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By Mahendranath Gupta ("M"), His Disciple

Translated from the Bengali by Swami Nikhilananda

Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission



by Aldous Huxley

IN THE HISTORY of the arts, genius is a thing of very rare occurrence. Rarer still, however, are the competent reporters and recorders of that genius. The world has had many hundreds of admirable poets and philosophers; but of these hundreds only a very few have had the fortune to attract a Boswell or an Eckermann.

When we leave the field of art for that of spiritual religion, the scarcity of competent reporters becomes even more strongly marked. Of the day-to-day life of the great theocentric saints and contemplatives we know, in the great majority of cases, nothing whatever. Many, it is true, have recorded their doctrines in writing, and a few, such as St. Augustine, Suso and St. Teresa, have left us autobiographies of the greatest value.

But, all doctrinal writing is in some measure formal and impersonal, while the autobiographer tends to omit what he regards as trifling matters and suffers from the further disadvantage of being unable to say how he strikes other people and in what way he affects their lives. Moreover, most saints have left neither writings nor self-portraits, and for knowledge of their lives, their characters and their teachings, we are forced to rely upon the records made by their disciples who, in most cases, have proved themselves singularly incompetent as reporters and biographers. Hence the special interest attaching to this enormously detailed account of the daily life and conversations of Sri Ramakrishna.

"M", as the author modestly styles himself, was peculiarly qualified for his task. To a reverent love for his master, to a deep and experiential knowledge of that master's teaching, he added a prodigious memory for the small happenings of each day and a happy gift for recording them in an interesting and realistic way. Making good use of his natural gifts and of the circumstances in which he found himself, "M" produced a book unique, so far as my knowledge goes, in the literature of hagiography. No other saint has had so able and indefatigable a Boswell. Never have the small events of a contemplative's daily life been described with such a wealth of intimate detail. Never have the casual and unstudied utterances of a great religious teacher been set down with so minute a fidelity. To Western readers, it is true, this fidelity and this wealth of detail are sometimes a trifle disconcerting; for the social, religious and intellectual frames of reference within which Sri Ramakrishna did his thinking and expressed his feelings were entirely Indian. But after the first few surprises and bewilderments, we begin to find something peculiarly stimulating and instructive about the very strangeness and, to our eyes, the eccentricity of the man revealed to us in "M's" narrative. What a scholastic philosopher would call the "accidents" of Ramakrishna's life were intensely Hindu and therefore, so far as we in the West are concerned, unfamiliar and hard to understand; its "essence", however, was intensely mystical and therefore universal. To read through these conversations in which mystical doctrine alternates with an unfamiliar kind of humour, and where discussions of the oddest aspects of Hindu mythology give place to the most profound and subtle utterances about the nature of Ultimate Reality, is in itself a liberal, education in humility, tolerance and suspense of judgment. We must be grateful to the translator for his excellent version of a book so curious and delightful as a biographical document, so precious, at the same time, for what it teaches us of the life of the spirit.



by Swmi Nikhilnanda

The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna is the English translation of the Sri Sri Rmakrishna Kathmrita, the conversations of Sri Ramakrishna with his disciples, devotees, and visitors, recorded by Mahendranth Gupta, who wrote the book under the pseudonym of "M." The conversations in Bengali fill five volumes, the first of which was published in 1897 and the last shortly after M.'s death in 1932. Sri Ramakrishna Math, Madras, has published in two volumes an English translation of selected chapters from the monumental Bengali work. I have consulted these while preparing my translation.

M., one of the intimate disciples of Sri Ramakrishna, was present during all the conversations recorded in the main body of the book and noted them down in his diary.

They therefore have the value of almost stenographic records. In Appendix A are given several conversations which took place in the absence of M., but of which he received a first-hand record from persons concerned. The conversations will bring before the reader's mind an intimate picture of the Master's eventful life from March 1882 to April 24, 1886, only a few months before his passing away. During this period he came in contact chiefly with English-educated Benglis; from among them he selected his disciples and the bearers of his message, and with them he shared his rich spiritual experiences.

I have made a literal translation, omitting only a few pages of no particular interest to English-speaking readers. Often literary grace has been sacrificed for the sake of literal translation. No translation can do full justice to the original. This difficulty is all the more felt in the present work, whose contents are of a deep mystical nature and describe the inner experiences of a great seer. Human language is an altogether inadequate vehicle to express supersensuous perception. Sri Ramakrishna was almost illiterate. He never clothed his thoughts in formal language. His words sought to convey his direct realization of Truth. His conversation was in a village patois. Therein lies its charm. In order to explain to his listeners an abstruse philosophy, he, like Christ before him, used with telling effect homely parables and illustrations, culled from his observation of the daily life around him.

The reader will find mentioned in this work many visions and experiences that fall outside the ken of physical science and even psychology. With the development of modern knowledge the border line between the natural and the supernatural is ever shifting its position. Genuine mystical experiences are not as suspect now as they were half a century ago. The words of Sri Ramakrishna have already exerted a tremendous influence in the land of his birth. Savants of Europe have found in his words the ring of universal truth.

But these words were not the product of intellectual cogitation; they were rooted in direct experience. Hence, to students of religion, psychology, and physical science, these experiences of the Master are of immense value for the understanding of religious phenomena in general. No doubt Sri Ramakrishna was a Hindu of the Hindus; yet his experiences transcended the limits of the dogmas and creeds of Hinduism. Mystics of religions other than Hinduism will find in Sri Ramakrishna's experiences a corroboration of the experiences of their own prophets and seers. And this is very important today for the resuscitation of religious values. The sceptical reader may pass by the supernatural experiences; he will yet find in the book enough material to provoke his serious thought and solve many of his spiritual problems.

There are repetitions of teachings and parables in the book. I have kept them purposely. They have their charm and usefulness, repeated as they were in different settings. Repetition is unavoidable in a work of this kind. In the first place, different seekers come to a religious teacher with questions of more or less identical nature; hence the answers will be of more or less identical pattern. Besides, religious teachers of all times and climes have tried, by means of repetition, to hammer truths into the stony soil of the recalcitrant human mind. Finally, repetition does not seem tedious if the ideas repeated are dear to a man's heart.

I have thought it necessary to write a rather lengthy Introduction to the book. In it I have given the biography of the Master, descriptions of people who came in contact with him, short explanations of several systems of Indian religious thought intimately connected with Sri Ramakrishna's life, and other relevant matters which, I hope, will enable the reader better to understand and appreciate the unusual contents of this book. It is particularly important that the Western reader, unacquainted with Hindu religious thought, should first read carefully the introductory chapter, in order that he may fully enjoy these conversations. Many Indian terms and names have been retained in the book for want of suitable English equivalents. Their meaning is given either in the Glossary or in the foot-notes. The Glossary also gives explanations of a number of expressions unfamiliar to Western readers. The diacritical marks are explained under Notes on Pronunciation.

In the Introduction I have drawn much material from the Life of Sri Ramakrishna, published by the Advaita Ashrama, Myvati, India. I have also consulted the excellent article on Sri Ramakrishna by Swami Nirvednanda, in the second volume of the Cultural Heritage of India.

The book contains many songs sung either by the Master or by the devotees. These form an important feature of the spiritual tradition of Bengal and were for the most part written by men of mystical experience. For giving the songs their present form I am grateful to Mr. John Moffitt, Jr.

In the preparation of this manuscript I have received ungrudging help from several friends. Miss Margaret Woodrow Wilson and Mr.Joseph Campbell have worked hard in editing my translation. Mrs.Elizabeth Davidson has typed, more than once, the entire manuscript and rendered other valuable help. Mr.Aldous Huxley has laid me under a debt of gratitude by writing the Foreword. I sincerely thank them all.

In the spiritual firmament Sri Ramakrishna is a waxing crescent. Within one hundred years of his birth and fifty years of his death his message has spread across land and sea. Romain Rolland has described him as the fulfilment of the spiritual aspirations of the three hundred millions of Hindus for the last two thousand years. Mahatma Gandhi has written: "His life enables us to see God face to face. . . . Ramakrishna was a living embodiment of godliness." He is being recognized as a compeer of Krishna, Buddha, and Christ.

The life and teachings of Sri Ramakrishna have redirected the thoughts of the denationalized Hindus to the spiritual ideals of their forefa thers. During the latter part of the nineteenth century his was the time-honoured role of the Saviour of the Eternal Religion of the Hindus. His teachings played an important part in liberalizing the minds of orthodox pundits and hermits. Even now he is the silent force that is moulding the spiritual destiny of India. His great disciple, Swami Vivekananda, was the first Hindu missionary to preach the message of Indian culture to the enlightened minds of Europe and America. The full consequence of Swami Vivekn and work is still in the womb of the future.

May this translation of the first book of its kind in the religious history of the world, being the record of the direct words of a prophet, help stricken humanity to come nearer to the Eternal Verity of life and remove dissension and quarrel from among the different faiths!

May it enable seekers of Truth to grasp the subtle laws of the supersensuous realm, and unfold before man's restricted vision the spiritual foundation of the universe, the unity of existence, and the divinity of the soul!

- Sw mi Nikhilnanda

New York

Sri Ramakrishna's Birthday

February 1942


The Recorder of the Gospel


In the life of the great Saviours and Prophets of the world it is often found that they are accompanied by souls of high spiritual potency who play a conspicuous part in the furtherance of their Master's mission. They become so integral a part of the life and work of these great ones that posterity can think of them only in mutual association. Such is the case with Sri Ramakrishna and M., whose diary has come to be known to the world as the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna in English and as Sri Rmakrishna Kathmrita in the original Bengali version.

Sri Mahendra Nath Gupta, familiary known to the readers of the Gospel by his pen name M., and to the devotees as Master Mahashay, was born on the 14th of July, 1854 as the son of Madhusudan Gupta, an officer of the Calcutta High Court, and his wife, Swarnamayi Devi. He had a brilliant scholastic career at Hare School and the Presidency College at Calcutta. The range of his studies included the best that both occidental and oriental learning had to offer. English literature, history, economics, western philosophy and law on the one hand, and Sanskrit literature and grammar, Darsanas, Puranas, Smritis, Jainism, Buddhism, astrology and Ayurveda on the other were the subjects in which he attained considerable proficiency.

He was an educationist all his life both in a spiritual and in a secular sense. After he passed out of College, he took up work as headmaster in a number of schools in succession Narail High School, City School, Ripon College School, Metropolitan School, Aryan School, Oriental School, Oriental Seminary and Model School. The causes of his migration from school to school were that he could not get on with some of the managements on grounds of principles and that often his spiritual mood drew him away to places of pilgrimage for long periods. He worked with some of the most noted public men of the time like Iswar Chandra Vidysgar and Surendranath Banerjee. The latter appointed him as a professor in the City and Ripon Colleges where he taught subjects like English, philosophy, history and economics. In his later days he took over the Morton School, and he spent his time in the staircase room of the third floor of it, administering the school and preaching the message of the Master. He was much respected in educational circles where he was usually referred to as Rector Mahashay. A teacher who had worked under him writes thus in warm appreciation of his teaching methods: "Only when I worked with him in school could I appreciate what a great educationist he was. He would come down to the level of his students when teaching, though he himself was so learned, so talented. Ordinarily teachers confine their instruction to what is given in books without much thought as to whether the student can accept it or not. But M., would first of all gauge how much the student could take in and by what means. He would employ aids to teaching like maps, pictures and diagrams, so that his students could learn by seeing. Thirty years ago (from 1953) when the question of imparting education through the medium of the mother tongue was being discussed, M. had already employed Bengali as the medium of instruction in the Morton School." (M The Apostle and the Evangelist by Swami Nityatmananda Part I. P. 15.)

Imparting secular education was, however, only his profession ; his main concern was with the spiritual regeneration of man a calling for which Destiny seems to have chosen him. From his childhood he was deeply pious, and he used to be moved very much by Sdhus, temples and Durga Puja celebrations. The piety and eloquence of the great Brahmo leader of the times, Keshab Chander Sen, elicited a powerful response from the impressionable mind of Mahendra Nath, as it did in the case of many an idealistic young man of Calcutta, and prepared him to receive the great Light that was to dawn on him with the coming of Sri Ramakrishna into his life.

This epoch-making event of his life came about in a very strange way. M. belonged to a joint family with several collateral members. Some ten years after he began his career as an educationist, bitter quarrels broke out among the members of the family, driving the sensitive M. to despair and utter despondency. He lost all interest in life and left home one night to go into the wide world with the idea of ending his life. At dead of night he took rest in his sister's house at Baranagar, and in the morning, accompanied by a nephew Siddheswar, he wandered from one garden to another in Calcutta until Siddheswar brought him to the Temple Garden of Dakshineswar where Sri Ramakrishna was then living. After spending some time in the beautiful rose gardens there, he was directed to the room of the Paramahamsa, where the eventful meeting of the Master and the disciple took place on a blessed evening (the exact date is not on record) on a Sunday in March 1882. As regards what took place on the occasion, the reader is referred to the opening section of the first chapter of the Gospel.

The Master, who divined the mood of desperation in M, his resolve to take leave of this 'play-field of deception', put new faith and hope into him by his gracious words of assurance: "God forbid! Why should you take leave of this world? Do you not feel blessed by discovering your Guru? By His grace, what is beyond all imagination or dreams can be easily achieved!" At these words the clouds of despair moved away from the horizon of M.'s mind, and the sunshine of a new hope revealed to him fresh vistas of meaning in life. Referring to this phase of his life, M. used to say, "Behold! where is the resolve to end life, and where, the discovery of God! That is, sorrow should be looked upon as a friend of man. God is all good." ( Ibid P.33.)

After this re-settlement, M's life revolved around the Master, though he continued his professional work as an educationist. During all holidays, including Sundays, he spent his time at Dakshineswar in the Master's company, and at times extended his stay to several days.

It did not take much time for M. to become very intimate with the Master, or for the Master to recognise in this disciple a divinely commissioned partner in the fulfilment of his spiritual mission. When M. was reading out the Chaitanya Bhagavata, the Master discovered that he had been, in a previous birth, a disciple and companion of the great Vaishnava Teacher, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, and the Master even saw him 'with his naked eye' participating in the ecstatic mass-singing of the Lord's name under the leadership of that Divine personality. So the Master told M, "You are my own, of the same substance as the father and the son," indicating thereby that M. was one of the chosen few and a part and parcel of his Divine mission.

There was an urge in M. to abandon the household life and become a Sannysin. When he communicated this idea to the Master, he forbade him saying," Mother has told me that you have to do a little of Her work you will have to teach Bhagavata, the word of God to humanity. The Mother keeps a Bhagavata Pandit with a bondage in the world!"

( Ibid P.36.)

An appropriate allusion indeed! Bhagavata, the great scripture that has given the word of Sri Krishna to mankind, was composed by the Sage Vysa under similar circumstances. When caught up in a mood of depression like that of M, Vysa was advised by the sage Nrada that he would gain peace of mind only qn composing a work exclusively devoted to the depiction of the Lord's glorious attri butes and His teachings on Knowledge and Devotion, and the result was that the world got from Vysa the invaluable gift of the Bhagavata Purana depicting the life and teachings of Sri Krishna.

From the mental depression of the modem Vysa, the world has obtained the Kathmrita (Bengali Edition) the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna in English.

Sri Ramakrishna was a teacher for both the Orders of mankind, Sannysins and householders. His own life offered an ideal example for both, and he left behind disciples who followed the highest traditions he had set in respect of both these ways of life. M., along with Nag Mahashay, exemplified how a householder can rise to the highest level of sagehood. M. was married to Nikunja Devi, a distant relative of Keshab Chander Sen, even when he was reading at College, and he had four children, two sons and two daughters. The responsibility of the family, no doubt, made him dependent on his professional income, but the great devotee that he was, he never compromised with ideals and principles for this reason. Once when he was working as the headmaster in a school managed by the great Vidysgar, the results of the school at the public examination happened to be rather poor, and Vidysgar attri buted it to M's preoccupation with the Master and his consequent failure to attend adequately to the school work. M. at once resigned his post without any thought of the morrow. Within a fortnight the family was in poverty, and M. was one day pacing up and down the verandah of his house, musing how he would feed his children the next day. Just then a man came with a letter addressed to 'Mahendra Babu', and on opening it, M. found that it was a letter from his friend Sri Surendra Nath Banerjee, asking whether he would like to take up a professorship in the Ripon College. In this way three or four times he gave up the job that gave him the wherewithal to support the family, either for upholding principles or for practising spiritual Sadhanas in holy places, without any consideration of the possible dire worldly consequences; but he was always able to get over these difficulties somehow, and the interests of his family never suffered. In spite of his disregard for worldly goods, he was, towards the latter part of his life, in a fairly flourishing condition as the proprietor of the Morton School which he developed into a noted educational institution in the city. The Lord has said in the Bhagavad Git that in the case of those who think of nothing except Him, He Himself would take up all their material and spiritual responsibilities. M. was an example of the truth of the Lord's promise.

Though his children received proper attention from him, his real family, both during the Master's lifetime and after, consisted of saints, devotees, Sannysins and spiritual aspirants. His life exemplifies the Master's teaching that an ideal householder must be like a good maidservant of a family, loving and caring properly for the children of the house, but knowing always that her real home and children are elsewhere. During the Master's lifetime he spent all his Sundays and other holidays with him and his devotees, and besides listening to the holy talks and devotional music, practised meditation both on the Personal and the Impersonal aspects of God under the direct guidance of the Master. In the pages of the Gospel the reader gets a picture of M.'s spiritual relationship with the Master how from a hazy belief in the Impersonal God of the Brahmos, he was step by step brought to accept both Personality and Impersonality as the two aspects of the same Non-dual Being, how he was convinced of the manifestation of that Being as Gods, Goddesses and as Incarnations, and how he was established in a life that was both of a Jnni and of a Bhakta. This Jnni-Bhakta outlook and way of living became so dominant a feature of his life that Swami Raghavananda, who was very closely associated with him during his last six years, remarks: "Among those who lived with M. in latter days, some felt that he always lived in this constant and conscious union with God even with open eyes (i.e., even in waking consciousness)." (Swami Raghavananda's article on M. in Prabuddha Bharata vol. XXXVII. P. 442.)

Besides undergoing spiritual disciplines at the feet of the Master, M. used to go to holy places during the Master's lifetime itself and afterwards too as a part of his Sdhan.

He was one of the earliest of the disciples to visit Kamarpukur, the birthplace of the Master, in the latter's lifetime itself; for he wished to practise contemplation on the Master's early life in its true original setting. His experience there is described as follows by Swami Nityatmananda: "By the grace of the Master, he saw the entire Kamarpukur as a holy place bathed in an effulgent Light. Trees and creepers, beasts and birds and men all were made of effulgence. So he prostrated to all on the road. He saw a torn cat, which appeared to him luminous with the Light of Consciousness. Immediately he fell to the ground and saluted it" (M The Apostle and the Evangelist by Swami Nityatmananda vol. I. P. 40.) He had similar experience in Dakshineswar also. At the instance of the Master he also visited Puri, and in the words of Swami Nityatmananda, "with indomitable courage, M. embraced the image of Jagannath out of season."

The life of Sdhan and holy association that he started on at the feet of the Master, he continued all through his life. He has for this reason been most appropriately described as a Grihastha-Sannysi (householder-Sannysin). Though he was forbidden by the Master to become a Sannysin, his reverence for the Sannysa ideal was whole-hearted and was without any reservation. So after Sri Ramakrishna's passing away, while several of the Master's householder devotees considered the young Sannysin disciples of the Master as inexperienced and inconsequential, M. stood by them with the firm faith that the Master's life and message were going to be perpetuated only through them. Swami Vivekananda wrote from America in a letter to the inmates of the Math: "When Sri Thkur (Master) left the body, every one gave us up as a few unripe urchins. But M. and a few others did not leave us in the lurch. We cannot repay our debt to them." (Swami Raghavananda's article on M. in Prabuddha Bharata vol. XXX P. 442.)

M. spent his weekends and holidays with the monastic brethren who, after the Master's demise, had formed themselves into an Order with a Math at Baranagore, and participated in the intense life of devotion and meditation that they followed. At other times he would retire to Dakshineswar or some garden in the city and spend several days in spiritual practice taking simple self-cooked food. In order to feel that he was one with all mankind he often used to go out of his home at dead of night, and like a wandering Sannysin, sleep with the waifs on some open verandah or footpath on the road.

After the Master's demise, M. went on pilgrimage several times. He visited Banras, Vrindvan, Ayodhy and other places. At Banras he visited the famous Trailinga Swmi and fed him with sweets, and he had long conversations with Swami Bhaskarananda, one of the noted saintly and scholarly Sannysins of the time. In 1912 he went with the Holy Mother to Banras, and spent about a year in the company of Sannysins at Banras, Vrindvan, Hardwar, Hrishikesh and Swargashram. But he returned to Calcutta, as that city offered him the unique opportunity of associating himself with the places hallowed by the Master in his lifetime. Afterwards he does not seem to have gone to any far-off place, but stayed on in his room in the Morton School carrying on his spiritual ministry, speaking on the Master and his teachings to the large number of people who flocked to him after having read his famous Kathmrita known to English readers as The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna.

This brings us to the circumstances that led to the writing and publication of this monumental work, which has made M. one of the immortals in hagiographic literature.

While many educated people heard Sri Ramakrishna's talks, it was given to this illustrious personage alone to leave a graphic and exact account of them for posterity, with details like date, hour, place, names and particulars about participants. Humanity owes this great book to the ingrained habit of diary-keeping with which M. was endowed.

Even as a boy of about thirteen, while he was a student in the 3rd class of the Hare School, he was in the habit of keeping a diary. "Today on rising," he wrote in his diary, "I greeted my father and mother, prostrating on the ground before them" (Swami Nityatmananda's 'M The Apostle and the Evangelist' Part I. P 29.) At another place he wrote, "Today, while on my way to school, I visited, as usual, the temples of Kli, the Mother at Tharitharia, and of Mother Sitala, and paid my obeisance to them." About twenty-five years after, when he met the Great Master in the spring of 1882, it was the same instinct of a born diary-writer that made him begin his book, 'unique in the literature of hagiography', with the memorable words: "When hearing the name of Hari or Rma once, you shed tears and your hair stands on end, then you may know for certain that you do not have to perform devotions such as Sandhya any more."

In addition to this instinct for diary-keeping, M. had great endowments contri buting to success in this line. Writes Swami Nityatmananda who lived in close association with M., in his book entitled M - The Apostle and Evangelist: "M.'s prodigious memory combined with his extraordinary power of imagination completely annihilated the distance of time and place for him. Even after the lapse of half a century he could always visualise vividly, scenes from the life of Sri Ramakrishna. Superb too was his power to portray pictures by words."

Besides the prompting of his inherent instinct, the main inducement for M. to keep this diary of his experiences at Dakshineswar was his desire to provide himself with a means for living in holy company at all times. Being a school teacher, he could be with the Master only on Sundays and other holidays, and it was on his diary that he depended for 'holy company' on other days. The devotional scriptures like the Bhagavata say that holy company is the first and most important means for the generation and growth of devotion. For, in such company man could hear talks on spiritual matters and listen to the glorification of Divine attri butes, charged with the fervour and conviction emanating from the hearts of great lovers of God. Such company is therefore the one certain means through which Sraddha (Faith), Rati (attachment to God) and Bhakti (loving devotion) are generated. The diary of his visits to Dakshineswar provided M. with material for re-living, through reading and contemplation, the holy company he had had earlier, even on days when he was not able to visit Dakshineswar. The wealth of details and the vivid description of men and things in the midst of which the sublime conversations are set, provide excellent material to re-live those experiences for any one with imaginative powers. It was observed by M.'s disciples and admirers that in later life also whenever he was free or alone, he would be pouring over his diary, transporting himself on the wings of imagination to the glorious days he spent at the feet of the Master.

During the Master's lifetime M. does not seem to have revealed the contents of his diary to any one. There is an unconfirmed tradition that when the Master saw him taking notes, he expressed apprehension at the possibility of his utilising these to publicise him like Keshab Sen; for the Great Master was so full of the spirit of renunciation and humility that he disliked being lionised. It must be for this reason that no one knew about this precious diary of M. for a decade until he brought out selections from it as a pamphlet in English in 1897 with the Holy Mother's blessings and permission. The Holy Mother, being very much pleased to hear parts of the diary read to her in Bengali, wrote to M.: "When I heard the Kathmrita, (Bengali name of the book) I felt as if it was he, the Master, who was saying all that." ( Ibid Part I. P 37.)

The two pamphlets in English entitled the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna appeared in October and November 1897. They drew the spontaneous acclamation of Swami Vivekananda, who wrote on 24th November of that year from Dehra Dun to M.:"Many many thanks for your second leaflet. It is indeed wonderful. The move is quite original, and never was the life of a Great Teacher brought before the public untarnished by the writer's mind, as you are doing. The language also is beyond all praise, so fresh, so pointed, and withal so plain and easy. I cannot express in adequate terms how I have enjoyed them. I am really in a transport when I read them. Strange, isn't it? Our Teacher and Lord was so original, and each one of us will have to be original or nothing.

I now understand why none of us attempted His life before. It has been reserved for you, this great work. He is with you evidently." ( Vednta Kesari Vol. XIX P. 141. Also given in the first edition of the Gospel published from Ramakrishna Math, Madras in 1911.)

And Swamiji added a post script to the letter: "Socratic dialogues are Plato all over you are entirely hidden. Moreover, the dramatic part is infinitely beautiful. Everybody likes it here or in the West." Indeed, in order to be unknown, Mahendranath had used the pen-name M., under which the book has been appearing till now. But so great a book cannot remain obscure for long, nor can its author remain unrecognised by the large public in these modern times. M. and his book came to be widely known very soon and to meet the growing demand, a full-sized book, Vol. I of the Gospel, translated by the author himself, was published in 1907 by the Brahmavadin Office, Madras. A second edition of it, revised by the author, was brought out by the Ramakrishna Math, Madras in December 1911, and subsequently a second part, containing new chapters from the original Bengali, was published by the same Math in 1922. The full English translation of the Gospel by Swami Nikhilananda appeared first in 1942.

In Bengali the book is published in five volumes, the first part having appeared in 1902

and the others in 1905, 1907, 1910 and 1932 respectively.

It looks as if M. was brought to the world by the Great Master to record his words and transmit them to posterity. Swami Sivananda, a direct disciple of the Master and the second President of the Ramakrishna Math and Mission, says on this topic: "Whenever there was an interesting talk, the Master would call Master Mahashay if he was not in the room, and then draw his attention to the holy words spoken. We did not know then why the Master did so. Now we can realise that this action of the Master had an important significance, for it was reserved for Master Mahashay to give to the world at large the sayings of the Master." ( Vednta Kesari Vol. XIX P 141.) Thanks to M., we get, unlike in the case of the great teachers of the past, a faithful record with date, time, exact report of conversations, description of concerned men and places, references to contemporary events and personalities and a hundred other details for the last four years of the Master's life (1882-'86), so that no one can doubt the historicity of the Master and his teachings at any time in the future.

M. was, in every respect, a true missionary of Sri Ramakrishna right from his first acquaintance with him in 1882. As a school teacher, it was a practice with him to direct to the Master such of his students as had a true spiritual disposition. Though himself prohibited by the Master to take to monastic life, he encouraged all spiritually inclined young men he came across in his later life to join the monastic Order. Swami Vijnanananda, a direct Sannysin disciple of the Master and a President of the Ramakrishna Order, once remarked to M.: "By enquiry, I have come to the conclusion that eighty percent and more of the Sannysins have embraced the monastic life after reading the Kathmrita (Bengali name of the book) and coming in contact with you." ( M

The Apostle and the Evangelist by Swami Nityatmananda Part I, P 37.)

In 1905 he retired from the active life of a Professor and devoted his remaining twenty-seven years exclusively to the preaching of the life and message of the Great Master. He bought the Morton Institution from its original proprietors and shifted it to a commodious four-storeyed house at 50 Amherst Street, where it flourished under his management as one of the most efficient educational institutions in Calcutta. He generally occupied a staircase room at the top of it, cooking his own meal which consisted only of milk and rice without variation, and attended to all his personal needs himself. His dress also was the simplest possible. It was his conviction that limitation of personal wants to the minimum is an important aid to holy living. About one hour in the morning he would spend in inspecting the classes of the school, and then retire to his staircase room to pour over his diary and live in the divine atmosphere of the earthly days of the Great Master, unless devotees and admirers had already gathered in his room seeking his holy company.

In appearance, M. looked a Vedic Rishi. Tall and stately in bearing, he had a strong and well-built body, an unusually broad chest, high forehead and arms extending to the knees. His complexion was fair and his prominent eyes were always tinged with the expression of the divine love that filled his heart. Adorned with a silvery beard that flowed luxuriantly down his chest, and a shining face radiating the serenity and gravity of holiness, M. was as imposing and majestic as he was handsome and engaging in appearance. Humorous, sweet-tongued and eloquent when situations required, this great Maharishi of our age lived only to sing the glory of Sri Ramakrishna day and night.

Though a very well versed scholar in the Upanishads, Git and the philosophies of the East and the West, all his discussions and teachings found their culmination in the life and the message of Sri Ramakrishna, in which he found the real explanation and illustration of all the scriptures. Both consciously and unconsciously, he was the teacher of the Kathmrita the nectarine words of the Great Master.

Though a much-sought-after spiritual guide, an educationist of repute, and a contemporary and close associate of illustrious personages like Sri Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda, Keshab Chander Sen and Iswar Chander Vidysgar, he was always moved by the noble humanity of a lover of God, which consists in respecting the personalities of all as receptacles of the Divine Spirit. So he taught without the consciousness of a teacher, and no bar of superiority stood in the way of his doing the humblest service to his students and devotees. "He was a commission of love," writes his close devotee, Swami Raghavananda, "and yet his soft and sweet words would pierce the stoniest heart, make the worldly-minded weep and repent and turn Godwards."

( Prabuddha Bharata Vol. XXXVII P 499.)

As time went on and the number of devotees increased, the staircase room and terrace of the 3rd floor of the Morton Institution became a veritable Naimisaranya of modern times, resounding during all hours of the day, and sometimes of night, too, with the word of God coming from the Rishi-like face of M. addressed to the eager God-seekers sitting around. To the devotees who helped him in preparing the text of the Gospel, he would dictate the conversations of the Master in a meditative mood, referring now and then to his diary. At times in the stillness of midnight he would awaken a nearby devotee and tell him: "Let us listen to the words of the Master in the depths of the night as he explains the truth of the Pranava." ( Vednta Kesari XIX P. 142.) Swami Raghavananda, an intimate devotee of M., writes as follows about these devotional sittings: "In the sweet and warm months of April and May, sitting under the canopy of heaven on the roof-garden of 50 Amherst Street, surrounded by shrubs and plants, himself sitting in their midst like a Rishi of old, the stars and planets in their courses beckoning us to things infinite and sublime, he would speak to us of the mysteries of God and His love and of the yearning that would rise in the human heart to solve the Eternal Riddle, as exemplified in the life of his Master. The mind, melting under the influence of his soft sweet words of light, would almost transcend the frontiers of limited existence and dare to peep into the infinite. He himself would take the influence of the setting and say,'What a blessed privilege it is to sit in such a setting (pointing to the starry heavens), in the company of the devotees discoursing on God and His love!' These unforgettable scenes will long remain imprinted on the minds of his hearers." (Prabuddha Bharata Vol XXXVII P 497.)

About twenty-seven years of his life he spent in this way in the heart of the great city of Calcutta, radiating the Master's thoughts and ideals to countless devotees who flocked to him, and to still larger numbers who read his Kathmrita (English Edition : The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna), the last part of which he had completed before June 1932 and given to the press. And miraculously, as it were, his end also came immediately after he had completed his life's mission. About three months earlier he had come to stay at his home at 13/2 Gurdasprasad Chaudhuary Lane at Thakur Bari, where the Holy Mother had herself installed the Master and where His regular worship was being conducted for the previous 40 years. The night of 3rd June being the Phalahrini Kli Pooja day, M.

had sent his devotees who used to keep company with him, to attend the special worship at Belur Math at night. After attending the service at the home shrine, he went through the proof of the Kathmrita for an hour. Suddenly he got a severe attack of neuralgic pain, from which he had been suffering now and then, of late. Before 6 a.m. in the early hours of 4th June 1932 he passed away, fully conscious and chanting: 'Gurudeva-Ma, Kole tule na-o (Take me in your arms! O Master! O Mother!!)'


Sri Ramakrishna Math, Madras

March 1974.


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Psychology Wiki - Questionnaire
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - questions,_D.C.,_Jan._12._Felix_Frankfurter,_right,_facing_the_Senate_Judiciary_Subcommittee_today_to_answer_questions_concerning_his_fitness_for_the_LCCN2016874782.jpg
Double Dare (Nickelodeon Game Show) (1986 - 2019) - Double Dare is one wacky game show, and the most popular & longest running Nickelodeon game show on television. The show pitts two teams of two (later two families of four) against each other in a contest of answering questions & completing stunts known as physical challenges. All while trying win l...
Figure it Out (1997 - 2013) - Hosted by former Olympic Swimming star Summer Sanders, Nickelodeon stars and celebrity guests would ask yes or no questions to figure out the totally bizarre talents and unique skills of everyday kids from all over the country. The longer the stars would take, the more prizes the kids would win! 4 s...
Fun House (1988 - 1991) - A kid's game show that pitted two teams of two players each. The contestants had to answer trivia questions and participate in challenges, such as trying to nail targets in the audience seats with water balloons. This was followed by a race between the two teams around a track that involved a variet...
Press Your Luck (1983 - Current) - Press Your Luck was a CBS game show where contestants tried to win money and various prizes by avoiding the evil Whammy that would take all their winnings away or even kick the contestants out of the game. The object was for three contestants to answer multiple choice questions. Host Peter Tomarken...
Supermarket Sweep (1965 - 2003) - This show featured a few teams of contestants who would answer questions about grocery products and guess prices of groceries to get points. The high point of the show is to collect as much groceries as you can to win.
Remote Control (1987 - 1990) - Remote Control was a game show about television and aired on MTV. Many of the questions revolved around old television shows. Other popular segments include "Sing Along With Colin," where contestants were charged with identifying and/or finishing songs sung by Colin Quinn.
Get the Picture (1991 - 1993) - Get the Picture is a game show where contestants have to remove squares from a 16x16 video screen and guess what the picture is. The game was played in two rounds. In the first round, the contestants had to connect the dots found within the squares. After each correct guess of a trivia question, the...
Match Game (1962 - Current) - Contestants tried to match a panel of six celebrities in answering fill-in-the-blank questions. Host Gene Rayburn asks a series of comedic questions (each featuring the characters Dumb Dora/Donald, Ugly Edna, Old Man Perriwinkle, etc.) , and the panel writes down their answers each on a little blue...
Make the Grade (1989 - 1991) - Nickelodeon game show where contestants had to answer school questions for points and "graduate school" by winning the game. Contestants sat at red, green, and blue desks and had to answer question on a 7x7 game board. Grade levels from elementary school and grades 7-12 ran across the top and six ba...
Sale of the Century (1983 - 1989) - This popular game show hosted by Jim Perry (late of Card Sharks) pitts three contestants against each other in a question & answer match in which each correct answer is worth $5, but $5 is taken off the player's score if he/she gave an incorrect answer (all players were given $20 to start). Along th...
The Question of God (1999 - 2000) - God has made a bet with the Devil: if one human of the Devil's choosing can't prove that humanity is decent, God will scrap all of creation and start over. The Devil chooses Detroit car assembly line worker Bob Alman. Now Bob has to live a decent life with no hints from God and constant temptation f...
Kids Say the Darndest Things (1998 - 2000) - Kids Say the Darndest Things is a very funny show, all Bill Cosby does is demonstrate the cute innocence of children. Cosby would ask children question who would often respond in cute and innocent ways. The series first aired as a one-time special on CBS in 1995 and was then aired as a regular serie...
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (1998 - Current) - Chris Tarrant Hosts the gameshow where people have to answer 15 questions to win a million pounds with the help of three life lines: 50/50, Phone a Friend and Ask the Audience.
Love Connection (1983 - 1993) - Woolery asks questions about what happened on their date. Sometimes, the two really hit it off ,and the two could not wait to see each other again. Woolery would invite the date onstage to reunite with the bachelor(ette). Other times, they simply had no chemistry or the date came straight from Hell...
I've Got a Secret (1952 - 1976) - Four panelists took turns questioning the person with the secret to determine exactly what the secret was. A nominal financial award was given to a contestant whose secret (flashed on the TV screen for the viewing audience) could not be guessed by the panel. Each show gave three regular contestants...
Contraption (1983 - 1988) - A gameshow that aired on Disney in the early 80s, two teams of 3 kids were paired up and were one member from each team were shown a 3-minute clip from a classic disney video, the player was then asked questions about what they saw in the clip, if they answered correctly, they received a contrapt ti...
Tic Tac Dough (1978 - 1991) - This popular game show hosed by Wink Martindale (final season hosted by Jim Caldwell) pitts two players against each other in a game of tic tac toe but with questions. The first to get three in a row wins & goes on to beat a dragon. for cash & prizes, next host by the 1990's version Patrick Wayne,...
Win Ben Stein's Money (1997 - 2003) - Win Ben Stein's Money is an American television game show created by Al Burton and Donnie Brainard that aired first-run episodes from July 28, 1997 to January 31, 2003, on Comedy Central. The show featured three contestants who competed to answer general knowledge questions in order to win the grand...
Now You See It (1974 - 1989) - "Every answer ... to every question ... is hidden somewhere in this maze of letters. And NOW ... YOU ... SEE ... IT!"
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (1999 - 2020) - Based off the British game show of the same name, "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" is the game show where you're only 15 questions away from winning $1,000,000. Contestants must use a telephone, audience output, and eliminations to help them on the way while earning big cash prizes before hitting th...
Card Sharks (1978 - Current) - Card Sharks is an American television game show created by Chester Feldman for Mark Goodson-Bill Todman Productions. Based on the card game Acey Deucey, the game has two contestants compete for control of a row of oversized playing cards by answering questions posed by the host and then guessing if...
The Newlywed Game (1966 - 2013) - The Newlywed Game is an American television dating game show that pits newly married couples against each other in a series of revealing question rounds to determine how well the spouses know or do not know each other. The program, originally created by Robert "Nick" Nicholson and E. Roger Muir(cred...
Tattletales (1974 - 1984) - In round one while the husbands (sometimes the wives) are isolated, their wives were asked two questions (usually they start with It happened at..., and then Convy would complete the question). On each question after it was read, a wive would buzz-in to answer the question. Then after answering the...
Something is Out There (1988 - 1988) - Two police officers investigate a series of brutal murders in which the victims have had bodily organs removed. When one of them questions a young woman who has been seen at the crime scenes, it turns out she is an alien from an interstellar prison ship and that the murders have been committed by a...
Wait 'till You Have Kids (1996 - 1997) - Three male/female couples (most of the time parents, but occasionally grandparents or couples without children) match their own parenting styles with those of a professional parenting expert by answering questions dealing with a scenario involving a family's child or children in some way.
Pinky Dinky Doo (2005 - 2011) - This engaging animated children's series finds 7-year-old Pinky and her younger brother, Tyler, discussing new words and concepts and using imagination and logic to answer some of life's questions -- all through Pinky's wild, brain-swelling stories.
Beakman's World (1994 - 1998) - Beakman's World is an educational series starring Paul Zaloom as Beakman, a scientist with crazy hair who answers questions sent in by viewers and explains them in large and humorous manners. He is always assisted by a female assistant (Josie, Phoebe, or Liza) and his lab rat Lester(Mark Ritts) w...
Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? (2007 - Current) - Hosted by Jeff Foxworthy a single contestant must answer ten questions from between first and fifth grade textbook levels for a chance to win $1,000,000. Each contestant can get help from answering questions from a student classmate. If the contestant gets a question wrong or chooses to end the gam...
Fighting Foodons (2001 - 2002) - Anime series based off of the manga of the same name. It all started some years ago when a culinary-confused king asked a question to his chefs. Which would be stronger: tofu surprise or stuffed duck? The king's chefs thought the king had gone a little too heavy on the nutmeg. One mysterious chef kn...
Weakest Link (2001 - 2003) - Based on the British show of the same name, eight contestants compete for $1,000,000 by answering questions in a chain. Hosted by Anne Robinson on NBC and George Gray in syndication.
Ask NBC News (1979 - 1985) - Hosted by John Chancellor Ask NBC News appeared on Saturday Mornings during commercial breaks of Saturday Morning Cartoons and featured Chancellor giving quick answers to current events in a way children could understand after a child asks him a question on that event.
Vitaminix (2013 - 2016) - Vitaminix is an animated series introduces that kids to the interesting world of food and the benefits of healthy eating. Each episode features one animal associated with the food, vitamin or mineral in question in an entertaining and dynamic way to create a fun learning experience!
Elinor Wonders Why (2020 - Current) - This latest PBS Kids animated series follows Elinor and her friends Ari and Olive as they observe something in nature began to ask questions.
Ask Me (2006 - 2021) - Annoying kids answer questions in this 1 minute show that used to air on commercial breaks on Qubo Channel.
Independence Day(1996) - Finally, the question "are we alone in the universe" has been answered. People react with fear, wonder, and excitement while dozens of fifteen mile long ships silently take up positions over cities across the globe. When MIT graduate turned satallite repair man David Levinson discovers a hidden si...
Muppets From Space(1999) - Gonzo wonders where he comes from, since he has no family. He discovers he may actually be an alien, and he needs a little help from his friends after he gets taken by a secret government facility for questioning.
SLC Punk(1998) - What's it like being the only punk rockers in the biggest Mormon community in the world? Stevo (Matthew Lillard) and Heroin Bob (Michael Goorjian) provide the answer to this and other questions in SLC Punk. Stevo and Bob (whose name is actually an ironic reference to his fear of needles) are two fri...
Plan 9 from Outer Space(1959) - "Can your heart stand the shocking facts about Graverobbers from Outer Space?" That's the question on the lips of the narrator of this tale about flying saucers, zombies and cardboard tombstones. A laughable Sci-fi/ Horror film about a pair of aliens, angered by the "stupid minds" of planet Earth, s...
Wild Wild West(1999) - Based upon CBS' primetime "sci-western" drama. Two 1870's government agents, James T. West (Will Smith) and Artemus Gordon (Kevin Kline), represent two opposite ends of the personality scale: West is a smooth-talking charmer and man of action who prefers to shoot first and ask questions much, much l...
Solarbabies(1986) - In a future in which most water has disappeared from the Earth, we find a group of children, mostly teenagers, who are living at an orphanage, run by the despotic rulers of the new Earth. The group in question plays a hockey based game on roller skates and is quite good. It has given them a unity th...
The Delta Force(1986) - When a group of ruthless terrorists hijack ATW flight 282 that's en route from Athens to Rome, and to New York, the call is made to summon the elite counterterrorist unit known as the Delta Force. the one question remains. who will live in the intense battle? this movie is loosely based on the TWA f...
The Batman Superman Movie: World's Finest(1998) - If given the chance, would Batman have the hots for Lois Lane? Would Lex Luthor get along well with The Joker? And what, if anything, would be left for Robin to do? All these questions and more are answered in this conflation of two of the most venerable comic book legends, The Batman Superman Movie...
Phantasm III: Lord of the Dead(1994) - This third entry in the Phantasm series is the poorest of all. This time Mike and Reggie meet some new friends and join up with Jody from beyond the dead in their quest to stop the Tall Man. Good special effects and Scrimm is at his best here but the film answers all the wrong questions and no...
Nightmares(1983) - Four tales of horror including an escaped psychopath on the run while a housewife is taking a trip to the market, a teenage arcade whiz attempting to reach the 13th level to a mysterious arcade game, a priest questioning his faith and being encountered by a demonic truck, and a suburban family with...
Trancers II: The Return of Jack Deth(1991) - Once again someone from the future has come back to create an army of Trancers, human zombies who do what they're told without question or pause. Now officer Jack Deth, a cop from the future stranded in the past, must once again go forth to stop them. This sci-fi action sequel chronicles his courage...
I Love You to Death(1990) - Joey works with Rosalie in their pizza parlor. She is convinced that he works all of the time for them and her world dissolves when she finds that he has been fooling around for years. Being Catholic, divorce is out of the question, so she and her mother and her best friend decide to kill him. Hopel...
House 3: The Horror Show(1989) - Detective Lucas McCarthy finally apprehends "Meat Cleaver Max" and watches the electric chair execution from the audience. But killing Max Jenke only elevated him to another level of reality. Now Lucas' family is under attack, his sanity in question, and his house haunted. Aided by a disreputable co...
Cruising(1980) - NYPD detective Steve Burns (Al Pacino) is tracking a serial killer in the underworld of gay culture. As his investigation goes deeper, Burns starts questioning who he is and what he's doing.
The Searchers(1956) - As a Civil War veteran spends years searching for a young niece captured by Indians, his motivation becomes increasingly questionable.
Lace(1984) - An oft-questioned actress named Lili (Phoebe Cates) gathers together 3 old and older schoolmates to find out which one is her mother.
Misbehaving Husbands(1940) - The owner of a department store is threatened with divorce by his wife, who has gotten reports that he's been seen in the arms of a beautiful blonde on the night of their 20th wedding anniversary. He has to find a way to convince her that the "beautiful blonde" in question was actually a store manne...
Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence(2004) - With Major Motoko Kusanagi missing, Section 9's Batou is assigned to investigate a string of gruesome murdersseemingly at the hands of faulty gynoids, or sex robots. But when a faulty gynoid leaves Batou a cryptic message, he begins to question the cause of their malfunctions. Suspicions of politic...
I Am a Hero(2015) - One day, after returning from work late in the evening, Hideo witnesses a traffic accident in which a car crashes into a nearby pedestrian, killing the victim instantly. However, despite severe injuries including a broken neck, the victim's body stands up and walks away. Hideo questions whether this...
I Confess(1953) - Refusing to give into police investigators' questions of suspicion, due to the seal of confession, a priest becomes the prime suspect in a murder.
Asylum(1972) - A young psychiatrist interviews four inmates in a mental asylum to satisfy a requirement for employment. He hears stories about 1) the revenge of a murdered wife, 2) a tailor who makes a suit with some highly unusual qualities, 3) a woman who questions her sanity when it appears that her brother is...
Questions(2008) - On the evening of his 40th birthday, Harvey Furst seems to have it all. A successful musician of renown, he is engaged to be married to a beautiful fashion model. For a while now he's been hearing a certain 7 note melody in his mind, over and over, but is unable to remember it after a few seconds. U...
He Said, She Said(1991) - Dan and Lorie are journalists working in the same office. More often than not they have opposing view of the issue in question. Deciding that this is hot stuff, a television producer gives them their own program (called "He Said, She Said") where they can give their opposing views on various issues....
The Cove(2009) - The Cove is a 2009 documentary film that analyzes and questions Japan's dolphin hunting culture. It was awarded the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature in 2010. The film is a call to action to halt mass dolphin kills, change Japanese fishing practices, and to inform and educate the public abo...
Stitch! The Movie(2003) - After the events of the first film, Stitch still does not seem to fit in with Lilo. The pair soon discover Gantu breaking into their home and taking Jumba away for questioning. They soon discover that Jumba's other 625 experiments are hiding on Earth in a dehydrated form. Not so much a sequel to the...
Dark Blue(2002) - A robbery homicide investigation triggers a series of events that will cause a corrupt LAPD officer to question his tactics.
Hoodwinked!(2005) - Red Riding Hood is on her way to her granny's house when she comes across the Big Bad Wolf who has disguised himself as her grandmother. After the woodsman bursts in startling everyone, the police arrive to question Red Riding Hood, Granny, and the Wolf about what happened, leading to several differ...
Little Black Book(2004) - A woman snoops through her boyfriend's palm pilot and reveals his former girlfriends, which causes her to question why they're still listed in his little black book.
Mona Lisa Smile(2003) - A free-thinking art professor teaches conservative 50's Wellesley girls to question their traditional societal roles.
Boris And Natasha(1992) - The classic cartoon spies, Boris and Natasha, get their very own live-action adventure. Sent to America to find an important microchip, the usually villainous duo begin to question who they're working for and why.
Yes, Virginia(2009) - New York City. It's 1897. Eight-year-old Virginia O'Hanlon has always loved Christmas. Until the day her classmates bring up the age-old question: "Is there a Santa Claus?" Not sure what to believe, Virginia ventures into the city to find out for herself. Along the way she consults some unusual char...
The Bad Seed(1985) - Christine Penmark is a single mother raising her daughter Rachel Penmark. Everybody loves and adores Rachel however everything may not be as it seems. A series of deaths start centering around Rachel and Christine begins to question Rachel's childhoo
Justin Bieber's Believe(2013) - Thought the first film ended the torture? The sequel to Never Say Never continues to focus on Bieber's rise to international fame as he embarks on his Believe Tour. In new interviews with Bieber, the movie reveals long-awaited answers to questions about his passion to make music, relationships and c...
The Elf on the Shelf presents: An Elf's Story(2011) - Chippy the elf is assigned to a family that includes a boy who is questioning the magic of Christmas. When Chippy finds the assignment a bit challenging, his good friends, Santa, and an unexpected child help him remember why his job is important.
2016: Obama's America(2012) - The first political documentary from right-wing political activist Dinesh D'Souza that asked the daring question, "What would happen if Barack Obama had been elected to a second term?"
Animals. ::: TV-MA | 30min | Animation, Comedy | TV Series (20162018) -- Whether it's lovelorn rats, gender-questioning pigeons or aging bedbugs in the midst of a midlife crisis, the awkward small talk, moral ambiguity and existential woes of non-human urbanites prove startlingly similar to our own. Creators:
Before I Go to Sleep (2014) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 32min | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 31 October 2014 (USA) -- A woman wakes up every day, remembering nothing as a result of a traumatic accident in her past. One day, new terrifying truths emerge that force her to question everyone around her. Director: Rowan Joffe Writers:
Black Mirror: Bandersnatch (2018) ::: 7.2/10 -- TV-MA | 1h 30min | Drama, Fantasy, Mystery | TV Movie 28 December 2018 -- A young programmer starts to question reality when he adapts a mad writer's fantasy novel into a video game. Director: David Slade Writer: Charlie Brooker
Border (2018) ::: 7.0/10 -- Grns (original title) -- Border Poster -- A customs officer who can smell fear develops an unusual attraction to a strange traveler while aiding a police investigation which will call into question her entire existence. Director: Ali Abbasi Writers:
Boyka: Undisputed (2016) ::: 7.0/10 -- Boyka: Undisputed IV (original title) -- Boyka: Undisputed Poster -- In the fourth installment of the fighting franchise, Boyka is shooting for the big leagues when an accidental death in the ring makes him question everything he stands for. Director: Todor Chapkanov Writers:
Boyz n the Hood (1991) ::: 7.8/10 -- R | 1h 52min | Crime, Drama | 12 July 1991 (USA) -- Follows the lives of three young males living in the Crenshaw ghetto of Los Angeles, dissecting questions of race, relationships, violence, and future prospects. Director: John Singleton Writer:
Brainiac: Science Abuse ::: 45min | Documentary, Comedy | TV Series (20032008) The show that's takes a comedic look at the world of science and asks the really important questions as well as putting stuff in microwaves Stars: Jon Tickle, Joe Rowntree, Tom Pringle Available on Amazon
Brave New World ::: TV-MA | Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller | TV Series (2020) -- In a utopia whose perfection hinges upon control of monogamy and privacy, members of the collective begin to question the rules, putting their regimented society on a collision course with forbidden love and revolution. Creators:
Breaking In ::: TV-14 | 30min | Comedy, Crime | TV Series (20112012) -- A high-tech security firm takes extreme, and often questionable, measures to sell their protection services. Creators: Adam F. Goldberg, Seth Gordon
Center of My World (2016) ::: 7.2/10 -- Die Mitte der Welt (original title) -- Center of My World Poster -- After a summer spent with his his best friend Kat to escape his family, Phil goes back to school and starts to question his feelings towards Nicholas, a new classmate. Director: Jakob M. Erwa Writers:
Certified Copy (2010) ::: 7.3/10 -- Copie conforme (original title) -- Certified Copy Poster -- In Tuscany to promote his latest book, a middle-aged British writer meets a French woman who leads him to the village of Lucignano. While there, a chance question reveals something deeper. Director: Abbas Kiarostami Writers:
Collateral Beauty (2016) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 37min | Drama, Romance | 16 December 2016 (USA) -- Retreating from life after a tragedy, a man questions the universe by writing to Love, Time, and Death. Receiving unexpected answers, he begins to see how these things interlock and how even loss can reveal moments of meaning and beauty. Director: David Frankel Writer:
Confirmation (2016) ::: 6.8/10 -- TV-14 | 1h 50min | Biography, Drama, History | TV Movie 16 April 2016 -- Judge Clarence Thomas' nomination to the United States Supreme Court is called into question when Anita Hill, a former colleague, testifies that he sexually harassed her. Director: Rick Famuyiwa Writer:
Conspiracy (2001) ::: 7.7/10 -- R | 1h 36min | Biography, Drama, History | TV Movie 19 May 2001 -- At the Wannsee Conference on January 20, 1942, senior Nazi officials meet to determine the manner in which the so-called "Final Solution to the Jewish Question" can be best implemented. Director: Frank Pierson Writer:
Dark Blue (2002) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 58min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 21 February 2003 (USA) -- A robbery homicide investigation triggers a series of events that will cause a corrupt LAPD officer to question his tactics. Director: Ron Shelton Writers: James Ellroy (story), David Ayer (screenplay)
Doubt (2008) ::: 7.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 44min | Drama, Mystery | 25 December 2008 (USA) -- A Catholic school principal questions a priest's ambiguous relationship with a troubled young student. Director: John Patrick Shanley Writers: John Patrick Shanley (screenplay), John Patrick Shanley (play)
Elephant Song (2014) ::: 6.6/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 50min | Drama | 26 February 2015 (Netherlands) -- A psychiatrist is drawn into a complex mind game when he questions a disturbed patient about the disappearance of a colleague. Director: Charles Binam Writers: Nicolas Billon, Nicolas Billon (play)
Exam (2009) ::: 6.8/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 41min | Mystery, Thriller | 17 June 2010 (Hong Kong) -- Eight candidates for a highly desirable corporate job are locked together in an exam room and given a final test with just one seemingly simple question. However, it doesn't take long for confusion to ensue and tensions to unravel. Director: Stuart Hazeldine Writers:
Explained ::: TV-MA | 18min | Documentary | TV Series (2018 ) -- A documentary series that looks to explore the big questions of today. Creators: Joe Posner, Ezra Klein
Fahrenheit 451 (1966) ::: 7.2/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 52min | Drama, Sci-Fi | 14 November 1966 (USA) -- In an oppressive future, a fireman whose duty is to destroy all books begins to question his task. Director: Franois Truffaut Writers: Franois Truffaut (screenplay), Jean-Louis Richard (screenplay) | 1
Family Feud ::: TV-PG | 30min | Comedy, Game-Show, Reality-TV | TV Series (1999 ) Hosted by Steve Harvey, two families battle it out by answering survey questions for a chance to win $20,000 and, after 5 wins, a new car. Stars: Steve Harvey, Rubin Ervin, Burton Richardson  
Forever ::: TV-14 | 30min | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy | TV Series (2018) -- June and Oscar live a comfortable but very predictable suburban wedded life when suddenly they find themselves in a completely otherworldly situation, raising questions about love and marriage in the afterlife. Creators:
Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel (2009) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 23min | Comedy, Sci-Fi | 24 April 2009 (UK) -- While drinking at their local pub, three social outcasts attempt to navigate a time-travel conundrum. Director: Gareth Carrivick Writer: Jamie Mathieson
Good Kill (2014) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Drama, Thriller, War | 15 May 2015 (USA) -- A family man begins to question the ethics of his job as a drone pilot. Director: Andrew Niccol Writer: Andrew Niccol
Great Minds with Dan Harmon -- Comedy | TV Series (2016) Episode Guide 15 episodes Great Minds with Dan Harmon Poster ::: Dan Harmon and his assistant Spencer Crittenden create clones of famous people in history and introduce them to the modern world for 6 hours while asking questions. Stars:
Guilty by Suspicion (1991) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 45min | Drama | 15 March 1991 (USA) -- David Merrill (Robert De Niro), a fictitious 1950s Hollywood Director, returns from filming abroad in France to find that his loyalty has been called into question by the House Committee on... S Director: Irwin Winkler Writer: Irwin Winkler Stars:
Happily Ever After (2004) ::: 6.5/10 -- Ils se marirent et eurent beaucoup d'enfants (original title) -- Happily Ever After Poster Is the love compatible with coupledom? And what of freedom and fidelity? These are some of the questions facing two married men. Director: Yvan Attal Writer: Yvan Attal Stars:
Imagine Me & You (2005) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 30min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 25 May 2006 (Germany) -- A newlywed bride becomes infatuated with another woman who questions her sexual orientation, promoting a stir among the bride's family and friends. Director: Ol Parker Writer:
I May Destroy You ::: TV-MA | 30min | Drama | TV Series (2020 ) -- The question of sexual consent in contemporary life and how, in the new landscape of dating and relationships, we make the distinction between liberation and exploitation. Creator:
I'm Thinking of Ending Things (2020) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 2h 14min | Drama, Thriller | 4 September 2020 (USA) -- Full of misgivings, a young woman travels with her new boyfriend to his parents' secluded farm. Upon arriving, she comes to question everything she thought she knew about him, and herself. Director: Charlie Kaufman Writers:
In & Out (1997) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 30min | Comedy, Romance | 19 September 1997 (USA) -- A midwestern teacher questions his sexuality after a former student makes a comment about him at the Academy Awards. Director: Frank Oz Writer: Paul Rudnick
In Treatment ::: TV-MA | 25min | Drama | TV Series (20082021) -- A psychotherapist questions his abilities and gets help by reuniting with his old therapist, whom he has not seen for ten years. Creators: Rodrigo Garca, Hagai Levi, Nir Bergman | 1 more credit
Legends ::: TV-MA | 1h | Action, Crime, Drama | TV Series (20142015) -- Follows a deep-cover operative named Martin Odum, who has an uncanny ability to transform himself into a different person for each job. But his own identity comes into question when a ... S Creator:
L'humanit (1999) ::: 6.9/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 21min | Drama, Mystery | 27 October 1999 (France) -- When an 11-year-old girl is brutally raped and murdered in a quiet French village, a police detective who has forgotten how to feel emotions--because of the death of his own family in some kind of accident--investigates the crime, which turns out to ask more questions than it answers. Director: Bruno Dumont Writer: Bruno Dumont
L'humanit (1999) ::: 6.9/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 21min | Drama, Mystery | 27 October 1999 (France) -- When an 11-year-old girl is brutally raped and murdered in a quiet French village, a police detective who has forgotten how to feel emotions--because of the death of his own family in some kind of accident--investigates the crime, which turns out to ask more questions than it answers.
Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (2019) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG | 1h 59min | Adventure, Family, Fantasy | 18 October 2019 (USA) -- Maleficent and her goddaughter Aurora begin to question the complex family ties that bind them as they are pulled in different directions by impending nuptials, unexpected allies and dark new forces at play. Director: Joachim Rnning Writers:
Margaret (2011) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 2h 30min | Drama | 1 June 2012 (Italy) -- A young woman witnesses a bus accident, and is caught up in the aftermath, where the question of whether or not it was intentional affects many people's lives. Director: Kenneth Lonergan Writer:
Meditation, Creativity, Peace (2012) ::: 6.8/10 -- 1h 11min | Documentary | 2012 (USA) -- This documentary is an exhilarating, inspiring round-up of questions and answers from David Lynch's European and Middle East tours of 2007-2009, when he visited 16 countries to meet film ... S Writer: David Lynch Star: David Lynch
Metroland (1997) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 41min | Comedy, Drama | 21 August 1998 (UK) -- The sudden reappearance of his best friend Toni, after a ten year absence, causes Chris to remember his past, to question some of his lifestyle decisions and to re-evaluate his life and marriage to Marion. Director: Philip Saville Writers: Julian Barnes (novel), Adrian Hodges (screenplay) Stars:
Midnight Lace (1960) ::: 6.8/10 -- Approved | 1h 43min | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 25 November 1960 -- Midnight Lace Poster -- In London, a recently wed American woman's sanity comes into question after she claims to be the victim of a threatening stalker. Director: David Miller Writers:
Mo' Better Blues (1990) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 2h 10min | Drama, Music, Romance | 3 August 1990 (USA) -- Jazz trumpeter Bleek Gilliam makes questionable decisions in his professional and romantic lives. Director: Spike Lee Writer: Spike Lee
Mona Lisa Smile (2003) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 57min | Drama | 19 December 2003 (USA) -- A free-thinking art professor teaches conservative 1950s Wellesley girls to question their traditional social roles. Director: Mike Newell Writers: Lawrence Konner, Mark Rosenthal
Mujhse Fraaandship Karoge (2011) ::: 6.9/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 46min | Comedy, Romance | 14 October 2011 (India) -- When you can't make it on your own, the best thing to do is to fake it. But, the question remains, how long can you fake true love? Director: Nupur Asthana Writers: Pooja Desai (story), Anvita Dutt (additional dialogue) | 4 more
Mumford (1999) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 52min | Comedy, Drama | 24 September 1999 (USA) -- In the small town of Mumford, a psychologist of the same name moves in and quickly becomes very popular, despite a questionable past. Director: Lawrence Kasdan Writer: Lawrence Kasdan
My Blueberry Nights (2007) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 35min | Drama, Romance | 28 November 2007 (France) -- A young lonely woman takes a soul-searching journey across America to resolve her questions about love while encountering a series of offbeat characters along the way. Director: Kar-Wai Wong Writers:
Oblivion (2013) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 4min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | 19 April 2013 (USA) -- A veteran assigned to extract Earth's remaining resources begins to question what he knows about his mission and himself. Director: Joseph Kosinski Writers: Karl Gajdusek (screenplay), Michael Arndt (screenplay) (as Michael
O Maidens in Your Savage Season ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Comedy, Drama | TV Series (2019- ) Episode Guide 12 episodes O Maidens in Your Savage Season Poster The girls in a high school literature club do a little icebreaker to get to know each other: answering the question, "What's one thing you want to do before you die?" One of the girls ... S Stars: Elissa Cuellar, Blake Jackson, Brittney Karbowski
Pali Road (2015) ::: 7.2/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 32min | Drama, Fantasy, Mystery | 29 April 2016 (USA) -- A young doctor wakes up from a car accident and discovers she is married to another man and living a life she can't remember. Her search for the truth to her past life will lead her to question everyone around her and her entire existence. Director: Jonathan Lim (as Jonathan Hua Lang Lim) Writers:
Paradise Lost 2: Revelations (2000) ::: 7.6/10 -- Unrated | 2h 10min | Documentary, Crime | TV Movie 12 March 2001 -- The case of the West Memphis Three, its questionable circumstances and the parties involved are followed up years later. Directors: Joe Berlinger, Bruce Sinofsky
Paradise Lost 2: Revelations (2000) ::: 7.6/10 -- Unrated | 2h 10min | Documentary, Crime | TV Movie 12 March 2001 -- The case of the West Memphis Three, its questionable circumstances and the parties involved are followed up years later. Directors: Joe Berlinger, Bruce Sinofsky Stars: Damien Wayne Echols, Melissa Byers, Norris Deajon Available on Amazon
Persons Unknown ::: TV-14 | 43min | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | TV Series (2010) -- Several strangers awaken and find themselves imprisoned inside a small ghost town. They quickly search for answers and along the way start to question each other's motives. Creator:
Psycho-Pass ::: TV-MA | 25min | Animation, Action, Crime | TV Series (2012- ) Episode Guide 41 episodes Psycho-Pass Poster -- Believing in humanity and order, policewoman Akane Tsunemori obeys the ruling, computerized, precognitive Sibyl System. But when she faces a criminal mastermind who can elude this "perfect" system, she questions both Sibyl and herself. Creator:
QI ::: TV-PG | 30min | Comedy, Game-Show | TV Series (2003 ) -- A comedy panel game in which being Quite Interesting is more important than being right. Sandi Toksvig is joined each week by four comedians to share anecdotes and trivia, and maybe answer some questions as well. Stars:
QI ::: TV-PG | 30min | Comedy, Game-Show | TV Series (2003- ) Episode Guide 291 episodes QI Poster -- A comedy panel game in which being Quite Interesting is more important than being right. Sandi Toksvig is joined each week by four comedians to share anecdotes and trivia, and maybe answer some questions as well. Stars:
Quo Vadis (1951) ::: 7.2/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 51min | Biography, Drama, History | 25 December 1951 -- Quo Vadis Poster -- Fierce Roman commander Marcus Vinicius becomes infatuated with beautiful Christian hostage Lygia and begins questioning the tyrannical leadership of the despot Emperor Nero. Directors: Mervyn LeRoy, Anthony Mann (uncredited) Writers:
Rectify ::: TV-14 | 1h | Drama | TV Series (20132016) -- Daniel Holden must put his life back together after serving 19 years on Georgia's Death Row before DNA evidence calls his conviction into question. Creator:
Rocket Science (2007) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 41min | Comedy, Drama | 28 September 2007 (UK) -- Looking for answers to life's big questions, a stuttering boy joins his high school debate team. Director: Jeffrey Blitz Writer: Jeffrey Blitz
Ship of Theseus (2012) ::: 8.1/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 20min | Drama | 19 July 2013 (India) -- The film explores questions of identity, justice, beauty, meaning and death through an experimental photographer, an ailing monk and a young stockbroker. Director: Anand Gandhi Writers:
Skins ::: TV-MA | 46min | Drama | TV Series (20072013) -- The story of a group of British teens who are trying to grow up and find love and happiness despite questionable parenting and teachers who more want to be friends (and lovers) rather than authority figures. Creators:
Take Shelter (2011) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 2h | Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi | 10 November 2011 (Croatia) -- Plagued by a series of apocalyptic visions, a young husband and father questions whether to shelter his family from a coming storm, or from himself. Director: Jeff Nichols Writer:
Takva: A Man's Fear of God (2006) ::: 7.5/10 -- Takva (original title) -- Takva: A Man's Fear of God Poster A promotion brings a Muslim's relationship with God into question. Director: zer Kiziltan Writer: nder akar Stars:
The Beautiful Troublemaker (1991) ::: 7.6/10 -- La Belle Noiseuse (original title) -- The Beautiful Troublemaker Poster -- The former famous painter Frenhofer revisits an abandoned project using the girlfriend of a young visiting artist. Questions about truth, life, and artistic limits are explored. Director: Jacques Rivette Writers:
The Brothers (2001) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 46min | Comedy, Drama | 23 March 2001 (USA) -- Four friends begin to question women and relationships when one of them announces impending nuptials. Director: Gary Hardwick Writer: Gary Hardwick
The Carrie Diaries ::: TV-14 | 42min | Comedy, Romance | TV Series (20132014) -- Carrie Bradshaw is in her junior year of high school in the early 1980s. She asks her first questions about love, sex, friendship and family while navigating the worlds of high school and Manhattan. Creator:
The Chosen ::: TV-PG | 54min | Drama, History | TV Series (2017 ) -- A charismatic fisherman drowning in debt. A troubled woman wrestling with real demons. A young tax collector ostracized by society. A religious leader questioning his faith tradition. Creator:
The Exorcist III (1990) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 50min | Drama, Horror, Mystery | 17 August 1990 (USA) -- A police Lieutenant uncovers more than he bargained for as his investigation of a series of murders, which have all the hallmarks of the deceased Gemini serial killer, leads him to question the patients of a psychiatric ward. Director: William Peter Blatty Writers:
The Island (2005) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 16min | Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller | 22 July 2005 (USA) -- A man living in a futuristic sterile colony begins to question his circumscribed existence when his friend is chosen to go to the Island, the last uncontaminated place on earth. Director: Michael Bay Writers:
The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit (1956) ::: 7.1/10 -- Approved | 2h 33min | Drama, Romance, War | 8 May 1956 (USA) -- An ex-soldier faces ethical questions as he tries to earn enough to support his wife and children well. Director: Nunnally Johnson Writers: Nunnally Johnson (screenplay), Sloan Wilson (novel)
The Story of God with Morgan Freeman ::: TV-14 | 1h | Documentary, Adventure, History | TV Series (20162019) -- Morgan Freeman presents his quest in order to find how most religions perceive life after death, what different civilizations thought about the act of creation and other big questions that mankind has continuously asked. Stars:
The Tale (2018) ::: 7.3/10 -- TV-MA | 1h 54min | Biography, Drama, Mystery | 27 May 2018 (Bulgaria) -- A woman filming a documentary on childhood rape victims starts to question the nature of her childhood relationship with her riding instructor and running coach. Director: Jennifer Fox Writer:
The Universe -- 45min | Documentary, History | TV Series (20072015) ::: This educational show explores many scientific questions and topics about the universe (Big Bang, the Sun, the planets, black holes, other galaxies, astrobiology etc.) through latest CGI, data and interviews with scientists. Stars:
The Wife (2017) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 39min | Drama | 28 September 2018 (UK) -- A wife questions her life choices as she travels to Stockholm to see her husband receive the Nobel Prize for Literature. Director: Bjrn Runge (as Bjrn L Runge) Writers: Jane Anderson (screenplay by), Meg Wolitzer (based on the novel "The
Through the Wormhole ::: TV-PG | 1h | Documentary | TV Series (2010-2017) Episode Guide 63 episodes Through the Wormhole Poster -- Hosted by Morgan Freeman, Through the Wormhole will explore the deepest mysteries of existence - the questions that have puzzled mankind for eternity. What are we made of? What was there ... S Stars:
Through the Wormhole ::: TV-PG | 1h | Documentary | TV Series (20102017) -- Hosted by Morgan Freeman, Through the Wormhole will explore the deepest mysteries of existence - the questions that have puzzled mankind for eternity. What are we made of? What was there ... S Stars:
Tuesdays with Morrie (1999) ::: 7.5/10 -- TV-G | 1h 29min | Biography, Drama | TV Movie 5 December 1999 -- A journalist finds himself questioning his own life when his best friend, a dying man, offers him some very powerful wisdom and advice for coping in relationships, careers and society. Director:
Tuesdays with Morrie (1999) ::: 7.5/10 -- TV-G | 1h 29min | Biography, Drama | TV Movie 5 December 1999 -- A journalist finds himself questioning his own life when his best friend, a dying man, offers him some very powerful wisdom and advice for coping in relationships, careers and society. Director: Mick Jackson Writers: Thomas Rickman (teleplay) (as Tom Rickman), Mitch Albom (based on the book by)
Under Suspicion (2000) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 50min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 15 November 2000 (France) -- A wealthy attorney in San Juan comes to the police station for "10 minutes" of follow-up questions to finding a 12-year-old girl's body in a park. Another young girl was also raped and murdered weeks earlier and the evidence points to him. Director: Stephen Hopkins Writers:
Upload ::: TV-MA | 4h 56min | Comedy, Mystery, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2020 ) -- A man is able to choose his own afterlife after his untimely death by having his consciousness uploaded into a virtual world. As he gets used to his new life and befriends his angel (real world handler) questions about his death arise. Creator:
Upload ::: TV-MA | 4h 56min | Comedy, Mystery, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2020- ) Episode Guide 13 episodes Upload Poster -- A man is able to choose his own afterlife after his untimely death by having his consciousness uploaded into a virtual world. As he gets used to his new life and befriends his angel (real world handler) questions about his death arise. Creator:
Waking the Dead (2000) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 45min | Drama, Mystery, Romance | 24 March 2000 (USA) -- A congressional candidate questions his sanity after seeing the love of his life, presumed dead, suddenly emerge. Director: Keith Gordon Writers: Scott Spencer (novel), Robert Dillon (screenplay) Stars:,_twitter_question_about_seeing_fans_on_a_flight;+Questions+to+Guide+Students+to+study+different+things+comprehensively's_Archive:_Questions_for_the_Moth_Sister,_Ask_Questions_Later,_Comments's_Questions's_Questions,_Questions_and_Answers
Amagami SS+ Plus -- -- AIC -- 13 eps -- Visual novel -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance School -- Amagami SS+ Plus Amagami SS+ Plus -- In the aftermath of Amagami SS, high school student Junichi Tachibana continues his relationships with the girls at his school. Amagami SS+ Plus offers a glimpse into what happened after the resolution of each girl's individual story. -- -- New events begin to take place between each of the girls and Junichi. Tsukasa Ayatsuji, the class representative, runs for student council president; Rihoko Sakurai, who has taken over the Tea Club with Junichi, still wants to confess her feelings to him; Ai Nanasaki questions the future of her relationship with Junichi when he leaves for college; Kaoru Tanamachi wonders if her relationship with Junichi will ever go any further; Sae Nakata and Junichi deal with classmates who still can't believe that someone so cute is his girlfriend; and Haruka Morishima wants to take their relationship to the next level and get married. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Jan 6, 2012 -- 135,953 7.43
Amagami SS+ Plus -- -- AIC -- 13 eps -- Visual novel -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance School -- Amagami SS+ Plus Amagami SS+ Plus -- In the aftermath of Amagami SS, high school student Junichi Tachibana continues his relationships with the girls at his school. Amagami SS+ Plus offers a glimpse into what happened after the resolution of each girl's individual story. -- -- New events begin to take place between each of the girls and Junichi. Tsukasa Ayatsuji, the class representative, runs for student council president; Rihoko Sakurai, who has taken over the Tea Club with Junichi, still wants to confess her feelings to him; Ai Nanasaki questions the future of her relationship with Junichi when he leaves for college; Kaoru Tanamachi wonders if her relationship with Junichi will ever go any further; Sae Nakata and Junichi deal with classmates who still can't believe that someone so cute is his girlfriend; and Haruka Morishima wants to take their relationship to the next level and get married. -- -- TV - Jan 6, 2012 -- 135,953 7.43
Aoi Bungaku Series -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Novel -- Drama Historical Psychological Seinen Thriller -- Aoi Bungaku Series Aoi Bungaku Series -- Ningen Shikkaku -- A high school student seeks solace in narcotics to escape the dispiritedness that has come over his life. As he goes through the different stages of his life, it culminates in the questioning of his existence in the world. -- -- Sakura no Mori no Mankai no Shita -- The adaptation of Ango Sakaguchi's literary work deals with the love story of a woman abducted by a mountain bandit. -- -- Kokoro -- While trying to fill the void in his life, a university student in Tokyo encounters a charismatic older man, whom he addresses as "Sensei," who offers him advice on life. However, the man is apprehensive to share his life experience, deepening the student's curiosity. Through this peculiar relationship, the student comes to ponder about the distance between him and his family and the growing desolation in his heart filled with ego and guilt. -- -- Hashire, Melos! -- The story portrays the unbreakable bond between two friends, Melos and Selinuntius, and their faith in protecting each other, all while dangling on a thread which hovers over death and misery. -- -- Kumo no Ito -- Kandata is a coldhearted criminal who, while being punished in Hell for his misdeeds, is noticed by the Buddha Shakyamuni. Despite maintaining a record of committing ruthless atrocities, Kandata had once shown mercy to a spider he encountered in the forest by letting it live. Moved by this, Shakyamuni offers him redemption by dropping a spider's thread into the searing pits of Hell, and it is up to Kandata to seize the opportunity. -- -- Jigokuhen -- Yoshihide is a great painter in the land ruled by Horikawa, a tyrant. Offered a commission to paint the "Buddhist Hell" by the lord, Yoshihide declines, as he cannot paint anything he has not witnessed himself. In an attempt to make Yoshihide understand the magnitude of his request, the lord tortures his subjects to provide inspiration for the artist, descending his domain into utter despair and darkness. -- -- TV - Oct 11, 2009 -- 174,861 7.74
Bakuretsu Tenshi: Infinity -- -- Gonzo -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Comedy Mecha Sci-Fi Shounen -- Bakuretsu Tenshi: Infinity Bakuretsu Tenshi: Infinity -- These events occur in Westland, New York, during the 21st century. With a sharp knife, a murderer is indiscriminately killing people… A girl witnesses one of these murders, and the knife is turned on the helpless girl shaking with fear. -- -- Meg returns to this town with Joe to celebrate the “birthday” of Shirley, who used to live with Meg. Orphans, they had decided that the day they first met would be her birthday. In the past, Meg had taken care of three little children, including Shirley, just before meeting Joe. The children were then adopted by a police officer, Sam. He possessed a strong sense of justice and they are supposedly living happily together now. -- -- Meg and Joe happen to help a person and receive a reward. They buy a present for Shirley with the reward money and go to meet Sam. However, they notice him acting strangely. Upon questioning him, he explains that Shirley was assaulted by a murderer and seriously injured. Joe says to the grieving and angry Meg, “Let's exact revenge on the murderer for Shirley.” -- -- However, the murderer gradually approaches them from behind. The cruel black eyes fall on Meg and Joe… To make matters worse, a dark plot casts its shadow over Meg, Joe, Sam, and the whole town. -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- OVA - Mar 23, 2007 -- 14,478 6.79
Bakuretsu Tenshi: Infinity -- -- Gonzo -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Comedy Mecha Sci-Fi Shounen -- Bakuretsu Tenshi: Infinity Bakuretsu Tenshi: Infinity -- These events occur in Westland, New York, during the 21st century. With a sharp knife, a murderer is indiscriminately killing people… A girl witnesses one of these murders, and the knife is turned on the helpless girl shaking with fear. -- -- Meg returns to this town with Joe to celebrate the “birthday” of Shirley, who used to live with Meg. Orphans, they had decided that the day they first met would be her birthday. In the past, Meg had taken care of three little children, including Shirley, just before meeting Joe. The children were then adopted by a police officer, Sam. He possessed a strong sense of justice and they are supposedly living happily together now. -- -- Meg and Joe happen to help a person and receive a reward. They buy a present for Shirley with the reward money and go to meet Sam. However, they notice him acting strangely. Upon questioning him, he explains that Shirley was assaulted by a murderer and seriously injured. Joe says to the grieving and angry Meg, “Let's exact revenge on the murderer for Shirley.” -- -- However, the murderer gradually approaches them from behind. The cruel black eyes fall on Meg and Joe… To make matters worse, a dark plot casts its shadow over Meg, Joe, Sam, and the whole town. -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- OVA - Mar 23, 2007 -- 14,478 6.79
Battle Spirits: Sword Eyes -- -- Sunrise -- 29 eps -- Card game -- Game Adventure Fantasy -- Battle Spirits: Sword Eyes Battle Spirits: Sword Eyes -- Many years ago, the death of the emperor sparked riots and civil wars that ravaged Atlantia. Upon the throning of the young king Yaiba, treacherous rebels were executed to restore the peace the country once had. However, tainted by this radical act of governance, Atlantia continues to be enveloped under the shadow of oppressive rule. -- -- Tsurugi Tatewaki is a spunky teenager who grew up in the rural countryside with little memory of his birth parents. One day in his home, he stumbles upon a mysterious sword that transforms into a Battle Spirits card. When armed forces from Atlantia confront Tsurugi with their sights set on procuring his card, the secrets behind Tsurugi's past seemingly begin to unravel. -- -- Accompanied by a droid named Bringer, Tsurugi makes his way to the capital of Atlantia and encounters supposed warriors who wield similar swords. As his world is slowly turned upside down by the gradual appearance of greater mysteries, Tsurugi may have to question everything he knows, including his very own judgment on what separates good from evil. -- -- TV - Sep 9, 2012 -- 2,050 6.54
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Crystal Season III -- -- Toei Animation -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Demons Magic Romance Shoujo -- Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Crystal Season III Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Crystal Season III -- Usagi Tsukino is still struggling to balance her home life with the duties of being Sailor Moon, the guardian of love and justice. Along with the other Sailor Guardians and her boyfriend Mamoru Chiba, they begin investigating cases of students from Mugen Academy, a school for the most elite students, who are being transformed into monsters. During the investigation, they meet three strange individuals: Haruka Tenou, a handsome racecar driver; Michiru Kaiou, a talented violinist; and Hotaru Tomoe, a mysterious girl with a weak constitution. -- -- As more incidents occur, the Sailor Guardians are met with another surprise—the appearance of two new planetary protectors with motives of their own. Despite the newcomers' questionable allegiance to Usagi and her comrades, they all face a threat from a common enemy: an evil entity who calls himself Pharaoh 90. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- 43,369 7.72
Blame! Movie -- -- Polygon Pictures -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Psychological Drama Mecha Seinen -- Blame! Movie Blame! Movie -- A young girl named Zuru sets out on an expedition through a post-apocalyptic city controlled by machines in a desperate hunt for food. Things go awry when her team accidently triggers the city's AI defense program called the Safeguard. Attacked by the machines, her companions are on the verge of being annihilated when a mysterious man named Killy arrives and exterminates the hostile units. -- -- Despite his heroic intervention, Zuru is hesitant to trust Killy and questions his motives. He reveals to have come from thousands of levels below the city in order to find humans possessing the Net Terminal Genes—a trait that would allow humans to regain control of their civilization and shut down the Safeguard. After hearing his story, Zuru and the rest of her team join Killy and embark on a journey in search of the Genes that could prove to be mankind's last hope of survival. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- Movie - May 20, 2017 -- 83,997 7.11
Blame! Movie -- -- Polygon Pictures -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Psychological Drama Mecha Seinen -- Blame! Movie Blame! Movie -- A young girl named Zuru sets out on an expedition through a post-apocalyptic city controlled by machines in a desperate hunt for food. Things go awry when her team accidently triggers the city's AI defense program called the Safeguard. Attacked by the machines, her companions are on the verge of being annihilated when a mysterious man named Killy arrives and exterminates the hostile units. -- -- Despite his heroic intervention, Zuru is hesitant to trust Killy and questions his motives. He reveals to have come from thousands of levels below the city in order to find humans possessing the Net Terminal Genes—a trait that would allow humans to regain control of their civilization and shut down the Safeguard. After hearing his story, Zuru and the rest of her team join Killy and embark on a journey in search of the Genes that could prove to be mankind's last hope of survival. -- -- Movie - May 20, 2017 -- 83,997 7.11
Bleach Movie 1: Memories of Nobody -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Super Power Supernatural Shounen -- Bleach Movie 1: Memories of Nobody Bleach Movie 1: Memories of Nobody -- When a life ends, its soul departs to its final resting place known as the Soul Society. However, if a soul is left to wander in the human world for too long, it ends up turning into a corrupted "Hollow" that feeds on other souls. In such cases, spirits called "Soul Reapers" are needed to eliminate the Hollows and guide the lost souls to the Soul Society. -- -- Ichigo Kurosaki and Rukia Kuchiki are two Soul Reapers who are used to dealing with Hollows that appear in Karakura Town. But when they encounter the hostile "Blanks"—souls devoid of memories and immune to the "soul burial" used by Reapers—they are thrown for a loop. Senna, a fellow Reaper that neither Ichigo or Rukia are familiar with, comes to their rescue and manages to fend off the Blanks. The mystery deepens when a mirage of the human world suddenly appears over Soul Society. What could be the reason behind the strange phenomena, and how is it connected to Senna, who avoids any questions about her identity? -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- Movie - Dec 16, 2006 -- 226,583 7.45
Bleach Movie 1: Memories of Nobody -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Super Power Supernatural Shounen -- Bleach Movie 1: Memories of Nobody Bleach Movie 1: Memories of Nobody -- When a life ends, its soul departs to its final resting place known as the Soul Society. However, if a soul is left to wander in the human world for too long, it ends up turning into a corrupted "Hollow" that feeds on other souls. In such cases, spirits called "Soul Reapers" are needed to eliminate the Hollows and guide the lost souls to the Soul Society. -- -- Ichigo Kurosaki and Rukia Kuchiki are two Soul Reapers who are used to dealing with Hollows that appear in Karakura Town. But when they encounter the hostile "Blanks"—souls devoid of memories and immune to the "soul burial" used by Reapers—they are thrown for a loop. Senna, a fellow Reaper that neither Ichigo or Rukia are familiar with, comes to their rescue and manages to fend off the Blanks. The mystery deepens when a mirage of the human world suddenly appears over Soul Society. What could be the reason behind the strange phenomena, and how is it connected to Senna, who avoids any questions about her identity? -- -- Movie - Dec 16, 2006 -- 226,583 7.45
Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan -- -- Hal Film Maker, Nomad -- 4 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Magic Ecchi -- Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan -- Sakura Kusakabe, a mere junior high student, has committed a horrible crime. Or, rather, he will commit a crime—20 years into the future. The crime in question? He will prevent all women from developing past the age of 12, with immortality as an unintended side effect. As a result, the angel Dokuro Mitsukai is sent from the future as an assassin, armed with with a magical spiked bat named Excalibolg. However, rather than kill him, Dokuro wants to take a different approach. She resolves to be a constant nuisance to Sakura, in an attempt to prevent him from focusing on anything long enough to create his criminal technology. -- -- With Dokuro going against orders, the angel Sabato is sent out to complete Dokuro's mission. Between the impulsive Dokuro—who often murders Sakura with her bat before reviving him with the magic words "Pipiru piru piru pipiru pi"—and the electric baton-wielding Sabato, Sakura's life will never be peaceful again. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Media Blasters -- OVA - Mar 13, 2005 -- 170,933 6.58
Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan -- -- Hal Film Maker, Nomad -- 4 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Magic Ecchi -- Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan -- Sakura Kusakabe, a mere junior high student, has committed a horrible crime. Or, rather, he will commit a crime—20 years into the future. The crime in question? He will prevent all women from developing past the age of 12, with immortality as an unintended side effect. As a result, the angel Dokuro Mitsukai is sent from the future as an assassin, armed with with a magical spiked bat named Excalibolg. However, rather than kill him, Dokuro wants to take a different approach. She resolves to be a constant nuisance to Sakura, in an attempt to prevent him from focusing on anything long enough to create his criminal technology. -- -- With Dokuro going against orders, the angel Sabato is sent out to complete Dokuro's mission. Between the impulsive Dokuro—who often murders Sakura with her bat before reviving him with the magic words "Pipiru piru piru pipiru pi"—and the electric baton-wielding Sabato, Sakura's life will never be peaceful again. -- -- OVA - Mar 13, 2005 -- 170,933 6.58
B: The Beginning -- -- Production I.G -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Mystery Police Psychological Supernatural Thriller -- B: The Beginning B: The Beginning -- On the islands of Cremona, a vigilante runs amok. Celebrated by some and hunted by others, the notorious "Killer B" takes justice into his own hands, armed with a sharp blade and superhuman abilities. Unable to apprehend this renegade, the Royal Investigation Service (RIS) calls upon the expertise of Keith Flick, a seasoned, yet eccentric detective who was relegated to the Archives Department following a personal loss. As crimes in Cremona begin to escalate, from stealthy executions of wrongdoers to sophisticated strikes on public figures, it soon becomes clear that there is more than one person responsible. -- -- With the help of his impulsive sidekick Lily Hoshina, and unexpected aid from the elusive Killer B himself, Keith begins to unravel plots involving secret organizations, domestic terrorism, and human experiments. When the involvement of the RIS extends beyond the scope of justice, the extent of the government's corruption—as well as the trustworthiness of close allies—are thrown into question. -- -- ONA - Mar 2, 2018 -- 246,503 7.30
Bungou to Alchemist: Shinpan no Haguruma -- -- OLM -- 13 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Fantasy -- Bungou to Alchemist: Shinpan no Haguruma Bungou to Alchemist: Shinpan no Haguruma -- Famous writers throughout history find themselves being reincarnated by a mysterious, unseen entity known as the Alchemist. With their souls confined and bound to an expansive library, they are tasked by the Alchemist to jump into books to purify the pages of monsters called Taints. Along the way, they must also rescue and recruit fellow authors trapped within the very stories they themselves had written. -- -- Although the writers take on new and powerful forms for this endeavor, some still maintain a semblance of who they once were, while others struggle to remember their pasts and the works they had penned. Despite there being no apparent end to their grand mission, they remain committed to the cause in hope of resolving the mystery behind their collective resurrection as well as questions that have haunted their former lives. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 33,854 6.36
Caligula (TV) -- -- Satelight -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Sci-Fi -- Caligula (TV) Caligula (TV) -- What is happiness? Ever the fan of psychology, questions such as this are ones that high school student Ritsu Shikishima likes to ponder as he spends his peaceful days with his friends. His perfect world, however, begins to unravel when he hears a strange voice obscured by static, pleading for help. This voice belongs to μ, a beloved pop idol, whose singing begins to have an adverse effect on the world. Before Ritsu's very eyes, the faces of his friends and family become distorted by glitches as the sound of μ's voice transforms them into Digiheads: berserk monsters bent on the extermination of all those who begin to awaken to the true nature of their existence. -- -- Realizing that he is trapped in a virtual world created by μ called Mobius, Ritsu must now gather everyone else who has managed to realize the truth before they are all eliminated. Together, they will use their newfound powers and weapons granted by their emotions—known as the Catharsis Effect—to fight off the mysterious group known as The Ostinato Musicians as they struggle to escape. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Ponycan USA -- 66,549 6.02
Chikyuu Shoujo Arjuna -- -- Satelight -- 13 eps -- Original -- Adventure Drama Magic Sci-Fi -- Chikyuu Shoujo Arjuna Chikyuu Shoujo Arjuna -- Juna Ariyoshi is an ordinary Japanese schoolgirl, who possesses a childlike curiosity and a strong admiration toward nature. One day, while on a trip with her boyfriend, Tokio Oshima, Juna dies from a motorcycle accident. However, she is given a chance to live by an individual named Chris Hawken. He offers her powers that make her the avatar of time; in exchange, she must fight to protect the Earth from evil forces called raaja, which are born out of the toxic pollution human beings have caused. -- -- She soon discovers that this is no easy task. While trying to master her newfound powers, she must also seek answers to deep questions about the ways science and technology have taken away humans' primal and instinctive connections with nature. With the help of Chris, his assistant Cindy Klein, and a powerful international organization named SEED, it is up to Juna to overcome her fears and find a way to stop the raaja from destroying everyone and everything she cares for. -- -- 26,790 6.82
Chikyuu Shoujo Arjuna -- -- Satelight -- 13 eps -- Original -- Adventure Drama Magic Sci-Fi -- Chikyuu Shoujo Arjuna Chikyuu Shoujo Arjuna -- Juna Ariyoshi is an ordinary Japanese schoolgirl, who possesses a childlike curiosity and a strong admiration toward nature. One day, while on a trip with her boyfriend, Tokio Oshima, Juna dies from a motorcycle accident. However, she is given a chance to live by an individual named Chris Hawken. He offers her powers that make her the avatar of time; in exchange, she must fight to protect the Earth from evil forces called raaja, which are born out of the toxic pollution human beings have caused. -- -- She soon discovers that this is no easy task. While trying to master her newfound powers, she must also seek answers to deep questions about the ways science and technology have taken away humans' primal and instinctive connections with nature. With the help of Chris, his assistant Cindy Klein, and a powerful international organization named SEED, it is up to Juna to overcome her fears and find a way to stop the raaja from destroying everyone and everything she cares for. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- 26,790 6.82
Concrete Revolutio: Choujin Gensou - The Last Song -- -- Bones -- 11 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Mystery Super Power Demons Supernatural Drama Fantasy -- Concrete Revolutio: Choujin Gensou - The Last Song Concrete Revolutio: Choujin Gensou - The Last Song -- Titans from outer space, life forms from a mystical world, phantoms and goblins from ancient times, cyborgs created by scientists, relics that rose out of the ruins of ancient civilizations. In another Japan, it's not just a question of "what if"—it's a reality. Some of the superhumans choose to keep their identities a secret, while others bask in their superhuman fame. Jiro Hitoyoshi, member of the Superhuman Bureau, keeps track of their doings. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 30,686 7.04
Concrete Revolutio: Choujin Gensou - The Last Song -- -- Bones -- 11 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Mystery Super Power Demons Supernatural Drama Fantasy -- Concrete Revolutio: Choujin Gensou - The Last Song Concrete Revolutio: Choujin Gensou - The Last Song -- Titans from outer space, life forms from a mystical world, phantoms and goblins from ancient times, cyborgs created by scientists, relics that rose out of the ruins of ancient civilizations. In another Japan, it's not just a question of "what if"—it's a reality. Some of the superhumans choose to keep their identities a secret, while others bask in their superhuman fame. Jiro Hitoyoshi, member of the Superhuman Bureau, keeps track of their doings. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 30,686 7.04
Crayon Shin-chan -- -- Shin-Ei Animation -- ? eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Ecchi School Seinen -- Crayon Shin-chan Crayon Shin-chan -- There is no such thing as an uneventful day in the life of kindergartener Shinnosuke "Shin-chan" Nohara. The five-year-old is a cut above the most troublesome, perverted, and shameless kid one can imagine. Shin-chan is almost always engaged in questionable activities such as forgetting about a friend during hide and seek, sumo wrestling for love, performing various gags including the notorious "elephant" in public, and flirting with college girls. The exemplary troublemaker has done it all and has no plans to stop anytime soon. -- -- Crayon Shin-chan follows the daily shenanigans of Shin-chan with his group of friends, parading around as the self-proclaimed "Kasukabe Defense Force." The adults witnessing these shenanigans unfold can't help but adore Shin-chan, as he keeps them entertained while unintentionally solving their daily troubles through his mindless antics—leaving himself as the only problem they do not know what to do with. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 60,098 7.69
Dance with Devils -- -- Brain's Base -- 12 eps -- Original -- Harem Demons Supernatural Romance Vampire Shoujo -- Dance with Devils Dance with Devils -- Ritsuka Tachibana has always been a good student, so she is completely shocked when she is suddenly summoned by the student council. Even more, they seem to think of Ritsuka as a troublemaker. Led by the handsome Rem Kaginuki, the student council—also consisting of Urie Sogami, Shiki Natsumizaka and Mage Nanashiro—tries to question her, but it soon becomes clear that they have ulterior motives. -- -- However, this is only the beginning. When her mother gets kidnapped, her life is turned upside down, and Ritsuka gets drawn into a world of vampires and devils. Both groups are searching for the "Grimoire," a forbidden item allowing its owner to rule the world. The return of her brother Lindo from overseas gives her hope, but even he appears to be hiding something. In a world filled with secrets, Ritsuka questions whom she can trust in this dark musical tale, while the handsome and dangerous members of the student council compete for her attention. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 97,898 6.33
Death Note: Rewrite -- -- Madhouse -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Mystery Police Psychological Supernatural Thriller -- Death Note: Rewrite Death Note: Rewrite -- 1. Genshisuru Kami (Visions of a God) -- A two hour episode of Death Note, mainly a compilation of the confrontations between Light and L, re-edited from Ryuk's perspective with new dialogue and soundtrack along with additional animation that could not be included in the original series. An Unnamed Shinigami comes to Ryuk to question him about his new story in the human world. -- -- 2. L o Tsugu Mono (L's Successors) -- This story continues where the previous left off, continuing the story of Light. As the previous special told Light and L's battles, this story does the same with the conflicts between Light, Mello, and Near. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- Special - Aug 31, 2007 -- 159,335 7.71
Death Note: Rewrite -- -- Madhouse -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Mystery Police Psychological Supernatural Thriller -- Death Note: Rewrite Death Note: Rewrite -- 1. Genshisuru Kami (Visions of a God) -- A two hour episode of Death Note, mainly a compilation of the confrontations between Light and L, re-edited from Ryuk's perspective with new dialogue and soundtrack along with additional animation that could not be included in the original series. An Unnamed Shinigami comes to Ryuk to question him about his new story in the human world. -- -- 2. L o Tsugu Mono (L's Successors) -- This story continues where the previous left off, continuing the story of Light. As the previous special told Light and L's battles, this story does the same with the conflicts between Light, Mello, and Near. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- Special - Aug 31, 2007 -- 159,335 7.71
Death Parade -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Original -- Game Mystery Psychological Drama Thriller -- Death Parade Death Parade -- After death, there is no heaven or hell, only a bar that stands between reincarnation and oblivion. There the attendant will, one after another, challenge pairs of the recently deceased to a random game in which their fate of either ascending into reincarnation or falling into the void will be wagered. Whether it's bowling, darts, air hockey, or anything in between, each person's true nature will be revealed in a ghastly parade of death and memories, dancing to the whims of the bar's master. Welcome to Quindecim, where Decim, arbiter of the afterlife, awaits! -- -- Death Parade expands upon the original one-shot intended to train young animators. It follows yet more people receiving judgment—until a strange, black-haired guest causes Decim to begin questioning his own rulings. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 1,285,447 8.19
Diabolik Lovers -- -- Zexcs -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Harem School Shoujo Vampire -- Diabolik Lovers Diabolik Lovers -- At the behest of her father, Yui Komori goes to live in a secluded mansion, home to the six Sakamaki brothers—Shuu, Reiji, Ayato, Kanato, Laito, and Subaru—a family of vampires. Though at first the siblings are confused as to why the girl has arrived, they soon realize that she is to be their new "sacrificial bride," not to mention their other, more carnal intentions for her. After meeting the brothers, Yui quickly begins to question why her father would have sent her here and why she feels a strange, new pain in her chest. With each brother more sadistic than the last, Yui's life as a captive takes a harrowing turn in her new home. As her days turn into endless nights, and each brother vows to make her his own, Yui falls deeper and deeper into madness and ecstasy. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Sep 16, 2013 -- 261,538 5.28
Doraemon -- -- - -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Fantasy Kids Shounen -- Doraemon Doraemon -- Nobita Nobi is so hapless that his 22nd century decendants are still impoverished as a result of his 20th century bumbling. In a bid to raise their social status, their servant, a robotic cat named Doraemon, decides to travel back in time and guide Nobita on the proper path to fortune. Unfortunately Doraemon, a dysfunctional robot that the familly acquired by accident (but chose to keep nonetheless), isn't much better off than Nobita. The robot leads Nobita on many adventures, and while Nobita's life certainly is more exciting with the robot cat from the future, it is questionable if it is in fact better in the way that Doraemon planned. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Note: The series has been poorly preserved, and never released on any format, nor has it ever been re-aired. -- -- Nearly all the footage within the series (except for the opening and closing credits) was destroyed in an accidental fire sometime after the series was cancelled. -- -- Surviving reels from the show are occasionally shown at Doraemon fan conventions in Japan. In addition, the audio of several episodes still survives. Still images from episodes 1 and 24 exists. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- 16,840 7.37
Dorei-ku The Animation -- -- TNK, Zero-G -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Psychological -- Dorei-ku The Animation Dorei-ku The Animation -- Eager to know why her best friend’s boyfriend dumped her for a man, the headstrong Eiya Arakawa suggests a meeting with them. Gathered together at a café, Yuuga Oota agrees to answer Eiya’s questions only if she can correctly ascertain the relationship of a couple sitting across from them, which she does on her first attempt. Amazed by her astounding intellect and intuition, he invites her to a private meeting where he introduces her to the concept of Slave Control Method, or SCM, a retainer-like device that has the ability to turn people into slaves. -- -- When two SCM users enter a duel, the devices exert a powerful influence on their brains. Once the duel is over, the SCM amplifies the loser’s sense of obligation and forces them to bend to the will of the winner. Wanting desperately to test his own abilities, Yuuga asks Eiya to act as his insurance in the event that he himself becomes a slave. Granted access to 10 million yen, Eiya’s job is to convince Yuuga’s would-be master to free him from his servitude. Though hesitant at first, Yuuga’s words resonate with her personal yearning for something more from her life, and she agrees to his request. However, when a mysterious organization begins rapidly accruing slaves, Eiya becomes entangled in a game far more dangerous than she ever could have imagined. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 51,942 5.98
Dragon Ball Z: Atsumare! Gokuu World -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Super Power Martial Arts Fantasy Shounen -- Dragon Ball Z: Atsumare! Gokuu World Dragon Ball Z: Atsumare! Gokuu World -- Dragon Ball Z: Atsumare! Goku's World is a Terebikko's videogame. In this OVA, Goku and his friends pose questions for the viewers about the Dragon Ball series. -- OVA - Jan 28, 1992 -- 17,894 6.47
Druaga no Tou: The Sword of Uruk -- -- Gonzo -- 12 eps -- Game -- Adventure Fantasy -- Druaga no Tou: The Sword of Uruk Druaga no Tou: The Sword of Uruk -- With broken spirits and enigmatic questions that hold no answers lingering, Jil is still trying to figure everything out. Then, a mysterious girl named Kai appears before him and says: "Take me to the top of the tower." -- -- Kai's request shrouded in ambiguity, Jil will have another chance to work towards completing his destiny and ascend the Tower. With his hopes and aspirations seemingly slipping out of his hands, Jil must rise to the challenge once again on this never-ending adventure. -- -- (Source: Crunchyroll) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 67,214 7.23
Eve no Jikan (Movie) -- -- Studio Rikka -- 1 ep -- Original -- Sci-Fi Slice of Life -- Eve no Jikan (Movie) Eve no Jikan (Movie) -- In the Japan of the future, employing androids for various purposes is nothing out of the ordinary. However, treating androids on the same level as humans is frowned upon, and there is constant paranoia surrounding the possibility of robots defying humans, their masters. Those who appear too trustworthy of their androids are chided and labeled "dori-kei," or "android-holics." -- -- High school student Rikuo Sakisaka notices when his house droid, Sammy, starts behaving curiously—she has been leaving the house without his instruction. When he inspects the movement logs in her database, a cryptic line grabs his attention: "Are you enjoying the time of EVE?" Accompanied by his friend Masakazu Masaki, Rikuo tracks the whereabouts of his houseroid to a cafe called Time of Eve, where it is forbidden for customers to display prejudice against one another. The cafe, Rikuo realizes, is frequented by both man and machine, with no evidence to tell either apart. -- -- Each customer—from the cheerful Akiko, to a robot dangerously close to breaking down—has their own story and challenges to overcome. While Rikuo tries to reveal Sammy's intentions, he begins to question the legitimacy of the fear that drives humans to regard androids as nothing more than mere tools. -- -- -- Licensor: -- NYAV Post, Pied Piper -- Movie - Mar 6, 2010 -- 108,248 8.04
Eve no Jikan (Movie) -- -- Studio Rikka -- 1 ep -- Original -- Sci-Fi Slice of Life -- Eve no Jikan (Movie) Eve no Jikan (Movie) -- In the Japan of the future, employing androids for various purposes is nothing out of the ordinary. However, treating androids on the same level as humans is frowned upon, and there is constant paranoia surrounding the possibility of robots defying humans, their masters. Those who appear too trustworthy of their androids are chided and labeled "dori-kei," or "android-holics." -- -- High school student Rikuo Sakisaka notices when his house droid, Sammy, starts behaving curiously—she has been leaving the house without his instruction. When he inspects the movement logs in her database, a cryptic line grabs his attention: "Are you enjoying the time of EVE?" Accompanied by his friend Masakazu Masaki, Rikuo tracks the whereabouts of his houseroid to a cafe called Time of Eve, where it is forbidden for customers to display prejudice against one another. The cafe, Rikuo realizes, is frequented by both man and machine, with no evidence to tell either apart. -- -- Each customer—from the cheerful Akiko, to a robot dangerously close to breaking down—has their own story and challenges to overcome. While Rikuo tries to reveal Sammy's intentions, he begins to question the legitimacy of the fear that drives humans to regard androids as nothing more than mere tools. -- -- Movie - Mar 6, 2010 -- 108,248 8.04
Extra -- -- Studio 4°C -- 1 ep -- - -- Action Sci-Fi Music Dementia Horror -- Extra Extra -- Animation veteran and Studio 4°C collaborator Koji Morimoto teamed up with techo artist Ken Ishii for this AMV. -- -- "EXTRA" is a random cross talk about computer, music, images, and Internet by two authors working on their first collaboration in techno music and animation. This short animation which is stored on CD-ROM and immediately shakes the viewer with question as to what the word of the title, "EXTRA," means. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- Music - Jan 1, 1995 -- 3,971 5.96
Fairy Tail (2014) -- -- A-1 Pictures, Bridge -- 102 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Magic Shounen -- Fairy Tail (2014) Fairy Tail (2014) -- The Grand Magic Games reaches its climax following Natsu Dragneel and Gajeel Redfox's stunning victory over Sting Eucliffe and Rogue Cheney of the Sabertooth guild. This success pushes the Fairy Tail guild closer to being crowned the overall champions, but obtaining victory isn't the only challenge they face. A mystery still surrounds a hooded stranger and the ominous Eclipse Gate, leaving more questions than answers. -- -- More crazy adventures are on the horizon for Fairy Tail as their destructive antics and joyful rowdiness continue unabated. Their greatest trial is quickly approaching, but united as a family, the guild will always be ready to face any threat that comes their way. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 750,368 7.70
Fate/Grand Order: Shuukyoku Tokuiten - Kani Jikan Shinden Solomon -- -- - -- ? eps -- Game -- Action Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Fate/Grand Order: Shuukyoku Tokuiten - Kani Jikan Shinden Solomon Fate/Grand Order: Shuukyoku Tokuiten - Kani Jikan Shinden Solomon -- (No synopsis yet.) -- - - ??? ??, ???? -- 22,965 N/AKono Danshi, Uchuujin to Tatakaemasu. -- -- CoMix Wave Films -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Fantasy Shounen Ai Super Power Supernatural -- Kono Danshi, Uchuujin to Tatakaemasu. Kono Danshi, Uchuujin to Tatakaemasu. -- All hope seems lost when the world is suddenly invaded by aliens. Earth's only defense is a small three-person team known as the Special Counter-Aliens Task Force, consisting of an anonymous director, the tyrannical Shiro, and the easygoing Arikawa. -- -- The luck of the Task Force improves when Arikawa finds a teenage boy lying alone on a hill. The boy, Kakashi, is humanity's only hope—he has power previously unbeknownst capable of defeating the aliens! However, without any memories and with no knowledge on how to use his power, Kakashi is left clinging to Arikawa and Shiro as well as the only remnant of his previous life: his broken cellphone. -- -- Kakashi is conflicted by the fears and emotions clouding his mind and he calls his own motivations into question. Can he overcome his doubts and internal struggles and save the world? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- OVA - Oct 10, 2011 -- 22,909 6.84
Freezing -- -- A.C.G.T. -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Harem Drama Romance Ecchi Martial Arts Seinen -- Freezing Freezing -- Decades into the future, humanity is under siege by an alien race known as the Novas. These inhuman beings leave devastation in their wake whenever they appear, with the efforts to stave them off becoming known as Nova Clashes. Young women known as "Pandoras" and young men known as "Limiters" are implanted with stigmata to give them superhuman powers and are trained in military academies, where they must learn to work together if humanity is to have a chance of surviving. -- -- Freezing tells the story of Kazuya Aoi as he sets out for his first day at the West Genetics military academy, right when a battle royale is being undertaken by the Pandoras. It is here that he mistakes Satellizer el Bridget—a powerful Pandora known as the "Untouchable Queen"—as his deceased sister and embraces her. Though he costs her the match, she finds that his touch doesn't drive her away and decides to take him as her Limiter. The only question is whether or not their partnership can survive the machinations of their upperclassmen and the impending battle with the Novas… -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 275,711 6.88
Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos -- -- Bones -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Magic Military Shounen -- Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos -- Chasing a runaway alchemist with strange powers, brothers Edward and Alphonse Elric stumble into the squalid valley of the Milos. The Milosians are an oppressed group that seek to reclaim their holy land from Creta: a militaristic country that forcefully annexed their nation. In the eye of the political storm is a girl named Julia Crichton, who emphatically wishes for the Milos to regain their strength and return to being a nation of peace. -- -- Befriending the girl, Edward and Alphonse find themselves in the midst of a rising resistance that involves the use of the very object they have been seeking all along—the Philosopher's Stone. However, their past experiences with the stone cause them reservation, and the brothers are unwilling to help. -- -- But as they discover the secrets behind Creta's intentions and questionable history, the brothers are drawn into the battle between the rebellious Milos, who desire their liberty, and the Cretan military, who seek absolute power. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Jul 2, 2011 -- 154,554 7.31
Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos -- -- Bones -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Magic Military Shounen -- Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos -- Chasing a runaway alchemist with strange powers, brothers Edward and Alphonse Elric stumble into the squalid valley of the Milos. The Milosians are an oppressed group that seek to reclaim their holy land from Creta: a militaristic country that forcefully annexed their nation. In the eye of the political storm is a girl named Julia Crichton, who emphatically wishes for the Milos to regain their strength and return to being a nation of peace. -- -- Befriending the girl, Edward and Alphonse find themselves in the midst of a rising resistance that involves the use of the very object they have been seeking all along—the Philosopher's Stone. However, their past experiences with the stone cause them reservation, and the brothers are unwilling to help. -- -- But as they discover the secrets behind Creta's intentions and questionable history, the brothers are drawn into the battle between the rebellious Milos, who desire their liberty, and the Cretan military, who seek absolute power. -- -- Movie - Jul 2, 2011 -- 154,554 7.31
Fune wo Amu -- -- Zexcs -- 11 eps -- Novel -- Slice of Life Drama Romance -- Fune wo Amu Fune wo Amu -- Kouhei Araki, a veteran editor of the dictionary editorial division at Genbu Publishing, plans to retire in order to better care for his ailing wife. However, before retiring, he must find a replacement to complete his latest project: a new dictionary called "The Great Passage." But no matter where he looks, he cannot find anyone suitable, as making a dictionary requires a wealth of patience, time, and dedication. -- -- Mitsuya Majime works in Genbu Publishing's sales division, yet he has poor social skills and an inability to read the mood in most situations. In spite of this, he excels at having an enthusiasm for words thanks to his love of reading and careful personality. It is these skills that draw Araki to him and prompt him to offer Majime a position in the dictionary editorial department. As Majime accepts his new position, he finds himself unsure of his abilities and questioning whether he will fit in with his new co-workers. Yet amid the vast sea of words, The Great Passage will bring them together. -- -- 91,862 7.64
Fune wo Amu -- -- Zexcs -- 11 eps -- Novel -- Slice of Life Drama Romance -- Fune wo Amu Fune wo Amu -- Kouhei Araki, a veteran editor of the dictionary editorial division at Genbu Publishing, plans to retire in order to better care for his ailing wife. However, before retiring, he must find a replacement to complete his latest project: a new dictionary called "The Great Passage." But no matter where he looks, he cannot find anyone suitable, as making a dictionary requires a wealth of patience, time, and dedication. -- -- Mitsuya Majime works in Genbu Publishing's sales division, yet he has poor social skills and an inability to read the mood in most situations. In spite of this, he excels at having an enthusiasm for words thanks to his love of reading and careful personality. It is these skills that draw Araki to him and prompt him to offer Majime a position in the dictionary editorial department. As Majime accepts his new position, he finds himself unsure of his abilities and questioning whether he will fit in with his new co-workers. Yet amid the vast sea of words, The Great Passage will bring them together. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- 91,862 7.64
Ghost Hunt -- -- J.C.Staff -- 25 eps -- Light novel -- Mystery Comedy Horror Supernatural Shoujo -- Ghost Hunt Ghost Hunt -- While at school, Taniyama Mai and her friends like to exchange ghost stories. Apparently, there is an abandoned school building on their campus that is the center of many ghost stories. During the story, they are interrupted by a mysterious male figure. The person turns out to be Shibuya Kazuya, a 17-year-old who is president of the Shibuya Psychic Research Company. He was called by the principal to investigate the stories surrounding the abandoned school building. -- -- The next day, on the way to school, Mai passes the school building in question. While examining a strange camera she spotted inside, she gets surprised by Kazuya's assistant. Unknowingly interfering with the investigation, Mai breaks the camera and Kazuya's assistant gets injured. -- -- Kazuya forcefully hires Mai in order to pay for the camera and replace his injured assistant. From that point on, Mai begins to learn about the paranormal world and the profession of ghost hunting. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Oct 4, 2006 -- 198,156 7.80
Ghost Hunt -- -- J.C.Staff -- 25 eps -- Light novel -- Mystery Comedy Horror Supernatural Shoujo -- Ghost Hunt Ghost Hunt -- While at school, Taniyama Mai and her friends like to exchange ghost stories. Apparently, there is an abandoned school building on their campus that is the center of many ghost stories. During the story, they are interrupted by a mysterious male figure. The person turns out to be Shibuya Kazuya, a 17-year-old who is president of the Shibuya Psychic Research Company. He was called by the principal to investigate the stories surrounding the abandoned school building. -- -- The next day, on the way to school, Mai passes the school building in question. While examining a strange camera she spotted inside, she gets surprised by Kazuya's assistant. Unknowingly interfering with the investigation, Mai breaks the camera and Kazuya's assistant gets injured. -- -- Kazuya forcefully hires Mai in order to pay for the camera and replace his injured assistant. From that point on, Mai begins to learn about the paranormal world and the profession of ghost hunting. -- -- TV - Oct 4, 2006 -- 198,156 7.80
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Seiran 2 -- -- Production I.G -- 4 eps -- Novel -- Action Drama Military Sci-Fi Space -- Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Seiran 2 Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Seiran 2 -- Marquis Reinhard von Lohengramm's plot to destabilize the Free Planets Alliance succeeds when the treacherous former Rear Admiral Arthur Lynch instigates a coup on Heinessen. Equipped with a plan crafted by Reinhard himself, Lynch encourages his longtime friend Admiral Dwight Greenhill to supervise the National Salvation Military Council's toppling of the civilian government. Seeking to defend democracy and restore the Alliance constitution, Admiral Yang Wen-li faces off against his fellow citizens—and, regrettably, the father of his devoted adjutant Lieutenant Frederica Greenhill. -- -- Now with the Free Planets Alliance thoroughly occupied with their own internal matters, the forces of the Galactic Empire can safely suppress the newly formed Lippstadt League led by Duke Otto von Braunschweig. However, with his friend and loyal subordinate High Admiral Siegfried Kircheis fighting far away in the noble-controlled frontier regions, Reinhard increasingly relies on the advice of the ruthless Vice Admiral Paul von Oberstein, whose influence within the esteemed Lohengramm admiralty steadily grows. -- -- Though bloodshed is inevitable on both sides of the galaxy, Yang Wen-li of the Alliance and Reinhard von Lohengramm of the Empire each ask themselves the same questions: how will history look back on their actions? Will the ends justify the means? -- -- Movie - Oct 25, 2019 -- 15,432 8.09
Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka??: Sing for You -- -- production doA -- 1 ep -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy Slice of Life -- Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka??: Sing for You Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka??: Sing for You -- Chino Kafuu returns to Rabbit House with a horrified look on her face. When questioned by her friends, she explains to them that she had just agreed to sing the solo section of a song for her class’ graduation ceremony. Although they congratulate their friend on her important role, Chino reveals that she has stage fright, but is determined to overcome it before the ceremony takes place.With the support of her friends and special training from Rize Tedeza, will Chino be able to overcome her stage fright? -- -- Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka??: Sing for You is a wholesome and heart-warming short story featuring Chino and the other girls from the cafe. -- -- OVA - Sep 26, 2019 -- 16,630 7.74
Godzilla 3: Hoshi wo Kuu Mono -- -- Polygon Pictures -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Sci-Fi -- Godzilla 3: Hoshi wo Kuu Mono Godzilla 3: Hoshi wo Kuu Mono -- A door opens, and a golden seal shatters a star. -- -- It is the early 21st century. Mankind has lost the battle for planet Earth to Godzilla, and has taken to the stars in search of a new home. But the search ends in vain, forcing them and their alien allies back to Earth. But 20,000 years have passed in their absence, and the Earth is a wholly different place. -- -- The planet's flora and fauna now embody and serve Godzilla. Earth is a monster's planet, ruled by the largest Godzilla ever at 300 meters in height. Godzilla Earth. -- -- Human protagonist, Captain Haruo, yearns to defeat Godzilla and retake the planet for mankind. There, he meets aboriginal descendants of the human race, the Houtua tribe. The Houtua twin sisters, Maina and Miana, lead him to the skeletal remains of Mecha-Godzilla, an old anti-Godzilla weapon, which to everyone's surprise is still alive in the form of self-generating nanometal. Taken from the Mecha-Godzilla carcass, the nanometals have gradually been rebuilding a "Mecha-Godzilla City," a potential weapon capable of destroying Godzilla Earth. -- -- As the strategy develops, a rift forms between the humans and the Bilusaludo, one of several alien races that had joined the humans on their exodus from Earth. Their leader, Galu-gu, believes that the secret to defeating Godzilla lies in the use of superhuman powers – namely, the nanometal integration – but Haruo resists, fearing that in defeating monsters, they must not become monsters themselves. Haruo ultimately uses his means for defeating Godzilla Earth to destroy the Mecha-Godzilla city so as to prevent nanometal assimilation, killing Galu-gu. However, his childhood friend, Yuuko, has been absorbed by the nanometal integration and has fallen into a brain dead coma. -- -- The human race, once again, is lost. Metphies, commander of the priestly alien race, Exif, marvels at the miraculous survival of Haruo, he begins to attract a following. The Exif has secretly harbored this outcome as their "ultimate goal." Miana and Maina issue warnings against Metphies, while Haruo begins to question mankind's next move. -- -- With no means for defeating Godzilla Earth, mankind watches as King Ghidorah, clad in a golden light, descends on the planet. The earth shakes once again with as war moves to a higher dimension. -- -- What is Godzilla exactly? Does mankind stand a chance? Is there a future vision in Haruo's eyes? Find out in the finale. -- -- (Source: Official site) -- Movie - Nov 9, 2018 -- 23,950 6.26
Goshuushou-sama Ninomiya-kun -- -- AIC Spirits -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Harem Comedy Ecchi Fantasy -- Goshuushou-sama Ninomiya-kun Goshuushou-sama Ninomiya-kun -- Shungo Ninomiya is just an ordinary, run-of-the-mill high school student who lives at home with his older sister Ryoko—at least when she's not away doing her job as a mercenary. However, Shungo's life ceases to be normal the moment a cute girl named Mayu Tsukimura descends into the middle of his school's campus in a military-grade helicopter. It turns out Ryoko sent this girl, along with her older brother Mikihiro, to live at the Ninomiya household. -- -- But the newly-arrived siblings are a little special: Mayu is, in fact, a succubus and her brother, an incubus! And as if the circumstances are not problematic enough, Mayu is crippled with androphobia—the fear of men—and it's up to Shungo to help her overcome this at the behest of his sister. Ryoko plans to force Mayu to be closer to Shungo, and to do this, she’ll employ some questionable methods such as having them share the same bed and even take baths together. -- -- The situation further complicates when student council president Reika Houjou arrives as the new maid of the Ninomiya family, and she will stop at nothing to thwart Shungo and Mayu’s sexually-geared training. With the sudden arrival of all these oddities, Shungo's ordinary life is about to be thrown into utter turmoil. -- -- TV - Oct 5, 2007 -- 87,478 6.71
Gunsmith Cats -- -- OLM -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Police Seinen -- Gunsmith Cats Gunsmith Cats -- In the dangerous suburbs of Chicago, skilled bounty hunters Irene "Rally" Vincent and "Minnie" May Hopkins run Gunsmith Cats, a firearms store of questionable legality. One day, Bill Collins, an agent for the Chicago branch of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, blackmails Rally and May into working with him on a case. The stakes are high, but Rally’s gunmanship and May’s knowledge of explosives are unmatched. As Rally and May unravel the secrets of the case, the two will need to use guns and grenades while being faster, stronger, and better than everyone else in order to stay alive. -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, AnimEigo -- OVA - Nov 1, 1995 -- 35,022 7.28
Hajimete no Gal -- -- NAZ -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Romance Ecchi School Shounen -- Hajimete no Gal Hajimete no Gal -- Following a prank pulled by his perverse friends, Junichi Hashiba asks a gal out in an attempt to change the fact that he's a hopeless virgin. Yukana Yame, the girl in question, is disgusted by Junichi's groveling. However, through a series of teasing remarks, she soon finds herself bonding with him and ultimately accepting Junichi's confession, much to his surprise. -- -- Hajimete no Gal follows Junichi as he overcomes his lack of self-confidence and suppresses his sexual urges, all while thrust into a whole new school life full of lively girls and unpredictable mayhem. -- -- 354,157 6.29
Hajimete no Gal -- -- NAZ -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Romance Ecchi School Shounen -- Hajimete no Gal Hajimete no Gal -- Following a prank pulled by his perverse friends, Junichi Hashiba asks a gal out in an attempt to change the fact that he's a hopeless virgin. Yukana Yame, the girl in question, is disgusted by Junichi's groveling. However, through a series of teasing remarks, she soon finds herself bonding with him and ultimately accepting Junichi's confession, much to his surprise. -- -- Hajimete no Gal follows Junichi as he overcomes his lack of self-confidence and suppresses his sexual urges, all while thrust into a whole new school life full of lively girls and unpredictable mayhem. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 354,157 6.29
Hataraku Maou-sama! 2nd Season -- -- - -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Demons Supernatural Romance Fantasy -- Hataraku Maou-sama! 2nd Season Hataraku Maou-sama! 2nd Season -- Second season of Hataraku Maou-sama! -- TV - ??? ??, ???? -- 98,137 N/ADance with Devils -- -- Brain's Base -- 12 eps -- Original -- Harem Demons Supernatural Romance Vampire Shoujo -- Dance with Devils Dance with Devils -- Ritsuka Tachibana has always been a good student, so she is completely shocked when she is suddenly summoned by the student council. Even more, they seem to think of Ritsuka as a troublemaker. Led by the handsome Rem Kaginuki, the student council—also consisting of Urie Sogami, Shiki Natsumizaka and Mage Nanashiro—tries to question her, but it soon becomes clear that they have ulterior motives. -- -- However, this is only the beginning. When her mother gets kidnapped, her life is turned upside down, and Ritsuka gets drawn into a world of vampires and devils. Both groups are searching for the "Grimoire," a forbidden item allowing its owner to rule the world. The return of her brother Lindo from overseas gives her hope, but even he appears to be hiding something. In a world filled with secrets, Ritsuka questions whom she can trust in this dark musical tale, while the handsome and dangerous members of the student council compete for her attention. -- -- 97,898 6.33
Hetalia Axis Powers -- -- Studio Deen -- 52 eps -- Web manga -- Comedy Historical Parody -- Hetalia Axis Powers Hetalia Axis Powers -- What if nations were people? What traits would they have? What would this mean for historical events? -- -- Hetalia Axis Powers takes these questions and runs with them, personifying countries into characters. The show takes a comedic and light approach to politics and historical events while educating the viewer. -- -- Taking place primarily during the events of World War I and World War II, the story focuses on the Axis Powers and occasionally throws the spotlight onto the tumultuous relationship between the Allied Forces. The Axis Powers feature the titular character North Italy, who is clumsy, carefree and loves pasta; Germany, who is very serious but easily flustered; and Japan, who is stoic but has bizarre interests. -- -- Based on Hidekaz Himaruya's widely popular webcomic turned print manga, Hetalia Axis Powers is a historical comedy that pokes lightly at culture, examines the relationships between nations and breathes fun into history. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- ONA - Jan 24, 2009 -- 227,002 7.36
Himouto! Umaru-chan R -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy School Seinen Slice of Life -- Himouto! Umaru-chan R Himouto! Umaru-chan R -- Umaru Doma is a model student who has a hidden side: when she gets home each day, she puts on her hamster hoodie and turns into a sluggish otaku fond of junk food. As Umaru continues these daily antics, the friendship between her and her classmates—Nana Ebina, Kirie Motoba, and Sylphinford Tachibana—deepens, and more and more interesting events begin to unfold. -- -- Of course, these events give rise to numerous questions. What did Nana ask of Umaru's brother Taihei? Who is the mysterious girl with the diamond hairpin? And most important of all: why does this girl seem to know Umaru? These questions and more will be answered in Himouto! Umaru-chan R! -- -- 189,133 7.35
Himouto! Umaru-chan R -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy School Seinen Slice of Life -- Himouto! Umaru-chan R Himouto! Umaru-chan R -- Umaru Doma is a model student who has a hidden side: when she gets home each day, she puts on her hamster hoodie and turns into a sluggish otaku fond of junk food. As Umaru continues these daily antics, the friendship between her and her classmates—Nana Ebina, Kirie Motoba, and Sylphinford Tachibana—deepens, and more and more interesting events begin to unfold. -- -- Of course, these events give rise to numerous questions. What did Nana ask of Umaru's brother Taihei? Who is the mysterious girl with the diamond hairpin? And most important of all: why does this girl seem to know Umaru? These questions and more will be answered in Himouto! Umaru-chan R! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 189,133 7.35
iDOLM@STER Xenoglossia -- -- Sunrise -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Mecha Sci-Fi -- iDOLM@STER Xenoglossia iDOLM@STER Xenoglossia -- 107 years ago, the Moon was destroyed in a massive cataclysm that shattered Earth's former satellite into 81 quintillion tons of orbital debris. However, thanks to super-science, the Earth itself was saved and today no one really thinks much about that century-past disaster. Which is why when teenage Haruka Amami auditions for something called the Idolmaster Project, she THINKS she's trying out to be a singing idol. Instead, Haruka finds herself at a secret school run by the Mondenkind Agency, living with a group of other girls who have also been selected as candidates to pilot an iDOL - an advanced robot specifically designed to intercept falling chunks of moon rock. Except, the people who run the Mondenkind Agency aren't exactly knights in shining armor. And then there's the question of whether the iDOLs are really JUST robots. Because from almost the first moment, Haruka starts to feel emotions resonating from within the iDOL called Imber. -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 20,356 6.51
Innocence -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Military Sci-Fi Police Psychological Mecha -- Innocence Innocence -- With Major Motoko Kusanagi missing, Section 9's Batou is assigned to investigate a string of gruesome murders—seemingly at the hands of faulty gynoids, or sex robots. But when a faulty gynoid leaves Batou a cryptic message, he begins to question the cause of their malfunctions. Suspicions of politically motivated murder and an illegal "ghost" quickly crop up, drawing Batou and his partner Togusa into a perilous web of conspiracy. -- -- As their investigation goes on, the line between man and machine continues to blur, and reality and perception become indistinguishable. Confronting strange and dangerous foes, Batou and Togusa explore a futuristic world filled with machines and living dolls but utterly devoid of humanity. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Funimation -- Movie - Mar 6, 2004 -- 135,632 7.82
Ishuzoku Reviewers -- -- Passione -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi Fantasy -- Ishuzoku Reviewers Ishuzoku Reviewers -- Countless diverse races, from perky fairies to oozing slimes, inhabit the world. Naturally, such a melting pot of creatures has a broad and alluring variety of brothels. With so many options to choose from, it is hard to decide with which succu-girl to have a meaningful, interpersonal experience. -- -- Fortunately, a tight group of brave warriors has come together to enlighten the public. These perverted adventurers take it upon themselves to assess the appeal of all types of succu-girls through hands-on research. Whether it be the scorchingly hot salamanders or the udderly hu-moo-ngous cow-girls, the Yoruno Gloss reviewers leave no species behind. -- -- Directed by the mastermind behind Miru Tights, Ishuzoku Reviewers seeks to answer one of the most pressing questions there is: which species is the sexiest? -- -- 332,880 7.55
Island -- -- feel. -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Drama Sci-Fi -- Island Island -- On a remote island far from the mainland named Urashima, a man washes ashore, with no recollection of his name or homeland. What he does recall, however, is that he is a time traveler with a mission: to save a certain girl from harm. As nightfall arrives, he meets Rinne Ohara, a girl who sings a tune that reminds him of a specific name—Setsuna—and decides to use it as his own. -- -- Knowing another "Setsuna" herself, Rinne takes him to her household as a servant, hoping that he is the same one she remembers. On the other hand, Setsuna continues to learn more about Urashima, desiring to identify his lost past. He comes to know about the island's folklore, its three great families, and the endemic disease that prevents anyone afflicted from stepping out into the daylight. -- -- As the mysteries of his missing memories and Urashima itself unfold, Setsuna must remember his purpose and fulfill his mission as soon as possible. But, as he witnesses the myriad of troubles plaguing the island, Setsuna begins to question—is his temporal displacement merely an effort to change a single girl's fate? -- -- 106,760 6.33
Island -- -- feel. -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Drama Sci-Fi -- Island Island -- On a remote island far from the mainland named Urashima, a man washes ashore, with no recollection of his name or homeland. What he does recall, however, is that he is a time traveler with a mission: to save a certain girl from harm. As nightfall arrives, he meets Rinne Ohara, a girl who sings a tune that reminds him of a specific name—Setsuna—and decides to use it as his own. -- -- Knowing another "Setsuna" herself, Rinne takes him to her household as a servant, hoping that he is the same one she remembers. On the other hand, Setsuna continues to learn more about Urashima, desiring to identify his lost past. He comes to know about the island's folklore, its three great families, and the endemic disease that prevents anyone afflicted from stepping out into the daylight. -- -- As the mysteries of his missing memories and Urashima itself unfold, Setsuna must remember his purpose and fulfill his mission as soon as possible. But, as he witnesses the myriad of troubles plaguing the island, Setsuna begins to question—is his temporal displacement merely an effort to change a single girl's fate? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 106,760 6.33
Isshuukan Friends. -- -- Brain's Base -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School Shounen -- Isshuukan Friends. Isshuukan Friends. -- Sixteen-year-old Yuuki Hase finally finds the courage to speak to his crush and ask her if she wants to become friends. The object of his affection, Kaori Fujimiya, is a quiet and reserved girl who cuts herself off from everyone and does not spare him the same blunt rejection she gives everybody else. -- -- Some time after, Yuuki finds her eating lunch on the roof where she secludes herself during break. He decides to start meeting with Kaori every day in the hopes of beginning to understand her better. The more time they spend together, the more she begins to open up to him. However, nearing the end of the week, she starts to push him away once more. It is then revealed to him the reason for Kaori's cold front: at the end of the week, her memories of those close to her, excluding her family, are forgotten, as they are reset every Monday. The result of an accident in middle school, the once popular and kind Kaori is now unable to make friends in fear of hurting the people dear to her. -- -- Determined to become more than just one week friends, Yuuki asks her the exact same question each Monday: "Would you like to be friends?" Because he knows that deep down, Kaori wishes for that more than anything. -- -- 259,203 7.56
Isshuukan Friends. -- -- Brain's Base -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School Shounen -- Isshuukan Friends. Isshuukan Friends. -- Sixteen-year-old Yuuki Hase finally finds the courage to speak to his crush and ask her if she wants to become friends. The object of his affection, Kaori Fujimiya, is a quiet and reserved girl who cuts herself off from everyone and does not spare him the same blunt rejection she gives everybody else. -- -- Some time after, Yuuki finds her eating lunch on the roof where she secludes herself during break. He decides to start meeting with Kaori every day in the hopes of beginning to understand her better. The more time they spend together, the more she begins to open up to him. However, nearing the end of the week, she starts to push him away once more. It is then revealed to him the reason for Kaori's cold front: at the end of the week, her memories of those close to her, excluding her family, are forgotten, as they are reset every Monday. The result of an accident in middle school, the once popular and kind Kaori is now unable to make friends in fear of hurting the people dear to her. -- -- Determined to become more than just one week friends, Yuuki asks her the exact same question each Monday: "Would you like to be friends?" Because he knows that deep down, Kaori wishes for that more than anything. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 259,203 7.56
Je Bul Chal-ssi Iyagi -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Comedy Horror Fantasy -- Je Bul Chal-ssi Iyagi Je Bul Chal-ssi Iyagi -- An unprecedented media show is on air at a TV broadcasting studio. The show is asking people whether a spider that drove an assemblyman crazy should be publicly executed or not. The spider in question is Je Bul-chal(meaning 'my mistake'), a hardworking young individual who became 'an ear cleaner' because of a precious memory he holds concerning his sister. In order to take a poll about his execution, the story of how Mr. Sorry became a spider is gradually revealed. -- -- (Source: Official website) -- Movie - Mar 12, 2009 -- 471 5.81
Jigoku Sensei Nube: Kyoufu no Natsuyasumi!! Ayashi no Umi no Densetsu! -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- - -- Action Horror School Shounen Supernatural -- Jigoku Sensei Nube: Kyoufu no Natsuyasumi!! Ayashi no Umi no Densetsu! Jigoku Sensei Nube: Kyoufu no Natsuyasumi!! Ayashi no Umi no Densetsu! -- When Nube and his class arrive at a small island to carry out beach activities, they heard a forbodding tale from an old man residing on the island. Legend has it that there is a creature known as the sea spider in the open seas around the island. When the creature is past 200 years old, it will turn into a monster and devour humans to satisfy its appetite. However, curiousity kills the cat and Yukime decides to pursue the authenticity of the legend. And then, a girl suddenly appears on the beach. Possessed with a strange charm, she immediately attracts Hiroshi's attention and overcomes him. Soon later, strange things start to happen to the others whereby Kyoko and Ritsuko-sensei got attacked under strange circumstances. The true identity behind the mysterious girl is questioned and the legend behind the sea creature seems to be true after all. -- Movie - Jul 12, 1997 -- 1,940 6.68
Jigoku Shoujo: Yoi no Togi -- -- Studio Deen -- 6 eps -- Original -- Horror Mystery Psychological Supernatural -- Jigoku Shoujo: Yoi no Togi Jigoku Shoujo: Yoi no Togi -- If you have a grudge against someone, you can access the Hell Correspondence website at the stroke of midnight, type in your grudge's name, and the Hell Girl, Ai Enma, will appear to grant your wish. However, the price for ridding yourself of such a burden is a steep one: in return for condemning the soul of your tormentor to Hell, your soul will also face eternal damnation. In her long vigil as the Hell Girl, Ai has met many willing to pay such a cost. -- -- In Jigoku Shoujo: Yoi no Togi, Ai and her enigmatic companions continue to carry out their work, ferrying soul after suffering soul into the depths of Hell. However, as of late, a mysterious girl has been following them. This strange child, unable to even remember her own identity, questions Ai about her duty as the Hell Girl. Who is this girl, and what connection does she have to Ai? -- -- 46,390 6.56
Jigoku Shoujo: Yoi no Togi -- -- Studio Deen -- 6 eps -- Original -- Horror Mystery Psychological Supernatural -- Jigoku Shoujo: Yoi no Togi Jigoku Shoujo: Yoi no Togi -- If you have a grudge against someone, you can access the Hell Correspondence website at the stroke of midnight, type in your grudge's name, and the Hell Girl, Ai Enma, will appear to grant your wish. However, the price for ridding yourself of such a burden is a steep one: in return for condemning the soul of your tormentor to Hell, your soul will also face eternal damnation. In her long vigil as the Hell Girl, Ai has met many willing to pay such a cost. -- -- In Jigoku Shoujo: Yoi no Togi, Ai and her enigmatic companions continue to carry out their work, ferrying soul after suffering soul into the depths of Hell. However, as of late, a mysterious girl has been following them. This strange child, unable to even remember her own identity, questions Ai about her duty as the Hell Girl. Who is this girl, and what connection does she have to Ai? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 46,390 6.56
Jin-Rou -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Military Police Psychological Drama Romance -- Jin-Rou Jin-Rou -- In an alternate history, following World War II, civil unrest and terrorism run rampant in a devastated Japan under foreign occupation. During a botched interception of underground munitions being transferred by a terrorist organization, Constable Kazuki Fuse, a soldier in an elite counter-terrorism unit, witnesses the true terror of human nature. He fails to prevent a teenage girl from carrying out a desperate suicide bombing that subsequently causes immense destruction to Tokyo. With mental scars and his competence under question, Kazuki is sent back to the military academy for re-evaluation. Unbeknownst to him, he will soon be caught up in a web of government conspiracies that have the power to determine the future of all of Japan. -- -- Jin-Rou is a heart-wrenching tale of a man treading the fine line between human and beast, ultimately discovering to which side he truly belongs. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Discotek Media -- Movie - Jun 3, 2000 -- 129,306 7.78
JK to Orc Heidan: Aku Buta Oni ni Ryougyaku Sareta Seijo Gakuen -- -- PoRO -- 2 eps -- Visual novel -- Hentai Demons Supernatural -- JK to Orc Heidan: Aku Buta Oni ni Ryougyaku Sareta Seijo Gakuen JK to Orc Heidan: Aku Buta Oni ni Ryougyaku Sareta Seijo Gakuen -- Anime adaptation of the PC game by Blue Gale LIGHT. -- -- Deep in a forest, there existed an old European-style building made of brick. It was an all-girls' school attended only by girls from good families. -- -- One day the school was covered by a mysterious thick fog caused by an earthquake. Orc soldiers emerged from the ominous fog. -- -- The schoolgirls were attacked one after another by these brutes from a parallel world. The girls' resistance was futile; they were crushed by the powerful orcs. Rape and death, only tragic screams echoed through the school. -- -- Why did it become like that!? There was no one who could answer that question... -- -- (Source: VNDB) -- OVA - Jul 26, 2013 -- 6,071 6.36
Joshikousei no Mudazukai -- -- Passione -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Comedy School -- Joshikousei no Mudazukai Joshikousei no Mudazukai -- As she heads off to her entrance ceremony at Sainotama Girls' High School, Akane Kikuchi muses over her grade school dream of becoming a manga artist and the lack of progress that she has made. When she finally arrives at school, she is surprised to learn that she is once again in the same class as her two best friends: the deadpan and emotionless Shiori Saginomiya and the hyperactive and ridiculous Nozomu Tanaka. Tanaka then comes to the obvious realization that she can't achieve her grade school dream of being popular with the boys and getting a boyfriend by going to an all-girls high school. -- -- In desperation, she begins asking the girls in her class to introduce her to their guy friends. Her classmates, however, are anything but ordinary. From a grandmother-loving loli to a reclusive chuunibyou to an overly analytical stalker, each one is given a fitting nickname by Tanaka to accentuate their weirdness. And so begin the wasteful days of these high school girls, each day kicked off with a simple question: "Hey, wanna hear something amazing?" -- -- 80,625 7.71
Karen Senki -- -- Next Media Animation -- 11 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi -- Karen Senki Karen Senki -- In the post-apocalyptic aftermath of a war between machines and their creators, machines rule while humans exist in a state of servitude. Titular character Karen leads Resistance Group 11, an eclectic group of humans who find themselves fighting for their lives as they are hunted by the robots in each episode. Is this the end of humanity? Are they fighting a losing battle? -- -- Through Karen, we delve into a struggle between right and wrong, between indifference and love that explores some of the deepest questions about humanity. What is the difference between a thinking machine and a human being? What is a soul? -- -- (Source: Crunchyroll) -- ONA - Sep 27, 2014 -- 10,550 5.78
Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou -- -- Gainax, J.C.Staff -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance School Shoujo Slice of Life -- Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou -- Yukino Miyazawa is the female representative for her class and the most popular girl among the freshmen at her high school. Good at both academics and sports on top of being elegant and sociable, she has been an object of admiration all her life. However, in reality, she is an incredibly vain person who toils relentlessly to maintain her good grades, athleticism, and graceful appearance. She wants nothing more than to be the center of attention and praise—which is why she cannot stand Soichiro Arima, the male representative for her class and the only person more perfect than her. Since the first day of high school, she has struggled to steal the spotlight from her new rival but to no avail. -- -- At last, on the midterm exams, Yukino gets the top score and beats Soichiro. But, to her surprise, he congratulates her on her achievement, leading her to question her deceptive lifestyle. When Soichiro confesses his love to Yukino, she turns him down and gloats about it at home with only a hint of regret. But the very next day, Soichiro visits Yukino house to bring her a CD and sees her uninhibited self in action; now equipped with the truth, he blackmails her into completing his student council duties. Coerced into spending time with Soichiro, Yukino learns that she is not the only one hiding secrets. -- -- 175,571 7.61
Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou -- -- Gainax, J.C.Staff -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance School Shoujo Slice of Life -- Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou -- Yukino Miyazawa is the female representative for her class and the most popular girl among the freshmen at her high school. Good at both academics and sports on top of being elegant and sociable, she has been an object of admiration all her life. However, in reality, she is an incredibly vain person who toils relentlessly to maintain her good grades, athleticism, and graceful appearance. She wants nothing more than to be the center of attention and praise—which is why she cannot stand Soichiro Arima, the male representative for her class and the only person more perfect than her. Since the first day of high school, she has struggled to steal the spotlight from her new rival but to no avail. -- -- At last, on the midterm exams, Yukino gets the top score and beats Soichiro. But, to her surprise, he congratulates her on her achievement, leading her to question her deceptive lifestyle. When Soichiro confesses his love to Yukino, she turns him down and gloats about it at home with only a hint of regret. But the very next day, Soichiro visits Yukino house to bring her a CD and sees her uninhibited self in action; now equipped with the truth, he blackmails her into completing his student council duties. Coerced into spending time with Soichiro, Yukino learns that she is not the only one hiding secrets. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Nozomi Entertainment -- 175,571 7.61
Kaze Tachinu -- -- Studio Ghibli -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Drama Historical Romance -- Kaze Tachinu Kaze Tachinu -- Although Jirou Horikoshi's nearsightedness prevents him from ever becoming a pilot, he leaves his hometown to study aeronautical engineering at Tokyo Imperial University for one simple purpose: to design and build planes just like his hero, Italian aircraft pioneer Giovanni Battista Caproni. His arrival in the capital coincides with the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923, during which he saves a maid serving the family of a young girl named Naoko Satomi; this disastrous event marks the beginning of over two decades of social unrest and malaise leading up to Japan's eventual surrender in World War II. -- -- For Jirou, the years leading up to the production of his infamous Mitsubishi A6M Zero fighter aircraft will test every fiber of his being. His many travels and life experiences only urge him onward⁠—even as he realizes both the role of his creations in the war and the harsh realities of his personal life. As time marches on, he must confront an impossible question: at what cost does he chase his beautiful dream? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Walt Disney Studios -- Movie - Jul 20, 2013 -- 219,577 8.11
K -- -- GoHands -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Mystery Super Power Supernatural -- K K -- "Kings" are individuals who have been bestowed with incredible supernatural powers and granted the ability to recruit others into their clans. Protecting the lives and honor of their clansmen is an integral part of the Kings' duties. After a video depicting the heinous murder of a Red Clansman spreads virally, the unassuming student Yashiro Isana is accused of homicide. Now, a manhunt is underway for his head, bringing him into contact with the infamous "Black Dog" Kurou Yatogami—a skilled swordsman and martial artist determined to follow the wishes of his late master, the Seventh King. -- -- Meanwhile, the current Red King, Mikoto Suou, faces his own imminent demise as the search for Yashiro narrows. But during Yashiro's struggle to prove his innocence, a greater conspiracy is unraveling behind the scenes; clouds begin to appear in his memory, and close friends start to question his very existence. What began as a simple murder is now leading towards a full blown war between Kings with the very fate of the world at stake. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- TV - Oct 5, 2012 -- 621,325 7.49
Kemurikusa (TV) -- -- Yaoyorozu -- 12 eps -- Original -- Fantasy Sci-Fi -- Kemurikusa (TV) Kemurikusa (TV) -- A few young girls with strange powers and a tree that has grown through a railcar cling onto life in a desolate land, searching for its last reservoirs of water. Their routine struggle to survive is interrupted by the arrival of Wakaba, a boy with no memory beyond his own name. -- -- The girls and their new companion commit to a perilous journey across seas of burning red fog—all in order to find what they need to sustain themselves on the more distant, dangerous islands swarming with robotic bugs. Their ultimate fate will be decided by their own strength, along with Wakaba's curious ability to understand the Kemurikusa: mysterious glowing leaves with wondrous powers. Besides the girls, Wakaba, and the hordes of ravenous bugs, the Kemurikusa are the last sparks of life surviving in this land. How did things end up this way? Why are there so many empty buildings with no one to live in them? Wakaba and the girls lack the answers to these questions, which means the truth can only be found within the Kemurikusa. -- -- 24,115 7.07
Kiddy Grade -- -- Gonzo -- 24 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Super Power Ecchi Mecha -- Kiddy Grade Kiddy Grade -- In the distant future, humanity has taken to the skies and colonized many planets throughout the universe. An agency known as the Galactic Organization of Trade and Tariffs (GOTT) has been formed to maintain order. Within GOTT, a secret squad of enhanced human beings—known as the ES Unit—carry out secret missions to put a stop to major galactic crimes. Two such operatives are the lowly C-ranked Éclair and Lumière. -- -- Despite being on the bottom of the totem pole, the pair wield formidable powers: Éclair's superhuman strength and lipstick whip and Lumière's ability to take control of any computer. Together, they can take on any mission that GOTT throws at them. But as they complete more and more missions, the duo begin to uncover a major conspiracy that leaves them questioning everything they know about themselves and the entire galaxy. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Oct 9, 2002 -- 40,723 7.21
Kidou Senkan Nadesico -- -- Xebec -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Mecha Military Parody Romance Sci-Fi Shounen Space -- Kidou Senkan Nadesico Kidou Senkan Nadesico -- Akito doesn't want to fight. Despite a childhood spent on the anime Gekiganger 3, a Mecha show, he'd rather cook than pilot a Mecha. Fate intervenes when his home on Mars is destroyed, and he is transported instantly to the Earth, mysteriously. He has questions no one can answer fully, but follows a girl from a chance meeting in hopes to discover any. The girl, Yurika, is captain of the private battleship Nadesico, and in order to follow her, he enlists as their cook. Possessing the nanite implants that allow to control mechas, he's a handy backup pilot for the mechas of the Nadesico. He joins a crew bent on avenging Mars that seems to be composed of only misfits, otakus, and ditzes; however, in reality, they are handpicked experts. They take their own private war back to Mars to face the harsh reality that life may not always be like a Giant Mecha series. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 44,434 7.52
Kidou Senkan Nadesico -- -- Xebec -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Mecha Military Parody Romance Sci-Fi Shounen Space -- Kidou Senkan Nadesico Kidou Senkan Nadesico -- Akito doesn't want to fight. Despite a childhood spent on the anime Gekiganger 3, a Mecha show, he'd rather cook than pilot a Mecha. Fate intervenes when his home on Mars is destroyed, and he is transported instantly to the Earth, mysteriously. He has questions no one can answer fully, but follows a girl from a chance meeting in hopes to discover any. The girl, Yurika, is captain of the private battleship Nadesico, and in order to follow her, he enlists as their cook. Possessing the nanite implants that allow to control mechas, he's a handy backup pilot for the mechas of the Nadesico. He joins a crew bent on avenging Mars that seems to be composed of only misfits, otakus, and ditzes; however, in reality, they are handpicked experts. They take their own private war back to Mars to face the harsh reality that life may not always be like a Giant Mecha series. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Nozomi Entertainment -- 44,434 7.52
Kimi no Iru Machi -- -- Gonzo -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Drama Romance Shounen -- Kimi no Iru Machi Kimi no Iru Machi -- Haruto Kirishima lived a calm life out in the countryside, away from the fast-paced life of the city. Then Yuzuki Eba appeared in his life out of nowhere, having come from Tokyo to briefly live with her family. Their time together left him enamored with the memories of that short period before she just as abruptly disappeared from his life, and left him full of questions. -- -- Kimi no Iru Machi begins some time later, after Haruto moves to Tokyo to live with his sister, in order to pursue a career as a cook. In reality though he wishes to be with Yuzuki. Things don't start good though. When he arrives he is mistaken for a burglar and attacked by his sister's neighbour Mishima Asuka. After the misunderstanding is cleared his feelings begin to waver though. Is Eba, who keeps avoiding him for seemingly no reason, the one for him or is it Asuka? -- -- Licensor: -- Nozomi Entertainment -- TV - Jul 13, 2013 -- 127,052 6.92
Kono Danshi, Uchuujin to Tatakaemasu. -- -- CoMix Wave Films -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Fantasy Shounen Ai Super Power Supernatural -- Kono Danshi, Uchuujin to Tatakaemasu. Kono Danshi, Uchuujin to Tatakaemasu. -- All hope seems lost when the world is suddenly invaded by aliens. Earth's only defense is a small three-person team known as the Special Counter-Aliens Task Force, consisting of an anonymous director, the tyrannical Shiro, and the easygoing Arikawa. -- -- The luck of the Task Force improves when Arikawa finds a teenage boy lying alone on a hill. The boy, Kakashi, is humanity's only hope—he has power previously unbeknownst capable of defeating the aliens! However, without any memories and with no knowledge on how to use his power, Kakashi is left clinging to Arikawa and Shiro as well as the only remnant of his previous life: his broken cellphone. -- -- Kakashi is conflicted by the fears and emotions clouding his mind and he calls his own motivations into question. Can he overcome his doubts and internal struggles and save the world? -- -- OVA - Oct 10, 2011 -- 22,909 6.84
Koukaku Kidoutai -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Mecha Police Psychological Sci-Fi Seinen -- Koukaku Kidoutai Koukaku Kidoutai -- In the year 2029, Niihama City has become a technologically advanced metropolis. Due to great improvements in cybernetics, its citizens are able to replace their limbs with robotic parts. The world is now more interconnected than ever before, and the city's Public Security Section 9 is responsible for combating corruption, terrorism, and other dangerous threats following this shift towards globalization. -- -- The strong-willed Major Motoko Kusanagi of Section 9 spearheads a case involving a mysterious hacker known only as the "Puppet Master," who leaves a trail of victims stripped of their memories. Like many in this futuristic world, the Puppet Master's body is almost entirely robotic, giving them incredible power. -- -- As Motoko and her subordinates follow the enigmatic criminal's trail, other parties—including Section 6—start to get involved, forcing her to confront the extremely complicated nature of the case. Pondering about various philosophical questions, such as her own life's meaning, Motoko soon realizes that the one who will provide these answers is none other than the Puppet Master themself. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Manga Entertainment -- Movie - Nov 18, 1995 -- 482,343 8.29
Kuro no Su: Chronus -- -- Studio 4°C -- 1 ep -- Original -- Psychological -- Kuro no Su: Chronus Kuro no Su: Chronus -- For as long as he can remember, Makoto Nakazono has had the power to see grim reapers watching people shortly before their deaths and escorting their souls to heaven. He realized long ago that nobody would believe him if he talked about his ability. Since there is nothing he can do to alter people's fates, he tries his best to pretend that he does not see anything out of the ordinary. -- -- This all changes when a reaper at Makoto's high school speaks to him and questions him why he never interferes. After learning that the reaper is there for his best friend, Hazuki Horiuchi, Makoto starts to wonder if he can defer her grim fate, even if only for a little while. -- -- Movie - Mar 1, 2014 -- 17,054 6.83
Kuuchuu Buranko -- -- Toei Animation -- 11 eps -- Novel -- Comedy Psychological Drama Seinen -- Kuuchuu Buranko Kuuchuu Buranko -- The world of psychology is far from strange to the unusual Dr. Ichirou Irabu, a resident psychiatrist of Irabu General Hospital. He and his charming nurse Mayumi run through several patients, each suffering from a mental illness that harms their everyday life. -- -- Patients should be wary of the seductive Mayumi, with her spellbinding looks and devilishly short pink nurse uniform. On the other hand, the doctor seems to have three separate personalities: a child with an oversized lab coat; an intelligent, youthful man with feminine traits; and a selfish, outgoing green bear. While curing his patients in questionable ways, Dr. Irabu often tries to gain something from them outside of his profession—and in doing so, occasionally forgets his role as a doctor. -- -- As each patient struggles to face the nature of their distress, an obvious yet invisible thread ties their paths together. -- -- 75,563 7.96
Kyoufu Densetsu Kaiki! Frankenstein -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- - -- Sci-Fi Horror Drama -- Kyoufu Densetsu Kaiki! Frankenstein Kyoufu Densetsu Kaiki! Frankenstein -- Airing on TV Asahi in 1981, with a running time of 111 minutes, Frankenstein is a reasonably standard retelling of the classic book by Mary Shelley. In a foreboding castle scientist Dr. Victor Frankenstein performs a hideous experiment which he hopes will bring the dead back to life. With the help of his assistant he is successful in reanimating a man recreated from parts gathered from corpses but the creature is unpredictable and horrifying. The doctor flees back to his home in Switzerland leaving his assistant in charge of destroying the monster. But Dr. Frankenstein soon finds that he cannot hide from his shameful secret forever as mysterious murders are committed around him forcing him to question if his creation really is dead and gone... -- Special - Jul 27, 1981 -- 1,356 5.51
Love Live! School Idol Project 2nd Season -- -- Sunrise -- 13 eps -- Other -- Music Slice of Life School -- Love Live! School Idol Project 2nd Season Love Live! School Idol Project 2nd Season -- Otonokizaka High School has been saved! Despite having to withdraw from the Love Live!, the efforts of μ's were able to garner enough interest in their school to prevent it from being shut down. What more, following the conclusion of the first, a second Love Live! is announced, this time on an even larger stage than before. Given a chance for redemption, the nine girls come together once more to sing their hearts out and claim victory. -- -- However, with the end of the school year approaching, the graduation of the third years draws near. As they attempt to reach the top of the Love Live!, they must also consider their future and choose what path the group will take. Though the question of whether to continue without the third years or disband weighs heavily on the minds of its members, μ's must quickly come to an answer with graduation right around the corner. -- -- Love Live! School Idol Project 2nd Season continues the story of the girls as they laugh, cry, sing, and dance in their journey to determine the future of their group and conquer the Love Live! in their last chance to win with all nine girls together. -- -- 210,902 7.79
Love Live! Superstar!! -- -- - -- ? eps -- Other -- Music Slice of Life School -- Love Live! Superstar!! Love Live! Superstar!! -- A new television anime series for the Love Live! franchise was announced by animation studio Sunrise on January 28, 2020. The tagline for the new anime reads, "Watashi wo Kanaeru Monogatari. Hello!!! Love Live!" -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 12,797 N/A -- -- Robotica*Robotics -- -- CoMix Wave Films -- 1 ep -- Original -- Psychological Sci-Fi Shounen Ai Slice of Life -- Robotica*Robotics Robotica*Robotics -- Haru and Natsu are not human. They do not know what it means to be anything but a robot. -- -- Abandoned by their previous owner, Haru and Natsu are taken in by a scientist named Masa. Haru wants to feel, wants to understand how to act human, and wants to know what it means to love. Natsu is just afraid that they will be abandoned again. With Haru striving for positivity, his companion is left alone to drown in his own negative thoughts. Over and over, they ask the same question: what is love? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- OVA - Aug ??, 2010 -- 12,737 6.86
Made in Abyss 2 -- -- - -- ? eps -- Web manga -- Sci-Fi Adventure Mystery Drama Fantasy -- Made in Abyss 2 Made in Abyss 2 -- Directly after the events of Made in Abyss Movie 3: Dawn of the Deep Soul, the third installment of Made in Abyss covers the adventure of Reg, Riko, and Nanachi in the Sixth Layer, The Capital of the Unreturned. -- - - ??? ??, ???? -- 87,566 N/A -- -- Goshuushou-sama Ninomiya-kun -- -- AIC Spirits -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Harem Comedy Ecchi Fantasy -- Goshuushou-sama Ninomiya-kun Goshuushou-sama Ninomiya-kun -- Shungo Ninomiya is just an ordinary, run-of-the-mill high school student who lives at home with his older sister Ryoko—at least when she's not away doing her job as a mercenary. However, Shungo's life ceases to be normal the moment a cute girl named Mayu Tsukimura descends into the middle of his school's campus in a military-grade helicopter. It turns out Ryoko sent this girl, along with her older brother Mikihiro, to live at the Ninomiya household. -- -- But the newly-arrived siblings are a little special: Mayu is, in fact, a succubus and her brother, an incubus! And as if the circumstances are not problematic enough, Mayu is crippled with androphobia—the fear of men—and it's up to Shungo to help her overcome this at the behest of his sister. Ryoko plans to force Mayu to be closer to Shungo, and to do this, she’ll employ some questionable methods such as having them share the same bed and even take baths together. -- -- The situation further complicates when student council president Reika Houjou arrives as the new maid of the Ninomiya family, and she will stop at nothing to thwart Shungo and Mayu’s sexually-geared training. With the sudden arrival of all these oddities, Shungo's ordinary life is about to be thrown into utter turmoil. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Oct 5, 2007 -- 87,478 6.71
Motto To LOVE-Ru -- -- Xebec -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Harem Comedy Ecchi School Shounen -- Motto To LOVE-Ru Motto To LOVE-Ru -- Rito Yuuki never gets a break—he's always finding himself in lewd accidents with girls around him. Although his heart still yearns for Haruna, his childhood love, Rito can't help but question his feelings for Lala, the alien princess who appeared in front of him and declared she would marry him. But now, it's not just Lala he has to deal with: her younger twin sisters, Momo and Nana, have also travelled to Earth, wanting to meet their older sister’s fiancé, and just as luck would have it, they end up staying at Rito's home. -- -- Meanwhile, amidst the bustle of his new family members, Yami, the human weapon girl, begins her pursuit for Rito. It's not an easy life for Rito as he deals with uncertain love, punishment for being a pervert, and a girl dead set on murdering him. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Oct 6, 2010 -- 267,436 7.33
Motto To LOVE-Ru -- -- Xebec -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Harem Comedy Ecchi School Shounen -- Motto To LOVE-Ru Motto To LOVE-Ru -- Rito Yuuki never gets a break—he's always finding himself in lewd accidents with girls around him. Although his heart still yearns for Haruna, his childhood love, Rito can't help but question his feelings for Lala, the alien princess who appeared in front of him and declared she would marry him. But now, it's not just Lala he has to deal with: her younger twin sisters, Momo and Nana, have also travelled to Earth, wanting to meet their older sister’s fiancé, and just as luck would have it, they end up staying at Rito's home. -- -- Meanwhile, amidst the bustle of his new family members, Yami, the human weapon girl, begins her pursuit for Rito. It's not an easy life for Rito as he deals with uncertain love, punishment for being a pervert, and a girl dead set on murdering him. -- -- TV - Oct 6, 2010 -- 267,436 7.33
Mushishi -- -- Artland -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Slice of Life Mystery Historical Supernatural Fantasy Seinen -- Mushishi Mushishi -- "Mushi": the most basic forms of life in the world. They exist without any goals or purposes aside from simply "being." They are beyond the shackles of the words "good" and "evil." Mushi can exist in countless forms and are capable of mimicking things from the natural world such as plants, diseases, and even phenomena like rainbows. -- -- This is, however, just a vague definition of these entities that inhabit the vibrant world of Mushishi, as to even call them a form of life would be an oversimplification. Detailed information on Mushi is scarce because the majority of humans are unaware of their existence. -- -- So what are Mushi and why do they exist? This is the question that a "Mushishi," Ginko, ponders constantly. Mushishi are those who research Mushi in hopes of understanding their place in the world's hierarchy of life. -- -- Ginko chases rumors of occurrences that could be tied to Mushi, all for the sake of finding an answer. -- -- It could, after all, lead to the meaning of life itself. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 641,581 8.69
Mushishi Zoku Shou -- -- Artland -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Slice of Life Mystery Historical Supernatural Fantasy Seinen -- Mushishi Zoku Shou Mushishi Zoku Shou -- Perceived as strange and feared by man, over time the misshapen ones came to be known as Mushi. Although they harbor no ill intentions towards humans, many suffer from the side effects of their existence and strange nature; exploiting the Mushi without understanding them, even unintentionally, can lead to disaster and strife for any involved. Mushishi Zoku Shou continues the story of Mushishi Ginko on his journey to help the visible world to coexist with the Mushi. -- -- During his travels, Ginko discovers various gifted individuals—those cursed by circumstance and those maintaining a fragile symbiosis with the Mushi—inevitably confronting the question of whether humanity, talented and tortured alike, can manage the responsibility of the unseen. Moreover, as a Mushishi, Ginko must learn more about these strange beings and decide if he has the right to interfere with the complex relationships between Mushi and mankind. -- -- 235,521 8.72
Mushishi Zoku Shou -- -- Artland -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Slice of Life Mystery Historical Supernatural Fantasy Seinen -- Mushishi Zoku Shou Mushishi Zoku Shou -- Perceived as strange and feared by man, over time the misshapen ones came to be known as Mushi. Although they harbor no ill intentions towards humans, many suffer from the side effects of their existence and strange nature; exploiting the Mushi without understanding them, even unintentionally, can lead to disaster and strife for any involved. Mushishi Zoku Shou continues the story of Mushishi Ginko on his journey to help the visible world to coexist with the Mushi. -- -- During his travels, Ginko discovers various gifted individuals—those cursed by circumstance and those maintaining a fragile symbiosis with the Mushi—inevitably confronting the question of whether humanity, talented and tortured alike, can manage the responsibility of the unseen. Moreover, as a Mushishi, Ginko must learn more about these strange beings and decide if he has the right to interfere with the complex relationships between Mushi and mankind. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 235,521 8.72
New Game!! -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Game Slice of Life Comedy -- New Game!! New Game!! -- ​It has been a year since Aoba Suzukaze started working at the Eagle Jump game company. In that time, she and her eccentric coworkers in the character design department have worked hard to release the company's newest game: Fairies Story 3. With their latest title now complete, a new project must begin—starting with a contest to decide the character designs for the upcoming game. Through hard work, dedication, and some guidance from the previous character designer, Kou Yagami, Aoba wins the contest and begins her new role as lead character designer. -- -- However, her new job is not an easy one. In addition to having extra work and longer hours, Aoba questions whether she is the right fit for the job. New Game!! continues as Aoba overcomes her inexperience with the help of her friends and coworkers, willing to face any challenge to make Eagle Jump's newest creation, a cutesy game called Peco. -- -- 205,895 7.74
New Game!! -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Game Slice of Life Comedy -- New Game!! New Game!! -- ​It has been a year since Aoba Suzukaze started working at the Eagle Jump game company. In that time, she and her eccentric coworkers in the character design department have worked hard to release the company's newest game: Fairies Story 3. With their latest title now complete, a new project must begin—starting with a contest to decide the character designs for the upcoming game. Through hard work, dedication, and some guidance from the previous character designer, Kou Yagami, Aoba wins the contest and begins her new role as lead character designer. -- -- However, her new job is not an easy one. In addition to having extra work and longer hours, Aoba questions whether she is the right fit for the job. New Game!! continues as Aoba overcomes her inexperience with the help of her friends and coworkers, willing to face any challenge to make Eagle Jump's newest creation, a cutesy game called Peco. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 205,895 7.74
Nisou no Kuzu -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Psychological -- Nisou no Kuzu Nisou no Kuzu -- The dialogue in question takes place between a woman, who appears to be submerged in water, and a man who sits by a tree on sandy soil. The messages the couple sends back and forth to one another take the form of metaphor: a seed, a fish, a thorn, and so on. -- -- (Source: Midnight Eye) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2004 -- 654 4.99
Noir -- -- Bee Train -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Mystery Drama -- Noir Noir -- Noir—a name that strikes fear in the hearts of those who know the history behind the moniker. Long ago it was the code name of a very successful and feared assassin and now it is being used by two women who want answers to questions they have about their lives. -- -- The main character in this series is a highly skilled assassin named Mireille Bouquet who is based out of France. One day, she receives a mysterious email from a girl named Kirika. Following up on the message, Mireille goes to meet this girl and discovers that not only does the girl have no idea who she really is, but she also has no idea why she is so skilled at killing people and why she feels no remorse when she does. Realizing that their lives are linked somehow, Mireille and Kirika team up and begin traveling the world together as they seek out the answers to their shared histories, while avoiding the grip of an organization known as Les Soldats. Will the two find the answers they are looking for? And will that truth free them, or ruin them? -- 95,495 7.31
Noir -- -- Bee Train -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Mystery Drama -- Noir Noir -- Noir—a name that strikes fear in the hearts of those who know the history behind the moniker. Long ago it was the code name of a very successful and feared assassin and now it is being used by two women who want answers to questions they have about their lives. -- -- The main character in this series is a highly skilled assassin named Mireille Bouquet who is based out of France. One day, she receives a mysterious email from a girl named Kirika. Following up on the message, Mireille goes to meet this girl and discovers that not only does the girl have no idea who she really is, but she also has no idea why she is so skilled at killing people and why she feels no remorse when she does. Realizing that their lives are linked somehow, Mireille and Kirika team up and begin traveling the world together as they seek out the answers to their shared histories, while avoiding the grip of an organization known as Les Soldats. Will the two find the answers they are looking for? And will that truth free them, or ruin them? -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation -- 95,495 7.31
Norn9: Norn+Nonet -- -- Kinema Citrus -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Sci-Fi Adventure Romance Fantasy Josei -- Norn9: Norn+Nonet Norn9: Norn+Nonet -- In a futuristic era, "The World" is a peace-bringing entity. Though no one knows its location, it has watched over Earth for so long that war has become merely a fable. The airship Norn's task is to deliver nine ability users to The World. -- -- After collecting the last person, Norn takes off. Included onboard are eight men and three women—Koharu, who has finally escaped her loneliness and detests her destructive power; Mikoto Kuga, born to a noble family, who uses her barrier skill to protect the Norn and those it carries; and Nanami Shiranui, whose ability only brings pain, and who wishes to die for a past sin she has committed. While en route, suspicions arise amongst the passengers when they realize there are too many people onboard. -- -- As they try to determine who has snuck aboard, the ship is attacked by an unknown assailant aiming to stop the Norn's progress at all costs. From this chaos arises questions: why were they granted powers, and what must they do once they reach The World? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 73,650 6.56
Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji -- -- TYO Animations -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Romance School Shoujo -- Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji -- Erika Shinohara has taken to lying about her romantic exploits to earn the respect of her new friends. So when they ask for a picture of her "boyfriend," she hastily snaps a photo of a handsome stranger, whom her friends recognize as the popular and kind-hearted Kyouya Sata. -- -- Trapped in her own web of lies and desperately trying to avoid humiliation, Erika explains her predicament to Kyouya, hoping he will pretend to be her boyfriend. But Kyouya is not the angel he appears to be: he is actually a mean-spirited sadist who forces Erika to become his "dog" in exchange for keeping her secret. -- -- Begrudgingly accepting his deal, Erika soon begins to see glimpses of the real Kyouya beneath the multiple layers of his outer persona. As she finds herself falling for him, she can't help but question if he will ever feel the same way about her. Will Kyouya finally make an honest woman out of Erika, or is she destined to be a "wolf girl" forever? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 355,961 7.14
Ookami to Koushinryou II -- -- Brain's Base, Marvy Jack -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Historical Romance Fantasy -- Ookami to Koushinryou II Ookami to Koushinryou II -- Traveling merchant Kraft Lawrence continues his northward journey with wolf goddess Holo, in search of her lost home of Yoitsu. Lawrence and his sharp-witted partner continue to make some small profits along the way, while slowly uncovering more information about Holo's hometown. However, the road to Yoitsu is a bumpy one filled with many troubles—Lawrence runs into a charming young fellow merchant who has his eyes set on the female wolf companion, and he begins to doubt if Holo will remain by his side; he and the goddess will also have to consider precarious and risky business deals as Lawrence strives to achieve his dream of becoming a shopowner. All the while, with his determination tested at every turn during his journey, Lawrence must question his relationship with Holo, take on business ventures, and ask himself whether it is time for him and Holo to go their separate ways. -- -- TV - Jul 9, 2009 -- 405,242 8.36
Oshiete! Galko-chan -- -- feel. -- 12 eps -- Digital manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School -- Oshiete! Galko-chan Oshiete! Galko-chan -- At first glance, Galko, Otako, and Ojou are three high school girls who seem like they wouldn’t have anything to do with each other. Galko is a social butterfly with a reputation for being a party animal, even though she is actually innocent and good-hearted despite her appearance. Otako is a plain-looking girl with a sarcastic personality and a rabid love of manga. And Ojou is a wealthy young lady with excellent social graces, though she can be a bit absent-minded at times. Despite their differences, the three are best friends, and together they love to talk about various myths and ask candid questions about the female body. -- -- Oshiete! Galko-chan is a lighthearted and humorous look at three very different girls and their frank conversations about themselves and everyday life. No topic is too safe or too sensitive for them to joke about—even though every so often, Galko seems to get a bit embarrassed by their discussions! -- -- 144,170 7.10
Popotan -- -- Shaft -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Comedy Drama Ecchi Supernatural -- Popotan Popotan -- Beautiful sisters Ai, Mai, Mii, their android maid Mea and slippery pet ferret Unagi make an amazing journey together through time and space without ever leaving their beloved mansion behind! Following the clues of the strange dandelion-like "Popotan," the girls are theoretically seeking the person who has the answers to their most personal questions, but they seem to have more than enough time to take side trips, meet new friends, visit hot springs and occasionally operate the X-mas shop they keep in the house along the way! -- -- Yet, the girls' ultimate destiny holds more than a few surprises of its own, and not every moment is filled with hilarity, as moving through time means having to leave friends behind as well. -- -- (Source: RightStuf) -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA, Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Mar 18, 2003 -- 21,221 6.29
Popotan -- -- Shaft -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Comedy Drama Ecchi Supernatural -- Popotan Popotan -- Beautiful sisters Ai, Mai, Mii, their android maid Mea and slippery pet ferret Unagi make an amazing journey together through time and space without ever leaving their beloved mansion behind! Following the clues of the strange dandelion-like "Popotan," the girls are theoretically seeking the person who has the answers to their most personal questions, but they seem to have more than enough time to take side trips, meet new friends, visit hot springs and occasionally operate the X-mas shop they keep in the house along the way! -- -- Yet, the girls' ultimate destiny holds more than a few surprises of its own, and not every moment is filled with hilarity, as moving through time means having to leave friends behind as well. -- -- (Source: RightStuf) -- TV - Mar 18, 2003 -- 21,221 6.29
Promare -- -- Trigger -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Mecha Sci-Fi Super Power -- Promare Promare -- Thirty years ago, a new race of flame-wielding mutants suddenly appeared, destroying a large portion of humanity. These so-called “Burnish” have continued to appear at random, leaving a trail of death and destruction in their wake. -- -- The autonomous republic of Promepolis is a thriving nation thanks to the incredible efforts of their leader, Kray Foresight, against the Burnish. A team of firefighters known as the Burning Rescue is tasked with stopping these horrifying monsters, using the most performant technology available thanks to their incredible mechanic Lucia Fex. Galo Thymos is an energetic young man, who considers Foresight his hero for saving his life and is the rescue team's most recent recruit. -- -- A terrorist group calling themselves Mad Burnish has been causing havoc all over the nation. After an encounter with Mad Burnish leader Lio Fotia, Galo sets out on his fated journey to find the truth about these mutants, ultimately leading him to question everything he previously held to be true. -- -- -- Licensor: -- GKIDS -- Movie - May 24, 2019 -- 183,443 8.07
Psycho-Pass -- -- Production I.G -- 22 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Police Psychological -- Psycho-Pass Psycho-Pass -- Justice, and the enforcement of it, has changed. In the 22nd century, Japan enforces the Sibyl System, an objective means of determining the threat level of each citizen by examining their mental state for signs of criminal intent, known as their Psycho-Pass. Inspectors uphold the law by subjugating, often with lethal force, anyone harboring the slightest ill-will; alongside them are Enforcers, jaded Inspectors that have become latent criminals, granted relative freedom in exchange for carrying out the Inspectors' dirty work. -- -- Into this world steps Akane Tsunemori, a young woman with an honest desire to uphold justice. However, as she works alongside veteran Enforcer Shinya Kougami, she soon learns that the Sibyl System's judgments are not as perfect as her fellow Inspectors assume. With everything she has known turned on its head, Akane wrestles with the question of what justice truly is, and whether it can be upheld through the use of a system that may already be corrupt. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 1,266,562 8.37
RahXephon -- -- Bones -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Drama Mecha Music Mystery Psychological Romance Sci-Fi -- RahXephon RahXephon -- The ordinary life of high school student Ayato Kamina is turned upside down when Tokyo is suddenly invaded by futuristic fighter jets. Amidst the chaos, he encounters a woman called Haruka Shitow who claims to be from a government organization called TERRA. She reveals that he has been living in a time bubble named "Tokyo Jupiter" that was put in place by the Mulians—humanoids from another dimension—in an attempt to isolate and take over Tokyo. TERRA has been trying to break through the barrier surrounding the city ever since. -- -- Unable to process the revelation, Ayato panics and flees. He runs into his classmate Reika Mishima who leads him to a place called "The Shrine of Xephon" where a large egg slumbers. She starts to sing and an unknown power awakens within Ayato, connecting him to a being called RahXephon that breaks out of the egg. Shortly after, Haruka finds him again and tries to make him join her cause of fighting against the Mulians. -- -- Caught between the crosshairs of the Mulians and TERRA, Ayato begins to question his purpose, navigating altered memories and ultimately his very identity in this chaotic new world. -- -- 101,947 7.42
RahXephon -- -- Bones -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Drama Mecha Music Mystery Psychological Romance Sci-Fi -- RahXephon RahXephon -- The ordinary life of high school student Ayato Kamina is turned upside down when Tokyo is suddenly invaded by futuristic fighter jets. Amidst the chaos, he encounters a woman called Haruka Shitow who claims to be from a government organization called TERRA. She reveals that he has been living in a time bubble named "Tokyo Jupiter" that was put in place by the Mulians—humanoids from another dimension—in an attempt to isolate and take over Tokyo. TERRA has been trying to break through the barrier surrounding the city ever since. -- -- Unable to process the revelation, Ayato panics and flees. He runs into his classmate Reika Mishima who leads him to a place called "The Shrine of Xephon" where a large egg slumbers. She starts to sing and an unknown power awakens within Ayato, connecting him to a being called RahXephon that breaks out of the egg. Shortly after, Haruka finds him again and tries to make him join her cause of fighting against the Mulians. -- -- Caught between the crosshairs of the Mulians and TERRA, Ayato begins to question his purpose, navigating altered memories and ultimately his very identity in this chaotic new world. -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- 101,947 7.42
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu - Hyouketsu no Kizuna -- -- White Fox -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Psychological Drama Thriller Fantasy -- Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu - Hyouketsu no Kizuna Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu - Hyouketsu no Kizuna -- Covered in ice and snow, Elior Forest is the home to dangerous magical beasts and 50 elves frozen in ice. One day, the great spirit Puck helps a young girl break out of her ice prison. Her name is Emilia, a half-elf born with silver hair, long ears, and amethyst eyes—features that resemble the evil Witch who destroyed half the world long ago. -- -- Shunned by society because of her appearance, Emilia dwells in the forest with Puck as her sole companion and family. Burdened with a sin of destruction she does not remember committing, she spends her days trying to find a way to help her frozen kin. But when the great spirit Melakuera, the Arbitrator of the world, finds Emilia, her right to stay alive is brought into question. Will the bonds of ice she formed with Puck prove to be the warm thread that defies fate? -- -- Movie - Nov 8, 2019 -- 157,555 7.61
Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita. -- -- Zero-G -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Comedy Romance -- Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita. Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita. -- It is widely believed that science can provide rational explanations for the countless phenomena of our universe. However, there are many aspects of our existence that science has not yet found a solution to and cannot decipher with numbers. The most notorious of these is the concept of love. While it may seem impossible to apply scientific theory to such an intricate and complex emotion, a daring pair of quick-witted Saitama University scientists aim to take on the challenge. -- -- One day the bold and beautiful Ayame Himuro outwardly declares that she is in love with Shinya Yukimura, her fellow logical and level-headed scientist. Acknowledging his own lack of experience with romance, Yukimura questions what factors constitute love in the first place and whether he is in love with Himuro or not. Both clueless in the dealings of love, the pair begin to conduct detailed experiments on one another to test the human characteristics that indicate love and discern whether they demonstrate these traits towards each other. -- -- As Himuro and Yukimura begin their intimate analysis, can the two scientists successfully apply scientific theory, with the help of their friends, to quantify the feelings they express for one another? -- -- ONA - Jan 11, 2020 -- 185,005 7.35
Robotica*Robotics -- -- CoMix Wave Films -- 1 ep -- Original -- Psychological Sci-Fi Shounen Ai Slice of Life -- Robotica*Robotics Robotica*Robotics -- Haru and Natsu are not human. They do not know what it means to be anything but a robot. -- -- Abandoned by their previous owner, Haru and Natsu are taken in by a scientist named Masa. Haru wants to feel, wants to understand how to act human, and wants to know what it means to love. Natsu is just afraid that they will be abandoned again. With Haru striving for positivity, his companion is left alone to drown in his own negative thoughts. Over and over, they ask the same question: what is love? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- OVA - Aug ??, 2010 -- 12,737 6.86
Roujin Z -- -- APPP -- 1 ep -- Original -- Comedy Drama Mecha Sci-Fi -- Roujin Z Roujin Z -- The Z Project was intended to give the new generation a break from caring for the old. The original intenion was to create a machine to care for them without any intervention. At first glance, it looked like an excellent plan, and many of the younger generation approved of its application. But when old Mr. Takazawa become the test subject for the Z-001 machine, Haruko questioned both the tactics of the hospital and the moral implications of the machine. This is just the beginning, as Haruko has not just the hospital, but the odds against her. But then, she discovers an odd quirk about the machine: it uses a biochip, and it eventually acquires a mind of its own! -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- Movie - Sep 14, 1991 -- 25,750 7.06
Roujin Z -- -- APPP -- 1 ep -- Original -- Comedy Drama Mecha Sci-Fi -- Roujin Z Roujin Z -- The Z Project was intended to give the new generation a break from caring for the old. The original intenion was to create a machine to care for them without any intervention. At first glance, it looked like an excellent plan, and many of the younger generation approved of its application. But when old Mr. Takazawa become the test subject for the Z-001 machine, Haruko questioned both the tactics of the hospital and the moral implications of the machine. This is just the beginning, as Haruko has not just the hospital, but the odds against her. But then, she discovers an odd quirk about the machine: it uses a biochip, and it eventually acquires a mind of its own! -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- Movie - Sep 14, 1991 -- 25,750 7.06
Saraiya Goyou -- -- Manglobe -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Mystery Historical Drama Samurai Seinen -- Saraiya Goyou Saraiya Goyou -- Saraiya Goyou follows Masanosuke Akitsu, a wandering ronin adrift in Japan's peaceful Edo period. Despite being a skilled swordsman, Masa's meek personality has netted him the label "unreliable," and he is often abruptly dismissed by his employers, leading him to question his resolve as a samurai. -- -- As Masa reaches his lowest point, he is approached by Yaichi, a carefree man draped in pink who seemingly hires him on a whim as his bodyguard. Unbeknownst to Masa, the job is not as innocent as it seems, and he is drawn into the illicit activities of the group spearheaded by Yaichi. As he becomes further entwined with the gang known as the "Five Leaves," Masa struggles with his own principles. Still, his curiosity spurs him forward to uncover the past and motivations of this mysterious band of outlaws. -- -- 73,005 7.82
Sayonara Watashi no Cramer -- -- LIDENFILMS -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Sports Drama Shounen -- Sayonara Watashi no Cramer Sayonara Watashi no Cramer -- With no soccer accomplishments to speak of during the entirety of Sumire Suou's junior high school years, the young wing gets an odd offer. Suou's main rival, Midori Soshizaki, invites her to join up on the same team in high school, with a promise that she'll never let Suou "play alone." It's an earnest offer, but the question is whether Suou will take her up on it. Thus the curtain opens on a story that collects an enormous cast of individual soccer-playing personalities! -- -- (Source: Kodansha Comics) -- 26,566 6.12
Scrapped Princess -- -- Bones -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Sci-Fi Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Mecha Shounen -- Scrapped Princess Scrapped Princess -- Born to the royal family, Pacifica Casull has earned the nickname "Scrapped Princess" after an apocalyptic prophecy foretells her destroying the world on her 16th birthday. Rescued from certain death by a kindly family, she takes shelter with her adoptive older brother and sister, Shannon and Raquel Casull. When news of her survival reaches the ears of the God Mauser's worshippers, they issue her death at all costs, forcing Pacifica to flee for her life. -- -- Plagued by threats from the church, the nobility and even the common people, the three siblings attempt to outrun the fate Pacifica is destined to bring, all the while questioning if one girl's life is worth the world's demise. The true nature of the Scrapped Princess, along with the harrowing revelations of the world itself, becomes more and more apparent as the princess' 16th birthday fast approaches. -- -- 83,016 7.41
Scrapped Princess -- -- Bones -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Sci-Fi Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Mecha Shounen -- Scrapped Princess Scrapped Princess -- Born to the royal family, Pacifica Casull has earned the nickname "Scrapped Princess" after an apocalyptic prophecy foretells her destroying the world on her 16th birthday. Rescued from certain death by a kindly family, she takes shelter with her adoptive older brother and sister, Shannon and Raquel Casull. When news of her survival reaches the ears of the God Mauser's worshippers, they issue her death at all costs, forcing Pacifica to flee for her life. -- -- Plagued by threats from the church, the nobility and even the common people, the three siblings attempt to outrun the fate Pacifica is destined to bring, all the while questioning if one girl's life is worth the world's demise. The true nature of the Scrapped Princess, along with the harrowing revelations of the world itself, becomes more and more apparent as the princess' 16th birthday fast approaches. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Funimation -- 83,016 7.41
Seihou Tenshi Angel Links -- -- Sunrise -- 13 eps -- Novel -- Action Adventure Space Comedy Romance Drama Sci-Fi -- Seihou Tenshi Angel Links Seihou Tenshi Angel Links -- Li Meifon is the head of a free, no expenses paid protection/security agency for escorting ships across outer space. Though only 16, she posesses great skill and leadership qualities while commanding her crew aboard their ship, the "Angel Links." However, some unpleasant memories begin to trouble her and she starts questioning her own past and reason for existence. Join Li Meifon and the rest of the Angel Links crew on their adventures through the Oracion star system as they battle pirates, government organizations, and a Tao master, all while finally uncovering Meifon's dark and mysterious past. -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Funimation -- 7,571 5.96
Sekai Saikou no Ansatsusha, Isekai Kizoku ni Tensei suru -- -- SILVER LINK., Studio Palette -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Action Fantasy -- Sekai Saikou no Ansatsusha, Isekai Kizoku ni Tensei suru Sekai Saikou no Ansatsusha, Isekai Kizoku ni Tensei suru -- "I'm going to live for myself!" -- -- The greatest assassin on Earth knew only how to live as a tool for his employers—until they stopped letting him live. Reborn by the grace of a goddess into a world of swords and sorcery, he's offered a chance to do things differently this time around, but there's a catch...He has to eliminate a super-powerful hero who will bring about the end of the world unless he is stopped. -- -- Now known as Lugh Tuatha Dé, the master assassin certainly has his hands full, particularly because of all the beautiful girls who constantly surround him. Lugh may have been an incomparable killer, but how will he fare against foes with powerful magic? -- -- (Source: Yen Press) -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 10,570 N/A -- -- Karen Senki -- -- Next Media Animation -- 11 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi -- Karen Senki Karen Senki -- In the post-apocalyptic aftermath of a war between machines and their creators, machines rule while humans exist in a state of servitude. Titular character Karen leads Resistance Group 11, an eclectic group of humans who find themselves fighting for their lives as they are hunted by the robots in each episode. Is this the end of humanity? Are they fighting a losing battle? -- -- Through Karen, we delve into a struggle between right and wrong, between indifference and love that explores some of the deepest questions about humanity. What is the difference between a thinking machine and a human being? What is a soul? -- -- (Source: Crunchyroll) -- ONA - Sep 27, 2014 -- 10,550 5.78
Serial Experiments Lain -- -- Triangle Staff -- 13 eps -- Original -- Dementia Drama Mystery Psychological Sci-Fi Supernatural -- Serial Experiments Lain Serial Experiments Lain -- Lain Iwakura, an awkward and introverted fourteen-year-old, is one of the many girls from her school to receive a disturbing email from her classmate Chisa Yomoda—the very same Chisa who recently committed suicide. Lain has neither the desire nor the experience to handle even basic technology; yet, when the technophobe opens the email, it leads her straight into the Wired, a virtual world of communication networks similar to what we know as the internet. Lain's life is turned upside down as she begins to encounter cryptic mysteries one after another. Strange men called the Men in Black begin to appear wherever she goes, asking her questions and somehow knowing more about her than even she herself knows. With the boundaries between reality and cyberspace rapidly blurring, Lain is plunged into more surreal and bizarre events where identity, consciousness, and perception are concepts that take on new meanings. -- -- Written by Chiaki J. Konaka, whose other works include Texhnolyze, Serial Experiments Lain is a psychological avant-garde mystery series that follows Lain as she makes crucial choices that will affect both the real world and the Wired. In closing one world and opening another, only Lain will realize the significance of their presence. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA -- 506,288 8.04
Shingeki no Kyojin: Lost Girls -- -- Wit Studio -- 3 eps -- Novel -- Action Horror Supernatural Drama Fantasy -- Shingeki no Kyojin: Lost Girls Shingeki no Kyojin: Lost Girls -- Wall Sina, Goodbye -- Annie Leonhart has a job to do—and a resulting absence that must stay off her record at all costs. With no one else to turn to, she asks her comrade Hitch Dreyse to cover for her. She agrees but puts forward a single condition: Annie must solve the fruitless missing person case Hitch was assigned. The case revolves around Carly Stratmann, a university graduate and the daughter of wealthy businessman Elliot Stratmann. With only a single day to solve the case and the underground of the Stohess District crawling with thugs, Annie must put her all into finding this girl. Yet, every answer she uncovers only leads to further questions—how has the illegal drug coderoin found its way to Stohess, what is Elliot hiding, and where has Carly disappeared to? -- -- Lost in the Cruel World -- With worry for Eren Yeager gripping her heart, Mikasa Ackerman begins to remember. She remembers her conversations with Armin Arlert, her concern for her friends, and most painfully, the time she had almost lost everything. As fear takes control, she begins to experience an alternate version of her past—some things can be changed, but are there events so inescapable that she can't even prevent them in her dreams? -- -- OVA - Dec 8, 2017 -- 196,647 7.77
Shingeki no Kyojin OVA -- -- Wit Studio -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Action Super Power Drama Fantasy Shounen -- Shingeki no Kyojin OVA Shingeki no Kyojin OVA -- Ilse no Techou: Aru Chousa Heidanin no Shuki -- During the Survey Corps' 49th recon mission, Hange Zoë is determined to capture a titan specimen. Despite not receiving clearance from Commander Erwin Smith, when a titan is spotted in nearby forestland, Hange rides out alone to meet it. Recklessly luring it out, she asks the titan numerous questions and puts her life on the line for the sake of her research. However, the behavior of this particular titan is far from normal. It quickly turns back and enters the wood once again, leading Hange to somewhere specific. What Hange finds is the legacy of former scout Ilse Langnar. In spite of her death, she provides a valuable piece of information that may serve to turn the tide for titan research—a diary documenting her last moments. -- -- Totsuzen no Raihousha: Sainamareru Seishun no Noroi -- Jean Kirstein would do anything to escape his boring home life and overbearing mother. After enlisting in the military, it became his ultimate goal to join the Military Police regiment and live out in peace and luxury. However, during his time with the 104th Training Corps, things never really go the way Jean wants them to. Eventually, the stolen glory and condescending banter of his comrades become too much—and Jean challenges fellow cadet Sasha Blouse to a battle, in order to determine which of them is strongest—but who will come out on top? -- -- Konnan -- The 104th Training Corps' most recent mission is a trek on horseback into the forest. Although a test of their ability to stay alert even in non-threatening situations, the task is boring and can lead to in-fighting. This is especially true for one of the groups, lead by Marco Bott. Some want to stay true to the mission they have been tasked with, and the rest would rather slack off, occupying themselves with more exciting activities. But when trouble strikes, they are completely unprepared. -- -- OVA - Dec 9, 2013 -- 324,896 7.84
Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season Part 2 -- -- - -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Military Mystery Super Power Drama Fantasy Shounen -- Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season Part 2 Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season Part 2 -- Second part of Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season. -- TV - Jan ??, 2022 -- 161,248 N/A -- -- Tenjou Tenge -- -- Madhouse -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Ecchi Martial Arts Comedy Super Power School Shounen -- Tenjou Tenge Tenjou Tenge -- For some people, high school represents the opportunity for a fresh start. You can take new classes and make new friends. For Souichiro Nagi and Bob Makihara, though, high school means something different: the chance to become the top fighters in the entire student body! Too bad Toudou Academy is the hardest possible place to realize their dreams. Their new high school is no ordinary academic institution. Rather than concentrating on classic subjects like math and science, Toudou Academy was created for the sole purpose of reviving the martial arts in Japan! -- -- As a result, Souichiro's aspirations to become top dog are cut short when he runs afoul of Masataka Takayanagi and Maya Natsume. The two upperclassmen easily stop the freshmen duo's rampage across school, but rather than serving as a deterrent, it only stokes their competitive fire. What kind of monstrous fighters attend Toudou Academy? Are there any stronger than Masataka and Maya? And why in the world is Maya's younger sister stalking Souichiro? Learn the answers to these questions and more in Tenjou Tenge! -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Geneon Entertainment USA -- TV - Apr 2, 2004 -- 161,119 6.92
Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season Part 2 -- -- - -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Military Mystery Super Power Drama Fantasy Shounen -- Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season Part 2 Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season Part 2 -- Second part of Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season. -- TV - Jan ??, 2022 -- 161,248 N/A -- -- Tenjou Tenge -- -- Madhouse -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Ecchi Martial Arts Comedy Super Power School Shounen -- Tenjou Tenge Tenjou Tenge -- For some people, high school represents the opportunity for a fresh start. You can take new classes and make new friends. For Souichiro Nagi and Bob Makihara, though, high school means something different: the chance to become the top fighters in the entire student body! Too bad Toudou Academy is the hardest possible place to realize their dreams. Their new high school is no ordinary academic institution. Rather than concentrating on classic subjects like math and science, Toudou Academy was created for the sole purpose of reviving the martial arts in Japan! -- -- As a result, Souichiro's aspirations to become top dog are cut short when he runs afoul of Masataka Takayanagi and Maya Natsume. The two upperclassmen easily stop the freshmen duo's rampage across school, but rather than serving as a deterrent, it only stokes their competitive fire. What kind of monstrous fighters attend Toudou Academy? Are there any stronger than Masataka and Maya? And why in the world is Maya's younger sister stalking Souichiro? Learn the answers to these questions and more in Tenjou Tenge! -- TV - Apr 2, 2004 -- 161,119 6.92
Shinsekai yori -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 25 eps -- Novel -- Drama Horror Mystery Psychological Sci-Fi Supernatural -- Shinsekai yori Shinsekai yori -- In the town of Kamisu 66, 12-year-old Saki Watanabe has just awakened to her psychic powers and is relieved to rejoin her friends—the mischievous Satoru Asahina, the shy Mamoru Itou, the cheerful Maria Akizuki, and Shun Aonuma, a mysterious boy whom Saki admires—at Sage Academy, a special school for psychics. However, unease looms as Saki begins to question the fate of those unable to awaken to their powers, and the children begin to get involved with secretive matters such as the rumored Tainted Cats said to abduct children. -- -- Shinsekai yori tells the unique coming-of-age story of Saki and her friends as they journey to grow into their roles in the supposed utopia. Accepting these roles, however, might not come easy when faced with the dark and shocking truths of society, and the impending havoc born from the new world. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 636,563 8.34
Shion no Ou -- -- Studio Deen -- 22 eps -- Manga -- Drama Game Mystery Thriller -- Shion no Ou Shion no Ou -- Shion no Ou follows the story of Yasuoka Shion, a 13-year-old Shougi player with a past of tragedy. Shion's parents were brutally murdered in front of her when she was 5 years old. The murderer sat down with her and challenged her to a game of Shougi, after telling her that if she wanted to stay alive she should forget how to speak, and forget what happened that night. -- -- Now Shion has entered the realm of female pro Kishi, mute but strong. As her playing gathers more and more attention, so do the questions about her past and the brutal murder she witnessed. Shion's memories slowly come back, and the mystery begins to unravel, thread by thread. -- TV - Oct 14, 2007 -- 28,400 7.55
Shuangsheng Lingtan -- -- B.CMAY PICTURES -- 20 eps -- Manga -- Mystery Psychological -- Shuangsheng Lingtan Shuangsheng Lingtan -- There is always more to the world than meets the eye. This is the motto that twin brothers Sun Xiaotu and Sun Xiaohu follow in their lives as paranormal investigators, where what may be terrifying to some is just another day at work. Normally, it is simple for them to separate their daily lives from their job, but when they go to investigate a seemingly typical haunting of a pair of twins, a series of bizarre events throw their perception of the supernatural world into question as they become a target of the hauntings themselves. -- -- The further the brothers search for answers to the paranormal mysteries thrown at them, the hazier the lines between truth and fiction become. Through the challenging and sometimes dangerous adventures ahead, one question remains: what kind of secrets are the ghosts trying to hide from them, and are they already more connected to the spirits than they originally thought? -- -- ONA - Aug 25, 2016 -- 11,678 7.26
Shugo Chara!! Doki -- -- Satelight -- 51 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Magic School Shoujo -- Shugo Chara!! Doki Shugo Chara!! Doki -- Now Utau has left Easter and restarted her singing career, while Ikuto still remains at Easter. To replace Utau Easter hires a new character, Lulu. Lulu has the power to create question mark eggs, instead of x-eggs. Throughout this season we start to see all the love interests more so then in the first season. Tadase and Amu seem to be a couple now, but they have their problem, especially when Amu starts hiding Ikuto in her room. She lies to Tadase, her family and all the Guardians about it, which in the end causes more problems then she expected. Easter also has a new plan to control Ikuto. Using his violin Easter controls Ikuto so that he transforms into Death Rebel. The sound of his violin turns all the heart eggs with in distance into x-eggs. With a large amount of x-eggs gathered, the embryo will soon turn up. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Episode numbers continue as 52, 53, 54, etc. -- TV - Oct 4, 2008 -- 89,878 7.42
Souiu Megane -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- Souiu Megane Souiu Megane -- A material, an origin, a meaning, a value. When you have a question on glasses, let's answer "Well, that's glasses". -- Rio de Janeiro International Short Film Festival Best Film of The Young Jury. -- -- (Source: Official website) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2007 -- 265 5.37
Soukou no Strain -- -- Studio Fantasia -- 13 eps -- Original -- Drama Ecchi Mecha Military Sci-Fi Space -- Soukou no Strain Soukou no Strain -- Eleven-year-old Sara Werec's elder brother, Ralph, was sent to the frontlines of an interstellar war 130 light years away, and Sara vowed to reunite with him one day as a comrade. Five years later, Sara is a student at Grapera Space Armed Soldier Academy, training to become a Reasoner, a pilot of an advanced weapons system called a "Strain." -- -- When the academy is suddenly attacked by enemy forces, Sara enters battle against a Strain that quickly overpowers her. After incapacitating her, the pilot reveals himself to be her Ralph. Killing all the other students and destroying the school, he disappears, leaving Sara to question everything she has ever known. Soukou no Strain is the story of Sara as she reenters training under a new name, now determined to confront her brother and make sense of her brother's actions. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Nov 2, 2006 -- 20,207 7.06
Steins;Gate: Oukoubakko no Poriomania -- -- White Fox -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Sci-Fi Comedy -- Steins;Gate: Oukoubakko no Poriomania Steins;Gate: Oukoubakko no Poriomania -- A few months after the events of Steins;Gate, Rintarou Okabe and his group of friends are invited to tag along with their acquaintance Faris NyanNyan, who is participating in a Rai-Net battle event in the United States. There, they meet up with an old colleague: Kurisu Makise, who has been recalling fragmented memories of events that happened in the other world lines in the form of dreams. She confronts Okabe, questioning him as to whether these events—particularly the incidents between the two of them—did indeed happen. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Special - Feb 22, 2012 -- 349,479 8.33
Super Mario World: Mario to Yoshi no Bouken Land -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Game -- Game Comedy Kids -- Super Mario World: Mario to Yoshi no Bouken Land Super Mario World: Mario to Yoshi no Bouken Land -- Super Mario World: Mario to Yoshi no Bouken Land is an interactive anime video based on the game Super Mario World. It is designed for use with Bandai's Terebikko system, which utilizes a telephone-shaped microphone to "interact" with the video. It asks the viewer multiple choice questions, such as what will hatch from Yoshi's egg. -- -- (Source: Mario Wiki) -- OVA - ??? ??, 1991 -- 1,085 5.34
Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari Season 3 -- -- - -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Drama Fantasy -- Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari Season 3 Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari Season 3 -- Third season of Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari. -- TV - ??? ??, ???? -- 127,135 N/A -- -- Kimi no Iru Machi -- -- Gonzo -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Drama Romance Shounen -- Kimi no Iru Machi Kimi no Iru Machi -- Haruto Kirishima lived a calm life out in the countryside, away from the fast-paced life of the city. Then Yuzuki Eba appeared in his life out of nowhere, having come from Tokyo to briefly live with her family. Their time together left him enamored with the memories of that short period before she just as abruptly disappeared from his life, and left him full of questions. -- -- Kimi no Iru Machi begins some time later, after Haruto moves to Tokyo to live with his sister, in order to pursue a career as a cook. In reality though he wishes to be with Yuzuki. Things don't start good though. When he arrives he is mistaken for a burglar and attacked by his sister's neighbour Mishima Asuka. After the misunderstanding is cleared his feelings begin to waver though. Is Eba, who keeps avoiding him for seemingly no reason, the one for him or is it Asuka? -- -- Licensor: -- Nozomi Entertainment -- TV - Jul 13, 2013 -- 127,052 6.92
Tenchi Muyou!: Galaxy Police Mihoshi Space Adventure -- -- AIC -- 1 ep -- Original -- Comedy Magic Parody Police Sci-Fi Shounen Space -- Tenchi Muyou!: Galaxy Police Mihoshi Space Adventure Tenchi Muyou!: Galaxy Police Mihoshi Space Adventure -- On a sunny day, Mihoshi Kuramitsu decides to take a peaceful nap while everyone else does chores. Sick of Mihoshi's laziness, Aeka Jurai Masaki questions her capability as a Galaxy Police Officer. Her pride wounded, Mihoshi decides to prove that she is a skilled first class detective by telling the story of how she and her partner, Kiyone Makibi, put a stop to a series of thefts involving Ultra Energy Matter. -- -- To make it more fun, Mihoshi inserts Tenchi Masaki and the others into her story. However, her fantastical tale may just demonstrate her lack of a grip on reality rather than showcase her accomplishment as a talented officer. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA -- OVA - Mar 25, 1994 -- 8,328 6.81
Tenchi Muyou! in Love 2: Haruka Naru Omoi -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Sci-Fi Drama Romance Shounen -- Tenchi Muyou! in Love 2: Haruka Naru Omoi Tenchi Muyou! in Love 2: Haruka Naru Omoi -- Tenchi runs off into the woods to spend some time alone after his friends have another argument. While lost in thought, he hears a voice coming from a camellia tree. Tenshi approaches it and vanishes through a portal. -- -- Six months later, Tenchi still has not returned home. Though most have given up the idea of ever finding him, his friends refuse to lose hope and have split up into two teams. Aeka and Ryoukou remain on Earth to investigate while Washuu, Sasami, Kiyone, and Mihoshi comb the rest of the galaxy in search. -- -- Their efforts eventually pay off when Tenchi's energy is picked up on their radar. However, the happy reunion will have to wait as the girls gear up for their biggest challenge yet—Tenchi seems to have completely forgotten them and is living happily with another woman. Instead of solving their problems, finding Tenchi has left them with even more questions. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA -- Movie - Apr 24, 1999 -- 14,102 7.21
Tenchi Muyou! in Love 2: Haruka Naru Omoi -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Sci-Fi Drama Romance Shounen -- Tenchi Muyou! in Love 2: Haruka Naru Omoi Tenchi Muyou! in Love 2: Haruka Naru Omoi -- Tenchi runs off into the woods to spend some time alone after his friends have another argument. While lost in thought, he hears a voice coming from a camellia tree. Tenshi approaches it and vanishes through a portal. -- -- Six months later, Tenchi still has not returned home. Though most have given up the idea of ever finding him, his friends refuse to lose hope and have split up into two teams. Aeka and Ryoukou remain on Earth to investigate while Washuu, Sasami, Kiyone, and Mihoshi comb the rest of the galaxy in search. -- -- Their efforts eventually pay off when Tenchi's energy is picked up on their radar. However, the happy reunion will have to wait as the girls gear up for their biggest challenge yet—Tenchi seems to have completely forgotten them and is living happily with another woman. Instead of solving their problems, finding Tenchi has left them with even more questions. -- -- Movie - Apr 24, 1999 -- 14,102 7.21
Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki 3rd Season: Tenchi Seirou naredo Namitakashi? -- -- AIC -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Harem Space Comedy Shounen -- Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki 3rd Season: Tenchi Seirou naredo Namitakashi? Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki 3rd Season: Tenchi Seirou naredo Namitakashi? -- After a 'modified' ending to the Choubimaru incident, the punishments for the offending parties is metted-out, as well as a surprise marriage proposal by Misao to Mashisu. It almost didn't happen... until Mihoshi and Misao's mother Mitoto steps in and gives her and her family's approval, much to the dismay of FORMER G.P. Marshall Minami Kuramitsu. Otherwise, life goes on as usual for the Masaki clan. But soon when the question of how Tenchi's mother had died is presented, the answer nearly causes a rift between Tenchi, his father and his grandfather, for which only Tenchi's future mother-in-law Rea can solve... as well as the resolution of Noike's unusual secret. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- OVA - Sep 14, 2005 -- 10,162 7.25
Tenjou Tenge -- -- Madhouse -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Ecchi Martial Arts Comedy Super Power School Shounen -- Tenjou Tenge Tenjou Tenge -- For some people, high school represents the opportunity for a fresh start. You can take new classes and make new friends. For Souichiro Nagi and Bob Makihara, though, high school means something different: the chance to become the top fighters in the entire student body! Too bad Toudou Academy is the hardest possible place to realize their dreams. Their new high school is no ordinary academic institution. Rather than concentrating on classic subjects like math and science, Toudou Academy was created for the sole purpose of reviving the martial arts in Japan! -- -- As a result, Souichiro's aspirations to become top dog are cut short when he runs afoul of Masataka Takayanagi and Maya Natsume. The two upperclassmen easily stop the freshmen duo's rampage across school, but rather than serving as a deterrent, it only stokes their competitive fire. What kind of monstrous fighters attend Toudou Academy? Are there any stronger than Masataka and Maya? And why in the world is Maya's younger sister stalking Souichiro? Learn the answers to these questions and more in Tenjou Tenge! -- TV - Apr 2, 2004 -- 161,119 6.92
Tenkuu Shinpan -- -- Zero-G -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Mystery Horror -- Tenkuu Shinpan Tenkuu Shinpan -- Upon witnessing a man's head cracked open with an axe, 16-year-old Yuri Honjou trembles in fear and confusion as she flees from the masked assailant, only to find out she's trapped in an abandoned building where every door is mysteriously locked. Desperately searching for a way out, Yuri runs to the rooftop, but a world with no signs of life stands before her, surrounded by high-rise buildings. Though filled with despair, once she learns that her brother is also in this strange place, Yuri is determined to find him and escape. -- -- However, she soon finds that there are more masked murderers in the area, anxious to terrorize their newfound victims and satiate their sickest desires, leaving Yuri to question if they will be able to make it out alive. -- -- ONA - Feb 25, 2021 -- 104,271 6.82
Tenshi no Tamago -- -- Studio Deen -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia Drama Fantasy -- Tenshi no Tamago Tenshi no Tamago -- The surrealist world of Tenshi no Tamago is desolate and devoid of the bustle of traditional everyday life. Instead, the world is filled with ominous phenomena, including floating orbs populated with statues of goddesses, gargantuan army tanks that seem to move unmanned, armies of fishermen who chase after the shadows of nonexistent fish, and caverns solely decorated with glass vessels of water. -- -- In this run-down world, a young girl takes care of a large egg and scavenges for food and drink. She encounters a mysterious man with a cross over his shoulder, who soon becomes curious about who she is and what her egg contains. They decide to explore the lost and broken landscape together, questioning each other about the nature of faith, the purpose of the world, and the origins of their lives. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Anchor Bay Films -- OVA - Dec 22, 1985 -- 95,684 7.69
Tenshi no Tamago -- -- Studio Deen -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia Drama Fantasy -- Tenshi no Tamago Tenshi no Tamago -- The surrealist world of Tenshi no Tamago is desolate and devoid of the bustle of traditional everyday life. Instead, the world is filled with ominous phenomena, including floating orbs populated with statues of goddesses, gargantuan army tanks that seem to move unmanned, armies of fishermen who chase after the shadows of nonexistent fish, and caverns solely decorated with glass vessels of water. -- -- In this run-down world, a young girl takes care of a large egg and scavenges for food and drink. She encounters a mysterious man with a cross over his shoulder, who soon becomes curious about who she is and what her egg contains. They decide to explore the lost and broken landscape together, questioning each other about the nature of faith, the purpose of the world, and the origins of their lives. -- -- OVA - Dec 22, 1985 -- 95,684 7.69
Tokyo Ghoul √A -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Mystery Horror Psychological Supernatural Drama Seinen -- Tokyo Ghoul √A Tokyo Ghoul √A -- Ken Kaneki has finally come to accept the monstrous, flesh-craving part of himself that he has feared and despised for so long. After escaping captivity and torture, Kaneki joins Aogiri Tree—the very militant ghoul organization that had abducted him, leading his friends to question his true motive and loyalty. -- -- As tension between the government and the ghouls continues to rise, the Commission of Counter Ghoul, the government's specialized anti-ghoul agency, has intensified their efforts to completely purge Tokyo of ghouls. This threatens the transient peace of Kaneki's friends and former comrades—the ghouls at the Anteiku coffee shop. Aware of the dangerous situation, Kaneki faces several battles that puts his precious fleeting humanity on the line. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 1,314,152 7.05
Top wo Nerae! Gunbuster -- -- Gainax -- 6 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Drama Mecha Military Sci-Fi Shounen Space -- Top wo Nerae! Gunbuster Top wo Nerae! Gunbuster -- In the near future, humanity has taken its first steps towards journeying into the far reaches of the galaxy. Upon doing so they discover a huge race of insectoid aliens known as "Space Monsters." These aliens seem dedicated to the eradication of mankind as they near closer and closer to discovering Earth. In response, humanity develops giant fighting robots piloted by hand-picked youth from around the world. -- -- Shortly after the discovery of the aliens, Noriko Takaya, the daughter of a famous deceased space captain, enters a training school despite her questionable talents as a pilot. There, she meets her polar opposite, the beautiful and talented Kazumi Amano, and is unexpectedly made to work together with her as they attempt to overcome the trauma of war as well as their own emotions. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Visual USA -- OVA - Oct 7, 1988 -- 99,488 7.89
Top wo Nerae! Gunbuster -- -- Gainax -- 6 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Drama Mecha Military Sci-Fi Shounen Space -- Top wo Nerae! Gunbuster Top wo Nerae! Gunbuster -- In the near future, humanity has taken its first steps towards journeying into the far reaches of the galaxy. Upon doing so they discover a huge race of insectoid aliens known as "Space Monsters." These aliens seem dedicated to the eradication of mankind as they near closer and closer to discovering Earth. In response, humanity develops giant fighting robots piloted by hand-picked youth from around the world. -- -- Shortly after the discovery of the aliens, Noriko Takaya, the daughter of a famous deceased space captain, enters a training school despite her questionable talents as a pilot. There, she meets her polar opposite, the beautiful and talented Kazumi Amano, and is unexpectedly made to work together with her as they attempt to overcome the trauma of war as well as their own emotions. -- -- OVA - Oct 7, 1988 -- 99,488 7.89
Uchouten Kazoku 2 -- -- P.A. Works -- 12 eps -- Novel -- Comedy Demons Drama Fantasy Slice of Life -- Uchouten Kazoku 2 Uchouten Kazoku 2 -- After uncovering the truth behind their father's untimely death, life for the four Shimogamo brothers returns to relative peace with each trying to live up to their father's greatness in their own way. For the eldest, Yaichirou, who aims to become the next Trick Magister and leader of the tanuki society, it starts with reinstating the popular shogi tournament. For Yajirou, it is restoring his former shapeshifting abilities, whilst little Yashirou is content with continuing his work at the family’s factory. But for the third son, Yasaburou, it simply means embracing the "fool's blood" he inherited from his father and living a carefree but interesting life. This, of course, includes hunting for the mysterious and elusive snake-like creature known as a tsuchinoko, and causing ripples of trouble at every turn. -- -- However, these ripples threaten to turn into waves with the return of Nidaime, the estranged son of the brothers' tengu teacher, Professor Akadama. Nidaime bears a grudge against not only his father, but his father's apprentice Benten as well. His loyalties suddenly brought into question, Yasaburou must use his tanuki wit to appease all sides without getting caught in the crossfire, before the delicate balance between human, tengu, and tanuki is overthrown and all hell breaks loose. -- -- 52,454 8.13
Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru -- -- J.C.Staff -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Drama Fantasy Shoujo Shounen Ai -- Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru -- Growing up as an orphan, Yuki Sakurai questions his reason for living and ability to see a person's painful memory by simply touching them. After receiving anonymous notes telling him to die, Yuki is unable to shake off the nagging feeling forming inside of him. Unbeknownst to him, he is being watched, both by people who want to harm him and those who want to protect him. -- -- One foggy night, Yuki's life is saved by a beautiful man with silver eyes and jet black hair—a man he has never met before yet seems familiar. With the arrival of this mysterious stranger, Yuki's forgotten past has been awakened and the purpose of his existence has appeared before him. -- -- Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru tells the story of a teenage boy as he discovers who he is and where he comes from—all while making friends, experiencing betrayal, and slowly piecing together the puzzle of his past. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Apr 12, 2010 -- 84,607 7.25
Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru -- -- J.C.Staff -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Drama Fantasy Shoujo Shounen Ai -- Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru -- Growing up as an orphan, Yuki Sakurai questions his reason for living and ability to see a person's painful memory by simply touching them. After receiving anonymous notes telling him to die, Yuki is unable to shake off the nagging feeling forming inside of him. Unbeknownst to him, he is being watched, both by people who want to harm him and those who want to protect him. -- -- One foggy night, Yuki's life is saved by a beautiful man with silver eyes and jet black hair—a man he has never met before yet seems familiar. With the arrival of this mysterious stranger, Yuki's forgotten past has been awakened and the purpose of his existence has appeared before him. -- -- Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru tells the story of a teenage boy as he discovers who he is and where he comes from—all while making friends, experiencing betrayal, and slowly piecing together the puzzle of his past. -- -- TV - Apr 12, 2010 -- 84,607 7.25
Urara Meirochou -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Fantasy Seinen -- Urara Meirochou Urara Meirochou -- Labyrinth Town is a legendary city composed of ten districts, home to witches and diviners alike. In the outermost district of this maze, many young girls begin training to join the ranks of the "Urara," a group of women known far and wide for their ability to divine the answers to the world's most difficult questions. Chiya, a wild girl raised amongst the animals in the mountains, is invited to take her rightful place as a first rank urara. By joining them, she hopes to divine the location of her long-lost mother. -- -- Chiya quickly makes three friends: studious Kon Tatsumi, aspiring witch Koume Yukimi, and reticent Nono Natsume. Armed with only their own ingenuity and a vague connection to the gods, they begin their journey in the way of the urara. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 108,856 7.13
Ushio to Tora (TV) -- -- MAPPA, Studio VOLN -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Demons Shounen Supernatural -- Ushio to Tora (TV) Ushio to Tora (TV) -- Ushio Aotsuki is a stubborn middle school student and son of an eccentric temple priest who goes about life without care for his father's claims regarding otherworldly monsters known as youkai. However, as he is tending to the temple while his father is away on work, his chores lead him to a shocking discovery: in the basement he finds a menacing youkai impaled by the fabled Beast Spear. -- -- The beast in question is Tora, infamous for his destructive power, who tries to coerce Ushio into releasing him from his five hundred year seal. Ushio puts no trust in his words and refuses to set him free. But when a sudden youkai outbreak puts his friends and home in danger, he is left with no choice but to rely on Tora, his only insurance being the ancient spear if he gets out of hand. -- -- Ushio and Tora's meeting is only the beginning of the unlikely duo's journey into the depths of the spiritual realm. With the legendary Beast Spear in his hands, Ushio will find out just how real and threatening the world of the supernatural can be. -- -- 185,965 7.59
Ushio to Tora (TV) -- -- MAPPA, Studio VOLN -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Demons Shounen Supernatural -- Ushio to Tora (TV) Ushio to Tora (TV) -- Ushio Aotsuki is a stubborn middle school student and son of an eccentric temple priest who goes about life without care for his father's claims regarding otherworldly monsters known as youkai. However, as he is tending to the temple while his father is away on work, his chores lead him to a shocking discovery: in the basement he finds a menacing youkai impaled by the fabled Beast Spear. -- -- The beast in question is Tora, infamous for his destructive power, who tries to coerce Ushio into releasing him from his five hundred year seal. Ushio puts no trust in his words and refuses to set him free. But when a sudden youkai outbreak puts his friends and home in danger, he is left with no choice but to rely on Tora, his only insurance being the ancient spear if he gets out of hand. -- -- Ushio and Tora's meeting is only the beginning of the unlikely duo's journey into the depths of the spiritual realm. With the legendary Beast Spear in his hands, Ushio will find out just how real and threatening the world of the supernatural can be. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 185,965 7.59
Vividred Operation -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Ecchi -- Vividred Operation Vividred Operation -- Friendship is the key to protecting the world. -- -- That is everyone's wish. Here in a world where science has solved all questions. -- -- This story is set in Oshima. The happy, carefree 14-year-old Akane Isshiki lived a poor, but well loved life together with her reliable little sister, Momo, who does all the housework, and her grandfather, Kenjirou, a genius inventor who only created useless devices. When the weather is clear, they can see the artificial island, Blue Island, across the sea. In the center of that island rises the revolutionary Manifestation Engine, a discovery that solved the world's energy problems. -- -- It is a peaceful future, just like everyone dreamed of. One where everyone can smile and be happy... -- -- But suddenly, the world is visited by danger. An unknown enemy, the Alone, appear, targeting the Manifestation Engine. As none of their weapons worked and they fell into despair, a lone girl takes a stand wearing a red "Palette Suit" which wields a great, hidden power. Before long, allies gather around her to fight. -- -- And their friendship becomes the only hope for saving the world! -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 60,608 6.46
White Album -- -- Seven Arcs -- 13 eps -- Visual novel -- Drama Harem Music Romance -- White Album White Album -- Can a relationship between a regular college student and an idol singer survive? That is the question that White Album tries to answer. Touya Fujii is a normal college student with normal worries—namely balancing his classes and his job he works to pay for school. He is also concerned about the amount of time he has to spend with Yuki Morikawa, or rather, the lack of it. -- -- Being an up and coming idol singer, Yuki has concerns of her own. Even though she's not yet as popular as experienced veteran Rina Ogata, Yuki is turning heads and landing interviews on television. This should be a good thing, but not everyone is happy about the attention she receives from the media and from Rina. The idol industry is surprisingly cutthroat, and rival singers have their eyes on Yuki. -- -- While it may seem exciting to watch your girlfriend on television, how does Touya really feel about all this? Between the challenges associated with Yuki's career and other people that Touya meets at his university, their relationship may not last… -- 97,888 6.54
Yosuga no Sora: In Solitude, Where We Are Least Alone. -- -- feel. -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Drama Ecchi Harem Romance -- Yosuga no Sora: In Solitude, Where We Are Least Alone. Yosuga no Sora: In Solitude, Where We Are Least Alone. -- Haruka and Sora Kasugano are coming home, to a place filled with memories. -- -- Having lost their parents in a tragic car accident, the twins resolve to return to the countryside and start life anew at their grandfather's house, the haunt a constant reminder of moments from their past. Greeting them are childhood friends Nao Yorihime and Akira Amatsume, and newcomer Kazuha Migiwa. It is a warm welcome, symbolic of the days that should come. -- -- Their peace is merely ephemeral, however, as suppressed emotions, born from vows both newfound and forgotten, start exerting their influence on the twins' new lives. And deep down, a dark secret, only known to them, begins to unshackle. -- -- Based on the visual novel by Sphere, Yosuga no Sora not only explores the power of lost memories and true love when the bonds of many become intertwined, but also raises the questions of morality and social acceptance. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- 373,767 6.22
Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Duel Monsters -- -- Gallop -- 224 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Game Shounen -- Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Duel Monsters Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Duel Monsters -- Legend says that the enigmatic Millennium Puzzle will grant one wish to whoever deciphers its ancient secrets. Upon solving it, high school student Yuugi Mutou unleashes "another Yuugi," a peculiar presence contained inside. Now, whenever he is faced with a dilemma, this mysterious alter ego makes an appearance and aids him in his troubles. -- -- Wishing to unravel the mystery behind this strange spirit, Yuugi and his companions find themselves competing with several opponents in "Duel Monsters," a challenging card game used by people seeking to steal the Millennium Puzzle in a desperate attempt to harness the great power within. As the questions pile on, it is not long before they figure out that there is more than pride on the line in these duels. -- -- -- Licensor: -- 4Kids Entertainment, Flatiron Film Company -- TV - Apr 18, 2000 -- 305,061 7.46
Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Duel Monsters -- -- Gallop -- 224 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Game Shounen -- Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Duel Monsters Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Duel Monsters -- Legend says that the enigmatic Millennium Puzzle will grant one wish to whoever deciphers its ancient secrets. Upon solving it, high school student Yuugi Mutou unleashes "another Yuugi," a peculiar presence contained inside. Now, whenever he is faced with a dilemma, this mysterious alter ego makes an appearance and aids him in his troubles. -- -- Wishing to unravel the mystery behind this strange spirit, Yuugi and his companions find themselves competing with several opponents in "Duel Monsters," a challenging card game used by people seeking to steal the Millennium Puzzle in a desperate attempt to harness the great power within. As the questions pile on, it is not long before they figure out that there is more than pride on the line in these duels. -- -- TV - Apr 18, 2000 -- 305,061 7.46
Zegapain -- -- Sunrise -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Mecha Romance Sci-Fi -- Zegapain Zegapain -- Average high school student Kyou Sogoru is an avid swimmer living in beautiful Maihama City. He spends his days hanging out with friends, swimming, and playing video games. However, his normal life turns upside down when a beautiful and mysterious girl named Shizuno Misaki approaches him with a strange request—jump into their school's pool together. -- -- This fateful leap transports Kyou into a war-torn world where humans pilot impressive humanoid robots known as Zegas to fight against malicious aliens known as Gards-Orm. To spearhead this endeavor, humans have formed Cerebrum, a rebel organization working to prevent the Gards-Orm from eradicating humankind. -- -- As Kyou participates in combat operations, meets his fellow Zega pilots, and witnesses countless deaths, he begins to question the true nature of this world as well as his own life. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Sentai Filmworks -- 29,993 7.34
Zero no Tsukaima: Futatsuki no Kishi -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Harem Comedy Magic Romance Ecchi Fantasy School -- Zero no Tsukaima: Futatsuki no Kishi Zero no Tsukaima: Futatsuki no Kishi -- Revered as heroes for their role in defending Tristain, Louise Françoise and her familiar Saito Hiraga face heavy pressure to continue protecting the Kingdom. With an uneasy peace now established within Albion, the newly crowned Queen Henrietta must deal with a political struggle brewing on the horizon. To make matters worse, a new villain has begun plotting in the shadows against the Crown. -- -- With the continuing threats that face the Kingdom, Louise and Saito are compelled to work together once more. No longer "Louise the Zero," the young mage's newfound aptitude for Void magic gives her enough power to wipe out an entire village; however, wielding these abilities comes with its share of challenges. As more conflicts arise, the idea of placing honor above oneself is put into question—regardless of their answer, their only choice is to see it through until the end. -- -- 425,534 7.47
Zero no Tsukaima: Futatsuki no Kishi -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Harem Comedy Magic Romance Ecchi Fantasy School -- Zero no Tsukaima: Futatsuki no Kishi Zero no Tsukaima: Futatsuki no Kishi -- Revered as heroes for their role in defending Tristain, Louise Françoise and her familiar Saito Hiraga face heavy pressure to continue protecting the Kingdom. With an uneasy peace now established within Albion, the newly crowned Queen Henrietta must deal with a political struggle brewing on the horizon. To make matters worse, a new villain has begun plotting in the shadows against the Crown. -- -- With the continuing threats that face the Kingdom, Louise and Saito are compelled to work together once more. No longer "Louise the Zero," the young mage's newfound aptitude for Void magic gives her enough power to wipe out an entire village; however, wielding these abilities comes with its share of challenges. As more conflicts arise, the idea of placing honor above oneself is put into question—regardless of their answer, their only choice is to see it through until the end. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 425,534 7.47,_but_pacman_says_the_system_is_up_to_date".pkg.tar.gz"_and_".pkg.tar.xz"_are_too_long_and/or_confusing's_Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard,_can_I_just_symlink_to_the_newer_version?,_and_now_I_am_at_a_shell!_What_now?,_except_the_development_team_needs_to_implement_feature_X,_and_that_some_of_the_driver_packages_have_not_been_updated?!,_but_not_for_the_apps_that_depend_on_it?"minimal"_distributions?'Ali_Dede_al-Busnawi_-_Three_Hundred_Sixty_Sufi_Questions_-_Walters_W585_-_Closed_Top_View_A.jpg,_Gender_Apostates_and_Atheism_Question.JPG,_St._Luke's_Anglican.JPG's_solution_of_the_Indian_question_LCCN2002720412.jpg's_solution_of_the_Indian_question_LCCN2002720412.tif,_Stephen_Priest.jpg,_being_a_clear_exposition,_in_the_form_of_question_and_answer,_of_the_ethics,_science,_and_philosophy_for_the_study_of_which_the_Theosophical_society_has_been_founded_(IA_cu31924075773683).pdf
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