research computing at {Carnegie Mellon University}, named after Andrew Carnegie, an American philanthropist who provided money to establish CMU. See also {Andrew File System}, {Andrew Message System}, {Andrew Toolkit}, {class}. {Home FTP (}. {Usenet} newsgroup: {news:comp.soft-sys.andrew}. [More detail?] (1997-11-17)

Andrew Project ::: (project) A distributed system project for support of educational and research computing at Carnegie Mellon University, named after Andrew Carnegie, an American philanthropist who provided money to establish CMU.See also Andrew File System, Andrew Message System, Andrew Toolkit, class. .Usenet newsgroup: comp.soft-sys.andrew.[More detail?] (1997-11-17)

antecedent control: a behavioural measure in which the intervention occurs before the behaviour arises. Antecedent procedures include education, attitude change and inducing or preventing behaviours by controlling the triggers which cause them to occur.

arboretum ::: n. --> A place in which a collection of rare trees and shrubs is cultivated for scientific or educational purposes.

Artemis was also the protectress of mankind and was specially active in regard to the education of the child and youth. Boys and girls were consecrated to her in the temples. She was goddess of marriage and presided over births. Her chief festival, that of Ephesia or Artemisia, was held in the spring.

Association for Computing ::: (body) (ACM, before 1997 - Association for Computing Machinery) The largest and oldest international scientific and educational computer society in and application of Information Technology. John Mauchly, co-inventor of the ENIAC, was one of ACM's founders.Since its inception ACM has provided its members and the world of computer science a forum for the sharing of knowledge on developments and achievements necessary to the fruitful interchange of ideas.ACM has 90,000 members - educators, researchers, practitioners, managers, and engineers - who drive the Association's major programs and services - publications, special interest groups, chapters, conferences, awards, and special activities.The ACM Press publishes journals (notably CACM), book series, conference proceedings, CD-ROM, hypertext, video, and specialized publications such as curricula recommendations and self-assessment procedures. . (1998-02-24)

Association for Computing "body" (ACM, before 1997 - "Association for Computing Machinery") The largest and oldest international scientific and educational computer society in the industry. Founded in 1947, only a year after the unveiling of {ENIAC}, ACM was established by mathematicians and electrical engineers to advance the science and application of {Information Technology}. {John Mauchly}, co-inventor of the ENIAC, was one of ACM's founders. Since its inception ACM has provided its members and the world of computer science a forum for the sharing of knowledge on developments and achievements necessary to the fruitful interchange of ideas. ACM has 90,000 members - educators, researchers, practitioners, managers, and engineers - who drive the Association's major programs and services - publications, special interest groups, chapters, conferences, awards, and special activities. The ACM Press publishes journals (notably {CACM}), book series, conference proceedings, {CD-ROM}, {hypertext}, {video}, and specialized publications such as curricula recommendations and self-assessment procedures. {(}. (1998-02-24)

BASIC "language" Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. A simple language originally designed for ease of programming by students and beginners. Many dialects exist, and BASIC is popular on {microcomputers} with sound and graphics support. Most micro versions are {interactive} and {interpreted}. BASIC has become the leading cause of brain-damage in proto-hackers. This is another case (like {Pascal}) of the cascading lossage that happens when a language deliberately designed as an educational toy gets taken too seriously. A novice can write short BASIC programs (on the order of 10-20 lines) very easily; writing anything longer is painful and encourages bad habits that will make it harder to use more powerful languages. This wouldn't be so bad if historical accidents hadn't made BASIC so common on low-end micros. As it is, it ruins thousands of potential wizards a year. Originally, all references to code, both {GOTO} and GOSUB (subroutine call) referred to the destination by its line number. This allowed for very simple editing in the days before {text editors} were considered essential. Just typing the line number deleted the line and to edit a line you just typed the new line with the same number. Programs were typically numbered in steps of ten to allow for insertions. Later versions, such as {BASIC V}, allow {GOTO}-less {structured programming} with named {procedures} and {functions}, IF-THEN-ELSE
IF constructs and {WHILE} loops etc. Early BASICs had no graphic operations except with graphic characters. In the 1970s BASIC {interpreters} became standard features in {mainframes} and {minicomputers}. Some versions included {matrix} operations as language {primitives}. A {public domain} {interpreter} for a mixture of {DEC}'s {MU-Basic} and {Microsoft Basic} is {here (}. A {yacc} {parser} and {interpreter} were in the comp.sources.unix archives volume 2. See also {ANSI Minimal BASIC}, {bournebasic}, {bwBASIC}, {ubasic}, {Visual Basic}. [{Jargon File}] (1995-03-15)

Baum Gruppe (Herbert Baum Group) ::: Small, clandestine anti-Nazi organization founded in Berlin at the beginning of the Nazi regime by Herbert and Marianne Baum. It was composed of young people, primarily Jewish members of the Communist party, as well as a number of Zionists. Its activities centered around increasing education, political, and cultural awareness, but it also engaged in one act of spectacular sabotage: The bombing of an anti-Soviet exhibit in Berlin. Most of the members were denounced, tried, and executed between July 1942 and June 1943.

BBC Microcomputer ::: A series of 6502-based personal computers launched by Acorn Computers Ltd. in January 1982, for use in the British Broadcasting Corporation's educational for easy expansion. The 6502-based computers were succeeded in 1987 by the Acorn Archimedes family.xbeeb is a BBC Micro emulator for Unix and X11.

BBC Microcomputer A series of {6502}-based personal computers launched by {Acorn Computers} Ltd. in January 1982, for use in the British Broadcasting Corporation's educational programmes on computing. The computers are noted for their reliability (many are still in active service in 1994) and both hardware and software were designed for easy expansion. The 6502-based computers were succeeded in 1987 by the Acorn {Archimedes} family. {xbeeb} is a BBC Micro {emulator} for {Unix} and {X11}.

BBC Networking Club "body" A {bulletin board} run by the {British Broadcasting Corporation} Education department from April 1994 to 30 Nov 1995. (1997-01-20)

BBC Networking Club ::: (body) A bulletin board run by the British Broadcasting Corporation Education department from April 1994 to 30 Nov 1995. (1997-01-20)

Bdud 'joms Rin po che. (Düdjom Rinpoche) (1904-1987). An influential twentieth-century Tibetan master who served for a time as the head of the RNYING MA sect of Tibetan Buddhism. Born in the southern Tibetan region of PADMA BKOD, Bdud 'joms Rin po che was recognized at the age of three as the reincarnation of the treasure revealer (GTER STON) Bdud 'joms gling pa (Düdjom Lingpa). He trained primarily at SMIN GROL GLING monastery in central Tibet, establishing himself as a leading exponent of Rnying ma doctrine, especially the instructions of RDZOGS CHEN or "great completion." Following his flight into exile in 1959, Bdud 'joms Rin po che became the religious leader of the Rnying ma sect, while actively supporting the educational activities of the Tibetan diasporic community in India. He spent much of his later life in the West, establishing centers and garnering a wide following in the United States and France. He died in 1987 at his religious institution in Dordogne, France. Renowned as a treasure revealer, scholar, and poet, Bdud 'joms Rin po che is especially known for his extensive historical writings, including the comprehensive The Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism: Its Fundamentals and History. His full name is 'Jigs bral ye shes rdo rje (Jikdral Yeshe Dorje).

Beneke, Friedrich Eduard: (1798-1854) A German thinker of Kantian tradition modified by empiricism; his doctrines exerted considerable influence upon the psychology and educational theory of the 19th century. Main works: Erfahrungseelenlehre, 1820; Physik d. Sitten, 1822; Metaphysik, 1822; Logik als Kunstlehre des Denkens, 1832; Lehrbuch d. Psych. als Naturwiss., 1833; Erziehungslehre, 1833; Pragmatische Psychol., 1850. -- R.B.W.

Bodawpaya. (r. 1782-1819). Burmese king and sixth monarch of the Konbaung dynasty (1752-1885). Originally known as Badon Min, he was the fourth son of Alaungpaya (r. 1752-1760), founder of the dynasty, and ascended to the throne through usurpation. His official regnal title was Hsinpyumyashin, "Lord of Many White Elephants"; the name by which he is most commonly known, Bodawpaya, "Lord Grandfather," is a posthumous sobriquet. Immediately upon becoming king in 1782, he began construction of a new capital, AMARAPURA, and convened a conclave of abbots, known as the THUDHAMMA (P. Sudhamm) council, to oversee a reform of the Burmese SAMGHA. In 1784, he conquered the kingdom of Arakan and transported its colossal palladium, the MAHAMUNI image of the Buddha (see ARAKAN BUDDHA), to Amarapura and enshrined it in a temple to the north of the city. Later, in 1787 he dispatched a Buddhist mission to Arakan to bring the Arakanese THERAVADA saMgha into conformity with Thudhamma standards. In 1791 Buddhist missions were sent from the capital to forty-two cities around the realm, each equipped with Thudhamma handbooks and newly edited copies of the Buddhist canon (tipitaka; S. TRIPItAKA). The missions were charged with the threefold task of defrocking unworthy monks, disestablishing local monastic fraternities, and reordaining worthy monks from these local groups into a single empire-wide monastic order under Thudhamma control. In conjunction with this policy of saMgha unification, a standardized syllabus for monastic education was promulgated and monks and novices throughout the realm were thenceforth required to pass state-administered PAli examinations or to leave the order. That same year (1791), Bodawpaya retired from the palace, placing the daily affairs of the kingdom in the hands of his son, the crown prince. While retaining ultimate royal authority, he donned the robes of a mendicant and took up residence at Mingun, some fifteen miles north of Amarapura on the opposite bank of the Irrawaddy River. There, he oversaw for several years the construction of the great Mingun pagoda, which, if it had been completed, would have been the largest pagoda in the world. The labor force for this project, numbering some twenty thousand people, was conscripted from the vanquished kingdom of Arakan. Strict and austere in temperament, Bodawpaya was quick to suppress heresy and banned the use of intoxicants and the slaughter of cattle, on penalty of death. He was enamored of Hindu science and sent several missions to India to acquire Brahmanical treatises on medicine, alchemy, astrology, calendrics, and what he hoped would be original Indian recensions of Buddhist scriptures. His missions reached BODHGAYA and returned with models of the main shrine and maps of its environs, which were used to create a miniature replica of the site at Mingun. He appointed Indian brAhmanas to refine court punctilio and attempted to reform the Burmese calendar along Indian lines. The calendar reforms were rejected by monastic leaders and this rebuff appears to have caused the king to become increasingly critical of the monkhood. Toward the end of his reign, Bodawpaya defrocked the Thudhamma patriarch, declaring the dispensation (P. sAsana; S. sASANA) of Gotama (GAUTAMA) Buddha to be extinct and its saMgha therefore defunct. This attempt to disestablish the Burmese saMgha met with little success outside the capital and was later abandoned. Bodawpaya's military campaigns against Arakan and Assam extended the borders of the Burmese empire to the frontiers of the British East India Company. The cruelty of Bodawpaya's rule in Arakan created an influx of refugees into British territory, who were regularly pursued by Burmese troops. Although British diplomacy kept tensions with the Burmese kingdom under control throughout Bodawpaya's reign, the stage was set for eventual military conflict between the two powers and the subsequent British conquest of Burma in three wars during the nineteenth century.

Bookkeeping - Accounting support functions performed by the book keeper. Bookkeeping is the most basic of the accounting duties and requires less education and experience.

breeding ::: p. pr. & vb. n. --> of Breed ::: n. --> The act or process of generating or bearing.
The raising or improving of any kind of domestic animals; as, farmers should pay attention to breeding.
Nurture; education; formation of manners.

breed ::: v. t. --> To produce as offspring; to bring forth; to bear; to procreate; to generate; to beget; to hatch.
To take care of in infancy, and through the age of youth; to bring up; to nurse and foster.
To educate; to instruct; to form by education; to train; -- sometimes followed by up.
To engender; to cause; to occasion; to originate; to produce; as, to breed a storm; to breed disease.

'Brom ston Rgyal ba'i 'byung gnas. (Dromton Gyalwe Jungne) (1004-1064). The foremost Tibetan disciple of the Bengali scholar ATIsA, and central figure in the founding of the BKA' GDAMS sect of Tibetan Buddhism during the period known as the later dissemination (PHYI DAR) of Buddhism in Tibet. Born in central Tibet, he began his education at an early age. Toward the middle years of his life, news of Atisa's arrival in western Tibet reached him, and he set out on the arduous journey to meet the master. 'Brom ston pa became an early and close student of Atisa and made arrangements for his Indian guru's tour of central Tibet in 1045. After Atisa's death, 'Brom ston pa established RWA SGRENG monastery in 1056, consolidating his career as translator and teacher at this important religious institution. He is remembered especially for the firm austerity of his religious practice. 'Brom ston pa's instructions, as recorded in Bka' gdams pa works such as the Bka' gdams gtor bu ("Bka' gdams Miscellania"), perhaps wary of the potential abuses of tantric practice, instead emphasize meditation on impermanence and compassion coupled with adherence to strict ethical principles and monastic discipline.

bulletin board system "communications, application" (BBS, bboard /bee'bord/, message board, forum; plural: BBSes) A computer and associated software which typically provides an electronic message database where people can log in and leave messages. Messages are typically split into {topic groups} similar to the {newsgroups} on {Usenet} (which is like a distributed BBS). Any user may submit or read any message in these public areas. The term comes from physical pieces of board on which people can pin messages written on paper for general consumption - a "physical bulletin board". {Ward Christensen}, the programmer and operator of the first BBS (on-line 1978-02-16) called it a CBBS for "computer bulletin board system". Since the rise of the {World-Wide Web}, the term has become antiquated, though the concept is more popular than ever, with many {websites} featuring discussion areas where users can post messages for public consumption. Apart from public message areas, some BBSes provided archives of files, personal {electronic mail} and other services of interest to the system operator ({sysop}). Thousands of BBSes around the world were run from amateurs' homes on {MS-DOS} boxes with a single {modem} line each. Although BBSes were traditionally the domain of hobbyists, many connected directly to the {Internet} (accessed via {telnet}), others were operated by government, educational, and research institutions. Fans of {Usenet} or the big commercial {time-sharing} bboards such as {CompuServe}, {CIX} and {GEnie} tended to consider local BBSes the low-rent district of the hacker culture, but they helped connect hackers and users in the personal-{micro} and let them exchange code. Use of this term for a {Usenet} newsgroup generally marks one either as a {newbie} fresh in from the BBS world or as a real old-timer predating {Usenet}. (2005-09-20)

By way of connoting different types of society, many contemporary Marxists, especially in the U.S.S.R., building upon Marx's analysis of the two phases of "communist society" ("Gotha Program") designate the first or lower phase by the term socialism, the second or higher by the term communism (q.v.). The general features of socialist society (identified by Soviet thinkers with the present phase of development of the U.S.S.R.) are conceived as follows: Economic collective ownership of the means of production, such as factories, industrial equipment, the land, and of the basic apparatus of distribution and exchange, including the banking system; the consequent abolition of classes, private profit, exploitation, surplus value, (q.v.) private hiring and firing and involuntary unemployment; an integrated economy based on long time planning in terms of needs and use. It is held that only under these economic conditions is it possible to apply the formula, "from each according to ability, to each according to work performed", the first part of which implies continuous employment, and the second part, the absence of private profit. Political: a state based upon the dictatorship of the proletariat (q.v.) Cultural the extension of all educational and cultural facilities through state planning; the emancipation of women through unrestricted economic opportunities, the abolition of race discrimination through state enforcement, a struggle against all cultural and social institutions which oppose the socialist society and attempt to obstruct its realization. Marx and Engels held that socialism becomes the inevitable outgrowth of capitalism because the evolution of the latter type of society generates problems which can only be solved by a transition to socialism. These problems are traced primarily to the fact that the economic relations under capitalism, such as individual ownership of productive technics, private hiring and firing in the light of profits and production for a money market, all of which originally released powerful new productive potentialities, come to operate, in the course of time, to prevent full utilization of productive technics, and to cause periodic crises, unemployment, economic insecurity and consequent suffering for masses of people. Marx and Engels regarded their doctrine of the transformation of capitalist into socialist society as based upon a scientific examination of the laws of development of capitalism and a realistic appreciation of the role of the proletariat. (q.v.) Unlike the Utopian socialism (q.v.) of St. Simon, Fourier, Owen (q.v.) and others, their socialism asserted the necessity of mass political organization of the working classes for the purpose of gaining political power in order to effect the transition from capitalism, and also foresaw the probability of a contest of force in which, they held, the working class majority would ultimately be victorious. The view taken is that Marx was the first to explain scientifically the nature of capitalist exploitation as based upon surplus value and to predict its necessary consequences. "These two great discoveries, the materialist conception of history and the revelation of the secret of capitalist production by means of surplus value we owe to Marx. With these discoveries socialism became a science . . ." (Engels: Anti-Dühring, pp. 33-34.) See Historical materialism. -- J.M.S.

C. A. Helvetius, De l'Esprit, 1758; De I'Homme, de ses facultes et de son education, 1772. -- H.H.

Carnegie Mellon University ::: (body, education) (CMU) A university in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. School of Computer Science . (1997-06-23)

Carnegie Mellon University "body, education" (CMU) A university in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. {School of Computer Science (}. (1997-06-23)

Cartesianism: The philosophy of the French thinker, Rene Descartes (Cartesius) 1596-1650. After completing his formal education at the Jesuit College at La Fleche, he spent the years 1612-1621 in travel and military service. The reminder of his life was devoted to study and writing. He died in Sweden, where he had gone in 1649 to tutor Queen Christina. His principal works are: Discours de la methode, (preface to his Geometric, Meteores, Dieptrique) Meditationes de prima philosophia, Principia philosophiae, Passions de l'ame, Regulae ad directionem ingenii, Le monde. Descartes is justly regarded as one of the founders of modern epistemology. Dissatisfied with the lack of agreement among philosophers, he decided that philosophy needed a new method, that of mathematics. He began by resolving to doubt everything which could not pass the test of his criterion of truth, viz. the clearness and distinctness of ideas. Anything which could pass this test was to be readmitted as self-evident. From self-evident truths, he deduced other truths which logically follow from them. Three kinds of ideas were distinguished: innate, by which he seems to mean little more than the mental power to think things or thoughts; adventitious, which come to him from without; factitious, produced within his own mind. He found most difficulty with the second type of ideas. The first reality discovered through his method is the thinking self. Though he might doubt nearly all else, Descartes could not reasonably doubt that he, who was thinking, existed as a res cogitans. This is the intuition enunciated in the famous aphorism: I think, therefore I am, Cogito ergo sum. This is not offered by Descartes as a compressed syllogism, but as an immediate intuition of his own thinking mind. Another reality, whose existence was obvious to Descartes, was God, the Supreme Being. Though he offered several proofs of the Divine Existence, he was convinced that he knew this also by an innate idea, and so, clearly and distinctly. But he did not find any clear ideas of an extra-mental, bodily world. He suspected its existence, but logical demonstration was needed to establish this truth. His adventitious ideas carry the vague suggestion that they are caused by bodies in an external world. By arguing that God would be a deceiver, in allowing him to think that bodies exist if they do not, he eventually convinced himself of the reality of bodies, his own and others. There are, then, three kinds of substance according to Descartes: Created spirits, i.e. the finite soul-substance of each man: these are immaterial agencies capable of performing spiritual operations, loosely united with bodies, but not extended since thought is their very essence. Uncreated Spirit, i.e. God, confined neither to space nor time, All-Good and All-Powerful, though his Existence can be known clearly, his Nature cannot be known adequately by men on earth, He is the God of Christianity, Creator, Providence and Final Cause of the universe. Bodies, i.e. created, physical substances existing independently of human thought and having as their chief attribute, extension. Cartesian physics regards bodies as the result of the introduction of "vortices", i.e. whorls of motion, into extension. Divisibility, figurability and mobility, are the notes of extension, which appears to be little more thin what Descartes' Scholastic teachers called geometrical space. God is the First Cause of all motion in the physical universe, which is conceived as a mechanical system operated by its Maker. Even the bodies of animals are automata. Sensation is the critical problem in Cartesian psychology; it is viewed by Descartes as a function of the soul, but he was never able to find a satisfactory explanation of the apparent fact that the soul is moved by the body when sensation occurs. The theory of animal spirits provided Descartes with a sort of bridge between mind and matter, since these spirits are supposed to be very subtle matter, halfway, as it were, between thought and extension in their nature. However, this theory of sensation is the weakest link in the Cartesian explanation of cognition. Intellectual error is accounted for by Descartes in his theory of assent, which makes judgment an act of free will. Where the will over-reaches the intellect, judgment may be false. That the will is absolutely free in man, capable even of choosing what is presented by the intellect as the less desirable of two alternatives, is probably a vestige of Scotism retained from his college course in Scholasticism. Common-sense and moderation are the keynotes of Descartes' famous rules for the regulation of his own conduct during his nine years of methodic doubt, and this ethical attitude continued throughout his life. He believed that man is responsible ultimately to God for the courses of action that he may choose. He admitted that conflicts may occur between human passions and human reason. A virtuous life is made possible by the knowledge of what is right and the consequent control of the lower tendencies of human nature. Six primary passions are described by Descartes wonder, love, hatred, desire, joy and sorrow. These are passive states of consciousness, partly caused by the body, acting through the animal spirits, and partly caused by the soul. Under rational control, they enable the soul to will what is good for the body. Descartes' terminology suggests that there are psychological faculties, but he insists that these powers are not really distinct from the soul itself, which is man's sole psychic agency. Descartes was a practical Catholic all his life and he tried to develop proofs of the existence of God, an explanation of the Eucharist, of the nature of religious faith, and of the operation of Divine Providence, using his philosophy as the basis for a new theology. This attempted theology has not found favor with Catholic theologians in general.

Chalmers University of Technology ::: (body, education) A Swedish university founded in 1829 offering master of science and doctoral degrees. Research is carried out in the main engineering Five hundred faculty members work in more than 100 departments organised in nine schools. Chalmers collaborates with the University of G�teborg.Around 8500 people work and study on the Chalmers campus, including around 500 faculty members and some 600 teachers and doctoral students. About 4800 students licentiates are awarded. Some 40% of Sweden's engineers and architects are Chalmers graduates.About a thousand research projects are in progress and more than 1500 scientific articles and research reports are published every year. Chalmers is a partner in 80 EC research projects. .Address: S-412 96 G�teborg, Sweden. (1995-02-16)

Chalmers University of Technology "body, education" A Swedish university founded in 1829 offering master of science and doctoral degrees. Research is carried out in the main engineering sciences as well as in technology related mathematical and natural sciences. Five hundred faculty members work in more than 100 departments organised in nine schools. Chalmers collaborates with the University of Göteborg. Around 8500 people work and study on the Chalmers campus, including around 500 faculty members and some 600 teachers and doctoral students. About 4800 students follow the master degree programs. Every year 700 Masters of Science in Engineering and in Architecture graduate from Chalmers, and about 190 PhDs and licentiates are awarded. Some 40% of Sweden's engineers and architects are Chalmers graduates. About a thousand research projects are in progress and more than 1500 scientific articles and research reports are published every year. Chalmers is a partner in 80 EC research projects. {(}. Address: S-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden. (1995-02-16)

character ::: n. --> A distinctive mark; a letter, figure, or symbol.
Style of writing or printing; handwriting; the peculiar form of letters used by a particular person or people; as, an inscription in the Runic character.
The peculiar quality, or the sum of qualities, by which a person or a thing is distinguished from others; the stamp impressed by nature, education, or habit; that which a person or thing really is; nature; disposition.

Characterology: This name originally was used for types; thus in Aristotle and Theophrastus, and even much later, e.g. in La Bruyere. Gradually it came to signify something individual; a development paralleled by the replacement of "typical" figures on the stage by individualities. There is no agreement, even today, on the definition; confusion reigns especially because of an insufficient distinction between character, personality, and person. But all agree that character manifests itself in the behavior of a person. One can distinguish a merely descriptive approach, one of classification, and one of interpretation. The general viewpoints of interpretation influence also description and classification, since they determine what is considered "important" and lay down the rules by which to distinguish and to classify. One narrow interpretation looks at character mainly as the result of inborn properties, rooted in organic constitution; character is considered, therefore, as essentially unchangeable and predetermined. The attempts at establishing correlations between character and body-build (Kretschmer a.o.) are a special form of such narrow interpretation. It makes but little difference if, besides inborn properties, the influence of environmental factors is acknowledged. The rationalistic interpretation looks at character mainly as the result of convictions. These convictions are seen as purely intellectual in extreme rationalism (virtue is knowledge, Socrates), or as referring to the value-aspect of reality which is conceived as apprehended by other than merely intellectual operations. Thus, Spranger gives a classification according to the "central values" dominating a man's behavior. (Allport has devised practical methods of character study on this basis.) Since the idea a person has of values and their order may change, character is conceived as essentially mutable, even if far going changes may be unfrequent. Character-education is the practical application of the principles of characterology and thus depends on the general idea an author holds in regard to human nature. Character is probably best defined as the individual's way of preferring or rejecting values. It depends on the innate capacities of value-apprehension and on the way these values are presented to the individual. Therefore the enormous influence of social factors. -- R.A.

Ch'eng Ming-tao: (Ch'eng Hou, Ch'eng Po-tun, 1032-1086) Served as government official both in the capital and in various counties with excellent records in social and educational achievements. For decades he studied Taoism and Buddhism but finally repudiated them. Together with his brother, he developed new aspects of Confucianism and became the greatest Confucian since Mencius and a leader of Neo-Confucianism (li hsueh). His works and those of his brother, called Erh Ch'eng Ch'uan-shu (complete works of the Ch'eng brothers), number 107 chuans, in 14 Chinese volumes. -- W.T.C.

Chih shan: Highest excellence; perfection; the ultimate good, the goal of Confucian ethics and education. -- W.T.C Ch'i hsueh: The intellectual movement in the state of Ch'i. See Chi Hsia. Chiliasm: Teaching and belief of some Jews and Christians that the Messiah will appear at the end of time to found a glorious kingdom on earth which is to last one thousand years; also called Millenarianism. -- J.J.R.

Choson Pulgyo yusin non. (朝鮮佛教唯新論). In Korean, "Treatise on the Reformation of Korean Buddhism"; composed by the Korean monk-reformer HAN YONGUN in 1910. While sojourning in Japan, Han personally witnessed what to him seemed quite innovative ways in which Japanese Buddhists were seeking to adapt their religious practices to modern society and hoped to implement similar ideas in Korea. This clarion call for Buddhist reform was one of the first attempts by a Korean author to apply Western liberalism in the context of Korean society. Han attributed many of the contemporary problems Korean Buddhism was facing to its isolation from society at large, a result of the centuries-long persecution Buddhism had suffered in Korea at the hands of Confucian ideologues during the previous Choson dynasty (1392-1910). To help restore Buddhism to a central place in Korean society and culture, Han called for what were at the time quite radical reforms, including social and national egalitarianism, the secularization of the SAMGHA, a married clergy, expanded educational opportunities for monks, the transfer of monasteries from the mountains to the cities, and economic self-reliance within the monastic community. Both the Japanese government-general and the leaders of the Korean Buddhist community rebuffed most of Han's proposals (although several of his suggestions, including a married clergy, were subsequently co-opted by the Japanese colonial administration), but the issues that he raised about how to make Buddhism relevant in an increasingly secularized and capitalist society remain pertinent even to this day.

coeducation ::: n. --> An educating together, as of persons of different sexes or races.

Communism: (Marxian) In its fullest sense, that stage of social development, which, following socialism (q.v.) is conceived to be characterized by an economy of abundance on a world wide scale in which the state as a repressive force (army, jails, police and the like) is considered unnecessary because irreconcilable class antagonisms will have disappeared, and it will be possible to apply the principle, "from each according to ability, to each according to need" (Marx "Gotha Program"). It is held that the release of productive potentialities resulting from socialized ownership of the means of production will create a general sufficiency of economic goods which in turn will afford the possibility of educational and cultural development for all, and that under such conditions people will learn to live in accordance with valued standards without the compulsion of physical force represented by a special apparatus of state power. It is considered that by intelligent planning, both economic and cultural, it will then be possible to eradicate the antagonism between town and country and the opposition between physical and mental labor. It is now considered in the U.S.S.R. that the principal features of communist society, with the exception of the "withering away" of the state, may be attained in one country of an otherwise capitalist world. Trotsky considered this a false version of Marxism. -- J.M.S.

Compact Disc interactive ::: (CD-i) An embedded application of CD-ROM allowing the user limited interaction with films, games and educational applications via a special controller. (1994-11-02)

Compact Disc interactive "storage" (CD-i) An embedded application of {CD-ROM} allowing the user limited interaction with films, games and educational applications via a special {controller}. (1994-11-02)

completion ::: n. --> The act or process of making complete; the getting through to the end; as, the completion of an undertaking, an education, a service.
State of being complete; fulfillment; accomplishment; realization.

Computer-Aided Instruction "application, education" (CAI, or "- assisted", "- learning", CAL, Computer-Based Training CBT, "e-learning") The use of computers for education and training. The programs and data used in CAI, known as "courseware", may be supplied on media such as {CD-ROM} or delivered via a {network} which also enables centralised logging of student progress. CAI may constitute the whole or part of a course, may be done individually or in groups ("Computer Supported Collaborative Learning", CSCL), with or without human guidance. (2011-11-25)

Computer-Aided Instruction ::: (application, education) (CAI, or assisted, learning, CAL) The use of (personal) computers for education and training. (1995-04-13)

Computer Animation Movie Language ::: [A Computer Animation Movie Language for Educational Motion Pictures, D.D. Weiner et al, Proc FJCC 33(2), AFIPS (Fall 1968)]. (1994-11-30)

Computer Animation Movie Language "language" A programming language for generating {animation}. ["A Computer Animation Movie Language for Educational Motion Pictures", D.D. Weiner et al, Proc FJCC 33(2), AFIPS, Fall 1968]. (2012-01-30)

computer literacy ::: (education) Basic skill in use of computers, from the perspective of such skill being a necessary societal skill.The term was coined by Andrew Molnar, while director of the Office of Computing Activities at the National Science Foundation.We started computer literacy in '72 [...] We coined that phrase. It's sort of ironic. Nobody knows what computer literacy is. Nobody can define it. And the OH 234. Center for the History of Information Processing, Charles Babbage Institute, University of Minnesota).The term, as a coinage, is similar to earlier coinages, such as visual literacy, which dates to 1971, and the more recent media literacy. (1998-09-07)

computer literacy "education" Basic skill in use of computers, from the perspective of such skill being a necessary societal skill. The term was coined by Andrew Molnar, while director of the Office of Computing Activities at the {National Science Foundation}. "We started computer literacy in '72 [...] We coined that phrase. It's sort of ironic. Nobody knows what computer literacy is. Nobody can define it. And the reason we selected [it] was because nobody could define it, and [...] it was a broad enough term that you could get all of these programs together under one roof" (cited in Aspray, W., (September 25, 1991) "Interview with Andrew Molnar," OH 234. Center for the History of Information Processing, Charles Babbage Institute, University of Minnesota). The term, as a coinage, is similar to earlier coinages, such as "visual literacy", which {Merriam-Webster (} dates to 1971, and the more recent "media literacy". A more useful definition from {(} is: Computer literacy is an understanding of the concepts, terminology and operations that relate to general computer use. It is the essential knowledge needed to function independently with a computer. This functionality includes being able to solve and avoid problems, adapt to new situations, keep information organized and communicate effectively with other computer literate people. (2007-03-23)

Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning "education" (CSCL) Any form of {Computer-Aided Instruction} that emphasises group learning as opposed to working alone. (2011-11-25)

ConflictNet ::: An IGC network serving groups and individuals working for social justice and conflict resolution. ConflictNet's resources include guidelines for choosing a bibliographies, legislative updates, educational materials and newsletters from around the world.

confucianism ::: n. --> The political morality taught by Confucius and his disciples, which forms the basis of the Chinese jurisprudence and education. It can hardly be called a religion, as it does not inculcate the worship of any god.

Confucius taught that "it is man that can make truth great, and not truth that can make man great." Consequently he emphasized moral perfection, true manhood (jen), moral order (li) the Golden Mean (Chung Yung) and the superior man (chun tzu). To this end, knowledge must be directed, names must be rectified (cheng ming), and social relationships harmonized (wu lun). The whole program involved the investigation of things, the extension of knowledge, sincerity of the will, rectification of the heart, cultivation of the personal life, regulation of family life, national order, and finally, world peace. Mencius (371-289 B.C.) carried this further, holding that we not only should be good, but must be good, as human nature is originally good. True manhood (jen) and righteousness (i) are considered man's mind and path, respectively. Government must be established on the basis of benevolence (jen cheng) as against profit and force. Hsun Tzu (c 335-c 288 B.C.) believing human nature to be evil, stressed moral accumulation and education, especially through the rectification of names, music, and the rule of propriety (li). In the book of Chung Yung (Central Harmony, the Golden Mean, third or fourth century B.C.), the doctrine of central harmony is set forth. Our central self or moral being is conceived to be the great basis of existence and harmony or moral order is the universal law in the world. From then on, the relationship between man and the universe became one of direct correspondence. The idea of macrocosmos-rnicrocosmos relationship largely characterized the Confucianism of medieval China. The most glorious development of Confucianism is found in Neo-Confucianism, from the eleventh century to this day. For a summary of medieval Confucianism and Neo-Confucianism, see Chinese philosophy. -- W.T.C.

Consolidation - Similar to refinancing, but there is no loan fee. It simplifies loan repayment by combining several types of federal education loans into one new loan. (In the case of Direct Loan consolidation, the interest rate may be lower than one or more of the underlying loans.).

consortium "body" A group of two or more companies, educational institutions, governments or other bodies with some shared purpose. Examples from computing include the {World Wide Web Consortium} (W3C), {Apache Software Foundation}, {The Open Group}, {X Consortium}. (2009-06-05)

content-free "jargon" 1. (By analogy with "context-free") Used of a message that adds nothing to the recipient's knowledge. Though this adjective is sometimes applied to {flamage}, it more usually connotes derision for communication styles that exalt form over substance or are centred on concerns irrelevant to the subject ostensibly at hand. Perhaps most used with reference to speeches by company presidents and other professional manipulators. See also {four-colour glossies}. "education" 2. Within British schools the term refers to general-purpose {software} such as a {word processor}, a {spreadsheet} or a program that tests spelling of words supplied by the teacher. This is in contrast to software designed to teach a particular topic, e.g. a plant growth simulation, an interactive periodic table or a program that tests spelling of a predetermined list of words. Content-free software can be more cost-effective as it can be reused for many lessons throughout the syllabus. [{Jargon File}] (2014-10-30)

copyright ::: (legal) The exclusive rights of the owner of the copyright on a work to make and distribute copies, prepare derivative works, and perform and display the work in public (these last two mainly apply to plays, films, dances and the like, but could also apply to software).A work, including a piece of software, is under copyright by default in most coutries, whether of not it displays a copyright notice. However, a copyright or company whose name appears in the copyright notice on the box, or the disk or the screen or wherever.A copyright notice has three parts. The first can be either a c with a circle around it (LaTeX \copyright), or the word Copyright or the abbreviation Copr. A c in parentheses: (c) has no legal meaning. This is followed by the name of the copyright holder and the year of first publication.Countries around the world have agreed to recognise and uphold each others' copyrights, but this world-wide protection requires the use of the c in a circle.Originally, most of the computer industry assumed that only the program's underlying instructions were protected under copyright law but, beginning in the early 1980s, a series of lawsuits involving the video screens of game programs extended protections to the appearance of programs.Use of copyright to restrict redistribution is actually immoral, unethical, and illegitimate. It is a result of brainwashing by monopolists and corporate from communists to right wing libertarians, are trying to abolish intellectual property myths.See also public domain, copyleft, software law. US Copyright Office Circular 61 - Copyright Registration for Computer Programs . The US Department of Education's How Does Copyright Law Apply to Computer Software .Usenet newsgroup:[Is this definition correct in the UK? In the US? Elsewhere?](2000-03-23)

Cornell University ::: (body, education) A US Ivy League University founded in 1868 by businessman Ezra Cornell and respected scholar Andrew Dickson White. Cornell College and the Graduate School of Medical Sciences are in New York City. Cornell has 13,300 undergraduates and 6,200 graduate and professional students.See also Concurrent ML, Cornell Theory Center, Cornell University Programming Language, CU-SeeMe, ISIS. . (1996-12-01)

Cornell University "body, education" A US Ivy League University founded in 1868 by businessman Ezra Cornell and respected scholar Andrew Dickson White. Cornell includes thirteen colleges and schools. On the Ithaca campus are the seven undergraduate units and four graduate and professional units. The Medical College and the Graduate School of Medical Sciences are in New York City. Cornell has 13,300 undergraduates and 6,200 graduate and professional students. See also {Concurrent ML}, {Cornell Theory Center}, {Cornell University Programming Language}, {CU-SeeMe}, {ISIS}. {(}. (1996-12-01)

Corporation for Research and Educational Networking "body" (CREN) The organisation responsible for providing networking service to {BITNET} and {CSNET} users. CREN was formed in October 1989, when {BITNET} and {CSNET} were combined under one authority. {CSNET} is no longer operational, but CREN still runs {BITNET}. [Still true?] (1996-05-17)

Corporation for Research and Educational Networking ::: (body) (CREN) The organisation responsible for providing networking service to BITNET and CSNET users. CREN was formed in October 1989, when BITNET and CSNET were combined under one authority. CSNET is no longer operational, but CREN still runs BITNET.[Still true?] (1996-05-17)

Coursewriter III "language, education" A simple {CAI} language, developed around 1976. ["Coursewriter III, Version 3 Author's Guide", SH20-1009, IBM]. (1995-03-13)

Coursewriter III ::: (language, education) A simple CAI language, developed around 1976.[Coursewriter III, Version 3 Author's Guide, SH20-1009, IBM]. (1995-03-13)

CREN {Corporation for Research and Educational Networking}

Croce, Benedetto: Born it Percasseroli (Abruzzi) Italy, February 25, 1866. Senator, Minister of Public Education. Lives in Naples. Has influenced every branch of Italian culture.

CTI ::: 1. (communications) Computer Telephone Integration.2. (education) Computers in Teaching Initiative. A UK government scheme. (1996-12-08)

CTI 1. "communications" {Computer Telephone Integration}. 2. "education" Computers in Teaching Initiative. A UK government scheme. (1996-12-08)

Culture: (Lat. cultura, from colo, cultivate) The intrinsic value of society. Syn. with civilization. Employed by Spengler to define a civilization in its creative growth-period. The means, i.e. the tools, customs and institutions, of social groups; or the employment of such means. In psychology, the enlightenment or education of the individual. Some distinguish culture from civilization (q.v.) the former being the effect on personal development and expression (art, science, religion) of the institutions, materials and social organization identified with the latter. -- J.K.F.

Cyrenaics: A school of Greek Philosophy founded by Aristippus of Cyrene. The teachings of this school are known as the philosophy of Hedonism, or the doctrine of enjoyment for its own sake. For the Cyrenaics the virtuous or the good life is that which yields the greatest amount of contentment or pleasure derived from the satisfaction of desire. Education and intelligence are necessary so as to guide one to proper enjoyment, that is to such satisfaction of desire as yields most pleasure and is least likely to cause one pain. It also aids one in being master of pleasure and not its slave. -- M.F.

Dewey, John: (1859-) Leading American philosopher. The spirit of democracy and an abiding faith in the efficacy of human intelligence run through the many pages he has presented in the diverse fields of metaphysics, epistemology, logic, psychology, aesthetics, religion, ethics, politics and education, in all of which he has spoken with authority. Progressive education owes its impetus to his guidance and its tenets largely to his formulation. He is the chief exponent of that branch of pragmatism known as instrumentalism. Among his main works are Psychology, 1886; Outline of Ethics, 1891; Studies in Logical Theory, 1903; Ethics (Dewey and Tufts), 1908; How We Think, 1910; Influence of Darwin on German Philosophy, 1910; Democracy and Education, 1916; Essays in Experimental Logic, 1916; Reconstruction in Philosophy, 1920; Human Nature and Conduct, 1922; Experience and Nature, 1925; The Quest for Certainty, 1929; Art as Experience, 1933; Logic: The Theory of Inquiry, 1939.   Cf. J. Ratner, The Philosophy of John Dewey, 1940, M. H. Thomas, A Bibliography of John Dewey, 1882-1939, The Philosophy of John Dewey, ed. P. A. Schilpp (Evanston, 1940). Dharma: (Skr.) Right, virtue, duty, usage, law, social as well as cosmic. -- K.F.L.

Dharmapāla, Anagārika. (1864-1933). An important figure in the revival of Buddhism in Sri Lanka and the dissemination of Buddhism in the West. Born Don David Hēvāvirtarne in Sri Lanka, at that time the British colony of Ceylon, he was raised in the English-speaking middle class of Colombo and educated in Christian schools run by Anglican missionaries, where he is said to have memorized large portions of the Bible. His family was Buddhist, however, and in 1880, at the age of sixteen, he met HENRY STEEL OLCOTT and MADAME BLAVATSKY, founders of the Theosophical Society, during their visit to Sri Lanka in support of Buddhism. In 1881, he took the Buddhist name Dharmapāla, "Protector of the Dharma," and in 1884 was initiated into the Theosophical Society by Colonel Olcott, later accompanying Madame Blavatsky to the headquarters of the Society in Adyar, India. Under the initial patronage of Theosophists, he studied Pāli, choosing to adopt the lifestyle of a celibate lay religious. Prior to that time in Sri Lanka, the leadership in Buddhism had been provided exclusively by monks and kings. Dharmapāla established a new role for Buddhist laypeople, creating the category of the anagārika (meaning "homeless wanderer"), a layperson who studied texts and meditated, as did monks, but who remained socially active in the world, as did laypeople. Free from the restrictions incumbent on the Sinhalese monkhood, yet distinct from ordinary laity, he regarded this new lifestyle of the anagārika as the most suitable status for him to work for the restoration and propagation of Buddhism. A social reformer, rationalist, and religious nationalist, he promoted rural education and a reformist style of Buddhism, stripped of what he considered extraneous superstitions, as a means of uplifting Sinhalese society and gaining independence for his country as a Buddhist nation. While he was in India in 1891, he was shocked to see the state of decay of the great pilgrimage sites of India, all then under Hindu control, and most especially of BODHGAYĀ, the site of the Buddha's enlightenment. In that same year, he joined a group of leading Sri Lankan Buddhists to found the MAHĀBODHI SOCIETY, which called on Buddhists from around the world to work for the return of important Indian Buddhist sites to Buddhist control, and one of whose aims was the restoration of the MAHĀBODHITEMPLE at Bodhgayā. This goal only came to fruition in 1949, well after his death, when the newly independent Indian government granted Buddhists a role in administering the site. His influential Buddhist journal, The Mahā-Bodhi, also established in 1891, continues to be published today. A gifted orator, in 1893 Anagārika Dharmapāla addressed the World's Parliament of Religions, held in conjunction with the Columbian Exhibition in Chicago, drawing much acclaim. Although he was one of several Buddhist speakers, his excellent English and Anglican education made him an effective spokesperson for the dharma, demonstrating both its affinities with, and superiority to, Christianity. In 1925, he founded the British Mahā Bodhi Society in London and a year later established the first THERAVĀDA monastery in the West, the London Buddhist Vihāra. In 1931, he was ordained as a monk (bhikkhu; BHIKsU), taking the name Devamitta. He died in 1933 at SĀRNĀTH, site of the Buddha's first sermon.

didactic ::: a. --> Alt. of Didactical ::: n. --> A treatise on teaching or education.

Didactics: (Gr. didaktikos, taught) The branch of education concerned with methods of teaching and instruction. In theology and religion didactics in contradistinction to catechetics, is instiuction in fundamentals of religious doctrine. -- L.W.

diploma ::: n. --> A letter or writing, usually under seal, conferring some privilege, honor, or power; a document bearing record of a degree conferred by a literary society or educational institution.

discipline ::: n. --> The treatment suited to a disciple or learner; education; development of the faculties by instruction and exercise; training, whether physical, mental, or moral.
Training to act in accordance with established rules; accustoming to systematic and regular action; drill.
Subjection to rule; submissiveness to order and control; habit of obedience.
Severe training, corrective of faults; instruction by

Dorzhiev, Agvan. (T. Ngag dbang rdo rje) (1854-1938). Influential Mongol-Russian monk in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition; born in the Siberian region of Buryatia to a semi-nomadic Buddhist family. As a child, Dorzhiev was introduced to Buddhism at the monastery at Atsagat, receiving his first tantric empowerment (ABHIsEKA) at the age of thirteen. He continued his education in Urga after his father died in 1868, at which time there were thirteen thousand monks in the city. For a time he was married to a woman named Kholintsog and worked in the local government. In 1873, he began his first journey to LHA SA and spent a few months in eastern China. Because of his linguistic and academic prowess, he was sent to 'BRAS SPUNGS monastery, where he became a scholar at Sgo mang (Gomang) College. In 1880, he settled in Lha sa, and rapidly completed his DGE BSHES degree. By 1888, he was teaching logic, debate, and language at 'Bras spungs. At this time, the thirteenth DALAI LAMA was twelve or thirteen years old, and Dorzhiev became one of his religious teachers and political advisors. Dorzhiev displayed great ability in political diplomacy and served as the only emissary between Russia and Tibet for many years. He feared that British influence in Tibet could be detrimental to the future of the country, and advised the Dalai Lama to initiate relations between Lha sa and St. Petersburg as a counter. In 1898, Prince Ukhtomsky summoned him to St. Petersburg, where he met with Tsar Nicholas II. From there, he traveled to Paris, where he lectured on Buddhism at the Musée Guimet. He then went to Kalmykia and Buryatia before returning to Lha sa. Dorzhiev sought to improve the quality of Buddhist practice in Russia, specifically in Buryatia and Kalmykia, where he opened monasteries, initiated monks, and opened a school for Tibetan Buddhist doctors. In 1915 he opened a temple and monastery in St. Petersburg, the first in the West. Dorzhiev was arrested at the onset of the "Red Terror" of 1918, but was soon released. Buddhism remained comparatively inviolable over the next decade, although other Russian religions suffered. Dorzhiev wrote his memoirs in Tibetan around 1924. In 1922, an "All-Buryat Buddhist Congress" was held, followed by a 1927 "Congress of Soviet Buddhists" in Moscow. Russian Buddhism entered a bleak period after the death of Lenin in 1924; in 1930, an antireligion campaign began in Buryatia, during which the aged Dorzhiev was placed under house arrest. He wrote his will in 1937, at which time he left house arrest in Leningrad and traveled to Ulan Udé, Buryatia. In Ulan Udé, he was arrested and interrogated before being sent to the prison hospital, where he died in January of 1938.

Ecole Normale Superieure "body" (ENS) A higher education and research institution in Paris, France.

Ecole Normale Superieure ::: (body) (ENS) A higher education and research institution in Paris, France.

Econet ::: 1. One of the IGC networks. EcoNet serves individuals and organisations working for environmental preservation and sustainability. Important issues covered include: global warming, energy policy, rainforest preservation, legislative activities, water quality, toxics and environmental education.EcoNet users can send and receive private messages, including fax and telex, to and from more than 18,000 international users on the APC networks or to millions effectiveness of organisations through the use of electronic networking. FTP/Telnet: A network produced by Acorn Computers Ltd. for the BBC Microcomputer and its successors.

Econet 1. One of the IGC networks. EcoNet serves individuals and organisations working for environmental preservation and sustainability. Important issues covered include: global warming, energy policy, rainforest preservation, legislative activities, water quality, toxics and environmental education. EcoNet users can send and receive private messages, including fax and telex, to and from more than 18,000 international users on the APC networks or to millions on other networks. EcoNet seeks to build coalitions and partnerships with activist and non-profit organisations to develop the use of the electronic communications medium. EcoNet provides subsidies and financial incentives to environmental organisations and committed individuals who foster the effectiveness of organisations through the use of electronic networking. FTP/Telnet: 2. A network produced by {Acorn Computers} Ltd. for the {BBC Microcomputer} and its successors.

Edgerton, Franklin. (1885-1963). American scholar of Sanskrit; born in Le Mars, Iowa, he received his undergraduate education at Cornell. He then studied at Munich and Jena before returning to the United States, where he studied Sanskrit and comparative philology at Johns Hopkins. Edgerton taught at the University of Pennsylvania, before moving to Yale in 1926 as Salisbury Professor of Sanskrit. He remained there for the remainder of his academic career, retiring in 1953. Edgerton's great contribution to Buddhist studies was the 1953 publication of his Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Grammar and Dictionary and his Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Reader, the result of some three decades of work. Edgerton coined the term BUDDHIST HYBRID SANSKRIT to describe the language of PRAKRIT, mixed Sanskrit, and Sanskrit that occurs in many Buddhist Sanskrit texts, especially the MAHĀYĀNA SuTRA literature. Prior to Edgerton, this language was sometimes called the Gāthā dialect because it occurred frequently in the verses, or GĀTHĀ, in the Mahāyāna sutras. Edgerton divided Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit into three classes based on the degree of hybridization within a given text. Since its publication, Edgerton's work, and the entire category of Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit itself, has been the subject of much scholarly debate, but Edgerton's dictionary remains widely used.

educated ::: imp. & p. p. --> of Educate ::: a. --> Formed or developed by education; as, an educated man.

educational ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to education.

education contact "job" The person at a company who should receive educational material. (2004-03-11)

education contact ::: (job) The person at a company who should receive educational material.(2004-03-11)

educationist ::: n. --> One who is versed in the theories of, or who advocates and promotes, education.

education ::: n. --> The act or process of educating; the result of educating, as determined by the knowledge skill, or discipline of character, acquired; also, the act or process of training by a prescribed or customary course of study or discipline; as, an education for the bar or the pulpit; he has finished his education.

educative ::: a. --> Tending to educate; that gives education; as, an educative process; an educative experience.

edu "networking" ("education") The {top-level domain} for educational establishments in the USA (and some other countries). E.g. "". The UK equivalent is "". (1999-01-26)

edu ::: (networking) (education) The top-level domain for educational establishments in the USA (and some other countries). E.g. The UK equivalent is (1999-01-26)

E. Durkheim: De la division du travail sociale, 1893; Les regles de la methode sociologique; Les formes elementaires de la vie religieuse, 1912; Le Socialisme, L'Education morale.

edutainment "application" Interactive education and entertainment services or software, usually supplied commercially via a cable network or on {CD-ROM}. (1995-03-30)

edutainment ::: (application) Interactive education and entertainment services or software, usually supplied commercially via a cable network or on CD-ROM. (1995-03-30)

emancipation (psychological): The step by step development of the personality of a self-reliant mature individual. All good education guides towards mature self-reliance and self-realisation.

Emerging technologies - technologies that are perceived as capable of changing the status quo. These include a variety of technologies such as educational technology, information technology, nanotechnology, biotechnology, cognitive science, robotics, and artificial intelligence.

Eriugena, Joannes Scottus: (800/815 - c. 800) Was of Irish birth and early education. He came to the Court of Charles the Bald, son of Charlemagne, as a teacher c. 845. A good linguist, he translated works of Maximus, Gregory of Nyssa and the Pseudo-Dionysius from Greek to Latin. His thought is partly Augustinian, partly a personal development inspired by the Greek Fathers. He has been accused of Pantheism. Chief works: De Praedestinatione, De divisione Naturae (PL 122). M. Cippuyns, Jean S.. Erigene, sa vie, son oevre, sa pensee (Louvain-Paris, 1933). -- V.J.B.

Eros: (Gr.) 1. Possessive desire or love, commonly erotic. 2. In Platonic thought, the driving force of life aspiring to the absolute Good; hence the motive underlying education, fine art, and philosophy. The connotation of aesthetic fascination, impersonality, and intense desire is retained in Plato's use of the term. Hence Eros is to be distinguished from the Indian Bhakti (selfless devotion), the Buddhist Metta (disinterested benevolence), the Confucian Jen (humanity, charity), and Ai (personal love), and the Christian Agapao (sacrificial, protective brotherly love), and Phileo (personal affection or fondness). -- W.L.

ESOTERIC HISTORY AFTER 1875 The instrument the planetary hierarchy had chosen for the task of publicizing the knowledge which had been kept secret since Atlantis was H. P. Blavatsky (1831-1891). Blavatsky was enjoined not to give out any esoteric facts without special permission in each individual case. She was not to mention anything about the planetary hierarchy.

The truth, or the knowledge of reality, is only to be given gradually, with sparing facts, to a mankind unprepared to receive it. It is necessary to find connections to established fictions of which people have heard enough for them to believe that they comprehend what it all is about. A new, revolutionary system of ideas would be rejected off hand as a mere fantastic invention. It could not be comprehended, let alone understood, without careful preparation.

The most important reason, which probably only esotericians are able to understand, is the fact of the dynamic energy of ideas.

Once the esoteric knowledge was permitted to be published there was no longer any need of initiation into the old knowledge orders, nobody having been initiated into anyone of them since 1875. Although those initiated in previous incarnations were not given the opportunity to revive all their old knowledge, enough was made known, and besides hinted at, for them to be able to discover the most essential by themselves.

The most important esoteric facts to be found in the works of Sinnett, Judge, and
Hartmann &

ESOTERIC HISTORY BEFORE 1875 Members of this planetary hierarchy incarnated in mankind, eventually to make up what in the esoteric history has been called the &

Extended Tiny ::: A research/educational tool for experimenting with array data dependence tests and reordering transformations. It works with a language tiny, which does not have procedures, goto's, pointers, or other features that complicate dependence testing.Michael Wolfe's original tiny has been extended substantially by William Pugh et al. at the University of Maryland.Version 3.0 (Dec 12th, 1992) includes a programming environment, dependence tester, tests translator (Fortran->tiny), documentation, and technical reports. It should run on any Unix system. .E-mail: Omega test research group . (1992-12-12)

Extended Tiny A research/educational tool for experimenting with {array} data dependence tests and reordering transformations. It works with a language {tiny}, which does not have procedures, {goto}'s, pointers, or other features that complicate dependence testing. Michael Wolfe's original {tiny} has been extended substantially by William Pugh "" et al. at the {University of Maryland}. Version 3.0 (Dec 12th, 1992) includes a programming environment, dependence tester, tests translator ({Fortran}-"tiny), documentation, and technical reports. It should run on any {Unix} system. {(}. E-mail: Omega test research group "". (1992-12-12)

FARNET ::: A non-profit corporation, established in 1987, whose mission is to advance the use of computer networks to improve research and education.

FARNET A non-profit corporation, established in 1987, whose mission is to advance the use of computer networks to improve research and education.

Fazun. (法尊) (T. Blo bzang chos 'phags) (1902-1980). Twentieth-century Chinese translator of Buddhist scriptures and scholar of Tibetan religious and political history. In 1920, Fazun was ordained as a novice on WUTAISHAN. He became acquainted with Dayong (1893-1929), a student of TAIXU's who introduced him to the techniques of Buddhist TANTRA, at the time a popular strand of Buddhism in China in its Japanese (MIKKYo) and Tibetan forms. Fully ordained in Beijing in 1922, Fazun trained under Taixu's patronage in the tenets of the PURE LAND and TIANTAI schools at the Wuchang Institute for Buddhist Studies. During the same years, Taixu urged Dayong to train in Japanese mikkyo on KoYASAN. Taixu's aim was to verify and rectify the opinions about Buddhist tantra that circulated in China, where this form of Indian Buddhism had flourished at the Tang court. Upon his return, Dayong conferred on Fazun several ABHIsEKAs of the lower tantric cycles that he had brought from Japan. He also instructed Fazun in the Mizong gangyao ("Essentials of Tantra"), a primer for students of Buddhist tantra by the Japanese SHINGONSHu scholar Gonda Raifu (1846-1934) that Wang Hongyuan (1876-1937), a Chinese student of Gonda's, had translated in 1918. After an introduction to the Tibetan tantric traditions by Bai Puren (1870-1927), a Mongolian lama stationed at Beijing's Yonghe Gong, Dayong became gradually dissatisfied with Japanese mikkyo. With Taixu's endorsement, he resolved to study Buddhist tantra in its Tibetan form. In 1924, Fazun joined Dayong's Group for Learning the Dharma in Tibet (Liu Zang Xuefa Tuan), a team of some thirty Chinese monks who were studying the basics of the Tibetan language in Beijing. From 1925 to 1929, Fazun carried on his language learning in eastern Tibet and began his training in the classics of the DGE LUGS monastic curriculum, which in the ensuing years would become his main focus of translation. After Dayong's passing in 1929, Fazun followed his Tibetan teacher, DGE BSHES A mdo, to central Tibet. He stayed at 'BRAS SPUNGS monastery from 1930 to 1933. In 1934, Taixu asked Fazun to take on the position of director at the newly established Sino-Tibetan Institute (Hanzang Jiaoli Yuan) near Chongqing. The thirteenth DALAI LAMA also encouraged Fazun to spread TSONG KHA PA's synthesis of the Buddhist teachings in China. Hence from 1935, under the Japanese occupation and during the Chinese civil war, Fazun served as an educator of young monks in Tibetan Buddhism and as a translator of Tibetan scriptures at the Sino-Tibetan Institute. These years of prolific translation work established Fazun as the foremost translator of Buddhism from Tibetan sources in the history of Chinese Buddhism. Among his translations are Tsong kha pa's LAM RIM CHEN MO (Putidao cidi guanglun), LEGS BSHAD SNYING PO (Bian liaoyi buliaoyi lun), SNGAGS RIM CHEN MO (Mizong daocidi lun); MAITREYA's ABHISAMAYĀLAMKĀRA (Xianguan zhuangyan lun); CANDRAKĪRTI's MADHYAMAKĀVATĀRA (Ru zhonglun); and ĀRYADEVA's CATUḤsATAKA (Sibailun song). Fazun also translated into Tibetan the ABHIDHARMAMAHĀVIBLĀsA, extant in the two hundred rolls of XUANZANG's Chinese rendering (Da piposha lun), by the title Bye brag bshad mdzod chen mo. In 1950, after the Communist authorities discontinued the activities of the Institute, Fazun moved to Beijing. The Committee for Minority Affairs appointed him as a translator of communist propaganda materials, including Chairman Mao's Xin minzhu zhuyi("New Democracy") and Lun renmin minzhu zhuanzheng ("On the People's Democratic Dictatorship"), for the education of the new generation of cadres in occupied Tibet. In 1966, as the Cultural Revolution set in, he was charged with expressing anti-Communist sentiments during the 1930s. He was confined in a labor camp until his release in 1972. During the 1970s Fazun resumed his translation activity from Tibetan with DHARMAKĪRTI's PRALĀnAVĀRTTIKA (Shiliang lun), DIGNĀGA's PRALĀnASAMUCCAYA (Jiliang lun), and ATIsA DĪPAMKARAsRĪJNĀNA's BODHIPATHAPRADĪPA (Putidao deng lun). Fazun suffered a fatal heart attack in 1980. Because of his unsurpassed knowledge of Tibetan language, religion, and history, and his writing style inspired by KUMĀRAJĪVA's and Xuanzang's Buddhist Chinese, Fazun is often referred to as "the Xuanzang of modern times."

finished ::: imp. & p. p. --> of Finish ::: a. --> Polished to the highest degree of excellence; complete; perfect; as, a finished poem; a finished education.

Founded in 1949 as a Palestinian emergency assistance organization. Its mandate is to provide education, health and relief services. Its headquarters are in Gaza.

Freud (1856-1939): the founder of the psychoanalytic school of psychology, emphasised the importance of the unconscious mind, childhood experiences and repressed urges. His theory of psychosexual development outlines five stages; oral, anal, phallic, latent and genital, according to the different objects fixated upon at each specific stage. Freud also focused on the structure and development of personality; comprised of three parts - the id, ego and superego. Conflicts between the id and superego are dealt with by the ego that utilizes ?a target="_parent" href="

Gentile, Giovanni: Born in Castelvetrano (Sicily) 1875. Professor of Philosophy and History of Philosophy at universities in Palermo, Pisa, and Rome. Minister of Public Education 1922-1924. Senator since 1922. Reformed the school system of Italy.

gentry ::: a. --> Birth; condition; rank by birth.
People of education and good breeding; in England, in a restricted sense, those between the nobility and the yeomanry.
Courtesy; civility; complaisance.

gopher "networking, protocol" A {distributed} document retrieval system which started as a {Campus Wide Information System} at the {University of Minnesota}, and which was popular in the early 1990s. Gopher is defined in {RFC 1436}. The protocol is like a primitive form of {HTTP} (which came later). Gopher lacks the {MIME} features of HTTP, but expressed the equivalent of a document's {MIME type} with a one-character code for the "{Gopher object type}". At time of writing (2001), all Web browers should be able to access gopher servers, although few gopher servers exist anymore. Sir {Tim Berners-Lee}, in his book "Weaving The Web" (pp.72-73), related his opinion that it was not so much the protocol limitations of gopher that made people abandon it in favor of HTTP/{HTML}, but instead the legal missteps on the part of the university where it was developed: "It was just about this time, spring 1993, that the University of Minnesota decided that it would ask for a license fee from certain classes of users who wanted to use gopher. Since the gopher software being picked up so widely, the university was going to charge an annual fee. The browser, and the act of browsing, would be free, and the server software would remain free to nonprofit and educational institutions. But any other users, notably companies, would have to pay to use gopher server software. "This was an act of treason in the academic community and the Internet community. Even if the university never charged anyone a dime, the fact that the school had announced it was reserving the right to charge people for the use of the gopher protocols meant it had crossed the line. To use the technology was too risky. Industry dropped gopher like a hot potato." (2001-03-31)

gopher ::: (networking, protocol) A distributed document retrieval system which started as a Campus Wide Information System at the University of Minnesota, and which was popular in the early 1990s.Gopher is defined in RFC 1436. The protocol is like a primitive form of HTTP (which came later). Gopher lacks the MIME features of HTTP, but expressed the object type. At time of writing (2001), all Web browers should be able to access gopher servers, although few gopher servers exist anymore.Tim Berners-Lee, in his book Weaving The Web (pp.72-73), related his opinion that it was not so much the protocol limitations of gopher that made people abandon it in favor of HTTP/HTML, but instead the legal missteps on the part of the university where it was developed:It was just about this time, spring 1993, that the University of Minnesota decided that it would ask for a license fee from certain classes of users who and educational institutions. But any other users, notably companies, would have to pay to use gopher server software.This was an act of treason in the academic community and the Internet community. Even if the university never charged anyone a dime, the fact that the the gopher protocols meant it had crossed the line. To use the technology was too risky. Industry dropped gopher like a hot potato.(2001-03-31)

Grouped Frequency Distribution ::: A table showing the number of occurrences for a grouping of scores. Used a lot in educational settings where a score of 90 to 100 may be grouped as an A, a score of 80 to 90 may be grouped as a B, etc.

Guifeng Zongmi. (J. Keiho Shumitsu; K. Kyubong Chongmil 圭峰宗密) (780-841). Chinese CHAN master and historian; putative fifth patriarch of the HUAYAN tradition and successor in the Heze school of CHAN; best known for positing the fundamental harmony between the scriptural teachings of Buddhism and Chan practice. Zongmi was a native of Xichong in present-day Sichuan province. Although little is known of his early life, Zongmi is said to have received a classical Confucian education. In 804, Zongmi encountered the monk Daoyuan (d.u.), purportedly a fourth-generation lineage holder of the Heze line of Chan (see HEZE SHENHUI), and became his student. During this period, Zongmi also carried on his studies of the YUANJUE JING. In 808, Zongmi received the full monastic precepts from Daoyuan, who then recommended the monk Nanyin Weizhong (d. 821) as a suitable teacher. In 810, Zongmi met the monk Lingfeng (d.u.), a disciple of the Huayan monk CHENGGUAN, at the monastery of Huijuesi. Two years later Zongmi began his studies of the AVATAMSAKASuTRA under CHENGGUAN in Chang'an. In 816, Zongmi began his residence at the monastery of Zhijusi on ZHONGNANSHAN and in 821 he retired to the temple Caotangsi on Gui peak (Guifeng), whence he acquired his toponym. There, Zongmi devoted himself to such works as his influential commentary on the Yuanjue jing, the Yuanjue jing dashu. In 828, Zongmi was invited to the palace and given a purple robe and the title Dade (Great Virtue). During his stay at the capital he met many important statesmen including Pei Xiu (787-860). Zongmi was a prolific writer whose works include commentaries on the AvataMsakasutra, VAJRACCHEDIKĀPRAJNĀPĀRAMITĀSuTRA, DASHENG QIXIN LUN, MAHĀPARINIRVĀnASuTRA, SIFEN LÜ ("Four-Part Vinaya"), and others. He also composed a massive, 100-roll history of the Chan school, the Chanyuan zhuquanji ("Collected Writings on the Source of Chan"), only the prolegomenon to which is extant (see CHANYUAN ZHUQUANJI DUXU). Zongmi's writings were extremely influential in the mature Korean SoN school and, especially, in the thought and practice of POJO CHINUL (1158-1210), who drew on Zongmi to advocate an accord between the traditions of Son (C. Chan; meditation) and Kyo (C. JIAO; doctrine). See also LINGZHI; FANZHAO.

hack "jargon" 1. Originally, a quick job that produces what is needed, but not well. 2. An incredibly good, and perhaps very time-consuming, piece of work that produces exactly what is needed. 3. To bear emotionally or physically. "I can't hack this heat!" 4. To work on something (typically a program). In an immediate sense: "What are you doing?" "I'm hacking TECO." In a general (time-extended) sense: "What do you do around here?" "I hack TECO." More generally, "I hack "foo"" is roughly equivalent to ""foo" is my major interest (or project)". "I hack solid-state physics." See {Hacking X for Y}. 5. To pull a prank on. See {hacker}. 6. To interact with a computer in a playful and exploratory rather than goal-directed way. "Whatcha up to?" "Oh, just hacking." 7. Short for {hacker}. 8. See {nethack}. 9. (MIT) To explore the basements, roof ledges, and steam tunnels of a large, institutional building, to the dismay of Physical Plant workers and (since this is usually performed at educational institutions) the Campus Police. This activity has been found to be eerily similar to playing adventure games such as {Dungeons and Dragons} and {Zork}. See also {vadding}. See also {neat hack}, {real hack}. [{Jargon File}] (1996-08-26)

Haeberlin, Paul: (1878-) A well known Swiss thinker whose major contributions until recent years were in the field of education. In his hands phenomenology has become existential philosophy. A transcendental-idealistic tone pervades his philosophy. He combines in theory the advantages of existential phenomenology with those of psychologism. -- H.H.

Hanyong Chongho. (漢永鼎鎬) (1870-1948). Korean monk renowned for his efforts to revitalize Buddhist education during the Japanese colonial period. Hanyong Chongho studied the Confucian classics when young and entered the SAMGHA at seventeen. He became a disciple of Soryu Ch'omyong (1858-1903), from whom he received the dharma name Hanyong. In 1909, he traveled to Seoul and helped lead the Buddhist revitalization movement, along with fellow Buddhist monks HAN YONGUN and Kŭmp'a Kyongho (1868-1915). In 1910, shortly after Japan's formal annexation of Korea, Hoegwang Sason (1862-1933) and others signed a seven-item treaty with the Japanese SoToSHu, which sought to assimilate Korean Buddhism into the Soto order. In response to this threat to Korean Buddhist autonomy, Hanyong Chongho helped Han Yongun and other Korean Buddhist leaders establish the IMJE CHONG order in Korea. In 1913, he published the journal Haedong Pulgyo ("Korean Buddhism") in order to inform the Buddhist community of the need for revitalization and self-awareness. Beginning with his teaching career at Kodŭng Pulgyo Kangsuk in 1914, he devoted himself to the cause of education and went on to teach at various other Buddhist seminaries (kangwon) throughout the country. His many writings include the Songnim sup'il ("Jottings from Stone Forest"), Chongson Ch'imunjiphwa ("Selections from Stories of Admonitions"), and Chongson Yomsong sorhwa ("Selections from the YoMSONG SoRHWA"), a digest of the most-famous Korean kongan (C. GONG'AN) collection.

He lived in the time when the moral and cultural traditions of Chou were in rapid decline. Attempting to uphold the Chou culture, he taught poetry, history, ceremonies and music to 3,000 pupils, becoming the first Chinese educator to offer education to any who cared to come with or without tuition. He taught literature, human conduct, being one's true self and honesty in social relationships. He wrote the chronicles called Spring and Autumn. His tacit judgments on social and political events were such that "unruly ministers and villainous sons were afraid" to repeat their evil deeds.

Helvetius, Claude Adrien: (1715-1771) A French philosopher, he developed on the basis of Condillac's sensationalism his superficial materialistic philosophy. His theories of the original mental equality of individuals, of the egoism or self-interest as the sole motive of human action, and of the omnipotence of education, stress the basic determining influence of circumstances.

HENSA {Higher Education National Software Archive}

Herbartianism: The philosophical, but particularly the psychological and pedagogical doctrines of Johann Friedrich Herbart (q.v.) as expounded in modified and developed form by his disciples, notably M. Lazarus and H. Steinthal in psychology, T. Zillcr and W. Rein in pedagogy, M. Drobisch in religious philosophy and ethics. In America, the movement was vigorous and influential, but shortlived (about 1890-1910) and confined mainly to education (Charles De-Garmo and Charles A. McMurry). Like Herbart, his disciples strove for a clarification of concepts with special emphasis on scientific method, the doctrine of apperception, and the efficacy of a mathematical approach even in their psychology which was dominated by associational thinking; yet they discarded more or less the master's doctrine of reals. -- K.F.L.

Herbart, Johann Friedrich: (1776-1841) Best known as the "father" of scientific pedagogy centrally based upon psychology, a general tenet that still has weight today, Herbart occupies as educational philosophical theorist a position strikingly similar to that of John Dewey, the nestor of American philosophy.

Herder, Johann Gottfried: (1744-1803) A founder of modern religious humanism, he explained human history as a consequence of the nature of man and of man's physical environment. Held implicitly to the view that society is basically an organic whole. Accounted for the differences in culture and institutions of different peoples as being due to geographical conditions. Although history is a process of the education of the human species, it has no definite goal of perfection and development. The vehicle of living culture is a distinct Volk or Nation with its distinct language and traditions. As a child of the Enlightenment, Herder had a blind faith in nature, in man and in the ultimate development of reason and justice.

  “He was a natural clairvoyant of most wonderful powers. With no education or acquaintance with science he wrote works which are now proved to be full of scientific truths; but then, as he says himself, what he wrote upon, he ‘saw it as in a great Deep in the Eternal.’ He had ‘a thorough view of the universe, as in a chaos,’ which yet ‘opened itself in him, from time to time, as in a young plant.’ He was a thorough born Mystic, and evidently of a constitution which is most rare; one of those fine natures whose material envelope impedes in no way the direct, even if only occasional, intercommunion between the intellectual and the spiritual Ego. It is this Ego which Jacob Boehme, like so many other untrained mystics, mistook for God; ‘Man must acknowledge,’ he writes, ‘that his knowledge is not his own, but from God, who manifests the Ideas of Wisdom to the Soul of Man, in what measure he pleases.’ Had this great Theosophist mastered Eastern Occultism he might have expressed it otherwise. He would have known then that the ‘god’ who spoke through his poor uncultured and untrained brain, was his own divine Ego, the omniscient Deity within himself, and that what that Deity gave out was not in ‘what measure he pleased,’ but in the measure of the capacities of the mortal and temporary dwelling IT informed” (TG 60).

Hewlett-Packard ::: (HP) Hewlett-Packard designs, manufactures and services electronic products and systems for measurement, computation and communications. The company's products and services are used in industry, business, engineering, science, medicine and education in approximately 110 countries.HP was founded in 1939 and employs 96600 people, 58900 in the USA. They have manufacturing and R&D establishments in 54 cities in 16 countries and HP's stock is traded on the New York Stock Exchange and the Pacific, Tokyo, London, Frankfurt, Zurich and Paris exchanges.Quarterly sales $6053M, profits $347M (Aug 1994). . (1994-09-26)

Hewlett-Packard (HP) Hewlett-Packard designs, manufactures and services electronic products and systems for measurement, computation and communications. The company's products and services are used in industry, business, engineering, science, medicine and education in approximately 110 countries. HP was founded in 1939 and employs 96600 people, 58900 in the USA. They have manufacturing and R&D establishments in 54 cities in 16 countries and approximately 600 sales and service offices in 110 countries. Their revenue (in 1992/1993?) was $20.3 billion. The Chief Executive Officer is Lewis E. Platt. HP's stock is traded on the New York Stock Exchange and the Pacific, Tokyo, London, Frankfurt, Zurich and Paris exchanges. Quarterly sales $6053M, profits $347M (Aug 1994). {(}. (1994-09-26)

Higher Education National Software Archive ::: (HENSA) . (1995-01-06)

Higher Education National Software Archive (HENSA) {(}. (1995-01-06)

Human capital -The capitalised value of productive investments in persons; usually refers to value derived from expenditures on education, training, and health improvements.

Humanism: (Lat. humanus, human) Any view in which interest in human welfare is central. Renaissance revival of classical learning as opposed to merely ecclesiastical studies. An ethical and religious movement culminating in Auguste Comte's "Worship of Humanity," better known as Humanitarianism. Philosophical movement represented by F. C. S. Schiller in England, better known as Pragmatism. See Pragmatism. Literary Humanism, movement led in America by Irving Babbit, Paul Elmer More, Norman Foerster protesting against extreme emphasis on vocational education and recommending return to a classical type of liberal education or study of "the Humanities." Sociological term for tendency to extend ideals, such as love, loyalty, kindness, service, honesty, which normally prevail in primary or intimate groups to guide conduct in non-primary or impersonal groups. Religious Humanism is any view which does not consider belief in a deity vital to religion, though not necessarily denying its existence and not necessarily denying practical value to such belief. Represented by a group of left-wing Unitarian ministers and university professors who, in May, 1933, published "The Humanist Manifesto," wherein religion is broadly viewed as a "shared quest for the good life" and social justice and social reform are stressed as important in religious endeavor.

humanity ::: n. --> The quality of being human; the peculiar nature of man, by which he is distinguished from other beings.
Mankind collectively; the human race.
The quality of being humane; the kind feelings, dispositions, and sympathies of man; especially, a disposition to relieve persons or animals in distress, and to treat all creatures with kindness and tenderness.
Mental cultivation; liberal education; instruction in

Human resource accounting – Accounting method that recognises a vari­ety of human resources and shows them on a company's balance sheet. Under human resource accounting, a value is placed on people based on such factors as experience, education, and psychological traits, and, most importantly, future earning power (benefit) to the company.

humma "chat" A filler word used on various "chat" and "talk" programs when you had nothing to say but felt that it was important to say something. The word apparently originated (at least with this definition) on the MECC Timeshare System (MTS, a now-defunct educational {time-sharing} system running in Minnesota during the 1970s and the early 1980s) but was later sighted on early Unix systems. [{Jargon File}] (1999-02-27)

humma ::: (chat) A filler word used on various chat and talk programs when you had nothing to say but felt that it was important to say something.The word apparently originated (at least with this definition) on the MECC Timeshare System (MTS, a now-defunct educational time-sharing system running in Minnesota during the 1970s and the early 1980s) but was later sighted on early Unix systems.[Jargon File] (1999-02-27)

IBM 1130 ::: (computer) A computer introduced by IBM in 1965. It was their cheapest computer to date, and was aimed at price-sensitive, computing-intensive technical markets like education and engineering. It notably included inexpensive disk storage. Non-IBM clones were produced. .(2005-01-17)

IBM 1130 "computer" A computer introduced by {IBM} in 1965. It was their cheapest computer to date, and was aimed at price-sensitive, computing-intensive technical markets like education and engineering. It notably included inexpensive disk storage. Non-IBM {clones} were produced. {IBM 1130 Enthusiasts (}. (2005-01-17)

IBM 704 "computer" A large, scientific computer made by {IBM} and used by the largest commercial, government and educational institutions. The IBM 704 had 36-bit memory words, 15-bit addresses and instructions with one address. A few {index register} instructions had the infamous 15-bit decrement field in addition to the 15-bit address. The 704, and {IBM 709} which had the same basic architecture, represented a substantial step forward from the {IBM 650}'s {magnetic drum} storage as they provided random access at electronic speed to {core storage}, typically 32k words of 36 bits each. [Or did the 704 actually come *before* the 650?] A typical 700 series installation would be in a specially built room of perhaps 1000 to 2000 square feet, with cables running under a raised floor and substantial air conditioning. There might be up to eight {magnetic tape} transports, each about 3 x 3 x 6 feet, on one or two "channels." The 1/2 inch tape had seven tracks and moved at 150 inches per second, giving a read/write speed of 15,000 six bit characters (plus parity) per second. In the centre would be the operator's {console} consisting of cabinets and tables for storage of tapes and boxes of cards; and a {card reader}, a {card punch}, and a {line printer}, each perhaps 4 x 4 x 5 feet in dimension. Small {jobs} could be entered via {punched cards} at the console, but as a rule the user jobs were transferred from cards to {magnetic tape} by {off-line} equipment and only control information was entered at the console (see {SPOOL}). Before each job, the {operating system} was loaded from a read-only system tape (because the system in {core} could have been corrupted by the previous user), and then the user's program, in the form of card images on the input tape, would be run. Program output would be written to another tape (typically on another channel) for printing off-line. Well run installations would transfer the user's cards to tape, run the job, and print the output tape with a turnaround time of one to four hours. The processing unit typically occupied a position symmetric but opposite the operator's console. Physically the largest of the units, it included a glass enclosure a few feet in dimension in which could be seen the "core" about one foot on each side. The 36-bit word could hold two 18-bit addresses called the "Contents of the Address Register" ({CAR}) and the "Contents of the Decrement Register" ({CDR}). On the opposite side of the floor from the tape drives and operator's console would be a desk and bookshelves for the ever-present (24 hours a day) "field engineer" dressed in, you guessed it, a grey flannel suit and tie. The maintenance of the many thousands of {vacuum tubes}, each with limited lifetime, and the cleaning, lubrication, and adjustment of mechanical equipment, was augmented by a constant flow of {bug} reports, change orders to both hardware and software, and hand-holding for worried users. The 704 was oriented toward scientific work and included {floating point} hardware and the first {Fortran} implementation. Its hardware was the basis for the requirement in some programming languages that loops must be executed at least once. The {IBM 705} was the business counterpart of the 704. The 705 was a decimal machine with a circular register which could hold several variables (numbers, values) at the same time. Very few 700 series computers remained in service by 1965, but the {IBM 7090}, using {transistors} but similar in logical structure, remained an important machine until the production of the earliest {integrated circuits}. [Was the 704 scientific, business or general purpose? Difference between 704 and 709?] (1996-01-24)

IBM 704 ::: (computer) A large, scientific computer made by IBM and used by the largest commercial, government and educational institutions.The IBM 704 had 36-bit memory words, 15-bit addresses and instructions with one address. A few index register instructions had the infamous 15-bit decrement field in addition to the 15-bit address.The 704, and IBM 709 which had the same basic architecture, represented a substantial step forward from the IBM 650's magnetic drum storage as they provided random access at electronic speed to core storage, typically 32k words of 36 bits each.[Or did the 704 actually come *before* the 650?]A typical 700 series installation would be in a specially built room of perhaps 1000 to 2000 square feet, with cables running under a raised floor and tape had seven tracks and moved at 150 inches per second, giving a read/write speed of 15,000 six bit characters (plus parity) per second.In the centre would be the operator's console consisting of cabinets and tables for storage of tapes and boxes of cards; and a card reader, a card punch, and a output would be written to another tape (typically on another channel) for printing off-line.Well run installations would transfer the user's cards to tape, run the job, and print the output tape with a turnaround time of one to four hours.The processing unit typically occupied a position symmetric but opposite the operator's console. Physically the largest of the units, it included a glass Contents of the Address Register (CAR) and the Contents of the Decrement Register (CDR).On the opposite side of the floor from the tape drives and operator's console would be a desk and bookshelves for the ever-present (24 hours a day) field augmented by a constant flow of bug reports, change orders to both hardware and software, and hand-holding for worried users.The 704 was oriented toward scientific work and included floating point hardware and the first Fortran implementation. Its hardware was the basis for the requirement in some programming languages that loops must be executed at least once.The IBM 705 was the business counterpart of the 704. The 705 was a decimal machine with a circular register which could hold several variables (numbers, values) at the same time.Very few 700 series computers remained in service by 1965, but the IBM 7090, using transistors but similar in logical structure, remained an important machine until the production of the earliest integrated circuits.[Was the 704 scientific, business or general purpose? Difference between 704 and 709?] (1996-01-24)

ICT 1. "education" {Information and Communication Technology}. 2. "testing" {In Circuit Test}. (2000-04-04)

ICT ::: 1. (testing) In Circuit Test.2. (education) Information and Communication Technology.(2000-04-04)

IINREN {Interagency Interim National Research and Education Network}

illustration ::: n. --> The act of illustrating; the act of making clear and distinct; education; also, the state of being illustrated, or of being made clear and distinct.
That which illustrates; a comparison or example intended to make clear or apprehensible, or to remove obscurity.
A picture designed to decorate a volume or elucidate a literary work.

Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine ::: (education) (IC, ICST&M) One of the colleges of London University. The Department of Computing is the home of FOLDOC. .(2005-05-09)

Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine "education" (IC, ICST&M) One of the colleges of London University. The Department of Computing is the home of {FOLDOC}. {IC Home (}. (2005-05-09)

influence ::: n. --> A flowing in or upon; influx.
Hence, in general, the bringing about of an effect, phusical or moral, by a gradual process; controlling power quietly exerted; agency, force, or tendency of any kind which the sun exerts on animal and vegetable life; the influence of education on the mind; the influence, according to astrologers,of the stars over affairs.
Power or authority arising from elevated station, excelence of character or intellect, wealth, etc.; reputation;

Information and Communication Technology ::: (education) (ICT) The study of the technology used to handle information and aid communication. The phrase was coined by [?] Stevenson in his 1997 report to the UK government and promoted by the new National Curriculum documents for the UK in 2000. .(2000-11-06)

Information and Communication Technology "education" (ICT) The study of the technology used to handle information and aid communication. The phrase was coined by [?] Stevenson in his 1997 report to the UK government and promoted by the new National Curriculum documents for the UK in 2000. In addition to the subjects included in {Information Technology} (IT), ICT emcompasses areas such as {telephony}, {broadcast media} and all types of {audio} and {video} processing and transmission. {(}. (2008-09-19)

In Germany, the movement was initiated by G. W. Leibniz whose writings reveal another motive for the cult of pure reason, i.e. the deep disappointment with the Reformation and the bloody religious wars among Christians who were accused of having forfeited the confidence of man in revealed religion. Hence the outstanding part played by the philosophers of ''natural law", Grotius, S. Pufendorf, and Chr. Thomasius, their theme being advanced by the contributions to a "natural religion" and tolerance by Chr. Wolff, G. E. Lessing, G. Herder, and the Prussian king Frederik II. Fr. v. Schiller's lyric and dramas served as a powerful commendation of ideal freedom, liberty, justice, and humanity. A group of educators (philanthropists) designed new methods and curricula for the advancement of public education, many of them, eg. Pestalozzi, Basedow, Cooper, A. H. Francke, and Fr. A. Wolf, the father of classic humanism, having achieved international recognition. Although in general agreement with th philosophical axioms of foreign enlighteners, the German philosophy decidedly opposed the English sensism (Hume) and French scepticism, and reached its height in Kant's Critiques. The radical rationalism, however, combined with its animosity against religion, brought about strong philosophical, theological, and literal opposition (Hamann, Jacobi, Lavater) which eventually led to its defeat. The ideals of the enlightenment period, the impassioned zeal for the materialization of the ideal man in an ideal society show clearly that it was basically related to the Renaissance and its continuation. See Aufklärung. Cf. J. G. Hibben, The Philosophy of the Enlightenment, 1910. -- S.v.F.

In respect to the field of ethics in general, Soviet philosophers have lately been developing the doctrine known as socialist or proletarian humanism. As distinguished from "bourgeois humanism", this term signifies that system of social institutions and personal values designed to insure that there be no underprivileged gioup or class de facto excluded from full participation in the good life conceived in terms of the educational and cultural development of the individual and the full enjoyment of the things of this world. Such objectives, it is held, are only possible of attainment in a classless society where there is economic security for all. The view taken is that the freedoms and liberties proclaimed by "bourgeois humanism" represented a great historical advance, but one that was, in general, limited in application to the emancipation of the bourgeoisie (q.v.) from the restrictions of feudalism while retaining and making use, to greater or lesser extent, of slavery, serfdom and a system of private capitalism invoking the precarious economic existence and cultural darkness of large proletarian masses. While it is held that there is an absolute light binding upon all, vaguely expressed in such formulations as, each for all and all for each, it is asserted that in class society, the position and class interest of one class may motivate it to oppose a genuine application of this right, whereas the class interest of another class may coincide with such an application. It is held that the proletariat is in this latter position, for its class interest as well as its moral obligation is considered to be in abolishing itself as a proletariat, which is taken to mean, abolishing classes generally.

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE) The world's largest technical professional society, based in the USA. Founded in 1884 by a handful of practitioners of the new electrical engineering discipline, today's Institute has more than 320,000 members who participate in its activities in 147 countries. The IEEE sponsors technical conferences, symposia and local meetings worldwide, publishes nearly 25% of the world's technical papers in electrical, electronics and computer engineering and computer science, provides educational programs for its members and promotes standardisation. Areas covered include aerospace, computers and communications, biomedical technology, electric power and consumer electronics. {(}. {Gopher (gopher://}. {(}. E-mail file-server: "". { IEEE Standards Process Automation (SPA) System (}, {telnet (} []. (1995-03-10)

institution ::: n. --> The act or process of instituting; as: (a) Establishment; foundation; enactment; as, the institution of a school.
Instruction; education.
The act or ceremony of investing a clergyman with the spiritual part of a benefice, by which the care of souls is committed to his charge.
That which instituted or established
Established order, method, or custom; enactment;

instructional ::: a. --> Pertaining to, or promoting, instruction; educational.

instructional technology "education" Design, development, use, management and evaluation of process and resources for learning. Instructional technology aims to promote the application of validated, practical procedures in the design and delivery of instruction. It is often defined either in terms of media and other technology used (e.g. {audiovisual media} and equipment and computers), or in terms of a systematic process which encompasses instructional design, development, delivery and evaluation. ["Instructional Technology: The Definition and Domains of the Field", 1994, Barbara Seels and Rita Richey, Washington, D.C., Association for Educational Communications and Technology]. (2010-01-29)

intelligent ::: a. --> Endowed with the faculty of understanding or reason; as, man is an intelligent being.
Possessed of intelligence, education, or judgment; knowing; sensible; skilled; marked by intelligence; as, an intelligent young man; an intelligent architect; an intelligent answer.
Gognizant; aware; communicate.

Interagency Interim National Research and Education Network (IINREN) An evolving operating network system. Near term (1992-1996) research and development activities will provide for the smooth evolution of this networking infrastructure into the future gigabit {NREN}. (1994-12-06)

Interagency Interim National Research and Education Network ::: (IINREN) An evolving operating network system. Near term (1992-1996) research and development activities will provide for the smooth evolution of this networking infrastructure into the future gigabit NREN. (1994-12-06)

Intermedia "hypertext" A {hypertext} system developed by a research group at {IRIS} (Brown University) to support education and research. Intermedia was a "shell" over {A/UX} 1.1, programmed using an {object-oriented} toolkit and standard {DBMS} functions. The {data model} and architecture were designed for flexibility and consistency. Intermedia consisted of several {applications} sharing an {event-driven} {gui}. These included a {text editor} (InterText), graphics editor (InterDraw), picture viewer (InterPix), timeline editor (InterVal), 3D model viewer (InterSpect), {animation} editor (InterPlay) and video editor (InterVideo). [{Yankelovich et al, "Intermedia: The Concept and the Construction of a Seamless Information Environment" (}] {(}. (2014-11-02)

Internet Public Library (IPL) A project at the {University of Michigan} School of Information and Library Studies to provide an on-line, 24 hour public library, chaired by an assemblage of librarians and information industry professionals. The library aims to provide library services to a target audience estimated to number 1/4 of the entire American population by the end of the century. The Internet Public Library is scheduled to go on-line in March 1995. Among the first services will be on-line reference; youth services; user education; and professional services for librarians. {(}. {(telnet://}. Mailing list: (1995-07-20)

Internet Public Library ::: (IPL) A project at the University of Michigan School of Information and Library Studies to provide an on-line, 24 hour public library, chaired by an assemblage provide library services to a target audience estimated to number 1/4 of the entire American population by the end of the century.The Internet Public Library is scheduled to go on-line in March 1995. Among the first services will be on-line reference; youth services; user education; and professional services for librarians. . .Mailing list: (1995-07-20)

Jefferson, Thomas: (1743-1826) Third president of the United States. He was the author of the Declaration of Independence, which remains as one of the monuments to his firm faith in democratic principles. His opposition to Hamiltonian centralization of power placed him at one extreme of the arc described by the pendulum of political theory that has swayed through the history of this country. He had firm faith in free speech and education and his life long efforts stand uppermost among those who struggled for tolerance and religious freedom. In addition to politics, he was keenly interested in the science and mathematics of his day. Cf. Writings of T. J., 10 vols. (N. Y. 1892-9), ed. P. L. Ford. -- L.E.D.

Jesuitism: Noun applied rather loosely to the teachings and practices of the Jesuits, a religious order of men of the Roman Catholic Church engaged in missionary and educational work. Originally it was called the Company, but in the Bull of Pope Paul III approving it in 1540, the Society of Jesus. Besides the three usual vows the members take a fourth of special obedience to the Pope, who may send them on missions anywhere in the world. They depend on alms and gifts for support. The word is frequently used in the depreciative and opprobrious sense of craftiness, deceit, duplicity, and equivocation. -- J.J.R.

'Jigs med gling pa. (Jikme Lingpa) (1729-1798). A Tibetan exegete and visionary, renowned as one of the premier treasure revealers (GTER STON) in the RNYING MA sect of Tibetan Buddhism. 'Jigs med gling pa was born in the central Tibetan region of 'Phyong rgyas (Chongye), and from an early age recalled many of his previous incarnations, including those of the Tibetan king KHRI SRONG LDE BTSAN, the scholars SGAM PO PA and KLONG CHEN PA and, in his immediately preceding birth, Chos rje gling pa. After a period of monastic education, in his late twenties, he undertook an intense series of meditation retreats, first at Dpal ri monastery and then at the CHIMS PHU cave complex near BSAM YAS. In one of the numerous visions he experienced during this period, he received the KLONG CHEN SNYING THIG, or "Heart Sphere of the Great Expanse," from a dĀKINĪ at the BODHNĀTH STuPA in Kathmandu. The revelation of this text is considered a "mind treasure" (dgongs gter), composed by Padmasambhava and revealed to the mind of a later disciple. 'Jigs med gling pa kept this revelation secret for seven years before transcribing it. The klong chen snying thig corpus systematized by 'Jigs med gling pa, including numerous explanatory texts, tantric initiations, and ritual cycles, became a seminal component of the RDZOGS CHEN teachings in the Rnying ma sect. While based in central Tibet, 'Jigs med gling pa was also influential in Tibet's eastern regions, serving as spiritual teacher to the royal family of SDE DGE and supervising the printing of the collected Rnying ma tantras in twenty-eight volumes. His patrons and disciples included some of the most powerful and prestigious individuals from Khams in eastern Tibet, and his active participation in reviving Rnying ma traditions during a time of persecution earned him a place at the forefront of the burgeoning eclectic or nonsectarian (RIS MED) movement. Numerous subsequent visionaries involved in promulgating the movement identified themselves as 'Jigs med gling pa's reincarnation, including 'JAM DBYANG MKHYEN BRTSE DBANG PO, MDO MKHYEN BRTSE YE SHES RDO RJE, DPAL SPRUL RIN PO CHE, and DIL MGO MKHYEN BRTSE. See also GTER MA.

Jiun Onko. (慈雲飮光) (1718-1804). In Japanese, "Cloud of Compassion, Drinker of Light"; a monk of the Shingon Risshu school, which combined the esoteric teachings of the SHINGONSHu with disciplinary observance of the VINAYA; also known as Jiun Sonja. Up to the age of twelve, he received a traditional Confucian education, but after his father's death the following year, he was entrusted to Horakuji, a Shingon Risshu monastery in Kawachi (present-day osaka prefecture), where he studied esoteric teachings and the SIDDHAM Sanskrit syllabary. During his early studies of Buddhism, Jiun came to realize the centrality of the PRĀTIMOKsA precepts to a monastic vocation, and in 1738 decided to take the full set of monk's precepts (J. gusokukai) at the monastery of Yachuji. In the following year, Jiun was appointed abbot of his old monastery of Horakuji, but he resigned two years later to dedicate himself to ZEN practice in the SoToSHu. In his late twenties, he founded a movement called the "vinaya of the true dharma" (shoboritsu), which encouraged Buddhist clerics to commit themselves to the prātimoksa precepts, regardless of their sectarian affiliations. In 1758, Jiun wrote a massive textbook on Sanskrit, the thousand-roll Bongaku shinryo ("The Ford and Bridge to Sanskrit Studies"), the first such study aid published in Japan. In 1775, he compiled his Juzen hogo ("Dharma Discourses on the Ten Wholesome Ways of Action"), a collection of lectures on the KUsALA-KARMAPATHA that he had delivered the two previous years at Amidadera in Kyoto. Late in his life, he moved to KATSURAGISAN, where he pioneered an eclectic religious movement that came to be called Unden SHINTo ("Shinto transmitted by Jiun") or Katsuragi Shinto, which integrated Shingon, Zen, and Confucianism with Japanese indigenous religion.

JNT Association "company" A non-profit company funded by the UK's advisory committee to manage and develop the UK national research network backbone. In 1970, the {United Kingdom Computer Board} commissioned Professor Mike Wells to report on UK university networking. As a result, on 1976-11-01, the Network Unit was created which in turn led to the creation in 1979 of a full-time Joint Network Team (JNT) and in 1982 to the creation of {JANET}. On 1993-12-10, the JNT Association was formed to develop and manage JANET for the education and research community. {ICANN wiki entry (}. (2016-04-12)

Kempen, Thomas Hemerken van: (1380-1471) Also called Thomas a Kempis, was born at Kempen in Holland, received his early education and instruction in music at the monastery of the Brethren of the Common Life, at Deventer. He attended no university but attained a high degree of spiritual development. His Imitation of Christ is one of the most famous, and most used, books of Catholic spiritual meditation; it has been printed in nearly all languages and is found in innumerable editions. There seems to be no valid reason for questioning his authorship of the work. -- V.J.B.

Kevattasutta. (C. Jiangu jing; J. Kengokyo; K. Kyon'go kyong 堅固經). In Pāli, "Sermon to Kevatta" [alt. Kevaddhasuttanta]; eleventh sutta of the DĪGHANIKĀYA (a separate DHARMAGUPTAKA recension appears as the twenty-fourth sutra in the Chinese translation of the DĪRGHĀGAMA), preached by the Buddha to the householder Kevatta [alt. Kevaddha] in the Pāvārika mango grove at NĀLANDĀ. According to the Pāli account, Kevatta approached the Buddha and asked him to order a monk disciple to perform a miracle in order to inspire faith among the Buddha's followers dwelling in Nālandā. The Buddha responded that there are three kinds of wonder, the wonder of supranormal powers (iddhipātihāriya), the wonder of manifestation (ādesanāpātihāriya), and the wonder of education (anusāsanīpātihāriya). The wonder of supranormal powers is composed of the ability to make multiple bodies of oneself, to become invisible, to pass through solid objects, to penetrate the earth, to walk on water, to fly through the sky, to touch the sun and moon, and to reach the highest heaven of BRAHMĀ. The wonder of manifestation is the ability to read the thoughts and feelings of others. The Buddha declared all these wonders to be trivial and disparages their display as vulgar. Far superior to these, he says, is the wonder of education, which leads to awakening to the teaching and entering the Buddhist order, training in the restraint of action and speech, observance of minor points of morality, guarding the senses, mindfulness, contentment with little, freedom from the five hindrances, joy and peace of mind, the four meditative absorptions, insight (Nānadassana; JNĀNADARsANA) into the conditioned nature and impermanence of body and mind, knowledge of the FOUR NOBLE TRUTHS (catvāry āryasatyāni), and the destruction of the contaminants (āsavakkhaya; S. ĀSRAVAKsAYA).

KeySpell ::: (text, tool, education) A spell checker and teaching aid from UK company KeySpell Limited for Microsoft Windows. KeySpell offers a selection of phonetically similar words, phrases, confusable terms, and examples in context. Even correctly spelt homophones can be checked.KeySpell can be run with Microsoft Word 97 or stand-alone. It includes 225,000 words and phrases and can use subsets of these. . (1999-05-21)

KeySpell "text, tool, education" A spell checker and teaching aid from UK company KeySpell Limited for {Microsoft Windows}. KeySpell offers a selection of phonetically similar words, phrases, confusable terms, and examples in context. Even correctly spelt homophones can be checked. KeySpell can be run with {Microsoft Word} 97 or stand-alone. It includes 225,000 words and phrases and can use subsets of these. {(}. (1999-05-21)

Kihwa. (己和) (1376-1433). Korean SoN master of the Choson dynasty, also known as Hamho Tŭkt'ong and Mujun. Kihwa was a native of Ch'ungju in present-day North Ch'ungch'ong province. The son of a diplomat, Kihwa entered the Songgyun'gwan academy and received a traditional Confucian education, although even there he already showed strong interests in Buddhism. In 1396, after the death of a close friend, Kihwa decided to become a monk, eventually becoming a disciple of the eminent Son master MUHAK CHACH'O (1327-1405) at the monastery of Hoeamsa. After studying kanhwa Son (see KANHUA CHAN) under Chach'o, Kihwa is said to have attained his first awakening at a small hut near his teacher's monastery. Kihwa devoted the next few years to teaching and lecturing at various monasteries around the Korean peninsula. In 1412, Kihwa began a three-year retreat at a small hermitage named Hamhodang near the monastery of Yonbongsa on Mt. Chamo in P'yongsan. In 1420, he made a pilgrimage to Mt. Odae, and the following year he was invited to the royal monastery of Taejaoch'al. In 1424, King Sejong (r. 1419-1450) forcibly consolidated the different schools of Korean Buddhism into the two branches of Son (CHAN; Meditation) and KYO (Doctrine), reduced the number of officially recognized monasteries, and limited the number of monks allowed to ordain. Perhaps in reaction to this increasing persecution of Buddhism, Kihwa left the royal monastery that same year. In response to the growing criticisms of Buddhism by the Confucian scholars at court, Kihwa composed his HYoNJoNG NON. Kihwa also composed influential commentaries on the VAJRACCHEDIKĀPRAJNĀPĀRAMITĀSuTRA ("Diamond Sutra") and the YUANJUE JING ("Perfect Enlightenment Sutra"). In 1431, he began restorations on a monastery known as Pongamsa on Mt. Hŭiyang in Yongnam and died at the monastery two years later in 1433.

kindergarten ::: n. --> A school for young children, conducted on the theory that education should be begun by gratifying and cultivating the normal aptitude for exercise, play, observation, imitation, and construction; -- a name given by Friedrich Froebel, a German educator, who introduced this method of training, in rooms opening on a garden.

Kiyozawa Manshi. (清沢満之) (1863-1903). Meiji-era Japanese Buddhist leader in the HIGASHI-HONGANJIHA of JoDO SHINSHu. Kiyozawa was born into a poor warrior class family in a small town east of Nagoya and ordained in 1878 as a Higashi-Honganji priest. After studying Western philosophy at college and graduate school in Tokyo, he served his sect as an educator. In 1888, he was appointed principal of a Higashi-Honganji middle school in Kyoto and taught Western philosophy at a Higashi-Honganji seminary. In 1890, however, Kiyozawa left his position as principal to lead a rigorous ascetic life, wearing Buddhist robes, separating himself from his family, and living on simple food. Around this time, Kiyozawa launched a reform movement within Higashi-Honganji to return the school to the spirit of its founder, SHINRAN (1173-1262), and to make its ecclesiastical structure conform better to modern secular society, such as by having its deacons elected democratically. However, his movement failed and he was excommunicated in 1897. After being reinstated a year later, Kiyozawa again played an important role in the sect's education, serving in 1901 and 1902 as a dean of Higashi-Honganji's newly founded college (present-day otani University). He died at the age of forty from the tuberculosis he had contracted during his practice of asceticism. Kiyozawa is credited with popularizing the TANNISHo, a short collection of Shinran's sayings that previously were not widely known. Kiyozawa emphasized individual religious experience, in which the adherent's self-awareness of his or her incapacity for moral perfection would instead prompt the adept to realize the truth of salvation through absolute reliance on the infinite. Kiyozawa argued that such individual spiritual realization could contribute to the welfare of society at large. Although Kiyozawa's thought was not widely accepted during his own age, it influenced a younger generation of Higashi-Honganji scholars, such as Akegarasu Haya (1877-1967), Soga Ryojin (1875-1971), and Kaneko Dai'ei (1881-1976), who later became leading intellectual figures in the sect.

Kotani Kimi. (小谷喜美) (1901-1971). Cofounder along with KUBO KAKUTARo (1892-1944) of the REIYuKAI school of modern Japanese Buddhism, which derives from the teachings of the NICHIRENSHu school of Buddhism. Kotani Kimi was the wife of Kotani Yasukichi, Kubo's elder brother. She and her husband became two of the earliest and most active proponents of Reiyukai. After her husband died, she became the first official president of the group in 1930, and after Kubo's death in 1944, she ran the organization successfully on her own, although many splinter groups formed in reaction to her leadership. Kotani focused on the SADDHARMAPUndARĪKASuTRA ("Lotus Sutra"), but because ancestor worship was her primary religious practice, she used the sutra rather idiosyncratically as a path to the spiritual realm. Kotani also focused the group's energies on social welfare programs, and especially youth education, for she felt that Japan's rapid modernization was neglecting the needs of the youth.

Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan "body, education" (KTH, Royal Institute of Art and Technology) A Swedish university founded in 1827 that is strong in engineering and computing (e.g. {AI}, {Virtual Reality}). In 1998 KTH had nearly 11,000 undergraduate students, 1,300 postgraduate students, and 2,900 staff, making it the largest of Sweden's six universitites of technology. {(}. Address: Stockholm, Sweden. (2001-03-18)

Kungliga Tekniska H�gskolan ::: (body, education) (KTH, Royal Institute of Art and Technology) A Swedish university founded in 1827 that is strong in engineering and computing (e.g. AI, postgraduate students, and 2,900 staff, making it the largest of Sweden's six universitites of technology. .Address: Stockholm, Sweden.(2001-03-18)

Ledi, Sayadaw. (1846-1923). In Burmese, "Senior Monk from Ledi"; honorific title of the prominent Burmese (Myanmar) scholar-monk U Nyanadaza (P. Nānadhaja), a well-known scholar of ABHIDHAMMA (S. ABHIDHARMA) and proponent of VIPASSANĀ (S. VIPAsYANĀ) insight meditation. Born in the village of Saingpyin in the Shwebo district of Upper Burma, he received a traditional education at his village monastery and was ordained a novice (P. sāmanera; S. sRĀMAnERA) at the age of fifteen. He took for himself the name of his teacher, Nyanadaza, under whom he studied Pāli language and the Pāli primer on abhidhamma philosophy, the ABHIDHAMMATTHASAnGAHA. At the age of eighteen, he left the order but later returned to the monkhood, he said, to study the Brahmanical science of astrology with the renowned teacher Gandhama Sayadaw. In 1866, at the age of twenty, Nyanadaza took higher ordination (UPASAMPADĀ) as a monk (P. BHIKKHU; S. BHIKsU) and the following year traveled to the Burmese royal capital of Mandalay to continue his Pāli education. He studied under several famous teachers and particularly excelled in abhidhamma studies. His responses in the Pāli examinations were regarded as so exceptional that they were later published under the title Pāramīdīpanī. In 1869, King MINDON MIN sponsored the recitation and revision of the Pāli tipitaka (S. TRIPItAKA) at Mandalay in what is regarded by the Burmese as the fifth Buddhist council (see COUNCIL, FIFTH). During the proceedings, Nyanadaza assisted in the editing of Pāli texts that were inscribed on stone slabs and erected at the Kuthodaw Pagoda at the base of Mandalay hill. Nyanadaza remained in the capital until 1882, when he moved to Monywa and established a forest monastery named Ledi Tawya, whence his toponym Ledi. It is said that it was in Monywa that he took up in earnest the practice of vipassanā meditation. He was an abhidhamma scholar of wide repute and an advocate of meditation for all Buddhists, ordained and lay alike. With the final conquest of Burma by the British and the fall of the monarchy in 1885, there was a strong sentiment among many Burmese monks that the period of the disappearance of the dharma (see SADDHARMAVIPRALOPA) was approaching. According to the MANORATHAPURĀnĪ by BUDDHAGHOSA, when the dharma disappears, the first books to disappear would be the seven books of the abhidhamma. In order to forestall their disappearance, Ledi decided to teach both abhidhamma and vipassanā widely to the laity, something that had not been previously done on a large scale. He produced over seventy-five vernacular manuals on Buddhist metaphysics and insight meditation. He also wrote several treatises in Pāli, the best known of which was the Pāramatthadīpanī. He taught meditation to several disciples who went on to become some of the most influential teachers of vipassanā in Burma in the twentieth century. In recognition of his scholarship, the British government awarded Ledi Sayadaw the title Aggamahāpandita in 1911. Between 1913 and 1917, Ledi Sayadaw corresponded on points of doctrine with the British Pāli scholar CAROLINE A. F. RHYS DAVIDS, and much of this correspondence was subsequently published in the Journal of the Pali Text Society.

Lévi, Sylvain. (1863-1935). Influential nineteenth-century European scholar of the YOGĀCĀRA school of Buddhism. Born in Paris to Alsatian parents, Lévi had a conservative Jewish education and held his first teaching position at a conservative seminary in Paris. Educated in Sanskrit at the University of Paris, Lévi became a lecturer at the École des Hautes Études in Paris in 1886. There, he taught Sanskrit until he became professor of Sanskrit language and literature at the Collège de France in 1894, a position that he would hold until 1935. Lévi went to India and Japan to carry out his research and also traveled extensively in Korea, Nepal, Vietnam, and Russia. He eventually became the director of the École des Hautes Études. In addition to Sanskrit, Lévi also read classical Chinese, Tibetan, and Kuchean and was one of the first Western scholars to study Indian Buddhism through translations that were extant only in those secondary canonical languages. Perhaps his most significant translations were of seminal texts of the YOGĀCĀRA school, including renderings of VASUBANDHU's twin synopses, the VIMsATIKĀ and TRIMsIKĀ (1925), and ASAnGA's MAHĀYĀNASuTRĀLAMKĀRA, thus introducing the major writings of this important Mahāyāna scholastic school to the Western scholarly world. Lévi also published on classical Indian theater, the history of Nepal, and Sanskrit manuscripts from Bali. Together with TAKAKUSU JUNJIRo, Lévi was the cofounder of the joint Japanese-French Hobogirin, an encyclopedic dictionary of Buddhism, the compilation of which continues to this day.

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Locke also was a political, economic and religious thinker of note. A "latitudinarian" and broad churchman in theology and a liberal in politics, he argued against the divine right of kings and the authority of the Bible and the Church, and maintained that political sovereignty rests upon the consent of the governed, and ecclesiastical authority upon the consent of reason. He was also an ardent defender of freedom of thought and speech. Main works: Two Treatises on Gov't, 1689; Reasonableness in Christianity, 1695; Some Thoughts on Education, 1693; An Essay on Human Understanding, 1690. -- B.A.G.F.

LOGO "language, education" A {Lisp}-like language for teaching programming, noted for its "turtle graphics" used to draw geometric shapes. LOGO was developed in 1966-1968 by a group at Bolt, Beranek & Newman (now "{BBN Technologies}") headed by Wally Fuerzeig "" (who still works there in 2003) and including Seymour Papert "". There are Logo {interpreters} for {Macintosh}, {Unix}, {IBM PC}, {X Window System}, and many PCs. Implmentations include {Berkeley Logo}, {MswLogo}. (2000-03-28)

LOGO ::: (language, education) A Lisp-like language for teaching programming, noted for its turtle graphics used to draw geometric shapes. LOGO was Technologies) headed by Wally Fuerzeig .There are Logo interpreters for Macintosh, Unix, IBM PC, X Window System, and many PCs. Implmentations include Berkeley Logo, MswLogo.(2000-03-28)

lore ::: 1. The body of knowledge, esp. of a traditional, anecdotal, or popular nature, on a particular subject. 2. Knowledge acquired through education or experience.

lorettine ::: n. --> One of a order of nuns founded in 1812 at Loretto, in Kentucky. The members of the order (called also Sisters of Loretto, or Friends of Mary at the Foot of the Cross) devote themselves to the cause of education and the care of destitute orphans, their labors being chiefly confined to the Western United States.

:::   "Love is, in its essence, the joy of identity; it finds its ultimate expression in the bliss of union.” On Education, MCW Vol. 12.

“Love is, in its essence, the joy of identity; it finds its ultimate expression in the bliss of union.” On Education, MCW Vol. 12.

Maaleh ::: Educational center for religious Zionism.

mae chi. In Thai, "nun" (although not a novice sRĀMAnERIKĀ or fully ordained BHIKsUNĪ) or the "order of nuns" in Thailand; those who are ordained as mae chi observe the eight precepts (SIKsĀPADA; cf. AstĀnGASAMANVĀGATAM UPAVĀSAM, UPOsADHA), dress in white robes similar in style to the saffron robes of the monks, shave their heads every fortnight, and spend much of their time in religious observances. However, because mae chi have not received a monastic ordination and are thus technically still laywomen (UPĀSIKĀ), they are not afforded the special legal status of fully ordained monks, and typically receive far less financial support from both the government and the laity. During the last two decades of the twentieth century, the number of mae chi increased substantially, particularly among college-educated women. Moreover, there was also an increased emphasis on practicing and teaching VIPASSANĀ (S. VIPAsYANĀ) meditation, as well as on providing young women with opportunities for religious education, particularly those who were economically disadvantaged. The majority of women who ordain as nuns, however, continue to be middle aged and older, in sharp contrast to monks, most of whom ordain as either novices or as young men, and who often enter the monkhood for only a single rains retreat (Thai. pansa, P. vassa; S. VARsĀ). In the late 1990s, there were around ten thousand nuns in Thailand, compared with almost two hundred thousand monks.

Ma gcig lab sgron. (Machik Labdron) (c. 1055-1149). Female Tibetan Buddhist master who codified the important meditation tradition called "severance" (GCOD), classified as one of the so-called eight great conveyances that are lineages of achievement (SGRUB BRGYUD SHING RTA CHEN PO BRGYAD). Born in the southern Tibetan region of LA PHYI, Ma gcig lab sgron was recognized at a young age to be a prodigy. According to her traditional biographies, she had a natural propensity for the PRAJNĀPĀRAMITĀ literature, spending much of her youth reading and studying its root texts and commentaries. She continued her religious education under the monk known as Grwa pa mngon shes (Drapa Ngonshe) and Skyo ston Bsod nams bla ma (Kyoton Sonam Lama) in a monastic setting where she was eventually employed to use her skills in ritual recitation and exegesis. She then took up the lifestyle of a tantric YOGINĪ, living as the consort of the Indian adept Thod pa Bhadra and giving birth to perhaps five children. Reviled in one source as "a nun who had repudiated her religious vows," Ma gcig lab sgron left her family and eventually met the figure who would become her root guru, the famed Indian yogin PHA DAM PA SANGS RGYAS who transmitted to her the instructions of "pacification" (ZHI BYED) and MAHĀMUDRĀ. She combined these with her training in prajNāpāramitā and other indigenous practices, passing them on as the practice of severance, principally to the Nepalese yogin Pham thing pa and her own son Thod smyon bsam grub (Tonyon Samdrup). Ma gcig lab sgron is revered as a dĀKINĪ, an emanation of the Great Mother (Yum chen mo, as the goddess PRAJNĀPĀRAMITĀ is known in Tibetan), and the female bodhisattva TĀRĀ. Her reincarnations have also been recognized in contemporary individuals, including the former abbess of the important SHUG GSEB nunnery, Rje btsun Rig 'dzin chos nyid zang mo (Jetsun Rikdzin Chonyi Sangmo). Ma gcig lab sgron remains a source of visionary inspiration for new ritual cycles, as well as a primary Tibetan example of the ideal female practitioner. Her tradition of severance continues to be widely practiced by Tibetan Buddhists of all sectarian affiliations.

Main works: System of Synthttic Philosophy (First Principles of Biology, Psychology, Sociology, Ethics), 1862-92; On Moral and Physical Education, 1861.

Makiguchi Tsunesaburo. (牧口常三郎) (1871-1944). Founder of SoKA GAKKAI, a modern Japanese lay movement. Makiguchi was born in a small village in Niigata prefecture. Until 1928, he pursued a career as an educator and writer, serving as a teacher or a principal in several schools, and publishing articles on his educational philosophy, which focused on developing the creativity and personal experience of his students. Perhaps because of such personal misfortunes as the loss of four of his five children, Makiguchi converted in 1928 to NICHIREN SHoSHu, an offshoot of Nichiren Buddhism, after finding that its teachings resonated with his own ideas about engendering social and religious values. Together with his disciple Toda Josei (1900-1958), Makiguchi founded in 1930 the Soka Kyoiku Gakkai (Creating Educational Values), a lay organization under the umbrella of the Nichiren Shoshu, which focused on publicizing his pedagogical ideas, and led its first general meeting. The society subsequently began to take on a decidedly religious character, focusing on missionary work for Nichiren Shoshu. As the Pacific War expanded, Makiguchi and his followers refused to cooperate with state-enforced SHINTo practices, leading to a rift between them and TAISEKIJI, the head monastery of Nichiren Shoshu. As a result, Makiguchi was arrested in 1943 on charges of lèse-majesté and violations of the Public Order Act, and died in prison one year later. After Makiguchi's disciple Toda Josei was released from prison in July 1945, he took charge of the Soka Kyoiku Gakkai organization and renamed it Soka Gakkai in 1946, developing it into one of the largest lay Buddhist organizations in Japan.

MALIZT ::: Hebrew acronym for “Institutes for Jewish-Zionist Education.” Teaches Jewish identity to adults.

Mallikā. [alt. Mālikā] (P. Mallikā; T. Ma li ka; C. Moli; J. Matsuri/Mari; K. Malli 末利). In Sanskrit and Pāli, "Jasmine"; a prominent disciple of the Buddha and the wife of King PRASENAJIT of KOsALA. She was the daughter of a lower-caste garland maker who one day offered the Buddha a basket of fermented rice, without knowing his identity. The Buddha predicted that day that she would become queen of Kosala, which indeed came true. Her faith in the Buddha led to her royal husband becoming a disciple of the Buddha, which occurred when she suggested that the king visit the Buddha to have him interpret some disturbing dreams he had had. Despite her lack of education, she gained extensive knowledge of the dharma from ĀNANDA, who visited the palace to teach. As queen, Mallikā was a generous supporter of the SAMGHA, sponsoring the construction of a hall, lined with ebony, that was used for sermons. In the Mallikāsutta, she asks the Buddha why some women are beautiful and some ugly, some rich and some poor, some powerful and some powerless. The Buddha explains that beauty is the result of gentleness and calmness, wealth is the result of generosity, and power is the result of a lack of envy. The commentary to the DHAMMAPADA (DHAMMAPADAttHAKATHĀ) relates a story in which Mallikā was mounted by her dog while drying herself after a bath. She allowed the dog to continue, not knowing that she was being observed by the king. When he accused her of bestiality, she lied, saying that the window in the bathhouse prevented one from seeing clearly. To prove her point, she told the king to go into the bathhouse. When he returned, she falsely accused him of having intercourse with a goat. As a result of these two misdeeds-the bestiality and the lie-after her death, she was reborn in the AVĪCI hell for seven days, a fact that the Buddha hid from her bereaved husband Prasenajit. After seven days, she was reborn in TUsITA, at which point the Buddha informed the king that his wife had been reborn in a divine realm. In the sRĪMĀLĀDEVĪSIMHANĀDASuTRA, Queen srīmālā is the daughter of Mallikā and Prasenajit.

Marlais ::: (language) A simple-minded interpreter by Brent Benson at Harris for a programming language strongly resembling Dylan. Marlais version 0.2a is a hackers release for education, experimentation, porting, extension, and bug fixing.It has been ported to Sun-3, Sun-4, VAX/BSD, OS/2, Linux, Sequent Symmetry, Encore, HP-UX, Ultrix, SGI, Sony News, and A/UX. . (1993-09-23)

Marlais "language" A simple-minded {interpreter} by Brent Benson at Harris for a programming language strongly resembling {Dylan}. Marlais version 0.2a is a "hackers release" for education, experimentation, porting, extension, and bug fixing. It has been ported to {Sun-3}, {Sun-4}, {VAX}/{BSD}, {OS/2}, {Linux}, {Sequent Symmetry}, {Encore}, {HP-UX}, {Ultrix}, {SGI}, {Sony News}, and {A/UX}. {(}. (1993-09-23)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) An independent, coeducational university located in Cambridge, MA, USA. Its best-known computer-related labs are the {Artificial Intelligence Lab}, the {Lab for Computer Science} and the Media Lab. It is also known for its {hacks} or practical jokes, such as {The Great Dome Police Car Hack (}. Resident computer {hackers} include {Richard Stallman}, {Gerald Sussman} and {Tom Knight}. See also {6.001}. {(}.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology ::: (MIT) An independent, coeducational university located in Cambridge, MA, USA. Its best-known computer-related labs are the Artificial Intelligence Lab, the practical jokes, such as . Resident computer hackers include Richard Stallman, Gerald Sussman and Tom Knight.See also 6.001. .

Massive open online course (MOOC) - a free Web-based distance learning program that is designed for the participation of large numbers of geographically dispersed students. See /r/OnlineEducation

MCSA "education" 1. {Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator}. 2. {Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate}. (2013-09-02)

MCSE 1. "education" {Microsoft Certified System Engineer}. 2. "humour" {Minesweeper, Chess, Solitaire Expert}. (2013-03-16)

MENTAL CULTURE The prerequisite of the stage of intellectual culture is a rational and non-contradictory world view and life view, which is free of dogmas and has been made available for all. This presupposes a system of education that develops the power of judgement. P 1.1.13

Mental culture presupposes mental self-reliance and mental self-determination.
Intellectual independence implies the ability critically to sift the material which culture has afforded us, to judge the kind of certainty and degree of probability accruing to the ideas we find. P 1.1.15

Methodology: The systematic analysis and organization of the rational and experimental principles and processes which must guide a scientific inquiry, or which constitute the structure of the special sciences more particularly. Methodology, which is also called scientific method, and more seldom methodeutic, refers not only to the whole of a constituted science, but also to individual problems or groups of problems within a science. As such it is usually considered as a branch of logic; in fact, it is the application of the principles and processes of logic to the special objects of the various sciences; while science in general is accounted for by the combination of deduction and induction as such. Thus, methodology is a generic term exemplified in the specific method of each science. Hence its full significance can be understood only by analyzing the structure of the special sciences. In determining that structure, one must consider the proper object of the special science, the manner in which it develops, the type of statements or generalizations it involves, its philosophical foundations or assumptions, and its relation with the other sciences, and eventually its applications. The last two points mentioned are particularly important: methods of education, for example, will vary considerably according to their inspiration and aim. Because of the differences between the objects of the various sciences, they reveal the following principal methodological patterns, which are not necessarily exclusive of one another, and which are used sometimes in partial combination. It may be added that their choice and combination depend also in a large degree on psychological motives. In the last resort, methodology results from the adjustment of our mental powers to the love and pursuit of truth. There are various rational methods used by the speculative sciences, including theology which adds certain qualifications to their use. More especially, philosophy has inspired the following procedures:   The Soctattc method of analysis by questioning and dividing until the essences are reached;   the synthetic method developed by Plato, Aristotle and the Medieval thinkers, which involves a demonstrative exposition of the causal relation between thought and being;   the ascetic method of intellectual and moral purification leading to an illumination of the mind, as proposed by Plotinus, Augustine and the mystics;   the psychological method of inquiry into the origin of ideas, which was used by Descartes and his followers, and also by the British empiricists;   the critical or transcendental method, as used by Kant, and involving an analysis of the conditions and limits of knowledge;   the dialectical method proceeding by thesis, antithesis and synthesis, which is promoted by Hegelianlsm and Dialectical Materialism;   the intuitive method, as used by Bergson, which involves the immediate perception of reality, by a blending of consciousness with the process of change;   the reflexive method of metaphysical introspection aiming at the development of the immanent realities and values leading man to God;   the eclectic method (historical-critical) of purposive and effective selection as proposed by Cicero, Suarez and Cousin; and   the positivistic method of Comte, Spencer and the logical empiricists, which attempts to apply to philosophy the strict procedures of the positive sciences. The axiomatic or hypothetico-deductive method as used by the theoretical and especially the mathematical sciences. It involves such problems as the selection, independence and simplification of primitive terms and axioms, the formalization of definitions and proofs, the consistency and completeness of the constructed theory, and the final interpretation. The nomological or inductive method as used by the experimental sciences, aims at the discovery of regularities between phenomena and their relevant laws. It involves the critical and careful application of the various steps of induction: observation and analytical classification; selection of similarities; hypothesis of cause or law; verification by the experimental canons; deduction, demonstration and explanation; systematic organization of results; statement of laws and construction of the relevant theory. The descriptive method as used by the natural and social sciences, involves observational, classificatory and statistical procedures (see art. on statistics) and their interpretation. The historical method as used by the sciences dealing with the past, involves the collation, selection, classification and interpretation of archeological facts and exhibits, records, documents, archives, reports and testimonies. The psychological method, as used by all the sciences dealing with human behaviour and development. It involves not only introspective analysis, but also experimental procedures, such as those referring to the relations between stimuli and sensations, to the accuracy of perceptions (specific measurements of intensity), to gradation (least noticeable differences), to error methods (average error in right and wrong cases), and to physiological and educational processes.

metonymy: Using a physical object to embody a more general idea. For example crown is a metonym as it refers to royalty or the entire royal family. Also stating "the pen is mightier than the sword", suggests that the power of education and writing is more potent for changing the world than violence. The word literally means 'change of name'.

Microsoft Certified Application Developer "programming, education" (MCAD) Microsoft's qualification signifying ability to build {applications} with Microsoft {Visual Studio .NET} and {web services} on {Microsoft .NET Framework} 1.0 and 1.1. MCAD can no longer be earned. {(} (2013-04-21)

Microsoft Certified Database Administrator "educational" (MCDBA) {Microsoft}'s certification of ability to design, implement and manage {SQL Server 2000} {databases}. The qualification was retired on 2012-09-30. {(}. (2013-06-15)

Microsoft Certified Desktop Support Technician "education" (MCDST) {Microsoft}'s qualification signifying ability to troubleshoot {Windows XP} {desktop} environments and to solve hardware and software operation and application problems on Windows XP. MCDST can no longer be earned. (2013-05-23)

Microsoft Certified Professional Developer "educational, job" (MCPD) {Microsoft}'s certification intended to show comprehensive skills designing, developing and deploying {applications} for a particular job role. (2013-07-21)

Microsoft Certified Solution Developer ::: (programming, education) (MCSD) A course for the VAR or software developer. Candidates must pass three core exams and an elective exam. The core exams cover systems analysis, and desktop and distributed development. .(2001-05-20)

Microsoft Certified Solution Developer "programming, education" (MCSD) A course for the {VAR} or software {developer}. Candidates must pass three core exams and an elective exam. The core exams cover {systems analysis}, and {desktop} and {distributed} development. {(}. (2001-05-20)

Microsoft Certified System Engineer ::: (education) (MCSE) A qualification obtained by passing Microsoft's system engineer certification exams. .(2002-07-02)

Microsoft Certified System Engineer "education" (MCSE) A qualification obtained by passing {Microsoft}'s system engineer certification exams. {(}. (2002-07-02)

Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator "education" (MCSA) {Microsoft}'s qualification for people who administer {network} and system environments based on {Windows} {operating systems}. Specializations include Messaging and Security. Replaced by {Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate}. (2013-09-02)

MINIX ::: (operating system) /MIN-ix/ A small operating system that is very similar to UNIX. MINIX was written for educational purposes by Prof. Andrew S. Tanenbaum of Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam.MINIX has been written from scratch and contains no AT&T code -- neither in the kernel, the compiler, the utilities, nor the libraries. Although copyrighted by Prentice-Hall, all sources, binaries and documentation can be obtained via Internet for educational or research purposes.Current versions as of 1996-11-15:MINIX 2.0 - Intel CPUs from Intel 8088 to PentiumMINIX 1.5 - Intel, Macintosh (MacMinix), Amiga, Atari ST, Sun SPARC. . (1997-06-16)

MINIX "operating system" /MIN-ix/ A small {operating system} that is very similar to {UNIX}. MINIX was written for educational purposes by Prof. {Andrew S. Tanenbaum} of {Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam}. MINIX has been written from scratch and contains no AT&T code -- neither in the {kernel}, the {compiler}, the utilities, nor the libraries. Although copyrighted by Prentice-Hall, all {sources}, {binaries} and {documentation} can be obtained via {Internet} for educational or research purposes. Current versions as of 1996-11-15: MINIX 2.0 - {Intel} {CPUs} from {Intel 8088} to {Pentium} MINIX 1.5 - {Intel}, {Macintosh} ({MacMinix}), {Amiga}, {Atari ST}, {Sun} {SPARC}. {(}. (1997-06-16)

Mortal mind: In Christian Science, “that self-contradictory consciousness with which the individual mortal man identifies himself, unless by education and religious craving for metaphysical completeness he recognizes its fallacious character. It has a certain resemblance to Maya (q.v.). Christian Science explains that mortal mind consciousness is an erroneous point of view, and asserts that all imperfection, evil, physical objectivity seen as matter, are misrepresentations of a metaphysically perfect universe. Mortal mind stands in opposition to the ethical nature of the metaphysical universe.” (H. W. Steiger.)

Music [from Greek mousike (techne) the art of the Muses] The music of the Greeks did not signify merely the harmony of sounds, but actually imbodied the idea of inner harmony of the spirit, the becoming at one with the spirit of the Muses, so that the soul responded in harmonic rhythm to the beat of universal harmony. Music with the Greeks, therefore, included, besides vocal and instrumental music, choral dancing, rhythmic motions, and various modes of harmony expressed in action, perhaps most particularly that part of education which we should now classify as a striving for harmony in life combined with aesthetic, in contrast with intellectual and physical branches of study and development. It was culture of the essential person, the ego or soul, whereas the other two divisions care for and supply the needs of the mind and of the body.

n. 1. An exercise serving an educational purpose; something to be learned or studied. lessons. *v. *2. To teach, instruct.

Nārada Mahāthera. (1898-1983). A prominent modern Sri Lankan THERAVĀDA scholar and missionary monk (dhammaduta bhikkhu). Born in a Colombo suburb, he studied at the Roman Catholic St. Benedict's College (where the medium of instruction was English) and at the Buddhist Paramananda Vihāra Sunday school. He was ordained as a novice (P. sāmanera; S. sRĀMAnERA) at the age of eighteen under the guidance of Pelene VajiraNāna Mahānāyaka Thera. He received a traditional monastic education in Pāli but also studied Western philosophy, logic, and ethics. He began missionary work with the Servants of the Buddha Society and took his first journey outside of Sri Lanka in 1929, to India. He later traveled widely in Southeast Asia and developed close ties with Buddhists in Indonesia and Vietnam. In the late 1940s, he was involved in the resumption of Theravāda missionary activity among the Newars of Kathmandu Valley in Nepal after the ban on religious propagation was lifted by the Rana regime. He also devoted himself to promoting Theravāda Buddhism in Australia and Western Europe and was elected president of the Buddhist Vihāra Society in London in 1948. Nārada Mahāthera was a prolific writer, and his publications ranged from Buddhist ethics and meditation to ABHIDHAMMA studies. His more popular books include Buddhism in a Nutshell, The Buddha and His Teachings, The Buddhist Conception of Mind or Consciousness, The Buddhist Doctrine of Kamma and Rebirth, The Way to Nibbana, The Life of the Buddha, and An Elementary Pali Course. His English translations include The Dhammapada and Abhidhammathasangaha: A Manual of Abhidhamma.

National Research and Education Network (NREN) The realisation of an interconnected gigabit computer network devoted to High Performance Computing and Communications. See also {HPPC}, {IINREN}. (1994-11-23)

National Research and Education Network ::: (NREN) The realisation of an interconnected gigabit computer network devoted to High Performance Computing and Communications.See also HPPC, IINREN. (1994-11-23)

New York State Educational Reasearch ETwork (NYSERNET) A New York {Internet} access provider and regional network. NYSERNet has been in the Internet business since about 1985 and have recently upgraded to a {T3} backbone (45 megabits per second). They work with {Sprint}, {NYNEX} and Rochester Telephone. NYSERNet, Inc., provides Internet Training provided through the NYSERNet Internet Training and Education Center (NITEC), a twenty-four station hands-on facility in Syracuse, NY. The Information Services Group supplies tools for marketing via the {Internet} and NYSERNET also provide Technical Consulting Services. {(}. E-mail: "". (1995-02-01)

New York State Educational Reasearch ETwork ::: (NYSERNET) A New York Internet access provider and regional network. NYSERNet has been in the Internet business since about 1985 and have recently upgraded to a T3 backbone (45 megabits per second). They work with Sprint, NYNEX and Rochester Telephone.NYSERNet, Inc., provides Internet Training provided through the NYSERNet Internet Training and Education Center (NITEC), a twenty-four station hands-on marketing via the Internet and NYSERNET also provide Technical Consulting Services. .E-mail: . (1995-02-01)

nortelry ::: n. --> Nurture; education; culture; bringing up.

NREN {National Research and Education Network}

nurture ::: n. --> The act of nourishing or nursing; thender care; education; training.
That which nourishes; food; diet. ::: v. t. --> To feed; to nourish.
To educate; to bring or train up.

Nu, U. (1907-1995). Burmese (Myanmar) political leader and patron of Buddhism. (U is a Burmese honorific.) As a young man, U Nu became active in anti-British agitation and in 1936 was expelled by British authorities from the University of Rangoon law school for his political activities. Thereafter, he became a leader of the Burmese nationalist movement, adopting the nationalist title "Thakin" (master), along with his comrades Aung San, Ne Win, and others. On the eve of the Japanese invasion of Burma in 1942, he was imprisoned by the British as a potential agent. He was released by the Japanese occupation forces and served as the foreign minister of their puppet regime. With growing disenchantment at Japanese mistreatment of Burmese citizens, U Nu helped to organize a clandestine guerilla resistance force that assisted the British when they retook Burma. At the conclusion of World War II, he participated in negotiations with the British for Burmese independence. He became Burma's first prime minister and served three terms in office (1948-1956, 1957-1958, 1960-1962). A devout Buddhist, he organized under government auspices national monastic curricula, promoted the practice of insight meditation (VIPASSANĀ), and, in 1956, sponsored the convention of the sixth Buddhist council (according to Burmese reckoning; see COUNCIL, SIXTH) in celebration of the 2,500th anniversary of the Buddha's parinibbāna (S. PARINIRVĀnA). The council prepared a new Burmese edition of the Pāli canon (P. tipitaka; S. TRIPItAKA), together with its commentaries and sub-commentaries, which is currently used in Burmese monastic education. U Nu also attempted, unsuccessfully, to unite the several noncommensal fraternities (Burmese GAING) of the Burmese SAMGHA into a single body. While achieving much in the religious sphere, U Nu proved unable to cope with the political crises confronting his government, and Burma descended into civil war. He resigned as prime minister in 1956, returned to office in 1957, abdicated civilian government to General Ne Win in 1958, returned to office in 1960, and finally was deposed and arrested by Ne Win in a coup d'état in 1962. U Nu was released in 1968, and a year later he organized a resistance army from exile in Thailand. A rapprochement between U Nu and Ne Win was reached in 1980, and he was allowed to return to Burma, where he devoted himself to religious affairs, in particular as director of a Buddhist translation bureau located at Kaba Aye in Rangoon (Yangon). He again entered politics during the democracy uprising of 1988, setting up a symbolic provisional government when the then-ruling Burmese Socialist government collapsed. He was placed under house arrest in 1989 by the State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC), a group composed of generals who succeeded Ne Win. He was released in 1992. A prolific writer on politics and Buddhism, his works include Buddhism: Theory and Practice, Burma under the Japanese, Unite and March, Towards Peace and Democracy, and his autobiography, Saturday's Son.

NYSERNET ::: New York State Educational Reasearch NETwork

NYSERNET {New York State Educational Reasearch NETwork}

Online Computer Library Center, Inc. "library" (OCLC) A nonprofit membership organisation offering computer-based services and research to libraries, educational organisations, and their users. OCLC operates the OCLC Cataloging PRISM service for cataloging and resource sharing, provides on-line reference systems for both librarians and end-users, and distributes on-line electronic journals. OCLC's goals are to increase the availability of library resources and reduce library costs for the fundamental public purpose of furthering access to the world's information. The OCLC library information network connects more than 10,000 36,000 libraries worldwide. Libraries use the OCLC System for cataloguing, interlibrary loan, collection development, bibliographic verification, and reference searching. Their most visible feature is the OCLC Online Union Catalog (OLUC) WorldCat (the OCLC Online Union Catalog). {(}. (2000-03-23)

Online Computer Library Center, Inc. ::: (library) (OCLC) A nonprofit membership organisation offering computer-based services and research to libraries, educational organisations, Their most visible feature is the OCLC Online Union Catalog (OLUC) WorldCat (the OCLC Online Union Catalog). .(2000-03-23)

Open University ::: (education, body) (OU) The UK distance-learning organisation, established in 1969. It teaches degree-level courses in many subjects via BBC radio and television broadcasts and summer schools. . (1999-07-13)

Open University "education, body" (OU) The UK distance-learning organisation, established in 1969. It teaches degree-level courses in many subjects via BBC radio and television broadcasts and summer schools. {(}. (1999-07-13)

opsimathy ::: n. --> Education late in life.

Oracle Corporation "company" The world's leading supplier of information management software. The company, worth $2 billion, offers its products, along with related consulting, education and support services in more than 90 countries around the world. Oracle is best known for its {database management systems} vendor and {relational DBMS} products. Oracle develops and markets {Oracle Media Server} and the {Oracle7} family of software products for {database} management; {Co-operative Development Environment} and {Oracle Co-operative Applications} Oracle software runs on {personal digital assistants}, {set-top boxs}, {IBM PCs}, {workstations}, {minicomputers}, {mainframes} and {massively parallel computers}. Oracle bought {Sun Microsystems} on 2009-04-20. See also {Adaptable User Interface}, {Bookviewer}, {CASE*Method}, {Component Integration Laboratories}, {DDE Manager}, {Online Media}, {Oracle Card}, {Oracle*CASE}, {siod}. {(}. Address: Redwood Shores, CA, USA. (1995-03-15)

Oracle Corporation ::: (company) The world's leading supplier of information management software. The company, worth $2 billion, offers its products, along with related consulting, education and support services in more than 90 countries around the world.Oracle is best known for its database management systems vendor and relational DBMS products. Oracle develops and markets Oracle Media Server and the Oracle7 family of software products for database management; Co-operative Development Environment and Oracle Co-operative ApplicationsOracle software runs on personal digital assistants, set-top boxs, IBM PCs, workstations, minicomputers, mainframes and massively parallel computers.See also Adaptable User Interface, Bookviewer, CASE*Method, Component Integration Laboratories, DDE Manager, Online Media, Oracle Card, Oracle*CASE, siod. .Address: Redwood Shores, CA, USA. (1995-03-15)

Paekkok Ch'onŭng. (白谷處能) (1617-1680). Korean monk of the Choson dynasty, also known as Sinsu. Ch'onŭng received a traditional Confucian education from Ŭihyon (d.u.) and subsequently became a monk in 1631. He returned to Seoul a few years later and continued to study the Confucian classics from a Confucian scholar by the name of Sin Iksong. He later went to the monastery of SSANGGYESA in CHIRISAN and became the disciple of the Son master PYoGAM KAKSoNG, under whom he studied for the next twenty-three years. In 1680, while lecturing at KŬMSANSA, he passed away at the age of sixty-four. Ch'onŭng was particularly renowned for his writing and poetry, and maintained a close relationship with the leading Confucian scholars at the time. As a response to King Hyonjong's (r. 1660-1674) suppression of Buddhism, Ch'onŭng submitted to the court the Kanp'ye Sokkyo so ("Remonstration against the Ruination of sākyamuni's Teachings"), a critical response to the Confucian criticisms of Buddhism that were prevalent during that period. His writings can also be found in the Paekkok chip and Imsongdang taesa haengjang. The Paekkok chip is a collection of his poems and the biographies, stele inscriptions, and records of other monks. The Kanp'ye Sokkyo so can also be found in the Paekkok chip. He also authored the Imsongdang taesa haengjang, a record of the life of the Son master Imsong Ch'ungon (1567-1638).

page ::: n. --> A serving boy; formerly, a youth attending a person of high degree, especially at courts, as a position of honor and education; now commonly, in England, a youth employed for doing errands, waiting on the door, and similar service in households; in the United States, a boy employed to wait upon the members of a legislative body.
A boy child.
A contrivance, as a band, pin, snap, or the like, to hold the skirt of a woman&

Pak Chungbin. (朴重彬) (1891-1943). Founder of the Korean new religion of WoNBULGYO; also known by his cognomen SOT'AESAN. He is said to have begun his quest to discover the fundamental principle of the universe and human life at the age of seven and continued ascetic training for about twenty years. Finally, in 1916 at the age of twenty-six, Sot'aesan is said to have attained a personal enlightenment, which is considered the founding year of his religion. Since Sot'aesan recognized compelling parallels between his own experience and the description of enlightenment in Buddhism, he first called his religious organization the Pulpop Yon'guhoe (Society for the Study of the BUDDHADHARMA); later, the religion adopted the formal name of Wonbulgyo (lit. Consummate Buddhism). He presented his enlightenment, which he symbolized with the "one circle image" (IRWoNSANG), as the criterion of religious belief and practice by proclaiming the "cardinal tenet of one circle" (irwon chongji). Along with organizing his religion's fundamental tenets and building its institutional base, he and his followers also worked to improve the ordinary life of his followers, by establishing thrift and savings institutions and engaging in farming and land reclamation projects. The three foundational religious activities of edification (kyohwa), education (kyoyuk), and public service (chason) continue to be emblematic of Wonbulgyo practice. Sot'aesan published in 1943 the Wonbulgyo chongjon ("Principal Book of Won Buddhism"), a primer of the basic tenets of Wonbulgyo, which is one of the two representative scriptures of the religion, along with the Taejonggyong ("Discourses of the Founding Master"), the dialogues and teachings of Sot'aesan, published in 1962 by his successor Chongsan Song Kyu (1900-1962). Sot'aesan died in 1943 at the age of fifty-three, after delivering his last lecture, entitled "The Truth of Birth and Death" (Saengsa ŭi chilli).

PARALLEL EVOLUTIONS After the mineral kingdom, evolution parts into three parallel lines, of which only one (the so-called human evolution) leads the monads to the human kingdom. The two others are summed up in the term the deva evolution. The purpose of the parallel paths of development is the education of specialists in the work of manifestation: the human evolution specializes in the consciousness aspect and educates supervisors of evolution, the two others aim primarily at the motion and matter aspects and educate administrators of the Law and formers of matter.

PEARL ::: 1. (language, mathematics) A language for constructive mathematics developed by Constable at Cornell University in the 1980s.2. (language, real-time) Process and Experiment Automation Real-Time Language.3. (language, education) One of five pedagogical languages based on Markov algorithms, used in Nonpareil, a Machine Level Machine Independent Language for the Study of Semantics, B. Higman, ULICS Intl Report No ICSI 170, U London (1968). Compare Brilliant, Diamond, Nonpareil, Ruby.4. (language) A multilevel language developed by Brian Randell ca 1970 and mentioned in Machine Oriented Higher Level Languages, W. van der Poel, N-H 1974.5. (language, tool, history) An obsolete term for Larry Wall's PERL programming language, which never fell into common usage other than in typographical errors. The missing 'a' remains as an atrophied remnant in the expansion Practical Extraction and Report Language.[Programming Perl, Larry Wall and Randal L. Schwartz, O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. Sebastopol, CA. ISBN 0-93715-64-1].(2000-08-16)

PEARL 1. "language, mathematics" A language for {constructive mathematics} developed by Constable at {Cornell University} in the 1980s. 2. "language, real-time" {Process and Experiment Automation Real-Time Language}. 3. "language, education" One of five pedagogical languages based on {Markov} {algorithms}, used in "Nonpareil, a Machine Level Machine Independent Language for the Study of Semantics", B. Higman, ULICS Intl Report No ICSI 170, U London (1968). Compare {Brilliant}, {Diamond}, {Nonpareil}, {Ruby}. 4. "language" A multilevel language developed by Brian Randell ca 1970 and mentioned in "Machine Oriented Higher Level Languages", W. van der Poel, N-H 1974. 5. "language, tool, history" An obsolete term for {Larry Wall}'s {PERL} programming language, which never fell into common usage other than in typographical errors. The missing 'a' remains as an atrophied remnant in the expansion "Practical Extraction and Report Language". ["Programming Perl", Larry Wall and Randal L. Schwartz, O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. Sebastopol, CA. ISBN 0-93715-64-1]. (2000-08-16)

Perry, Ralph Barton: (1876-) Professor of Philosophy at Harvard University. He was one of the founders of the new realist movement His classic biography of William James won the Pulitzer Prize for 1936. During the first World War he served as a major with the War Department Committee on Education and Special Training and this service has evidenced itself in his fervent advocacy of militant democracy. Among his works are Present Philosophical Tendencies, Philosophy of the Recent Past, General Theory of Value, 1926; Thought and Character of Wm. James, 2 vols., 1935; Shall Not Pertsh From the Earth, 1941. See Neo-Realism. -- L.E.D.

pestalozzian ::: a. --> Belonging to, or characteristic of, a system of elementary education which combined manual training with other instruction, advocated and practiced by Jean Henri Pestalozzi (1746-1827), a Swiss teacher. ::: n. --> An advocate or follower of the system of Pestalozzi.

pestalozzianism ::: n. --> The system of education introduced by Pestalozzi.

philanthropinism ::: n. --> A system of education on so-called natural principles, attempted in Germany in the last century by Basedow, of Dessau.

Piaget (1896-1980): a Swiss developmental psychologist whose work has had a huge influence on psychology and education. Piaget defined four sequential stages of cognitive development; the sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational and formal operational stages, each characterised by different ways of thinking. Through development a child develops ?a target="_blank" href="

piarist ::: n. --> One of a religious order who are the regular clerks of the Scuole Pie (religious schools), an institute of secondary education, founded at Rome in the last years of the 16th century.

Ping t’ien hsia: World peace, the ultimate goal of Confucian moral training and education.

Ping t'ien hsia: World peace, the ultimate goal of Confucian moral training and education. -- W.T.C.

Plato: (428-7 - 348-7 B.C.) Was one of the greatest of the Greek philosophers. He was born either in Athens or on the island of Aegina, and was originally known as Aristocles. Ariston, his father, traced his ancestry to the last kings of Athens. His mother, Perictione, was a descendant of the family of Solon. Plato was given the best elementary education possible and he spent eight years, from his own twentieth year to the death of Socrates, as a member of the Socratic circle. Various stories are told about his supposed masters in philosophy, and his travels in Greece, Italy, Sicily and Egypt, but all that we know for certain is that he somehow acquired a knowledge of Pythagoreanisrn, Heracleitanism, Eleaticism and othei Pre-Socratic philosophies. He founded his school of mathematics and philosophy in Athens in 387 B.C. It became known as the Academy. Here he taught with great success until his death at the age of eighty. His career as a teacher was interrupted on two occasions by trips to Sicily, where Plato tried without much success to educate and advise Dionysius the Younger. His works have been very well preserved; we have more than twenty-five authentic dialogues, certain letters, and some definitions which are probably spurious. For a list of works, bibliography and an outline of his thought, see Platonism. -- V.J.B.

Platonism as a political philosophy finds its best known exposition in the theory of the ideal state in the Republic. There, Plato described a city in which social justice would be fully realized. Three classes of men are distinguished: the philosopher kings, apparently a very small group whose education has been alluded to above, who would be the rulers because by nature and by training they were the best men for the job. They must excel particularly in their rational abilities: their special virtue is philosophic wisdom; the soldiers, or guardians of the state, constitute the second class; their souls must be remarkable for the development of the spirited, warlike element, under the control of the virtue of courage; the lowest class is made up of the acquisitive group, the workers of every sort whose characteristic virtue is temperance. For the two upper classes, Plato suggested a form of community life which would entail the abolition of monogamous marriage, family life, and of private property. It is to be noted that this form of semi-communism was suggested for a minority of the citizens only (Repub. III and V) and it is held to be a practical impossibility in the Laws (V, 739-40), though Plato continued to think that some form of community life is theoretically best for man. In Book VIII of the Republic, we find the famous classification of five types of political organization, ranging from aristocracy which is the rule of the best men, timocracy, in which the rulers are motivated by a love of honor, oligarchy, in which the rulers seek wealth, democracy, the rule of the masses who are unfit for the task, to tyranny, which is the rule of one man who may have started as the champion of the people but who governs solely for the advancement of his own, selfish interests.

PLO Departments ::: The PLO is made up for several departments. The biggest one is the Political Department which supervises the work of the PLO abroad. Other departments include: Returnees, Culture and Information, Social Affairs, Education and Popular Organizations.

populace ::: n. --> The common people; the vulgar; the multitude, -- comprehending all persons not distinguished by rank, office, education, or profession.

Port Royal Logic: See Logic, traditional. Port Royalists: Name applied to a group of thinkers, writers, and educators, more or less closely connected with the celebrated Cistercian Abbey of Port Royal near Paris, which during the seventeenth century became the most active center of Jansenism and, to a certain extent, of Cartesianism in France. The Port Royalists were distinguished by the severity and austerity of their moral code and by their new educational methods which greatly promoted the advance of pedagogy. The most noted among them were Jean Duvergier de Hauranne, abbot of Saint Cyran (1581-1643), Antoine-le grand Arnauld (1612-1694), and Pierre Nicole (1625-1695). Cf. Sainte-Beuve, Port-Royal. -- J.J.R.

Princeton University ::: (body, education) Chartered in 1746 as the College of New Jersey, Princeton was British North America's fourth college. First located in century. The College was officially renamed Princeton University in 1896; five years later in 1900 the Graduate School was established.Fully coeducational since 1969, Princeton now enrolls approximately 6,400 students (4,535 undergraduates and 1,866 graduate students). The ratio of full-time students to faculty members (in full-time equivalents) is eight to one.Today Princeton's main campus in Princeton Borough and Princeton Township consists of more than 5.5 million square feet of space in 160 buildings on 600 acres. The University's James Forrestal Campus in Plainsboro consists of one million square feet of space in four complexes on 340 acres.As Mercer County's largest private employer and one of the largest in the Mercer/Middlesex/Somerset County region, with approximately 4,830 permanent employees - including more than 1,000 faculty members - the University plays a major role in the educational, cultural, and economic life of the region. . (1994-01-19)

Princeton University "body, education" Chartered in 1746 as the College of New Jersey, Princeton was British North America's fourth college. First located in Elizabeth, then in Newark, the College moved to Princeton in 1756. The College was housed in Nassau Hall, newly built on land donated by Nathaniel and Rebeckah FitzRandolph. Nassau Hall contained the entire College for nearly half a century. The College was officially renamed Princeton University in 1896; five years later in 1900 the Graduate School was established. Fully coeducational since 1969, Princeton now enrolls approximately 6,400 students (4,535 undergraduates and 1,866 graduate students). The ratio of full-time students to faculty members (in full-time equivalents) is eight to one. Today Princeton's main campus in Princeton Borough and Princeton Township consists of more than 5.5 million square feet of space in 160 buildings on 600 acres. The University's James Forrestal Campus in Plainsboro consists of one million square feet of space in four complexes on 340 acres. As Mercer County's largest private employer and one of the largest in the Mercer/Middlesex/Somerset County region, with approximately 4,830 permanent employees - including more than 1,000 faculty members - the University plays a major role in the educational, cultural, and economic life of the region. {(}. (1994-01-19)

Project Athena "project" A {distributed system} project for support of educational and research computing at {MIT}. Much of the software developed is now in wider use, especially the {X Window System}. (2000-02-24)

Project Athena ::: (project) A distributed system project for support of educational and research computing at MIT. Much of the software developed is now in wider use, especially the X Window System.(2000-02-24)

Project method: An education method which makes use of practical activities, organizing the scholastic work of the child about complex enterprises, such as making a garden, planning a circus. -- J.E.B.

Quality training – The process of familiarising all employees with the means for preventing, detecting, and eliminating non-quality. The educational processes are tailored to the appropriate groups.

quote :::... the essence of morals and of religion and of education is one, and that one essence is the manner of friendship. Sufis of all ages have named it Suluk, which means divine manner, beneficence.

Ravaisson-Mollien, Jean Gaspard Felix (1813-1900) French idealistic philosopher who studied under Schelling at Munich, became Professor of Philosophy at Rennes in 1838 and later inspector of Higher Education. Although he wrote little, he profoundly influenced French thought in the direction of the "dynamic spiritualism" of Maine de Biran. He explored the spiritual implications of individual personality especially in the domims of art and morals. See Morale et Metaphysique in Revue de Met. et de Mor. 1893. -- L.W.

recentring: in Gestalt theory, developing an alternative ?a target="_blank" href="

References between entries are not very numerous. From an educational point of view, it should prove more expedient that the students go through the Dictionary several times over and so doing discover for themselves the natural, logical connections there are between the entries.

Renaissance: Originally, the term refers to a period of cultural, technological, and artistic vitality during the British economic expansion in the late 1500s and early 1600s. More generally a renaissance is any period in which a people or nation experiences a period of vitality and explosive growth in its art, poetry, education, economy, linguistic development, or scientific knowledge. The term is positive in connotation.

Rong ston Smra ba'i seng ge. (Rongton Mawe Senge) (1367-1449). A Tibetan Buddhist master, especially revered within the SA SKYA sect, also known as Rong ston Shes bya kun rig Shākya rgyal mtshan (Rongton Sheja Kunrik Shākya Gyaltsen). Born into a BON family in Rgyal rong (Gyarong) in eastern Tibet, Rong ston traveled to the famed BKA' GDAMS institution of SANG PHU NE'U THOG, where he received ordination and studied all the major branches of Buddhist learning. He furthered his education under numerous masters across central Tibet and became renowned for his writings on PRAMĀnA and PRAJNĀPĀRAMITĀ. His two most famous students were SHĀKYA MCHOG LDAN and GO BO RAB 'BYAMS PA BSOD NAMS SENG GE, both prolific scholars known for polemical exchanges with early defenders of TSONG KHA PA. Rong ston founded NA LAN DRA monastery in 'Phan yul (Penyul), north of LHA SA, which later became an important Sa skya institution.

Rousseau, Jean Jacques: (1712-1778), a native of Geneva, Switzerland, whose influence in France and throughout Europe was enormous for many a decade, thanks to his timely ideas and colorful and lucid style of writing. Particularly influential were his Emile, a book on education, and Social Contract, a work reviving an old political doctrine concerning the origin of human society, into which he introduced novel democratic ideas. His thought was characterized by skepticism and criticism of the Western civilization regarded by him as a sad deviation from natural conditions of existence, described imaginatively in his New Heloise. -- R.B.W.

Rule of inference: See logic, formal, §§ 1, 3, and logistic system. Russell, Bertrand A. W.: (1872-) Fellow Trinity College, Cambridge, 1895; lecturer in philosophy, University of Cambridge, 1910-1916. Author of: The Philosophy of Leibniz, 1900; The Principles of Mathematics, 1903; Principia Mathematica (in collaboration with A. N. Whitehead), 3 vols. 1910-13, (second edition, 1925-27); The Problems of Philosophy, 1912; Our Knowledge of the External World, 1914; Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy, 1918; The Analysis of Mind, 1921; The Analysis of Matter, 1927; An Outline of Philosophy, 1928; An Inquiry into Meaning and Truth, 1940. Also numerous other works on philosophy, politics and education, outrageously attacked by reactionaries.

SAIL ::: 1. (body, education) Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.2. (language) Stanford Artificial Intelligence Language.3. (language) An early system on the Larc computer.[Listed in CACM 2(5):16, May 1959].[Jargon File](2001-06-22)

SAIL 1. "body, education" {Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory}. 2. "language" {Stanford Artificial Intelligence Language}. 3. "language" An early system on the {Larc} computer. [Listed in CACM 2(5):16, May 1959]. [{Jargon File}] (2001-06-22)

Sanctis, Francesco: Born at Morra Irpina (Avellino), March 28, 1817. Died at Naples, December 19, 1883. Imprisoned and exiled because liberal, 1848. Professor in Zurich and later in Naples. Minister of Public Education. His History of Italian Literature (1870) is still considered fundamental.

Sangha Administration Act. A law enacted in Thailand in 1902 designed to bring the entire Buddhist order (P. sangha, S. SAMGHA) of Thailand under a single administrative authority. It was primarily an initiative of Prince Wachirayān, brother of King Chulalongkorn (RĀMA V) and the son of King Mongkut (RĀMA IV). The law was initially applied only to royal monasteries and several other important monasteries, but in 1908 it was extended to encompass the entire northeast region. It established a single system for monastic education and standardized the ordination procedure. Under this act, all abbots in Thailand were appointed by government officials or the king. The act was revised in 1941 and in 1962. It has not met with universal acceptance or compliance, being challenged especially by the tradition of the forest monks (ARANNAVĀSI).

scholarship ::: n. --> The character and qualities of a scholar; attainments in science or literature; erudition; learning.
Literary education.
Maintenance for a scholar; a foundation for the support of a student.

schooling ::: p. pr. & vb. n. --> of School ::: n. --> Instruction in school; tuition; education in an institution of learning; act of teaching.
Discipline; reproof; reprimand; as, he gave his son a good schooling. html{color:

school ::: n. --> A shoal; a multitude; as, a school of fish.
A place for learned intercourse and instruction; an institution for learning; an educational establishment; a place for acquiring knowledge and mental training; as, the school of the prophets.
A place of primary instruction; an establishment for the instruction of children; as, a primary school; a common school; a grammar school.

schoolship ::: n. --> A vessel employed as a nautical training school, in which naval apprentices receive their education at the expense of the state, and are trained for service as sailors. Also, a vessel used as a reform school to which boys are committed by the courts to be disciplined, and instructed as mariners.

Science and Engineering Research Council "body" (SERC) Formerly the largest of the five research councils funded by the British Government through the Office of Science and Technology. SERC funded higher education research in science and engineering, including computing and was responsible for the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, near Oxford; the Daresbury Laboratory, near Warrington; the Royal Greenwich Observatory at Cambridge and the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh. In April 1994 SERC was split into the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and the Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council. SERC's remote sensing efforts have been transferred to the Natural Environment RC and its biotechnology efforts merged with the Agriculture and Food RC to make the new Biotechnology and Biological Sciences RC. The two major SERC laboratories - {Rutherford Appleton Laboratory} and Daresbury Laboratory are now independent. {(}. (1994-12-15)

secularist ::: n. --> One who theoretically rejects every form of religious faith, and every kind of religious worship, and accepts only the facts and influences which are derived from the present life; also, one who believes that education and other matters of civil policy should be managed without the introduction of a religious element.

See Trivium for the other three of the seven liberal arts, first proposed for education by Plato, Republic, III.

self-culture ::: n. --> Culture, training, or education of one&

seminary ::: n. --> A piece of ground where seed is sown for producing plants for transplantation; a nursery; a seed plat.
Hence, the place or original stock whence anything is brought or produced.
A place of education, as a scool of a high grade, an academy, college, or university.
Seminal state.
Fig.: A seed bed; a source.

Service business - Is a type of business entity which provides services of labour in a wide variety of different sectors, e.g., education, health care and hair care.

Shorashim ::: (Heb. Roots) Group founded to relieve tensions between religious and non-religious communities through educational weekends.

Sidgwick, Henry: (1838-1900) Last of the leading utilitarians, remembered principally for his work in ethics. He was an advocate of college education for women and one of the founders of the Society for Psychical Research. See Utilitarianism. -- L.E.D.

socialisation: is used by sociologists, social psychologists and educationalists to refer to the process of learning ones culture and how to live within it. For the individual it provides the resources necessary for acting and participating within their society

Software Description Database "networking" {Archie}'s database of names and short descriptions of many of the software packages, documents (like {RFCs} and educational material), and data files that are available via the {Internet}. (1995-11-12)

Software Description Database ::: (networking) Archie's database of names and short descriptions of many of the software packages, documents (like RFCs and educational material), and data files that are available via the Internet. (1995-11-12)

Software in the Public Interest, Inc. ::: (company) (SPI) A non-profit corporation which helps organisations develop and distribute open hardware and open software. SPI's goals are:* to create, form and establish an organization to formulate and provide software systems for use by the general public without charge;* to teach and train individuals regarding the use and application of such systems;* to hold classes, seminars and workshops concerning the proper use and application of computers and computer systems;* to endeavor to monitor and improve the quality of currently existing publicly available software;* to support, encourage and promote the creation and development of software available to the general public;* to provide information and education regarding the proper use of the Internet;* to organize, hold and conduct meetings, discussions and forums on contemporary issues concerning the use of computers and computer software;* to foster, promote and increase access to software systems available to the general public;* to solicit, collect and otherwise raise money and to expend such funds in furtherance of the goals and activities of the corporation;* to aid, assist, cooperate, co-sponsor and otherwise engage in concerted action with private, educational and governmental organisations and associations on all issues and matters concerning the use of computers and computer software and;* generally to endeavor to promote, foster and advance interest in computers and computer software by all available means and methods.SPI currently supports Berlin, Debian, GNOME, LSB, Open Source. .(2002-04-14)

Software in the Public Interest, Inc. "company" (SPI) A non-profit corporation which helps organisations develop and distribute {open hardware} and {open software}. SPI's goals are: * to create, form and establish an organization to formulate and provide software systems for use by the general public without charge; * to teach and train individuals regarding the use and application of such systems; * to hold classes, seminars and workshops concerning the proper use and application of computers and computer systems; * to endeavor to monitor and improve the quality of currently existing publicly available software; * to support, encourage and promote the creation and development of software available to the general public; * to provide information and education regarding the proper use of the Internet; * to organize, hold and conduct meetings, discussions and forums on contemporary issues concerning the use of computers and computer software; * to foster, promote and increase access to software systems available to the general public; * to solicit, collect and otherwise raise money and to expend such funds in furtherance of the goals and activities of the corporation; * to aid, assist, cooperate, co-sponsor and otherwise engage in concerted action with private, educational and governmental organisations and associations on all issues and matters concerning the use of computers and computer software and; * generally to endeavor to promote, foster and advance interest in computers and computer software by all available means and methods. SPI currently supports {Berlin}, {Debian}, {GNOME}, {LSB}, {Open Source}. {SPI Home (}. (2002-04-14)

Soka Gakkai. (創價學會/創価学会). In Japanese, "Value-Creating Society," a Japanese Buddhist lay organization associated with the NICHIRENSHu, founded by MAKIGUCHI TSUNESABURO (1871-1944) and his disciple Toda Josei (1900-1958). Formerly a teacher, Makiguchi became a follower of Nichiren's teachings, finding that they supported his own ideas about engendering social and religious values, and converted to NICHIREN SHoSHu in 1928. In 1930, he established a lay organization under the umbrella of the Nichiren Shoshu, which initially called itself the Soka Kyoiku Gakkai (Creating Educational Values Society), and led its first general meeting. After its inauguration, the society began to take on a decidedly religious character, focusing on missionary work for Nichiren Shoshu. As the Pacific War expanded, Makiguchi and his followers refused to cooperate with state-enforced SHINTo practices, leading to a rift between them and TAISEKIJI, the head monastery of Nichiren Shoshu. In 1943, the society almost disintegrated with the imprisonment of Makiguchi and Toda, along with twenty other leaders charged with lèse-majesté and violations of the Public Order Act, which required each family to enshrine a Shinto talisman in its home. Makiguchi died in 1944 in prison, but Toda survived and was released on parole in July 1945. After his release, Toda took charge of the organization, renaming it Soka Gakkai in 1946. He successfully led a massive proselytization campaign that gained Soka Gakkai and Nichiren Shoshu vast numbers of new converts and by the late 1950s, upwards of 750,000 families had become adherents. After Toda died in 1958, IKEDA DAISAKU (b. 1928) became its third president and the society grew even more rapidly in Japan during the 1960s and the 1970s. In 1975, Ikeda also founded Soka Gakkai International (SGI), which disseminated the society's values around the world. Soka Gakkai publishes numerous books and periodicals, as well as a daily newspaper in Japan. During this period, Soka Gakkai also became involved in Japanese domestic politics, establishing its own political party, the Komeito (Clean Government Party) in 1964, which became completely separate and independent from the Soka Gakkai in 1970. The society also supported Taisekiji with massive donations, including raising the funds for a new main shrine hall for the monastery. Soka Gakkai, like other groups in the Nichiren lineage, focuses on worship of the SADDHARMAPUndARĪKASuTRA ("Lotus Sutra") and its adherents are expected to chant daily the title (DAIMOKU) of the sutra, NAM MYoHoRENGEKYo, as well as recite the most important sections of the sutra and study Nichiren's writings. Soka Gakkai believes that all beings possess the capacity to attain buddhahood and emphasizes the ability of each person's buddha-nature to overcome obstacles and achieve happiness. Soka Gakkai followers can accomplish these goals through a "human revolution" (the title of one of Ikeda's books) that creates a sense of oneness between the individual and the environment, thus demonstrating how each individual can positively affect the surrounding world. As tensions grew between the Nichiren Shoshu and its increasingly powerful lay subsidiary, Nikken (b. 1922), the sixty-seventh chief priest of Nichiren Shoshu, tried to bring its membership directly under his control. His efforts were ultimately unsuccessful and he excommunicated the Soka Gakkai in 1991, forbidding Soka Gakkai followers from having access to the holiest shrines associated with Nichiren. Sokka Gakkai remains at the center of controversy because of its strong emphasis on recruitment and proselytization, its demonization of enemies, and a mentorship structure within the organization that some claim creates a cult of personality centered on Ikeda. Soka Gakkai remains among the largest Buddhist organizations in the Western world.

Spens, Will: An English educator (born 1882), who as Master of Corpus Christi College in Cambridge, has written widely on educational theory. In philosophy and theology, he has developed a theory of Christian doctrine as based on religious experience, which it generalizes and states in terms whose adequacy is determined by their capacity to nourish and develop that experience (Belief and Practice); he has also written on sacramental theology, including several essays (chiefly in the symposium Essays, Catholic and Critical) on the Eucharist; here his view is that by the "real presence" is meant the congeries of opportunities of experiencing through material means the spiritual reality of Christ. -- W.N.P.

split-brain studies: refers to studies derived from split?a target="_blank" href="

sponsor ::: n. --> One who binds himself to answer for another, and is responsible for his default; a surety.
One who at the baptism of an infant professore the christian faith in its name, and guarantees its religious education; a godfather or godmother.

Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory "body, education" (SAIL) /sayl/, not /S-A-I-L/ An important site in the early development of {LISP}; with the {MIT AI Lab}, {BBN}, {CMU}, {XEROX PARC}, and the {Unix} community, one of the major wellsprings of technical innovation and hacker-culture traditions (see the {WAITS} entry for details). The SAIL machines were shut down in late May 1990, scant weeks after the MIT AI Lab's ITS cluster was officially decommissioned. [{Jargon File}] (2001-06-22)

Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory ::: (body, education) (SAIL) /sayl/, not /S-A-I-L/ An important site in the early development of LISP; with the MIT AI Lab, BBN, CMU, XEROX PARC, and the were shut down in late May 1990, scant weeks after the MIT AI Lab's ITS cluster was officially decommissioned.[Jargon File](2001-06-22)

Stanford University "education" A University in the city of Palo Alto, California, noted for work in computing, especially {artificial intelligence}. See {SAIL}. (2003-02-28)

Stanford University ::: (education) A University in the city of Palo Alto, California, noted for work in computing, especially artificial intelligence. See SAIL.(2003-02-28)

subgraph: A graph which is a subset of another graph (in terms of

Sumangala. (Venerable Hikkaduva Sri Sumangala Nayaka Mahāthera) (1827-1911). Sumangala, whose given name was Niclaus, was born in the town of Hikkaduwa in the Galle District of southern Sri Lanka. Sumangala received his early education at the local village temple and, at age thirteen, began his monastic education at Totagamuwa. He received full ordination from the Malwatte chapter in Kandy in 1848. Sumangala is considered to be one of the most influential Pāli scholars of his time. He took a significant role in the Sinhalese Buddhist revival, especially in Colombo. He helped GUnĀNANDA prepare for the famous Panadura debate. An accomplished scholar, Sumangala studied Buddhist history, arithmetic, and archeology; he also knew Sinhala, Pāli, Sanskrit, and English. In 1867 he received the title Sripada from the British government, making him the high priest of Adam's Peak (Mt. Sumanakuta). The principal and founder of Vidyodaya College, Sumangala worked with Colonel HENRY STEEL OLCOTT and together they established Ananda College and Mahinda College in Colombo and Dharmaraja College in Kandy during the early 1890s. These schools helped to revitalize Buddhist education, which had dwindled under British colonialism. In 1891, Sumangala became the president of the Bodh Gaya Maha Bodhi Society in Colombo. SUMAnGALA was an inspirational figure for ANAGĀRIKA DHARMAPĀLA and the next generation of Sinhalese Buddhist scholars.

SuperJanet An initiative started in 1989, under the Computer Board, with the aim of developing of a national {broadband} network to support UK higher education and research. The preparatory work culminated in 1992 with the award of a contract worth 18M pounds to British Telecom to provide networking services over a four year period that extends to March 1997. The BT contract will provide a national network with two components: a high speed, configurable bandwidth network serving up to 16 sites, initially using {PDH} to be replaced with {SDH}, and a high speed switched data service ({SMDS}) serving 50 or more sites. The primary role of the PDH/SDH component will be to support the development and deployment of an {ATM} network. These components will be complemented by several high performance {Metropolitan Area Networks} each serving several closely located sites. The aim is to provide, within the first year of the project, a pervasive network capable of supporting a large and diverse user community. The network has two parts, an {IP} data network and an ATM network, both operating at 34Mbit/s. Early in August 1993 the pilot IP network was transferred to full service and was configured to provide a trunk network for JIPS, the {JANET IP Service}. In November 1993 work was well advanced on the next phase which aims to extend SuperJANET to a large number of sites. The pilot four site ATM network will be extended to serve twelve sites and will expand the scope of the video network. The principal vehicle used for the expansion of the data network will be the {SMDS} service provided by {BT}. Most of the work associated with the development of this phase is expected to be completed by the end of March 1994. [Joint Network Team, Network News 40, ISSN 0954 - 0636]. {(}. [Current status?] (1994-12-15)

SuperJanet ::: An initiative started in 1989, under the Computer Board, with the aim of developing of a national broadband network to support UK higher education and worth 18M pounds to British Telecom to provide networking services over a four year period that extends to March 1997.The BT contract will provide a national network with two components: a high speed, configurable bandwidth network serving up to 16 sites, initially using year of the project, a pervasive network capable of supporting a large and diverse user community.The network has two parts, an IP data network and an ATM network, both operating at 34Mbit/s. Early in August 1993 the pilot IP network was transferred to full service and was configured to provide a trunk network for JIPS, the JANET IP Service.In November 1993 work was well advanced on the next phase which aims to extend SuperJANET to a large number of sites. The pilot four site ATM network will be SMDS service provided by BT. Most of the work associated with the development of this phase is expected to be completed by the end of March 1994.[Joint Network Team, Network News 40, ISSN 0954 - 0636]. .[Current status?] (1994-12-15)

Suzuki Shunryu. (鈴木俊隆) (1904-1971). Japanese ZEN priest influential in American Buddhism during the mid-twentieth century. Suzuki Shunryu was born in a village forty miles southwest of Tokyo, the son of a poor Zen priest. After elementary school, he went to live at a temple run by a disciple of his father. He was ordained as a novice monk in 1917. After completing his secondary school education, where he excelled at English, he attended Komazawa University in Tokyo, the university affiliated with the Soto sect of Zen, graduating in 1930. He then went on to train at EIHEJI, the head temple of the SoToSHu. In 1932, he took over as priest of his father's temple before moving on to serve as abbot at the larger temple of Rinsoin. He married in 1935. He spent the war years at Rinsoin and, unlike many Buddhist priests, did not actively support the war, although his temple was used to house soldiers, Korean laborers, and children displaced by the bombing of Tokyo. After the war, he engaged in a common occupation of Zen priests: performing services for the dead, while also opening a kindergarten. In 1959, he accepted a post offered by the headquarters of the Soto sect to serve as priest at a Japanese-American Zen temple in San Francisco, where he performed religious services for a community of some sixty families. He began to give lectures in English and to lead meditation retreats at the San Francisco temple. He continued to serve as priest to the Japanese community until 1969, when the tensions between his Japanese parishioners and his American disciples led him to resign from his original position. He then founded the San Francisco Zen Center, which eventually established both a residential center in the city, a mountain center in Tassajara, and a farm at Green Gulch. In 1970, an edited version of some of his lectures were published as Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind, a work that became a bestseller and classic of American Zen. Suzuki died in San Francisco in 1971.

Taixu. (太) (1889-1947). In Chinese, "Grand Voidness"; a leading figure in the Chinese Buddhist revival during the first half of the twentieth century. Taixu was ordained at the age of fourteen, purportedly because he wanted to acquire the supernatural powers of the buddhas. He studied under the famous Chinese monk, "Eight Fingers" (Bazhi Toutou), so called because he had burned off one finger of each hand in reverence to the Buddha, and achieved an awakening when reading a PRAJNĀPĀRAMITĀ SuTRA. In 1908, he joined a group of radicals, including other Buddhist monks, intent on revolution. In 1911, he organized the first of many groups (many of them short-lived) to revitalize Buddhism during this time of national crisis following the fall of the Qing dynasty. In 1912, he was involved in a failed attempt to turn the famous monastery of Chinshansi into a modern school for monks. After this disgrace, beginning in 1914, he went into retreat for three years, during which time he studied Buddhist scriptures and formulated plans to revitalize Buddhism, outlined in such works as his 1915 Zhengli sengqie zhidu lun ("The Reorganization of the SAMGHA System"). He drafted a number of such plans over the remainder of his career, although none was ever implemented. In general, these plans called for improved and modernized education for monks and their participation in community and governmental affairs. He believed that Buddhism had become ossified in China and needed to be reformed into a force that would both inspire and improve society. In his view, for an effective reform of the monastic system to take place, Chinese Buddhists had to be educated according to the same standards as those in other Buddhist countries, beginning with Japan. For Taixu, the revival of Chinese Buddhism entailed starting a dialogue with the Buddhist traditions of other Asian countries; hence, a modern Buddhism had to reach out to these traditions and incorporate their intuitions and original insights. It was from these initial ideas that, during the 1920s, Taixu developed a strong interest in Japanese MIKKYo and Tibetan VAJRAYĀNA, as well as in the THERAVĀDA tradition of Sri Lanka. Taixu's participation in the "Revival of Tantra" (mijiao chongxing) debates with Wang Hongyuan (1876-1937), a Chinese convert to Japanese SHINGON, demonstrated his eclectic ideas about the reformation of Chinese Buddhism. The first of Taixu's activities after his return to public life was the founding of the Bodhi Society (Jueshe) in Shanghai in 1918. He was involved in the publication of a wide variety of Buddhist periodicals, such as "Masses Enlightenment Weekly," "Sound of Enlightenment," "Buddhist Critic," "New Buddhist Youth," "Modern SaMgha," "Mind's Light," and the most enduring, "Sound of the Tides" (Haichaoyin). In 1922, he founded the Wuchang Buddhist Institute, where he hoped to produce a new generation of Buddhist leaders in China. In 1923, he founded the first of several "world Buddhist organizations," as a result of which he began to travel and lecture widely, becoming well known in Europe and America. He encouraged several of his students to learn the languages and traditions of Buddhist Asia. Among his students who went abroad in Tibet and Sri Lanka, FAZUN was the most accomplished in making several commentaries of late Indian Buddhism available to the Chinese public, thus fostering a comparison between the historical and doctrinal developments of Buddhism in China and in Tibet. In 1928 in Paris, Taixu donated funds for the establishment of the World Buddhist Institute, devoted to the unification of Buddhism and science; it would eventually be renamed Les Amis du Bouddhisme. He lectured in Sri Lanka and arranged an exchange program under which Chinese monks would study there. In 1929, he organized the Chinese Buddhist Society, which would eventually attract millions of members. During the Japanese occupation of China in the 1930s and 1940s, Taixu followed the Nationalist government into retreat in Sichuan. In this period, as a result of his efforts to internationalize Chinese Buddhism, Taixu founded two branches of the Wuchang Institute of Buddhist Studies specializing in Pāli and Tibetan Buddhism: the Pāli Language Institute in Xi'an, and the Sino-Tibetan Institute in Chongqing. In 1937, at the Sino-Tibetan Institute, in his famous essay "Wo de fojiao geming shibai shi" ("History of My Failed Buddhist Revolutions"), Taixu began an earnest self-reflection on his lifelong efforts to reform Chinese Buddhism, deeming them a failure in three domains: conceiving a Buddhist revolution, globalizing Buddhist education, and reorganizing the Chinese Buddhist Association. When the first global Buddhist organization, the WORLD FELLOWSHIP OF BUDDHISTS, was founded in 1950, Taixu, who had died three years earlier, was credited as its inspiration. His insights would eventually be developed and implemented by later generations of Buddhists in China and Taiwan. His collected works were published in sixty-four volumes. Several of the leading figures of modern and contemporary Chinese and Taiwanese Buddhism were close disciples of Taixu, including Fazun (1902-1980), Yinshun (1905-2005), Shengyan (1930-2009), and Xingyun (1927-).

Takakusu Junjiro. (高楠順次郎) (1866-1945). One of the leading Japanese scholars of Indian Buddhism of the early twentieth century, who played a leading role in establishing Japan as a major center of scholarship in Buddhist Studies. He was born, surnamed Sawai, in today's Hiroshima prefecture. He was raised in a JoDO SHINSHu family belonging to the NISHI HONGANJIHA, and he remained a devout layman throughout his life. After primary school, he studied at the leading Jodo Shinshu educational institution, today's Ryukoku University, from 1885 to 1889, during which time, through Jodo Shinshu connections, he was adopted into the Takakusu merchant house of Kobe. With the support of his adoptive father, he spent the period from 1890 to 1897 in Europe. Through the introduction of the Jodo Shinshu cleric NANJo BUN'Yu, Takakusu was able to study Indology under FRIEDRICH MAX MÜLLER at Oxford University, receiving a B.A. in 1894 and an M.A. in 1896. While at Oxford, he assisted Müller with the Sacred Books of the East project. The final volume of the series, entitled Buddhist Mahāyāna Texts (1894), included the VAJRACCHEDIKĀPRAJNĀPĀRAMITĀSuTRA, the PRAJNĀPĀRAMITĀHṚDAYA, and the three PURE LAND sutras, all Indian works (or at least so regarded at the time) but selected because of their importance for Japanese Buddhism. Müller's choice of these texts was influenced by Takakusu and Nanjo Bun'yu. The works in Buddhist Mahāyāna Texts were translated by Müller, with the exception of the GUAN WULIANGSHOU JING, which was translated by Takakusu. Takakusu also studied in Paris with SYLVAIN LÉVI, with whom he would later collaborate on the Hobogirin Buddhist encyclopedia project. He returned to Japan in 1897 to lecture in Indian philosophy at Tokyo Imperial University, where he served as professor from 1899 to 1927, being appointed to the chair of Sanskrit studies in 1901. He was a devoted supporter of Esperanto and in 1906 was a founding member of the Japanese Esperantists Association. He supervised and contributed substantially to three monumental publishing projects: (1) the Upanishaddo zensho, a Japanese translation of the Upanisads (1922-1924); (2) the TAISHo SHINSHu DAIZoKYo, a modern typeset edition of the East Asian Buddhist canon (see DAZANGJING) (1922-1934); and (3) the Kokuyaku nanden daizokyo, a Japanese translation of the Pāli canon of what he called "Southern Buddhism" (1936-1941). For his work on editing the Taisho canon, he was awarded the Prix Stanislas Julien in Sinology from the Institut de France in 1929. Among his English-language publications, he is known especially for A Record of the Buddhist Religion as Practised in India and the Malay Archipelago (1896), which is his translation of YIJING's pilgrimage record (NANHAI JIGUI NEIFA ZHUAN), and Essentials of Buddhist Philosophy (1947). He died in Shizuoka Prefecture, outside Tokyo.

The first Dalai Lama, DGE 'DUN GRUB, was known as a great scholar and religious practitioner. A direct disciple of TSONG KHA PA, he is remembered for founding BKRA SHIS LHUN PO monastery near the central Tibetan town of Shigatse. The second Dalai Lama, Dge 'dun rgya mtsho, was born the son of a RNYING MA YOGIN and became a renowned tantric master in his own right. ¶ It is with the third Dalai Lama, BSOD NAMS RGYA MTSHO, that the Dalai Lama lineage actually begins. Recognized at a young age as the reincarnation of Dge 'dun rgya mtsho, he was appointed abbot of 'BRAS SPUNGS monastery near LHA SA and soon rose to fame throughout central Asia as a Buddhist teacher. He served as a religious master for the Mongol ruler Altan Khan, who bestowed the title "Dalai Lama," and is credited with converting the Tümed Mongols to Buddhism. Later in life, he traveled extensively across eastern Tibet and western China, teaching and carrying out monastic construction projects. ¶ The fourth Dalai Lama, Yon tan rgya mtsho, was recognized in the person of the grandson of Altan Khan's successor, solidifying Mongol-Tibetan ties. ¶ While the first four Dalai Lamas served primarily as religious scholars and teachers, the fifth Dalai Lama, NGAG DBANG BLO BZANG RGYA MTSHO, combined religious and secular activities to become one of Tibet's preeminent statesmen. He was a dynamic political leader who, with the support of Gushi Khan, defeated his opponents and in 1642 was invested with temporal powers over the Tibetan state, in addition to his religious role, a position that succeeding Dalai Lamas held until 1959. A learned and prolific author, he and his regent, SDE SRID SANGS RGYAS RGYA MTSHO, were largely responsible for the identification of the Dalai Lamas with the bodhisattva Avalokitesvara. The construction of the PO TA LA palace began during his reign (and was completed after this death). He is popularly known as the "Great Fifth." ¶ The sixth Dalai Lama, TSHANGS DBYANGS RGYA MTSHO, was a controversial figure who chose to abandon the strict monasticism of his predecessors in favor of a life of society and culture, refusing to take the vows of a fully ordained monk (BHIKsU). He is said to have frequented the drinking halls below the Po ta la palace. He constructed pleasure gardens and the temple of the NAGAs, called the KLU KHANG, on the palace grounds. He is remembered especially for his poetry, which addresses themes such as love and the difficulty of spiritual practice. Tibetans generally interpret his behavior as exhibiting an underlying tantric wisdom, a skillful means for teaching the dharma. His death is shrouded in mystery. Official accounts state that he died while under arrest by Mongol troops. According to a prominent secret biography (GSANG BA'I RNAM THAR), however, he lived many more years, traveling across Tibet in disguise. ¶ The seventh Dalai Lama, SKAL BZANG RGYA MTSHO, was officially recognized only at the age of twelve, and due to political complications, did not participate actively in affairs of state. He was renowned for his writings on tantra and his poetry. ¶ The eighth Dalai Lama, 'Jam dpal rgya mtsho (Jampal Gyatso, 1758-1804), built the famous NOR BU GLING KHA summer palace. ¶ The ninth through twelfth Dalai Lamas each lived relatively short lives, due, according to some accounts, to political intrigue and the machinations of power-hungry regents. According to tradition, from the death of one Dalai Lama to the investiture of the next Dalai Lama as head of state (generally a period of some twenty years), the nation was ruled by a regent, who was responsible for discovering the new Dalai Lama and overseeing his education. If the Dalai Lama died before reaching his majority, the reign of the regent was extended. ¶ The thirteenth Dalai Lama, THUB BSTAN RGYA MTSHO, was an astute and forward-looking political leader who guided Tibet through a period of relative independence during a time of foreign entanglements with Britain, China, and Russia. In his last testament, he is said to have predicted Tibet's fall to Communist China. ¶ The fourteenth and present Dalai Lama, Bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho, assumed his position several years prior to reaching the age of majority as his country faced the Chinese invasion of Tibet in 1950. In 1959, he escaped into exile, establishing a government-in-exile in the Himalayan town of Dharamsala (DHARMAsALA) in northwestern India. Since then, he has traveled and taught widely around the world, while also advocating a nonviolent solution to Tibet's occupation. He was born in the A mdo region of what is now Qinghai province in China to a farming family, although his older brother had already been recognized as an incarnation at a nearby important Dge lugs monastery (SKU 'BUM). On his becoming formally accepted as Dalai Lama, his family became aristocrats and moved to Lha sa. He was educated traditionally by private tutors (yongs 'dzin), under the direction first of the regent Stag brag rin po che (in office 1941-1950), and later Gling rin po che Thub bstan lung rtogs rnam rgyal (1903-1983) and Khri byang rin po che Blo bzang ye shes (1901-1981). His modern education was informal, gained from conversations with travelers, such as the Austrian mountaineer Heinrich Harrer. When the Chinese army entered the Khams region of eastern Tibet in 1951, he formally took over from the regent and was enthroned as the head of the DGA' LDAN PHO BRANG government. In the face of Tibetan unrest as the Chinese government brought Tibet firmly under central control, the Dalai Lama fled to India in 1959; the Indian government accorded the Dalai Lama respect as a religious figure but did not accept his claim to be the head of a separate state. In 1989, the Dalai Lama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, an event that increased his prominence around the world. He is the author of many books in English, most of them the written record of lectures and traditional teachings translated from Tibetan.

The first incarnation, 'Jigs med phrin las 'od zer (Jikme Tinle Öser), was born in the Rdo valley of Mgo log, in eastern Tibet, and for this reason was later known as Rdo grub chen, the "great adept (grub chen) of Rdo." Despite the fact that he was not recognized as an incarnate lama (SPRUL SKU) at a young age, his youth is described as having been filled with visionary experiences of his past lives. He spent his early life studying under numerous masters throughout eastern, central, and southern Tibet, although it was only at the age of forty-one that he met his principal GURU, 'Jigs med gling pa, from whom he received the entire RNYING MA transmissions of BKA' MA and GTER MA and by whom he was certified as the principal lineage holder of the klong chen snying thig tradition. His fame as a spiritual luminary spread and traveled widely among the great monastic communities of eastern Tibet, teaching many of the great Rnying ma masters of his day and establishing the monastic center of Yar klungs Padma bkod in eastern Tibet. The second incarnation, 'Jigs med phun tshogs 'byung gnas (Jikme Puntsok Jungne), was known for his ability to perform miraculous feats, and he continued many of the traditions of his predecessor. He also laid the foundations for what would later become the famed Rdo grub chen monastery. The third incarnation, 'Jigs med bstan pa'i nyi ma (Jikme Tenpe Nyima), was born into a prominent family in the Mgo log region of eastern Tibet: his father was Bdud 'joms gling pa (1835-1903), a famed treasure revealer (GTER STON), and his seven younger brothers were all recognized as incarnate lamas. He studied under many great Rnying ma masters, including DPAL SPRUL RIN PO CHE and 'JAM DBYANGS MKHYEN BRTSE DBANG PO. Two individuals were recognized as the fourth incarnation and were enthroned simultaneously at Rdo grub chen monastery in about 1930. They continued their education together until the age of twenty. The first, Rig 'dzin bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan, was imprisoned during the Chinese invasion of Tibet and died in a prison labor camp. In 1957, the second incarnation, Thub bstan phrin las dpal bzang, escaped into exile in Sikkim where he established a permanent residence. He later became a representative at the Sikkim Research Institute of Tibetology in Gangtok and traveled widely throughout Europe and the United States.

The Method of Statistics. The basic principle of statistical method is that of simplification, which makes possible a concise and comprehensive knowledge of a mass of isolated facts by correlating them along definite lines. The various stages of this method are:   precise definition of the problem or field of inquiry;   collection of material required by the problem;   tabulation and measurement of material in a manner satisfying the purpose of the problem;   clear presentation of the significant features of tabulated material (by means of charts, diagrams, symbols, graphs, equations and the like),   selection of mathematical methods for application to the material obtained;   necessary conclusion from the facts and figures obtained;   general interpretation within the limits of the problem and the procedure used. The special methods of treating statistical data are: collecting, sampling, selecting, tabulating, classifying, totaling or aggregating, measuring, averaging, relating and correlating, presenting symbolically. Each one of these methods uses specialized experimental or mathematical means in its actual application. The special methods of interpreting statistical data already treated are: analyzing, estimiting, describing, comparing, explaining, applying and predicting. In order to be conclusive, the various stages and types of the statistical method must avoid   loose definitions,   cross divisions resulting ftom conflicting interpretations of the problem,   data which are not simultaneous or subject to similar conditions,   conclusions from poor oi incomplete data,   prejudices in judging, even when there is no conuption of evidence. The philosophy of statistics is concerned in general with the discussion and evaluation of the mathematical principles, methods and results of this science; and in particular with a critical analysis of the fitness of biological, psychological, educational, economic and sociological materials, for various types of statistical treatment. The purpose of such an inquiry is to integrate its results into the general problems and schemes of philosophy proper. Cf.. Richard von Mises, Statistics, Probability, and Truth.

The Mother: "Consciousness is indeed the creatrix of the universe, but love is its saviour. . . .” On Education, MCW Vol. 12.

The Mother: “Consciousness is indeed the creatrix of the universe, but love is its saviour….” On Education, MCW Vol. 12.

The Mother: "For me poetry is beyond all philosophy and beyond all explanation.” On Education, MCW Vol. 12.

The Mother: “For me poetry is beyond all philosophy and beyond all explanation.” On Education, MCW Vol. 12.

   The Mother: "In the physical world, of all things it is beauty that expresses best the Divine. the physical world is the world of form and the perfection of form is beauty. Beauty interprets, expresses, manifests the Eternal. Its role is to put all manifested nature in contact with the Eternal through the perfection of form, through harmony and a sense of the ideal which uplifts and leads towards something higher. On Education, MCW Vol. 12.

The Mother: “In the physical world, of all things it is beauty that expresses best the Divine. the physical world is the world of form and the perfection of form is beauty. Beauty interprets, expresses, manifests the Eternal. Its role is to put all manifested nature in contact with the Eternal through the perfection of form, through harmony and a sense of the ideal which uplifts and leads towards something higher. On Education, MCW Vol. 12.

::: The Mother: "True art means the expression of beauty in the material world. In a world wholly converted, that is to say, expressing integrally the divine reality, art must serve as the revealer and teacher of this divine beauty in life.” On Education, MCW Vol. 12.

The Mother: “True art means the expression of beauty in the material world. In a world wholly converted, that is to say, expressing integrally the divine reality, art must serve as the revealer and teacher of this divine beauty in life.” On Education, MCW Vol. 12.**

The Platonic theory of education is based on a drawing out (educatio) of what is already dimly known to the learner. (Meno, Repub. II-VII, Theaetetus, Laws.) The training of the philosopher-ruler, outlined in the Republic, requires the selection of the most promising children in their infancy and a rigorous disciplining of them in gymnastic, music (in the Greek sense of literary studies), mathematics and dialectic (the study of the Ideas). This training was to continue until the students were about thirty-five years of age; then fifteen years of practical apprenticeship in the subordinate offices of the state were required; finally, at the age of fifty, the rulers were advised to return to the study of philosophy. It should be noted that this program is intended only for an intellectual elite; the military class was to undergo a shorter period of training suited to its functions, and the masses of people, engaged in production, trading, and like pursuits, were not offered any special educational schedule.

Three senses of "Ockhamism" may be distinguished: Logical, indicating usage of the terminology and technique of logical analysis developed by Ockham in his Summa totius logicae; in particular, use of the concept of supposition (suppositio) in the significative analysis of terms. Epistemological, indicating the thesis that universality is attributable only to terms and propositions, and not to things as existing apart from discourse. Theological, indicating the thesis that no tneological doctrines, such as those of God's existence or of the immortality of the soul, are evident or demonstrable philosophically, so that religious doctrine rests solely on faith, without metaphysical or scientific support. It is in this sense that Luther is often called an Ockhamist.   Bibliography:   B. Geyer,   Ueberwegs Grundriss d. Gesch. d. Phil., Bd. II (11th ed., Berlin 1928), pp. 571-612 and 781-786; N. Abbagnano,   Guglielmo di Ockham (Lanciano, Italy, 1931); E. A. Moody,   The Logic of William of Ockham (N. Y. & London, 1935); F. Ehrle,   Peter von Candia (Muenster, 1925); G. Ritter,   Studien zur Spaetscholastik, I-II (Heidelberg, 1921-1922).     --E.A.M. Om, aum: (Skr.) Mystic, holy syllable as a symbol for the indefinable Absolute. See Aksara, Vac, Sabda. --K.F.L. Omniscience: In philosophy and theology it means the complete and perfect knowledge of God, of Himself and of all other beings, past, present, and future, or merely possible, as well as all their activities, real or possible, including the future free actions of human beings. --J.J.R. One: Philosophically, not a number but equivalent to unit, unity, individuality, in contradistinction from multiplicity and the mani-foldness of sensory experience. In metaphysics, the Supreme Idea (Plato), the absolute first principle (Neo-platonism), the universe (Parmenides), Being as such and divine in nature (Plotinus), God (Nicolaus Cusanus), the soul (Lotze). Religious philosophy and mysticism, beginning with Indian philosophy (s.v.), has favored the designation of the One for the metaphysical world-ground, the ultimate icility, the world-soul, the principle of the world conceived as reason, nous, or more personally. The One may be conceived as an independent whole or as a sum, as analytic or synthetic, as principle or ontologically. Except by mysticism, it is rarely declared a fact of sensory experience, while its transcendent or transcendental, abstract nature is stressed, e.g., in epistemology where the "I" or self is considered the unitary background of personal experience, the identity of self-consciousness, or the unity of consciousness in the synthesis of the manifoldness of ideas (Kant). --K.F.L. One-one: A relation R is one-many if for every y in the converse domain there is a unique x such that xRy. A relation R is many-one if for every x in the domain there is a unique y such that xRy. (See the article relation.) A relation is one-one, or one-to-one, if it is at the same time one-many and many-one. A one-one relation is said to be, or to determine, a one-to-one correspondence between its domain and its converse domain. --A.C. On-handedness: (Ger. Vorhandenheit) Things exist in the mode of thereness, lying- passively in a neutral space. A "deficient" form of a more basic relationship, termed at-handedness (Zuhandenheit). (Heidegger.) --H.H. Ontological argument: Name by which later authors, especially Kant, designate the alleged proof for God's existence devised by Anselm of Canterbury. Under the name of God, so the argument runs, everyone understands that greater than which nothing can be thought. Since anything being the greatest and lacking existence is less then the greatest having also existence, the former is not really the greater. The greatest, therefore, has to exist. Anselm has been reproached, already by his contemporary Gaunilo, for unduly passing from the field of logical to the field of ontological or existential reasoning. This criticism has been repeated by many authors, among them Aquinas. The argument has, however, been used, if in a somewhat modified form, by Duns Scotus, Descartes, and Leibniz. --R.A. Ontological Object: (Gr. onta, existing things + logos, science) The real or existing object of an act of knowledge as distinguished from the epistemological object. See Epistemological Object. --L.W. Ontologism: (Gr. on, being) In contrast to psychologism, is called any speculative system which starts philosophizing by positing absolute being, or deriving the existence of entities independently of experience merely on the basis of their being thought, or assuming that we have immediate and certain knowledge of the ground of being or God. Generally speaking any rationalistic, a priori metaphysical doctrine, specifically the philosophies of Rosmini-Serbati and Vincenzo Gioberti. As a philosophic method censored by skeptics and criticists alike, as a scholastic doctrine formerly strongly supported, revived in Italy and Belgium in the 19th century, but no longer countenanced. --K.F.L. Ontology: (Gr. on, being + logos, logic) The theory of being qua being. For Aristotle, the First Philosophy, the science of the essence of things. Introduced as a term into philosophy by Wolff. The science of fundamental principles, the doctrine of the categories. Ultimate philosophy; rational cosmology. Syn. with metaphysics. See Cosmology, First Principles, Metaphysics, Theology. --J.K.F. Operation: "(Lit. operari, to work) Any act, mental or physical, constituting a phase of the reflective process, and performed with a view to acquiring1 knowledge or information about a certain subject-nntter. --A.C.B.   In logic, see Operationism.   In philosophy of science, see Pragmatism, Scientific Empiricism. Operationism: The doctrine that the meaning of a concept is given by a set of operations.   1. The operational meaning of a term (word or symbol) is given by a semantical rule relating the term to some concrete process, object or event, or to a class of such processes, objectj or events.   2. Sentences formed by combining operationally defined terms into propositions are operationally meaningful when the assertions are testable by means of performable operations. Thus, under operational rules, terms have semantical significance, propositions have empirical significance.   Operationism makes explicit the distinction between formal (q.v.) and empirical sentences. Formal propositions are signs arranged according to syntactical rules but lacking operational reference. Such propositions, common in mathematics, logic and syntax, derive their sanction from convention, whereas an empirical proposition is acceptable (1) when its structure obeys syntactical rules and (2) when there exists a concrete procedure (a set of operations) for determining its truth or falsity (cf. Verification). Propositions purporting to be empirical are sometimes amenable to no operational test because they contain terms obeying no definite semantical rules. These sentences are sometimes called pseudo-propositions and are said to be operationally meaningless. They may, however, be 'meaningful" in other ways, e.g. emotionally or aesthetically (cf. Meaning).   Unlike a formal statement, the "truth" of an empirical sentence is never absolute and its operational confirmation serves only to increase the degree of its validity. Similarly, the semantical rule comprising the operational definition of a term has never absolute precision. Ordinarily a term denotes a class of operations and the precision of its definition depends upon how definite are the rules governing inclusion in the class.   The difference between Operationism and Logical Positivism (q.v.) is one of emphasis. Operationism's stress of empirical matters derives from the fact that it was first employed to purge physics of such concepts as absolute space and absolute time, when the theory of relativity had forced upon physicists the view that space and time are most profitably defined in terms of the operations by which they are measured. Although different methods of measuring length at first give rise to different concepts of length, wherever the equivalence of certain of these measures can be established by other operations, the concepts may legitimately be combined.   In psychology the operational criterion of meaningfulness is commonly associated with a behavioristic point of view. See Behaviorism. Since only those propositions which are testable by public and repeatable operations are admissible in science, the definition of such concepti as mind and sensation must rest upon observable aspects of the organism or its behavior. Operational psychology deals with experience only as it is indicated by the operation of differential behavior, including verbal report. Discriminations, or the concrete differential reactions of organisms to internal or external environmental states, are by some authors regarded as the most basic of all operations.   For a discussion of the role of operational definition in phvsics. see P. W. Bridgman, The Logic of Modern Physics, (New York, 1928) and The Nature of Physical Theory (Princeton, 1936). "The extension of operationism to psychology is discussed by C. C. Pratt in The Logic of Modem Psychology (New York. 1939.)   For a discussion and annotated bibliography relating to Operationism and Logical Positivism, see S. S. Stevens, Psychology and the Science of Science, Psychol. Bull., 36, 1939, 221-263. --S.S.S. Ophelimity: Noun derived from the Greek, ophelimos useful, employed by Vilfredo Pareto (1848-1923) in economics as the equivalent of utility, or the capacity to provide satisfaction. --J.J.R. Opinion: (Lat. opinio, from opinor, to think) An hypothesis or proposition entertained on rational grounds but concerning which doubt can reasonably exist. A belief. See Hypothesis, Certainty, Knowledge. --J.K.F- Opposition: (Lat. oppositus, pp. of oppono, to oppose) Positive actual contradiction. One of Aristotle's Post-predicaments. In logic any contrariety or contradiction, illustrated by the "Square of Opposition". Syn. with: conflict. See Logic, formal, § 4. --J.K.F. Optimism: (Lat. optimus, the best) The view inspired by wishful thinking, success, faith, or philosophic reflection, that the world as it exists is not so bad or even the best possible, life is good, and man's destiny is bright. Philosophically most persuasively propounded by Leibniz in his Theodicee, according to which God in his wisdom would have created a better world had he known or willed such a one to exist. Not even he could remove moral wrong and evil unless he destroyed the power of self-determination and hence the basis of morality. All systems of ethics that recognize a supreme good (Plato and many idealists), subscribe to the doctrines of progressivism (Turgot, Herder, Comte, and others), regard evil as a fragmentary view (Josiah Royce et al.) or illusory, or believe in indemnification (Henry David Thoreau) or melioration (Emerson), are inclined optimistically. Practically all theologies advocating a plan of creation and salvation, are optimistic though they make the good or the better dependent on moral effort, right thinking, or belief, promising it in a future existence. Metaphysical speculation is optimistic if it provides for perfection, evolution to something higher, more valuable, or makes room for harmonies or a teleology. See Pessimism. --K.F.L. Order: A class is said to be partially ordered by a dyadic relation R if it coincides with the field of R, and R is transitive and reflexive, and xRy and yRx never both hold when x and y are different. If in addition R is connected, the class is said to be ordered (or simply ordered) by R, and R is called an ordering relation.   Whitehcid and Russell apply the term serial relation to relations which are transitive, irreflexive, and connected (and, in consequence, also asymmetric). However, the use of serial relations in this sense, instead ordering relations as just defined, is awkward in connection with the notion of order for unit classes.   Examples: The relation not greater than among leal numbers is an ordering relation. The relation less than among real numbers is a serial relation. The real numbers are simply ordered by the former relation. In the algebra of classes (logic formal, § 7), the classes are partially ordered by the relation of class inclusion.   For explanation of the terminology used in making the above definitions, see the articles connexity, reflexivity, relation, symmetry, transitivity. --A.C. Order type: See relation-number. Ordinal number: A class b is well-ordered by a dyadic relation R if it is ordered by R (see order) and, for every class a such that a ⊂ b, there is a member x of a, such that xRy holds for every member y of a; and R is then called a well-ordering relation. The ordinal number of a class b well-ordered by a relation R, or of a well-ordering relation R, is defined to be the relation-number (q. v.) of R.   The ordinal numbers of finite classes (well-ordered by appropriate relations) are called finite ordinal numbers. These are 0, 1, 2, ... (to be distinguished, of course, from the finite cardinal numbers 0, 1, 2, . . .).   The first non-finite (transfinite or infinite) ordinal number is the ordinal number of the class of finite ordinal numbers, well-ordered in their natural order, 0, 1, 2, . . .; it is usually denoted by the small Greek letter omega. --A.C.   G. Cantor, Contributions to the Founding of the Theory of Transfinite Numbers, translated and with an introduction by P. E. B. Jourdain, Chicago and London, 1915. (new ed. 1941); Whitehead and Russell, Princtpia Mathematica. vol. 3. Orexis: (Gr. orexis) Striving; desire; the conative aspect of mind, as distinguished from the cognitive and emotional (Aristotle). --G.R.M.. Organicism: A theory of biology that life consists in the organization or dynamic system of the organism. Opposed to mechanism and vitalism. --J.K.F. Organism: An individual animal or plant, biologically interpreted. A. N. Whitehead uses the term to include also physical bodies and to signify anything material spreading through space and enduring in time. --R.B.W. Organismic Psychology: (Lat. organum, from Gr. organon, an instrument) A system of theoretical psychology which construes the structure of the mind in organic rather than atomistic terms. See Gestalt Psychology; Psychological Atomism. --L.W. Organization: (Lat. organum, from Gr. organon, work) A structured whole. The systematic unity of parts in a purposive whole. A dynamic system. Order in something actual. --J.K.F. Organon: (Gr. organon) The title traditionally given to the body of Aristotle's logical treatises. The designation appears to have originated among the Peripatetics after Aristotle's time, and expresses their view that logic is not a part of philosophy (as the Stoics maintained) but rather the instrument (organon) of philosophical inquiry. See Aristotelianism. --G.R.M.   In Kant. A system of principles by which pure knowledge may be acquired and established.   Cf. Fr. Bacon's Novum Organum. --O.F.K. Oriental Philosophy: A general designation used loosely to cover philosophic tradition exclusive of that grown on Greek soil and including the beginnings of philosophical speculation in Egypt, Arabia, Iran, India, and China, the elaborate systems of India, Greater India, China, and Japan, and sometimes also the religion-bound thought of all these countries with that of the complex cultures of Asia Minor, extending far into antiquity. Oriental philosophy, though by no means presenting a homogeneous picture, nevertheless shares one characteristic, i.e., the practical outlook on life (ethics linked with metaphysics) and the absence of clear-cut distinctions between pure speculation and religious motivation, and on lower levels between folklore, folk-etymology, practical wisdom, pre-scientiiic speculation, even magic, and flashes of philosophic insight. Bonds with Western, particularly Greek philosophy have no doubt existed even in ancient times. Mutual influences have often been conjectured on the basis of striking similarities, but their scientific establishment is often difficult or even impossible. Comparative philosophy (see especially the work of Masson-Oursel) provides a useful method. Yet a thorough treatment of Oriental Philosophy is possible only when the many languages in which it is deposited have been more thoroughly studied, the psychological and historical elements involved in the various cultures better investigated, and translations of the relevant documents prepared not merely from a philological point of view or out of missionary zeal, but by competent philosophers who also have some linguistic training. Much has been accomplished in this direction in Indian and Chinese Philosophy (q.v.). A great deal remains to be done however before a definitive history of Oriental Philosophy may be written. See also Arabian, and Persian Philosophy. --K.F.L. Origen: (185-254) The principal founder of Christian theology who tried to enrich the ecclesiastic thought of his day by reconciling it with the treasures of Greek philosophy. Cf. Migne PL. --R.B.W. Ormazd: (New Persian) Same as Ahura Mazdah (q.v.), the good principle in Zoroastrianism, and opposed to Ahriman (q.v.). --K.F.L. Orphic Literature: The mystic writings, extant only in fragments, of a Greek religious-philosophical movement of the 6th century B.C., allegedly started by the mythical Orpheus. In their mysteries, in which mythology and rational thinking mingled, the Orphics concerned themselves with cosmogony, theogony, man's original creation and his destiny after death which they sought to influence to the better by pure living and austerity. They taught a symbolism in which, e.g., the relationship of the One to the many was clearly enunciated, and believed in the soul as involved in reincarnation. Pythagoras, Empedocles, and Plato were influenced by them. --K.F.L. Ortega y Gasset, Jose: Born in Madrid, May 9, 1883. At present in Buenos Aires, Argentine. Son of Ortega y Munillo, the famous Spanish journalist. Studied at the College of Jesuits in Miraflores and at the Central University of Madrid. In the latter he presented his Doctor's dissertation, El Milenario, in 1904, thereby obtaining his Ph.D. degree. After studies in Leipzig, Berlin, Marburg, under the special influence of Hermann Cohen, the great exponent of Kant, who taught him the love for the scientific method and awoke in him the interest in educational philosophy, Ortega came to Spain where, after the death of Nicolas Salmeron, he occupied the professorship of metaphysics at the Central University of Madrid. The following may be considered the most important works of Ortega y Gasset:     Meditaciones del Quijote, 1914;   El Espectador, I-VIII, 1916-1935;   El Tema de Nuestro Tiempo, 1921;   España Invertebrada, 1922;   Kant, 1924;   La Deshumanizacion del Arte, 1925;   Espiritu de la Letra, 1927;   La Rebelion de las Masas, 1929;   Goethe desde Adentio, 1934;   Estudios sobre el Amor, 1939;   Ensimismamiento y Alteracion, 1939;   El Libro de las Misiones, 1940;   Ideas y Creencias, 1940;     and others.   Although brought up in the Marburg school of thought, Ortega is not exactly a neo-Kantian. At the basis of his Weltanschauung one finds a denial of the fundamental presuppositions which characterized European Rationalism. It is life and not thought which is primary. Things have a sense and a value which must be affirmed independently. Things, however, are to be conceived as the totality of situations which constitute the circumstances of a man's life. Hence, Ortega's first philosophical principle: "I am myself plus my circumstances". Life as a problem, however, is but one of the poles of his formula. Reason is the other. The two together function, not by dialectical opposition, but by necessary coexistence. Life, according to Ortega, does not consist in being, but rather, in coming to be, and as such it is of the nature of direction, program building, purpose to be achieved, value to be realized. In this sense the future as a time dimension acquires new dignity, and even the present and the past become articulate and meaning-full only in relation to the future. Even History demands a new point of departure and becomes militant with new visions. --J.A.F. Orthodoxy: Beliefs which are declared by a group to be true and normative. Heresy is a departure from and relative to a given orthodoxy. --V.S. Orthos Logos: See Right Reason. Ostensible Object: (Lat. ostendere, to show) The object envisaged by cognitive act irrespective of its actual existence. See Epistemological Object. --L.W. Ostensive: (Lat. ostendere, to show) Property of a concept or predicate by virtue of which it refers to and is clarified by reference to its instances. --A.C.B. Ostwald, Wilhelm: (1853-1932) German chemist. Winner of the Nobel prize for chemistry in 1909. In Die Uberwindung des wissenschaftlichen Materialistmus and in Naturphilosophie, his two best known works in the field of philosophy, he advocates a dynamic theory in opposition to materialism and mechanism. All properties of matter, and the psychic as well, are special forms of energy. --L.E.D. Oupnekhat: Anquetil Duperron's Latin translation of the Persian translation of 50 Upanishads (q.v.), a work praised by Schopenhauer as giving him complete consolation. --K.F.L. Outness: A term employed by Berkeley to express the experience of externality, that is the ideas of space and things placed at a distance. Hume used it in the sense of distance Hamilton understood it as the state of being outside of consciousness in a really existing world of material things. --J.J.R. Overindividual: Term used by H. Münsterberg to translate the German überindividuell. The term is applied to any cognitive or value object which transcends the individual subject. --L.W. P

Tominaga Nakamoto. (富永仲基) (1715-1746). Important Japanese thinker during the Edo period. The third son of a soy sauce manufacturer in osaka, Tominaga was raised in the merchant community. Tominaga's social position and subsequent education resulted in an eclectic and fairly impartial understanding of the varying schools of Confucian thought, Buddhism, and Daoism. Tominaga received a classical Confucian education at Kaitokudo, a private academy funded by his father and a few other osaka manufacturers. He began his education at age nine, and eventually studied Buddhist scripture in great breadth and depth, even though he was never ordained. Tominaga was forced to leave Kaitokudo after writing a critical piece on competing Confucian schools of thought. The work, which is no longer extant, was called Setsuhei, or "A Critical Examination of [Confucian] Doctrine." Tominaga did the majority of his study of sutras and MAHĀYĀNA Buddhism between 1730 and 1738. He published two titles that are still extant, Shutsujo kogo ("Emerging from Meditation") (1745), and Okina no fumi ("Writings of an Old Man"), which was published six months after he died of lung disease in 1746. In these works, he took a historical approach that critiqued all claims to authenticity by the existing schools of Japanese religion, suggesting that the different sects of Buddhism evolved by reformations of preceding schools, reformations that were then justified by appeals to the authority of the Buddha himself. He even made the radical claim that the Buddha could not have taught the Mahāyāna sutras because their language and teachings differed so dramatically from other types of Buddhist sutras. Although he was vigorously criticized by the Buddhist ecclesia, his historical approach to Buddhism helped to establish the foundation for the Japanese scholarly study of Buddhism in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

top-level domain ::: (networking) The last and most significant component of an Internet fully qualified domain name, the part after the last .. For example, host is in top-level domain uk (for United Kingdom).Every other country has its own top-level domain, including .us for the U.S.A. Within the .us domain, there are subdomains for the fifty states, each generally and a domain for commercial ones. Other top-level domains may be divided up in similar ways.In the US and some other countries, the following top-level domains are used much more widely than the country code: .com - commercial - educational institutions as to make it easy for customers to guess or remember the URL of the comany's home page.United Nations entities use the domain names of the countries where they are located. The UN headquarters facility in New York City, for example, is new top-level domains are about to be added (Oct 1997): .nom - individual people (1997-10-08)

top-level domain "networking" The last and most significant component of an {Internet} {fully qualified domain name}, the part after the last ".". For example, {host} is in top-level domain "uk" (for United Kingdom). Every other country has its own top-level domain, including ".us" for the U.S.A. Within the .us domain, there are subdomains for the fifty states, each generally with a name identical to the state's postal abbreviation. These are rarely used however. Within the .uk domain, there is a subdomain for academic sites and a domain for commercial ones. Other top-level domains may be divided up in similar ways. In the US and some other countries, the following top-level domains are used much more widely than the country code: .com - commercial bodies .edu - educational institutions .gov - U. S. government .mil - U. S. armed services .net - network operators .org - other organisations Since the rapid commercialisation of the Internet in the 1990s the ".com" domain has become particularly heavily populated with every company trying to register its company name as a subdomain of .com, e.g. "" so as to make it easy for customers to guess or remember the {URL} of the comany's {home page}. United Nations entities use the domain names of the countries where they are located. The UN headquarters facility in New York City, for example, is Several new top-level domains are about to be added (Oct 1997): .nom - individual people .rec - recreational organisations .firm - businesses such as law, accounting, engineering .store - commercial retail companies .ent - entertainment facilities and organisations (1997-10-08)

training ::: p. pr. & vb. n. --> of Train ::: n. --> The act of one who trains; the act or process of exercising, disciplining, etc.; education.

Trivium: (Lat. tres, and viae, three ways) The first three disciplines in the mediaeval, educational system of seven liberal arts. The trivium includes grammar, rhetoric and dialectic See Quadrivium. -- V.J.B.

true-bred ::: a. --> Of a genuine or right breed; as, a true-bred beast.
Being of real breeding or education; as, a true-bred gentleman.

Tsong kha pa Blo bzang grags pa. (Tsong kha pa Losang Drakpa) (1357-1419). A Tibetan scholar and teacher venerated as the founder of the DGE LUGS sect of Tibetan Buddhism; typically known simply as Tsong kha pa. Born in the Tsong kha region of A mdo in northeastern Tibet, he received his initial lay vows under the fourth KARMA PA and began his religious education in the BKA' GDAMS tradition. In 1372, he traveled to central Tibet for further study. He became a disciple of the SA SKYA scholar Red mda' ba Gzhon nu blo gros (Rendawa Shonu Lodro, 1349-1412) but went on to study under many of the leading scholars of the day, including masters of various schools and sectarian affiliations. Another influential teacher was the lama Dbu ma pa (Umapa), from whom he received instructions on the KĀLACAKRATANTRA. He distinguished himself as a brilliant scholar and exegete of both SuTRA and TANTRA. According to his traditional biographies, Tsong kha pa experienced visions of Indian masters such as NĀGĀRJUNA and BUDDHAPĀLITA, who helped to clarify difficult points of doctrine. He is also said to have maintained a special relationship with MANJUsRĪ, the bodhisattva of wisdom, who appeared in visions throughout Tsong kha pa's life offering instruction and advice; Tsong kha pa is sometimes called 'Jam mgon, or "protected by MaNjusrī." Tsong kha pa's biographies speak of four major deeds undertaken during his lifetime. The first, in 1399, was his restoration of an image of the future buddha, MAITREYA. The second was a council to reform the code of VINAYA, convened in 1403 and attended by monks representing all sects of Tibetan Buddhism. The third was the Great Prayer Festival (SMON LAM CHEN MO) inaugurated in 1409 at the JO KHANG in LHA SA, in which he offered the ornaments of a SAMBHOGAKĀYA to the famous statue of JO BO SHĀKYAMUNI, celebrating the Buddha's performance of the sRĀVASTĪ MIRACLES. The festival became an important annual event, drawing thousands of participants from all quarters of the Tibetan Buddhist world. The fourth was the founding in 1409 of DGA' LDAN monastery, which would become one of principal religious institutions in the Lha sa region and seat of the leader of the Dge lugs sect. Tsong kha pa was an original and penetrating philosopher, who saw reason and intellectual development as key aspects of the path to enlightenment. Born during a period when the Tibetan Buddhist canon had been newly formulated, he sought a comprehensive explanation of the Buddhist path, with the PRĀSAnGIKA-MADHYAMAKA of BUDDHAPĀLITA and CANDRAKĪRTI as the highest philosophical view. His works are marked with a concern with systematic consistency, whether it be between sutra and tantra or PRAMĀnA and MADHYAMAKA. A prolific author, Tsong kha pa's works fill eighteen volumes. Among his best known writings are the LAM RIM CHEN MO ("Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment"), composed in 1402 at RWA SGRENG monastery, the SNGAGS RIM CHEN MO ("Great Treatise on the Stages of Mantra"), and the Drang nges LEGS BSHAD SNYING PO ("Essence of Eloquence on the Definitive and Interpretable"). Tsong kha pa called his system of religious practice the Bka' gdams gsar ma, or "New Bka' gdams," after the sect founded by the Bengali master ATIsA DĪPAMKARAsRĪJNĀNA. His followers were later known as Dga' ldan pa (Gandenpa), "those of Dga' ldan," after the monastic seat established by Tsong kha pa. This was sometimes abbreviated as Dga' lugs pa, "those of the system of Dga' ldan," eventually evolving into the current name Dge lugs pa, "those of the system of virtue." Tsong kha pa's fame was greatly elevated through the political power of the Dge lugs sect after the establishment of the institution of the DALAI LAMA. His tomb at Dga' ldan became an important site of pilgrimage prior to its destruction during the Chinese Cultural Revolution. Tsong kha pa's fame in Tibet was sufficiently great that he is commonly known simply as Rje rin po che, the "precious leader."

Tufts, James Hayden: (1862-) Emeritus Professor of Philosophy of Chicago University. He has been strongly influenced by Kant. He collaborated with Dewey in the standard, "Ethics", and among his other writings are: "Ethics of Cooperation," "Education and Training for Social Work" and "America's Social Morality." -- L.E.D.

T'ung: Mere identity, or sameness, especially in social institutions and standards, which is inferior to harmony (ho) in which social distinctions and differences are in complete concord. (Confucianism). Agreement, as in "agreement with the superiors" (shang t'ung). The method of agreement, which includes identity, generic relationship, co-existence, and partial resemblance. "Identity means two substances having one name. Generic relationship means inclusion in the same whole. Both being in the same room is a case of co-existence. Partial resemblance means having some points of resemblance." See Mo chi. (Neo-Mohism). --W.T.C. T'ung i: The joint method of similarities and differences, by which what is present and what is absent can be distinguished. See Mo chi. --W.T.C. Tung Chung-shu: (177-104 B.C.) was the leading Confucian of his time, premier to two feudal princes, and consultant to the Han emperor in framing national policies. Firmly believing in retribution, he strongly advocated the "science of catastrophic and anomalies," and became the founder and leader of medieval Confucianism which was extensively confused with the Yin Yang philosophy. Extremely antagonistic towards rival schools, he established Confucianism as basis of state religion and education. His best known work, Ch-un-ch'iu Fan-lu, awaits English translation. --W.T.C. Turro y Darder, Ramon: Spanish Biologist and Philosopher. Born in Malgrat, Dec. 8 1854. Died in Barcelona, June 5, 1926. As a Biologist, his conclusions about the circulation of the blood, more than half a century ago, were accepted and verified by later researchers and theorists. Among other things, he showed the insufficiency and unsatisfactoriness of the mechanistic and neomechanistic explanations of the circulatory process. He was also the first to busy himself with endocrinology and bacteriological immunity. As a philosopher Turro combated the subjectivistic and metaphysical type of psychology, and circumscribed scientific investigation to the determination of the conditions that precede the occurrence of phenomena, considering useless all attempt to reach final essences. Turro does not admit, however, that the psychical series or conscious states may be causally linked to the organic series. His formula was: Physiology and Consciousness are phenomena that occur, not in connection, but in conjunction. His most important work is Filosofia Critica, in which he has put side by side two antagonistic conceptions of the universe, the objective and the subjectne conceptions. In it he holds that, at the present crisis of science and philosophy, the business of intelligence is to realize that science works on philosophical presuppositions, but that philosophy is no better off with its chaos of endless contradictions and countless systems of thought. The task to be realized is one of coming together, to undo what has been done and get as far as the original primordial concepts with which philosophical inquiry began. --J.A.F. Tychism: A term derived from the Greek, tyche, fortune, chance, and employed by Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914) to express any theory which regards chance as an objective reality, operative in the cosmos. Also the hypothesis that evolution occurs owing to fortuitous variations. --J.J.R. Types, theory of: See Logic, formal, § 6; Paradoxes, logical; Ramified theory of types. Type-token ambiguity: The words token and type are used to distinguish between two senses of the word word.   Individual marks, more or less resembling each other (as "cat" resembles "cat" and "CAT") may (1) be said to be "the same word" or (2) so many "different words". The apparent contradiction therby involved is removed by speaking of the individual marks as tokens, in contrast with the one type of which they are instances. And word may then be said to be subject to type-token ambiguity. The terminology can easily be extended to apply to any kind of symbol, e.g. as in speaking of token- and type-sentences.   Reference: C. S. Peirce, Collected Papers, 4.517. --M.B. Tz'u: (a) Parental love, kindness, or affection, the ideal Confucian virtue of parents.   (b) Love, kindness in general. --W.T.C. Tzu hua: Self-transformation or spontaneous transformation without depending on any divine guidance or eternal agency, but following the thing's own principle of being, which is Tao. (Taoism). --W.T.C. Tzu jan: The natural, the natural state, the state of Tao, spontaneity as against artificiality. (Lao Tzu; Huai-nan Tzu, d. 122 B.C.). --W.T.C. U

twirling baton ::: (graphics) The overstrike sequence -/|\-/|\- which produces an animated twirling baton. If you output it with a single backspace between characters, the baton spins from left to right. If you output BS SP BS BS between characters, the batton spins from right to left.The twirling baton was a popular component of animated signature files on the pioneering PLATO educational time-sharing system. The archie Internet service is perhaps the best-known baton program today; it uses the twirling baton as an idler indicating that the program is working on a query.[Jargon File] (1995-02-23)

twirling baton "graphics" The overstrike sequence -/|\-/|\- which produces an animated twirling baton. If you output it with a single {backspace} between characters, the baton spins in place. If you output the sequence BS SP between characters, the baton spins from left to right. If you output BS SP BS BS between characters, the batton spins from right to left. The twirling baton was a popular component of animated signature files on the pioneering {PLATO} educational {time-sharing} system. The "{archie}" {Internet} service is perhaps the best-known baton program today; it uses the twirling baton as an idler indicating that the program is working on a query. [{Jargon File}] (1995-02-23)

UKERNA ::: United Kingdom Education and Research Networking Association

UKERNA {United Kingdom Education and Research Networking Association}

Unamuno y Jugo, Miguel de: Spanish Professor and writer. Born at Bilbao, Spain, September 29, 1864. Died 1936. First and secondary education in Bilbao. Philosophical studies and higher learning at the Central University of Madrid since 1880. Private instructor in Bilbao, 1884-1891. Professor of Greek language and literature at the University of Salamanca since 1891. President of the University of Salamanca and at the same time Professor of the History of the Spanish Language, in 1901. Madariaga considers him "The most important literary figure of Spain". If he does not embody, at least it may be asserted that Unamuno very well symbolizes the character of Spain. His conflict between faith and reason, life and thought, culture and civilization, depicts for us a clear picture of the Spanish cultural crisis.

United Kingdom Education and Research Networking Association "company" (UKERNA or JANET (UK)) The trading name for {JNT Association}. (2016-04-12)

university ::: n. --> The universe; the whole.
An association, society, guild, or corporation, esp. one capable of having and acquiring property.
An institution organized and incorporated for the purpose of imparting instruction, examining students, and otherwise promoting education in the higher branches of literature, science, art, etc., empowered to confer degrees in the several arts and faculties, as in theology, law, medicine, music, etc. A university may exist without

University of Arizona "body, education" The University was founded in 1885 as a Land Grant institution with a three-fold mission of teaching, research and public service. Today, the University is one of the top 20 research universities in the nation, with a student enrollment of more than 35,000, a faculty and staff of 12,500, and a 345-acre campus. {(}. Address: Tucson, Arizona, USA.

University of Arizona ::: (body, education) The University was founded in 1885 as a Land Grant institution with a three-fold mission of teaching, research and public service. with a student enrollment of more than 35,000, a faculty and staff of 12,500, and a 345-acre campus. .Address: Tucson, Arizona, USA.

University of California at Berkeley "body, education" (UCB) See also {Berzerkley}, {BSD}. {(}. Note to British and Commonwealth readers: that's /berk'lee/, not /bark'lee/ as in British Received Pronunciation. (1994-11-29)

University of California at Berkeley ::: (body, education) (UCB)See also Berzerkley, BSD. .Note to British and Commonwealth readers: that's /berk'lee/, not /bark'lee/ as in British Received Pronunciation. (1994-11-29)

University of Durham ::: (body, education) A busy research and teaching community in the historic cathedral city of Durham, UK (population 61000). Its work covers key branches of a major employer, the University contributes in a wide social and economic sense to the community.Founded in 1832, the University developed in Durham and Newcastle until 1963 when the independent University of Newcastle upon Tyne came into being. Durham launched University College, Stockton-on-Tees, which has 190 students in the first year. . (1995-03-17)

University of Durham "body, education" A busy research and teaching community in the historic cathedral city of Durham, UK (population 61000). Its work covers key branches of science and technology and traditional areas of scholarship. Durham graduates are in great demand among employers and the University helps to attract investment into the region. It provides training, short courses, and expertise for industry. Through its cultural events, conferences, tourist business and as a major employer, the University contributes in a wide social and economic sense to the community. Founded in 1832, the University developed in Durham and Newcastle until 1963 when the independent University of Newcastle upon Tyne came into being. Durham is a collegiate body, with 14 Colleges or Societies which are a social and domestic focus for students. In 1992, the Universities of Durham and Teesside launched University College, Stockton-on-Tees, which has 190 students in the first year. {(}. (1995-03-17)

University of East London ::: (body, education) (UEL) A UK University with six academic Faculties: Design and The Built Environment, East London Business School, Institute Of Health and Rehabilitation, Faculty Of Science, Social Sciences and Technology. . (1994-11-29)

University of East London "body, education" (UEL) A UK University with six academic Faculties: Design and The Built Environment, East London Business School, Institute Of Health and Rehabilitation, Faculty Of Science, Social Sciences and Technology. {(}. (1994-11-29)

University of Edinburgh ::: (body, education) A university in the centre of Scotland's capital. The University of Edinburgh has been promoting and setting standards in education Council of Edinburgh, making it the first post-Reformation university in Scotland, and the first civic university to be established in the British Isles.Known in its early years as King James College, or the Tounis (Town's) College, the University soon established itself internationally, and by the 18th century perspective, has kept Edinburgh at the forefront of new research and teaching developments whilst enabling it to retain a uniquely Scottish character.Edinburgh's academics are at the forefront of developments in the study and application of languages, medicine, micro-electronics, biotechnology, University precincts of many independently-funded, but closely linked, national research institutes .Address: Old College, South Bridge, Edinburgh, Scotland EH8 9YL, UK.Telephone: +44 (131) 650 1000.See also ABSET, ABSYS, Alice, ASL+, Baroque, C++Linda, Cogent Prolog, COWSEL, Echidna, Edinburgh Prolog, Edinburgh SML, EdML, ELLIS, ELSIE, ESLPDPRO, Extended POPLER, Prolog, Prolog-2, Prolog-Linda, Scheme-Linda, Skel-ML, Standard ML, Sticks&Stones, supercombinators, SWI-Prolog, tail recursion modulo cons, WPOP. (1995-12-29)

University of Edinburgh "body, education" A university in the centre of Scotland's capital. The University of Edinburgh has been promoting and setting standards in education for over 400 years. Granted its Royal Charter in 1582 by James VI, the son of Mary Queen of Scots, the University was founded the following year by the Town Council of Edinburgh, making it the first post-Reformation university in Scotland, and the first civic university to be established in the British Isles. Known in its early years as King James College, or the Tounis (Town's) College, the University soon established itself internationally, and by the 18th century Edinburgh was a leading centre of the European Enlightenment and one of the continent's principal universities. The University's close relationship with the city in which it is based, coupled with a forward-looking, international perspective, has kept Edinburgh at the forefront of new research and teaching developments whilst enabling it to retain a uniquely Scottish character. Edinburgh's academics are at the forefront of developments in the study and application of languages, medicine, micro-electronics, biotechnology, computer-based disciplines and many other subjects. Edinburgh's standing as a world centre for research is further enhanced by the presence on and around University precincts of many independently-funded, but closely linked, national research institutes {(}. Address: Old College, South Bridge, Edinburgh, Scotland EH8 9YL, UK. Telephone: +44 (131) 650 1000. See also {ABSET}, {ABSYS}, {Alice}, {ASL+}, {Baroque}, {C++Linda}, {Cogent Prolog}, {COWSEL}, {Echidna}, {Edinburgh Prolog}, {Edinburgh SML}, {EdML}, {ELLIS}, {ELSIE}, {ESLPDPRO}, {Extended ML}, {Hope}, {IMP}, {LCF}, {Lisp-Linda}, {Marseille Prolog}, {metalanguage}, {MIKE}, {ML}, {ML Kit}, {ML-Linda}, {Multipop-68}, {Nuprl}, {Oblog}, {paraML}, {Pascal-Linda}, {POP-1}, {POP-2}, {POPLER}, {Prolog}, {Prolog-2}, {Prolog-Linda}, {Scheme-Linda}, {Skel-ML}, {Standard ML}, {Sticks&Stones}, {supercombinators}, {SWI-Prolog}, {tail recursion modulo cons}, {WPOP}. (1995-12-29)

University of Hawaii "body, education" A University spread over 10 campuses on 4 islands throughout the state. {(}. See also {Aloha}, {Aloha Net}. (1995-12-10)

University of Hawaii ::: (body, education) A University spread over 10 campuses on 4 islands throughout the state. .See also Aloha, Aloha Net. (1995-12-10)

University of Iceland "body, education" The Home of {Fjolnir}. {(}. (1995-03-17)

University of Iceland ::: (body, education) The Home of Fjolnir.H�sk�li �slands. . (1995-03-17)

University of London Computing Centre ::: (body, education) (ULCC) One of the UK's national high performance computing centres. It provides networking services and large-scale computing facilities which are used by researchers from all over the UK.ULCC was founded in 1968 to provide a service for education and research. It has been at the forefront of advanced research computing since its foundation, facilities are now centred on a 6 processor, 4 Gbyte Convex C3860 supercomputer (Neptune) with a Convex C3200 front-end (Pluto).ULCC is the main site for national and international network connections in the UK. They run the Network Operations and Service Centre for the JANET Internet Protocol Service (JIPS), the largest of the JANET NOCs and various international links and relays on behalf of UKERNA.ULCC's pilot National Data Repository service provides a network-accessible digital archive and filestore, based on a robotic tape system with 6 Terabytes as if it were on-line. It is made available to you via high-speed links to the JANET and SuperJANET networks. . (1994-11-29)

University of London Computing Centre "body, education" (ULCC) One of the UK's national high performance computing centres. It provides networking services and large-scale computing facilities which are used by researchers from all over the UK. ULCC was founded in 1968 to provide a service for education and research. It has been at the forefront of advanced research computing since its foundation, initially providing large-scale {CDC}-based facilities, then from 1982 to 1991 a national {Cray} {vector} supercomputing service. Its high performance computing facilities are now centred on a 6 processor, 4 Gbyte {Convex C3860} {supercomputer} (Neptune) with a Convex C3200 front-end (Pluto). ULCC is the main site for national and international network connections in the UK. They run the {Network Operations and Service Centre} for the {JANET Internet Protocol Service} (JIPS), the largest of the {JANET} {NOCs} and various international links and relays on behalf of {UKERNA}. ULCC's pilot {National Data Repository} service provides a network-accessible digital archive and filestore, based on a robotic tape system with 6 terabytes of storage. Although the data is stored on tape, you can access it very quickly, as if it were on-line. It is made available to you via high-speed links to the {JANET} and {SuperJANET} networks. {(}. (1994-11-29)

University of Michigan ::: (body, education) A large cosmopolitan university in the Midwest USA. Over 50000 students are enrolled at the University of Michigan's three campuses. rank in the top 20% of their high school class. 60% of the students receive financial aid.The main Ann Arbor Campus lies in the Huron River valley, 40 miles west of Detroit. The campus boasts 2700 acres with 200 buildings, six million volumes in 23 libraries, nine museums, seven hospitals, hundreds of laboratories and institutes, and over 18000 microcomputers. . (1995-02-23)

University of Michigan "body, education" A large cosmopolitan university in the Midwest USA. Over 50000 students are enrolled at the University of Michigan's three campuses. The students come from 50 states and over 100 foreign countries. 70% of the University's students graduated in the top 10% of their high school class. 90% rank in the top 20% of their high school class. 60% of the students receive financial aid. The main Ann Arbor Campus lies in the Huron River valley, 40 miles west of Detroit. The campus boasts 2700 acres with 200 buildings, six million volumes in 23 libraries, nine museums, seven hospitals, hundreds of laboratories and institutes, and over 18000 {microcomputers}. {(}. (1995-02-23)

University of Minnesota ::: (body, education) The home of Gopher. .Address: Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. (1995-01-30)

University of Minnesota "body, education" The home of {Gopher}. {(}. Address: Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. (1995-01-30)

University of Nijmegen "body, education" Katholieke University of Nijmegen (KUN), Nijmegen, the Netherlands. KUN's {Computing Science Institute (}. is known for the {Clean}, {Comma}, {Communicating Functional Processes}, and {GLASS} projects. {(}. (1995-11-07)

University of Nijmegen ::: (body, education) Katholieke University of Nijmegen (KUN), Nijmegen, the Netherlands.KUN's . is known for the Clean, Comma, Communicating Functional Processes, and GLASS projects. . (1995-11-07)

University of Pennsylvania ::: (body, education) The home of ENIAC and Machiavelli. .Address: Philadelphia, PA, USA.[More info?] (1995-02-21)

University of Pennsylvania "body, education" The home of {ENIAC} and {Machiavelli}. {(}. Address: Philadelphia, PA, USA. [More info?] (1995-02-21)

University of Tasmania ::: (body, education) . (1995-01-25)

University of Tasmania "body, education" {(}. (1995-01-25)

University of Twente ::: (body, education) A university in the east of The Netherlands for technical and social sciences. It was founded in 1961, making it one of the Computer Science; Electrical Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Philosophy of science, Technology and Society; Educational Technology. . (1995-04-16)

University of Twente "body, education" A university in the east of The Netherlands for technical and social sciences. It was founded in 1961, making it one of the youngest universities in The Netherlands. It has 7000 students studying Applied Educational Science; Applied Mathematics; Applied Physics; Chemical Technology; Computer Science; Electrical Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Philosophy of science, Technology and Society; Educational Technology. {(}. (1995-04-16)

ursuline ::: n. --> One of an order of nuns founded by St. Angela Merici, at Brescia, in Italy, about the year 1537, and so called from St. Ursula, under whose protection it was placed. The order was introduced into Canada as early as 1639, and into the United States in 1727. The members are devoted entirely to education. ::: a.

VajiraNānavarorasa. (Thai. Wachirayanwarorot) (1860-1921). One of the most influential Thai monks of the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries; his name (given in its Pāli form here) is also rendered in the Thai vernacular as Wachirayanwarorot [alt. Wachirayan Warot]. The son of King Mongkut (RĀMA IV), after a youth spent in royal luxury, he was ordained as a monk in 1879. He distinguished himself as a scholar of the Buddhist scriptures and in 1892 became abbot of WAT BOWONNIWET [alt. Wat Bovoranives; P. Pavaranivesa], the leading monastery of the THAMMAYUT (P. Dhammayuttika) order. In 1893, he became patriarch of the order and served as supreme patriarch (sangharāja; S. SAMGHARĀJAN) of the Thai sangha (S. SAMGHA) from 1910 until his death. A distinguished scholar of Pāli, he was the author of many textbooks, including the definitive Thai primer on the Pāli VINAYA tradition, the Vinayamukha ("Gateway to the Discipline"), which he wrote in an (unsuccessful) attempt to bring together the two major sects of Thai Buddhism, the Thammuyut and the MAHANIKAI. VajiraNānavarorasa also designed the modern monastic curriculum and reorganized the Thai ecclesiastical hierarchy. As an advisor to King Chulalongkorn (RĀMA V), he also sought to extend modern education into the provinces. VajiraNānavarorasa's autobiography is considered the first work of the genre in Thai vernacular literature.

Vinaya: Humility or sense of propriety; manners; education; mental culture and refinement.

vinaya. ::: humility; sense of propriety; manners; rule of conduct; education; mental culture and refinement; discipline

Vinaya (Sanskrit) Vinaya [from vi-nī to lead towards, instruct, educate] Education, discipline, control; in Buddhism, the rules of discipline, with special application to monks.

Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam ::: (education, body) The Free University of Amsterdam, founded in 1880 by Abraham Kuyper (who later became Prime Minister of The Netherlands). Originally only open to Reformed Christians, it is now open to all.Andrew Tanenbaum is a professor there.Not to be confused with the much older Universiteit van Amsterdam. .(2005-11-05)

Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam "education, body" The "Free University of Amsterdam", founded in 1880 by Abraham Kuyper (who later became Prime Minister of The Netherlands). Originally only open to Reformed Christians, it is now open to all. {Andrew Tanenbaum} is a professor there. Not to be confused with the much older Universiteit van Amsterdam. {(}. (2005-11-05)

Well-ordered: See Ordinal number. Weltanschauung: (Ger.) The compound term means world-view, perspective of life, conception of things. Wen: (a) Culture evidences of the Confucian Moral Law (tao), such as propriety, music, social institutions, governmental systems, education, etc., the tradition of the Chou dynasty which Confucius attempted to preserve. (b) Appearance polish, superficiality. (c) Letters: literature, one of the four things Confucius taught (ssu chiao). -- W.T.C.

Wizo ::: Women's International Zionist Organization founded in 1920, involved in rescuing Jewish children and young people and giving them care and education in Eretz Israel.

Wonbulgyo. (圓佛教). In Korean, "Won Buddhism" or "Consummate Buddhism"; a modern Korean new religion, founded in 1916 by PAK CHUNGBIN (1891-1943), later known by his sobriquet SOT'AESAN. Based on his enlightenment to the universal order of the "one-circle image" (IRWoNSANG), Sot'aesan sought to establish an ideal world where this universal order could be accomplished in and through ordinary human life, rather than the specialized institution of the monastery. After perusing the scriptures of various religions, Sot'aesan came to regard the teachings of Buddhism as the ultimate source of his enlightenment and in 1924 named his new religion the Pulpop Yon'gu hoe (Society for the Study of the Buddhadharma); this organization was later renamed Wonbulgyo in 1947 by Sot'aesan's successor and the second prime Dharma master of the religion, Chongsan, a.k.a. Song Kyu (1900-1962). Since the tenets and institutions of Wonbulgyo are distinct from those of mainstream Buddhism in Korea, the religion is usually considered an indigenous Korean religion that is nevertheless closely aligned with the broader Buddhist tradition. Sot'aesan used the "one-circle image" as a way of representing his vision of the Buddhist notion of the "DHARMAKĀYA buddha" (popsinbul), which was reality itself; since this reality transcended all possible forms of conceptualization, he represented it with a simple circle, an image that is now displayed on the altar at all Wonbulgyo temples. Sot'aesan's religious activities were also directed at improving the daily lot of his adherents, and to this end he and his followers established thrift and savings institutions and led land reclamation projects. Wonbulgyo has focused its activities on the three pillars of religious propagation (kyohwa), education (kyoyuk), and public service (chason): for example, the second prime master Chongsan established temples for propagation, schools such as Won'gwang University for education, and social-welfare facilities such as hospitals and orphanages. These activities, along with international proselytization, were continued by his successors Taesan, Kim Taego (1914-1988), who became the third prime master in 1962, Chwasan, Yi Kwangjong (b. 1936), who became the fourth prime master in 1994, and Kyongsan, Chang Ŭngch'ol (b. 1940), who became the fifth prime master in 2006. The two representative scriptures of Wonbulgyo are the Wonbulgyo chongjon ("Principal Book of Won Buddhism"), a primer of the basic tenets of Wonbulgyo, which was published by Sot'aesan in 1943, and the Taejonggyong ("Scripture of the Founding Master"), the dialogues and teachings of Sot'aesan, published in 1962 by his successor Chongsan. Wonbulgyo remains an influential religious tradition in Korea, especially in the Cholla region in the southwest of the peninsula; in addition, there currently are over fifty Wonbulgyo temples active in over fourteen countries.

World Fellowship of Buddhists. The first international Buddhist organization, founded in Colombo, Sri Lanka, in 1950, by representatives from twenty-seven countries, and headed by GUNAPALA PIYASENA MALALASEKERA (1899-1973). Although most Buddhist traditions around the world are actively involved in the organization, THERAVĀDA Buddhists of Southeast Asia have traditionally played a central role: all its previous and current headquarters have been located in countries where the Theravāda tradition predominates (e.g., Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and Thailand) and all its presidents have also come from those countries. The WFB has more than 130 regional centers in over thirty countries, including India, Australia, the United States, Korea, Japan, and some African and European countries. The organization aims to promote the teachings of the Buddha, strengthen collegiality among Buddhists of different national traditions, and contribute to world peace by participating in social, educational, and humanitarian activities. The current headquarters is located in Bangkok, Thailand.

WORLD TEACHER, THE (T.B.) The head of the second department of the planetary hierarchy (department of education). The same as bodhisattva. The present holder of the office is 43-self Christos-Maitreya. (K 3.1.28)

WRITEACOURSE "language" A {CAI} language for {IBM 360}. ["WRITEACOURSE: An Educational Programming Language", E. Hunt et al, Proc FJCC 33(2) 1968]. (1998-04-28)

WRITEACOURSE ::: (language) A CAI language for IBM 360.[WRITEACOURSE: An Educational Programming Language, E. Hunt et al, Proc FJCC 33(2) 1968]. (1998-04-28)

Yourdon, Inc. ::: (company) The company founded in 1974 by Edward Yourdon to provide educational, publishing, and consulting services in state-of-the-art software computer books on a wide range of software engineering topics; many of these classics are used as standard university computer science textbooks. (1995-04-16)

Yourdon, Inc. "company" The company founded in 1974 by {Edward Yourdon} to provide educational, publishing, and consulting services in state-of-the-art software engineering technology. Over the next 12 years, the company grew to a staff of over 150 people, with offices throughout North America and Europe. As CEO of the company, Yourdon oversaw an operation that trained over 250,000 people around the world; the company was sold in 1986 and eventually became part of {CGI}, the French software company that is now part of {IBM}. The publishing division, Yourdon Press (now part of Prentice Hall), has produced over 150 technical computer books on a wide range of software engineering topics; many of these "classics" are used as standard university computer science textbooks. (1995-04-16)

Youth Aliyah ::: Organization founded in 1932 by Henrietta Szold to rescue Jewish children and young people and give them care and education in Eretz Israel.

Zodiacus vitae (Latin for Zodiac of Life): An old school book by Marcellus Palingenius Stellatus, widely used in England in the 16th century. Its twelve chapters were said by Foster Watson, M.A., Professor of Education in the University College of Wales (in the modern annotated edition published by Philip Wellby in 1908) to “find their parallel in the twelve labours of Hercules,” and thus “to typify the evolution of the human soul through successive stages of mental and spiritual enlightenment.”

Zynet Ltd. ::: (company) A UK Internet service provider offering full Internet Protocol connection by any reasonable means for any number of computers from individual dial-ups to leased line connections to entire networks.Zynet is a sister company of Minerva Software and thus claim a better than average understanding of the needs and idiosyncracies of Acorn systems and will be offering special services for education. .E-mail: .Telephone: +44 (1392) 426 160. Fax: +44 (1392) 421 762.Address: Minerva House, Baring Crescent, Exeter EX1 1TL, UK. (1995-01-31)

Zynet Ltd. "company" A UK {Internet service provider} offering full {Internet Protocol} connection by any reasonable means for any number of computers from individual {dial-ups} to {leased line} connections to entire networks. Zynet is a sister company of {Minerva Software} and thus claim a better than average understanding of the needs and idiosyncracies of {Acorn} systems and will be offering special services for education. {(}. E-mail: "". Telephone: +44 (1392) 426 160. Fax: +44 (1392) 421 762. Address: Minerva House, Baring Crescent, Exeter EX1 1TL, UK. (1995-01-31)

QUOTES [116 / 116 - 1500 / 10251]

KEYS (10k)

   35 The Mother
   10 Sri Aurobindo
   6 Howard Gardner
   3 Claudio Naranjo
   3 Swami Vivekananda
   2 R Buckminster Fuller
   2 Noam Chomsky
   2 Jiddu Krishnamurti
   2 Isaac Asimov
   2 Alfred Korzybski
   2 Confucius
   2 Aristotle
   2 Aleister Crowley
   2 Abraham Maslow
   1 William Butler Yeats
   1 Victor Hugo
   1 T S Eliot
   1 Stratford Caldecott
   1 Socrates
   1 Sidney Hook
   1 Shams Tabrizi
   1 Saint John Bosco
   1 Robert Heinlein
   1 Reverend Chad Ripperger
   1 Origen
   1 M P Pandit
   1 Miriam
   1 Martin Buber
   1 Mark Twain
   1 Margaret Drabble
   1 Joseph Campbell
   1 John Paul II
   1 John Amos Comenius
   1 Jim Rohn
   1 Herbert Spencer
   1 Gerald G. Jampolsky M.D. Author of "Forgiveness: The Greatest Healer of All
   1 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
   1 George Carlin
   1 Fyodor Dostoevsky
   1 Frank Zappa
   1 Epictetus : Conversations
   1 Dr Robert A Hatch
   1 Dalai Lama
   1 C. S. Lewis
   1 Carl Sagan
   1 Basil of Caesarea
   1 A N Wilson
   1 Alfred North Whitehead
   1 Aldous Huxley
   1 Alan Turing
   1 Saint Thomas Aquinas
   1 Rudolf Steiner
   1 Plato
   1 African Proverb
   1 ?


   24 Mark Twain
   21 Malala Yousafzai
   20 Mahatma Gandhi
   18 Aristotle
   17 Sai Baba
   17 Plato
   17 John Dewey
   14 Anonymous
   12 Ralph Waldo Emerson
   10 Maria Montessori
   9 Albert Einstein
   8 Paulo Freire
   8 Eleanor Roosevelt
   7 Terry Pratchett
   7 Malcolm X
   7 Louis L Amour
   7 Isaac Asimov
   7 Donald Trump
   7 Bertrand Russell
   7 Alfred North Whitehead

1:Education is at a turning point ~ Howard Gardner,
2:If you think education is expensive, try ignorance." ~ African Proverb,
3:The future is a race between education and catastrophe. ~ Claudio Naranjo,
4:The great aim of education is not knowledge but action. ~ Herbert Spencer,
5:Education serves to keep people idiotic and manipulable. ~ Claudio Naranjo,
6:Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.
   ~ Socrates,
7:Education: the path from cocky ignorance to miserable uncertainty. ~ Mark Twain,
8:One of the goals of education should be to teach that life is precious. ~ Abraham Maslow,
9:Self-education is, I firmly believe, the only kind of education there is.
   ~ Isaac Asimov,
10:Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire.
   ~ William Butler Yeats,
11:Formal education will make you a living. Self education will make you a fortune.
   ~ Jim Rohn,
12:A hundred years of education is nothing compared with one moment spent with God! ~ Shams Tabrizi,
13:The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.
   ~ Aristotle,
14:Education worthy of the name is essentially education of character. ~ Martin Buber, Between Man and Man,
15:Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all. ~ Aristotle,
16:Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace. ~ Confucius,
17:Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace." ~ Confucius,
18:If you do not study, the inertia will go on increasing.
   ~ The Mother, On Education,
19:From the very beginning of his education, the child should experience the joy of discovery. ~ Alfred North Whitehead
20:Replace the eagerness for fame by the aspiration for perfection.
   ~ The Mother, On Education,
21:3) by instructing, the cause of EDUCATION ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (On NE 8, lect. 11).,
22:An education that seeks competition rather than collaboration is the reflection of a society that is deeply ill. ~ Claudio Naranjo,
23:The measure of the sincerity is the measure of the success.
23 April 1968
   ~ The Mother, On Education,
24:Teachers must be encouraged - I almost said 'freed', to pursue an education that strives for depth of understanding. ~ Howard Gardner,
25:Sometimes it seems the only accomplishment my education ever bestowed on me was the ability to think in quotations. ~ Margaret Drabble,
26:All education is the art of making men ethical (sittlich), of transforming the old Adam into the new Adam. ~ Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, [T5],
27:His business is to suggest and not to impose. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Early Cultural Writings, A System of National Education,
28:Nothing but a radical change of consciousness can deliver the world from its present obscurity. ~ The Mother, On Education,
29:I have realized why corrupt politicians do nothing to improve the quality of public school education. They are terrified of educated voters. ~ Miriam,
30:Never get excited, nervous or agitated. Remain perfectly calm in the face of all circumstances.
   ~ The Mother, On Education,
31:Religion has to be lived, not learned as a creed. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Early Cultural Writings, A System of National Education,
32:All experience lies within us as passive or potential memory. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Early Cultural Writings, A System of National Education,
33:Yes, this is the true love, which is a force; it is the union that enables new possibilities to be realised... ~ The Mother, On Education,
34:Whatever is mechanical and artificial is inoperative for good. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Early Cultural Writings, A System of National Education,
35:Only what the man admires and accepts, becomes part of himself; ~ Sri Aurobindo, Early Cultural Writings, A System of National Education,
36:Which of Sri Aurobindo's books should I start with?
The Life Divine.
My blessings.
11 March 1941 ~ The Mother, On Education,
   The Riddle of the World

If you can solve it, you will be immortal, but if you fail you will perish. ~ The Mother, On Education, [T5],
38:Every Christian, even if he lacks any education, knows that every place is part of the universe and that the universe itself is the temple of God. ~ Origen, Contra Celsus 7.44,
39:Discover John Amos Comenius famous and rare quotes. Share John Amos Comenius quotations about school, humanity and teaching. "The proper education of the young does not..." ~ ?,
40:A school without music is a school without a soul, for music aids education. It is a most effective means to obtain discipline, morality, and help good feeling. ~ Saint John Bosco,
41:The cause of mediocre work is neither the variety nor the number of activities, but lack of the power of concentration.
   ~ The Mother, On Education, [T5],
42:In the ideal college, intrinsic education would be available to anyone who wanted it...The college would be life-long, for learning can take place all through life. ~ Abraham Maslow,
43:The past is our foundation, the present our material, the future our aim and summit. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Early Cultural Writings, A System of National Education,
44:When one is incapable of comforming to a discipline, one is also incapable of doing anything of lasting value in life. 16 Februrary 1967. ~ The Mother, On Education, [T5],
45:By studying carefully what Sri Aurobindo has said on all subjects one can easily reach a complete knowledge of the things of this world.
   ~ The Mother, On Education, [T5],
46:Everyone who remembers his own educational experience remembers teachers, not methods and techniques. The teacher is the kingpin of the educational situation. ~ Sidney Hook, Education for Modern Man,
47:If you have assimilated five ideas and made them your life and character, you have more education than any man who has got by heart a whole library. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
48:We as economic society are going to have to pay our whole population to go to school and pay it to stay at school. ~ R Buckminster Fuller, Education Automation: Freeing the Scholar to Return to His Studie,
49:Let us unite our will in a great aspiration; let us pray for an intervention of the Grace. A miracle can always happen. Faith has a sovereign power. ~ The Mother, On Education, [T5],
50:The future is for those who have the soul of a hero. The stronger and more sincere our faith, the more powerful and effective will be the help received.
   ~ The Mother, On Education,
51:Why do you believe in what the astrologers say? It is the belief that brings the trouble.

   Sri Aurobindo says that a man becomes what he thinks he is.
   ~ The Mother, On Education,
52:No one can become really educated without having pursued some study in which he took no interest--for it is a part of education to learn to interest ourselves in subjects for which we have no aptitude. ~ T S Eliot,
53:For Sri Aurobindo's centenary, what is the best offering that I can personally make to Sri Aurobindo?

   Offer him your mind in all sincerity. 13 November 1970
   ~ The Mother, On Education,
54:I would say, then, that you are faced with a future in which education is going to be number one amongst the great world industries. ~ R Buckminster Fuller, Education Automation: Freeing the Scholar to Return to His Studies,
55:An aimless life is always a miserable life. Every one of you should have an aim. But do not forget that on the quality of your aim will depend the quality of your life.
   ~ The Mother, On Education, p.3,
56:True knowledge takes its base on things, arthas, and only when it has mastered the thing, proceeds to formalise its information. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Early Cultural Writings, A System of National Education,
57:It is not by mental activity that you can quiet your miind, it is from a higher or deeper level that you can receive the help you need. And both can be reached in silence only.
   ~ The Mother, On Education,
58:Anyone who is honestly trying to be a Christian will soon find his intelligence being sharpened: one of the reasons why it needs no special education to be a Christian is that Christianity is an education itself." ~ C. S. Lewis, p. 78,
59:The ideal is that we must have the whole education of our country, spiritual and secular, in our own hands, and it must be on national lines, through national methods as far as practical. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
60:Instead of trying to produce a programme to simulate the adult mind, why not rather try to produce one which simulates the child's? If this were then subjected to an appropriate course of education one would obtain the adult brain. ~ Alan Turing,
61:Knowledge which is acquired under compulsion has no hold on the mind. Therefore do not use compulsion, but let early education be a sort of amusement; you will then be better able to discover the child's natural bent. ~ Plato,
62:The whole human race is so miserable and above all so blind that it is not conscious of its own miseries…" ~ John Amos Comenius, (1592-1670), a Czech philosopher, pedagogue and theologian, considered the father of modern education. His quotes:,
63:Peace of mind comes from not wanting to change others." ~ Gerald G. Jampolsky M.D. Author of "Forgiveness: The Greatest Healer of All,", (1999). is an internationally recognized authority in the fields of psychiatry, health, business, and education.,
64:We would like to be able to show the children pictorial representations of what life should be, but we still have not reached that stage, very far from it. Those films are yet to be made...
   ~ The Mother, On Education, 1968,
65:Be not forgetful of prayer. Every time you pray, if your prayer is sincere, there will be new feeling and new meaning in it, which will give you fresh courage, and you will understand that prayer is an education. ~ Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov,
66:Education is a creative activity with persons as its only possible object... all that is by nature present in the human being to be educated is material for the educators, material which their love must find and mould. ~ John Paul II, Love & Responsibility,
67:Yogic or occult powers are no more supernatural or incredible than is supernatural or incredible the power to write a great poem or compose great music. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Himself and the Ashram, Education, Belief and Yoga,
   Sweet Mother, Can you hear me whenever I call you?

My dear child,
   Be sure that I hear you each time you call and my help and force go straight to you.
   With my blessings.
   1 June 1960
   ~ The Mother, On Education, [T1],
69:It is not by books that Sri Aurobindo ought to be studied but by subjects - what he has said on the Divine, on Unity, on religion, on evolution, on education, on self-perfection, on supermind, etc., etc.
   ~ The Mother, On Education, 205,
70:Each [animal] knows naturally what is salutary and marvelously appropriates what suits its nature. Virtues exist in us also by nature, and the soul has affinity with them not by education, but by nature herself. ~ Basil of Caesarea, On the Hexameron, Homily 9.3-4,
71:Children are nowhere taught, in any systematic way, to distinguish true from false, or meaningful from meaningless, statements. Why is this so? Because their elders, even in the democratic countries, do not want them to be given this kind of education. ~ Aldous Huxley,
72:We must have a hold on the spiritual and secular education of the nation. Do you understand that? You must dream it, you must talk it, you must think it and you must work it out. Till then there is no salvation for the race. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
73:Make of us the hero warriors we aspire to become. May we fight successfully the great battle of the future that is to be born, against the past that seeks to endure, so that the new things may manifest and we be ready to receive them.
   ~ The Mother, On Education,
74:What is true love and how to find it?‡
Do you know what is true love?
There is only one true love, the love from the Divine, which, in human beings, turns into love for the Divine. Shall we say that the nature of the Divine is Love. ~ The Mother, On Education,
75:Studies strengthen the mind and turn its concentration away from the impulses and desires of the vital. Concentrating on study is one of the most powerful ways of controlling the mind and the vital; that is why it is so important to study.
   ~ The Mother, On Education,
76:Education is the best way to train ourselves that we will secure our own well-being by concerning ourselves with others. It is possible to create a better world, a more compassionate, more peaceful world, which is not only in everyone's interest, but is everyone's responsibility to achieve. ~ Dalai Lama,
77:Our highest endeavor must be to develop free human beings who are able of themselves to impart purpose and direction to their lives. The need for imagination, a sense of truth, and a feeling of responsibility-these three forces are the very nerve of education. ~ Rudolf Steiner,
78:Sri Aurobindo does not belong to the past nor to history.
   Sri Aurobindo is the Future advancing towards its realisation.
   Thus we must shelter the eternal youth required for a speedy advance, in order not to become laggards on the way. 2 April 1967
   ~ The Mother, On Education, 210,
79:What is the way of making the consciousness of human unity grow in man?

   Spiritual education, that is to say an education which gives more importance to the growth of the spirit than to any religious or moral teaching or to the material so-called knowledge.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother III,
80:It is a truism that almost any sect, cult, or religion will legislate its creed into law if it acquires the political power to do so, and will follow it by suppressing opposition, subverting all education to seize early the minds of the young, and by killing, locking up, or driving underground all heretics.
   ~ Robert Heinlein, Postscript to Revolt in 2100.,
81:In roughly the last century, important experiments have been launched by such charismatic educators as Maria Montessori, Rudolf Steiner, Shinichi Suzuki, John Dewey, and A. S. Neil. These approaches have enjoyed considerable success[...] Yet they have had relatively little impact on the mainstream of education throughout the contemporary world. ~ Howard Gardner,
82:My dear child, I carry you always in my arms, pressed close to my heart, and I have no doubt that you will become aware of it if you forget the world and concentrate on me. By turning your thoughts towards me you will feel closer and closer to me and peace will come to dwell in your heart. Love. 25 May 1934
   ~ The Mother, On Education, [T0],
83:But once we realize that people have very different kinds of minds, different kinds of strengths -- some people are good in thinking spatially, some in thinking language, others are very logical, other people need to be hands on and explore actively and try things out -- then education, which treats everybody the same way, is actually the most unfair education. ~ Howard Gardner,
84:True strength and protection come from the Divine Presence in the heart.
   If you want to keep this Presence constantly in you, avoid carefully all vulgarity in speech, behaviour and acts.
   Do not mistake liberty for license and freedom for bad manners: the thoughts must be pure and the aspiration ardent.
26 February 1965
   ~ The Mother, On Education, 154,
85:In what then consists progress? He who detaching him self from external things devotes himself entirely to the education and preparation of his faculty of judgment and will in order to put it into accord with Nature and give it elevation, freedom, independence, self-possession,-he it is who is really progressing. ~ Epictetus : Conversations, the Eternal Wisdom
86:Every man has in him something divine, something his own, a chance of strength and perfection in however small a sphere, which God offers him to take or refuse. The task is to find it, develop it, use it. The chief aim of education should be to help the growing soul to draw out that in itself which is best and make it perfect for a noble use. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Early Cultural Writings,
87:The best way to understand is always to rise high enough in the consciousness to be able to unite all contradictory ideas in a harmonious synthesis.
And for the correct attitude, to know how to pass flexibly from one position to another without ever losing sight even for a moment of the one goal of self-consecration to the Divine and identification with Him.
29 April 1964
~ The Mother, On Education,
88:It is an invaluable possession for every living being to have learnt to know himself and to master himself. To know oneself means to know the motives of one's actions and reactions, the why and the how of all that happens in oneself. To master oneself means to do what one has decided to do, to do nothing but that, not to listen to or follow impulses, desires or fancies. ~ The Mother, On Education, Teachers [T3],
89:When you find a writer who really is saying something to you, read everything that writer has written and you will get more education and depth of understanding out of that than reading a scrap here and a scrap there and elsewhere. Then go to people who influenced that writer, or those who were related to him, and your world builds together in an organic way that is really marvelous. ~ Joseph Campbell, The Hero's Journey: Joseph Campbell on His Life & Works,
90:If Confucius can serve as the Patron Saint of Chinese education, let me propose Socrates as his equivalent in a Western educational context - a Socrates who is never content with the initial superficial response, but is always probing for finer distinctions, clearer examples, a more profound form of knowing. Our concept of knowledge has changed since classical times, but Socrates has provided us with a timeless educational goal - ever deeper understanding. ~ Howard Gardner,
91:Student debt is structured to be a burden for life. The indebted cannot declare bankruptcy, unlike Donald Trump. Current student debt is estimated to be over $1.45 trillion. There are ample resources for that simply from waste, including the bloated military and the enormous concentrated private wealth that has accumulated in the financial and general corporate sector under neoliberal policies. There is no economic reason why free education cannot flourish from schools through colleges and university. The barriers are not economic but rather political decisions. ~ Noam Chomsky,
92:To take symbolism seriously is to accept the 'analogy of being' between different levels of reality... More than the sum of its parts, the figure is the appearing-to-us of an infinite depth that cannot be fully revealed in time. Every symbol is a kind of gestalt, in which a universal meaning can be glimpsed. Eventually, every created thing can be seen as a manifestation of its own interior essence, and the world is transformed into a radiant book to be read with eyes sensitive to spiritual light. ~ Stratford Caldecott, Beauty for Truth's Sake: On the Re-enchantment of Education,
93:Mother, Some people criticise the fact that we have too many rules in our physical education and that we impose too much discipline on the children.
   There can be no physical education without discipline. The body itself could not function without a strict discipline. Actually, the failure to recognise this fact is the principal cause of illness. Digestion, growth, blood-circulation, everything, everything is a discipline. Thought, movement, gestures, everything is a discipline, and if there is no discipline people immediately fall ill.
   ~ The Mother, On Education,
94:The other day I happened to be reading a careful, interesting account of the state of British higher education. The government is a kind of market-oriented government and they came out with an official paper, a 'White Paper' saying that it is not the responsibility of the state to support any institution that can't survive in the market. So, if Oxford is teaching philosophy, the arts, Greek history, medieval history, and so on, and they can't sell it on the market, why should they be supported? Because life consists only of what you can sell in the market and get back, nothing else. That is a real pathology. ~ Noam Chomsky,
95:The real human division is this: the luminous and the shady. To diminish the number of the shady, to augment the number of the luminous,-that is the object. That is why we cry: Education! science! To teach reading, means to light the fire; every syllable spelled out sparkles. However, he who says light does not, necessarily, say joy. People suffer in the light; excess burns. The flame is the enemy of the wing. To burn without ceasing to fly,-therein lies the marvel of genius. When you shall have learned to know, and to love, you will still suffer. The day is born in tears. The luminous weep, if only over those in darkness. ~ Victor Hugo,
96:Why do we go through the struggle to be educated? Is it merely in order to pass some examinations and get a job? Or is it the function of education to prepare us while we are young to understand the whole process of life?

And what does life mean? Is not life an extraordinary thing? The birds, the flowers, the flourishing trees, the heavens, the stars, the rivers and the fish therein-all this is life. Life is the poor and the rich; life is the constant battle between groups, races and nations; life is meditation; life is what we call religion, and it is also the subtle, hidden things of the mind-the envies, the ambitions, the passions, the fears, fulfilments and anxieties. All this and much more is life. ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti,
97:So, it is a basic function of education to help you to find out what you really love to do, so that you can give your whole mind and heart to it, because that creates human dignity, that sweeps away mediocrity, the petty bourgeois mentality. That is why it is very important to have the right teachers, the right atmosphere, so that you will grow up with the love which expresses itself in what you are doing. Without this love your examinations, your knowledge, your capacities, your position and possessions are just ashes, they have no meaning; without this love your actions are going to bring more wars, more hatred, more mischief and destruction. All this may mean nothing to you, because outwardly you are still very young, but I hope it will mean something to your teachers-and also to you, somewhere inside. ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti,
98:5. When in Doubt ::: Read the Syllabus - Read Ahead - Ask Questions: Read the correlated readings (designed to mesh with that lecture) before you come to class. The whole point of correlated readings is to prepare you for the lecture. If the readings are completed at the appropriate time you will have a 'Big Picture' framed by a general narrative and suspended by an ongoing line of argument. These readings should help you establish a set of expectations as well as some unsettling questions. The lectures should help you connect ideas you have read about and, with any luck, they should help you call key issues into question. Your job is to arrive at an understanding you call your own and can defend to a critical audience. Beginning to end, you are the center of your education. You know where to begin. ~ Dr Robert A Hatch, How to Study,
   Often, when I read Sri Aurobindo's works or listen to His words, I am wonderstruck: how can this eternal truth, this beauty of expression escape people? It is really strange that He is not yet recognised, at least as a supreme creator, a pure artist, a poet par excellence! So I tell myself that my judgments, my appreciations are influenced by my devotion for the Master - and everyone is not devoted. I do not think this is true. But then why are hearts not yet enchanted by His words?

Who can understand Sri Aurobindo? He is as vast as the universe and his teaching is infinite...
   The only way to come a little close to him is to love him sincerely and give oneself unreservedly to his work. Thus, each one does his best and contributes as much as he can to that transformation of the world which Sri Aurobindo has predicted. 2 December 1964
   ~ The Mother, On Education, 396,
100:I have said that from a young age children should be taught to respect good health, physical strength and balance. The great importance of beauty must also be emphasised. A young child should aspire for beauty, not for the sake of pleasing others or winning their admiration, but for the love of beauty itself; for beauty is the ideal which all physical life must realise. Every human being has the possibility of establishing harmony among the different parts of his body and in the various movements of the body in action. Every human body that undergoes a rational method of culture from the very beginning of its existence can realise its own harmony and thus become fit to manifest beauty. When we speak of the other aspects of an integral education, we shall see what inner conditions are to be fulfilled so that this beauty can one day be manifested. ~ The Mother, On Education, Physical Education,
101:The fourth condition is study. One must cultivate the mind, know what others have thought, open the mental being to this impact of the higher vibrations of knowledge. A mental knowledge is not tantamount to realization, it is true, but still one must know mentally where one is going, what has happened to others, how they have achieved, what are the hindrances and the helping points. This education of oneself by study, study of spiritual writings, suddhydya as it is called, a disciplined reading and incorporation of the knowledge contained in scriptures and authentic texts - that is a very important part. Even when you don't understand a text, still if you persist at it, the force that is in that book creates certain new grooves in your brain and the second or the third time when you read it, it begins to make some meaning. This is the meaning of studying, of exposing your mind to the constant vibrations of higher levels of knowledge. Incidentally, the mind gets developed, a mental climate is created, a climate of spiritual culture.
   ~ M P Pandit, The Advent 1981, 30,
102:The object of this course of reading is to familiarize the student with all that has been said by the Great Masters in every time and country. He should make a critical examination of them; not so much with the idea of discovering where truth lies, for he cannot do this except by virtue of his own spiritual experience, but rather to discover the essential harmony in those varied works. He should be on his guard against partisanship with a favourite author. He should familiarize himself thoroughly with the method of mental equilibrium, endeavouring to contradict any statement soever, although it may be apparently axiomatic.

The general object of this course, besides that already stated, is to assure sound education in occult matters, so that when spiritual illumination comes it may find a well-built temple. Where the mind is strongly biased towards any special theory, the result of an illumination is often to inflame that portion of the mind which is thus overdeveloped, with the result that the aspirant, instead of becoming an Adept, becomes a bigot and fanatic. ~ Aleister Crowley, Liber ABA, APPENDIX I - Curriculum of A. A.
   Sweet Mother, Just as there is a methodical progression of exercises for mental and physical education, isn't there a similar method to progress towards Sri Aurobindo's yoga?
It should vary with each individual.
Could you make a step-by-step programme for me to follow daily?

The mechanical regularity of a fixed programme is indispensable for physical, mental and vital development; but this mechanical rigidity has little or no effect on spiritual development where the spontaneity of an absolute sincerity is indispensable. Sri Aurobindo has written very clearly on this subject. And what he has written on it has appeared in The Synthesis Of Yoga.
   However, as an initial help to set you on the path, I can tell you: (1) that on getting up, before starting the day, it is good to make an offering of this day to the Divine, an offering of all that one thinks, all that one is, all that one will do; (2) and at night, before going to sleep, it is good to review the day, taking note of all the times one has forgotten or neglected to make an offering of one's self or one's action, and to aspire or pray that these lapses do not recur. This is a minimum, a very small beginning - and it should increase with the sincerity of your consecration. 31 March 1965
   ~ The Mother, Some Answers From The Mother, [T1],
104:All advance in thought is made by collecting the greatest possible number of facts, classifying them, and grouping them.
   The philologist, though perhaps he only speaks one language, has a much higher type of mind than the linguist who speaks twenty.
   This Tree of Thought is exactly paralleled by the tree of nervous structure.
   Very many people go about nowadays who are exceedingly "well-informed," but who have not the slightest idea of the meaning of the facts they know. They have not developed the necessary higher part of the brain. Induction is impossible to them.
   This capacity for storing away facts is compatible with actual imbecility. Some imbeciles have been able to store their memories with more knowledge than perhaps any sane man could hope to acquire.
   This is the great fault of modern education - a child is stuffed with facts, and no attempt is made to explain their connection and bearing. The result is that even the facts themselves are soon forgotten.
   Any first-rate mind is insulted and irritated by such treatment, and any first-rate memory is in danger of being spoilt by it.
   No two ideas have any real meaning until they are harmonized in a third, and the operation is only perfect when these ideas are contradictory. This is the essence of the Hegelian logic.
   ~ Aleister Crowley, Liber ABA, Book 4, The Cup,
105:The scientists, all of them, have their duties no doubt, but they do not fully use their education if they do not try to broaden their sense of responsibility toward all mankind instead of closing themselves up in a narrow specialization where they find their pleasure. Neither engineers nor other scientific men have any right to prefer their own personal peace to the happiness of mankind; their place and their duty are in the front line of struggling humanity, not in the unperturbed ranks of those who keep themselves aloof from life. If they are indifferent, or discouraged because they feel or think that they know that the situation is hopeless, it may be proved that undue pessimism is as dangerous a "religion" as any other blind creed. Indeed there is very little difference in kind between the medieval fanaticism of the "holy inquisition," and modern intolerance toward new ideas. All kinds of intellect must get together, for as long as we presuppose the situation to be hopeless, the situation will indeed be hopeless. The spirit of Human Engineering does not know the word "hopeless"; for engineers know that wrong methods are alone responsible for disastrous results, and that every situation can be successfully handled by the use of proper means. The task of engineering science is not only to know but to know how. Most of the scientists and engineers do not yet realize that their united judgment would be invincible; no system or class would care to disregard it. ~ Alfred Korzybski, Manhood of Humanity,
106:People think of education as something that they can finish. And what's more, when they finish, it's a rite of passage. You're finished with school. You're no more a child, and therefore anything that reminds you of school - reading books, having ideas, asking questions - that's kid's stuff. Now you're an adult, you don't do that sort of thing any more.

You have everybody looking forward to no longer learning, and you make them ashamed afterward of going back to learning. If you have a system of education using computers, then anyone, any age, can learn by himself, can continue to be interested. If you enjoy learning, there's no reason why you should stop at a given age. People don't stop things they enjoy doing just because they reach a certain age.

What's exciting is the actual process of broadening yourself, of knowing there's now a little extra facet of the universe you know about and can think about and can understand. It seems to me that when it's time to die, there would be a certain pleasure in thinking that you had utilized your life well, learned as much as you could, gathered in as much as possible of the universe, and enjoyed it. There's only this one universe and only this one lifetime to try to grasp it. And while it is inconceivable that anyone can grasp more than a tiny portion of it, at least you can do that much. What a tragedy just to pass through and get nothing out of it. ~ Isaac Asimov, Carl Freedman - Conversations with Isaac Asimov-University Press of Mississippi (2005).pdf,
107:the aim of our yoga :::
   The aim set before our Yoga is nothing less than to hasten this supreme object of our existence here. Its process leaves behind the ordinary tardy method of slow and confused growth through the evolution of Nature. For the natural evolution is at its best an uncertain growth under cover, partly by the pressure of the environment, partly by a groping education and an ill-lighted purposeful effort, an only partially illumined and half-automatic use of opportunities with many blunders and lapses and relapses; a great portion of it is made up of apparent accidents and circumstances and vicissitudes, - though veiling a secret divine intervention and guidance. In Yoga we replace this confused crooked crab-motion by a rapid, conscious and self-directed evolution which is planned to carry us, as far as can be, in a straight line towards the goal set before us. In a certain sense it may be an error to speak of a goal anywhere in a progression which may well be infinite. Still we can conceive of an immediate goal, an ulterior objective beyond our present achievement towards which the soul in man can aspire. There lies before him the possibility of a new birth; there can be an ascent into a higher and wider plane of being and its descent to transform his members. An enlarged and illumined consciousness is possible that shall make of him a liberated spirit and a perfected force - and, if spread beyond the individual, it might even constitute a divine humanity or else a new, a supramental and therefore a superhuman race. It is this new birth that we make our aim: a growth into a divine consciousness is the whole meaning of our Yoga, an integral conversion to divinity not only of the soul but of all the parts of our nature.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Self-Surrender in Works - The Way of the Gita, 89-90,
108:Are there no false visions?
There are what in appearance are false visions. There are, for instance, hundreds or thousands of people who say that they have seen the Christ. Of that number those who have actually seen Him are perhaps less than a dozen, and even with them there is much to say about what they have seen. What the others saw may be an emanation; or it may be a thought or even an image remembered by the mind. There are, too, those who are strong believers in the Christ and have had a vision of some Force or Being or some remembered image that is very luminous and makes upon them a strong impression. They have seen something which they feel belongs to another world, to a supernatural order, and it has created in them an emotion of fear, awe or joy; and as they believe in the Christ, they can think of nothing else and say it is He. But the same vision or experience if it comes to one who believes in the Hindu, the Mohammedan or some other religion, will take a different name and form. The thing seen or experienced may be fundamentally the same, but it is formulated differently according to the different make-up of the apprehending mind. It is only those that can go beyond beliefs and faiths and myths and traditions who are able to say what it really is; but these are few, very few. You must be free from every mental construction, you must divest yourself of all that is merely local or temporal, before you can know what you have seen.

   Spiritual experience means the contact with the Divine in oneself (or without, which comes to the same thing in that domain). And it is an experience identical everywhere in all countries, among all peoples and even in all ages. If you meet the Divine, you meet it always and everywhere in the same way. Difference comes in because between the experience and its formulation there is almost an abyss. Directly you have spiritual experience, which takes place always in the inner consciousness, it is translated into your external consciousness and defined there in one way or another according to your education, your faith, your mental predisposition. There is only one truth, one reality; but the forms through which it may be expressed are many. 21 April 1929 ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1929-1931,
109:the process of unification, the perfecting our one's instrumental being, the help one needs to reach the goal :::
If we truly want to progress and acquire the capacity of knowing the truth of our being, that is to say, what we are truly created for, what we can call our mission upon earth, then we must, in a very regular and constant manner, reject from us or eliminate in us whatever contradicts the truth of our existence, whatever is opposed to it. In this way, little by little, all the parts, all the elements of our being can be organised into a homogeneous whole around our psychic centre. This work of unification requires much time to be brought to some degree of perfection. Therefore, in order to accomplish it, we must arm ourselves with patience and endurance, with a determination to prolong our life as long as necessary for the success of our endeavor.
   As you pursue this labor of purification and unification, you must at the same time take great care to perfect the external and instrumental part of your being. When the higher truth manifests, it must find in you a mind that is supple and rich enough to be able to give the idea that seeks to express itself a form of thought which preserves its force and clarity. This thought, again, when it seeks to clothe itself in words, must find in you a sufficient power of expression so that the words reveal the thought and do not deform it. And the formula in which you embody the truth should be manifested in all your feelings, all your acts of will, all your actions, in all movements of your being. Finally, these movements themselves should, by constant effort, attain their highest perfection. ... It is therefore of capital importance to become conscious of its presence in us [the psychic being], to concentrate on this presence until it becomes a living fact for us and we can identify ourselves with it.
   In various times and places many methods have been prescribed for attaining this perfection and ultimately achieving this identification. Some methods are psychological, some religious, some even mechanical. In reality, everyone has to find the one which suits him best, and if one has an ardent and steadfast aspiration, a persistent and dynamic will, one is sure to meet, in one way or another - outwardly through reading and study, inwardly through concentration, meditation, revelation and experience - the help one needs to reach the goal. Only one thing is absolutely indispensable: the will to discover and to realize. This discovery and realization should be the primary preoccupation of our being, the pearl of great price which we must acquire at any cost. Whatever you do, whatever your occupations and activities, the will to find the truth of your being and to unite with it must be always living and present behind all that you do, all that you feel, all that you think.
   ~ The Mother, On Education, [T1],
110:(Novum Organum by Francis Bacon.)
   34. "Four species of idols beset the human mind, to which (for distinction's sake) we have assigned names, calling the first Idols of the Tribe, the second Idols of the Den, the third Idols of the Market, the fourth Idols of the Theatre.
   40. "The information of notions and axioms on the foundation of true induction is the only fitting remedy by which we can ward off and expel these idols. It is, however, of great service to point them out; for the doctrine of idols bears the same relation to the interpretation of nature as that of the confutation of sophisms does to common logic.
   41. "The idols of the tribe are inherent in human nature and the very tribe or race of man; for man's sense is falsely asserted to be the standard of things; on the contrary, all the perceptions both of the senses and the mind bear reference to man and not to the Universe, and the human mind resembles these uneven mirrors which impart their own properties to different objects, from which rays are emitted and distort and disfigure them.
   42. "The idols of the den are those of each individual; for everybody (in addition to the errors common to the race of man) has his own individual den or cavern, which intercepts and corrupts the light of nature, either from his own peculiar and singular disposition, or from his education and intercourse with others, or from his reading, and the authority acquired by those whom he reverences and admires, or from the different impressions produced on the mind, as it happens to be preoccupied and predisposed, or equable and tranquil, and the like; so that the spirit of man (according to its several dispositions), is variable, confused, and, as it were, actuated by chance; and Heraclitus said well that men search for knowledge in lesser worlds, and not in the greater or common world.
   43. "There are also idols formed by the reciprocal intercourse and society of man with man, which we call idols of the market, from the commerce and association of men with each other; for men converse by means of language, but words are formed at the will of the generality, and there arises from a bad and unapt formation of words a wonderful obstruction to the mind. Nor can the definitions and explanations with which learned men are wont to guard and protect themselves in some instances afford a complete remedy-words still manifestly force the understanding, throw everything into confusion, and lead mankind into vain and innumerable controversies and fallacies.
   44. "Lastly, there are idols which have crept into men's minds from the various dogmas of peculiar systems of philosophy, and also from the perverted rules of demonstration, and these we denominate idols of the theatre: for we regard all the systems of philosophy hitherto received or imagined, as so many plays brought out and performed, creating fictitious and theatrical worlds. Nor do we speak only of the present systems, or of the philosophy and sects of the ancients, since numerous other plays of a similar nature can be still composed and made to agree with each other, the causes of the most opposite errors being generally the same. Nor, again, do we allude merely to general systems, but also to many elements and axioms of sciences which have become inveterate by tradition, implicit credence, and neglect. ~ Alfred Korzybski, Manhood of Humanity,
111:But there's a reason. There's a reason. There's a reason for this, there's a reason education sucks, and it's the same reason that it will never, ever, ever be fixed. It's never gonna get any better. Don't look for it. Be happy with what you got. Because the owners of this country don't want that. I'm talking about the real owners now, the real owners, the big wealthy business interests that control things and make all the important decisions. Forget the politicians. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don't. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They've long since bought and paid for the senate, the congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear. They got you by the balls. They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying, lobbying, to get what they want. Well, we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for everybody else, but I'll tell you what they don't want: They don't want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don't want well informed, well educated people capable of critical thinking. They're not interested in that. That doesn't help them. Thats against their interests. Thats right. They don't want people who are smart enough to sit around a kitchen table to figure out how badly they're getting fucked by a system that threw them overboard 30 fucking years ago. They don't want that. You know what they want? They want obedient workers. Obedient workers. People who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork, and just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly shittier jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime and the vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it, and now they're coming for your Social Security money. They want your retirement money. They want it back so they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street, and you know something? They'll get it. They'll get it all from you, sooner or later, 'cause they own this fucking place. It's a big club, and you ain't in it. You and I are not in the big club. And by the way, it's the same big club they use to beat you over the head with all day long when they tell you what to believe. All day long beating you over the head in their media telling you what to believe, what to think and what to buy. The table is tilted folks. The game is rigged, and nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care. Good honest hard-working people -- white collar, blue collar, it doesn't matter what color shirt you have on -- good honest hard-working people continue -- these are people of modest means -- continue to elect these rich cocksuckers who don't give a fuck about them. They don't give a fuck about you. They don't give a fuck about you. They don't care about you at all -- at all -- at all. And nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care. That's what the owners count on; the fact that Americans will probably remain willfully ignorant of the big red, white and blue dick that's being jammed up their assholes everyday. Because the owners of this country know the truth: it's called the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it. ~ George Carlin,
112:Reading list (1972 edition)[edit]
1. Homer - Iliad, Odyssey
2. The Old Testament
3. Aeschylus - Tragedies
4. Sophocles - Tragedies
5. Herodotus - Histories
6. Euripides - Tragedies
7. Thucydides - History of the Peloponnesian War
8. Hippocrates - Medical Writings
9. Aristophanes - Comedies
10. Plato - Dialogues
11. Aristotle - Works
12. Epicurus - Letter to Herodotus; Letter to Menoecus
13. Euclid - Elements
14.Archimedes - Works
15. Apollonius of Perga - Conic Sections
16. Cicero - Works
17. Lucretius - On the Nature of Things
18. Virgil - Works
19. Horace - Works
20. Livy - History of Rome
21. Ovid - Works
22. Plutarch - Parallel Lives; Moralia
23. Tacitus - Histories; Annals; Agricola Germania
24. Nicomachus of Gerasa - Introduction to Arithmetic
25. Epictetus - Discourses; Encheiridion
26. Ptolemy - Almagest
27. Lucian - Works
28. Marcus Aurelius - Meditations
29. Galen - On the Natural Faculties
30. The New Testament
31. Plotinus - The Enneads
32. St. Augustine - On the Teacher; Confessions; City of God; On Christian Doctrine
33. The Song of Roland
34. The Nibelungenlied
35. The Saga of Burnt Njal
36. St. Thomas Aquinas - Summa Theologica
37. Dante Alighieri - The Divine Comedy;The New Life; On Monarchy
38. Geoffrey Chaucer - Troilus and Criseyde; The Canterbury Tales
39. Leonardo da Vinci - Notebooks
40. Niccolò Machiavelli - The Prince; Discourses on the First Ten Books of Livy
41. Desiderius Erasmus - The Praise of Folly
42. Nicolaus Copernicus - On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres
43. Thomas More - Utopia
44. Martin Luther - Table Talk; Three Treatises
45. François Rabelais - Gargantua and Pantagruel
46. John Calvin - Institutes of the Christian Religion
47. Michel de Montaigne - Essays
48. William Gilbert - On the Loadstone and Magnetic Bodies
49. Miguel de Cervantes - Don Quixote
50. Edmund Spenser - Prothalamion; The Faerie Queene
51. Francis Bacon - Essays; Advancement of Learning; Novum Organum, New Atlantis
52. William Shakespeare - Poetry and Plays
53. Galileo Galilei - Starry Messenger; Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences
54. Johannes Kepler - Epitome of Copernican Astronomy; Concerning the Harmonies of the World
55. William Harvey - On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals; On the Circulation of the Blood; On the Generation of Animals
56. Thomas Hobbes - Leviathan
57. René Descartes - Rules for the Direction of the Mind; Discourse on the Method; Geometry; Meditations on First Philosophy
58. John Milton - Works
59. Molière - Comedies
60. Blaise Pascal - The Provincial Letters; Pensees; Scientific Treatises
61. Christiaan Huygens - Treatise on Light
62. Benedict de Spinoza - Ethics
63. John Locke - Letter Concerning Toleration; Of Civil Government; Essay Concerning Human Understanding;Thoughts Concerning Education
64. Jean Baptiste Racine - Tragedies
65. Isaac Newton - Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy; Optics
66. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz - Discourse on Metaphysics; New Essays Concerning Human Understanding;Monadology
67.Daniel Defoe - Robinson Crusoe
68. Jonathan Swift - A Tale of a Tub; Journal to Stella; Gulliver's Travels; A Modest Proposal
69. William Congreve - The Way of the World
70. George Berkeley - Principles of Human Knowledge
71. Alexander Pope - Essay on Criticism; Rape of the Lock; Essay on Man
72. Charles de Secondat, baron de Montesquieu - Persian Letters; Spirit of Laws
73. Voltaire - Letters on the English; Candide; Philosophical Dictionary
74. Henry Fielding - Joseph Andrews; Tom Jones
75. Samuel Johnson - The Vanity of Human Wishes; Dictionary; Rasselas; The Lives of the Poets
   ~ Mortimer J Adler,

THE EDUCATION of a human being should begin at birth and continue throughout his life.

   Indeed, if we want this education to have its maximum result, it should begin even before birth; in this case it is the mother herself who proceeds with this education by means of a twofold action: first, upon herself for her own improvement, and secondly, upon the child whom she is forming physically. For it is certain that the nature of the child to be born depends very much upon the mother who forms it, upon her aspiration and will as well as upon the material surroundings in which she lives. To see that her thoughts are always beautiful and pure, her feelings always noble and fine, her material surroundings as harmonious as possible and full of a great simplicity - this is the part of education which should apply to the mother herself. And if she has in addition a conscious and definite will to form the child according to the highest ideal she can conceive, then the very best conditions will be realised so that the child can come into the world with his utmost potentialities. How many difficult efforts and useless complications would be avoided in this way!

   Education to be complete must have five principal aspects corresponding to the five principal activities of the human being: the physical, the vital, the mental, the psychic and the spiritual. Usually, these phases of education follow chronologically the growth of the individual; this, however, does not mean that one of them should replace another, but that all must continue, completing one another until the end of his life.

   We propose to study these five aspects of education one by one and also their interrelationships. But before we enter into the details of the subject, I wish to make a recommendation to parents. Most parents, for various reasons, give very little thought to the true education which should be imparted to children. When they have brought a child into the world, provided him with food, satisfied his various material needs and looked after his health more or less carefully, they think they have fully discharged their duty. Later on, they will send him to school and hand over to the teachers the responsibility for his education.

   There are other parents who know that their children must be educated and who try to do what they can. But very few, even among those who are most serious and sincere, know that the first thing to do, in order to be able to educate a child, is to educate oneself, to become conscious and master of oneself so that one never sets a bad example to one's child. For it is above all through example that education becomes effective. To speak good words and to give wise advice to a child has very little effect if one does not oneself give him an example of what one teaches. Sincerity, honesty, straightforwardness, courage, disinterestedness, unselfishness, patience, endurance, perseverance, peace, calm, self-control are all things that are taught infinitely better by example than by beautiful speeches. Parents, have a high ideal and always act in accordance with it and you will see that little by little your child will reflect this ideal in himself and spontaneously manifest the qualities you would like to see expressed in his nature. Quite naturally a child has respect and admiration for his parents; unless they are quite unworthy, they will always appear to their child as demigods whom he will try to imitate as best he can.

   With very few exceptions, parents are not aware of the disastrous influence that their own defects, impulses, weaknesses and lack of self-control have on their children. If you wish to be respected by a child, have respect for yourself and be worthy of respect at every moment. Never be authoritarian, despotic, impatient or ill-tempered. When your child asks you a question, do not give him a stupid or silly answer under the pretext that he cannot understand you. You can always make yourself understood if you take enough trouble; and in spite of the popular saying that it is not always good to tell the truth, I affirm that it is always good to tell the truth, but that the art consists in telling it in such a way as to make it accessible to the mind of the hearer. In early life, until he is twelve or fourteen, the child's mind is hardly open to abstract notions and general ideas. And yet you can train it to understand these things by using concrete images, symbols or parables. Up to quite an advanced age and for some who mentally always remain children, a narrative, a story, a tale well told teach much more than any number of theoretical explanations.

   Another pitfall to avoid: do not scold your child without good reason and only when it is quite indispensable. A child who is too often scolded gets hardened to rebuke and no longer attaches much importance to words or severity of tone. And above all, take good care never to scold him for a fault which you yourself commit. Children are very keen and clear-sighted observers; they soon find out your weaknesses and note them without pity.

   When a child has done something wrong, see that he confesses it to you spontaneously and frankly; and when he has confessed, with kindness and affection make him understand what was wrong in his movement so that he will not repeat it, but never scold him; a fault confessed must always be forgiven. You should not allow any fear to come between you and your child; fear is a pernicious means of education: it invariably gives birth to deceit and lying. Only a discerning affection that is firm yet gentle and an adequate practical knowledge will create the bonds of trust that are indispensable for you to be able to educate your child effectively. And do not forget that you have to control yourself constantly in order to be equal to your task and truly fulfil the duty which you owe your child by the mere fact of having brought him into the world.

   Bulletin, February 1951

   ~ The Mother, On Education,
114:SECTION 1. Books for Serious Study
   Liber CCXX. (Liber AL vel Legis.) The Book of the Law. This book is the foundation of the New Æon, and thus of the whole of our work.
   The Equinox. The standard Work of Reference in all occult matters. The Encyclopaedia of Initiation.
   Liber ABA (Book 4). A general account in elementary terms of magical and mystical powers. In four parts: (1) Mysticism (2) Magical (Elementary Theory) (3) Magick in Theory and Practice (this book) (4) The Law.
   Liber II. The Message of the Master Therion. Explains the essence of the new Law in a very simple manner.
   Liber DCCCXXXVIII. The Law of Liberty. A further explanation of The Book of the Law in reference to certain ethical problems.
   Collected Works of A. Crowley. These works contain many mystical and magical secrets, both stated clearly in prose, and woven into the Robe of sublimest poesy.
   The Yi King. (S. B. E. Series [vol. XVI], Oxford University Press.) The "Classic of Changes"; give the initiated Chinese system of Magick.
   The Tao Teh King. (S. B. E. Series [vol. XXXIX].) Gives the initiated Chinese system of Mysticism.
   Tannhäuser, by A. Crowley. An allegorical drama concerning the Progress of the Soul; the Tannhäuser story slightly remodelled.
   The Upanishads. (S. B. E. Series [vols. I & XV.) The Classical Basis of Vedantism, the best-known form of Hindu Mysticism.
   The Bhagavad-gita. A dialogue in which Krishna, the Hindu "Christ", expounds a system of Attainment.
   The Voice of the Silence, by H.P. Blavatsky, with an elaborate commentary by Frater O.M. Frater O.M., 7°=48, is the most learned of all the Brethren of the Order; he has given eighteen years to the study of this masterpiece.
   Raja-Yoga, by Swami Vivekananda. An excellent elementary study of Hindu mysticism. His Bhakti-Yoga is also good.
   The Shiva Samhita. An account of various physical means of assisting the discipline of initiation. A famous Hindu treatise on certain physical practices.
   The Hathayoga Pradipika. Similar to the Shiva Samhita.
   The Aphorisms of Patanjali. A valuable collection of precepts pertaining to mystical attainment.
   The Sword of Song. A study of Christian theology and ethics, with a statement and solution of the deepest philosophical problems. Also contains the best account extant of Buddhism, compared with modern science.
   The Book of the Dead. A collection of Egyptian magical rituals.
   Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie, by Eliphas Levi. The best general textbook of magical theory and practice for beginners. Written in an easy popular style.
   The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage. The best exoteric account of the Great Work, with careful instructions in procedure. This Book influenced and helped the Master Therion more than any other.
   The Goetia. The most intelligible of all the mediæval rituals of Evocation. Contains also the favourite Invocation of the Master Therion.
   Erdmann's History of Philosophy. A compendious account of philosophy from the earliest times. Most valuable as a general education of the mind.
   The Spiritual Guide of [Miguel de] Molinos. A simple manual of Christian Mysticism.
   The Star in the West. (Captain Fuller). An introduction to the study of the Works of Aleister Crowley.
   The Dhammapada. (S. B. E. Series [vol. X], Oxford University Press). The best of the Buddhist classics.
   The Questions of King Milinda. (S. B. E. Series [vols. XXXV & XXXVI].) Technical points of Buddhist dogma, illustrated bydialogues.
   Liber 777 vel Prolegomena Symbolica Ad Systemam Sceptico-Mysticæ Viæ Explicandæ, Fundamentum Hieroglyphicam Sanctissimorum Scientiæ Summæ. A complete Dictionary of the Correspondences of all magical elements, reprinted with extensive additions, making it the only standard comprehensive book of reference ever published. It is to the language of Occultism what Webster or Murray is to the English language.
   Varieties of Religious Experience (William James). Valuable as showing the uniformity of mystical attainment.
   Kabbala Denudata, von Rosenroth: also The Kabbalah Unveiled, by S.L. Mathers. The text of the Qabalah, with commentary. A good elementary introduction to the subject.
   Konx Om Pax [by Aleister Crowley]. Four invaluable treatises and a preface on Mysticism and Magick.
   The Pistis Sophia [translated by G.R.S. Mead or Violet McDermot]. An admirable introduction to the study of Gnosticism.
   The Oracles of Zoroaster [Chaldæan Oracles]. An invaluable collection of precepts mystical and magical.
   The Dream of Scipio, by Cicero. Excellent for its Vision and its Philosophy.
   The Golden Verses of Pythagoras, by Fabre d'Olivet. An interesting study of the exoteric doctrines of this Master.
   The Divine Pymander, by Hermes Trismegistus. Invaluable as bearing on the Gnostic Philosophy.
   The Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians, reprint of Franz Hartmann. An invaluable compendium.
   Scrutinium Chymicum [Atalanta Fugiens]¸ by Michael Maier. One of the best treatises on alchemy.
   Science and the Infinite, by Sidney Klein. One of the best essays written in recent years.
   Two Essays on the Worship of Priapus [A Discourse on the Worship of Priapus &c. &c. &c.], by Richard Payne Knight [and Thomas Wright]. Invaluable to all students.
   The Golden Bough, by J.G. Frazer. The textbook of Folk Lore. Invaluable to all students.
   The Age of Reason, by Thomas Paine. Excellent, though elementary, as a corrective to superstition.
   Rivers of Life, by General Forlong. An invaluable textbook of old systems of initiation.
   Three Dialogues, by Bishop Berkeley. The Classic of Subjective Idealism.
   Essays of David Hume. The Classic of Academic Scepticism.
   First Principles by Herbert Spencer. The Classic of Agnosticism.
   Prolegomena [to any future Metaphysics], by Immanuel Kant. The best introduction to Metaphysics.
   The Canon [by William Stirling]. The best textbook of Applied Qabalah.
   The Fourth Dimension, by [Charles] H. Hinton. The best essay on the subject.
   The Essays of Thomas Henry Huxley. Masterpieces of philosophy, as of prose.
   ~ Aleister Crowley, Liber ABA, Appendix I: Literature Recommended to Aspirants
115:The Science of Living

To know oneself and to control oneself

AN AIMLESS life is always a miserable life.

Every one of you should have an aim. But do not forget that on the quality of your aim will depend the quality of your life.

   Your aim should be high and wide, generous and disinterested; this will make your life precious to yourself and to others.

   But whatever your ideal, it cannot be perfectly realised unless you have realised perfection in yourself.

   To work for your perfection, the first step is to become conscious of yourself, of the different parts of your being and their respective activities. You must learn to distinguish these different parts one from another, so that you may become clearly aware of the origin of the movements that occur in you, the many impulses, reactions and conflicting wills that drive you to action. It is an assiduous study which demands much perseverance and sincerity. For man's nature, especially his mental nature, has a spontaneous tendency to give a favourable explanation for everything he thinks, feels, says and does. It is only by observing these movements with great care, by bringing them, as it were, before the tribunal of our highest ideal, with a sincere will to submit to its judgment, that we can hope to form in ourselves a discernment that never errs. For if we truly want to progress and acquire the capacity of knowing the truth of our being, that is to say, what we are truly created for, what we can call our mission upon earth, then we must, in a very regular and constant manner, reject from us or eliminate in us whatever contradicts the truth of our existence, whatever is opposed to it. In this way, little by little, all the parts, all the elements of our being can be organised into a homogeneous whole around our psychic centre. This work of unification requires much time to be brought to some degree of perfection. Therefore, in order to accomplish it, we must arm ourselves with patience and endurance, with a determination to prolong our life as long as necessary for the success of our endeavour.

   As you pursue this labour of purification and unification, you must at the same time take great care to perfect the external and instrumental part of your being. When the higher truth manifests, it must find in you a mind that is supple and rich enough to be able to give the idea that seeks to express itself a form of thought which preserves its force and clarity. This thought, again, when it seeks to clothe itself in words, must find in you a sufficient power of expression so that the words reveal the thought and do not deform it. And the formula in which you embody the truth should be manifested in all your feelings, all your acts of will, all your actions, in all the movements of your being. Finally, these movements themselves should, by constant effort, attain their highest perfection.

   All this can be realised by means of a fourfold discipline, the general outline of which is given here. The four aspects of the discipline do not exclude each other, and can be followed at the same time; indeed, this is preferable. The starting-point is what can be called the psychic discipline. We give the name "psychic" to the psychological centre of our being, the seat within us of the highest truth of our existence, that which can know this truth and set it in movement. It is therefore of capital importance to become conscious of its presence in us, to concentrate on this presence until it becomes a living fact for us and we can identify ourselves with it.

   In various times and places many methods have been prescribed for attaining this perception and ultimately achieving this identification. Some methods are psychological, some religious, some even mechanical. In reality, everyone has to find the one which suits him best, and if one has an ardent and steadfast aspiration, a persistent and dynamic will, one is sure to meet, in one way or another - outwardly through reading and study, inwardly through concentration, meditation, revelation and experience - the help one needs to reach the goal. Only one thing is absolutely indispensable: the will to discover and to realise. This discovery and realisation should be the primary preoccupation of our being, the pearl of great price which we must acquire at any cost. Whatever you do, whatever your occupations and activities, the will to find the truth of your being and to unite with it must be always living and present behind all that you do, all that you feel, all that you think.

   To complement this movement of inner discovery, it would be good not to neglect the development of the mind. For the mental instrument can equally be a great help or a great hindrance. In its natural state the human mind is always limited in its vision, narrow in its understanding, rigid in its conceptions, and a constant effort is therefore needed to widen it, to make it more supple and profound. So it is very necessary to consider everything from as many points of view as possible. Towards this end, there is an exercise which gives great suppleness and elevation to the thought. It is as follows: a clearly formulated thesis is set; against it is opposed its antithesis, formulated with the same precision. Then by careful reflection the problem must be widened or transcended until a synthesis is found which unites the two contraries in a larger, higher and more comprehensive idea.

   Many other exercises of the same kind can be undertaken; some have a beneficial effect on the character and so possess a double advantage: that of educating the mind and that of establishing control over the feelings and their consequences. For example, you must never allow your mind to judge things and people, for the mind is not an instrument of knowledge; it is incapable of finding knowledge, but it must be moved by knowledge. Knowledge belongs to a much higher domain than that of the human mind, far above the region of pure ideas. The mind has to be silent and attentive to receive knowledge from above and manifest it. For it is an instrument of formation, of organisation and action, and it is in these functions that it attains its full value and real usefulness.

   There is another practice which can be very helpful to the progress of the consciousness. Whenever there is a disagreement on any matter, such as a decision to be taken, or an action to be carried out, one must never remain closed up in one's own conception or point of view. On the contrary, one must make an effort to understand the other's point of view, to put oneself in his place and, instead of quarrelling or even fighting, find the solution which can reasonably satisfy both parties; there always is one for men of goodwill.

   Here we must mention the discipline of the vital. The vital being in us is the seat of impulses and desires, of enthusiasm and violence, of dynamic energy and desperate depressions, of passions and revolts. It can set everything in motion, build and realise; but it can also destroy and mar everything. Thus it may be the most difficult part to discipline in the human being. It is a long and exacting labour requiring great patience and perfect sincerity, for without sincerity you will deceive yourself from the very outset, and all endeavour for progress will be in vain. With the collaboration of the vital no realisation seems impossible, no transformation impracticable. But the difficulty lies in securing this constant collaboration. The vital is a good worker, but most often it seeks its own satisfaction. If that is refused, totally or even partially, the vital gets vexed, sulks and goes on strike. Its energy disappears more or less completely and in its place leaves disgust for people and things, discouragement or revolt, depression and dissatisfaction. At such moments it is good to remain quiet and refuse to act; for these are the times when one does stupid things and in a few moments one can destroy or spoil the progress that has been made during months of regular effort. These crises are shorter and less dangerous for those who have established a contact with their psychic being which is sufficient to keep alive in them the flame of aspiration and the consciousness of the ideal to be realised. They can, with the help of this consciousness, deal with their vital as one deals with a rebellious child, with patience and perseverance, showing it the truth and light, endeavouring to convince it and awaken in it the goodwill which has been veiled for a time. By means of such patient intervention each crisis can be turned into a new progress, into one more step towards the goal. Progress may be slow, relapses may be frequent, but if a courageous will is maintained, one is sure to triumph one day and see all difficulties melt and vanish before the radiance of the truth-consciousness.

   Lastly, by means of a rational and discerning physical education, we must make our body strong and supple enough to become a fit instrument in the material world for the truth-force which wants to manifest through us.

   In fact, the body must not rule, it must obey. By its very nature it is a docile and faithful servant. Unfortunately, it rarely has the capacity of discernment it ought to have with regard to its masters, the mind and the vital. It obeys them blindly, at the cost of its own well-being. The mind with its dogmas, its rigid and arbitrary principles, the vital with its passions, its excesses and dissipations soon destroy the natural balance of the body and create in it fatigue, exhaustion and disease. It must be freed from this tyranny and this can be done only through a constant union with the psychic centre of the being. The body has a wonderful capacity of adaptation and endurance. It is able to do so many more things than one usually imagines. If, instead of the ignorant and despotic masters that now govern it, it is ruled by the central truth of the being, you will be amazed at what it is capable of doing. Calm and quiet, strong and poised, at every minute it will be able to put forth the effort that is demanded of it, for it will have learnt to find rest in action and to recuperate, through contact with the universal forces, the energies it expends consciously and usefully. In this sound and balanced life a new harmony will manifest in the body, reflecting the harmony of the higher regions, which will give it perfect proportions and ideal beauty of form. And this harmony will be progressive, for the truth of the being is never static; it is a perpetual unfolding of a growing perfection that is more and more total and comprehensive. As soon as the body has learnt to follow this movement of progressive harmony, it will be possible for it to escape, through a continuous process of transformation, from the necessity of disintegration and destruction. Thus the irrevocable law of death will no longer have any reason to exist.

   When we reach this degree of perfection which is our goal, we shall perceive that the truth we seek is made up of four major aspects: Love, Knowledge, Power and Beauty. These four attributes of the Truth will express themselves spontaneously in our being. The psychic will be the vehicle of true and pure love, the mind will be the vehicle of infallible knowledge, the vital will manifest an invincible power and strength and the body will be the expression of a perfect beauty and harmony.

   Bulletin, November 1950

   ~ The Mother, On Education,
116:Mental Education

OF ALL lines of education, mental education is the most widely known and practised, yet except in a few rare cases there are gaps which make it something very incomplete and in the end quite insufficient.

   Generally speaking, schooling is considered to be all the mental education that is necessary. And when a child has been made to undergo, for a number of years, a methodical training which is more like cramming than true schooling, it is considered that whatever is necessary for his mental development has been done. Nothing of the kind. Even conceding that the training is given with due measure and discrimination and does not permanently damage the brain, it cannot impart to the human mind the faculties it needs to become a good and useful instrument. The schooling that is usually given can, at the most, serve as a system of gymnastics to increase the suppleness of the brain. From this standpoint, each branch of human learning represents a special kind of mental gymnastics, and the verbal formulations given to these various branches each constitute a special and well-defined language.

   A true mental education, which will prepare man for a higher life, has five principal phases. Normally these phases follow one after another, but in exceptional individuals they may alternate or even proceed simultaneously. These five phases, in brief, are:

   (1) Development of the power of concentration, the capacity of attention.
   (2) Development of the capacities of expansion, widening, complexity and richness.
   (3) Organisation of one's ideas around a central idea, a higher ideal or a supremely luminous idea that will serve as a guide in life.
   (4) Thought-control, rejection of undesirable thoughts, to become able to think only what one wants and when one wants.
   (5) Development of mental silence, perfect calm and a more and more total receptivity to inspirations coming from the higher regions of the being.

   It is not possible to give here all the details concerning the methods to be employed in the application of these five phases of education to different individuals. Still, a few explanations on points of detail can be given.

   Undeniably, what most impedes mental progress in children is the constant dispersion of their thoughts. Their thoughts flutter hither and thither like butterflies and they have to make a great effort to fix them. Yet this capacity is latent in them, for when you succeed in arousing their interest, they are capable of a good deal of attention. By his ingenuity, therefore, the educator will gradually help the child to become capable of a sustained effort of attention and a faculty of more and more complete absorption in the work in hand. All methods that can develop this faculty of attention from games to rewards are good and can all be utilised according to the need and the circumstances. But it is the psychological action that is most important and the sovereign method is to arouse in the child an interest in what you want to teach him, a liking for work, a will to progress. To love to learn is the most precious gift that one can give to a child: to love to learn always and everywhere, so that all circumstances, all happenings in life may be constantly renewed opportunities for learning more and always more.

   For that, to attention and concentration should be added observation, precise recording and faithfulness of memory. This faculty of observation can be developed by varied and spontaneous exercises, making use of every opportunity that presents itself to keep the child's thought wakeful, alert and prompt. The growth of the understanding should be stressed much more than that of memory. One knows well only what one has understood. Things learnt by heart, mechanically, fade away little by little and finally disappear; what is understood is never forgotten. Moreover, you must never refuse to explain to a child the how and the why of things. If you cannot do it yourself, you must direct the child to those who are qualified to answer or point out to him some books that deal with the question. In this way you will progressively awaken in the child the taste for true study and the habit of making a persistent effort to know.

   This will bring us quite naturally to the second phase of development in which the mind should be widened and enriched.

   You will gradually show the child that everything can become an interesting subject for study if it is approached in the right way. The life of every day, of every moment, is the best school of all, varied, complex, full of unexpected experiences, problems to be solved, clear and striking examples and obvious consequences. It is so easy to arouse healthy curiosity in children, if you answer with intelligence and clarity the numerous questions they ask. An interesting reply to one readily brings others in its train and so the attentive child learns without effort much more than he usually does in the classroom. By a choice made with care and insight, you should also teach him to enjoy good reading-matter which is both instructive and attractive. Do not be afraid of anything that awakens and pleases his imagination; imagination develops the creative mental faculty and through it study becomes living and the mind develops in joy.

   In order to increase the suppleness and comprehensiveness of his mind, one should see not only that he studies many varied topics, but above all that a single subject is approached in various ways, so that the child understands in a practical manner that there are many ways of facing the same intellectual problem, of considering it and solving it. This will remove all rigidity from his brain and at the same time it will make his thinking richer and more supple and prepare it for a more complex and comprehensive synthesis. In this way also the child will be imbued with the sense of the extreme relativity of mental learning and, little by little, an aspiration for a truer source of knowledge will awaken in him.

   Indeed, as the child grows older and progresses in his studies, his mind too ripens and becomes more and more capable of forming general ideas, and with them almost always comes a need for certitude, for a knowledge that is stable enough to form the basis of a mental construction which will permit all the diverse and scattered and often contradictory ideas accumulated in his brain to be organised and put in order. This ordering is indeed very necessary if one is to avoid chaos in one's thoughts. All contradictions can be transformed into complements, but for that one must discover the higher idea that will have the power to bring them harmoniously together. It is always good to consider every problem from all possible standpoints so as to avoid partiality and exclusiveness; but if the thought is to be active and creative, it must, in every case, be the natural and logical synthesis of all the points of view adopted. And if you want to make the totality of your thoughts into a dynamic and constructive force, you must also take great care as to the choice of the central idea of your mental synthesis; for upon that will depend the value of this synthesis. The higher and larger the central idea and the more universal it is, rising above time and space, the more numerous and the more complex will be the ideas, notions and thoughts which it will be able to organise and harmonise.

   It goes without saying that this work of organisation cannot be done once and for all. The mind, if it is to keep its vigour and youth, must progress constantly, revise its notions in the light of new knowledge, enlarge its frame-work to include fresh notions and constantly reclassify and reorganise its thoughts, so that each of them may find its true place in relation to the others and the whole remain harmonious and orderly.

   All that has just been said concerns the speculative mind, the mind that learns. But learning is only one aspect of mental activity; the other, which is at least equally important, is the constructive faculty, the capacity to form and thus prepare action. This very important part of mental activity has rarely been the subject of any special study or discipline. Only those who want, for some reason, to exercise a strict control over their mental activities think of observing and disciplining this faculty of formation; and as soon as they try it, they have to face difficulties so great that they appear almost insurmountable.

   And yet control over this formative activity of the mind is one of the most important aspects of self-education; one can say that without it no mental mastery is possible. As far as study is concerned, all ideas are acceptable and should be included in the synthesis, whose very function is to become more and more rich and complex; but where action is concerned, it is just the opposite. The ideas that are accepted for translation into action should be strictly controlled and only those that agree with the general trend of the central idea forming the basis of the mental synthesis should be permitted to express themselves in action. This means that every thought entering the mental consciousness should be set before the central idea; if it finds a logical place among the thoughts already grouped, it will be admitted into the synthesis; if not, it will be rejected so that it can have no influence on the action. This work of mental purification should be done very regularly in order to secure a complete control over one's actions.

   For this purpose, it is good to set apart some time every day when one can quietly go over one's thoughts and put one's synthesis in order. Once the habit is acquired, you can maintain control over your thoughts even during work and action, allowing only those which are useful for what you are doing to come to the surface. Particularly, if you have continued to cultivate the power of concentration and attention, only the thoughts that are needed will be allowed to enter the active external consciousness and they then become all the more dynamic and effective. And if, in the intensity of concentration, it becomes necessary not to think at all, all mental vibration can be stilled and an almost total silence secured. In this silence one can gradually open to the higher regions of the mind and learn to record the inspirations that come from there.

   But even before reaching this point, silence in itself is supremely useful, because in most people who have a somewhat developed and active mind, the mind is never at rest. During the day, its activity is kept under a certain control, but at night, during the sleep of the body, the control of the waking state is almost completely removed and the mind indulges in activities which are sometimes excessive and often incoherent. This creates a great stress which leads to fatigue and the diminution of the intellectual faculties.

   The fact is that like all the other parts of the human being, the mind too needs rest and it will not have this rest unless we know how to provide it. The art of resting one's mind is something to be acquired. Changing one's mental activity is certainly one way of resting; but the greatest possible rest is silence. And as far as the mental faculties are concerned a few minutes passed in the calm of silence are a more effective rest than hours of sleep.

   When one has learned to silence the mind at will and to concentrate it in receptive silence, then there will be no problem that cannot be solved, no mental difficulty whose solution cannot be found. When it is agitated, thought becomes confused and impotent; in an attentive tranquillity, the light can manifest itself and open up new horizons to man's capacity. Bulletin, November 1951

   ~ The Mother, On Education,


1:Education must precede motivation. ~ jim-rohn, @wisdomtrove
2:By education most have been misled. ~ john-dryden, @wisdomtrove
3:Education must start from birth. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
4:Nature is stronger than education. ~ benjamin-disraeli, @wisdomtrove
5:Education is a nation's cheapest defence ~ edmund-burke, @wisdomtrove
6:Education isn't something you can finish ~ isaac-asimov, @wisdomtrove
7:All of life is a constant education. ~ eleanor-roosevelt, @wisdomtrove
8:Education is the best provision for old age. ~ aristotle, @wisdomtrove
9:Education is the cheap defense of nations. ~ edmund-burke, @wisdomtrove
10:There is no education like adversity. ~ benjamin-disraeli, @wisdomtrove
11:Without Greek studies there is no education. ~ leo-tolstoy, @wisdomtrove
12:Education is inoculation against disruption. ~ robin-sharma, @wisdomtrove
13:Education is no substitute for intelligence. ~ frank-herbert, @wisdomtrove
14:Education is the cornerstone of liberty. ~ eleanor-roosevelt, @wisdomtrove
15:Knowledge without education is but armed injustice. ~ horace, @wisdomtrove
16:Without education, confidence does not come. ~ b-k-s-iyengar, @wisdomtrove
17:I love to read. My education is self-inflicted ~ groucho-marx, @wisdomtrove
18:The highest result of education is tolerance. ~ hellen-keller, @wisdomtrove
19:A good education is a stepping-stone to wealth. ~ hellen-keller, @wisdomtrove
20:Don't let schooling interfere with your education. ~ mark-twain, @wisdomtrove
21:A cauliflower is a cabbage with a college education. ~ mark-twain, @wisdomtrove
22:Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned. ~ mark-twain, @wisdomtrove
23:The giving of love is an education in itself. ~ eleanor-roosevelt, @wisdomtrove
24:Education gives you neither experience nor wisdom. ~ peter-drucker, @wisdomtrove
25:Education is hanging around until you've caught on. ~ robert-frost, @wisdomtrove
26:For good nurture and education implant good constitutions. ~ plato, @wisdomtrove
27:If education is beaten by training, civilization dies. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
28:Animal protection is education to the humanity. ~ albert-schweitzer, @wisdomtrove
29:If children have interests, then education happens. ~ arthur-c-carke, @wisdomtrove
30:Never begrudge the money you spend on your own education. ~ jim-rohn, @wisdomtrove
31:Rewards and punishments are the lowest form of education. ~ zhuangzi, @wisdomtrove
32:True education is a kind of never-ending story . . . ~ j-r-r-tolkien, @wisdomtrove
33:Experience, travel - these are an education in themselves. ~ euripedes, @wisdomtrove
34:People think of education as something they can finish. ~ isaac-asimov, @wisdomtrove
35:Education is preeminently a matter of quality, not amount. ~ henry-ford, @wisdomtrove
36:I have never let my schooling interfere with my education. ~ mark-twain, @wisdomtrove
37:The foundation of every state is the education of its youth. ~ diogenes, @wisdomtrove
38:Genius without education is like silver in the mine. ~ benjamin-franklin, @wisdomtrove
39:The best anti-poverty program is a world-class education. ~ barack-obama, @wisdomtrove
40:Common sense is in spite of, not as the result of education. ~ victor-hugo, @wisdomtrove
41:Education can no longer be the sole property of the state. ~ peter-drucker, @wisdomtrove
42:If a man neglects education, he walks lame to the end of his life. ~ plato, @wisdomtrove
43:The essence of education is the education of the body. ~ benjamin-disraeli, @wisdomtrove
44:Very likely education does not make very much difference. ~ gertrude-stein, @wisdomtrove
45:If you think education is expensive, you should try ignorance ~ brian-tracy, @wisdomtrove
46:Ignorance is more costly to any State than education. ~ booker-t-washington, @wisdomtrove
47:It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education. ~ albert-einstein, @wisdomtrove
48:An education is the investment with the greatest returns. ~ benjamin-franklin, @wisdomtrove
49:Education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity. ~ aristotle, @wisdomtrove
50:The school as a means of education to me was simply a blank. ~ charles-darwin, @wisdomtrove
51:Education is beautification of the inner world and the outer world. ~ amit-ray, @wisdomtrove
52:It is through education that all the good in the world arises. ~ immanuel-kant, @wisdomtrove
53:Education levels the playing field, allowing everyone to compete. ~ joyce-meyer, @wisdomtrove
54:Education: the path from cocky ignorance to miserable uncertainty. ~ mark-twain, @wisdomtrove
55:Humanities education is the worst thing for an industrialist. ~ andrew-carnegie, @wisdomtrove
56:I still say the only education worth anything is self-education. ~ robert-frost, @wisdomtrove
57:The most important part of education is proper training in the nursery. ~ plato, @wisdomtrove
58:Give a girl an education and introduce her properly into the world ~ jane-austen, @wisdomtrove
59:The very spring and root of honesty and virtue lie in good education. ~ plutarch, @wisdomtrove
60:Higher education is not necessarily a guarantee of higher virtue. ~ aldous-huxley, @wisdomtrove
61:In education, once more, the chief things are equality and freedom. ~ leo-tolstoy, @wisdomtrove
62:The real preparation for education is the study of one's self. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
63:Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all. ~ aristotle, @wisdomtrove
64:Equality should be the chief basis of the education of youth. ~ napoleon-bonaparte, @wisdomtrove
65:In so many ways, segregation shaped me, and education liberated me. ~ maya-angelou, @wisdomtrove
66:Intelligence plus character is the true meaning of education. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
67:The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education. ~ albert-einstein, @wisdomtrove
68:Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace. ~ confucius, @wisdomtrove
69:Admission of ignorance is often the first step in our education.   ~ stephen-r-covey, @wisdomtrove
70:Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
71:There's only one thing that can kill the movies, and that's education. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
72:If the poor boy cannot come to education, education must go to him ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
73:The only purpose of education is freedom; the only method is experience. ~ leo-tolstoy, @wisdomtrove
74:The great difficulty in education is to get experience out of ideas. ~ george-santayana, @wisdomtrove
75:A fondness for reading, properly directed, must be an education in itself. ~ jane-austen, @wisdomtrove
76:Men are born ignorant, not stupid. They are made stupid by education. ~ bertrand-russell, @wisdomtrove
77:One of the goals of education should be to teach that life is precious. ~ abraham-maslow, @wisdomtrove
78:Ordinary people love entertainment. Extraordinary people adore education. ~ robin-sharma, @wisdomtrove
79:Self-education is, I firmly believe, the only kind of education there is. ~ isaac-asimov, @wisdomtrove
80:The direction in which education starts a man will determine his future in life. ~ plato, @wisdomtrove
81:Education is the manifestation of perfection already existing in man. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
82:Nature is more powerful than education; time will develop everything. ~ benjamin-disraeli, @wisdomtrove
83:First the education of the senses, then the education of the intellect. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
84:Our most important education system is in the employees' own organization. ~ peter-drucker, @wisdomtrove
85:Education comes from within; you get it by struggle and effort and thought. ~ napoleon-hill, @wisdomtrove
86:Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune. ~ jim-rohn, @wisdomtrove
87:I always thought the idea of education was to learn to think for yourself. ~ robin-williams, @wisdomtrove
88:The work of education is divided between the teacher and the environment. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
89:The aim of education is the condition of suspended judgment on everything. ~ george-santayana, @wisdomtrove
90:A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education. ~ theodore-roosevelt, @wisdomtrove
91:Education can become a self-fulfilling activity, liberating in and of itself. ~ abraham-maslow, @wisdomtrove
92:Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.   ~ nelson-mandela, @wisdomtrove
93:I no have education. I have inspiration. If I was educated I would be a damn fool. ~ bob-marley, @wisdomtrove
94:I think perhaps education doesn’t do us much good unless it is mixed with sweat. ~ barack-obama, @wisdomtrove
95:The most effective kind of education is that a child should play amongst lovely things. ~ plato, @wisdomtrove
96:Harvard gave me an education, but Junior Chamber gave me an education for life. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
97:The great aim of education,’ said Herbert Spencer, ‘is not knowledge but action. ~ dale-carnegie, @wisdomtrove
98:Education for livelihood alone will never make our life full and complete. ~ mata-amritanandamayi, @wisdomtrove
99:Education is not something to prepare you for life; it is a continuous part of life. ~ henry-ford, @wisdomtrove
100:Nature makes all the noblemen; wealth, education, or pedigree never made one yet. ~ josh-billings, @wisdomtrove
101:Education cannot be effective unless it helps a child to open up himself to life. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
102:Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school. ~ albert-einstein, @wisdomtrove
103:Culture itself is neither education nor law-making: it is an atmosphere and a heritage. ~ h-l-mencken, @wisdomtrove
104:Education doesn't change life much. It just lifts trouble to a higher plane of regard. ~ robert-frost, @wisdomtrove
105:All of life is education and everybody is a teacher and everybody is forever a pupil. ~ abraham-maslow, @wisdomtrove
106:Education is only like good culture,&
107:Education produces natural intuitions, and natural intuitions are erased by education. ~ blaise-pascal, @wisdomtrove
108:I don't care how rich and successful a man is. He's nothing without an education. ~ rodney-dangerfield, @wisdomtrove
109:The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
110:Upon the education of the people of this country the fate of this country depends. ~ benjamin-disraeli, @wisdomtrove
111:Concentration is a part of life. It is not the consequence of a method of education. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
112:Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another. ~ g-k-chesterton, @wisdomtrove
113:Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make man a more clever devil. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
114:To be an American is of itself almost a moral condition, an education, and a career. ~ george-santayana, @wisdomtrove
115:Effective leaders are, first and foremost, good teachers. We're in the education business. ~ john-wooden, @wisdomtrove
116:If you step up the self-education curve, you will come up with more answers than you can use. ~ jim-rohn, @wisdomtrove
117:A child's education should begin at least one hundred years before he is born. ~ oliver-wendell-holmes-sr, @wisdomtrove
118:Education without morals is like a ship without a compass, merely wandering nowhere. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
119:Make me the the master of education, and I will undertake to change the world. ~ gottfried-wilhelm-leibniz, @wisdomtrove
120:Perception of ideas, rather than the storing of them, should be the aim of education. ~ aiden-wilson-tozer, @wisdomtrove
121:The purpose of Compulsory Education is to deprive the common people of their commonsense. ~ g-k-chesterton, @wisdomtrove
122:The purpose of education is to enable us to develop to the fullest that which is inside us ~ norman-cousins, @wisdomtrove
123:Not everyone has equal abilities, but everyone should have equal opportunity for education. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
124:Education, as conceived today, is something separated both from biological and social life. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
125:Purity of personal life is the one indispensable condition for building up a sound education.  ~ mahatma-gandhi, @wisdomtrove
126:The truth is mightier than eloquence, the Spirit greater than genius, faith more than education. ~ martin-luther, @wisdomtrove
127:Education without social action is a one-sided value because it has no true power potential. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
128:It might be said now that I have the best of both worlds. A Harvard education and a Yale degree. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
129:The very reason for nature's existence is the education of the soul; it has no other meaning. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
130:Establishing lasting peace is the work of education; all politics can do is keep us out of war. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
131:No part of the education of a politician is more indispensable than the fighting of elections. ~ winston-churchill, @wisdomtrove
132:Education doesn't cease when you leave college or leave the university. Education is a lifetime process. ~ jim-rohn, @wisdomtrove
133:Education is only the most fully conscious of the channels whereby each generation influences the next. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
134:Football: A sport that bears the same relation to education that bullfighting does to agriculture. ~ elbert-hubbard, @wisdomtrove
135:Good relationships require a lot of hard work, education, and willingness to meet each other’s needs. ~ joyce-meyer, @wisdomtrove
136:Opportunities for education should be within the reach of every individual, not for the lucky few. ~ elbert-hubbard, @wisdomtrove
137:A person with increasing knowledge and sensory education may derive infinite enjoyment from wine. ~ ernest-hemingway, @wisdomtrove
138:I'll tell you what leadership is. It's persuasion and conciliation, and education, and patience. ~ dwight-eisenhower, @wisdomtrove
139:Every man should have a college education in order to show him how little the thing is really worth. ~ elbert-hubbard, @wisdomtrove
140:The best education you can get is investing in yourself, and that doesn't mean college or university. ~ warren-buffet, @wisdomtrove
141:You can finish school, and even make it easy - but you never finish your education, and it's seldom easy. ~ zig-ziglar, @wisdomtrove
142:Education: that which reveals to the wise and conceals from the stupid the vast limits of their knowledge. ~ mark-twain, @wisdomtrove
143:I'm not dismissing the value of higher education; I'm simply saying it comes at the expense of experience. ~ steve-jobs, @wisdomtrove
144:The goal of early childhood education should be to activate the child's own natural desire to learn. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
145:Education gives sobriety to the young, comfort to the old, riches to the poor and is an ornament to the rich. ~ diogenes, @wisdomtrove
146:Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence. ~ robert-frost, @wisdomtrove
147:The education of even a small child, therefore, does not aim at preparing him for school, but for life. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
148:Education should be the process of helping everyone to discover his uniqueness." -Leo Buscaglia (1924-1998) ~ leo-buscaglia, @wisdomtrove
149:Formal education teaches how to stand, but to see the rainbow you must come out and walk many steps on your own. ~ amit-ray, @wisdomtrove
150:How can there be any progress of the country without the spread of education, the dawning of knowledge? ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
151:Music has a power of forming the character, and should therefore be introduced into the education of the young. ~ aristotle, @wisdomtrove
152:Nature and education are somewhat similar. The latter transforms man, and in so doing creates a second nature. ~ democritus, @wisdomtrove
153:No man should bring children into the world who is unwilling to persevere to the end in their nature and education. ~ plato, @wisdomtrove
154:Education, n.: That which discloses to the wise and disguises from the foolish their lack of understanding. ~ ambrose-bierce, @wisdomtrove
155:The ideal of an “all-round” education is out of date; it has been destroyed by the progress of knowledge. ~ bertrand-russell, @wisdomtrove
156:To understand life is to understand ourselves, and that is both the beginning and the end of education. ~ jiddu-krishnamurti, @wisdomtrove
157:A man's real education begins after he has left school. True education is gained through the discipline of life. ~ henry-ford, @wisdomtrove
158:Healing comes from gathering wisdom from past actions and letting go of the pain that the education cost you. ~ caroline-myss, @wisdomtrove
159:Man ultimately decides for himself! And in the end, education must be education towards the ability to decide ~ viktor-frankl, @wisdomtrove
160:I've learned that education, experience, and memories are three things that no one can take away from you. ~ h-jackson-brown-jr, @wisdomtrove
161:One of the reasons why it needs no special education to be a Christian is that Christianity is an education itself. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
162:The educated man is the man who can do something. The quality of his work marks the degree of his education. ~ ernest-hemingway, @wisdomtrove
163:Education demands, then, only this: the utilization of the inner powers of the child for his own instruction. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
164:The aim of totalitarian education has never been to instill convictions but to destroy the capacity to form any. ~ hannah-arendt, @wisdomtrove
165:The object of education is not to fill a man's mind with facts; it is to teach him how to use his mind in thinking. ~ henry-ford, @wisdomtrove
166:I doubt whether classical education ever has been or can be successfully carried out without corporal punishment. ~ george-orwell, @wisdomtrove
167:That is the one eternal education: to be sure enough that something is true that you dare to tell it to a child. ~ g-k-chesterton, @wisdomtrove
168:The function of education is to help you from childhood not to imitate anybody, but be yourself all the time. ~ jiddu-krishnamurti, @wisdomtrove
169:We think there is a parallel between federal involvement in education and the decline in profit over recent years. ~ ronald-reagan, @wisdomtrove
170:Healing comes from gathering wisdom from past actions and letting go of the pain that the education cost you. ~ norman-vincent-peale, @wisdomtrove
171:It seems to me that at this time we need education in the obvious more than investigation of the obscure. ~ oliver-wendell-holmes-jr, @wisdomtrove
172:Simply making consistent investments in our self-education and knowledge banks pays major dividends throughout our lives. ~ jim-rohn, @wisdomtrove
173:Everything that we encounter leaves traces behind. Everything contributes imperceptibly to our education. ~ johann-wolfgang-von-goethe, @wisdomtrove
174:Only when the child is able to identify its own center with the center of the universe does education really begin. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
175:Restraint and discipline and examples of virtue and justice. These are the things that form the education of the world. ~ edmund-burke, @wisdomtrove
176:There is a tolerably general agreement about what a university is not. It is not a place of professional education. ~ john-stuart-mill, @wisdomtrove
177:A person with average talent, ambition and education, can outstrip a genius in society, if that person has focused goals. ~ brian-tracy, @wisdomtrove
178:Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education. The human mind is our fundamental resource. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
179:The purpose of adult education is to help them to learn, not to teach them all you know and thus stop them from learning. ~ carl-rogers, @wisdomtrove
180:Education is the beginning of transformation. Dedicate yourself to daily learning via books/audios/seminars and coaching. ~ robin-sharma, @wisdomtrove
181:All education is the art of making men ethical (sittlich), of transforming the old Adam into the new Adam. ~ georg-wilhelm-friedrich-hegel, @wisdomtrove
182:Everybody knows that the dumbest people in any American university are in the education department, and English after that. ~ kurt-vonnegut, @wisdomtrove
183:Natural ability without education has more often raised a man to glory and virtue than education without natural ability. ~ marcus-aurelius, @wisdomtrove
184:The true purpose of education is to prepare young men and women for effective citizenship in a free form of government. ~ dwight-eisenhower, @wisdomtrove
185:The world of education is like an island where people cut off from the world are prepared for life by exclusion from it. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
186:Game shows are designed to make us feel better about the random, useless facts that are all we have left of our education. ~ chuck-palahniuk, @wisdomtrove
187:The Church is not a gallery for the exhibition of eminent Christians, but a school for the education of imperfect ones. ~ henry-ward-beecher, @wisdomtrove
188:The role of education is to interest the child profoundly in an external activity to which he will give all his potential ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
189:Your biggest opportunity probably lies under your own feet, in your current job, industry, education, experience or interests. ~ brian-tracy, @wisdomtrove
190:Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught. ~ oscar-wilde, @wisdomtrove
191:If education tries to make other persons out of us than we essentially are, deeper inside, it stultifies, and reproach matters. ~ franz-kafka, @wisdomtrove
192:Right education should help the student, not only to develop his capacities, but to understand his own highest interest. ~ jiddu-krishnamurti, @wisdomtrove
193:As few subjects are more interesting to society, so few have been more frequently written upon than the education of youth. ~ oliver-goldsmith, @wisdomtrove
194:Education isn't play&
195:If someone is going down the wrong road, he doesn't need motivation to speed him up. What he needs is education to turn him around. ~ jim-rohn, @wisdomtrove
196:Instead of focusing on the world's problems, give your attention and energy to trust, love, abundance, education and peace. :-) ~ rhonda-byrne, @wisdomtrove
197:Alas! how much there is in education, and in our social institutions, to prepare us and our children for insanity. ~ johann-wolfgang-von-goethe, @wisdomtrove
198:The highest education is that which does not merely give us information but makes our life in harmony with all existence. ~ rabindranath-tagore, @wisdomtrove
199:Education must enable a man to become more efficient, to achieve with increasing facility the legitimate goals of his life. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
200:If education is to develop human nature so that it may attain the object of its being, it must involve the exercise of judgment. ~ immanuel-kant, @wisdomtrove
201:Now, the education of our children is of national concern, and if they are not educated properly, it is a national calamity. ~ dwight-eisenhower, @wisdomtrove
202:A fool's brain digests philosophy into folly, science into superstition, and art into pedantry. Hence University education. ~ george-bernard-shaw, @wisdomtrove
203:All who have meditated on the art of governing mankind have been convinced that the fate of empires depends on the education of youth. ~ aristotle, @wisdomtrove
204:The word education must not be understood in the sense of teaching but of assisting the psychological development of the child. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
205:True education is a kind of never ending story‚ a matter of continual beginnings, of habitual fresh starts, of persistent newness. ~ j-r-r-tolkien, @wisdomtrove
206:Education should no longer be most imparting of knowledge, but must take a new path, seeking the release of human potentialities. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
207:Merely to stuff the child with a lot of information, making him pass examinations, is the most unintelligent form of education. ~ jiddu-krishnamurti, @wisdomtrove
208:The earth, the sea and air are the concern of every nation. And science, technology, and education can be the ally of every nation. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
209:Racial understanding is not something we find, but something that we must create. Through education, we seek to change attitudes. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
210:We are faced with the paradoxical fact that education has become one of the chief obstacles to intelligence and freedom of thought. ~ bertrand-russell, @wisdomtrove
211:Due to our preconceptions regarding education, we fail to inquire into the most obvious and wondrous field of study - ourselves. ~ mata-amritanandamayi, @wisdomtrove
212:Education doesn't just take place in stuffy classrooms and university buildings, it can happen everywhere, every day to every person. ~ richard-branson, @wisdomtrove
213:The fundamental basis of education must always remain that one must act for oneself. That is clear. One must act for him or herself. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
214:A Brahmin is not so much in need of education as a Chandala. If the son of a Brahmin needs one teacher, that of a Chandala needs ten. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
215:being able to act intelligently and instinctively in the moment is possible only after a long and rigorous of education and experience ~ malcolm-gladwell, @wisdomtrove
216:Education in the key to preventing the cycle of violence and hatred that marred the 20th century from repeating itself in the 21st century. ~ elie-wiesel, @wisdomtrove
217:Education without direction is a one-sided social value. Direct action without education is a meaningless expression of pure energy. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
218:Unfortunately, at present, practically no one under thirty goes to workshops. It's a system of education entirely for the middle aged. ~ rupert-sheldrake, @wisdomtrove
219:A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad. ~ theodore-roosevelt, @wisdomtrove
220:Through the imparting of moral principles, good behaviour, and education we must make the Chandala come up to the level of the Brahmana. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
221:Leaders, whether in the family, in business, in government, or in education, must not allow themselves to mistake intentions for accomplishments . ~ jim-rohn, @wisdomtrove
222:At the bottom of education, at the bottom of politics, even at the bottom of religion, there must be for our race economic independence. ~ booker-t-washington, @wisdomtrove
223:Because Vietnam was not a declared war, the veterans are not even eligible for the G. I. Bill of Rights with respect to education or anything. ~ ronald-reagan, @wisdomtrove
224:Intelligence is the capacity to perceive the essential, the what is; and to awaken this capacity, in oneself and in others, is education. ~ jiddu-krishnamurti, @wisdomtrove
225:Crucial to science education is hands-on involvement: showing, not just telling; real experiments and field trips and not just "virtual reality". ~ martin-rees, @wisdomtrove
226:Self-education is a continuing source of pleasure to me, for the more I know, the fuller my life is and the better I appreciate my own existence ~ isaac-asimov, @wisdomtrove
227:If the parents in each generation always or often knew what really goes on at their sons' schools, the history of education would be very different. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
228:The quality of strength lined with tenderness is an unbeatable combination, as are intelligence and necessity when unblunted by formal education. ~ maya-angelou, @wisdomtrove
229:You are told a lot about your education, but some beautiful, sacred memory, preserved since childhood, is perhaps the best education of all. ~ fyodor-dostoevsky, @wisdomtrove
230:Drugs or overeating or alcohol or sex, it was all just another way to find peace. To escape what we know. Our education. Our bite of the apple. ~ chuck-palahniuk, @wisdomtrove
231:Since we live in an age of innovation, a practical education must prepare a man for work that does not yet exist and cannot yet be clearly defined. ~ peter-drucker, @wisdomtrove
232:Whatever helps to shape the human being - to make the individual what he is, or hinder him from being what he is not - is part of his education. ~ john-stuart-mill, @wisdomtrove
233:Do not be embarrassed by your mistakes. Nothing can teach us better than our understanding of them. This is one of the best ways of self-education. ~ thomas-carlyle, @wisdomtrove
234:Cleanliness and order are not matters of instinct; they are matters of education, and like most great things, you must cultivate a taste for them. ~ benjamin-disraeli, @wisdomtrove
235:Curiosity, or the love of knowledge, has a very limited influence, and requires youth, leisure education, genius and example to make it govern any person ~ david-hume, @wisdomtrove
236:With a philosophy education, one can infuriate his peers, intimidate his date, think of obscure, unreliable ways to make money, and never regret a thing. ~ criss-jami, @wisdomtrove
237:Most men fail, not through lack of education or agreeable personal qualities, but from lack of dogged determination, from lack of dauntless will. ~ orison-swett-marden, @wisdomtrove
238:Education must enable one to sift and weigh evidence, to discern the true from the false, the real from the unreal, and the facts from the fiction. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
239:In our democracy every young person should have an equal opportunity to obtain a higher education, regardless of his station in life or financial means. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
240:There certainly was some great mismanagement in the education of those two young men. One has got all the goodness, and the other all the appearance of it. ~ jane-austen, @wisdomtrove
241:A man is a great bundle of tools. He is born into this life without the knowledge of how to use them. Education is the process of learning their use. ~ henry-ward-beecher, @wisdomtrove
242:We discovered that education is not something which the teacher does, but that it is a natural process which develops spontaneously in the human being. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
243:Give a girl an education and introduce her properly into the world, and ten to one but she has the means of settling well, without further expense to anybody. ~ jane-austen, @wisdomtrove
244:By education most have been misled; So they believe, because they were bred. The priest continues where the nurse began, And thus the child imposes on the man. ~ john-dryden, @wisdomtrove
245:Education is not filling the mind with a lot of facts. Perfecting the instrument and getting complete mastery of my own mind [is the ideal of education]. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
246:A musical education is necessary for musical judgement. What most people relish is hardly music; it is rather a drowsy reverie relieved by nervous thrills. ~ george-santayana, @wisdomtrove
247:The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
248:We want the education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded, and by which one can stand on one's own feet. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
249:You parents can provide no better gift for your children than an education in the liberal arts. House and home burn down, but an education is easy to carry along. ~ martin-luther, @wisdomtrove
250:Education is the food of youth, the delight of old age, the ornament of prosperity, the refuge and comfort of adversity, and the provocation to grace in the soul. ~ saint-augustine, @wisdomtrove
251:[the difference between the old and the new education being] in a word, the old was a kind of propagation-men transmitting manhood to men; the new is merely propaganda. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
252:A good book is an education of the heart. It enlarges your sense of human possibility what human nature is of what happens in the world. It's a creator of inwardness. ~ susan-sontag, @wisdomtrove
253:I do not want to make teaching films. If I did, I would create a separate organization. It is not higher education that interests me so much as general mass education. ~ walt-disney, @wisdomtrove
254:My biggest motivation? Just to keep challenging myself. I see life almost like one long University education that I never had - everyday I'm learning something new. ~ richard-branson, @wisdomtrove
255:Give me a man with a good allowance of nose,... when I want any good head-work done I choose a man - provided his education has been suitable - with a long nose. ~ napoleon-bonaparte, @wisdomtrove
256:Self-education is, I firmly believe, the only kind of education there is. The only function of a school is to make self-education easier; failing that, it does nothing. ~ isaac-asimov, @wisdomtrove
257:They who refuse education to a black man would turn the South into a vast poorhouse, and labor into a pendulum, necessity vibrating between poverty and indolence. ~ henry-ward-beecher, @wisdomtrove
258:Happiness is not the whole aim of education. A man must be independent in his powers and character; able to work and assert his mastery over all that depends on him. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
259:Our world is fast succumbing to the activities of men and women who would stake the future of our species on beliefs that should not survive an elementary school education. ~ sam-harris, @wisdomtrove
260:Academic education is the act of memorizing things read in books, and things told by college professors who got their education mostly by memorizing things read in books. ~ elbert-hubbard, @wisdomtrove
261:The essence of education is not to stuff you with facts but to help you discover your uniqueness, to teach you how to develop it, and then to show you how to give it away. ~ leo-buscaglia, @wisdomtrove
262:He saw that science had become as great a hoax as religion, that nationalism was a farce, patriotism a fraud, education a form of leprosy, and that morals were for cannibals ~ henry-miller, @wisdomtrove
263:Science is observing truth in the light of head. Religion is observing truth in the light of heart. Humanity is using both the lights. And education is developing that humanity. ~ amit-ray, @wisdomtrove
264:The wealthiest Americans often live as though they and their children had nothing to gain from investments in education, infrastructure, clean-energy, and scientific research. ~ sam-harris, @wisdomtrove
265:I tell my mother I went to God in spite of my religious education. I feel that my religious education was inadequate, but that doesn't mean that Judaism was inadequate. ~ marianne-williamson, @wisdomtrove
266:The basic proposal of the new education is to be that dunces and idlers must not be made to feel inferior to intelligent and industrious pupils. That would be &
267:Emphasis must be put on learning: there is no substitute to education. It can be briefly formulated in a few words: always, whatever you do in life, think higher and feel deeper. ~ elie-wiesel, @wisdomtrove
268:While the religious divisions in our world are self-evident, many people still imagine that religious conflict is always caused by a lack of education, by poverty, or by politics. ~ sam-harris, @wisdomtrove
269:There is an old saying that the course of civilization is a race between catastrophe and education. In a democracy such as ours, we must make sure that education wins the race. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
270:Since one cannot educate adults, the word "education" has an evil sound in politics; there is a pretense of education, when the real purpose is coercion without the use of force. ~ hannah-arendt, @wisdomtrove
271:The essential dilemma of education is to be found in the fact that the sort of man (or woman) who knows a given subject sufficiently well to teach it is usually unwilling to do so. ~ h-l-mencken, @wisdomtrove
272:The problem of education is twofold: first to know, and then to utter. Everyone who lives any semblance of an inner life thinks more nobly and profoundly than he speaks. ~ robert-louis-stevenson, @wisdomtrove
273:Education does not take place when you learn something you did not know before. Education is your ability to use what you have learned to be better today than you were yesterday. ~ lyania-vanzant, @wisdomtrove
274:It makes little difference how many university courses or degrees a person may own. If he cannot use words to move an idea from one point to another, his education is incomplete. ~ norman-cousins, @wisdomtrove
275:Over no nation does the press hold a more absolute control than over the people of America, for the universal education of the poorest classes makes every individual a reader. ~ washington-irving, @wisdomtrove
276:Education is not the means of showing people how to get what they want. Education is an exercise by means of which enough men, it is hoped, will learn to want what is worth having. ~ ronald-reagan, @wisdomtrove
277:It is in fact a part of the function of education to help us escape, not from our own time - for we are bound by that - but from the intellectual and emotional limitations of our time. ~ t-s-eliot, @wisdomtrove
278:Government should uphold-and not undermine-those institutions which are custodians of the very values upon which civilization is founded: religion, education and, above all, family. ~ ronald-reagan, @wisdomtrove
279:I deplore the tendency, in some institutions, to go directly toward training for a trade or profession or something and ignoring the liberal arts. It is the foundation of education. ~ ronald-reagan, @wisdomtrove
280:I thought that culture and education are the shield. An educated person cannot do certain things and, and be educated, you cannot, and there they were, killing children day after day. ~ elie-wiesel, @wisdomtrove
281:It is not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning. ~ jiddu-krishnamurti, @wisdomtrove
282:Exactly for the sake of what is new and revolutionary in every child, education must be conservative; it must preserve this newness and introduce it as a new thing into an old world. ~ hannah-arendt, @wisdomtrove
283:The best means of forming a manly, virtuous, and happy people will be found in the right education of youth. Without this foundation, every other means, in my opinion, must fail. ~ george-washington, @wisdomtrove
284:We cannot create observers by saying &
285:Education is learning to grow, learning what to grow toward, learning what is good and bad, learning what is desirable and undesirable, learning what to choose and what not to choose. ~ abraham-maslow, @wisdomtrove
286:Permission marketing turns strangers into friends and friends into loyal customers. It's not just about entertainment - it's about education. Permission marketing is curriculum marketing. ~ seth-godin, @wisdomtrove
287:Culture and education have no bounds or limits; now man is in a phase in which he must decide for himself how far he can proceed in the culture that belongs to the whole of humanity. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
288:Education should train the child to use his brains, to make for himself a place in the world and maintain his rights even when it seems that society would shove him into the scrap-heap. ~ hellen-keller, @wisdomtrove
289:... the exchange of students... should be vastly expanded... Information and education are powerful forces in support of peace. Just as war begins in the minds of men, so does peace. ~ dwight-eisenhower, @wisdomtrove
290:A new education from birth onwards must be built up. Education must be reconstructed and based on the law of nature and not on the preconceived notions and prejudices of adult society. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
291:All a child's life depends on the ideal it has of its parents. Destroy that and everything goes — morals, behaviour, everything. Absolute trust in some one else is the essence of education. ~ e-m-forster, @wisdomtrove
292:In true education, anything that comes to our hand is as good as a book: the prank of a page- boy, the blunder of a servant, a bit of table talk - they are all part of the curriculum. ~ michel-de-montaigne, @wisdomtrove
293:Men have had every advantage of us in telling their own story. Education has been theirs in so much higher a degree; the pen has been in their hands. I will not allow books to prove anything. ~ jane-austen, @wisdomtrove
294:My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute all my success in life to the moral, intellectual and physical education I received from her. ~ george-washington, @wisdomtrove
295:As one man said, "I got a pretty good education. It took me years to get over it." That's what spirituality is all about, you know: unlearning. Unlearning all the rubbish they taught you. ~ anthony-de-mello, @wisdomtrove
296:The heart of the Waldorf method is that education is an art-it must speak to the child's experience. To educate the whole child, his heart and his will must be reached, as well as the mind. ~ rudolf-steiner, @wisdomtrove
297:Throughout the course of my life, I have been very fortunate to have had excellent teachers - not just in meditation, but in martial arts, music, scuba diving, and in my academic education. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
298:A boy will learn more true wisdom in a public school in a year than by a private education in five. It is not from masters, but from their equals, that youth learn a knowledge of the world. ~ oliver-goldsmith, @wisdomtrove
299:The greatness of the human personality begins at the hour of birth. From this almost mystic affirmation there comes what may seem a strange conclusion: that education must start from birth. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
300:Much of the philosophy of religious education has been based upon a false premise, and perhaps many have missed the essence of Christian experience, having had religious training take its place. ~ billy-graham, @wisdomtrove
301:Education will not come of itself; it will never come unless you seek it; it will not come unless you take the first steps which lead to it; but, taking these steps, every man can acquire it. ~ henry-ward-beecher, @wisdomtrove
302:I have the audacity to believe that peoples everywhere can have three meals a day for their bodies, education and culture for their minds, and dignity, equality and freedom for their spirits. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
303:Education makes a man a more intelligent shoemaker, if that be his occupation, but not by teaching him how to make shoes; it does so by the mental exercise it gives, and the habits it impresses. ~ john-stuart-mill, @wisdomtrove
304:No one can become really educated without having pursued some study in which he took no interest- for it is a part of education to learn to interest ourselves in subjects for which we have no aptitude. ~ t-s-eliot, @wisdomtrove
305:An intelligent person, looking out of his eyes and hearkening in his ears, with a smile on his face all the time, will get more true education than many another in a life of heroic vigils". ~ robert-louis-stevenson, @wisdomtrove
306:The greatest investment a young person can make is in their own education, in their own mind. Because money comes and goes. Relationships come and go. But what you learn once stays with you forever. ~ warren-buffet, @wisdomtrove
307:There is not to be found, in all history, any miracle attested by a sufficient number of men, of such unquestioned good sense, education and learning, as to secure us against all delusion in themselves. ~ david-hume, @wisdomtrove
308:Wherever is found what is called a paternal government, there is found state education. It has been discovered that the best way to insure implicit obedience is to commence tyranny in the nursery. ~ benjamin-disraeli, @wisdomtrove
309:The more that learn to read the less learn how to make a living. That's one thing about a little education. It spoils you for actual work. The more you know the more you think somebody owes you a living. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
310:A general State education is a mere contrivance for moulding people to be exactly like one another, and as the mould in which it casts them is that which pleases the dominant power in the government. ~ john-stuart-mill, @wisdomtrove
311:The concept of an education centered upon the care of the living being alters all previous ideas. Resting no longer on a curriculum, or a timetable, education must conform to the facts of human life. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
312:Education is a process that goes on 'til death. The moment you see someone who knows she has found the one true way, and can call all the others false, then you know you're in the company of an ignoramus. ~ maya-angelou, @wisdomtrove
313:Speaking for the one field which I feel definitely qualified to comment on, I fully believe the animated picture will emerge as one of the greatest mediums, not only of entertainment but also of education. ~ walt-disney, @wisdomtrove
314:The older I grow, the more I am convinced that there is no education which one can get from books and costly apparatus that is equal to that which can be gotten from contact with great men and women. ~ booker-t-washington, @wisdomtrove
315:The child is endowed with unknown powers, which can guide us to a radiant future. If what we really want is a new world, then education must take as its aim the development of these hidden possibilities. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
316:You get a very different type of education if you go out to the desert, to the places of power, places where it is easy to cross over from one dimensional plane to another, where power hovers, so to speak. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
317:The basis of self-government and freedom requires the development of character and self-restraint and perseverance and the long view. And these are qualities which require many years of training and education. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
318:The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all; it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originality. ~ h-l-mencken, @wisdomtrove
319:There is no end to education. It is not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning. ~ jiddu-krishnamurti, @wisdomtrove
320:The supreme end of education is expert discernment in all things-the power to tell the good from the bad, the genuine from the counterfeit, and to prefer the good and the genuine to the bad and the counterfeit. ~ samuel-johnson, @wisdomtrove
321:Their whole life depends on spending money, and now they’ve got none to spend. That’s our civilization and our education: bring up the masses to depend entirely on spending money, and then the money gives out. ~ d-h-lawrence, @wisdomtrove
322:Please, don't torture me with cliches. If you're going to try to intimidate me, have the courtesy to go away for a while, acquire a better education, improve your vocabulary, and come back with some fresh metaphors. ~ dean-koontz, @wisdomtrove
323:The exercises of practical life are formative activities, a work of adaptation to the environment. Such adaptation to the environment and efficient functioning therein is the very essence of a useful education. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
324:Today, however, those things which occupy us in the field of education are the interests of humanity at large and of civilization, and before such great forces we can recognize only one country-the entire world. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
325:Education should be the process of helping everyone to discover his uniqueness, to teach him how to develop that uniqueness, and then to show him how to share it because that’s the only reason for having anything. ~ leo-buscaglia, @wisdomtrove
326:Be not forgetful of prayer. Every time you pray, if your prayer is sincere, there will be new feeling and new meaning in it, which will give you fresh courage, and you will understand that prayer is an education. ~ fyodor-dostoevsky, @wisdomtrove
327:The real preparation for education is a study of one's self. The training of the teacher... is something far more than a learning of ideas. It includes the training of character; it is a preparation of the spirit. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
328:Education today, in this particular social period, is assuming truly unlimited importance. And the increased emphasis on its practical value can be summed up in one sentence: education is the best weapon for peace. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
329:Who will bring light to the poor? Who will travel from door to door bringing education to them? Let these people be your God-think of them, work for them, pray for them incessantly. The Lord will show you the way. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
330:There are two extremes to be avoided: one is the attitude of contempt toward education, the other is the tragic snobbery of assuming that marching through an educational system is a sure cure for ignorance and mediocrity. ~ henry-ford, @wisdomtrove
331:We must always meet our obligation to those who fall behind without our assistance. But let's remember, without a race there can be no champion, no records broken, no excellence - in education or any other walk of life. ~ ronald-reagan, @wisdomtrove
332:A man of sense and education should meet a suitable companion in a wife. It is a miserable thing when the conversation can only be such as whether the mutton should be boiled or roasted, and probably a dispute about that. ~ samuel-johnson, @wisdomtrove
333:Enjoyment is an art and a skill for which we have little talent or energy... your entire education has has deprived you of this capacity because it was preparing you for the future, instead of showing you how to be alive now. ~ alan-watts, @wisdomtrove
334:Education is no substitute for intelligence. That elusive quality is defined only in part by puzzle-solving ability. It is in the creation of new puzzles reflecting what your senses report that you round out the definitions. ~ frank-herbert, @wisdomtrove
335:If you will make a deliberate decision to develop a positive attitude toward opportunities and obstacles, you are on your way toward having what is the most important quality in education: the power of positive thinking. ~ robert-h-schuller, @wisdomtrove
336:I have written 240 books on a wide variety of topics. . . . Some of it I based on education I received in my school, but most of it was backed by other ways of learning - chiefly in the books I obtained in the public library. ~ isaac-asimov, @wisdomtrove
337:Creativity is the highest form of intelligence. Over time, after developing a more advanced creative brain, I started feeling that my college education was more so something to be ashamed of rather than something to be proud of. ~ criss-jami, @wisdomtrove
338:What we want is muscles of iron and nerves of steel. We have wept long enough. No more weeping, but stand on your feet and be men. It is man-making theories that we want. It is man-making education all round that we want. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
339:Education is one of the subjects which most essentially require to be considered by various minds, and from a variety of points of view. For, of all many-sided subjects, it is the one which has the greatest number of sides. ~ john-stuart-mill, @wisdomtrove
340:The education situation which most effectively promotes significant learning is one in which (1) threat to the self of the learner is reduced to a minimum and (2) differential perception of the field of experience is facilitated ~ carl-rogers, @wisdomtrove
341:But remember that the pain of parting from friends will be felt by everybody at times, whatever be their education or state. Know your own happiness. You want nothing but patience; or give it a more fascinating name: call it hope. ~ jane-austen, @wisdomtrove
342:If Harvard is $60,000 and University of Toronto, where I went to school, is maybe six. So you're really telling me that education is 10 times better at Harvard than it is at University of Toronto? That seems ridiculous to me. ~ malcolm-gladwell, @wisdomtrove
343:Education in the true sense is helping the individual to be mature and free, to flower greatly in love and goodness. That is what we should be interested in, and not in shaping the child according to some idealistic pattern. ~ jiddu-krishnamurti, @wisdomtrove
344:If you use a philosophy education well, you can get your foot in the door of any industry you please. Industries are like the blossoms on a tree while philosophy is the trunk - it holds the tree together, but it often goes unnoticed. ~ criss-jami, @wisdomtrove
345:It was my teacher's genius, her quick sympathy, her loving tact which made the first years of my education so beautiful. It was because she seized the right moment to impart knowledge that made it so pleasant and acceptable to me. ~ hellen-keller, @wisdomtrove
346:You may be able to read Bernard Shaw's plays, you may be able to quote Shakespeare or Voltaire or some new philosopher; but if you in yourself are not intelligent, if you are not creative, what is the point of this education? ~ jiddu-krishnamurti, @wisdomtrove
347:Let us think of education as the means of developing our greatest abilities, because in each of us there is a private hope and dream which, fulfilled, can be translated into benefit for everyone and greater strength of the nation. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
348:Our leaders must remember that education doesn't begin with some isolated bureaucrat in Washington. It doesn't even begin with state or local officials. Education begins in the home, where it is a parental right and responsibility. ~ ronald-reagan, @wisdomtrove
349:Talk is by far the most accessible of pleasures. It costs nothing in money, it is all profit, it completes our education, founds and fosters our friendships, and can be enjoyed at any age and in almost any state of health. ~ robert-louis-stevenson, @wisdomtrove
350:By education I mean justice that training in excellence from youth upward which makes a man passionately desire to be a perfect citizen, and teaches him to rule, and to obey, with justice. This is the only education which deserves the name. ~ plato, @wisdomtrove
351:Governments want efficient technicians, not human beings, because human beings become dangerous to governments – and to organized religions as well. That is why governments and religious organizations seek to control education. ~ jiddu-krishnamurti, @wisdomtrove
352:There was even a recurrent idea in America about an education that would leave out history and the past, that should be a sort of equipment for aerial adventure, weighed down by none of the stowaways of inheritance or tradition. ~ f-scott-fitzgerald, @wisdomtrove
353:We must remember that intelligence is not enough. Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education. The complete education gives one not only power of concentration, but worthy objectives upon which to concentrate. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
354:The advanced education in Tantra obviously has to do with the entrance into samadhi, the negation of the self. That is what the path of negation means, not the negation of life, but the negation of anything that is not enlightenment. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
355:If we help an educated man's daughter to go to Cambridge are we not forcing her to think not about education but about war? - not how she can learn, but how she can fight in order that she might win the same advantages as her brothers? ~ virginia-woolf, @wisdomtrove
356:The highest result of education is tolerance. Long ago men fought and died for their faith; but it took ages to teach them the other kind of courage, - the courage to recognize the faiths of their brethren and their rights of conscience. ~ hellen-keller, @wisdomtrove
357:Psychology is much bigger than just medicine, or fixing unhealthy things. It's about education, work, marriage - it's even about sports. What I want to do is see psychologists working to help people build strengths in all these domains. ~ martin-seligman, @wisdomtrove
358:It is exactly in the repetition of the exercises that the education of the senses exists; not that the child shall know colors, forms or qualities, but that he refine his senses through an exercise of attention, comparison and judgment. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
359:An education capable of saving humanity is no small undertaking; it involves the spiritual development of man, the enhancement of his value as an individual, and the preparation of young people to understand the times in which they live. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
360:The power to rethink a situation is our greatest tool for transforming the world. This notion is taking hold in medicine, in business, in education. But not in politics and the media. They are the last holdouts of old-paradigm thinking. ~ marianne-williamson, @wisdomtrove
361:Education is the point at which we decide whether we love the world enough to assume responsibility for it and by the same token save it from that ruin which, except for renewal, except for the coming of the new and young, would be inevitable. ~ hannah-arendt, @wisdomtrove
362:But in truth I know nothing about the philosophy of education except this: that the greatest and the most important difficulty known to human learning seems to lie in that area which treats how to bring up children and how to educate them. ~ michel-de-montaigne, @wisdomtrove
363:The problem in our society and in our schools is to inclulcate, without overdoing it, the notion of education, as in the Latin educere&
364:True education is to learn how to think, not what to think. If you know how to think, if you really have that capacity, then you are a free human being-free of dogmas, superstitions, ceremonies-and therefore you can find out what religion is. ~ jiddu-krishnamurti, @wisdomtrove
365:I now realize that education is a last wild effort on the part of the authorities to prevent an overdose of leisure from driving the world mad. Learning is no longer an improver; it is merely the most expensive time-filler the world has ever known. ~ quentin-crisp, @wisdomtrove
366:But as to women, who can penetrate the real sufferings of their she condition? Man's very sympathy with their estate has much of selfishness and more suspicion. Their love, their virtue, beauty, education, but form good housekeepers, to breed a nation. ~ lord-byron, @wisdomtrove
367:For my part, I should be inclined to suggest that the chief object of education should be to restore simplicity. If you like to put it so, the chief object of education is not to learn things; nay, the chief object of education is to unlearn things. ~ g-k-chesterton, @wisdomtrove
368:Education should therefore include the two forms of work, manual and intellectual, for the same person, and thus make it understood by practical experience that these two kinds complete each other and are equally essential to a civilized existence. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
369:Good company requires only birth, education, and manners, and with regard to education is not very nice. Birth and good manners are essential; but a little learning is by no means a dangerous thing in good company; on the contrary, it will do very well. ~ jane-austen, @wisdomtrove
370:Children are nowhere taught, in any systematic way, to distinguish true from false, or meaningful from meaningless, statements. Why is this so? Because their elders, even in the democratic countries, do not want them to be given this kind of education. ~ aldous-huxley, @wisdomtrove
371:Politically, I don't care what party you're from, offer a point of view and let's see what happens and really debate the issues rather than use personal attacks. Really talk about it, talk about immigration, talk about education, talk about pollution. ~ robin-williams, @wisdomtrove
372:We must be strong at home if we are going to be strong abroad. We understand that. So we want to be strong at home in our morale or in our spirit, we want to be strong intellectually, in our education, in our economy and, where necessary, militarily. ~ dwight-eisenhower, @wisdomtrove
373:Our brains are so conditioned through education, through religion, to think we are separate entities with separate souls and so on. We are not individuals at all. We are the result of thousands of years of human experience, human endeavor and struggle. ~ jiddu-krishnamurti, @wisdomtrove
374:Scientific observation then has established that education is not what the teacher gives; education is a natural process spontaneously carried out by the human individual, and is acquired not by listening to words but by experiences upon the environment. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
375:The immediate need for education and practice in using our natural resources of soil, forest, water, wildlife and areas of inspirational beauty to the best advantage of all, for this generation and others to come, is again apparent to every observant citizen. ~ walt-disney, @wisdomtrove
376:There is a power under your control that is greater than poverty, greater than the lack of education, greater than all your fears and superstitions combined. It is the power to take possession of your own mind and direct it to whatever ends you may desire. ~ andrew-carnegie, @wisdomtrove
377:The inspirational value of the space program is probably of far greater importance to education than any input of dollars... A whole generation is growing up which has been attracted to the hard disciplines of science and engineering by the romance of space. ~ arthur-c-carke, @wisdomtrove
378:You have to set big goals for yourself. And you have to put aside all the negativity in your life that tells you that if you came from a certain education or a certain family background that you can't achieve big goals. That's one of the things that America has. ~ brian-tracy, @wisdomtrove
379:Our highest endeavor must be to develop free human beings who are able of themselves to impart purpose and direction to their lives. The need for imagination, a sense of truth, and a feeling of responsibility—these three forces are the very nerve of education. ~ rudolf-steiner, @wisdomtrove
380:Education and study, and the favors of the muses, confer no greater benefit on those that seek them than these humanizing and civilizing lessons, which teach our natural qualities to submit to the limitations prescribed by reason, and to avoid the wildness of extremes. ~ plutarch, @wisdomtrove
381:Fuller believed human societies would soon rely mainly on renewable sources of energy, such as solar- and wind-derived electricity,. envisioned an age of "universal education and sustenance of all humanity". "The heart has reasons that reason does not understand." ~ blaise-pascal, @wisdomtrove
382:Tomorrow everybody - or practically everybody - will have had the education of the upper class of yesterday, and will expect equivalent opportunities. That is why we face the problem of making every kind of job meaningful and capable of satisfying every educated man. ~ peter-drucker, @wisdomtrove
383:I do not think that you can try and systematize education for the whole world. I would try experiments in small communities and in schools to see how they work out, instead of taking the children of an entire nation and trying to bring them up on the same system. ~ jiddu-krishnamurti, @wisdomtrove
384:Education to independence demands that young people should be accustomed early to consult their own sense of propriety and their own reason. To regard study as mere receptivity and memory work is to have a most incomplete view of what instruction means. ~ georg-wilhelm-friedrich-hegel, @wisdomtrove
385:If education recognizes the intrinsic value of the child's personality and provides an environment suited to spiritual growth, we have the revelation of an entirely new child whose astonishing characteristics can eventually contribute to the betterment of the world. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
386:There is, I believe, in every disposition a tendency to some particular evil, a natural defect, which not even the best education can overcome." "And your defect is a propensity to hate everybody." "And yours," he replied with a smile, "is wilfully to misunderstand them. ~ jane-austen, @wisdomtrove
387:The purpose of a Christian education would not be merely to make men and women pious Christians: a system which aimed too rigidly at this end alone would become only obscurantist. A Christian education must primarily teach people to be able to think in Christian categories. ~ t-s-eliot, @wisdomtrove
388:The function of education, therefore, is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. But education which stops with efficiency may prove the greatest menace to society. The most dangerous criminal may be the man gifted with reason, but with no morals. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
389:The prosperity of a country depends, not on the abundance of its revenues, nor on the strength of its fortifications, nor on the beauty of its public buildings; but it consists in the number of its cultivated citizens, in its men of education, enlightenment and character. ~ martin-luther, @wisdomtrove
390:A quality education has the power to transform societies in a single generation, provide children with the protection they need from the hazards of poverty, labor exploitation and disease, and given them the knowledge, skills, and confidence to reach their full potential. ~ audrey-hepburn, @wisdomtrove
391:It seems to me that education has a two-fold function to perform in the life of man and in society: the one is utility and the other is culture. Education must enable a man to become more efficient, to achieve with increasing facility the ligitimate goals of his life. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
392:If education is always to be conceived along the same antiquated lines of a mere transmission of knowledge, there is little to be hoped from it in the bettering of man's future. For what is the use of transmitting knowledge if the individual's total development lags behind? ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
393:Even the lowest of the Hindus, the Pariah, has less of the brute in him than a Briton in a similar social status. This is the result of an old and excellent religious civilization. This evolution to a higher spiritual state is possible only through discipline and education. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
394:I am beginning to suspect all elaborate and special systems of education. They seem to me to be built up on the supposition that every child is a kind of idiot who must be taught to think. Whereas, if the child is left to himself, he will think more and better, if less showily. ~ hellen-keller, @wisdomtrove
395:You've spent years learning how to read and write, years learning how to speak. But what about listening? What training or education have you had that enables you to listen so that you really, deeply understand another human being from that individual's own frame of reference? ~ stephen-r-covey, @wisdomtrove
396:The farmer is a poor creature who skins the land and leaves it worthless to his children. The farmer is a good farmer who, having enabled the land to support himself and to provide for the education of his children, leaves it to them a little better than he found it himself. ~ theodore-roosevelt, @wisdomtrove
397:A primary object should be the education of our youth in the science of government. In a republic, what species of knowledge can be equally important? And what duty more pressing than communicating it to those who are to be the future guardians of the liberties of the country? ~ george-washington, @wisdomtrove
398:There is no great difference in reality between one country and another, because it is always people you meet everywhere. They may look different or be dressed differently, they may have a different education or position; but they are all the same. They are all people to be loved. ~ mother-teresa, @wisdomtrove
399:As long as learning is connected with earning, as long as certain jobs can only be reached through exams, so long must we take the examination system seriously. If another ladder to employment was contrived, much so-called education would disappear, and no one be a penny the stupider. ~ e-m-forster, @wisdomtrove
400:For after all, what is there behind, except money? Money for the right kind of education, money for influential friends, money for leisure and peace of mind, money for trips to Italy. Money writes books, money sells them. Give me not righteousness, O lord, give me money, only money. ~ george-orwell, @wisdomtrove
401:The aim of education is to make the pupil like and dislike what he ought... . The little human animal will not at first have the right responses. It must be trained to feel pleasure, liking, disgust, and hatred at those things which really are pleasant, likable, disgusting, and hateful. ~ aristotle, @wisdomtrove
402:I'm not convinced that women have the education or the sense of their own history enough or that they understand the cruelty of which men are capable and the delight that many men will take in seeing you choose to chain yourself - then they get to say &
403:Teach the ignorant as much as you can; society is culpable in not providing a free education for all and it must answer for the night which it produces. If the soul is left in darkness sins will be committed. The guilty one is not he who commits the sin, but he who causes the darkness. ~ victor-hugo, @wisdomtrove
404:All of us have been trained by education and environment to seek personal gain and security and to fight for ourselves. Though we cover it over with pleasant phrases, we have been educated for various professions within a system which is based on exploitation and acquisitive fear. ~ jiddu-krishnamurti, @wisdomtrove
405:I admire the good samaritan, but I don't want to be one.I don't want to spend my life picking up people by the side of the road after they have been beaten up and robbed.I want to change the Jericho road, so that everybody has an opportunity for a job, education, security, health. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
406:If the idea of having to change ourselves makes us uncomfortable, we can remain as we are. We can choose rest over labour, entertainment over education, delusion over truth, and doubt over confidence. The choices are ours to make, but while we curse the effect, we continue to nourish the cause ~ jim-rohn, @wisdomtrove
407:I was lucky enough to be born in a time and place where society values my talent, and gave me a good education to develop that talent, and set up the laws and the finanical system to let me do what I love doing-and make a lot of money doing it. The least I can do is help pay for all that. ~ warren-buffet, @wisdomtrove
408:The more efficient causes of progress seem to consist of a good education during youth whilst the brain is impressible, and of a high standard of excellence, inculcated by the ablest and best men, embodied in the laws, customs and traditions of the nation, and enforced by public opinion. ~ charles-darwin, @wisdomtrove
409:The Negro has no room to make any substantial compromises because his store of advantages is too small. He must press unrelentingly for quality, integrated education or his whole drive for freedom will be undermined by the absence of a most vital and indispensable element - learning. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
410:The arts alone give direct access to experience. To eliminate them from education - or worse, to tolerate them as cultural ornaments - is antieducational obscurantism. It is foisted on us by the pedants and snobs of Hellenistic Greece who considered artistic performance fit only for slaves. ~ peter-drucker, @wisdomtrove
411:Even the men most richly endowed with ability, education, and opportunity, even the giants of the race, after the completest life possible, feel, as they stand on the edge of the grave, that they are but human acorns with all their possibilities still in them, just beginning to sprout. ~ orison-swett-marden, @wisdomtrove
412:I believe the single most significant decision I can make on a day-to-day basis is my choice of attitude. It is more important than my past, my education, my bankroll, my successes or failures, fame or pain, what other people think of me or say about me, my circumstances, or my position. ~ charles-r-swindoll, @wisdomtrove
413:The plain fact is that education is itself a form of propaganda - a deliberate scheme to outfit the pupil, not with the capacity to weigh ideas, but with a simple appetite for gulping ideas ready-made. The aim is to make &
414:It is difficult to think of anything more important than providing the best education possible for our children. They will develop the next technologies, medical cures, and global industries, while mitigating their unintended effects, or they will fail to do these things and consign us all to oblivion. ~ sam-harris, @wisdomtrove
415:Nevertheless, (Jefferson) believed that the habit of skepticism is an essential prerequisite for responsible citizenship. He argued that the cost of education is trivial compared to the cost of ignorance, of leaving government to the wolves. He taught that the country is safe only when the people rule. ~ carl-sagan, @wisdomtrove
416:Education is the knowledge of how to use the whole of oneself. Many men use but one or two faculties out of the score with which they are endowed. A man is educated who knows how to make a tool of every faculty, how to open it, how to keep it sharp, and how to apply it to all practical purposes. ~ henry-ward-beecher, @wisdomtrove
417:It is not so very important for a person to learn facts. For that he does not really need a college. He can learn them from books. The value of an education is a liberal arts college is not learning of many facts but the training of the mind to think something that cannot be learned from textbooks. ~ albert-einstein, @wisdomtrove
418:Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune. A successful business owner never stops learning. They educate themselves on the things they need to learn, and they never stop growing. They never arrive at a certain point and think, ahhh... now I don't need to learn anymore. ~ jim-rohn, @wisdomtrove
419:I am glad that Congress has recently authorized $800,000 to State welfare agencies to expand their day-care services during the remainder of this fiscal year. But we need much more. We need the $8 million in the 1965 budget for the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare allocated to this purpose. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
420:Winston Churchill said that appetite was the most important thing about education. Leadership guru Warren Bennis says he wants to be remembered as &
421:America is a melting pot, and education has been a mainspring for our democracy and freedom, a means of providing gifts of knowledge and opportunity to all citizens, no matter how humble their background, so they could climb higher, help build the American dream, and leave a better life for those who follow. ~ ronald-reagan, @wisdomtrove
422:I think the growth industry of the future in this country and the world will soon be the continuing education of adults. ... I think the educated person of the future is somebody who realizes the need to continue to learn. That is the new definition and it is going to change the world we live in and work in. ~ peter-drucker, @wisdomtrove
423:The aim of education should not be to teach how to use human energies to improve the environment, for we are finally beginning to realize that the cornerstone of education is the development of the human personality, and that in this regard education is of immediate importance for the salvation of mankind. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
424:It would be a thousand pities if women wrote like men, or lived like men, or looked like men, for if two sexes are quite inadequate, considering the vastness and variety of the world, how should we manage with one only? Ought not education to bring out and fortify the differences rather than the similarities? ~ virginia-woolf, @wisdomtrove
425:The Negro is not the man farthest down. The condition of the coloured farmer in the most backward parts of the Southern States of America, even where he has the least education and the least encouragement, is incomparably better than the condition and opportunities of the agricultural population in Sicily. ~ booker-t-washington, @wisdomtrove
426:By the age of six the average child will have completed the basic American education... . From television, the child will have learned how to pick a lock, commit a fairly elaborate bank holdup, prevent wetness all day long, get the laundry twice as white, and kill people with a variety of sophisticated armaments. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
427:Anyone who is honestly trying to be a Christian will soon find his intelligence being sharpened: one of the reasons why it needs no special education to be a Christian is that Christianity is an education itself. That is why an uneducated believer like Bunyan was able to write a book that has astonished the whole world. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
428:Education is like a diamond with many facets: It includes the basic mastery of numbers and letters that give us access to the treasury of human knowledge, accumulated and refined through the ages; it includes technical and vocational training as well as instruction in science, higher mathematics, and humane letters. ~ ronald-reagan, @wisdomtrove
429:I don’t think people realise how vital libraries are or what a colossal danger it would be if we were to lose any more. Having had a truncated school life myself, all of my education from the age of 17 has been self-taught. I wouldn’t be the person I am today if it wasn’t for the opportunities the library gave me. ~ alan-moore, @wisdomtrove
430:Without an integrated understanding of life, our individual and collective problems will only deepen and extend. The purpose of education isn't to produce mere scholars, technicians and job hunters, but integrated men and women who are free of fear; for only between such human beings can there be enduring peace. ~ jiddu-krishnamurti, @wisdomtrove
431:In this world, which is so plainly the antechamber of another, there are no happy men. The true division of humanity is between those who live in light and those who live in darkness. Our aim must be to diminish the number of the latter and increase the number of the former. That is why we demand education and knowledge. ~ victor-hugo, @wisdomtrove
432:One classical role of the pulpit in Protestantism has been to &
433:Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education. Our requirements for world leadership, our hopes for economic growth, and the demands of citizenship itself in an era such as this all require the maximum development of every young American's capacity. The human mind is our fundamental resource. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
434:Physical education for the body to be effective must be rigorous and detailed, far sighted and methodological. This will be translated into habits. These habits should be controlled and disciplined, while remaining flexible enough to adapt themselves to circumstances and to the needs of growth and development of the being. ~ sri-aurobindo, @wisdomtrove
435:America's founding fathers did not intend to take religion out of education. Many of the nation's greatest universities were founded by evangelists and religious leaders; but many of these have lost the founders concept and become secular institutions. Because of this attitude, secular education is stumbling and floundering. ~ billy-graham, @wisdomtrove
436:Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them; but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight. True education combines intellect, beauty, goodness, and the greatest of these is goodness. When we do the best that we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life, or in the life of another. ~ hellen-keller, @wisdomtrove
437:Leadership is the great challenge of the 21st century in science, politics, education, and industry. But the greatest challenge in leadership is parenting. We need to do more than just get our enterprises ready for the challenges of the twenty-first century. We also need to get our children ready for the challenges of the 21st century. ~ jim-rohn, @wisdomtrove
438:Someone has said,"Education is going from an unconscious to conscious awareness of one's ignorance."..No one has a corner on wisdom. All the name-dropping in the world does not heighten the significance of our character. If anything, it reduces it. Our acute need is to cultivate a willingness to learn and to remain teachable. ~ charles-r-swindoll, @wisdomtrove
439:I don't know the real answer, my answer to anything which is essentially human relations is education. Whatever the answer is, education must be its measured component and if you try to educate with generosity not with triumphalism I think sometimes it works, especially young people, that's why I teach, I've been teaching all my life. ~ elie-wiesel, @wisdomtrove
440:If you don’t put the big rocks in first, you’ll never get them in at all. What are the big rocks in your life? A project that you want to accomplish? Time with your loved ones? Your faith, your education, your finances? A cause? Teaching or mentoring others? Remember to put these Big Rocks in first or you’ll never get them in at all. ~ stephen-r-covey, @wisdomtrove
441:If you serve a child a rotten hamburger in America, federal, state, and local agencies will investigate you, summon you, close you down, whatever. But if you provide a child with a rotten education, nothing happens, except that you're liable to be given more money to do it with. Well, we've discovered that money alone isn't the answer. ~ ronald-reagan, @wisdomtrove
442:Even the most inspired verse, which boasts not without a relative justification to be immortal, becomes in the course of ages a scarcely legible hieroglyphic; the language it was written in dies, a learned education and an imaginative effort are requisite to catch even a vestige of its original force. Nothing is so irrevocable as mind. ~ george-santayana, @wisdomtrove
443:The cat joined the Re-education Committee and was very active in it for some days. She was seen one dag sitting on a roof and talking to some sparrows who were just out of her reach. She was telling them that all animals were now comrades and that any sparrow who chose could come and perch on her paw; but the sparrows kept their distance. ~ george-orwell, @wisdomtrove
444:Everyone has in him something divine, something his own, a chance of perfection and strength in however small a sphere which God offers him to take or refuse. The task is to find it, develop it & use it. The chief aim of education should be to help the growing soul to draw out that in itself which is best and make it perfect for a noble use. ~ sri-aurobindo, @wisdomtrove
445:To be so bent on Marriage - to pursue a man merely for the sake of situation - is a sort of thing that shocks me; I cannot understand it. Poverty is a great Evil, but to a woman of Education and feeling it ought not, it cannot be the greatest. I would rather be a teacher at a school (and I can think of nothing worse) than marry a man I did not like. ~ jane-austen, @wisdomtrove
446:Therefore, only through education does one come to be dissatisfied with his own knowledge, and only through teaching others does one come to realize the uncomfortable inadequacy of his knowledge. Being dissatisfied with his own knowledge, one then realizes that the trouble lies with himself, and realizing the uncomfortable inadequacy of his knowledger. ~ confucius, @wisdomtrove
447:You are told a lot about your education, but some beautiful, sacred memory, preserved since childhood, is perhaps the best education of all. If a man carries many such memories into life with him, he is saved for the rest of his days. And even if only one good memory is left in our hearts, it may also be the instrument of our salvation one day. ~ fyodor-dostoevsky, @wisdomtrove
448:Education is not the amount of information that is put into your brain and runs riot there, undigested all your life. We must have life-building, man-making, character-makin g, assimilation of ideas. If you have assimilated five ideas and made them your life and character, you have more education than any man who has got by heart a whole library. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
449:A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties and needs; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hopes of reward after death. It is therefore easy to see why the churches have always fought science and persecuted its devotees. ~ albert-einstein, @wisdomtrove
450:I would like to dissolve the $10 billion national Department of Education created by President Carter and turn schools back to the local school districts, where we built the greatest public school system the world has ever seen. I think I can make a case that the decline in the quality of public education began when federal aid became federal interference. ~ ronald-reagan, @wisdomtrove
451:In those days a boy on the classical side officially did almost nothing but classics. I think this was wise; the greatest service we can to education today is to teach few subjects. No one has time to do more than a very few things well before he is twenty, and when we force a boy to be a mediocrity in a dozen subjects we destroy his standards, perhaps for life. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
452:The one quality which sets one man apart from another- the key which lifts one to every aspiration while others are caught up in the mire of mediocrity- is not talent, formal education, nor intellectual brightness - it is self-discipline. With self-discipline all things are possible. Without it, even the simplest goal can seem like the impossible dream. ~ theodore-roosevelt, @wisdomtrove
453:The fundamental rights of [humanity] are, first: the right of habitation; second, the right to move freely; third, the right to the soil and subsoil, and to the use of it; fourth, the right of freedom of labor and of exchange; fifth, the right to justice; sixth, the right to live within a natural national organization; and seventh, the right to education. ~ albert-schweitzer, @wisdomtrove
454:If it were felt that the free development of individuality is one of the leading essentials of well-being; that it is not only a coordinate element with all that is designated by the terms civilisation, instruction, education, culture, but is itself a necessary part and condition of all those things; there would be no danger that liberty should be undervalued. ~ john-stuart-mill, @wisdomtrove
455:Surely education has no meaning unless it helps you understand the vast experience of life with all its subtleties, with its extraordinary beauty, its sorrows and joys. You may earn degrees, you may have a series of letters after your name and land a good job, but then what? What is the point of it all if in the process your mind becomes dull, weary, stupid? ~ jiddu-krishnamurti, @wisdomtrove
456:It is liberal politics that believes the voter knows best. Liberal art holds that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Liberal economics maintains that the customer is always right. Liberal ethics advises us that if it feels good, we should go ahead and do it. Liberal education teaches us to think for ourselves, because we will find all the answers within us. ~ yuval-noah-harari, @wisdomtrove
457:We who preach the gospel must not think of ourselves as public relations agents sent to establish good will between Christ and the world. We must not imagine ourselves commissioned to make Christ acceptable to big business, the press, the world of sports or modern education. We are not diplomats but prophets, and our message is not a compromise but an ultimatum. ~ aiden-wilson-tozer, @wisdomtrove
458:Dogma is actually the only thing that cannot be separated from education. It IS education. A teacher who is not dogmatic is simply a teacher who is not teaching. There are no uneducated people; only most people are educated wrong. The true task of culture today is not a task of expansion, but of selection-and-rejection. The educationist must find a creed and teach it. ~ g-k-chesterton, @wisdomtrove
459:Just been talking today out here to all the Senators investigating these stock swindles and overcapitalizations. There has been hundreds of millions lost. There ought to be some form of guardianship for people that buy all this junk. Education won't do it. The buyers are the ones we have educated up till they are just smart enough to fall for everything that comes along. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
460:We know that the gifts which men have do not come from the schools. If a man is a plain, literal, factual man, you can make a great deal more of him in his own line by education than without education, just as you can make a great deal more of a potato if you cultivate it than if you do not; but no cultivation in this world will ever make an apple out of a potato. ~ henry-ward-beecher, @wisdomtrove
461:I think great businessmen are more likely made than born. I don't know if it's from your upbringing, your parental background, the struggles you go through. In my own particular situation, I left school at 15 and I was struggling to survive in the jungle and that was a great education. So I think just getting out there, hands on, learning to survive teaches you a lot. ~ richard-branson, @wisdomtrove
462:Innately, children seem to have little true realistic anxiety. They will run along the brink of water, climb on the window sill, play with sharp objects and with fire, in short, do everything that is bound to damage them and to worry those in charge of them, that is wholly the result of education; for they cannot be allowed to make the instructive experiences themselves. ~ sigmund-freud, @wisdomtrove
463:Whenever education and refinement carry us away from the common people, they are growing towards selfishness, which is the monster evil of the world. That is true cultivation which gives us sympathy with every form of human life, and enables us to work most successfully for its advancement. Refinement that carries us away from our fellow people is not God's refinement. ~ henry-ward-beecher, @wisdomtrove
464:Scientific education for the masses will do little good, and probably a lot of harm, if it simply boils down to more physics, more chemistry, more biology, etc to the detriment of literature and history. Its probable effect on the average human being would be to narrow the range of his thoughts and make him more than ever contemptuous of such knowledge as he did not possess. ~ george-orwell, @wisdomtrove
465:He had made a passionate study of education, only to come, gradually, to the knowledge that education is nothing but the process of building up, gradually, a complete unit of consciousness. And each unit of consciousness is the living unit of that great social, religious, philosophic idea towards which humankind, like an organism seeking its final form, is laboriously growing. ~ d-h-lawrence, @wisdomtrove
466:The danger of education, I have found, is that it so easily confuses means with ends. Worse than that, it quite easily forgets both and devotes itself merely to the mass production of uneducated gradtuates - people literaly unfit for anything except to take part in an elaborate and completely artificial charade which they and their contemporaries have conspired to call "life". ~ thomas-merton, @wisdomtrove
467:Despite all that education and experience can do, I retain a certain level of unsophistication that I cannot eradicate and that my friends find amusing. In fact, I think I sometimes detect conspiratorial plottings among my friends to protect me against my own lack of sophistication. I don't mind. I suspect that I am never quite as unsophisticated as they think I am, but I don't mind. ~ isaac-asimov, @wisdomtrove
468:It is precisely because education is the road to equality and citizenship, that it has been made more elusive for Negroes than many other rights. The walling off of Negroes from equal education is part of the historical design to submerge him in second class status. Therefore, as Negroes have struggled to be free they have had to fight for the opportunity for a decent education. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
469:Self-discipline is the key to personal greatness. It is the magic quality that opens all doors for you, and makes everything else possible. With self-discipline, the average person can rise as far and as fast as his talents and intelligence can take him. But without self-discipline, a person with every blessing of background, education and opportunity will seldom rise above mediocrity. ~ brian-tracy, @wisdomtrove
470:I said to my children, &
471:I can prove at any time that my education tried to make another person out of me than the one I became. It is for the harm, therefore, that my educators could have done me in accordance with their intentions that I reproach them; I demand from their hands the person I now am, and since they cannot give him to me, I make of my reproach and laughter a drumbeat sounding in the world beyond. ~ franz-kafka, @wisdomtrove
472:Freedom without organization of work would be useless. The child left free without means of work would go to waste, just as a new-born baby, if left free without nourishment, would die of starvation.The organization of the work, therefore, is the cornerstone of this new structure of goodness [in education], but even that organization would be in vain without the liberty to make use of it. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
473:The longer I live the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company . . . a church . . . a home. ~ charles-r-swindoll, @wisdomtrove
474:Every piece of marble has a statue in it waiting to be released by a person of sufficient skill to chip away the unnecessary parts. Just as the sculptor is to the marble, so is education to the soul.  It releases it.  For only educated people are free people.  You cannot create a statue by smashing the marble with a hammer, and you cannot by the force of arms release the spirit or the soul of people. ~ confucius, @wisdomtrove
475:A people among whom there is no habit of spontaneous action for a collective interest - who look habitually to their government to command or prompt them in all matters of joint concern - who expect to have everything done for them, except what can be made an affair of mere habit and routine - have their faculties only half developed; their education is defective in one of its most important branches. ~ john-stuart-mill, @wisdomtrove
476:The white poor also suffer deprivation and the humiliation of poverty if not of color. They are chained by the weight of discrimination though its badge of degradation does not mark them. It corrupts their lives, frustrates their opportunities and withers their education. In one sense it is more evil for them because it has confused so many by prejudice that they have supported their own oppressors. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
477:Have you ever been at sea in a dense fog, when it seemed as if a tangible white darkness shut you in, and the great ship, tense and anxious, groped her way toward the shore with plummet and sounding-line, and you waited with beating heart for something to happen? I was like that ship before my education began, only I was without compass or sounding-line, and had no way of knowing how near the harbour was. ~ hellen-keller, @wisdomtrove
478:The principle itself of dogmatic religion, dogmatic morality, dogmatic philosophy, is what requires to be rooted out; not any particular manifestation of that principle. The very corner-stone of an education intended to form great minds, must be the recognition of the principle, that the object is to call forth the greatest possible quantity of intellectual power, and to inspire the intensest love of truth. ~ john-stuart-mill, @wisdomtrove
479:... the first thing his education demands is the provision of an environment in which he can develop the powers given him by nature. This does not mean just to amuse him and let him do what he likes.  But it does mean that we have to adjust our minds to doing a work of collaboration with nature, to being obedient to one of her laws, the law which decrees that development comes from environmental experience. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
480:Democracy turns upon and devours itself. Universal suffrage, in theory the palladium of our liberties, becomes the assurance of our slavery. And that slavery will grow more and more abject and ignoble as the differential birth rate, the deliberate encouragement of mendicancy and the failure of popular education produce a larger and larger mass of prehensile half-wits, and so make the demagogues more and more secure. ~ h-l-mencken, @wisdomtrove
481:How then to enforce peace? Not by reason, certainly, nor by education. If a man could not look at the fact of peace and the fact of war and choose the former in preference to the latter, what additional argument could persuade him? What could be more eloquent as a condemnation of war than war itself? What tremendous feat of dialectic could carry with it a tenth the power of a single gutted ship with its ghastly cargo? ~ isaac-asimov, @wisdomtrove
482:... we discovered that education is not something which the teacher does, but that it is a natural process which develops spontaneously in the human being. It is not acquired by listening to words, but in virtue of experiences in which the child acts on his environment. The teacher's task is not to talk, but to prepare and arrange a series of motives for cultural activity in a special environment made for the child. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
483:Red RodsBefore elaborating any system of education, we must therefore create a favorable environment that will encourage the flowering of a child's natural gifts. All that is needed is to remove the obstacles. And this should be the basis of, and point of departure for, all future education. The first thing to be done, therefore, is to discover the true nature of a child and then assist him in his normal development. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
484:I received the fundamentals of my education in school, but that was not enough. My real education, the superstructure, the details, the true architecture, I got out of the public library. For an impoverished child whose family could not afford to buy books, the library was the open door to wonder and achievement, and I can never be sufficiently grateful that I had the wit to charge through that door and make the most of it. ~ isaac-asimov, @wisdomtrove
485:Man has got to take charge of Man... . Then real education, including pre-natal education. By real education I mean one that has no &
486:‚éA general State education is a mere contrivance for moulding people to be exactly like one another; and as the mould in which it casts them is that which pleases the dominant power in the government, whether this be a monarch, an aristocracy, or a majority of the existing generation; in proportion as it is efficient and successful, it establishes a despotism over the mind, leading by a natural tendency to one over the body. ~ john-stuart-mill, @wisdomtrove
487:The effort to improve the conditions of man, however, is not a task for the few. It is the task of all nations-acting alone, acting in groups, acting in the United Nations, for plague and pestilence, plunder and pollution, the hazards of nature and the hunger of children are the foes of every nation. The earth, the sea and the air are the concern of every nation. And science, technology and education can be the ally of every nation. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
488:I ask that you offer to the political arena, and to the critical problems of our society which are decided therein, the benefit of the talents which society has helped to develop in you. I ask you to decide, as Goethe put it, whether you will be an anvilor a hammer. The question is whether you are to be a hammerwhether you are to give to the world in which you were reared and educated the broadest possible benefits of that education. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
489:I too acknowledge the all-out omnipotence of early culture and nature; hereby we have either a doddered dwarf-bush, or a high-towering, wide-shadowing tree! either a sick yellow cabbage, or an edible luxuriant green one. Of a truth, it is the duty of all men, especially of all philosophers, to note down with accuracy the characteristic circumstances of their education,&
490:Men have their virtues and their vices, their heroisms and their perversities; men are neither wholly good nor wholly bad, but possess and practice all that there is of good and bad here below. Such is the general rule. Temperament, education, the accidents of life, are modifying factors. Outside of this, everything is ordered arrangement, everything is chance. Such has been my rule of expectation and it has usually brought me success. ~ napoleon-bonaparte, @wisdomtrove
491:This is education, understood as a help to life; an education from birth, which feeds a peaceful revolution and unites all in a common aim, attracting them as to a single centre. Mothers, fathers, politicians: all must combine in their respect and help for this delicate work of formation, which the little child carries on in the depth of a profound psychological mystery, under the tutelage of an inner guide. This is the bright new hope for mankind. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
492:Education without social action is a one-sided value because it has no true power potential. Social action without education is a weak expression of pure energy. Deeds uninformed by educated thought can take false directions. When we go into action and confront our adversaries, we must be as armed with knowledge as they. Our policies should have the strength of deep analysis beneath them to be able to challenge the clever sophistries of our opponents. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
493:Art and education may refine the taste, but they cannot purify the heart and regenerate the individual. His (Christôs) words were simple yet profound.  And they shook people, provoking either happy acceptance or violent refection.  People were never the same after listening to him¶.The people who followed Him were unique in their generation.  They turned the world upside down because their hearts had been turned right side up.  The world has never been the same. ~ billy-graham, @wisdomtrove
494:We cannot know the consequences of suppressing a child's spontaneity when he is just beginning to be active. We may even suffocate life itself. That humanity which is revealed in all its intellectual splendor during the sweet and tender age of childhood should be respected with a kind of religious veneration. It is like the sun which appears at dawn or a flower just beginning to bloom. Education cannot be effective unless it helps a child to open up himself to life. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
495:I have the audacity to believe that peoples everywhere can have three meals a day for their bodies, education and culture of their minds, and dignity, equality, and freedom for their spirits. I believe that what self-centered men have torn down, men other-centered can build up I still believe that one day mankind will bow before the altars of God and be crowned triumphant over war and bloodshed, and nonviolent redemptive goodwill will proclaim the rule of the land. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
496:A tax cut means higher family income and higher business profits and a balanced federal budget. Every taxpayer and his family will have more money left over after taxes for a new car, a new home, new conveniences, education and investment. Every businessman can keep a higher percentage of his profits in his cash register or put it to work expanding or improving his business, and as the national income grows, the federal government will ultimately end up with more revenues. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
497:Depression is now ten times as prevalent as it was in 1960, and it strikes at a much younger age. The mean age of a person’s first episode of depression forty years ago was 29.5, while today it is 14.5 years. This is a paradox, since every objective indicator of well-being—purchasing power, amount of education, availability of music, and nutrition—has been going north, while every indicator of subjective well-being has been going south. How is this epidemic to be explained? ~ martin-seligman, @wisdomtrove
498:For unless one is able to live fully in the present, the future is a hoax. There is no point whatever in making plans for a future which you will never be able to enjoy. When your plans mature, you will still be living for some other future beyond. You will never, never be able to sit back with full contentment and say, "Now, I've arrived!" Your entire education has deprived you of this capacity because it was preparing you for the future, instead of showing you how to be alive now. ~ alan-watts, @wisdomtrove
499:The pursuit of science, the study of the great works, the value of free inquiry, in short, the very idea of living the life of the mind - yes, these formative and abiding principles of higher education in America had their first and firmest advocate, and their greatest embodiment, in a tall, fair-headed, friendly man who watched this university take form from the mountainside where he lived, the university whose founding he called a crowning achievement to along and well-spent life. ~ ronald-reagan, @wisdomtrove
500:What little recognition the idea of obligation to the public obtains in modern morality, is derived from Greek and Roman sources, not from Christian; as, even in the morality of private life, whatever exists of magnanimity, high-mindeness, personal dignity, even the sense of honour, is derived from the purely human, not the religious part of our education, and never could have grown out of a standard of ethics in which the only worth, professedly recognized, is that of obedience. ~ john-stuart-mill, @wisdomtrove

*** NEWFULLDB 2.4M ***

1:Education is life itself. ~ John Dewey,
2:Education is soul crafting. ~ Cornel West,
3:Education, education, education ~ Tony Blair,
4:Prayer is an education. ~ Fyodor Dostoyevsky,
5:Education must precede motivation. ~ Jim Rohn,
6:Education is an admirable thing. ~ Oscar Wilde,
7:Education is imposed ignorance. ~ Noam Chomsky,
8:Fear is priceless education. ~ Lance Armstrong,
9:In education, parody is obsolete. ~ Alfie Kohn,
10:True beauty lies in true education. ~ Sai Baba,
11:All education is self-discovery. ~ Ray Bradbury,
12:Education is not filling ~ William Butler Yeats,
13:Labor is God's education. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
14:The effect of education I suppose ~ Jane Austen,
15:There is an education of the mind ~ Edgar Guest,
16:Education is at a turning point ~ Howard Gardner,
17:Empathy before education. ~ Marshall B Rosenberg,
18:The best marketing is education. ~ Regis McKenna,
19:We are here for an education. ~ W Edwards Deming,
20:By education most have been misled. ~ John Dryden,
21:Education forms the common mind. ~ Alexander Pope,
22:Education is at a turning point ~ Howard Gardner,
24:Philippine education is in crisis ~ Florencio Abad,
25:Repetition is the mother of education. ~ Jean Paul,
26:The problem with education is school. ~ Mark Twain,
27:There is no future without education. ~ Rosa Parks,
28:Education is a thing to be proud of. ~ L Frank Baum,
29:Education must start from birth. ~ Maria Montessori,
30:Real education is about revolution. ~ Bryant McGill,
31:The end of education is character ~ Sathya Sai Baba,
32:All education must be self-education. ~ Robert Henri,
33:Common Core is a big win for education. ~ Bill Gates,
34:Education beats the beauty and the youth. ~ Chanakya,
35:Education is our passport to the future. ~ Malcolm X,
36:Education is the ticket to success ~ Jaime Escalante,
37:Education liberates a woman. ~ Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy,
38:Education makes all the difference. ~ John C Maxwell,
39:Literacy in itself is no education. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
40:My theory on education is... get one. ~ Mary Matalin,
41:Every relationship is an education. ~ Brian K Vaughan,
42:Health and education are always issues. ~ Helen Clark,
43:I did get a degree in special education. ~ Clay Aiken,
44:I like the concept of local education. ~ Donald Trump,
45:I'm a big believer in education, period. ~ Jon Secada,
46:It doesn`t hurt to get more education. ~ Donald Trump,
47:The greatest of all riches is education ~ Jean Sasson,
48:Character is a wish for a perfect education. ~ Novalis,
49:Education brightens a darkened world. ~ Neal A Maxwell,
50:Education can, and should be, dangerous. ~ Howard Zinn,
51:Having an education is invaluable. ~ Maggie Gyllenhaal,
52:Marriage can wait, education cannot. ~ Khaled Hosseini,
53:Nature is stronger than education. ~ Benjamin Disraeli,
54:Regarding sex education: no secrets! ~ Albert Einstein,
55:Education is a nation's cheapest defence ~ Edmund Burke,
56:Education isn't something you can finish ~ Isaac Asimov,
57:Education is the best provision for old age ~ Aristotle,
58:I definitely had a top-notch education. ~ Paul Giamatti,
59:I didn't completed my University Education ~ Bill Gates,
60:It doesn`t hurt to get more education. ~ Donald J Trump,
61:A good book is an education of the heart. ~ Susan Sontag,
62:All of life is a constant education. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt,
63:Education isn't something you can finish. ~ Isaac Asimov,
64:Education is the best provision for old age. ~ Aristotle,
65:Education is the motor-force of revolution. ~ Bill Ayers,
66:I got an early education from television. ~ Debra Wilson,
67:My education was an education by movies. ~ Robert Benton,
68:Traveling is my form of self-education. ~ Yvon Chouinard,
69:An important lesson in Integral Education by ~ The Mother,
70:Education and water should be a human right. ~ Asher Roth,
71:Education begins at the level of the learner. ~ Aristotle,
72:Education is the cheap defense of nations. ~ Edmund Burke,
73:education was about the practice of freedom. ~ bell hooks,
74:SUNY gives you a world-class education. ~ William Baldwin,
75:There is no education like adversity. ~ Benjamin Disraeli,
76:This isn't higher education studying itself. ~ James Hunt,
77:Character is the main object for education, ~ David Brooks,
78:Education is an asset no man can take away. ~ George Eliot,
79:Education is a system of imposed ignorance. ~ Noam Chomsky,
80:Education isn't a result. It's a process. ~ Pierce Brosnan,
81:education is the best provision for
old age ~ Aristotle,
82:Education is the number one priority. ~ Vincent Kartheiser,
83:Education should be as broad as man. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
84:Experience is the opposite of education. ~ Ashly Lorenzana,
85:Mundane education is regrettably prosaic ~ Cassandra Clare,
86:Philosophy is the education of grown-ups. ~ Stanley Cavell,
87:There is no depth to education without art. ~ Amiri Baraka,
88:Without Greek studies there is no education. ~ Leo Tolstoy,
89:A good education is another name for happiness. ~ Ann Plato,
90:Education is inoculation against disruption. ~ Robin Sharma,
91:Education is the antidote to many poisons. ~ Steve Maraboli,
92:I believe education is the great equalizer. ~ Dave Heineman,
93:I didn't even complete my University Education ~ Bill Gates,
94:I don't know if I'm a national education figure. ~ Jeb Bush,
95:Mastery begins when formal education ends. ~ James Altucher,
96:My work has been the education I avoided. ~ William Zinsser,
97:Nature has always had more force than education. ~ Voltaire,
98:Nine tenths of education is encouragement. ~ Anatole France,
99:Thank goodness my education was neglected. ~ Beatrix Potter,
100:The best education in film is to make one ~ Stanley Kubrick,
101:The highest result of education is tolerance ~ Helen Keller,
102:Character is the most precious gift of education. ~ Sai Baba,
103:Don't let school interfere with your education. ~ Mark Twain,
104:Education doesn't make you smarter. ~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn,
105:Education is meaningless without manners ~ Benny Bellamacina,
106:Education is no substitute for intelligence. ~ Frank Herbert,
107:Education is not received. It is achieved. ~ Albert Einstein,
108:Education is the best economic policy there is. ~ Tony Blair,
109:Education is the cornerstone of liberty. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt,
110:Education is the miracle; I'm just the worker. ~ Taylor Mali,
111:Education is the transmission of civilization. ~ Will Durant,
112:Few things are as essential as education. ~ Walter Annenberg,
113:If jobs are important, education is important. ~ Amartya Sen,
114:Knowledge without education is but armed injustice. ~ Horace,
115:The highest result of education is tolerance. ~ Helen Keller,
116:Without education, confidence does not come. ~ B K S Iyengar,
117:Education Is All A Matter Of Building Bridges ~ Ralph Ellison,
118:Education is education, be it verbal or written. ~ Aamir Khan,
119:Education is really aimed at helping students ~ Noam Chomsky,
120:Education is the transformation of civilisation ~ Will Durant,
121:Fate of empires depends on the education of youth ~ Aristotle,
122:Home is really where education does begin. ~ David McCullough,
123:I love to read. My education is self-inflicted ~ Groucho Marx,
124:My father had very little formal education. ~ Daniel Berrigan,
125:Public education is an investment in our future. ~ Matt Blunt,
126:Pure love is the chief manifestation of education. ~ Sai Baba,
127:A good education is a stepping-stone to wealth. ~ Helen Keller,
128:Education is all a matter of building bridges. ~ Ralph Ellison,
129:Education is cheap; experience is expensive. ~ Robert Kiyosaki,
130:Education is preparation to live completely. ~ Herbert Spencer,
131:Education is suffering from narration sickness. ~ Paulo Freire,
132:Freedom can occur only through education. ~ Friedrich Schiller,
133:If the poor boy cannot come to education, ~ Swami Vivekananda,
134:Ninety percent of education is encouragement. ~ Anatole France,
135:Nothing is more important than a good education. ~ Roy Wilkins,
136:Sometimes, the way around prejudice is education. ~ Liza Mundy,
137:Without an education, you won't have a future. ~ Henry Rollins,
138:Almost all education has a political motive. ~ Bertrand Russell,
139:Bible reading is an education in itself. ~ Alfred Lord Tennyson,
140:Don't let school get in the way of your education. ~ Mark Twain,
141:Don't let schooling interfere with your education. ~ Mark Twain,
142:Education does not necessarily make one wise? ~ Benjamin Carson,
143:Education is the power terrorists fear most. ~ Malala Yousafzai,
144:Getting your education is an advantage you have. ~ Daddy Yankee,
145:If you think education is expensive, try ignorance. ~ Derek Bok,
146:I'm forming a charitable institution for education. ~ Amar Bose,
147:I never let school get in the way of my education! ~ Mark Twain,
148:I've never been a big believer in formal education. ~ Megan Fox,
149:Men of polite learning and a liberal education. ~ Matthew Henry,
150:Your college education is a key moment in life. ~ Robert Greene,
151:Books allow everyone a traveler’s education, ~ Erin Michelle Sky,
152:Education has always been very important to me. ~ Freddie Stroma,
153:Education is not a privilege, it is a right! ~ William J Clinton,
154:Education is not so important as people think. ~ Elizabeth Bowen,
155:Education must promote peace, security and happiness. ~ Sai Baba,
156:I ain't got much education, but I got some sense. ~ Loretta Lynn,
157:If children have interest, then Education happens ~ Sugata Mitra,
158:It is only the ignorant who despise education. ~ Publilius Syrus,
159:No man is complete until his education is complete. ~ Khizr Khan,
160:Reading and the Democratic Ideal of Education ~ Mortimer J Adler,
161:Religion is a distraction from true education. ~ Richard Dawkins,
162:Self-education only produces expressions of self. ~ Robert Henri,
163:There is no true substitute for good education. ~ Jeffrey Archer,
164:Education can change the scope of an entire family ~ Nitin Nohria,
165:Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned. ~ Mark Twain,
166:Education is an organic necessity of a human being. ~ Horace Mann,
167:Education is... doing anything that changes you. ~ George Leonard,
168:Education isn't part of my agenda, it is my agenda. ~ Kenny Guinn,
169:Education reveals the potential of people and market. ~ Toba Beta,
170:The giving of love is an education in itself. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt,
171:The highest priority you can have is education. ~ Charles Schumer,
172:Very few can be trusted with an education. ~ Louise Imogen Guiney,
173:All genuine education comes about through experience. ~ John Dewey,
174:Civilization is a race between disaster and education. ~ H G Wells,
175:Compassion is a college education. It's a doctorate. ~ Krishna Das,
176:Education gives you neither experience nor wisdom. ~ Peter Drucker,
177:Education is hanging around until you've caught on. ~ Robert Frost,
178:Education is the most important thing you can have. ~ Torrey Smith,
179:Education should be the handmaid of citizenship. ~ Calvin Coolidge,
180:education than most coloured folks. When she squinted ~ Harper Lee,
181:For good nurture and education implant good constitutions. ~ Plato,
182:Getting an education is an awfully wearing process! ~ Jean Webster,
183:I believe in education and wish I had a better one. ~ Loretta Lynn,
184:If education is beaten by training, civilization dies. ~ C S Lewis,
185:I think I can straighten out our mess in education. ~ Donald Trump,
186:It's hard to improve public education - that's clear. ~ Bill Gates,
187:I've never let my school interfere with my education. ~ Mark Twain,
188:"Reward and punishmentis the lowest form of education." ~ Zhuangzi,
189:Rewards and punishment is the lowest form of education. ~ Zhuangzi,
190:The only way to be totally free is through education. ~ Jose Marti,
191:An education not founded on Art will never succeed. ~ Margaret Mead,
192:Animal protection is education to the humanity. ~ Albert Schweitzer,
193:Education is a slow moving but powerful force ~ J William Fulbright,
194:Education is not success but it is to help us succeed. ~ T B Joshua,
195:Education is the only solution. Education first. ~ Malala Yousafzai,
196:Education is very important to my parents and to me. ~ Rumer Willis,
197:Education plays a key role in preventing genocide. ~ David Eagleman,
198:Financial education is more powerful than money ~ Robert T Kiyosaki,
199:I never had much education in English poetry as such. ~ Anne Carson,
200:Money cannot eradicate poverty, only education can. ~ M F Moonzajer,
201:My family gave me the best in education. ~ William Standish Knowles,
202:Never let your education interfere with your learning. ~ Mark Twain,
203:Segregation has no place in the education system. ~ Richard Dawkins,
204:True education consists in the cultivation of the heart. ~ Sai Baba,
205:What we suffer from today is an excess of education. ~ Adolf Hitler,
206:Creativity stands at the center of all education. ~ Bruno Bettelheim,
207:Education. Experience. Or are they the same thing? ~ Julian Fellowes,
208:Education has become a prisoner of contemporaneity. ~ Camille Paglia,
209:Education is civil defence against media fallout. ~ Marshall McLuhan,
210:Education is the civil rights issue of our generation. ~ Arne Duncan,
211:Education is the one thing that no one can take from you. ~ B B King,
212:Education is understanding relationships. ~ George Washington Carver,
213:I very much support financial education in schools. ~ George Osborne,
214:Love affairs are the real only education in life. ~ Marlene Dietrich,
215:Never begrudge the money you spend on your own education. ~ Jim Rohn,
216:Prince, a brother of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, ~ Bob Woodward,
217:The education of the will is the end of human life. ~ Anthony Powell,
218:The real safeguard of democracy is education. ~ Franklin D Roosevelt,
219:The value of a good education has never left me. ~ Michelle Pfeiffer,
220:True education is a kind of never-ending story . . . ~ J R R Tolkien,
221:An education without a Bible education is no education. ~ Clive James,
222:an investment in education gives the best returns ~ Benjamin Franklin,
223:By spiritual training I mean education of the heart. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
224:Education has to endow you with an eagerness to surrender. ~ Sai Baba,
225:...for the object of education is to teach us to love beauty. ~ Plato,
226:If children have interests, then education happens. ~ Arthur C Clarke,
227:Learning and seeing are more important than education. ~ Sten Nadolny,
228:My education and background thoroughly inform my writing ~ David Brin,
229:The cultivation of Human Values alone is Education. ~ Sathya Sai Baba,
230:There are no new ideas about female education. ~ Gilbert K Chesterton,
231:The world exists for the education of each man. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
232:Without education, you really can't dream as a child. ~ Naomie Harris,
233:Education is an act of love, and thus an act of courage ~ Paulo Freire,
234:Education is directly proportional to anxiety . . . ~ Ottessa Moshfegh,
235:Education is teaching our children to desire the right things. ~ Plato,
236:Education is the Jewel casting brilliance into the future ~ Mari Evans,
237:Education is the process of selling someone on books. ~ Douglas Wilson,
238:Experience, travel - these are an education in themselves. ~ Euripides,
239:Good education has got to be good entertainment. ~ Nicholas Negroponte,
240:I dream of a country where education would prevail. ~ Malala Yousafzai,
241:Information may be free, but an education is priceless. ~ Marie Forleo,
242:Let people have an education and you can't stop them. ~ La Monte Young,
243:My education was interrupted only by my schooling. ~ Winston Churchill,
244:People think of education as something they can finish. ~ Isaac Asimov,
245:Storytelling is the oldest form of education. ~ Terry Tempest Williams,
246:The key to education is the experience of beauty. ~ Friedrich Schiller,
247:The only person who can fix education is the student. ~ Oliver DeMille,
248:The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet. ~ Aristotle,
249:You can't be pro-business unless you're pro education. ~ Julian Castro,
250:Doctor, I have more education than most white people. ~ Joycelyn Elders,
252:Education is a human right with immense power to transform ~ Kofi Annan,
253:Education is a state-controlled manufactory of echoes. ~ Norman Douglas,
254:Education is not a luxury, it is a basic human right. ~ Madonna Ciccone,
255:Education is preeminently a matter of quality, not amount. ~ Henry Ford,
256:Education is the ability to meet life's situations. ~ John Grier Hibben,
257:Education is what you learn after you leave school. ~ Robert T Kiyosaki,
258:I do not allow my schooling to interfere with my education ~ Mark Twain,
259:I dreamt of a country where education would prevail. ~ Malala Yousafzai,
260:I have never let my schooling interfere with my education. ~ Mark Twain,
261:Lack of education turns soldiers into killing machines. ~ Jacque Fresco,
262:Music is a more potent instrument than any other for education. ~ Plato,
263:The education of a man is never completed until he dies. ~ Robert E Lee,
264:The foundation of every state is the education of its youth. ~ Diogenes,
265:The line between education and brainwashing is paper thin ~ Yana Toboso,
266:The objective of education is learning, not teaching ~ Russell L Ackoff,
267:There is no liberal education for the under-languaged. ~ Agnes Repplier,
268:To be successful in life what you need is education. ~ Jawaharlal Nehru,
269:Two things reduce prejudice: education and laughter. ~ Laurence J Peter,
270:Why were there so few who really sought an education? ~ L E Modesitt Jr,
271:After bread, education is the first need of the people. ~ Georges Danton,
272:A good education consists in knowing how to sing and dance well. ~ Plato,
273:An attack on public education is an attack on democracy. ~ Diane Ravitch,
274:As Regis Mckenna once said, the best marketing is education ~ Steve Jobs,
275:Close Dept. of Education, but don't dismantle public schools. ~ Ron Paul,
276:Common sense is in spite of, not the result of, education. ~ Victor Hugo,
277:Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance. ~ Will Durant,
278:Education is helping the child realise his potentialities. ~ Erich Fromm,
279:education is most fundamentally a matter of formation, ~ James K A Smith,
280:Education is the great engine to personal development. ~ Nelson Mandela,
281:Education must not simply teach work-it must teach life. ~ W E B Du Bois,
282:Education should be gentle and stern, not cold and lax. ~ Joseph Joubert,
283:Education should bring to light the ideal of the individual. ~ Jean Paul,
284:Even to see her walk across the room is a liberal education. ~ C S Lewis,
285:Genius without education is like silver in the mine. ~ Benjamin Franklin,
286:My education was interrupted only by my schooling. ~ Winston S Churchill,
287:Never let formal education get in the way of your learning. ~ Mark Twain,
288:Only a Scotsman can really survive a Scottish education. ~ Prince Philip,
289:The best anti-poverty program is a world-class education. ~ Barack Obama,
290:The only solution is education, education, education. ~ Malala Yousafzai,
291:The only way to resist colonialism is through education. ~ Tariq Ramadan,
292:the routine of education in the schools of ~ Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley,
293:To have a sense of education and ethics is important. ~ Soleil Moon Frye,
294:We need to fight for free education and defund the prisons ~ Chris Crass,
295:Without education, you are not going anywhere in this world. ~ Malcolm X,
296:A father gives his child nothing better than a good education ~ Anonymous,
297:A Good Education Removes the Barriers Between Rich and Poor ~ Orhan Pamuk,
298:All art, all education, can be merely a supplement to nature. ~ Aristotle,
299:All I want is an education, and I am afraid of no one. ~ Malala Yousafzai,
300:Cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education. ~ Mark Twain,
301:Education brings about opportunity, and in turn inspiration. ~ Bill Frist,
302:Education is more valuable than money, in the long run. ~ Robert Kiyosaki,
303:Education is neither Eastern nor Western, it is human. ~ Malala Yousafzai,
304:Education is the best provision for old age. — ARISTOTLE ~ Michael J Gelb,
305:Education is the greatest weapon we have against ignorance ~ Kelly Meding,
306:Education must not simply teach work - it much teach life ~ W E B Du Bois,
308:I may not have a degree, but I certainly got an education. ~ Jodi Picoult,
309:I spent my life trying to cure myself of my education. ~ Federico Fellini,
310:The great aim of education is not knowledge but action. ~ Herbert Spencer,
311:The most important thing about education is appetite. ~ Winston Churchill,
312:The object of education is to teach us to love what is beautiful. ~ Plato,
313:The only real education comes from what goes counter to you. ~ Andre Gide,
314:The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.
   ~ Aristotle,
315:The sign of a person who has had an education is good manners. ~ Sai Baba,
316:We are the transition from one education to the other. ~ Alfred Rosenberg,
317:Yet internally, poverty, the proletariat, wages, education, ~ Victor Hugo,
318:You can't legislate good will - that comes through education. ~ Malcolm X,
319:An effeminate education weakens both the mind and the body. ~ Edgar Quinet,
320:Common sense is in spite of, not as the result of education. ~ Victor Hugo,
321:Education can no longer be the sole property of the state. ~ Peter Drucker,
322:Education has for its object the formation of character. ~ Herbert Spencer,
323:Education is the art of making man ethical ~ Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel,
324:Education is very important to me, as is helping children. ~ Mark Teixeira,
326:If a man neglects education, he walks lame to the end of his life. ~ Plato,
327:I loved education, and, yes, I did want to go on learning. ~ Arthur Hailey,
328:The best contraceptive in the world is a good education. ~ Joycelyn Elders,
329:The best education I've had in my life is to travel. ~ Matthew McConaughey,
330:The essence of education is the education of the body. ~ Benjamin Disraeli,
331:Very likely education does not make very much difference. ~ Gertrude Stein,
332:All true education begins in wonder and ends in wisdom—as ~ Sarah Mackenzie,
333:Collectors are paying for our education by purchasing our art. ~ Jack White,
334:Education does not mean the imparting of verbal knowledge alone. ~ Sai Baba,
335:Education had been easy. Learning things had been harder. ~ Terry Pratchett,
336:Education is not a problem. Education is an opportunity. ~ Lyndon B Johnson,
337:Education is very important. I think I understand education. ~ Donald Trump,
338:Education is what most receive, many pass on, and few possess. ~ Karl Kraus,
339:Education sows not seeds in you, but makes your seeds grow. ~ Khalil Gibran,
340:Emmett and I met at a tantric sex education class a year ago, ~ Mary Calmes,
341:For all education is outside, not inside, the schoolroom. ~ Christina Stead,
342:Frivolity is inborn, conceit acquired by education. ~ Marcus Tullius Cicero,
343:If you've had a freakish education, at least use it, use it. ~ J D Salinger,
344:Ignorance is more costly to any State than education. ~ Booker T Washington,
345:It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education. ~ Albert Einstein,
346:It’s money not education that’s the holy grail in America. ~ A S A Harrison,
347:Native ability without education is like a tree without fruit. ~ Aristippus,
348:People think of education as something that they can finish. ~ Isaac Asimov,
349:Reformation, like education, is a journey, not a destination ~ Mother Jones,
350:The future is a race between education and catastrophe. ~ Claudio Naranjo,
351:The idea that education can ever be value-neutral is absurd. ~ Mal Fletcher,
352:The most important thing about education is appetite. ~ Winston S Churchill,
353:The secret of education lies in respecting the pupil. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
354:The true purpose of education is to make minds, not careers. ~ Chris Hedges,
355:Time was when education moved toward soil, not away from it. ~ Aldo Leopold,
356:True education is gained through the discipline of life. There ~ Henry Ford,
357:City Year is taking on some of the toughest work in education. ~ Arne Duncan,
358:education is more precious than that which we call so. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
359:Education is the single most important job of the human race. ~ George Lucas,
360:Education serves to keep people idiotic and manipulable. ~ Claudio Naranjo,
361:Employment was invented to make education seem useful. ~ Mokokoma Mokhonoana,
362:Fatherhood is the greatest education a man can ever receive. ~ Asa Don Brown,
363:inequality was a “race between education and technology, ~ Erik Brynjolfsson,
364:I try never to let my schooling get in the way of my education. ~ Mark Twain,
365:I've had no sexual education, but I have six children. ~ Janusz Korwin Mikke,
366:Nothing should be overlooked in fighting for better education. ~ Roy Wilkins,
367:The education of women is the best way to save the environment. ~ E O Wilson,
368:We're asking schools to look at kids as partners in education. ~ Jill Vialet,
369:An education is the investment with the greatest returns. ~ Benjamin Franklin,
370:Education is a lifetime assignment & terminates when you do. ~ Orrin Woodward,
371:Education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity. ~ Aristotle,
372:Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself. ~ John Dewey,
373:Education isn't everything, for a start it isn't an elephant ~ Spike Milligan,
374:Education is the investment our generation makes in the future. ~ Mitt Romney,
375:Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel. ~ Socrates,
376:I believe that a child going without an education is a crime. ~ Kamala Harris,
377:I consider my education to be the first 10 years of my career. ~ Olivia Wilde,
378:I'd like to work with kids in special education - younger kids. ~ John Madden,
379:Literacy is not the end of education nor even the beginning. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
380:Real education consists in drawing the best out of yourself. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
381:The aim of education is growth: the aim of growth is more growth ~ John Dewey,
382:The main hope of a nation lies in the proper education of its youth ~ Erasmus,
383:There's a very close tie between good health and good education. ~ Laura Bush,
384:The school as a means of education to me was simply a blank. ~ Charles Darwin,
385:The secret in education lies in respecting the student. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
386:True education reveals self-potential, more than just sows ideas. ~ Toba Beta,
387:An education is not a thing one gets, but a lifelong process. ~ Gloria Steinem,
388:An education obtained with money is worse than no education at all. ~ Socrates,
389:Early childhood education begins early, even before birth. ~ Madeleine M Kunin,
390:Education is beautification of the inner world and the outer world. ~ Amit Ray,
391:Education makes you humble, it doesn't make you proud. ~ Elisabeth K bler Ross,
392:For the mass prevention of disease, mass education is a key weapon. ~ T R Reid,
393:If you have four years to complete your college education, do it. ~ Bo Jackson,
394:If you think the cost of education is high, think about ignorance. ~ Derek Bok,
395:Journalism's been a continuing course in adult education for me. ~ Bill Moyers,
396:Life isn't a race to win, it's a school for our higher education. ~ Guy Finley,
397:Listening carefully to the teacher, one acquires an education. ~ Frank Herbert,
398:Not all schooling is education nor all education, schooling. ~ Milton Friedman,
399:Schooling deprived of religious insights is wretched education. ~ Russell Kirk,
400:The biggest mistake of my life was taking a military education. ~ Robert E Lee,
401:The for-profit education industry has proven equal to the task. ~ Steve Eisman,
403:An investment in education always pays the highest returns. ~ Benjamin Franklin,
404:As a society, we can and should invest more money in education. ~ Daphne Koller,
405:A sense of curiosity is nature's original school of education. ~ Smiley Blanton,
406:Education as growth or maturity should be an ever-present process. ~ John Dewey,
407:Education is an ornament in prosperity & a refuge in adversity. ~ Aristotle,
408:Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. ~ W B Yeats,
409:Education is to learning as tour groups are to adventure. ~ Richard Saul Wurman,
410:Education is what you get from reading the small print; experience is ~ Common,
411:Education of both men and women is a wonderful contraceptive. ~ Henry W Kendall,
412:education that stops with school stops where it is beginning. ~ Stephen Leacock,
413:Education: the path from cocky ignorance to miserable uncertainty. ~ Mark Twain,
414:Humanities education is the worst thing for an industrialist. ~ Andrew Carnegie,
415:I am opposed to the use of public funds for private education. ~ Jonathan Kozol,
416:Inspired intellect must endure all kinds of ghastly education. ~ Paul Delaroche,
417:I still say the only education worth anything is self-education. ~ Robert Frost,
418:School is not the end but only the beginning of an education. ~ Calvin Coolidge,
419:Sharing education, sharing a book…that’s what changes the world. ~ Brad Meltzer,
420:The education of attention would be an education par excellence ~ William James,
421:The education of the will is the object of our existence. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
422:The Goal of Education is to Help People Use Their Minds Better ~ Howard Gardner,
423:The most important part of education is proper training in the nursery. ~ Plato,
424:The National Education Association is the al-Qaida of education. ~ Ilana Mercer,
425:The world has changed, but education has not changed with it. ~ Robert Kiyosaki,
426:Today education has become a training ground for competition. ~ Parker J Palmer,
427:When I go back into education, I'm going to do business studies. ~ Jourdan Dunn,
428:Wisdom.... comes not from age, but from education and learning. ~ Anton Chekhov,
429:Admission of ignorance is often the first step in our education. ~ Stephen Covey,
430:As if a woman of education bought things because she wanted 'em. ~ John Vanbrugh,
431:Awe is the beginning of wisdom. Awe is the beginning of education. ~ Matthew Fox,
432:Education, done properly, is an emergent, evolutionary phenomenon. ~ Matt Ridley,
433:Education is important! That piece of paper is your key to success ~ Queen Brown,
434:Education is the foundation upon which we build our future. ~ Christine Gregoire,
435:Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.
   ~ Socrates,
436:Education is what remains when what is learned has been taken away. ~ Mark Twain,
437:Education should reduce the gap between appearance and reality. ~ Dalai Lama XIV,
438:Education: the path from cocky ignorance to miserable uncertainty. ~ Mark Twain,
439:Get an education because no one can take that away from you. ~ Nomar Garciaparra,
440:Give a girl an education and introduce her properly into the world ~ Jane Austen,
441:It is no longer higher education, it is higher 'indoctrination ' ~ Dennis Prager,
442:One's work may be finished someday, but one's education never. ~ Alexandre Dumas,
443:Our youth should also be educated with music and physical education. ~ Aristotle,
444:Quality in education is what makes learning a pleasure and a joy. ~ Myron Tribus,
445:The deeper education consists in unlearning one's first education. ~ Paul Val ry,
446:The object of all education is to make folks fit to live. ~ Laura Ingalls Wilder,
447:The problem with studying is that it gets in the way of education. ~ Neel Burton,
448:The very spring and root of honesty and virtue lie in good education. ~ Plutarch,
449:What have I got? No looks, no money, no education. Just talent. ~ Sammy Davis Jr,
450:You cannot measure what counts in education—the human qualities, ~ Amanda Ripley,
451:Educating the head without educating the heart is no education at all ~ Aristotle,
452:Education and all sorts of horrible things are going to happen to me. ~ C S Lewis,
453:Education doesn't need to be reformed- it needs to be transformed. ~ Ken Robinson,
454:Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army. ~ Edward Everett,
455:Education is a precondition to survival in America today. ~ Marian Wright Edelman,
456:Education is fundamental to any success. That's your baseboard. ~ Richard Sherman,
457:Higher education is not necessarily a guarantee of higher virtue. ~ Aldous Huxley,
458:I majored in elementary education, and I have a passion for kids. ~ Allyson Felix,
459:In all education the main cause of failure is staleness. ~ Alfred North Whitehead,
460:In education, once more, the chief things are equality and freedom. ~ Leo Tolstoy,
461:Interest and attention will insure to you an education. ~ Robert Andrews Millikan,
462:I say further that our system of education should be unsectarian. ~ Edmund Barton,
463:There is no education like adversity.
--Benjamin Disraeli ~ Bear Grylls,
464:Maybe one day there will finally be an education for electronic music. ~ Afrojack,
465:Plants are shaped by cultivation , and men by education . ~ Jean Jacques Rousseau,
466:The aim of education is to guide young persons in the process ~ Jacques Maritain,
467:The beauty of a Jewish education is that you learn how to argue. ~ Andrea Dworkin,
468:The foundation of every state is the education of its youth. ~ Diogenes of Sinope,
469:The goal of female education must invariably be the future mother. ~ Adolf Hitler,
470:The great secret of education is to direct vanity to proper objects. ~ Adam Smith,
471:The real preparation for education is the study of one's self. ~ Maria Montessori,
472:There is no greater education than one that is self-driven. ~ Neil deGrasse Tyson,
473:The secret of life is not enjoyment but education through experience. ~ Sivananda,
474:The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows. ~ Sydney J Harris,
475:Admission of ignorance is often the first step in our education. ~ Stephen R Covey,
476:Compensatory education has been tried and it apparently has failed ~ Arthur Jensen,
477:Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all. ~ Aristotle,
478:Education gives us the power to turn information into meaning. ~ Robert T Kiyosaki,
479:Education is key. I graduated from high school; everyone needs to. ~ Tracy McGrady,
480:Education is still, in spite of private education, a state matter. ~ Kenneth Arrow,
481:Education is such a noble profession, its a wonderful way to serve. ~ Erin Gruwell,
482:Education is teaching children to find pleasure in the right things. ~ Mary Pipher,
483:Education makes a straight ditch of a free meandering brook. ~ Henry David Thoreau,
484:Equality should be the chief basis of the education of youth. ~ Napoleon Bonaparte,
485:Going to school- picking an apple Getting an education- eating it ~ E L Konigsburg,
486:If there is anything education does not lack today it is critics. ~ Nathan M Pusey,
487:In a word I claim that our city as a whole is an education to Greece. ~ Thucydides,
488:In so many ways, segregation shaped me, and education liberated me. ~ Maya Angelou,
489:The best education for the best is the best education for all. ~ Robert M Hutchins,
490:The classes were valuable, but the real education was the game. ~ Orson Scott Card,
491:The deficiencies of nature are what art and education seek to fill up. ~ Aristotle,
492:The education of all beautiful women is the knowledge of men. ~ F Scott Fitzgerald,
493:The first duty of a government is to give education to the people. ~ Simon Bolivar,
494:The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education. ~ Albert Einstein,
495:The only true corrective of Constitutional abuses is education. ~ Thomas Jefferson,
496:The progress of the world depends almost entirely upon education. ~ George Eastman,
497:the purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one. ~ Anonymous,
498:We need innovation in education and dedication to the task before us. ~ Alan Autry,
499:We're going to end Common Core. Going to bring our education local. ~ Donald Trump,
500:What goes on inside the school is an interruption of education. ~ Marshall McLuhan,
501:Adaptability to change is itself a hallmark of successful education. ~ Peter Hilton,
502:An education reformer is as important in America as the first lady. ~ Michelle Rhee,
503:Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all. ~ Aristotle,
504:Education and justice are democracy's only life insurance. ~ Nannie Helen Burroughs,
505:Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace. ~ Confucius,
506:Education is the key to unlocking the world, a passport to freedom. ~ Oprah Winfrey,
507:Education must be understood as growth, or the facilitation of growth. ~ John Dewey,
508:Education was a luxury not prioritized in a time of war and famine. ~ Laila Ibrahim,
509:Everyone drank to popular education and to the irrigation of Uzbekistan. ~ Ilya Ilf,
510:If your education is not enough, experience will teach you lessons. ~ Narendra Modi,
511:It is through good education that all the good in the world arises. ~ Immanuel Kant,
512:Opportunity expands when there is excellence and choice in education. ~ Mitt Romney,
513:Racism doesn’t care about respectability, wealth, education, or status ~ Roxane Gay,
514:The education of circumstances is superior to that of tuition. ~ William Wordsworth,
515:The giving of love and understanding is an education in itself. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt,
516:The result of the educative process is capacity for further education. ~ John Dewey,
517:The road to being somebody in this society starts with education. ~ Hillary Clinton,
518:The two basic processes of education are knowing and valuing. ~ Robert J Havighurst,
519:The world will not Change and find peace if there is not a new education. ~ U Thant,
520:To the Ibos, Western education was a rare opportunity to be seized. ~ Thomas Sowell,
521:Your education is a dress rehearsal for a life that is yours to lead. ~ Nora Ephron,
522:A good education helps us make sense of the world and find our way in it ~ Mike Rose,
523:All my life, I just felt that I should have finished my education. ~ Gretchen Wilson,
524:Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace. ~ Confucius,
525:∑ (Education + Innovation) × Intensity of Tech Use = Economic Growth ~ Satya Nadella,
526:∑ (Education + Innovation) x Intensity of Tech Use = Economic Growth ~ Satya Nadella,
527:Education is experience, and the essence of experience is self-reliance. ~ T H White,
528:Education is learning what you didn't even know you didn't know. ~ Daniel J Boorstin,
529:Education is the instruction of the intellect in the laws of Nature. ~ Thomas Huxley,
530:Education is the key to opportunity. It's a ticket out of poverty. ~ George H W Bush,
531:Education makes some men wiser, others more ridiculous and foolish! ~ Norm MacDonald,
532:Education must have an end in view, for it is not an end in itself. ~ Sybil Marshall,
533:Every child should have the opportunity to receive a quality education. ~ Bill Frist,
534:Getting an education was a bit like a communicable sexual disease. ~ Terry Pratchett,
535:I am Welsh by birth, English by education, and European by nature. ~ Peter Greenaway,
536:If you think education is expensive -- try ignorance. ~ Ann Landers, October 4, 1975,
537:I had an Irish Catholic education. Horrible nuns, vindictive and cruel. ~ John Lydon,
538:[Our system of education ]not designed to create critical thinkers. ~ Edward Snowden,
539:the best education consists not in being taught but in being inspired, ~ Neel Burton,
540:The connection between education and a healthy economy is critical. ~ Ted Strickland,
541:The direction in which education starts a man will determine his future life ~ Plato,
542:The one real goal of education is to leave a person asking questions. ~ Max Beerbohm,
543:The purpose of education is to teach a defense against eloquence. ~ Bertrand Russell,
544:There’s only one thing that can kill the movies, and that’s education. ~ Will Rogers,
545:The secret of success in education is respecting the students. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
546:An education is not so much about making a living as making a person. ~ Tara Westover,
547:A postsecondary education is the ticket to economic success in America. ~ Arne Duncan,
548:Do not use compulsion, but let early education be rather a sort of amusement. ~ Plato,
549:Education is effective only at the time of felt need and clear relevance. ~ Anonymous,
550:Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. ~ Kenneth C Davis,
551:Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom. ~ George Washington Carver,
552:education without inspiration is only recipe for desperation ~ Ernest Agyemang Yeboah,
553:Every form of true education trains the student in self-reliance ~ John Henrik Clarke,
554:Getting an education at MIT is like taking a drink from a fire hose. ~ Jerome Wiesner,
555:Going to school- picking an apple
Getting an education- eating it ~ E L Konigsburg,
556:If everyone would paint, political re-education would be unnecessary. ~ Pablo Picasso,
557:If you do not study, the inertia will go on increasing.
   ~ The Mother, On Education,
558:If you think education is expensive, try ignorance. ~ Derek Bok, President of Harvard,
559:I paid for my own education by scholarship until I left university. ~ Ellen Wilkinson,
560:No one is going to give you the education you need to overthrow them. ~ Assata Shakur,
561:Online education is like a rising tide, it's going to lift all boats. ~ Anant Agarwal,
562:Parents aren't sex education experts just because they are parents. ~ Pepper Schwartz,
563:The direction in which education starts a man will determine his future life. ~ Plato,
564:The education of peoples is a necessary precondition to peace. ~ Carlo Azeglio Ciampi,
565:The greatest education in the world is watching the masters at work ~ Michael Jackson,
566:The test of good education is seeing how it behaves in a fight. ~ George Bernard Shaw,
567:This institution of higher education had no such concept as mercy. ~ Marina Dyachenko,
568:To make your children capable of honesty is the beginning of education. ~ John Ruskin,
569:What we call education is nothing but domestication of the human being. ~ Miguel Ruiz,
570:Whoever controls the education of our children controls the future. ~ Wilma Mankiller,
571:Education helps one case cease being intimidated by strange situations. ~ Maya Angelou,
572:Education is a capital to the poor man, and an interest to the rich man. ~ Horace Mann,
573:Education is the passport to the future. Visit Educationhelm to learn more ~ Anonymous,
574:Education is what survives when what has been learnt has been forgotten. ~ B F Skinner,
575:Education remains the key to both economic and political empowerment. ~ Barbara Jordan,
576:I'd repair our education system or replace it with something that works. ~ Larry Niven,
577:Never mistake education for intelligence, and especially not for drive. ~ Layton Green,
578:One must be grateful for one's education no matter how it arrives. ~ Viet Thanh Nguyen,
579:Religion is an illusion of childhood, outgrown under proper education. ~ Auguste Comte,
580:Sex education classes are like in-home sales parties for abortions. ~ Phyllis Schlafly,
581:That we usually call education is making man stupid. ~ Laxmi Prasad Devkota, Education,
582:The beginning of every government starts with the education of our youth. ~ Pythagoras,
583:The greatest education in the world is watching the masters at work. ~ Michael Jackson,
584:The greatest education man has to learn is the science of self. ~ Harbhajan Singh Yogi,
585:The investigation of the meaning of words is the beginning of education. ~ Antisthenes,
586:The main priority of the Socialist Party is education". ~ Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero,
587:The only purpose of education is freedom; the only method is experience. ~ Leo Tolstoy,
588:The only thing that is more expensive than education is ignorance. ~ Benjamin Franklin,
589:"True education can only result from naked reality, not a delusive ideal." ~ Carl Jung,
590:You got me a ‘congratulations on getting
out of re-education’ gift? ~ Richelle Mead,
591:Education and morals make the good man, the good statesman, the good ruler. ~ Aristotle,
592:Education is an ornament for the prosperous, a refuge for the unfortunate. ~ Democritus,
593:Education is one of the most important tools that you can give somebody. ~ Tyler Hilton,
594:Education is the only business still debating the usefulness of technology. ~ Rod Paige,
595:Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten. ~ B F Skinner,
596:education without inspiration is only a recipe for desperation ~ Ernest Agyemang Yeboah,
597:Formal education makes you a living, self-education makes you a legend. ~ Habeeb Akande,
598:Get all the education you can then go out and do something - do anything. ~ Lee Iacocca,
599:How was I gonna get an education, sitting right back of Bobby Ann Mason? ~ Rick Trevino,
600:Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education. ~ Martin Luther King Jr,
601:Latinos care about education, yes, so we need reform, not just money. ~ Susana Martinez,
602:Make walks in the nights to benefit from the education of silence! ~ Mehmet Murat ildan,
603:Marlon was so sensitive, you thought the poor guy just had a bad education. ~ Uta Hagen,
604:Mundane education is regrettably prosaic," - Jace Lightwood-Herondale ~ Cassandra Clare,
605:Oh my God, I thought. I’m rooming with the Sydney Sage of re-education. ~ Richelle Mead,
606:Oh my God, I thought. I'm rooming with the sydney Sage of re-education. ~ Richelle Mead,
607:Racial segregation has come back to public education with a vengeance. ~ Jonathan Kozol,
608:Teaching is the last refuge of feeble minds with a classical education. ~ Aldous Huxley,
609:The existence of guilty sense is so
important in education and religion. ~ Toba Beta,
610:The great difficulty in education is to get experience out of ideas. ~ George Santayana,
611:The number one rule of our training is empathy before education. ~ Marshall B Rosenberg,
612:The only education in grief that any of us ever gets is a crash course. ~ Gail Caldwell,
613:The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one. ~ Malcolm Forbes,
614:There is a great reform required in the education and habits of females. ~ Ezra Cornell,
615:we are all born educated, but we need education to be educated ~ Ernest Agyemang Yeboah,
616:We can't want an education for kids more than they want it for themselves. ~ Tony Danza,
617:A fondness for reading, properly directed, must be an education in itself. ~ Jane Austen,
618:a good heart is, I believe, much more desirable than education or brains. ~ L Frank Baum,
619:bad handwriting should be regarded as a sign of an imperfect education. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
620:Educational progress is a national concern; education is a private one. ~ Nikki Giovanni,
621:Education in my family was not merely emphasized, it was our raison d'etre. ~ Steven Chu,
622:Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance.” -Will Durant ~ Angela Roquet,
624:Education is our only political safety. Outside of this ark all is deluge. ~ Horace Mann,
625:Education teaches children to lose interest in what matters most to them. ~ Paul Russell,
626:I am the slave of an internal power more powerful than my education. ~ Arnold Schoenberg,
627:I had an Edinburgh, middle-class childhood and a public school education. ~ Rory Bremner,
628:I think for everybody reading can be a solace, illumination, education. ~ Kate DiCamillo,
629:It’s quite possible that mortality is simply the result of poor education. ~ Umberto Eco,
630:Knowledge of human nature is the beginning and end of political education. ~ Henry Adams,
631:Men are born ignorant, not stupid. They are made stupid by education. ~ Bertrand Russell,
632:Men are born ignorant, not stupid; they are made stupid by education. ~ Bertrand Russell,
633:Nobody gives you an education. If you want one, you have to take it. ~ John Taylor Gatto,
634:One of the goals of education should be to teach that life is precious. ~ Abraham Maslow,
635:Ordinary people love entertainment. Extraordinary people adore education. ~ Robin Sharma,
636:Self-education is, I firmly believe, the only kind of education there is. ~ Isaac Asimov,
637:Self-education is, I firmly believe, the only kind of education there is. ~ Josh Kaufman,
638:The aim of education is the knowledge, not of facts, but of values. ~ William Ralph Inge,
639:The Internet will save higher education, but it may kill your alma mater. ~ John Katzman,
640:The main hope of a nation lies in the proper education of its youth ~ Desiderius Erasmus,
641:There was a long time I had no job security, no options and no education. ~ Ronda Rousey,
642:Total non-retention has kept my education from being a burden to me. ~ Flannery O Connor,
643:When I was young I didn't care about education, just money and box office. ~ Jackie Chan,
644:An education is not something that you get, but something that you claim. ~ Adrienne Rich,
645:Brown versus the Board of Education is no longer the white person's problem. ~ Bill Cosby,
646:Education and prevention are not enough when there is a culture of fraud. ~ Travis Tygart,
647:Education, I fear, is learning to see one thing by going blind to another. ~ Aldo Leopold,
648:Education is not about filling a pail, it's about lighting a fire. ~ William Butler Yeats,
649:Education is the manifestation of perfection already existing in man. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
650:Even in a time of fiscal austerity, education is more than just an expense. ~ Arne Duncan,
651:Few—very few—graduates before the mid-’70s sought out a ‘business’ education; ~ Tony Judt,
652:Higher education is a business that doesn’t know it’s going out of business. ~ Mark Cuban,
653:Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe. ~ H G Wells,
654:I certainly didn't learn anything in school. My education was the world. ~ Diana Vreeland,
655:I don't care how somebody gets their education, as long as they have one. ~ Ronee Blakley,
656:If you can feed your family, give them an education, then you are a success. ~ Jami Gertz,
657:I hope that having my life and having an education will lengthen my career. ~ Emma Watson,
658:Intelligence and proper education will give you independence of spirit. ~ Charlotte Bront,
659:I think self-education is the greatest and best thing you could ever make. ~ Tony Robbins,
660:Just know what you're talking about and if you don't, look it up. Education. ~ Asher Roth,
661:Just putting a computer in front of a student doesn't make education better. ~ Joel Klein,
662:Music is the movement of sound to reach the soul for the education of its virtue. ~ Plato,
663:My dream is to empower myself with education, and then it is a weapon. ~ Malala Yousafzai,
664:Nature is more powerful than education; time will develop everything. ~ Benjamin Disraeli,
665:No matter what happens on the field, getting an education makes you a winner. ~ Lou Holtz,
666:One of the goals of education should be to teach that life is precious. ~ Abraham Maslow,
667:one of the most important components of homeschooling is worldview education. ~ Anonymous,
668:Rather, they prove that students can make something out of their education. ~ Umberto Eco,
669:Television is something the Russians invented to destroy American education. ~ Paul Erdos,
670:The mystical journey seems to offer a graduate education in the obvious. ~ Michael Pollan,
671:The quality of an education system cannot exceed the quality of its teachers. ~ Anonymous,
672:The State shall make no law with respect to the establishment of education. ~ Ivan Illich,
673:The trouble with modern education is you never know how ignorant they are. ~ Evelyn Waugh,
674:Transformation. Metamorphosis. Falsity. Betrayal. I call it an education. ~ Tara Westover,
675:We've tried ignorance for a thousand years. It's time we try education. ~ Joycelyn Elders,
676:By nature all people are alike, but by education become different ~ Robert Green Ingersoll,
677:Democracy has to be born anew every generation, and education is its midwife. ~ John Dewey,
678:Education and knowledge are the power of the minorities in this country ~ Philip Vera Cruz,
679:Education is a technology that tries to make up for what the human mind is ~ Steven Pinker,
680:Education is everywhere, prompting one to think, to consider, to remember. ~ Louis L Amour,
681:Education is indoctrination if you're white - subjugation if you're black. ~ James Baldwin,
682:Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. ~ William Butler Yeats,
683:Education is one of the blessings of life — and one of its necessities. ~ Malala Yousafzai,
684:Education was the new god, and educated men the new plantation masters. ~ Charles Bukowski,
685:Everybody ought to listen to Benny [Carter]. He's a whole musical education. ~ Miles Davis,
686:First the education of the senses, then the education of the intellect. ~ Maria Montessori,
687:I have education and once I had position. Now I am nobody, but I am happy. ~ Louis L Amour,
688:I know what it feels like to struggle to get the education that you need. ~ Michelle Obama,
689:Intelligence and proper education will give you independence of spirit. ~ Charlotte Bronte,
690:My education, my father liked to point out, was wider than it was deep. ~ Karen Joy Fowler,
691:My goal is to get peace and my goal is to see education of every child. ~ Malala Yousafzai,
692:Our most important education system is in the employees' own organization. ~ Peter Drucker,
693:Preparation through education is less costly than learning through tragedy. ~ Max Mayfield,
694:The aim of education is the knowledge, not the facts, but of values. ~ William S Burroughs,
695:The end and aim of all education is the development of character. ~ Francis Wayland Parker,
696:The highest good and solely useful is liberal education. ~ Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel,
697:the more education a prisoner receives, the less likely he is to reoffend. I ~ Laura Bates,
698:The only time my education was interrupted was when I was in school. ~ George Bernard Shaw,
699:To get matured, you must have an education in the School of Solitude! ~ Mehmet Murat ildan,
700:To see your enemy and know him is a part of the complete education of man. ~ Marcus Garvey,
701:When elected, I will make education funding a top priority and I believe ~ Chris Christie,
702:Yeah, I'm a thrill seeker, but crikey, education's the most important thing. ~ Steve Irwin,
703:Education comes from within; you get it by struggle and effort and thought. ~ Napoleon Hill,
704:Education is a method whereby one acquires a higher grade of prejudices. ~ Laurence J Peter,
705:Education is extremely important, especially in my business, the music business. ~ Ludacris,
706:Education ought to be affordable for everybody. That only advances a society. ~ Regina Hall,
707:Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune. ~ Jim Rohn,
708:I always thought the idea of education was to learn to think for yourself. ~ Robin Williams,
709:I am convinced that your Mayor must take the leadership role in education too. ~ Alan Autry,
710:If he had had no education, maybe Basho could have been a much greater poet. ~ Nanao Sakaki,
711:If you think education is expensive, try estimating the cost of ignorance. ~ Howard Gardner,
712:I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.” -Mark Twain   An ~ Aaron Clarey,
713:I'm prejudiced about education altogether. I think it's terribly overrated. ~ Freeman Dyson,
714:It’s education that’s meant to take us into this future that we can’t grasp. ~ Ken Robinson,
715:I would like to make it so that education was a right, and not a privilege. ~ Daphne Koller,
716:Man must develop his tendency towards the good. ~ Immanuel Kant, Thoughts on Education, #12,
717:My mum and dad had worked incredibly hard to afford me an education. ~ Benedict Cumberbatch,
718:One of the most beautiful things we can give our child is music education. ~ Gloria Estefan,
719:Self-education is, I firmly believe, the only kind of education there is.
   ~ Isaac Asimov,
720:The trouble with modern education is you never know how ignorant people are. ~ Evelyn Waugh,
721:We have to rethink how to teach financial education in the 21st century. ~ Elizabeth Warren,
722:What we call education is nothing but domestication of the human being. ~ Miguel Angel Ruiz,
723:When it comes to the education of our children... failure is not an option. ~ George W Bush,
724:When you use your mind to grow yourself, education doesn't come into it. ~ Stephen Richards,
725:Why do most Americans look up to education and down upon educated people? ~ Sydney J Harris,
726:By education most have been misled. ~ John Dryden, The Hind and Panther, Part III, line 389.,
727:Connectivity enables transparency for better government, education, and health. ~ Bill Gates,
728:Education aims to change what you know. Training aims to change who you are. ~ Eric Greitens,
729:Education doesn't determine how you earn, education determines how you spend. ~ Noam Chomsky,
730:Education is indoctrination if you're white - subjugation if you're black. ~ James A Baldwin,
731:Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire.
   ~ William Butler Yeats,
732:Education is what is left after all that has been learnt is forgotten. ~ James Bryant Conant,
733:Education was the most important value in our home when I was growing up. ~ Caroline Kennedy,
734:I also feel I'm a positive role model by not putting my education on hold. ~ Natalie Portman,
735:I have never let my schooling interfere with my education. —MARK TWAIN   There ~ Jason Fried,
736:I operate better with education and awareness, like I think all of us do. ~ Christian Slater,
737:It is the process of mis-education that inhibits the full potential of a nation. ~ Malcolm X,
738:It is through education that the daughter of a peasant can become a doctor. ~ Nelson Mandela,
739:I've always wanted to get an education, and tonight's as good a time as any ~ Burt Lancaster,
740:I was blessed to have a mother and father that recognized the value of education. ~ Jeb Bush,
741:Learning starts with failure; the first failure is the beginning of education. ~ John Hersey,
742:My grandmother wanted me to have an education, so she kept me out of school. ~ Margaret Mead,
743:Only education, self-respect and rational qualities will uplift the down-trodden. ~ Periyar,
744:Our progress as a nation can be not swifter than our progress in education. ~ John F Kennedy,
745:Separate but equal is terrible for education but it's perfect for eyebrows. ~ Demetri Martin,
746:Someone once said that education was knowing what to do when you don’t know, ~ Michael Lewis,
747:The basic task of education is the care and feeding of the imagination. ~ Katherine Paterson,
748:The chief object of education is not to learn things but to unlearn things. ~ G K Chesterton,
749:The purpose of education is not to validate ignorance but to overcome it ~ Lawrence M Krauss,
750:The very reason for nature's existence is for the education of the soul. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
751:The work of education is divided between the teacher and the environment. ~ Maria Montessori,
752:With guns you can kill terrorists, with education you can kill terrorism. ~ Malala Yousafzai,
753:All education which develops power to share effectively in social life is moral. ~ John Dewey,
754:An unfortunate side effect of education among the masses is lack of respect. ~ Steven Erikson,
755:A revolutionary leadership must accordingly practice co-intentional education. ~ Paulo Freire,
756:Because education is such a broad area, I chose to focus on language learning. ~ Luis von Ahn,
757:Education and morals will be found almost the whole that goes to make a good man. ~ Aristotle,
758:Education is implication. It is not the things you say which children ~ Gilbert K Chesterton,
759:Education is the ability to perceive the hidden connections between phenomena. ~ Vaclav Havel,
760:Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. ~ Nelson Mandela,
761:Education is what is left after you've forgotten everything you've learned. ~ Albert Einstein,
762:Education is what you must acquire without any interference from your schooling. ~ Mark Twain,
763:Education leans on teaching; teaching cannot be without the teacher! ~ Ernest Agyemang Yeboah,
764:Education must award self-confidence, the courage to depend on one's own strength. ~ Sai Baba,
765:Education must open the eyes and enable them to recognise the One behind the many. ~ Sai Baba,
766:Girls possess sexual tact in inverse proportion to their standard of education. ~ John Fowles,
767:I don’t understand why I wasn’t allowed to get a decent education as a child. ~ Tara Westover,
768:I see you've confused what you're learning in school with actual education. ~ Khaled Hosseini,
769:It is personal. That's what an education does. It makes the world personal. ~ Cormac McCarthy,
770:Katczinsky says it is all to do with education - it softens the brain. ~ Erich Maria Remarque,
771:Not all 'schooling' is 'education,' and not all 'education' is 'schooling'. ~ Milton Friedman, popular education can have an enormous impact on politics. ~ Carl Phillips,
773:she was seven. The Yorks’ emphasis on a light education was shortsighted. The ~ Kate Williams,
774:The aim of education is the condition of suspended judgment on everything. ~ George Santayana,
775:The ideal of service and the urge to practice it form the very heart of education. ~ Sai Baba,
776:The problem with K-12 education is socialism and the solution is capitalism. ~ Peter Brimelow,
777:The purpose of education is not to validate ignorance but to overcome it. ~ Lawrence M Krauss,
778:The taxpayers are getting screwed by Congress and the Department of Education. ~ John Grisham,
779:To me education is a leading out of what is already there in the pupil's soul. ~ Muriel Spark,
780:We all know that education unlocks the door of opportunity for the young. ~ Gordon B Hinckley,
781:Why education? Because it is the one science that overwhelmingly works.   Based ~ Laura Bates,
782:And I thought the whole point of my education was that violence IS the answer. ~ Richelle Mead,
783:Aside from the people I love, there is little I value more than my education. ~ Cheryl Strayed,
784:A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education. ~ Theodore Roosevelt,
785:Education can lift individuals out of poverty and into rewarding careers. ~ Christine Gregoire,
786:Education can't make us all leaders, but it can teach us which leader to follow. ~ Bel Kaufman,
787:Education, in its broadest sense, is the means of this social continuity of life. ~ John Dewey,
788:Education is the single-most important civil rights issue that we face today. ~ Michelle Obama,
789:Education means to bring out wisdom. Indoctrination means to push in knowledge. ~ Dick Gregory,
790:Education, medical treatment, and work are the natural rights of every citizen in the world. ~,
791:Education should serve to enlarge the vision and broaden the outlook of the people. ~ Sai Baba,
792:Formal education will make you a living. Self education will make you a fortune.
   ~ Jim Rohn,
793:For the violence in the dark streets, education is the best street light! ~ Mehmet Murat ildan,
794:I believe that education is the fundamental method of social progress and reform. ~ John Dewey,
795:Ibsen: “Education is the capacity to confront the situations posed by life. ~ Jon Lee Anderson,
796:If we make consistent effort, based on proper education, we can change the world. ~ Dalai Lama,
797:In the new economy, information, education, and motivation are everything. ~ William J Clinton,
798:Like the entire Saudi leadership, MBS had, practically speaking, no education. ~ Michael Wolff,
799:Medical school education and post graduate education emphasize thoroughness. ~ Ezekiel Emanuel,
800:Much of education is oriented towards making a living rather then making a life. ~ Roger Walsh,
801:My education is the most important thing so I always have to make time for it. ~ Jackson Guthy,
802:One of the best ways of enslaving a people is to keep them from education. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt,
803:Replace the eagerness for fame by the aspiration for perfection.
   ~ The Mother, On Education,
804:The best education is to be had at a price, as well as the best broadcloth. ~ Anthony Trollope,
805:The most important education you get is your own - the one you learn in solitude. ~ Erica Jong,
806:The preparatory education of candidates for knighthood was long and arduous. ~ Thomas Bulfinch,
807:The real tragedy of nationalised education is how little innovation it has seen. ~ Matt Ridley,
808:They made my life big. They contributed to an education that money can’t buy. ~ Cheryl Strayed,
809:True education is that which proves useful in life and makes you industrious. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
810:We also call for free public education going forward. We know it pays for itself. ~ Jill Stein,
811:Accountability makes no sense when it undermines the larger goals of education. ~ Diane Ravitch,
812:A fondness for reading, which, properly directed, must be an education in itself. ~ Jane Austen,
813:a fondness for reading, which, properly directed, must be an education in itself. ~ Jane Austen,
814:At boarding school there wasn't much time for much of anything except education. ~ Henry Cavill,
815:At the end of the day, the true value proposition of education is employment. ~ Sebastian Thrun,
816:Because this was what education was actually about, defying the nature in oneself. ~ Maja Lunde,
817:Civic education and civic responsibility should be taught in elementary school. ~ Donna Brazile,
818:Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned. ~ Mark Twain, Mark Twain's Notebook (1898),
819:Education is a self-organizing system, where learning is an emergent phenomenon. ~ Sugata Mitra,
820:Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. —W. B. Yeats ~ Daniel Coyle,
821:Education isn't for getting a job. It's about developing yourself as a human being. ~ Liz Berry,
822:Education is the great equalizer, and shouldn't be limited to the wealthiest few. ~ Jim Clyburn,
823:Education must ultimately justify itself in terms of enhancing human understanding. ~ Anonymous,
824:Etymologically, the word education means just a process of leading or bringing up. ~ John Dewey,
825:I no have education. I have inspiration. If I was educated I would be a damn fool. ~ Bob Marley,
826:Instruction may end in the classroom, but education ends only with life. ~ Suzanne Woods Fisher,
827:Is education possibly a process of trading awareness for things of less worth? ~ Bernd Heinrich,
828:I think if education was celebrated in pop culture, wed live in a better place. ~ Cote de Pablo,
829:I think perhaps education doesn’t do us much good unless it is mixed with sweat. ~ Barack Obama,
830:It is our moral obligation to give every child the very best education possible. ~ Desmond Tutu,
831:I was delighted to not go to university. I couldn't wait to be out of education. ~ Tom Stoppard,
832:People are not saints just because they haven't got much money or education. ~ Robertson Davies,
833:Perception of ideas rather than the storing of them should be the aim of education. ~ A W Tozer,
834:Personally I am in favour of education but a university is not the place for it. ~ Tom Stoppard,
835:success or failure in minority education means success or failure for the U.S. ~ Chuck Thompson,
836:Ten Common Beliefs of the JPI Refugees are ignorant and have no formal education. ~ Mary Pipher,
837:The better part of every man's education is that which he gives himself. ~ James Russell Lowell,
838:The most effective kind of education is that a child should play amongst lovely things. ~ Plato,
839:What is education but a process by which a person begins to learn how to learn? ~ Peter Ustinov,
840:When you take the free will out of education, that turns it into schooling. ~ John Taylor Gatto,
841:Your education begins where what is called your education is over. ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow,
842:And just because you have colleges and universities doesn't mean you have education. ~ Malcolm X,
843:An inventor is simply a fellow who doesn't take his education too seriously. ~ Charles Kettering,
844:Capacity without education is deplorable, and education without capacity is thrown away. ~ Saadi,
845:Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” ― Aristotle ~ Penny Reid,
846:Education as the exercise of domination stimulates the credulity of the students. ~ Paulo Freire,
847:Education forms the common mind. Just as the twig is bent, the tree's inclined. ~ Alexander Pope,
848:Education is an imprecise process, a dance, and a collaborative experience. ~ Siva Vaidhyanathan,
849:Education is not solely about earning a great living. It means living a great life. ~ Brad Henry,
850:Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think. ~ Albert Einstein,
851:Education is one way to be rich. Financial wealth is another way to be rich. ~ Robert T Kiyosaki,
852:Education is wonderful - it helps you worry about things all over the world. ~ Joey Lauren Adams,
853:From a very early age, I've had to interrupt my education to go to school. ~ George Bernard Shaw,
854:Generally, education is to curiosity what circumcision is to the foreskin. ~ Mokokoma Mokhonoana,
855:Harvard gave me an education, but Junior Chamber gave me an education for life. ~ John F Kennedy,
856:I absolutely think the Seattle grunge sound was instrumental to my music education. ~ David Cook,
857:If you don't have jobs, it's hard to have other things like health and education. ~ Michael Dell,
858:I have to say I have an incredible musical education because of my father. ~ Kareem Abdul Jabbar,
859:In my opinion, education is the finest gift an individual can give a young person. ~ Donald Bren,
860:I only had a high school education and believe me, I had to cheat to get that. ~ Sparky Anderson,
861:I think the education I've had as an actor I would never have had at university. ~ Kristin Kreuk,
862:It's powerfully important that our kids get an education in personal finance. ~ Elizabeth Warren,
863:Like Milagros, they’d all gotten where they were by worshiping the god of Education. ~ Mia Alvar,
864:No one can get an education, for of necessity education is a continuing process. ~ Louis L Amour,
865:Not a Harvard-type education, just a not-sticking-up-a-liquor-store-type education. ~ Chris Rock,
866:Public education was not founded to give society what it wants. Quite the opposite. ~ May Sarton,
867:Real education has to draw out the best from the boys and girls to be educated. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
868:Teppic hadn’t been educated. Education had just settled on him, like dandruff. ~ Terry Pratchett,
869:that what befell them was not unsalvageable misfortune but the gift of education— ~ Ryan Holiday,
870:The anti-elitist values in America, I think, are very destructive to education. ~ Joshua Jackson,
871:the great aim of education," said Herbert Spencer, "is not knowledge but action. ~ Dale Carnegie,
872:the great aim of education,’ said Herbert Spencer, ‘is not knowledge but action. ~ Dale Carnegie,
873:the great aim of education,” said Herbert Spencer, “is not knowledge but action. ~ Dale Carnegie,
874:The purpose of education is not to fill a vessel but to kindle a flame. ~ Alfred North Whitehead,
875:The secret of successful education is finding out how a particular person learns. ~ Nancy Farmer,
876:We do not know what education can do for us, because we have never tried it. ~ Robert M Hutchins,
877:What is education but a conditioning of the mind to a society and a way of life. ~ Louis L Amour,
878:A hundred years of education is nothing compared with one moment spent with God! ~ Shams Tabrizi,
879:Catherine E. Lhamon, the Education Department's assistant secretary for civil rights, ~ Anonymous,
880:Education cannot be a matter of charity, Education has to be a matter of Right. ~ Arvind Kejriwal,
881:Education for livelihood alone will never make our life full and complete. ~ Mata Amritanandamayi,
882:Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army.” —Edward Everett ~ Angela Roquet,
883:Education is not something to prepare you for life; it is a continuous part of life. ~ Henry Ford,
884:Education is only like good culture,--it changes the size, but not the sort. ~ Henry Ward Beecher,
885:Education is the acquisition of the art of the utilisation of knowledge. ~ Alfred North Whitehead,
886:Education makes machines which act like men and produces men who act like machines. ~ Erich Fromm,
887:Fine and delicate taste is the fruit of education and experience. ~ Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres,
888:I find that with some girls, the words work and education have gotten a bad rap. ~ Sandra Bullock,
889:I grew up in a Chinese family where the parents No. 1 priority is the kids education. ~ Weili Dai,
890:I had a terrible education. I attended a school for emotionally disturbed teachers. ~ Woody Allen,
891:I'm a huge fan of music in schools and music education because that's how I grew up. ~ Kris Allen,
892:In Islam, it is not just your right, but your responsibility to get education. ~ Malala Yousafzai,
893:I say political economy; you say—worse. I say socialism: worse. Education: worse. ~ Anton Chekhov,
894:My education was neglected, yet I was passionately fond of reading. ~ Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley,
895:Our identity is fictional, written by parents, relatives, education, society. ~ Genesis P Orridge,
896:The secret of successful finding out how a particular person learns ~ Nancy Farmer,
897:The value of a prototype is in the education it gives you, not in the code itself. ~ Amari Cooper,
898:To be successful in life what you need is education, not literacy and degrees. ~ Munshi Premchand,
899:Was a broad but shallow education superior to one that was narrow but deep? ~ Christopher Paolini,
900:You didn't understand or care to know, you get your education from your lovers. ~ Madonna Ciccone,
901:A hundred years of education is nothing compared with one moment spent with God! ~ Shams Tabrizi ~,
902:and transform that negative situation into an education, a skill set, or a fortune. ~ Ryan Holiday,
903:A university is not a political party, and an education is not an indoctrination. ~ David Horowitz,
904:Common sense without education, is better than education without common sense. ~ Benjamin Franklin,
905:Education in a deepest sense has always been about doing rather than about knowing. ~ Roger Schank,
906:Education, therefore, is a process of living and not a preparation for future living. ~ John Dewey,
907:Free education and health care are essential for the welfare of the population. ~ Jose Ramos Horta,
908:He couldn't have explained this misery of his, it exceeded his education. ~ Louis Ferdinand C line,
909:I began my education at a very early age; in fact, right after I left college. ~ Winston Churchill,
910:I believe primary and secondary education is the bedrock of any sustainable society. ~ Nita Ambani,
911:I didn't want to miss out on my education to model. I can't do just modeling. ~ Georgia May Jagger,
912:If I didn't have some kind of education, then I wouldn't be able to count my money. ~ Missy Elliot,
913:If it is about education, then all who are college graduates should be wealthy. ~ Stephen Richards,
914:If you want to get laid, go to college. If you want an education, go to the library. ~ Frank Zappa,
915:In the U.S., we believe the best way to improve lives is to improve public education. ~ Bill Gates,
916:I think education and intelligence (are) important, but not art. Not artistic education. ~ Brassai,
917:Liberating education consists in acts of cognition, not transferals of information. ~ Paulo Freire,
918:Liberating education consists in acts of cognition, not transferrals of information ~ Paulo Freire,
919:No one can "get" an education, for of necessity education is a continuing process. ~ Louis L Amour,
920:Not living for food, but living for the sake of an ideal, that is the goal of education ~ Sai Baba,
921:One of the benefits of a bad education is the constant pleasure of discovery. ~ Richard Brookhiser,
922:Only time, education and plenty of good schooling will make anti-segregation work. ~ Nat King Cole,
923:Someone once said that education was knowing what to do when you don’t know,” said ~ Michael Lewis,
924:Stupidity cannot be cured with money, or through education, or by legislation. ~ Robert A Heinlein,
925:The chief object of education is not to learn things but to unlearn things. ~ Gilbert K Chesterton,
926:The education already given to the people creates the necessity of giving them more. ~ Horace Mann,
927:The future belongs to young people with an education and the imagination to create. ~ Barack Obama,
928:What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the soul.” -Joseph Addison ~ Angela Roquet,
929:When someone takes away your pens you realise quite how important education is. ~ Malala Yousafzai,
930:When someone takes away your pens you realize quite how important education is. ~ Malala Yousafzai,
931:When the true history fades, ask education and the unbiased story tellers ~ Ernest Agyemang Yeboah,
932:At some point, our education no longer belongs to our teachers. It belongs to us. ~ Megan Stielstra,
933:Culture and education are the lethal weapons against all kinds of fundamentalism. ~ Marjane Satrapi,
934:Culture, religion, and education, are conspiracies to standardize worldviews. ~ Mokokoma Mokhonoana,
935:Education is not a luxury in modern American society-it is essential for survival. ~ John M Perkins,
936:Education is the key,” he drilled into me. “Those who fail to plan, plan to fail. ~ Michael Baisden,
937:Education is the sum of what students teach each other between lectures and seminars. ~ Stephen Fry,
938:Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school. ~ Albert Einstein,
939:Every child has a right to go to high school and end up with a third grade education. ~ Pat Paulsen,
940:I saw that bad handwriting should be regarded as a sign of an imperfect education. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
941:life responsibilities in the right order: God, family, education, and then business. ~ Steve Harvey,
942:Men of polite learning and a liberal education. ~ Matthew Henry, Commentaries, The Acts, Chapter X.,
943:No child in Africa, and in fact anywhere in the world, should be denied education. ~ Nelson Mandela,
944:No golfer has completed his education until he has played and studied Royal Dornoch. ~ Herbert Wind,
945:One could get a first-class education from a shelf of books five feet long. ~ Charles William Eliot,
946:Problem-posing education affirms men and women as beings in the process of becoming. ~ Paulo Freire,
947:The aim of a college education is to teach you to know a good man when you see one. ~ William James,
948:The secret of the superiority of state over private education lies in the fact ~ Lester Frank Ward,
949:We are starving for education... it's like a precious gift. It's like a diamond. ~ Malala Yousafzai,
950:What is defeat? Nothing but education; nothing but the first steps to something better. ~ Anonymous,
951:A brainscan cannot interpret itself and neither can a data dashboard in education. ~ Andy Hargreaves,
952:Being a good conversationalist is really what a liberal arts education is all about. ~ Mark Vonnegut,
953:Education cannot be effective unless it helps a child to open up himself to life. ~ Maria Montessori,
954:Education in a technological world of replaceable and expendable parts is neuter. ~ Marshall McLuhan,
955:Education isn't just about feeding the brain. Art and music feed the heart and soul. ~ Julie Garwood,
956:Education lays the foundation of a large portion of the causes of mental disorder ~ Malcolm Gladwell,
957:For a man with an education the world is a wide place and the opportunities are many ~ Louis L Amour,
958:I started life in a poor family and could not even afford a proper tertiary education. ~ Vincent Tan,
959:It is clearly absurd to limit the term 'education' to a person's formal schooling. ~ Murray Rothbard,
960:Laws and rules of conduct are for the state of childhood; education is an emancipation. ~ Andre Gide,
961:Literary education is of no value, if it is not able to build up a sound character. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
962:Maybe it's a tired tale, but without an education, you're not going to go anywhere. ~ Buzz Bissinger,
963:The aim of all education is, or should be, to teach people to educate themselves. ~ Arnold J Toynbee,
964:The best way to fight poverty is to empower people through access to quality education ~ John Legend,
965:The greatest obstacle to those who hope to reform American education is complacency. ~ Diane Ravitch,
966:The only foundation for useful education in a republic is to be laid in religion. ~ Thomas Jefferson,
967:There are pictures that manifest education and there are pictures that manifest love. ~ Robert Henri,
968:This isn’t about getting an education. It’s about arming you for what you will become. ~ Candice Fox,
969:True education flowers at the point when delight falls in love with responsibility. ~ Philip Pullman,
970:We don't have education, we have inspiration; if I was educated I would be a damn fool. ~ Bob Marley,
971:What nutrition and reproduction are to physiological life, education is to social life. ~ John Dewey,
972:What's the use of a high school education if you can't recall it when needed later on? ~ Hal Clement,
973:When I went to school, sex education was mainly muttered warnings about the janitor. ~ Frankie Boyle,
974:Your education or your life, Claire. I'd rather you be alive and a little bit dumber. ~ Rachel Caine,
975:A dog is the greatest gift a parent can give a child. OK, a good education, then a dog. ~ John Grogan,
976:As Governor of North Carolina for two terms, I made improving education a top priority. ~ Mike Easley,
977:Culture itself is neither education nor law-making: it is an atmosphere and a heritage. ~ H L Mencken,
978:Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.
André Chevalier ~ Nikki Sex,
979:Education doesn't change life much. It just lifts trouble to a higher plane of regard. ~ Robert Frost,
980:Education is what they equip you with; just in case your dream doesn't workout. ~ Mokokoma Mokhonoana,
981:Education provides the necessary tools, equipment by which we learn how to learn. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt,
982:I do not want art for a few any more than education for a few, or freedom for a few. ~ William Morris,
983:Inclusive, good-quality education is a foundation for dynamic and equitable societies. ~ Desmond Tutu,
984:I really got the best of education , and arts and music and summer camp. I had it great. ~ Jill Stein,
985:Is not education the art of drawing out full manhood of the children under training? ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
986:Leadership is not about experience, education or talent. It's about choosing to lead. ~ Michael Hyatt,
987:My education was dismal. I went to a series of schools for mentally disturbed teachers. ~ Woody Allen,
988:My mother had been a grade-school teacher, and my father had an eighth-grade education. ~ Gordon Bell,
989:One of the benefits of a college education is to show the boy its little avail. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
990:Our principal writers have nearly all been fortunate in escaping regular education. ~ Hugh MacDiarmid,
991:Sex education in the modern manner has been well-described as plumbing for hedonists. ~ George F Will,
992:The education of children for God is the most important business done on earth. ~ Robert Lewis Dabney,
993:the great aim of education,’ said Herbert Spencer, ‘is not knowledge but action.’ And ~ Dale Carnegie,
994:The idea that education will lead to a lessening of bigotry is just factually incorrect. ~ Reza Aslan,
995:The quality of an education system can never exceed the quality of its teachers. ~ Andreas Schleicher,
996:Truly barren is a secular education. It is always in labor, but never gives birth. ~ Gregory of Nyssa,
997:You don't need a city charter to know that education is the foundation of any community. ~ Alan Autry,
998:...a good education is precisely designed to correct the instincts of human nature. ~ Ir ne N mirovsky,
999:All of life is education and everybody is a teacher and everybody is forever a pupil. ~ Abraham Maslow,
1000:America had an emphasis on the individual and so education became available for everyone. ~ John Glenn,
1001:An athletic scholarship shouldn’t be the best opportunity to receive a quality education. ~ Jalen Rose,
1002:A republican government should be based on free and equal education among the people ~ Susan B Anthony,
1003:As a Member of Congress, I've continued my family's tradition of focusing on education. ~ Mark Kennedy,
1004:Be it a village or a city, education is very important, and it always comes into you. ~ Kareena Kapoor,
1005:Education begins the gentleman, but reading, good company and reflection must finish him. ~ John Locke,
1006:Education is not only a ladder of opportunity, but it is also an investment in our future. ~ Ed Markey,
1007:Education must assume full responsibility to enter the moral and spiritual lives of pupils. ~ Sai Baba,
1008:Education produces natural intuitions, and natural intuitions are erased by education. ~ Blaise Pascal,
1009:Hard work and education will take you farther than any government program can ever promise. ~ Mia Love,
1010:I don't care how rich and successful a man is. He's nothing without an education. ~ Rodney Dangerfield,
1011:I don't want to scrounge around and be homeless, and I want to finish my education. ~ Callan McAuliffe,
1012:If you want to see the future of management education you should go to see Team Academy. ~ Peter Senge,
1013:Indeed one of the ultimate advantages of an education is simply coming to the end of it. ~ B F Skinner,
1014:It is clearly absurd to limit the term 'education' to a person's formal schooling. ~ Murray N Rothbard,
1015:I wish my parents had spent more time worrying about my education than me being a star. ~ Shania Twain,
1016:Lincoln had risen to this pinnacle through migration, self-education, and hard work. ~ Robert D Kaplan,
1017:No one has yet invented a system of education that is capable of ruining everyone. ~ Otto E Neugebauer,
1018:Over 20 million children of conflict are out of school. Education is often forgotten. ~ Angelina Jolie,
1019:Technology has brought many possibilities in education and health that are key to women. ~ Paul Kagame,
1020:That which we do not call education is more precious than that which we call so. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
1021:The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth. ~ John F Kennedy,
1022:The greatest act of self-education I've ever undertaken has been to become a writer. ~ Mark Rubinstein,
1023:The great failure in education, much of the time, is the lack of excitement and stimulus ~ Bill Bryson,
1024:The one thing we can do is invest in the quality of education, especially higher education. ~ Ron Kind,
1025:The pedigree of your college education matters far less than what you have accomplished. ~ Laszlo Bock,
1026:Upon the education of the people of this country the fate of this country depends. ~ Benjamin Disraeli,
1027:We obtain our education at home, at school, and, most important, from life itself. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt,
1028:What did I get from Simon? An education - the thing my parents always wanted me to have. ~ Lynn Barber,
1029:What education is to the individual, revelation is to the whole human race. ~ Gotthold Ephraim Lessing,
1030:2. Christian education places its emphasis on “unity” in relationships between people. ~ James C Dobson,
1031:An education which does not cultivate the will is an education that depraves the mind. ~ Anatole France,
1032:Character Education helps to create an environment for caring and learning in schools. ~ Thomas Lickona,
1033:Concentration is a part of life. It is not the consequence of a method of education. ~ Maria Montessori,
1034:Don’t hold with schools,” said Granny Weatherwax. “They gets in the way of education. ~ Terry Pratchett,
1035:Education begins the gentleman, but reading, good company, and reflection must finish him. ~ John Locke,
1036:Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another. ~ G K Chesterton,
1037:Education reform doesn't come cheap. But the price of ignorance is far, far greater ~ Rania Al Abdullah,
1038:Education was in danger from the source that always hampered it—religious fanaticism. ~ Clarence Darrow,
1039:Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make man a more clever devil. ~ C S Lewis,
1040:How to teach rigor while preserving imagination is an unsolved challenge to education. ~ Ralph W Gerard,
1041:I believe public education is the new civil rights battle and I support charter schools. ~ Andrew Cuomo,
1042:I believe that education is freedom. It provides the tools to affect one's own destiny. ~ Oprah Winfrey,
1043:I believe that religious education must be the sole concern of religious associations. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
1044:I believe we owe our young an education that captures the exhilarating drama of science. ~ Brian Greene,
1045:I co-founded Duolingo with the mission of bringing free language education to the world. ~ Luis von Ahn,
1046:I don't think of myself as a policy expert. I think education is the most important thing. ~ Jenna Bush,
1047:If your education, talent and capacity can do nothing; your body can do lots of things. ~ M F Moonzajer,
1048:In opposition to sex education: Let the kids today learn it where we did - in the gutter. ~ Pat Paulsen,
1049:some good, sacred memory, preserved from childhood, is perhaps the best education. ~ Fyodor Dostoyevsky,
1050:Some know the value of education by having it. I know it's value by not having it. ~ Frederick Douglass,
1051:Some people get an education without going to college. The rest get it after they get out. ~ Mark Twain,
1052:The first half of my life I went to school, the second half of my life I got an education. ~ Mark Twain,
1053:This is a story of an adventure in education, pursued not under the best of conditions. ~ Louis L Amour,
1054:Thus the radii of all education run together into one center which is called personality. ~ Max Stirner,
1055:To be an American is of itself almost a moral condition, an education, and a career. ~ George Santayana,
1056:we have not yet developed a system of education that is not a system of indoctrination. ~ Doris Lessing,
1057:We really shouldnt be running education like a supermarket where you compare prices. ~ Shirley Williams,
1058:Whatever an education is, it should make you a unique individual, not a conformist. ~ John Taylor Gatto,
1059:You show up at these meetings to stay sober and you walk out with a fucking education. ~ Lawrence Block,
1060:Access to computers and the Internet has become a basic need for education in our society. ~ Kent Conrad,
1061:A good special education teacher is hard to find and even harder to hang on to. ~ Lourdes Garcia Navarro,
1062:An education is not properly an industry, and its proper use is not to serve industries. ~ Wendell Berry,
1063:Education and assimilation were devastatingly effective at controlling a conquered people. ~ Dani Harper,
1064:Education is nice, but talent's much better. Find your inner talent and put it to work. ~ Tassa Desalada,
1065:Education is the most powerful weapon, which you can use to change the world —NelsoN MaNdela ~ Anonymous,
1066:Education with inert ideas is not only useless; it is above all things harmful. ~ Alfred North Whitehead,
1067:Everybody should be interested in access to primary and secondary education for everybody. ~ Paul Farmer,
1068:Formal education will earn you a living. Self-education will earn you a fortune.” Jim Rohn ~ Joanna Penn,
1069:If we create a generation of men who aren't getting an education, that's bad for women. ~ Michael Gurian,
1070:If you step up the self-education curve, you will come up with more answers than you can use. ~ Jim Rohn,
1071:I had a very elitist, snobbish, expensive education in India, and that almost destroyed me. ~ Bunker Roy,
1072:I'm from Brooklyn. I grew up very poor- seven people, four rooms. My dad had no education. ~ Peter Criss,
1073:Intellectual education influences the head and values-based education influences the heart. ~ Shiv Khera,
1074:It is the duty of the State to educate, and the right of the people to demand education. ~ Edmund Barton,
1075:It looks like I had the most irrelevant education than anybody in the planet could have. ~ Robert Greene,
1076:Jeb Bush is very good on immigration, he's very good on education. He's a smart guy. ~ Michael Bloomberg,
1077:Let us not, in the eagerness of our haste to educate, forget all the ends of education. ~ William Godwin,
1078:Life must be a constant education; one must learn everything, from speaking to dying. ~ Gustave Flaubert,
1079:Ordinary people seek entertainment. Extraordinary people seek education and learning. ~ Benjamin P Hardy,
1080:propose four models of education, each of which corresponds to explicit aims that have ~ Otto F Kernberg,
1081:The education needs in Silicon Valley versus rural Iowa versus Tennessee are very different. ~ Andy Ogle,
1082:The purpose of education is to free the student from the tyranny of the present. ~ Marcus Tullius Cicero,
1083:The regeneration of society is the regeneration of society by individual education. ~ Jean de la Bruyere,
1084:They will not stop me, I will get my education, if it is in home, school or any place ~ Malala Yousafzai,
1085:To neglect the wise sayings of great thinkers is to deny ourselves the truest education. ~ William James,
1086:Travel, in the younger sort, is a part of education; in the elder, a part of experience. ~ Francis Bacon,
1087:We are getting an education of a lifetime. We're actually out there in the real world. ~ Solange Knowles,
1088:What was the point of education, he thought, if people went out afterward and used it? ~ Terry Pratchett,
1089:While wisdom dictates the need for education, education does not necessarily make one wise. ~ Ben Carson,
1090:With dance, it's about education. I'm teaching a lot. I teach the foundations of hip-hop. ~ Stephen Boss,
1091:A child's education should begin at least one hundred years before he is born. ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr,
1092:All men who have turned out worth anything have had the chief hand in their own education. ~ Walter Scott,
1093:(And the phrase “content delivery system” is still used to describe online education, sadly.) ~ Anonymous,
1094:An education is everything, Charley. An education is how you'll make something of yourself. ~ Mitch Albom,
1095:Aristotle says that the aim of education is to make the pupil like and dislike what he ought. ~ C S Lewis,
1096:Democracy, material wealth, and universal education are the soil upon which modernism exists. ~ Ai Weiwei,
1097:Education aims at solving problems, but some educators are problems to be solved ~ Ernest Agyemang Yeboah,
1098:Every child has a right to education as much as to life, and every woman the right to live. ~ Nita Ambani,
1099:For everyone, everywhere, literacy is, along with education in general, a basic human right. ~ Kofi Annan,
1100:going through life without an education. Tomorrow, I think I'll go to the community college and ~ Various,
1101:I found that almost everyone had something interesting to contribute to my education. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt,
1102:If we have to give up either religion or education, we should give up education. ~ William Jennings Bryan,
1103:I had begun to conceive of what my education might cost me, and I had begun to resent it. ~ Tara Westover,
1104:I think education has a bigger impact on the lives of people than absolutely anything else. ~ Amartya Sen,
1105:Journeys at youth are part of the education; but at maturity, are part of the experience. ~ Francis Bacon,
1106:Let's make sure that we are working for age-appropriate sex education in our school system. ~ Wendy Davis,
1107:Much of education today focuses on obedience skills rather than critical thinking skills. ~ Bryant McGill,
1108:Never trust the captain who has never taken any education from the School of Storms! ~ Mehmet Murat ildan,
1109:One of the best investments we can make in a child’s life is high-quality early education. ~ Barack Obama,
1110:Our school education ignores, in a thousand ways, the rules of healthy development. ~ Elizabeth Blackwell,
1111:The best and most important part of every man's education is that which he gives himself. ~ Edward Gibbon,
1112:The foundation of every state is the education of its youth. ~ Diogenes of Sinope (according to Stobæus).,
1113:the Reggio Emilia philosophy for the education of young children and the Waldorf schools. ~ Daniel H Pink,
1114:Thirty-three percent of all of our regrets pertain to decisions we made about education. ~ Kathryn Schulz,
1115:Through hard work and education, we can deliver a strong economy and opportunity for all. ~ Julia Gillard,
1116:What if education wasn't first and foremost about what we know, but about what we love? ~ James K A Smith,
1117:What if education wasn’t first and foremost about what we know, but about what we love? ~ James K A Smith,
1118:You must fight others, but through peace, and through dialogue, and through education. ~ Malala Yousafzai,
1119:Academics were important to my parents, as immigrants. Education is where it all begins. ~ Renee Zellweger,
1120:Believe me, the library is the temple of God. Education is the most sacred religion of all. ~ Gene Simmons,
1121:Culture is the greatest barrier to your enlightenment, your education, and your decency. ~ Terence McKenna,
1122:Education is not a skyhook from which to hang economic policy; it is an emergent phenomenon. ~ Matt Ridley,
1123:Education is paradoxical in that it is largely composed of things that cannot be learned ~ Roberto Calasso,
1124:Education is the process by which one mind forms another mind, and one heart, another heart. ~ Jules Simon,
1125:Formal education will earn you a living.  Self-education will earn you a fortune.”  Jim Rohn ~ Joanna Penn,
1126:For “the great aim of education,” said Herbert Spencer, “is not knowledge but action.” And ~ Dale Carnegie,
1127:Henry deeply felt the misfortune of being debarred from a liberal education. ~ Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley,
1128:His lack of education is more than compensated for by his keenly developed moral bankruptcy. ~ Woody Allen,
1129:I.B.M. was my college education, effectively. They were very good at teaching you management. ~ Mike McCue,
1130:I do regard spinning and weaving as a necessary part of any national system of education. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
1131:I got a liberal education. A white guy, rapping as Bugs Bunny, on a quintuple-platinum album. ~ Billy West,
1132:I have what passes for an education in this day and time, but I am not deceived by it. ~ Flannery O Connor,
1133:In general, children, like men, and men, like children, prefer entertainment to education. ~ Denis Diderot,
1134:Intelligence and education that hasn't been tempered by human affection isn't worth a damn. ~ Daniel Keyes,
1135:intelligence and education that hasn’t been tempered by human affection isn’t worth a damn. ~ Daniel Keyes,
1136:In the quest for higher education and learning, we must never leave behind... common sense. ~ Jos N Harris,
1137:It is not from nature, but from education and habits, that our wants are chiefly derived. ~ Henry Fielding,
1138:It is only education and understanding of the past that teaches us not to repeat history. ~ Eugene Jarecki,
1139:Jesus changed how the world thinks about science, medicine, human rights, education & more. ~ John Ortberg,
1140:Make me the the master of education, and I will undertake to change the world. ~ Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz,
1141:Most men of education are more superstitious than they admit - nay, than they think. ~ Georg C Lichtenberg,
1142:One might say that the American trend of education is to reduce the senses almost to nil. ~ Isadora Duncan,
1143:Over the long run, education and technology are the decisive determinants of wage levels. ~ Thomas Piketty,
1144:Reading and writing are not education if they do not help people to be kind to all creatures ~ John Ruskin,
1145:Soap and education are not as sudden as a massacre, but they are more deadly in the long run. ~ Mark Twain,
1146:The biggest thing that I felt basketball could do for me was help me get a good education. ~ Julius Erving,
1147:The child who desires education will be bettered by it; the child who dislikes it disgraced. ~ John Ruskin,
1148:The measure of the sincerity is the measure of the success.
23 April 1968
   ~ The Mother, On Education,
1149:There is no better education than rap battling in terms of performance. It makes you fearless. ~ Doc Brown,
1150:There've been times where I wondered whether it was worth continuing in my own education. ~ Peter R Orszag,
1151:We wouldn't need any job training centers if our education was working in the first place. ~ Rush Limbaugh,
1152:A Harvard education consists of what you learn at Harvard while you are not studying. ~ James Bryant Conant,
1153:As much experience, education and awareness as one can attain is important for a comedian. ~ Shelley Berman,
1154:But without state-approved syllabi and standardized testing, my education can only go so far. ~ Laszlo Bock,
1155:Credentialing, not education, has become the primary business of North American universities. ~ Jane Jacobs,
1156:Education isn’t something your professors make for you. It’s something you make for yourself. ~ Lance Olsen,
1157:Education is something that other people do to you. Learning is something you do for yourself. ~ Joichi Ito,
1158:Education is the leading of human souls to what is best, and making what is best out of them. ~ John Ruskin,
1159:Education must be orientated towards the attainment of character for leading clean simple lives. ~ Sai Baba,
1160:Equality of talents, of education, or of wealth can not be produced by human institutions. ~ Andrew Jackson,
1161:...I do not want art for a few; any more than education for a few; or freedom for a few... ~ William Morris,
1162:I'm 100 percent Jewish by blood, but by education I'm nothing. By affiliation I'm nothing. ~ Joseph Brodsky,
1163:I'm not just a politician, I'm a guy who has a real deep, substantive, commitment to education. ~ Roy Romer,
1164:I really missed going to college. I missed not having that education and that experience. ~ Brooklyn Decker,
1165:I think few people of education enter politics because it seems like a contact blood sport. ~ Sherry Turkle,
1166:Learning to play two pairs is worth about as much as a college education, and about as costly. ~ Mark Twain,
1167:Smiley said all a frog wanted was education, and he could do most any thing and I believe him. ~ Mark Twain,
1168:teaching is not a popularity contest. It’s about getting them involved in their own education. ~ Tony Danza,
1169:The most important day of a person's education is the first day of school, not Graduation Day. ~ Harry Wong,
1170:The object of true education is to make people not merely do the right things, but enjoy them ~ John Ruskin,
1171:The purpose of education is to enable us to develop to the fullest that which is inside us ~ Norman Cousins,
1172:The wonders of the ages assembled for your edification, education and enjoyment - for a price. ~ P T Barnum,
1173:To defend a country, you need an army, but to defend a civilization, you need education... ~ Jonathan Sacks,
1174:Was putting a man on the moon actually easier than improving education in our public schools? ~ B F Skinner,
1175:a college education I would never propose - a bachelor's degree won't even keep you in clothes ~ Cole Porter,
1176:Amherst is a liberal arts college, committed to providing students with a broad education. ~ Joseph Stiglitz,
1177:A positive attitude is often way more important than education, money, and experience. ~ Mokokoma Mokhonoana,
1178:Better spend an extra hundred or two on your son's education, than leave it him in your will. ~ George Eliot,
1179:Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all" 
                      ~ Aristotle,
1180:Education and admonition commence in the first years of childhood, and last to the very end of life. ~ Plato,
1181:Education is a crutch with which the foolish attack the wise to prove that they are not idiots. ~ Karl Kraus,
1182:Education is not an affair of 'telling' and being told, but an active and constructive process. ~ John Dewey,
1183:Education is the best weapon through which we can fight poverty, ignorance and terrorism. ~ Malala Yousafzai,
1184:Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today. ~ Malcolm X,
1185:Education never ends, Watson. It is a series of lessons with the greatest for the last. ~ Arthur Conan Doyle,
1186:Education was almost entirely a matter of luck — usually of ill-luck — in those distant days. ~ George Eliot,
1187:Education without morals is like a ship without a compass, merely wandering nowhere. ~ Martin Luther King Jr,
1188:Even when they desired education, the strains of daily survival made it near impossible. ~ Kenneth C Johnson,
1189:Free education is abundant, all over the Internet. It’s the desire to learn that’s scarce. ~ Timothy Ferriss,
1190:Good manners will often take people where neither money nor education will take them. ~ Fanny Jackson Coppin,
1191:...I do not want art for a few; any more than education for a few; or freedom for a few... ~ William Morris,
1192:If we want our children to value education, then we must show our appreciation for knowledge. ~ Brad Sherman,
1193:I know the importance of education because my pens and books were taken from me by force, ~ Malala Yousafzai,
1194:I listen to Radio 4 all the time. I didn't go to university, so that's my further education. ~ Helen McCrory,
1195:In a representative republic, the education of our children must be of the utmost importance! ~ James Monroe,
1196:My hobby more and more is likely to be common school education, or universal education. ~ Rutherford B Hayes,
1197:My idea of education is to unsettle the minds of the young and inflame their intellects. ~ Robert M Hutchins,
1198:No one is born a good citizen or a good democrat or a good leader; it takes time and education. ~ Kofi Annan,
1199:Not everyone has equal abilities, but everyone should have equal opportunity for education. ~ John F Kennedy,
1200:[Of] particular importance is the relationship between education and the political process. ~ Jonathan Kozol,
1201:One of the penalties of an ecological education is that one lives alone in a world of wounds. ~ Aldo Leopold,
1202:She got on with her education. In her opinion, school kept on trying to interfere with it. ~ Terry Pratchett,
1203:So I want my kids to go to public schools because I think it's a better education overall. ~ Charles Schumer,
1204:The best education consists in immunizing people against systematic attempts at education. ~ Paul Feyerabend,
1205:The wise use of leisure, it must be conceded, is a product of civilization and education. ~ Bertrand Russell,
1206:To throw obstacles in the way of a complete education is like putting out the eyes. ~ Elizabeth Cady Stanton,
1207:We can only transform humanity and create a happier more compassionate world through education. ~ Dalai Lama,
1208:We don't reinvest in the American people. We don't put enough money into American education. ~ Jedediah Bila,
1209:We must reject that most dismal and fatuous notion that education is a preparation for life. ~ Northrop Frye,
1210:What was education for, if not to acquire contradictions? At least it looked like that to me. ~ Lorrie Moore,
1211:When I was at school you got an overall general education, on many things, even just basic facts. ~ Jo Brand,
1212:You may be a redneck if... you have spent more on your pickup truck than on your education. ~ Jeff Foxworthy,
1213:a foreigner often feels most foreign while witnessing the early education of another culture. ~ Peter Hessler,
1214:Although virtue receives some of its excellencies from nature, yet it is perfected by education. ~ Quintilian,
1215:American education has been littered with failed fads and foolish ideas for the past century. ~ Diane Ravitch,
1216:And the president should be doing more about education than saying, 'Lights, camera, action.' ~ Dick Gephardt,
1217:An education is a more surefire guarantee that you have possibilities opened to you. ~ Jonathan Taylor Thomas,
1218:Art is the more spiritual side of education that really does saves lives and makes amazing individuals. ~ Mya,
1219:Deeply smart people are unique—a product of their particular mind-set, education, and experience. ~ Anonymous,
1220:Education exposes young people to a broader world, a world full of opportunity and hope. ~ Christine Gregoire,
1221:Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance. —WILL DURANT, writer and historian ~ Laura D Adams,
1222:Education is as much about learning what you don’t know as it is about adding to what you do. ~ David McRaney,
1223:Education is only a ladder to gather fruit from the tree of knowledge, not the fruit itself ~ Albert Einstein,
1224:Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another. ~ Gilbert K Chesterton,
1225:Education is very admirable but let us not forget that anything worth knowing cannot be taught. ~ Oscar Wilde,
1226:Education makes the wise slightly wiser, but it makes the fool vastly more dangerous. ~ Nassim Nicholas Taleb,
1227:Education never ends, Watson. It is a series of lessons, with the greatest for the last. ~ Arthur Conan Doyle,
1228:Every single progressive education fad of the past thirty years has hurt poor black children. ~ Shelby Steele,
1229:For all my education, accomplishments, and so called 'wisdom'... I can't fathom my own heart. ~ Michael Caine,
1230:I spent the 1960s and 1970s seeking myself - the working-class tradition of self-education. ~ Ken Livingstone,
1231:I think education is both using and improving knowledge and that changes the whole picture. ~ William Glasser,
1232:Literacy makes man a victim of advertising. Education makes him a victim of employment. ~ Mokokoma Mokhonoana,
1233:My gut reaction [on Betsy DeVos] was, oh, my God. We are now back into the education wars. ~ Randi Weingarten,
1234:Once we considered education a public expense; we know now that it is a public investment. ~ Lyndon B Johnson,
1235:The education cuts in the President's budget are both irresponsible and morally unjustifiable. ~ Chaka Fattah,
1236:The first condition of education is being able to put someone to wholesome and meaningful work. ~ John Ruskin,
1237:There was always something sly about any act of education. Eve had learned that in the garden. ~ Paul Russell,
1238:To be getting an education means this: to be learning what is your own, and what is not your own. ~ Epictetus,
1239:We have taken a strategic decision to gather education activities under a single roof. ~ Recep Tayyip Erdogan,
1240:Well? Children sometimes steal. Beat them a little, and they stop stealing. Basic education ~ Terry Pratchett,
1241:All claims of education notwithstanding, the pupil will accept only that which his mind craves. ~ Emma Goldman,
1242:American art, like the American language and American education, was as far as possible sexless. ~ Henry Adams,
1243:Any success that I've had in my life has been in spite of my education rather than because of it. ~ Wayne Dyer,
1244:Education, as conceived today, is something separated both from biological and social life. ~ Maria Montessori,
1245:Education begins by teaching children to read and ends by making most of them hate reading. ~ Holbrook Jackson,
1246:Education is all about igniting young minds and enabling them to attain their fullest potential. ~ Nita Ambani,
1247:Education is what you get when you read the fine print. Experience is what you get if you don't. ~ Pete Seeger,
1248:How then is perfection to be sought? Wherein lies our hope? In education, and in nothing else. ~ Immanuel Kant,
1249:I believe the government should ensure all children are provided with a good education. ~ Jacqueline Novogratz,
1250:Let early education be a sort of amusement. You will then be better able to find out the natural bent. ~ Plato,
1251:My favorite subject was either English or History. I had a really awesome high school education. ~ Ian Harding,
1252:My votes against the education bill and my votes against the Medicare bill got huge play at home. ~ Mike Pence,
1253:None of my remedial education classes covered how to escape in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. ~ Mira Grant,
1254:Purity of personal life is the one indispensable condition for building up a sound education. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
1255:Read more books than those who have a formal education, developing this into a lifelong habit. ~ Robert Greene,
1256:The failure of American education is an unforgivable dereliction of one generation to the next. ~ Mark R Levin,
1257:The purpose of a good education is to show you that there are three sides to a two-sided story. ~ Stanley Fish,
1258:The things taught in schools & colleges are not an education but the means of education. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
1259:The things you learn growing up in and out of prison, Allander thought. A practical education. ~ Gregg Hurwitz,
1260:We need the best education system in the United States. The best system, not the most expensive. ~ Bruce Brown,
1261:What does education often do? It makes a straight-cut ditch of a free, meandering brook. ~ Henry David Thoreau,
1262:When technology advances too quickly for education to keep up, inequality generally rises. ~ Erik Brynjolfsson,
1263:You're college graduates now, so use your education. Remember: It's not who you know, it's whom. ~ Joan Rivers,
1264:A college education should equip one to entertain three things: a friend, an idea and oneself. ~ Thomas Ehrlich,
1265:A neglect of one's sentimental education early in life could bear the most unfortunate fruit. ~ Daniel Kehlmann,
1266:A person can be educated and still be stupid, and a wise man can have no education at all. ~ Jennifer A Nielsen,
1267:Education is not a race, with winners and losers. It's not a commodity to be bought and sold. ~ Grace Llewellyn,
1268:he insisted, since he’d earned something more useful than a GED—a GE, his “gutter education.” He ~ Karen Abbott,
1269:I am going to provide school choice and put an end to common core and bring our education local. ~ Donald Trump,
1270:I don't want revenge on the Taliban, I want education for sons and daughters of the Taliban. ~ Malala Yousafzai,
1271:If a woman seeks education it is probably because her sexual apparatus is malfunctioning. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche,
1272:Ignorance and a narrow education lay the foundation of vice, and imitation and custom rear it up. ~ Mary Astell,
1273:In the world today, a young lady who does not have a college education just is not educated. ~ Walter Annenberg,
1274:I think that what my parents taught me about hard work, optimism and education still holds true. ~ Samuel Alito,
1275:It is difficult for an education in which the heart is involved to remain forever lost. ~ Jean Jacques Rousseau,
1276:It is one proof of a good education and of true refinement of feeling, to respect antiquity. ~ Sigourney Weaver,
1277:its almost as if he was raised by wolves, but wolves who knew the value of a decent education. ~ David Nicholls,
1278:The irony is that for poor people like us, an education at Notre Dame is both cheaper and finer. We ~ J D Vance,
1279:There were not many people who could say that their education had been paid for with cigarettes. ~ Markus Zusak,
1280:The test and the use of man's education is that he finds pleasure in the exercise of his mind. ~ Jacques Barzun,
1281:Too much of what is called "education" is little more than an expensive isolation from reality. ~ Thomas Sowell,
1282:Too much of what is called 'education' is little more than an expensive isolation from reality. ~ Thomas Sowell,
1283:True education must correspond to the surrounding circumstances or it is not a healthy growth. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
1284:True. The school admin decided that a girls clothes were more important than her education. ~ Svetlana Chmakova,
1285:Without education, we are in a horrible and deadly danger of taking educated people seriously. ~ G K Chesterton,
1286:A mother's ability to provide for her children is not always tied to income, but rather to education. ~ Cat Cora,
1287:An education is like a crumbling building that needs constant upkeep with repairs and additions. ~ Edith Wharton,
1288:Ask me my three main priorities for government, and I tell you: education, education and education. ~ Tony Blair,
1289:Education has become a very powerful weapon in the struggle to produce a well-developed person. ~ Nelson Mandela,
1290:Education is a kind of continuing dialogue, and a dialogue assumes different points of view. ~ Robert M Hutchins,
1291:Education is a weapon whose effect depends on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed. ~ Joseph Stalin,
1292:From education by the Church to education by Germanic value is a step of several generations. ~ Alfred Rosenberg,
1293:If temperance prevails, then education can prevail; if temperance fails, then education must fail. ~ Horace Mann,
1294:I think the best thing that happened to the education system in New Orleans was Hurricane Katrina. ~ Arne Duncan,
1295:It's not a big secret that what's lacking and what's wrong in our society starts with education. ~ Oren Moverman,
1296:I would rather have India without education, if that is the price to be paid for making it dry. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
1297:I would support a devolution of power out of Washington for education, health care, transportation. ~ Jim DeMint,
1298:Just education forms the man. ~ John Gay, The Owl, Swan, Cock, Spider, Ass, and the Farmer. To a Mother, line 9.,
1299:National education to be truly national must reflect the national condition for the time being. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
1300:Not to learn from our experiences is a tremendous waste of time. Life is an adult-education school. ~ Ayya Khema,
1301:One of the greatest obstacles to escaping poverty is the staggering cost of higher education. ~ Chris Van Hollen,
1302:Parents do not own their children. They have no ‘natural right’ to control their education fully. ~ John Goodlad,
1303:Since I can’t be a professional on account of lack of education I wouldn’t mind being wealthy. ~ Bernard Malamud,
1304:The Ministry of Truth, which concerned itself with news, entertainment, education and fine arts. ~ George Orwell,
1305:The purpose of Compulsory Education is to deprive the common people of their commonsense. ~ Gilbert K Chesterton,
1306:The true purpose of education is to teach a man to carry himself triumphant to the sunset. ~ Liberty Hyde Bailey,
1307:The truth is mightier than eloquence, the Spirit greater than genius, faith more than education. ~ Martin Luther,
1308:What is the first part of politics? Education. The second? Education. And the third? Education. ~ Jules Michelet,
1309:You're allowed to want to use your education. You're allowed to want to be more than a mother. ~ Jennifer Weiner,
1310:And my career, the things that have happened have happened because of my music education background. ~ Jon Secada,
1311:By education, I mean an all-round drawing of the best in child and man in body, mind and spirit. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
1312:Education becomes most rich and alive when it confronts the reality of moral conflict in the world. ~ Howard Zinn,
1313:Education is a weapon, whose effect depends on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed. ~ Joseph Stalin,
1314:Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today. ~ Malcolm X,
1315:Education makes a greater difference between man and man than nature has made between man and brute. ~ John Adams,
1316:education tends to move individuals toward a more extreme version of the dominant cultural tendency. ~ Erin Meyer,
1317:Education: the inculcation of the incomprehensible into the indifferent by the incompetent. ~ John Maynard Keynes,
1318:In the world of entrepreneurs, you don't need a college education. You need a proper education. ~ Robert Kiyosaki,
1319:It might be said now that I have the best of both worlds. A Harvard education and a Yale degree. ~ John F Kennedy,
1320:It must be the aim of education to teach the citizen that he must first of all rule himself. ~ Winthrop W Aldrich,
1321:Modern education develops the intellect and imparts skills, but does not promote qualities in any way. ~ Sai Baba,
1322:More money," Etcoff writes, "is spent on beauty than on education or social services." FEARS ~ Arianna Huffington,
1323:Neither acquiescence in skepticism nor acquiescence in dogma is what education should produce. ~ Bertrand Russell,
1324:Sex education should be 'relationship education', focusing on how to achieve long-term commitment. ~ Mal Fletcher,
1325:She was a perfectly nice, standard-issue, brown-haired, white woman with a high-school education. ~ Kurt Vonnegut,
1326:The best education consists in immunizing people against systematic attempts at education. ~ Paul Karl Feyerabend,
1327:The most important outcome of education is to help students become independent of formal education. ~ Paul E Gray,
1328:The object of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives. ~ Robert M Hutchins,
1329:The source of better ideas is wisdom. The surest path to wisdom is a liberal education. ~ Alfred Whitney Griswold,
1330:The teachers don't know anything. What are the kids going to learn with a horrible education system? ~ Bill Maher,
1331:The very reason for nature's existence is the education of the soul; it has no other meaning. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
1332:The way of education leads away from home. That is what we learned from our children’s education. ~ Wendell Berry,
1333:They had all that forgetfulness of history that goes everywhere with the extension of education. ~ G K Chesterton,
1334:What is really needed to make democracy function is not knowledge of facts, but right education. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
1335:2016 study looked at more than eight hundred workers (mostly in information technology, education, ~ Daniel H Pink,
1336:A good deal of education consists of unlearning-the breaking of bad habits as with a tennis serve. ~ Mary McCarthy,
1337:Americans are a decade behind Canada when it comes to sex education and understanding their bodies. ~ Sue Johanson,
1338:Education had been the primary instrument of change in my own life, my lever upward in the world. ~ Michelle Obama,
1339:Education turns an empty mind into an open mind. It turns information into behavioural transformation ~ Shiv Khera,
1340:Establishing lasting peace is the work of education; all politics can do is keep us out of war. ~ Maria Montessori,
1341:He believed true love was more like an education: it was deep and subtle and never complete. The ~ Josiah Bancroft,
1342:If you know your Bible and your Shakespeare and can shoot craps, you have a liberal education. ~ Tallulah Bankhead,
1343:I think an education is not only important, it is the most important thing you can do with your life. ~ Dean Kamen,
1344:I think it is totally wrong and terribly harmful if education is defined as acquiring knowledge. ~ William Glasser,
1345:No part of the education of a politician is more indispensable than the fighting of elections. ~ Winston Churchill,
1346:Southern states simply do not believe in funding education to the extent that northern states do. ~ Chuck Thompson,
1347:The whole object of education develop the mind. The mind should be a thing that works. ~ Sherwood Anderson,
1348:Think about every problem, every challenge, we face. The solution to each starts with education. ~ George H W Bush,
1349:Without education, there is no hope for our people and without hope, our future is lost ~ Charles Hamilton Houston,
1350:You can't persuade most of the public that education and making a living aren't the same thing. ~ Robertson Davies,
1351:Creativity is as important now in education as literacy and we should treat it with the same status. ~ Ken Robinson,
1352:Education and democracy have the same goal: The fullest possible development of human capabilities ~ Paul Wellstone,
1353:Education doesn't cease when you leave college or leave the university. Education is a lifetime process. ~ Jim Rohn,
1354:Education in the understanding of citizenship is a short-term affair if we are honest and earnest. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
1355:Education is beautification of the inner world and the outer world. ~ Amit Ray, Nonviolence: The Transforming Power,
1356:Education is only the most fully conscious of the channels whereby each generation influences the next. ~ C S Lewis,
1357:Football: A sport that bears the same relation to education that bullfighting does to agriculture. ~ Elbert Hubbard,
1358:Good relationships require a lot of hard work, education, and willingness to meet each other’s needs. ~ Joyce Meyer,
1359:Health care and education, in my view, are next up for fundamental software-based transformation. ~ Marc Andreessen,
1360:I didn't go to film school. I got my education on the set as a niche publicist in the film industry. ~ Ava DuVernay,
1361:If you do not have persistence then no amount of education, talent or genius can make up for it. ~ Stephen Richards,
1362:In a normal education everything is designed to suppress spontaneity, but I wanted to develop it. ~ Keith Johnstone,
1363:I read Shakespeare and the Bible, and I can shoot dice. That's what I call a liberal education. ~ Tallulah Bankhead,
1364:I wanted to acquire an education, work extremely hard and never deviate from my goal, to make it. ~ Taylor Caldwell,
1365:Music - that's been my education. There's not a day that goes by that I take it for granted. ~ Billie Joe Armstrong,
1366:My parents discussed singing every night over the dinner table; I had a tremendous music education. ~ Renee Fleming,
1367:Opportunities for education should be within the reach of every individual, not for the lucky few. ~ Elbert Hubbard,
1368:Social housing, education, health, jobs and sustainable surroundings. Those are my priorities. ~ Juan Manuel Santos,
1369:The best education for a writer, I think, is to read a lot - college can be a good place to do that. ~ Rebecca Mead,
1370:The best education you can get is investing in yourself, and that doesn’t mean college or university. ~ Peter Voogd,
1371:There is only one subject matter for education, and that is Life in all its manifestations ~ Alfred North Whitehead,
1372:"Thinking about thinking" has to be a principle ingredient of any empowering practice of education. ~ Jerome Bruner,
1373:A person with increasing knowledge and sensory education may derive infinite enjoyment from wine. ~ Ernest Hemingway,
1374:Creativity now is as important in education as literacy, and we should treat it with the same status. ~ Ken Robinson,
1375:Education has to cultivate humility and discipline, but today it is yielding a harvest of pride and envy. ~ Sai Baba,
1376:Education is the basic tool for the development of consciousness and the reconstitution of society. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
1377:Education leads to enlightenment. Enlightenment opens the way to empathy. Empathy foreshadows reform. ~ Derrick Bell,
1378:Education which is not modern share the fate of all organic things which are kept too long. ~ Alfred North Whitehead,
1379:Education without social action is a one-sided value because it has no true power potential. ~ Martin Luther King Jr,
1380:Everything you think you think because somebody promoted the ideas. Education—nothing but promotion. ~ Kurt Vonnegut,
1381:Free education for all children in public schools... Combination of education with industrial production ~ Karl Marx,
1382:From the very beginning of his education, the child should experience the joy of discovery. ~ Alfred North Whitehead,
1383:If you want to know how to solve society's problems, you start out with better public education. ~ Michael Bloomberg,
1384:I have an education degree from the University of Minnesota, and I was a teacher for about a minute. ~ Loni Anderson,
1385:It is not beyond our power to create a world in which all children have access to a good education. ~ Nelson Mandela,
1386:I wasn’t a person to educate and then waste that education by letting such valuable knowledge fade. ~ Pepper Winters,
1387:Liberal education reminds those members of a mass democracy who have ears to hear, of human greatness. ~ Leo Strauss,
1388:My husband had an education. He had a degree in Literature. I married into a camp of literary types. ~ Joni Mitchell,
1389:My land, the power of training! Of influence! Of education! It can bring a body up to believe anything. ~ Mark Twain,
1390:Only education is capable of saving our societies from possible collapse, whether violent, or gradual. ~ Jean Piaget,
1391:Real education must ultimately be limited to men who insist on knowing. The rest is mere sheep herding. ~ Ezra Pound,
1392:Real education must ultimately be limited to men who insist on knowing, the rest is mere sheep-herding. ~ Ezra Pound,
1393:Sex education may be a good idea in the schools, but I don't believe the kids should be given homework. ~ Bill Cosby,
1394:The challenge of education is not to prepare a person for success, but to prepare him for failure. ~ James Stockdale,
1395:The chief wonder of education is that it does not ruin everybody concerned in it, teachers and taught. ~ Henry Adams,
1396:The essence of education is that it is a change effected in the organism to satisfy the operator. ~ Bertrand Russell,
1397:The only persons who seem to have nothing to do with the education of the children are the parents. ~ G K Chesterton,
1398:The things taught in schools and colleges are not an education, but the means to an education. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
1399:The true measure of your education is not what you know, but how you share what you know with others. ~ Kent Nerburn,
1400:The United States has, overall, the most effective system of higher education the world has ever known. ~ Clark Kerr,
1401:We believe, that is, you and I, that education is not an expense. We believe it is an investment. ~ Lyndon B Johnson,
1402:Why send a daughter to school?” the men often say. “She doesn’t need an education to run a house. ~ Malala Yousafzai,
1403:With my ministry of light, part of what I do is work on the California Alliance For Arts Education. ~ Sally Kirkland,
1404:Without education we are in a horrible and deadly danger of taking educated people seriously. ~ Gilbert K Chesterton,
1405:Access to quality education has enabled me to reach far beyond the Bangladeshi village I grew up in. ~ Muhammad Yunus,
1406:All of our schools need to bring 'learn from doing' into the mainstream education, not just afternoon. ~ Ray Kurzweil,
1407:Education is a vast sea of lies, waste, corruption, crackpot theorizing, and careerist log-rolling. ~ John Derbyshire,
1408:Education is everything - education is your power, education is your way in life for whatever you want to do. ~ Ciara,
1409:Education requires both a teacher
and a student. Many of us are too often reluctant to be a student. ~ Chad Fowler,
1410:Every man should have a college education in order to show him how little the thing is really worth. ~ Elbert Hubbard,
1411:I believe that it is higher education's purpose and calling to keep open the door to the American dream. ~ Gordon Gee,
1412:I grew up in the South, so a huge part of our American History education revolved around the Civil War. ~ Anson Mount,
1413:I had a Jesuit education, and I consider acting and the theater as kind of a calling - a vocation. ~ Michael Moriarty,
1414:It is a truism that education is no longer a luxury. Education in this day and age is a necessity. ~ Lyndon B Johnson,
1415:It is not suprising that the banking concept of education regards men as adaptable, manageable beings. ~ Paulo Freire,
1416:I would much rather be considered wise than smart. But, I still think it is wise to get an education. ~ Destiny Booze,
1417:Salsa, classic rock, soul music, jazz... all of that was a part of my education in making hip-hop music. ~ Aloe Blacc,
1418:So if a college education is indispensable, the challenge as I see it is how to make it more accessible. ~ Gordon Gee,
1419:The great thing, then, in all education, is to make our nervous system our ally instead of our enemy. ~ William James,
1420:The inner cities, education is almost worthless, it's horrible. We're going to have Common Core ended. ~ Donald Trump,
1421:The poor need the motivation, the incentives, the skills, the education so they can help themselves. ~ John M Perkins,
1422:The price of a college education should never include a 1 in 5 chance of being sexually assaulted. ~ Claire McCaskill,
1423:True education is the ability to discern the difference between what you do know and what you don't. ~ Anatole France,
1424:Von Köckritz’s entire higher education was free. She considers that perfectly normal—and in Europe, it is. ~ T R Reid,
1425:With technology, we can achieve universal access to secondary education within a generation. ~ Phumzile Mlambo Ngcuka,
1426:A first class system of early childhood education is the hallmark of a caring and civilized society. ~ Andy Hargreaves,
1427:But every error is due to extraneous factors (such as emotion and education); reason itself does not err. ~ Kurt Godel,
1428:Come then, and let us pass a leisure hour in storytelling, and our story shall be the education of our heroes. ~ Plato,
1429:Cutting our education budget, that's not a smart choice. That will not help America compete with China. ~ Barack Obama,
1430:Delaware State began as a school bent on service - teaching education, social services and nursing. ~ Michael N Castle,
1431:Education has in America's whole history been the major hope for improving the individual and society. ~ Gunnar Myrdal,
1432:Education, introspection, self-love and excellence are the only ways to overcome the wrath of ignorance ~ Romany Malco,
1433:Education is directly proportional to anxiety, as you've probably learned, having gone to Columbia. ~ Ottessa Moshfegh,
1434:Education leads to enlightenment. Enlightenment opens the way to empathy. Empathy foreshadows reform. ~ Derrick A Bell,
1435:Education reform has as its main purpose to make sure that the education delivered is of quality. ~ Enrique Pena Nieto,
1436:Higher education holds itself out as a kind of universal church, outside of which there is no salvation. ~ Peter Thiel,
1437:I found in direct selling companies an education system designed to draw out the rich person in you. ~ Robert Kiyosaki,
1438:I'll tell you what leadership is. It's persuasion and conciliation, and education, and patience. ~ Dwight D Eisenhower,
1439:I'm not a policy expert - I am only arguing that there is more to an education than an economic ticket. ~ Rebecca Mead,
1440:In special education, there's too much emphasis placed on the deficit and not enough on the strength. ~ Temple Grandin,
1441:I only got a seventh-grade education, but I have a doctorate in funk, and I like to put that to good use ~ James Brown,
1442:Mastery begins when formal education ends. Find the topic that sets your heart on fire. Then combust. ~ James Altucher,
1443:My education was the liberty I had to read indiscriminately and all the time, with my eyes hanging out. ~ Dylan Thomas,
1444:My grandmother wanted me to get a good education, so she kept me as far away from schools as possible. ~ Margaret Mead,
1445:Of course education becomes very very important and that's for our human resource development. ~ Abdullah Ahmad Badawi,
1446:Progress for black Americans depends on good schools because education is the last great equalizer. ~ Alphonso Jackson,
1447:Sufism is education, in that it has a body of knowledge which it transmits to those who have not got it. ~ Idries Shah,
1448:The best education you can get is investing in yourself, and that doesn't mean college or university. ~ Warren Buffett,
1449:Their conversation was a flow of erudite commentary, moist with the syrup of a superior education. She ~ Gail Carriger,
1450:The transformation in higher education is already here; the question is how learning institutions respond. ~ Anonymous,
1451:The true Church preaches REGENERATION; not reformation, not education, not legislation, but regeneration. ~ M R DeHaan,
1452:When a man doesn't know the meaning of the word 'fear', that might just be a deficiency in his education. ~ Mark Steyn,
1453:all, education is a grab for a better future, no matter how impossible the prospect may seem at the time. ~ Terry Hayes,
1454:Almost everyone today is brain-damaged by our education which is designed to produce docile automatons. ~ Timothy Leary,
1455:Asking Wall Street to provide financial education is the same as asking a fox to raise your chickens. ~ Robert Kiyosaki,
1456:During this period at the Department of Education, my working relationship with Judge Thomas was positive. ~ Anita Hill,
1457:Each man begins with his own world to conquer, and his education is the measure of his conquest. ~ Charles Evans Hughes,
1458:Each man is a good education to himself, provided he has the capacity to spy on himself from close up. ~ Sarah Bakewell,
1459:Education is discovering your full potential and flourishing that potential for the benefit of the humanity. ~ Amit Ray,
1460:Education is not a product: mark, diploma, job, money-in that order; it is a process, a never-ending one. ~ Bel Kaufman,
1461:Education isn't a problem until it serves as a buffer rom the world and a refuge from the risk of failure. ~ Seth Godin,
1462:Education no longer stops on graduation day. We must demand excellence at every level of education. ~ William J Clinton,
1463:Education should turn out the pupil with something he knows well and something he can do well. ~ Alfred North Whitehead,
1464:Good education is not regeneration. Education may chain up men's lusts, but cannot change their hearts. ~ Thomas Boston,
1465:Government will not fail to employ education, to strengthen its hands and perpetuate its institutions. ~ William Godwin,
1466:His business is to suggest and not to impose. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Early Cultural Writings, A System of National Education,
1467:I believe...that education is not only the most important societal problem but the most interesting. ~ Katharine Graham,
1468:If you ask: What is the good of education? The answer is easy: Education makes good men and good men act nobly. ~ Plato,
1469:I'm not dismissing the value of higher education; I'm simply saying it comes at the expense of experience. ~ Steve Jobs,
1470:I think people don't talk enough about education and what we need to do in our public education system. ~ Michelle Rhee,
1471:It should begin much earlier with arts education in the American school system, which is sadly deficient. ~ Frank Gehry,
1472:It would be nice if education was free to everyone who wanted it, but that's not the world we live in. ~ Glenda Jackson,
1473:Let us in education dream of an aristocracy of achievement arising out of a democracy of opportunity ~ Thomas Jefferson,
1474:Mistakes and failures are precisely your means of education. They tell you about your own inadequacies. ~ Robert Greene,
1475:Poorer students take out larger loans and will have to contribute more to the cost of higher education. ~ Anne Campbell,
1476:The advancement of knowledge must be translated into increasing health and education for the children. ~ Herbert Hoover,
1477:The best sex education for kids is when Daddy pats Mommy on the fanny when he comes home from work. ~ William H Masters,
1478:The focus of education should not be on suppressive information but on kindling the thirst for knowing. ~ Jaggi Vasudev,
1479:The goal of early childhood education should be to activate the child's own natural desire to learn. ~ Maria Montessori,
1480:The goal of formal education has always been to produce people who could continue to learn on their own. ~ Ronald Gross,
1481:The point of a true education is to, by the grace of God, learn how to refuse to let the soul get old. ~ Douglas Wilson,
1482:The point of my work is to show that culture and education aren't simply hobbies or minor influences. ~ Pierre Bourdieu,
1483:The purpose of education is to make the choices clear to people, not to make the choices for people. ~ Peter McWilliams,
1484:There are few subjects that match the social significance of women's education in the contemporary world. ~ Amartya Sen,
1485:Theres my education in computers, right there; this is the whole thing, everything I took out of a book. ~ Howard Aiken,
1486:We need to help refugees and immigrants early with job training, education, language, and business loans. ~ Mary Pipher,
1487:Yiddish became the Jews’ tongue via the Jewish mother, who, not being male, was denied a Hebrew education. ~ Leo Rosten,
1488:acquiring more education and skills will not necessarily offer effective protection against job automation ~ Martin Ford,
1489:Although I was raised Jewish, my upbringing didn't include any formal religious education or training. ~ Melissa Gilbert,
1490:Any time we are answer-driven rather than idea driven, we have lost the true meaning of education. ~ Neil deGrasse Tyson,
1491:Ask, could my gifts, education, career, or experience be used to spread the gospel where it’s needed most? ~ David Platt,
1492:A team is a group of people who may not be equal in experience, talent, or education but in commitment. ~ John C Maxwell,
1493:Decisions. Where, what, why. Can't handle them. So I'm prolonging the indecision with higher education. ~ Kamila Shamsie,
1494:Education gives sobriety to the young, comfort to the old, riches to the poor and is an ornament to the rich. ~ Diogenes,
1495:Education is extremely important to the Hispanic community, as well as faith, and certainly working hard. ~ Luis Fortuno,
1496:Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence. ~ Robert Frost,
1497:Every man of any education would rather be called a rascal, than accused of deficiency in the graces. ~ Lyndon B Johnson,
1498:Everything still revolves around memorization and repetition, the old cornerstones of Chinese education. ~ Peter Hessler,
1499:How is it that little children are so intelligent and men so stupid? It must be education that does it ~ Alexandre Dumas,
1500:I believe the American people are entitled to some straight talk when it comes to higher education funding. ~ Ric Keller,

IN CHAPTERS [300/907]

  410 Poetry
  270 Integral Yoga
  115 Philsophy
   34 Philosophy
   30 Occultism
   29 Education
   27 Christianity
   21 Yoga
   16 Psychology
   13 Fiction
   5 Science
   3 Integral Theory
   2 Theosophy
   2 Cybernetics
   1 Sufism
   1 Mysticism
   1 Hinduism
   1 Buddhism
   1 Baha i Faith
   1 Alchemy

  180 The Mother
  163 John Keats
  117 Li Bai
  115 Ralph Waldo Emerson
   78 Satprem
   67 Nolini Kanta Gupta
   53 Sri Aurobindo
   19 Aleister Crowley
   16 Sri Ramakrishna
   14 Carl Jung
   12 Rudolf Steiner
   12 H P Lovecraft
   11 A B Purani
   10 Plato
   9 Saint Augustine of Hippo
   8 Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
   7 Plotinus
   7 Friedrich Nietzsche
   7 Aldous Huxley
   6 William Wordsworth
   5 Swami Krishnananda
   4 Jordan Peterson
   3 Saint John of Climacus
   3 R Buckminster Fuller
   3 Nirodbaran
   3 Henry David Thoreau
   2 Walt Whitman
   2 Sri Ramana Maharshi
   2 Norbert Wiener
   2 Jorge Luis Borges
   2 George Van Vrekhem

  163 Keats - Poems
  117 Li Bai - Poems
  115 Emerson - Poems
   26 On Education
   18 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04
   17 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 07
   16 Questions And Answers 1950-1951
   15 The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
   14 The Human Cycle
   14 Magick Without Tears
   13 Questions And Answers 1957-1958
   13 Questions And Answers 1953
   12 Lovecraft - Poems
   11 Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo
   11 Agenda Vol 10
   11 Agenda Vol 09
   10 Agenda Vol 01
   9 The Synthesis Of Yoga
   9 Questions And Answers 1955
   9 Questions And Answers 1954
   8 Some Answers From The Mother
   8 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03
   8 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02
   8 City of God
   7 The Perennial Philosophy
   7 Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness
   7 Questions And Answers 1956
   7 Agenda Vol 08
   6 Wordsworth - Poems
   6 The Practice of Psycho therapy
   6 The Life Divine
   6 Agenda Vol 02
   5 The Study and Practice of Yoga
   5 The Future of Man
   5 The Essentials of Education
   5 Questions And Answers 1929-1931
   5 On Thoughts And Aphorisms
   5 Liber ABA
   5 Knowledge of the Higher Worlds
   5 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01
   5 Agenda Vol 05
   4 Words Of Long Ago
   4 Twilight of the Idols
   4 The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious
   4 Maps of Meaning
   4 Letters On Yoga IV
   4 Essays In Philosophy And Yoga
   4 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 08
   4 Agenda Vol 06
   4 Agenda Vol 03
   3 Walden
   3 Twelve Years With Sri Aurobindo
   3 Thus Spoke Zarathustra
   3 The Secret Doctrine
   3 The Phenomenon of Man
   3 The Ladder of Divine Ascent
   3 The Bible
   3 Talks
   3 Synergetics - Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking
   3 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 02
   3 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 05
   3 Agenda Vol 11
   3 Agenda Vol 07
   3 Agenda Vol 04
   2 Whitman - Poems
   2 Theosophy
   2 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
   2 Symposium
   2 Preparing for the Miraculous
   2 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 03
   2 Mysterium Coniunctionis
   2 Letters On Yoga II
   2 Letters On Yoga I
   2 Isha Upanishad
   2 Cybernetics
   2 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 06
   2 Borges - Poems
   2 Aion
   2 Agenda Vol 12

00.00 - Publishers Note, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   We are happy to note that the Government of India have given to our Centre of Education a grant to meet the cost of publication of this volume.
   The Mother has graciously permitted the use of her sketch of the author as a frontispiece to the book.

00.02 - Mystic Symbolism, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Thus there is a great diversity of symbols. At the one end is the mere metaphor or simile or allegory ('figure', as we have called it) and at the other end is the symbol identical with the thing symbolized. And upon this inner character of the symbol depends also to a large extent its range and scope. There are symbols which are universal and intimately ingrained in the human consciousness itself. Mankind has used them in all ages and climes almost in the same sense and significance. There are others that are limited to peoples and ages. They are made out of forms that are of local and temporal interest and importance. Their significances vary according to time and place. Finally, there are symbols which are true of the individual consciousness only; they depend on personal peculiarities and idiosyncrasies, on one's environment and upbringing and Education.
   Man being an embodied soul, his external consciousness (what the Upanishad calls jgrat) is the milieu in which his soul-experiences naturally manifest and find their play. It is the forms and movements of that consciousness which clo the and give a concrete habitation and name to perceptions on the subtler ranges of the inner existence. If the experiences on these planes are to be presented to the conscious memory and to the brain-mind and made communicable to others through speech, this is the inevitable and natural process. Symbols are a translation in mental and sensual (and vocal) terms of experiences that are beyond the mind and the sense and the speech and yet throw a kind of echoing vibrations upon these lesser levels.

000 - Humans in Universe, #Synergetics - Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking, #R Buckminster Fuller, #Science
  150 national preserves-the people have become Educationally divided into
  "specialists" for exploitation by the supranational powers who divide to conquer

0.00 - INTRODUCTION, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
   At the age of sixteen Gadadhar was summoned to Calcutta by his elder brother Ramkumar, who wished assistance in his priestly duties. Ramkumar had opened a Sanskrit academy to supplement his income, and it was his intention gradually to turn his younger brother's mind to Education. Gadadhar applied himself heart and soul to his new duty as family priest to a number of Calcutta families. His worship was very different from that of the professional priests. He spent hours decorating the images and singing hymns and devotional songs; he performed with love the other duties of his office. People were impressed with his ardour. But to his studies he paid scant attention.
   Ramkumar did not at first oppose the ways of his temperamental brother. He wanted Gadadhar to become used to the conditions of city life. But one day he decided to warn the boy about his indifference to the world. After all, in the near future Gadadhar must, as a householder, earn his livelihood through the performance of his brahminical duties; and these required a thorough knowledge of Hindu law, astrology, and kindred subjects. He gently admonished Gadadhar and asked him to pay more attention to his studies. But the boy replied spiritedly: "Brother, what shall I do with a mere bread-winning Education? I would rather acquire that wisdom which will illumine my heart and give me satisfaction for ever."
   --- BREAD-WINNING Education
   The anguish of the inner soul of India found expression through these passionate words of the young Gadadhar. For what did his unsophisticated eyes see around him in Calcutta, at that time the metropolis of India and the centre of modem culture and learning? Greed and lust held sway in the higher levels of society, and the occasional religious practices were merely outer forms from which the soul had long ago departed. Gadadhar had never seen anything like this at Kamarpukur among the simple and pious villagers. The sadhus and wandering monks whom he had served in his boyhood had revealed to him an altogether different India. He had been impressed by their devotion and purity, their self-control and renunciation. He had learnt from them and from his own intuition that the ideal of life as taught by the ancient sages of India was the realization of God.
   When Ramkumar reprimanded Gadadhar for neglecting a "bread-winning Education", the inner voice of the boy reminded him that the legacy of his ancestors — the legacy of Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Sankara, Ramanuja, Chaitanya — was not worldly security but the Knowledge of God. And these noble sages were the true representatives of Hindu society. Each of them was seated, as it were, on the crest of the wave that followed each successive trough in the tumultuous course of Indian national life. All demonstrated that the life current of India is spirituality. This truth was revealed to Gadadhar through that inner vision which scans past and future in one sweep, unobstructed by the barriers of time and space. But he was unaware of the history of the profound change that had taken place in the land of his birth during the previous one hundred years.
   Hindu society during the eighteenth century had been passing through a period of decadence. It was the twilight of the Mussalman rule. There were anarchy and confusion in all spheres. Superstitious practices dominated the religious life of the people. Rites and rituals passed for the essence of spirituality. Greedy priests became the custodians of heaven. True philosophy was supplanted by dogmatic opinions. The pundits took delight in vain polemics.
   In 1757 English traders laid the foundation of British rule in India. Gradually the Government was systematized and lawlessness suppressed. The Hindus were much impressed by the military power and political acumen of the new rulers. In the wake of the merchants came the English educators, and social reformers, and Christian missionaries — all bearing a culture completely alien to the Hindu mind. In different parts of the country Educational institutions were set up and Christian churches established. Hindu young men were offered the heady wine of the Western culture of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, and they drank it to the very dregs.
   The first effect of the draught on the educated Hindus was a complete effacement from their minds of the time-honoured beliefs and traditions of Hindu society. They came to believe that there was no transcendental Truth; The world perceived by the senses was all that existed. God and religion were illusions of the untutored mind. True knowledge could be derived only from the analysis of nature. So atheism and agnosticism became the fashion of the day. The youth of India, taught in English schools, took malicious delight in openly breaking the customs and traditions of their society. They would do away with the caste-system and remove the discriminatory laws about food. Social reform, the spread of secular Education, widow remarriage, abolition of early marriage — they considered these the panacea for the degenerate condition of Hindu society.
   The Christian missionaries gave the finishing touch to the process of transformation. They ridiculed as relics of a barbarous age the images and rituals of the Hindu religion. They tried to persuade India that the teachings of her saints and seers were the cause of her downfall, that her Vedas, Puranas, and other scriptures were filled with superstition. Christianity, they maintained, had given the white races position and power in this world and assurance of happiness in the next; therefore Christianity was the best of all religions. Many intelligent young Hindus became converted. The man in the street was confused. The majority of the educated grew materialistic in their mental outlook. Everyone living near Calcutta or the other strong-holds of Western culture, even those who attempted to cling to the orthodox traditions of Hindu society, became infected by the new uncertainties and the new beliefs.
   But the soul of India was to be resuscitated through a spiritual awakening. We hear the first call of this renascence in the spirited retort of the young Gadadhar: "Brother, what shall I do with a mere bread-winning Education?"
   Ramkumar could hardly understand the import of his young brother's reply. He described in bright colours the happy and easy life of scholars in Calcutta society. But Gadadhar intuitively felt that the scholars, to use one of his own vivid illustrations, were like so many vultures, soaring high on the wings of their uninspired intellect, with their eyes fixed on the charnel-pit of greed and lust. So he stood firm and Ramkumar had to give way.
   In 1878 a schism divided Keshab's Samaj. Some of his influential followers accused him of infringing the Brahmo principles by marrying his daughter to a wealthy man before she had attained the marriageable age approved by the Samaj. This group seceded and established the Sadharan Brahmo Samaj, Keshab remaining the leader of the Navavidhan. Keshab now began to be drawn more and more toward the Christ ideal, though under the influence of Sri Ramakrishna his devotion to the Divine Mother also deepened. His mental oscillation between Christ and the Divine Mother of Hinduism found no position of rest. In Bengal and some other parts of India the Brahmo movement took the form of unitarian Christianity, scoffed at Hindu rituals, and preached a crusade against image worship. Influenced by Western culture, it declared the supremacy of reason, advocated the ideals of the French Revolution, abolished the caste-system among its own members, stood for the emancipation of women, agitated for the abolition of early marriage, sanctioned the remarriage of widows, and encouraged various Educational and social-reform movements. The immediate effect of the Brahmo movement in Bengal was the checking of the proselytizing activities of the Christian missionaries. It also raised Indian culture in the estimation of its English masters. But it was an intellectual and eclectic religious ferment born of the necessity of the time. Unlike Hinduism, it was not founded on the deep inner experiences of sages and prophets. Its influence was confined to a comparatively few educated men and women of the country, and the vast masses of the Hindus remained outside it. It sounded monotonously only one of the notes in the rich gamut of the Eternal Religion of the Hindus.
   The other movement playing an important part in the nineteenth-century religious revival of India was the Arya Samaj. The Brahmo Samaj, essentially a movement of compromise with European culture, tacitly admitted the superiority of the West. But the founder of the Arya Samaj was a ' pugnacious Hindu sannyasi who accepted the challenge of Islam and Christianity and was resolved to combat all foreign influence in India. Swami Dayananda (1824-1883) launched this movement in Bombay in 1875, and soon its influence was felt throughout western India. The Swami was a great scholar of the Vedas, which he explained as being strictly monotheistic. He preached against the worship of images and re-established the ancient Vedic sacrificial rites. According to him the Vedas were the ultimate authority on religion, and he accepted every word of them as literally true. The Arya Samaj became a bulwark against the encroachments of Islam and Christianity, and its orthodox flavour appealed to many Hindu minds. It also assumed leadership in many movements of social reform. The caste-system became a target of its attack. Women it liberated from many of their social disabilities. The cause of Education received from it a great impetus. It started agitation against early marriage and advocated the remarriage of Hindu widows. Its influence was strongest in the Punjab, the battle-ground of the Hindu and Islamic cultures. A new fighting attitude was introduced into the slumbering Hindu society. Unlike the Brahmo Samaj, the influence of the Arya Samaj was not confined to the intellectuals. It was a force that spread to the masses. It was a dogmatic movement intolerant of those who disagreed with its views, and it emphasized only one way, the Arya Samaj way, to the realization of Truth. Sri Ramakrishna met Swami Dayananda when the latter visited Bengal.
   Sri Ramakrishna, dressed in a red-bordered dhoti, one end of which was carelessly thrown over his left shoulder, came to Jaygopal's garden house accompanied by Hriday. No one took notice of the unostentatious visitor. Finally the Master said to Keshab, "People tell me you have seen God; so I have come to hear from you about God." A magnificent conversation followed. The Master sang a thrilling song about Kali and forthwith went into samadhi. When Hriday uttered the sacred "Om" in his ears, he gradually came back to consciousness of the world, his face still radiating a divine brilliance. Keshab and his followers were amazed. The contrast between Sri Ramakrishna and the Brahmo devotees was very interesting. There sat this small man, thin and extremely delicate. His eyes were illumined with an inner light. Good humour gleamed in his eyes and lurked in the corners of his mouth. His speech was Bengali of a homely kind with a slight, delightful stammer, and his words held men enthralled by their wealth of spiritual experience, their inexhaustible store of simile and metaphor, their power of observation, their bright and subtle humour, their wonderful catholicity, their ceaseless flow of wisdom. And around him now were the sophisticated men of Bengal, the best products of Western Education, with Keshab, the idol of young Bengal, as their leader.
   Keshab's sincerity was enough for Sri Ramakrishna. Henceforth the two saw each other frequently, either at Dakshineswar or at the temple of the Brahmo Samaj. Whenever the Master was in the temple at the time of divine service, Keshab would request him to speak to the congregation. And Keshab would visit the saint, in his turn, with offerings of flowers and fruits.
   Shivanath vehemently criticized the Master for his other-worldly attitude toward his wife. He writes: "Ramakrishna was practically separated from his wife, who lived in her village home. One day when I was complaining to some friends about the virtual widowhood of his wife, he drew me to one side and whispered in my ear: 'Why do you complain? It is no longer possible; it is all dead and gone.' Another day as I was inveighing against this part of his teaching, and also declaring that our program of work in the Brahmo Samaj includes women, that ours is a social and domestic religion, and that we want to give Education and social liberty to women, the saint became very much excited, as was his way when anything against his settled conviction was asserted — a trait we so much liked in him — and exclaimed, 'Go, thou fool, go and perish in the pit that your women will dig for you.' Then he glared at me and said: 'What does a gardener do with a young plant? Does he not surround it with a fence, to protect it from goats and cattle? And when the young plant has grown up into a tree and it can no longer be injured by cattle, does he not remove the fence and let the tree grow freely?' I replied, 'Yes, that is the custom with gardeners.' Then he remarked, 'Do the same in your spiritual life; become strong, be full-grown; then you may seek them.' To which I replied, 'I don't agree with you in thinking that women's work is like that of cattle, destructive; they are our associates and helpers in our spiritual struggles and social progress' — a view with which he could not agree, and he marked his dissent by shaking his head. Then referring to the lateness of the hour he jocularly remarked, 'It is time for you to depart; take care, do not be late; otherwise your woman will not admit you into her room.' This evoked hearty laughter."
   Pratap Chandra Mazumdar, the right-hand man of Keshab and an accomplished Brahmo preacher in Europe and America, bitterly criticized Sri Ramakrishna's use of uncultured language and also his austere attitude toward his wife. But he could not escape the spell of the Master's personality. In the course of an article about Sri Ramakrishna, Pratap wrote in the "Theistic Quarterly Review": "What is there in common between him and me? I, a Europeanized, civilized, self-centred, semi-sceptical, so-called educated reasoner, and he, a poor, illiterate, unpolished, half-idolatrous, friendless Hindu devotee? Why should I sit long hours to attend to him, I, who have listened to Disraeli and Fawcett, Stanley and Max Muller, and a whole host of European scholars and divines? . . . And it is not I only, but dozens like me, who do the same. . . . He worships Siva, he worships Kali, he worships Rama, he worships Krishna, and is a confirmed advocate of Vedantic doctrines. . . . He is an idolater, yet is a faithful and most devoted meditator on the perfections of the One Formless, Absolute, Infinite Deity. . . . His religion is ecstasy, his worship means transcendental insight, his whole nature burns day and night with a permanent fire and fever of a strange faith and feeling. . . . So long as he is spared to us, gladly shall we sit at his feet to learn from him the sublime precepts of purity, unworldliness, spirituality, and inebriation in the love of God. . . . He, by his childlike bhakti, by his strong conceptions of an ever-ready Motherhood, helped to unfold it [God as our Mother] in our minds wonderfully. . . . By associating with him we learnt to realize better the divine attributes as scattered over the three hundred and thirty millions of deities of mythological India, the gods of the Puranas."
   This contact with the educated and progressive Bengalis opened Sri Ramakrishna's eyes to a new realm of thought. Born and brought up in a simple village, without any formal Education, and taught by the orthodox holy men of India in religious life, he had had no opportunity to study the influence of modernism on the thoughts and lives of the Hindus. He could not properly estimate the result of the impact of Western Education on Indian culture. He was a Hindu of the Hindus, renunciation being to him the only means to the realization of God in life. From the Brahmos he learnt that the new generation of India made a compromise between God and the world. Educated young men were influenced more by the Western philosophers than by their own prophets. But Sri Ramakrishna was not dismayed, for he saw in this, too, the hand of God. And though he expounded to the Brahmos all his ideas about God and austere religious disciplines, yet he bade them accept from his teachings only as much as suited their tastes and temperaments.
   ^The term "woman and gold", which has been used throughout in a collective sense, occurs again and again in the teachings of Sri Ramakrishna to designate the chief impediments to spiritual progress. This favourite expression of the Master, "kaminikanchan", has often been misconstrued. By it he meant only "lust and greed", the baneful influence of which retards the aspirant's spiritual growth. He used the word "kamini", or "woman", as a concrete term for the sex instinct when addressing his man devotees. He advised women, on the other hand, to shun "man". "Kanchan", or "gold", symbolizes greed, which is the other obstacle to spiritual life.
   Suresh Mitra, a beloved disciple whom the Master often addressed as Surendra, had received an English Education and held an important post in an English firm. Like many other educated young men of the time, he prided himself on his atheism and led a Bohemian life. He was addicted to drinking. He cherished an exaggerated notion about man's free will. A victim of mental depression, he was brought to Sri Ramakrishna by Ramchandra chandra Dutta. When he heard the Master asking a disciple to practise the virtue of self-surrender to God, he was impressed. But though he tried thenceforth to do so, he was unable to give up his old associates and his drinking. One day the Master said in his presence, "Well, when a man goes to an undesirable place, why doesn't he take the Divine Mother with him?" And to Surendra himself Sri Ramakrishna said: "Why should you drink wine as wine? Offer it to Kali, and then take it as Her prasad, as consecrated drink
  . But see that you don't become intoxicated; you must not reel and your thoughts must not wander. At first you will feel ordinary excitement, but soon you will experience spiritual exaltation." Gradually Surendra's entire life was changed. The Master designated him as one of those commissioned by the Divine Mother to defray a great part of his expenses. Surendra's purse was always open for the Master's comfort.
   The Europeanized Kristodas Pal did not approve of the Master's emphasis on renunciation and said; "Sir, this cant of renunciation has almost ruined the country. It is for this reason that the Indians are a subject nation today. Doing good to others, bringing Education to the door of the ignorant, and above all, improving the material conditions of the country — these should be our duty now. The cry of religion and renunciation would, on the contrary, only weaken us. You should advise the young men of Bengal to resort only to such acts as will uplift the country." Sri Ramakrishna gave him a searching look and found no divine light within, "You man of poor understanding!" Sri Ramakrishna said sharply. "You dare to slight in these terms renunciation and piety, which our scriptures describe as the greatest of all virtues! After reading two pages of English you think you have come to know the world! You appear to think you are omniscient. Well, have you seen those tiny crabs that are born in the Ganges just when the rains set in? In this big universe you are even less significant than one of those small creatures. How dare you talk of helping the world? The Lord will look to that. You haven't the power in you to do it." After a pause the Master continued: "Can you explain to me how you can work for others? I know what you mean by helping them. To feed a number of persons, to treat them when they are sick, to construct a road or dig a well — isn't that all? These, are good deeds, no doubt, but how trifling in comparison with the vastness of the universe! How far can a man advance in this line? How many people can you save from famine? Malaria has ruined a whole province; what could you do to stop its onslaught? God alone looks after the world. Let a man first realize Him. Let a man get the authority from God and be endowed with His power; then, and then alone, may he think of doing good to others. A man should first be purged of all egotism. Then alone will the Blissful Mother ask him to work for the world." Sri Ramakrishna mistrusted philanthropy that presumed to pose as charity. He warned people against it. He saw in most acts of philanthropy nothing but egotism, vanity, a desire for glory, a barren excitement to kill the boredom of life, or an attempt to soothe a guilty conscience. True charity, he taught, is the result of love of God — service to man in a spirit of worship.
   The first of these young men to come to the Master was Latu. Born of obscure parents, in Behar, he came to Calcutta in search of work and was engaged by Ramchandra Dutta as house-boy. Learning of the saintly Sri Ramakrishna, he visited the Master at Dakshineswar and was deeply touched by his cordiality. When he was about to leave, the Master asked him to take some money and return home in a boat or carriage. But Latu declared he had a few pennies and jingled the coins in his pocket. Sri Ramakrishna later requested Ram to allow Latu to stay with him permanently. Under Sri Ramakrishna's guidance Latu made great progress in meditation and was blessed with ecstatic visions, but all the efforts of the Master to give him a smattering of Education failed. Latu was very fond of kirtan and other devotional songs but remained all his life illiterate.
   --- RAKHAL

0.00 - THE GOSPEL PREFACE, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
  "M", as the author modestly styles himself, was peculiarly qualified for his task. To a reverent love for his master, to a deep and experiential knowledge of that master's teaching, he added a prodigious memory for the small happenings of each day and a happy gift for recording them in an interesting and realistic way. Making good use of his natural gifts and of the circumstances in which he found himself, "M" produced a book unique, so far as my knowledge goes, in the literature of hagiography. No other saint has had so able and indefatigable a Boswell. Never have the small events of a contemplative's daily life been described with such a wealth of intimate detail. Never have the casual and unstudied utterances of a great religious teacher been set down with so minute a fidelity. To Western readers, it is true, this fidelity and this wealth of detail are sometimes a trifle disconcerting; for the social, religious and intellectual frames of reference within which Sri Ramakrishna did his thinking and expressed his feelings were entirely Indian. But after the first few surprises and bewilderments, we begin to find something peculiarly stimulating and instructive about the very strangeness and, to our eyes, the eccentricity of the man revealed to us in "M's" narrative. What a scholastic philosopher would call the "accidents" of Ramakrishna's life were intensely Hindu and therefore, so far as we in the West are concerned, unfamiliar and hard to understand; its "essence", however, was intensely mystical and therefore universal. To read through these conversations in which mystical doctrine alternates with an unfamiliar kind of humour, and where discussions of the oddest aspects of Hindu mythology give place to the most profound and subtle utterances about the nature of Ultimate Reality, is in itself a liberal, Education in humility, tolerance and suspense of judgment. We must be grateful to the translator for his excellent version of a book so curious and delightful as a biographical document, so precious, at the same time, for what it teaches us of the life of the spirit.
  He was an Educationist all his life both in a spiritual and in a secular sense. After he passed out of College, he took up work as headmaster in a number of schools in succession Narail High School, City School, Ripon College School, Metropolitan School, Aryan School, Oriental School, Oriental Seminary and Model School. The causes of his migration from school to school were that he could not get on with some of the managements on grounds of principles and that often his spiritual mood drew him away to places of pilgrimage for long periods. He worked with some of the most noted public men of the time like Iswar Chandra Vidysgar and Surendranath Banerjee. The latter appointed him as a professor in the City and Ripon Colleges where he taught subjects like English, philosophy, history and economics. In his later days he took over the Morton School, and he spent his time in the staircase room of the third floor of it, administering the school and preaching the message of the Master. He was much respected in Educational circles where he was usually referred to as Rector Mahashay. A teacher who had worked under him writes thus in warm appreciation of his teaching methods: "Only when I worked with him in school could I appreciate what a great Educationist he was. He would come down to the level of his students when teaching, though he himself was so learned, so talented. Ordinarily teachers confine their instruction to what is given in books without much thought as to whether the student can accept it or not. But M., would first of all gauge how much the student could take in and by what means. He would employ aids to teaching like maps, pictures and diagrams, so that his students could learn by seeing. Thirty years ago (from 1953) when the question of imparting Education through the medium of the mother tongue was being discussed, M. had already employed Bengali as the medium of instruction in the Morton School." (M The Apostle and the Evangelist by Swami Nityatmananda Part I. P. 15.)
  Imparting secular Education was, however, only his profession ; his main concern was with the spiritual regeneration of man a calling for which Destiny seems to have chosen him. From his childhood he was deeply pious, and he used to be moved very much by Sdhus, temples and Durga Puja celebrations. The piety and eloquence of the great Brahmo leader of the times, Keshab Chander Sen, elicited a powerful response from the impressionable mind of Mahendra Nath, as it did in the case of many an idealistic young man of Calcutta, and prepared him to receive the great Light that was to dawn on him with the coming of Sri Ramakrishna into his life.
  This epoch-making event of his life came about in a very strange way. M. belonged to a joint family with several collateral members. Some ten years after he began his career as an Educationist, bitter quarrels broke out among the members of the family, driving the sensitive M. to despair and utter despondency. He lost all interest in life and left home one night to go into the wide world with the idea of ending his life. At dead of night he took rest in his sister's house at Baranagar, and in the morning, accompanied by a nephew Siddheswar, he wandered from one garden to another in Calcutta until Siddheswar brought him to the Temple Garden of Dakshineswar where Sri Ramakrishna was then living. After spending some time in the beautiful rose gardens there, he was directed to the room of the Paramahamsa, where the eventful meeting of the Master and the disciple took place on a blessed evening (the exact date is not on record) on a Sunday in March 1882. As regards what took place on the occasion, the reader is referred to the opening section of the first chapter of the Gospel.
  The Master, who divined the mood of desperation in M, his resolve to take leave of this 'play-field of deception', put new faith and hope into him by his gracious words of assurance: "God forbid! Why should you take leave of this world? Do you not feel blessed by discovering your Guru? By His grace, what is beyond all imagination or dreams can be easily achieved!" At these words the clouds of despair moved away from the horizon of M.'s mind, and the sunshine of a new hope revealed to him fresh vistas of meaning in life. Referring to this phase of his life, M. used to say, "Behold! where is the resolve to end life, and where, the discovery of God! That is, sorrow should be looked upon as a friend of man. God is all good." ( Ibid P.33.)
  After this re-settlement, M's life revolved around the Master, though he continued his professional work as an Educationist. During all holidays, including Sundays, he spent his time at Dakshineswar in the Master's company, and at times extended his stay to several days.
  It did not take much time for M. to become very intimate with the Master, or for the Master to recognise in this disciple a divinely commissioned partner in the fulfilment of his spiritual mission. When M. was reading out the Chaitanya Bhagavata, the Master discovered that he had been, in a previous birth, a disciple and companion of the great Vaishnava Teacher, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, and the Master even saw him 'with his naked eye' participating in the ecstatic mass-singing of the Lord's name under the leadership of that Divine personality. So the Master told M, "You are my own, of the same substance as the father and the son," indicating thereby that M. was one of the chosen few and a part and parcel of his Divine mission.
  Sri Ramakrishna was a teacher for both the Orders of mankind, Sannysins and householders. His own life offered an ideal example for both, and he left behind disciples who followed the highest traditions he had set in respect of both these ways of life. M., along with Nag Mahashay, exemplified how a householder can rise to the highest level of sagehood. M. was married to Nikunja Devi, a distant relative of Keshab Chander Sen, even when he was reading at College, and he had four children, two sons and two daughters. The responsibility of the family, no doubt, made him dependent on his professional income, but the great devotee that he was, he never compromised with ideals and principles for this reason. Once when he was working as the headmaster in a school managed by the great Vidysgar, the results of the school at the public examination happened to be rather poor, and Vidysgar attri buted it to M's preoccupation with the Master and his consequent failure to attend adequately to the school work. M. at once resigned his post without any thought of the morrow. Within a fortnight the family was in poverty, and M. was one day pacing up and down the verandah of his house, musing how he would feed his children the next day. Just then a man came with a letter addressed to 'Mahendra Babu', and on opening it, M. found that it was a letter from his friend Sri Surendra Nath Banerjee, asking whether he would like to take up a professorship in the Ripon College. In this way three or four times he gave up the job that gave him the wherewithal to support the family, either for upholding principles or for practising spiritual Sadhanas in holy places, without any consideration of the possible dire worldly consequences; but he was always able to get over these difficulties somehow, and the interests of his family never suffered. In spite of his disregard for worldly goods, he was, towards the latter part of his life, in a fairly flourishing condition as the proprietor of the Morton School which he developed into a noted Educational institution in the city. The Lord has said in the Bhagavad Git that in the case of those who think of nothing except Him, He Himself would take up all their material and spiritual responsibilities. M. was an example of the truth of the Lord's promise.
  Though his children received proper attention from him, his real family, both during the Master's lifetime and after, consisted of saints, devotees, Sannysins and spiritual aspirants. His life exemplifies the Master's teaching that an ideal householder must be like a good maidservant of a family, loving and caring properly for the children of the house, but knowing always that her real home and children are elsewhere. During the Master's lifetime he spent all his Sundays and other holidays with him and his devotees, and besides listening to the holy talks and devotional music, practised meditation both on the Personal and the Impersonal aspects of God under the direct guidance of the Master. In the pages of the Gospel the reader gets a picture of M.'s spiritual relationship with the Master how from a hazy belief in the Impersonal God of the Brahmos, he was step by step brought to accept both Personality and Impersonality as the two aspects of the same Non-dual Being, how he was convinced of the manifestation of that Being as Gods, Goddesses and as Incarnations, and how he was established in a life that was both of a Jnni and of a Bhakta. This Jnni-Bhakta outlook and way of living became so dominant a feature of his life that Swami Raghavananda, who was very closely associated with him during his last six years, remarks: "Among those who lived with M. in latter days, some felt that he always lived in this constant and conscious union with God even with open eyes (i.e., even in waking consciousness)." (Swami Raghavananda's article on M. in Prabuddha Bharata vol. XXXVII. P. 442.)
  In 1905 he retired from the active life of a Professor and devoted his remaining twenty-seven years exclusively to the preaching of the life and message of the Great Master. He bought the Morton Institution from its original proprietors and shifted it to a commodious four-storeyed house at 50 Amherst Street, where it flourished under his management as one of the most efficient Educational institutions in Calcutta. He generally occupied a staircase room at the top of it, cooking his own meal which consisted only of milk and rice without variation, and attended to all his personal needs himself. His dress also was the simplest possible. It was his conviction that limitation of personal wants to the minimum is an important aid to holy living. About one hour in the morning he would spend in inspecting the classes of the school, and then retire to his staircase room to pour over his diary and live in the divine atmosphere of the earthly days of the Great Master, unless devotees and admirers had already gathered in his room seeking his holy company.
  In appearance, M. looked a Vedic Rishi. Tall and stately in bearing, he had a strong and well-built body, an unusually broad chest, high forehead and arms extending to the knees. His complexion was fair and his prominent eyes were always tinged with the expression of the divine love that filled his heart. Adorned with a silvery beard that flowed luxuriantly down his chest, and a shining face radiating the serenity and gravity of holiness, M. was as imposing and majestic as he was handsome and engaging in appearance. Humorous, sweet-tongued and eloquent when situations required, this great Maharishi of our age lived only to sing the glory of Sri Ramakrishna day and night.
  Though a much-sought-after spiritual guide, an Educationist of repute, and a contemporary and close associate of illustrious personages like Sri Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda, Keshab Chander Sen and Iswar Chander Vidysgar, he was always moved by the noble humanity of a lover of God, which consists in respecting the personalities of all as receptacles of the Divine Spirit. So he taught without the consciousness of a teacher, and no bar of superiority stood in the way of his doing the humblest service to his students and devotees. "He was a commission of love," writes his close devotee, Swami Raghavananda, "and yet his soft and sweet words would pierce the stoniest heart, make the worldly-minded weep and repent and turn Godwards."
  ( Prabuddha Bharata Vol. XXXVII P 499.)

0.00 - The Wellspring of Reality, #Synergetics - Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking, #R Buckminster Fuller, #Science
  While it takes but meager search to discover that many well-known concepts are false, it takes considerable search and even more careful examination of one's own personal experiences and inadvertently spontaneous reflexing to discover that there are many popularly and even professionally unknown, yet nonetheless fundamental, concepts to hold true in all cases and that already have been discovered by other as yet obscure individuals. That is to say that many scientific generalizations have been discovered but have not come to the attention of what we call the educated world at large, thereafter to be incorporated tardily within the formal Education processes, and even more tardily, in the ongoing political-economic affairs of everyday life. Knowledge of the existence and comprehensive significance of these as yet popularly unrecognized natural laws often is requisite to the solution of many of the as yet unsolved problems now confronting society. Lack of knowledge of the solution's existence often leaves humanity confounded when it need not be.
  Intellectually advantaged with no more than the child's facile, lucid eagerness to understand constructively and usefully the major transformational events of our own times, it probably is synergetically advantageous to review swiftly the most comprehensive inventory of the most powerful human environment transforming events of our totally known and reasonably extended history. This is especially useful in winnowing out and understanding the most significant of the metaphysical revolutions now recognized as swiftly tending to reconstitute history. By such a comprehensively schematic review, we might identify also the unprecedented and possibly heretofore overlooked pivotal revolutionary events not only of today but also of those trending to be central to tomorrow's most cataclysmic changes.
  It is synergetically reasonable to assume that relativistic evaluation of any of the separate drives of art, science, Education, economics, and ideology, and their complexedly interacting trends within our own times, may be had only through the most comprehensive historical sweep of which we are capable.
  There could be produced a synergetic understanding of humanity's cosmic functioning, which, until now, had been both undiscovered and unpredictable due to our deliberate and exclusive preoccupation only with the separate statistics of separate events. As a typical consequence of the latter, we observe our society's persistent increase of Educational and employment specialization despite the already mentioned, well-documented scientific disclosure that the extinctions of biological species are always occasioned by overspecialization. Specialization's preoccupation with parts deliberately forfeits the opportunity to apprehend and comprehend what is provided exclusively by synergy.
  Today's news consists of aggregates of fragments. Anyone who has taken part in any event that has subsequently appeared in the news is aware of the gross disparity between the actual and the reported events. The insistence by reporters upon having advance "releases" of what, for instance, convocation speakers are supposedly going to say but in fact have not yet said, automatically discredits the value of the largely prefabricated news. We also learn frequently of prefabricated and prevaricated events of a complex nature purportedly undertaken for purposes either of suppressing or rigging the news, which in turn perverts humanity's tactical information resources. All history becomes suspect. Probably our most polluted resource is the tactical information to which humanity spontaneously reflexes.
  The overconcentration on details of hyperspecialization has also been responsible for the lack of recognition by science of its inherently mandatory responsibility to reorient all our Educational curricula because of the synergetically disclosed, but popularly uncomprehended, significance of the 1956 Nobel Prize-winning discovery in physics of the experimental invalidation of the concept of "parity" by which science previously had misassumed that positive-negative complementations consisted exclusively of mirror-imaged behaviors of physical phenomena.
  Science's self-assumed responsibility has been self-limited to disclosure to society only of the separate, supposedly physical (because separately weighable) atomic component isolations data. Synergetic integrity would require the scientists to announce that in reality what had been identified heretofore as physical is entirely metaphysical-because synergetically weightless. Metaphysical has been science's designation for all weightless phenomena such as thought. But science has made no experimental finding of any phenomena that can be described as a solid, or as continuous, or as a straight surface plane, or as a straight line, or as infinite anything. We are now synergetically forced to conclude that all phenomena are metaphysical; wherefore, as many have long suspected-like it or not-life is but a dream.Science has found no up or down directions of Universe, yet scientists are personally so ill-coordinated that they all still personally and sensorially see "solids" going up or down-as, for instance, they see the Sun "going down." Sensorially disconnected from their theoretically evolved information, scientists discern no need on their part to suggest any Educational reforms to correct the misconceiving that science has tolerated for half a millennium.
  Society depends upon its scientists for just such Educational reform guidance.
  Where else might society turn for advice? Unguided by science, society is allowed to go right on filling its childrens' brain banks with large inventories of competence-devastating misinformation. In order to emerge from its massive ignorance, society will probably have to rely exclusively upon its individuals' own minds to survey the pertinent experimental data-as do all great scientist-artists. This, in effect, is what the intuition of world-around youth is beginning to do. Mind can see that reality is evoluting into weightless metaphysics. The wellspring of reality is the family of weightless generalized principles.
  Children freed of the ignorantly founded Educational traditions and exposed only to their spontaneously summoned, computer-stored and -distributed outflow of reliable-opinion-purged, experimentally verified data, shall indeed lead society to its happy egress from all misinformedly conceived, fearfully and legally imposed, and physically enforced customs of yesterday. They can lead all humanity into omnisuccessful survival as well as entrance into an utterly new era of human experience in an as-yet and ever-will-be fundamentally mysterious Universe.
  And whence will come the wealth with which we may undertake to lead world man into his new and validly hopeful life? From the wealth of the minds of world man-whence comes all wealth. Only mind can discover how to do so much with so little as forever to be able to sustain and physically satisfy all humanity.

0.02 - II - The Home of the Guru, #Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo, #unset, #Zen
   Guru-griha-vsa staying in the home of the Guru is a very old Indian ideal maintained by seekers through the ages. The Aranyakas the ancient teachings in the forest-groves are perhaps the oldest records of the institution. It was not for Education in the modern sense of the term that men went to live with the Guru; for the Guru is not a 'teacher'. The Guru is one who is 'enlightened', who is a seer, a Rishi, one who has the vision of and has lived the Truth. He has, thus, the knowledge of the goal of human life and has learnt true values in life by living the Truth. He can impart both these to the willing seeker. In ancient times seekers went to the Guru with many questions, difficulties and doubts but also with earnestness. Their questions were preliminary to the quest.
   The Master, the Guru, set at rest the puzzled human mind by his illuminating answers, perhaps even more by his silent consciousness, so that it might be able to pursue unhampered the path of realisation of the Truth. Those ancient discourses answer the mind of man today even across the ages. They have rightly acquired as everything of the past does a certain sanctity. But sometimes that very reverence prevents men from properly evaluating, and living in, the present. This happens when the mind instead of seeking the Spirit looks at the form. For instance, it is not necessary for such discourses that they take place in forest-groves in order to be highly spiritual. Wherever the Master is, there is Light. And guru-griha the house of the Master can be his private dwelling place. So much was this feeling a part of Sri Aurobindo's nature and so particular was he to maintain the personal character of his work that during the first few years after 1923 he did not like his house to be called an 'Ashram', as the word had acquired the sense of a public institution to the modern mind. But there was no doubt that the flower of Divinity had blossomed in him; and disciples, like bees seeking honey, came to him. It is no exaggeration to say that these Evening Talks were to the small company of disciples what the Aranyakas were to the ancient seekers. Seeking the Light, they came to the dwelling place of their Guru, the greatest seer of the age, and found it their spiritual home the home of their parents, for the Mother, his companion in the great mission, had come. And these spiritual parents bestowed upon the disciples freely of their Light, their Consciousness, their Power and their Grace. The modern reader may find that the form of these discourses differs from those of the past but it was bound to be so for the simple reason that the times have changed and the problems that puzzle the modern mind are so different. Even though the disciples may be very imperfect representations of what he aimed at in them, still they are his creations. It is in order to repay, in however infinitesimal a degree, the debt which we owe to him that the effort is made to partake of the joy of his company the Evening Talks with a larger public.

0.02 - The Three Steps of Nature, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Moreover the whole trend of modern thought and modern endeavour reveals itself to the observant eye as a large conscious effort of Nature in man to effect a general level of intellectual equipment, capacity and farther possibility by universalising the opportunities which modern civilisation affords for the mental life. Even the preoccupation of the European intellect, the protagonist of this tendency, with material Nature and the externalities of existence is a necessary part of the effort. It seeks to prepare a sufficient basis in man's physical being and vital energies and in his material environment for his full mental possibilities. By the spread of Education, by the advance of the backward races, by the elevation of depressed classes, by the multiplication of labour-saving appliances, by the movement
  The Three Steps of Nature

0.03 - Letters to My little smile, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  or sufficient Education.

0.05 - Letters to a Child, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  in the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education. He
  began writing to the Mother at the age of twelve.

0.06 - Letters to a Young Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  To a young sadhak who later became a teacher in the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education.1
  I hope and believe Your work does not depend upon

0.08 - Letters to a Young Captain, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  of Physical Education.
  Sweet Mother,

0.09 - Letters to a Young Teacher, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  of Education.
  Sweet Mother,
  On Education, CWM, Vol. 12, p. 185.
  Series Nine - To a Young Teacher

01.05 - The Nietzschean Antichrist, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   This is the Nietzsche we all know. But there is another aspect of his which the world has yet been slow to recognise. For, at bottom, Nietzsche is not all storm and fury. If his Superman is a Destroying Angel, he is none the less an angel. If he is endowed with a supreme sense of strength and power, there is also secreted in the core of his heart a sense of the beautiful that illumines his somewhat sombre aspect. For although Nietzsche is by birth a Slavo-Teuton, by culture and Education he is pre-eminently Hellenic. His earliest works are on the subject of Greek tragedy and form what he describes as an "Apollonian dream." And to this dream, to this Greek aesthetic sense more than to any thing else he sacrifices justice and pity and charity. To him the weak and the miserable, the sick and the maimed are a sort of blot, a kind of ulcer on the beautiful face of humanity. The herd that wallow in suffering and relish suffering disfigure the aspect of the world and should therefore be relentlessly mowed out of existence. By being pitiful to them we give our tacit assent to their persistence. And it is precisely because of this that Nietzsche has a horror of Christianity. For compassion gives indulgence to all the ugliness of the world and thus renders that ugliness a necessary and indispensable element of existence. To protect the weak, to sympathise with the lowly brings about more of weakness and more of lowliness. Nietzsche has an aristocratic taste par excellencewhat he aims at is health and vigour and beauty. But above all it is an aristocracy of the spirit, an aristocracy endowed with all the richness and beauty of the soul that Nietzsche wants to establish. The beggar of the street is the symbol of ugliness, of the poverty of the spirit. And the so-called aristocrat, die millionaire of today is as poor and ugly as any helpless leper. The soul of either of them is made of the same dirty, sickly stuff. The tattered rags, the crouching heart, the effeminate nerve, the unenlightened soul are the standing ugliness of the world and they have no place in the ideal, the perfect humanity. Humanity, according to Nietzsche, is made in order to be beautiful, to conceive the beautiful, to create the beautiful. Nietzsche's Superman has its perfect image in a Grecian statue of Zeus cut out in white marble-Olympian grandeur shedding in every lineament Apollonian beauty and Dionysian vigour.
   The real secret of Nietzsche's philosophy is not an adoration of brute force, of blind irrational joy in fighting and killing. Far from it, Nietzsche has no kinship with Treitschke or Bernhard. What Nietzsche wanted was a world purged of littleness and ugliness, a humanity, not of saints, perhaps, but of heroes, lofty in their ideal, great in their achievement, majestic in their empirea race of titanic gods breathing the glory of heaven itself.

01.07 - The Bases of Social Reconstruction, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The French Revolution wanted to remould human society and its ideal was liberty, equality and fraternity. It pulled down the old machinery and set up a new one in its stead. And the result? "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" remained always in effect a cry in the wilderness. Another wave of idealism is now running over the earth and the Bolshevists are its most fiercely practical exponents. Instead of dealing merely with the political machinery, the Socialistic Revolution tries to break and remake, above all, the social machinery. But judged from the results as yet attained and the tendencies at work, few are the reasons to hope but many to fear the worst. Even Education does not seem to promise us anything better. Which nation was better educatedin the sense we understood and still commonly understand the wordthan Germany?
   And yet we have no hesitation today to call them Huns and Barbarians. That Education is not giving us the right thing is proved further by the fact that we are constantly changing our programmes and curriculums, everyday remodelling old institutions and founding new ones. Even a revolution in the Educational system will not bring about the desired millennium, so long as we lay so much stress upon the system and not upon man himself. And finally, look to all the religions of the worldwe have enough of creeds and dogmas, of sermons and mantras, of churches and templesand yet human life and society do not seem to be any the more worthy for it.
   Are we then to say that human nature is irrevocably vitiated by an original sin and that all our efforts at reformation and regeneration are, as the Indian saying goes, like trying to straighten out the crooked tail of a dog?

01.09 - William Blake: The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Touching the very core of the malady of our age he says that our modern enlightenment seeks to cancel altogether the higher values and install instead the lower alone as true. Thus, for example, Marx and Freud, its twin arch priests, are brothers. Both declare that it is the lower, the under layer alone that matters: to one "the masses", to the other "the instincts". Their wild imperative roars: "Sweep away this pseudo-higher; let the instincts rule, let the pro-letariat dictate!" But more characteristic, Monsieur Thibon has made another discovery which gives the whole value and speciality to his outlook. He says the moderns stress the lower, no doubt; but the old world stressed only the higher and neglected the lower. Therefore the revolt and wrath of the lower, the rage of Revanche in the heart of the dispossessed in the modern world. Enlightenment meant till now the cultivation and embellishment of the Mind, the conscious Mind, the rational and nobler faculties, the height and the depth: and mankind meant the princes and the great ones. In the individual, in the scheme of his culture and Education, the senses were neglected, left to go their own way as they pleased; and in the collective field, the toiling masses in the same way lived and moved as best as they could under the economics of laissez-faire. So Monsieur Thibon concludes: "Salvation has never come from below. To look for it from above only is equally vain. No doubt salvation must come from the higher, but on condition that the higher completely adopts and protects the lower." Here is a vision luminous and revealing, full of great import, if we follow the right track, prophetic of man's true destiny. It is through this infiltration of the higher into the lower and the integration of the lower into the higher that mankind will reach the goal of its evolution, both individually and collectively.
   But the process, Monsieur Thibon rightly asserts, must begin with the individual and within the individual. Man must "turn within, feel alive within himself", re-establish his living contact with God, the source and origin from which he has cut himself off. Man must learn to subordinate having to being. Each individual must be himself, a free and spontaneous expression. Upon such individual , upon individuals grouped naturally in smaller collectivities and not upon unformed or ill-formed wholesale masses can a perfect human society be raised and will be raised. Monsieur Thibon insistsand very rightlyupon the variety and diversity of individual and local growths in a unified humanity and not a dead uniformity of regimented oneness. He declares, as the reviewer of the London Times succinctly puts it: "Let us abolish our insensate worship of number. Let us repeal the law of majorities. Let us work for the unity that draws together instead of idolizing the multiplicity that disintegrates. Let us understand that it is not enough for each to have a place; what matters is that each should be in his right place. For the atomized society let us substitute an organic society, one in which every man will be free to do what he alone is qualified and able to do."

0.10 - Letters to a Young Captain, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  of Physical Education. He began writing to the Mother at the
  age of nineteen.
  and I too have explained everything in the book Education. One
  has to read, study and, above all, practise.
  problem and various possible methods of physical Education. The fundamental problem is this: how can we
  The Queen of Jhansi who died on the battlefield in 1858 while fighting British
  it is utterly indispensable, as in physical Education, for example.
  21 July 1963
  for mental and physical Education, isn't there a similar
  method to progress towards Sri Aurobindo's yoga? It

0.12 - Letters to a Student, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  To a student in the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education who began writing to the Mother at the age of sixteen.
  Sweet Mother,
  Physical Education means principally all the various exercises for the development and maintenance of the body.
  Naturally, here we have combined the two. But this is mainly

0.13 - Letters to a Student, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  To a student in the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education who began writing to the Mother at the age of sixteen.
  Sweet Mother,

0 1955-04-04, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   For a long time, Satprem took care of the correspondence with the outside, along with Pavitra, not to mention editing the Ashram Bulletin as well as Mother's writings and talks, translating Sri Aurobindo's works into French, and conducting classes at the Ashram's 'International Centre of Education.'
   Every evening at the Playground, the disciples passed before Mother one by one to receive symbolically some food.

0 1958-02-03b - The Supramental Ship, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I found myself upon an immense ship, which is the symbolic representation of the place where this work is being carried out. This ship, as big as a city, is thoroughly organized, and it had certainly already been functioning for quite some time, for its organization was fully developed. It is the place where people destined for the supramental life are being trained. These people (or at least a part of their being) had already undergone a supramental transformation because the ship itself and all that was aboard was neither material nor subtle-physical, neither vital nor mental: it was a supramental substance. This substance itself was of the most material supramental, the supramental substance nearest the physical world, the first to manifest. The light was a blend of red and gold, forming a uniform substance of luminous orange. Everything was like that the light was like that, the people were like thateverything had this color, in varying shades, however, which enabled things to be distinguished from one another. The overall impression was of a shadowless world: there were shades, but no shadows. The atmosphere was full of joy, calm, order; everything worked smoothly and silently. At the same time, I could see all the details of the Education, the training in all domains by which the people on board were being prepared.
   This immense ship had just arrived at the shore of the supramental world, and a first batch of people destined to become the future inhabitants of the supramental world were about to disembark. Everything was arranged for this first landing. A certain number of very tall beings were posted on the wharf. They were not human beings and never before had they been men. Nor were they permanent inhabitants of the supramental world. They had been delegated from above and posted there to control and supervise the landing. I was in charge of all this since the beginning and throughout. I myself had prepared all the groups. I was standing on the bridge of the ship, calling the groups forward one by one and having them disembark on the shore. The tall beings posted there seemed to be reviewing those who were disembarking, allowing those who were ready to go ashore and sending back those who were not and who had to continue their training aboard the ship. While standing there watching everyone, that part of my consciousness coming from here became extremely interested: it wanted to see, to identify all the people, to see how they had changed and to find out who had been taken immediately as well as those who had to remain and continue their training. After awhile, as I was observing, I began to feel pulled backwards and that my body was being awakened by a consciousness or a person from here1and in my consciousness, I protested: No, no, not yet! Not yet! I want to see whos there! I was watching all this and noting it with intense interest It went on like that until, suddenly, the clock here began striking three, which violently jerked me back. There was the sensation of a sudden fall into my body. I came back with a shock, but since I had been called back very suddenly, all my memory was still intact. I remained quiet and still until I could bring back the whole experience and preserve it.

0 1958-10-04, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   The other day, for example, though I no longer recall exactly when (I forget everything on purpose)but it was in the last part of the night I had a rather long activity concerning the whole realization of the Ashram, notably in the fields of Education and art. I was apparently inspecting this area to see how things were there, so naturally I saw a certain number of people, their work and their inner states. Some saw me and, at that moment, had a vision of me. It is likely that many were asleep and didnt notice anything, but some actually saw me. The next morning, for example, someone who works at the theater told me that she had had a splendid vision of me in which I had spoken to her, blessed her, etc. This was her way of receiving the work I had done. And this kind of thing is happening more and more, in that my action is awakening the consciousness in others more and more strongly.
   Naturally, the reception is always incomplete or partially modified; when it passes through the individuality, it becomes narrowed, a personal thing. It seems impossible for each one to have a consciousness vast enough to see the thing in its entirety.
   Money is not meant to generate money; money should generate an increase in production, an improvement in the conditions of life and a progress in human consciousness. This is its true use. What I call an improvement in consciousness, a progress in consciousness, is everything that Education in all its forms can providenot as its generally understood, but as we understand it here: Education in art, Education in from the Education of the body, from the most material progress, to the spiritual Education and progress through yoga; the whole spectrum, everything that leads humanity towards its future realization. Money should serve to augment that and to augment the material base for the earths progress, the best use of what the earth can giveits intelligent utilization, not the utilization that wastes and loses energies. The use that allows energies to be replenished.
   In the universe there is an inexhaustible source of energy that asks only to be replenished; if you know how to go about it, it is replenished. Instead of draining life and the energies of our earth and making of it something parched and inert, we must know the practical exercise for replenishing the energy constantly. And these are not just words; I know how its to be done, and science is in the process of thoroughly finding outit has found out most admirably. But instead of using it to satisfy human passions, instead of using what science has found so that men may destroy each other more effectively than they are presently doing, it must be used to enrich the earth: to enrich the earth, to make the earth richer and richer, more active, generous, productive and to make all life grow towards its maximum efficiency. This is the true use of money. And if its not used like that, its a vicea short circuit and a vice.

0 1958-10-10, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   There is ones position in the universal hierarchy, which is something ineluctableit is the eternal lawand there is the development in the manifestation, which is an Education; it is progressive and done from within the being. What is remarkable is that to become a perfect being, this positionwhatever it is, decreed since all eternity, a part of the eternal Truthmust manifest with the greatest possible perfection as a result of evolutionary growth. It is the junction, the union of the two, the eternal position and the evolutionary realization, that will make the total and perfect being, and the manifestation as the Lord has willed it since the beginning of all eternity (which has no beginning at all! ).
   And for the cycle to be complete, one cannot stop on the way at any plane, not even the highest spiritual plane nor the plane closest to matter (like the occult plane in the vital, for example). One must descend right into matter, and this perfection in manifestation must be a material perfection, or otherwise the cycle is not completewhich explains why those who want to flee in order to realize the divine Will are in error. What must be done is exactly the opposite! The two must be combined in a perfect way. This is why all the honest sciences, the sciences that are practiced sincerely, honestly, exclusively with a will to know, are difficult pathsyet such sure paths for the total realization.

0 1959-01-06, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   The Bulletin of Physical Education, which appeared quarterly.

0 1960-08-10 - questions from center of Education - reading Sri Aurobindo, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
  object:0_1960-08-10 - questions from center of Education - reading Sri Aurobindo
  author class:The Mother
   (Concerning two teachers at the Ashram's Center of Education who wrote Mother asking if 'only' Sri Aurobindo should be studied. Pavitra was present during this conversation.)
   An eight page letternothing but passion.
   And finally, Sweet Mother, what I would really like to know is the purpose of our Center of Education. Is it to teach the works of Sri Aurobindo? And only these? All the works or some only? Or is it to prepare the students to read the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother? Is it to prepare them for the Ashram life or for outside occupations as well? So many opinions are floating in the air, and even the old disciples from whom we expect some knowledge make so many contradictory statements
   (Laughing, to Pavitra:) I suppose thats for you!
   It is not a question of preparing students to read these or some other works. It is a question of drawing all those who are capable of it out of the usual human routine of thought, feelings, action; of giving those who are here every opportunity to reject the slavery of the human way of thinking and acting; of teaching all those who want to listen that there is another, truer way of living, and that Sri Aurobindo taught us to become and to live the true being and that the purpose of Education here is to prepare the children for this life and to make them capable of it.
   As for all the others, all those who want the human way of thinking and living, the world is vast and there is place there for everyone.

0 1960-09-20, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   But this way of seeing is too far removed from the state of mind and spiritual Education in which X has lived,4 of course, for him to understand. Nor am I in favor of proselytizing (to convince X); it would disturb him quite needlessly. He has not come here for that. He came here for something special, something I wanted which he brought, and I have learnt it. Now its excellent, he is a part of the group in his own fashion, thats all. And in a certain way, his presence here is having a very good effect on a whole category of people who had not been touched but who are now becoming more and more favorably inclined. It was difficult to reach all the traditionalists, for example, the people attached to the old spiritual forms; well, they seem now to have been touched by something.
   When Amrita,5 seized with zeal, wanted to make him understand what we were doing here and what Sri Aurobindo had wanted, it almost erupted into an unpleasant situation. So after that, I decided to identify myself with him to see I had never done this, because normally I only do it when I am responsible for someone, in order to truly help someone, and Ive never felt any responsibility in regard to X. So I wanted to see his inner situation, what could and could not be done. That was the day you saw him coming down from our meditation in an ecstatic state, when he told you that all separation between him and me had dropped awayit was to be expected, I anticipated as much!

0 1960-10-25, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Its so contrary not only to the Education but to the make up of people from the West! For an Indian for a modern Indian it would be difficult, but for those who have kept something of the old tradition it would not be difficult. Its easy for children raised in a monastery or near the guru

0 1960-11-12, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Its a lack of plasticity in the mind, and they are bound by the expression of things; for them, words are rigid. Sri Aurobindo explained it so well in The Secret of the Veda; he shows how language evolves and how, before, it was very supple and evocative. For example, one could at once think of a river and of inspiration. Sri Aurobindo also gives the example of a sailboat and the forward march of life. And he says that for those of the Vedic age it was quite natural, the two could go together, superimposed; it was merely a way of looking at the same thing from two sides, whereas now, when a word is said, we think only of this word all by itself, and to get a clear picture we need a whole literary or poetic imagery (with explanations to boot!). Thats exactly the case with these children; theyre at a stage where everything is rigid. Such is the product of modern Education. It even extracts the subtlest nuance between two words and FIXES it: And above all, dont make any mistake, dont use this word for that word, for otherwise your writings no good. But its just the opposite.
   The Ashram's annual physical Education demonstration at the Sportsground.
   The actual aphorism reads: 'When I read a wearisome book through and with pleasure, yet perceived all the perfection of its wearisomeness, then I knew that my mind was conquered.'

0 1960-12-31, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   There have been similar stories in dreams with X. I saw him when he was very young (his Education, the ideas he had, how he was trained). And the same thing happened. I was with him but Ill tell you that another time6 And then at the end, Id had enough and I said, Oh, no! Its too ridiculous! and with that I left the house. At the door was a little squirrel sitting on his haunches making friendly little gestures towards me. Oh! I said, heres someone who understands better!
   But later I observed, I saw that this had helped drain him of all the weight of his past Education. Very interesting Night after night, night after night, night after nightplenty of things! You could write novels about it all.
   'This wonderful world of Delight waiting at our gates for our call, to come down upon earth.'

0 1961-01-24, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Then she returned to India and I took her in with me. I continued to treat her almost as a friend and I helped her to develop her gifts. Mon petit,10 how dirty she started to get, lying, stealing, and absolutely needlesslyshe had money, she was well treated, she had everything she needed, she ate what we didthere was absolutely no reason! When I finally asked her, But why, why!? (she was no longer young at this point), she replied, When I came back here, it took hold of me again; its stronger than I am. That was a revelation for me! Those old habits had been impervious to Education.
   We think these people are the way they are because the environment is bad, the Education is poor, the conditions are difficultits not true! In the universal economy of things they REPRESENT something, a certain type of force and vibration. It will have to be either dissolved or transformed. Transformed? But perhaps that is. It may disappear along with the hostile forces. Perhaps once everything has been transformed it will disappear I dont know when.
   In any case, I really tried my best, with all the power I had, all the knowledge I had, because I liked this girl a lot, it wasnt at all a question of charity, I found her very interesting. But I watchedwith a kind of horror, reallyas this past repossessed her more and more, more and more each day, until we were finally obliged to dismiss her, to tell her, Go. Yes, I understand, she replied, I cant stay here.

0 1961-03-17, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The experience occurred in a place corresponding to ours [the main Ashram building], but immense: the rooms were ten times bigger, but absolutely one cant say emptythey were barren. Not that there was nothing in them, but nothing was in order, everything was just where it shouldnt be. There wasnt any furniture so things were strewn here and therea dreadful disarray! Things were being put to uses they werent made for, yet nothing needed for a particular purpose could be found. The whole section having to do with Education [the Ashram School] was in almost total darkness: the lights were out with no way to switch them on, and people were wandering about and coming to me with incoherent, stupid proposals. I tried to find a comer where I could rest (not because I was tired; I simply wanted to concentrate a little and get a clear vision in the midst of it all), but it was impossible, no one would leave me alone. Finally I put a tottering armchair and a footstool end-to-end and tried to rest; but someone immediately came up (I know who, Im purposely not giving names) and said, Oh! This wont do at all! It CANT be arranged like that! Then he began making noise, commotion, disorderwell, it was awful.
   To wind it all up, I went to Sri Aurobindos rooman enormous, enormous room, but in the same state. And he appeared to be in an eternal consciousness, entirely detached from everything yet very clearly aware of our total incapacity.

0 1961-04-25, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But these people just cant get out of their Education! Here is a lady [A. Bailey], quite renowned, it seems (shes dead now), who became the disciple of a Tibetan lama and she still speaks of Christ as the sole Avatar! She just cant get out of it!
   And each one has the absolute Truth!

0 1961-07-07, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I am putting this purposely into rather childish terms so that it will be clearly understood. But this is the way it is. I am sure of it because I have observed it in myself for a VERY long time, and I had to. Due to the whole subconscious formation of childhoodenvironment, Education, and so forthwe have to DRUM into this (Mother touches her body) the consciousness of Unity : the absolute, EXCLUSIVE unity of the Divineexclusive in the sense that nothing exists apart from this Unity, even the things which seem most repulsive.
   Sri Aurobindo also had to struggle against this because he too received a Christian Education. And these Aphorisms are the result the floweringof the necessity to struggle against the subconscious formation which has produced such questions (Mother takes on a scandalized tone): How can God be weak? How can God be foolish? How. But there is nothing but God! He alone exists, there is nothing outside of Him. And whatever seems repugnant to us is something He no longer wishes to existHe is preparing the world so that this no longer manifests, so that the manifestation can pass beyond this state to something else. So of course we violently reject everything in us that is destined to leave the active manifestation. There is a movement of rejection.
   Yet it is He. There is nothing other than He! This should be repeated from morning to night, from night to morning, because we forget it every minute.

0 1961-10-02, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Then there is a doctor, V., who comes here twice a year to give a check-up to all who take part in the physical Education program and all the children. He is an extremely honest and sincere man who believes in the mission of medical science. Each time he comes, I write something in his diary on the day of his departure (his whole diary is full of things Ive written they usually appear in the Bulletin or somewhere). On that very same day I learned that V. was leaving, and it suddenly came to meso clearly! Falsehood in the body that sort of juxtaposition of contraries, the inversion of the Vibration (only it doesnt really invertits a curious phenomenon: the vibration remains what it is but its received inverted)this falsehood in the body is a falsehood in the CONSCIOUSNESS. The falsity of the consciousness naturally has material consequences and thats what illness is! I immediately made an experiment on my body to see if this held, if it actually works that way. And I realized that its true! When you are open and in contact with the Divine, the Vibration gives you strength, energy; and if you are quiet enough, it fills you with great joyand all of this in the cells of the body. You fall back into the ordinary consciousness and straightaway, without anything changing, the SAME thing, the SAME vibration coming from the SAME source turns into a pain, a malaise, a feeling of uncertainty, instability and decrepitude. To be sure of this, I repeated the experiment three or four times, and it was absolutely automatic, like the operation of a chemical formula: same conditions, same results.
   This interested me greatly.

0 1961-12-20, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Seen from the European angle, Sri Aurobindo represents an immense spiritual revolution, redeeming Matter and the creation, which to the Christian religion is fundamentally a fallits really unclear how what has come from God could become so bad, but anyway, better not be too logical! its a fall. The creation is a fall. And thats why they are far more easily convinced by Buddhism. I saw this particularly with Richard, whose Education was entirely in European philosophy, with Christian and positivist influences; under these two influences, when he came into contact with Theons cosmic philosophy and later Sri Aurobindos revelation, he immediately explained, in his Wherefore of the Worlds, that the world is the fruit of DesireGods desire. Yet Sri Aurobindo says (in simple terms), God created the world for the Joy of the creation, or rather, He brought forth the world from Himself for the Joy of living an objective life. This was Theons thesis too, that the world is the Divine in an objective form, but for him the origin of this objective form was the desire to be. All this is playing with words, you understand, but it turns out that in one case the world is reprehensible and in the other it is adorable! And that makes all the difference. To the whole European mind, the whole Christian spirit, the world is reprehensible. And when THAT is pointed out to them, they cant stand it.
   So the very normal, natural reaction against this attitude is to negate the spiritual life: lets take the world as it is, brutally, materially, short and sweet (since it all comes to an end with this short life), lets do all we can to enjoy ourselves now, suffer as little as possible and not think of anything else. Having said that life is a condemned, reprehensible, anti-divine thing, this is the logical conclusion. Then what to do? We dont want to do away with life, so we do away with the Divine.

0 1962-05-29, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Human beings arent that limited, after all! It is rather yes, its a matter of atavism, of Education, of all sorts of things; and above all, I think the main reason is that you have no desire toits no fun for you!
   (Satprem laughs in complete agreement)
   A splendid Education, mon petit!
   Splendid. I am infinitely grateful to her. My body has never asked for fun or well-being or anything else. Thats life, it said, and you just have to take it as it is. And thats why when I first met someone who told me it could be otherwise (I was already past twenty), I said, Oh, really? Is that so? (Mother laughs) And then when he told me all about Thons teachings and The Cosmic Life and about the inner God and a new world that would be a world of beauty and (at least) of peace and light well, I rushed into it headlong.
   Well, I think thats the best Education. To the children here we give the exact opposite! But thats how it is: its a principleits not practical.
   Not practical?

0 1962-06-12, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   You see, the trouble is hes a man whose principles and Education prevent him from believing in progress and transformation. He believes that if you fulfill the conditions you get the siddhi,3 and thats the end of it the goal is reached. He had already attained his goal before meeting us, and then he could have kept his distance, but he became intimately connected with something full of all kinds of difficulties (which we neither ignore nor call for), but its essentially a Power for progressan awesome force for progress. Well, when I saw that, I wondered, How can he possibly bear it? I thought he would keep his distance and not enter the atmosphere, but he did try to enterhe linked up with certain people, and particularly when he started meditating with me (he asked for it, not me), suddenly something responded. And that triggered the conflict in him. One part of his being has gone along with the Movement, while the other is left strandeddoesnt budge. That created a gap.
   Of course, one has to be in a terribly superficial consciousness to react the way he did. He had a rather deep contact with you, and there were moments when he understood very well who you arehe knows, he told me so. Consequently, had he truly been in a yogic state, then even if you had done something tactless or wrong, he would have just smiled! He would have said, Oh, hes just impetuous, but I dont mind.

0 1962-09-05, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I have already told you the reason (there are many reasons): one tiny undeveloped level in the being is enough. It obviously has to do with atavism, with the way the body was built, the milieu one was born in, ones Education, the life one has led. But its mainly how much one has been drawn to higher things. It is clear that your energies have been far more concentrated on breaking through that lid and touching the Source of Truth than on having mediumistic experiencesfar more. And for what you have come to do, that was INFINITELY more important. Minor experiences such as exteriorizing and the like are just diversions along the way thats how I have always seen them.
   Yes, Mother, thats all right. But theres no outer encouragement. I have the feeling that nothing is happening I wake up each morning and theres nothing. I meditate, theres nothing theres never anything! Just the certainty that its the only thing worth doing.

0 1962-11-30, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   A. has a neighbor who is an Educational officer (retired). He does serious Puja daily and has certain powers of foretelling, mind-reading etc. He is under instructions from his Guru never to send back people without answering their questions of whatever kind; never to get angry under any conditions; never to accept money; and never to tell things of his own accord. He is in great demand among ministers and officials of the Madras Government, and Nehru too had an interesting experience at his hands.
   This gentleman told A. on October 20 that the Chinese hostilities will be under Cease-Fire by the end of November. It actually came to be on November 20. Here are a few other things he has said in reply to A. on his return from here:

0 1963-03-06, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   In fact, for Education, people should always encourage both tendencies side by side: the thirst for the Marvelous, the seemingly unrealizable, for something that fills you with a sense of divinity, while at the same time encouraging, in the perception of the world as it is, an exact, correct and sincere observation, the abolition of all imaginings, a constant control, and a most practical and meticulous feeling for exactness in details. Both tendencies should go side by side. Generally, people kill one with the idea that its necessary in order to develop the otherwhich is totally erroneous. The two can coexist, and as knowledge grows, a moment comes when you understand that they are two aspects of the same thing, namely, a clear vision, a superior discernment. But instead of the vision and discernment being limited and narrow, they become absolutely sincere, correct, exactAND immense, embracing an entire field thats not yet part of the concrete Manifestation.
   This is very important from an Educational point of view.
   To see the world as it is, accurately, starkly, in the most practical and down-to-earth way, and to see the world as it can be, with the highest and freest vision, filled with hope and aspiration and a marvelous certainty these are the two poles of discernment. All the most splendid, marvelous, powerful, expressive and total things we are able to imagine are nothing compared to what they can be; and at the same time, our minute observation of the smallest detail can never be sufficiently exact. Both things must go together. When you know this (gesture below) and you know That (gesture above), you are able to make the two meet.

0 1963-05-25, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I have a strong impression and thats why Sri Aurobindo was so interested in the book and took such a part in it that it is the way of explaining things which those with a European Education can best understand. Or those with a modern Education, at any rate, with a modern turn of mind, because its very appropriate for America, too. And for the whole part of India thats under the influence of British Education, it will put them in touch in a way they can understand.
   Not for a second did I think they would publish itin fact, to tell you the truth, it wouldnt make me too happy either! Its not a book for their Collection. Their Collection is much too trite, too superficial.

0 1963-11-20, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Whats you is this (gesture above the head), its there: what sparkles in the light thats you. This [the body] isnt you, its the sediment. You still have your bodys self-esteem! You should feel: this isnt me, it isnt me. It is yes, what was put together more or less clumsily and ignorantly by father, mother, maybe with the influence of grandparents. That discovery I made at the age of about fifteen or sixteen, or seventeen. I began to see clearly all the gifts (if we can call them that) that came from father, mother, parents, grandparents, Education, people who looked after me, that whole mudhole, as it were, into which you fall headfirst. And then, the quality of the vibration, the quality of the sensation, of the so-called thoughts (which arent thoughts, but are almost automatic mental reflexes of sorts) and of the feelings (if you can call them feelings: they are kinds of reactions to the milieu and to all that comes from outside)it all swarms, swarms like worms in the mud.
   When you see it all and you begin to say, But this isnt me! and you feel it isnt you: It isnt me! Nome is what looks on; me is what wills; me is what knows.

0 1964-01-04, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It was the same thing with you I saw that. He regards you like this (gesture of looking down on Satprem), and then, youre not a pundit (!), you havent had the religious Education of the countryhe regards you as a beginner, he isnt at all conscious of where your mind is, of where your mind can reach. I told him, but even that he doesnt quite understand. But once, I saw (it was at the time when I was giving him meditations downstairs), he had made a remark that was quite preposterous on the fact that people here meditated with eyes closed and that I, too, had my eyes closed when I meditated. It was reported to me. That was long ago, years ago. He was going to come and see me the next morning, so I said, Wait, my friend, Ill show you! And the next day, I meditated with my eyes open (Mother laughs)the poor man! When he went downstairs, he said, Mother meditated with her eyes open, she was like a lion!
   Thats it, you understand, theres a gap.

0 1964-01-18, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There should be somewhere upon earth a place that no nation could claim as its own, a place where every human being of goodwill, sincere in his aspiration, could live freely as a citizen of the world, obeying one single authority, that of the supreme Truth; a place of peace, concord, harmony, where all the fighting instincts of man would be used exclusively to conquer the causes of his sufferings and miseries, to surmount his weakness and ignorance, to triumph over his limitations and incapacities; a place where the needs of the spirit and the concern for progress would take precedence over the satisfaction of desires and passions, the search for pleasures and material enjoyment. In this place, children would be able to grow and develop integrally without losing contact with their souls; Education would be given not with a view to passing examinations or obtaining certificates and posts, but to enrich ones existing faculties and bring forth new ones. In this place, titles and positions would be replaced by opportunities to serve and organize; everyones bodily needs would be provided for equally, and in the general organization, intellectual, moral and spiritual superiority would be expressed not by increased pleasures and powers in life, but by greater duties and responsibilities. Beauty in all its art formspainting, sculpture, music, literaturewould be accessible to all equally, the ability to share in the joys it brings being limited solely by ones capacities and not by social or financial position. For in this ideal place, money would no longer be the sovereign lord; individual worth would have a far greater importance than that of material wealth and social position. There, work would not be for earning ones living, but the means to express oneself and develop ones capacities and possibilities, while at the same time being of service to the group as a whole, which would in turn provide for everyones subsistence and field of action. In short, it would be a place where human relationships, ordinarily based almost exclusively on competition and strife, would be replaced by relationships of emulation in trying to do ones best, of collaboration and real brotherhood.
   The earth is not ready to realize such an ideal, for humanity does not yet possess either the knowledge necessary to understand and adopt it or the conscious force indispensable for its execution. This is why I call it a dream.

0 1964-09-23, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There is ONE sound which, to me, has an extraordinary powerextraordinary and UNIVERSAL (thats the important point): it doesnt depend on the language you speak, it doesnt depend on the Education you were given, it doesnt depend on the atmosphere you breathe. And that sound, without knowing anything, I used to say it when I was a child (you know how in French we say, Oh!; well, I used to say OM, without knowing anything!). And indeed, I made all kinds of experiments with that soundits fantastic, even, fantastic! Its unbelievable.
   So then, if around this you build something that corresponds to your own aspirationcertain sounds or words that FOR YOU evoke a soul state then its very good.

0 1964-10-14, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   They have again made a mess at the School, they are seized with such terrible whims of independence! Do you know the story? They put together a big display board on sleep for the childrens Education (thats their affair), but then they put at the bottom, without asking for my permission, a quotation of mine, which I am supposed to have written in 1952 and in which I am supposed to have said that children should be in bed by 9. Now, they show films till 9:30 or 10. So I received a shower of letters, from kids asking me, What should we do? As for me, I dont understand a thing, and I ask what that quotation is. Then I learn that not only did they stick it at the bottom of their display board, but they also circulated a note of mine in which I say, Children should go to bed at 9. I said, What! I never had that circulated! Maybe I said it years ago, but I said it just like that, like a remark that it would be better. It caused quite a to-do, Ive been assailed with protests. So when Z came, I asked him to explain this affair. He told me what they had done; it seems that the teachers, seeing that poster with my quotation (probably the teachers who dont like films or who are against this one or that one and found this was a good opportunity to kick up a row), said and VOTED among themselves that it should be made into a circular! They simply forgot to ask my permission.
   I told Z, Well, really, thats going a bit too far! And he was probably upset, because suddenly something came through him: it was like black little darts (they didnt come from him directlymaybe they came from the teachers!), little black darts that rushed at my throat. I felt it: it went ztt! I said, Oh, whats that? And I struggled; but I struggled against a sore throat, and indeed it didnt happenit turned into a cold!

0 1964-12-02, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But I have noticed, especially for those who have had a Western Education, that they shouldnt change their external occupations abruptly. Most people tend to want to change their environment, to want to change their occupation, to want to change their surroundings, to want to change their habit, thinking that will help them to change inwardlyits not true. You are much more vigilant and alert to resist the old movement, the old relationships, the vibrations you no longer want when you remain in a context that, in fact, is habitual enough to be automatic. You shouldnt be interested in a new external organization, because you always tend to enter it with your old way of being.
   Its very interesting even, I made a very deep study of people who think that if they travel things are going to be different. When you change your external surroundings, on the contrary, you always tend to keep your internal organization in order to keep your individuality; whereas if you are held by force in the same context, the same occupations, the same routine of life, then the ways of being you no longer want become more and more evident and you can fight them much more precisely.

0 1965-06-02, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But my senses of smell and vision were developed a lot between the ages of twenty and twenty-four. It was a conscious, willed, methodical Education, which had interesting results. And which did a great deal to prepare the instrument for now.
   (Mother looks at the time)

0 1965-06-05, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother takes over) which they are used to, in order to go to the darkness, which is new for them! That is for the children who have been brought up here and want to go and study in America or wherever. One of them went away to study true Education in England! So that was a bit too much.

0 1965-07-31, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Now, the Italians worship the Virgin a lot, its a lot in their makeup, and through that they would understand (those who are intelligent and see the symbol behind the story). There was a Pope (not the present one or the previous one, but the one before1) who did remarkable things because he was in touch with the Virgin; he was a worshipper of the Virgin and that really put him on the right path. So I think that if they want a small book (it is a small book, you can even put it in your pocketpeople are afraid of big books, they dont have time), there are lots of things in that small book, The Mother, lots of things. But the part on the four aspects of the Mother can really be felt only by Indians; those who have a Christian Education (laughing) must find it very frightening (!) But we could omit that chapter. You see, the book was made from letters, so each piece is a whole; it wasnt at all composed as one piece: we arranged it as it is following the instructions Sri Aurobindo gave. But that last chapter (the biggest, besides) is mostly for India. It can be omitted.
   So you can say this to N.: a biographical note in dictionary style to announce the publication of your book.

0 1965-08-31, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The physical mind is the mind of the physical personality formed by the body. It grows with the body, but it isnt the mind of Matter: it is the mind of the physical being. For instance, it is the mind that makes ones character: the bodily, physical character, which is in large part formed by atavism and Education. What is called physical mind is all that. Yes, its the result of atavism, of Education and of the formation of the body; thats what makes the physical character. For example, some people are patient, some are strong and so onphysically, I mean, not for vital or mental reasons, but purely physically everyone has a character. Thats the physical mind. And it is part of any integral yoga: you discipline this physical mind. I have done it for more than sixty years.
   But then, that mind, for instance, which is spontaneously defeatist, which has all sorts of fears and worries, which sees the worst, repeats the same things forever, is that the physical mind or the material mind?
   This cellular mind exists in animals, and there is even a faint beginning (but very faint, like a promise) in plants: they respond to a mental action. They respond. As soon as Life manifests, there is already the beginning, like a promise of mind, of mental movement. And in animals, its very clear. Whereas that physical mind really began to exist only in man. Thats what a very small child already has: it already has a physical mind; so that no two very small children are alike, with identical reactions: there is already a difference. And it is especially what is given you with the special FORM of your body, by atavism, and then fully developed by Education.
   No, the physical mind, as soon as you do an integral yoga, you are obliged to deal with it, while this material, cellular mind, I can assure you that its absolutely new! Absolutely new.

0 1966-01-26, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There are lots of them. And each with an intention (laughing) an Educational intention, to show the childishness in which we live.

0 1966-03-19, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But then, even on that (I dont know who is responsible for it), they have launched a campaign abroad, a campaign for the poor devil starving and crying famine, in such a mean, oh, such a mean way! We get letters from everywhere, from every country (lots of letters from France), and especially from schools, centers of Education, people who write, We hear that you are starving, we are so appalled, what can we do to help? We are obliged to answer them, No, were not starving at all!
   Its pitiable.

0 1966-05-18, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The Education of the new mind. It would be fine if it became an instrument of beauty!
   Yes, but inspiration is hard to pull down!

0 1967-02-18, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Once, very long ago, when Sri Aurobindo was telling me about himself, that is, of his childhood, his Education, I put the question to him, I asked him, Why am I, as an individual being, so mediocre? I can do anything; all that I have tried to do I have done, but never in a superior way: always like this (gesture to an average level). Then he answered me (at the time I took it as a kindness or commiseration), Thats because it gives great supplenessa great suppleness and a vast scope; because those who have perfection are concentrated and specialized. As I said, I took it simply like a caress to comfort a child. But now I realize that the most important thing is not to have any fixity: nothing should be set, definitive, like the sense of a perfection in the realization that puts a total stop to the forward march. The sense of incapacity (with the meaning I said of mediocrity, of something by no means exceptional) leaves you in a sort of expectation (gesture of aspiration upward) of something better. And then, the most important thing is supplenesssuppleness, suppleness. Suppleness and breadth: reject nothing as useless or bad or inferiornothing; set nothing up as really superior and beautifulnothing. Remain ever open, ever open.
   The ideal is to have this suppleness and receptivity and surrender, that is, so total an acceptance of the Influence that no matter what comes the instrument adapts itself instantly to express it naturally, spontaneously and effortlessly. With everything, of course: with the plastic arts, with music, with writing.

0 1967-04-03, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I must tell you once more that for us spiritual life does not mean contempt for Matter but its divinization. We do not want to reject the body but to transform it. For this, physical Education is one of the means most directly effective

0 1967-04-15, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It should be done as an Educational discipline, with all the necessary safeguards and supervision.
   Its the same as all the rest: its the method that starts from below. The true method starts from aboveits more difficult, less spectacular, and it takes more time.

0 1967-04-19, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Yesterday evening, I received a big file from Y. on prenatal Education. She says that during the first months of its life, the child needs to touch its mothers skin, and that this (Mother shows the photo of a naked Negress carrying her naked child on her back) is the ideal way to carry children!?
   I read it yesterday, because she had spoken so much of this prenatal Education, saying the child is fully educated by the age of three, so I wanted to know what she proposed. But there isnt a single thing in it, she doesnt say what should be done.
   Just at the last page.
   Just in this last page there is a hint of what that Education might be, but its the negative side, what must not be. Thats all. But the positive side isnt there.
   She had already spoken to me once about prenatal Education, so I thought it must have some meaning, but here
   Of course, we know from experience you can give the form that you imagine; in the broad lines, you can give the character you imagine; all that is quite correct. So to begin with, its the mother who should be educated, not the child. Then, through a very strict control of your own reactions, you can prevent certain wrong impulses from mixing into the childs making. But all that isnt new, its been known for a long time since its what I practiced when I was expecting a child. So I know it.
   To do things properly, we would need a small Educational booklet for the children of the future. A preconceptional booklet to prepare the father and mother (especially the mother, thats the most important). Then a booklet for the first three years of life: the qualities required, the attitude to be taken. At any rate, the father and mother should first know the possibility (at least the possibility) of a child being more than a mere animal man.
   Then, conception should take place entirely outside of desire. Thats another very difficult condition to be fulfilled.
   "The sense of touch alone is fully developed (in the newborn). That allows it to remain in intimate contact with its mother and prolong the time of gestation, which is a period of intense development in the security of oneness. The least separation may cause an irreparable trauma, that 'fall on the head' which is the usual but abnormal condition of the newborn in civilized peoples. This is well-known to primitive peoples, where the mother keeps the naked child on her naked skin and never parts with it.... Until the other senses are specialized, it is chiefly through the surface of the skin that the child receives its Education.... If one wants it to incarnate really, to be friends with matter, its body to become as intimate as its soul, one must invent for it a yoga of caresses and play." (It is worth noting that an attempt to put these alluring and specious theories into practice was to have catastrophic results, as we shall see later in the Agenda: the main effect of the said "caresses" is to attract into the child's body vital forces of a dark order, and "genii of sex" rather than anything else, are likely to be incarnated.)
   This is how Mother replied to the disciple who had sent her her study on the formation of the new child: "I have read your work with keen interestit deals with an important aspect of the problem. But a public presentation is impossible. Seeing and reading this, too many young girls would imagine they are destined to give birth to the 'solar child'that would be a disaster." Then Mother added: "In order to realize this work, one must have gone beyond all desire; and unfortunately, this is not generally the case as yet. Whereas ambition and vanity are rather widespread maladies."

0 1967-05-13, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (A disciple asks Mother for permission to bring an orang-outan in order for it "participate in the Education.")
   Some have already protested against Thoth (the disciples first ape), if now theres an orang-outan theyll reproach me! Because, naturally, the servants were afraid, even the neighbours, anyway it wasnt to their liking. Once, Thoth walked into the room, so the maid started screaming; the neighbour came (luckily he has enough sense), he remained quiet and simply looked at Thoth, with some severity, probably. Then Thoth left without anything happening. But at other times, when Thoth is not happy, he tears up bed sheets or whatever. Finally the neighbour came and told me the incident (that was long ago). I said to him, You dont know the first thing about animals! Happily you have a peaceful nature, but animals are extremely sensitive to our feelings or sentiments: if you are afraid, they instantly get afraid; if you are angry, they instantly get angry; and if you are gentle, kind, affable, they become gentle, kind, affable. He understood quite well, and ever since all has been well. But he isnt alone in the house. An orang-outan is a big thing, you see!

0 1967-06-03, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I saw Y. on the 31st. She stayed for about an hour and told me of her hopes: she sees the possibility of a sort of world television (I dont know how that would be arranged), with a telephone, and there would be a central office with a collection of answers to all possible questionseach question answered by someone eminent or qualified. The result would be the organization of a universal Educationwell, terrestrial that would really be an Education for all countries, in which the knowledge and best qualities of every country in the artistic, literary and scientific fields would be gathered in a kind of transmitting centre, and all you would have to do would be to get into communication with it. So then, instead of having more or less incapable teachers to teach what they also know more or less, you would have the answer to every question, the most competent and best answer. Thus there would really be all over the earth an Education that would be the best possible, from which everyone would receive only what he wants; you wouldnt have to attend classes, a number of useless classes, in order to catch the little you want to know: you would have it just by getting into communication with the centre; you would ask for such and such a number and would get your answer.
   If it could be realized, it would be very good. It means that the most beautiful works of art, the most beautiful teachings, all the best of what humanity is GOING to produce, would be collected and within reach of all those who had a television. There would be the image along with the explanation, or the text or speech. A kind of imposing central building where everything would be gathered. I found it rather attractive. I told her that we would have that in Auroville (not the central office: just a receiving set). She said that instead of teachers who teach poorly what they know, there would be the best teaching on each subject. (I didnt ask her WHO would select those people that remains the somewhat delicate point.) But I found the idea very attractive. She said things are moving in that direction.
   Its very interesting, but the best Education is one that could put you in contact with the region of knowledge where you find all answers.
   Ah, that would be very good.
   Yes, that would be the true Education. Its not finding answers in a super-library, but catching hold of something up above and you have all the answers.
   But thats more difficult, isnt it?

0 1967-07-26, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The students point of view: they learn just to appear to know and to pass their exams and pad out their heads with all kinds of things. The teachers point of view is to have as easy a control as possible and to be able to give marks without giving themselves too much trouble, with a minimum of effort. As for me, I say: each student is an individuality, each student should come not because he wants to be able to say, I have studied and I am going to take my exams, but because he is eager to know and he comes with the will to know. And the teacher must not follow the easy method of giving a subject and seeing how each one answers, and whether the answer is good or bad, and conforms to what he has taught or not: he must find out whether the students interest and effort are sincere, and everyone according to his own nature for the teacher its infinitely more difficult, but thats Education. And they protest.
   As regards the teachers point of view, I certainly agree entirely

0 1968-02-07, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   2) Auroville will be the place of an unending Education, of constant progress, and a youth that never ages.
   And then:

0 1968-02-17, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I think its become worse, mon petit, because I remember, when I asked Y. to look after Education in Auroville, she was still decent enough. I think its gone to her head.
   Well, its the story of little R. whom they educate with music and caresses. Its the same story. But still, the city of love, damn! Auroville should be something that impels you towards other concepts than these petty things. I went there one day, and, you know, that place is moving
   So what are we going to do? If I send her paper back without saying anything, she will say I have approved of it; if I tell her it wont do, shell get still more furious. And she looks after everything, pokes her nose into everythinglegitimately, in a sense, since I told her I put her in charge of Education. But its AFTER that she became like this. At that time, she was a bit cranky, but still quite decent.
   Its troublesome.

0 1968-02-28, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   2) Auroville will be the place of an unending Education, of constant progress, and a youth that never ages.
   3) Auroville wants to be the bridge between the past and the future. Taking advantage of all discoveries from without and from within, Auroville will boldly spring towards future realisations.

0 1968-03-27, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The body must learn to obey before it can manifest power; and physical Education is the most thorough discipline for the body.
   So be eager and sincere in your effort for physical Education and you will acquire a powerful body.
   Its logical. Thats all.

0 1968-04-13, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   R. [Aurovilles architect] has come for five days, and he wants to make what he calls a district of Auroville, that is to say, instead of tackling the problem of ten or twenty thousand people at once, he wants to start with two or three thousand, on the level of infrastructure, but above all to see how it will work: the experiment of life in Auroville. I had thought about it, and when I spoke to you last time, thats what came: in what direction should the experiment be carried out? You see, Y. has ideas in the field of Education (I am not intervening); as for R., he has ideas in the field of construction (I am not intervening); but no one has studied the problem on the level of administration or organization, and of money, and that was precisely what I spoke of to you about last time.
   So if you could read me what I told you, if it does Ill give them the text. There is also this communist Russian architect, who has become quite enthusiastic: to him Auroville is the ideal realization. He is a very strong boy, with some power (also a power of conviction over people). So it would be interesting if he could have a glimpse of the direction in which were going.

0 1968-05-22, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Have you read the letters of S.s children? Theyre over there. For instance, all the students and the whole working class have joined forces. Naturally, on the mental level theres a whole mixture of all kinds of ideas, but the Force behind For example, the students want to completely change the method of Education: they violently demand the elimination of all examinations. And they themselves are unaware of it, but they are driven by a force that wants the manifestation of a truer truth.
   They themselves would rather have no violenceit seems its not the students who started the violence, but the police. And thats very interesting, because the police stand for the defense of the past. When I read those childrens letters, and when later I was given the news, then there came in me (it was said very, very clearly, a very clear vision): the future. Its the higher Power COMPELLING people to do what they must do. Between now and that (which is a long way ahead), there must be the power of an IMMOBILE number. And the vision was very clear: if millionsnot thousands, millionsof people assemble together and occupy the place absolutely peacefully (simply assemble and occupy the place, naturally with representatives who will say what they like), then it will have power. But there must be no violence; as soon as one indulges in violence, its the return to the past and the open door to all conflicts. At the time, I didnt know it was the police that had started the violence; I didnt know, I wasnt aware of the details of the events. But it was a very clear vision: an occupation by the mass, but a mass all-powerful in its immobility, imposing its will through sheer numbers, with intellectual representatives for negotiations.

0 1968-05-29, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Films are allowed in the Ashram not as entertainment but as part of Education. The problem is therefore that of Education.
   If we consider that a child must only learn, know and be aware of what can keep him pure of all lower, crude, violent and degrading movements, then we should eliminate at one stroke the entire contact with the rest of mankind, beginning with all those accounts of wars, murders, conflicts and deceits that are called History; we should eliminate the present contact with family, parents and friends; and we should constantly control the childs contact with all the vital impulses of his own being.

0 1968-06-26, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The Education of the physical consciousness (not the bodys global consciousness, but the consciousness of the cells) consists in teaching them First of all its a choice (it looks like one): its choosing the divine Presence the divine Consciousness, the divine Presence, the divine Power (all that wordlessly), the something we define as the absolute Master. Its a choice of EVERY SECOND between the old laws of Naturewith some mental influence and the whole life as it has been organized the choice between that, the government by that, and the government by the supreme Consciousness, which is equally present (the feeling of the Presence is equally strong); the other thing is more habitual, and then theres the Presence. Its every second (its infinitely interesting), and with illustrations: the nerves, for instance if a nerve obeys all the various laws of Nature and mental conclusions and all that the whole caboodle then it starts aching; if it obeys the influence of the supreme Consciousness, then a strange phenomenon takes place its not like something getting cured I might rather say, like an unreality fading away.
   And thats the life of every second, for the smallest thing, the whole bodily functioning: sleep, food, washing, activities, everything, everythingevery second. And the body is learning. There are naturally hesitations stemming from the power of habit and also old ideas floating about in the air (gesture of a swarming in the atmosphere): none of that is personal. As a work, its tremendous.

0 1968-09-04, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And the body is being given an Education: its being taught how to will the true way of being and willing. And over the entire material creation (gesture covering and enveloping the earth), there is a tissuewhich we might call catastrophica tissue of bad will. That is to say, a sort of web, yes, a defeatist webdefeatist, catastrophicwhere you botch what you wanted to do, where there are all possible accidents, all possible bad wills. Like a web. And the body is being taught to get out of it.2
   Its as if mingled with the Force that realizes and expresses itself; its like something mingling with the material creation. And the body is being taught to break free from it. But its difficult, very difficult.

0 1968-09-07, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I have told you many times, and couldnt repeat it too often, that we are not made of a piece. Within ourselves we have lots of states of being, and each state of being has its own life. All that is gathered together in a single body, as long as you have one, and acts through a single body; thats what gives you the sense of a single person, a single being. But there are many of them, and there are in particular concentrations on different planes: just as you have a physical being, you have a vital being, a mental being, a psychic being, and many others with all possible intermediaries. So when you leave your body, all those beings will scatter. Its only if you are a very advanced yogi and have been capable of unifying your being around the divine center that those beings remain linked together. If you havent been able to unify yourself, then at the time of death, all that will scatter: every being will go back to its own region. With the vital being, for example, your various desires will separate and each of them will go and chase its realization quite independently, because there will no longer be a physical being to hold them together. While if you have united your consciousness to the psychic consciousness, when you die you will remain conscious of your psychic being, and the psychic being will return to the psychic world which is a world of bliss, joy, peace, tranquillity, and growing knowledge. But if you have lived in your vital and all its impulses, each impulse will try to realize itself here and there. For instance, for the miser who was concentrated on his money, when he dies the part of his vital that was concerned with his money will hook on there and will keep watching over the money so no one takes it. People wont see him, but he is there nonetheless, and very unhappy if something happens to his dear money. Now, if you live exclusively in your physical consciousness (which is difficult, because, after all, you have thoughts and feelings), if you live exclusively in your physical, when the physical being disappears, you disappear along with it, its over. There is a spirit of the form: your form has a spirit that lives on for seven days after your death. The doctors have declared you dead, but the spirit of your form is alive, and not only alive but conscious in most cases. It lasts for seven to eight days, and after that, it too dissolves I am not talking about yogis, I am talking about ordinary people. Yogis have no laws, its quite different; for them the world is different. I am talking about ordinary people living an ordinary life; for them its like that. So the conclusion is that if you want to preserve your consciousness, it would be better to center it on a part of your being which is immortal; otherwise it will evaporate like a flame into thin air. And happily so, because if it were otherwise, there might be gods or kinds of superior men who would create hells and heavens as they do in their material imagination, inside which they would shut you up. (Question:) It is said that there is a god of death. Is it true? Yes. As for me, I call him a genius of death. I know him very well. And its an extraordinary organization. You cant imagine how organized it is! I think there are many of those genii of death, hundreds of them. I met at least two of them. One I met in France, the other in Japan, and they were very different. Which leads me to believe that depending on the mental culture, the Education, the countries and beliefs, there must be different genii. But there are genii for all manifestations of Nature: there are genii of fire, genii of air, water, rain, wind; and there are genii of death. Any one genius of death is entitled to a certain number of dead every day. Its truly a fantastic organization. Its a sort of alliance between the vital forces and the forces of Nature. If, for example, he decided, Here is the number of people I am entitled to, say four or five, or six, or one or two (it varies from day to day), if he decided so many people would die, hell go straight and set himself up near the person whos going to die. But if you (not the person) happen to be conscious, if you see the genius going to the person but do not want him or her to die, then, if you have a certain occult power, you can tell him, No, I forbid you to take this person. Thats something which happened, not once but several times, in Japan and here. It wasnt the same genius. Which makes me say there must be many of them. If you can tell him, I forbid you to take this person and have the power to send him away, theres nothing he can do but go away; but he wont give up his due and will go elsewhere there will be a death elsewhere. (Question:) Some people, when they are about to die, are aware of it. Why dont they tell the genius to go away? Two things are needed. First, nothing in your being, no part of your being, should wish to die. That doesnt often happen. You always have, somewhere in you, a defeatist: something tired or disgusted, which has had enough, something lazy or which doesnt want to fight and says, Ah, well, let it be over, so much the better. Thats enoughyoure dead. But its a fact: if nothing, absolutely nothing in you consents to die, you will not die. For someone to die, there is always a second, if a hundredth part of a second, when he consents. If there isnt that second of consent, he will not die. But who is certain he doesnt have within himself, somewhere, a tiny bit of a defeatist which just yields and says, Oh well? Hence the need to unify oneself. Whatever the path we may follow, the subject we may study, we always reach the same result. The most important thing for an individual is to unify himself around his divine center; that way he becomes a real individual, master of himself and of his destiny. Otherwise, he is a plaything of the forces, which toss him about like a cork in a stream. He goes where he doesnt want to, is made to do what he doesnt want to, and finally he gets lost in a hole without any way to stop himself doing so. But if you are consciously organized, unified around the divine center, governed and led by it, you are the master of your destiny. Its worth trying. At any rate, I find its better to be the master rather than the slave. The feeling of being pulled by strings and being made to do things you may or may not want to do is a rather unpleasant sensation. Its quite irksome. Well, I dont know, I, for one, found it quite irksome even when I was a small child. When I was five, I began finding it wholly intolerable, and I sought a way for it to be otherwisewithout anyone being able to tell me anything. Because I knew no one capable of helping me, and I didnt have the luck you havesomeone who can tell you, Here is what you must do. There was no one to tell me. I had to find it all by myself. I found it. I began at the age of five. And you, its a long time since you were five?
   Well cut out the end.

0 1968-09-28, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The near totality of humanity is conscious ONLY of the physical being. Through Education, the number of people conscious of their vital and mind goes on increasing. As for the human beings conscious of their psychic being, their number is relatively minimal.
   Theyre a bit theyre very ignorant, these children.
   Oh yes, that has a meaning! We could tell them: If thats what you mean, its precisely the goal of physical Education. And teaching is an attempt to replace the Consciousness with (laughing) an inner library! If I joke too much, they wont understand anymore!
   We can tell them this: The way to really awaken the physical consciousness is physical Education. Its physical Education that teaches the cells to be conscious. But to develop the brain, its study, observation, intelligent Educationespecially observation and reasoning. And naturally, for the whole Education of the consciousness from the standpoint of character, its yoga.
   Another question:

0 1969-01-29, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Then Mother shows a brochure of =1 on Education in Auroville)
   Anyway, its not bad.
   Only, she takes it seriously: its Education in Auroville.
   But I am so aware that its the mind indulging in itself, and going on indulging, so And if you try to get them out of it, they no longer understand anything. So the best is to let them. But I dont see why we should bother to read their stories.

0 1969-02-08, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   This atmosphere or consciousness [of the superman] seems to have an educative activity, because since it came, it has been looking after the Education of the bodyof the bodys CONSCIOUSNESS and thats quite interesting. And this Education isnt something personal at all: its the vision of the earths evolution, especially concentrated on human evolution. There are no doubt notions of the whole, and with very particular things, quite particular viewpoints, but then, with precise details and with insistence, lasting sometimes an hour on one subject, so as to make deeply understood the cause and the consequences, and the CURVE of evolution.
   Its method (in the main, not exclusively), its method consists in awakening a memory of the body that had been quite forgotten and really seemed absolutely gone; it awakens that memory and shows how the circumstance was possible in the general state, how (Ill give you an example) its a residue of the past, and how its unacceptable for the future.
   As soon as I am not busy talking or listening to people or doing a work, it goes on and on: certain samples, as it were, of this bodys life are taken up again, and through those samples, the whole is shown. A wonderful Education! Never, never does any human Education as its conceived resemble this, because its a vision of the whole, in which everything hangs together; youre shown everything together.
   It cant be said. At least I cant say it I cant, this body is incapable of formulating it methodically and clearly. But as far as learning is concerned, its certainly learning!
   Strange, isnt it? Its something that happened probably more than eighty years ago (eighty-two or three or four), yet it was intense, present, living, so extraordinary that if even now I look at it, I SEE: I see the scene so clearly, the apartment, the people, the setting, everything. It didnt come from within: it was shown to me (gesture of something imposing itself), and its while seeing it that suddenly I said within me, Hello, but I lived this! It was stored somewhere (gesture in the background), stored as you would keep a collection of memories for Educational purposesits far more precise, complete, concrete than any book or anything people say with so many words.

0 1969-03-19, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   These are just the qualities that one can acquire through physical Education. So, if we follow this discipline with such a result in view, we are sure to obtain the most interesting result.
   I didnt remember at all.

0 1969-07-30, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But what I found interesting is that here is an uneducated manhe had no formal Educationwho read your book and felt the Thing.
   Oh, but those are much more receptive than the others!

0 1969-08-23, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Yesterday I saw Y. She told me what she wanted to do: her new method of Education. It was rather amusing! It seems there is in a box the miniature reproduction of as many things of the earth as can be represented: humans, animals, objects, houses, and so on. All that is mixed together in a big box, on a sort of table, and the big and small children are put there, all of them together, and given a fixed time (I think): they have to make something out of the objects on the tableabsolutely free, they do what they like. And it seems that according to what they do, the way they use the objects and assemble them, you can tell their character As an illustration, she told me they put someone there (she didnt tell me who), apparently a sage, a sage who knows about the existence of yoga, and the result of his work was this: a Red Indian taking aim to shoot another, the second Red Indian taking aim to shoot another, and the third Red Indian taking aim to shoot anotherfour like that, in a row. Then the last Red Indian, the fourth, taking aim to kill a lion, and the lion rushing at a deer to kill it. Theres his tableau! And he told them that was an image of life.
   According to that, they are sure of knowing his character! (Mother laughs mockingly) I found it prodigiously amusing!
   Its for the Education of children, taken very small. They are left free in a place, they do what they likeabsolutely free, with all they need at their disposal. So those who spend their time fighting are said to have a fighting character! (Mother laughs) Some remain all alone, others come togetherfrom all that their characters are determined. So she wants to do that in Auroville. I told her, How are they prevented from injuring themselves or having serious accidents? She said they should be put in a place where they can fall without hurting themselves I found it a bit flimsy! But anyway, theres the idea. She wants to have that garden by the sea. I asked her (laughing), How will you prevent them from getting drowned?! She replied, Oh, well put a barrier in the sea to stop them from going too far. (Shes already chosen the spot, near Fs hut, they even want to appropriate one of the places F has bought: theyll put the children there.) I said, There are sharks in the sea. So theyre counting on their barrier to stop the sharksit will have to be strong! These people seem to me to be living in their imagination.
   And theyre so convinced that they know that you have nothing to tell them. Now and then I tell a joke just to seeoh, brrr!
   And to crown it all, whos going to live there and watch over the children but A.A.!! A. is the one who has learned in Switzerl and this new method to describe peoples characters, its he who brought it back, and it interests him furiously I just said to Y., I hope there wont be any accidents. Then she told me, Oh, later, when we have enough money, well make a garden in Auromodle, and then well do it with all the necessary precautions. I thought they should rather wait. But to get money, they have to do something (thats how it is: you must start doing something, and afterwards youre given the money to do it). Me, of course, I dont say anything (Mother crosses her fingers on her lips). Ive named her responsible for the direction of Education in Auroville (Mother laughs heartily). She told me, by the way, that she wants to have a bank account in the name of Auro Educationdo you know why? Because those young Americans who came here on a visit (did you hear about them?), a dozen or so I saw them all: quite ordinary people. They asked me, Whats responsibility?! Things of that sort.
   Yes, you told me about them.

0 1969-08-27, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   So well see the druid! That makes the fourth person: we have a healer of cancer coming; we have a healer pure and simple coming; we have (Mother tries to remember) ah, yes, a Persian inventor who has made extraordinary inventions for Education (he sent a paper), especially for childrens Education; he is coming in September.
   All that will be very amusing!

0 1969-08-30, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   So it gives physical Education a deep raison dtre: people capable of stopping fires, saving drowning people and so on. There neednt be many: if there were five hundred of them, it would be enough for the entire town, in little groups going about like that.
   Dr. S. also has some ideas to replace jails (because we dont have jails, and we cant dump all the dishonest people into the rest of India! That wouldnt be nice). Prisons and old peoples homes would have to be replaced with something. Its being studied, something has been found. Its going to be interesting!

0 1969-09-03, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   This coming month, it seems there is going to be a real invasion of the Ashram. Some people are coming (the healer, the druid, etc.), then Indira wants to come, then there is the Education minister whos gone askew and expressed a sense of horror at the Ashramshe asks him to come! So well have an invasion this month of September.
   (long silence)

0 1969-11-08, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I told you last time that when I was at the piano, I noticed that my hands were very conscious, that is to say, extremely receptive, they found it perfectly natural there was no connection with the body consciousness, they were moved by the higher Consciousness. The hands have had a special Education. But you understand
   And there is a part, the part of the body most in contact with outside (Mother touches the region of the mouth and throat), this part, this center which is in contact with outside, all this oh, its difficult, very difficult. Now and then with an aspiration, there is a beginning of change, and then it causes a sort of catastrophe! Choking and coughing and horrible. Then I am obliged to calm things down and wait. It has to take time. The organism wouldnt have the power to withstand the disorder that creates.

0 1969-11-22, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Now, something else. These days, I am writing a lot of notes about childrens Education. I have been asked, What should we do? Some children are wicked, with a wickedness really unbelievable inventions, they [the teachers] dont know what to do. So I wrote a lot of things, but among them, one, I think, is important:
   A child must cease to be wicked because he learns to be ashamed of being wicked, not because he fears a punishment.
   In that case, this prenatal Education Y speaks of isnt a falsehood after all. Its something that may be true.
   The children, those who are a few months old (as I said, those who were born in Auroville) are remarkable theyre remarkable. I thought it was just one case, but in all those Ive seen till now, all of them, a concentration of consciousness.

0 1969-12-31, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But even our children have such stupid reactions! One girl here wrote to me because I had mentioned to her that the Consciousness had descended on the earth, concentrated on the earth in order to help men prepare for the transformation. She asked me, How come men have been left unhelped for so long? Its enough to make you howl in despair! Theyve had their Education here and they still ask questions of that sort! I had to control myself so as not to tell her, My poor girl, (laughing) what a half-wit you are!

0 1970-01-17, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But you understand, they speak of physical work, and for physical work there are only the young ones at the Schoolall the ashramites have become old, mon petit! They are all old. There are only the young ones at the School, and those are not here to become ashramites, theyre here to be educatedits for them to choose. Many of them, many want to go to Auroville. So that would mean the Ashrams Education going to Auroville there are many of them. But give me names: who can go and work with his hands?
   But, Mother, the only possibility is for you to SAY; and then, tomorrow Ill go and spend two hours in Auroville picking up baskets [of rubble]!
   If you knew all that takes place, youd find it very funny. The whole side of agriculture, same thing; the whole side of Education, same thing; everywhere the same thing. The international side, same thing: everywhere, everywhere, Man (Mother inflates her cheeks), Man puffing himself up.
   FIRST they must understand: abdicate. Then we will see.

0 1970-04-01, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   A young instructor of physical Education who left his body a few years earlier.
   Motilal Roy, a disciple from Chandernagore with whom Sri Aurobindo corresponded between 1912 and 1920.

0 1970-08-01, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   You know that Calcuttas walls are all covered with slogans: The Chairman of China is our chairman. The atmosphere is like that. A gentleman who, I think, headed the University there,1 or the official in charge of Education, came here to ask us to go and do something in Bengal I saw him. It seems he is scared stiff. He asked us to go and do something. So its almost officially that were called there.
   The response in Orissa is excellent.
   Its a series of questions and answers about all kinds of problems: Education, language, and so on.
   Are there answers from Sri Aurobindo?

0 1971-04-01, #Agenda Vol 12, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Let your body be prepared through physical Education for this great change!

0 1971-05-26, #Agenda Vol 12, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I would rather not say that. You know, I could say two things. One is that you truly have something to do, and it is in the process of crystallizingyou shouldnt listen to the rubbish of people who dont understand a thing. And the other is that theres a whole part of your nature that was not your luminous nature (atavism, Education, a lot of things), which is so much out of the way, so overcome that I thought it had vanished altogether. I was surprised when I was told it had come to bother you again. Thats thats not Satprem.
   Yes, I know.

0 1973-01-20, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Account of the Dalai Lamas visit. The Dalai Lamas questions were put to Mother by Kireet, the Registrar of the Centre of Education, who in turn conveyed Mothers answers back to the Dalai Lama.)
   (original English)

02.14 - Appendix, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Let me in this connection tell you a story. We were then in college. The Swadeshi movement was in full flood, carrying everything before it. We the young generation of students had been swept off our feet. One day, an elder among us whom I used to consider personally as my friend, philosopher and guide, happened to pass a remark which rather made me lose my bearings a little. He was listing the misdeeds of the British in India. "This nation of shopkeepers!" he was saying, "There is no end to their trickeries to cheat us. Take, for instance, this question of Education. The system they have set up with the high-sounding title of 'University' and 'the advancement of learning' is nothing more than a machine for creating a band of inexpensive clerks and slaves to serve them. They have been throwing dust into our eyes by easily passing off useless Brummagem ware with the label of the real thing. One such eminently useless stuff is their poet Wordsworth, whom they have tried to foist on our young boys to their immense detriment." This remark was no doubt a testimony to his inordinate love of country. But it remains to be seen how far it would bear scrutiny as being based on truth.
   For us in India, especially to Bengalis, the first and foremost obstacle to accepting Wordsworth as a poet would be his simple, artless and homely manner:

02.14 - Panacea of Isms, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Nor can socialism remedy all the ills society suffers from, if it merely or mainly means the abolition of private enterprise and the assumption by the State of the entire economic and even cultural or Educational apparatus of the society. Even as an economic proposition State Socialism, which is only another name of Totalitarianism, is hardly an unmixed good. First of all, however selfish and profiteering the individual may be, still, one must remember that it is always the individual who is adventurous and inventive, it is he who discovers, creates new things and beautiful things. A collective or global enterprise makes for massiveness and quantity, but it means also uniformity, often a dead uniformity: for variety, for originality, as well as for the aesthetic tone and the human touch, the personal element is needed, seems to be indispensable. Education in such a system would mean a set routine and pattern, an efficient machine to bring out consistently and continuously uniform types of men who are more or less 'automatons, mechanical and regimented in their make-up and behaviour. An all-out socialistic Government will bear down and entomb the deeper springs of human consciousness, the magic powers of initiative and creativity that depend upon individual liberty and the free play of personal choice. We do not deny that Socialism is an antidote to another malady in the social body the parcellation, the fragmentation into a thousand petty interestsall aggressive and combative-of the economic strength of a community, and also the stupendous inequality and maldistribution of wealth and opportunity. But it brings in its own poison.
   It is a great illusion, as has been pointed out by many, that a collective and impersonal body cannot be profiteers and war-mongers. A nation as a whole can very well be moved by greed and violence and Sieglust (passion for conquest)Nazism has another name, it is also called National Socialism. Everything depends not upon the form, but the spirit that animates the form. It is the spirit, man's inner nature that is to be handled, dealt with and changed; outer systems and forms have only a secondary importance.

03.02 - Yogic Initiation and Aptitude, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The question, however, can be raised the moderns do raise it and naturally in the present age of science and universal Educationwhy should not all men equally have the right to spiritual sadhana? If spirituality is the highest truth for man, his greatest good, his supreme ideal, then to deny it to anyone on the ground, for example, of his not being of the right caste, class, creed, or sex, to keep anyone at a distance on such or similar grounds is unreasonable, unjust, reprehensible. These notions, however, are born of a sentimental or idealistic or charitable disposition, but unfortunately they do not stand the impact of the realities of life. If you simply claim a thing or even if you possess a lawful right to a worthy object, you do not acquire thereby the capacity to enjoy it. Were it so, there would be no such thing as mal-assimilation. In the domain of spiritual sadhana there are any number of cases of defective metabolism. Those that have fallen, strayed from the Path, become deranged or even have had to leave the body, make up a casualty list that is not small. They were misfits, they came by their fate, because they encroached upon a thing they were not actually entitled to, they were dragged into a secret, a mystery to which their being was insensible.
   In a general way we may perhaps say, without gross error, that every man has the right to become a poet, a scientist or a politician. But when the question rises in respect of a particular person, then it has to be seen whether that person has a natural ability, an inherent tendency or aptitude for the special training so necessary for the end in view. One cannot, at will, develop into a poet by sheer effort or culture. He alone can be a poet who is to the manner born. The same is true also of the spiritual life. But in this case, there is something more to take into account. If you enter the spiritual path, often, whether you will or not, you come in touch with hidden powers, supra-sensible forces, beings of other worlds and you do not know how to deal with them. You raise ghosts and spirits, demons and godsFrankenstein monsters that are easily called up but not so easily laid. You break down under their impact, unless your adhr has already been prepared, purified and streng thened. Now, in secular matters, when, for example, you have the ambition to be a poet, you can try and fail, fail with impunity. But if you undertake the spiritual life and fail, then you lose both here and hereafter. That is why the Vedic Rishis used to say that the ear then vessel meant to hold the Soma must be properly baked and made perfectly sound. It was for this reason again that among the ancients, in all climes and in all disciplines, definite rules and regulations were laid down to test the aptitude or fitness of an aspirant. These tests were of different kinds, varying according to the age, the country and the Path followedfrom the capacity for gross physical labour to that for subtle perception. A familiar instance of such a test is found in the story of the aspirant who was asked again and again, for years together, by his Teacher to go and graze cows. A modern mind stares at the irrelevancy of the procedure; for what on earth, he would question, has spiritual sadhana to do with cow-grazing? In defence we need not go into any esoteric significance, but simply suggest that this was perhaps a test for obedience and endurance. These two are fundamental and indispensable conditions in sadhana; without them there is no spiritual practice, one cannot advance a step. It is absolutely necessary that one should carry out the directions of the Guru without question or complaint, with full happiness and alacrity: even if there comes no immediate gain one must continue with the same zeal, not giving way to impatience or depression. In ancient Egypt among certain religious orders there was another kind of test. The aspirant was kept confined in a solitary room, sitting in front of a design or diagram, a mystic symbol (cakra) drawn on the wall. He had to concentrate and meditate on that figure hour after hour, day after day till he could discover its meaning. If he failed he was declared unfit.

03.06 - The Pact and its Sanction, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   This life principle of a body politic seems in Pakistan to be represented by the Ansars. The question then to be determined is whether they have accepted the Pact or not. If they have, is it merely a political expedient or do they find in it a real moral value? We have to weigh and judge the ideal and motive that inspire this organisation which seeks to be the steel frame supporting or supported by the Government. We ask: is this a nucleus, a seed bed for the new life to take birth and grow, the new life that would go to the making of the new world and humanity? And we have to ask India too, has she found her nucleus or nuclei, on her side, that would generate and foster the power of her soul and spirit? The high policy of a government remains a dead law or is misconstrued and misapplied through local agents: they are in fact the local growths that feed the national life and are fed by it and they need careful nurture and Education, for upon them depends ultimately the weal or the woe of the race.

03.07 - Brahmacharya, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Brahmacharya was the very basis of Education in ancient India: indeed, it was the basic Education upon which Indian culture, Indian civilization, Indian life was based and built up. Without it there was no entry into the business of life.
   Modern Education means storage of information, knowledge of thingsas much knowledge of as many things as it is possible for the brain to contain. The older ideal, however, was not so much knowledge, that is to say, packet of knowings, but capacity, first capacity in a general way, and then as its application, the capacity of knowledge. The problem was to locate, that is to say, find out the source of energy then master it, increase it, harness it and utilise it. The physico-vital energy is the most elementary and elemental energy that is nearest to us and most easily available. It is the basic energy; man starts his life with that, a child possesses it abundantly. The first problem is how to store it; evidently it is most liable to be thrown or frittered away. The first form of the discipline in the preparatory stage of early life is regularity in habits, methodical physical exercises; even a fixed routine sometimes helps much. Next comes self-control, continence, physical purity. This is Brahmacharya proper. It means the exercise of conscious will.
   We do not speak of Brahmacharya in relation to a child. The discipline can be taken up only when the body and the consciousness have attained a certain degree of growth and development. A child grows in the full free play of its life movements: the care or attention of others should weigh upon it as lightly as possible, maintaining only an atmosphere of happy influence and protection. The transition from the stage of free play to conscious control is marked in Indian society by the ceremony of upanayana, the first approach or initiation: it is the beginning of the life of Brahmacharya.
   The basis and the immediate aim of Education according to the ancient system was to develop this fundamental mental capacity: the brain's power to think clearly, consistently and deeply, to undergo labour without tiring easily and also a general strength and steadiness in the nerves. The transference of nervous energy into brain energy is also a secret of the process of sublimation. It is precisely this aspect of Education that has been most neglected in modern times. We give no thought to this fundamental: we leave the brain to develop as it may (or may not), it is made to grow under pressuremore to inflate than to growby forcing into it masses of information. The result at best is that it is sharpened, made acute superficially or is overgrown in a certain portion of it in respect of a narrow and very specialised function, losing thereby a healthy harmony and homogeneity in the total movement. The intellectual's nervous instability is a very common phenomenon among us.
   In recent times, however, we have begun to view children's Education in a different light. It is being more and more realised that things are not to be instilled into the child from outside, but that the child should be allowed to grow and imbibe naturally. The teacher is only a companion and a guide: he is to let the child move according to its own inclinations, follow its own line of curiosity; he can open up and present new vistas of curiosity, seek to evoke new interests. Sympathy and encouragement on his side giving scope to freedom and autonomous development for the childthis is the watchword and motto for the ideal teacher.
   This new approach has rectified much of the wrong handling of the problem of Education to which we have been accustomed. Even this new orientation, however, is not sufficient: along with freedom and autonomy, the element of discipline and order has also to be brought in, if not quite in the old way at least in a new manner. It will not do to say simply that it must be self-discipline and self-order, but the question is how it is to be practically carried out. In ancient times it was done by living the life of an aspirant, not merely by studying and going to school, being only a student but living in the hours of the teacher, in the atmosphere of his direct presence and influence: the teacher too was not a machine issuing mechanical instruction, but a Person who loved and whom one loved, a warm embodiment of the ideal.
   In our days there has been this unhappy division between the student and the aspirant. In the student life, life and study are things apart. One may be a good student, study very seriously and attain considerable eminence in intellectual achievement, and yet in life one may remain quite the ordinary man with very normal reactions. Along with the brain we do not endeavour to educate the life instincts and body impulses. This portion of our nature we leave all alone and do not dare or care to handle it consciously. Sometimes we call that freedom; but it is more slavery than freedom, slavery to our commonplace animal nature. Because one follows one's impulses and instincts freely, without let or hindrance one feels as if he were free. Far from it.

03.08 - The Spiritual Outlook, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   When the Divine acts, it acts always in and through this transcendental and innermost truth of things. When it helps the seeker, it touches and inspires the secret soul in himhis truthnot like the human teacher or reformer who addresses himself to the outer personality, to laws and codes, prohibitions and injunctions, reward and punishment, for the Education and instruction of his pupil. Indeed, the Divine chastises also in the same way. The Asura or the anti-divine he does not kill with one blow nor even with many blows of his thunderbolt or burn away with his red wrath. The image of Zeus or Jehovah is a human figuration: it depicts the human way of dealing with one's enemies. The Divine deals with the undivine in the divine way, for the undivine too is not something outside the Divine. The Asura also has; his truth, his truth in the Divine, only it has been degraded and deformed under circumstances. The Divine simply disengages, picks up that core of truth and takes it away so that it can no longer be appropriated and deformed by the Asura who now losing the secret support of his truth automatically crumbles to pieces as mere husk and chaff. If there is something more than the merely human in the image of Durga, the Goddess transfixing her lance right into the heart of the Asura may be taken as indicative of this occult truth.
   There is then this singular and utter harmony in the divine consciousness resolving all contraries and incompatibles. Neha nnsti kicana, there is no division or disparity here. Established in this consciousness, the spiritual man naturally and inevitably finds that he is in all and all are in him and that he is all and all are he, for all and he are indivisibly that single (yet multiple) reality. The brotherhood of man is only a derivative from the more fundamental truth of the universal selfhood of man.

03.09 - Art and Katharsis, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The voice of Art is sweetly persuasivekntsmmita, as the Sanskrit rhetoricians say-it is the voice of the beloved, not that of the school-master. The Education of Poetry is like the Education of Nature: the poet said of the child that grew in sun and shower
   And beauty born of murmuring sound

03.11 - The Language Problem and India, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Almost till the end of the last century French was the language of culture all over Europe. It was taught there as part of liberal Education in all the countries and a sojourn in France was considered necessary to complete the course. Those who were interested in human culture and wished to specialise inbelles lettres had to cultivate more or less an intimate acquaintance with the Gallic Minerva. English has since risen to eminence, due to the far-flung political and commercial net that the nation has spread; it has become almost an indispensable instrument for communication between races that are non-English and far from England. Once upon a time it was said of a European that he had two countries, his own and France; today it can be said with equal or even more truth that a citizen of the modern world has two mother tongues, his own and English.
   Even then, even though French has been ousted from the market-place, it holds still a place of honour in the cultural world, among the lite and the intelligentsia. I have said French rules the continent of Europe. Indeed even now an intellectual on the ,continent feels more at ease in French and would prefer to have the French version of a theme or work rather than the English. Indeed we may say in fact that the two languages appeal to two types of mentality, each expressing a characteristically different version of the same original truth or fact or statement. If you wish to have your ideas on a subject clear, rational and unambiguous, you must go to French. French is the language par excellence of law and logic. Mental presentation, as neat and transparent as possibly can be is the special aid French language brings to you. But precisely because it is intellectually so clear, and neat, it has often to avoid or leave out certain shades and nuances or even themes which do not go easily into its logical frame. English is marvellous in this respect, that being an illogical language it is more supple and pliant and rich and through its structural ambiguities can catch and reflect or indicate ideas and realities, rhythms and tones that are supra-rational. French, as it has been pointed out by French writers themselves, is less rich in synonyms than English. There each word has a very definite and limited (or limiting) connotation, and words cannot be readily interchanged. English, on the other hand, has a richer, almost a luxuriant vocabulary, not only in respect of the number of words, but also in the matter of variation in the meaning a given word conveys. Of course, double entendre or suggestiveness is a quality or capacity that all languages that claim a status must possess; it is necessary to express something of the human consciousness. Still, in French that quality has a limited, if judicious and artistic application; in English it is a wild growth.
   Naturally I am referring to the educated or cultured stratum of humanity, the lite. This restriction, however, does not vitiate or nullify our position. The major part of humanity is bound and confined to the soil where they are born and brought up. Their needs do not go beyond the assistance of their vernacular. A liberal Education, extending even to the masses, may and does include acquaintance with one or two foreign languages, especially in these days, but in fact it turns out to be only a nodding acquaintance, a secondary and marginal acquisition. When Latin was the lingua franca in Europe or Sanskrit in India, it was the lite, the intelligentsia, the Brahmin, the cleric, who were the trustees and guardians of the language. That position has virtually been taken in modern times, as I have said, by English and French.
   The cultivation of a world language need not mean a neglect or discouragement of the national or regional language. Between the two instead of there being a relation of competition there can be a relation of mutual aid and helpfulness. The world language can influence the local language in the way of its growth and development and can itself be influenced and enriched in the process. The history of the relation of English and the Indian languages, especially Bengali, is an instance in point.

03.14 - From the Known to the Unknown?, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   It is not a blunder and it need not lead inevitably to a catastrophe if, for example, a child were given its first Education not through his mother tongue, but through what is termed a foreign language. Would it, for that matter, harm a child invariably and necessarily, if he did not confine himself within the walls of his school in the midst of the known and the familiar, if he were to stir out and venture into wildshow otherwise would Alice discover her Wonderland? A foreign tongue, a foreign atmosphere would often interest a child more than things known and familiar. The very distance and imprecision and even the peculiar difficulties exert a charm and evoke greater attention in the child. This is not to say that familiarity breeds contempt, but that unfamiliarity does not repel but attracts also.
   There is some point in a system of Education which seeks to pull out the child from its familiar old-world milieu and place him in the midst of conditions where he can grow freely unencumbered by ties of the past and the immediate. The Russians have been blamed for many of their revolutionary, if not scandalous changes in social life and pattern: the child not knowing its father and mother, but being brought up in a common, almost anonymous nursery where he loses his family brand but develops a consciousness that is cosmopolitan and widely human. It seems it is only when one is thrown into strange and unfamiliar and unknown surroundings that one gets the best out of oneself. If you wish to increase the stature of your being, that is the wayif not the way, at least one effective way.

05.34 - Light, more Light, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Let us explain. Man is not as ignorant and helpless as he seems to be, as he would himself consider to be. There is in him always a spark, under the ashes, as it were, a perfect freedom behind the faade of a network of bondages, not dead or dormant but biding the time, to come out and be active on the surface. The spark is the light that directs to the right and warns against the wrong; the freedom is the choice to do the right and avoid the wrong. It is just a point of perception, just a flash of awareness, but net and clear: it is there, you have only to notice it. It does not give the why or the whither of the rightness: it is a simple declaration presented to you, for you to do what you like with it: to ignore or to profit by. Usually we do not pay attention to it: our attention is diverted towards another direction and other things. Our environment, our Education, our domestic and social influences, even a good part of our own nature demand of us other ways of living and inhibit the spontaneous inherent light of the consciousness. Even so, if we care to look at it, if we sincerely turn round and ask for it, we will find it still there the flame behind the smoke, the queen in the harem, the deity in the sanctum. What is required is just a straight look and not the crooked wink we are accustomed to. The first attempts will necessarily mean a little fumbling, but if you mean what you do, you will find your vision getting clearer. It is our own disinclination that weaves the cobweb of ignorance around the truth. Otherwise, an unsophisticated consciousness, a consciousness which is not vitiatedmore often by nurture than by naturecan always feel the presence of the truth and is directly aware of it.
   A blinded misdirected mind, if it wakes up at any time and looks about for the truth sincerelywe insist upon the conditioncan recognise it, learn to trace it by certain indications it always leaves behind in the consciousness. A touch of the truth, a step towards it will be always accompanied by a sense of relief, of peace, of a serene happiness and unconditional freedom. These things are felt not as something gross and superficial affecting your outer life and situation, but pertaining to the depth of your being, concerning your inmost fibreit is nothing else but just the sense of light, as if you are at last out of the dark. A right movement brings you that feeling; and whenever you have that feeling you know that there has been the right movement. On the contrary, with a wrong movement you are ill at ease. You may say that a hardened criminal is never ill at ease; perhaps, but only after a great deal of hardening. The criminal was not always a criminal I am speaking of a human being, not a born hostilehe must have started some-where the downward incline. The distinction of the right and the wrong must have been presented to his consciousness and the choice was freely his. Afterwards one gets bound to one's Karma and its chain.

06.11 - The Steps of the Soul, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The human individual is a very complex being: he is com-posed of innumerable elements, each one of which is an independent entity and has almost a personality. Not only so, the most contradictory elements are housed together. If there is a particular quality or capacity present, the very opposite of it, annulling it, as it were, will be also found along with it and embracing it.. I have seen a man brave, courageous, heroic to the extreme, flinching from no danger, facing unperturbed the utmost peril, the bravest of the brave, truly; and yet I have seen the same man cowering in abject terror, like the last of poltroons, in the presence of certain circumstances. I have seen a most generous man, giving away largely, freely, not counting any expenditure or sacrifice, without the least care or reservation; the same person I have also found to be the vilest of misers in respect of certain other considerations. I have seen again the most intelligent person, with a clear mind, full of light and understanding, easily comprehending the logic and implication of a topic and yet I have seen him betraying the utmost stupidity of which even an ordinary man without Education or intelligence would be incapable. These are not theoretical examples, but I have come across such persons actually in life.
   The complexity arises not only in extension, but also in depth. Man does not live on a single plane but on many planes at the same time. There is a scale of gradation in human consciousness: the higher one rises in the scale the greater the number of elements or personalities that one possesses. Whether one lives mostly or mainly on the physical or vital or mental plane or on any particular section of these planes or on planes above and beyond, there will be accordingly differences in the constitution or psycho-physical make-up of the individual personality. The higher one stands the richer the personality, because it lives not only on its own normal level, but also on all that are below and which it has transcended. The complete or integral man, some occultists say, possesses 365 personalities; indeed it may be much more. (The Vedas speak of the three and thirty-three and thirty-three hundred and thirty-three thousand gods that may be housed in the human vehicle the basic three being evidently the triple status or world of Body, Life and Mind).

06.19 - Mental Silence, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Now, the value of an idea cannot be determined by the idea itself. Usually one chooses because of some external reason or other: one's Education, environment, one's personal temperament, likes and dislikes go a long way in determining one's choice. So the first thing you have to do is not to allow the thoughts to come in pell-mell, as and when they like. Thoughts must come only when you choose them and only those that you choose. There must be a conscious selection. How to proceed in this work? As your own thoughts cannot choose themselves, what you have to do at the outset is to call for a higher guidance and let yourself be absolutely impartial and passive in its hands.
   A blankness is needed, a white emptiness somewhere behindeven if it does not come and occupy the front too. Give up personal choosing and wait for the Higher Direction the Divineto do with you whatever it wills. Given the requisite silence and reliance, the decision comes inevitably and you are moved to do automatically what is required to be done from moment to moment. At first you may not get the knowledge of the why and the wherefore of your action, you act merely as an automaton but with the luminous silence within and a tranquil aspiration attending. When once you have been trained in this unquestioning docility, then knowledge will be given to you gradually, at first only of a few steps ahead, later on for a fuller and completer perspective.

07.08 - The Divine Truth Its Name and Form, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   You expect to see a divine form in each and all things? It may happen so. But I am not sure; I have the impression that there is a large part of imagination in such experiences. You may, for example, see the form of Krishna or Christ or Buddha in every being or thing. But I say that much of human conception enters into this perception. Otherwise what I was telling you just now would not be true. I said all who have the consciousness of the Divine, all who get the contact with the Divine, wherever one may be, to whatever age or country he may belong, all have the same essential experience. If it were not so, the Hindus would always see one of their gods, the Europeans one of theirs, the Japanese a third variety and so on. This may be an addition of each one's own mental formation, but it would not be the Reality in its essence or purity which is beyond all form. One can have a perception of the Divine Presence, a very concrete perception, one can have even a personal contact with the Divine, but it need not happen in and through the kind of form you imagine; it is something inexpressible, beyond all explanation or definition, it is evident only to one who has the experience. It may be as you are suddenly lifted up into a peculiar condition, you find yourself in the presence of the Divine which takes a form familiar to you, a form you have been accustomed to associate with the Divine, because of your Education, your up-bringing and tradition. But, as I say, it is not the supreme essence of the experience: the form gives after all a limitation to the experience, takes away from it its universality and a large measure of its power.

07.31 - Images of Gods and Goddesses, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   I have seen some of these forms in the vital world and also in the mental world; they are truly creations of man. There is a Power from beyond that manifests, but in this triple world of Ignorance man creates God Himself in his own image and beings that appear there are more or less the outcome of the creative human thought. So at times we do have things that are truly frightful. I have seen formations that are so obscure, so un-understandable, so inexpressive! There are some divine beings that are treated worse than the others. Take, for example, this poor Mahakali. What has man made of her, wildly terrible, a nightmare beyond imagination! Such creations however live in a very inferior world, in the lowest vital world; and if there is anything there of the original being, it is such a far off reflection that it is hardly recognisable. And yet it is that which is pulled by the human consciousness. When, for example, an image is made and installed and the priest calls down into it a form, an emanation of a god, through an inner invocation there is usually a whole ceremony in this connectionif the priest is someone having the power of evocation, then the thing succeeds (what Ramakrishna did in the Kali temple). But generally priests are people with the commonest ideas and the most traditional training and Education; when they think of the gods they give them attributes and appearances which are popular, which belong normally to entities of the vital world, at best to mental formations but which do not represent in any way the truth of the beings behind. All the idols in temples or the household gods worshipped by the many are inhabited by beings who know only how to lead you to unhappiness and disaster. They are so far away from the divinity that one means to worship. There are certain family Kalis that are real monsters. I have even advised some to throw such an image into the Ganges to get rid of the evil influence emanating from it. But of course it is always the fault of man and not of the divinity. For man wishes so much to make his gods in his own image.

07.37 - The Psychic Being, Some Mysteries, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   It depends. As I have told you now, there are psychic beings that are just on the way of formation and growth, they usually cannot choose at the beginning, they cannot choose very much. But when they have come to a certain degree of development and consciousness, they make a choice; generally when they are still in the body, when they have gathered a certain amount of experience, they decide what is to be their next field of experience. I shall give you an illustration, although somewhat external. A psychic being, for example, needed the experience of power, authority, comm and and wanted to know the reactions of these movements and also how to turn them towards the Divine, to learn, in a word, what these things can teach. So the soul took the body of a king (or a queen). When it had the necessary experience, learnt what it had to learn, it gave up the body, being no longer useful. It is at that moment, when it decides to leave the body, that the soul still in the body makes the choice of the next experience. The choice very often takes a course of action and reaction. If the soul has experienced and studied a particular field, its choice falls upon a contrary field on the following occasion. Thus if the soul has had the experience of a kingly position and worked through that to enter into a conscious relation with the Divine, then at the moment of leaving the body that served with Power and authority and command, it perhaps would say: This time I shall take a middle position, neither high nor low, where there will be no need to lead mostly an external life, where one is neither in great luxury nor in great misery. With that resolution it returns to the psychic world for the necessary rest, for the assimilation of past experiences and preparation for the future. When the time comes for return upon earth, for the descent into a physical body, it remembers naturally the choice it had made, but from that higher and subtler plane at that moment the material world is not seen in the way we see it, it appears in a different form; still one can notice the differences in the surroundings and activities. One has not the vision of the details, but a total or global vision is there. It can choose an atmosphere, it can choose even a particular country. It has in view a certain kind of Education, civilisation and influence, the kind of life that it wishes to lead. Then as it comes down and looks about, it distinguishes very clearly the different kinds of vibrations and makes its way accordingly. It aims, as it were, at the place where to drop. But it can hit the target only approximately. For there are one or two other factors besides which come into play. For there is not only its own choice, from above, there must also be a receptivity from below, an aspiration that draws to it the particular being or the particular type of being. Usually the call is from a mother, sometimes from both the parents. If the parent has some aspiration or receptivity, something that is sufficiently passive and open and looking up towards something higher, in that case, the thing appears to the psychic being as a luminous vibration which beckons it. It is the answer to its will. It shows the place it is to go to. It cannot fix the day of its birth. There will naturally be a period of uncertainty, but that is not expected to go beyond a year. The second factor that somewhat modifies or qualifies his choice comes from the nature of the birth itself. The soul, the conscious being, precipitates into the inconscience, for the physical world, even human consciousness, at its very best, is an inconscient thing when compared to the psychic consciousness. It is as though the soul fell head down-most. That makes it dazed and for a long time it does not know what is what. It does not know where it is, what it is doing nor why it is there; a complete blank possesses it. It is unable to express itself, especially as a baby, it has not the proper amount of brain to understand or manifest anything. Very rarely do children show the exceptional being that they have within them. Cases do occur indeed, but they are very few and far between. Generally it takes time for the soul to come to its own. It wakes up but slowly from its numbness, it is only gradually that it begins to understand that it is there for some reason and by choice. This oblivion is occasioned by the presence of the mind and mental Education which completely shuts off the psychic consciousness. All kinds of circumstances, happenings, experiencesexternal and emotionalare then needed to strike open the doors; within, to bring the memory that one has come from elsewhere and for a very special reason. It is the normal longer process. But one may have the chance of meeting early enough some one who knows; then instead of groping and fumbling through ignorance and darkness, you get the light and the help that give you the swift and straight contact.
   The psychic will and psychic development are things that are completely outside the range of common notions. Ideas of justice and reward and punishment have no place here at all. Any people come to me and complain: What have I done in my past life that I have to be under such difficult conditions now, to suffer so much! I always reply: But don't you see it is a blessing for you, the divine grace upon you? In your past life perhaps you yourself asked for such conditions so that you may make greater progress through them! This way of looking at the thing may seem very novel. But truth lies that way.

07.42 - The Nature and Destiny of Art, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   True art means the expression of beauty in the material world. In a world wholly converted, that is to say, expressing integrally the divine reality, art must serve as the revealer and teacher of this divine beauty in life. In other words, the artist must be able to enter into communion with the Divine and receive the inspiration as to what should be the form or forms for the material realisation of the divine beauty. At the same time, in expressing true beauty in the physical, he also sets an example, becomes an instrument of Education... Art not only creates beauty, but educates the taste of people to find true beauty, the essential beauty that expresses the divine truth. That is the true role of art. But between that and what it is now there is a great difference.
   The decline comes in the normal course of evolution which follows a spiral movement. From the beginning of the last century to the middle of it, art became totally a debased thing, commercial, obscure, ignorant, something very far from its true nature and function. But the spirit of art cannot die; only as it rose as a movement of protest or revolt, the forms it chose were equally bizarre. In attempting to counteract the general debasing of taste it went to the other extreme, as is the character of all movements of nature. One was a servile copy of nature, it was pointed out or not even that. In those days it used to be called photographic art, if one were to condemn it: But now it is no longer a term of condemnation, for photography has developed into a consummate art. Neither could it be truly called realism, for there are realistic paintings which belong to a very high order. That art was conventional, artificial, I lifeless. Now the reaction to this movement said: we do not concern ourselves with physical life any more, the reality as we see with outward eyes is no longer our business; we want instead to express the vital life, the mental life. Hence came a whole host of reformers and rebelscubists, surrealists, futurists and so onwho sought to create art with their head. They forgot the simple truth that in art it is not the head that commands, but the feeling of beauty in the heart. So art landed into the most absurd, ridiculous and frightful of worlds. Indeed with the two wars behind us we have gone further in that direction. Each war has brought down a world in decomposition. And now we seem to be in the very heart of chaos.
   I do not say that a museum is not necessary or useful. It is a good means of Education, that is to say, getting information about what other people or other epochs did. It is an aid to the historic knowledge of things. But it is far from being artistic. A museum is not the place where art can find its highest or its true expression. There is an art which seeks to coordinate, integrate distinct, discrete, contrary objects. It is called decorative art. And in so far as this art is successful, we are a step forward even in these days towards true art.
   Here in India things are and should be a little different. In spite of the modern European invasion and in spite of certain lapses in some directions I may refer to what Sri Aurobindo calls the Ravi Varma interlude the heart of India is not anglicised or Europeanised. The Calcutta School is a signalthough their attempt is rather on a small scaleyet it is a sign that India's artistic taste, in spite of a modern Education, still turns to what is essential and permanent in her culture and civilisation. You have still before you, within your reach, the old temples, the old paintings, to teach you that art creation is meant to express a faith, to give you the sense of totality and organisation. You will note in this connection another fact which is very significant. All these paintings, all these sculptures in caves and temples bear no signature. They were not done with the idea of making a name. Today you fix your name to every bit of work you do, announce the event with a great noise in the papers, so that the thing may not be forgotten. In those days the artist did what he had to do, without caring whether posterity would remember his name or not. The work was done in an urge of aspiration towards expressing a higher beauty, above all with the idea of preparing a dwelling fit for the deity whom one invokes. In Europe in the cathedrals of the Middle Ages, things were done in the same spirit. There too at that time works were anonymous and bore no signature of the author. If any name came to be preserved, it was more or less by accident.
   However, even the commercialism of today, hideous as it is, has an advantage of its own. Commercialism means the mixing together of all parts of the world. It effaces the distinction between Orient and Occident, brings the Orient near to the Occident and the Occident near to the Orient. With the exchange of goods, there happens an exchange of ideas and even of habits and manners. In ancient days Rome conquered Greece and through that conquest was herself conquered by the culture and civilisation of Greece. The thing is happening today on a much greater scale and more intensely perhaps. At one time Japan was educating herself on the American pattern; now that America has conquered Japan physically, she is being conquered by the spirit of Japan; even in objects manufactured in America, you notice the Japanese influence in some way or other.

08.02 - Order and Discipline, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   You are sent to school, you are asked to do exercises (both mental and physical); do you think it is just to put you to trouble? No, it is because a surrounding is absolutely necessary where you can learn to form yourself. If you tried by yourself this work of individualisation, integral formation, all alone in one corner, you would be asked nothing till you have done it; but you are not likely to do it, not a single child would do it, he would not even know how to do it or where to begin. If a child is not taught how to live, he would not be able to live, he would not know how to do anything. The most elementary movements it is not able to do unless it is taught. Therefore if every one were to go through the whole experience, unaided, in the matter of forming his individuality, he would be dead long before he could begin to exist even. That is the utility of the experiences of others, accumulated through centuries, of those who have had the experience and who tell you, "If you want to go quick, and learn in a few years what needed centuries to learnwell, do this, do that, this way, that way, read, study, attend to your lessons at school, in the playground." Once you are on the way, you can find your own method if you are a genius. But in the beginning you must know from others how to stand on your legs and walk. It is not easy to go all by oneself. That is why one needs Education.

08.07 - Sleep and Pain, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   When the body suffers, when you have high fever, for example, when you are sick, sick to the last degree, the only thing to do then is to come out of the body, come out with your vital being. If you are a yogi and have the knowledge, you remain outside the body but just above it so that you are able to look at it. You can see your own body if the vital form in which you go out is sufficiently materialised. You see your body and with the consciousness and the power which you have then, you can direct the rays of the Force upon the spot where the body suffers. This is a top process, but it gives the absolutely sure means of getting cured. If the power and the knowledge are there, it is infallible. You can cure any disease with that and in a short time. Only it means a considerable Education and training. You cannot improvise it. But as a matter off act men help themselves naturally and automatically when the pain becomes unbearable; they faint. To faint is to get out of the body. So persons who are not too much tied down to the body faint away when the bodily suffering becomes too strong. Only, when you go out of the body, leaving it as an inert mass, there must be someone near sensible and intelligent enough. The body must not be shaken violently to make you wake up. If people by the side are seized by a panic and hurl buckets of water upon your head, the result may be worse. Otherwise, the fainting fit passes quietly, little by little, into a restful condition as there is no longer the consciousness recording the bodily suffering. In the so-called fit the body becomes gradually quiet and immobile, so that it may rest in spite' of the suffering.
   There are lesser means with lesser results. These too are not very easy either. One is to cut the connection between the brain and the part that suffers. The brain not receiving the vibration, the pain is no longer felt. In fact, this is what doctors do when they operate under anaesthesia. The nervous connection round the affected part is made insensitive and the pain is not felt or it is reduced to a minimum. But here you have to do it with your will and consciousness; and that requires an occult power. Some can do it automatically, but their number is very few. If you are unable to go so far, there is another way which should be within your reach. Do not concentrate or dwell upon your pain and suffering; withdraw your attention and direct it elsewhere. The more you think of your pain, the worse it becomes. If you are busy observing its signs and signals, almost awaiting its attack, you surely welcome it in a way, you indulge it and help its continuance. That is why you are advised in that condition to do some light reading or hear things read out, so that the attention may be diverted.

08.11 - The Work Here, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Now the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education

08.20 - Are Not The Ascetic Means Helpful At Times?, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Here the thing is somewhat different. The principle of Education or training followed here is that of liberty. Life is organised on the basis of maximum freedom; in other words, rules and regulations, injunctions and prohibitions are reduced to a minimum. If you compare our way with that followed by parents in the world with their constant admonitions: don't do this, that is forbidden, must do this but not that etc., etc., you will find the difference. At the school and the college, everywhere, there are rules infinitely more strict than are found here. So, because no absolute conditions are imposed on you for your progress, you do it when it pleases you and you don't do when it does not please you; you take things quite easily.
   Of course there are some who do make the effort spontaneously. And that from the spiritual point of view has an infinitely greater value. You make the progress, because you feel within you the need to do so, because it is an impulse that wells up from your depths, not because you are driven by a compel ling force outside. What you do spontaneously and sincerely of your own accord is something part and grain of yourself. You do a thing not because if you do it you will be rewarded and if you do not do it you will be punished. It might happen, however, sometimes that something comes to you or into you and gives you the impression that your effort is appreciated, but the effort is not due to that. Indeed, things are arranged in such a way here that the satisfaction of having done and done well is the best reward one has and one punishes oneself thoroughly by doing badly or not doing; no other punishment can be more real or more concrete. All this is immensely significant and valuable from the standpoint of spiritual growth, much more than things produced by external regulation and pressure.

08.21 - Human Birth, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The body is formed by a man and a woman who are the father and the mother; these when they form the body have no means to ask of the being whom they are bringing into the world whether he likes it or whether it is agreeable to his destiny. They impose upon the body, by the force of necessity, an atavism, an environment and subsequently an Education which are almost always obstacles to future growth. A growing soul or a soul full-grown taking birth in a body has to fight against these circumstances that are forced upon him by the animal birth in order to find his true path and discover his own self in its fullness.
   It is possible, however, for the parents, instead of doing the thing in the animal way, driven by mere instinct and desire, most of the time even without wanting it, to do it with a conscious will, aspiring, praying almost that the body they are about to bring forth should be a form suitable to clo the a soul coming at their call. I have known people,there are not many, of course, still there are some,who chose especial circumstances, prepared themselves, holding an attitude of concentration, meditation and aspiration, invoking some exceptional being to come into the body they were to form. For that one must have also an occult knowledge which people generally do not possess.
   The parents have naturally a particular formation, they have a particular kind of good or bad health; at the very best, they have a lot of atavistic tendencies, habits, subconscious and even conscious complexes, deriving from their own birth, their environment and the life they have led. And even if they are remarkable people, in their own way, usually they carry an amount of things, that are contrary to the true psychic life, I mean, even if they are the very best, the most conscious. And when the parents have done their utmost to give their children the best Education, the children come in contact with all kinds of other people who have a great influence upon them especially when they are very young; these influences enter into the subconscious and they have to be fought against later on.
   So I say, because of the way in which the body is brought into being at present, you have to face innumerable difficulties, coming more or less from the subconscient, that rise to the surface with which you have to fight if you want to be free entirely and develop normally.

08.24 - On Food, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   In a general way, Education, cultures, refinement of the senses are the means of curing movements of crude instinct and desire and passion. To obliterate them is not curing them; instead, they have to be cultivated, intellectualised, refined. That is the surest way of curing them. To give them their maximum growth in view of the progress and development of consciousness, so that one may acquire to a sense of harmony and exactitude of perception is part of culture and Education for the human being. Men cultivate their intelligence in the same way: they read, they think, compare and contrast, they make a study. In this way their mind enlarges itself, it becomes wider and more comprehensive than the minds of those who live without a mental Education, who possess only a few ideas that perhaps even contradict each other. They are moved wholly by these as they have no other, they think those are the only ideas that should govern them: such minds are extremely narrow and limited. On the other hand, they who have cultivated their intelligence, who have studied and thought, who have widened their mental range a little and so can see and note and compare other ideas and possible notions discover easily that it is sheer ignorance and absurdity to be attached to a limited set of ideas and to consider that alone as the expression of truth.
   This training of taste, this Education of the senses is a very good, a necessary means to prepare the consciousness for a higher development. There are persons who are very crude and very simple in nature. They can have a strong inspiration and arrive at a certain spiritual growth but the foundation will always remain of a somewhat inferior quality: and when they come back to their ordinary consciousness they find there great obstacles: for the stuff is missing there; there are not, in the vital and physical consciousness, elements enough to enable it to support a descent of the higher force.
   How does fasting bring about a state of receptivity?

09.03 - The Psychic Being, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The psychic awakes slowly from its dazed condition and slowly it becomes aware that it is there for some reason and by choice. But the intensive mental Education that one usually receives shuts out completely the psychic consciousness. Then a mass of circumstances, happenings of all kinds, emotions and sensations and various other things are needed to open the inner doors and to enable one to begin to rememberremember that one has come from another world, one has come for a very definite reason. If the psychic however had chanced to fall upon a little knowledge instead of falling into a world of ignorance, there could have been a quicker contact.
   There are not very many fully developed souls upon earth. Evidently those who have reached a certain culture, a certain growth, a certain individualisation have instinctively the tendency to come together and form groups. It is then that we come across in particular epochs and climes fully formed beings gathering together. But you must not believe that that gives in any way the exact measure of human culture and growth. That is only a spray of foam on the surface. Even among those who already form a selection, there is not perhaps one in a thousand who can be called truly an individual being, conscious of himself, united with his psychic being, governed by his inner law and therefore partially at least if not wholly free from external influences; because being a conscious entity when these influences come he sees them, those that seem to agree with his inner growth and normal development he accepts and those that contradict he rejects. And instead of being a chaos, or in any case a frightful mixture, he is an organised individual being, conscious of himself, moving in life, knowing where he wants to go and how to go.

09.08 - The Modern Taste, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   There are things that are considered beautiful these days. I have seen photographs and reproductions which are frightfully vulgar in the perverted sense, and yet people are uproarious about them and find them beautiful. That means there is something there which has not only no culture and development, but has developed in the wrong way, that is to say, is deformed, which is worse, for it is much more difficult to straighten a perverted and deformed object than to enlighten that which is merely ignorant or without Education.
   I believe there are certain things that have become great instruments of perversion and among them I name the Cinema. The Cinema could have been, and I hope one day it will be, an instrument of Education and culture. But for the moment it is largely an instrument of perversion, a truly hideous perversion: perversion of taste, perversion of consciousness, a moral and even a physical ugliness. And yet it is something which can be serviceable for Education, for progress, for artistic culture and growth. It can be made a means for the spread of the sense of the beautiful and the creation of things beautiful in a way much more general and accessible to all than was possible by the older methods. But what could have been better, is not better but has become worse.
   As I said, we are in a period of excesses; we move from one excess to another. If it is not an excess of zeal towards perfection, we fall back into the opposite excess of perversion. As we live in the midst of such a world, if we carefully note we shall find that we automatically share in the universal vulgarism, unless we are watchful over ourselves and bring down into our being the light of our highest consciousness; at every step we run the risk of grave errors of taste, in matters spiritual also.

09.13 - On Teachers and Teaching, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The True Teaching Education of Girls
   Other Authors Nolini Kanta Gupta Part NineOn Teachers and Teaching
   The True Teaching Education of Girls

09.14 - Education of Girls, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
  object:09.14 - Education of Girls
  author class:Nolini Kanta Gupta
   Education of Girls
   The question is about our physical Education and, in a general way, the psychological basis of our activities here. These things have, of course, been written about and spoken of by me and by Sri Aurobindo very often, but evidently the idea does not seem to have entered your consciousness.
   I do not wish to wage a war against what you feel and do, but I would like you at least to understand why things are done here in the way they are being done instead of letting yourself go thoughtlessly in a retrograde movement towards all that is done elsewhere, under the plea that that is how your fathers and grandfa thers and great grandfa thers and all the ancestors of yourself and of all your friends and relatives did in the past and considered it as the normal and natural way of doing things.
   But all the same I have told you, I suppose, not once but many times, and Sri Aurobindo also has written, not once but more than once, that we are not here to recommence, perpetuate, continue what is done elsewhere. And we have given a concrete shape to this fact specially in our Education. For, I must avow, without giving offence to anyone, that they who come here after having lived long and who carry a heavy load of the past upon their back find it difficult to change immediately their attitude and their point of view, but if you take the young ones, who are not spoilt yetalthough they too get spoilt very easilythose who are not spoilt too much by the usual Education, by family ideas, ancestral inclinations, you have just a chance of turning their consciousness to the true path and obtain somewhat tangible and concrete results.
   To speak the truth, we have had nothing to complain of; for we had absolutely clear proofs that what we wanted to do is quite possible, if one knows how to set about it.
   This is then what we say: given similar conditions, the same Education, identical possibilities, there is no reason to make a categorical, final and imperative distinction between what are called men and women. For us, human beings are the expression of one and the same soul; and if, as I already said in the beginning, Nature has made a differentiation in the expression with a view to satisfying her needs and realising her purposes, but if our needs and our purposes are different and we do not recognise the physical ends as conceived by Nature to be the final and absolute ends, then we can try and develop our consciousness along another line.
   Unfortunately we have come to notice one thing. As years pass and small girls grow up, they suddenly begin to remember that they are girls and that they must live and move in a special manner, they must be charming, good-looking, pretty, etc., etc. So all our efforts seem to be in vain. Naturally, there are exceptions there are always exceptions to the rule but even among these, in the background of their consciousness there is this feeling of being not quite like the others, the satisfaction of having done better than the others, the conceit that they stand comparison with the others the males!
   I am told people have been remarkingpeople naturally not accustomed to our wayspeople with their own old-world ideasand asking why we have the same programme of physical Education for both boys and girls, why the girls are not treated in a special way, quite differently from the boysis it not a gross error even from the physical point of view to level them together? Their crowning argument being, that is the way things are done everywhere else.
   I say if that is the way things are done elsewhere, it is no use our repeating the same here. We cannot do it better than they. On the contrary, if things are done elsewhere in that way, it is just the reason why we should not do them that way.

09.15 - How to Listen, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Education of Girls Goal of Evolution
   Other Authors Nolini Kanta Gupta Part NineHow to Listen
   Education of Girls Goal of Evolution

100.00 - Synergy, #Synergetics - Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking, #R Buckminster Fuller, #Science
  with the whole instead of the tactics of our conventional Educational system,
  which starts with parts and elements, adding them together locally without really
  whole as to have eschewed Educational strategies commencing with Universe and
  the identification of the separate experiences within the cosmic totality.

1.001 - The Aim of Yoga, #The Study and Practice of Yoga, #Swami Krishnananda, #Yoga
  This is a defect not only in the modern systems of Education, but also in spiritual practices in every walk of life, in every blessed thing. When the individual who is living life has cut himself or herself off from the significance of life, then life becomes a contradiction and a meaningless pursuit of the will-o'-the-wisp. Why do we cut ourselves off from the meaning of life and then suffer like this? This is the inherent weakness of the sensory functions of the individual. The senses are our enemies. Why do we call them enemies? Because they tell us that we are isolated from everything else. This is the essence of sensory activity. There is no connection between ourselves and others, and we can go on fighting with everybody. This is what the senses tell us. But yet, they are double-edged swords; they tell us two things at the same time. On one side they tell us that everything is outside us, and we are disconnected from everybody else and everything in this world. But on the other side they say that we are bound to grab things, connect ourselves with things, obtain things, and maintain relationship with things. Now, these two things cannot be done simultaneously. We cannot disconnect ourselves from things and also try to connect ourselves with them for the purpose of exploiting them, with an intention to utilise them for our individual purposes. Here again is an instance of contradiction. On one side we disconnect ourselves from persons and things; on the other side we want to connect ourselves with persons and things for our own purpose.
  The ancient sages and masters, both of the East and the West, have deeply pondered over this question, and one of the most magnificent proclamations of a solution to these problems is found in the Veda. Among the many aspects of this solution that are presented before us by these mighty revelations, I can quote one which to my mind appears to be a final solution at least, I have taken it as a solution to all my problems - which comes in the Rig Veda, the Yajur Veda, the Sama Veda and the Atharva Veda. In all the four Vedas it occurs: tam eva viditv atimtyum eti nnya panth vidyate ayanya. This is a great proclamation. What is the meaning of this proclamation? There is no way of escape from this problem, says this mantra, other than knowing 'That'. This is a very simple aphoristic precept that is before us: Knowing 'That' is the solution, and we have no other solution. Now, knowing 'That' what is this 'That'.
  Knowing has been generally regarded as a process of understanding and accumulation of information, gathering intellectual or scientific definitive descriptions in respect of things. These days, this is what we call Education. We gather definitions of things and try to understand the modes of their apparent functions in temporal life. This is what we call knowing, ordinarily speaking. I know that the sun is rising. This is a kind of knowledge. What do I mean by this knowledge? I have only a functional perception of a phenomenon that is taking place which I regard as the rise of the sun. This is not real knowledge. When I say, "I know that the sun is rising", I cannot say that I have a real knowledge of the sun, because, first of all, the sun is not rising it is a mistake of my senses. Secondly, the very idea of rising itself is a misconception in the mind. Unless I am static and immovable, I cannot know that something is moving. So when I say, "The sun is moving", I mean that I am not moving; it is understood there. But it is not true that I am not moving. I am also in a state of motion for other reasons which are not easily understandable. So it is not possible for a moving body to say that something else is moving. Nothing that is in a state of motion can say that something else is in motion. There is a relative motion of things, and so perception of the condition of any object ultimately would be impossible. This is a reason why scientific knowledge fails.
  All knowledge gathered through observations, whether through a microscope or telescope, in laboratories, etc., is ultimately invalid because it presupposes the static existence of the observer himself, the scientist's capacity to impartially observe and to unconditionally understand the conditions of what he observes very strange indeed, really. How does the scientist take for granted or imagine that he is an unconditioned observer and everything that he observes is conditioned? It is not true, because the observing scientist is as much conditioned by factors as the object that he observes. So, who is to observe the conditions of his own observing apparatus: his body, his senses the eyes, for example, and even the mind, which is connected to the body? Inasmuch as the observing scientist the observing individual, the knowing person is as much conditioned and limited as the object that is observed or seen, it is not possible to have ultimately valid knowledge in this world.
  What are problems? A problem is a situation that has arisen on account of the irreconcilability of one person, or one thing, with the status and condition of another person, or another thing. I cannot reconcile my position with your position; this is a problem. You cannot reconcile your position with mine; this is a problem. Why should there be such a condition? How is it that it is not possible for me to reconcile myself with you? It is not possible because there is no clear perception of my relationship with you. I have a misconceived idea of my relationship with you and, therefore, there is a misconceived adjustment of my personality with yours, and a misconception cannot solve a problem. The problem is nothing but this misconception nothing else. The irreconcilability of one thing with another arises on account of the basic difficulty I mentioned, that the person who wishes to bring about this reconciliation, or establish a proper relationship, misses the point of one's own vital connection underline the word 'vital' with the object or the person with which, or with whom, this reconciliation is to be effected. Inasmuch as this kind of knowledge is beyond the purview or capacity of the ordinary human intellect, the knowledge of the Veda is regarded as supernormal, superhuman: apaurusheya not created or manufactured by an individual. This is not knowledge that has come out of reading books. This is not ordinary Educational knowledge. It is a knowledge which is vitally and organically related to the fact of life. I am as much connected with the fact of life as you are, and so in my observation and study and understanding of you, in my relationship with you, I cannot forget this fact. The moment I disconnect myself from this fact of life which is unanimously present in you as well as in me, I miss the point, and my effort becomes purposeless.
  We are gradually led by this proclamation of the Veda into a tremendous vision of life which requires of us to have a superhuman power of will to grasp the interrelationship of things. This difficulty of grasping the meaning of the interrelationship of things is obviated systematically, stage by stage, gradually, by methods of practice. These methods are called yoga the practice of yoga. I have placed before you, perhaps, a very terrible picture of yoga; it is not as simple as one imagines. It is not a simple circus-master's feat, either of the body or the mind, but a superhuman demand of our total being. Mark this definition of mine: a superhuman demand which is made of our total being not an ordinary human demand of a part of our being, but of our total being. From that, a demand is made by the entire structure of life. The total structure of life requires of our total being to be united with it in a practical demonstration of thought, speech and action this is yoga. If this could be missed, and of course it can easily be missed as it is being done every day, then every effort, from the smallest to the biggest, becomes a failure. All our effort ends in no success, because it would be like decorating a corpse without a soul in it. The whole of life would look like a beautiful corpse with nicely dressed features, but it has no vitality, essence or living principle within it. Likewise, all our activities would look wonderful, beautiful, magnificent, but lifeless; and lifeless beauty is no beauty. There must be life in it only then has it a meaning. Life is not something dead; it is quite opposite of what is dead. We can bring vitality and life into our activity only by the introduction of the principle of yoga.

10.05 - Mind and the Mental World, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   In order to have one's own thought, in order to think by oneself, a long process of Education and training is necessary. A growing personal individual consciousness is the first requisite and for that one must do what the Vedic Rishi I spoke of sought to do, gather the thoughts that one has, collect them, sift them and try to have a control over them. One must develop the habit of admitting certain thoughts and rejecting others. Thoughts that are useful, that carry light and peacefulness and happiness, are naturally those that are worth accepting. Those that are of a contrary nature should be pushed out. This is an exercise that develops the individual consciousness and the individual will.
   Furthermore, one may try to recognise thoughts that are of a different category, that do not seem to belong to the accustomed level of consciousness but carry a vibration that is of elsewhere, in other words, thought-movements that filter through and come down from higher ranges of consciousness. It means an elevation of consciousness, your being rises into higher realities.

1.007 - Initial Steps in Yoga Practice, #The Study and Practice of Yoga, #Swami Krishnananda, #Yoga
  Yoga scriptures tell us that we must also choose a particular place, as far as possible not that today we meditate in Haridwar, tomorrow in Delhi and the day after tomorrow in Benares. That is not all right if we want real success. We must be in one place. As a matter of fact, people who practise mantra purascharana, or disciplinary chanting of mantras for a chosen period, do this and what can be a greater purascharana than meditation? So when we take to exclusive spiritual practice as a very serious affair and not merely as a hobby, it would be necessary, I would say for beginners, that a period of at least five years is called for. If we are very serious and in dead earnest about it not taking it only as a kind of Educational procedure for informative purposes and not being very earnest about achieving anything substantially we may have to stick to one place for five years continuously, and not less than that. If our point is to achieve something substantial, concrete and definite, then this amount of discipline is called for, which is a definite place, a definite time, and a chosen method of meditation a definite system, arranged in one's own mind, which should not be changed continuously.
  Whenever there is repeated persistence in one given direction with reference to any chosen point of attention, we will see that some sort of success results. If a laboratory scientist is to analyse the structure of an atom, he will analyse a particular atom repeatedly by bombarding it with various kinds of light rays, but he will not go on changing the atoms today this atom, tomorrow that atom, today a hydrogen atom, tomorrow some other thing. That will not lead to success. A particular object will be taken up for consideration, observation and analysis, and a repeated attempt will be made to go deep into its structure until its mystery is revealed. So for this, great leisure is necessary, persistence is necessary, energy and willpower are necessary, and there is no need to mention that we must be free from all other outward distractions. When one takes to the practice of yoga, there should be no distraction of any pronounced nature. Minor distractions may be there, but serious distractions which will divert our attention markedly from the point of attention should not be there.

10.07 - The Demon, #Writings In Bengali and Sanskrit, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Inferior people give birth to inferior offspring and, thus, propagate their inferiority Great Vedanta Education
  Hypocrites are always distorted.

10.08 - Consciousness as Freedom, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The World is One Education as the Growth of Consciousness
   Other Authors Nolini Kanta Gupta Part TenConsciousness as Freedom
   In fact, Education means precisely this instilling of the consciousness into the part that is sought to be educated. Usually the thing is done in a different way which is wrong, at least an inefficient way. By Education we usually mean exercising, that is teaching some exercises mostly of memory on some subject in which one seeks Education. It is more or less an exercise of mechanical repetition. Whether it is of the mind or of the body the procedure is the same. As the muscles of the body are sought to be streng thened and developed through repetitive exercises, the mental faculties too are put under a training that consists of similar repetitive exercises. To store the mind with as many kinds of information as possible, hammer all ingredients of knowledge into the brain cellslearning by rote as it is termed, this is what Education normally means; but as I said, it is consciousness that is to be evoked in the mind and it is not done by mere mechanical exercises. Even the body does not reach its true perfection unless the exercises are attended with consciousness, awareness, a play of light into the movements of the body, into the limbs that participate in the play of the exercises. Naturally the vital does not need any exercise for its development, it is naturally exercised, much exercised. It has to be not exercised but exorcised, that is to say, purified and controlled. And that means the introduction of the pure light of consciousness into it.
   I have laid stress on consciousness, but consciousness has three facets or steps. The first is simple consciousness, the next is self-consciousness and the last supra-consciousness. First you become conscious of a thing, next you become conscious that you are conscious of the thing, last something else is conscious in and through your consciousness.
   The World is One Education as the Growth of Consciousness

10.09 - Education as the Growth of Consciousness, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
  object:10.09 - Education as the Growth of Consciousness
  author class:Nolini Kanta Gupta
   Consciousness as Freedom Education is Organisation
   Other Authors Nolini Kanta Gupta Part Ten Education as the Growth of Consciousness
   Education as the Growth of Consciousness
   All knowledge is within you. Information you get from outside, but the understanding of it? It is from within. The information from outside gives you dead matter. What puts life into it, light into it is your own inner light.
   All Education, all culture means drawing this inner light to the front. Indeed the word ' Education' literally means, 'to bring out.' Plato also pointed to the same truth when he said that Education is remembrance. You remember what is imbedded or secreted with in, you bring to the light, the light of your physical mind, what you have within, what you already possess in your being and inner consciousness. Acquisition is not Education. Indeed a miser is not a rich man, rich is he who knows how to utilise his wealth, even so a possessor of much information is only a carrier of loads.
   True Education is growth of consciousness. It is consciousness that carries the light and the power of the light. We are born upon earth with this consciousness at the centre of our being. And a growing child is nothing but a growing consciousness. Growth of consciousness means an increasing intensity and an increasing amplitude or wideness of the light. Unfortunately, placed as we are under the circumstances of life as it is, this light of consciousness is not allowed to grow in its natural and normal way. The external demands of life and the world put a pressure upon it which turns it away from its straight path. Things are demanded of this light or consciousness which do not belong to its nature, which are not an expression of its nature. As though it is twisted, tortured or smothered under utilitarian necessities.
   The brain should be a flowering of this consciousness, a developing vehicle for the expression of the increasing consciousness. For that guidance is needed so that one may always turn within and look for that consciousness, feel it growing, and with one's will and thought and act help its growth and development. A brain is not developed by the mass of information that may be pressed into it. Informations are necessary but they should be presented in such a way that they serve as fuel, helpful fuel to the mounting fire; they must not be merely piled up upon and around the fire or be as so many wet faggots crushing it down with their weight. A true learner is one who seeks sincerely this inner consciousness which is one's own; the true teacher is one who knows how to lead the learner towards this inner light.
   Consciousness as Freedom Education is Organisation

1.00a - Introduction, #Magick Without Tears, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  Still, it would be kind of you to go through a page or so with me, and tell me where the shoe pinches. Of course I have realized the difficulty long ago; but I don't know the solution or if there is a solution. I did think of calling Magick "Magick Without Tears"; and I did try having my work cross-examined as I went on by minds of very inferior Education or capacity. In fact, Parts I and II of Book 4 were thus tested.
  What about applying the Dedekindian cut to this letter? I am sure you would not wish it to develop into a Goclenian Sorites, especially as I fear that I may already have deviated from the Hapaxlegomenon.

1.00b - INTRODUCTION, #The Perennial Philosophy, #Aldous Huxley, #Philosophy
  the being of a child is transformed by growth and Education into that of a man;
  among the results of this transformation is a revolutionary change in the way of

1.00 - PREFACE - DESCENSUS AD INFERNOS, #Maps of Meaning, #Jordan Peterson, #Psychology
  offered the first two years of undergraduate Education. I involved myself there in university politics
  which were more-or-less left wing at that time and was elected to the college board of governors. The
  no career, frequently; no family, no completed Education nothing but ideology. They were peevish,
  irritable, and little, in every sense of the word. I was faced, in consequence, with the mirror image of the

1.00 - Preliminary Remarks, #Liber ABA, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  Now this woman, though handicapped by a brain that was a mass of putrid pulp, and a complete lack of social status, Education, and moral character, did more in the religious world than any other person had done for generations. She, and she alone, made Theosophy possible, and without Theosophy the world-wide interest in similar matters could never have been aroused. This interest is to the Law of Thelema what the preaching of John the Baptist was to Christianity.
  We are now in a position to say what happened to Mohammed. Somehow or another this phenomenon happened in his mind. More ignorant than Anna Kingsford, though, fortunately, more moral, he connected it with the story of the Annunciation, which he had undoubtedly heard in his boyhood, and said Gabriel appeared to me. But in spite of his ignorance, his total misconception of the truth, the power of the vision was such that he was enabled to persist through the usual persecution, and founded a religion to which even to-day one man in every eight belongs.

10.10 - Education is Organisation, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
  object:10.10 - Education is Organisation
  author class:Nolini Kanta Gupta
   Education as the Growth of Consciousness Beyond Love and Hate
   Other Authors Nolini Kanta Gupta Part Ten Education is Organisation
   Education is Organisation
   Education is organisation. Mind's Education means organisation of mental faculties. Organisation naturally involves development. The faculties in the normal and natural state are an undeveloped disorganised lot, a confused mass,unformed, ill-formed ideas, notions, thoughts, form a jumble. They have no purpose, no direction, no common impulse or end, each runs in its own way. The mind's faculties such for example as attention, memory, discrimination, reasoning, cogent thinking have to be clear and efficient and learn how to work harmoniously for a common objective. In the process and for that purpose they have to be developed, that is to say each of them has to be strong, able, ample, concentrated. They have to present a united front and function towards an ever increasing consciousness and knowledge.
   As for the mental faculties so for the faculties of the vital. The normal vital being in man is in a greater and perhaps more dangerous chaos. The impulsions, emotions, upsurges that belong to this domain have not so much to be developed or increased as to be purified, made conscious, yoked together in a common drive towards a harmonious dynamic realisation in life and life's achievements. And lastly the organisation in the physical body. The limbs of the body have not even growth, they do not move together in a balanced and rhythmic way. Some are unhealthy, some do not work, some others are overworked. These too have to be co-ordinated, each set in its place and made to function in unison with others. That is physical Education and that too means perfect organisation.
   We have said that organisation means working for a common end and common purpose. That comes from an opening into a deeper and higher level of being. We name it the soul.
   Education as the Growth of Consciousness Beyond Love and Hate

10.11 - Beyond Love and Hate, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Education is Organisation The Divine Grace and Love
   Other Authors Nolini Kanta Gupta Part TenBeyond Love and Hate
   Education is Organisation The Divine Grace and Love

1.012 - Sublimation - A Way to Reshuffle Thought, #The Study and Practice of Yoga, #Swami Krishnananda, #Yoga
  The culture of yoga does not tell us to reject, abandon, or to cut off anything if it is real, because the whole question is an assessment of values, and reality is, of course, the background of every value. What is achieved in spiritual Education is a rise of consciousness from a lower degree of reality to a higher degree of reality, and in no degree is there a rejection of reality. It is only a growth from a lower level to a higher one. So when we go to the higher degree of reality, we are not rejecting the lower degree of reality, but rather we have overcome it. We have transcended it, just as when a student goes to a higher class in an Educational career, that higher class transcends the lower degrees of kindergarten, first standard, second standard and third standard, but it does not reject them. Rejection is not what is implied; rather it is an absorption of values into a higher inclusive condition of understanding, insight and Education.
  Yoga is a process of Education. The principles of dharma, artha and kama are preparatory processes for the readiness of the soul to catch the spirit of salvation. How can we get salvation from bondage if bondage is really there? A real bondage cannot be escaped; if bondage is real, we have to remain in it forever. We already take for granted that bondage is real, which is why we want to run away from it; but running away from real bondage is impossible. There is no escapism in yoga that is impossible. There is always a conditioning of the mind to the states of understanding. Again it must be emphasised that where we have not understood a principle, we will not be able to master it.
  The principles of dharma, artha and kama are temporal values. They may not be eternal values, but many religions of the world commit the blunder of imagining that the eternal is different from the temporal. All religions, we may say, have an idea that God is outside the world and, therefore, temporal values have no connection with religious values. This misinterpretation of religion, and wrong emphasis laid on the so-called spiritual values of an otherworldly character, have led to a conflict between the social values of life and the religious and spiritual values of life.
  The mistake is in believing that something is real, and yet not wanting it on account of a traditional attitude towards it that has been religiously introduced. The tradition of religion tells us that something is wrong, though we do not believe it. This is the difficulty. "My feelings say that something is okay, but religion says it is not okay. So I have a split between myself and the religious values." The religious novitiate then becomes a neurotic, an unhappy person, because in the cloister and the monastery he has a world of his own which is in conflict with the world outside. He has been told by religion that the world outside is wrong and the world inside the monastery is right, but he does not believe it. Oh, this is a horror that we cannot believe it and yet we are told to accept it. This is a kind of tyranny. Religion can become a tyrant; it can become a kind of dictator's order. But religion is far from dictatorship this is an important point to remember. Religion is not a dictator. Spirituality is not a tyrant. It is not asking us to do something because it says so. It is again to be emphasised that it is a process of inward adjustment to higher values by way of a positive Education.
  In the practice of yoga, in the understanding of vairagya, in self-control which is yoga, one should not be too enthusiastic. Over-enthusiasm is bad because it is mostly emotional, coupled with a kind of will-force but bereft of understanding, which creates a conflict psychologically and, consequently, even socially. It is better that a student takes note of all his desires. "Have I a desire?" It is no use saying, "I have no desire." If we have really no desires it is okay very good, and so much the better but we should be sure that we have no desires.

1.013 - Defence Mechanisms of the Mind, #The Study and Practice of Yoga, #Swami Krishnananda, #Yoga
  The term 'indriya nigrah' means sense-control; 'atma nigrah' means self-control. Both these terms are often thought of as having a synonymous meaning and are used as such, but the term 'self' has a larger connotation than 'sense', as we already know. So the term 'self-control' should mean something much more than what is indicated by the term 'sense-control', because the senses are only a few of the functions of the self and not all the functions, while self-control implies a restriction imposed upon every function of the self, meaning thereby the lower self, which has to be regulated by the principle of the higher self. The self that has to be controlled is any self which is lower than the Universal Self. The degrees of self gradually go on increasing in their comprehensiveness as we rise higher and higher, so that it becomes necessary that at every step the immediately succeeding stage, which is more comprehensive, acts as the governing principle of the category of self just below. An analogy would be the syllabi or curricula of Education we do not suddenly jump into the topmost level of studies. There is always a governing principle exercised by systems of Education, wherein the immediately succeeding stage determines the needs of the immediately preceding condition. The self, as far as we are concerned at the present moment, can be regarded as that principle of individuality which comprehends all that we regard as 'we', or connected with us.
  The control of the self is, therefore, the refining of the individual personality in its manifold aspects, together with anything that may appear to belong to it, including taking into consideration all of its external relationships. Our individual existence is not limited to the physical body. It also includes its physical relationships - such as the family, for example. The members of a family are not visibly or physically attached to any individual in the family, not even to the head of the family, but there is an attachment psychologically; and the self is, therefore, to take note of that aspect of its individual existence. Both the internal structure and the external relationship are to be taken into consideration, because they are inseparable. We cannot say which precedes and which succeeds, or which has to come first and which later. They have to be taken into consideration simultaneously, almost.

1.01 - An Accomplished Westerner, #Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness, #Satprem, #Integral Yoga
  When he sailed back to India, Sri Aurobindo was twenty. He had no position, no titles. His father had just died. What remained of his fourteen years in the West? We are tempted to recall Edouard Herriot's perfect definition, for if it is true that Education is what remains when everything is forgotten, then what remains of the West after one has left it is not its books, its museums, and theaters, but an urge to translate into living acts what has been theorized. There,
  perhaps, lies the true strength of the West. Unfortunately, we in the West have too much "intelligence" to have anything truly substantial to translate outwardly, while India, too inwardly replete, does not possess the necessary urge to match what she lives with what she sees.

1.01 - Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious, #The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, #Carl Jung, #Psychology
  and Education who have no trouble in grasping the idea of the
  anima and her relative autonomy, and can also understand the
  tales," par. 398, infra, and in "Psychology and Education," pp. 1 17ft., as an ex-
  ample of a "big" dream, without commenting on it more closely.

1.01 - Economy, #Walden, and On The Duty Of Civil Disobedience, #Henry David Thoreau, #Philosophy
  Notwithstanding much cant and hypocrisy,chaff which I find it difficult to separate from my wheat, but for which I am as sorry as any man,I will brea the freely and stretch myself in this respect, it is such a relief to both the moral and physical system; and I am resolved that I will not through humility become the devils attorney. I will endeavor to speak a good word for the truth. At Cambridge College the mere rent of a students room, which is only a little larger than my own, is thirty dollars each year, though the corporation had the advantage of building thirty-two side by side and under one roof, and the occupant suffers the inconvenience of many and noisy neighbors, and perhaps a residence in the fourth story. I cannot but think that if we had more true wisdom in these respects, not only less Education would be needed, because, forsooth, more would already have been acquired, but the pecuniary expense of getting an Education would in a great measure vanish. Those conveniences which the student requires at
  Cambridge or elsewhere cost him or somebody else ten times as great a sacrifice of life as they would with proper management on both sides.
  Those things for which the most money is demanded are never the things which the student most wants. Tuition, for instance, is an important item in the term bill, while for the far more valuable Education which he gets by associating with the most cultivated of his contemporaries no charge is made. The mode of founding a college is, commonly, to get up a subscription of dollars and cents, and then following blindly the principles of a division of labor to its extreme, a principle which should never be followed but with circumspection,to call in a contractor who makes this a subject of speculation, and he employs
  Irishmen or other operatives actually to lay the foundations, while the students that are to be are said to be fitting themselves for it; and for these oversights successive generations have to pay. I think that it would be _better than this_, for the students, or those who desire to be benefited by it, even to lay the foundation themselves. The student who secures his coveted leisure and retirement by systematically shirking any labor necessary to man obtains but an ignoble and unprofitable leisure, defrauding himself of the experience which alone can make leisure fruitful. But, says one, you do not mean that the students should go to work with their hands instead of their heads? I do not mean that exactly, but I mean something which he might think a good deal like that; I mean that they should not _play_ life, or _study_ it merely, while the community supports them at this expensive game, but earnestly _live_ it from beginning to end. How could youths better learn to live than by at once trying the experiment of living? Methinks this would exercise their minds as much as mathematics. If I wished a boy to know something about the arts and sciences, for instance, I would not pursue the common course, which is merely to send him into the neighborhood of some professor, where any thing is professed and practised but the art of life;to survey the world through a telescope or a microscope, and never with his natural eye; to study chemistry, and not learn how his bread is made, or mechanics, and not learn how it is earned; to discover new satellites to Neptune, and not detect the motes in his eyes, or to what vagabond he is a satellite himself; or to be devoured by the monsters that swarm all around him, while contemplating the monsters in a drop of vinegar.

1.01 - How is Knowledge Of The Higher Worlds Attained?, #Knowledge of the Higher Worlds, #Rudolf Steiner, #Theosophy
  The student who is gifted with this feeling, or who is fortunate enough to have had it inculcated in a suitable Education, brings a great deal along with him when, later in life, he seeks admittance to higher knowledge. Failing such preparation, he will encounter difficulties at the very first step, unless he undertakes, by rigorous self- Education, to create within himself this inner life of devotion. In our time it is especially important that full attention be paid to this point. Our civilization tends more toward critical judgment and condemnation than toward devotion and selfless veneration. Our children already criticize far more than they worship. But every criticism, every adverse judgment passed, disperses the powers of the soul for the attainment of higher knowledge in the same measure that all veneration and reverence develops them. In this we do not wish to say anything against our civilization. There is no question here of leveling criticism against it. To this critical faculty, this self-conscious human judgment, this "test all things and
   p. 9

1.01 - MASTER AND DISCIPLE, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
  No sooner had M. entered the room than the Master laughed aloud and said to the boys, "There! He has come again." They all joined in the laughter. M. bowed low before him and took a seat. Before this he had saluted the Master with folded hands, like one with an English Education. But that day he learnt to fall down at his feet in orthodox Hindu fashion.
  The peacock and the opium

1.01 - Necessity for knowledge of the whole human being for a genuine education., #The Essentials of Education, #unset, #Zen
  object:1.01 - Necessity for knowledge of the whole human being for a genuine Education.
  author class:Rudolf Steiner
  Dear friends! Our assignment for this Educational conference is to answer the question: What is the role of Education and teaching to be for the future in terms of both the individual and society? Anyone who looks with an unbiased eye at modern civilization and its various institutions can hardly question the importance of this theme today (by today I mean the current decade in history). This theme touches on questions deep in the souls and hearts of a great many people.
  Knowledge of the Whole Human Being
  In earlier times, people had a sense of inner empathy with the spirit and soul of other human beings, which gave them an intui- tive impression of the souls inner experiences; it made sense that what one knew about the inner spirit and soul life would explain external physical manifestations. Now, we do just the opposite. People experiment with external aspects and processes very effec- tively, since all contemporary natural science is effective. The only thing that has been demonstrated, however, is that, given our modern views of life, we take seriously only what is sense- perceptible and what the intellect can comprehend with the help of the senses. Consequently, we have come to a point where we no longer have the capacity to really observe the inner human being; we are often content to observe its outer shell. We are further removed from the human being. Indeed, the very methods that have so eagerly illuminated life in the outer world the work- ing of naturehave robbed us of the most basic access between souls. Our wonderfully productive civilization has brought us very close to certain natural phenomena, but it has also driven us away from human nature. It should be obvious that the aspect of our culture most harmed by this situation is Educationevery- thing related to human development and teaching children. Once we can understand those we are to shape, we will be able to educate and teach, just as painters must understand the nature and quality of colors before they can paint, and sculptors must first understand their materials before they can create, and so on. If this is true of the arts that deal with physical materials, isnt it all the more true of an art that works with the noblest of all materials, the material that only the human being can work withhuman life, human nature and human development?
  These issues remind us that all Education and all teaching must spring from the fountain of real knowledge of human nature. In the Waldorf schools, we are attempting to create such an art of Education, solidly based on true understanding of the human being, and this Educational conference is about the Educational methods of Waldorf Education.
  Knowledge of human nature! I can hear people saying how far we have come in our knowledge of human nature in our time! I must reply that, although we have made extraordinary advances in our knowledge of the human physical body, human beings are really body, soul, and spirit. The worldview at the foundation of Waldorf Education that is, anthroposophical spiritual science consists equally of knowledge of the human body, the human soul, and the human spirit, being careful to avoid any imbalance.
  In the following lectures, I will have much more to say about such knowledge of human nature. But first, let me point out that true knowledge of human nature doesnt come from merely look- ing at an isolated individual with three aspects: body, soul, and spirit. Knowledge of human nature primarily tries to keep sight of what happens among human beings during earthly life.
  In our adult interactions, we use our knowledge of other people so unconsciously that we are unaware of it, but we nevertheless act according to it. In our capacity as teachers, however, the relationship between our human soul as teacher and the childs human soul must be much more conscious, so that we have a formative effect on the child. But we also must become aware of our own teachers soul so that we experience whats necessary to establish the right mood, the right teaching artistry, and the right empathy with the childs soul. All of these things are necessary to perform our educa- tional and teaching task adequately. Were immediately reminded that the most important aspect in Education and teaching is what occurs between the teachers soul and the childs soul.
  Lets start with this knowledge of human nature; its knowl- edge with soft edges. It lacks sharp contours to the extent that its not related to any one person. Rather, over the course of the Educational relationship it hovers, as it were, weaving here and there between what happens in the teachers soul and in the childs soul. In certain ways, its difficult to be sure of whats happening, since its all very subtle. When we teach, something is present that flows like a stream, constantly changing. Its necessary to develop an eye, an inner faculty that can grasp the fleeting, subtle influ- ences that pass from soul to soul. Only then, perhaps; only when we have the ability to comprehend the intimate, spiritual inter- play between two human beings, are we able to understand each individual.
  We might consider a few specific examples as an introduction to the way these currents form. In doing this, we need to con- sider one thing: when we deal with a human being in-process, a growing child, knowledge of human nature is often applied too narrowly. We take the child at a specific point in life and get to work, asking about the childs developmental forces, how they operate at that particular age, and so on, and we ask how we can properly meet these developmental forces at this particu- lar time. But knowledge of human nature as intended here isnt concerned only with these moments of experience, but with the persons whole earthly life. It is not really as easy as observing a narrowly circumscribed time span in a human life. But educators and teachers need to be able to look at the whole human life; whatever we do in the eighth or ninth year will have effects upon the forty- or fifty-year-old adult, as we will see a little later.6
  As a teacher, anything I do to a child during the years of ele- mentary Education will sink deeply into the physical, psychologi- cal, and spiritual nature of that individual. Whatever I do that plants a seed at the beginning of life will in some way go on liv- ing and weaving for decades beneath the surface, reappearing in remarkable ways many years later, perhaps not until the very end of life. Its possible to affect childhood in the right way only if we consider not just childhood but all of human life as seen from the perspective of a real knowledge of human nature.
  This is the knowledge I have in mind as I give you a few exam- ples about the intimate ways the teachers soul can affect the childs soul. I will present only a few indications for todaywe will go into greater detail later. We can understand how to prepare the intellect for impulses of the will only if we can answer this ques- tion: What happens between the teacher and the child, simply because the teacher and the child are present together, each with a unique nature and temperamenta particular character, level of development, constitution of body and soul? Before we even begin to teach and educate, the teacher and the child are both present. There is already an interaction. The teachers relationship to the child presents the first important question.
  If we achieve pedagogical understanding by looking at the whole human being and not just at the childwhich is much more comfortableit becomes clear that Education and teaching play a central role in the course of human life. We see how often happiness or unhappiness in the spirit, soul, or physical life is related to a persons Education and schooling. Just consider this: doctors are asked by older people to correct the mistakes of their educators, when in fact the problems have sunk so deeply into the person that no more can be done. The impressions on the childs soul have been transformed into physical effects, and the psycho- logical interacts with the physical; knowing all this, we begin to pay attention in the right way, and we acquire a proper apprecia- tion for teaching methods and what is required for a viable educa- tion according to the reality of human nature.
  The Phlegmatic Temperament
  If, in an unbiased way, we can observe the cultural manifesta- tions of the modern era, we find that a person may be a phleg- matic in that sense, even though that same person might angrily react to a child who spilled ink, yelling: You shouldnt do that! You shouldnt throw ink because youre angry; Ill throw it back at you, you rascal! Such outbursts of choleric temper werent forbidden during the time I just described, nor am I suggesting that there was any shortage of sanguine or melancholic teachers. But in their actual teaching, they were still phlegmatics and acted phlegmatic. The materialistic worldview was unable to access human nature, and least of all the developing child. And so it was possible to be a phlegmatic even though one was a choleric or melancholic by birth. Phlegma became an aspect of all Education in the materialistic era. And it has a lot to do with the appear- ance of nervousness, of neuras thenia, of nervous disorders in our culture. Well look at this in detail later. Nevertheless, we see the effect of phlegmatic teachers whose very presence next to children triggers nervous disorders.
  The Melancholic Temperament
  Obviously, when we observe the spiritual and psychic imponder- ables that play between the teachers soul and that of the child, were compelled to ask: How should teachers and Educational profession- als work upon themselves inwardly regarding the various tempera- ments? We can understand that its not enough for the teacher to say, I was born with my temperament; I cant help myself. First12 of all, this is untrue, and even if it were true, the human race would have died out long ago due to pedagogical malpractice.
  The Sanguine Temperament
  And that demand is: Given the various simple and superficial observations of research, statistics, and other ingenious meth- odswhich form the basis of almost all Education and peda- gogyhow can we educate in a way that equally considers the whole human experience and the eternal within us that shines through human experience? Something much deeper appears in relation to these questions. By way of an introduction, Ive tried to show you whats at play between teacher and student just because theyre thereeven before anything is done consciously, but merely because the two are there. This is especially revealed in the different temperaments.
  It will be argued that there comes a point when we have to begin to educate. Yes, and immediately we encounter the opin- ion that anyone can teach someone else whatever theyve already learned. If Ive learned something, I am, so to speak, qualified to teach it to someone else. People frequently fail to notice that there is an inner attitude of temperament, character, and so on, which is the result of the teachers own inner work or teacher training (as well see), behind everything that a teacher can learn on her own, what she can assimilate. Here, too, a real knowledge of the human constitution leads more deeply into human nature itself.
  As far as this life period is concerned, if a civilization never spoke of Education and in its elementary, primitive way simply educated, it would have a much healthier outlook than ours. This was true of the ancient Eastern regions, which had no educa- tion in our sense of the word. There the adults body, soul, and spirit was allowed to affect the child so that the child could take this adult as a guide, moving a muscle when the teacher moved a muscle and blinking when the teacher blinked. The teacher was trained to do this in a way that enabled the child to imitate. Such a teacher was not as the Western pedagogue, but the Eastern data. 3 A certain instinctive quality was behind this. Even today, its obvious that what Ive learned is totally irrelevant in terms of my ability to teach a child effectively before the change of teeth. After the change of teeth, the teachers knowledge begins to have some significance; but this is lost again, if I merely impart what I learned as it lives in me. It all has to be transformed artistically and made into images, as we shall see later. I have to awaken invis- ible forces between the child and myself.
  3. In Sanskrit, the giver.
  For the small child before the change of teeth, the most impor- tant thing in Education is the teachers own individuality. The most important element for teaching the child between the change of teeth and puberty is the teacher who can enter living artistry. Only after the age of fourteen or fifteen can the child really claim what the teacher has learned. This continues until after the early twenties, when the child is fully grown (even though its true that we call the teenager a young lady or young man). At twenty years, the young person can meet another human being on equal terms, even when the other is older.
  Things like this enable us to look deep into human nature and we shall see how this is deepened in the presence of true human wisdom. We come to realize contrary to what has often been thought that we dont recognize someone as a teacher by examining what the person knows after going through college. That would show us only a capacity for lecturing on some sub- ject, perhaps something suitable for students between fourteen and twenty. As far as earlier stages are concerned, what the teacher does in this sense has no relevance whatever. The qualities neces- sary for these early periods need to be assessed on a very different basis.
  Thus, we see that a fundamental issue in teaching and educa- tion is the question of who the teacher is. What must really live in the children, what must vibrate and well up into their very hearts, wills, and eventually into their intellect, lives initially in the teach- ers. It arises simply through who they are, through their unique nature, character, and attitude of soul, and through what they bring the children out of their own self-development. So we can see how it is only a true knowledge of human nature, cultivated comprehensively, that can serve as the foundation for a true art of teaching and fulfill the living needs of Education. Im eager to pursue these matters further in the lectures that follow.

1.01 - On knowledge of the soul, and how knowledge of the soul is the key to the knowledge of God., #The Alchemy of Happiness, #Al-Ghazali, #Sufism
  There are, however, in our times certain weak persons and indifferent to religious truth for the most part, who in the guise of soofees,1 after learning a few of their obscure phrases and ornamenting themselves with their cap and robes, treat knowledge and the doctors of the law2 as inimical to themselves, and continually find fault with them. They are devils and deserve judicial death. They are enemies of God, and of the apostle of God. For God has extolled knowledge and the doctors of the law; and the [33] established way of salvation, with which God has inspired the prophets, has its basis in external knowledge. These miserable and weak men, since they have no acquaintance with science, and no Education, and knowledge of external things, why should they indulge in such corrupt fancies, and unfounded language? They resemble, beloved, a person who having heard it said that alchemy was of more value than gold, because that whatsoever thing should be touched with the philosophers' stone would turn to gold, should be proud of the idea and should be carried away with a passion for alchemy. And when gold in full bags is offered him, he replies : "Shall I turn my attention to gold, when I am dissolving the philosophers' stone?" And he finishes with being deprived of the gold, and with only hearing the name of the philosophers' stone. He becomes forever a miserable, destitute, and naked vagabond, who wastes his life upon alchemy.
  The science then of revelation, or of infused spiritual knowledge, resembles alchemy, and the science of the doctors of the law resembles gold; but it is folly and pure loss not to accept and be satisfied with solid gold, on account of one's ardor to discover the philosophers' stone, which latter knowledge is not acquired by one in a thousand.

1.01 - Principles of Practical Psycho therapy, #The Practice of Psycho therapy, #Carl Jung, #Psychology
  and the unconscious; Adlers Educational method, with its emphasis on
  power-drives and conscious fictions; Schultzs autogenic trainingto

1.01 - The Cycle of Society, #The Human Cycle, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  For the typal passes naturally into the conventional stage. The conventional stage of human society is born when the external supports, the outward expressions of the spirit or the ideal become more important than the ideal, the body or even the clothes more important than the person. Thus in the evolution of caste, the outward supports of the ethical fourfold order,birth, economic function, religious ritual and sacrament, family custom,each began to exaggerate enormously its proportions and its importance in the scheme. At first, birth does not seem to have been of the first importance in the social order, for faculty and capacity prevailed; but afterwards, as the type fixed itself, its maintenance by Education and tradition became necessary and Education and tradition naturally fixed themselves in a hereditary groove. Thus the son of a Brahmin came always to be looked upon conventionally as a Brahmin; birth and profession were together the double bond of the hereditary convention at the time when it was most firm and faithful to its own character. This rigidity once established, the maintenance of the ethical type passed from the first place to a secondary or even a quite tertiary importance. Once the very basis of the system, it came now to be a not indispensable crown or pendent tassel, insisted upon indeed by the thinker and the ideal code-maker but not by the actual rule of society or its practice. Once ceasing to be indispensable, it came inevitably to be dispensed with except as an ornamental fiction. Finally, even the economic basis began to disintegrate; birth, family custom and remnants, deformations, new accretions of meaningless or fanciful religious sign and ritual, the very scarecrow and caricature of the old profound symbolism, became the riveting links of the system of caste in the iron age of the old society. In the full economic period of caste the priest and the Pundit masquerade under the name of the Brahmin, the aristocrat and feudal baron under the name of the Kshatriya, the trader and money-getter under the name of the Vaishya, the half-fed labourer and economic serf under the name of the Shudra. When the economic basis also breaks down, then the unclean and diseased decrepitude of the old system has begun; it has become a name, a shell, a sham and must either be dissolved in the crucible of an individualist period of society or else fatally affect with weakness and falsehood the system of life that clings to it. That in visible fact is the last and present state of the caste system in India.
  The tendency of the conventional age of society is to fix, to arrange firmly, to formalise, to erect a system of rigid grades and hierarchies, to stereotype religion, to bind Education and training to a traditional and unchangeable form, to subject thought to infallible authorities, to cast a stamp of finality on what seems to it the finished life of man. The conventional period of society has its golden age when the spirit and thought that inspired its forms are confined but yet living, not yet altogether walled in, not yet stifled to death and petrified by the growing hardness of the structure in which they are cased. That golden age is often very beautiful and attractive to the distant view of posterity by its precise order, symmetry, fine social architecture, the admirable subordination of its parts to a general and noble plan. Thus at one time the modern litterateur, artist or thinker looked back often with admiration and with something like longing to the mediaeval age of Europe; he forgot in its distant appearance of poetry, nobility, spirituality the much folly, ignorance, iniquity, cruelty and oppression of those harsh ages, the suffering and revolt that simmered below these fine surfaces, the misery and squalor that was hidden behind that splendid faade. So too the Hindu orthodox idealist looks back to a perfectly regulated society devoutly obedient to the wise yoke of the Shastra, and that is his golden age,a nobler one than the European in which the apparent gold was mostly hard burnished copper with a thin gold-leaf covering it, but still of an alloyed metal, not the true Satya Yuga. In these conventional periods of society there is much indeed that is really fine and sound and helpful to human progress, but still they are its copper age and not the true golden; they are the age when the Truth we strive to arrive at is not realised, not accomplished,4 but the exiguity of it eked out or its full appearance imitated by an artistic form, and what we have of the reality has begun to fossilise and is doomed to be lost in a hard mass of rule and order and convention.
  For always the form prevails and the spirit recedes and diminishes. It attempts indeed to return, to revive the form, to modify it, anyhow to survive and even to make the form survive; but the time-tendency is too strong. This is visible in the history of religion; the efforts of the saints and religious reformers become progressively more scattered, brief and superficial in their actual effects, however strong and vital the impulse. We see this recession in the growing darkness and weakness of India in her last millennium; the constant effort of the most powerful spiritual personalities kept the soul of the people alive but failed to resuscitate the ancient free force and truth and vigour or permanently revivify a conventionalised and stagnating society; in a generation or two the iron grip of that conventionalism has always fallen on the new movement and annexed the names of its founders. We see it in Europe in the repeated moral tragedy of ecclesiasticism and Catholic monasticism. Then there arrives a period when the gulf between the convention and the truth becomes intolerable and the men of intellectual power arise, the great swallowers of formulas, who, rejecting robustly or fiercely or with the calm light of reason symbol and type and convention, strike at the walls of the prison-house and seek by the individual reason, moral sense or emotional desire the Truth that society has lost or buried in its whited sepulchres. It is then that the individualistic age of religion and thought and society is created; the Age of Protestantism has begun, the Age of Reason, the Age of Revolt, Progress, Freedom. A partial and external freedom, still betrayed by the conventional age that preceded it into the idea that the Truth can be found in outsides, dreaming vainly that perfection can be determined by machinery, but still a necessary passage to the subjective period of humanity through which man has to circle back towards the recovery of his deeper self and a new upward line or a new revolving cycle of civilisation.

1.01 - The Ideal of the Karmayogin, #Essays In Philosophy And Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  European Education, European machinery, European organisation and equipment we should reproduce in ourselves European prosperity, energy and progress. We of the twentieth century reject the aims, ideals and methods of the Anglicised nineteenth precisely because we accept its experience. We refuse to make an idol of the present; we look before and after, backward to the mighty history of our race, forward to the grandiose destiny for which that history has prepared it.
  We do not believe that our political salvation can be attained by enlargement of Councils, introduction of the elective principle, colonial self-government or any other formula of European politics. We do not deny the use of some of these things as instruments, as weapons in a political struggle, but we deny their sufficiency whether as instruments or ideals and look beyond to an end which they do not serve except in a trifling degree. They might be sufficient if it were our ultimate destiny to be an outlying province of the British Empire or a dependent adjunct of European civilisation. That is a future which we do not think it worth making any sacrifice to accomplish.

1.01 - The Science of Living, #On Education, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Lastly, by means of a rational and discerning physical Education, we must make our body strong and supple
  enough to become a fit instrument in the material world for the truth-force which wants to manifest through us.
   ~ The Mother On Education, #self-knowledge

10.26 - A True Professor, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The mother says a professor, a true professor, must be truly a yogi. That is to say, a teacher, even a schoolteacher, one imparting what is called secular Education, has to be nothing less than a yogi. The Indian term for teacher is 'guru' and 'guru' meant a teacher both spiritual and secular. This distinction of the two words is made by the modern spirit, it did not belong to the ancient culture. The secular knowledge was also considered a necessary part of the spiritual knowledge, that which prepared for it and led towards it. The 'apara vidya' or the 'vedangas' were but limbs of the supreme knowledge 'para vidya' and 'veda'.
   A teacher has to be a yogi does not mean that he is to be a paragon of moral qualities, following, for example, the ten commandments scrupulously. Not to tell a lie, not to lose temper, to be patient, impartial, to be honest and unselfish, all these more or less social qualities have their values but something else is needed for the true teacher, something of another category and quality. I said social qualities, I might say also mental qualities. The consciousness of the teacher has to be other than mental, something deeper, more abiding, more constant, less relative, something absolute. Do we then prescribe the supreme Brahma-consciousness for the teacher? Not quite. We mean the consciousness of a soul, the living light that is within every aspiring human being. It is a glad luminousness in the heart that can exist with or without the brilliant riches of a cultivated brain. And one need not go so far as the vedantic Sachchidananda consciousness.
   That is the first and primary necessity. When the teacher approaches the pupil, he must know how to do it in and through that inner intimate consciousness. It means a fundamental attitude, a mode of being of the whole nature rather than a scientific procedure: all the manuals of Education will not be able to procure you this treasure. It is an acquisition that develops or manifests spontaneously through an earnest desire, that is to say, aspiration for it. It is this that establishes a strange contact with the pupil, radiates or infuses the knowledge, even the learning that the teacher possesses, infallibly and naturally into the mind and brain of the pupil.
   Books and programmes are of secondary importance, they are only a scaffolding, the building within is made of a different kind of bricks. A happy luminous consciousness within is the teacher's asset, with that he achieves all; without it he fails always.
   When we speak or think of Education and consider the relation of the teacher and the pupil, we generally confine ourselves to the mental domain, that is to say, aim wholly or mainly at the intellectual acquisition and attainment, and only sometimes as per necessity as it were we turn at most to the moral domain, that is to say, we look for the growth of character, of good manners and behavioursocial values as we have said. Here we have tried to bring into the Educationist's view a more important, a much more important and interesting domaina new dimension of consciousness.
   Wordsworth: Ode on the Intimations of Immortality.

1.02 - Education, #On Education, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  object:1.02 - Education
  The Education of a human being should begin at birth and continue throughout his life.
  Indeed, if we want this Education to have its maximum result, it should begin even before birth; in this case it is the mother herself who proceeds with this Education by means of a twofold action: first, upon herself for her own improvement, and secondly, upon the child whom she is forming physically. For it is certain that the nature of the child to be born depends very much upon the mother who forms it, upon her aspiration and will as well as upon the material surroundings in which she lives. To see that her thoughts are always beautiful and pure, her feelings always noble and fine, her material surroundings as harmonious as possible and full of a great simplicitythis is the part of Education which should apply to the mother herself. And if she has in addition a conscious and definite will to form the child according to the highest ideal she can conceive, then the very best conditions will be realised so that the child can come into the world with his utmost potentialities. How many difficult efforts and useless complications would be avoided in this way!
   Education to be complete must have five principal aspects corresponding to the five principal activities of the human being: the physical, the vital, the mental, the psychic and the spiritual. Usually, these phases of Education follow chronologically the growth of the individual; this, however, does not mean that one of them should replace another, but that all must continue, completing one another until the end of his life.
  We propose to study these five aspects of Education one by one and also their interrelationships. But before we enter into the details of the subject, I wish to make a recommendation to parents. Most parents, for various reasons, give very little thought to the true Education which should be imparted to children. When they have brought a child into the world, provided him with food, satisfied his various material needs and looked after his health more or less carefully, they think they have fully discharged their duty. Later on, they will send him to school and hand over to the teachers the responsibility for his Education.
  There are other parents who know that their children must be educated and who try to do what they can. But very few, even among those who are most serious and sincere, know that the first thing to do, in order to be able to educate a child, is to educate oneself, to become conscious and master of oneself so that one never sets a bad example to ones child. For it is above all through example that Education becomes effective. To speak good words and to give wise advice to a child has very little effect if one does not oneself give him an example of what one teaches. Sincerity, honesty, straightforwardness, courage, disinterestedness, unselfishness, patience, endurance, perseverance, peace, calm, self-control are all things that are taught infinitely better by example than by beautiful speeches. Parents, have a high ideal and always act in accordance with it and you will see that little by little your child will reflect this ideal in himself and spontaneously manifest the qualities you would like to see expressed in his nature. Quite naturally a child has respect and admiration for his parents; unless they are quite unworthy, they will always appear to their child as demigods whom he will try to imitate as best he can.
  With very few exceptions, parents are not aware of the disastrous influence that their own defects, impulses, weaknesses and lack of self-control have on their children. If you wish to be respected by a child, have respect for yourself and be worthy of respect at every moment. Never be authoritarian, despotic, impatient or ill-tempered. When your child asks you a question, do not give him a stupid or silly answer under the pretext that he cannot understand you. You can always make yourself understood if you take enough trouble; and in spite of the popular saying that it is not always good to tell the truth, I affirm that it is always good to tell the truth, but that the art consists in telling it in such a way as to make it accessible to the mind of the hearer. In early life, until he is twelve or fourteen, the childs mind is hardly open to abstract notions and general ideas. And yet you can train it to understand these things by using concrete images, symbols or parables. Up to quite an advanced age and for some who mentally always remain children, a narrative, a story, a tale well told teach much more than any number of theoretical explanations.
  When a child has done something wrong, see that he confesses it to you spontaneously and frankly; and when he has confessed, with kindness and affection make him understand what was wrong in his movement so that he will not repeat it, but never scold him; a fault confessed must always be forgiven. You should not allow any fear to come between you and your child; fear is a pernicious means of Education: it invariably gives birth to deceit and lying. Only a discerning affection that is firm yet gentle and an adequate practical knowledge will create the bonds of trust that are indispensable for you to be able to educate your child effectively. And do not forget that you have to control yourself constantly in order to be equal to your task and truly fulfil the duty which you owe your child by the mere fact of having brought him into the world.
  Bulletin, February 1951

1.02 - MAPS OF MEANING - THREE LEVELS OF ANALYSIS, #Maps of Meaning, #Jordan Peterson, #Psychology
  may not even guess at some of their own potentialities. One usually thinks of Education, in the broad
  sense, as producing a resourceful, emotionally stable adult, without respect to the environment in which
  these traits are to appear. To some extent this may be true. But Education can be seen as being also the
  means of establishing a protective social environment in which emotional stability is possible. Perhaps it

1.02 - SOCIAL HEREDITY AND PROGRESS, #The Future of Man, #Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, #Christianity
  of Education
  1. Education and Life
  TO the eye of Physical Science, one of the most
  what happens in the field of Education.
   Education. The transmission by example of an improvement, an
  development of life, for a variety of reasons. Education is so wide-
  spread a phenomenon, so clearly visible, humble and commonplace,
  where it is a question of reasoned Education! But we have only to
  observe the animal world with minds more open to the ideas of
  least for practical purposes, Education is a universal biological
  function, coextensive with the totality of the living world?
  We may be tempted to add, nevertheless, that Education is an
  extrinsic mechanism, superposed at one remove on the transmis-
  their young, then this in fact means that the results of Education fi-
  nally entered into the germ itself, endowing it with attributes as
  in its relation to living creatures, Education is nothing less than an
  essential and natural form of biological additivity. In it we can per-
  thing that affects the Education of Mankind.
  2. Education and Mankind
  life HAD attained through Man the highest degree of inven-
  For this double reason the phenomenon of Education as it affects
  Man possesses a greater amplitude and clarity than in any other
  Breathing the atmosphere of human Education as we do from
  the moment of our birth, we have little inclination or time to con-
  ourselves piece by piece with those layers of Education which we
  imagined we tried to cast aside. But in doing so let us seek, how-
  through Education. This "additive zone, 55 gradually created and
  transmitted by collective experience, is for each of us a sort of ma-
  gular instance of the human species, the idea that Education is not
  merely a "subphenomenon, 55 but an integral part of biological
  ner. To accept that Education is one of the factors, or better, one of
  the forms of the process which we denote by the very generalized
  concerned the specific function of Education is to ensure the con-
  tinued development of this personality by transmitting it to the
  ture and value of Education, extending to the things of the spirit.
  3. Education and Christianity
  SINCE these lines are intended for Christian teachers I must
  fundamental role of Education is again manifest, as the human in-
  strument of divine instruction. But a new and fascinating prospect
  there is a single mechanism Education.
  All the lines join together, complete themselves and merge.
  a It is primarily through Education that the hereditary bio-
  logical process, which from the beginning has caused the world to
  b It is through Education, by the progressive spread of com-
  mon viewpoints and attitudes, that the slow convergence of minds
  c Finally, it is through the medium of Education that there
  ensues, directly and indirectly, the gradual incorporation of the
  In the present day human Education is spreading its net over
  the earth on an unprecedented scale and by means of unprece-

1.02 - The 7 Habits An Overview, #The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, #Stephen Covey, #unset
  To maintain the P/PC Balance, the balance between the golden egg (Production) and the health and welfare of the goose (Production Capability) is often a difficult judgment call. But I suggest it is the very essence of effectiveness. It balances short term with long term. It balances going for the grade and paying the price to get an Education. It balances the desire to have a room clean and the building of a relationship in which the child is internally committed to do it -- cheerfully, willingly, without external supervision.
  It's a principle you can see validated in your own life when you burn the candle at both ends to get more golden eggs and wind up sick or exhausted, unable to produce any at all; or when you get a good night's sleep and wake up ready to produce throughout the day.

1.02 - The Age of Individualism and Reason, #The Human Cycle, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  For this discovery by individual free-thought of universal laws of which the individual is almost a by-product and by which he must necessarily be governed, this attempt actually to govern the social life of humanity in conscious accordance with the mechanism of these laws seems to lead logically to the suppression of that very individual freedom which made the discovery and the attempt at all possible. In seeking the truth and law of his own being the individual seems to have discovered a truth and law which is not of his own individual being at all, but of the collectivity, the pack, the hive, the mass. The result to which this points and to which it still seems irresistibly to be driving us is a new ordering of society by a rigid economic or governmental Socialism in which the individual, deprived again of his freedom in his own interest and that of humanity, must have his whole life and action determined for him at every step and in every point from birth to old age by the well-ordered mechanism of the State.1 We might then have a curious new version, with very important differences, of the old Asiatic or even of the old Indian order of society. In place of the religio-ethical sanction there will be a scientific and rational or naturalistic motive and rule; instead of the Brahmin Shastrakara the scientific, administrative and economic expert. In the place of the King himself observing the law and compelling with the aid and consent of the society all to tread without deviation the line marked out for them, the line of the Dharma, there will stand the collectivist State similarly guided and empowered. Instead of a hierarchical arrangement of classes each with its powers, privileges and duties there will be established an initial equality of Education and opportunity, ultimately perhaps with a subsequent determination of function by experts who shall know us better than ourselves and choose for us our work and quality. Marriage, generation and the Education of the child may be fixed by the scientific State as of old by the Shastra. For each man there will be a long stage of work for the State superintended by collectivist authorities and perhaps in the end a period of liberation, not for action but for enjoyment of leisure and personal self-improvement, answering to the Vanaprastha and Sannyasa Asramas of the old Aryan society. The rigidity of such a social state would greatly surpass that of its Asiatic forerunner; for there at least there were for the rebel, the innovator two important concessions. There was for the individual the freedom of an early Sannyasa, a renunciation of the social for the free spiritual life, and there was for the group the liberty to form a sub-society governed by new conceptions like the Sikh or the Vaishnava. But neither of these violent departures from the norm could be tolerated by a strictly economic and rigorously scientific and unitarian society. Obviously, too, there would grow up a fixed system of social morality and custom and a body of socialistic doctrine which one could not be allowed to question practically, and perhaps not even intellectually, since that would soon shatter or else undermine the system. Thus we should have a new typal order based upon purely economic capacity and function, guakarma, and rapidly petrifying by the inhibition of individual liberty into a system of rationalistic conventions. And quite certainly this static order would at long last be broken by a new individualist age of revolt, led probably by the principles of an extreme philosophical Anarchism.
  On the other hand, there are in operation forces which seem likely to frustrate or modify this development before it can reach its menaced consummation. In the first place, rationalistic and physical Science has overpassed itself and must before long be overtaken by a mounting flood of psychological and psychic knowledge which cannot fail to compel quite a new view of the human being and open a new vista before mankind. At the same time the Age of Reason is visibly drawing to an end; novel ideas are sweeping over the world and are being accepted with a significant rapidity, ideas inevitably subversive of any premature typal order of economic rationalism, dynamic ideas such as Nietzsches Will-to-live, Bergsons exaltation of Intuition above intellect or the latest German philosophical tendency to acknowledge a suprarational faculty and a suprarational order of truths. Already another mental poise is beginning to settle and conceptions are on the way to apply themselves in the field of practice which promise to give the succession of the individualistic age of society not to a new typal order, but to a subjective age which may well be a great and momentous passage to a very different goal. It may be doubted whether we are not already in the morning twilight of a new period of the human cycle.

1.02 - The Child as growing being and the childs experience of encountering the teacher., #The Essentials of Education, #unset, #Zen
  Yesterday I spoke of the teachers encounter with the children. Today I will try to describe the child as a growing being, and the childs experience of encountering the teacher. A more exact observation of the forces active in human development shows that at the beginning of a childs earthly life we need to distinguish three distinct stages of life. Only after our applied knowledge of human nature yields insight into the characteristic qualities of each of these three stages can we begin to educate in a way that is more appropriateor rather, an Education that is more humane.
  The Nature of Proof in Spiritual Matters
  First, however, we have to eliminate a certain prejudice. This preconception is inevitably a stumbling block to anyone who approaches the Waldorf Education movement without a basic study of anthroposophy. I dont mean for a moment that we simply ignore objections to this kind of Education. On the contrary, those who have a spiritual foundation such as anthroposophy cannot be the least bit fanatical; they will always fully consider any objections to their viewpoints. Consequently, they fully understand the frequent objection to pedagogical ideas founded upon anthroposophy: you need to prove thats true.
  Now, people have a lot to say about proofs with no clear idea of what that means. I cant present a detailed lecture on the methods of proof in the various spheres of life and knowledge; but Id like to clarify the matter by way of the following analogy.
  This is what people want because they have lost faith in the reality of our inner activity as human beings; theyve lost faith in the possibility that intuitions can emerge from human beings themselves when looking at ordinary life, at sensory appearances and the intellect. Humanity has really weakened inwardly, and its no longer conscious of the firm foundation of an inner, creative life. The things I just described have had a deep influence on all areas of practical life, and most of all on Education.
  Proofs, such as external sensory appearances, through observa- tion and experiment, might be compared to a man who notices that an unsupported object falls, and that its attracted by the Earths gravity and therefore must be supported until it rests on solid ground. And then this man says, Go ahead, tell me that the Earth and the other heavenly bodies hover freely in space, but I cant understand it. Everything has to be supported or it will fall. Nevertheless, the Earth, Sun, and other heavenly bodies dont fall. We need to change our way of thinking completely when we move from earthly conditions into the cosmos. In cosmic space, heavenly bodies support one another; the laws of Earth dont ap- ply there.
  Pondering such things awakens something in us like a priestly attitude in Education. Until this priestly feeling for the first years of childhood has become a part of Education as a whole, educa- tion wont find the conditions that bring it to life. If we merely try to understand the requirements of Education intellectually, or try rationally to design a method of Education based on external observations of a childs nature, at best we accomplish a quarter Education. A complete Educational method cant be formulated by the intellect alone; rather, it has to flow from the whole of human naturenot merely from the part that observes externally in a rational way, but the whole that deeply and inwardly experi- ences the secrets of the universe.
  Few things have a more wonderful effect on the human heart than seeing inner spirit and soul elements released day to day, week to week, month to month, year to year, during the first period of childhood. We see how, beginning with chaotic limb movements, the glance filled with rapture by outer experiences, the play of expressions that dont yet seem to belong to the child, something develops and impresses itself on the surface of the human form that arises from the center of the human constitution, where the divine spiritual being is unfolding in its descent from pre-earthly life. If we can make this divine office of Education a concern of the heart, we understand these things in such a way that we say: Here the Godhead Who has guided a human being until birth is revealed again in the impression of the human organism; the living Godhead is there to see; God is gazing into us. This will lead, out of the teachers own individuality, not to something learned by rote, but to a living method of Education and instruction, a method that springs from our souls and spirits.
  This must be our attitude toward the developing child; its essential to any Educational method. Without this fundamental attitude, without this priestly element in the teacher (and I mean this, of course, in a cosmic sense), Education cant progress. Therefore, any attempt to reform the methods of Education requires a return from the intellectual element, which has become dominant since the fourteenth century, to the domain of soul and feelings, to what springs forth from human nature as a whole, and not just from the head. If we look at children without preconceptions, the childs own nature will teach us to read these things.
  The Effects of a Teachers Inner Development on the Child
  People no longer could feel or perceive in a way that was possible before the fourteenth or fifteenth century. In those days, people viewed matters of the spirit in an imbalanced way, just as people now have a one-sided view of nature. But the human race had to pass through a stage in which it could add the observation of purely natural elements to an earlier human devotion to the world of spirit and soul that excluded nature. This materializing process, this change in course, was necessary; but we have to realize that, in order that civilized humanity not be turned into a wastel and in our time, there has to be a new turn, a turning toward spirit and soul. The awareness of this fact is the essence of all endeavors such as that of Waldorf Education, which is rooted in what a deeper observation of human evolution reveals as necessary for our time. We need to find our way back to the spirit and soul; in order for that to happen, we need to understand how we became divorced26 from spirit and soul in the first place. There are many today who have no such understanding and, therefore, view anything that attempts to lead us back to the spirit as, well, not very clever, shall we say.
  We can find remarkable illustrations of this attitude. Id like to mention one, but only parenthetically. Theres a chapter (incidentally, a very interesting chapter in some ways) in Mau- rice Maeterlincks new book The Great Riddle. 4 Its subject is the anthroposophical method of viewing the world. He discusses anthroposophy, and he also discusses me (if youll forgive a per- sonal reference). He has read many of my books and makes a very interesting comment. He says that, at the beginning of my books, I seem to have a levelheaded, logical, and shrewd mind. In the later chapters, however, it seems as if I had lost my mind. It may very well appear this way to Maeterlinck; subjectively he has every right to his opinion. Why shouldnt I seem levelheaded, logical and scientific to him in the first chapters, and insane in later ones?
  Children are aware, whenever we do something in their environment, of the thoughts behind a hand-gesture or facial expression. Children intuit them: they dont, obviously, interpret facial features, since what operates instead is a much more powerful inner connection between the child and adult than will exist later between adults. Consequently, we must never allow ourselves to feel or think anything around children that shouldnt be allowed to reverberate within the child. The rule of thumb for all relationships in early Education has to be this: Whether in perception, feeling, or thought, whatever we do around children needs to be done in such a way that it can be allowed to continue resonate within their souls.
  The psychologist, the observer of souls, the person of broad practical experience, and the doctor thus all become a unity, inso- far as the child is concerned. This is important, since anything28 that makes an impression on the child, anything that causes the souls response, continues in the circulation of the blood and in digestion, becoming a part of the foundation of health in later years. Due to the imitative nature of the child, whenever we edu- cate childrens spirit and soul, we also educate their body and their physical constitution. This is the wonderful metamorphosis that whatever approaches children, touching their spirit and soul, becomes their physical, organic organization and their predisposi- tion to health or illness in later life.
  Now that the child demands everything in a creative, artistic way, the teachers and educators who encounter the child must pres- ent everything from the perspective of an artist. Our contemporary culture demands this of teachers, and this is what needs to flow into the art of Education; at this point, interactions between the developing children and educators need to take an artistic form. In this respect, we face great obstacles as teachers. Our civilization and the culture all around us have reached the point where theyre geared only to the intellect, not to our artistic sensibilities.
  Lets consider the most wonderful natural processes the description of embryonic life, for example, as portrayed in mod- ern textbooks, or as taught in schools. Im not criticizing them, merely describing them; I know very well that they had to become the way they are and were necessary at a certain point in evo- lution. If we accept what they offer from the perspective of the spiritual force ready to reawaken today, something happens in our life of feeling that we find impossible to acknowledge, because it seems to be a sin against the maturity attained by humanity in the30 course of cosmic evolution. Difficult as it may be, it would be a good thing if people acknowledged this.
  Artistically shaping our instruction for children between the change of teeth and puberty is all that we should be concerned with in the metamorphosis of Education for our time and the near future. If the first period of childhood requires a priestly element in Education, the second requires an artistic element. What are we really doing when we educate a person in the second stage of life? The individuality journeying from an earlier earthly life and from the spiritual world is trying gradually to develop and permeate a second self. Our job is to assist in this process; we incorporate what we do with the child as teachers into the forces that inter- wove with spirit and soul to shape the second self with a unique and individual character. Again, the consciousness of this cosmic context needs to act as an enlivening impulse, running through our teaching methods and the everyday conditions of Education. We cant contrive what needs to be done; we can only allow it to happen through the influence of the children themselves on their teachers.
  Two extremes must be avoided. One is a result of intellectual- izing tendencies, where we approach children in an academic way, expecting them to assimilate sharply outlined ideas and defini- tions. It is, after all, very comfortable to instruct and teach by definitions. And the more gifted children learn to parrot them, allowing the teacher to be certain that they retain what theyve been taught in the previous lesson, whereas those who dont learn can be left behind.
  Such methods are very convenient. But its like a cobbler who thinks that the shoes he made for a three-year-old should still fit the ten-year-old; the shoes are well formed, but they no longer fit the child. And thats how it is with the teaching that the child is meant to assimilate. What the child takes in during the seventh or eighth year is no longer suited to the soul of the twelve-year-old; its as useless as shoes that have become too small. We just dont realize it when the problem unfolds within the soul. The teacher who demands of her students at age twelve the same definitions that were used earlier is like the cobbler who tries to put a three- year-olds shoes onto the feet of a ten-year-old: she might fit her toes into the shoes, but not her heels. Much of a childs spiritual and psychic nature doesnt fit into the Education we give children. Whats needed is that, through the medium of flexible and artistic forms, we give children perceptions, ideas, and feelings in picto- rial form that can metamorphose and grow with the soul, because the soul itself is growing. But before this can happen, there has to be a living relationship between child and teacher, not the dead relationship that arises from lifeless Educational concepts. Thus, all instruction given to children between approximately seven and fifteen needs to be permeated with pictures.
  In many ways, this runs counter to the ordinary tendencies of modern culture, and of course we belong to this modern culture. We read books that impart meaningful content through little squiggles we call a, b, c, and so on. We fail to realize that weve been damaged by being forced to learn these symbols, since they have absolutely no relationship to our inner life. Why should a or b look the way they do today? Theres no inner necessity, no experience that justifies writing an h after an a to express a feeling of astonishment or wonder.
  Another extreme occurs when the teacher enters the school like a little Caesar, with the self-image of a mighty Caesar, of course. In this situation, the child is always at the mercy of a teachers impulsiveness. Whereas extreme intellectualism leads to congested exhalation, the metabolic forces are thinned by overly domineering and exaggerated assertiveness in the teacher. A childs digestive organs are gradually weakened, which again may have chronic effects in later life. Both of these excesses needs to be eliminated from Educationtoo much intellectualizing and extreme obstinateness.
  We can hold a balance between the two by what happens in the soul when we allow the will to pass gently into the childs own activity and by toning down the intellect so that feelings are cultivated in a way that doesnt suppress the breathing, but culti- vates feelings that turn toward imagery and express the buoyant capacity I described. When this is done, the childs development is supported between the change of teeth and puberty.34

1.02 - The Concept of the Collective Unconscious, #The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, #Carl Jung, #Psychology
  language and Education. Cryptomnesia should also be ruled
  out, which it is almost impossible to do in certain cases. In

1.02 - What is Psycho therapy?, #The Practice of Psycho therapy, #Carl Jung, #Psychology
  medical Education is proving increasingly inadequate. Such an activity
  should in all cases presuppose a thorough knowledge of psychiatry. But for

1.03 - A Sapphire Tale, #Words Of Long Ago, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  "My son, I have ruled this country for more than a hundred and seventy years and although, to this day, all men of goodwill have seemed content with my guidance, I fear that my great age will soon no longer allow me to bear so lightly the heavy responsibility of maintaining order and watching over the well-being of all. My son, you are my hope and my joy. Nature has been very generous to you; she has showered you with her gifts and by a wise and model Education you have developed them most satisfactorily. The whole nation, from the humblest peasant to our great philosophers, has a complete and affectionate trust in you; you have been able to win their affection by your kindness and their respect by your justice. It is therefore quite natural that their choice should fall on you when I ask for leave to enjoy a well-earned repose. But as you know, according to age-old custom, no one may ascend the throne who is not biune, that is, unless he is united by the bonds of integral affinity with the one who can bring him the peace of equilibrium by a perfect match of tastes and abilities. It was to remind you of this custom that I called you here, and to ask you whether you have met the young woman who is both worthy and willing to unite her life with yours, according to our wish."
  "It would be a joy to me, my father, to be able to tell you, `I have found the one whom my whole being awaits', but, alas, this is yet to be. The most refined maidens in the kingdom are all known to me, and for several of them I feel a sincere liking and a genuine admiration, but not one of them has awakened in me the love which can be the only rightful bond, and I think I can say without being mistaken that in return none of them has conceived a love for me. Since you are so kind as to value my judgment, I will tell you what is in my mind. It seems to me that I should be better fitted to rule our little nation if I were acquainted with the laws and customs of other countries; I wish therefore to travel the world for a year, to observe and to learn. I ask you, my father, to allow me to make this journey, and who knows? - I may return with my life's companion, the one for whom I can be all happiness and all protection."

1.03 -, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism

1.03 - Physical Education, #On Education, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  object:1.03 - Physical Education
  subject class: Education
  On the subject of physical Education, it must be mentioned that the physical is our base, and even the highest spiritual values are to be expressed through the life that is embodied here. Sariram adyam khalu dharmasadhanam, says the old Sanskrit adage, -- the body is the means of fulfillment of dharma, while dharma means every ideal which we can propose to ourselves and the law of its working out and its action.
  Of all the domains of Education, physical is the one most completely governed by method, order, discipline and procedure. All Education of the body must be rigorous, detailed and methodical.
  The Education of the body has three principal aspects: control and discipline of functions of the body; a total methodical and harmonious development of all the parts and movements of the body; rectification of defects and deformities, if there are any.
  Physical Education must be based upon knowledge of the human body, its structure and its functions. And the formation of the habits of the body must be in consonance with that knowledge.
  The child should be taught right from the early stage the right positions, postures and movements.

1.03 - Preparing for the Miraculous, #Preparing for the Miraculous, #George Van Vrekhem, #Integral Yoga
  Centre of Education which she had newly founded. There-
  fore he dictated eight articles between 30 December 1948

1.03 - Reading, #Walden, and On The Duty Of Civil Disobedience, #Henry David Thoreau, #Philosophy
  We boast that we belong to the nineteenth century and are making the most rapid strides of any nation. But consider how little this village does for its own culture. I do not wish to flatter my townsmen, nor to be flattered by them, for that will not advance either of us. We need to be provoked,goaded like oxen, as we are, into a trot. We have a comparatively decent system of common schools, schools for infants only; but excepting the half-starved Lyceum in the winter, and latterly the puny beginning of a library suggested by the state, no school for ourselves. We spend more on almost any article of bodily aliment or ailment than on our mental aliment. It is time that we had uncommon schools, that we did not leave off our Education when we begin to be men and women. It is time that villages were universities, and their elder inhabitants the fellows of universities, with leisureif they are indeed so well offto pursue liberal studies the rest of their lives.
  Shall the world be confined to one Paris or one Oxford forever? Cannot students be boarded here and get a liberal Education under the skies of
  Concord? Can we not hire some Abelard to lecture to us? Alas! what with foddering the cattle and tending the store, we are kept from school too long, and our Education is sadly neglected. In this country, the village should in some respects take the place of the nobleman of
  Europe. It should be the patron of the fine arts. It is rich enough. It wants only the magnanimity and refinement. It can spend money enough on such things as farmers and traders value, but it is thought Utopian to propose spending money for things which more intelligent men know to be of far more worth. This town has spent seventeen thousand dollars on a town-house, thank fortune or politics, but probably it will not spend so much on living wit, the true meat to put into that shell, in a hundred years. The one hundred and twenty-five dollars annually subscribed for a Lyceum in the winter is better spent than any other equal sum raised in the town. If we live in the nineteenth century, why should we not enjoy the advantages which the nineteenth century offers?

1.03 - Self-Surrender in Works - The Way of The Gita, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  The aim set before our Yoga is nothing less than to hasten this supreme object of our existence here. Its process leaves behind the ordinary tardy method of slow and confused growth through the evolution of Nature. For the natural evolution is at its best an uncertain growth under cover, partly by the pressure of the environment, partly by a groping Education and an ill-lighted purposeful effort, an only partially illumined and half-automatic use of opportunities with many blunders and lapses and relapses; a great portion of it is made up of apparent accidents and circumstances and vicissitudes, - though veiling a secret divine intervention and guidance. In Yoga we replace this confused crooked crab-motion by a rapid, conscious and self-directed evolution which is planned to carry us, as far as can be, in a straight line towards the goal set before us. In a certain sense it may be an error to speak of a goal anywhere in a progression which may well be infinite. Still we can conceive of an immediate goal, an ulterior objective beyond our present achievement towards which the soul in man can aspire. There lies before him the possibility of a new birth; there can be an ascent into a higher and wider plane of being and its descent to transform his members. An enlarged and illumined consciousness is possible that shall make of him a liberated spirit and a perfected force - and, if spread beyond the individual, it might even constitute a divine humanity or else a new, a supramental and therefore a superhuman race. It is this new birth that we make our aim: a growth into a divine consciousness is the whole meaning of our Yoga, an integral conversion to divinity not only of the soul but of all the parts of our nature.
  * *

1.03 - Some Practical Aspects, #Knowledge of the Higher Worlds, #Rudolf Steiner, #Theosophy
  In the following pages some practical aspects of the higher Education of soul and spirit will be treated in greater detail. They are such that anyone can put them into practice regardless of other rules, and thereby be led some distance further into spiritual science.
  A particular effort must be made to cultivate the quality of patience. Every symptom of impatience produces a paralyzing, even a destructive effect on the higher faculties that slumber in us. We must not expect an immeasurable view into the higher worlds from one day to the next, for we should assuredly be disappointed. Contentment with the smallest fragment attained, repose and tranquility, must more and more take possession of the soul. It is quite understandable that the student should await results with impatience; but he will achieve nothing so long as he fails to master this impatience. Nor is it of any use to combat this impatience merely in the ordinary sense, for it will become only that much stronger. We overlook
  Special attention must be paid in esoteric training to the Education of the life of desires. This does not mean that we are to become free of desire, for if we are to attain something we must also desire it, and desire will always tend to fulfillment if backed by a particular force. This force is derived from a right knowledge. Do not desire at all until you know what is right in any one sphere. That is one of the golden rules for the student. The wise man first ascertains the laws of the world, and then his desires become powers which realize themselves. The following example brings this out clearly. There are certainly many people who would like to learn from their own observation something about their life before birth. Such a desire is altogether useless and leads to no result so long as the person in question has not acquired a knowledge of the laws that govern the nature of the eternal, a knowledge of these laws in their subtlest and most intimate character, through the study of spiritual science. But if, having really acquired this knowledge,
   p. 104

1.03 - The Coming of the Subjective Age, #The Human Cycle, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Behind it all the hope of the race lies in those infant and as yet subordinate tendencies which carry in them the seed of a new subjective and psychic dealing of man with his own being, with his fellow-men and with the ordering of his individual and social life. The characteristic note of these tendencies may be seen in the new ideas about the Education and upbringing of the child that became strongly current in the pre-war era. Formerly, Education was merely a mechanical forcing of the childs nature into arbitrary grooves of training and knowledge in which his individual subjectivity was the last thing considered, and his family upbringing was a constant repression and compulsory shaping of his habits, his thoughts, his character into the mould fixed for them by the conventional ideas or individual interests and ideals of the teachers and parents. The discovery that Education must be a bringing out of the childs own intellectual and moral capacities to their highest possible value and must be based on the psychology of the child-nature was a step forward towards a more healthy because a more subjective system; but it still fell short because it still regarded him as an object to be handled and moulded by the teacher, to be educated. But at least there was a glimmering of the realisation that each human being is a self-developing soul and that the business of both parent and teacher is to enable and to help the child to educate himself, to develop his own intellectual, moral, aesthetic and practical capacities and to grow freely as an organic being, not to be kneaded and pressured into form like an inert plastic material. It is not yet realised what this soul is or that the true secret, whether with child or man, is to help him to find his deeper self, the real psychic entity within. That, if we ever give it a chance to come forward, and still more if we call it into the foreground as the leader of the march set in our front, will itself take up most of the business of Education out of our hands and develop the capacity of the psychological being towards a realisation of its potentialities of which our present mechanical view of life and man and external routine methods of dealing with them prevent us from having any experience or forming any conception. These new Educational methods are on the straight way to this truer dealing. The closer touch attempted with the psychical entity behind the vital and physical mentality and an increasing reliance on its possibilities must lead to the ultimate discovery that man is inwardly a soul and a conscious power of the Divine and that the evocation of this real man within is the right object of Education and indeed of all human life if it would find and live according to the hidden Truth and deepest law of its own being. That was the knowledge which the ancients sought to express through religious and social symbolism, and subjectivism is a road of return to the lost knowledge. First deepening mans inner experience, restoring perhaps on an unprecedented scale insight and self-knowledge to the race, it must end by revolutionising his social and collective self-expression.
  Meanwhile, the nascent subjectivism preparative of the new age has shown itself not so much in the relations of individuals or in the dominant ideas and tendencies of social development, which are still largely rationalistic and materialistic and only vaguely touched by the deeper subjective tendency, but in the new collective self-consciousness of man in that organic mass of his life which he has most firmly developed in the past, the nation. It is here that it has already begun to produce powerful results whether as a vitalistic or as a psychical subjectivism, and it is here that we shall see most clearly what is its actual drift, its deficiencies, its dangers as well as the true purpose and conditions of a subjective age of humanity and the goal towards which the social cycle, entering this phase, is intended to arrive in its wide revolution.

1.03 - The Syzygy - Anima and Animus, #Aion, #Carl Jung, #Psychology
  tage of being prepared in some sort by our Education, which
  has always endeavoured to convince people that they are not
  Firstly, there is no moral Education in this respect, and secondly,
  most people are content to be self-righteous and prefer mutual

1.03 - VISIT TO VIDYASAGAR, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
  In the mean time the young members of the household and a few friends and relatives of Vidyasagar had gathered around. Sri Ramakrishna, still in an ecstatic mood, sat on the bench. A young man, seventeen or eighteen years old, who had come to Vidyasagar to seek financial help for his Education, was seated there. The Master sat down at a little distance from the boy, saying in an abstracted mood: "Mother, this boy is very much attached to the world. He belongs to Thy realm of ignorance."
  Vidyasagar told someone to bring water and asked M. whether the Master would like some sweetmeats also. Since M. did not object, Vidyasagar himself went eagerly to the inner apartments and brought the sweets. They were placed before the Master.

1.045 - Piercing the Structure of the Object, #The Study and Practice of Yoga, #Swami Krishnananda, #Yoga
  These stages of meditation are referred to in a sutra of Patanjali from his first chapter, and these stages are designated by him as savitarka, savichara, sananda and sasmita. These are all peculiar technical words of the yoga philosophy, which simply mean the conditions of gross consciousness, subtle consciousness, cause consciousness and reality consciousness. Though he has mentioned only four stages for the purpose of a broad division of the process of ascent, we can subdivide these into many more. As a matter of fact, when we actually come to it and begin to practise, we will find that we have to pass through various stages, just as we do in a course of Education. Though we may designate a particular year of study as being the first grade, second grade, third grade, etc., even in each grade we will find there are various stages of study through the divisions of the syllabus or the curriculum of study.
  Similarly, in the process of meditation the stages are many, and we may find that practically every day we are in one particular stage. The details of these stages will be known only to one who has started the practice. They cannot be described in books because they are so many, and every peculiar turn of experience will be regarded by us as one stage. Each stage is characterised by a peculiar relation of consciousness to its object and the reaction which the object sets in respect of the consciousness that experiences it. In the beginning it looks very difficult on account of this aforementioned conviction that the object is completely cut off from the mind and that is why there is so much anxiety and heartache in this world. We seem to be completely powerless and helpless in every matter. We are helpless because the world is outside us, and it has no connection with our principle of experience, namely consciousness. To bring into the conscious level the conviction that the objects of experience are not as much segregated as they appear to be, requires very hard effort, philosophical analysis and deep thinking bestowed upon the subject.

1.04 -, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism

1.04 - On blessed and ever-memorable obedience, #The Ladder of Divine Ascent, #Saint John of Climacus, #unset
  I have seen innocent and most beautiful children come to school for the sake of wisdom, Education and profit, but through contact with the other pupils they learn there nothing but cunning and vice. The intelligent will understand this.
  It is impossible for those who learn a craft whole-heartedly not to make daily advance in it. But some know their progress, while others by divine providence are ignorant of it. A good banker never fails in the evening to reckon the days profit or loss. But he cannot know this clearly unless he enters it every hour in his notebook. For the hourly account brings to light the daily account.

1.04 - THE APPEARANCE OF ANOMALY - CHALLENGE TO THE SHARED MAP, #Maps of Meaning, #Jordan Peterson, #Psychology
  occupied with my Samara estate, with the Education of my son, or with the writing of books, I had to
  know why I was doing these things. As long as I do not know the reason why, I cannot do anything. In
  soon as I started to think about the Education of my children, I would ask myself, Why? Or I would
  reflect on how the people might attain prosperity, and I would suddenly ask myself, What concern is it

1.04 - The Conditions of Esoteric Training, #Knowledge of the Higher Worlds, #Rudolf Steiner, #Theosophy
   an attitude of mind, for instance, alters the way I regard a criminal. I suspend my judgment and say to myself: "I am, like him, only a human being. Through favorable circumstances I received an Education which perhaps alone saved me from a similar fate." I may then also come to the conclusion that this human brother of mine would have become a different man had my teachers taken the same pains with him they took with me. I shall reflect on the fact that something was given to me which was withheld from him, that I enjoy my fortune precisely because it was denied him. And then I shall naturally come to think of myself as a link in the whole of humanity and a sharer in the responsibility for everything that occurs. This does not imply that such a thought should be immediately translated into external acts of agitation. It should be cherished in stillness within the soul. Then quite gradually it will set its mark on the outward demeanor of the student. In such matters each can only begin by reforming himself. It is of no avail, in the sense of the foregoing thoughts, to make general demands on the whole of humanity. It is easy to decide what men ought to be; but the student
   p. 121

1.04 - The Discovery of the Nation-Soul, #The Human Cycle, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  This was one side of the predestination of Germany; the other is to be found in her scholars, Educationists, scientists, organisers. It was the industry, the conscientious diligence, the fidelity to ideas, the honest and painstaking spirit of work for which the nation has been long famous. A people may be highly gifted in the subjective capacities, and yet if it neglects to cultivate this lower side of our complex nature, it will fail to build that bridge between the idea and imagination and the world of facts, between the vision and the force, which makes realisation possible; its higher powers may become a joy and inspiration to the world, but it will never take possession of its own world until it has learned the humbler lesson. In Germany the bridge was there, though it ran mostly through a dark tunnel with a gulf underneath; for there was no pure transmission from the subjective mind of the thinkers and singers to the objective mind of the scholars and organisers. The misapplication by Treitschke of the teaching of Nietzsche to national and international uses which would have profoundly disgusted the philosopher himself, is an example of this obscure transmission. But still a transmission there was. For more than a half-century Germany turned a deep eye of subjective introspection on herself and things and ideas in search of the truth of her own being and of the world, and for another half-century a patient eye of scientific research on the objective means for organising what she had or thought she had gained. And something was done, something indeed powerful and enormous, but also in certain directions, not in all, misshapen and disconcerting. Unfortunately, those directions were precisely the very central lines on which to go wrong is to miss the goal.
  It may be said, indeed, that the last result of the something done the war, the collapse, the fierce reaction towards the rigid, armoured, aggressive, formidable Nazi State,is not only discouraging enough, but a clear warning to abandon that path and go back to older and safer ways. But the misuse of great powers is no argument against their right use. To go back is impossible; the attempt is always, indeed, an illusion; we have all to do the same thing which Germany has attempted, but to take care not to do it likewise. Therefore we must look beyond the red mist of blood of the War and the dark fuliginous confusion and chaos which now oppress the world to see why and where was the failure. For her failure which became evident by the turn her action took and was converted for the time being into total collapse, was clear even then to the dispassionate thinker who seeks only the truth. That befell her which sometimes befalls the seeker on the path of Yoga, the art of conscious self-finding,a path exposed to far profounder perils than beset ordinarily the average man,when he follows a false light to his spiritual ruin. She had mistaken her vital ego for herself; she had sought for her soul and found only her force. For she had said, like the Asura, I am my body, my life, my mind, my temperament, and become attached with a Titanic force to these; especially she had said, I am my life and body, and than that there can be no greater mistake for man or nation. The soul of man or nation is something more and diviner than that; it is greater than its instruments and cannot be shut up in a physical, a vital, a mental or a temperamental formula. So to confine it, even though the false formation be embodied in the armour-plated social body of a huge collective human dinosaurus, can only stifle the growth of the inner Reality and end in decay or the extinction that overtakes all that is unplastic and unadaptable.

1.04 - The Divine Mother - This Is She, #Twelve Years With Sri Aurobindo, #Nirodbaran, #Integral Yoga
  The two major activities that she took up during this period were the Ashram School and Physical Education which together form the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education. Both of them, like the others, were born from tiny chromosomes and out of a compelling necessity, for the Japanese aggression had driven the children of the disciples in affected areas to seek shelter in the protecting arms of the Mother. She had now to devote much of her crowded time to the children who needed a special treatment, since they had not come for Yoga.
  It was a challenging problem suddenly thrown upon her by Nature. Our Ashram life also took a different turn; the old barriers completely broke down under this influx. No longer a hermitage of peace, silence and inner expansion and acquisition, it had to be tested in the crucible of outer life. We soon became one spiritual family. The Mother had to look after the mental, vital and physical health of the green ones, both boys and girls. Along with the necessity, means also came forward to meet the demand. Sisirkumar Mitra from Vishwabharati, with a long teaching experience, and Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya from Calcutta, an expert in physical culture, came and were given charge of the two wings of Education, mental and physical. Particularly in young Pranab, the Mother found an excellent instrument for physical culture and with his help she quickly built up the centre of physical Education. I don't need to discuss the place and raison d'etre of physical Education in our Ashram life when Sri Aurobindo has done it so well in his essay on The Divine Body.[6] My vision being more earthly, I can see that it has served the most important purpose of keeping the inflammable material of young boys, girls and children under a strict supervision through compulsory activities from 4.30 p.m. to 7.00 p.m. or so. One can very well imagine what would have been the moral effect on them, had there not been this central control, especially when the children here are given a great freedom of movement. Those young people who have cut themselves off from these collective activities suffer much from psychological troubles. Most of the ills of the youth outside have their origin in having no occupation after college and school hours. After Sri Aurobindo's passing, the Mother gave me one sound counsel, "Be in the atmosphere," by which she meant that I should not isolate myself from the collective activities. When there was a demand for more holidays, the Mother remarked, "I have started the School so that the children may not knock about in the streets." Since then, Sisirkumar has resisted the pressure of the students for more holidays.
  The Mother now began to identify herself more and more with this new generation. In the evening when Sri Aurobindo was enjoying his solitude, the Mother, after her tennis, busied herself in the Playground meeting the children, watching their games and exercises, taking classes, etc. and through all these means, establishing an intimate contact with them. The exercises were done in cumbersome pyjamas which consequently checked free movement. One evening when I went to visit the Playground, I found the gate closed. The gate-keeper told me that the Mother did not want anyone except the group-members to enter the Playground. When it was thrown open we found, to our surprise, that the girls were doing exercises in shorts! How did this revolutionary change come about? Here, in brief, is the story from one who played an active part in it. One day, one of the girls, doing her exercises in pyjamas in the Playground, fell down and got hurt owing to the impractical dress. When the Mother was told about it, she listened quietly. After a couple of days, she called Bratati, one of the sadhikas of her intimate circle (she had such small intimate groups of young boys, girls and adults) and said, "I have solved the problem of the uniform. The girls will put on white shorts, a white shirt and a kitty-cap on the head for their hair. Prepare them and try them on yourself. Pyjamas are unwieldy. When you are ready, let me know about it." When everything was ready, she informed the Mother and a day was fixed for the rehearsal in strict privacy. The Mother was pleased with the design. Calling the girls together she gave a short impressive talk on the new experiment and the necessity for trying it. They at once fell in with the proposal and adopted the new uniform. But what was the reaction to this drastic step? Some, particularly old people, were shocked to see their daughters scantily dressed and doing exercises jointly with boys; a few conservative guardians were planning to take their wards away from such a modernised Ashram. I, personally, admired, on the one hand, the revolutionary step taken by the Mother far in advance of the time in Eastern countries, in anticipation of the modern movement in dress; on the other hand, my cautious mind, or as Sri Aurobindo would say, my coward-mind, could not but feel the risk involved in this forward venture. At the same time I knew that the Mother's very nature is to face danger, if necessary. And whenever we had tried to argue with her that we were doing things which were not done outside, she replied sharply, "Why should we follow the others? They have no ideas, we have ideas. I have come to break down old conventions and superstitions." Besides, whatever measures she adopts are not done for the sake of novelty or from mental reasons. "Mother is guided by her intuition," Sri Aurobindo reminded us very often. Also, I believe, she prepares the ground in the occult planes and manipulates the forces to her advantage before she takes any hazardous step. That is why we hear her say, "Wait, wait!" for the opportune moment, I suppose. We can realise now the wisdom of her vision in taking that revolutionary step. Further, I think it was one of the most effective means to eliminate sex-consciousness between the male and the female. We are in this respect much better than before now that shorts have become almost our normal dress.

1.04 - The Silent Mind, #Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness, #Satprem, #Integral Yoga
  firstly, because he lives in constant tumult, and secondly because the process through which vibrations are appropriated is almost instantaneous and automatic. Through his Education and environment,
  a person becomes accustomed to selecting from the Universal Mind a given, narrow range of vibrations with which he has a particular affinity. For the rest of his life he will pick up the same wavelength,

1.04 - Vital Education, #On Education, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  object:1.04 - Vital Education
  We now come to vital Education.
  Vital Education aims at training the life -force (that normally vibrates in emotions, desires and impulses) in three directions: to discover its real function and to replace its egoistic and ignorant tendency so as to become the master by a willingness and capacity to serve higher principles of the psychological constitution; to subtilise and sublimate its sensitivity which expresses itself through sensuous and aesthetic activities; and to resolve and transcend the dualities and contradictions in the character constituted by the vital seekings, and to achieve the transformation of the character.
  The usual methods of dealing with the vital have been those of coercion, suppression, abstinence and asceticism. But these methods do not give lasting results. Besides, they only help in drying up the drive and dynamism of the life-force; and thus the collaboration of the life-force in self-fulfilment is eliminated.
  Vital Education is greatly aided by stress on different kinds of fine arts and crafts. Sri Aurobindo has written at length on the contri bution that Art can make to the integral Education in his important book, "The National Value of Art". He has pointed out that the first and the lowest use of Art is the purely aesthetic, the second is the intellectual and the third and the highest is the spiritual. He has even stated that music, art and poetry are a perfect Education for the soul; they make and keep its movement purified, deep and harmonious. He has added, "These, therefore, are agents which cannot profitably be neglected by humanity on its onward march or degraded to the mere satisfaction of sensuous pleasure which will disintegrate rather than build the character. They are, when properly used, great educating, edifying and civilizing forces."1
  A great lesson in vital Education is to develop the will of the individual and to encourage the exercise of the will in which what is valued most is not the result, but application and doing one's best.

1.05 -, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism

1.05 - Buddhism and Women, #Tara - The Feminine Divine, #unset, #Zen
  Question: Do young people receive some dharma Education
  in the schools in India?
  receive a buddhist Education during their studies. To
  this effect, there is a teacher of buddhism in all the

1.05 - Consciousness, #Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness, #Satprem, #Integral Yoga
  than by others; and this set of habits has, apparently, crystallized into a personality we call our "self." Yet, if we look more closely, we can hardly say that it is "we" who have acquired all these habits. Our environment, our Education, our atavism, our traditions have made the choice for us. At every instant they choose what we want or desire,
  what we like or dislike. It is as if life took place without us. When does a real "I" burst forth in all this? Universal Nature, Sri Aurobindo wrote, deposits certain habits of movement, personality, character,
  The appearance of stability is given by constant repetition and recurrence of the same vibrations and formations,4 because it is always the same wavelengths that we pick up or, rather, that picks us up, consistent with the laws of our environment or Education; it is always the same mental, vital or other vibrations that return through our centers, and that we appropriate automatically, unconsciously, and endlessly. In reality, everything is in a state of constant flux, and everything comes to us from a mind vaster than ours (a universal mind), a vital vaster than ours (a universal vital), from lower subconscious regions, or from higher superconscious ones. Thus this small frontal being48 is surrounded, overhung, supported, pervaded by and set in motion by a whole hierarchy of "worlds," as ancient wisdom well knew: "Without effort one world moves in the other," says the Rig Veda (II.24-5), or, as Sri Aurobindo says, by a gradation of planes of consciousness, which range without break from pure Spirit to Matter, and are directly connected to each of our centers. Yet we are conscious only of some bubbling on the surface.49
  What remains of ourselves in all this? Not much, to tell the truth,

1.05 - Mental Education, #On Education, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  object:1.05 - Mental Education
  MENTAL Education
  OF ALL lines of Education, mental Education is the most widely known and practised, yet except in a few rare cases there are gaps which make it something very incomplete and in the end quite insufficient.
  Generally speaking, schooling is considered to be all the mental Education that is necessary. And when a child has been made to undergo, for a number of years, a methodical training which is more like cramming than true schooling, it is considered that whatever is necessary for his mental development has been done. Nothing of the kind. Even conceding that the training is given with due measure and discrimination and does not permanently damage the brain, it cannot impart to the human mind the faculties it needs to become a good and useful instrument. The schooling that is usually given can, at the most, serve as a system of gymnastics to increase the suppleness of the brain. From this standpoint, each branch of human learning represents a special kind of mental gymnastics, and the verbal formulations given to these various branches each constitute a special and well-defined language.
  A true mental Education, which will prepare man for a higher life, has five principal phases. Normally these phases follow one after another, but in exceptional individuals they may alternate or even proceed simultaneously. These five phases, in brief, are:
    (1) Development of the power of concentration, the capacity of attention.
  It is not possible to give here all the details concerning the methods to be employed in the application of these five phases of Education to different individuals. Still, a few explanations on points of detail can be given.
  Undeniably, what most impedes mental progress in children is the constant dispersion of their thoughts. Their thoughts flutter hither and thither like butterflies and they have to make a great effort to fix them. Yet this capacity is latent in them, for when you succeed in arousing their interest, they are capable of a good deal of attention. By his ingenuity, therefore, the educator will gradually help the child to become capable of a sustained effort of attention and a faculty of more and more complete absorption in the work in hand. All methods that can develop this faculty of attention from games to rewards are good and can all be utilised according to the need and the circumstances. But it is the psychological action that is most important and the sovereign method is to arouse in the child an interest in what you want to teach him, a liking for work, a will to progress. To love to learn is the most precious gift that one can give to a child: to love to learn always and everywhere, so that all circumstances, all happenings in life may be constantly renewed opportunities for learning more and always more.
  ~ The Mother On Education
  see also ::: mental, Education

1.05 - Problems of Modern Psycho therapy, #The Practice of Psycho therapy, #Carl Jung, #Psychology
  confession, elucidation, Education, and transformation. I shall now proceed
  to discuss these somewhat unusual terms.
  The problem which now faces the patient is his Education as a social
  being, and with this we come to the third stage. For many morally sensitive
  clearly recognized the need for social Education. Whereas Freud is the
  investigator and interpreter, Adler is primarily the educator. He thus takes
  by every device of Education to make him a normal and adapted person.
  He does this evidently in the conviction that social adaptation and
  unconscious. The Educational aims of the Adlerian school begin precisely
  where Freud leaves off; consequently they meet the needs of the patient
  only by exercise, and appropriate Education is the sole means to this end.
  The patient must be drawn out of himself into other paths, which is the
  true meaning of Education, and this can only be achieved by an
  educative will. We can therefore see why Adlers approach has found
  comes Education, pointing out that no amount of confession and no amount
  of explaining can make the crooked plant grow straight, but that it must be
  conscious of it, he unwittingly does his share of explanation and Education,
  just as the others do their share of catharsis without raising it to the level of
  The step from Education to self- Education is a logical advance that
  completes the earlier stages. The demand made by the stage of
  elucidation, Educationpasses to the subjective level; in other words, what
  happened to the patient must now happen to the doctor, so that his

1.05 - THE HOSTILE BROTHERS - ARCHETYPES OF RESPONSE TO THE UNKNOWN, #Maps of Meaning, #Jordan Peterson, #Psychology
  respect to Education and way of life.
  I found that for the people of my class there were four means of escaping the terrible situation in
  order, Education and wisdom embodied, and represented; is the abstracted and integrated personification of
  all those heroes who have come before and left their mark on the (cultural) behavior of the species. He is
  religious association, to devout scientists and was possessed of sufficient intellect and Education to do so.
  It is incorrect, and evidence of one-sided thinking, to label him pejoratively. It is incorrect because Jung
  modern academic Education. It was at this endeavor that Jung excelled. Some might object: his ideas cannot
  be tested. But they have been: the card-classification experiment by Jerome Bruner, described

1.05 - True and False Subjectivism, #The Human Cycle, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  For this is the sense of the characteristic turn which modern civilisation is taking. Everywhere we are beginning, though still sparsely and in a groping tentative fashion, to approach things from the subjective standpoint. In Education our object is to know the psychology of the child as he grows into man and to found our systems of teaching and training upon that basis. The new aim is to help the child to develop his intellectual, aesthetic, emotional, moral, spiritual being and his communal life and impulses out of his own temperament and capacities,a very different object from that of the old Education which was simply to pack so much stereotyped knowledge into his resisting brain and impose a stereotyped rule of conduct on his struggling and dominated impulses.1 In dealing with the criminal the most advanced societies are no longer altogether satisfied with regarding him as a law-breaker to be punished, imprisoned, terrified, hanged or else tortured physically and morally, whether as a revenge for his revolt or as an example to others; there is a growing attempt to understand him, to make allowance for his heredity, environment and inner deficiencies and to change him from within rather than crush him from without. In the general view of society itself, we begin to regard the community, the nation or any other fixed grouping of men as a living organism with a subjective being of its own and a corresponding growth and natural development which it is its business to bring to perfection and fruition. So far, good; the greater knowledge, the truer depth, the wiser humanity of this new view of things are obvious. But so also are the limitations of our knowledge and experience on this new path and the possibility of serious errors and stumblings.
  If we look at the new attempt of nations, whether subject or imperial, to fulfil themselves consciously and especially at the momentous experiment of the subjective German nationality, we shall see the starting-point of these possible errors. The first danger arises from the historical fact of the evolution of the subjective age out of the individualistic; and the first enormous stumble has accordingly been to transform the error of individualistic egoism into the more momentous error of a great communal egoism. The individual seeking for the law of his being can only find it safely if he regards clearly two great psychological truths and lives in that clear vision. First, the ego is not the self; there is one self of all and the soul is a portion of that universal Divinity. The fulfilment of the individual is not the utmost development of his egoistic intellect, vital force, physical well-being and the utmost satisfaction of his mental, emotional, physical cravings, but the flowering of the divine in him to its utmost capacity of wisdom, power, love and universality and through this flowering his utmost realisation of all the possible beauty and delight of existence.
  From this egoistic self-vision flowed a number of logical consequences, each in itself a separate subjective error. First, since the individual is only a cell of the collectivity, his life must be entirely subservient to the efficient life of the nation. He must be made efficient indeed,the nation should see to his Education, proper living, disciplined life, carefully trained and subordinated activity,but as a part of the machine or a disciplined instrument of the national Life. Initiative must be the collectivitys, execution the individuals. But where was that vague thing, the collectivity, and how could it express itself not only as a self-conscious, but an organised and efficient collective will and self-directing energy? The State, there was the secret. Let the State be perfect, dominant, all-pervading, all-seeing, all-effecting; so only could the collective ego be concentrated, find itself, and its life be brought to the highest pitch of strength, organisation and efficiency. Thus Germany founded and established the growing modern error of the cult of the State and the growing subordination driving in the end towards the effacement of the individual. We can see what it gained, an immense collective power and a certain kind of perfection and scientific adjustment of means to end and a high general level of economic, intellectual and social efficiency,apart from the tremendous momentary force which the luminous fulfilment of a great idea gives to man or nation. What it had begun to lose is as yet only slightly apparent,all that deeper life, vision, intuitive power, force of personality, psychical sweetness and largeness which the free individual brings as his gift to the race.
  Secondly, since the State is supreme, the representative of the Divine or the highest realised functioning of human existence, and has a divine right to the obedience, the unquestioning service and the whole activity of the individual, the service of State and community is the only absolute rule of morality. Within the State this may include and sanction all other moral rules because there no rebel egoism can be allowed, for the individual ego must be lost in that of the State or become part of it and all condition of covert or overt war must be abrogated in obedience to the collective good as determined by the collective will. But in relation to other States, to other collective egos the general condition, the effective law is still that of war, of strife between sharply divided egoisms each seeking to fulfil itself, each hampered and restricted in its field by the others. War then is the whole business of the State in its relation to other States, a war of arms, a war of commerce, a war of ideas and cultures, a war of collective personalities each seeking to possess the world or at least to dominate and be first in the world. Here there can enter no morality except that of success, though the pretence of morality may be a useful stratagem of war. To serve the State, the German collectivity which is his greater and real self is the business of the German individual whether at home or abroad, and to that end everything which succeeds is justifiable. Inefficiency, incompetence, failure are the only immorality. In war every method is justified which leads to the military success of the State, in peace every method which prepares it; for peace between nations is only a covert state of war. And as war is the means of physical survival and domination, so commerce is the means of economic survival and domination; it is in fact only another kind of war, another department of the struggle to live, one physical, the other vital. And the life and the body are, so Science has assured us, the whole of existence.

1.06 - Being Human and the Copernican Principle, #Preparing for the Miraculous, #George Van Vrekhem, #Integral Yoga
  by the necessity of scientific Education or training, through
  out our technological world. In this situation the words of

1.06 - Dhyana and Samadhi, #Raja-Yoga, #Swami Vivkenanda, #unset
  The Yogi teaches that the mind itself has a higher state of existence, beyond reason, a superconscious state, and when the mind gets to that higher state, then this knowledge, beyond reasoning, comes to man. Metaphysical and transcendental knowledge comes to that man. This state of going beyond reason, transcending ordinary human nature, may sometimes come by chance to a man who does not understand its science; he, as it were, stumbles upon it. When he stumbles upon it, he generally interprets it as coming from outside. So this explains why an inspiration, or transcendental knowledge, may be the same in different countries, but in one country it will seem to come through an angel, and in another through a Deva, and in a third through God. What does it mean? It means that the mind brought the knowledge by its own nature, and that the finding of the knowledge was interpreted according to the belief and Education of the person through whom it came. The real fact is that these various men, as it were, stumbled upon this superconscious state.
  The Yogi says there is a great danger in stumbling upon this state. In a good many cases there is the danger of the brain being deranged, and, as a rule, you will find that all those men, however great they were, who had stumbled upon this superconscious state without understanding it, groped in the dark, and generally had, along with their knowledge, some quaint superstition. They opened themselves to hallucinations. Mohammed claimed that the Angel Gabriel came to him in a cave one day and took him on the heavenly horse, Harak, and he visited the heavens. But with all that, Mohammed spoke some wonderful truths. If you read the Koran, you find the most wonderful truths mixed with superstitions. How will you explain it? That man was inspired, no doubt, but that inspiration was, as it were, stumbled upon. He was not a trained Yogi, and did not know the reason of what he was doing. Think of the good Mohammed did to the world, and think of the great evil that has been done through his fanaticism! Think of the millions massacred through his teachings, mothers bereft of their children, children made orphans, whole countries destroyed, millions upon millions of people killed!

1.06 - MORTIFICATION, NON-ATTACHMENT, RIGHT LIVELIHOOD, #The Perennial Philosophy, #Aldous Huxley, #Philosophy
  Because it was German and spelt with a K, Kultur was an object, during the first World War, of derisive contempt. All this has now been changed. In Russia, Literature, Art and Science have become the three persons of a new humanistic Trinity. Nor is the cult of Culture confined to the Soviet Union. It is practised by a majority of intellectuals in the capitalist democracies. Clever, hard-boiled journalists, who write about everything else with the condescending cynicism of people who know all about God, Man and the Universe, and have seen through the whole absurd caboodle, fairly fall over themselves when it comes to Culture. With an earnestness and enthusiasm that are, in the circumstances, unutterably ludicrous, they invite us to share their positively religious emotions in the face of High Art, as represented by the latest murals or civic centres; they insist that so long as Mrs. X. goes on writing her inimitable novels and Mr. Y. his more than Coleridgean criticism, the world, in spite of all appearances to the contrary, makes sense. The same overvaluation of Culture, the same belief that Art and Literature are ends in themselves and can flourish in isolation from a reasonable and realistic philosophy of life, have even invaded the schools and colleges. Among advanced Educationists there are many people who seem to think that all will be well, so long as adolescents are permitted to express themselves, and small children are encouraged to be creative in the art class. But, alas, plasticine and self-expression will not solve the problems of Education. Nor will technology and vocational guidance; nor the classics and the Hundred Best Books. The following criticisms of Education were made more than two and a half centuries ago; but they are as relevant today as they were in the seventeenth century.
  He knoweth nothing as he ought to know, who thinks he knoweth anything without seeing its place and the manner how it relateth to God, angels and men, and to all the creatures in earth, heaven and hell, time and eternity.

1.06 - On Thought, #Words Of Long Ago, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  Or else because this opinion is the normal outcome of the Education, religious or otherwise, you received in your youth. This thought is not your own thought.
  For, to be your own thought, it would have to form part of a logical synthesis you had elaborated in the course of your existence, either by observation, experience and deduction, or by deep, abstract meditation and contemplation.
  Since we have goodwill and endeavour to be integrally sincere, that is, to make our actions conform to our thoughts, we are now convinced that we act according to mental laws we receive from outside, not after having maturely considered and analysed them, not by deliberately and consciously receiving them, but because unconsciously we are subjected to them through atavism, by our upbringing and Education, and above all because we are dominated by a collective suggestion which is so powerful, so overwhelming, that very few succeed in avoiding it altogether.
  How far we are from the mental individuality we want to acquire!

1.06 - Psychic Education, #On Education, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  object:1.06 - Psychic Education
  subject class: Education
  In her small but great book on Education, The Mother has stated the' following:
  "The psychic being is a great discovery which requires at least as much fortitude and endurance as the discovery of new continents. A few simple words of advice may be useful to one who has resolved to undertake it.
  Affection that sees clearly, is firm and yet gentle and a sufficiently practical knowledge will create bonds of trust that are indispensable for the educator to make Education of the child effective.
  When a child asks a question, he should not be answered by saying that it is stupid or foolish, or that the answer will not be understood by him. Curiosity cannot be postponed, and effort should be made to answer the question truthfully and in such a way as to make the answer accessible to the brain of the hearer.
  ~ The Mother On Education

1.06 - Psycho therapy and a Philosophy of Life, #The Practice of Psycho therapy, #Carl Jung, #Psychology
  philosophy can equip the doctor with the necessary Education, or with the
  means, to deal effectively and understandingly with the often very urgent

1.06 - Wealth and Government, #Words Of The Mother III, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  Spiritual Education, that is to say an Education which gives more importance to the growth of the spirit than to any religious or moral teaching or to the material so-called knowledge.
  What is a change of consciousness?

1.07 - Cybernetics and Psychopathology, #Cybernetics, or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine, #Norbert Wiener, #Cybernetics
  explanation for the phenomenon. With the Education of the
  secondary hand, there has been a partial Education of that part
  of the secondary hemisphere which deals with skilled motions,

1.07 - THE GREAT EVENT FORESHADOWED - THE PLANETIZATION OF MANKIND, #The Future of Man, #Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, #Christianity
  experience and passed on through Education;
  b the development, through the increasingly rapid transmis-
  ters nothing that differences of Education or training cause us to ex-
  press our hopes in different ways. We feel that we are of the same

1.07 - THE MASTER AND VIJAY GOSWAMI, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
  They said to the messenger, 'Ask the king to come to see us.' After consultation, the king and his ministers arranged marriages for them. From then on the king didn't have to send for them. They would come to him of themselves and say: 'Your Majesty, we have come with our blessings. Here are the sacred flowers of the temple. Deign to accept them.' They came to the palace, for now they always wanted money for one thing or another: the building of a house, the rice-taking ceremony of their babies, or the rituals connected with the beginning of their children's Education.
  Story of twelve hundred nedas
  (To Vijay) "You yourself perceive how far you have gone down by being a servant of others. Again, one finds that people with many university degrees, scholars with their vast English Education, accept service under their English masters and are daily trampled under their boots. The one cause of all this is woman. They have married and set up a 'gay fair' with their wives and children. Now they cannot go back, much as they would like to. Hence all these insults and humiliations, all this suffering from slavery.
  "Once a man realizes God through intense dispassion, he is no longer attached to woman. Even if he must lead the life of a householder, he is free from fear of and attachment to woman. Suppose there are two magnets, one big and the other small.

1.07 - The Psychic Center, #Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness, #Satprem, #Integral Yoga
  As we see, there are many degrees of development, from the ordinary man in whom the psychic is merely a latent possibility, to the fully awakened being. Without reincarnation, it would be hard to account for the dramatic difference of degrees among souls for example, between that of a pimp and that of Dante or Francis of Assisi, or simply between that of a man who searches and an economic philistine, as Sri Aurobindo put it unless one believes that spiritual development is merely a matter of Education, environment, or heredity (which is obviously not the case, since this would imply that only the offspring of "respectable" families would have souls, while three-fourths of an "unenlightened" humanity would be doomed to eternal damnation). The very nature of our humanity, says Sri Aurobindo, supposes a varying constituent past for the soul as well as a resultant [earthly] future.87 And if, despite the evidence, we persist in thinking that man has only one life at his disposal, we encounter an 87
  The Problem of Rebirth, 16:111

1.08 - Civilisation and Barbarism, #The Human Cycle, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Moreover, although man has not yet really heard and understood the message of the sages,know thyself, he has accepted the message of the thinker, educate thyself, and, what is more, he has understood that the possession of Education imposes on him the duty of imparting his knowledge to others. The idea of the necessity of general Education means the recognition by the race that the mind and not the life and the body are the man and that without the development of the mind he does not possess his true manhood. The idea of Education is still primarily that of intelligence and mental capacity and knowledge of the world and things, but secondarily also of moral training and, though as yet very imperfectly, of the development of the aesthetic faculties. The intelligent thinking being, moralised, controlling his instincts and emotions by his will and his reason, acquainted with all that he should know of the world and his past, capable of organising intelligently by that knowledge his social and economic life, ordering rightly his bodily habits and physical being, this is the conception that now governs civilised humanity. It is, in essence, a return to and a larger development of the old Hellenic ideal, with a greater stress on capacity and utility and a very diminished stress on beauty and refinement. We may suppose, however, that this is only a passing phase; the lost elements are bound to recover their importance as soon as the commercial period of modern progress has been overpassed, and with that recovery, not yet in sight but inevitable, we shall have all the proper elements for the development of man as a mental being.
  The old Hellenic or Graeco-Roman civilisation perished, among other reasons, because it only imperfectly generalised culture in its own society and was surrounded by huge masses of humanity who were still possessed by the barbarian habit of mind. Civilisation can never be safe so long as, confining the cultured mentality to a small minority, it nourishes in its bosom a tremendous mass of ignorance, a multitude, a proletariate. Either knowledge must enlarge itself from above or be always in danger of submergence by the ignorant night from below. Still more must it be unsafe, if it allows enormous numbers of men to exist outside its pale uninformed by its light, full of the natural vigour of the barbarian, who may at any moment seize upon the physical weapons of the civilised without undergoing an intellectual transformation by their culture. The Graeco-Roman culture perished from within and from without, from without by the floods of Teutonic barbarism, from within by the loss of its vitality. It gave the proletariate some measure of comfort and amusement, but did not raise it into the light. When light came to the masses, it was from outside in the form of the Christian religion which arrived as an enemy of the old culture. Appealing to the poor, the oppressed and the ignorant, it sought to capture the soul and the ethical being, but cared little or not at all for the thinking mind, content that that should remain in darkness if the heart could be brought to feel religious truth. When the barbarians captured the Western world, it was in the same way content to Christianise them, but made it no part of its function to intellectualise. Distrustful even of the free play of intelligence, Christian ecclesiasticism and monasticism became anti-intellectual and it was left to the Arabs to reintroduce the beginnings of scientific and philosophical knowledge into a semi-barbarous Christendom and to the half-pagan spirit of the Renaissance and a long struggle between religion and science to complete the return of a free intellectual culture in the re-emerging mind of Europe. Knowledge must be aggressive, if it wishes to survive and perpetuate itself; to leave an extensive ignorance either below or around it, is to expose humanity to the perpetual danger of a barbaric relapse.
  The modern world does not leave room for a repetition of the danger in the old form or on the old scale. Science is there to prevent it. It has equipped culture with the means of self-perpetuation. It has armed the civilised races with weapons of organisation and aggression and self-defence which cannot be successfully utilised by any barbarous people, unless it ceases to be uncivilised and acquires the knowledge which Science alone can give. It has learned too that ignorance is an enemy it cannot afford to despise and has set out to remove it wherever it is found. The ideal of general Education, at least to the extent of some information of the mind and the training of capacity, owes to it, if not its birth, at least much of its practical possibility. It has propagated itself everywhere with an irresistible force and driven the desire for increasing knowledge into the mentality of three continents. It has made general Education the indispensable condition of national strength and efficiency and therefore imposed the desire of it not only on every free people, but on every nation that desires to be free and to survive, so that the universalisation of knowledge and intellectual activity in the human race is now only a question of Time; for it is only certain political and economic obstacles that stand in its way and these the thought and tendencies of the age are already labouring to overcome. And, in sum, Science has already enlarged for good the intellectual horizons of the race and raised, sharpened and intensified powerfully the general intellectual capacity of mankind.
  It is true that the first tendencies of Science have been materialistic and its indubitable triumphs have been confined to the knowledge of the physical universe and the body and the physical life. But this materialism is a very different thing from the old identification of the self with the body. Whatever its apparent tendencies, it has been really an assertion of man the mental being and of the supremacy of intelligence. Science in its very nature is knowledge, is intellectuality, and its whole work has been that of the Mind turning its gaze upon its vital and physical frame and environment to know and conquer and dominate Life and Matter. The scientist is Man the thinker mastering the forces of material Nature by knowing them. Life and Matter are after all our standing-ground, our lower basis and to know their processes and their own proper possibilities and the opportunities they give to the human being is part of the knowledge necessary for transcending them. Life and the body have to be exceeded, but they have also to be utilised and perfected. Neither the laws nor the possibilities of physical Nature can be entirely known unless we know also the laws and possibilities of supraphysical Nature; therefore the development of new and the recovery of old mental and psychic sciences have to follow upon the perfection of our physical knowledge, and that new era is already beginning to open upon us. But the perfection of the physical sciences was a prior necessity and had to be the first field for the training of the mind of man in his new endeavour to know Nature and possess his world.
  But if Science has thus prepared us for an age of wider and deeper culture and if in spite of and even partly by its materialism it has rendered impossible the return of the true materialism, that of the barbarian mentality, it has encouraged more or less indirectly both by its attitude to life and its discoveries another kind of barbarism,for it can be called by no other name,that of the industrial, the commercial, the economic age which is now progressing to its culmination and its close. This economic barbarism is essentially that of the vital man who mistakes the vital being for the self and accepts its satisfaction as the first aim of life. The characteristic of Life is desire and the instinct of possession. Just as the physical barbarian makes the excellence of the body and the development of physical force, health and prowess his standard and aim, so the vitalistic or economic barbarian makes the satisfaction of wants and desires and the accumulation of possessions his standard and aim. His ideal man is not the cultured or noble or thoughtful or moral or religious, but the successful man. To arrive, to succeed, to produce, to accumulate, to possess is his existence. The accumulation of wealth and more wealth, the adding of possessions to possessions, opulence, show, pleasure, a cumbrous inartistic luxury, a plethora of conveniences, life devoid of beauty and nobility, religion vulgarised or coldly formalised, politics and government turned into a trade and profession, enjoyment itself made a business, this is commercialism. To the natural unredeemed economic man beauty is a thing otiose or a nuisance, art and poetry a frivolity or an ostentation and a means of advertisement. His idea of civilisation is comfort, his idea of morals social respectability, his idea of politics the encouragement of industry, the opening of markets, exploitation and trade following the flag, his idea of religion at best a pietistic formalism or the satisfaction of certain vitalistic emotions. He values Education for its utility in fitting a man for success in a competitive or, it may be, a socialised industrial existence, science for the useful inventions and knowledge, the comforts, conveniences, machinery of production with which it arms him, its power for organisation, regulation, stimulus to production. The opulent plutocrat and the successful mammoth capitalist and organiser of industry are the supermen of the commercial age and the true, if often occult rulers of its society.
  The essential barbarism of all this is its pursuit of vital success, satisfaction, productiveness, accumulation, possession, enjoyment, comfort, convenience for their own sake. The vital part of the being is an element in the integral human existence as much as the physical part; it has its place but must not exceed its place. A full and well-appointed life is desirable for man living in society, but on condition that it is also a true and beautiful life. Neither the life nor the body exist for their own sake, but as vehicle and instrument of a good higher than their own. They must be subordinated to the superior needs of the mental being, chastened and purified by a greater law of truth, good and beauty before they can take their proper place in the integrality of human perfection. Therefore in a commercial age with its ideal, vulgar and barbarous, of success, vitalistic satisfaction, productiveness and possession the soul of man may linger a while for certain gains and experiences, but cannot permanently rest. If it persisted too long, Life would become clogged and perish of its own plethora or burst in its straining to a gross expansion. Like the too massive Titan it will collapse by its own mass, mole ruet sua.

1.08 - Information, Language, and Society, #Cybernetics, or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine, #Norbert Wiener, #Cybernetics
  customs associated with the life, Education, career, and death of
  people whose life scale is much the same as his own. Your econo-

1.08 - Psycho therapy Today, #The Practice of Psycho therapy, #Carl Jung, #Psychology
  civilization, we shall see that the Western ideal of the Education and care
  of the soul has been, and for the most part still is, a patriarchal order based
  possibly be the object of human Education to create an anarchic
  conglomeration of individual existences. That would be too much like the

1.08 - RELIGION AND TEMPERAMENT, #The Perennial Philosophy, #Aldous Huxley, #Philosophy
  So far as the achievement of mans final end is concerned, it is as much of a handicap to be an extreme cerebrotonic or an extreme viscerotonic as it is to be an extreme somatotonic. But whereas the cerebrotonic and the viscerotonic cannot do much harm except to themselves and those in immediate contact with them, the extreme somatotonic, with his native aggressiveness, plays havoc with whole societies. From one point of view civilization may be defined as a complex of religious, legal and Educational devices for preventing extreme somatotonics from doing too much mischief, and for directing their irrepressible energies into socially desirable channels. Confucianism and Chinese culture have sought to achieve this end by inculcating filial piety, good manners and an amiably viscerotonic epicureanism the whole reinforced somewhat incongruously by the cerebrotonic spirituality and restraints of Buddhism and classical Taoism. In India the caste system represents an attempt to subordinate military, political and financial power to spiritual authority; and the Education given to all classes still insists so strongly upon the fact that mans final end is unitive knowledge of God that even at the present time, even after nearly two hundred years of gradually accelerating Europeanization, successful somatotonics will, in middle life, give up wealth, position and power to end their days as humble seekers after enlightenment. In Catholic Europe, as in India, there was an effort to subordinate temporal power to spiritual authority; but since the Church itself exercised temporal power through the agency of political prelates and mitred business men, the effort was never more than partially successful. After the Reformation even the pious wish to limit temporal power by means of spiritual authority was completely abandoned. Henry VIII made himself, in Stubbss words, the Pope, the whole Pope, and something more than the Pope, and his example has been followed by most heads of states ever since. Power has been limited only by other powers, not by an appeal to first principles as interpreted by those who are morally and spiritually qualified to know what they are talking about. Meanwhile, the interest in religion has everywhere declined and even among believing Christians the Perennial Philosophy has been to a great extent replaced by a metaphysic of inevitable progress and an evolving God, by a passionate concern, not with eternity, but with future time. And almost suddenly, within the last quarter of a century, there has been consummated what Sheldon calls a somatotonic revolution, directed against all that is characteristically cerebrotonic in the theory and practice of traditional Christian culture. Here are a few symptoms of this somatotonic revolution.
  In traditional Christianity, as in all the great religious formulations of the Perennial Philosophy, it was axiomatic that contemplation is the end and purpose of action. Today the great majority even of professed Christians regard action (directed towards material and social progress) as the end, and analytic thought (there is no question any longer of integral thought, or contemplation) as the means to that end.
  In traditional Christian Education the stress was all on restraint; with the recent rise of the progressive school it is all on activity and self-expression.
  Traditionally Christian good manners outlawed all expressions of pleasure in the satisfaction of physical appetites. You may love a screeching owl, but you must not love a roasted fowlsuch was the rhyme on which children were brought up in the nurseries of only fifty years ago. Today the young unceasingly proclaim how much they love and adore different kinds of food and drink; adolescents and adults talk about the thrills they derive from the stimulation of their sexuality. The popular philosophy of life has ceased to be based on the classics of devotion and the rules of aristocratic good breeding, and is now moulded by the writers of advertising copy, whose one idea is to persuade everybody to be as extraverted and uninhibitedly greedy as possible, since of course it is only the possessive, the restless, the distracted, who spend money on the things that advertisers want to sell. Technological progress is in part the product of the somatotonic revolution, in part the producer and sustainer of that revolution. The extraverted attention results in technological discoveries. (Significantly enough, a high degree of material civilization has always been associated with the large-scale and officially sanctioned practice of polytheism.) In their turn, technological discoveries have resulted in mass production; and mass production, it is obvious, cannot be kept going at full blast except by persuading the whole population to accept the somatotonic Weltanschauung and act accordingly.
  Like technological progress, with which it is so closely associated in so many ways, modern war is at once a cause and a result of the somatotonic revolution. Nazi Education, which was specifically Education for war, had two principal aims: to encourage the manifestation of somatotonia in those most richly endowed with that component of personality, and to make the rest of the population feel ashamed of its relaxed amiability or its inward-looking sensitiveness and tendency towards self-restraint and tender-mindedness. During the war the enemies of Nazism have been compelled, of course, to borrow from the Nazis Educational philosophy. All over the world millions of young men and even of young women are being systematically educated to be tough and to value toughness beyond every other moral quality. With this system of somatotonic ethics is associated the idolatrous and polytheistic theology of nationalisma pseudo-religion far stronger at the present time for evil and division than is Christianity, or any other monotheistic religion, for unification and good. In the past most societies tried systematically to discourage somatotonia. This was a measure of self-defense; they did not want to be physically destroyed by the power-loving aggressiveness of their most active minority, and they did not want to be spiritually blinded by an excess of extraversion. During the last few years all this has been changed. What, we may apprehensively wonder, will be the result of the current world-wide reversal of an immemorial social policy? Time alone will show.
  next chapter: 1.09 - SELF-KNOWLEDGE

1.08 - The Four Austerities and the Four Liberations, #On Education, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  To pursue an integral Education that leads to the supramental realisation, four austerities are necessary, and with them four liberations.
  Austerity is usually confused with self-mortification, and when someone speaks of austerities, we think of the discipline of the ascetic who, in order to avoid the arduous task of spiritualising the physical, vital and mental life, declares it incapable of transformation and casts it away ruthlessly as a useless encumbrance, as a bondage and an impediment to all spiritual progress, in any case as something incorrigible, as a load that has to be borne more or less cheerfully until Nature, or divine Grace, delivers you from it by death. At best, life on earth is a field for progress and one should take advantage of it as best one can in order to reach as soon as possible the degree of perfection which will put an end to the ordeal by making it unnecessary.
  Thus, if we do not wish to starve our vital, sensations must not be rejected or diminished in number and intensity. Neither should we avoid them; rather we must make use of them with wisdom and discernment. Sensations are an excellent instrument of knowledge and Education, but to make them serve these ends, they must not be used egoistically for the sake of enjoyment, in a blind and ignorant search for pleasure and self-satisfaction.
  The senses should be capable of enduring everything without disgust or displeasure, but at the same time they must acquire and develop more and more the power of discerning the quality, origin and effect of the various vital vibrations in order to know whether they are favourable to harmony, beauty and good health or whether they are harmful to the balance and progress of the physical being and the vital. Moreover, the senses should be used as instruments to approach and study the physical and vital worlds in all their complexity; in this way they will take their true place in the great endeavour towards transformation.
  In truth, a cultivated and illumined vital can be as noble and heroic and disinterested as it is now spontaneously vulgar, egoistic and perverted when it is left to itself without Education. It is enough for each one to know how to transform in himself the search for pleasure into an aspiration for the supramental plenitude. If the Education of the vital is carried far enough, with perseverance and sincerity, there comes a time when, convinced of the greatness and beauty of the goal, the vital gives up petty and illusory sensorial satisfactions in order to win the divine delight.
  Bulletin, February 1953
  Lastly, we have all the words that are spoken for the purpose of teaching. This category ranges from the kindergarten to the university course, not forgetting all the artistic and literary creations of mankind that seek to entertain or instruct. In this domain, everything depends on the worth of the creation, and the subject is too vast to be dealt with here. It is a fact that concern about Education is very much in vogue at present and praiseworthy attempts are being made to make use of new scientific discoveries in the service of Education. But even in this matter, austerity is demanded from the aspirant towards truth.
  It is generally admitted that in the process of Education a certain kind of lighter, more frivolous, more entertaining productions are necessary to reduce the strain of effort and give some relaxation to the children and even to adults. From a certain point of view, this is true; but unfortunately this concession has served as an excuse to justify a whole category of things which are nothing but the efflorescence of all that is vulgar, crude and base in human nature. Its coarsest instincts, its most depraved taste find in this concession a good excuse to display and impose themselves as an inevitable necessity. They are nothing of the kind, however; one can relax without being dissolute, take rest without being vulgar, enjoy oneself without allowing the grosser elements in the nature to rise to the surface. But from the point of view of austerity, these needs themselves change their nature; relaxation is transformed into inner silence, rest into contemplation and enjoyment into bliss.
  This generally recognised need for entertainment, slackening of effort and more or less long and total forgetfulness of the aim of life and the purpose of existence should not be considered as something altogether natural and indispensable, but as a weakness to which one yields because of lack of intensity in the aspiration, because of instability in the will, because of ignorance, unconsciousness and sloth. Do not justify these movements and you will soon realise that they are unnecessary; there will even come a time when they become repugnant and unacceptable to you. Then the greater part of human creation, which is ostensibly entertaining but in reality debasing, will lose its support and cease to be encouraged.

1.08 - The Splitting of the Human Personality during Spiritual Training, #Knowledge of the Higher Worlds, #Rudolf Steiner, #Theosophy
   and willing. It would be found contrary to these laws if the sight of an ill-smelling object gave anyone pleasure, or if anyone, on being questioned, did not answer. The success anticipated from a right Education or fitting instruction is based upon the presumption that a connection between thinking, feeling, and willing, corresponding to human nature, can be established in the pupil. Certain ideas are conveyed to him on the assumption that they will be associated, in regular fashion, with his feelings and volitions.
  All this arises from the fact that in the finer soul-vehicles of man the central points of the three forces-thinking, feeling and willing-are connected with each other according to laws. This connection in the finer soul organism has its counterpart in the coarser physical body. In the latter, too, the organs of will are connected according to laws with those of thinking and feeling. A particular thought, therefore, inevitably evokes a feeling or an activity of will. In the course of higher development, the threads interconnecting the three fundamental forces are severed. At first this severance occurs only within the finer soul organism, but at a still higher stage

1.08 - THINGS THE GERMANS LACK, #Twilight of the Idols, #Friedrich Nietzsche, #Philosophy
  can find no Education or educators that are fit for them. Nothing
  is more deleterious to this age than the superfluity of pretentious
  higher Educational system of Germany: the end quite as much as the
  means to that end. People forget that Education, the process of
  cultivation itself, is the end--and not "the Empire"--they forget that
  of Education--that is to say, the educators; hence the decline of
  German culture. One of those rarest exceptions is my highly respected
  useful and exploitable servants of the state. "Higher Education"
  and a vast crowd--these terms contradict each other from the start
  All superior Education can only concern the exception: a man must be
  privileged in order to have a right to such a great privilege. All
  German culture? The fact that "higher Education" is no longer a special
  privilege--the democracy of a process of cultivation that has become
  is at liberty to give his children a noble Education: in regard to
  their teachers, their curricula, and their Educational aims, our higher
  schools are one and all established upon a fundamentally doubtful
  curriculum of all noble Education: dancing with the feet, with ideas,
  with words, and, need I add that one must also be able to dance with

1.09 - Civilisation and Culture, #The Human Cycle, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  The first results of this momentous change have been inspiriting to our desire of movement, but a little disconcerting to the thinker and to the lover of a high and fine culture; for if it has to some extent democratised culture or the semblance of culture, it does not seem at first sight to have elevated or streng thened it by this large accession of the half-redeemed from below. Nor does the world seem to be guided any more directly by the reason and intelligent will of her best minds than before. Commercialism is still the heart of modern civilisation; a sensational activism is still its driving force. Modern Education has not in the mass redeemed the sensational man; it has only made necessary to him things to which he was not formerly accustomed, mental activity and occupations, intellectual and even aesthetic sensations, emotions of idealism. He still lives in the vital substratum, but he wants it stimulated from above. He requires an army of writers to keep him mentally occupied and provide some sort of intellectual pabulum for him; he has a thirst for general information of all kinds which he does not care or has not time to coordinate or assimilate, for popularised scientific knowledge, for such new ideas as he can catch, provided they are put before him with force or brilliance, for mental sensations and excitation of many kinds, for ideals which he likes to think of as actuating his conduct and which do give it sometimes a certain colour. It is still the activism and sensationalism of the crude mental being, but much more open and free. And the cultured, the intelligentsia find that they can get a hearing from him such as they never had from the pure Philistine, provided they can first stimulate or amuse him; their ideas have now a chance of getting executed such as they never had before. The result has been to cheapen thought and art and literature, to make talent and even genius run in the grooves of popular success, to put the writer and thinker and scientist very much in a position like that of the cultured Greek slave in a Roman household where he has to work for, please, amuse and instruct his master while keeping a careful eye on his tastes and preferences and repeating trickily the manner and the points that have caught his fancy. The higher mental life, in a word, has been democratised, sensationalised, activised with both good and bad results. Through it all the eye of faith can see perhaps that a yet crude but an enormous change has begun. Thought and Knowledge, if not yet Beauty, can get a hearing and even produce rapidly some large, vague, yet in the end effective will for their results; the mass of culture and of men who think and strive seriously to appreciate and to know has enormously increased behind all this surface veil of sensationalism, and even the sensational man has begun to undergo a process of transformation. Especially, new methods of Education, new principles of society are beginning to come into the range of practical possibility which will create perhaps one day that as yet unknown phenomenon, a race of mennot only a classwho have to some extent found and developed their mental selves, a cultured humanity.

1.09 - Fundamental Questions of Psycho therapy, #The Practice of Psycho therapy, #Carl Jung, #Psychology
  catharsis, psychoanalysis, Adlerian Education, autogenic training, or what?
  This list amply illustrates the vague multiplicity of opinions, views,
  somatic medicine, his general Education, and his view of the world, which
  is based chiefly on subjective premises, partly temperamental, partly

1.09 - SKIRMISHES IN A WAY WITH THE AGE, #Twilight of the Idols, #Friedrich Nietzsche, #Philosophy
  reasonable system of Education would insist upon at least one of
  these instinct-systems being _paralysed_ beneath an iron pressure, in

1.09 - Sleep and Death, #Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness, #Satprem, #Integral Yoga
  vibrations rather than others, in accord with its own social environment, tradition, Education, etc. As a general rule, in sleep or in death, we go by affinity to those places or planes with which we have already established a relationship. This is the elementary stage when the consciousness is not truly individualized; although it may be mentally refined and cultivated, it thinks more or less like everyone else, feels like everyone else, and lives like everyone else: it is merely a temporary aggregate whose continuity does not extend beyond the body in which everything is centered. When this bodily center dies,
  everything scatters into small vital, mental, and other fragments,

1.09 - The Guardian of the Threshold, #Knowledge of the Higher Worlds, #Rudolf Steiner, #Theosophy
   these spirits will withdraw their guiding hand from him. He must step out of the circle of his community. Yet as an isolated personality he would become hardened in himself and decline into ruin, did he not, himself, acquire those powers which are vested in the national and racial spirits. Many, no doubt, will say: "Oh, I have entirely freed myself from all lineal and racial connections; I only want to be a human being and nothing but a human being." To these one must reply: "Who, then, brought you to this freedom? Was it not your family who placed you in the world where you now stand? Have you not your lineage, your nation, your race to thank for being what you are? They have brought you up. And if now, exalted above all prejudices, you are one of the light-bringers and benefactors of your stock and even of your race, it is to their up-bringing that you owe it. Yes, even when you say you are `nothing but a human being,' even the fact that you have become such a personality you owe to the spirits of your communities." Only the esoteric student learns what it means to be entirely cut off from his family, national, or racial spirit. He alone realizes, through personal experience, the insignificance of all such Education in respect
   p. 243
   of the life now confronting him. For everything inculcated by Education completely melts away when the threads binding will, thought, and feeling are severed. He looks back on the result of all his previous Education as he might on a house crumbling away brick by brick, which he must now rebuild in a new form. And again, it is more than a mere symbolical expression to say that when the Guardian has enunciated his first statement, there arises from the spot where he stands a whirlwind which extinguishes all those spiritual lights that have hitherto illumined the pathway of his life. Utter darkness, relieved only by the rays issuing from the Guardian himself, unfolds before the student. And out of this darkness resounds the Guardian's further admonition: "Step not across my Threshold until thou dost clearly realize that thou wilt thyself illumine the darkness ahead of thee; take not a single step forward until thou art positive that thou hast sufficient oil in thine own lamp. The lamps of the guides whom thou hast hitherto followed will now no longer be available to thee." At these words, the student must turn and glance backward. The Guardian of the Threshold now draws aside a veil which till now had concealed deep life-mysteries. The family, national,
   p. 244

1.09 - To the Students, Young and Old, #On Education, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga

1.10 - Aesthetic and Ethical Culture, #The Human Cycle, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Its limitations at once appear, when we look back at its prominent examples. Early Rome and Sparta were barren of thought, art, poetry, literature, the larger mental life, all the amenity and pleasure of human existence; their art of life excluded or discouraged the delight of living. They were distrustful, as the exclusively ethical man is always distrustful, of free and flexible thought and the aesthetic impulse. The earlier spirit of republican Rome held at arms length as long as possible the Greek influences that invaded her, closed the schools of the Greek teachers, banished the philosophers, and her most typical minds looked upon the Greek language as a peril and Greek culture as an abomination: she felt instinctively the arrival at her gates of an enemy, divined a hostile and destructive force fatal to her principle of living. Sparta, though a Hellenic city, admitted as almost the sole aesthetic element of her deliberate ethical training and Education a martial music and poetry, and even then, when she wanted a poet of war, she had to import an Athenian. We have a curious example of the repercussion of this instinctive distrust even on a large and aesthetic Athenian mind in the utopian speculations of Plato who felt himself obliged in his Republic first to censure and then to banish the poets from his ideal polity. The end of these purely ethical cultures bears witness to their insufficiency. Either they pass away leaving nothing or little behind them by which the future can be attracted and satisfied, as Sparta passed, or they collapse in a revolt of the complex nature of man against an unnatural restriction and repression, as the early Roman type collapsed into the egoistic and often orgiastic licence of later republican and imperial Rome. The human mind needs to think, feel, enjoy, expand; expansion is its very nature and restriction is only useful to it in so far as it helps to steady, guide and streng then its expansion. It readily refuses the name of culture to those civilisations or periods, however noble their aim or even however beautiful in itself their order, which have not allowed an intelligent freedom of development.
  On the other hand, we are tempted to give the name of a full culture to all those periods and civilisations, whatever their defects, which have encouraged a freely human development and like ancient Athens have concentrated on thought and beauty and the delight of living. But there were in the Athenian development two distinct periods, one of art and beauty, the Athens of Phidias and Sophocles, and one of thought, the Athens of the philosophers. In the first period the sense of beauty and the need of freedom of life and the enjoyment of life are the determining forces. This Athens thought, but it thought in the terms of art and poetry, in figures of music and drama and architecture and sculpture; it delighted in intellectual discussion, but not so much with any will to arrive at truth as for the pleasure of thinking and the beauty of ideas. It had its moral order, for without that no society can exist, but it had no true ethical impulse or ethical type, only a conventional and customary morality; and when it thought about ethics, it tended to express it in the terms of beauty, to kalon, to epieikes, the beautiful, the becoming. Its very religion was a religion of beauty and an occasion for pleasant ritual and festivals and for artistic creation, an aesthetic enjoyment touched with a superficial religious sense. But without character, without some kind of high or strong discipline there is no enduring power of life. Athens exhausted its vitality within one wonderful century which left it enervated, will-less, unable to succeed in the struggle of life, uncreative. It turned indeed for a time precisely to that which had been lacking to it, the serious pursuit of truth and the evolution of systems of ethical self-discipline; but it could only think, it could not successfully practise. The later Hellenic mind and Athenian centre of culture gave to Rome the great Stoic system of ethical discipline which saved her in the midst of the orgies of her first imperial century, but could not itself be stoical in its practice; for to Athens and to the characteristic temperament of Hellas, this thought was a straining to something it had not and could not have; it was the opposite of its nature and not its fulfilment.

1.10 - Conscious Force, #The Life Divine, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  20:But what right have we to assume consciousness as the just description for this Force? For consciousness implies some kind of intelligence, purposefulness, self-knowledge, even though they may not take the forms habitual to our mentality. Even from this point of view everything supports rather than contradicts the idea of a universal conscious Force. We see, for instance, in the animal, operations of a perfect purposefulness and an exact, indeed a scientifically minute knowledge which are quite beyond the capacities of the animal mentality and which man himself can only acquire by long culture and Education and even then uses with a much less sure rapidity. We are entitled to see in this general fact the proof of a conscious Force at work in the animal and the insect which is more intelligent, more purposeful, more aware of its intention, its ends, its means, its conditions than the highest mentality yet manifested in any individual form on earth. And in the operations of inanimate Nature we find the same pervading characteristic of a supreme hidden intelligence, "hidden in the modes of its own workings".
  21:The only argument against a conscious and intelligent source for this purposeful work, this work of intelligence, of selection, adaptation and seeking is that large element in Nature's operations to which we give the name of waste. But obviously this is an objection based on the limitations of our human intellect which seeks to impose its own particular rationality, good enough for limited human ends, on the general operations of the World-Force. We see only part of Nature's purpose and all that does not subserve that part we call waste. Yet even our own human action is full of an apparent waste, so appearing from the individual point of view, which yet, we may be sure, subserves well enough the large and universal purpose of things. That part of her intention which we can detect, Nature gets done surely enough in spite of, perhaps really by virtue of her apparent waste. We may well trust to her in the rest which we do not yet detect.

1.10 - Foresight, #On Education, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga

1.10 - THE FORMATION OF THE NOOSPHERE, #The Future of Man, #Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, #Christianity
  the heredity of example and Education. In Man, as though by a
  7 A small cynocephalus (baboon), born in captivity, will commit all kinds of
  blunders when set free (heredity of Education). But in similar conditions a
  young otter, being put in the water, will at once know how to behave (chromo-
  mosomes would be as capable as our immense Educational system
  of indefinitely storing and infallibly preserving the huge array of

1.10 - The Revolutionary Yogi, #Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness, #Satprem, #Integral Yoga
  heightening and widening of the Truth.123 We could say that, inasmuch as it opens upon the beyond, the nirvanic or religious stage in general represents a first stage of evolution that takes us away from a false vision of the world, and that its purpose is essentially Educational. But one who is awakened and truly born must prepare for the next evolutionary stage, and leave the religious focused on the other world for the spiritual focused on the Totality. Then nothing is excluded,
  everything widens. The integral seeker must therefore be on his guard,

1.10 - The Secret of the Veda, #Vedic and Philological Studies, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  When was this traditional honour first lost or at least tarnished and the ancient Scripture relegated to the inferior position it occupies in the thought of Shankaracharya? I presume there can be little doubt that the chief agent in this work of destruction was the power of Buddhism. The preachings of Gautama and his followers worked against Vedic knowledge by a double process. First, by entirely denying the authority of the Veda, laying a violent stress on its ritualistic character and destroying the general practice of formal sacrifice, it brought the study of the Veda into disrepute as a means of attaining the highest good while at the same time it destroyed the necessity of that study for ritualistic purposes which had hitherto kept alive the old Vedic studies; secondly, in a less direct fashion, by substituting for a time at least the vernacular tongues for the old simple Sanscrit as the more common & popular means of religious propaganda and by giving them a literary position and repute, it made a general return to the old generality of the Vedic studies practically impossible. For the Vedas were written in an ancient form of the literary tongue the real secret of which had already been to a great extent lost even to the learned; such knowledge of it as remained, subsisted with difficulty by means of a laborious memorising and a traditional scholarship, conservative indeed but still slowly diminishing and replacing more & more real knowledge by uncertainty, disputed significance and the continuously increasing ingenuities of the ritualist, the grammarian and the sectarian polemical disputant. When after the fall of the Buddhistic Mauryas, feeble successors of the great Asoka, first under Pushyamitra and his son and afterwards under the Guptas, Hinduism revived, a return to the old forms of the creed and the old Vedic scholarship was no longer possible. The old pre-Buddhistic Sanscrit was, to all appearance, a simple, vigorous, living language understood though not spoken by the more intelligent of the common people just as the literary language of Bengal, the language of Bankim Chandra, is understood by every intelligent Bengali, although in speech more contracted forms and a very different vocabulary are in use. But the new Sanscrit of the revival tended to be more & more a learned, scholarly, polished and rhetorical tongue, certainly one of the most smooth, stately & grandiose ever used by human lips, but needing a special & difficult Education to understand its grammar, its rhetoric, its rolling compounds and its long flowing sentences. The archaic language of the Vedas ceased to be the common study even of the learned and was only mastered, one is constrained to believe with less & less efficiency, by a small number of scholars. An Education in which it took seven years to master the grammar of the language, became inevitably the grave of all true Vedic knowledge. Veda ceased to be the pivot of the Hindu religion, and its place was taken by the only religious compositions which were modern enough in language and simple enough in style to be popular, the Puranas. Moreover, the conception of Veda popularised by Buddhism, Sanscrit as the more common & popular means of religious propaganda and by giving them a literary position and repute, it made a general return to the old generality of the Vedic studies practically impossible. For the Vedas were written in an ancient form of the literary tongue the real secret of which had already been to a great extent lost even to the learned; such knowledge of it as remained, subsisted with difficulty by means of a laborious memorising and a traditional scholarship, conservative indeed but still slowly diminishing and replacing more & more real knowledge by uncertainty, disputed significance and the continuously increasing ingenuities of the ritualist, the grammarian and the sectarian polemical disputant. When after the fall of the Buddhistic Mauryas, feeble successors of the great Asoka, first under Pushyamitra and his son and afterwards under the Guptas, Hinduism revived, a return to the old forms of the creed and the old Vedic scholarship was no longer possible. The old pre-Buddhistic Sanscrit was, to all appearance, a simple, vigorous, living language understood though not spoken by the more intelligent of the common people just as the literary language of Bengal, the language of Bankim Chandra, is understood by every intelligent Bengali, although in speech more contracted forms and a very different vocabulary are in use. But the new Sanscrit of the revival tended to be more & more a learned, scholarly, polished and rhetorical tongue, certainly one of the most smooth, stately & grandiose ever used by human lips, but needing a special & difficult Education to understand its grammar, its rhetoric, its rolling compounds and its long flowing sentences. The archaic language of the Vedas ceased to be the common study even of the learned and was only mastered, one is constrained to believe with less & less efficiency, by a small number of scholars. An Education in which it took seven years to master the grammar of the language, became inevitably the grave of all true Vedic knowledge. Veda ceased to be the pivot of the Hindu religion, and its place was taken by the only religious compositions which were modern enough in language and simple enough in style to be popular, the Puranas. Moreover, the conception of Veda popularised by Buddhism, a Scripture of ritual and of animal sacrifice, persisted in the popular mind even after the decline of Buddhism and the revival of great philosophies ostensibly based on Vedic authority. It was under the dominance of this ritualistic conception that Sayana wrote his great commentary which has ever since been to the Indian Pundit the one decisive authority on the sense of Veda. The four Vedas have definitely taken a subordinate place as karmakanda, books of ritual; and to the Upanishads alone, in spite of occasional appeals to the text of the earlier Scriptures, is reserved that aspect of spiritual knowledge & teaching which alone justifies the application to any human composition of the great name of Veda.
  But in spite of this great downfall the ancient tradition, the ancient sanctity survived. The people knew not what Veda might be; but the old idea remained fixed that Veda is always the fountain of Hinduism, the standard of orthodoxy, the repository of a sacred knowledge; not even the loftiest philosopher or the most ritualistic scholar could divest himself entirely of this deeply ingrained & instinctive conception. To complete the degradation of Veda, to consummate the paradox of its history, a new element had to appear, a new form of intelligence undominated by the ancient tradition & the mediaeval method to take possession of Vedic interpretation. European scholarship which regards human civilisation as a recent progression starting yesterday with the Fiji islander and ending today with Haeckel and Rockefeller, conceiving ancient culture as necessarily primitive culture and primitive culture as necessarily half-savage culture, has turned the light of its Comparative Philology & Comparative Mythology on the Veda. The result we all know. Not only all vestige of sanctity, but all pretension to any kind of spiritual knowledge or experience disappears from the Veda. The old Rishis are revealed to us as a race of ignorant and lusty barbarians who drank & enjoyed and fought, gathered riches & procreated children, sacrificed and praised the Powers of Nature as if they were powerful men & women, and had no higher hope or idea. The only idea they had of religion beyond an occasional sense of sin and a perpetual preoccupation with a ritual barbarously encumbered with a mass of meaningless ceremonial details, was a mythology composed of the phenomena of dawn, night, rain, sunshine and harvest and the facts of astronomy converted into a wildly confused & incoherent mass of allegorical images and personifications. Nor, with the European interpretation, can we be proud of our early forefa thers as poets and singers. The versification of the Vedic hymns is indeed noble and melodious,though the incorrect method of writing them established by the old Indian scholars, often conceals their harmonious construction,but no other praise can be given. The Nibelungenlied, the Icelandic Sagas, the Kalewala, the Homeric poems, were written in the dawn of civilisation by semi-barbarous races, by poets not superior in culture to the Vedic Rishis; yet though their poetical value varies, the nations that possess them, need not be ashamed of their ancient heritage. The same cannot be said of the Vedic poems presented to us by European scholarship. Never surely was there even among savages such a mass of tawdry, glittering, confused & purposeless imagery; never such an inane & useless burden of epithets; never such slipshod & incompetent writing; never such a strange & almost insane incoherence of thought & style; never such a bald poverty of substance. The attempt of patriotic Indian scholars to make something respectable out of the Veda, is futile. If the modern interpretation stands, the Vedas are no doubt of high interest & value to the philologist, the anthropologist & the historian; but poetically and spiritually they are null and worthless. Its reputation for spiritual knowledge & deep religious wealth, is the most imposing & baseless hoax that has ever been worked upon the imagination of a whole people throughout many millenniums.

11.15 - Sri Aurobindo, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   One thing needs to be pointed out here: it is that man is expected to consciously transcend himself and deliver this supermanhood, for it is to be a conscious process, a labour of the wakeful will. That is the great difference which the new transition has brought in. So long evolution was a spontaneous and apparently unconscious process, moving slowly and inadvertently as things in nature normally move. Man rose out of the animal: he simply found himself man one day, there was no conscious effort, no previous knowledge of the change on the part of the animal undergoing the change Likewise the animal came out of its plant origin spontaneously and unwittingly: the plant too evolved out of the inert and inanimate matter through a natural process of slow mutation. But now at the stage of manhood consciousness has become fully conscious, self-conscious, and therefore its further ascension cannot but be conscious, ever more conscious, the result of deliberate energising. This is a process of self-transformation. It has a method, a technique, a whole system of its own. The growth of consciousness, its culture and transformation is the end and purpose of all true Education: its highest consummation, its supreme perfection is what is intended by Yoga, the mystic's system of inner discipline.
   We say, then, supramentalisation of consciousness is the goal Nature is aiming at and man striving for: it is the next step that earth and man are taking in their evolutionary urge. Man, however, represents a very crucial stagehe is the dividing line between two hemispherestwo modes of consciousness, two types of creation. As I have said, up to man it is a natural spontaneous unreflecting unconscious evolution: with man it is conscious, deliberate, wilful evolution. What was being done behind the veil in ignorance will now be done openly in full knowledge. The very first result will be the shortening of the time factor. The conscious process increases the tempo, telescopes into decades or years a process or development that would take centuries or more otherwise; in man a growth is achieved in one life that would normally need several lives. The other characteristic result is that when the Supermind establishes itself, there is no more ignorance, it is all light and knowledge. Till the mental range, even at its highest heights it is a mixture of light and darkness, of knowledge and ignorance: there is always an element of doubt, uncertainty or partial perception: there is a groping, a trial and one moves at best from greater darkness to lesser shade. With the Supermind all that changes: the Superman lives always in the full daylight, in the zenith consciousness, in the plenitude of knowledge. He moves from light to light, knowledge to knowledge, no longer bound to the division and duality inherent in the present human consciousness. It may be that man may not at a bound reach the peak of the Supermind: for there are lower ranges, voluntary limitations of the Light, less absolute formulations of the perfect being through which man will have to pass for a greater enrichment of his nature and for the establishment of other orders of luminous existence upon earth. Sri Aurobindo has, in this connection, spoken of the Overmind and the Mind of Light. But these too lie beyond the border of mental twilight and are domains of Light, own delegates of Supermind.
   Man has been striving through his lesser powers, through the grace of the lower gods since his advent upon earth to arrive at a reconstruction of his life and surroundings. That is why he has never attained the full measure of success. Indeed a period of success or progress was always followed by a period of decline and retrogression, a so-called golden age by an age of iron. As a matter of fact today humanity finds itself terribly enclosed in a cage of iron as it were. The earth has become too small for his soaring capacities and multitudinous necessitieshe is already thinking of a place in the moon! That is only the sign and symbol of an inner impasse to which he has arrived. The anguish of the human soul has reached its acme: the problems, social, political, Educational, moral it is facing have proved themselves to be totally insoluble. Yes, he has run into a cul-de-sac, where he is caught as in a death-trap. No ordinary rational methods, half-way nostrums can deliver him any more. All the outer doors and issues are now closed for him; the only way is to turn inward, there lies the open road to freedom and fulfilment. That is the way to transcendence and surpassing. To attempt any other way is not only to try the impossible but to head straight towards doomsday.
   The time then is now, for the time is ripe. It will not do to say that the way proposed is beyond the reach of the common man. He has neither the capacity nor the knowledge nor even the inclination or impulse to surpass himself, to do anything non-human. First of all, as I said, if man is to survive in any form, this is the only way and there is no second. Next, what do we know of the capacity and impulsion even of the common man? Even in a smaller scale and on the material level, have we not seen to what tremendous acts of heroism he can rise automatically, through what travailstapasyaof concentrated effort he agreed to pass, simply because the occasion demanded it? Man's secret soul is greater than all the limitation of his outward frame.

1.11 - Correspondence and Interviews, #Twelve Years With Sri Aurobindo, #Nirodbaran, #Integral Yoga
  All the communications were, however, mostly made orally and did not interfere with Sri Aurobindo's personal work. But gradually correspondence of another sort began to demand his attention. I mean writings on various aspects of his work, either by sadhaks, visitors or outsiders, were sent to him for approval, comment or suggestion, such as Prof. Sisir Maitra's series of articles, Prof. Haridas Chowdhury's thesis on his philosophy, Prof. Sisir Mitra's book on history, books by Prof. Langley, Morwenna Donnelly, Prof. Monod-Herzen, Dr. Srinivas Iyengar, and Lizelle Raymond on Sister Nivedita, to mention a few. In the last three books Sri Aurobindo made extensive additions and changes. Even casual articles from young students were read and received encouragement from him. Arabinda Basu was one of these writers. Poems written by sadhaks, for instance, Dilip, Amal Kiran (K. D. Sethna), Nishikanto, Pujalal and Tehmi, or a Goan poet, Prof. Menezies, were also read out. Then came the journals, The Advent and Mother India, the latter particularly, being a semi-political fortnightly, needed his sanction before the matter could be published. Most of the editorial articles of Mother India written by Amal Kiran were found impeccable. But on a few occasions small but significant changes were telegraphically made. Sri Aurobindo's famous message on Korea with its prediction of Stalinist communism's designs on South East Asia and India through Tibet, was originally sent in private to Amal Kiran for his guidance. One of the editorials was based on it. Sri Aurobindo declared privately that Mother India was his paper. When the Bulletin of Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education was launched, the Mother wanted to initiate it with an article from Sri Aurobindo. Some days passed. She asked him if he had started writing it. He answered with a smile, "No." After a few days, she reminded him of the urgency. Then he began dictating on the value of sports and physical gymnastics. Quite a series commenced and the most memorable of the lot was the article "The Divine Body". It was a long piece and took more than a week, since we daily had just about an hour to spare. As he was dictating, I marvelled at so much knowledge of Ancient Greece and Ancient India stored up somewhere in his superconscious memory and now pouring down at his command in a smooth flow. No notes were consulted, no books were needed, yet after a lapse of so many decades everything was fresh, spontaneous and recalled in vivid detail! This article, like his others, was then read out to the Mother in front of Sri Aurobindo. She exclaimed, "Magnificent!" Sri Aurobindo simply smiled. All of them have appeared in book-form called The Supramental Manifestation upon Earth.
  About some of the articles by others which were being read out to him, he asked, "Have you not read them before?" "No!" I replied. He repeated, "Are you sure?" "How could I? I received them only yesterday," I answered. "Very strange!" he added, "They seem so familiar, as if I had heard them already." He appeared much intrigued by this phenomenon and I wonder if he found an explanation of the mystery. Some articles by a former sadhak were filled with so many quotations from Sri Aurobindo's writings that I muttered my protest, "There is hardly anything here except quotations." He smiled and answered, "It doesn't matter." Once he asked me about a long abstruse article, "Probability in Micro-Physics", written by Amal. It was read out to Sri Aurobindo shortly before he passed away. He asked me, "Do you understand anything of it?" I said, "No!" He smiled and said, "Neither do I." Readings and dictated correspondence, as I have stated before, began to swell in volume and absorbed much of his limited time. Consequently the revision of Savitri suffered and had to be, shelved again and again till one day he declared, "My main work is being neglected."
  Then there were the long series of regular interviews with Surendra Mohan Ghose extending over some years up to even a few months before Sri Aurobindo's withdrawal. I should not call them interviews, for he was Sri Aurobindo's political follower in the early days, and later his disciple, and a prominent political leader of Bengal. Whenever he visited the Ashram, he had meetings with the Master to get guidance in his political work which he had accepted as his work. Sri Aurobindo used him as his instrument and said to us, "He is my man." In the talks he gave to the students of our Centre of Education, Surendra Mohan partially disclosed the various issues he had discussed with him. They were mostly international, national and provincial situations as well as spiritual matters. They constitute a very illuminating document testifying to Sri Aurobindo's external intervention in politics, besides his occult action. I often used to see Surendra Mohan in advance to get current news and Sri Aurobindo would ask, "What does Surendra Mohan say?"
  Let me quote an instance to illustrate how Yogis have more insight into politics than politicians themselves. Surendra Mohan writes, "When I came here in October or November 1949, he asked me, 'Why have you not asked me anything about the communal situation in Bengal?' I said, 'There is nothing to report, it is all very quiet.' 'No, no, be careful. Something may happen.' And something terrible did happen the communal killings." Yet, not even great leaders paid any heed to it; they thought it impossible even when Surendra Mohan apprised them of Sri Aurobindo's warning. Sri Aurobindo predicted also "the Russo-Chinese rift and the disintegration of China one day".

1.11 - GOOD AND EVIL, #The Perennial Philosophy, #Aldous Huxley, #Philosophy
  The answers to these questions will be given to a great extent in the words of that most surprising product of the English eighteenth century, William Law. (How very odd our Educational system is! Students of English literature are forced to read the graceful journalism of Steele and Addison, are expected to know all about the minor novels of Defoe and the tiny elegances of Matthew Prior. But they can pass all their examinations summa cum laude without having so much as looked into the writings of a man who was not only a master of English prose, but also one of the most interesting thinkers of his period and one of the most endearingly saintly figures in the whole history of Anglicanism.) Our current neglect of Law is yet another of the many indications that twentieth-century educators have ceased to be concerned with questions of ultimate truth or meaning and (apart from mere vocational training) are interested solely in the dissemination of a rootless and irrelevant culture, and the fostering of the solemn foolery of scholarship for scholarships sake.
  Nothing burns in hell but the self.

1.11 - Higher Laws, #Walden, and On The Duty Of Civil Disobedience, #Henry David Thoreau, #Philosophy
  I have answered, yes,remembering that it was one of the best parts of my Education,_make_ them hunters, though sportsmen only at first, if possible, mighty hunters at last, so that they shall not find game large enough for them in this or any vegetable wilderness,hunters as well as fishers of men. Thus far I am of the opinion of Chaucers nun, who
     yave not of the text a pulled hen
  There is a period in the history of the individual, as of the race, when the hunters are the best men, as the Algonquins called them. We cannot but pity the boy who has never fired a gun; he is no more humane, while his Education has been sadly neglected. This was my answer with respect to those youths who were bent on this pursuit, trusting that they would soon outgrow it. No humane being, past the thoughtless age of boyhood, will wantonly murder any creature which holds its life by the same tenure that he does. The hare in its extremity cries like a child. I warn you, mothers, that my sympathies do not always make the usual phil-_anthropic_ distinctions.
  Such is oftenest the young mans introduction to the forest, and the most original part of himself. He goes thither at first as a hunter and fisher, until at last, if he has the seeds of a better life in him, he distinguishes his proper objects, as a poet or naturalist it may be, and leaves the gun and fish-pole behind. The mass of men are still and always young in this respect. In some countries a hunting parson is no uncommon sight. Such a one might make a good shepherds dog, but is far from being the Good Shepherd. I have been surprised to consider that the only obvious employment, except wood-chopping, ice-cutting, or the like business, which ever to my knowledge detained at Walden Pond for a whole half day any of my fellow-citizens, whether fathers or children of the town, with just one exception, was fishing. Commonly they did not think that they were lucky, or well paid for their time, unless they got a long string of fish, though they had the opportunity of seeing the pond all the while. They might go there a thousand times before the sediment of fishing would sink to the bottom and leave their purpose pure; but no doubt such a clarifying process would be going on all the while. The governor and his council faintly remember the pond, for they went a-fishing there when they were boys; but now they are too old and dignified to go a-fishing, and so they know it no more forever.

1.11 - The Second Genesis, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  If the deepest analysis brings us to the desire to be as the supreme reason for the existence of the worlds, if all is reduced at its origin to the preference of each being and each thing for itself and its own way of existing, does that not give some depth and truth to the simplest of all reasons that each being gives spontaneously and without reflection for the least of his actions? Why does the child or the ignorant man do this rather than that? Because such is his desire and his preference. The understanding motives, the intellectual reasons come afterwards. Intelligence cultivates a cleverness in adorning every action with pretexts of good sense and Education teaches everyone to justify in the name of principles called rational by our generally admitted conventions of thought what is at bottom nothing more than desire and preference.
  All the true reasons and transcendent motives a man can assign for the way in which he acts, can be reduced to this simple formula, In that was my pleasure. So it is too with the wherefore of the worlds. The highest philosophy brings us no other reply; beings and worlds are because it was their pleasure to be.

1.11 - Transformation, #On Education, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga

1.11 - Woolly Pomposities of the Pious Teacher, #Magick Without Tears, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  Now that we are agreed upon the conditions to be satisfied if we are to allow that a given proposition contains a Thought at all, it is proper to turn our attention to the relative value of different kinds of thought. This question is of the very first importance: the whole theory of Education depends upon a correct standard. There are facts and facts: one would not necessarily be much the wiser if one got the Encyclopaedia Britannica by heart, or the Tables of Logarithms. The one aim of Mathematics, in fact Whitehead points this out in his little Shilling Arithmetic is to make one fact do the work of thousands.
  What we are looking for is a working Hierarchy of Facts.

1.12 - SOME REFLECTIONS ON THE RIGHTS OF MAN, #The Future of Man, #Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, #Christianity
  since they vary according to the level of Education and the pro-
  gressive value of the diverse elements to be organized.

1.12 - THE FESTIVAL AT PNIHTI, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
  M. got joyfully into the carriage. Having received an English Education, he did not believe in the tendencies inherited from previous births. But he had admitted a few days before that it was on account of Adhar's good tendencies from past births that he showed such great devotion to the Master. Later on he had thought about this subject and had discovered that he was not yet completely convinced about inherited tendencies. He had come to Dakshineswar that day to discuss the matter with Sri Ramakrishna.
  MASTER: "Well, what do you think of Adhar?"

1.12 - The Sociology of Superman, #On the Way to Supermanhood, #Satprem, #Integral Yoga
  The apprentice superman does not believe in suffering. He believes in enrichment through joy; he believes in Harmony. He does not believe in Education; he believes in the power of truth in the heart of all things and all beings he only helps that truth to grow with as little interference as possible. He trusts in the powers of that truth. He knows that man always moves toward his goal, inexorably, despite everything he is told or taught he only tries to suppress that despite. He simply waters that little sapling of truth and then again, with some caution, for some saplings prefer a sandy and rocky soil. But, at least, in that City or rather, laboratory of the future the child will be born in less stifling conditions. He will not be brainwashed, met at every street corner by screaming posters, corrupted by television or poisoned by vulgar movies, not burdened by all the vibrations of anxiety, fear or desire that his mother may have conscientiously accumulated in her womb through entertaining reading, debilitating films or a torn home life for everything is recorded, the slightest vibration, the least shock; everything enters the embryo freely, remains and accumulates there. The Greeks knew this well, and the Egyptians and the Indians, who used to surround the mother with special conditions of beauty and harmony so that the breath of the gods could pervade each day and each breath of the child, so that everything could be an inspiration of truth. And when the mother and father decided to have a child, they did it as a prayer, a sacrifice for incarnating the gods of the future. It takes only a spark of aspiration, a flame of entreaty, a luminous breath in the mother's heart for the same light to answer and come down, the identical flame, the kindred intensity of life if we are gray and dull, we will summon only the grayness and nothingness of millions of lifeless men.
  The child of that City will be born with a flame, consciously, voluntarily, without having to undo millennia of animality or abysses of prejudice. He will not be told incessantly that he has to earn a living, for nobody will earn a living in the City of the Future, nobody will have money. Living will be devoted to serving the Truth, each according to his capacity or talent, and the only earnings will be joy. He will not be deluged with musts and must-nots; he will only be shown the immediate sadness of not listening to the right little note. He will not be tormented with the idea of finding a job, being a success, outranking others, passing or failing grades, for nobody succeeds or fails in the City of the Future, nobody has a job, nobody takes precedence over anybody; one does the one job of pursuing a clear little note that lights up everything, does everything for one, takes care of everything for one, unites everything in its tranquil harmony, and whose only success is to be in accord with itself and with the whole. He will not learn to depend on a teacher, a book or a machine, but to rely on that little flame inside, that sprightly little flowing that guides his steps, prompts a discovery, leads by chance to an experience and brings out knowledge effortlessly. And he will learn to cultivate the powers of his body the way others today cultivate the powers of push buttons. His faculties will not be confined in ready-made forms of vision and comprehension; in him will be fostered a vision that has nothing to do with the eyes, a comprehension that is not from books, dreams of other worlds that prepare tomorrow's, direct communications and instant intuitions and subtle senses. And if machines are still used in the City of the Future, he will be told that they are temporary crutches until we find in our own heart the source of the pure Power which will one day transmute matter as we now transmute a blank sheet of paper into a green prairie with the stroke of a pencil. He will be taught the Look, the true and potent look, the look that creates, that changes everything he will be taught to use his own powers and to believe in his power of truth, and that the purer and clearer he is, in harmony with the Law, the more matter responds to Truth. And, instead of entering a prison, the child will grow up in an atmosphere of natural oneness, free of you, me, yours or mine, where he will not have been taught constantly to put up screens and mental barriers, but to be consciously what he unconsciously has been since the beginning of time: to extend himself into all that is and lives, to feel in all that feels, to comprehend through an identical more profound breathing, through a silence that carries everything, to recognize the same little flame everywhere, to love the same clear little flowing everywhere, and to be the self everywhere, behind a thousand different faces and in a thousand musics that are a single music.

1.13 - A Dream, #On Education, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  There should be somewhere on earth a place which no nation could claim as its own, where all human beings of goodwill who have a sincere aspiration could live freely as citizens of the world and obey one single authority, that of the supreme truth; a place of peace, concord and harmony where all the fighting instincts of man would be used exclusively to conquer the causes of his sufferings and miseries, to surmount his weaknesses and ignorance, to triumph over his limitations and incapacities; a place where the needs of the spirit and the concern for progress would take precedence over the satisfaction of desires and passions, the search for pleasure and material enjoyment. In this place, children would be able to grow and develop integrally without losing contact with their souls; Education would be given not for passing examinations or obtaining certificates and posts but to enrich existing faculties and bring forth new ones. In this place, titles and positions would be replaced by opportunities to serve and organise; the bodily needs of each one would be equally provided for, and intellectual, moral and spiritual superiority would be expressed in the general organisation not by an increase in the pleasures and powers of life but by increased duties and responsibilities. Beauty in all its artistic forms, painting, sculpture, music, literature, would be equally accessible to all; the ability to share in the joy it brings would be limited only by the capacities of each one and not by social or financial position. For in this ideal place money would no longer be the sovereign lord; individual worth would have a far greater importance than that of material wealth and social standing. There, work would not be a way to earn ones living but a way to express oneself and to develop ones capacities and possibilities while being of service to the community as a whole, which, for its own part, would provide for each individuals subsistence and sphere of action. In short, it would be a place where human relationships, which are normally based almost exclusively on competition and strife, would be replaced by relationships of emulation in doing well, of collaboration and real brotherhood.
  The earth is certainly not ready to realise such an ideal, for mankind does not yet possess sufficient knowledge to understand and adopt it nor the conscious force that is indispensable in order to execute it; that is why I call it a dream.

1.13 - Conclusion - He is here, #Twelve Years With Sri Aurobindo, #Nirodbaran, #Integral Yoga
  Let us see now what have been the effects, direct and indirect, of that withdrawal. First of all, by virtue of this tremendous sacrifice the Supramental Light which had been descending into the most outward physical since 1938 but could not be fixed there, was at last fixed in the earth-consciousness. This massive descent into his own body and extending through it into all Matter was a crowning achievement of his Yoga at the expense of his body's sacrifice and an act of unparalleled self-effacement for the sake of the earth-transformation. The next step that was to follow was the great Manifestation which took place in 1956. The Mother is reported to have said after it, "Now my work is done." This means that essentially what she and Sri Aurobindo had been wanting to do was achieved, but the details had to be consciously worked out and a concentrated yoga is required to hasten the evolution. There is no doubt that the Manifestation, so soon in the wake of his departure, was the direct result of Sri Aurobindo's sacrifice. One might argue that it should have been possible without his leaving the body. Quite true, but it was getting delayed, as Sri Aurobindo complained more than once in his letters. Various internal and external circumstances were always hindering it. We have noted in the chapter on Savitri Sri Aurobindo's complaint about his real work being hampered by these factors and yet he could not ignore them. They did not leave him sufficient time for concentration which, he said, was his real work. A drastic measure to deal with all obstruction at its very root seemed called for. This measure would also create the right conditions by which the subtle sheath, free from its physical counterparts, gets its full scope and can work more dynamically from above and behind. Sri Aurobindo could now make the path clear for the Manifestation in 1956. The Mother has said in the Bulletin of Physical Education that we have no idea of the tremendous work Sri Aurobindo has done in the occult worlds as a result of which all the crucial changes are taking place in her body. It will be, therefore, not an error of perception to call his passing away a strategic retreat, nor an emotional hyperbole to call it a sacrifice, a martyrdom. The phenomenon itself that we witnessed was something stupendous, beyond all canons of Science. Whoever has heard of a dead body changing its colour overnight, becoming charged with a gold-crimson radiance and remaining intact for five days?
  The second effect whose purport will not be evident to those who are unfamiliar with Sri Aurobindo's Yoga was, to quote the Mother, "As soon as Sri Aurobindo withdrew from his body, what he had called the Mind of Light got realised here. The Supermind had descended long ago very long ago in the mind and even in the vital: it was working in the physical also, but indirectly through those intermediaries. The question now was about the direct action of the Supermind in the physical. Sri Aurobindo said it could be possible only if the physical mind received the supramental light: the physical mind was the instrument for direct action upon the most material. This physical mind receiving the supramental light Sri Aurobindo called the Mind of Light."[1] It is because the Mother as his supreme collaborator was there to receive the Light and continue his work that Sri Aurobindo could make that holocaust of himself. The holocaust has also had one effect which cannot but be regarded as being eminently in accord with Sri Aurobindo's own vision. It is clear that the Ashram "instead of dwindling after the Master's self-withdrawal has leaped gloriously forward under the Mother's leadership". Earlier Sri Aurobindo's towering personality, though in seclusion, dominated the scene. Now the picture, as I said, is entirely different. We can see that all the world is coming to the Mother and accepting her as the Divine Mother, the Shakti who rules, guides and saves. This is what Sri Aurobindo had wanted and laid down since the Mother took charge of the Ashram, as the prime desideratum of his Supramental Yoga. It has been rendered possible and quickly effective by his unprecedented sacrifice. It is also in keeping with his nature. He had admitted that temperamentally he was always prone to act from behind the veil, the way of the Supreme to move men and forces without their knowledge. His political life, except for a short period, and life in Pondicherry, bear testimony to its truth. So the final retirement was consistent with that disposition and is its highest culmination. This culmination has carried the Mother even more to the forefront. There she stands now and plays the role of Shakti and, as she has said, is doing Sri Aurobindo's work and giving his final dream, of which he has spoken in his Independence Day message, a concrete shape on this earth. Sri Aurobindo constantly helps her from behind. The Mother has said in the Bulletin, as I have stated before, what a vast amount of work Sri Aurobindo has done in the occult field in consequence of which the work of transformation of the physical has become easier. Similarly, can we have any idea of his world-action, particularly in the political field, for example his occult contribution to the liberation of Bangladesh? Let us remember Sri Aurobindo's prophetic voice, "Division must go." His Force has not ceased to act in that direction. On the contrary it is moving powerfully towards the realisation of this prophecy. These are his works on a cosmic scale that we are aware of. In our individual cases too his Presence and his dynamic action have been testified to by devotees and disciples all over India and in the West We hear his voice, get his touch, protection, active intervention. The Mother told me more than once that she always saw Sri Aurobindo working on me. I had a personal proof of his surprisingly direct intervention, saving me from a critical situation that could have otherwise put my sadhana in peril. I have mentioned another occult phenomenon in the preface of my Talks with Sri Aurobindo, Vol. I to illustrate his subtle help. A third small instance will suffice: when the Ashram was passing through a financial difficulty, the Mother reported the matter to Sri Aurobindo. He replied, "Ask Prodyot." And it is well known that Prodyot brings a lot of money for the Ashram.

1.13 - Reason and Religion, #The Human Cycle, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  The Hellenic ideal was roughly expressed in the old Latin maxim, a sound mind in a sound body. And by a sound body the ancients meant a healthy and beautiful body well-fitted for the rational use and enjoyment of life. And by a sound mind they meant a clear and balanced reason and an enlightened and well-trained mentality,trained in the sense of ancient, not of modern Education. It was not to be packed with all available information and ideas, cast in the mould of science and a rational utility and so prepared for the efficient performance of social and civic needs and duties, for a professional avocation or for an intellectual pursuit; rather it was to be cultured in all its human capacities intellectual, moral, aesthetic, trained to use them rightly and to range freely, intelligently and flexibly in all questions and in all practical matters of philosophy, science, art, politics and social living. The ancient Greek mind was philosophic, aesthetic and political; the modern mind has been scientific, economic and utilitarian. The ancient ideal laid stress on soundness and beauty and sought to build up a fine and rational human life; the modern lays very little or no stress on beauty, prefers rational and practical soundness, useful adaptation, just mechanism and seeks to build up a well-ordered, well-informed and efficient human life. Both take it that man is partly a mental, partly a physical being with the mentalised physical life for his field and reason for his highest attribute and his highest possibility. But if we follow to the end the new vistas opened by the most advanced tendencies of a subjective age, we shall be led back to a still more ancient truth and ideal that overtops both the Hellenic and the modern levels. For we shall then seize the truth that man is a developing spirit trying here to find and fulfil itself in the forms of mind, life and body; and we shall perceive luminously growing before us the greater ideal of a deeply conscious self-illumined, self-possessing, self-mastering soul in a pure and perfect mind and body. The wider field it seeks will be, not the mentalised physical life with which man has started, but a new spiritualised life inward and outward, by which the perfected internal figures itself in a perfected external living. Beyond mans long intelligent effort towards a perfected culture and a rational society there opens the old religious and spiritual ideal, the hope of the kingdom of heaven within us and the city of God upon earth.
  But if the soul is the true sovereign and if its spiritual self-finding, its progressive largest widest integral fulfilment by the power of the spirit are to be accepted as the ultimate secret of our evolution, then since certainly the instinctive being of man below reason is not the means of attaining that high end and since we find that reason also is an insufficient light and power, there must be a superior range of being with its own proper powers,liberated soul-faculties, a spiritual will and knowledge higher than the reason and intelligent will,by which alone an entire conscious self-fulfilment can become possible to the human being. We must remember that our aim of self-fulfilment is an integral unfolding of the Divine within us, a complete evolution of the hidden divinity in the individual soul and the collective life. Otherwise we may simply come back to an old idea of individual and social living which had its greatness, but did not provide all the conditions of our perfection. That was the idea of a spiritualised typal society. It proceeded upon the supposition that each man has his own peculiar nature which is born from and reflects one element of the divine nature. The character of each individual, his ethical type, his training, his social occupation, his spiritual possibility must be formed or developed within the conditions of that peculiar element; the perfection he seeks in this life must be according to its law. The theory of ancient Indian cultureits practice, as is the way of human practice, did not always correspond to the theoryworked upon this supposition. It divided man in society into the fourfold orderan at once spiritual, psychic, ethical and economic orderof the Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra,practically, the spiritual and intellectual man, the dynamic man of will, the vital, hedonistic and economic man, the material man; the whole society organised in these four constituent classes represented the complete image of the creative and active Godhead.

1.15 - Index, #Aion, #Carl Jung, #Psychology
  Child Development and Education (1928)
  Analytical Psychology and Education: Three Lectures (1926/1946)
  The Gifted Child (1943)
  The Significance of the Unconscious in Individual Education (1928)
  The Development of Personality (1934)

1.15 - LAST VISIT TO KESHAB, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
  On the east side of the Circular Road was Victoria College, where the ladies of Keshab's Brahmo Samaj and their daughters received their Education. To the north of the college was a spacious garden house inhabited by an English family. M. noticed that there was a commotion in the house and wondered what was going on. Presently a hearse arrived with the drivers dressed in black, and the members of the household appeared, looking very sad. There had been a death in the family.
  "Whither does the soul go, leaving behind this mortal body?" Pondering the age-old question, M. waited, watching the carriages that came from the north.

1.15 - On incorruptible purity and chastity to which the corruptible attain by toil and sweat., #The Ladder of Divine Ascent, #Saint John of Climacus, #unset
  1 Cf. P.G., 88; col. 912, Scholion 26: Heresy is a deviation of the mind from the truth and a sin of the mouth or tongue, whereas fornication is a sin of the whole body, which damages and depraves all the feelings and powers of body and soul, darkens the image and likeness of God in man, and is therefore called a fall. Heresy comes from presumption, while fornication comes from bodily comfort. Therefore heretics are corrected by humiliation, and sensualists by suffering. We add the gist of a Greek note in K. A. Vretoss edition of the Ladder (Constantinople, 1883, p. 91): Obviously heresy is the greatest of sins. But since the passion of fornication has a tyrannical power due to pleasure and attracts attention, it often causes men to fall after repentance. Therefore, the fornicator is debarred for periods from the Holy Mysteries, that he may not return to his vomit and jeopardize his salvation. It also serves to put fear in all, and make them struggle against their passions and use the grace of the Holy Spirit. Heresy is a mental passion that springs from error and ignorance, or from ambition and vainglory. But when the evil is removed, it no longer causes conflict or trouble. Further, spiritual Education aims at cutting out evil by the root. By the practice of a strict life, fornicators are trained to forget the pleasure of lust. For whereas the evil of heresy lies only in the mind, the passion of fornication also affects the body with corruption. The man who repents of heresy is at once cleansed by turning to God with his whole personality. But one who returns to God from fornication usually needs time and tears and fasting to get rid of the pleasure and heal the wound in his flesh and stabilize his mind. If, however, both remain unrepentant, they will certainly have the same condemnation.
  2 I.e. his body.

1.1.5 - Thought and Knowledge, #Letters On Yoga IV, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  If one has faith and openness, that is enough [to get the understanding one needs to practise the Yoga]. Besides there are two kinds of understanding: understanding by the intellect and understanding in the consciousness. It is good to have the former if it is accurate, but it is not indispensable. Understanding by the consciousness comes if there is faith and openness, though it may come only gradually and through steps of experience. But I have seen people without Education or intellectuality understand in this way perfectly well the course of the Yoga in themselves, while intellectual men make big mistakese.g. take a neutral mental quietude for the spiritual peace and refuse to come out of it in order to go farther.

1.16 - The Suprarational Ultimate of Life, #The Human Cycle, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Let us then look at this vital instinct and life dynamism in its own being and not merely as an occasion for ethical or religious development and see whether it is really rebellious in its very nature to the Divine. We can see at once that what we have described is the first stage of the vital being, the infrarational, the instinctive; this is the crude character of its first native development and persists even when it is trained by the growing application to it of the enlightening reason. Evidently it is in this natural form a thing of the earth, gross, earthy, full even of hideous uglinesses and brute blunders and jarring discords; but so also is the infrarational stage in ethics, in aesthetics, in religion. It is true too that it presents a much more enormous difficulty than these others, more fundamentally and obstinately resists elevation, because it is the very province of the infrarational, a first formulation of consciousness out of the Inconscient, nearest to it in the scale of being. But still it has too, properly looked at, its rich elements of power, beauty, nobility, good, sacrifice, worship, divinity; here too are highreaching gods, masked but still resplendent. Until recently, and even now, reason, in the garb no longer of philosophy, but of science, has increasingly proposed to take up all this physical and vital life and perfect it by the sole power of rationalism, by a knowledge of the laws of Nature, of sociology and physiology and biology and health, by collectivism, by State Education, by a new psychological Education and a number of other kindred means. All this is well in its own way and in its limits, but it is not enough and can never come to a truly satisfying success. The ancient attempt of reason in the form of a high idealistic, rational, aesthetic, ethical and religious culture achieved only an imperfect discipline of the vital man and his instincts, sometimes only a polishing, a gloss, a clothing and mannerising of the original uncouth savage. The modern attempt of reason in the form of a broad and thorough rational, utilitarian and efficient instruction and organisation of man and his life is not succeeding any better for all its insistent but always illusory promise of more perfect results in the future. These endeavours cannot indeed be truly successful if our theory of life is right and if this great mass of vital energism contains in itself the imprisoned suprarational, if it has, as it then must have, the instinctive reaching out for something divine, absolute and infinite which is concealed in its blind strivings. Here too reason must be overpassed or surpass itself and become a passage to the Divine.
  The first mark of the suprarational, when it intervenes to take up any portion of our being, is the growth of absolute ideals; and since life is Being and Force and the divine state of being is unity and the Divine in force is God as Power taking possession, the absolute vital ideals must be of that nature. Nowhere are they wanting. If we take the domestic and social life of man, we find hints of them there in several forms; but we need only note, however imperfect and dim the present shapes, the strivings of love at its own self-finding, its reachings towards its absolute the absolute love of man and woman, the absolute maternal or paternal, filial or fraternal love, the love of friends, the love of comrades, love of country, love of humanity. These ideals of which the poets have sung so persistently, are not a mere glamour and illusion, however the egoisms and discords of our instinctive, infrarational way of living may seem to contradict them. Always crossed by imperfection or opposite vital movements, they are still divine possibilities and can be made a first means of our growth into a spiritual unity of being with being. Certain religious disciplines have understood this truth, have taken up these relations boldly and applied them to our souls communion with God; and by a converse process they can, lifted out of their present social and physical formulas, become for us, not the poor earthly things they are now, but deep and beautiful and wonderful movements of God in man fulfilling himself in life. All the economic development of life itself takes on at its end the appearance of an attempt to get rid of the animal squalor and bareness which is what obligatory poverty really means, and to give to man the divine ease and leisure of the gods. It is pursued in a wrong way, no doubt, and with many ugly circumstances, but still the ideal is darkly there. Politics itself, that apparent game of strife and deceit and charlatanism, can be a large field of absolute idealisms. What of patriotism,never mind the often ugly instincts from which it starts and which it still obstinately preserves,but in its aspects of worship, self-giving, discipline, self-sacrifice? The great political ideals of man, monarchy, aristocracy, democracy, apart from the selfishnesses they serve and the rational and practical justifications with which they arm themselves, have had for their soul an ideal, some half-seen truth of the absolute and have carried with them a worship, a loyalty, a loss of self in the idea which have made men ready to suffer and die for them. War and strife themselves have been schools of heroism; they have preserved the heroic in man, they have created the katriys tyaktajvit of the Sanskrit epic phrase, the men of power and courage who have abandoned their bodily life for a cause; for without heroism man cannot grow into the Godhead; courage, energy and strength are among the very first principles of the divine nature in action. All this great vital, political, economic life of man with its two powers of competition and cooperation is stumbling blindly forward towards some realisation of power and unity,in two divine directions, therefore. For the Divine in life is Power possessed of self-mastery, but also of mastery of His world, and man and mankind too move towards conquest of their world, their environment. And again the Divine in fulfilment here is and must be oneness, and the ideal of human unity however dim and far off is coming slowly into sight. The competitive nation-units are feeling, at times, however feebly as yet, the call to cast themselves into a greater unified cooperative life of the human race.

1.17 - The Transformation, #Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness, #Satprem, #Integral Yoga
  or manufactured stainless steel, perfumes, and even tons of sugar in a modern sugar mill. There was something to satisfy every taste. Those who liked painting painted; those who liked music had every possible instrument, Indian and Western, at their disposal; those who liked teaching became teachers at the International Centre of Education,
  which covered the whole academic spectrum, from kindergarten to the college level. There were also a printing press; scientific laboratories;
  too, or wash dishes, or try one's hand at carpentry, if one believed in the virtues of simple work. But there was no hierarchy among these activities; none was remunerated, nor was any considered superior to any other. All the practical necessities of life were provided for by the Mother to each person according to his or her needs. The only essential task was to discover the truth of one's being, for which the external work was merely a pretext or a means. It was remarkable, in fact, to observe people changing activities as their consciousness awakened; soon, all the values attached to the former profession would fall away, and because money no longer had any meaning, one who considered himself a doctor, say, found that he was really more comfortable as an artisan, while a man with no particular Education might discover that he had a talent for poetry or painting, or might
  become engrossed in the study of Sanskrit or Ayurvedic medicine.
  A System of National Education, 'Karmayogin' 1910 1st ed. 1921
  The National Value of Art, 'Karmayogin' 1909 1st ed. 1922

1.18 - FAITH, #The Perennial Philosophy, #Aldous Huxley, #Philosophy
  The fourth kind of faith is the thing which is commonly called religious faith. The usage is justifiable, not because the other kinds of faith are not fundamental in religion just as they are in secular affairs, but because this willed assent to propositions which are known to be unverifiable occurs in religion, and only in religion, as a characteristic addition to faith as trust, faith in authority and faith in unverified but verifiable propositions. This is the kind of faith which, according to Christian theologians, justifies and saves. In its extreme and most uncompromising form, such a doctrine can be very dangerous. Here, for example, is a passage from one of Luthers letters. Esto peccator, et pecca fortiter; sed fortius crede et gaude in Christo, qui victor est peccati, mortis et mundi. Peccandum est quam diu sic sumus; vita haec non est habitatio justitiae. ("Be a sinner and sin strongly; but yet more strongly believe and rejoice in Christ, who is the conqueror of sin, death and the world. So long as we are as we are, there must be sinning; this life is not the dwelling place of righteousness.") To the danger that faith in the doctrine of justification by faith may serve as an excuse for and even an invitation to sin must be added another danger, namely, that the faith which is supposed to save may be faith in propositions not merely unverifiable, but repugnant to reason and the moral sense, and entirely at variance with the findings of those who have fulfilled the conditions of spiritual insight into the Nature of Things. This is the acme of faith, says Luther in his De Servo Arbitrio, to believe that God who saves so few and condemns so many, is merciful; that He is just who, at his own pleasure, has made us necessarily doomed to damnation, so that He seems to delight in the torture of the wretched and to be more deserving of hate than of love. If by any effort of reason I could conceive how God, who shows so much anger and harshness, could be merciful and just, there would be no need of faith. Revelation (which, when it is genuine, is simply the record of the immediate experience of those who are pure enough in heart and poor enough in spirit to be able to see God) says nothing at all of these hideous doctrines, to which the will forces the quite naturally and rightly reluctant intellect to give assent. Such notions are the product, not of the insight of saints, but of the busy phantasy of jurists, who were so far from having transcended selfness and the prejudices of Education that they had the folly and presumption to interpret the universe in terms of the Jewish and Roman law with which they happened to be familiar. Woe unto you lawyers, said Christ. The denunciation was prophetic and for all time.
  The core and spiritual heart of all the higher religions is the Perennial Philosophy; and the Perennial Philosophy can be assented to and acted upon without resort to the kind of faith, about which Luther was writing in the foregoing passages. There must, of course, be faith as trust for confidence in ones fellows is the beginning of charity towards men, and confidence not only in the material, but also the moral and spiritual reliability of the universe, is the beginning of charity or love-knowledge in relation to God. There must also be faith in authority the authority of those whose selflessness has qualified them to know the spiritual Ground of all being by direct acquaintance as well as by report. And finally there must be faith in such propositions about Reality as are enunciated by philosophers in the light of genuine revelationpropositions which the believer knows that he can, if he is prepared to fulfil the necessary conditions, verify for himself. But, so long as the Perennial Philosophy is accepted in its essential simplicity, there is no need of willed assent to propositions known in advance to be unverifiable. Here it is necessary to add that such unverifiable propositions may become verifiable to the extent that intense faith affects the psychic substratum and so creates an existence, whose derived objectivity can actually be discovered out there. Let us, however, remember that an existence which derives its objectivity from the mental activity of those who intensely believe in it cannot possibly be the spiritual Ground of the world, and that a mind busily engaged in the voluntary and intellectual activity, which is religious faith cannot possibly be in the state of selflessness and alert passivity which is the necessary condition of the unitive knowledge of the Ground. That is why the Buddhists affirm that loving faith leads to heaven; but obedience to the Dharma leads to Nirvana. Faith in the existence and power of any supernatural entity which is less than ultimate spiritual Reality, and in any form of worship that falls short of self-naughting, will certainly, if the object of faith is intrinsically good, result in improvement of character, and probably in posthumous survival of the improved personality under heavenly conditions. But this personal survival within what is still the temporal order is not the eternal life of timeless union with the Spirit. This eternal life stands in the knowledge of the Godhead, not in faith in anything less than the Godhead.

1.18 - M. AT DAKSHINESWAR, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
  M: "Had Keshab Babu come here from the very beginning, he would not have been so preoccupied with social reform. He would not have been so busy with the abolition of the caste system, widow remarriage, intercaste marriage, women's Education, and such social activities."
  MASTER: "Keshab now believes in Kli as the Embodiment of Spirit and Consciousness, the Primal Energy. Besides, he repeats the holy name of the Mother and chants Her glories.

1.18 - The Importance of our Conventional Greetings, etc., #Magick Without Tears, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  It is not a concentration-practice proper; I haven't a good word for it. "Background-concentration" or "long-distance-concentration" are clumsy, and not too accurate. It is really rather like a public school Education. One is not constantly "doing a better thing that one has ever done;" one is not dropping one's eye-glass every two minutes, or being a little gentleman in the act of brushing one's hair. The point is that one trains oneself to react properly at any moment of surprise. It must become "second nature" for "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law." to spring to the forefront of the mind when one is introduced to a stranger, or comes down to breakfast, or hears the telephone bell, or observes the hour of the adoration, (these are to be the superficial reactions, like instinctively rising when a lady enters the room), or, at the other end, in moments of immediate peril, or of sudden apprehension, or when in one's meditation, one approaches the deepest strata.
  One need not be dogmatic about the use of these special words. One might choose a formula to represent one's own particular True Will. It is a little like Cato, (or Scipio, was it?) who concluded every speech, whether about the Regulations of the Roman Bath or the proposal to reclaim a marsh of the Maremma, with the words: "And moreover, in my opinion, Carthage ought to be destroyed."

1.18 - The Infrarational Age of the Cycle, #The Human Cycle, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  But even within the communities themselves reason and spirituality at this stage are always hampered and endangered by existing in a milieu and atmosphere not their own. The lite, the classes in charge of these powers, are obliged to throw them into forms which the mass of human ignorance they lead and rule will accept, and both reason and spirituality tend to be stifled by these forms, to get stereotyped, fossilised, void of life, bound up from their natural play. Secondly, since they are after all part of the mass, these higher enlightened elements are themselves much under the influence of their infrarational parts and do not, except in individuals, arrive at the entirely free play of the reason or the free light of the spirit. Thirdly, there is always the danger of these elements gravitating downward to the ignorance below or even collapsing into it. Nature guards herself by various devices for maintaining the tradition of intellectual and spiritual activity in the favoured classes; here she makes it a point of honour for them to preserve and promote the national culture, there she establishes a preservative system of Education and discipline. And in order that these things may not degenerate into mere traditionalism, she brings in a series of intellectual or spiritual movements which by their shock revivify the failing life and help to bring about a broadening and an enlarging and to drive the dominant reason or spirituality deeper down into the infrarational mass. Each movement indeed tends to petrify after a shorter or longer activity, but a fresh shock, a new wave arrives in time to save and regenerate. Finally, she reaches the point when, all immediate danger of relapse overcome, she can proceed to her next decisive advance in the cycle of social evolution. This must take the form of an attempt to universalise first of all the habit of reason and the application of the intelligence and intelligent will to life. Thus is instituted the rational age of human society, the great endeavour to bring the power of the reason and intelligence to bear on all that we are and do and to organise in their light and by their guiding force the entire existence of the race.

1.19 - The Curve of the Rational Age, #The Human Cycle, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  The natural remedy for the first defects of the individualistic theory in practice would seem to be Education; for if man is not by nature, we may hope at least that he can be made by Education and training something like a rational being. Universal Education, therefore, is the inevitable second step of the democratic movement in its attempt to rationalise human society. But a rational Education means necessarily three things, first, to teach men how to observe and know rightly the facts on which they have to form a judgment; secondly, to train them to think fruitfully and soundly; thirdly, to fit them to use their knowledge and their thought effectively for their own and the common good. Capacity of observation and knowledge, capacity of intelligence and judgment, capacity of action and high character are required for the citizenship of a rational order of society; a general deficiency in any of these difficult requisites is a sure source of failure. Unfortunately,even if we suppose that any training made available to the millions can ever be of this rare character,the actual Education given in the most advanced countries has not had the least relation to these necessities. And just as the first defects and failures of democracy have given occasion to the enemy to blaspheme and to vaunt the superiority or even the quite imaginary perfection of the ideal past, so also the first defects of its great remedy, Education, have led many superior minds to deny the efficacy of Education and its power to transform the human mind and driven them to condemn the democratic ideal as an exploded fiction.
  Democracy and its panacea of Education and freedom have certainly done something for the race. To begin with, the people are, for the first time in the historical period of history, erect, active and alive, and where there is life, there is always a hope of better things. Again, some kind of knowledge and with it some kind of active intelligence based on knowledge and streng thened by the habit of being called on to judge and decide between conflicting issues and opinions in all sorts of matters have been much more generalised than was formerly possible. Men are being progressively trained to use their minds, to apply intelligence to life, and that is a great gain. If they have not yet learned to think for themselves or to think soundly, clearly and rightly, they are at least more able now to choose with some kind of initial intelligence, however imperfect as yet it may be, the thought they shall accept and the rule they shall follow. Equal Educational equipment and equal opportunity of life have by no means been acquired; but there is a much greater equalisation than was at all possible in former states of society. But here a new and enormous defect has revealed itself which is proving fatal to the social idea which engendered it. For given even perfect equality of Educational and other opportunity, and that does not yet really exist and cannot in the individualistic state of society,to what purpose or in what manner is the opportunity likely to be used? Man, the half infrarational being, demands three things for his satisfaction, power, if he can have it, but at any rate the use and reward of his faculties and the enjoyment of his desires. In the old societies the possibility of these could be secured by him to a certain extent according to his birth, his fixed status and the use of his capacity within the limits of his hereditary status. That basis once removed and no proper substitute provided, the same ends can only be secured by success in a scramble for the one power left, the power of wealth. Accordingly, instead of a harmoniously ordered society there has been developed a huge organised competitive system, a frantically rapid and one-sided development of industrialism and, under the garb of democracy, an increasing plutocratic tendency that shocks by its ostentatious grossness and the magnitudes of its gulfs and distances. These have been the last results of the individualistic ideal and its democratic machinery, the initial bankruptcies of the rational age.
  The first natural result has been the transition of the rational mind from democratic individualism to democratic socialism. Socialism, labouring under the disadvantageous accident of its birth in a revolt against capitalism, an uprising against the rule of the successful bourgeois and the plutocrat, has been compelled to work itself out by a war of classes. And, worse still, it has started from an industrialised social system and itself taken on at the beginning a purely industrial and economic appearance. These are accidents that disfigure its true nature. Its true nature, its real justification is the attempt of the human reason to carry on the rational ordering of society to its fulfilment, its will to get rid of this great parasitical excrescence of unbridled competition, this giant obstacle to any decent ideal or practice of human living. Socialism sets out to replace a system of organised economic battle by an organised order and peace. This can no longer be done on the old lines, an artificial or inherited inequality brought about by the denial of equal opportunity and justified by the affirmation of that injustice and its result as an eternal law of society and of Nature. That is a falsehood which the reason of man will no longer permit. Neither can it be done, it seems, on the basis of individual liberty; for that has broken down in the practice. Socialism therefore must do away with the democratic basis of individual liberty, even if it professes to respect it or to be marching towards a more rational freedom. It shifts at first the fundamental emphasis to other ideas and fruits of the democratic ideal, and it leads by this transference of stress to a radical change in the basic principle of a rational society. Equality, not a political only, but a perfect social equality, is to be the basis. There is to be equality of opportunity for all, but also equality of status for all, for without the last the first cannot be secured; even if it were established, it could not endure. This equality again is impossible if personal, or at least inherited right in property is to exist, and therefore socialism abolishesexcept at best on a small scale the right of personal property as it is now understood and makes war on the hereditary principle. Who then is to possess the property? It can only be the community as a whole. And who is to administer it? Again, the community as a whole. In order to justify this idea, the socialistic principle has practically to deny the existence of the individual or his right to exist except as a member of the society and for its sake. He belongs entirely to the society, not only his property, but himself, his labour, his capacities, the Education it gives him and its results, his mind, his knowledge, his individual life, his family life, the life of his children. Moreover, since his individual reason cannot be trusted to work out naturally a right and rational adjustment of his life with the life of others, it is for the reason of the whole community to arrange that too for him. Not the reasoning minds and wills of the individuals, but the collective reasoning mind and will of the community has to govern. It is this which will determine not only the principles and all the details of the economic and political order, but the whole life of the community and of the individual as a working, thinking, feeling cell of this life, the development of his capacities, his actions, the use of the knowledge he has acquired, the whole ordering of his vital, his ethical, his intelligent being. For so only can the collective reason and intelligent will of the race overcome the egoism of individualistic life and bring about a perfect principle and rational order of society in a harmonious world.
  It is true that this inevitable character of socialism is denied or minimised by the more democratic socialists; for the socialistic mind still bears the impress of the old democratic ideas and cherishes hopes that betray it often into strange illogicalities. It assures us that it will combine some kind of individual freedom, a limited but all the more true and rational freedom, with the rigours of the collectivist idea. But it is evidently these rigours to which things must tend if the collectivist idea is to prevail and not to stop short and falter in the middle of its course. If it proves itself thus wanting in logic and courage, it may very well be that it will speedily or in the end be destroyed by the foreign element it tolerates and perish without having sounded its own possibilities. It will pass perhaps, unless guided by a rational wisdom which the human mind in government has not yet shown, after exceeding even the competitive individualistic society in its cumbrous incompetence.1 But even at its best the collectivist idea contains several fallacies inconsistent with the real facts of human life and nature. And just as the idea of individualistic democracy found itself before long in difficulties on that account because of the disparity between lifes facts and the minds idea, difficulties that have led up to its discredit and approaching overthrow, the idea of collectivist democracy too may well find itself before long in difficulties that must lead to its discredit and eventual replacement by a third stage of the inevitable progression. Liberty protected by a State in which all are politically equal, was the idea that individualistic democracy attempted to elaborate. Equality, social and political equality enforced through a perfect and careful order by a State which is the organised will of the whole community, is the idea on which socialistic democracy stakes its future. If that too fails to make good, the rational and democratic Idea may fall back upon a third form of society founding an essential rather than formal liberty and equality upon fraternal comradeship in a free community, the ideal of intellectual as of spiritual Anarchism.2
  In fact the claim to equality like the thirst for liberty is individualistic in its origin,it is not native or indispensable to the essence of the collectivist ideal. It is the individual who demands liberty for himself, a free movement for his mind, life, will, action; the collectivist trend and the State idea have rather the opposite tendency, they are self-compelled to take up more and more the compulsory management and control of the mind, life, will, action of the community and the individuals as part of ituntil personal liberty is pressed out of existence. But similarly it is the individual who demands for himself equality with all others; when a class demands, it is still the individual multiplied claiming for himself and all who are of his own grade, political or economic status an equal place, privilege or opportunity with those who have acquired or inherited a superiority of status. The social Reason conceded first the claim to liberty, but in practice (whatever might have been the theory) it admitted only so much equalityequality before the law, a helpful but not too effective political equality of the voteas was necessary to ensure a reasonable freedom for all. Afterwards when the injustices and irrationalities of an unequalised competitive freedom, the enormity of the gulfs it created, became apparent, the social Reason shifted its ground and tried to arrive at a more complete communal justice on the basis of a political, economic, Educational and social equality as complete as might be; it has laboured to make a plain level on which all can stand together. Liberty in this change has had to undergo the former fate of equality; for only so much libertyperhaps or for a timecould survive as can be safely allowed without the competitive individual getting enough room for his self-assertive growth to upset or endanger the equalitarian basis. But in the end the discovery cannot fail to be made that an artificial equality has also its irrationalities, its contradictions of the collective good, its injustices even and its costly violations of the truth of Nature. Equality like individualistic liberty may turn out to be not a panacea but an obstacle in the way of the best management and control of life by the collective reason and will of the community.
  But if both equality and liberty disappear from the human scene, there is left only one member of the democratic trinity, brotherhood or, as it is now called, comradeship, that has some chance of survival as part of the social basis. This is because it seems to square better with the spirit of collectivism; we see accordingly the idea of it if not the fact still insisted on in the new social systems, even those in which both liberty and equality are discarded as noxious democratic chimeras. But comradeship without liberty and equality can be nothing more than the like association of allindividuals, functional classes, guilds, syndicates, soviets or any other unitsin common service to the life of the nation under the absolute control of the collectivist State. The only liberty left at the end would be the freedom to serve the community under the rigorous direction of the State authority; the only equality would be an association of all alike in a Spartan or Roman spirit of civic service with perhaps a like status, theoretically equal at least for all functions; the only brotherhood would be the sense of comradeship in devoted dedication to the organised social Self, the State. In fact the democratic trinity, stripped of its godhead, would fade out of existence; the collectivist ideal can very well do without them, for none of them belong to its grain and very substance.
  This is a symptom that can have a considerable significance. In Russia the Marxist system of Socialism has been turned almost into a gospel. Originally a rationalistic system worked out by a logical thinker and discoverer and systematiser of ideas, it has been transformed by the peculiar turn of the Russian mind into something like a social religion, a collectivist mystique, an inviolable body of doctrines with all denial or departure treated as a punishable heresy, a social cult enforced by the intolerant piety and enthusiasm of a converted people. In Fascist countries the swing away from Rationalism is marked and open; a surface vital subjectivism has taken its place and it is in the name of the national soul and its self-expression and manifestation that the leaders and prophets teach and violently enforce their totalitarian mystique. The essential features are the same in Russia and in Fascist countries, so that to the eye of the outsider their deadly quarrel seems to be a blood-feud of kinsmen fighting for the inheritance of their slaughtered parentsDemocracy and the Age of Reason. There is the seizure of the life of the community by a dominant individual leader, Fhrer, Dux, dictator, head of a small active minority, the Nazi, Fascist or Communist party, and supported by a militarised partisan force; there is a rapid crystallisation of the social, economic, political life of the people into a new rigid organisation effectively controlled at every point; there is the compulsory casting of thought, Education, expression, action, into a set iron mould, a fixed system of ideas and life-motives, with a fierce and ruthless, often a sanguinary repression of all that denies and differs; there is a total unprecedented compression of the whole communal existence so as to compel a maximum efficiency and a complete unanimity of mind, speech, feeling, life.
  If this trend becomes universal, it is the end of the Age of Reason, the suicide or the executionby decapitation or lethal pressure, peine forte et dure,of the rational and intellectual expansion of the human mental being. Reason cannot do its work, act or rule if the mind of man is denied freedom to think or freedom to realise its thought by action in life. But neither can a subjective age be the outcome; for the growth of subjectivism also cannot proceed without plasticity, without movement of self-search, without room to move, expand, develop, change. The result is likely to be rather the creation of a tenebrous No Mans Land where obscure mysticisms, materialistic, vitalistic or mixed, clash and battle for the mastery of human life. But this consummation is not certain; chaos and confusion still reign and all hangs in the balance. Totalitarian mysticism may not be able to carry out its menace of occupying the globe, may not even endure. Spaces of the earth may be left where a rational idealism can still survive. The terrible compression now exercised on the national mind and life may lead to an explosion from within or, on the other hand, having fulfilled its immediate aim may relax and give way in calmer times to a greater plasticity which will restore to the human mind or soul a more natural line of progress, a freer field for their self-expanding impulse.

1.201 - Socrates, #Symposium, #Plato, #Philosophy
  In his pregnant state he welcomes bodies that are beautiful rather than ugly, and if he comes across one who has a beautiful, noble and gifted soul as well, then he particularly welcomes the combination. In the presence of this person his words immediately flow in abundance about virtue and about the qualities and practices that make for a good man, 209c and he embarks on his Education. For I think that by attaching himself to the beautiful and associating with it, which he will be keeping in mind even when absent, he gives birth to and procreates the offspring with which he has long been pregnant, and in company with that other share in nurturing what they have created together. The result is that such a couple have a much closer partnership with each other and a stronger tie of affection than is the case with the parents of mortal children, since the offspring they share in have more beauty and immortality. For anyone who looked at Homer and Hesiod and all the other great poets would envy them because of the kind of offspring they have left behind them, and would rather be the parent of children like these, who have conferred on their progenitors immortal glory and fame, 209d than of ordinary human children.
  For another example, she said, look at the sort of children

1.2.04 - Sincerity, #Letters On Yoga II, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  It is difficult for the ordinary Christian to be of a piece, because the teachings of Christ are on quite another plane from the consciousness of the intellectual and vital man trained by the Education and society of Europe - the latter, even as a minister or priest, has never been called upon to practise what he preached in entire earnest. But it is difficult for the human nature anywhere to think, feel and act from one centre of true faith, belief or vision. The average Hindu considers the spiritual life the highest, reveres the Sannyasi, is moved by the Bhakta; but if one of the family circle leaves the world for spiritual life, what tears, arguments, remonstrances, lamentations! It is almost worse than if he had died a natural death. It is not conscious mental insincerity - they will argue like Pandits and go to Shastra to prove you in the wrong; it is unconsciousness, a vital insincerity which
  Letters on Yoga - II

1.20 - The End of the Curve of Reason, #The Human Cycle, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  In the old infrarational societies, at least in their inception, what governed was not the State, but the group-soul itself evolving its life organised into customary institutions and self-regulations to which all had to conform; for the rulers were only its executors and instruments. This entailed indeed a great subjection of the individual to the society, but it was not felt, because the individualistic idea was yet unborn and such diversities as arose were naturally provided for in one way or another,in some cases by a remarkable latitude of social variation which government by the State tends more and more to suppress. As State government develops, we have a real suppression or oppression of the minority by the majority or the majority by the minority, of the individual by the collectivity, finally, of all by the relentless mechanism of the State. Democratic liberty tried to minimise this suppression; it left a free play for the individual and restricted as much as might be the role of the State. Collectivism goes exactly to the opposite extreme; it will leave no sufficient elbow-room to the individual free-will, and the more it rationalises the individual by universal Education of a highly developed kind, the more this suppression will be felt,unless indeed all freedom of thought is negated and the minds of all are forced into a single standardised way of thinking.
  Man needs freedom of thought and life and action in order that he may grow, otherwise he will remain fixed where he was, a stunted and static being. If his individual mind and reason are ill-developed, he may consent to grow, as does the infrarational mind, in the group-soul, in the herd, in the mass, with that subtle half-conscient general evolution common to all in the lower process of Nature. As he develops individual reason and will, he needs and society must give him room for an increasing play of individual freedom and variation, at least so far as that does not develop itself to the avoidable harm of others and of society as a whole. Given a full development and free play of the individual mind, the need of freedom will grow with the immense variation which this development must bring with it, and if only a free play in thought and reason is allowed, but the free play of the intelligent will in life and action is inhibited by the excessive regulation of the life, then an intolerable contradiction and falsity will be created. Men may bear it for a time in consideration of the great and visible new benefits of order, economic development, means of efficiency and the scientific satisfaction of the reason which the collectivist arrangement of society will bring; but when its benefits become a matter of course and its defects become more and more realised and prominent, dissatisfaction and revolt are sure to set in in the clearest and most vigorous minds of the society and propagate themselves throughout the mass. This intellectual and vital dissatisfaction may very well take under such circumstances the form of anarchistic thought, because that thought appeals precisely to this need of free variation in the internal life and its outward expression which will be the source of revolt, and anarchistic thought must be necessarily subversive of the socialistic order. The State can only combat it by an Education adapted to its fixed forms of life, an Education that will seek to drill the citizen in a fixed set of ideas, aptitudes, propensities as was done in the old infrarational order of things and by the suppression of freedom of speech and thinking so as to train and compel all to be of one mind, one sentiment, one opinion, one feeling; but this remedy will be in a rational society self-contradictory, ineffective, or if effective, then worse than the evil it seeks to combat. On the other hand, if from the first freedom of thought is denied, that means the end of the Age of Reason and of the ideal of a rational society. Man the mental being disallowed the useexcept in a narrow fixed grooveof his mind and mental will, will stop short in his growth and be even as the animal and as the insect a stationary species.
  This is the central defect through which a socialistic State is bound to be convicted of insufficiency and condemned to pass away before the growth of a new ideal. Already the pressure of the State organisation on the life of the individual has reached a point at which it is ceasing to be tolerable. If it continues to be what it is now, a government of the life of the individual by the comparatively few and not, as it pretends, by a common will and reason, if, that is to say, it becomes patently undemocratic or remains pseudo-democratic, then it will be this falsity through which anarchistic thought will attack its existence. But the innermost difficulty would not disappear even if the socialistic State became really democratic, really the expression of the free reasoned will of the majority in agreement. Any true development of that kind would be difficult indeed and has the appearance of a chimera: for collectivism pretends to regulate life not only in its few fundamental principles and its main lines, as every organised society must tend to do, but in its details, it aims at a thoroughgoing scientific regulation, and an agreement of the free reasoned will of millions in all the lines and most of the details of life is a contradiction in terms. Whatever the perfection of the organised State, the suppression or oppression of individual freedom by the will of the majority or of a minority would still be there as a cardinal defect vitiating its very principle. And there would be something infinitely worse. For a thoroughgoing scientific regulation of life can only be brought about by a thoroughgoing mechanisation of life. This tendency to mechanisation is the inherent defect of the State idea and its practice. Already that is the defect upon which both intellectual anarchistic thought and the insight of the spiritual thinker have begun to lay stress, and it must immensely increase as the State idea rounds itself into a greater completeness in practice. It is indeed the inherent defect of reason when it turns to govern life and labours by quelling its natural tendencies to put it into some kind of rational order.

1.21 - IDOLATRY, #The Perennial Philosophy, #Aldous Huxley, #Philosophy
  How different is the case with the developed and more modern forms of idolatry! These have achieved not merely survival, but the highest degree of respectability. They are recommended by men of science as an up-to-date substitute for genuine religion and by many professional religious teachers are equated with the worship of God. All this may be deplorable; but it is not in the least surprising. Our Education disparages the more primitive forms of idolatry; but at the same time it disparages, or at the best it ignores, the Perennial Philosophy and the practice of spirituality. In place of mumbo-jumbo at the bottom and of the immanent and transcendent Godhead at the top, it sets up, as objects of admiration, faith and worship, a pantheon of strictly human ideas and ideals. In academic circles and among those who have been subjected to higher Education, there are few fetishists and few devout contemplatives; but the enthusiastic devotees of some form of political or social idolatry are as common as blackberries. Significantly enough, I have observed, when making use of university libraries, that books on spiritual religion were taken out much less frequently than was the case in public libraries, patronized in the main by men and women who had not enjoyed the advantages, or suffered under the handicaps, of prolonged academic instruction.
  The many varieties of higher idolatry may be classed under three main heads: technological, political and moral. Technological idolatry is the most ingenuous and primitive of the three; for its devotees, like those of the lower idolatry, believe that their redemption and liberation depend upon material objectsin this case gadgets. Technological idolatry is the religion whose doctrines are promulgated, explicitly or by implication, in the advertisement pages of our newspapers and magazines the source, we may add parenthetically, from which millions of men, women and children in the capitalistic countries derive their working philosophy of life. In Soviet Russia too, technological idolatry was strenuously preached, becoming, during the years of that countrys industrialization, a kind of state religion. So whole-hearted is the modern faith in technological idols that (despite all the lessons of mechanized warfare) it is impossible to discover in the popular thinking of our time any trace of the ancient and profoundly realistic doctrine of hubris and inevitable nemesis. There is a very general belief that, where gadgets are concerned, we can get something for nothingcan enjoy all the advantages of an elaborate, top-heavy and constantly advancing technology without having to pay for them by any compensating disadvantages.

1.22 - How to Learn the Practice of Astrology, #Magick Without Tears, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  When you have got your sea-legs at both these parts of your astrological Education, you may (I think) put out to sea with some confidence. Perhaps a fair test of your fitness would be when you got three people right out of four, in a total of a score or so. Well, allow for my being in a "mood" to-night; call it two out of three. If it were guesswork, after all, that means you are bringing it off at seven to one. Obviously, when you do go wrong, set up the figure, study it more carefully than ever, and find out what misled you.
  Remember constantly that the Statistical Method is your one and only safeguard against self-deception.

1.22 - ON THE GIFT-GIVING VIRTUE, #Thus Spoke Zarathustra, #Friedrich Nietzsche, #Philosophy
  14. On the Land of Education: Against modern eclecticism
  and lack of style. "Rather would I be a day laborer in

1.22 - THE END OF THE SPECIES, #The Future of Man, #Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, #Christianity
  additivity, i6ff.; Education as, 20
  aesthetic powers, development of, 6
  and Education, 22; human
  conditions for continuation,
  17; and Education, i8f, 26f,
  I57f; individual and social, 2of.

1.2.2 - The Place of Study in Sadhana, #Letters On Yoga IV, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
    The correspondent asked whether a scholar would progress rapidly in spiritual life if his mind was "developed, large and enlightened through Education".Ed.
  I see no objection to his going on with his studies,whether they will be of any use to him for a life of sadhana will depend on the spirit in which he does them. The really important thing is to develop a state of consciousness in which one can live in the Divine and act from it on the physical world. A mental training and discipline, knowledge of men and things, culture, capacities of a useful kind are a preparation that the sadhak would be all the better for having,even though they are not the one thing indispensable. Education in India gives very little of these things; but if one knows how to study without caring much for the form or for mere academic success, the life of the student can be used for the purpose.

1.23 - Conditions for the Coming of a Spiritual Age, #The Human Cycle, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Therefore a society which was even initially spiritualised would make the revealing and finding of the divine Self in man the supreme, even the guiding aim of all its activities, its Education, its knowledge, its science, its ethics, its art, its economical and political structure. As it was to some imperfect extent in the ancient Vedic times with the cultural Education of the higher classes, so it would be then with all Education. It would embrace all knowledge in its scope, but would make the whole trend and aim and the permeating spirit not mere worldly efficiency, though that efficiency would not be neglected, but this self-developing and self-finding and all else as its powers. It would pursue the physical and psychic sciences not in order merely to know the world and Nature in her processes and to use them for material human ends, but still more to know through and in and under and over all things the Divine in the world and the ways of the Spirit in its masks and behind them. It would make it the aim of ethics not to establish a rule of action whether supplementary to the social law or partially corrective of it, the social law that is after all only the rule, often clumsy and ignorant, of the biped pack, the human herd, but to develop the divine nature in the human being. It would make it the aim of Art not merely to present images of the subjective and objective world, but to see them with the significant and creative vision that goes behind their appearances and to reveal the Truth and Beauty of which things visible to us and invisible are the forms, the masks or the symbols and significant figures.
  A spiritualised society would treat in its sociology the individual, from the saint to the criminal, not as units of a social problem to be passed through some skilfully devised machinery and either flattened into the social mould or crushed out of it, but as souls suffering and entangled in a net and to be rescued, souls growing and to be encouraged to grow, souls grown and from whom help and power can be drawn by the lesser spirits who are not yet adult. The aim of its economics would be not to create a huge engine of production, whether of the competitive or the cooperative kind, but to give to mennot only to some but to all men each in his highest possible measure the joy of work according to their own nature and free leisure to grow inwardly, as well as a simply rich and beautiful life for all. In its politics it would not regard the nations within the scope of their own internal life as enormous State machines regulated and armoured with man living for the sake of the machine and worshipping it as his God and his larger self, content at the first call to kill others upon its altar and to bleed there himself so that the machine may remain intact and powerful and be made ever larger, more complex, more cumbrous, more mechanically efficient and entire. Neither would it be content to maintain these nations or States in their mutual relations as noxious engines meant to discharge poisonous gas upon each other in peace and to rush in times of clash upon each others armed hosts and unarmed millions, full of belching shot and men missioned to murder like war-planes or hostile tanks in a modern battlefield. It would regard the peoples as group-souls, the Divinity concealed and to be self-discovered in its human collectivities, group-souls meant like the individual to grow according to their own nature and by that growth to help each other, to help the whole race in the one common work of humanity. And that work would be to find the divine Self in the individual and the collectivity and to realise spiritually, mentally, vitally, materially its greatest, largest, richest and deepest possibilities in the inner life of all and their outer action and nature.

1.240 - 1.300 Talks, #Talks, #Sri Ramana Maharshi, #Hinduism
  (who feels this to be true) how to carry on Education in such a way that the desire for literacy and intellectual knowledge may not obscure the more important search for the Self? Are the two incompatible? If they are not, then from what age, and by what means, can young people best be stimulated towards the search for the Real Truth within?
  M.: Pride of learning and desire for appreciation are condemned and not learning itself. Learning leading to search for Truth and humility is good.

1.240 - Talks 2, #Talks, #Sri Ramana Maharshi, #Hinduism
  (who feels this to be true) how to carry on Education in such a way that the desire for literacy and intellectual knowledge may not obscure the more important search for the Self? Are the two incompatible? If they are not, then from what age, and by what means, can young people best be stimulated towards the search for the Real Truth within?
  M.: Pride of learning and desire for appreciation are condemned and not learning itself. Learning leading to search for Truth and humility is good.
  D.: Does not Education make a sage more useful to the world than illiteracy?
  M.: Even a learned man must bow before the illiterate sage.
  Illiteracy is ignorance: Education is learned ignorance. Both of them are ignorant of their true aim; whereas a sage is not ignorant because there is no aim for him.
  Talk 356.

1.24 - The Killing of the Divine King, #The Golden Bough, #James George Frazer, #Occultism
  Egypt. Having received a Greek Education which emancipated him from
  the superstitions of his countrymen, Ergamenes ventured to disregard

1.25 - SPIRITUAL EXERCISES, #The Perennial Philosophy, #Aldous Huxley, #Philosophy
  The chief impediments in the way of taking up the practice of some form of mental prayer are ignorance of the Nature of Things (which has never, of course, been more abysmal than in this age of free compulsory Education) and the absorption in self-interest, in positive and negative emotions connected with the passions and with what is technically known as a good time. And when the practice has been taken up, the chief impediments in the way of advance towards the goal of mental prayer are distractions.
  Probably all persons, even the most saintly, suffer to some extent from distractions. But it is obvious that the distractions of one who, in the intervals of mental prayer, leads a dispersed, unrecollected, self-centred life will have more and worse distractions to contend with than a person who lives one-pointedly, never forgetting who he is and how related to the universe and its divine Ground. Some of the most profitable spiritual exercises actually make use of distractions, in such a way that these impediments to self-abandonment, mental silence and passivity in relation to God are transformed into means of progress.

1.26 - Mental Processes - Two Only are Possible, #Magick Without Tears, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  One of the best items of the Education system at the Abbey in Cefal was the weekly Essay. Everyone, including children of five or six, had to write on "The Housing Problem," "Why Athens Decayed," "The Marriage System," "Buddhist Ethics" and the like; the subject didn't matter much; the point was that one had to discover, arrange and condense one's ideas about it, so as to present it in a given number of words, 93 or 156, or 418 as like as not, that number, neither more nor less. A superb discipline for any writer.
  I had a marvellous lesson myself some years earlier. I had cut down a certain ritual of initiation to what I thought were the very barest bones, chiefly to make it easy to commit to memory.[48] Then came a candidate who was deaf not merely "a little hard of hearing;" his tympana were ruptured and the question was How?

1.26 - On discernment of thoughts, passions and virtues, #The Ladder of Divine Ascent, #Saint John of Climacus, #unset
  Those engaged in Education know what studies are suitable for beginners, what for the intermediate and what for teachers. Let us take sensible precautions not to prolong our study and stop in the beginners lessons. For to see an old man going to a childrens school is a great disgrace.
  Here is an excellent alphabet for all:
  Instruction in childhood, Education, studies, when we come of age either help or hinder us in virtue and in the monastic way of life.
  Angels are a light for monks, and the monastic life is a light for all men. Therefore let monks strive to become a good example in everything, giving no occasion of stumbling in anything1 in all their works and words. For if the light becomes darkness, how much darker will be that darkness, that is, those living in the world.

1.27 - AT DAKSHINESWAR, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
  M. had received an English Education. Sri Ramakrishna said to him: "It is not possible for me to eat things offered by anyone and everyone. Do you believe this?"
  M: "Gradually I shall have to believe all these things."

1.300 - 1.400 Talks, #Talks, #Sri Ramana Maharshi, #Hinduism
  D.: Does not Education make a sage more useful to the world than illiteracy?
  M.: Even a learned man must bow before the illiterate sage.
  Illiteracy is ignorance: Education is learned ignorance. Both of them are ignorant of their true aim; whereas a sage is not ignorant because there is no aim for him.
  Talk 356.

1.4.03 - The Guru, #Letters On Yoga II, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Divine that one opens in opening to him, and if something is determined by the power of the channel, more is determined by the inherent and intrinsic attitude of the receiving consciousness, an element that comes out in the surface mind as simple trust or direct unconditional self-giving, and once that is there, the essential things can be gained even from one who seems to others than the disciple an inferior spiritual source and the rest will grow up in the sadhak of itself by the Grace of the Divine, even if the human being in the Guru cannot give it. It is this that Krishnaprem appears to have done perhaps from the first; but in most nowadays this attitude seems to come with difficulty after much hesitation and delay and trouble. In my own case I owe the first decisive turn of my inner life to one who was infinitely inferior to me in intellect, Education and capacity and by no means spiritually perfect or supreme; but, having seen a Power behind him and decided to turn there for help, I gave myself entirely into his hands and followed with an automatic passivity the guidance. He himself was astonished and said to others that he had never met anyone before who could surrender himself so absolutely and without reserve or question to the guidance of the helper. The result was a series of transmuting experiences of such a radical character that he was unable to follow and had to tell me to give myself up in future to the Guide within with the same completeness of surrender as I had shown to the human channel. I give this example to show how these things work; it is not in the calculated way the human reason wants to lay down, but by a more mysterious and greater law.

14.04 - More of Yajnavalkya, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 05, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Last time I told you the story of the great Rishi Yajnavalkya. But that was about the later Yajnavalkya when he had become a full-fledged rishi, a guru with an Ashram and disciples. Today I will tell you something of the earlier Yajnavalkya, the beginning of his rishihood, the start of his spiritual life. You know the structure of the old Indian society, it consisted of four castes, varnas, and four stages, ramas. I shall speak of the ramas now. Each individual person had to follow a definite course of life through developing stages. First of all, naturally, when you are a baby, in your early childhood, you belong to the family and remain with your parents. As soon as you grow up and the time for your Education arrives, you are initiated into a stage called brahmacarya; you may generally call it as the stage of self-discipline, you go to a guru and pursue your studies through a disciplined life, something like the life of the children who are here like you. In those days a student's life did not mean merely studies, that is to say, reading and writing, book knowledge, but as here a very active life. The physical Education in the old time ramas in certain ways was even more complete than what is given here, for it included the art of warfare also, combatives like serious archery and many other items of physical training. When you have terminated this discipline or brahmacarya, when you have become an accomplished young man you are allowed to return to the world, and take to the worldly life, enrich yourself with all experiences of that life, that is to say, you marry and become a family man. It is the second stage called grhashtya. Next when you have fully enjoyed or fulfilled the duty of the worldly life, you pass on to the next stage that is called the vnaprastha . That is the hermit life, the beginning of the true spiritual life. Finally at the end of the vnaprastha, you pass still beyond and adopt the life of the sannyasi, abandoning everything, concentrating wholly on the Supreme Truth and merging into it.
   Now our Yajnavalkya in the normal course of things has passed through the stage of brahmacarya, he has also pursued the stage of domestic life and is now at the end of it. He thinks the time has now come to him to take to spiritual life and enter into vnaprastha. He had married and had two wives. So one day he called the first wife, Katyayani, and said to her: "Katyayani, I am now leaving this life and entering the spiritual life. You have given me comfort and happiness. I am thankful to you for that. Whatever I have, my possessions, movable and immovable, I have divided into two. This is your portion." Katyayani accepted the decision without a murmur. She answered: "Since you are my lord and husband, as you ask me so I shall do." Then Yajnavalkya went to his second wife, Maitreyee; to Maitreyee too he said the same thing as he had said to Katyayani: "Maitreyee, I am leaving this life, I am taking to the spiritual life. I have given to Katyayani her share of my possessions. This is your share." But Maitreyee answered: "Wherever you go, I will follow you, I will also give up the world and its life." Yajnavalkya said: "No Maitreyee, it is a very hard, very difficult life, particularly for a woman. Follow the life to which you have been accustomed. Enjoy freely the possessions I leave you." Then Maitreyee uttered those famous words which you must have heard and which have been ringing through the centuries down to us also, even today: "All these possessions, will they give me immortality?" Yajnavalkya answered: "No, Maitreyee, that they will not give you, it is quite another matter." Maitreyee answered uttering a mantra as it were "What am I to do with that which does not give me immortality?" So Yajnavalkya had to accept her and allow her to accompany him. Now Yajnavalkya gives his first lesson of spiritual life to Maitreyee: "Maitreyee, you love me, so you are coming with me. But do you know the real truth of the matter? The real truth is that you do not love me, but you love the soul that is in you, which is also in me: you love your own self in me. Therefore you love me. And I love you, I love you not for your sake but for the sake of the self in you which is the self in me. All love is like that. A husb and loves his wife, the wife loves her husband, the brother loves his brother or sister, a sister loves her sister or brother, it is not for the sake of the person or the relation but for the sake of the self-one's own self which is in everybody. That is the first lesson which you have to learn. Forget the outer person, your own person or another's person, find the self that is in you and everybody else. That is the basis of the spiritual life."

14.06 - Liberty, Self-Control and Friendship, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 05, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   I was speaking of self-control, self-discipline in your inner being, that is to say, with regard to your desires and impulses and feelings. It is however the same discipline as you follow with regard to your body in the playground. Physical Education means nothing else than controlling and disciplining the body. You control and discipline the body through physical exercises and these mean controlled and guided movements. You have to make these movements in a regular, persistent, ordered and a neat way, it is the way to make your body strong and beautiful. As by means of this physical discipline you secure a strong and beautiful body, even so by the inner discipline, by controlling your passions and impulsions you build an inner body strong and beautiful. Yes, even like a physical body you have a subtle body, a body as it were within this material frame. It is not, however, for that reason, something vague and imprecise, on the contrary, it is very concrete and has a definite shape. As I said, by controlled and directed movements you make this outer body strong and beautiful; the inner body also in the same way through controlled and directed inner movements can be made strong and beautiful. In properly doing the physical exercises, you know, two things are needed: first of all, doing the physical movements according to the rules, in other words, exercising the muscles in a given manner, and then along with it relaxation. Relaxation and exercise should alternate. Relaxation restores the muscles, brings repose to the system and serves as a kind of basic support. In the field of the inner discipline, this relaxation corresponds to what I have called freedom. And the muscular exercises correspond to the exercise of your will and consciousness in regard to the inner body.
   The building up of the inner beautiful body has a great influence upon the building of the physical body, it adds something, it gives a feeling of inherent capacity, firmness and charm even to the physical frame.
   Bulletin of Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education, August 1961, pp. 38-41. "That should be the basis of the attitude which one has the right to expect from a true friend: he must not wish that you should be like him, but that you should be on the contrary, what you are.
   And I wrote, "Our best friend is he who loves us in our best part." In a more positive way, I would say: he who encourages you to descend to the lowest level in you, who drives you to do stupid things with him or become vicious along with him or approves all that is vile in you is not your friend. And yet, very often, much too often, you make a friend of him with whom you do not feel uneasy when you are below your own self. You associate with those who run about instead of going to school, who would steal fruits from gardens, those who poke fun at their teachers and who do all sorts of nasty things. That is why I said, "Such people are not your good friends". But they are the friends who are very comfortable, because they never give you the impression that you are in the wrong. Whereas if one comes and tells you, "I say, instead of roaming about doing nothing or doing stupid things, why not go to your class, don't you think it would be better?" To such a person you would generally reply, "you are troublesome, you are not my friend." One should regard him only as his best friend who refuses to take part in a bad or ugly act, who encourages you to resist all lower temptations. He is indeed your friend."

1.48 - Morals of AL - Hard to Accept, and Why nevertheless we Must Concur, #Magick Without Tears, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  Now here I must tell you a story which may throw a good deal of light on much that is obscure in the political situation of '25 to date. The venerable lady (S.H. Soror I.W.E. 8 = 3[92]) who, on the death of S.H. Frater 8 = 3 Otto Gebhardi, succeeded him as my representative in Germany (note that all this pertains to the AA; the O.T.O. is not directly concerned) attained the Grade of Hermit (AL I, 40). Watching the situation in Europe, she became constantly more convinced that Adolf Hitler was her "Magical child;" and she conceived it to be her duty to devote her life (for the Hermit "gives only of his Light unto men") to his Magical Education. Knowing that the hegemony of the world would fall to the nation that first accepted the Law of Thelema, she made haste to put the Book of the Law in the hands of her "child." Upon him it most undoubtedly made the deepest impression, especially as she swore him most solemnly to secrecy as to the source of his power. (Obviously, he would not wish to share it with other.). From time to time, when circumstances suggested it, she wrote to him, enclosing pertinent sections of my commentary, of which I had given her a copy at the time of the "Zeugnis."[AC43]
  Had Hitler been a less abnormal character, no great "Mischief," or at least a very different kind of "mischief," might have come of it. I think you have read Hitler speaks if not, do so his private conversation abounds in what sound almost like actual quotations from the Book of the Law. But he public man's private conversation can be repeated on the platform only at the risk of his political life; and he served up to the people only such concoctions as would tickle their gross palates. Worse still, he was the slave of his prophetic frenzy; he had not undertaken the balancing regimen of the Curriculum of AA; and, worst of all, he was very far indeed from being a full initiate, even in the loosest sense of the term. His Weltanschauung was accordingly a mass of personal and political prejudice; he had no true cosmic comprehension, no true appreciation of First Principles; and he was tossed about in every direction by the varied conflicting forces that naturally concentrated their energies ever more strenuously upon him as his personal position became more and more the dominating factor, first in domestic and then in European politics. I warned our S.H. Soror repeatedly that she ought to correct these tendencies; but she already saw the success of her plans within her grasp, and refused to believe that this success itself would alarm the world into combining to destroy him. "But we have the Book," she confidently retorted, failing to see that the other powers in extremity would be compelled to adopt those identical principles. Of course, as you know, it has happened as I foresaw; only a remnant of piety-purefied Prelates and sloppy sentimentalists still hold out against the Book of the Law, sabotage the victory, and will turn the Peace into a shambles of surrender if we are fools enough to give ear to their caterwauling as in the story of the highly-esteemed tomcat, when at last one of his fans obtained an interview; "all he could do was to talk about his operation."

15.03 - A Canadian Question, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 05, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Notes on the Way: Bulletin of Sri Aurobindo International Centre of EducationAugust 1972 (Notes on 25-3-72).
   Sri Aurobindo:Letters on Yoga, Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library, Vol. 22, pp. 307-8.

1.55 - Money, #Magick Without Tears, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  A couple of Japanese wrestlers may be worth more than Phidias, Robert Browning, Titian and Mozart in terms of butchers' meat. We might alter that incorrect truism "money cannot by anything worth having" to "things worth having cannot be estimated in terms of money." You see, no counting. The operation to save your child's life: do you care if the surgeon wants five pounds or fifty? Of course, you may not have the fifty, or be obliged to retrench in other ways to get it; but it makes no odds as to what you feel about it. What is the value of a University Education? The answer is that it is a pure gamble. The student may use his advantages to make a rich marriage, to attract the wife of a millionaire, to earn a judgeship or a post in the Cabinet, to earn 500 a year as a doctor, 150 as a schoolmaster or he may die in the process. So with all the spiritual values; they are, in the most literal sense, inestimable. So don't start to count!
  Most obviously of all, when it comes to The Great Work, money does not count at all. I do not write of any Magical work, in the restricted sense of the phrase. Shaw says: "Admirals always want more battleships" and J.F.C. Fuller: "if a lawyer, more wretches to hang." It applies to any one whose heart is in his job. (Of course, in this case, money is like all other things of value; nothing counts but the Job.) This, too, is sound Magical doctrine.

1.62 - The Elastic Mind, #Magick Without Tears, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  To develop a mind properly it needs (a) "Lehrjahre" (a first-clas public school and university Education, or the equivalent) when it learns all sides of a question, and is left free to judge for itself and (b) "Wanderjahre," when it sees the world for itself, not by any pre-arranged course (Cooks', Lunns', University Extension, Baedeker) but built up on the results of the Lehrjhre, foot or horseback, and avoid beaten tracks.
  It is the Rosicrucian injunction to "wear the costume of the country in which your are travelling;" this is only another way of saying "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." The object of this is not merely to avoid interference or annoyance, but to teach the mind to think down to the roots of the local customs. You learn also the great lesson of Thelema, that nothing is right or wrong in itself: as we say "Circumstances alter cases." One trains oneself to adapt one's life to the impinging facts: to "cut one's coat according to one's cloth." It leads one to the understanding of that great Principle of Compromise which has kept England's head above water through the tempests of a chiliad.

1.69 - Original Sin, #Magick Without Tears, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  More of this when I answer your letter (just in as I drew rein to read this over) about Education.
  Love is the law, love under will.

1.71 - Morality 2, #Magick Without Tears, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  Cannot I ever get you to understand the difference between an honest and dishonest teacher? I have always made it a rule never to put forward any statement of which I cannot produce proof; when I venture a personal opinion it is always Marked in Plain Figures to that effect. (I refer you to Magick p. 368: p. 375, paragraphs 1 and 2:. and p. 415, paragraphs 000 and 00. We insist from the beginning on the individual character of the work, and upon the necessity of maintaining the objective and sceptical standpoint. You are explicitly warned against reliance upon "authority," even that of the Order itself.) Consider my own assets, personal, social, Educational, experiential and the rest: don't you see that all I had to do was to put out some brightly-coloured and mellifluous lie, and avoid treading on too many toes, to have had hundreds of thousands of idiots worshipping me?
  Please get a Konx om Pax somehow, and read p. XII:

1.72 - Education, #Magick Without Tears, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  object:1.72 - Education
  I refuse to enlarge on this theme; it is all-important. To extract something, you should first know what is there. Here astrology ought to give useful hints; its indications give the mind something to work on. Experience makes "confirmation strong as Holy Writ;" but beware of priori. Do not be dogmatic; do not insist in the face of disappointment. Astrology in Education is useful as geology is to the prospector; it tells you the sort of thing to look for, and the direction in which to explore.
  There are, however, two main lines of teaching which are of universal value to normal children; it is hardly possible to begin too early.
  Our old unvalued friend St. Paul, the cunning crook who turned the Jewish communism of the Apostles into an international ramp, saw in a vision a man from Macedonia who said "Come over and help us!" This time it has been a woman from California, but the purport of her plaints was identical. Much as I should like to see my Father the Sun once more before I die, nothing doing until if ever life recovers from the blight of regulations. Luckily, one thing she said helps us out: someone had told her that I had written on Education in Liber Aleph The Book of Wisdom or Folly which has been ready for the printer for more than a quarter of a century and there's nothing I can do about it!
  However, I looked up the typescript. The book is itself Education; there are, however, six chapters which treat of the subject in the Special sense in which your question has involved us.
  So I shall fling these chapters headlong into this letter.
  P.S. Better mention, perhaps, that literacy is no test of Education. For ignorance of life, the don class leaves all others at the post; and it is these monkish and monkeyish recluses, with their hideous clatter and cackle, "The tittering, thin-bearded, epicene," "Dwarf, fringed with fear," the obscene vole, dweller by and in backwaters that has foisted upon us the grotesque and poisonous superstition that wisdom abides only in dogs-eared, worm-eaten, mule-inspired long-forgotten as misbegotten folios.
  I like the story it is a true tale of the old Jew millionaire who bought up the annual waste of the Pennsylvania Railroad a matter of Three Million Dollars. He called with his cheque very neatly made out and signed it by making his mark! The Railroad Man was naturally flabbergasted, and could not help exclaiming, "Yet you made all those millions of yours what would you have been if only you had been able to read and write?" "Doorkeeper at the Synagogue" was the prompt reply. His illiteracy had disqualified him when he applied for the job after landing.
  No, anything like a real Education demands leisure, the conversation of the wise, the means to travel, and the rest.
  There is only one solution: to pick out the diamonds from the clay, cut them, polish them, and set them as they deserve. Attempt no idiot experiments with the muck of the mine! You will observe that I am advocating an aristocratic revolution. And so I am!
    "Self-confidence must be cultivated in the younger members of the nation from childhood onwards. Their whole Education and training must be directed towards giving them a conviction that they are superior to others", wrote Hitler.
    "In the case of female Education," I read on, "the main stress should be laid on bodily training, after that on character, and, last of all, on the intellect; but the one absolute aim of female Education must be with a view to the future mother."
  They are quoted as an extreme example of all that is horrible and evil by Mr. George E. Chust of the Daily Telegraph from Mein Kampf!
  And what the Tartarus-Tophet-Jehanna has all this to do with Education, and the Great Work? This, child! H. G. Wells and others have pointed out with serene justice that a gap in your vocabulary implies a gap in your mind; you lack the corresponding idea. Too true, "Erbert! But I threap that a pakeha with such xerotes as his will chowter with an arsis of ischonophony, beyond aught that any fub, even in Vigonia and dwale mammodis with a cascade from a Dewan tauty, a kiss-me-quick, a chou over her merkin and a parka over her chudder could do to save him, and have an emprosthotonos, when he reads this. Sruti!
  (Whaur's your Wullie Chaucer noo?)

1.75 - The AA and the Planet, #Magick Without Tears, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  Still, perhaps with a little help from Hashish, one can imagine a Merchant Prince or a Banker being intelligent, or even, in a weak moment, human; and this is not the case with officials. The standard, moreover, of Education and Good Manners, low as it is, is less low in Tory circles.
  As I think that totalitarian methods are already on the way to extinguish the last spark of manly independence that is, in self-styled civilized countries it seems to me that we all should regard with shrewd suspicion any plans for "perfecting" social conditions. The extreme horror is the formula of the gregarious type of insect. Inherent in the premises is the impossibility of advance.

1.79 - Progress, #Magick Without Tears, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  Now, obviously, the robot Education, robot textbooks stuffed in by robot teachers, will have done wonders with the help of the bovine well-being to produce a race of robot boys.
  All independence, all imagination, all spirit of Adventure, will have been ground down and rolled out smooth by this ghastly engine. But
  An Utopia to end Utopias? Very good, so I will. Education, to begin with; well, you've had all that in another letter. The main thing to remember is that I want every individual taught as such, according to his own special qualities. Then, teach them both sides of every question: history, for example, as the play of economic forces, also, as due to the intervention of Divine Providence, or of "Sports" of genius: and so for the rest. Train them to doubt and to dare!
  Then, somehow, as large a number of the most promising rebels should be selected to lead a life of luxury and leisure. Let every country, by dint of honouring its old traditions, be as different as possible from every other. Restore the "Grand tour," or rather, the roving Englishman of the Nineteenth Century. Entrust them with the secrets of discipline, of authority, or power. Hardship and danger in full measure: and responsibility.

1.81 - Method of Training, #Magick Without Tears, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  Some of this sounds rather advanced and technical; but it ought to give you the general idea. You should begin with your parents and the family traditions; the circumstances of your birth and Education; your social position; your financial situation; your physique, health, illnesses; your vita sexualis; your hobbies and amusements; what you are good at, what not; how you came to be interested in the Great Work; what (if you have been on false trails, Theosophists, Anthroposophagists, sham Rosicrucians, etc.) has been "your previous condition of servitude;" how you found me, and decided to enlist my aid.
  That, by itself, helps you to understand yourself, and me to understand you.

1929-04-14 - Dangers of Yoga - Two paths, tapasya and surrender - Impulses, desires and Yoga - Difficulties - Unification around the psychic being - Ambition, undoing of many Yogis - Powers, misuse and right use of - How to recognise the Divine Will - Accept things that come from Divine - Vital devotion - Need of strong body and nerves - Inner being, invariable, #Questions And Answers 1929-1931, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  Whatever difference there is between the West and the East in relation to spiritual life lies not in the inner being or nature, which is an invariable and constant thing, but in the mental habits, in the modes of outer expression and presentation which are the result of Education and environment and other external conditions. All people, whether occidental or oriental, are alike in their deepest feelings; they are different in their way of thinking. Sincerity, for example, is a quality which is the same everywhere. Those who are sincere, to whichever nation they belong, are all sincere in the same way. Only the forms given to this sincerity vary. The mind works in different ways in different peoples, but the heart is the same everywhere; the heart is a much truer reality, and the differences belong to the superficial parts. As soon as you go deep enough, you meet something that is one in all. All meet in the Divine. The sun is the symbol of the Divine in the physical nature. Clouds may modify its appearance, but when they are no longer there, you see it is the same sun always and everywhere.
  If you cannot feel one with somebody, it means you have not gone deep enough in your feeling.

1929-04-21 - Visions, seeing and interpretation - Dreams and dreaml and - Dreamless sleep - Visions and formulation - Surrender, passive and of the will - Meditation and progress - Entering the spiritual life, a plunge into the Divine, #Questions And Answers 1929-1931, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  Spiritual experience means the contact with the Divine in oneself (or without, which comes to the same thing in that domain). And it is an experience identical everywhere in all countries, among all peoples and even in all ages. If you meet the Divine, you meet it always and everywhere in the same way. Difference comes in because between the experience and its formulation there is almost an abyss. Directly you have spiritual experience, which takes place always in the inner consciousness, it is translated into your external consciousness and defined there in one way or another according to your Education, your faith, your mental predisposition. There is only one truth, one reality; but the forms through which it may be expressed are many.
  What was the nature of Jeanne dArcs vision?

1929-06-09 - Nature of religion - Religion and the spiritual life - Descent of Divine Truth and Force - To be sure of your religion, country, family-choose your own - Religion and numbers, #Questions And Answers 1929-1931, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  Each time that something of the Divine Truth and the Divine Force comes down to manifest upon earth, some change is effected in the earths atmosphere. In the descent, those who are receptive are awakened to some inspiration from it, some touch, some beginning of sight. If they were capable of holding and expressing rightly what they receive, they would say, A great force has come down; I am in contact with it and what I understand of it, I will tell you. But most of them are not capable of that, because they have small minds. They get illumined, possessed, as it were, and cry, I have the Divine Truth, I possess it whole and entire. There are now upon earth at least two dozen Christs, if not as many Buddhas; India alone can supply any number of Avatars, not to speak of minor manifestations. But in this way, the whole thing begins to look grotesque; but if you see what is behind, it is not so stupid as it seems at the first glance. The truth is that the human personality has come in contact with some Being, some Power, and under the influence of Education and tradition calls it Buddha or Christ or by any other familiar name. It is difficult to affirm that it was Buddha himself or the very Christ with whom there was the contact, but none can assert either that the inspiration did not come from that which inspired the Christ or the Buddha. These human vessels may very well have received the inspiration from some such source. If they were modest and simple, they would be content to say that much and no more; they would say, I have received this inspiration from such and such a Great One, but instead they proclaim, I am that Great One. I knew one who affirmed that he was both Christ and Buddha! He had received something, had experienced a truth, had seen the Divine Presence in himself and in others. But the experience was too strong for him, the truth too great. He became half crazy and the next day went out into the streets, proclaiming that in him Christ and Buddha had become one.
  One Divine Consciousness is here working through all these beings, preparing its way through all these manifestations. At this day it is here at work upon earth more powerfully than it has ever been before. There are some who receive its touch in some way, or to some degree; but what they receive they distort, they make their own thing out of it. Others feel the touch but cannot bear the force and go mad under the pressure. But some have the capacity to receive and the strength to bear, and it is they who will become the vessels of the full knowledge, the chosen instruments and agents.

1929-07-28 - Art and Yoga - Art and life - Music, dance - World of Harmony, #Questions And Answers 1929-1931, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  The discipline of Art has at its centre the same principle as the discipline of Yoga. In both the aim is to become more and more conscious; in both you have to learn to see and feel something that is beyond the ordinary vision and feeling, to go within and bring out from there deeper things. Painters have to follow a discipline for the growth of the consciousness of their eyes, which in itself is almost a Yoga. If they are true artists and try to see beyond and use their art for the expression of the inner world, they grow in consciousness by this concentration, which is not other than the consciousness given by Yoga. Why then should not Yogic consciousness be a help to artistic creation? I have known some who had very little training and skill and yet through Yoga acquired a fine capacity in writing and painting. Two examples I can cite to you. One was a girl who had no Education whatever; she was a dancer and danced tolerably well. After she took up Yoga, she danced only for friends; but her dancing attained a depth of expression and beauty which was not there before. And although she was not educated, she began to write wonderful things; for she had visions and expressed them in the most beautiful language. But there were ups and downs in her Yoga, and when she was in a good condition, she wrote beautifully, but otherwise was quite dull and stupid and uncreative. The second case is that of a boy who had studied art, but only just a little. The son of a diplomat, he had been trained for the diplomatic career; but he lived in luxury and his studies did not go far. Yet as soon as he took up Yoga, he began to produce inspired drawings which carried the expression of an inner knowledge and were symbolic in character; in the end he became a great artist.
  Why are artists generally irregular in their conduct and loose in character?

1950-12-23 - Concentration and energy, #Questions And Answers 1950-1951, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  Mother reads out her article "Concentration and Dispersion" (On Education), then comments on it:
  To solve a problem, to learn a lesson, a lot of concentration and attention is needed, everyone knows thatan intellectual attention and concentration. But concentration is not only an intellectual thing, it may be found in all the activities of the being, including bodily activities. The control over the nerves should be such as would allow you a complete concentration on what you are doing and, through the very intensity of your concentration, you acquire an immediate response to external touches. To attain this concentration you need a conscious control of the energies.

1950-12-25 - Christmas - festival of Light - Energy and mental growth - Meditation and concentration - The Mother of Dreams - Playing a game well, and energy, #Questions And Answers 1950-1951, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  Then Mother reads the first part of her article Energy Inexhaustible (On Education).
  How is it that as mental activities increase, the capacity to renew ones energies diminishes?
  Energy Inexhaustible, On Education
  In these articles I am trying to put into ordinary terms the whole yogic terminology, for these Bulletins are meant more for people who lead an ordinary life, though also for students of yoga I mean people who are primarily interested in a purely physical material life but who try to attain more perfection in their physical life than is usual in ordinary conditions. It is a very difficult task but it is a kind of yoga. These people call themselves materialists and they are apt to get agitated or irritated if yogic terms are used, so one must speak their language avoiding terms likely to shock them. But I have known in my life persons who called themselves materialists and yet followed a much severer discipline than those who claim to do yoga.

1950-12-28 - Correct judgment., #Questions And Answers 1950-1951, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  Mother reads out her article "Correct Judgment" (On Education). After examining various elements that falsify our judgment, Mother adds this commentary:
  The sense organs are under the influence of the psychological state of the individual because something comes in between the eyes perception and the brains reception. It is very subtle; the brain receives the eyes perceptions through the nerves; there is no reasoning, it is so to say instantaneous, but there is a short passage between the eyes perception and the cell which is to respond and evaluate it in the brain. And it is this evaluation of the brain which is under the influence of feelings. It is the small vibration between what the eye sees and what the brain estimates which often falsifies the response. And it is not a question of good faith, for even the most sincere persons do not know what is happening, even very calm people, without any violent emotion, who do not even feel an emotion, are influenced in this way without being aware of the intervention of this little falsifying vibration.
  Correct Judgment, On Education
  I say objective perception. To see objectively is to see and judge without adding anything from oneself, free from all personal reaction. One must learn to see a thing without mixing up in it any personal feelings.

1950-12-30 - Perfect and progress. Dynamic equilibrium. True sincerity., #Questions And Answers 1950-1951, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  Tournaments, On Education
  What is perfection?
  Tournaments, On Education
  When you are absolutely sincere, you make a constant effort to live in harmony with the highest ideal of your being, the truth of your being. At every moment, in all that you think, all that you feel and all that you do, you try as perfectly as possible, as completely as possible, to put yourself in harmony with the highest ideal or, if you are conscious of it, with the truth of your being then you have reached true sincerity. And if you are like that, if truly you do not act from egoistic motives or for personal reasons, if you act guided by your inner truth, that is, if you are perfectly sincere, it is absolutely the same to you whether the whole world judges you in one way or another. In this state of perfect sincerity you do not need to appear good or to be approved by others, for the first thing you experience when you are in harmony with your true consciousness is that you do not care what you look like. Whether you look like this or like that, whether you seem indifferent, cold, distant, proud, all this is of no importance; provided, I repeat this, you are absolutely sincere, that is, you never forget that you live in order to realise your inner, central truth.

1951-01-04 - Transformation and reversal of consciousness., #Questions And Answers 1950-1951, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  Mother reads out her article "Transformation" (On Education), then comments on it:
  We want an integral transformation, the transformation of the body and all its activities.

1951-01-08 - True vision and understanding of the world. Progress, equilibrium. Inner reality - the psychic. Animals and the psychic., #Questions And Answers 1950-1951, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  Naturally, if a child gets a disastrous Education, it will try ever harder to extinguish within itself this little true thing, and sometimes it succeeds so well that it loses all contact with it, and also the power of distinguishing between good and evil. That is why I insist upon this, and I say that from their infancy children must be taught that there is an inner realitywithin themselves, within the earth, within the universe and that they, the earth and the universe exist only as a function of this truth, and that if it did not exist the child would not last, even the short time that it does, and that everything would dissolve even as it comes into being. And because this is the real basis of the universe, naturally it is this which will triumph; and all that opposes this cannot endure as long as this does, because it is That, the eternal thing which is at the base of the universe.
  It is not a question, of course, of giving a child philosophical explanations, but he could very well be given the feeling of this kind of inner comfort, of satisfaction, and sometimes, of an intense joy when he obeys this little very silent thing within him which will prevent him from doing what is contrary to it. It is on an experience of this kind that teaching may be based. The child must be given the impression that nothing can endure if he does not have within himself this true satisfaction which alone is permanent.

1951-01-11 - Modesty and vanity - Generosity, #Questions And Answers 1950-1951, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  Mother comments upon some of the qualities enumerated in her article "What a Child Should Always Remember" (On Education).
  "To be modest"

1951-01-13 - Aim of life - effort and joy. Science of living, becoming conscious. Forces and influences., #Questions And Answers 1950-1951, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  The Science of Living, On Education
  The Science of Living, On Education
  To know oneself and control oneself1 what does this mean?
    "The Science of Living", On Education

1951-01-15 - Sincerity - inner discernment - inner light. Evil and imbalance. Consciousness and instruments., #Questions And Answers 1950-1951, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  The Science of Living, On Education
  One must be clearly aware of the origin of ones movements because there are contradictory velleities in the beingsome pushing you here, others pushing you there, and that obviously creates a chaos in life. If you observe yourself, you will see that as soon as you do something which disturbs you a little, the mind immediately gives you a favourable reason to justify yourselfthis mind is capable of gilding everything. In these conditions it is difficult to know oneself. One must be absolutely sincere to be able to do it and to see clearly into all the little falsehoods of the mental being.

1951-01-20 - Developing the mind. Misfortunes, suffering; developed reason. Knowledge and pure ideas., #Questions And Answers 1950-1951, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  The Science of Living, On Education
  Unfortunately, most people, the more they think, the more they believe themselves superior. The mind is satisfied with itself and does not aspire much for progressit thinks it knows everything. And many people believe that their way of thinking is the best; they cannot understand that there are always several ways of thinking about the same subject. And the more their thought is strong and precise, the more are they convinced that there is only one way of thinking. That is why I have said here that certain exercises can enlarge your thought and give you the habit of seeing things from several points of view at the same time:
  The Science of Living, On Education
  Give me a thesis.

1951-01-25 - Needs and desires. Collaboration of the vital, mind an accomplice. Progress and sincerity - recognising faults. Organising the body - illness - new harmony - physical beauty., #Questions And Answers 1950-1951, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  The Science of Living, On Education
  It is very difficult to find the borderland between a true need and a desire (the yogic ideal, of course, is never to have any need, and therefore not to want anything), but this essay is written for all men of goodwill who try to know themselves and control themselves. And there we really face a problem which compels an extraordinary sincerity, for the very first way in which the vital meets life is through desire and yet, there are necessities. But how to know if things are really necessary, not desired?For that you must observe yourself very, very attentively, and if there is anything in you which produces something like a small intense vibration, then you may be sure that there lies a desire. For example, you say, This food is necessary for meyou believe, you imagine, you think that you need such and such a thing and you find the necessary means to obtain the thing. To know if it is a need or a desire, you must look at yourself very closely and ask yourself, What will happen if I cannot get the thing? Then if the immediate answer is, Oh, it will be very bad, you may be sure that it is a matter of desire. It is the same for everything. For every problem you draw back, look at yourself and ask, Let us see, am I going to have the thing? If at that moment something in you jumps up with joy, you may be certain there is a desire. On the other hand, if something tells you, Oh, I am not going to get it, and you feel very depressed, then again it is a desire.
  The Science of Living, On Education
  It is this which is so wonderful. I believe the vital is very conscious of its power and that is why it is important: it has that dynamic energy which makes no difficulty too difficult for it; but it must be on the right side. If it collaborates, everything is wonderful, but it is not easy to get from it this constant collaboration. It is a very good worker, it works very, very well, but in working it seeks always its own satisfaction, it wants to get something from the work, all the pleasure that can be drawn from it, all the advantage that can be had, and when this satisfaction is not given for one reason or another (there may be many reasons), it is not happy, not at all happy: Thats not fair, I work, and I am given nothing in return; then it sulks, it does not move, it keeps mum, and at times it says, I do not exist. Then all energy runs out from the body, you get tired, exhausted, you can no longer do anything. And all of a sudden this becomes worse, for I must tell you that the mind is very friendly with the vitalnot the reasoning mind but the physical mind is very, very friendly with the vital; so, as soon as the vital begins to say, I have nothing to do with that, I have been badly treated, I wont have anything to do with it, the mind naturally comes in to encourage it, to explain, give good reasons, and it is the same old story: Life is not worth living, people are truly disgusting and all circumstances are against me, it is better to leave it all, and so on. This happens very often, but at times there is a little glimmer of reason somewhere which tells you, Ah, enough of this comedy!
  The Science of Living, On Education
  And the last consolation. For those who are truly sincere, truly good-willed, all these fits can be changed into a means for progress. Each time that you have an attack of this kind, a sort of storm, you can change the crisis into a new progress, into one more step towards the goal. If precisely you have the necessary sincerity to look straight in the face, within you, at the cause of the fit the wrong you have done, the wrong you have thought, the wrong you have feltif you see the weakness, the violence or the vanity (for I forgot to tell you that the vital is much more full of vanity than the mind), if you look at all that full in the face and if you recognise honestly and sincerely that what has happened is due to your fault, then you are able to put a red-hot iron as it were on the affected spot. You can purify the weakness and turn it into a new consciousness. And you find after the storm that you have grown a little more, you have truly made a progress.
  The Science of Living, On Education
  If I lay stress here upon defects and difficulties, it is not to discourage you from making an effort but to tell you that you must do things with the necessary courage and precisely not be disheartened because you are not successful at once; but if the aspiration is there in you, if the will is there in you, it is absolutely certain that sooner or later you will succeed. And I am saying this for people who live in very ordinary circumstances, less favourable perhaps than yours, but who can, even so, learn to know themselves and conquer themselves, master themselves, control themselves. Therefore, if the conditions are favourable you have a much greater chance of succeeding. One thing is always necessary, not to give up the game for it is a great game and the result is worth the trouble of playing it through.
  Lastly, we must, by means of a rational and clear-seeing physical Education, make our body strong and supple so that it may become in the material world a fit instrument for the truth-force which wills to manifest through us.
  The Science of Living, On Education
  It is much easier to organise the body than the vital, for instance. But the mind and the vital, with the character and temperament they have, what do they not do with this poor slave of a body! After having ill-treated it, perhaps ruined it (it protests a little, falls ill a little), this is what the two accomplices say: What a beast is this body, it cannot follow us in our movement! Unhappily, the body obeys its masters, the mind and the vital, blindly, without any discrimination. The mind comes along with its theories: You must not eat that, it will harm you; you must not do that, it is bad, and if the mind is not wise and clear-sighted, the poor body suffers the consequences of the orders it receives. I do not speak of the orders it receives from the vital. The mind with its rigid principles and the vital with its excesses and outbursts and passions are quick to destroy the bodys equilibrium and to create a condition of fatigue, exhaustion and illness.
  The Science of Living, On Education
  That is evidently the cure of all ills.
  The Science of Living, On Education
  During the last war, it was proved that the body was capable of enduring such suffering as is normally impossible to endure. You have surely read or heard these stories of war in which the body was made to suffer and endure terrible things, and it withstood all that, it proved that it had almost inexhaustible capacities of endurance. Some people happened to be under conditions that should have killed them; if they survived, it was because they had in them a very strong will to survive and the body obeyed that will.
  The Science of Living, On Education
  That is the last stage. If you compare the human body as it now is with a higher ideal of beauty, obviously very few would pass the examination. In almost everyone there is a sort of unbalance in the proportions; we are so accustomed to it that we do not notice it, but if we look from the standpoint of the higher beauty, it becomes visible; very few bodies would bear comparison with perfect beauty. There are a thousand reasons for this unbalance but only one remedy, to instil into the being this instinct, this sense of true beauty, a supreme beauty which will gradually act on the cells and make the body capable of expressing beauty. This is still a thing which is not known: the body is infinitely more plastic than you believe. You must have surely noticed (perhaps very vaguely) that those who live in an inner peace, in an inner beauty, a light, and perfect goodwill, have an expression which is not quite the same as of people who live in bad thoughts, in the lower part of their nature. When the human being is at his best, above his base animality, he reflects something which is not there when he lives in a state of bestiality.
  The Science of Living, On Education
  This is a thing very little known among mystics and religious people: in each part of the being the Divine manifests Himself differently. In the higher parts He manifests as Power, Love, etc., but in the physical He manifests as Harmony and Beauty.

1951-02-10 - Liberty and license - surrender makes you free - Men in authority as representatives of the divine Truth - Work as offering - total surrender needs time - Effort and inspiration - will and patience, #Questions And Answers 1950-1951, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   This is precisely one of the things that I wanted to tell you. Education is a sacerdocy, teaching is a sacerdocy, and to be at the head of a State is a sacerdocy. Then, if the person who fulfils this role aspires to fulfil it in the highest and the most true way, the general condition of the world can become much better. Unfortunately, most people never think about this at all, they fill their role somehownot to speak of the innumerable people who work only to earn money, but in this case their activity is altogether rotten, naturally. That was my very first basis in forming the Ashram: that the work done here be an offering to the Divine.
   Instead of letting oneself go in the stream of ones nature, of ones mood, one must constantly keep in mind this kind of feeling that one is a representative of the Supreme Knowledge, the Supreme Truth, the Supreme Law, and that one must apply it in the most honest, the most sincere way one can; then one makes great progress oneself and can make others also progress. And besides, one will be respected, there will be no more indiscipline in the class, for there is in every human being something that recognises and bows down before true greatness; even the worst criminals are capable of admiring a noble and disinterested act. Therefore when children feel in a teacher, in a school master, this deep aspiration to act according to the truth, they listen to you with an obedience which you would not get if one day you were in a good mood and the next day you were not, which is disastrous for everybody.

1951-03-01 - Universe and the Divine - Freedom and determinism - Grace - Time and Creation- in the Supermind - Work and its results - The psychic being - beauty and love - Flowers- beauty and significance - Choice of reincarnating psychic being, #Questions And Answers 1950-1951, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   If a psychic being sees from its psychic world a light on the earth, it may rush down there without knowing exactly where it is. Everything is possible. But if the psychic being is very conscious, sufficiently conscious, it will seek the light of aspiration in a precise place, because of the culture, the Education it will find there. This happens much more frequently than one believes, especially in somewhat educated circles. An intelligent woman with some artistic or philosophical culture, a beginning of conscious individuality, may aspire that the child she is going to have may be the best possible according to her idea or according to what she has read. Hence it is not so very complicated to find a place. The number of psychic beings born constantly being considerable, if each time exceptional conditions have to be found it would be difficult. Surely, there are instances where the psychic being seems to have fallen headlong and been stunned, but this is bad luck; in such a case it generally requires a long time to wake up. It is bad luck in the sense that it probably lacked a certain power of discrimination, or perhaps it had to face certain forces which thwarted its decision and won a partial victory over it. There are a thousand possibilities, you know. One cannot say that everything goes according to the same planevery psychic being is different.
   Returning to the definition of the word "pre-existent", Mother added the following commentary at the time of the publication of this talk: "Sat, that is, absolute Existence, is not in the Manifestation; it exists without being manifested; it is the non-manifest state of existence. There is Tat which is the state of non-existence and Sat which is the state of existence; and Tat naturally is not manifested, but Sat also is not manifested: it is only when Chit-Tapas comes, the Consciousness-Energy, the Consciousness which realises, that Sat manifests itself."

1951-03-12 - Mental forms - learning difficult subjects - Mental fortress - thought - Training the mind - Helping the vital being after death - ceremonies - Human stupidities, #Questions And Answers 1950-1951, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   That is due to many thingsto the formation of the brain, to atavism, to the early years of Education, particularly to atavism. But there is a very interesting phenomenon here: each new idea forms a kind of small convolution in the brain, and that takes time. You see, you are told something which you have never heard before; you listen, but it is incomprehensible, it does not penetrate into your head. But if you hear the same thing a second time, a little later, it makes sense. It is because the shock of the new idea has done a little work in the brain and prepared just what was necessary for understanding. And not only does it build itself up, but it perfects itself. That is why if you read a difficult book, at the end of six months or a year you will understand it infinitely better than at the first reading and, at times, in a very different way. This work in the brain is done without the participation of your active consciousness. The way the human being is at present constituted, the time factor must always be taken into account.
   Is it the brain or the presence of thought that produces the shock?

1951-04-17 - Unity, diversity - Protective envelope - desires - consciousness, true defence - Perfection of physical - cinema - Choice, constant and conscious - law of ones being - the One, the Multiplicity - Civilization- preparing an instrument, #Questions And Answers 1950-1951, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Listen. Would you ask whether a fatal illness is favourable to health or not? It is exactly that. A civilisation, whatever it may be, is the result of very long efforts to become conscious of oneself, of Nature, and to master this Nature and draw the best possible advantage from it. We were saying a while ago that the training of the physical being consists in preparing an instrument so that the Divine may manifest Himself. A civilisation prepares an instrument so that the Divine may manifest in that instrument. The more slowly, carefully, minutely the civilisation is worked out, and succeeds in conquering the laws of Nature, the more favourable is the instrument to the manifestation of the Divine. That is why we also have this idea of the prolongation of life, it is to be able to perfect the instrument so as to manifest the divine Force which wants to manifest. Otherwise, it would evidently be much easier, as soon as the body became a little ill or a little old or incapable of reacting as it did when young, to do what one does with an old torn dressone throws it away and gets another. Unfortunately, it is not like that. All the fruit of the work, all the accumulated effort to become conscious is lost. If, for instance, this civilisation we have built, which in a way has so considerably mastered the forces of Nature, which has succeeded in understanding laws of an altogether unique order and has accumulated so many experiences of all kinds to reach self-understanding and self-expression, if all this disappeared, it would be necessary, naturally, to begin all over again. And then, for a new-born child, how many years of slow and insipid Education are needed for its brain to be ready to express even a simple general idea, for its movements to be conscious instead of being absolutely unconscious, how many years! For a civilisation, how many years would be necessary simply to get back all that is lost? There have been many civilisations on the earth, there are scientists trying to rediscover what has been, but nobody can say with certitude exactly what was there: the major part of these civilisations is completely lost (I am speaking of civilisations preceding this one which for us is historical) . Well, if thousands of years are yet needed to begin another, obviously. In any case, for our external human consciousness, it is a loss of time. But we are told that the Work to be done, the promised Realisation is going to take place now. It is going to take place now because the framework of this civilisation seems to be favourable as a platform or a base for building up. But if this civilisation is destroyed, upon what are we going to build? First a foundation platform must be made in order to be able to build. If five or ten thousand years are still needed to make this platform, this proves that it is not now that things will be donethey will be done, that is well understood, they will be done, but How many lives have you all had? What do you remember of your past lives? What is the good of all the efforts you have made in your past lives to perfect yourselves, to try to understand yourselves, to master yourselves a little, simply to make use of the instrument which has been given to you? What remains to you of all that? Will you tell me? Who here can tell me that he is consciously profiting by the experiences of his past livesunconsciously there is something which remains but not much but consciously? No one will answer?
   No, precisely, one has the impression that after having lived so long, one is only beginning to know a very little.

1951-04-28 - Personal effort - tamas, laziness - Static and dynamic power - Stupidity - psychic and intelligence - Philosophies- different languages - Theories of Creation - Surrender of ones being and ones work, #Questions And Answers 1950-1951, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Do you mean whether one can get rid of stupidity? Yes, there is a way. It is not easy, but there is a way. I have known people who were extremely stupid, truly stupid; well, these people succeeded through aspirationan aspiration which was not formulated, had not even the power to express itself in wordssucceeded in coming into contact with their psychic being. It was not a constant contact, it was momentary, at times very fugitive. But while they were in contact with their psychic being, they became remarkably intelligent, they said wonderful things. I knew a girl who had no Education, nothing, truly stupid; people said, There is nothing to be done about it, it is not possible. Well, when she was in contact with her psychic being, she understood the profoundest things and made astounding remarks. But when the contact stopped she became stupid once again. It was not something permanent, it was only the contact that took away her stupidity. So, it is a difficult cure, that is, one must establish the contact with ones psychic being and keep it always.
   There is a Muslim legend like that about Christ. You know the story: Christ healed the sick, made the lame walk, the blind see and even raised the dead. Seeing all these miracles, someone went up to Christ and said, Oh! I have a very interesting case to put before you. Yes, I have a son who is stupid. Christ opened his eyes wide and ran away! It seems that was the only thing he could not do! This is a joke, of course, and the thing is difficult, but it is possible.

1953-05-27, #Questions And Answers 1953, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But one may have a perception, and a very concrete perception of the Divine Presence, yes. One may have a very personal contact with the Divine, yes. But not in this way. And it is inexpressible, except for those who have had the experience. If you do not have an experience, I could speak to you for hours about it, you would understand nothing; it escapes all explanation. It is only when one has the experience that one can understand. And what do you expect? When you speak or write about things, there is necessarily a mental addition, otherwise you would not be able to speak, you would not be able to write. Well, it is this mental addition that has made people try to give an explanation of their experience, and then they have said or written things like this: I see images of God. These are ways of speaking. It is possible that the thing you are speaking about may happen: to be suddenly in a particular state and see a Divine Presence and this Presence taking a form thats familiar to youone is accustomed to associate certain forms with the Divine, due to ones Education, tradition, and that takes an external form. But it is not the supreme essence of the experience, it is the form, and this gives a sort of limitation to the experience, it must take away from it its universality and a great deal of its power.
   Obviously, what has happened had to happen; it would not have happened, if it had not been intended. Even the mistakes that we have committed and the adversities that fell upon us had to be, because there was some necessity in them, some utility for our lives. But in truth these things cannot be explained mentally and should not be. For all that happened was necessary, not for any mental reason, but to lead us to something beyond what the mind imagines. But is there any need to explain after all? The whole universe explains everything at every moment and a particular thing happens because the whole universe is what it is.
   See On Education, CWM Vol. 12, pp. 64-71.
   At the time of the first publication of this talk, in 1968, Mother added the following commentary: "What is important is to keep the consciousness of the Presence, that is, the Presence must be concrete, and then all that one does and all that one sayswhatever one may do and whatever one may sayit is this Presence that expresses itself."

1953-06-10, #Questions And Answers 1953, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The truth is that the teacher, instead of basing his course on a text-book, should take the trouble of preparing the course himself. He must know enough and take sufficient pains to prepare his course from day to day, and in this way he will close a subject only when I do not say when everyone has understood, for that is impossible but at least when those whom he considers the interesting elements of his class have understood. Then the next subject is taken up. And if that continues, if a particular type of subject extends over two years instead of one or for a year and a half instead of two, it matters little; because it is his own production, his own course written by him and he writes according to the need of his class. That is my conception of teaching. Now, it has indeed its difficulties. But that is the true way of working, because by taking a book and following it, particularly a book which may very well be not at all suited to the students. I do not say that a particular course could suit all, it is impossible to satisfy everybody. But there are those who want to make an effort; it is these that you must consider. Those who are lazy, somnolent or indolentwell, you must leave them to their laziness or somnolence or indolence. If they want to sleep all their lives, let them sleep until something shakes them up sufficiently and awakens them! But what is interesting in a class is the section that wishes to learn, those who really want to learn and it is for them that the class should be taken. Dont you see, the present method of Education is a kind of levelling; everyone must be at the same stage. So those who have their heads higher up have them cut off, and those who are too small are pushed up from below. But that doesnt do any good. One must be concerned only with those who come up, the others will take what they can. And indeed I do not see any necessity for everybody knowing the same thing for that is not normal. But those who want to know and who can know, those who must work, these should be given all possible means for working, must be pushed up as much as possible, must always be given new food. They are the hungry ones, they must be fed. Ah! If I had the time I would take a class. That would interest me much, to show how it must be done. Only one cannot be everywhere at the same time!
   There you are, my children, now it is very late. Good night.

1953-07-01, #Questions And Answers 1953, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I believe there are many of these spirits of death, I believe there are hundreds. I have met at least two of them. One I met in France and the other in Japan, and they were very different; which leads one to believe that probably in accordance with the mental culture, the Education, the country and beliefs there should be different spirits. But there are spirits of all the manifestations of Nature: there are spirits of fire, spirits of air, of water, of rain, of wind; and there are spirits of death.
   Each spirit of death, whatever it may be, has a claim to a certain number of deaths per day. Indeed it is a fantastic organisation; it is a kind of alliance between the vital forces and the forces of Nature. For example, if the spirit of death has decided: That is the number of people to which I am entitled, let us say four or five or six, or one or two persons, it depends on the day; it has decided that certain persons would die, it goes straight and settles down beside the person about to die. But if you happen to be conscious (not the person), if you see the spirit going to a person and you do not want him to die, then you can, if you possess a certain occult power, tell it: No, I forbid you to take him. It is a thing that has happened, not once but several times, in Japan and here. It was not the same spirit. That is what makes me say that there must be many.

1953-08-05, #Questions And Answers 1953, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I can give you some rather external examples. For instance, a psychic being needed to have the experience of mastery, of power in order to know the reactions and how it is possible to turn all these movements towards the Divine: to learn what a life of power may teach you. It took birth in a king or a queen. These enjoyed some power and during that time they had their experiences; they reached the end of the field of experience. Now, they know what they wanted to know, they are about to go, they are going to leave their body thats now become useless, and they are going to prepare for the next experience. Well, at that time, when the psychic being is still in the body and has noted what it has learnt, it decides for the next occasion. And sometimes it is a movement of action and reaction: because it has studied one entire field, it needs to study the opposite field. And very often it chooses a very different life from the one it had. So before leaving, it says: Next time, it is in this domain that I shall take birth. Suppose, for example, the psychic has reached a stage of growth when it would like to have the chance of working on the physical body to make it capable of coming consciously into contact with the Divine and of transforming it. Now, it is about to leave the body in which it had authority, power, activity, the body it has used for its growth; it says: Next time I shall take birth in a neutral environment, neither low nor high, where it will not be necessary (how to put it?) to have a highly external life, where one will have neither great power nor great miseryaltogether neutral, as you know, the life in between. It chooses that. It returns to its own psychic world for the necessary rest, for assimilation of the experience gained, for preparation of the future experience. It naturally remembers its choice and, before coming down once more, when it has finished its assimilation, when it is time to return, to come down upon earth, it cannot, from that domain, see material things as we see them, you know: they appear to it in another form. But still the differences can be foreseen: the differences of environment, differences of activity in the environment are clearly seen, quite perceptible. It can have a vision that is total or global. It can choose. At times it chooses the country; when it wants a certain kind of Education, civilisation, influence, it can choose its country beforehand. Sometimes it cant, sometimes it chooses only its environment and the kind of life it will lead. And then from up there, before it comes down, it looks for the kind of vibrations it wants; it sees them very clearly. It is as though it was aiming at the place where it is going to drop. But it is an approximation because of the fact that another condition is necessary: not only its choice but also a receptivity from below and an aspiration. There must be someone in the environment it has chosen, generally the mother (sometimes both the parents, but the most indispensable is the mother), she must have an aspiration or a receptivity, something sufficiently passive and open or a conscious aspiration towards something higher. And that kindles for the psychic being a little light. In the mass representing for it the environment in which it wants to be born, if under the influence of its own projected will a small light is kindled, then it knows that it is there it must go.
   It is necessary, it is this that makes the difference in months or days, perhaps, not so much perhaps in years; however, this creates an uncertainty, and that is why it cannot foretell the exact date: On that date, that day, at that hour I shall take birth. It needs to find someone receptive. When it sees that, it rushes down. But what happens is something like an image: it is not exactly that, but something very similar. It throws itself down into an unconsciousness, because the physical world, even human consciousness whatever it may be, is very unconscious in comparison with the psychic consciousness. So it rushes into an unconsciousness. It is as though it fell on its head. That stuns it. And so generally, apart from some very very rare exceptions, for a long time it does not know. It does not know any longer where it is nor what it is doing nor why it is there, nothing at all. It finds a great difficulty in expressing itself, especially through a baby that has no brain, naturally; it is only the embryo of a brain which is hardly formed and it does not have the elements for manifesting itself. So it is very rare for a child to manifest immediately the exceptional being it contains. That happens. We have heard about such things. It happens, but generally some time is needed. Only slowly it awakens from its stupor and becomes aware that it is there for some reason and by choice. And usually this coincides with the intensive mental Education which shuts you completely from the psychic consciousness. So a mass of circumstances, happenings of all kinds, emotions, all sorts of things are necessary to open the inner doors so that one might begin to remember that after all one has come from another world and one has come for a particular reason.
   Otherwise, if all went normally, it could very quickly have a connection, very quickly. If it had the luck to find someone possessing a little knowledge, and instead of falling into a world of ignorance, it fell upon a little bit of knowledge, everything would be done quite quickly.

1953-08-26, #Questions And Answers 1953, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I had a puss, the first time it had its kittens it did not want to move from there. It did not eat, did not satisfy any call of nature. It remained there, stuck to her kittens, shielding them, feeding them; it was so afraid that something would happen to them. And that was quite unthought out, spontaneous. It refused to move, so frightened it was that some harm might come to themjust through instinct. And then, when they were bigger, the trouble it took to educate themit was marvellous. And what patience! And how it taught them to jump from wall to wall, to catch their food; how, with what care, it repeated once, ten times, a hundred times if necessary. It was never tired until the little one had done what it wanted. An extraordinary Education. It taught them how to skirt houses following the edge of walls, how to walk so as not to fall, what had to be done when there was much space between one wall and another, in order to cross over. The little ones were quite afraid when they saw the gap and refused to jump because they were frightened (it was not too far for them, but there was the gap and they did not dare) and then the mother jumped, it went over to the other side, it called them: come, come along. They did not move, they were trembling. It jumped back and then gave them a speech, it gave them little blows with its paw and licked them, and yet they did not move. It jumped. I saw it do this for over half an hour. But after half an hour it found that they had learnt enough, so it went behind the one it evidently considered the most ready, the most capable, and gave it a hard knock with its head. Then the little one, instinctively, jumped. Once it had jumped, it jumped again and again and again.
   There are few mothers who have this patience. Voil, my children. Thats all? Nothing more? Good night.

1953-09-02, #Questions And Answers 1953, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Spiritual life does not depend upon these considerations, not at all. Certain social virtues depend upon them and solely because there exist in some environments special traditions of Education and that some traditions are better than others. But that is all.
   As for the question of not mixing blood, it is a subject for discussion. Because, for example, if you take the various kinds of dogs (excuse me, I do not mean to make an unfair comparison), still, the dog belonging to its kind of breed, when great care is taken to keep the type pure, to prevent any mixture, becomes more and more stupid, whilst the street-dog, product of mixed breed and sometimes a horror from the physical point of view it is hideous, made of one kind crossed with anotheris generally much superior from the point of viewof intelligence. So even in these cases one cannot say. Marriages in small communities, made within the caste, where no mixture is allowed, end usually in a gradual, progressive decline of intelligence in the group. It is not a selection, rather the contrary. New admixtures are always necessary to bring forth new types capable of manifesting progress. From the social point of view, this is quite justifiable, and it is very convenient and simple: it gives frames allowing precisely an easier organisation but that is all the worth it has.

1953-09-30, #Questions And Answers 1953, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And in order to be more sure (but here one must be fully trained, one must have a very good Education), in order to be altogether sure of reporting clearly the knowledge received without deforming it in any way, it is better to say what one sees and what one reads (we say reads, but rather it is what one perceives), to say it as one perceives it, and it should be someone else who notes it down. I repeat: You lie quietly stretched in your easy-chair, without moving and altogether quiet, and you send a messenger from your head. Now, someone should be sitting by your side and when you reach the place and open the door and pull out the manuscript (or whatever you like to call it), you begin, instead of reading only with your eyes that are absent, to describe what you see. You acquire the habit of speaking aloud and as you go on observing up there, you speak here. You narrate precisely your journey through those vast halls and how you reached that place and how it had a small mark that was the sign of what you wanted to see. Then you open that little place and pull out the scroll and start reading. And you read it out aloud. And the person who is there, sitting by your side, goes on noting down what you are reading. In this way there is no danger of the thing getting changed when you return. For, the experience is very clear and precise to that part of your being which is there at the moment, but when you come back into the material world as it is, almost always something escapes and this does not escape when you speak directly at the time you are at work. So all that means very many conditions to fulfil: it is not so easy as taking a book in the library and reading it! This is within the reach of everybody. That is a little more difficult to accomplish.
   What is the theory of relativity?1
   Now things are different, because now people are not told: You are going to come here to do yoga; they are told: You are going to try to learn about the conditions under which earthly life can be bettered. So people come and study. When one thinks he knows what he wants to learn, he goes away. It is not the same thing. And it is not the same conditions as when one comes with a definite and single aim like realising the Divine in his physical life and nothing else in the world counts for him but that. In order to choose you must at least know a little the elements to choose from. And for that you must have a certain inner formation, a certain culture. And you certainly do not have that when you are five years oldexcept some; some among you (more than one would believe) knew very well why they had come, although they could not formulate it in words. They felt it very intensely. And when their parents tried to take them away, they refused stubbornly, saying: No, no, I want to remain here. Even at the age of five, although they could not know in their head the reason why, because the brain was not formed. But the psychic consciousness was there, and they could feel. Well, these children are of an infinitely higher stuff than that of people who have already had three-fourths of their head blunted by the Education they have been given in ordinary schools and who come here quite convinced that they know many things, that they are well acquainted with life. They have a formed character and have acquired many bad habits. There, then.
   Are remembrance and memory the same thing?

1953-10-07, #Questions And Answers 1953, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And so, when one has developed this body-consciousness, one can have a very clear perception of the opposition between the different kinds of consciousness. When the body needs something and is aware that this is what it needs, and the vital wants something else and the mind yet another, well, there may very well be a discussion among them, and contradictions and conflicts. And one can discern very clearly what the poise of the body is, the need of the body in itself, and in what way the vital interferes and destroys this equilibrium most often and harms the development so much, because it is ignorant. And when the mind comes in, it creates yet another disorder which is added to the one between the vital and the physical, by introducing its ideas and norms, its principles and rules, its laws and all that, and as it doesnt take into account exactly the needs of the other, it wants to do what everybody does. Human beings have a much more delicate and precarious health than animals because their mind intervenes and disturbs the equilibrium. The body, left to itself, has a very sure instinct. For instance, never will the body if left to itself eat when it doesnt need to or take something which will be harmful to it. And it will sleep when it needs to sleep, it will act when it needs to act. The instinct of the body is very sure. It is the vital and the mind which disturb it: one by its desires and caprices, the other by its principles, dogmas, laws and ideas. And unfortunately, in civilisation as it is understood, with the kind of Education given to children, this sure instinct of the body is completely destroyed: it is the rest that dominate. And naturally things happen as they do: one eats things that are harmful, one doesnt take rest when one needs to or sleeps too much when it is not necessary or does things one shouldnt do and spoils ones health completely.
   Sometimes, Mother, when children are interested in something, they dont want to go to bed, then what should be done? Just a few minutes earlier they said they were sleepy, and then they start playing and say they dont want to go to bed.
   Not necessarily. One should know of what stuff the faith and the trust are made. Because, for instance, if you live normally, under quite normal conditionswithout having extravagant ideas and a depressing Educationwell, through all your youth and usually till you are about thirty, you have an absolute trust in life. If, for example, you are not surrounded by people who, as soon as you have a cold in the head, get into a flurry and rush to the doctor and give you medicines, if you are in normal surroundings and happen to have somethingan accident or a slight illness there is this certainty in the body, this absolute trust that it will be all right: It is nothing, it will pass off. It is sure to go. I shall be quite well tomorrow or in a few days. It will surely be curedwhatever you may have caught. That is indeed the normal condition of the body. An absolute trust that all life lies before it and that all will be well. And this helps enormously. One gets cured nine times out of ten, one gets cured very quickly with this confidence: It is nothing; what is it after all? Just an accident, it will pass off, it is nothing. And there are people who keep it for a very long time, a very long time, a kind of confidencenothing can happen to them. Their life is all before them, fully, and nothing can happen to them. And what will happen to them is of no importance at all: all will be well, necessarily; they have the whole of life before them. Naturally, if you live in surroundings where there are morbid ideas and people pass their time recounting disastrous and catastrophic things, then you may think wrongly. And if you think wrongly, this reacts on your body. Otherwise, the body as it is can keep this confidence till the age of forty or fiftyit depends upon peoplesome know how to live a normal, balanced life. But the body is quite confident about its life. It is only if thought comes in and brings all kinds of morbid and unhealthy imaginations, as I said, that it changes everything. I have seen instances like that: children who had these little accidents one has when running and playing about: they did not even think about it. And it disappeared immediately. I have seen others whose family has drummed into them since the time they could understand, that everything is dangerous, that there are microbes everywhere, that one must be very careful, that the least wound may prove disastrous, that one must be altogether on ones guard and take great care that nothing serious happens. So, they must have their wounds dressed, must be washed with disinfectants, and there they sit wondering: What is going to happen to me? Oh! I may perhaps get tetanus, a septic fever. Naturally, in such cases one loses confidence in life and the body feels the effects keenly. Three-fourths of its resistance disappears. But normally, naturally, it is the body which knows that it must remain healthy, and it knows it has the power to react. And if something happens, it tells this something: It is nothing, it will go away, dont think about it, it is over; and it does go.
   That of course is absolute trust.

1953-10-28, #Questions And Answers 1953, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   What I have said? Nothing else but that true art is the expression of beauty in the material world; and in a world entirely changed spiritually, that is to say, one expressing completely the divine reality, art must act as a revealer and teacher of this divine beauty in life; that is to say, an artist should be capable of entering into communion with the Divine and of receiving inspiration about what form or forms ought to be used to express the divine beauty in matter. And thus, if it does that, art can be a means of realisation of beauty, and at the same time a teacher of what beauty ought to be, that is, art should be an element in the Education of mens taste, of young and old, and it is the teaching of true beauty, that is, the essential beauty which expresses the divine truth. This is the raison dtre of art. Now, between this and what is done there is a great difference, but this is the true raison dtre of art.
   Have you understood? A little!
   There is only one justification, that is to make it a means of Education. Then it becomes a museum. If you make a museum, it is a historical sampling of all that has been done. It serves to give you a historical knowledge of things. But a museum is not something beautiful in itself, far from it! For an artist it is something quite shocking. From the point of view of Education it is very good, for specimens of all kinds of things have been collected there in a single place; and in this way you may learn, acquire erudition. But from the point of view of beauty, it is frightful.
   And so there was an attempt, later, to return (for instance, at the beginning of this century I am speaking of the first years of this century) an attempt to create what was called decorative art, that is, to try to get back to a vision of the ensemble and to make, when arranging a house, a coordinated whole in which things were in a certain place because they were meant to be there, and where every object had not only its raison dtre but its exact place and could not be displaced. An ensemble was created, a whole. So that was already a little better. They were trying.

1953-11-18, #Questions And Answers 1953, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There was someone else also who told me: Oh! I can absolutely do without anything at allwe were speaking of a walking-tour with a minimum of baggage on the back (when you are compelled to carry it for miles on end, four or five kilometres a day, you try to reduce the weight of your bag as much as possible); so we discussed about what was indispensable and had to be put in the bag. He said his tooth-brush. Another told me he needed a piece of soap (usually this spins round very simple tiny things of this kind). But here how many people there are who have never used soap, and that doesnt prevent them from being clean! There are other ways of being clean. Thats how it is, one is fixed in all kinds of small ideas and believes these are indispensable needs. And then, if you travel a little around the world, you notice that what is a need for you is for others something they dont even know of, something they have never seen in their life, which doesnt exist and hasnt the slightest importance of any kind. Hence it is not indispensable. It is just the result of an Education and life in a particular environment. And these things are quite relative, and not only relative but transitory.

1953-12-16, #Questions And Answers 1953, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   On Education, CWM Vol. 12, p. 4
   Will you give some examples of this?
   On Education, CWM Vol. 12, p. 3
   What does this mean?
   On Education, CWM Vol. 12, p. 4
   Oh! the truth of our existencenot just the Truth. The truth of the being, that is, the central raison detre of an existence. It is that, indeed, which organises circumstances so that the truth of the being may be expressed or the superficial outer being be led to turn round within notfind any support outside, for instance, and turn within to have a support; it finds the psychic support.
   On Education, CWM Vol. 12, p. 7
   How can one have rest in action?

1953-12-23, #Questions And Answers 1953, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   On Education, CWM Vol. 12, p. 5
   Sweet Mother, what do you mean by pure ideas?
   But there are some rather uneducated people, for instance, who suddenly develop a faculty and have a direct experience somewhere in the higher mind or the psychic being or in some other part of the being. There are many reasons for this: it may be the result of former lives, it may be a phenomenon of consciousness of this life, it could be many things. In any case, for it to be fully useful, it should be done with the will to use it for ones progress and become conscious of the different parts of the being in order to be able to do what one ought to do to the best of ones ability. For instance, I have known people who were absolutely ignorant and uneducated but had a gift of vision, and a remarkable gift: they were put into trance and saw marvellously and described things they knew how to see and describe all they saw whilst they were seeing it. But when they came out of that condition, they were absolutely ordinary beings without any Education and intelligence. Yet that was a marvellous gift. That means there are beings who can make the greatest progress from the spiritual point of view, and even the intellectual, and who yet are apparently and in their outer life quite ordinary. There are others I have known some who had an absolutely marvellous spiritual realisation, who lived constantly in the divine Presence and yet never had a vision in all their life! And they used to complain about it. It is a question of temperament, destiny, and probably of the work one has to do, for evidently one cant do everythingphysically it is impossible. Consequently one must choose.
   When the body falls ill, do the mind and vital also fall ill?
   On Education, CWM Vol. 12, p. 5
   A team of young Ashram disciples was trying to lift a tree-trunk into a truck with the help of a crane, when the crane broke apart, flying into pieces on all sides, but without hurting anyone. Then the tree-trunk half lifted in began rolling slowly, causing the truck to lean on one side threatening to crush several boys, when, without any apparent reason or any physical object to hold it back, the trunk suddenly stopped in its course.

1953-12-30, #Questions And Answers 1953, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It is above all a question of Education. These half-conscious movements of crueltyit is very rare for parents not to have them; well, that is enough to set its impression upon a childs consciousness. There are some but that is a very small numberwho have an adverse formation inside them. These are irretrievably wicked children. But they are very rare. There are none here, happily.
   For it is certain that the nature of the child about to be born will depend very much upon the mother who forms it, upon her aspiration and will as much as upon the material surroundings in which she lives. The part of Education which the mother has to go through is to see that her thoughts are always beautiful and pure, her feelings always noble and fine, her material surroundings as harmonious as possible and full of a great simplicity. And if in addition she has a conscious and definite will to form the child according to the highest ideal she can conceive, then the very best conditions are provided for the child to come into the world with the maximum of possibilities.
   On Education, CWM Vol. 12, p. 9
   When great souls want to be born upon earth, do they choose their parents?
   It had been proposed that Education in our school and our university centre would be given in accordance with the ideals of Sri Aurobindo. But so far the Education given here is the same as in other schools; one follows the same programme.
   Yes, my child. And for years I have been fighting for it to be otherwise. When youyou children, herewhen you are old enough and ready to become teachers, then you will be entrusted with teaching the newcomers the right thing, in the right way. Actually, for the time being, it is much more a school of teachers than a school of students! What is wanted is that you prepare yourselves by learning what everybody knows for there is an indispensable basis: it is not anything very much, it is not a very detailed or very deeply established basis, but still there is a basis of general human knowledge thats necessary but once you have that basis and have at the same time benefited by the influence that is here, and when you have read and understood sufficiently well to be able to see from that angle the angle of the true lifewell, when you know all that, you will be the ones asked to teach the children from outside what you have learnt. That is part of the work.

1954-02-03 - The senses and super-sense - Children can be moulded - Keeping things in order - The shadow, #Questions And Answers 1954, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  This talk is based upon Mother's essay "Vital Education".
  In some ancient initiations it was stated that the number of sees that man can develop is not five but seven and in certain special cases even twelve. Certain races at certain times have, out of necessity, developed more or less perfectly one or another of these supplementary sees. With a proper discipline persistently followed, they are within the reach of all who are sincerely interested in this development and its results. Among the faculties that are often mentioned, there is, for example, the ability to widen the physical consciousness, project it out of oneself so as to concentrate it on a given point and thus obtain sight, hearing, smell, taste and even touch at a distance.
  No, the vital is much more developed than the mind. You know, I have said there that things are crystallised,1 that is, they take a form, and a more and more precise, a more and more fixed form (the more precise the form, the more fixed it is). In children it is much more like water; it is not yet in a very concrete and precise form. That is why, moreover, one can have a great influence upon them, for it is still supple, it is not crystallised; one can notice it: it has something malleable about it, as though one were moulding butter; however, as soon as they are about twenty or twenty-five, the special disposition, the turn of character is fixed and, at that moment, instead of preventing defects, it becomes necessary to mend them. That is another thing. If one wants to give an Education which prevents bad habits from being formed or bad tendencies from being pursued, an Education which leads children constantly into the right path (that one wants them to follow), well, when they are small it is possible, when they become bigger, it becomes hard. One cannot change the imprint easily. Even sometimes it is necessary to break things to be able to change them: as those who are not progressive, who are fixed and remain fixed, who cling with all their strength to their petty habits. While the little ones are supple, one can change their opinion, one can make them progress, give them the see that tomorrow one must do better than today.
  Are bad habits, as for instance that of not keeping things in order, due to the vital?
    "In certain cases this Education will encourage the movements that express the light, in others, on the contrary, those that express the shadow. If the circumstances and the environment are favourable, the light will grow at the expense of the shadow; otherwise the opposite will happen. And in this way the individual's character will crystallize according to the whims of Nature and the determinisms of material and vital life, unless a higher element comes in in time, a conscious will which, refusing to allow Nature to follow her whimsical ways, will replace them by a logical and clear-sighted discipline. This conscious will is what we mean by a rational method of Education."
    "... Everyone possesses in a large measure, and the exceptional individual in an increasing degree of precision, two opposite tendencies of character, in almost equal proportions, which are like the light and the shadow of the same thing. Thus someone who has the capacity of being exceptionally generous will suddenly find an obstinate avarice rising up in his nature, the courageous man will be a coward in some part of his being and the good man will suddenly have wicked impulses. In this way life seems to endow everyone not only with the possibility of expressing an ideal, but also with contrary elements representing in a concrete manner the battle he has to wage and the victory he has to win for the realisation to become possible. Consequently, all life is an Education pursued more or less consciously, more or less willingly."
    The "Evil Persona"

1954-02-10 - Study a variety of subjects - Memory -Memory of past lives - Getting rid of unpleasant thoughts, #Questions And Answers 1954, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  This talk is based upon Mother's essay "Mental Education".
  What is the method of increasing the capacities of expansion and widening?

1954-02-17 - Experience expressed in different ways - Origin of the psychic being - Progress in sports -Everything is not for the best, #Questions And Answers 1954, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  This talk is based upon Mother's essay "Psychic Education and Spiritual Education".
  Once the being has entered into contact with the psychic, why does the psychic again hide itself?
  What dont you understand? I mean that what one thinks is not of much importance because thought is formed by the surroundings in which one is born and the Education one has received but that is only one way of saying things. And you can say them in all sorts of ways: they remain what they are. What dont you understand?
  If the mystic notion of God is replaced by the more philosophical notion
  It all depends on what meaning you put into the word God. It is a word (I have told you this at least four or five times) to express something you do not know but are trying to attain. Well, if you have received a religious Education, you are accustomed to call this God. If you have received a more positivist and also a more philosophical Education, you are accustomed to call this by all sorts of names, and you may at the same time have the idea that it is the supreme truth. If one wants to speak of God and describe him, one is obliged to make use of things which are the most inaccessible to our consciousness, and to call God what is beyond anything we know and can grasp and beall that is too far for us to be able to understand, we call God. Only some religions (there are some) give a precise form to the godhead; and sometimes they give several forms and they have several gods; sometimes they give one form and have only one God; but all this is human fabrication. There is something, there is a reality which is beyond all our expressions, but which we can succeed in contacting by practising a discipline. We can identify ourselves with it. Once one is identified with it one knows what it is, but one cannot express it, for words cannot say it. So, if you use one kind of vocabulary, if you have a particular mental conviction, you will use the vocabulary corresponding to that conviction. If you belong to another group which has another way of speaking, you will call it or even think about it in that way. I am telling you this to give you the true impression, that there is something there which cannot be graspedgrasped by thought but which exists. But the name you give it matters little, thats of no importance, it exists. And so the only thing to do is to enter into contact with itnot to give it a name or describe it. In fact, there is hardly any use giving it a name or describing it. One must try to enter into contact, to concentrate upon it, live it, live that reality, and whatever the name you give it is not at all important once you have the experience. The experience alone counts. And when people associate the experience with a particular expression and in so narrow a way, so closed up in itself that apart from this formula one can find nothing that is an inferiority. One must be able to live that reality through all possible paths, all occasions, all formations; one must live it, for that indeed is true, for that is supremely good, that is all-powerful, that knows all, that Yes, one can live that, but one cannot speak about it. And if one does speak, all that one says about it has no great importance. It is only one way of speaking that is all. There is an entire line of philosophers and people who have replaced the notion of God by the notion of an impersonal Absolute or by a notion of Truth or a notion of justice or even by a notion of progressof something eternally progressive; but for one who has within him the capacity of identifying himself with that, what has been said about it hasnt much importance. Sometimes one may read a whole book of philosophy and not progress a step farther. Sometimes one may be quite a fervent devotee of a religion and not progress. There are people who have spent entire lifetimes seated in contemplation and attained nothing. There are people (we have well-known examples) who used to do the most modest of manual works, like a cobbler mending old shoes, and who had an experience. It is altogether beyond what one thinks and says of it. It is some gift thats there, that is all. And all that is needed is to be thatto succeed in identifying oneself with it and live it. At times you read one sentence in a book and that leads you there. Sometimes you read entire books of philosophy or religion and they get you nowhere. There are people, however, whom the reading of philosophy books helps to go ahead. But all these things are secondary. There is only one thing thats important: that is a sincere and persistent will, for these things dont happen in a twinkling. So one must persevere. When someone feels that he is not advancing, he must not get discouraged; he must try to find out what it is in the nature that is opposing, and then make the necessary progress. And suddenly one goes forward. And when you reach the end you have an experience. And what is remarkable is that people who have followed altogether different paths, with altogether different mental constructions, from the greatest believer to the most unbelieving, even materialists, have arrived at that experience, it is the same for everyone. Because it is truebecause it is real, because it is the sole reality. And it is quite simply that. I do not say anything more. This is of no importance, the way one speaks about it, what is important is to follow the path, your path, no matter whichyes, to go there.
  I did not understand the explanation of the psychic you have given: One could say, for example, that the creation of an individual being is the result of the projection, in time and space, of one of the countless possibilities latent in the supreme origin of all manifestation which, through the medium of the one and universal consciousness, takes concrete form in the law or the truth of an individual and so, by a progressive development, becomes his soul or psychic being.

1954-03-03 - Occultism - A French scientists experiment, #Questions And Answers 1954, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  We have subtle senses; even as we have a physical body, we have other more subtle bodies which also have senses, and much more refined senses, much more precise and much more powerful than our physical senses. But naturally, as it is not customary in modern Education to work in these domains, these things generally escape our ordinary knowledge. Yet children spontaneously live a great deal in this domain. They see things which are as real for them as physical things, they speak about them and they are usually told that they are stupid because they speak of things others dont see but which are as true for them, as tangible and real as what can be seen by everyone. Their dreams have an intensity and a capital importance in their life, and it is only with intensive mental growth that those capacities diminish. Now, there are people who have the good luck to be born with a spontaneous development, with inner sees, and nothing can prevent them from remaining awake. If these people meet in good time someone who can help them in a methodical development, they can become very interesting instruments for the study and discovery of this occult world. In all ages there have been initiatory schools, which took up these particularly talented people and educated them in this kind of science. These schools were always more or less secret or hidden, for ordinary men are quite intolerant of those capacities which are beyond them and disturb them. But there were fine periods in human history when these schools were recognised and much appreciated and respected, as in ancient Egypt, ancient Chaldea, ancient India, and even partially in Greece and Rome. There were always schools of initiation, even in mediaeval Europe, but there they had to be very carefully hidden, for they were pursued and persecuted by the official Christian religion, and if perchance it was discovered that such and such men or women were practising these occult sciences, they were tied to the stake and burnt alive as sorcerers! In our times this knowledge is almost lost; there are only a very few people who have it; but with mental growth the intolerance also has gone. People dont like these things very muchthey are disturbed, annoyed by them but still they are obliged to admit that these things are not crimes and people practising occultism are no longer burnt at the stake or imprisoned. Only, there are many people who claim to know but there are very few who do know. In any case, before entering upon this study, one must have, as I told you at the beginning, a very great self-mastery, must have attained a kind of abnegation, a self-forgetfulness, an egolessness, a disinterestedness and see of sacrifice which enables one to practise this without any danger. For, if you keep all egoistic or passionate movements, full of desires, you are sure, in the practice of this science, to meet with accidents which may have fatal consequences. As I said at the beginning, the absolutely indispensable condition is to have an intrepidity which does not allow any fear to enter into you. For this has been very often said, and it is quite true, that when you enter the invisible realm, the first things you meet are literally terrifying. If you have no fear, there is no danger, but the least fear puts you into danger. So, before anybody at all was allowed to practise this science, for a very long time, sometimes for years, the novice was submitted to a discipline, which gave him the assurance that he could practise it without experiencing the least fear and without any danger. That is why, my children, I have never spoken to you about it. This article was not specially for you the Bulletin goes to the whole world and it can reach here and there people who are prepared. But still, because it is written, I am telling you about it this evening, and I tell you that if anyone among you feels a special inclination, possesses special faculties and is ready to overcome every weakness, all egoism and all fear, I am ready to help him on the way and reveal these secrets to him. Voil!
  Now, you will have to be a little more mature for me to undertake this task.

1954-04-14 - Love - Can a person love another truly? - Parental love, #Questions And Answers 1954, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  What kind? A human love, dont they? Like all human loves: frightfully mixed, with all sorts of things. The need of possession, a formidable egoism. At first, I must tell you that a wonderful picture has been painted many books written, wonderful things said about a mothers love for her children. I assure you that except for the capacity of speaking about the subject in flowery phrases, the love of the higher animals like the well, the mammals for their children is exactly of the same nature: the same devotion, the same self-forgetfulness, the same self-denial, the same care for Education, the same patience, the same I have seen absolutely marvellous things, and if they had been written down and applied to a woman instead of to a cat, superb novels would have been made, people would have said: What a person! How marvellously devoted are these women in their maternal love! Exactly the same thing. Only, cats could not use flowery language. Thats all. They could not write books and make speeches, that is the only difference. But I have seen absolutely astonishing things. And that kind of self-giving and self-oblivionas soon as there is the beginning of love, it comes. But men I sincerely believe, from all that I have studied, that there is perhaps a greater purity in animals for they do not think, while human beings with their mental power, their capacity of reflecting, reasoning, analysing, studying, all that, oh! They spoil the most lovely movement. They begin to calculate, reason, doubt, organise.
  Take, for instance, parents. At the risk of removing many illusions in your consciousness, I must tell you something about the source of a mothers love for her child. It is because this child is made of her very own substance, and for quite a long time, relatively long, the material link, the link of substance, between mother and child is extremely closeit is as though a bit of her flesh had been taken out and put apart at a distance and it is only much later that the tie between the two is completely cut. There is a kind of tie, of subtle sensation, such that the mother feels exactly what the child feels, as she would feel it in herself. That then is the material basis of the mothers attachment for the child. It is a basis of material identity, nothing else but that. Feeling comes much later (it may come earlier, that depends on people), but I am speaking of the majority: feeling comes only long afterwards, and it is conditioned. There are all kinds of things I could speak to you for hours on the subject. But still this must not be mixed up with love. It is a material identification which makes the mother feel intimately, feel quite concretely and tangibly what the child is feeling: if the child receives a shock, well, the mother feels it. This lasts at least for two months.
  This is the basis. The rest comes from peoples nature, their state of development, their consciousness, Education and capacity for feeling. This is added to the first. And then there are all the collective suggestions which go to the making of novels for people are wonderful at constructing novels. They write novels about everything. They have used their minds to build imaginations which circulate in the atmosphere and then are caught just like that. So some catch a certain type of these, others another kind, and then, as imagination is a force of propulsion, with it one begins to act, and then finally one lives a novel in his life, if he is in the least imaginative. This has absolutely nothing to do with the true consciousness, with the psychic being, nothing at all, but people come to speak to you in a florid style and tell you storiesall that is in wandering imaginations. If one could see, that is, if you could see this mental atmosphere, that of the physical mind, which is circulating everywhere, making you move, making you feel, making you think, making you act, oh, good heave! You would lose many of your illusions about your personality. But indeed it is like that. Whether one knows it or not, it is like that.
  There are many souls upon earth, human beings Obviously, those who have a certain culture, a certain development, a certain individualisation gather together usually: instinctively they get together, form groups. And so one can find in space and time a numbernot considerable but still sufficiently largeof cultured beings who are united, but one must not believe that this gives the exact proportion of the culture and development of human beings. It is only like a sort of foam that has been brought up and is on the surface. But even among these latter, even among these beings who are already a selection, there is hardly one in a thousand who is a truly individual being, conscious of himself, united with his psychic being, governed by his inner law and, consequently, almost if not totally free from external influences; for, being conscious, when these influences come, he sees them: those that seem to him to harmonise with his inner development and normal growth he accepts; those which are opposed he refuses. And so, instead of being a chaosor in any case a frightful mixture they are organised beings, individual, conscious of themselves, walking through life knowing where they want to go and how they want to.

1954-06-02 - Learning how to live - Work, studies and sadhana - Waste of the Energy and Consciousness, #Questions And Answers 1954, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  Let us take simply a question about your class, shall we?the school class. Even as an undisciplined, disobedient and ill-willed child can disorganise the classand this is why at times one is obliged to put him out, because simply by his presence he can completely disorganise the classso too, if there is a student who has the absolutely right attitude, the will to learn in everything, so that not a word is pronounced, not a gesture made, but it becomes for him an opportunity to learn somethinghis presence can have the opposite effect and help the class to rise in Education. If, consciously, he is in this state of intensity of aspiration to learn and correct himself, he communicates this to the others. It is true that in the present state of things the bad example is much more contagious than the good one! It is much easier to follow the bad example than the good, but the good too is useful, and a class with a true student who is there only because he wants to learn and apply himself, who is deeply interested in every opportunity to learn,this creates a solid atmosphere.
  You can help.


--- Overview of noun education

The noun education has 6 senses (first 5 from tagged texts)
1. (34) education, instruction, teaching, pedagogy, didactics, educational activity ::: (the activities of educating or instructing; activities that impart knowledge or skill; "he received no formal education"; "our instruction was carefully programmed"; "good classroom teaching is seldom rewarded")
2. (10) education ::: (knowledge acquired by learning and instruction; "it was clear that he had a very broad education")
3. (6) education ::: (the gradual process of acquiring knowledge; "education is a preparation for life"; "a girl's education was less important than a boy's")
4. (5) education ::: (the profession of teaching (especially at a school or college or university))
5. (3) education, training, breeding ::: (the result of good upbringing (especially knowledge of correct social behavior); "a woman of breeding and refinement")
6. Department of Education, Education Department, Education ::: (the United States federal department that administers all federal programs dealing with education (including federal aid to educational institutions and students); created 1979)

--- Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of noun education

6 senses of education                        

Sense 1
education, instruction, teaching, pedagogy, didactics, educational activity
   => activity
     => act, deed, human action, human activity
       => event
         => psychological feature
           => abstraction, abstract entity
             => entity

Sense 2
   => content, cognitive content, mental object
     => cognition, knowledge, noesis
       => psychological feature
         => abstraction, abstract entity
           => entity

Sense 3
   => learning, acquisition
     => basic cognitive process
       => process, cognitive process, mental process, operation, cognitive operation
         => cognition, knowledge, noesis
           => psychological feature
             => abstraction, abstract entity
               => entity

Sense 4
   => profession
     => occupation, business, job, line of work, line
       => activity
         => act, deed, human action, human activity
           => event
             => psychological feature
               => abstraction, abstract entity
                 => entity

Sense 5
education, training, breeding
   => upbringing
     => inheritance, heritage
       => attribute
         => abstraction, abstract entity
           => entity

Sense 6
Department of Education, Education Department, Education
   => executive department
     => federal department, federal office, department of the federal government
       => government department
         => department, section
           => division
             => administrative unit, administrative body
               => unit, social unit
                 => organization, organisation
                   => social group
                     => group, grouping
                       => abstraction, abstract entity
                         => entity

--- Hyponyms of noun education

4 of 6 senses of education                      

Sense 1
education, instruction, teaching, pedagogy, didactics, educational activity
   => coeducation
   => continuing education
   => course, course of study, course of instruction, class
   => elementary education
   => extension, extension service, university extension
   => extracurricular activity
   => higher education
   => secondary education
   => team teaching
   => work-study program

Sense 2
   => physical education
   => experience
   => eruditeness, erudition, learnedness, learning, scholarship, encyclopedism, encyclopaedism
   => enlightenment
   => foundation, grounding

Sense 3
   => acculturation, assimilation
   => mastering
   => self-education, self-cultivation
   => school, schooling
   => special education
   => vocational training, vocational education

Sense 4
   => teaching, instruction, pedagogy

--- Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of noun education

6 senses of education                        

Sense 1
education, instruction, teaching, pedagogy, didactics, educational activity
   => activity

Sense 2
   => content, cognitive content, mental object

Sense 3
   => learning, acquisition

Sense 4
   => profession

Sense 5
education, training, breeding
   => upbringing

Sense 6
Department of Education, Education Department, Education
   => executive department

--- Coordinate Terms (sisters) of noun education

6 senses of education                        

Sense 1
education, instruction, teaching, pedagogy, didactics, educational activity
  -> activity
   => variation, variance
   => space walk
   => domesticity
   => operation
   => operation
   => practice, pattern
   => diversion, recreation
   => cup of tea, bag, dish
   => follow-up, followup
   => game
   => turn, play
   => music
   => acting, playing, playacting, performing
   => liveliness, animation
   => burst, fit
   => work
   => works, deeds
   => service
   => occupation, business, job, line of work, line
   => occupation
   => writing, committal to writing
   => role
   => wrongdoing, wrongful conduct, misconduct, actus reus
   => waste, wastefulness, dissipation
   => attempt, effort, endeavor, endeavour, try
   => control
   => protection
   => sensory activity
   => education, instruction, teaching, pedagogy, didactics, educational activity
   => training, preparation, grooming
   => representation
   => creation, creative activity
   => dismantling, dismantlement, disassembly
   => puncture
   => search, hunt, hunting
   => use, usage, utilization, utilisation, employment, exercise
   => operation, military operation
   => measurement, measuring, measure, mensuration
   => calibration, standardization, standardisation
   => organization, organisation
   => grouping
   => support, supporting
   => continuance, continuation
   => procedure, process
   => ceremony
   => ceremony
   => worship
   => energizing, activating, activation
   => concealment, concealing, hiding
   => placement, location, locating, position, positioning, emplacement
   => provision, supply, supplying
   => demand
   => pleasure
   => enjoyment, delectation
   => lamentation, mourning
   => laughter
   => market, marketplace, market place
   => politics
   => preparation, readying
   => aid, assist, assistance, help
   => support
   => behavior, behaviour, conduct, doings
   => behavior, behaviour
   => leadership, leading
   => precession, precedence, precedency
   => solo
   => buzz
   => fun
   => sin, hell
   => release, outlet, vent
   => last
   => mystification, obfuscation
   => negotiation
   => verbalization, verbalisation
   => perturbation, disturbance
   => timekeeping

Sense 2
  -> content, cognitive content, mental object
   => tradition
   => object
   => food, food for thought, intellectual nourishment
   => noumenon, thing-in-itself
   => universe, universe of discourse
   => topic, subject, issue, matter
   => issue
   => idea, thought
   => kernel, substance, core, center, centre, essence, gist, heart, heart and soul, inwardness, marrow, meat, nub, pith, sum, nitty-gritty
   => wisdom
   => representation, mental representation, internal representation
   => belief
   => unbelief, disbelief
   => heresy, unorthodoxy
   => goal, end
   => education
   => experience
   => acculturation, culture
   => lore, traditional knowledge
   => ignorance
   => knowledge domain, knowledge base, domain
   => metaknowledge

Sense 3
  -> learning, acquisition
   => conditioning
   => developmental learning
   => digestion
   => education
   => internalization, internalisation, incorporation
   => imprinting
   => language learning
   => memorization, memorisation, committal to memory
   => study, work
   => transfer, transfer of training, carry-over

Sense 4
  -> profession
   => learned profession
   => literature
   => architecture
   => education
   => journalism
   => politics
   => technology, engineering

Sense 5
education, training, breeding
  -> upbringing
   => education, training, breeding
   => raising, rearing, nurture

Sense 6
Department of Education, Education Department, Education
  -> executive department
   => White House, EXEC
   => Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Department, Agriculture, USDA
   => Department of Commerce, Commerce Department, Commerce, DoC
   => Department of Defense, Defense Department, United States Department of Defense, Defense, DoD
   => Department of Education, Education Department, Education
   => Department of Energy, Energy Department, Energy, DOE
   => Department of Health and Human Services, Health and Human Services, HHS
   => Department of Homeland Security, Homeland Security
   => Department of Housing and Urban Development, Housing and Urban Development, HUD
   => Department of Justice, Justice Department, Justice, DoJ
   => Department of Labor, Labor Department, Labor, DoL
   => Department of State, United States Department of State, State Department, State, DoS
   => Department of the Interior, Interior Department, Interior, DoI
   => Department of the Treasury, Treasury Department, Treasury, United States Treasury
   => Department of Transportation, Transportation, DoT
   => Department of Veterans Affairs, VA
   => Department of Commerce and Labor
   => Department of Health Education and Welfare
   => Navy Department
   => War Department

--- Grep of noun education
adult education
board of education
continuing education
department of education
department of health education and welfare
doctor of education
education department
education secretary
educational activity
educational institution
educational program
elementary education
general certificate of secondary education
higher education
master of education
physical education
secondary education
secretary of education
secretary of health education and welfare
special education
vocational education

IN WEBGEN [10000/7225]

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Wikipedia - Alexandra High School -- Public, coeducational school in Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
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Wikipedia - Bachelor of Education -- Graduate professional degree
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Wikipedia - Bantu Education Act
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Wikipedia - Basic Education High School No. 5 Tarmwe -- Public high school in Yangon, Myanmar
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Wikipedia - BBC Jam -- Former online educational service from 2006 to 2007
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Wikipedia - Bhawanipur Education Society College -- College in Kolkata, India
Wikipedia - Bhonsala Military School -- Indian educational institution
Wikipedia - Bikiran Prasad Barua -- Bangladeshi physicist and educationist
Wikipedia - Bilingual education
Wikipedia - Bill Nye the Science Guy -- American science education television program
Wikipedia - BINAS -- Educational book in Dutch
Wikipedia - Biological Sciences Curriculum Study -- Educational center that develops curricular materials, provides educational support, and conducts research and evaluation in the fields of science and technology
Wikipedia - Birmingham and Midland Institute -- UK Educational establishment and library
Wikipedia - Birmingham High School -- Independent charter coeducational high school in the San Fernando Valley section of Los Angeles, California
Wikipedia - Bits and Bytes -- Canadian educational TV series about computers
Wikipedia - Blaster Learning System -- Educational video game franchise
Wikipedia - Blended learning -- Combined online educational materials and opportunities for interaction online with traditional place-based classroom methods
Wikipedia - Blindness and education -- Education of students with vision impairment
Wikipedia - Bloom's taxonomy -- Classification system in education
Wikipedia - Blue's Clues Kindergarten -- educational video game series
Wikipedia - Blue's Clues (video game series) -- educational adventure video game series
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Wikipedia - Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Faisalabad -- Examination board in Faisalabad, Punjab
Wikipedia - Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Gujranwala -- Examination board in Gujranwala, Punjab
Wikipedia - Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Hyderabad -- Educational board in India
Wikipedia - Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Lahore -- Examination board in Lahore, Punjab
Wikipedia - Board of Management St. Molaga's National School v The Secretary General of the Department of Education and Science -- Irish Supreme Court case
Wikipedia - Board of Secondary Education, Madhya Pradesh -- Board of school education India
Wikipedia - Bobbie Hunter -- New Zealand education research academic
Wikipedia - Bobo Explores Light -- 2011 educational book app for the iPad
Wikipedia - Bologna Process -- System for compatibility of higher education qualifications in the European region
Wikipedia - Books with Wings -- Philanthropic educational organisation
Wikipedia - Bored of Education -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Bosmansdam High School -- Public English & Afrikaans medium co-educational high school in Bothasig, Cape Town
Wikipedia - Bournemouth and Poole College -- Educational provider in Bournemouth and Pool
Wikipedia - Brady Haran -- educational YouTuber and podcaster
Wikipedia - Brainchild (TV series) -- American educational streaming television series
Wikipedia - BrainCraft -- YouTube educational video series
Wikipedia - Brainly -- Educational technology company
Wikipedia - BrainPop -- Educational video site
Wikipedia - Brenda Jean Patrick -- American educational consultant
Wikipedia - Brigham Young University LGBT history -- Aspect of Mormon educational history
Wikipedia - British Columbia Patriotic and Educational Picture Service -- Government film department
Wikipedia - British Council in Algeria -- British cultural and educational organisation in Algeria
Wikipedia - British International School of Zagreb -- School following British education system in Zagreb, Croatia
Wikipedia - Brown v. Board of Education -- United States Supreme Court case
Wikipedia - Burdett College -- educational institution
Wikipedia - Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
Wikipedia - Buryat State Agricultural Academy -- Russian higher education institution
Wikipedia - Busan National University of Education -- University
Wikipedia - Business and Technology Education Council -- Provider of qualifications in England, Wales and Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Business education
Wikipedia - BYJU'S -- India-based Educational technology and online tutoring
Wikipedia - Calasanctius College -- Co-educational secondary school, County Galway
Wikipedia - California Bureau of Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education
Wikipedia - California Community Colleges -- Postsecondary education system in California, United States
Wikipedia - California Department of Education -- State government agency
Wikipedia - California Education and Research Federation Network
Wikipedia - Calleva -- Outdoor education organization
Wikipedia - Cambridge Assessment International Education -- International educational organisation
Wikipedia - Camilla Benbow -- American educational psychologist
Wikipedia - Camphill Movement -- Special education
Wikipedia - Canada Education Savings Act -- Canadian education support law
Wikipedia - Canadian Institute of Gemmology -- Educational institution
Wikipedia - Captain Novolin -- 1992 educational platform video game
Wikipedia - Carlisle College -- Further education college in England
Wikipedia - Carmen Sandiego -- American educational mystery video game series
Wikipedia - Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education -- Classification system for colleges and universities in the United States
Wikipedia - Carnegie Commission on Educational Television
Wikipedia - Carol Chomsky -- American linguist and education specialist
Wikipedia - Carol Fitz-Gibbon -- British educational researcher and analyst
Wikipedia - Caroline Benn -- educationalist and writer
Wikipedia - Carol McDonald Connor -- Educational psychologist
Wikipedia - Carol Weiss -- American policy analyst and education scholar
Wikipedia - Catechesis -- Christian religious education
Wikipedia - Category:19th-century educational theorists
Wikipedia - Category:19th-century Indian educational theorists
Wikipedia - Category:20th-century educational theorists
Wikipedia - Category:20th-century Indian educational theorists
Wikipedia - Category:21st century in education
Wikipedia - Category:Alternative education
Wikipedia - Category:American educational theorists
Wikipedia - Category:American education businesspeople
Wikipedia - Category:American education writers
Wikipedia - Category:Austrian educational theorists
Wikipedia - Category:Christian education
Wikipedia - Category:Computer science education in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Category:Computer science education
Wikipedia - Category:Democratic education
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Faulkes Telescope Educational Project
Wikipedia - Category:Distance education
Wikipedia - Category:Early childhood education in the United States
Wikipedia - Category:Education activists
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Wikipedia - Category:Educational assessment and evaluation
Wikipedia - Category:Educational hardware
Wikipedia - Category:Educational institutions established in 1837
Wikipedia - Category:Educational institutions established in 1861
Wikipedia - Category:Educational institutions established in 1868
Wikipedia - Category:Educational institutions established in 1871
Wikipedia - Category:Educational institutions established in 1875
Wikipedia - Category:Educational institutions established in 1879
Wikipedia - Category:Educational institutions established in 1885
Wikipedia - Category:Educational institutions established in 1889
Wikipedia - Category:Educational institutions established in 1891
Wikipedia - Category:Educational institutions established in the 4th century BC
Wikipedia - Category:Educational MUDs
Wikipedia - Category:Educational operating systems
Wikipedia - Category:Educational organizations based in the United States
Wikipedia - Category:Educational programming languages
Wikipedia - Category:Educational psychologists
Wikipedia - Category:Educational psychology research methods
Wikipedia - Category:Educational psychology
Wikipedia - Category:Educational research
Wikipedia - Category:Educational software
Wikipedia - Category:Educational technology
Wikipedia - Category:Educational television
Wikipedia - Category:Educational theorists of the Russian Empire
Wikipedia - Category:Education and training occupations
Wikipedia - Category:Education by subject
Wikipedia - Category:Education finance in the United States
Wikipedia - Category:Education in ancient Greece
Wikipedia - Category:Education in Athens
Wikipedia - Category:Education in classical antiquity
Wikipedia - Category:Education in East Asia
Wikipedia - Category:Education in insular areas of the United States
Wikipedia - Category:Education in Japan
Wikipedia - Category:Education in the United States by state
Wikipedia - Category:Education in the United States by subject
Wikipedia - Category:Education-related lists
Wikipedia - Category:Education terminology
Wikipedia - Category:Education theory
Wikipedia - Category:Education
Wikipedia - Category:English educational theorists
Wikipedia - Category:Free educational software
Wikipedia - Category:Geography education
Wikipedia - Category:German educational theorists
Wikipedia - Category:Harvard Graduate School of Education alumni
Wikipedia - Category:Harvard Graduate School of Education faculty
Wikipedia - Category:Higher education-related lists
Wikipedia - Category:Higher education
Wikipedia - Category:History education
Wikipedia - Category:History of education in Iraq
Wikipedia - Category:History of education
Wikipedia - Category:Indian women educational theorists
Wikipedia - Category:Liberal arts education
Wikipedia - Category:Library science education
Wikipedia - Category:Literary education
Wikipedia - Category:Mathematics education
Wikipedia - Category:Medieval European education
Wikipedia - Category:Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education alumni
Wikipedia - Category:Notre Dame Educational Association
Wikipedia - Category:Open educational resources
Wikipedia - Category:Philosophers of education
Wikipedia - Category:Philosophy of education
Wikipedia - Category:Physics education
Wikipedia - Category:Progressive education
Wikipedia - Category:Scottish educational theorists
Wikipedia - Category:Stanford Graduate School of Education faculty
Wikipedia - Category:Swiss educational theorists
Wikipedia - Category:United States education law
Wikipedia - Category:University of California, Berkeley Graduate School of Education faculty
Wikipedia - Category:University of Minnesota College of Education and Human Development alumni
Wikipedia - Catherine Stern -- German educationist, naturalist and non-fiction writer (1894-1973)
Wikipedia - Catholic Education Service
Wikipedia - Catholic education
Wikipedia - Catholic higher education
Wikipedia - Catholic schools in the United Kingdom -- Parochial educational institutions operated by Roman Catholic organisations in Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Catholic school -- Parochial educational institution operated by a Catholic organization
Wikipedia - Catriona Ida Macleod -- South African educational psychologist and researcher
Wikipedia - CCTV-10 -- China Central Television science and education channel
Wikipedia - Center for American Archeology -- Independent research and education institution
Wikipedia - Center for Education Reform -- Non-profit organisation in the USA
Wikipedia - Center for Excellence in Education -- Non-profit organisation in the USA
Wikipedia - Center for Excellence in Higher Education -- Utah-based company
Wikipedia - Center for Jewish-Christian Understanding and Cooperation -- An educational institution in Israel where Christians can study the Hebrew Bible and learn about the Hebraic roots of Christianity
Wikipedia - Center for Microbial Oceanography: Research and Education -- A research and education organization established in 2006 as a National Science Foundation funded Science and Technology Center
Wikipedia - Center for Migration Studies of New York -- Educational institute and nonpartisan think tank
Wikipedia - Center for Public Education -- Nonprofitable educational organization in the United States
Wikipedia - Center for Talented Youth -- Gifted education program
Wikipedia - Center for the Study of Science Fiction -- Endowed educational institution associated with the University of Kansas
Wikipedia - Center for Universal Education -- Council on Foreign Relations
Wikipedia - Central Board of Secondary Education -- Organization in India
Wikipedia - Central Catholic High School (DuBois, Pennsylvania) -- Private, coeducational school in DuBois, , Pennsylvania, United States
Wikipedia - Central Labour College -- British higher education institution supported by trade unions
Wikipedia - Centre for Children's Health Education, Orientation and Protection -- Centre for ChildrenM-bM-^@M-^Ys Health Education, Orientation and Protection
Wikipedia - Centre for Higher Education -- German organization
Wikipedia - Centre for Human Rights, Education, Advice and Assistance -- organisation based in Malawi
Wikipedia - Centre for Industry Education Collaboration -- British education resource
Wikipedia - Certificate of Higher Education
Wikipedia - CFCQ-FM -- Former educational radio station in Trois-Rivieres, Quebec
Wikipedia - CFTU-DT -- Educational independent TV station in Montreal
Wikipedia - CGP Grey -- Educational YouTuber, podcaster, and streamer
Wikipedia - CGTN Russian -- Russian language international news, entertainment, and education television channel owned by China Central Television
Wikipedia - Chalk n Duster -- 2016 Indian drama film on education system
Wikipedia - Chanakya Public School -- English medium educational institute located at Satna, Madhya Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Chancellor (education) -- Leader of a university or a college
Wikipedia - Chandramukhi Basu -- Indian Bengali educationist
Wikipedia - Character education
Wikipedia - Charles Albert Gobat -- Swiss politician, lawyer and educational administratior
Wikipedia - Chegg -- An American education technology company
Wikipedia - Chemistry education
Wikipedia - Chemistry set -- Educational toy
Wikipedia - Child School and Legacy High School -- Approved private, special education school in Manhattan, New York, United States
Wikipedia - Chinyere Stella Okunna -- Nigerian educationist
Wikipedia - Chitra Naik -- Indian educationist, writer, social worker
Wikipedia - Chittagong University College -- Institute for primary, secondary and higher secondary education in Chittagong, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Choosing Wisely -- U.S.-based educational campaign
Wikipedia - Christchurch College of Education
Wikipedia - Christian education of girls
Wikipedia - Christine Rubie-Davies -- New Zealand education academic
Wikipedia - Christopher Newton Thompson -- South African soldier, sportsman, educationalist, and politician
Wikipedia - Chronicle of Higher Education
Wikipedia - Chrystabel Procter -- English gardener, educationalist and horticulturalist (1894-1982)
Wikipedia - Chungdahm Learning -- A private education company in the Republic of Korea
Wikipedia - Church Educational System -- Educational system of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Wikipedia - Church of Christ in China Kei Long College -- Subsidized co-educational school in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Cirencester College -- Further education college in Cirencester, Gloucestershire, England
Wikipedia - Citizenship education (subject) -- Academic subject
Wikipedia - Clair du Boulay -- British expert in pathology and medical education
Wikipedia - Clark C. Abt -- American educationist and researcher
Wikipedia - Class (education)
Wikipedia - Classical education movement
Wikipedia - -- American educational technology company
Wikipedia - Clemente Soto Velez Cultural and Educational Center -- Cultural center named after Puerto Rican writer and activist
Wikipedia - Climate change education
Wikipedia - CodeCombat -- 2013 educational video game
Wikipedia - Coeducational
Wikipedia - Co-education
Wikipedia - Colegio Catolico Notre Dame -- Private, coeducational school in Caguas, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Colegio de San Ignacio de Loyola Vizcainas -- Educational institution in Mexico City, Mexico
Wikipedia - Colin Wringe -- British educational theorist
Wikipedia - College and university rankings in the United States -- Aspect of American higher education
Wikipedia - College athletics in the United States -- Component of American higher education
Wikipedia - College Board -- US educational testing non-profit
Wikipedia - College de France -- Higher education and research establishment
Wikipedia - College of Aeronautical Engineering -- A College for Aeronautical Egineering Education
Wikipedia - College of Business Education -- Public university in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Wikipedia - College of education
Wikipedia - College of Science, Arts and Education -- Private university in Ghana
Wikipedia - College -- Higher education institution
Wikipedia - Colonial colleges -- Nine institutions of higher education in the United States
Wikipedia - Comics in education -- Comics in education
Wikipedia - Comilla Polytechnic Institute -- Educational institute in Comilla, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Command General Staff College Foundation -- Educational non-profit
Wikipedia - Commission of National Education
Wikipedia - Commission on Higher Education (Philippines) -- Commission attached to the Office of the President of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Committee for the Scientific Examination of Religion -- Nonprofitable educational organization
Wikipedia - Committee on Education -- Swedish parliamentary committee
Wikipedia - Commonwealth Club of California -- US non-profit, non-partisan educational organization
Wikipedia - Community college -- Educational institution
Wikipedia - Community Music Center of Houston -- Educational non-profit based in Houston
Wikipedia - Comparative Education Review -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Compensatory education
Wikipedia - Comprehensive sex education -- Sex education instruction method
Wikipedia - Comprehensive Smoking Education Act -- US law
Wikipedia - Compulsory education -- Period of education required for a person
Wikipedia - Computer science education
Wikipedia - Concord Consortium -- Educational research and development organization
Wikipedia - Confetti Institute of Creative Technologies -- Specialist further and higher education college in Nottingham, England
Wikipedia - Confraternity of Christian Doctrine -- Religious education programs of the Catholic Church normally designed for children
Wikipedia - Confucius Institute -- Chinese government international educational partnership program
Wikipedia - Congregation for Catholic Education
Wikipedia - Connecticut Education Association -- Teachers asscoiation
Wikipedia - Connecticut Education Network
Wikipedia - Consortium for Global Education -- Rivate accredited universities in the United States
Wikipedia - Consortium for North American Higher Education Collaboration
Wikipedia - Constructivism in science education -- Overview of constructivism in science education
Wikipedia - Constructivism (philosophy of education) -- Philosophical viewpoint about the nature of knowledge; theory of knowledge
Wikipedia - Contemplative education
Wikipedia - Contemporary Educational Psychology
Wikipedia - Continuing education unit -- Measure used for professionals to maintain licenses
Wikipedia - Continuing education
Wikipedia - Continuing legal education -- Professional education for attorneys that takes place after their initial admission to the bar
Wikipedia - Cooperative education
Wikipedia - Core Education & Technologies -- Indian education company
Wikipedia - Coretta Scott King Center for Cultural and Intellectual Freedom -- Education and community center at Antioch College
Wikipedia - Corinthian Colleges -- Former large for-profit post-secondary education company
Wikipedia - Cork Institute of Technology -- Third-level educational institution in Cork, Ireland
Wikipedia - Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California
Wikipedia - Correctional Education Association -- American Correctional Association
Wikipedia - Council for Advancement and Support of Education -- Nonprofitable association of educational institutions
Wikipedia - Council for Economic Education -- National Council on Economic Education
Wikipedia - Council for Higher Education Accreditation -- University accreditation organization in the U.S.A.
Wikipedia - Council for International Exchange of Scholars -- Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affair
Wikipedia - Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education -- 41 higher education professionals association
Wikipedia - Council of Graduate Schools -- Nonprofitable higher education organization with headquarters in Washington, DC
Wikipedia - Council on Education for Public Health
Wikipedia - Course (education)
Wikipedia - Course Hero -- American education technology website
Wikipedia - Coursera -- Online education technology company
Wikipedia - Covington County Board of Education -- School district in Alabama, United States
Wikipedia - Crandon Institute -- Higher education institution in Montevideo, Uruguay
Wikipedia - Creation and evolution in public education in the United States -- Debate on Teaching of Evolution related science in American Schools
Wikipedia - Creation and evolution in public education -- Status of creation and evolution in public education
Wikipedia - Creative Education Foundation
Wikipedia - Creighton Community School -- Educational institute in Creighton, Saskatchewan
Wikipedia - Critical mathematics pedagogy -- Liberation-focused math education
Wikipedia - Critical Race Studies in Education Association -- American interdisciplinary organization
Wikipedia - Criticism of college and university rankings (North America) -- Viewpoint in higher education
Wikipedia - CTBC Business School -- Education organization in Tainan City, Taiwan
Wikipedia - Cultural depictions of Alfred the Great -- Cultural depictions of Alfred the Great in art, writing, education and other mediums i
Wikipedia - Cultural Education Center -- Building in Albany, New York
Wikipedia - Cumberland County Technology Education Center -- Technical high school in Cumberland County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - CUNY TV -- U.S. non-commercial educational television station
Wikipedia - Cupeyville School -- Co-educational college preparatory institution located in San Juan, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Curriculum Online -- UK government education initiative
Wikipedia - Curriculum -- Educational plan
Wikipedia - Curriki -- Online, free, open education service
Wikipedia - Cyril Alington -- Educationalist, scholar, cleric and author
Wikipedia - Cyril Burt -- Discredited educational psychologist
Wikipedia - D2L -- Global software company; educational technology
Wikipedia - Dadabhoy Institute of Higher Education -- Pakistani educational institution
Wikipedia - Daire Keogh -- Irish historian and third-level educational leader
Wikipedia - Dalai Lama Center for Peace and Education
Wikipedia - Dalton International -- Alternative education
Wikipedia - Damasa Cabezon -- Argentine-Chilean women's education pioneer
Wikipedia - Damdami Taksal -- Indian Sikh educational organisation
Wikipedia - Danica McKellar -- American actress, mathematics writer, and education advocate
Wikipedia - Danielle S. McNamara -- Educational researcher
Wikipedia - Daqing re-education through labor camp -- labor camp in China
Wikipedia - David K. Cohen -- American educational theorist
Wikipedia - David Reingold -- American sociologist and higher education administrator
Wikipedia - Davidson & Associates -- Defunct American developer of educational software
Wikipedia - David Stirling Anderson -- Scottish engineer and educationalist
Wikipedia - David Stow -- Scottish educationalist
Wikipedia - David Tyack -- Historian of education
Wikipedia - David Watson (academic) -- British academic and educationalist
Wikipedia - Daviess County Public Schools -- Education organization in Owensboro, United States
Wikipedia - Deaf education -- Education of the hearing-impaired
Wikipedia - Dean (education)
Wikipedia - Death education
Wikipedia - Deborah Loewenberg Ball -- American mathematician and educational researcher
Wikipedia - Delphian Society -- National organization that promoted the education of women
Wikipedia - Democracy and Education
Wikipedia - Democratic education -- Schooling run as direct democracies
Wikipedia - Den-en Chofu University -- Higher education institution in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Deolinda Lopes Vieira -- Portuguese feminist and early-education campaigner
Wikipedia - Department for Education
Wikipedia - Department of Bantu Education
Wikipedia - Department of Defense Education Activity
Wikipedia - Department of Education appointments by Donald Trump -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Department of Education (New South Wales) -- Department of the Government of New South Wales
Wikipedia - Department of Education (Queensland) -- State education department of the Queensland Government
Wikipedia - Department of Education, Sport and Culture -- Manx government department
Wikipedia - Department of Health, Education, and Welfare
Wikipedia - Department of School Education (West Bengal) -- State government department in West Bengal, India
Wikipedia - DepEd TV -- Philippine educational television programming block
Wikipedia - Design education
Wikipedia - Dhaval Bathia -- Indian educationist and author
Wikipedia - Dhemaji Commerce College -- Oldest commerce education institution in the district in Dhemaji, Assam, India.
Wikipedia - DHMakerBus -- Mobile educational facility
Wikipedia - Diploma of Higher Education
Wikipedia - Discovery Toys -- Multi-level marketing company specializing in educational toys
Wikipedia - Discrimination in education
Wikipedia - Distance Education Accrediting Commission -- National Home Study Council
Wikipedia - Distance education librarian
Wikipedia - Distance education -- Mode of delivering education to students who are not physically present
Wikipedia - DITSELA -- South Africa union education organisation
Wikipedia - Divers Academy International -- A technical educational institution in New Jersey that offers training in commercial diving
Wikipedia - Divers Institute of Technology -- A private, commercial educational institution for the training of commercial divers
Wikipedia - Doctor of Education
Wikipedia - Doctor of education
Wikipedia - Dolores Gortazar Serantes -- Spanish writer, journalist, education activist
Wikipedia - Don Bosco Technical College -- Educational institution in Manila, Philippines
Wikipedia - Don Herbert -- American educational television host
Wikipedia - Dora Opoku -- Educationist from Ghana
Wikipedia - D'Overbroeck's College -- Co-educational school in Oxford
Wikipedia - Draft:Ahmed Fatimah Bisola -- Commissioner for Education and Human Development, Kwara State
Wikipedia - Draft:Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements -- Ranking system of Indian institutions of technical education
Wikipedia - Draft:Biotope Aquarium Project -- Aquaristic platform with educational and conservational purpose
Wikipedia - Draft:Embibe -- India-based Educational technology and online tutoring firm
Wikipedia - Draft:Heshan de Silva -- Sri Lankan educationist (1911-1974)
Wikipedia - Draft:Kasaysayan TV -- Philippine educational television show
Wikipedia - Draft:MyCaptain -- India-based education technology company
Wikipedia - Draft:Norman R. Smith (educationist) -- Canadian-American educationist
Wikipedia - Draft:Plexuss -- An American education technology company
Wikipedia - Draft:Prodigy Education -- Canadian educational technology company
Wikipedia - Draft:Shantanu Prakash -- Indian Education Entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Draft:STEM Crew -- Educational program
Wikipedia - Dr. Fox effect -- In educational psychology, named after the identity Dr. Myron L. Fox
Wikipedia - Drug Abuse Resistance Education -- US anti-drug educational program
Wikipedia - Dublin Civic Trust -- Architectural conservation and educational trust
Wikipedia - Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies -- Irish educational institution, academic publisher
Wikipedia - Dudley de Silva -- Sri Lankan educationist (1911-1974)
Wikipedia - Duke Corporate Education -- American corporate education company
Wikipedia - Dunfermline College of Physical Education -- Teacher training college
Wikipedia - Durga Deulkar -- Indian educationist and writer
Wikipedia - Eagle Hill School -- Independent private, special education residential schools in Massachusetts and Connecticut, United States
Wikipedia - Eagles4kids -- Online educational resource
Wikipedia - Early childhood education
Wikipedia - Early Games -- 1982 educational video game
Wikipedia - East Asian studies -- Field of scholarly enquiry and education that promotes a broad humanistic understanding of East Asia past and present
Wikipedia - East Carolina University College of Education
Wikipedia - Ecole normale supM-CM-)rieure de jeunes filles -- French institute of higher education in Sevres
Wikipedia - Ecoles Sans Frontieres -- Educational organization based in France
Wikipedia - Economics education
Wikipedia - Economics of education
Wikipedia - ECrew Development Program -- Rare educational video game
Wikipedia - EdAid -- British funding platform for higher education
Wikipedia - Edexcel -- British multinational education and examination body owned by Pearson
Wikipedia - EdFund -- Federal Family Education Loan Program
Wikipedia - EDGE Foundation -- Educational organization
Wikipedia - Edith Batten -- British welfare worker and educationist
Wikipedia - Edith Howes -- NZ teacher, writer, educationalist
Wikipedia - Edouard SM-CM-)guin -- French physician and educationist (1812-1880)
Wikipedia - EdSurge -- Educational technology company
Wikipedia - Edubuntu -- Official derivative of Ubuntu for educational institutions
Wikipedia - Education 2030 Agenda -- Global commitment of the Education for All movement to ensure access to basic education for all
Wikipedia - Education Act 1695 -- Act of the Parliament of Ireland
Wikipedia - Educational accreditation -- Type of quality assurance process under which services and operations of educational institutions or programs are evaluated and verified by an external body
Wikipedia - Educational aims and objectives
Wikipedia - Educational and Psychological Measurement
Wikipedia - Educational animation -- Animations produced for the specific purpose of fostering learning
Wikipedia - Educational anthropology
Wikipedia - Educational assessment -- Systematic process of documenting and using empirical data on the knowledge, skill, attitudes, and beliefs to refine programs and improve student learning
Wikipedia - Educational attainment in the United States
Wikipedia - Educational attainment
Wikipedia - Educational Broadband Service -- Microwave TV channel band
Wikipedia - Educational Broadcasting System -- South Korean educational broadcaster
Wikipedia - Educational Credential Evaluators -- Nonprofitable organization
Wikipedia - Educational crossover
Wikipedia - Educational data mining
Wikipedia - Educational entertainment
Wikipedia - Educational essentialism
Wikipedia - Educational evaluation
Wikipedia - Educational film
Wikipedia - Educational games in the Sonic series -- Edutainment video games
Wikipedia - Educational game
Wikipedia - Educational inequality -- Unequal distribution of academic resources
Wikipedia - Educational institutions
Wikipedia - Educational institution -- Institution that provides education
Wikipedia - Educational interventions for first-generation students
Wikipedia - Educational leadership
Wikipedia - Educational management -- administration of education systems
Wikipedia - Educational measurement
Wikipedia - Educational Media Foundation -- American religious broadcaster
Wikipedia - Educational neuroscience
Wikipedia - Educational opportunities for women
Wikipedia - Educational organization
Wikipedia - Educational perennialism -- educational philosophy
Wikipedia - Educational philosophies
Wikipedia - Educational philosophy
Wikipedia - Educational programming language
Wikipedia - Educational Progressivism
Wikipedia - Educational progressivism
Wikipedia - Educational Psychologist (journal)
Wikipedia - Educational psychologist
Wikipedia - Educational Psychology Review
Wikipedia - Educational Psychology
Wikipedia - Educational psychology -- Branch of psychology concerned with the scientific study of human learning
Wikipedia - Educational reform
Wikipedia - Educational Research Analysts -- organization to monitor public school textbooks
Wikipedia - Educational Research Review -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Educational research
Wikipedia - Educational robotics
Wikipedia - Educational sociology
Wikipedia - Educational software -- Software intended for an educational purpose.
Wikipedia - Educational Specialist
Wikipedia - Educational specialist -- Degree
Wikipedia - Educational stage -- Stages of education
Wikipedia - Educational technologist
Wikipedia - Educational Technology & Society -- peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - Educational technology in Saudi Arabia
Wikipedia - Educational technology in sub-Saharan Africa
Wikipedia - Educational Technology
Wikipedia - Educational technology -- Use of technology in education to improve learning and teaching
Wikipedia - Educational television
Wikipedia - Educational Testing Service -- Educational testing and assessment organization
Wikipedia - Educational theory
Wikipedia - Educational toy
Wikipedia - Educational trail
Wikipedia - Educational video game -- Video game genre
Wikipedia - Education Amendments of 1972 -- U.S. civil rights law
Wikipedia - Education and technology
Wikipedia - Education (Chittenden Memorial Window)
Wikipedia - Education Corporation of America -- Companies based in Birmingham, Alabama
Wikipedia - Education (disambiguation)
Wikipedia - Education economics
Wikipedia - Education Engineering Department -- Bangladesh government department
Wikipedia - Education Equality Project -- Education reform organization
Wikipedia - Education (film) -- 2020 film
Wikipedia - Education for All Handicapped Children Act -- USA law granting equal access to education for children with disabilities
Wikipedia - Education For All
Wikipedia - Education for All
Wikipedia - Education for Justice
Wikipedia - Education for justice -- The process of promoting a culture of lawfulness through educational activities at all levels
Wikipedia - Education for librarianship
Wikipedia - Education for Sustainable Development
Wikipedia - Education for sustainable development -- United Nations program
Wikipedia - Education in Afghanistan -- Overview of education in Afghanistan
Wikipedia - Education in Africa -- Overview of education in Africa
Wikipedia - Education in Alabama -- Education in Alabama
Wikipedia - Education in Albania
Wikipedia - Education in Alberta -- Overview of education in Alberta
Wikipedia - Education in Algeria
Wikipedia - Education in ancient Greece
Wikipedia - Education in Ancient Rome
Wikipedia - Education in ancient Rome
Wikipedia - Education in Andorra
Wikipedia - Education in Angola
Wikipedia - Education in Anguilla
Wikipedia - Education in Ankara -- Ankara Education
Wikipedia - Education in Antigua and Barbuda
Wikipedia - Education in Argentina
Wikipedia - Education in Armenia
Wikipedia - Education in Aruba
Wikipedia - Education in Asia
Wikipedia - Education in Australia -- Overview of education in Australia
Wikipedia - Education in Austria -- Overview of education in Austria
Wikipedia - Education in Azerbaijan
Wikipedia - Education in Bahrain
Wikipedia - Education in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Education in Barbados
Wikipedia - Education in Belarus
Wikipedia - Education in Belgium -- Overview of education in Belgium
Wikipedia - Education in Belize
Wikipedia - Education in Benin
Wikipedia - Education in Berlin -- Overview of education in Berlin
Wikipedia - Education in Bermuda
Wikipedia - Education in Bhutan
Wikipedia - Education in Bolivia
Wikipedia - Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Wikipedia - Education in Botswana
Wikipedia - Education in Brazil -- Overview of education in Brazil
Wikipedia - Education in Brunei
Wikipedia - Education in Bulgaria
Wikipedia - Education in Burkina Faso
Wikipedia - Education in Burundi
Wikipedia - Education in California -- Public and private schools in the U.S. state of California
Wikipedia - Education in Cambodia
Wikipedia - Education in Cameroon
Wikipedia - Education in Canada -- Overview of education in Canada
Wikipedia - Education in Cape Verde
Wikipedia - Education in Chad
Wikipedia - Education in Chile
Wikipedia - Education in China
Wikipedia - Education in Colombia
Wikipedia - Education in Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Education in Croatia -- Overview of education in Croatia
Wikipedia - Education in Cuba
Wikipedia - Education in Cyprus
Wikipedia - Education in Delhi -- Overview of education in Delhi
Wikipedia - Education in Denmark
Wikipedia - Education Index -- Component of the Human Development Index
Wikipedia - Education in Djibouti
Wikipedia - Education in Dominica
Wikipedia - Education in early modern Scotland -- Overview of the education in early modern Scotland
Wikipedia - Education in Ecuador
Wikipedia - Education in Egypt -- Overview of education in Egypt
Wikipedia - Education in El Salvador
Wikipedia - Education inequality in China -- Overview of education inequality in China
Wikipedia - Education in Equatorial Guinea
Wikipedia - Education in Eritrea
Wikipedia - Education in Estonia
Wikipedia - Education in Eswatini
Wikipedia - Education in Ethiopia
Wikipedia - Education in Europe
Wikipedia - Education in Fiji
Wikipedia - Education in Finland -- Overview of education in Finland
Wikipedia - Education in Florida -- Overview of education in Florida
Wikipedia - Education in France
Wikipedia - Education in French Guiana
Wikipedia - Education in French Polynesia
Wikipedia - Education in Gabon
Wikipedia - Education in Georgia (country)
Wikipedia - Education in Germany -- Overview of education in the Federal Republic of Germany
Wikipedia - Education in Ghana -- Overview of education in Ghana
Wikipedia - Education in Gibraltar
Wikipedia - Education in Greece -- Overview of education in Greece
Wikipedia - Education in Grenada
Wikipedia - Education in Guam
Wikipedia - Education in Guatemala
Wikipedia - Education in Guernsey
Wikipedia - Education in Guinea-Bissau
Wikipedia - Education in Guinea
Wikipedia - Education in Guyana
Wikipedia - Education in Haiti
Wikipedia - Education in Hawaii
Wikipedia - Education in Honduras
Wikipedia - Education in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Education in Houston -- Overview of education in Houston
Wikipedia - Education in Hungary -- Overview of education in Hungary
Wikipedia - Education in Iceland -- Overview of education in Iceland
Wikipedia - Education in India -- Education in the country of India
Wikipedia - Education in Indonesia -- Overview of education in Indonesia
Wikipedia - Education in Iran
Wikipedia - Education in Iraq
Wikipedia - Education in Islam -- Islam and education
Wikipedia - Education in Israel
Wikipedia - Education in Italy -- Overview of education in Italy
Wikipedia - Education in Ivory Coast
Wikipedia - Education in Jamaica
Wikipedia - Education in Japan -- Overview of the education system in Japan
Wikipedia - Education in Jersey
Wikipedia - Education in Jordan -- Overview of education in Jordan
Wikipedia - Education in Kazakhstan
Wikipedia - Education in Kenya
Wikipedia - Education in Kiribati
Wikipedia - Education in Kolkata
Wikipedia - Education in Kollam district -- One of the 14 districts of Kerala state, India
Wikipedia - Education in Kosovo
Wikipedia - Education in Kuwait
Wikipedia - Education in Kyrgyzstan
Wikipedia - Education in Laos
Wikipedia - Education in Latvia
Wikipedia - Education in Lebanon
Wikipedia - Education in Lesotho
Wikipedia - Education in Liberia
Wikipedia - Education in Libya
Wikipedia - Education in Liechtenstein
Wikipedia - Education in Lithuania
Wikipedia - Education in London -- Overview of education in London
Wikipedia - Education in Luxembourg
Wikipedia - Education in Macau
Wikipedia - Education in Madagascar
Wikipedia - Education in Malawi
Wikipedia - Education in Malaysia -- Overview of education in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Education in Mali
Wikipedia - Education in Malta
Wikipedia - Education in Mauritania
Wikipedia - Education in Mauritius
Wikipedia - Education in Mexico -- Overview of education in Mexico
Wikipedia - Education in Minnesota -- Education in Minnesota
Wikipedia - Education in Moldova
Wikipedia - Education in Monaco
Wikipedia - Education in Mongolia -- Education in Mongolia
Wikipedia - Education in Montenegro
Wikipedia - Education in Montserrat
Wikipedia - Education in Morocco
Wikipedia - Education in Mozambique
Wikipedia - Education in Myanmar
Wikipedia - Education in Namibia
Wikipedia - Education in Nauru
Wikipedia - Education in Nepal -- Overview of education in Nepal
Wikipedia - Education in New Brunswick -- Overview of education in New Brunswick
Wikipedia - Education in New York City -- Overview of education in New York City
Wikipedia - Education in New York (state) -- Overview of the education in the U.S. state of New York
Wikipedia - Education in New Zealand -- Overview of education in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Education in Nicaragua
Wikipedia - Education in Nigeria -- Education
Wikipedia - Education in Niger
Wikipedia - Education in Niue
Wikipedia - Education in Northern Cyprus
Wikipedia - Education in North Korea -- Education in North Korea
Wikipedia - Education in North Macedonia
Wikipedia - Education in Norway
Wikipedia - Education in Oman
Wikipedia - Education in Pakistan -- Overview of education in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Education in Palau
Wikipedia - Education in Panama
Wikipedia - Education in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Education in Paraguay
Wikipedia - Education in Paris -- Education in the capital of France
Wikipedia - Education in Pennsylvania -- Overview of education in the U.S. state of Penssylvania
Wikipedia - Education in Peru -- Government ministries, schools and institutions in Peru
Wikipedia - Education in Poland during World War II
Wikipedia - Education in Poland -- Overview of education in Poland
Wikipedia - Education in Portugal -- Overview of education in Portugal
Wikipedia - Education in Puerto Rico -- Overseen by the Department of Education of Puerto Rico and the Puerto Rico Education Council
Wikipedia - Education in Qatar
Wikipedia - Education in Quebec -- Overview of education in Quebec
Wikipedia - Education in Romania
Wikipedia - Education in Russia -- Overview of education in Russia
Wikipedia - Education in Rwanda
Wikipedia - Education in Saint Helena
Wikipedia - Education in Saint Kitts and Nevis
Wikipedia - Education in Saint Lucia
Wikipedia - Education in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Wikipedia - Education in Sambalpur -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Education in Saudi Arabia -- Overview of education in Saudi Arabia
Wikipedia - Education in Scotland -- Overview of education in Scotland
Wikipedia - Education in Senegal -- Education system
Wikipedia - Education in Serbia
Wikipedia - Education in Seychelles
Wikipedia - Education in Sierra Leone
Wikipedia - Education in Singapore -- Overview about the education system in Singapore
Wikipedia - Education in Slovakia
Wikipedia - Education in Slovenia
Wikipedia - Education in Somalia -- Overview about education in Somalia
Wikipedia - Education in Somaliland
Wikipedia - Education in South Africa -- Overview of education in South Africa
Wikipedia - Education in South Korea -- Overview of education in South Korea
Wikipedia - Education in South Sudan
Wikipedia - Education in Spain -- Overview of education in Spain
Wikipedia - Education in Sri Lanka
Wikipedia - Education in Sudan
Wikipedia - Education in Suriname
Wikipedia - Education in Sweden -- Overview of the educational system in Sweden
Wikipedia - Education in Switzerland -- Overview of education in Switzerland
Wikipedia - Education in Syria
Wikipedia - Education in Taiwan
Wikipedia - Education in Tajikistan
Wikipedia - Education in Tanzania
Wikipedia - Education in Texas -- Overview of education in Texas
Wikipedia - Education in Thailand -- Overview of the education system in Thailand
Wikipedia - Education in the Age of Enlightenment -- Overview of education in the Age of Enlightenment
Wikipedia - Education in the Bahamas
Wikipedia - Education in the British Virgin Islands
Wikipedia - Education in the Cayman Islands
Wikipedia - Education in the Central African Republic
Wikipedia - Education in the Comoros
Wikipedia - Education in the Cook Islands
Wikipedia - Education in the Czech Republic -- Overview of education in the Czech Republic
Wikipedia - Education in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Wikipedia - Education in the Dominican Republic -- Overview of education in the Dominican Republic
Wikipedia - Education in the European Union
Wikipedia - Education in the Falkland Islands
Wikipedia - Education in the Faroe Islands
Wikipedia - Education in the Federated States of Micronesia
Wikipedia - Education in the Gambia
Wikipedia - Education in the Isle of Man
Wikipedia - Education in the Maldives
Wikipedia - Education in the Netherlands -- Overview of education in the Netherlands
Wikipedia - Education in the Northern Mariana Islands
Wikipedia - Education in the People's Republic of China
Wikipedia - Education in the Philippines during American rule -- Overview of the education in the Philippines during American rule
Wikipedia - Education in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Education in the Pitcairn Islands
Wikipedia - Education in the Republic of Ireland -- Overview of education in the Republic of Ireland
Wikipedia - Education in the Republic of the Congo
Wikipedia - Education in the State of Palestine -- Overview of education in the State of Palestine
Wikipedia - Education in the Turks and Caicos Islands
Wikipedia - Education in the United Arab Emirates
Wikipedia - Education in the United Kingdom -- Educational system
Wikipedia - Education in the United States Virgin Islands
Wikipedia - Education in the United States -- Overview of education in the United States of America
Wikipedia - Education in Thrissur
Wikipedia - Education in Tibet
Wikipedia - Education in Togo
Wikipedia - Education in Tokelau
Wikipedia - Education in Tonga
Wikipedia - Education in Trinidad and Tobago
Wikipedia - Education in Tristan da Cunha
Wikipedia - Education in Tunisia
Wikipedia - Education in Turkey -- Overview of education in Turkey
Wikipedia - Education in Turkmenistan
Wikipedia - Education in Tuvalu
Wikipedia - Education in Uganda
Wikipedia - Education in Ukraine
Wikipedia - Education in Uruguay
Wikipedia - Education in Uzbekistan
Wikipedia - Education in Venezuela
Wikipedia - Education in Victoria -- Overview of the education in Victoria, Australia
Wikipedia - Education in Vietnam
Wikipedia - Education in Virginia -- Overview of education in the Commonwealth of Virginia
Wikipedia - Education in Western Australia -- Overview of the education in Western Australia
Wikipedia - Education in
Wikipedia - Education in Yemen
Wikipedia - Education in Zambia
Wikipedia - Education in Zimbabwe
Wikipedia - Education Law Association -- Legal education in the United States
Wikipedia - Education Magazine -- Chinese Journal of Education
Wikipedia - Education Museum -- Museum in Melaka City, Melaka, Malaysia
Wikipedia - Education Next
Wikipedia - Education NGOs -- UNESCO stated M-bM-^@M-^\education for sustainable development
Wikipedia - Education of a Prince -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Education of the Virgin (Wautier) -- c. 1650 painting by Michaelina Wautier
Wikipedia - Education Opens Doors -- American nonprofit organization
Wikipedia - Education policy -- Rules which govern schooling systems
Wikipedia - Education Program for Gifted Youth
Wikipedia - Education reform -- Goal of changing public education
Wikipedia - Education Resources Information Center -- US Department of Education online repository
Wikipedia - Education sciences
Wikipedia - Education Select Committee -- British Parliamentary select committee
Wikipedia - Education software
Wikipedia - EducationSuperHighway -- Nonprofit organization in San Francisco, United States
Wikipedia - Education technology
Wikipedia - Education theory
Wikipedia - Education Update
Wikipedia - Education Week -- Education news publication
Wikipedia - Education -- Learning in which knowledge and skills is transferred through teaching
Wikipedia - Education Without Borders (Canadian organization) -- Charitiy based in Canada
Wikipedia - EduTECH (conference) -- Australian education conference
Wikipedia - Edvard Befring -- Norwegian educationalist
Wikipedia - Edward Moreno -- Secretary of Education of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Edwin Jacob (priest) -- Canadian educationist and priest
Wikipedia - EdX -- Online education provider
Wikipedia - E. E. Speight -- Lexicographer, educationalist, philosopher, poet, anthropologist, publisher, author; Speight was a Yorkshireman who was professor of English in Japan and latterly India.
Wikipedia - EF Education-Nippo -- American professional men's cycling team
Wikipedia - Electrical Association for Women -- British feminist and educational organisation
Wikipedia - Elementary and Secondary Education Act -- United States law, part of Johnson's War on Poverty
Wikipedia - Elementary Education Act 1870
Wikipedia - Elementary education
Wikipedia - Elementary school (United States) -- School that provides primary education in the United States
Wikipedia - Eleventh grade -- Eleventh post-kindergarten year of school education in some school systems
Wikipedia - Elham Kazemi -- Mathematics educator and educational psychologist
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Moir -- Sri Lankan educationalist
Wikipedia - Ellen Ida Benham -- (1871-1917) educationist
Wikipedia - Elliot Koffman -- American computer scientist and educationist
Wikipedia - Emajuddin Ahamed -- Bangladeshi educationist
Wikipedia - Embley (school) -- Coeducational independent day and boarding school located in Embley Park in Wellow
Wikipedia - Emerson College -- Private coeducational university located in Boston, Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Emile: Or, On Education
Wikipedia - Emile: or, On Education
Wikipedia - Emile, or On Education -- 1762 book by Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Wikipedia - Emma Cons -- British social reformer, educationalist and theatre manager
Wikipedia - Emory and Henry College -- Private, coeducational liberal arts college located in Emory, Virginia, United States
Wikipedia - Encuentro -- Argentine educational television channel
Wikipedia - Engineering education research
Wikipedia - Engineering education
Wikipedia - English Education Act 1835 -- Legislative Act of the Council of India
Wikipedia - English English English -- Israeli childrens' educational program
Wikipedia - English-medium education -- Medium of instruction
Wikipedia - ENotes -- Student and teacher educational website
Wikipedia - Enriqueta Compte y Rique -- Spanish teacher and educationist (1866-1949)
Wikipedia - Entertainment-Education
Wikipedia - Environmental adult education
Wikipedia - Environmental education
Wikipedia - Envision EMI -- For profit, tuition-based education company
Wikipedia - Epol/Apple -- Philippine educational television show
Wikipedia - Erling Kristvik -- Norwegian educationalist
Wikipedia - EScholar -- Education software
Wikipedia - Ethical movement -- Ethical, educational, and religious movement
Wikipedia - European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education -- European disability organization
Wikipedia - European Association of History Educators -- International educational organization
Wikipedia - European Higher Education Area
Wikipedia - Eurotalk -- Educational publisher based in London
Wikipedia - Evidence-based education -- Use of empirical evidence to make policy and practice decisions in education
Wikipedia - Evolutionary educational psychology
Wikipedia - Excursion -- Trip by a group of people, usually made for leisure, education, or physical purposes
Wikipedia - Exeat -- Education term
Wikipedia - Experience and Education (book)
Wikipedia - Experiential education -- A philosophy of education
Wikipedia - Expulsion (education) -- Removal of a student from an academic institution
Wikipedia - Extension of University Education Act, 1959
Wikipedia - Fairbairn College -- Public, co-educational high school in Goodwood, Cape Town
Wikipedia - Fairtrade Canada -- National non-profit certification and public education organization
Wikipedia - Faith Smith -- Native American organizer and educational leader
Wikipedia - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
Wikipedia - Family life education -- Professional organizations in the U.S
Wikipedia - Father Henry Carr -- Canadian Basilian priest and education pioneer
Wikipedia - Fatima Shah -- Gyanconologist, social worker and educationist
Wikipedia - Faulkes Telescope Educational Project
Wikipedia - Federal College of Education (Technical), Umunze -- Federal tertiary institution in Anambra State, Nigeria
Wikipedia - Federal College of Education, Zaria -- Nigerian College
Wikipedia - Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Germany) -- Ministry of Education and Research of Germany
Wikipedia - Federation of Accrediting Agencies of the Philippines -- Association of educational accrediting agencies in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Female education
Wikipedia - Feni Polytechnic Institute -- Educational institution of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - FIRST Global Challenge -- STEM education and careers for youth
Wikipedia - Five themes of geography -- educational tool for teaching geography
Wikipedia - Flatiron School -- Educational organization
Wikipedia - Flora Forster -- Welsh educationalist
Wikipedia - Florida Knowledge Network -- Educational television service in Florida, United States
Wikipedia - FLOW (programming language) -- Education programming language from 1970
Wikipedia - Formal education
Wikipedia - For-profit education
Wikipedia - For-profit higher education in the United States -- Consists of higher education educational institutions operated by profit-seeking businesses
Wikipedia - Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education -- Australian not-for-profit organisation aiming to minimise harms from alcohol
Wikipedia - Foundation for Economic Education -- Libertarian education organization
Wikipedia - Foundation for Environmental Education -- Non-governmental, non-profit organisation
Wikipedia - Foundation for Individual Rights in Education
Wikipedia - Frances Shayle George -- NZ teacher, writer, educationalist
Wikipedia - Francisco Ferrer -- 19th and 20th-century Spanish anarchist and educationist
Wikipedia - Frank B. Cooper -- American education administrator
Wikipedia - Frank Jacques -- British political and educational activist
Wikipedia - Frederick Gordon Pearce -- English educationist, regarded as the founder of the Indian public school movement
Wikipedia - Frederick Gruggen -- English educationalist, cricketer, and clergyman
Wikipedia - Free Congress Research and Education Foundation
Wikipedia - Freedom of education
Wikipedia - Free education
Wikipedia - Friends of the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra -- Non-profit cultural and educational organization
Wikipedia - Fully Informed Jury Association -- American juror education group
Wikipedia - Further education
Wikipedia - Future Problem Solving Program International -- Non-profit educational program
Wikipedia - Gale (publisher) -- Educational publishing company based in Farmington Hills, Michigan, US
Wikipedia - GAMCO Educational Software -- American software develope
Wikipedia - Gap year -- Year-long break before or after college/university during which students engage in various educational and developmental activities, such as travel or some type of regular work
Wikipedia - Gauteng Department of Education -- Department of Education in Gauteng
Wikipedia - GCE Advanced Level -- Subject-based qualification conferred as part of the General Certificate of Education
Wikipedia - GD Goenka University -- Educational institution
Wikipedia - Gender mainstreaming in teacher education policy
Wikipedia - General Certificate of Education
Wikipedia - General Certificate of Secondary Education -- British public examinations, generally taken aged 16
Wikipedia - General Educational Development
Wikipedia - General education liceum
Wikipedia - General National Vocational Qualification -- Certificate of vocational education
Wikipedia - Geneva Centre for Education and Research in Humanitarian Action -- Institution in Geneva, Switzerland
Wikipedia - Geniac -- Educational toy
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Bell (cricketer) -- English cricketer and educationalist
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Langlands -- British educationalist
Wikipedia - George Meegan -- British explorer, world record holder for longest distance walked, social, cultural, and educational activist
Wikipedia - George Richard Ashbridge -- New Zealand accountant, teachersM-bM-^@M-^Y union official, educationalist
Wikipedia - George Washington Educational Campus
Wikipedia - German Youth Movement -- German cultural and educational movement
Wikipedia - Ghana Education Service -- Ghanaian parastatal
Wikipedia - Ghana School of Law -- Educational institution for training lawyers in Ghana
Wikipedia - Ghulam Nabi Firaq -- Kashmiri poet, writer, educationist
Wikipedia - Gifted Education Centre
Wikipedia - Gifted Education
Wikipedia - Gifted education
Wikipedia - Gina D's Kids Club -- American educational children's television program
Wikipedia - Girls Educational and Mentoring Services -- Non-profit organization that provides services to victims of sexual exploitation
Wikipedia - Global Alliance of Leading-Edge Schools -- International educational organization
Wikipedia - Global Campaign for Education -- Non-governmental organization
Wikipedia - Global citizenship education
Wikipedia - Global Education Learning Community
Wikipedia - Global Education Magazine
Wikipedia - Global Engineering Education
Wikipedia - Global Online Academy -- Nonprofit education organization
Wikipedia - Global Partnership for Education -- Meaning of global partner
Wikipedia - Global Poverty Project -- international education and advocacy organisation
Wikipedia - Global SchoolNet -- Nonprofit 501(c)3 international educational organization
Wikipedia - Glossary of education-related terms
Wikipedia - Glossary of education terms (A-C) -- Wikipedia glossary
Wikipedia - Glossary of education terms (D-F) -- Wikipedia glossary
Wikipedia - Glossary of education terms (G-L) -- Wikipedia glossary
Wikipedia - Glossary of education terms (M-O) -- Wikipedia glossary
Wikipedia - Glossary of education terms (P-R) -- Wikipedia glossary
Wikipedia - Glossary of education terms (S) -- Wikipedia glossary
Wikipedia - Glossary of education terms (T-Z) -- Wikipedia glossary
Wikipedia - Glossary of education terms
Wikipedia - Gloucester County Special Services School District -- Special education public school district in New Jersey
Wikipedia - Goddard School -- Early childhood education franchise
Wikipedia - Godzilland -- Japanese educational television series
Wikipedia - Google for Education
Wikipedia - Gottlob Burchard Genzmer -- German educationist and naturalist
Wikipedia - Governance in higher education
Wikipedia - Government College of Physical Education for Women -- Institute in West Bengal
Wikipedia - Government Engineering College Bikaner -- Indian technical education institute in Bikaner, Rajasthan
Wikipedia - Government Polytechnic Barabanki -- Government technical education institute in India
Wikipedia - Government Secondary School, Eneka -- Government educational institute in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Gowri Ishwaran -- Indian educationist
Wikipedia - Grace Paterson -- Scottish suffragist, temperance activist and educationalist.
Wikipedia - Grade (education)
Wikipedia - Gradescope -- American educational technology company
Wikipedia - Grading (education)
Wikipedia - Grading in education -- Standardized measurement of academic performance
Wikipedia - Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies -- Higher Education Institute in Geneva, Switzerland
Wikipedia - Grande ecole -- French institutions of higher education
Wikipedia - Grandi's series in education
Wikipedia - Grand Tour -- Journey around Europe for cultural education
Wikipedia - Gravissimum educationis
Wikipedia - Greenwood Publishing Group -- Educational and academic publisher
Wikipedia - Gresham College -- Educational institution in London, England
Wikipedia - Grolier -- Publisher of educational and reference books
Wikipedia - Guildford College -- Further education establishment in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Gwen Alston -- British aerodynamicist and educationalist
Wikipedia - Gwendolyn Galsworth -- American educationist
Wikipedia - Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education -- Office of education in South Korea
Wikipedia - Gymnasium (school) -- Type of school providing advanced secondary education in Europe
Wikipedia - Haa Dhaalu Atoll Education Centre -- School in the Maldives
Wikipedia - Halmstad University, Sweden -- Higher education institution
Wikipedia - Hamida Habibullah -- Indian parliamentarian, educationist and social worker
Wikipedia - Hampton Roads Educational Telecommunications Association -- Public broadcaster in southeast Virginia, United States
Wikipedia - Hanna-Barbera Educational Filmstrips -- Animated film series
Wikipedia - Hannatu Salihu -- Commissioner of Education, Niger State
Wikipedia - Hans Aebli -- Swiss educationist, theorist, and researcher
Wikipedia - Harriet Christina Newcomb -- English feminist, activist, and educationist
Wikipedia - Harris County Department of Education
Wikipedia - Harvard Educational Review
Wikipedia - Harvard Graduate School of Education
Wikipedia - Haslemere Educational Museum -- Geology, natural and human history museum
Wikipedia - Hatef Higher Education Institute -- Educational Institute in Zahedan, Iran.
Wikipedia - HawkQuest -- Raptor-oriented environmental education organization
Wikipedia - Head girl and head boy -- Term used in the British education system
Wikipedia - Headline Harry and the Great Paper Race -- Educational video game
Wikipedia - Head Start (education)
Wikipedia - Health and Education for All -- Charity operating in India
Wikipedia - Health education
Wikipedia - Hedwig and Robert Samuel Foundation -- Foundation for Education
Wikipedia - Hegarty Maths -- UK educational web site
Wikipedia - Heike FleM-CM-^_ner -- Educationalist (b. 1944)
Wikipedia - Helen Ekins -- Horticulturist and educational administrator (1879-1964)
Wikipedia - Helen Ladd -- Education economist
Wikipedia - Hemlata Talesra -- Indian educationalist
Wikipedia - Henrietta White -- Anglo-Irish educationist and college head
Wikipedia - Henry Lyster Jameson -- Irish zoologist, educationist and marxist
Wikipedia - Herbert Fletcher University -- Online distance learning educational institution
Wikipedia - Herbie Hancock Institute of Jazz -- Non-profit music education organization
Wikipedia - Hereford College of Education -- Teacher training college in Hereford, England
Wikipedia - Het Klokhuis -- Dutch educational television show
Wikipedia - Higher Education Academy
Wikipedia - Higher education accreditation -- Verification of University level qualifications
Wikipedia - Higher education bubble in the United States -- Economic theory
Wikipedia - Higher Education for Development -- Educational organizations based in the United States
Wikipedia - Higher Education Funding Council for England
Wikipedia - Higher education in Afghanistan
Wikipedia - Higher education in Albania
Wikipedia - Higher education in Algeria
Wikipedia - Higher education in Angola
Wikipedia - Higher education in Argentina
Wikipedia - Higher education in Australia
Wikipedia - Higher education in Austria
Wikipedia - Higher education in Azerbaijan
Wikipedia - Higher education in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Higher education in Barbados
Wikipedia - Higher education in Belgium
Wikipedia - Higher education in Benin
Wikipedia - Higher education in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Wikipedia - Higher education in Botswana
Wikipedia - Higher education in Brazil
Wikipedia - Higher education in Bulgaria
Wikipedia - Higher education in Canada
Wikipedia - Higher education in Chile
Wikipedia - Higher education in China
Wikipedia - Higher education in Colombia
Wikipedia - Higher education in Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Higher education in Croatia
Wikipedia - Higher education in Cyprus
Wikipedia - Higher education in Denmark
Wikipedia - Higher education in Egypt
Wikipedia - Higher education in Estonia
Wikipedia - Higher education in Ethiopia
Wikipedia - Higher education in Finland
Wikipedia - Higher education in France
Wikipedia - Higher education in Georgia (country)
Wikipedia - Higher education in Germany
Wikipedia - Higher education in Ghana
Wikipedia - Higher education in Greece
Wikipedia - Higher education in Hungary
Wikipedia - Higher education in Iceland
Wikipedia - Higher education in India
Wikipedia - Higher education in Indonesia
Wikipedia - Higher education in Iran
Wikipedia - Higher education in Iraq
Wikipedia - Higher education in Israel
Wikipedia - Higher education in Italy
Wikipedia - Higher education in Japan
Wikipedia - Higher education in Jordan
Wikipedia - Higher education in Kenya
Wikipedia - Higher education in Latvia
Wikipedia - Higher education in Lithuania
Wikipedia - Higher education in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Higher education in Malta
Wikipedia - Higher education in Mauritius
Wikipedia - Higher education in Mexico
Wikipedia - Higher education in Moldova
Wikipedia - Higher education in Myanmar
Wikipedia - Higher education in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Higher education in Nicaragua
Wikipedia - Higher education in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Higher education in North Korea
Wikipedia - Higher education in Norway
Wikipedia - Higher education in Ontario -- Component of education in Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - Higher education in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Higher education in Palestine
Wikipedia - Higher education in Peru
Wikipedia - Higher education in Poland
Wikipedia - Higher education in Portugal
Wikipedia - Higher education in Romania
Wikipedia - Higher education in Russia
Wikipedia - Higher education in Rwanda
Wikipedia - Higher education in Saudi Arabia
Wikipedia - Higher education in Serbia
Wikipedia - Higher education in Slovakia
Wikipedia - Higher education in Slovenia
Wikipedia - Higher education in Somalia
Wikipedia - Higher education in South Africa
Wikipedia - Higher education in South Korea
Wikipedia - Higher education in Spain
Wikipedia - Higher education in Sri Lanka
Wikipedia - Higher education in Sweden
Wikipedia - Higher education in Switzerland
Wikipedia - Higher education in Taiwan
Wikipedia - Higher education in Thailand
Wikipedia - Higher education in the Czech Republic
Wikipedia - Higher education in the Netherlands
Wikipedia - Higher education in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Higher education in the Republic of Ireland
Wikipedia - Higher education in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Higher education in the United States
Wikipedia - Higher education in Turkey
Wikipedia - Higher education in Ukraine
Wikipedia - Higher education in Venezuela
Wikipedia - Higher education in Vietnam
Wikipedia - Higher Education Mega Center North station -- Guangzhou Metro station
Wikipedia - Higher Education Mega Center South station -- Guangzhou Metro interchange station
Wikipedia - Higher Education Opportunity Act
Wikipedia - Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario
Wikipedia - Higher Education Recruitment Consortium
Wikipedia - Higher Education Statistics Agency
Wikipedia - Higher Education
Wikipedia - Higher education -- Academic tertiary education, such as from colleges and universities
Wikipedia - Higher National Diploma -- Higher education qualification of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Higher Nationals -- An internationally-recognised higher education programme of qualifications
Wikipedia - Higher-order thinking -- A concept of education reform
Wikipedia - Highlander Research and Education Center -- Non-profit social justice organisation in the United States.
Wikipedia - High school (North America) -- Institution which provides all or part of secondary education
Wikipedia - HighScope -- Early childhood education research project
Wikipedia - Hilda Marley -- British psychologist and educationist (1876-1951)
Wikipedia - Hildegard Feidel-Mertz -- German educational researcher (1930-2013)
Wikipedia - Hilla Rustomji Faridoonji -- Indian educationist and political activist
Wikipedia - History of deaf education in the United States -- Local evolution of the education of the deaf.
Wikipedia - History of education in England
Wikipedia - History of education in Missouri -- Aspect of history
Wikipedia - History of education in Scotland -- Aspect of history
Wikipedia - History of education in Taiwan -- Overview of the history of education in Taiwan
Wikipedia - History of education in the United States
Wikipedia - History of Education Quarterly -- US peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - History of education -- about the global history of education
Wikipedia - HOCH-N -- Germany ministry of education and research project
Wikipedia - Hohere Graphische Bundes-Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt -- Graphics education institution in Vienna
Wikipedia - Holistic education -- Education movement
Wikipedia - Home education in the United Kingdom -- Overview of the status of home education in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Homeland Learning Centre -- Educational facilities in tiny remote settlements in the Northern Territory, Australia
Wikipedia - Home School Hub -- Educational television programme in Ireland
Wikipedia - Homeschooling and alternative education in India -- Overview of the status of homeschooling and alternative education in India
Wikipedia - Homeschooling -- Education of children outside of school
Wikipedia - Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education -- academic qualification in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - HooplaKidz -- Children's music education website
Wikipedia - Horace Mann -- American educational reformer and politician
Wikipedia - Hull College -- Further education college in England
Wikipedia - Humaira Bachal -- Pakistani female education advocate
Wikipedia - Human Development Index -- Composite statistic of life expectancy, education, and income indices
Wikipedia - Humanistic education
Wikipedia - Human rights education
Wikipedia - Humberto Belli -- Nicaraguan writer and Minister of Education
Wikipedia - Humboldtian model of higher education -- Concept of academic education
Wikipedia - HyperPhysics -- Educational website about physics
Wikipedia - IAPCHE: the International Association for the Promotion of Christian Higher Education -- Christian educational organization
Wikipedia - IB Diploma Programme -- Educational programme
Wikipedia - Ibero-American Cultural Centre -- Russian cultural and educational institution
Wikipedia - Ice Age Centre -- Estoniam educational museum
Wikipedia - ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education -- Indian university in Hyderabad, Telangana
Wikipedia - Idris Williams -- Welsh educationalist and councillor (1836-1894)
Wikipedia - IEEE Education Medal
Wikipedia - IEEE James H. Mulligan Jr. Education Medal
Wikipedia - IEEE James H. Mulligan, Jr. Education Medal
Wikipedia - Igakukan -- Medical educationnal institution
Wikipedia - Igwe Aja-Nwachukwu -- Former education minister of Nigeria
Wikipedia - IILM Institute for Higher Education -- Education institute in New Delhi, India
Wikipedia - IIT Hyderabad -- Public higher education institute located in Hyderabad, Telangana
Wikipedia - IIT Ropar -- Engineering and technology higher education institute in Rupnagar, Punjab
Wikipedia - Illinois State Superintendent -- Head of public education in Illinois
Wikipedia - Imoru Egala -- Ghanaian politician and educationist
Wikipedia - Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on education -- Impact of COVID-19 on education
Wikipedia - Imperial Rescript on Education
Wikipedia - Inca education
Wikipedia - Inclusion (education) -- Where special needs students spend most of their time with non-special needs students
Wikipedia - Independent Educational Consultants Association -- Educational consultant
Wikipedia - Index of education articles -- Wikipedia index
Wikipedia - Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Kolkata
Wikipedia - Indian Institute of Science -- Public university for scientific research and higher education in Bangalore
Wikipedia - Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act
Wikipedia - Indigenous education in Canada -- Education for First Nations, Inuit, and Metis people in Canada
Wikipedia - Indigenous education
Wikipedia - Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research -- Educational institution in India
Wikipedia - Indira Miri -- Indian educationist
Wikipedia - Individualized Education Program -- Document that is developed for each public school child in the U.S. who needs special education
Wikipedia - Indu Shahani -- Indian educationist
Wikipedia - Infant Jesus Academy of Silang -- Member of the Diocesan Catholic School in the Diocese of Imus Catholic Educational System Inc.(DICES)
Wikipedia - Informal education
Wikipedia - Inner London Education Authority -- Former education authority in London
Wikipedia - Inside American Education -- book by economist and social theorist Thomas Sowell
Wikipedia - Inside Higher Education
Wikipedia - Inside Higher Ed -- News website focused on issues of degree-oriented tertiary education
Wikipedia - Institute for Adult Learning -- Educational institute in Singapore
Wikipedia - Institute for Political and Legal Education -- Educational organizations based in the United States
Wikipedia - Institute for the International Education of Students -- Non-profit study abroad organization
Wikipedia - Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education -- 501(c)(3) non-profit organization
Wikipedia - Institute of Continuing Education -- Institute within the University of Cambridge
Wikipedia - Institute of Ecotechnics -- Educational, training, and research charity
Wikipedia - Institute of Education
Wikipedia - Institute of International Education -- Non-profit organisation in the USA
Wikipedia - Institutes of Eminence -- A group of higher educational institution in India
Wikipedia - Institutes of National Importance -- Premier public higher education institutions in India
Wikipedia - Integral education
Wikipedia - Interim alternative educational setting -- Type of educational placement
Wikipedia - International Academic Association for the Enhancement of Learning in Higher Education -- Advance learning centred higher education
Wikipedia - International Association for Language Learning Technology -- Language education in the United States
Wikipedia - International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement
Wikipedia - International Association of University Presidents -- Higher education association
Wikipedia - International Baccalaureate -- International educational organisation based in Geneva, Switzerland
Wikipedia - International Buddhist College -- Buddhist institution of higher education
Wikipedia - International Bureau of Education -- Organisation created in Geneva in 1925
Wikipedia - International Conservation Caucus Foundation -- Non-partisan 501(c)(3) educational foundation
Wikipedia - International Council for Adult Education -- International educational organization
Wikipedia - International Council for Open and Distance Education -- Distance education institutions based in Norway
Wikipedia - International Council on Educational Credential Evaluation -- Organization
Wikipedia - International Design School -- Higher education institution based in Jakarta, Indonesia
Wikipedia - International Education Corporation -- profit universities and colleges in the United States
Wikipedia - International education
Wikipedia - International Falcon Movement - Socialist Educational International -- Belgian non-profit organization
Wikipedia - International Institute for Management Development -- Swiss business education school
Wikipedia - International Journal of Educational Research -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - International Law Institute -- Non-profit educational institution in Washington, DC
Wikipedia - International Moral Education Congress -- International academic conference held in Europe six times between 1908 and 1934
Wikipedia - International School Connection -- Non-profit education organization based in Tampa, Florida
Wikipedia - International School for Advanced Studies -- International education and research institute in Trieste, Italy
Wikipedia - International Society for Comparative Adult Education -- Comparative education
Wikipedia - International Society for Philosophy of Music Education
Wikipedia - International Society for Technology in Education -- Nonprofit organization
Wikipedia - International Standard Classification of Education -- Education levels
Wikipedia - International Supply Chain Education Alliance -- Professional organization
Wikipedia - Internet Infidels -- Nonprofit educational organization
Wikipedia - Interprofessional education -- Concept in health education
Wikipedia - Irawati Karve -- Indian sociologist, anthropologist, educationist, and writer
Wikipedia - Irma Becerra Fernandez -- Cuban-American higher education leader
Wikipedia - Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization -- One of the largest international Islamic organizations
Wikipedia - Issaquah High School -- Public four-year educational institution in Washington, United States
Wikipedia - Istituto Internazionale di Studi Liguri -- Educational institution in Bordighera, Italy
Wikipedia - ITV Schools -- Educational television service of ITV
Wikipedia - Ivan Addae Mensah -- Chemist,Scientist and Educationist.
Wikipedia - Ivan Kozhedub National Air Force University -- Education organization in Kharkiv, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Ivanovo State Polytechnic University -- Education organization in Ivanovo, Russia
Wikipedia - Ivar Bergersen SM-CM-&len -- Norwegian Minister of Education (March to November 1923)
Wikipedia - Iversity -- Berlin-based online education platform
Wikipedia - Ivor Goodson -- Educationalist and teacher
Wikipedia - Iwate University -- Higher education institution in Iwate Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Jacquelynne Eccles -- American educational psychologist
Wikipedia - Jagdam College -- Education institution in Chhapra, Bihar, India
Wikipedia - Jagiellonian University -- Polish higher education institution
Wikipedia - Jagjiwan College -- Educational institution in Bihar, India
Wikipedia - Jahangirabad Institute of Technology -- Educational institution in Uttar Pradesh
Wikipedia - Jain International Residential School -- Educational institution in Bangalore, India
Wikipedia - Jalpaiguri Zilla School -- Educational institution in Jalpaiguri, West Bengal, India
Wikipedia - James Beard Foundation Award -- Annual awards presented for excellence in cuisine, culinary writing, and culinary education in the US
Wikipedia - James Hamilton (language teacher) -- British educationalist, language teacher (1769-1829)
Wikipedia - James Millar (educationalist) -- Scottish labour-movement educationalist
Wikipedia - James O'Higgins Norman -- Former priest, now academic working on education and bullying
Wikipedia - James Page (Australian educationist)
Wikipedia - James Randi Educational Foundation -- American grant-making foundation
Wikipedia - Jamiat Kheir -- Indonesian social and educational organization
Wikipedia - Jane Naana Opoku-Agyemang -- Ghanaian academician and former education minister
Wikipedia - Janet Anne Galloway -- Scottish advocate for higher education for women
Wikipedia - Jane Torr -- Australian linguist and early education researcher
Wikipedia - Jan Hus Educational Foundation -- Underground education network in the former Czechoslovakia
Wikipedia - Japanese Ministry of Education
Wikipedia - Japanese National Research and Development Agencies -- Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT).
Wikipedia - Jat Education Society Rohtak -- Indian education society in Haryana
Wikipedia - J. Carleton Bell -- American educational psychologist
Wikipedia - Jennie Howard -- American educationist
Wikipedia - Jenny's Journeys -- Educational Computer Game
Wikipedia - Jerry Agada -- Nigerian educationist and author
Wikipedia - Jewish education
Wikipedia - Jewish Farm School -- American educational nonprofit
Wikipedia - Jewish Learning Network -- Jewish education network
Wikipedia - Jewish Theological Seminary of America -- Religious education organization located in New York, New York
Wikipedia - J.F.K. Assassination: A Visual Investigation -- Educational interactive CD-ROM on the assassination of John F. Kennedy
Wikipedia - Jim Ross (educationalist) -- New Zealand educationalist
Wikipedia - Joan Garfield -- American educational psychologist
Wikipedia - Joan Stringer -- British academic and educationalist
Wikipedia - John Dewey -- American philosopher, psychologist, and educational reformer
Wikipedia - John Henry Bias -- American education administrator
Wikipedia - John J. Tigert -- American educationalist
Wikipedia - John King Jr. -- 10th United States Secretary of Education
Wikipedia - John Larkin (Jesuit) -- 19th-century Jesuit priest and educationist
Wikipedia - John Strong (educationalist) -- British educator
Wikipedia - John William Adamson -- British educationalist (1857-1947)
Wikipedia - Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation
Wikipedia - Joint Entrance Examination -- A common entrance examination for admission to various educational institutes in India
Wikipedia - Joint technological education district -- Special school district in Arizona offering career and technical education programs
Wikipedia - Jonah Edelman -- American advocate for public education
Wikipedia - Joseph Rowntree (Senior) -- English shopkeeper and educationalist
Wikipedia - Joseph Wilfred Abruquah -- Ghanaian novelist and educationist
Wikipedia - Journal for the Education of the Gifted
Wikipedia - Journal of Chemical Education
Wikipedia - Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education -- Journal
Wikipedia - Journal of Diversity in Higher Education
Wikipedia - Journal of Negro Education
Wikipedia - Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment
Wikipedia - J.S.S. Academy of Technical Education, Bangalore -- Engineering college in Bangalore, India
Wikipedia - J.S.S. Academy of Technical Education, Noida -- Educational Institute from India
Wikipedia - Judge Rotenberg Educational Center -- Day and residential school in Canton, Massachusetts, United States that has been condemned for torture by the United Nations Special Rapport on Torture.
Wikipedia - Julia Keleher -- 40th Secretary of the Puerto Rico Department of Education
Wikipedia - Julie's Greenroom -- American educational pre-school television series
Wikipedia - JumpStart Games -- American educational software developer
Wikipedia - Junior Cycle -- Educational programme for Irish second-level schools
Wikipedia - Junior school -- Type of school which provides primary education to children
Wikipedia - Jyotirmayee Gangopadhyay -- Bengali educationist, feminist, and freedom fighter
Wikipedia - K12 (company) -- For-profit education company
Wikipedia - K-16 -- American education movement to merge tertiary and pre-tertiary education
Wikipedia - K45AR -- Former educational low-power TV station in Eagle Bend, Minnesota
Wikipedia - Kadenze -- Online arts education technology company
Wikipedia - Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education -- University in Krishnankoil, Tamil Nadu
Wikipedia - Kan Educational -- Israeli children's television channel
Wikipedia - Kangdong concentration camp -- Reeducation camp in North Korea
Wikipedia - Kankam Twum Barima -- Ghanaian educationist
Wikipedia - Kansas evolution hearings -- 2005 Board of Education hearings in Kansas
Wikipedia - Karen Pollock -- British writer and chief executive of the Holocaust Educational Trust
Wikipedia - Karl Holzinger -- American educational psychologist
Wikipedia - Karl Sanne -- Norwegian Minister of Education (1923–1924)
Wikipedia - Kate Edger -- New Zealand university graduate, educationalist, community worker
Wikipedia - Kate Omenugha -- Nigerian educationist
Wikipedia - Kazi Masum Akhtar -- Educationist
Wikipedia - Keepu Tsering Lepcha -- Indian educationist,
Wikipedia - Keith J. Roberts -- American academic researcher in education
Wikipedia - Kendriya Vidyalaya Karaikudi -- Co-aid education school in Tamil Nadu, India
Wikipedia - Kendriya Vidyalaya Sivaganga -- Co-aid education school in Tamil Nadu, India
Wikipedia - Kenneth Fisher (headmaster) -- British educationalist, headmaster at Oundle School from 1922 to 1945
Wikipedia - Ken Robinson (educationalist) -- British writer
Wikipedia - Kentucky Educational Television -- PBS member network serving Kentucky
Wikipedia - Kerry Home Industrial School for Protestant Boys -- Former childcare and education facility, Tralee, Ireland
Wikipedia - Key Stage 3 -- British three-year education level
Wikipedia - Key Stage 4 -- Multi-year educational stage in many UK schools
Wikipedia - Key Stage -- Stage of the British state education system
Wikipedia - Khalid Manzoor Butt -- Pakistani educationist and researcher
Wikipedia - Khalsa College, Amritsar -- Higher education institution in Amritsar, India
Wikipedia - Khan Academy -- Non-profit educational organization
Wikipedia - Khan Sarwar Murshid -- Bangladeshi educationist and diplomat
Wikipedia - Kharkiv Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education
Wikipedia - Khosrow Bagheri -- Iranian philosopher of education
Wikipedia - Khwaja Salimullah -- Politician, patron of Bengali education and Nawab of Dhaka (1871-1915) (r. 1901-1915)
Wikipedia - Kibbutz communal child rearing and collective education -- Method of education prevalent in collective communities in Israel until the 1980s
Wikipedia - KIEC -- Educational Consultant & Migration Services
Wikipedia - Kieran Egan (educationist)
Wikipedia - Kindergarten -- Preschool educational approach traditionally based on playing
Wikipedia - Kiwaka -- Educational game about astronomy
Wikipedia - Klaus Werner Wedell -- British educational psychologist
Wikipedia - KLEP -- Former educational TV station in Newark, Arkansas
Wikipedia - KL University -- Institution of higher education in Andhra Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Knowledge -- Familiarity, awareness, or understanding of information or skills acquired through experience or education
Wikipedia - KOET (Utah) -- Defunct educational TV station in Ogden, Utah
Wikipedia - Kofi George Konuah -- Ghanaian educationist and statesman
Wikipedia - Kofoworola Ademola -- Nigerian educationist, philanthropist and politician
Wikipedia - Kogi State College of Education, Ankpa -- Teachers training college in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Koshien University -- Higher education institution in HyM-EM-^Mgo Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - KPJK -- Educational independent TV station in San Mateo, California
Wikipedia - K. P. S. Mahalwar -- Indian legal education administrator
Wikipedia - KPTZ -- Educational radio station in Washington state, U.S.
Wikipedia - Kris Gutierrez -- American professor interested in education
Wikipedia - KRSU-TV -- Educational independent TV station in Claremore, Oklahoma
Wikipedia - KUEN -- Educational independent TV station in Ogden, Utah
Wikipedia - Kumon -- Educational network based in Japan
Wikipedia - Kurzweil Educational Systems -- American educational technology company
Wikipedia - KUSU-TV -- Defunct educational TV station in Logan, Utah
Wikipedia - Kwamena Duncan -- Ghanaian educationist and politician
Wikipedia - KWCS-TV -- Defunct educational TV station in Ogden, Utah
Wikipedia - Laboratory school -- School designed to facilitate experimentation and development in education
Wikipedia - Labour India -- Educational publisher
Wikipedia - Lackland Air Force Base -- US Air Force base near San Antonio, Texas, part of Air Education and Training Command
Wikipedia - Ladies Dining Society -- Cambridge group advocating for women's education, founded 1890
Wikipedia - Lagos State Ministry of Education -- Ministry in Lagos State, Nigeria
Wikipedia - Land-grant university -- institution of higher education in the US that receive benefits by the Morrill Acts
Wikipedia - Landmark Education
Wikipedia - Language education -- Process and practice of acquiring a language
Wikipedia - Language immersion -- Technique used in bilingual language education in which two languages are used for instruction in a variety of topics
Wikipedia - Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada -- Canadian language education programme
Wikipedia - Language nest -- Immersion-based approach to language revitalization in early-childhood education
Wikipedia - Large-scale Complex IT Systems -- UK research and graduate education programme
Wikipedia - Larry Bimi -- Former Chairman of the [[National Commission for Civic Education]]
Wikipedia - Lasallian educational institutions -- Roman Catholic educational institutions
Wikipedia - Laura Overdeck -- American maths education entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Laurie Cutting -- Special education researcher
Wikipedia - Laurie Dinnebeil -- American scholar of childhood education
Wikipedia - Law school -- Institution specializing in legal education
Wikipedia - Leadership Foundation for Higher Education -- Organization
Wikipedia - Learning environment -- Term referring to several things; educational approach, cultural context, or physical setting in which teaching and learning occur
Wikipedia - Learning theory (education)
Wikipedia - Learning Unlimited -- Nonprofit organization dedicated to education outreach
Wikipedia - Least dangerous assumption -- Educational philosophy
Wikipedia - Le Cordon Bleu -- Culinary educational institution
Wikipedia - Legal Education Board -- Agency of the Philippine government
Wikipedia - Legal education
Wikipedia - Legatum Institute -- Educational charity based in London, UK
Wikipedia - Leonardo da Vinci University Center -- Higher education institution in La DM-CM-)fense, France
Wikipedia - Let's Go Luna! -- Animated educational television series
Wikipedia - Letterkenny Institute of Technology -- Third-level educational institution in Letterkenny, County Donegal, Ireland
Wikipedia - Letty M. Wickliffe -- Special and gifted education educator from Indianapolis, IN (1902-2001)
Wikipedia - Liaison Committee on Medical Education -- Accrediting body for educational programs at schools of medicine in the United States and Canada
Wikipedia - Liberal arts colleges in the United States -- Type of undergraduate higher education institution
Wikipedia - Liberal arts education -- Traditional academic program in Western higher education
Wikipedia - Liberal education
Wikipedia - Liberation before education
Wikipedia - Liberia Education and Development Party -- Political party in Liberia
Wikipedia - Linda Nielsen -- Professor of adolescent and educational psychology
Wikipedia - Linear-on-the-fly testing -- Educational assessment and evaluation technique
Wikipedia - Linguistics in Education
Wikipedia - LinkedIn Learning -- Online education company
Wikipedia - LISAA School of Art & Design -- French educational institution
Wikipedia - Lisa Van Gemert -- American educationalist and author
Wikipedia - Lisette Burrows -- New Zealand physical education academic
Wikipedia - List of abandoned education methods -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of accolades received by An Education -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of alumni of Jesuit educational institutions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of autonomous higher education institutes in India -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Bad Education episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of colleges in the United Kingdom offering higher education courses -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of colleges of education in Ghana -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Colorado boards of cooperative educational services -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cornell University alumni (education) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of countries by secondary education attainment -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of countries by spending on education (% of GDP) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of countries by spending on education (% of government expenditure) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Distance Education Universities in India -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of DS:Style products -- Series of educational games
Wikipedia - List of earliest coeducational colleges and universities in the United States -- List of mixed-sex colleges and universities in the United States
Wikipedia - List of educational boards in Pakistan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutes in Jamshedpur -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutes in Rohtak -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutes in Sargodha -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions closed in the 2016 Turkish purges -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Abbottabad -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Ahmedabad -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Allahabad -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Bahawalpur -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Bahrain -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Barisal -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Belgrade -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Bhopal -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Biratnagar -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Coimbatore -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Comilla -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Cuddalore district -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in DasmariM-CM-1as -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Dera Ghazi Khan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Dharan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Dharmapuri district -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Dharwad -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Erode district -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Etobicoke -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Faisalabad -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Faridabad -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Ghazipur -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Gobichettipalayam -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Gorakhpur -- Educational institutions in Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Gujranwala -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Gurgaon -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Guwahati -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Hyderabad, Sindh -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Hyderabad -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Indore -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Islamabad -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Jabalpur -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Jaipurhat District -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Jhansi -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Jhelum -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Kakinada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Kanchan Rup -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Kannur district -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Karachi -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Kasaragod district -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Katni -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Khulna -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Kozhikode district -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Krishnagiri district -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Lahore -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Mangalore -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Meerut district -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Multan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Mumbai -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Mysore -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Nagpur -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Namakkal district -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Nanded (India) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Noakhali -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Palai -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Palakkad district -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Patna -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Perambalur district -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Pokhara -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Puducherry -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Pudukkottai district -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Pune -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Rawalpindi -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Sahiwal -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Salem, India -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Sangli -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Scarborough, Ontario -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Secunderabad -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Shillong -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Shimla -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Sialkot -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Sivagangai district -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Sukkur -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Sylhet -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Taichung -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Taliparamba -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Telangana -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Thalassery -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Thanjavur -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Thrissur district -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Tiruchirappalli -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Tirunelveli district -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Tiruvarur district -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Varanasi -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Vatakara -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Vellore -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Viluppuram district -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Virudhunagar district -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Wayanad district -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions named after presidents of the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions with Sanskrit mottos -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational programming languages -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational psychologists -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational psychology journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational software -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational video websites -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of education articles by country -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of education awards -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of education districts in Queensland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of education facilities in San Antonio -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of education journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of education ministers of Bihar -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Education Ministers of France -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Education Ministers of Haiti -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Education Ministers of Jamaica -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Education Ministers of Nigeria -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of education ministries -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Education Service Centers in Texas -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of education trade unions -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English-language educational institutions in Quebec -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of fashion education programs -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of further education colleges in England -- List of colleges
Wikipedia - List of further education colleges in Hampshire -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of further education colleges in Scotland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of further education colleges in the Republic of Ireland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of further education colleges in Wales -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of higher education and academic institutions in Saint Petersburg -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of higher education associations and organizations in Canada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of higher education institutions in Hong Kong -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of higher education institutions in Maharashtra -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of institutions of higher education in Andhra Pradesh -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of institutions of higher education in Arunachal Pradesh -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of institutions of higher education in Assam -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of institutions of higher education in Bangalore -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of institutions of higher education in Bihar -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of institutions of higher education in Chandigarh -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of institutions of higher education in Chhattisgarh -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of institutions of higher education in Delhi -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of institutions of higher education in Goa -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of institutions of higher education in Gujarat -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of institutions of higher education in Haryana -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of institutions of higher education in Himachal Pradesh -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of institutions of higher education in India -- List of Indian higher education institutions
Wikipedia - List of institutions of higher education in Jammu and Kashmir -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of institutions of higher education in Jharkhand -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of institutions of higher education in Karnataka -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of institutions of higher education in Kerala -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of institutions of higher education in Madhya Pradesh -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of institutions of higher education in Manipur -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of institutions of higher education in Mizoram -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of institutions of higher education in Nagaland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of institutions of higher education in Odisha -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of institutions of higher education in Punjab, India -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of institutions of higher education in Rajasthan -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of institutions of higher education in Russia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of institutions of higher education in Sikkim -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of institutions of higher education in Tamil Nadu -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of institutions of higher education in Telangana -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of institutions of higher education in Tripura -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of institutions of higher education in Uttarakhand -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of institutions of higher education in Uttar Pradesh -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of institutions of higher education in West Bengal -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Intermediate and Secondary Education Boards in Bangladesh -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Jesuit educational institutions in the Philippines -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Jesuit educational institutions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of local education agency districts in Michigan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of longest serving higher education presidents in the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Mario educational games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of mathematics education journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ministers of Education and Culture of Cyprus -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ministers of Education (Austria) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ministers of Education of Catalonia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ministers of Education of Egypt -- List of ministers who have headed the Ministry of Education of Egypt
Wikipedia - List of Ministers of Education of the Netherlands -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ministers of National Education of Turkey -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Nair Service Society educational institutions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of philosophers of education
Wikipedia - List of physics concepts in primary and secondary education curricula -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Presidents of the Chamber of Education and Culture of the Federal Assembly of Yugoslavia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of presidents of the Philippines by education -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of presidents of the United States by education -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Prime Ministers of Australia by education -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of prime ministers of India by education -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of prime ministers of the United Kingdom by education -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of programs broadcast by Kentucky Educational Television -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of programs broadcast by the Israeli Educational Television -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of school education areas in New South Wales -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of schools in the Scarborough Board of Education -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of school songs -- List of hymns or anthems of educational institutions
Wikipedia - List of schools providing Gaelic medium education in Scotland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of secondary education systems by country -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of software for astronomy research and education -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of special education institutions in Pakistan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sri Lankans by educational institution -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Tamil Nadu Government educational institutions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of teacher education schools in India -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unaccredited institutions of higher education -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of universities and higher education colleges in Jodhpur -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of universities and higher education colleges in London -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of University of Oxford people in education -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of U.S. states and territories by educational attainment -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of vice presidents of the United States by education -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of works on Waldorf education -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of educational institutions in Pakistan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of institutions of higher education by endowment size -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of institutions of higher education by endowment
Wikipedia - Literacy education
Wikipedia - Little Rock Indian School -- Educational institution in Coastal Karnataka, India.
Wikipedia - Living Art Marine Center -- Marine Science Education Center in the city and county of Honolulu, Hawaii, US
Wikipedia - Living educational theory -- A method in educational research
Wikipedia - LNCT Indore -- Educational institution in Madhya Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Local education authority -- Local councils in England and Wales that are responsible for education within their jurisdiction
Wikipedia - Lois Rice -- Education policy scholar
Wikipedia - London Institute for Mathematical Sciences -- Education organization in London, United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Look and Learn -- British educational magazine of the 1960s-80s aimed at children
Wikipedia - Lorna Hodgkinson -- 20th-century Australian psychologist and educationist
Wikipedia - Los Angeles Science Teachers Network -- Professional development network for science education
Wikipedia - Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education -- Government agency of Louisiana, United States
Wikipedia - Louisiana State Seminary of Learning & Military Academy -- State institution of higher education that became Louisiana State University
Wikipedia - LSM Education -- Private business school
Wikipedia - Lucy Burns Institute -- American political educational organization
Wikipedia - Lu Youquan -- Chinese education scholar
Wikipedia - Lyceum movement -- US series of organizations sponsoring public education programs and entertainments
Wikipedia - Lynch School of Education
Wikipedia - Mabel Ellery Adams -- Author on education for children with special needs
Wikipedia - Mabel Jansen -- (1889-1979) South African writer, teacher, politician and advocate for Afrikaans education
Wikipedia - Macmillan Education -- London educational book publisher
Wikipedia - Madeline (video game series) -- French educational video game series
Wikipedia - Madhuvanti Arun -- Indian educational promoter
Wikipedia - Madison Center for Educational Affairs -- American public policy organization
Wikipedia - Madrasa -- School or college, often providing an Islamic education
Wikipedia - Maestas vs. George H. Shone -- 1914 U.S. lawsuit against educational segregation
Wikipedia - Magna Science Adventure Centre -- Educational visitor attraction in Rotherham, England
Wikipedia - Maha Laziri -- Moroccan education activist
Wikipedia - Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research -- Indian medical college in Pune, Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Maharashtra University of Health Sciences -- Higher education institute in Nashik, India
Wikipedia - Mainstreaming (education)
Wikipedia - Maktab (education)
Wikipedia - Malala Yousafzai -- Pakistani children's education activist and Nobel laureate
Wikipedia - Malayan Colleges Laguna -- Higher education institution in Cabuyao, Laguna
Wikipedia - Malaysia Institute for Supply Chain Innovation -- Educational institute in India
Wikipedia - Management and Economic Simulation Exercise -- Educational simulation software
Wikipedia - Manipal International University -- University in Malaysia, member of the Manipal Global Education Group
Wikipedia - Mansudae Television -- North Korean educational TV station
Wikipedia - Margaret Read (anthropologist) -- English social anthropologist and colonial educationist
Wikipedia - Marian Small -- Educational researcher
Wikipedia - Maria Rosa Colaco -- Portuguese writer, educationalist and journalist
Wikipedia - Marie Haps Faculty of Translation and Interpreting -- Educational institution teaching translation and interpreting
Wikipedia - Marijuana Pepsi Vandyck -- American education professional
Wikipedia - Mario Is Missing! -- 1993 educational video game published by The Software Toolworks and Mindscape
Wikipedia - Marion Ross Fedrick -- American higher education academic and leader
Wikipedia - Marion Webster Richardson -- American educational psychologist and psychometrician.
Wikipedia - Mario's Early Years! -- 1993-94 educational video games published by Software Toolworks and Mindscape
Wikipedia - Mario's Time Machine -- 1993 educational video game published by The Software Toolworks
Wikipedia - Marist Catholic College North Shore -- Coeducational Catholic K-12 school in North Sydney, Australia
Wikipedia - Mariya Mahmoud Bunkure -- Commisioner for Higher Education, Kano State
Wikipedia - Marjorie Cook Education Center -- School in California
Wikipedia - Martha Kanter -- United States Department of Education official
Wikipedia - Marvin Terban -- American writer of educational children's books
Wikipedia - Mary Ann Eliza Agnew -- Australian education advocate
Wikipedia - Mary Budd Rowe -- American science educator and education researcher
Wikipedia - Mary Lou Fulton Institute and Graduate School of Education -- Former Arizona State University department with mission to focus on research and graduate ed programs
Wikipedia - Mary MacSwiney -- Irish politician and educationalist
Wikipedia - Mary N. Meeker -- American educational psychologist and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Mary Warnock, Baroness Warnock -- English philosopher of morality, education, and mind, and a writer on existentialism
Wikipedia - Massive open online course -- Education service on the web
Wikipedia - MasterClass -- American online education company
Wikipedia - Master of Education -- Graduate academic degree in Education
Wikipedia - Mastery learning -- Instructional strategy and educational philosophy
Wikipedia - Matanglawin (TV program) -- Weekly science-environmental educational show
Wikipedia - Mater Dei Institute of Education
Wikipedia - Mathematical education
Wikipedia - Mathematics education in the United States -- Overview of mathematics education in the United States
Wikipedia - Mathematics education -- Mathematics teaching, learning and scholarly research
Wikipedia - Mathletics (educational software) -- Mathematics education program
Wikipedia - Math Mysteries -- Collection of five math-related educational video games
Wikipedia - Math Rabbit -- 1986 educational video game
Wikipedia - Maths Mansion -- Educational children's television show
Wikipedia - Mathspace -- Online mathematics education program
Wikipedia - Math-Tinik -- Philippine educational television show
Wikipedia - Matthew Ohland -- American engineering education professor
Wikipedia - Maumee High School (Ohio) -- Public, coeducational high school in Maumee, Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - May L. Cheney -- American education administrator
Wikipedia - Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science -- Private nonprofit university focused on biomedical research and graduate-level education.
Wikipedia - Mayor's Education Task Force -- Non-profit public service organization located in Mansfield, Ohio
Wikipedia - McGraw Hill Education
Wikipedia - McGraw-Hill Education
Wikipedia - McGraw-Hill Higher Education
Wikipedia - McIntosh College -- educational institution
Wikipedia - McLean v. Arkansas Board of Education
Wikipedia - Medal "For services in the education of military patriotism" -- Award of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces
Wikipedia - Media Education Foundation -- Nonprofit organization (e. 1992)
Wikipedia - Medical Education and Training Campus -- US Department of Defence Medical College at JB San Antonio, TX
Wikipedia - Medical education -- Education related to the practice of being a medical practitioner
Wikipedia - Medical school -- Tertiary educational institution teaching and granting degrees in medicine
Wikipedia - Medical (Therapy, Education and Research) Act -- Statute of the Parliament of Singapore
Wikipedia - Medieval university -- Corporation organized during the Middle Ages for the purposes of higher education
Wikipedia - Mejai Bola Avoseh -- Nigerian-American professor of adult and higher education at the University of South Dakota
Wikipedia - Memorial and Education Centre AndreasstraM-CM-^_e -- Former Stasi prison and now museum in Erfurt, Germany
Wikipedia - Men in early childhood education -- Men's role in providing small children with education
Wikipedia - Me Too! (British TV series) -- Children's live-action educational television series
Wikipedia - MICA (institute) -- Higher education institution for Strategic Marketing and Communication skills in India
Wikipedia - Michael Wehmeyer -- American special education professor
Wikipedia - Michelle Rhee -- American educational reformer
Wikipedia - Microelectronics Education Programme
Wikipedia - Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey -- Institution of higher education
Wikipedia - Middle school -- School offering the lower levels of secondary education, in some countries, between elementary and high school
Wikipedia - Middle States Commission on Higher Education -- University accreditation organization in the U.S.A.
Wikipedia - Midleton College -- Irish co-educational day and boarding school
Wikipedia - Midnapore Medical College and Hospital -- Midnapore Medical College and Hospital is a Government Medical college imparting education in medicine in Midnapore, West Bengal.
Wikipedia - Military academy -- Higher education institution operated by or for the military
Wikipedia - Military education and training
Wikipedia - Millennium Leadership Initiative -- Higher education leadership development program
Wikipedia - Milpark Education -- South African private educational institution
Wikipedia - Milton Margai College of Education and Technology -- College in Sierra Leone
Wikipedia - Minerva Project -- For-profit educational organization
Wikipedia - Minimally invasive education
Wikipedia - Minister of Education (New Zealand) -- New Zealand minister of the Crown
Wikipedia - Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (France) -- Government ministry of France
Wikipedia - Minister of National Education (France)
Wikipedia - Ministry of Education and Culture (Cyprus)
Wikipedia - Ministry of Education and Culture (Uruguay) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs (Pasundan) -- Former government ministry of Pasundan
Wikipedia - Ministry of Education and Research (Norway) -- Norwegian government ministry responsible for education and research,
Wikipedia - Ministry of Education (Austria)
Wikipedia - Ministry of Education (Bangladesh) -- Bangladeshi ministry responsible for education
Wikipedia - Ministry of Education (Ethiopia) -- Ethiopian ministry focusing in policy and governance of education system
Wikipedia - Ministry of Education (Ghana) -- Ghanaian ministry responsible for education
Wikipedia - Ministry of Education, Heritage and Arts (Fiji) -- Ministry of Fiji
Wikipedia - Ministry of Education (India) -- Indian government ministry
Wikipedia - Ministry of Education (Japan)
Wikipedia - Ministry of Education (Kiribati) -- Government ministry of Kiribati
Wikipedia - Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China -- Education government agency of the People's Republic of China
Wikipedia - Ministry of Education (Peru) -- Peruvian ministry for education
Wikipedia - Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (Kaduna State) -- Ministry of Kaduna State
Wikipedia - Ministry of Education (Singapore) -- Singaporean ministry responsible for education
Wikipedia - Ministry of Education (Soviet Union) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Ministry of Minority Affairs & Madrassah Education (West Bengal) -- Indian state government ministry
Wikipedia - Ministry of National Education (France)
Wikipedia - Ministry of National Education (Poland)
Wikipedia - Ministry of Primary and Mass Education -- Government ministry of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Poland)
Wikipedia - Minna Cowan -- Cowan, Minna Galbraith (1878-1951), social worker and educational administrator
Wikipedia - Minnesota Educational Computing Consortium
Wikipedia - Missouri A+ schools program -- Statewide education reform program in Missouri
Wikipedia - Missouri Department of Higher Education
Wikipedia - Mixed-sex education -- System of education where males and females are educated together
Wikipedia - Miyazaki International College -- higher education institution in Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - M-JM-;Imiloa Astronomy Center -- Astronomy and culture education center located in Hilo, Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - M-learning -- Distance education using mobile device technology
Wikipedia - Modjaben Dowuona -- Ghanaian educationist, academic and public servant
Wikipedia - Mohammad Amin (historian) -- Historian, Educationist
Wikipedia - Mohammed Habib Tijani -- Ghanaian educationist and a politician
Wikipedia - Mona Foundation -- non-profit organization focusing on the education of women and girls
Wikipedia - Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, Mexico City
Wikipedia - Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education
Wikipedia - Montessori education -- Teaching method encouraging autodidacticism
Wikipedia - Moral education
Wikipedia - Morehead State University -- Public, co-educational university located in Morehead, Kentucky, United States
Wikipedia - Morenu -- Jewish man with high religious education
Wikipedia - Moscow Conservatory -- Musical educational institution with major performance venue
Wikipedia - Moscow Polytechnic University -- Education organization in Moscow, Russia
Wikipedia - Motiwala Education and Welfare Trust -- Indian educational and welfare program
Wikipedia - Mrs YGP -- Indian journalist, educationist and social worker (1925-2019)
Wikipedia - MSABI -- Tanzanian NGO focused on water sanitation, hygiene, and education
Wikipedia - Mt. Healthy City School District Board of Education v. Doyle -- 1977 U.S. Supreme Court case establishing mixed-motive test
Wikipedia - Muhammad Fazli Ilahi -- Bangladeshi academic, engineer, and educationist
Wikipedia - Multiplication and repeated addition -- Debate on education of mathematics
Wikipedia - Multitech Business School -- Institution of higher education in Uganda
Wikipedia - Mumbai Educational Trust -- Indian academic institution
Wikipedia - Mungtu Ram Jaipuria -- Indian philanthropists, industrialist and educationist
Wikipedia - Munster Technological University -- Educational Institution in Ireland
Wikipedia - Musethica -- Non-governmental organization dealing with music education
Wikipedia - Museum education
Wikipedia - Music education
Wikipedia - Music school -- Institution specializing in music education
Wikipedia - Nadinne I. Cruz -- American educationist
Wikipedia - NAF (non-profit organization) -- Educational non-profit organization
Wikipedia - Nagasaki University -- Higher education institution in Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - NAMO Medical Education and Research Institute -- Indian government medical college in Silvassa
Wikipedia - Namsflokkar Reykjavikur -- Adult education institute in Iceland
Wikipedia - Nanabhai Bhatt (educationist)
Wikipedia - Nancy Dumont -- Native American organizer and education leader
Wikipedia - Nancy Tribble Benda -- Actress, educator, and a pioneer of early educational television
Wikipedia - Nandom Senior High School -- A second cycle co-educational institution in the Upper West region of Ghana
Wikipedia - Nanjing Sport Institute -- Chinese sports and physical education university
Wikipedia - Nanotechnology education -- learning and teaching related to nanotechnology
Wikipedia - Naomi Zigmond -- American education scholar
Wikipedia - Natasha Holmes -- Physics education researcher
Wikipedia - National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine
Wikipedia - National Academy of Education -- Nonprofit, non-governmental organization in the United States
Wikipedia - National Association for Bilingual Education -- Bilingual education
Wikipedia - National Association for the Education of Young Children -- Nonprofit organization in Washington D.C., United States
Wikipedia - National Association for Women in Education -- NGO in United States
Wikipedia - National Association of State Boards of Education -- Nonprofit, private association
Wikipedia - National Board of Diving and Hyperbaric Medical Technology -- A non-profit organization for education and certification in diving and hyperbaric medicine
Wikipedia - National Catholic Educational Association -- Private, professional educational membership association
Wikipedia - National Center for Education Statistics
Wikipedia - National Center for Family Literacy -- Organization set up to create educational and economic opportunity
Wikipedia - National Center for Science Education -- Nonprofit supporting the teaching of evolution and climate change.
Wikipedia - National Center for Technology Innovation -- Educational organizations based in the United States
Wikipedia - National Center on Deafness -- American educational institution
Wikipedia - National Center on Education and the Economy -- Nonprofit organization in Washington D.C., United States
Wikipedia - National Centre for Computing Education
Wikipedia - National College of Professional Technical Education -- Technical high school in Mexico
Wikipedia - National Commission for Colleges of Education -- |Regulator of Nigerian colleges of education
Wikipedia - National Commission for the Accreditation of Special Education Services -- An accrediting agency for private special education services
Wikipedia - National Commission on Excellence in Education -- Education reform
Wikipedia - National Commission on Teaching and America's Future -- Education policy aims to improve recruitment, development and retention of skilled teachers in U.S.
Wikipedia - National Committee for the Furtherance of Jewish Education -- Jewish education charity organization
Wikipedia - National Coordination Committee for Workers' Education -- National trade union centre of garment workers in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education -- Professional accreditor focused on accrediting teacher education program
Wikipedia - National Council for Geographic Education -- Non-profit scientific and educational society
Wikipedia - National Council for Teacher Education -- Government body for controlling Indian education system
Wikipedia - National Council of Educational Research and Training
Wikipedia - National Council on Measurement in Education
Wikipedia - National Dance Education Organization -- Dance education in the United States
Wikipedia - National Defense Academy of Japan -- Military education institution in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - National Educational Television -- Former American television network
Wikipedia - National Education Association -- US teachers' trade union
Wikipedia - National Education Center -- Profit post-secondary education organization in North America
Wikipedia - National Geographic Society -- American non-profit scientific and educational institution
Wikipedia - National Hispanic Recognition Program -- Educational organizations based in the United States
Wikipedia - National Institute of Advanced Nursing Education and Research -- Nursing Institute in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - National Institute of Education
Wikipedia - National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Raebareli -- Public University in Raebareli
Wikipedia - National Institution for Academic Degrees and Quality Enhancement of Higher Education -- Government administrative agency in Japan
Wikipedia - National Middle School Association -- Association for Middle Level Education
Wikipedia - National Outdoor Leadership School -- Non-profit outdoor education
Wikipedia - National Political Institutes of Education -- Elite secondary schools in Nazi Germany
Wikipedia - National Research and Education Network
Wikipedia - National research and education network
Wikipedia - National Rural Education Association -- American non-profit organization
Wikipedia - National School Boards Association -- American educational organization
Wikipedia - National School Sailing Association -- NSSA promotes sailing as part of the educational experience of young people
Wikipedia - National Science Education Standards
Wikipedia - National Security Education Program -- US federal government initiative
Wikipedia - National Socialist League of the Reich for Physical Exercise -- Umbrella organization for sports and physical education in Nazi Germany
Wikipedia - National Universities Commission -- Government commission for higher education in Nigeria
Wikipedia - National University of Distance Education -- Spanish distance learning and research university
Wikipedia - Native American Committee -- Chicago Native American education and advocacy organization
Wikipedia - Native American Women's Health Education Resource Center -- Native American women's health nonprofit
Wikipedia - Nazli Begum -- Indian politician and advocate for girls education
Wikipedia - NBC Protection Military Academy -- Education organization in Kostroma, Russia
Wikipedia - Nebraska Educational Telecommunications -- Public radio and television network in Nebraska
Wikipedia - Negros Occidental Private Schools Sports Cultural Educational Association -- Organization
Wikipedia - Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology -- Public tertiary education institution in Nelson, New Zealand
Wikipedia - Network for Astronomy School Education -- International Astronomical Union
Wikipedia - New Educational College -- Secondary school in Mauritius
Wikipedia - New England Board of Higher Education -- An interstate compact
Wikipedia - New England Center for Children -- Independent private, special education residential school in Southborough, Massachusetts, United States
Wikipedia - New Era High School -- Private co-educational international BahaM-JM-
Wikipedia - New Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education -- Government agency of the U.S. state of New Jersey
Wikipedia - Newsela -- Educational website
Wikipedia - New Unified School Council -- Organization to coordinate public education during the 2nd Spanish Republic
Wikipedia - New York City Department of Education -- Department of the government of New York City
Wikipedia - NHK Educational TV -- Japanese educational television channel
Wikipedia - Nick News with Linda Ellerbee -- American educational television series
Wikipedia - Nigel Healey -- British economist, now working on higher education policy and management
Wikipedia - Ninth grade -- Ninth post-kindergarten year of school education in some school systems
Wikipedia - Nirmala High School, Vijayawada -- Educational institute in Vijayawada
Wikipedia - Noel Entwistle -- UK educational psychologist
Wikipedia - Noeline Alcorn -- New Zealand education research academic
Wikipedia - Noodle Kidoodle -- American educational toy store
Wikipedia - Norfolk Board of Education -- Defunct school board in Southern Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - Norman Kingsbury -- New Zealand educational administrator
Wikipedia - Norman Selfe -- Australian engineer and technical education advocate
Wikipedia - Norman Whatley -- English educationalist
Wikipedia - North Central Association of Colleges and Schools -- Former Educational accreditation association
Wikipedia - Northeast Ohio Council on Higher Education -- Nonprofit business and higher education collaborative
Wikipedia - Northern Cape Department of Education -- Education Department of the Northern Cape Province
Wikipedia - Northern Virginia Community College -- Education organization in Alexandria, Virginia, United States
Wikipedia - North Nova Education Centre -- High school in Nova Scotia, Canada
Wikipedia - Northwest Association of Secondary and Higher Schools -- Educational organizations based in the United States
Wikipedia - Northwest Institute of Literary Arts -- Education organization in Langley, United States
Wikipedia - Norwich University of the Arts -- Higher education institution and public university in the UK
Wikipedia - Notre Dame Educational Association
Wikipedia - Nottingham Academy -- Coeducational multi-campus academy in Nottingham
Wikipedia - Nottingham Free School -- Coeducational free school in Sherwood, Nottingham
Wikipedia - Nottingham High School -- co-educational independent day school in Nottingham, England
Wikipedia - Nurse education
Wikipedia - Nurture Nature Center -- Science education center in Easton, PA, US
Wikipedia - Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990 -- US law
Wikipedia - Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education -- Educational institution in Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Wikipedia - OASIS (center) -- Educational organization
Wikipedia - Odd Squad (TV series) -- Canadian-American educational comedy television series
Wikipedia - Of Education
Wikipedia - Office for Science and Society -- Science education group
Wikipedia - Ofsted -- Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills, a non-ministerial department of the government of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Ohr Avner Foundation -- Russian Jewish education network
Wikipedia - Oklahoma Educational Television Authority -- PBS member network in Oklahoma
Wikipedia - Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education -- Higher education governmental agency in Oklahoma, United States
Wikipedia - Old Dominion University -- Public, co-educational research university in Norfolk, Virginia, U.S.
Wikipedia - Olga Vasilieva (politician) -- Russian politician, professor and doctor of philosophy, Russian Minister of Education (2018-2020)
Wikipedia - Olivet University -- Private Christian institution of biblical higher education in Anza, California, U.S.
Wikipedia - Olive Willis -- British educationist
Wikipedia - Oluwayemisi Oluremi Obilade -- Nigerian Vice Chancellor of Education
Wikipedia - Omega Institute for Holistic Studies -- non-profit educational retreat center located in Rhinebeck, NY, US, founded in 1977
Wikipedia - Omnibus (American TV program) -- American educational television series
Wikipedia - One Hen -- Educational organizations based in the United States
Wikipedia - Online education
Wikipedia - Online learning in higher education
Wikipedia - Online patient education
Wikipedia - Ontario College Advanced Diploma -- Advanced educational diploma
Wikipedia - OpenClassrooms -- Online education technology company
Wikipedia - Open educational practices in Australia
Wikipedia - Open educational resources in Canada
Wikipedia - Open educational resources -- Open learning resource
Wikipedia - Open education
Wikipedia - OpenHPI (Online Education) -- Platform devoted to massive open online courses
Wikipedia - OpenLearning -- ASX-listed educational technology company based in Australia
Wikipedia - Open learning -- Innovative movement in education
Wikipedia - Open Universities Australia -- Network of Australian universities offering distance education
Wikipedia - Orange Board of Education -- School district in Essex County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Order of Education and Pedagogy -- Iranian award of honor
Wikipedia - Oregon Chief Education Office -- Former state government agency to coordinate education policy and authorizations
Wikipedia - Oregon Department of Education -- State government organization in Salem, Oregon (USA)
Wikipedia - Oregon Higher Education Coordinating Commission -- Volunteer panel to advise the state government on higher education policy decisions
Wikipedia - Oregon State Board of Education -- Government agency overseeing K-12 public schools in Oregon
Wikipedia - Oregon State Board of Higher Education -- State government entity providing leadership for public universities
Wikipedia - O'Reilly Media -- American educational publisher
Wikipedia - ORION (research and education network)
Wikipedia - ORT Argentina -- Jewish educational organization in Argentina
Wikipedia - Orthodox Christian Education Commission
Wikipedia - Osaka University of Commerce -- Higher education institution in Osaka Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes -- American educational organizations for senior citizens
Wikipedia - Otto Stern School for Integrated Doctoral Education
Wikipedia - Outcome-based education -- Educational system based on the desired goals
Wikipedia - Outdoor education
Wikipedia - Outline of education
Wikipedia - Out-of-school learning -- Educational concept
Wikipedia - Outstanding Contribution to Computer Science Education
Wikipedia - Outward Bound -- International educational organization, originally British; creator of outdoor experiences
Wikipedia - Owen Morgan Edwards -- Welsh historian, educationalist, and writer
Wikipedia - Oxford University Department for Continuing Education
Wikipedia - Pacific Open Learning Health Net -- Non-profit distance education for health professionals created by World Health Organization
Wikipedia - Paigham TV -- Islamic educational media group
Wikipedia - Pamana (TV series) -- Philippine educational television show
Wikipedia - Parental leave -- Parental leave is a family policy measure which an employee can take advantage of for the education of his or her children
Wikipedia - Parents for Choice in Education -- Advocacy group
Wikipedia - Parque de las Ciencias -- Educational and recreational park in Bayamon, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Parshuram Mishra -- Botanist, educationist
Wikipedia - Party of Culture, Education and Labour -- Argentine political party
Wikipedia - Passing out (military) -- Ceremony to complete a course in military education
Wikipedia - Pat Farenga -- American writer and educational activist
Wikipedia - Pat Yang -- Chinese-American rural education development expert
Wikipedia - Paul D. Wellstone Muscular Dystrophy Community Assistance, Research and Education Amendments of 2013 -- US law
Wikipedia - PBS YOU -- American educational television channel
Wikipedia - P. Chitran Namboodirippad -- Writer and educationist (b. 1920)
Wikipedia - PD 360 -- Educational software
Wikipedia - Peace education
Wikipedia - peace education
Wikipedia - Pearson Education, Inc
Wikipedia - Pearson Education -- Education publishing and assessment company
Wikipedia - Pearson plc -- British multinational publishing and education company
Wikipedia - Pedagogy -- Theory, and practice of education
Wikipedia - Pedro Miguel Etxenike -- Minister of Education of the Basque Autonomous Community
Wikipedia - Pedro Rivera (educator) -- Pennsylvania Secretary of Education
Wikipedia - Peepoodo & the Super Fuck Friends -- French comedy sex education animated series
Wikipedia - Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency -- Student financial aid agency
Wikipedia - Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education -- Agency that oversees Pennsylvania-owned colleges and universities
Wikipedia - P.E.O. Sisterhood -- education organization based in Des Moines, USA
Wikipedia - Percival Guildhouse -- English adult education centre
Wikipedia - Percival Symonds -- American educational psychologist
Wikipedia - Performing arts education
Wikipedia - Permanent private hall -- Educational institution within the University of Oxford
Wikipedia - Personal and Social Education -- Component of the state school curriculum in Wales
Wikipedia - Personalized learning -- Term referring to efforts to tailor education to meet the different needs of students
Wikipedia - Peter McLaughlin -- Historian and education manager from Northern Iteland
Wikipedia - Peter Moyes -- Australian headmaster and education administrator
Wikipedia - PhDiA -- Architectural educational organization
Wikipedia - Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges and Universities -- Accreditor of educational institutions in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippine House Committee on Basic Education and Culture -- Standing committee of the House of Representatives of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippine House Committee on Higher and Technical Education -- Standing committee of the House of Representatives of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippine Senate Committee on Basic Education, Arts and Culture -- Standing committee of the Senate of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippine Senate Committee on Higher, Technical and Vocational Education -- Standing committee of the Senate of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philip Quirk -- Australian photographer, photojournalist and educationist
Wikipedia - Philosophy education
Wikipedia - Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain
Wikipedia - Philosophy of education
Wikipedia - Philosophy of mathematics education
Wikipedia - Phyllis Wallbank -- British educationalist
Wikipedia - Physical Education
Wikipedia - Physical education -- Educational course related to the physique of the human body
Wikipedia - Physics education research -- Type of education research
Wikipedia - Physics education
Wikipedia - Pilot (educational organization) -- Educational organization
Wikipedia - Pilot University of Colombia -- Private coeducational research university in Colombia
Wikipedia - P. Kilemsungla -- Indian educationist
Wikipedia - Planetarium -- Theatre that presents educational and entertaining shows about astronomy
Wikipedia - PLATO Society of Los Angeles -- Adult education in the United States
Wikipedia - Playskool -- American company that produces educational toys and games
Wikipedia - Politics in education
Wikipedia - Pontifical Biblical Institute -- Higher education institution in Rome and Jerusalem
Wikipedia - Poole Gakuin College -- Higher education institution in Osaka Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Pope John Paul II College of Education
Wikipedia - Popular education
Wikipedia - Portal:Education
Wikipedia - Portfolio school -- Higher-level learning institution providing education for art and creative advertising
Wikipedia - Positive education
Wikipedia - Postgraduate education
Wikipedia - Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research -- Medical research institution in Chandigarh, India
Wikipedia - Post-secondary educational organizations in the United States -- Organizations for higher education
Wikipedia - Potomac and Chesapeake Association for College Admissions Counseling -- professional educational organization
Wikipedia - Prabhakar Vaidya -- Indian educationist and academic
Wikipedia - Prafulla Chandra Ray -- Indian chemist, educationist, poet, historian, industrialist and philanthropist
Wikipedia - Presbyterian College of Education, Akropong -- Teacher-training college in Akropong-Akuapem, Ghana
Wikipedia - Presbyterian Women's College of Education -- Women's college in Aburi, Ghana
Wikipedia - Preschool education
Wikipedia - Preschool -- Educational establishment offering early childhood education to children
Wikipedia - President (education)
Wikipedia - Primary education in the United States
Wikipedia - Primary education
Wikipedia - Primary school -- School in which children receive primary or elementary education from the age of about 5 to 12
Wikipedia - Prince Mohammad bin Salman College of Business and Entrepreneurship -- higher education business administration college inM-BM- King Abdullah Economic City, Saudi Arabia
Wikipedia - Principles of Electronics -- Textbook for the Electronics Technician distance education program
Wikipedia - Prison education -- Educational activities inside prisons
Wikipedia - Prisoners' Education Trust
Wikipedia - Private university -- Higher education institution not operated by a government
Wikipedia - Professional services -- Services created by applying specialized abilities attained through experience and tertiary education
Wikipedia - Professional studies -- Education leading to a professional degree
Wikipedia - Profession -- Vocation founded upon specialized educational training
Wikipedia - Professor -- Academic title at universities and other education and research institutions
Wikipedia - Programme for International Student Assessment (2000 to 2012) -- Educational assessment and evaluation
Wikipedia - Progressive Education
Wikipedia - Progressive education
Wikipedia - Project Adventure -- International nonprofit education organization
Wikipedia - Project Exploration -- Science education
Wikipedia - Proper Education -- 2007 single by Eric Prydz and Pink Floyd
Wikipedia - Provost (education) -- Senior academic administrator
Wikipedia - Prussian education system -- Overview of the Prussian education system
Wikipedia - Psychoeducation
Wikipedia - Psychology of education -- Study of the relationship of intelligence and education
Wikipedia - Public Broadcast Service -- Public educational radio and television network in Barbados
Wikipedia - Public College, Samana -- Higher education institute lin Punjab, India
Wikipedia - Public, educational, and government access -- Type of cable television channel in the United States
Wikipedia - Public Education
Wikipedia - Public education
Wikipedia - Puerto Rican Division of Community Education -- Agency that produced cultural materials
Wikipedia - Puerto Rico Department of Education -- An agency of the executive branch of the government of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Puerto Rico Education Council -- Agency of the executive branch of the government of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Pulapre Balakrishnan -- Indian economist and educationalist
Wikipedia - Punjabi University -- Higher education institute in Patiala, Punjab, India
Wikipedia - Quantum Learning Network -- Education and training organization based in Oceanside, California
Wikipedia - Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority -- State education authority in Queensland, Australia
Wikipedia - Queen's University Faculty of Education -- Faculty of Queen's University in Canada
Wikipedia - Race to the Top -- U.S. Department of Education competitive grant
Wikipedia - Rachel Scott (women's education reformer) -- Scott [nM-CM-)e Cook], Rachel Susan (1848-1905), educationist
Wikipedia - Racial disparities in education
Wikipedia - Radiopaedia -- Collaborative wiki-based educational reference for the field of radiology
Wikipedia - Raising of school leaving age -- Act brought into force when the legal age a child is allowed to leave compulsory education increases
Wikipedia - Rajasthan State Open School -- Open School(Secondary And Senior Sec. Education) Examination Board in Jaipur, Rajasthan state, India
Wikipedia - Rally for Education about Sustainable Development -- Political party in Mali
Wikipedia - Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Educational and Research Institute
Wikipedia - Ram Mohan Roy -- Indian religious, socialist and educational reformer, and humanitarian
Wikipedia - Ramon Margalef Award for Excellence in Education -- Educatonal award in the fields of limnology and oceanography
Wikipedia - Rampart College -- Defunct libertarian educational institution
Wikipedia - Raspberry Pi -- Series of inexpensive single-board computers used for educational purposes and embedded systems
Wikipedia - Ratio Studiorum -- Document that standardized the system of Jesuit education in 1599
Wikipedia - Ray Du English -- Taiwanese educational YouTube channel
Wikipedia - Reader Rabbit: 1st Grade -- 1998 educational video game
Wikipedia - Reader Rabbit 2 -- 1991 educational video game
Wikipedia - Reader Rabbit: Jumpsmarter -- 2018 educational video game
Wikipedia - Reader Rabbit Kindergarten -- 1997 education video game
Wikipedia - Reader Rabbit Playtime for Baby -- 1999 educational video game
Wikipedia - Reader Rabbit Preschool: Sparkle Star Rescue -- 2001 educational video game
Wikipedia - Reader Rabbit's Interactive Reading Journey 2 -- 1994 educational video game
Wikipedia - Reader Rabbit's Interactive Reading Journey -- 1994 educational video game
Wikipedia - Reader Rabbit's Ready for Letters -- 1992 educational video game
Wikipedia - Reader Rabbit Toddler -- 1997 education video game
Wikipedia - Reading education in the United States
Wikipedia - Reason in the Balance: The Case Against Naturalism in Science, Law > Education
Wikipedia - Rebecca Zwick -- Researcher in educational assessment and psychometrics
Wikipedia - Recall of facts -- education value
Wikipedia - Recognition of prior learning -- A process for evaluating skills and knowledge acquired outside formal education environment to recognize competence against a set of standards
Wikipedia - Recommendation Concerning the Status of Higher Education Teaching Personnel -- UNESCO instrument
Wikipedia - Record of School Achievement -- Australian educational qualification
Wikipedia - Reed Hastings -- American entrepreneur and education philanthropist
Wikipedia - Reeducation in Communist Romania
Wikipedia - Re-education through labor -- System of administrative detention in Mainland China
Wikipedia - Reflective writing -- Analytical practice used in scholarship and education
Wikipedia - Reform mathematics -- Approach to mathematics education
Wikipedia - Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services -- American nonprofit organization aiming to provide legal services to immigrants
Wikipedia - Registrar (education) -- Official within an academic institution
Wikipedia - Reich Ministry of Science, Education and Culture -- Organization in Germany
Wikipedia - Relationship education
Wikipedia - Religiosity and education -- Relationship between the level of religiosity and the level of education
Wikipedia - Religious education in Romania -- Overview about the religious education in Romania
Wikipedia - Religious education
Wikipedia - Remedial education
Wikipedia - Remi Sonaiya -- Nigerian politician, educationist and writer
Wikipedia - Remote Medical International -- Outdoor education organization
Wikipedia - Republic of Korea Air Force Education and Training Command -- Command of the Republic of Korea Air Force
Wikipedia - Research in music education -- none
Wikipedia - Research Studies in Music Education
Wikipedia - Residential education -- Pre-college education provided in an environment where students both live and learn outside their family homes
Wikipedia - Response to intervention -- Educational teaching and assessment model
Wikipedia - Review of Educational Research
Wikipedia - Richard Appiah Akoto -- Ghanaian educationist
Wikipedia - Right to education
Wikipedia - RM Education -- British organization
Wikipedia - Roadtrip Nation -- American educational production company
Wikipedia - Robbins Report -- Report commissioned by the British government to the Committee on Higher Education, chaired by Lord Lionel Robbins, published in 1963
Wikipedia - Robert A. Reiser -- Education professor
Wikipedia - Robert C. Nichols -- American educational psychologist
Wikipedia - Robert Hebert Quick -- English educator and writer on education
Wikipedia - Robert Lee (teacher) -- New Zealand teacher, school inspector and educationalist
Wikipedia - Robert Robertson Rusk -- Scottish educational psychologist
Wikipedia - Robert V. Dumont, Jr. -- Native American organizer and education leader (1940-1997)
Wikipedia - Robinson Nature Center -- Nature education facility in Howard County, Maryland, U.S.
Wikipedia - Robotis Bioloid -- Educational robotics kit
Wikipedia - Rodolfo Olgiati -- Swiss school teacher and educationist (1905-1986)
Wikipedia - Rohr Jewish Learning Institute -- Series of Jewish adult education courses
Wikipedia - Ronald Champagne -- American higher education administrator
Wikipedia - Rosalind (education platform)
Wikipedia - Roseanna Bourke -- New Zealand academic and registered educational psychologist
Wikipedia - Rosina Acheampong -- Ghanaian educationist
Wikipedia - Royal Dutch League for Physical Education -- Defunct Dutch sports association
Wikipedia - Royal School of Church Music -- Christian music education organisation
Wikipedia - Rugrats Adventure Game -- 1998 educational adventure video game
Wikipedia - Ruhi Institute -- BahaM-JM-
Wikipedia - Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration -- Higher professional education institution in Moscow, Russia
Wikipedia - Russian University of Transport -- Higher education institution
Wikipedia - Ruth G. King -- American educational psychologist
Wikipedia - Ruth Wendell Washburn -- American educational psychologist
Wikipedia - Ryan International Group of Institutions -- Group of private educational institutions in India
Wikipedia - Sabine Andresen -- German educational scientist
Wikipedia - Sailendra Sircar -- Indian educationist
Wikipedia - Saint Augustine School, Tanza -- Member of the Diocesan Catholic School in the Diocese of Imus Catholic Educational System Inc.(DICES)
Wikipedia - Saint Francis University -- Four-year, coeducational Catholic liberal arts university in Loretto, Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Saint Petersburg State University -- Russian federal state-owned higher education institution
Wikipedia - Saitama Prefectural University -- Higher education institution in Saitama Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Sajida Zaidi -- Indian educationist, writer in the Urdu language, and poet
Wikipedia - Saket Kushwaha -- Indian educationist and agricultural economist
Wikipedia - Sam Denby -- American-British educational YouTuber
Wikipedia - Samuel Eusebius McCorkle -- American Presbyterian preacher and education advocate (b. 1746, d. 1811)
Wikipedia - Samuel P. Capen -- American educational administrator (1878-1956)
Wikipedia - Sanaka Education Trusts Group of Institutions -- Private engineering institution in Durgapur, West Bengal, India
Wikipedia - Sand table -- A table using constrained sand for modelling or educational purposes
Wikipedia - Sandwich degree -- Academic degree or higher education course involving practical work experience in addition to academic study
Wikipedia - SANET -- National research and education network
Wikipedia - San Juan de Dios Educational Foundation
Wikipedia - Sarah Sophia Stothard -- New Zealand teacher and educationalist
Wikipedia - Saving for Education, Entrepreneurship, and Downpayment -- long-term savings and investment account policy and practice endeavor
Wikipedia - Saylor Academy -- Non-profit initiative offering free and open online education
Wikipedia - Say Yes to Education -- Non-profit organization in the United States that seeks to improve inner-city education outcomes
Wikipedia - SBI Graduate School -- Higher education institution in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Scholastic Corporation -- American publishing, education and media company
Wikipedia - School bullying -- Type of bullying that occurs in an educational setting. Usually causes either physical or emotional pain.
Wikipedia - School Improvement Network -- Frontline Education
Wikipedia - School-leaving age -- Minimum age a person is legally allowed to cease attendance at a compulsory secondary education institute
Wikipedia - School of Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University -- Faculty in the Hong Kong Baptist University
Wikipedia - School of Education and Training -- Magnet high school in Passaic County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - School of education
Wikipedia - School shooting -- Occurrence in which gun violence takes place at an educational institution
Wikipedia - School -- Institution for the education of students by teachers
Wikipedia - Schoolwork (Apple) -- IOS app for education
Wikipedia - Science education in England -- Overview of science education in England
Wikipedia - Science education -- Teaching and learning of science to non-scientists within the general public
Wikipedia - Science project -- Educational activity for students
Wikipedia - Sciences Po -- Higher education institution in Paris
Wikipedia - Science, technology, society and environment education
Wikipedia - SCOLA (TV service) -- Educational organization providing international news programming
Wikipedia - Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework -- Educational credit system in Scotland
Wikipedia - Scottish education in the eighteenth century -- Overview of the Scottish education during the eighteenth century
Wikipedia - Scouting -- World-wide movement for the education of youth
Wikipedia - Seal of Biliteracy -- United States high school educational award
Wikipedia - SeaPerch -- A remotely operated underwater vehicle educational program
Wikipedia - Sea Research Society -- American non-profit educational society
Wikipedia - Seattle Center -- Arts, educational, tourism and entertainment center in Seattle, Washington, United States
Wikipedia - Secondary education in France -- penultimate level of French public education
Wikipedia - Secondary education in Italy -- Overview of secondary education in Italy
Wikipedia - Secondary education in Japan -- Overview of secondary education in Japan
Wikipedia - Secondary education in New Zealand -- Overview of secondary education in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Secondary education in Scotland -- Overview of secondary education in Scotland
Wikipedia - Secondary education in Singapore -- Overview of secondary education in Singapore
Wikipedia - Secondary education in the United States -- Last seven years of statutory formal education before higher level education
Wikipedia - Secondary education in Wales -- Overview of secondary education in Wales
Wikipedia - Secondary Education Quality and Access Enhancement Project -- Education project in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Secondary education -- Second and final phase of basic education
Wikipedia - Secondary school -- Institution and/or building where secondary education is provided
Wikipedia - Secretariat of Public Education (Mexico) -- Mexican federal government authority with Cabinet representation; responsibility for overseeing development and implementation of national educational policy and school standards
Wikipedia - Secretary of Education of Puerto Rico -- Government of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Secretary of State for Education -- United Kingdom government cabinet minister
Wikipedia - Secret Teaching Organization -- Underground Polish educational organization
Wikipedia - Secular education -- System of public education in countries with a secular government
Wikipedia - See 'n Say -- Educational toy
Wikipedia - Sega Pico -- Educational video game console
Wikipedia - Self-education
Wikipedia - Sendai University -- Higher education institution in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Seoul National University of Education -- South Korean university
Wikipedia - Seren Network -- Welsh educational organisation
Wikipedia - Seventh-day Adventist education -- Christian school system
Wikipedia - Sex education in the United States -- Aspect of American education
Wikipedia - Sex Education (journal) -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Sex Education (novel) -- 1995 novel by Jenny Davis
Wikipedia - Sex education -- Instruction on issues relating to human sexuality
Wikipedia - Sexual harassment in education -- Specific kind of sexual harassment
Wikipedia - Shabab Aalam -- Indian educationist
Wikipedia - Shakespeare Schools Festival -- educational theatre festival in the UK
Wikipedia - Shakespeare's Globe Centres -- international centres for theatrical education and promotion
Wikipedia - Sharon Carry -- Canadian education administrator
Wikipedia - Sharon Keillor Award for Women in Engineering Education -- Award
Wikipedia - Shaw Academy -- Online education organisation in Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - Sheikh Abdullah (educationalist) -- Indian educationalist, social reformer, lawyer (1874-1965)
Wikipedia - Shibalihe women's re-education through labor camp -- labor camp in China
Wikipedia - Shri Angalamman College of Engineering and Technology -- Educational institute Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu, India
Wikipedia - Shyama Raju -- Entrepreneur and educationist (b. 1950)
Wikipedia - Sibley County ICTV System -- 1980s interactive television education system
Wikipedia - SIGCSE Award for Lifetime Service to Computer Science Education
Wikipedia - SIGCSE Award for Outstanding Contribution to Computer Science Education
Wikipedia - SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education
Wikipedia - Simplilearn -- Online education technology company
Wikipedia - Singair Government College -- Educational Institution in Bangaldesh
Wikipedia - Sir Cumference -- Series of educational math books
Wikipedia - Sistema Anglo de Ensino -- Brazilian educational system company
Wikipedia - Skillsoft -- educational technology company
Wikipedia - Skype a Scientist -- Science videoconferencing education program
Wikipedia - Smart Cities EMC Network for Training -- Higher education
Wikipedia - Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium -- Educational organizations based in the United States
Wikipedia - S. M. Cyril -- Irish educationist
Wikipedia - Smith-Hughes Act -- Act promoting vocational education in the USA
Wikipedia - SNAP (programming language) -- Education programming language from 1960s
Wikipedia - Socialist Education Movement -- Chinese reform movement led by Mao Zedong
Wikipedia - Social media in education
Wikipedia - Social science education
Wikipedia - Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior -- Other organization in Indianapolis, United States
Wikipedia - Sociology of education -- The study of how public institutions and individual experiences affect education and its outcomes
Wikipedia - Solution Tree -- Educational publishing company
Wikipedia - Some Thoughts Concerning Education -- 1693 book by John Locke
Wikipedia - Sonia Marta Mora Escalante -- Costa Rican education administrator
Wikipedia - Sophie von Stumm -- Professor of psychology in education
Wikipedia - South African College -- Former educational institution in Cape Town, South Africa
Wikipedia - South Carolina Department of Education -- State education agency of the U.S. state of South Carolina
Wikipedia - South Carolina Educational Television -- PBS member network in South Carolina
Wikipedia - South Dakota Public Universities and Research Center -- Cooperative higher education system in Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Wikipedia - South East Derbyshire College -- Defunct further education college
Wikipedia - Southern Early Childhood Association -- educational organization
Wikipedia - Southern Regional Education Board -- Nonprofit organization based in Atlanta, Georgia
Wikipedia - South Shore Regional Centre for Education -- Public school board in Nova Scotia, Canada
Wikipedia - Southwestern Educational Society -- College preparatory school in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Southwest Technical Education District of Yuma -- Joint technological education district in Yuma County, Arizona
Wikipedia - Spartacus Educational -- Free online encyclopedia
Wikipedia - Special Education
Wikipedia - Special education
Wikipedia - Spertus Institute for Jewish Learning and Leadership -- Jewish educational center in Chicago
Wikipedia - Springboard Software -- Publisher of educational software
Wikipedia - Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education
Wikipedia - Sri Kuala Lumpur -- Educational institution in Subang Jaya, Petaling District, Selangor, Malaysia
Wikipedia - SRKBV -- Educational institution in Kulasekharam located in Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu
Wikipedia - Standards-based education reform
Wikipedia - Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing
Wikipedia - Stan Deno -- American educational psychologist
Wikipedia - Standing Committee on Language Education and Research -- Hong Kong quasi-governmental advisory body
Wikipedia - St Andrew's College, Christchurch -- New Zealand private co-educational school
Wikipedia - Stanford Graduate School of Education
Wikipedia - Stanford Online -- Educational initiative launched by Stanford University
Wikipedia - Startup:Education -- Non-profit foundation launched by Mark Zuckerberg
Wikipedia - Star Wars Math: Jabba's Game Galaxy -- 2000 educational video game
Wikipedia - Statistics education -- Practice of teaching and learning of statistics, along with the associated scholarly research
Wikipedia - Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development
Wikipedia - Stephen Gaynor School -- Independent private, special education school in Manhattan, New York, United States
Wikipedia - St. Francis College of Education -- Teacher education college in Hohoe
Wikipedia - St Joseph College of Bulacan -- Private higher education institution of the Philippines
Wikipedia - St. Joseph College of Education -- Teacher's college in Tamil Nadu, India
Wikipedia - St. Louis Workers' Education Society -- Non-profit organization in St. Louis, Missouri, US
Wikipedia - St. Mark's High School -- Private, coeducational, diocesan school in Wilmington, , Delaware, United States
Wikipedia - Stockwell College of Education -- Teacher's college in London (1860-1980)
Wikipedia - Stone Barns Center for Food & Agriculture -- Agriculture and educational organization in New York
Wikipedia - Stonyhurst College -- Coeducational Catholic school in Lancashire, England (UK)
Wikipedia - St. Paul High School (Shiner, Texas) -- Private coeducational school in Texas
Wikipedia - Strong American Schools -- American non-profit organization that promotes sound education policies
Wikipedia - Student-directed teaching -- Teaching technology that aims to give the student greater control, ownership, and accountability over his or her own education
Wikipedia - Student Spaceflight Experiments Program -- education outreach and spaceflight program
Wikipedia - Student -- Learner, or someone who attends an educational institution
Wikipedia - Sudan International University -- Education organization in Khartoum, Sudan
Wikipedia - Summit School (Nyack) -- Approved private, special education residential school in Nyack, New York, United States
Wikipedia - Summit School (Queens) -- Approved private, special education school in Queens, New York, United States
Wikipedia - Super 30 -- Indian educational program started in Patna, India
Wikipedia - Superintendent (education) -- Administrator in charge of multiple schools, a school district or entity with school oversight
Wikipedia - Super Why! -- Educational television series
Wikipedia - Supinfo -- Private institution of higher education in general Computer Science
Wikipedia - Support! International Foundation -- Youth-led education non-government organisation in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Suresh Gundu Amonkar -- Indian educationist
Wikipedia - Surjya Kanta Hazarika -- Indian Educationalist and Padma Shri awardee
Wikipedia - Susan Sutherland Isaacs -- British educational psychologist and psychoanalyst
Wikipedia - Sustainable Development Goal 4 -- The 4th of 17 Sustainable Development Goals to achieve qualilty education for all
Wikipedia - Swedish Armed Forces Diving and Naval Medicine Centre -- Diver education and training; diving medicine research and development
Wikipedia - Sydney College of Advanced Education -- former educational institution in Sydney, Australia
Wikipedia - Sylacauga City Schools Foundation -- American non-profit education foundation
Wikipedia - Symbiosis International University -- Private higher-education institute in Maharashtra, India
Wikipedia - Symbiosis Society -- family of educational institutions in India
Wikipedia - Tai Po Sam Yuk Secondary School -- co-educational Christian secondary school in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Taxonomy of educational objectives
Wikipedia - Taylor L. Booth Education Award
Wikipedia - Teacher education -- Set of policies, procedures, and provision to equip teachers to perform their tasks effectively
Wikipedia - Teacher in role -- Educational methodology
Wikipedia - Teachers College Reading and Writing Project -- educational project in New York
Wikipedia - TeachTown -- Educational software company
Wikipedia - Tebyan Cultural Institute -- Cultural and educational organization in Iran
Wikipedia - Technikum (Polish education)
Wikipedia - Technology and Livelihood Education
Wikipedia - Technology education
Wikipedia - Technology integration -- Use of technology tools in general content areas in education
Wikipedia - Teknokrat -- Indonesian higher education institute
Wikipedia - Telangana Board of Intermediate Education -- Board of education in Telangana, India
Wikipedia - Television Educativa (Mexico) -- Mexican educational TV network
Wikipedia - Temenos Academy -- Charity in London which aims to offer education in philosophy and the arts
Wikipedia - Template talk:Alternative education
Wikipedia - Template talk:American research and education networks
Wikipedia - Template talk:Educational research
Wikipedia - Template talk:Education in Harris County, Texas
Wikipedia - Template talk:Education in the Archdiocese of New York
Wikipedia - Template talk:Education in the U.S.
Wikipedia - Template talk:Education
Wikipedia - Template talk:IEEE James H. Mulligan Jr. Education Medal
Wikipedia - Template talk:Philosophy of education sidebar
Wikipedia - Template talk:Philosophy of education
Wikipedia - Template talk:Standards-based education reform
Wikipedia - Template talk:Tertiary education in Greater Houston
Wikipedia - Template talk:Women's colleges that became coeducational
Wikipedia - TenMarks Education, Inc.
Wikipedia - Tennessee Department of Education -- Government agency in Tennessee, United States
Wikipedia - Tenth grade -- Tenth post-kindergarten year of school education in some school systems
Wikipedia - Teresa Lozano Long -- Educator and philanthropist, supporting arts and education in Austin, Texas
Wikipedia - Tertiary Education Trust Fund -- |Education Trust Fund in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Tertiary education -- Advanced level of education, usually for adults
Wikipedia - Texas Department of Education
Wikipedia - Texas Education Agency -- Education branch of the government of Texas, United States
Wikipedia - Texas State Historical Association -- Non-profit educational organization
Wikipedia - Thangal Kunju Musaliar College of Engineering -- Educational institute in Kerala, India
Wikipedia - The ABC of Sex Education for Trainables -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - The American School of the Air -- Educational radio program
Wikipedia - The Case Against Education -- 2018 book by Bryan Caplan
Wikipedia - The Chronicle of Higher Education -- Newspaper
Wikipedia - The ClueFinders -- Children's educational software series
Wikipedia - The Consortium on Financing Higher Education
Wikipedia - The Data Incubator -- American data science education company
Wikipedia - The Demands of Liberal Education
Wikipedia - The DO-IT Center -- People with disabilities in postsecondary education and careers
Wikipedia - The Education of a Christian Prince -- Book by Erasmus of Rotterdam
Wikipedia - The Education of Elizabeth -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - The Education of Henry Adams
Wikipedia - The Education of Nicky -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - The Education of Pan -- Lost painting by Luca Signorelli
Wikipedia - The False Principle of Our Education
Wikipedia - The Female Lead -- Educational charity
Wikipedia - The Fullbridge Program -- Educational technology company
Wikipedia - The Guardian of Education -- Defunct British children's literature review magazine
Wikipedia - The High School Journal -- Academic journal about education
Wikipedia - The Institute for Cross-cultural Exchange -- Educational and cross-cultural organisation based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Wikipedia - The Intern Group -- Educational Organization
Wikipedia - The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education -- Online magazine for African Americans in academia
Wikipedia - The Journal of Higher Education -- American peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - The Journal of Negro Education
Wikipedia - The Learning Company -- American educational software company
Wikipedia - The Miseducation of Cameron Post (film) -- 2018 film by Desiree Akhavan
Wikipedia - The National Science Institute -- Nonprofitable educational organization based in Grand Rapids, Michigan
Wikipedia - The Open University of Japan -- Higher education institution in Chiba Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - The Process of Education
Wikipedia - The Project for the Study of Alternative Education in South Africa -- Literacy research program in South Africa
Wikipedia - The Roots of Music -- American music educational organization based in New Orleans
Wikipedia - The Sage Colleges -- Private educational institution in New York state, United States
Wikipedia - The Times Higher Education Supplement
Wikipedia - The Tolkien Society -- Educational charity and literary society devoted to the life and works of J. R. R. Tolkien
Wikipedia - The Treasure of the City of Ladies -- Manual of education by medieval Italian-French author Christine de Pizan
Wikipedia - The World Is Yours (radio show) -- Weekly educational radio show
Wikipedia - Thinkin' Things -- Series of educational video games
Wikipedia - Third grade -- Educational year
Wikipedia - Thomas Hong-Chi Lee -- Historian of Chinese education
Wikipedia - Thoughts on the Education of Daughters -- 1787 book by Mary Wollstonecraft
Wikipedia - Thousand Character Classic -- Chinese educational poem that uses exactly 1,000 characters, each appearing once
Wikipedia - Tibet House US -- Tibetan cultural preservation and education nonprofit founded in 1987 in New York City
Wikipedia - Tiger Woods Learning Center -- American educational institution
Wikipedia - Tim Dornan -- British physician, endocrinologist and medical educationalist
Wikipedia - Times Educational Supplement
Wikipedia - Times Higher Education Supplement
Wikipedia - Times Higher Education -- Weekly magazine based in London
Wikipedia - Times Higher Education World University Rankings -- Annual publication of university rankings
Wikipedia - Title IX -- United States federal law prohibiting sex discrimination in federally-funded education programs
Wikipedia - T.M. Landry College Preparatory -- Unaccredited, co-educational private college-preparatory school in Breaux Bridge, Louisiana
Wikipedia - Tokyo Women's Junior College of Physical Education -- College in Tokyo, Japan
Wikipedia - Tomes & Talismans -- Educational television series produced by Mississippi Public Broadcasting
Wikipedia - Tracking (education)
Wikipedia - Tracy L. Cross -- Educational psychologist
Wikipedia - Tracy Riley -- Academic dean and gifted education scholar
Wikipedia - Traditional education
Wikipedia - Transcendental Meditation in education -- Application of Transcendental Meditation technique in education
Wikipedia - Transcript (education) -- Inventory of the courses taken and grades earned
Wikipedia - Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund -- American civil rights organization
Wikipedia - Trent College -- Anglican coeducational independent day and boarding school in Long Eaton, Derbyshire, England
Wikipedia - Trivium (education)
Wikipedia - True Comics -- Ongoing educational comic book series published by The Parents Institute, 1941-1950
Wikipedia - Trump University -- Former for-profit education company in the United States
Wikipedia - Tuition fees in the United Kingdom -- Cost of higher education in the United Kingdom.
Wikipedia - Tulane University School of Medicine -- Educational establishment in New Orleans, Louisiana
Wikipedia - Tunde Adeniran -- Nigerian Minister of Education
Wikipedia - Tutor expertise in adult education
Wikipedia - TV Pendidikan -- Malaysian educational television network
Wikipedia - Twelfth grade -- Twelfth post-kindergarten year of school education in some school systems
Wikipedia - Twinkl -- Specialist Digital Educational Publisher
Wikipedia - Types of educational institutions
Wikipedia - Tyree Scott Freedom School -- Educational program on social justice and anti-racist organizing in Seattle, Washington, USA
Wikipedia - UC Berkeley Graduate School of Education
Wikipedia - UChannel -- Educational organizations based in the United States
Wikipedia - UCLA Graduate School of Education and Information Studies -- One of the professional graduate schools at UCLA
Wikipedia - UCL Institute of Education -- Education school of University College London, England
Wikipedia - Udacity -- For-profit educational organization
Wikipedia - Ujjwal Bharat Academy -- | Educational Institution
Wikipedia - Unaccredited institutions of higher education
Wikipedia - Undergraduate education -- Academic programs up to the level of a bachelor's degree
Wikipedia - Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society -- US based organisation for research and education in hyperbaric physiology and medicine.
Wikipedia - UNESCO-CEPES -- Education in Bucharest
Wikipedia - UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning
Wikipedia - UNICAF -- Higher education organization
Wikipedia - United Herzlia Schools -- Organisation that manages separate Jewish education in Cape Town in South Africa
Wikipedia - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Wikipedia - United Nations Girls' Education Initiative -- International educational organization
Wikipedia - United States Army War College -- Educational institution in Carlisle, Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - United States Department of Education
Wikipedia - United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare
Wikipedia - United States House Committee on Education and Labor -- Standing committee of the United States House of Representatives
Wikipedia - United States Power Squadrons -- Non-profit educational organization
Wikipedia - United States Secretary of Education
Wikipedia - United States Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies
Wikipedia - United World Colleges -- Education movement
Wikipedia - Universal education
Wikipedia - Universal Primary Education
Wikipedia - Universal primary education
Wikipedia - Universal Technical Institute -- American educational institution
Wikipedia - Universidad Popular de la Chontalpa -- Public, coeducational university located in the city of Cardenas, Tabasco, Mexico
Wikipedia - University College of Teacher Education Styria -- Education organization in Graz, Austria
Wikipedia - University college -- College institution that provides tertiary education but does not have full or independent university status
Wikipedia - University of Auckland Faculty of Education and Social Work -- Division of the University of Auckland, NZ
Wikipedia - University of Belgrade Faculty of Economics -- Educational institution of the University of Belgrade, Serbia
Wikipedia - University of Detroit Mercy -- Private, Catholic co-educational university in Detroit, Michigan, US
Wikipedia - University of Distance Education, Mandalay -- Distance education system in Myanmar
Wikipedia - University of Florida Division of Continuing Education -- School at the University of Florida
Wikipedia - University of Guadalajara -- Public higher education institution in the Mexican city of Guadalajara
Wikipedia - University of Kentucky College of Education -- College of Education of University of the Kentucky in Lexington, KY, USA
Wikipedia - University of Lyon -- Cluster of several higher education institutions in the region of Lyon, France
Wikipedia - University of Medicine, Mandalay -- Educational facility in Myanmar
Wikipedia - University of Music and Performing Arts Munich -- Institution of higher education in Munich, Germany
Wikipedia - University of North Carolina School of the Arts -- Public coeducational arts conservatory in Winston-Salem, NC
Wikipedia - University of the People -- American nonprofit, tuition-free online institution of higher education
Wikipedia - University of Virginia School of Continuing and Professional Studies -- adult continuing education and distance learning program
Wikipedia - University of Zakho -- Educational establishment in Iraq
Wikipedia - University -- Academic institution for further education
Wikipedia - Unschooling -- Educational method and philosophy; form of homeschooling
Wikipedia - U.S. Career Institute -- Educational institution based in Fort Collins, Colorado
Wikipedia - US-China Education Trust -- Non-profit organization based in Washington, D.C.
Wikipedia - U.S. Department of Education
Wikipedia - Use of social media in education -- Overview of the use of social media in education
Wikipedia - U.S.-Japan Council -- An educational nonprofit that contributes to strengthening U.S.-Japan Relations
Wikipedia - Utah Education Network
Wikipedia - Utah System of Higher Education -- Education organization in Utah, United States
Wikipedia - Uttarakhand Seva Nidhi Environmental Education Centre -- Non-governmental organization in Almora, India
Wikipedia - Uzbekistan State Institute of Arts and Culture -- Higher education institution in Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Wikipedia - Values education
Wikipedia - Vanaja Iyengar -- Indian mathematician, educationist
Wikipedia - Vanessa Green -- New Zealand educational theorist and academic
Wikipedia - Vanessa Siddle Walker -- American educationalist
Wikipedia - Vanier Institute of the Family -- Research and education organization
Wikipedia - Varsity College (South Africa) -- South African private higher education provider
Wikipedia - Vassar College -- Private, coeducational liberal arts college in Poughkeepsie, New York
Wikipedia - Vernier Software & Technology -- Educational software and equipment company based in Beaverton, Oregon, US
Wikipedia - Victoria College, Melbourne -- College of Advanced Education in Melbourne
Wikipedia - Video games in education
Wikipedia - Village Institutes -- Former educational institutes for teachers in Turkey
Wikipedia - VIPKid -- China-based online teaching and educational company
Wikipedia - Virginia Institute of Marine Science -- Marine research and education center
Wikipedia - Virginia Open Education Foundation -- Not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation
Wikipedia - Virgin Islands Department of Education -- Education agency
Wikipedia - VirtaMed -- Swiss medical education company
Wikipedia - Virtual Labs (India) -- Educational project in India
Wikipedia - Virtual learning environment -- Term in educational technology: web-based platform for the digital aspects of courses of study, usually within educational institutions
Wikipedia - Virtual university -- University that provides higher education programs through electronic media, typically the Internet
Wikipedia - Vishveshwarya Group of Institutions -- Group of higher education institutes in Uttar Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Visual arts education
Wikipedia - Vivian Maria Vasquez -- Professor of Education
Wikipedia - Vocational education -- studies that prepares a person for a specific occupation
Wikipedia - Vocational school -- Higher-level learning institution providing education needed for specific occupations
Wikipedia - Vocational university -- An institution of higher education and sometimes research that grants professional academic degrees
Wikipedia - Volda University College -- Institution of higher education in Norway
Wikipedia - Volksschule -- German term; compulsory education, denoting an educational institution every person is required to attend
Wikipedia - W39DE-D -- Non-commercial educational television station in Cayey, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Waldorf education -- Educational philosophy
Wikipedia - Wall Street Survivor -- Finance education website
Wikipedia - Walter Adams (historian) -- British historian and educationalist
Wikipedia - Walther Kranz -- German classicist and educationist
Wikipedia - Wanjia re-education through labor camp -- labor camp in China
Wikipedia - Washington County Closed-Circuit Educational Television Project
Wikipedia - Wayne County Regional Educational Service Agency -- Other organization in Wayne, United States
Wikipedia - WBEC-TV -- Educational television station in Boca Raton, Florida
Wikipedia - WDR paper computer -- Educational computer built of paper
Wikipedia - WEFS -- Educational TV station in Cocoa, Florida
Wikipedia - Welfare in Puerto Rico -- System of nutrition assistance, public health, education, and subsidized public housing
Wikipedia - Wesleyan College -- Educational facility in Georgia
Wikipedia - Wesley College of Education, Kumasi -- Teacher education college in Kumasi, Ghana
Wikipedia - West Anhui University -- Education organization in LuM-bM-^@M-^Yan, China
Wikipedia - West Bengal Board of Primary Education -- A Board of Primary Education of India
Wikipedia - West Bengal Board of Secondary Education -- Government education examination organization
Wikipedia - West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education -- Government education exaination organization
Wikipedia - West Bengal State Council of Technical and Vocational Education and Skill Development -- Organization
Wikipedia - Western Catholic Education Association -- accreditation agency for US Roman Catholic schools
Wikipedia - Western Christian High School (Upland, California) -- Co-educational private Christian high school in California
Wikipedia - Western education
Wikipedia - Western Maricopa Education Center -- JTED school district in the West Valley of Phoenix, Arizona
Wikipedia - West Michigan Center for Art and Technology -- Education and training facility in Grand Rapids, Michigan
Wikipedia - Wes Watkins Technology Center -- Public career and technology education center
Wikipedia - WGBH Educational Foundation -- Public broadcasting organization in Boston
Wikipedia - WGSF (TV) -- Former educational TV station in Newark, Ohio
Wikipedia - What Works Clearinghouse -- Digital library of educational research
Wikipedia - White America, Inc. -- Segregationist and white supremacist educational organization
Wikipedia - White House Historical Association -- American educational organization
Wikipedia - White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics -- History of education in the United States
Wikipedia - Whitireia New Zealand -- Education institute in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Why U -- Non-profit educational organization funded by the Goldman Charitable Foundation
Wikipedia - Wiki Education Foundation -- Nonprofit organization
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Education program/Ambassadors -- Historical document
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Education program -- Educating people about Wikipedia and Wikimedia projects
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:India Education Program -- historical document
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Userboxes/Education -- Userbox gallery page
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Higher education -- Wikimedia subject-area collaboration
Wikipedia - Wikis and education
Wikipedia - Wild Kratts -- Educational children's series
Wikipedia - Wilfrid Mervyn Lusty -- New Zealand journalist, drama critic, theatre administrator, and adult educationalist
Wikipedia - Wilhelm Aarek -- Norwegian philologist and educationalist
Wikipedia - Wilhelm Christian Magelssen -- Norwegian Minister of Education (1926-1927)
Wikipedia - Wilhelm Rein -- German educational theorist
Wikipedia - Willard LaMere -- Native American organizer and education leader
Wikipedia - William A. Spangenthal -- Air Education and Training Command deputy commander
Wikipedia - William Brazziel -- American educational scholar
Wikipedia - William Delany (Jesuit) -- Irish Jesuit priest and educationalist
Wikipedia - William Ellis (economist) -- English businessman, writer on economics, and educational thinker
Wikipedia - William Miller (missionary) -- Scottish educationalist and missionary
Wikipedia - William Shelton (education)
Wikipedia - William Shippen Sr. -- American physician and Pennsylvanian civic and educational leader (1712-1801)
Wikipedia - William Tyndale affair -- Controversy in British education in 1976
Wikipedia - Winston Preparatory School -- Independent private, special education school in the United States
Wikipedia - Wisconsin Idea -- Educational philosophy
Wikipedia - WizIQ -- Cloud-based education platform to access teaching and training modules through smartphones and laptops
Wikipedia - WLAE-TV -- Educational independent TV station in New Orleans
Wikipedia - WNJR (FM) -- Noncommercial educational radio station
Wikipedia - Wolfgang Brezinka -- German educationist
Wikipedia - Women's colleges in the United States -- Single-sex institutions of higher education
Wikipedia - Women's education
Wikipedia - Women's School of Planning and Architecture -- The Women's School of Planning and Architecture (WSPA) was an educational program for women interested in architecture, planning, and environmental design that presented sessions and symposia based on principles of the women's liberation movement between 1976 and 1981
Wikipedia - Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution -- Private, nonprofit research and education facility
Wikipedia - Woodward Academy -- American independent, co-educational college-preparatory school
Wikipedia - Workers' University of Cordoba -- Former educational institution in Spain.
Wikipedia - World Access for the Blind -- An international non-profit, non-governmental and educational organisation
Wikipedia - World Council for Comparative Education Societies -- International organization of comparative education societies
Wikipedia - World Education Forum -- Representative body of major education-related organization
Wikipedia - World Education Services -- Nonprofit organization
Wikipedia - World Game -- Educational simulation game
Wikipedia - World Learning -- International nonprofit organization that focuses on international development, education, and exchange programs
Wikipedia - World ORT -- World international educational organization.
Wikipedia - Writer Rabbit -- 1986 educational video game
Wikipedia - Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne -- Polish educational publisher
Wikipedia - XHUS-TDT -- Educational television station at the University of Sonora
Wikipedia - Xploration Station -- Syndicated educational television programming block
Wikipedia - Yael Hollenberg -- French educational author
Wikipedia - Yamanashi Prefectural University -- Higher education institution in Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Year Seven -- Educational year group
Wikipedia - Year Thirteen -- Educational year group
Wikipedia - Year Twelve -- Educational year group
Wikipedia - Yengema Secondary School -- Secondary education institution
Wikipedia - Yeovil College -- Tertiary and further education college in Somerset, UK
Wikipedia - Yeshiva of Cape Town -- Jewish educational institution for the study of traditional religious texts and Jewish law
Wikipedia - Yeshiva -- Jewish educational institution for Torah study
Wikipedia - YM-EM-^Mji Takikawa -- Japanese specialist in science education curricula (born 1949)
Wikipedia - Yolande Beckles -- British educationalist and businesswoman
Wikipedia - York College (York) -- Further and higher education college in the City of York, North Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Yorktown Education -- Educational institute
Wikipedia - Youth Entrepreneurs Kansas -- 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable educational organization
Wikipedia - YTI Career Institute -- Educational institute
Wikipedia - Zeenat Abdullah Channa -- Pakistani educationist and writer
Wikipedia - Zhytomyr National Agroecological University -- Education organization in Zhytomyr, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Zodwa Dlamini -- South African scientist and educationalist
Wikipedia - Zoom (1972 TV series) -- 1972 educational TV series
Wikipedia - Zovio -- Education technology services company
Wikipedia - Zuriel Oduwole -- American education activist
William Bennett ::: Born: July 31, 1943; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of Education;
Lisa Delpit ::: Born: May 23, 1952; Occupation: Education Reform Leader;
Arne Duncan ::: Born: November 6, 1964; Occupation: United States Secretary of Education;
Graca Machel ::: Born: October 17, 1945; Occupation: Minister for Education and Culture of Mozambique;
Goodreads author - Expert_Education
Goodreads author - McGraw_Hill_Education,_2012.jpg
Integral World - Integral Education in the Information Age, Daniel Araya
Integral World - The Creative Artist, Humanistic Education and Mental Disturbance, Elliot Benjamin
Integral World - Integral Thinking and its application to Integral Education, Josep Gallifa
Integral World - Circular-Axial Representation of Human Evolution and Development in the Integral Theory, Educational Implications, Josep Gallifa
Spirituality, Purpose, and Meaning in Higher Education
selforum - education for tomorrow
selforum - integral education
selforum - institute for wholistic education
selforum - concept of integral education
selforum - integral education system
selforum - orissa leads in integral education
selforum - education in mirambika is spiritual
selforum - norman c dowset on education
selforum - education in its truest sense would be
selforum - debashish banerji educational
selforum - exclusion of religion from educational
selforum - education could no more be divorced
selforum - foundations of integral education and
selforum - philosophy yoga and integral education
dedroidify.blogspot - ali-g-drug-education
wiki.auroville - Arulvazhi_Education_Centre
wiki.auroville - A_System_of_National_Education
wiki.auroville - Attitude_towards_education
wiki.auroville - Auroville_Education_1966-1980
wiki.auroville - Auroville_Peer_Education_Network
wiki.auroville - AVAG_Progressive_Educational_Project
wiki.auroville - Bulletin_of_Sri_Aurobindo_International_Centre_of_Education
wiki.auroville - Category:Education_in_Auroville
wiki.auroville - Dehashakti_School_of_Physical_Education
wiki.auroville - Education
wiki.auroville - Foundation_for_World_Education
wiki.auroville - Ilaignarkal_Education_Centre
wiki.auroville - Life_Education_Centre
wiki.auroville - National_Council_of_Education
wiki.auroville - On_Education
wiki.auroville - Physical_education
wiki.auroville - Ritam_"Auroville_Education_and_Society"
wiki.auroville - Ritam_"Udavi:_Challenges_of_an_Educational_Experiment_in_the_Village"
wiki.auroville - SAIIER_2013:Educational_Practices_and_Opportunities_for_Adults_in_Auroville
wiki.auroville - Scholarship_and_Educational_Fund
wiki.auroville - Schools_and_Educational_Centres
wiki.auroville - Sri_Aurobindo_International_Centre_of_Education_(SAICE)
wiki.auroville - Sri_Aurobindo_International_Institute_of_Educational_Research_(SAIIER)
Dharmapedia - Category:Education_in_India
Dharmapedia - Education_in_India
Dharmapedia - History_of_education_in_the_Indian_subcontinent
Dharmapedia - Indoctrinating_Minds:_Politics_of_Education_in_Bangladesh
Dharmapedia - Integral_education
Dharmapedia - The_Beautiful_Tree:_Indigenous_Indian_Education_in_the_Eighteenth_Century
Psychology Wiki - Category:Educational_psychology
Psychology Wiki - Education
Psychology Wiki - Educational
Psychology Wiki - Educational_assessment_and_evaluation
Psychology Wiki - Educational_psychology
Psychology Wiki - Education_theory_and_research
Psychology Wiki - Forum:Educational_psychology_forum?t=20131214022439
Psychology Wiki - Human_sex_differences#Education
Psychology Wiki - Instructional_techniques_in_education
Psychology Wiki - Integral_education
Psychology Wiki - Issues_in_education
Psychology Wiki - Ken_Wilber#Education
Psychology Wiki - Pastoral_care_in_education
Psychology Wiki - Philosophy_of_education
Psychology Wiki - Positive_education
Psychology Wiki - Positive_psychology#Education_and_intelligence
Psychology Wiki - Positive_psychology#In_education
Psychology Wiki - Positive_psychology#Physical_education
Psychology Wiki - Religious_education
Psychology Wiki - Special_education_provision
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - civic-education
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - education-philosophy,_or_On_Education,_Education,_and_Welfare.png,_Technical_and_Educational_Fields).jpg
Sesame Street (1969 - Current) - First conceived by a group of children's education researchers in 1965, Sesame Street grew to more than just a children's show--it became one of the most famous and well-known shows of all time and a symbol of American pop-culture. A show so well-known, there is nearly not one person who did not gro...
Schoolhouse Rock! (1973 - 1996) - In my opinion, this is one of the cartoons that was great at teaching kids how to learn. Even though each episode was five minutes, it was a good educational show for people to watch.
3-2-1 Contact (1979 - 1992) - 3-2-1 Contact was an american science educational television show which aired on PBS from 1979 to 1992.
The Wonderful World of Disney (1954 - 2008) - While shown in the U.S. as a time slot for family films on the weekends in its later years, this program originally started as a prime-time feature, hosted by Walt Disney himself, that showcased original programming from the Disney Studios. Cartoons, documentaries, educational shorts, all were shown...
The Bugs Bunny and Tweety Show (1986 - 2000) - ABC's remade version of "The Bugs Bunny Show" after ABC picked it back up. In the first year, the show was a half-hour and aired Sylvester & Tweety cartoons along with Bugs Bunny. The show expanded to an hour in 1988. The show survived the FCC's 1996 educational/informational television rule and air...
Bill Cosby's PicturePages (1984 - 1984) - Bill Cosby hosts educational vigniettes for kids. Kids were asked to match some things with others, or put the steps to a certain task in the correct order. Despite only lasting one season, books of PicturePages were made available and viewers could follow along at home. Syndicated until the early...
Doctor Who (1963 - Current) - From the planet of Gallifrey comes a mysterious alien only known as "the Doctor". The show began with the idea of an educational program focusing on history but it ended up being the longest science fiction tv show in history.
ABC Afterschool Specials (1972 - 1998) - "ABC Afterschool Specials" was the umbrella show name for various educational shows that were shown in the afternoon, occationally. Each episode was produced by a seperate company.
Histeria! (1998 - 1999) - Histeria! is an American animated series created by Tom Ruegger and produced by Warner Bros. Animation. Unlike other animated series produced by Warner Bros. in the 1990s, Histeria! stood out as the most explicitly educational program in order to meet FCC requirements for educational/informational c...
The Charlie Horse Music Pizza (1998 - 1998) - The Charlie Horse Music Pizza was a show about music education that aired on PBS back in 1998. It was Shari Lewis's last acting appearence before her death later that year. Ray Charles who composed music that was played during that show had passed away in 2004. The show overall was a Daytime Emmy Aw...
Smoggies (1988 - 1990) - The Suntots lead by Princes Lila spend all thier time protecting thier paradise land (Coral Island) from the Smoggies (Emma and Clarance), a bunch of idiotic treasure hunters that pollute the waters around the island. Each epispode was quite envirnomentally educational without the overblown obviousn...
Kratt's Creatures (1996 - 1996) - This show was an education show that taught its viewers about the different residents of the animal kingdom. Coupled with cheesy animated sequences, and wacky anitcs, this show and its hosts Chris and Martin Kratt became hits with children, spawning a series of books based off episodes.
Breaker High (1997 - 1998) - Join the students of Breaker High, a high school on a cruise ship, while they experience fun and adventure, love and heartache, with good times and bad as they explore the high seas and get an education.
OWL TV (1988 - 1994) - Science/educational show featuring various segments and characters. Based on OWL Magazine.
Encyclopedia (1988 - 1990) - It is an educational tv series for children.
Captain Kangaroo (1955 - 1998) - Hosted by Bob Keeshan (at one time, he played Howdy Doody's friend, Clarabell) from "The Treasure House" the Captain was so named because he always wore an overcoat with large, kangaroo-like pouches. Each show featured stories, skits, vaudeville acts, songs, games and other educational activities. C...
The Huggabug Club (1995 - 2001) - The Huggabug Club is a musical, educational TV series for kids ages 2-8 which took place in Tampa, Florida. Huggabug whom was a ladybug, Oops a Daisy, Auntie Bumble, helped the children in various sitations, and interacting with them. Playing games, singing & dancing,and taking trips is what helped...
A.J.'s Time Travelers (1995 - 1996) - 15 year old AJ likes to learn so he uses his time machine to enter into a world of fantasy. With his friends he sees imporrtant people, places, and events in world history. It is funny and educational.
Kid Super Power Hour With Shazam! (1981 - 1982) - This series tells the stories of the students of Hero High, a high school specializing in the education of young superheroes. They have all the typical teenage activities, rivalries and events, but modified for their powers and skills. The companion series is of the adventures of the Marvel Family....
Fetch! with Ruff Ruffman (2006 - 2010) - Bored with his life, a dog named Ruff Ruffman decides to create his own TV show where he places real kids into amazing challenges. The show runs in a reality game show format but with different educational concepts in each episode. At the start of the show Ruff creates a challenge with a series of t...
Maya & Miguel (2004 - 2007) - Maya & Miguel is a children's television animated series produced by Scholastic Studios. Centering around the lives of pre-teen Hispanic twins named Maya and Miguel Santos and their friends, the program is aimed at promoting multiculturalism and education in general. It is geared to the 5-9 age rang...
Kids Beat (1983 - 1997) - An educational interstitial program ,aimed at kids/pre teens,that aired on WTBS in the 80s and 90s
Washington Week (1967 - Current) - Washington Weekpreviously Washington Week in Reviewis an American public affairs television program which has aired on PBS and its predecessor, National Educational Television, since 1967. Unlike other panel discussion shows which encourage informal (sometimes vociferous) debates as a means of pre...
What Should I Do? (1969 - 1992) - The What Should I Do? Series was a 9-episode educational show produced by The Walt Disney Company. The films were included in some "Donald Duck Presents" episodes. Originally it was animated, in 1992 were produced additional live-action segments.
Learn to Read (1987 - 2009) - An educational series for adults containing literacy lessons. Hosted by Wally "Famous" Amos with 2 main instructors and several other people to teach you how to read. This program is a stepping stone to get started reading so you could succeed later on. This was shown on PBS back in the 1980s. It wa...
Education Showcase (1994 - 1998) - A Monthly Television Magazine program gives a monthly preview of the best of educational programming. Hosted by Joan Scott. This program gives previews of dates, times and what channel it is shown for education purposes and some programs used for Cable in the Classroom.
Julie's Greenroom (2017 - Current) - an American educational pre-school television series that was released on Netflix in March 17, 2017.
Kishkashta (1976 - 1981) - the main character in one of the first Israeli Educational Television shows, Ma Pit'om ( ; "What on earth?" or "No way!"), written by, among other screenwriters, Tamar Adar. The show aired in the 1970s and '80s, when there was only one television station in Israel, TV was still black and whit...
Odd Squad (2014 - 2019) - a Canadian/American children's live action educational television series that premiered on TVOKids in Canada and PBS Kids in the United States on November 26, 2014.The series was created by Tim McKeon and Adam Peltzman and is co-produced by Fred Rogers Productions and Sinking Ship Entertainment in a...
The Emperor's New School (2006 - 2008) - an American animated television series created by Mark Dindal for Disney Channel that aired from January 27, 2006 to November 20, 2008. Based on the 2000 film The Emperor's New Groove, the series follows the adventures of a temporarily-dethroned Kuzco as he completes his education in order to return...
Green Screen Adventures (2009 - Current) - a children's television series which premiered in 2007. The series was originally produced for local broadcast on WCIU-TV (Channel 26) in Chicago, which is the flagship station of Weigel Broadcasting, and is designed to fit the FCC's educational and information programming requirements while also be...
Megamaths (1996 - 2002) - a BBC educational television series for primary schools that was originally aired on BBC Two from 16 September 1996 to 4 February 2002. For its first four series, it was set in a castle on top of Table Mountain, populated by the four card suits (Kings, Queens and Jacks/Jackies, and a Joker who looke...
Pikaia! (2015 - 2017) - a Japanese educational anime series produced by NHK Educational. The first season started airing on April 29, 2015 for 13 episodes before ending in July 30, 2015.[1] It is renewed with a second season in February 2017.The story begins in the future when Earth itself is no longer inhabitable by livin...
It's Alive! (1993 - 1997) - a Canadian children's variety show that aired on YTV between 1993 and 1997. Coined "the least educational show on television", the show mainly consisted of comedy sketches, celebrity interviews, musical performances, game shows, and obstacle challenges. In its original six-episode first season, epis...
Wild Kratts (2010 - Current) - Join the adventures of Chris and Martin Kratt as they encounter incredible wild animals, combining science education with fun and adventure, while traveling to animal habitats around the globe.
About Safety (1972) (1972 - 1973) - a children's educational television program which originated in 1972. It was produced by the Mississippi Authority for Educational Television. In the 3 to 6 minute shorts, marionettes, most notably Clyde Frog, taught children about safety and first aid. Mischievous Clyde has a distinctive, high-pitc...
Log Horizon (2013 - 2015) - Hepburn: Rogu Horaizun)The novel has received four manga adaptations, with one based on the main story and the other three revolving around characters in the series. An anime adaptation aired on NHK Educational TV between October 5, 2013 and March 22, 2014. A second season aired between October 4, 2...
Go, Diego, Go! (2005 - 2011) - an American animated educational interactive children's television series that premiered on Nickelodeon on Tuesday, September 6, 2005 in the United States and produced by Nickelodeon Animation Studio. Created and executive produced by Chris Gifford and Valerie Walsh, the series is a spin-off of Dora...
Mahtsukai Chappy (1972 - Current) - or Chappy the Witch () is an anime series that debuted in TV Asahi (then known as NET, or Nihon Educational Television) in 1972. It is the fifth magical girl anime in history (the sixth if one counts Osamu Tezuka's Marvelous Melmo), and the fifth produced by the Toei Animation studio.[1] Wh...
The Story of Read Alee Deed Alee (1994 - 1995) - Created by Slim Goodbody, The Story of Read Alee Deed Alee is an educational show aimed at children dedicated to literacy. The show tells the story of a magical dragon named Read Alee Deed Alee. One day he takes a magical journey to a faraway land where everybody loves to read. The series had a focu...
Standby...Lights! Camera! Action! (1982 - 1987) - Standby...Lights! Camera! Action! is an American educational television series hosted by Leonard Nimoy. The program aired on Nickelodeon from May 1982 to December 31, 1987. Episodes of the show include interviews with film crew members and examine the stages of production for various motion pictures...
Yo Gabba Gabba! (2007 - 2015) - an American live action/puppet educational children's television show starring five costumed toys come to life and their friend DJ Lance Rock. The series premiered on Nick Jr. August 20, 2007 and ended on November 12, 2015. There is a single topic in each episode, e.g. "Adventure", "Friends", and "D...
Hello Mrs. Cherrywinkle (1996 - 2004) - a children's educational television program that aired in 1996. It centered on the adventures of the title character, Mrs. Cherrywinkle (portrayed by Kathy "Babe" Robinson, of Philadelphia, PA), a stout woman full of energy who interacted with a variety of puppets in her home and garden. The puppets...
Beakman's World (1994 - 1998) - Beakman's World is an educational series starring Paul Zaloom as Beakman, a scientist with crazy hair who answers questions sent in by viewers and explains them in large and humorous manners. He is always assisted by a female assistant (Josie, Phoebe, or Liza) and his lab rat Lester(Mark Ritts) w...
Mega Man: Upon a Star (1993 - 1995) - Mega Man: Upon a Star is an anime OVA series, based on Capcom's best-selling video game franchise Mega Man. Created in the early 1990s, all three episodes were released on VHS and DVD in North America by ADV Films in 2002. The OVA is viewed as a series of educational shorts on the culture of Japan....
PC4U (1996 - 1997) - The Weekly Educational Show hosted By Kids Natalie Gauci and Nicolas Romney. Explore the Computer's Functions, Helpful Internet Websites, latest CD-ROM releases, A look into the Business World, go Behind the Scenes, and much much more.
Wonder Showzen (2005 - 2006) - Wonder Showzen is an American sketch comedy television series that aired between 2005 and 2006 on MTV2. The show's format is that of educational PBS children's television shows such as Sesame Street and The Electric Company (e.g. use of stock footage, puppetry, and clips of children being interviewe...
Pearl (1996 - 1997) - Pearl was a one-season TV show that aired on CBS. Created by Don Reo, it starred Rhea Perlman as a middle-aged widow seeking a higher education degree.
The Reppies (1996 - 1999) - The Reppies was an American educational musical show for children created by Northstar Entertainment along with Treat Entertainment, which formed Reppies Entertainment Inc, L.L.C. The series centers around a group of human-like reptile creatures that sing in a music group. Each episode featured thre...
Storytime (1992 - 1997) - A children's reading television series that aired on PBS during the 90s. The show was hosted by a puppet named Kino, and co-hosted by two women named Lucy and Mara. This educational series also featured celebrity guest stars that would read to children in the audience and to viewers at home.
Cosmos: A Personal Voyage (1980 - 1980) - Cosmos: A Personal Voyage is an educational television series written and narrated by astronomer and writer Carl Sagan in 1980, and was also published in book form. It is best known for its presentation of a wide variety of scientific topics astronomy, physics, biology, evolution, environmentalism...
Marsalis on Music (1995 - 2013) - An educational music series on PBS starring jazz musician Wynton Marsalis. In each episode Marsalis talks about various types of music including various genres of music, types of instruments, and how music is composed and played. The series had music performed by a live orchestra or band, depending...
Mission Unstoppable with Miranda Cosgrove (2019 - Current) - This American educational & informational television program is produced for children ages 13-16 that celebrates women who have become superstars in STEM-related careers (science, technology, engineering and math. Each week, our host (Miranda Cosgrove) and her intrepid team of field reporters will...
One to Grow On (1983 - 1989) - One to Grow On is an educational public service announcement that broadcast during NBC's Saturday morning line-up from 1983 to 1989, when the network ran cartoons. The name is taken from the custom of putting an extra candle on a birthday cake as "one to grow on". One to Grow On focused on ethical a...
The More You Know (1989 - Current) - The More You Know is a series of public service announcements (PSAs) broadcast on the NBC family of channels in the United States and other locations, featuring educational messages. These PSAs are broadcast occasionally during NBC's network programming.
Art:21 (2001 - Current) - Art:21 - Art in the 21st Century is a PBS series, educational resource, archive, and history of contemporary art. It premiered in 2001, and is now broadcast in over 50 countries worldwide. Premiering a new season every two years, Art:21 is the only series on United States television to focus exclusi...
Here's How! (1991 - 1991) - In this fun Canadian educational miniseries we get a look at how items are made in a factory and how they work. Starring Don Dickonson as an animated balloon, Tara Strong as a talking mouse (voiceover), and narrated by Johnie Smith. The series was released direct-to-video in Canada by TV Ontario and...
Celtic Pride(1996) - Two basketball fans, whose enthusiasm overwhelms their intelligence, come up with a new but legally problematic way of helping their favorite team in this comedy. Physical education instructor Mike O'Hara (Daniel Stern) and plumber Jimmy Flaherty (Dan Aykroyd) are close friends and obsessive followe...
The Players Club(1998) - Rapper/ actor Ice Cube directed this urban comedy-drama about African-American single mother Diana (Lisa Raye), who aims for a career as a broadcast journalist. To finance her education, she works as a stripper at the raucous Players Club, run by hustler Dollar Bill (Bernie Mac). When naive Ebony (M...
The Last Prom(1980) - Driver's education film depicting the dangers of drinking and driving, and teenage alcohol use. The movie was frequently shown during the spring of the year, as such milestone events as prom and graduation were upcoming in many students' lives. The underscoring idea was, of course, to encourage stud...
Joy Ride: An Auto Theft(1976) - "Joy Ride: An Auto Theft" was an educational film depicting the dangers of teen-aged joy riding (taking a vehicle without the owner's consent), and according to the movie trailer was based on a real-life event. In addition to being shown in driver's education classes, "...
Hamburger: The Motion Picture(1986) - Russell has been expelled from several schools for lewd, crude and nude conduct. Busterburger University is his last chance at education and satisfying hi
Crash Course(1988) - This made for tv movie revolves around a group of high schoolers taking a drivers education class.The film stars many popular sitcom stars of the 1980s(Alyssa Milano,Tina Yothers,Jackee,Rob Stone,Charles Robinson and Edie McClurg).
Riding in Cars with Boys(2001) - Inspired by the true story of Beverly Donofrio who, in 1965, got pregnant at the age of 15 derailing her dreams of becoming a writer. Entering into the marriage with little optimism (and to the shaming dismay of her parents), Beverly continues her education while being a wife to her dim-witted husb...
Chastity Bites(2013) - Legendary vampiress Elizabeth Bathory resurfaces as an abstinence education spokeswoman who uses the blood of virgins to stay forever young in this satirical horror comedy. Meanwhile, an intrepid teenage reporter realizes that her best friend is the Blood Countess' next victim, and attempts to convi...
Delinquent School Girls(1975) - Three mental patients (a bad impersonator, a baseball player, and a gay fashion designer) escape their asylum and sexually assault their way into a girl's private school. The girls education includes wrestling and karate, so the three mad men will find stern opposition when they least expected.
Sex Madness(1938) - Much like "Reefer Madness", this was another 30s exploitation movie disguised as an educational piece.
Soul Man(1986) - a young white man(C Thomas Howell) uses tanning pills to make himself look African American and gain a scholarship to Harvard. The man soon gets an education in the evils of discrimination.
Van Wilder 2: The Rise Of Taj(2006) - Taj Mahal Badalandabad leaves Coolidge College behind for the halls of Camford University in England, where he looks to continue his education, and teach an uptight student how to make the most out of her academic career.
An Education(2009) - A coming-of-age story about a teenage girl in 1960s suburban London, and how her life changes with the arrival of a playboy nearly twice her age.
Incoming Freshmen(1979) - An innocent girl from a small town arrives at a modern institution of education to complete her studies. Once there she starts various relationships with different boys.
An Education (2009) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 40min | Drama | 5 February 2010 (USA) -- A coming-of-age story about a teenage girl in 1960s suburban London, and how her life changes with the arrival of a playboy nearly twice her age. Director: Lone Scherfig Writers:
Bad Education (2019) ::: 7.1/10 -- TV-MA | 1h 48min | Biography, Comedy, Crime | 25 April 2020 (Brazil) -- The beloved superintendent of New York's Roslyn school district and his staff, friends and relatives become the prime suspects in the unfolding of the single largest public school embezzlement scandal in American history. Director: Cory Finley Writers:
Bad Education ::: TV-14 | 30min | Comedy | TV Series (20122014) -- A comedy series about a teacher who is a bigger kid than the kids he teaches. Stars: Jack Binstead, Mathew Horne, Ethan Lawrence
Captain Fantastic (2016) ::: 7.9/10 -- R | 1h 58min | Comedy, Drama | 29 July 2016 (USA) -- In the forests of the Pacific Northwest, a father devoted to raising his six kids with a rigorous physical and intellectual education is forced to leave his paradise and enter the world, challenging his idea of what it means to be a parent. Director: Matt Ross Writer:
Cherry (2010) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 39min | Comedy, Drama | 24 June 2011 (Turkey) -- An Ivy League freshman gets an unexpected education when he falls for an older woman and her 14 year-old daughter develops a crush on him. Director: Jeffrey Fine Writer: Jeffrey Fine
Classroom of the Elite ::: Ykoso jitsuryoku shij shugi no kyshitsu e (original tit ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Comedy, Romance | TV Series (2017- ) Episode Guide 12 episodes Classroom of the Elite Poster When Kiyotaka enters an elite government-sponsored high school, he finds out just how merit-based this education system is. Stars: Amber Lee Connors, Jamie Marchi, Jennifer Alyx
Daddy Long Legs (1955) ::: 6.7/10 -- Approved | 2h 6min | Musical, Romance | 5 May 1955 (USA) -- A wealthy American has a chance encounter with a joyful young French woman, and anonymously pays for her education. She writes letters to her mysterious benefactor, nicknaming him from the description given by some of her fellow orphans. Director: Jean Negulesco Writers: Phoebe Ephron (screenplay), Henry Ephron (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Eastbound & Down ::: TV-MA | 28min | Comedy, Drama, Sport | TV Series (20092013) -- Many years after he turned his back on his hometown, a burned-out major league ballplayer returns to teach Physical Education at his old middle school. Creators:
Educating Rita (1983) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG | 1h 50min | Comedy, Drama | 28 October 1983 (USA) -- An alcoholic professor has been hired by a working-class girl for higher education. Director: Lewis Gilbert Writers: Willy Russell (screenplay), Willy Russell (stage play) Stars:
Freedom Writers (2007) ::: 7.6/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 3min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 5 January 2007 (USA) -- A young teacher inspires her class of at-risk students to learn tolerance, apply themselves and pursue education beyond high school. Director: Richard LaGravenese Writers: Richard LaGravenese (screenplay), Freedom Writers (book) | 1 more
Higher Learning (1995) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 2h 7min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 11 January 1995 (USA) -- People from all different walks of life, encounter racial tension, rape, responsibility, and the meaning of an education on a university campus. Director: John Singleton Writer:
History of Swear Words ::: TV-MA | 2h 4min | Documentary, Comedy | TV Series (2021 ) -- An education in expletives: the history lesson you didnt know you needed hosted by Nicolas Cage. A loud and proudly profane series that explores the origins, pop culture-usage, science and cultural impact of curse words. Stars:
Mind Your Language ::: TV-14 | 30min | Comedy | TV Series (19771986) A diverse group of immigrants and foreigners learn English at an adult education school in London. Creator: Vince Powell Stars:
Sex Education ::: TV-MA | 45min | Comedy, Drama | TV Series (2019 ) -- A teenage boy with a sex therapist mother teams up with a high school classmate to set up an underground sex therapy clinic at school. Creator: Laurie Nunn
Sex Education ::: TV-MA | 45min | Comedy, Drama | TV Series (2019- ) Episode Guide 23 episodes Sex Education Poster -- A teenage boy with a sex therapist mother teams up with a high school classmate to set up an underground sex therapy clinic at school. Creator: Laurie Nunn
The Education of Charlie Banks (2007) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 40min | Drama | 27 April 2007 (USA) -- College student Charlie Banks has to face old problems when the bully he had an unpleasant encounter with back in high school shows up on his campus. Director: Fred Durst Writer:
The First Grader (2010) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 43min | Biography, Drama, Romance | 24 June 2011 (Ireland) -- The story of an 84 year-old Kenyan villager and ex Mau Mau veteran who fights for his right to go to school for the first time to get the education he could never afford. Director: Justin Chadwick Writer:
The Magic School Bus ::: TV-Y | 30min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | TV Series (19941997) -- An eccentric school-teacher takes her class on wondrous educational field trips with the help of a magical school bus. Creators: Joanna Cole, Bruce Degen, Kristin Laskas Martin
The Miseducation of Cameron Post (2018) ::: 6.6/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 31min | Drama | 7 September 2018 (UK) -- In 1993, a teenage girl is forced into a gay conversion therapy center by her conservative guardians. Director: Desiree Akhavan Writers: Desiree Akhavan (screenplay), Cecilia Frugiuele (screenplay) | 1 more
The Universe -- 45min | Documentary, History | TV Series (20072015) ::: This educational show explores many scientific questions and topics about the universe (Big Bang, the Sun, the planets, black holes, other galaxies, astrobiology etc.) through latest CGI, data and interviews with scientists. Stars:
Wonder Showzen ::: TV-MA | 30min | Animation, Comedy | TV Series (20002007) -- An all-cynical, all-evil absurdist variety show that parodies the classic educational PBS shows of the 1970s, made up of old cartoons and educational films, children, and puppets from one's worst nightmares. Creators:
Won't Back Down (2012) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG | 2h 1min | Drama | 28 September 2012 (USA) -- Two determined mothers, one a teacher, look to transform their children's failing inner city school. Facing a powerful and entrenched bureaucracy, they risk everything to make a difference in the education and future of their children. Director: Daniel Barnz Writers:'s_Basic_Education_and_Learning),Landscape,Culture's_Quick_and_Dirty_Tips_for_Better_Writing!,_I_am_just_ranking_how_well_people_follow_the_category.),_Northridge,_Chris_and_Ed!,_organizations_and_foundations_by_country,_GA!_Oil_Spills,_zadania_i_klasyfikacja_system,_zadania_i_klasyfikacja_system%C3%B3w_ekspertowych,_DES'_Feel_Box!,_USA_945,_USA_945?'s_Test_Page!,_Science,_Research_and_Innovation,_Orangi's_Education_(short_story)
Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai! -- -- Arvo Animation, Silver -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Harem Comedy Romance School Shounen -- Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai! Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai! -- Under Nariyuki Yuiga's devoted tutelage, his classmates Rizu Ogata, Fumino Furuhashi, and Uruka Takemoto are finally pulling average test scores on their worst subjects. But time is ticking, and there is still a long way to go before the three geniuses of Ichinose Academy are ready for their upcoming university exams. Meanwhile, the girls still struggle to balance the pursuit of their dreams with their growing affections for their unsuspecting tutor. -- -- Joining them are Mafuyu Kirisu, a teacher with strong views about education and talent because of her past as a rising figure skater, and Asumi Kominami, a graduate from their school aiming to attend a national medical university. With these two additions, the group of six is livelier than ever before. Completely caught up in hilarious antics with his new friends, Yuiga finds that his last year of high school now includes a lot more than just going to class and studying. -- -- 188,621 7.35
Cross Road -- -- CoMix Wave Films -- 1 ep -- Original -- Slice of Life School -- Cross Road Cross Road -- As college entrance examinations draw near, two students living completely different lives decide to enroll in Z-Kai, a correspondence education service. Balancing their studies with their daily lives, the two diligently work towards their goal, unaware of how much they share in common. Will their hard work pay off and bring about the success they desire? -- -- Special - Feb 25, 2014 -- 58,373 7.39
Evil or Live -- -- Haoliners Animation League -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Psychological School -- Evil or Live Evil or Live -- Severe internet addiction has become an epidemic infecting the nation's youth, ultimately resulting in their extreme dependence on the world wide web. Those who are too far gone are enrolled at Elite Reeducation Academy in order to help them grow into successful adults. Hibiki is one such teenager who awakens in the facility unaware of how he came to be there. He learns from the head instructor that he was knocked out and brought to the school at his mother's behest, concerned with how belligerent her son was becoming as a result of his internet addiction. -- -- Stuck in a place more akin to a prison than an academy, and with no escape from the abuses of the instructors, Hibiki decides to end his life by jumping from the roof. But as fate would have it, he meets a mysterious man named Shin who promises to give his life meaning... -- -- 64,472 5.82
Ginga Patrol PJ -- -- Eiken -- 26 eps -- - -- Drama Military Sci-Fi Space -- Ginga Patrol PJ Ginga Patrol PJ -- Once Upon a Time... Space differs from the rest of the Once Upon a Time titles in the sense that the series revolve on a dramatic content rather than an educational premise. The series still has a handful of educational information (such as an episode discussing the rings of Planet Saturn). -- -- The series succeeds Once Upon a Time... Man. It reprises almost the entire totality of the characters of the previous series and adapts them into a science-fiction context. -- -- The story tells about the confrontation of many big galactic powers. Among them there is the Omega Confederation, of which Earth is a member of; the military republic of Cassiopée led by the general Le Teigneux; and a powerful supercomputer which controls an army of robots. Once Upon a Time... Space features the adventures of Pierrot (son of colonel Pierre and president Pierrette) and his friend Psi. -- TV - Oct 9, 1982 -- 882 6.63
Girls & Panzer Movie -- -- Actas -- 1 ep -- Original -- Military School Sports -- Girls & Panzer Movie Girls & Panzer Movie -- Having won the 63rd National Sensha-dou tournament, the girls from Ooarai High managed to prevent their school from closure by the Japanese Ministry of Education. However, new troubles loom on the horizon: a ministry official argues that the deal was not legally binding and that the Ooarai school carrier is to be decommissioned. Students and their families are frustrated with this injustice and overwhelmed with despair; it seems little can be done to save the school. -- -- Their last glimmer of hope is a proposed match against the All-Stars University Sensha-dou team, consisting of the most talented students from all over the country. Despite Ooarai being severely outnumbered and clearly outclassed, they accept the challenge. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Movie - Nov 21, 2015 -- 81,244 8.22
Golden Boy -- -- APPP -- 6 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Ecchi -- Golden Boy Golden Boy -- Kintarou Ooe is a specialist in part-time work, riding all over the highways and byways of Japan on his trusty steed, the Mikazuki 5, and finding employment wherever he can. His adventures bring him knowledge and experience that can't be taught in a classroom, from political corruption to the delicacy of a young woman's heart. With nothing but the open road before him—not to mention the many beautiful women along the way—Kintarou pursues his spirit of education while attempting to hold down his various odd jobs, however undignified they may be. As he learns from each task he takes on, who knows what could happen? He might even be able to save the world one day. One thing is for sure—this will all be very educational! -- -- OVA - Oct 27, 1995 -- 264,015 8.02
Hina Logi: From Luck & Logic -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- Card game -- Action Comedy Fantasy School -- Hina Logi: From Luck & Logic Hina Logi: From Luck & Logic -- Liones Yelistratova, a pure princess from a small country, enters a school in Hokkaido on a spring day. The school is a specialized educational institution operated by ALCA to train Logicalists, who maintain world peace. Liones enters class S, where she meets many classmates with unique personalities, like Nina. A lively and cute everyday life begins now. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Jul 1, 2017 -- 23,840 6.66
Hyakka Ryouran: Samurai Girls -- -- Arms -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Harem Comedy Ecchi Samurai School -- Hyakka Ryouran: Samurai Girls Hyakka Ryouran: Samurai Girls -- With its gorgeous landscape and prosperous people, Great Japan is the envy of all other nations. But a serious threat hovers over the country. Mysterious guardians known as Master Samurai are Great Japan's only defense. -- -- At the behest of the student council, young samurai Muneakira Yagyuu arrives at Buou Academic School. Run by the Tokugawa Shogunate, here children of warriors are given aristocratic education required to run the country. The school is led by the student council president Yoshihiko Tokugawa and his sister Sen, who also happens to be Muneakira's childhood friend. -- -- Upon arriving at the academy, Muneakira finds himself in the midst of a terrible fight. During the chaos, the sky fills with a peculiar white light and a mysterious girl named Juubei Yagyuu appears and suddenly kisses Muneakira. With his kiss, she awakens an unknown power that protects them. -- -- Just who is this girl, and where did she come from? Muneakira finds himself entangled in the fate of the country and a threat that will shake Great Japan to its core. He must learn the secret behind the Master Samurai and the kiss that awakened Juubei's power in order to protect his country. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Sep 4, 2010 -- 154,911 6.81
Hyakka Ryouran: Samurai Girls -- -- Arms -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Harem Comedy Ecchi Samurai School -- Hyakka Ryouran: Samurai Girls Hyakka Ryouran: Samurai Girls -- With its gorgeous landscape and prosperous people, Great Japan is the envy of all other nations. But a serious threat hovers over the country. Mysterious guardians known as Master Samurai are Great Japan's only defense. -- -- At the behest of the student council, young samurai Muneakira Yagyuu arrives at Buou Academic School. Run by the Tokugawa Shogunate, here children of warriors are given aristocratic education required to run the country. The school is led by the student council president Yoshihiko Tokugawa and his sister Sen, who also happens to be Muneakira's childhood friend. -- -- Upon arriving at the academy, Muneakira finds himself in the midst of a terrible fight. During the chaos, the sky fills with a peculiar white light and a mysterious girl named Juubei Yagyuu appears and suddenly kisses Muneakira. With his kiss, she awakens an unknown power that protects them. -- -- Just who is this girl, and where did she come from? Muneakira finds himself entangled in the fate of the country and a threat that will shake Great Japan to its core. He must learn the secret behind the Master Samurai and the kiss that awakened Juubei's power in order to protect his country. -- -- TV - Sep 4, 2010 -- 154,911 6.81
I My Me! Strawberry Eggs -- -- TNK -- 13 eps -- Original -- Comedy Drama Romance School Slice of Life -- I My Me! Strawberry Eggs I My Me! Strawberry Eggs -- Amawa Hibiki is a young man just out of college, with an education to be an athletics teacher. He's been having a hard time finding a job since he graduated, so all his money has gone towards living expenses. When his landlady demands his first payment to live in her living establishment upfront, he heads to the local middle school to get hired as a teacher. However, the principal refuses to hire him without hesitation. She will not hire men as teachers and makes it clear that she hates all men, saying they put no love into their passions and work. Amawa does not give up and with the help of his landlady, he crossdresses as a woman without a second thought, and gets hired, so he can earn money and also prove the principal wrong. Now, he has to keep his real gender a secret, and avoid strange situations, including the affections of his students (from both genders). -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA -- 33,729 6.80
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 6: Stone Ocean -- -- - -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Shounen -- JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 6: Stone Ocean JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 6: Stone Ocean -- In Florida, 2011, Jolyne Kuujou sits in a jail cell like her father Joutarou once did; yet this situation is not of her own choice. Framed for a crime she didn’t commit, and manipulated into serving a longer sentence, Jolyne is ready to resign to a dire fate as a prisoner of Green Dolphin Street Jail. Though all hope seems lost, a gift from Joutarou ends up awakening her latent abilities, manifesting into her Stand, Stone Free. Now armed with the power to change her fate, Jolyne sets out to find an escape from the stone ocean that holds her. -- -- However, she soon discovers that her incarceration is merely a small part of a grand plot: one that not only takes aim at her family, but has additional far-reaching consequences. What's more, the mastermind is lurking within the very same prison, and is under the protection of a lineup of menacing Stand users. Finding unlikely allies to help her cause, Jolyne sets course to stop their plot, clear her name, and take back her life. -- -- - - ??? ??, ???? -- 85,902 N/ARunway de Waratte -- -- Ezόla -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Drama School Shounen -- Runway de Waratte Runway de Waratte -- Being the daughter of a modeling agency owner, Chiyuki Fujito aspires to represent her father's agency in the prestigious Paris Fashion Week, shining under the spotlight as a runway model. However, although she is equipped with great looks and talent, she unfortunately lacks a key element in becoming a successful model—height. Stuck at 158 cm even after entering high school, her childhood dream seems out of reach. -- -- Meanwhile, Ikuto Tsumura is a high school student with a knack in designing clothes; however, without the resources to pursue the necessary education, his ambition of becoming a fashion designer remains a mere dream. But as fate brings Chiyuki and Ikuto together, the dim hopes within their hearts are ignited once again. Together, the two promise to rebel against convention and carve out their own paths in the fashion world. -- -- 85,891 7.62
Kokoroya -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- - -- Kids Psychological Sci-Fi -- Kokoroya Kokoroya -- An educational film about empathy in Japan. In the movie's example, uses a sci-fi twist to show how the hearts of others to the main character in certain situations. -- OVA - ??? ??, 2014 -- 436 N/A -- -- Chikotan -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Music Psychological -- Chikotan Chikotan -- Okamoto Tadanari short film. -- Movie - ??? ??, 1971 -- 426 5.52
Lord El-Melloi II Sei no Jikenbo: Rail Zeppelin Grace Note -- -- TROYCA -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Fantasy Mystery Supernatural -- Lord El-Melloi II Sei no Jikenbo: Rail Zeppelin Grace Note Lord El-Melloi II Sei no Jikenbo: Rail Zeppelin Grace Note -- Ten years after facing defeat in the Fourth Holy Grail War, Waver Velvet, now Lord El Melloi II, teaches classes at the Clock Tower—the center of education for mages. However, his new status as "Lord" comes with a caveat: obey the orders of Reines, the younger sister of the deceased Kayneth El Melloi, until she is old enough to rule the House of El Melloi. -- -- Waver, along with his mysterious apprentice Gray, takes on a series of cases assigned by Reines and the Mages Association. With each case proving to be more complex than the last, could there be more to the Clock Tower than meets the eye, and what secrets does Reines hide? -- -- 112,244 7.36
Lord El-Melloi II Sei no Jikenbo: Rail Zeppelin Grace Note -- -- TROYCA -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Fantasy Mystery Supernatural -- Lord El-Melloi II Sei no Jikenbo: Rail Zeppelin Grace Note Lord El-Melloi II Sei no Jikenbo: Rail Zeppelin Grace Note -- Ten years after facing defeat in the Fourth Holy Grail War, Waver Velvet, now Lord El Melloi II, teaches classes at the Clock Tower—the center of education for mages. However, his new status as "Lord" comes with a caveat: obey the orders of Reines, the younger sister of the deceased Kayneth El Melloi, until she is old enough to rule the House of El Melloi. -- -- Waver, along with his mysterious apprentice Gray, takes on a series of cases assigned by Reines and the Mages Association. With each case proving to be more complex than the last, could there be more to the Clock Tower than meets the eye, and what secrets does Reines hide? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 112,244 7.36
Maken-Ki! Two -- -- Xebec -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Action Harem Super Power Ecchi Martial Arts School -- Maken-Ki! Two Maken-Ki! Two -- Takeru continues his education at Tenbi Academy as part of the newly formed Security Committee. As a team with the other members, they battle unscrupulous individuals who use their Maken for evil purposes. In the meantime, his libido and the conflicting romantic interests of the girls surrounding him complicate matters considerably. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Jan 16, 2014 -- 118,148 6.17
Mashiro-iro Symphony: The Color of Lovers -- -- Manglobe -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Harem Drama Romance School -- Mashiro-iro Symphony: The Color of Lovers Mashiro-iro Symphony: The Color of Lovers -- When boys suddenly get into places where they've never been allowed before, some girls tend to get upset. So when the decision is made to merge the elite Yuihime Girls' Private Academy and the coeducational Kagamidai Private Academy, everyone wants to take extra care in avoiding trouble while bringing the two Privates together. Therefore, rather than just bringing the Kagamidai boys into the Yuihime girls' school all at once, a plan is concocted in which a group of test males will be inserted into the Girls' Private Academy first. -- -- Thus, poor young Shingo finds himself being thrown as a sacrificial lamb to the lionesses of Yuihime, who aren't exactly waiting for him with open arms. Will Shingo manage to survive the estrogen soaked death pit that is Yuihime? Can the girls learn to be more receptive to the boys? And just how long until something involving panties will cause emotions to flare, sparks to fly and the battle of the sexes to explode? -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks, edited) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 132,505 7.09
NHK ni Youkoso! -- -- Gonzo -- 24 eps -- Novel -- Comedy Psychological Drama Romance -- NHK ni Youkoso! NHK ni Youkoso! -- Twenty-two-year-old college dropout Tatsuhiro Satou has been a hikikomori for almost four years now. In his isolation, he has come to believe in many obscure conspiracy theories, but there is one in particular which he holds unshakable faith in: the theory that the evil conspirator behind his shut-in NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training) status is the Nihon Hikikomori Kyokai (NHK)—an evil and secret organization dedicated to fostering the spread of hikikomori culture. -- -- NHK ni Youkoso! is a psychological dramedy that follows Tatsuhiro as he strives to escape from the NHK's wicked machinations and the disease of self-wrought isolation, while struggling to even just leave his apartment and find a job. His unexpected encounter with the mysterious Misaki Nakahara might signal a reversal of fortune for Tatsuhiro, but with this meeting comes the inevitable cost of having to face his greatest fear—society. -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation -- TV - Jul 10, 2006 -- 566,802 8.33
Okusama ga Seitokaichou! -- -- Seven -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Romance Ecchi School Shounen -- Okusama ga Seitokaichou! Okusama ga Seitokaichou! -- Hayato Izumi is running for student council president. He's studious, responsible, down to earth...and completely outmatched by his rival, Ui Wakana. Ui wins in a landslide after promising comprehensive sex education, free condoms, and other exciting reforms. Bloodied but not discouraged, Hayato licks his wounds and settles for vice president. -- -- Then Ui moves in with him. As it turns out, their parents made a drunken promise decades ago that their children would one day marry. Ui and Hayato must now balance school life with matrimony, keeping their relationship secret from a prudish student body and learning to live with each other. Can they keep the student council in line and find happiness together? Find out in Okusama ga Seitokaichou! -- 225,865 6.64
Okusama ga Seitokaichou! -- -- Seven -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Romance Ecchi School Shounen -- Okusama ga Seitokaichou! Okusama ga Seitokaichou! -- Hayato Izumi is running for student council president. He's studious, responsible, down to earth...and completely outmatched by his rival, Ui Wakana. Ui wins in a landslide after promising comprehensive sex education, free condoms, and other exciting reforms. Bloodied but not discouraged, Hayato licks his wounds and settles for vice president. -- -- Then Ui moves in with him. As it turns out, their parents made a drunken promise decades ago that their children would one day marry. Ui and Hayato must now balance school life with matrimony, keeping their relationship secret from a prudish student body and learning to live with each other. Can they keep the student council in line and find happiness together? Find out in Okusama ga Seitokaichou! -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- 225,865 6.64
Pita Ten -- -- Madhouse -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Fantasy Kids Romance School Shounen -- Pita Ten Pita Ten -- Kotaro was pretty much supposed to be your average boy, worried about the pressures of education while enjoying a simple life with his friends. Much to his despair, he one day finds the overly cheerful Misha at his door, asking to be friends out of nowhere. Even more shocking is that Misha is an apprentice angel, yet she does more bad then good. Along with Kotaro's school friends Takashi and Koboshi and the so called devil Shia (once again being able to do more good then bad), the group of friends spend their days getting into all sorts of adventures and troubles. Based on the manga by Koge-Donbo. -- 20,665 6.94
Pita Ten -- -- Madhouse -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Fantasy Kids Romance School Shounen -- Pita Ten Pita Ten -- Kotaro was pretty much supposed to be your average boy, worried about the pressures of education while enjoying a simple life with his friends. Much to his despair, he one day finds the overly cheerful Misha at his door, asking to be friends out of nowhere. Even more shocking is that Misha is an apprentice angel, yet she does more bad then good. Along with Kotaro's school friends Takashi and Koboshi and the so called devil Shia (once again being able to do more good then bad), the group of friends spend their days getting into all sorts of adventures and troubles. Based on the manga by Koge-Donbo. -- -- Licensor: -- Nozomi Entertainment -- 20,665 6.94
Prison School -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi Romance School Seinen -- Prison School Prison School -- Located on the outskirts of Tokyo, Hachimitsu Private Academy is a prestigious all-girls boarding school, famous for its high-quality education and disciplined students. However, this is all about to change due to the revision of the school's most iconic policy, as boys are now able to enroll as well. -- -- At the start of the first semester under this new decree, a mere five boys have been accepted, effectively splitting the student body into a ratio of two hundred girls to one boy. Kiyoshi, Gakuto, Shingo, Andre, and Jo are quickly cast away without having a chance to make any kind of a first impression. Unable to communicate with their fellow female students, the eager boys set their sights on a far more dangerous task: peeping into the girls' bath! -- -- It's only after their plan is thoroughly decimated by the infamous Underground Student Council that the motley crew find their freedom abruptly taken from them, as they are thrown into the school's prison with the sentence of an entire month as punishment. Thus begins the tale of the boys' harsh lives in Prison School, a righteous struggle that will ultimately test the bonds of friendship and perverted brotherhood. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 738,344 7.68
Rosario to Vampire -- -- Gonzo -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Harem Comedy Romance Ecchi Vampire Fantasy School Shounen -- Rosario to Vampire Rosario to Vampire -- Youkai Academy is a seemingly normal boarding school, except that its pupils are monsters learning to coexist with humans. All students attend in human form and take normal academic subjects, such as literature, gym, foreign language, and mathematics. However, there is one golden rule at Youkai Academy—all humans found on school grounds are to be executed immediately! -- -- Tsukune Aono is an average teenager who is unable to get into any high school because of his bad grades. His parents inadvertently enroll him into Youkai Academy as a last-ditch effort to secure his education. As Tsukune unknowingly enters this new world, he has a run-in with the most attractive girl on campus, Moka Akashiya. Deciding to stay in the perilous realm in order to further his relationship with Moka, he does not realize that beneath her beauty lies a menacing monster—a vampire. -- -- Rosario to Vampire is a supernatural school comedy that explores Tsukune's romantic exploits, experiences, and misadventures with a bevy of beautiful but dangerous creatures. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 561,832 6.82
Runway de Waratte -- -- Ezόla -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Drama School Shounen -- Runway de Waratte Runway de Waratte -- Being the daughter of a modeling agency owner, Chiyuki Fujito aspires to represent her father's agency in the prestigious Paris Fashion Week, shining under the spotlight as a runway model. However, although she is equipped with great looks and talent, she unfortunately lacks a key element in becoming a successful model—height. Stuck at 158 cm even after entering high school, her childhood dream seems out of reach. -- -- Meanwhile, Ikuto Tsumura is a high school student with a knack in designing clothes; however, without the resources to pursue the necessary education, his ambition of becoming a fashion designer remains a mere dream. But as fate brings Chiyuki and Ikuto together, the dim hopes within their hearts are ignited once again. Together, the two promise to rebel against convention and carve out their own paths in the fashion world. -- -- 85,891 7.62
Runway de Waratte -- -- Ezόla -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Drama School Shounen -- Runway de Waratte Runway de Waratte -- Being the daughter of a modeling agency owner, Chiyuki Fujito aspires to represent her father's agency in the prestigious Paris Fashion Week, shining under the spotlight as a runway model. However, although she is equipped with great looks and talent, she unfortunately lacks a key element in becoming a successful model—height. Stuck at 158 cm even after entering high school, her childhood dream seems out of reach. -- -- Meanwhile, Ikuto Tsumura is a high school student with a knack in designing clothes; however, without the resources to pursue the necessary education, his ambition of becoming a fashion designer remains a mere dream. But as fate brings Chiyuki and Ikuto together, the dim hopes within their hearts are ignited once again. Together, the two promise to rebel against convention and carve out their own paths in the fashion world. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 85,891 7.62
Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin (TV) -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 11 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Comedy Mystery Supernatural -- Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin (TV) Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin (TV) -- Nanae Island is a man-made island in the Pacific Ocean that holds everything necessary for the proper education and training of children. It was created by the Great Seven, a group of adventurers headed by Nanana Ryuugajou, as a place for the young to chase their dreams. -- -- After being disowned and exiled by his family, high school student Juugo Yama arrives on this island, happy to finally be free of his father. Upon moving into his new room, he discovers the ghost of Nanana Ryuugajou, bound to the island after her unsolved murder 10 years ago. Nanana tells Juugo that, just before her death, she hid items with unique and mysterious powers all across the island—items known as the Nanana Collection. Hoping to uncover clues that will help him find the culprit behind her death, Juugo, with the help of self-proclaimed "Master Detective" Tensai Ikkyuu and her cross-dressing maid Daruku Hoshino, sets out on his search. -- -- 202,223 7.18
Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin (TV) -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 11 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Comedy Mystery Supernatural -- Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin (TV) Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin (TV) -- Nanae Island is a man-made island in the Pacific Ocean that holds everything necessary for the proper education and training of children. It was created by the Great Seven, a group of adventurers headed by Nanana Ryuugajou, as a place for the young to chase their dreams. -- -- After being disowned and exiled by his family, high school student Juugo Yama arrives on this island, happy to finally be free of his father. Upon moving into his new room, he discovers the ghost of Nanana Ryuugajou, bound to the island after her unsolved murder 10 years ago. Nanana tells Juugo that, just before her death, she hid items with unique and mysterious powers all across the island—items known as the Nanana Collection. Hoping to uncover clues that will help him find the culprit behind her death, Juugo, with the help of self-proclaimed "Master Detective" Tensai Ikkyuu and her cross-dressing maid Daruku Hoshino, sets out on his search. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 202,223 7.18;_(1912)_(14596664298).jpg;_(1912)_(14596798247).jpg;_(1912)_(14760271516).jpg;_(1912)_(14782961282).jpg,_Sikkim.pdf,_Aligarh_Muslim_University_2.jpg,_Aligarh_Muslim_University.jpg,_Malawi_(39034114444).jpg,_1927_-_NARA_-_187098.tif,_education.jpg
1908 National Education Association Spelling Bee
1923 Estonian religious education referendum
1GOAL Education for All
2015 Bangladesh student protests against VAT on education
20182020 UK higher education strikes
2020 United Kingdom education shutdown
4T Vietnam Youth Education Support Center
Aasee College of Education
Abood v. Detroit Board of Education
Abstinence-only sex education
Abu Dhabi Department of Education and Knowledge
Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research
Academy for Character Education
Academy of Climate Change Education and Research
Academy of Creative Education
Academy of Management Learning and Education
Academy of Maritime Education and Training
Acadiana Educational Endowment
Accelerated Christian Education
Access to Higher Education
Access Yea Community Education Program
Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education
Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education
Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education
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ACG Education
Active Learning in Higher Education
Active Training and Education Trust
Adapted physical education
Adaptive Physical Education Australia
Adelaide Holocaust Museum and Andrew Steiner Education Centre
Adelson Educational Campus
Adeniran Ogunsanya College of Education
Adhya Educational Society
Adtalem Global Education
Adult education
Adult Education Quarterly
Adult Education (song)
Advanced International Certificate of Education
Advanced Science and Technology Education Center
Advanced Technology & Education Park
Adventist College of Education
Aerospace Education Services Project
Affect (education)
Afghanistan Institute of Higher Education
Africa Education and Leadership Initiative
Africa Education Review
African-American Vernacular English and education
African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance
Afrocentric education
Against degradation of education
Aga Khan Education Services
Agency for the Consolidation of Technology in Education
Agreement on the Importation of Educational, Scientific and Cultural Materials
Agricultural education
Ahmedabad Education Society
Aichi University of Education
AIDS Education and Prevention
AIDS Education and Training Centers
Air Education and Training Command
Air Education and Training Command Studies and Analysis Squadron
Air Education Training Command Collaboration Portal
Akatsi College of Education
Akola Education Society, Akola
Alabama Commission on Higher Education
Alabama Council for Technology in Education
Alabama Department of Education
Alaska Department of Education & Early Development
Alberta Advanced Education
Alberta (Education) v Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency (Access Copyright)
Alcohol education
Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki
Al-Farook Educational Centre
Al-Faruq College of Education
Al-Hussain Education Society (Aurangabad)
Alliance for Excellent Education
Alliance for Inclusive Education
Alliance for International Educational and Cultural Exchange
Alliance for Work, Justice and Education
All India Council for Technical Education
All India Muhammadan Educational Conference
Al-Maktoum College of Higher Education
Alternative education
Alternative pathways in education
American Academy for Liberal Education
American College of Education
American Council on Education
American Dental Education Association
American Education
American Educational History Journal
American Educational Research Association
American Educational Research Journal
American Educational Resources Association
American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association
American Higher Education Development
American Journal of Distance Education
American Journal of Education
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education
American Journal of Sexuality Education
American Samoa Department of Education
American Society for Engineering Education
Ameson Education and Cultural Exchange Foundation
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Anatomical Sciences Education
Andhra Pradesh Board of Secondary Education
Andrew Bell (educationalist)
Andrew Davidson (educationalist)
An Education
An Educational Encyclopedia of Islam
...An Education in Rebellion
Anishinabek Educational Institute
Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education
Annapolis West Education Centre
Anne Frank Educational Centre
Ann Jellicoe (educationalist)
Anstey College of Physical Education
Anthem Education Group
Anti-oppressive education
A Paris Education
Apeejay Education Society
Apollo Education Group
Architectural education in the United Kingdom
Area Health Education Centers Program
Arizona Department of Education
Arkansas Department of Education
Armenian education in the Ottoman Empire
Army Education Corps
Army Welfare Education Society
Arts and Humanities in Higher Education
Arts education
Arts Education Policy Review
Asha for Education
Ashridge Executive Education
Asia Education Foundation
Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund
Asian Institute for Distance Education
Asian Journal of Distance Education
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Aspen Education Group
Assam Higher Secondary Education Council
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Association for Theatre in Higher Education
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Association for the Development of Education in Africa
Association for Theological Education in South East Asia
Association of Educational Publishers
Association of Education Sororities
Association of Employees in Government Educational Administration
Association of Private Enterprise Education
Association of Reformed Institutions of Higher Education
Association of Staff in Tertiary Education
Association of Teachers in Colleges and Departments of Education
Atomic Energy Education Society
Auckland College of Education
Audiovisual education
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology
Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education
Australian Certificate of Education
Australian Children's Education & Care Quality Authority
Australian College of Physical Education
Australian Computers in Education Conference
Australian Council for Educational Research
Australian Education Union
Australian Indigenous Education Foundation
Australian Institute of Management Education and Training
Australian Journal of Education
Bachelor of Education
Bachelor of Physical Education
Bachelor of Religious Education
Bachelor of Vocational Education
Backward Society Education
Bad Education
Bad Education (2004 film)
Bad Education (2019 film)
Bad Education (TV series)
Bah Faith and education
Bah Institute for Higher Education
Bahamas Reef Environmental Educational Foundation
Bakhtar Institute of Higher Education
Ballyfermot College of Further Education
Balmiki Education Foundation
Bamboo Brook Outdoor Education Center
Bangalore Education Society, Malleswaram
Bangladesh Education and Research Network
Bangladesh Madrasah Education Board
Bangladesh Technical Education Board
Banking model of education
Bank Street College of Education
Bantu Education
Bantu Education Act, 1953
Bantu Educational Kinema Experiment
Barton Center for Diabetes Education
Bartram Educational Forest
Basic Concepts in Music Education
Basic education
Basic Education Certificate Examination
Basic Education College
Basic Hanja for educational use
Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education
Bayard Rustin Educational Complex
Bayonne Board of Education
Bedford College of Higher Education
Beijing Institute of Education
Beijing Municipal Commission of Education
Belgian American Educational Foundation
Belin-Blank Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development
Bellevue Education
Benedict International Education Group
Benji's Special Educational Academy
Besat Institute of Higher Education of Kerman
Beykent Educational Institutions
Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research
Bhawanipur Education Society College
Bia Lamplighter College of Education
Bias in education
Bilingualbicultural education
Bilingual education
Bilingual Education Act
Billy Hughes (educationist)
Bindura University of Science Education
Bishop Agniswamy College of Education
BJA Education
B K Birla Centre For Education
Black Alliance for Educational Options
Blackrock Further Education Institute
Blind Education and Rehabilitation Development Organisation
Blindness and education
Blyth Education
Board of Architectural Education
Board of education
Board of Education Act 1899
Board of Education Building
Board of Education Building (Philadelphia)
Board of Education for the City of York
Board of Education of Oklahoma City v. Dowell
Board of Education v. Earls
Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education
Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Abbottabad
Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Barisal
Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Chattogram
Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Comilla
Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Dhaka
Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Dinajpur
Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Jessore
Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Rajshahi
Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Sylhet
Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh
Board of Intermediate Education, Karachi
Board of Jewish Education (Toronto)
Board of Secondary Education, Assam
Board of Secondary Education, Karachi
Board of Secondary Education, Madhya Pradesh
Board of Secondary Education, Odisha
Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan
Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards
Board of Theological Education of the Senate of Serampore College
Board of Trustees for the Education of Youth
Boards of Cooperative Educational Services
Bond Education Group
Book:Educational assessment
Bored of Education
Bosarge Family Education Center
Boston University Wheelock College of Education & Human Development
Boykin Continuing Education Center
Boyle Street Education Centre
Br. Andrew Gonzalez College of Education
Bretton Hall College of Education
Brightwood Education Campus
Bristol Technical Education Center
British Association for International & Comparative Education
British Centre for Science Education
British Educational Research Association
British Families Education Service
British Journal of Educational Psychology
British Journal of Educational Studies
British Journal of Educational Technology
British Journal of Sociology of Education
British Journal of Special Education
British Romanian Educational Exchange
Bromley College of Further & Higher Education
Bronfman Jewish Education Centre
Brown v. Board of Education
Brown v. Board of Education National Historic Site
Buckland v Bournemouth University Higher Education Corp
Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education
Bullying of students in higher education
Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
Bureau of Indian Education
Bureau of Technical Education
Busan National University of Education
Business and Technology Education Council
Business education
Business Education Initiative
Business-education partnerships
BYU Division of Continuing Education
BYU Religious Education
Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills
Cabot Education Centre
Calgary Board of Education
California Basic Educational Skills Test
California Bureau for Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education
California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education
California Department of Education
California Education Code 48907
California Master Plan for Higher Education
California Postsecondary Education Commission
California Tax Education Council
Cal Poly Pomona College of Education and Integrative Studies
Cambridge Assessment International Education
Cambridge Center for Adult Education
Campbell University Adult and Online Education
Canadian Anti-racism Education and Research Society
Canadian Bureau for International Education
Canadian Centre for Environmental Education
Canadian Civil Liberties Education Trust
Canadian Education Association
Canadian Geographic Education
Canadian Organization for Tropical Education and Research
CANDLES Holocaust Museum and Education Center
Capacity Development for Education for All
Cape Breton Highlands Education Centre
Cape Breton Victoria Regional Centre for Education
Cape Higher Education Consortium
Cape Town Open Education Declaration
Cardozo Education Campus
Career Education Colleges and Universities
Career Education Corporation
Caritas Institute of Higher Education
Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act
Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education
Carnegie Education Pavilion
Category:Brazil education templates
Category:Educational materials
Category:Information technology education
Category:International Institute for Science, Technology and Education academic journals
Catholic Board of Education, Pakistan
Catholic education
Catholic education in Australia
Catholic education in the Diocese of Parramatta
Catholic Education Service
Catholic higher education
CBE: Life Sciences Education
CEB (Continuing Education of the Bar)
Cendana Education Foundation
Center for American Education
Center for Early Education
Center for Excellence in Education
Center for Initiatives in Jewish Education
Center for International Business Education and Research
Center for International Education
Center for International Higher Education
Center for Microbial Oceanography: Research and Education
Center for Organizational Research and Education
Center for Personalized Education for Physicians
Center for the Study of Higher Education
Center for UN Reform Education
Center for Urban Environmental Research and Education
Central Board of Secondary Education
Central Council for Education and Training in Social Work
Central Institute of Fisheries Education
Centre for Adult Education
Centre for Children's Health Education, Orientation and Protection
Centre for Clinical Legal Education (Palack University, Faculty of Law)
Centre for Distance Education
Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing
Centre for Environment Education
Centre for Higher Education
Centre for Higher Secondary Education
Centre for International Education and Research
Centre for Research on Educational and Community Services
Centre for Science Education
Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education
Centre for the Economics of Education
Certificate in Education
Certificate of Higher Education
Certificate of Secondary Education
Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (Tanzania)
Challenger Center for Space Science Education
Chancellor (education)
Chang Chun-yen (education scholar)
Character education
Charles Darwin's education
Charles Hartley (educationist)
Charles Lwanga College of Education
Chemistry education
Chemistry Education Research and Practice
Cheongju National University of Education
Chettinad Academy of Research and Education
Chiba Prefectural Board of Education
Chief information officer (higher education)
Chignecto-Central Regional Centre for Education
Child Care & Early Education Research Connections
Childhood education
Children's Education Alliance of Missouri
Children's rights education
ChinaCast Education
China Education Resources
China Education Television
China Open Resources for Education
Chinese Educational Mission
Chinese Education Improving Institute
Chinese Islamic Cultural and Educational Foundation
Chinju National University of Education
Chiropractic education
Christa McAuliffe Space Education Center
Chu Hai College of Higher Education
Chuncheon National University of Education
Church Educational System
Church Educational System Honor Code
Church of Ireland College of Education
CIFE the Council for Independent Education
Citizenship education
City of Hialeah Educational Academy
City of Kita Board of Education
Civic, Social and Political Education
Clackamas Education Service District
Class (education)
Classical Christian education
Classical education
Clemente Soto Velez Cultural and Educational Center
Cleveland Board of Education v. LaFleur
Cleveland Board of Education v. Loudermill
Climate change education
Clinical pastoral education
Clovis North Educational Center
Coalition for Open Education
Coalition for the Advancement of Jewish Education
Coalition of Higher Education Students in Scotland
Coalition to Uproot Ragging from Education
Cobequid Educational Centre
Cognia (education)
Coliste de College of Further Education
College education in Quebec
College of Advanced Education
College of Arts, Law and Education (University of Tasmania)
College of Education and Human Sciences (University of NebraskaLincoln)
College of International Education
College of IT and Management Education, Bhubaneswar
College of Science, Arts and Education
College of Teacher Education of Nanjing Normal University
College Savings Bank v. Florida Prepaid Postsecondary Education Expense Board
Colorado Commission on Higher Education
Colorado Department of Education
Colorado Education Association
Col. Satsangi's Kiran Memorial AIPECCS Educational Complex
Comics in education
Commissioner of Education
Commission of National Education
Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education
Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs
Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education
Commission on Higher Education (Philippines)
Commission on the Future of Higher Education
Committee for Education
Committee for Private Education
Committee of General Literature and Education
Committee on Education
Committee on Education, Culture, Tourism, and Human Resources
Committee on Education, Science, Culture, Human Rights and Petitions
Common Educational Proficiency Assessment
Commonwealth System of Higher Education
Communication Education
Community education
Comparative Education
Comparative education
Comparative Education Review
Comparison of music education software
Compensatory education
Compit Educational Centre
Comprehensive sex education
Comprehensive Smoking Education Act
Compulsory education
Compulsory Education Act
Compulsory Miseducation
Computer-based mathematics education
Conductive education
Conference of the Americas on International Education
Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training
Congregational Board of Education
Congregation for Catholic Education
Connected Education
Connecticut Board of Regents for Higher Education
Connecticut Education Network
Conroy Education Center
Consortium for North American Higher Education Collaboration
Consortium of Higher Education LGBT Resource Professionals
Consortium on Financing Higher Education
Constructivism (philosophy of education)
Consumer Financial Education Body
Contemporary Educational Psychology
Contemporary Education Dialogue
Continental education system
Continuing education
Continuing education unit
Continuing legal education
Continuing legal education in the Philippines
Continuing medical education
Continuum of Humanist Education
Convention against Discrimination in Education
Co-operative Academy of Professional Education
Cooperative education
Copybook (education)
Core Education & Technologies
Cornell Laboratory for Accelerator-based Sciences and Education
Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California
Corporation for Research and Educational Networking
Council for Advancement and Support of Education
Council for Art Education, Inc.
Council for Economic Education
Council for Education in World Citizenship
Council for Higher Education Accreditation
Council for Higher Education in Israel
Council for Higher Education in Newark
Council for Hospitality Management Education
Council for Industry and Higher Education
Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education
Council of Higher Education (Turkey)
Council of Higher Secondary Education
Council of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha
Council of Military Education Committees of the Universities of the United Kingdom
Council of Pacific Education
Council on Chiropractic Education USA
Council on Education for Public Health
Council on Islamic Education
Council on Occupational Education
Council on Social Work Education
Councils on Chiropractic Education International
Counselor education
Course (education)
Coventry College of Education
Coverdell education savings account
Cramming (education)
Cranbrook Educational Community
Creation and evolution in public education
Creative education
Creative Education Foundation
Credentialism and educational inflation
Credit Abuse Resistance Education
Critical theory of maker education
Cross education
CTS Education and Culture
Cuban National Center for Sex Education
Cultural and Educational Panel
Current Issues in Comparative Education
Current Issues in Education
Curtin Education Centre
Cyril Potter College of Education
Cyril Taylor (educationist)
Dadabhoy Institute of Higher Education
Daegu National University of Education
Dalai Lama Center for Peace and Education
Dance education
Danish educational ceiling
Danish Network for Research and Education
Dan Jones (human rights education activist)
Daqing re-education through labor camp
Dar es Salaam University College of Education
Darling Downs Institute of Advanced Education
Darlington College of Education
Darwinism, Design and Public Education
Davenport v. Washington Education Ass'n
David Collins (educational administrator)
Dawn (Indian educationalist magazine)
Dayalbagh Educational Institute
Dayapuram Educational and Cultural Centre
Deaf education
Deaf education in Kenya
Dean (education)
Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education
Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support
Delaware AeroSpace Education Foundation
Delaware Department of Education
Democratic education
Denison College of Secondary Education
Denominational education in the Republic of Ireland
Dental education throughout the world
Dental Procedure Education System
Department for Education
Department for Education and Skills
Department for Education and Skills (United Kingdom)
Department for Education and Skills (Wales)
Department for Education (South Australia)
Department of Bantu Education
Department of Basic Education
Department of Defense Education Activity
Department of Education (197283)
Department of Education (198487)
Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (New Brunswick)
Department of Education and Skills
Department of Education and Training (Victoria)
Department of Education (Australia, 201314)
Department of Education building
Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations
Department of Education (Ireland)
Department of Education (New South Wales)
Department of Education (New Zealand)
Department of Education (Northern Ireland)
Department of Education Organization Act
Department of Education (Philippines)
Department of Education (Queensland)
Department of Education (South Africa)
Department of Education, Sport and Culture
Department of Education (Tasmania)
Department of Education (Western Australia)
Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science
Department of Higher Education
Department of Higher Education and Training
Department of Higher Education, Odisha
Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education
Department of Physical Education
Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour (New Brunswick)
Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2008
Detroit Institute of Music Education
Development and Educational Communication Unit
Development and Education Programme for Daughters and Communities
Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994
Digital media in education
Diploma of Education
Diploma of Higher Education
Direct method (education)
Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture
Directorate of Education (Iceland)
Directorate of Technical Education & Training, Odisha
Directorate of Technical Education, Maharashtra
Director of Education
Director of Education (Ontario)
Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund
Disability studies in education
Discovery Education 3M Young Scientist Challenge
Discrimination in education
Distance education
Distance Education Accrediting Commission
Distance Education Centre, Victoria
Distant Education Bureau
District Educational Office
District Institute of Education and Training
District Institute of Education and Training, Hardoi
District Institute of Education and Training, Raebareli
Divyadaan: Journal of Philosophy and Education
Doctor of Education
Dolores Kohl Education Foundation
Doucet-Boudreau v Nova Scotia (Minister of Education)
Draft:Four Cs (education)
Draft:Institute for Collaborative Education
Draft:Organisation of Educational Cooperation
Draft:Queer Montenegro *(educational example)
Dr. M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute
Drug Abuse Resistance Education
Drug education
Dual-sector education
Duke Corporate Education
Dunedin College of Education
Dunfermline College of Physical Education
Durham Education Center
Early childhood education
Early Childhood Education Journal
Earth Science Education Unit
East African Children's Education Fund
East Antigonish Education Centre/Academy
East Carolina University College of Education
Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians Educational Policies
Eastern Michigan University Department of Special Education
Eastern Sierra Institute for Collaborative Education
East York Board of Education
Economics education
Economics Education and Research Consortium
Economics of Education Review
ECREA European Communication Research and Education Association
Edinburgh Association for the University Education of Women
Edmonton Chinese Bilingual Education Association
Education About Asia
Education about the Holocaust
Education Achievement Authority
Education Act
Education Act 1496
Education Act 1872 (Victoria)
Education Act 1877
Education Act 1901 (Renewal) Act 1902
Education Act 1902
Education Act 1918
Education Act 1944
Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004
Education (Administrative Provisions) Act 1907
Educational accreditation
Educational Action Challenging Homophobia
Educational Administration Quarterly
Educational aims and objectives
Educational Alliance
Educational and Psychological Measurement
Educational and Training Services Branch
Educational anthropology
Educational architecture
Educational assessment
Educational attainment
Educational capital
Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates
Educational Computing Organization of Ontario
Educational Concerns for Hunger Organization
Educational consultant
Educational Credit Management Corporation
Educational entertainment
Educational entrance examination
Educational equity
Educational evaluation
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis
Educational film
Educational Films Corp. v. Ward
Educational game
Educational games in the Sonic series
Educational goals of Sesame Street
Educational inequalities in South Sudan
Educational inequality
Educational inequality in Ghana
Educational inequality in Southeast Michigan
Educational Institute of Scotland
Educational institution
Educational Institutions in Ernakulam District
Educational institutions in Kothamangalam
Educational interventions for first-generation students
Educational Launch of Nanosatellites
Educational leadership
Educational management
Educational Management Administration & Leadership
Educational management in South Africa
Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice
Educational Media Foundation
Educational Museum Gama D'Ea
Educational neuroscience
Educational organization
Educational perennialism
Educational Philosophy and Theory
Educational Pictures
Educational policies and initiatives of the European Union
Educational Policy
Educational Policy Institute
Educational Practice and Theory
Educational problems in Honduras
Educational program
Educational Psychologist (journal)
Educational psychology
Educational Psychology Review
Educational reform in occupied Japan
Educational research
Educational Researcher
Educational Research Review
Educational service district
Educational service district (Washington)
Educational Services of America
Educational software
Educational specialist
Educational stage
Educational Studies in Mathematics
Educational technology
Educational Technology & Society
Educational television
Educational Television (Hong Kong)
Educational Testing Service
Educational Theatre Association
Educational theory of apprenticeship
Educational therapy
Educational toy
Educational trail
Educational Video Center
Educational video game
Education & Skills Select Committee
Education & Training Evaluation Commission
Education and Adoption Act 2016
Education and Democracy
Education and Inspections Act 2006
Education and Learning Wales
Education and Research Consortium
Education and Science Workers' Union
Education and Science Workers' Union (Germany)
Education and Science Workers' Union (Turkey)
Education and Sharing Day
Education and Skills Funding Agency
Education and the LGBT community
Education and Training Board
Education and training of electrical and electronics engineers
Education and Urban Society
Education and Youth Affairs Bureau (Macau)
Education and Youth Corps
Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
Education Authority
Education Bureau
Education (Chittenden Memorial Window)
Education, Citizenship and Social Justice
Education City
Education City Karachi
Education City Stadium
Education, Communities and Justice Directorates
Education Conservancy
Education (constituency)
Education Corps
Education Data Exchange Network
Education Development Center
Education Development Trust
Education Directorates
Education economics
Education Ecosystem
Education, Education, Education & War
Education Facilities Clearinghouse
Education FC
Education Finance and Policy
Education For All
Education for All Global Monitoring Report
Education for All Handicapped Children Act
Education for Chemical Engineers
Education for Citizenship (Spain)
Education for Death
Education for justice
Education for Leisure
Education for librarianship
Education for Ministry
Education for Nature Vietnam
Education for Peace in Iraq Center
Education for sustainable development
Education in Aberdeen
Education in Abu Dhabi
Education in Afghanistan
Education in Africa
Education in Ahmedabad
Education in Alabama
Education in
Education in Albania
Education in Alberta
Education in Algeria
Education in ancient Greece
Education in ancient Rome
Education in Anguilla
Education in Argentina
Education in Armenia
Education in Australia
Education in Austria
Education in Azerbaijan
Education in Bangladesh
Education in Bath, Somerset
Education in Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Education in Beijing
Education in Belarus
Education in Belgium
Education in Belize
Education in Bellary
Education in Berlin
Education in Bhutan
Education in Biaystok
Education in Birmingham
Education in Bolivia
Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Education in Botswana
Education in Brazil
Education in Bristol
Education in Bulgaria
Education in Burkina Faso
Education in California
Education in Cambodia
Education in Cameroon
Education in Canada
Education in Catalan
Education in Cesar Department
Education in Chemistry
Education in Chennai
Education in Chile
Education in China
Education in Cincinnati
Education in Coimbra
Education in Colombia
Education in Congleton Borough
Education in Costa Rica
Education in Croatia
Education in Cuba
Education in Czechoslovakia
Education in Dallas
Education in Delhi
Education in Denmark
Education Index
Education in Dubai
Education in East Germany
Education in Egypt
Education in El Salvador
Education in England
Education inequality in China
Education in Eritrea
Education in Estonia
Education in Eswatini
Education in Ethiopia
Education in Fairfield, Connecticut
Education in Finland
Education in Flanders
Education in Florida
Education informatics
Education in France
Education in Gabon
Education in Galveston, Texas
Education in Georgia
Education in Germany
Education in Ghana
Education in Gilgit-Baltistan
Education in Greater St. Louis
Education in Greece
Education in Guyana
Education in Haiti
Education in Halifax, Nova Scotia
Education in Hamburg
Education in Harlem
Education in Himachal Pradesh
Education in Hong Kong
Education in Houston
Education in Hungary
Education in Hyderabad
Education in Iceland
Education in India
Education in Indonesia
Education in Iran
Education in Iraq
Education in Ireland
Education in Islam
Education in Israel
Education in Italy
Education in Ivory Coast
Education in Jacksonville, Florida
Education in Jamaica
Education in Japan
Education in Jordan
Education in Kansas
Education in Karachi
Education in Karnataka
Education in Kazakhstan
Education in Kentucky
Education in Kenya
Education in Kerala
Education in Kiribati
Education in Kobe
Education in Kolkata
Education in Korea
Education in Kuwait
Education in Kyrgyzstan
Education in Lebanon
Education in Lesotho
Education in Liberia
Education in Lincolnshire
Education in d
Education in London
Education in Lower Dir District
Education in Macau
Education in Malappuram
Education in Malawi
Education in Malaysia
Education in Mali
Education in Marshall, Texas
Education in Mauritania
Education in Mauritius
Education in Meghalaya
Education in Memphis, Tennessee
Education in Mexico
Education in Mississippi
Education in Missouri
Education in Moldova
Education in Mongolia
Education in Montenegro
Education in Montreal
Education in Montserrat
Education in Mozambique
Education in Myanmar
Education in Namibia
Education in Nepal
Education in New York City
Education in New Zealand
Education in Nicaragua
Education in Niger
Education in Nigeria
Education in Northern Ireland
Education in North Korea
Education in North Macedonia
Education in North Rhine-Westphalia
Education in Norwalk, Connecticut
Education in Norway
Education in Novi Sad
Education in Odisha
Education in Oklahoma City
Education in Omaha, Nebraska
Education in Oman
Education in Ontario
Education in Pakistan
Education in Papua New Guinea
Education in Peja
Education in Pennsylvania
Education in Peru
Education in Philadelphia
Education in Poland
Education in Poland during World War II
Education in Portugal
Education in Pvoa de Varzim
Education in Pristina
Education in Puerto Rico
Education in Punjab, India
Education in Qatar
Education in Quebec
Education in Romania
Education in Russia
Education in Rwanda
Education in Saint Paul, Minnesota
Education in Salt Lake City
Education in Saskatchewan
Education in Saudi Arabia
Education in Scotland
Education in Seattle
Education in Senegal
Education in Serbia
Education in Sheffield
Education in Siberia
Education in Sierra Leone
Education in Singapore
Education in Slovakia
Education in Slovenia
Education in Somaliland
Education in South Africa
Education in South Australia
Education in South Korea
Education in Spain
Education in Spokane, Washington
Education in Sri Lanka
Education in Stamford, Connecticut
Education in St. Louis
Education in Stockholm
Education in Sudan
Education in Suriname
Education in Sweden
Education in Switzerland
Education in Sydney
Education in Syria
Education in Tacloban
Education in Taiwan
Education in Tajikistan
Education in Tamil Nadu
Education in Tanzania
Education in Taoyuan City
Education in Tasmania
Education International
Education in Texas
Education in Thailand
Education in the Australian Capital Territory
Education in the Comoros
Education in the Cook Islands
Education in the Crown dependencies
Education in the Czech Republic
Education in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Education in the Dominican Republic
Education in the Empire of Japan
Education in the Falkland Islands
Education in the Gambia
Education in the Joseon dynasty
Education in the Maldives
Education in the Middle East and North Africa
Education in the Netherlands
Education in the Northern Mariana Islands
Education in the Northwest Territories
Education in the Ottoman Empire
Education in the Philippines
Education in the Philippines during American rule
Education in the Philippines during Spanish rule
Education in the Polish People's Republic
Education in the Republic of Ireland
Education in the Republic of the Congo
Education in the Second Polish Republic
Education in the Soviet Union
Education in the Thirteen Colonies
Education in the United Arab Emirates
Education in the United Kingdom
Education in Thrissur District
Education in Thunder Bay, Ontario
Education in Tokyo
Education in Toronto
Education in Turkey
Education in Uganda
Education in Ukraine
Education in Utah
Education in Venezuela
Education in Vermont
Education in Victoria
Education in Vietnam
Education in Wales
Education in Warsaw
Education in Washington Court House, Ohio
Education in West Bengal
Education in Western Australia
Education in Yemen
Education in Zambia
Education Journal
Education (journal)
Education Law of 1912
Education Management Corporation
Education management organization
Education minister
Education Minnesota
Education Networks of America
Education of a Prince
Education of freed people during the Civil War
Education of the British royal family
Education of the Virgin (Wautier)
Education on the Isle of Wight
Education Partnerships Africa
Education policy
Education Policy Analysis Archives
Education policy and child labour (South Africa)
Education policy in Brazil
Education Policy Institute
Education Program for Gifted Youth
Education (Provision of Meals) Act 1906
Education Quality and Accountability Office
Education reform
Education Reform Act
Education Reform Act 1988
Education Resources Information Center
Education Review
Education Review Office (New Zealand)
Education sciences
Education Scotland
Education Secretary
Education segregation in the Mississippi Delta
Education segregation in the Mississippi Red Clay region
Education Select Committee
Education Service Area Office
Education service district (Oregon)
Education services in St Helens, Merseyside
Education Support
Education system in Kuwait
Education Through Music-Los Angeles
Education University of Hong Kong
Education Week
Education Without Borders
EF Education First
EF EducationNippo
Effects of economic liberalisation on education in Tajikistan
Ehime Prefectural Board of Education
Elaz Education Campus
Electronics Technician distance education program
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Title III Part A
Elementary Education Act 1870
Elementary Education Act 1880
Elizabeth W. Jones Award for Excellence in Education
Ely Educational Museum
Emile, or On Education
Emotional Education
End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium
Engineering and Science Education Program
Engineering education
Engineering education in India
English education in China
English-language education in Japan
English-medium education
Enlisted Professional Military Education
Ensenada Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education
Environmental education
Environmental education in New Zealand
Equal Educational Opportunities Act of 1974
Essay on a Course of Liberal Education for Civil and Active Life
Esthetic Education
Etobicoke Board of Education
EtonHouse International Education Group
Etonkids International Educational Group
European Association for Architectural Education / Association Europenne pour l'Enseignement de l'Architecture
European Association for Astronomy Education
European Association for International Education
European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education
European Association for the Education of Adults
European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth
European Democratic Education Community
European Education
European Higher Education Area
European Journal of Education
European Journal of Psychology of Education
European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education
European Parliament Committee on Culture and Education
European Physical Education Review
European Public Relations Education and Research Association
European Society for Engineering Education
Evander Childs Educational Campus
Everson v. Board of Education
Evidence-based education
Executive education
Expeditionary education
Experience and education
Experiential education
Explore (education)
Expulsion (education)
Extension of University Education Act, 1959
Extramural medical education in Edinburgh
Fabulation, or the Re-Education of Undine
Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge
Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb
FAIR Education Act
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
Family Educational Services Foundation
Family Education Freedom Act
Family life education
Farm City: The Education of an Urban Farmer
Far West Laboratory for Educational Research and Development
Federal Agency for Civic Education
Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education
Federal Center for Technological Education of Minas Gerais
Federal Center for Technological Education of Rio de Janeiro
Federal Centers for Technological Education
Federal Centre for Health Education
Federal College of Education (Technical), Akoka
Federal College of Education (Technical), Umunze
Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research
Federal Family Education Loan Program
Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology
Federal involvement in US education
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Germany)
Federal Ministry of Education (Nigeria)
Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant
Federation for National Education
Federation of Education, Research and Culture
Female education
Female education in Nigeria
Female education in STEM
Finnish Education Evaluation Centre
Florida Atlantic University College of Education
Florida Department of Education
Florida International University College of Education
Florida Prepaid Postsecondary Education Expense Board v. College Savings Bank
Food Allergy Research & Education
Foreign Education Providers Bill, 2013
Form (education)
For-profit education
Forum for African Women Educationalists
Forum on Prisoner Education
Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research
Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education
Foundation for Economic Education
Foundation for Environmental Education
Foundation for Excellence in Education
Foundation for Independent Higher Education
Foundation for Individual Rights in Education
Foundation for Rational Economics and Education
Foundation for the Education of Needy Children in Fiji
Foundation of Technical Education
Fourth International Conference on Environmental Education
Frank Heath (educationist)
Fred Clarke (educationist)
Fred M. Hechinger Grand Prize for Distinguished Education Reporting
Fred T. Korematsu Institute for Civil Rights and Education
Free Appropriate Public Education
Free Congress Research and Education Foundation
Free education
Freiler v. Tangipahoa Parish Board of Education
Friday Center for Continuing Education
Friends Association for Higher Education
Frog Education
Fundamental Law of Education
Fund for Assistance to Private Education
Fun with Jazz Educational Program
Further and Higher Education Act 1992
Further education
Further Education and Training Awards Council
Further Education Funding Council
Further Education Funding Council for England
Gang Resistance Education and Training
Gateway to Higher Education (program)
G. D. Birla Centre for Education
GEMS Education
Gender and Education
Gender disparities in Kenyan education
Gender Education
Gene A. Buinger Career and Technical Education Academy
General Certificate of Education
General Certificate of Secondary Education
General education
General Educational Development
General Education Board
General Education (film)
General education liceum
Geneva Centre for Education and Research in Humanitarian Action
George Washington Educational Campus
Georgia Department of Education
Georgia Educational Technology Fair
German Association for Medical Education
German Workers Educational Association
Gifted education
Gifted Education Centre
Gifted education in Georgia
Gifted Education Resource Institute, Purdue University
Glion Institute of Higher Education
Global Alliance in Management Education
Global citizenship education
Global Educational Network for Satellite Operations
Global Learning Opportunities in Business Education
Global Partnership for Education
Global Reports on Adult Learning and Education
Glossary of education terms
Glossary of education terms (AC)
Glossary of education terms (DF)
Glossary of education terms (GL)
Glossary of education terms (MO)
Glossary of education terms (PR)
Glossary of education terms (S)
Glossary of education terms (TZ)
Glossary of language education terms
Google for Education
Gordon College of Education
Governance in higher education
Government College of Teacher Education Dharamsala
Government Elementary Teacher Education Institution
Grading in education
Graphic Arts Education and Research Foundation
Gravissimum educationis
Greater North Central Francophone Education Region No. 2
Great Lakes Higher Education Corporation
Gregory-Lincoln Education Center
Grimsby Institute of Further & Higher Education
Groener v Minister for Education
Guam Department of Education
Guangdong Institute of Education
Guangdong Province Department of Education
Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center
Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center Central Stadium
Guaranteed Education Tuition Program
Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board
Gyeongin National University of Education
Haa Dhaalu Atoll Education Centre
Hadaf Educational Group
Haldimand Board of Education
Halesowen College of Further Education
Halifax Regional Centre for Education
Hampson v Dept of Education and Science
Hampton Inn Court at the Steinke Physical Education Center (SPEC)
Hand in Hand: Center for Jewish-Arab Education in Israel
Hanoi National University of Education
Hanoi Vocational Education and Training Company
Harford Glen Environmental Education Center
Harold H. Malkmes Wildlife Education and Ecology Center
Harold Rosen (educationalist)
Hartley Outdoor Education Center
Harvard Educational Review
Havering College of Further and Higher Education
Health and Human Performance Education Complex
Health and Physical Education Arena
Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010
Health education
Health Education & Behavior
Health Education Exhibition and Resource Centre
Health Education Journal
Health Education Research
Health promotion in higher education
Hebei Institute of Physical Education
Hedgepeth and Williams v. Board of Education
Helderberg College of Higher Education
Hematological Cancer Research Investment and Education Act
Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Uttarakhand Medical Education University
Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Education
Hessian Ministry of Higher Education, Research and the Arts
Higher education
Higher Education Academy
Higher education accreditation
Higher Education Act
Higher Education Act 2004
Higher Education Act of 1965
Higher Education and Research Act 2017
Higher Education and Research Opportunities in the UK
Higher Education and Training Awards Council
Higher Education Commission
Higher Education Commission (Pakistan)
Higher education controversy in Odisha
Higher Education (disambiguation)
Higher Education European Masters
Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan
Higher Education for the Future
Higher Education Funding Council for England
Higher Education Funding Council for Wales
Higher Education GAA
Higher education in Alberta
Higher education in British Columbia
Higher education in Canada
Higher education in China
Higher education in Erie, Pennsylvania
Higher education in Hong Kong
Higher education in India
Higher education in Iran
Higher education in Italy
Higher education in Japan
Higher education in Manitoba
Higher education in Mauritius
Higher education in Myanmar
Higher education in New Jersey
Higher education in Nova Scotia
Higher education in Poland
Higher education in Portugal
Higher education in Quebec
Higher education in Saskatchewan
Higher education in Spain
Higher education in Sri Lanka
Higher Education Institute of Brasilia
Higher education in the Northwest Territories
Higher education in the Philippines
Higher education in Ukraine
Higher education in Yukon
Higher Education (journal)
Higher education leadership
Higher Education Press
Higher Education Price Index
Higher Education Recruitment Consortium
Higher Education Research Data Collection
Higher Education Research Institute
Higher Education Review
Higher Education Snooker and Pool Council
Higher Education Support Act 2003
Higher National Technical Education Certificate
Highlander Research and Education Center
Hip-hop based education
History of deaf education
History of deaf education in Africa
History of early childhood care and education
History of education
History of education in ancient Israel and Judah
History of education in Canada
History of education in China
History of education in England
History of education in France
History of education in Japan
History of education in New Zealand
History of education in Taiwan
History of education in the Indian subcontinent
History of Education Quarterly
History of Education Society
History of institutions for deaf education
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education
Hockerill Educational Foundation
Hokkaid Prefectural Board of Education
Hokkaido University of Education
Holiday Lake 4-H Educational Center
Holistic education
Home and hospital education
Home education in the United Kingdom
Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education
Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education
Hong Kong Association of Science and Mathematics Education
Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination
Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education
Hong Kong Federation of Education Workers
Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education
Hong Kong Museum of Education
Honiara Solomon Islands College of Higher Education
Hope Educational Foundation
Humanistic education
Humanitarian education
Humboldtian model of higher education
Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
Huntington's Disease Outreach Project for Education at Stanford
Hyogo University of Teacher Education
Hysterectomy Educational Resources and Services (HERS) Foundation
IAPCHE: the International Association for the Promotion of Christian Higher Education
Iceland College of Education
ICMS Education System
IEEE Transactions on Education
Ignatius Ajuru University of Education
Igor Ivanov (educationist)
IHE Delft Institute for Water Education
IILM Institute for Higher Education
Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center
Imadec Executive Education
Imam Khomeini's Educational and Research Institute
Immersive Education
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on education
Imperial Rescript on Education
Inca education
Inchicore College of Further Education
Inclusion (education)
INDEG-ISCTE Executive Education
Independent Education System (Israel)
Independent Education Union of Australia
Index of education articles
Indiana Department of Education
Indian Certificate of Secondary Education
Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education
Indian Education Service
Indian Institute of Education and Business Management
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Berhampur
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhopal
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Kolkata
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Mohali
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Thiruvananthapuram
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Tirupati
Indian Institute of Teacher Education
Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research
Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act of 1975
Indigenous People's Technology and Education Center
Individualized Education Program
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Indonesia National Education Day
Indonesia University of Education
Industry-oriented education
Information Communications Technology education in the Philippines
Information held under Section 142 of the Education Act 2002
In Harmony (music education project)
Inner London Education Authority
Inquiry education
Inside American Education
Inspired Education Group
Inspiring Education: A Dialogue with Albertans
Institute for Constitutional Education
Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education
Institute for Personal Robots in Education
Institute for Political and Legal Education
Institute for the International Education of Students
Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education
Institute of Advanced Communication, Education and Research
Institute of Advanced Studies in Education
Institute of Brunei Technical Education
Institute of Continuing & TESOL Education
Institute of Continuing Education
Institute of Culinary Education
Institute of Education and Research
Institute of Education (Dublin)
Institute of Education Sciences
Institute of Industrial Arts Technology Education
Institute of International Education
Institute of Physical Education Udon Thani Stadium
INTEC Education College
Integrated Brilliant Education
Integrated education
Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System
Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies
Intercultural bilingual education
Interior design education
International Accounting Education Standards Board
International Accreditation Council for Business Education
International Association for Accounting Education & Research
International Association for Jazz Education
International Association for Korean Language Education
International Association for Statistical Education
International Bureau of Education
International Center for Ethnobotanical Education, Research and Service
International Centre for Higher Education Research Kassel
International Commission on Financing Global Education Opportunity
International Congress on Mathematical Education
International Council for Adult Education
International Council for Open and Distance Education
International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education
International education
International Education Association of Western Canada
International Education Corporation
International Falcon Movement Socialist Educational International
International Federation for Learning, Education, and Training Systems Interoperability
International Federation of Workers' Education Associations
International Foundation for Gender Education
International General Certificate of Secondary Education
International Institute for Higher Education in Morocco
International Institute for Research and Education
Internationalization of higher education
International Journal of Art and Design Education
International Journal of Comparative Education and Development
International Journal of Educational Research
International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education
International Journal of Multicultural Education
International Journal of Music Education
International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
International Medical Education Directory
International Military Education and Training
International Purchasing & Supply Education & Research Association
International Research and Training Centre for Rural Education
International Sex Worker Foundation for Art, Culture and Education
International Society for Design and Development in Education
International Society for Music Education
International Standard Classification of Education
International Supply Chain Education Alliance
Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum
Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference
IntraMural Physical Education Building (IMPE)
Iohahi:io Akwesasne Education & Training Institute
IONIS Education Group
Iowa Department of Education
Iowa Tests of Educational Development
Islamic education
Islamic Education Institute of Texas
Islamic Education Society
Islamic Research and Educational Foundation
Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Israeli Educational Television
Italian Minister of Public Education
Jackdaws Music Education Trust
Jackson v. Birmingham Board of Education
Jacobsburg Environmental Education Center
James Page (Australian educationist)
James Randi Educational Foundation
Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research
Jazz education
Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education
Jennings Environmental Education Center
Jesuit University of Philosophy and Education Ignatianum
Jewish education
Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation
Jim Carr (education)
J. K. K. Nattraja Educational Institutions
J.L. Weigand Jr. Notre Dame Legal Education Trust
John Adams (educational writer)
John Adams (educationist)
John Behan (educationist)
John Green (educationalist)
John Jay Educational Campus (Brooklyn)
John Tomlinson (educationalist)
Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation
Jos Vasconcelos World Award of Education
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education
Journal for the Education of the Gifted
Journalism Education Association
Journal of Biological Education
Journal of Business Ethics Education
Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership
Journal of Chemical Education
Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education
Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education
Journal of Diversity in Higher Education
Journal of Economic Education
Journal of Education
Journal of Educational Administration and History
Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics
Journal of Educational Measurement
Journal of Educational Media, Memory, and Society
Journal of Educational Psychology
Journal of Education for Sustainable Development
Journal of Education Policy
Journal of Engineering Education
Journal of Experiential Education
Journal of General Education
Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement
Journal of Hispanic Higher Education
Journal of Management Education
Journal of Marketing Education
Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education
Journal of Moral Education
Journal of Music Teacher Education
Journal of Negro Education
Journal of Nursing Education
Journal of Philosophy of Education
Journal of Planning Education and Research
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment
Journal of Public Affairs Education
Journal of Research in International Education
Journal of Research in Music Education
Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs
Journal of Sex Education and Therapy
Journal of Social Work Education
Journal of Special Education
Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation
Journal of Statistics Education
Journal of Studies in International Education
Journal of Teacher Education
Journal of Transformative Education
Journal of Veterinary Medical Education
Jzef Pisudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw
JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research
J.S.S. Academy of Technical Education, Bangalore
JSS Academy of Technical Education, Mauritius
J.S.S. Academy of Technical Education, Noida
Judge Rotenberg Educational Center
Judicial Affairs and Education Committee
Julia Richman Education Complex
Junior (education)
Just Enough Education to Perform
K-12 Education Administration
Kabul Education University of Rabbani
Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education
Kan Educational
Kaohsiung Municipal Social Education Hall
Kaplan Financial Education
Karlsruhe University of Education
Karnatak Lingayat Education Society
Karolinska Institutet Prize for Research in Medical Education
Karpagam Academy of Higher Education
Kauai Educational Association for Science and Astronomy
Kaye Academic College of Education
Kay On-Going Education Center
KDE Education Project
Ken Robinson (educationalist)
Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education
Kentucky Department of Education
Kentucky Educational Television
Kenya Certificate of Primary Education
Kerala Education Act 1958 (Act 6 of 1959)
Kharkiv Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education
Kibaha education centre
Kibbutz communal child rearing and collective education
Kid Spark Education
Kim Chol Ju University of Education
King's Glory Education Centre
Kings Gap Environmental Education
Kingston upon Hull College of Education
Kiwi Advanced Research and Education Network
K. K. Wagh Institute of Engineering Education & Research
Knesset Committee on Education, Culture and Sports
Komenda College of Education
Korean Council for University Education
Korean Health, Education, Information and Research Center
Korean Language Education Center
Korean Teachers and Education Workers Union
Kosovo Centre for Public Safety Education and Development
Krishna Kumar (educationist)
KTG Education Group
Kurzweil Educational Systems
Labels for Education
Labor Education and Research Network
Lack of physical education
Lady Anusuiya Singhania Education Centre
Lakshmibai National College of Physical Education
Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education
Langley Education Centre
Language education
Language education by region
Lapinjrvi Educational Center
Larbi-Odam v MEC for Education (North-West Province)
La Sainte Union College of Higher Education
Lasallian educational institutions
Laureate Education
Leadership Foundation for Higher Education
Lean higher education
Leap (education and training)
Learning theory (education)
Legal education
Legal Education Board
Legal Education Certificate
Legal education in Malaysia
Legal education in the United Kingdom
LeMay Center for Doctrine Development and Education
Lewis Center for Educational Research
Liaison Committee on Medical Education
Liberal arts education
Liberal education
Libraries and the US National Research and Education Network
Library science education in India
Life skills-based education
LIFO (education)
Lincoln Center Education
Linda Abril Educational Academy
Linguistics in education
Lions Nature Education Centre
List of accolades received by An Education
List of African-American pioneers in desegregation of higher education
List of alumni of Jesuit educational institutions
List of Calvinist educational institutions in North America
List of Colorado boards of cooperative educational services
List of Cornell University alumni (education)
List of countries by tertiary education attainment
List of educational boards in Pakistan
List of educational buildings by Alfred Waterhouse
List of educational institutes in Jamshedpur
List of educational institutes in Sargodha
List of educational institutions closed in the 2016 Turkish purges
List of educational institutions in Abbottabad
List of educational institutions in Ahmedabad
List of educational institutions in Allahabad
List of educational institutions in Bahrain
List of educational institutions in Coimbatore
List of Educational Institutions in Comilla
List of educational institutions in Comilla
List of educational institutions in Cuddalore district
List of educational institutions in Dasmarias
List of educational institutions in Dharmapuri district
List of educational institutions in Dharwad
List of educational institutions in Erode district
List of educational institutions in Etobicoke
List of educational institutions in Faisalabad
List of educational institutions in Faridabad
List of educational institutions in Ghazipur
List of educational institutions in Gobichettipalayam
List of educational institutions in Gorakhpur
List of educational institutions in Gurgaon
List of educational institutions in Hyderabad
List of educational institutions in Hyderabad, Sindh
List of educational institutions in Indore
List of educational institutions in Islamabad
List of educational institutions in Jaipurhat District
List of educational institutions in Jhansi
List of educational institutions in Jhelum
List of educational institutions in Kakinada
List of educational institutions in Kanchan Rup
List of educational institutions in Kannur district
List of educational institutions in Kanpur
List of educational institutions in Karaikal, India
List of educational institutions in Kasaragod district
List of educational institutions in Khulna
List of educational institutions in Kozhikode district
List of educational institutions in Krishnagiri district
List of educational institutions in Lahore
List of educational institutions in Latur district
List of educational institutions in Lucknow
List of educational institutions in Mangalore
List of educational institutions in Meerut district
List of educational institutions in Multan
List of educational institutions in Mumbai
List of educational institutions in Nagpur
List of educational institutions in Namakkal district
List of educational institutions in Noakhali
List of educational institutions in Nur-Sultan
List of educational institutions in Palai
List of educational institutions in Patna
List of educational institutions in Perambalur district
List of educational institutions in Pratapgarh district, Uttar Pradesh
List of educational institutions in Puducherry
List of educational institutions in Pudukkottai district
List of educational institutions in Pune
List of educational institutions in Rawalpindi
List of educational institutions in Rudrapur, Uttarakhand
List of educational institutions in Sahiwal
List of educational institutions in Sangli
List of educational institutions in Scarborough, Ontario
List of educational institutions in Secunderabad
List of educational institutions in Shillong
List of educational institutions in Sialkot
List of educational institutions in Sivagangai district
List of educational institutions in Sylhet
List of educational institutions in Taichung
List of educational institutions in Taliparamba
List of educational institutions in Thalassery
List of educational institutions in Tiruchirappalli
List of educational institutions in Tirunelveli district
List of educational institutions in Tiruvarur district
List of educational institutions in Vatakara
List of educational institutions in Viluppuram district
List of educational institutions in Virudhunagar district
List of educational institutions in Visakhapatnam
List of educational institutions with Sanskrit mottos
List of educational organizations in North Paravur
List of educational programming languages
List of educational psychologists
List of educational software
List of educational video websites
List of education articles by country
List of education facilities in San Antonio
List of education ministers of Bihar
List of Education Ministers of France
List of Education Ministers of Nigeria
List of education ministries
List of Education Service Centers in Texas
List of education trade unions
List of English-language educational institutions in Quebec
List of further education colleges in England
List of further education colleges in Scotland
List of governors of California by education
List of higher education associations and alliances
List of higher education associations and organizations in Canada
List of higher education institutions in Denver
List of higher education institutions in Hong Kong
List of higher education institutions in Maharashtra
List of Independent Baptist higher education institutions
List of institutions of higher education in Andhra Pradesh
List of institutions of higher education in Arunachal Pradesh
List of institutions of higher education in Assam
List of institutions of higher education in Bangalore
List of institutions of higher education in Bihar
List of institutions of higher education in Chandigarh
List of institutions of higher education in Chhattisgarh
List of institutions of higher education in Delhi
List of institutions of higher education in Goa
List of institutions of higher education in Gujarat
List of institutions of higher education in Haryana
List of institutions of higher education in Himachal Pradesh
List of institutions of higher education in India
List of institutions of higher education in Jammu and Kashmir
List of institutions of higher education in Jharkhand
List of institutions of higher education in Karnataka
List of institutions of higher education in Kerala
List of institutions of higher education in Madhya Pradesh
List of institutions of higher education in Manipur
List of institutions of higher education in Mizoram
List of institutions of higher education in Nagaland
List of institutions of higher education in Odisha
List of institutions of higher education in Punjab, India
List of institutions of higher education in Rajasthan
List of institutions of higher education in Russia
List of institutions of higher education in Sikkim
List of institutions of higher education in Tamil Nadu
List of institutions of higher education in Telangana
List of institutions of higher education in Tripura
List of institutions of higher education in Uttarakhand
List of institutions of higher education in Uttar Pradesh
List of institutions of higher education in West Bengal
List of institutions providing Special Education facilities
List of Intermediate and Secondary Education Boards in Bangladesh
List of Islamic educational institutions
List of Jesuit educational institutions
List of Jiminy Cricket educational serials
List of Laureate Education institutions
List of Mario educational games
List of mathematics education journals
List of Ministers for Education and Science of Latvia
List of Ministers of Education and Culture of Cyprus
List of Ministers of Education of Catalonia
List of Ministers of Education of Egypt
List of Ministers of Education of the Netherlands
List of Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education faculty
List of Nair Service Society educational institutions
List of organizations engaged in STEM education across Africa
List of physics concepts in primary and secondary education curricula
List of presidents of India by education
List of presidents of the Philippines by education
List of Prime Ministers of Australia by education
List of prime ministers of India by education
List of prime ministers of the Netherlands by education
List of prime ministers of the United Kingdom by education
List of recognized higher education accreditation organizations
List of re-education through labor camps in China
List of Religious Education Association presidents
List of software for astronomy research and education
List of special education institutions in Pakistan
List of Sri Lankans by educational institution
List of tallest educational buildings
List of Tamil Nadu Government educational institutions
List of unaccredited institutions of higher education
List of universities and higher education colleges in London
List of University of Oxford people in education
List of unrecognized higher education accreditation organizations
Lists of educational institutions in Pakistan
Lists of institutions of higher education by endowment size
Lithuanian Education Society Rytas
Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences
Local education and training board
Local education authority
Loop (education)
Lord Chancellor's Advisory Committee on Legal Education and Conduct
Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
Louisiana Department of Education
Love Education
LSM Education
Ludwigsburg University of Education
Lutheran Educational Conference of North America
Lyndon Baines Johnson Department of Education Building
Mabel McDowell Adult Education Center
Macarthur Institute of Higher Education
Madison Center for Educational Affairs
Mahapola Higher Education Scholarship Trust Fund
Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research
Maharshi Valmiki College of Education
Mahratta Education Fund
Maine Department of Education
Mainstreaming (education)
Maker education
Malcolm X and Dr. Betty Shabazz Memorial and Educational Center
Management Education & Research Institute
Management in Education
Manipal Academy of Higher Education
Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Dubai
Manipulative (mathematics education)
Marang Centre for Mathematics and Science Education
Marijuana Control, Regulation, and Education Act
Marino Institute of Education
Marion Education Channel
Market Education
Mark Starr (labor educationalist)
Martin Luther King Jr. Educational Campus
Masanjia re-education through labor camp
Massachusetts Board of Education
Massachusetts Corporation for Educational Telecommunications
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Massachusetts Educational Theater Guild
Massachusetts Education Reform Act of 1993
Master Instructor Continuing Education Program
Master of Arts in Higher Education and Student Development (MAHE)
Master of Education
Mater Dei Institute of Education
Mathematics and Computer Education
Mathematics education
Mathematics education in Australia
Mathematics education in New York
Mathematics Education Research Journal
Mathletics (educational software)
Mayor's Education Task Force
McClymonds Educational Complex
McCollum v. Board of Education
McGill University Faculty of Education
McGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program
McGrawHill Education
MCL Mapa-PTC College of Maritime Education and Training
Mechanics Educational Society of America
Media education
Media Education Foundation
Medical education
Medical education agency
Medical Education and Training Campus
Medical Education for South African Blacks
Medical education in France
Medical education in Iraq
Medical education in the United Kingdom
Medical Education (journal)
Medical education manager
Medical Education Number
Melkonian Educational Institute
Memorial and Education Centre Andreasstrae
Mental health in education
Mes (educational system)
Methodist College of Education (Ghana)
Metropolitan University of Educational Sciences
Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund
Miami Lakes Educational Center
Michael Barber (educationist)
Michael Gove's tenure as Education Secretary
Michael Moriarty (Education and Training Ireland)
Michael Otedola College of Primary Education
Michael Sadler (educationist)
Michigan Department of Education
Michigan Education Association
Michigan Education Savings Program
Microenterprise Education Initiative
Midwestern Higher Education Compact
Migrant education
Military education and training
Military education and training in China
Military education in the Soviet Union
Mills v. Board of Education of District of Columbia
Milpark Education
Mind, Brain, and Education
Mindful Education
Minimally invasive education
Minister for Education and Early Childhood Learning
Minister for Education (Australia)
Minister for Education (Ireland)
Minister for Education (Northern Territory)
Minister for Further Education, Higher Education and Science
Minister of Advanced Education and Literacy (Manitoba)
Minister of Bantu Administration and Development, and Bantu Education
Minister of Basic Education
Minister of Education and Research (Estonia)
Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Minister of Education (Denmark)
Minister of Education (Hungary)
Minister of Education (India)
Minister of Education (Malaysia)
Minister of Education (Manitoba)
Minister of Education (Northern Ireland)
Minister of Education, Science and Culture (Iceland)
Minister of Education (South Africa)
Minister of Education (Sri Lanka)
Minister of Education v Syfrets Trust
Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (France)
Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology
Minister of National Education
Ministry of Basic, Higher and Technical Education (Bangsamoro)
Ministry of Education (Afghanistan)
Ministry of Education (Alberta)
Ministry of Education and Culture
Ministry of Education and Culture (Finland)
Ministry of Education and Culture (Indonesia)
Ministry of Education and Culture (Uruguay)
Ministry of Education and Higher Education (Lebanon)
Ministry of Education and Higher Education (Quebec)
Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development
Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs (Greece)
Ministry of Education and Research (Estonia)
Ministry of Education and Research (Norway)
Ministry of Education and Research (Sweden)
Ministry of Education and Science
Ministry of Education and Science (Bulgaria)
Ministry of Education and Science (Lithuania)
Ministry of Education and Science (Macedonia)
Ministry of Education and Science (Mongolia)
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Ministry of Education and Science (Russia)
Ministry of Education and Science (Somaliland)
Ministry of Education and Skills Development
Ministry of Education and Training (Vietnam)
Ministry of Education and Vocational Training
Ministry of Education and Youth
Ministry of Education (Argentina)
Ministry of Education (Azerbaijan)
Ministry of Education (Brazil)
Ministry of Education (Chile)
Ministry of Education, Culture and Research (Moldova)
Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (Netherlands)
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Ministry of Education (Ecuador)
Ministry of Education (Egypt)
Ministry of Education (El Salvador)
Ministry of Education, Employment and Gender Affairs
Ministry of Education (Ethiopia)
Ministry of Education (Ghana)
Ministry of Education (Guyana)
Ministry of Education, Heritage and Arts (Fiji)
Ministry of Education (India)
Ministry of Education (Iran)
Ministry of Education (Iraq)
Ministry of Education (Israel)
Ministry of Education (Kiribati)
Ministry of Education Language Centre
Ministry of Education (Malaysia)
Ministry of Education (Marshall Islands)
Ministry of Education (Myanmar)
Ministry of Education (New Zealand)
Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China
Ministry of Education (Ontario)
Ministry of Education (Palau)
Ministry of Education (Peru)
Ministry of Education (Portugal)
Ministry of Education, Research and Culture (Faroe Islands)
Ministry of Education (Rhodesia)
Ministry of Education (Russia)
Ministry of Education (Rwanda)
Ministry of Education (Saudi Arabia)
Ministry of Education, Science and Culture
Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (Iceland)
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development (Serbia)
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (Kenya)
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (Nepal)
Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia
Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports
Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture
Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Vocational Training
Ministry of Education Services
Ministry of Education (Singapore)
Ministry of Education (Somalia)
Ministry of Education (South Korea)
Ministry of Education (Soviet Union)
Ministry of Education (Spain)
Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth (Albania)
Ministry of Education (Sri Lanka)
Ministry of Education (Taiwan)
Ministry of Education (Thailand)
Ministry of Education (United Arab Emirates)
Ministry of Education (United Kingdom)
Ministry of Education, University and Research (Italy)
Ministry of Education (Venezuela)
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (Cambodia)
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (Czech Republic)
Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training
Ministry of General Education and Instruction (South Sudan)
Ministry of Health and Medical Education
Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education (Zimbabwe)
Ministry of higher education
Ministry of Higher Education (Afghanistan)
Ministry of Higher Education and Science (Denmark)
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (Iraq)
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (Ivory Coast)
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (UAE)
Ministry of Higher Education (Egypt)
Ministry of Higher Education (Malaysia)
Ministry of Higher Education (Oman)
Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology
Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology (Dominican Republic)
Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation
Ministry of Higher Education (Soviet Union)
Ministry of Higher Education, Technology and Innovation
Ministry of National Education
Ministry of National Education (Algeria)
Ministry of National Education (Colombia)
Ministry of National Education (France)
Ministry of National Education (Haiti)
Ministry of National Education (Poland)
Ministry of National Education (Romania)
Ministry of National Education (Russian Empire)
Ministry of National Education (Turkey)
Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education (Zimbabwe)
Ministry of Public Education (Italy)
Ministry of Religious Affairs and Public Education
Ministry of Religious Affairs and Public Education (Poland)
Ministry of Science and Education (Croatia)
Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Poland)
Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education
Minnesota Department of Education
Mississippi Department of Education
Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Missouri Research and Education Network
Mixed-sex education
MKM Educational Trust
Mkwawa University College of Education
Modified Scheme of Elementary education 1953
Monastic Education Development Group
Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education
Montessori education
Moral and National Education controversy
Mother-tongue education in Hong Kong
Mountain Education Centre of New Zealand
Mowbrays Educational Society
M. R. Wood Alternative Education Center
Multicultural education
Multilingual Education
Multilingual education in Africa
Mumbai Educational Trust
Muscular Dystrophy Community Assistance Research and Education Amendments of 2001
Museum education
Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health
Music education
Music education for young children
Music education in Uganda
Muslim Educational Association of Southern India
Muslim Educational Trust
Myanmar National Education Law 2014
My Education: A Book of Dreams
My Education (novel)
NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund
Nalanda Educational Institutions
Nalla Narasimha Reddy Education Society's Group of Institutions
Nanabhai Bhatt (educationist)
Nanjing Education and Technology Channel
Naruto University of Education
NASA Education and Public Outreach Group
National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Policy
National Academy for Educational Management
National Academy for Educational Research
National Academy of Education
National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine
National Academy of Higher Education
National Agency for Education (Sweden)
National Agency for Higher Education
National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education
National Assessment of Educational Progress
National Association for Bilingual Education
National Association for Music Education
National Association for Special Educational Needs
National Association for the Education of Young Children
National Association for Women in Education
National Association of Private Special Education Centers
National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education
National Catholic Educational Association
National Center for Construction Education and Research
National Center for Education Statistics
National Center for Engineering and Technology Education
National Center for Research in Economic Education
National Center for Science Education
National Center on Education and the Economy
National Centre for Biotechnology Education
National Centre for Distance Education
National Centre for Technology in Education
National Certificate of Educational Achievement
National Certificate of Secondary Education
National Changhua University of Education
National College of Professional Technical Education
National Commission for Civic Education
National Commission for Minority Educational Institutions
National Commission for Socially and Educationally Backward Classes
National Commission for the Accreditation of Special Education Services
National Commission on Excellence in Education
National Committee for the Furtherance of Jewish Education
National Committee of the Chinese Educational, Scientific, Cultural, Medical and Sports Workers' Union
National Computer Center for Higher Education (France)
National Congress on Aviation and Space Education
National Coordination Committee for Workers' Education
National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education
National Council for Educational Technology
National Council for History Education
National Council for Teacher Education
National Council of Academic Evaluation and Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions
National Council of Education
National Council of Educational Research and Training
National Council on Educational Reform
National Council on Educational Research
National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts
National Defense Education Act
National Diabetes Education Program
National Educational Radio Network
National Educational Television
National Education Association
National education campaign in the United Kingdom (18371870)
National Education Day
National Education Day (India)
National Education Examinations Authority
National Education, Health and Allied Workers' Union
National Education Information System
National Education Institute
National Education Mission
National Education Policy 2020
National Education Union
National Energy Education Development Project
National Federation of Education, Culture and Vocational Training
National Foundation for Educational Research
National Gay Task Force v. Board of Education
National Information Assurance Training and Education Center
National Institute for Higher Education
National Institute for Lifelong Education
National Institute for Pharmaceutical Technology & Education (NIPTE)
National Institute for Science and Mathematics Education Development
National Institute for Technology in Liberal Education
National Institute of Education
National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration
National Institute of Health Education & Research
National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Ahmedabad
National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Hyderabad
National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Kolkata
National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, S.A.S. Nagar
National Institute of Science Education and Research
National Institutes of Pharmaceutical Education and Research
National Institution for Academic Degrees and Quality Enhancement of Higher Education
National Korean American Service & Education Consortium
National Pingtung University of Education
National Policy on Education
National Political Institutes of Education
National Prize for Education Sciences (Chile)
National Repository of Open Educational Resources
National research and education network
National Rural Education Association
National Science Education Leadership Association
National Science Education Standards
National Security Education Program
National Security Higher Education Advisory Board
National Taichung University of Education
National Taipei University of Education
National Taiwan Arts Education Center
National Taiwan Science Education Center
National Tertiary Education Union
National University of Distance Education
National University of Education Enrique Guzmn y Valle
National University of Physical Education and Sport
National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport
National Voices for Equality, Education and Enlightenment
Native American Women's Health Education Resource Center
Native Education College
Naval Education and Training Command
Naval Education Service
Navneet Education
Nazarene International Education Association
NCC Education
Nebraska Center for the Education of Children Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired
Nebraska Educational Telecommunications
Nebraska Educational Tower Holdrege
Nebraska Religious Coalition for Science Education
Necatibey Faculty of Education
Nepalese Children's Education Fund
Nepean College of Advanced Education
Net Educational Systems
Network for Education and Academic Rights
Nevada Department of Education
Nevada System of Higher Education
Neva King Cooper Educational Center
Newbold College of Higher Education
New Church Education
New England Board of Higher Education
Newham College of Further Education
New Hampshire Department of Education
New Jersey Commission on Higher Education
New Jersey Department of Education
New Jersey Minority Educational Development
New Mexico Public Education Department
New South Wales Education Standards Authority
New South Wales Institute for Educational Research Award for Outstanding Educational Research
Newspapers in Education
New Sudan Education Initiative
New York and New Jersey Education and Research Center
New York City Board of Education v. Tom F.
New York City Department of Education
New York City Panel for Educational Policy
New York Institute for Special Education
New Zealand Association for Research in Education
New Zealand Council for Educational Research
New Zealand Educational Institute
Neyagawa Municipal Board of Education
NFL Youth Education Town
NHK Educational TV
Nigeria College of Education Games Association
NIOSH Education and Research Centers
Nkiru Center for Education and Culture
Nolde Forest Environmental Education Center
Nonproliferation Policy Education Center
Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education
Nord Anglia Education
Norfolk Board of Education
Norman Fisher (educationalist)
Noroff Education
North Carolina Area Health Education Centers Program
North Carolina Education Lottery
North Carolina Education Lottery 200
North Carolina Education Lottery 200 (Charlotte)
North Carolina Education Lottery 200 (Rockingham)
North Coast Distance Education
North Dakota Department of Career and Technical Education
Northeast Kings Education Centre
Northeast Ohio Council on Higher Education
Northern College for Residential and Community Adult Education
Northern Council for Further Education
Northern Education Trust
Northern Territory Certificate of Education and Training
North Hwanghae Provincial College of Physical Education
North Nova Education Centre
North of England Council for Promoting the Higher Education of Women
North of England Education Conference
North York Board of Education
Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education
Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training
Notre Dame Educational Association
Notre Dame of Dadiangas University Integrated Basic Education Department
Nova Scotia College of Early Childhood Education
Nova Scotia Department of Education
NSW Wildlife Information Rescue and Education Service
Nunavut Teacher Education Program
Nurse education
Nurse Education in Practice
Nurse Practitioner Associates for Continuing Education
Nutan Vidyalaya Education Society
Nutrition and Education International
Nutrition education
Nutrition Education and Training Program
Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990
Nyholm Prize for Education
Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
Of Education
Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education
Office of Migrant Education
Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
Office of the Basic Education Commission
Office of the Higher Education Commission
Ohio Department of Education
Ohio Music Education Association
Okinawa Prefectural Board of Education
Oklahoma Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training
Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education
Oklahoma Educational Television Authority
Omagh College of Further Education
Online learning in higher education
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
Open education
Open educational practices
Open educational resources
Open educational resources policy
OpenHPI (Online Education)
ORA Education
Oregon Center for Advanced Technology Education
Oregon Chief Education Office
Oregon Compulsory Education Act
Oregon Department of Education
Oregon Higher Education Coordinating Commission
ORION (research and education network)
Osaka University of Comprehensive Children Education
Ottawa-Carleton Educational Space Simulation
Our Neighborhood Arts and Physical Education
Outcome-based education
Outdoor education
Outline of education
Outline of open educational resources
Oxford and Cambridge Catholic Education Board
Oxford Regional Education Centre
Oxford University Department for Continuing Education
Paid Educational Leave Convention, 1974
Pakistan District Education Rankings
Pakistan Education Academy
Pakistan Educational Research Network
Palestinian Ministry of Education and Higher Education
Pardada Pardadi Educational Society
Parent education program
Parents' National Educational Union
Parents for Choice in Education
Parents for Education
Parents for Education Foundation
Park View Education Centre
Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Education
Partnership for Environmental Education, Inc
Partnership for Food Safety Education
Pasadena City Board of Education v. Spangler
Patient Education and Counseling
Patriotic Education Campaign
Patten Academy of Christian Education
Paul Connolly (education professor)
Paul D. Wellstone Muscular Dystrophy Community Assistance, Research and Education Amendments of 2013
Paul Hall Center for Maritime Training and Education
Paul Morris (educationalist)
Paul Rowe (educationalist)
Peabody Education Fund
Peace education
Pearson Education
Peer education
Penguin Education
Pennsylvania Department of Education
Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency
People's Commissariat for Education
Performing arts education
Performing arts education in Australia
Permanent Delegate of Colombia to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Perpetual Education Fund
Perpich Center for Arts Education
Personal and Social Education
Personal Development, Health and Physical Education
Personal Finance Education Group
Personal Genetics Education Project
Personal Rights in Defense and Education
Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education
Perspectives on Medical Education
Peter Goddard (educationalist)
Peter Scott (educationalist)
Philip Merrill Award for Outstanding Contributions to Liberal Arts Education
Philippine Coast Guard Officers' Basic Education and Training Center
Philippine Educational Theater Association
Philosophy education
Philosophy of education
Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal
Physical education
Physical Education Association of the United Kingdom
Physical Education Organization
Physical therapy education
Physics Education
Physics education
Physics education research
Pickering v. Board of Education
Pilar Barbosa Education Program
Pinellas Education Foundation
Place-based education
Plymouth-Canton Educational Park
Plymouth Educational Center
Polish Cultural and Educational Union
Political Education in the People's Republic of China
Politics in education
Popular education
Positive education
Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008
Postgraduate Certificate in Education
Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education
Postgraduate Diploma in Education
Postgraduate education
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research
Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board
Postgraduate training in education
Postsecondary Education Readiness Test
Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education
Pravara Rural Education Society
Pre-primary education in Mauritius
Presbyterian College of Education, Akropong
Pre-service teacher education
President's Commission on Excellence in Special Education
President's Education Awards Program
Pre-tertiary-education accreditation
Primary education
Primary Education Certificate
Primary education in Wales
Prime Minister's Education Assistance Trust
Prince Albert alternative education programs
Prison education
Privacy in education
Private education in Canada
Problem-posing education
Professional Further Education in Clinical Pharmacy and Public Health
Professional Graduate Certificate in Education
Program in Liberal Medical Education
Progressive education
Progressive Education Association
Proposed National Education Service
Prostitution Research and Education
Providing Assistance for Girls Advancement in Technical Education Initiative
Provost (education)
Prussian education system
Psychomotor education
Public, educational, and government access
Puerto Rican Division of Community Education
Puerto Rico Department of Education
Puerto Rico Education Council
Punjab Educational Endowment Fund
Purpose-centered education
Purpose-guided education
Qatar National Research and Education Network
Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education
Quality Assurance Agency of Higher Education
Quality Assurance Authority for Education and Training
Queen's University Faculty of Education
Quest Education Corporation
Race Ethnicity and Education
Rachel Scott (women's education reformer)
Raja Bahadur Venkatarama Reddy Education Society Boys Hostel
Rajiv Gandhi Education City
Rally for Education about Sustainable Development
Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Educational and Research Institute
Raptor Education Group
Ravensburg University of Cooperative Education
Real Education
Reconciliation education
Redbridge Institute of Adult Education
Redden Forest Education Center
Re-education camp
Re-education in Communist Romania
Re-education through labor
Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services
Regional Institute of Education
Regional Institute of Education, Bhubaneswar
Regional Institute of Education, Mysore
Regional office of education
Registered education savings plan
Registrar (education)
Rehearsal (educational psychology)
Reich Ministry of Science, Education and Culture
Relationship and Sex Education
Relationship between education and HIV/AIDS
Relationship education
Religion & Education
Religious education
Religious Education Association
Religious education in primary and secondary education
Remedial and Special Education
Remedial education
Rennie Center for Education Research & Policy
Republican Institute for Vocational Education
Research & Education Association
Research and Humanities in Medical Education
Research in music education
Research in Teacher Education
Research Studies in Music Education
Reserve Educational Assistance Program
Responsive Education Solutions
Review of Educational Research
Review of Research in Education
Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Riddle Education Center
Right for Education
Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009
Right to education
RM Education
Robert Blackburn (educationalist)
Robert C. Maynard Institute for Journalism Education
Robert Morgan Educational Center
Robert Salisbury (educationalist)
Roger Fry (educationist)
Rnesans Education Foundation
Rosalind (education platform)
Ross Medical Education Center
Royal Air Force Educational Service
Royal Army Educational Corps
Royal Australian Army Educational Corps
Rural Education and Development Programme
RYB Education
Safe Haven Museum and Education Center
Salpaus Further Education
Samchung re-education camp
Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 Education
San Bruno Education Foundation
San Francisco Board of Education
San Juan de Dios Educational Foundation
Sankara Educational Institutions
Santee Education Complex
Sapientia Education Trust
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research
Scarborough Board of Education
Schmerenbeck Educational Centre for Gifted and Talented Children
Science & Education
Science and Technology Education Innovation Center
Science Centre for Education
Science education
Science education in England
Science Education (journal)
Science of Education (book)
Science, technology, society and environment education
SCORE! Educational Centers
Scottish Certificate of Education
Scottish Community Education Council
Scottish Council for Research in Education
Scottish Further and Higher Education Association
Scottish Further Education Unit
Scottish Gaelic medium education
Scullard v Knowles & Southern Regional Council for Education & Training
Secondary education
Secondary Education Examination
Secondary Education for All
Secondary education in Denmark
Secondary education in France
Secondary education in Italy
Secondary education in Japan
Secondary education in Myanmar
Secondary education in New Zealand
Secondary education in Scotland
Secondary education in Wales
Secondary Education Quality and Access Enhancement Project
Second International Congress on Education of the Deaf
Secretariat of Public Education (Mexico)
Secretary for Education (Hong Kong)
Secretary of Education of Puerto Rico
Secular education
Secwepemc Cultural Education Society
Seijo Gakuen Education Institute
Self-financing Higher Education in Hong Kong
Senior secondary education
Sentimental Education
Sentimental Education (disambiguation)
Sentimental Education (film)
Sentimental Education (The Sopranos)
Seoul National University of Education
Service-learning in engineering education
Seven Myths About Education
Seventh-day Adventist education
Sex differences in education
Sex education
Sex education curriculum
Sex Education (journal)
Sex Education (novel)
Sex Workers Education and Advocacy Taskforce
Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press
Shanghai Municipal Education Commission
Sharon Keillor Award for Women in Engineering Education
Shibalihe women's re-education through labor camp
Shiraz Pasargad Higher Education Institute
Shivaji Education Society
Shivalik Institute of Management Education and Research
Shoulder to Shoulder's role in education in Honduras
Shri Vithal Education & Research Institute
Siberian Education
SIGCSE Award for Lifetime Service to the Computer Science Education Community
SIGCSE Award for Outstanding Contribution to Computer Science Education
Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund
Silicon Valley Education Foundation
Simi Institute for Careers and Education
Simulations and games in economics education
Sindh Technical Education & Vocational Training Authority
Single-sex education
Sinhgad Technical Education Society
Sir C.R. Reddy Educational Institutions
Sleep deprivation in higher education
Slow education
Smart Horizons Career Online Education
Social Education
Socialist Educational Association
Socialist Education Movement
Social justice educational leadership
Society Against Violence in Education
Society for Advancing Philosophical Enquiry and Reflection in Education
Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research
Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior
Society for Photographic Education
Society for Promotion of Female Education in the East
Society for Research into Higher Education
Socioeconomic impact of female education
Sociology of education
Sociology of Education (journal)
Solve Education!
Somali Education and Health Organization
Some Thoughts Concerning Education
South Australian Certificate of Education
South Carolina Department of Education
South Carolina Educational Television
South Carolina Education Lottery
South Carolina Education Lottery 200
Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization
Southern Conference Educational Fund
Southern Education and Research Alliance
Southern Education Foundation
Southern Theological Education and Training Scheme
South Florida Educational Federal Credit Union
South Indian Education Society
South Shore Regional Centre for Education
South Texas Business, Education & Technology Academy
Southwestern Educational Society
Southwest Voter Registration Education Project
Spartacus Educational
Special Assistance Program (Australian education)
Special education
Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001
Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal
Special Education Bulgaria
Special education in China
Special education in the United Kingdom
Specialized Educational Scientific Center
Special Operations OPSEC Education Fund
Special Religious Education in Australia
Spring Education Group
Sri Aurobindo Institute of Education, Kolkata
Sri Devaraj Urs Academy of Higher Education and Research
Sri Lanka Institute of Advanced Technological Education
Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research
Sri RamaKrishna Education Society
Sri Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education
SS Education Office
S.S. Memorial Educational Academy, Saifai
Staff and Educational Development Association
Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing
Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education
Statal Institute of Higher Education Isaac Newton
Statistics education
St Catherine's College of Education for Home Economics
St. Croix Educational Complex
STEM Education Act of 2014
Stepping Stone Educational Centre
St. John Bosco's College of Education
St. Johns Educational Trust
St. Joseph's College of Education
St. Louis Workers' Education Society
St. Monica's College of Education
Stockholm Institute of Education
Stockholm University College of Music Education
Stockwell College of Education
St. Paul's Co-educational College
St. Peter's Institute of Higher Education and Research
Strait Area Education and Recreation Centre
Strategic Education, Inc.
Strengthening Education through Research Act
Strengthening Transparency in Higher Education Act
St. Therese Educational Foundation of Tacloban, Inc.
Student rights in higher education
Students' Educational and Cultural Movement of Ladakh
Studies in Educational Evaluation
Studies in Higher Education
St. Vincent College of Education
St. Xavier's College of Education, Hindupur
Sukhothai Institute of Physical Education Stadium
Sultan Idris Education University
Sunrise International Education
Supercomputer Education Research Centre
Superintendent (education)
Supreme Education Council (Qatar)
Surat Municipal Institute of Medical Education and Research
Surgical Council on Resident Education
Surigao Education Center
Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education
Suzhou Dushu Lake Higher Education Town
Swami Shivananda Educational Society
Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education
Swedish Association for Sexuality Education
Swedish Women's Educational Association
Swiss quality label for further education institutions
Sydenham Institute of Management Studies, Research and Entrepreneurship Education
Syrian Education TV
Systems Approach for Better Education Results
Taipei Municipal University of Education
Tai Solarin University of Education
Talpiot College of Education
Tamaulipas Institute of Higher Education
Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University
Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University
Tanga Secondary Education Society
Tasmanian Certificate of Education
Teacher education
Teacher Education and Special Education
Teaching and Higher Education Act 1998
Teaching in Higher Education
Technical and further education
Technical Education & Vocational Training Authority
Technical Education and Skills Development Authority
Technical education in Japan
Technikum (Polish education)
Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong
Technological Educational Institute of Athens
Technological Educational Institute of Central Greece
Technological Educational Institute of Central Macedonia
Technological Educational Institute of Crete
Technological Educational Institute of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace
Technological Educational Institute of Peloponnese
Technological Educational Institute of Piraeus
Technological Educational Institute of the Ionian Islands
Technological Educational Institute of Thessaly
Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece
Technological Educational Institute of Western Macedonia
Technology and Livelihood Education
Technology education
Technology Education And Research Integrated Institutions
Technology, Education, Management, Informatics
Telangana Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society
Templeton Physical Education Center
Tennessee Department of Education
Tertiary education
Tertiary Education Commission
Tertiary education fees in Australia
Tertiary education in Australia
Tertiary education in New Zealand
Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency
Tertiary Education Union
Texas Education Agency
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
Texas Tech University College of Education
The ABC of Sex Education for Trainables
The African Children's Educational Trust
The Association for Science Education
Theatre in education
The Bad Education Movie
The Center for Arts Education
The Chronicle of Higher Education
The Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs
The Demands of Liberal Education
The Educational Company of Ireland
The Education Channel
The Education of a Christian Prince
The Education of a Christian Woman
The Education of Blacks in the South, 18601935
The Education of Charlie Banks
The Education of Fairies
The Education of Henry Adams
The Education of H*Y*M*A*N K*A*P*L*A*N
The Education of Little Tree
The Education of Shelby Knox
The Education of Sonny Carson
The End of Education
The False Principle of Our Education
The Forbidden Education
The Guardian of Education
The Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education
The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education
The Journal of Chiropractic Education
The Journal of Educational Research
The Journal of Food Science Education
The Journal of Higher Education
The Miseducation of Cameron Post
The Miseducation of Cameron Post (film)
The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill
The Miseducation of Lisa Simpson
The Mis-Education of the Negro
The National Society (Church Of England And Church In Wales) For The Promotion Of Education
Theory and Research in Education
The Project for the Study of Alternative Education in South Africa
The Public Authority for Applied Education and Training
The Review of Higher Education
The Underground History of American Education
The UNESCO-Japan Prize on Education for Sustainable Development
The Unfinished Revolution: Education and Politics in the Thought of Thomas Jefferson
The U.S.-Japan Conference on Cultural and Educational Interchange (CULCON)
The Whaling Museum & Education Center
Third-level education in the Republic of Ireland
Thomas Jefferson and education
Thomas Jefferson Education
Thomond College of Education, Limerick
Thoughts on the Education of Daughters
Three-tier education
Time for Inclusive Education
Timeline of jazz education
Timeline of women's education
Times Higher Education
Times Higher Education World University Rankings
Tokyo Metropolitan Government Board of Education
Tokyo Women's College of Physical Education
Tokyo Women's Junior College of Physical Education
Topics in Early Childhood Special Education
Toronto Board of Education
Tourism Education Press
Town Hall Education Arts Recreation Campus (THEARC)
Tracking (education)
Traditional education
Training and Education in Professional Psychology
Transcendental Meditation in education
Transcript (education)
Transforming Teacher Education and Learning
Transgender Education Advocates (TEA) of Utah
Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund
Trans Student Educational Resources
Treatment and Education of Autistic and Related Communication Handicapped Children
Tresham College of Further and Higher Education
Trilogy Education Services
Tripartite System of education in England, Wales and Northern Ireland
Tsunami Warning, Education, and Research Act of 2014
TTT (education)
Turkish Education Association
Tutor (education)
TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training)
UbuntuNet Alliance for Research and Education Networking
UCL Institute of Education
Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education
UK Centre for Materials Education
UK Educational Evidence Portal
Ukrainian American Educational Council
Ukrainian Cultural and Educational Centre
Unaccredited institutions of higher education
Unaided educational institution
Undergraduate education
Undergraduate education at the University of Oxford
Underground education
Underground education in Poland
Under Secretary of Agriculture for Research, Education, and Economics
Under Secretary of Education
UNESCO Prize for Girls' and Women's Education
Union of People for Education and Science
United Association for Labor Education
United Nations Girls' Education Initiative
Universal access to education
Universal Primary Education
Universities' Council for the Education of Teachers
Universities and higher education in Brazil
University College of Teacher Education Vaikom
University education in Nazi Germany
University of Arkansas College of Education & Health Professions
University of Arkansas Office of Distance Education
University of Central Florida College of Education and Human Performance
University of Cincinnati College of Education Criminal Justice and Human Services
University of Distance Education, Yangon
University of Education
University of Education, Winneba
University of Florida forensic science distance education program
University of Iowa College of Education
University of Minnesota College of Education and Human Development
University of National Education
University of Otago College of Education / Creative New Zealand Children's Writer in Residence
University of Santo Tomas Institute of Physical Education and Athletics
University of Strathclyde Faculty of Education
University of Sydney Centre for Continuing Education
University of Teacher Education Fukuoka
University of Texas at Austin College of Education
University of Western Ontario Faculty of Education
University Professional and Continuing Education Association
UNLV College of Education
Update: Applications of Research in Music Education
Uplift Education
Upper Hungary Magyar Educational Society
Urban Education
Urban planning education
U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center
USChina Education Trust
USC Physical Education building
User:Nadim miah/The Role of Non-Formal Education (NFE) to Build a Literate Nation
User:Paolocmartin/Wikipedia in Health Professions Education/Home
User:Paolocmartin/Wikipedia in Health Professions Education/Starting Your Course
U.S. Federal Board for Vocational Education
U.S. Office of Education
Utah Education Network
Uttarakhand Seva Nidhi Environmental Education Centre
Uttar Pradesh Board of Technical Education
Values education
Vllezrit Kajtazi Educational Institute
Vermont Agency of Education
Veterans' Advisory Committee on Education Improvement Act of 2013
Veterinary education
Veterinary education in France
Victorian Certificate of Education
Virgin Islands Department of Education
Virtual Reality and Education Laboratory
Virtual reality in primary education
Visual arts education
Visual literacy in education
Vivekananda Vidyaniketan Educational Institutions
Vivekanand Education Society's College of Law
Vivekanand Education Society's Institute of Management Studies and Research
Vivekanand Education Society's Institute of Technology
Vivekanand Education Society's Polytechnic College
Vocational Certificate of Education
Vocational education
Vocational Education Committee
Vocational education in India
Vocational education in Mauritius
Vocational secondary education in Denmark
Vyas Institutes of Higher Education
Waldorf education
Walter Scott (educationalist)
Wanjia re-education through labor camp
Washington Education Center (Pittsburgh)
Weaver v National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education
Weigl Educational Publishers Limited
Wellington College of Education
Welsh-medium education
Wesley College of Education, Kumasi
West Bengal Board of Primary Education
West Bengal Board of Secondary Education
West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education
Western Arizona Vocational Education
Western Australian Certificate of Education
Western Cape Education Department
Western Catholic Education Association
Western Maricopa Education Center
West London College (further and higher education)
West London Institute of Higher Education
Westport College of Further Education
West Roxbury Education Complex
Westside Community Board of Education v. Mergens
WGBH Educational Foundation
White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics
Whittier Education Campus
Wiki Education Foundation
Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Education in Canada
Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Higher education/Archive 11
William Fitzgerald (educationalist)
Windsor Board of Education
Wine & Spirit Education Trust
Wisconsin Center for the Advancement of Postsecondary Education
Wisconsin Educational Communications Board
Wisconsin Education Association Council
WIZO Haifa Academy of Design and Education
Women's Educational Equity Act
Women's education in Iran
Women's education in Pakistan
Women's education in Saudi Arabia
Women's Legal Education and Action Fund
Word problem (mathematics education)
Work, Achievement, Values & Education
Workers' education
Workers' Educational Association
Workers' Education Bureau of America
Working class education
World AIDS Museum and Educational Center
World Declaration on Higher Education
World Innovation Summit for Education
World Islamic Sciences and Education University
World Youth Student and Educational Travel Confederation
WWAMI Regional Medical Education Program
Wygant v. Jackson Board of Education
Wyoming Department of Education
Xavier Institute for Tribal Education
Xinjiang re-education camps
Xitou Nature Education Area
Yangon University of Education
Year One (education)
Yellowknife Education District No. 1
YMCA College of Physical Education
Yorkshire Ladies Council of Education
Young Advocates for Fair Education
YouTube in education
Yutori education
Zand Institute of Higher Education
Zima Medical Science & Educational Trust

convenience portal:
recent: Section Maps - index table - favorites
Savitri -- Savitri extended toc
Savitri Section Map -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
authors -- Crowley - Peterson - Borges - Wilber - Teresa - Aurobindo - Ramakrishna - Maharshi - Mother
places -- Garden - Inf. Art Gallery - Inf. Building - Inf. Library - Labyrinth - Library - School - Temple - Tower - Tower of MEM
powers -- Aspiration - Beauty - Concentration - Effort - Faith - Force - Grace - inspiration - Presence - Purity - Sincerity - surrender
difficulties -- cowardice - depres. - distract. - distress - dryness - evil - fear - forget - habits - impulse - incapacity - irritation - lost - mistakes - obscur. - problem - resist - sadness - self-deception - shame - sin - suffering
practices -- Lucid Dreaming - meditation - project - programming - Prayer - read Savitri - study
subjects -- CS - Cybernetics - Game Dev - Integral Theory - Integral Yoga - Kabbalah - Language - Philosophy - Poetry - Zen
6.01 books -- KC - ABA - Null - Savitri - SA O TAOC - SICP - The Gospel of SRK - TIC - The Library of Babel - TLD - TSOY - TTYODAS - TSZ - WOTM II
8 unsorted / add here -- Always - Everyday - Verbs

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last updated: 2022-05-08 11:08:54
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