classes ::: subject,
children :::
branches ::: Zen, Zen Koans, Zen Masters, Zen Proverb, Zen Scriptures

bookmarks: Instances - Definitions - Quotes - Chapters - Wordnet - Webgen

object:Zen Buddhism
concepts:original face,

--- bookchapters Zen
  A Study Of Dogen His Philosophy and Religion

  Big Mind, Big Heart
   Big Mind (non-dual)
   Big Mind (ten perfections)

  Branching Streams flow in the darkness

  Cold Mountain
   The Poems of Cold Mountain

  Crow With No Mouth Ikkyu

  God Emptiness and the True Self

  Introduction Zen Buddhism

  Japanese Spirituality

  Manual of Zen Buddhism

  Mysticism Christian and Buddhist

  Rice Eyes Enlightenment in Dogens Kitchen


  Studies in the Lankavatara

  The Blue Cliff Record
   1.01 - The Highest Meaning of the Holy Truths
   1.02 - The Ultimate Path is Without Difficulty
   1.03 - Master Ma is Unwell
   1.04 - Te Shan Carrying His Bundle
   1.05 - Hsueh Feng's Grain of Rice
   1.06 - Yun Men's Every Day is a Good Day
   1.07 - Hui Ch'ao Asks about Buddha
   1.21 - Chih Men's Lotus Flower, Lotus Leaves

  The Book of Equanimity

  The Compass of Zen

  The Diamond Sutra

  The Gateless Gate

  The Training of the Zen Buddhist Monk

  The Zen Koan as a means of Attaining Enlightenment

  The Zen Teaching of Bodhidharma
   :1.02 - Outline of Practice
   :1.03 - Bloodstream Sermon
   :1.04 - Wake-Up Sermon

  Treasury of the True Dharma Eye Zen Master Dogens Shobo Genzo

  Unborn The Life and Teachings of Zen Master Bankei

  Zen Letters Teachings of Yuanwu

  Zen Mind, Beginners Mind

--- authbooks Zen
    Unborn The Life and Teachings of Zen Master Bankei
    ZEN - Peter Haskel - Translations from the Record of Bankei.txt

    The Zen Teaching of Bodhidharma
    Manual of Zen Buddhism
    NL - Red Pine - The Zen Teaching of Bodhidharma North Point Press (1987).txt
    NL - Red Pine - The Zen Teaching of Bodhidharma-North Point Press (1987).txt
    ZEN - Andrew Ferguson - Did Bodhidharma Meet Emperor Liang Wu Di?.txt
    ZEN - Bernard Faure - From Bodhidharma to Daruma The Hidden Life of a Zen Patriarch.txt

  Burton Watson
    NL - Burton Watson - The Lotus Sutra Columbia University Press.txt
    NL - Taigu Ryokan - a statement on begging for food (trans. Burton Watson).txt
    ZEN - BURTON WATSON - The Zen Teachings of Master Lin-chi.txt
    ZEN - Han-shan - COLD MOUNTAIN 100 poems (trans. Burton Watson).txt

  Cheng Kuan
    The Sweet Dews of Chan Zen
    NL - Cheng Kuan - The Sweet Dews of Chan Zen.txt

  Chong Go

  Daisetsu Teitaro Suzuki
    Introduction Zen Buddhism
    The Zen Koan as a means of Attaining Enlightenment
    Mysticism Christian and Buddhist
    The Training of the Zen Buddhist Monk
    Studies in the Lankavatara
    Japanese Spirituality
    Manual of Zen Buddhism
    NL - Daisetsu Teitaro Suzuki - Introduction Zen Buddhism.txt
    NL - Daisetsu Teitaro Suzuki - Japanese Spirituality.txt
    NL - Daisetsu Teitaro Suzuki - Manual of Zen Buddhism.txt
    NL - Daisetsu Teitaro Suzuki - mysticism christian and buddhist.txt
    NL - Daisetsu Teitaro Suzuki - Shin Buddhism.txt
    NL - Daisetsu Teitaro Suzuki - Studies in the Lankavatara.txt
    NL - Daisetsu Teitaro Suzuki - The Lankavatara Sutra A Mahayana Text.txt
    NL - Daisetsu Teitaro Suzuki - The Training of the Zen Buddhist Monk.txt
    NL - Daisetsu Teitaro Suzuki - The Zen Koan as a means of Attaining Enlightenment.txt
    ZEN - Daisetsu Teitaro Suzuki - Manual of Zen Buddhism.txt

    Treasury of the True Dharma Eye Zen Master Dogens Shobo Genzo
    A Study Of Dogen His Philosophy and Religion
    Rice Eyes Enlightenment in Dogens Kitchen
    NL - Dogen - Rice Eyes Enlightenmet in Dogens Kitchen Tai Sheridan.txt
    NL - Dogen - Shobogenzo complete.txt
    NL - Dogen - Shobogenzo The Treasure House of the Eye of the True Teaching (trans. Rev. Hubert Nearman).txt
    NL - Masao Abe - A Study Of Dogen His Philosophy and Religion.txt
    NL - Miriam L. Levering - Dogen's Raihaitokuzui and Women Teaching in Sung Chan.txt
    NL - Steven Heine - Dogen and the Koan Tradition A Tale of Two Shobogenzo Texts .txt
    ZEN - Arai-women-Dogen-ZenRitual.1.txt
    ZEN - Arai-women-Dogen-ZenRitual.txt
    ZEN - Carl Bielefeldt - Dogens Manuals of Zen Meditation.txt
    ZEN - Dogen-s-Appropriation-of-Lotus-Sutra-Ground-and-Space.txt
    ZEN - Gudo Wafu Nishijima - GAKU DO YO JIN SHU Practical Advice On Pursuing the Buddhist Truth from Master Dogen.txt
    ZEN - HeineDogenCanon.1.txt
    ZEN - Koans-in-the-Dogen-tradition.1.txt
    ZEN - Koans-in-the-Dogen-tradition.txt
    ZEN - Omori Sagen - The Art of a Zen Master Hosokawa Dogen.txt
    ZEN - Steven Heine - Did-Dogen-Go-to-China.txt

  Genpo Roshi
    Big Mind, Big Heart
    NL - Dennis Genpo Merzel Genpo Roshi - Big Mind Big Heart Finding Your Way Big Mind Publishing (2007) clean.txt

  Gudo Wafu Nishijima
    NL - Gudo Wafu Nishijima - How To Practice Zazen.txt
    NL - Gudo Wafu Nishijima - Understanding the Shobogenzo.txt
    ZEN - Gudo Wafu Nishijima - GAKU DO YO JIN SHU Practical Advice On Pursuing the Buddhist Truth from Master Dogen.txt
    ZEN - Gudo Wafu Nishijima - Japanese Buddhism and The Meiji Restoration.txt
    ZEN - Gudo Wafu Nishijima - The Relation Between the Autonomic Nervous System and Buddhism.txt

  Hakuin Ekaku
    NL - Hakuin Ekaku - Beating the Cloth Drum Letters of Zen Master Hakuin Shambhala (2012) (trans. Norman Waddell).txt

    Cold Mountain
    ZEN - Han-shan - COLD MOUNTAIN 100 poems (trans. Burton Watson).txt

  Hsuan Hua
    NL - Hsuan Hua - Chan Handbook.txt
    NL - Hsuan Hua - Sitting in Chan.txt
    ZEN - Great Master Yung Chia - Song of Enlightenment (comm. Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua) (trans. International Institute For The Translation of Buddhist Texts).txt

  Huang Po
    The Blue Cliff Record

    The Diamond Sutra and The Sutra of Hui-Neng

    ZEN - Hu-Shih - An Appeal for a Systematic Search in Japan for Long-Hidden Tang Dynasty Source Materials of the Early History of Zen Buddhism.txt
    ZEN - Hu-Shih - Zen-in-China.txt

    Crow With No Mouth Ikkyu
    NL - Ikkyu - Skeletons (trans. Csontvazdalocskak).txt
    ZEN - ALEXANDER KABANOFF - Ikkyu and Koans.txt

  Ishikara Rikizan

  Izumi Shikibu

  Jiang Wu
    NL - Jiang Wu - Enlightenment-in-Dispute.txt
    NL - Jiang Wu - Leaving for the Rising Sun The Historical Background of Yinyuan Longqis Migration to Japan in 1654.txt
    NL - Jiang Wu - Zen Sand The Book of Capping Phrases for Kan Practive.txt

  Jianzhi Sengcan

  John Daido Loori
    NL - John Daido Loori - Mountain Record of Zen Talks.txt
    NL - John Daido Loori - The Heart of Being Moral and Ethical Teachings of Zen Buddhism.txt
    NL - John Daido Loori - The True Dharma Eye Zen Master Dgens THREE HUNDRED KANS WITH COMMENTARY AND VERSE (trans. Kazuaki Tanahashi and John Daido Loori).txt
    ZEN - John Daido Loori - Moshans Nature of the Summit Mountain.txt
    ZEN - John Daido Loori - Straight Ahead An Interview with John Daido Loori.txt

  Joshu Sasaki Roshi
    NL - Joshu Sasaki Roshi - About-Zazen.txt
    NL - Joshu Sasaki Roshi - Buddha-is-the-Center-of-Gravity.txt
    ZEN - Joshu Sasaki Roshi - About-Zazen.1.txt

  Katsuki Sekida

  Kodo Sawaki

  Kosho Uchiyama
    Opening the Hand of Thought: Foundations of Zen Buddhist Practice
    ZEN - Kosho Uchiyama Roshi - Approach to Zen The Reality of Zazen Modern Civilization and Zen.txt

  Masao Abe
    God Emptiness and the True Self
    A Study Of Dogen His Philosophy and Religion
    NL - Masao Abe - A Study Of Dogen His Philosophy and Religion.txt
    NL - Masao Abe - God Emptiness and the True Self.txt

  Matsuo Basho

  Michel Mohr
    NL - Michel Mohr - Damo.txt
    NL - Michel Mohr - Imagining Indian Zen Toreis Commentary on the Ta-mo-to-lo chan ching and the Rediscovery of Early Meditation Techniques during the Tokugawa Era.txt
    NL - Michel Mohr - Japanese-Zen-Schools-and-the-Transition-to-Meiji.txt
    NL - Michel Mohr - Monastic Tradition and Lay Practice from the Perspective of Nantenbo.txt
    NL - Michel Mohr - Parents.txt
    ZEN - MICHEL MOHR - Emerging from Nonduality Koan Practice in the Rinzai Tradition since Hakuin.txt
    ZEN - Michel Mohr - The Use of Traps and Snares Shaku Sen Revisited.txt

  Miriam L. Levering
    NL - Miriam L. Levering - Dahui Zonggao The Image Created by His Stories about Himself and by His Teaching Style.txt
    NL - Miriam L. Levering - Dogen's Raihaitokuzui and Women Teaching in Sung Chan.txt
    NL - Miriam L. Levering - Pure Land Practices.txt

    The Gateless Gate
    NL - Mumonkan - The Gateless Gate (trans. Eiichi Shimomisse).txt
    ZEN - Ishii Shudo - The Wu-men kuan (J. Mumonkan) The Formation, Propagation, and Characteristics of a Classic Zen Koan Text (trans. Albert Welter).txt
    ZEN - MUMONKAN - Gateless Gate.txt
    ZEN - Mumonkan_-_The_Gateless_Gate (trans. Eiichi Shimomisse).txt
    ZEN - R. H. Blyth - MUMONKAN The Zen Masterpiece.txt
    ZEN - Zenkei Shibayama - Rinzai Zen Zen Comments on the Mumonkan.txt

  Nakamura Hajime
    NL - Nakamura Hajime - Chan.txt
    NL - Nakamura Hajime - THE GOAL OF MEDITATION.txt


  Nozawa Boncho

  Red Pine
    Cold Mountain
    The Zen Teaching of Bodhidharma
    NL - Red Pine - Diamond Sutra.txt
    NL - Red Pine - Diamond-Sutra.txt
    NL - Red Pine, John Blofeld - The Collected Songs of Cold Mountain (Han Shan) Copper Canyon Press (2000).txt
    NL - Red Pine, John Blofeld - The Collected Songs of Cold Mountain (Han Shan) -Copper Canyon Press (2000).txt
    NL - Red Pine - Tao Te Ching By Lao zi-Mercury House (1996).txt
    NL - Red Pine - The Heart Sutra Counterpoint (2005).txt
    NL - Red Pine - The Heart Sutra-Counterpoint (2005).txt
    NL - Red Pine - The Zen Teaching of Bodhidharma North Point Press (1987).txt
    NL - Red Pine - The Zen Teaching of Bodhidharma-North Point Press (1987).txt


  Saisei Muro

  Santoka Taneda

  Shunryu Suzuki
    Zen Mind, Beginners Mind
    Branching Streams flow in the darkness
    NL - Shunryu Suzuki - Branching Streams flow in the darkness.txt
    NL - Shunryu Suzuki - Branching-Streams-flow-in-the-darkness.txt
    NL - Shunryu Suzuki - Branching streams flow in the darkness, Zen talks on the Sandokai.txt
    NL - Shunryu Suzuki - Not Always So.txt
    NL - Shunryu Suzuki - Zen Mind, Beginners Mind.txt
    NL - Shunryu Suzuki - Zen Mind.txt

  Steven Heine
    NL - Steven Heine - Dogen and the Koan Tradition A Tale of Two Shobogenzo Texts .txt
    NL - Steven Heine - Soto Zen and THe Inari Cult.txt
    NL - Steven Heine - ZEN MASTERS.txt
    ZEN - Steven Heine - A Critical Survey of Works on Zen since Yampolsky.txt
    ZEN - Steven Heine - Did-Dogen-Go-to-China.txt
    ZEN - Steven Heine - Introduction Canon and Canonicity in the History of the Zen Literary Tradition.txt
    ZEN - Steven Heine - Ishii Shds Contri butions to Dgen Studies Examining Chinese Influences on the Kana a.txt
    ZEN - Steven HEINE - The Dgen Canon Dgens Pre-Shbgenz Writings and the Question of Change in His Later Works.txt
    ZEN - Steven Heine - Unintended Baggage? Rethinking Yuanwu Keqins View of the Role of Language in Chan Gongan Discourse.txt
    ZEN - STEVEN HEINE - Visions, Divisions, Revisions The Encounter between Iconoclasm and Supernaturalism in Koan Cases about Mount Wu-t'ai.txt

  Taigu Ryokan
    NL - Taigu Ryokan - a statement on begging for food (trans. Burton Watson).txt
    NL - Taigu Ryokan - Stevens.txt
    NL - Taigu Ryokan - Tanahashi.txt

  Taisen Deshimaru

  Thomas Cleary
    NL - Thomas Cleary - Samurai Wisdom Lessons From Japans Warrior Culture.txt
    NL - Thomas Cleary - Secret of the Golden Flower.txt
    NL - Thomas Cleary - Tao Te Ching.txt
    NL - Thomas Cleary - The Blue Cliff Record.txt
    NL - Thomas Cleary - Understanding Reality by Chang Po tuan.txt
    ZEN - Mus Kokushi - DREAM CONVERSATIONS on Buddhism and Zen (trans. Thomas Cleary).txt

  Wangsong Xingxiu
    The Book of Equanimity

  Wendi Leigh Adamek
    NL - Wendi Leigh Adamek - A Niche of Their Own.txt
    NL - Wendi Leigh Adamek - Revisiting Questions about Female Disciples.txt
    NL - Wendi Leigh Adamek - Robes Purple and Gold Transmission of the Robe in the "Lidai fabao ji" (Record of the Dharma-Jewel through the Ages).txt
    NL - Wendi Leigh Adamek - The Lidai fabao ji (Record of the Dharma-Jewel through the Ages).txt

  Yong Zhi
    ZEN - Yong Zhi - Human Actions Illustrated in Zens Ox-Herding Pictures.txt
    ZEN - Yong Zhi - The Poetic Transmission of Zen Buddhism.txt

  Yuanwu Keqin
    The Blue Cliff Record
    ZEN - Steven Heine - Unintended Baggage? Rethinking Yuanwu Keqins View of the Role of Language in Chan Gongan Discourse.txt

see also :::

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now begins generated list of local instances, definitions, quotes, instances in chapters, wordnet info if available and instances among weblinks









Beating the Cloth Drum Letters of Zen Master Hakuin
Cultivating the Empty Field The Silent Illumination of Zen Master Hongzhi
Introduction Zen Buddhism
Manual of Zen Buddhism
Opening the Hand of Thought Foundations of Zen Buddhist Practice
Swampl and Flowers The Letters and Lectures of Zen Master Ta Hui
The Compass of Zen
The Sweet Dews of Chan Zen
The Three Pillars of Zen
The Training of the Zen Buddhist Monk
The Zen Koan as a means of Attaining Enlightenment
The Zen Teaching of Bodhidharma
This is It & Other Essays on Zen & Spiritual Experience
Treasury of the True Dharma Eye Zen Master Dogens Shobo Genzo
Unborn The Life and Teachings of Zen Master Bankei
Unfathomable Depths Drawing Wisdom for Today from a Classical Zen Poem
Wild Ivy A Spiritual Autobiography of Zen Master Hakuin
Zen Buddhism - The Essential Books
Zen Koans
Zen Letters Teachings of Yuanwu
Zen Masters
Zen Mind, Beginners Mind
Zen Proverb
Zen Scriptures



Zen ::: A school of Buddhism which emphasizes direct experiential insight into the nature of reality: the non-dual state of awareness, and living one's life in accordance with this realization. On this site we will also refer to Zen techniques as a way of shifting awareness to the non-dual through polar elimination of archetypes and forceful deconstruction of the momentary self.

Zen Buddhism ::: A fusion of Mahayana Buddhism and Taoism, practiced chiefly in China and Japan. It places great importance on moment-by-moment awareness and 'seeing deeply into the nature of things' by direct experience. The name derives from the Sanskrit word dhyana referring to a particular meditative state.

Zen Buddhism: The Japanese “mediation school” of Buddhism, based on the theories of the “universality of Buddha-nature” and the possibility of “becoming a Buddha in this very body.” It teaches the way of attaining Buddhahood fundamentally by meditation.

Zend also means “The ‘rendering of the esoteric into exoteric sentences,’ the veil used to conceal the correct meaning of the Zen-(d)-zar texts, the sacerdotal language in use among the initiates of archaic India. Found now in several undecipherable inscriptions, it is still used and studied unto this day in the secret communities of the Eastern adepts, and called by them — according to the locality — Zend-zar and Brahma- or Deva-Bhashya” (BCW 4:517-8n). See also ZEND-AVESTA; AVESTA; SENZAR

Zendavesta: (from Middle Persian Zend u Avista, "commentary and text") The Commentary, still used today as sacred scripture among the Parsis (see Zoroastrianism), on the basic text which was composed by the followers of Zarathustra (q.v.), but had become unintelligible due to its archaic nature. -- K.F.L.

Zend-Avesta (Pahlavi) [from Old Persian zend commentary, interpretation + aba-ta the law] The writings of the religion of the Parsis, still used by them as the basis of their faith. The Parsis themselves call this collection of documents the Avesta; Zend was principally used by the Parsis to denote the Pahlavi translations and commentaries on the Avesta.

Zend; Zend-Avesta. See: Avesta.

Zendo 善導. See SHANDAO

Zend, Zand (Pahlavi) Zantay (Avestan) [from the verbal root zan cognition, knowledge cf Old Persian dan] Commentary, interpretation, explanation; in the Occident, Zend refers to a language in which the Avesta is written, but modern Parsi scholars and older Pahlavi books speak of the language and writing as Avesta. Blavatsky links Zend with Zensar or Senzar, the mystery-language of the initiates.

Zen'eji 善慧地. See SĀDHUMATĪ

Zen'e 善慧. See SUMEDHA

Zengen shosenshu tojo 禪源諸詮集都序. See CHANYUAN ZHUQUANJI DUXU

Zengetsu Kankyu 禪月貫休. See CHANYUE GUANXIU

Zengetsu shu 禪月集. See CHANYUE JI

Zengshangxin jing 增上心經. See VITAKKASAntHĀNASUTTA

Zengyi ahan jing 增壹阿含經. See EKOTTARĀGAMA, AnGUTTARANIKĀYA

Zenith One of six cardinal points, the others being the four points of the compass and the nadir; these are symbolized by the number six and by the svastika. They are not fixed points, but directions relative to a central point which represents the observer.

Zenith: The point opposite to the nadir; the point directly overhead, through which the prime vertical and meridian circles pass.

Zenkan sakushin 禪關策進. See CHANGUAN CEJIN

Zen [Kehoe, B., "Zen and the Art of the Internet", February 1992.] [{Jargon File}]

Zenke kikan 禪家龜鑑. See SoNGA KWIGAM

Zenkenritsubibasha 善見律毘婆沙. See SAMANTAPĀSĀDIKĀ



Zenkoji. (善光寺). In Japanese, "Monastery of the Radiance of Goodness"; located in modern-day Nagano. According to the Zenkoji engi, the monastery was built at the beginning of the seventh century by a certain Honda Yoshimitsu to enshrine a famous Amida (AMITĀBHA) triad. In the ancient Indian kingdom of VAIsĀLĪ, a merchant by the name of Somachattra is said to have warded off epidemic demons and cured his daughter by invoking the name of the buddha Amitābha ten times. Somachattra was so moved by the appearance of Amitābha and his two attendants AVALOKITEsVARA and MAHĀSTHĀMAPRĀPTA in the sky that he asked the Buddha for an icon to be made in their likeness. The triad was then forged with special gold from the dragon king's palace and worshipped as a living manifestation of Amitābha and his attendants. Somachattra was later reborn as King Song (r. 523-553) of the Korean kingdom of Paekche. The triad first traveled to Paekche to aid King Song, after which it was taken to Japan. Honda Yoshimitsu is said to have discovered the triad in the Naniwa Canal and enshrined it in his house, which was later transformed into a magnificent buddha hall by Empress Kogyoku (r. 642-645). With support from the Hojo bakufu, a Zenkoji cult proliferated especially during the Kamakura period and onwards, and numerous replicas of the "original" (Shinano) Zenkoji triad were made and enshrined in Shin ("New") Zenkoji temples. For centuries, the (Shinano) Zenkoji in Nagano remained under the control of another powerful TENDAISHu monastery known as MIIDERA. Zenkoji was devastated by fire in 1179, but legendary accounts testify to the miraculous escape of the "original" triad, which now remains as a secret buddha (HIBUTSU) image largely unavailable for public viewing. After the Japanese monk IPPEN's visit to Zenkoji, several Shin Zenkoji temples also came to be associated with his tradition, the JISHu.

Zenmon kishiki 禪門規式. See CHANMEN GUISHI

Zenmon satsuyo 禪門撮要. See SoNMUN CH'WARYO

Zenmui 善無畏. See sUBHAKARASIMHA

Zennyakyo 善夜經. See BHADRAKĀRĀTRĪ

Zen'on shingi 禪苑清規. See CHANYUAN QINGGUI

Zeno of Elea: (about 490-430 B.C.) Disciple of Parmenides, defended the doctrine of his master that only changeless "Being" is real by indirect proofs exposing the logical absurdities involved in the opposite view, namely that plurality and change are real. Zeno's famous arguments against the possibility of motion were intended as proofs that motion was full of contradictions and that it could not therefore serve as a principle for the explanation of all phenomena, as the atomists, Heraclitus, Empedocles and others had taught. -- M.F.

Zeno the Stoic: (c. 340-265 B.C.) A native of Cyprus and the founder of the Stoic School in Athens. His philosophy was built on the principle that reality is a rational order in which nature is controlled by laws of Reason, interpreted in the vein of pantheism. Men's lives are guided by Providence against which it is futile to resist and to which wise men willingly submit. -- R.B.W.

Zenpiyohokyo 禪秘要法經. See CHAN MIYAOFA JING

Zenrai 善來. See SĀGATA

Zenrin hokun 禪林寶訓. See CHANLIN BAOXUN

Zenrin kushu

Zenrin kushu. (禪林句集). In Japanese, "Phrase Collection of the ZEN Grove"; a lengthy collection of more than four thousand Zen phrases-specifically capping phrases (JAKUGO) or appended phrases (AGYO)-culled from Buddhist SuTRAs, discourse records (YULU), koan collections (see C. GONG'AN), and various Chinese belletristic classics. The collection was edited by a certain Ijushi in 1688. Ijushi's collection is based on a shorter phrase book entitled the Kuzoshi, compiled by the Zen master Toyo Eicho (1428-1504) of the MYoSHINJI lineage of the RINZAISHu. Beginning with single-character phrases, the Zen phrases in the Zenrin kushu are sequentially organized according to their number of Sinographs. The Zenrin kushu is one of the most commonly used collections in Japanese koan training today.

Zenrin shokisen

Zenrin shokisen. (禪林象器箋). In Japanese, "A Composition on the Images and Utensils of the Zen Grove"; compiled by the ZEN historian MUJAKU DoCHu in the RINZAISHu; a comprehensive catalogue of regulations, events, utensils, and accoutrements used by the Zen (C. CHAN) tradition. The preface was prepared by Mujaku in 1741. More than just a simple catalogue, Mujaku's Zenrin shokisen also meticulously notes the possible origin and history of each catalogued item and also expounds upon the significance of its implementation during his day, making it an invaluable tool for the study of Zen in practice. His research is based on an exhaustive list of sources (a total of 488 selections) beginning with sutras and commentaries to Chinese and Japanese classics, lamplight histories (see CHUANDENG LU), and poetry. A handwritten copy of the text is currently housed at MYoSHINJI in Kyoto.

Zenrin soboden 禪林僧寶傳. See CHANLIN SENGBAO ZHUAN

Zensai 善. See SUVARsAKA

Zenshogakusen 前正覺山. See PRĀGBODHI(GIRI)

Zenshokyo 善生經. See SIGĀLOVĀDASUTTA

Zensho 善星. See SUNAKsATRA

Zenshu. (J) (禪宗). In Japanese, the school, lineage, or tradition of CHAN. See ZEN.


Zenshu Yoka shu 禪宗永嘉集. See CHANZONG YONGJIA JI


Zentralstelle für Jüdische Auswanderung ::: "Central Office for Jewish Emigration"—Set up in Vienna on August 26, 1938, under Adolf Eichmann.


Zenzai 善財. See SUDHANA

Zenzar, Zendzar. See ZEND; SENZAR

Zen. (禪). In Japanese, "Meditation"; the Japanese strand of the broader East Asian CHAN school, which includes Chinese Chan, Korean SoN, and Vietnamese THIỀN. Zen is the Japanese pronunciation of the Chinese term Chan, which in turn is a transcription of the Sanskrit term DHYĀNA, or meditative absorption. More specifically, Zen denotes the Japanese Buddhist traditions that trace their origins back to the Chinese Chan school, or CHAN ZONG. Currently three major traditions in Japan, RINZAISHu, SoToSHu, and oBAKUSHu, refer to themselves as Zen schools, and are thus known collectively as the Zen tradition (J. ZENSHu; C. CHAN ZONG). The Rinzaishu was first transmitted to Japan in the late twelfth century by MYoAN EISAI (1141-1215), who visited China twice and received training and certification in the Chinese LINJI ZONG. By the end of the Kamakura period, some twenty-one different Rinzai lineages had been transmitted to Japan. The Rinzai school came to be associated with the meditative practice of contemplating Zen "cases" (J. koan; C. GONG'AN; see also J. kanna Zen; C. KANHUA CHAN). The foundation of the Sotoshu is attributed to DoGEN KIGEN (1200-1253), who is credited with transmitting the CAODONG ZONG of the Chinese CHAN teacher TIANTONG RUJING (1162-1227). Dogen is said to have taught the technique of "just sitting" (SHIKAN TAZA), through which the mind would become stabilized and concentrated in a state of full clarity and alertness, free from any specific content. During the Tokugawa period, the Soto school developed into one of the largest Buddhist sects in Japan through the mandatory parish system (DANKA SEIDO), in which every household was required to register as a member of a local Buddhist temple. By the middle of the eighteenth century, there were more than 17,500 Soto temples across the country. The obakushu was founded by the émigré Chinese CHAN master YINYUAN LONGXI (J. Ingen Ryuki; 1592-1673), who traveled to Japan in 1654/1655 to escape the succession wars and political turmoil that had accompanied the fall of the Ming dynasty. The obaku school introduced exotic contemporary Chinese customs and monastic practices to the Japanese Zen Buddhism of the time. Although it remained much smaller than the Rinzai and Soto Zen traditions, the presence of the obaku school compelled the monks of its two larger rivals to reevaluate their own practices and to initiate a series of important reform movements within their respective traditions (see IN'IN EKISHI). In the modern era, largely through the efforts of such towering intellectual figures as DAISETZ TEITARO SUZUKI (1870-1966), NISHIDA KITARo (1870-1945), and NISHITANI KEIJI (1900-1991), the term Zen has also come to connote a "pure experience" (junsui keiken) that transcends language and thought, which is sometimes argued to be the unique property of the Japanese people and their culture (cf. KYOTO SCHOOL). The cavalier way in which the term Zen is now deployed in generic Western writings (e.g., the myriad "Zen in the Art of" books) often has little to do with the traditional perspectives of the Zen tradition found in either Japan or the rest of East Asia. As in the case of Chan, in more common parlance, Zen can also denote the particular teaching style of a Zen master and is often expressed as "so-and-so's Zen." See also entries on the SoToSHu, RINZAISHu, and oBAKUSHu and on specific Japanese Zen masters and monasteries.

zenana ::: n. --> The part of a dwelling appropriated to women.

zenbo 禪房/禪坊. See PRAHĀnAsĀLĀ

zenchishiki 善知識. See KALYĀnAMITRA

zend-avesta ::: n. --> The sacred writings of the ancient Persian religion, attributed to Zoroaster, but chiefly of a later date.

zendik ::: n. --> An atheist or unbeliever; -- name given in the East to those charged with disbelief of any revealed religion, or accused of magical heresies.

zend ::: n. --> Properly, the translation and exposition in the Huzv/resh, or literary Pehlevi, language, of the Avesta, the Zoroastrian sacred writings; as commonly used, the language (an ancient Persian dialect) in which the Avesta is written.


zendo. (禪堂). In Japanese, "meditation hall." See SENGTANG.

zendo 禪堂. See SENGTANG

zenercards ::: Zener Cards These consisted of five designs (now generally described as ESP symbols) being a plus sign, a square, a circle, a set of three wavy lines and a five-pointed star. The symbols were printed in black ink, on cards similar in size to, and resembling, playing cards. Joseph Banks Rhine (1895-1980), Professor of Psychology at Duke University in the USA, used Zener cards (designed in the early 1930s by a colleague, perceptual psychologist Karl Zener) when conducting his experiments.

zengenten 善現天. See SUDṚsA

zengon 善根. See KUsALAMuLA

zengo 漸悟. See JIANWU

zengshangding xue 增上定學. See ADHISAMĀDHIsIKsĀ

zengshangguo 增上果. See ADHIPATIPHALA

zengshanghui xue 增上慧學. See ADHIPRAJNĀsIKsĀ

zengshangjie xue 增上戒學. See ADHIsĪLAsIKsĀ

zengshangman 增上慢. See ADHIMĀNA

zengshang yuan 增上縁. See ADHIPATIPRATYAYA

zengyi 增益. See SAMĀROPA

zengzhang tian 增長天. See VIRudHAKA

zenick ::: n. --> A South African burrowing mammal (Suricata tetradactyla), allied to the civets. It is grayish brown, with yellowish transverse stripes on the back. Called also suricat.

zenik ::: n. --> See Zenick.

zen'i seppo 漸爲法. See ANUPUBBIKATHĀ

zenithal ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to the zenith.

zenith ::: n. --> That point in the visible celestial hemisphere which is vertical to the spectator; the point of the heavens directly overhead; -- opposed to nadir.
hence, figuratively, the point of culmination; the greatest height; the height of success or prosperity.

zenith of Heaven with the aeon Sophia beside

zen "jargon" To figure out something by meditation or by a sudden flash of enlightenment. Originally applied to {bugs}, but occasionally applied to problems of life in general. "How'd you figure out the buffer allocation problem?" "Oh, I zenned it." Contrast {grok}, which connotes a time-extended version of zenning a system. Compare {hack mode}. See also {guru}. (1996-09-17)

zen ::: (jargon) To figure out something by meditation or by a sudden flash of enlightenment. Originally applied to bugs, but occasionally applied to problems of life in general. How'd you figure out the buffer allocation problem? Oh, I zenned it.Contrast grok, which connotes a time-extended version of zenning a system. Compare hack mode. See also guru. (1996-09-17)

zenji 禪師. See CHANSHI

zenkenten 善見天. See SUDARsANA

zenmana 染末那. See KLIstAMANAS

zennanshi 善男子. See KULAPUTRA

zennyonin 善女人. See KULADUHITṚ

ZENO ::: U Rochester 1978. Euclid with asynchronous message-passing. Preliminary ZENO Language Description, J.E. Ball et al, SIGPLAN Notices 14(9):17-34 (Sep 1979).

ZENO U Rochester 1978. Euclid with asynchronous message-passing. "Preliminary ZENO Language Description", J.E. Ball et al, SIGPLAN Notices 14(9):17-34 (Sep 1979).

zenrai bisshu 善來苾芻. See EHIBHIKsUKĀ

zenshinshari 全身舍利. See QUANSHEN SHELI

zenshi 禪支. See DHYĀNĀnGA

zenshu/zenshu 漸修. See JIANXIU

zenshu 善趣. See SUGATI

zenzei 善逝. See SUGATA

zen 善. See KUsALA

zen 染. See SAMKLEsA


1. Spirited and original; daring; bold. 2. Fearlessly, often recklessly daring; bold; defiant; insolent; brazen; unrestrained by convention or propriety.

Achilles argument: Zeno of Elea used a reductio ad absurdum argument against the possibility of motion. He urged that if we assume it possible we are led to the absurdity that Achilles, the fastest runner in Greece, could not catch a proverbially slow tortoise. The alleged grounds for this are that during the time, t1 - t2, which it takes Achilles to traverse the distance between his position and that of the tortoise at time t1, the latter even at his slow rate of speed would have moved on a finite distance farther. -- C.A.B.

adopted ::: imp. & p. p. --> of Adopt ::: a. --> Taken by adoption; taken up as one&

adopt ::: v. t. --> To take by choice into relationship, as, child, heir, friend, citizen, etc.; esp. to take voluntarily (a child of other parents) to be in the place of, or as, one&

advantage ::: n. --> Any condition, circumstance, opportunity, or means, particularly favorable to success, or to any desired end; benefit; as, the enemy had the advantage of a more elevated position.
Superiority; mastery; -- with of or over.
Superiority of state, or that which gives it; benefit; gain; profit; as, the advantage of a good constitution.
Interest of money; increase; overplus (as the thirteenth in the baker&

after-sails ::: n. --> The sails on the mizzenmast, or on the stays between the mainmast and mizzenmast.

agrarian ::: a. --> Pertaining to fields, or lands, or their tenure; esp., relating to an equal or equitable division of lands; as, the agrarian laws of Rome, which distributed the conquered and other public lands among citizens.
Wild; -- said of plants growing in the fields. ::: n.

AI koan "humour" /A-I koh'an/ One of a series of pastiches of Zen teaching riddles created by {Danny Hillis} at the {MIT AI Lab} around various major figures of the Lab's culture. See also {ha ha only serious}, {mu}. In reading these, it is at least useful to know that {Marvin Minsky}, {Gerald Sussman}, and Drescher are {AI} researchers of note, that {Tom Knight} was one of the {Lisp machine}'s principal designers, and that {David Moon} wrote much of Lisp Machine Lisp. * * * A novice was trying to fix a broken Lisp machine by turning the power off and on. Knight, seeing what the student was doing, spoke sternly: "You cannot fix a machine by just power-cycling it with no understanding of what is going wrong." Knight turned the machine off and on. The machine worked. * * * One day a student came to Moon and said: "I understand how to make a better garbage collector. We must keep a reference count of the pointers to each cons." Moon patiently told the student the following story:   "One day a student came to Moon and said: `I understand   how to make a better garbage collector... [Pure reference-count garbage collectors have problems with circular structures that point to themselves.] * * * In the days when Sussman was a novice, Minsky once came to him as he sat hacking at the PDP-6. "What are you doing?", asked Minsky. "I am training a randomly wired neural net to play Tic-Tac-Toe", Sussman replied. "Why is the net wired randomly?", asked Minsky. "I do not want it to have any preconceptions of how to play", Sussman said. Minsky then shut his eyes. "Why do you close your eyes?", Sussman asked his teacher. "So that the room will be empty." At that moment, Sussman was enlightened. * * * A disciple of another sect once came to Drescher as he was eating his morning meal. "I would like to give you this personality test", said the outsider, "because I want you to be happy." Drescher took the paper that was offered him and put it into the toaster, saying: "I wish the toaster to be happy, too." (1995-02-08)

air hole ::: --> A hole to admit or discharge air; specifically, a spot in the ice not frozen over.
A fault in a casting, produced by a bubble of air; a blowhole.

alien ::: a. --> Not belonging to the same country, land, or government, or to the citizens or subjects thereof; foreign; as, alien subjects, enemies, property, shores.
Wholly different in nature; foreign; adverse; inconsistent (with); incongruous; -- followed by from or sometimes by to; as, principles alien from our religion. ::: n.

Amal: “I believe this phrase—like ‘The sun-eyed Guardians and the Golden Sphinx’—refers to the denizens of the Supermind just as do the lines mentioning ‘the belt of the unchanging Truth’ and ‘the presence of the Ineffable’. The earlier words—‘The gold ridge of the world-dream’—point to the overmind. In the same context the words ‘Between the slayer and the saviour fires’ remind us of the closing lines of the sonnet ‘Nirvana’ which ends with lines:

American Telephone and Telegraph, Inc. "company, telecommunications, Unix" (AT&T) One of the largest US telecommunications providers, also noted for being the birthplace of the {Unix} {operating system} and the {C} and {C++} programming languages. AT&T was incorporated in 1885, but traces its lineage to Alexander Graham Bell and his invention of the telephone in 1876. As parent company of the former {Bell System}, AT&T's primary mission was to provide telephone service to virtually everyone in the United States. In its first 50 years, AT&T established subsidiaries and allied companies in more than a dozen other countries. It sold these interests in 1925 and focused on achieving its mission in the United States. It did, however, continue to provide international long distance service. The Bell System was dissolved at the end of 1983 with AT&T's divestiture of the Bell telephone companies. AT&T split into three parts in 1996, one of which is {Lucent Tecnologies}, the former systems and equipment portion of AT&T (including Bell Laboratories). See also {3DO}, {Advanced RISC Machine}, {Berkeley Software Distribution}, {Bell Laboratories}, {Concurrent C}, {Death Star}, {dinosaurs mating}, {InterNIC}, {System V}, {Nawk}, {Open Look}, {rc}, {S}, {Standard ML of New Jersey}, {Unix International}, {Unix conspiracy}, {USG Unix}, {Unix System Laboratories}. {AT&T Home (}. (2002-06-21)

amphiscians ::: n. pl. --> The inhabitants of the tropic, whose shadows in one part of the year are cast to the north, and in the other to the south, according as the sun is south or north of their zenith.

aniline ::: n. --> An organic base belonging to the phenylamines. It may be regarded as ammonia in which one hydrogen atom has been replaced by the radical phenyl. It is a colorless, oily liquid, originally obtained from indigo by distillation, but now largely manufactured from coal tar or nitrobenzene as a base from which many brilliant dyes are made. ::: a.

anticivic ::: n. --> Opposed to citizenship.

anticivism ::: n. --> Opposition to the body politic of citizens.

Apache Software Foundation "open source, body" (ASF) A consortium that manages the development of the {Apache} {web server}, dozens of {XML}- and {Java}-based projects (under the name {Jakarta}), the {Ant} build tool, the {Geronimo} {J2EE} server, the {SpamAssassin} anti-{SPAM} tool, and much more. {Apache Home (}. (2005-01-26)

aristocracy ::: n. --> Government by the best citizens.
A ruling body composed of the best citizens.
A form a government, in which the supreme power is vested in the principal persons of a state, or in a privileged order; an oligarchy.
The nobles or chief persons in a state; a privileged class or patrician order; (in a popular use) those who are regarded as superior to the rest of the community, as in rank, fortune, or

ascendent ::: a. --> Rising toward the zenith; above the horizon.
Rising; ascending.
Superior; surpassing; ruling.

athenian ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to Athens, the metropolis of Greece. ::: n. --> A native or citizen of Athens.

Aufklärung: In general, this German word and its English equivalent Enlightenment denote the self-emancipation of man from mere authority, prejudice, convention and tradition, with an insistence on freer thinking about problems uncritically referred to these other agencies. According to Kant's famous definition "Enlightenment is the liberation of man from his self-caused state of minority, which is the incapacity of using one's understanding without the direction of another. This state of minority is caused when its source lies not in the lack of understanding, but in the lack of determination and courage to use it without the assistance of another" (Was ist Aufklärung? 1784). In its historical perspective, the Aufklärung refers to the cultural atmosphere and contrlbutions of the 18th century, especially in Germany, France and England [which affected also American thought with B. Franklin, T. Paine and the leaders of the Revolution]. It crystallized tendencies emphasized by the Renaissance, and quickened by modern scepticism and empiricism, and by the great scientific discoveries of the 17th century. This movement, which was represented by men of varying tendencies, gave an impetus to general learning, a more popular philosophy, empirical science, scriptural criticism, social and political thought. More especially, the word Aufklärung is applied to the German contributions to 18th century culture. In philosophy, its principal representatives are G. E. Lessing (1729-81) who believed in free speech and in a methodical criticism of religion, without being a free-thinker; H. S. Reimarus (1694-1768) who expounded a naturalistic philosophy and denied the supernatural origin of Christianity; Moses Mendelssohn (1729-86) who endeavoured to mitigate prejudices and developed a popular common-sense philosophy; Chr. Wolff (1679-1754), J. A. Eberhard (1739-1809) who followed the Leibnizian rationalism and criticized unsuccessfully Kant and Fichte; and J. G. Herder (1744-1803) who was best as an interpreter of others, but whose intuitional suggestions have borne fruit in the organic correlation of the sciences, and in questions of language in relation to human nature and to national character. The works of Kant and Goethe mark the culmination of the German Enlightenment. Cf. J. G. Hibben, Philosophy of the Enlightenment, 1910. --T.G. Augustinianism: The thought of St. Augustine of Hippo, and of his followers. Born in 354 at Tagaste in N. Africa, A. studied rhetoric in Carthage, taught that subject there and in Rome and Milan. Attracted successively to Manicheanism, Scepticism, and Neo-Platontsm, A. eventually found intellectual and moral peace with his conversion to Christianity in his thirty-fourth year. Returning to Africa, he established numerous monasteries, became a priest in 391, Bishop of Hippo in 395. Augustine wrote much: On Free Choice, Confessions, Literal Commentary on Genesis, On the Trinity, and City of God, are his most noted works. He died in 430.   St. Augustine's characteristic method, an inward empiricism which has little in common with later variants, starts from things without, proceeds within to the self, and moves upwards to God. These three poles of the Augustinian dialectic are polarized by his doctrine of moderate illuminism. An ontological illumination is required to explain the metaphysical structure of things. The truth of judgment demands a noetic illumination. A moral illumination is necessary in the order of willing; and so, too, an lllumination of art in the aesthetic order. Other illuminations which transcend the natural order do not come within the scope of philosophy; they provide the wisdoms of theology and mysticism. Every being is illuminated ontologically by number, form, unity and its derivatives, and order. A thing is what it is, in so far as it is more or less flooded by the light of these ontological constituents.   Sensation is necessary in order to know material substances. There is certainly an action of the external object on the body and a corresponding passion of the body, but, as the soul is superior to the body and can suffer nothing from its inferior, sensation must be an action, not a passion, of the soul. Sensation takes place only when the observing soul, dynamically on guard throughout the body, is vitally attentive to the changes suffered by the body. However, an adequate basis for the knowledge of intellectual truth is not found in sensation alone. In order to know, for example, that a body is multiple, the idea of unity must be present already, otherwise its multiplicity could not be recognized. If numbers are not drawn in by the bodily senses which perceive only the contingent and passing, is the mind the source of the unchanging and necessary truth of numbers? The mind of man is also contingent and mutable, and cannot give what it does not possess. As ideas are not innate, nor remembered from a previous existence of the soul, they can be accounted for only by an immutable source higher than the soul. In so far as man is endowed with an intellect, he is a being naturally illuminated by God, Who may be compared to an intelligible sun. The human intellect does not create the laws of thought; it finds them and submits to them. The immediate intuition of these normative rules does not carry any content, thus any trace of ontologism is avoided.   Things have forms because they have numbers, and they have being in so far as they possess form. The sufficient explanation of all formable, and hence changeable, things is an immutable and eternal form which is unrestricted in time and space. The forms or ideas of all things actually existing in the world are in the things themselves (as rationes seminales) and in the Divine Mind (as rationes aeternae). Nothing could exist without unity, for to be is no other than to be one. There is a unity proper to each level of being, a unity of the material individual and species, of the soul, and of that union of souls in the love of the same good, which union constitutes the city. Order, also, is ontologically imbibed by all beings. To tend to being is to tend to order; order secures being, disorder leads to non-being. Order is the distribution which allots things equal and unequal each to its own place and integrates an ensemble of parts in accordance with an end. Hence, peace is defined as the tranquillity of order. Just as things have their being from their forms, the order of parts, and their numerical relations, so too their beauty is not something superadded, but the shining out of all their intelligible co-ingredients.   S. Aurelii Augustini, Opera Omnia, Migne, PL 32-47; (a critical edition of some works will be found in the Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum, Vienna). Gilson, E., Introd. a l'etude de s. Augustin, (Paris, 1931) contains very good bibliography up to 1927, pp. 309-331. Pope, H., St. Augustine of Hippo, (London, 1937). Chapman, E., St. Augustine's Philos. of Beauty, (N. Y., 1939). Figgis, J. N., The Political Aspects of St. Augustine's "City of God", (London, 1921). --E.C. Authenticity: In a general sense, genuineness, truth according to its title. It involves sometimes a direct and personal characteristic (Whitehead speaks of "authentic feelings").   This word also refers to problems of fundamental criticism involving title, tradition, authorship and evidence. These problems are vital in theology, and basic in scholarship with regard to the interpretation of texts and doctrines. --T.G. Authoritarianism: That theory of knowledge which maintains that the truth of any proposition is determined by the fact of its having been asserted by a certain esteemed individual or group of individuals. Cf. H. Newman, Grammar of Assent; C. S. Peirce, "Fixation of Belief," in Chance, Love and Logic, ed. M. R. Cohen. --A.C.B. Autistic thinking: Absorption in fanciful or wishful thinking without proper control by objective or factual material; day dreaming; undisciplined imagination. --A.C.B. Automaton Theory: Theory that a living organism may be considered a mere machine. See Automatism. Automatism: (Gr. automatos, self-moving) (a) In metaphysics: Theory that animal and human organisms are automata, that is to say, are machines governed by the laws of physics and mechanics. Automatism, as propounded by Descartes, considered the lower animals to be pure automata (Letter to Henry More, 1649) and man a machine controlled by a rational soul (Treatise on Man). Pure automatism for man as well as animals is advocated by La Mettrie (Man, a Machine, 1748). During the Nineteenth century, automatism, combined with epiphenomenalism, was advanced by Hodgson, Huxley and Clifford. (Cf. W. James, The Principles of Psychology, Vol. I, ch. V.) Behaviorism, of the extreme sort, is the most recent version of automatism (See Behaviorism).   (b) In psychology: Psychological automatism is the performance of apparently purposeful actions, like automatic writing without the superintendence of the conscious mind. L. C. Rosenfield, From Beast Machine to Man Machine, N. Y., 1941. --L.W. Automatism, Conscious: The automatism of Hodgson, Huxley, and Clifford which considers man a machine to which mind or consciousness is superadded; the mind of man is, however, causally ineffectual. See Automatism; Epiphenomenalism. --L.W. Autonomy: (Gr. autonomia, independence) Freedom consisting in self-determination and independence of all external constraint. See Freedom. Kant defines autonomy of the will as subjection of the will to its own law, the categorical imperative, in contrast to heteronomy, its subjection to a law or end outside the rational will. (Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Morals, § 2.) --L.W. Autonomy of ethics: A doctrine, usually propounded by intuitionists, that ethics is not a part of, and cannot be derived from, either metaphysics or any of the natural or social sciences. See Intuitionism, Metaphysical ethics, Naturalistic ethics. --W.K.F. Autonomy of the will: (in Kant's ethics) The freedom of the rational will to legislate to itself, which constitutes the basis for the autonomy of the moral law. --P.A.S. Autonymy: In the terminology introduced by Carnap, a word (phrase, symbol, expression) is autonymous if it is used as a name for itself --for the geometric shape, sound, etc. which it exemplifies, or for the word as a historical and grammatical unit. Autonymy is thus the same as the Scholastic suppositio matertalis (q. v.), although the viewpoint is different. --A.C. Autotelic: (from Gr. autos, self, and telos, end) Said of any absorbing activity engaged in for its own sake (cf. German Selbstzweck), such as higher mathematics, chess, etc. In aesthetics, applied to creative art and play which lack any conscious reference to the accomplishment of something useful. In the view of some, it may constitute something beneficent in itself of which the person following his art impulse (q.v.) or playing is unaware, thus approaching a heterotelic (q.v.) conception. --K.F.L. Avenarius, Richard: (1843-1896) German philosopher who expressed his thought in an elaborate and novel terminology in the hope of constructing a symbolic language for philosophy, like that of mathematics --the consequence of his Spinoza studies. As the most influential apostle of pure experience, the posltivistic motive reaches in him an extreme position. Insisting on the biologic and economic function of thought, he thought the true method of science is to cure speculative excesses by a return to pure experience devoid of all assumptions. Philosophy is the scientific effort to exclude from knowledge all ideas not included in the given. Its task is to expel all extraneous elements in the given. His uncritical use of the category of the given and the nominalistic view that logical relations are created rather than discovered by thought, leads him to banish not only animism but also all of the categories, substance, causality, etc., as inventions of the mind. Explaining the evolution and devolution of the problematization and deproblematization of numerous ideas, and aiming to give the natural history of problems, Avenarius sought to show physiologically, psychologically and historically under what conditions they emerge, are challenged and are solved. He hypothesized a System C, a bodily and central nervous system upon which consciousness depends. R-values are the stimuli received from the world of objects. E-values are the statements of experience. The brain changes that continually oscillate about an ideal point of balance are termed Vitalerhaltungsmaximum. The E-values are differentiated into elements, to which the sense-perceptions or the content of experience belong, and characters, to which belongs everything which psychology describes as feelings and attitudes. Avenarius describes in symbolic form a series of states from balance to balance, termed vital series, all describing a series of changes in System C. Inequalities in the vital balance give rise to vital differences. According to his theory there are two vital series. It assumes a series of brain changes because parallel series of conscious states can be observed. The independent vital series are physical, and the dependent vital series are psychological. The two together are practically covariants. In the case of a process as a dependent vital series three stages can be noted: first, the appearance of the problem, expressed as strain, restlessness, desire, fear, doubt, pain, repentance, delusion; the second, the continued effort and struggle to solve the problem; and finally, the appearance of the solution, characterized by abating anxiety, a feeling of triumph and enjoyment.   Corresponding to these three stages of the dependent series are three stages of the independent series: the appearance of the vital difference and a departure from balance in the System C, the continuance with an approximate vital difference, and lastly, the reduction of the vital difference to zero, the return to stability. By making room for dependent and independent experiences, he showed that physics regards experience as independent of the experiencing indlvidual, and psychology views experience as dependent upon the individual. He greatly influenced Mach and James (q.v.). See Avenarius, Empirio-criticism, Experience, pure. Main works: Kritik der reinen Erfahrung; Der menschliche Weltbegriff. --H.H. Averroes: (Mohammed ibn Roshd) Known to the Scholastics as The Commentator, and mentioned as the author of il gran commento by Dante (Inf. IV. 68) he was born 1126 at Cordova (Spain), studied theology, law, medicine, mathematics, and philosophy, became after having been judge in Sevilla and Cordova, physician to the khalifah Jaqub Jusuf, and charged with writing a commentary on the works of Aristotle. Al-mansur, Jusuf's successor, deprived him of his place because of accusations of unorthodoxy. He died 1198 in Morocco. Averroes is not so much an original philosopher as the author of a minute commentary on the whole works of Aristotle. His procedure was imitated later by Aquinas. In his interpretation of Aristotelian metaphysics Averroes teaches the coeternity of a universe created ex nihilo. This doctrine formed together with the notion of a numerical unity of the active intellect became one of the controversial points in the discussions between the followers of Albert-Thomas and the Latin Averroists. Averroes assumed that man possesses only a disposition for receiving the intellect coming from without; he identifies this disposition with the possible intellect which thus is not truly intellectual by nature. The notion of one intellect common to all men does away with the doctrine of personal immortality. Another doctrine which probably was emphasized more by the Latin Averroists (and by the adversaries among Averroes' contemporaries) is the famous statement about "two-fold truth", viz. that a proposition may be theologically true and philosophically false and vice versa. Averroes taught that religion expresses the (higher) philosophical truth by means of religious imagery; the "two-truth notion" came apparently into the Latin text through a misinterpretation on the part of the translators. The works of Averroes were one of the main sources of medieval Aristotelianlsm, before and even after the original texts had been translated. The interpretation the Latin Averroists found in their texts of the "Commentator" spread in spite of opposition and condemnation. See Averroism, Latin. Averroes, Opera, Venetiis, 1553. M. Horten, Die Metaphysik des Averroes, 1912. P. Mandonnet, Siger de Brabant et l'Averroisme Latin, 2d ed., Louvain, 1911. --R.A. Averroism, Latin: The commentaries on Aristotle written by Averroes (Ibn Roshd) in the 12th century became known to the Western scholars in translations by Michael Scottus, Hermannus Alemannus, and others at the beginning of the 13th century. Many works of Aristotle were also known first by such translations from Arabian texts, though there existed translations from the Greek originals at the same time (Grabmann). The Averroistic interpretation of Aristotle was held to be the true one by many; but already Albert the Great pointed out several notions which he felt to be incompatible with the principles of Christian philosophy, although he relied for the rest on the "Commentator" and apparently hardly used any other text. Aquinas, basing his studies mostly on a translation from the Greek texts, procured for him by William of Moerbecke, criticized the Averroistic interpretation in many points. But the teachings of the Commentator became the foundation for a whole school of philosophers, represented first by the Faculty of Arts at Paris. The most prominent of these scholars was Siger of Brabant. The philosophy of these men was condemned on March 7th, 1277 by Stephen Tempier, Bishop of Paris, after a first condemnation of Aristotelianism in 1210 had gradually come to be neglected. The 219 theses condemned in 1277, however, contain also some of Aquinas which later were generally recognized an orthodox. The Averroistic propositions which aroused the criticism of the ecclesiastic authorities and which had been opposed with great energy by Albert and Thomas refer mostly to the following points: The co-eternity of the created word; the numerical identity of the intellect in all men, the so-called two-fold-truth theory stating that a proposition may be philosophically true although theologically false. Regarding the first point Thomas argued that there is no philosophical proof, either for the co-eternity or against it; creation is an article of faith. The unity of intellect was rejected as incompatible with the true notion of person and with personal immortality. It is doubtful whether Averroes himself held the two-truths theory; it was, however, taught by the Latin Averroists who, notwithstanding the opposition of the Church and the Thomistic philosophers, gained a great influence and soon dominated many universities, especially in Italy. Thomas and his followers were convinced that they interpreted Aristotle correctly and that the Averroists were wrong; one has, however, to admit that certain passages in Aristotle allow for the Averroistic interpretation, especially in regard to the theory of intellect.   Lit.: P. Mandonnet, Siger de Brabant et l'Averroisme Latin au XIIIe Siecle, 2d. ed. Louvain, 1911; M. Grabmann, Forschungen über die lateinischen Aristotelesübersetzungen des XIII. Jahrhunderts, Münster 1916 (Beitr. z. Gesch. Phil. d. MA. Vol. 17, H. 5-6). --R.A. Avesta: See Zendavesta. Avicehron: (or Avencebrol, Salomon ibn Gabirol) The first Jewish philosopher in Spain, born in Malaga 1020, died about 1070, poet, philosopher, and moralist. His main work, Fons vitae, became influential and was much quoted by the Scholastics. It has been preserved only in the Latin translation by Gundissalinus. His doctrine of a spiritual substance individualizing also the pure spirits or separate forms was opposed by Aquinas already in his first treatise De ente, but found favor with the medieval Augustinians also later in the 13th century. He also teaches the necessity of a mediator between God and the created world; such a mediator he finds in the Divine Will proceeding from God and creating, conserving, and moving the world. His cosmogony shows a definitely Neo-Platonic shade and assumes a series of emanations. Cl. Baeumker, Avencebrolis Fons vitae. Beitr. z. Gesch. d. Philos. d. MA. 1892-1895, Vol. I. Joh. Wittman, Die Stellung des hl. Thomas von Aquino zu Avencebrol, ibid. 1900. Vol. III. --R.A. Avicenna: (Abu Ali al Hosain ibn Abdallah ibn Sina) Born 980 in the country of Bocchara, began to write in young years, left more than 100 works, taught in Ispahan, was physician to several Persian princes, and died at Hamadan in 1037. His fame as physician survived his influence as philosopher in the Occident. His medical works were printed still in the 17th century. His philosophy is contained in 18 vols. of a comprehensive encyclopedia, following the tradition of Al Kindi and Al Farabi. Logic, Physics, Mathematics and Metaphysics form the parts of this work. His philosophy is Aristotelian with noticeable Neo-Platonic influences. His doctrine of the universal existing ante res in God, in rebus as the universal nature of the particulars, and post res in the human mind by way of abstraction became a fundamental thesis of medieval Aristotelianism. He sharply distinguished between the logical and the ontological universal, denying to the latter the true nature of form in the composite. The principle of individuation is matter, eternally existent. Latin translations attributed to Avicenna the notion that existence is an accident to essence (see e.g. Guilelmus Parisiensis, De Universo). The process adopted by Avicenna was one of paraphrasis of the Aristotelian texts with many original thoughts interspersed. His works were translated into Latin by Dominicus Gundissalinus (Gondisalvi) with the assistance of Avendeath ibn Daud. This translation started, when it became more generally known, the "revival of Aristotle" at the end of the 12th and the beginning of the 13th century. Albert the Great and Aquinas professed, notwithstanding their critical attitude, a great admiration for Avicenna whom the Arabs used to call the "third Aristotle". But in the Orient, Avicenna's influence declined soon, overcome by the opposition of the orthodox theologians. Avicenna, Opera, Venetiis, 1495; l508; 1546. M. Horten, Das Buch der Genesung der Seele, eine philosophische Enzyklopaedie Avicenna's; XIII. Teil: Die Metaphysik. Halle a. S. 1907-1909. R. de Vaux, Notes et textes sur l'Avicennisme Latin, Bibl. Thomiste XX, Paris, 1934. --R.A. Avidya: (Skr.) Nescience; ignorance; the state of mind unaware of true reality; an equivalent of maya (q.v.); also a condition of pure awareness prior to the universal process of evolution through gradual differentiation into the elements and factors of knowledge. --K.F.L. Avyakta: (Skr.) "Unmanifest", descriptive of or standing for brahman (q.v.) in one of its or "his" aspects, symbolizing the superabundance of the creative principle, or designating the condition of the universe not yet become phenomenal (aja, unborn). --K.F.L. Awareness: Consciousness considered in its aspect of act; an act of attentive awareness such as the sensing of a color patch or the feeling of pain is distinguished from the content attended to, the sensed color patch, the felt pain. The psychologlcal theory of intentional act was advanced by F. Brentano (Psychologie vom empirischen Standpunkte) and received its epistemological development by Meinong, Husserl, Moore, Laird and Broad. See Intentionalism. --L.W. Axiological: (Ger. axiologisch) In Husserl: Of or pertaining to value or theory of value (the latter term understood as including disvalue and value-indifference). --D.C. Axiological ethics: Any ethics which makes the theory of obligation entirely dependent on the theory of value, by making the determination of the rightness of an action wholly dependent on a consideration of the value or goodness of something, e.g. the action itself, its motive, or its consequences, actual or probable. Opposed to deontological ethics. See also teleological ethics. --W.K.F. Axiologic Realism: In metaphysics, theory that value as well as logic, qualities as well as relations, have their being and exist external to the mind and independently of it. Applicable to the philosophy of many though not all realists in the history of philosophy, from Plato to G. E. Moore, A. N. Whitehead, and N, Hartmann. --J.K.F. Axiology: (Gr. axios, of like value, worthy, and logos, account, reason, theory). Modern term for theory of value (the desired, preferred, good), investigation of its nature, criteria, and metaphysical status. Had its rise in Plato's theory of Forms or Ideas (Idea of the Good); was developed in Aristotle's Organon, Ethics, Poetics, and Metaphysics (Book Lambda). Stoics and Epicureans investigated the summum bonum. Christian philosophy (St. Thomas) built on Aristotle's identification of highest value with final cause in God as "a living being, eternal, most good."   In modern thought, apart from scholasticism and the system of Spinoza (Ethica, 1677), in which values are metaphysically grounded, the various values were investigated in separate sciences, until Kant's Critiques, in which the relations of knowledge to moral, aesthetic, and religious values were examined. In Hegel's idealism, morality, art, religion, and philosophy were made the capstone of his dialectic. R. H. Lotze "sought in that which should be the ground of that which is" (Metaphysik, 1879). Nineteenth century evolutionary theory, anthropology, sociology, psychology, and economics subjected value experience to empirical analysis, and stress was again laid on the diversity and relativity of value phenomena rather than on their unity and metaphysical nature. F. Nietzsche's Also Sprach Zarathustra (1883-1885) and Zur Genealogie der Moral (1887) aroused new interest in the nature of value. F. Brentano, Vom Ursprung sittlicher Erkenntnis (1889), identified value with love.   In the twentieth century the term axiology was apparently first applied by Paul Lapie (Logique de la volonte, 1902) and E. von Hartmann (Grundriss der Axiologie, 1908). Stimulated by Ehrenfels (System der Werttheorie, 1897), Meinong (Psychologisch-ethische Untersuchungen zur Werttheorie, 1894-1899), and Simmel (Philosophie des Geldes, 1900). W. M. Urban wrote the first systematic treatment of axiology in English (Valuation, 1909), phenomenological in method under J. M. Baldwin's influence. Meanwhile H. Münsterberg wrote a neo-Fichtean system of values (The Eternal Values, 1909).   Among important recent contributions are: B. Bosanquet, The Principle of Individuality and Value (1912), a free reinterpretation of Hegelianism; W. R. Sorley, Moral Values and the Idea of God (1918, 1921), defending a metaphysical theism; S. Alexander, Space, Time, and Deity (1920), realistic and naturalistic; N. Hartmann, Ethik (1926), detailed analysis of types and laws of value; R. B. Perry's magnum opus, General Theory of Value (1926), "its meaning and basic principles construed in terms of interest"; and J. Laird, The Idea of Value (1929), noteworthy for historical exposition. A naturalistic theory has been developed by J. Dewey (Theory of Valuation, 1939), for which "not only is science itself a value . . . but it is the supreme means of the valid determination of all valuations." A. J. Ayer, Language, Truth and Logic (1936) expounds the view of logical positivism that value is "nonsense." J. Hessen, Wertphilosophie (1937), provides an account of recent German axiology from a neo-scholastic standpoint.   The problems of axiology fall into four main groups, namely, those concerning (1) the nature of value, (2) the types of value, (3) the criterion of value, and (4) the metaphysical status of value.   (1) The nature of value experience. Is valuation fulfillment of desire (voluntarism: Spinoza, Ehrenfels), pleasure (hedonism: Epicurus, Bentham, Meinong), interest (Perry), preference (Martineau), pure rational will (formalism: Stoics, Kant, Royce), apprehension of tertiary qualities (Santayana), synoptic experience of the unity of personality (personalism: T. H. Green, Bowne), any experience that contributes to enhanced life (evolutionism: Nietzsche), or "the relation of things as means to the end or consequence actually reached" (pragmatism, instrumentalism: Dewey).   (2) The types of value. Most axiologists distinguish between intrinsic (consummatory) values (ends), prized for their own sake, and instrumental (contributory) values (means), which are causes (whether as economic goods or as natural events) of intrinsic values. Most intrinsic values are also instrumental to further value experience; some instrumental values are neutral or even disvaluable intrinsically. Commonly recognized as intrinsic values are the (morally) good, the true, the beautiful, and the holy. Values of play, of work, of association, and of bodily well-being are also acknowledged. Some (with Montague) question whether the true is properly to be regarded as a value, since some truth is disvaluable, some neutral; but love of truth, regardless of consequences, seems to establish the value of truth. There is disagreement about whether the holy (religious value) is a unique type (Schleiermacher, Otto), or an attitude toward other values (Kant, Höffding), or a combination of the two (Hocking). There is also disagreement about whether the variety of values is irreducible (pluralism) or whether all values are rationally related in a hierarchy or system (Plato, Hegel, Sorley), in which values interpenetrate or coalesce into a total experience.   (3) The criterion of value. The standard for testing values is influenced by both psychological and logical theory. Hedonists find the standard in the quantity of pleasure derived by the individual (Aristippus) or society (Bentham). Intuitionists appeal to an ultimate insight into preference (Martineau, Brentano). Some idealists recognize an objective system of rational norms or ideals as criterion (Plato, Windelband), while others lay more stress on rational wholeness and coherence (Hegel, Bosanquet, Paton) or inclusiveness (T. H. Green). Naturalists find biological survival or adjustment (Dewey) to be the standard. Despite differences, there is much in common in the results of the application of these criteria.   (4) The metaphysical status of value. What is the relation of values to the facts investigated by natural science (Koehler), of Sein to Sollen (Lotze, Rickert), of human experience of value to reality independent of man (Hegel, Pringle-Pattlson, Spaulding)? There are three main answers:   subjectivism (value is entirely dependent on and relative to human experience of it: so most hedonists, naturalists, positivists);   logical objectivism (values are logical essences or subsistences, independent of their being known, yet with no existential status or action in reality);   metaphysical objectivism (values   --or norms or ideals   --are integral, objective, and active constituents of the metaphysically real: so theists, absolutists, and certain realists and naturalists like S. Alexander and Wieman). --E.S.B. Axiom: See Mathematics. Axiomatic method: That method of constructing a deductive system consisting of deducing by specified rules all statements of the system save a given few from those given few, which are regarded as axioms or postulates of the system. See Mathematics. --C.A.B. Ayam atma brahma: (Skr.) "This self is brahman", famous quotation from Brhadaranyaka Upanishad 2.5.19, one of many alluding to the central theme of the Upanishads, i.e., the identity of the human and divine or cosmic. --K.F.L.

avesta ::: n. --> The Zoroastrian scriptures. See Zend-Avesta.

A. V. Vasihev, Space, Time, Motion, translated by H. M. Lucas and C. P. Sanger, with an introduction by Bertrand Russell, London. 1924, and New York, 1924. Religion, Philosophy of: The methodic or systematic investigation of the elements of religious consciousness, the theories it has evolved and their development and historic relationships in the cultural complex. It takes account of religious practices only as illustrations of the vitality of beliefs and the inseparableness of the psychological from thought reality in faith. It is distinct from theology in that it recognizes the priority of reason over faith and the acceptance of creed, subjecting the latter to a logical analysis. As such, the history of the Philosophy of Religion is coextensive with the free enquiry into religious reality, particularly the conceptions of God, soul, immortality, sin, salvaition, the sacred (Rudolf Otto), etc., and may be said to have its roots in any society above the pre-logical, mythological, or custom-controlled level, first observed in Egypt, China, India, and Greece. Its scientific treatment is a subsidiary philosophic discipline dates from about Kant's Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der reinen Vernunft and Hegel's Philosophie der Religion, while in the history of thought based on Indian and Greek speculation, sporadic sallies were made by all great philosophers, especially those professing an idealism, and by most theologians.

azo- ::: --> A combining form of azote
Applied loosely to compounds having nitrogen variously combined, as in cyanides, nitrates, etc.
Now especially applied to compounds containing a two atom nitrogen group uniting two hydrocarbon radicals, as in azobenzene, azobenzoic, etc. These compounds furnish many artificial dyes. See Diazo-.

azobenzene ::: n. --> A substance (C6H5.N2.C6H5) derived from nitrobenzene, forming orange red crystals which are easily fusible.

Banach-Tarski paradox "mathematics" It is possible to cut a solid ball into finitely many pieces (actually about half a dozen), and then put the pieces together again to get two solid balls, each the same size as the original. This {paradox} is a consequence of the {Axiom of Choice}. (1995-03-29)

bandana ::: n. --> A species of silk or cotton handkerchief, having a uniformly dyed ground, usually of red or blue, with white or yellow figures of a circular, lozenge, or other simple form.
A style of calico printing, in which white or bright spots are produced upon cloth previously dyed of a uniform red or dark color, by discharging portions of the color by chemical means, while the rest of the cloth is under pressure.

barque ::: n. --> Formerly, any small sailing vessel, as a pinnace, fishing smack, etc.; also, a rowing boat; a barge. Now applied poetically to a sailing vessel or boat of any kind.
A three-masted vessel, having her foremast and mainmast square-rigged, and her mizzenmast schooner-rigged.
Same as 3d Bark, n.

batzen ::: pl. --> of Batz

bedizenment ::: n. --> That which bedizens; the act of dressing, or the state of being dressed, tawdrily.

bedizen ::: v. t. --> To dress or adorn tawdrily or with false taste.

benzene ::: n. --> A volatile, very inflammable liquid, C6H6, contained in the naphtha produced by the destructive distillation of coal, from which it is separated by fractional distillation. The name is sometimes applied also to the impure commercial product or benzole, and also, but rarely, to a similar mixed product of petroleum.

benzine ::: n. --> A liquid consisting mainly of the lighter and more volatile hydrocarbons of petroleum or kerosene oil, used as a solvent and for cleansing soiled fabrics; -- called also petroleum spirit, petroleum benzine. Varieties or similar products are gasoline, naphtha, rhigolene, ligroin, etc.
Same as Benzene.

benzol ::: n. --> An impure benzene, used in the arts as a solvent, and for various other purposes. See Benzene.

BIFF /bif/ (Or "B1FF", from {Usenet}) The most famous {pseudo}, and the prototypical {newbie}. Articles from BIFF are characterised by all uppercase letters sprinkled liberally with bangs, typos, "cute" misspellings (EVRY BUDY LUVS GOOD OLD BIFF CUZ HE'S A K00L DOOD AN HE RITES REEL AWESUM THINGZ IN CAPITULL LETTRS LIKE THIS!!!), use (and often misuse) of fragments of {chat} abbreviations, a long {sig block} (sometimes even a {doubled sig}), and unbounded naivete. BIFF posts articles using his elder brother's VIC-20. BIFF's location is a mystery, as his articles appear to come from a variety of sites. However, {BITNET} seems to be the most frequent origin. The theory that BIFF is a denizen of BITNET is supported by BIFF's (unfortunately invalid) {electronic mail address}: "BIFF@BIT.NET". [1993: Now It Can Be Told! My spies inform me that BIFF was originally created by Joe Talmadge "", also the author of the infamous and much-plagiarised "Flamer's Bible". The BIFF filter he wrote was later passed to Richard Sexton, who posted BIFFisms much more widely. Versions have since been posted for the amusement of the net at large. - ESR] [{Jargon File}] (1997-09-22)

blinkenlights /blink'*n-li:tz/ Front-panel diagnostic lights on a computer, especially a {dinosaur}. Derives from the last word of the famous blackletter-Gothic sign in mangled pseudo-German that once graced about half the computer rooms in the English-speaking world. One version ran in its entirety as follows: ACHTUNG! ALLES LOOKENSPEEPERS! Das computermachine ist nicht fuer gefingerpoken und mittengrabben. Ist easy schnappen der springenwerk, blowenfusen und poppencorken mit spitzensparken. Ist nicht fuer gewerken bei das dumpkopfen. Das rubbernecken sichtseeren keepen das cotten-pickenen hans in das pockets muss; relaxen und watchen das blinkenlichten. This silliness dates back at least as far as 1959 at Stanford University and had already gone international by the early 1960s, when it was reported at London University's ATLAS computing site. There are several variants of it in circulation, some of which actually do end with the word "blinkenlights". In an amusing example of turnabout-is-fair-play, German hackers have developed their own versions of the blinkenlights poster in fractured English, one of which is reproduced here:             ATTENTION This room is fullfilled mit special electronische equippment. Fingergrabbing and pressing the cnoeppkes from the computers is allowed for die experts only! So all the "lefthanders" stay away and do not disturben the brainstorming von here working intelligencies. Otherwise you will be out thrown and kicked anderswhere! Also: please keep still and only watchen astaunished the blinkenlights. See also {geef}. [{Jargon File}]

borough ::: n. --> In England, an incorporated town that is not a city; also, a town that sends members to parliament; in Scotland, a body corporate, consisting of the inhabitants of a certain district, erected by the sovereign, with a certain jurisdiction; in America, an incorporated town or village, as in Pennsylvania and Connecticut.
The collective body of citizens or inhabitants of a borough; as, the borough voted to lay a tax.
An association of men who gave pledges or sureties to the

brasen ::: a. --> Same as Brazen.

brazen ::: a. --> Pertaining to, made of, or resembling, brass.
Sounding harsh and loud, like resounding brass.
Impudent; immodest; shameless; having a front like brass; as, a brazen countenance. ::: v. t. --> To carry through impudently or shamelessly; as, to

brazen-browed ::: a. --> Shamelessly impudent.

brazened ::: imp. & p. p. --> of Brazen

brazenfaced ::: a. --> Impudent; shameless.

brazenface ::: n. --> An impudent or shameless person.

brazening ::: p. pr. & vb. n. --> of Brazen

brazenly ::: adv. --> In a bold, impudent manner.

brazenness ::: n. --> The quality or state of being brazen.

brazen ::: shameless and bold; marked by flagrant and insolent audacity.

break 1. To cause to be {broken}. "Your latest patch to the editor broke the paragraph commands." 2. (Of a program) To stop temporarily, so that it may debugged. The place where it stops is a "{breakpoint}". 3. To send an {EIA-232} break (two character widths of line high) over a {serial line}. 4. [Unix] To strike whatever key currently causes the tty driver to send SIGINT to the current process. Normally, break, delete or {control-C} does this. 5. "break break" may be said to interrupt a conversation (this is an example of verb doubling). This usage comes from radio communications, which in turn probably came from landline telegraph/teleprinter usage, as badly abused in the Citizen's Band craze. 6. {pipeline break}. 7. {break statement}. [{Jargon File}] (2004-03-24)

Brouwer, Luitzen Egbertus Jan: (1881-) Dutch mathematician. Professor of mathematics at the University of Amsterdam, 1912-. Besides his work in topology, he is known for important contributions to the philosophy and foundations of mathematics. See Mathematics and Intuitionism (mathematical)). -- A.C.

bumkin ::: n. --> A projecting beam or boom; as: (a) One projecting from each bow of a vessel, to haul the fore tack to, called a tack bumpkin. (b) One from each quarter, for the main-brace blocks, and called brace bumpkin. (c) A small outrigger over the stern of a boat, to extend the mizzen.

burgeois ::: n. --> See 1st Bourgeois.
A burgess; a citizen. See 2d Bourgeois.

burgess ::: n. --> An inhabitant of a borough or walled town, or one who possesses a tenement therein; a citizen or freeman of a borough.
One who represents a borough in Parliament.
A magistrate of a borough.
An inhabitant of a Scotch burgh qualified to vote for municipal officers.

bushwhacker ::: n. --> One accustomed to beat about, or travel through, bushes.
A guerrilla; a marauding assassin; one who pretends to be a peaceful citizen, but secretly harasses a hostile force or its sympathizers.

Byzantine "jargon, architecture" A term describing any system that has so many labyrinthine internal interconnections that it would be impossible to simplify by separation into loosely coupled or linked components. The city of Byzantium, later renamed Constantinople and then Istanbul, and the Byzantine Empire were vitiated by a bureaucratic overelaboration bordering on lunacy: quadruple banked agencies, dozens or even scores of superfluous levels and officials with high flown titles unrelated to their actual function, if any. Access to the Emperor and his council was controlled by powerful and inscrutable eunuchs and by rival sports factions. [Edward Gibbon, "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire"]. (1999-01-15)

Zendavesta: (from Middle Persian Zend u Avista, "commentary and text") The Commentary, still used today as sacred scripture among the Parsis (see Zoroastrianism), on the basic text which was composed by the followers of Zarathustra (q.v.), but had become unintelligible due to its archaic nature. -- K.F.L.

Zen [Kehoe, B., "Zen and the Art of the Internet", February 1992.] [{Jargon File}]

Zeno of Elea: (about 490-430 B.C.) Disciple of Parmenides, defended the doctrine of his master that only changeless "Being" is real by indirect proofs exposing the logical absurdities involved in the opposite view, namely that plurality and change are real. Zeno's famous arguments against the possibility of motion were intended as proofs that motion was full of contradictions and that it could not therefore serve as a principle for the explanation of all phenomena, as the atomists, Heraclitus, Empedocles and others had taught. -- M.F.

Zeno the Stoic: (c. 340-265 B.C.) A native of Cyprus and the founder of the Stoic School in Athens. His philosophy was built on the principle that reality is a rational order in which nature is controlled by laws of Reason, interpreted in the vein of pantheism. Men's lives are guided by Providence against which it is futile to resist and to which wise men willingly submit. -- R.B.W.

CAM-PC "hardware" A {cellular automata} circuit board which is a hardware implementation from {Automatrix} of the {MIT} {CAM-6} machine. It comes with dozens of experiments and applications. {(}. (1995-04-21)

Carnap, Rudolf: (1891-) successively Privatdozent at the University of Vienna, Professor of Philosophy at the German University of Prague, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Chicago (since 1936); one of the leading representatives of the positivism of the Vienna Circle and subsequently of Scientific Empiricism (q.v.); co-editor of The Journal of Unified Science (previously: Erkenntnis).

censor ::: n. --> One of two magistrates of Rome who took a register of the number and property of citizens, and who also exercised the office of inspector of morals and conduct.
One who is empowered to examine manuscripts before they are committed to the press, and to forbid their publication if they contain anything obnoxious; -- an official in some European countries.
One given to fault-finding; a censurer.
A critic; a reviewer.

cheeky ::: --> a Brazen-faced; impudent; bold.

chiclet keyboard "hardware, abuse" A {keyboard} with a small, flat rectangular or lozenge-shaped rubber or plastic keys that look like pieces of Chiclets chewing gum. Used especially to describe the original {IBM PCjr} keyboard. Vendors unanimously liked these because they were cheap, and a lot of early {portable} and {laptop computers} were launched with them. Customers rejected the idea with almost equal unanimity, and chiclets are not often seen on anything larger than a digital watch any more. [{Jargon File}] (1997-05-16)

chilian ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to Chili. ::: n. --> A native or citizen of Chili.
Alt. of Chiliarch

chloranil ::: n. --> A yellow crystalline substance, C6Cl4.O2, regarded as a derivative of quinone, obtained by the action of chlorine on certain benzene derivatives, as aniline.

citicism ::: n. --> The manners of a cit or citizen.

citiner ::: n. --> One who is born or bred in a city; a citizen.

citizen ::: a person owing loyalty to and entitled by birth or naturalization to the protection of a state or nation. citizens.

citizeness ::: n. --> A female citizen.

citizen ::: n. --> One who enjoys the freedom and privileges of a city; a freeman of a city, as distinguished from a foreigner, or one not entitled to its franchises.
An inhabitant of a city; a townsman.
A person, native or naturalized, of either sex, who owes allegiance to a government, and is entitled to reciprocal protection from it.
One who is domiciled in a country, and who is a citizen,

citizenship ::: n. --> The state of being a citizen; the status of a citizen.

cit ::: n. --> A citizen; an inhabitant of a city; a pert townsman; -- used contemptuously.

city ::: n. --> A large town.
A corporate town; in the United States, a town or collective body of inhabitants, incorporated and governed by a mayor and aldermen or a city council consisting of a board of aldermen and a common council; in Great Britain, a town corporate, which is or has been the seat of a bishop, or the capital of his see.
The collective body of citizens, or inhabitants of a city.

civic ::: a. --> Relating to, or derived from, a city or citizen; relating to man as a member of society, or to civil affairs.

civic ::: of, relating to, or belonging to a city, a citizen, or citizenship; municipal or civil.

civil ::: a. --> Pertaining to a city or state, or to a citizen in his relations to his fellow citizens or to the state; within the city or state.
Subject to government; reduced to order; civilized; not barbarous; -- said of the community.
Performing the duties of a citizen; obedient to government; -- said of an individual.
Having the manners of one dwelling in a city, as opposed to

civillty ::: n. --> The state of society in which the relations and duties of a citizen are recognized and obeyed; a state of civilization.
A civil office, or a civil process
Courtesy; politeness; kind attention; good breeding; a polite act or expression.

civism ::: n. --> State of citizenship.

Cleanthes: (c. 310-230 B.C.) Zeno's disciple and one of the most prominent thinkers of the Stoic School. Of his writings only a hymn to Zeus is extant. -- R.B.W.

CLiCC "language" A {Common Lisp} to {C} compiler by Heinz Knutzen "", Ulrich Hoffman "" and Wolfgang Goerigk "". CLiCC is meant to be used as a supplement to existing {CLISP} systems for generating {portable} {applications}. Target {C} code must be linked with the CLiCC {run-time library} to produce an {executable}. Version 0.6.2 conforms to a subset of {Common Lisp} and {CLOS} called {CL_0} or {CommonLisp_0} and based on {CLtL1}. It runs with {Lucid Lisp}, {AKCL} or {CLISP}. Work on {CLtL2} and {ANSI-CL} conformance is in progress. {(}. (1994-01-04)

client ::: n. --> A citizen who put himself under the protection of a man of distinction and influence, who was called his patron.
A dependent; one under the protection of another.
One who consults a legal adviser, or submits his cause to his management.

coal tar ::: --> A thick, black, tarry liquid, obtained by the distillation of bituminous coal in the manufacture of illuminating gas; used for making printer&

cog ::: v. t. --> To seduce, or draw away, by adulation, artifice, or falsehood; to wheedle; to cozen; to cheat.
To obtrude or thrust in, by falsehood or deception; as, to cog in a word; to palm off.
To furnish with a cog or cogs. ::: v. i.

comet ::: a celestial body that travels around the sun, usually in a highly elliptical orbit: thought to consist of a solid frozen nucleus part of which vaporizes on approaching the sun to form a gaseous luminous coma and a long luminous tail.

constituency ::: n. --> A body of constituents, as the body of citizens or voters in a representative district.

consul ::: n. --> One of the two chief magistrates of the republic.
A senator; a counselor.
One of the three chief magistrates of France from 1799 to 1804, who were called, respectively, first, second, and third consul.
An official commissioned to reside in some foreign country, to care for the commercial interests of the citizens of the appointing government, and to protect its seamen.

cosenage ::: n. --> See Cozenage.

cosen ::: v. t. --> See Cozen.

Cosmopolis: (Cosmopolitan) A type of universalism, derived first from the Cynic doctrine of the cosmopolis which proclaimed that the family and the city were artificial and that the wise man was the cosmopolitan. Taught also by the Cyrenaics. Later with the Stoics it came to mean a franchise of world citizenship with no differences as to class and race, a doctrine not always followed by the Roman Stoics. See Cynics, Cyrenaics, Stoicism. -- E.H.

cosmopolite ::: n. --> One who has no fixed residence, or who is at home in every place; a citizen of the world. ::: a. --> Having no fixed residence; at home in any place; free from local attachments or prejudices; not provincial; liberal.
Common everywhere; widely spread; found in all parts

country ::: adv. --> A tract of land; a region; the territory of an independent nation; (as distinguished from any other region, and with a personal pronoun) the region of one&

cozenage ::: n. --> The art or practice of cozening; artifice; fraud.

cozened ::: imp. & p. p. --> of Cozen

cozener ::: n. --> One who cheats or defrauds.

cozening ::: p. pr. & vb. n. --> of Cozen

cozen ::: v. t. --> To cheat; to defraud; to beguile; to deceive, usually by small arts, or in a pitiful way. ::: v. i. --> To deceive; to cheat; to act deceitfully.

CPU Wars /C-P-U worz/ A 1979 large-format comic by Chas Andres chronicling the attempts of the brainwashed androids of IPM (Impossible to Program Machines) to conquer and destroy the peaceful denizens of HEC (Human Engineered Computers). This rather transparent allegory featured many references to {ADVENT} and the immortal line "Eat flaming death, minicomputer mongrels!" (uttered, of course, by an IPM stormtrooper). It is alleged that the author subsequently received a letter of appreciation on IBM company stationery from the head of IBM's Thomas J. Watson Research Laboratories (then, as now, one of the few islands of true hackerdom in the IBM archipelago). The lower loop of the B in the IBM logo, it is said, had been carefully whited out. See {eat flaming death}. [{Jargon File}]

crocein ::: n. --> A name given to any one of several yellow or scarlet dyestuffs of artificial production and complex structure. In general they are diazo and sulphonic acid derivatives of benzene and naphthol.

crossjack ::: n. --> The lowest square sail, or the lower yard of the mizzenmast.

dandy ::: n. --> One who affects special finery or gives undue attention to dress; a fop; a coxcomb.
A sloop or cutter with a jigger on which a lugsail is set.
A small sail carried at or near the stern of small boats; -- called also jigger, and mizzen.
A dandy roller. See below.

decitizenize ::: v. t. --> To deprive of the rights of citizenship.

denaturalize ::: v. t. --> To render unnatural; to alienate from nature.
To renounce the natural rights and duties of; to deprive of citizenship; to denationalize.

denization ::: n. --> The act of making one a denizen or adopted citizen; naturalization.

denizenation ::: n. --> Denization; denizening.

denizenize ::: v. t. --> To constitute (one) a denizen; to denizen.

denizen ::: n. --> A dweller; an inhabitant.
One who is admitted by favor to all or a part of the rights of citizenship, where he did not possess them by birth; an adopted or naturalized citizen.
One admitted to residence in a foreign country. ::: v. t.

denizenship ::: n. --> State of being a denizen.

denizens ::: inhabitants; occupants; residents, especially of plants or animals and people established in a place to which they are not native.

denize ::: v. t. --> To make a denizen; to confer the rights of citizenship upon; to naturalize.

Dialectic: (Gr. dia + legein, discourse) The beginning of dialectic Aristotle is said to have attributed to Zeno of Elea. But as the art of debate by question and answer, its beginning is usually associated with the Socrates of the Platonic dialogues. As conceived by Plato himself, dialectic is the science of first principles which differs from other sciences by dispensing with hypotheses and is, consequently, "the copingstone of the sciences" -- the highest, because the clearest and hence the ultimate, sort of knowledge. Aristotle distinguishes between dialectical reasoning, which proceeds syllogistically from opinions generally accepted, and demonstrative reasoning, which begins with primary and true premises; but he holds that dialectical reasoning, in contrast with eristic, is "a process of criticism wherein lies the path to the principles of all inquiries." In modern philosophy, dialectic has two special meanings. Kant uses it as the name of that part of his Kritik der reinen Vernunft which deals critically with the special difficulties (antinomies, paralogisms and Ideas) arising out of the futile attempt (transcendental illusion) to apply the categories of the Understanding beyond the only realm to which they can apply, namely, the realm of objects in space and time (Phenomena). For Hegel, dialectic is primarily the distinguishing characteristic of speculative thought -- thought, that is, which exhibits the structure of its subject-matter (the universal, system) through the construction of synthetic categories (synthesis) which resolve (sublate) the opposition between other conflicting categories (theses and antitheses) of the same subject-matter. -- G.W.C.

diamonded ::: a. --> Having figures like a diamond or lozenge.
Adorned with diamonds; diamondized.

diamond ::: n. --> A precious stone or gem excelling in brilliancy and beautiful play of prismatic colors, and remarkable for extreme hardness.
A geometrical figure, consisting of four equal straight lines, and having two of the interior angles acute and two obtuse; a rhombus; a lozenge.
One of a suit of playing cards, stamped with the figure of a diamond.

diazo- ::: --> A combining form (also used adjectively), meaning pertaining to, or derived from, a series of compounds containing a radical of two nitrogen atoms, united usually to an aromatic radical; as, diazo-benzene, C6H5.N2.OH.

(d) In Locke: the simple mode of an idea is the manner of thinking in which one idea is taken several times over, e.g. a dozen; mixed modes of ideas are those types of ideation in which various non-similar simple ideas are combined by the mind so as to produce a complex idea which does not represent a substance: e.g. obligation, drunkenness.

diphenyl ::: n. --> A white crystalline substance, C6H5.C6H5, obtained by leading benzene through a heated iron tube. It consists of two benzene or phenyl radicals united.

Discordianism "recreation" /dis-kor'di-*n-ism/ The veneration of {Eris}, also known as Discordia; widely popular among hackers. Discordianism was popularised by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson's novel "Illuminatus!" as a sort of self-subverting Dada-Zen for Westerners - it should on no account be taken seriously but is far more serious than most jokes. Consider, for example, the Fifth Commandment of the Pentabarf, from "Principia Discordia": "A Discordian is Prohibited of Believing What he Reads." Discordianism is usually connected with an elaborate conspiracy theory/joke involving millennia-long warfare between the anarcho-surrealist partisans of Eris and a malevolent, authoritarian secret society called the Illuminati. See {Religion}, {Church of the SubGenius}, and {ha ha only serious}. [{Jargon File}] (1997-04-12)

disenfranchise ::: v. t. --> To disfranchise; to deprive of the rights of a citizen.

disfranchisement ::: n. --> The act of disfranchising, or the state disfranchised; deprivation of privileges of citizenship or of chartered immunities.

disfranchise ::: v. t. --> To deprive of a franchise or chartered right; to dispossess of the rights of a citizen, or of a particular privilege, as of voting, holding office, etc.

dizened ::: imp. & p. p. --> of Dizen

dizening ::: p. pr. & vb. n. --> of Dizen

dizen ::: v. t. --> To dress; to attire.
To dress gaudily; to overdress; to bedizen; to deck out.

dozen ::: pl. --> of Dozen ::: n. --> A collection of twelve objects; a tale or set of twelve; with or without of before the substantive which follows.
An indefinite small number.

dozens ::: pl. --> of Dozen

dozenth ::: a. --> Twelfth.

DWIM /dwim/ [acronym, "Do What I Mean" (not what I say)] 1. Able to guess, sometimes even correctly, the result intended when bogus input was provided. 2. The BBNLISP/INTERLISP function that attempted to accomplish this feat by correcting many of the more common errors. See {hairy}. 3. Occasionally, an interjection hurled at a balky computer, especially when one senses one might be tripping over legalisms (see {legalese}). Warren Teitelman originally wrote DWIM to fix his typos and spelling errors, so it was somewhat idiosyncratic to his style, and would often make hash of anyone else's typos if they were stylistically different. Some victims of DWIM thus claimed that the acronym stood for "Damn Warren's Infernal Machine!'. In one notorious incident, Warren added a DWIM feature to the command interpreter used at {Xerox PARC}. One day another hacker there typed "delete *$" to free up some disk space. (The editor there named backup files by appending "$" to the original file name, so he was trying to delete any backup files left over from old editing sessions.) It happened that there weren't any editor backup files, so DWIM helpfully reported "*$ not found, assuming you meant 'delete *'". It then started to delete all the files on the disk! The hacker managed to stop it with a {Vulcan nerve pinch} after only a half dozen or so files were lost. The disgruntled victim later said he had been sorely tempted to go to Warren's office, tie Warren down in his chair in front of his workstation, and then type "delete *$" twice. DWIM is often suggested in jest as a desired feature for a complex program; it is also occasionally described as the single instruction the ideal computer would have. Back when proofs of program correctness were in vogue, there were also jokes about "DWIMC" (Do What I Mean, Correctly). A related term, more often seen as a verb, is DTRT (Do The Right Thing); see {Right Thing}. [{Jargon File}]

Ease General purpose parallel programming language, combining the process constructs of CSP and the distributed data structures of Linda. "Programming with Ease: Semiotic Definition of the Language", S.E. Zenith, "" Yale U TR-809, Jul 1990.

ELIZA "artificial intelligence" A famous program by {Joseph Weizenbaum}, which simulated a Rogerian psychoanalyst by rephrasing many of the patient's statements as questions and posing them to the patient. It worked by simple {pattern recognition} and substitution of key words into canned phrases. It was so convincing, however, that there are many anecdotes about people becoming very emotionally caught up in dealing with ELIZA. All this was due to people's tendency to attach to words meanings which the computer never put there. See also {ELIZA effect}. (1997-09-13)

endenizen ::: v. t. --> To admit to the privileges of a denizen; to naturalize.

endenize ::: v. t. --> To endenizen.

enfranchisement ::: n. --> Releasing from slavery or custody.
Admission to the freedom of a corporation or body politic; investiture with the privileges of free citizens.

enfranchise ::: v. t. --> To set free; to liberate from slavery, prison, or any binding power.
To endow with a franchise; to incorporate into a body politic and thus to invest with civil and political privileges; to admit to the privileges of a freeman.
To receive as denizens; to naturalize; as, to enfranchise foreign words.

exalt ::: v. t. --> To raise high; to elevate; to lift up.
To elevate in rank, dignity, power, wealth, character, or the like; to dignify; to promote; as, to exalt a prince to the throne, a citizen to the presidency.
To elevate by prise or estimation; to magnify; to extol; to glorify.
To lift up with joy, pride, or success; to inspire with delight or satisfaction; to elate.

excellent ::: a. --> Excelling; surpassing others in some good quality or the sum of qualities; of great worth; eminent, in a good sense; superior; as, an excellent man, artist, citizen, husband, discourse, book, song, etc.; excellent breeding, principles, aims, action.
Superior in kind or degree, irrespective of moral quality; -- used with words of a bad significance. ::: adv.

expatriate ::: v. t. --> To banish; to drive or force (a person) from his own country; to make an exile of.
Reflexively, as To expatriate one&

fas 1. Frankenstein Cross Assemblers. A reconfigurable assembler package, especially suited for 8-bit processors, consisting of a base assembler module and a {yacc} parser, for each {microprocessor}, to handle {mnemonics} and addressing. Second party parser modules available from many sites. Base assembler and yacc parser modules by Mark Zenier. FTP: 2. FAS. A general purpose language sponsored by the Finnish government in the 70's and 80's.

ferrarese ::: a. --> Pertaining to Ferrara, in Italy. ::: n., sing. & pl. --> A citizen of Ferrara; collectively, the inhabitants of Ferrara.

Flash Lights Impressively "programming, humour" (FLI) /FLY/ A joke {assembly language} instruction first documented in the late 1970s in "The Hackers Dictionary". The FLI instruction was frequently referred to by engineers when {minicomputers} such as the DEC {PDP-8}, {PDP-11} and some early {microcomputers} such as the {IMSAI} and {Altair} had dozens of front panel lights. "When the computer is about to do some long I/O operation, stick in a FLI so the accountants won't think the machine has hung again." (2004-08-23)

flat-cap ::: n. --> A kind of low-crowned cap formerly worn by all classes in England, and continued in London after disuse elsewhere; -- hence, a citizen of London.

fluo- ::: --> A combining form indicating fluorine as an ingredient; as in fluosilicate, fluobenzene.

FORWISS Bayerische Forschungszentrum fuer Wissensbasierte Systeme (Bavarian research centre for knowledge-based systems) in Passau.

free-denizen ::: v. t. --> To make free.

freezable ::: a. --> Capable of being frozen.

freeze To lock an evolving software distribution or document against changes so it can be released with some hope of stability. Carries the strong implication that the item in question will "unfreeze" at some future date. There are more specific constructions on this term. A "feature freeze", for example, locks out modifications intended to introduce new features but still allows bugfixes and completion of existing features; a "code freeze" connotes no more changes at all. At {Sun Microsystems} and elsewhere, one may also hear references to "code slush" - that is, an almost-but-not-quite frozen state. [{Jargon File}]

frorn ::: p. a. --> Frozen.

frory ::: a. --> Frozen; stiff with cold.
Covered with a froth like hoarfrost.

frost ::: v. i. --> The act of freezing; -- applied chiefly to the congelation of water; congelation of fluids.
The state or temperature of the air which occasions congelation, or the freezing of water; severe cold or freezing weather.
Frozen dew; -- called also hoarfrost or white frost.
Coldness or insensibility; severity or rigidity of character.

frozen ::: made into, covered with, or surrounded by ice. Also fig.

frozenness ::: n. --> A state of being frozen.

frozen ::: p. p. --> of Freeze ::: a. --> Congealed with cold; affected by freezing; as, a frozen brook.
Subject to frost, or to long and severe cold; chilly; as, the frozen north; the frozen zones.

furzen ::: a. --> Furzy; gorsy.

galiot ::: n. --> A small galley, formerly used in the Mediterranean, built mainly for speed. It was moved both by sails and oars, having one mast, and sixteen or twenty seats for rowers.
A strong, light-draft, Dutch merchant vessel, carrying a mainmast and a mizzenmast, and a large gaff mainsail.

gall ::: n. --> The bitter, alkaline, viscid fluid found in the gall bladder, beneath the liver. It consists of the secretion of the liver, or bile, mixed with that of the mucous membrane of the gall bladder.
The gall bladder.
Anything extremely bitter; bitterness; rancor.
Impudence; brazen assurance.
An excrescence of any form produced on any part of a plant by insects or their larvae. They are most commonly caused by small

gelid ::: a. --> Cold; very cold; frozen.

gentleman ::: n. --> A man well born; one of good family; one above the condition of a yeoman.
One of gentle or refined manners; a well-bred man.
One who bears arms, but has no title.
The servant of a man of rank.
A man, irrespective of condition; -- used esp. in the plural (= citizens; people), in addressing men in popular assemblies, etc.

G. Gentzen, Die Widerspruchsfreiheit der Stufenlogik, Mathematische Zeitschrift, vol. 4l (1936), pp. 357-366.

glacial ::: a. --> Pertaining to ice or to its action; consisting of ice; frozen; icy; esp., pertaining to glaciers; as, glacial phenomena.
Resembling ice; having the appearance and consistency of ice; -- said of certain solid compounds; as, glacial phosphoric or acetic acids.

glade ::: n. --> An open passage through a wood; a grassy open or cleared space in a forest.
An everglade.
An opening in the ice of rivers or lakes, or a place left unfrozen; also, smooth ice.

glark /glark/ To figure something out from context. "The System III manuals are pretty poor, but you can generally glark the meaning from context." Interestingly, the word was originally "glork"; the context was "This gubblick contains many nonsklarkish English flutzpahs, but the overall pluggandisp can be glorked [sic] from context" (David Moser, quoted by Douglas Hofstadter in his "Metamagical Themas" column in the January 1981 "Scientific American"). It is conjectured that hackish usage mutated the verb to "glark" because {glork} was already an established jargon term. Compare {grok}, {zen}. [{Jargon File}]

Glasgow Haskell Compiler "language" (GHC) A {Haskell} 1.2 compiler written in Haskell by the AQUA project at {Glasgow University}, headed by Simon Peyton Jones "" throughout the 1990's [started?]. GHC can generate either {C} or {native code} for {SPARC}, {DEC} {Alpha} and other platforms. It can take advantage of features of {gcc} such as global register variables and has an extensive set of optimisations. GHC features an extensible I/O system based on a "{monad}", in-line {C} code, fully fledged {unboxed} data types, incrementally-updatable {arrays}, {mutable reference types}, {generational garbage collector}, {concurrent} {threads}. Time and space {profiling} is also supported. It requires {GNU} gcc 2.1+ and {Perl}. GHC runs on {Sun-4}, {DEC Alpha}, {Sun-3}, {NeXT}, {DECstation}, {HP-PA} and {SGI}. {Glasgow FTP (}. {Yale (}. {Sweden (}. {Papers (}. ["Imperative functional programming", Peyton Jones & Wadler, POPL '93]. ["Unboxed data types as first-class citizens", Peyton Jones & Launchbury, FPCA '91]. ["Profiling lazy functional languages", Sansom & Peyton Jones, Glasgow workshop '92]. ["Implementing lazy functional languages on stock hardware", Peyton Jones, Journal of Functional Programming, Apr 1992]. E-mail: "". (1999-01-05)

glazen ::: a. --> Resembling glass; glasslike; glazed.

GMD "company, history" A former German research centre. Full name: "GMD - Forschungszentrum Informationstechnik GmbH" (German National Research Center for Information Technology). Before April 1995, GMD stood for "Gesellschaft für Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung" - National Research Center for Computer Science, it is retained for historical reasons. In 2000-2001 GMD was integrated into the {FhG} (Fraunhofer Society for the Advancement of Applied Research). The website says (in German): "GMD (Forschungszentrum Informationstechnik GmbH, before March 1995: Gesellschaft für Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung mbH) no longer exists!" Address: PO Box 1316, D-53731 Sankt Augustin 1, Germany (1995-04-10)

goblin ::: A grotesque sprite or elf that is mischievous or malicious toward people. goblins, goblin-wizened.

goblin ::: a grotesque sprite or elf that is mischievous or malicious toward people. goblins, goblin-wizened.

Gorgon ::: Greek myth any of three winged monstrous sisters, Stheno, Euryale, and Medusa, who had live snakes for hair, huge teeth, and brazen claws. A glance at Medusa who was slain by Perseus) turned the beholder to stone.

gorgon ::: greek myth any of three winged monstrous sisters, Stheno, Euryale, and Medusa, who had live snakes for hair, huge teeth, and brazen claws. A glance at Medusa who was slain by Perseus) turned the beholder to stone.

grok /grok/, /grohk/ (From the novel "Stranger in a Strange Land", by Robert A. Heinlein, where it is a Martian word meaning literally "to drink" and metaphorically "to be one with") 1. To understand, usually in a global sense. Connotes intimate and exhaustive knowledge. Contrast {zen}, which is similar supernal understanding experienced as a single brief flash. See also {glark}. 2. Used of programs, may connote merely sufficient understanding. "Almost all C compilers grok the "void" type these days." [{Jargon File}] (1995-01-31)

hacker humour A distinctive style of shared intellectual humour found among hackers, having the following marked characteristics: 1. Fascination with form-vs.-content jokes, paradoxes, and humour having to do with confusion of metalevels (see {meta}). One way to make a hacker laugh: hold a red index card in front of him/her with "GREEN" written on it, or vice-versa (note, however, that this is funny only the first time). 2. Elaborate deadpan parodies of large intellectual constructs, such as specifications (see {write-only memory}), standards documents, language descriptions (see {INTERCAL}), and even entire scientific theories (see {quantum bogodynamics}, {computron}). 3. Jokes that involve screwily precise reasoning from bizarre, ludicrous, or just grossly counter-intuitive premises. 4. Fascination with puns and wordplay. 5. A fondness for apparently mindless humour with subversive currents of intelligence in it - for example, old Warner Brothers and Rocky & Bullwinkle cartoons, the Marx brothers, the early B-52s, and Monty Python's Flying Circus. Humour that combines this trait with elements of high camp and slapstick is especially favoured. 6. References to the symbol-object antinomies and associated ideas in Zen Buddhism and (less often) Taoism. See {has the X nature}, {Discordianism}, {zen}, {ha ha only serious}, {AI koan}. See also {filk} and {retrocomputing}. If you have an itchy feeling that all 6 of these traits are really aspects of one thing that is incredibly difficult to talk about exactly, you are (a) correct and (b) responding like a hacker. These traits are also recognizable (though in a less marked form) throughout {science-fiction fandom}. (1995-12-18)

hack mode "jargon" Engaged in {hack}ing. A Zen-like state of total focus on The Problem that may be achieved when one is hacking (this is why every good hacker is part mystic). Ability to enter such concentration at will correlates strongly with wizardliness; it is one of the most important skills learned during {larval stage}. Sometimes amplified as "deep hack mode". Being yanked out of hack mode (see {priority interrupt}) may be experienced as a physical shock, and the sensation of being in hack mode is more than a little habituating. The intensity of this experience is probably by itself sufficient explanation for the existence of hackers, and explains why many resist being promoted out of positions where they can code. See also {cyberspace}. Some aspects of hackish etiquette will appear quite odd to an observer unaware of the high value placed on hack mode. For example, if someone appears at your door, it is perfectly okay to hold up a hand (without turning one's eyes away from the screen) to avoid being interrupted. One may read, type, and interact with the computer for quite some time before further acknowledging the other's presence (of course, he or she is reciprocally free to leave without a word). The understanding is that you might be in {hack mode} with a lot of delicate state in your head, and you dare not {swap} that context out until you have reached a good point to pause. See also {juggling eggs}. [{Jargon File}] (1996-07-31)

ha ha only serious (SF fandom, originally as mutation of HHOK, "Ha Ha Only Kidding") A phrase (often seen abbreviated as HHOS) that aptly captures the flavour of much hacker discourse. Applied especially to parodies, absurdities, and ironic jokes that are both intended and perceived to contain a possibly disquieting amount of truth, or truths that are constructed on in-joke and self-parody. The {Jargon File} contains many examples of ha-ha-only-serious in both form and content. Indeed, the entirety of hacker culture is often perceived as ha-ha-only-serious by hackers themselves; to take it either too lightly or too seriously marks a person as an outsider, a {wannabee}, or in {larval stage}. For further enlightenment on this subject, consult any Zen master. See also {AI koan}. [{Jargon File}]

hail ::: n. --> Small roundish masses of ice precipitated from the clouds, where they are formed by the congelation of vapor. The separate masses or grains are called hailstones.
A wish of health; a salutation; a loud call. ::: v. i. --> To pour down particles of ice, or frozen vapors.

hailstone ::: n. --> A single particle of ice falling from a cloud; a frozen raindrop; a pellet of hail.

half-tounue ::: n. --> A jury, for the trial of a foreigner, composed equally of citizens and aliens.

handle 1. "programming, operating system" A simple item of data that identifies a resource. For example, a {Unix} file handle identifies an open file and associated data such as whether it was opened for read or write and the current read/write position. On the {Macintosh}, a handle is a pointer to a pointer to some dynamically-allocated memory. The extra level of indirection allows on-the-fly {memory compaction} or {garbage collection} without invalidating application program references to the allocated memory. 2. "jargon" An alias used intended to conceal a user's true identity in an electronic message. The term is common on Citizen's Band and other amateur radio but, in that context usually means the user's real name as {FCC} rules forbid concealing one's identity. Use of grandiose handles is characteristic of {crackers}, {weenies}, {spods}, and other lower forms of network life; true hackers travel on their own reputations. Compare {nick}. [{Jargon File}] 3. "networking" {domain handle}. (2004-07-20)

harmony ::: n. --> The just adaptation of parts to each other, in any system or combination of things, or in things, or things intended to form a connected whole; such an agreement between the different parts of a design or composition as to produce unity of effect; as, the harmony of the universe.
Concord or agreement in facts, opinions, manners, interests, etc.; good correspondence; peace and friendship; as, good citizens live in harmony.

has the X nature (From Zen Buddhist koans of the form "Does an X have the Buddha-nature?") Common hacker construction for "is an X", used for humorous emphasis. "Anyone who can't even use a program with on-screen help embedded in it truly has the {loser} nature!" See also {the X that can be Y is not the true X}. [{Jargon File}] (1995-01-11)

hatchment ::: n. --> A sort of panel, upon which the arms of a deceased person are temporarily displayed, -- usually on the walls of his dwelling. It is lozenge-shaped or square, but is hung cornerwise. It is used in England as a means of giving public notification of the death of the deceased, his or her rank, whether married, widower, widow, etc. Called also achievement.
A sword or other mark of the profession of arms; in general, a mark of dignity.

height ::: 1. A high point or position. 2. Elevation above a given level, as of the sun or a star above the horizon; altitude. Also fig. 3. The highest or most advanced degree, material or immaterial; the zenith. heights.

heisenbug "jargon" /hi:'zen-buhg/ (From Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle in quantum physics) A bug that disappears or alters its behaviour when one attempts to probe or isolate it. (This usage is not even particularly fanciful; the use of a debugger sometimes alters a program's operating environment enough that buggy code, such as that which relies on the values of uninitialised memory, behaves quite differently.) In {C}, nine out of ten heisenbugs result from uninitialised {auto variables}, {fandango on core} phenomena (especially corruption of the malloc {arena}) or errors that {smash the stack}. Opposite: {Bohr bug}. See also {mandelbug}, {schroedinbug}. [{Jargon File}] (1995-02-28)

hemiprotein ::: n. --> An insoluble, proteid substance, described by Schutzenberger, formed when albumin is heated for some time with dilute sulphuric acid. It is apparently identical with antialbumid and dyspeptone.

herrnhuter ::: n. --> One of the Moravians; -- so called from the settlement of Herrnhut (the Lord&

high ::: v. i. --> To hie.
To rise; as, the sun higheth. ::: superl. --> Elevated above any starting point of measurement, as a line, or surface; having altitude; lifted up; raised or extended in the direction of the zenith; lofty; tall; as, a high mountain, tower, tree;

hubby ::: a. --> Full of hubs or protuberances; as, a road that has been frozen while muddy is hubby.

hydrocarbon ::: n. --> A compound containing only hydrogen and carbon, as methane, benzene, etc.; also, by extension, any of their derivatives.

hydrophlorone ::: n. --> A white, crystalline benzene derivative, C8H10O2, obtained by the reduction of phlorone.

hydroquinone ::: n. --> A white crystalline substance, C6H4(OH)2, obtained by the reduction of quinone. It is a diacid phenol, resembling, and metameric with, pyrocatechin and resorcin. Called also dihydroxy benzene.

icefall ::: n. --> A frozen waterfall, or mass of ice resembling a frozen waterfall.

ice ::: n. --> Water or other fluid frozen or reduced to the solid state by cold; frozen water. It is a white or transparent colorless substance, crystalline, brittle, and viscoidal. Its specific gravity (0.92, that of water at 4¡ C. being 1.0) being less than that of water, ice floats.
Concreted sugar.
Water, cream, custard, etc., sweetened, flavored, and artificially frozen.
Any substance having the appearance of ice; as, camphor ice.

indenizened ::: imp. & p. p. --> of Indenizen

indenizening ::: p. pr. & vb. n. --> of Indenizen

indenizen ::: v. t. --> To invest with the privileges of a denizen; to naturalize.

In Kant: (1) Empirical apperception (Ger. empirische Apperzeption). The consciousness of the concrete actual self with its changing states; sometimes, simply, the "inner sense". (2) Transcendental apperception (Ger. transzendentale Apperzeption). The pure, original, unchangeable consciousness which is the necessary condition of experience as such and the ultimate foundation of the synthetic unity of experience. (See Kantianism). -- O.F.K.

  (In later Hinduism) “The Preserver.” The second member of the Trimurti, along with Brahma the Creator and Shiva the Destroyer. 2. (In popular Hinduism) a deity believed to have descended from heaven to earth in several incarnations, or avatars, varying in number from nine to twenty-two, but always including animals. His most important human incarnation is the Krishna of the Bhagavad-Gita. 3. “The Pervader,” one of a half-dozen solar deities in the Rig-Veda, daily traversing the sky in three strides, morning, afternoon, and night.

intercitizenship ::: n. --> The mutual right to civic privileges, in the different States.

Internet Relay Chat "chat, messaging" (IRC) /I-R-C/, occasionally /*rk/ A {client-server} {chat} system of large (often worldwide) networks. IRC is structured as networks of {Internet} {servers}, each accepting connections from {client} programs, one per user. The IRC community and the {Usenet} and {MUD} communities overlap to some extent, including both {hackers} and regular folks who have discovered the wonders of computer networks. Some {Usenet} jargon has been adopted on IRC, as have some conventions such as {emoticons}. There is also a vigorous native jargon (see the entry for "{chat}"). The largest and first IRC network is {EFNet}, with a smaller breakaway network called the {Undernet} having existed since 1992, and dozens of other networks having appeared (and sometimes disappeared) since. See also {nick}, {bot}, {op}. {Yahoo's IRC index (}. (1998-01-25)

In the Ideen and in later works, Husserl applied the epithet "transcendental" to consciousness as it is aside from its (valid and necessary) self-apperception as in a world. At the same time, he restricted the term "psychic" to subjectivity (personal subjects, their streams of consciousness, etc.) in its status as worldly, animal, human subjectivity. The contrast between transcendental subjectivity and worldly being is fundamental to Husserl's mature concept of pure phenomenology and to his concept of a universal phenomenological philosophy. In the Ideen, this pure phenomenology, defined as the eidetic science of transcendental subjectivity, was contrasted with psychology, defined as the empirical science of actual subjectivity in the world. Two antitheses are involved, however eidetic versus factual, and transcendental versus psychic. Rightly, they yield a four-fold classification, which Husserl subsequently made explicit, in his Formale und Transzendentale Logik (1929), Nachwort zu meinen Ideen (1930), and Meditations Cartesiennes (1931). In these works, he spoke of psychology as including all knowledge of worldly subjectivity while, within this science, he distinguished an empirical or matter-of-fact pure psychology and an eidetic pure psychology. The former is "pure" only in the way phenomenology, as explicitly conceived in the first edition of the Logische Untersuchungen, is pure: actual psychic subjectivity is abstracted as its exclusive theme, objects intended in the investigated psychic processes are taken only as the latter's noematic-intentional objects. Such an abstractive and self-restraining attitude, Husserl believed, is necessary, if one is to isohte the psychic in its purity and yet preserve it in its full intentionality. The instituting and maintaining of such an attitude is called "psychological epoche"; its effect on the objects of psychic consciousness is called "psychological reduction." As empiricism, this pure psychology describes the experienced typical structures of psychic processes and of the typical noematic objects belonging inseparably to the latter by virtue of their intrinsic intentionality. Description of typical personalities and of their habitually intended worlds also lies within its province. Having acquired empirical knowledge of the purely psychic, one may relax one's psychological epoche and inquire into the extrapsychic circumstances under which, e.g., psychic processes of a particulai type actually occur in the world. Thus an empirical pure intentional psychology would become part of a concrete empirical science of actual psychophysical organisms.

In this broad sense contingency appears always to imply a reference to some basis in relation to which a given thing may be said to be contingent, and in view of the two referents most commonly employed it is possible to distinguish two chief types: (1) logical contingency, and (2) physical contingency. The first is contingency with respect to the laws of logic, the second contingency with respect to the laws of nature. A given state of affairs, e.g., the existence of a snowflake with a given shape, is logically contingent in that the laws of logic do not suffice to establish that such a thing does or does not exist. This same state of affairs would not ordinarily be held to be physically contingent, however, for, although the laws of nature alone do not suffice to determine that there is such a snowflake, still it would be held on the general hypothesis of determinism that, given the specific conditions under which the water was frozen, it was determined by physical laws that a snowflake would exist and that it would have this shape and no other.

ionian ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to Ionia or the Ionians; Ionic. ::: n. --> A native or citizen of Ionia.

ivs {INRIA} Videoconferencing System. A {video-conferencing} tool for the {Internet} based on the {H.261} {video compression} {standard}. {(}. (1994-11-16)

Jon Postel "person" (Jonathan Bruce Postel, 1943 - 1998-10-16) /p*-stel'/ One of the {Internet}'s founding fathers. Jon's name is prominent on many of the fundamental {standards} on which the Internet is built, such as {UDP}. He ran {IANA} for as long as anybody could remember, in fact for most of the time he *was* IANA. He wrote {STD 1}, {STD 2} and several dozen other {RFCs}. His friend {Vinton Cerf} noted his passing in {RFC 2468}. (1998-10-21)

Kant, Immanuel: (1724-1804), born and died in Königsberg. Studied the Leibniz-Wolffian philosoohv under Martin Knutzen. Also studied and taught astronomy (see Kant-Laplace hypothesis), mechanics and theology. The influence of Newton's physics and Lockean psychology vied with his Leibnizian training. Kant's personal life was that of a methodic pedant, touched with Rousseauistic piety and Prussian rigidity. He scarcely travelled 40 miles from Königsberg in his life-time, disregarded music, had little esteem for women, and cultivated few friends apart from the Prussian officials he knew in Königsberg. In 1755, he became tutor in the family of Count Kayserling. In 1766, he was made under-librarian, and in 1770 obtained the chair of logic and metaphysics at the University of Königsberg. Heine has made classical the figure of Kant appearing for his daily walk with clock-like regularity. But his very wide reading compensated socially for his narrow range of travel, and made him an interesting coversationalist as well as a successful teacher. Kantianism: The philosophy of Immanuel Kant (1724-1804); also called variously, the critical philosophy, criticism, transcendentalism, or transcendental idealism. Its roots lay in the Enlightenment; but it sought to establish a comprehensive method and doctrine of experience which would undercut the rationalistic metaphysics of the 17th and 18th centuries. In an early "pre-critical" period, Kant's interest centered in evolutionary, scientific cosmology. He sought to describe the phenomena of Nature, organic as well as inorganic, as a whole of interconnected natural laws. In effect he elaborated and extended the natural philosophy of Newton in a metaphysical context drawn from Christian Wolff and indirectly from Leibniz.

ketch ::: n. --> An almost obsolete form of vessel, with a mainmast and a mizzenmast, -- usually from one hundred to two hundred and fifty tons burden.
A hangman. See Jack Ketch. ::: v. t. --> To catch.

laser printer "printer" A non-impact high-resolution printer which uses a rotating disk to reflect laser beams to form an electrostatic image on a selenium imaging drum. The developer drum transfers toner from the toner bin to the charged areas of the imaging drum, which then transfers it onto the paper into which it is fused by heat. Toner is dry ink powder, generally a plastic heat-sensitive polymer. Print resolution currently (2001) ranges between 300 and 2400 dots per inch (DPI). Laser printers using chemical photoreproduction techniques can produce resolutions of up to 2400 DPI. Print speed is limited by whichever is slower - the printer hardware (the "engine speed"), or the software {rendering} process that converts the data to be printed into a {bit map}. The print speed may exceed 21,000 lines per minute, though printing speed is more often given in pages per minute. If a laser printer is rated at 12 pages per minute (PPM), this figure would be true only if the printer is printing the same data on each of the twelve pages, so that the bit map is identical. This speed however, is rarely reached if each page contains different codes, text, and graphics. In 2001, Xerox's Phaser 1235 and 2135 (with Okidata engines) could print up to 21 colour ppm at 1200x1200 DPI using a single-pass process. Colour laser printers can reach 2400 DPI easily (e.g. an HP LaserJet 8550). Some printers with large amounts of RAM can print at engine speed with different text pages and some of the larger lasers intended for graphics design work can print graphics at full engine speed. Although there are dozens of retail brands of laser printers, only a few {original equipment manufacturers} make {print engines}, e.g. {Canon}, {Ricoh}, {Toshiba}, and {Xerox}. (2002-01-06)

laver ::: n. --> A vessel for washing; a large basin.
A large brazen vessel placed in the court of the Jewish tabernacle where the officiating priests washed their hands and feet.
One of several vessels in Solomon&

Legal Philosophy: Deals with the philosophic principles of law and justice. The origin is to be found in ancient philosophy. The Greek Sophists criticized existing laws and customs by questioning their validity: All human rules are artificial, created by enactment or convention, as opposed to natural law, based on nature. The theory of a law of nature was further developed by Aristotle and the Stoics. According to the Stoics the natural law is based upon the eternal law of the universe; this itself is an outgrowth of universal reason, as man's mind is an offshoot of the latter. The idea of a law of nature as being innate in man was particularly stressed and popularized by Cicero who identified it with "right reason" and already contrasted it with written law that might be unjust or even tyrannical. Through Saint Augustine these ideas were transmitted to medieval philosophy and by Thomas Aquinas built into his philosophical system. Thomas considers the eternal law the reason existing in the divine mind and controlling the universe. Natural law, innate in man participates in that eternal law. A new impetus was given to Legal Philosophy by the Renaissance. Natural Jurisprudence, properly so-called, originated in the XVII. century. Hugo Grotius, Thomas Hobbes, Benedictus Spinoza, John Locke, Samuel Pufendorf were the most important representatives of that line of thought. Grotius, continuing the Scholastic tradition, particularly stressed the absoluteness of natural hw (it would exist even if God did not exist) and, following Jean Bodin, the sovereignty of the people. The idea of the social contract traced all political bodies back to a voluntary compact by which every individual gave up his right to self-government, or rather transferred it to the government, abandoning a state of nature which according to Hobbes must have been a state of perpetual war. The theory of the social compact more and more accepts the character of a "fiction" or of a regulative idea (Kant). In this sense the theory means that we ought to judge acts of government by their correspondence to the general will (Rousseau) and to the interests of the individuals who by transferring their rights to the commonwealth intended to establish their real liberty. Natural law by putting the emphasis on natural rights, takes on a revolutionary character. It played a part in shaping the bills of rights, the constitutions of the American colonies and of the Union, as well as of the French declaration of the rights of men and of citizens. Natural jurisprudence in the teachings of Christian Wolff and Thomasius undergoes a kind of petrification in the vain attempt to outline an elaborate system of natural law not only in the field of international or public law, but also in the detailed regulations of the law of property, of contract, etc. This sort of dogmatic approach towards the problems of law evoked the opposition of the Historic School (Gustav Hugo and Savigny) which stressed the natural growth of laws ind customs, originating from the mysterious "spirit of the people". On the other hand Immanuel Kant tried to overcome the old natural law by the idea of a "law of reason", meaning an a priori element in all existing or positive law. In his definition of law ("the ensemble of conditions according to which everyone's will may coexist with the will of every other in accordance with a general rule of liberty"), however, as in his legal philosophy in general, he still shares the attitude of the natural law doctrine, confusing positive law with the idea of just law. This is also true of Hegel whose panlogism seemed to lead in this very direction. Under the influence of epistemological positivism (Comte, Mill) in the later half of the nineteenth century, legal philosophy, especially in Germany, confined itself to a "general theory of law". Similarily John Austin in England considered philosophy of law concerned only with positive law, "as it necessarily is", not as it ought to be. Its main task was to analyze certain notions which pervade the science of law (Analytical Jurisprudence). In recent times the same tendency to reduce legal philosophy to logical or at least methodological tasks was further developed in attempting a pure science of law (Kelsen, Roguin). Owing to the influence of Darwinism and natural science in general the evolutionist and biological viewpoint was accepted in legal philosophy: comparative jurisprudence, sociology of law, the Freirecht movement in Germany, the study of the living law, "Realism" in American legal philosophy, all represent a tendency against rationalism. On the other hand there is a revival of older tendencies: Hegelianism, natural law -- especially in Catholic philosophy -- and Kantianism (beginning with Rudolf Stammler). From here other trends arose: the critical attitude leads to relativism (f.i. Gustav Radbruch); the antimetaphysical tendency towards positivism -- though different from epistemological positivism -- and to a pure theory of law. Different schools of recent philosophy have found their applications or repercussions in legal philosophy: Phenomenology, for example, tried to intuit the essences of legal institutions, thus coming back to a formalist position, not too far from the real meaning of analytical jurisprudence. Neo-positivism, though so far not yet explicitly applied to legal philosophy, seems to lead in the same direction. -- W.E.

level/line fallacy (LLF) ::: The confusing of a level in a line with the line itself. There are two major versions of the level/line fallacy: fixation, where a level in a line is glorified and absolutized, and thus the entire line is frozen at the level where the confusion originally occurred; and repression, where a level in a line is denied or suppressed and thus the entire line is suppressed.

lines ::: Relatively independent streams or capacities that proceed through levels of development. Howard Gardner’s theory of Multiple Intelligences is one example of the study of developmental lines. There is evidence for over a dozen developmental lines, including cognitive, moral, self-identity, aesthetic, kinesthetic, linguistic, musical, and mathematical. Integral Theory generally classifies these lines according to one of three types: cognitive lines (as studied by Jean Piaget, Robert Kegan, Kurt Fischer, etc.); selfrelated lines (e.g., morals, self-identity, needs, etc.); and capacities or talents (e.g., musical capacity, kinesthetic capacity, introspective capacity). Cognitive development is necessary but not sufficient for development in the self-related lines and appears to be necessary for most of the capacities.

link-dead Said of a {MUD} character who has frozen in place because of a dropped network connection. [{Jargon File}] (1995-01-24)

Linux "operating system" ("Linus Unix") /li'nuks/ (but see below) An implementation of the {Unix} {kernel} originally written from scratch with no proprietary code. The kernel runs on {Intel} and {Alpha} hardware in the general release, with {SPARC}, {PowerPC}, {MIPS}, {ARM}, {Amiga}, {Atari}, and {SGI} in active development. The SPARC, PowerPC, ARM, {PowerMAC} - {OSF}, and 68k ports all support {shells}, {X} and {networking}. The Intel and SPARC versions have reliable {symmetric multiprocessing}. Work on the kernel is coordinated by Linus Torvalds, who holds the copyright on a large part of it. The rest of the copyright is held by a large number of other contributors (or their employers). Regardless of the copyright ownerships, the kernel as a whole is available under the {GNU} {General Public License}. The GNU project supports Linux as its kernel until the research {Hurd} kernel is completed. This kernel would be no use without {application programs}. The GNU project has provided large numbers of quality tools, and together with other {public domain} software it is a rich Unix environment. A compilation of the Linux kernel and these tools is known as a Linux distribution. Compatibility modules and/or {emulators} exist for dozens of other computing environments. The kernel version numbers are significant: the odd numbered series (e.g. 1.3.xx) is the development (or beta) kernel which evolves very quickly. Stable (or release) kernels have even major version numbers (e.g. 1.2.xx). There is a lot of commercial support for and use of Linux, both by hardware companies such as {Digital}, {IBM}, and {Apple} and numerous smaller network and integration specialists. There are many commercially supported distributions which are generally entirely under the GPL. At least one distribution vendor guarantees {Posix} compliance. Linux is particularly popular for {Internet Service Providers}, and there are ports to both parallel supercomputers and {embedded} {microcontrollers}. {Debian} is one popular {open source} distribution. The pronunciation of "Linux" has been a matter of much debate. Many, including Torvalds, insist on the short I pronunciation /li'nuks/ because "Linus" has an /ee/ sound in Swedish (Linus's family is part of Finland's 6% ethnic-Swedish minority) and Linus considers English short /i/ to be closer to /ee/ than English long /i:/ dipthong. This is consistent with the short I in words like "linen". This doesn't stop others demanding a long I /li:'nuks/ following the english pronunciation of "Linus" and "minus". Others say /li'niks/ following {Minix}, which Torvalds was working on before Linux. {More on pronunciation (/pub/misc/linux-pronunciation)}. {LinuxHQ (}. {slashdot (}. {freshmeat (}. {Woven Goods (}. {Linux Gazette (}. {funet Linux Archive (}, {US mirror (}, {UK Mirror (}. (2000-06-09)

litotes ::: n. --> A diminution or softening of statement for the sake of avoiding censure or increasing the effect by contrast with the moderation shown in the form of expression; as, " a citizen of no mean city," that is, of an illustrious city.

losange ::: n. --> See Lozenge.

losenger ::: n. --> A flatterer; a deceiver; a cozener.

losing ::: imp. & p. p. --> of Lose ::: a. --> Given to flattery or deceit; flattering; cozening. ::: v. t.

lozenged ::: a. --> Alt. of Lozenge-shaped

lozenge ::: n. --> A diamond-shaped figure usually with the upper and lower angles slightly acute, borne upon a shield or escutcheon. Cf. Fusil.
A form of the escutcheon used by women instead of the shield which is used by men.
A figure with four equal sides, having two acute and two obtuse angles; a rhomb.
Anything in the form of lozenge.
A small cake of sugar and starch, flavored, and often

lozenge-shaped ::: a. --> Having the form of a lozenge or rhomb.

lozengy ::: a. --> Divided into lozenge-shaped compartments, as the field or a bearing, by lines drawn in the direction of the bend sinister.

Main works: Die Crenzen d. naturwiss. Begriffsbildung, 1896; Kultur u. Naturtwissenchaften, 1899; Philos. d. Lebens, 1920. -- K.F.L.

mascled ::: a. --> Composed of, or covered with, lozenge-shaped scales; having lozenge-shaped divisions.

mascle ::: n. --> A lozenge voided.

Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMOG, MMO) Any game that allows dozens, hundreds or even thousands of players to interact with a game via the {Internet}. Typically the game runs on a central {server farm} and players access it via a {personal computer}, {game console} or mobile phone. The most popular genre is the Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG), of which {World of Warcraft} is probably the most popular example. Note that an MMOG is not necessarily a _massive_ game (though often they are based in large, complex worlds), their distinguishing characteristic is the number of players. (2012-05-30)

mesitylene ::: n. --> A colorless, fragrant liquid, C6H3(CH3)3, of the benzene series of hydrocarbons, obtained by distilling acetone with sulphuric acid.

met- ::: --> A prefix meaning between, with, after, behind, over, about, reversely; as, metachronism, the error of placing after the correct time; metaphor, lit., a carrying over; metathesis, a placing reversely.
Other; duplicate, corresponding to; resembling; hence, metameric; as, meta-arabinic, metaldehyde.
That two replacing radicals, in the benzene nucleus, occupy the relative positions of 1 and 3, 2 and 4, 3 and 5, 4 and 6, 5 and 1, or 6 and 2; as, metacresol, etc. See Ortho-, and Para-.

metaxylene ::: n. --> That variety of xylene, or dimethyl benzene, in which the two methyl groups occupy the meta position with reference to each other. It is a colorless inf/ammable liquid.

metic ::: n. --> A sojourner; an immigrant; an alien resident in a Grecian city, but not a citizen.

militia ::: n. --> In the widest sense, the whole military force of a nation, including both those engaged in military service as a business, and those competent and available for such service; specifically, the body of citizens enrolled for military instruction and discipline, but not subject to be called into actual service except in emergencies.
Military service; warfare.

mirbane ::: n. --> See Nitrobenzene.

mizzen ::: a. --> Hindmost; nearest the stern; as, the mizzen shrouds, sails, etc. ::: n. --> The hindmost of the fore and aft sails of a three-masted vessel; also, the spanker.

mizzenmast ::: n. --> The hindmost mast of a three-masted vessel, or of a yawl-rigged vessel.

money ::: n. --> A piece of metal, as gold, silver, copper, etc., coined, or stamped, and issued by the sovereign authority as a medium of exchange in financial transactions between citizens and with government; also, any number of such pieces; coin.
Any written or stamped promise, certificate, or order, as a government note, a bank note, a certificate of deposit, etc., which is payable in standard coined money and is lawfully current in lieu of it; in a comprehensive sense, any currency usually and lawfully employed in

Motion: (Lat. moveo, move) Difference in space. Change of place. Erected into a universal principle by Heraclitus. Denied as a possibility by Parmenides and Zeno. Subdivided by Aristotle into alteration or change in shape, and augmentation or diminution or change in size. In realism: exclusively a property of actuality. -- J.K.F.

mu 1. "networking" The {country code} for Mauritius. 2. "philosophy" /moo/ The correct answer to the classic trick question "Have you stopped beating your wife yet?". Assuming that you have no wife or you have never beaten your wife, the answer "yes" is wrong because it implies that you used to beat your wife and then stopped, but "no" is worse because it suggests that you have one and are still beating her. According to various Discordians and Douglas Hofstadter the correct answer is usually "mu", a Japanese word alleged to mean "Your question cannot be answered because it depends on incorrect assumptions". Hackers tend to be sensitive to logical inadequacies in language, and many have adopted this suggestion with enthusiasm. The word "mu" is actually from Chinese, meaning "nothing"; it is used in mainstream Japanese in that sense, but native speakers do not recognise the Discordian question-denying use. It almost certainly derives from overgeneralisation of the answer in the following well-known Rinzei Zen teaching riddle: A monk asked Joshu, "Does a dog have the Buddha nature?" Joshu retorted, "Mu!" See also {has the X nature}, {AI Koan}. [Douglas Hofstadter, "Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid"]. [{Jargon File}] (2000-11-22)

mufti ::: n. --> An official expounder of Mohammedan law.

nadir ::: n. --> That point of the heavens, or lower hemisphere, directly opposite the zenith; the inferior pole of the horizon; the point of the celestial sphere directly under the place where we stand.
The lowest point; the time of greatest depression.

Nanna o.d. Seelenleben d. Pflanzen, 1848;

naphthalene ::: n. --> A white crystalline aromatic hydrocarbon, C10H8, analogous to benzene, and obtained by the distillation of certain bituminous materials, such as the heavy oil of coal tar. It is the type and basis of a large number of derivatives among organic compounds. Formerly called also naphthaline.

nationalize ::: v. t. --> To make national; to make a nation of; to endow with the character and habits of a nation, or the peculiar sentiments and attachment of citizens of a nation.

naturalization ::: n. --> The act or process of naturalizing, esp. of investing an alien with the rights and privileges of a native or citizen; also, the state of being naturalized.

naturalize ::: v. t. --> To make natural; as, custom naturalizes labor or study.
To confer the rights and privileges of a native subject or citizen on; to make as if native; to adopt, as a foreigner into a nation or state, and place in the condition of a native subject.
To receive or adopt as native, natural, or vernacular; to make one&

neapolitan ::: a. --> Of of pertaining to Naples in Italy. ::: n. --> A native or citizen of Naples.

nebulosity ::: n. --> The state or quality of being nebulous; cloudiness; hazeness; mistiness; nebulousness.
The stuff of which a nebula is formed.
A nebula.

nehushtan ::: n. --> A thing of brass; -- the name under which the Israelites worshiped the brazen serpent made by Moses.

Nightmare File System Pejorative hackerism for {Sun}'s {Network File System} (NFS). In any nontrivial network of Suns where there is a lot of NFS {cross-mount}ing, when one Sun goes down, the others often freeze up. Some machine tries to access the down one, and (getting no response) repeats indefinitely. This causes it to appear dead to some messages (what is actually happening is that it is locked up in what should have been a brief excursion to a higher {spl} level). Then another machine tries to reach either the down machine or the pseudo-down machine, and itself becomes pseudo-down. The first machine to discover the down one is now trying both to access the down one and to respond to the pseudo-down one, so it is even harder to reach. This situation snowballs very quickly, and soon the entire network of machines is frozen - worst of all, the user can't even abort the file access that started the problem! Many of NFS's problems are excused by partisans as being an inevitable result of its {stateless}ness, which is held to be a great feature (critics, of course, call it a great {misfeature}). {ITS} partisans are apt to cite this as proof of {Unix}'s alleged bogosity; ITS had a working NFS-like shared file system with none of these problems in the early 1970s. See also {broadcast storm}. [{Jargon File}]

nitro- ::: --> A combining form or an adjective denoting the presence of niter.
A combining form (used also adjectively) designating certain compounds of nitrogen or of its acids, as nitrohydrochloric, nitrocalcite; also, designating the group or radical NO2, or its compounds, as nitrobenzene.

nitrobenzene ::: n. --> A yellow aromatic liquid (C6H5.NO2), produced by the action of nitric acid on benzene, and called from its odor imitation oil of bitter almonds, or essence of mirbane. It is used in perfumery, and is manufactured in large quantities in the preparation of aniline. Fornerly called also nitrobenzol.

nitrobenzole ::: n. --> See Nitrobenzene.

NLX "hardware, standard" A low-profile, low {TCO} {motherboard} design created jointly by {Intel Corp.}, {IBM}, {DEC} and other PC vendors. In contrast to the traditional single-board design, NLX uses a {riser} card to carry {PCI}, {ISA} and {AGP} {bus} data (despite {Intel}'s stated intent to rid PC motherboards of the {ISA} {bus} by 2000). Version 1.2 of NLX is the final specification, and was frozen in March 1997. Minor modifications appear in the form of "Engineering Change Requests". {(}. {Intel (}. ["NLX Motherboard Specification", various, pub. Intel Corp. 1997] (1998-09-21)

noncombatant ::: n. --> Any person connected with an army, or within the lines of an army, who does not make it his business to fight, as any one of the medical officers and their assistants, chaplains, and others; also, any of the citizens of a place occupied by an army; also, any one holding a similar position with respect to the navy.

notify ::: v. t. --> To make known; to declare; to publish; as, to notify a fact to a person.
To give notice to; to inform by notice; to apprise; as, the constable has notified the citizens to meet at the city hall; the bell notifies us of the time of meeting.

Nuprl /nyu p*rl/ Nearly Ultimate PRL. A system for interactive creation of formal mathematics, including definitions and proofs. It has an extremely rich type system, including dependent functions, products, sets, quotients and universes. Types are first-class citizens. It is built on {Franz Lisp} and {Edinburgh ML}. ["Implementing Mathematics in the Nuprl Proof Development System", R.L. Constable et al, P-H 1986]. (1994-12-13)

octane ::: n. --> Any one of a group of metametric hydrocarcons (C8H18) of the methane series. The most important is a colorless, volatile, inflammable liquid, found in petroleum, and a constituent of benzene or ligroin.

opulent ::: a. --> Having a large estate or property; wealthy; rich; affluent; as, an opulent city; an opulent citizen.

orthoxylene ::: n. --> That variety of xylene in which the two methyl groups are in the ortho position; a colorless, liquid, combustible hydrocarbon resembling benzene.

outbrazen ::: v. t. --> To bear down with a brazen face; to surpass in impudence.

overhead ::: adv. --> Aloft; above; in or attached to the ceiling or roof; in the story or upon the floor above; in the zenith.

oxybenzene ::: n. --> Hydroxy benzene. Same as Phenol.

ozena ::: n. --> A discharge of fetid matter from the nostril, particularly if associated with ulceration of the soft parts and disease of the bones of the nose.

package ::: n. --> Act or process of packing.
A bundle made up for transportation; a packet; a bale; a parcel; as, a package of goods.
A charge made for packing goods.
A duty formerly charged in the port of London on goods imported or exported by aliens, or by denizens who were the sons of aliens.

para- ::: --> A prefix signifying alongside of, beside, beyond, against, amiss; as parable, literally, a placing beside; paradox, that which is contrary to opinion; parachronism.
A prefix denoting: (a) Likeness, similarity, or connection, or that the substance resembles, but is distinct from, that to the name of which it is prefixed; as paraldehyde, paraconine, etc.; also, an isomeric modification. (b) Specifically: (Organ. Chem.) That two groups or radicals substituted in the benzene nucleus are opposite, or in the

Parallelism, psychophysical: (Cr parallelos, from para, beside -- allelon, of one another). A dualistic solution of the mind body problem (see Mind-body relation) which asserts, in its extreme form, a perfect one-to-one correlation between the system of physical events in nature and the system of psychical events in mind. In its more moderate and restricted form, parallelism asserts only a correlation between all psychoses (mental events in an individual mind) and all or some neuroses (neural events in the individual's body). Thus there may exist physico-chemical and even neural processes in the body having no psychical correlates The term parallelism was introduced by Fechner (Zend-Avesta, Bk III, ch XIX, D) but the doctrine appeared in Spinoza (Ethics, Bk II, prop. 7 schol. and props. 11 and 12) -- L.W.

pastille ::: n. --> A small cone or mass made of paste of gum, benzoin, cinnamon, and other aromatics, -- used for fumigating or scenting the air of a room.
An aromatic or medicated lozenge; a troche.
See Pastel, a crayon.

pdksh Version 4.9 interpreter Simon J. Gerraty "" comp.sources.misc volume 4 It is not intended to be the ultimate shell but rather a usable ksh work alike. conformance: Almost identical to ksh88, but missing arrays E-mail: Simon J Gerraty "" ( is down) ports: Sun, 386bsd, ? 1993-10-11

pelican ::: n. --> Any large webfooted bird of the genus Pelecanus, of which about a dozen species are known. They have an enormous bill, to the lower edge of which is attached a pouch in which captured fishes are temporarily stored.
A retort or still having a curved tube or tubes leading back from the head to the body for continuous condensation and redistillation.

peppermint ::: n. --> An aromatic and pungent plant of the genus Mentha (M. piperita), much used in medicine and confectionery.
A volatile oil (oil of peppermint) distilled from the fresh herb; also, a well-known essence or spirit (essence of peppermint) obtained from it.
A lozenge of sugar flavored with peppermint.

Perl "language, tool" A {high-level} programming language, started by {Larry Wall} in 1987 and developed as an {open source} project. It has an eclectic heritage, deriving from the ubiquitous {C} programming language and to a lesser extent from {sed}, {awk}, various {Unix} {shell} languages, {Lisp}, and at least a dozen other tools and languages. Originally developed for {Unix}, it is now available for many {platforms}. Perl's elaborate support for {regular expression} matching and substitution has made it the {language of choice} for tasks involving {string manipulation}, whether for text or binary data. It is particularly popular for writing {CGI scripts}. The language's highly flexible syntax and concise regular expression operators, make densely written Perl code indecipherable to the uninitiated. The syntax is, however, really quite simple and powerful and, once the basics have been mastered, a joy to write. Perl's only {primitive} data type is the "scalar", which can hold a number, a string, the undefined value, or a typed reference. Perl's {aggregate} data types are {arrays}, which are ordered lists of {scalars} indexed by {natural numbers}, and hashes (or "{associative arrays}") which are unordered lists of scalars indexed by strings. A reference can point to a scalar, array, hash, {function}, or {filehandle}. {Objects} are implemented as references "{blessed}" with a {class} name. Strings in Perl are {eight-bit clean}, including {nulls}, and so can contain {binary data}. Unlike C but like most Lisp dialects, Perl internally and dynamically handles all memory allocation, {garbage collection}, and type {coercion}. Perl supports {closures}, {recursive functions}, {symbols} with either {lexical scope} or {dynamic scope}, nested {data structures} of arbitrary content and complexity (as lists or hashes of references), and packages (which can serve as classes, optionally inheriting {methods} from one or more other classes). There is ongoing work on {threads}, {Unicode}, {exceptions}, and {backtracking}. Perl program files can contain embedded documentation in {POD} (Plain Old Documentation), a simple markup language. The normal Perl distribution contains documentation for the language, as well as over a hundred modules (program libraries). Hundreds more are available from The {Comprehensive Perl Archive Network}. Modules are themselves generally written in Perl, but can be implemented as interfaces to code in other languages, typically compiled C. The free availability of modules for almost any conceivable task, as well as the fact that Perl offers direct access to almost all {system calls} and places no arbitrary limits on data structure size or complexity, has led some to describe Perl, in a parody of a famous remark about {lex}, as the "Swiss Army chainsaw" of programming. The use of Perl has grown significantly since its adoption as the language of choice of many {web} developers. {CGI} interfaces and libraries for Perl exist for several {platforms} and Perl's speed and flexibility make it well suited for form processing and on-the-fly {web page} creation. Perl programs are generally stored as {text} {source} files, which are compiled into {virtual machine} code at run time; this, in combination with its rich variety of data types and its common use as a glue language, makes Perl somewhat hard to classify as either a "{scripting language}" or an "{applications language}" -- see {Ousterhout's dichotomy}. Perl programs are usually called "Perl scripts", if only for historical reasons. Version 5 was a major rewrite and enhancement of version 4, released sometime before November 1993. It added real {data structures} by way of "references", un-adorned {subroutine} calls, and {method} {inheritance}. The spelling "Perl" is preferred over the older "PERL" (even though some explain the language's name as originating in the acronym for "Practical Extraction and Report Language"). The program that interprets/compiles Perl code is called "perl", typically "/usr/local/bin/perl" or "/usr/bin/perl". {(}. {Usenet} newsgroups: {news:comp.lang.perl.announce}, {news:comp.lang.perl.misc}. ["Programming Perl", Larry Wall and Randal L. Schwartz, O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. Sebastopol, CA. ISBN 0-93715-64-1]. ["Learning Perl" by Randal L. Schwartz, O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., Sebastopol, CA]. [{Jargon File}] (1999-12-04)

perpendicular ::: a. --> Exactly upright or vertical; pointing to the zenith; at right angles to the plane of the horizon; extending in a right line from any point toward the center of the earth.
At right angles to a given line or surface; as, the line ad is perpendicular to the line bc. ::: n.

Persian Philosophy: Persia was a vast empire before the time of Alexander the Great, embracing not only most of the orientnl tribes of Western Asia but also the Greeks of Asia Minor, the Jews and the Egyptians. If we concentrate on the central section of Persia, three philosophic periods may be distinguished Zoroastrianism (including Mithraism and Magianism), Manichaeanism, and medieval Persian thought. Zarathustra (Or. Zoroaster) lived before 600 B.C. and wrote the Avesta, apparently in the Zend language. It is primarily religious, but the teaching that there are two ultimate principles of reality, Ormazd, the God of Light and Goodness, and Ahriman, God of Evil and Darkness, is of philosophic importance. They are eternally fighting Mitra is the intermediary between Ormazd and man. In the third century A. D., Mani of Ecbatana (in Media) combined this dualism of eternal principles with some of the doctrines of Christianity. His seven books are now known only through second-hand reports of Mohammedan (Abu Faradj Ibn Ishaq, 10th c., and Sharastani, 12th c.) and Christian (St. Ephrem, 4th c., and Bar-Khoni, 7th c.) writers. St Augustine of Hippo (354-430 A.D.) has left several works criticizing Manichaeism, which he knew at first-hand. From the ninth century onward, many of the great Arabic philosophers are of Persian origin. Mention might be made of the epicureanism of the Rubaiyat of the Persian poet, Omar Kayyam, and the remarkable metaphysical system of Avicenna, i.e. Ibn Sina (11th c.), who was born in Persia. -- V.J.B.

petalism ::: n. --> A form of sentence among the ancient Syracusans by which they banished for five years a citizen suspected of having dangerous influence or ambition. It was similar to the ostracism in Athens; but olive leaves were used instead of shells for ballots.

phene ::: n. --> Benzene.

phenose ::: n. --> A sweet amorphous deliquescent substance obtained indirectly from benzene, and isometric with, and resembling, dextrose.

phenylene ::: n. --> A hypothetic radical (C6H4) occurring in certain derivatives of benzene; as, phenylene diamine.

phenyl ::: n. --> A hydrocarbon radical (C6H5) regarded as the essential residue of benzene, and the basis of an immense number of aromatic derivatives.

piperaceous ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to the order of plants (Piperaceae) of which the pepper (Piper nigrum) is the type. There are about a dozen genera and a thousand species, mostly tropical plants with pungent and aromatic qualities.

Platonism as a political philosophy finds its best known exposition in the theory of the ideal state in the Republic. There, Plato described a city in which social justice would be fully realized. Three classes of men are distinguished: the philosopher kings, apparently a very small group whose education has been alluded to above, who would be the rulers because by nature and by training they were the best men for the job. They must excel particularly in their rational abilities: their special virtue is philosophic wisdom; the soldiers, or guardians of the state, constitute the second class; their souls must be remarkable for the development of the spirited, warlike element, under the control of the virtue of courage; the lowest class is made up of the acquisitive group, the workers of every sort whose characteristic virtue is temperance. For the two upper classes, Plato suggested a form of community life which would entail the abolition of monogamous marriage, family life, and of private property. It is to be noted that this form of semi-communism was suggested for a minority of the citizens only (Repub. III and V) and it is held to be a practical impossibility in the Laws (V, 739-40), though Plato continued to think that some form of community life is theoretically best for man. In Book VIII of the Republic, we find the famous classification of five types of political organization, ranging from aristocracy which is the rule of the best men, timocracy, in which the rulers are motivated by a love of honor, oligarchy, in which the rulers seek wealth, democracy, the rule of the masses who are unfit for the task, to tyranny, which is the rule of one man who may have started as the champion of the people but who governs solely for the advancement of his own, selfish interests.

poecile ::: n. --> Same as Poicile.
The frescoed porch or gallery in Athens where Zeno taught.

Political Personalism: The doctrine that the state is under obligation to provide opportunity to each citizen for the highest possible physical, mental, and spiritual development, because personality is the supreme achievement of the social order. A movement in France represented by the journal Esprit. -- R.T.F.

politics ::: n. --> The science of government; that part of ethics which has to do with the regulation and government of a nation or state, the preservation of its safety, peace, and prosperity, the defense of its existence and rights against foreign control or conquest, the augmentation of its strength and resources, and the protection of its citizens in their rights, with the preservation and improvement of their morals.
The management of a political party; the conduct and

POP-2 Robin POPplestone, Edinburgh, 1967. An innovative language incorporating many of Landin's ideas, including streams, closures, and functions as first-class citizens. ALGOL-like syntax. The first implementation was named Multi-POP, based on a REVPOL function written in POP-1, producing the reverse-polish form as output. "POP-2 Papers", R.M. Burstall et al, Oliver & Boyd 1968. "Programming in POP-2", R.M. Burstall et al, Edinburgh U Press 1971. "POP-2 User's Manual", R. Popplestone, Mach Intell 2, E. Dale et al eds, Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh 1968.

Population ::: The entire group to which research is hoping to generalize (e.g., males, adults, U.S. citizens).

posse comitatus ::: --> The power of the county, or the citizens who may be summoned by the sheriff to assist the authorities in suppressing a riot, or executing any legal precept which is forcibly opposed.
A collection of people; a throng; a rabble.

poyntel ::: n. --> Paving or flooring made of small squares or lozenges set diagonally.

prehnitic ::: a. --> Pertaining to, or designating, a tetrabasic acid of benzene obtained as a white crystalline substance; -- probably so called from the resemblance of the wartlike crystals to the mammillae on the surface of prehnite.

proglet /prog'let/ [UK] A short extempore program written to meet an immediate, transient need. Often written in BASIC, rarely more than a dozen lines long and containing no subroutines. The largest amount of code that can be written off the top of one's head, that does not need any editing, and that runs correctly the first time (this amount varies significantly according to one's skill and the language one is using). Compare {toy program}, {noddy}, {one-liner wars}. [{Jargon File}]

proletary ::: n. --> A citizen of the lowest class, who served the state, not with property, but only by having children; hence, a common person.

proscription ::: n. --> The act of proscribing; a dooming to death or exile; outlawry; specifically, among the ancient Romans, the public offer of a reward for the head of a political enemy; as, under the triumvirate, many of the best Roman citizens fell by proscription.
The state of being proscribed; denunciation; interdiction; prohibition.

prudhomme ::: n. --> A trustworthy citizen; a skilled workman. See Citation under 3d Commune, 1.

prytaneum ::: n. --> A public building in certain Greek cities; especially, a public hall in Athens regarded as the home of the community, in which official hospitality was extended to distinguished citizens and strangers.

pumpkin "jargon" A humourous term for the {token} - the object (notional or real) that gives its possessor (the "pumpking" or the "pumpkineer") exclusive access to something, e.g. applying {patches} to a master copy of {source} (for which the pumpkin is called a "patch pumpkin"). Chip Salzenberg "" wrote: David Croy once told me once that at a previous job, there was one tape drive and multiple systems that used it for backups. But instead of some high-tech exclusion software, they used a low-tech method to prevent multiple simultaneous backups: a stuffed pumpkin. No one was allowed to make backups unless they had the "backup pumpkin". (1999-02-23)

quarrel ::: n. --> An arrow for a crossbow; -- so named because it commonly had a square head.
Any small square or quadrangular member
A square of glass, esp. when set diagonally.
A small opening in window tracery, of which the cusps, etc., make the form nearly square.
A square or lozenge-shaped paving tile.
A glazier&

quirites ::: n. pl. --> Roman citizens.

Real Programmers Don't Use Pascal "humour" Back in the good old days - the "Golden Era" of computers, it was easy to separate the men from the boys (sometimes called "Real Men" and "Quiche Eaters" in the literature). During this period, the Real Men were the ones that understood computer programming, and the Quiche Eaters were the ones that didn't. A real computer programmer said things like "DO 10 I=1,10" and "ABEND" (they actually talked in capital letters, you understand), and the rest of the world said things like "computers are too complicated for me" and "I can't relate to computers - they're so impersonal". (A previous work [1] points out that Real Men don't "relate" to anything, and aren't afraid of being impersonal.) But, as usual, times change. We are faced today with a world in which little old ladies can get computers in their microwave ovens, 12-year-old kids can blow Real Men out of the water playing Asteroids and Pac-Man, and anyone can buy and even understand their very own Personal Computer. The Real Programmer is in danger of becoming extinct, of being replaced by high-school students with {TRASH-80s}. There is a clear need to point out the differences between the typical high-school junior Pac-Man player and a Real Programmer. If this difference is made clear, it will give these kids something to aspire to -- a role model, a Father Figure. It will also help explain to the employers of Real Programmers why it would be a mistake to replace the Real Programmers on their staff with 12-year-old Pac-Man players (at a considerable salary savings). LANGUAGES The easiest way to tell a Real Programmer from the crowd is by the programming language he (or she) uses. Real Programmers use {Fortran}. Quiche Eaters use {Pascal}. Nicklaus Wirth, the designer of Pascal, gave a talk once at which he was asked how to pronounce his name. He replied, "You can either call me by name, pronouncing it 'Veert', or call me by value, 'Worth'." One can tell immediately from this comment that Nicklaus Wirth is a Quiche Eater. The only parameter passing mechanism endorsed by Real Programmers is call-by-value-return, as implemented in the {IBM 370} {Fortran-G} and H compilers. Real programmers don't need all these abstract concepts to get their jobs done - they are perfectly happy with a {keypunch}, a {Fortran IV} {compiler}, and a beer. Real Programmers do List Processing in Fortran. Real Programmers do String Manipulation in Fortran. Real Programmers do Accounting (if they do it at all) in Fortran. Real Programmers do {Artificial Intelligence} programs in Fortran. If you can't do it in Fortran, do it in {assembly language}. If you can't do it in assembly language, it isn't worth doing. STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING The academics in computer science have gotten into the "structured programming" rut over the past several years. They claim that programs are more easily understood if the programmer uses some special language constructs and techniques. They don't all agree on exactly which constructs, of course, and the examples they use to show their particular point of view invariably fit on a single page of some obscure journal or another - clearly not enough of an example to convince anyone. When I got out of school, I thought I was the best programmer in the world. I could write an unbeatable tic-tac-toe program, use five different computer languages, and create 1000-line programs that WORKED. (Really!) Then I got out into the Real World. My first task in the Real World was to read and understand a 200,000-line Fortran program, then speed it up by a factor of two. Any Real Programmer will tell you that all the Structured Coding in the world won't help you solve a problem like that - it takes actual talent. Some quick observations on Real Programmers and Structured Programming: Real Programmers aren't afraid to use {GOTOs}. Real Programmers can write five-page-long DO loops without getting confused. Real Programmers like Arithmetic IF statements - they make the code more interesting. Real Programmers write self-modifying code, especially if they can save 20 {nanoseconds} in the middle of a tight loop. Real Programmers don't need comments - the code is obvious. Since Fortran doesn't have a structured IF, REPEAT ... UNTIL, or CASE statement, Real Programmers don't have to worry about not using them. Besides, they can be simulated when necessary using {assigned GOTOs}. Data Structures have also gotten a lot of press lately. Abstract Data Types, Structures, Pointers, Lists, and Strings have become popular in certain circles. Wirth (the above-mentioned Quiche Eater) actually wrote an entire book [2] contending that you could write a program based on data structures, instead of the other way around. As all Real Programmers know, the only useful data structure is the Array. Strings, lists, structures, sets - these are all special cases of arrays and can be treated that way just as easily without messing up your programing language with all sorts of complications. The worst thing about fancy data types is that you have to declare them, and Real Programming Languages, as we all know, have implicit typing based on the first letter of the (six character) variable name. OPERATING SYSTEMS What kind of operating system is used by a Real Programmer? CP/M? God forbid - CP/M, after all, is basically a toy operating system. Even little old ladies and grade school students can understand and use CP/M. Unix is a lot more complicated of course - the typical Unix hacker never can remember what the PRINT command is called this week - but when it gets right down to it, Unix is a glorified video game. People don't do Serious Work on Unix systems: they send jokes around the world on {UUCP}-net and write adventure games and research papers. No, your Real Programmer uses OS 370. A good programmer can find and understand the description of the IJK305I error he just got in his JCL manual. A great programmer can write JCL without referring to the manual at all. A truly outstanding programmer can find bugs buried in a 6 megabyte {core dump} without using a hex calculator. (I have actually seen this done.) OS is a truly remarkable operating system. It's possible to destroy days of work with a single misplaced space, so alertness in the programming staff is encouraged. The best way to approach the system is through a keypunch. Some people claim there is a Time Sharing system that runs on OS 370, but after careful study I have come to the conclusion that they were mistaken. PROGRAMMING TOOLS What kind of tools does a Real Programmer use? In theory, a Real Programmer could run his programs by keying them into the front panel of the computer. Back in the days when computers had front panels, this was actually done occasionally. Your typical Real Programmer knew the entire bootstrap loader by memory in hex, and toggled it in whenever it got destroyed by his program. (Back then, memory was memory - it didn't go away when the power went off. Today, memory either forgets things when you don't want it to, or remembers things long after they're better forgotten.) Legend has it that {Seymore Cray}, inventor of the Cray I supercomputer and most of Control Data's computers, actually toggled the first operating system for the CDC7600 in on the front panel from memory when it was first powered on. Seymore, needless to say, is a Real Programmer. One of my favorite Real Programmers was a systems programmer for Texas Instruments. One day he got a long distance call from a user whose system had crashed in the middle of saving some important work. Jim was able to repair the damage over the phone, getting the user to toggle in disk I/O instructions at the front panel, repairing system tables in hex, reading register contents back over the phone. The moral of this story: while a Real Programmer usually includes a keypunch and lineprinter in his toolkit, he can get along with just a front panel and a telephone in emergencies. In some companies, text editing no longer consists of ten engineers standing in line to use an 029 keypunch. In fact, the building I work in doesn't contain a single keypunch. The Real Programmer in this situation has to do his work with a "text editor" program. Most systems supply several text editors to select from, and the Real Programmer must be careful to pick one that reflects his personal style. Many people believe that the best text editors in the world were written at Xerox Palo Alto Research Center for use on their Alto and Dorado computers [3]. Unfortunately, no Real Programmer would ever use a computer whose operating system is called SmallTalk, and would certainly not talk to the computer with a mouse. Some of the concepts in these Xerox editors have been incorporated into editors running on more reasonably named operating systems - {Emacs} and {VI} being two. The problem with these editors is that Real Programmers consider "what you see is what you get" to be just as bad a concept in Text Editors as it is in women. No the Real Programmer wants a "you asked for it, you got it" text editor - complicated, cryptic, powerful, unforgiving, dangerous. TECO, to be precise. It has been observed that a TECO command sequence more closely resembles transmission line noise than readable text [4]. One of the more entertaining games to play with TECO is to type your name in as a command line and try to guess what it does. Just about any possible typing error while talking with TECO will probably destroy your program, or even worse - introduce subtle and mysterious bugs in a once working subroutine. For this reason, Real Programmers are reluctant to actually edit a program that is close to working. They find it much easier to just patch the binary {object code} directly, using a wonderful program called SUPERZAP (or its equivalent on non-IBM machines). This works so well that many working programs on IBM systems bear no relation to the original Fortran code. In many cases, the original source code is no longer available. When it comes time to fix a program like this, no manager would even think of sending anything less than a Real Programmer to do the job - no Quiche Eating structured programmer would even know where to start. This is called "job security". Some programming tools NOT used by Real Programmers: Fortran preprocessors like {MORTRAN} and {RATFOR}. The Cuisinarts of programming - great for making Quiche. See comments above on structured programming. Source language debuggers. Real Programmers can read core dumps. Compilers with array bounds checking. They stifle creativity, destroy most of the interesting uses for EQUIVALENCE, and make it impossible to modify the operating system code with negative subscripts. Worst of all, bounds checking is inefficient. Source code maintenance systems. A Real Programmer keeps his code locked up in a card file, because it implies that its owner cannot leave his important programs unguarded [5]. THE REAL PROGRAMMER AT WORK Where does the typical Real Programmer work? What kind of programs are worthy of the efforts of so talented an individual? You can be sure that no Real Programmer would be caught dead writing accounts-receivable programs in {COBOL}, or sorting {mailing lists} for People magazine. A Real Programmer wants tasks of earth-shaking importance (literally!). Real Programmers work for Los Alamos National Laboratory, writing atomic bomb simulations to run on Cray I supercomputers. Real Programmers work for the National Security Agency, decoding Russian transmissions. It was largely due to the efforts of thousands of Real Programmers working for NASA that our boys got to the moon and back before the Russkies. Real Programmers are at work for Boeing designing the operating systems for cruise missiles. Some of the most awesome Real Programmers of all work at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California. Many of them know the entire operating system of the Pioneer and Voyager spacecraft by heart. With a combination of large ground-based Fortran programs and small spacecraft-based assembly language programs, they are able to do incredible feats of navigation and improvisation - hitting ten-kilometer wide windows at Saturn after six years in space, repairing or bypassing damaged sensor platforms, radios, and batteries. Allegedly, one Real Programmer managed to tuck a pattern-matching program into a few hundred bytes of unused memory in a Voyager spacecraft that searched for, located, and photographed a new moon of Jupiter. The current plan for the Galileo spacecraft is to use a gravity assist trajectory past Mars on the way to Jupiter. This trajectory passes within 80 +/-3 kilometers of the surface of Mars. Nobody is going to trust a Pascal program (or a Pascal programmer) for navigation to these tolerances. As you can tell, many of the world's Real Programmers work for the U.S. Government - mainly the Defense Department. This is as it should be. Recently, however, a black cloud has formed on the Real Programmer horizon. It seems that some highly placed Quiche Eaters at the Defense Department decided that all Defense programs should be written in some grand unified language called "ADA" ((C), DoD). For a while, it seemed that ADA was destined to become a language that went against all the precepts of Real Programming - a language with structure, a language with data types, {strong typing}, and semicolons. In short, a language designed to cripple the creativity of the typical Real Programmer. Fortunately, the language adopted by DoD has enough interesting features to make it approachable -- it's incredibly complex, includes methods for messing with the operating system and rearranging memory, and Edsgar Dijkstra doesn't like it [6]. (Dijkstra, as I'm sure you know, was the author of "GoTos Considered Harmful" - a landmark work in programming methodology, applauded by Pascal programmers and Quiche Eaters alike.) Besides, the determined Real Programmer can write Fortran programs in any language. The Real Programmer might compromise his principles and work on something slightly more trivial than the destruction of life as we know it, providing there's enough money in it. There are several Real Programmers building video games at Atari, for example. (But not playing them - a Real Programmer knows how to beat the machine every time: no challenge in that.) Everyone working at LucasFilm is a Real Programmer. (It would be crazy to turn down the money of fifty million Star Trek fans.) The proportion of Real Programmers in Computer Graphics is somewhat lower than the norm, mostly because nobody has found a use for computer graphics yet. On the other hand, all computer graphics is done in Fortran, so there are a fair number of people doing graphics in order to avoid having to write COBOL programs. THE REAL PROGRAMMER AT PLAY Generally, the Real Programmer plays the same way he works - with computers. He is constantly amazed that his employer actually pays him to do what he would be doing for fun anyway (although he is careful not to express this opinion out loud). Occasionally, the Real Programmer does step out of the office for a breath of fresh air and a beer or two. Some tips on recognizing Real Programmers away from the computer room: At a party, the Real Programmers are the ones in the corner talking about operating system security and how to get around it. At a football game, the Real Programmer is the one comparing the plays against his simulations printed on 11 by 14 fanfold paper. At the beach, the Real Programmer is the one drawing flowcharts in the sand. At a funeral, the Real Programmer is the one saying "Poor George, he almost had the sort routine working before the coronary." In a grocery store, the Real Programmer is the one who insists on running the cans past the laser checkout scanner himself, because he never could trust keypunch operators to get it right the first time. THE REAL PROGRAMMER'S NATURAL HABITAT What sort of environment does the Real Programmer function best in? This is an important question for the managers of Real Programmers. Considering the amount of money it costs to keep one on the staff, it's best to put him (or her) in an environment where he can get his work done. The typical Real Programmer lives in front of a computer terminal. Surrounding this terminal are: Listings of all programs the Real Programmer has ever worked on, piled in roughly chronological order on every flat surface in the office. Some half-dozen or so partly filled cups of cold coffee. Occasionally, there will be cigarette butts floating in the coffee. In some cases, the cups will contain Orange Crush. Unless he is very good, there will be copies of the OS JCL manual and the Principles of Operation open to some particularly interesting pages. Taped to the wall is a line-printer Snoopy calendar for the year 1969. Strewn about the floor are several wrappers for peanut butter filled cheese bars - the type that are made pre-stale at the bakery so they can't get any worse while waiting in the vending machine. Hiding in the top left-hand drawer of the desk is a stash of double-stuff Oreos for special occasions. Underneath the Oreos is a flowcharting template, left there by the previous occupant of the office. (Real Programmers write programs, not documentation. Leave that to the maintenance people.) The Real Programmer is capable of working 30, 40, even 50 hours at a stretch, under intense pressure. In fact, he prefers it that way. Bad response time doesn't bother the Real Programmer - it gives him a chance to catch a little sleep between compiles. If there is not enough schedule pressure on the Real Programmer, he tends to make things more challenging by working on some small but interesting part of the problem for the first nine weeks, then finishing the rest in the last week, in two or three 50-hour marathons. This not only impresses the hell out of his manager, who was despairing of ever getting the project done on time, but creates a convenient excuse for not doing the documentation. In general: No Real Programmer works 9 to 5 (unless it's the ones at night). Real Programmers don't wear neckties. Real Programmers don't wear high-heeled shoes. Real Programmers arrive at work in time for lunch [9]. A Real Programmer might or might not know his wife's name. He does, however, know the entire {ASCII} (or EBCDIC) code table. Real Programmers don't know how to cook. Grocery stores aren't open at three in the morning. Real Programmers survive on Twinkies and coffee. THE FUTURE What of the future? It is a matter of some concern to Real Programmers that the latest generation of computer programmers are not being brought up with the same outlook on life as their elders. Many of them have never seen a computer with a front panel. Hardly anyone graduating from school these days can do hex arithmetic without a calculator. College graduates these days are soft - protected from the realities of programming by source level debuggers, text editors that count parentheses, and "user friendly" operating systems. Worst of all, some of these alleged "computer scientists" manage to get degrees without ever learning Fortran! Are we destined to become an industry of Unix hackers and Pascal programmers? From my experience, I can only report that the future is bright for Real Programmers everywhere. Neither OS 370 nor Fortran show any signs of dying out, despite all the efforts of Pascal programmers the world over. Even more subtle tricks, like adding structured coding constructs to Fortran have failed. Oh sure, some computer vendors have come out with Fortran 77 compilers, but every one of them has a way of converting itself back into a Fortran 66 compiler at the drop of an option card - to compile DO loops like God meant them to be. Even Unix might not be as bad on Real Programmers as it once was. The latest release of Unix has the potential of an operating system worthy of any Real Programmer - two different and subtly incompatible user interfaces, an arcane and complicated teletype driver, virtual memory. If you ignore the fact that it's "structured", even 'C' programming can be appreciated by the Real Programmer: after all, there's no type checking, variable names are seven (ten? eight?) characters long, and the added bonus of the Pointer data type is thrown in - like having the best parts of Fortran and assembly language in one place. (Not to mention some of the more creative uses for

Reichenbach, Hans: Born Sept. 26, 1891, Hamburg, Germany. Successively Privatdozent at the College of Engineering at Stuttgart, Professor of philosophy in the universities of Berlin, Istanbul (1933-1938), University of California at Los Angeles (since 1938); the leading figure of the Berlin group in the development of recent logical empiricism. See Scientific Empiricism.

Reliability, Availability, Serviceability "systems, design, hardware, software" (RAS) Three key attributes of a computing system design. See {reliability}, {availability}, and {serviceability}. The term "RAS" is fairly common in the computing industry (particularly computers and storage) as computing becomes more fundamental. For example, a vehicle may depend on dozens of computers, and the consequences of the failure can be significant (e.g., an ambulance's engine won't start). (2000-08-13)

repatriate ::: to restore or return to the country of birth, citizenship, or origin. Also fig.

republic ::: a political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them. Also fig.

respectable ::: a. --> Worthy of respect; fitted to awaken esteem; deserving regard; hence, of good repute; not mean; as, a respectable citizen.
Moderate in degree of excellence or in number; as, a respectable performance; a respectable audience.

retene ::: n. --> A white crystalline hydrocarbon, polymeric with benzene. It is extracted from pine tar, and is also found in certain fossil resins.

rosedrop ::: n. --> A lozenge having a rose flavor.
A kind of earring.
A ruddy eruption upon the nose caused by drinking ardent spirits; a grog blossom.

sadda ::: n. --> A work in the Persian tongue, being a summary of the Zend-Avesta, or sacred books.

saic ::: n. --> A kind of ketch very common in the Levant, which has neither topgallant sail nor mizzen topsail.

santalum ::: n. --> A genus of trees with entire opposite leaves and small apetalous flowers. There are less than a dozen species, occurring from India to Australia and the Pacific Islands. See Sandalwood.

Scheler, Max (1874-1928) was originally a disciple of Rudolf Eucken, but joined early -- at the University of Munich -- the Husserl circle of phenomenologists, of which school he became one of the leading exponents. Moving from Kantianism and Eucken-personalism into phenomenology, he later espoused successively positions which may be called a synthesis between phenomenology and Catholic philosophy, sociological dynamism, and ideo-realistic humanism. He was the psychologist, ethicist, and religious and social philosopher of the phenomenological movement. In common with other phenomenologists, Scheler's doctrine begins with the assertion of an inherent correlation of the essences of objects with the essences of intentional experience. His unique contributions lie in the comprehensiveness of his vision, in his interpretation of the value-qualities of being; of emotional experience, especially love, as the key for the disclosure of being; of a hierarchy of concrete ("material" as against formal) values; of an analysis of "resentment" as a thorough grudge (rancour) perverted emotional attitude towards the values of life; of his definition of "person" as the concrete unity of acts; of his acknowledgment of total personality beyond individual persons; of his definition of "ethos" as a preferential system of values determinative for the validity of any specific thought-form; of his development of the sociology of knowledge as a distinct discipline within cultural sociology; and of his working out of a philosophical anthropology showing man's position in and towards the whole of being. His most important works include: Die transzendentale und die psychologische Methode (1900); Der Formalismus in der Ethik und die materiale Wertethik (1916); Vom Ewigen in Menschen (1921); Wesen und Formen der Sympathie (1923); Schriften zur Soziologie und Weltanschauungslehre (3 vols., 1923-1924); Die Wissensformen und dte Gesellschaft (1926); Die Stellung des Menschen in Kosmos (1928); Philosophische Weltanschauung (1929); Zur Ethik und Erkenntnislehre (1933).

seditious ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to sedition; partaking of the nature of, or tending to excite, sedition; as, seditious behavior; seditious strife; seditious words.
Disposed to arouse, or take part in, violent opposition to lawful authority; turbulent; factious; guilty of sedition; as, seditious citizens.

senates ::: assemblies or councils of citizens having the highest deliberative and legislative functions in a government.

sere ::: a. --> [OE. seer, AS. sear (assumed) fr. searian to wither; akin to D. zoor dry, LG. soor, OHG. sor/n to to wither, Gr. a"y`ein to parch, to dry, Skr. /ush (for sush) to dry, to wither, Zend hush to dry. Ã152. Cf. Austere, Sorrel, a.] Dry; withered; no longer green; -- applied to leaves.
Dry; withered. Same as Sear. ::: n.

shameless ::: a. --> Destitute of shame; wanting modesty; brazen-faced; insensible to disgrace.
Indicating want of modesty, or sensibility to disgrace; indecent; as, a shameless picture or poem.

shifter ::: n. --> One who, or that which, shifts; one who plays tricks or practices artifice; a cozener.
An assistant to the ship&

ship ::: n. --> Pay; reward.
Any large seagoing vessel.
Specifically, a vessel furnished with a bowsprit and three masts (a mainmast, a foremast, and a mizzenmast), each of which is composed of a lower mast, a topmast, and a topgallant mast, and square-rigged on all masts. See Illustation in Appendix.
A dish or utensil (originally fashioned like the hull of a ship) used to hold incense.

SimCity "games" {Maxis Software}'s simulation game which lets you design and build your own city, which must be administered well if it is to thrive. Land must be zoned, transportation systems built, and police and fire protection provided. Once you've zoned some land, and provided electrical power, the simulation takes over, and simcitizens move in. If you perform your mayoral duties poorly, however, they will move out again. If you don't provide enough police, crime will rise and sims will vote with their feet. Try to save money on fire protection, and your city may burn to the ground. There is no predefined way to win the game, building the largest city you can is just one possible strategy. SimCity runs on {Archimedes}, {Amiga}, {Atari ST}, {IBM PC} and {Macintosh}. There was also a {NeWS} version for {Sun} {SPARC} {workstations} running {OpenWindows}. {SimCity 2000} is an upgrade of SimCity. (1995-06-11)

SLIP 1. {Serial Line Internet Protocol}. 2. Symmetric LIst Processsor. Early 1960's list processing subroutine package for {Fortran} by J. Weizenbaum. Later also embedded in {MAD} and {ALGOL}. ["Symmetric List Processor", J. Weizenbaum CACM 6:524-544(1963). Sammet 1969, p.387].

Socrates: (c. 470-399 B.C.) Was one of the most influential teachers of philosophy. The son of an Athenian stone cutter, named Sophroniscus, and of a mid-wife, Socrates learned his father's trade, but, in a sense, practised his mother's. Plato makes him describe himself as one who assists at the birth of ideas. With the exception of two periods of military service, he remained in Athens all his life. He claimed to be guided by a daimon which warned him against what was wrong, and Plato suggests that Socrates enjoyed mystic experiences. Much of his tirne was spent in high-minded philosophic discussion with those he chanced to meet in the public places of Athens. The young men enjoyed his easy methods of discussion and delighted in his frequent quizzing of the Sophists. He was eventually charged in the Athenian citizen court with being irreligious and corrupting the young. Found guilty, he submitted to the court and drank the poison which ended the life of one of the greatest of Athenians. He wrote nothing and is known through three widely divergent contemporary accounts. Aristophanes has caricatured him in the Clouds, Xenophon has described him, with personal respect but little understanding of his philosophical profundity; Plato's dialogues idealize him and probably develop the Socratic philosophy far beyond the original thought of his master. Socrates personifies the Athenian love of reason and of moderation; he probably taught that virtue is knowledge and that knowledge is only true when it reaches the stage of definition. See Socratic method. -- V.J.B.

spitzenburgh ::: n. --> A kind of red and yellow apple, of medium size and spicy flavor. It originated at Newtown, on Long Island.

squads ::: mil. The smallest military formations, typically comprising a dozen soldiers, used esp. as a drill formation.

Stanford Artificial Intelligence Language "language" (SAIL) Dan Swinehart & Bob Sproull, Stanford AI Project, 1970. A large ALGOL 60-like language for the DEC-10 and DEC-20. Its main feature is a symbolic data system based upon an associative store (originally called LEAP). Items may be stored as unordered sets or as associations (triples). Processes, events and interrupts, contexts, backtracking and record garbage collection. Block- structured macros. "Recent Developments in SAIL - An ALGOL-based Language for Artificial Intelligence", J. Feldman et al, Proc FJCC 41(2), AFIPS (Fall 1972). (See MAINSAIL). The Stanford Artificial Intelligence Language used at {SAIL} (the place). It was an ALGOL 60 derivative with a coroutining facility and some new data types intended for building search trees and association lists. A number of interesting software systems were coded in SAIL, including early versions of {FTP} and {TeX} and a document formatting system called {PUB}. In 1978, there were half a dozen different operating systems for the PDP-10: WAITS (Stanford), ITS (MIT), TOPS-10 (DEC), CMU TOPS-10 (CMU), TENEX (BBN), and TOPS-20 (DEC, after TENEX). SAIL was ported from {WAITS} to {ITS} so that {MIT} researchers could make use of software developed at {Stanford University}. Every port usually required the rewriting of I/O code in each application. [{Jargon File}] (2001-06-22)

stoic ::: adj. 1. Of or pertaining to the school of philosophy founded by Zeno, who taught that people should be free from passion, unmoved by joy or grief, and submit without complaint to unavoidable necessity. n. 2. A member or adherent of the Stoic school of philosophy. Stoic"s.

stoic ::: n. --> A disciple of the philosopher Zeno; one of a Greek sect which held that men should be free from passion, unmoved by joy or grief, and should submit without complaint to unavoidable necessity, by which all things are governed.
Hence, a person not easily excited; an apathetic person; one who is apparently or professedly indifferent to pleasure or pain.
Alt. of Stoical

Stoic School: Founded by Zeno (of Citium, in Cyprus) in the year 308 B.C. in Athens. For Stoicism virtue alone is the only good and the virtuous man is the one who has attained happiness through knowledge, as Socrites had taught. The virtuous man thus finds happiness in himself and is independent of the external world which he has succeeded in overcoming by mastering himself, his passions and emotions. As for the Stoic conception of the universe as a whole, their doctrine is pantheistic. All things and all natural laws follow by a conscious determination from the basic World Reason, and it is this rational order by which, according to Stoicism, the wise man seeks to regulate his life as his highest duty. -- M.F.

summit ::: 1. The highest point or part, as of a hill, a line of travel, or any object; top; apex. 2. The highest state or degree; acme; zenith. 3. The highest point of attainment or aspiration. summits, summit-glories, crypt-summit, seer-summit. (Sri Aurobindo also employs the word as an adj.)

tetrol ::: n. --> A hypothetical hydrocarbon, C4H4, analogous to benzene; -- so called from the four carbon atoms in the molecule.

TeX "publication" /tekh/ An extremely powerful {macro}-based text formatter written by {Donald Knuth}, very popular in academia, especially in the computer-science community (it is good enough to have displaced {Unix} {troff}, the other favoured formatter, even at many {Unix} installations). The first version of TeX was written in the programming language {SAIL}, to run on a {PDP-10} under Stanford's {WAITS} {operating system}. Knuth began TeX because he had become annoyed at the declining quality of the typesetting in volumes I-III of his monumental "Art of Computer Programming" (see {Knuth}, also {bible}). In a manifestation of the typical hackish urge to solve the problem at hand once and for all, he began to design his own typesetting language. He thought he would finish it on his sabbatical in 1978; he was wrong by only about 8 years. The language was finally frozen around 1985, but volume IV of "The Art of Computer Programming" has yet to appear as of mid-1997. (However, the third edition of volumes I and II have come out). The impact and influence of TeX's design has been such that nobody minds this very much. Many grand hackish projects have started as a bit of {toolsmithing} on the way to something else; Knuth's diversion was simply on a grander scale than most. {Guy Steele} happened to be at Stanford during the summer of 1978, when Knuth was developing his first version of TeX. When he returned to {MIT} that fall, he rewrote TeX's {I/O} to run under {ITS}. TeX has also been a noteworthy example of free, shared, but high-quality software. Knuth offers monetary awards to people who find and report a bug in it: for each bug the award is doubled. (This has not made Knuth poor, however, as there have been very few bugs and in any case a cheque proving that the owner found a bug in TeX is rarely cashed). Though well-written, TeX is so large (and so full of cutting edge technique) that it is said to have unearthed at least one bug in every {Pascal} system it has been compiled with. TeX fans insist on the correct (guttural) pronunciation, and the correct spelling (all caps, squished together, with the E depressed below the baseline; the mixed-case "TeX" is considered an acceptable {kluge} on {ASCII}-only devices). Fans like to proliferate names from the word "TeX" - such as TeXnician (TeX user), TeXhacker (TeX programmer), TeXmaster (competent TeX programmer), TeXhax, and TeXnique. Several document processing systems are based on TeX, notably {LaTeX} Lamport TeX - incorporates document styles for books, letters, slides, etc., {jadeTeX} uses TeX as a backend for printing from {James' DSSSL Engine}, and {Texinfo}, the {GNU} document processing system. Numerous extensions to TeX exist, among them {BibTeX} for bibliographies (distributed with LaTeX), {PDFTeX} modifies TeX to produce {PDF} and {Omega} extends TeX to use the {Unicode} character set. For some reason, TeX uses its own variant of the {point}, the {TeX point}. See also {Comprehensive TeX Archive Network}. {(}. E-mail: "" (TeX User's group, Oregon, USA). (2002-03-11)

thaw ::: v. i. --> To melt, dissolve, or become fluid; to soften; -- said of that which is frozen; as, the ice thaws.
To become so warm as to melt ice and snow; -- said in reference to the weather, and used impersonally.
Fig.: To grow gentle or genial. ::: v. t.

thawy ::: a. --> Liquefying by heat after having been frozen; thawing; melting.

  The highest point or part, as of a hill, a line of travel, or any object; top; apex. 2. The highest state or degree; acme; zenith. 3. The highest point of attainment or aspiration. summits, summit-glories, crypt-summit, seer-summit. (Sri Aurobindo also employs the word as an adj.)

The most notable of these more powerful but rarer phenomena are those which attend the power of exterioration of our cons- ciousness for various lands of action otherwise and elsewhere than in the physical body, communication in the psychical body or some emanation or reproduction of it, oftenest, though by no means necessarily, during sleep or trance and the setting up of relations or communtcatioo by various means rvith the denizens of another plane of existence.

The most strange development was Ch'an (Meditation, Zen, c. 500). It is basically a method of "direct intuition into the heart to find Buddha-nature," a method based, on the one hand, on the eightfold negation of production and extinction, annihilation and permanence, unity and diversity, and coming and departing, and, on the other hand, on the affirmation of the reality of the Buddha-nature in all things. Its sole reliance on meditation was most un-Chinese, but it imposed on the Chinese mind a severe mental and spiritual discipline which was invigorating as well as fascinating. For this reason, it exerted tremendous influence not only on Taoism which had much in common with it and imitated it in every way, but also on Neo-Confucianism, which stood in diametrical opposition to it.

The Platonic philosophy of art and aesthetics stresses, as might be expected, the value of the reasonable imitation of Ideal realities rather than the photographic imitation of sense things and individual experiences. All beautiful things participate in the Idea of beauty (Symposium and Phaedrus). The artist is frequently described as a man carried away by his inspiration, akin to the fool; yet art requires reason and the artist must learn to contemplate the world of Ideas. Fine art is not radically distinguished from useful art. In both the Republic and the Laws, art is subordinated to the good of the state, and those forms of art which are effeminate, asocial, inimical to the morale of the citizens, are sternly excluded from the ideal state.

The study of society, societal relations. Originally called Social Physics, meaning that the methods of the natural sciences were to be applied to the study of society. Whereas the pattern originally was physics and the first sociologists thought that it was possible to find laws of nature in the social realm (Quetelet, Comte, Buckle), others turned to biological considerations. The "organic" conception of society (Lilienfeld, Schaeffle) treated society as a complex organism, the evolutionists, Gumplowicz, Ratzenhofer, considered the struggle between different ethnic groups the basic factor in the evolution of social structures and institutions. Other sociologists accepted a psychological conception of society; to them psychological phenomena (imitation, according to Gabriel Tarde, consciousness of kind, according to F. H. Giddings) were the basic elements in social interrelations (see also W. McDougall, Alsworth Ross, etc.). These relations themselves were made the main object of sociological studies by G. Simmel, L. Wiese, Howard Becker. A kind of sociological realism was fostered by the French sociologist, Emile Durkheim, and his school. They considered society a reality, the group-mind an actual fact, the social phenomena "choses sociales". The new "sociology of knowledge", inaugurated by these French sociologists, has been further developed by M. Scheler, K. Mannheim and W. Jerusalem. Recently other branches of social research have separated somewhat from sociology proper: Anthropogeography, dealing with the influences of the physical environment upon society, demography, social psychology, etc. Problems of the methodology of the social sciences have also become an important topic of recent studies. -- W.E.

thionaphthene ::: n. --> A double benzene and thiophene nucleus, C8H6S, analogous to naphthalene, and like it the base of a large series of derivatives.

thiophene ::: n. --> A sulphur hydrocarbon, C4H4S, analogous to furfuran and benzene, and acting as the base of a large number of substances which closely resemble the corresponding aromatic derivatives.

thioxene ::: n. --> Any one of three possible metameric substances, which are dimethyl derivatives of thiophene, like the xylenes from benzene.

This opposition of natural sciences (Naturwissenschaften) and cultural or socio-historical sciences (Geistestvtssenschaften) is characteristic of idealistic philosophies of history, especially of the modern German variety. See Max Weber, Gesamm. Aufrätze z. Sozio u. Sozialpolitik, 1922; W. Windelband, Geschichte u. Naturwissenschaft, 1894; H. Rickert, Die Grenzen d. Naturwiss. Begriffsbildung, eine logische Einleitung i. d. histor. Wissenschaften, 1899; Dilthey (q.v.); E. Troeltsch, Der Histortsmus u. s. Probleme, 1922; E. Spranger, Die Grundlagen d. Geschichteswissensch., 1905.

thrave ::: n. --> Twenty-four (in some places, twelve) sheaves of wheat; a shock, or stook.
The number of two dozen; also, an indefinite number; a bunch; a company; a throng.

threap ::: v. t. --> To call; to name.
To maintain obstinately against denial or contradiction; also, to contend or argue against (another) with obstinacy; to chide; as, he threaped me down that it was so.
To beat, or thrash.
To cozen, or cheat. ::: v. i.

thunk "programming" /thuhnk/ 1. "A piece of coding which provides an address", according to P. Z. Ingerman, who invented thunks in 1961 as a way of binding {actual parameters} to their formal definitions in {ALGOL 60} {procedure} calls. If a procedure is called with an expression in the place of a {formal parameter}, the compiler generates a thunk which computes the expression and leaves the address of the result in some standard location. 2. The term was later generalised to mean an expression, frozen together with its {environment} (variable values), for later evaluation if and when needed (similar to a "{closure}"). The process of unfreezing these thunks is called "forcing". 3. A {stubroutine}, in an {overlay} programming environment, that loads and jumps to the correct overlay. Compare {trampoline}. There are a couple of onomatopoeic myths circulating about the origin of this term. The most common is that it is the sound made by data hitting the {stack}; another holds that the sound is that of the data hitting an {accumulator}. Yet another suggests that it is the sound of the expression being unfrozen at argument-evaluation time. In fact, according to the inventors, it was coined after they realised (in the wee hours after hours of discussion) that the type of an argument in {ALGOL 60} could be figured out in advance with a little {compile-time} thought, simplifying the evaluation machinery. In other words, it had "already been thought of"; thus it was christened a "thunk", which is "the past tense of "think" at two in the morning". 4. ({Microsoft Windows} programming) {universal thunk}, {generic thunk}, {flat thunk}. [{Jargon File}] (1997-10-11)

TMRCie /tmerk'ee/, (MIT) A denizen of {TMRC}.

TMS 9900 "processor" One of the first true 16-bit {microprocessors}, released by {Texas Instruments} in June 1976 (the first are probably {National Semiconductor} {IMP-16} or {AMD-2901} {bit slice processors} in 16-bit configuration). It was designed as a single chip version of the {TI 990} {minicomputer} series, much like the {Intersil 6100} was a single chip {PDP-8}, and the {Fairchild 9440} and {Data General mN601} were both one chip versions of {Data General}'s {Nova}. Unlike the IMS 6100, however, the TMS 9900 had a mature, well thought out design. It had a 15-bit {address space} and two internal 16 bit {registers}. One unique feature was that all user {registers} were actually kept in memory - this included {stack pointers} and the {program counter}. A single workspace {register} pointed to the 16 {register set} in {RAM}, so when a subroutine was entered or an {interrupt} was processed, only the single workspace register had to be changed - unlike some {CPUs} which required dozens or more register saves before acknowledging a {context switch}. This was feasible at the time because {RAM} was often faster than the {CPUs}. A few modern designs, such as the {INMOS} {transputer}, use this same design using {caches} or {rotating buffers}, for the same reason of faster {context switch}es. Other chips of the time, such as the {650x} series had a similar philosophy, using {index registers}, but the TMS 9900 went the farthest in this direction. That wasn't the only positive feature of the chip. It had good {interrupt} handling features and very good instruction set. Serial I/O was available through address lines. In typical comparisons with the {Intel 8086}, the TMS9900 had smaller and faster programs. The only disadvantage was the small {address space} and need for fast {RAM}. Despite very poor support from Texas Instruments, the TMS 9900 had the potential at one point to surpass the {Intel 8086} in popularity. (1994-11-30)

toluene ::: n. --> A hydrocarbon, C6H5.CH3, of the aromatic series, homologous with benzene, and obtained as a light mobile colorless liquid, by distilling tolu balsam, coal tar, etc.; -- called also methyl benzene, phenyl methane, etc.

Transcendental: (Ger. transzendental) In Kant's Philosophy: Adjective applied to the condition of experience or anything relating thereto. Thus transcendental knowledge is possible while transcendent knowledge is not. In the Dialectic, however, the term transcendental is often used where one would expect transcendent. -- A.C.E.

Transcendental Illusion: (Kant Ger. transzendentaler Schein) An illusion resulting from the tendency of the mmd to accept the a priori forms of reason, valid only in experience, as constituting the nature of ultimate reality. Thus we are led, according to Kant, to think Ideas, such as God, World, and Soul, though we cannot know them. See Kantianism. -- O.F.K.

Transcendental method: (In Kant) The analysis of the conditions (a priori forms of intuition, categories of the understanding, ideals of reason) that make possible human experience and knowledge. See Kantianism. Transcendental Object: (Kant, Ger. transzendentale Objekt) The pure rational 'x' which Kant defines as the general form of object or the object as such. It is not a particular concrete object, but the ideal objective correlate of pure consciousness as such. It is the object which the mind seeks to know in each empirical cognition. See Kantianism. -- O.F.K.

trierarch ::: n. --> The commander of a trireme.
At Athens, one who (singly, or jointly with other citizens) had to fit out a trireme for the public service.

troche ::: n. --> A medicinal tablet or lozenge; strictly, one of circular form.

trochiscus ::: n. --> A kind of tablet or lozenge; a troche.

truly ::: adv. --> In a true manner; according to truth; in agreement with fact; as, to state things truly; the facts are truly represented.
Exactly; justly; precisely; accurately; as, to estimate truly the weight of evidence.
Sincerely; honestly; really; faithfully; as, to be truly attached to a lover; the citizens are truly loyal to their prince or their country.
Conformably to law; legally; legitimately.

twelve ::: a. --> One more that eleven; two and ten; twice six; a dozen. ::: n. --> The number next following eleven; the sum of ten and two, or of twice six; twelve units or objects; a dozen.
A symbol representing twelve units, as 12, or xii.

vertex ::: n. --> A turning point; the principal or highest point; top; summit; crown; apex.
The top, or crown, of the head.
The zenith, or the point of the heavens directly overhead.
The point in any figure opposite to, and farthest from, the base; the terminating point of some particular line or lines in a figure or a curve; the top, or the point opposite the base.

vertical ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to the vertex; situated at the vertex, or highest point; directly overhead, or in the zenith; perpendicularly above one.
Perpendicular to the plane of the horizon; upright; plumb; as, a vertical line. ::: n.

vesuvine ::: n. --> A trade name for a brown dyestuff obtained from certain basic azo compounds of benzene; -- called also Bismarck brown, Manchester brown, etc.

Vint Cerf "person" (Vinton G. Cerf) The co-inventor with {Bob Kahn} of the {Internet} and its base {protocol}, {TCP/IP}. Like {Jon Postel}, he was crucial in the development of many higher-level protocols, and has written several dozen {RFCs} since the late 1960s. Vinton Cerf is senior vice president of Internet Architecture and Technology for {MCI WorldCom}. His team of architects and engineers design advanced Internet frameworks for delivering a combination of data, information, voice and video services for business and consumer use. In December 1997, President Clinton presented the U.S. National Medal of Technology to Cerf and his partner, Robert E. Kahn, for founding and developing the Internet. Prior to rejoining MCI in 1994, Cerf was vice president of the Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI). As vice president of MCI Digital Information Services from 1982-1986, he led the engineering of {MCI Mail}, the first commercial e-mail service to be connected to the Internet. During his tenure from 1976-1982 with the U.S. Department of {Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency} (DARPA), Cerf played a key role leading the development of Internet and Internet-related data packet and security technologies. Cerf served as founding president of the {Internet Society} from 1992-1995 and is currently chairman of the Board. Cerf is a member of the U.S. Presidential Information Technology Advisory Committee (PITAC) and the Advisory Committee for Telecommunications (ACT) in Ireland. Cerf is a recipient of numerous awards and commendations in connection with his work on the Internet. In December 1994, People magazine identified Cerf as one of that year's "25 Most Intriguing People." In addition to his work on behalf of MCI and the Internet, Cerf serves as technical advisor to production for "Gene Roddenberry's Earth: Final Conflict," the number one television show in first-run syndication. He also made a special guest appearance in May 1998. Cerf also holds an appointment as distinguished visiting scientist at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory where he is working on the design of an interplanetary Internet. Cerf holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics from Stanford University and Master of Science and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from UCLA. He also holds honorary Doctorate degrees from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich; Lulea University of Technology, Sweden; University of the Balearic Islands, Palma; Capitol College and Gettysburg College. {(}. (1999-02-25)

vishnu ::: 1. (In later Hinduism) "The Preserver.” The second member of the Trimurti, along with Brahma the Creator and Shiva the Destroyer. 2. (In popular Hinduism) a deity believed to have descended from heaven to earth in several incarnations, or avatars, varying in number from nine to twenty-two, but always including animals. His most important human incarnation is the Krishna of the Bhagavad-Gita. 3. "The Pervader,” one of a half-dozen solar deities in the Rig-Veda, daily traversing the sky in three strides, morning, afternoon, and night.

WAITS /wayts/ The mutant cousin of {TOPS-10} used on a handful of systems at {SAIL} up to 1990. There was never an "official" expansion of WAITS (the name itself having been arrived at by a rather sideways process), but it was frequently glossed as "West-coast Alternative to ITS". Though WAITS was less visible than ITS, there was frequent exchange of people and ideas between the two communities, and innovations pioneered at WAITS exerted enormous indirect influence. The early screen modes of {Emacs}, for example, were directly inspired by WAITS's "E" editor - one of a family of editors that were the first to do "real-time editing", in which the editing commands were invisible and where one typed text at the point of insertion/overwriting. The modern style of multi-region windowing is said to have originated there, and WAITS alumni at XEROX PARC and elsewhere played major roles in the developments that led to the XEROX Star, the Macintosh, and the Sun workstations. {Bucky bits} were also invented there thus, the ALT key on every IBM PC is a WAITS legacy. One notable WAITS feature seldom duplicated elsewhere was a news-wire interface that allowed WAITS hackers to read, store, and filter AP and UPI dispatches from their terminals; the system also featured a still-unusual level of support for what is now called "multimedia" computing, allowing analog audio and video signals to be switched to programming terminals. Ken Shoemake adds: Some administrative body told us we needed a name for the operating system, and that "SAIL" wouldn't do. (Up to that point I don't think it had an official name.) So the anarchic denizens of the lab proposed names and voted on them. Although I worked on the OS used by CCRMA folks (a parasitic subgroup), I was not writing WAITS code. Those who were, proposed "SAINTS", for (I think) Stanford AI New Time-sharing System. Thinking of ITS, and AI, and the result of many people using one machine, I proposed the name WAITS. Since I invented it, I can tell you without fear of contradiction that it had no official meaning. Nevertheless, the lab voted that as their favorite; upon which the disgruntled system programmers declared it the "Worst Acronym Invented for a Time-sharing System"! But it was in keeping with the creative approach to acronyms extant at the time, including self-referential ones. For me it was fun, if a little unsettling, to have an "acronym" that wasn't. I have no idea what the voters thought. :) [{Jargon File}] (2003-11-17)

wardroom ::: n. --> A room occupied as a messroom by the commissioned officers of a war vessel. See Gunroom.
A room used by the citizens of a city ward, for meetings, political caucuses, elections, etc.

water ice ::: --> Water flavored, sweetened, and frozen, to be eaten as a confection.

weazen ::: a. --> Thin; sharp; withered; wizened; as, a weazen face.

weazeny ::: a. --> Somewhat weazen; shriveled.

wizened ::: a. --> Dried; shriveled; withered; shrunken; weazen; as, a wizened old man.

wizen-faced ::: a. --> Having a shriveled, thin, withered face.

wizen ::: v. i. --> To wither; to dry. ::: a. --> Wizened; thin; weazen; withered. ::: n.

Works: Versuch einer Transzendentalphilosophie, 1790-92; Versuch einer neuen Logik oder Theorie des Denkens, 1794.

xylene ::: n. --> Any of a group of three metameric hydrocarbons of the aromatic series, found in coal and wood tar, and so named because found in crude wood spirit. They are colorless, oily, inflammable liquids, C6H4.(CH3)2, being dimethyl benzenes, and are called respectively orthoxylene, metaxylene, and paraxylene. Called also xylol.

yankee ::: n. --> A nickname for a native or citizen of New England, especially one descended from old New England stock; by extension, an inhabitant of the Northern States as distinguished from a Southerner; also, applied sometimes by foreigners to any inhabitant of the United States. ::: a.

zenana ::: n. --> The part of a dwelling appropriated to women.

zend-avesta ::: n. --> The sacred writings of the ancient Persian religion, attributed to Zoroaster, but chiefly of a later date.

zendik ::: n. --> An atheist or unbeliever; -- name given in the East to those charged with disbelief of any revealed religion, or accused of magical heresies.

zend ::: n. --> Properly, the translation and exposition in the Huzv/resh, or literary Pehlevi, language, of the Avesta, the Zoroastrian sacred writings; as commonly used, the language (an ancient Persian dialect) in which the Avesta is written.

zenick ::: n. --> A South African burrowing mammal (Suricata tetradactyla), allied to the civets. It is grayish brown, with yellowish transverse stripes on the back. Called also suricat.

zenik ::: n. --> See Zenick.

zenithal ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to the zenith.

zenith ::: n. --> That point in the visible celestial hemisphere which is vertical to the spectator; the point of the heavens directly overhead; -- opposed to nadir.
hence, figuratively, the point of culmination; the greatest height; the height of success or prosperity.

zen "jargon" To figure out something by meditation or by a sudden flash of enlightenment. Originally applied to {bugs}, but occasionally applied to problems of life in general. "How'd you figure out the buffer allocation problem?" "Oh, I zenned it." Contrast {grok}, which connotes a time-extended version of zenning a system. Compare {hack mode}. See also {guru}. (1996-09-17)

ZENO U Rochester 1978. Euclid with asynchronous message-passing. "Preliminary ZENO Language Description", J.E. Ball et al, SIGPLAN Notices 14(9):17-34 (Sep 1979).

QUOTES [80 / 80 - 1328 / 1328]

KEYS (10k)

   32 Dogen Zenji
   11 Zen Proverb
   5 Zen proverb
   4 Dōgen Zenji
   3 Shunryu Suzuki
   2 Kodo Sawaki
   2 D.T. Suzuki
   1 Zen Saying
   1 Zen Master So Sahn
   1 Zen Koan
   1 Zenkei Shibayama 1894-1974
   1 Zendavesta
   1 Tōyō Eichō
   1 Socrates
   1 Ray Bradbury
   1 Osho
   1 Koun Yamada
   1 Karen Maezen Miller
   1 John Bradshaw
   1 Gregory of Nazianzen
   1 Gene Clark
   1 Frederick Lenz
   1 Frank Zappa
   1 Eckhart Tolle
   1 Dogen Zenji?
   1 Dogen Zenji
   1 Benjamin Franklin
   1 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


  106 Jonathan Franzen
   86 Arnold Schwarzenegger
   60 John Katzenbach
   47 Zen proverb
   40 Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
   30 Jentezen Franklin
   28 Dogen Zenji
   28 Anonymous
   21 Jeff Zentner
   18 Mehmet Murat ildan
   13 Zen Proverb
   11 Zen Cho
   10 Frederick Lenz
   9 Thomas Jefferson
   9 Shinzen Young
   9 Karen Maezen Miller
   8 David Zinczenko
   8 Albert Szent Gyorgyi
   7 Tara Janzen
   7 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

1:Let go, or be dragged. ~ Zen proverb,
2:Let go, or be dragged." ~ Zen proverb,
3:In Zen we have no gurus." ~ Frederick Lenz,
4:Zen has no business with ideas." ~ D.T. Suzuki,
5:Zen is an effort to become alert and awake." ~ Osho,
6:Water which is too pure, has no fish.
   ~ Zen Proverb,
7:Zen is nothing to get excited about." ~ Shunryu Suzuki,
8:What was never lost, can never be found.
   ~ Zen Proverb,
9:A true Zen saying: "Nothing is what I want." ~ Frank Zappa,
10:No snowflake ever falls in the wrong place.
   ~ Zen Proverb,
11:Zen practice is to open up our small mind." ~ Shunryu Suzuki,
12:Better to see the face than to hear the name.
   ~ Zen Proverb,
13:Every perception is an opportunity for satori." ~ Zen proverb,
14:We teach ourselves; Zen merely points the way." ~ D.T. Suzuki,
15:When you can do nothing,
what can you do? ~ Zen proverb,
16:A zen master's life is one continuous mistake." ~ Dōgen Zenji,
17:Nothing is exactly as it seems nor is it otherwise.
   ~ Zen Proverb,
18:When you reach the top of the mountain, keep climbing.
   ~ Zen Koan,
19:Since it is all too clear, it takes time to grasp it.
   ~ Zen Proverb,
20:Sometimes, simply by sitting, the soul collects wisdom. ~ Zen Proverb,
21:Better to sit all night than to go to bed with a dragon.
   ~ Zen Proverb,
22:I have lived with several Zen masters-all of them cats." ~ Eckhart Tolle,
23:Touch the hole in your life, and there flowers will bloom. ~ Zen Proverb,
24:Zen is not an art; it's not a religion. It's a realization." ~ Gene Clark,
25:A Zen master's life is one continuous mistake." ~ Dogen Zenji,
26:Today is the eighth day of the month, tomorrow is the thirteenth.
   ~ Zen Proverb,
27:A zen master's life is one continuous mistake.
   ~ Dogen Zenji,
28:If Truth isn't right where you are, where else do you expect to find it?" ~ Zen Saying,
29:I am very discouraged. What should I do? Master says, 'encourage others.'
   ~ Zen Proverb,
30:The practice of Zen is forgetting the self in the act of uniting with something." ~ Koun Yamada,
31:Children are natural Zen masters; their world is brand new in each and every moment." ~ John Bradshaw,
32:Zen is not some kind of excitement, but concentration on our usual everyday routine." ~ Shunryu Suzuki,
33:When you are deluded and full of doubt, even a thousand books of scripture are not enough ~ Zen proverb,
34:You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you. ~ Ray Bradbury, Zen in the Art of Writing,
35:If you know that the arising thought is itself unreal delusion, you are already free. ~ Zen Master So Sahn,
36:Zen teaches nothing; it merely enables us to wake up and become aware. It does not teach, it points." ~ D.T. Suzuki,
37:If you understand, things are just as they are. If you do not understand, things are just as they are. ~ Zen Proverb,
38:When an ordinary man attains knowledge he is a sage; when a sage attains understanding, he is an ordinary man." ~ Zen Proverb,
39:Stop and look around you. Allow yourself to reorient so that you are no longer pulled along by the stream of events. ~ Zen Master,
40:When you look forward into time, it seems like forever. When you look back, it appears time has passed in a flash.
   ~ Zen Proverb,
41:Zen in its essence is the art of seeing into the nature of one's being, and it points the way from bondage to freedom." ~ D.T. Suzuki,
42:Zen teaches that if we can open up to the inevitability of our demise, we can begin to transform and lighten up about it." ~ Allen Klein,
43:The true purpose [of Zen] is to see things as they are, to observe things as they are, and to let everything go as it goes." ~ Shunryu Suzuki,
44:The place to improve the world is first in one's own heart, and head, and hands." ~ Robert M. Pirsig (Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance),
45:The only Zen you can find on the tops of mountains is the Zen you bring up there." ~ Robert M. Pirsig (Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance),
46:The way of Zen is to become independent and strong. Don't rely on others for perceptions of life and truth. Do it individually." ~ Frederick Lenz,
47:If you want to travel the Way of Buddhas and Zen masters, then expect nothing, seek nothing, and grasp nothing." ~ Dogen Zenji,
48:Mind is the great illusionist; the body is the City of Great Illusion; and names are its garments." ~ Hu Hai, (720-814) Chinese Zen master, Wikipedia.,
49:Zen does not confuse spirituality with thinking about God while one is peeling potatoes. Zen spirituality is just to peel the potatoes." ~ Alan W. Watts,
50:Not thinking about anything is Zen. Once you know this, walking, sitting, or lying down, everything you do is Zen. ~ Bodhidharma,
51:slapping at the flies
slapping at the mosquitoes
slapping at myself ~ Santoka Taneda, Mountain Tasting: Zen Haiku, 351,
52:When you are deluded and full of doubt, even a thousand books of scripture are not enough. When you have realized understanding, even one word is too much." ~ Zen saying.,
53:To believe that you can end decades of tyranny of the ego by reading lots of books is like believing that you can satisfy your appetite by reading lots of menus. ~ Zen Fi ,
54:Zen questioning is a very gentle questioning. It is the kind of questioning that the Colorado River asks the Grand Canyon over centuries and centuries. ~ Taigen Dan Leighton,
55:The mind of the beginner is empty, free of the habits of the expert, ready to accept, to doubt, and open to all the possibilities." ~ Shunryu Suzuki (Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind),
56:Zen is not a religion. There is no room for a cult. There is no dependence on a teacher. There is only learning how to use your own mind and making it strong." ~ Frederick Lenz,
57:animal, or human being. Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine, We vow to not abuse the great truth of the Three Treasures." ~ Stephanie Kaza, Professor, practicing Soto Zen Buddhist, Wik.,
58:If you think your body and mind are two, that is wrong; if you think that they are one, that is also wrong. Our body and mind are both two and one. ~ Shunryu Suzuki, Zen Mind Beginners Mind,
59:A luminous moon the wind in the pine a long evening a transcendent view; But what is the meaning of this? What is the meaning of life? ~ John Kerecz. How to start a stress-releasing zen journey,
60:The three elements of creativity are thus: loving, knowing, and doing - or heart, mind, and hands - or, as Zen Buddhist teaching has it; great faith, great question, and great courage." ~ Eric Maisel,
61:The mind is a clear and polished mirror and our continual duty is to keep it pure and never allow dust to gather upon its face. ~ Saving of the School of Zen, the Eternal Wisdom
62:You look at where you're going and where you are and it never makes sense, but then you look back at where you've been and a pattern seems to emerge." ~ Robert M. Pirsig (Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance),
63:The whole effort of Jesus or a Buddha or a Bodhidharma is nothing but how to undo that which society has done to you." ~ Osho, (1931 - 1990), Indian godman, Wikipedia. Quote from "ZEN the Path of Paradox,", (2001).,
64:If you are really desirous of mastering Zen, it is necessary for you to give up you life and plunge right into the pit of death." ~ Yekiwo, Zen master. Quote from "Zen and Japanese Culture" by Daisetz T. Suzuki, 1959,
65:Zen is all inclusive. It never denies, it never says no to anything. It accepts everything and transforms it into a higher reality." ~ Osho, (1931 - 1990), Indian godman, Wikipedia. Quote from "Zen the Path of Paradox,", (2001).,
66:Zen is a liberation from time. For if we open our eyes and see clearly, it becomes obvious that there is no other time than this instant, and that the past and the future are abstractions without any concrete reality." ~ Alan Watts,
67:Zen is a path of liberation. It liberates you. It is freedom from the first step to the last. You are not required to follow any rules; you are required to find out your own rules and your own life in the light of awareness." ~ Osho,
68:Why do you so earnestly seek the truth in distant places? Look for delusions and truth in the bottom of your own hearts." ~ Taigu Ryokan, (1758-1831) eccentric Sōtō Zen Buddhist monk, remembered for his poetry and calligraphy, Wikipedia.,
69:Sleeping, eating, working, meditating. Believing yourself to be an ego means you think you are doing all these things. Then you start to think you should be doing other things to be in a better position. Trapped in a lifelong poisonous loop. ~ Zen Fi ,
70:Real enlightenment is always with you, so there is no need for you to stick to it or even think about it. Because it is always with you, difficulty itself is enlightenment. Your busy life itself is enlightened activity. ." ~ Shunryu Suzuki, (1904-1971), Zen master, Wikipedia.,
71:If you would spend all your time - walking, standing, sitting or lying down - learning to halt the concept-forming activities of your own mind, you could be sure of ultimately attaining your goal." ~ Huang Po, (d. 850), an influential Chinese master of Zen Buddhism, Wikipedia.,
72:As long as you are clinging to the idea of self and trying to improve your practice or find something out, trying to create an improved, better self, then your practice has gone astray." ~ Shunryu Suzuki, (1904-1971), Japanesse Zen master. Came to the U.S. in 1954. See Wikipedia.,
73:The Buddha, the Godhead, resides quite as comfortably in the circuits of a digital computer or the gears of a cycle transmission as he does at the top of the mountain, or in the petals of a flower. To think otherwise is to demean the Buddha - which is to demean oneself. ~ Robert M. Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry Into Values,
74:But when you're in front of an audience and you make them laugh at a new idea, you're guiding the whole being for the moment. No one is ever more him/herself than when they really laugh. Their defenses are down. It's very Zen-like, that moment. They are completely open, completely themselves when that message hits the brain and the laugh begins. That's when new ideas can be implanted. If a new idea slips in at that moment, it has a chance to grow. ~ George Carlin,
75:Don't confuse having no violence in your heart with having no violence in the real world, if required. Your duty may or may not include violence, but let us not forget that there are indeed occasions where violence ends violence or, I should say, reflecting the messiness and microscopically incremental nature of Eros: there are occasions where violence replaces a grosser violence with a subtler violence, a lesser devil on the way to a vaguely greater good. The Zen-inspired code of the Samurai warrior is still as good a guide as any: the best fight is not to fight; the real sword is no sword-but if you think that means a Samurai warrior never used his sword, you are tad naive, I fear. ~ Ken Wilber?,
76:You should not be tilted sideways, backwards, or forwards. You should be sitting straight up as if you were supporting the sky with your head. This is not just form or breathing. It expresses the key point of Buddhism. It is a perfect expression of your Buddha nature. If you want true understanding of Buddhism, you should practice this way.

   These forms are not a means of obtaining the right state of mind. To take this posture itself is the purpose of our practice. When you have this posture, you have the right state of mind, so there is no need to try to attain some special state.

   When you try to attain something, your mind starts to wander about somewhere else. When you do not try to attain anything, you have your own body and mind right here. A Zen master would say, "Kill the Buddha!" Kill the Buddha if the Buddha exists somewhere else. Kill the Buddha, because you should resume your own Buddha nature. Doing something is expressing our own nature. We do not exist for the sake of something else. We exist for the sake of ourselves. This is the fundamental teaching expressed in the forms we observe. ~ Shunryu Suzuki, Zen Mind Beginners Mind,
77:Recommended Reading
David Foster Wallace - Infinite Jest
DH Lawrence - The Rainbow
Gabriel Garcia Marquez - Love in the Time of Cholera
Karl Ove Knausgaard - My Struggle
Virginia Woolf - To The Lighthouse
Ben Lerner - The Topeka School
Sally Rooney - Conversations With Friends
Nell Zink - The Wallcreeper
Elena Ferrante - The Days of Abandonment
Jack Kerouac - Dharma Bums
Walt Whitman - Leaves of Grass
Michael Murphy - Golf in the Kingdom
Barbara Kingsolver - Prodigal Summer
Albertine Sarrazin - Astragal
Rebecca Solnit - The Faraway Nearby
Michael Paterniti - Love and Other Ways of Dying
Rainer Maria Rilke - Book of Hours
James Baldwin - Another Country
Roberto Calasso - Ka
Translation by S. Radhakrishan - Principle Upanisads
Chogyam Trungpa - Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism
Translation by Georg Feuerstein - Yoga Sutra
Richard Freeman - The Mirror of Yoga
Translation by S. Radhakrishan - The Bhagavad Gita
Shrunyu Suzuki - Zen Mind Beginner's Mind
Heinrich Zimmer - Myths and Symbols in Indian Art and Civilization
Sogyal Rinpoche - The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying
Joseph Campbell - Myths of Light
Joseph Campbell - The Hero With A Thousand Faces
Sri Aurobindo - Savitri
Thomas Meyers - Anatomy Trains
Wendy Doniger - The Hindus ~ Jason Bowman,,
78:Why Ubuntu: If I were you I'd just install Ubuntu into a dual-boot partition (the Ubuntu website has instructions for this) and learn as you go. Ubuntu is similar enough to Windows that you should be able to start using it right away without much difficulty.
   For running your Python scripts you'll want to drop into the shell (Ctrl + Alt + T If memory serves me right). As you become more comfortable with Ubuntu, you can start using the shell more and more. The shell is what gives you access to the power of Unix; every time you need to do something tedious and repetitive, try to find out how to do it through the shell.
   Eventually you will find yourself using the shell constantly. You'll wonder how you ever managed without it, and deride other operating systems for their lack of sensible programming tools. One day you'll realise that desktop window managers are a needless distraction. You start using xmonad or awesomewm. Eventually you realise that this, too, is a bastardisaton of the Unix vision and start using tmux exclusively. Then suddenly it hits you - every computer, every operating system, no matter how insignificant or user-friendly, has the Unix nature. All of them are merely streams from where you can ssh back into the ocean of Unix. Having achieved enlightenment you are equally content using an iPad as your main work computer, using powershell in Windows or SSH into a Digital Ocean droplet from your parent's computer. This is the Zen of Unix.
   ~ JohnyTex,,
79:Self-Abuse by Drugs
Not a drop of alcohol is to be brought into this temple.
Master Bassui (1327-1387)1
(His dying instructions: first rule)
In swinging between liberal tolerance one moment and outraged repression the next,
modern societies seem chronically incapable of reaching consistent attitudes about
Stephen Batchelor2
Drugs won't show you the truth. Drugs will only show you what it's like to be on drugs.
Brad Warner3

Implicit in the authentic Buddhist Path is sila. It is the time-honored practice
of exercising sensible restraints [Z:73-74]. Sila's ethical guidelines provide the
bedrock foundation for one's personal behavior in daily life. At the core of every
religion are some self-disciplined renunciations corresponding to sila. Yet, a profound irony has been reshaping the human condition in most cultures during the
last half century. It dates from the years when psychoactive drugs became readily
available. During this era, many naturally curious persons could try psychedelic
short-cuts and experience the way their consciousness might seem to ''expand.'' A
fortunate few of these experimenters would become motivated to follow the nondrug meditative route when they pursued various spiritual paths.
One fact is often overlooked. Meditation itself has many mind-expanding, psychedelic properties [Z:418-426]. These meditative experiences can also stimulate a
drug-free spiritual quest.
Meanwhile, we live in a drug culture. It is increasingly a drugged culture, for which overprescribing physicians must shoulder part of the blame. Do
drugs have any place along the spiritual path? This issue will always be hotly
In Zen, the central issue is not whether each spiritual aspirant has the ''right''
to exercise their own curiosity, or the ''right'' to experiment on their own brains in
the name of freedom of religion. It is a free country. Drugs are out there. The real
questions are:
 Can you exercise the requisite self-discipline to follow the Zen Buddhist Path?
 Do you already have enough common sense to ask that seemingly naive question,

''What would Buddha do?'' (WWBD).
~ James Austin, Zen-Brain_Reflections,_Reviewing_Recent_Developments_in_Meditation_and_States_of_Consciousness,
80:reading :::
   50 Spiritual Classics: List of Books Covered:
   Muhammad Asad - The Road To Mecca (1954)
   St Augustine - Confessions (400)
   Richard Bach - Jonathan Livingston Seagull (1970)
   Black Elk Black - Elk Speaks (1932)
   Richard Maurice Bucke - Cosmic Consciousness (1901)
   Fritjof Capra - The Tao of Physics (1976)
   Carlos Castaneda - Journey to Ixtlan (1972)
   GK Chesterton - St Francis of Assisi (1922)
   Pema Chodron - The Places That Scare You (2001)
   Chuang Tzu - The Book of Chuang Tzu (4th century BCE)
   Ram Dass - Be Here Now (1971)
   Epictetus - Enchiridion (1st century)
   Mohandas Gandhi - An Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments With Truth (1927)
   Al-Ghazzali - The Alchemy of Happiness (1097)
   Kahlil Gibran - The Prophet (1923)
   GI Gurdjieff - Meetings With Remarkable Men (1960)
   Dag Hammarskjold - Markings (1963)
   Abraham Joshua Heschel - The Sabbath (1951)
   Hermann Hesse - Siddartha (1922)
   Aldous Huxley - The Doors of Perception (1954)
   William James - The Varieties of Religious Experience (1902)
   Carl Gustav Jung - Memories, Dreams, Reflections (1955)
   Margery Kempe - The Book of Margery Kempe (1436)
   J Krishnamurti - Think On These Things (1964)
   CS Lewis - The Screwtape Letters (1942)
   Malcolm X - The Autobiography of Malcolm X (1964)
   Daniel C Matt - The Essential Kabbalah (1994)
   Dan Millman - The Way of the Peaceful Warrior (1989)
   W Somerset Maugham - The Razor's Edge (1944)
   Thich Nhat Hanh - The Miracle of Mindfulness (1975)
   Michael Newton - Journey of Souls (1994)
   John O'Donohue - Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom (1998)
   Robert M Pirsig - Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (1974)
   James Redfield - The Celestine Prophecy (1994)
   Miguel Ruiz - The Four Agreements (1997)
   Helen Schucman & William Thetford - A Course in Miracles (1976)
   Idries Shah - The Way of the Sufi (1968)
   Starhawk - The Spiral Dance: A Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Great Goddess (1979)
   Shunryu Suzuki - Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind (1970)
   Emanuel Swedenborg - Heaven and Hell (1758)
   Teresa of Avila - Interior Castle (1570)
   Mother Teresa - A Simple Path (1994)
   Eckhart Tolle - The Power of Now (1998)
   Chogyam Trungpa - Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism (1973)
   Neale Donald Walsch - Conversations With God (1998)
   Rick Warren - The Purpose-Driven Life (2002)
   Simone Weil - Waiting For God (1979)
   Ken Wilber - A Theory of Everything (2000)
   Paramahansa Yogananda - Autobiography of a Yogi (1974)
   Gary Zukav - The Seat of the Soul (1990)
   ~ Tom Butler-Bowdon, 50 Spirital Classics (2017 Edition),


1:In Zen we have no gurus. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
2:Zen has no business with ideas. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
3:To Zen, time and eternity are one. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
4:A zen master's life is one continuous mistake. ~ dogen, @wisdomtrove
5:The idea of Zen is to catch life as it flows. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
6:We teach ourselves; Zen merely points the way. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
7:Zen has nothing to do with letters, words, or sutras. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
8:Old Zen was the reduction of concepts to absurdity. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
9:This is Zen, and in Zen, as we all know ... anything goes! ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
10:There is really only one Zen Master ... and that's yourself. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
11:The real Zen of the old Chinese masters was wu-shih, or "no fuss." ~ alan-watts, @wisdomtrove
12:Everything is a thought within one ‘big mind’ as the Zen masters say. ~ tim-freke, @wisdomtrove
13:Old Zen is the way of nothingness, the way of having a good time. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
14:Zen phrase says The instant you speak about a thing you miss the mark. ~ fritjof-capra, @wisdomtrove
15:Zen insight is not our awareness, but Being's awareness of itself in us. ~ thomas-merton, @wisdomtrove
16:When other sects speak well of Zen, the first thing that they praise is its poverty. ~ dogen, @wisdomtrove
17:In a certain sense, Zen is feeling life instead of feeling something about life. ~ alan-watts, @wisdomtrove
18:Zen is about breaking out of your ideas and experiencing life and not ideas. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
19:Zen Makes use, to a great extent, of poetical expressions; Zen is wedded to poetry. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
20:Zen is the way of splitting the self again and again, untilt there is nothing left. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
21:In Zen you are learning how to make new realities, to build things inside your mind. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
22:Zen is meditation, the actual experience of life directly, immediately with no buffers. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
23:In life as well as in art Zen never wastes energy in stopping to explain; it only indicates. ~ alan-watts, @wisdomtrove
24:Zen masters say you cannot see your reflection in running water, only in still water. ~ elizabeth-gilbert, @wisdomtrove
25:To remain caught up in ideas and words about Zen is, as the old masters say, to stink of Zen. ~ alan-watts, @wisdomtrove
26:Zen is the study of mind in all of its manifestations. The purpose of Zen is to be happy. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
27:If Zen has any preference it is for glass that is plain, has no color, and is "just glass." ~ thomas-merton, @wisdomtrove
28:We can see unmistakably  that there is an inner relationship between Zen and the warrior's life. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
29:Zen is a very quick path to enlightenment and development of the mind and all its facilities. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
30:I'm a Zen Master. I'm an occult teacher. I teach people how to become that, how to be perfect. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
31:According to Zen philosophy each human being has two minds, a finite mind and an infinite mind. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
32:Zen approaches it from the practical side of life-that is, to work out Enlightenment in life itself. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
33:Zen teaches nothing; it merely enables us to wake up and become aware. It does not teach, it points. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
34:The truth of Zen is the truth of life, and life means to live, to move, to act, not merely to reflect. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
35:Naturally, the Zen Master Rama philosophy is to have a high state of awareness and material success. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
36:People who practice Zen correctly are not spaced-out or unrealistic. They are balanced and grounded. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
37:There is no letter of the law to follow in Zen. There is a lot of etiquette, but there are no rules. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
38:Zen was an attempt to get back to the purest teachings of the Buddha -enlightenment without strings. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
39:Zen is the path that focuses the most upon meditation. It is almost exclusively a path of meditation. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
40:If you want to travel the Way of Buddhas and Zen masters, then expect nothing, seek nothing, and grasp nothing. ~ dogen, @wisdomtrove
41:If you want to travel the Way of Buddhas and Zen masters, then expect nothing, seek nothing, and grasp nothing.” ~ dogen, @wisdomtrove
42:Life, according to Zen, ought to be lived as a bird flies through the air, or as a fish swims in the water. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
43:The whole point of Zen is to suspend the rules we have superimposed on things and to see the world as it is ~ alan-watts, @wisdomtrove
44:The light is already there. In Zen Buddhism there's a little speck of dust on the mirror, and that's us. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
45:Zen is a way of liberation, concerned not with discovering what is good or bad or advantageous, but what is. ~ alan-watts, @wisdomtrove
46:There is a sense of competition in Zen. You are competing with your thoughts and trying to overcome them. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
47:My blogging life is basically goalless. I like the zen nature of that, and paradoxically, it improves results. ~ seth-godin, @wisdomtrove
48:Until we recognize the SELF that exists apart from who we think we are - we cannot know the Ch'an ( ZEN ) MIND. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
49:The word impossible contains the word possible' What's that&
50:Zen professes itself to be the spirit of Buddhism, but in fact it is the spirit of all religions and philosophies. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
51:In Zen, poverty is voluntary, and considered not really as poverty so much as simplicity, freedom, unclutteredness. ~ alan-watts, @wisdomtrove
52:Not thinking about anything is Zen. Once you know this, walking, sitting, or lying down, everything you do is Zen. ~ bodhidharma, @wisdomtrove
53:Zen in it's essence is the art of seeing into the nature of one's being, and it points the way from bondage to freedom. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
54:Not to be bound by rules, but to be creating one's own rules-this is the kind of life which Zen is trying to have us live. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
55:There is a beautiful flow to the study of Zen. If it is not making you happier, then you are not practicing correctly. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
56:Personal experience, therefore, is everything in Zen. No ideas are intelligible to those who have no backing of experience. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
57:According to Zen Buddhist cosmology there are ten thousand different states of mind to view and understand life through. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
58:Zen doesn't believe in the reconciliation of opposites because from the point of view of Zen, there is no point of view. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
59:As the Japanese Zen masters say, Don't seek the truth; just drop your opinions. Drop your theories; don't seek the truth. ~ anthony-de-mello, @wisdomtrove
60:If there is anything Zen strongly emphasizes it is the attainment of freedom; that is, freedom from all unnatural encumbrances. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
61:The study of Zen is a retraining. It is a series of new ways, not just one way, to learn to use your mind more efficiently. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
62:To be a good Zen Buddhist it is not enough to follow the teaching of its founder; we have to experience the Buddha's experience. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
63:A long walk and grooming with a well-mannered dog is a Zen experience that leaves you refreshed and in a creative frame of mind. ~ dean-koontz, @wisdomtrove
64:Both Zen and mysticsm have this beautiful quality of happiness and laughter, which I think is so necessary in our modern age. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
65:The Zen master walks in his garden, alone. There is no traffic there. There is no shopping there. There are only the flowers. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
66:You're not listening to the Zen master, what he is saying outwardly, but even more importantly... what he is saying inwardly. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
67:If you study the writings of the mystics, you will always find things in them that appear to be paradoxes, as in Zen, particularly. ~ alan-watts, @wisdomtrove
68:.. does not confuse spirituality with thinking about God while one is peeling potatoes. Zen spirituality is just to peel the potatoes. ~ alan-watts, @wisdomtrove
69:The Zen master can see precisely what it will take to cause your awareness to become free. But the Zen master can't do it for you. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
70:A person who undertakes the study of Zen and learns concentration and meditation is like a gymnast. You become a gymnast of the mind. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
71:Zen is consciousness unstructured by particular form or particular system, a trans-cultural, trans-religious, transformed consciousness. ~ thomas-merton, @wisdomtrove
72:In Zen the emphasis is on meditation and developing your body, mind and spirit to find inner peace, strength, clarity and enlightenment. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
73:Zen is a study. It's a discipline. It involves the active use of will to make things happen or not happen. These are the secrets of power. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
74:The way of nothingness is the way of Zen. It is just a term. The contemplation of nothingness or everythingness is where everything starts. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
75:When I say that Zen is life, I mean that Zen is not to be confined within conceptualization, that Zen is what makes conceptualization possible. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
76:Zen is discipline - the discipline of living life, the discipline of taking a breath, the discipline of not knowing and not trying to know. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
77:Zen is Tantric Buddhism, Vajrayana is tantric Buddhism - these are various forms of it. Tantric Buddhism simply means cutting to the chase. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
78:Zen is the fastest method I know of, aside from mysticism, of dissolving the fixations people have about spiritual practice and themselves. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
79:Zen has nothing to teach us in the way of intellectual analysis; nor has it any set doctrines which are imposed on its followers for acceptance. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
80:Find a teacher of Tantric Zen and study with them because it is transference of awareness, a sharing of the perception of the beauty of life. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
81:This would be a Zen-like state of productivity, in which you deal with what’s present from a perspective that is both detached and fully engaged. ~ david-allen, @wisdomtrove
82:Zen has lost its zip, if you will, or its nothingness and has become ritualistic Its established in monastaries with strict codes of koan study. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
83:HELLO! Look at me. HELLO! I am so ZEN. This is BLOOD. This is NOTHING. Hello. Everything is nothing, and it's so cool to be ENLIGHTENED. Like me. ~ chuck-palahniuk, @wisdomtrove
84:Meditation is the way the mind is. That's why in Zen they call it the natural state, which means you don't have to go and do anything to meditate. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
85:Now when I speak about Zen, I have a problem, in the sense that the Zen of today has lost the essence, in my estimation, of what I call "old Zen." ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
86:Facts of experience are valued in Zen more than representations, symbols, and concepts-that is to say, substance is everything in Zen and form nothing. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
87:Zen is a very fast path to enlightenment, fast in comparison to some other paths, not fast for the person who practices it. There is no sense of speed. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
88:If you're very liberal, then you should go and find a very liberal Zen teacher, a liberal interpretation of the doctrines of the Soto or Rinzai schools. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
89:In the study of Zen you can learn how to strengthen and clarify your finite mind. Your finite mind is like a muscle; when exercised it becomes stronger. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
90:In Zen, actions speak louder than words. Doing is more important than knowing, and knowledge which cannot be translated into action is of little worth. ~ thich-nhat-hanh, @wisdomtrove
91:The person who's in the Zen monastery, who's doing a kind of poor job at meditating and a half-ass job cleaning the gardens is not doing very good yoga. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
92:Both light and dark are eternity. Human beings assign relative values to colors, but beyond the relative, there just is - what in Zen we call "suchness". ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
93:From my own personal encounters and studies with both Tantric and Zen Buddhist monks, I have found them to be humorous, warm, charming, and compassionate. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
94:The theory of Zen is non-competition. But that is not really true at all. People who practice Zen are very competitive. They are competing against emptiness. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
95:Zen is not a religion. There is no room for a cult. There is no dependence on a teacher. There is only learning how to use your own mind and making it strong. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
96:The whole aim of Zen is not to make foolproof statements about experience, but to come to direct grips with reality without the mediation of logical verbalizing. ~ thomas-merton, @wisdomtrove
97:With Zen we do it more through slight of hand, a very subtle and delicate shift in consciousness, which shifts the world. It's kind of done from the inside out. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
98:Zen is a very quick path. Zen is the path of meditation. The word Zen means emptiness or fullness, meditation. Meditation is the quickest path to enlightenment. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
99:A Zen master is someone whose life is one with enlightenment and self-discovery. They can never be separated from that. They've been essentially mastered by Zen. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
100:The emphasis is on meditation in Tantric Zen. The experience of meditation in formal practice, zazen, where you're sitting down and meditating and concentrating. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
101:In Zen there is a sense of blending, of stepping out of your body and mind and gaining access to powers and abilities that are far beyond the minds of mortal men. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
102:In Zen we study the will. We learn how to cultivate it, to accumulate will. We use it to direct our actions, and we don't overuse it or abuse it - that's a waste. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
103:How hard, then, and yet how easy it is to understand Zen! Hard because to understand it is not to understand it; easy because not to understand it is to understand it. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
104:Through the study of Zen you can learn to move from lower to higher states of mind at will. Higher states of mind offer you a much more accurate picture of reality. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
105:In advanced Zen a person comes to realize that the existence of things and their ability to perceive them correctly is completely dependent upon their state of mind. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
106:It is in Zen practice that you gain power, balance and wisdom. The battles that you fight are within your own mind. That is where the real victories and defeats are. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
107:The path of Zen is not easy. It's wonderful. It's beautiful beyond compare. You will experience more ecstasy and beauty than most people will in a thousand lifetimes. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
108:We have two eyes to see two sides of things, but there must be a third eye which will see everything at the same time and yet not see anything. That is to understand Zen. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
109:In Zen, and in other forms of self discovery, we do have a transference that occurs where psychically, information, blocks of attention, are transferred to the student. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
110:In Zen we classify ten thousand different states of mind, different ways of seeing life. There is something beyond the ten thousand states of mind that we call nirvana. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
111:The ten thousand states of mind that we talk about in Zen are all levels of perception. You can think of each of the ten thousand states of mind as a dimensional plane. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
112:Zen was a reaction. Just as Buddha came into the world and spoke against the fall of Vedanta, so Buddhism lost its essence and became ritual. Zen was a reaction to that. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
113:There are monasteries in Japan where they teach Zen with rules, more rules than you can imagine, and you might feel comfortable with that. I don't teach that type of Zen. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
115:We call it the transmission of the lamp in Zen. That's when we take enlightened states of mind and literally, you can transfer them, just like you can hand somebody flowers. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
116:If you are around a lot of human beings who are filled with jealousy and anger and rage and desire, it filters into the mind. Zen is writing a new program to run in the mind. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
117:The truth of Zen, just a little bit of it, is what turns one's humdrum life, a life of monotonous, uninspiring commonplaceness, into one of art, full of genuine inner creativity. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
118:The truth of Zen, just a little bit of it, is what turns one’s humdrum life, a life of monotonous, uninspiring commonplaceness, into one of art, full of genuine inner creativity. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
119:The basic idea of Zen is to come in touch with the inner workings of our being, and to do so in the most direct way possible, without resorting to anything external or superadded. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
120:Have the right attitude in advanced practice. Feel that you are always a beginner in Zen. They refer to it as "beginners mind". I feel I am a beginner, always; because it's true. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
121:Studying with a teacher doesn't simply mean going to an occasional seminar or Zen retreat. It means fully applying yourself to what the teacher says, most of which is not verbal. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
122:There is competition in Zen. Let's not be ridiculous.  There is competition in everything in life; being a winner in Zen means, competing and winning in the world of enlightenment. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
123:In Zen, there is nothing to explain, nothing to learn, nothing to enrich human knowledge. If knowledge does not arise in man, it is not his own, it is like a borrowed foreign adornment. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
124:Zen is not attained by mirror-wiping mediation, but by self-forgetfulness in the existential &
127:In the old days, Zen was not really practiced so much in a monastery. The Zen Master usually lived up on a top of the mountain or the hill or in the forest or sometimes in the village. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
128:I teach Zen, tantric mysticism, jnana yoga, bhakti yoga, Tibetan mysticism, occultism and psychic development. I also teach poetry and literature, film and many other different things. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
129:Meryl Streep is expert at only using the requisite amount of energy to express her character, not an ounce too little or too much. She's Zen and doesn't know she's Zen. That's very Zen! ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
130:As a dialectical teacher, I have had many lives where I have taught Zen and Tibetan Buddhism and mysticism. I teach in many different modalites. But the theme that unites them - is love. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
131:Bodhidharma who brought Zen from India to the Orient, taught a very pure Zen - in that it was pure Zen. He wanted to show that the way still existed and wanted to get back to its essence. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
132:Work in a place that feels good to you. Select the best of that which is available. The Zen of working is just to do it, not to worry about it. Feel you would be doing it without the money. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
133:If you're very, very conservative and you like that sort of practice, go find a very conservative Zen master and just do traditional Japanese practice, which is not that traditional actually. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
134:In the advanced practice, the relationship between the Zen master and the student becomes very terse. The Zen master will expect things of the student because the student is in graduate school. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
135:The Zen Master was constantly attempting to break up concepts that people had about what it was like to be a spiritual teacher. We have a traditional image. Each Zen master was a complete character. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
136:When you visit the Zen Monasteries, one of the first things required is that you bring a donation. They have to pay for those monasteries. The upkeep is fantastic.  The monks have to be fed, and so on. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
137:If I am asked If I am asked, then, what Zen teaches, I would answer, Zen teaches nothing. Whatever teachings there are in Zen, they come out of one's own mind. We teach ourselves; Zen merely points the way. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
138:In Zen you practice zazen, mindfulness and other forms of introspection to find out who you are and what you want, to balance your spirit, develop willpower, increase your sense of humor and gain wisdom. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
139:A well known Los Angeles newspaper referred to a small group of gentlemen who live up on a mountain and practice Zen as &
140:Different schools of Zen have evolved, principally the Rinzai and Soto orders. A whole hierarchy has developed for the teaching and practice of Zen. Zen has become, to a certain degree, institutionalized. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
141:There are two primary ways of studying Zen. Either an individual will enter into a Zen monastery and study with a Zen master there, or they will study with a Zen master who lives in the contemporary world. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
142:Zen perceives and feels, and does not abstract and meditate. Zen penetrates and is finally lost in the immersion. Meditation, on the other hand, is outspokenly dualistic and consequently inevitably superficial. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
143:A simple fishing boat in the midst of the rippling waters is enough to awaken in the mind of the beholder a sense of vastness of the sea and at the same time of peace and contentment - the Zen sense oof the alone. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
144:If the Zen master sees that it will cause a person to progress, he will ask that person to do a task. The task is charged with power if it's performed properly. It's a koan between yourself and the Zen Master. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
145:Zen professes to be the spirit of Buddhism, but in fact it is the spirit of all religions and philosophies. When Zen is thoroughly understood, absolute peace of mind is attained, and a man lives as he should live. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
146:Zen is a liberation from time. For if we open our eyes and see clearly, it becomes obvious that there is no other time than this instant, and that the past and the future are abstractions without any concrete reality. ~ alan-watts, @wisdomtrove
148:The study of Zen is the study of energy, power, knowledge and balance. It is the science of energy conservation and control. We use energy to aid others, to see beauty, to discover love where we saw no love at all. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
149:Deluded beings think that if they get in a battle with a Zen Master or with a Don Juan, that it's going enhance their life if they win. You can never take power from someone else any more than you can take sunlight. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
150:The productivity of people requires continuous learning, as the Japanese have taught us. It requires adoption in the West of the specific Japanese Zen concept where one learns to do better what one already does well. ~ peter-drucker, @wisdomtrove
151:The claim of the Zen followers that they are transmitting the essence of Buddhism is based on their belief that Zen takes hold of the enlivening spirit of the Buddha, stripped of all its historical and doctrinal garments. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
152:Each of the small enlightenments that a Zen practitioner has, which are known in Zen as "Satori experiences," provides deeper insights into the nature of existence and helps a person prepare for complete enlightenment. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
153:The life of Zen begins, therefore, in a disillusion with the pursuit of goals which do not really exist the good without the bad, the gratification of a self which is no more than an idea, and the morrow which never comes. ~ alan-watts, @wisdomtrove
154:Among the most remarkable features characterizing Zen we find these: spirituality, directness of expression, disregard of form or conventionalism, and frequently an almost wanton delight in going astray from respectability. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
155:In Old Zen, the Zen Master would do literally anything to break down the concept of what the study was. He would present conflicting codes all the time, just to shake this fixation people had on how to attain liberation. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
156:That's a waste of time. If you really understand Zen... you can use any book. You could use the Bible. You could use Alice in Wonderland. You could use the dictionary, because... the sound of the rain needs no translation. ~ alan-watts, @wisdomtrove
157:A Zen student asked his roshi the most important element of Zen.The roshi replied, "Attention." "Yes, thank you," the student replied. "But can you tell me the second most important element?"And the roshi replied, "Attention." ~ dan-millman, @wisdomtrove
158:The way of Zen is to become independent and strong. Don't rely on others for perceptions of life and truth. Do it individually. Go to a teacher of Zen to learn how to do that, not to get answers for individual life situations. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
159:Zen is the spirit of a man. Zen believes in his inner purity and goodness. Whatever is superadded or violently torn away, injures the wholesomeness of the spirit. Zen, therefore, is emphatically against all religious conventionalism. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
160:The Hindu philosophers teach that the oneness of being, which they call Brahman, is a primal, formless awareness dreaming itself to be all the forms of life. The Zen masters say that everything is a thought arising within one ‘big mind’. ~ tim-freke, @wisdomtrove
161:This is what Zen means by being detached—not being without emotion or feeling, but being one in whom feeling is not sticky or blocked, and through whom the experiences of the world pass like the reflections of birds flying over water. ~ alan-watts, @wisdomtrove
162:Old Zen was very funny; there was a great deal of humor and happiness. Zen today seems much drier. While there's a certain amount of humor, it seems to lack that total intensity because humor is one of the primary tools for liberation. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
163:Just like there are different roads that lead to different places, so there are different levels of awareness that lead to different places and we shift in and out of them. These are the ten thousand states of mind that we study in Zen. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
164:The Zen masters compare being awake to &
165:Although profoundly "inconsequential," the Zen experience has consequences in the sense that it may be applied in any direction, to any conceivable human activity, and that wherever it is so applied it lends an unmistakable quality to the work. ~ alan-watts, @wisdomtrove
166:Zen opens a man's eyes to the greatest mystery as it is daily and hourly performed; it enlarges the heart to embrace eternity of time and infinity of space in its every palpitation; it makes us live in the world as if walking in the garden of Eden ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
167:In deep self-acceptance grows a compassionate understanding. As one Zen master said when I asked if he ever gets angry, &
168:It is only in the last 800 years that the rules have come into being and conservative Zen has surfaced. It is not particularly popular in Japan at all. Hardly anybody practices Zen any more because it's just too strict; there are too many rules. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
169:I was talking to a Zen master the other day and he said, "You shall be my disciple."I looked at him and said, "Who was Buddha's teacher?" He looked at me in a very odd way for a moment and then he burst into laughter and handed me a piece of clover. ~ alan-watts, @wisdomtrove
170:One Zen master said, The whole universe is my true personality. This is a very wonderful saying... If you want to see what you truly are, open the window, and everything you see is in fact the expression of your inner reality. Can you embrace all of it? ~ adyashanti, @wisdomtrove
171:I may discuss contemporary cinema, how to shop at a mall without losing energy, how to use the power of mind to increase career and academic success, the Zen of sports, reincarnation, karma, sex, the experience of "suchness" or a new book by Stephen King. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
172:The practice of Zen is to eat, breathe, cook, carry water, and scrub the toilet — to infuse every act of body, speech, and mind — with mindfulness, to illuminate every leaf and pebble, every heap of garbage, every path that leads to our mind's return home. ~ thich-nhat-hanh, @wisdomtrove
173:Zen, in its essence is the art of seeing into the nature of one's own being, and it points the way from bondage to freedom. By making us drink right from the fountain of life it liberates us from all the yokes under which we finite beings are usually suffering in this world. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
174:I raise my hand; I take a book from the other side of this desk; I hear the boys playing ball outside my window; I see the clouds blown away beyond the neighboring woods:-in all these I am practicing Zen, I am living Zen. No worldly discussion is necessary, or any explanation. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
175:Perhaps there is after all nothing mysterious in Zen. Everything is open to your full view. If you eat your food and keep yourself cleanly dressed and work on the farm to raise your rice or vegetables, you are doing all that is required of you on this earth, and the infinite is realized in you. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
176:Suzuki's works on Zen Buddhism are among the best contributions to the knowledge of living Buddhism... We cannot be sufficiently grateful to the author, first for the fact of his having brought Zen closer to Western understanding, and secondly for the manner in which he has achieved this task. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
177:Zen wants us to acquire an entirely new point of view whereby to look into the mysteries of life and the secrets of nature. This is because Zen has come to the definite conclusion that the ordinary logical process of reasoning is powerless to give final satisfaction to our deepest spiritual needs. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
178:Mystics of all traditions claim that if we become conscious of our essential nature, we will realize that in reality, there is only one of us. There is one Self experiencing itself to be many individual selves. There is one Big Mind, as the Zen masters say, within which the dream of life is arising. ~ tim-freke, @wisdomtrove
180:Prophecy is rash, but it may be that the publication of D.T. Suzuki's first Essays in Zen Buddhism in 1927 will seem to future generations as great an intellectual event as William of Moerbeke's Latin translations of Aristotle in the thirteenth century or Marsiglio Ficino's of Plato in the fifteenth. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
181:Not thinking about anything is zen. Once you know this, walking, standing, sitting, or lying down, everything you do is zen. To know that the mind is empty is to see the buddha... . Using the mind to reality is delusion. Not using the mind to look for reality is awareness. Freeing oneself from words is liberation. ~ bodhidharma, @wisdomtrove
182:As far as the content goes, there is none in either Satori or Zen that can be described or presented or demonstrated for your intellectual appreciation. For Zen has no business with ideas, and Satori is a kind of inner perception – not the perception, indeed, of a single individual object but the perception of Reality itself, so to speak. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
183:A Zen master was walking with one of his students who asked him: ‘How can I awaken?’ The master was quiet for a moment and then he replied: ‘Can you hear that babbling brook? … Enter there.’ The master is telling him to become profoundly conscious of what he’s already experiencing, by ‘entering’ into his sensual experience in the present moment. ~ tim-freke, @wisdomtrove
184:He had a tremendous propensity for getting lost when driving. This was largely because of his method of Zen navigation, which was simply to find any car that looked as if it knew where it was going and follow it. The results were more often surprising than successful, but he felt it was worth it for the sake of the few occasions when it was both. ~ douglas-adams, @wisdomtrove
185:The thing about Zen is that it pushes contradictions to their ultimate limit where one has to choose between madness and innocence. Zen suggests that we may be driving toward one or the other on a cosmic scale. Driving toward them because, one way or the other, as madmen or innocents, we are already there. It might be good to open our eyes and see. ~ thomas-merton, @wisdomtrove
186:Zen enriches no one. There is no body to be found. The birds may come and circle for a while in the place where it is thought to be. But they soon go elsewhere. When they are gone, the "nothing," the "no-body" that was there, suddenly appears. That is Zen. It was there all the time but the scavengers missed it, because it was not their kind of prey. ~ thomas-merton, @wisdomtrove
187:The thing about Zen is that it pushes contradictions to their ultimate limit where one has to choose between madness and innocence. And Zen. suggests that we may be driving toward one or the other on a cosmic scale. Driving toward them because, one way or the other, as madmen or innocents, we are already there. It might be good to open our eyes and see. ~ thomas-merton, @wisdomtrove
188:Zen abhors repetition or imitation of any kind, for it kills. For the same reason Zen never explains, but only affirms. Life is fact and no explanation is necessary or pertinent. To explain is to apologize, and why should we apologize for living? To live—is that not enough? Let us then live, let us affirm! Herein lies Zen in all its purity and in all its nudity as well. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
189:Essentially Satori is a sudden experience, and it is often described as a "turning over" of the mind, just as a pair of scales will suddenly turn over when a sufficient amount of material has been poured into one pan to overbalance the weight in the other. Hence it is an experience which generally occurs after a long and concentrated effort to discover the meaning of Zen. ~ alan-watts, @wisdomtrove
190:The great lesson from the true mystics, from the Zen monks, and now also from the Humanistic and Transpersonal psychologists – that the sacred is in the ordinary, that it is to be found in one's daily life, in one's neighbours, friends, and family, in one's back yard ... To be looking elsewhere for miracles is to me a sure sign of ignorance that everything is sacred. ~ abraham-maslow, @wisdomtrove
191:But the transformation of consciousness undertaken in Taoism and Zen is more like the correction of faulty perception or the curing of a disease. It is not an acquisitive process of learning more and more facts or greater and greater skills, but rather an unlearning of wrong habits and opinions. As Lao-tzu said, "The scholar gains every day, but the Taoist loses every day. ~ alan-watts, @wisdomtrove
193:The basic idea of Zen is to come in touch with the inner workings of our being, and to do this in the most direct way possible, without resorting to anything external or superadded. Therefore, anything that has the semblance of an external authority is rejected by Zen. Absolute faith is placed in a man's own inner being. For whatever authority there is in Zen, all comes from within. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
195:Zen purposes to discipline the mind itself, to make it its own master, through an insight into its proper nature. This getting into the real nature of one's own mind or soul is the fundamental object of Zen Buddhism. Zen, therefore, is more than meditation and Dhyana in its ordinary sense. The discipline of Zen consists in opening the mental eye in order to look into the very reason of existence. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
196:Zen is really extraordinarily simple as long as one doesn't try to be cute about it or beat around the bush! Zen is simply the sensation and the clear understanding ... that there is behind the multiplicity of events and creatures in this universe simply one energy - and it appears as you, and everything is it. The practice of Zen is to understand that one energy so as to "feel it in your bones. ~ alan-watts, @wisdomtrove
197:If a person opens his mouth to say affirmation or denial, he is lost. Zen is gone. But keeping silence does not go away. The stone on the ground is silent, the blossoming flower under the window is also silent, but they do not understand Zen. There must be some way to find the silence and the speech to be the same, ie. denial and affirmation to be unified in a higher form of utterance. We do that, so we have met Zen. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
198:In the assemblies of the enlightened ones there have been many cases of mastering the Way bringing forth the heart of plants and trees; this is what awakening the mind for enlightenment is like. The fifth patriarch of Zen was once a pine-planting wayfarer; Rinzai worked on planting cedars and pines on Mount Obaku. . . . Working with plants, trees, fences and walls, if they practice sincerely they will attain enlightenment. ~ dogen, @wisdomtrove
199:There is something rejuvenating in the possession of Zen. The spring flowers look prettier, and the mountain stream runs cooler and more transparent. The subjective revolution that brings about this state of things cannot be called abnormal. When life becomes more enjoyable and its expense broadens to include the universe itself, there must be something in ‘satori’ that is quite precious and well worth one’s striving after. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
201:This acquisition of a new viewpoint in Zen is called ‘Satori’ (‘Wu’ in Chinese) and its verb form is ‘Satoru’. Without it there is no Zen, for the life of Zen begins with the ‘opening of Satori’; ‘Satori’ may be defined as intuitive looking-in, in contradistinction to intellectual and logical understanding. Whatever the definition, ‘Satori’ means the unfolding of a new world hitherto unperceived in the confusion of the dualistic mind. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
202:But when you're in front of an audience and you make them laugh at a new idea, you're guiding the whole being for the moment. No one is ever more him/herself than when they really laugh. Their defenses are down. It's very Zen-like, that moment. They are completely open, completely themselves when that message hits the brain and the laugh begins. That's when new ideas can be implanted. If a new idea slips in at that moment, it has a chance to grow. ~ george-carlin, @wisdomtrove
203:As mindfulness stabilizes, you will rest more and more as awareness itself. Awareness contains mind-objects, a general term for any mental content, including perceptions, thoughts, desires, memories, emotions, and so on. Although mind-objects may dance busily with each other, awareness itself is never disturbed. Awareness is a kind of screen on which mind-objects register, like—in the Zen saying—the reflections on a pond of geese flying overhead. But awareness is never sullied or rattled by the passing show. In your brain, the neural patterns ~ rick-hanson, @wisdomtrove
204:Tranquility… involves not acting based on the feeling tone. For example, you don’t automatically move toward something just because it is pleasant. In the words of the Third Zen Patriarch: ‘The Great Way is not difficult for those who have no preferences’. Set aside a period of your day—even just a minute long—to consciously release preferences for or against anything. Then extend this practice to more and more of your day. Your actions will be guided increasingly by your values and virtues, not by desires that are reactions to positive or negative feeling tones. ~ rick-hanson, @wisdomtrove
205:I have my own way to walk and for some reason or other Zen is right in the middle of it wherever I go. So there it is, with all its beautiful purposelessness, and it has become very familiar to me though I do not know "what it is." Or even if it is an "it." Not to be foolish and multiply words, I'll say simply that it seems to me that Zen is the very atmosphere of the Gospels, and the Gospels are bursting with it. It is the proper climate for any monk, no matter what kind of monk he may be. If I could not breathe Zen I would probably die of spiritual asphyxiation. ~ thomas-merton, @wisdomtrove
206:The idea of Zen is to catch life as it flows. There is nothing extraordinary or mysterious about Zen. I raise my hand ; I take a book from the other side of the desk ; I hear the boys playing ball outside my window; I see the clouds blown away beyond the neighbouring wood: — in all these I am practising Zen, I am living Zen. No wordy discussions is necessary, nor any explanation. I do not know why — and there is no need of explaining, but when the sun rises the whole world dances with joy and everybody’s heart is filled with bliss. If Zen is at all conceivable, it must be taken hold of here. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
207:If there is anything Zen strongly emphasizes it is the attainment of freedom; that is, freedom from all unnatural encumbrances. Meditation is something artificially put on; it does not belong to the native activity of the mind. Upon what do the fowls of the air meditate? Upon what do the fish in the water meditate? They fly; they swim. Is not that enough? Who wants to fix his mind on the unity of God and man, or on the nothingness of life? Who wants to be arrested in the daily manifestations of his life-activity by such meditations as the goodness of a divine being or the everlasting fire of hell? ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove

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1:ordained Zen monk, ~ Michael Pollan,
2:Day after day the sun. ~ Zen proverb,
3:"Sit like a mountain." ~ Zen proverb,
4:Essays in Zen Buddhism ~ Alan W Watts,
5:Let go, or be dragged. ~ Zen proverb,
6:"Let go, or be dragged." ~ Zen proverb,
7:"The ordinary is sacred." ~ Zen proverb,
8:In Zen we have no gurus. ~ Frederick Lenz,
9:Let the dead bury the dead. ~ Zen proverb,
10:"The obstacle is the path." ~ Zen proverb,
11:What you possess, you lose. ~ Zen proverb,
12:Here it is. My moment of zen. ~ Jon Stewart,
13:No seed ever sees the flower. ~ Zen proverb,
14:Zen has no business with ideas. ~ D T Suzuki,
15:Zen is the vehicle of reality. ~ Jim Harrison,
16:Salta y la red aparecerá. CITA ZEN ~ Anonymous,
17:"Zen is laughter, laughter Zen." ~ Zen proverb,
18:Clouds gone,the mountain appears. ~ Zen proverb,
19:If I ’ad known zen what I know now. ~ Lee Child,
20:Tantric Zen is a state of mind ~ Frederick Lenz,
21:To Zen, time and eternity are one. ~ D T Suzuki,
22:Zen and the Art of Motorcycle ~ Richard Dawkins,
23:She has a passionate hunger for youth. ~ Zen Cho,
24:What are you, Zen Master Fang? ~ Charlaine Harris,
25:Be calm. Be Zen. You are Buddha. ~ James Patterson,
26:Water which is too pure, has no fish. ~ Zen proverb,
27:Love was like swallowing a cili padi whole. ~ Zen Cho,
28:"Zen is an effort to become alert and awake." ~ Osho,
29:Zen is poetry; poetry is Zen. ~ Reginald Horace Blyth,
30:A zen master's life is one continuous mistake. ~ Dogen,
31:"Expect nothing. Appreciate everything." ~ Zen proverb,
32:The world is won by those who let it go. ~ Zen proverb,
33:Water which is too pure, has no fish.
   ~ Zen Proverb,
34:What was never lost, can never be found. ~ Zen proverb,
35:Zen movement is a meditative practice. ~ Bryant McGill,
36:Where you are right now is where you are. ~ Zen proverb,
37:For Zen students, a weed is a treasure. ~ Shunryu Suzuki,
38:When the shoe fits, the foot is forgotten. ~ Zen proverb,
39:A true Zen saying: "Nothing is what I want. ~ Frank Zappa,
40:No snowflake ever falls in the wrong place. ~ Zen proverb,
41:What was never lost, can never be found.
   ~ Zen Proverb,
42:"Zen is simply the expression of truth." ~ Jack Kornfield,
43:Before I had studied Zen for thirty years, ~ Li Ching Yuen,
44:"The tighter you squeeze, the less you have." ~ Zen proverb,
45:We teach ourselves; Zen merely points the way. ~ D T Suzuki,
46:Zen is all about self-study/knowledge and self-help! ~ Mika,
47:"Inner surrender leads to the highest truth." ~ Zen proverb,
48:No snowflake ever falls in the wrong place.
   ~ Zen Proverb,
49:"No snowflake ever falls in the wrong place."– ~ Zen proverb,
50:The quieter you become, the more you can hear. ~ Zen proverb,
51:Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance ~ Natalie Goldberg,
52:Leap and the net will catch you.
Zen quote ~ Angela Jeffs,
53:"When nothing is done, nothing is left undone." ~ Zen proverb,
54:"Zen practice is to open up our small mind." ~ Shunryu Suzuki,
55:Better to see the face than to hear the name.
   ~ Zen Proverb,
56:Cartas de un maestro de zen (Dharma, 1998).» ~ Timothy Ferriss,
57:"Don't seek the truth; just drop your opinions." ~ Zen proverb,
58:When you can do nothing,
what can you do? ~ Zen proverb,
59:A zen master's life is one continuous mistake.
   ~ Dogen Zenji,
60:He would gaze at her with intrigued longan seed eyes. ~ Zen Cho,
61:Zen Judaism: For You, a Little Enlightenment, ~ Parker J Palmer,
62:Be a master of the mind, not mastered by the mind. ~ Zen proverb,
63:How i long to seeamong dawn flowersthe face of God. ~ Basho #zen,
64:I consider writing a legitimate Zen practice. ~ Natalie Goldberg,
65:The purpose of Zen is the perfection of character. ~ Yamada Koun,
66:To be calm is the highest achievement of the self. ~ Zen Proverb,
67:Zen is the unsymbolization of the world. ~ Reginald Horace Blyth,
68:Nothing is exactly as it seems nor is it otherwise. ~ Zen proverb,
69:"Be a master of the mind, not mastered by the mind." ~ Zen proverb,
70:If you say you had a zen moment, you already didn't. ~ Alec Sulkin,
71:"To understand everything is to forgive everything." ~ Zen proverb,
72:Zen aims at freedom but its practice is disciplined. ~ Gary Snyder,
73:Zen has nothing to do with letters, words, or sutras. ~ D T Suzuki,
74:Zen is to have the heart and soul of a little child. ~ Takuan Soho,
75:In Tantric Zen it doesn't matter but it does ... . ~ Frederick Lenz,
76:Nothing is exactly as it seems nor is it otherwise.
   ~ Zen Proverb,
77:Old Zen was the reduction of concepts to absurdity. ~ Frederick Lenz,
78:When you reach the top of the mountain, keep climbing.
   ~ Zen Koan,
79:"Zen is to have the heart and soul of a little child." ~ Takuan Sōhō,
80:Zen life is not to make himself but to grow that way. ~ Alan W Watts,
81:Better to sit all night than to go to bed with a dragon. ~ Zen proverb,
82:Can you see time?No.Then you should stop looking for it. ~ Zen proverb,
83:Since it is all too clear, it takes time to grasp it.
   ~ Zen Proverb,
84:Sometimes, simply by sitting, the soul collects wisdom. ~ Zen Proverb,
85:There is no need to have a deep understanding of Zen. ~ Shunryu Suzuki,
86:Zen is everywhere.... But for you, Zen is right here. ~ Shunryu Suzuki,
87:"High understanding comes from not understanding at all." ~ Zen proverb,
88:wisdom? As the Zen texts explain, “To live in trusting ~ Jack Kornfield,
89:I can speak four dialects, but none of them is fairy language. ~ Zen Cho,
90:The zen of housecleaning allows one to reach inner peace. ~ Robert Crais,
91:Better to sit all night than to go to bed with a dragon.
   ~ Zen Proverb,
92:I have lived with several Zen masters — all of them cats. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
93:Touch the hole in your life, and there flowers will bloom. ~ Zen Proverb,
94:Zen is not about eliminating thoughts but illuminating them. ~ Gerald May,
95:"A donkey carrying a pile of holy books is still a donkey." ~ Zen proverb,
96:I have lived with several Zen masters -- all of them cats. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
97:The secret of zen is just two words: not... always... so. ~ Shunryu Suzuki,
98:Zen Buddhism is a discipline where belief isn't necessary. ~ David Sylvian,
99:Zen is the purest of meditations: just sit silently, doing nothing. ~ Osho,
100:"Can you see time? No. Then you should stop looking for it." ~ Zen proverb,
101:Fans inside computers were not Zen-like; they distracted. ~ Walter Isaacson,
102:This is Zen, and in Zen, as we all know ... anything goes! ~ Frederick Lenz,
103:Be content with what you have. Rejoice in the way things are.' ~ Zen proverb,
104:"Be content with what you have.Rejoice in the way things are." ~ Zen proverb,
105:¿Qué sucede con el puño si la mano se abre? Proverbio Zen ~ Carlos Monsiv is,
106:"The moment we desire to be something, we are no longer free." ~ Zen proverb,
107:There is really only one Zen Master ... and that's yourself. ~ Frederick Lenz,
108:Oh, fuck Zen,” she muttered. “I’ll get enlightened when I die. ~ Thea Harrison,
109:What are acquaintance for, if not to supply the pleasures of gossip? ~ Zen Cho,
110:It is dreadful when people are good-looking and pay attention to you. ~ Zen Cho,
111:Resignation to unhappiness didn't come naturally—she had to learn it. ~ Zen Cho,
112:The real Zen of the old Chinese masters was wu-shih, or "no fuss." ~ Alan Watts,
113:A good memory, I'm sure," Zen returned. "But a memory nonetheless. ~ Kate Angell,
114:"The foolish reject what they see.The wise reject what they think." ~ Zen proverb,
115:"The real Zen of the old Chinese masters was wu-shih, or 'no fuss.'" ~ Alan Watts,
116:He who conquers others is strong. He who conquers himself is mighty. ~ Zen proverb,
117:If you are not afraid of dying, there is nothing you cannot achieve. ~ Zen proverb,
118:Old Zen is the way of nothingness, the way of having a good time. ~ Frederick Lenz,
119:Today is the eighth day of the month, tomorrow is the thirteenth.
   ~ Zen Proverb,
120:"Zen is really just a reminder to stay alive and to be awake." ~ Peter Matthiessen,
121:Zen martini: A martini with no vermouth at all. And no gin, either. ~ P J O Rourke,
122:A similar question in the Zen tradition is this: “If not now, when? ~ Eckhart Tolle,
123:"Do not mistake the finger pointing at the moon for the moon itself." ~ Zen proverb,
124:What Is Zen?: Plain Talk for a Beginner’s Mind by Norman Fischer. ~ Timothy Ferriss,
125:What is perfect? From the Zen mind, perfection is not being there. ~ Frederick Lenz,
126:What is that Zen saying of yours, Rose? ‘Let go or be dragged’? ~ Kimberly McCreight,
127:Whether I'm a good wife doesn't have anything to do with what he was like. ~ Zen Cho,
128:I'm relaxed, Belk. I call it Zen and the art of not giving a shit. ~ Michael Connelly,
129:When the pupil is ready to learn, a teacher will appear —Zen proverb ~ Colleen Collins,
130:Zen phrase says The instant you speak about a thing you miss the mark. ~ Fritjof Capra,
131:I might go anywhere and do any magic I pleased if I were Peter, not Prunella. ~ Zen Cho,
132:Zen has no secrets other than seriously thinking about life and death. ~ Takeda Shingen,
133:A wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind. ~ Zen proverb,
134:He tapped into the Zen of ignorance, the enlightenment of absurdity. ~ Christopher Moore,
135:The only Zen you find on tops of mountains is the Zen you bring there. ~ Robert M Pirsig,
136:You see what you are thinking and feeling, seldom what you are looking at. ~ Zen proverb,
137:Zen insight is not our awareness, but Being's awareness of itself in us. ~ Thomas Merton,
138:executive. KOBUN CHINO. A St Zen master in California who became Jobs’s ~ Walter Isaacson,
139:I learned that you can stand up for yourself and still maintain your zen! ~ Doreen Virtue,
140:I am very discouraged. What should I do? Master says, 'encourage others.'
   ~ Zen Proverb,
141:In Tantric Zen there is no rule. There is only your immediate experience. ~ Frederick Lenz,
142:She flung the door open with a flourish, revealing a scene of utter pandemonium. ~ Zen Cho,
143:Sitting quietly, doing nothing, spring comes, and the grass grows by itself. ~ Zen Proverb,
144:Sitting quietly, doing nothing, spring comes, and the grass grows by itself. ~ Zen proverb,
145:"When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you." ~ Zen proverb,
146:Zen is like soap. First you wash with it, and then you wash off the soap. ~ Yamaoka Tesshu,
147:An old Zen rule of thumb is not to answer until one has been asked three times. ~ Joko Beck,
148:I want to weep for lack of such a noble concept -- a soldier's right to refuse. ~ Carlo Zen,
149:"You see what you are thinking and feeling, seldom what you are looking at." ~ Zen proverb,
150:As the Zen Buddhist saying goes, how you do anything is how you do everything. ~ Simon Sinek,
151:He had tapped into the Zen of ignorance, the enlightenment of absurdity. ~ Christopher Moore,
152:I have lived with several Zen masters — all of them cats. ~ Eckhart Tolle#EckhartTolle​ #Zen,
153:"Taoism furnished the basis for aesthetic ideals, Zen made them practical." ~ Kakuzo Okakura,
154:When other sects speak well of Zen, the first thing that they praise is its poverty. ~ Dogen,
155:In a certain sense, Zen is feeling life instead of feeling something about life. ~ Alan Watts,
156:Zen is about breaking out of your ideas and experiencing life and not ideas. ~ Frederick Lenz,
157:Baseball is one of the most beautiful games. It is. It is a very Zen-like game. ~ Jim Jarmusch,
158:I came to think of it as a kind of zen practice: the Zen of not fucking up. ~ Sebastian Junger,
159:I feel I'm pretty zen and laid back. I don't have a lot of rage in my real life. ~ Stark Sands,
160:The practice of Zen is forgetting the self in the act of uniting with something. ~ Yamada Koun,
161:You are truly zen when you can wipe your ass with the words you have written down. ~ Anonymous,
162:I felt like a fox backed into a corner, with the yelping of the hounds coming closer. ~ Zen Cho,
163:"In a certain sense, Zen is feeling life instead of feeling something about life." ~ Alan Watts,
164:The wise adapt themselves to circumstances, as water molds itself to the pitcher. ~ Zen proverb,
165:All is vanity, says the Bible. All is now, says Zen, All is dust, says the desert. ~ Phil Knight,
166:And it’s like that Zen saying: ‘When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. ~ Mike Wells,
167:Zen Makes use, to a great extent, of poetical expressions; Zen is wedded to poetry. ~ D T Suzuki,
168:I guess Zen is a day like this when you are part of the air and remember things ~ Stephen Chbosky,
169:I just had to stay cool. Zen. No punching in the face. Punching would not be Zen. ~ Ilona Andrews,
170:Rebirth entailed a true death, the severing of one's memory and the loss of one's self. ~ Zen Cho,
171:The best of the best were graduates of the two-year Zen-Nippon Chick Sexing School, ~ Joshua Foer,
172:At my Rolling Stones' tour, the camera was a protection. I used it in a Zen way. ~ Annie Leibovitz,
173:A zen couch potato is a person who contemplates the nature of televised existence. ~ Richard Helms,
174:May we exist like a lotus, At home in the muddy water. Thus we bow to life as it is. ~ Zen Proverb,
175:The lesson seems almost Zen: you live longer only when you stop trying to live longer. ~ Anonymous,
176:Zen is very easy! It's like touching your nose when you wash your face in the morning! ~ Seungsahn,
177:Zen teaches that our approach to today determines our whole approach to life. ~ Philip Toshio Sudo,
178:my favorite Zen saying,” said Dee. “Once you’re born, the worst has already happened. ~ Rudy Rucker,
179:The only Zen you can find on the tops of mountains is the Zen you bring up there. ~ Robert M Pirsig,
180:Can we cut the Zen crap for a moment?" I ask. "I'm trying to beat this bag to a pulp. ~ Mari Mancusi,
181:Children are natural Zen masters; their world is brand new in each and every moment. ~ John Bradshaw,
182:It’s kind of like a Zen thing. Like playing the piano, or being a centipede in Heaven. ~ Peter Watts,
183:Zen is the way of splitting the self again and again, untilt there is nothing left. ~ Frederick Lenz,
184:Any good athletic is always in a state of perpetual training, as is the Zen student. ~ Frederick Lenz,
185:I’ll aim to make it black as the devil, hot as hell, pure as an angel, and sweet as love. ~ Carlo Zen,
186:In Zen you are learning how to make new realities, to build things inside your mind. ~ Frederick Lenz,
187:It gets kind of zen after awhile, life is a journey, time is a river, the door is ajar. ~ Jim Butcher,
188:The lesson seems almost Zen: you live longer only when you stop trying to live longer. ~ Atul Gawande,
189:Zen is not some kind of excitement, but concentration on our usual everyday routine. ~ Shunryu Suzuki,
190:But a woman should not marry where there is no respect. Respect is the most important thing. ~ Zen Cho,
191:How many Zen masters does it take to screw in a light bulb? The plum tree in the garden! ~ Brad Warner,
192:It's a kind of zen question: if you write a book and no one reads it, is it really a book? ~ Lee Child,
193:So, I guess Zen is a day like this when you are part of the air and remember things. ~ Stephen Chbosky,
194:Tantric Zen leads to illumination and fun right here and now, which is why I like it. ~ Frederick Lenz,
195:Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood carry water. ~ Zen proverb,
196:I don't know how much you know about Zen, but you'll know less when I'm done with you. ~ Frederick Lenz,
197:That’s essentially what Zen practice is about: functioning from moment to moment. ~ Charlotte Joko Beck,
198:The lesson seems almost Zen: you live longer only when you stop trying to live longer. * ~ Atul Gawande,
199:There is no beginning and there is no end to time. There is only your perception of time. ~ Zen proverb,
200:Tirando cenizas sobre el Buda (La Liebre de Marzo, 1991), del maestro zen Seung Sahn, ~ Timothy Ferriss,
201:Zen gives you tremendous dignity. There is no authority anywhere. Freedom is utter and ultimate. ~ Osho,
202:"A flower does not think of competing to the flower next to it. It just blooms." ~ Sensei Ogui, Zen Shin,
203:He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still. ~ Zen proverb,
204:In Tantric Zen you can be humorous and make fun of anything or you can be very serious. ~ Frederick Lenz,
205:You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you. ~ Ray Bradbury, Zen in the Art of Writing,
206:Zen is meditation, the actual experience of life directly, immediately with no buffers. ~ Frederick Lenz,
207:Zen master Seng-tsan taught that true freedom is being “without anxiety about imperfection. ~ Tara Brach,
208:In life as well as in art Zen never wastes energy in stopping to explain; it only indicates. ~ Alan Watts,
209:It takes a wise man to learn from his mistakes, but an even wiser man to learn from others. ~ Zen proverb,
210:The only zen thoughts you can find on a mountain summit are those you brought yourself. ~ Robert M Pirsig,
211:Those who sit perfectly physically usually take more time to obtain the true way of Zen. ~ Shunryu Suzuki,
212:We enter a discipline like Zen practice so that we can learn to live in a sane way. ~ Charlotte Joko Beck,
213:"When you are deluded and full of doubt,even a thousand books of scripture are not enough." ~ Zen proverb,
214:Zen masters say you cannot see your reflection in running water, only in still water. ~ Elizabeth Gilbert,
215:as the Zen saying goes, ‘If you take care of your mind, you take care of the world.’  ~ Arianna Huffington,
216:In life as well as in art, Zen never wastes energy in stopping to explain; it only indicates. ~ Alan Watts,
217:The birds always find their way to their nests. The river always finds its way to the ocean. ~ Zen proverb,
218:To remain caught up in ideas and words about Zen is, as the old masters say, to stink of Zen. ~ Alan Watts,
219:You are having a baby,' he said.

'I certainly hope it turns out to be a baby,' I agreed. ~ Zen Cho,
220:Zen is the study of mind in all of its manifestations. The purpose of Zen is to be happy. ~ Frederick Lenz,
221:Dan di hadapan kekuasaan, hal paling mudah yang mesti dilakukan, adalah merawat baik-baik ingatan. ~ Zen RS,
222:I thought: if I die, I hope I get reincarnated into a mosquito so I can bite that fucker kau-kau. ~ Zen Cho,
223:Tantric Zen is the exploration of everything, since everything is a part of enlightenment. ~ Frederick Lenz,
224:"The Zen Way is demanding, but it leads to the depths, to the light of clearly seeing what is." ~ Myokyo-ni,
225:"This is the Zen approach: nothing is there to be done. There is nothing to do. One has just to be." ~ Osho,
226:If Zen has any preference it is for glass that is plain, has no color, and is "just glass." ~ Thomas Merton,
227:I feel like I'm being too Zen. I'm inhaling too much patchouli and incense. It's embarrassing. ~ Jimmy Fallon,
228:Smile, breathe and go slowly." - Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Zen monk, author and peace activist. ~ Nhat Hanh,
229:We can see unmistakeably that there is an inner relationship between Zen and the warrior's life. ~ D T Suzuki,
230:This was all she needed – a dead guy who talked like some Zen master trying to be her therapist. ~ Jen Minkman,
231:When you try to stay on the surface of the water, you sink; but when you try to sink, you float. ~ Zen proverb,
232:Zen is a very quick path to enlightenment and development of the mind and all its facilities. ~ Frederick Lenz,
233:I don't think I'm competing with anyone. I don't mean to sound Zen, but genuinely, when I stopped ~ Vidya Balan,
234:I'm a Zen Master. I'm an occult teacher. I teach people how to become that, how to be perfect. ~ Frederick Lenz,
235:Zen. It was like the word that ends the spell. The kill that turns the witch back into a princess ~ Jan Ellison,
236:Zen provides a structure that supports our exploring the practice and the teachings for ourselves. ~ Jean Smith,
237:According to Zen philosophy each human being has two minds, a finite mind and an infinite mind. ~ Frederick Lenz,
238:It is a mother's duty to teach her daughters about the uses of blood, particularly a magical daughter. ~ Zen Cho,
239:This time, let us hope you will get to be old," she said. "It is a great suffering to know youth only. ~ Zen Cho,
240:We know the sound of two hands clapping. But what is the sound of one hand clapping? – A Zen Kōan ~ J D Salinger,
241:For Zen students a weed is a treasure. With this attitude, whatever you do, life becomes an art. ~ Shunryu Suzuki,
242:Great doubt: great awakening. Little doubt: little awakening. No doubt: no awakening. —ZEN MAXIM ~ Timothy Ferris,
243:La «filosofía del budismo Zen» se alimenta de un «filosofar sobre» y «con» el budismo Zen. Tiene ~ Byung Chul Han,
244:There's something Zen-like about the way I work - it's like raking gravel in a Zen Buddhist garden. ~ Chuck Close,
245:When mind and action are separate, zen is lost. We keep the two in sync by paying attention. ~ Philip Toshio Sudo,
246:Zen and Buddhism have produced martial arts, because of the Buddhist injunction against weapons. ~ Frederick Lenz,
247:Zen approaches it from the practical side of life-that is, to work out Enlightenment in life itself. ~ D T Suzuki,
248:Zen is the game of insight, the game of discovering who you are beneath the social masks. ~ Reginald Horace Blyth,
249:Zen teaches nothing; it merely enables us to wake up and become aware. It does not teach, it points. ~ D T Suzuki,
250:A thief running away like mad from a ferocious watch-dog may be a splendid example of Zen. ~ Reginald Horace Blyth,
251:I feel much more comfortable either up in a tree, or underwater. That's where I feel the most zen. ~ Margot Robbie,
252:I've been in these tabloids for 14 years now, and at some point you just become a Zen master of it all ~ Brad Pitt,
253:The truth of Zen is the truth of life, and life means to live, to move, to act, not merely to reflect. ~ D T Suzuki,
254:If you realize that all things change, there is nothing you will try to hold on to. ~ Zen proverb#LetGo #change #zen,
255:In Japanese art, space assumed a dominant role and its position was strengthened by Zen concepts. ~ Stephen Gardiner,
256:Zen practice asks you not to worry about who you 'should' become. Find out who you are right now. ~ Brenda Shoshanna,
257:If you understand, things are just as they are. If you do not understand, things are just as they are. ~ Zen Proverb,
258:Naturally, the Zen Master Rama philosophy is to have a high state of awareness and material success. ~ Frederick Lenz,
259:People who practice Zen correctly are not spaced-out or unrealistic. They are balanced and grounded. ~ Frederick Lenz,
260:Siew Tsin had not given much thought to what happened in the afterlife until the afterlife happened to her. ~ Zen Cho,
261:There is no letter of the law to follow in Zen. There is a lot of etiquette, but there are no rules. ~ Frederick Lenz,
262:This is beautifully expressed in the Zen saying “The snow falls, each flake in its appropriate place. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
263:Zen masters always say that you cannot see your reflection in running water, only in still water. ~ Elizabeth Gilbert,
264:Zen was an attempt to get back to the purest teachings of the Buddha -enlightenment without strings. ~ Frederick Lenz,
265:I don't lack confidence. I don't sweat. I don't want to get too Zen on you, but I have to run my own race. ~ Brad Grey,
266:Zen is the path that focuses the most upon meditation. It is almost exclusively a path of meditation. ~ Frederick Lenz,
267:He was a typical specimen of the younger son in avid pursuit of mediocrity with which the Theurgist’s teemed: ~ Zen Cho,
268:I am still raw. I say I may be back. You know what lies are for. Even in your Zen heaven we shan't meet. ~ Sylvia Plath,
269:If you want to travel the Way of Buddhas and Zen masters, then expect nothing, seek nothing, and grasp nothing. ~ D gen,
270:If you want to travel the Way of Buddhas and Zen masters, then expect nothing, seek nothing, and grasp nothing. ~ Dogen,
271:Tantric Zen, and the people who practice it, of course, make some people feel extremely uncomfortable. ~ Frederick Lenz,
272:Life, according to Zen, ought to be lived as a bird flies through the air, or as a fish swims in the water. ~ D T Suzuki,
273:of the Zen masters might have been excellent in their own time—and might still be the best, if ~ Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi,
274:She had still had the loved child's belief that it would not be allowed for anything too bad to happen to her. ~ Zen Cho,
275:The whole point of Zen is to suspend the rules we have superimposed on things and to see the world as it is ~ Alan Watts,
276:Why, all the greatest magic comes down to blood," said Mak Genggang. "And who knows blood better than a woman? ~ Zen Cho,
277:Zen is not interested in high-flown statements; it wants its pupil to bite his apple and not discuss it. ~ Anne Bancroft,
278:Nothing weaker than water.Nothing stronger than rock.Still, a slow flow of water can cut through mountains. ~ Zen Proverb,
279:The light is already there. In Zen Buddhism there's a little speck of dust on the mirror, and that's us. ~ Frederick Lenz,
280:the Zen masters always say that you cannot see your reflection in running water, only in still water. ~ Elizabeth Gilbert,
281:Zen is a way of liberation, concerned not with discovering what is good or bad or advantageous, but what is. ~ Alan Watts,
282:There is a sense of competition in Zen. You are competing with your thoughts and trying to overcome them. ~ Frederick Lenz,
283:The word impossible contains the word possible' What's that-- some Zen thing?' I think Star Trek. Mr. Spock. ~ Dean Koontz,
284:"Time passes quickly and opportunity is lost. Each of us must strive to awaken. Do not squander your lives." ~ Zen proverb,
285:When I am old I shall become an itinerant poet and wear a straw hat and never worry about love again.   Tuesday, ~ Zen Cho,
286:Zen is magic. It gives you the key to open the miraculous. And the miraculous is in you and the key is also in you. ~ Osho,
287:Courage is not the absence of fear; courage is and grows out of the willingness to experience fear. ~ Ezra Bayda, Being Zen,
288:My blogging life is basically goalless. I like the zen nature of that, and paradoxically, it improves results. ~ Seth Godin,
289:One has to adopt a sort of Zen calm, in which you know you wrote the best book that you could at the time. ~ Daniel Handler,
290:"The whole point of Zen is to suspend the rules we have superimposed on things and to see the world as it is." ~ Alan Watts,
291:The Zen people from Ancient China, "When you're walking, just walk." It turns out to be the hardest thing. ~ Jon Kabat Zinn,
292:Until we recognize the SELF that exists apart from who we think we are - we cannot know the Ch'an ( ZEN ) MIND ~ D T Suzuki,
293:"Zen is a way of liberation, concerned not with discovering what is good or bad or advantageous, but what is." ~ Alan Watts,
294:"Zen is not some special state, it is our normal condition, silent, peaceful, awake, without agitation." ~ Taisen Deshimaru,
295:"Zen is really extraordinarily simple as long as one doesn't try to be cute about it or beat around the bush!" ~ Alan Watts,
296:Zen pretty much comes down to three things -- everything changes; everything is connected; pay attention. ~ Jane Hirshfield,
297:From the Zen view all beings are in the grip of the three poisons, greed, anger and delusion (ignorance). ~ Brenda Shoshanna,
298:"There is a Zen poem that says, 'If you ask where the flowers come from, even the God of Spring doesn't know.'" ~ Alan Watts,
299:You may have a million desires to be in other places, doing other things, but you are not there, you are here. ~ Zen proverb,
300:A female may be poor or delicate or a spinster, but it does seem ill-advised of Miss Liddiard to combine all three. ~ Zen Cho,
301:[A] life passed amid the feuds and rivalries of a girls' school had left Prunella not wholly unprepared for battle. ~ Zen Cho,
302:Prunella took to the ballrooms of London in the spirit of ruthless calculation of a general entering a battlefield. ~ Zen Cho,
303:The beauty of Zen is found in simplicity and tranquility, in a sense of the all-embracing harmony of things. ~ Thich Thien An,
304:this quintessential Zen statement: “There is no right and no wrong, but right is right and wrong is wrong. ~ Joseph Goldstein,
305:Zen Hugs - the hugs that you would get, if we were there, if we could hug you, but we aren't, and we can't. ~ Mercedes Lackey,
306:Honestly.I don't understand Zen.It seems if you don't answer properly,or if you are rude,people get enlightened. ~ Jerry Pinto,
307:I have a bit of a struggle with some aspects of or forms of Buddhism, but Zen I find to be mainly congenial. ~ Quentin S Crisp,
308:unless you can explain Zen in words that a fisherman will comprehend, you don’t know what you’re talking about. ~ Jeff Bridges,
309:You should sit and meditate for 20 minutes, unless you're too busy, then you should sit and meditate or an hour. ~ Zen proverb,
310:It is necessary to have a very liberal and simultaneously very conservative mentality to practice Tantric Zen. ~ Frederick Lenz,
311:I wish the enemy would hesitate to shoot when they see me, but you can't expect humanitarianism on the battlefield. ~ Carlo Zen,
312:Let me give you a wonderful Zen practice. Wake up in the morning...look in the mirror, and laugh at yourself. ~ Bernie Glassman,
313:"The beauty of Zen is found in simplicity and tranquility, in a sense of the all-embracing harmony of things." ~ Thich Thien-An,
314:Throwing away Zen mind is correct Zen mind. Only keep the question, 'What is the best way of helping other people?' ~ Seungsahn,
315:Until today, it really pissed me off that I'd become this totally centered Zen Master and nobody had noticed. ~ Chuck Palahniuk,
316:What I term Zen, old Zen, the original face of Zen, new Zen, pure Zen, or Tantric Zen is - Zen in its essence. ~ Frederick Lenz,
317:You can watch a clock tick. You can witness a sunrise or a sunset, but that is not time. That is simply movement. ~ Zen proverb,
318:Zen professes itself to be the spirit of Buddhism, but in fact it is the spirit of all religions and philosophies. ~ D T Suzuki,
319:In Zen, poverty is voluntary, and considered not really as poverty so much as simplicity, freedom, unclutteredness. ~ Alan Watts,
320:It gets sort of Zen after a while,” Butters said brightly. “Life is a journey. Time is a river. The door is a jar. ~ Jim Butcher,
321:Not thinking about anything is Zen. Once you know this, walking, sitting, or lying down, everything you do is Zen. ~ Bodhidharma,
322:slapping at the flies
slapping at the mosquitoes
slapping at myself ~ Santoka Taneda, Mountain Tasting: Zen Haiku, 351,
323:The word impossible contains the word possible'
What's that-- some Zen thing?'
I think Star Trek. Mr. Spock. ~ Dean Koontz,
324:When you look forward into time, it seems like forever. When you look back, it appears time has passed in a flash. ~ Zen proverb,
325:"Let me give you a wonderful Zen practice. Wake up in the morning...look in the mirror, and laugh at yourself." ~ Bernie Glassman,
326:Not thinking about anything is Zen. Once you know this, walking, sitting, or lying down, everything you do is Zen. ~ Bodhidharma,
327:It’s been said that golf is a Zen activity. I’d argue that if golfers were practicing Zen, they wouldn’t keep score. ~ Tom Robbins,
328:Most assuredly Zen is a religion, but it is a religion without scripture, without doctrine or dogma and without sin. ~ Howard Fast,
329:"Not thinking about anything is Zen. Once you know this, walking, sitting, or lying down, everything you do is Zen." ~ Bodhidharma,
330:Tantric Zen is the awareness of the infinitude of all things. To gain that awareness, to be it, is enlightenment. ~ Frederick Lenz,
331:The Zen expression “Kill the Buddha!” means to kill any concept of the Buddha as something apart from oneself. ~ Peter Matthiessen,
332:If you want a certain thing, first be a certain person.Then obtaining that certain thing will no longer be a concern. ~ Zen proverb,
333:The first time she saw the boy across the classroom, Ah Lee knew she was in love because she tasted durian on her tongue. ~ Zen Cho,
334:The path of Tao is not that of sudden enlightenment. It is not like Zen. Zen is sudden enlightenment, Tao is gradual growth. ~ Osho,
335:The real goal of Zen is to find a way of life that's easy and undramatic. Strong attachments lead to upset and drama. ~ Brad Warner,
336:When you look forward into time, it seems like forever. When you look back, it appears time has passed in a flash.
   ~ Zen Proverb,
337:A time of uncertainty, of not knowing exactly where we're headed, or what kind of choice to make is a Zen moment. ~ Brenda Shoshanna,
338:A Zen master, when asked where he would go after he died, replied, 'To Hell, for that's where help is needed most.' ~ Philip Kapleau,
339:little absent from everything in the way of a Zen Master actually who realizes that everything is indifferent anyway, ~ Jack Kerouac,
340:The geographical pilgrimage is the symbolic acting out of an inner journey. THOMAS MERTON, Mystics and Zen Masters ~ Ian Morgan Cron,
341:While I had cancer, I wrote these twenty-two personal essays about how I lived my life backed by Zen and writing. ~ Natalie Goldberg,
342:Zen in it's essence is the art of seeing into the nature of one's being, and it points the way from bondage to freedom. ~ D T Suzuki,
343:"Let me give you a wonderful Zen practice. Wake up in the morning . . . look in the mirror, and laugh at yourself." ~ Bernie Glassman,
344:The damnable thing about Damerell, thought Zacharias, was that he never failed to observe precisely what you would conceal. ~ Zen Cho,
345:The renowned seventh-century Zen master Seng-tsan taught that true freedom is being "without anxiety about imperfection. ~ Tara Brach,
346:There are few times that I feel more at peace, more in tune, more Zen, if you will, than when I force myself to unplug. ~ Harlan Coben,
347:Your immediate experience is Tantric Zen. How aware are you of your immediate experience? - Probably not that aware. ~ Frederick Lenz,
348:Not to be bound by rules, but to be creating one's own rules-this is the kind of life which Zen is trying to have us live. ~ D T Suzuki,
349:There is a beautiful flow to the study of Zen. If it is not making you happier, then you are not practicing correctly. ~ Frederick Lenz,
350:Zen people love Buddha so tremendously that they can even play jokes upon him. It is out of great love; they are not afraid. ~ Rajneesh,
351:I'm a poet who practices Zen. And it's not, I'm somebody who practices Zen who writes poetry. There's no separation for me. ~ Sam Hamill,
352:... it is strange to know you would be cast off by the people who greet you so warmly, if they knew the whole truth about you. ~ Zen Cho,
353:Personal experience, therefore, is everything in Zen. No ideas are intelligible to those who have no backing of experience. ~ D T Suzuki,
354:Tantric Zen is more suited for this age that we live in. It give you rules, but in a gentle way. It's not as demanding. ~ Frederick Lenz,
355:According to Zen Buddhist cosmology there are ten thousand different states of mind to view and understand life through. ~ Frederick Lenz,
356:Always now - just now - come into being. Always now - just now - give yourself to death. Practicing this is Zen practice. ~ Soko Morinaga,
357:In the beginner’s mind, there are many possibilities,” said Zen monk Shunryu Suzuki. “In the expert’s mind, there are few. ~ Austin Kleon,
358:The feeling is all in all, as Faust declares; all our theorization fails to touch reality. ~ D.T. Suzuki, An Introduction to Zen Buddhism,
359:Zen doesn't believe in the reconciliation of opposites because from the point of view of Zen, there is no point of view. ~ Frederick Lenz,
360:Christopher, like most people, didn't like his universe being unfathomable, so I doubted that a Zen koan would help him. ~ Scarlett Thomas,
361:I steeled myself for the next response. I knew it was going to be one of the Zen life lessons. [...] Instead he kissed me. ~ Richelle Mead,
362:tangerine clam, and a professional desktop computer that suggested a Zen ice cube. Like bell-bottoms that turn up in the ~ Walter Isaacson,
363:Zen says everything is divine so how can anything be special? All is special. Nothing is non-special so nothing can be special. ~ Rajneesh,
364:Zen students see themselves as athletes. Their competitive sport is enlightenment; only with enlightenment do we compete. ~ Frederick Lenz,
365:But for the first time, I had a religious identity. I had come home. And so I called myself a Zen Buddhist at the age of 18. ~ M Scott Peck,
366:But one may like someone enough to kiss them without liking them enough to confide in them. The two are quite different emotions. ~ Zen Cho,
367:In Zen brush-painting, the circle is a master's problem. It represents everything and nothing, and in so doing, the universe. ~ Mike Todd Jr,
368:The study of Zen is a retraining. It is a series of new ways, not just one way, to learn to use your mind more efficiently. ~ Frederick Lenz,
369:To say one is revolutionary is a little like saying one is a Zen Buddhist - if you say you are, you probably aren't. ~ Lawrence Ferlinghetti,
370:Zen is not a philosophy, it is poetry. It does not propose, it simply persuades. It does not argue, it simply sings its own song. ~ Rajneesh,
371:I steeled myself for the next response. I knew it was going to be one of the Zen life lessons. [...]
Instead he kissed me. ~ Richelle Mead,
372:To be a good Zen Buddhist it is not enough to follow the teaching of its founder; we have to experience the Buddha's experience. ~ D T Suzuki,
373:You're not listening to the Zen master, what he is saying outwardly, but even more importantly...what he is saying inwardly. ~ Frederick Lenz,
374:A long walk and grooming with a well-mannered dog is a Zen experience that leaves you refreshed and in a creative frame of mind. ~ Dean Koontz,
375:As the Japanese Zen masters say, “Don't seek the truth; just drop your opinions”. Drop your theories; don't seek the truth. ~ Anthony de Mello,
376:As the Zen master Suzuki Roshi put it, “In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few. ~ Pema Ch dr n,
377:Both Zen and mysticsm have this beautiful quality of happiness and laughter, which I think is so necessary in our modern age. ~ Frederick Lenz,
378:Forever is not an idea or a concept, it is reality. All of the things here come from forever. We call forever nirvana in Zen. ~ Frederick Lenz,
379:Hell was hot and full of unkind people in a hurry; there was far too much red tape; and the bureaucrats were all shockingly corrupt. ~ Zen Cho,
380:Like the moon on the water, in a way. When you confront a Zen master, what you're really seeing are not his limitations but yours. ~ Pico Iyer,
381:Tantric Zen is not being kinky; nor is it being conservative and austere. It is eclectic. It is a real mixture of all things. ~ Frederick Lenz,
382:"The truth of Zen, just a little bit of it, is what turns one's humdrum life into one of art, full of genuine inner creativity." ~ D.T. Suzuki,
383:The Zen master walks in his garden, alone. There is no traffic there. There is no shopping there. There are only the flowers. ~ Frederick Lenz,
384:Zacharias, my dear, I do not believe I am misled by partiality when I say you are impossible to miss in this room,” said Lady Wythe. ~ Zen Cho,
385:Zen is all-inclusive. It never denies, it never says no to anything; it accepts everything and transforms it into a higher reality. ~ Rajneesh,
386:Zen- Dojo Tozan was not in Sarnen or Thu but somewhere between the two, not in a village but in the tall grass and blue flowers. ~ Ann Patchett,
387:Zen is non-serious. Zen has a tremendous sense of humor. No other religion has evolved so much that it can have that sense of humor. ~ Rajneesh,
388:If you study the writings of the mystics, you will always find things in them that appear to be paradoxes, as in Zen, particularly. ~ Alan Watts,
389:In Zen we do everything perfectly. We feel that our outer actions are a reflection of our inner state. We call it mindfulness. ~ Frederick Lenz,
390:triangle offense, that aligned perfectly with the values of selflessness and mindful awareness I’d been studying in Zen Buddhism. ~ Phil Jackson,
391:When it came to producing a state of focus, quiet contentment, and inner peace, Zen meditation ran a very distant second to caffeine. ~ Joe Hill,
392:Being good-looking and interesting and having the heavy-lidded gaze of a romantic tapir does not excuse writing a foolish book. Perhaps ~ Zen Cho,
393:Zen Buddhism does not preach. Sermons remain words. It waits until people feel stifled and insecure, driven by a secret longing. ~ Eugen Herrigel,
394:Zen says: be empty. Look without any idea. Look into the nature of things but with no idea, with no prejudice, with no presupposition. ~ Rajneesh,
395:"If you study the writings of the mystics, you will always find things in them that appear to be paradoxes, as in Zen, particularly." ~ Alan Watts,
396:In the Zen Way we focus upon each breath, each day, each moment and experience it totally. One complete breath brings the next. ~ Brenda Shoshanna,
397:It's pre-photography, a fossilization of time, Americans have done the Zen garden to death. I wanted to do something different. ~ Hiroshi Sugimoto,
398:Just be ordinary and nothing special. Eat your food, move your bowels, pass water, and when you're tired go lie down. ~ Zen proverb (Linji Yixuan),
399:What is Tantric Zen? Well, I don't think I can give you a straight answer, since I don't happen to be a very straight Zen master. ~ Frederick Lenz,
400:When words cease to correspond with facts it is time for us to part with words and return to facts. ~ D.T. Suzuki, An Introduction to Zen Buddhism,
401:"Zen has no goal; it is a traveling without point, with nowhere to go. To travel is to be alive, but to get somewhere is to be dead." ~ Alan Watts,
402:Zen is just a lifestyle, your everyday life. It is doing your best at your job, relationships, health, hobbies, and other daily activities! ~ Mika,
403:Zen probably won’t solve a single one of our problems. What it might do is help us relate differently to what we consider problems. ~ Barry Graham,
404:At Patagonia, making a profit is not the goal because the Zen master would say profits happen 'when you do everything else right'. ~ Yvon Chouinard,
405:The aunts’ conception of the right to privacy went far enough to allow you to close the toilet door when you were peeing, but no further. ~ Zen Cho,
406:The Zen master can see precisely what it will take to cause your awareness to become free. But the Zen master can't do it for you. ~ Frederick Lenz,
407:En la mente del principiante hay muchas posibilidades; en la del experto hay pocas.   SHUNRYU SUZUKI, Mente zen, mente de principiante ~ Phil Knight,
408:I consider writing practice a true Zen practice because it all comes back at you. You can't fool anyone because it's on the page. ~ Natalie Goldberg,
409:If you're claiming to be the Supreme Being (even if you're not doing a very good job at it), I wish you were a bit more mentally mature. ~ Carlo Zen,
410:I met a man of Zen once”, said the snake, “and he gave a koan “Coal is black says the Englishman. I protest; coal is not black. ~ Shailendra Gulhati,
411:In the last five years I used to go to Zen practice once a month, but since I assumed the post of prime minister it's been much harder. ~ Shinzo Abe,
412:To practice Zen Buddhism is to train oneself to eliminate hatred, anger and selfishness and to develop loving-kindness towards all. ~ Thich Thien An,
413:"Be in Zen meditation whether you are working or sitting; be essentially at peace whether you are speaking, silent, active or still." ~ Dahui Zonggao,
414:For a celebrity he has an awful excess of sensibility, and is very anxious about one's opinion of him. Perhaps it comes of being an artist. ~ Zen Cho,
415:In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s mind there are few. —Shunryu Suzuki, Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind ~ Phil Knight,
416:I should advise you not to stop there, but set fire to his house, too, and sell his children to pirates. That is the only way he will learn ~ Zen Cho,
417:Steve Jobs, for instance, adopted the Zen Buddhist concept of “beginner’s mind,” the ability to see a situation as if for the first time. ~ Anonymous,
418:"The adept in Zen is one who manages to be human with the same artless grace and absence of inner conflict with which a tree is a tree." ~ Alan Watts,
419:The whole zen attitude is to bring to your notice the fact that there is no effort to be made. The zen attitude is that of effortlessness. ~ Rajneesh,
420:Zen is less the study of doctrine than a set of tools for discovering what can be known when the world is looked at with open eyes. ~ Jane Hirshfield,
421:A person who undertakes the study of Zen and learns concentration and meditation is like a gymnast. You become a gymnast of the mind. ~ Frederick Lenz,
422:"But don't think and reflect unnecessarily, compulsively, from sheer force of nervous habit. In Zen, they call this having a leaky mind." ~ Alan Watts,
423:In Zen we strive to bring both the mind and the body into perfect combination, so that there is no intrinsic difference between them. ~ Frederick Lenz,
424:Zen does not confuse spirituality with thinking about God while one is peeling potatoes. Zen spirituality is just to peel the potatoes. ~ Alan W Watts,
425:Zen is influenced by Daoism, which is not so much a nature-religion in the animistic sense as a nature-philosophy in a cosmic sense. ~ Quentin S Crisp,
426:These are new worlds, Zen. We don't have to be what we were any more. We can be anything that we want. We can be humans together. - Nova ~ Philip Reeve,
427:Well, for one thing, in the tradition of Zen that I've practiced, there is no prayerful worship and there is no affirmation of a deity. ~ Leonard Cohen,
428:Zen... does not confuse spirituality with thinking about God while one is peeling potatoes. Zen spirituality is just to peel the potatoes. ~ Alan Watts,
429:Zen is not morality, it is aesthetics. It does not impose a code of morality. it does not give you any commandments: do this, don't do that. ~ Rajneesh,
430:Not Christian or Jew or Muslim, not Hindu, Buddhist, Sufi or zen. Not any religion or cultural system. I am not of the East, nor of the West.... ~ Rumi,
431:You may wonder which came first: the skill or the hard work. But that's a moot point. The Zen master cleans his own studio. So should you. ~ Twyla Tharp,
432:Zen is consciousness unstructured by particular form or particular system, a trans-cultural, trans-religious, transformed consciousness. ~ Thomas Merton,
433:Zen teaches that once we can open up to the inevitability of our demise, we can begin to transform that situation and lighten up about it. ~ Allen Klein,
434:In Zen the emphasis is on meditation and developing your body, mind and spirit to find inner peace, strength, clarity and enlightenment. ~ Frederick Lenz,
435:Logic presumes a separation of subject from object; therefore logic is not final wisdom.This is Zen. This is my motorcycle maintenance. ~ Robert M Pirsig,
436:This is the Zen approach: nothing is there to be done. There is nothing to do. One has just to be. Have a rest, and be ordinary and be natural.  . ~ Osho,
437:This is the Zen approach: nothing is there to be done. There is nothing to do. One has just to be. Have a rest and be ordinary and be natural. ~ Rajneesh,
438:Your amoral ingenuity in the pursuit of your interest is perfectly shocking,” said Zacharias severely. “Yes, isn’t it?” said Prunella, pleased. ~ Zen Cho,
439:To practice Zen or the Martial Arts, you must live intensely, wholeheartedly, without reserve - as if you might die in the next instant ~ Taisen Deshimaru,
440:Zen has no theory. It is a non-theoretical approach into reality. It has no doctrine and no dogma - hence it has no church, no priest, no pope. ~ Rajneesh,
441:Zen is a study. It's a discipline. It involves the active use of will to make things happen or not happen. These are the secrets of power. ~ Frederick Lenz,
442:I find the training of the mind that Zen puts people through is by far to me, the most interesting, one of the most interesting disciplines. ~ Robert Greene,
443:The mind is a clear and polished mirror and our continual duty is to keep it pureand never allow dust to gather upon its face. ~ Saving of the School of Zen,
444:The way of nothingness is the way of Zen. It is just a term. The contemplation of nothingness or everythingness is where everything starts. ~ Frederick Lenz,
445:When I say that Zen is life, I mean that Zen is not to be confined within conceptualization, that Zen is what makes conceptualization possible. ~ D T Suzuki,
446:Zen is discipline - the discipline of living life, the discipline of taking a breath, the discipline of not knowing and not trying to know. ~ Frederick Lenz,
447:Zen is Tantric Buddhism, Vajrayana is tantric Buddhism - these are various forms of it. Tantric Buddhism simply means cutting to the chase. ~ Frederick Lenz,
448:Zen is the fastest method I know of, aside from mysticism, of dissolving the fixations people have about spiritual practice and themselves. ~ Frederick Lenz,
449:Zen has nothing to teach us in the way of intellectual analysis; nor has it any set doctrines which are imposed on its followers for acceptance. ~ D T Suzuki,
450:Find a teacher of Tantric Zen and study with them because it is transference of awareness, a sharing of the perception of the beauty of life. ~ Frederick Lenz,
451:For me, whenever I'm physical it spins my mind and whenever there's a lot going on I put my gloves on or I wrestle somebody and I feel zen. ~ Steven R McQueen,
452:I’m here, but I’m not here. I’m in two places at once. It goes against Einstein’s theorem, but what the hell. Call it the Zen of the killer. ~ Haruki Murakami,
453:Are you going? What shall you wear?"
"I shall go in what I am standing in," said Mak Genggang. "A witch is always appropriate whatever her attire. ~ Zen Cho,
454:In fact, in many ways my mother was quite hippy-dippy, serving macrobiotic food and reading 'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.' ~ Kristin Scott Thomas,
455:This would be a Zen-like state of productivity, in which you deal with what’s present from a perspective that is both detached and fully engaged. ~ David Allen,
456:What is Zen? Zen is looking at things with the eye of God, that is, becoming the thing's eyes so that it looks at itself with our eyes. ~ Reginald Horace Blyth,
457:No one is ever more him/herself than when they really laugh. Their defenses are down. It's very Zen-like, that moment. They are completely open. ~ George Carlin,
458:Your arrows do not carry,’ observed the Master, ‘because they do not reach far enough spiritually.’ Eugen Herrigel Zen and the Art of Archery ~ Michael E Gerber,
459:And the question of Wester religion,” Flattery said, “is: What lies beyond death? But the question of the Zen master is: What lies beyond waking? ~ Frank Herbert,
460:There are some Buddhist philosophers (a branch referred to as Zen) who say that sometimes a bad thing happens to prevent a worse thing happening, ~ Kate Atkinson,
461:Zen has lost its zip, if you will, or its nothingness and has become ritualistic Its established in monastaries with strict codes of koan study. ~ Frederick Lenz,
462:ALRIGHT then, be a Zen monk. But you wait and see. You'll be happy and bright. You'll laugh. People will envy and ridicule you. You won't care. (sigh) ~ Lew Welch,
463:In zen, it is a cardinal sin to waste time. To waste time is to squander the here and now, which, if you think about it, is all that we have. ~ Philip Toshio Sudo,
464:One master defines Zen as the art of feeling the polar star in the southern sky. Truth can be reached only through the comprehension of opposites. ~ Kakuz Okakura,
465:Our goal isn't contentment in and of itself. We're not after a mystical state of Zen. Our goal is to be content for the glory and honor of God. ~ Stephen Altrogge,
466:HELLO! Look at me. HELLO! I am so ZEN. This is BLOOD. This is NOTHING. Hello. Everything is nothing, and it's so cool to be ENLIGHTENED. Like me. ~ Chuck Palahniuk,
467:Now when I speak about Zen, I have a problem, in the sense that the Zen of today has lost the essence, in my estimation, of what I call "old Zen." ~ Frederick Lenz,
468:Zen is attained only when “self-intoxication” is abandoned and the “drunkard” is really awakened to his deeper self. ~ D.T. Suzuki, An Introduction to Zen Buddhism,
469:Facts of experience are valued in Zen more than representations, symbols, and concepts-that is to say, substance is everything in Zen and form nothing. ~ D T Suzuki,
470:I have lived with several Zen masters — all of them cats. Even ducks have taught me important spiritual lessons. Just watching them is a meditation. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
471:Meditation is the way the mind is. That's why in Zen they call it the natural state, which means you don't have to go and do anything to meditate. ~ Frederick Lenz,
472:Psychoanalysis and Zen, in my private psychic geometry, are equal to nicotine. They are anti-existential. Nicotine quarantines one out of existence. ~ Norman Mailer,
473:Sometimes I wonder if anything that happens to us is ever a mistake. The Zen masters say, “There is absolutely nothing wrong with this moment. ~ Catherine Ryan Hyde,
474:Zen cuts straight through the Quidditch match in progress and almost gets taken down by a Beater hurling a Nerf quaffle right at his machopartes. ~ Megan McCafferty,
475:The secret of Soto Zen is just two words: not always so.... In Japanese, it's two words, three words in English. That is the secret of our practice. ~ Shunryu Suzuki,
476:"The Zen I know pulls the rug out from anything I land on as the truth and blissfully blows away dangerous moments of intelligence and understanding." ~ Thomas Moore,
477:Zen: 'I kinda went about it all wrong last night, didn't I?
Melody: 'Kinda? It was a total fustercluck.'

<actual word used> ~ Megan McCafferty,
478:Green politics at its worst amounts to a sort of Zen fascism; less extreme, it denounces growth and seeks to stop the world so that we can all get off. ~ Chris Patten,
479:Her opinion is that she did not struggle her way to the august age of forty-three only to have the dignity accorded to her years snatched away from her. But ~ Zen Cho,
480:I'd rather feel something for real than pretend it's not what it is. Which Zen guy said "If you want to drown, do not torture yourself with shallow water"? ~ A S King,
481:I have developed a Zen-like approach to the operating systems that people use: 'When you're ready, the right operating system will appear in your life. ~ Guy Kawasaki,
482:What attracted me to Zen was my first teacher, Tim McCarthy. He was extremely genuine. It wasn't even really a Zen thing, that sort of came along later. ~ Brad Warner,
483:Zen is the only religion in the world that teaches sudden enlightenment. It says that enlightenment takes no time, it can happen in a single, split second. ~ Rajneesh,
484:Affection there had always been between them, whatever their disagreements—and there had been more of these than Zacharias had permitted Sir Stephen to know. ~ Zen Cho,
485:I brought seaweed snacks from home,' chimed in another kid. "Seaweed got iron, right?"
'I don't think the teachers meant that kind of iron,' said Hui Ann. ~ Zen Cho,
486:It's a relationship like to a crusty Zen master, or something like that. And it is really like another entity because you cannot predict the answers. ~ Terence McKenna,
487:She had a thick aura of battle around her, and her face was almost doll-like, it was so pleasant to look at. Vacant blue eyes, blond hair tinged dark gray. ~ Carlo Zen,
488:The goal is to get so comfortable and relaxed with your instrument, or process, that you can just get Zen with it and let the music flow without thinking, ~ Ed Catmull,
489:After macrobiotics, Zen, and channeling, the "poor Vanishing Indian" is once more the subject of "deep and meaningful conversation" in the high rises. ~ Mary Brave Bird,
490:In Zen, actions speak louder than words. Doing is more important than knowing, and knowledge which cannot be translated into action is of little worth. ~ Thich Thien An,
491:Something awful must’ve happened on the surface, Damy thought. He squeezed his forearm, looking at the animated tattoo there, the mark of the strike teams. ~ Raeden Zen,
492:The bookcases were lined with titles, hundreds of books shelved by subject in alphabetical order.-Everything from aberrant behavior to the mysteries of zen. ~ Tami Hoag,
493:Zen is a very fast path to enlightenment, fast in comparison to some other paths, not fast for the person who practices it. There is no sense of speed. ~ Frederick Lenz,
494:If you're very liberal, then you should go and find a very liberal Zen teacher, a liberal interpretation of the doctrines of the Soto or Rinzai schools. ~ Frederick Lenz,
495:In the study of Zen you can learn how to strengthen and clarify your finite mind. Your finite mind is like a muscle; when exercised it becomes stronger. ~ Frederick Lenz,
496:The vast flood Rolls onward But yield yourself, And it floats you upon it. [2669.jpg] -- from Zen and Zen Classics, by R. H. Blyth

~ Ikkyu, The vast flood
497:When you find nothing, Morris said, it means you're eliminating what surrounds the something.
Is that a Zen thing? Eve questioned.
If not, it should be. ~ J D Robb,
498:When you find nothing,” Morris said, “it means you’re eliminating what surrounds the something.” “Is that a Zen thing?” Eve questioned. “If not, it should be. ~ J D Robb,
499:Both light and dark are eternity. Human beings assign relative values to colors, but beyond the relative, there just is - what in Zen we call "suchness". ~ Frederick Lenz,
500:Crowdsourcing is the ultimate disruptor of distribution because in a most Zen-like fashion, the content is controlled by everyone and no one at the same time. ~ Jay Samit,
501:I have always admired your refusal, in the pursuit of your convictions, ever to be constrained by considerations of humanity—much less of ordinary good manners. ~ Zen Cho,
502:Personal experience, therefore, is everything in Zen. No ideas are intelligible to those who have no backing of experience. ~ D.T. Suzuki, An Introduction to Zen Buddhism,
503:The person who's in the Zen monastery, who's doing a kind of poor job at meditating and a half-ass job cleaning the gardens is not doing very good yoga. ~ Frederick Lenz,
504:From my own personal encounters and studies with both Tantric and Zen Buddhist monks, I have found them to be humorous, warm, charming, and compassionate. ~ Frederick Lenz,
505:Other dragons are bastards. I moved out of my mother's cave after my mother tried to rip my guts out.
Granted, I had tried to steal her Tiara of Clairvoyance. ~ Zen Cho,
506:When we finally allow ourselves to be with what we’d rather avoid—which is simply not feeling good—then our very drama becomes the path to freedom. ~ Ezra Bayda, Being Zen,
507:So when we sit we concentrate on our breathing, and we become a swinging door, and we do something we should do, something we must do. This is     Zen practice. ~ Anonymous,
508:only one koan matters you [1796.jpg] -- from Crow With No Mouth: Fifteenth Century Zen Master Ikkyu, Translated by Stephen Berg

~ Ikkyu, only one koan matters
509:Zen questioning is a very gentle questioning. It is the kind of questioning that the Colorado River asks the Grand Canyon over centuries and centuries. ~ Taigen Dan Leighton,
510:The theory of Zen is non-competition. But that is not really true at all. People who practice Zen are very competitive. They are competing against emptiness. ~ Frederick Lenz,
511:Those who are already adept at some disciplines of the body will find that the study of Zen and meditation will give you much more control than you now have. ~ Frederick Lenz,
512:Zen questioning is a very gentle questioning. It is the kind of questioning that the Colorado River asks the Grand Canyon over centuries and centuries. ~ Taigen Dan Leighton,
513:How hard, then, and yet how easy it is to understand Zen! Hard because to understand it is not to understand it; easy because not to understand it is to understand ~ Anonymous,
514:Sports and athletics can be a path in Zen, in concordance with daily practice of zazen meditation. You need to move with your spirit, not just with your body. ~ Frederick Lenz,
515:You grow, learn, and the more I can sit in silence and be comfortable with myself, the more I can make noise, as ironic and Zen Buddhist and satanic as it sounds! ~ Nikki Sixx,
516:Zen is not a religion. There is no room for a cult. There is no dependence on a teacher. There is only learning how to use your own mind and making it strong. ~ Frederick Lenz,
517:By emphasizing doubt rather than belief, perplexity rather than certainty, and questions rather than answers, Zen practice granted me the freedom to imagine. ~ Stephen Batchelor,
518:Tantric Zen, at first, does not appear to have a method. In Tantric Zen, you could meditate on a Brillo box or you could meditate on the clear light of reality. ~ Frederick Lenz,
519:The whole aim of Zen is not to make foolproof statements about experience, but to come to direct grips with reality without the mediation of logical verbalizing. ~ Thomas Merton,
520:With Zen we do it more through slight of hand, a very subtle and delicate shift in consciousness, which shifts the world. It's kind of done from the inside out. ~ Frederick Lenz,
521:Zen is a very quick path. Zen is the path of meditation. The word Zen means emptiness or fullness, meditation. Meditation is the quickest path to enlightenment. ~ Frederick Lenz,
522:Zen Master Doc The says that when sitting in meditation, one should sit upright, giving birth to this thought, “Sitting here is like sitting on the Bodhi spot. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh,
523:A Zen master is someone whose life is one with enlightenment and self-discovery. They can never be separated from that. They've been essentially mastered by Zen. ~ Frederick Lenz,
524:He was, in his way, as close to a Zen master as I've ever had, and all of us who fell under his influence began with his style and eventually ended up with our own. ~ Nora Ephron,
525:Our product is still totally DeepArcher?”
“Which is…”
“Like ‘departure’, only you pronounce it DeepArcher?”
Zen thing,” Maxine guesses.
“Weed thing. ~ Thomas Pynchon,
526:The emphasis is on meditation in Tantric Zen. The experience of meditation in formal practice, zazen, where you're sitting down and meditating and concentrating. ~ Frederick Lenz,
527:The Zen Gnostics claim forty billion followers,” he rumbled. “But what kind of religion is that, eh? No churches. No priests. No holy books. No concept of sin.” Dur ~ Dan Simmons,
528:In Zen there is a sense of blending, of stepping out of your body and mind and gaining access to powers and abilities that are far beyond the minds of mortal men. ~ Frederick Lenz,
529:In Zen we study the will. We learn how to cultivate it, to accumulate will. We use it to direct our actions, and we don't overuse it or abuse it - that's a waste. ~ Frederick Lenz,
530:Since the decision to become a parent is invariably self-interested, it is my belief that a parent's obligation is to the child, and the child's obligation is to itself. ~ Zen Cho,
531:Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind by Shunryu Suzuki, Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda, and Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism by Chögyam Trungpa. They ~ Walter Isaacson,
532:How hard, then, and yet how easy it is to understand Zen! Hard because to understand it is not to understand it; easy because not to understand it is to understand it. ~ D T Suzuki,
533:As the famous Zen master Dogen has said: To study Buddhism is to study the self. To study the self is to forget the self. To forget the self is to be one with others. ~ Mark Epstein,
534:Leo Babauta’s brilliant little book Zen Habits helps you think your way through this problem. His program is simple: Attempt to create only one significant work a year. ~ Seth Godin,
535:Ni kršćanin, ni jevrejin, ni musliman, ni hindu, ni budist, ni zen. Ni iz koje vjere i kulture. Niti sam s Istoka niti sa Zapada. Moje je mjesto bezmjesnost, trag bestraga... ~ Rumi,
536:The greater the doubt, the greater the awakening; the smaller the doubt, the smaller the awakening. No doubt, no awakening. —C.-C. Chang, The Practice of Zen ~ Bessel A van der Kolk,
537:The true purpose of Zen is to see things as they are, to observe things as they are, and to let everything go as it goes. Zen practice is to open up our small mind. ~ Shunryu Suzuki,
538:Through the study of Zen you can learn to move from lower to higher states of mind at will. Higher states of mind offer you a much more accurate picture of reality. ~ Frederick Lenz,
539:All success in sports and athletics, from the Zen point of view, comes from the mind. No matter what kind of shape your body is in, there is disharmony in the being. ~ Frederick Lenz,
540:In advanced Zen a person comes to realize that the existence of things and their ability to perceive them correctly is completely dependent upon their state of mind. ~ Frederick Lenz,
541:in Japanese Zen, that idea of not being constrained by what we already know is called “beginner’s mind.” And people practice for years to recapture and keep ahold of it. ~ Ed Catmull,
542:It is in Zen practice that you gain power, balance and wisdom. The battles that you fight are within your own mind. That is where the real victories and defeats are. ~ Frederick Lenz,
543:Where’s Murray?” he asked. Their developer always traveled with them to the Block on mornings during the peak season. “Murray isn’t coming with us today,” Hans said. “Is ~ Raeden Zen,
544:Zen master, Shunryu Suzuki said, “The mind of the beginner is empty, free of the habits of the expert, ready to accept, to doubt, and open to all the possibilities. ~ Gavin de Becker,
545:It is not good to talk about Zen, because Zen is nothingness... If you talk about it, you are always lying, and if you don't talk about it, no one knows it is there. ~ Robert M Pirsig,
546:Shameless, impudent, meddling females, who presumed to set at naught the Society’s prohibition on women’s magic, and duped the common people with their potions and cantrips! ~ Zen Cho,
547:The path of Zen is not easy. It's wonderful. It's beautiful beyond compare. You will experience more ecstasy and beauty than most people will in a thousand lifetimes. ~ Frederick Lenz,
548:We have two eyes to see two sides of things, but there must be a third eye which will see everything at the same time and yet not see anything. That is to understand Zen. ~ D T Suzuki,
549:What is Zen? Simple, simple, so simple. Infinite gratitude toward all things past; infinite service to all things present; infinite responsibility to all things future. ~ Huston Smith,
550:Zen is a special transmission outside the scriptures,With no reliance on words and letters.A direct pointing to the human mind,And the realization of enlightenment. ~ John Daido Loori,
551:I am an architect. I try to feel the transparency in contemporary buildings and I try to understand the transparency in Zen poetry. I just want to mix all those things. ~ Luis Gonzalez,
552:I am not a big technology person. I don't go on the Internet really much at all. Drawing is like a zen thing; it's private, which in this day and age is harder to come by. ~ Tim Burton,
553:There's a place where everything comes together and where it's all the same. That state of mind, in which all things are the same, is the state of mind of Tantric Zen. ~ Frederick Lenz,
554:Zen is not some fancy, special art of living. Our teaching is just to live, always in reality, in its exact sense. To make our effort, moment after moment, is our way. ~ Shunryu Suzuki,
555:In Zen, and in other forms of self discovery, we do have a transference that occurs where psychically, information, blocks of attention, are transferred to the student. ~ Frederick Lenz,
556:In Zen we classify ten thousand different states of mind, different ways of seeing life. There is something beyond the ten thousand states of mind that we call nirvana. ~ Frederick Lenz,
557:The ten thousand states of mind that we talk about in Zen are all levels of perception. You can think of each of the ten thousand states of mind as a dimensional plane. ~ Frederick Lenz,
558:When we put our keys down, we should be conscious of putting them down. When we pick them up, we should be conscious of picking them up. That's all there is to zen. ~ Philip Toshio Sudo,
559:You come back to the beginning. That's why in the "Searching for the Ox" sequence, at the very end of that sequence of the Zen paintings, we're back in the world again. ~ Frederick Lenz,
560:In Zen Buddhism an action is considered good when it brings happiness and well-being to oneself and others, evil when it brings suffering and harm to oneself and others. ~ Thich Thien An,
561:Tantric Zen is all about the practice of zazen meditation. If you meditate well, you'll be in very powerful states of mind and then it really doesn't matter what you do. ~ Frederick Lenz,
562:Zen was a reaction. Just as Buddha came into the world and spoke against the fall of Vedanta, so Buddhism lost its essence and became ritual. Zen was a reaction to that. ~ Frederick Lenz,
563:There are monasteries in Japan where they teach Zen with rules, more rules than you can imagine, and you might feel comfortable with that. I don't teach that type of Zen. ~ Frederick Lenz,
564:If you want to study Zen, you should forget all your previous ideas and just practice zazen and see what kind of experience you have in your practice. That is naturalness. ~ Shunryu Suzuki,
565:I was very attracted to the way that Zen did not go into the imagination land. And now I've forgotten what your first question was and how we were going to tie this together. ~ Brad Warner,
566:Near Tokyo lived a great Samurai warrior, now old, who decided to teach Zen Buddhism to young people. In spite of his age, the legend was that he could defeat any adversary. ~ Paulo Coelho,
567:Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: ‘When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called Religion. ~ Richard Dawkins,
568:In Tantric Zen, career, relationships, the type of insurance you have - all things are part of your evolution, your awareness, your experience of the suchness of existence. ~ Frederick Lenz,
569:If you think your body and mind are two, that is wrong; if you think that they are one, that is also wrong. Our body and mind are both two and one. ~ Shunryu Suzuki, Zen Mind Beginners Mind,
570:... I thought with all this freedom and self-discovery and expression of our love stuff that we could finally stop with the whole Zen master wisdom and practical advice crap. ~ Richelle Mead,
571:We call it the transmission of the lamp in Zen. That's when we take enlightened states of mind and literally, you can transfer them, just like you can hand somebody flowers. ~ Frederick Lenz,
572:If you are around a lot of human beings who are filled with jealousy and anger and rage and desire, it filters into the mind. Zen is writing a new program to run in the mind. ~ Frederick Lenz,
573:I slipped it into your papers to see if you would notice.” The Zen master Ikkyu was once asked to write a distillation of the highest wisdom. He wrote only one word: Attention. ~ Jenny Offill,
574:The truth of Zen, just a little bit of it, is what turns one's humdrum life, a life of monotonous, uninspiring commonplaceness, into one of art, full of genuine inner creativity. ~ D T Suzuki,
575:A small stock trader is like a small hedge fund manager, zen monk, psychologist, intelligence officer, sniper, sportsman, poker player, risk manager, analyst, and economist, all in one. ~ Mika,
576:If you have the sense of participation in sports or athletics, of being a player, then you are not really into the Zen mind. In Zen mind there is no sense of self in the play. ~ Frederick Lenz,
577:The basic idea of Zen is to come in touch with the inner workings of our being, and to do so in the most direct way possible, without resorting to anything external or superadded. ~ D T Suzuki,
578:You cannot be born and you cannot die. You will exist in a universe that goes on forever. That is the ultimate horror from the Zen point of view. You could be unhappy forever. ~ Frederick Lenz,
579:For Zen, man is the goal; man is the end unto himself. God is not something above humanity, God is something hidden within humanity. Man is carrying God in himself as a potentiality. ~ Rajneesh,
580:Goodbye," said Siew Tsin.
"See you next time," said Lady Meng, more accurately.
"Will you remember me when I come again?"
"Of course," said Lady Meng. "I miss you every time. ~ Zen Cho,
581:His Zen is genetic. You should meet his parents. You could rob them at gunpoint and they would still ask you to dinner and make sure you got everything valuable in the house, ~ Rachel Higginson,
582:I recommend, for many people, the study of computer science. Our natural resource in America is the mind. The mindset in computer science is very similar to the mindset in Zen. ~ Frederick Lenz,
583:Zen is a totally different kind of religion. It brings humanness to religion. It is not bothered about anything superhuman; its whole concern is how to make ordinary life a blessing. ~ Rajneesh,
584:Have the right attitude in advanced practice. Feel that you are always a beginner in Zen. They refer to it as "beginners mind". I feel I am a beginner, always; because it's true. ~ Frederick Lenz,
585:If a young Steve Jobs had taken his own advice and decided to only pursue work he loved, we would probably find him today as one of the Los Altos Zen Center’s most popular teachers. ~ Cal Newport,
586:Short nap -- waking, spring was gone. [1506.jpg] -- from Zen Poetry: Let the Spring Breeze Enter, Translated by Lucien Stryk / Translated by Takashi Ikemoto

~ Yosa Buson, Short nap
587:Studying with a teacher doesn't simply mean going to an occasional seminar or Zen retreat. It means fully applying yourself to what the teacher says, most of which is not verbal. ~ Frederick Lenz,
588:Surfing soothes me, it's always been a kind of Zen experience for me. The ocean is so magnificent, peaceful, and awesome. The rest of the world disappears for me when I'm on a wave. ~ Paul Walker,
589:Frank meditates?”
She grinned. “How’d you think he got that laid-back? We’ve got the only Zen security guard in London. Only he’s really a butterfly dreaming he’s a security guard. ~ Mike Carey,
590:Someone who wants to attain enlightenment must be brave. He must rush into the crowd of enemies with a dagger. In the practice of Zen, enemies are our delusive thoughts and passions. ~ Yamada Koun,
591:The first step in working with difficulties in everyday life is developing the understanding that our difficulties are, in fact, an important part in our path of awakening. ~ Ezra Bayda, Zen Heart,
592:If you were just you, you would be happy. But of course, you don't know who or what you are. So how can you possibly be happy? That is why you have got to study Zen...or something. ~ Frederick Lenz,
593:It’s true that lightness and joy have returned to my life. I attribute it mostly to my Zen practice and to my time in the monastery. Playfulness is back . I note it with gratitude. ~ Frederick Marx,
594:Most people put the cart before the horse, which is an interesting way to go through life. They approach everything directly. In Zen we approach everything backwards or inside out. ~ Frederick Lenz,
595:There is a very deep satisfaction born of being able to occupy a space without an agenda—to enjoy the inner equanimity of just being, however and wherever we find ourselves. ~ Ezra Bayda, Zen Heart,
596:There is competition in Zen. Let's not be ridiculous. There is competition in everything in life; being a winner in Zen means, competing and winning in the world of enlightenment. ~ Frederick Lenz,
597:The three elements of creativity are thus: loving, knowing, and doing - or heart, mind, and hands - or, as Zen Buddhist teaching has it; great faith, great question, and great courage. ~ Eric Maisel,
598:The samurais were very interested in Zen because they admired the tremendous precision that the Zen Masters had, their lack of fear and pain and their absolute lack of fear of death. ~ Frederick Lenz,
599:“The three elements of creativity are thus: loving, knowing, and doing – or heart, mind, and hands – or, as Zen Buddhist teaching has it; great faith, great question, and great courage.” ~ Eric Maisel,
600:You have to begin to develop a repertory of jokes, multi-plane spiritual jokes, the sort of things the Zen masters tell each other when they're asleep. These are the secret teachings. ~ Frederick Lenz,
601:Zen is not “attained” by mirror-wiping mediation, but by “self-forgetfulness in the existential 'present' of life here and now.” We do not “come”, we “are.” Don't strive to become, but be. ~ Bruce Lee,
602:In the old days, Zen was not really practiced so much in a monastery. The Zen Master usually lived up on a top of the mountain or the hill or in the forest or sometimes in the village. ~ Frederick Lenz,
603:I teach Zen, tantric mysticism, jnana yoga, bhakti yoga, Tibetan mysticism, occultism and psychic development. I also teach poetry and literature, film and many other different things. ~ Frederick Lenz,
604:It is hard to produce work in New York. You kind of have to center yourself - do some Zen meditation exercises and just focus. It is very distracting, and money, of course, is an issue. ~ Toyin Odutola,
605:The aim of Zen training is to attain the state of consciousness which occurs when the individual ego is emptied of itself and becomes identified with the infinite reality of all things. ~ Anne Bancroft,
606:You're full of shit,” Miss Stickyfoot said disdainfully. Cadbury said, “That proves I understand Zen. Do you see? Or perhaps the fact is that you don't actually understand Zen yourself. ~ Philip K Dick,
607:A Zen master used to say, It is clear and so it is hard to see. A dunce once searched for a fire with a lighted lantern. Had he known what fire was, he could have cooked his rice much sooner. ~ Rajneesh,
608:I had been reading this book about Zen Koan philosophy, and it was talking about the right here and the right now, and how important it is, and I was really trying to get there in my life. ~ Sammy Hagar,
609:In the Zen of sports and athletics, we seek to bring discipline and control into our physical movements, but at the same time to eliminate the self that gets in the way of perfect play. ~ Frederick Lenz,
610:It's a horrible and wonderful battle with yourself, to stay calm, stay in the moment. My coach said, "Stay here, not at the target. Don't be down there." It's why they call it the Zen art. ~ Geena Davis,
611:Tantric Zen is for the individual who is in love with both the finite and the infinite, who gets a kick out of this weird transitory world and at the same time, wants to step beyond it. ~ Frederick Lenz,
612:As a dialectical teacher, I have had many lives where I have taught Zen and Tibetan Buddhism and mysticism. I teach in many different modalites. But the theme that unites them - is love. ~ Frederick Lenz,
613:Autumn wind -- mountain's shadow wavers. [1506.jpg] -- from Zen Poetry: Let the Spring Breeze Enter, Translated by Lucien Stryk / Translated by Takashi Ikemoto

~ Kobayashi Issa, Autumn wind
614:But that was the trouble with children, Sir Stephen reflected. They were confoundedly liable to pattern themselves upon one’s conduct, when one would rather they simply did what they were told. ~ Zen Cho,
615:I think that that's why artists make art - it is difficult to put into words unless you are a poet. What it takes is being open to the flow of universal creativity. The Zen artists knew this. ~ Alex Grey,
616:I was a linear thinker, and according to Zen linear thinking is nothing but a delusion, one of the many that keep us unhappy. Reality is nonlinear, Zen says. No future, no past. All is now. ~ Phil Knight,
617:Meryl Streep is expert at only using the requisite amount of energy to express her character, not an ounce too little or too much. She's Zen and doesn't know she's Zen. That's very Zen! ~ Frederick Lenz,
618:The Power of Less: The Fine Art of Limiting Yourself to the Essential . . . in Business and in Life, Essential Zen Habits: Mastering the Art of Change, Briefly, and several other books. ~ Timothy Ferriss,
619:Think of Zen, of the Void, of Good and Evil and you are bound hand and foot. Think only and entirely and completely of what you are doing at the moment and you are free as a bird. ~ Reginald Horace Blyth,
620:To practice Zen means to realize one's existence in the beauty and clarity of this present moment, rather than letting life unravel in useless daydreaming of the past and future. ~ John Daishin Buksbazen,
621:Bodhidharma who brought Zen from India to the Orient, taught a very pure Zen - in that it was pure Zen. He wanted to show that the way still existed and wanted to get back to its essence. ~ Frederick Lenz,
622:In Zen, such a glimpse is called satori. Satori is a moment of Presence, a brief stepping out of the voice in your head, the thought processes, and their reflection in the body as emotion. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
623:"In Zen they say: 'Don't seek the truth. Just cease to cherish opinions.' What does that mean? Let go of identification with your mind. Who you are beyond the mind then emerges by itself." ~ Eckhart Tolle,
624:From burweed, such a butterfly was born? [1506.jpg] -- from Zen Poetry: Let the Spring Breeze Enter, Translated by Lucien Stryk / Translated by Takashi Ikemoto

~ Kobayashi Issa, From burweed
625:inside the koan clear mind gashes the great darkness [1796.jpg] -- from Crow With No Mouth: Fifteenth Century Zen Master Ikkyu, Translated by Stephen Berg

~ Ikkyu, inside the koan clear mind
626:You prep, you prep, you prep. And on the day that you film, you let all of that go. I try to achieve emptiness as much as possible - the Zen thing - to let the deal come out of that nothing. ~ Jeff Bridges,
627:Barn's burnt down -- now I can see the moon. [1506.jpg] -- from Zen Poetry: Let the Spring Breeze Enter, Translated by Lucien Stryk / Translated by Takashi Ikemoto

~ Masahide, Barns burnt down
628:I was a linear thinker, and according to Zen linear thinking is nothing but a delusion, one of the many that keep us unhappy. Reality is nonlinear, Zen says. No future, no past. All is now. In ~ Phil Knight,
629:Just so we're clear, I'm not zen by any stretch of the imagination. However, what I've read about change being the only constant is a concept that I can grab onto and have used quite a lot. ~ Patrick Fabian,
630:Sometimes it's just a zen thing and it means shutting the noise out and forming a plan and realizing that as long as it's not going to kill you then you just need to breathe and move past it, ~ Chuck Wendig,
631:Sometimes people come up and they get infatuated with some little brief imagistic poem or something, and they say, "Oh, I really like your Zen poems." And I say, "Which ones are not Zen poems?" ~ Sam Hamill,
632:This particular school of Zen has always considered itself the Marines of the spiritual world, so it has a kind of bias against conceptual thinking in favor of a very rigorous physical life. ~ Leonard Cohen,
633:Work in a place that feels good to you. Select the best of that which is available. The Zen of working is just to do it, not to worry about it. Feel you would be doing it without the money. ~ Frederick Lenz,
634:Harmonizing opposites by going back to their source is the distinctive quality of the Zen attitude, the Middle Way: embracing contradictions, making a synthesis of them, achieving balance. ~ Taisen Deshimaru,
635:she was attempting to deploy enchantments of her own — the fiancé, the ordinary hobbies and the sensible office job were so many sigils to ward off chaos. It was not an ineffective magic. It worked ~ Zen Cho,
636:First firefly, why turn away -- it's Issa. [1506.jpg] -- from Zen Poetry: Let the Spring Breeze Enter, Translated by Lucien Stryk / Translated by Takashi Ikemoto

~ Kobayashi Issa, First firefly
637:If you're very, very conservative and you like that sort of practice, go find a very conservative Zen master and just do traditional Japanese practice, which is not that traditional actually. ~ Frederick Lenz,
638:Reflected in the dragonfly's eye -- mountains. [1506.jpg] -- from Zen Poetry: Let the Spring Breeze Enter, Translated by Lucien Stryk / Translated by Takashi Ikemoto

~ Kobayashi Issa, Reflected
639:The door is ajar,” the dashboard said. “It won’t shut up,” I explained to him. “It gets sort of Zen after a while,” Butters said brightly. “Life is a journey. Time is a river. The door is a jar. ~ Jim Butcher,
640:A well known Los Angeles newspaper referred to a small group of gentlemen who live up on a mountain and practice Zen as 'the Zen cult'. The cult phenomenon is definitely journalistically 'in'. ~ Frederick Lenz,
641:There are different pathways - be it Zen, tantra, karma yoga, or jnana yoga. Different ways have been devised to do the same thing for different types of people according to their temperament. ~ Frederick Lenz,
642:And finally, be assured that Zen asks nothing even as it promises nothing. One can be a Protestant Zen Buddhist, a Catholic Zen Buddhist or a Jewish Zen Buddhist. Zen is a quiet thing. It listens. ~ Howard Fast,
643:In the advanced practice, the relationship between the Zen master and the student becomes very terse. The Zen master will expect things of the student because the student is in graduate school. ~ Frederick Lenz,
644:No matter what verbal space you try to enclose Zen in, it resists, and spills over... the Zen attitude is that words and truth are incompatible, or at least that no words can capture truth. ~ Douglas Hofstadter,
645:In a bitter wind a solitary monk bends to words cut in stone [2159.jpg] -- from The Poetry of Zen: (Shambhala Library), Edited by Sam Hamill / Edited by J. P. Seaton

~ Yosa Buson, In a bitter wind
646:In certain Zen monasteries, it's a cardinal rule, if not the only serious enforced discipline, that when one monk calls out 'Hi!' to another monk, the latter must call back 'Hi!' without thinking. ~ J D Salinger,
647:Miles of frost -- on the lake the moon's my own. [1506.jpg] -- from Zen Poetry: Let the Spring Breeze Enter, Translated by Lucien Stryk / Translated by Takashi Ikemoto

~ Yosa Buson, Miles of frost
648:The future of humanity will move closer and closer toward the approach of Zen, because the meeting of the East and West is possible only through something like Zen, which is earthly and yet unearthly. ~ Rajneesh,
649:Think of yourself as your own Zen Master. Such masters would beat their pupils and deliberately lead them to points of maximum doubt and inner tension, knowing such moments precede enlightenment. ~ Robert Greene,
650:I seemed to recall some words from an old Zen master, something like, "My Zen cuts down mountains." My rejection of Buddhism was a cutting down of mountains; that is precisely how it felt to me. ~ Quentin S Crisp,
651:Walking is, in fact, a tremendous bore. But I liked watching Chloe walk. I know that sounds queer, but a dog derives such pleasure from this simple activity. It made me Zen-happy to watch her. Back ~ Harlan Coben,
652:Zen is mind-less activity, that is, Mind-ful activity, and it may often be advisable to emphasize the mind, and say, Take care of the thoughts and the actions will take care of themselves. ~ Reginald Horace Blyth,
653:Zen is the most scientific method to inquire into your consciousness. It takes you beyond mind into a space called no-mind. No self, but pure awareness, and you have a taste of eternity and immortality. ~ Rajneesh,
654:I made a photograph of a garden in Kyoto, the Zen garden, which is a rectangle. But a photograph taken from any one point will not show, well it shows a rectangle, but not with ninety degree angles. ~ David Hockney,
655:Never forget: we walk on hell, gazing at flowers. [1506.jpg] -- from Zen Poetry: Let the Spring Breeze Enter, Translated by Lucien Stryk / Translated by Takashi Ikemoto

~ Kobayashi Issa, Never forget
656:The simplest pattern is the clearest. Content with an ordinary life, you can show all people the way back to their own true nature. ~ Lao TzuWay in the lake (by Evgeni Dinev)#zen #laotzu #quote #photography #nature,
657:Having plants and flowers in my space makes me feel very calm and Zen. For me, its important to meditate every morning to be very clear in the head, and nature really helps me do the same thing. ~ Nicola Formichetti,
658:The Zen Master was constantly attempting to break up concepts that people had about what it was like to be a spiritual teacher. We have a traditional image. Each Zen master was a complete character. ~ Frederick Lenz,
659:If you look at the world today, there are as many solutions as there are problems. I think that is a big part of creativity. That's why I started Urban Zen. Because I wanted to dress and address people. ~ Donna Karan,
660:Robert M. Pirsig, author of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: ‘When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called Religion. ~ Richard Dawkins,
661:The Japanese have become so smitten with the Western condiment - its texture as silky as a kimono, its tang as understated as the tang of Zen - that today they have a word for mayonnaise junkie: mayora. ~ Tom Robbins,
662:Haiku is a particularly Zen form of poetry; for Zen detests egoism in the form of calculated effects or self-glorification of any sort. The author of haiku should be absent, and only the haiku present. ~ Anne Bancroft,
663:Tantric Zen is for someone who is really broad-minded. It is Bodhidharma's Zen, your Zen, my Zen. Which doesn't mean I have a problem with Japanese Zen. Most Japanese Zen is minding your p's and q's. ~ Frederick Lenz,
664:When bird passes on -- like moon, a friend to water. [1506.jpg] -- from Zen Poetry: Let the Spring Breeze Enter, Translated by Lucien Stryk / Translated by Takashi Ikemoto

~ Masahide, When bird passes on
665:But ironically, now having seen those qualities made incarnate, Lergen realized that the highest form of the Imperial Army's desires was simply another way to describe a monster. And it filled him with fear. ~ Carlo Zen,
666:Clinging to the bell, he dozes so peacefully, this new butterfly [2159.jpg] -- from The Poetry of Zen: (Shambhala Library), Edited by Sam Hamill / Edited by J. P. Seaton

~ Yosa Buson, Clinging to the bell
667:If I am asked If I am asked, then, what Zen teaches, I would answer, Zen teaches nothing. Whatever teachings there are in Zen, they come out of one's own mind. We teach ourselves; Zen merely points the way. ~ D T Suzuki,
668:If you try to grasp Zen in movement, it goes into stillness. If you try to grasp Zen in stillness, it goes into movement. It is like a fish hidden in a spring, drumming up waves and dancing independently. ~ Linji Yixuan,
669:The late evening crow of deep autumn longing suddenly cries out [2159.jpg] -- from The Poetry of Zen: (Shambhala Library), Edited by Sam Hamill / Edited by J. P. Seaton

~ Yosa Buson, The late evening crow
670:When you visit the Zen Monasteries, one of the first things required is that you bring a donation. They have to pay for those monasteries. The upkeep is fantastic. The monks have to be fed, and so on. ~ Frederick Lenz,
671:Zen Master Dogen has pointed out that anxiety, when accepted, is the driving force to enlightenment in that it lays bare the human dilemma at the same time that it ignites our desire to break out of it. ~ Philip Kapleau,
672:In Zen you practice zazen, mindfulness and other forms of introspection to find out who you are and what you want, to balance your spirit, develop willpower, increase your sense of humor and gain wisdom. ~ Frederick Lenz,
673:Different schools of Zen have evolved, principally the Rinzai and Soto orders. A whole hierarchy has developed for the teaching and practice of Zen. Zen has become, to a certain degree, institutionalized. ~ Frederick Lenz,
674:I used to try to hypnotize myself into a Zen-like state of resignation at the outset. It doesn't work, not for this grasshopper. I have my own process, as they say. I call it the motherfucker process. ~ Matthew B Crawford,
675:Zen is not effort. Effort is tension, effort is work, effort is to achieve something. Zen is not something to achieve. You are already that. Just relax, relax so deeply that you become a revelation to yourself. ~ Rajneesh,
676:A recently deceased American Zen master and navy veteran, John Daido Loori, used to say that those who think Buddhism is just about stillness end up sitting very silently up to their necks in their own shit. ~ Mark Epstein,
677:So I'm skeptical and cynical about the whole thing and it's only if something seems to be genuine that I would pursue it. That's why I've stuck with Zen for so long and not gone on to some other path with it. ~ Brad Warner,
678:There are two primary ways of studying Zen. Either an individual will enter into a Zen monastery and study with a Zen master there, or they will study with a Zen master who lives in the contemporary world. ~ Frederick Lenz,
679:Zen perceives and feels, and does not abstract and meditate. Zen penetrates and is finally lost in the immersion. Meditation, on the other hand, is outspokenly dualistic and consequently inevitably superficial. ~ D T Suzuki,
680:As your skills increase, you will see your unique style become firm and recognizable. Guard it, nurture it, and cherish it, for your style expresses you. As with the Zen master-archer, the target is yourself. ~ Betty Edwards,
681:I don't try to define the cosmos, I know it's unknowable, but I can understand my place in the world and my place in the universe through a mixture of Taoism, Catholicism, Zen or whatever I have at hand. ~ Guillermo del Toro,
682:A simple fishing boat in the midst of the rippling waters is enough to awaken in the mind of the beholder a sense of vastness of the sea and at the same time of peace and contentment - the Zen sense oof the alone. ~ D T Suzuki,
683:If the Zen master sees that it will cause a person to progress, he will ask that person to do a task. The task is charged with power if it's performed properly. It's a koan between yourself and the Zen Master. ~ Frederick Lenz,
684:In the West, we think of sports and athletics as individual achievement, the thrill of victory, the agony of defeat; it all revolves around the ego. This has nothing to do with the Zen of sports and athletics. ~ Frederick Lenz,
685:There's kind of a Zen aspect to bowling. The pins are either staying up or down before you even throw your arm back. It's kind of a mind-set. You want to be in this perfect mind-set before you released the ball. ~ Jeff Bridges,
686:"Dispelling dread isn't a matter of trying to forget about washing dishes. It is realizing that in actual fact you only have one dish to wash, ever: this one; only one step to take, ever: this one. And that is Zen." ~ Alan Watts,
687:English version by Steven Heine
"Mind itself is buddha" -- difficult to practice, but easy to explain;
"No mind, no buddha" -- difficult to explain, but easy to practice.

~ Dogen, A Zen monk asked for a verse -
688:Many paths lead from the foot of the mountain, But at the peak We all gaze at the Single bright moon. [2669.jpg] -- from Zen and Zen Classics, by R. H. Blyth

~ Ikkyu, Many paths lead from the foot of the mountain,
689:Mountains of Yoshino -- shedding petals, swallowing clouds. [1506.jpg] -- from Zen Poetry: Let the Spring Breeze Enter, Translated by Lucien Stryk / Translated by Takashi Ikemoto

~ Yosa Buson, Mountains of Yoshino
690:Suzuki also frequently quotes a sentence of Eckhart’s: “The eye wherein I see God is the same eye wherein God sees me” (Suzuki, Mysticism: East and West, p. 50) as an exact expression of what Zen means by Prajna. ~ Thomas Merton,
691:The statement brought up the old anger and confusion, followed by the accustomed guilt, that he should be so ungrateful as to resent the man who had rescued him from bondage. And yet he did resent Sir Stephen, even now. ~ Zen Cho,
692:Wabi means spare, impoverished; simple and functional. It connotes a transcendence of fad and fashion. The spirit of wabi imbues all the Zen arts, from calligraphy to karate, from the tea ceremony to Zen archery. ~ Shunryu Suzuki,
693:And the Yak, they can afford to move so fucking slow, man, they’ll wait years and years. Give you a whole life, just so you’ll have more to lose when they come and take it away. Patient like a spider. Zen spiders. ~ William Gibson,
694:Zen is a liberation from time. For if we open our eyes and see clearly, it becomes obvious that there is no other time than this instant, and that the past and the future are abstractions without any concrete reality. ~ Alan Watts,
695:"Zen is liberation from time. For if we open our eyes and see clearly, it becomes obvious that there is no other time than this instant, and that the past and the future are abstractions without any concrete reality." ~ Alan Watts,
696:As Sandra would say, all I felt was Zen. But not Quinn. Quinn was not Zen. He was the opposite of Zen. I’d made a mental note to look up what the opposite of the word Zen was, thinking it should be something like “zook ~ Penny Reid,
697:Commander, I always used to consider that you had a definite anti-authoritarian streak in you.” “Sir?” “It seems that you have managed to retain this even though you are authority.” “Sir?” “That’s practically zen. ~ Terry Pratchett,
698:The study of Zen is the study of energy, power, knowledge and balance. It is the science of energy conservation and control. We use energy to aid others, to see beauty, to discover love where we saw no love at all. ~ Frederick Lenz,
699:This cold winter night, that old wooden-head Buddha would make a nice fire [2159.jpg] -- from The Poetry of Zen: (Shambhala Library), Edited by Sam Hamill / Edited by J. P. Seaton

~ Yosa Buson, This cold winter night
700:Zen is a kind of unlearning. It teaches you how to drop that which you have learned, how to become unskillful again, how to become a child again, how to start existing without mind again, how to be here without any mind. ~ Rajneesh,
701:Zen is a path of liberation. It liberates you. It is freedom from the first step to the last. You are not required to follow any rules; you are required to find out your own rules and your own life in the light of awareness. ~ Osho,
702:Deluded beings think that if they get in a battle with a Zen Master or with a Don Juan, that it's going enhance their life if they win. You can never take power from someone else any more than you can take sunlight. ~ Frederick Lenz,
703:So I was first exposed to this guy Tim McCarthy, and he's talking about Zen, but deeper than that he was a genuine person. I thought maybe he's someone I can trust and follow this thing he's talking about all the time. ~ Brad Warner,
704:The productivity of people requires continuous learning, as the Japanese have taught us. It requires adoption in the West of the specific Japanese Zen concept where one learns to do better what one already does well. ~ Peter Drucker,
705:"Zen is a liberation from time. For if we open our eyes and see clearly, it becomes obvious that there is no other time than this instant, and that the past and the future are abstractions without any concrete reality." ~ Alan Watts,
706:Zen is a liberation from time. For if we open our eyes and see clearly, it becomes obvious that there is no other time than this instant, and that the past and the future are abstractions without any concrete reality. ~ Alan W Watts,
707:Watermelons and Zen students grow pretty much the same way. Long periods of sitting till they ripen and grow all juicy inside, but when you knock them on the head to see if they're ready sounds like nothing's going on. ~ Peter Levitt,
708:What a mother hen I am become!” he said soberly. “If I were my old self I should not start at every shadow, and be alarmed when you stumble, but one’s anxiety rises in proportion to one’s incapacity to do anything about it. ~ Zen Cho,
709:As Zie Zen’s ashes flew on the wind, so did the time of those who had been born in freedom, caged in Silence, only to see it fall. Now . . . now it was the time of those who had been born in Silence, fought for freedom. ~ Nalini Singh,
710:Doing one thing at a time” is how one Zen Master defined the essence of Zen. Doing one thing at a time means to be total in what you do, to give it your complete attention.This is surrendered action — empowered action. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
711:The claim of the Zen followers that they are transmitting the essence of Buddhism is based on their belief that Zen takes hold of the enlivening spirit of the Buddha, stripped of all its historical and doctrinal garments. ~ D T Suzuki,
712:"The whole essence of Zen consists in walking along the razor's edge of Now — to be so utterly, so completely present that no problem, no suffering, nothing that is not who you are in your essence, can survive in you." ~ Eckhart Tolle,
713:"Zen is a path of liberation. It liberates you. It is freedom from the first step to the last. You are not required to follow any rules; you are required to find out your own rules and your own life in the light of awareness." ~ Osho,
714:Each of the small enlightenments that a Zen practitioner has, which are known in Zen as "Satori experiences," provides deeper insights into the nature of existence and helps a person prepare for complete enlightenment. ~ Frederick Lenz,
715:Hornergy' is Zen's term for the indomitable athletic edge powered by sexual restraint. The basketball, baseball and football teams haven't had a winning season in years. The table-tennis team, however, is undefeated. ~ Megan McCafferty,
716:That's a waste of time. If you really understand Zen... you can use any book. You could use the Bible. You could use Alice in Wonderland. You could use the dictionary, because... the sound of the rain needs no translation. ~ Alan Watts,
717:The life of Zen begins, therefore, in a disillusion with the pursuit of goals which do not really exist the good without the bad, the gratification of a self which is no more than an idea, and the morrow which never comes. ~ Alan Watts,
718:Vegetarianism and Zen Buddhism, meditation and spirituality, acid and rock—Jobs rolled together, in an amped-up way, the multiple impulses that were hallmarks of the enlightenment-seeking campus subculture of the era. ~ Walter Isaacson,
719:Zen professes itself to be the spirit of Buddhism, but in fact it is the spirit of all religions and philosophies. When Zen is thoroughly understood, absolute peace of mind is attained, and a man lives as he ought to live. ~ D T Suzuki,
720:Among the most remarkable features characterizing Zen we find these: spirituality, directness of expression, disregard of form or conventionalism, and frequently an almost wanton delight in going astray from respectability. ~ D T Suzuki,
721:Ikkyu this body isn't yours I say to myself wherever I am I'm there [1796.jpg] -- from Crow With No Mouth: Fifteenth Century Zen Master Ikkyu, Translated by Stephen Berg

~ Ikkyu, Ikkyu this body isnt yours I say to myself
722:Tantric Zen is the original Zen, Zen without rules, Zen without form. Zen can certainly take rules and form. So Tantric Zen might have some rules and form, but it would remain formless even though it had rules and form. ~ Frederick Lenz,
723:What sets Tibetan Buddhism apart from other Buddhist traditions—such as the Zen Buddhism of Japan or the Theravada tradition in Sri Lanka—is that while Tibetans aim to become enlightened, they don’t want to enter Nirvana. ~ Scott Carney,
724:But dispelling this dread isn’t a matter of trying to forget about washing dishes, it is realizing that in actual fact you only have one dish to wash, ever: this one; only one step to take, ever: this one. And that is Zen. ~ Alan W Watts,
725:In Old Zen, the Zen Master would do literally anything to break down the concept of what the study was. He would present conflicting codes all the time, just to shake this fixation people had on how to attain liberation. ~ Frederick Lenz,
726:I came to California in 1970 and so many people were asking if I was a Buddhist or knew Zen theory, asking if I was enlightened already or not. So I said, "Yes, I am enlightened," and then I studied quickly to catch up. ~ Hiroshi Sugimoto,
727:I am inclined to follow Robert M. Pirsig, author of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: ‘When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called Religion. ~ Richard Dawkins,
728:We take life for granted, sleepwalking until a shattering event knocks us awake. Zen says, don't wait until the car accident, the cancer diagnosis, or the death of a loved one to get your priorities straight. Do it now. ~ Philip Toshio Sudo,
729:Zen lives in the present. The Whole teaching is: how to be in the present; how to get out of the past which is no more and how not to get involved in the future which is not yet, and just to be rooted, centered, in that which is. ~ Rajneesh,
730:To write something and leave it behind us, It is but a dream. When we awake we know There is not even anyone to read it. [2669.jpg] -- from Zen and Zen Classics, by R. H. Blyth

~ Ikkyu, To write something and leave it behind us
731:And then certainly, whatsoever you do - your character, your behaviour - is yours, authentically yours. It has your signature on it. Then you are not a carbon copy, you are original. The Zen people call it finding the original face. ~ Rajneesh,
732:Commander, I always used to consider that you had a definite anti-authoritarian streak in you.”
“It seems that you have managed to retain this even though you are authority.”
“That’s practically zen. ~ Terry Pratchett,
733:The way of Zen is to become independent and strong. Don't rely on others for perceptions of life and truth. Do it individually. Go to a teacher of Zen to learn how to do that, not to get answers for individual life situations. ~ Frederick Lenz,
734:Today we can see many different forms of Buddhism, such as Zen and Theravada Buddhism. All these different aspects are practices of Buddha's teachings, and all are equally precious; they are just different presentations. ~ Geshe Kelsang Gyatso,
735:You know I've been in these tabloids for years now. And at some point you just become a Zen master of it all. Most of these stories, you get probably 2 percent real fruit juice and the rest is just garbage with no nutritional value. ~ Brad Pitt,
736:Everyone was losing things, leaving things behind, clinging to old memories as they rushed into the future. Everyone was a passenger on a runaway train. It was true that Zen would be going farther than most. But at least he didn’t ~ Philip Reeve,
737:I did Urban Zen for myself, to make clothes for me and my friends, a similar philosophy to when I started Donna Karan. Except this time I hope it will stay that way so that I will be able to support young designers and mentor them. ~ Donna Karan,
738:She is reading Zen, Krishnamurti, and Jung, asking herself questions she has never had the courage to explore. Suddenly, the shackles which have bound her are beginning to snap, as personal revelation replaces orthodoxy. ~ Terry Tempest Williams,
739:What writing practice, like Zen practice does is bring you back to the natural state of mind…The mind is raw, full of energy, alive and hungry. It does not think in the way we were brought up to think-well-mannered, congenial. ~ Natalie Goldberg,
740:Zen practice is about not getting high on anything and in so doing getting high on absolutely everything. We then find that everything we encounter - bliss or nonbliss - possesses a tremendous depth and beauty that we usually miss. ~ Brad Warner,
741:Zen is the spirit of a man. Zen believes in his inner purity and goodness. Whatever is superadded or violently torn away, injures the wholesomeness of the spirit. Zen, therefore, is emphatically against all religious conventionalism. ~ D T Suzuki,
742:I was reading Charlotte Bronte, and Jane was being serenaded by Mr. Rochester. (I see the source of all my problems: a Bronte was completely the wrong thing to be reading, unless it were an Anne. I should have been reading George Eliot.) ~ Zen Cho,
743:Many coping strategies have a Zen simplicity. Instead of resolving chaos, find beauty and happiness amid chaos. I am reminded of a friend who said that when she found out her husband couldn’t fill her needs, she changed her needs; ~ Andrew Solomon,
744:The teachings of Osho, in fact, encompass many religions, but he is not defined by any of them. He is an illuminating speaker on Zen, Taoism, Tibetan Buddhism, Christianity and ancient Greek philosophy... and also a prolific author. ~ Nevill Drury,
745:The tree is stripped, All color, fragrance gone, Yet already on the bough, Uncaring spring! [1506.jpg] -- from Zen Poetry: Let the Spring Breeze Enter, Translated by Lucien Stryk / Translated by Takashi Ikemoto

~ Ikkyu, Form in Void
746:This is what Zen means by being detached—not being without emotion or feeling, but being one in whom feeling is not sticky or blocked, and through whom the experiences of the world pass like the reflections of birds flying over water. ~ Alan Watts,
747:In Zen Buddhism, the greater your doubt, the greater will be your enlightenment. That is why doubt can be a good thing. If you are too sure, if you always have conviction, then you may be caught in your wrong perception for a long time. ~ Nhat Hanh,
748:The ego doesn’t know that mind and mental positions have nothing to do with who you are because the ego is the unobserved mind itself. In Zen they say: “Don’t seek the truth. Just cease to cherish opinions.” What does that mean? Let ~ Eckhart Tolle,
749:What writing practice, like Zen practice does is bring you back to the natural state of mind...The mind is raw, full of energy, alive and hungry. It does not think in the way we were brought up to think-well-mann ered, congenial. ~ Natalie Goldberg,
750:So what I liked about Zen was that it never goes off into the realm of imagination land, or if it does occasionally, the good teachers will openly address it specifically as only imagination. Both of my teachers were very good at that. ~ Brad Warner,
751:Zen Buddhist scholar Daisetz T. Suzuki said, "If one really wishes to be master of an art, technical knowledge of it is not enough. One has to transcend technique so that the art becomes an "artless art" growing out of the Unconscious. ~ Dov Seidman,
752:In deep self-acceptance grows a compassionate understanding. As one Zen master said when I asked if he ever gets angry, 'Of course I get angry, but then a few minutes later I say to myself, 'What's the use of this,' and I let it go.' ~ Jack Kornfield,
753:It looked like all forest spirits—tall, pointy ears, big smile. It didn't look male or female. Forest spirits don't have this concept. They say male or female has no meaning. They don't like to follow rules. Like I said, they are very lazy. ~ Zen Cho,
754:Real Freedom is to not feel limited when wearing this Zen robe, this troublesome formal robe. Similarly, in our busy life we should wear this civilization without being bothered by it, without ignoring it, without being caught by it. ~ Shunryu Suzuki,
755:You can do anything you like - really - but this Sci-Fi is absolutely disciplined, it's Zen, you have to be absolutely focused in an area. You have to zone into an area and you then you can achieve when you get there. It's really weird! ~ Danny Boyle,
756:Zen master, Shunryu Suzuki said, “The mind of the beginner is empty, free of the habits of the expert, ready to accept, to doubt, and open to all the possibilities.” People enjoying so-called beginner’s luck prove this all the time. ~ Gavin de Becker,
757:Practice entails experiencing being broken - the experience of suffering and dissatisfaction in the many forms in our life-Zen Buddhism"Practice is this life, and realization is this life, and this life is revealed right here and now." ~ Maezumi Roshi,
758:The ultimate purpose of Zen,' I remembered the roshi telling me, 'is not in the going away from the world but in the coming back. Zen is not just a matter of gaining enlightenment; it's a matter of acting in a world of love and compassion. ~ Pico Iyer,
759:The ultimate purpose of Zen," I remembered the röshi telling me, "is not in the going away from the world but in the coming back. Zen is not just a matter of gaining enlightenment; it's a matter of acting in a world of love and compassion. ~ Pico Iyer,
760:You can't ever tell people you think you are pretty. Even if you are pretty you have to flutter and be modest. Fortunately here nobody thinks I am pretty, so my thinking I am pretty is almost an act of defiance; it makes me feel quite noble. ~ Zen Cho,
761:Name the colors, blind the eye” is an old Zen saying, illustrating that the intellect’s habitual ways of branding and labeling creates a terrible experiential loss by displacing the vibrant, living reality with a steady stream of labels. ~ Robert Lanza,
762:Old Zen was very funny; there was a great deal of humor and happiness. Zen today seems much drier. While there's a certain amount of humor, it seems to lack that total intensity because humor is one of the primary tools for liberation. ~ Frederick Lenz,
763:"Do you suppose that God takes himself seriously? I know a Zen master, Joshu Sasaki, who has let it be known that the best form of meditation is to stand up with your hands on your hips and roar with laughter for ten minutes every morning." ~ Alan Watts,
764:Happiness only comes when you let go of who you think you are. If you think you're wealthy and powerful and noble and truthful or horrible and demonic, whatever it may be, it's all a waste of time. Take it from the Zen Master. He knows. ~ Frederick Lenz,
765:Just like there are different roads that lead to different places, so there are different levels of awareness that lead to different places and we shift in and out of them. These are the ten thousand states of mind that we study in Zen. ~ Frederick Lenz,
766:Buddha Law, Shining In a leaf dew. [2115.jpg] -- from A Box of Zen: Haiku the Poetry of Zen, Koans the Lessons of Zen, Sayings the Wisdom of Zen, Edited by Manuela Dunn Mascetti / Edited by Timothy Hugh Barrett

~ Kobayashi Issa, Buddha Law
767:Zen jogging. I wasn't wearing that many clothes because --that's part of the process. You're meant to commune with the elements. Normally I wouldn't have worn my jeans, but I put them on because I know the English are a modest people. ~ Sarah Rees Brennan,
768:Although profoundly "inconsequential," the Zen experience has consequences in the sense that it may be applied in any direction, to any conceivable human activity, and that wherever it is so applied it lends an unmistakable quality to the work. ~ Alan Watts,
769:according to Zen philosophy, the giver, the beggar, and the alms money itself all form part of an important chain of equilibrium. The person doing the begging does so because he’s needy, but the person doing the giving also does so out of need. ~ Paulo Coelho,
770:So you could say in a very simple way that the real concern of Zen is to realize—not merely rationally but in one’s bones—that the world inside your skin and the world outside your skin are all one world and one being, one self. And you are it. ~ Alan W Watts,
771:The moment a person loses the capacity to think, to question, Tanya considers them no longer human but a machine. And that is why the individual Tanya Degurechaff reveres thought, loves debate, and sneers at dogmatism from the bottom of her heart. ~ Carlo Zen,
772:There’s a Zen saying I often cite that goes, “Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.” The point: Stay focused on the task at hand rather than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. ~ Phil Jackson,
773:Me preparé para la respuesta. Sabía que sería una lección de vida Zen. Algo
sobre la fuerza interior y la perseverancia, sobre como las decisiones que
tomamos hoy, influyen el futuro o alguna otra tontería.
En lugar de eso, él me besó. ~ Richelle Mead,
774:The overwhelmed, unresponsive senses ravaged by agony left no option other than flailing in pain. Strangled by these things, it easily lost consciousness. Fully free of the emotions of a human who hadn't wept in ages, the body sobbed instinctively. ~ Carlo Zen,
775:To get the clearest and most efficient understanding of a thing, therefore, it must be experienced personally. Especially when the thing is concerned with life itself, personal experience is an absolute necessity. ~ D.T. Suzuki, An Introduction to Zen Buddhism,
776:Zen opens a man's eyes to the greatest mystery as it is daily and hourly performed; it enlarges the heart to embrace eternity of time and infinity of space in its every palpitation; it makes us live in the world as if walking in the garden of Eden ~ D T Suzuki,
777:Fish sense, applied in the field, is what the old Zen masters would call enlightenment: simply the ability to see what's right there in front of you without having to sift through a lot of thoughts and theories and, yes, expensive fishing tackle. ~ John Gierach,
778:sick of it whatever it's called sick of the names I dedicate every pore to what's here [1796.jpg] -- from Crow With No Mouth: Fifteenth Century Zen Master Ikkyu, Translated by Stephen Berg

~ Ikkyu, sick of it whatever its called sick of the names
779:It is only in the last 800 years that the rules have come into being and conservative Zen has surfaced. It is not particularly popular in Japan at all. Hardly anybody practices Zen any more because it's just too strict; there are too many rules. ~ Frederick Lenz,
780:I was talking to a Zen master the other day and he said, "You shall be my disciple."I looked at him and said, "Who was Buddha's teacher?" He looked at me in a very odd way for a moment and then he burst into laughter and handed me a piece of clover. ~ Alan Watts,
781:Rock slab seat legs folded sitting alone Not loathing noise not savoring silence The carefree clouds concur [2472.jpg] -- from A Quiet Room: The Poetry of Zen Master Jakushitsu, Translated by Arthur Braverman

~ Jakushitsu, Sitting in the Mountains
782:Just by being, I'm here -- In snow-fall. [2115.jpg] -- from A Box of Zen: Haiku the Poetry of Zen, Koans the Lessons of Zen, Sayings the Wisdom of Zen, Edited by Manuela Dunn Mascetti / Edited by Timothy Hugh Barrett

~ Kobayashi Issa, Just by being
783:Writing doesn't come easily to anyone, I think, certainly not to me. But pressure and practice does lend a certain fluency, I think - the more sentences you write, the more sentences you have written, if that slightly Zen confection makes any sense. ~ Adam Gopnik,
784:Just look at that. That evil grin. She looks thrilled. She’s so happy to have a place to fight. Without a doubt, she’s going to end up being the most horrible person I know. And she’ll probably also be one of my most reliable friends on the battlefield. ~ Carlo Zen,
785:Saying yes requires first and foremost paying attention to the no, the inner contraction we feel toward all that we would like to be different, all that we reject and push away, whether it be in ourselves, in the world, or in another person. ~ Ezra Bayda, Zen Heart,
786:Those who can adapt to the sudden paradigm shift and new environment do. Obey the rules. Search for the loopholes. Sneer at the guidelines despite being bound by them. In the end, everyone learns that rules are necessary to make the system run smoothly. ~ Carlo Zen,
787:No se puede comprender el zen a través de los libros y conferencias. Se trata de descubrir en nosotros el origen de la vida manifestada. No podemos nutrirnos de la imagen de la manzana, ni podemos saber sin tocarla si el agua está caliente o fría. ~ Taisen Deshimaru,
788:One Zen master said, The whole universe is my true personality. This is a very wonderful saying... If you want to see what you truly are, open the window, and everything you see is in fact the expression of your inner reality. Can you embrace all of it? ~ Adyashanti,
789:How could you die and not be old enough to hear about premarital sex? How could you die and still not be allowed to fall in love or be honest? Surely not everything had to wait for university and a good job. Passion and truth had to trump even those things. ~ Zen Cho, life itself couldn't very conceivably be less Zenful than it is, and what little I've been able to apprehend - I pick that verb with care - of the Zen experience has been a by-result of following my own rather natural path of extreme Zenlessness. ~ J D Salinger,
791:Una vez comprendida la fuerza innata para purificarse a uno mismo y purificar el ambiente será dado actuar correctamente y aprender de quienes nos rodean. Y podrá convertirse uno en persona amistosa con los demás. Éste es el mérito de la práctica del Zen. ~ Anonymous,
792:I've done a fair amount of that stuff... when we did 'Lord of the Rings' the transformation sequence from Smeagol to Gollum was a 19-hour make-up job. You have to have a kind of zen button that you press and allow the mind to be focused in a certain way. ~ Andy Serkis,
793:Messing with people's lives is quite honestly a lot of fun, but it's completely unacceptable for me to be on the receiving end like this. Why can't I decide how to live my own life? Isn't my existence as an individual the least I should be able to control? ~ Carlo Zen,
794:The practice of Zen is to eat, breathe, cook, carry water, and scrub the toilet — to infuse every act of body, speech, and mind — with mindfulness, to illuminate every leaf and pebble, every heap of garbage, every path that leads to our mind's return home. ~ Nhat Hanh,
795:Buddha activity doesn't mean radiating light and elevating yourself up a thousand feet in the air. That's not the point. The point is, as Zen is always saying - and Tibetans understand this also very well - every activity becomes perfect Buddha activity. ~ Tenzin Palmo,
796:It wasn't so much that she and Penn set out to practice Zen marriage equality and perfect-balance parenting. It was just that there was way more to do than two could manage, but by their both filling every spare moment, some of what needed to got done. ~ Laurie Frankel,
797:The Chatham’s lobby décor was modern, serene, and understated—dignified hipster meets Tibetan monk—but the heavy police presence outside the sparkling glass doors was ruining the carefully curated Zen atmosphere. Even the potted orchids looked stressed out. ~ P J Tracy,
798:Jesus," for example, speaks in sayings as cryptic and compelling as Zen koans: Jesus said, "If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you. ~ Anonymous,
799:To an experienced Zen Buddhist, asking if one believes in Zen or one believes in the Buddha, sounds a little ludicrous, like asking if one believes in air or water. Similarly Quality is not something you believe in, Quality is something you experience. ~ Robert M Pirsig,
800:Bowerman’s strategy for running the mile was simple. Set a fast pace for the first two laps, run the third as hard as you can, then triple your speed on the fourth. There was a Zen-like quality to this strategy, because it was impossible. And yet it worked. ~ Phil Knight,
801:He growled and stood up. “There is a knocking without,” he said.
“Without what?” said the Fool.
“Without the door, idiot.”
The Fool gave him a worried look. “A knocking without a door?” he said suspiciously. “This isn’t some kind of Zen, is it? ~ Terry Pratchett,
802:Did I ever mention I used to be a delivery driver too? I was. I can read a map. What’s more, using a brilliant mixture of zen navigation, Aristotelian logic, and pure rage I can get you your package and/or delicious sandwich relatively close to on-time. ~ Patrick Rothfuss,
803:I may discuss contemporary cinema, how to shop at a mall without losing energy, how to use the power of mind to increase career and academic success, the Zen of sports, reincarnation, karma, sex, the experience of "suchness" or a new book by Stephen King. ~ Frederick Lenz,
804:Zen is not a particular state but the normal state: silent, peaceful, unagitated. In Zazen neither intention, analysis, specific effort nor imagination take place. It's enough just to be without hypocrisy, dogmatism, arrogance - embracing all opposites. ~ Taisen Deshimaru,
805:Though it depends on the time and place, putting on a silly grin and countering a joke with a joke has its merits. Clowning around can ease nerves and serve as a tool for employing some of humanity's highly developed linguistic abilities: criticism and cursing. ~ Carlo Zen,
806:I'm not really hip to too much of the Zen or the Buddhist point of view, but you see I don't have to be because I just know that they're all the same, it's all the same, it's just whichever one you want to take and it happens that I'm taking the Hindu one. ~ George Harrison,
807:Vietnamese Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh is one of the most beloved Buddhist teachers in the West, a rare combination of mystic, poet, scholar, and activist. His luminous presence and the simple, compassionate clarity of his writings have touched countless lives. ~ Joanna Macy,
808:Like vanishing dew, a passing apparition or the sudden flash of lightning -- already gone -- thus should one regard one's self. [2159.jpg] -- from The Poetry of Zen: (Shambhala Library), Edited by Sam Hamill / Edited by J. P. Seaton

~ Ikkyu, Like vanishing dew
809:There is a Zen story about a man and a horse.7 The horse is galloping quickly, and it appears that the rider is urgently heading somewhere important. A bystander along the road calls out, “Where are you going?” and the rider replies, “I don’t know! Ask the horse! ~ Anonymous,
810:We must first understand that both our pain and our suffering are truly our path, our teacher. While this understanding doesn’t necessarily entail liking our pain or our suffering, it does liberate us from regarding them as enemies we have to conquer. ~ Ezra Bayda, Being Zen,
811:Before one studies Zen, mountains are mountains and waters are waters; after a first glimpse into the truth of Zen, mountains are no longer mountains and waters are no longer waters; after enlightenment, mountains are once again mountains and waters once again waters. ~ D gen,
812:I began to realize that an intuitive understanding and consciousness was more significant than abstract thinking and intellectual logical analysis,” he later said. His intensity, however, made it difficult for him to achieve inner peace; his Zen awareness was ~ Walter Isaacson,
813:According to Zen legend, when a visitor asked the fifteenth-century master Ikkyu to write down a maxim of “the highest wisdom,” Ikkyu wrote one word: “Attention.” The visitor asked, irritably, “Is that all?” This time, Ikkyu wrote two words: “Attention. Attention. ~ John Horgan,
814:A great Zen master said just before he died, "From the bathtub, to the bathtub, I have uttered stuff and nonsense." The bathtub in which the baby is washed at birth, the bathtub in which the corpse is washed before burial, all this time I have said much nonsense. ~ Alan W Watts,
815:Such a Zen dialogue is basically a contest, but it’s really an anti-contest. It’s a kind of reverse or paradoxical contest. It works like this: two people talk, and the first one who speaks from the ego loses. The one who wants to win is certainly going to lose. ~ Shinzen Young,
816:You like the gentleman, then?" said Muna.
"I don't dislike him," said Henrietta unpromisingly.
"I don't dislike cabbage," Muna found herself saying, "but I should not consider marrying it. Not disliking seems a poor foundation for future happiness. ~ Zen Cho,
817:I started running ultras to become a better person. I thought if you could run 100 miles you'd be in this Zen state. You'd be the Buddha, bringing peace and a smile to the world. It didn't work in my case. I'm the same old punk-ass as before, but there's always hope. ~ Jenn Shelton,
818:Rei Shimura Books in Order The Salaryman’s Wife Zen Attitude The Flower Master The Floating Girl The Bride’s Kimono The Samurai’s Daughter The Pearl Diver The Typhoon Lover Girl In A Box Shimura Trouble The Convenience Boy And Other Stories Of Japan The Kizuna Coast ~ Sujata Massey,
819:As Sandra would say, all I felt was Zen.

But not Quinn. Quinn was not Zen. He was the opposite of Zen. I’d made a mental note to look up what the opposite of the word Zen was, thinking it should be something like ‘Zook’ or ‘Z-oh-shit!’

Or maybe it was Zinn. ~ Penny Reid,
820:In a few Zen monasteries, every monk has to start his morning with laughter, and has to end his night with laughter - the first thing and the last thing! You try it. . . For no reason! Because there is no reason. Simply, you are again there, still alive - it is a miracle! ~ Rajneesh,
821:We have been teaching together [with Kaz] now for more than twenty years in sesshins, in international travel programs in Japan and China, as well as intensives on Buddhism that focus on the work of Zen Master Dogen and Ryokan, as well as on many of the Mahayana sutras. ~ Joan Halifax,
822:Walking is Zen, sitting is Zen; Speaking or silent, active or quiet, the essence is at peace. Even facing the sword of death, our mind is unmoved; Even drinking poison, our mind is quiet.

~ Hsuan Chueh of Yung Chia, 19 - Walking is Zen, sitting is Zen (from The Shodoka)
823:Where there are humans You'll find flies, And Buddhas. [2115.jpg] -- from A Box of Zen: Haiku the Poetry of Zen, Koans the Lessons of Zen, Sayings the Wisdom of Zen, Edited by Manuela Dunn Mascetti / Edited by Timothy Hugh Barrett

~ Kobayashi Issa, Where there are humans
824:Zazen is seated meditation-the opposite of contemplation-the emptying of the mind of all thoughts in order simply to be. In the midst of all evil, not a thought is aroused in the mind-this is called za. Seeing into one's Self-nature, not being moved at all-this is called Zen. ~ Huineng,
825:Don't weep, insects -- Lovers, stars themselves, Must part. [2115.jpg] -- from A Box of Zen: Haiku the Poetry of Zen, Koans the Lessons of Zen, Sayings the Wisdom of Zen, Edited by Manuela Dunn Mascetti / Edited by Timothy Hugh Barrett

~ Kobayashi Issa, Dont weep, insects
826:As Tanya gazes at the enemy unit through her binoculars, shells plow the earth right where they were meant to, turning people into fertilizer. In other words, this is the correct way of waging war—taking organic life and rendering it past tense through the use of ammunitions. ~ Carlo Zen,
827:Zen, in its essence is the art of seeing into the nature of one's own being, and it points the way from bondage to freedom. By making us drink right from the fountain of life it liberates us from all the yokes under which we finite beings are usually suffering in this world. ~ D T Suzuki,
828:Behind the sometimes seemingly random or even chaotic succession of events in our lives as well as in the world lies concealed the unfolding of a higher order and purpose. This is beautifully expressed in the Zen saying “The snow falls, each flake in its appropriate place. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
829:If you ask Zen people they will say; tea is not something that you pour with unawareness and drink like any other drink. It is not a drink, it is meditation; it is prayer. So they listen to the kettle creating a melody, and in that listening they become more silent, more alert. ~ Rajneesh,
830:I work out because that's my job, but what I enjoy about it, beyond the vanity, is the Zen of it. I like getting out of my head, and one great way to do that is to sweat your face off. And to know that, if you're thinking of anything else, you're not working intensely enough. ~ Chris Pine,
831:All of us should treasure his (John Dillinger) Oriental wisdom and his preaching of a Zen-like detachment, as exemplified by his constant reminder to clerks, tellers, or others who grew excited by his presence in their banks: 'Just lie down on the floor and keep calm. ~ Robert Anton Wilson,
832:I raise my hand; I take a book from the other side of this desk; I hear the boys playing ball outside my window; I see the clouds blown away beyond the neighboring woods:-in all these I am practicing Zen, I am living Zen. No worldly discussion is necessary, or any explanation. ~ D T Suzuki,
833:When Zen masters say `effortlessness` they are referring to the state when your enlightenment is well rooted. Now there is no need of any effort; now you can be relaxed and at ease, it will grow on its own accord. It will bring much foliage, and many flowers, and many blessings. ~ Rajneesh,
834:When I go visit my brother monks in Japan and sit down with other Zen Masters, they look at my crazy clothes and my strange expression, but they feel the power that emanates from my dedication to the practice. So they are comfortable with me, yet they're very uncomfortable. ~ Frederick Lenz,
835:I don't give a damn about power and money per se. Really, I don't. I may be a selfish bastard, but I'm incredibly cool about shit like that. I could be a Zen saint. The one thing I do have, though, is curiosity. I want to see what I can do out there in the big, tough world. ~ Haruki Murakami,
836:My comic sense, although deliberately Americanized, is, in its intent, much closer related to the crazy wisdom of Zen monks and the goofy genius of Taoist masters than it is to, say, the satirical gibes on Saturday Night Live. It has both a literary and a metaphysical function. ~ Tom Robbins,
837:her parents had few friends, avoided social engagement, were awkward when they couldn’t avoid it, and spent most of their time reading, playing music, doing punishing exercise, or, like crazy Zen monks, sitting for hours in the garden or on the terrace doing absolutely nothing. ~ Mark Helprin,
838:Clear in the blue, the moon! Icy water to the horizon, Defining high, low. Startled, The dragon uncoils about the billows. [1506.jpg] -- from Zen Poetry: Let the Spring Breeze Enter, Translated by Lucien Stryk / Translated by Takashi Ikemoto

~ Ryuzan, Clear in the blue, the moon!
839:A month alone behind closed doors forgotten books, remembered, clear again. Poems come, like water to the pool Welling, up and out, from perfect silence [2158.jpg] -- from A Drifting Boat: Chinese Zen Poetry, Edited by J. P. Seaton / Edited by Dennis Maloney

~ Yuan Mei, Just Done
840:Buddhist concept of mindfulness means precisely a way of being in which one is fully concentrated on everything one is doing at any given moment, whether it is planting a seed or cleaning a room or eating. Or as a Zen master has said: “When I sleep I sleep, when I eat I eat …” 10. ~ Erich Fromm,
841:One has to reach to the absolute state of awareness: that is Zen. You cannot do it every morning for a few minutes or for half an hour and then forget all about it. It has to become like your heartbeat. You have to sit in it, you have to walk in it. Yes, you have even to sleep in it. ~ Rajneesh,
842:The entrance into Zen is the grasping of one's essential nature. It is absolutely impossible, however, to come to a clear understanding of our essential nature by any intellectual or philosophical method. It is accomplished only by the experience of self-realization through zazen. ~ Yamada Koun,
843:ZEN is MEDITATION. ARCHY is Social Order. ZENARCHY is the Social Order which springs from Meditation. As a doctrine, it holds Universal Enlightenment a prerequisite to abolition of the State, after which a State will inevitably vanish. Or - that failing - nobody will give a damn. ~ Kerry Thornley,
844:Every man now is responsible to create a buddhafield around himself, an energy field that goes on becoming bigger and bigger. Create as many vibrations of laughter, joy, celebration, as possible; dance, sing, let the whole of humanity by and by catch the fire of Zen and the wind of Zen. ~ Rajneesh,
845:Magic ran in the family. Even her mother's second cousin, who was adopted, did small spells on the side. She sold these from a stall in Kota Bharu. Her main wares were various types of fruit fried in batter, but if you bought five pisang or cempedak goreng, she threw in a jampi for free. ~ Zen Cho,
846:Roy had communicated, days earlier, to the Zen master that I was a drunk - unreliable - either faint-hearted or vicious - therefore during the cerimony, don't ask Bukowski for the rings because Bukowski might not be there. or he might loose the rings, or vomit, or loose Bukowski ~ Charles Bukowski,
847:The Way of the Worrier 1. Don’t Be a Jerk 2. (And/But . . .) When Necessary, Hide the Zen 3. Meditate 4. The Price of Security Is Insecurity—Until It’s Not Useful 5. Equanimity Is Not the Enemy of Creativity 6. Don’t Force It 7. Humility Prevents Humiliation 8. Go Easy with the Internal ~ Dan Harris,
848:Three aspects of Zen have been critical to me as a leader: 1. GIVING UP CONTROL Suzuki writes, “If you want to obtain perfect calmness in your zazen, you should not be bothered by the various images you find in your mind. Let them come and let them go. Then they will be under control. ~ Phil Jackson,
849:Zen has an expression, "nothing special." When you understand "nothing special," you realize that everything is special. Everything's special and nothing's special. Everything's spiritual and nothing's spiritual. It's how you see, it's what eyes you're looking through, that matters. ~ Jon Kabat Zinn,
850:Zacharias’s study bore the marks of his predecessors, whose taste had run decidedly stoicheiotical. They had had a fondness for skulls with burning lights in their eye sockets, crystal balls in which mysterious shapes came and went, and dark velvet window curtains traced with obscure runes. ~ Zen Cho,
851:When I'm looking for Zen and I'm not saying this facetiously at all - I would really rather surf, scuba dive, or fly my plane. And, when I feel tension about the grind of work, it's not getting the money to make films versus making films that constitutes the grind, it's all this stuff. ~ Edward Norton,
852:Apart from the underlying mystery of all things, there is also another possible specific mystery in this situation: Why did I become so interested in Buddhism, Zen and so on? I seem to have a Buddhist voice in my head, and someone asked me about this recently, saying he was intrigued. ~ Quentin S Crisp,
853:In the early '60s there was very little reliable information on Tibetan Buddhism. I was living in London and I had joined the Buddhist Society. For the most part, people there were either interested in Theravada or Zen Buddhism. There was almost no one into Tibetan Buddhism at that time. ~ Tenzin Palmo,
854:Detrás de la sucesión aparentemente aleatoria o hasta caótica de sucesos que acontecen en la vida y también en el mundo yace oculto el desenvolvimiento de un orden y un propósito superiores. El proverbio Zen lo expresa bellamente: "La nieve cae copo por copo, cada uno en su lugar preciso ~ Eckhart Tolle,
855:At times, Zen does get into some Buddhist Cosmology. Nishijima Roshi, my main teacher would talk about that and almost every time immediately say that it was only one way of looking at it. Whenever addressing realms of Heaven or Hell, he'd also address that it was just a psychological state. ~ Brad Warner,
856:I like Catch-22, Gravity’s Rainbow and Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, for instance, because the authors of those three surrealistic novels—Joseph Heller, Thomas Pynchon and Robert Pirsig—invented their own rules, knowing that the old ones wouldn’t do the job they had in mind. ~ William Zinsser,
857:Meditation has become such a common element of business training that more than a thousand Googlers attended a training program called, Search Inside Yourself. Google even hosts bimonthly silent ‘mindful lunches’, which began after Zen monk and writer, Thich Nhat Hanh, visited Google in 2011. ~ Brian Tracy,
858:Sam Keen points out that Zen masters spend years to reach an enlightenment that every natural child already knows—the total incarnation of sleeping when you’re tired and eating when you’re hungry. What irony that this state of Zen-like bliss is programmatically and systematically destroyed. ~ John Bradshaw,
859:Suzuki's works on Zen Buddhism are among the best contributions to the knowledge of living Buddhism... We cannot be sufficiently grateful to the author, first for the fact of his having brought Zen closer to Western understanding, and secondly for the manner in which he has achieved this task. ~ D T Suzuki,
860:A temple, hidden, treasured in the mountain's cleft Pines, bamboo such a subtle flavor: The ancient Buddha sits there, wordless The welling source speaks for him. [2158.jpg] -- from A Drifting Boat: Chinese Zen Poetry, Edited by J. P. Seaton / Edited by Dennis Maloney

~ Yuan Mei, Pu-to Temple
861:I was focused on getting shut-eye, confident that sleep and I would spoon the fuck out of each other until the sun rose the following morning. I channeled Buddha for my inner Zen, humming my way toward unconscious bliss. It was either that, or grab my vibrator and participate in a ménage à moi. ~ Max Monroe,
862:Hope springs eternal and all that, yet isn't it a fact that when we give up and quit hoping; genuinely, sincerely quit hoping, things usually change for the better? Zen masters say that when we become convinced that the human situation is hopeless, we approach serenity, the ideal state of mind. ~ Tom Robbins,
863:One might have thought you had never met my aunt Georgiana,” said Rollo, with the steeliness of despair. “She is the one with the false curls and glowing eyes and smoke rising from her jaws. Do not you recollect her?”
“She did strike me as possessing unusual force of character,” admitted Damerell. ~ Zen Cho,
864:Zen wants us to acquire an entirely new point of view whereby to look into the mysteries of life and the secrets of nature. This is because Zen has come to the definite conclusion that the ordinary logical process of reasoning is powerless to give final satisfaction to our deepest spiritual needs. ~ D T Suzuki,
865:To design for compactness and orthogonality, start from zero. Zen teaches that attachment leads to suffering; experience with software design teaches that attachment to unnoticed assumptions leads to non-orthogonality, noncompact designs, and projects that fail or become maintenance nightmares. ~ Eric S Raymond,
866:Two things stand out: The zen-like demeanor of the Japanese amidst such a huge disaster, and the realization that if there is a place on earth that I want to be with my family and friends (current and extended), when (God forbid) such a disaster ever struck again, then it's this country, Japan. ~ Jake Adelstein,
867:I'm not an ascetic and please don't use the word zen, which is so lightly bandied about these days. Being zen . . . It's shameful to talk in such a way. I haven't become an ascetic but I'm not going to build up another collection. I'm going to create my new environment. I already know what I want. ~ Pierre Berge,
868:Buddhism, was not just some passing fancy or youthful dabbling. He embraced it with his typical intensity, and it became deeply ingrained in his personality. “Steve is very much Zen,” said Kottke. “It was a deep influence. You see it in his whole approach of stark, minimalist aesthetics, intense ~ Walter Isaacson,
869:Having been thus “straightened out,” Corporals Kurst and Harald became rebellious, but they weren’t disciplined outright—key word outright. After the company commander and the second lieutenant mentioned that they simply couldn’t take care of them on the front lines, the pair was assigned to the rear. ~ Carlo Zen,
870:People say that practicing Zen is difficult, but there is a misunderstanding as to why. It is not difficult because it is hard to sit in the cross- legged position, or to attain enlightenment. It is difficult because it is hard to keep our mind pure and our practice pure in its fundamental sense. ~ Shunryu Suzuki,
871:Prophecy is rash, but it may be that the publication of D.T. Suzuki's first Essays in Zen Buddhism in 1927 will seem to future generations as great an intellectual event as William of Moerbeke's Latin translations of Aristotle in the thirteenth century or Marsiglio Ficino's of Plato in the fifteenth. ~ D T Suzuki,
872:The secret of Zen masters is discovering the path of return to such moments, and knowing how to pave the way for such moments to arise. The masters know how to use the dazzling light of those moments to illuminate the journey of return, the journey that begins from nowhere and has no destination. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh,
873:my lute set aside on the little table lazily I meditate on cherishing feelings the reason I don't bother to strum and pluck? there's a breeze over the strings and it plays itself [2158.jpg] -- from A Drifting Boat: Chinese Zen Poetry, Edited by J. P. Seaton / Edited by Dennis Maloney

~ Po Chu-i, Lute
874:We should work like the rain.The rain just falls. It doesn’t ask, Am I making a nice sound down below? Or, Will the plants be glad to see me? Will they be grateful? The rain just falls, one raindrop after another. Millions and billions of raindrops, only falling.This is the open secret of Zen. ~ Jakusho Kwong Roshi,
875:If future history is not to be just one damned thing after another in space, then what we really have to do is in some way overcome this linear experience of time that makes all existence a quest for something that will never be found.And philosophies such as Zen seem to hint that this is possible. ~ Quentin S Crisp,
876:Writing isn’t necessarily a gift it is a passion. You can write a one page masterpiece to 99 pages of crap. What keeps you coming back is that Zen moment when you enlightened your own self with a few cleverly arranged words and saved yourself a $200 trip to the shrink, by simply buying a #2 pencil. ~ Shannon L Alder,
877:I have a deep-seated distrust and even contempt for people who are driven by ambition to conquer the world … those who cannot control themselves and produce vast amounts of crap that no one cares about. I find it unattractive. I like the Zen artists: they’d do some work, and then they’d stop for a while. ~ Saul Leiter,
878:Trying to become a Buddha is easy but ending delusions is hard how many moonlit nights have I sat and felt the cold before dawn [2615.jpg] -- from The Zen Works of Stonehouse: Poems and Talks of a 14th Century Chinese Hermit, Translated by Red Pine

~ Shiwu (Stonehouse), Trying to become a Buddha is easy
879:With the near-death or clinical near-death phenomenon some people who are brought back from 'death' have reported being alive the entire time they were 'dead.' This phenomenon occurs among people with a wide diversity of religious belief and no religious belief at all - from atheists to Zen Buddhists. ~ John Ankerberg,
880:I could say I believe in every drop of rain that . . . Well, I believe life is a Zen koan, that is, an unsolvable riddle. But the contemplation of that riddle--even though it cannot be solved--is, in itself, transformative. And if the contemplation is of high enough quality, you can merge with the divine. ~ Tom Robbins,
881:The point is that each mental state, each moment of mind, is composed of a shifting array of properties that combine to flavor and define that state. There is a nice pithy Zen saying that makes the point: To her lover, a beautiful women is a delight; to an ascetic, a distraction; to a wolf, a good meal. ~ Dalai Lama XIV,
882:Zen, on the other hand, is not so dogmatically sterile, though there are certainly traces and more than traces of this austerity. However, with Zen we have not only the void, but the fertile void. The ink lines in a sumi-e painting show this fertility of the void ever ready to brim over into existence. ~ Quentin S Crisp,
883:Do not do that again," he said stiffly. "Don't kiss me back then," I retorted. He stared at me for what seemed like forever. "I don't give 'Zen lessons' to hear myself talk. I don't give them because you're another student. I'm doing this to teach you control." "You're doing a great job," I said bitterly. ~ Richelle Mead,
884:...when you are constantly prevailing upon the kindness of strangers-as a hitchhiker must-it keeps you in a positive frame of mind. Call it Zen and the Art of Hitchhiking. The Way of the Lift. The chrysanthemum and the Thumb. Heady on beer and the sound of my own voice, the aphorisms spilled out unchecked. ~ Will Ferguson,
885:Many of the customers here are traveling all over the world so they need multiple types of clothes. That's one thing about Urban Zen - it is seasonless and it is timeless. So it's not about the fashion of a moment saying, "I have to have it now." It's something that you become a part of...sort of like a sari. ~ Donna Karan,
886:Once we awaken to the Tathagata-Zen, The six noble deeds and the ten thousand good actions Are already complete within us. In our dream we see the six levels of illusion clearly; After we awaken the whole universe is empty.

~ Hsuan Chueh of Yung Chia, 4 - Once we awaken to the Tathagata-Zen (from The Shodoka)
887:Taoism, Confucianism, and Zen are expressions of a mentality which feels completely at home in this universe, and which sees man as an integral part of his environment. Human intelligence is not an imprisoned spirit from afar but an aspect of the whole intricately balanced organism of the natural world [...]. ~ Alan W Watts,
888:There is a Zen story about a man riding a horse that is galloping very quickly. Another man, standing alongside the road, yells at him, "Where are you going?" and the man on the horse yells back, "I don't know. Ask the horse." I think that is our situation. We are riding many horses that we cannot control. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh,
889:There was a famous Zen master whom people would seek out to become enlightened. He was strict and would occupy people with things having nothing to do with seeking enlightenment. You see, that is the only way to achieve enlightenment; by not focusing on achieving it. Then, one day it will just come to you. ~ Masaaki Hatsumi,
890:Zen goes directly to your own experience of the oneness of the universe, of your interconnectedness with all things. You learn to distrust whatever you clung to in your old sense of separation, and that realization can be the most liberating thing in your life, a freedom beyond anything you could have imagined. ~ Jean Smith,
891:As we said, Zen masters talk about Emptiness all the time! But they have a practice and a methodology (zazen) which allows them to discover the transcendental referent via their own developmental signified, and thus their words (the signifiers) remain grounded in experiential, reproducible, fallibilist criteria. ~ Ken Wilber,
892:A walk with a two-year-old is very Zen; it is not about the end but the journey. He needs to pet the dog someone is walking; to roll down the slight incline to the church basement, and then roll again, and again, and again; to remind me of the place where the wasps (he calls them bees) live, then zoom past it. ~ Marc Aronson,
893:Past, present, future: unattainable, Yet clear as the moteless sky. Late at night the stool's cold as iron, But the moonlit window smells of plum. [1506.jpg] -- from Zen Poetry: Let the Spring Breeze Enter, Translated by Lucien Stryk / Translated by Takashi Ikemoto

~ Hakuin, Past, present, future- unattainable
894:Until today, it really pissed me off that I'd become this totally centered Zen Master, and nobody had noticed. Still, i'm doing the little FAX thing. I write little HAIKU things and FAX them around to everyone. When i pass people in the hall at work, I get toally ZEN right in everyone's hostile little FACE. ~ Chuck Palahniuk,
895:Until today, it really pissed me off that I'd become this totally centered Zen Master and nobody had noticed. Still, I'm doing the little FAX thing. I write little HAIKU things and FAX them around to everyone. When I pass people in the hall at work, I get totally ZEN right in everyone's hostile little FACE. ~ Chuck Palahniuk,
896:Well, I would have to say as a Christian that I believe any belief system, any world view, whether its Zen Buddhism or Hinduism or dialectical materialism for that matter, Marxism, that keeps persons captive and keeps them from coming to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, yes, is a demonstration of satanic power. ~ Albert Mohler,
897:Not thinking about anything is zen. Once you know this, walking, standing, sitting, or lying down, everything you do is zen. To know that the mind is empty is to see the buddha.... Using the mind to reality is delusion. Not using the mind to look for reality is awareness. Freeing oneself from words is liberation. ~ Bodhidharma,
898:Philosophy is speculation, Zen is participation. Participate in the night leaving, participate in the evening coming, participate in the stars and participate in the clouds; make participation your lifestyle and the whole existence becomes such a joy, such an ecstasy. You could not have dreamed of a better universe. ~ Rajneesh,
899:For some people, being a Zen monk is the perfect expression. For others, drinking beer and calling meditation hogwash is the perfect expression. Some teachers will tell you to sweep the floor mindfully, and others will tell you that your mindful sweeping is only a dream. Life is wonderfully playful and diverse. ~ Joan Tollifson,
900:The Zen way of calligraphy is to write in the most straightforward, simple way as if you were a beginner, not trying to make something skillful or beautiful, but simply writing with full attention as if you were discovering what you were writing for the first time; then your full nature will be in your writing. ~ Shunryu Suzuki,
901:Thomas had followed his passion to the Zen Mountain Monastery, believing, as many do, that the key to happiness is identifying your true calling and then chasing after it with all the courage you can muster. But as Thomas experienced that late Sunday afternoon in the oak forest, this belief is frighteningly naïve. ~ Cal Newport,
902:a well nobody dug filled with no water ripples and a shapeless weightless man drinks oh green green willow wonderfully red flower but I know the colors are not there [1796.jpg] -- from Crow With No Mouth: Fifteenth Century Zen Master Ikkyu, Translated by Stephen Berg

~ Ikkyu, a well nobody dug filled with no water
903:I got interested in Zen when I was a teenage beatnik on the streets of San Francisco. And it was my interest in Zen, in part, that got me into the Marine Corps, because that was a ticket to Asia. So I spent a couple of years on Okinawa and began reading and thinking about how I wanted to go about conducting my life. ~ Sam Hamill,
904:Do not do that again," he said stiffly.
"Don't kiss me back then," I retorted.
He stared at me for what seemed like forever. "I don't give 'Zen lessons' to hear myself talk. I don't give them because you're another student. I'm doing this to teach you control."
"You're doing a great job," I said bitterly. ~ Richelle Mead,
905:We took a bus to the nearby monastery of one of the last great Tang dynasty Chan masters, Yun-men. Yun-men was known for his pithy 'one word' Zen. When asked 'What is the highest teaching of the Buddha?' he replied: 'An appropriate statement.' On another occasion, he answered: 'Cake.' I admired his directness. ~ Stephen Batchelor,
906:We took a bus to the nearby monastery of one of the last great Tang dynasty Chan masters, Yun-men. Yun-men was known for his pithy “one word” Zen. When asked “What is the highest teaching of the Buddha?” he replied: “An appropriate statement.” On another occasion, he answered: “Cake.” I admired his directness. ~ Stephen Batchelor,
907:I use a Bruce Lee technique: "The way of no way". He had the idea that he would learn everything, so that whoever he had to fight, he could improvise anything. The best way of starting a gig is just to not think of anything - to clear your mind, not in an empty Zen state, but more just to go on and see where you go. ~ Eddie Izzard,
908:I think about death a lot, I really do, because I can't believe I won't exist. It's the ego isn't it? I feel that I should retreat into a better form of Zen Buddhism than this kind of ego-dominated thing. But I don't know, I mean, I want to come back as a tree but I suspect that it's just not going to happen, is it? ~ Kate Atkinson,
909:The monkey is reaching For the moon in the water. Until death overtakes him He'll never give up. If he'd let go the branch and Disappear in the deep pool, The whole world would shine With dazzling pureness. [1799.jpg] -- from Essential Teachings of Zen Master Hakuin, by Norman Waddell

~ Hakuin, The monkey is reaching
910:There is a director who should make 'Silver Surfer' - he is mentally committed to it. He's doing another movie now. What's most important to me about this guy, first, is that he's incredible with visuals. But he's also a spiritual guy, a Zen Buddhist. ... Galactus is a force of nature, not a being. That's all I'm saying. ~ Avi Arad,
911:An elegant simplicity is an understated, organic aesthetic that contrasts with the excess of consumerist lifestyles. Drawing from influences ranging from Zen to the Quakers, it celebrates natural materials and clean, functional expressions, such as are found in many of the hand-made arts and crafts from this community. ~ Duane Elgin,
912:Look at the moon before you point or speak Illuminating the sky an unstained round light If your face doesn't possess the monk's discerning eye You become blinded by evening rains of autumn [2472.jpg] -- from A Quiet Room: The Poetry of Zen Master Jakushitsu, Translated by Arthur Braverman

~ Jakushitsu, Rain in Autumn
913:What’s that mean?” Eddie asked. “I hate it when you start up with your Zen Buddhist shit, Roland.” “It means I don’t know,” Roland said. “Who is this man Zen Buddhist? Is he wise like me?” Eddie looked at Roland for a long, long time before deciding the gunslinger was making one of his rare jokes. “Ah, get outta here... ~ Stephen King,
914:After all, what Buddhism offers as a solution is universalised indifference - a learning of how to withdraw from too much empathy. This is why Buddhism can so easily turn into the very opposite of universal compassion: the advocacy of a ruthless military attitude, which is what the fate of Zen Buddhism aptly demonstrates. ~ Slavoj i ek,
915:CONTENTS Epigraph Characters Introduction: How This Book Came to Be CHAPTER ONE Childhood: Abandoned and Chosen CHAPTER TWO Odd Couple: The Two Steves CHAPTER THREE The Dropout: Turn On, Tune In . . . CHAPTER FOUR Atari and India: Zen and the Art of Game Design CHAPTER FIVE The Apple I: Turn On, Boot Up, Jack In . . . ~ Walter Isaacson,
916:The Zen masters have the right idea-no pain no gain: thwack a silly nebbish and he'll remember it far longer and more indelibly than any words you muster at him. Not absolutely everything can or should have to be explained, and particularly not to everybody. But a concussion is a value-judgment anyone gets the point of. ~ Kenny Smith,
917:Wrapped, surrounded by ten thousand mountains, Cut off, no place to go.... Until you're here, there's no way to get here. Once you're here, there's no way to go. [2159.jpg] -- from The Poetry of Zen: (Shambhala Library), Edited by Sam Hamill / Edited by J. P. Seaton

~ Yuan Mei, Wrapped, surrounded by ten thousand mountains
918:I learned more than one lesson at the 2006 Western States. One I hadn’t been expecting: No matter what you do, there are going to be haters out there. My Zen self tells me they’re no worse than people who idolize you for the wrong reasons. What people think about you doesn’t really matter. The trick is to be true to yourself. ~ Scott Jurek,
919:Neither seeking fame nor grieving my poverty I hide deep in the mountain far from worldly dust. Year ending cold sky who will befriend me? Plum blossom on a new branch wrapped in moonlight [2472.jpg] -- from A Quiet Room: The Poetry of Zen Master Jakushitsu, Translated by Arthur Braverman

~ Jakushitsu, Living in the Mountains
920:cuando uno ve las cosas sin percibir el fondo de naturaleza de Buda, todo parece tener forma de sufrimiento. Mas cuando se comprende el fondo de la existencia, uno se da cuenta de que el mismo sufrimiento es nuestra forma de vivir, de prolongar la vida. Por eso, en el Zen recalcamos a veces el desequilibrio o desorden de la vida. ~ Anonymous,
921:It took me a long time to reach the decision to retire, actually, from the Art Ensemble. But it seemed more important to me to share the vitality of Aikido and the vitality of Zen training with people, even though it would be a smaller number of people, it seemed to give them something that could last and improve their lives. ~ Joseph Jarman,
922:Everything was coming together by coming apart . . . It is the most difficult Zen practice to leave people to their destiny, even though it's painful - just loving them, and breathing with them, and distracting them in a sweet way, and laughing with them . . . if something was not my problem, I probably did not have the solution. ~ Anne Lamott,
923:Bodhidharma brought Zen Buddhism from India to China. He was well known for being fierce and uncompromising. There is a story about how he kept nodding off during meditation, so he cut off his eyelids. When he threw them on the ground, they turned into a tea plant, and then he realized he could simply drink the tea to stay awake! ~ Pema Ch dr n,
924:It was not a world Siew Tsin would have chosen to live in. But she did not want to be reborn, either, anymore than Junsheng did, anymore than all the other spirits showering gold and favours on hell officials so that they could stay where they were. Rebirth entailed a true death, the severing of one's memory and the loss of one's self. ~ Zen Cho,
925:If your creativity comes out of your silence, out of your Zen, out of your meditations, then it is authentic, original. If it comes only as an occupation because you are feeling lost and there is nothing to do - a long holiday, so you start doing something... That is not coming out of your silences, it is coming out of your crazy mind. ~ Rajneesh,
926:The whole essence of Zen consists in walking along the razor's edge of Now - to be so utterly, so completely present that no problem, no suffering, nothing that is not who you are in your essence, can survive in you. In the Now, in the absence of time, all your problems dissolve. Suffering needs time; it cannot survive in the Now. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
927:The Zen Buddhists have another way of saying pretty much the same thing: meditation is not something you think about; meditation is something you do. Same with well-being. No matter what ails you, you are not going to think your way out of it or read your way out of it. Living well is something you do. So then it’s not something we ~ John J Ratey,
928:To the branch's edge and the leaf's under surface be most attentive Its pervasive aroma envelopes people far away The realms of form and function can't contain it Spring leaks profusely through the basket [2472.jpg] -- from A Quiet Room: The Poetry of Zen Master Jakushitsu, Translated by Arthur Braverman

~ Jakushitsu, Gathering Tea
929:CONTENTS Epigraph Characters Introduction: How This Book Came to Be CHAPTER ONE Childhood: Abandoned and Chosen CHAPTER TWO Odd Couple: The Two Steves CHAPTER THREE The Dropout: Turn On, Tune In . . . CHAPTER FOUR Atari and India: Zen and the Art of Game Design CHAPTER FIVE The Apple I: Turn On, Boot Up, Jack In . . . CHAPTER SIX ~ Walter Isaacson,
930:The British are a peculiar race. My grandfather was transported to Malaya because they needed tin, and yet I’ve never once met a Briton to whom the thought had occurred that perhaps I spoke English because I am from one of their colonies. It is as if I were a piece of chess in a game played by people who never look down at their fingers. ~ Zen Cho,
931:The Taoist and Zen conception of perfection... the dynamic nature of their philosophy laid more stress upon the process through which perfection was sought than upon perfection itself. True beauty could be discovered only by one who mentally completed the incomplete. The virility of life and art lay in its possibilities for growth. ~ Kakuz Okakura,
932:To other scientists, the scientist who corrects a colleague’s error, or cites good reasons for seriously doubting his or her conclusions, performs a noble deed, like a Zen master who boxes the ears of a novice straying from the meditative path, although scientists correct one another more as equals than as master and student. ~ Neil deGrasse Tyson,
933:It's something no on can force besides knowing it's there there's nothing to know the moon shines bright above the flowering plum but who can look past the blossoms [2615.jpg] -- from The Zen Works of Stonehouse: Poems and Talks of a 14th Century Chinese Hermit, Translated by Red Pine

~ Shiwu (Stonehouse), Its something no on can force
934:[I]t is typical of Zen that its style of action has the strongest feeling of commitment, of "follow-through." It enters into everything wholeheartedly and freely without having to keep an eye on itself. It does not confuse spirituality with thinking about God while one is peeling potatoes. Zen spirituality is just to peel the potatoes. ~ Alan W Watts,
935:Zen is a single step—the journey of one single step. You can call it the last step or the first step, it doesn’t matter. It is the first and it is the last, the alpha and the omega. The whole teaching of Zen consists of only one thing: how to take a jump into nothingness, how to come to the very end of your mind, which is the end of the world. ~ Osho,
936:A master's handiwork cannot be measured But still priests wag their tongues explaining the "Way" and babbling about "Zen." This old monk has never cared for false piety And my nose wrinkles at the dark smell of incense before the Buddha. [1795.jpg] -- from Wild Ways: Zen Poems of Ikkyu, Translated by John Stevens

~ Ikkyu, I Hate Incense
937:The famous Zen parable about the master for whom, before his studies, mountains were only mountains, but during his studies mountains were no longer mountains, and afterward mountains were again mountains could be interpreted as an allegory about [the perpetual paradox that when one is closest to a destination one is also the farthest). ~ Rebecca Solnit,
938:The woman leant forward, her eyes flashing, a smile both triumphant and tender curving her mouth.
"You are *my* daughter," she said. "Can there be any doubt that you will be brilliant -- audacious -- and free?"
The vision disappeared. She had been so vital, so overflowing with life and energy, that her going seemed to leave the room dark. ~ Zen Cho,
939:Fighting for one's freedom, struggling towards being free, is like struggling to be a poet or a good Christian or a good Jew or a good Muslim or good Zen Buddhist. You work all day long and achieve some kind of level of success by nightfall, go to sleep and wake up the next morning with the job still to be done. So you start all over again. ~ Maya Angelou,
940:finally I went over to an old cook in the doorway of the kitchen and asked him “Why did Bodhidharma come from the West?” (Bodhidharma was the Indian who brought Buddhism eastward to China.) “I don’t care,” said the old cook, with lidded eyes, and I told Japhy and he said, “Perfect answer, absolutely perfect. Now you know what I mean by Zen. ~ Jack Kerouac,
941:The Buddha, the Godhead, resides quite as comfortably in the circuits of a digital computer or the gears of a cycle transmission as he does at the top of the mountain, or in the petals of a flower. To think otherwise is to demean the Buddha - which is to demean oneself. ~ Robert M. Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry Into Values,
942:Walking is Zen, sitting is Zen. Then what will be the quality? Watchfully alert, joyously unmotivated, centered, loving, flowing, one walks. And the walking is sauntering. Loving, alert, watchful, one sits, unmotivated - not sitting for anything in particular, just enjoying how beautiful just sitting doing nothing is, how relaxing, how restful. ~ Rajneesh,
943:Boredom has been used as a technique, it is a device. In Zen, boredom is used as a device: you are bored to death, and you are not allowed to escape. You are not to go outside, you are not to entertain yourself, you are not to do, you are not to talk, you are not to read novels and detective stories. No thrill. No possibility to escape anywhere. ~ Rajneesh,
944:We have much to beg forgiveness for,” Annys said. For once her expression was soft, her hawk-like eyes downcast.“We all do,” I said, “if not for this, than something else.”“That's very… Zen of you,” Master Dogan said. I laughed. “Don't get used to it. I'm pretty sure it's a near-death thing and will pass, but let's enjoy it while we can. ~ Christina Garner,
945:What Zen communicates is an awareness that is potentially already there but is not conscious of itself. Zen is then not Kerygma but realization, not revelation but consciousness, not news from the Father who sends His Son into this world, but awareness of the ontological ground of our own being here and now, right in the midst of the world. ~ Thomas Merton,
946:Suzuki had just finished giving a talk to a group of Zen students when someone in the audience said, “You’ve been talking about Buddhism for nearly an hour, and I haven’t been able to understand a thing you said. Could you say one thing about Buddhism I can understand?” After the laughter died down, Suzuki replied calmly, “Everything changes. ~ Phil Jackson,
947:They miss the Dharma-treasure; They lose accumulated power; And this disaster follows directly upon dualistic thinking. So Zen is the complete realization of mind, The complete cutting off of delusion, The power of wise vision penetrating directly to the unborn.

~ Hsuan Chueh of Yung Chia, 32 - They miss the Dharma-treasure (from The Shodoka)
948:It’s been said that the entire philosophical foundation of Zen is contained in three small words: “Not always so.” If you want to stop emotional eating (which means you’ll eat only out of physical hunger, which means you’ll eventually be the right weight for your body) you must become willing to apply those three words to your own beliefs. THE ~ Martha N Beck,
949:The Way of the Worrier 1. Don’t Be a Jerk 2. (And/But . . .) When Necessary, Hide the Zen 3. Meditate 4. The Price of Security Is Insecurity—Until It’s Not Useful 5. Equanimity Is Not the Enemy of Creativity 6. Don’t Force It 7. Humility Prevents Humiliation 8. Go Easy with the Internal Cattle Prod 9. Nonattachment to Results 10. What Matters Most? ~ Dan Harris,
950:I tried Zen and Ching, numerology, tarot cards and astrology. I tried to look back into the Bible, and could not find anything. At this time I did not know anything about Islam, and then, what I regarded as a miracle occurred. My brother had visited the mosque in Jerusalem, and was greatly impressed that while on the one hand it throbbed with life. ~ Cat Stevens,
951:To learn to be without desire you must desire that. Better to do as you please: sing idleness. Floating clouds, and water idly running -- Where's their source? In all the vastness of the sea and sky, you'll never find it. [2158.jpg] -- from A Drifting Boat: Chinese Zen Poetry, Edited by J. P. Seaton / Edited by Dennis Maloney

~ Yuan Mei, Mad Words
952:Why can't we simply borrow what is useful to us from Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, especially Zen, as we borrow from Christianity, science, American Indian traditions and world literature in general, including philosophy, and let the rest go hang? Borrow what we need but rely principally upon our own senses, common sense and daily living experience. ~ Edward Abbey,
953:The hungry are served a king's repast, And they cannot eat. The sick meet the king of doctors; Why don't they recover? The practice of Zen in this greedy world -- This is the power of wise vision. The lotus lives in the midst of the fire; It is never destroyed.

~ Hsuan Chueh of Yung Chia, 56 - The hungry are served a kings repast (from The Shodoka)
954:He had a tremendous propensity for getting lost when driving. This was largely because of his method of “Zen” navigation, which was simply to find any car that looked as if it knew where it was going and follow it. The results were more often surprising than successful, but he felt it was worth it for the sake of the few occasions when it was both. ~ Douglas Adams,
955:As far as vocal preparation goes, it's really an interesting thing for such a fragile instrument and using it properly is like walking a tightrope. I have learned not to do extensive warm-ups. It's really more of a cerebral mind-body connection Zen hippy thing, just knowing your body and figuring out if I do that then I will be able to speak tomorrow. ~ Davey Havok,
956:Many centuries after the Buddha, the Chinese Chan (Zen) patriarch Yunmen (c. 860–949) was asked: “What are the teachings of an entire lifetime?” Yunmen replied: “An appropriate statement.”6 For Yunmen, what counts is whether your words and deeds are an appropriate response to the situation at hand, not whether they accord with an abstract truth. ~ Stephen Batchelor,
957:Zen enriches no one. There is no body to be found. The birds may come and circle for a while in the place where it is thought to be. But they soon go elsewhere. When they are gone, the "nothing," the "no-body" that was there, suddenly appears. That is Zen. It was there all the time but the scavengers missed it, because it was not their kind of prey. ~ Thomas Merton,
958:En la meditación zen, por ejemplo, se intenta alcanzar la pura negatividad del «no-...», es decir, el vacío, liberándose del Algo atosigante que se impone. La negatividad del «no-...» constituye un proceso extremadamente activo, a saber, es todo menos pasividad. Es un ejercicio que consiste en alcanzar en sí mismo un punto de soberanía, en ser centro. ~ Byung Chul Han,
959:My ethics, my sense of morality, my work ethic, my sense of compassion for suffering humanity, all of that comes directly out of the practice of poetry, as does my Buddhist practice. Poetry is a very important element in the history of Buddhism in general and in Zen in particular. It was really Zen that motivated me to change the way I perceive the world. ~ Sam Hamill,
960:The thing about Zen is that it pushes contradictions to their ultimate limit where one has to choose between madness and innocence. And Zen. suggests that we may be driving toward one or the other on a cosmic scale. Driving toward them because, one way or the other, as madmen or innocents, we are already there. It might be good to open our eyes and see. ~ Thomas Merton,
961:The most important part of the practice is for the question to remain alive and for your whole body and mind to become a question. In Zen they say that you have to ask with the pores of your skin and the marrow of your bones. A Zen saying points out: Great questioning, great awakening; little questioning, little awakening; no questioning, no awakening. ~ Martine Batchelor,
962:When you're hurrying around too quickly," he had said, "there's a part of the world you can't see. If, for example, you're taking a wrong direction in your life, it's only when you stop and look at things clearly that you can revise your direction and take a more proper course. Then message of Zen is that in order to find ourselves, we've got to learn to stop. ~ Pico Iyer,
963:The tabloids wanted to know whether the dragon was receiving benefits. The gossip magazines claimed to have found a woman who was bearing the dragon's baby. The fashion magazines did spreads on draconian style. This apparently consisted of gaunt models with sunken eyes, swathed in clouds of chiffon and arranged in awkwardly erotic positions on piles of gold coins. ~ Zen Cho,
964:On these matters of specific fact, like is the mushroom an extraterrestrial and that sort of thing, I haven't the faintest idea. The mushroom itself is such a mercurial, elusive, Zen sort of personality that I never believe a word it says. I simply entertain its notions and try and sort through them, and I found that to be the most enriching approach to it. ~ Terence McKenna,
965:It looked like something some genius of metalwork—one of those little Zen guys who works only by the light of dawn and can beat a club sandwich of folded steels into something with the cutting edge of a scalpel and the stopping-power of a sex-crazed rhinoceros on bad acid—had made and then retired in tears because he’d never, ever, do anything so good again. ~ Terry Pratchett,
966:Someone once inquired of a Far Eastern Zen master, who had a great serenity and peace about him no matter what pressures he faced, "How do you maintain that serenity and peace?" He replied, "I never leave my place of meditation." He meditated early in the morning and for the rest of the day, he carried the peace of those moments with him in his mind and heart. ~ Stephen Covey,
967:I live part-time in a cabin in Colorado up in the mountains and part-time on a ranch in central Texas - but do I really know how to go brand a cow, or do I really know how to go rappelling down a cliff? No. I do the recreational, half-assed version of all these manly activities and then try to keep that kind of Zen masculinity, like, "I'm a man of nature." ~ David Gordon Green,
968:I am reading a terrible sententious book called The Wedding of Herbert Mimnaugh. Firstly, what sort of a name is Herbert and why would a parent with any trace of natural affection wish to afflict their child with such a name? Herbert's parents do not feature prominently in the book when this choice alone makes it obvious that they are the most interesting people in it. ~ Zen Cho,
969:Steve Jobs’s attitude toward wealth was complex. He was an antimaterialistic hippie who capitalized on the inventions of a friend who wanted to give them away for free, and he was a Zen devotee who made a pilgrimage to India and then decided that his calling was to create a business. And yet somehow these attitudes seemed to weave together rather than conflict. ~ Walter Isaacson,
970:The rest of the house had a casual California boho-beach vibe, with its distressed wood floors, ivory furniture, and gauzy curtains, but the bedroom was very Zen. Decorated in a cool palette of sage greens and charcoal grays, with a floor-to-ceiling window along one wall that looked over a tiny tranquility garden of stones and succulents, it was my little oasis. ~ J T Geissinger,
971:In the words of Chinese Zen master Layman P’ang (c. 740–808 A.D.): My daily affairs are quite ordinary; but I’m in total harmony with them. I don’t hold on to anything, don’t reject anything; nowhere an obstacle or conflict. Who cares about wealth and honor? Even the poorest thing shines. My miraculous power and spiritual activity: drawing water and carrying wood. ~ George Leonard,
972:Korea's first Zen Master-poet wrote simple yet elegant poetry of the world he inhabited, both physically and spiritually, and of daily insights-a pause along the way for a deep clear breath, a moon-viewing moment, a seasonal note or a farewell poem to a departing monk. His poems speak softly and clearly, like hearing a temple bell that was struck a thousand years ago. ~ Sam Hamill,
973:One of the main lessons of Zen is that we ordinarily see the world through a haze of preconceptions and fixed ideas that proceed from our desires. To achieve enlightenment, we must follow the Zen teaching not merely to let go of desire and attachment, but to experience reality exactly as it is—without the preconceptions and the fixed ideas getting in the way. This ~ Eric S Raymond,
974:Studying texts and stiff meditation can make you lose your Original Mind. A solitary tune by a fisherman, though, can be an invaluable treasure. Dusk rain on the river, the moon peeking in and out of the clouds; Elegant beyond words, he chants his songs night after night. [1795.jpg] -- from Wild Ways: Zen Poems of Ikkyu, Translated by John Stevens

~ Ikkyu, A Fisherman
975:The first point is that about impermanence. Bliss, peace, happiness, as well as their counterparts pain, chaos, and misery, are all transient phenomena, subject to conditions, arising and passing like the weather. As Zen says, the ten thousand joys and the ten thousand sorrows march through our lives according to the laws of reality that have always been in place. ~ Daniel M Ingram,
976:The image of the Zen philosopher is the monk up in the green, quiet hills, or in a beautiful temple on some rocky cliff. The Stoics are the antithesis of this idea. Instead, they are the man in the marketplace, the senator in the Forum, the brave wife waiting for her soldier to return from battle, the sculptor busy in her studio. Still, the Stoic is equally at peace. ~ Ryan Holiday,
977:If I was asked to get rid of the Zen aesthetic and just keep one quality necessary to create art, I would say it's trust. When you learn to trust yourself implicitly, you no longer need to prove something through your art. You simply allow it to come out, to be as it is. This is when creating art becomes effortless. It happens just as you grow your hair. It grows. ~ John Daido Loori,
978:Zen abhors repetition or imitation of any kind, for it kills. For the same reason Zen never explains, but only affirms. Life is fact and no explanation is necessary or pertinent. To explain is to apologize, and why should we apologize for living? To live—is that not enough? Let us then live, let us affirm! Herein lies Zen in all its purity and in all its nudity as well. ~ D T Suzuki,
979:Last month, Dean Sheeter (whose name usually transports Franny when I mention it) approached me with his gracious smile and bull whip, and I am now lecturing to the faculty, their wives, and a few oppressively-deep type undergraduates every Friday on Zen and Mahayana Buddhism. A feat, I haven’t a doubt, that will eventually earn me the Eastern Philosophy Chair in Hell. ~ J D Salinger,
980:Essentially Satori is a sudden experience, and it is often described as a "turning over" of the mind, just as a pair of scales will suddenly turn over when a sufficient amount of material has been poured into one pan to overbalance the weight in the other. Hence it is an experience which generally occurs after a long and concentrated effort to discover the meaning of Zen. ~ Alan Watts,
981:But the transformation of consciousness undertaken in Taoism and Zen is more like the correction of faulty perception or the curing of a disease. It is not an acquisitive process of learning more and more facts or greater and greater skills, but rather an unlearning of wrong habits and opinions. As Lao-tzu said, "The scholar gains every day, but the Taoist loses every day. ~ Alan Watts,
982:Sanity and enlightenment...I've been reading a new book Dogen's Genjo Koan: Three Commentaries, and it contains a commentary on Genjo Koan by Shunryu Suzuki, the author who wrote Zen Mind, Beginners Mind. He doesn't mention sanity at all but I think that one possible definition of enlightenment would be a kind of profound sanity, where being insane is no longer an option. ~ Brad Warner,
983:[F]or Zen there is no duality, no conflict between the natural element of chance and the human element of control. The constructive powers of the human mind are no more artificial than the formative actions of plants or bees, so that from the standpoint of Zen it is no contradiction to say that artistic technique is discipline in spontaneity and spontaneity in discipline. ~ Alan W Watts,
984:I am infinitely saddened to find myself suddenly surrounded in the west by a sense of terrible loss of nerve, a retreat from knowledge into–into what? Into Zen Buddhism; into falsely profound questions … into extrasensory perception and mystery. They do not lie along the line of what we are now able to know if we devote ourselves to it: an understanding of man himself. ~ Jacob Bronowski,
985:Prunella had once thought life in London would be all flirting and balls and dresses, hitting attentive suitors on the shoulder with a fan, and breakfasting late upon bowls of chocolate. She sighed now for her naïveté. Little had she known life in London was in fact all hexes and murder and thaumaturgical politics, and she would always be rising early for some reason or other! ~ Zen Cho,
986:This constant play of nature – one season comes, then goes, another one comes, then goes – is what life is all about. It’s not about some grand goal. Zen does not believe in that. Zen says, nirvana or moksha is simply a matter of perspective. If you can eat when you are eating, if you can sleep when you are sleeping, you are jivan-mukta, a liberated soul. You are enlightened. ~ Om Swami,
987:But the transformation of consciousness undertaken in Taoism and Zen is more like the correction of faulty perception or the curing of a disease. It is not an acquisitive process of learning more and more facts or greater and greater skills, but rather an unlearning of wrong habits and opinions. As Lao-tzu said, "The scholar gains every day, but the Taoist loses every day. ~ Alan W Watts,
988:All the time. A few months ago I came really close to losing it, I was getting really paranoid. And then I started a new job, things fixed themselves. I can't turn my back on the situation and ignore it. If tomorrow I say: "Okay, I've had enough, we're stopping everything" it won't change anything. Might as well try to accept it and stay zen as I have no control over it. ~ Robert Pattinson,
989:The secret of this kind of climbing, is like Zen. Don't think. Just dance along. It's the easiest thing in the world, actually easier than walking on flat ground which is monotonous. The cute little problems present themselves at each step and yet you don't hesitate and you find yourself on some other boulder you picked out for no special reason at all, just like zen.~ Japhy ~ Jack Kerouac,
990:Every day, priests minutely examine the Law And endlessly chant complicated sutras. Before doing that, though, they should learn How to read the love letters sent by the wind and rain, the snow and moon. [bk1sm.gif] -- from Ikkyu and the Crazy Cloud Anthology: A Zen Poet of Medieval Japan, by Ikkyu / Translated by Sonya Arutzen

~ Ikkyu, Every day, priests minutely examine the Law
991:Music comes closest to meditation. Music is a way towards meditation and the most beautiful way. Meditation is the art of hearing the soundless sound, the art of hearing the music of silence – what Zen people call the sound of one hand clapping. And silence has a music of its own, it is not dead, it is very much alive, it is tremendously alive. In fact, nothing is more alive than silence. ~ Osho,
992:The basic idea of Zen is to come in touch with the inner workings of our being, and to do this in the most direct way possible, without resorting to anything external or superadded. Therefore, anything that has the semblance of an external authority is rejected by Zen. Absolute faith is placed in a man's own inner being. For whatever authority there is in Zen, all comes from within. ~ D T Suzuki,
993:A whole life without speaking, "a thunderous silence" that was Wei-ma's Way. And here is a place where no monk can preach. I understand now what T'ao Ch'ien, enlightened, said, he couldn't say. It's so clear, here, this water my teacher. [2158.jpg] -- from A Drifting Boat: Chinese Zen Poetry, Edited by J. P. Seaton / Edited by Dennis Maloney

~ Yuan Mei, Gone Again to Gaze on the Cascade
994:The secret of this kind of climbing, is like Zen. Don't think. Just dance along. It's the easiest thing in the world, actually easier than walking on flat ground which is monotonous. The cute little problems present themselves at each step and yet you don't hesitate and you find yourself on some other boulder you picked out for no special reason at all, just like zen.~ Jack Kerouac Japhy ~ Jack Kerouac,
995:I heard Zen teacher one time talking about abortion, and he was saying the way that abortion makes bad karma is any time the person involved pretends that there's not a cost to the choice, one way or the other; whether you get it or don't get it, there's a cost. That's just basic responsibility, to admit that there's a cost. And the bad karma is when you pretend that the thing is free. ~ George Saunders,
996:Most of the time I smile old men can relax my mind is free of troubles nothing but mountains meet my eyes the P'eng soars into the sky a leopard blends into mist I'm more like the flowering plum I wait for the year-end cold [2615.jpg] -- from The Zen Works of Stonehouse: Poems and Talks of a 14th Century Chinese Hermit, Translated by Red Pine

~ Shiwu (Stonehouse), Most of the time I smile
997:I can pinpoint the moment when my first band recorded, when I was 14 and 15 years old. I always enjoyed writing songs and playing, but there was something about going in and capturing it that felt very Zen and perfect for me. A light switch went on and I just realized that's where my musical capacity was the most suited. I just followed on blind faith that that was like a calling for me. ~ John Congleton,
998:So I’ve held on to Catholicism or Zen, as practices, as fantasy futures, as possible identities. But when I actually dare to lower myself down into this emptiness—no, that sounds entirely too dualistic and willful and “courageous”—but when this seeing suddenly happens and thought relaxes, Zen drops completely away, and something much deeper is contacted, some entirely other way of being. ~ Joan Tollifson,
999:This deep not-knowing, in this case the Second Patriarch’s inability to find his anguished mind, takes the notion of agnosticism down to another depth. One might call it a contemplative depth. Such deep agnostic metaphors are likewise found in such terms as wu hsin (no mind), and wu nien (no thought), as well as in the more popular “don’t know mind” of the Korean Zen master Seung Sahṇ ~ Stephen Batchelor,
1000:Zen is really just a reminder to stay alive and to be awake. We tend to daydream all the time, speculating about the future and dwelling on the past. Zen practice is about appreciating your life in this moment. If you are truly aware of five minutes a day, then you are doing pretty well. We are beset by both the future and the past, and there is no reality apart from the here and now. ~ Peter Matthiessen,
1001:One view of photography is that it is a zen-like act which captures reality with its pants down - so that the vital click shows the anatomy bare. In this, the photographer is invisible but essential. A computer releasing the shutter would always miss the special moment that the human sensibility can register. For this work, the photographer's instinct is his aid, his personality a hindrance. ~ Peter Brook,
1002:I'm a practicing Zen Buddhist and I'm influenced by my readings in that tradition, such as the notion that everyone is born a perfect being and we spend most of our lives with a clouded vision trying to realize our perfection," he says. At critical moments in the book, T.S. registers his inkling of this realization. When he makes his maps, it feels like taking down dictation from the universe. ~ Reif Larsen,
1003:The future is just your hope, expectation. And when this life is not fulfilling you start looking further, beyond death. All these are fictions just for you to survive somehow. But this survival is not how you are supposed to be. Existence has not given you birth just to live in hopes. You can be really ecstatic this moment, and there is no other moment. Meditation is, Zen is living now and here. ~ Rajneesh,
1004:Regarding R. H. Blyth: Blyth's four volume Haiku became especially popular at this time [1950's] because his translations were based on the assumption that the haiku was the poetic expression of Zen. Not surprisingly, his books attracted the attention of the Beat school, most notably writers such as Allen Ginsberg, Gary Snyder and Jack Kerouac, all of whom had a prior interest in Zen. ~ Reginald Horace Blyth,
1005:The practice of Zen mind is beginner's mind. The innocence of the first inquiry—what am I?—is needed throughout Zen practice. The mind of the beginner is empty, free of the habits of the expert, ready to accept, to doubt, and open to all the possibilities. It is the kind of mind which can see things as they are, which step by step and in a flash can realize the original nature of everything. ~ Shunryu Suzuki,
1006:Epigraph Characters Introduction: How This Book Came to Be CHAPTER ONE Childhood: Abandoned and Chosen CHAPTER TWO Odd Couple: The Two Steves CHAPTER THREE The Dropout: Turn On, Tune In . . . CHAPTER FOUR Atari and India: Zen and the Art of Game Design CHAPTER FIVE The Apple I: Turn On, Boot Up, Jack In . . . CHAPTER SIX The Apple II: Dawn of a New Age CHAPTER SEVEN Chrisann and Lisa: He Who ~ Walter Isaacson,
1007:Zen is really extraordinarily simple as long as one doesn't try to be cute about it or beat around the bush! Zen is simply the sensation and the clear understanding ... that there is behind the multiplicity of events and creatures in this universe simply one energy -- and it appears as you, and everything is it. The practice of Zen is to understand that one energy so as to "feel it in your bones. ~ Alan Watts,
1008:Zen purposes to discipline the mind itself, to make it its own master, through an insight into its proper nature. This getting into the real nature of one's own mind or soul is the fundamental object of Zen Buddhism. Zen, therefore, is more than meditation and Dhyana in its ordinary sense. The discipline of Zen consists in opening the mental eye in order to look into the very reason of existence. ~ D T Suzuki,
1009:A very enjoyable meditation on the curious thing called 'Zen' -not the Japanese religious tradition but rather the Western clich of Zen that is embraced in advertising, self-help books, and much more. . . . Yamada, who is both a scholar of Buddhism and a student of archery, offers refreshing insight into Western stereotypes of Japan and Japanese culture, and how these are received in Japan. ~ Alexander Gardner,
1010:What interests me is to paint the kind of antisensitivity that impregnates modern civilization. I think art since Cezanne has become extremely romantic and unrealistic, feeding on art. It is Utopian. It has less and less to do with the world. It looks inward - neo-Zen and all that. Pop Art looks out into the world. It doesn't look like a painting of something, it looks like the thing itself. ~ Roy Lichtenstein,
1011:I think I can pinpoint the moment when my first band recorded, when I was 14 and 15 years old. I always enjoyed writing songs and playing, but there was something about going in and capturing it that felt very Zen and perfect for me. A light switch went on and I just realized that's where my musical capacity was the most suited. I just followed on blind faith that that was like a calling for me. ~ John Congleton,
1012:One famous Zen master actually described spiritual practice as “one mistake after another,” which is to say, one opportunity after another to learn. It is from “difficulties, mistakes, and errors” that we actually learn. To live life is to make a succession of errors. Understanding this can bring us great ease and forgiveness for ourselves and others—we are at ease with the difficulties of life. ~ Jack Kornfield,
1013:Since before anyone remembers it has been clear shining like silver though the moonlight penetrates it and the wind ruffles it no trace of either remains Today I would not dare to expound the secret of the stream bed But I can tell you that the blue dragon is coiled there. [2207.jpg] -- from Roaring Stream: A New Zen Reader, Edited by Nelson Foster / Edited by Josh Shoemaker

~ Muso Soseki, Old Creek
1014:A handful of men working within the Zen sect of Buddhism created gardens in fifteenth-century Japan which were, and still are, far more than merely an aesthetic expression. And what is left of the earlier Mogul gardens in India suggests that their makers were acquainted with what lay behind the flowering of the Sufi movement in High Asia and so sought to add further dimensions to their garden scenes. ~ Russell Page,
1015:It is true, the Zen-man’s contempt for conventional and formalistic social custom is a healthy phenomenon, but it is healthy only because it presupposes a spiritual liberty based on freedom from passion, egotism and self-delusion. A pseudo-Zen attitude which seeks to justify a complete moral collapse with a few rationalizations based on the Zen Masters is only another form of bourgeois self-deception. ~ Thomas Merton,
1016:I think real enlightenment is total sanity, a kind of acceptance of what actually is. It does involve a kind of different way of looking at things. As I've done this Zen practice for years and years, I've acquired what I realize is an almost upside down view of life compared to what most people think, which is just what I used to think it was too. It's not really an insane view, at least I hope it's not. ~ Brad Warner,
1017:Buddha is said to have given a "silent sermon" once during which he held up a flower and gazed at it. After a while, one of those present, a monk called Mahakasyapa, began to smile. He is said to have been the only one who had understood the sermon. According to legend, that smile (that is to say, realization) was handed down by twenty-eight successive masters and much later became the origin of Zen. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
1018:That is a goal, to step out on stage and to actually be present. Honestly alive and present. Although, it doesn't always happen. We're fallible, we're imperfect. That's what a lot of books are written about; that's what a lot of religions have sought after is that kind of zen mentality of just being totally neutral and open and vulnerable to all of the forces in the universe without being attached to them. ~ Dan Mangan,
1019:When Dae Ju first came to Zen Master Ma-jo, the Master asked him, "What do you want from me?" Dae Ju said, "I want you to teach me the Dharma." "What a fool you are!" said Ma-jo. "You have the great- est treasure in the world within you, and yet you go around asking other people for help. What good is this? I have noth- ing to give you." Dae Ju bowed and said, "Please, Master, tell me what this treasure is. ~ Anonymous,
1020:If you are thinking, you can't understand Zen. Anything that can be written in a book, anything that can be said - all this is thinking . . . but if you read with a mind that has cut off all thinking, then Zen books, sutras and Bibles are all the truth. So is the barking of a dog or the crowing of a rooster. All things are teaching you at every moment, and these sounds are even better teaching than Zen books. ~ Seungsahn,
1021:If you exchanged wedding vows, tape them to your bathroom mirror and read them aloud to yourself every morning along with the ritual brushing of teeth. It's not realistic to believe that you will live your promises as a daily practice -- unless you're a saint or a highly evolved Zen Buddhist. Not where marriage is concerned. But you can make a practice of returning to your vows when the going gets rough. ~ Harriet Lerner,
1022:Just before Ninakawa passed away, Zen-master Ikkyu visited him. “Shall I lead you on?” Ikkyu asked. Ninakawa replied: “I came here alone and I go alone. What help could you be to me?” Ikkyu answered: “If you think you really come and go, that is your delusion. Let me show you the path on which there is no coming and no going.” With his words, Ikkyu had revealed the path so clearly that Ninakawa smiled and passed away ~ Osho,
1023:La gente, especialmente la gente joven, piensa que la libertad consiste en hacer lo que a cada uno le da la gana, que en el Zen no se necesitan reglas. Pero para nosotros es absolutamente necesario guardar ciertas reglas. Esto no significa estar siempre bajo control. Mientras se siguen reglas hay siempre oportunidad de liberarse. Tratar de obtener la libertad sin tener conciencia de las reglas no significa nada. ~ Anonymous,
1024:Zen, like life, defies exact definition, but its essence is the experience, moment by moment, of our own existence -- a natural, spontaneous encounter, unclouded by the suppositions and expectations that come between us and reality. It is, if you like, a paring down of life until we see it as it really is, free from our illusions; it is merely a divestment of ourselves until we recognize our own true nature. ~ David Fontana,
1025:It’s interesting to look at your children as line-in Zen masters who can put their finger on places where you’re resistant, or thinking narrowly, in ways noone else can. You can either lose your mind and your authenticity in the process of reacting to all that stuff, or you can use it as the perfect opportunity to grow and nourish your children by attending to what is deepest and best in them and in yourself. ~ Jon Kabat Zinn,
1026:Like a Zen master, she reduced to the essences: I do not need to walk around the Museum of Fine Arts; I do not need to be pushed around the MFA in the chair; I do not need the MFA at all, because its treasures, as I love them, are imprinted in my memory; and if they are wrongly memorized-a lily where there are tulips, the boy's torn hat rakish at the wrong angle-then this only makes the pictures the more mine. ~ Claire Messud,
1027:When I was working at Omega, I took this Zen retreat, where you're quiet, you don't say anything for a week, and this guy there said, "You're going to be enlightened at the end of this week, that's my goal." I was the engineer, so I was recording everything at it was happening, but I was also participating, because I felt like it. So at the end of it, I did understand what enlightenment was, one-hundred percent. ~ Larkin Grimm,
1028:A belligerent samurai, an old Japanese tale goes, once challenged a Zen master to explain the concept of heaven and hell. But the monk replied with scorn, “You’re nothing but a lout— I can’t waste my time with the likes of you!” His very honor attacked, the samurai flew into a rage and, pulling his sword from its scabbard, yelled, “I could kill you for your impertinence.”“That,” the monk calmly replied, “is hell. ~ Daniel Goleman,
1029:In an isolated space, humans would submit to power and authority, while those in dominant positions would wield it without restriction. Analysis of this phenomenon, known as "obedience to authority," yielded shocking results. Surprisingly, this deference had nothing to do with a person's rationality, sensibility, or personality but instead the product of remarkable deindividuation triggered by the assignment of roles. ~ Carlo Zen,
1030:In the assemblies of the enlightened ones there have been many cases of mastering the Way bringing forth the heart of plants and trees; this is what awakening the mind for enlightenment is like. The fifth patriarch of Zen was once a pine-planting wayfarer; Rinzai worked on planting cedars and pines on Mount Obaku. . . . Working with plants, trees, fences and walls, if they practice sincerely they will attain enlightenment. ~ Dogen,
1031:Vegetarianism and Zen Buddhism, meditation and spirituality, acid and rock—Jobs rolled together, in an amped-up way, the multiple impulses that were hallmarks of the enlightenment-seeking campus subculture of the era. And even though he barely indulged it at Reed, there was still an undercurrent of electronic geekiness in his soul that would someday combine surprisingly well with the rest of the mix. Robert Friedland ~ Walter Isaacson,
1032:The secret of this kind of climbing,” said Japhy, “is like Zen. Don’t think. Just dance along. It’s the easiest thing in the world, actually easier than walking on flat ground which is monotonous. The cute little problems present themselves at each step and yet you never hesitate and you find yourself on some other boulder you picked out for no special reason at all, just like Zen.” Which it was. We didn’t talk much now. ~ Jack Kerouac,
1033:I have sort of a Zen body philosophy, I'm sort of like: we're one weight one day, we're one weight another day, and some day our body just doesn't even exist at all! It's just a vessel I've been given to move through this life. I think about my body as a tool to do the stuff I need to do, but not the be all and end all of my existence. Which sounds like I spent a week at a meditation retreat, but it's genuinely how I feel. ~ Lena Dunham,
1034:There is something rejuvenating in the possession of Zen. The spring flowers look prettier, and the mountain stream runs cooler and more transparent. The subjective revolution that brings about this state of things cannot be called abnormal. When life becomes more enjoyable and its expense broadens to include the universe itself, there must be something in *satori* that is quite precious and well worth one's striving after. ~ D T Suzuki,
1035:The worst thing was that even if you did your own job, if your teammate failed to do theirs, you could be blown away along with them. And yet, if you focused only on strengthening your own defenses, someone else could get killed. All we could do was trust our teammates, and those who failed were mercilessly culled. We'd been thrown into an extreme situation that was just like the front lines. In the end, we barely slept at all. ~ Carlo Zen,
1036:Zen says that if you drop knowledge - and within knowledge everything is included; your name, your identity, everything, because this has been given to you by others - if you drop all that has been given by others, you will have a totally different quality to your being: innocence. This will be a crucifixion of the persona, the personality, and there will be a resurrection of your innocence. You will become a child again, reborn. ~ Rajneesh,
1037:Poem by Stonehouse

"I was a Zen monk who didn't know Zen
so I chose the woods for the years I had left
a robe made of patches over my body
a belt of bamboo around my waist
mountains and streams explain Bodhidharma's meaning
flower smiles and birdsongs reveal the hidden key
sometimes I sit on a flat-topped rock
after midnight cloudless nights when the moon fills the sky"

Translated by Red Pine ~ Red Pine,
1038:Some of the gardeners, Nanao said, worked according to the precepts of Muso Soseki, others according to other Japanese Zen masters; others still to Fu Hsi, the legendary inventor of the Chinese system of geomancy called feng shui; others to Persian gardening gurus, including Omar Khayyam; or to Leopold or Jackson, or other early American ecologists, like the nearly forgotten biologist Oskar Schnelling; and so on. These ~ Kim Stanley Robinson,
1039:Lone mountain dominating three provinces White clouds cover a green peak Summit soaring to great heights Old temple nearly a thousand years A monk meditates alone in a moonlit hall A monkey cries in the mist in an old tree Saying to worldly folk: "Come here; free yourselves of karmic dust." [2472.jpg] -- from A Quiet Room: The Poetry of Zen Master Jakushitsu, Translated by Arthur Braverman

~ Jakushitsu, A Visit to Hattoji Temple
1040:The concept of minimalism is to relax. Like a Zen monk in training, it is something that brings equilibrium to the heart. I don't necessarily think it has any problems, but if I were to force myself to name one, I would say that since the minimalist feeling already includes its own universe, I think it might kill the drive that we would otherwise have to commit the physically impossible and attempt to travel into outer space. ~ Takashi Murakami,
1041:If we had the consciousness of a cat or a dog, we would have it in us to become perfect Zen masters. We could gnaw on a bone, take a nap, play with a spider until we killed it, get our litter just right, and be innocently and serenely present. Meaning would mean nothing to us, nor would we need it to mean anything. We would be free, and we would be spared. But, we are human beings, and we posses that odd duck – human consciousness. ~ Eric Maisel,
1042:I nevertheless understood at that second the ancient obsession of the God-fearing for another kind of fear: the thrill of exorcism, the mindless whirl of Dervish possession, and the almost erotic surrender of seance, speaking in tongues, and Zen Gnostic trance. I realized at that instant just how surely the affirmation of demons or the summoning of Satan somehow can affirm the reality of their mystic antithesis -the God of Abraham. ~ Dan Simmons,
1043:Meditation can occur anywhere. You don’t have to run for a cushion.(In fact, at many Zen centers, it’s usual for people to practice meditation while working, walking, or eating as well as while sitting. ) Meditation is simply collecting the mind. While driving a car, you can collect the mind. In a conversation with your boss, you can collect the mind. While preparing an apple pie or writing a letter, you can collect the mind. [  ] ~ Anonymous,
1044:Indeed, it seems the prescription for highest software productivity is almost a Zen paradox; if you want the most efficient production, you must give up trying to make programmers produce. Handle their subsistence, give them their heads, and forget about deadlines. To a conventional manager this sounds crazily indulgent and doomed — but it is exactly the recipe with which the open-source culture is now clobbering its competition. ~ Eric S Raymond,
1045:In the potential of absurdity, hiding in the disparate combination of the various different subjects which in themselves are nothing but daily items equally in the exclusive representation of a normal item taken out of their usual context, is by far the most radical - in its effect comparable to a Japanese Zen koan - paradox to be witnessed, which modern art has produced, one of the most forceful impulses that generated from it. ~ Antoni Tapies,
1046:(I saw in the mist a little village of a few tiled roofs and joyfully admired it.) There's a stream, and there's bamboo, there's mulberry and hemp. Mist-hid, clouded hamlet, a mild, tranquil place. Just a few tilled acres. Just a few tiled roofs. How many lives would I have to live, to get that simple. [2158.jpg] -- from A Drifting Boat: Chinese Zen Poetry, Edited by J. P. Seaton / Edited by Dennis Maloney

~ Yuan Mei, Nearing Hao-pa
1047:Here’s a typical list: Song of Solomon (for Michael Jordan), Things Fall Apart (Bill Cartwright), Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (John Paxson), The Ways of White Folks (Scottie Pippen), Joshua: A Parable for Today (Horace Grant), Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind (B.J. Armstrong), Way of the Peaceful Warrior (Craig Hodges), On the Road (Will Perdue), and Beavis & Butt-Head: This Book Sucks (Stacey King). Some players read every ~ Phil Jackson,
1048:If a factory is torn down but the rationality which produced it is left standing, then that rationality will simply produce another factory. If a revolution destroys a government, but the systematic patterns of thought that produced that government are left intact, then those patterns will repeat themselves. . . . There’s so much talk about the system. And so little understanding. —ROBERT PIRSIG, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance ~ Anonymous,
1049:Emperor Wu asked Bodhidharma, the founder of Zen Buddhism in China, how much merit he had earned by building temples all over the country. Bodhidharma said, “None whatsoever.” But if you wash one dish in mindfulness, if you build one small temple while dwelling deeply in the present moment — not wanting to be anywhere else, not caring about fame or recognition — the merit from that act will be boundless, and you will feel very happy. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh,
1050:I make sure I have the best: I figure you could spend $800 on an outfit you wear three times, but with your hair it's there all the time. I also think it is really important to look after your colour once it's been done. I try and give my hair a really nourishing mask every so often to combat against all the styling. I also love to have beauty treatments that really benefit, like massages. t's divine to get up and feel all zen and relaxed. ~ Cat Deeley,
1051:This body's lifetime is like a bubble's may as well let things go plans and events seldom agree who can step back doesn't worry we blossom and fade like flowers we gather and part like clouds earthly thoughts I forgot long ago withering away on a mountain peak [2615.jpg] -- from The Zen Works of Stonehouse: Poems and Talks of a 14th Century Chinese Hermit, Translated by Red Pine

~ Shiwu (Stonehouse), This bodys lifetime is like a bubbles
1052:These belief systems have to be dropped. Then understanding arises; then readiness to explore, then innocence, arises. Then you are surrounded by a sense of mystery, awe, wonder. Then life is no longer a known thing, it is an adventure. It is so mysterious that you can go on exploring; there is no end to it. And you never create any belief, you remain in a state of not-knowing. On that not-knowing state Sufis insist very much, and so do Zen masters. ~ Osho,
1053:If a factory is torn down but the rationality which produced it is left standing, then that rationality will simply produce another factory. If a revolution destroys a government, but the systematic patterns of thought that produced that government are left intact, then those patterns will repeat themselves. . . . There’s so much talk about the system. And so little understanding. —ROBERT PIRSIG, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance ~ Donella H Meadows,
1054:The struggle between good and evil / is the primal disease of the mind,” wrote the sixth-century Zen master Seng-ts’an, who knew what he was talking about. It is all too easy to see ourselves as fighting on God’s side, to identify our ideology with what is best for the world and use it to justify crusades, pogroms, or preemptive attacks. Projecting evil onto the world makes me unassailably right—a position as dangerous in politics as in marriage. ~ Anonymous,
1055:Much, much more important, though, Seymour had already begun to believe (and I agreed with him, as far as I was able to see the point) that education by any name would smell as sweet, and maybe much sweeter, if it didn't begin with a quest for knowledge at all but with a quest, as Zen would put it, for no-knowledge. Dr. Suzuki says somewhere that to be in a state of pure consciousness- satori- is to be with God before he said, Let there be light. ~ J D Salinger,
1056:planteamiento. Era un pensador lineal y, según el zen, el pensamiento lineal no es más que una ilusión, una de las muchas que nos hacen infelices. Según el zen, la realidad no es lineal. No hay futuro, no hay pasado. Todo es ahora. Daba la sensación de que en todas las religiones el yo fuera un obstáculo, un enemigo. Y sin embargo el zen declara claramente que el yo no existe. El yo es un espejismo, un sueño febril, y nuestra obstinada creencia en ~ Phil Knight,
1057:But when you're in front of an audience and you make them laugh at a new idea, you're guiding the whole being for the moment. No one is ever more him/herself than when they really laugh. Their defenses are down. It's very Zen-like, that moment. They are completely open, completely themselves when that message hits the brain and the laugh begins. That's when new ideas can be implanted. If a new idea slips in at that moment, it has a chance to grow. ~ George Carlin,
1058:an evening sitting under the eaves of the pines at night sleeping in Bamboo Lodge the sky so clear you'd say it was drugs meditation so deep, thought I'd gone home to the hills but Clever can't beat Stupid and Quick won't match Quiet Untoiling-ness! (you just can't pave the Way) that's it! the Gate of Mystery! [2158.jpg] -- from A Drifting Boat: Chinese Zen Poetry, Edited by J. P. Seaton / Edited by Dennis Maloney

~ Po Chu-i, Staying at Bamboo Lodge
1059:But when you're in front of an audience and you make them laugh at a new idea, you're guiding the whole being for the moment. No one is ever more him/herself than when they really laugh. Their defenses are down. It's very Zen-like, that moment. They are completely open, completely themselves when that message hits the brain and the laugh begins. That's when new ideas can be implanted. If a new idea slips in at that moment, it has a chance to grow. ~ George Carlin,
1060:Even if it doesn't have anything to do with the current mission, that human tendency toward certain modes of thinking must be important for mental stability.
We need to believe in freedom, fairness, and the market. Humans are political animals by nature.
If that's the case... we should act politically as well, competing freely and fairly in the market.
Conversely, in an environment where there is no market, there's no need to play fair. ~ Carlo Zen,
1061:NOLAN BUSHNELL. Founder of Atari and entrepreneurial role model for Jobs. BILL CAMPBELL. Apple marketing chief during Jobs’s first stint at Apple and board member and confidant after Jobs’s return in 1997. EDWIN CATMULL. A cofounder of Pixar and later a Disney executive. KOBUN CHINO. A Sōtō Zen master in California who became Jobs’s spiritual teacher. LEE CLOW. Advertising wizard who created Apple’s “1984” ad and worked with Jobs for three decades. ~ Walter Isaacson,
1062:We will be entering the beautiful world of a Zen master's no-mind. Sosan is the third Zen Patriarch. Nothing much is known about him- this is as it should be, because history records only violence. History does not record silence- it cannot record it. All records are of disturbance. Whenever someone becomes really silent, he disappears from all records, he is no more a part of our madness. So it is as it should be.

Ch. 1: The Great Way Is Not Difficult ~ Osho,
1063:A deluded mind is hell.
Without delusions.
the mind is the country of the Buddhas.
When the mind creates the idea of the mind.
people are deluded and in hell.

Those established on the path to Buddhahood
dont use the mind to create the idea
of the mind and so are always
in the country of the Buddhas.


From: The Wisdom of the Zen Masters

Edited: Timothy Freke

~ Bodhidharma, A deluded Mind
1064:In a Zen retreat we have a format for working with these quicksilver changes: we sit with them, we pay attention to them... Being steady with mindfulness as an anchor for all the changes we go through is the way we practice forbearance. And you can employ this same method anywhere anytime: just pay close attention to the details of what is going on internally and externally. Don't flinch, don't run away. Trust what happens. Take your stand there." (71) ~ Norman Fischer,
1065:Her bulk seemed to fill the world, blocking out the horizon and casting a shadow over the magicians huddled on the wall. The enchantment appeared to encompass everything upon her person, for as she grew, so did the fronds of seaweed draped over her, and the pretty amber pendant on her breast expanded till it was itself the height and breadth of a grown man.
"Midsommer!" roared Lord Burrow. "Look to your wife!"
"He can hardly miss her", remarked Prunella. ~ Zen Cho,
1066:I’ve always enjoyed this time, early in the morning, gazing intently at a pure white canvas. “Canvas Zen” is my term for it. Nothing is painted there yet, but it’s more than a simple blank space. Hidden on that white canvas is what must eventually emerge. As I look more closely, I discover various possibilities, which congeal into a perfect clue as to how to proceed. That’s the moment I really enjoy. The moment when existence and nonexistence coalesce. ~ Haruki Murakami,
1067:There is a story in Zen circles about a man and a horse. The horse is galloping quickly, and it appears that the man on the horse is going somewhere important. Another man standing alongside the road, shouts, «Where are you going?» and the first man replies, «I don't know! Ask the horse!» This is also our story. We are riding a horse, and we don't know where we are going and we can't stop. The horse is our habit energy pulling us along, and we are powerless. ~ Nhat Hanh,
1068:Zen's greatest contribution is to give you an alternative to the serious man. The serious man has made the world, the serious man has made all the religions. He has created all the philosophies, all the cultures, all the moralities; everything that exists around you is a creation of the serious man. Zen has dropped out of the serious world. It has created a world of its own which is very playful, full of laughter, where even great masters behave like children. ~ Rajneesh,
1069:The koan is not a conundrum to be solved by a nimble wit. It is not a verbal psychiatric device for shocking the disintegrated ego of a student into some kind of stability. Nor, in my opinion, is it ever a paradoxical statement except to those who view it from outside. When the koan is resolved it is realized to be a simple and clear statement made from the state of consciousness which it has helped to awaken. —from The Zen Koan, by Ruth Fuller Sasaki ~ James Ishmael Ford,
1070:It's pretentious to say, but my art is like a little Zen story, a story with a question mark at the end. People can take from it what they need. If somebody says, "Your art is very funny," I say, "You are totally right." If somebody says, "Your art is very sad," I say, "You are totally right." In Japan they say, "Your art is very Japanese, you even look Japanese.Your great-grandfather was most surely a Japanese man." And I say, "You are totally right." ~ Christian Boltanski,
1071:Instead of Gnostics, we have Existentialists and God-is-dead theologians, instead of Neo-Platonists, devotees of Zen, instead of desert hermits, heroin addicts and Beats (who also, oddly enough, seem averse to washing), instead of mortification of the flesh, sado-masochistic pornography; as for our public entertainments, the fare offered by television is still a shade less brutal than that provided by the Amphitheatre, but only a shade and may not be so for long. ~ W H Auden,
1072:Laughter. Yes, laughter is the Zen attitude towards death and towards life too, because life and death are not separate. Whatsoever is your attitude towards life will be your attitude towards death, because death comes as the ultimate flowering of life. Life exists for death. Life exists through death. Without death there will be no life at all. Death is not the end but the culmination, the crescendo. Death is not the enemy it is the friend. It makes life possible. ~ Rajneesh,
1073:Jared had his back to the wall, which Kami thought was a reflex when he was uncomfortable. She wanted to shield him. “He was doing some—Zen jogging,” she claimed. Jared flicked her an incredulous glance. “Yes,” he said slowly. “Zen jogging. I wasn’t wearing that many clothes because—that’s part of the process. You’re meant to commune with the elements. Normally, I wouldn’t have worn my jeans, but I put them on because I know the English are a modest people. ~ Sarah Rees Brennan,
1074:paralyze the cities. It was a completely different environment from the age when a single storm could devastate farms, wash people away, and leave entire families destitute. Hence, the gods took care not to intervene more than the humans wanted, and because of that, they were being forgotten. It was essential to encourage mankind’s self-reliance so they could develop higher-order cognition. Yet for the longest time, no one foresaw this would lead to a lack of faith. ~ Carlo Zen,
1075:Attn: Service Corps, Imperial Army General Staff Office We guide him always, abandon him never, go where there is no path, never yielding, forever on the battlefield. Everything we do, we do for victory. We seek mages for the worst battlefields, the smallest rewards, days darkened by a forest of swords and hails of bullets, and constant danger with no guarantee of survival. To those who return go the glory and the honor. General Staff Office 601st Formation Committee ~ Carlo Zen,
1076:Everyone holds a luminous jewel, all embrace a precious gem; if you do not turn your attention around and look within, you will wander from home with a hidden treasure. Have you not heard it said, “In the ear it is like the great and small sounds in an empty valley, none not complete; in the eye it is like myriad images under a thousand suns, none able to avoid casting shadows”? If you seek it outside of sense experience, you will hinder the living meaning of Zen. ~ Thomas Cleary,
1077:I nudged myself closer to the ledge and closed my eyes and thought 'Oh what a life this is, why do we have to be born in the first place, and only so we can have our poor gentle flesh laid out to such impossible horrors as huge mountains and rock and empty space,' and with horror I remembered the famous Zen saying, 'When you get to the top of a mountain, keep climbing.' The saying made my hair stand on end; it had been such cute poetry sitting on Alvah's straw mats. ~ Jack Kerouac,
1078:Jared had his back to the wall, which Kami thought was a reflex when he was uncomfortable. She wanted to shield him. “He was doing some—Zen jogging,” she claimed.
Jared flicked her an incredulous glance. “Yes,” he said slowly. “Zen jogging. I wasn’t wearing that many clothes because—that’s part of the process. You’re meant to commune with the elements. Normally, I wouldn’t have worn my jeans, but I put them on because I know the English are a modest people. ~ Sarah Rees Brennan,
1079:Her kids and I tease her remorselessly about her devotion to cleaning, but of course it’s Hiroko’s deeper cleanliness—her freedom from second thoughts, from the need to gossip, from malice or the hunger for complexity—that is one of her sovereign gifts. Dusting is how she clears her head. Cohen himself, asked about his Zen training, explained, “It’s just house cleaning. From time to time the dust and the dirty clothes accumulate in the corners and it’s time to clean up. ~ Pico Iyer,
1080:CONTENTS Characters Introduction: How This Book Came to Be CHAPTER ONE Childhood: Abandoned and Chosen CHAPTER TWO Odd Couple: The Two Steves CHAPTER THREE The Dropout: Turn On, Tune In . . . CHAPTER FOUR Atari and India: Zen and the Art of Game Design CHAPTER FIVE The Apple I: Turn On, Boot Up, Jack In . . . CHAPTER SIX The Apple II: Dawn of a New Age CHAPTER SEVEN Chrisann and Lisa: He Who Is Abandoned . . . CHAPTER EIGHT Xerox and Lisa: Graphical User Interfaces ~ Walter Isaacson,
1081:Everyone needs a spiritual guide: a minister, rabbi, counselor, wise friend, or therapist. My own wise friend is my dog. He has deep knowledge to impart. He makes friends easily and doesn't hold a grudge. He enjoys simple pleasures and takes each day as it comes. Like a true Zen master he eats when he is hungry and sleeps when he is tired. He's not hung up about sex. Best of all, he befriends me with an unconditional love that human beings would do well to imitate. ~ Gary A Kowalski,
1082:here's my snowy crown time's tinted decrepitude there's the frost in the courtyard autumn's glittery breath now I'm sick and just watching my wife pick cure-alls then I'm frozen waiting for the maid to comb my hair without the body what use fame? worldly things I've put aside tranquilly I delve my heart determined now to learn from Empty Boats! [2158.jpg] -- from A Drifting Boat: Chinese Zen Poetry, Edited by J. P. Seaton / Edited by Dennis Maloney

~ Po Chu-i, Autumns Cold
1083:KOBUN CHINO. A St Zen master in California who became Jobs’s spiritual teacher. LEE CLOW. Advertising wizard who created Apple’s “1984” ad and worked with Jobs for three decades. DEBORAH “DEBI” COLEMAN. Early Mac team manager who took over Apple manufacturing. TIM COOK. Steady, calm, chief operating officer hired by Jobs in 1998; replaced Jobs as Apple CEO in August 2011. EDDY CUE. Chief of Internet services at Apple, Jobs’s wingman in dealing with content companies. A ~ Walter Isaacson,
1084:No hay que juntarse con malas compañías, no hay que juntarse con compañías despreciables. Júntate con buenas compañías, júntate con compañías nobles.   Guishan, el maestro zen clásico, escribió en sus famosas Admoniciones: «La compañía de los buenos es como caminar entre el rocío y la niebla; aunque a uno no le mojen la ropa, ésta termina por empaparse de humedad. La familiaridad con el mal aumenta el conocimiento y los puntos de vista erróneos, creando mal día y noche.» ~ Gautama Buddha,
1085:The trick here was indifference, I decided as I took my sweet time coming down the stairs. Act cool. Detached.
Something potent and violent boiled inside me and I strained every nerve in my body to keep it on its chain. I could do this. I just had to stay cool. Zen. No punching in the face. Punching would not be Zen.
The stairs ended. I wished I knew the jackass who’d made the staircase so short. I’d throw him down the damn steps so he could count them with his head. ~ Ilona Andrews,
1086:Zen brings creativity. And remember, if you want to be one with the creator, you will have to learn some ways of creativity. The only way to be one with the creator is to be in some moment of creativity, when you are lost. The potter is lost in making his pottery; the potter is lost while working on the wheel. The painter is lost while painting. The dancer is lost; there is no dancer, only the dance remains. Those are the peak moments, where you touch God, where God touches you. ~ Rajneesh,
1087:People kill and a re killed because they cling too tightly to their own beliefs and ideologies. [...] The second precept of the Order of Interbeing, founded within the Zen Buddhist tradition during the was in Vietnam, is about letting go of views: "Do not think the knowledge you presently possess is changeless, absolute truth. Avoid being narrow-minded and bound to present views. Learn and practice nonattachment from views in order to be open to receive others' viewpoints. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh,
1088:I shared the details of Steve Jobs’s story, because when it comes to finding fulfilling work, the details matter. If a young Steve Jobs had taken his own advice and decided to only pursue work he loved, we would probably find him today as one of the Los Altos Zen Center’s most popular teachers. But he didn’t follow this simple advice. Apple Computer was decidedly not born out of passion, but instead was the result of a lucky break—a “small-time” scheme that unexpectedly took off. ~ Cal Newport,
1089:I see a vision of a great rucksack revolution thousands or even millions of young Americans wandering around with rucksacks, going up to mountains to pray, making children laugh and old men glad, making young girls happy and old girls happier, all of 'em Zen Lunatics who go about writing poems that happen to appear in their heads for no reason and also by being kind and also by strange unexpected acts keep giving visions of eternal freedom to everybody and to all living creatures. ~ Gary Snyder,
1090:I began researching and writing what I intended as a book-length essay entitled Fascination and Liberation, exploring the question of whether there is a conflict between creativity and the Eastern form of enlightenment. I don't know if I'll ever finish that essay, because I had an experience, after I'd written two or three chapters, in which it seemed to me that my psychic antibodies decisively rejected Buddhism. Interestingly, the rejection felt as if it happened in Zen terms. ~ Quentin S Crisp,
1091:The moment they hear what she says, her subordinates erupt together in laughter and whistles; none of them looks worried. They all wear cheerful smiles that say, Let's give it to 'em!
Well, even if it's nothing more than pre-sortie bravado, I'm glad they have wherewithal to put on a brave face. It means they trust me enough not to complain in my presence.
A superior who isn't trusted by their subordinates is liable to be dismissed for lack of management ability, so this is key. ~ Carlo Zen,
1092:an open-plan cubicle kind of thing-working, doing something, writing some Lisp program. And he'd come shuffling in with his ceramic mug of beer, bare feet, and he'd just stand behind me. I'd say hi. And he'd grunt or say nothing. He'd just stand there watching me type. At some
point I'd do something and he'd go, "Ptthh, wrong!" and he'd walk away. So that was kind of getting thrown in the deep end. It was like the Zen approach-the master hit me with a stick, now I must meditate. ~ Peter Seibel,
1093:I see a vision of a great rucksack revolution thousands or even millions of young Americans wandering around with rucksacks, going up to mountains to pray, making children laugh and old men glad, making young girls happy and old girls happier, all of 'em Zen Lunatics who go about writing poems that happen to appear in their heads for no reason and also by being kind and also by strange unexpected acts keep giving visions of eternal freedom to everybody and to all living creatures ... ~ Jack Kerouac,
1094:[EM] Forster was the only living writer whom he would have described as his master. In other people’s books he found examples of style which he wanted to imitate and learn from. In Forster he found a key to the whole art of writing. The Zen masters of archery—of whom, in those days, Christopher had never heard—start by teaching you the mental attitude with which you must pick up the bow. A Forster novel taught Christopher the mental attitude with which he must pick up the pen. ~ Christopher Isherwood,
1095:I didn't mean for you to take that the wrong way," He said abruptly. Mae stared at him in amazement. So, for that matter, did Jamie. "What?" "Demons don't touch anyone without a reason," Nick went on, his eyes shut again. "You can imagine what kind of reasons we usually have. I don't like--not anyone--I didn't mean anything by it." "Oh," said Jamie. "Oh, that's okay! That's fine. I understand. I am filled to the brim with understanding and, and acceptance! I'm very Zen like that. ~ Sarah Rees Brennan,
1096:I know just enough about myself to know I cannot settle for one of those simplifications which indignant people seize upon to make understandable a world too complex for their comprehension. Astrology, health food, flag waving, bible thumping, Zen, nudism, nihilism—all of these are grotesque simplifications which small dreary people adopt in the hope of thereby finding The Answer, because the very concept that maybe there is no answer, never has been, never will be, terrifies them. ~ John D MacDonald,
1097:My mother maintained the sort of parental mind-set that I now recognize as brilliant and nearly impossible to emulate - kind of unflappable Zen neutrality... She wasn't quick to judge and she wasn't quick to meddle. Instead, she monitored our moods and bore benevolent witness to whatever travails or triumphs a day might bring... When we'd done something great, we received just enough praise to know she was happy with us, but never so much that it became the reason we did what we did. ~ Michelle Obama,
1098:When there is great doubt,” says a Zen aphorism that Kusan Sunim kept repeating, “then there is great awakening.” This is the key. The depth of any understanding is intimately correlated with the depth of one’s confusion. Great awakening resonates at the same “pitch” as great doubt. So rather than negate such doubt by replacing it with belief, which is the standard religious procedure, Zen encourages you to cultivate that doubt until it “coagulates” into a vivid mass of perplexity. ~ Stephen Batchelor,
1099:They fill the bottom with nuts and whatever else monkeys like to eat. In the night, a monkey climbs out of the trees and slips his hand down the long neck. He grabs the sweets and his hand makes a fist. That means it’s too big to get back up the narrow neck and he’s trapped. In the morning the villagers come around and hit him on the head.” He looked at me for a moment. “It’s a Zen story, of course,” he said, smiling again. “The point is—if you want to be free, all you have to do is let go. ~ Terry Hayes,
1100:Many experts lose the creativity and imagination of the less informed. They are so intimately familiar with known patterns that they may fail to recognize or respect the importance of the new wrinkle. The process of applying expertise is, after all, the editing out of unimportant details in favor of those known to be relevant. Zen master, Shunryu Suzuki said, “The mind of the beginner is empty, free of the habits of the expert, ready to accept, to doubt, and open to all the possibilities. ~ Gavin de Becker,
1101:Though frosts come down
night after night,
what does it matter?
they melt in the morning sun.
Though the snow falls
each passing year,
what does it matter?
with spring days it thaws.
Yet once let them settle
on a mans head,
fall and pile up,
go on piling up
then the new year
may come and go,
but never youll see them fade away

translated by Burton Watson
From the book Ryokan: Zen Monk-Poet of Japan.
~ Taigu Ryokan, Though Frosts come down
1102:You no sooner attain the great void Than body and mind are lost together. Heaven and Hell -- a straw. The Buddha-realm, Pandemonium -- shambles. Listen: a nightingale strains her voice, serenading the snow. Look: a tortoise wearing a sword climbs the lampstand. Should you desire the great tranquility, Prepare to sweat white beads. [1506.jpg] -- from Zen Poetry: Let the Spring Breeze Enter, Translated by Lucien Stryk / Translated by Takashi Ikemoto

~ Hakuin, You no sooner attain the great void
1103:To glorify the Way what should people turn to to words and deeds that agree but oceans of greed never fill up and sprouts of delusion keep growing a plum tree in bloom purifies a recluse a patch of potatoes cheers a lone monk but those who follow rules in their huts never see the Way or get past the mountain [2615.jpg] -- from The Zen Works of Stonehouse: Poems and Talks of a 14th Century Chinese Hermit, Translated by Red Pine

~ Shiwu (Stonehouse), To glorify the Way what should people turn to
1104:Each lesson with him would be concluded by a half-hour session of meditation zazen, sitting Zen. It was to free my mind, to achieve what he termed the Void. What exasperated him, though, was my inability to master this. It was hard to think of nothing and yet not to think at all. Try as I might, I found it elusive. It frustrated me, as I wanted to show him that I could accomplish what appeared to me to be the easiest thing of all. Surely I had done enough of that in school to make me an expert? ~ Tan Twan Eng,
1105:I didn't mean for you to take that the wrong way," He said abruptly. Mae stared at him in amazement. So, for that matter, did Jamie.
"Demons don't touch anyone without a reason," Nick went on, his eyes shut again. "You can imagine what kind of reasons we usually have. I don't like--not anyone--I didn't mean anything by it."
"Oh," said Jamie. "Oh, that's okay! That's fine. I understand. I am filled to the brim with understanding and, and acceptance! I'm very Zen like that. ~ Sarah Rees Brennan,
1106:A famous Japanese Zen master, Hakuun Yasutani Roshi, said that unless you can explain Zen in words that a fisherman will comprehend, you don’t know what you’re talking about. Some fifty years ago a UCLA professor told me the same thing about applied mathematics. We like to hide from the truth behind foreign-sounding words or mathematical lingo. There’s a saying: The truth is always encountered but rarely perceived. If we don’t perceive it, we can’t help ourselves and we can’t much help anyone else. ~ Jeff Bridges,
1107:Whatever the tasks, do them slowly and with ease, in mindfulness. Don’t do any task in order to get it over with. Resolve to do each job in a relaxed way, with all your attention. Enjoy and be one with your work. Without this, the day of mindfulness will be of no value at all. The feeling that any task is a nuisance will soon disappear if it is done in mindfulness. Take the example of the Zen Masters. No matter what task or motion they undertake, they do it slowly and evenly, without reluctance. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh,
1108:Zen replaces all objects of belief with one single thing: reality itself. We believe only in this universe. We don't believe in the afterlife. We don't believe in the sovereignty of nations. We don't believe in money or power or fame. We don't believe in our idols. We don't believe in our positions or our possessions. We don't believe we can be insulted, or that our honor or the honor of our family, our nation or our faith can be offended. We don't believe in Buddha. We just believe in reality. Just this. ~ Brad Warner,
1109:I have more things going on right now than I can actually do without the invention of a cloning device. It is great! But it does give me many opportunities to practice trying to learn the lesson of being more Zen. I tend to worry about each "emergency" or unforeseen complication on all my projects. But there are so many! All of life is unforeseen! So I am learning that is the cycle of life - everything is cyclical and temporary and to get ok with that someday could be my greatest achievement. ~ Kristin Bauer van Straten,
1110:So the most difficult thing is always to keep your beginner's mind. There is no need to have a deep understanding of Zen. Even though you read much Zen literature, you must read each sentence with a fresh mind. You should not say, "I know what Zen is," or "I have attained enlightenment." This is also the real secret of the arts: always be a beginner. Be very very careful about this point. If you start to practice zazen, you will begin to appreciate your beginner's mind. It is the secret of Zen practice. ~ Shunryu Suzuki,
1111:The story of the Zen Master whose only response was always "Is that so?" shows the good that comes through inner nonresistance to events, that is to say, being at one with what happens. The story of the man whose comment was invariably a laconic "Maybe" illustrates the wisdom of nonjudgment, and the story of the ring points to the fact of impermanence which, when recognized, leads to nonattachment. Nonresistance, nonjudgement, and nonattachment are the three aspects of true freedom and enlightened living. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
1112:What do you mean, the police were suspicious because you weren’t wearing enough clothes?” Ash demanded, staring coldly at Jared. “Where were your clothes?"
"He was doing some—Zen jogging,” she claimed.
Jared flicked her an incredulous glance. “Yes,” he said slowly. “Zen jogging. I wasn’t wearing that many clothes because—that’s part of the process. You’re meant to commune with the elements. Normally, I wouldn’t have worn my jeans, but I put them on because I know the English are a modest people. ~ Sarah Rees Brennan,
1113:Among the educated young there is therefore a startling and unprecedented interest in the transformation of human consciousness. All over the Western world publishers are selling millions of books dealing with Yoga, Vedanta, Zen Buddhism, and the chemical mysticism of psychedelic drugs, and I have come to believe that the whole “hip” subculture, however misguided in some of its manifestations, is the earnest and responsible effort of young people to correct the self–destroying course of industrial civilization. ~ Alan W Watts,
1114:It’s true that while instructors and schools offer courses in everything from cooking and how to wear a kimono to yoga and Zen meditation, you’ll be hard-pressed to find classes on how to tidy. The general assumption, in Japan at least, is that tidying doesn’t need to be taught but rather is picked up naturally. Cooking skills and recipes are passed down as family traditions from grandmother to mother to daughter, yet one never hears of anyone passing on the family secrets of tidying, even within the same household. ~ Marie Kond,
1115:Hidden in all good fortune is misfortune. And in all misfortune is good fortune. It's never going to stay the same as long you are in the world or unless you die while you are alive and become an enlightened Zen Master. But those people don't exist. When you study their lives, you find that they had the same struggles as the rest of us. It's not so much about being able to always have calm. Calmness isn't just the absence of noise or troubles. It's being able to find calm within yourself when other stuff is going on. ~ Wayne Dyer,
1116:He reached into his jacket pocket. Over the years, people had often commented on his ability to produce exactly the right item from his pockets at exactly the right time. Some had speculated that his pockets were extensions of the TARDIS, others had guessed he was just lucky. But then, they’d never read Yeltstrom’s Karma and Flares: The Importance of Fashion Sense to the Modern Zen Master.
They didn’t appreciate the things a sentient life-form could achieve, if he was totally at one with the lining of his jacket. ~ Lawrence Miles,
1117:In an interview that a Benedictine monk had with His Holiness in Scotland, he asked the Dalai Lama, “Do you think your sitting on the mountain will be of any good to these twentieth-century people?” The Dalai Lama answered him right away, “Of course. Definitely it is good.” It’s good because places of meditation are charged with the feeling and the sound of the cricket, or the breathing of the whale, or just our Zen breathing, and this creates a very powerful life force that affects the life of our environment. ~ Jakusho Kwong Roshi,
1118:This is shaping up even worse than you anticipated. Still, you feel a measure of detachment, as if you had suffered everything already and this were just a flashback. You wish that you had paid more attention when a woman you met at Heartbreak told you about Zen meditation. Think of all of this as an illusion. She can't hurt you. Nothing can hurt the samurai wh enters combat fully resolved to die. You have already accepted the inevitability of termination, as they say. Still, you'd rather not have to sit through this. ~ Jay McInerney,
1119:I felt I was drawing close to that age, that place in life, where you realize one day what you'd told yourself was a Zen detachment turns out to be naked fear. You'd had one serious love relationship in your life and it had ended in tragedy, and the tragedy had broken something inside you. But instead of trying to repair the broken place, or at least really stop and look at it, you skated and joked. You had friends, you were a decent citizen. You hurt no one. And your life was somehow just about half of what it could be. ~ Roland Merullo,
1120:Everything comes down to how work is outsourced. There are more options out there than the subpar you-get-what-you-pay-for. The saying "Every man to his trade" is true in the same way as the Ricardian formulation of comparative advantage*. Tanya's quiet voice is a good excuse to delegate this job.

Ricardian formulation of comparative advantage - Also known as the comparative cost theory. The basis of commerce theory. To put it in extremely simple terms, it says that everyone should make what they are good at and trade it. ~ Carlo Zen,
1121:Martin Silenus made an expansive gesture. “I was baptized a Lutheran,” he said. “A subset which no longer exists. I helped create Zen Gnosticism before any of your parents were born. I have been a Catholic, a revelationist, a neo-Marxist, an interface zealot, a Bound Shaker, a satanist, a bishop in the Church of Jake’s Nada, and a dues-paying subscriber to the Assured Reincarnation Institute. Now, I am happy to say, I am a simple pagan.” He smiled at everyone. “To a pagan,” he concluded, “the Shrike is a most acceptable deity. ~ Dan Simmons,
1122:A koan is like a riddle that’s supposed to help you toward enlightenment in Zen Buddhism. For my answer, I wrote about this guy Banzan. He was walking through the market on day when he overheard someone ask a butcher for his best piece of meat. The butcher answered, “Everything in my shop is the best. You cannot find a piece of meat that is not the best.” Upon hearing this, Banzan realized that there is no best and no worst, that those judgments have no real meaning because there is only was is, and poof, he reached enlightenment. ~ John Green,
1123:But the solution to the riddle of life and space and time lies outside space and time. For, as it should be abundantly clear by now, nothing inside a frame can state, or even ask, anything about that frame. The solution, then, is not the finding of an answer to the riddle of existence, but the realization that there is no riddle. This is the essence of the beautiful, almost Zen Buddhist closing sentences of the Tracticus: "For an answer which cannot be expressed the question too cannot be expressed. The riddle does not exist." ~ Paul Watzlawick,
1124:If you understand real practice, then archery or other activities can be zen. If you don't understand how to practice archery in its true sense, then even though you practice very hard, what you acquire is just technique. It won't help you through and through. Perhaps you can hit the mark without trying, but without a bow and arrow you cannot do anything. If you understand the point of practice, then even without a bow and arrow the archery will help you. How you get that kind of power or ability is only through right practice. ~ Shunryu Suzuki,
1125:Zen is to religion what a Japanese "rock garden" is to a garden. Zen knows no god, no afterlife, no good and no evil, as the rock-garden knows no flowers, herbs or shrubs. It has no doctrine or holy writ: its teaching is transmitted mainly in the form of parables as ambiguous as the pebbles in the rock-garden which symbolise now a mountain, now a fleeting tiger. When a disciple asks "What is Zen?", the master's traditional answer is "Three pounds of flax" or "A decaying noodle" or "A toilet stick" or a whack on the pupil's head. ~ Arthur Koestler,
1126:Finally, one just has to shut up, sit down, and write. That is painful. Writing is so simple, basic, and austere. There are no fancy gadgets to make it more attractive. Our monkey minds would much rather discuss our resistances with a friend at a lovely restaurant or go to a therapist to work out our writing blocks. We like to complicate simple tasks. There is a Zen saying: “Talk when you talk, walk when you walk, and die when you die.” Write when you write. Stop battling yourself with guilt, accusations, and strong-arm threats. ~ Natalie Goldberg,
1127:I watch the group as Lawrence speaks. Its not always easy to remember that these people aren't like me: they look and sound awake, but they're not. They are asleep and dreaming. sleepwalking and sleeptalking. Their words make sense to them. inside their dreamworld, but from my perspective it's mostly mumbling. They seldom express a lucid thought or formulate a coherent question. In several minutes of uninterrupted discourse on Zen. Lawrence has not said anything that I recognize as being related to the topic of awaking from delusion. ~ Jed McKenna,
1128:We should live every day like people who have just been rescued from dying on the moon. We are on Earth now, and we need to enjoy walking on this precious, beautiful planet. Zen Master Linji said, “The miracle is not to walk on water or fire. The miracle is to walk on the earth.” I cherish that teaching. I enjoy just walking, even in busy places like airports and railway stations. Walking like that, with each step caressing our Mother Earth, we can inspire other people to do the same. We can enjoy every minute of our lives. Finding ~ Thich Nhat Hanh,
1129:On a whim, Pisit calls the monk back to ask what he thinks of all this, and Western culture in general. After his drubbing just now he is in a Zen-ish sort of mood, not to say downright sarcastic: 'Actually, the West is Culture of Emergency: Twisters in Texas, earthquakes in California, windchill in Chicago, drought, flood, famine, epidemics, war on everything - watch out for that meteor and how much longer does the sun really have? Of course, if you didn't believe you could control everything, there wouldn't be an emergency, would there? ~ John Burdett,
1130:Paper windows bamboo walls hedge of hibiscus when guests arrive wormwood soup serves as tea the poor people I meet are mostly content rare is the rich man who isn't vain or wasteful I move my bookstand to read sutras by moonlight I honor the buddhas with a vase of wild flowers everyone says Tushita Heaven is fine but how can it match this old hut of mine [2615.jpg] -- from The Zen Works of Stonehouse: Poems and Talks of a 14th Century Chinese Hermit, Translated by Red Pine

~ Shiwu (Stonehouse), Paper windows bamboo walls hedge of hibiscus
1131:I thought, man, if you could run 100 miles, you'd be in this Zen state. You'd be the f**king Buddha. Bringing peace and a smile to the world. In my case, it didn't work. I'm the same old punk ass as ever. But there's always this hope that it'll turn you into the person you want to be. You know, like a better, more peaceful person. And when I'm out on a long run, the only thing in life that matters is finishing the run. For once, my brain isn't going 'bleh bleh bleh bleh.' Everything just quiets down, and the only thing going on is pure flow ~ Jenn Shelton,
1132:Ah,’ said the Doctor.
He reached into his jacket pocket. Over the years, people had often commented on his ability to produce exactly the right item from his pockets at exactly the right time. Some had speculated that his pockets were extensions of the TARDIS, others had guessed he was just lucky. But then, they’d never read Yeltstrom’s Karma and Flares: The Importance of Fashion Sense to the Modern Zen Master.
They didn’t appreciate the things a sentient life-form could achieve, if he was totally at one with the lining of his jacket. ~ Lawrence Miles,
1133:In this way, our life may appear as a series of mistakes. One could call them “problems” or “challenges,” but in some ways “mistakes” is better. One famous Zen master actually described spiritual practice as “one mistake after another,” which is to say, one opportunity after another to learn. It is from “difficulties, mistakes, and errors” that we actually learn. To live life is to make a succession of errors. Understanding this can bring us great ease and forgiveness for ourselves and others—we are at ease with the difficulties of life. But ~ Jack Kornfield,
1134:It’s four o’clock, guys. I’m going up to watch Oprah. Unless the shop catches fire or we’re under massive zombie invasion, I don’t exist for the next hour. On second thought, don’t bother me if it’s zombies – I’ll deal with them later. Today’s a special episode on how to make peace with people who piss you off. And I definitely need to find my Zen. (Bubba)
Your Zen’s shooting stuff, Bubba. Embrace your inner violence. (Mark)
Fine, then. My inner violence says I’ll cut your throat if you bother me until Oprah ends, so sod off. (Bubba) ~ Sherrilyn Kenyon,
1135:Outside the door I made but don't close I glimpse the movements of unfamiliar birds a handful of jade is worth a whole mountain but gold can't buy a lifetime of freedom the sound of icy falls on a dawnlit snowy ridge the sight of distant peaks through leafless autumn woods mist lifts from ancient cedars and days last forever right and wrong don't get past the clouds [2615.jpg] -- from The Zen Works of Stonehouse: Poems and Talks of a 14th Century Chinese Hermit, Translated by Red Pine

~ Shiwu (Stonehouse), Outside the door I made but dont close
1136:There is a Zen story about a man and a horse.7 The horse is galloping quickly, and it appears that the rider is urgently heading somewhere important. A bystander along the road calls out, “Where are you going?” and the rider replies, “I don’t know! Ask the horse!” This is also our life story. Many of us are riding a horse, but we don’t know where we are going, and we can’t stop. The horse is our “habit energy,” the relentless force of habit that pulls us along, that we are often unaware of and feel powerless to change. We are always running. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh,
1137:Once upon a time an academic scientist went to visit a Zen Master, famous for being very wise. After greeting the scholar, the master offered him tea. As they sat together, the monk began to pour the tea into the scholar's cup. He poured until the tea overflowed onto the saucer, then the table and finally onto the floor.

When the scholar could not stand it any more, he blurted out: "Stop, stop, can't you see the cup is full?" To which the Zen Master replied: "Yes, I can, and until your mind is empty, you will not hear what I have to say. ~ Jeffrey Armstrong,
1138:She could hear her heart beating. And in her head, in time with the beat, resounded the opening fanfare of Janáček’s Sinfonietta. Soft, silent breezes played across the green meadows of Bohemia. She was aware that she had become split in two. Half of her continued to press the dead man’s neck with utter coolness. The other half was filled with fear. She wanted to drop everything and get out of this room now. I’m here, but I’m not here. I’m in two places at once. It goes against Einstein’s theorem, but what the hell. Call it the Zen of the killer. ~ Haruki Murakami,
1139:There is no one way to salvation, whatever the manner in which a man may proceed. All forms and variations are governed by the eternal intelligence of the Universe that enables a man to approach perfection. It may be in the arts of music and painting or it may be in commerce, law, or medicine. It may be in the study of war or the study of peace. Each is as important as any other. Spiritual enlightenment through religious meditation such as Zen or in any other way is as viable and functional as any "Way."... A person should study as they see fit. ~ Miyamoto Musashi,
1140:Unfortunately his Zen training never quite produced in him a Zen-like calm or inner serenity, and that too is part of his legacy. He was often tightly coiled and impatient, traits he made no effort to hide. Most people have a regulator between their mind and mouth that modulates their brutish sentiments and spikiest impulses. Not Jobs. He made a point of being brutally honest. "My job is to say when something sucks rather than sugar coat it," he said. This made him charismatic and inspiring, yet also, to use the technical term, an asshole at times. ~ Walter Isaacson,
1141:We live in a supermarket of ideas, faiths, practices, theories, ideologies, and much else besides. Never in human history have there been so many movements and ideas struggling to attract our attention. Added to this, the Western world is swamped by material goods and the Western mind is dominated by the goal of material success. In all this confusion, Zen stands out as a voice of sanity. It represents a different way of seeing the world, one based upon the rediscovery of who we really are and have always been, through revealing to us our true nature. ~ David Fontana,
1142:Zen Buddhism is a way and a view of life which does not belong to any of the formal categories of modern Western thought. It is not religion or philosophy; it is not a psychology or a type of science. It is an example of what is known in India and China as a “way of liberation,” and is similar in this respect to Taoism, Vedanta, and Yoga. As will soon be obvious, a way of liberation can have no positive definition. It has to be suggested by saying what it is not, somewhat as a sculptor reveals an image by the act of removing pieces of stone from a block. ~ Alan W Watts,
1143:There is a very interesting Hindu teacher by the name of Krishnamurti whom many of you may know about. He tells people that all of their religious inquiry, their yoga practices, their reading religious books, and so on, are nothing but the perpetuation of egocentricity on a very refined and highbrow level. Therefore he encourages disciples who studiously avoid reading any kind of philosophical or edifying book. They are reduced to reading mystery stories and they become devoted nondisciples. What a clever bind that is! It is the same as the Zen technique. ~ Alan W Watts,
1144:When I consider the virtue of abusive words, I find the scandal-monger is my good teacher. If we do not become angry at gossip, We have no need for powerful endurance and compassion. To be mature in Zen is to be mature in expression, And full-moon brilliance of dhyana and prajna Does not stagnate in emptiness. Not only can I take hold of complete enlightenment by myself, But all Buddha-bodies, like sands of the Ganges, Can become awakened in exactly the same way.

~ Hsuan Chueh of Yung Chia, 16 - When I consider the virtue of abusive words (from The Shodoka)
1145:He was a polite, thoughtful boy, who could spend hours in one spot, staring at the purple mountains against the clear blue sky, lost in his own thoughts and emotions. It was said of him that he had a monk’s vocation, and that in Japan he would have been a novice in a Zen monastery. Although the Oomoto faith discouraged proselytizing, Takao surreptitiously preached his religion to Heideko and his children, but Ichimei was the only one who practiced it with fervor, because it fit in with his character and with the concept of life that he had had since childhood. ~ Isabel Allende,
1146:The saying "no self, no problem" probably comes from Zen. In their cultures, where Buddhism is kind of taken for granted, as well as karma, causality, former and future life, and the possibility for becoming enlightened, then it's safe to skirt the danger of nihilism, which would be, I don't exist because Buddha said I have no self, and therefore I have no problem because I don't exist. That would be a bad misunderstanding. But in those cultures, it would not be as easy to have that understanding as it would be here in the west, where we really are nihilistic. ~ Robert Thurman,
1147:Your True Self is who you objectively are from the beginning, in the mind and heart of God, "the face you had before you were born," as the Zen masters say. It is your substantial self, your absolute identify, which can never be gained nor lost by any technique, group affiliation, morality, or formula whatsoever. The surrendering of our false self, which we have usually taken for our absolute identity, yet is merely a relative identity, is the necessary suffering needed to find "the pearl of great price" that is always hidden inside this lovely but passing shell. ~ Richard Rohr,
1148:I have my own way to walk and for some reason or other Zen is right in the middle of it wherever I go. So there it is, with all its beautiful purposelessness, and it has become very familiar to me though I do not know "what it is." Or even if it is an "it." Not to be foolish and multiply words, I'll say simply that it seems to me that Zen is the very atmosphere of the Gospels, and the Gospels are bursting with it. It is the proper climate for any monk, no matter what kind of monk he may be. If I could not breathe Zen I would probably die of spiritual asphyxiation. ~ Thomas Merton,
1149:The leprechaun, according to legend, can be forced to yield up its treasure if you can keep watching it without letting your attention wander for so much as a moment. This has so much in common with experiences in meditation that Zen masters in America use it as a metaphor for meditative practice. There’s an important lesson here: glamour is hardly limited to the realm of Faery. Most human beings live most of their lives under its spell, chasing after treasures that—like the golden coins in countless fairy tales—turn to dried leaves the moment one looks away. ~ John Michael Greer,
1150:I work in several different groups of pictures which act on and with each other - ranging from several abstracted manners to a form for the surreal. I have been called a preacher - but, in reality, I'm more generally philosophical. I have never made an abstracted photograph without content. An educated background in Zen influences all of my photographs. It has been said that my work resembles, more closely than any photographer, Le Douanier Rousseau - working in a fairly isolated area and feeding mostly on myself - I feel that I am a primitive photographer. ~ Ralph Eugene Meatyard,
1151:Heade’s calm is unsteady, storm-stirred; we respond in our era to its hint of the nervous and the fearful. His weather is interior weather, in a sense, and he perhaps was, if far from the first to portray a modern mood, an ambivalent mood tinged with dread and yet imbued with a certain lightness.The mood could even be said to be religious: not an aggressive preachment of God’s grandeur but a kind of Zen poise and acceptance, represented by the small sedentary or plodding foreground figures that appear uncannily at peace as the clouds blacken and the lightning flashes. ~ John Updike,
1152:Not Christian or Jew or Muslim, not Hindu, Buddhist, sufi, or zen. Not any religion or cultural system. I am not from the East or the West, not out of the ocean or up from the ground, not natural or ethereal, not composed of elements at all. I do not exist, am not an entity in this world or the next, did not descend from Adam or Eve or any origin story. My place is placeless, a trace of the traceless. Neither body or soul. I belong to the beloved, have seen the two worlds as one and that one call to and know, first, last, outer, inner, only that breath breathing human being. ~ Rumi,
1153:The reign of such a one-dimensional reality does not mean that materialism rules, and that the spiritual, metaphysical, and bohemian occupations are petering out. On the contrary, there is a great deal of “Worship together this week,” “Why not try God,” Zen, existentialism, and beat ways of life, etc. But such modes of protest and transcendence are no longer contradictory to the status quo and no longer negative. They are rather the ceremonial part of practical behaviorism, its harmless negation, and are quickly digested by the status quo as part of its healthy diet. ~ Herbert Marcuse,
1154:Before you begin meditation take several slow, deep breaths. Hold your body erect, allowing your breathing to become normal again. Many thoughts will crowd into your mind, ignore them, letting them go. If they persist be aware of them with the awareness which does not think. In other words, think non-thinking. Zen meditation is not physical culture, nor is it a method to gain something material. It is peacefulness and blessedness itself. It is the actualization of truth and wisdom. In your meditation you yourself are the mirror reflecting the solution of your problems. ~ Jack Kornfield,
1155:You're always striving for a place of Zen. Or a flow state, where you kind of transcend reality and you go to the other place. It's when everything is in sync, and everyone is connecting with one another. Everything is going perfectly. You lose yourself. It's the ultimate form of meditation where it's an out - of - body experience. Afterward you come back to Earth and you're like, 'What just happened? We just did something awesome!' It's this energy in the room when you know you're nailing it and you know everyone else is feeling it too. That's why theater is so awesome. ~ Evan Rachel Wood,
1156:The Zen Master warns: 'If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him!' This admonition points up that no meaning that comes from outside of ourselves is real. The Buddhahood of each of us has already been obtained. We need only recognize it. Philosophy, religion, patriotism, all are empty idols. The only meaning in our lives is what we each bring to them. Killing the Buddha on the road means destroying the hope that anything outside of ourselves can be out master. No one is any bigger than anyone else. There are no mothers or fathers for grown-ups, only sisters and brothers. ~ Sheldon B Kopp,
1157:su realidad no solo malgasta la vida, sino que también la acorta. El yo es la descarada mentira que nos contamos a diario y la felicidad requiere ver más allá de dicha mentira, desenmascararla. «Estudiar el yo es olvidar el yo», decía Dogen, un maestro zen del siglo XIII. La voz interior, las voces externas, todo es lo mismo. No hay líneas divisorias. Sobre todo cuando se compite. La victoria, según el zen, «llega cuando nos olvidamos del yo y del adversario, que son las dos mitades de un todo. Todo esto se expone con claridad meridiana en el libro Zen en el arte del tiro con arco: ~ Phil Knight,
1158:There is more than one way to burn a book. And the world is full of people running about with lit matches. Every minority, be it Baptist/Unitarian, Irish/Italian/Octogenarian/Zen Buddhist, Zionist/Seventh-day Adventist, Women's Lib/Republican, Mattachine/FourSquareGospel feels it has the will, the right, the duty to douse the kerosene, light the fuse. Every dimwit editor who sees himself as the source of all dreary blanc-mange plain porridge unleavened literature, licks his guillotine and eyes the neck of any author who dares to speak above a whisper or write above a nursery rhyme. ~ Ray Bradbury,
1159:There is a favorite story, frequently told by the Zen masters, of the Buddha, preaching: of how he held up a single lotus, that simple gesture being his whole sermon. Only one member of his audience, however, caught the message, a monk named Mahākāśyapa, who is regarded now as the founder of the Zen sect. And the Buddha, noticing, gave him a knowing nod, then preached a verbal sermon for the rest: a sermon for those who required meaning, still entrapped in the net of ideas; yet pointing beyond, to escape from the net and to the way that some of them, one day or another, might find. ~ Joseph Campbell,
1160:Zen & The Art Of Poetry
Letting the mind go,
letting the pen, the breath,
the movement of images in & out
of the mouth
go calm, go rhythmic
as the rise & fall of waves,
as one sits in the lotus position
over the world,
holding the pen so lightly
that it scarcely stains the page,
holding the breath
in the glowing cage of the ribs,
until the heart
is only a living lantern
fueled by breath,
& the pen writes
what the heart wills
& the whole world goes out,
goes black,
but for the hard, clear stars
~ Erica Jong,
1161:The problem with all students, he said, is that they inevitably stop somewhere. They hear an idea and they hold on to it until it becomes dead; they want to flatter themselves that they know the truth. But true Zen never stops, never congeals into such truths. That is why everyone must constantly be pushed to the abyss, starting over and feeling their utter worthlessness as a student. Without suffering and doubts, the mind will come to rest on clichés and stay there, until the spirit dies as well. Not even enlightenment is enough. You must continually start over and challenge yourself. ~ Robert Greene,
1162:Here's an example: someone says, "Master, please hand me the knife," and he hands them the knife, blade first. "Please give me the other end," he says. And the master replies, "What would you do with the other end?" This is answering an everyday matter in terms of the metaphysical. When the question is, "Master, what is the fundamental principle of Buddhism?" Then he replies, "There is enough breeze in this fan to keep me cool." That is answering the metaphysical in terms of the everyday, and that is, more or less, the principle zen works on. The mundane and the sacred are one and the same. ~ Alan Watts,
1163:If you take a mental case into a Zen monastery, they put him in isolation for three weeks; nobody talks to him—just the opposite of psychoanalysis—nobody talks to him, nobody listens to him. They just keep him isolated; somebody goes, absolutely silently, and puts the food there, comes back. He has to live with himself for three weeks … and miracles have been happening down the ages. Just putting him there for three weeks in isolation, slowly he cools down—no psychoanalysis, no therapy, just isolation. In fact, he was suffering too much from people, from the stress of being in a crowd continually. ~ Osho,
1164:The idea of Zen is to catch life as it flows. There is nothing extraordinary or mysterious about Zen. I raise my hand ; I take a book from the other side of the desk ; I hear the boys playing ball outside my window; I see the clouds blown away beyond the neighbouring wood: — in all these I am practising Zen, I am living Zen. No wordy discussions is necessary, nor any explanation. I do not know why — and there is no need of explaining, but when the sun rises the whole world dances with joy and everybody’s heart is filled with bliss. If Zen is at all conceivable, it must be taken hold of here. ~ D T Suzuki,
1165:CES only recently evolved to become a carefully controlled form of brain stimulation called transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS), where a computer shapes the exact electrical waves that can change your brain activity the most, with more precision than ever before. We use it for brain upgrades at the 40 Years of Zen neurofeedback facility because it can help new neurons grow more quickly and insulate themselves to carry more electrical current. Another less evolved but similar technique is transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS). You can buy tDCS machines online for $100. ~ Dave Asprey,
1166:There is a quality about Bev that evokes a Zen master. She says things that would seem too simple, were they not coming from someone who has earned the right to say them. No one could have worked harder toward a goal; yet about her unfair defeat, she said, “In the end, it’s better to feel at peace with yourself.” No one could have created more whole-body transformations over the course of a decade—changes she literally had to eat, sleep, and breathe every day—yet after being denied recognition in what would have been an especially humiliating way for most women, she remained philosophical. ~ Gloria Steinem,
1167:When one of the emperors of China asked Bodhidharma (the Zen master who brought Zen from India to China) what enlightenment was, his answer was, “Lots of space, nothing holy.” Meditation is nothing holy. Therefore there’s nothing that you think or feel that somehow gets put in the category of “sin.” There’s nothing that you can think or feel that gets put in the category of “bad.” There’s nothing that you can think or feel that gets put in the category of “wrong.” It’s all good juicy stuff—the manure of waking up, the manure of achieving enlightenment, the art of living in the present moment. ~ Pema Ch dr n,
1168:If there is anything Zen strongly emphasizes it is the attainment of freedom; that is, freedom from all unnatural encumbrances. Meditation is something artificially put on; it does not belong to the native activity of the mind. Upon what do the fowls of the air meditate? Upon what do the fish in the water meditate? They fly; they swim. Is not that enough? Who wants to fix his mind on the unity of God and man, or on the nothingness of life? Who wants to be arrested in the daily manifestations of his life-activity by such meditations as the goodness of a divine being or the everlasting fire of hell? ~ D T Suzuki,
1169:Here's an example: someone says, "Master, please hand me the knife," and he hands them the knife, blade first. "Please give me the other end," he says. And the master replies, "What would you do with the other end?" This is answering an everyday matter in terms of the metaphysical.

When the question is, "Master, what is the fundamental principle of Buddhism?" Then he replies, "There is enough breeze in this fan to keep me cool." That is answering the metaphysical in terms of the everyday, and that is, more or less, the principle zen works on. The mundane and the sacred are one and the same. ~ Alan W Watts,
1170:The world we imagine seems as real as the ones we’ve experienced. We suffuse the model with the emotional values of past realities. And in the thrall of that vision (call it “the plan,” writ large), we go forth and take action. If things don’t go according to the plan, revising such a robust model may be difficult. In an environment that has high objective hazards, the longer it takes to dislodge the imagined world in favor of the real one, the greater the risk. In nature, adaptation is important; the plan is not. It’s a Zen thing. We must plan. But we must be able to let go of the plan, too. ~ Laurence Gonzales,
1171:Zen teacher Lewis Richmond tells the story of hearing Shunryu Suzuki sum up Buddhism in two words. Suzuki had just finished giving a talk to a group of Zen students when someone in the audience said, “You’ve been talking about Buddhism for nearly an hour, and I haven’t been able to understand a thing you said. Could you say one thing about Buddhism I can understand?” After the laughter died down, Suzuki replied calmly, “Everything changes.” Those words, Suzuki said, contain the basic truth of existence: Everything is always in flux. Until you accept this, you won’t be able to find true equanimity. ~ Phil Jackson,
1172:The central feature of the practice of meditation and hard work known as Zen is that, as Matthiessen says, it “has no patience with mysticism, far less the occult.” Nor does it have any time with moralism, the prescriptions or distortions we would impose on the world, obscuring it from our view. It asks, it insists rather, that we take this moment for what it is, undistracted, and not cloud it with needless worries of what might have been or fantasies of what might come to be. It is, essentially, a training in the real…”the Universe itself is the scripture of Zen." Pico Iyer from introduction. ~ Peter Matthiessen,
1173:I am tired of this city. I am tired of its pagan pretensions and false histories. Hyperion is a poet’s world devoid of poetry. Keats itself is a mixture of tawdry, false classicism and mindless, boomtown energy. There are three Zen Gnostic assemblies and four High Muslim mosques in the town, but the real houses of worship are the countless saloons and brothels, the huge marketplaces handling the fiberplastic shipments from the south, and the Shrike Cult temples where lost souls hide their suicidal hopelessness behind a shield of shallow mysticism. The whole planet reeks of mysticism without revelation. ~ Dan Simmons,
1174:Thomas had followed his passion to the Zen Mountain Monastery, believing, as many do, that the key to happiness is identifying your true calling and then chasing after it with all the courage you can muster. But as Thomas experienced that late Sunday afternoon in the oak forest, this belief is frighteningly naïve. Fulfilling his dream to become a full-time Zen practitioner did not magically make his life wonderful. As Thomas discovered, the path to happiness—at least as it concerns what you do for a living—is more complicated than simply answering the classic question “What should I do with my life?” A ~ Cal Newport,
1175:The point is obvious. There is more than one way to burn a book. And the world is full of people running about with lit matches. Every minority, be it Baptist/Unitarian, Irish/Italian/Octogenarian/Zen Buddhist, Zionist/Seventh-day Adventist, Women’s Lib/Republican, Mattachine/Four Square Gospel feels it has the will, the right, the duty to douse the kerosene, light the fuse. Every dimwit editor who sees himself as the source of all dreary blanc-mange plain-porridge unleavened literature licks his guillotine and eyes the neck of any author who dares to speak above a whisper or write above a nursery rhyme. ~ Ray Bradbury,
1176:Consistent or inconsistent, no one is exempt from the mystery of the self. Probably we are all inconsistent. Te world is just too complicated for a person to be able to afford the luxury of reconciling all of his beliefs with each other. Tension and confusion are important in a world where many decisions must be made quickly. Miguel de Unamuno once said, 'If a person never contradicts himself, it must be that he says nothing.' I would say that we all are in the same boast as the Zen master who, after contradicting himself several times in a row, said to the confused Doko, 'I cannot understand myself. ~ Douglas R Hofstadter,
1177:Consistent or inconsistent, no one is exempt from the mystery of the self. Probably we are all inconsistent. The world is just too complicated for a person to be able to afford the luxury of reconciling all of his beliefs with each other. Tension and confusion are important in a world where many decisions must be made quickly. Miguel de Unamuno once said, 'If a person never contradicts himself, it must be that he says nothing.' I would say that we all are in the same boast as the Zen master who, after contradicting himself several times in a row, said to the confused Doko, 'I cannot understand myself.'. ~ Douglas R Hofstadter,
1178:You see, religion is really a kind of second womb. It’s designed to bring this extremely complicated thing, which is a human being, to maturity, which means to be self-motivating, self-acting. But the idea of sin puts you in a servile condition throughout your life. MOYERS: But that’s not the Christian idea of creation and the Fall. CAMPBELL: I once heard a lecture by a wonderful old Zen philosopher, Dr. D. T. Suzuki. He stood up with his hands slowly rubbing his sides and said, “God against man. Man against God. Man against nature. Nature against man. Nature against God. God against nature—very funny religion! ~ Joseph Campbell,
1179:The body,” Rinzai (d. 876) tells us, “does not know how to discourse or to listen to a discourse ... This which is unmistakably perceivable right where you are, absolutely identifiable yet without form - this is what listens to the discourse.” Here the Chinese master, along with Kabir and the rest, is echoing the Surangama Sutra (a pre-Zen Indian scripture) which teaches that it’s absurd to suppose that we see with our eyes, or hear with our ears: it’s because these have melted together, and vanished into the absolute Emptiness of our “original bright and charming Face,” that experience of any sort is possible. ~ Douglas E Harding,
1180:Nothing was ever in tune. People just blindly grabbed at whatever there was: communism, health foods, zen, surfing, ballet, hypnotism, group encounters, orgies, biking, herbs, Catholicism, weight-lifting, travel, withdrawal, vegetarianism, India, painting, writing, sculpting, composing, conducting, backpacking, yoga, copulating, gambling, drinking, hanging around, frozen yogurt, Beethoven, Back, Buddha, Christ, TM, H, carrot juice, suicide, handmade suits, jet travel, New York City, and then it all evaporated and fell apart. People had to find things to do while waiting to die. I guess it was nice to have a choice. ~ Charles Bukowski,
1181:If fear hinders us even in grade school, no wonder it takes such discipline—some people even call it a practice—to turn off that inner critic in adulthood and return to a place of openness. In Korean Zen, the belief that it is good to branch out beyond what we already know is expressed in a phrase that means, literally, “not know mind.” To have a “not know mind” is a goal of creative people. It means you are open to the new, just as children are. Similarly, in Japanese Zen, that idea of not being constrained by what we already know is called “beginner’s mind.” And people practice for years to recapture and keep ahold of it. ~ Ed Catmull,
1182:Name the colors, blind the eye” is an old Zen saying, illustrating that the intellect’s habitual ways of branding and labeling creates a terrible experiential loss by displacing the vibrant, living reality with a steady stream of labels. It is the same way with space, which is solely the conceptual mind’s way of clearing its throat, of pausing between identified symbols. At any rate, the subjective truth of this is now supported by actual experiments (as we saw in the quantum theory chapters) that strongly suggest distance (space) has no reality whatsoever for entangled particles, no matter how great their apparent separation. ~ Robert Lanza,
1183:I confess that I felt something closer to exaltation than fear. Something inexplicable was happening. Forged in Jesuit logic and tempered in the cold bath of science. I nevertheless understood at that second the ancient obsession of the God-fearing for another kind of fear: the thrill of exorcism, the mindless whirl of Dervish possession, the puppet-dance ritual of Tarot, and the almost erotic surrender of séance, speaking in tongues, and Zen Gnostic trance. I realized at that instant just how surely the affirmation of demons or the summoning of Satan somehow can affirm the reality of their mystic antithesis – the God of Abraham. ~ Dan Simmons,
1184:There is more than one way to burn a book. And the world is full of people running about with lit matches. Every minority, be it Baptist/Unitarian, Irish/Italian/Octogenarian/Zen Buddhist, Zionist/Seventh-day Adventist, Women's Lib/Republican, Mattachine/FourSquareGospel feels it has the will, the right, the duty to douse the kerosene, light the fuse. Every dimwit editor who sees himself as the source of all dreary blanc-mange plain porridge unleavened literature, licks his guillotine and eyes the neck of any author who dares to speak above a whisper or write above a nursery rhyme. ~ Ray Bradbury, Afterword to the 1979 edition of Fahrenheit 451,
1185:Indeed, wherever the Nondual traditions would appear – traditions uniting and integrating the Ascending and Descending paths, in the East and in the West – we find a similar set of themes expressed so constantly as to border on mathematical precision. From Tantra to Zen, from the Neoplatonists to Sufism, from Shaivism to Kegon, stated in a thousands different ways and in a hundred different contexts, nonetheless the same essential word would ring out from the Nondual Heart: the Many returning to and embracing the One is Good, and is known as wisdom; the One returning to and embracing the Many is Goodness, and is known as compassion. ~ Ken Wilber,
1186:Not Christian or Jew or Muslim, not Hindu
Buddhist, sufi, or zen. Not any religion
or cultural system. I am not from the East
or the West, not out of the ocean or up
from the ground, not natural or ethereal, not
composed of elements at all. I do not exist,
am not an entity in this world or in the next,
did not descend from Adam and Eve or any
origin story. My place is placeless, a trace
of the traceless. Neither body or soul.
I belong to the beloved, have seen the two
worlds as one and that one call to and know,
first, last, outer, inner, only that
breath breathing human being.
~ Jalaluddin Rumi, Only Breath
1187:Many Buddhists understand the Round of birth-and-death quite literally as a process of reincarnation, wherein the karma which shapes the individual does so again and again in life after life until, through insight and awakening, it is laid to rest. But in Zen, and in other schools of the Mahayana, it is often taken in a more figurative way, as that the process of rebirth is from moment to moment, so that one is being reborn so long as one identifies himself with a continuing ego which reincarnates itself afresh at each moment of time. Thus the validity and interest of the doctrine does not require acceptance of a special theory of survival. ~ Alan W Watts,
1188:A belligerent samurai, an old Japanese tale goes, once challenged a Zen master to explain the concept of heaven and hell. But the monk replied with scorn, “You’re nothing but a lout— I can’t waste my time with the likes of you!” His very honor attacked, the samurai flew into a rage and, pulling his sword from its scabbard, yelled, “I could kill you for your impertinence.”“That,” the monk calmly replied, “is hell.” Startled at seeing the truth in what the master pointed out about the fury that had him in its grip, the samurai calmed down, sheathed his sword , and bowed, thanking the monk for the insight. “And that,” said the monk, “is heaven. ~ Daniel Goleman,
1189:Byron Howard, one of our directors at Disney, told me that when he was learning to play the guitar, a teacher taught him the phrase, “If you think, you stink.” The idea resonated with him—and it informs his work as a director to this day. “The goal is to get so comfortable and relaxed with your instrument, or process, that you can just get Zen with it and let the music flow without thinking,” he told me. “I notice the same thing when I storyboard. I do my best work when I’m zipping through the scene, not overthinking, not worrying if every drawing is perfect, but just flowing with and connecting to the scene—sort of doing it by the seat of my pants. ~ Ed Catmull,
1190:All societies are about the maintenance of boundaries. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a stockbroker in New York, a Zen monk in Kyoto, a Hasid in Jerusalem—your society is held together by boundaries and definitions. And anything which dissolves those boundaries and introduces relativity into cultural modeling is felt to be threatening, because we like to believe that our reality is somehow sanctioned; that this is how it should be. But, in fact, that’s just a cultural judgment. All cultures think that their culture represents a sanctioned reality. It doesn’t. It just represents the current download of their linguistic enterprise. ~ Terence McKenna, Evolving Times,
1191:Wordly fools search for exotic masters.
not realizing that their own mind is the master.

The greatest gift to others
is to freely relinquish yourself.

When the mind is always moving, you travel
from one hell to the next hell.

If you use your mind to try and understand reality.
you will understand neither your mind nor reality.

If you try and understand reality without using your mind.
you will understand both your mind and reality.


From: The Wisdom of the Zen Masters

Edited: Timothy Freke
~ Bodhidharma, The Greatest Gift
1192:If I'm going to test myself, I want to do it in the biggest field there is - the nation. I want to see how high I can climb, how much power I can exercise in this insanely huge bureaucratic system."

"Sounds like a game."

"It is a game. I don't give a damn about power and money per se. Really, I don't. I may be a selfish bastard, but I'm incredibly cool about shit like that. I could be a Zen saint. The one thing I do have, though, is curiosity. I want to see what I can do out there in the big, tough world."

"And you have no use for 'ideals' I suppose?"

"None. Life doesn't require ideals. It requires standards of action. ~ Haruki Murakami,
1193:Charlotte Joko Beck, Zen teacher and author, teaches that the “secret” of spiritual life is the capacity to “… return to that which we have spent a lifetime hiding from, to rest in the bodily experience of the present moment—even if it is a feeling of being humiliated, of failing, of abandonment, of unfairness.” Through the sacred art of pausing, we develop the capacity to stop hiding, to stop running away from our experience. We begin to trust in our natural intelligence, in our naturally wise heart, in our capacity to open to whatever arises. Like awakening from a dream, in the moment of pausing our trance recedes and Radical Acceptance becomes possible. ~ Tara Brach,
1194:Everything was fine with the Zen lunatics.... There was wisdom in it all, as you'll see if you take a walk some night on a suburban street and pass house after house on both sides of the street each with the lamplight of the living room, shining golden, and inside the little blue square of the television, each family riveting its attention on probably one show; nobody talking; silence in the yards; dogs barking at you because you pass on human feet instead of on wheels. You'll see what I mean, when it begins to appear like everybody in the world is soon going to be thinking the same way and the zen lunatics have long joined dust, laughter on their dust lips. ~ Jack Kerouac,
1195:It’s not about living in a sleek loft with three pieces of designer furniture. It’s not daring, nor dramatic, nor even all that difficult. What is minimalism then? It’s eliminating the excess. It’s asking “why” before you buy. It’s embracing the concept of enough. It’s living lightly and gracefully on the Earth. It’s uncovering who you are when all of the logos, brand names, and clutter are stripped away. It’s simple, it’s ordinary, and it’s accessible to everyone—from singles to families, teenagers to retirees. I’m reminded of the saying, “Zen is chopping wood and carrying water.” In other words, the world of enlightenment is none other than our everyday world. ~ Francine Jay,
1196:There is a story in Zen circles about a man and a horse. The horse is galloping quickly, and it appears that the man on the horse is going somewhere important. Another man, standing alongside the road, shouts, "Where are you going?"and the first man replies, "I don't know! Ask the horse!" This is also our story. We are riding a horse, we don't know where we are going, and we can't stop. The horse is our habit energy pulling us along, and we are powerless. We are always running,and it has become a habit. We struggle all the time, even during our sleep. We are at war within ourselves, and we can easily start a war with others. We have to learn the art of stopping. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh,
1197:When you understand that form is the form of the formless, Your coming-and-going takes place nowhere else but where you are. When you understand that thought is the thought of the thought-less. Your singing-and-dancing is no other than the voice of the Dharma. How boundless is the sky of Samadhi! How refreshingly bright is the moon of the Fourfold Wisdom! Being so is there anything you lack? As the Absolute presents itself before you The place where you stand is the Land of the Lotus, And your person -- the body of the Buddha. [2139.jpg] -- from Essays in Zen Buddhism, First Series, by Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki

~ Hakuin, The Form of the Formless (from Hakuins Song of Zazen)
1198:Todos los idiotas van por la vida pensando que son especiales, haciendo suyo ese engreimiento solipsista según el cual piensas que todo gira alrededor de ti, únicamente de ti. ¿Se nace con esta idea? Probablemente. Cuando descubres la empatía, se supone que abandonas lo anterior, pero tengo mis dudas de que sea posible hacerlo. Los monjes zen se pasan toda la vida intentándolo, pero es difícil. Siempre existe la posibilidad, por muy remota que pueda parecer, de que lo único verdaderamente importante es lo que está en tu mente, que tú eres la estrella de espectáculo, que todos los demás son simples personajes secundarios y que después de que tú mueras, todo dejará de existir. ~ Nick Sagan,
1199:The search for the exotic, the strange, the unusual, the uncommon has often taken the form of pilgrimages, of turning away from the world, the 'Journey to the East,' to another country or to a different religion. The great lesson from the true mystics, from the Zen monks, and now also from the Humanistic and Transpersonal psychologists -- that the sacred is in the ordinary, that it is to be found in one's daily life, in one's neighbors, friends, and family, in one's back yard, and that travel may be a flight from confronting the sacred -- this lesson can be easily lost. To be looking elsewhere for miracles is to me a sure sign of ignorance that everything is miraculous. ~ Abraham H Maslow,
1200:He and Egan also spoke for hours on the phone many nights. One topic they wrestled with was his belief, which came from his Buddhist studies, that it was important to avoid attachment to material objects. Our consumer desires are unhealthy, he told her, and to attain enlightenment you need to develop a life of nonattachment and nonmaterialism. He even sent her a tape of Kobun Chino, his Zen teacher, lecturing about the problems caused by craving and obtaining things. Egan pushed back. Wasn’t he defying that philosophy, she asked, by making computers and other products that people coveted? “He was irritated by the dichotomy, and we had exuberant debates about it,” Egan recalled. ~ Walter Isaacson,
1201:Don't confuse having no violence in your heart with having no violence in the real world, if required. Your duty may or may not include violence, but let us not forget that there are indeed occasions where violence ends violence or, I should say, reflecting the messiness and microscopically incremental nature of Eros: there are occasions where violence replaces a grosser violence with a subtler violence, a lesser devil on the way to a vaguely greater good. The Zen-inspired code of the Samurai warrior is still as good a guide as any: the best fight is not to fight; the real sword is no sword-but if you think that means a Samurai warrior never used his sword, you are tad naive, I fear. ~ Ken Wilber?,
1202:As we let go and still see others suffer, the heart fills with compassion. So much suffering is human-caused. We awaken to a poignancy and tenderness beyond our own personal injuries. One Zen master calls this caring “the tears of the way.” Our personal suffering diminishes, but our awareness of the sorrow and pain in the world grows stronger. Our heart is open and we feel connected to all things.

Resting in the peaceful heart, we weep at the folly of so many who live in the suffering of greed, hatred, and delusion, who have lost their way. And, all unbidden, we act. When a child falls into the street, everyone rushes to pull him from danger. When we see suffering, we respond. ~ Jack Kornfield,
1203:I consider Yoda to be just about the most evil character that I’ve ever seen in the history of literature. I have gotten people into tongue-tied snits unable to name for me one scene in which Yoda is ever helpful to anybody, or says anything that’s genuinely wise. 'Do or do not, there is no try.' Up yours, you horrible little oven mitt! 'Try' is how human beings get better. That’s how people learn, they try some of their muscles, or their Force mechanism heads in the right direction, that part gets reinforced and rewarded with positive feedback, which you never give. And parts of it get repressed by saying, 'No, that you will not do!' It is abhorrent, junior high school Zen. It’s cartoon crap. ~ David Brin,
1204:My thoughts turn to something I read once, something the Zen Buddhists believe. They say that an oak tree is brought into creation by two forces at the same time. Obviously, there is the acorn from which it all begins, the seed which holds all the promise and potential, which grows into a tree. Everybody can see that. But only a few can recognize that there is anther force operating here as well-the future tree itself, which wants so badly to exist that it pulls the acorn into being, drawing the seedling forth with longing out of the void, guiding the evolution from nothingness to maturity. In this respect, say the Zens, it is the oak tree that creates the very acorn from which it was born. ~ Elizabeth Gilbert,
1205:Eckhardt witnessed many systematic traders spending great deal of time searching for the “good” places to enter. He cautioned against it: “It just seems to be part of human nature to focus on the most hopeful point of the trading cycle. Our research indicated that liquidations are vastly more important than initiations. If you initiate purely randomly, you do surprisingly well with a good liquidation criterion.”11 Dennis actually challenged the Turtles to randomly enter the market and then manage their trades after getting in. That was a real Zen moment for many Turtles. If they applied appropriate risk management, they could handle the worst that came down the pike once they were in any trade. ~ Michael W Covel,
1206:She gave me another side-eyed glance but didn’t speak. “The first is ‘How did it make you feel?’ in reference to my time on the Lois McKendrick as a crewman.” “Classic Zen,” she said. “Interesting approach.” “What?” “The question. It’s a classic question from an ancient Buddhist school of meditation. He didn’t ask you to answer it, did he.” It wasn’t a question. “No, I’m not supposed to answer it. Just feel it.” She grinned. I could see her teeth gleaming in her reflection. “It’s phrased to break your focus, to give your mind a split second of a break from overthinking. To put you in touch with yourself in ways that most of us find difficult. Tai chi does the same thing using the movements as focus. ~ Nathan Lowell,
1207:The caterpillars were a problem, however. Fat, fuzzy and complacent, they sat upon his vegetables in veritable hordes, ignoring him until he addressed one directly.

“Good morning, sir,” he said.

The caterpillar paused the busy movement of its jaws to reply:
“Pleasant weather, this, eh?”

It was an ideal summer’s day. The skies stretched out in endless blue overhead, unmarred by a single wisp of cloud; the fresh scent of greenery and earth rose into the nostrils, imparting a lively pleasure in being alive and outdoors.

“You seem troubled, sir, if you don’t mind me saying so,” said the caterpillar.

Zacharias experienced a brief internal struggle, but decided upon candour. ~ Zen Cho,
1208:C'è un punto oltre il quale l'addestramento e la pratica non possono portare. Zeami, lo straordinario
drammaturgo e regista di teatro Noh del quattordicesimo secolo, che era anche sacerdote zen, ha parlato
di questo momento come di una “sorpresa”. È la sorpresa di scoprire di non aver più bisogno di un sé, la
sorpresa di ritrovarsi una cosa sola col proprio lavoro in un movimento pieno di fluida disciplina e grazia.
Allora si capisce che cosa vuol dire essere una palla d'argilla che gira sul tornio, un trucciolo bianco
sollevato dalla punta dello scalpello o una delle molte mani di Kannon, Bodhisattva della Compassione. A
questo punto è possibile essere liberi, nel lavoro e dal lavoro. ~ Gary Snyder,
1209:Alcohol doesn't console," she wrote. "All it replaces is the lack of God." It does not necessarily follow, however, that if and when a substance vacates the spot (renunciation), God rushes in to fill it. For some, the emptiness itself is God; for others, the space must stay empty. "Lots of space, nothing holy": one Zen master's definition of enlightenment. For Emerson, dreams and drunkenness were but the "semblance and counterfeit" of an "oracular genius." Therein lies their danger: they mimic-- often quite well-- the "flames and generosities of the heart." I suppose he is advocating, in his "sermon", which steadily displace the God of theology with one of Nature, what we might now term "a natural high. ~ Maggie Nelson,
1210:Nothing was ever in tune. People just blindly grabbed at whatever there was: communism, health foods, zen, surfing, ballet, hypnotism, group encounters, orgies, biking, herbs, Catholicism, weight-lifting, travel, withdrawal, vegetarianism, India, painting, writing, sculpting, composing, conducting, backpacking, yoga, copulating, gambling, drinking, hanging around, frozen yogurt, Beethoven, Bach, Buddha, Christ, TM, H, carrot juice, suicide, handmade suits, jet travel, New York City, and then it all evaporated and fell apart. People had to find things to do while waiting to die. I guess it was nice to have a choice. I took my choice. I raised the fifth of vodka and drank it straight. The Russians knew something. ~ Anonymous,
1211:Everything was fine with the Zen Lunatics, the nut wagon was too far away to hear us. But there was a wisdom in it all, as you'll see if you take a walk some night on a suburban street and pass house after house on both sides of the street each with the lamplight of the living room, shining golden, and inside the little blue square of the television, each living family riveting its attention on probably one show; nobody talking; silence in the yards; dogs barking at you because you pass on human feet instead of on wheels. You'll see what I mean, when it begins to appear like everybody in the world is soon going to be thinking the same way and the Zen Lunatics have long joined dust, laughter on their dust lips. ~ Jack Kerouac,
1212:you don’t understand

the protoknowledge we’re born with, coded into our cells:

soon soon soon enough we die. Even before we’ve seen

the breast, we’re crying to the world that we want;

and the world doles out its milkiness in doses. We

want, we want, we want, and if we don’t then

that’s what we want: abstemiousness is only

hunger translated into another language. Yes

there’s pain and and heartsore rue and suffering, but

there’s no such thing as “anti-pleasure”: it’s pleaure

that the anchorite takes in his bleak cave

and Thoreau in his bean rows and cabin. For Thoreau,

the Zen is: wanting less is wanting more.

Of less. ~ Albert Goldbarth,
1213:There’s the story of the two men who visit a Zen master. The first man says: “I’m thinking of moving to this town. What’s it like?” The Zen master says: “What was your old town like?” The first man says: “It was dreadful. Everyone was hateful. I hated it.” The Zen master says: “This town is very much the same. I don’t think you should move here.” The first man left and a second man came in. The second man said: “I’m thinking of moving to this town. What’s it like?” The Zen master said: “What was your old town like?” The second man said: “It was wonderful. Everyone was friendly and I was happy. Just interested in a change now.” The Zen master said: “This town is very much the same. I think you will like it here. ~ James Altucher,
1214:Most of us in our thinking are wandering from this to that to the other thing, and are constantly distracted. And Zen is the opposite of that. It’s being completely here, fully in the present. And you know when you’re completely concentrated, you’re not really aware of your own existence. It’s rather the same as the sense of sight. If you see your eyes, that is to say if you see spots in front of your eyes, or something on the lens of the eye, then you’re not seeing properly. To the degree to which you’re seeing properly, you’re unaware of your eyes. In the same way, if your clothes fit well, you’re unaware of them on your body. And if you’re completely concentrated on what you’re doing, you’re unaware of yourself. ~ Alan W Watts,
1215:Indeed, whoever imagines he has explained Zen has in fact only explained it away; it can no more be bound by a definition than the wind can be shut in a box without ceasing to be wind. Thus any attempt to write on Zen may seem an absurdity from the beginning, but that is only so if either reader or writer imagines that Zen can be contained in a set of ideas. A book about London is in no sense London itself, and no sane person would dream of thinking that it is. Yet apparently intelligent people often make the equally ridiculous mistake of identifying a philosophical system, a dogma, a creed, with Ultimate Truth, imagining that they have found that Truth embraced in a set of propositions which appeals to their reason. There ~ Alan W Watts,
1216:I had worked for a newspaper of sorts, word got around, and I became editor of our local school newspaper, The Drum. I don't recall being given any choice in this matter; I think I was simply appointed. My second-in-command, Danny Emond, had even less interest in the paper than I did. Danny just liked the idea that Room 4, where we did our work, was near the girls' bathroom. "Someday I'll just go crazy and hack my way in there, Steve," he told me on more than one occasion. "Hack, hack, hack." Once he added, perhaps in an effort to justify himself: "The prettiest girls in school pull up their skirts in there." This struck me as so fundamentally stupid it might actually be wise, like a Zen Koan or an early story by John Updike. ~ Stephen King,
1217:[We] have a tendency during meetings to let our minds run wild and cycle through a plethora of thoughts about the past and the future, destroying any aspirations for Zen-like calm and preventing us from being in the here and now: Did I turn off the stove? What will I do for lunch? When do I need to leave here in order to get to where I need to be next?
What if you could rely on others in your life to handle these things and you could narrow your attentional filter to that which is right before you, happening right now?...A professional musician friend... describes this state as "happily lost." He doesn't need to look at his calendar more than a day in advance, allowing each day to be filled with wonder and possibility. ~ Daniel J Levitin,
1218:being attached to any one philosophy or religion
dwelling on moot differences and wanting to fit in
despite the path all are led Home in time
following an alternative pathway is certainly no crime
Krishna, Buddha, Allah or Zohar Kabbalah
devoted nonviolently, one is led to Nirvana
Hindu Sages, Zen Masters or Christian Mystics
many tongues, but identical truth spoken from their lips
mentioning Self or no-self or God is Father or Mother
according to their culture emphasizing one method or another
allness vs. nothingness, meditation vs. prayer
devotion in practice is all you should care
when Truth reveals itself you're beyond all conception
then not a single man-made word will hold any traction ~ Jarett Sabirsh,
1219:As a matter of face, Zen is at present most fashionable in America among those who are least concerned with moral discipline. Zen has, indeed, become for us a symbol of moral revolt. It is true, the Zen-man's contempt for conventional and formalistic social custom is a healthy phenomenon, but it is healthy only because it presupposes a spiritual liberty based on freedom from passion, egotism and self-delusion. A pseudo-Zen attitude which seeks to justify a complete moral collapse with a few rationalizations based on the Zen Masters is only another form of bourgeois self-deception. It is not an expression of healthy revolt, but only another aspect of the same lifeless and inert conventionalism against which it appears to be protesting. ~ Thomas Merton,
1220:Joyful in this mountain retreat yet still feeling melancholy,
Studying the Lotus Sutra every day,
Practicing zazen singlemindedly;
What do love and hate matter
When Im here alone,
Listening to the sound of the rain
late in this autumn evening.

Drifting pitifully in the whirlwind of birth and death,
As if wandering in a dream,
In the midst of illusion I awaken to the true path;
There is one more matter I must not neglect,
But I need not bother now,
As I listen to the sound of the evening rain
Falling on the roof of my temple retreat
In the deep grass of Fukakusa.

From: The Zen Poetry of Dogen: Verses from the Mountain of Eternal Peace By: Steven Heine

~ Dogen, Joyful in this mountain retreat
1221:Jon Stone spoke thirteen languages and was fluent in six, French being one. He spoke it so well the girls thought he was a native Parisian pretending to be an American. This ability to blend with the natives was a valuable tool when Jon plied his trade. Jon eased from the bed. Floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors lined the back of his house, ten-foot-tall, custom-designed monsters so Jon could Zen on the view. Golden lights glittered to the horizon, ruby flashes marked ghetto-bird prowlers, jets descending toward LAX were strung like pearls across a tuxedo black sky. The doors were heavy as trucks, but silent as silk when they slid open. Jon stepped out and went to the pool. Pike was a silhouette cutout, backlit by the city as Jon swaggered close. “What ~ Robert Crais,
1222:But, Foley, my lad, it isn't beauty per se that makes wire-walking Zen or makes it art. It's the extremity of the risks that are assumed by each exquisite gesture, each impossible somersault. Here's a more extreme version of the dangerous beauty bullfights used to possess before the matadors became preening cowards and stacked the desk against the beasts. We only rise above mediocrity when there's something at stake, and I mean something more consequential than money or reputation. The great value of a high-wire act is that it has no practical value. The fact that so much skill and effort and courage can be directed into something so ostensibly useless is what makes it useful. That's what affords it the power to lift us out of context and carry us-elsewhere. ~ Tom Robbins,
1223:When we talk about the theology of 'God is Dead,' this means that the notion of God must be dead in order for God to reveal himself as a reality. The theologians, if they only use concepts, and not direct experience, are not very helpful. The same goes for nirvana, which is something to be touched and lived and not discussed and described. We have notions that distort truth, reality. A Zen master said the following to a large assembly: 'My friends, every time I use the word Buddha, I suffer. I am allergic to it. Every time I do it, I have to go to the bathroom and rinse my mouth three times in succession.' He said this in order to help his disciples not to get caught up in the notion of Buddha. The Buddha is one thing, but the notion of Buddha is another. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh,
1224:See the whole thing is a world full of rucksack wanderers, Dharma Bums refusing to subscribe to the general demand that they consume production and therefore have to work for the privilege of consuming... all of them imprisoned in a system of work, produce, consume, work, produce, consume, I see a vision of a great rucksack revolution thousands or even millions of young Americans wandering around with rucksacks, going up to mountains to pray, making children laugh and old men glad, making young girls happy and old girls happier, all of 'em Zen Lunatics who go about writing poems that happen to appear in their heads for no reason and also by being kind and also by strange unexpected acts keep giving visions of eternal freedom to everybody and to all living creatures... ~ Jack Kerouac,
1225:It’s like chopping down a huge tree of immense girth. You won’t accomplish it with one swing of your axe. If you keep chopping away at it, though, and do not let up, eventually, whether it wants to or not, it will suddenly topple down. When that time comes, you could round up everyone you could find and pay them to hold the tree up, but they wouldn’t be able to do it. It would still come crashing to the ground…. But if the woodcutter stopped after one or two strokes of his axe to ask the third son of Mr. Chang, “Why doesn’t this tree fall?” And after three or four more strokes stopped again to ask the fourth son of Mr. Li, “Why doesn’t this tree fall?” he would never succeed in felling the tree. It is no different for someone who is practicing the Way. —ZEN MASTER HAKUIN ~ Robert Greene,
1226:Thomas Merton, of course, constitutes a special threat to Christians, because he presents himself as a contemplative Christian monk, and his work has already affected the vitals of Roman Catholicism, its monasticism. Shortly before his death, Father Merton wrote an appreciative introduction to a new translation of the Bhagavad Gita, which is the spiritual manual or “Bible” of all Hindus, and one of the foundation blocks of monism or Advaita Vedanta. The Gita, it must be remembered, opposes almost every important teaching of Christianity. His book on the Zen Masters, published posthumously, is also noteworthy, because the entire work is based on a treacherous mistake: the assumption that all the so-called “mystical experiences” in every religion are true. He should have known better. ~ Seraphim Rose,
1227:But I've since realized that I'm fine with my anxious-ass, can't-touch-my-toes life. In my soul, I am not chill, and I do not want to be calm, and no part of me aspires to Zen. Sure, through yoga I learned to take time for myself, and I learned how to deep-breathe through pain, but the most valuable thing yoga taught me was that I'm not built to be a yogi -- and that's the only mantra I need.

For anyone who wants to be a yogi but hears the internal cries of "Oh my God, I hate this so much" from start to finish? Fuck it. Oh man, fuck it all the way back to wherever you bought your mat from. There are other outlets for your energy, other ways to carve out some peace. Nobody here needs to force themselves into downward dog when they'd rather be walking super-fast around the mall. ~ Anne T Donahue,
1228:In the same way, all things in the universe-the sun, the moon, the stars, mountains, rivers, people, and so forth- have different names and forms, but they are all made from the same substance. The universe is organized into pairs of opposites: light and darkness, man and woman, sound and silence, good and bad. But all these opposites are mutual, because they are made from the same substance. Their names and their forms are different, but their substance is the same. Names and forms are made by your thinking. If you are not thinking and have no attachment to name and form, then all substance is one. Your don't-know mind cuts off all think- ing. This is your substance. The substance of this Zen stick and your own substance are the same. You are this stick; this stick is you." The student said ~ Anonymous,
1229:Jobs’s engagement with Eastern spirituality, and especially Zen Buddhism, was not just some passing fancy or youthful dabbling. He embraced it with his typical intensity, and it became deeply ingrained in his personality. “Steve is very much Zen,” said Kottke. “It was a deep influence. You see it in his whole approach of stark, minimalist aesthetics, intense focus.” Jobs also became deeply influenced by the emphasis that Buddhism places on intuition. “I began to realize that an intuitive understanding and consciousness was more significant than abstract thinking and intellectual logical analysis,” he later said. His intensity, however, made it difficult for him to achieve inner peace; his Zen awareness was not accompanied by an excess of calm, peace of mind, or interpersonal mellowness. ~ Walter Isaacson,
1230:[A]s glaring and staring do not clarify the eyesight, and as straining to hear does not sharpen the ears, mental 'trying' does not enhance understanding. [...] On being told that this is wrong, the mind will even make efforts not to make efforts.
This can come to an end only when it is clearly seen that all these efforts are as futile as trying to leap into the air and fly, as struggling to sleep, or as forcing an erection of the sexual member. Everyone is familiar with the contradiction of trying to recollect a forgotten name, and though it happens again and again, we never seem to trust the memory to supply the information spontaneously. Yet this is one of the most common forms of what is known in Zen Buddhism as satori - the effortless, spontaneous and sudden dawning of a realization. ~ Alan W Watts,
1231:I think US/UK genre has become more open to “diverse” writers and writing; there’s a genuine interest in reading work from countries outside the US/UK and hearing voices that have been historically shut out, but at the same time, people are quite lazy. That sounds harsh, but I include myself in it — your tastes are shaped by what you’ve read and watched before, and it takes a little effort to understand stories that use a different voice, that follow different storytelling conventions, that are trying to subvert the dominant paradigm. There’s a quite large group of people who are “yay diversity” in theory, but I think the number of people who have then said to themselves, “OK, if I’m committed to this, I need to start reading outside my comfort zone and making an effort” is maybe a little smaller. ~ Zen Cho,
1232:We have almost all had the experience of gazing at the full moon. But those of us who are neither astronomers nor astronauts are unlikely to have scheduled moongazing appointments. For Zen Buddhists in Japan, however, every year, on the fifteenth day of the eighth month of the traditional Japanese lunisolar calendar, followers gather at nightfall around specially constructed cone-shaped viewing platforms, where for several hours prayers are read aloud which use the moon as a springboard for reflections on Zen ideas of impermanence, a ritual known as tsukimi. Candles are lit and white rice dumplings (tsukimi dango) are prepared and shared out among strangers in an atmosphere at once companionable and serene, a feeling thereby supported by a ceremony, by architecture, by good company and by food. ~ Alain de Botton,
1233:Sosan is the third Zen Patriarch. Nothing much is known about him – this is as it should be, because history records only violence. History does not record silence – it cannot record it. All records are of disturbance. Whenever someone becomes really silent, he disappears from all records, he is no more a part of our madness. So it is as it should be.

Sosan remained a wandering monk his whole life. He never stayed anywhere; he was always passing, going, moving. He was a river; he was not a pond, static. He was a constant movement. That is the meaning of Buddha’s wanderers: not only in the outside world but in the inside world also they should be homeless –
because whenever you make a home you become attached to it. They should remain rootless; there is no home for them except this whole universe. ~ Osho,
1234:Meaning, though, changes with time; text with context. What am I to do? There was a time, as in the minutes after we learned of my father’s death, when those words or words roughly like them, uttered in panic, escaped my mother’s lips. Today, after so many years of lonely meditation, and so many conversations with me that describe but a fraction of those meditations, and so many outings and travels with her Bon Sisters and other friends to explore beyond those meditations, my mother says the words with new meaning. Today she asks the question with what Zen Buddhists call “beginner’s mind.” A lack of preconception, a reflexive resistance to rutted thinking. A life-sustaining curiosity that takes each moment as a fresh start. What am I to do? has become, for my seventy-seven-year-old mother, What might I do? ~ Eric Liu,
1235:I took my bottle and went to my bedroom. I undressed down to my shorts and went to bed. Nothing was ever in tune. People just blindly grabbed at whatever there was: communism, health foods, zen, surfing, ballet, hypnotism, group encounters, orgies, biking, herbs, Catholicism, weight-lifting, travel, withdrawal, vegetarianism, India, painting, writing, sculpting, composing, conducting, backpacking, yoga, copulating, gambling, drinking, hanging around, frozen yogurt, Beethoven, Bach, Buddha, Christ, TM, H, carrot juice, suicide, handmade suits, jet travel, New York City, and then it all evaporated and fell apart. People had to find things to do while waiting to die. I guess it was nice to have a choice.

I took my choice. I raised the fifth of vodka and drank it straight. The Russians knew something. ~ Charles Bukowski,
1236:There is a Zen story (very funny — ha-ha) about a monk who, having failed to achieve “enlightenment” (brain-change) through the normal Zen methods, was told by his teacher to think of nothing but an ox. Day after day after day, the monk thought of the ox, visualized the ox, meditated on the ox. Finally, one day, the teacher came to the monk’s cell and said, “Come out here — I want to talk to you.” “I can’t get out,” the monk said. “My horns won’t fit through the door.” I can’t get out . . . At these words, the monk was “enlightened.” Never mind what “enlightenment” means, right now. The monk went through some species of brain change, obviously. He had developed the delusion that he was an ox, and awakening from that hypnoidal state he saw through the mechanism of all other delusions and how they robotize us. EXERCIZES ~ Robert Anton Wilson,
1237:In one marijuana experience, my informant became aware of the presence and, in a strange way, the in-appropriateness of this silent "watcher," who responds with interest and occasional critical comment to the kaleidoscopic dream imagery of the marijuana experience but is not part of it. "Who are you?" my informant silently asked it. "Who wants to know?" it replied, making the experience very like a Sufi or Zen parable. But my informant's question is a deep one. I would suggest the observer is a small part of the critical faculties of the left hemisphere, functioning much more in psychedelic than in dream experiences, but present to a degree in both. However, the ancient query, "Who is it who asks the question?" is still unanswered; perhaps it is another component of the left cerebral hemisphere. An asymmetry in the temporal lobes ~ Anonymous,
1238:[Once Ummon asked a lesser light Are you a gardener> Yes it replied Why have turnips no roots> Ummon asked the gardener who could not reply Because said Ummon rainwater is plentiful] I think about this for a moment. Ummon’s koan is not difficult now that I am regaining the knack of listening for the shadow of substance beneath the words. The little Zen parable is Ummon’s way of saying, with some sarcasm, that the answer lies within science and within the antilogic which scientific answers so often provide. The rainwater comment answers everything and nothing, as so much of science has for so long. As Ummon and the other Masters teach, it explains why the giraffe evolved a long neck but never why the other animals did not. It explains why humankind evolved to intelligence, but not why the tree near the front gate refused to. ~ Dan Simmons,
1239:A big, tough samurai once went to see a little monk. “Monk,” he barked, in a voice accustomed to instant obedience, “teach me about heaven and hell!” The monk looked up at the mighty warrior and replied with utter disdain, “Teach you about heaven and hell? I couldn’t teach you about anything. You’re dumb. You’re dirty. You’re a disgrace, an embarrassment to the samurai class. Get out of my sight. I can’t stand you.” The samurai got furious. He shook, red in the face, speechless with rage. He pulled out his sword, and prepared to slay the monk. Looking straight into the samurai’s eyes, the monk said softly, “That’s hell.” The samurai froze, realizing the compassion of the monk who had risked his life to show him hell! He put down his sword and fell to his knees, filled with gratitude. The monk said softly, “And that’s heaven.” ZEN PARABLE ~ Fred Kofman,
1240:Zen wishes to storm this citadel of topsy-turvydom and to show that we live psychologically or biologically and not logically. ~ D.T. Suzuki, An Introduction to Zen BuddhismZen Words for the Heart: Hakuin's Commentary on the Heart Sutra by Hakuin and Norman Waddell ★★★★ 1/2 "Hakuin Zenji (1689-1769) was one of the most important of all Japanese Zen masters" ad Zen For Beginners a Beginners Guide to Mindfulness and Meditation by Daniel D'apollonio ★★★★ 1/2 "easy-to-follow steps guaranteed to help you bring the essence of Zen into your everyday life" ad Glad to hear it sold out. Here's to it happening again with this run. 🍻@Zer0Books Reminds me of Belters from the Expanse. They developed physical gestures in their language after being in space suits for generations. Guess we're kind of virtual space suits these days,
1241:sophisticated reader that he is simply referring to magical aspects of sexual activity that were bound to be misunderstood by the general public anyway. His attitude being: if only a handful of individuals will ever understand what is being written, write it in such a way that it will never go out of print. The modern reader must also bear in mind that the transcendent nature of spiritual subject matter often can only be represented by images terrible and strange. Language is not representative of reality. That Crowley was a master of metaphor is unarguable. But what is more significant is his ability to utilize words and images in the same manner as the Zen Master's Koan; expressing what appears technically to be a logical formula of language in such a way as to force the mind of the reader to deal with realities that transcend logic. The Hindu Goddess ~ Christopher S Hyatt,
1242:Through endless ages, the mind has never changed

It has not lived or died, come or gone, gained or lost.

It isnt pure or tainted, good or bad, past or future.
true or false, male or female. It isnt reserved for
monks or lay people, elders to youths, masters or
idiots, the enlightened or unenlightened.

It isnt bound by cause and effect and doesnt
struggle for liberation. Like space, it has no form.

You cant own it and you cant lose it. Mountains.
rivers or walls cant impede it. But this mind is
ineffable and difficult to experience. It is not the
mind of the senses. So many are looking for this

mind, yet it already animates their bodies.

It is theirs, yet they dont realize it.


From: The Wisdom of the Zen Masters

Edited: Timothy Freke

~ Bodhidharma, Endless Ages
1243:if my memory serves me right, here is my genealogical line: Boccaccio, Petronius, Rabelais, Whitman, Emerson, Thoreau, Maeterlinck, Romain Rolland, Plotinus, Heraclitus, Nietzsche, Dostoievsky (and other Russian writers of the Nineteenth Century), the ancient Greek dramatists, theElizabethan dramatists (excluding Shakespeare), Theodore Dreiser, Knut Hamsun, D. H. Lawrence, James Joyce, Thomas Mann, Elie Faure, Oswald Spengler, Marcel Proust, Van Gogh, the Dadaists and Surrealists, Balzac, Lewis Carroll, Nijinsky, Rimbaud, Blaise Cendrars, Jean Giono, Celine, everything I read on Zen Buddhism, everything I read about China, India, Tibet, Arabia, Africa, and of course the Bible, the men who wrote it and especially the men who made the King James version, for it was the language of the Bible rather than its “message” which I got first and which I will never shake off. ~ Henry Miller,
1244:I have no understanding why but I believe washing her was one of the most profound things I’ve done in my life. There must be a reason why so many religions insist on the practice. Obviously, sanitation and health. But aside from that? Maybe because it’s the final act of devotion. I know no other possible answer. In Jewish tradition, it’s considered the only act of giving/ kindness that expects no gift in return. Somehow it seems the perfect bookend with wedding. In a Zen wedding like ours, we bow to each other at the altar . Marriage should be a partnership based on deep mutual respect and equality. In death, we figuratively bow to our beloved again by cleaning the body. The greatest number of photographs I have of Tracy are from our wedding. They surround me now. They too are part of our time together. They too remind me of my final opportunity to love her body. ~ Frederick Marx,
1245:In this entre-nous spirit, then, old confidant before we join the others, the grounded everywhere, including, I’m sure, the middle-aged hot-rodders who insist on zooming us to the moon, the Dharma Bums, the makers of cigarette filters for thinking men, the Beat and the Sloppy and the Petulant, the chosen cultists, all the lofty experts who know so well what we should or shouldn’t do with our poor little sex organs, all the bearded, proud, unlettered young men and unskilled guitarists and Zen-killers and incorporated aesthetic Teddy boys who look down their thoroughly unenlightened noses at this splendid planet where (please don’t shut me up) Kilroy, Christ, and Shakespeare all stopped – before we join these others, I privately say to you, old friend (unto you, really, I’m afraid), please accept from me this unpretentious bouquet of very early-blooming parentheses: (((()))). ~ J D Salinger,
1246:Cuando la Maga preguntaba por cuestiones como la filosofía Zen (eran cosas que podían ocurrir en el club, donde se hablaba siempre de nostalgias, de sapiencias tan lejanas como para que se las creyera fundamentales, de anversos de medallas, del otro lado de la luna siempre), Gregorovius se esforzaba por explicarle los rudimentos de la metafísica mientras Oliveira sorbía su pernod y los miraba gozándolos. Era insensato querer explicarle algo a la Maga. Fauconnier tenía razón, para gentes como ella el misterio empezaba precisamente con la explicación. La Maga oía hablar de inmanencia y trascendencia y abría unos ojos preciosos que le cortaban la metafísica a Gregorovius. Al final llegaba a convencerse de que había comprendido el Zen, y suspiraba fatigada. Solamente Oliveira se daba cuenta de que la Maga se asomaba a cada rato a esas grandes terrazas sin tiempo que todos ellos buscaban dialécticamente. ~ Julio Cort zar,
1247:One time, when we'd been discussing martial arts, Murphy told me that eventually, no-one can teach you anything more about them. Once you reach that state of knowledge, the only way to keep learning and increasing your own skill is to teach what you know to others. That's why she teaches a children's class and a rape-defence course every spring and fall at one of her neighbourhood's community centres.
It sounded kind of flaky-Zen to me at the time, but Hell's bells, she'd been right. Once upon a time, it would have taken me an hour, if not more, to attain the proper frame of mind. In the course of teaching Molly to meditate, though, I had found myself going over the basics again for the first time in years, and understanding them with a deeper and richer perspective than I'd had when I was her age. I'd been getting almost as much insight and new understanding of my knowledge from teaching Molly as she'd been learning from me. ~ Jim Butcher,
1248:Meditation does not have to be long or complicated for you to receive its benefits. If you haven’t done it before, I suggest you begin by meditating for five minutes a day. A good time to engage in this practice is in the morning just after you’ve awakened, but you can do it at any time that works for you. Find a comfortable position where you are sitting with your spine straight. Close your eyes and concentrate on your breath. Just follow your breath in and out for five minutes. If you find that you have started to think of something other than your breath during those five minutes, gently pull yourself back to concentrating on your breath. What you are seeking is five minutes of relaxed, easy focus on your breath. In, out, in, out, in, out. Summarizing how important this centeredness practice is, the Zen master Pao-chih simply said, “If the mind is never aroused toward objects, then wherever you walk is the site of enlightenment. ~ Anonymous,
1249:One more point must be made with regard to the general conditions of learning an art. One does not begin to learn an art directly, but indirectly, as it were. One must learn a great number of other — and often seemingly disconnected things — before one starts with the art itself. An apprentice in carpentry begins by learning how to plane wood; an apprentice in the art of piano playing begins by practicing scales; an apprentice in the Zen art of archery begins by doing breathing exercises. 1 If one wants to become a master in any art, one's whole life must be devoted to it, or at least related to it. One's own person becomes an instrument in the practice of the art, and must be kept fit, according to the specific functions it has to fulfill. With regard to the art of loving, this means that anyone who aspires to become a master in this art must begin by practicing discipline, concentration and patience throughout every phase of his life. ~ Erich Fromm,
1250:He invited the Indian scholar Paramartha to come and set up a Translation Bureau for Buddhist texts, and the scholar stayed for twenty-three years. He invited the great Bodhidharma, the twenty-eighth patriarch after the Shakyamuni Buddha, to come from Kanchipuram in India, near the Temple of the Golden Lizard, but their meeting was disappointing. The Emperor asked Bodhidharma what merit he had accumulated by building monasteries and stupas in his kingdom. “No merit” was the reply. He asked what was the supreme meaning of sacred truth. “The expanse of emptiness. Nothing sacred.” Finally, the Emperor pointed at Bodhidharma and said, “Who is that before Us?” “Don’t know,” said Bodhidharma. The Emperor didn’t understand. So Bodhidharma left Ch’ien-k’ang and wandered until he came to the Shao-lin Monastery, where he sat motionless for nine years facing a wall, and then transmitted his teachings, the origin of Ch’an in China and Japanese Zen. ~ Eliot Weinberger,
1251:Yet what keeps me from dissolving right now into a complete fairy-tale shimmer is this solid truth, a truth which has veritably built my bones over the last few years - I was not rescued by a prince; I was the administrator of my own rescue.
My thoughts turn to something I read once, something the Zen Buddhists believe. They say that an oak tree is brought into creation by two forces at the same time. Obviously, there is the acorn from which it all begins, the seed which holds all the promise and potential, which grows into the tree. Everybody can see that. But only a few can recognize that there is another force operating here as well - the future tree itself, which wants so badly to exist that it pulls the acorn into being, drawing the seedling forth with longing out of the void, guiding the evolution from nothingness to maturity. In this respect, say the Zens, it is the oak tree that creates the very acorn from which it was born. ~ Elizabeth Gilbert,
1252:Something can be moving in one direction, smoothly, swiftly, something like a ball, or, oh, say, A LIFE, and then a bat swings, at the perfect moment, swings true, and hits that something, and it constricts...And its energy is reversed, and it fires off in the opposite direction, completely the other way to what has been, to what seems meant to be...But here's the lesson: The ball—the life, whatever—is STILL THERE. The energy hasn't destroyed it, the impact, the explosion, hasn't erased it from the world. It still exists, it's just in a different place altogether. A place it didn't expect to end up in...All the time, when I batted, I felt like it was meditation, like it was control. Like, swinging the bat at the perfect time, before you even see the ball—like that was a metaphor for something, for some kind of Zen peacefulness. What I didn't realize was: I got the metaphor wrong. I was not the bat. I was the ball. THAT—that is the lesson of the batting cage. ~ Nick Lake,
1253:Jobs's intensity was also evident in his ability to focus. He would set priorities, aim his laser attention on them, and filter out distractions. If something engaged him- the user interface for the original Macintosh, the design of the iPod and iPhone, getting music companies into the iTunes Store-he was relentless. But if he did not want to deal with something - a legal annoyance, a business issue, his cancer diagnosis, a family tug- he would resolutely ignore it. That focus allowed him to say no. He got Apple back on track by cutting all except a few core products. He made devices simpler by eliminating buttons, software simpler by eliminating features, and interfaces simpler by eliminating options.
He attributed his ability to focus and his love of simplicity to his Zen training. It honed his appreciation for intuition, showed him how to filter out anything that was distracting or unnecessary, and nurtured in him an aesthetic based on minimalism. ~ Walter Isaacson,
1254:A belligerent samurai, an old Japanese tale goes, once challenged a Zen master to explain the concept of heaven and hell. But the monk replied with scorn, “You’re nothing but a lout—I can’t waste my time with the likes of you!” His very honor attacked, the samurai flew into a rage and, pulling his sword from its scabbard, yelled, “I could kill you for your impertinence.” “That,” the monk calmly replied, “is hell.” Startled at seeing the truth in what the master pointed out about the fury that had him in its grip, the samurai calmed down, sheathed his sword, and bowed, thanking the monk for the insight. “And that,” said the monk, “is heaven.” The sudden awakening of the samurai to his own agitated state illustrates the crucial difference between being caught up in a feeling and becoming aware that you are being swept away by it. Socrates’s injunction “Know thyself” speaks to this keystone of emotional intelligence: awareness of one’s own feelings as they occur. ~ Daniel Goleman,
1255:For a long time I didn’t have a defined Dana doctrine to describe this approach; it was more a ball of string. Then one morning at a hotel I came back to my room for bed after a speaking event, and the hotel staff had placed a Zen card with a Buddhist saying on my pillow (this will make Gutfeld roll his eyes). It read, “Say little. But when you speak, utter gentle words that touch the heart. Be truthful. Express kindness. Abstain from vanity. This is the way.” I had an “Aha!” moment when I read those words, because it captured how I was trying to live my life most productively and happily. I carried the card with me for months until I tacked it in my medicine cabinet, and I still see it every morning and night when I brush my teeth. The card is a little worn, but its message never gets old. In the morning it helps set my intention for the day, and at night it reminds me to forgive myself if I haven’t lived up to it (usually because I’ve let Bob Beckel push my buttons). ~ Dana Perino,
1256:Do you remember that piece of footage on the local news, just as the first tower comes down, woman runs in off the street into a store, just gets the door closed behind her, and here comes this terrible black billowing, ash, debris, sweeping through the streets, gale force past the window. . .that was the moment, Maxi. Not when 'everything changed.' When everything was revealed. No grand Zen illumination, but a rush of blackness and death. Showing us exactly what we've become, what we've been all the time."

"And what we've always been is. . .?"

"Is living on borrowed time. Getting away cheap. Never caring about who's paying for it, who's starving somewhere else all jammed together so we can have cheap food, a house, a yard in the burbs. . .planetwide, more every day, the payback keeps gathering. And meantime the only help we get from the media is boo hoo the innocent dead. Boo fuckin hoo. You know what? All the dead are innocent. There's no uninnocent dead. ~ Thomas Pynchon,
1257:A belligerent samurai, an old Japanese tale goes, once challenged a Zen master to explain the concept of heaven and hell. The monk replied with scorn, "You're nothing but a lout - I can't waste my time with the likes of you!"
His very honor attacked, the samurai flew into a rage and, pulling his sword from its scabbard, yelled "I could kill you for your impertinence."
"That," the monk calmly replied, "is hell."
Startled at seeing the truth in what the master pointed out about the fury that had him in its grip, the samurai calmed down, sheathed his sword, and bowed, thanking the monk for the insight.
"And that,"said the monk "is heaven."

The sudden awakening of the samurai to his own agitated state illustrates the crucial difference between being caught up in a feeling and becoming aware that you are being swept away by it. Socrates's injunction "Know thyself" speaks to the keystone of emotional intelligence: awareness of one's own feelings as they occur. ~ Daniel Goleman,
1258:graphics for the Mac intosh. CHRISANN BRENNAN. Jobs’s girlfriend at Homestead High, mother of his daughter Lisa. LISA BRENNAN-JOBS. Daughter of Jobs and Chrisann Brennan, born in 1978; became a writer in New York City. NOLAN BUSHNELL. Founder of Atari and entrepreneurial role model for Jobs. BILL CAMPBELL. Apple marketing chief during Jobs’s first stint at Apple and board member and confidant after Jobs’s return in 1997. EDWIN CATMULL. A cofounder of Pixar and later a Disney executive. KOBUN CHINO. A St Zen master in California who became Jobs’s spiritual teacher. LEE CLOW. Advertising wizard who created Apple’s “1984” ad and worked with Jobs for three decades. DEBORAH “DEBI” COLEMAN. Early Mac team manager who took over Apple manufacturing. TIM COOK. Steady, calm, chief operating officer hired by Jobs in 1998; replaced Jobs as Apple CEO in August 2011. EDDY CUE. Chief of Internet services at Apple, Jobs’s wingman in dealing with content companies. ANDREA “ANDY” CUNNINGHAM. ~ Walter Isaacson,
1259:I don’t have custody. Wayne is just—We’re on good terms about our son. It’s not an issue.” “Got a number where we can reach him?” “Yes, but he’s on a plane right now. He visited for the Fourth. He’s headed back this evening.” “You sure about that? How do you know he boarded the plane?” “I’m sure he had nothing to do with this, if that’s what you’re asking. We’re not fighting over our son. My ex is the most harmless and easygoing man you’ve ever met.” “Oh, I don’t know. I’ve met some pretty easygoing fellas. I know a guy up in Maine who leads a Buddhist-themed therapy group, teaches people about managing their temper and addictions through Transcendental Meditation. The only time this guy ever lost his composure was the day his wife served him with a restraining order. First he lost his Zen, then he lost two bullets in the back of her head. But that Buddhist-themed therapy group he runs sure is popular on his cell block in Shawshank. Lotta guys with anger-management issues in there. ~ Joe Hill,
1260:Osho was very generous with his genius. When I went to Poona in 1988, he answered a question of mine. “Rumi says, ‘I want burning, burning.’ What does this burning have to do with my own possible enlightenment?” “You have asked a very dangerous question, Coleman. Burning has nothing to do with your enlightenment. This work you have done with Rumi is beautiful. It has to be, because it is coming out of Rumi’s love. But for you these poems can become ecstatic self-hypnosis.” He pretty much nailed me to the floor with that one. Sufism is good, but end up with Zen. It was a fine hit he gave me. I am still drawn to the Sufi longing and love-madness, but clarity is coming up strong on the inside. I have not assimilated his wisdom yet, but I mean to. I am very grateful to him. But it is not wisdom for everyone. Osho crafted his words to suit the individual. Ecstatic self-hypnosis might be just the thing for someone else. He was showing me a daylight beyond any beloved darkness, an ecstatic sobriety beyond any drunkenness. ~ Rumi,
1261:The empty-mindedness of chi sao applies to all activities we may perform, such as dancing. If the dancer has any idea at all of displaying his art well, he ceases to be a good dancer, for his mind stops with every movement he goes through. In all things, it is important to forget your mind and become one with the work at hand. When the mind is tied up, it feels inhibited in every move it makes and nothing will be accomplished with any sense of spontaneity. The wheel revolves when it is not too tightly attached to the axle. When it is too tight, it will never move on. As the Zen saying goes: “Into a soul absolutely free from thoughts and emotion, even the tiger finds no room to insert its fierce claws.” In chi sao the mind is devoid of all fear, inferiority complexes, viscous feeling, etc., and is free from all forms of attachment, and it is master of itself, it knows no hindrances, no inhibitions, no stoppages, no clogging, no stickiness. It then follows its own course like water; it is like the wind that blows where it lists. ~ Bruce Lee,
1262:When we sleep on someone else's pillow, we sometimes find ourselves having that person's dreams. If a married couple switches sides of the bed, for example, he will have her dreams for a while and she will have his. Nothing of the sort occurs in a hotel bed, naturally, for the simple reason that no one person has slept there long enough to leave a psychic imprint. Is the connection to the bedding place or to the space below it? Perhaps we draw up trans-neurological info-bits from the underworld to form dreams the way that exposed metal draws down oxygen molecules from the air to form rust. Dreams, the, may be a form of psychic oxidation. Each morning, the greasy rag of wakefulness wipes us clean. Sooner or later, however, we rust completely through, at which point we lose tensility, conductivity, and clear definition; turn senile or go bonkers; fade away. If we applied the rag more rigorously, this might not happen. which is why the message of Miho's Zen monks-the message of mystic masters everywhere-was and is, "Wake up! Wake up! ~ Tom Robbins,
1263:Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Bodhidharma, Sosan – they are the Masters of this law of reverse effect. And this is the difference between Yoga and Zen. Yoga makes every effort and Zen makes no effort, and Zen is truer than any Yoga. But Yoga appeals, because as far as you are concerned doing is easy – howsoever hard, but doing is easy.

Non-doing is difficult. If someone says, ”Don’t do anything,” you are at a loss. You again ask, ”What to do?” If someone says, ”Don’t do anything,” that is the most difficult thing for you. It should not be so if you understand.

Non-doing does not require any qualification. Doing may require qualification, doing may require practice. Non-doing requires no practice. That’s why Zen says enlightenment can happen in a single moment – because it is not a question of how to bring it, it is a question of how to allow it. It is just like sleep: you relax and it is there, you relax and it pops up. It is struggling within your heart to come up. You are not allowing it because you have too much activity on the surface. ~ Osho,
1264:Conta um velho conto japonês que, certo dia, um aguerrido samurai desafiou um mestre de zen a explicar-lhe os conceitos de Céu e Inferno. Mas o monge respondeu-lhe, trocista: “Não passas de um estúpido e eu não posso perder tempo com gente da tua laia!”

Ofendido na sua honra, o samurai encheu-se de raiva e, puxando da espada, gritou: “Podia matar-te pela tu impertinência”.”Isto”, replicou calmamente o monge, “é o Inferno”. Sobressaltado ao ver a verdade naquilo que o mestre lhe dizia a respeito da fúria que o dominava, o samurai acalmou-se, devolveu a espada à bainha e fez uma vénia, agradecendo ao monge aquela lição. “E isso”, disse o monge, “é o Céu”.

O súbito despertar do samurai para o seu próprio estado de agitação ilustra a diferença crucial entre ser-se apanhado por uma vaga de sensações e tomar consciência de que se está a ser arrastado por ela. A injunção de Sócratres” Conhece-te a ti mesmo” refere-se a esta pedra angular da inteligência emocional: a consciência dos nossos próprios sentimentos no instante em que eles ocorrem. ~ Daniel Goleman,
1265:The meaning of living in fidelity to the present moment, neither retreating to the past nor anticipating the future, is wonderfully illustrated by a Zen story about a monk being pursued by a ferocious tiger. The monk raced to the edge of a cliff, glanced back, and saw the growling tiger about to spring. The monk spotted a rope dangling over the edge of the cliff. He grabbed it and began shinnying down the side of the cliff out of the clutches of the tiger. Whew! Narrow escape. The monk then looked down and saw a quarry of jagged rocks five hundred feet below. He looked up and saw the tiger poised atop the cliff with bared claws. Just then, two mice began to nibble at the rope. What to do? The monk saw a strawberry within arm’s reach, growing out of the face of the cliff. He plucked it, ate it, and exclaimed, “Yum! That’s the best strawberry I’ve ever tasted in my entire life.” If he had been preoccupied with the rock below (the future) or the tiger above (the past), he would have missed the strawberry God was giving him in the present moment. Children ~ Brennan Manning,
1266:Dharma Bums refusing to subscribe to the general demand that they consume production and therefore have to work for the privilege of consuming, all that crap they didn’t really want anyway such as refrigerators, TV sets, cars, at least new fancy cars, certain hair oils and deodorants and general junk you finally always see a week later in the garbage anyway, all of them imprisoned in a system of work, produce, consume, work, produce, consume, I see a vision of a great rucksack revolution thousands or even millions of young Americans wandering around with rucksacks, going up to mountains to pray, making children laugh and old men glad, making young girls happy and old girls happier, all of ’em Zen Lunatics who go about writing poems that happen to appear in their heads for no reason and also by being kind and also by strange unexpected acts keep giving visions of eternal freedom to everybody and to all living creatures, that’s what I like about you Goldbook and Smith, you two guys from the East Coast which I thought was dead.” “We thought the West Coast was dead! ~ Jack Kerouac,
1267:The hardest thing to do in talking to a woman was taking the first step, but the most important thing to do was not to think. Not thinking is more difficult than it sounds, and yet, with women, one should never think. Never. It simply won't do. The first few times in approaching girls, during my lycée years, I had thought too much, hesitated, and as a result, flailed and failed. But even so, I discovered that all the childhood bullying directed at me had toughened me, making me believe that being rejected was better than not having the chance to be rejected at all. Thus it was that I approached girls, and now women, with such Zen negation of all doubt and fear the Buddha would approve. Sitting down next to Lana and thinking of nothing, I merely followed my instincts and my first three principles in talking to a woman: do not ask for permission; do not say hello; and do not let her speak first… Fourth principle: give a woman the chance to reject something else besides me… which gave me a few seconds to say something while she focused on (the original offer). ~ Viet Thanh Nguyen,
1268:The court is my escape and my paradise. I love basketball. I love the way you can be exhausted and sweaty and running with nine other guys, and yet, at the risk of sounding overly Zen, you are still so wonderfully alone. On the court, nothing bothers me. I see things a few seconds before they actually happen. I love anticipating a teammate’s cut and then throwing a bounce pass between two defenders. I love the rebound, boxing out, figuring angles and positioning myself, willing the ball into my hands. I love dribbling without looking down, the feel, the sense of trust, of control, almost as though the ball were on a leash. I love catching the pass, locking my eyes on the front rim, sliding my fingers into the grooves, raising the ball above my head, cocking my wrist as I begin to leap. I love the feel as I release the shot at the apex of the jump, the way my fingertips stay on the leather until the last possible moment, the way I slowly come back to the ground, the way the ball moves in an arc toward the rim, the way the bottom of the net dances when the ball goes swish. I ~ Harlan Coben,
1269:Assim, pois, meu velho confidente, num espírito de congraçamento, antes que nos juntemos aos demais - os que estão encalhados aí por toda parte, inclusive, estou certo, os loucos do volante de meia-idade que insistem em nos mandar para a Lua, os vagabundos que se crêem iluminados por Buda, os fabricantes de cigarros com filtros para homens que sabem escolher o melhor, os beatniks, os mal-ajambrados e os petulantes, os adeptos de cultos obscuros, todos os imponentes peritos que tão bem sabem o que devemos ou não fazer com nossos humildes órgãos sexuais, todos os jovens barbudos, orgulhosos e iletrados, bem como os guitarristas sem talento, os assassinos do budismo zen e os delinquentes juvenis de roupas padronizadas, todos esses que, do alto da sua infinita ignorância, olham para este esplêndido planeta onde (por favor, não me interrompa agora) passaram o Biriba, Cristo e Shakespeare -, antes de nos juntarmos a todos eles, eu muito particularmente lhe peço, velho amigo (para dizer a verdade, quase imploro), que aceite de mim este despretensioso buquê de recém-desabrochados parênteses: ((((())))). ~ J D Salinger,
1270:Zen master is not trying to give you ideas about life; he is trying to give you life itself, to make you realize life in and around you, to make you live it instead of being a mere spectator, a mere pedant absorbed in the dry bones of something which the life has long deserted. A symphony is not explained by a mathematical analysis of its notes; the mystery of a woman’s beauty is not revealed by a postmortem dissection; and no one ever understood the wonder of a bird on the wing by stuffing it and putting it in a glass case. To understand these things, you must live and move with them as they are alive. The same is true of the universe: no amount of intellectual analysis will explain it, for philosophy and science can only reveal its mechanism, never its meaning or, as the Chinese say, its Tao. “What is the Tao?” A Zen master answers, “Usual life is the very Tao.” “How does one bring oneself into accord with it?” “If you try to accord with it, you will get away from it.” For to imagine that there is a “you” separate from life which somehow has to accord with life is to fall straight into the trap. ~ Alan W Watts,
1271:What is the book (or books) you’ve given most as a gift, and why? Or what are one to three books that have greatly influenced your life? Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl. He introduces the insights that he learned from surviving imprisonment in a Nazi concentration camp. He outlines methods to discover deep meaning and purpose in life. The Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu. His 81 Zen teachings are the foundation for the religion of Taoism, aimed at understanding “the way of virtues.” Lao Tzu’s depth of teachings are complicated to decode and provide foundations for wisdom. Mind Gym by Gary Mack is a book that strips down the esoteric nature of applied sport psychology. Gary introduces a variety of mindset training principles and makes them extremely easy to understand and practice. What purchase of $ 100 or less has most positively impacted your life in the last six months (or in recent memory)? A book for my son: Inch and Miles, written by coach John Wooden. We read it together on a regular basis. The joy that I get from hearing him understand Coach Wooden’s insights is fantastically rewarding. ~ Timothy Ferriss,
1272:our lives. First, we’ll look at practicing the power of being present. Which sounds a lot cooler, hipper, New Age, and Zen than I intend, because what I’m talking about, as you’ll see, is simply a fundamental awareness of God’s presence in each moment of our lives. The second area is one you may know but don’t practice regularly: taking a Sabbath. Notice I said “taking” instead of “observing” the Sabbath. Knowing how to rest, to unplug, to unwind is as much a spiritual discipline as prayer or fasting. As weird as it may sound, God commands us to rest. It’s not an option to keep going at the pace, intensity, and speed at which most of us live our lives. Busyness will remain the standard for many people for years to come. But we’re called to a different standard, a way of prioritizing our time that may seem weird to everyone around us. When we follow Jesus, we’re about our Father’s business, not about the world’s busyness. Check your watch. It’s time to get weird. Chapter 2 NO TIME LIKE THE PRESENT You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment. — HENRY D ~ Craig Groeschel,
1273:Two monks were once travelling together down a wet and muddy road. The rain was torrential, making it almost impossible to walk along the path. As the two men were trudging along, a beautiful girl dressed in silk appeared. She was unable to cross the path and looked distressed.

“Let me help you”, said the older monk. He picked her up and carried her over the mud. His younger male companion did not utter a word that night until they reached their lodging temple. Then after hours of restrained conversation, the younger monk exclaimed: “We monks do not touch females; it is too tempting for us and can create a bad outcome”. The older monk looked into the younger monks eyes and said, “I left the girl on the road. Are you still carrying her?”

This ancient Zen story illustrates beautifully how so many of us are trapped in the habit of constantly “re-living” the past in our minds, thus dishonouring the present moment. The young monk wasted hours distressing himself with judgment, speculation, anxiety, resentment and ultimately self-perpetuated unhappiness as a direct result of not being mindful. ~ Christopher Dines,
1274:In Korean Zen, the belief that it is good to branch out beyond what we already know is expressed in a phrase that means, literally, “not know mind.” To have a “not know mind” is a goal of creative people. It means you are open to the new, just as children are. Similarly, in Japanese Zen, that idea of not being constrained by what we already know is called “beginner’s mind.” And people practice for years to recapture and keep ahold of it. When a new company is formed, its founders must have a startup mentality—a beginner’s mind, open to everything because, well, what do they have to lose? (This is often something they later look back upon wistfully.) But when that company becomes successful, its leaders often cast off that startup mentality because, they tell themselves, they have figured out what to do. They don’t want to be beginners anymore. That may be human nature, but I believe it is a part of our nature that should be resisted. By resisting the beginner’s mind, you make yourself more prone to repeat yourself than to create something new. The attempt to avoid failure, in other words, makes failure more likely. ~ Ed Catmull,
1275:I’ve always been a slow learner in some areas of my life.mostly the areas known as myself. Or maybe I should say ‘selves.’because the fact is, I’ve never, even as a child, felt I’m only one self, only one person. I’ve always felt I’m quite a few more than one. For example, there’s my jokey self, there’s my morose and fed-up self,there’s my lewd and disgusting self. There’s my clever-clogs self, and my fading-violet-who-cant-make-up-her-mind-about-anything self. There’s my untidy-clothes-everywhere-all-over-my-room self, and my manically tidy self when I want my room to be minimalist and Zen to the nth degree. There’s my confidant, arrogant self and my polite and reasonable and good listener self. There’s my self-righteous self and my wickedly bad self, my flaky self and my bsentimental self. There are selfs I like and selfs I don’t like.there’s my little-girl selfnwhonlikes to play silly games and there’s my old-woman self when I’m quite sure I’m eighty and edging towards geriatric.
The self I show in action at any moment depends on where I am, who I’m with, the circumstances of the situation and the mood I’m in. ~ Aidan Chambers,
1276:Alex Honnold, free solo climbing phenom: The Last of the Mohicans soundtrack Rolf Potts, author of Vagabonding and others: ambitones like The Zen Effect in the key of C for 30 minutes, made by Rolfe Kent, the composer of music for movies like Sideways, Wedding Crashers, and Legally Blonde Matt Mullenweg, lead developer of WordPress, CEO of Automattic: “Everyday” by A$AP Rocky and “One Dance” by Drake Amelia Boone, the world’s most successful female obstacle course racer: “Tonight Tonight” by the Smashing Pumpkins and “Keep Your Eyes Open” by NEEDTOBREATHE Chris Young, mathematician and experimental chef: Paul Oakenfold’s “Live at the Rojan in Shanghai,” Pete Tong’s Essential Mix Jason Silva, TV and YouTube philosopher: “Time” from the Inception soundtrack by Hans Zimmer Chris Sacca: “Harlem Shake” by Baauer and “Lift Off” by Jay Z and Kanye West, featuring Beyoncé. “I can bang through an amazing amount of email with the Harlem Shake going on in the background.” Tim Ferriss: Currently I’m listening to “Circulation” by Beats Antique and “Black Out the Sun” by Sevendust, depending on whether I need flow or a jumpstart. ~ Timothy Ferriss,
1277:You should not be tilted sideways, backwards, or forwards. You should be sitting straight up as if you were supporting the sky with your head. This is not just form or breathing. It expresses the key point of Buddhism. It is a perfect expression of your Buddha nature. If you want true understanding of Buddhism, you should practice this way.

   These forms are not a means of obtaining the right state of mind. To take this posture itself is the purpose of our practice. When you have this posture, you have the right state of mind, so there is no need to try to attain some special state.

   When you try to attain something, your mind starts to wander about somewhere else. When you do not try to attain anything, you have your own body and mind right here. A Zen master would say, "Kill the Buddha!" Kill the Buddha if the Buddha exists somewhere else. Kill the Buddha, because you should resume your own Buddha nature. Doing something is expressing our own nature. We do not exist for the sake of something else. We exist for the sake of ourselves. This is the fundamental teaching expressed in the forms we observe. ~ Shunryu Suzuki, Zen Mind Beginners Mind,
1278:In the traditional descriptions of the progress of meditation, beginning practice always involves coming to terms with the unwanted, unexplored, and disturbing aspects of our being. Although we try any number of supposedly therapeutic maneuvers, say the ancient Buddhist psychological texts, there is but one method of successfully working with such material—by wisely seeing it. As Suzuki Roshi, the first Zen master of the San Francisco Zen Center, put it in a talk entitled “Mind Weeds”: We say, “Pulling out the weeds we give nourishment to the plant.” We pull the weeds and bury them near the plant to give it nourishment. So even though you have some difficulty in your practice, even though you have some waves while you are sitting, those waves themselves will help you. So you should not be bothered by your mind. You should rather be grateful for the weeds, because eventually they will enrich your practice. If you have some experience of how the weeds in your mind change into mental nourishment, your practice will make remarkable progress. You will feel the progress. You will feel how they change into self-nourishment. . . . This is how we practice Zen.11 ~ Mark Epstein,
1279:i've been reading whitman, you know what he says, cheer up slaves, and horrify foreign despots, he means that's the attitude for the bard, the zen lunacy bard of old desert paths, see the whole thing is a world full of rucksack wanderers, dharma bums refusing to subscribe to the general demand that they consume production and there have to work for the privilege of consuming, all that crap they didn't really want anyway such as refrigerators, tv sets, cars, at least new fancy cars, certain hair oils and deodorants and general junk you finally always see a week later in the garbage anyway, all of them imprisoned in a system of work, produce, consume, work, produce, consume, i see a vision of a great rucksack revolution thousands or even millions of young americans wandering around with rucksacks, going up into the mountains to pray, making children laugh and old men glad, making young girls happy and old girls happier, all of 'em zen lunatics who go about writing poems that happen to appear in their heads for no reason and also by being kind and also by strange unexpected acts keep giving visions of eternal freedom to everybody and to all living creatures ~ Jack Kerouac,
1280:When Lana was finished, the audience clapped, whistled, and stomped, but I sat silent and stunned as she bowed and gracefully withdrew, so disarmed I could not even applaud. As the Poet introduced the next performer, all I heard was "bang bang," and when Lana returned to the table reserved for all the performers, with the seat next to her left empty by the singer who had replaced her, I told Bon I would be back in ten minutes. I heard him say, Don't do it, you stupid bastard, but without further thought I began my walk across the lounge. The hardest thing to do in talking to a woman was taking the first step, but the most important thing to do was not to think. Not thinking is more difficult than it sounds, and yet, with women, one should never think. Never. It simply won't do. The first few times in approaching girls, during my lycée years, I had thought too much, hesitated, and as a result, flailed and failed. But even so, I discovered that all the childhood bullying directed at me had toughened me, making me believe that being rejected was better than not having the chance to be rejected at all. Thus it was that I approached girls, and now women, with such Zen negation of all doubt and fear the Buddha would approve. ~ Viet Thanh Nguyen,
1281:Because I exist, you exist. Because I exist, the pebbles and the distant clouds exist. If all of these don’t truly exist, how can I?
- The existence of a speck of dust makes everything else possible. If dust does not exist, neither does the universe, nor you, nor I.” I am happy to be on this earth.
--The river reflects everything in herself. Thanks to the river’s flow, the flux of life is possible. And death lies within life, because without death there could be no life. Let us welcome the flow. Let us welcome impermanence and non-self.
-- Thanks to impermanence and non-self, we have the beautiful world praised by Zen poets — the sheen of banana trees, the tall and perfumed areca trees reaching to the sun.
-- The earth is filled with dust. Our eyes are filled with dust. There is no need to seek a Pure Land somewhere else. We only need lift our heads and see the moon and the stars.
--The essential quality is awareness. If we open our eyes, we will see. I am sure that heaven has areca, starfruit, lime, and grapefruit trees.
-- I laugh when I think how I once sought paradise as a realm outside of the world of birth and death. It is right in the world of birth and death that the miraculous truth is revealed. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh,
1282:Win spread his hands. “But why? What about the winner do we want to emulate? His ability to blind himself to anything but the pursuit of empty aggrandizement? His ego-inflating obsession with wearing a hunk of metal around his neck? His willingness to sacrifice anything, including people, in order to best another human being on a lump of AstroTurf for a cheesy statuette?” He looked up at Myron, his always serene face suddenly lost. “Why do we applaud this selfishness, this self-love?” “Competitive drive isn’t a bad thing, Win. You’re talking about extremes.” “But it is the extremists we admire most. By its nature, what you call ‘competitive drive’ leads to extremism and destroys all in its path.” “You’re being simplistic, Win.” “It is simple, my friend.” They both settled back. Myron stared up at the exposed beams. After some time, he said, “You have it wrong.” “How so?” Myron wondered how to explain it. “When I played basketball,” he began, “I mean, when I really got into it and reached these levels you’re talking about—I barely thought about the score. I barely thought about my opponent or about beating somebody. I was alone. I was in the zone. This is going to sound stupid, but playing at the top of my game was almost Zen-like.” Win ~ Harlan Coben,
1283:translated by Richard B. Clarke Practice of Meditation by Zen Master Dogen TRUTH is perfect and complete in itself. It is not something newly discovered; it has always existed. Truth is not far away; it is ever present. It is not something to be attained since not one of your steps leads away from it. Do not follow the ideas of others, but learn to listen to the voice within yourself. Your body and mind will become clear and you will realize the unity of all things. The slightest movement of your dualistic thought will prevent you from entering the palace of meditation and wisdom. The Buddha meditated for six years, Bodhidharma for nine. The practice of meditation is not a method for the attainment of realization—it is enlightenment itself. Your search among books, word upon word, may lead you to the depths of knowledge, but it is not the way to receive the reflection of your true self. When you have thrown off your ideas as to mind and body, the original truth will fully appear. Zen is simply the expression of truth; therefore longing and striving are not the true attitudes of Zen. To actualize the blessedness of meditation you should practice with pure intention and firm determination. Your meditation room should be clean and quiet. Do not dwell in ~ Jack Kornfield,
1284:Suppose two astronauts go to the moon. When they arrive, they have an accident and find out that they have only enough oxygen for two days. There is no hope of someone coming from Earth in time to rescue them. They have only two days to live. If you asked them at that moment, "What is your deepest wish?" they would answer, "To be back home walking on the beautiful planet Earth." That would be enough for them; they would not want anything else. They would not want to be the head of a large corporation, a big celebrity or president of the United States. They would not want anything except to be back on Earth - to be walking on Earth, enjoying every step, listening to the sounds of nature and holding the hand of their beloved while contemplating the moon.

We should live every day like people who have just been rescued from the moon. We are on Earth now, and we need to enjoy walking on this precious beautiful planet. The Zen master Lin Chi said, "The miracle is not to walk on water but to walk on the Earth." I cherish that teaching. I enjoy just walking, even in busy places like airports and railway stations. In walking like that, with each step caressing our Mother Earth, we can inspire other people to do the same. We can enjoy every minute of our lives. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh,
1285:Imagine two astronauts go to the moon, and while they’re there, there’s an accident and their ship can’t take them back to Earth. They have only enough oxygen for two days. There is no hope of someone coming from Earth in time to rescue them. They have only two days to live. If you were to ask them at that moment, “What is your deepest wish?” they would answer, “To be back home walking on our beautiful planet Earth.” That would be enough for them; they wouldn’t want anything else. They wouldn’t think of being the head of a large corporation, a famous celebrity, or the president of the United States. They wouldn’t want anything but to be back here—walking on Earth, enjoying every step, listening to the sounds of nature, or holding the hand of their beloved while contemplating the moon at night. We should live every day like people who have just been rescued from dying on the moon. We are on Earth now, and we need to enjoy walking on this precious, beautiful planet. Zen Master Linji said, “The miracle is not to walk on water or fire. The miracle is to walk on the earth.” I cherish that teaching. I enjoy just walking, even in busy places like airports and railway stations. Walking like that, with each step caressing our Mother Earth, we can inspire other people to do the same. We can enjoy every minute of our lives. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh,
1286:In any case, there are all of those chores that most of us can’t avoid: cleaning, straightening, raking leaves, shopping for groceries, driving the children to various activities, preparing food, washing dishes, washing the car, commuting, performing the routine, repetitive aspects of our jobs. This is the “in-between time,” the stuff we have to take care of before getting on to the things that count. But if you stop to think about it, most of life is “in between.” When goal orientation comes to dominate our thoughts, little that seems to really count is left. During the usual nonplayoff year, the actual playing time for a National Football League team is sixteen hours. For the players, does this mean that the other 8,744 hours of the year are “in between”? Does all time take its significance only in terms of the product, the bottom line? And if winning, as the saying goes, is the only thing, does that mean that even the climactic hours achieve their worth merely through victory? There’s another way of thinking about it. Zen practice is ostensibly organized around periods of sitting in meditation and chanting. Yet every Zen master will tell you that building a stone wall or washing dishes is essentially no different from formal meditation. The quality of a Zen student’s practice is defined just as much by how he or she sweeps ~ George Leonard,
1287:Western rational thought is not an innate human characteristic; it is learned and is the great achievement of Western civilization. In the villages of India, they never learned it. They learned something else, which is in some ways just as valuable but in other ways is not. That’s the power of intuition and experiential wisdom. Coming back after seven months in Indian villages, I saw the craziness of the Western world as well as its capacity for rational thought. If you just sit and observe, you will see how restless your mind is. If you try to calm it, it only makes it worse, but over time it does calm, and when it does, there’s room to hear more subtle things—that’s when your intuition starts to blossom and you start to see things more clearly and be in the present more. Your mind just slows down, and you see a tremendous expanse in the moment. You see so much more than you could see before. It’s a discipline; you have to practice it. Zen has been a deep influence in my life ever since. At one point I was thinking about going to Japan and trying to get into the Eihei-ji monastery, but my spiritual advisor urged me to stay here. He said there is nothing over there that isn’t here, and he was correct. I learned the truth of the Zen saying that if you are willing to travel around the world to meet a teacher, one will appear next door. ~ Walter Isaacson,
1288:is your treasure. It is precisely what is making you ask the question at this very moment. Everything is stored in this precious treasure-house of yours. It is there at your disposal, you can use it as you wish, nothing is lacking. You are the master of everything. Why, then, are you running away from yourself and seeking for things outside?" Upon hearing these words, Dae Ju attained enlighten- ment. 22. The Moon of Clear Mind One Sunday evening, after a Dharrna talk at the Providence Zen Center, a student asked Seung Sahn Soen-sa, "How can I get beyond just verbalizing the question 'What am I?' " Soen-sa said, "You want this question to grow. This mind is no good. This is attachment thinking. You must cut off this thinking, and only do hard training. It is not important for the question to grow. What is important is one moment of clear mind. Clear mind is before thinking. If you experience this mind, you have already attained enlightenment. If you experience this for a short t i m e - e v e n for one moment-this is enlightenment. All the rest of the time you may be think- ing, but you shouldn't worry about this thinking. It is just your karma. You must not be attached to this thinking. You must not force it to stop or force clear mind to grow. It will grow by itself, as your karma gradually disappears. "Clear mind is like the full moon in the sky. Sometimes ~ Anonymous,
1289:Even though they were not fervent about their faith, Jobs’s parents wanted him to have a religious upbringing, so they took him to the Lutheran church most Sundays. That came to an end when he was thirteen. In July 1968 Life magazine published a shocking cover showing a pair of starving children in Biafra. Jobs took it to Sunday school and confronted the church’s pastor. “If I raise my finger, will God know which one I’m going to raise even before I do it?” The pastor answered, “Yes, God knows everything.” Jobs then pulled out the Life cover and asked, “Well, does God know about this and what’s going to happen to those children?” “Steve, I know you don’t understand, but yes, God knows about that.” Jobs announced that he didn’t want to have anything to do with worshipping such a God, and he never went back to church. He did, however, spend years studying and trying to practice the tenets of Zen Buddhism. Reflecting years later on his spiritual feelings, he said that religion was at its best when it emphasized spiritual experiences rather than received dogma. “The juice goes out of Christianity when it becomes too based on faith rather than on living like Jesus or seeing the world as Jesus saw it,” he told me. “I think different religions are different doors to the same house. Sometimes I think the house exists, and sometimes I don’t. It’s the great mystery. ~ Walter Isaacson,
1290:Buddhist meditation takes this untrained, everyday mind as its natural starting point, and it requires the development of one particular attentional posture—of naked, or bare, attention. Defined as “the clear and single-minded awareness of what actually happens to us and in us at the successive moments of perception,”1 bare attention takes this unexamined mind and opens it up, not by trying to change anything but by observing the mind, emotions, and body the way they are. It is the fundamental tenet of Buddhist psychology that this kind of attention is, in itself, healing: that by the constant application of this attentional strategy, all of the Buddha’s insights can be realized for oneself. As mysterious as the literature on meditation can seem, as elusive as the koans of the Zen master sometimes sound, there is but one underlying instruction that is critical to Buddhist thought. Common to all schools of thought, from Sri Lanka to Tibet, the unifying theme of the Buddhist approach is this remarkable imperative: “Pay precise attention, moment by moment, to exactly what you are experiencing, right now, separating out your reactions from the raw sensory events.” This is what is meant by bare attention: just the bare facts, an exact registering, allowing things to speak for themselves as if seen for the first time, distinguishing any reactions from the core event. ~ Mark Epstein,
1291:Ao relacionar-se com o mundo objetivo, por intermédio de suas faculdades, o mundo exterior torna-se real para o homem, e de fato é só o “amor” que faz o homem verdadeiramente crer na realidade do mundo objetivo a ele extrínseco. Sujeito e objeto não podem ser separados . “O olho transformou-se em olho humano quando seu objeto se converteu em um objeto humano, social, criado pelo homem e a este destinado... Eles [os sentidos] se relacionam com a coisa devido a esta, mas a coisa em si mesma é uma relação humana objetiva para si própria e para o homem, e vice-versa. A necessidade e o gozo perderam, assim, seu caráter egoísta, e a natureza perdeu sua mera utilidade pelo fato de sua utilização ter-se transformado em utilização humana. (Com efeito, só posso relacionar-me de maneira humana com uma coisa quando esta se relaciona de maneira humana com o homem)”
Esta última afirmação é quase exatamente a mesma feita no pensamento do budismo Zen, assim como por Goethe. De fato o pensamento de Goethe, Hegel e Marx se acha intimamente ligado ao do Zen. O que há de comum neles é a ideia do homem superar a cisão entre sujeito e objeto; o objeto é um objeto, mas no entanto cessa de ser objeto , e nesta nova abordagem o homeme se funde com o objeto, conquanto ele e o objeto continuem a ser dois. O homem ao relacionar-se humanamente com o mundo objetivo, supera a alienação de si mesmo. ~ Erich Fromm,
1292:The Obstacles That Lie Before Us There is an old Zen story about a king whose people had grown soft and entitled. Dissatisfied with this state of affairs, he hoped to teach them a lesson. His plan was simple: He would place a large boulder in the middle of the main road, completely blocking entry into the city. He would then hide nearby and observe their reactions. How would they respond? Would they band together to remove it? Or would they get discouraged, quit, and return home? With growing disappointment, the king watched as subject after subject came to this impediment and turned away. Or, at best, tried halfheartedly before giving up. Many openly complained or cursed the king or fortune or bemoaned the inconvenience, but none managed to do anything about it. After several days, a lone peasant came along on his way into town. He did not turn away. Instead he strained and strained, trying to push it out of the way. Then an idea came to him: He scrambled into the nearby woods to find something he could use for leverage. Finally, he returned with a large branch he had crafted into a lever and deployed it to dislodge the massive rock from the road. Beneath the rock were a purse of gold coins and a note from the king, which said: “The obstacle in the path becomes the path. Never forget, within every obstacle is an opportunity to improve our condition.” What holds you back? ~ Ryan Holiday,
1293:Recommended Reading
David Foster Wallace - Infinite Jest
DH Lawrence - The Rainbow
Gabriel Garcia Marquez - Love in the Time of Cholera
Karl Ove Knausgaard - My Struggle
Virginia Woolf - To The Lighthouse
Ben Lerner - The Topeka School
Sally Rooney - Conversations With Friends
Nell Zink - The Wallcreeper
Elena Ferrante - The Days of Abandonment
Jack Kerouac - Dharma Bums
Walt Whitman - Leaves of Grass
Michael Murphy - Golf in the Kingdom
Barbara Kingsolver - Prodigal Summer
Albertine Sarrazin - Astragal
Rebecca Solnit - The Faraway Nearby
Michael Paterniti - Love and Other Ways of Dying
Rainer Maria Rilke - Book of Hours
James Baldwin - Another Country
Roberto Calasso - Ka
Translation by S. Radhakrishan - Principle Upanisads
Chogyam Trungpa - Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism
Translation by Georg Feuerstein - Yoga Sutra
Richard Freeman - The Mirror of Yoga
Translation by S. Radhakrishan - The Bhagavad Gita
Shrunyu Suzuki - Zen Mind Beginner's Mind
Heinrich Zimmer - Myths and Symbols in Indian Art and Civilization
Sogyal Rinpoche - The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying
Joseph Campbell - Myths of Light
Joseph Campbell - The Hero With A Thousand Faces
Sri Aurobindo - Savitri
Thomas Meyers - Anatomy Trains
Wendy Doniger - The Hindus ~ Jason Bowman,,
1294:Ancient tradition has a saying: 'The infinitely distant is the return.' Among the maxims of Zen that point in the same direction is the statement that the 'great revelation,' acquired through a series of mental and spiritual crises, consists in the recognition that 'no one and nothing 'extraordinary' exists in the beyond'; only the real exists. Reality is, however, lived in a state in which 'there is no subject of the experience nor any object that is experienced,' and under the sign of a type of absolute presence, 'the immanent making itself transcendent and the transcendent immanent.' The teaching is that at the point at which one seeks the Way, one finds oneself further from it, the same being valid for the perfection and 'realization' of the self. The cedar in the courtyard, a cloud casting its shadow on the hills, falling rain, a flower in bloom, the monotonous sound of waves: all these 'natural' and banal facts can suggest absolute illumination, the satori. As mere facts they are without meaning, finality, or intention, but as such they have an absolute meaning. Reality appears this way, in the pure state of 'things being as they are.' The moral counterpart is indicated in sayings such as: 'The pure and immaculate ascetic does not enter nirvana, and the monk who breaks the rules does not go to hell,' or: 'You have no liberation to seek from bonds, because you have never been bound. ~ Julius Evola,
1295:As Zacharias approached his conveyance, the scope of the undertaking to which he had agreed began to dawn upon him.

The chaise that was to bear him and Prunella to Fobdown Purlieu was indeed waiting. It was doubtful whether it was capable of doing anything else.

Turrill was a good-humoured man on the whole, whose anxieties about driving the Sorcerer Royal had been eased by Mr. Wythe’s being as pleasant-spoken and openhanded a gentleman as he had ever met (“Even if he is black as coal, I am sure that is none of his fault, and it would be a dull world if God had cut us all from the same pattern”). It was no wonder he felt hardly used upon this occasion, however, and Zacharias was not surprised to be addressed in terms of reproach.

“You hadn’t ought to have done it, sir,” said the coachman. “You may turn me into a frog for it, but I must speak my mind, and I say you hadn’t ought to have done it. If I had not given satisfaction, you had only to say the word and I should have hopped to it, not wishing to offend any gentleman of such a liberal disposition as yourself, and not being such a fool as to desire to vex a sorcerer besides. There was no call to go a-magicking the chaise—and where you got the squashes for it out of season, I am sure I don’t know.”

“Neither do I,” said Zacharias, bending down to examine what had previously been a wheel, and was now an enormous squash. ~ Zen Cho,
1296:Zen has been called the "religion before religion," which is to say that anyone can practice, including those committed to another faith. And that phrase evokes that natural religion of our early childhood, when heaven and a splendorous earth were one. But soon the child's clear eye is clouded over by ideas and opinions, preconceptions and abstractions. Not until years later does an instinct come that a vital sense of mystery has been withdrawn. The sun glints through the pines, and the heart is pierced in a moment of beauty and strange pain, like a memory of paradise. After that day, at the bottom of each breath, there is a hollow place filled with longing. We become seekers without knowing that we seek, and at first, we long for something "greater" than ourselves, something apart and far away. It is not a return to childhood, for childhood is not a truly enlightened state. Yet to seek one's own true nature is "a way to lead you to your long lost home." To practice Zen means to realize one's existence moment after moment, rather than letting life unravel in regret of the past and daydreaming of the future. To "rest in the present" is a state of magical simplicity...out of the emptiness can come a true insight into our natural harmony all creation. To travel this path, one need not be a 'Zen Buddhist', which is only another idea to be discarded like 'enlightenment,' and like 'the Buddha' and like 'God. ~ Peter Matthiessen,
1297:Cuando el gran maestro Zen Roshi Taji estaba en su lecho de muerte, sus discípulos mayores se congregaron a su lado. Uno de ellos recordó que a Roshi le encantaba un cierto tipo de pastel y dedicó medio día a recorrer las pastelerías de Tokio buscándolo, a fin de ofrecérselo al maestro en ese momento final. Con una sonrisa lánguida, Roshi aceptó un trozo y comenzó a masticarlo lentamente. A medida que se iba debilitando, sus discípulos se fueron acercando y, finalmente, le preguntaron si tenía unas últimas palabras para ellos. “Sí”, respondió Roshi. Los discípulos se inclinaron ansiosos sobre el lecho: “¡Por favor, dínoslas!”. “¡Pero, caramba, este pastel está delicioso!”, y, diciendo esas palabras, expiró. Un maestro Zen no habla de Dios, no habla de la muerte, no habla del más allá. Habla sobre el momento inmediato. Estaba masticando un trozo de pastel, y esa era la realidad. En ese momento, eso era lo real. Lo inmediato es lo real. La respuesta es muy inesperada: “¡Pero, caramba, este pastel está delicioso!”, muy presente. No pueden imaginar a Ramakrishna diciendo eso, ni a un cristiano o a un musulmán. Imposible. Solamente a un maestro Zen… En ese momento, Dios es el sabor delicioso en su boca. Esa es la verdad en ese momento. No hay nada más que la verdad de ese momento. Ni siquiera en su lecho de muerte aplica un maestro Zen algún sistema de creencia; no trae la mente a la situación. Permanece fiel a lo que sea que es. ~ Osho,
1298:Chicago Zen
Now tidy your house,
dust especially your living room
and do not forget to name
all your children.
Watch your step. Sight may strike you
blind in unexpected places.
The traffic light turns orange
on 57th and Dorchester, and you stumble,
you fall into a vision of forest fires,
enter a frothing Himalayan river,
rapid, silent.
On the 14th floor,
Lake Michigan crawls and crawls
in the window. Your thumbnail
cracks a lobster louse on the windowpane
from your daughter's hair
and you drown, eyes open,
towards the Indies, the antipodes.
And you, always so perfectly sane.
Now you know what you always knew:
the country cannot be reached
by jet. Nor by boat on jungle river,
hashish behind the Monkey-temple,
nor moonshot to the cratered Sea
of Tranquillity, slim circus girls
on a tightrope between tree and tree
with white parasols, or the one
and only blue guitar.
Nor by any
other means of transport,
migrating with a clean valid passport,
no, not even by transmigrating
without any passport at all,
but only by answering ordinary
black telephones, questions
walls and small children ask,
and answering all calls of nature.
Watch your step, watch it, I say,
especially at the first high
and the sudden low
one near the end
of the flight
of stairs,
and watch
for the last
step that's never there.
~ A. K. Ramanujan,
1299:I'm profoundly attracted to classical Zen literature, I have the gall to lecture on it and the literature of Mahayana Buddhism one night a week at college, but my life itself couldn't very conceivably be less Zenful than it is, and what little I've been able to apprehend - I pick that verb with care - of the Zen experience has been a by-result of following my own rather natural path of extreme Zenlessness. Largely because Seymour himself literally begged me to do so, and I never knew him to be wrong in these matters.) Happily for me, and probably for everybody, I don't believe it's really necessary to bring Zen into this. The method of marble-shooting that Seymour, by sheer intuition, was recommending to me can be related, I'd say, legitimately and un-Easternly, to the fine art of snapping a cigarette end into a small wastebasket from across a room. An art, I believe, of which most male smokers are true masters only when either they don't care a hoot whether or not the butt goes into the basket or the room has been cleared of eyewitnesses, including, quite so to speak, the cigarette snapper himself. I'm going to try hard not to chew on that illustration, delectable as I find it, but I do think it proper to append - to revert momentarily to curb marbles - that after Seymour himself shot a marble, he would be all smiles when he heard a responsive click of glass striking glass, but it never appeared to be clear to him whose winning click it was. And it's also a fact that someone almost invariably had to pick up the marble he'd won and hand it to him. ~ J D Salinger,
1300:Why Ubuntu: If I were you I'd just install Ubuntu into a dual-boot partition (the Ubuntu website has instructions for this) and learn as you go. Ubuntu is similar enough to Windows that you should be able to start using it right away without much difficulty.
   For running your Python scripts you'll want to drop into the shell (Ctrl + Alt + T If memory serves me right). As you become more comfortable with Ubuntu, you can start using the shell more and more. The shell is what gives you access to the power of Unix; every time you need to do something tedious and repetitive, try to find out how to do it through the shell.
   Eventually you will find yourself using the shell constantly. You'll wonder how you ever managed without it, and deride other operating systems for their lack of sensible programming tools. One day you'll realise that desktop window managers are a needless distraction. You start using xmonad or awesomewm. Eventually you realise that this, too, is a bastardisaton of the Unix vision and start using tmux exclusively. Then suddenly it hits you - every computer, every operating system, no matter how insignificant or user-friendly, has the Unix nature. All of them are merely streams from where you can ssh back into the ocean of Unix. Having achieved enlightenment you are equally content using an iPad as your main work computer, using powershell in Windows or SSH into a Digital Ocean droplet from your parent's computer. This is the Zen of Unix.
   ~ JohnyTex,,
1301:This is great. But what I’m grasping at is an idea about a subtler goal. This thinking owes a lot to conversations with Manjula Waldron of Ohio State University, an engineering professor who also happens to be a hospital chaplain. This feels embarrassingly Zen-ish for me to spout, being a short, hypomanic guy with a Brooklyn accent, but here goes: Maybe the goal isn’t to maximize the contrast between a low baseline and a high level of activation. Maybe the idea is to have both simultaneously. Huh? Maybe the goal would be for your baseline to be something more than the mere absence of activation, a mere default, but to instead be an energized calm, a proactive choice. And for the ceiling to consist of some sort of equilibrium and equanimity threading through the crazed arousal. I have felt this a few times playing soccer, inept as I am at it, where there’s a moment when, successful outcome or not, every physiological system is going like mad, and my body does something that my mind didn’t even dream of, and the two seconds when that happened seemed to take a lot longer than it should have. But this business about the calm amid the arousal isn’t just another way of talking about “good stress” (a stimulating challenge, as opposed to a threat). Even when the stressor is bad and your heart is racing in crisis, the goal should be to somehow make the fraction of a second between each heartbeat into an instant that expands in time and allows you to regroup. There, I have no idea what I’m talking about, but I think there might be something important lurking there. Enough said. ~ Robert M Sapolsky,
1302:Want to Read
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Zen in the Art of WritingZen in the Art of Writing by Ray Bradbury
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Zen in the Art of Writing Quotes (showing 1-30 of 90)
“You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.”
― Ray Bradbury, Zen in the Art of Writing
tags: writing 5923 likes Like
“I have never listened to anyone who criticized my taste in space travel, sideshows or gorillas. When this occurs, I pack up my dinosaurs and leave the room.”
― Ray Bradbury, Zen in the Art of Writing
tags: humour, individuality, science-fiction 5858 likes Like
“Every morning I jump out of bed and step on a landmine. The landmine is me. After the explosion, I spend the rest of the day putting the pieces together.”
― Ray Bradbury, Zen in the Art of Writing
tags: chaos, construction, creative-process, destruction, writers, writing 220 likes Like
“That's the great secret of creativity. You treat ideas like cats: you make them follow you.”
― Ray Bradbury, Zen in the Art of Writing
tags: cats, creativity, ideas 195 likes Like
“You grow ravenous. You run fevers. You know exhilarations. You can't sleep at night, because your beast-creature ideas want out and turn you in your bed. It is a grand way to live.”
― Ray Bradbury, Zen in the Art of Writing
tags: ideas, writing 191 likes Like
“Plot is no more than footprints left in the snow after your characters have run by on their way to incredible destinations.”
― Ray Bradbury, Zen in the Art of Writing ~ Ray Bradbury,
1303:Well-being is the state of having arrived at the full development of reason: reason not in the sense of a merely intellectual judgment, but in that of grasping truth by “letting things be” (to use Heidegger’s term) as they are. Well-being is possible only to the degree to which one has overcome one’s narcissism; to the degree to which one is open, responsive, sensitive, awake, empty (in the Zen sense). Well-being means to be fully related to man and nature affectively, to overcome separateness and alienation, to arrive at the experience of oneness with all that exists—and yet to experience myself at the same time as the separate entity I am, as the individual. Well-being means to be fully born, to become what one potentially is; it means to have the full capacity for joy and for sadness or, to put it still differently, to awake from the half-slumber the average man lives in, and to be fully awake. If it is all that, it means also to be creative; that is, to react and to respond to myself, to others, to everything that exists—to react and to respond as the real, total man I am to the reality of everybody and everything as he or it is. In this act of true response lies the area of creativity, of seeing the world as it is and experiencing it as my world, the world created and transformed by my creative grasp of it, so that the world ceases to be a strange world “over there” and becomes my world. Well-being means, finally, to drop one’s Ego, to give up greed, to case chasing after the preservation and the aggrandizement of the Ego, to be and to experience one’s self in the act of being, not in having, preserving, coveting, using. ~ Erich Fromm,
1304:I remember a vivid talk by the Japanese Zen philosopher Dr. Daisetz T. Suzuki that opened with an unforgettable contrast of the Occidental and Oriental understandings of the God-man-nature mystery. Commenting first on the Biblical view of the state of man following the Fall in Eden, “Man,” he observed, “is against God, Nature is against God, and Man and Nature are against each other. God’s own likeness (Man), God’s own creation (Nature) and God himself - all three are at war.” Then, expounding the Oriental view, “Nature,” he said, “is the bosom whence we come and whither we go.” “Nature produces Man out of itself; Man cannot be outside of Nature.” “I am in Nature and Nature is in me.” The Godhead as highest Being is to be comprehended, he continued, as prior to creation, “in whom there was yet neither Man nor Nature.” “As soon as a name is given, the Godhead ceases to be Godhead. Man and Nature spring up and we get caught in the maze of abstract conceptual vocabulary.”

We in the West have named our God; or rather, we have had the Godhead named for us in a book from a time and place that are not our own. And we have been taught to have faith not only in the absolute existence of this metaphysical fiction, but also in its relevance to the shaping of our lives. In the great East, on the other hand, the accent is on experience: on one’s own experience, furthermore, not a faith in someone else’s. And the various disciplines taught are of ways to the attainment of unmistakable experiences - ever deeper, ever greater - of one’s own identity with whatever one knows as “divine”: identity, and beyond that, then, transcendence. ~ Joseph Campbell,
1305:MY BOSS SENDS me home because of all the dried blood on my pants, and I am overjoyed.
The hole punched through my cheek doesn’t ever heal. I’m going to work, and my punched-out eye sockets are two swollen-up black bagels around the little piss holes I have left to see through. Until today, it really pissed me off that I’d become this totally centered Zen Master and nobody had noticed. Still, I’m doing the little FAX thing. I write little HAIKU things and FAX them around to everyone. When I pass people in the hall at work, I get totally ZEN right in everyone’s hostile little FACE.
Worker bees can leave
Even drones can fly away
The queen is their slave

You give up all your worldly possessions and your car and go live in a rented house in the toxic waste part of town where late at night, you can hear Marla and Tyler in his room, calling each other hum; butt wipe.
Take it, human butt wipe.
Do it, butt wipe.
Choke it down. Keep it down, baby.
Just by contrast, this makes me the calm little center of the world.
Me, with my punched-out eyes and dried blood in big black crusty stains on my pants, I’m saying HELLO to everybody at work. HELLO! Look at me. HELLO! I am so ZEN. This is BLOOD. This is NOTHING. Hello. Everything is nothing, and it’s so cool to be ENLIGHTENED. Like me.
Look. Outside the window. A bird.
My boss asked if the blood was my blood.
The bird flies downwind. I’m writing a little haiku in my head.

Without just one nest
A bird can call the world home
Life is your career

I’m counting on my fingers: five, seven, five. The blood, is it mine? Yeah, I say. Some of it. This is a wrong answer. ~ Chuck Palahniuk,
1306:Coming back to America was, for me, much more of a cultural shock than going to India. The people in the Indian countryside don’t use their intellect like we do, they use their intuition instead, and their intuition is far more developed than in the rest of the world. Intuition is a very powerful thing, more powerful than intellect, in my opinion. That’s had a big impact on my work. Western rational thought is not an innate human characteristic; it is learned and is the great achievement of Western civilization. In the villages of India, they never learned it. They learned something else, which is in some ways just as valuable but in other ways is not. That’s the power of intuition and experiential wisdom. Coming back after seven months in Indian villages, I saw the craziness of the Western world as well as its capacity for rational thought. If you just sit and observe, you will see how restless your mind is. If you try to calm it, it only makes it worse, but over time it does calm, and when it does, there’s room to hear more subtle things—that’s when your intuition starts to blossom and you start to see things more clearly and be in the present more. Your mind just slows down, and you see a tremendous expanse in the moment. You see so much more than you could see before. It’s a discipline; you have to practice it. Zen has been a deep influence in my life ever since. At one point I was thinking about going to Japan and trying to get into the Eihei-ji monastery, but my spiritual advisor urged me to stay here. He said there is nothing over there that isn’t here, and he was correct. I learned the truth of the Zen saying that if you are willing to travel around the world to meet a teacher, one will appear next door. ~ Walter Isaacson,
1307:Coming back to America was, for me, much more of a cultural shock than going to India. The people in the Indian countryside don’t use their intellect like we do, they use their intuition instead, and their intuition is far more developed than in the rest of the world. Intuition is a very powerful thing, more powerful than intellect, in my opinion. That’s had a big impact on my work. Western rational thought is not an innate human characteristic; it is learned and is the great achievement of Western civilization. In the villages of India, they never learned it. They learned something else, which is in some ways just as valuable but in other ways is not. That’s the power of intuition and experiential wisdom. Coming back after seven months in Indian villages, I saw the craziness of the Western world as well as its capacity for rational thought. If you just sit and observe, you will see how restless your mind is. If you try to calm it, it only makes it worse, but over time it does calm, and when it does, there’s room to hear more subtle things—that’s when your intuition starts to blossom and you start to see things more clearly and be in the present more. Your mind just slows down, and you see a tremendous expanse in the moment. You see so much more than you could see before. It’s a discipline; you have to practice it. Zen has been a deep influence in my life ever since. At one point I was thinking about going to Japan and trying to get into the Eihei-ji monastery, but my spiritual advisor urged me to stay here. He said there is nothing over there that isn’t here, and he was correct. I learned the truth of the Zen saying that if you are willing to travel around the world to meet a teacher, one will appear next door. Jobs ~ Walter Isaacson,
1308:The system can be paralyzed in yet another way. Every feedback system needs a margin of “lag” or error. If we try to make a thermostat absolutely accurate–that is, if we bring the upper and lower limits of temperature very close together in an attempt to hold the temperature at a constant 70 degrees–the whole system will break down. For to the extent that the upper and lower limits coincide, the signals for switching off and switching on will coincide! If 70 degrees is both the lower and upper limit the “go” sign will also be the “stop” sign; “yes” will imply “no” and “no” will imply “yes.” Whereupon the mechanism will start “trembling,” going on and off, on and off, until it shakes itself to pieces. The system is too sensitive and shows symptoms which are startlingly like human anxiety. For when a human being is so self-conscious, so self-controlled that he cannot let go of himself, he dithers or wobbles between opposites. This is precisely what is meant in Zen by going round and round on “the wheel of birth-and-death,” for the Buddhist samsara is the prototype of all vicious circles. We saw that when the furnace responds too closely to the thermostat, it cannot go ahead without also trying to stop, or stop without also trying to go ahead. This is just what happens to the human being, to the mind, when the desire for certainty and security prompts identification between the mind and its own image of itself. It cannot let go of itself. It feels that it should not do what it is doing, and that it should do what it is not doing. It feels that it should not be what it is, and be what it isn’t. Furthermore, the effort to remain always “good” or “happy” is like trying to hold the thermostat to a constant 70 degrees by making the lower limit the same as the upper. ~ Alan W Watts,
1309:Why are we as helpless, or more so, than our ancestors were in facing the chaos that interferes with happiness? There are at least two good explanations for this failure. In the first place, the kind of knowledge—or wisdom—one needs for emancipating consciousness is not cumulative. It cannot be condensed into a formula; it cannot be memorized and then routinely applied. Like other complex forms of expertise, such as a mature political judgment or a refined aesthetic sense, it must be earned through trial-and-error experience by each individual, generation after generation. Control over consciousness is not simply a cognitive skill. At least as much as intelligence, it requires the commitment of emotions and will. It is not enough to know how to do it; one must do it, consistently, in the same way as athletes or musicians who must keep practicing what they know in theory. And this is never easy. Progress is relatively fast in fields that apply knowledge to the material world, such as physics or genetics. But it is painfully slow when knowledge is to be applied to modify our own habits and desires. Second, the knowledge of how to control consciousness must be reformulated every time the cultural context changes. The wisdom of the mystics, of the Sufi, of the great yogis, or of the Zen masters might have been excellent in their own time—and might still be the best, if we lived in those times and in those cultures. But when transplanted to contemporary California those systems lose quite a bit of their original power. They contain elements that are specific to their original contexts, and when these accidental components are not distinguished from what is essential, the path to freedom gets overgrown by brambles of meaningless mumbo jumbo. Ritual form wins over substance, and ~ Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi,
1310:After finishing their main course and dessert, she and Cady prepared her extra dish. Sophia had decided to make the girls' favorite dinner- beef tenderloin with peppercorn sauce. Soon enough they were plating and rushing back and forth to the huge banquet table set up in the courtyard. Pouring wine and adjusting garnishes and offering smiles to the judges.
The ambience of this meal was Sophia's idea of romance. The table was draped with ivory linen and topped with glass jars of flowers. Bouquets of Rosa rugosa and Queen Anne's lace were nestled among votives and bottles of wine. The local glassblower had provided an assortment of pottery dishes and hand-blown goblets. Strands of white lights dangled from the surrounding trees.
She and Elliott and the girls plated together, having reached some sort of exhausted Zen state. Emilia scooped the risotto, Elliott placed the salmon on top, Sophia added the three tiny sides shaped with a round cookie cutter. Elliott drizzled his sauce onto the final product. He brushed his shoulder against Sophia each time, needing that physical connection. The plates looked exquisite, artistic. Perfect.
She tried to ignore the overwhelming stress of the moment and focus on the food. Cady and Emilia added garnishes- fresh herbs and flowers. And Cady had a whole sheet of candied violets ready to sprinkle on their dessert. It made Elliott laugh and tease them all about being a family of garden sprites. When they finally got to the head of the table and faced a sea of critics, Sophia felt confident about their choices. They'd prepared a beautiful meal that successfully showcased Elliott's love for Scottish tradition, local Vermont products, and the Brown family's love of fresh vegetables and herbs. All the components meshed together into one cohesive meal. ~ Penny Watson,
1311:Nothingness is the fragrance of the beyond. It is the opening of the heart to the transcendental. It is the unfoldment of the one-thousand-petalled lotus. It is man's destiny. Man is complete only when he has come to this fragrance, when he has come to this absolute nothingness inside his being, when this nothingness has spread all over him, when he is just a pure sky, unclouded. This nothingness is what Buddha calls nirvana. First we have to understand what this nothingness actually is, because it is not just empty; it is full, it is overflowing. Never for a single moment think that nothingness is a negative state, an absence, no. Nothingness is simply no-thingness. Things disappear, only the ultimate substance remains. The identity of "yes" and "no" is the secret of nothingness. Nothingness is not identical with "no", nothingness is the identity of "yes" and "no", where polarities are no more polarities, where opposites are no more opposites. When you make love to a woman or to a man, the point of orgasm is the point of nothingness. At that moment the woman is no more a woman and the man is no more a man. Those forms have disappeared. That polarity between man and woman is no more there; it is utterly relaxed. They have both melted into each other. They have unformed themselves, they have gone into a state which cannot be defined. The identity of yes and no is the secret of emptiness, nothingness, nirvana. Emptiness is not just empty; it is a presence, it is the ultimate peak of consciousness.a very solid presence. If you want to know it you will have to go into life, into some situation where yes and no meet, then you will know it. Where the body and the soul meet, when the world and God meet, where opposites are no longer opposites only then will you have a taste of it. The taste of it is the taste of Tao, of Zen, of Hassidism, of Yoga. ~ Osho,
1312:Each person is born with an unencumbered spot, free of expectation and regret, free of ambition and embarrassment, free of fear and worry; an umbilical spot of grace where we were each first touched by God. It is this spot of grace that issues peace. Psychologists call this spot the Psyche, Theologians call it the Soul, Jung calls it the Seat of the Unconscious, Hindu masters call it Atman, Buddhists call it Dharma, Rilke calls it Inwardness, Sufis call it Qalb, and Jesus calls it the Center of our Love.

To know this spot of Inwardness is to know who we are, not by surface markers of identity, not by where we work or what we wear or how we like to be addressed, but by feeling our place in relation to the Infinite and by inhabiting it. This is a hard lifelong task, for the nature of becoming is a constant filming over of where we begin, while the nature of being is a constant erosion of what is not essential. Each of us lives in the midst of this ongoing tension, growing tarnished or covered over, only to be worn back to that incorruptible spot of grace at our core.

When the film is worn through, we have moments of enlightenment, moments of wholeness, moments of Satori as the Zen sages term it, moments of clear living when inner meets outer, moments of full integrity of being, moments of complete Oneness. And whether the film is a veil of culture, of memory, of mental or religious training, of trauma or sophistication, the removal of that film and the restoration of that timeless spot of grace is the goal of all therapy and education.

Regardless of subject matter, this is the only thing worth teaching: how to uncover that original center and how to live there once it is restored. We call the filming over a deadening of heart, and the process of return, whether brought about through suffering or love, is how we unlearn our way back to God ~ Mark Nepo,
1313:Also by Alan Watts The Spirit of Zen (1936) The Legacy of Asia and Western Man (1937) The Meaning of Happiness (1940) The Theologica Mystica of St. Dionysius (1944) (translation) Behold the Spirit (1948) Easter: Its Story and Meaning (1950) The Supreme Identity (1950) The Wisdom of Insecurity (1951) Myth and Ritual in Christianity (1953) The Way of Zen (1957) Nature, Man, and Woman (1958) “This Is It” and Other Essays on Zen and Spiritual Experience (1960) Psychotherapy East and West (1961) The Joyous Cosmology: Adventures in the Chemistry of Consciousness (1962) The Two Hands of God: The Myths of Polarity (1963) Beyond Theology: The Art of Godmanship (1964) The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are (1966) Nonsense (1967) Does It Matter?: Essays on Man’s Relation to Materiality (1970) Erotic Spirituality: The Vision of Konarak (1971) The Art of Contemplation (1972) In My Own Way: An Autobiography 1915–1965 (1972) Cloud-hidden, Whereabouts Unknown: A Mountain Journal (1973) Posthumous Publications Tao: The Watercourse Way (unfinished at the time of his death in 1973, published in 1975) The Essence of Alan Watts (1974) Essential Alan Watts (1976) Uncarved Block, Unbleached Silk: The Mystery of Life (1978) Om: Creative Meditations (1979) Play to Live (1982) Way of Liberation: Essays and Lectures on the Transformation of the Self (1983) Out of the Trap (1985) Diamond Web (1986) The Early Writings of Alan Watts (1987) The Modern Mystic: A New Collection of Early Writings (1990) Talking Zen (1994) Become Who You Are (1995) Buddhism: The Religion of No-Religion (1995) The Philosophies of Asia (1995) The Tao of Philosophy (1995) Myth and Religion (1996) Taoism: Way Beyond Seeking (1997) Zen and the Beat Way (1997) Culture of Counterculture (1998) Eastern Wisdom: What Is Zen?, What Is Tao?, An Introduction to Meditation (2000) Eastern Wisdom, Modern Life: Collected Talks: 1960–1969 (2006) ~ Alan W Watts,
1314:Distance changes utterly when you take the world on foot. A mile becomes a long way, two miles literally considerable, ten miles whopping, fifty miles at the very limits of conception. The world, you realize, is enormous in a way that only you and a small community of fellow hikers know. Planetary scale is your little secret.

Life takes on a neat simplicity, too. Time ceases to have any meaning. When it is dark, you go to bed, and when it is light again you get up, and everything in between is just in between. It’s quite wonderful, really.

You have no engagements, commitments, obligations, or duties; no special ambitions and only the smallest, least complicated of wants; you exist in a tranquil tedium, serenely beyond the reach of exasperation, “far removed from the seats of strife,” as the early explorer and botanist William Bartram put it. All that is required of you is a willingness to trudge.

There is no point in hurrying because you are not actually going anywhere. However far or long you plod, you are always in the same place: in the woods. It’s where you were yesterday, where you will be tomorrow. The woods is one boundless singularity. Every bend in the path presents a prospect indistinguishable from every other, every glimpse into the trees the same tangled mass. For all you know, your route could describe a very large, pointless circle. In a way, it would hardly matter.

At times, you become almost certain that you slabbed this hillside three days ago, crossed this stream yesterday, clambered over this fallen tree at least twice today already. But most of the time you don’t think. No point. Instead, you exist in a kind of mobile Zen mode, your brain like a balloon tethered with string, accompanying but not actually part of the body below. Walking for hours and miles becomes as automatic, as unremarkable, as breathing. At the end of the day you don’t think, “Hey, I did sixteen miles today,” any more than you think, “Hey, I took eight-thousand breaths today.” It’s just what you do. ~ Bill Bryson,
1315:The word zen itself is a Japanese mispronunciation of the Chinese word ch’an, which, in turn, is a Chinese mispronunciation of the Sanskrit dhyana, meaning “contemplation, meditation.” Contemplation, however, of what?

Let us imagine ourselves for a moment in the lecture hall where I originally presented the material for this chapter. Above, we see the many lights. Each bulb is separate from the others, and we may think of them, accordingly, as separate from each other. Regarded that way, they are so many empirical facts; and the whole universe seen that way is called in Japanese ji hokkai, “the universe of things.”

But now, let us consider further. Each of those separate bulbs is a vehicle of light, and the light is not many but one. The one light, that is to say, is being displayed through all those bulbs; and we may think, therefore, either of the many bulbs or of the one light. Moreover, if this or that bulb went out, it would be replaced by another and we should again have the same light. The light, which is one, appears thus through many bulbs.

Analogously, I would be looking out from the lecture platform, seeing before me all the people of my audience, and just as each bulb seen aloft is a vehicle of light, so each of us below is a vehicle of consciousness. But the important thing about a bulb is the quality of its light. Likewise, the important thing about each of us is the quality of his consciousness. And although each may tend to identify himself mainly with his separate body and its frailties, it is possible also to regard one’s body as a mere vehicle of consciousness and to think then of consciousness as the one presence here made manifest through us all. These are but two ways of interpreting and experiencing the same set of present facts. One way is not truer than the other. They are just two ways of interpreting and experiencing: the first, in terms of the manifold of separate things; the second, in terms of the one thing that is made manifest through this manifold. And as, in Japanese, the first is known as ji hokkai, so the second is ri hokkai, the absolute universe. ~ Joseph Campbell,
1316:Poshlust,” or in a better transliteration poshlost, has many nuances, and evidently I have not described them clearly enough in my little book on Gogol, if you think one can ask anybody if he is tempted by poshlost. Corny trash, vulgar clichés, Philistinism in all its phases, imitations of imitations, bogus profundities, crude, moronic, and dishonest pseudo-literature—these are obvious examples. Now, if we want to pin down poshlost in contemporary writing, we must look for it in Freudian symbolism, moth-eaten mythologies, social comment, humanistic messages, political allegories, overconcern with class or race, and the journalistic generalities we all know. Poshlost speaks in such concepts as “America is no better than Russia” or “We all share in Germany’s guilt.” The flowers of poshlost bloom in such phrases and terms as “the moment of truth,” “charisma,” “existential” (used seriously), “dialogue” (as applied to political talks between nations), and “vocabulary” (as applied to a dauber). Listing in one breath Auschwitz, Hiroshima, and Vietnam is seditious poshlost. Belonging to a very select club (which sports one Jewish name—that of the treasurer) is genteel poshlost. Hack reviews are frequently poshlost, but it also lurks in certain highbrow essays. Poshlost calls Mr. Blank a great poet and Mr. Bluff a great novelist. One of poshlost’s favorite breeding places has always been the Art Exhibition; there it is produced by so-called sculptors working with the tools of wreckers, building crankshaft cretins of stainless steel, Zen stereos, polystyrene stinkbirds, objects trouvés in latrines, cannonballs, canned balls. There we admire the gabinetti wall patterns of so-called abstract artists, Freudian surrealism, roric smudges, and Rorschach blots—all of it as corny in its own right as the academic “September Morns” and “Florentine Flowergirls” of half a century ago. The list is long, and, of course, everybody has his bête noire, his black pet, in the series. Mine is that airline ad: the snack served by an obsequious wench to a young couple—she eyeing ecstatically the cucumber canapé, he admiring wistfully the hostess. And, of course, Death in Venice. You see the range. ~ Vladimir Nabokov,
1317:All beings are primarily Buddhas. It is like water and ice: There is no ice apart from water; There are no Buddhas apart from beings. Not knowing how close the truth is to them, Beings seek for it afar -- what a pity! They are like those who, being in the midst of water, Cry out for water, feeling thirst. They are like the son of the rich man, Who, wandering away from his father, Goes astray amongst the poor. It is all due to their ignorance That beings transmigrate in the darkness Of the Six Paths of existence. When they wander from darkness to darkness, How can they ever be free from birth-and-death? As for the Dhyana practice as taught in the Mahayana, No amount of praise can exhaust its merits. The Six Paramitas--beginning with the Giving, Observing the Precepts, And other good deeds, variously enumerated, Such as Nembutsu, Repentance, Moral Training, and so on -- All are finally reducible to the practice of Dhyana. The merit of Dhyana practice, even during a single sitting, Erases the countless sins accumulated in the past. Where then are the Evil Paths to misguide us? The Pure Land cannot be far away. Those who, for once, listening to the Dharma In all humility, Praise it and faithfully follow it, Will be endowed with innumerable merits. But how much more so when you turn your eyes within yourselves And have a glimpse into your self-nature! You find that the self-nature is no-nature - The truth permitting no idle sophistry. For you, then, open the gate leading to the oneness of cause and effect; Before you, then, lies a straight road of non-duality and non-trinity. When you understand that form is the form of the formless, Your coming-and-going takes place nowhere else but where you are. When you understand that thought is the thought of the thought-less. Your singing-and-dancing is no other than the voice of the Dharma. How boundless is the sky of Samadhi! How refreshingly bright is the moon of the Fourfold Wisdom! Being so is there anything you lack? As the Absolute presents itself before you The place where you stand is the Land of the Lotus, And your person -- the body of the Buddha. [2139.jpg] -- from Essays in Zen Buddhism, First Series, by Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki

~ Hakuin, Hakuins Song of Zazen
1318:Self-Abuse by Drugs
Not a drop of alcohol is to be brought into this temple.
Master Bassui (1327-1387)1
(His dying instructions: first rule)
In swinging between liberal tolerance one moment and outraged repression the next,
modern societies seem chronically incapable of reaching consistent attitudes about
Stephen Batchelor2
Drugs won't show you the truth. Drugs will only show you what it's like to be on drugs.
Brad Warner3

Implicit in the authentic Buddhist Path is sila. It is the time-honored practice
of exercising sensible restraints [Z:73-74]. Sila's ethical guidelines provide the
bedrock foundation for one's personal behavior in daily life. At the core of every
religion are some self-disciplined renunciations corresponding to sila. Yet, a profound irony has been reshaping the human condition in most cultures during the
last half century. It dates from the years when psychoactive drugs became readily
available. During this era, many naturally curious persons could try psychedelic
short-cuts and experience the way their consciousness might seem to ''expand.'' A
fortunate few of these experimenters would become motivated to follow the nondrug meditative route when they pursued various spiritual paths.
One fact is often overlooked. Meditation itself has many mind-expanding, psychedelic properties [Z:418-426]. These meditative experiences can also stimulate a
drug-free spiritual quest.
Meanwhile, we live in a drug culture. It is increasingly a drugged culture, for which overprescribing physicians must shoulder part of the blame. Do
drugs have any place along the spiritual path? This issue will always be hotly
In Zen, the central issue is not whether each spiritual aspirant has the ''right''
to exercise their own curiosity, or the ''right'' to experiment on their own brains in
the name of freedom of religion. It is a free country. Drugs are out there. The real
questions are:
 Can you exercise the requisite self-discipline to follow the Zen Buddhist Path?
 Do you already have enough common sense to ask that seemingly naive question,

''What would Buddha do?'' (WWBD).
~ James Austin, Zen-Brain_Reflections,_Reviewing_Recent_Developments_in_Meditation_and_States_of_Consciousness,
1319:We feel that our actions are voluntary when they follow a decision, and involuntary when they happen without decision. But if decision itself were voluntary, every decision would have to be preceded by a decision to decide–an infinite regression which fortunately does not occur. Oddly enough, if we had to decide to decide, we would not be free to decide. We are free to decide because decision “happens.” We just decide without having the faintest understanding of how we do it. In fact, it is neither voluntary nor involuntary. To “get the feel” of this relativity is to find another extraordinary transformation of our experience as a whole, which may be described in either of two ways. I feel that I am deciding everything that happens, or, I feel that everything, including my decisions, is just happening spontaneously. For a decision–the freest of my actions-just happens like hiccups inside me or like a bird singing outside me. Such a way of seeing things is vividly described by a modern Zen master, the late Sokei-an Sasaki: One day I wiped out all the notions from my mind. I gave up all desire. I discarded all the words with which I thought and stayed in quietude. I felt a little queer–as if I were being carried into something, or as if I were touching some power unknown to me … and Ztt! I entered. I lost the boundary of my physical body. I had my skin, of course, but I felt I was standing in the center of the cosmos. I spoke, but my words had lost their meaning. I saw people coming towards me, but all were the same man. All were myself! I had never known this world. I had believed that I was created, but now I must change my opinion: I was never created; I was the cosmos; no individual Mr. Sasaki existed.7 It would seem, then, that to get rid of the subjective distinction between “me” and “my experience”–through seeing that my idea of myself is not myself–is to discover the actual relationship between myself and the “outside” world. The individual, on the one hand, and the world, on the other, are simply the abstract limits or terms of a concrete reality which is “between” them, as the concrete coin is “between” the abstract, Euclidean surfaces of its two sides. Similarly, the reality of all “inseparable opposites”–life and death, good and evil, pleasure and pain, gain and loss–is that “between” for which we have no words. ~ Alan W Watts,
1320:reading :::
   50 Spiritual Classics: List of Books Covered:
   Muhammad Asad - The Road To Mecca (1954)
   St Augustine - Confessions (400)
   Richard Bach - Jonathan Livingston Seagull (1970)
   Black Elk Black - Elk Speaks (1932)
   Richard Maurice Bucke - Cosmic Consciousness (1901)
   Fritjof Capra - The Tao of Physics (1976)
   Carlos Castaneda - Journey to Ixtlan (1972)
   GK Chesterton - St Francis of Assisi (1922)
   Pema Chodron - The Places That Scare You (2001)
   Chuang Tzu - The Book of Chuang Tzu (4th century BCE)
   Ram Dass - Be Here Now (1971)
   Epictetus - Enchiridion (1st century)
   Mohandas Gandhi - An Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments With Truth (1927)
   Al-Ghazzali - The Alchemy of Happiness (1097)
   Kahlil Gibran - The Prophet (1923)
   GI Gurdjieff - Meetings With Remarkable Men (1960)
   Dag Hammarskjold - Markings (1963)
   Abraham Joshua Heschel - The Sabbath (1951)
   Hermann Hesse - Siddartha (1922)
   Aldous Huxley - The Doors of Perception (1954)
   William James - The Varieties of Religious Experience (1902)
   Carl Gustav Jung - Memories, Dreams, Reflections (1955)
   Margery Kempe - The Book of Margery Kempe (1436)
   J Krishnamurti - Think On These Things (1964)
   CS Lewis - The Screwtape Letters (1942)
   Malcolm X - The Autobiography of Malcolm X (1964)
   Daniel C Matt - The Essential Kabbalah (1994)
   Dan Millman - The Way of the Peaceful Warrior (1989)
   W Somerset Maugham - The Razor's Edge (1944)
   Thich Nhat Hanh - The Miracle of Mindfulness (1975)
   Michael Newton - Journey of Souls (1994)
   John O'Donohue - Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom (1998)
   Robert M Pirsig - Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (1974)
   James Redfield - The Celestine Prophecy (1994)
   Miguel Ruiz - The Four Agreements (1997)
   Helen Schucman & William Thetford - A Course in Miracles (1976)
   Idries Shah - The Way of the Sufi (1968)
   Starhawk - The Spiral Dance: A Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Great Goddess (1979)
   Shunryu Suzuki - Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind (1970)
   Emanuel Swedenborg - Heaven and Hell (1758)
   Teresa of Avila - Interior Castle (1570)
   Mother Teresa - A Simple Path (1994)
   Eckhart Tolle - The Power of Now (1998)
   Chogyam Trungpa - Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism (1973)
   Neale Donald Walsch - Conversations With God (1998)
   Rick Warren - The Purpose-Driven Life (2002)
   Simone Weil - Waiting For God (1979)
   Ken Wilber - A Theory of Everything (2000)
   Paramahansa Yogananda - Autobiography of a Yogi (1974)
   Gary Zukav - The Seat of the Soul (1990)
   ~ Tom Butler-Bowdon, 50 Spirital Classics (2017 Edition),
1321:After a moment or two a man in brown crimplene looked in at us, did not at all like the look of us and asked us if we were transit passengers. We said we were. He shook his head with infinite weariness and told us that if we were transit passengers then we were supposed to be in the other of the two rooms. We were obviously very crazy and stupid not to have realized this. He stayed there slumped against the door jamb, raising his eyebrows pointedly at us until we eventually gathered our gear together and dragged it off down the
corridor to the other room. He watched us go past him shaking his head in wonder and sorrow at the stupid futility of the human condition in general and ours in particular, and then closed the door behind us.

The second room was identical to the first. Identical in all respects other than one, which was that it had a hatchway let into one wall. A large vacant-looking girl was leaning through it with her elbows on the counter and her fists jammed up into her cheekbones. She was watching some flies crawling up the wall, not with any great interest because they were not doing anything unexpected, but at least they were doing something. Behind her was a table stacked with biscuits, chocolate bars, cola, and a pot of coffee, and we headed straight towards this like a pack of stoats.

Just before we reached it, however, we were suddenly headed off by a man in blue crimplene, who asked us what we thought we were doing in there. We explained that we were transit passengers on our way to Zaire, and he looked at us as if we had completely taken leave of our senses.
'Transit passengers? he said. 'It is not allowed for transit passengers to be in here.'
He waved us magnificently away from the snack counter, made us pick up all our gear again, and herded us back through the door and away into the first room where, a minute later, the man in the brown crimplene found us again.

He looked at us. Slow incomprehension engulfed him, followed by sadness, anger, deep frustration and a sense that the world had been created specifically to cause him vexation. He leaned back against the wall, frowned, closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose.
'You are in the wrong room,' he said simply. `You are transit passengers. Please go to the other room.'

There is a wonderful calm that comes over you in such situations, particularly when there is a refreshment kiosk involved. We nodded, picked up our gear in a Zen-like manner and made our way back down the corridor to the second room. Here the man in blue crimplene accosted us once more but we patiently explained to him that he could fuck off. ~ Douglas Adams,
1322:Though it’s best not to be born a chicken at all, it is especially bad luck to be born a cockerel. From the perspective of the poultry farmer, male chickens are useless. They can’t lay eggs, their meat is stringy, and they’re ornery to the hens that do all the hard work of putting food on our tables. Commercial hatcheries tend to treat male chicks like fabric cutoffs or scrap metal: the wasteful but necessary by-product of an industrial process. The sooner they can be disposed of—often they’re ground into animal feed—the better. But a costly problem has vexed egg farmers for millennia: It’s virtually impossible to tell the difference between male and female chickens until they’re four to six weeks old, when they begin to grow distinctive feathers and secondary sex characteristics like the rooster’s comb. Until then, they’re all just indistinguishable fluff balls that have to be housed and fed—at considerable expense. Somehow it took until the 1920s before anyone figured out a solution to this costly dilemma. The momentous discovery was made by a group of Japanese veterinary scientists, who realized that just inside the chick’s rear end there is a constellation of folds, marks, spots, and bumps that to the untrained eye appear arbitrary, but when properly read, can divulge the sex of a day-old bird. When this discovery was unveiled at the 1927 World Poultry Congress in Ottawa, it revolutionized the global hatchery industry and eventually lowered the price of eggs worldwide. The professional chicken sexer, equipped with a skill that took years to master, became one of the most valuable workers in agriculture. The best of the best were graduates of the two-year Zen-Nippon Chick Sexing School, whose standards were so rigorous that only 5 to 10 percent of students received accreditation. But those who did graduate earned as much as five hundred dollars a day and were shuttled around the world from hatchery to hatchery like top-flight business consultants. A diaspora of Japanese chicken sexers spilled across the globe. Chicken sexing is a delicate art, requiring Zen-like concentration and a brain surgeon’s dexterity. The bird is cradled in the left hand and given a gentle squeeze that causes it to evacuate its intestines (too tight and the intestines will turn inside out, killing the bird and rendering its gender irrelevant). With his thumb and forefinger, the sexer flips the bird over and parts a small flap on its hindquarters to expose the cloaca, a tiny vent where both the genitals and anus are situated, and peers deep inside. To do this properly, his fingernails have to be precisely trimmed. In the simple cases—the ones that the sexer can actually explain—he’s looking for a barely perceptible protuberance called the “bead,” about the size of a pinhead. If the bead is convex, the bird is a boy, and gets thrown to the left; concave or flat and it’s a girl, sent down a chute to the right. ~ Joshua Foer,
1323:Desconfía de lo que te digo. Desconfía con la mirada del investigador, no con la del incrédulo. Pero desconfía de lo que digo. Desconfía con la mentalidad de un buscador, no con la de un escéptico. Pero desconfía de lo que digo. Desconfía con el corazón abierto y el deseo de aprender, no con la soberbia del que cree que todo lo sabe. Pero desconfía de lo que digo. Desconfía de mí, pero no de ti. Recuerdo un cuento zen: Un alumno fue a ver a su maestro y le dijo: –Maestro, quiero que me enseñes las cosas más importantes. El maestro le respondió: –Para conocer las cosas más importantes tienes que conocer primero las cosas cotidianas. Aquéllas con las que te cruzas todos los días. Tú cruzas este río cuatro o más veces cada día, para entrar y salir del pueblo. Si te preguntaras qué es un río, ¿sabrías qué contestarte? El alumno no entendía muy bien hacia dónde apuntaba su pregunta, pero de todas formas le dijo a su maestro todas las cosas que sabía sobre los ríos. Cuando finalizó su explicación, el maestro le lanzó una nueva pregunta: –¿Sólo eso? El alumno, después de reflexionar durante unos segundos, le dijo otra veintena de cosas sobre los ríos. –¿Sólo eso? —repitió el maestro. Y preguntando, preguntando… el maestro consiguió que el alumno le dijera muchas más cosas. Finalmente el maestro le dijo: –Mira, allá arriba, en la montaña, nace este río… y termina allá abajo, en el mar. Ahora ve y recórrelo. Cuando al hacerte a ti mismo la pregunta, no necesites poner la respuesta en palabras, sabrás lo que es un río. Supongo que por eso te invito a desconfiar, yo ni siquiera he recorrido en su totalidad este río que es el camino espiritual. He leído mucho, he explorado bastante, he experimentado todas las cosas que propongo. Con lo aprendido he hecho lo mejor que podía hacer: contarte por lo menos las cosas que sé de este camino para así invitarte a recorrerlo. Pero es obvio que no será suficiente. Si quieres encontrar tus respuestas, deberás recorrerlo tú mismo. Me pregunto cómo terminar lo que desde el principio pretende ser tan sólo un punto de partida. Me parece que debo, otra vez, recurrir al Talmud, sesenta tomos de texto en los que se registra toda la sabiduría del pueblo judío y las palabras más elaboradas de sus guías más reconocidos. Cada una de las páginas del Talmud está nominada, lleva una letra que la identifica, ya que en hebreo los números se remplazaban por letras (alef es 1, bet es 2 y así… ). Pues bien, la primera página del Talmud lleva, según la tradición, la letra bet (la del número 2). La primera página es pues… la segunda. No es un error, es un símbolo. En el último capítulo del último tomo, uno de los rabinos escribe al lector: Y no te ufanes de haber leído hasta aquí, ni de haberlo comprendido todo, porque te sigue faltando entender la página uno del primer tomo. El conocimiento de lo espiritual, al igual que la vida, está en constante cambio. Posiblemente, como en la parábola talmúdica, cuando lleguemos al final nos daremos cuenta de que aún nos falta terminar de comprender el principio. Para seguir avanzando en el camino espiritual, hay que ser capaz de aceptar con humildad esta paradoja. ~ Anonymous,
1324:The contemporary Christian Church, precisely, has understood them in this' 'wrong way, to the letter, 'like the Jews,' exoterically, not esoterically. Nevertheless to say 'like the Jews' is an error. One would have to say 'as the Jews want.' Because they also possess an exotericism, for their masses, represented by the Torah and Talmud, and an esotericism, in the Cabala (which means: 'Received Tradition'), in the Zohar ('brightness'), the Merkaba or Chariot being the most secret part of the Cabala which only initiated rabbis know and use as the powerful tool of their magic. We have already said that the Cabala reached them from elsewhere, like everything else, in the Middle Ages, even though they tell us otherwise, using and transforming it in concordance with their Archetype. The Hasidim, from Poland, represent an exclusively esoteric sect of Judaism.

Islam also has its esoteric magic, represented by Sufism and the sect of the Assassins, Hassanists, oflran. They interpret the Koran symbolically. And it was because of contact with this sect of the 'Old Man of the Mountain' that the Templars felt compelled to secede more and more from the direction of Rome, centering themselves in their Esoteric Kristianity and Mystery of the Gral. This was also why Rome destroyed them, like the esoteric Cathars (katharos = pure in Greek), the Bogomils, the Manichees and the gnostics.

In the Church of Rome, called Catholic, there only remains a soulless ritual of the Mass, as a liturgical shell that no longer reaches the Symbol, which no longer touches it, no longer puts it into action. The Nordic contribution has been lost, destroyed by prejudice and the ethnological persecution of Nordicism, Germanism and the complete surrender to Judaism.

Zen Buddhism preserves the esotericism of Buddha. In Japan Shinto and Zen are practiced by a racially superior warrior caste, the Samurai. The most esoteric side of Hinduism is found in Tantrism, especially in the Kaula or Kula Order.

So understood, esotericism is what goes beyond the exterior form and the masses, the physical, and puts an elite in contact with invisible superior forces. In my case, the condition that paralysed me in the midst of dreaming and left me without means to influence the phenomena. The visible is symbol of invisible forces (Archetypes, Gods). By means of an esoteric knowledge, of an initiation in this knowledge, a hierarchic minority can make contact with these invisible forces, being able to act on the Symbol, dynamizing and controlling the physical phenomena that incarnate them. In my case: to come to control the involuntary process which, without knowing how, was controlling me, to be able to guide it, to check or avoid it. Jung referred to this when he said 'if someone wisely faces the Archetype, in whatever place in the world, he acquires universal validity because the Archetype is one and indivisible'.

And the means to reach this spiritual world, 'on the other side of the mirror,' is Magic, Rite, Ritual, Ceremony. All religions have possessed them, even the Christian, as we have said. And the Rite is not something invented by humans but inspired by 'those from beyond,' Jung would say by the Collective Unconscious. ~ Miguel Serrano,
1325:Sevilebilmek için hayatını riske atmak gerektiğini düşündü.
Annecik ciddi bir ses tonuyla "Sanat asla mutluluktan doğmaz" dedi.
... çocuk bir resmin, bir heykelin veya hikayenin, sevilen birinin yerini alabileceğini sanacak kadar aptal.
...bu yüzden eğer bunu okumanın sizi kurtaracağını sanıyorsanız...
Herhangi bir şeyin sizi kurtaracağını sanıyorsanız...
...Bence annesi ölene dek bir erkeğin hayatındaki diğer kadıınların hiçbiri metres olmaktan öteye geçemez.
...Tamamlayamadığım şeylerle dolu hayatımda, bir tamamlanmamış olay daha.
Hayatımın, Zen Budizmi öğrencilerine meditasyon yapmaları için ödev olarak verilen ve mantıksal çözümü olmayan problemlerden hiçbir farkı yok.
Radyoda, duran aracın polise bildirildiği söylendi.
Annecik radyonun sesini köledi. "Kahretsin" dedi. "Lütfen bizden bahsetmediklerini söyle bana."
"Metalik sarı bir Duster'dan söz ediyorlar" dedi çocuk. "Bu bizim arabamız."
Annecik, "Bu senin ne kadar az şey bildiğini gösteriyor" dedi.
Kendi kapısını açtı ve çocuğa sürücü tarafına geçip arabadan inmesini söyledi. Yanlarından hızla geçen araçları kontrol etti. Ve, "Bu bizim arabamız değil" dedi.
"Dünyayı parçalara ayırdık" diyor, "ama parçalarla ne yapacağımızı bilemiyoruz..."
"Vaktimizin çoğunu başkalarının yarattığı şeyleri yargılayarak geçirdiğimizden, kendimiz hiçbir şey yaratamadık."
...hissettiğimden daha zavallı bir şey görmek iyi geliyor.
Her bağımlılık aynı sorunu çözmek için bulunmuş bir yöntemdir, dedi. Uyuşturucular, obezite, alkol veya seks, huzuru bulmak için kullanılan farklı farklı yöntemlerdi. Bildiklerimizden kaçmak için. Eğitimimizden. Elmayı ısırmış olmaktan.
İnsanlar dünyanın güvenli ve düzenli bir yer olması için yıllarca çalışırlardı. Ama hiç kimse bunun ne kadar sıkıcı olabileceğinin farkında değildi. Bütün dünyanın parsellendiğini, hız limitleri konduğunu, bölümlere ayrıldığını, vergilendirildiğini ve düzenlendiğini, bütün insanların sınavlardan geçirildiğini, fişlendiğini, nerede oturduğunun ne yaptığının kaydının yapıldığını düşünün. Hiç kimseye macera yaşayacak bir alan kalmadı, satın alınabilenler hariç. Lunaparka gitmek, Film izlemek gibi. Ama yine de bunlar sahte heyecanlardı. Dinozorların çocukları yemeyeceğini bilirsiniz. Büyük bir sahte afetin olma şansı bile oy çoğunluğuyla ortadan kaldırıldı. Gerçek afet veya risk ihtimali olmadığından, Gerçek kurtuluş şansı da ortadan kalkmış oldu. Gerçek mutluluk yok. Gerçek heyecan yok. Eğlence, keşif, buluş yok.
Bizi koruyan kanunlar aslında bizi can sıkıntısına mahkum etmekten başka bir işe yaramazlar.
Gerçek karmaşaya ulaşamadığımız sürece, asla gerçekten huzurlu olamayacağız.
Her şey berbat bir hal almadığı sürece yoluna da girmeyecek.
Bunlar Anneciğin ona anlattığı şeylerdi.
"Keşfedilmemiş tek alan, elle tutulamayanların dünyasıdır. Bunun dışındaki her şey çok sıkı örülmüştür" derdi.
Çok fazla kanunun içinde hapsolmuş durumdayız.
Elle tutulamayanlar derken interneti, filmleri, müziği, hikayeleri, sanatı, dedikoduları, bilgisayar programlarını, yani gerçek olmayan her şeyi kastediyordu. Sanal gerçeklikten bahsediyordu. Yalandan inanılan şeylerden. Kültürden.
Gerçekdışı şeyler, gerçeklikten daha güçlüdür.
Çünkü sadece elle tutulamayan fikirler, mefhumlar, inanışlar ve fanteziler kalır. Taşlar ufalanır. Ağaçlar çürür. İnsanlar da maalesef ölürler.
Fakat bir düşünce, bir rüya, bir efsane gibi aslında son derece kırılgan şeyler yaşarlar da yaşarlar.
"...Beni mahkum etmeniz çok gereksizdi. Bürokrasiniz ve kanunlarımız dünyayı temiz ve güvenli bir toplama kampına çevirdi" diye b ~ Chuck Palahniuk,
1326:George Mumford, a Newton-based mindfulness teacher, one such moment took place in 1993, at the Omega Institute, a holistic learning center in Rhinebeck, New York. The center was hosting a retreat devoted to mindfulness meditation, the clear-your-head habit in which participants sit quietly and focus on their breathing. Leading the session: meditation megastar Jon Kabat-Zinn. Originally trained as a molecular biologist at MIT, Kabat-Zinn had gone on to revolutionize the meditation world in the 1970s by creating a more secularized version of the practice, one focused less on Buddhism and more on stress reduction and other health benefits. After dinner one night, Kabat-Zinn was giving a talk about his work, clicking through a slide show to give the audience something to look at. At one point he displayed a slide of Mumford. Mumford had been a star high school basketball player who’d subsequently hit hard times as a heroin addict, Kabat-Zinn explained. By the early 1980s, however, he’d embraced meditation and gotten sober. Now Mumford taught meditation to prison inmates and other unlikely students. Kabat-Zinn explained how they were able to relate to Mumford because of his tough upbringing, his openness about his addiction — and because, like many inmates, he’s African-American. Kabat-Zinn’s description of Mumford didn’t seem to affect most Omega visitors, but one participant immediately took notice: June Jackson, whose husband had just coached the Chicago Bulls to their third consecutive NBA championship. Phil Jackson had spent years studying Buddhism and Native American spirituality and was a devoted meditator. Yet his efforts to get Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen, and their teammates to embrace mindfulness was meeting with only limited success. “June took one look at George and said, ‘He could totally connect with Phil’s players,’ ’’ Kabat-Zinn recalls. So he provided an introduction. Soon Mumford was in Chicago, gathering some of the world’s most famous athletes in a darkened room and telling them to focus on their breathing. Mumford spent the next five years working with the Bulls, frequently sitting behind the bench, as they won three more championships. In 1999 Mumford followed Phil Jackson to the Los Angeles Lakers, where he helped turn Kobe Bryant into an outspoken adherent of meditation. Last year, as Jackson began rebuilding the moribund New York Knicks as president, Mumford signed on for a third tour of duty. He won’t speak about the specific work he’s doing in New York, but it surely involves helping a new team adjust to Jackson’s sensibilities, his controversial triangle offense, and the particular stress that comes with compiling the worst record in the NBA. Late one April afternoon just as the NBA playoffs are beginning, Mumford is sitting at a table in O’Hara’s, a Newton pub. Sober for more than 30 years, he sips Perrier. It’s Marathon Monday, and as police begin allowing traffic back onto Commonwealth Avenue, early finishers surround us, un-showered and drinking beer. No one recognizes Mumford, but that’s hardly unusual. While most NBA fans are aware that Jackson is serious about meditation — his nickname is the Zen Master — few outside his locker rooms can name the consultant he employs. And Mumford hasn’t done much to change that. He has no office and does no marketing, and his recently launched website,, is mired deep in search-engine results. Mumford has worked with teams that have won six championships, but, one friend jokes, he remains the world’s most famous completely unknown meditation teacher. That may soon change. This month, Mumford published his first book, The Mindful Athlete, which is part memoir and part instruction guide, and he has agreed to give a series of talks and book signings ~ Anonymous,
1327:Lauds And Plants (Xiv)
<i>Like a bridge over troubled water, I will lay me down
Simon & Garfunkel</i>
what does the world know of you and me
together what does it know of us together
why should it care
if separated we should depend on substanceless
memories and make much of moments
gone into the timeless
not far from where you are now is still a beach
at the side of a Bay of Islands township circumspect
of history and tourism
white board roofs and walls salt-white sunlight
abutting the beach a road of residentials
front row of a summer place
we came there in mid-winter torn from a hibernating
cover by a need to distance ourselves
from a nest sullied by unrest
impending ill-health and the threat of a Damoclean
future pressing us into temporary exile
from the hill-encircled city
inclined but unable to be lovers we walked
the open streets of the town and promenaded
the beach front road accompanied
by an old black dog who picked us up and posed
for our photographs looking up understandingly
into our bewildered eyes
along the harsh sanded tideline heaped with shell
and a wrack of pebble-smooth green glass fragments
coin-sized and shaped
the worn pieces of china plate and crockery
cameoed still with gull's eye glimpses of willow
pattern blue and white
others with roseate reminders of a durable
past of generations of meals and afternoon
teas the beach was homelily
haunted by endurance we sat on yellow ochred
rocks at one end beneath a small cliff
and looked across the bay
towards the treaty house handsomer than
though somehow not so self-important as
the gravure tourist brochures
advising us we were now part of the country's
history during our stay at least as significant
if not in our own eyes
then in those of the quietly possessive locals
as the bullet pocked walls of the oldest church
the hill-top high flagpole
lopped down by a rebellious Maori and re-erected
several times to the alternate chagrin
and amusement of the settlers
on the far side of the bay we found a long white
beach empty of visitors and walked our apprehensions
down and underfoot
for the day I have the photo of you fawn slacked
and mohair scarved as chic as Laurent model
perched upon a log
walking we talked of things in front of us there
and then the instantaneous gossip of being
opened our minds to the mild
onrush of winter sunlight and the keen
salt-edged breeze on the verge of gusts
you sketched shells and stark branches
in charcoal or sepia ink which I inscribed
with almost appropriate imitation senryu
skeptical zen tyros
I read Wu Cheng-en in a paperback translation
Witheford’s third book of hermetic verse
and you Waley’s versions
of never-at-home-except-to-convalesce Po Chu-I
our English landlady told us with fevered eyes
and parched carping voice
that D.H.L. was filthy and so was sex
her husband made us over-seasoned meals
with an off season enthusiasm
we had to cross the road when an old horse farted
back at us from a sparse field even here were
disturbed stomachs and minds
all this so little to recall so less than nothing
to the world was our first time alone
together released a while
from the terrible slavery of money minting hours
our continent honeymoon in the tiny room
at an empty guest house
the short breathed prelude to the dinning long-winded
cantata of collapse and agonising
separately always together even now
bridged over troubled waters of bereavement
~ Bruce Beaver,
1328:Cold Calls: War Music, Continued
Many believe in the stars.
Take Quinamid
The son of a Dardanian astrologer
Who disregarded what his father said
And came to Troy in a taxi.
Odysseus to Greece:
“Hector has never fought this far from Troy.
We want him further out. Beyond King Ilus’ tower.
So walk him to the centre of the plain and, having killed him,
Massacre the Trojans there.”
Immediately beyond the ridge is Primrose Hill
Where Paris favoured Aphrodité.
“Take it,” said Hector.
Greece shouted: “Hurry up!”
Troy shouted: “Wait for us!”
Far off,
Masts behind the half-built palisade.
Nearer to yourselves
Scamánder’s ford
From which the land ascends
Then merges with the centre of the plain—
The tower (a ruin) its highest point.
Bad music.
Queen Hera is examining her gums.
Looking in through a window
Teenaged Athena says:
“Trouble for Greece.”
They leave.
The sunlit snow.
Two armies on the plain.
Hector, driven by Lutie,
His godchild and his nephew,
Going from lord to Trojan lord:
“The ships by dark.”
The ruined tower.
In front of it—
Their banners rising one by one.
One after one, and then another one—
50,000 Greeks.
And on a rise in front of Greece
Two hero lords:
Ajax the Great of Salamis
Behind his shield—
As fifty Trojan shields
Topped with blue plumes, swivelling their points,
Come up the rise—
Lord Teucer (five feet high and five feet wide)
Loading his bow,
Peering round Ajax’ shield,
Dropping this Trojan plume or that,
Ordering his archers to lie flat,
Promising God as many sheep as there are sheep to count
If he can put a shaft through Hector’s neck.
Beneath the blue, between the sea, the snow, there
Hector is
Surrendering the urn of one he has just killed
To one who thought that he had killed the same.
Lord Teucer’s eye/Prince Hector’s throat.
But God would not. The bowstring snaps.
Outside God’s inner court.
Queen Hera and Athena still in line.
Hera so angry she can hardly speak.
A voice:
“The Wife, the Daughter.”
“You go. His face will make me
“Serene and Dignified Grandee.”
“Papa to you.”
“Papa”—His hand—
“I know you do not want the Holy Family
visiting the plain.
But some of us would like to help the Greeks.
They lost their champion she.
Thousands of them have died. Now they are in retreat.
Please look.”
The plain.
“You will come back the moment that I call?”
“Of course, Papa.”
“Then . . . yes. Encourage Greece.
But voices only.
Words. Shouts. That sort of thing. A move—and home you come.”
“Of course, Papa.”
The plain.
Lord Teucer’s archers hidden in its grass.
Chylábborak, Lord Hector’s brother-in-law, to his blue plumes:
And on their flanks, between the sea and snow,
Led by Teléspiax’ silver yard
All Ilium’s masks
“Down came their points. Out came their battle cry.
And our cool Mr 5 x 5 called: ‘Up.’ And up we got
And sent our arrows into them,
That made them pirouette,
Topple back down the rise, leaving their dead
For some of us to strip, and some, the most,
To pause, to point, to plant, a third, a fourth
Volley into their naked backs. Pure joy!”
Holding his ground:
“Centre on me.
More die in broken than in standing ranks.
Apollo! Aphrodité! Our gods are here!
You taste the air, you taste their breath!
The Greek fleet, ours, by dark!”
Then he is ringed.
See an imperial pig harassed by dogs.
How, like a masterchef his crêpes,
He tosses them; and on their way back down
Eviscerates, then flips them back into the pack.
Likewise Chylábborak the Greeks who rushed.
Hector has seen it. As—
Beneath the blue, the miles of empty air,
Him just one glitter in that glittering mass—
The hosts begin to merge.
Fine dust clouds mixed with beams of light.
The Prince, down from his plate.
Either sides’ arrows whingeing by:
“Cover my back.”
Finding a gap
Dismissing blows as gales do slates,
Then at a run, leaping into the ring,
Taking Chylábborak’s hand:
“If you don’t mind?”
“Our time has come. God keeps his word.
Fight now as you have never fought.
We will be at Troy’s gates by dusk,
Through them by dark,
By dawn, across our oars,
As we begin our journey home,
Watching the windmills on its Wall
Turn their sails in flames.”
Heaven. The Wife. The Daughter.
Hands release black lacquer clasps inlaid with particles of gold.
Silk sheaths—with crashing waves and fishscales woven on a
navy ground—
Flow on the pavement.
Hands take their hands
While other hands supply
Their car,
And put the reins into Athena’s hands.
“. . . Troy’s gates by dusk,
Through them by dark . . .”
The Hours, the undeniable,
Open the gates of Paradise.
The wastes of space.
The blue.
Now near
The sea, the snow.
All time experts in hand-to-hand action—
Friecourt, Okinawa, Stalingrad West—
Could not believe the battle would gain.
But it did.
Chylábborak’s ring is ringed. And then no ring at all.
Some Trojans raise their hands in prayer;
Some Panachéans shout for joy and wait to drag the corpses off.
Lutie, alone, the reins in one, his other hand
Hacking away the hands that grab his chariot’s bodywork,
Rearing his horses, Starlight and Bertie, through,
Chylábborak up; rescued;
Prince Hector covering. Then:
“Zoo-born wolf! Front for a family of thieves!”
Lord Diomed, on foot, with Sethynos.
My Lutie answering:
“Be proud Prince Hector is your Fate.”
(Which will be so,
Though Lutie will not see it.)
Chylábborak and Hector do not want to disappoint this oily pair:
“Here come the Sisters Karamazof, Spark,”
Chylábborak said. “Let’s send them home in halves.”
And jumped back down.
Around the tower, 1000 Greeks, 1000 Ilians, amid their swirl,
His green hair dressed in braids, each braid
Tipped with a little silver bell, note
Nyro of Simi—the handsomest of all the Greeks, save A.
The trouble was, he had no fight. He dashed from fight to fight,
Struck a quick blow, then dashed straight out again.
Save that this time he caught,
As Prince Aenéas caught his breath,
That Prince’s eye; who blocked his dash,
And as Lord Panda waved and walked away,
Took his head off his spine with a backhand slice—
Beautiful stuff . . . straight from the blade . . .
Still, as it was a special head,
Mowgag, Aenéas’ minder—
Bright as a box of rocks, but musical—
Spiked it, then hoisted it, and twizzling the pole
Beneath the blue, the miles of empty air,
Marched to the chingaling of its tinklers,
A knees high majorette
Towards the Greeks, the tower.
A roar of wind across the battlefield.
A pause.
And then
Scattering light,
The plain turned crystal where their glidepath stopped,
The Queen of Heaven shrills: “Typhoid for Troy!”
And through poor Nyro’s wobbling mouth
Athena yells:
“Slew of assiduous mediocrities!
Meek Greeks!”
It is enough.
Centre-plain wide,
Lit everywhere by rays of glorious light,
They rushed their standards into Ilium,
Diomed (for once) swept forward;
Converting shame to exaltation with his cry:
“Never—to Helen’s gold without her self!
Never—to Helen’s self
without her gold!”
Mowgag well slain.
Hewn through his teeth, his jaw slashed off,
And Nyro’s head beside him in the grass.
When Nyro’s mother heard of this
She shaved her head; she tore her frock; she went outside
Ripping her fingernails through her cheeks:
Then down her neck; her chest; her breasts;
And bleeding to her waist ran round the shops,
“God, kill Troy.
Console me with its death.
Revenge is all I have.
My boy was kind. He had his life to live.
I will not have the chance to dance in Hector’s blood,
But let me hear some have before I die.”
“I saw her running round.
I took the photograph.
It summed the situation up.
He was her son.
They put it out in colour. Right?
My picture went around the
Down the shaft of the shot in his short-staved bow
Lord Panda has been follow-spotting Diomed.
Between “her self ” / “her gold” he shoots.
It hits. And as its barbs protrude through Dio’s back
Aenéas hears Lord Panda shout:
“He bleeds! The totem Greek! Right-shoulder-front!
How wise of Artemis to make
Panda her matador! Her numero uno! Moi!”
Diomed hit,
The heart went out of those who followed him
And they fell back.
Shields all round
Diomed on his knees
Lifting his hands:
“Sister and wife of God”
As Sethynos breaks off the arrowhead
“Eliminate my pain.”
Settles his knee beneath his hero’s shoulderblades
“Let me kill that oaf who claims my death”
Bridges his nape with one hand
“Before it comes with honour to my name.”
Then with his other hand
In one long strong slow pull
Drew the shank back, and out.
She heard his prayer.
Before their breathless eyes
His blood ran back into the pout the shank had left,
And to complete her miracle
Lord Diomed rose up between them, stood in the air,
Then hovered down onto his toes
Brimming with homicidal joy,
Imparting it to Greece.
Then Troy was driven back,
Trampling the half-stripped still-masked carcasses
Hatching the centre of the plain.
Aenéas / Panda.
“Get him.”
“Get him! I got him. He is dead. But there he is.”
And Diomed has spotted them.
“Calm down,” Aenéas said. “Perhaps he is possessed.”
“What god would visit him?”
“So pray to yours—and try another shot.”
“Huntress,” Lord Panda prays,
Bright-ankled god of nets and lines,
Of tangled mountains, ilex groves and dark cascades . . .”
But Artemis was bored with him
And let him rise, still praying hard,
Into the downflight of the javelin
Diomed aired at Prince Aenéas.
Sunlit, it went through Panda’s lips, out through his neck, and then
Through Biblock’s neck.
And so they fell; the lord, face up; the friend, face down
Gripping the blood-smeared barb between his teeth,
Between the sea and snow.
Aenéas covers them.
Eyeing his plate
—Technology you can enjoy—
Diomed found, and threw, a stone
As heavy as a cabbage made of lead,
That hit, and split, Aenéas’ hip.
Who went down on one knee
And put his shield hand on the grass
And with his other hand covered his eyes.
Dido might have become a grandmother
And Rome not had its day, except
As Diomed came on to lop his top
Aenéas’ mama, Aphrodité (dressed
In grey silk lounge pyjamas piped with gold
And snake-skin flip-flops) stepped
Between him and the Greek.
A glow came from her throat, and from her hair
A fragrance that betokened the divine.
Stooping, she kissed him better, as
Queen Hera whispered: “Greek, cut that bitch.”
And, Diomed, you did; nicking Love’s wrist.
Studying the ichor as
It seeped across her pulse into her palm
Our Lady of the Thong lifted her other hand
Removed a baby cobra from her hair
And dropped it, Diomed, onto your neck,
And saw its bite release its bane into your blood.
Then nobody could say
Who Diomed fought for, or for what he fought.
Rapt through the mass
Now shouting at the sky, now stomping on the plain,
He killed and killed and killed, Greek, Trojan, Greek,
Lord/less, shame/fame, both gone; and gone
Loyalty nurtured in the face of death,
The duty of revenge, the right to kill,
To jeer, to strip, to gloat, to be the first
To rally but the last to run, all gone—
And gone, our Lady Aphrodité, giggling.
While everywhere,
Driving your fellow Greeks
Back down the long incline that leads to the Scamánder’s ford,
Surely as when
Lit from the dark part of the sky by sudden beams,
A bitter wind
Detonates line by line of waves against the shore.
No mind. Even as Teucer backed away
He kept his eyes on you.
“You feel the stress? You feel the fear?
Behold your enemy! the Prince God loves!”
See Teucer’s bow. Hear Teucer’s: “This time lucky.”
But this time it was not our Father, God,
Who saved your life, my Prince.
As Agamemnon cried:
“The ships are safe.
Stand at the riverside’s far bank.”
Teléspiax heard the rustle of Lord Teucer’s shot
And stood between yourself and it.
His head was opened, egglike, at the back,
Mucked with thick blood, blood trickling from his mouth.
His last words were:
“Prince, your trumpeter has lost his breath.”
“Our worst fear was his face would fade,”
Teléspiax’s father said.
“But it did not. We will remember it until we die.”
“Give his instrument to Hogem,” Hector said, and went—
Lutie on reins—between the sea and snow,
Throwing his chariots wide, Scamánderwards,
As easily as others might a cloak.
Diomed among this traffic, on his own,
Among his dead,
Their pools of blood, their cut-off body-parts,
Their cut-off heads,
Ashamed as his head cleared
To see Odysseus, Idomeneo, the Ajax—Big and Small—
Whipping away downslope, shouting towards Odysseus:
“Where are you going with your back to the battle?”
Who shouted back, although he did not turn:
“Look left!”
And there was Lutie driving Hector onto him,
Sure they would trample him, for sure
Queen Hera’s human, Diomed,
Would stand and die, except:
“Arms up, young king—” Nestor, full tilt,
Reins round his tummy, leaning out “—and
Jump . . .” wrists locked “. . . You young are just . . .”
Swinging him up onto the plate “. . . too much.”
“With your permission, Da?”
Nod. Drew. Then threw the chariot’s javelin
As Lutie spun his wheels, and Hector threw—
Those skewers trading brilliance as they passed—
And missed—both vehicles slither-straightening,
Regaining speed, close, close, then driven apart
By empty cars careering off the incline,
Or stationary cars, their horses cropping grass.
“Daddy, go slow. Hector will say I ran.”
“But not the widows you have made.”
And slow
And low
Cruising the blue above this mix
Heaven’s Queen and Ringsight-eyed Athena
Trumpeting down huge worms of sound
As Hector’s car rereached king Nestor’s, and:
“What kept you, Prince?” Diomed offered as they came abreast:
“You went for a refreshing towel?”
And threw his axe, that toppled through the air, and, oh,
Hector, my Hector, as you thought:
“If Heaven helps me Heaven shows it loves the best,”
Parted your Lutie’s mesh and smashed into his heart.
What did you say as God called you to death
Dear Lutie?
“King Prince, I leave you
And put the reins into his hands, and fled
Into oblivion
As Hector with his other hand
Held what his Lutie was, upright, face forwards, in between
The chariot’s basket and himself,
Shouting as he drove after them:
“Loathsome Greek,
Your loathsome hair, your loathsome blood,
Your loathsome breath, your loathsome heart,
Jump in your loathsome ships,
I will come after you,
Come over the Aegean after you,
And find you though you hide inside
Your loathsome father’s grave
And with my bare hands twist your loathsome head
Off your loathsome neck.”
There was a Greek called Themion.
Mad about armour. If not armour, cars.
Of course he went to Troy. And Troy
Saw a stray spear transfix him as he drove.
Companionably, his horses galloped up
On Starlight’s side, and muddled Starlight down,
And Bertie down, and brought the Prince
(Still holding Lutie) down, as all the world
Hurried, as if by windheads, on towards Scamánder’s ford.
hether you reach it from the palisade
Or through the trees that dot the incline’s last stretch
You hear Scamánder’s voice before you see
What one may talk across on quiet days
Its rippling sunspangled breadth
Streaming across the bars of pebbly sand
That form its ford
—Though on the Fleet’s side deeper, darkly bright.
And here
Tiptoeing from this bar to that,
Settling the cloudy sunshine of her hair,
Her towel retained by nothing save herself,
The god of Tops and Thongs
Our Lady Aphrodité came,
Her eyes brimfull with tears.
Scamánder is astonished by his luck.
“Beauty of Beauties, why are you weeping?”
“I have been hurt, Scamánder.”
“No . . .”
“No . . .”
“Me. A god. Just like yourself. Touched . . .”
“By a man.”
“A man!”
“A Greek.”
“Death to all Greeks!”
“He cut me!”
. . . But where?”
“I need your healing touch.”
“How can I help you if you do not show me where?”
“Moisten its lips and my wound will be healed.”
“You must say where!”
“Well . . .”
The towel has slipped an inch.
“I am afraid you will be disappointed.”
“Are you sure?”
“You will not criticize me?”
Her wrist upturned.
Her opened palm.
Fanning the fingers of her other hand,
Stroking his spangles with her fingertips.
“Goddess, I love you.
I have always loved you.
Say that you love me. Even a little.
I beg you. God grant it.”
“I need your help, Scamánder.”
“Take pity on me. Come into me.”
“You have your nymphs.”
“Bores! Bores!”
“I might be nibbled by an eel!”
“Death to all eels!”
The towel is down.
“Step into me . . .
I love your toes . . . please let me kiss your toes . . .
Your little dinkum-inkum toes . . .”
“No one has kissed them so nicely, Scamánder.”
“And now your knees . . .”
“You tickle me . . .”
“And now your thighs!”
“Oh, oh, go on . . .”
“And now your bum!
Your Holy Bum! Your Sacred Bum!
The Bum of Paradise!”
“Oh, my Scamánder, I must have your help . . .”
The towel goes curling off,
And as she floated on his stream
Our Lady Aphrodité said:
“At any moment now the Greeks will reach your
Troy-side bank . . .”
Recall those sequences
When horsemen ride out of the trees and down into a
Somewhere in Kansas or Missouri, say.
So—save they were thousands—Greece
Into Scamánder’s ford.
Coming downstream,
A smallish wave
That passes
Scamánder’s flow does not relapse.
Almost without a sound
Its murmuring radiance rose
Into a dark, torrential surge,
Clouded with boulders, crammed with trees, as clamorous
as if it were a sea,
That lifted Greece, then pulled Greece down,
Cars gone, masks gone, gone under, reappearing, gone:
“Onto your knees! Praise Hector for this flood!
The Prince God loves!” Prince Hector claims
As he comes through the trees.
They do.
Then up and run, run, thousands of them,
To hold those Greeks who got back out
Under until their bubbles stopped; while those swept off
Turned somersaults amid Scamánder’s undertow.
The flat—
1000 yards of it between the river and the palisade.
The King:
“The Lord has not abandoned us.
To cross will be as bad for them.”
But it was not to be as bad for them.
As Hector drove towards Scamánder’s brink,
And as—their banners rising one by one,
One after one and then another one—
He and all Ilium began to enter it,
The river reassumed its softly-spoken, smooth, sunspangled way.
And Agamemnon cried:
“God, what are You for?
What use are You to me?”
As Hector cries:
“Two miracles!
Your Prince is close to God!”
And Hera to Athena:
And fog came down.
And most of Greece got out.
Troy holding hands midstream.
An army peering through its masks.
Miss Tops and Thongs to God:
“Your Hera has . . .”
And with a wish He turned the fog to light
And with a word He called them back to Heaven.
The 1000 yards.
The palisade.
“I am your Prince.
My name means He-Who-Holds.
Troy. And the plain. And now the ships.
For Troy!” his battle cry,
Rising into a common cry, that cry
Into a clamour, and that clamour to
Bayings of hatred.
800 yards.
The Child:
“We are the Greeks. We fight to win. If one is lost,
Close his eyes, step over him, and kill his enemy.”
800 yards.
The Greeks are tiring.
Nestor is on his knees:
“God of all Gods, Most Holy and Most High,
If Greece has ever sacrificed fresh blood to you,
Protect our ships.”
Soft music. Summertime. Queen Hera and Athena? Yes . . .
Some lesser gods
Observing their approach, approach,
Salaam, and then
Lead them—
Now both in black wraparound tops—
To God:
“Darling Daddy, here we are.”
“And” (Hera) “here we stay
Until you stop that worthless Hector killing Greeks.”
Up steps Love.
Hera: “Why is she wearing a tent?”
Love: “Father, see this.” (Her wrist.)
“Human strikes god! Communism! The end of everything!”
“Darlings,” He said,
“You know that being a god means being blamed.
Do this—no good. Do that—the same. The answer is:
Avoid humanity.
Remember—I am God.
I see the bigger picture.”
“And I am Hera, Heaven’s Queen,
Greece worships me.”
“Stuff Greece,” Love said.
“Your blubber-bummed wife with her gobstopper nipples
Hates Troy because Troy’s Paris put her last
When we stripped off for him.
As for the Ithacan boat-boy’s undercurved preceptatrix,
She hates Troy because my statue stands on its acropolis.”
Hera: “The cities’ whores were taxed to pay for it.”
Love (Dropping onto her knees before Himself):
“Please . . . stop them harming Troy. The greatest city
in the world.”
While Hera and Athena sang:
“Cleavage! Cleavage!
Queen of the Foaming Hole.
Mammoth or man or midge
She sucks from pole to pole.”
And God has had enough of it.
Lifting His scales He said:
“Hector will have his day of victory.”
Then crashed them to the ground.
700 yards.
The palisade.
Its gate.
Late sunlight on gilt beaks.
“There’s no escape from Troy.”
“Or from the plain at Troy.”
Begging for ransom, Trojan Hoti,
His arms around King Menelaos’ knees.
King Agamemnon: “Off.”
Then he punched Hoti in the face.
Then punched him in the face again.
And then again. And when he fell
King Agamemnon kicked him in the groin.
Kicking him in the groin with so much force
It took a step to follow up each kick.
Then pulled him up,
Then dragged him by his hair
This way and that,
Then left him, calling:
“Finish him off.”
And someone did.
“I was sixteen. I said: ‘Where is Achilles?’
Hard as it is to share another’s troubles when your own are pressing
Great Ajax took my hands in his and said:
‘He loves us. He is with us. He will come.’”
But he did not.
Then Ajax to himself:
“Dear Lord, you made me straight.
Give me the strength to last till dark.”
The Prince: “I get past
Their war is lost.”
everything I see.
It was.
Aenéas, Ábassee, Sarpédon, Gray,
Calling to one another down the line.
Then, with a mighty wall of sound,
As if a slope of stones
Rolled down into a lake of broken glass
We ran at them.
And now the light of evening has begun
To shawl across the plain:
Blue gray, gold gray, blue gold,
Translucent nothingnesses
Readying our space,
Within the deep, unchanging sea of space,
For Hesper’s entrance, and the silver wrap.
Covered with blood, mostly their own,
Loyal to death, reckoning to die
Odysseus, Ajax, Diomed,
Idomeneo, Nestor, Menelaos
And the King:
“Do not die because others have died.”
“Do not show them the palms of your hands.”
“If he won’t help us, Heaven help us.”
“Stand still and fight.”
“Feel shame in one another’s eyes.”
“I curse you, God. You are a liar, God.
Troy will be yours by dark—immortal lies.”
“There’s no such place.”
“You can’t launch burning ships.”
“More men survive if no one runs.”
But that is what Greece did.
Dropping their wounded,
Throwing down their dead,
Their shields, their spears, their swords,
They ran.
Leaving their heroes tattered, filthy, torn
And ran
And ran
Above their cries:
“I am the Prince! The victory is mine!”
“Do not take cowardice for granted.”
Scarce had he said it, when
His son, Kykéon, standing next to him
Took Ajax’ final spear cast in his chest.
“I shall not wear your armour, Sir,” he said.
And died.
“My son is dead.”
The Prince:
“Hector is loved by God.”
And Greece, a wall of walking swords,
But walking backwards,
Leaving the plain in silence
And in tears.
Running back out at those Trojans who came too close:
“You know my name. Come look for me. And boy,
The day you do will be the day you die.”
Hector to Troy:
Unmatched my force, unconquerable my will.
After ten years of days, in one long day
To be remembered for as many days
As there are days to come, this is my day,
Your Hector’s day. Troy given back to Troy.
My day of victory!”
And when the cheering died:
“Some say: destroy Greece now. But I say no.
Out of your cars. Eat by your fires.
Two hundred fires! Around each fire
Five hundred men!
“The sound of grindstones turning through the night,
The firelight that stands between our blades,
So let King Agamemnon’s Own hold hands
And look into each other’s frightened eyes.
“True God! Great Master of the Widespread Sky!
If only you would turn
Me into a god,
As you, through me,
Tomorrow by their ships
Will see Greece die.”
A ring of lights.
In boat-cloaks lined with red
King Agamemnon’s lords—
The depression of retreat.
The depression of returning to camp.
Him at the centre of their circle
Then shouting:
“We must run for it!”
Dark glasses in parked cars.
“King Agamemnon of Mycenae,
God called, God raised, God recognized,
You are a piece of shit,” Diomed said.
Silence again.
“Let us praise God,” Lord Ajax said,
“That Hector stopped before he reached the ships.”
Silence again.
(Putting his knee back in):
“Paramount Agamemnon, King of Kings,
Lord of the Shore, the Islands and the Sea
I shall begin, and end, with you.
Greece needs good words. Like them or not, the credit
will be yours.
Determined. Keen to fight, that is our Diomed—
As I should know. When just a boy of ten I fought
Blowback of Missolonghi, a cannibal, drank blood,
He captured you, he buggered you, you never walked again.
But Diomed lacks experience.
God has saved us, momentarily.
God loves Achilles.
You took, and you have kept, Achilles’ ribband she.”
“I was a fool!”
“And now you must appease him, Agamemnon.
Humble words. Hands shaken. Gifts.”
The King—wiping his eyes:
“As usual,
Pylos has said the only things worth hearing.
I was mad to take the she.
I shall pay fitting damages.
Plus her, I offer him
The Corfiot armour that my father wore.”
The sea.
Its whispering.
“To which I add: a set of shields.
Posy, standard, ceremonial.
The last, cut from the hide of a one ton Lesbian bull.”
The sea.
“And . . . a chariot!
From my own équipe!
They smoke along the ground . . .
They ride its undulations like a breeze . . .”
The sea.
“Plus: six horses—saddled, bridled and caparisoned,
Their grooms and veterinarians . . .
. . . And six tall shes:
Two good dancers, two good stitchers, two good cooks.
All capable of bearing boys . . .
“Oh, very well then: twenty loaves of gold,
The same of silver, and the same of iron.”
Masks. Lights.
Behind the lords
Some hundreds from the army have walked up.
Lord Nestor smiles.
Lord Menelaos smiles.
Though it may well reduce your King to destitution:
My summer palace by the Argive sea,
Its lawns, its terraces, its curtains in whose depths
Larks dive above a field of waving lilies
And fishscale-breakers shatter on blue rocks.
Then, as he draws their silky heights aside,
Standing among huge chests of looted booty,
Long necked, with lowered lids, but candid eyes,
My living daughter, Íphaniss, a diamond
Big as a cheeseball for her belly stud.
His wife to be! minus—I need not say—her otherwise huge
Lord Ajax almost has to hold him up.
“The whole of eastern Pel’po’nesia—
An area of outstanding natural beauty—
Its cities, Epi’dávros, Trów’é’zen,
Their fortresses, their harbours and their fleets,
Their taxpayers—glad to accept his modest ways—
All this, the greatest benefaction ever known,
If he agrees to fight. And he admits I am his King.”
Instantly, Nestor:
“An offer God himself could not refuse.
All that remains to say is:
Who shall take it to Achilles?”
Agamemnon: “You will.”
The starlight on the sea.
The sea.
Its whispering
Mixed with the prayers
Of Ajax and of Nestor as they walk
Along the shore towards Achilles’ gate.
“My lords?”
“Your lord.”
“This way.”
They find him, with guitar,
Singing of Gilgamesh.
“Take my hands. Here they are.”
You cannot take your eyes away from him.
His own so bright they slow you down.
His voice so low, and yet so clear.
You know that he is dangerous.
Friends in need.
That has not changed,
I think.
Autómedon? Wine.
“Dear Lord and Master of the Widespread Sky,
Accept ourselves, accept our prayers.”
Their cups are taken.
“Father friend?”
King Nestor (for his life):
“You know why we are here.
We face death.
The mass choose slavery.
Mycenae has admitted he was wrong to wrong yourself.
In recompense he offers you
The greatest benefaction ever known.
Take it, and fight. Or else Hector will burn the ships
Then kill us randomly.
Remember what your Father said
The day when Ajax and myself drove up to ask
If you could come with us to Troy?
That you should stand among the blades where honour grows.
And secondly, to let your anger go.
Spirit, and strength, and beauty have combined
Such awesome power in you
A vacant Heaven would offer you its throne.
Think of what those who will come after us will say.
Save us from Hector’s god, from Hector, and from Hector’s force.
I go down on my knees to you, Achilles.”
“I must admire your courage, father friend,
For treating me as if I was a fool.
I shall deal with Hector as I want to.
You and your fellow countrymen will die
For how your King has treated me.
I have spent five years fighting for your King.
My record is: ten coastal and ten inland cities
Burnt to the ground. Their males, massacred.
Their cattle, and their women, given to him.
Among the rest, Briseis the Beautiful, my ribband she.
Not that I got her courtesy of him.
She joined my stock in recognition of
My strength, my courage, my superiority,
Courtesy of yourselves, my lords.
I will not fight for him.
He aims to personalise my loss.
Briseis taken from Achilles—standard practice:
Helen from Menelaos—war.
Lord Busy Busy, building his palisade, mounting my she,
One that I might have picked to run my house,
Raising her to the status of a wife.
Do I hate him? Yes, I hate him. Hate him.
And should he be afraid of me? He should.
I want to harm him. I want him to feel pain.
In his body, and between his ears.
I must admit,
Some of the things that you have said are true.
But look what he has done to me! To me!
The king on whom his kingliness depends!
I will not fight for him.
Hearing your steps, I thought: at last,
My friends have come to visit me.
They took their time about it, true—
After he took my she none of you came—
Now, though—admittedly they are in trouble,
Serious trouble—they have arrived as friends,
And of their own accord.
But you have not come here as friends.
And you have not come of your own accord.
You came because your King told you to come.
You came because I am his last resort.
And, incidentally, your last resort.
At least he offers stuff.
All you have offered is advice:
‘Keep your temper . . .
Mind your tongue . . .
Think what the world will say . . .’
No mention of your King’s treatment of me.
No sign of love for me behind your tears.
I will not fight for him.
I can remember very well indeed
The day you two grand lords came visiting my father’s house,
How I ran out to you, and took your hands—
The greatest men that I had ever seen:
Ajax, my fighting cousin, strong, brave, unafraid to die;
Nestor, the King of Sandy Pylos, wisdom’s sword.
And then, when all had had enough to eat and drink
And it was sealed that I should come to Troy,
Then my dear father said that lordship knows
Not only how to fight, and when to hold its tongue,
But of the difference between a child enraged
And honour bound lords.
I will not fight for him.
There is a King to be maintained. You are his lords.
My fighting powers prove my inferiority.
Whatever he, through you, may grant,
I must receive it as a favour, not of right,
Go back to him with downcast looks, a suppliant tone,
Acknowledge my transgressions—I did not
Applaud his sticky fingers on my she’s meek flesh.
My mother says I have a choice:
Live as a happy backwood king for aye
Or give the world an everlasting murmur of my name,
And die.
Be up tomorrow sharp
To see me sacrifice to Lord Poseidon and set sail.
Oh, yes, his gifts:
‘The greatest benefaction ever known.’
If he put Heaven in my hand I would not want it.
His offers magnify himself.
Likewise his child.
I do not want to trash the girl.
She is like me. Bad luck to have poor friends.
Bad luck to have his Kingship as your sire.
My father will select my wife.
Each spring a dozen local kings drive up
And lead their daughters naked round our yard.
Some decent local girl. My father’s worth
Is all the wealth we will require.
You Greeks will not take Troy.
You have disintegrated as a fighting force.
Troy is your cemetery. Blame your King.
The man who you say has done all he can.
The man who has admitted he was wrong.
But he has not done all he can.
And he has not admitted he was wrong.
Or not to me.
I want him here, your King.
His arms straight down his sides, his shoulders back,
Announcing loud and clear that he was wrong to take my she.
Apologising for that wrong, to me, the son of Péleus.
Before my followers, with you, Pylos and Salamis,
Crete. Sparta. Tyrins, Argos, Calydon, the Islands, here,
Stood to attention on either side of him.
That is my offer. Take it, or die.
Nestor may stay the night.
You, dear cousin Ajax, tell your King what I have said.
Preferably, in front of everyone.”
Who said,
As my Achilles lifted his guitar:
“Lord, I was never so bethumped with words
Since first I called my father Dad.”
The sea.
Their feet along the sand to Agamemnon’s gate.
And in starlit air
The Trojans singing:
“I love my wife, I love her dearly,
I love the hole she pisses through,
I love her lily-white tits
And her nut-brown arsehole,
I could eat her shit with a wooden spoon.”
~ Christopher Logue,

IN CHAPTERS [189/189]

   85 Poetry
   20 Integral Yoga
   16 Philosophy
   11 Psychology
   11 Fiction
   9 Occultism
   8 Christianity
   6 Zen
   5 Buddhism
   3 Mythology
   3 Baha i Faith
   2 Integral Theory
   1 Science
   1 Philsophy
   1 Hinduism
   1 Alchemy

   13 Ikkyu
   9 Sri Aurobindo
   9 Kobayashi Issa
   9 H P Lovecraft
   8 Nolini Kanta Gupta
   8 Carl Jung
   7 Yosa Buson
   7 Shiwu (Stonehouse)
   6 Yuan Mei
   6 Jorge Luis Borges
   6 Aldous Huxley
   5 Satprem
   5 Plotinus
   5 Jakushitsu
   5 Hakuin
   4 The Mother
   4 John Keats
   4 Hsuan Chueh of Yung Chia
   3 Po Chu-i
   3 Percy Bysshe Shelley
   3 Ken Wilber
   3 Joseph Campbell
   3 Bodhidharma
   3 Baha u llah
   2 Robert Browning
   2 Plato
   2 Masahide
   2 Genpo Roshi
   2 Friedrich Nietzsche
   2 Dogen
   2 Aleister Crowley
   2 A B Purani

   9 Lovecraft - Poems
   6 The Perennial Philosophy
   4 The Secret Doctrine
   4 The Gateless Gate
   4 Savitri
   4 Mysterium Coniunctionis
   4 Keats - Poems
   4 Beating the Cloth Drum Letters of Zen Master Hakuin
   3 The Zen Teaching of Bodhidharma
   3 The Hero with a Thousand Faces
   3 Shelley - Poems
   3 Sex Ecology Spirituality
   3 Labyrinths
   3 Bodhidharma - Poems
   2 Twilight of the Idols
   2 The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious
   2 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 04
   2 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 01
   2 Magick Without Tears
   2 Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo
   2 Dogen - Poems
   2 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03
   2 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02
   2 Browning - Poems

00.03 - Upanishadic Symbolism, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Elsewhere the Upanishad describes more graphically this truth and the experience of it. It is said there that the sun has fivewe note the familiar fivemovements of rising and setting: (i) from East to West, (ii) from South to North, (iii) from West to East, (iv) from North to South and (v) from abovefrom the Zenithdownward. These are the five normal and apparent movements. But there is a sixth one; rather it is not a movement, but a status, where the sun neither rises nor sets, but is always visible fixed in the same position.
   Some Western and Westernised scholars have tried to show that the phenomenon described here is an exclusively natural phenomenon, actually visible in the polar region where the sun never sets for six months and moves in a circle whose plane is parallel to the plane of the horizon on the summer solstice and is gradually inclined as the sun regresses towards the equinox (on which day just half the solar disc is visible above the horizon). The sun may be said there to move in the direction East-South-West-North and again East. Indeed the Upanishad mentions the positions of the sun in that order and gives a character to each successive station. The Ray from the East is red, symbolising the Rik, the Southern Ray is white, symbolising the Yajur, the Western Ray is black symbolising the Atharva. The natural phenomenon, however, might have been or might not have been before the mind's eye of the Rishi, but the symbolism, the esotericism of it is clear enough in the way the Rishi speaks of it. Also, apart from the first four movements (which it is already sufficiently difficult to identify completely with what is visible), the fifth movement, as a separate descending movement from above appears to be a foreign element in the context. And although, with regard to the sixth movement or status, the sun is visible as such exactly from the point of the North Pole for a while, the ring of the Rishi's utterance is unmistakably spiritual, it cannot but refer to a fact of inner consciousness that is at least what the physical fact conveys to the Rishi and what he seeks to convey and express primarily.

01.03 - Mystic Poetry, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   This is spiritual matter and spiritual manner that can never be improved upon. This is spiritual poetry in its quintessence. I am referring naturally here to the original and not to the translation which can never do full justice, even at its very best, to the poetic value in question. For apart from the individual genius of the poet, the greatness of the language, the instrument used by the poet, is also involved. It may well be what is comparatively easy and natural in the language of the gods (devabhasha) would mean a tour de force, if not altogether an impossibility, in a human language. The Sanskrit language was moulded and fashioned in the hands of the Rishis, that is to say, those who lived and moved and had their being in the spiritual consciousness. The Hebrew or even the Zend does not seem to have reached that peak, that absoluteness of the spiritual tone which seems inherent in the Indian tongue, although those too breathed and grew in a spiritual atmosphere. The later languages, however, Greek or Latin or their modern descendants, have gone still farther from the source, they are much nearer to the earth and are suffused with the smell and effluvia of this vale of tears.
   Among the ancients, strictly speaking, the later classical Lucretius was a remarkable phenomenon. By nature he was a poet, but his mental interest lay in metaphysical speculation, in philosophy, and unpoetical business. He turned away from arms and heroes, wrath and love and, like Seneca and Aurelius, gave himself up to moralising and philosophising, delving 'into the mystery, the why and the how and the whither of it all. He chose a dangerous subject for his poetic inspiration and yet it cannot be said that his attempt was a failure. Lucretius was not a religious or spiritual poet; he was rather Marxian,atheistic, materialistic. The dialectical materialism of today could find in him a lot of nourishment and support. But whatever the content, the manner has made a whole difference. There was an idealism, a clarity of vision and an intensity of perception, which however scientific apparently, gave his creation a note, an accent, an atmosphere high, tense, aloof, ascetic, at times bordering on the supra-sensual. It was a high light, a force of consciousness that at its highest pitch had the ring and vibration of something almost spiritual. For the basic principle of Lucretius' inspiration is a large thought-force, a tense perception, a taut nervous reactionit is not, of course, the identity in being with the inner realities which is the hallmark of a spiritual consciousness, yet it is something on the way towards that.

0 1964-08-05, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (D., a disciple, sent Mother an eighteenth-century account by a Japanese monk of the Zen Buddhist sect describing a method called "Introspection," which enables one to overcome cold and hunger and attain physical immortality. Mother reads a few pages, then gives up.)
   [Herms magazine, Spring 1963.]
   The temptation comes sometimes, but Its far more difficult without, but infinitely more living. All this [the Zen account] seems to me I immediately feel something thats becoming dead and drydry, lifeless.
   They replace life with a mechanism. And then its finished.
   The mistake everyone makes is to considerto believe the goal to be immortality. Whereas immortality is just ONE of the consequences. In that Zen story, the goal is immortality, so THE WAY has to be foundhence all those methods. But immortality isnt a goal: its just a natural consequenceif you live the true life.
   You see, I am sure that D. (she doesnt say so, but I am sure of it) imagines that my goal is immortality! At any rate, its the goal of many people here (!) Actually, its something secondary. Its ONE of the consequences, its the sign (it can be regarded as a sign) that you are living the Truth, thats all. Though thats not even certain!

0 1969-04-09, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   She is an eager disciple of Zen, so she writes that Zen says in one sentence what Sri Aurobindo says in millions of words. She says one could cut out nine tenths of Sri Aurobindos text without removing any of its substanceyou see the arrogance!2
   It means she doesnt understand anything.
   You have not stepped into Sri Aurobindo. On the other hand, I quite understand if intellectuals so easily step into Zen! But I do not want to compare merits. With Sri Aurobindo, I am content to see and smile. You have better understood my book, you say it has brought you more than Sri Aurobindo but of course! That does not surprise me, I am afraid: I simply entered the regions of the mentally obvious he neglected, I climbed down a number of degrees. The lines of force you felt are simply the little strings I hung here and there to try and hook people on to the true lines of force that seem to elude them completely, because they see and feel just at the level of the mental slit. But I will tell you again, if you have the least trust in me, that Sri Aurobindo is a tremendous giant and not one word of his is without a full meaning. Some time ago I wanted to have a music lover (a Westerner nurtured on true music like myself, formed in music) listen to a music of genius composed by an Indian; well, this poor boy could make no sense of it! He could not hear! His musical slit was open at one particular level, and he literally could not hear what was abovea true marvel, immense streams of music flowing straight from the Origin of Music.6 For him, it had no structure, it was shapeless musicwhereas I saw, I could see that marvel, I knew where it was coming from, I could touch that world, and as soon as that high musical tension slackened in the least, I instantly felt that it came down to touch a center on a lower level. It was the same thing in Egypt. For weeks I lived in an ecstatic state in Upper Egypt; I was with people who were looking at ruins, seeing beautiful statueswhile for me those statues were living, those places talked to me, those so-called ruins were full of overflowing life.
   So what to do?
   As a curiosity, we publish in addendum the letter Satprem wrote to this editor of Fayard publishers before receiving her letter about Zen and Sri Aurobindo.
   Mother first wrote "collaborate with," then changed it to "serve" and made a few other minor corrections.

0 1971-12-11, #Agenda Vol 12, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And Sri Aurobindo gives us the key. It may be that the sense of our own revolution escapes us because we try to prolong that which already exists, to refine it, improve it, sublimate it. But the ape may have made the same mistake amid its revolution that produced man; perhaps it sought to become a super-ape, better equipped to climb trees, hunt and run, a more agile and clever ape. With Nietzsche we too sought a superman who was nothing more than a colossalization of man, and with the spiritualists a super-saint more richly endowed with virtue and wisdom. But human virtue and wisdom are useless! Even when carried to their highest heights they are nothing more than the old poverties gilded over, the obverse of our tenacious misery. Supermanhood, says Sri Aurobindo, is not man climbed to his own natural Zenith, not a superior degree of human greatness, knowledge, power, intelligence, will, genius, saintliness, love, purity or perfection.7 It is SOMETHING ELSE, another vibration of being, another consciousness.
   But if this new consciousness is not to be found on the peaks of the human, where then, are we to find it? Perhaps, quite simply in that which we have most neglected since we entered the mental cycle, in the body. The body is our base, our evolutionary foundation, the old stock to which we always return, and which painfully compels our attention by making us suffer, age and die. In that imperfection, Sri Aurobindo assures us, is the urge towards a higher and more many-sided perfection. It contains the last finite which yet yearns to the Supreme Infinite. God is pent in the mire but the very fact imposes a necessity to break through that prison.8 That is the old, uncured Illness, the unchanged root, the dark matrix of our misery, hardly different now from what it was in the time of Lemuria. It is this physical substance which we must transform, otherwise it will topple, one after another, all the human or superhuman devices we try to graft on it. This body, this physical cellular substance contains almighty powers,9 a dumb consciousness that harbors all the lights and all the infinitudes, just as much as the mental and spiritual immensities do. For, in truth, all is Divine and unless the Lord of all the universe resides in a single little cell he resides nowhere. It is this original, dark cellular Prison which we must break open; for as long as we have not broken it, we will continue to turn vainly in the golden or iron circles of our mental prison. These laws of Nature, says Sri Aurobindo, that you call absolute merely mean an equilibrium established to work in order to produce certain results. But, if you change the consciousness, then the groove also is bound to change.10

02.05 - The Godheads of the Little Life, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  To reveal its Zenith tension of delight,
  His thought to eternise its ephemeral soar,

02.06 - The Kingdoms and Godheads of the Greater Life, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Or carrying thought in its ultimate Zenith flight
  And trumpeting supreme discovery;

02.10 - The Kingdoms and Godheads of the Little Mind, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  This limited being lifted to Zenith bliss,
  Happy to enjoy one touch of things supreme,

03.03 - The House of the Spirit and the New Creation, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Pushed to its Zenith's height, its last expanse,
  Felt the divinity of its own self-bliss

04.01 - The March of Civilisation, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   If we look at Europe once again and cast a glance at its origins, we find at the source the Grco-Roman culture. It was pre-eminently a culture based upon the powers of mind and reason: it included a strong and balanced body (both body natural and body politic) under the aegis of mens sana (a sound mind). The light that was Greece was at its Zenith a power of the higher mind and intelligence, intuitively dynamic in one the earlierphase through Plato, Pythagoras, Heraclitus and the mystic philosophers, and discursively and scientifically rational through the Aristotelian tradition. The practical and robust Roman did not indulge in the loftier and subtler activities of the higher or intuitive mind; his was applied intelligence and its characteristic turn found expression in law and order and governance. Virgil was a representative poet of the race; finely sensitive and yet very self-consciousearth-bound and mind-boundas a creative artist: a clear and careful intelligence with an idealistic imagination that is yet sober and fancy-free is the very hall mark of his poetic genius. In the post-Roman age this bias for mental consciousness or the play of reason and intellectual understanding moved towards the superficial and more formal faculties of the brain ending in what is called scholasticism: it meant stagnation and decadence. It is out of this slough that the Renaissance raised the mind of Europe and bathed it with a new light. That movement gave to the mind a wider scope, an alert curiosity, a keener understanding; it is, as I have said, the beginning of that modern mentality which is known as the scientific outlook, that is to say, study of facts and induction from given data, observation and experience and experiment instead of the other scholastic standpoint which goes by a priori theorising and abstraction and deduction and dogmatism.
   We may follow a little more closely the march of the centuries in their undulating movement. The creative intelligence of the Renaissance too belonged to a region of the higher mind, a kind of inspirational mind. It had not the altitude or even the depth of the Greek mind nor its subtler resonances: but it regained and re-established and carried to a new degree the spirit of inquiry and curiosity, an appreciation of human motives and preoccupations, a rational understanding of man and the mechanism of the world. The original intuitive fiat, the imaginative brilliance, the spirit of adventure (in the mental as well as the physical world) that inspired the epoch gradually dwindled: it gave place to an age of consolidation, organisation, stabilisation the classical age. The seventeenth century Europe marked another peak of Europe's civilisation. That is the Augustan Age to which we have referred. The following century marked a further decline of the Intuition and higher imagination and we come to the eighteenth century terre terre rationalism. Great figures still adorned that agestalwarts that either stuck to the prevailing norm and gave it a kind of stagnant nobility or already leaned towards the new light that was dawning once more. Pope and Johnson, Montesquieu and Voltaire are its high-lights. The nineteenth century brought in another crest wave with a special gift to mankind; apparently it was a reaction to the rigid classicism and dry rationalism of the preceding age, but it came burdened with a more positive mission. Its magic name was Romanticism. Man opened his heart, his higher feeling and nobler emotional surge, his subtler sensibility and a general sweep of his vital being to the truths and realities of his own nature and of the cosmic nature. Not the clear white and transparent almost glaring light of reason and logic, of the brain mind, but the rosy or rainbow tint of the emotive and aspiring personality that seeks in and through the cosmic panorama and dreams of

04.03 - Consciousness as Energy, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   But this is the seamy side of Nature, there is also a sunny side. If there is a nadir, there must be a corresponding Zenith. In the Vedic image, if man is born of the Dark Mother, he is also a child of the White Mother (ka and vet). Or again, if Earth is our mother, the Heaven is our fatherdyaur me pit mat pthiv iyam. In other words, consciousness extends not in depth alone, but in height alsoit is vertically extended, infinite both ways. As there is a sub-consciousness or unconsciousness, so also there is at the other end super-consciousness.
   Now this superconsciousness is the true origin of creation, although the apparent and objective creation starts with and is based upon Unconsciousness. All norms and archetypes belong to the superconsciousness; for the sake of material creation they are thrown down or cast as seed into the Unconscious and in this process they undergo a change, a deformation and aberration. All the major themes of dream myths and prehistoric legends which the psychologists claim to have found imbedded in man's subconscient consciousness are in fact echoes and mirages of great spiritualsuperconscientrealities reflected here below. The theme of the Hero of the Dual Mother (Dark and Fair), of Creation and Sacrifice, these are, according to Jung, dramatisations of some fundamental movements and urges in the dark subconscient nature. Jung, however, throws a luminous suggestion in characterising the nature of this vast complex. The general sense, Jung says; is that of a movement forward, of a difficult journey, of a pull backward and downward, of yawning abysses that call, of a light that beckons. It is an effort, a travail of what lies imbedded and suppressed to come out into the open, into the normal consciousness and thus release an unhealthy tension, restore a balance in the individual's system. Modern psychology lays great stress upon the integration of personality. Most of the ills that human nature suffers from, they say, are due to this division or schism in it, a suppressed subconsciousness and an expressed consciousness seeking to express a negation of that subconsciousness. Modern psychology teaches that one should dive into the nether regions and face squarely whatever elements are there, help these to follow their natural bent to come up and see the light of the day. Only thus there can be established a unitary movement, an even consistency and an equilibrium throughout the entire consciousness and being.

06.01 - The End of a Civilisation, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   And yet if the civilisation really goes, it will not be a small thing, even when measured on the cosmic scale. A civilisation is to be judged and valued not at its nadir, but at its Zenith, in its total effect and not by a temporary phase in its course. Civilisation really means preparation of the instrument: the human instrument that is to express the Divine. The purpose of creation, we have often said, is the establishment of the highest spiritual consciousness in the embodied life on earth. The embodied life means man's body and life and mind; individually and socially these constitute the instrument through which the higher light is to manifest itself. The instrument has to be prepared, made ready for the purpose; Actually it is obscure, ignorant, narrow, weak; at the outset and for a long time it expresses only or mainly the inferior animal nature. Civilisation is an attempt to raise this inferior nature, to refine, enlarge and heighten it, to cultivate and increase its potentialities and capacities. The present civilisation, we have said, is a growth of thousands of years-at least five thousand years according to the most modest archaeological computation. In this period man has developed his brain, his rational intelligence, has unravelled some of the great mysteries of nature; he has controlled and organised life to an extent that has opened new possibilities of growth and achievement; even with respect to the body he has learnt to treat it with greater skill and endowed it with finer and more potent efficiencies. There have been aberrations and misuses, no doubt; but the essence of things achieved still remains and is always an invaluable asset: that must not be allowed to go.
   If the civilisation goes, it means the instrument is gone, the basis on which the edifice for the Divine Consciousness is to be raised is removed, nothing remains to stand firmly on. So the labour has to start again: one must begin from the beginning. The work has to be done and will be done, it cannot be allowed to terminate into a labour of Sisyphus.

1.01 - THAT ARE THOU, #The Perennial Philosophy, #Aldous Huxley, #Philosophy
  From Taoism we pass to that Mahayana Buddhism which, in the Far East, came to be so closely associated with Taoism, borrowing and bestowing until the two came at last to be fused in what is known as Zen. The Lankavatara Sutra, from which the following extract is taken, was the scripture which the founder of Zen Buddhism expressly recommended to his first disciples.
  Those who vainly reason without understanding the truth are lost in the jungle of the Vijnanas (the various forms of relative knowledge), running about here and there and trying to justify their view of ego-substance.

1.01 - The Path of Later On, #Words Of Long Ago, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  The wild grasses around him whisper in his ear, "Later." Later, yes, later. Ah, how pleasant it is to brea the the scented breeze, while the sun warms the air with its fiery rays. Later, later. And the traveller walks on; the path widens. Voices are heard from afar, "Where are you going? Poor fool, don't you see that you are heading for your ruin? You are young; come, come to us, to the beautiful, the good, the true; do not be misled by indolence and weakness; do not fall asleep in the present; come to the future." "Later, later," the traveller answers these unwelcome voices. The flowers smile at him and echo, "Later." The path becomes wider and wider. The sun has reached its Zenith; it is a glorious day. The path becomes a road.
  The road is white and dusty, bordered with slender birchtrees; the soft purling of a little stream is heard; but in vain he looks in every direction, he can see no end to this interminable road.

1.01 - To Watanabe Sukefusa, #Beating the Cloth Drum Letters of Zen Master Hakuin, #unset, #Zen
  It is interesting to note Hakuin's deep concern with filial devotion at this early stage of his career, a theme that continues to have a significant, though subordinate, role in his mature Zen teaching. It is most conspicuous in some of the calligraphic works he distributed, which are discussed below.
  Another example of the consistency of Hakuin's views is his willingness to take up the village priest's function of moral correction, a purpose he fulfills through his attempts to resolve family discords in other letters in this volume. Also to be noted is that Hakuin does not offer Sukefusa a specific Zen solution to his problem, as he no doubt would have later on.
  At some point, either when Hakuin wrote the letter itself or soon afterward, he transcribed it in manuscript form, added a short preface, and titled it The Cloth Drum: A Letter to an Unfilial Son.

1.02 - Outline of Practice, #The Zen Teaching of Bodhidharma, #Bodhidharma, #Buddhism

1.02 - The Great Process, #On the Way to Supermanhood, #Satprem, #Integral Yoga
  But the damage does not stop there. Nothing is stickier than falsehood. It sticks to the soles of our shoes even though we have turned away from the wrong path. Others had indeed seen the earthly relevance of the Great Process the Zen Buddhists, the Tantric initiates, the Sufis and others and, more and more, disconcerted minds are turning to it and to themselves: never have so many more or less esoteric schools flourished. But the old error is holding fast (to tell the truth, we don't know whether error is ever an appropriate term, for the so-called error always turns out to be a roundabout route of the same Truth leading to a wider view of itself). It took so much effort out of the Sages of those days, and out of the lesser sages of these days, so many indispensable conditions of peace, austerity, silence and purity for them to achieve their more or less illumined goal, that our subconscious mind was as if branded by a red-hot iron with the idea that, without special conditions and special masters and somewhat special or mystical or innate gifts, it was not really possible to set out on that path, or at best the results would be meager and proportionate to the effort expended. And it was still, of course, an individual undertaking, a lofty extension of book learning. But this new dichotomy threatens to be more serious than the other one, more potentially harmful, between an unredeemed mass and an enlightened elite juggling lights about which anything can be said since there is no microscope to check it. Drugs, too, are a cheap ticket to dizzying glimpses of dazzling lights.
  But we still do not have the key, the simple key. Yet the Great Process is there, the simple process.

1.02 - To Zen Monks Kin and Koku, #Beating the Cloth Drum Letters of Zen Master Hakuin, #unset, #Zen
  object:1.02 - To Zen Monks Kin and Koku
  To Zen Monks Kin and Koku
  LETTER 2, 1729

1.03 - Bloodstream Sermon, #The Zen Teaching of Bodhidharma, #Bodhidharma, #Buddhism
  And the buddha is the path. And the path is Zen.36 But the word
   Zen is one that remains a puzzle to both mortals and sages. Seeing
  your nature is Zen. Unless you see your nature, it's not Zen.
  Even if you can explain thousands of sutras and shastras,37

1.03 - Concerning the Archetypes, with Special Reference to the Anima Concept, #The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, #Carl Jung, #Psychology
  des Animabegriffes" in the Zentralblatt fur Psycho therapie und ihre Grenzgebiete
  (Leipzig), IX (1936) : 5, 259-75. Revised and republished in Von den Wurzeln des
  13 Winthuis, Das Zweigeschlechterwesen bei den Zentralaustraliern und anderen

1.03 - Supernatural Aid, #The Hero with a Thousand Faces, #Joseph Campbell, #Mythology
  from the earth, transported him to the Zenith, where the sun
  pauses in the middle of the day. Then with a mighty din a great

1.03 - To Layman Ishii, #Beating the Cloth Drum Letters of Zen Master Hakuin, #unset, #Zen
  Ishii, as well as from the fact that Hakuin at times secluded himself in Ishii's retirement retreat for periods of rest and writing (Chronological Biography, 1731). A number of miscellaneous pieces inscribed to Layman Ishii that are included in Poison Blossoms from a Thicket of Thorn confirm that he was considerably advanced in his Zen study, a point further substantiated by the difficulty of the teaching Hakuin addresses to him in this letter.
  MY ATTENDANT BOKU, while on a trip to his native place, stopped by the residence of Layman Ishii and claiming to be indisposed threw himself at the Layman's feet and implored him for his help. He took possession of the Layman's private chambers and for ten days devoted himself diligently to za Zen.a
  Unable to keep from bursting into laughter, I cried out, "How wonderful! If you had come back here with even a grain of Zen understanding, I would have snatched your robe and begging bowl from you, given you thirty blows with my staff, and chased you out the gate. You had a very close shave! You might have ended up achieving nothing for your efforts but to involve the Layman in your personal troubles. I had no idea he would be so rigorous in dealing with you!
  "Boku, the great and essential matter is like partaking of a peach. You mustn't be hasty. You have to wait patiently until the fruit is fully ripe. Then, when the soft, pink fruit is cut in two, the kernel
  "When you consider it, present-day Zen teachers act in much the same way in guiding their students. I've seen and heard how they take young people of exceptional talent-those destined to become the very pillars and ridgepoles of our school-and with their extremely ill-advised and inopportune methods, end up turning them into something half-baked and unachieved. This is the primary reason for the decline of our Zen school, why the Zen groves are withering away.
  "Now and again, you come across superior seekers of genuine ability who are devoting themselves to hidden application and secret practice. As they continue steadily forward, accumulating merit until their efforts achieve a purity that infuses them with strength, their emotions gradually cease to arise altogether. They find themselves at an impasse, unable to move forward despite the most strenuous application. It is as though they are trapped inside an invincible enclosure of diamond-like strength, or are sitting in a bottle of purest crystal-unable to move forward, unable to retreat, they become dunces, utter blockheads.
  "How invaluable that story is! There was nothing halfhearted about ancients' practice of the Way; it was difficult and demanding in the extreme. One of them said, 'It is like passing through a region infested with venomous insects. You must pass through with all possible haste. Not stop to accept even a single drop of water from someone you meet.'1 The great master Yun-men said, 'While you are engaged in practice, if anyone comes up and tries to teach you Zen, I want you to take a dipper of warm shit and empty it over his head.'f
  "That is why to outstanding students who are engaged in negotiating the hidden depths I say, 'I would rather you sink into the sea of birth-and-death and remain there until the skin on your body is covered all over with festering sores, than for you ever to look to others for your strength.'"
  "In the past when teachers engaged their students, there was no room for any hesitation-they dealt with them as if they had a naked sword blade raised over their heads. They were like the giant golden-winged Garuda, monarch of the feathered kingdom, cleaving through the whale-backed seas and deftly seizing live dragons beneath the waves. Zen monks are like red-finned carp when the peach trees are in blossom, butting their way upstream into the tremendous current, braving the perilous
   forked lightning of the Dragon Gate.g They enter realization at the utterance of a single word. They attain cessation at the sound of a single shout. If those who call themselves teachers all behave like dead otters2 and those who call themselves students all behave like dumb sheep,3 the halls of Zen throughout the land, training grounds where Buddhas are singled out, will be rendered utterly useless
  -they'll be no better than coffins for the dead-and the assertions of the perverse silent-illumination
   Zen teachers with their box-shrub Zen will carry the day. 4 If that happens, the supreme teaching of the
  Buddha-mind school will plunge to earth forever, and its true and rigorous traditions will disappear from the ancestral groves."
  I gave a sigh, and said, "Boku, come over here. I want you to listen to what I say. In studying Zen, it is necessary to pierce completely through when you penetrate to the source. It is the same with all the workings of heaven and earth. The wonderful transformation of springtime does not take place without the winter's severity, the intense cold that makes the hundred plants and grasses fade and shrivel, the bamboo split and shatter. But with the advent of spring, the ten thousand buds and blossoms emerge, rivaling one another with their charms and beauties. Hence the saying, 'To make something grow and develop, you must cut it back. To make something flourish, you must check its progress.'
  "Long ago, when the First Patriarch Bodhidharma was living in seclusion doing za Zen at Shao-shih, he had a student named Hui-k'o. Hui-k'o possessed outstanding talent and learning, and a dauntless and heroic spirit. For three years he continued to refine his attainment while serving as
  "Today's students practice the Way clothed in warm garments and get plenty to eat, and they are as soft and weak as the eldest son of a wealthy family. Could any of them venture to stand stalwart and resolute in a courtyard on a bitterly cold night like Hui-k'o? Buried up to the waist in icy snow like a stack of firewood? Suffering of this intensity cannot be endured unless one is made of stone or metal, or has wooden legs like a statue. The marrow-chilling cold of the northern Wei winter constantly penetrated the thin cotton robe he wore, but he stood resolutely and silently through that adversity until dawn, never relaxing his efforts for a second, or weeping a single tear. Bodhidharma never offered him the slightest help whatsoever. Finally, Hui-k'o took a knife and cut off his left arm. h Hsisou Shou-t'an was perfectly justified in holding Hui-k'o up as a model for all Zen monks throughout the world.
  "When the Sixth Patriarch Hui-neng raised the Dharma standard at Ts'ao-hsi, the priest Nan-yueh came to study with him. Hui-neng asked, 'What is this that thus comes?' Nan-yueh stood in a daze, unable to respond. Hui-neng did not utter a single word to relieve his confusion, and it was not until
  "Observe the manner in which a clear-eyed teacher like Chen Tsun-su was able unequivocally to affirm Lin-chi: 'Your practice is pure and genuine!' That purity and that genuineness of practice are extremely difficult to attain, even if a student devotes an entire lifetime to Zen training. However, once you attain it, you are, without any doubt, a tiger that has sprouted wings.l You should never doubt that you yourself have such a capacity.
  "Yet Lin-chi went three times to ask Huang-po about the cardinal meaning of the Buddha Dharma.
  "An au thentic Zen teacher like Huang-po is like a solitary peak towering forbiddingly into the sky.
  Today, you could comb the entire earth and not come up with a single person like him.
  "Don't you see? Hsuan-sha's enlightenment had fully matured just like those melons. It was a stinking fruit whose smell has wafted through the centuries. It has taken the lives of countless pilgrims who partook of it. Yet if Hsuan-sha's teacher Hsueh-feng had taken out his knife at the critical moment and stepped in and cut the stem, Hsuan-sha's Zen would never have been transmitted to future generations.
  "Hsiang-yen trained at his teacher Kuei-shan's temple for many years without attaining even a glimpse of realization. Making up his mind to leave, he went to inform Kuei-shan with tears in his eyes. Kuei-shan was completely unsympa thetic. He didn't even look at him. Hsiang-yen traveled around, and then took up residence in a solitary hermitage. One day as he was sweeping, his broom threw a fragment of tile against a bamboo trunk. When the sound it made reached his ears, all the barriers suddenly fell away. He bathed and put on a clean robe. Facing in the direction of the Kueishan's temple, he offered some incense, performed three prostrations, and said, 'It is not my late
  "A story is told about a monk who visited a Zen teacher and begged insistently for the principles of
   Zen. The teacher never paid him the least attention. The monk bided his time, waiting for a chance.
  Then one day he suddenly grabbed the master and hurried him to a secluded spot at the rear of the temple. He seated the master on the ground, spread out his prostration cloth before him, and performed three bows. 'I appeal to your great mercy and compassion,' he said. 'Please teach me the principles of Zen. Guide me to sudden enlightenment.' The master ignored him, enraging the monk, who flew into a fit of passion, sprang to his feet and, eyes red with anger, broke off a large branch from a nearby tree. Brandishing it, he stood in front of the master glaring scornfully at him. 'Priest!' he cried. 'If you don't tell me what you know, I am going to club you to death, cast your body down the cliff, and leave this place for good.' 'If you want to beat me to death, go ahead,' replied the master. 'I'm not going to teach you any Zen.' What a pity. This monk was obviously gifted with special capacity and spiritual strength. He had what it takes to penetrate the truth and perish into the great death. But notice what great caution and infinite care these ancient teachers exercised when leading students to self-awakening.
  " Zen Master Tao-wu responded to a monk with the words, 'I won't say living. I won't say dead.'
  'Why is that?' asked the monk. 'I won't say. I won't say,' replied Tao-wu. p Tao-wu did not refuse to speak because he was reluctant to teach the monk. He was trying to protect him. Anything he had tried to teach him would only have harmed him. In fact, there is no way a teacher can teach the Buddhapatriarchs' marvelous, untransmittable Dharma to others. If a priest tells you he has liberated students by teaching them the Dharma, you can be sure of two things: he has not penetrated the source, and he is not a genuine Zen teacher. But for you what is essential is not whether he is genuine or not. What is essential is to pledge that you will never have anything to do with false teachers like him. Zen practice must be true and au thentic, and it must be practiced under a true and au thentic teacher. Could you call Zen sages like Bodhidharma, Hui-neng, Huang-po, Hsueh-feng, and Tao-wu dead otters?
  Would you charac-terize venerable teachers like Hui-k'o, Nan-yueh, Lin-chi, Hsuan-sha, and Hsiangyen as dumb sheep?
  Way is immeasurably vast. Some priests do nothing but seek fame and success until their dying day, never showing the slightest interest in the path of Zen or the Buddha's Dharma. Others become enthralled in literary pursuits or become addicted to sake or women, oblivious of the hell fires
   flaming up under their very noses. Some, relying on insignificant bits of knowledge they pick up, shamelessly try to deny the law of cause and effect, though woefully lacking any grasp of its working.
  "But for all that, there is still no getting around the fact that genuine practicers of Zen must once achieve kensh (see their true nature), and bring the one great matter of their life to final cessation.
  Satori and final cessation are one thing, they are not two. But differences inevitably appear in the profundity of the satori and the strength or power that results from it. Let me try to describe this to you by explaining how progress toward final cessation, and lack of progress as well, appears in four types of students following their initial kensh.
  "First you have the students who, after engaging in genuine Zen practice for a long time until principles and wisdom are gradually exhausted, emotions and views eliminated, techniques and verbal resources used up, wither into a perfect and unflappable serenity, their bodies and minds completely dispassionate. Suddenly, satori comes. They are liberated. Like the phoenix that soars up from its golden cage. Like the crane that breaks free of its pen. Releasing their hands from the cliffside, they die the great death and are reborn into life anew. These are students who have thoroughly penetrated, who have bored through all forms and penetrated all sounds and can see their self-nature as clearly as if it was in the palm of their hand. After painstakingly working their way through the final barrier koans set up by the patriarchal teachers, their minds, in one single vigorous effort, abruptly transform. Such students are possessed of deep discernment and innate ability that enables them to enter liberation at a single blow from the iron hammer. They are foremost among all the outstanding seeds and buds of our school. The only thing they lack is the personal confirmation of a genuine teacher.
  "Next there are students who move forward in their koan practice until they gain strength that is almost mature. Thanks to a word or phrase of the Buddha-patriarchs or perhaps some advice from a good friend, they suddenly achieve kensh, breakthrough into satori. Let us call them "initial penetrators." Their penetration is complete in some areas, but not in others. They have a sure grasp of
  "There are also students who spend much time and effort tenaciously engaged in hidden practice and secret activity until, one day, owing to the guidance of a teacher, they finally are able to reach a state of firm belief. We can call them the believers. They understand without any doubt about essential principles such as the self-nature being apart from birth-and-death and the true body transcending past and present. However, the great and essential matter of the Zen school is beyond them. They can't see it even dimly in their dreams. They are not only powerless to save others, they
   are unable to bring their own liberation to completion either.
  "As the priest Nan-t'ang declared, 'You must see your self-nature as clearly as if you are looking at it in the palm of your hand, so that each and every thing becomes perfectly and unmistakably your own wondrously profound field of Dharma truth.'y It is a matter demanding the greatest care. For this reason, the Zen school declares: 'Clarifying your self but not the things before your eyes gets you only half, and clarifying the things before your eyes but not your self gets you only half as well. You must know that if you press on, the time will come when it will all be yours.'z It also says, 'If students of the Way want to confirm whether they have truly entered realization, they must examine their mind
   thoroughly both in the activities of everyday life and amid the tranquillity of za Zen: In the realm of active life is the mind different from the way it is during meditation? Do they hesitate or have any trouble in penetrating the various meanings of the words of the Buddha-patriarchs? Someone who has thoroughly grasped the marrow of the Buddha-patriarchs could not possibly fail to understand their words and sayings.'aa
  "You may feel as though you are clinging perilously to a steel barrier towering before you, as though you are gagging on a soup of wood shavings, as though you are grasping at clouds of green smoke, or probing a sea of red mist. When all your skills have been used up, all your verbal resources and reason utterly exhausted, if you do not falter or attempt to understand and just keep boring steadily inward, you will experience the profound joy of knowing for yourself whether the water is cold or warm. The practice of Zen requires you to just press forward with continuous, unwavering effort. If you only exert yourself every other day, like a person experiencing a periodic malarial fit, you will never reach enlightenment, not even with the passage of endless kalpas.
  "There is a sea beach only several hundred paces from my native village of Hara. Suppose someone is troubled because he doesn't know the taste of seawater, and decides to sample some. He sets out down to the beach, but stops and comes backs before he has gone even a hundred steps. He starts out again, this time returning after taking only ten steps. He will never know the taste of seawater that way, will he? Yet if he keeps going straight ahead and he doesn't turn back, even if he lives far inland in a landlocked province such as Shinano, Kai, Hida, or Mino, he will eventually reach the ocean. By dipping his finger in the ocean and licking it, he will know instantly the taste of seawater the world over, because it has the same taste everywhere, in India, in China, in the southern or northern seas.
  "But a matter of particularly bowel-wrenching intensity still remains, and that is the very heart of the matter that has been personally transmitted from one Zen patriarch to another and carefully
   maintained without alteration or diminution to the present day. Even students who have broken free of the adamantine cage and negotiated their way through the thicket of razor-edged briars, unless they also encounter a genuine teacher along the way and receive his personal instruction, they will be unable to grasp this matter even in their dreams. Why is that? Because from the very beginning, the sage teachers have been like celestial dragons grasping the precious night-shining gem tightly in their claws, not allowing turtles, sea urchins, fish, or other inhabitants of the deep to observe it. They are like venerable dragons, masters of the clouds and rain, whose essential role is totally beyond the ken of frogs and earthworms and other deni Zens of the waters. I speak of Zen masters like Nan-ch'uan,
  Ch'ang-sha, Huang-po, Su-shan, Tz'u-ming, Shao-shih, Chen-ching, Hsi-keng, Dai, and Wu-hsueh
  Now, I don't want you to think I've been spinning out these stories to impress you with my insights and learning. I heard them thirty years ago from my teacher Shju Rjin. He was always lamenting the fading of the Zen transmission. It now hung, he said, by a few thin strands. These concerns of his became deeply engrained in my bones and marrow. They have been forever etched in my liver and bowels. But being afraid that if I spoke out I would have trouble making people believe what I said, I have for a long time kept my silence. I have constantly regretted that you, Mr. Ishii, and the two or three laymen who study here with you, were never able to meet Master Shju. For that reason I have taken up my brush and rashly scribbled down all these verbal complexities on paper. Having finished,
  I find my entire back streaming with profuse sweat, partly in shame, partly in gratitude. My only request is that after reading this letter, you will pass it on to the fire god with instructions to consign it to his eternal storehouse. Ha. Ha.
  Although a handful of friends and fellow villagers had been studying at Shin-ji during the first decade of Hakuin's incumbency, Ishii was one of the earliest of the lay students from outside Hara village, another indication that the unsung young Zen teacher's reputation had spread to other parts of the province, and probably beyond as well.
  Ishii became an important patron of the impoverished temple, and later helped fund a number of
  Blossoms collection, is an expression of thanks for two large boulders Ishii had donated to the Shinji gardens. The verse is filled with vivid images describing the progress of the unwieldy objects as they are rafted down from the foothills of Mount Fuji, landed on the coast near Hara village, then manhandled overl and to Shin-ji, making us feel the excitement and impatience Hakuin experienced as he awaited their arrival (a translation is found in The Religious Art of Zen Master Hakuin, 129-
  In content and style, the letter is an early example of the expositions of koan Zen-so-called
  Dharma words-that Hakuin sent to individual students throughout his life, and more or less indistinguishable from the works he later wrote expressly for publication. He criticizes contemporary
   Zen teachers who, by giving in to feelings of pity and offering untimely advice to struggling students, end up preventing them from carrying their practice through to completion, ruining their chance of ever reaching the release of final enlightenment. Hakuin contrasts this with the method used by himself, as well as the great Zen figures of the past, of refusing to give any such help until the critical moment is reached and the student is ready to benefit from a teacher's timely intervention. The classic image is that of a mother hen pecking an egg at the exact same time the baby chick is pecking from within the shell to make its way out. Hakuin also stresses the importance of the post-satori training that begins after the original kensh or satori is attained.
  This letter is perhaps the earliest written enunciation of these themes, preceding by almost a decade their initial appearance in print, in Talks Introductory to Lectures on the Record of Hsi-keng
   e [Wild] fox slobber (koen, or yako-enda) is generally poison, used by Hakuin with a positive connotation for the "turning words" used by Zen teachers. For a recipe for making it, see Hakuin's
  Precious Mirror Cave (244). f Hakuin loosely paraphrases a statement in the Comprehensive Records of Yun-men (Yun-men kuang-lu). An early Chinese commentary on this apprises us of the fact that warm excrement produced during the summer months has an especially foul smell. g The Dragon Gate is a three-tiered waterfall cut through the mountains of Lung-men to open up a passage for the Yellow River. It was said that on the third day of the third month, when peach trees are in flower, carp that succeeded in scaling this waterfall turned into dragons. h Compendium of the Five Lamps, ch. 1. Also Case 41 in the Gateless Barrier. i Compendium of the Five Lamps, ch. 3. j Based on lines in a verse by Yuan-wu K'o-ch'in: "I venerate the Sixth Patriarch, an au thentic old
  Blue Cliff Record, Case 55). q These are some of the eighteen types of questions Zen students are said to ask their teachers. This is a formulation by Fen-yang (947-1024) in The Eye of Men and Gods. r Free up the cicada's wings . Although a similar expression is used in the Book of Latter Han to describe a lord showing great partiality to a favorite, here it refers to the statement made earlier about a teacher ruining a student's chances by stepping in to help the student prematurely. s Two of eight difficult places or situations (hachinan) in which it is difficult for people to encounter a Buddha, hear him preach the Dharma, and attain liberation: Uttarakuru, the continent to the north of
  Mount Sumeru, because inhabitants enjoy lives of interminable pleasure; and being enthralled in the worldly wisdom and skillful words (sechibens) of secular life. Dried buds and dead seeds (shge haishu) is a term of reproach directed at followers of the Two Vehicles, who are said to have no possibility for attaining complete enlightenment. t In the system of koan study that developed in later Hakuin Zen, hosshin or Dharmakaya koans are used in the beginning stages of practice (see Zen Dust, 46-50). The lines Hakuin quotes here are not found in the Poems of Han-shan (Han-shan shih). They are attributed to Han-shan in Compendium of the Five Lamps (ch. 15, chapter on Tung-shan Mu-ts'ung): "The master ascended the teaching seat and said, 'Han-shan said that "Red dust dances at the bottom of the well. / White waves rise on the mountain peaks. / The stone woman gives birth to a stone child. / Fur on the tortoise grows longer by the day." If you want to know the Bodhi-mind, all you have to do is to behold these sights.'" The lines are included in a Japanese edition of the work published during Hakuin's lifetime. u The Ten Ox-herding Pictures are a series of illustrations, accompanied by verses, showing the Zen student's progress to final enlightenment. The Five Ranks, comprising five modes of the particular and universal, are a teaching device formulated by Tung-shan of the Sto tradition. v Records of the Lamp, ch. 10. w Liu Hsiu (first century) was a descendant of Western Han royalty who defeated the usurper Wang
  Mang and established the Eastern Han dynasty. Emperor Su Tsung (eighth century) regained the throne that his father had occupied before being been driven from power. x Wang Mang (c. 45 BC-23 AD) , a powerful official of the Western Han dynasty, and rebellious
  Cold Forest, a selection of quotations from Zen texts he made for students that was first published in
  1769 by Trei. z In Detailed Study of the Fundamental Principles of the Five Houses of Zen (Goke sansh yro
   mon) Trei explains the Zen terms "gains you half" (literally, "raises it up halfway") and "gaining it all" as follows: "'Raising it totally up' refers to grasping the treasury of the Buddha's true Dharma eye and making it one's own activity. 'Raising it partially up' refers to not having yet achieved this total attainment; to having achieved only half, or only one tenth" (hoz, 7:157-58). aa No source has been found for this quotation; it may have been written by Hakuin. bb "If you cease your mind from its constant strivings, you are no different from the Buddhas and patriarchs. You want to grasp the Buddhas and patriarchs, but you yourself, the person listening to my teaching at this moment, are the Buddha-patriarch" (see Record of Lin-chi, 23).
  (translated "poisonous insects"). In Tso-chuan (Tso's Narrative), the oldest of the Chinese narrative histories, we read: "Chao-meng asked, 'What is the meaning of the word ku?' The physician answered, 'It refers to anything that causes excess, agitation, delusion, or trouble. The ideograph ku represents a jar filled with insects. The grub that insinuates its way into grain stock is also a destructive ku insect. In the Book of Changes, women who seduce men and the wind that topples trees in the mountains are also described as ku.'" The word also occurs in the records of the Sung master Hsu-t'ang: "There was a custom in the Fu-chien District prevalent since the T'ang dynasty of throwing various insects such as venomous snakes, lizards, and spiders together, waiting until only one of them remained alive, and then mixing its venom and blood into a potion to ward off evil spirits or to kill people by casting a magic spell on them" (Dictionary of Zen Sayings, 121). In the Yuan dynasty medical treatise I-fang tai ch'eng lun: "It is said that people living in the mountain fastnesses of Min-kuang put three kinds of poisonous insects into a container and bury it in the ground on the fifth day of the fifth month. They allow the insects to devour each other until only one remains, called a ku.
  They extract the poison from this insect, and when they want to harm someone, they put it into their food or drink."
  2. Dead otter (shi-katsudatsu) Zen, according to a glossary of Zen terms dating from shortly after
  Hakuin's time, refers to quietist practices employed in the St school's silent illumination Zen. The
  Sung master Ta-hui speaks of "bands of miscreant shavepates who have not yet opened their own eyes, but who nonetheless strive to lead others into a state of quietistic stagnation in the realm of the blind otters" (Ta-hui's Letters, third Letter to Cheng Shih-lang). In his work Krju, the Tokugawa scholar-priest Mujaku Dch concludes that the term does not refer to an otter (he suggests instead a red-haired, wolflike animal): "Although I have been unable to discover precisely what this creature is, it is said to 'play possum,' pretending to be dead to draw people near so it can seize and devour them."
  2. "Not even Buddhas and patriarchs can cure misunderstanding as gross as this. Every day these people seek out places of peace and quiet, but they're dead otters today, they'll be dead otters tomorrow, they'll be dead otters even after endless kalpas have passed. Utterly useless to themselves or to anyone else. The Buddha compared people like this to mangy foxes. Angulimala despised them as people with the intelligence of earthworms. Vimalakirti placed them among the blasted buds and rotten seeds. They are the ones Ch'ang-sha said were unable to leap from the tip of a hundred-foot pole, the ones Lin-chi said lived at the bottom of a deep black pit" (Oradegama; Zen Master Hakuin,
  3. Dumb sheep Zen is said to refer to monks who are unable to tell good from bad and without sense enough to correct their mistakes. Hakuin generally applies the term to "do-nothing" Zennists, that is to say, those who do not actively seek kensh through koan study.
  4. Box-shrub Zen. The growth of the box tree or shrub (tsuge no ki) is so slow that it was said to sometimes cease growing altogether, and to even shrink in size during intercalary years. Ta-hui uses the term to describe students who not only cease making headway in their practice, but by attaching to satori actually regress (Ta-hui's General Talks, ch. 2). Carry the day roughly paraphrases the expression "bare the left arm," referring to a gesture that is made to show one has been won over and will support another's cause. "Marquis Chou Po, before setting out to subjugate the Lu family, issued an order to his army, saying, 'Those who are for the Lu family bare their right arms, those for the Liu family bare their left arms!' They all bared their left arms, and he was able to launch an attack and gain the upper hand" (Records of the Grand Historian, 280).
  5. A monk named Hsuan-tse was temple steward in the brotherhood of Zen Master Fa-yen Wen-i. The master said, "How long have you been here with me?" "It's been three years now," he replied. "As a member of the younger generation that is responsible for carrying on the transmission, why haven't you ever asked me about the Dharma?" "To tell the truth," Tse replied, "I already entered the Dharma realm of peace and comfort when I was studying with Zen Master Ch'ing-feng." "By what words did you attain that realm?" Fa-yen asked. Tse replied, "I once asked Ch'ing-feng, 'What is the self of a
  Buddhist monk?' He answered, 'Ping-ting t'ung-tzu [the fire god] comes for fire.'" "Those are fine words," said Fa-yen. "But you probably didn't understand them." Tse said, "I understand them to

1.04 - GOD IN THE WORLD, #The Perennial Philosophy, #Aldous Huxley, #Philosophy
  When followers of Zen fail to go beyond the world of their senses and thoughts, all their doings and movements are of no significance. But when the senses and thoughts are annihilated, all the passages to Universal Mind are blocked, and no entrance then becomes possible. The original Mind is to be recognized along with the working of the senses and thoughtsonly it does not belong to them, nor yet is it independent of them. Do not build up your views upon your senses and thoughts, do not base your understanding upon your senses and thoughts; but at the same time do not seek the Mind away from your senses and thoughts, do not try to grasp Reality by rejecting your senses and thoughts. When you are neither attached to, nor detached from, them, then you enjoy your perfect unobstructed freedom, then you have your seat of enlightenment.
  It is in the literature of Mahayana and especially of Zen Buddhism that we find the best account of the psychology of the man for whom Samsara and Nirvana, time and eternity, are one and the same. More systematically perhaps than any other religion, the Buddhism of the Far East teaches the way to spiritual Knowledge in its fulness as well as in its heights, in and through the world as well as in and through the soul. In this context we may point to a highly significant fact, which is that the incomparable landscape painting of China and Japan was essentially a religious art, inspired by Taoism and Zen Buddhism; in Europe, on the contrary, landscape painting and the poetry of nature worship were secular arts which arose when Christianity was in decline, and derived little or no inspiration from Christian ideals.
  Blind, deaf, dumb!
  In these lines Seccho has swept everything away for youwhat you see together with what you do not see, what you hear together with what you do not hear, and what you talk about together with what you cannot talk about. All these are completely brushed off, and you attain the life of the blind, deaf, and dumb. Here all your imaginations, contrivances and calculations are once and for all put an end to; they are no more made use of. This is where lies the highest point of Zen, this is where we have true blindness, true deafness and true dumbness, each in its artless and effectless aspect.
  Above the heavens and below the heavens!
  What precisely is the significance of that iron bar without a hole? I do not pretend to know. Zen has always specialized in nonsense as a means of stimulating the mind to go forward to that which is beyond sense; so perhaps the point of the bar resides precisely in its pointlessness and in our disturbed, bewildered reaction to that pointlessness.
  In the root divine Wisdom is all-Brahman; in the stem she is all-Illusion; in the flower she is all-World; and in the fruit, all-Liberation.
  These phrases about the unmoving first mover remind one of Aristotle. But between Aristotle and the exponents of the Perennial Philosophy within the great religious traditions there is this vast difference: Aristotle is primarily concerned with cosmology, the Perennial Philosophers are primarily concerned with liberation and enlightenment: Aristotle is content to know about the unmoving mover, from the outside and theoretically; the aim of the Perennial Philosophers is to become directly aware of it, to know it unitively, so that they and others may actually become the unmoving One. This unitive knowledge can be knowledge in the heights, or knowledge in the fulness, or knowledge simultaneously in the heights and the fulness. Spiritual knowledge exclusively in the heights of the soul was rejected by Mahayana Buddhism as inadequate. The similar rejection of quietism within the Christian tradition will be touched upon in the section, Contemplation and Action. Meanwhile it is interesting to find that the problem which aroused such acrimonious debate throughout seventeenth-century Europe had arisen for the Buddhists at a considerably earlier epoch. But whereas in Catholic Europe the outcome of the battle over Molinos, Mme. Guyon and Fnelon was to all intents and purposes the extinction of mysticism for the best part of two centuries, in Asia the two parties were tolerant enough to agree to differ. Hinayana spirituality continued to explore the heights within, while the Mahayanist masters held up the ideal not of the Arhat, but of the Bodhisattva, and pointed the way to spiritual knowledge in its fulness as well as in its heights. What follows is a poetical account, by a Zen saint of the eighteenth century, of the state of those who have realized the Zen ideal.
  Abiding with the non-particular which is in particulars,
  That Nirvana and Samsara are one is a fact about the nature of the universe; but it is a fact which cannot be fully realized or directly experienced, except by souls far advanced in spirituality. For ordinary, nice, unregenerate people to accept this truth by hearsay, and to act upon it in practice, is merely to court disaster. All the dismal story of antinomianism is there to warn us of what happens when men and women make practical applications of a merely intellectual and unrealized theory that all is God and God is all. And hardly less depressing than the spectacle of antinomianism is that of the earnestly respectable well-rounded life of good citi Zens who do their best to live sacramentally, but dont in fact have any direct acquaintance with that for which the sacramental activity really stands. Dr. Oman, in his The Natural and the Supernatural, writes at length on the theme that reconciliation to the evanescent is revelation of the eternal; and in a recent volume, Science, Religion and the Future, Canon Raven applauds Dr. Oman for having stated the principles of a theology, in which there could be no ultimate antithesis between nature and grace, science and religion, in which, indeed, the worlds of the scientist and the theologian are seen to be one and the same. All this is in full accord with Taoism and Zen Buddhism and with such Christian teachings as St. Augustines Ama et fac quod vis and Father Lallemants advice to theocentric contemplatives to go out and act in the world, since their actions are the only ones capable of doing any real good to the world. But what neither Dr. Oman nor Canon Raven makes sufficiently clear is that nature and grace, Samsara and Nirvana, perpetual perishing and eternity, are really and experientially one only to persons who have fulfilled certain conditions. Fac quod vis in the temporal world but only when you have learnt the infinitely difficult art of loving God with all your mind and heart and your neighbor as yourself. If you havent learnt this lesson, you will either be an antinomian eccentric or criminal or else a respectable well-rounded-lifer, who has left himself no time to understand either nature or grace. The Gospels are perfectly clear about the process by which, and by which alone, a man may gain the right to live in the world as though he were at home in it: he must make a total denial of selfhood, submit to a complete and absolute mortification. At one period of his career, Jesus himself seems to have undertaken austerities, not merely of the mind, but of the body. There is the record of his forty days fast and his statement, evidently drawn from personal experience, that some demons cannot be cast out except by those who have fasted much as well as prayed. (The Cur dArs, whose knowledge of miracles and corporal penance was based on personal experience, insists on the close correlation between severe bodily austerities and the power to get petitionary prayer answered in ways that are sometimes supernormal.) The Pharisees reproached Jesus because he came eating and drinking, and associated with publicans and sinners; they ignored, or were unaware of, the fact that this apparently worldly prophet had at one time rivalled the physical austerities of John the Baptist and was practising the spiritual mortifications which he consistently preached. The pattern of Jesus life is essentially similar to that of the ideal sage, whose career is traced in the Oxherding Pictures, so popular among Zen Buddhists. The wild ox, symbolizing the unregenerate self, is caught, made to change its direction, then tamed and gradually transformed from black to white. Regeneration goes so far that for a time the ox is completely lost, so that nothing remains to be pictured but the full-orbed moon, symbolizing Mind, Suchness, the Ground. But this is not the final stage. In the end, the herdsman comes back to the world of men, riding on the back of his ox. Because he now loves, loves to the extent of being identified with the divine object of his love, he can do what he likes; for what he likes is what the Nature of Things likes. He is found in company with wine-bibbers and butchers; he and they are all converted into Buddhas. For him, there is complete reconciliation to the evanescent and, through that reconciliation, revelation of the eternal. But for nice ordinary unregenerate people the only reconciliation to the evanescent is that of indulged passions, of distractions submitted to and enjoyed. To tell such persons that evanescence and eternity are the same, and not immediately to qualify the statement, is positively fatalfor, in practice, they are not the same except to the saint; and there is no record that anybody ever came to sanctity, who did not, at the outset of his or her career, behave as if evanescence and eternity, nature and grace, were profoundly different and in many respects incompatible. As always, the path of spirituality is a knife-edge between abysses. On one side is the danger of mere rejection and escape, on the other the danger of mere acceptance and the enjoyment of things which should only be used as instruments or symbols. The versified caption which accompanies the last of the Oxherding Pictures runs as follows.
  Even beyond the ultimate limits there extends a passageway,
  It is in the Indian and Far Eastern formulations of the Perennial Philosophy that this subject is most systematically treated. What is prescribed is a process of conscious discrimination between the personal self and the Self that is identical with Brahman, between the individual ego and the Buddha-womb or Universal Mind. The result of this discrimination is a more or less sudden and complete revulsion of consciousness, and the realization of a state of no-mind, which may be described as the freedom from perceptual and intellectual attachment to the ego-principle. This state of no-mind exists, as it were, on a knife-edge between the carelessness of the average sensual man and the strained over-eagerness of the zealot for salvation. To achieve it, one must walk delicately and, to maintain it, must learn to combine the most intense alertness with a tranquil and self-denying passivity, the most indomitable determination with a perfect submission to the leadings of the spirit. When no-mind is sought after by a mind, says Huang Po, that is making it a particular object of thought. There is only testimony of silence; it goes beyond thinking. In other words, we, as separate individuals, must not try to think it, but rather permit ourselves to be thought by it. Similarly, in the Diamond Sutra we read that if a Bodhisattva, in his attempt to realize Suchness, retains the thought of an ego, a person, a separate being, or a soul, he is no longer a Bodhisattva. Al Ghazzali, the philosopher of Sufism, also stresses the need for intellectual humbleness and docility. If the thought that he is effaced from self occurs to one who is in fana (a term roughly corresponding to Zens no-mind, or mushin), that is a defect. The highest state is to be effaced from effacement. There is an ecstatic effacement-from-effacement in the interior heights of the Atman-Brahman; and there is another, more comprehensive effacement-from-effacement, not only in the inner heights, but also in and through the world, in the waking, everyday knowledge of God in his fulness.
  A man must become truly poor and as free from his own creaturely will as he was when he was born. And I tell you, by the eternal truth, that so long as you desire to fulfill the will of God and have any hankering after eternity and God, for just so long you are not truly poor. He alone has true spiritual poverty who wills nothing, knows nothing, desires nothing.
  The Third Patriarch of Zen
  Do what you are doing now, suffer what you are suffering now; to do all this with holiness, nothing need be changed but your hearts. Sanctity consists in willing what happens to us by Gods order.

1.04 - HOW THE .TRUE WORLD. ULTIMATELY BECAME A FABLE, #Twilight of the Idols, #Friedrich Nietzsche, #Philosophy
    longest error; mankind's Zenith; _Incipit Zarathustra._)
  [1] Kant was a native of Knigsberg and lived there all his life. Did

1.04 - Narayana appearance, in the beginning of the Kalpa, as the Varaha (boar), #Vishnu Purana, #Vyasa, #Hinduism
  παντα, set his own hand to every work, which, as Aristotle says, would be, ἀπρεπὲς τῷ θεῷ, unbecoming God; but, as in the case of Brahmā and other subordinate agents, that they should occasion p. 33 the various developments of crude nature to take place, by supplying that will, of which nature itself is incapable. Action being once instituted by an instrumental medium, or by the will of an intellectual agent, it is continued by powers or a vitality inherent in nature or the matter of creation itself. The efficiency of such subordinate causes was advocated by Plato, Aristotle, and others; and the opinion of Zeno, as stated by Laertius, might be taken for a translation of some such passage as that in our text: Ἔστι δὲ φύσις ἕξις ἐξ αὐτῆς κινο
  μένη κατὰ σπερματικοὺς λόγο

1.04 - THE APPEARANCE OF ANOMALY - CHALLENGE TO THE SHARED MAP, #Maps of Meaning, #Jordan Peterson, #Psychology
  a tortoise (of Zenos paradox fame):
  Tortoise: ... For purposes of illustration, let me suggest that you consider the simpler statement 29 is

1.04 - The Praise, #Tara - The Feminine Divine, #unset, #Zen
  points, Zenith, and nadir) and applies to all the
  universes, not just ours.

1.04 - To the Priest of Rytan-ji, #Beating the Cloth Drum Letters of Zen Master Hakuin, #unset, #Zen
  Ttmi Province to lecture on a Chinese Zen text, Precious Lessons of the Zen School. He was in the middle of his second decade of teaching at Shin-ji, having two years before completed a highly successful meeting that had established his reputation as one of the foremost Zen teachers in the country, and had also attracted a large assembly of trainees to the temple. Hakuin now seems more willing to accept requests from other temples to conduct lecture meetings.
  It was a convention to address letters of this type to the attendant rather than to the head priest himself. Hakuin also mentions that this is the third time he has received a letter from the attendant, alluding to a famous episode from the Three Kingdoms period of Chinese history when the warlord
  Much closer to home in your own Ttmi Province, there are any number of excellent priests, all of them formidable dragons of the Zen seas. What could a shrimp like me accomplish at such a meeting?
  I break into a nervous sweat just thinking about it. And we are talking about Rytan-ji (Dragon-Pool
  Some time ago Dait Osh made the long trip here to Shin-ji with Senior Monk Zents to convey the sentiments of the temple priests in your area, including the abbot of Seiken-ji. They presented their case skillfully, with admirable powers of persuasion. They informed me of your feelings on the matter and of the enthusiastic support shown by other members of the monastic and lay community. It seems everyone is very eager for the talks to be held.
  Please understand the reason for my obstinacy. Why, I haven't a single person around to give the kind of advice and assistance I would need to carry out such an assignment. If a priest of my inexperience were to agree to your request and attempt the task you have set, I would only make myself a general laughingstock for not realizing the limits of my ability. On the other hand, were I to give in to my personal feelings, refuse the invitation, and retreat into my carapace, I would no doubt always be reproached for turning my back on the desires and expectations of all those who supported the idea. Thus confused in mind and decrepit in body, this indolent old monk now finds himself forced into a very tight corner.
  Rytan-ji abbot at the time was Dokus Hun (n.d.), about whom little is known. Senior Monk Zents
  ( Zents Shuso) is probably the person later known as Kanj Ets (1699-1777), a Rytan-ji monk who had gone to Shin-ji to study with Hakuin. He later succeeded Dokus at Rytan-ji.
  Ttmi Province to lecture on Precious Lessons of the Zen School."
  But we learn from Trei's draft manuscript of the Chronological Biography that the meeting was actually held in autumn to commemorate the 650th anniversary of the temple's founding, and that "a hundred monks accompanied Hakuin on the journey to Ttmi to take part in the meeting." Precious
  Lessons of the Zen School is a late twelfth-century work Hakuin frequently used as a text for lectures.
  It is made up of words, instructions, and episodes of eminent Chinese Zen priests.
  This letter was first published in 2009 in Hakuin's Zen Painting and Calligraphy.

1.04 - Wake-Up Sermon, #The Zen Teaching of Bodhidharma, #Bodhidharma, #Buddhism
  sutras say, "T he cave of five aggregates is the hall of Zen. The
  opening of the inner eye is the door of the Great Vehicle." What
  Not thinking about anything is Zen. Once you know this,
  walking, standing, sitting, or lying down, everything you do is Zen.
  To know that the mind is empty is to see the buddha. T he buddhas
  great Zen.
  Using the mind to look for reality is delusion. Not using the
  shore as different from this shore don't understand Zen.
  Delusion means mortality. And awareness means buddha
  to form are the Gates of Zen. Ears that aren't attached to sound
  are also the Gates of Zen. In short, those who perceive the existence
  and nature of phenomena and remain unattached are liberated.

1.04 - What Arjuna Saw - the Dark Side of the Force, #Preparing for the Miraculous, #George Van Vrekhem, #Integral Yoga
  n the Zen-monk battering his mind against the glass
  walls of insanity while trying to become truly sane, en-

1.05 - Splitting of the Spirit, #The Red Book Liber Novus, #unset, #Zen
  The God becomes sick if he oversteps the height of the Zenith.
  That is why the spirit of the depths took me when the spirit of this time had led me to the summit. 110

1.06 - MORTIFICATION, NON-ATTACHMENT, RIGHT LIVELIHOOD, #The Perennial Philosophy, #Aldous Huxley, #Philosophy
  From One Hundred and One Zen Stories
  Once the noble Ibrahim, as he sat on his throne,

1.06 - The Three Schools of Magick 1, #Magick Without Tears, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  It remains, therefore, in a contemplative attitude. To use the terms of Western philosophy, there is in its attitude something of the stoicism of Zeno; or of the Pickwickianism, if I may use the term, of Epicurus. The ideal reaction to phenomena is that of perfect elasticity. It possesses something of the cold-bloodedness of mathematics; and for this reason it seems fair to say, for the purposes of elementary study, that Pythagoras is its most adequate exponent in European philosophy.
  Since the discovery of Asiatic thought, however, we have no need to take our ideas at second-hand. The Yellow School of Magick possesses one perfect classic. The Tao Teh King.[AC16]

1.07 - The Farther Reaches of Human Nature, #Sex Ecology Spirituality, #Ken Wilber, #Philosophy
  And thus, so what if spiritual experiences can't be captured in words either? They are no more and no less handicapped in this regard than any other experience. If I say "dog" and you've had the experience, you know exactly what I mean. If a Zen master says "Emptiness," and you've had that experience, you will know exactly what is meant. If you haven't had the experience "dog" or the experience "Emptiness," merely adding more and more words will never, under any circumstances, convey it.
  Thus, if we are going to level that charge at mysticism, then we must level it at dogginess and sunsetness and every other experience that happens to come our way. (This is really the cheapest of the cheap shots fired at mysticism.)
  Conversely, words do just fine as signifiers for experience, whether mundane or spiritual, if we both, you and I, have had similar experiences in a context of shared background practices. Zen masters talk about Emptiness all the time! And they know exactly what they mean by the words, and the words are perfectly adequate to convey what they mean, if you have had the experience (for what they mean can only be disclosed in the shared praxis of za Zen, or meditation practice).
  Go one step further. If I say to a conop child, "It is as if I were elsewhere," the child might nod her head as if she actually understood all the meanings of that statement. The conop child already possesses the shared linguistic structure (and grammar) to decipher the words. But, as we have seen, since the conop child cannot fully grasp the implications of as-if statements, she doesn't really understand what is signified by my statement. Once the higher structure of formop emerges, however, this will usher the child into a worldspace where "as-if" is not just a signifier but a signified that has an existing referent in that formop worldspace: not just a word, but a direct understanding that more or less spontaneously jumps to mind whenever we hear or see the word, and which refers to a genuinely existing entity in the rational worldspace.

1.07 - TRUTH, #The Perennial Philosophy, #Aldous Huxley, #Philosophy
  To these unavoidable paradoxes some spiritual writers have chosen to add deliberate and calculated enormities of languagehard sayings, exaggerations, ironic or humorous extravagances, designed to startle and shock the reader out of that self-satisfied complacency which is the original sin of the intellect. Of this second kind of paradox the masters of Taoism and Zen Buddhism were particularly fond. The latter, indeed, made use of paralogisms and even of nonsense as a device for taking the kingdom of heaven by violence. Aspirants to the life of perfection were encouraged to practice discursive meditation on some completely non-logical formula. The result was a kind of reductio ad absurdum of the whole self-centred and world-centred discursive process, a sudden breaking through from reason (in the language of scholastic philosophy) to intuitive intellect, capable of a genuine insight into the divine Ground of all being. This method strikes us as odd and eccentric; but the fact remains that it worked to the extent of producing in many persons the final metanoia, or transformation of consciousness and character.
   Zens use of almost comic extravagance to emphasize the philosophic truths it regarded as most important is well illustrated in the first of the extracts cited above. We are not intended seriously to imagine that an Avatar preaches in order to play a practical joke on the human race. But meanwhile what the author has succeeded in doing is to startle us out of our habitual complacency about the home-made verbal universe in which we normally do most of our living. Words are not facts, and still less are they the primordial Fact. If we take them too seriously, we shall lose our way in a forest of entangling briars. But if, on the contrary, we dont take them seriously enough, we shall remain unaware that there is a way to lose or a goal to be reached. If the Enlightened did not preach, there would be no deliverance for anyone. But because human minds and human languages are what they are, this necessary and indispensable preaching is beset with dangers. The history of all the religions is similar in one important respect; some of their adherents are enlightened and delivered, because they have chosen to react appropriately to the words which the founders have let fall; others achieve a partial salvation by reacting with partial appropriateness; yet others harm themselves and their fellows by reacting with a total inappropriatenessei ther ignoring the words altogether or, more often, taking them too seriously and treating them as though they were identical with the Fact to which they refer.
  A person who gives assent to untrue dogma, or who pays all his attention and allegiance to one true dogma in a comprehensive system, while neglecting the others (as many Christians concentrate exclusively on the humanity of the Second Person of the Trinity and ignore the Father and the Holy Ghost), runs the risk of limiting in advance his direct apprehension of Reality. In religion as in natural science, experience is determined only by experience. It is fatal to prejudge it, to compel it to fit the mould imposed by a theory which either does not correspond to the facts at all, or corresponds to only some of the facts. Do not strive to seek after the true, writes a Zen master, only cease to cherish opinions. There is only one way to cure the results of belief in a false or incomplete theology and it is the same as the only known way of passing from belief in even the truest theology to knowledge or primordial Factselflessness, docility, openness to the datum of Eternity. Opinions are things which we make and can therefore understand, formulate and argue about. But to rest in the consideration of objects perceptible to the sense or comprehended by the understanding is to be content, in the words of St. John of the Cross, with what is less than God. Unitive knowledge of God is possible only to those who have ceased to cherish opinionseven opinions that are as true as it is possible for verbalized abstractions to be.
  Up then, noble soul! Put on thy jumping shoes which are intellect and love, and overleap the worship of thy mental powers, overleap thine understanding and spring into the heart of God, into his hiddenness where thou art hidden from all creatures.
  What follows is the last composition of a Zen nun, who had been in her youth a great beauty and an accomplished poetess.
  Sixty-six times have these eyes beheld the changing scenes of Autumn.

1.08 - The Depths of the Divine, #Sex Ecology Spirituality, #Ken Wilber, #Philosophy
  All of which culminates in the Seventh Mansion, where actual Spiritual Marriage occurs, and vision gives way to direct apprehension or direct experience-"the union of the whole soul with God."35 Once this union is apprehended, it seems so obvious, says Teresa, that we can't even find a "doorway" through which it occurred (which is very reminiscent of Zen's "gateless gate"), and, in trying to describe this secret yet perfectly obvious union, words, of course, miserably fail her (but only because she cannot assume that we have had the experience):
  This secret union takes place in the deepest center of the soul, which is where God dwells, and I do not think there is any need of a door by which to enter it. I say there is no need of a door because all that has so far been described [the earlier six stages or mansions] seems to have come through the medium of the senses and [mental] faculties. But what passes in the union of the Spiritual Marriage, in the center of the soul, is very different. This instantaneous [union] of God to the soul is so great a secret and sublime a favor, and such delight is felt by the soul, that I do not know with what to compare it. . . .36
  The "mind vanished" is, of course, Eckhart's "mindless awareness" (and Zen's "no-mind," etc.). Ramana therefore counsels us to seek the source of the mind, to look for that which is aware of the mental or personal "I," for that is the transpersonal "I-I," unchanged by the fluctuations of any particular states, particular objects, particular circumstances, particular births, particular deaths.
  Tracing the source of "I," the primal I-I alone remains over, and it is inexpressible. The seat of Realization is within and the seeker cannot find it as an object outside him. That seat is bliss and is the core [the ultimate depth] of all beings. Hence it is called the Heart. The mind now sees itself diversified as the universe. If the diversity is not manifest it remains in its own essence, its original state, and that is the Heart. Entering the

1.08 - The Gods of the Veda - The Secret of the Veda, #Vedic and Philological Studies, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Therefore the prayer to the Aswins concludes: The Soma is outpoured; come with your full bounty, dasr & your fierce intensity, rudravartan. But what Soma? Is it the material juice of a material plant, the bitter Homa which the Parsi priests use today in the ceremonies enjoined by the Zendavesta? Does Sayanas interpretation give us the correct rendering? Is it by a material intoxication that this great joy & activity & glancing brilliance of the mind joined to a great steadfastness is to be obtained? Yuvkavah, says Sayana, means mixed & refers to the mixing of other ingredients in the Soma wine. Let us apply again our usual test. We come to the next passage in which the word yuvku occurs, the fourth rik of the seventeenth Sukta, Medhatithi Kanwas hymn to Indra & Varuna.
    Yuvku hi achnm, yuvku sumatnm,

11.15 - Sri Aurobindo, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   We say, then, supramentalisation of consciousness is the goal Nature is aiming at and man striving for: it is the next step that earth and man are taking in their evolutionary urge. Man, however, represents a very crucial stagehe is the dividing line between two hemispherestwo modes of consciousness, two types of creation. As I have said, up to man it is a natural spontaneous unreflecting unconscious evolution: with man it is conscious, deliberate, wilful evolution. What was being done behind the veil in ignorance will now be done openly in full knowledge. The very first result will be the shortening of the time factor. The conscious process increases the tempo, telescopes into decades or years a process or development that would take centuries or more otherwise; in man a growth is achieved in one life that would normally need several lives. The other characteristic result is that when the Supermind establishes itself, there is no more ignorance, it is all light and knowledge. Till the mental range, even at its highest heights it is a mixture of light and darkness, of knowledge and ignorance: there is always an element of doubt, uncertainty or partial perception: there is a groping, a trial and one moves at best from greater darkness to lesser shade. With the Supermind all that changes: the Superman lives always in the full daylight, in the Zenith consciousness, in the plenitude of knowledge. He moves from light to light, knowledge to knowledge, no longer bound to the division and duality inherent in the present human consciousness. It may be that man may not at a bound reach the peak of the Supermind: for there are lower ranges, voluntary limitations of the Light, less absolute formulations of the perfect being through which man will have to pass for a greater enrichment of his nature and for the establishment of other orders of luminous existence upon earth. Sri Aurobindo has, in this connection, spoken of the Overmind and the Mind of Light. But these too lie beyond the border of mental twilight and are domains of Light, own delegates of Supermind.
   It may not be out of place here just to mention a few characters proper to this supramental over-border consciousness. First of all, it is the seat and organon of complete knowledge: knowledge here is not the result of the deductive and inductive process of reason, it does not balance pros and cons and out of uncertain possibilities strike out an average probability: it is direct, straight, immediate, certain and absolute. Knowledge here comes by identity the knower and the known are one and what is known is therefore self-knowledge, Secondly, the will too is not an effort or striving and struggling, but the spontaneous expression of the self-power of the consciousness; willing means achieving, one wills the inevitable truth for, knowledge and will too are one. Thirdly, it is the status of perfect delight, for one has passed beyond the vale of tears and entered the peace that passeth understanding, one has found that Joy is the source of creation and the truth of existence is held in Ecstasy.

1.15 - Index, #Aion, #Carl Jung, #Psychology
  also Zen
  Budge, Ernest Alfred Wallis, 88/1,
  Foreword to Suzuki's "Introduction to Zen Buddhism" (1939)
  The Psychology of Eastern Meditation (1943)

1.17 - Astral Journey Example, How to do it, How to Verify your Experience, #Magick Without Tears, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  Let us suppose that you have been making an invocation, or shall we call it an investigation, and suppose you want to interpret a passage of Bach. To play this is the principal weapon of your ceremony. In the course of your operation, you assume your astral body and rise far above the terrestrial atmosphere, while the music continues softly in the background. You open your eyes, and find that it is night. Dark clouds are on the horizon; but in the Zenith is a crown of constellations. This light helps you, especially as your eyes become accustomed to the gloom, to take in your surroundings. It is a bleak and barren landscape. Terrific mountains rim the world. In the midst looms a cluster of blue-black crags. Now there appears from their recesses a gigantic being. His strength, especially in his hands and in his loins, it terrifying. He suggests a combination of lion, mountain goat and serpent; and you instantly jump to the idea that this is one of the rare beings which the Greeks called Chimaera. So formidable is his appearance that you consider it prudent to assume an appropriate god-form. But who is the appropriate god? You may perhaps consider it best, in view of your complete ignorance as to who he is and where you are, to assume the god-form of Harpocrates, as being good defence in any case; but of course this will not take you very far. If you are sufficiently curious and bold, you will make up your mind rapidly on this point. This is where your daily practice of the Qabalah will come in useful. You run through in your mind the seven sacred planets. The very first of them seems quite consonant with what you have so far seen. Everything suits Saturn well enough. To be on the safe side, you go through the others; but this is a very obvious case Saturn is the only planet that agrees with everything. The only other possibility will be the Moon; but there is no trace noticeable of any of her more amiable characteristics. You will therefore make up your mind that it is a Saturnian god-form that you need. Fortunate indeed for you that you have practiced daily the assumption of such forms! Very firmly, very steadily, very slowly, very quietly, you transform your normal astral appearance into that of Sebek. The Chimaera, recognizing your divine authority, becomes less formidable and menacing in appearance. He may, in some way, indicate his willingness to serve you. Very good, so far; but it is of course the first essential to make sure of his integrity. Accordingly you begin by asking his name. This is vital; because if he tells you the truth, it gives you power over him. But if, on the other hand, he tells you a lie, he abandons for good and all his fortress. He becomes rather like a submarine whose base has been destroyed. He may do you a lot of mischief in the meantime, of course, so look out!
  Well then, he tells you that his name is Ottillia. Shall we try to spell it in Greek or in Hebrew. By the sound of the name and perhaps to some extent by his appearance one might plump for the former; but after all the Greek Qabalah is so unsatisfactory. We give Hebrew the first chance we start with Ayin Teth Yod Lamed Yod Aleph H. Let us try this lettering for a start. It adds up to 135. I daresay that you don't remember what the Sepher Sephiroth tells you about the number; but as luck will have it, there is no need to inquire; for 135 = 3 x 45. Three is the number, is the first number of Saturn, and 45 the last. (The sum of the numbers in the magic square of Saturn is 45.) That corresponds beautifully with everything you have got so far; but then of course you must know if he is "one of the beliving Jinn." Briefly, is he a friend or an enemy? You accordingly say to him "The word of the Law is " It turns out that he doesn't understand Greek at all, so you were certainly right in choosing Hebrew. You put it to him, "What is the word of the Law?" and he replies darkly. "The word of the Law is Thora." That means nothing to you; any one might know as much as that, Thora being the ordinary word for the Sacred Law of Israel, and you accordingly ask him to spell it to make sure you have heard aright; and he gives you the letters, perhaps by speaking them, perhaps by showing them: Teth, Resh, Ayin. You add these up and get 279. This again is divisible by the Saturnian 3, and the result is 93; in other words, he has been precisely right. On the plane of Saturn one may multiply by three and therefore he has given you the correct word "Thelema" in a form unfamiliar to you. You man now consider yourself satisfied of his good faith, and may proceed to inspect him more closely. The stars above his head suggest the influence of Binah, whose number also is three, while the most striking thing about him is the core of his being: the letter Yod. (One does not count the termination "AH": being a divine suffix it represents the inmost light and the outermost light.) This Yod, this spark of intense brilliance, is of the pale greenish gold which one sees (in this world) in the fine gold leaf of Tibet. It glows with ever greater intensity as you concentrate upon observing him, which you could not do while you were preoccupied with investigating his credentials.

1.17 - The Transformation, #Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness, #Satprem, #Integral Yoga
  We have already suggested what the consciousness of the supramental being might be like, but it is worth repeating with Sri Aurobindo that supermanhood is not man climbed to his own natural Zenith, not a superior degree of human greatness, knowledge, power,
  intelligence, will, character, genius, dramatic force, saintliness, love,
  If our mental possibilities, even at their Zenith, are not adequate,
  our vital and physical ones are even less so. It is doubtful whether the Spirit, when it manifests in a supreme consciousness, will be satisfied with a body subject to the physical laws of gravity and decay, and whether it will accept as its sole means of expression the limited range of our mental language, the pen, the etching knife, or the brush. This means that Matter will have to change. Such is the purpose of 342

1.18 - THE HEART OF THE PROBLEM, #The Future of Man, #Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, #Christianity
  seems to beckon in two different directions, toward the Zenith and
  toward the horizon, that we see the dramatic growth of a whole

1.20 - TANTUM RELIGIO POTUIT SUADERE MALORUM, #The Perennial Philosophy, #Aldous Huxley, #Philosophy
  While the Right Law still prevailed, innumerable were the converts who fathomed the depths of the Dharma by merely listening to half a stanza or even to a single phrase of the Buddhas teaching. But as we come to the age of similitude and to these latter days of Buddhism, we are indeed far away from the Sage. People find themselves drowning in a sea of letters; they do not know how to get at the one substance which alone is truth. This was what caused the appearance of the Fathers (of Zen Buddhism) who, pointing directly at the human mind, told us to see here the ultimate ground of all things and thereby to attain Buddhahood. This is known as a special transmission outside the scriptural teaching. If one is endowed with superior talents or a special sharpness of mind, a gesture or a word will suffice to give one an immediate knowledge of the truth. Hence, since they were advocates of special transmission, Ummon treated the (historical) Buddha with the utmost irreverence and Yakusan forbade his followers even to read the sutras.
   Zen is the name given to this branch of Buddhism, which keeps itself away from the Buddha. It is also called the mystical branch, because it does not adhere to the literal meaning of the sutras. It is for this reason that those who blindly follow the steps of Buddha are sure to deride Zen, while those who have no liking for the letter are naturally inclined towards the mystical approach. The followers of the two schools know how to shake the head at each other, but fail to realize that they are after all complementary. Is not Zen one of the six virtues of perfection? If so, how can it conflict with the teachings of the Buddha? In my view, Zen is the outcome of the Buddhas teaching, and the mystical issues from the letters. There is no reason why a man should shun Zen because of the Buddhas teaching; nor need we disregard the letters on account of the mystical teachings of Zen. Students of scriptural Buddhism run the risk of becoming sticklers for the scriptures, the real meaning of which they fail to understand. By such men ultimate reality is never grasped, and for them Zen would mean salvation. Whereas those who study Zen are too apt to run into the habit of making empty talks and practising sophistry. They fail to understand the significance of letters. To save them, the study of Buddhist scriptures is recommended. It is only when these one-sided views are mutually corrected that there is a perfect appreciation of the Buddhas teaching.
  Chiang Chih-chi
  It would be hard to find a better summing up of the conclusions, to which any spiritually and psychologically realistic mind must sooner or later come, than the foregoing paragraphs written in the eleventh century by one of the masters of Zen Buddhism.
  The extract that follows is a moving protest against the crimes and follies perpetrated in the name of religion by those sixteenth-century Reformers who had turned to God without turning away from themselves and who were therefore far more keenly interested in the temporal aspects of historic Christianity the ecclesiastical organization, the logic-chopping, the letter of Scripturethan in the Spirit who must be worshipped in spirit, the eternal Reality in the selfless knowledge of whom stands mans eternal life. Its author was Sebastian Castellio, who was at one time Calvins favourite disciple, but who parted company with his master when the latter burned Servetus for heresy against his own heresy. Fortunately Castellio was living in Basel when he made his plea for charity and common decency; penned in Geneva, it would have earned him torture and death.

1.21 - Tabooed Things, #The Golden Bough, #James George Frazer, #Occultism
  THERE is a priestly king to the north of Zengwih in Burma, revered
  by the Sotih as the highest spiritual and temporal authority, into - Man and the Supermind, #Essays Divine And Human, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Superman is not man climbed to his own natural Zenith, not a superior degree of human greatness, knowledge, power, intelligence, will, character, genius, dynamic force, saintliness, love, purity or perfection. Supermind is something beyond mental man and his limits, a greater consciousness than the highest consciousness proper to human nature.
  Man is a being from the mental worlds whose mentality works here involved, obscure and degraded in a physical brain, shut off from its own divinest powers and impotent to change life beyond certain narrow and precarious limits. Even in the highest of his kind it is baulked of its luminous possibilities of supreme force and freedom by this dependence. Most often and in most men it is only a servitor, a purveyor of amusements, a caterer of needs and interests to the life and the body. But the superman will be a gnostic king of Nature; supermind in him even in its evolutionary beginnings will appear as a ray of the eternal omniscience and omnipotence. Sovereign and irresistible - A deluded Mind, #Bodhidharma - Poems, #Bodhidharma, #Buddhism
  From: The Wisdom of the Zen Masters
  Edited: Timothy Freke - Endless Ages, #Bodhidharma - Poems, #Bodhidharma, #Buddhism
  From: The Wisdom of the Zen Masters
  Edited: Timothy Freke - The Greatest Gift, #Bodhidharma - Poems, #Bodhidharma, #Buddhism
  From: The Wisdom of the Zen Masters
  Edited: Timothy Freke - A Zen monk asked for a verse -, #Dogen - Poems, #Dogen, #Zen - A Zen monk asked for a verse -
  author class:Dogen - Joyful in this mountain retreat, #Dogen - Poems, #Dogen, #Zen
  From: The Zen Poetry of Dogen: Verses from the Mountain of Eternal Peace By: Steven Heine

1f.lovecraft - At the Mountains of Madness, #Lovecraft - Poems, #unset, #Zen
   mirage which burst upon us from the increasingly opalescent Zenith as
   we drew near the mountains and began to make out the cumulative
   having moved up to the Zenith, where their mocking outlines seemed on
   the point of settling into some bizarre pattern which they feared to
   of the Zenith were doing all sorts of fantastic things; but at 24,000
   feet, the height we needed for the pass, we found navigation quite
   churning Zenith-clouds, of what lay back of those other violet westward
   mountains which the Old Ones had shunned and feared. It is very
   disturbed enough; and although I did not see the Zenith I can well
   imagine that its swirls of ice-dust may have taken strange forms.

1f.lovecraft - Dagon, #Lovecraft - Poems, #unset, #Zen
   closely. The moon, now near the Zenith, shone weirdly and vividly above
   the towering steeps that hemmed in the chasm, and revealed the fact

1f.lovecraft - Polaris, #Lovecraft - Poems, #unset, #Zen
   degrees from the Zenith, glowed that watching Pole Star. Long did I
   gaze on the city, but the day came not. When the red Aldebaran, which

1f.lovecraft - The Colour out of Space, #Lovecraft - Poems, #unset, #Zen
   blasphemous-looking things that Nahums oldest boy Zenas cut them down.
   The strangely puffed insects died about that time, even the bees that
   the hysterical sobbing of little Merwin. Zenas needed no calming. He
   had come of late to do nothing but stare into space and obey what his
   wanted Ammi to look after his wife and Zenas if they survived him. It
   must all be a judgment of some sort; though he could not fancy what
   perfectly conscious and able to give simple orders to Zenas. The room
   was deadly cold; and as Ammi visibly shivered, the host shouted huskily
   to Zenas for more wood. Wood, indeed, was sorely needed; since the
   cavernous fireplace was unlit and empty, with a cloud of soot blowing
   missing Zenas. In the wellhe lives in the well was all that the
   clouded father would say. Then there flashed across the visitors mind
   shone at night . . . Thad an Mernie an Zenas . . . everything
   alive . . . suckin the life out of everything . . . in that
   Zenas . . . he was a big boy, full o life . . . it beats down your
   mind an then gits ye . . . burns ye up . . . in the well water . . .
   you was right about that . . . evil water . . . Zenas never come back
   from the well . . . cant git away . . . draws ye . . . ye know
   senct Zenas was took . . . whars Nabby, Ammi? . . . my heads no
   good . . . dunt know how long senct I fed her . . . itll git her ef
   that Merwin and Zenas had disappeared. There was considerable
   questioning at the police station, and in the end Ammi was compelled to
   he had never even thought of searching it for Merwin or Zenas. After
   that nothing would do but that they empty and explore the well
   Zenas were both there, in part, though the vestiges were mainly
   skeletal. There were also a small deer and a large dog in about the
   humans, and the unaccountable deaths of Merwin and Zenas in the tainted
   well. They had heard the common country talk, it is true; but could not
   and body . . . Thad an Mernie, Zenas an Nabby . . . Nahum was the
   last . . . they all drunk the water . . . it got strong on em . . . it
   it, and sending forth to the Zenith a bombarding cloudburst of such
   coloured and fantastic fragments as our universe must needs disown.

1f.lovecraft - The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath, #Lovecraft - Poems, #unset, #Zen
   Carter did not lose consciousness or even scream aloud, for he was an
   orbs of the Zenith and winked down at the flyers with lurid mockery.
   All the north beneath it was blackness now; dread, stony blackness from
   Gods were there, and they did what was expected. Zenig of Aphorat
   sought to reach unknown Kadath in the cold waste, and his skull is now
   for that brightest star just south of the Zenithit is Vega, and in two
   hours will be just above the terrace of your sunset city. Steer for it

1f.lovecraft - The Dunwich Horror, #Lovecraft - Poems, #unset, #Zen
   ever able to place. A single lightning-bolt shot from the purple Zenith
   to the altar-stone, and a great tidal wave of viewless force and

1f.lovecraft - The Horror in the Burying-Ground, #Lovecraft - Poems, #unset, #Zen
   sending Zenas Wells and Walter Perkins over to the undertakers house
   for a coffin of the right size. The key was in Henrys trousers pocket.
   Zenas Wells dragged the shrieking half-wit to a woodshed behind the
   house and bolted him in as best he could. His screams and poundings
   Zenas had run back and let crazy Johnny out of the woodshed before
   Sophie got home, and the poor fellow at once made frantically for the

1f.lovecraft - The Shunned House, #Lovecraft - Poems, #unset, #Zen
   township of Exeter, and a capable Boston man named Zenas Low.
   It was Ann White who first gave definite shape to the sinister idle
   1772 the servant Zenas died, and when Mrs. Harris heard of it she
   laughed with a shocking delight utterly foreign to her. The next year

1.hcyc - 16 - When I consider the virtue of abusive words (from The Shodoka), #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Robert Aitken Original Language Chinese When I consider the virtue of abusive words, I find the scandal-monger is my good teacher. If we do not become angry at gossip, We have no need for powerful endurance and compassion. To be mature in Zen is to be mature in expression, And full-moon brilliance of dhyana and prajna Does not stagnate in emptiness. Not only can I take hold of complete enlightenment by myself, But all Buddha-bodies, like sands of the Ganges, Can become awakened in exactly the same way. <
1.hcyc - 19 - Walking is Zen, sitting is Zen (from The Shodoka), #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  object:1.hcyc - 19 - Walking is Zen, sitting is Zen (from The Shodoka)
  author class:Hsuan Chueh of Yung Chia
   English version by Robert Aitken Original Language Chinese Walking is Zen, sitting is Zen; Speaking or silent, active or quiet, the essence is at peace. Even facing the sword of death, our mind is unmoved; Even drinking poison, our mind is quiet. <
1.hcyc - 32 - They miss the Dharma-treasure (from The Shodoka), #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Robert Aitken Original Language Chinese They miss the Dharma-treasure; They lose accumulated power; And this disaster follows directly upon dualistic thinking. So Zen is the complete realization of mind, The complete cutting off of delusion, The power of wise vision penetrating directly to the unborn. <
1.hcyc - 56 - The hungry are served a kings repast (from The Shodoka), #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Robert Aitken Original Language Chinese The hungry are served a king's repast, And they cannot eat. The sick meet the king of doctors; Why don't they recover? The practice of Zen in this greedy world -- This is the power of wise vision. The lotus lives in the midst of the fire; It is never destroyed. <
1.he - Hakuins Song of Zazen, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki Original Language Japanese All beings are primarily Buddhas. It is like water and ice: There is no ice apart from water; There are no Buddhas apart from beings. Not knowing how close the truth is to them, Beings seek for it afar -- what a pity! They are like those who, being in the midst of water, Cry out for water, feeling thirst. They are like the son of the rich man, Who, wandering away from his father, Goes astray amongst the poor. It is all due to their ignorance That beings transmigrate in the darkness Of the Six Paths of existence. When they wander from darkness to darkness, How can they ever be free from birth-and-death? As for the Dhyana practice as taught in the Mahayana, No amount of praise can exhaust its merits. The Six Paramitas--beginning with the Giving, Observing the Precepts, And other good deeds, variously enumerated, Such as Nembutsu, Repentance, Moral Training, and so on -- All are finally reducible to the practice of Dhyana. The merit of Dhyana practice, even during a single sitting, Erases the countless sins accumulated in the past. Where then are the Evil Paths to misguide us? The Pure Land cannot be far away. Those who, for once, listening to the Dharma In all humility, Praise it and faithfully follow it, Will be endowed with innumerable merits. But how much more so when you turn your eyes within yourselves And have a glimpse into your self-nature! You find that the self-nature is no-nature - The truth permitting no idle sophistry. For you, then, open the gate leading to the oneness of cause and effect; Before you, then, lies a straight road of non-duality and non-trinity. When you understand that form is the form of the formless, Your coming-and-going takes place nowhere else but where you are. When you understand that thought is the thought of the thought-less. Your singing-and-dancing is no other than the voice of the Dharma. How boundless is the sky of Samadhi! How refreshingly bright is the moon of the Fourfold Wisdom! Being so is there anything you lack? As the Absolute presents itself before you The place where you stand is the Land of the Lotus, And your person -- the body of the Buddha. [2139.jpg] -- from Essays in Zen Buddhism, First Series, by Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki

1.he - Past, present, future- unattainable, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Lucien Stryk and Takashi Ikemoto Original Language Japanese Past, present, future: unattainable, Yet clear as the moteless sky. Late at night the stool's cold as iron, But the moonlit window smells of plum. [1506.jpg] -- from Zen Poetry: Let the Spring Breeze Enter, Translated by Lucien Stryk / Translated by Takashi Ikemoto <
1.he - The Form of the Formless (from Hakuins Song of Zazen), #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki Original Language Japanese When you understand that form is the form of the formless, Your coming-and-going takes place nowhere else but where you are. When you understand that thought is the thought of the thought-less. Your singing-and-dancing is no other than the voice of the Dharma. How boundless is the sky of Samadhi! How refreshingly bright is the moon of the Fourfold Wisdom! Being so is there anything you lack? As the Absolute presents itself before you The place where you stand is the Land of the Lotus, And your person -- the body of the Buddha. [2139.jpg] -- from Essays in Zen Buddhism, First Series, by Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki <
1.he - The monkey is reaching, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Norman Waddell Original Language Japanese The monkey is reaching For the moon in the water. Until death overtakes him He'll never give up. If he'd let go the branch and Disappear in the deep pool, The whole world would shine With dazzling pureness. [1799.jpg] -- from Essential Teachings of Zen Master Hakuin, by Norman Waddell <
1.he - You no sooner attain the great void, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Lucien Stryk and Takashi Ikemoto Original Language Japanese You no sooner attain the great void Than body and mind are lost together. Heaven and Hell -- a straw. The Buddha-realm, Pandemonium -- shambles. Listen: a nightingale strains her voice, serenading the snow. Look: a tortoise wearing a sword climbs the lampstand. Should you desire the great tranquility, Prepare to sweat white beads. [1506.jpg] -- from Zen Poetry: Let the Spring Breeze Enter, Translated by Lucien Stryk / Translated by Takashi Ikemoto < - A Fisherman, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by John Stevens Original Language Japanese Studying texts and stiff meditation can make you lose your Original Mind. A solitary tune by a fisherman, though, can be an invaluable treasure. Dusk rain on the river, the moon peeking in and out of the clouds; Elegant beyond words, he chants his songs night after night. [1795.jpg] -- from Wild Ways: Zen Poems of Ikkyu, Translated by John Stevens - a well nobody dug filled with no water, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Stephen Berg Original Language Japanese a well nobody dug filled with no water ripples and a shapeless weightless man drinks oh green green willow wonderfully red flower but I know the colors are not there [1796.jpg] -- from Crow With No Mouth: Fifteenth Century Zen Master Ikkyu, Translated by Stephen Berg < - Every day, priests minutely examine the Law, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Sonya Arut Zen Original Language Japanese Every day, priests minutely examine the Law And endlessly chant complicated sutras. Before doing that, though, they should learn How to read the love letters sent by the wind and rain, the snow and moon. [bk1sm.gif] -- from Ikkyu and the Crazy Cloud Anthology: A Zen Poet of Medieval Japan, by Ikkyu / Translated by Sonya Arut Zen < - Form in Void, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Lucien Stryk and Takashi Ikemoto Original Language Japanese The tree is stripped, All color, fragrance gone, Yet already on the bough, Uncaring spring! [1506.jpg] -- from Zen Poetry: Let the Spring Breeze Enter, Translated by Lucien Stryk / Translated by Takashi Ikemoto < - I Hate Incense, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by John Stevens Original Language Japanese A master's handiwork cannot be measured But still priests wag their tongues explaining the "Way" and babbling about " Zen." This old monk has never cared for false piety And my nose wrinkles at the dark smell of incense before the Buddha. [1795.jpg] -- from Wild Ways: Zen Poems of Ikkyu, Translated by John Stevens < - Ikkyu this body isnt yours I say to myself, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Stephen Berg Original Language Japanese Ikkyu this body isn't yours I say to myself wherever I am I'm there [1796.jpg] -- from Crow With No Mouth: Fifteenth Century Zen Master Ikkyu, Translated by Stephen Berg < - inside the koan clear mind, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Stephen Berg Original Language Japanese inside the koan clear mind gashes the great darkness [1796.jpg] -- from Crow With No Mouth: Fifteenth Century Zen Master Ikkyu, Translated by Stephen Berg < - Like vanishing dew, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Sam Hamill Original Language Japanese Like vanishing dew, a passing apparition or the sudden flash of lightning -- already gone -- thus should one regard one's self. [2159.jpg] -- from The Poetry of Zen: (Shambhala Library), Edited by Sam Hamill / Edited by J. P. Seaton < - Many paths lead from the foot of the mountain,, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by R. H. Blyth Original Language Japanese Many paths lead from the foot of the mountain, But at the peak We all gaze at the Single bright moon. [2669.jpg] -- from Zen and Zen Classics, by R. H. Blyth < - only one koan matters, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Stephen Berg Original Language Japanese only one koan matters you [1796.jpg] -- from Crow With No Mouth: Fifteenth Century Zen Master Ikkyu, Translated by Stephen Berg < - sick of it whatever its called sick of the names, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Stephen Berg Original Language Japanese sick of it whatever it's called sick of the names I dedicate every pore to what's here [1796.jpg] -- from Crow With No Mouth: Fifteenth Century Zen Master Ikkyu, Translated by Stephen Berg < - The vast flood, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by R. H. Blyth Original Language Japanese The vast flood Rolls onward But yield yourself, And it floats you upon it. [2669.jpg] -- from Zen and Zen Classics, by R. H. Blyth < - To write something and leave it behind us, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by R. H. Blyth Original Language Japanese To write something and leave it behind us, It is but a dream. When we awake we know There is not even anyone to read it. [2669.jpg] -- from Zen and Zen Classics, by R. H. Blyth <
1.jk - Endymion - Book I, #Keats - Poems, #John Keats, #Poetry
  Watching the Zenith, where the milky way
  Among the stars in virgin splendour pours;

1.jk - Endymion - Book III, #Keats - Poems, #John Keats, #Poetry
  A gold-green Zenith 'bove the Sea-God's head.
  Of lucid depth the floor, and far outspread

1.jkhu - A Visit to Hattoji Temple, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Arthur Braverman Original Language Japanese Lone mountain dominating three provinces White clouds cover a green peak Summit soaring to great heights Old temple nearly a thousand years A monk meditates alone in a moonlit hall A monkey cries in the mist in an old tree Saying to worldly folk: "Come here; free yourselves of karmic dust." [2472.jpg] -- from A Quiet Room: The Poetry of Zen Master Jakushitsu, Translated by Arthur Braverman

1.jkhu - Gathering Tea, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Arthur Braverman Original Language Japanese To the branch's edge and the leaf's under surface be most attentive Its pervasive aroma envelopes people far away The realms of form and function can't contain it Spring leaks profusely through the basket [2472.jpg] -- from A Quiet Room: The Poetry of Zen Master Jakushitsu, Translated by Arthur Braverman <
1.jkhu - Living in the Mountains, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Arthur Braverman Original Language Japanese Neither seeking fame nor grieving my poverty I hide deep in the mountain far from worldly dust. Year ending cold sky who will befriend me? Plum blossom on a new branch wrapped in moonlight [2472.jpg] -- from A Quiet Room: The Poetry of Zen Master Jakushitsu, Translated by Arthur Braverman <
1.jkhu - Rain in Autumn, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Arthur Braverman Original Language Japanese Look at the moon before you point or speak Illuminating the sky an unstained round light If your face doesn't possess the monk's discerning eye You become blinded by evening rains of autumn [2472.jpg] -- from A Quiet Room: The Poetry of Zen Master Jakushitsu, Translated by Arthur Braverman <
1.jkhu - Sitting in the Mountains, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Arthur Braverman Original Language Japanese Rock slab seat legs folded sitting alone Not loathing noise not savoring silence The carefree clouds concur [2472.jpg] -- from A Quiet Room: The Poetry of Zen Master Jakushitsu, Translated by Arthur Braverman <
1.jk - Hyperion. Book I, #Keats - Poems, #John Keats, #Poetry
  Up to the Zenith,-hieroglyphics old,
  Which sages and keen-eyed astrologers

1.jk - The Cap And Bells; Or, The Jealousies - A Faery Tale .. Unfinished, #Keats - Poems, #John Keats, #Poetry
  And faery Zendervester overstept;
  They wept, he sin'd, and still he would sin on,

1.jlb - History Of The Night, #Borges - Poems, #Jorge Luis Borges, #Poetry
  to Zeno, infinite words.
  She took shape from Latin hexameters

1.jr - Only Breath, #Rumi - Poems, #Jalaluddin Rumi, #Poetry
  Buddhist, sufi, or Zen. Not any religion
  or cultural system. I am not from the East - Autumn wind, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Lucien Stryk and Takashi Ikemoto Original Language Japanese Autumn wind -- mountain's shadow wavers. [1506.jpg] -- from Zen Poetry: Let the Spring Breeze Enter, Translated by Lucien Stryk / Translated by Takashi Ikemoto - Buddha Law, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Lucien Stryk and Takashi Ikemoto Original Language Japanese Buddha Law, Shining In a leaf dew. [2115.jpg] -- from A Box of Zen: Haiku the Poetry of Zen, Koans the Lessons of Zen, Sayings the Wisdom of Zen, Edited by Manuela Dunn Mascetti / Edited by Timothy Hugh Barrett < - Dont weep, insects, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Lucien Stryk and Takashi Ikemoto Original Language Japanese Don't weep, insects -- Lovers, stars themselves, Must part. [2115.jpg] -- from A Box of Zen: Haiku the Poetry of Zen, Koans the Lessons of Zen, Sayings the Wisdom of Zen, Edited by Manuela Dunn Mascetti / Edited by Timothy Hugh Barrett < - First firefly, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Lucien Stryk and Takashi Ikemoto Original Language Japanese First firefly, why turn away -- it's Issa. [1506.jpg] -- from Zen Poetry: Let the Spring Breeze Enter, Translated by Lucien Stryk / Translated by Takashi Ikemoto < - From burweed, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Lucien Stryk and Takashi Ikemoto Original Language Japanese From burweed, such a butterfly was born? [1506.jpg] -- from Zen Poetry: Let the Spring Breeze Enter, Translated by Lucien Stryk / Translated by Takashi Ikemoto < - Just by being, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Lucien Stryk and Takashi Ikemoto Original Language Japanese Just by being, I'm here -- In snow-fall. [2115.jpg] -- from A Box of Zen: Haiku the Poetry of Zen, Koans the Lessons of Zen, Sayings the Wisdom of Zen, Edited by Manuela Dunn Mascetti / Edited by Timothy Hugh Barrett < - Never forget, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Lucien Stryk and Takashi Ikemoto Original Language Japanese Never forget: we walk on hell, gazing at flowers. [1506.jpg] -- from Zen Poetry: Let the Spring Breeze Enter, Translated by Lucien Stryk / Translated by Takashi Ikemoto < - Reflected, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Lucien Stryk and Takashi Ikemoto Original Language Japanese Reflected in the dragonfly's eye -- mountains. [1506.jpg] -- from Zen Poetry: Let the Spring Breeze Enter, Translated by Lucien Stryk / Translated by Takashi Ikemoto < - Where there are humans, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Lucien Stryk and Takashi Ikemoto Original Language Japanese Where there are humans You'll find flies, And Buddhas. [2115.jpg] -- from A Box of Zen: Haiku the Poetry of Zen, Koans the Lessons of Zen, Sayings the Wisdom of Zen, Edited by Manuela Dunn Mascetti / Edited by Timothy Hugh Barrett <
1.lovecraft - Fact And Fancy, #Lovecraft - Poems, #unset, #Zen
  Young Zeno, practis'd in the Stoic's art,
  Rejects the language of the glowing heart; - Barns burnt down, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Lucien Stryk and Takashi Ikemoto Original Language Japanese Barn's burnt down -- now I can see the moon. [1506.jpg] -- from Zen Poetry: Let the Spring Breeze Enter, Translated by Lucien Stryk / Translated by Takashi Ikemoto - When bird passes on, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Lucien Stryk and Takashi Ikemoto Original Language Japanese When bird passes on -- like moon, a friend to water. [1506.jpg] -- from Zen Poetry: Let the Spring Breeze Enter, Translated by Lucien Stryk / Translated by Takashi Ikemoto < - Old Creek, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Nelson Foster and Josh Shoemaker Original Language Japanese Since before anyone remembers it has been clear shining like silver though the moonlight penetrates it and the wind ruffles it no trace of either remains Today I would not dare to expound the secret of the stream bed But I can tell you that the blue dragon is coiled there. [2207.jpg] -- from Roaring Stream: A New Zen Reader, Edited by Nelson Foster / Edited by Josh Shoemaker <
1.pbs - Julian and Maddalo - A Conversation, #Shelley - Poems, #Percy Bysshe Shelley, #Fiction
  Dark purple at the Zenith, which still grew
  Down the steep West into a wondrous hue

1.pbs - Ode to the West Wind, #Shelley - Poems, #Percy Bysshe Shelley, #Fiction
  Of the horizon to the Zenith's height,
  The locks of the approaching storm. Thou dirge

1.pbs - The Revolt Of Islam - Canto I-XII, #Shelley - Poems, #Percy Bysshe Shelley, #Fiction
    When Zenith-stars were trembling on the wave,
   Or when the beams of the invisible moon,

1.pc - Autumns Cold, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by James M. Cryer Original Language Chinese here's my snowy crown time's tinted decrepitude there's the frost in the courtyard autumn's glittery breath now I'm sick and just watching my wife pick cure-alls then I'm fro Zen waiting for the maid to comb my hair without the body what use fame? worldly things I've put aside tranquilly I delve my heart determined now to learn from Empty Boats! [2158.jpg] -- from A Drifting Boat: Chinese Zen Poetry, Edited by J. P. Seaton / Edited by Dennis Maloney

1.pc - Lute, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by James M. Cryer Original Language Chinese my lute set aside on the little table lazily I meditate on cherishing feelings the reason I don't bother to strum and pluck? there's a breeze over the strings and it plays itself [2158.jpg] -- from A Drifting Boat: Chinese Zen Poetry, Edited by J. P. Seaton / Edited by Dennis Maloney <
1.pc - Staying at Bamboo Lodge, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by James M. Cryer Original Language Chinese an evening sitting under the eaves of the pines at night sleeping in Bamboo Lodge the sky so clear you'd say it was drugs meditation so deep, thought I'd gone home to the hills but Clever can't beat Stupid and Quick won't match Quiet Untoiling-ness! (you just can't pave the Way) that's it! the Gate of Mystery! [2158.jpg] -- from A Drifting Boat: Chinese Zen Poetry, Edited by J. P. Seaton / Edited by Dennis Maloney <
1.poe - Elizabeth, #Poe - Poems, #unset, #Zen
   Zeno and other sages notwithstanding;
   And I have other reasons for so doing

1.rb - Old Pictures In Florence, #Browning - Poems, #Robert Browning, #Poetry
   Will sell it to somebody calm as Zeno
  At naked High Art, and in ecstasies

1.rb - Sordello - Book the Sixth, #Browning - Poems, #Robert Browning, #Poetry
  By San Zenon where Alberic in turn
  Saw his exasperated captors burn - Merlin I, #Emerson - Poems, #Ralph Waldo Emerson, #Philosophy
  To the Zenith's top could soar,
  The soaring orbit of the muse exceeds that journey's length!

1.ryz - Clear in the blue, the moon!, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Lucien Stryk and Takashi Ikemoto Original Language Japanese Clear in the blue, the moon! Icy water to the horizon, Defining high, low. Startled, The dragon uncoils about the billows. [1506.jpg] -- from Zen Poetry: Let the Spring Breeze Enter, Translated by Lucien Stryk / Translated by Takashi Ikemoto - Its something no on can force, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Red Pine Original Language Chinese It's something no on can force besides knowing it's there there's nothing to know the moon shines bright above the flowering plum but who can look past the blossoms [2615.jpg] -- from The Zen Works of Stonehouse: Poems and Talks of a 14th Century Chinese Hermit, Translated by Red Pine - Most of the time I smile, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Red Pine Original Language Chinese Most of the time I smile old men can relax my mind is free of troubles nothing but mountains meet my eyes the P'eng soars into the sky a leopard blends into mist I'm more like the flowering plum I wait for the year-end cold [2615.jpg] -- from The Zen Works of Stonehouse: Poems and Talks of a 14th Century Chinese Hermit, Translated by Red Pine < - Outside the door I made but dont close, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Red Pine Original Language Chinese Outside the door I made but don't close I glimpse the movements of unfamiliar birds a handful of jade is worth a whole mountain but gold can't buy a lifetime of freedom the sound of icy falls on a dawnlit snowy ridge the sight of distant peaks through leafless autumn woods mist lifts from ancient cedars and days last forever right and wrong don't get past the clouds [2615.jpg] -- from The Zen Works of Stonehouse: Poems and Talks of a 14th Century Chinese Hermit, Translated by Red Pine < - Paper windows bamboo walls hedge of hibiscus, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Red Pine Original Language Chinese Paper windows bamboo walls hedge of hibiscus when guests arrive wormwood soup serves as tea the poor people I meet are mostly content rare is the rich man who isn't vain or wasteful I move my bookstand to read sutras by moonlight I honor the buddhas with a vase of wild flowers everyone says Tushita Heaven is fine but how can it match this old hut of mine [2615.jpg] -- from The Zen Works of Stonehouse: Poems and Talks of a 14th Century Chinese Hermit, Translated by Red Pine < - This bodys lifetime is like a bubbles, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Red Pine Original Language Chinese This body's lifetime is like a bubble's may as well let things go plans and events seldom agree who can step back doesn't worry we blossom and fade like flowers we gather and part like clouds earthly thoughts I forgot long ago withering away on a mountain peak [2615.jpg] -- from The Zen Works of Stonehouse: Poems and Talks of a 14th Century Chinese Hermit, Translated by Red Pine < - To glorify the Way what should people turn to, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Red Pine Original Language Chinese To glorify the Way what should people turn to to words and deeds that agree but oceans of greed never fill up and sprouts of delusion keep growing a plum tree in bloom purifies a recluse a patch of potatoes cheers a lone monk but those who follow rules in their huts never see the Way or get past the mountain [2615.jpg] -- from The Zen Works of Stonehouse: Poems and Talks of a 14th Century Chinese Hermit, Translated by Red Pine < - Trying to become a Buddha is easy, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Red Pine Original Language Chinese Trying to become a Buddha is easy but ending delusions is hard how many moonlit nights have I sat and felt the cold before dawn [2615.jpg] -- from The Zen Works of Stonehouse: Poems and Talks of a 14th Century Chinese Hermit, Translated by Red Pine < - Though Frosts come down, #Ryokan - Poems, #Taigu Ryokan, #Buddhism
  From the book Ryokan: Zen Monk-Poet of Japan.

1.ww - An Evening Walk, #Wordsworth - Poems, #unset, #Zen
   But now the clear bright Moon her Zenith gains,
  And, rimy without speck, extend the plains:

1.yb - Clinging to the bell, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Sam Hamill Original Language Japanese Clinging to the bell, he dozes so peacefully, this new butterfly [2159.jpg] -- from The Poetry of Zen: (Shambhala Library), Edited by Sam Hamill / Edited by J. P. Seaton <
1.yb - In a bitter wind, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Sam Hamill Original Language Japanese In a bitter wind a solitary monk bends to words cut in stone [2159.jpg] -- from The Poetry of Zen: (Shambhala Library), Edited by Sam Hamill / Edited by J. P. Seaton <
1.yb - Miles of frost, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Lucien Stryk and Takashi Ikemoto Original Language Japanese Miles of frost -- on the lake the moon's my own. [1506.jpg] -- from Zen Poetry: Let the Spring Breeze Enter, Translated by Lucien Stryk / Translated by Takashi Ikemoto <
1.yb - Mountains of Yoshino, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Lucien Stryk and Takashi Ikemoto Original Language Japanese Mountains of Yoshino -- shedding petals, swallowing clouds. [1506.jpg] -- from Zen Poetry: Let the Spring Breeze Enter, Translated by Lucien Stryk / Translated by Takashi Ikemoto <
1.yb - Short nap, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Lucien Stryk and Takashi Ikemoto Original Language Japanese Short nap -- waking, spring was gone. [1506.jpg] -- from Zen Poetry: Let the Spring Breeze Enter, Translated by Lucien Stryk / Translated by Takashi Ikemoto <
1.yb - The late evening crow, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Sam Hamill Original Language Japanese The late evening crow of deep autumn longing suddenly cries out [2159.jpg] -- from The Poetry of Zen: (Shambhala Library), Edited by Sam Hamill / Edited by J. P. Seaton <
1.yb - This cold winter night, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Sam Hamill Original Language Japanese This cold winter night, that old wooden-head Buddha would make a nice fire [2159.jpg] -- from The Poetry of Zen: (Shambhala Library), Edited by Sam Hamill / Edited by J. P. Seaton <
1.ym - Gone Again to Gaze on the Cascade, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by J. P. Seaton Original Language Chinese A whole life without speaking, "a thunderous silence" that was Wei-ma's Way. And here is a place where no monk can preach. I understand now what T'ao Ch'ien, enlightened, said, he couldn't say. It's so clear, here, this water my teacher. [2158.jpg] -- from A Drifting Boat: Chinese Zen Poetry, Edited by J. P. Seaton / Edited by Dennis Maloney <
1.ym - Just Done, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by J. P. Seaton Original Language Chinese A month alone behind closed doors forgotten books, remembered, clear again. Poems come, like water to the pool Welling, up and out, from perfect silence [2158.jpg] -- from A Drifting Boat: Chinese Zen Poetry, Edited by J. P. Seaton / Edited by Dennis Maloney <
1.ym - Mad Words, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by J. P. Seaton Original Language Chinese To learn to be without desire you must desire that. Better to do as you please: sing idleness. Floating clouds, and water idly running -- Where's their source? In all the vastness of the sea and sky, you'll never find it. [2158.jpg] -- from A Drifting Boat: Chinese Zen Poetry, Edited by J. P. Seaton / Edited by Dennis Maloney <
1.ym - Nearing Hao-pa, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by J. P. Seaton Original Language Chinese (I saw in the mist a little village of a few tiled roofs and joyfully admired it.) There's a stream, and there's bamboo, there's mulberry and hemp. Mist-hid, clouded hamlet, a mild, tranquil place. Just a few tilled acres. Just a few tiled roofs. How many lives would I have to live, to get that simple. [2158.jpg] -- from A Drifting Boat: Chinese Zen Poetry, Edited by J. P. Seaton / Edited by Dennis Maloney <
1.ym - Pu-to Temple, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by J. P. Seaton Original Language Chinese A temple, hidden, treasured in the mountain's cleft Pines, bamboo such a subtle flavor: The ancient Buddha sits there, wordless The welling source speaks for him. [2158.jpg] -- from A Drifting Boat: Chinese Zen Poetry, Edited by J. P. Seaton / Edited by Dennis Maloney <
1.ym - Wrapped, surrounded by ten thousand mountains, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by J. P. Seaton Original Language Chinese Wrapped, surrounded by ten thousand mountains, Cut off, no place to go.... Until you're here, there's no way to get here. Once you're here, there's no way to go. [2159.jpg] -- from The Poetry of Zen: (Shambhala Library), Edited by Sam Hamill / Edited by J. P. Seaton <
2.00 - BIBLIOGRAPHY, #The Perennial Philosophy, #Aldous Huxley, #Philosophy
  SUZUKI, D. T. Studies in Zen Buddhism (London, 1927).
  . Studies in the Lankavatara Sutra (Kyoto and London, 1935).
  . Manual of Zen Buddhism (Kyoto, 1935).
  TAGORE, RABINDRANATH. One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London, 1915).
  WATTS, ALAN W. The Spirit of Zen (London, 1936).
  WHITNEY, JANET. John Woolman, American Quaker (Boston, 1942). Elizabeth Fry, Quaker Heroine (Boston, 1936).

2.01 - On Books, #Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo, #unset, #Zen
   On the data of human history he believes that there have been cycles in the life of the human race when cultures have arisen, reached a Zenith and then declined. From a study of these it is possible to predict the decline of human cultures. European culture at present is full of these symptoms of decline and therefore it is bound to decline. The signs of this decline are the rise of big cities, impoverishment of the countryside, capitalism, etc.
   He says that to classify history as Primitive, Mediaeval and Modern is not correct. We must study universal history and that too impersonally. The mathematical discoveries that are seen in a particular culture are organically connected with that culture. The Greeks, for instance, could never have arrived at the conception of the 'series' regularly increasing or decreasing numbers leading to infinite number. The 'series-idea' is only possible in modern culture.

2.02 - Meeting With the Goddess, #The Hero with a Thousand Faces, #Joseph Campbell, #Mythology
  dess of the World. This is the crisis at the nadir, the Zenith, or at
  the uttermost edge of the earth, at the central point of the cos

2.03 - THE ENIGMA OF BOLOGNA, #Mysterium Coniunctionis, #Carl Jung, #Psychology
  [86] The psychological meaning of the myth is clear: Cadmus has lost his sister-anima because she has flown with the supreme deity into the realm of the suprahuman and the subhuman, the unconscious. At the divine comm and he is not to regress to the incest situation, and for this reason he is promised a wife. His sister-anima, acting as a psychopomp in the shape of a cow (to correspond with the bull of Zeus), leads him to his destiny as a dragon-slayer, for the transition from the brother-sister relationship to an exogamous one is not so simple. But when he succeeds in this, he wins Harmonia, who is the dragons sister. The dragon is obviously disharmony, as the armed men sprung from its teeth prove. These kill one another off as though exemplifying the maxim of Pseudo-Democritus, nature subdues nature, which is nothing less than the uroboros conceptually formulated. Cadmus holds fast to Harmonia while the opposites in projected form slaughter one another. This image is a representation of the way in which a split-off conflict behaves: it is its own battle-ground. By and large this is also true of yang and yin in classical Chinese philosophy. Hand in hand with this selfcontained conflict there goes an unconsciousness of the moral problem of opposites. Only with Christianity did the metaphysical opposites begin to percolate into mans consciousness, and then in the form of an almost dualistic opposition that reached its Zenith in Manichaeism. This heresy forced the Church to take an important step: the formulation of the doctrine of the privatio boni, by means of which she established the identity of good and being. Evil as a
   (something that does not exist) was laid at mans dooromne bonum a Deo, omne malum ab homine.230 This idea together with that of original sin formed the foundation of a moral consciousness which was a novel development in human history: one half of the polarity, till then essentially metaphysical, was reduced to a psychic factor, which meant that the devil had lost the game if he could not pick on some moral weakness in man. Good, however, remained a metaphysical substance that originated with God and not with man. Original sin had corrupted a creature originally good. As interpreted by dogma, therefore, good is still wholly projected but evil only partly so, since the passions of men are its main source. Alchemical speculation continued this process of integrating metaphysical projections in so far as it began to dawn on the adept that both opposites were of a psychic nature. They expressed themselves first of all in the duplicity of Mercurius, which, however, was cancelled out in the unity of the stone. The lapis wasDeo concedentemade by the adept and was recognized as an equivalent of the homo totus. This development was extremely important, because it was an attempt to integrate opposites that were previously projected.

2.05 - Apotheosis, #The Hero with a Thousand Faces, #Joseph Campbell, #Mythology
  Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki, Essays in Zen Buddhism (London, 1927), and Lafcadio
  Hearn, Japan (New York, 1904).

2.0 - THE ANTICHRIST, #Twilight of the Idols, #Friedrich Nietzsche, #Philosophy
  are. The force of illusion reaches its Zenith here, as likewise the
  sweetening and transfiguring power. When a man is in love he endures

21.01 - The Mother The Nature of Her Work, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 06, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The Mother thus brings the golden light into the head of humanity, the top rung of his consciousness, and that work of initiation, diksha,into the Life Divine she started in France. From France she went to Japan for the next stage of her work. In Japan she came to the Far East. She spent five years, five long years in that country. Japan is the land of the Zen system of meditation, that is to say, a special way of entering into an inner consciousness, not a rational mental consciousness but a gaze inward into an occult and more sensitive region. The Japanese as a nation represent indeed a very sensitive vitality, an artistic vitality that seeks order and beauty in life, in the mode of living. For the golden light to manifest and have its play in the physical world and possess its body as it were, a vitality of this kind is necessary to acquire it and hold it. The Japanese wrestlers are well-known for their vital strength, self-controlled strength; usually they possess, almost all of them, you must have noticed, in pictures at least, a big tummy, and it is, they believe, the store-house of vital strength. This does not mean that r advise you to develop a big paunch, on the contrary. However, even in physical activities, more than the mere physical strength, the vital strength is necessary. Yes, the Japanese have a vital, strong, controlled, ordered, sensitive. You may remember one or two Prayers of the Mother in her Prires et
   Mditations.She speaks of the cherry-blossom which is the emblem of the Japanese artistic sense, the feeling for beauty, a purified sense-perception: not a rough and crude and violent (lower) vital, but a fine, a pleasant intimate feeling and orderly happiness, that is what the cherry-blossom means. Mother described also a vision of hers, a beautiful picture it was, a Japanese mother and her child: it was an image of the new child that was born in humanity. A new world is thus ushered in in the land of the cherry-blossom, the hew vital world, for all the world.

2.14 - The Unpacking of God, #Sex Ecology Spirituality, #Ken Wilber, #Philosophy
  But Hegel decided-in part in reaction to the Eco camp's calamitous slide into regressive feeling and divine egoism-that Reason could and should develop the tongues of angels. This would have been fine, if Hegel also had more dependable paradigms, more reproducible injunctions, for the developmental unfolding of the higher and transpersonal stages. As we said, Zen masters talk about Emptiness all the time! But they have a practice and a methodology (za Zen) which allows them to discover the transcendental referent via their own developmental signified, and thus their words (the signifiers) remain grounded in experiential, reproducible, fallibilist criteria.
  The Idealists had none of this. Their insights, not easily reproducible, and thus not fallibilistic, were dismissed as "mere metaphysics," and gone was a priceless opportunity that the West, no doubt, will have to attempt yet again if it is ever to be hospitable to the future descent of the all-embracing World Soul.

2.18 - January 1939, #Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo, #unset, #Zen
   The Tibetans are more familiar with occultism than with spirituality. The Europeans are more taken up with these occult things. They either believe everything or nothing. That explains their attraction for Tibet, Bhutan and other places with occult atmosphere. Nowadays stories and novels are being written with these themes. Japanese Zen Buddhism, and Chinese Taoism have also attracted their attention.
   I also wrote some stories but they are lost; the white ants have finished them and with them has perished my future fame as a story-teller. (Laughter)

30.11 - Modern Poetry, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 07, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   What could be easier or more natural, more common and colloquial than such expression? Milton's line may be taken as an exception to his usual style, but the entire composition of Dante borders on popular speech. Yet the fact of the matter is not that. Even though the ancients speak in popular terms, they choose the Zenith in poetry, they swim on the crest of its waves, never in its pit. The moderns choose their poetic note from the trough of the common day-to-day speech and hold fast to it, rejecting as far as possible the high note of the ancients. Hence Eliot says:
   Madame Sosostris, famous clairvoyante,

3.05 - SAL, #Mysterium Coniunctionis, #Carl Jung, #Psychology
   (position of the sun at noon) in Zosimos.588 But at the Zenith the descent begins. The mystic traveller goes back to the Nile mouth from which he started. He repeats, as it were, the descent of the soul which had led in the first place to the imprinting of the chirographum. He retraces his steps through the planetary houses until he comes back to the dark Saturn. This means that the soul, which was imprinted with a horoscopic character at the time of its descent into birth, conscious now of its godlikeness, beards the archons in their lairs and carries the light undisguised down into the darkness of the world.
  [310] Here again psychology makes no special claims. What before was a burden unwillingly borne and blamed upon the entire family, is seen by the greatest possible insight (which can be very modest!) to be no more than the possession of ones own personality, and one realizesas though this were not self-evident!that one cannot live from anything except what one is.

3.10 - The New Birth, #The Practice of Psycho therapy, #Carl Jung, #Psychology
  and in the Zen Buddhism of Japan. From the point of view of psychology,
  the names we give to the self are quite irrelevant, and so is the question of

5.08 - ADAM AS TOTALITY, #Mysterium Coniunctionis, #Carl Jung, #Psychology
  [643] The combination of water and crystal is found also in the Cabalistic Sifra de Zeniutha. 178 of Lurias commentary says: The second form is called crystalline dew, and this is formed of the Severity of the Kingdom346 of the first Adam, which entered into the Wisdom of Macroprosopus:347 hence in the crystal there appears a distinct red colour. And this [form] is the Wisdom whereof they said, that Judgments are rooted in it.348 Although alchemy was undoubtedly influenced by such comparisons, the stone cannot be traced back to Christ, despite all the analogies.349 It was the mystical property of alchemy, this stone that is no stone, or the stone that hath a spirit and is found in the streamings of the Nile.350 It is a symbol that cannot be explained away as yet another supererogatory attempt to obscure the Christian mystery. On the contrary, it appears as a new and singular product which in early times gradually crystallized out through the assimilation of Christian ideas into Gnostic material; later, clear attempts were made in turn to assimilate the alchemical ideas to the Christian, though, as Eleazars text shows, there was an unbridgeable difference between them. The reason for this is that the symbol of the stone, despite the analogy with Christ, contains an element that cannot be reconciled with the purely spiritual assumptions of Christianity. The very concept of the stone indicates the peculiar nature of this symbol. Stone is the essence of everything solid and earthly. It represents feminine matter, and this concept intrudes into the sphere of spirit and its symbolism. The Churchs hermeneutic allegories of the cornerstone and the stone cut out of a mountain without hands,351 which were interpreted as Christ, were not the source of the lapis symbol, but were used by the alchemists in order to justify it, for the
   was not of Christian origin. The stone was more than an incarnation of God, it was a concretization, a materialization that reached down into the darkness of the inorganic realm or even arose from it, from that part of the Deity which put itself in opposition to the Creator because, as the Basilidians say, it remained latent in the panspermia (universal seed-bed) as the formative principle of crystals, metals, and living organisms. The inorganic realm included regions, like that of hell-fire, which were the dominion of the devil. The three-headed Mercurial serpent was, indeed, a triunity in matter352the lower triad353complementing the divine Trinity.

6.09 - THE THIRD STAGE - THE UNUS MUNDUS, #Mysterium Coniunctionis, #Carl Jung, #Psychology
  [771] Not unnaturally, we are at a loss to see how a psychic experience of this kind for such it evidently wascan be formulated as a rational concept. Undoubtedly it was meant as the essence of perfection and universality, and, as such, it characterized an experience of similar proportions. We could compare this only with the ineffable mystery of the unio mystica, or tao, or the content of samadhi, or the experience of satori in Zen, which would bring us to the realm of the ineffable and of extreme subjectivity where all the criteria of reason fail. Remarkably enough this experience is an empirical one in so far as there are unanimous testimonies from the East and West alike, both from the present and from the distant past, which confirm its unsurpassable subjective significance. Our knowledge of physical nature gives us no point dappui that would enable us to put the experience on any generally valid basis. It is and remains a secret of the world of psychic experience and can be understood only as a numinous event, whose actuality, nevertheless, cannot be doubted any more than the fact that light of a certain wave-length is perceived as reda fact which remains incomprehensible only to a man suffering from red-green blindness.
  [772] What, then, do the statements of the alchemists concerning their arcanum mean, looked at psychologically? In order to answer this question we must remember the working hypothesis we have used for the interpretation of dreams: the images in dreams and spontaneous fantasies are symbols, that is, the best possible formulation for still unknown or unconscious facts, which generally compensate the content of consciousness or the conscious attitude. If we apply this basic rule to the alchemical arcanum, we come to the conclusion that its most conspicuous quality, namely, its unity and uniquenessone is the stone, one the medicine, one the vessel, one the procedure, and one the disposition235presupposes a dissociated consciousness. For no one who is one himself needs oneness as a medicinenor, we might add, does anyone who is unconscious of his dissociation, for a conscious situation of distress is needed in order to activate the archetype of unity. From this we may conclude that the more philosophically minded alchemists were people who did not feel satisfied with the then prevailing view of the world, that is, with the Christian faith, although they were convinced of its truth. In this latter respect we find in the classical Latin and Greek literature of alchemy no evidences to the contrary, but rather, so far as Christian treatises are concerned, abundant testimony to the firmness of their Christian convictions. Since Christianity is expressly a system of salvation, founded moreover on Gods plan of redemption, and God is unity par excellence, one must ask oneself why the alchemists still felt a disunity in themselves, or not at one with themselves, when their faith, so it would appear, gave them every opportunity for unity and unison. (This question has lost nothing of its topicality today, on the contrary!) The question answers itself when we examine more closely the other attributes that are predicated of the arcanum.

6.0 - Conscious, Unconscious, and Individuation, #The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, #Carl Jung, #Psychology
  it as "Bewusstsein, Unbewusstes und Individuation," Zentralblatt fiXr Psycho -
  therapie und ihre Grenzgebiete (Leipzig), XI (1939) : 5, 257-70. The original
  of Taoism and of Zen Buddhism. 150 Miss X's interest in Eastern
  philosophy was due to the deep impression which a better
  to Zen Buddhism.
  Suzuki, Daisetz Teitarq. An Introduction to Zen Buddhism. Lon-
  don, [1948].
  Winthuis, Josef. Das Zweigeschlechterwesen bei den Zentralaus-
  traliern und andern Volkern. Leipzig, 1928.
  yana; Zen
  Budge, Ernest A. Wallis, 136*1
  Foreword to Suzuki's "Introduction to Zen Buddhism" (1939)
  The Psychology of Eastern Meditation (1943)

Avatars of the Tortoise, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  of Zeno.
  Let us recall, now, that paradox.
  second argument of Zeno is the one known by the name of Achilles. He
  reasons that the slowest will never be overtaken by the swiftest, since the
  impossible (argues Zeno) for the moving object must cover half of the
  distance in order to reach its destination, and before reaching the half, half of
  man denounced by Aristotle. Zeno of Elea resorts to the idea of infinite
  regression against movement and number; his refuter, against the idea of
  The next avatar of Zeno my disorderly notes register is Agrippa the
  skeptic. He denies that anything can be proven, since every proof requires a
  In the Parmenideswhose Zenonian character is irrefutablePlato expounds a very
  similar argument to demonstrate that the one is really many. If the one exists, it
  Lotze inserts Zeno's periodic chasms between the cause and the effect;
  Bradley, between the subject and the predicate, if not between the subject
  differing least from Zeno. William James (Some Problems of Philosophy,
  1911, page 182) denies that fourteen minutes can pass, because first it is
  them, I believe, in the antinomies of Kant and in the dialectic of Zeno.
  "The greatest magician (Novalis has memorably written) would be the

Big Mind (non-dual), #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  There's a lot of power in me, and of course it does bring up fear in people. I'm one of those things people are naturally afraid of: drunkards and insane people, for instance, because they can be so unpredictable. Children can also frighten people because of their unpredictability, and Zen Masters too!
  At any moment I can be anything, and sometimes that's scary for people, because actually, freedom, liberation, scares people. While leading one of many retreats in
  The self is what we refer to as ordinary mind, or conventional mind. The no-self can also be called the Way. As the Unique Self, I include ordinary mind and the Way, and that is what we call "ordinary mind is the Way." When Zen people talk about ordinary mind is the Way, this is what they mean: it includes and yet transcends ordinary mind and the Way.
  It's like when I'm driving a car. I'm aware of the traffic, I am aware of the cars in front, the cars behind. I'm also able to carry on a conversation with other people in the car. As the Unique Self, I don't get stuck in thinking and being just in the voice of the self, or in the absolute perspective. It's a very natural state of panoramic awareness with the ability to focus on the job at hand. We are all always in this state. This is what is meant by ordinary mind is the Way.

Big Mind (ten perfections), #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  There's a saying in the Bible about the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing. We also have a saying in Zen that to give the gift of no fear is the greatest gift.
  To me, that's the gift of Big Mind, because in Big Mind there's absolutely no fear. It's only when all boundaries have dissolved, or been transcended, that there's no fear, and that is the greatest gift.
  There's an old Zen saying, it's a koan, a beautiful koan, one of my favorites. It's about a buffalo that passes through a window, and the koan goes like this: 'A buffalo with its head, horns and four legs all pass through a lattice window. Why is it that its tail gets stuck?'
  I think it's one of the most fantastic koans, because it communicates the essence of the whole teaching. In this koan, the head, our conceptual mind, passes through this barrier. The horns, our dualistic mind, also pass through. In other words we reach the non-dual. Now, if the head, four legs and all our ideas and notions are dropped off, why does the tail get stuck, when the tail is so thin and the buffalo so huge? The answer has to do with two things, it always has to do with these two sides of the one reality, the non-dual and the dual, the absolute and the relative.
  From the relative side, that tail is all of us on this planet, every sentient being on this planet, and until every sentient being reaches that state we're talking about, where one is free, happy and joyful and truly generous, there's no liberation. We can't go through. That is what they call in Zen the Bodhisattva vow. I vow to liberate all sentient beings, every last sentient being, before I go through myself. It just naturally arises if we clearly see our situation. It's no great mystery. We're all in this together, it's one mind, one body.
  FACILITATOR: It sounds like a far cry from not caring.
  FACILITATOR: May I now speak to the voice of Zen Meditation, or Za Zen?
  ZA Zen: Yes, you're speaking to the voice of Za Zen.
  In Zen, there are the puzzles called koans, and people sitting with koans can become me when they become one with the koan. So let's look at one of the koans used in Zen, the koan Mu. Traditionally, a student is told to concentrate and become one with Mu. Now, this works, but it usually takes time, sometimes a very long time, even years. At some point, the one doing the concentrating and the object of that concentration merge. If you concentrate or focus on anything long enough, the distinction between subject and object will disappear, and subject and object will come to their true state of oneness. That's the basic true state of being. So the subject/object, or dualistic division will drop away and they'll become Mu.
  However, there's a much, much simpler way of solving the koan Mu which can save people years of going in the wrong direction or chasing after something that continually eludes them: the Facilitator (in this case the self) simply asks, "may I speak to the voice of Mu," or "may I speak to Mu?" And then Mu replies, "Yes speaking." All right, now just sit as Mu, and immediately - it's not even immediate, it's instantaneous - at once, it is Mu sitting, it is Mu walking, it is Mu eating, it is Mu drinking a cup of coffee, it is Mu speaking. It is Mu hearing. What's it hearing? Mu.
  By appreciating our own mortality and impermanence, we can appreciate each moment of each day more fully and completely. I am conscious and aware of Cause and Effect. In fact, understanding and appreciating Cause and Effect is Zen, or the wisdom of Zen.
  I am simple, clear, and logical, but also not necessarily easy to embody or to live. I am very practical, absolutely practical. I am not this, and not that either. I am uncompromising discriminatory wisdom. I am the highest and most profound application of wisdom. I see things as they are, and relate to them from this clear perspective. I go beyond seeing things in a dualistic way, and also in a non-dualistic way. I am the true transcendent. When it is hot, I find some shade, or I take off some clothing. When I am hungry I eat, when I am tired I take a rest or sleep.

Blazing P3 - Explore the Stages of Postconventional Consciousness, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  of Buddhism, the samadhi of yoga, the satori of Zen, the fana of Sufism, the shema of the
  Kabbalah, and the Kingdom of Heaven of Christianity.
  not-same, not-different of Zen and the Tao symbol are familiar cognates that convey some
  dim notion of the nonduality of Absolute Reality, as do the vertiginous paradoxes of esoteric
  Chang, G. C. (1959). The practice of Zen. New York: Harper & Row.
  Chinen, A. B. (1990). Alfred North Whitehead and adult modal development. In. M. L.
  Kapleau, P. (Ed.). (1989). The three pillars of Zen (rev. ed.). Boston: Beacon.
  Kegan, Robert (1982). The evolving self: Problem and process in human development.
  Watts, A. W. (1957). The way of Zen. New York: Vintage.
  Wilber, K. (1977). The spectrum of consciousness. Wheaton, IL: The Theosophical Publishing

BOOK II. -- PART I. ANTHROPOGENESIS., #The Secret Doctrine, #H P Blavatsky, #Theosophy
  The Zend-Avestic Amshaspends are a Host with a leader like St. Michael over them, and seem
  identical with the legions of Heaven, when one reads the Vendidad. Thus in Fargard XIX., ii. 13 (42),

  Cyclic Law, which arrests the downward tendency of each Root-Race, after attaining the Zenith of its
  glory.* Unless we hold with Prof. John Fiske's singularly dogmatic opinion** that every myth "is an

BOOK II. -- PART II. THE ARCHAIC SYMBOLISM OF THE WORLD-RELIGIONS, #The Secret Doctrine, #H P Blavatsky, #Theosophy
  of Ahura Mazda in the Zend Avesta and the Vendidad, and of his Amshaspends, to emphasize still
  further their wild theories. Satan is the plagiarist and the copyist by anticipation of the religion which
  mean by the term Ferouer,**** a word borrowed by some French writers from the Zend Avesta, as
  said, and utilized in Roman Catholicism for a purpose Zoroaster was very far from anticipating. In
  having drunk of the forbidden ambrosia, fell to the Earth with his Host (Kings). In the Zend Avesta,
  Angra Mainyu (Ahriman), surrounding himself with fire (the "Flames" -- vide supra) seeks to conquer
  to the Zenith and the Nadir, to North, South, West, and East; one finds the unit everywhere, and that
  unit reflected in all and every unit. It is the emblem of the activity of Fohat, of the continual revolution
  lines of height and thickness that answer to the Zenith and the Nadir. Therefore, while the senary was
  applied by the sages to physical man, the septenary was for them the symbol of that man plus his

BOOK I. -- PART I. COSMIC EVOLUTION, #The Secret Doctrine, #H P Blavatsky, #Theosophy
  who could have translated a line of the Veda . . . of the Zend Avesta, or . . . of the Buddhist Tripitaka,
  and now the Vedas are proved to be the work of the highest antiquity whose 'preservation amounts
  It was not Zeno alone, the founder of the Stoics, who taught that the
  [[Footnote(s)]] -------------------------------------------------
  definite manner and according to the presence on the Zenith of such or another zodiacal
  para. 6), is applicable to both or neither. Consult the Zends, vol II., p. 228, and Plutarch De Iside, as
  compared by Layard, Academie des Inscriptions, 1854, Vol. XV.

BOOK IX. - Of those who allege a distinction among demons, some being good and others evil, #City of God, #Saint Augustine of Hippo, #Christianity
  Among the philosophers there are two opinions about these mental emotions, which the Greeks call , while some of our own writers, as Cicero, call them perturbations,[331] some[Pg 356] affections, and some, to render the Greek word more accurately, passions. Some say that even the wise man is subject to these perturbations, though moderated and controlled by reason, which imposes laws upon them, and so restrains them within necessary bounds. This is the opinion of the Platonists and Aristotelians; for Aristotle was Plato's disciple, and the founder of the Peripatetic school. But others, as the Stoics, are of opinion that the wise man is not subject to these perturbations. But Cicero, in his book De Finibus, shows that the Stoics are here at variance with the Platonists and Peripatetics rather in words than in reality; for the Stoics decline to apply the term "goods" to external and bodily advantages,[332] because they reckon that the only good is virtue, the art of living well, and this exists only in the mind. The other philosophers, again, use the simple and customary phraseology, and do not scruple to call these things goods, though in comparison of virtue, which guides our life, they are little and of small esteem. And thus it is obvious that, whether these outward things are called goods or advantages, they are held in the same estimation by both parties, and that in this matter the Stoics are pleasing themselves merely with a novel phraseology. It seems, then, to me that in this question, whether the wise man is subject to mental passions, or wholly free from them, the controversy is one of words rather than of things; for I think that, if the reality and not the mere sound of the words is considered, the Stoics hold precisely the same opinion as the Platonists and Peripatetics. For, omitting for brevity's sake other proofs which I might adduce in support of this opinion, I will state but one which I consider conclusive. Aulus Gellius, a man of extensive erudition, and gifted with an eloquent and graceful style, relates, in his work entitled Noctes Attic,[333] that he once made a voyage with an eminent Stoic philosopher; and he goes on to relate fully and with gusto what I shall barely state, that when the ship was tossed and in danger from a violent storm, the philosopher[Pg 357] grew pale with terror. This was noticed by those on board, who, though themselves threatened with death, were curious to see whether a philosopher would be agitated like other men. When the tempest had passed over, and as soon as their security gave them freedom to resume their talk, one of the passengers, a rich and luxurious Asiatic, begins to banter the philosopher, and rally him because he had even become pale with fear, while he himself had been unmoved by the impending destruction. But the philosopher availed himself of the reply of Aristippus the Socratic, who, on finding himself similarly bantered by a man of the same character, answered, "You had no cause for anxiety for the soul of a profligate debauchee, but I had reason to be alarmed for the soul of Aristippus." The rich man being thus disposed of, Aulus Gellius asked the philosopher, in the interests of science and not to annoy him, what was the reason of his fear? And he, willing to instruct a man so zealous in the pursuit of knowledge, at once took from his wallet a book of Epictetus the Stoic,[334] in which doctrines were advanced which precisely harmonized with those of Zeno and Chrysippus, the founders of the Stoical school. Aulus Gellius says that he read in this book that the Stoics maintain that there are certain impressions made on the soul by external objects which they call phantasi, and that it is not in the power of the soul to determine whether or when it shall be invaded by these. When these impressions are made by alarming and formidable objects, it must needs be that they move the soul even of the wise man, so that for a little he trembles with fear, or is depressed by sadness, these impressions anticipating the work of reason and self-control; but this does not imply that the mind accepts these evil impressions, or approves or consents to them. For this consent is, they think, in a man's power; there being this difference between the mind of the wise man and that of the fool, that the fool's mind yields to these passions and consents to them, while that of the wise man, though it cannot help being invaded by them, yet retains with unshaken firmness a true and steady persuasion of those things which it ought rationally to desire or avoid. This account of what[Pg 358] Aulus Gellius relates that he read in the book of Epictetus about the sentiments and doctrines of the Stoics I have given as well as I could, not, perhaps, with his choice language, but with greater brevity, and, I think, with greater clearness. And if this be true, then there is no difference, or next to none, between the opinion of the Stoics and that of the other philosophers regarding mental passions and perturbations, for both parties agree in maintaining that the mind and reason of the wise man are not subject to these. And perhaps what the Stoics mean by asserting this, is that the wisdom which characterizes the wise man is clouded by no error and sullied by no taint, but, with this reservation that his wisdom remains undisturbed, he is exposed to the impressions which the goods and ills of this life (or, as they prefer to call them, the advantages or disadvantages) make upon them. For we need not say that if that philosopher had thought nothing of those things which he thought he was forthwith to lose, life and bodily safety, he would not have been so terrified by his danger as to betray his fear by the pallor of his cheek. Nevertheless, he might suffer this mental disturbance, and yet maintain the fixed persuasion that life and bodily safety, which the violence of the tempest threatened to destroy, are not those good things which make their possessors good, as the possession of righteousness does. But in so far as they persist that we must call them not goods but advantages, they quarrel about words and neglect things. For what difference does it make whether goods or advantages be the better name, while the Stoic no less than the Peripatetic is alarmed at the prospect of losing them, and while, though they name them differently, they hold them in like esteem? Both parties assure us that, if urged to the commission of some immorality or crime by the threatened loss of these goods or advantages, they would prefer to lose such things as preserve bodily comfort and security rather than commit such things as violate righteousness. And thus the mind in which this resolution is well grounded suffers no perturbations to prevail with it in opposition to reason, even though they assail the weaker parts of the soul; and not only so, but it rules over them, and, while it refuses its consent and resists them, administers[Pg 359] a reign of virtue. Such a character is ascribed to neas by Virgil when he says,
  "He stands immovable by tears, Nor tenderest words with pity hears."[335]
  We need not at present give a careful and copious exposition of the doctrine of Scripture, the sum of Christian knowledge, regarding these passions. It subjects the mind itself to God, that He may rule and aid it, and the passions, again, to the mind, to moderate and bridle them, and turn them to righteous uses. In our ethics, we do not so much inquire whether a pious soul is angry, as why he is angry; not whether he is sad, but what is the cause of his sadness; not whether he fears, but what he fears. For I am not aware that any right thinking person would find fault with anger at a wrongdoer which seeks his amendment, or with sadness which intends relief to the suffering, or with fear lest one in danger be destroyed. The Stoics, indeed, are accustomed to condemn compassion.[336] But how much more honourable had it been in that Stoic we have been telling of, had he been disturbed by compassion prompting him to relieve a fellow-creature, than to be disturbed by the fear of shipwreck! Far better, and more humane, and more consonant with pious sentiments, are the words of Cicero in praise of Csar, when he says, "Among your virtues none is more admirable and agreeable than your compassion."[337] And what is compassion but a fellow-feeling for another's misery, which prompts us to help him if we can? And this emotion is obedient to reason, when compassion is shown without violating right, as when the poor are relieved, or the penitent forgiven. Cicero, who knew how to use language, did not hesitate to call this a virtue, which the Stoics are not ashamed to reckon among the vices, although, as the book of that eminent Stoic, Epictetus, quoting the opinions of Zeno and Chrysippus, the founders of the school, has taught us, they admit that passions of this kind invade the soul of the wise man, whom they would have to be free from all vice.[Pg 360] Whence it follows that these very passions are not judged by them to be vices, since they assail the wise man without forcing him to act against reason and virtue; and that, therefore, the opinion of the Peripatetics or Platonists and of the Stoics is one and the same. But, as Cicero says,[338] mere logomachy is the bane of these pitiful Greeks, who thirst for contention rather than for truth. However, it may justly be asked, whether our subjection to these affections, even while we follow virtue, is a part of the infirmity of this life? For the holy angels feel no anger while they punish those whom the eternal law of God consigns to punishment, no fellow-feeling with misery while they relieve the miserable, no fear while they aid those who are in danger; and yet ordinary language ascribes to them also these mental emotions, because, though they have none of our weakness, their acts resemble the actions to which these emotions move us; and thus even God Himself is said in Scripture to be angry, and yet without any perturbation. For this word is used of the effect of His vengeance, not of the disturbing mental affection.
  6. Of the passions which, according to Apuleius, agitate the demons who are supposed by him to mediate between gods and men.

Book of Imaginary Beings (text), #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  into the pious pages of Fechners Zend-Avesta. There we
  read, for example, that the earths spherical shape is that of

CASE 1 - JOSHUS DOG, #The Gateless Gate, #Mumonkan, #unset
  For the pursuit of Zen, you must pass through the barriers
  (gates) set up by the Zen masters. To attain his mysterious
  awareness one must completely uproot all the normal workings
  called the Gateless Gate of Zen. The one who passes through
  this barrier shall meet with Joshu face to face and also see with
  A master of Zen? You will kill him, too. As you stand on the
  brink of life and death, you are absolutely free. You can enter

CASE 2 - HYAKUJOS FOX, #The Gateless Gate, #Mumonkan, #unset
  Whenever Hyakujo delivered a Zen lecture, an old man was
  always there with the monks listening to it; and when they left
  to release me from this condition through your Zen words."
  Then he asked Hyakujo,"Is an enlightened man subject to the
  an old Zen master gave a wrong answer he became a fox for 500
  rebirths. But suppose every time he answered he had not made a

CASE 3 - GUTEIS FINGER, #The Gateless Gate, #Mumonkan, #unset
  about Zen. A boy attendant began to imitate him in this way.
  When a visitor asked the boy what his master had preached
  monks,"I received this one-finger Zen from Tenryu. I used it all
  my life and yet could not exhaust it" and then he passed away.

CASE 4 - WAKUANS WHY NO BEARD?, #The Gateless Gate, #Mumonkan, #unset
  If you study Zen, you must study it with all your heart. When
  you attain enlightenment, it must be true enlightenment. When

Conversations with Sri Aurobindo, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  He was interested in occultism, and in 1920 departed for Japan to study Zen Buddhism. In 1924 he left Japan and spend time with tantric lamas in monasteries in North China and Mongolia.
  In 1925 he came to India and met Sri Aurobindo and The Mother in Pondicherry, where he was accepted as a sadhak, and Sri Aurobindo gave him the name Pavitra ("Clearness"). In 1951 the Mother appointed him director of the just founded Sri Aurobindo International University Centre. He served in this position for eighteen years, as well as the general secretary of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, until his death in 1969. The Mother reports in Agenda (May 1969) that Pavitra left his body in a totally yogic way and merged with her.

Cratylus, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  two parts, for some call him Zena, and use the one half, and others
  who use the other half call him Dia; the two together signify the
  right in calling him Zena and Dia, which are one name, although
  divided, meaning the God through whom all creatures always have life
  (di on Zen aei pasi tois zosin uparchei). There is an irreverence,
  at first sight, in calling him son of Cronos (who is a proverb for
  divided into Zena and Dia; and the whole proposition means that his
  power of reviewing from within is one, but has two names, two words

Diamond Sutra 1, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  The division of the text into thirty-two chapters was the work of Prince Chao-ming (501-531), who was the eldest son of Emperor Wu of the Liang dynasty. This was the same Emperor Wu who asked a visiting Indian monk named Bodhidharma what merit he acquired as a result of all his religious philanthropy. The Zen patriarch told him, None. Ironically, the acquisition and nature of merit are at the heart of this sutra. Buddhas are the manifestation of merit, not the material merit of Emperor Wu, but the merit produced by the practice of this teaching.
  It is also ironic that while the father was busy emptying his treasury to support the Buddhist order, the son was compiling Chinas great literary anthology known as the Wen Hsuan and devoting himself to the Diamond Sutra, which he is said to have recited ten thousand times before his early death. In dividing this sutra into thirty-two chapters, Chao-ming was acknowledging what will become clearer in the chapters that follow: this sutra is not only about the body of the Buddha, which was said to be marked by thirty-two unique attributes, it is the body of the Buddha. In addition, Chao-ming gave each chapter a title. This first one he called The Cause and Reason for the Dharma Assembly. The aptness of his titles led a number of commentators, including the Tang-dynasty prime minister, Chang Wu-chin, and the Sixth Zen Patriarch, Hui-neng, to begin each chapter with an explanation of these titles.
  Hui-neng says, The lay prime minister Chang Wu-chin said, If not for dharmas, there would be no way to discuss emptiness. If not for wisdom, there would be no way to speak about dharmas. The multiplicity of the myriad dharmas is what is meant by cause. And the responsiveness of the one mind is what is meant by reason. Thus, at the beginning is a chapter on the cause and reason for this dharma assembly.
  Put his robe and bowl away: The robe and bowl are the two most important possessions of a monk or nun. Hence, they were put away after use. They also represent the spirit of ones teacher, and in the Zen sect they became the symbols by which transmission of the patriarchship was established and, for a while, maintained.
  Washed his feet: Neither the Buddha nor his disciples wore shoes or sandals. Thus, the Buddha washed off the dust of the road before ascending the teachers seat.
  A newly arrived monk once asked the Zen master Chao-chou to instruct him in the Dharma. Chaochou asked, Have you finished your gruel? The monk said, Yes, I have. Chao-chou said, Then go wash your bowl. Upon hearing this, the monk was enlightened. (Chuantenglu: 10)
  Nan Huai-chin says, In Beijings White Cloud Temple there is this couplet that has been there since the Ming dynasty: Nothing in the world is better than practicing / nothing in the world is harder than eating.

ENNEAD 03.01 - Concerning Fate., #Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 01, #Plotinus, #Christianity
  5. Others, again, insist that this is not the state of affairs. Their disposition depends on the circular movement of the heaven which governs everything, on the course of the stars, of their mutual relative position at the time of their rising, of their setting, of their Zenith, or of their conjunction. Indeed, such are the signs on which are founded prognostications and predictions of what is to happen, not only to the universe, but also to each individual, both as to his fortunes and his thought. It is noticed that the other animals and vegetables increase or decrease according to the kind of sympathy existing between them and the stars, that all other things experience their influence, that various regions of the earth differ according to their adjustment with the stars, and especially the sun; that from the nature of these regions depend not only the character of the plants and animals, but also human forms, size, color, affections, passions, tastes, and customs. In this system, therefore, the course of the stars is the absolute cause of everything.

ENNEAD 03.07 - Of Time and Eternity., #Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 03, #Plotinus, #Christianity
  Is time then some part of movement? ( Zeno450) calls it the interval of movement; but the interval is not the same for all movements, even if the latter were of similar nature; for movements that operate within space may be swifter or slower. It is possible that the intervals of the most rapid and of the slowest movement might be measured by some third interval, which might far more reasonably be considered time. But which of these three intervals shall be called time? Rather, which of all the intervals, infinite in number as they are, shall time be? If time be considered the interval of the regular movement, it will not be the particular interval of every regular movement; otherwise, as there are several regular movements, there would be several kinds of time. If time be defined as the interval of movement of the universe, that is, the interval contained within this movement, it will be nothing else than this movement itself.

ENNEAD 04.02 - How the Soul Mediates Between Indivisible and Divisible Essence., #Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 01, #Plotinus, #Christianity
  58 See iv. 4, 23. In the words of Zeno, as, for the Stoics, the principal act of the intelligence was comprehensive vision, "phantasia kataleptike."
  59 de Anima, iii. 4, 5.

ENNEAD 06.04 - The One and Identical Being Is Everywhere Present As a Whole., #Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 04, #Plotinus, #Christianity
  35. The incorporeal is that which is conceived of by abstraction of the body; that is the derivation of its name. To this genus, according to ancient sages, belong matter, sense-form, when conceived of apart from matter, natures, faculties, place, time, and surface. All these entities, indeed, are called incorporeal because they are not bodies. There are other things that are called incorporeal by a wrong use of the word, not because they are not bodies, but because they cannot beget bodies. Thus the incorporeal first mentioned above subsists within the body, while the incorporeal of the second kind is completely separated from the body, and from the incorporeal that subsists within the body. The body, indeed, occupies a place, and the surface does not exist outside of the body. But intelligence1240 and intellectual reason (discursive reason), do not occupy any place, do not subsist in the body, do not constitute any body, and do not depend on the body, nor on any of the things that are called incorporeal by abstraction of the body. On the other hand, if we conceive of the void as incorporeal, intelligence cannot exist within the void. The void, indeed, may receive a body, but it cannot contain the actualization of intelligence, nor serve as location for that actualization. Of the two kinds of the incorporeal of which we have just spoken, the followers of Zeno reject the one (the incorporeal that exists outside of the body) and insist on the other (the incorporeal that is separated from the body by abstraction, and which has no existence outside of the body); not seeing that the first kind of incorporeality is not similar to the second, they refuse all reality to the former, though they ought, nevertheless, to acknowledge that the incorporeal (which subsists outside of the body), is of another kind (than the incorporeal that does not subsist outside of the body), and not to believe that, because one kind of incorporeality has no reality, neither can the other have any.

ENNEAD 06.05 - The One and Identical Being is Everywhere Present In Its Entirety.345, #Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 04, #Plotinus, #Christianity
  Time is no interval of movement (Stoic Zeno), iii. 7.7 (45-999).
  Time is not a numbered number (Aristotle), iii. 7.8 (45-1000).

Kafka and His Precursors, #Labyrinths, #Jorge Luis Borges, #Poetry
  The first is Zeno's paradox against movement. A moving object at A
  (declares Aristotle) cannot reach point B, because it must first cover half the

Liber 71 - The Voice of the Silence - The Two Paths - The Seven Portals, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   the Zenith, or passes from the Summer Solstice to his doom, must be a
   voluntary absorption of Death in order to turn it into life. Never

Sophist, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  There is little worthy of remark in the characters of the Sophist. The most noticeable point is the final retirement of Socrates from the field of argument, and the substitution for him of an Eleatic stranger, who is described as a pupil of Parmenides and Zeno, and is supposed to have descended from a higher world in order to convict the Socratic circle of error. As in the Timaeus, Plato seems to intimate by the withdrawal of Socrates that he is passing beyond the limits of his teaching; and in the Sophist and Statesman, as well as in the Parmenides, he probably means to imply that he is making a closer approach to the schools of Elea and Megara. He had much in common with them, but he must first submit their ideas to criticism and revision. He had once thought as he says, speaking by the mouth of the Eleatic, that he understood their doctrine of Not-being; but now he does not even comprehend the nature of Being. The friends of ideas (Soph.) are alluded to by him as distant acquaintances, whom he criticizes ab extra; we do not recognize at first sight that he is criticizing himself. The character of the Eleatic stranger is colourless; he is to a certain extent the reflection of his father and master, Parmenides, who is the protagonist in the dialogue which is called by his name. Theaetetus himself is not distinguished by the remarkable traits which are attributed to him in the preceding dialogue. He is no longer under the spell of Socrates, or subject to the operation of his midwifery, though the fiction of question and answer is still maintained, and the necessity of taking Theaetetus along with him is several times insisted upon by his partner in the discussion. There is a reminiscence of the old Theaetetus in his remark that he will not tire of the argument, and in his conviction, which the Eleatic thinks likely to be permanent, that the course of events is governed by the will of God. Throughout the two dialogues Socrates continues a silent auditor, in the Statesman just reminding us of his presence, at the commencement, by a characteristic jest about the statesman and the philosopher, and by an allusion to his namesake, with whom on that ground he claims relationship, as he had already claimed an affinity with Theaetetus, grounded on the likeness of his ugly face. But in neither dialogue, any more than in the Timaeus, does he offer any criticism on the views which are propounded by another.
  The style, though wanting in dramatic power,in this respect resembling the Philebus and the Laws,is very clear and accurate, and has several touches of humour and satire. The language is less fanciful and imaginative than that of the earlier dialogues; and there is more of bitterness, as in the Laws, though traces of a similar temper may also be observed in the description of the 'great brute' in the Republic, and in the contrast of the lawyer and philosopher in the Theaetetus. The following are characteristic passages: 'The ancient philosophers, of whom we may say, without offence, that they went on their way rather regardless of whether we understood them or not;' the picture of the materialists, or earth-born giants, 'who grasped oaks and rocks in their hands,' and who must be improved before they can be reasoned with; and the equally humourous delineation of the friends of ideas, who defend themselves from a fastness in the invisible world; or the comparison of the Sophist to a painter or maker (compare Republic), and the hunt after him in the rich meadow-lands of youth and wealth; or, again, the light and graceful touch with which the older philosophies are painted ('Ionian and Sicilian muses'), the comparison of them to mythological tales, and the fear of the Eleatic that he will be counted a parricide if he ventures to lay hands on his father Parmenides; or, once more, the likening of the Eleatic stranger to a god from heaven.All these passages, notwithstanding the decline of the style, retain the impress of the great master of language. But the equably diffused grace is gone; instead of the endless variety of the early dialogues, traces of the rhythmical monotonous cadence of the Laws begin to appear; and already an approach is made to the technical language of Aristotle, in the frequent use of the words 'essence,' 'power,' 'generation,' 'motion,' 'rest,' 'action,' 'passion,' and the like.
  But the negative as well as the positive idea had sunk deep into the intellect of man. The effect of the paradoxes of Zeno extended far beyond the Eleatic circle. And now an unforeseen consequence began to arise. If the Many were not, if all things were names of the One, and nothing could be predicated of any other thing, how could truth be distinguished from falsehood? The Eleatic philosopher would have replied that Being is alone true. But mankind had got beyond his barren abstractions: they were beginning to analyze, to classify, to define, to ask what is the nature of knowledge, opinion, sensation. Still less could they be content with the description which Achilles gives in Homer of the man whom his soul hates
  os chi eteron men keu the eni phresin, allo de eipe.
  The picture which he gives of both these latter schools is indistinct; and he appears reluctant to mention the names of their teachers. Nor can we easily determine how much is to be assigned to the Cynics, how much to the Megarians, or whether the 'repellent Materialists' (Theaet.) are Cynics or Atomists, or represent some unknown phase of opinion at Athens. To the Cynics and Antis thenes is commonly attri buted, on the authority of Aristotle, the denial of predication, while the Megarians are said to have been Nominalists, asserting the One Good under many names to be the true Being of Zeno and the Eleatics, and, like Zeno, employing their negative dialectic in the refutation of opponents. But the later Megarians also denied predication; and this tenet, which is attri buted to all of them by Simplicius, is certainly in accordance with their over-refining philosophy. The 'tyros young and old,' of whom Plato speaks, probably include both. At any rate, we shall be safer in accepting the general description of them which he has given, and in not attempting to draw a precise line between them.
  Of these Eristics, whether Cynics or Megarians, several characteristics are found in Plato:
  THEODORUS: Here we are, Socrates, true to our agreement of yesterday; and we bring with us a stranger from Elea, who is a disciple of Parmenides and Zeno, and a true philosopher.
  SOCRATES: Is he not rather a god, Theodorus, who comes to us in the disguise of a stranger? For Homer says that all the gods, and especially the god of strangers, are companions of the meek and just, and visit the good and evil among men. And may not your companion be one of those higher powers, a cross-examining deity, who has come to spy out our weakness in argument, and to cross-examine us?

Tablets of Baha u llah text, #Tablets of Baha u llah, #Baha u llah, #Baha i
  Praise be unto God, incomparable in majesty, power and beauty, peerless in glory, might and grandeur; too high is He for human imaginations to comprehend Him or for any peer or equal to be ascribed unto Him. He hath clearly set forth His straight Path in words and utterances of highest eloquence. Verily He is the All-Possessing, the Most Exalted. When He purposed to call the new creation into being, He sent forth the Manifest and Luminous Point from the horizon of His Will; it passed through every sign and manifested itself in every form until it reached the Zenith, as bidden by God, the Lord of all men.
  This Point is the focal center of the circle of Names and marketh the culmination of the manifestations of Letters in the world of creation. Through it have appeared indications of the impenetrable Mystery, the adorned Symbol, He Who standeth revealed in the Most Great Name--a Name which is recorded in the luminous Tablet and is inscribed in the holy, the blessed, the snow-white Scroll. And when the Point was joined to the second Letter 1 which appeareth in the beginning of the Mathání, 2 it traversed the heavens of exposition and utterance. Then the eternal Light of God shed its radiance, flared up in the midmost heart of the firmament of testimony and produced two Luminaries. Glorified be the Merciful One, unto Whom no allusion can be made, Whom no expression can define, nor any assertion reveal, nor any evidence describe. He is in truth the Ordainer, the All-Bountiful, both in the beginning and in the end. And He provided for them protectors and defenders from among the hosts of power and might. Verily, He is the Help in Peril, the Mighty, the Unconstrained. 1. i.e., the letter 'B', the second letter of the alphabet.

Talks With Sri Aurobindo 1, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  which is called Zen Buddhism. There the disciples have to bear blows from
  race when cultures have arisen, reached a Zenith and then declined. From a
  study of these cultures it is possible to predict the decline of every human
  SATYENDRA: Is Zen Buddhism alive in Japan?
  SRI AUROBINDO: Oh yes. Lady Batesman is going there to study it. The Zen
  Buddhists have a very severe discipline.

The Act of Creation text, #The Act of Creation, #Arthur Koestler, #Psychology
  opment in the Japanese arts inspired by Zen Buddhism: swordsmanship,
  archery, Judo, calligraphic painting. The method to reach perfection
  Top. 157. Zen philosophy, in the form in which it is taught by its contemporary
  propounders (foremost among them Prof. D. T. Suzuki and his Western
  *It'). The practitioner of the various applied Zen arts was trained to act 'spontan-
  eously, unthinkingly* and this led to the added confusion between the pseudo-
  Egyptian painter saw in stereotyped cliches; so does the Japanese Zen
  lasted so long; contemporary Zen painting and calligraphy, as already
  said, obeys almost as rigid rules of the game. The Egyptian painter
  4, Hebb (1949), pp. 178-80. 5, Cf. i.a., Zener (1957); Loucks (1935, 1938);
  Hovland (1937); Hilgard and Marquis (1940); and for a concise summary Hebb
  Herrigel, E., Zen in the Art of Archery. London: Routledge & K. Paul, 1959
  Suzuki, D. T., Zen and Japanese Culture. London: Luzac, 1959.
  Taton, R., Reason and Chance in Scientific Discovery. London: Hutchinson, 1957.

The Book of Certitude - P2, #The Book of Certitude, #Baha u llah, #Baha i
  "O Son of Man! Many a day hath passed over thee whilst thou hast busied thyself with thy fancies and idle imaginings. How long art thou to slumber on thy bed? Lift up thine head from slumber, for the Sun hath risen to the Zenith; haply it may shine upon thee with the light of beauty."
  Let it be known, however, that none of these doctors and divines to whom we have referred was invested with the rank and dignity of leadership. For well-known and influential leaders of religion, who occupy the seats of authority and exercise the functions of leadership, can in no wise bear allegiance to the Revealer of truth, except whomsoever thy Lord willeth. But for a few, such things have never come to pass. "And few of My servants are the thankful." 1 Even as in this Dispensation, not one amongst the renowned divines, in the grasp of whose authority were held the reins of the people, hath embraced the Faith. Nay, they have striven against it with such animosity and determination that no ear hath heard and no eye hath seen the like. 1. Qur'án 34:13.

The Book of Joshua, #The Bible, #Anonymous, #Various
  33 And in the valley, Eshtaol, and Zoreah, and Ashnah, 34 And Zanoah, and En-gannim, Tappuah, and Enam, 35 Jarmuth, and Adullam, Socoh, and Azekah, 36 And Sharaim, and Adithaim, and Gederah, and Gederothaim; fourteen cities with their villages: 37 Zenan, and Hadashah, and Migdal-gad, 38 And Dilean, and Mizpeh, and Joktheel, 39 Lachish, and Bozkath, and Eglon, 40 And Cabbon, and Lahmam, and Kithlish, 41 And Gederoth, Beth-dagon, and Naamah, and Makkedah; sixteen cities with their villages: 42 Libnah, and Ether, and Ashan, 43 And Jiphtah, and Ashnah, and Nezib, 44 And Keilah, and Achzib, and Mareshah; nine cities with their villages: 45 Ekron, with her towns and her villages: 46 From Ekron even unto the sea, all that lay near Ashdod, with their villages: 47 Ashdod with her towns and her villages, Gaza with her towns and her villages, unto the river of Egypt, and the great sea, and the border thereof:
  48 And in the mountains, Shamir, and Jattir, and Socoh, 49 And Dannah, and Kirjath-sannah, which is Debir, 50 And Anab, and Eshtemoh, and Anim, 51 And Goshen, and Holon, and Giloh; eleven cities with their villages: 52 Arab, and Dumah, and Eshean, 53 And Janum, and Beth-tappuah, and Aphekah, 54 And Humtah, and Kirjath-arba, which is Hebron, and Zior; nine cities with their villages: 55 Maon, Carmel, and Ziph, and Juttah, 56 And Jezreel, and Jokdeam, and Zanoah, 57 Cain, Gibeah, and Timnah; ten cities with their villages: 58 Halhul, Beth-zur, and Gedor, 59 And Maarath, and Beth-anoth, and Eltekon; six cities with their villages: 60 Kirjath-baal, which is Kirjath-jearim, and Rabbah; two cities with their villages:

The Circular Ruins, #Labyrinths, #Jorge Luis Borges, #Poetry
  No one saw him disembark in the unanimous night, no one saw the bamboo canoe sink into the sacred mud, but in a few days there was no one who did not know that the taciturn man came from the South and that his home had been one of those numberless villages upstream in the deeply cleft side of the mountain, where the Zend language has not been contaminated by Greek and where leprosy is infrequent. What is certain is that the grey man kissed the mud, climbed up the bank with pushing aside (probably, without feeling) the blades which were lacerating his flesh, and crawled, nauseated and bloodstained, up to the circular enclosure crowned with a stone tiger or horse, which sometimes was the color of flame and now was that of ashes. This circle was a temple which had been devoured by ancient fires, profaned by the miasmal jungle, and whose god no longer received the homage of men. The stranger stretched himself out beneath the pedestal. He was awakened by the sun high overhead. He was not astonished to find that his wounds had healed; he closed his pallid eyes and slept, not through weakness of flesh but through determination of will. He knew that this temple was the place required for his invincible intent; he knew that the incessant trees had not succeeded in strangling the ruins of another propitious temple downstream which had once belonged to gods now burned and dead; he knew that his immediate obligation was to dream. Toward midnight he was awakened by the inconsolable shriek of a bird. Tracks of bare feet, some figs and a jug warned him that the men of the region had been spying respectfully on his sleep, soliciting his protection or afraid of his magic. He felt a chill of fear, and sought out a sepulchral niche in the dilapidated wall where he concealed himself among unfamiliar leaves.
  The purpose which guided him was not impossible, though supernatural. He wanted to dream a man; he wanted to dream him in minute entirety and impose him on reality. This magic project had exhausted the entire expanse of his mind; if someone had asked him his name or to relate some event of his former life, he would not have been able to give an answer. This uninhabited, ruined temple suited him, for it is contained a minimum of visible world; the proximity of the workmen also suited him, for they took it upon themselves to provide for his frugal needs. The rice and fruit they brought him were nourishment enough for his body, which was consecrated to the sole task of sleeping and dreaming.

The Dwellings of the Philosophers, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  the solar displacement, that is to say the ascent of the celestial body to the Zenith of the pole,
  remains the bog engine for this elemental conflagration, its result is that the same hemisphere

the Eternal Wisdom, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  12) Never lie; for to lie is infamous. ~ Zendavesta
  13) Put away from thee a forward mouth and perverse lips put away from thee. ~ Proverbs IV 24
  12) The mind is a clear and polished mirror and our continual duty is to keep it pure and never allow dust to gather upon its face. ~ Saving of the School of Zen
  13) When a mirror is covered with dust, it cannot reflect the image cast upon it, it can only do that when it is without spot. It is so with beings. If their minds are not clear of stain, the Absolute cannot reveal himself in them; but if they free themselves from pollution, then shall he reveal himself within their being. ~ Awaghesha

The Five, Ranks of The Apparent and the Real, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  But alas! The Zen gardens of recent times are desolate and barren. "Directly-pointing-to-the-ultimate" Zen is regarded as nothing but benightedness and foolishness; and that supreme treasure of the Mahayana, the Jeweled Mirror Samadhi's Five Ranks of the Apparent and the Real, is considered to be only the old and broken vessel of an antiquated house. No one pays any attention to it. [Today's students] are like blind men who have thrown away their staffs, calling them useless baggage. Of themselves they stumble and fall into the mud of heterodox views and cannot get out until death overtakes them. They never know that the Five Ranks is the ship that carries them across the poisonous sea surrounding the rank o f the Real, the precious wheel that demolishes the impregnable prison-house of the two voids. They do not know the important road of progressive practice; they are not versed in the secret meaning within this teaching. Therefore they sink into the stagnant water of sravaka-hood or pratyeka-buddhahood. They fall into the black pit of withered sprouts and decayed seeds. Even the hand of Buddha would find it difficult to save them.
  That into which I was initiated forty years ago in the room of Shoju I shall now dispense as the alms giving of Dharma. When I find a superior person who is studying the true and profound teaching and has experienced the Great Death, I shall give this secret transmission to him, since it was not designed for men of medium and lesser ability. Take heed and do not treat it lightly!
  Too often the disciple, considering that his attainment of this rank is the end of the Great Matter and his discernment of the Buddha-way complete, clings to it to the death and will not let go of it. Such as this is called it stagnant water " Zen; such a man is called " an evil spirit who keeps watch over the corpse in the coffin." Even though he remains absorbed in this state for thirty or forty years, he will never get out of the cave of the self-complacency and inferior fruits of pratyeka-buddhahood. Therefore it is said: "He whose activity does not leave this rank sinks into the poisonous sea." He is the man whom Buddha called " the fool who gets his realization in the rank of the Real."
  Therefore, though as long as he remains in this hiding place of quietude, passivity and vacantness, inside and outside are transparent and his understanding perfectly clear, the moment the bright insight [he has thus far gained through his practice] comes into contact with differentiation's defiling conditions of turmoil and confusion, agitation and vexation, love and hate, he will find himself utterly helpless before them, and all the miseries of existence will press in upon him. It was in order to save him from this serious illness that the rank of " The Real within the Apparent " was established as an expedient.

The Hidden Words text, #The Hidden Words, #Baha u llah, #Baha i
    Many a day hath passed over thee whilst thou hast busied thyself with thy fancies and idle imaginings. How long art thou to slumber on thy bed? Lift up thy head from slumber, for the Sun hath risen to the Zenith, haply it may shine upon thee with the light of beauty.
  Arabic #62

The Zahir, #Labyrinths, #Jorge Luis Borges, #Poetry
  To Wally Zenner
  Translated by Dudley Fitts

Verses of Vemana, #is Book, #unset, #Zen
  Infricans penom vulvoe, the Zengam orders his affairs thus, so as to continue his race in the world.


--- Overview of noun zen

The noun zen has 3 senses (no senses from tagged texts)
1. Zen, Zen Buddhism ::: (school of Mahayana Buddhism asserting that enlightenment can come through meditation and intuition rather than faith; China and Japan)
2. Zen, Zen Buddhism ::: (a Buddhist doctrine that enlightenment can be attained through direct intuitive insight)
3. acid, back breaker, battery-acid, dose, dot, Elvis, loony toons, Lucy in the sky with diamonds, pane, superman, window pane, Zen ::: (street name for lysergic acid diethylamide)

--- Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of noun zen

3 senses of zen                            

Sense 1
Zen, Zen Buddhism
   => Buddhism
     => religion, faith, organized religion
       => institution, establishment
         => organization, organisation
           => social group
             => group, grouping
               => abstraction, abstract entity
                 => entity

Sense 2
Zen, Zen Buddhism
   => Buddhism
     => religion, faith, religious belief
       => belief
         => content, cognitive content, mental object
           => cognition, knowledge, noesis
             => psychological feature
               => abstraction, abstract entity
                 => entity
       => theological virtue, supernatural virtue
         => cardinal virtue
           => virtue
             => good, goodness
               => morality
                 => quality
                   => attribute
                     => abstraction, abstract entity
                       => entity

Sense 3
acid, back breaker, battery-acid, dose, dot, Elvis, loony toons, Lucy in the sky with diamonds, pane, superman, window pane, Zen
   => lysergic acid diethylamide, LSD
     => hallucinogen, hallucinogenic drug, psychedelic drug, psychodelic drug
       => psychoactive drug, mind-altering drug, consciousness-altering drug, psychoactive substance
         => drug
           => agent
             => causal agent, cause, causal agency
               => physical entity
                 => entity
             => substance
               => matter
                 => physical entity
                   => entity
     => drug of abuse, street drug
       => drug
         => agent
           => causal agent, cause, causal agency
             => physical entity
               => entity
           => substance
             => matter
               => physical entity
                 => entity
     => controlled substance
       => drug
         => agent
           => causal agent, cause, causal agency
             => physical entity
               => entity
           => substance
             => matter
               => physical entity
                 => entity

--- Hyponyms of noun zen

--- Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of noun zen

3 senses of zen                            

Sense 1
Zen, Zen Buddhism
   => Buddhism

Sense 2
Zen, Zen Buddhism
   => Buddhism

Sense 3
acid, back breaker, battery-acid, dose, dot, Elvis, loony toons, Lucy in the sky with diamonds, pane, superman, window pane, Zen
   => lysergic acid diethylamide, LSD

--- Coordinate Terms (sisters) of noun zen

3 senses of zen                            

Sense 1
Zen, Zen Buddhism
  -> Buddhism
   => Zen, Zen Buddhism
   => Mahayana
   => Hinayana
   => Tantrism

Sense 2
Zen, Zen Buddhism
  -> Buddhism
   => Mahayana, Mahayana Buddhism
   => Theravada, Theravada Buddhism
   => Lamaism, Tibetan Buddhism
   => Zen, Zen Buddhism
   => Shingon
   => Tantra, Tantrism

Sense 3
acid, back breaker, battery-acid, dose, dot, Elvis, loony toons, Lucy in the sky with diamonds, pane, superman, window pane, Zen
  -> lysergic acid diethylamide, LSD
   => acid, back breaker, battery-acid, dose, dot, Elvis, loony toons, Lucy in the sky with diamonds, pane, superman, window pane, Zen

--- Grep of noun zen
active citizen
baker's dozen
battle of lutzen
gene sarazen
gregory nazianzen
gregory of nazianzen
half a dozen
long dozen
private citizen
senior citizen
st. gregory of nazianzen
two dozen
zen buddhism
zen buddhist
zenaidura macroura
zeno of citium
zeno of elea

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Wikipedia - 3form -- Citizen science project
Wikipedia - 4-formylbenzenesulfonate dehydrogenase -- Class of enzymes
Wikipedia - Abbott's Frozen Custard -- Frozen Custard franchise
Wikipedia - Abby Martin -- American citizen journalist
Wikipedia - Abdelkader Belliraj -- Moroccan-Belgian citizen
Wikipedia - Abdo Wazen -- Lebanese poet and critic
Wikipedia - Abdullah Khadr -- Canadian citizen
Wikipedia - Abdul Quddus Bizenjo -- Pakistani politician
Wikipedia - Abel Korzeniowski -- Polish composer
Wikipedia - Abozaki Station -- Railway station in Unzen, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Active citizenship -- political philosophy
Wikipedia - Adalbert Bezzenberger -- German philologist
Wikipedia - Adam Chazen -- American special effects producer
Wikipedia - Adrian Zenz -- German anthropologist
Wikipedia - Adur Burzen-Mihr
Wikipedia - African Union Passport -- Common passport document for citizens of African Union member states
Wikipedia - Aglaus -- Ancient Greek citizen
Wikipedia - Aino Station (Nagasaki) -- Railway station in Unzen, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Aintzane Ezenarro -- Spanish politician
Wikipedia - Albert Hazen Wright
Wikipedia - Albert Szent-Gyrgyi
Wikipedia - Alexander Herzen -- Russian author, philosopher, revolutioner (1812-1870)
Wikipedia - Alexander Mack -- Co-founder and first pastor of the Schwarzenau Brethren
Wikipedia - Alexander the Alabarch -- 1st century AD Alexandrian Jewish aristocrat and Roman citizen
Wikipedia - Alexandra Rozenman -- Russian-American artist (born 1971)
Wikipedia - Alhazen's problem
Wikipedia - Alhazen
Wikipedia - Alien (law) -- Person in a country not having citizenship
Wikipedia - Allen Frantzen
Wikipedia - Allium elburzense -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Alper Sezener -- Turkish novelist
Wikipedia - Alsoszentmihaly inscription -- Historical inscription
Wikipedia - Alzenau dialect
Wikipedia - Alzen -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - American Canadians -- Canadian citizens whose ancestry is wholly or partly American
Wikipedia - Amin Zendegani -- Iranian actor
Wikipedia - Amund Nokleby Bentzen -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Ana Celia Zentella -- Puerto Rican linguist
Wikipedia - Ana Maria Zeno -- Argentinian psychologist
Wikipedia - An American Citizen -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - Ana Rezende -- Brazilian film director
Wikipedia - Anders Franzen -- Swedish marine technician and amateur naval archaeologist
Wikipedia - Andor Szende -- Hungarian figure skater
Wikipedia - Andras Szennay -- 20th-century Hungarian abbot
Wikipedia - Andras Szente -- Hungarian canoeist
Wikipedia - Andrea Berntzen -- Norwegian actress and student
Wikipedia - Andreas Arntzen -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Andre Cazeneuve -- French soldier
Wikipedia - Andricus van der Westhuizen -- South African politician
Wikipedia - Andy Rantzen -- Australian musician
Wikipedia - Anel Oosthuizen -- South African athlete
Wikipedia - An Introduction to Zen Buddhism
Wikipedia - Anna Drezen -- American writer, actress, and comedian
Wikipedia - Anna (Frozen) -- Fictional character from the Frozen franchise
Wikipedia - Anna Smitshuizen -- Dutch prostitute
Wikipedia - Ann Clarke (immunologist) -- British immunologist and co-founder of the Frozen Ark project
Wikipedia - Anne Ancelin Schutzenberger -- French psychotherapist
Wikipedia - Anne Hazen McFarland -- American physician, medical journal editor
Wikipedia - Anne Hopkins Aitken -- American Zen Buddhist
Wikipedia - Anneliese Hitzenberger -- Austrian physician
Wikipedia - Annet Nieuwenhuyzen -- Dutch actress
Wikipedia - Annette Roozen -- Dutch Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Annie Korzen -- American actress
Wikipedia - Annunciation Church, Szentendre
Wikipedia - Anny Cazenave -- French space geodesist
Wikipedia - Ansar (Islam) -- Medinan citizens that helped Muhammad and the Muhajirun on the arrival at Medina
Wikipedia - Antoine Gizenga -- Congolese Prime Minister, candidate for President
Wikipedia - Anzen Chitai -- Japanese rock band
Wikipedia - Anzen Station -- Railway station in Yokohama, Japan
Wikipedia - Apollo Korzeniowski
Wikipedia - Arab Australians -- Australian citizens or residents with ancestry from the Arab world
Wikipedia - Arab citizens of Israel -- Israeli citizens who are Arab
Wikipedia - Arendelle: World of Frozen -- Upcoming part of Hong Kong Disneyland, Tokyo DisneySea and Walt Disney Studios Park
Wikipedia - Argyle (pattern) -- Pattern made of diamonds or lozenges
Wikipedia - Aristophon of Azenia -- 4th-century BC Athenian politician
Wikipedia - Arnold Schwarzenegger and LGBT rights -- Overview about Arnold Schwarzenegger and LGBT rights
Wikipedia - Arnold Schwarzenegger -- Austrian-American actor, businessman, bodybuilder, and politician
Wikipedia - Arthur Paunzen -- Austrian artist
Wikipedia - Arton Capital -- Financial and citizenship consultancy firm
Wikipedia - Artzenheim -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Arzens -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Association for the Taxation of Financial Transactions and for Citizens' Action -- French tax advocacy group
Wikipedia - Association of Mature American Citizens -- Advocacy organization and interest group
Wikipedia - Assyrian Americans -- American citizens of Assyrian descent
Wikipedia - AstraZeneca -- British-Swedish pharmaceutical company
Wikipedia - Asus ZenFone 6 -- 2019 Asus flagship smartphone with flip camera
Wikipedia - Asus ZenFone 7 -- 2020 Asus flagship smartphones with flip camera
Wikipedia - As You Please (album) -- 2017 Citizen album
Wikipedia - Atlanta Soto Zen Center -- SM-EM-^MtM-EM-^M Zen center in Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Wikipedia - Australian citizenship
Wikipedia - Autzen Stadium -- Home stadium of the Oregon Ducks
Wikipedia - Auxilia -- Non-citizen troops in the Imperial Roman army
Wikipedia - Azendohsaurus -- Genus of herbivorous Triassic reptile
Wikipedia - Azuma Station -- Railway station in Unzen, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Babeli Giezendanner -- Swiss painter
Wikipedia - Backyard Worlds -- NASA-funded citizen science project
Wikipedia - Baltzenheim -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Bangladeshis -- Citizens of the country of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Bantu Homelands Citizenship Act, 1970
Wikipedia - Bantzenheim -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories -- Conspiracy theories falsely asserting that Barack Obama is not a natural-born citizen of the US
Wikipedia - Barbara Mauritzen -- British veteran
Wikipedia - Basque Canadians -- Canadian citizens of Basque descent
Wikipedia - Battle for Zendikar
Wikipedia - Battle of al-Buqaia -- Battle fought between Zengids and a combined army of Crusaders
Wikipedia - Battle of Bazentin Ridge -- part of the Battle of the Somme during World War I
Wikipedia - Battle of Harim -- Battle fought between Zengids and a combined army of Crusaders
Wikipedia - Battle of Lake Huleh (1157) -- Battle fought between Zengids and Kingdom of Jerusalem
Wikipedia - Battle of Muizenberg
Wikipedia - Bautzen
Wikipedia - Be Biauw Tjoan -- Tycoon and Majoor-titulair der Chinezen of Semarang
Wikipedia - Belgians -- Citizens or residents of Belgium
Wikipedia - Belkis M-CM-^Vzener -- Turkish singer
Wikipedia - Benedicte Kurzen -- French photographer and photojournalist
Wikipedia - Benita Katzenellenbogen -- American professor of physiology and cell biology
Wikipedia - Benoit Crutzen -- Belgian economist
Wikipedia - Benzenediazonium chloride -- Organic compound
Wikipedia - Benzene -- Aromatic Hydrocarbon
Wikipedia - Benzenoids
Wikipedia - Benzenoid -- Chemical compound
Wikipedia - Benzodiazepine -- Class of psychoactive drugs with a core chemical structure of benzene and diazepine rings
Wikipedia - Berber Arouch Citizens' Movement -- Political party in Algeria
Wikipedia - Bernard Cazeneuve -- 99th Prime Minister of France
Wikipedia - Beyond Citizen Kane -- 1993 British documentary film by Simon Hartog
Wikipedia - Bezen Perrot -- Collaborationist unit in German-occupied France during World War II
Wikipedia - Bill Huizenga -- U.S. Representative from Michigan
Wikipedia - Bingo: The King of the Mornings -- 2017 film directed by Daniel Rezende
Wikipedia - Birds Eye -- American international brand of frozen foods
Wikipedia - Birgit Penzenstadler -- German software engineering professor
Wikipedia - Birthright citizenship in the United States -- Person's acquisition of United States citizenship by virtue of the circumstances of birth
Wikipedia - Bizen-Fukukawa Station -- Railway station in AkM-EM-^M, HyM-EM-^Mgo Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Bizen-Hara Station -- Railway station in Okayama, Japan
Wikipedia - Bizen-Ichinomiya Station -- Railway station in Okayama, Japan
Wikipedia - Bizen-Katakami Station -- Railway station in Bizen, Okayama Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Bizen-Kataoka Station -- Railway station in Okayama, Japan
Wikipedia - Bizen-Mikado Station -- Railway station in Okayama, Japan
Wikipedia - Bizen-Nishiichi Station -- Railway station in Okayama, Japan
Wikipedia - Bizen Province -- Former province of Japan
Wikipedia - Bizen-Tai Station -- Railway station in Tamano, Okayama Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Bizen ware -- Type of Japanese pottery
Wikipedia - Black Homeland Citizenship Act
Wikipedia - Blue at the Mizzen -- 1999 novel by Patrick O'Brian
Wikipedia - Bodzenta of WrzeM-EM-^[nia -- Polish clergyman and bishop
Wikipedia - Bodzentyn Castle -- Ruined castle in Poland
Wikipedia - Bombe glacee -- Frozen dessert
Wikipedia - Bonno Thoden van Velzen -- Dutch anthropologist
Wikipedia - Bosnian National Theatre Zenica -- National theatre in Bosnia and Herzgovina
Wikipedia - Boswell: Citizen of the World, Man of Letters -- 1995 collection of essays on John Boswell
Wikipedia - Boys/Girls State -- Summer leadership and citizenship programs sponsored by The American Legion and the American Legion Auxiliary for high school juniors
Wikipedia - Bozenna Pasik-Duncan -- Polish-American mathematician
Wikipedia - Brazen Abbot -- Finnish rock band
Wikipedia - Brazen bull -- Torture device
Wikipedia - Brazen head -- Legendary automaton in the early modern period
Wikipedia - Brazilians -- Citizens of the Federative Republic of Brazil
Wikipedia - Brian Dietzen -- American actor
Wikipedia - British citizenship
Wikipedia - British Columbia Medal of Good Citizenship -- Honorary medal produced by British Columbia, Canada
Wikipedia - British Hero of the Holocaust -- A special national award given by the government of the United Kingdom in recognition of British citizens who assisted in rescuing victims of the Holocaust
Wikipedia - British Jews -- British citizens who identify as Jewish
Wikipedia - British Libyans -- Citizens or residents of the United Kingdom that are of Libyan ancestry
Wikipedia - British nationality law -- Law of the United Kingdom concerning citizenship and other categories of British nationality
Wikipedia - British Overseas citizen -- A type of British national associated with former colonies
Wikipedia - British Overseas Territories citizen -- Type of British nationality
Wikipedia - British people -- Citizens of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, British Overseas Territories, Crown Dependencies, and their descendants
Wikipedia - Brooklyn Citizen -- Former newspaper
Wikipedia - BrooWaha -- American citizen journalism and social bookmarking website
Wikipedia - Bruce C. Heezen -- American geologist
Wikipedia - Bruce Chizen
Wikipedia - Bruce Heezen
Wikipedia - Bruno de Cazenove -- French sailor
Wikipedia - Buzen-Kawasaki Station -- Railway station in Kawasaki, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Buzen-Masuda Station -- Railway station in Soeda, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Buzen-M-EM-^Lkuma Station -- Railway station in Itoda, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Buzen-Nagasu Station -- Railway station in Usa, M-EM-^Lita Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Buzen Province -- Former province of Japan
Wikipedia - Buzen's algorithm
Wikipedia - Buzen-ShM-EM-^Me Station -- Railway station in Buzen, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Buzen-ZenkM-EM-^Mji Station -- Railway station in Usa, M-EM-^Lita Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Byzantine civil war of 1341-1347 -- Civil war between Anna of Savoy and John Kantakouzenos
Wikipedia - Camille Delezenne -- French biologist
Wikipedia - Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration) v Vavilov -- Canadian legal case
Wikipedia - Canadian Americans -- American citizens whose ancestry is wholly or partly Canadian
Wikipedia - Canadian passport -- Passport issued to citizens of Canada
Wikipedia - Canadians -- Citizens of Canada
Wikipedia - Canadian Volunteers -- Unit composed of pro-United States citizens
Wikipedia - Capite censi -- The lowest class of citizens of ancient Rome
Wikipedia - Cardinal Zen (musician) -- Filipino musician
Wikipedia - Carl Heinrich 'Schultzenstein' Schultz -- German physician and botanist
Wikipedia - Carl Lauritzen -- Danish actor
Wikipedia - Caroline Gotzens -- German-Swiss industrial heiress
Wikipedia - Caroline Herzenberg -- American physicist
Wikipedia - Caroline Katzenstein -- American suffragist
Wikipedia - Catarina Zenab
Wikipedia - Category:American Zen Buddhists
Wikipedia - Category:Canadian Zen Buddhists
Wikipedia - Category:Chinese Zen Buddhists
Wikipedia - Category:Former United States citizens
Wikipedia - Category:Global citizenship
Wikipedia - Category:Japanese Zen Buddhists
Wikipedia - Category:Naturalised citizens of Switzerland
Wikipedia - Category:Naturalised citizens of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Category:Naturalized citizens of Canada
Wikipedia - Category:Naturalized citizens of France
Wikipedia - Category:Naturalized citizens of Israel
Wikipedia - Category:Naturalized citizens of the People's Republic of China
Wikipedia - Category:Naturalized citizens of the United States
Wikipedia - Category:People from Ltzen
Wikipedia - Category:People who lost Danish citizenship
Wikipedia - Category:People with acquired American citizenship
Wikipedia - Category:People with acquired Canadian citizenship
Wikipedia - Category:People with acquired Indian citizenship
Wikipedia - Category:Soto Zen Buddhists
Wikipedia - Category:Soto Zen
Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia articles incorporating text from Citizendium
Wikipedia - Category:Zen Buddhism writers
Wikipedia - Category:Zen Buddhist monks and priests
Wikipedia - Category:Zen Buddhists
Wikipedia - Category:Zen Buddhist terminology
Wikipedia - Category:Zenga
Wikipedia - Category:Zen in the United States
Wikipedia - Category:Zen Patriarchs
Wikipedia - Category:Zen stubs
Wikipedia - Category:Zen texts
Wikipedia - Category:Zen
Wikipedia - Caux-et-Sauzens -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Cazenave-Serres-et-Allens -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Cazenovia College
Wikipedia - Cazenovia, Minnesota -- Ghost town in Pipestone County, Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - Cecilie Mauritzen -- Norwegian oceanographer
Wikipedia - Celeste (frozen pizza) -- Frozen pizza
Wikipedia - Cezens -- Commune in Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France
Wikipedia - Chanel Solitaire -- 1981 British-French historical drama film directed by George Kaczender
Wikipedia - Charity Engine -- Citizen science project
Wikipedia - Charles Berthezenne -- French politician
Wikipedia - Charles Foster Kane -- Character in the film "Citizen Kane"
Wikipedia - Charles-Joseph-Eugene de Mazenod
Wikipedia - Charles Otzenberger-Detaille -- French wine merchant
Wikipedia - Cheaper by the Dozen (franchise) -- American film franchies
Wikipedia - Chen Shizeng -- Chinese painter
Wikipedia - Chikuzen-Daibu Station -- Railway station in Iizuka, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Chikuzen-Fukae Station -- Railway station in Itoshima, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Chikuzen-Habu Station -- Railway station in Nakama, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Chikuzen-Iwaya Station -- Railway station in TM-EM-^MhM-EM-^M, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Chikuzen-Maebaru Station -- Railway station in Itoshima, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Chikuzen Province -- Former province of Japan
Wikipedia - Chikuzen-ShM-EM-^Mnai Station -- Railway station in Iizuka, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Chikuzen-Uchino Station -- Railway station in Iizuka, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Chikuzen-Ueki Station -- Railway station in NM-EM-^Mgata, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Chikuzen-Yamae Station -- Railway station in Chikushino, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Chikuzen-Yamate Station -- Railway station in Sasaguri, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Chozen -- American adult animated sitcom
Wikipedia - Chris de Cazenove -- French sailor
Wikipedia - Christiaan van Velzen -- Dutch sports shooter
Wikipedia - Christian August Lorentzen
Wikipedia - Christian Franzen (photographer) -- Danish photographer active in Spain
Wikipedia - Christian Holzenberg -- German canoeist
Wikipedia - Christina Otzen -- Danish sailor
Wikipedia - Christine Couzens -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - Christopher Cazenove -- English actor
Wikipedia - Christopher I. Chalokwu -- United States citizen
Wikipedia - Christoph Zenger
Wikipedia - Church of the Brethren -- Anabaptist denomination in the United States, descended from the Schwarzenau Brethren.
Wikipedia - Church of the First Born of the Lamb of God -- Violent religious group founded by Ervil LeBaron, responsible for dozens of deaths
Wikipedia - Circumzenithal arc -- Optical phenomenon arising from refraction of sunlight through ice crystals
Wikipedia - Citizen: An American Lyric -- 2014 poetry book by Claudia Rankine
Wikipedia - Citizen and Republican Movement -- Political party in France
Wikipedia - Citizen Cyborg
Wikipedia - Citizendium -- Internet wiki encyclopedia stressing editorial credibility
Wikipedia - Citizen (film) -- 2001 film by Saravana Subbiah
Wikipedia - Citizen journalism -- Journalism genre
Wikipedia - Citizen Kafka -- American radio personality
Wikipedia - Citizen Kane -- 1941 American drama film directed by Orson Welles
Wikipedia - Citizen King -- American alternative rock band
Wikipedia - CitizenLab -- Civic technology company
Wikipedia - Citizen Mani -- Indian actor
Wikipedia - Citizen media
Wikipedia - Citizen of Glass -- 2016 studio album by Agnes Obel
Wikipedia - Citizen of the Galaxy -- 1957 novel by Robert A. Heinlein
Wikipedia - Citizen Option -- Political party in Colombia
Wikipedia - Citizen ownership of equity
Wikipedia - Citizen Rally (Republic of the Congo) -- Political party in the Republic of the Congo
Wikipedia - Citizen Revolution Movement -- Political party in Ecuador
Wikipedia - Citizen Ruth -- 1996 film by Alexander Payne
Wikipedia - Citizen's arrest -- The concept of a private citizen being able to make a formal arrest.
Wikipedia - Citizens' assemblies
Wikipedia - Citizens' Assembly (Ireland) -- Irish body formed to consider political and social issues.
Wikipedia - Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform (British Columbia) -- 2003 independent deliberative body established in British Columbia, Canada
Wikipedia - Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform (Ontario) -- 2006 independent deliberative body established in Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - Citizens band radio -- Land mobile radio system
Wikipedia - Citizens' Battle Against Corruption -- Political party in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Citizens Building (Columbus, Ohio) -- Historic building in Columbus, Ohio
Wikipedia - Citizens (Chilean political party) -- Political party in Chile
Wikipedia - Citizen Schools -- Non-profit organisation in the USA
Wikipedia - Citizen science -- Scientific research conducted, in whole or in part, by amateur or nonprofessional scientists
Wikipedia - Citizens Commission on Human Rights
Wikipedia - Citizens' Commission to Investigate the FBI -- Leftist activist group operational in the US during the early 1970s
Wikipedia - Citizens Development Business Finance -- Sri Lankan finance company
Wikipedia - Citizen's dividend -- Proposed policy
Wikipedia - Citizens! During shelling this side of the street is the most dangerous -- Public warning message displayed in the USSR during World War II
Wikipedia - Citizen seismology -- Research approach in seismology,
Wikipedia - Citizens Financial Group -- Eastern U.S. bank
Wikipedia - Citizens' Footprint Movement -- Political party in Colombia
Wikipedia - Citizens' Forces -- Political party in Morocco
Wikipedia - Citizens for Constitutional Freedom -- Armed private U.S. militia
Wikipedia - Citizens for Fairness Hands Off Washington -- LGBT organization to oppose two Washington ballot initiatives
Wikipedia - Citizens for Pennsylvania's Future -- American nonprofit advocacy organization
Wikipedia - Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2003 -- Law regarding citizenship rights for migrants to India
Wikipedia - Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019 -- Law regarding citizenship rights for migrants to India
Wikipedia - Citizenship Amendment Act protests in Uttar Pradesh -- Ongoing protests in Uttar Pradesh in India
Wikipedia - Citizenship Amendment Act protests -- 2019-2020 protests in India
Wikipedia - Citizenship education (subject) -- Academic subject
Wikipedia - Citizenship Initiative (Guyana) -- Political party in Guyana
Wikipedia - Citizenship in the United States
Wikipedia - Citizenship of the European Union -- Legal right conferred to citizens of European Union member states
Wikipedia - Citizenship of the United States -- People in the US
Wikipedia - Citizenship Reform Act of 2005 -- amendment bill
Wikipedia - Citizenship -- Denotes the link between a person and a state or an association of states
Wikipedia - Citizens in a State -- Lebanese political party
Wikipedia - Citizens in Charge Foundation -- American non-profit advocacy organization
Wikipedia - Citizens' income (Italy)
Wikipedia - Citizens' List -- Luxembourgian political party
Wikipedia - Citizens' Movement for Democracy and Development -- Political party in Togo
Wikipedia - Citizens' Movement (Iceland) -- Icelandic political party
Wikipedia - Citizens' Movement Pro Chemnitz -- German political party
Wikipedia - Citizens National Bank (Laurel, Maryland) -- Historic bank
Wikipedia - Citizen Soldiers -- 1997 non-fiction book about World War II written by Stephen E. Ambrose
Wikipedia - Citizens' Party for Revival -- Political party in Mali
Wikipedia - Citizen's Party (Turkey) -- Political party
Wikipedia - Citizens' Political Movement for Bocaya -- Political party in Colombia
Wikipedia - Citizens Regional Transit Corporation -- Grass-roots organization in Buffalo, New York
Wikipedia - Citizens Republic Bancorp -- American bank
Wikipedia - Citizens' Union for South Tyrol -- Italian political party
Wikipedia - Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy -- American non-profit organization
Wikipedia - Citizen Toxie: The Toxic Avenger IV -- 2000 film by Lloyd Kaufman
Wikipedia - Citizen TV -- Kenyan television channel
Wikipedia - Citizenville -- 2013 book by Gavin Newsom
Wikipedia - Citizen Watch -- Core company of a Japanese global corporate group based in Tokyo, Japan
Wikipedia - Citizen
Wikipedia - Civics -- the study of the rights and obligations of citizenry and government
Wikipedia - Civil Rights Act of 1866 -- First U. S. federal law to define citizenship and affirm that all citizens are equally protected by the law
Wikipedia - Clarence Zener
Wikipedia - Clathrate hydrate -- Crystalline solid containing molecules caged in a lattice of frozen water
Wikipedia - Cloud -- Visible mass of liquid droplets or frozen crystals suspended in the atmosphere
Wikipedia - Cnephasia bizensis
Wikipedia - Cognomen -- Third name of a citizen of Ancient Rome
Wikipedia - Coldeportes Zenu -- Colombian cycling team
Wikipedia - Coleophora ivrizensis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Coleorozena -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Collaborationism -- Cooperation with the enemy against one's country of citizenship in wartime
Wikipedia - Colombians -- Citizens, or natives, of Colombia
Wikipedia - Commonwealth citizen -- national of any Commonwealth member state
Wikipedia - Commonwealth of World Citizens -- Self-described servant-Nation
Wikipedia - Concepcio Zendrera Tomas -- Catalan editor and translator
Wikipedia - Concubinatus -- Quasi-marital relationship involving Roman citizens
Wikipedia - Connie Szerszen -- American radio personality
Wikipedia - Constanze Stelzenmuller -- German international affairs analyst
Wikipedia - Contagious Love -- Single by Zendaya and Bella Throne
Wikipedia - Convergence for Renewal and Citizenship -- Political party in Senegal
Wikipedia - Cornelis Benjamin Biezeno
Wikipedia - Corporate citizenship
Wikipedia - Council of Conservative Citizens -- American white supremacist political group
Wikipedia - Cream Soda and Milk -- Film by Rachel Zen
Wikipedia - Cromhouthuizen -- Group of canal houses in Amsterdam
Wikipedia - Cruzen Range -- Mountain range in Victoria Land, Antarctica
Wikipedia - Csaba Szentpetery -- Hungarian ice dancer
Wikipedia - CSS Zen Garden -- World Wide Web development resource
Wikipedia - Daan Veldhuizen -- Dutch filmmaker
Wikipedia - Dai Bai Zan Cho Bo Zen Ji
Wikipedia - Dai Bosatsu Zendo Kongo-ji
Wikipedia - Dai Chuanzeng -- Chinese nuclear physicist
Wikipedia - Daifukuji Soto Zen Mission -- Historic Place in Hawaii County, Hawaii
Wikipedia - Daitoku-ji -- Zen Buddhist temple in Kyoto, Japan
Wikipedia - Daizenji Station -- Railway station in Kurume, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Damian Kratzenberg -- Luxembourgian politician
Wikipedia - Damn Citizen -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Dampfzentrale -- Cultural centre in Bern, Switzerland
Wikipedia - Daniel Hunt Janzen
Wikipedia - Daniel Janzen
Wikipedia - Danish citizenship
Wikipedia - Danny Abdul Dayem -- British citizen of Syrian descent
Wikipedia - Danzen! Futari wa Pretty Cure -- First Pretty Cure opening song
Wikipedia - David Dyzenhaus
Wikipedia - David Lorenzen
Wikipedia - David N. Lorenzen
Wikipedia - David Zen Mansley -- American theatrical and voice actor
Wikipedia - David Zennie -- American director and producer
Wikipedia - David Zinczenko -- American publisher, author, and businessman
Wikipedia - Dawes Rolls -- 1893 registry of citizens living on US tribal lands
Wikipedia - Dawson City: Frozen Time -- 2016 film
Wikipedia - Dayna Curry -- American citizen
Wikipedia - Deadly Dozen: Pacific Theater -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Debra Laefer -- American Geotechnical Engineer and director of citizen science
Wikipedia - Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen -- Foundational document of the French Revolution
Wikipedia - Declaration of the Rights of Woman and of the Female Citizen
Wikipedia - Demetrius Kantakouzenos
Wikipedia - Democrats Abroad -- U.S. Democratic Party organization for US citizens abroad
Wikipedia - Dennis Lyxzen -- Swedish musician
Wikipedia - Dennis Zent -- American politician from Indiana
Wikipedia - Der Herzensphotograph -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Detention (imprisonment) -- Process whereby a state or private citizen lawfully holds a person, removing their freedom
Wikipedia - Deutsche Zentral-Zeitung -- German newspaper
Wikipedia - Dexter Kozen
Wikipedia - DezsM-EM-^Q Szentgyorgyi -- Hungarian fighter ace
Wikipedia - Dialogo de Cecco di Ronchitti da Bruzene in perpuosito de la stella Nuova -- Early 17th-century pseudonymous pamphlet ridiculing the views of the Aristotelian philosopher Antonio Lorenzini da Montepulciano
Wikipedia - Diazenylium
Wikipedia - Die Naturlichen Pflanzenfamilien -- German textbook on plant systematics, initially published 1887-1915
Wikipedia - Diethynylbenzene dianion -- Group of isomeric chemical compounds which are strong bases
Wikipedia - Digital citizens
Wikipedia - Digital citizen -- Person using IT to engage in society, politics, and government
Wikipedia - Disk Detective -- NASA-citizen science project
Wikipedia - District Factor Group -- Indicator of socioeconomic status of citizens in school districts of New Jersey
Wikipedia - DM-EM-^Mgen -- Japanese Zen buddhist teacher
Wikipedia - Doctor Wislizenus -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Doctrinal background of Zen
Wikipedia - Dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid
Wikipedia - Dole Whip -- Soft serve frozen dessert
Wikipedia - Donald D. Lorenzen -- American politician
Wikipedia - Dorinha Rezende -- Brazilian politician
Wikipedia - Doutzen Kroes -- Dutch model and philanthropist
Wikipedia - Douzens -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Dozent
Wikipedia - Draft:Dystopia (book) -- Non fiction book by Archimedes Muzenda published in 2020
Wikipedia - Draft:Hritik Raushan -- Indian citizen
Wikipedia - Draft:Khumoyunbek Abdurakhimov -- Citizen of Uzbekistan
Wikipedia - Dragon's Breath (dessert) -- Cereal frozen in liquid nitrogen
Wikipedia - Drazen Boric -- German Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - D. T. Suzuki -- Japanese scholar who popularized Zen Buddhism in the West
Wikipedia - Durrenentzen -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Du Zeng -- Jin dynasty general and rebel
Wikipedia - E-An Zen
Wikipedia - Earle D. Litzenberger -- American diplomat
Wikipedia - East Lancs Cityzen -- A double-decker bus body that was built on the Scania N113 chassis by East Lancashire Coachbuilders
Wikipedia - Ebbie -- 1995 television film directed by George Kaczender
Wikipedia - Echizen-HanandM-EM-^M Station -- Railway station in Fukui, Fukui Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Echizen-Kaga Kaigan Quasi-National Park -- Quasi-National Park on the coast of Fukui and Ishikawa Prefectures, Japan
Wikipedia - Echizen-Kaihotsu Station -- Railway station in Fukui, Fukui Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Echizen-M-EM-^Lmiya Station -- Railway station in Fukui, Fukui Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Echizen-M-EM-^Lno Station -- Railway station in M-EM-^Lno, Fukui Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Echizen-Nonaka Station -- Railway station in Eiheiji, Fukui Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Echizen Province -- Former province of Japan
Wikipedia - Echizen Railway 7000 series -- Japanese DC electric multiple unit train type
Wikipedia - Echizen-Shimabashi Station -- Railway station in Fukui, Fukui Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Echizen-Shimoyama Station -- Railway station in M-EM-^Lno, Fukui Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Echizen-Shinbo Station -- Railway station in Fukui, Fukui Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Echizen-Takada Station -- Railway station in Fukui, Fukui Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Echizen-Takehara Station -- Railway station in Eiheiji, Fukui Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Echizen-Tano Station -- Railway station in M-EM-^Lno, Fukui Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Echizen-TM-EM-^MgM-EM-^M Station -- Railway station in Fukui, Fukui Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Echizen-Tomida Station -- Railway station in M-EM-^Lno, Fukui Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Echizen ware -- Type of Japanese pottery
Wikipedia - Echizen-Yakushi Station -- Railway station in Fukui, Fukui Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Ecuadorians -- Citizens of Ecuador
Wikipedia - Eddie Deezen -- American actor and comedian
Wikipedia - Edith Ballantyne -- Czech Canadian citizen
Wikipedia - Eduardas Rozentalis -- Lithuanian chess player
Wikipedia - Eduard Zenovka -- Soviet modern pentathlete
Wikipedia - Edward Linde-Lubaszenko -- Polish actor
Wikipedia - Effi Wizen -- Israeli animator
Wikipedia - Einsturzende Neubauten -- Berlin-based German experimental post-industrial goth-pop musical group
Wikipedia - Eissportzentrum Chemnitz -- Sports arena and indoor ice hockey venue
Wikipedia - Eissportzentrum Westfalenhallen -- Indoor sporting arena in Dortmund, Germany
Wikipedia - Eitzen, Minnesota -- City in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Lee Hazen -- American microbiologist (1885-1975)
Wikipedia - Elsa (Frozen) -- Fictional character
Wikipedia - Elsie Arntzen -- American educator and politician
Wikipedia - Emanuel Parzen
Wikipedia - Emil Ratzenhofer -- Austrian pair skater
Wikipedia - Emmy van Deurzen -- Dutch existential therapist
Wikipedia - Emperor Zeno
Wikipedia - En concert au Zenith de Paris -- Live album by Les Cowboys Fringants
Wikipedia - EnikM-EM-^Q Eszenyi -- Hungarian actress
Wikipedia - Enlightenment Guaranteed -- 2000 German film about two brothers seeking enlightenment through Zen Buddhism
Wikipedia - Eois zenobia -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - E-participation -- ICT-supported participation in processes involving government and citizens
Wikipedia - Eregzengiin Choidog -- Mongolian composer
Wikipedia - Eric Ewazen -- American composer and teacher
Wikipedia - Erika Enzenhofer -- Austrian gymnast
Wikipedia - ErnM-CM-5 Szenes -- Hungarian actor
Wikipedia - Erzsebet Lanczendorfer -- Hungarian physician and politician
Wikipedia - Esopus Spitzenburg -- Type of apple
Wikipedia - Estonian Citizens' Committees -- Nonpartisan political movement in Estonia
Wikipedia - Etablissement d'hM-CM-)bergement pour personnes M-CM-"gM-CM-)es dM-CM-)pendantes -- French residential care for senior citizens
Wikipedia - Ethiopian Citizens for Social Justice -- Political party in Ethiopia
Wikipedia - Eugen Szenkar -- Hungarian conductor
Wikipedia - Eu Nao Faco a Menor Ideia do que eu To Fazendo Com a Minha Vida -- 2012 film directed by Matheus Souza
Wikipedia - European Citizen Science Association -- Citizen science organization
Wikipedia - Ezekiel Katzenellenbogen
Wikipedia - Ezra Bayda -- American figure in Zen
Wikipedia - Family (2001 Dutch film) -- 2001 film by Willem van de Sande Bakhuyzen
Wikipedia - Fang Zengxian -- Chinese painter
Wikipedia - Farmfoods -- British frozen food supermarket chain
Wikipedia - Fashion Is My Kryptonite -- Single by Bella Throne and Zendaya
Wikipedia - Fay Ajzenberg-Selove -- American nuclear physicist
Wikipedia - Faye Ajzenberg-Selove
Wikipedia - Fazenda da Bica -- Region of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Wikipedia - Fazenda da Juta (Sao Paulo Metro) -- Sao Paulo Metro station
Wikipedia - FBI Index -- System used to track American citizens and other people
Wikipedia - Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth -- Ministry in the government of the Federal Republic of Germany
Wikipedia - FEMA camps conspiracy theory -- Theory that US citizens will be imprisoned as a New World Order is established
Wikipedia - Ferenc Szentirmai -- Hungarian equestrian (born 1983)
Wikipedia - Ferenc Zenthe -- Hungarian actor
Wikipedia - Filipinos -- People native to or citizens of the islands of the Philippines
Wikipedia - First-class citizen
Wikipedia - Fisherman's Friend -- Brand of menthol lozenges
Wikipedia - Five Mountain System -- Network of state-sponsored Chan (Zen) Buddhist temples created in China during the Southern Song (1127-1279).
Wikipedia - Flower Sermon -- Story of the origin of Zen Buddhism
Wikipedia - Fort Prinzenstein -- Danish fort in Keta, Ghana, built in 1784 and used in the slave trade
Wikipedia - Fouad Bouzenada -- Algerian weightlifter
Wikipedia - Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution -- Article of amendment to the U.S. Constitution, enumerating citizenship rights as well as civil and political liberties
Wikipedia - Francis A. Marzen
Wikipedia - Frank Nutzenberger -- Canadian gymnast
Wikipedia - Franzen Fajardo -- Filipino actor
Wikipedia - Franz-Josef Holzenkamp -- German politician
Wikipedia - Franz Reizenstein -- British composer (1911-1968)
Wikipedia - Fred S. Cozzens -- American marine artist
Wikipedia - Freezer Queen -- Defunct frozen food company in Buffalo, New York
Wikipedia - French Peruvians -- Peruvian citizens of French ancestry
Wikipedia - Friedrich Albert von Zenker
Wikipedia - Friedrich List -- German economist with dual American citizenship
Wikipedia - Friedrich, Prince of Schwarzenberg (soldier) -- Austrian prince
Wikipedia - Frosty (frozen dairy dessert) -- Frozen dessert sold by Wendy's
Wikipedia - Frozen (2007 film) -- 2007 black-and-white Indian drama film
Wikipedia - Frozen (2010 American film)
Wikipedia - Frozen (2013 film) -- 2013 computer animated film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios
Wikipedia - Frozen (album) -- 1998 studio album by Sentenced
Wikipedia - Frozen Alive -- 2007 live album by Obituary
Wikipedia - Frozen Assets (novel) -- 1964 novel by P.G. Wodehouse
Wikipedia - Frozen banana -- Banana dishes
Wikipedia - Frozen Bubble
Wikipedia - Frozen custard -- A cold dessert
Wikipedia - Frozen Fever -- 2015 American animated short film
Wikipedia - Frozen Fire (novel) -- 2006 novel by Tim Bowler
Wikipedia - Frozen (franchise)
Wikipedia - Frozen Hearts -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Frozen II -- 2019 film by Chris Buck and Jennifer Lee
Wikipedia - Frozen in the Moment: Live in Atlanta -- live album by Redemption
Wikipedia - Frozen in Time (Dorman) -- Concerto by Avner Dorman
Wikipedia - Frozen in Time -- album of Obituary
Wikipedia - Frozen Justice -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Frozen (Madonna song) -- 1998 single by Madonna
Wikipedia - Frozen Music -- album by Andy Laverne Quartet
Wikipedia - Frozen Niagara Falls -- album by Prurient
Wikipedia - Frozen Planet -- a nature documentary series focusing on life and the environment in both the Arctic and Antarctic
Wikipedia - Frozen River (1929 film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Frozen section procedure -- A rapid histological sectioning procedure
Wikipedia - Frozen Strait -- Strait in Nunavut, Canada
Wikipedia - Frunzenskaya (Moscow Metro) -- Moscow Metro station
Wikipedia - Frunzenskaya (Saint Petersburg Metro) -- Saint Petersburg Metro Station
Wikipedia - Fukan zazengi
Wikipedia - Fuke-shM-EM-+ -- School of Zen Buddhism
Wikipedia - Furr -- album by Blitzen Trapper
Wikipedia - Fushizen na Girl / Natural ni Koishite -- 2010 single by Perfume
Wikipedia - Fusilladeplaats Rozenoord -- World War II memorial in Amsterdam
Wikipedia - Fyodor Mezentsev -- Kazakhstani speed skater
Wikipedia - Gaman (term) -- Japanese term of Zen Buddhist origin
Wikipedia - Gaozeng station -- Guangzhou Metro interchange station
Wikipedia - Gefrorene-Wand-Spitzen -- Two summitsin the Zillertal Alps, Austria
Wikipedia - Geispitzen -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - GempM-EM-^M Yamamoto -- Japanese Zen Buddhist
Wikipedia - Gentzen's consistency proof -- mathematical logic concept
Wikipedia - Gentzen
Wikipedia - George Kaczender -- Canadian film director
Wikipedia - George Klenzendorff -- US architect and politician
Wikipedia - George Lazenby -- Australian actor
Wikipedia - George N. Zenovich -- American politician
Wikipedia - Georges Azenstarck -- French photographer
Wikipedia - Gerald Vizenor -- American writer
Wikipedia - Gerhard Gentzen -- German mathematician
Wikipedia - German Argentines -- Argentine citizens of German descent
Wikipedia - Germans -- People of German ethnicity (or citizens, inhabitants or natives of Germany)
Wikipedia - German Venezuelans -- Venezuelan citizens who descend from Germans
Wikipedia - Gerold Schwarzenbach
Wikipedia - Gerzensee -- A municipality in the canton of Bern in Switzerland
Wikipedia - GesshM-EM-+ SM-EM-^Mko -- Zen Buddhist teacher and calligrapher
Wikipedia - GewM-CM-$chshaus fur tropische Nutzpflanzen -- Botanical garden in Hesse, Germany
Wikipedia - Geza Szenasi -- Hungarian jurist
Wikipedia - Ghanaian people -- Citizens or native-born people of Ghana
Wikipedia - Ghervazen Longher -- Romanian politician
Wikipedia - Giants: Citizen Kabuto -- 2000 video game
Wikipedia - Giovanni Gavazzeni -- Italian painter
Wikipedia - Girolamo Zenti -- 17th century Italian harpsichord maker and organ builder
Wikipedia - Global Citizen (disambiguation)
Wikipedia - Global Citizen - EP 1 -- 2018 EP by Los Unidades
Wikipedia - Global citizenship education
Wikipedia - Global citizenship -- Idea that all people have rights and responsibilities from being a member of the world
Wikipedia - Global Citizens Movement
Wikipedia - Global citizens movement
Wikipedia - Gloucester Citizen -- Local weekly newspaper
Wikipedia - Gokhan M-CM-^Vzen -- Turkish singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Gouden Ganzenveer -- Dutch literary award
Wikipedia - Gozen Kaigi -- Conference convened in the presence of the Japanese emperor
Wikipedia - Grace Jantzen
Wikipedia - Grandiosa -- Norwegian brand of frozen pizza
Wikipedia - Gray Panthers -- American organization promoting senior citizens' rights
Wikipedia - Great Learning -- Chinese classic, preserved as a chapter in the Lijing; consists of a short main text attributed to Confucius and ten commentary chapters attributed to Zengzi
Wikipedia - Green Gulch Farm Zen Center
Wikipedia - Gregory Nazianzen
Wikipedia - Griffin Frazen -- American actor
Wikipedia - Grzegorz Rozenberg
Wikipedia - Guatemalans -- Citizens or natives of Guatemala
Wikipedia - Guillaume Weijzen -- Dutch canoer
Wikipedia - Guillermo Carlos Cazenave -- Argentine musician
Wikipedia - Gunter Katzenberger -- German musicologist and conductor
Wikipedia - Gunzenhausen station -- Railway station in Gunzenhausen, Germany
Wikipedia - Gurazeni
Wikipedia - Gurzenicher Bach -- River in Germany
Wikipedia - Gyula Szentessy
Wikipedia - G-Zen -- Vegan restaurant in Branford, Connecticut, US
Wikipedia - Haakon Arntzen -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - Hadi Al Abdullah -- Syrian citizen journalist and activist
Wikipedia - Hakuin Ekaku -- Japanese Zen Buddhist master
Wikipedia - Hanna Dudzenkova -- Belarusian rhythmic gymnast
Wikipedia - Hanover Schutzenfest -- Festival in Hanover, Lower Saxony, Germany
Wikipedia - Hans (Frozen) -- Fictional character from Frozen
Wikipedia - Hans Georg von Arnim-Boitzenburg -- German general alternatively fighting for the Holy Roman Empire and its opponent the Electorate of Saxony (1583-1641)
Wikipedia - Hans Magnus Enzensberger
Wikipedia - Hans Schwarzentruber -- Swiss gymnast
Wikipedia - Hans Sturzenegger -- Swiss painter
Wikipedia - Hanszen College (Rice University)
Wikipedia - Hanszen College
Wikipedia - Hans Zender -- German conductor and composer
Wikipedia - Han Zenki -- Taiwanese Go player
Wikipedia - Harold T. Martin III -- American citizen accused of stealing digital data from the NSA
Wikipedia - Hasil Bizenjo -- Pakistani politician
Wikipedia - Hatzenbeck -- River in Germany
Wikipedia - Hawona Sullivan Janzen -- American poet and performance artist
Wikipedia - Hazen Graff Werner -- American methodist bishop
Wikipedia - Hazenite -- Phosphate mineral
Wikipedia - Hazen S. Pingree -- American politician
Wikipedia - H. D. Couzens -- American writer
Wikipedia - Helena Zengel -- German actress
Wikipedia - Helen van Goozen -- Dutch speed skater
Wikipedia - Henning Moritzen -- Danish actor
Wikipedia - Henny Lauritzen -- Danish actress
Wikipedia - Henriette Bie Lorentzen -- Norwegian journalist, humanist and editor
Wikipedia - Henri Tezenas du Montcel -- French economist
Wikipedia - Henry Lorenzen -- Danish actor
Wikipedia - Herbert Witzenmann
Wikipedia - Hero of Belarus -- Highest title that can be bestowed on a citizen of Belarus
Wikipedia - Herta Ratzenhofer -- Austrian pair skater
Wikipedia - Hexamethylbenzene -- chemical compound
Wikipedia - H. G. van de Sande Bakhuyzen
Wikipedia - Higashimonzen Station -- Railway station in Kawasaki, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Hilde FM-CM-%lun Strom -- Explorer, polar ambassador and citizen scientist
Wikipedia - Hinase Station -- Railway station in Bizen, Okayama Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - History of Italian citizenship
Wikipedia - Hizen-Asahi Station -- Railway station in Tosu, Saga Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Hizen-Fumoto Station -- Railway station in Tosu, Saga Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Hizen-Hama Station -- Railway station in Kashima, Saga Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Hizen-Iida Station -- Railway station in Kashima, Saga Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Hizen-Kashima Station -- Railway station in Kashima, Saga Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Hizen-Koga Station -- Railway station in Nagasaki, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Hizen-Kubo Station -- Railway station in Karatsu, Saga Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Hizen-M-EM-^Lura Station -- Railway station in Tara, Saga Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Hizen-Nagano Station -- Railway station in Imari, Saga Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Hizen-Nagata Station -- Railway station in Isahaya, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Hizen-Nanaura Station -- Railway station in Kashima, Saga Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Hizen Province -- Former province of Japan
Wikipedia - Hizen-RyM-EM-+M-EM-^M Station -- Railway station in Shiroishi, Saga Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Hizen-Shiroishi Station -- Railway station in Shiroishi, Saga Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Hizen-Yamaguchi Station -- Railway station in KM-EM-^Mhoku, Saga Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - HM-CM-%vard Holmefjord Lorentzen -- Norwegian speed skater
Wikipedia - HM-EM-^Mzenji Station -- Railway station in Kashiwara, Osaka Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Hochwurzen -- Mountain in Austria
Wikipedia - Holger Rootzen -- Swedish mathematical statistician
Wikipedia - Honorary Citizen of Singapore -- Title of honor conferred by the Government of Singapore
Wikipedia - Honorary citizenship of the United States
Wikipedia - Honorary citizen
Wikipedia - Hope Frozen -- 2019 documentary film
Wikipedia - Huda Smitshuijzen AbiFares -- Typographer, writer, researcher
Wikipedia - Human Rights and Citizenship Party -- Political party in Egypt
Wikipedia - IBM zEnterprise System
Wikipedia - Ice bridge -- A frozen natural structure formed over seas, bays, rivers or lake surfaces
Wikipedia - Ice cream parlor -- Shop selling frozen desserts
Wikipedia - Ice cream sandwich -- Frozen dessert typically composed of ice cream between two biscuits
Wikipedia - Ice cube -- Frozen water ice cubes
Wikipedia - Icek Ajzen
Wikipedia - Ice -- Frozen water: the solid state of water
Wikipedia - Ida von Schulzenheim -- Swedish painter
Wikipedia - If at First You Don't Succeed, Try, Try Again -- Fantasy short story by Zen Cho
Wikipedia - Ignacije Szentmartony
Wikipedia - Igor Pikayzen -- Russian-American violinist
Wikipedia - Ihme-Zentrum -- Residential, business and shopping center in Hanover
Wikipedia - ImajM-EM-^M Station -- Railway station in Minamiechizen, Fukui Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Imbe Station -- Railway station in Bizen, Okayama Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada -- Immigration department of the Government of Canada
Wikipedia - Inanidrilus belizensis -- Species of annelid
Wikipedia - Indian citizen
Wikipedia - Indian Gorkha -- Indian citizens of Nepalese national origin
Wikipedia - Indian people -- Nationals or citizens of India
Wikipedia - Indigenous Mexican Americans -- American citizens descended from indigenous peoples of Mexico
Wikipedia - Indonesian Australians -- Australian citizens and residents of Indonesian origin
Wikipedia - Indonesian passport -- Passport for Indonesian citizens
Wikipedia - Indonesians -- Citizens or people of Indonesia
Wikipedia - Ingemar Franzen -- Swedish weightlifter
Wikipedia - Ingrid van Biezen -- Dutch political scientist
Wikipedia - Innozenz Stangl -- German gymnast
Wikipedia - In Summer -- Song from Disney's Frozen
Wikipedia - Into the Unknown: Making Frozen II -- | 2020 documentary series
Wikipedia - Irene Clennell case -- Singaporean citizen
Wikipedia - Irish passport -- Passport of citizens of the Republic of Ireland
Wikipedia - Irish Women's Citizens Association -- Irish non-governmental organisation
Wikipedia - Iri station -- Railway station in Bizen, Okayama Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Isaac Van Duzen Reeve -- United States Army general
Wikipedia - ISpot -- Web-based citizen science biodiversity project
Wikipedia - Israeli Jews -- Jewish citizens of Israel
Wikipedia - Issan Dorsey -- American Soto Zen Buddhist
Wikipedia - Istvan Szenes -- Hungarian figure skater
Wikipedia - Istvan Szentgyorgyi -- Hungarian sculptor
Wikipedia - Italian Argentines -- Argentine citizens of Italian descent
Wikipedia - Italian ice -- Frozen dessert
Wikipedia - It Happened in Paris (1919 film) -- 1919 silent film directed by David Hartford and Richard Gordon Matzene
Wikipedia - Ivar Franzen -- Swedish politician
Wikipedia - Iwahashi Zenbei
Wikipedia - Izenave -- Commune in Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France
Wikipedia - Jacek Rozenek -- Polish actor and voice actor
Wikipedia - Jacqueline van Rozendaal-van Gerven -- Dutch archer
Wikipedia - Jairzinho Rozenstruik -- Surinamese mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Jamaicans -- Citizens of Jamaica and their descendants
Wikipedia - James Blair Down -- Canadian citizen
Wikipedia - Jan Bazen -- Dutch speed skater
Wikipedia - Janet Ajzenstat -- Canadian political scientist
Wikipedia - Jan George Freezen -- German painter
Wikipedia - Jani Zengo -- Albanian photographer
Wikipedia - Jantzen Beach Center -- Shopping mall in Portland, Oregon, United States
Wikipedia - Jantzen -- Swimwear brand
Wikipedia - Japanese Zen -- Japanese school of Mahayana Buddhism
Wikipedia - Jashar Mezenxhiu -- Albanian politician and mayor
Wikipedia - Jaspar von Oertzen -- German actor
Wikipedia - Jean-Rene Cazeneuve -- French politician
Wikipedia - Jeffrey Katzenberg -- American film producer and media proprietor
Wikipedia - Jeffrey P. Buzen
Wikipedia - Jennie Shanahan -- Member of the Irish Citizen Army
Wikipedia - Jennifer Casolo -- American citizen
Wikipedia - Jens Carsten Jantzen -- German mathematician
Wikipedia - Jens Franzen -- German paleontologist
Wikipedia - Jeroen Spitzenberger -- Dutch actor
Wikipedia - Jihan Zencirli -- Turkish-American artist
Wikipedia - Jim Dotzenrod -- American politician
Wikipedia - Jimmy Hazen -- American golfer
Wikipedia - Joan Halifax -- American Zen Buddhist roshi, anthropologist, ecologist, and civil rights activist
Wikipedia - Joanna Aizenberg -- American chemist
Wikipedia - Johan Frederik Knudzen NodbM-CM-&k -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Johannes Enzenhofer -- Austrian triathlete
Wikipedia - John Danzenbaker
Wikipedia - John Goerzen
Wikipedia - John Nzenze -- Kenyan musician
Wikipedia - John Ratzenberger -- American actor
Wikipedia - John VI Kantakouzenos
Wikipedia - John Zenda -- American actor
Wikipedia - Joko Beck -- American Zen teacher and author
Wikipedia - Jonathan Franzen -- American writer
Wikipedia - Jonathan Zenneck -- German physicist and electrical engineer
Wikipedia - Jon Zens -- American writer and theologian
Wikipedia - Jordan Gruzen -- American architect
Wikipedia - Jorgen Moritzen -- Danish weightlifter
Wikipedia - Jo Ritzen -- Dutch politician
Wikipedia - Joseph Camilleri -- Australian citizen of Maltese descent
Wikipedia - Josephine Broekhuizen -- Dutch artist living in Scotland
Wikipedia - Joseph Weizenbaum
Wikipedia - Jo Vandeurzen -- Belgian politician
Wikipedia - Juan Camacho (sculptor) -- Colombian citizen
Wikipedia - Juan Carlos Castilla Zenobi -- Chilean marine biologist
Wikipedia - Jus-Rol -- Manufacturer of frozen pastry, and related products such as vol-au-vents
Wikipedia - Jus sanguinis -- Principle of nationality law by which citizenship is not determined by place of birth but by having one or both parents who are citizens of the state
Wikipedia - Jus soli -- Birthright of anyone born in the territory of a state to nationality or citizenship
Wikipedia - Jzsef Mindszenty
Wikipedia - Kaatrukkenna Veli -- 2001 film by Pugazendhi Thangaraj
Wikipedia - Kagato Station -- Railway station in Bizen, Okayama Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Kaizen -- Japanese concept referring to continuous improvement
Wikipedia - Kalman Cseh von Szent-Katolna -- Hungarian equestrian
Wikipedia - Kanai Anzen
Wikipedia - Kantonales Kulturzentrum Palais Besenval -- Cantonal cultural center of Solothurn
Wikipedia - Kanzenban
Wikipedia - Kanzeon Zen Center
Wikipedia - Karatsu Domain -- Japanese historical estate in Hizen province
Wikipedia - Karel Schwarzenberg -- Czech politician
Wikipedia - Karen Venhuizen -- Dutch figure skater
Wikipedia - Karin Lasthuizen -- Dutch-New Zealand academic
Wikipedia - Karl Heinzen -- German-born American journalist
Wikipedia - Karl Philipp, Prince of Schwarzenberg -- Austrian nobleman and field marshal
Wikipedia - Karl Putzendopler -- (1898-1983)
Wikipedia - Karl Zenger -- German figure skater
Wikipedia - Karoly Szentivanyi -- Hungarian politician
Wikipedia - Karsten Lauritzen -- Danish politician
Wikipedia - Katherine Schwarzenegger -- American writer
Wikipedia - Katzenelnbogen
Wikipedia - Katzenthal -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Kautzen
Wikipedia - Keido Fukushima -- Japanese Rinzai Zen master, head abbot of TM-EM-^Mfuku-ji
Wikipedia - Ken Bruzenak -- American comic book letterer
Wikipedia - Ken Roczen -- German motorcycle racer
Wikipedia - Khagemba -- A remarkable Meitei monarch who successfully defended a Khagi(chinese) invasion and during his reign reached the zenith of Kangleipak
Wikipedia - Khaleel Chishty -- Pakistani citizen
Wikipedia - Khazeni, Abolfath
Wikipedia - Killing of Heidi Hazell -- German citizen murdered by the IRA
Wikipedia - Kirigami (Soto Zen)
Wikipedia - Kletzenbrot -- Sweet fruit and nut bread
Wikipedia - KM-EM-^Mjiro Station (Nagasaki) -- Railway station in Unzen, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - KM-EM-^MshM-EM-+ Itabashi -- Japanese Zen Buddhist
Wikipedia - KM-EM-^Mzenji Station -- Railway station in Hirakata, Osaka Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - KNEZ (FM) -- Radio station in Hazen-Reno, Nevada
Wikipedia - Koan -- story, dialogue, question, or statement used in Zen practice
Wikipedia - Kobe Station (Nagasaki) -- Railway station in Unzen, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Koichi Zenigata -- Fictional human from Lupin III
Wikipedia - KonzM-EM-^Mji Station -- Railway station in ZentsM-EM-+ji, Kagawa Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Korean Seon -- Zen school of Korean Buddhism
Wikipedia - Korzenie
Wikipedia - Korzen -- Surname list
Wikipedia - Koya-dofu -- Koya-dofu is frozen-dried tofu, a Japanese pantry staple and an important ingredient in Buddhist vegetarian cookery.
Wikipedia - Kristian Arentzen -- Danish author
Wikipedia - Kristoff (Frozen) -- Fictional character from the Frozen franchise
Wikipedia - Kulfi -- Indian frozen dessert
Wikipedia - Kwan Um School of Zen
Wikipedia - KZEN -- Radio station in Central City, Nebraska
Wikipedia - Lake Superior Zendo -- SM-EM-^MtM-EM-^M Zen Buddhist temple located in Marquette, Michigan, United States
Wikipedia - Lament (Einsturzende Neubauten album) -- 2014 album
Wikipedia - Lamiaa Alzenan -- Egyptian judoka
Wikipedia - LanzenhM-CM-$usern railway station -- Swiss railway station
Wikipedia - Largitzen -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Lasiopetalum schulzenii -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Laszlo Mindszenti -- Hungarian painter
Wikipedia - Latin Americans -- Citizens of the Latin American countries and dependencies
Wikipedia - Lau Lauritzen Jr. -- Danish actor
Wikipedia - Laura Zeng -- American rhythmic gymnast
Wikipedia - LaVoy Finicum -- Spokesman for the American militia group Citizens for Constitutional Freedom
Wikipedia - Law Abiding Citizen -- 2009 action thriller film by F. Gary Gray
Wikipedia - Law of Return -- 1950 Israeli law granting Jews the right to immigrate and gain Israeli citizenship
Wikipedia - Leadnow -- Canadian non-profit independent citizens' advocacy organization
Wikipedia - League of United Latin American Citizens -- Organization
Wikipedia - Lebanese people -- People inhabiting or originating from Lebanon; citizens or natives of Lebanon
Wikipedia - Lee Meitzen Grue -- American poet
Wikipedia - Legend of Ogre Battle Gaiden: Prince of Zenobia -- 2000 strategy video game
Wikipedia - Leibniz-Rechenzentrum
Wikipedia - Leipzig Human Rights Award -- Honor given by the European-American Citizens Committee for Human Rights and Religious Freedom in the USA, which recognizes "efforts towards human rights and freedom of expression in the USA" and actions against what the organization refers to as "human rights violations by the totalitarian Scientology.
Wikipedia - Len Herzenberg
Wikipedia - Leonard Herzenberg
Wikipedia - Leopold Katzenstein -- American marine engineer
Wikipedia - Leprozengracht -- Canal in Amsterdam
Wikipedia - Lesia Valadzenkava -- Belarusian ice dancer
Wikipedia - Leszek Korzeniowski -- Polish politician
Wikipedia - Let It Go -- Song from Disney's 2013 film Frozen
Wikipedia - Levan Berdzenishvili -- Georgian politician
Wikipedia - Lezley Zen -- American pornographic actress (born 1974)
Wikipedia - Li Daozeng -- Chinese architect
Wikipedia - Lisa Lorentzen -- Norwegian mathematician
Wikipedia - List of accolades received by Frozen (2013 film) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of A Fazenda contestants -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of AMD Ryzen processors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Arab citizens of Israel -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of awards and nominations received by Zendaya -- Awards and nominations received by Zendaya
Wikipedia - List of Citizen Khan episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of citizen science projects -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Citizen Smith episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of compositions by Eric Ewazen -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of denaturalized former citizens of the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of former United States citizens who relinquished their nationality -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of frozen custard companies -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of frozen dessert brands -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of frozen food brands -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of heads of the Zenica-Doboj Canton -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of honorary citizens of Beijing -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of honorary citizens of Bucharest -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Honorary Citizens of towns and cities in Macedonia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of honorary citizens of Vienna
Wikipedia - List of honorary citizens of Zagreb -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of NK Celik Zenica managers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Old Citizens -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of people granted honorary French citizenship during the French Revolution -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Presidents of the Chamber of Citizens of the Federal Assembly of Yugoslavia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Puerto Rican Presidential Citizens Medal recipients -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Rozen Maiden episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of French citizens living abroad -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Wonder Showzen characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of works by Charles Thomas Cozens -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Zenit launches -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of former United States citizens
Wikipedia - Lorraine Janzen Kooistra -- Canadian professor of English
Wikipedia - Lost Ladybug Project -- Nonprofit organization in the USA focused on promoting citizen science
Wikipedia - Lothar Zenetti -- German Catholic theologian and writer
Wikipedia - Lotzen Infantry Brigade (Wehrmacht) -- Former brigade in Eastern Prussia
Wikipedia - Louann Brizendine -- American neuroscientist
Wikipedia - Louise Fazenda -- American actress
Wikipedia - Louis Oosthuizen -- South African professional golfer
Wikipedia - Lozenge -- Form of rhombus
Wikipedia - Ltzen
Wikipedia - Lubbertus Gotzen -- Dutch politician
Wikipedia - Lucas Kozeniesky -- American sports shooter
Wikipedia - Luciano Rezende -- Brazilian Paralympic archer
Wikipedia - Lucius Albinius -- Ancient Roman citizens
Wikipedia - Ludolf Bakhuizen -- Dutch painter
Wikipedia - Ludwik Flaszen -- Polish writer and theatre director
Wikipedia - Lugi Gizenga -- Congolese politician
Wikipedia - Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer
Wikipedia - Luke Bakhuizen -- Australian photographer and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Luna Park -- Name shared by dozens of currently operating and defunct amusement parks
Wikipedia - Lutzenkirchen -- German DJ
Wikipedia - Luzenac -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Luzene Hill -- Native American multimedia and installation artist
Wikipedia - Maarten Groothuizen -- Dutch politician
Wikipedia - Madeline Matzen -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Madzengue Younous -- Congolese politician
Wikipedia - MakyM-EM-^M -- "Ghost cave": Zen Buddhist concept
Wikipedia - Malchiel Gruenwald -- Israeli businessman and citizen journalist
Wikipedia - Maltese Australians -- Australian citizens who are fully or partially of Maltese descent
Wikipedia - Manuel Zeno Gandia -- Puerto Rican writer
Wikipedia - Mara Brankovic -- 15th century Serbian princess, daughter of M-DM-^PuraM-DM-^Q Brankovic and Eirene Kantakouzene
Wikipedia - Marcel-Paul Schtzenberger
Wikipedia - Marcy Zenobi-Wong -- Mechanical and tissue engineer and researcher
Wikipedia - Marc Zender
Wikipedia - Margaret Matzenauer
Wikipedia - Maria Ajzensztadt -- Polish singer
Wikipedia - Maria Minzenti -- Austrian actress
Wikipedia - Maria Zeneida Collinson -- Filipina ambassador, IAEA president
Wikipedia - Marina Szendey -- Hungarian archer
Wikipedia - Marinus van IJzendoorn
Wikipedia - Mark G. Raizen
Wikipedia - Marlies Veldhuijzen van Zanten -- Dutch politician
Wikipedia - Marshall L. Saunders -- American philanthropist, citizen lobbyist, and climate activist
Wikipedia - Martin Knutzen
Wikipedia - Martin Lauritzen -- Danish neuroscientist and researcher
Wikipedia - Marvellous Melbourne -- 1910 film by Charles Cozens Spencer
Wikipedia - Mary Fainsod Katzenstein -- American political scientist
Wikipedia - Marzena Karpinska -- Polish weightlifter
Wikipedia - Marzena Machalek -- Polish politician
Wikipedia - Marzena Trybala -- Polish actress
Wikipedia - Marzena ZiM-DM-^Yba -- Polish Paralympic powerlifter
Wikipedia - Marzenna Adamczyk -- Polish politician
Wikipedia - Marzenna Drab -- Polish politician
Wikipedia - Matthew Kantakouzenos
Wikipedia - Matthew Zenovich -- New Zealand bicycle racer
Wikipedia - Maud Welzen -- Dutch fashion model
Wikipedia - Max Husmann -- Swiss citizen
Wikipedia - Max Ploetzeneder -- Austrian snowboarder
Wikipedia - Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs -- School of Public Administration and International Relations at Syracuse University in New York, U.S.
Wikipedia - Mazen Asfour
Wikipedia - Mazen Darwish -- Syrian lawyer and free speech advocate
Wikipedia - Mazeno Ridge -- Ridge in the Himalaya range of Asia
Wikipedia - Mazurzenie -- Linguistic merger of several Polish consonants
Wikipedia - McFlurry -- Frozen dessert sold by McDonald's
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Agnes Szendrei -- Hungarian-American mathematician
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Agnes Szentannai -- Hungarian female curler
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Arpad Szenes -- Hungarian-Jewish abstract painter
Wikipedia - MedImmune -- Biopharmaceutical company, acquired by AstraZeneca in 2007
Wikipedia - Megachile jerryrozeni -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megachile szentivanyi -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Meir Dizengoff -- Late 19th and early 20th century zionist leader and the first mayor of Tel Aviv
Wikipedia - Meles Zenawi -- Ethiopian politician; Prime Minister of Ethiopia
Wikipedia - Melisa Sozen -- Turkish actress
Wikipedia - Melis Sezen -- Turkish actress
Wikipedia - M-EM-^Lshio Station (Fukui) -- Railway station in Echizen, Fukui Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Menno Schilthuizen -- Dutch evolutionary biologist
Wikipedia - Meoto zenzai -- 1955 film by ShirM-EM-^M Toyoda
Wikipedia - Merijntje Gijzens Jeugd -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Mermaid of Zennor
Wikipedia - Mertzen -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Meu Passado Me Condena 2 -- 2015 film directed by Julia Rezende
Wikipedia - Meu Passado Me Condena -- 2013 film directed by Julia Rezende
Wikipedia - Mezentius
Wikipedia - Michael Aizenman -- American-Israeli mathematician
Wikipedia - Michael Eizenga -- Canadian lawyer
Wikipedia - Michael Galitzen -- American diver
Wikipedia - Michael Kantakouzenos SeytanoM-DM-^_lu -- 16th-century Ottoman Greek magnate
Wikipedia - Michael Merzenich
Wikipedia - Michael Mitzenmacher
Wikipedia - Michael M. Merzenich
Wikipedia - Michael Szenberg
Wikipedia - Miep Gies -- Dutch citizen who hid Anne Frank
Wikipedia - Miguel Zenon -- Puerto Rican alto saxophonist
Wikipedia - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Wikipedia - Mike Brizendine -- American soccer coach
Wikipedia - Mikekado Station -- Railway station in Buzen, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Mike Rutzen -- South African conservationist and shark cage diving operator
Wikipedia - Mikhail Gorshkow -- Estonian citizen accused of war crimes
Wikipedia - Miknasa -- Zenata Berber tribe
Wikipedia - Military reserve force -- Military organization composed of citizens of a country who combine a military role or career with a civilian career
Wikipedia - Miljuschka Witzenhausen -- Dutch model and actress
Wikipedia - Mimi Ajzenstadt
Wikipedia - Minami-ImajM-EM-^M Station -- Railway station in Minamiechizen, Fukui Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Mirijam Contzen -- Violinist (b. 1976)
Wikipedia - Missouri Citizens Militia -- Organization based in Missouri
Wikipedia - Mitsuishi Station (Okayama) -- Railway station in Bizen, Okayama Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Mizen Head -- Point in southwest Ireland
Wikipedia - MM-CM-$dchen ohne Grenzen -- 1955 film
Wikipedia - Maris Rozentals -- Latvian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Mogens Lorentzen -- Danish painter
Wikipedia - Mon Amour Mon Parapluie -- 2001 film by Giada Dobrzenska
Wikipedia - Montbazens -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Montreal Citizens' Movement -- Municipal political party in Montreal
Wikipedia - Monzen-NakachM-EM-^M Station -- Metro station in Tokyo, Japan
Wikipedia - MotozenkM-EM-^Mji Station -- Railway station in Iida, Nagano Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Mount Baldy Zen Center
Wikipedia - Mount Unzen -- Mountain in Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Movement for Citizens' Commitment and Awakening -- Political party in Benin
Wikipedia - Movement for the Rehabilitation of Citizens - Rurenzangemero -- Political party in Burundi
Wikipedia - Movement of Independent Citizens of Sao TomM-CM-) and Principe -- Political party
Wikipedia - MS Zenobia -- RO-RO ferry that capsized and sank near Larnaca, Cyprus
Wikipedia - Mt. Baldy Zen Center
Wikipedia - Mudzenchoot Provincial Park -- Provincial park in British Columbia
Wikipedia - Muhammad Khalid Bizenjo -- | Pakistani senator from Balochistan
Wikipedia - Muizenberg Important Bird Area -- wetland on Curacao in the Dutch Caribbean
Wikipedia - Muizenberg -- Coastal suburb of Cape Town, South Africa
Wikipedia - Multiple citizenship -- Citizenship in multiple countries by the same person
Wikipedia - Muntzenheim -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Murder of Jimmy Mizen -- Student murdered in London
Wikipedia - MusM-EM-^M Soseki -- Japanese Zen-Buddhist teacher and landscape architect
Wikipedia - My Fellow Citizens! -- 2019 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Naama Issachar affair -- Israeli citizen arrested in Russia in 2019
Wikipedia - Nalzen -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - NanjM-EM-^M Station -- Railway station in Minamiechizen, Fukui Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Nanzen-ji
Wikipedia - National Moth Week -- Citizen science project
Wikipedia - National Register of Citizens for Assam -- Indian citizenship database originally by Assam state
Wikipedia - National Register of Citizens -- Register of Indian citizens
Wikipedia - National Union of Ethical Citizens -- Political party in Paraguay
Wikipedia - Natural-born-citizen clause -- Clause of the US Constitution specifying natural born US citizenship to run for President
Wikipedia - Naturalized citizen
Wikipedia - Neil Konzen
Wikipedia - Netizens
Wikipedia - Netizen
Wikipedia - Neutrality Act of 1794 -- Legislation making it illegal for American citizens to wage war against countries at peace with the USA (1794)
Wikipedia - Neyzen Tevfik
Wikipedia - NichizengM-EM-+ Station -- Railway station in Wakayama, Wakayama Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Nicolaus Ludwig Zinzendorf
Wikipedia - Nicolaus Zinzendorf -- German protestant religious and social reformer, bishop of the Moravian Church
Wikipedia - Nico Roozen -- Dutch economist
Wikipedia - Nicotine lozenge
Wikipedia - Niederentzen -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Nina Kunzendorf -- German actress
Wikipedia - Nishi-Katakami Station -- Railway station in Bizen, Okayama Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Nishi-NyM-EM-+zen Station -- Railway station in NyM-EM-+zen, Toyama Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Noel Cazenave -- American sociologist
Wikipedia - Non Resident Nepali -- A person who currently holds citizenship of Nepal
Wikipedia - Nur al-Din Mosque -- A Zengid era mosque of Hamas in Syria
Wikipedia - NyM-EM-+zen Station -- Railway station in NyM-EM-+zen, Toyama Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Nyncke Beekhuyzen -- Dutch actress
Wikipedia - Oberentzen -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Olaf (Frozen) -- Fictional character from the Frozen franchise
Wikipedia - Olaf's Frozen Adventure -- 2017 animated short film
Wikipedia - Oleg Gazenko
Wikipedia - Olga Kuzeneva -- Russian botanist (1887-1978)
Wikipedia - Olmaz Olsun -- 1976 single by Sezen Aksu
Wikipedia - Omar Abdalla Aboelazm -- Swedish citizen
Wikipedia - Omar Deghayes -- Libyan citizen
Wikipedia - O Menino no Espelho -- 2014 film directed by Guilherme Fiuza Zenha
Wikipedia - Onyewuchi Francis Ezenwa -- Nigerian politician
Wikipedia - Ordinary Mind Zen School
Wikipedia - Organizational citizenship behavior
Wikipedia - Oscar L. Heltzen -- American lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes -- American educational organizations for senior citizens
Wikipedia - Otomo Station -- Former railway station in Rikuzentakata, Iwate Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Our Leading Citizen (1922 film) -- 1922 film by Alfred E. Green
Wikipedia - Ovid Tzeng -- Taiwanese politician
Wikipedia - Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine
Wikipedia - Oxford-AstraZeneca
Wikipedia - Ozone Zeno -- Paraglider
Wikipedia - Pacific Zen Institute
Wikipedia - Palmetto Citizens Federal Credit Union -- Credit union in South Carolina, U.S.
Wikipedia - Pal Szende -- Hungarian politician
Wikipedia - Parfait -- Frozen dessert
Wikipedia - Party for Progress and Citizenship -- Political party in Senegal
Wikipedia - Patricia Zentilli -- Canadian actress
Wikipedia - Paul Cazeneuve -- French politician
Wikipedia - Paul J. Crutzen
Wikipedia - Paul Josef Crutzen
Wikipedia - Paul Lorenzen
Wikipedia - Paul Roazen
Wikipedia - Paul Zenon -- English entertainer
Wikipedia - Pauwels Sauzen-Bingoal -- Belgian cycling team
Wikipedia - Pavlo Rozenberg -- German diver
Wikipedia - Peace of Bautzen
Wikipedia - Pedro Felipe Felzenszwalb -- Computer scientist
Wikipedia - People of Ethiopia -- Citizens or residents of Ethiopia
Wikipedia - Peregrinus (Roman) -- Free provincial subject of the Roman Empire who was not a Roman citizen
Wikipedia - Perfect Citizen
Wikipedia - Perioeci -- Spartan free non-citizens
Wikipedia - Persimedusites chahgazensis -- Precambrian discoidal species
Wikipedia - Peter J. Katzenstein
Wikipedia - Peter Szendy
Wikipedia - Peter van Huizen -- Malaysian sportsperson
Wikipedia - Petra Moolhuizen -- Dutch speed skater
Wikipedia - Pezens -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Pheidole janzeni -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Phenanthrene -- Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon composed of three fused benzene rings
Wikipedia - Philippe Dautzenberg -- Belgian zoologist
Wikipedia - Philippine House Special Committee on Senior Citizens -- Special committee of the House of Representatives of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippine passport -- Travel document and primary national identity document for citizens of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philipp Ludwig II, Count of Hanau-Munzenberg -- Count of Hanau-Munzenberg
Wikipedia - Philopappos -- 1st / 2nd century prince of Commagene and Roman and Athenian citizen
Wikipedia - Piet Roozenburg -- Dutch draughts player
Wikipedia - Pinarcik massacre -- Massacre of Kurdish citizens in Turkey by the PKK in 1987
Wikipedia - Pinkberry -- American frozen dessert chain
Wikipedia - Plasma frozen within 24 hours -- Human blood plasma product
Wikipedia - Plzen
Wikipedia - Pogonomyrmex anzensis -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Poles in Sweden -- Citizens and residents of Sweden who emigrated from Poland
Wikipedia - Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol -- 1987 film by Jim Drake
Wikipedia - Polynya -- An area of unfrozen sea within ice pack
Wikipedia - Pospolite ruszenie
Wikipedia - Potamites juruazensis -- Species of lizard
Wikipedia - Presidential Citizens Medal -- Award bestowed by the President of the United States
Wikipedia - Pride of Performance Awards (1990-1999) -- A civil award by the Government of Pakistan to Pakistani citizens in recognition of distinguished merit in the fields of literature, arts, sports, medicine, or science for civilians.
Wikipedia - Prince Felix of Schwarzenberg -- Austrian prince
Wikipedia - Princeton Katzenjammers -- A cappella group
Wikipedia - Privatdozent -- academic title at European universities
Wikipedia - Private island -- Island owned by a single private citizen or corporation
Wikipedia - Privileges and Immunities Clause -- Prevents a state from treating citizens of other states in a discriminatory manner
Wikipedia - Professor Zeno (Paul L Hague) -- American aeronaut and stuntman
Wikipedia - Progressive Citizens' Party -- Political party in Liechtenstein
Wikipedia - Prosper Anton Josef von Sinzendorf -- Austrian nobleman and courtier
Wikipedia - Protea witzenbergiana -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Public Citizen
Wikipedia - Puerto Rican Volunteers Corps -- Militia composed of private citizens, principally instituted for the defense of Puerto Rico's periphery
Wikipedia - Pyridazine -- Organic compound based on the benzene ring, containing two nitrogen atoms in the ring
Wikipedia - Quantum Zeno effect
Wikipedia - Quasi-Zenith Satellite System -- Navigation satellites
Wikipedia - Raed El Khazen -- Lebanese musician (born 1973)
Wikipedia - Raisa Reyzen -- Russian actress
Wikipedia - Ralf Metzenmacher -- German artist, designer and painter
Wikipedia - Red Mango -- American frozen yogurt and smoothie brand
Wikipedia - Refusenik -- Soviet citizens denied permission to emigrate
Wikipedia - Reichstag Fire Decree -- 1933 decree in Nazi Germany that abolished key civil liberties for citizens
Wikipedia - Reinhard Reitzenstein -- Canadian artist
Wikipedia - Reinier Cornelis Bakhuizen van den Brink (born 1881) -- Dutch botanist
Wikipedia - Renato Zenobi -- Swiss chemist
Wikipedia - Replay (Zendaya song) -- 2013 single by Zendaya
Wikipedia - Representative democracy -- Democracy where citizens elect a small set of people to represent them in decision making
Wikipedia - Republicans Abroad -- 1978-2013 US Republican Party organization for US citizens abroad
Wikipedia - Republicans Overseas -- US Republican Party organization for US citizens abroad
Wikipedia - Republic of Heinzenland -- Former country
Wikipedia - Republic (Zeno)
Wikipedia - Responsible Citizen -- 2019 Burmese film
Wikipedia - Return of a Citizen -- 1986 film
Wikipedia - Ribes contumazensis -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Richard August Reitzenstein -- German classical philologist and historian of religion (1861-1931)
Wikipedia - Richard E. Berendzen -- American astronomer
Wikipedia - Richard H. Cruzen -- United States Navy officer and Antarctic explorer
Wikipedia - Richard Lindzen -- American atmospheric physicist
Wikipedia - Rifka Lodeizen -- Dutch actress
Wikipedia - Rifqa Bary controversy -- Sri Lankan United States Citizen author
Wikipedia - Rikuzen-Akai Station -- Railway station in Higashimatsushima, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Rikuzen-Akasaki Station -- Railway station in M-EM-^Lfunato, Iwate Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Rikuzen-Hamada Station -- Railway station in Rifu, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Rikuzen-Haranomachi Station -- Railway station in Sendai, Japan
Wikipedia - Rikuzen-Hashikami Station -- Former railway station in Kesennuma, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Rikuzen-Inai Station -- Railway station in Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Rikuzen-Koizumi Station -- Former railway station in Kesennuma, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Rikuzen-M-EM-^Ltsuka Station -- Railway station in Higashimatsushima, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Rikuzen-Minato Station -- Former railway station in Minamisanriku, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Rikuzen-Ochiai Station -- Railway station in Sendai, Japan
Wikipedia - Rikuzen-Ono Station -- Railway station in Higashimatsushima, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Rikuzen Province -- Former province of Japan
Wikipedia - Rikuzen-SannM-EM-^M Station -- Railway station in TagajM-EM-^M, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Rikuzen-Shirasawa Station -- Railway station in Sendai, Japan
Wikipedia - Rikuzen-Takasago Station -- Railway station in Sendai, Japan
Wikipedia - Rikuzen-Takata Station -- Former railway station in Rikuzentakata, Iwate Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Rikuzen-Togura Station -- Former railway station in Minamisanriku, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Rikuzen-Tomiyama Station -- Railway station in Matsushima, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Rikuzen-Toyosato Station -- Railway station in Tome, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Rikuzen-Yachi Station -- Railway station in Misato, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Rikuzen-Yahagi Station -- Former railway station in Rikuzentakata, Iwate Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Rikuzen-Yamashita Station -- Railway station in Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Rikuzen-Yokoyama Station -- Former railway station in Tome, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Rima Rozen
Wikipedia - Rinzai school -- Sect of Japanese Zen Buddhism
Wikipedia - Ritzen Group, Inc. v. Jackson Masonry, LLC -- 2019 United States Supreme Court opinion
Wikipedia - RM-CM-)zentieres -- Commune in Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France
Wikipedia - Roar Arntzen -- Norwegian engineer
Wikipedia - Robert Baker Aitken -- Zen teacher, political activist
Wikipedia - Robert Hazen -- Research scientist at George Mason University
Wikipedia - Robert Huizenga -- American physician
Wikipedia - Robert Korzeniowski -- Polish racewalker
Wikipedia - Robert Manzenreiter -- Austrian luger
Wikipedia - Robert Metzenberg -- American geneticist
Wikipedia - Robert Otzen -- German infrastructure engineer
Wikipedia - Robert Zend
Wikipedia - Robin Zeng -- Chinese entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Rochester Zen Center
Wikipedia - Rock glacier -- Landform of angular rock debris frozen in interstitial ice, former "true" glaciers overlain by a layer of talus, or something in between
Wikipedia - Rogozen Treasure -- Thracian hoard
Wikipedia - Roland Weitzenbock -- Austrian mathematician
Wikipedia - Roman citizenship -- Citizenship in ancient Rome
Wikipedia - Roman citizen
Wikipedia - Roman Zentsov -- Russian mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Rosalind Wulzen -- American physiologist
Wikipedia - Rozen Maiden -- Japanese manga and its adaptations
Wikipedia - Rule of law -- Political situation where every citizen is subject to the law
Wikipedia - Ruslan Mezentsev -- Ukrainian gymnast
Wikipedia - Ruzena Bajcsy -- American computer scientist
Wikipedia - Ryzen -- AMD brand for microprocessors
Wikipedia - SABAP2 -- Citizen science project
Wikipedia - SaigM-EM-^M Station -- Railway station in Unzen, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Saint-Georges-de-Luzencon -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Saizenay -- Commune in Bourgogne-Franche-ComtM-CM-), France
Wikipedia - Salah Al Bandar -- British citizen of Sudanese origin
Wikipedia - Salvadorans -- Citizens or residents of El Salvador
Wikipedia - Samuel W. Getzen -- American lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - Samue -- Work clothing of Japanese Zen Buddhist monks
Wikipedia - Samu (Zen) -- Physical work done with mindfulness
Wikipedia - San Francisco Zen Center -- network of affiliated SM-EM-^MtM-EM-^M Zen practice centers
Wikipedia - Sanmon -- Zen Buddhist temple gate
Wikipedia - San Zeno Altarpiece (Mantegna) -- Triptych by painter Andrea Mantegna
Wikipedia - Sardar Muhammad Aslam Bizenjo -- Pakistani politician
Wikipedia - Schwarzenau Brethren
Wikipedia - Schwarzenburg railway station -- Swiss railway station
Wikipedia - Sea ice -- Ice formed from frozen seawater
Wikipedia - Sebastian Munzenmaier -- German politician
Wikipedia - Sec-Butylbenzene {{DISPLAYTITLE:''sec''-Butylbenzene -- Sec-Butylbenzene {{DISPLAYTITLE:''sec''-Butylbenzene
Wikipedia - Second-class citizen -- Individual within a group of people that are systematically being discriminated against within a state
Wikipedia - Seiryoku Zen'yo Kokumin Taiiku no Kata -- Martial arts forms/techniques
Wikipedia - Semifreddo -- Italian semi-frozen dessert
Wikipedia - Senior Citizens Partylist -- Political party in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Senior Citizens Party -- Former political party in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Senior citizen
Wikipedia - Serbians -- Citizens or residents of Serbia
Wikipedia - Serge Aleksandr Zenkovsky
Wikipedia - Sergey Glazenap -- Russian astronomer
Wikipedia - Sex and Zen III -- 1998 film by Aman Chang
Wikipedia - Sex and Zen II -- 1996 film by Chin Man-kei
Wikipedia - Sex and Zen -- 1991 film by Michael Mak
Wikipedia - Shaker Aamer -- Saudi citizen
Wikipedia - Sharp Edge Flight Experiment -- Program of the Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft- und Raumfahrt
Wikipedia - Sheko and Mezenger People's Democratic Unity Organization -- Political party in Ethiopia
Wikipedia - Shenandoah 1862 -- 2008 book by Peter Cozzens
Wikipedia - Shepherds Find Zenobia on the Banks of the Araxes -- Painting by William-Adolphe Bouguereau
Wikipedia - Shin-Suizenji Station -- Railway station in Kumamoto, Japan
Wikipedia - Shirley Dubinsky -- American citizen
Wikipedia - Shizen'en-mae Station -- Railway station in GujM-EM-^M, Gifu Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Shizuka Gozen -- Japanese noble
Wikipedia - ShunryM-EM-+ Suzuki -- Japanese Buddhist monk who popularized Zen in the US
Wikipedia - Shuzenji Onsen -- Thermal spring system in Japan
Wikipedia - Shuzenji Station -- Railway station in Izu, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Shuzen Tanigawa -- Japanese politician
Wikipedia - Silvia Zenari -- Italian botanist
Wikipedia - Silvia Zennaro -- Italian sailor
Wikipedia - Simon Katzenstein -- German politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Siobhan Leachman -- New Zealand citizen scientist
Wikipedia - SM-CM-)bastien Cazenove -- French politician
Wikipedia - SM-EM-^Mgo Station -- Railway station in Bizen, Okayama Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - SM-EM-^Msuke Aizen -- Fictional character created by Tite Kubo
Wikipedia - SM-EM-^MtM-EM-^M -- Sect of Japanese Zen Buddhism
Wikipedia - SM-EM-^Mzenji Station -- Railway station in Osaka, Japan
Wikipedia - Social Security number -- Nine-digit number issued to U.S. citizens and permanent residents
Wikipedia - Socket AM4 -- CPU socket for AMD processors with Zen and Excavator architectures
Wikipedia - Sofiya Zenchenko -- Ukrainian weightlifter
Wikipedia - Sonja Manzenreiter -- Austrian luger
Wikipedia - Sonoma Mountain Zen Center
Wikipedia - Sorbet -- frozen dessert
Wikipedia - Soto Zen Buddhist Association
Wikipedia - Soto Zen
Wikipedia - South Africans in the United Kingdom -- Citizens and residents of the United Kingdom with origins in South Africa
Wikipedia - Southern African Bird Atlas Project -- Citizen science project
Wikipedia - Sovereign citizen movement -- Anti-government, anti-taxation protesters
Wikipedia - Sozenji Baba -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Spaniards -- People native to any part of Spain or that hold Spanish citizenship
Wikipedia - Spatial citizenship
Wikipedia - SpoleM-DM-^Mnost s ruM-DM-^Menim omezenM-CM-=m -- Czech Republic legal structure for a private limited liability company
Wikipedia - SpoloM-DM-^MnosM-EM-% s ruM-DM-^Menim obmedzenM-CM-=m -- Type of business entity in Slovakia
Wikipedia - Sportzentrum Kapfenberg -- indoor sporting arena
Wikipedia - SSA impersonation scam -- A type of scam targeting citizens of the United States
Wikipedia - Stanislaw Bohusz-Siestrzencewicz (painter) -- Polish painter
Wikipedia - Stanislaw Bohusz Siestrzencewicz -- 18th and 19th-century Belarusian archbishop
Wikipedia - Star Citizen -- multiplayer space game
Wikipedia - Star of Cozzene -- American Thoroughbred racehorse
Wikipedia - Statelessness -- Status of a person who is not a citizen/national of any country except for any state that is referenced below.
Wikipedia - Stateside Puerto Ricans -- Ethnic group and nationality and citizens of Puerto Rico in the US
Wikipedia - Steffen Lauritzen
Wikipedia - Stephen Chazen -- American businessman
Wikipedia - St Francis Xavier Church, Enkhuizen -- Roman Catholic church in Enkhuizen, Netherlands
Wikipedia - Stian Sivertzen -- Norwegian snowboarder
Wikipedia - StM-CM-)phanie Mbanzendore -- Feminist activist from Burundi
Wikipedia - Stouffer's -- Brand of frozen prepared foods
Wikipedia - Strangers into Citizens -- 2007-2010 British political advocacy campaign
Wikipedia - Stuart E. Eizenstat -- American diplomat and attorney
Wikipedia - Stuart Zender -- British bass guitarist
Wikipedia - Studien zu Fundmunzen der Antike -- Series of monographs published on Germany
Wikipedia - Sture Arntzen -- Norwegian trade unionist
Wikipedia - Suizenji Station -- Railway station in Kumamoto, Japan
Wikipedia - Super Citizen Ko -- 1995 film
Wikipedia - Suzanne Mertzizen -- French espionage agent
Wikipedia - Sverre Mauritzen -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Swiss Uruguayans -- Uruguayan citizens of Swiss ancestry
Wikipedia - Syed Ghulam Nabi Fai -- American citizen of Kashmiri origin
Wikipedia - Sylvio de Rezende -- Brazilian equestrian
Wikipedia - Szentendre Artists' Colony -- Hungarian art school
Wikipedia - Szentendre
Wikipedia - Szigetszentmiklos -- city in Hungary
Wikipedia - Tachiarai Station -- Railway station in Chikuzen, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Tadeusz DolM-DM-^Yga-Mostowicz -- Polish writer and journalist, author of over a dozen popular novels
Wikipedia - Tadeusz Janczenko -- Polish decathlete
Wikipedia - Tahir Bizenjo -- Pakistani politician
Wikipedia - Taira Station -- Railway station in Unzen, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - TaishM-EM-^M Station (Nagasaki) -- Railway station in Unzen, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Takata Station (Fukuoka) -- Railway station in Chikuzen, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Takefu Station -- Railway station in Echizen, Fukui Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Takekoma Station -- Former railway station in Rikuzentakata, Iwate Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Tama Zenshoen Sanatorium
Wikipedia - Tanja Szewczenko -- German figure skater and actress
Wikipedia - Tan Tjin Kie -- Bureaucrat and Majoor-titulair der Chinezen of Cirebon
Wikipedia - Tassajara Zen Mountain Center
Wikipedia - Tatars in Azerbaijan -- Azerbaijani citizens and people of Tatar origin
Wikipedia - Taurus Zentrum -- International Shopping Mall in Trivandrum, Kerala
Wikipedia - Tell Zenoub -- Archaeological site in Lebanon
Wikipedia - Template talk:Zen Buddhism
Wikipedia - Template talk:Zen-stub
Wikipedia - Template talk:Zen
Wikipedia - Tenrec v. USCIS -- 2016 class action lawsuit against United States Citizenship and Immigration Services
Wikipedia - Tert-Butylbenzene {{DISPLAYTITLE:''tert''-Butylbenzene -- Tert-Butylbenzene {{DISPLAYTITLE:''tert''-Butylbenzene
Wikipedia - Texas Citizens for Science
Wikipedia - Thai Citizen Party -- Political party in Thailand
Wikipedia - Thea Knutzen -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - The Bee (magazine) -- Magazine started by Oliver Goldsmith, in which some of his best essays appeared, and his 'Citizen of the World'
Wikipedia - The Book of Urizen
Wikipedia - The Brazen Beauty -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - The Brazen Serpent (Leonardo) -- C. 1635 painting by Jusepe Leonardo
Wikipedia - The Dirty Dozen (album) -- 2009 album by George Thorogood
Wikipedia - The Dirty Dozen -- Film by Robert Aldrich
Wikipedia - The Discomfort Zone -- Book by Jonathan Franzen
Wikipedia - The Distinguished Citizen -- 2016 film
Wikipedia - The First Book of Urizen
Wikipedia - The Frozen Child -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - The Frozen Ground -- 2013 American thriller film by Scott Walker
Wikipedia - The Frozen North -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - The Frozen Policeman -- 1908 film by Georges MM-CM-)lies
Wikipedia - The Joy of Science -- Popular video lectures by Robert Hazen
Wikipedia - The Katzenjammer Kids -- 1897-2006 American comic strip
Wikipedia - Theodora Kantakouzene
Wikipedia - Theodor Creizenach -- German poet
Wikipedia - Theodore Lenzen -- American architect
Wikipedia - The Party to Protect Citizens from NHK -- Political party in Japan
Wikipedia - The Prisoner of Zenda (1922 film) -- 1922 film directed by Rex Ingram
Wikipedia - The Prisoner of Zenda (1937 film) -- 1937 film by John Cromwell
Wikipedia - The Prisoner of Zenda -- 1894 novel by Anthony Hope
Wikipedia - The Red Meadows -- 1945 film by Bodil Ipsen, Lau Lauritzen
Wikipedia - The Republic (Zeno)
Wikipedia - Theresa Raizenberg -- South African LGBT activist
Wikipedia - Therese Zenz -- West German canoeist
Wikipedia - The Tao of Zen
Wikipedia - The Way of Zen
Wikipedia - The Zen Diaries of Garry Shandling -- 2018 documentary film by Judd Apatow
Wikipedia - The Zenith Passage -- American band
Wikipedia - The Zen of CSS Design -- Book by Dave Shea
Wikipedia - Thomas Wizenmann
Wikipedia - Thomas Zentall
Wikipedia - Three Regentesses and the Binnenmoeder of the Leprozenhuis of Amsterdam -- 1624 painting by Werner van den Valckert
Wikipedia - Three Regentesses of the Leprozenhuis of Amsterdam -- Group portrait by Ferdinand Bol
Wikipedia - Timeline of United States inventions (1946-1991) -- Inventions by native-born or naturalized citizens of the U.S. dating from 1946-1991
Wikipedia - Time of Fear -- 2009 film directed by SM-CM-)rgio Rezende
Wikipedia - Titus Ollius -- early 1st century AD Roman citizen, father of Poppaea Sabina
Wikipedia - Tizen
Wikipedia - Toga -- Draped mantle of Roman citizens
Wikipedia - Tomoe Gozen -- Female samurai
Wikipedia - Tony Ezenna -- Nigerian businessman
Wikipedia - Torkil Lauritzen -- Danish actor
Wikipedia - To the Polls, Citizens -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - To the Shores of Hell -- 1966 film by Will Zens
Wikipedia - Totino's -- Frozen pizza product brand
Wikipedia - Transfiguration Church, Szentendre
Wikipedia - Traveller Supplement 4: Citizens of the Imperium -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Treasure of Nagyszentmiklos -- Twenty-three early medieval gold vessels found in what is now Romania
Wikipedia - Trevor Ferrell -- American citizen
Wikipedia - Trinidad and Tobago citizenship -- Citizenship law of Trinidad and Tobago
Wikipedia - Trucker's Woman -- 1975 action / trucker / exploitation film by Will Zens
Wikipedia - Tulin M-CM-^Vzen -- Turkish actress
Wikipedia - Tunes (confectionery) -- brand of throat lozenge
Wikipedia - Turma da Monica: Lacos (film) -- 2019 film directed by Daniel Rezende
Wikipedia - Turnus Herdonius -- 6th century BC leading citizen and statesman of Aricia in Latium
Wikipedia - Tzena, Tzena, Tzena -- Song in Hebrew
Wikipedia - Tzeni Karezi -- Greek actress
Wikipedia - Uelzen (district) -- District in Lower Saxony, Germany
Wikipedia - Uelzen station -- Railway station in Germany
Wikipedia - Uelzen
Wikipedia - UFC on ESPN: Ngannou vs. Rozenstruik -- UFC mixed martial arts cancelled event in 2020
Wikipedia - UFC on ESPN: Overeem vs. Rozenstruik -- UFC mixed martial arts event in 2019
Wikipedia - UK Climate Assembly -- Citizen's assembly to issue recommendations on how the country should reach net-zero emissions by 2050
Wikipedia - Ulitsa Sergeya Eyzenshteyna -- Moscow Monorail station
Wikipedia - Ulrich Jasper Seetzen
Wikipedia - Underwater ice hockey -- A variant of ice hockey played upside-down underneath frozen pools or ponds on breath-hold
Wikipedia - Union of Democrats for Citizenship and Development -- Political party in Sao TomM-CM-) and Principe
Wikipedia - Unique citizenship number -- Numbers assigned to each Bulgarian citizen
Wikipedia - Unique Master Citizen Number -- Unique identification number for citizens of some former Yugoslav republics
Wikipedia - United States Citizenship and Immigration Services
Wikipedia - United States Militia -- National military force of citizens used in emergencies
Wikipedia - Universal health care -- System that grants access to healthcare to all residents or citizens of a country or region.
Wikipedia - Universal suffrage -- Political concept, the right to vote to all adult citizens
Wikipedia - Unoshima Station -- Railway station in Buzen, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Unzen Onsen -- Thermal springs
Wikipedia - Unzent -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Urizen
Wikipedia - Urta Rozenstruik -- Dutch sprinter and bobsledder
Wikipedia - USNS Howard O. Lorenzen (T-AGM-25) -- Missile range instrumentation ship of the United States Navy
Wikipedia - USS Zenith (SP-61) -- Armed motorboat in the United States Navy
Wikipedia - Utsunomiya Blitzen -- Japanese cycling team
Wikipedia - Utzenstorf railway station -- Swiss railway station
Wikipedia - Uzen-Chitose Station -- Railway station in Yamagata, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Uzen-Kanezawa Station -- Railway station in Nakayama, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Uzen-Komatsu Station -- Railway station in Kawanishi, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Uzen-Matsuoka Station -- Railway station in Oguni, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Uzen-M-EM-^Lyama Station -- Railway station in Tsuruoka, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Uzen-Mizusawa Station -- Railway station in Tsuruoka, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Uzen-Nagasaki Station -- Railway station in Nakayama, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Uzen-Nakayama Station -- Railway station in Kaminoyama, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Uzen-Narita Station -- Railway station in Nagai, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Uzen-Numazawa Station -- Railway station in Oguni, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Uzen Province -- Former province of Japan
Wikipedia - Uzen-Takamatsu Station -- Railway station in Sagae, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Uzen-Toyosato Station -- Railway station in Sakegawa, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Uzen-Tsubaki Station -- Railway station in Iide, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Uzen-Yamabe Station -- Railway station in Yamanobe, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Uzen-Zennami Station -- Railway station in ShinjM-EM-^M, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Valeria Zenkova -- Russian ice dancer
Wikipedia - Vandzene Manor -- Manor house in Latvia
Wikipedia - Vendetta (Dibdin novel) -- 1990 Aurelio Zen crime novel by Michael Dibdin
Wikipedia - Vernonia goetzenii -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Vezzena -- Italian cheese
Wikipedia - Victor Garcia Garzena -- Chilean lawyer
Wikipedia - Victor Lenzen
Wikipedia - Vieu-d'Izenave -- Commune in Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France
Wikipedia - Viktoria Borzenkova -- Russian pair skater
Wikipedia - Vilma RudzenskaitM-DM-^W -- Lithuanian orienteering competitor
Wikipedia - Vinzenz Hock -- Austrian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Vinzenz Hortnagl -- Austrian weightlifter
Wikipedia - Vinzenz Lups -- German snowboarder
Wikipedia - Vinzenz Schweighofer -- Austrian sports shooter
Wikipedia - Visa policy of Afghanistan -- Policy which denotes whether a citizen of a country requires a visa to enter Afghanistan
Wikipedia - Visa requirements for Chinese citizens -- Visa requirements
Wikipedia - Visa requirements for South African citizens -- Entry restrictions by the authorities of other states placed on citizens of South Africa
Wikipedia - VMB4 -- Citizens' band radio repeater in New South Wales, Australia
Wikipedia - Volha Khudzenka -- Belarusian canoeist
Wikipedia - Volmer Otzen -- Danish diver
Wikipedia - Vuzenica -- Locality and municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Wakinosawa Station -- Former railway station in Rikuzentakata, Iwate Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Waldbach (Gurzenicher Bach) -- River in Duren, Germany
Wikipedia - Walid Khazen -- Lebanese diplomat
Wikipedia - Walzenhausen
Wikipedia - Warfhuizen
Wikipedia - Wayne Huizenga -- American businessman
Wikipedia - Weitzenbock identity -- Relates 2 second-order elliptic operators on a manifold with the same principal symbol
Wikipedia - Weizenbaum Award
Wikipedia - Wenche Elizabeth Arntzen -- Norwegian lawyer and judge
Wikipedia - Wen Zengxian -- Chinese politician
Wikipedia - Westdeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale v Islington LBC -- English legal case
Wikipedia - Weston High School shooting -- 2006 school shooting in Cazenovia, Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Who Is to Blame? -- Novel by Alexander Herzen
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Citizendium Porting -- Wikimedia subject-area collaboration
Wikipedia - Wilhelm Creizenach -- 19th/20th-century German historian
Wikipedia - Wilhelm Etzenberger -- Austrian weightlifter
Wikipedia - Wilhelm Zenger -- German figure skater
Wikipedia - Will Cozens -- British radio presenter and DJ
Wikipedia - Willem Coertzen -- South African track and field athlete
Wikipedia - Willem van de Sande Bakhuyzen -- Dutch film director
Wikipedia - Willi Mnzenberg
Wikipedia - Willi Munzenberg -- German politician
Wikipedia - Windlust, Achthuizen -- Dutch windmill
Wikipedia - Wintzenheim -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Winzenhohler Bach -- River in Germany
Wikipedia - WITC (FM) -- Radio station in Cazenovia, New York
Wikipedia - Wolfgantzen -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Wolfram Lorenzen -- German pianist
Wikipedia - World Citizen (EP) -- 2003 EP by David Sylvian, Ryuichi Sakamoto
Wikipedia - World Federalist Movement -- Global citizens movement
Wikipedia - Xaver Schwarzenberger -- Austrian cinematographer
Wikipedia - Xia Zengyou -- Chinese historian
Wikipedia - Yakau Zenko -- Belarusian figure skater
Wikipedia - Yamaguma Station -- Railway station in Chikuzen, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Yangjae Citizens' Forest -- Park in Seoul, South Korea
Wikipedia - Yaseinn Taher -- US Citizen of Yemini descent found guilty of supporting and participating in terrorist activities
Wikipedia - Yengus Azenaw -- Ethiopian female para athlete
Wikipedia - Yizenia Aldama -- Cuban team handball goalkeeper
Wikipedia - YM-EM-+zen -- Japanese dyeing technique for textiles
Wikipedia - Yogurtland -- American chain of frozen yogurt restaurants
Wikipedia - Yoshinaga Station -- Railway station in Bizen, Okayama Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Yunoo Station -- Railway station in Minamiechizen, Fukui Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Yves Zenou -- French-Swedish economist
Wikipedia - Zacarias Moussaoui -- French citizen and convicted criminal associated with the September 11 attacks; Al-Qaeda operative
Wikipedia - Zazen gi
Wikipedia - Zazenkai
Wikipedia - Zazen shin
Wikipedia - Zazen -- Meditative discipline in Zen Buddhism
Wikipedia - Zeki Ergezen -- Turkish politician
Wikipedia - Zen (2009 film)
Wikipedia - Zen 2 -- 2019 AMD 7-nanometre processor microarchitecture
Wikipedia - Zen 3 -- 2020 AMD 7-nanometre processor microarchitecture
Wikipedia - Zena Abbott -- New Zealand weaver and teacher
Wikipedia - Zenab Issa Oki SoumaM-CM-/ne -- Chadian aviator
Wikipedia - Zena Brody -- American editor
Wikipedia - Zena Cardman -- US astronaut candidate
Wikipedia - Zena Dare -- English actress, singer
Wikipedia - Zena Daysh -- New Zealand human ecologist
Wikipedia - Zenaida Alexandrovna Minkwitz -- Russian botanist (1878-1918)
Wikipedia - Zenaida and Philonella
Wikipedia - Zenaida doves -- Genus of birds
Wikipedia - Zenaida dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Zenaida Monsada -- Filipino chemist and cabinet member
Wikipedia - Zenaida Moya -- Belizean mayor
Wikipedia - Zenaida Yanowsky -- Spanish ballet dancer
Wikipedia - Zenaide Maia -- Brazilian politician
Wikipedia - Zena Kamash -- Archaeologist
Wikipedia - Zena Keefe -- American actress
Wikipedia - Zena Marshall -- British actress
Wikipedia - Zen and Sutras
Wikipedia - Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance -- book by Robert M. Pirsig
Wikipedia - Zenas Coffin -- American shipowner and whale oil merchant
Wikipedia - Zenas H. Gurley Sr. -- Leader in the Latter Day Saint movement
Wikipedia - Zenas King -- American bridge builder
Wikipedia - Zena Stein -- South African epidemiologist
Wikipedia - Zenas the Lawyer
Wikipedia - Zenas Work Bliss -- American politician
Wikipedia - Zena Tooze -- Canadian conservationist
Wikipedia - Zen at War
Wikipedia - Zena Werb -- German-born cell biologist
Wikipedia - Zen Buddhism
Wikipedia - Zenbu Kimi no Sei da. -- Japanese idol girl group
Wikipedia - Zen Center of Los Angeles
Wikipedia - Zen Centre -- Buddhist temple in London
Wikipedia - Zen Chong -- Malaysian actor
Wikipedia - Zen Cho -- Malaysian fantasy author
Wikipedia - Zenda (horse) -- British Thoroughbred racehorse
Wikipedia - Zendaya -- American actress and singer
Wikipedia - Zend Certified Engineer
Wikipedia - Zendegi -- 2010 novel by Greg Egan
Wikipedia - Zend Engine License
Wikipedia - Zend Engine
Wikipedia - Zenderman -- Television series
Wikipedia - Zendesk -- American customer service software company
Wikipedia - Zend Framework
Wikipedia - Zendian Problem
Wikipedia - Zendikar
Wikipedia - ZendM-EM-^Mji Station -- Railway station in Kurume, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Zend Opcache
Wikipedia - Zendo
Wikipedia - Zend Server
Wikipedia - Zend Studio
Wikipedia - Zend Technologies
Wikipedia - Zend
Wikipedia - Zene Baker -- American film editor
Wikipedia - Zeneca -- British multinational pharmaceutical company
Wikipedia - Zenefits -- American human resources company
Wikipedia - Zenel Bastari
Wikipedia - Zenel Beka Mill -- Cultural heritage monument of Kosovo
Wikipedia - Zener cards
Wikipedia - Zener diode
Wikipedia - Zen (first generation microarchitecture) -- 2017 AMD 14-nanometre processor microarchitecture
Wikipedia - Zeng Baosun
Wikipedia - Zeng Bing -- Chinese engineer
Wikipedia - Zengcheng Square station -- Guangzhou Metro station
Wikipedia - Zeng Chengwei
Wikipedia - Zeng Chongsheng -- Chinese chess player
Wikipedia - Zengcius
Wikipedia - Zenger {{DISPLAYTITLE:''Zenger'' -- Zenger {{DISPLAYTITLE:''Zenger''
Wikipedia - Zen Gesner -- American actor
Wikipedia - Zeng Fanyi -- Chinese geneticist
Wikipedia - Zeng Guang -- Chinese epidemiologist at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Wikipedia - Zeng Guofan -- Chinese politician, military commander and scholar of the Qing dynasty period
Wikipedia - Zeng Guoqiang -- Chinese weightlifter
Wikipedia - Zeng Guoyuan -- Singaporean businessman
Wikipedia - Zengid dynasty -- Oghuz Turk dynasty 1127-1250, founded by Imad ad-Din Zengi
Wikipedia - Zeng Keni -- Chinese singer and actress
Wikipedia - Zeng Liansong -- Chinese economist who designed the flag of the People's Republic of China
Wikipedia - Zengo Station -- Railway station in Toyoake, Aichi Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Zengpiyan -- Cave and archaeological site in China
Wikipedia - Zeng Qi -- Chinese politician
Wikipedia - Zeng Rongsheng -- Chinese geophysicist
Wikipedia - Zeng Rong -- Chinese biochemist
Wikipedia - Zeng Shen
Wikipedia - Zeng
Wikipedia - Zeng Xiaoye -- Chinese snowboarder
Wikipedia - Zeng Yi (virologist) -- Chinese virologist
Wikipedia - Zeng Yi -- Chinese singer
Wikipedia - ZengyM-EM-^M Station -- Railway station in Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Zeng Zhaoyu -- Chinese archaeologist
Wikipedia - Zengzi
Wikipedia - Zenia Kotval -- Professor of Urban Planning
Wikipedia - Zenibako Station -- Railway station in Otaru, Hokkaido, Japan
Wikipedia - Zenica-Doboj Canton -- Canton of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Wikipedia - Zenicomus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - ZeniMax Media -- American media company
Wikipedia - ZeniMax v. Oculus
Wikipedia - Zen in the United States
Wikipedia - Zenit (camera) -- Soviet camera company
Wikipedia - Zenith Bank -- Nigerian commercial financial services company
Wikipedia - Zenith Carburettor Company (British) -- British carburetor maker
Wikipedia - Zenith Classic Rock -- Radio station in Waterford, Ireland
Wikipedia - Zenith (comics)
Wikipedia - Zenith Data Systems -- Computer hardware company founded by Zenith Electronics in 1979
Wikipedia - Zenith Electronics -- American electronics company
Wikipedia - Zenith Gallery -- art gallery in Washington, DC, US
Wikipedia - Zenith Glacier -- Glacier in Antarctica
Wikipedia - Zenithicola -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Zenith Jones Brown -- American writer
Wikipedia - Zenith of Iron Age Shetland -- Tentative World Heritage site in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Zenith Parsing Engine -- scripting language
Wikipedia - Zenith -- Imaginary point directly above a particular location, on the imaginary celestial sphere
Wikipedia - Zenitism -- Yugoslavian avant-garde art movement,
Wikipedia - Zenit News Agency
Wikipedia - Zenit (rocket family) -- Soviet (now Ukrainian) RP-1/LOX fueled rocket, for satellite launch
Wikipedia - Zenit (Saint Petersburg Metro) -- Saint Petersburg Metro station
Wikipedia - Zenit (satellite) -- Series of Soviet spy satellites
Wikipedia - Zenity -- Free software that allows the execution of GTK dialog boxes in command-line and shell scripts
Wikipedia - Zenjino Station -- Railway station in Inuyama, Aichi Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Zenjiro Kaneko -- Japanese politician
Wikipedia - Zenjiro Watanabe -- Japanese figure skater
Wikipedia - Zen Judaism: For You a Little Enlightenment -- Book by David M. Bader
Wikipedia - Zenkei Shibayama
Wikipedia - ZenkM-EM-^Mjishita Station -- Railway station in Nagano, Nagano Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - ZenkM-EM-^Mji Station -- Railway station in KM-EM-^Mfu, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Zenkyoto -- Japanese student organization active in the 1960s
Wikipedia - Zen lineage charts
Wikipedia - Zen Master
Wikipedia - Zen master
Wikipedia - ZenM-CM-)y van der Walt -- South African athlete
Wikipedia - Zen meditation
Wikipedia - Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind
Wikipedia - Zen Mountain Monastery -- Zen Buddhist monastery and training center in Mount Tremper, New York
Wikipedia - Zenna Henderson -- 20th-century American writer
Wikipedia - Zen Narratives
Wikipedia - Zenneth A. Pond -- American flying ace
Wikipedia - Zennor Quoit -- Dolmen in the Cornwall region, England
Wikipedia - Zenn (river) -- River in Germany
Wikipedia - Zenoa picea -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Zenobia Camprubi -- Spanish writer of Catalan and Puerto Rican descent
Wikipedia - Zenobia e Radamisto -- Opera by composer Giovanni Legrenzi
Wikipedia - Zenobia (film) -- 1939 film by Gordon Douglas
Wikipedia - Zenobia of Armenia -- 1st century AD Iberian princess and Queen of Armenia
Wikipedia - Zenobia -- Third century queen of the Palmyrene Empire in Syria
Wikipedia - Zenobius of Florence
Wikipedia - Zenobius
Wikipedia - Zenochloris -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Zeno de Beauge
Wikipedia - Zenodochium xylophagum -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zenodorus (mathematician)
Wikipedia - Zenodosus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Zenodotus (philosopher)
Wikipedia - Zenodotus (Stoic)
Wikipedia - Zenodo
Wikipedia - Zeno (emperor) -- Eastern Roman emperor from 474 to 475 and from 476 to 491
Wikipedia - Zen of Python
Wikipedia - Zeno machine
Wikipedia - Zenonas Ivinskis -- Lithuanian historian
Wikipedia - Zenonas JukneviM-DM-^Mius -- Lithuanian politician
Wikipedia - Zenonas Petras Adomaitis -- Lithuanian politician
Wikipedia - Zenon Grocholewski
Wikipedia - Zenon Klemensiewicz -- Polish linguist
Wikipedia - Zenon Kohut -- Historian specializing in Early Modern Ukrainian History (b. 1944)
Wikipedia - Zenon Mallysko -- Polish modern pentathlete
Wikipedia - Zenon Mazurkevich -- Ukrainian-American architect
Wikipedia - Zenon PiM-DM-^Etkowski -- Polish sports shooter
Wikipedia - Zenon Plech -- Polish speedway rider
Wikipedia - Zenon Przesmycki
Wikipedia - Zenon Pylyshyn
Wikipedia - Zenon WaM-EM- -- Polish pole vaulter
Wikipedia - Zenon Waraszkiewicz -- Polish mathematician
Wikipedia - Zeno of Citium -- Ancient Greek philosopher, founder of Stoicism
Wikipedia - Zeno of Elea -- Ancient Greek philosopher best known for his paradoxes
Wikipedia - Zeno of Sidon
Wikipedia - Zeno of Tarsus
Wikipedia - Zeno of Verona
Wikipedia - Zenophassus -- Genus of moths
Wikipedia - Zeno Proca -- Romanian chess player
Wikipedia - Zen organisation and institutions
Wikipedia - Zeno's Conscience
Wikipedia - Zenos Frudakis -- American artist
Wikipedia - Zeno's Paradoxes
Wikipedia - Zeno's paradoxes -- Set of philosophical problems
Wikipedia - Zeno's paradox
Wikipedia - Zeno the Hermit
Wikipedia - Zeno Vendler
Wikipedia - Zen Peacemakers
Wikipedia - ZenQuest Martial Arts Center -- Martial arts training organization in Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Zen ranks and hierarchy
Wikipedia - Zenreach -- American software company
Wikipedia - Zenryaku Milk House -- Japanese manga series
Wikipedia - ZenryM-EM-^M Shimabukuro -- Okinawan karateka
Wikipedia - Zen scriptures
Wikipedia - ZenshM-EM-^Mji Station -- Railway station in Gero, Gifu Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Zen Shorts
Wikipedia - ZenskM-CM-= Klub CeskM-CM-= -- Women's Organization
Wikipedia - Zen Station -- Railway station in Maebashi, Gunma Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Zen Studies Society
Wikipedia - Zenta Gastl-Kopp -- German hurdler
Wikipedia - Zenta MauriM-EM-^Fa -- Latvian writer
Wikipedia - Zentaro Kamei -- Japanese politician
Wikipedia - Zentatsu Richard Baker
Wikipedia - Zentbach -- River in Germany
Wikipedia - Zentour -- Czech pop rock band
Wikipedia - Zentralbibliothek Zrich
Wikipedia - Zentralblatt MATH -- Abstracting and reviewing service for pure and applied mathematics
Wikipedia - Zentropy Partners -- Internet services company
Wikipedia - Zentrygon -- Genus of birds
Wikipedia - ZentsM-EM-+ji Station -- Railway station in ZentsM-EM-+ji, Kagawa Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Zenvo TS1 GT -- Grand touring sports car manufactured by Danish automobile manufacturer Zenvo
Wikipedia - Zenwalk
Wikipedia - Zen+ -- 2018 AMD 12-nanometre processor microarchitecture
Wikipedia - Zen -- School of Mahayana Buddhism
Wikipedia - Zeny & Zory -- Puerto Rican musicians
Wikipedia - Zeny Zabala -- Filipino actress
Wikipedia - ZenzM-EM-^M Kasai -- Japanese novelist
Wikipedia - Zeynep Heyzen Ates -- Turkish translator
Wikipedia - Zinzendorf
Wikipedia - Zlydzens -- Hazardous creatures in Belarusian mythology
Wikipedia - Zone to Defend -- French sites occupied by citizens to resist development projects
Wikipedia - Zooniverse (citizen science project)
Wikipedia - Zsuzsa Szentmiklossy -- Hungarian figure skater
Wikipedia - Zug Schutzengel railway station -- Swiss railway station
Wikipedia - Zuiderzee Museum -- Museum in Enkhuizen, Netherlands
Wikipedia - Zurab Adeishvili -- Union of Citizens of Georgia politician
Wikipedia - Zuzu Angel (film) -- 2006 film directed by SM-CM-)rgio Rezende
Wikipedia - Zwickau-Schwarzenberg railway -- Main line railway in the German state of Saxony
Wikipedia - Zygmunt Szendzielarz -- Officer, cursed soldier, Polish partisan
John Ratzenberger ::: Born: April 6, 1947; Occupation: Actor;
Arnold Schwarzenegger ::: Born: July 30, 1947; Occupation: Former Governor of California;
Niklas Zennstrom ::: Born: February 16, 1966; Occupation: Entrepreneur;
John Peter Zenger ::: Born: October 26, 1697; Died: July 28, 1746; Occupation: Journalist;
Jeffrey Katzenberg ::: Born: December 21, 1950; Occupation: Businessman;
Hans Magnus Enzensberger ::: Born: November 11, 1929; Occupation: Author;
Nicolaus Zinzendorf ::: Born: May 26, 1700; Died: May 9, 1760;
Taizan Maezumi ::: Born: February 24, 1931; Died: May 15, 1995; Occupation: Zen master;
James Gould Cozzens ::: Born: August 19, 1903; Died: August 9, 1978; Occupation: Novelist;
Zeno of Citium ::: Born: 334 BC; Died: 262 BC;
Richard Lindzen ::: Born: February 8, 1940; Occupation: Physicist;
Zendaya ::: Born: September 1, 1996; Occupation: Actress;
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi ::: Born: September 29, 1934; Occupation: Professor;
Patrick Schwarzenegger ::: Born: September 18, 1993; Occupation: Model;
Doutzen Kroes ::: Born: January 23, 1985; Occupation: Model;
Gerald Vizenor ::: Born: 1934; Occupation: Writer;
Zeno of Elea ::: Born: 490 BC; Died: 430 BC; Occupation: Philosopher;
Shinzen Young ::: Born: 1944;
Louann Brizendine ::: Born: 1952; Occupation: Author;
Meles Zenawi ::: Born: May 8, 1955; Died: August 20, 2012; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of Ethiopia;
Zenkei Shibayama ::: Born: November 30, 1894; Died: August 29, 1974;
Michael Merzenich ::: Born: 1942; Occupation: Professor;
Jentezen Franklin ::: Born: July 21, 1962; Occupation: Pastor;
Jonathan Franzen ::: Born: August 17, 1959; Occupation: Novelist;
Jan Chozen Bays ::: Born: 1945;
Jack Wyrtzen ::: Born: April 22, 1913; Died: April 17, 1996;
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi ::: Born: September 16, 1893; Died: October 22, 1986; Occupation: Physiologist;
Abel Korzeniowski ::: Born: July 18, 1972; Occupation: Film composer;
Katherine Schwarzenegger ::: Born: December 13, 1989; Occupation: Author;
Alexander Herzen ::: Born: April 6, 1812; Died: January 21, 1870; Occupation: Writer;
Otto Skorzeny ::: Born: June 12, 1908; Died: July 5, 1975; Occupation: Military Officer;
Brian Dietzen ::: Born: November 14, 1977; Occupation: Actor;
Eric Dezenhall ::: Born: September 9, 1962;
Goodreads author - William_Stolzenburg
Goodreads author - Neyzen_Tevfik
Goodreads author - Shinzen_Young
Goodreads author - Molly_Wizenberg
Goodreads author - Robert_M_Hazen
Goodreads author - Gerald_Vizenor
Goodreads author - Karen_Maezen_Miller
Goodreads author - Zena_Wynn
Goodreads author - Laurens_van_den_Muyzenberg
Goodreads author - Citizen_One
Goodreads author - Selbsthilfezentrum_M_nchen
Goodreads author - Michele_Cozzens
Goodreads author - Betty_Jo_Lorenzen
Goodreads author - Carlo_Zen
Goodreads author - Kathrin_Zenkina
Goodreads author - Hans_Magnus_Enzensberger
Goodreads author - Zenna_Henderson
Goodreads author - David_Zinczenko
Goodreads author - Jonathan_Franzen
Goodreads author - Jon_Zens
Goodreads author - Oliver_C_S_Tzeng
Goodreads author - Mihaly_Csikszentmihalyi
Goodreads author - Zenobia_Renquist
Goodreads author - John_Katzenbach
Goodreads author - Czikszentmihalyi_Mihalyi
Goodreads author - Zen_RS
Goodreads author - Nan_Bentzen_Skille
Goodreads author - Menno_Schilthuizen
Goodreads author - Suzen_Millodot
Goodreads author - Alf_Ozen
Goodreads author - Alexi_Zentner
Goodreads author - Mollie_Katzen
Goodreads author - Louann_Brizendine
Goodreads author - Stephen_Aizenstat
Goodreads author - Zen_Cho
Goodreads author - Raemy_Bazenguissa_Ganga
Goodreads author - Henry_Wilmarth_Hazzen
Goodreads author - Peter_Cozzens
Goodreads author - Joseph_Weizenbaum
Goodreads author - Zena_Alkayat
Goodreads author - Jentezen_Franklin
Goodreads author - Sergio_Atzeni
Goodreads author - Jochen_Zenth_fer
Goodreads author - Steve_Brezenoff
Goodreads author - S_B_Roozenboom
Goodreads author - H_U_E_Thoden_Van_Velzen
Goodreads author - Michael_A_Arnzen
Goodreads author - Leila_Zenderland
Goodreads author - Raeden_Zen
Goodreads author - Sjosjana_Esther_Roozendaal
Goodreads author - Michelle_Hazen
Goodreads author - Arnold_Schwarzenegger
Goodreads author - Stephen_Kozeniewski
Goodreads author - Tara_Janzen
Goodreads author - Zeno_of_Citium
Goodreads author - Jeff_Zentner
Goodreads author - Dalton_Jantzen,_Zen_garden's_paradox
Integral World - Die Dekonstruktion des Welthandelszentrums, Teil I
Integral World - Die Dekonstruktion des Welthandelszentrums, Teil II
Integral World - Die Dekonstruktion des Welthandelszentrums, Teil II
Integral World - "Into the Sun" - A Fundraising CD for the Zen Group of Western Australia, Mark Edwards
Integral World - Empty Zen: 24 Koans, David Lane
Integral World - The Sword of Zen, Meditation/Brain Training for Functional Combat Cognition, Barclay Powers
Integral World - The Heresy of Ken Wilber, Zen Master Taisen Saito
The Fourth Turning: Integral Zen Meditations
Everything Is Workable: Zen and the Art of Conflict Resolution
Integral Zen
Irritation as a Spiritual Path: The Zen of You and Me
Lead With Purpose
The Zen Leader: From Coping to Transforming
How Zen Can Provide Leadership in a Post-Truth Trump World
Zen Leadership and Putting the Happy in Happy New Year
The Zen Leader
Trump, Hamilton, and the Zen Leader Walk Into a Bar…
selforum - gabriel monod herzen rita felski and
dedroidify.blogspot - zen-best-of-alan-watts
dedroidify.blogspot - zen-is-boring
dedroidify.blogspot - we-are-change-confronts-schwarzenegger
dedroidify.blogspot - broken-koans-and-other-zen-debris
dedroidify.blogspot - d-t-suzuki-manual-of-zen-buddhism
dedroidify.blogspot - zen-motivational-poster
dedroidify.blogspot - zen-wallpapers-from-michael-skaggs
dedroidify.blogspot - phil-jackson-zen-master
dedroidify.blogspot - zen-monk-banter
wiki.auroville - Citizen_One
wiki.auroville - Citizens'_Assembly
Dharmapedia - Citizen's_Justice_Committee
Dharmapedia - Zen
Psychology Wiki - Category:Zen_useful
Psychology Wiki - Citizen
Psychology Wiki - Citizenship
Psychology Wiki - Mihaly_Csikszentmihalyi
Psychology Wiki - User:Mostly_Zen
Psychology Wiki - User_talk:Mostly_Zen
Psychology Wiki - Zazen
Psychology Wiki - Zen
Psychology Wiki - Zen_Buddhism
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - citizenship
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - japanese-zen
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - paradox-zeno
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - zeno-elea
Occultopedia - zendavesta
Occultopedia - zen
Occultopedia - zenner_cards,_2019,_Dachau,_Konzentrationslager,_Besuch_Himmlers.jpg,_the_Future_Buddha,_India,_2nd-3rd_century_AD,_schist_-_Chazen_Museum_of_Art_-_DSC01615.JPG
Futurama (1999 - 2013) - A comedy from the creators of "The Simpsons". A pizza delivery boy named Fry accidentally gets cryogenically frozen and awakens in the year 3000. He adapts to life in the 31st century and works for his great-great x20 nephew's intergalactic delivery company.
Robotech (1985 - 1988) -  In the year 1999 an alien spacecraft crash lands on Macross Island in the south pacific. The people of earth band together to rebuild the ship. They name it The Super Dimension Fortress: Macross (SDF-1) On the day the ship is to take its maden flight, an alien race known as the Zentradi appear. T...
Solid Gold (1980 - 1988) - First appearing before music videos had become commonplace, this show featured the week's top hits in pop music. Guest performers would occasionally appear on the show to play their songs. But the show is most widely know for the infamous Solid Gold Dancers, a dozen or so dancers, in leotard-type ou...
Silver fang (1988 - 1988) - Silver Fang is the tale of a young bearhunting-dog who lives in the wilderness of northern Japan. He was born silver striped and therefor destinated to become a bearhunting-dog and to protect the citizens from hostile bears.
The Silver Surfer (1998 - 1999) - The story of Norrin Radd, a simple citizen of the alien planet Zenn-La, who sacrifices his own independent life (and his love Shala Bal), to save his world from the Devourer of Worlds, Galactus. In return, Norrin Radd agrees to become Galactus' herald, seeking out worlds for Galactus to consume and...
Yvon of the Yukon (1999 - 2005) - Yvon Ducharme is a simple boob of an explorer, booted from France in the 17th century and accidentally frozen in the Arctic ice for 300 years. When a hip Inuit teenager named Tommy takes his sled dog Mutt for a walk, the pooch lifts his leg on Yvon and lets the defrosted Frenchman loose on the town...
Little Lulu (1945 - 1950) - Little Lulu first appeared on the pages of the Saturday Evening Post in 1935. Over 2 dozen of her cartoon shorts were colored and released on videos in the 1980s. The copyrights for Little Lulu were never renewed, and have since become public domain.
Victor, Der Schutzengel (1991 - 1992) -
Zenki (1995 - Current) - One thousand years ago there lived the powerful sorcerer, OZ-NAY. OZ-NAY protected the world from evil forces with the help of his powerful guardian deity ZENKI. Fearful that no one other than himself could control the mighty ZENKI, Oz-Nay sealed ZENKI in a stone monument within the walls of the fam...
Kirby: Right Back at Ya! (2001 - 2003) - Thousands of years ago a being known as Nightmare appeared and formed a company called NightMare Enterprises (N.M.E.) which began the takeover of many planets in the galaxy. One day, a knight named Kirby crashes in the village of Pupupu Village(Cappy Town in the dub)and the citizens are surprised to...
Little Britain (2003 - Current) - A look at "every day" life of the citizens of Britain.
Mayberry R.F.D. (1968 - 1971) - The continuing adventures of the denizens of Mayberry. Spun-off from the Andy Griffith Show.
Robotech: Macross Frontier (2008 - 2008) - In a futuristic universe, humanity waged war against a race of giants known as Zentradi. Facing extinction at hands of their foes, humanity escaped to the stars. In 2059 A.D., the 25th Giant Immigration fleet, also known as the Macross Frontier, undergoes its journey towards the center of the galaxy...
Avenger Penguins (1993 - 1994) - The story revolves around three bike riding Penguins that inhabit Big City, uniting to protect it and its citizens from the evil Caractacus P. Doom, an insane and reclusive criminal scientist. The Penguins attempt to prevent Doom's schemes but find themselves often hampered by their own miscommunica...
Somali and the Forest Spirit (2019 - Current) - ( Somari to Mori no Kamisama) is a Japanese fantasy manga series by Yako Gureishi. It has been serialized online since April 2015 via Tokuma Shoten's online manga magazine Web Comic Zenyon. It has been collected in five tankbon volumes. An anime television series adaptation by Satelight is...
The Apprentice (U.S. TV Series) (2004 - 2017) - The American reality competition series was hosted by Donald Trump for Seasons 1-6 & 10, and the all-star celebrity edition for seasons 7-9 & seasons 11-14. And Arnold Schwarzenegger hosted Season 15 of the All-Star Celebrity Apprentice.
The Captain and the Kids (MGM) (1938 - 1939) - In 1938, the comic strip The Captain and the Kids (Rudolph Dirks' parallel version of his own strip The Katzenjammer Kids) was adapted by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, becoming the studio's first self-produced series of theatrical cartoon short subjects, directed by William Hanna, Bob Allen, and Friz Freleng...
Panyo Panyo Di Gi Charat (2002 - 2004) - is the prequel to the popular anime series Di Gi Charat. It features Princess Dejiko and Puchiko as young children home at planet Di Gi Charat. The two and their friends Meek and Rinna set off to bring happiness to the citizens of planet Di Gi Charat, while Piyoko and Deji Devil try to stop them. Pl...
Hotch Potch House (1996 - 2002) - a 1996 BBC television series aimed at preschool children. It starred Richard Coombs as Raggs, Francis Wright (Art Attack) as Shelley and Rebecca Nagan (Rosie and Jim) as Woolie. It was directed by Vivienne Cozens and shot at Grip House Studios. The stated aim was to "have the puppets teach children...
Shake It Up (2010 - 2013) - This American sitcom follows the adventures of CeCe Jones (Bella Thorne) and Rocky Blue (Zendaya) as they star as background dancers on a local show in Chicago.
Hyouka (2012 - 2013) - literally "frozen dessert" is a 2001 Japanese mystery novel written by Honobu Yonezawa. It is the first volume of the Classic Literature Club (
Seitokai Yakuindomo (2010 - 2017) - "Student Council Staff Members") is a shnen four-panel comic strip manga series written and illustrated by Tozen Ujiie. The series began serialization in the June 2007 issue of Kodansha's Magazine Special and ran in that magazine until the July 2008 issue, where it was thereafter transferred to Kod...
Rozen maiden (2004 - 2013) - In the 20th century, a legendary doll maker named Rozen created seven bisque dolls which were powered and given sentience with a gem called Rosa Mystica.Phase 2 Since then, Rozen sent the dolls away to find masters and to battle among themselves to gather each other's Rosa Mysticas; this competition...
Guze), a parallel universe to the human world. The Crimson Realm is populated by Crimson Denizens (
Wonder Showzen (2005 - 2006) - Wonder Showzen is an American sketch comedy television series that aired between 2005 and 2006 on MTV2. The show's format is that of educational PBS children's television shows such as Sesame Street and The Electric Company (e.g. use of stock footage, puppetry, and clips of children being interviewe...
What a Country (1986 - 1987) - A 1980s syndicated sitcom about an English teacher (Garrett M.Brown) teaching a group of foreigners, to help them pass their citizenship exam. Yakov Smirnoff, Gail Strickland, and Don Knotts co-starred.
Breadwinners (2014 - 2016) - Two anthropomorphic, flightless ducks named SwaySway (Robbie Daymond) and Buhdeuce (Eric Bauza), who are best friends, fly around the water-based planet Pondgea in a rocket-powered van delivering bread to the citizens. SwaySway, tall, thin and green, is the leader of the duo, and although he does no...
Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood (2012 - Current) - The animated spin-off of Mister Roger's Neighborhood follows the tales of Daniel Tiger and his friends who are children to the citizens of the neighborhood of Make Believe.
Robin Hood(1973) - With King Richard off to the Crusades, Prince John and his slithering minion, Sir Hiss, set about taxing Nottingham's citizens with support from the corrupt sheriff - and staunch opposition by the wily Robin Hood and his band of merry men.
The Thing(1982) - An American research team in an Antarctica outpost discovers an alien shape shifting creature in the frozen ice. It soon starts to absorb and kill the members of the team. The problem is the team doesn
Independence Day(1996) - Finally, the question "are we alone in the universe" has been answered. People react with fear, wonder, and excitement while dozens of fifteen mile long ships silently take up positions over cities across the globe. When MIT graduate turned satallite repair man David Levinson discovers a hidden si...
Twilight Zone: The Movie(1983) - A big screen adaptation of the science fiction TV show that features 4 stories:In one a redneck bigot, learns what it's like to be the people he hates; a group of old people in a senior citizens home turn into little kids, after play a game of "Kick the can" to experience being young again; A boy wi...
Starship Troopers(1997) - The time is the future. Johnny Rico joins the military after graduation to become a citizen and for the love of his high school sweetheart. In the war against the bug aliens of Klendathu, the military is a very dangerous place to be. Johnny works his way through several battles and with the help of...
Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me(1999) - Austin Powers fashion photographer, denizen of Swingin' London, international espionage agent, and bane of dental hygienists everywhere returns in his second screen adventure. Powers (once again played by Mike Myers), a 1960s superspy stranded in the 1990s, discovers that his nemesis, criminal g...
Kindergarten Cop(1990) - LAPD Detective John Kimble (Arnold Schwarzenegger) is on the trail of drug lord Cullen Crisp (Richard Tyson). In order to convict Crisp, the police need the testimony of his ex-wife (Penelope Ann Miller). They track her to an elementary school in Oregon, and when John's partner falls ill, he is fo...
Jingle All the Way(1996) - The true meaning of Christmas desperate last-minute shopping is the subject of this holiday-themed comedy. Howard Langston (Arnold Schwarzenegger) is a mattress salesman with a bad habit of putting his work ahead of his family. His son Jamie (Jake Lloyd), who wishes Dad would pay more attention to...
Encino Man(1992) - Two losers find a frozen caveman after they an earthquake in Encino California. The reason the frozen cube man came out of the ground was because of the pool they were digging. At first scared, the caveman does not like his surroundings but soon enjoys everything the 90's has to offer at this point...
Alien 3(1992) - After Lt. Ripley destroys the Alien Queen on LV-426, while she and her crew are in hypersleep, there are eggs on board which contain facehuggers that attack the crew while they are in hypersleep. The spaceship Sulaco malfunctions and launches an escape pod with the frozen bodies inside, and the pod...
The Running Man(1987) - In the near future, everything is controlled by the government, including television. The most popular show, The Running Man, is hosted by Killian, a ruthless host. Sentenced to a bogus prison term, Benjamin (Arnold Schwarzenegger) is forced to "run" for his life from the sadistic "heroes" of the sh...
Demonic Toys(1992) - An early, derivative effort from Charles Band's incredibly prolific direct-to-video outfit Full Moon Productions, this is an undercooked stew of a dozen horror plots, particularly Child's Play and Night of the Living Dead. A tough lady-cop (Tracy Scoggins) is forced to curtail her task of collaring...
Red Dawn(1984) - A film depicting the invasion of the United States from the north and south by Soviet forces from Cuba and Russia in the beginning of WWIII and the efforts of partisans from a small mid-western town to turn back the invasion. This film is one of the basis of the beliefs of the citizens militias and...
Camp Cucamonga(1990) - A summer camp with different enthic backgrounds.Marvin Shector (John Ratzenberger) is in charge of the summer camp.A camp inspector is coming to check the camp requirements.Marvin is trying to keep things running. Counselor Roger Burke (Brian Robbins) is paying special attention to Ava (Jennifer Ani...
Born in East L.A.(1987) - Rudy is an American of Mexican descent who is caught up in an immigration raid on a factory. Deported to Mexico as an illegal immigrant, he has no way of proving that he is in fact an American citizen, and is forced to rely on his cunning to sneak his way bac
Red Sonja(1985) - She was played by Brigitte Nielsen in the 1985 film Red Sonja, which also starred Arnold Schwarzenegger as Kalidor (a Conan clone). The film was directed by Richard Fleischer. It performed poorly at the bo
Volcano(1997) - Disaster visits jaded L.A. in the form of an underground volcano, not the big earthquake all the citizens expect. Shot on the largest set ever constructed in the U.S., in nearby Torrance, California, Volcano is a big-budget, special-effects-laden disaster movie with a standard plot. Tommy Lee Jones...
Eraser(1996) - Top-notch action sequences and exciting stunt work highlight this fast-moving thriller. John Kruger (Arnold Schwarzenegger) is a top agent in the U.S. Marshalls' Witness Protection Program; it's his job to "erase" the pasts of Federal witnesses under his watch and deal with anyone who tries to hurt...
Earthquake(1974) - A catastrophic earthquake hits the city of Los Angeles,and the citizens struggle to survive.Starring Charlton Heston,Ava Gardner,George Kennedy,Lorne Greene,Genevieve Bujold,and Victoria Principal.
Jack Frost 2(2000) - Snowmen just don't get more abominable than the frozen serial killer in this tongue-in-cheek sequel to the cult horror hit Jack Frost. Sam (Christopher Allport) is still a bit spooked after his encounter with Jack Frost (Matt Falletta), a bloodthirsty snowman posessed by the spirit of a mass murdere...
Just Cause(1995) - The novel by John Katzenbach becomes this legal thriller starring Sean Connery as Harvard Law School professor Paul Armstrong. A legal expert whose days of trying cases are long behind him, Armstrong is moved by a plea he receives from a Florida death row inmate, Bobby Earl (Blair Underwood). It see...
Flying Down To Rio(1933) - The Yankee Clippers get an engagement in Rio de Janeiro, after they are fired from a Miami hotel because band leader Roger Bond has flirted with Brazilian guest Belinha de Rezende. Roger gets Belinha to accompany him to Rio in his private plane. En route, the two land on a moonlit beach for repairs...
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Movie(1998) - Bill Kowalchuk produced and directed this animated interpretation of the familiar Christmas fable about the eccentric reindeer, highlighted by nine musical numbers. Following the song's basic outline, dad Blitzen is embarrassed by the antics of cute yet offbeat Rudolph who has a glowing nose, gets d...
Frozen(2013) - Anna sets off on an epic journeyteaming up with rugged mountain man Kristoff and his loyal reindeer Svento find her sister Elsa, whose icy powers have trapped the kingdom of Arendelle in eternal winter. Encountering Everest-like conditions, mystical trolls and a hilarious snowman named Olaf, Anna...
Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century(1999) - Zenon Car is a trouble-prone 13-year-old girl who, in the year 2049 AD, lives on a space station with the rest of her family. When she runs afoul of Parker Windom, the owner of the station, Zenon is determined to be "incorrigible", and as punishment is exiled to the worst place imaginable: The plane...
The Great Bear Scare(1984) - In this animated fun-fest, a pack of ghosts, goblins and other scary critters invades the ursine village of Bearbank. With most of the citizens understandably spooked, Ted E. Bear and his good friend Patti Bear step forward to take on the unwelcome guests, though Patti is forced to come to Ted's res...
The Gates Of Hell(1981) - Father William Thomas commits suicide (by hanging himself) and has released the Gates of Hell in a small unsuspecting town named Dunwich. Zombies rise from the grave with supernatural power killing off the citizens one by one. Psychic Mary Woodhouse and reporter Peter Bell find out about the case an...
The Car(1977) - A small town in Utah is terrorized by black sedan that appears to have a no driver behind the wheel. It starts running over random citizens of the small town and the locals try to stop killings, lead by Captain Wade Parent. As more people are kill Wade becomes more determined to find who or what is...
The Return of Tommy Tricker(1994) - Welcome to the world of stamps with Tommy Tricker and friends as they learn the magic of travelling through time and space for the mere price of the postage. Though of course, nothing is as easy as it seems as they soon learn when they try to rescue Charles Merriweather, a stamp traveller frozen in...
Canadain Bacon(1995) - In order to gain popularity. the US president starts a fake war with Canada. However, Bud Boomer and his friends are convinced that it is an active war andf feel it's their duty as Canadian border citizens to eliminate the threat. Meanwhile, R.J. Hacker has plans of his own to start a real war again...
No Contest(1995) - In this action-packed martial arts outing, a crazed criminal (Andrew Dice Clay) abducts the finalists and the hostess (Shannon Tweed) from the Miss Galaxy Beauty Contest in hopes of receiving a huge fortune in diamonds. During the abduction, the crook and his gang ruthlessly massacre a dozen innocen...
Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol(1987) - In the third sequel to the hit comedy Police Academy, Commandant Lassard (George Gaynes) decides that the police force is overworked and understaffed, and he comes up with the idea of recruiting civilian volunteers to work side-by-side with his officers. Of course, with the hapless Carey Mahoney (St...
Held Up(1999) - In this fish-out-of-water comedy, Jamie Foxx plays a man named Michael Dawson, though he's confused for both Puff Daddy and Mike Tyson by the citizenry of the podunk southwest town that serves as the setting for Held Up. Road-tripping Michael and Rae (Nia Long) stop in for gas in Michael's new vinta...
Dish Dogs(2000) - Fast-talking, fast-thinking, fast-living oh to be a career dishwasher, without a care in the world other than getting the grime and grease off other peoples' dinner plates. Morgan (Sean Astin) and Jason (Matthew Lillard) have found the Zen in their chosen profession as itinerant dishwashers, scru...
Junior(1994) - Ultimate manly man Arnold Schwarzenegger learns what it's like to be an expectant mother in director Ivan Reitman's high-concept comedy. Schwarzenegger plays Dr. Hess, a medical researcher working on a revolutionary drug to help mothers carry endangered infants to term. When government regulations p...
Never Too Young To Die(1986) - High school gymast Lance Hargrove (John Stamos) teams up with beautiful spy Danja Deerling (Vanity) to go after the villainous Van Ragnar (Gene Simmons), a villain with a penchant for cross-dressing. Von Ragner murdered Lance's father Drew (George Lazenby), so it's time for an all-out fight.
Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger (1977) - The third and final film in the Ray Harryhausen Sinbad trilogy sees our hero played by Patrick Wayne as he journeys to Hyperborea to restore Prince Kassim (who was changed to a Baboon by his stepmother Queen Zenobia) to human form and encountering more monsters good and evil on the way.
Silent Night, Bloody Night (1974) - The citizens of a small New England town are trying to sell a mansion. The mansion has a dark mysterious part the leadership of the town wish to keep hidden but when man inheritance the mansion to begins to unravel the mystery but an escape maniac makes things more difficult as he picks off members...
Laserblast(1978) - Billy Duncan is a angry and lonely kid in a small town dealing with bullies and the towns citizens everyday. He feels that they all mistreat him and he hates the town even more it. While relaxing in the desert an alien ship leaves behind a powerful laser weapon. Billy finds it and starts to use it a...
Beware! The Blob(1972) - A technician returns home from the North Pole but he brings home a piece of unknown frozen substance home it turns out to be a piece of the monstrous mass know as the Blob from the original film. The Blob is accidentally left out and thaws eating the technicians kitten, wife and eventually the techn...
Citizen Ruth(1996) - Ruth Stoops is pretty much down on her luck. She's living on the streets, loves to huff anything to get her high (from spray paint to model glue), and finds herself getting arrested for the umpteenth time. What's even worse is that she's pregnant again (she has and had lost 4 kids already) and the j...
Cold Turkey(1971) - The citizens of a small Iowa town drive themselves crazy by trying to quit smoking, for a month, in order to collect a cash prize of $ 25,000,000.
The Rock(1996) - Alcatraz was once a prison, but then it became a tourist attraction. Now, a group of Marines gone bad have based themselves there to prepare an attack on the citizens of San Francisco. It's up to a chemical weapons expert named Dr. Stanley Goodspeed (Nicolas Cage) and John Patrick Mason (Sean Conner...
Young Giants(1983) - "A heartwarming story of two stubborn priests, the world's greatest soccer player, and a dozen determined orphans who band together to save their home from being condemned by the local city planners
Red Heat(1988) - A deadly russian crimal escapes from russia and goes to america and schwarzenegger who is teamed up with james belushi track down the criminal.Tagline: Moscow's toughest detective. Chicago's craziest cop. There's only one thing worse than making them mad. Making the
North Shore Fish(1997) - For most of its existence, a tightly-knit Massachusetts community has earned its living and gained its identity from the fish industry. Indeed, the North Shore frozen fish company is the town's primary source of income. Sal Matilla (Tony Danza) is the plant foreman. With the help of his lifelong gir...
Light Sleeper(1992) - Paul Schrader's brilliant study of another alienated urban denizen skirting the borderline of madness stars Willem Dafoe as John Le Tour, a rich, upscale drug dealer for Manhattan professionals "White drugs for white people," as he puts it. John is a recovering addict and for him it's the perfect...
The Velocity of Gary(1998) - Dan Ireland directed this romantic comedy-drama (adapted by James Still from his own play) about a romantic triangle. Doughnut shop waitress Mary Carmen (Salma Hayek) is the girlfriend of bisexual porn star Valentino (Vincent D'Onofrio), but she's frozen out after Valentino gets a look at Midwestern...
The Mean Season(1985) - THE MEAN SEASON, based on a novel by John Katzenbach, tells the riveting story of disgruntled Miami newspaper reporter Malcolm Anderson (Kurt Russell), who decides to quit the news game after tiring of writing about murder. But before he leaves, he finds himself in the middle of the biggest story of...
Every Home Should Have One(1970) - An advertising man(Marty Feldman)tries to use sexy images to sell a type of frozen porridge.
The Crew(2000) - Four senior citizen mobsters(Burt Reynolds,Richard Dreyfus,Dan Hedaya,and Seymour Cassel)band together to keep their retirement condo from being sold.
Hostages(1992) - HBO film based on the true story of a group of American,English,and Irish citizens held hostage by brutal terrorist.The film stars Kathy Bates and features an appearance by a young Colin Firth.
Captain Nemo & The Underwater City(1969)(1969) - Set in the 1870's..survivors of a shipwreck..are saved by the demented creator of "The Natilus".."Captain Nemo"(Robert Ryan)..who makes them newly appointed citizens of his underwater domain"Templemir"..some of the survivors accept the situation..but US Senator"Robert Fraiser"(Chuck Connors),"Mr.Lom...
Miss Congeniality(2000) - FBI agent Gracie Hart is neither graceful nor ladylike but she is a smart & capable at her work. When faced with disciplinary action for a bungled operation, Gracie is recruited to go undercover for an assignment to take down a terrorist coined "The Citizen" whose next target is the Miss United Stat...
Now You See Me(2013) - A team of talented illusionists called "The Four Horsemen" are investigated by a resolute FBI agent following a series of brazen heists that leave their audiences swimming in cash while draining the bungling bank accounts of unscrupulous business leaders. Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine, and Melanie L...
The Amateurs(2005) - Citizens of a small town, under the influence of a man in the midst of a mid-life crisis, come together to make an adult film.
Citizen Cohn(1992) - As lawyer and power broker Roy Cohn lies dying of AIDS in a private hospital room, ghosts from his past visit him as he reflects on his life and loves.
The Black Gestapo(1975) - General Ahmed has started an inner-city People's Army to try and relieve the misery of the citizens of Watts. When the locals are put under increasing pressure by Mafia thugs, Ahmed's second-in-command Colonel Kojah asks for permission to start a protection squad to take more direct action. Ahmed fe...
Finian's Rainbow(1968) - An Irish immigrant and his daughter move into a town in the American South with a magical piece of gold that will change people's lives, including a struggling farmer and African American citizens threatened by a bigoted politician.
The Dirty Dozen: The Fatal Mission(1988) - A team of renegade soldiers in World War II tries to stop the creation of the Fourth Reich in the Middle East.
Going In Style(1979) - Three retired senior citizens(George Burns,Art Carney,and Lee Strasberg)decide to spice up their boring lives by robbing a bank.
Citizen Toxie: The Toxic Avenger IV(2000) - The Toxic Avenger must defend his friends from his own evil alternate universe doppelganger The Noxious Offender.
Impulse(1985) - The natural disaster of an earthquake leads to the personal disasters that come from a small town's citizens acting on their own impulses (hence the title). If these images are scary, imagine what your own impulses could lead to.
Fame(1980) - At the New York City High School for the Performing Arts, students get specialized training that often leads to success as actors, singers, etc. This movie follows six students from the time when they audition to get into the school, through graduation. They are the brazen Coco Hernandez, shy Doris...
Curse of Bigfoot(1978) - A group of Biology students receive a visitor telling his horrifying encounter with a Bigfoot. Twenty years earlier a group of students find a accent mummified body while on a archeological dig. The corpse rises again killing local citizens and now its up the teacher and his students to defeat the...
The Monster That Challenged the World(1957) - After a earthquake unleashes of prehistoric eggs. They hatch releasing giant mollusks that attack the citizens of a California town as the Navy and scientists try to stop th
Spirits Of The Dead(1968) - Three directors each adapt a Poe short story to the screen: "Toby Dammit" features a disheveled drugged and drunk English movie star who nods acceptance in the Italian press and his producers fawn over him. "Metzengerstein" features a Mediveal countess who has a love-hate relationship with a black s...
The Frozen Ghost(1945) - A stage mentalist involved in a mysterious death and a discredited plastic surgeon are among the assorted characters involved in mysterious goings-on in an eerie wax museum.
The Being(1983) - Toxic waste dumping in a small Idaho town turns a young boy into a horrible mutant monster. The town's police chief and a government scientist team up to stop the monster, which is quickly killing off the town's citizenry.
The Music Man(1962) - Meredith Wilson's hit 1957 Broadway musical was transferred to the screen in larger-than-life fashion in 1962. Robert Preston repeats his legendary stage performance as fast-talking con man Harold Hill, who goes from town to town selling citizens on starting a "boy's band," then extracts money from...
Horror Express(1972) - An English anthropologist has discovered a frozen monster in the frozen wastes of Manchuria which he believes may be the Missing Link. He brings the creature back to Europe aboard a trans-Siberian express, but during the trip the monster thaws out and starts to butcher the passengers one by one.
Citizen Kane(1941) - Citizen Kane is a 1941 American drama film directed, co-written, produced by, and starring Orson Welles. The picture was Welles's first feature film. The film was nominated for Academy Awards in nine categories; it won an Academy Award for Best Writing (Original Screenplay) by Herman Mankiewicz and...
Freddy vs. Jason(2003) - A cross-over between the Friday the 13th and A Nightmare on Elm Street film series. In the film, Freddy has grown incapable of haunting people's dreams, as the citizens of fictional Springwood, Ohio have mostly forgotten about Freddy with the passage of time. In order to regain his power, Freddy res...
Law Abiding Citizen(2009) - A frustrated man decides to take justice into his own hands after a plea bargain sets one of his family's killers free. He targets not only the killer but also the district attorney and others involved in the deal.
An Inconvenient Truth(2006) - An Inconvenient Truth is a 2006 documentary film directed by Davis Guggenheim about former United States Vice President Al Gore's campaign to educate citizens about global warming via a comprehensive slide show that, by his own estimate made in the film, he has given more than a thousan
Frozen River(2008) - After her husband takes off in their family vehicle for an unknown destination, Ray Eddy attempts to survive alone, raising two sons, Richard and James, and works part-time at Yankee Dollar, near Saint Lawrence River near Quebec and New York State. One day she witnesses a Mohawk woman driving their...
Terminal City Ricochet(1990) - Welcome to Terminal City, a decaying world where the citizens wallow amidst a mind-boggling profusion of discarded consumer goods; a ruthless world where television is exploited to its fullest to sell yet more needless junk to eager consumers; a bewildering land where the unreal is real and the real...
The Dirty Dozen(1967) - A US Army Major is assigned a dozen convicted murderers to train and lead them into a mass assassination mission of German officers in World War II.
Standing In The Shadows Of Motown(2002) - Documentary about the Funk Brothers, a group of Detroit musicians who backed up dozens of Motown artists.
Ed Gein(2000) - The story of Ed Gein, who dug up the corpses of over a dozen women and made things out of their remains before finally shooting two people to death and butchering their bodies like beef sides.
Cheaper By The Dozen 2(2005) - In the past two years, things have changed for the Baker family. Lorraine wishes to live in New York as she studies in college and Nora, their oldest daughter is now married to Bud McNaulty, who wants them to move to Houston after Bud's new job promotion. Feeling the family is starting to break apar...
Cheaper by the Dozen(2003) - Cheaper by the Dozen is the life story of Kate Baker and her large family. Her husband Tom is a college football coach and they have twelve children, with eleven living at home. After Tom receives a job offer from an old friend, the family move to Evanston, Illinois much to the protest of the younge...
The Big White(2005) - To remedy his financial problems, a travel agent has his eye on a frozen corpse, which just happens to be sought after by two hitmen.
The Dirty Dozen: Next Mission(1985) - Major Reisman is "Volunteered" to lead another mission using convicted army soldiers, sentenced to either death or long prison terms. This time their mission is to kill a Nazi general who plans to assassinate Hitler.
The Mist(2007) - A freak storm unleashes a species of bloodthirsty creatures on a small town, where a small band of citizens hole up in a supermarket and fight for their lives.
Something's Gotta Give(2003) - A swinger on the cusp of being a senior citizen with a taste for young women falls in love with an accomplished woman closer to his age.
RKO 281(1999) - Based in part on PBS/WGBH's The American Experience special "The Battle Over Citizen Kane".
Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2(2018) - Video game bad guy Ralph and fellow misfit Vanellope von Schweetz must risk it all by traveling to the World Wide Web in search of a replacement part to save Vanellope's video game, "Sugar Rush." In way over their heads, Ralph and Vanellope rely on the citizens of the internet -- the netizens -- to...
The High Commissioner(1968) - An Australian outback police detective is sent on a special assignment to the UK, to return an Australian citizen accused of murder. Only this is not an ordinary man, he is a UN high commissioner for peace talks taking place in London.
Big Trouble (2002)(2002) - The lives of several Miami denizens, from ad agents to gunrunners to street thugs to law enforcement to school-children, intersect with humorous and dangerous results.
Apocalypto(2006) - The Mayan kingdom is at the height of its opulence and power but the foundations of the empire are beginning to crumble. The leaders believe they must build more temples and sacrifice more people or their crops and citizens will die. Jaguar Paw (Rudy Youngblood), a peaceful hunter in a remote tribe,...
Ghost Warrior(1984) - A deep-frozen 400-year-old samurai is shipped to Los Angeles, where he comes back to life. Dazed and confused, he goes on a rampage. Can the female scientist and her colleague who revived him stop him before it's too late?
The Oath(2018) - Ike Barinholtz makes his directorial debut as well as playing a starring role in this black comedy film that shows how even the greatest of division will still not be enough to drive a family apart. In the near future, American citizens are asked, though not required, to sign a legal document sweari...
Zombie Town(2007) - Local mechanic Jake La Fond's life is suddenly disrupted when mysterious parasites transform the law-abiding citizens of his quaint hometown into hoards of cannibalistic Zombies.
The Happytime Murders(2018) - In a World... where puppets live alongside the humans as second-class citizens, among them is Phil Phillips: a disgraced cop turned private eye. When a new client who's being blackmailed leads him to investigate a porno store that gets hit as a robbery gone wrong... Phil's convinced it was a planned...
Hillary: The Movie(2008) - Hillary: The Movie is a 2008 political documentary about United States Senator and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. It was produced by the conservative non-profit organization Citizens United. The documentary interviewed various conservative figures such as Dick Morris and Ann Coulter and rev...
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2(2015) - Realizing the stakes are no longer just for survival, Katniss Everdeen teams up with her closest friends, including Peeta Mellark, Gale Hawthorne and Finnick Odair for the ultimate mission to gain peace. Together, they leave District 13 to liberate the citizens of war that has torn Panem apart more...
Frozen II(2019) - Three years after the first film, Anna, Elsa, Kristoff, Olaf and Sven leave Arendelle to travel to an ancient, autumn-bound forest of an enchanted land. They set out to find the origin of Elsa's powers in order to save their kingdom when an accident causes the other elemental powers of the world to...
The Last Airbender(2010) - It's been over a year since the Fire Nation declared war on the other nations of the world. In an attempt to flea the war, Sokka and Katara find a large iceberg and frozen inside is the titular Last Airbender. Only age 12, he has a lot to learn before he is ready to save the world, namely getting th... -- Comedy, Shounen -- Comedy, Romance, Ecchi -- Comedy, School -- Action, Sci-Fi -- Action, Adventure, Comedy, Mecha, Shounen, Space -- Comedy, Harem, Romance, Sci-Fi, Shounen -- Mystery -- Action, Comedy, Drama, Ecchi, Fantasy, Horror, Magic, Shounen -- Game, Slice of Life, School -- Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Shounen -- Action, Mecha, Military, Sci-Fi -- Adventure, Drama, Historical, Slice of Life -- Action, Comedy, Drama, Magic, Seinen -- Action, Police, Drama, Seinen -- Action, Comedy, Drama, Magic, Seinen -- Slice of Life, Comedy, Sports, Drama, School, Shounen -- Harem, Comedy, Romance, School -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Sci-Fi, Comedy, Shounen -- Comedy, Ecchi -- Action, School -- Adventure, Drama, Historical, Slice of Life -- Sports, Shounen -- Comedy, Parody -- Comedy, Drama, Seinen, Sports -- Action, Military, School -- Comedy -- Comedy, Kids -- Action, Mystery, Supernatural, Romance, Thriller -- Comedy, Sports, Drama, Seinen -- Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy -- Harem, Comedy, Romance, School, Shounen -- Action, Comedy, Fantasy -- Action -- Comedy, Sports, School, Shounen -- Action, Mecha -- Military, Sci-Fi, Slice of Life, Comedy -- Action, Game, Fantasy -- Comedy, Parody -- Sci-Fi, Adventure, Shounen -- Historical, Drama, Romance -- Historical, Drama -- Adventure, Drama -- Adventure, Mecha, Sci-Fi -- Action, Fantasy, Magic, Shoujo -- Action, Demons, Supernatural -- Comedy -- Action, Comedy, Drama, Magic, Seinen -- Action, Comedy, Drama, Magic, Seinen -- Mystery, Seinen, Supernatural, Thriller -- Action, Sci-Fi, Adventure, Comedy, Super Power, Mecha -- Adventure, Comedy, Horror, Supernatural, School, Shounen -- Harem, Comedy, Romance, Ecchi -- Action, Comedy, Sports, Shounen
Ayla: The Daughter of War (2017) ::: 8.4/10 -- 2h 5min | Biography, Drama, History | 27 October 2017 (Turkey) -- In 1950, amid-st the ravages of the Korean War, Sergeant Sleyman stumbles upon a half-frozen little girl, with no parents and no help in sight. Frantic, scared and on the verge of death, ... S Director: Can Ulkay Writer:
Babylon ::: 23min | Animation, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (2019- ) Episode Guide 12 episodes Babylon Poster Seizaki Zen is a prosecutor with the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors' Office. While investigating illegal acts by a certain pharmaceutical company, Seizaki stumbles across a conspiracy ... S Stars: Yichi Nakamura, Mao Ichimichi, Takahiro Sakurai
Big Trouble (2002) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 25min | Comedy, Crime, Thriller | 5 April 2002 (USA) -- The lives of several Miami denizens, from ad agents to gunrunners to street thugs to law enforcement to school-children, intersect with humorous and dangerous results. Director: Barry Sonnenfeld Writers:
Bingo: The King of the Mornings (2017) ::: 8.0/10 -- Bingo: O Rei das Manhs (original title) -- Bingo: The King of the Mornings Poster Based on a true story, "Bingo" is a film about the man behind the mask. Augusto is an actor hungry for a place in the spotlight, following the footsteps of his mother, a stage artist in the... S Director: Daniel Rezende Writers: Luiz Bolognesi, Fabio Meira (collaborating writer)
Bubblegum Crisis: Tokyo 2040 ::: TV-MA | 29min | Animation, Action, Sci-Fi | TV Series (1998- ) Episode Guide 26 episodes Bubblegum Crisis: Tokyo 2040 Poster -- Set in 2039-2040, This series is set in Megalo City, a city built over the ruins of Tokyo. Boomers, a line of android workers created by the Genom Corporation, perform dozens of tasks, from... S Stars:
Cheaper by the Dozen (1950) ::: 7.0/10 -- Approved | 1h 26min | Comedy, Drama, Family | April 1950 (USA) -- "Cheaper By the Dozen", based on the real-life story of the Gilbreth family, follows them from Providence, Rhode Island to Montclair, New Jersey, and details the amusing anecdotes found in ... S Director: Walter Lang Writers:
Citizen Kane (1941) ::: 8.3/10 -- PG | 1h 59min | Drama, Mystery | 5 September 1941 (USA) -- Following the death of publishing tycoon Charles Foster Kane, reporters scramble to uncover the meaning of his final utterance; 'Rosebud'. Director: Orson Welles Writers: Herman J. Mankiewicz (original screen play), Orson Welles (original
Citizen Ruth (1996) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 46min | Comedy, Drama | 13 December 1996 (USA) -- An irresponsible, drug-addicted, recently impregnated woman finds herself in the middle of an abortion debate when both parties attempt to sway her to their respective sides. Director: Alexander Payne Writers:
Citizen X (1995) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 1h 45min | Biography, Crime, Drama | TV Movie 25 February 1995 -- During the 1980s, Soviet authorities hunt for a serial killer who picks his victims in railway stations and commuter trains and lures them into the woods. Director: Chris Gerolmo Writers:
Crash (2004) ::: 7.7/10 -- R | 1h 52min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 6 May 2005 (USA) -- Los Angeles citizens with vastly separate lives collide in interweaving stories of race, loss and redemption. Director: Paul Haggis Writers: Paul Haggis (story), Paul Haggis (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Dilbert ::: TV-PG | 30min | Animation, Comedy | TV Series (19992000) -- Cubicle denizen Dilbert toils away at Path-E-Tech which makes undefined products. The focus is on his survival amongst a moronic boss, hostile co-workers and his malevolent pet, Dogbert. Creators:
Dolphin Tale (2011) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG | 1h 53min | Drama, Family | 23 September 2011 (USA) -- A story centered on the friendship between a boy and a dolphin whose tail was lost in a crab trap. Director: Charles Martin Smith Writers: Karen Janszen, Noam Dromi
Fargo ::: TV-MA | 53min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | TV Series (2014 ) -- Various chronicles of deception, intrigue and murder in and around frozen Minnesota. Yet all of these tales mysteriously lead back one way or another to Fargo, North Dakota. Creator:
Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man (1943) ::: 6.5/10 -- Approved | 1h 14min | Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi | 5 March 1943 (USA) -- The resurrected Wolf Man, seeking a cure for his malady, enlists the aid of a mad scientist, who claims he will not only rid the Wolf Man of his nocturnal metamorphosis, but also revive the frozen body of Frankenstein's inhuman creation. Director: Roy William Neill Writer:
Frank Miller's Sin City: A Dame to Kill For (2014) ::: 6.5/10 -- Sin City: A Dame to Kill For (original title) -- Frank Miller's Sin City: A Dame to Kill For Poster -- Some of Sin City's most hard-boiled citizens cross paths with a few of its more reviled inhabitants. Directors: Frank Miller, Robert Rodriguez Writers:
Frozen (2013) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG | 1h 42min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 27 November 2013 (USA) -- When the newly crowned Queen Elsa accidentally uses her power to turn things into ice to curse her home in infinite winter, her sister Anna teams up with a mountain man, his playful reindeer, and a snowman to change the weather condition. Directors: Chris Buck, Jennifer Lee Writers:
Frozen II (2019) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG | 1h 43min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 22 November 2019 (USA) -- Anna, Elsa, Kristoff, Olaf and Sven leave Arendelle to travel to an ancient, autumn-bound forest of an enchanted land. They set out to find the origin of Elsa's powers in order to save their kingdom. Directors: Chris Buck, Jennifer Lee Writers:
Frozen River (2008) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 37min | Crime, Drama | 5 September 2008 (USA) -- A mom looks for another source of income, when her husband leaves with the money meant for the new mobile home. A nearby Indian territory stretches across the border to Canada with a drivable frozen river between. Smuggling? Director: Courtney Hunt Writer:
Futurama ::: TV-14 | 22min | Animation, Comedy, Sci-Fi | TV Series (19992013) -- Philip J. Fry, a pizza delivery boy, is accidentally frozen in 1999 and thawed out on New Year's Eve 2999. Creators: David X. Cohen, Matt Groening
Gandahar (1987) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG | 1h 18min | Animation, Adventure, Fantasy | 20 September 1989 (USA) -- An evil force from a 1000 years in the future begins to destroy an idyllic paradise, where the citizens are in perfect harmony with nature. Director: Ren Laloux Writers: Ren Laloux (adaptation), Jean-Pierre Andrevon (novel) | 2 more credits
God Bless America (2011) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 45min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 31 May 2012 (Russia) -- On a mission to rid society of its most repellent citizens, terminally ill Frank makes an unlikely accomplice in 16-year-old Roxy. Director: Bobcat Goldthwait Writer: Bobcat Goldthwait
Happy Town ::: 1h | Drama, Fantasy, Mystery | TV Series (2010) A deputy sheriff is confronted with the unsolved mystery of a half-dozen child kidnappings over the past decade in a small town in Minnesota. Creators: Josh Appelbaum, Andr Nemec, Scott Rosenberg Stars:
Hibernatus (1969) ::: 6.7/10 -- G | 1h 22min | Comedy, Fantasy, Sci-Fi | 10 September 1969 (France) -- The frozen body of Paul Fournier is discovered in Greenland where he had disappeared during a scientific expedition in 1905. Perfectly conserved he is brought back to life in the 1960s. His... S Director: douard Molinaro Writers:
Island in the Sky (1953) ::: 6.9/10 -- Approved | 1h 49min | Adventure, Drama | 5 September 1953 (USA) -- A C-47 transport plane, named the Corsair, makes a forced landing in the frozen wastes of Quebec, and the plane's pilot, Captain Dooley, must keep his men alive in deadly conditions while waiting for rescue. Director: William A. Wellman Writers:
Justice League Unlimited ::: TV-Y7-FV | 23min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (20042006) -- A continuation of the Justice League animated series finds the original members of the team joined in their battle against crime and evil by dozens of other heroes from the DC comics universe. Creator:
Kick-Ass 2 (2013) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 43min | Action, Comedy, Crime | 16 August 2013 (USA) -- Following Kick-Ass' heroics, other citizens are inspired to become masked crusaders. But Red Mist leads his own group of evil supervillains to get revenge, kill Kick-Ass and destroy everything he stands for. Director: Jeff Wadlow Writers:
Klaus (2019) ::: 8.2/10 -- PG | 1h 36min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 15 November 2019 (USA) -- A simple act of kindness always sparks another, even in a frozen, faraway place. When Smeerensburg's new postman, Jesper, befriends toymaker Klaus, their gifts melt an age-old feud and deliver a sleigh full of holiday traditions. Directors: Sergio Pablos, Carlos Martnez Lpez (co-director) Writers:
Law Abiding Citizen (2009) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 1h 49min | Action, Crime, Drama | 16 October 2009 (USA) -- A frustrated man decides to take justice into his own hands after a plea bargain sets one of his family's killers free. Director: F. Gary Gray Writer: Kurt Wimmer
Made in Abyss: Wandering Twilight (2019) ::: 7.9/10 -- Made in Abyss: Hr Suru Tasogare (original title) -- Made in Abyss: Wandering Twilight Poster After departing from Ozen's camp, Riko and Reg continue their journey, encountering more dangers as they descend further into the Abyss. Director: Masayuki Kojima Writer: Akihito Tsukushi (manga) Stars:
Mank (2020) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 2h 11min | Biography, Comedy, Drama | 4 December 2020 (USA) -- 1930's Hollywood is reevaluated through the eyes of scathing social critic and alcoholic screenwriter Herman J. Mankiewicz as he races to finish the screenplay of Citizen Kane (1941). Director: David Fincher Writer:
Mars ::: TV-PG | 1h | Adventure, Drama, Sci-Fi | TV Series (20162018) -- The first manned mission from Earth to Mars in 2033 attempts to colonize the red planet. Creators: Andr Bormanis, Mickey Fisher, Karen Janszen | 3 more credits
MasterChef Australia ::: TV-G | 1h | Reality-TV | TV Series (2009 ) A few dozen home chefs battle it out in the Masterchef Kitchen to earn the best chef title, judged by top Australian chefs. Stars: Gary Mehigan, George Calombaris, Matt Preston  
Midnight Sun ::: 7h 20min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (2016) The brutal murder of a French citizen sees French homicide investigator Kahina Zadi (Lela Bekhti) go to Kiruna, Sweden. Together with Rutger Burlin (Peter Stormare) she begins an investigation that soon takes on staggering proportions. Creators: Mns Mrlind, Bjrn Stein
Only You (2014) ::: 7.3/10 -- Sadece Sen (original title) -- Only You Poster A former boxer falls in love with a blind woman and starts to build a new life, but his dark past returns to endanger them both. Director: Hakan Yonat Writers: Ceren Aslan (remake), Asli Zengin (remake) Stars:
Paranoia Agent ::: Ms dairinin (original tit ::: TV-MA | 25min | Animation, Drama, Horror | TV Mini-Series (2004) Episode Guide 13 episodes Paranoia Agent Poster -- Seemingly unconnected citizens of Tokyo are targeted for bludgeoning by a boy with a golden baseball bat. As detectives try to link the victims, they discover that following the assaults, the victims' lives have improved in some way.
Quo vadis, Aida? (2020) ::: 7.1/10 -- 1h 41min | Drama, History, War | 15 March 2021 (USA) -- Aida is a translator for the UN in the small town of Srebrenica. When the Serbian army takes over the town, her family is among the thousands of citizens looking for shelter in the UN camp. Director: Jasmila Zbanic Writer:
Reign of Assassins (2010) ::: 6.8/10 -- Jian yu (original title) -- Reign of Assassins Poster Drizzle/Zeng Jing tries to start a new life after she had betrayed her gang and hid the remains of monk. Directors: Chao-Bin Su, John Woo (co-director) Writer: Chao-Bin Su Stars:
RKO 281 (1999) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 26min | Biography, Drama | TV Movie 20 November 1999 -- Orson Welles produces his greatest film, Citizen Kane (1941), despite the opposition of the film's de facto subject, William Randolph Hearst. Director: Benjamin Ross Writers: John Logan, Richard Ben Cramer (documentary "The Battle Over Citizen
Rush (1991) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 2h | Action, Crime, Drama | 17 January 1992 (USA) -- Two small-town Texas cops go undercover to catch a major drug dealer and are sucked into the drug culture, compromising their assignment. Director: Lili Fini Zanuck Writers: Kim Wozencraft (book), Peter Dexter (screenplay) (as Pete Dexter)
Salyut-7 (2017) ::: 7.2/10 -- G | 1h 51min | Action, Drama, History | 5 October 2017 (Russia) -- USSR, June 1985. Based on actual events. After contact with the Salyut 7 space station is lost, cosmonauts Vladimir Dzhanibekov and Viktor Savinykh dock with the empty, frozen craft, and bring her back to life. Director: Klim Shipenko Writers: Aleksey Chupov, Jeffrey Hylton (English adaptation) | 3 more credits Stars:
Shahid (2012) ::: 8.2/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 9min | Biography, Drama | 18 October 2013 (India) -- The account of Human Rights lawyer Shahid Azmi, an ordinary citizen with an extraordinary commitment to justice. Director: Hansal Mehta Writers: Sameer Gautam Singh (screenplay), Sameer Gautam Singh | 4 more
Six ::: TV-MA | 1h | Action, Drama, History | TV Series (20172018) -- Navy SEAL Team Six attempt to eliminate a Taliban leader in Afghanistan when they discover an American citizen working with the enemy. Creators: William Broyles Jr., David Broyles, David Broyles
Snowpiercer ::: TV-MA | 1h | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2020 ) -- Seven years after the world has become a frozen wasteland, the remnants of humanity inhabit a perpetually-moving train that circles the globe, where class warfare, social injustice and the politics of survival play out. Creators:
Something's Gotta Give (2003) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 8min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 12 December 2003 (USA) -- A swinger on the cusp of being a senior citizen with a taste for young women falls in love with an accomplished woman closer to his age. Director: Nancy Meyers Writer: Nancy Meyers
Spirits of the Dead (1968) ::: 6.5/10 -- Histoires extraordinaires (original title) -- Spirits of the Dead Poster Anthology film from three European directors based on stories by Edgar Allan Poe: a cruel princess haunted by a ghostly horse, a sadistic young man haunted by his double, and an alcoholic actor haunted by the Devil. Directors: Federico Fellini, Louis Malle | 1 more credit Writers: Edgar Allan Poe (story "Metzengerstein") (as Edgar Allan Po), Roger
Strangers on a Train (1951) ::: 7.9/10 -- PG | 1h 41min | Crime, Film-Noir, Thriller | 30 June 1951 (USA) -- A psychopath forces a tennis star to comply with his theory that two strangers can get away with murder. Director: Alfred Hitchcock Writers: Raymond Chandler (screen play), Czenzi Ormonde (screen play) | 2 more
Sun Alley (1999) ::: 6.8/10 -- Sonnenallee (original title) -- Sun Alley Poster A group of kids grow up on the short, wrong (east) side of the Sonnenallee in Berlin, right next to one of the few border crossings between East and West reserved for German citizens. The ... S Director: Leander Haumann Writers: Thomas Brussig (screenplay), Leander Haumann (screenplay) | 3 more
The Andromeda Strain (1971) ::: 7.2/10 -- G | 2h 11min | Mystery, Sci-Fi, Thriller | 12 March 1971 (USA) -- A team of top scientists work feverishly in a secret, state-of-the-art laboratory to discover what has killed the citizens of a small town and learn how this deadly contagion can be stopped. Director: Robert Wise Writers:
The Big White (2005) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 45min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 3 December 2005 (USA) -- To remedy his financial problems, a travel agent has his eye on a frozen corpse, which just happens to be sought after by two hitmen. Director: Mark Mylod Writer: Collin Friesen
The Citizen (2012) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 39min | Drama | 27 September 2013 (USA) -- An Arab immigrant wins the American green card lottery, arriving in New York City on September 10, 2001. Director: Sam Kadi Writers: Jazmen Darnell Brown (as Jazmen Brown), Sam Kadi (story) | 2 more
The Dirty Dozen (1967) ::: 7.7/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 30min | Action, Adventure, War | 22 October 1967 (UK) -- During World War II, a rebellious U.S. Army Major is assigned a dozen convicted murderers to train and lead them into a mass assassination mission of German officers. Director: Robert Aldrich Writers:
The Frozen Ground (2013) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 45min | Crime, Thriller | 23 August 2013 (Canada) -- An Alaska State Trooper partners with a young woman who escaped the clutches of serial killer Robert Hansen to bring the murderer to justice. Based on actual events. Director: Scott Walker Writer:
The Gorgon (1964) ::: 6.5/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 23min | Horror | 17 February 1965 (USA) -- In the early twentieth century, a Gorgon takes human form and terrorizes a small European village by turning its citizens to stone. Director: Terence Fisher Writers: John Gilling (screenplay by), J. Llewellyn Devine (based on an original
The Hard Times of RJ Berger ::: TV-14 | 30min | Comedy | TV Series (2010 ) The daily life of an unpopular high school student. Creators: Seth Grahame-Smith, David Katzenberg Stars: Paul Iacono, Jareb Dauplaise, Kara Taitz
The Ladies Man (1961) ::: 6.4/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 35min | Comedy | August 1961 (UK) -- A clueless, recently single graduate unwittingly takes a job as a servant in a mansion inhabited by dozens of young women. Director: Jerry Lewis Writers: Jerry Lewis, Bill Richmond
The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part (2019) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG | 1h 47min | Animation, Action, Adventure | 8 February 2019 (USA) -- It's been five years since everything was awesome and the citizens are facing a huge new threat: Lego Duplo invaders from outer space, wrecking everything faster than they can rebuild. Director: Mike Mitchell Writers:
The Lost Patrol (1934) ::: 6.8/10 -- Passed | 1h 13min | Action, Adventure, Drama | 16 February 1934 (USA) -- A dozen British soldiers, lost in a Mesopotamian desert during World War I, are menaced by unseen Arab enemies. Director: John Ford Writers: Dudley Nichols (screen play), Garrett Fort (adaptation) | 1 more credit Stars:
The Mill and the Cross (2011) ::: 6.9/10 -- Mlyn i krzyz (original title) -- The Mill and the Cross Poster -- This movie focuses on a dozen of the five hundred characters depicted in Bruegel's painting. The theme of Christ's suffering is set against religious persecution in Flanders in 1564. Director: Lech Majewski Writers:
The Mist (2007) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 2h 6min | Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller | 21 November 2007 (USA) -- A freak storm unleashes a species of bloodthirsty creatures on a small town, where a small band of citizens hole up in a supermarket and fight for their lives. Director: Frank Darabont Writers:
The Prisoner of Zenda (1937) ::: 7.7/10 -- Approved | 1h 41min | Adventure, Drama, Romance | 3 September 1937 -- The Prisoner of Zenda Poster An Englishman on a Ruritarian holiday must impersonate the king when the rightful monarch, a distant cousin, is drugged and kidnapped. Directors: John Cromwell, W.S. Van Dyke (uncredited) Writers: Anthony Hope (celebrated novel), John L. Balderston (screen play) | 3 more credits
The Prisoner of Zenda (1952) ::: 7.0/10 -- Approved | 1h 36min | Adventure | 14 November 1952 (USA) -- An Englishman vacationing in a Ruritarian kingdom is recruited to impersonate his cousin, the soon-to-be-crowned king after the monarch is drugged and kidnapped. Director: Richard Thorpe Writers:
The Tao of Steve (2000) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 27min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 1 September 2000 (USA) -- Underachieving, overweight kindergarten teacher Dex finds a woman who forces him to reexamine his Zen-like system of seduction. Director: Jenniphr Goodman Writers: Duncan North, Greer Goodman | 3 more credits
The Tao of Steve (2000) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 27min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 1 September 2000 (USA) -- Underachieving, overweight kindergarten teacher Dex finds a woman who forces him to reexamine his Zen-like system of seduction.
Vagabond (1985) ::: 7.7/10 -- Sans toit ni loi (original title) -- Vagabond Poster -- A young woman's body is found frozen in a ditch. Through flashbacks and interviews, we see the events that led to her inevitable death. Director: Agns Varda Writer:
Welcome Mr. Marshall! (1953) ::: 8.0/10 -- Bienvenido Mister Marshall (original title) -- Welcome Mr. Marshall! Poster -- After finding out that North American people are visiting the Spanish villages, the citizens of Villar del Ro start preparing themselves to welcome them when they arrive. Director: Luis Garca Berlanga (as Luis G. Berlanga) Writers:
Wonder Showzen ::: TV-MA | 30min | Animation, Comedy | TV Series (20002007) -- An all-cynical, all-evil absurdist variety show that parodies the classic educational PBS shows of the 1970s, made up of old cartoons and educational films, children, and puppets from one's worst nightmares. Creators:
Wu-Tang: An American Saga ::: TV-MA | 49min | Biography, Drama | TV Series (2019 ) -- The show tracks the Wu Tang Clan's formation, a vision of Bobby Diggs, who strives to unite a dozen young, black men that are torn between music and crime but eventually rise to become the unlikeliest of American success stories. Creators:
Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century (1999) ::: 6.4/10 -- TV-G | 1h 37min | Adventure, Comedy, Family | TV Movie 23 January 1999 -- An inquisitive teenager pries into suspected dodgy dealings on her space station home - and ends up being sent down to Earth. Director: Kenneth Johnson Writers: Marilyn Sadler (book), Roger Bollen (book) | 1 more credit Stars:
Aachi wa Ssipak -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Comedy -- Aachi wa Ssipak Aachi wa Ssipak -- After the world ran out of all traditional energy sources, only one remained—human excrement. To encourage citizens to produce as much waste as possible, the government implants a chip in the anus at birth, which provides citizens with "juicybars" every time it detects defecation. Juicybars are highly addictive narcotics that sometimes transform their users into mutant blue dwarfs with extreme constipation. These mutant addicts make up the "Diaper Gang," those who live underground and are focused on trying to obtain juicybars. -- -- Aachi and Ssipak are two small-time crooks who steal and sell juicybars to make it on the streets. When they meet a beautiful woman who has the anal chips of every Diaper Gang member implanted in her, producing dozens of juicybars with every dump, Aachi and Ssipak strike it rich. However, with both the government and the Diaper Gang on their tails, the two struggle to protect their newfound riches. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Flatiron Film Company -- Movie - Jun 28, 2006 -- 8,637 6.66
ACCA: 13-ku Kansatsu-ka -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Mystery Police Drama Fantasy Seinen -- ACCA: 13-ku Kansatsu-ka ACCA: 13-ku Kansatsu-ka -- ACCA—a national body of the kingdom of Dowa that provides public services to the citizens of the country—was established as part of the peace settlement between the king of Dowa and the 13 states of the country during a revolt. One hundred years later, Dowa is in a period of unprecedented peace, due in part to the ACCA system. However, rumors of a coup d'état start to surface. Jean Otus, the second-in-command of the inspection department of ACCA, is charged with inspecting all 13 state branches. What will he discover as he performs his audit? -- -- Intriguing and mysterious, ACCA: 13-ku Kansatsu-ka is a politically-themed mystery that reveals a world of diverse cultures and lifestyles, with intricate connections between its characters, as the truth of the coup d'état slowly unfolds. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 126,432 7.68
Akagami no Shirayuki-hime 2nd Season -- -- Bones -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Romance Fantasy Shoujo -- Akagami no Shirayuki-hime 2nd Season Akagami no Shirayuki-hime 2nd Season -- Shirayuki and Zen Wistalia have finally confirmed their romantic feelings for each other, and everyone has resumed their daily lives. Shirayuki remains an apprentice court herbalist at the royal palace of Clarines, and Zen continues his duties alongside his aides. -- -- However, their daily routines are disrupted when Crown Prince Izana, Zen’s older brother, receives an invitation from Raji Shenazard, the prince of Tanbarun. The herbalist finds herself ordered to go to Tanbarun for seven days, to build a new friendship with the formerly selfish and haughty ruler who once ordered Shirayuki to become his concubine. Along the way, Shirayuki is bound to run into trouble once again, as she is sought by a mysterious boy named Kazuki, someone she has never met. -- -- 263,914 7.99
Akagami no Shirayuki-hime 2nd Season -- -- Bones -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Romance Fantasy Shoujo -- Akagami no Shirayuki-hime 2nd Season Akagami no Shirayuki-hime 2nd Season -- Shirayuki and Zen Wistalia have finally confirmed their romantic feelings for each other, and everyone has resumed their daily lives. Shirayuki remains an apprentice court herbalist at the royal palace of Clarines, and Zen continues his duties alongside his aides. -- -- However, their daily routines are disrupted when Crown Prince Izana, Zen’s older brother, receives an invitation from Raji Shenazard, the prince of Tanbarun. The herbalist finds herself ordered to go to Tanbarun for seven days, to build a new friendship with the formerly selfish and haughty ruler who once ordered Shirayuki to become his concubine. Along the way, Shirayuki is bound to run into trouble once again, as she is sought by a mysterious boy named Kazuki, someone she has never met. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 263,914 7.99
Akagami no Shirayuki-hime -- -- Bones -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Fantasy Romance Drama Shoujo -- Akagami no Shirayuki-hime Akagami no Shirayuki-hime -- Although her name means "snow white," Shirayuki is a cheerful, red-haired girl living in the country of Tanbarun who works diligently as an apothecary at her herbal shop. Her life changes drastically when she is noticed by the silly prince of Tanbarun, Prince Raji, who then tries to force her to become his concubine. Unwilling to give up her freedom, Shirayuki cuts her long red hair and escapes into the forest, where she is rescued from Raji by Zen Wistalia, the second prince of a neighboring country, and his two aides. Hoping to repay her debt to the trio someday, Shirayuki sets her sights on pursuing a career as the court herbalist in Zen's country, Clarines. -- -- Akagami no Shirayuki-hime depicts Shirayuki's journey toward a new life at the royal palace of Clarines, as well as Zen's endeavor to become a prince worthy of his title. As loyal friendships are forged and deadly enemies formed, Shirayuki and Zen slowly learn to support each other as they walk their own paths. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 485,510 7.78
Akagami no Shirayuki-hime: Nandemonai Takaramono, Kono Page -- -- Bones -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Drama Fantasy Romance Shoujo -- Akagami no Shirayuki-hime: Nandemonai Takaramono, Kono Page Akagami no Shirayuki-hime: Nandemonai Takaramono, Kono Page -- Bundled with the limited edition 15th volume of the manga. -- -- Chapters adapted -- 1. Volume 10, Chapter 41: Shirayuki to Zen, Hajimete no Joukamachi Date (白雪とゼン、はじめての城下町デート) -- 2. Volume 7, Special Chapter: Raji Ouji Youshou no Migiri (ラジ王子幼少のみぎり) -- 3. Volume 11, Special Chapter: Hajimari no Zen & Mitsuhide & Kiki (始まりのゼン&ミツヒデ&木� -- ) -- OVA - Jan 5, 2016 -- 60,473 7.71
Akatsuki no Yona OVA -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Fantasy Shoujo -- Akatsuki no Yona OVA Akatsuki no Yona OVA -- At a remote hot springs lodge, Yona and the team rest. The boys are taking a bath with the exception of Ki-ja, who looks troubled. Jae-ha takes this chance to tease him, unwittingly finding a mark linked to the previous White Dragon—whom coincidentally is also Ki-ja's father—prompting Ki-ja to recall their complicated relationship. -- -- In another time and place, Son Hak and the dragons banter as they hold a drinking contest. As they start to doze off one-by-one, Zeno dreams of his past, where his abilities and experiences, both as a person and as the Yellow Dragon, are revealed. -- -- OVA - Sep 18, 2015 -- 100,613 8.09
Appleseed -- -- Gainax -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Police Mecha -- Appleseed Appleseed -- Appleseed takes place in the aftermath of World War III, where the General Management Control Office has constructed the experimental city known as Olympus. Built to be a paradise on Earth, Olympus is inhabited by humans, cyborgs, and bioroids (genetically engineered humans designed for increased physical capabilities and decreased emotional capabilities). Bioroids run and control all of the administrative functions of Olympus, ensuring that the city remains the utopian society it was meant to be for all of its citizens. But for some people living in Utopia, the city has become less of a home and more of a cage. -- -- Police officer Calon Mautholos has grown to despise Olympus following his wife's suicide, blaming her death on the lack of creative freedom caused by the rules binding the citizens of the city. As his hatred for the city grows, Calon conspires with the terrorist A.J. Sebastian to destroy the Legislature of the Central Management Bureau to send the rules of Olympus that killed his wife tumbling down. But when Calon discovers it is not political malcontent, but rather hatred for bioroids that motives Sebastian, Calon turns renegade and gains the attention of city officials. Deunan Knute and her partner Briareos of the ESWAT counter-terrorism unit are dispatched to hunt down and stop Calon and Sebastian... by any means necessary! -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Manga Entertainment -- OVA - Apr 21, 1988 -- 25,245 6.60
Assassins Pride -- -- EMT Squared -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Fantasy -- Assassins Pride Assassins Pride -- On the brink of extinction, mankind has downsized and now solely resides in the city-state of Flandore, living in cities encased by glass domes. Beyond the domes exist vicious lycanthropes who thrive in the darkness; among the citizens inside, a clear distinction between the nobility and commoners is in place. The blood of nobles enables them to utilize mana, granting them abilities that exceed human limits and greatly assist them in defeating lycanthropes. -- -- Already 13 years of age, noble Melida Angel has yet to manifest her mana, and attends an elite academy where she is mistreated for her lack thereof. In order to help her, Kufa Vampir is ordered by the Angel family to become Melida's tutor. While Kufa seems to be a mere mentor, an ulterior motive lurks behind his job—he is to assassinate her if he confirms that she does not possess mana. -- -- Kufa's investigation eventually leads him to determine he must eliminate Melida. However, Kufa is struck by her unwavering determination, spirit, and belief in herself when he witnesses her in a fight, choosing instead to offer a way she can manifest her magic. As Melida learns to use mana with the help of Kufa's teachings, Kufa forsakes his mission and jeopardizes everything to keep his discovery of Melida unknown to the Angel family and his own guild. However, both Kufa and Melida will soon realize that hiding their secret will not be the only challenge they face, as unforeseen trouble is waiting just around the corner. -- -- 231,931 5.92
Azur Lane: Bisoku Zenshin! -- -- CANDY BOX, Yostar Pictures -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Military Sci-Fi Slice of Life Comedy -- Azur Lane: Bisoku Zenshin! Azur Lane: Bisoku Zenshin! -- In a seemingly peaceful time without looming threats of Sirens or war, shipgirls from different nations live together in harmony. Some girls, such as the destroyers Ayanami, Javelin, Laffey, and Z23, attend school. Others immerse themselves into various other activities, including sports, foraging, training, going to formal parties, or even vying for the commander's attention! But one thing is for certain: the girls will continue to deepen their friendship in the pleasant port of Azur Lane! -- -- 25,992 7.01
Babylon -- -- Revoroot -- 12 eps -- Novel -- Mystery Psychological Thriller -- Babylon Babylon -- In the newly formed Shiniki district of Tokyo, Zen Seizaki is a diligent public prosecutor at the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office. Assigned to a case involving false advertisement, Zen—along with his assistant officer, Atsuhiko Fumio—investigate Japan Supiri, a pharmaceutical company that had provided fabricated clinical research on the company's new drug. While investigating the file of Shin Inaba, an anesthesiologist connected to the crime, the case takes a dark turn when Zen finds a page stained with a mixture of blood, hair and skin, along with the letter "F" scribbled all across the sheet. As he investigates further, the case goes beyond Zen's imagination and becomes vastly complex, challenging his sense of justice and his knowledge of the truth. -- -- Digging deeper into the investigation, Zen begins to uncover a concealed plot behind the ongoing mayoral election and ties to many people of interest involved in the election and those closer than he thinks. The case grows more severe and propels Zen into an unforeseen hurricane of corruption and deceit behind the election, the establishment of the Shiniki district, and the mysterious woman associated with it all. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 107,289 6.80
Bakuretsu Tenshi -- -- Gonzo -- 24 eps -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Mecha Sci-Fi -- Bakuretsu Tenshi Bakuretsu Tenshi -- In Japan's not-too-distant future, crime has become so common that the government has legalised firearms for citizens to use in self-defence. To combat this new wave of wrongdoing, the Recently Armed Police of Tokyo was established in hopes of hunting down criminals with lethal force. -- -- Kyohei Tachibana is a gifted culinary student who dreams of saving up enough money to become a pastry chef in France. When four young mercenaries ask him to be their cook, he's forced into making a tough choice. As Jo, Meg, Sei, and Amy take on the bloodiest jobs in the chaotic city of Tokyo, Kyohei accepts an imminent descent into the world of crime—and he'll do a lot more than just cooking! -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 62,740 6.81
Binan Koukou Chikyuu Boueibu Happy Kiss! -- -- Studio Comet -- 12 eps -- Original -- Comedy Magic Parody School Slice of Life -- Binan Koukou Chikyuu Boueibu Happy Kiss! Binan Koukou Chikyuu Boueibu Happy Kiss! -- In the northern Kanto area in Japan, there is Binan City… -- -- At Binan High School, as per usual, the “Earth Defense Club (lol)” was a club that did nothing. The club members Kyoutarou Shuzenji, Ryouma Kirishima, Nanao Wakura, Taishi Manza, and Ichiro Dogou nonchalantly enjoyed tea while having pointless conversations that amount to nothing. -- -- All of them have now gathered at Kurotama Bath after school. When Ryouma pulls Kyoutarou Shuzenji by his arm out of water that he claims feels too good, together with his towel comes a pretty boy in strange clothing. -- -- These five boys are then dragged into a battle for the heir of the magical kingdom, Honila Land... -- -- (Source: KA) -- -- Licensor: -- Ponycan USA -- 9,974 6.50
Blassreiter -- -- Gonzo -- 24 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi -- Blassreiter Blassreiter -- Modern Germany is plagued by an outbreak of "Amalgams." Existing solely to wreak havoc, these cybernetic entities spawn from rotting flesh and can fuse with technology to gain new abilities. With society left in the wake of their destruction, the Xenogenesis Assault Team (XAT) is formed to suppress the threat. Alongside its primary mission to protect against the Amalgam attacks, the organization is also researching the newly discovered "amalgamated" humans which possess rational thought and are far deadlier than their non-sentient counterparts. -- -- Joseph Jobson is one such amalgamated human who has full control over his powers. Although successful in his line of work as a lone warrior, an unfortunate encounter with the recently-turned-Amalgam Gerd Frentzen makes him a priority target of the XAT. As he eludes the organization and seeks new allies, Joseph is transformed into the Blassreiter—a being heralded as the strongest Amalgam in existence. Now, he must fight back with his newfound powers to uncover the truth behind not only his past, but also the entire Amalgam conflict. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Apr 6, 2008 -- 75,475 6.93
Blue Gender -- -- AIC -- 26 eps -- Original -- Adventure Romance Mecha Military Sci-Fi Horror Space Drama -- Blue Gender Blue Gender -- Blue Gender takes place in the not too distant future in a world where things have gone terribly wrong for humanity. Humans have been replaced at the top of the food chain by the Blue, a race of bug-like aliens that have colonized Earth and pushed humans aside. A space station, Second Earth, has been constructed as a safe haven for humans, with the hope of one day reclaiming the Earth once more. -- -- Yuji Kaido was cryogenically frozen, having been suffering from a disease known as B-Cells. Once awakened, he joins a team of soldiers that have come to Earth to extract him. Unfortunately, nothing goes according to plan as they make their way back to Second Earth. -- -- Yuji will have to deal with the horrors of fighting a bloody war as he and the fighters from Second Earth look to survive. Will they be able to win back Earth without losing their humanity? -- 66,851 7.05
Blue Gender -- -- AIC -- 26 eps -- Original -- Adventure Romance Mecha Military Sci-Fi Horror Space Drama -- Blue Gender Blue Gender -- Blue Gender takes place in the not too distant future in a world where things have gone terribly wrong for humanity. Humans have been replaced at the top of the food chain by the Blue, a race of bug-like aliens that have colonized Earth and pushed humans aside. A space station, Second Earth, has been constructed as a safe haven for humans, with the hope of one day reclaiming the Earth once more. -- -- Yuji Kaido was cryogenically frozen, having been suffering from a disease known as B-Cells. Once awakened, he joins a team of soldiers that have come to Earth to extract him. Unfortunately, nothing goes according to plan as they make their way back to Second Earth. -- -- Yuji will have to deal with the horrors of fighting a bloody war as he and the fighters from Second Earth look to survive. Will they be able to win back Earth without losing their humanity? -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 66,851 7.05
Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 2: Heroes:Rising -- -- Bones -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Super Power Shounen -- Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 2: Heroes:Rising Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 2: Heroes:Rising -- Izuku "Deku'' Midoriya and his fellow students in Class 1-A of UA High's hero course have been chosen to participate in a safety program on Nabu Island. To further improve their skills and gain experience in more ordinary heroics, the students aid the kind citizens with small services and everyday chores. With the low crime rate in the quiet community, all seems well and good, but the rise of a new villain threatens to put the students' courage to the test and challenge their capabilities as heroes. -- -- A merciless villain by the name of Nine is in search of a certain "quirk" needed to fulfill his diabolical plan—creating a society where only those with the strongest quirks reign supreme. As his attack on Nabu Island endangers the lives of the residents, securing the citizens becomes the first priority for Class 1-A; defeating Nine along with his wicked accomplices is also imperative. A straightforward strategy is formulated until a young boy named Katsuma Shimano, whom Deku had befriended, suddenly requires particular protection. Concerned for the boy's wellbeing, Deku and his classmates must now devise a plan to ensure Katsuma's safety at all costs. -- -- With Nine wreaking havoc to find the catalyst for his ill-intended schemes and the heroes desperate to defend Katsuma from harm, will Deku and his friends be able to come out victorious, or will they find themselves unable to escape a hopeless situation? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Dec 20, 2019 -- 311,218 8.07
Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 2: Heroes:Rising -- -- Bones -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Super Power Shounen -- Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 2: Heroes:Rising Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 2: Heroes:Rising -- Izuku "Deku'' Midoriya and his fellow students in Class 1-A of UA High's hero course have been chosen to participate in a safety program on Nabu Island. To further improve their skills and gain experience in more ordinary heroics, the students aid the kind citizens with small services and everyday chores. With the low crime rate in the quiet community, all seems well and good, but the rise of a new villain threatens to put the students' courage to the test and challenge their capabilities as heroes. -- -- A merciless villain by the name of Nine is in search of a certain "quirk" needed to fulfill his diabolical plan—creating a society where only those with the strongest quirks reign supreme. As his attack on Nabu Island endangers the lives of the residents, securing the citizens becomes the first priority for Class 1-A; defeating Nine along with his wicked accomplices is also imperative. A straightforward strategy is formulated until a young boy named Katsuma Shimano, whom Deku had befriended, suddenly requires particular protection. Concerned for the boy's wellbeing, Deku and his classmates must now devise a plan to ensure Katsuma's safety at all costs. -- -- With Nine wreaking havoc to find the catalyst for his ill-intended schemes and the heroes desperate to defend Katsuma from harm, will Deku and his friends be able to come out victorious, or will they find themselves unable to escape a hopeless situation? -- -- Movie - Dec 20, 2019 -- 311,218 8.07
Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai: Nagisa ni Usemono Arite Senjin wa Enzen to [X] Suru -- -- Arvo Animation, Silver -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Harem Comedy Romance School Shounen -- Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai: Nagisa ni Usemono Arite Senjin wa Enzen to [X] Suru Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai: Nagisa ni Usemono Arite Senjin wa Enzen to [X] Suru -- Bundled with the limited edition volume 14. -- -- The episode adapts chapters 48 and 49, which follow Yuiga and Asami going on a fake date, and Yuiga encountering his teacher Mafuyu Kirisu after she accidentally loses her swimsuit top. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- OVA - Nov 1, 2019 -- 46,165 7.28
Bouken Ou Beet -- -- Toei Animation -- 52 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Fantasy Shounen Supernatural -- Bouken Ou Beet Bouken Ou Beet -- It is the dark century and the people are suffering under the rule of the devil, Vandel, who is able to manipulate monsters. The Vandel Busters are a group of people who hunt these devils, and among them, the Zenon Squad is known to be the strongest busters on the continent. A young boy, Beet, dreams of joining the Zenon Squad. However, one day, as a result of Beet's fault, the Zenon squad was defeated by the devil, Beltose. The five dying busters sacrificed their life power into their five weapons, Saiga. After giving their weapons to Beet, they passed away. Years have passed since then and the young Vandel Buster, Beet, begins his adventure to carry out the Zenon Squad's will to put an end to the dark century. -- 13,435 6.97
Bouken Ou Beet Excellion -- -- Toei Animation -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Fantasy Shounen Supernatural -- Bouken Ou Beet Excellion Bouken Ou Beet Excellion -- It is the dark century and the people are suffering under the rule of the devil, Vandel, who is able to manipulate monsters. The Vandel Busters are a group of people who hunt these devils, and among them, the Zenon Squad is known to be the strongest busters on the continent. A young boy, Beet, dreams of joining the Zenon Squad. However, one day, as a result of Beet's fault, the Zenon squad was defeated by the devil, Beltose. The five dying busters sacrificed their life power into their five weapons, Saiga. After giving their weapons to Beet, they passed away. Years have passed since then and the young Vandel Buster, Beet, begins his adventure to carry out the Zenon Squad's will to put an end to the dark century. -- 6,908 6.71
Bubblegum Crisis -- -- AIC, Artmic, Darts -- 8 eps -- Original -- Adventure Mecha Sci-Fi Shounen -- Bubblegum Crisis Bubblegum Crisis -- The year is 2032, seven years after the Second Great Kanto Earthquake decimated Tokyo. Now, the city is reborn as MegaTokyo, built from the labors of mechanical beasts known as "Boomers." Originally created to benefit humanity, the mysterious corporation known as Genom now produces Boomers with incredible destructive power as a new type of advanced weaponry, capable of disguising themselves as humans. -- -- The AD Police is a new special unit to counter the ever-increasing Boomer-related crimes. Overwhelmed by the sheer amount of crimes and disparity in strength, the AD Police poses little opposition to the Boomers. A mysterious vigilante force known as the Knight Sabers, wearing powersuits more advanced than the military, is the citizens' only hope for protection. Led by Sylia Stingray, Priscilla "Priss" Asagiri, Nene Romanova, and Linna Yamazaki, these beautiful girls take out any Boomer that steps out of line. -- -- OVA - Feb 25, 1987 -- 36,737 7.29
Bubuki Buranki -- -- SANZIGEN -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Drama Mecha -- Bubuki Buranki Bubuki Buranki -- Away from home for 10 years, Azuma Kazuki had no idea what was awaiting him upon his return. He certainly did not expect to be attacked by dozens of heavily armed people and taken as their prisoner. Fortunately, Azuma's stay in captivity is short. Wielding a strange sentient weapon—known as "Bubuki"—upon her right arm, his childhood friend, Kogane Asabuki, rescues him. -- -- After escaping, Azuma learns that he too has the power to control Bubuki. Together with his new companions, he must revive the Buranki titan named Oubu, that sleeps somewhere deep underground. With this knowledge and purpose, a new path to unearth the truths behind the Buranki opens before Azuma. -- -- 67,375 6.29
Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 1 - Yokuryuu wa Maiorita -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Mecha Military Sci-Fi -- Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 1 - Yokuryuu wa Maiorita Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 1 - Yokuryuu wa Maiorita -- It is the year 2017, and Europe is being invaded by the forces of the Holy Britannian Empire. In an attempt to combat the opposition's overwhelming pressure and put an end to the massive casualties, the army forms a special unit called Wyvern, or W-0, composed of former Japanese citizens referred to as "Elevens." Recruited from ghettos, these young men and women pilot Knightmare frames—humanoid war machines—into dangerous operations where death awaits, hoping to make a name for themselves. -- -- When a European regiment attempting to recapture a crucial city is pinned down by the enemy, it's up to W-0 to bail them out. Among those selected for the rescue operation is Lieutenant Akito Hyuuga, known as "Hannibal's Ghost" due to his prowess on the battlefield. However, the supposed rescue mission becomes suicidal when, in an attempt to take out as many Britannians as possible, the commanding officer initiates the Knightmare's self-destruct sequence. In its aftermath, Akito finds that he is the last one standing… -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Jul 16, 2012 -- 153,710 7.40
Cross Ange: Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo -- -- Sunrise -- 25 eps -- Original -- Action Mecha Sci-Fi -- Cross Ange: Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo Cross Ange: Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo -- Angelise Ikaruga Misurugi is the first princess of the noble Misurugi Empire. The kingdom has seen great power and prosperity due to the advancement of the revolutionary technology known as "Mana," an abstract bending of light that has reduced the world's problems of war and pollution to a timeless peace. -- -- However, not all are blessed with the ability to wield Mana. Those who cannot are labeled "Norma," outcasts of society who are considered a threat to civilization and live under constant persecution, and Angelise herself is one of many who want the Norma exterminated. But as Angelise's sixteenth birthday commences, it is discovered in a shocking revelation that she is actually a Norma. Chaos ensues, the public is outraged, and the once adored princess is exiled to Arzenal: a remote military base where Normas are forced into conscription. -- -- Now, the former royal must adapt to a harsh and vastly different lifestyle; piloting mechanical robots known as "Paramail" to fend off large, devastating beasts referred to as DRAGONs. However, a sinister truth about these savage creatures threatens to change everything. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 159,107 7.40
Crusher Joe -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Space -- Crusher Joe Crusher Joe -- Crushers: intergalactic Jacks-of-All-Trades who will take on any assignment for the right price. Crusher Joe heads a small team of these outer space troubleshooters that includes the cyborg Talos, the beautiful Alfin, and the obligatory kid sidekick Ricky. A routine assignment escorting a cryogenically frozen heiress to a medical facility goes awry when the girl goes missing and Joe and his team are left holding the bag. It seems space pirates are trying to play the Crushers for patsies, but Joe doesn’t take kindly to the setup and tracks the pirates to their home world. The four heroes not only have to rescue their human cargo but take down the pirates in the process, which involves a heck of a lot of space dogfights, explosions, and good old-fashioned hand-to-hand combat. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- AnimEigo, Discotek Media -- Movie - Mar 12, 1983 -- 5,899 6.81
DearS -- -- Daume -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Harem Comedy Romance Ecchi Shounen -- DearS DearS -- One year ago, a UFO containing 150 aliens crash-landed off the shores of Kasai. Because no one could fix their ship, the Japanese Government decided to bestow upon them the designation "DearS" and make them into Japanese citizens, teaching them the language, customs, and culture of Japan. However, in order for them to become more familiar with human society, a home-stay program has been enacted to allow them to mingle with other humans. -- -- One misty morning, a truck carrying a capsule that housed one of these aliens ends up dropping it into the riverbank, releasing her from her confinement. She is eventually found by a high school student named Takeya Ikuhara, who saves her from being hit by a truck and takes pity on her, despite being extremely distrustful of their race and wanting nothing to do with them. Upon being named Ren, she imprints upon him as her "Master" and serves as his personal "Slave," leaving him with a "DearS" who wants to remain with him no matter what and bringing his ordinary, alien-free days to an end. -- 130,613 6.61
DearS -- -- Daume -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Harem Comedy Romance Ecchi Shounen -- DearS DearS -- One year ago, a UFO containing 150 aliens crash-landed off the shores of Kasai. Because no one could fix their ship, the Japanese Government decided to bestow upon them the designation "DearS" and make them into Japanese citizens, teaching them the language, customs, and culture of Japan. However, in order for them to become more familiar with human society, a home-stay program has been enacted to allow them to mingle with other humans. -- -- One misty morning, a truck carrying a capsule that housed one of these aliens ends up dropping it into the riverbank, releasing her from her confinement. She is eventually found by a high school student named Takeya Ikuhara, who saves her from being hit by a truck and takes pity on her, despite being extremely distrustful of their race and wanting nothing to do with them. Upon being named Ren, she imprints upon him as her "Master" and serves as his personal "Slave," leaving him with a "DearS" who wants to remain with him no matter what and bringing his ordinary, alien-free days to an end. -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Geneon Entertainment USA -- 130,613 6.61
Demon Busters: Ecchi na Ecchi na Demon Taiji The Animation -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Harem Hentai Demons Supernatural School -- Demon Busters: Ecchi na Ecchi na Demon Taiji The Animation Demon Busters: Ecchi na Ecchi na Demon Taiji The Animation -- Kou is a member of the public morals committee at Moriyaji Gakuen, along with his childhood friend Ai and kouhai Karen. One day while he was making the rounds after school, he was attacked by a weird being. He was frozen in fear and could not evade its attack, but he was saved by two girls, Konoka and Lizera. They were ‘daemon busters’ who fight against daemons borne from the lust and cravings of humans. They told him that he was a kyuumashi who could absorb the desires that create daemons, and they asked for his help since his special ability makes their battles much easier. When he uses his ability, it causes him to be able to see girls naked and also makes them horny. If the daemons aren’t defeated, then their lust will cause the whole school to become an orgy. As part of the public morals committee, he can’t let that happen! -- -- (Source: Hau~ Omochikaeri!) -- OVA - Sep 25, 2015 -- 6,780 6.81
Devilman -- -- Toei Animation -- 39 eps -- Manga -- Action Horror Demons Supernatural -- Devilman Devilman -- Devilman features Akira Fudo, a shy and timid teenager who has gone mountain climbing in the Himalayas with his father. While in the middle of the expedition, both father and son are killed in a tragic accident. Akira's body is found and possessed by the demon soldier Devilman, who uses his new human form as a disguise in order to fulfill his mission of causing chaos on Earth in order to pave the way for a demonic invasion of the planet. -- -- Before his mission can begin in earnest, Devilman meets Akira's childhood friend Miki Makimura and quickly falls in love with her. Devilman resolves to protect Miki and humanity as a whole by battling against his fellow demons. Demon Tribe leader Zennon becomes greatly angered at Devilman's betrayal and is quick to send Devilman's former comrades to destroy him. The other demons soon learn that Miki is precious to Devilman and he must now work to protect her, as well as protect himself. Will the power of love be able to overcome that of true evil? -- 22,175 6.45
Devilman -- -- Toei Animation -- 39 eps -- Manga -- Action Horror Demons Supernatural -- Devilman Devilman -- Devilman features Akira Fudo, a shy and timid teenager who has gone mountain climbing in the Himalayas with his father. While in the middle of the expedition, both father and son are killed in a tragic accident. Akira's body is found and possessed by the demon soldier Devilman, who uses his new human form as a disguise in order to fulfill his mission of causing chaos on Earth in order to pave the way for a demonic invasion of the planet. -- -- Before his mission can begin in earnest, Devilman meets Akira's childhood friend Miki Makimura and quickly falls in love with her. Devilman resolves to protect Miki and humanity as a whole by battling against his fellow demons. Demon Tribe leader Zennon becomes greatly angered at Devilman's betrayal and is quick to send Devilman's former comrades to destroy him. The other demons soon learn that Miki is precious to Devilman and he must now work to protect her, as well as protect himself. Will the power of love be able to overcome that of true evil? -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- 22,175 6.45
Devil Survivor 2 The Animation -- -- Bridge -- 13 eps -- Game -- Action Demons Supernatural -- Devil Survivor 2 The Animation Devil Survivor 2 The Animation -- The countdown to extinction begins on Sunday with the arrival of the Septentriones, otherworldly invaders set on the eradication of mankind. Caught in the crossfire, Hibiki Kuze and his friends join in the war for humanity's survival by signing contracts with demons to become "Devil Summoners." Soon, their abilities attract the attention of JP's, an underground agency led by Yamato Houtsuin. Once recruited into JP's, Hibiki and his friends fight and bond alongside other ordinary citizens who are Devil Summoners. -- -- However, with each new day, another Septentrione appears to wreak havoc upon Japan. Even if many lives are lost in the process, before that night ends, the young summoners must defeat the invaders at all costs. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 5, 2013 -- 150,992 6.88
Devil Survivor 2 The Animation -- -- Bridge -- 13 eps -- Game -- Action Demons Supernatural -- Devil Survivor 2 The Animation Devil Survivor 2 The Animation -- The countdown to extinction begins on Sunday with the arrival of the Septentriones, otherworldly invaders set on the eradication of mankind. Caught in the crossfire, Hibiki Kuze and his friends join in the war for humanity's survival by signing contracts with demons to become "Devil Summoners." Soon, their abilities attract the attention of JP's, an underground agency led by Yamato Houtsuin. Once recruited into JP's, Hibiki and his friends fight and bond alongside other ordinary citizens who are Devil Summoners. -- -- However, with each new day, another Septentrione appears to wreak havoc upon Japan. Even if many lives are lost in the process, before that night ends, the young summoners must defeat the invaders at all costs. -- -- TV - Apr 5, 2013 -- 150,992 6.88
Digimon Xros Wars -- -- Toei Animation -- 30 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Shounen -- Digimon Xros Wars Digimon Xros Wars -- The Digital World is in a state of war, with the evil Bagra Army attempting to collect fragments of the Code Crown. Whoever manages to collect all 108 fragments will become king of the Digital World. An evil group of Digimon, known as the Bagra Army, are determined to get their hands on the Code Crown. -- -- Digimon Xros Wars features Taiki Kudou, a soccer-loving middle schooler who will always go out of his way to help people in need. When out with his friends Akari Hinomoto and Zenjirou Tsurugi one day, he hears a voice calling out for help. Investigating the situation, he meets a Digimon named Shoutmon who has been severely wounded in a nearby alley. Using the power of a strange device called a Xros Loader, Taiki manages to save Shoutmon's life, but is pulled into the Digital World alongside Akari and Zenjirou. -- -- Determined not to let the evil Bagra have their way, Taiki and his friends join with Shoutmon and other local Digimon to form their own army known as Xros Heart. Now Xros Heart must fight their way across the Digital World to collect Code Crown fragments and defeat the Bagra Army, but Taiki and his friends are not the only humans caught up in this war of monsters… -- 39,899 6.71
Digimon Xros Wars -- -- Toei Animation -- 30 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Shounen -- Digimon Xros Wars Digimon Xros Wars -- The Digital World is in a state of war, with the evil Bagra Army attempting to collect fragments of the Code Crown. Whoever manages to collect all 108 fragments will become king of the Digital World. An evil group of Digimon, known as the Bagra Army, are determined to get their hands on the Code Crown. -- -- Digimon Xros Wars features Taiki Kudou, a soccer-loving middle schooler who will always go out of his way to help people in need. When out with his friends Akari Hinomoto and Zenjirou Tsurugi one day, he hears a voice calling out for help. Investigating the situation, he meets a Digimon named Shoutmon who has been severely wounded in a nearby alley. Using the power of a strange device called a Xros Loader, Taiki manages to save Shoutmon's life, but is pulled into the Digital World alongside Akari and Zenjirou. -- -- Determined not to let the evil Bagra have their way, Taiki and his friends join with Shoutmon and other local Digimon to form their own army known as Xros Heart. Now Xros Heart must fight their way across the Digital World to collect Code Crown fragments and defeat the Bagra Army, but Taiki and his friends are not the only humans caught up in this war of monsters… -- -- Licensor: -- Flatiron Film Company -- 39,899 6.71
Dog Days -- -- Seven Arcs -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Fantasy Magic -- Dog Days Dog Days -- Dog Days takes place in the world of Flonyard, an alternate Earth inhabited by beings who resemble humans, but also have the ears and tails of specific animals. The Republic of Biscotti, a union of dog-like citizens, has come under attack by the feline forces of the Galette Leo Knights. In an effort to save Biscotti, Princess Millhiore summons a champion from another world in order to defend her people. That champion is Cinque Izumi, a normal junior high student from Earth. -- -- Agreeing to assist Biscotti, Cinque retrieves a sacred weapon called the Palladion and prepares for war. In Flonyard, wars are fought with no casualties and are more akin to sports competitions with the goal of raising money for the participating kingdoms. Cinque is successful in his role as Biscotti’s champion, but learns that a summoned champion cannot be returned to their home world. The scientists of Biscotti will endeavor to find a way for Cinque to return home, but until they figure something out, he must serve Princess Millhiore by continuing to fight as Biscotti’s hero. -- TV - Apr 2, 2011 -- 166,546 6.94
Dorohedoro -- -- MAPPA -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Horror Magic Fantasy Seinen -- Dorohedoro Dorohedoro -- Hole—a dark, decrepit, and disorderly district where the strong prey on the weak and death is an ordinary occurrence—is all but befitting of the name given to it. A realm separated from law and ethics, it is a testing ground to the magic users who dominate it. As a race occupying the highest rungs of their society, the magic users think of the denizens of Hole as no more than insects. Murdered, mutilated, and made experiments without a second thought, the powerless Hole dwellers litter the halls of Hole's hospital on a daily basis. -- -- Possessing free access to and from the cesspool, and with little challenge to their authority, the magic users appear indomitable to most—aside for a few. Kaiman, more reptile than man, is one such individual. He hunts them on a heedless quest for answers with only a trusted pair of bayonets and his immunity to magic. Cursed by his appearance and tormented by nightmares, magic users are his only clue to restoring his life to normal. With his biggest obstacle being his stomach, his female companion Nikaidou, who runs the restaurant Hungry Bug, is his greatest ally. -- -- Set in a gritty world of hellish design, Dorohedoro manages a healthy blend of comedy and lightheartedness with death and carnage. Taking plenty of twists and turns while following the lives of Hole's residents, it weaves a unique world of unearthly origin and dreary appearance not for the squeamish or easily disturbed. -- -- 303,473 8.10
Dorohedoro -- -- MAPPA -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Horror Magic Fantasy Seinen -- Dorohedoro Dorohedoro -- Hole—a dark, decrepit, and disorderly district where the strong prey on the weak and death is an ordinary occurrence—is all but befitting of the name given to it. A realm separated from law and ethics, it is a testing ground to the magic users who dominate it. As a race occupying the highest rungs of their society, the magic users think of the denizens of Hole as no more than insects. Murdered, mutilated, and made experiments without a second thought, the powerless Hole dwellers litter the halls of Hole's hospital on a daily basis. -- -- Possessing free access to and from the cesspool, and with little challenge to their authority, the magic users appear indomitable to most—aside for a few. Kaiman, more reptile than man, is one such individual. He hunts them on a heedless quest for answers with only a trusted pair of bayonets and his immunity to magic. Cursed by his appearance and tormented by nightmares, magic users are his only clue to restoring his life to normal. With his biggest obstacle being his stomach, his female companion Nikaidou, who runs the restaurant Hungry Bug, is his greatest ally. -- -- Set in a gritty world of hellish design, Dorohedoro manages a healthy blend of comedy and lightheartedness with death and carnage. Taking plenty of twists and turns while following the lives of Hole's residents, it weaves a unique world of unearthly origin and dreary appearance not for the squeamish or easily disturbed. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Netflix -- 303,473 8.10
Dorohedoro: Ma no Omake -- -- MAPPA -- 6 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Horror Fantasy Seinen -- Dorohedoro: Ma no Omake Dorohedoro: Ma no Omake -- Dorohedoro: Ma no Omake further explores the world of sorcerers and the Hole, honing in on what the characters do in their spare time when they are not seeking out their enemies. -- -- Kamen Kakusa -- Fujita attends a mask conjuring ritual in hopes of a Devil bestowing him with an appropriate mask, like the ones his colleagues Noi and Shin possess. Hopefully his offering entices the mask-maker! -- -- Tenpo For You -- Nikaidou, lacking money and forced to sell gyoza on the streets of the Hole, stumbles upon a quaint shop selling tea and sweets. Its owner is the gentle and hospitable Syueron, but it seems the denizens of the Hole bear a grudge against him. -- -- Shitappa Seishun Graffiti -- Intrigued by the photographs hanging around the mansion, Ebisu approaches En hoping for a portrait of her own. However, she is disappointed to find that only members of the En Family can have their pictures taken. -- -- Anata no Shiranai Gyoza no Kai -- The Gyoza Fairy keeps the Hungry Bug in pristine condition, but his primary responsibility is ensuring the gyoza tastes good. So he becomes rather agitated when Nikaidou's customers do not properly enjoy their meals. -- -- Odoru Ma no Utage -- En is enthusiastic about his masquerade ball and is adamant on his family's participation. Per tradition, attendees must choose a partner and dance to appease the Devils. To their horror, they discover that failing to do so may incur nasty consequences! -- -- Yokaze ni Fukarete Ooba Kinenbi -- Nikaidou gives detailed instructions on preparing oba gyoza and Kaiman is eager to help! -- -- Special - Jun 17, 2020 -- 29,004 7.11
Dragon Ball Specials -- -- Toei Animation -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Fantasy Comedy Super Power Shounen -- Dragon Ball Specials Dragon Ball Specials -- Specials included with the original series. -- -- Goku no Koutsuuanzen (Goku's Traffic Safety) -- Goku is heading to West City to attend Bulma's birthday party, and on the way he ends up learning the rules for getting through traffic. The movie was for children to watch so it would teach them how to get across a pedestrian crossing. -- -- Goku no Shouboutai (Goku's Fire Brigade) -- An episode for kids where Goku and the others work for the Fire brigade and explain how avoid problems with fire. -- Special - Jun 8, 1988 -- 25,798 6.73
Dragon Ball Super Movie: Broly -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Super Power Martial Arts Fantasy Shounen -- Dragon Ball Super Movie: Broly Dragon Ball Super Movie: Broly -- Forty-one years ago on Planet Vegeta, home of the infamous Saiyan warrior race, King Vegeta noticed a baby named Broly whose latent power exceeded that of his own son. Believing that Broly's power would one day surpass that of his child, Vegeta, the king sends Broly to the desolate planet Vampa. Broly's father Paragus follows after him, intent on rescuing his son. However, his ship gets damaged, causing the two to spend years trapped on the barren world, unaware of the salvation that would one day come from an unlikely ally. -- -- Years later on Earth, Gokuu Son and Prince Vegeta—believed to be the last survivors of the Saiyan race—are busy training on a remote island. But their sparring is interrupted when the appearance of their old enemy Frieza drives them to search for the last of the wish-granting Dragon Balls on a frozen continent. Once there, Frieza shows off his new allies: Paragus and the now extremely powerful Broly. A legendary battle that shakes the foundation of the world ensues as Gokuu and Vegeta face off against Broly, a warrior without equal whose rage is just waiting to be unleashed. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Dec 14, 2018 -- 224,797 8.10
Dragon Ball Super Movie: Broly -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Super Power Martial Arts Fantasy Shounen -- Dragon Ball Super Movie: Broly Dragon Ball Super Movie: Broly -- Forty-one years ago on Planet Vegeta, home of the infamous Saiyan warrior race, King Vegeta noticed a baby named Broly whose latent power exceeded that of his own son. Believing that Broly's power would one day surpass that of his child, Vegeta, the king sends Broly to the desolate planet Vampa. Broly's father Paragus follows after him, intent on rescuing his son. However, his ship gets damaged, causing the two to spend years trapped on the barren world, unaware of the salvation that would one day come from an unlikely ally. -- -- Years later on Earth, Gokuu Son and Prince Vegeta—believed to be the last survivors of the Saiyan race—are busy training on a remote island. But their sparring is interrupted when the appearance of their old enemy Frieza drives them to search for the last of the wish-granting Dragon Balls on a frozen continent. Once there, Frieza shows off his new allies: Paragus and the now extremely powerful Broly. A legendary battle that shakes the foundation of the world ensues as Gokuu and Vegeta face off against Broly, a warrior without equal whose rage is just waiting to be unleashed. -- -- Movie - Dec 14, 2018 -- 224,797 8.10
Dragon Ball Z Movie 02: Kono Yo de Ichiban Tsuyoi Yatsu -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Comedy Fantasy Shounen -- Dragon Ball Z Movie 02: Kono Yo de Ichiban Tsuyoi Yatsu Dragon Ball Z Movie 02: Kono Yo de Ichiban Tsuyoi Yatsu -- In his laboratory, biotechnology expert Dr. Kochin gathers the dragon balls intending to free his master Dr. Uirou, a mad scientist hellbent on ruling the world, forever frozen in the never-melting ice of the Tsurumai-Tsuburi Mountains. Attempting to locate the dragon balls, Gohan Son and Oolong arrive at the scene and are ambushed by several creatures known as "Bio-Men." Training nearby, Piccolo attempts to save them but is then attacked by three mysterious warriors. When the ice beneath them breaks, it cuts their altercation short, burying Gohan and Oolong within. -- -- After regaining consciousness, they return home to Kame House only to encounter Bio-Men, demanding Muten-Roushi to follow them. Refusing, he easily defeats the creatures, piquing Dr. Kochin's interest. Under the impression of Muten-Roushi being the strongest man in the world, Dr. Kochin takes Bulma hostage, forcing Roushi's agreement to accompany him in mysterious plans involving his master. Who are Dr. Kochin and Dr. Uirou? What even is their purpose? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Mar 10, 1990 -- 91,335 6.64
Dragon Ball Z Movie 02: Kono Yo de Ichiban Tsuyoi Yatsu -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Comedy Fantasy Shounen -- Dragon Ball Z Movie 02: Kono Yo de Ichiban Tsuyoi Yatsu Dragon Ball Z Movie 02: Kono Yo de Ichiban Tsuyoi Yatsu -- In his laboratory, biotechnology expert Dr. Kochin gathers the dragon balls intending to free his master Dr. Uirou, a mad scientist hellbent on ruling the world, forever frozen in the never-melting ice of the Tsurumai-Tsuburi Mountains. Attempting to locate the dragon balls, Gohan Son and Oolong arrive at the scene and are ambushed by several creatures known as "Bio-Men." Training nearby, Piccolo attempts to save them but is then attacked by three mysterious warriors. When the ice beneath them breaks, it cuts their altercation short, burying Gohan and Oolong within. -- -- After regaining consciousness, they return home to Kame House only to encounter Bio-Men, demanding Muten-Roushi to follow them. Refusing, he easily defeats the creatures, piquing Dr. Kochin's interest. Under the impression of Muten-Roushi being the strongest man in the world, Dr. Kochin takes Bulma hostage, forcing Roushi's agreement to accompany him in mysterious plans involving his master. Who are Dr. Kochin and Dr. Uirou? What even is their purpose? -- -- Movie - Mar 10, 1990 -- 91,335 6.64
Dragon Ball Z: Summer Vacation Special -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Super Power Martial Arts Fantasy Shounen -- Dragon Ball Z: Summer Vacation Special Dragon Ball Z: Summer Vacation Special -- One peaceful afternoon, the Son family and friends are spending the day out on the town shopping in West City. Meanwhile, two strangers enter the city and begin causing havoc, destroying nearly everything in their path. As the Son family is eating, the building they're in is suddenly attacked, as it turns out the two are after Son Goku. When Goku sees that innocent people are being attacked in his name, he becomes furious. Trunks comes to Goku’s aid, and the two lead the artificial humans out of the city. As the battle is moved elsewhere, Goku and Gohan, now dressed in white tuxes, return and land in West City. -- -- The two proceed to show clips and highlights from the preceding Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z movies. Goku of course doesn't much like being all dressed up, and by the end he powers up to change back into his typical dōgi. Gohan tries to do the same, but isn't powerful enough to get out of his tux. Goku says he’ll get there someday, and Gohan tells everyone to be sure to go see “Extreme Battle!! The Three Great Super Saiyans” in theaters. -- -- (Source: Kanzenshuu) -- Special - Jul ??, 1992 -- 10,356 6.60
Dragon Ball Z: Zenbu Misemasu Toshi Wasure Dragon Ball Z! -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Slice of Life Adventure Fantasy Martial Arts Comedy Super Power Shounen -- Dragon Ball Z: Zenbu Misemasu Toshi Wasure Dragon Ball Z! Dragon Ball Z: Zenbu Misemasu Toshi Wasure Dragon Ball Z! -- In this film, which is believed to take place some time around the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament, Gohan and Goten are having a hot bath outside in the middle of winter. Goku (who is still dead) suddenly appears in front of his sons with the help of his Instant Transmission, and joins them in the tub. While there, the three Saiyans reflect back on the events that occurred during the Cell Games. Inside the house after Chi-Chi appeared, Goku tells his sons about Pikkon and the Other World Tournament. -- -- Later, the four members of the Son family appear dressed nicely. Gohan says that the adult division of the Tournament will begin this next year (in 1994), and the special comes to an end. -- -- (Source: Dragon Ball Wikia) -- Special - Dec 31, 1993 -- 12,907 6.51
Dragon Quest: Your Story -- -- Robot Communications, Shirogumi -- 1 ep -- Game -- Adventure Comedy Demons Magic Martial Arts Fantasy -- Dragon Quest: Your Story Dragon Quest: Your Story -- Following in his father's footsteps, Luca must find the hero who wields the zenithian sword to save his mother from Ladja. Based on Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride game's story. -- -- (Source: Apple TV) -- Movie - Aug 2, 2019 -- 10,714 6.82
DRAMAtical Murder -- -- NAZ -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Sci-Fi Super Power Psychological -- DRAMAtical Murder DRAMAtical Murder -- Some time ago, the influential and powerful Toue Inc. bought the island of Midorijima, Japan, with the plans of building Platinum Jail—a luxurious utopian facility. Those who are lucky enough to call it home are the wealthiest citizens in the world. The original residents of the island, however, were forced to relocate to the Old Residential District; and after the completion of Platinum Jail, they were completely abandoned. -- -- "Rib" and "Rhyme" are the most common games played on the island. Rib is an old school game in which gangs engage in turf wars against each other, while Rhyme is a technologically advanced game wherein participants fight in a virtual reality. To be able to play Rhyme, you must have an "All-Mate" (an AI that typically looks like a pet), and the match must be mediated by an "Usui." -- -- Aoba Seragaki has no interest in playing either game; he prefers to live a peaceful life with his grandmother and All-Mate, Ren. However, after getting forcefully dragged into a dangerous Rhyme match and hearing rumors about disappearing Rib players, all of Aoba's hopes of living a normal life are completely abolished. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Jul 7, 2014 -- 141,900 6.08
Dr. Stone: Stone Wars - Kaisen Zenya Special Eizou -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Adventure Shounen -- Dr. Stone: Stone Wars - Kaisen Zenya Special Eizou Dr. Stone: Stone Wars - Kaisen Zenya Special Eizou -- A recap episode with additional scenes which was screened on Jump's official YouTube channel for Jump Special Anime Festa 2020. -- Special - Oct 11, 2020 -- 34,657 7.14
Durarara!! -- -- Brain's Base -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Mystery Supernatural -- Durarara!! Durarara!! -- In Tokyo's downtown district of Ikebukuro, amidst many strange rumors and warnings of anonymous gangs and dangerous occupants, one urban legend stands out above the rest—the existence of a headless "Black Rider" who is said to be seen driving a jet-black motorcycle through the city streets. -- -- Mikado Ryuugamine has always longed for the excitement of the city life, and an invitation from a childhood friend convinces him to move to Tokyo. Witnessing the Black Rider on his first day in the city, his wishes already seem to have been granted. But as supernatural events begin to occur, ordinary citizens like himself, along with Ikebukuro's most colorful inhabitants, are mixed up in the commotion breaking out in their city. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 1,145,331 8.16
Durarara!!x2 Ten -- -- Shuka -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Mystery Supernatural -- Durarara!!x2 Ten Durarara!!x2 Ten -- In Ikebukuro, the lives of its citizens continue intertwining with each other as if their fates are predestined. Mikado Ryuugamine is now one step closer to his goal of living an exciting life, and in turn, delves deeper into the darker side of Ikebukuro. After gaining absolute control over a former rival, he uses his newfound power as he pleases, purging the Dollars from the inside to mold it into the ideal organization. This proves to be as challenging as it sounds as Mikado must now deal with unwanted outside interference, most notably a re-emerging and dearly missed friend. Meanwhile, Izaya Orihara still has some schemes up his sleeve, although a rival information exchange center has proven to be quite the hindrance, lurking within everyone’s favorite downtown district. Undoubtedly, sooner or later, chaos will strike again. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 322,624 8.00
Final Approach -- -- Zexcs -- 13 eps -- Visual novel -- Comedy Drama Romance Slice of Life -- Final Approach Final Approach -- Ever since their parents died a few years ago, Ryo and his sister Akane have been living alone together. Despite their difficult situation, they are still living reasonably happy and normal lives. However, everything is about to be flipped upside-down due to a secret government project. Due to increasingly low birth rates in Japan, the Japanese government is testing a program in which two young people are forced to marry. Ryo wants no part of it, but he is given little choice in the matter; his new fiancée, Shizuka, comes to his home late one night with several dozen government issued bodyguards, who are there to ensure the success of the new couple. Unlike Ryo, Shizuka couldn’t be more willing to go along with this new program, and eagerly goes about her wifely duties, despite his objections. With meddling friends, pushy bodyguards, and an overenthusiastic new fiancée, Ryo’s life has taken a turn in a direction the young man certainly didn’t expect. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Oct 3, 2004 -- 32,102 6.55
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children -- -- Square Enix -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Super Power Fantasy -- Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children -- Two years ago, the world was changed forever. The young Cloud Strife and his band of friends may have defeated Sephiroth and thwarted his plan to crash a giant meteor into the Earth, but this victory was not without great cost. The highly populated city of Midgar was nearly ripped apart in the conflict. Fortunately, many of the city's citizens were able to evacuate to safety, and in the years afterward have formed a new home called Edge. -- -- Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children revolves around Cloud and Tifa as they try to make new lives for themselves, as well as for those around them, in this new city. Together they run a courier service, and tend to their mutual friend Barret’s adopted daughter Marlene and a young orphan by the name of Denzel. Denzel, Cloud, and scores of children are suffering from a mysterious new illness called "Geostigma." -- -- The children of the city have one other threat looming over their heads—a trio of powerful men are kidnapping infected kids for unknown reasons. Cloud is determined to save these young ones, not only from Geostigma, but from the kidnappers as well. He has no idea, however, that these men share a link to his old enemy, Sephiroth, and Cloud’s quest to vanquish them will bring him back into conflict with the demons of his past. If there is any hope in conquering these threats, it lays within the bonds of friendship between Cloud and his allies who saved the world once, and now must do so again. -- -- Licensor: -- Sony Pictures Entertainment -- Movie - Sep 14, 2005 -- 193,530 7.75
Fullmetal Alchemist: The Conqueror of Shamballa -- -- Bones -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Military Comedy Historical Drama Fantasy Shounen -- Fullmetal Alchemist: The Conqueror of Shamballa Fullmetal Alchemist: The Conqueror of Shamballa -- In desperation, Edward Elric sacrificed his body and soul to rescue his brother Alphonse, and is now displaced in the heart of Munich, Germany. He struggles to adapt to a world completely foreign to him in the wake of the economic crisis that followed the end of World War I. Isolated and unable to return home with his alchemy skills, Edward continues to research other methods of escaping the prison alongside colleagues who bear striking resemblances to many of the people he left behind. As dissent brews among the German citizenry, its neighbors also feel the unrest of the humiliated nation. -- -- Meanwhile, Alphonse continues to investigate Edward's disappearance, delving into the science of alchemy in the hopes of finally reuniting with his older brother. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Jul 23, 2005 -- 285,281 7.56
Fullmetal Alchemist: The Conqueror of Shamballa -- -- Bones -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Military Comedy Historical Drama Fantasy Shounen -- Fullmetal Alchemist: The Conqueror of Shamballa Fullmetal Alchemist: The Conqueror of Shamballa -- In desperation, Edward Elric sacrificed his body and soul to rescue his brother Alphonse, and is now displaced in the heart of Munich, Germany. He struggles to adapt to a world completely foreign to him in the wake of the economic crisis that followed the end of World War I. Isolated and unable to return home with his alchemy skills, Edward continues to research other methods of escaping the prison alongside colleagues who bear striking resemblances to many of the people he left behind. As dissent brews among the German citizenry, its neighbors also feel the unrest of the humiliated nation. -- -- Meanwhile, Alphonse continues to investigate Edward's disappearance, delving into the science of alchemy in the hopes of finally reuniting with his older brother. -- -- Movie - Jul 23, 2005 -- 285,281 7.56
Ga-Rei: Zero -- -- AIC Spirits, Asread -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Super Power Supernatural Thriller -- Ga-Rei: Zero Ga-Rei: Zero -- In Japan, there exists a government agency known as the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Division (SDCD), whose duty is to protect the citizens from creatures unseen. They are able to dispatch these monsters swiftly and without alerting the general public. But currently, they face a different challenge: the betrayal of one of their own. -- -- After the death of her mother several years ago, Kagura Tsuchimiya has been fostered by the Isayama family and forms a close sister-like bond with their daughter Yomi. The two become inseparable, and together they work for the SDCD as highly skilled exorcists. However, as the stress and consequences of their sacred duty weigh on them both, and family politics come into play, Kagura and Yomi begin to slowly drift apart. One of them grows earnestly into her role as an exorcist, and the other heads down a dark path from which there may be no redemption... -- -- 208,318 7.63
Ga-Rei: Zero -- -- AIC Spirits, Asread -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Super Power Supernatural Thriller -- Ga-Rei: Zero Ga-Rei: Zero -- In Japan, there exists a government agency known as the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Division (SDCD), whose duty is to protect the citizens from creatures unseen. They are able to dispatch these monsters swiftly and without alerting the general public. But currently, they face a different challenge: the betrayal of one of their own. -- -- After the death of her mother several years ago, Kagura Tsuchimiya has been fostered by the Isayama family and forms a close sister-like bond with their daughter Yomi. The two become inseparable, and together they work for the SDCD as highly skilled exorcists. However, as the stress and consequences of their sacred duty weigh on them both, and family politics come into play, Kagura and Yomi begin to slowly drift apart. One of them grows earnestly into her role as an exorcist, and the other heads down a dark path from which there may be no redemption... -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 208,318 7.63
Garo: Guren no Tsuki -- -- MAPPA -- 23 eps -- Original -- Action Demons Fantasy Magic Supernatural -- Garo: Guren no Tsuki Garo: Guren no Tsuki -- Monsters known as "Horrors" have invaded the world, entering through gates from the Makai Realm of Darkness. These corrupt, demonic creatures have the ability to seize human bodies and feed on their souls. Citizens who are out past sunset will likely never see the sun rise again, but those who live in the capital city have no need to worry—they are protected by a spiritual force field created by the sorcerer group Onmyouji. -- -- In possession of legendary armor, the Golden Knight Raikou proclaims that he will protect everyone from the Horrors. Accompanied by his attendant Kintoki and the mysterious Makai Alchemist Seimei, he strives to become a formidable Makai Knight, but Raikou is ill-prepared to handle the side effects of the armor. Disappointed by his own shortcomings, he sets out on a journey of self-discovery to master his weaknesses and prove his worth. -- -- 27,252 5.89
Garo: Guren no Tsuki -- -- MAPPA -- 23 eps -- Original -- Action Demons Fantasy Magic Supernatural -- Garo: Guren no Tsuki Garo: Guren no Tsuki -- Monsters known as "Horrors" have invaded the world, entering through gates from the Makai Realm of Darkness. These corrupt, demonic creatures have the ability to seize human bodies and feed on their souls. Citizens who are out past sunset will likely never see the sun rise again, but those who live in the capital city have no need to worry—they are protected by a spiritual force field created by the sorcerer group Onmyouji. -- -- In possession of legendary armor, the Golden Knight Raikou proclaims that he will protect everyone from the Horrors. Accompanied by his attendant Kintoki and the mysterious Makai Alchemist Seimei, he strives to become a formidable Makai Knight, but Raikou is ill-prepared to handle the side effects of the armor. Disappointed by his own shortcomings, he sets out on a journey of self-discovery to master his weaknesses and prove his worth. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 27,252 5.89
Garo: Honoo no Kokuin -- -- MAPPA -- 24 eps -- Original -- Action Demons Fantasy Magic Supernatural -- Garo: Honoo no Kokuin Garo: Honoo no Kokuin -- In the name of the king, the Valiante Kingdom launched hunts to exterminate users of witchcraft. Seventeen years later, their pursuit is still growing in both size and brutality. Unbeknownst to the citizens, the targets of these witch hunts are the secret protectors of humanity. Known as the Makai Knights and Alchemists, they have a strong will to protect people from Horrors, demons who possess souls plagued by sadness and pain. -- -- One such Makai Knight is 17-year-old Leon Luis who inherits the legendary armor of the Golden Knight Garo from his mother. Though he possesses great power, he struggles to overcome the hatred he bears from his mother's death at the hands of the kingdom. His father German, known as Zoro the Shadow Cutting Knight, is still training Leon when he is called to investigate the upsurge of Horrors in the kingdom's capital. Although German knows Leon's will is wavering, he decides to bring Leon along to continue his training. -- -- As German and Leon head to the capital, the king's amiable son Alfonso San Valiante struggles to find a solution to the growing Horror threat. But before he can do so, he is double-crossed and banished from his own kingdom. To return home, Alfonso sets out to find the help and strength he needs to reclaim the throne. During his search, he comes across Leon, whose interactions with the prince will forever change both of their fates. -- -- 123,260 7.40
Garo: Honoo no Kokuin -- -- MAPPA -- 24 eps -- Original -- Action Demons Fantasy Magic Supernatural -- Garo: Honoo no Kokuin Garo: Honoo no Kokuin -- In the name of the king, the Valiante Kingdom launched hunts to exterminate users of witchcraft. Seventeen years later, their pursuit is still growing in both size and brutality. Unbeknownst to the citizens, the targets of these witch hunts are the secret protectors of humanity. Known as the Makai Knights and Alchemists, they have a strong will to protect people from Horrors, demons who possess souls plagued by sadness and pain. -- -- One such Makai Knight is 17-year-old Leon Luis who inherits the legendary armor of the Golden Knight Garo from his mother. Though he possesses great power, he struggles to overcome the hatred he bears from his mother's death at the hands of the kingdom. His father German, known as Zoro the Shadow Cutting Knight, is still training Leon when he is called to investigate the upsurge of Horrors in the kingdom's capital. Although German knows Leon's will is wavering, he decides to bring Leon along to continue his training. -- -- As German and Leon head to the capital, the king's amiable son Alfonso San Valiante struggles to find a solution to the growing Horror threat. But before he can do so, he is double-crossed and banished from his own kingdom. To return home, Alfonso sets out to find the help and strength he needs to reclaim the throne. During his search, he comes across Leon, whose interactions with the prince will forever change both of their fates. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 123,260 7.40
Genma Taisen: Shinwa Zenya no Shou -- -- - -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Drama Horror Sci-Fi Shounen Supernatural -- Genma Taisen: Shinwa Zenya no Shou Genma Taisen: Shinwa Zenya no Shou -- In the distant future, monsters and inhumans roam the land, and the ruling Evil King seeks a human woman to bear him powerful, force-adept heirs. Non offers herself to the Evil King in order to save her village from Ape Clan raiders, and gives him twin sons, Loof and Jin. She and her sons are exiled by the ungrateful villagers, however, and Non's companion Nue (a Demon Clan member changed into a wolf for disobedience) takes Loof to be raised by his father, the Evil King. The Evil One's Queen Parome despises humans, however, and her malevolence towards Loof deepens... -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- TV - Feb 2, 2002 -- 1,569 5.07
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Seiran 2 -- -- Production I.G -- 4 eps -- Novel -- Action Drama Military Sci-Fi Space -- Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Seiran 2 Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Seiran 2 -- Marquis Reinhard von Lohengramm's plot to destabilize the Free Planets Alliance succeeds when the treacherous former Rear Admiral Arthur Lynch instigates a coup on Heinessen. Equipped with a plan crafted by Reinhard himself, Lynch encourages his longtime friend Admiral Dwight Greenhill to supervise the National Salvation Military Council's toppling of the civilian government. Seeking to defend democracy and restore the Alliance constitution, Admiral Yang Wen-li faces off against his fellow citizens—and, regrettably, the father of his devoted adjutant Lieutenant Frederica Greenhill. -- -- Now with the Free Planets Alliance thoroughly occupied with their own internal matters, the forces of the Galactic Empire can safely suppress the newly formed Lippstadt League led by Duke Otto von Braunschweig. However, with his friend and loyal subordinate High Admiral Siegfried Kircheis fighting far away in the noble-controlled frontier regions, Reinhard increasingly relies on the advice of the ruthless Vice Admiral Paul von Oberstein, whose influence within the esteemed Lohengramm admiralty steadily grows. -- -- Though bloodshed is inevitable on both sides of the galaxy, Yang Wen-li of the Alliance and Reinhard von Lohengramm of the Empire each ask themselves the same questions: how will history look back on their actions? Will the ends justify the means? -- -- Movie - Oct 25, 2019 -- 15,432 8.09
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu Gaiden -- -- Artland, Magic Bus -- 24 eps -- Novel -- Action Military Sci-Fi Space Drama -- Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu Gaiden Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu Gaiden -- Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu Gaiden is the first of two OVA adaptations of side stories from the Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu novel series. This first adaptation follows the achievements of Reinhard von Müsel and Siegfried Kircheis of the Galactic Empire before the fateful Battle of Astarte. -- -- The Silver-White Valley -- Reinhard and Kircheis graduate from their military academy and are immediately sent to the frozen frontier planet Kapche-Lanka. Unbeknownst to them, their new superior schemes to kill Reinhard on behalf of a rival of Reinhard's sister Annerose von Grünewald. -- -- Dreams of the Morning, Songs of the Night -- Reinhard and Kircheis are assigned to the Imperial Military Police, where they uncover the corrupt and oppressive practices of the Empire's law enforcement. They are soon ordered to investigate the murder of a student at their alma mater. -- -- Dishonor -- As Reinhard awaits the bestowal of his new title of Count von Lohengramm, he sends Kircheis to the artificial resort satellite Kreuznach III for a vacation. Restless from the lack of work, Kircheis assists the local police with a drug trafficking case related to an attack on a disgraced former Vice Admiral. -- -- A Hundred Billion Stars, a Hundred Billion Lights -- While Reinhard is still a commodore in charge of only a single squadron, he laments the incompetence of his superiors during a battle against the Free Planets Alliance. Amassing military successes under the direct command of Vice Admiral Richard von Grimmelshausen, Reinhard repeatedly clashes with Hermann von Lüneburg, a commodore and former regimental commander of the Alliance's infamous Rosen Ritter. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- OVA - Feb 9, 1998 -- 18,932 8.15
Gintama°: Aizome Kaori-hen -- -- Bandai Namco Pictures -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Parody -- Gintama°: Aizome Kaori-hen Gintama°: Aizome Kaori-hen -- The red-light district, Yoshiwara, is suddenly taken over by "Aizen Kou," an incense that has the ability to make anyone fall in love with the first person they see. Having been outlawed for its strong potency, the love drug was thought to have disappeared from the red-light district for good; however, it seems to have found its way back inside Yoshiwara's walls and now has the entire district under its influence. -- -- Of those affected is the cold-hearted Hyakka captain, Tsukuyo, and the first person she sees after inhaling the smoke is none other than the brazen Yorozuya leader, Gintoki Sakata. Unbeknownst to everyone else though, she was already attracted to Gintoki. With those hidden feelings now intensified, Tsukuyo must overcome her afflictions and work with the Yorozuya to return everyone back to normal. -- -- OVA - Aug 4, 2016 -- 61,969 8.41
Gintama' -- -- Sunrise -- 51 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Comedy Historical Parody Samurai Shounen -- Gintama' Gintama' -- After a one-year hiatus, Shinpachi Shimura returns to Edo, only to stumble upon a shocking surprise: Gintoki and Kagura, his fellow Yorozuya members, have become completely different characters! Fleeing from the Yorozuya headquarters in confusion, Shinpachi finds that all the denizens of Edo have undergone impossibly extreme changes, in both appearance and personality. Most unbelievably, his sister Otae has married the Shinsengumi chief and shameless stalker Isao Kondou and is pregnant with their first child. -- -- Bewildered, Shinpachi agrees to join the Shinsengumi at Otae and Kondou's request and finds even more startling transformations afoot both in and out of the ranks of the the organization. However, discovering that Vice Chief Toushirou Hijikata has remained unchanged, Shinpachi and his unlikely Shinsengumi ally set out to return the city of Edo to how they remember it. -- -- With even more dirty jokes, tongue-in-cheek parodies, and shameless references, Gintama' follows the Yorozuya team through more of their misadventures in the vibrant, alien-filled world of Edo. -- -- 384,616 9.07
Girls & Panzer: Dai 63-kai Senshadou Zenkoku Koukousei Taikai Recap -- -- Actas -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Military School -- Girls & Panzer: Dai 63-kai Senshadou Zenkoku Koukousei Taikai Recap Girls & Panzer: Dai 63-kai Senshadou Zenkoku Koukousei Taikai Recap -- A compilation of Girls & Panzer! and Girls & Panzer: Kore ga Hontou no Anzio-sen desu!. -- ONA - Nov 11, 2017 -- 4,330 7.04
Grey: Digital Target -- -- Magic Bus -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Military Sci-Fi Drama Shounen -- Grey: Digital Target Grey: Digital Target -- Grey is a laconic trooper in a rough, futuristic military system which rewards success in battle with high pay and promotions, but only three precent of troopers live long enough for the final goal - citizenship and the chance for a life above the misery of most of the populace. Grey has managed to keep coming back alive, even earning the nickname Grey Death. But is the society he's fought for worth it? -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- Movie - Dec 13, 1986 -- 2,140 6.15
Gundam: G no Reconguista -- -- Sunrise -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Mecha Sci-Fi Space -- Gundam: G no Reconguista Gundam: G no Reconguista -- In the year Regild Century 1014, an entire millennium has passed since the end of the fabled Universal Century, where legends like Amuro Ray and Char Aznable ruled the battlefield as ace mobile suit pilots. The Earth's surface that was once hotly contested is now mostly abandoned, with humanity preferring to live in space colonies and the surface of the moon. -- -- Capital Guard Academy student Bellri Zenam lives a peaceful academic life, but his normal days are brought to an end with the capture of pirate pilot Aida Surugan and her mobile suit G-Self. Bellri feels a strong mental connection with the G-Self and discovers that he is able to pilot it. He soon finds himself in contention with the "Capital Guard," a radical faction that follows its own secret agenda despite the wishes of the Amerian Army, who still hold power on Earth. Joining the crew of the Amerian spaceship Megafauna, Bellri and Aida must pilot the G-Self to victory against the Capital Guard and its leaders, the charismatic Colonel Kunpa Rushita and the enigmatic Captain Mask. -- -- 25,579 5.76
Gunslinger Stratos The Animation -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Sci-Fi -- Gunslinger Stratos The Animation Gunslinger Stratos The Animation -- A.D. 2115—the island nation once called Japan is now known as the "17th Far East Imperial City Management District." -- -- The citizens were promised a life of peace in exchange for some of the comfort they were used to having. People believed their lives would never change and tomorrow will be the same as today. No one suspected the impending doom which their society was about to face. -- -- "Degradation"—a rare disease which led to the total disintegration of the human body to a mere pile of sand was slowly but surely spreading throughout the world. -- -- Tohru Kazasumi, an ordinary student becomes embroiled in a multi universal battle between his world and the parallel world of "Frontier S (Stratos)." This meant that Tohru must fight himself from an alternate world. -- -- Their futures collide as their paths cross. -- -- Will both worlds ever find peace? -- -- (Source: Aniplex USA) -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 66,124 6.08
Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens -- -- Satelight -- 12 eps -- Novel -- Action Mystery -- Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens -- Although the city of Fukuoka might look relatively peaceful at first glance, in actuality it houses a thriving mixture of dangerous individuals such as killers, detectives, and professional revenge seekers right beneath its surface. Among their number is Zenji Banba, a laidback and observant detective who is investigating the work of other hitmen companies in the area. However, Banba might not be the only one with a bone to pick with these organizations, as Xianming Lin, a crossdressing male hitman in the employ of one such company begins getting fed up with his lack of jobs and pay. -- -- One day, after Lin's current target commits suicide before the hitman could reach him, his company refuses to pay him even half the amount they were originally supposed to for the assassination. Frustrated, Lin requests another mission and is offered the job of taking out Banba, whom his organization believes has been interfering with their business. However, when Banba arrives at his home and finds the hitman inside, Lin surprisingly doesn't even attempt to kill him. Instead, he offers the detective another option: to join him and form a team. With the offer on the table, exactly how will Banba respond, and just what plans does Lin have in store for the underground world of Fukuoka? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 123,884 7.40
Hayate no Gotoku!!: Atsu ga Natsuize - Mizugi-hen! -- -- J.C.Staff -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Comedy Harem Parody Romance -- Hayate no Gotoku!!: Atsu ga Natsuize - Mizugi-hen! Hayate no Gotoku!!: Atsu ga Natsuize - Mizugi-hen! -- To encourage Nagi to swim and enjoy summer, Maria invites various friends to their Sanzenin family's private beach. While everyone is having fun, Nagi hesitates to wear swimsuits and come out because of her small breasts, and refuses to join... -- OVA - Mar 6, 2009 -- 35,002 7.33
Hayate no Gotoku!! -- -- J.C.Staff -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Action Harem Comedy Parody Romance Shounen -- Hayate no Gotoku!! Hayate no Gotoku!! -- Hayate Ayasaki's misfortune continues to hand him the short end of the stick. Now settled into his routine at the Sanzenins' mansion and Hakuou Academy, the butler continues to work as hard as ever in caring for his young mistress Nagi while studying the school's grueling curriculum—all on top of trying his best to survive the multitude of troubles that life relentlessly pushes onto him. -- -- The unintentional chick magnet's life is far from quiet, forced to deal not only with Nagi's yet unnoticed infatuation with him, but also the evergrowing string of accidentally seduced girls—most notably, the exceptionally plain Ayumu Nishizawa, a friend of his before he became a butler, and the diligent Hinagiku Katsura, Hakuou's student council president. While one struggles to gain his affection and the other desperately tries to deny her own, both the girls are going to make the boy's life a little more complicated than it already is. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 101,521 7.72
Hayate no Gotoku! -- -- SynergySP -- 52 eps -- Manga -- Action Harem Comedy Parody Romance Shounen -- Hayate no Gotoku! Hayate no Gotoku! -- According to Murphy's Law, "anything that can go wrong, will go wrong," and truer words cannot describe the unfortunate life of the hard-working Hayate Ayasaki. Abandoned by his parents after accumulating a debt of over one hundred fifty million yen, he is sold off to the yakuza, initiating his swift getaway from a future he does not want. On that fateful night, he runs into Nagi Sanzenin, a young girl whom he decides to try and kidnap to pay for his family's massive debt. -- -- Unfortunately, due to his kind-hearted nature and a string of misunderstandings, Nagi believes Hayate to be confessing his love to her. After saving her from real kidnappers, Hayate is hired as Nagi's personal butler, upon which she is revealed to be a member of one of the wealthiest families in Japan. -- -- Highly skilled but cursed with the world's worst luck, Hayate gets straight to work serving his employer all the while trying to deal with the many misfortunes that befall him. From taking care of a mansion to fending off dangerous foes, and even unintentionally wooing the hearts of the women around him, Hayate is in over his head in the butler comedy Hayate no Gotoku! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 1, 2007 -- 197,130 7.57
Hayate no Gotoku! -- -- SynergySP -- 52 eps -- Manga -- Action Harem Comedy Parody Romance Shounen -- Hayate no Gotoku! Hayate no Gotoku! -- According to Murphy's Law, "anything that can go wrong, will go wrong," and truer words cannot describe the unfortunate life of the hard-working Hayate Ayasaki. Abandoned by his parents after accumulating a debt of over one hundred fifty million yen, he is sold off to the yakuza, initiating his swift getaway from a future he does not want. On that fateful night, he runs into Nagi Sanzenin, a young girl whom he decides to try and kidnap to pay for his family's massive debt. -- -- Unfortunately, due to his kind-hearted nature and a string of misunderstandings, Nagi believes Hayate to be confessing his love to her. After saving her from real kidnappers, Hayate is hired as Nagi's personal butler, upon which she is revealed to be a member of one of the wealthiest families in Japan. -- -- Highly skilled but cursed with the world's worst luck, Hayate gets straight to work serving his employer all the while trying to deal with the many misfortunes that befall him. From taking care of a mansion to fending off dangerous foes, and even unintentionally wooing the hearts of the women around him, Hayate is in over his head in the butler comedy Hayate no Gotoku! -- -- TV - Apr 1, 2007 -- 197,130 7.57
Hayate no Gotoku! Can't Take My Eyes Off You -- -- Manglobe -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Harem Parody Shounen -- Hayate no Gotoku! Can't Take My Eyes Off You Hayate no Gotoku! Can't Take My Eyes Off You -- Taking place one month after the events that occurred in the movie Heaven is a Place on Earth. Living at the Sanzenin Mansion once again, Nagi returns to her old ways of life, until she receives word from American authorities informing her that she has a week to pick up her late father's belongings that was indefinitely delayed due to various circumstances. After receiving news of her father whom she doesn't remember, Nagi then meets a mysterious girl (with a hidden agenda) claiming to be Nagi's little sister. -- -- The series tells a new story that is original to the anime and not directly based on the manga. The main author of the original series Kenjiro Hata personally created the original concept for the story of this anime. -- -- (Source: Hayate no Gotoku! Wikia) -- 47,602 7.04
Hayate no Gotoku! Cuties -- -- Manglobe -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Harem Parody Romance Shounen -- Hayate no Gotoku! Cuties Hayate no Gotoku! Cuties -- Taking place after the events that occurred in Hayate no Gotoku! Can't Take My Eyes off You. Hayate, Nagi and Maria return to their daily lives at the Sanzenin Mansion and the Violet Mansion. -- -- (Source: Hayate no Gotoku! Wikia) -- 38,553 7.05
High School DxD BorN: Ishibumi Ichiei Kanzen Kanshuu! Mousou Bakuyou Kaijo Original Video -- -- TNK -- 6 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Ecchi -- High School DxD BorN: Ishibumi Ichiei Kanzen Kanshuu! Mousou Bakuyou Kaijo Original Video High School DxD BorN: Ishibumi Ichiei Kanzen Kanshuu! Mousou Bakuyou Kaijo Original Video -- Specials included with the Blu-ray/DVD volumes. -- -- "Rias and Akeno's Womanly Battle!?" - Rias and Akeno compete to see whose sexy roleplay has greater appeal for Issei. (3:18) -- "The Church Trio's Underwear, Amen!" - Irina, Xenovia, and Asia compare their "battle underwear". (3:11) -- "Koneko's Healing Sage Arts, Meow" - Koneko has a healing technique, but does Issei have the wrong idea? (3:44) -- "Levia and So" - Tsubaki can't decide between two magical girl costumes and convinces a reluctant Sona to try one one. (3:29) -- "Steamy Grayfia" - Grayfia isn't quite herself when she and Issei accidentally encounter each other in the bath. (3:24) -- "Rossweisse's True Teaching Story" - When Rossweisse helps Issei study for a test, it proves difficult to avoid inappropriately distracting him. (3:07) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Special - Jul 24, 2015 -- 66,300 7.34
Hoshi no Kirby -- -- Studio Comet, Studio Sign -- 100 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Comedy Parody Fantasy -- Hoshi no Kirby Hoshi no Kirby -- A diminutive pink creature orbiting in space called "Kirby" crash lands into Dream Land. Once getting acquainted with the citizens who live there in Cappy Town, he begins to defend the town from the monsters that King Dedede, the self-proclaimed ruler of Cappy Town, orders from the evil Nightmare Enterprises. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- 4Kids Entertainment -- 23,844 6.78
Hug tto! Precure -- -- Toei Animation -- 49 eps -- Original -- Action Magic Fantasy Shoujo -- Hug tto! Precure Hug tto! Precure -- It's her first day at a new school, and the cheerful Hana Nono is ready to make a fresh start, dreaming of becoming mature and reliable—a far cry from her usual childish self. Although she makes a disastrous first impression, Hana soon befriends two of her classmates: the gentle and studious class representative Saaya Yakushiji, and a cool and mysterious girl Homare Kagayaki. -- -- That night, a magical baby falls from the sky right onto Hana's balcony. She is immediately smitten with her and names her Hug-tan. Alongside Hug-tan is a snarky talking hamster, Hariham Harry, who mutters that Hana "isn't the one" before vanishing with the baby. -- -- The next day, Hana believes the encounter to be a dream, until people all over the city begin collapsing and a giant monster appears, feeding on their energy. As Hana escapes, she spots Hug-tan and Harry under attack. Making a stand to protect them, she and Hug-tan suddenly both glow with energy and a heart-shaped gem forms. -- -- With the crystal's power, Hana transforms into a hero called "Cure Yell" and defeats the monster. Surprised at Hana's power, Harry explains that he and Hug-tan came from a future frozen in time by the Criasu Corporation, the same organization that created the monster. Only the Future Crystals, manifestations of one's hopes and dreams, and the Precure they create have a chance at defeating Criasu and saving the future! -- -- 11,636 7.72
Innocent Venus -- -- Brain's Base -- 12 eps -- Original -- Adventure Drama Mecha Military Sci-Fi -- Innocent Venus Innocent Venus -- In the year 2010 AD, Hyper Hurricanes born concurrently all over the world caused severe damage. Five billion people lost their lives, decreasing the world's population to 3 billion. Existing economies and military were wiped out. Countries were frozen under solid ice, plains sank beneath seas, the world was changed dramatically. -- -- Human civilization enters a chaotic era. Poverty flourished outside of these economic zones and slums were widespread. The ruling class called themselves Logos and maintained their position by force of arms. They call the poor Revenus, who are exiled to live outside the special economic areas. -- -- Time has passed since then. Katsuragi Jo and Tsurasawa Jin, escape from Phantom, a force organized to watch Revenus and to suppress renegade elements of the Logos, taking with them a mysterious girl, Nobuto Sana. There are many who are interested in her, all with their own reasons. -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- TV - Jul 27, 2006 -- 24,549 6.83
Innocent Venus -- -- Brain's Base -- 12 eps -- Original -- Adventure Drama Mecha Military Sci-Fi -- Innocent Venus Innocent Venus -- In the year 2010 AD, Hyper Hurricanes born concurrently all over the world caused severe damage. Five billion people lost their lives, decreasing the world's population to 3 billion. Existing economies and military were wiped out. Countries were frozen under solid ice, plains sank beneath seas, the world was changed dramatically. -- -- Human civilization enters a chaotic era. Poverty flourished outside of these economic zones and slums were widespread. The ruling class called themselves Logos and maintained their position by force of arms. They call the poor Revenus, who are exiled to live outside the special economic areas. -- -- Time has passed since then. Katsuragi Jo and Tsurasawa Jin, escape from Phantom, a force organized to watch Revenus and to suppress renegade elements of the Logos, taking with them a mysterious girl, Nobuto Sana. There are many who are interested in her, all with their own reasons. -- TV - Jul 27, 2006 -- 24,549 6.83
Inyouchuu Shoku: Ryoushokutou Taimaroku - Kanzenban -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Demons Fantasy Hentai Horror Supernatural -- Inyouchuu Shoku: Ryoushokutou Taimaroku - Kanzenban Inyouchuu Shoku: Ryoushokutou Taimaroku - Kanzenban -- Inyouchuu Shoku Complete Edition is a compilation of both Inyouchuu Shoku episodes with an additional 10 minutes of extra footage at the end with the twins. These extra scenes are credited as "episode 3" in the end credits and constitute this entry. -- -- The demon hunters are back! Mikoto, Sui, and Takeru are sent to investigate a mysterious island where people have been disappearing repeatedly and dark yoma are rumored to be the cause. When the team first arrives it almost feels like a vacation to them, but it doesn't take them long to the feel the presence of something dark and evil... -- OVA - Jun 18, 2010 -- 3,692 6.08
Isekai Izakaya: Koto Aitheria no Izakaya Nobu -- -- Sunrise -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Fantasy -- Isekai Izakaya: Koto Aitheria no Izakaya Nobu Isekai Izakaya: Koto Aitheria no Izakaya Nobu -- The novels center on a bar called "Nobu"—located in Kyoto, Japan, but with a door that is connected to the bar in another world. The visitors include denizens of the other world, and customers seek out its excellent "Toriaezu Nama" ale and cuisine. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- ONA - Apr 13, 2018 -- 25,795 7.38
Jigoku Sensei Nube: Gozen 0 Ji Nube Shisu! -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Horror Supernatural School Shounen -- Jigoku Sensei Nube: Gozen 0 Ji Nube Shisu! Jigoku Sensei Nube: Gozen 0 Ji Nube Shisu! -- New student comes to Nube class. His name is Jun and he's a lonely boy who loves clowns very much. His only friend is a Pierre - clown in the mirror. And one night Pierre gives Jun a mask with strange abilities. At that point Jun starts to act strange and lot of accidents occur in the school. -- Movie - Mar 8, 1997 -- 1,770 6.72
Jujutsu Kaisen 0 Movie -- -- MAPPA -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Demons Supernatural Shounen -- Jujutsu Kaisen 0 Movie Jujutsu Kaisen 0 Movie -- Yuuta Okkotsu is haunted. Ever since his childhood friend Rika died in a traffic accident, her ghost has stuck with him. But her spirit does not appear as the sweet girl Yuuta once knew. Instead, she manifests as a monstrous and powerful entity who fiercely protects him. Unable to control Rika's violent behavior, Yuuta is helpless to stop the bloodshed that follows from her brutal vengeance. As a result, when apprehended by "Jujutsu" sorcerers—the secret guardians of the world, trained to combat forces like Rika—Yuuta wishes to be completely isolated so that no one else can get hurt. -- -- Yet his apprehender, the master sorcerer Satoru Gojou, has different plans for him: he will join Jujutsu High School and learn to control Rika in order to help people. Now a first-year at this school, Yuuta starts to learn Jujutsu arts and combat malignant beings. Alongside his new classmates Maki Zenin, a Jujutsu weapons expert; Toge Inumaki, a spellcaster who uses his words as weapons; and Panda, a seemingly walking and talking panda bear, Yuuta begins to find his place in the world and, for once, to feel comfortable with his abilities. However, as his training progresses, Yuuta comes to learn that the dangers of the Jujutsu world go far beyond that of wicked spirits. -- -- Movie - ??? ??, ???? -- 97,895 N/A -- -- Boku no Hero Academia: Ikinokore! Kesshi no Survival Kunren -- -- Bones -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Action Shounen Super Power -- Boku no Hero Academia: Ikinokore! Kesshi no Survival Kunren Boku no Hero Academia: Ikinokore! Kesshi no Survival Kunren -- In this brand-new adventure, some Class 1-A students are sent to hone their survival skills at a training course. Having yet to receive their provisional licenses, they're eager to cut loose and have a little fun. -- -- They quickly discover that the danger they face is no simulation! It's going to take their combined training, teamwork, and quick thinking if they're going to pass this assignment! -- -- (Source: Funimation) -- ONA - Aug 16, 2020 -- 97,538 7.12
Jujutsu Kaisen 0 Movie -- -- MAPPA -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Demons Supernatural Shounen -- Jujutsu Kaisen 0 Movie Jujutsu Kaisen 0 Movie -- Yuuta Okkotsu is haunted. Ever since his childhood friend Rika died in a traffic accident, her ghost has stuck with him. But her spirit does not appear as the sweet girl Yuuta once knew. Instead, she manifests as a monstrous and powerful entity who fiercely protects him. Unable to control Rika's violent behavior, Yuuta is helpless to stop the bloodshed that follows from her brutal vengeance. As a result, when apprehended by "Jujutsu" sorcerers—the secret guardians of the world, trained to combat forces like Rika—Yuuta wishes to be completely isolated so that no one else can get hurt. -- -- Yet his apprehender, the master sorcerer Satoru Gojou, has different plans for him: he will join Jujutsu High School and learn to control Rika in order to help people. Now a first-year at this school, Yuuta starts to learn Jujutsu arts and combat malignant beings. Alongside his new classmates Maki Zenin, a Jujutsu weapons expert; Toge Inumaki, a spellcaster who uses his words as weapons; and Panda, a seemingly walking and talking panda bear, Yuuta begins to find his place in the world and, for once, to feel comfortable with his abilities. However, as his training progresses, Yuuta comes to learn that the dangers of the Jujutsu world go far beyond that of wicked spirits. -- -- Movie - ??? ??, ???? -- 97,895 N/A -- -- Boogiepop wa Warawanai -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Psychological Supernatural Dementia Mystery Drama Horror -- Boogiepop wa Warawanai Boogiepop wa Warawanai -- Five years ago, a string of grisly murders shook the city to its core and now the rumors have begun once more. Boogiepop... Everyone knows about Boogiepop: meet her one dark night and you are taken. People tell each other the stories and laugh: no one believes that she can possibly exist in this day and age. Still, strange things appear to be going on and the darkness is taking on many forms. Something is out there. Are you safe? -- -- (Source: RightStuf) -- 97,293 7.16
Jujutsu Kaisen 0 Movie -- -- MAPPA -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Demons Supernatural Shounen -- Jujutsu Kaisen 0 Movie Jujutsu Kaisen 0 Movie -- Yuuta Okkotsu is haunted. Ever since his childhood friend Rika died in a traffic accident, her ghost has stuck with him. But her spirit does not appear as the sweet girl Yuuta once knew. Instead, she manifests as a monstrous and powerful entity who fiercely protects him. Unable to control Rika's violent behavior, Yuuta is helpless to stop the bloodshed that follows from her brutal vengeance. As a result, when apprehended by "Jujutsu" sorcerers—the secret guardians of the world, trained to combat forces like Rika—Yuuta wishes to be completely isolated so that no one else can get hurt. -- -- Yet his apprehender, the master sorcerer Satoru Gojou, has different plans for him: he will join Jujutsu High School and learn to control Rika in order to help people. Now a first-year at this school, Yuuta starts to learn Jujutsu arts and combat malignant beings. Alongside his new classmates Maki Zenin, a Jujutsu weapons expert; Toge Inumaki, a spellcaster who uses his words as weapons; and Panda, a seemingly walking and talking panda bear, Yuuta begins to find his place in the world and, for once, to feel comfortable with his abilities. However, as his training progresses, Yuuta comes to learn that the dangers of the Jujutsu world go far beyond that of wicked spirits. -- -- Movie - ??? ??, ???? -- 97,895 N/A -- -- High School DxD BorN: Yomigaeranai Fushichou -- -- TNK -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Ecchi Comedy Harem Romance Demons School -- High School DxD BorN: Yomigaeranai Fushichou High School DxD BorN: Yomigaeranai Fushichou -- Unaired anime episode bundled with the limited edition of High School DxD DX.2. -- OVA - Dec 9, 2015 -- 97,637 7.44
Juushin Enbu: Hero Tales -- -- Studio Flag -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Fantasy Shounen -- Juushin Enbu: Hero Tales Juushin Enbu: Hero Tales -- For citizens of the Ken Empire, justice is a myth. Lord Keiro, the deranged Shogun of the Imperial Army, blazes a trail of terror across the countryside in search of the sacred sword that will make him a god. Standing in his way is Taito, an omnipotent star reborn in human form—a young hero who vows to use his celestial strength to avenge those slaughtered by the villainous Shogun. -- -- Taito's mystical powers steer him toward a violent showdown with Keiro, and if used recklessly, his newfound abilities could shred the very fabric of his being. To master the art of control and become a heroic martial artist, Taito must seek the guidance of others like him: the seven star-born warriors with the strength to shatter a corrupt empire. -- -- (Source: RightStuf) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Oct 8, 2007 -- 23,680 6.85
Juushin Enbu: Hero Tales -- -- Studio Flag -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Fantasy Shounen -- Juushin Enbu: Hero Tales Juushin Enbu: Hero Tales -- For citizens of the Ken Empire, justice is a myth. Lord Keiro, the deranged Shogun of the Imperial Army, blazes a trail of terror across the countryside in search of the sacred sword that will make him a god. Standing in his way is Taito, an omnipotent star reborn in human form—a young hero who vows to use his celestial strength to avenge those slaughtered by the villainous Shogun. -- -- Taito's mystical powers steer him toward a violent showdown with Keiro, and if used recklessly, his newfound abilities could shred the very fabric of his being. To master the art of control and become a heroic martial artist, Taito must seek the guidance of others like him: the seven star-born warriors with the strength to shatter a corrupt empire. -- -- (Source: RightStuf) -- TV - Oct 8, 2007 -- 23,680 6.85
Kakutou Ryouri Densetsu Bistro Recipe -- -- Group TAC -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Game Adventure Comedy Fantasy Shounen -- Kakutou Ryouri Densetsu Bistro Recipe Kakutou Ryouri Densetsu Bistro Recipe -- An 11-year old boy named Zen bands together with his younger sister, Karen, and a young boy who has a large appetite, Pitan, to battle an evil empire by using their "Foodons"; strange monsters that are created from various foods. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- 4Kids Entertainment, Discotek Media, Enoki Films -- TV - Dec 11, 2001 -- 4,176 6.08
Kara no Kyoukai 2: Satsujin Kousatsu (Zen) -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Mystery Supernatural Romance Thriller -- Kara no Kyoukai 2: Satsujin Kousatsu (Zen) Kara no Kyoukai 2: Satsujin Kousatsu (Zen) -- In the winter of 1995, Mikiya Kokutou passes a young woman during a late night stroll in the snow. Clad in a striking white kimono and bearing an enigmatic gaze, Shiki Ryougi smiles at Mikiya who stares back with curiosity. Later that spring, Mikiya notices Shiki at his high school entrance ceremony, and they become acquaintances through lunchtime conversations. As Shiki begins opening up to him, Mikiya learns about her unique upbringing. -- -- Meanwhile, a series of unprecedented murders takes place across Mifune City. Seemingly related, these murders are particularly brutal and warrant a large scale police investigation. Because of his cousin's work as a police investigator, Mikiya is given insight into the investigation. Concerned for Shiki's safety, Mikiya decides to monitor her actions, but in doing so, he stumbles upon a truly frightening discovery that changes his life forever. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Dec 29, 2007 -- 195,099 7.84
Kara no Kyoukai 2: Satsujin Kousatsu (Zen) -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Mystery Supernatural Romance Thriller -- Kara no Kyoukai 2: Satsujin Kousatsu (Zen) Kara no Kyoukai 2: Satsujin Kousatsu (Zen) -- In the winter of 1995, Mikiya Kokutou passes a young woman during a late night stroll in the snow. Clad in a striking white kimono and bearing an enigmatic gaze, Shiki Ryougi smiles at Mikiya who stares back with curiosity. Later that spring, Mikiya notices Shiki at his high school entrance ceremony, and they become acquaintances through lunchtime conversations. As Shiki begins opening up to him, Mikiya learns about her unique upbringing. -- -- Meanwhile, a series of unprecedented murders takes place across Mifune City. Seemingly related, these murders are particularly brutal and warrant a large scale police investigation. Because of his cousin's work as a police investigator, Mikiya is given insight into the investigation. Concerned for Shiki's safety, Mikiya decides to monitor her actions, but in doing so, he stumbles upon a truly frightening discovery that changes his life forever. -- -- Movie - Dec 29, 2007 -- 195,099 7.84
Kara no Kyoukai 4: Garan no Dou -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Mystery Supernatural Thriller -- Kara no Kyoukai 4: Garan no Dou Kara no Kyoukai 4: Garan no Dou -- Following the events of Satsujin Kousatsu (Zen), Shiki Ryougi has been in a coma for two years due to a traffic accident. When she finally awakens, she has no memories of her past and is plagued by a profound loneliness. Even stranger, she notices dark lines encompassing the things around her, and if she touches them she can disassemble the object—something which completely terrifies her. Her friend, Mikiya Kokutou, enlists the help of Touko Aozaki, a mage who can help Shiki understand what her eyes—the "Mystic Eyes of Death Perception"—are truly capable of and how to use them properly. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - May 24, 2008 -- 175,302 7.89
Kara no Kyoukai 4: Garan no Dou -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Mystery Supernatural Thriller -- Kara no Kyoukai 4: Garan no Dou Kara no Kyoukai 4: Garan no Dou -- Following the events of Satsujin Kousatsu (Zen), Shiki Ryougi has been in a coma for two years due to a traffic accident. When she finally awakens, she has no memories of her past and is plagued by a profound loneliness. Even stranger, she notices dark lines encompassing the things around her, and if she touches them she can disassemble the object—something which completely terrifies her. Her friend, Mikiya Kokutou, enlists the help of Touko Aozaki, a mage who can help Shiki understand what her eyes—the "Mystic Eyes of Death Perception"—are truly capable of and how to use them properly. -- -- Movie - May 24, 2008 -- 175,302 7.89
Katanagatari -- -- White Fox -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Historical Martial Arts Romance -- Katanagatari Katanagatari -- In an Edo-era Japan lush with a variety of sword-fighting styles, Shichika Yasuri practices the most unique one: Kyotouryuu, a technique in which the user's own body is wielded as a blade. The enigmatic seventh head of the Kyotouryuu school, Shichika lives quietly in exile with his sister Nanami until one day—the wildly ambitious strategist Togame barges into their lives. -- -- Togame brazenly requests that Shichika help in her mission to collect twelve unique swords, known as the "Deviant Blades," for the shogunate. Shichika accepts, interested in the girl herself rather than petty politics, and thus sets out on a journey. Standing in their way are the fierce wielders of these legendary weapons as well as other power-hungry entities who seek to thwart Togame's objective. In order to prevail against their enemies, the duo must become an unbreakable team as they forge ahead on a path of uncertainty and peril. -- -- -- Licensor: -- NIS America, Inc. -- 457,873 8.36
Kaze no Tani no Nausicaä -- -- Topcraft -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Fantasy -- Kaze no Tani no Nausicaä Kaze no Tani no Nausicaä -- A millennium has passed since the catastrophic nuclear war named the "Seven Days of Fire," which destroyed nearly all life on Earth. Humanity now lives in a constant struggle against the treacherous jungle that has evolved in response to the destruction caused by mankind. Filled with poisonous spores and enormous insects, the jungle spreads rapidly across the Earth and threatens to swallow the remnants of the human race. -- -- Away from the jungle exists a peaceful farming kingdom known as the "Valley of the Wind," whose placement by the sea frees it from the spread of the jungle's deadly toxins. The Valley's charismatic young princess, Nausicaä, finds her tranquil kingdom disturbed when an airship from the kingdom of Tolmekia crashes violently in the Valley. After Nausicaä and the citizens of the Valley find a sinister pulsating object in the wreckage, the Valley is suddenly invaded by the Tolmekian military, who intend to revive a dangerous weapon from the Seven Days of Fire. Now Nausicaä must fight to stop the Tolmekians from plunging the Earth into a cataclysm which humanity could never survive, while also protecting the Valley from the encroaching forces of the toxic jungle. -- -- Movie - Mar 11, 1984 -- 286,766 8.39
Kenkou Zenrakei Suieibu Umishou -- -- Artland -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Sports Ecchi School Shounen -- Kenkou Zenrakei Suieibu Umishou Kenkou Zenrakei Suieibu Umishou -- Kaname Okiura, a student of Prefectoral Umineko Shougyou High ("Umishou" for short), joined the school's swimming club in order to learn how to swim, but the club is filled with weirdos, let alone who can teach him swimming. Then, a sunny, happy-go-lucky girl named Amuro Ninagawa who transferred from Okinawa joined the club. Her extraordinary underwater speed and unorthodox swimming style (plus her personal habit of nude swimming—a powerful magnet to teenage boys) surprised every club member, especially Okiura, because she reminds him of a mermaid-like creature he saw only once in his early childhood. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Jul 4, 2007 -- 34,608 7.15
Keppeki Danshi! Aoyama-kun -- -- Studio Hibari -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Seinen Sports -- Keppeki Danshi! Aoyama-kun Keppeki Danshi! Aoyama-kun -- He is charming, cool, athletic, a good cook, but more importantly, he's a clean freak. Aoyama is idolized and respected by everyone, but they can only admire him from afar due to his mysophobia. Despite that, he plays soccer—a rather dirty sport! -- -- As the playmaker for Fujimi High School's soccer club, Aoyama avoids physical contact at all cost and cleanly dribbles toward victory. However, the path to Nationals will not be easy for Fujimi's underdog team. But alongside striker Kaoru Zaizen, Aoyama will show everyone that even as a clean freak, there are things he's willing to get dirty for. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Ponycan USA -- 130,773 6.98
Keroro Gunsou: KeroZero Shupattsudayo! Zeninshuugou! -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- - -- Action Adventure Comedy Mecha Shounen Space -- Keroro Gunsou: KeroZero Shupattsudayo! Zeninshuugou! Keroro Gunsou: KeroZero Shupattsudayo! Zeninshuugou! -- This is episode 0, the prequel to the main Keroro Gunsou anime series. KeroZero was shown in theaters with Keroro Gunsou Movie 4. -- -- On the day of Keroro battalion's departure from Keron Planet to Planet Earth, an opposing alien species assails the Keron space station, where Giroro and Zeroro (later known as Dororo) are waiting for Keroro to arrive. -- Special - Mar 7, 2009 -- 1,511 6.84
Kimera -- -- animate Film -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Horror Sci-Fi Shounen Ai Supernatural Vampire -- Kimera Kimera -- Osamu and Jay are two cereal salesmen traveling for work when they encounter a barricade. Curious as to what is going on, they step out of their car and enter into a government secret. Two mysterious demon-like men have been terrorizing the military, who came to respond to a car crash involving a vehicle carrying government research material. Inside the car wreckage, Osamu finds a beautiful hermaphrodite with gold and crimson eyes trapped in a frozen chamber. Osamu shares a kiss with them through the glass before he is forced to flee the scene. -- -- Osamu and Jay interrogate Jay's father, a top researcher at a government laboratory, who reveals that what Osamu and Jay saw was top-secret, and they would likely be sitting in prison if it weren't for his influence. While Jay is ready to forget everything that happened, Osamu cannot let it go that easily. After stealing a security badge, Osamu finds where the person he kissed is being kept, and learns that their name is Kimera. Osamu wants to run away with the beautiful Kimera, though he does not know why Kimera is being held captive or what a relationship with them means for the future of humanity. -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- OVA - Jul 31, 1996 -- 6,184 5.12
Kimera -- -- animate Film -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Horror Sci-Fi Shounen Ai Supernatural Vampire -- Kimera Kimera -- Osamu and Jay are two cereal salesmen traveling for work when they encounter a barricade. Curious as to what is going on, they step out of their car and enter into a government secret. Two mysterious demon-like men have been terrorizing the military, who came to respond to a car crash involving a vehicle carrying government research material. Inside the car wreckage, Osamu finds a beautiful hermaphrodite with gold and crimson eyes trapped in a frozen chamber. Osamu shares a kiss with them through the glass before he is forced to flee the scene. -- -- Osamu and Jay interrogate Jay's father, a top researcher at a government laboratory, who reveals that what Osamu and Jay saw was top-secret, and they would likely be sitting in prison if it weren't for his influence. While Jay is ready to forget everything that happened, Osamu cannot let it go that easily. After stealing a security badge, Osamu finds where the person he kissed is being kept, and learns that their name is Kimera. Osamu wants to run away with the beautiful Kimera, though he does not know why Kimera is being held captive or what a relationship with them means for the future of humanity. -- -- OVA - Jul 31, 1996 -- 6,184 5.12
Kimetsu no Yaiba Movie: Mugen Ressha-hen -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Demons Historical Shounen Supernatural -- Kimetsu no Yaiba Movie: Mugen Ressha-hen Kimetsu no Yaiba Movie: Mugen Ressha-hen -- After a string of mysterious disappearances begin to plague a train, the Demon Slayer Corps' multiple attempts to remedy the problem prove fruitless. To prevent further casualties, the flame pillar, Kyoujurou Rengoku, takes it upon himself to eliminate the threat. Accompanying him are some of the Corps' most promising new blood: Tanjirou Kamado, Zenitsu Agatsuma, and Inosuke Hashibira, who all hope to witness the fiery feats of this model demon slayer firsthand. -- -- Unbeknownst to them, the demonic forces responsible for the disappearances have already put their sinister plan in motion. Under this demonic presence, the group must muster every ounce of their willpower and draw their swords to save all two hundred passengers onboard. Kimetsu no Yaiba Movie: Mugen Ressha-hen delves into the deepest corners of Tanjirou's mind, putting his resolve and commitment to duty to the test. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Oct 16, 2020 -- 400,828 8.72
Kimetsu no Yaiba Movie: Mugen Ressha-hen -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Demons Historical Shounen Supernatural -- Kimetsu no Yaiba Movie: Mugen Ressha-hen Kimetsu no Yaiba Movie: Mugen Ressha-hen -- After a string of mysterious disappearances begin to plague a train, the Demon Slayer Corps' multiple attempts to remedy the problem prove fruitless. To prevent further casualties, the flame pillar, Kyoujurou Rengoku, takes it upon himself to eliminate the threat. Accompanying him are some of the Corps' most promising new blood: Tanjirou Kamado, Zenitsu Agatsuma, and Inosuke Hashibira, who all hope to witness the fiery feats of this model demon slayer firsthand. -- -- Unbeknownst to them, the demonic forces responsible for the disappearances have already put their sinister plan in motion. Under this demonic presence, the group must muster every ounce of their willpower and draw their swords to save all two hundred passengers onboard. Kimetsu no Yaiba Movie: Mugen Ressha-hen delves into the deepest corners of Tanjirou's mind, putting his resolve and commitment to duty to the test. -- -- Movie - Oct 16, 2020 -- 400,828 8.72
Kimetsu no Yaiba: Yuukaku-hen -- -- ufotable -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Historical Demons Supernatural Shounen -- Kimetsu no Yaiba: Yuukaku-hen Kimetsu no Yaiba: Yuukaku-hen -- Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke aided by the Sound Hashira Tengen Uzui travel to Yoshiwara red light district to hunt down a demon that has been terrorizing the town. -- TV - ??? ??, 2021 -- 95,360 N/ADragon Ball Z Movie 11: Super Senshi Gekiha!! Katsu no wa Ore da -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Martial Arts Shounen Super Power -- Dragon Ball Z Movie 11: Super Senshi Gekiha!! Katsu no wa Ore da Dragon Ball Z Movie 11: Super Senshi Gekiha!! Katsu no wa Ore da -- Jaga Bada, Mr. Satan's old sparring partner, has invited Satan to his personal island to hold a grudge match. Trunks and Goten decide to come for the adventure and Android #18 is following Satan for the money he owes her. Little do they know that Jaga Bada's scientist have found a way to resurrect Broly, the legendary Super Saiyan. -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Jul 9, 1994 -- 95,297 5.88
Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World - Byouki no Kuni - For You -- -- Shaft -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Adventure Drama Fantasy -- Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World - Byouki no Kuni - For You Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World - Byouki no Kuni - For You -- After a long journey, Kino and Hermes finally arrive at their destination—a very beautiful and clean country with many skyscrapers. Unlike the other places they have visited so far, the country's landscape is a little peculiar. Although the countryside appears to be farmland, the area seems to be abandoned. Filled with old and damaged buildings, there is no sign of life. In contrast, the city is hidden within a mountain, confined under a fabricated sky that is generated by advanced technology. The highly developed city is focused on healthcare, practicing strict hygiene regulations and aiming to turn its citizens into the healthiest of people. -- -- However, despite being in a beautiful and clean environment, Kino cannot help but feel a sense of uneasiness. The town's air slightly contains a peculiar smell, and there are no birds to be seen flying in the skies, bringing a sense of mystery and dizziness to the scenery. After all, as an experienced traveler, Kino knows that looks can be deceiving and that the town may not be what they had initially expected. -- -- Movie - Apr 21, 2007 -- 42,187 7.71
Kishin Douji Zenki -- -- Studio Deen -- 51 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Drama Ecchi Fantasy Horror Magic Shounen -- Kishin Douji Zenki Kishin Douji Zenki -- In ancient times, a great battle was waged between a master mage, Enno Ozuno, and an evil demon goddess, Karuma. Unfortunately, Enno didn't have the strength to defeat her alone and was forced to call upon Zenki, a powerful protector demon. After Karuma was defeated, Enno sealed Zenki away in a pillar located inside his temple. -- -- 1,200 years after this epic battle, Enno's descendant, Chiaki, spends her days showing tourists around her hometown of Shikigami-cho and doing exorcisms to pay the bills. One day, two thieves enter the town in hopes of opening a seal in the Ozuno temple and releasing the hidden treasure from within. However, what actually pops out is a dark entity that attaches itself to the henchmen, transforming them into demonic beings. After this transformation, they begin a rampage through the temple, terrorizing poor Chiaki. -- -- It is now up to this young progeny to unleash her family's powers to summon Zenki and save Shikigami-cho from these demons, as well as the evil entities sure to follow in their footsteps. -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- 11,177 6.97
Kokoro Connect: Michi Random -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 4 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Drama Romance School Slice of Life Supernatural -- Kokoro Connect: Michi Random Kokoro Connect: Michi Random -- Not long after putting the previous supernatural incident behind them, the members of Yamaboshi Academy's Student Cultural Society (StuCS) must deal with Fuusenkazura's newest trial—emotion transmission. This phenomenon allows the club members to hear each others' true thoughts, but with one catch: the timing, sender, and recipient are all completely random. To make matters worse, the club's supervisor, Ryuuzen Gotou, may have to step down due to his responsibilities for the upcoming school year. With emotions running high and Valentine's Day around the corner, the seemingly close bonds of the StuCS will be tested when their true feelings for each other are laid bare. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Special - Nov 19, 2012 -- 217,012 7.99
Kokoro Connect: Michi Random -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 4 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Drama Romance School Slice of Life Supernatural -- Kokoro Connect: Michi Random Kokoro Connect: Michi Random -- Not long after putting the previous supernatural incident behind them, the members of Yamaboshi Academy's Student Cultural Society (StuCS) must deal with Fuusenkazura's newest trial—emotion transmission. This phenomenon allows the club members to hear each others' true thoughts, but with one catch: the timing, sender, and recipient are all completely random. To make matters worse, the club's supervisor, Ryuuzen Gotou, may have to step down due to his responsibilities for the upcoming school year. With emotions running high and Valentine's Day around the corner, the seemingly close bonds of the StuCS will be tested when their true feelings for each other are laid bare. -- -- Special - Nov 19, 2012 -- 217,012 7.99
Koukaku Kidoutai -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Mecha Police Psychological Sci-Fi Seinen -- Koukaku Kidoutai Koukaku Kidoutai -- In the year 2029, Niihama City has become a technologically advanced metropolis. Due to great improvements in cybernetics, its citizens are able to replace their limbs with robotic parts. The world is now more interconnected than ever before, and the city's Public Security Section 9 is responsible for combating corruption, terrorism, and other dangerous threats following this shift towards globalization. -- -- The strong-willed Major Motoko Kusanagi of Section 9 spearheads a case involving a mysterious hacker known only as the "Puppet Master," who leaves a trail of victims stripped of their memories. Like many in this futuristic world, the Puppet Master's body is almost entirely robotic, giving them incredible power. -- -- As Motoko and her subordinates follow the enigmatic criminal's trail, other parties—including Section 6—start to get involved, forcing her to confront the extremely complicated nature of the case. Pondering about various philosophical questions, such as her own life's meaning, Motoko soon realizes that the one who will provide these answers is none other than the Puppet Master themself. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Manga Entertainment -- Movie - Nov 18, 1995 -- 482,343 8.29
Koutetsu no Majo Annerose -- -- - -- 4 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Hentai Supernatural -- Koutetsu no Majo Annerose Koutetsu no Majo Annerose -- Amidahara is a twisted city, well beyond the reaches of any salvation. Here, humans, demons, and criminals walk the streets with the mighty witch Annerose being one of the most feared and respected of the city's denizens. As part of her abilities, she was able to form a binding spell with a human male, keeping him as her undead servant. This man, Rikurou Tachibana, was about to end up sold to slavers, but instead, he wound up in the eternal service of Annerose—something her other servent, Mitico didn't take too kindly to. Rikurou doesn't know what's worse, Mitico being able to chop him up into tiny pieces, only to be resurrected, or having to deal with the intense sexual frustration of living with Annerose. -- -- Both of these problems get set aside, however, when Annerose and her servants take on a case involving a girl named Miki and her missing brother. The events of Koutetsu no Majo Annerose will lead the unlikely heroine into the workings of the Kuurou Group and their leader Lee Mayfeng, a sworn enemy from Annerose's past. Mayfeng's contempt for Annerose is deep enough to plunge into the depths of sexual depravity and she's willing to do anything to humiliate and ruin her. The danger only grows from there as yet another malevolent force is at work, one that goes well beyond threatening Amidahara and aims to bring about ruin to the entire world. -- OVA - Jul 27, 2012 -- 12,238 6.81
K: Seven Stories Movie 2 - Side:Blue - Tenrou no Gotoku -- -- GoHands -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Super Power Supernatural -- K: Seven Stories Movie 2 - Side:Blue - Tenrou no Gotoku K: Seven Stories Movie 2 - Side:Blue - Tenrou no Gotoku -- Gouki Zenjo, former right-hand man to Jin Habari and a survivor of the Kagutsu Incident, returns to work for SCEPTER 4, now under the command of Reisi Munakata, the new Blue King. -- -- (Source: TubiTV) -- Movie - Aug 4, 2018 -- 18,617 7.31
Kyattou Ninden Teyandee -- -- Tatsunoko Production -- 54 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Mecha Super Power Sci-Fi Shounen -- Kyattou Ninden Teyandee Kyattou Ninden Teyandee -- Kyattou Ninden Teyande takes place in the city of Little Tokyo, a meld of feudal and modern Japanese culture, whose citizens are walking, talking animals. -- -- When the head palace guard catches wind that the corrupt prime minister Seymour Cheese decides to become emperor and take over Little Tokyo, he knows that only one group can save Little Tokyo: the owners of a local pizza joint, the Pizza Cats! Serving delicious pizza by day, this trio's true occupation is meowvelous warriors of justice! The Samurai Pizza Cats will do whatever it takes to protect Little Tokyo! -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Saban Entertainment -- 11,066 7.04
Kyouryoku Boukuusen -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Historical Military -- Kyouryoku Boukuusen Kyouryoku Boukuusen -- Woodland animal citizens learn how to extinguish different types of incendiary bombs and help fight back against an enemy air force of wolves. -- Movie - ??? ??, 1942 -- 285 5.10
Loups=Garous -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Sci-Fi Mystery Thriller -- Loups=Garous Loups=Garous -- In a future governed through the lens of a camera, where people eat synthetic food and pursue an online existence in lieu of physical contact, a group of children begin meeting up in the real world. The aloof Ayumi Kono, the genius hacker Mio Tsuzuki, and the socially awkward Hazuki Makino set out to find the fourth member of their group, Yuko Yabe, who has gone missing. With the help of Myao Rei, an unregistered citizen proficient in martial arts, they are able to find Yuko. However, when their situation takes a sudden turn for the worse, the group stumbles headlong into a dark mystery that challenges everything they know about their world. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Movie - Aug 28, 2010 -- 16,244 6.29
Luck & Logic -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- Card game -- Action Fantasy -- Luck & Logic Luck & Logic -- "Logic" is the concept that governs emotions, abilities, ideals, memories, and all other abstract properties that make up life in various worlds. With its power, however, alien "Foreigners" are able to pass through portals imbued with their respective world's Logic and pose a threat to other worlds. To counter this problem, the Another Logic Counter Agency (ALCA) from the human world of Septpia employs "Logicalists," people with the power to form bonds with the Foreigners who seek peace and share their Logic, tasked with dealing with all possible dangers. -- -- After overloading his powers two years prior, Yoshichika Tsurugi has lost the ability to use Logic in combat, making him no different from a regular citizen. However, his life soon returns to the battlefield when he meets Athena, a Foreigner goddess from the world of Tetra-Heaven. She brings Yoshichika his missing Logic Card, allowing him to become a Logicalist once again. Soon after, Yoshichika forms a contract with Athena and joins ALCA. There, he meets other Logicalists, and only by working with them can he hope to bring an end to the threats once and for all. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 93,549 6.09
Lupin III -- -- Tokyo Movie Shinsha -- 23 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Mystery Comedy Seinen -- Lupin III Lupin III -- Arsène Lupin III is the grandson of world-famous thief Arsène Lupin, and he's living up to his grandfather's memory as a high-profile thief himself. Due to his infamy, Lupin III attracts the attention of the persistent Inspector Zenigata of the ICPO, as well as rival criminals. Lupin III's criminal lifestyle even seeps into his love life. The main woman in Lupin III's world is femme fatale Fujiko Mine, who Lupin III can never tell is working with or against him. Follow Lupin and his gunman partner Daisuke Jigen on their quest to own the world-or at least the valuable bits! -- 77,506 7.66
Lupin III -- -- Tokyo Movie Shinsha -- 23 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Mystery Comedy Seinen -- Lupin III Lupin III -- Arsène Lupin III is the grandson of world-famous thief Arsène Lupin, and he's living up to his grandfather's memory as a high-profile thief himself. Due to his infamy, Lupin III attracts the attention of the persistent Inspector Zenigata of the ICPO, as well as rival criminals. Lupin III's criminal lifestyle even seeps into his love life. The main woman in Lupin III's world is femme fatale Fujiko Mine, who Lupin III can never tell is working with or against him. Follow Lupin and his gunman partner Daisuke Jigen on their quest to own the world-or at least the valuable bits! -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- 77,506 7.66
Lupin III: Cagliostro no Shiro -- -- Tokyo Movie Shinsha -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Mystery Seinen -- Lupin III: Cagliostro no Shiro Lupin III: Cagliostro no Shiro -- Arsene Lupin III discovers that the spoils from his latest casino robbery are actually "Gothic Bills," legendary counterfeits that are nigh impossible to distinguish from genuine bills. Together with colleague Daisuke Jigen, he heads to the small nation of Cagliostro to investigate the origin of these counterfeits. Upon arrival, they save a girl from a high-speed chase who turns out to be Clarisse d' Cagliostro, the daughter of the late Duke d' Cagliostro. She is running from a sinister plot by Count Cagliostro to steal her family's treasure through a forced marriage. -- -- Natural flirt Lupin dislikes seeing a girl in distress and seeks to remedy the situation. Goemon Ishikawa XIII, Fujiko Mine, and Kouichi Zenigata also join the fray, each with their own motivations. As everyone converges at Cagliostro Castle, Lupin reminisces about his visit there 10 years ago, and the castle's secrets emerge from the depths. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Manga Entertainment -- Movie - Dec 15, 1979 -- 86,889 8.15
Lupin III: Cagliostro no Shiro -- -- Tokyo Movie Shinsha -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Mystery Seinen -- Lupin III: Cagliostro no Shiro Lupin III: Cagliostro no Shiro -- Arsene Lupin III discovers that the spoils from his latest casino robbery are actually "Gothic Bills," legendary counterfeits that are nigh impossible to distinguish from genuine bills. Together with colleague Daisuke Jigen, he heads to the small nation of Cagliostro to investigate the origin of these counterfeits. Upon arrival, they save a girl from a high-speed chase who turns out to be Clarisse d' Cagliostro, the daughter of the late Duke d' Cagliostro. She is running from a sinister plot by Count Cagliostro to steal her family's treasure through a forced marriage. -- -- Natural flirt Lupin dislikes seeing a girl in distress and seeks to remedy the situation. Goemon Ishikawa XIII, Fujiko Mine, and Kouichi Zenigata also join the fray, each with their own motivations. As everyone converges at Cagliostro Castle, Lupin reminisces about his visit there 10 years ago, and the castle's secrets emerge from the depths. -- -- Movie - Dec 15, 1979 -- 86,889 8.15
Lupin III: Dead or Alive -- -- Tokyo Movie Shinsha -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Mystery Comedy Seinen -- Lupin III: Dead or Alive Lupin III: Dead or Alive -- Lupin, Goemon, and Jigen take a mini-helicopter and head to the mysterious “Drifting Island” looking for a treasure rumored to be hidden somewhere on it. Through their exploration of the island, the trio encounters the lethal “Nanomachine,” the island’s security system. The trio triggers the alarm, springing “the Nanomachine” to life. The key to solving the island’s mystery lies in the small nation of Zufu. This once prosperous nation is now ruled by the ruthless, knife-collecting, General Headhunter. Fujiko does her usual probing and hacks into General Headhunter’s computer hoping to find some crucial information. Zenigata has received a video message from Lupin in which Lupin announces his desire for the priceless treasure. Oleander, a fiery blond officer with some hidden secrets of her own, steps in to help Zenigata. Armed with their newly found information, Lupin, Goemon, Jigen, and Fujiko go back to “Drifting Island,” but this time they are followed by General Headhunter. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Apr 20, 1996 -- 8,836 7.16
Lupin III: Episode 0 "First Contact" -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 1 ep -- - -- Action Adventure Mystery Comedy Seinen -- Lupin III: Episode 0 "First Contact" Lupin III: Episode 0 "First Contact" -- Jigen tells the story of the gang's first meeting. Jigen, still a member of the Mafia, is hired to protect an ancient artifact - one that Lupin and Fujiko are both trying to steal. Meanwhile, Inspector Zenigata, then of the Japanese police force, has come to the U.S. on Fujiko's trail, and Ishikawa Goemon is searching for the lost treasure of his clan. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- Special - Jul 26, 2002 -- 8,391 7.61
Lupin III: Part 5 -- -- Telecom Animation Film -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Mystery Seinen -- Lupin III: Part 5 Lupin III: Part 5 -- Genius thief Arsene Lupin III—along with the usual crew of Goemon Ishikawa XIII, Fujiko Mine, and Daisuke Jigen—finds himself in modern-day France, where he encounters both new and old adversaries, with Inspector Kouichi Zenigata still hot on his trail. As they steal from darker, more sinister entities, they will also have to find a way to deal with the newest technology in their escapades, as well as face the ghosts of their pasts. However, this time, Lupin's choices begin to catch up with him as his pursuers use every tool at their disposal to take him down once and for all. -- -- 30,449 8.17
Lupin III: Part II -- -- Tokyo Movie Shinsha -- 155 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Mystery Comedy Seinen -- Lupin III: Part II Lupin III: Part II -- Lupin III chronicles the adventures of Arsene Lupin III, the world's greatest thief, and his partners in crime: master marksman Daisuke Jigen, beautiful and scheming Fujiko Mine and stoic samurai Goemon Ishikawa XIII. Lupin and his gang travel around the globe in search of the world's greatest treasures and riches and always keeping one step ahead of the tireless Inspector Zenigata, who has vowed to bring Lupin to justice. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Geneon Entertainment USA -- 25,605 7.80
Lupin III: Part III -- -- Tokyo Movie Shinsha -- 50 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Seinen -- Lupin III: Part III Lupin III: Part III -- Lupin III chronicles the adventures of Arsene Lupin III, the world's greatest thief, and his partners in crime: master marksman Daisuke Jigen, beautiful and scheming Fujiko Mine and stoic samurai Goemon Ishikawa XIII. Lupin and his gang travel around the globe in search of the world's greatest treasures and riches and always keeping one step ahead of the tireless Inspector Zenigata, who has vowed to bring Lupin to justice. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- TV - Mar 3, 1984 -- 15,568 7.32
Lupin III: Pilot Film -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Comedy Seinen -- Lupin III: Pilot Film Lupin III: Pilot Film -- Two years after the birth of the manga a pilot film was released. It was a brief film of only 13 minutes that had the purpose of assay the response to a possible future anime realization of Lupin III. The pilot opens with a challenge call from Lupin to Zenigata from a public phone. -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- Movie - ??? ??, 1969 -- 7,689 6.39
Lupin III vs. Detective Conan -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 1 ep -- - -- Action Adventure Comedy Mystery Shounen -- Lupin III vs. Detective Conan Lupin III vs. Detective Conan -- In a country called Vesparand, a new mineral with super stealth properties has been discovered which attracts Lupin's attention. At the same time the untimely deaths of Queen Sakura and her son, Prince Gill, leave Princess Mira next in succession to the throne. During a trip to Japan, Princess Mira finds her double in Ran and takes the opportunity to trade places, which ends with Ran being spirited away to Vesparand with Conan, Zenigata, Kogoro Mouri, Lupin and Fujiko in tow. There they meet a waiting Jigen and solve the mystery of the deaths of the Queen and Prince. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- Special - Mar 27, 2009 -- 27,826 7.79
Macross 7 -- -- Production Reed -- 49 eps -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Adventure Music Space Comedy Drama Romance Mecha Shounen -- Macross 7 Macross 7 -- 35 years have passed since Lynn Minmay had brought peace between the Zentradi and the humans in the events of Macross. Nekki Basara is a guitarist and a singer of the band Fire Bomber. Living in a less-developed part of the flying colony City 7 which is looking for a habitable planet, he composes and sings songs in the belief that music holds a greater power. -- -- During its flight, an unknown alien race appeared and started laying siege upon City 7. However, its attacks are not conventional -- instead of trying to destroy them, they steal what is known as "spiritia", rendering victims unresponsive and zombie-like. During these battles, Basara always goes out into the middle of the warzone, singing his songs and expecting friend and foe to listen and be moved by his music. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 25,079 7.13
Macross -- -- Tatsunoko Production -- 36 eps -- Original -- Action Mecha Military Music Romance Sci-Fi Space -- Macross Macross -- After a mysterious spaceship crashes into Earth, humanity realizes that they are not alone. Fearing a potential threat from space, the world pushes aside their nationalism, conflicting interests, and cultural differences, unifying under the banner of the United Nations. The newly formed UN forces decide to repurpose the alien spacecraft, naming it SDF-1 Macross. Unfortunately, on the day of its maiden voyage, a fleet of spaceships belonging to a race of aliens known as the Zentradi descend upon Earth, and the SDF-1 Macross, acting of its own accord, shoots down the incoming squadron, sparking an intergalactic war. -- -- In an attempt to escape, the Macross tries to launch itself into the Moon's orbit, but the ship—as well as the city it was in—is teleported to the far reaches of space. Caught up in this mess are Hikaru Ichijou, a free-spirited acrobatic pilot, and Minmay Lynn, an aspiring singer. These two, alongside Macross' crew, experience an epic journey rife with grief and drama, coming face-to-face with the cruelties of war along the way. -- -- 85,330 7.93
Macross -- -- Tatsunoko Production -- 36 eps -- Original -- Action Mecha Military Music Romance Sci-Fi Space -- Macross Macross -- After a mysterious spaceship crashes into Earth, humanity realizes that they are not alone. Fearing a potential threat from space, the world pushes aside their nationalism, conflicting interests, and cultural differences, unifying under the banner of the United Nations. The newly formed UN forces decide to repurpose the alien spacecraft, naming it SDF-1 Macross. Unfortunately, on the day of its maiden voyage, a fleet of spaceships belonging to a race of aliens known as the Zentradi descend upon Earth, and the SDF-1 Macross, acting of its own accord, shoots down the incoming squadron, sparking an intergalactic war. -- -- In an attempt to escape, the Macross tries to launch itself into the Moon's orbit, but the ship—as well as the city it was in—is teleported to the far reaches of space. Caught up in this mess are Hikaru Ichijou, a free-spirited acrobatic pilot, and Minmay Lynn, an aspiring singer. These two, alongside Macross' crew, experience an epic journey rife with grief and drama, coming face-to-face with the cruelties of war along the way. -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, AnimEigo -- 85,330 7.93
Macross: Do You Remember Love? -- -- Artland, Tatsunoko Production -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Mecha Military Music Romance Sci-Fi Space -- Macross: Do You Remember Love? Macross: Do You Remember Love? -- After warping light-years away from Earth, the spacecraft Macross carries a city of civilians and soldiers back home. They continuously fight off the threat of the Zentradi and Meltrandi, giant alien races with whom humanity wages war. -- -- During a battle, the Macross transforms into a mecha operated by fighter pilot Hikaru Ichijou. Thrust into a number of hardships, Hikaru grows close to the city's idol Minmay Lynn. As their relationship develops, however, it is viewed unfavorably by others due to Minmay's status and popularity. -- -- With war raging on and the state of Earth unknown, Hikaru and his fellow soldiers fight on against their mysterious enemies. Throughout the bloodshed, Hikaru and Minmay attempt to keep hold of their feelings for one another. Minmay pours her heart into her music, which may just turn out to be the key to finding peace. -- -- Movie - Jul 7, 1984 -- 37,245 7.96
Macross F -- -- Satelight -- 25 eps -- Original -- Action Space Mecha Romance Military Music Sci-Fi -- Macross F Macross F -- Following a catastrophic war against a race of giants known as the Zentradi, humanity has escaped towards the center of the galaxy aboard a fleet of colonial vessels called the Macross Frontier. As the extraterrestrial threat is left further and further behind, life on Macross Frontier proceeds as usual. -- -- In the year 2059, a young mecha pilot trainee named Alto Saotome and his colleagues are preparing to perform an accompanying routine for the famous singer Sheryl Nome, who has come to Macross Frontier for a concert. During the performance, a biomechanical alien species known as the Vajra make a sudden appearance, breaking through the defensive perimeter surrounding the vessel and crash-landing near the concert venue, plunging the entire city into chaos. As the concertgoers evacuate, a young girl named Ranka Lee is left behind and gets targeted by the Vajra, but she is saved at the last minute by Alto. Following these events, the Strategic Military Services program notes Alto's skill in battle, resulting in his recruitment to combat the new alien threat. -- -- 130,892 7.91
Macross II: Lovers Again -- -- AIC -- 6 eps -- Original -- Adventure Space Mecha Military Sci-Fi Shounen -- Macross II: Lovers Again Macross II: Lovers Again -- A.D. 2089 - 80 years have passed since Space War I changed the lives of both human and Zentraedi races. Both races are at peace on Earth when a new alien race called the "Marduk" appear within the Solar System. While covering the first battle between the U.N. Spacy and the Marduk fleet, SNN rookie reporter Hibiki Kanzaki discovers Ishtar, an "Emulator" that enhances the Marduk's combat abilities through singing. Hibiki brings Ishtar to Earth to teach her the values of life and culture. Together with ace Valkyrie pilot Silvie Gena, Hibiki and Ishtar must find a way to save Earth from total destruction at the hands of the Marduk leader Ingues. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Manga Entertainment -- OVA - May 21, 1992 -- 10,194 6.33
Macross Plus Movie Edition -- -- Triangle Staff -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Mecha Military Romance Sci-Fi Space -- Macross Plus Movie Edition Macross Plus Movie Edition -- A.D. 2040—Thirty years have passed since the battle between the Earth and Zentraedi forces changed the lives of both races. On planet Eden, a top-secret project known as "Supernova" is being held to determine U.N. Spacy's next-generation variable fighter. Competing to win the funding are Shinsei Industries' YF-19 and General Galaxy's YF-21. Piloting the YF-21 is Guld Goa Bowman, a half-human, half-Zentraedi. Shinsei receives its new test pilot in the form of the unruly fighter pilot Isamu Dyson, who was once a friend of Guld. Meanwhile, as Isamu and Guld furiously battle to see which of their fighters is superior, a Virturoid Idol named Sharon Apple is to perform her debut concert on Eden. In charge of Sharon is producer Myung Fang Lone, another former friend of Isamu and Guld. When the three meet each other, old disputes spark from a troubled past. Little do they know that their past incidents—along with the Supernova Project and Sharon Apple—will somehow bring them together. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Manga Entertainment -- Movie - Oct 7, 1995 -- 13,787 7.72
Macross Zero -- -- Satelight -- 5 eps -- Original -- Adventure Mecha Military Sci-Fi Shounen -- Macross Zero Macross Zero -- Taking place one year before the Zentraedi arrive on Earth, Macross Zero chronicles the final days of the war between the U.N. Spacy and anti-U.N. factions. After being shot down by the anti-U.N.'s newest fighter plane, ace pilot Shin Kudo finds himself on the remote island of Mayan, where technology is almost non-existent. While Shin stays on the island to heal his wounds, the tranqulity of the island is shattered by a battle that involves the UN's newest fighter - the VF-0. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - Dec 21, 2002 -- 33,733 7.55
Made in Abyss Movie 1: Tabidachi no Yoake -- -- Kinema Citrus -- 1 ep -- Web manga -- Adventure Drama Fantasy Mystery Sci-Fi -- Made in Abyss Movie 1: Tabidachi no Yoake Made in Abyss Movie 1: Tabidachi no Yoake -- The movie is a compilation of episodes 1-8 of the 2017 television series with new scenes added for the introduction. It covers the period from when Riko descends into the Abyss with her robot companion Reg, reaching the second layer where they meet the White Whistle Ozen who reveals information about Riko's mother. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Movie - Jan 4, 2019 -- 66,640 8.13
Made in Abyss Movie 1: Tabidachi no Yoake -- -- Kinema Citrus -- 1 ep -- Web manga -- Adventure Drama Fantasy Mystery Sci-Fi -- Made in Abyss Movie 1: Tabidachi no Yoake Made in Abyss Movie 1: Tabidachi no Yoake -- The movie is a compilation of episodes 1-8 of the 2017 television series with new scenes added for the introduction. It covers the period from when Riko descends into the Abyss with her robot companion Reg, reaching the second layer where they meet the White Whistle Ozen who reveals information about Riko's mother. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- Movie - Jan 4, 2019 -- 66,640 8.13
Maetel Legend -- -- Vega Entertainment -- 2 eps -- - -- Space Drama Sci-Fi -- Maetel Legend Maetel Legend -- The artificial sun that lights the frozen planet La Metalle is dying, threatening to extinguish what little life is left there. Queen La Andromeda Prometheum decides that the only way for her people to survive is for them to submit to Hardgear's transformation process, which will turn everyone's body into machines. The Queen's daughters, Emeraldas and Maetel, refuse to submit to this process, and fight to stay human. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- OVA - Dec 13, 2000 -- 3,562 6.41
Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai! -- -- Lerche -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Harem Comedy Super Power Romance Ecchi Martial Arts School -- Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai! Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai! -- The samurai are a very important part of Japan's history, and to be related to them in any way is probably one of the most inspiring things that a young high school student could hope for. -- -- Kawakami City is well-known for having many samurai ancestors among its citizens, and is generally surrounded by an atmosphere of fighting spirit, loyalty, and dedication to work. In Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai!, the students of Kawakami Academy use this knowledge on a daily basis, whether they are studying for exams, competing in sports competitions, or making sure that they take very good care of their traditions. Yamato Naoe is one such student, and his six closest friends (three boys and three girls) make up the perfect team for friendship, rivalry, and motivation. However, even samurai have weaknesses. -- -- Although the balance and long friendship of their group has been undisturbed for a long time, when two new girls enter the group, things start to get a lot more interesting. Not only must they maintain what they think is the samurai tradition, but they must now also do it with a lot of "distractions." -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 238,653 6.75
Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e -- -- SILVER LINK. -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Magic Fantasy School -- Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e -- Second season of Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e Kayou. -- TV - ??? ??, ???? -- 55,065 N/A -- -- Tales of Zestiria the Cross: Saiyaku no Jidai -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Adventure Magic Fantasy -- Tales of Zestiria the Cross: Saiyaku no Jidai Tales of Zestiria the Cross: Saiyaku no Jidai -- In recent years, problems regarding atmospheric instability have greatly burdened the Hyland Kingdom, affecting the quality of crops and the citizens' health across the region. One day, the people of Guriel discover an eerie cloud of mist hovering over their town; its severity captures the attention of royal princess Alisha Diphda. -- -- She sends her subordinate Crem to investigate the situation, but receives no news from her for two weeks. Worried for Crem's safety, Alisha departs for Guriel herself with her attendants in tow. What awaits them there, however, is an issue of unprecedented scale. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Special - Jul 3, 2016 -- 54,784 7.26
Maoujou de Oyasumi -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Demons Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Maoujou de Oyasumi Maoujou de Oyasumi -- The Demon Lord Tasogare's castle is a dark and frightening place, filled to the brim with various monsters. Any soul unfortunate enough to be imprisoned here is sure to be terrified by the horrors within. However, the human princess Aurora Suya Rhys "Syalis" Kaymin is a different case. Rather indifferent to her situation, Syalis worries about one thing and one thing only—sleep. Ever since the demon lord kidnapped her from her kingdom, she has not had a single good night's rest. -- -- To alleviate her dozen dozing issues, the princess makes do with what she can find in the castle. Whether it be the fur of fluffy demonic teddy bears or the silky, blanket-like bodies of ghost shrouds, everything is but a means to ensure a peaceful slumber. With so many potential materials to craft items that can help her sleep at her disposal, nothing will stop the sleepy princess—not even death. -- -- 113,272 8.02
Maoujou de Oyasumi -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Demons Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Maoujou de Oyasumi Maoujou de Oyasumi -- The Demon Lord Tasogare's castle is a dark and frightening place, filled to the brim with various monsters. Any soul unfortunate enough to be imprisoned here is sure to be terrified by the horrors within. However, the human princess Aurora Suya Rhys "Syalis" Kaymin is a different case. Rather indifferent to her situation, Syalis worries about one thing and one thing only—sleep. Ever since the demon lord kidnapped her from her kingdom, she has not had a single good night's rest. -- -- To alleviate her dozen dozing issues, the princess makes do with what she can find in the castle. Whether it be the fur of fluffy demonic teddy bears or the silky, blanket-like bodies of ghost shrouds, everything is but a means to ensure a peaceful slumber. With so many potential materials to craft items that can help her sleep at her disposal, nothing will stop the sleepy princess—not even death. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 113,272 8.02
Medaka Box Abnormal -- -- Asahi Production, Gainax -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Ecchi Martial Arts School Shounen Super Power -- Medaka Box Abnormal Medaka Box Abnormal -- After the defeat of Myouri Unzen at the hands of Medaka Kurokami and her Student Council, peace has returned to Hakoniwa Academy—at least, for a short while. Soon, Medaka, Zenkichi Hitoyoshi, Kouki Akune, and Mogana Kikaijima find themselves wrapped up in another sinister scheme, known as the "Flask Plan," led by the school's principal himself. -- -- However, the council's first problem is to deal with a whole new group of superhuman students calling themselves the "Thirteen Party," led by the egotistical but powerful Oudo Miyakonojou. With the mysterious Flask Plan, Oudo's tyranny, and the resurfacing of an old enemy, the state of Hakoniwa Academy is far from tranquil, and Medaka and her companions have their hands full as things only get a lot more abnormal. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 120,361 7.45
Medaka Box -- -- Asahi Production, Gainax -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Ecchi Martial Arts School Shounen Super Power -- Medaka Box Medaka Box -- Medaka Kurokami is, in the truest sense of the word, perfect. Beautiful, intelligent, and athletic, Medaka's dream is to make others happy. So when she runs for Student Council President of the prestigious Hakoniwa Academy, winning the election with 98% of the votes is only to be expected. -- -- The very first thing the boisterous new president does is set up the "Medaka Box," a suggestion box allowing students to submit any kind of request for assistance. Together with the cynical Zenkichi Hitoyoshi, her childhood friend who has been strong-armed into helping, Medaka fulfills these requests at a ridiculous rate. For every job completed, she adds flowers to the student council room, with the aim of filling the entire school. However, the two are about to find out that helping others may be a lot harder than they think as they begin to uncover a devastating plan centering on the academy and even Medaka herself! -- -- 208,054 7.06
Medaka Box -- -- Asahi Production, Gainax -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Ecchi Martial Arts School Shounen Super Power -- Medaka Box Medaka Box -- Medaka Kurokami is, in the truest sense of the word, perfect. Beautiful, intelligent, and athletic, Medaka's dream is to make others happy. So when she runs for Student Council President of the prestigious Hakoniwa Academy, winning the election with 98% of the votes is only to be expected. -- -- The very first thing the boisterous new president does is set up the "Medaka Box," a suggestion box allowing students to submit any kind of request for assistance. Together with the cynical Zenkichi Hitoyoshi, her childhood friend who has been strong-armed into helping, Medaka fulfills these requests at a ridiculous rate. For every job completed, she adds flowers to the student council room, with the aim of filling the entire school. However, the two are about to find out that helping others may be a lot harder than they think as they begin to uncover a devastating plan centering on the academy and even Medaka herself! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 208,054 7.06
Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Second Season -- -- Sunrise -- 25 eps -- Original -- Action Drama Mecha Military Sci-Fi Space -- Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Second Season Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Second Season -- In the year 2311 AD, a world that once saw itself full of inter-continental conflict now stands unified, led by the Earth Sphere Federation (ESF). The ESF established a preventative military task force known as the A-Laws, tasking them with shutting down violent terrorist organizations. As they gain more and more legal authority, the A-Laws begin to twist the law to fit their own agenda, ruling the citizens of Earth with a heavy hand. -- -- In response to the fascistic behavior of the A-Laws, the anti-terrorist group Celestial Being reappears. Led by state-of-the-art mobile suits known as Gundam, the pilots of Celestial Being wage a new war with the A-Laws, aiming to stop their tyrannical abuse of power. -- -- Setsuna F. Seiei, pilot of the Gundam Exia, helps to lead the charge along with his fellow Gundam Meisters Lockon Stratos, Allelujah Haptism, and Tieria Erde. But in the process, Setsuna stumbles upon a conspiratorial plot spearheaded by a new faction, the Innovators, and must contend with his own old wounds and ghosts of the past in order to save a world that despises him. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- TV - Oct 5, 2008 -- 129,108 8.10
Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Second Season -- -- Sunrise -- 25 eps -- Original -- Action Drama Mecha Military Sci-Fi Space -- Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Second Season Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Second Season -- In the year 2311 AD, a world that once saw itself full of inter-continental conflict now stands unified, led by the Earth Sphere Federation (ESF). The ESF established a preventative military task force known as the A-Laws, tasking them with shutting down violent terrorist organizations. As they gain more and more legal authority, the A-Laws begin to twist the law to fit their own agenda, ruling the citizens of Earth with a heavy hand. -- -- In response to the fascistic behavior of the A-Laws, the anti-terrorist group Celestial Being reappears. Led by state-of-the-art mobile suits known as Gundam, the pilots of Celestial Being wage a new war with the A-Laws, aiming to stop their tyrannical abuse of power. -- -- Setsuna F. Seiei, pilot of the Gundam Exia, helps to lead the charge along with his fellow Gundam Meisters Lockon Stratos, Allelujah Haptism, and Tieria Erde. But in the process, Setsuna stumbles upon a conspiratorial plot spearheaded by a new faction, the Innovators, and must contend with his own old wounds and ghosts of the past in order to save a world that despises him. -- -- TV - Oct 5, 2008 -- 129,108 8.10
Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway's Flash 3 -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Action Military Sci-Fi Space Drama Mecha -- Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway's Flash 3 Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway's Flash 3 -- (No synopsis yet.) -- Movie - ??? ??, ???? -- 1,870 N/A -- -- Gall Force: New Era -- -- AIC -- 2 eps -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Space Mecha -- Gall Force: New Era Gall Force: New Era -- The year is 2291, and the citizens live a peaceful existence after the catastrophic war between the humans and the Yuman. This quiet life is about to be shattered, the leader of the Yuman is not convinced the war is over, and now plans to renew hostilities! -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- OVA - Dec 1, 1991 -- 1,858 5.75
Mob Psycho 100 II -- -- Bones -- 13 eps -- Web manga -- Action Slice of Life Comedy Supernatural -- Mob Psycho 100 II Mob Psycho 100 II -- Shigeo "Mob" Kageyama is now maturing and understanding his role as a supernatural psychic that has the power to drastically affect the livelihood of others. He and his mentor Reigen Arataka continue to deal with supernatural requests from clients, whether it be exorcizing evil spirits or tackling urban legends that haunt the citizens. -- -- While the workflow remains the same, Mob isn't just blindly following Reigen around anymore. With all his experiences as a ridiculously strong psychic, Mob's supernatural adventures now have more weight to them. Things take on a serious and darker tone as the dangers Mob and Reigen face are much more tangible and unsettling than ever before. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 909,828 8.83
Mo Dao Zu Shi 3rd Season -- -- B.CMAY PICTURES -- ? eps -- Novel -- Action Historical Demons Supernatural Drama Magic -- Mo Dao Zu Shi 3rd Season Mo Dao Zu Shi 3rd Season -- Third season of Mo Dao Zu Shi. -- ONA - ??? ??, 2021 -- 18,671 N/AK: Seven Stories Movie 2 - Side:Blue - Tenrou no Gotoku -- -- GoHands -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Super Power Supernatural -- K: Seven Stories Movie 2 - Side:Blue - Tenrou no Gotoku K: Seven Stories Movie 2 - Side:Blue - Tenrou no Gotoku -- Gouki Zenjo, former right-hand man to Jin Habari and a survivor of the Kagutsu Incident, returns to work for SCEPTER 4, now under the command of Reisi Munakata, the new Blue King. -- -- (Source: TubiTV) -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- Movie - Aug 4, 2018 -- 18,617 7.31
Monster Strike the Movie: Sora no Kanata -- -- Orange -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Fantasy Game -- Monster Strike the Movie: Sora no Kanata Monster Strike the Movie: Sora no Kanata -- 13 years ago, suddenly one part of Tokyo broke off and began to float in the sky. Tokyo was separated into "Old Tokyo" as the part that was floating in the air, and "New Tokyo," the part that stayed on the ground. Communication and interaction between the two Tokyos was impossible, and years passed. One day, a young girl perceives that Old Tokyo will fall back down to the ground, and she sets out on the perilous path from from Old Tokyo to New Tokyo to save the citizens from the impending crisis. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Oct 5, 2018 -- 2,535 6.32
Musekinin Galaxy☆Tylor -- -- Seven -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Military Sci-Fi Space Comedy Parody -- Musekinin Galaxy☆Tylor Musekinin Galaxy☆Tylor -- Taking place in a very distant in future, the adventure begins when a boy meets a certain girl. The Pan Galaxy Republic has declined and so have many empires. This resulted to people in the galaxy being scattered. Living in the peaceful side of their world, Banjou, who picks up trashes at the spherical wall met a girl, frozen, in a broken spaceship. There are bad guys who chase her, and thus, the quiet galaxy suddenly became lively. Little did he know that the frozen girl is Goza 168th, the key to decide the destiny of the whole universe. Overcoming hardship, the two embarks on a trip to make the Galaxy Republic alive again. It may be a difficult challenge, but it's alright, let's progress slowly! A comedy of irresponsible galaxy trip begins! -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- 5,139 4.00
Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu 2nd Season -- -- Studio Bind -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Drama Magic Fantasy -- Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu 2nd Season Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu 2nd Season -- Second half of Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu. -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 56,965 N/A -- -- Rozen Maiden: Ouvertüre -- -- Nomad -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Drama Magic Seinen -- Rozen Maiden: Ouvertüre Rozen Maiden: Ouvertüre -- As Jun Sakurada fights and lives alongside the Rozen Maidens, special lifelike dolls made to battle each other, he enjoys a rare break in which he is told a story during the events of Rozen Maiden: Träumend. -- -- When Jun buys a brooch as a present for Shinku, the fifth doll, she refuses to accept it at any cost. Souseiseki, the fourth doll, then recounts the story of how Shinku and the first doll, Suigintou, first met. This tale tells of the cruel and heartbreaking circumstances surrounding Suigintou's birth, and how the many misunderstandings between her and Shinku shaped their longstanding rivalry fueled by Suigintou's unfettered hate towards Shinku. -- -- The stage is set in Rozen Maiden: Ouvertüre in 19th century London as the story delves into the past of these one-time friends and the secrets that they hold. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Special - Dec 23, 2006 -- 55,918 7.73
Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse Recap - Climax Chokuzen Special -- -- ixtl, Satelight -- 1 ep -- - -- Action Mecha Military Sci-Fi -- Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse Recap - Climax Chokuzen Special Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse Recap - Climax Chokuzen Special -- A recap primarily of episodes 3-19, this special aired prior to episode 20. It also included the new OP/ED of the series and a preview of what's to come in future episodes. -- Special - Nov 19, 2012 -- 7,316 6.25
Nagi no Asu kara -- -- P.A. Works -- 26 eps -- Original -- Drama Fantasy Romance -- Nagi no Asu kara Nagi no Asu kara -- Long ago, all humans lived beneath the sea. However, some people preferred the surface and abandoned living underwater permanently. As a consequence, they were stripped of their god-given protection called "Ena" which allowed them to breathe underwater. Over time, the rift between the denizens of the sea and of the surface widened, although contact between the two peoples still existed. -- -- Nagi no Asu kara follows the story of Hikari Sakishima and Manaka Mukaido, along with their childhood friends Chisaki Hiradaira and Kaname Isaki, who are forced to leave the sea and attend a school on the surface. There, the group also meets Tsumugu Kihara, a fellow student and fisherman who loves the sea. -- -- Hikari and his friends' lives are bound to change as they have to deal with the deep-seated hatred and discrimination between the people of sea and of the surface, the storms in their personal lives, as well as an impending tempest which may spell doom for all who dwell on the surface. -- -- -- Licensor: -- NIS America, Inc. -- 482,003 8.06
One Piece: Romance Dawn Story -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Fantasy Comedy Super Power Shounen -- One Piece: Romance Dawn Story One Piece: Romance Dawn Story -- The Straw Hat Pirates, searching for the great passage "Grand Line", are in trouble when their food runs out! Luffy, searching for food on his own, finds a ship belonging to the pirate, Gary, and takes it over!! He lands at a nearby town... -- -- Luffy was attacked by a young girl, Silk, who mistook him for a member of the other pirate gang. As the two eat a meal, they tell their stories. Meanwhile, Gary and his band are burning with anger at Luffy, demanding payment from the town's defenseless citizens...!! -- -- (Source: -- OVA - Nov 24, 2008 -- 39,720 7.38
Oniichan no Koto nanka Zenzen Suki ja Nai n da kara ne!! -- -- Zexcs -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Harem Comedy Romance Ecchi -- Oniichan no Koto nanka Zenzen Suki ja Nai n da kara ne!! Oniichan no Koto nanka Zenzen Suki ja Nai n da kara ne!! -- Junior High student Nao's brother complex is so strong, it's almost at the point of incest. She's determined to make her brother, High School student Shuusuke, see her as a woman. So determined, that she goes as far as going into his room to throw away all his non-incest related porn. But as she's looking for his porno stash, she finds a photo album... and she's not in any of his childhood pictures. What is going on? -- -- (Source: MU) -- 77,300 6.14
Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Love Comedy wo Zenryoku de Jama Shiteiru -- -- Diomedéa -- 10 eps -- Light novel -- Harem Comedy Romance School -- Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Love Comedy wo Zenryoku de Jama Shiteiru Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Love Comedy wo Zenryoku de Jama Shiteiru -- For Kanade Amakusa, life as a high schooler should have been normal, and it would have been—if he wasn't living with the most ridiculous curse imaginable. “Absolute Choice," a system forced upon him by a self-proclaimed god, randomly presents a mental selection of actions that he must act out based on his choice. To add to his dilemma, it tends to occur in the most public of places, and his options never seem to deviate from the rude and crude in nature. -- -- As a result, the helpless boy stresses through each day, fumbling to repair his already tarnished reputation while desperately praying to avoid the next spontaneous episode of Absolute Choice. To his dismay, the one in charge is always one step ahead of him and proceeds to not-so-subtly "choice" him into the lives of several girls at his school. Just when Kanade's school life can’t seem to be doomed any further, a decision that he reluctantly selects on the way home sends a beautiful girl crashing down from the sky, along with the promise of more hysterically hellish choices. -- -- 342,212 7.24
Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Love Comedy wo Zenryoku de Jama Shiteiru OVA -- -- Diomedéa -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Harem Comedy Romance School -- Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Love Comedy wo Zenryoku de Jama Shiteiru OVA Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Love Comedy wo Zenryoku de Jama Shiteiru OVA -- Unaired TV episode bundled with the light novel's volume eight. -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- OVA - May 20, 2014 -- 63,243 7.22
Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa Nai: Under the Innocent Sky. -- -- Nomad -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Comedy Drama Ecchi Harem Romance -- Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa Nai: Under the Innocent Sky. Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa Nai: Under the Innocent Sky. -- Haneda Takashi has a secret he cannot speak of. To leave his dull school-life, he was supposed to have escaped to another world. However, he is reeled in by certain ties on his heart. One of these is Kobato, his awkward younger sister. The other is Watarai Asuka, his negligent girlfriend. -- -- Chitose Shuusuke is a poor freeloader. He passes his days working at various part-time jobs. One day, he has a disastrous first encounter with Tamaizumi Hiyoko. The next time they meet, Shuusuke discovers that they are fellow employees at his part-time job. -- -- Narita Hayato sees himself as a "hard-boiled" person. Back-breaking jobs are nothing to him. Hayato shuns normal human contact, but, during the nights, he would get together with delinquents and other denizens of the night. One such night, he meets the cheerful and oblivious Otori Naru. -- -- The relationships with these girls will greatly affect these 3 young men. But what, exactly, is the relationship these young men have with each other? -- -- (Source: AnimeNFO) -- TV - Apr 4, 2011 -- 76,824 6.70
Ouritsu Uchuugun: Honneamise no Tsubasa -- -- Gainax -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Drama Military Sci-Fi Space -- Ouritsu Uchuugun: Honneamise no Tsubasa Ouritsu Uchuugun: Honneamise no Tsubasa -- Shirotsugh "Shiro" Lhadatt may be a cadet in the Kingdom of Honneamise's Royal Space Force (RSF), but he has never been in space before—in fact, nobody has. The RSF is often regarded as a failure both by the country's citizens and a government more interested in precipitating a war with a neighboring country than scientific achievement. Following the funeral of a fellow cadet, an unmotivated Shiro is walking in the city one night, when he bumps into Riquinni Nonderaiko, a young, pious woman, genuinely enthusiastic about the significance of space exploration. -- -- As the two gradually bond, Riquinni's encouragement inspires Shiro to volunteer as a pilot for a prospective rocket ship, potentially becoming Honneamise's first man in space. Shiro and the RSF are soon joined by a team of elderly but eager scientists and engineers, and together, they embark on a mission to mold their nation's space program into a success. However, their efforts soon catch the attention of the government, which seems to have a different plan for the RSF in mind. Even as the odds are stacked against them, these men and women continue to stubbornly look to the sky, because somewhere among the frontiers of space may lie humanity's last chance at redemption. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Visual USA, Maiden Japan, Manga Entertainment -- Movie - Mar 14, 1987 -- 35,422 7.52
Planet With -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Mecha Sci-Fi -- Planet With Planet With -- According to the theories of oneiromancy, dreams of dragons represent the struggle of losing yourself to your own anger. Fittingly, Souya Kuroi wakes up from a nightmare of a massive dragon destroying everything around him in a blaze of rainbow colored light. After being told that he lost his parents and memory in a strange accident, the waking world becomes another nightmare in itself. With this dream being his only memory, he has no choice but to be taken care of by his two strange guardians: the spunky and energetic maid Ginko, and a huge cat known only as "Sensei." -- -- His new life is turned upside down when the denizens of Saromisaka City are beset by a teddy bear-shaped UFO. When military power proves to be ineffective, seven mysterious people rise up to fight off the monstrosity. These heroes destroy the invader in a flurry of rainbow colored lights, the very same lights that Souya saw in his nightmare. -- -- With the alien threat repelled, these seven strangers find themselves facing a new adversary: Souya. Swearing vengeance upon the people who decimated his old life, he begins his crusade against these "heroes" and becomes embroiled in a struggle of galactic proportions. -- -- 49,177 7.22
Psycho-Pass -- -- Production I.G -- 22 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Police Psychological -- Psycho-Pass Psycho-Pass -- Justice, and the enforcement of it, has changed. In the 22nd century, Japan enforces the Sibyl System, an objective means of determining the threat level of each citizen by examining their mental state for signs of criminal intent, known as their Psycho-Pass. Inspectors uphold the law by subjugating, often with lethal force, anyone harboring the slightest ill-will; alongside them are Enforcers, jaded Inspectors that have become latent criminals, granted relative freedom in exchange for carrying out the Inspectors' dirty work. -- -- Into this world steps Akane Tsunemori, a young woman with an honest desire to uphold justice. However, as she works alongside veteran Enforcer Shinya Kougami, she soon learns that the Sibyl System's judgments are not as perfect as her fellow Inspectors assume. With everything she has known turned on its head, Akane wrestles with the question of what justice truly is, and whether it can be upheld through the use of a system that may already be corrupt. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 1,266,562 8.37
Qualidea Code -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Magic Supernatural -- Qualidea Code Qualidea Code -- On a quiet and peaceful day, the skies split open and extradimensional beings, designated as the Unknown, launch a swift and brutal attack against humanity. To protect the future of the country, all of Japan's children are cryogenically frozen until the end of the war to keep them out of harm's way. -- -- Several years pass, and humanity has established a foothold in a corner of Japan, which now serves as the frontline of the war. No longer facing humanity's extinction, the children are awakened from their slumber. It is then discovered that, while in cryogenesis, the children had developed Worlds, supernatural powers unique to each person. The six most powerful children are given command of the reclaimed cities, using their powers to defend the strongholds against the continuing invasion. Childhood friends Ichiya Suzaku and Canaria Utara lead Tokyo, siblings Kasumi and Asuha Chigusa manage Chiba, and Maihime Tenkawa and Hotaru Rindou oversee Kanagawa. -- -- Over time, the almost routine attacks from the Unknown and the clashing personalities of the city heads and subheads cultivate petty rivalries, leading to constant arguments between the three cities. With the Unknown suddenly increasing the pressure of their attacks, the three cities' leaders must learn how to work together or risk losing the last line of defense against humanity's extinction. -- -- 141,255 6.50
Revisions -- -- Shirogumi -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Mecha -- Revisions Revisions -- "This is a prophecy for you, where five people will meet huge adversaries, and only you can protect everyone." Daisuke Toujima is a second-year high school student who was abducted when he was young. He was involved in a special phenomenon—Shibuya Drift—with his childhood friends Gai, Ru, Marimari, and Keisaku. They were transferred to the center of Shibuya over 300 years into the future. What's waiting for them is endless wilderness and forest, Interspersed ruin, future citizens, and "Revisions" which are huge mechanical monsters. Trampled by the monsters without understanding the situation, a girl who has the same name as the person who saved Daisuke when he was abducted, Miro, provided a mobile suit "String Puppet" and told them to save Shibuya. With separated paths, adversaries, destined prophecies, the boys, and girls are on their journey to return to their original time. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- ONA - Jan 10, 2019 -- 50,240 6.10
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu - Hyouketsu no Kizuna -- -- White Fox -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Psychological Drama Thriller Fantasy -- Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu - Hyouketsu no Kizuna Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu - Hyouketsu no Kizuna -- Covered in ice and snow, Elior Forest is the home to dangerous magical beasts and 50 elves frozen in ice. One day, the great spirit Puck helps a young girl break out of her ice prison. Her name is Emilia, a half-elf born with silver hair, long ears, and amethyst eyes—features that resemble the evil Witch who destroyed half the world long ago. -- -- Shunned by society because of her appearance, Emilia dwells in the forest with Puck as her sole companion and family. Burdened with a sin of destruction she does not remember committing, she spends her days trying to find a way to help her frozen kin. But when the great spirit Melakuera, the Arbitrator of the world, finds Emilia, her right to stay alive is brought into question. Will the bonds of ice she formed with Puck prove to be the warm thread that defies fate? -- -- Movie - Nov 8, 2019 -- 157,555 7.61
Romeo x Juliet -- -- Gonzo -- 24 eps -- Book -- Drama Fantasy Historical Romance -- Romeo x Juliet Romeo x Juliet -- On the floating continent of Neo Verona, the Montague family slaughters the entire Capulet family and seizes control of the kingdom. The true heir to the throne, Juliet Fiammata Asto Capulet, manages to escape the onslaught and is hidden away by loyalists for 14 years with hope that she may one day overthrow the cruel Montague regime. -- -- Despite having forgotten the murder of her entire family, Juliet now secretly protects the oppressed citizens of Neo Verona as a vigilante called the Red Whirlwind. During one of her escapades she meets Romeo Candorebanto Montague, the kind and selfless son of the tyrannical Prince Laertes Montague, and without knowledge of each other's background, they both fall in love at first sight. -- -- Unfortunately, however, their destiny is a cursed one: not only does each of the two families wish to obliterate the other, but an ancient secret hidden beneath Neo Verona also threatens their undying love for each other. Will they be able to defy the stars, or is this truly a love that can never be? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Apr 5, 2007 -- 158,356 7.64
Rosario to Vampire Capu2 -- -- Gonzo -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi Fantasy Harem Romance School Vampire -- Rosario to Vampire Capu2 Rosario to Vampire Capu2 -- It has been one year since Tsukune Aono enrolled at Youkai Academy, and since then his life has taken an interesting turn. In addition to being the only human at a school for monsters, he has attracted a bevy of beautiful women who want him all for themselves: the sexy succubus Kurumu Kurono; Yukari Sendou, a witch; stalker and yuki-onna Mizore Shirayuki; and Moka Akashiya, a kind vampire who, when her rosary is removed, reveals a darker personality. -- -- But soon, trouble visits Youkai Academy in the form of Moka's younger sister, Kokoa Shuzen. She is furious that her "true older sister" is sealed within Moka's rosary, and vows to bring out Moka's darker self. However, Kokoa's thoughtless actions may affect more than just her sister... -- -- 351,462 6.96
Rosario to Vampire Capu2 -- -- Gonzo -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi Fantasy Harem Romance School Vampire -- Rosario to Vampire Capu2 Rosario to Vampire Capu2 -- It has been one year since Tsukune Aono enrolled at Youkai Academy, and since then his life has taken an interesting turn. In addition to being the only human at a school for monsters, he has attracted a bevy of beautiful women who want him all for themselves: the sexy succubus Kurumu Kurono; Yukari Sendou, a witch; stalker and yuki-onna Mizore Shirayuki; and Moka Akashiya, a kind vampire who, when her rosary is removed, reveals a darker personality. -- -- But soon, trouble visits Youkai Academy in the form of Moka's younger sister, Kokoa Shuzen. She is furious that her "true older sister" is sealed within Moka's rosary, and vows to bring out Moka's darker self. However, Kokoa's thoughtless actions may affect more than just her sister... -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 351,462 6.96
Rozen Maiden (2013) -- -- Studio Deen -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Drama Magic Seinen -- Rozen Maiden (2013) Rozen Maiden (2013) -- During the events of the original Rozen Maiden, after circling "yes" on a paper and agreeing to wind an unknown "something," a traumatized Jun Sakurada fights alongside the lifelike dolls known as the Rozen Maidens. But what would have happened if Jun had circled "no"? -- -- Jun, having gotten over his school trauma from his younger days, spends his time attending college and working in a bookstore. However, he does not feel as though he belongs anywhere. One day, he finds a book containing instructions on how to make a Rozen Maiden. Mysteriously, when he arrives home that night, the second volume in the book series has been delivered to his house, along with some pieces of a doll. But as suddenly as they started arriving, the books stop coming, and Jun gets a notice that says that the books have ceased being published. With an incomplete doll in hand, and a message from his other self in another world, this Jun also finds his way into the world of the Rozen Maidens. -- -- 67,502 7.34
Rozen Maiden (2013) -- -- Studio Deen -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Drama Magic Seinen -- Rozen Maiden (2013) Rozen Maiden (2013) -- During the events of the original Rozen Maiden, after circling "yes" on a paper and agreeing to wind an unknown "something," a traumatized Jun Sakurada fights alongside the lifelike dolls known as the Rozen Maidens. But what would have happened if Jun had circled "no"? -- -- Jun, having gotten over his school trauma from his younger days, spends his time attending college and working in a bookstore. However, he does not feel as though he belongs anywhere. One day, he finds a book containing instructions on how to make a Rozen Maiden. Mysteriously, when he arrives home that night, the second volume in the book series has been delivered to his house, along with some pieces of a doll. But as suddenly as they started arriving, the books stop coming, and Jun gets a notice that says that the books have ceased being published. With an incomplete doll in hand, and a message from his other self in another world, this Jun also finds his way into the world of the Rozen Maidens. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 67,502 7.34
Rozen Maiden -- -- Nomad -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Drama Magic Seinen -- Rozen Maiden Rozen Maiden -- Traumatized by school, Jun Sakurada spends his days at home as a shut-in, purchasing things online, only to send them back before the free trial period ends. So when a note appears on his desk, asking whether or not he would wind something, he assumes it was something he ordered and carelessly circles "yes," changing his life forever. -- -- A box arrives with a wind up doll inside, but this is no ordinary toy: after Jun winds her up, she begins walking and talking as if a normal person. With a haughty attitude, she introduces herself as Shinku, the fifth doll in the Rozen Maiden collection, a group of special dolls made by the legendary dollmaker Rozen. These sisters must battle each other in a competition called the Alice Game with the help of a human to ensure victory. The winner becomes Alice, a real girl who is worthy of meeting their creator. -- -- As more sentient dolls end up taking residence in Jun's house, and a foe from Shinku's past makes her appearance, Jun's life becomes far more complicated than he ever thought possible. -- -- 179,332 7.43
Rozen Maiden -- -- Nomad -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Drama Magic Seinen -- Rozen Maiden Rozen Maiden -- Traumatized by school, Jun Sakurada spends his days at home as a shut-in, purchasing things online, only to send them back before the free trial period ends. So when a note appears on his desk, asking whether or not he would wind something, he assumes it was something he ordered and carelessly circles "yes," changing his life forever. -- -- A box arrives with a wind up doll inside, but this is no ordinary toy: after Jun winds her up, she begins walking and talking as if a normal person. With a haughty attitude, she introduces herself as Shinku, the fifth doll in the Rozen Maiden collection, a group of special dolls made by the legendary dollmaker Rozen. These sisters must battle each other in a competition called the Alice Game with the help of a human to ensure victory. The winner becomes Alice, a real girl who is worthy of meeting their creator. -- -- As more sentient dolls end up taking residence in Jun's house, and a foe from Shinku's past makes her appearance, Jun's life becomes far more complicated than he ever thought possible. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA, Sentai Filmworks -- 179,332 7.43
Rozen Maiden: Ouvertüre -- -- Nomad -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Drama Magic Seinen -- Rozen Maiden: Ouvertüre Rozen Maiden: Ouvertüre -- As Jun Sakurada fights and lives alongside the Rozen Maidens, special lifelike dolls made to battle each other, he enjoys a rare break in which he is told a story during the events of Rozen Maiden: Träumend. -- -- When Jun buys a brooch as a present for Shinku, the fifth doll, she refuses to accept it at any cost. Souseiseki, the fourth doll, then recounts the story of how Shinku and the first doll, Suigintou, first met. This tale tells of the cruel and heartbreaking circumstances surrounding Suigintou's birth, and how the many misunderstandings between her and Shinku shaped their longstanding rivalry fueled by Suigintou's unfettered hate towards Shinku. -- -- The stage is set in Rozen Maiden: Ouvertüre in 19th century London as the story delves into the past of these one-time friends and the secrets that they hold. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Special - Dec 23, 2006 -- 55,918 7.73
Rozen Maiden: Träumend -- -- Nomad -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Drama Magic Seinen -- Rozen Maiden: Träumend Rozen Maiden: Träumend -- As the story of Rozen Maiden closes, a new chapter begins in Rozen Maiden: Träumend. Shinku and the other sentient dolls of the Rozen Maiden collection are living life as usual at Jun Sakurada's house. Having settled into his role as Shinku's partner in the deadly Alice Game, Jun overcomes his former fears and prepares to return to school. And although Shinku and the other dolls idly pass the days by in the comfort of Jun's home, dark times lie ahead as a new foe presents herself: Barasuishou, the seventh Rozen Maiden. -- -- But Barasuishou is a mystery even to her sisters, none of whom have ever laid eyes on her until now. Shinku considers this a sign that the Alice Game is coming to an end, meaning the dolls will soon be forced to fight one another. Haunted by the upcoming battle and nightmares concerning another doll, Shinku begins distancing herself from the others. If she wishes to claim victory, it will come at a high cost—the lives of her sisters. -- -- 94,726 7.64
Saki Zenkoku-hen -- -- Studio Gokumi -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Game Slice of Life School -- Saki Zenkoku-hen Saki Zenkoku-hen -- Saki Miyanaga, along with the rest of Kiyosumi High School's mahjong team, proceeds to the national level of the Interhigh Mahjong Championship. However, reaching the top will prove difficult as she faces opponents on par with and, quite possibly, exceeding her skills. Even so, she refuses to back down, vowing to stop at nothing to fulfill her goal: to see her sister face-to-face once more. -- -- 29,673 7.42
Seisenshi Dunbine -- -- Sunrise -- 49 eps -- Novel -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Drama Fantasy Mecha -- Seisenshi Dunbine Seisenshi Dunbine -- Shou Zama is an ordinary 18-year-old from Tokyo who finds himself summoned to the medieval fantasy world of Byston Well. Upon arrival, he is put into service under the ambitious lord Drake Luft, who seeks to greatly expand his power. Those like Shou who come from "Upper Earth" possess strong aura power and are ordered to pilot "Aura Battlers," insectoid mecha designed by a man named Shot Weapon, who also came from Upper Earth. -- -- However, Shou's alliances quickly change when he meets Marvel Frozen, a young woman who has decided to rebel against Drake's political agenda. As he realizes the lord's true intentions, the boy chooses to join the fight against Drake and team up with Neal Given, who leads the resistance movement. The resistance isn't alone—Riml, daughter of their enemy and Neal's secret love, aids their efforts, hoping to escape from her father's clutches. As Shou finds himself fighting alongside his new comrades, they put their lives on the line to prevent the villainous Drake from taking over Byston Well before it's too late. -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Feb 5, 1983 -- 8,897 7.05
Senran Kagura Estival Versus: Mizugi-darake no Zenyasai -- -- Artland, Hoods Entertainment -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Comedy Ecchi -- Senran Kagura Estival Versus: Mizugi-darake no Zenyasai Senran Kagura Estival Versus: Mizugi-darake no Zenyasai -- A letter arrives at Death Cram School. Inside is a an invitation to a spa resort. -- Yumi declares to the four excited girls that, "No. This is evil itself," points out that they are slacking off too much. Shiki proposes, "When opinions are divided, it's time for boob rock-paper-scissors!" and then wins so they all go to the pool. -- -- There, girls from Hanzoo Academy, Homura Crimson Squad, and Hebijo Clandestine Girls' Academy also come, but Asuka says, "Let's have fun together today" and they call a temporary truce. -- -- However, a trivial matter sets off a sour quarrel and, at Yumi's suggestion, they settle it with a showdown in the style of the ancient shinobi. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - Mar 26, 2015 -- 16,392 6.51
Servant x Service -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 13 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy Seinen Slice of Life -- Servant x Service Servant x Service -- Frustrating, insufficient, and irritating is how most citizens would describe civil servants. However, three new employees are about to discover what really happens behind the scenes. Lucy Yamagami, bent on revenge against the civil servant who allowed her comically long name to be put on her birth certificate; Yutaka Hasebe, an easygoing guy always on the lookout for a place to slack off; and Saya Miyoshi, a nervous first-time worker, are about to experience the underwhelming satisfaction of being government employees. -- -- They are supposed to be trained by Taishi Ichimiya, but he has no idea how to do so, even though he has worked there for eight years. With an incompetent senior colleague and unfavorable confrontations with clients, the trio starts to lose faith in their chosen occupation but encourage each other to do their best. -- -- TV - Jul 5, 2013 -- 175,099 7.67
Shakugan no Shana -- -- J.C.Staff -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Drama Fantasy Romance School Supernatural -- Shakugan no Shana Shakugan no Shana -- The world has become a slaughtering ground for the Crimson Denizens, mysterious beings from a parallel universe who thrive on the life energy of humans. These merciless murderers only leave behind scant remainders of souls called "Torches," which are mere residues that will eventually be destroyed, along with the very fact of the victims' existence from the minds of the living. In an ambitious endeavor to put an end to this invisible, hungry massacre, warriors called Flame Hazes relentlessly fight these monsters. -- -- One fateful day, Yuuji Sakai ceases to be a regular high schooler—he becomes trapped in a crevice of time and is suddenly attacked by a Denizen. Coming to his rescue just in the nick of time is a nameless hunter who seems no different from an ordinary young girl except for her blazing eyes and burning crimson hair. However, before Yuuji can learn anything more about his situation, he discovers that he has already been reduced to a Torch—merely a scrap of memory waiting to be extinguished. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA -- 469,818 7.50
Shakugan no Shana III (Final) -- -- J.C.Staff -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Supernatural Drama Romance Fantasy -- Shakugan no Shana III (Final) Shakugan no Shana III (Final) -- Yuji disappeared the fateful night he was supposed to choose between a life combating evil by Shana's side or as a normal teenager. He returns from near-death to lead the Crimson Denizens in a dubious plot to bring peace to the universe, but Shana isn't fooled. In an explosive reunion, the fiery warrior faces her unlikeliest of foes while Flame Hazes from across the world join forces to ignite a war that will determine the fate of all supernatural kind. -- -- (Source: FUNimation) -- 208,797 7.55
Shakugan no Shana III (Final) -- -- J.C.Staff -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Supernatural Drama Romance Fantasy -- Shakugan no Shana III (Final) Shakugan no Shana III (Final) -- Yuji disappeared the fateful night he was supposed to choose between a life combating evil by Shana's side or as a normal teenager. He returns from near-death to lead the Crimson Denizens in a dubious plot to bring peace to the universe, but Shana isn't fooled. In an explosive reunion, the fiery warrior faces her unlikeliest of foes while Flame Hazes from across the world join forces to ignite a war that will determine the fate of all supernatural kind. -- -- (Source: FUNimation) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 208,797 7.55
Shakugan no Shana II (Second) -- -- J.C.Staff -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Supernatural Drama Romance Fantasy School -- Shakugan no Shana II (Second) Shakugan no Shana II (Second) -- Denizens from the Crimson Realm continue to infiltrate Misaki City and steal life energy from humans. To combat this threat, Flame Hazes are tasked with saving humans from losing their existences. But while it is a Flame Haze's duty to protect humans, Shana—the "Flame-Haired Burning-Eyed Hunter"—seems to be focusing her attention on one human in particular: Yuuji Sakai, a teenage boy who was unwittingly dragged into the fight between Crimson Denizens and Flame Hazes. Since her first encounter with Yuuji, Shana has started to see him as more than just a friend. In fact, Yuuji wonders if Shana might have revealed her feelings to him once before, but it is difficult for him to confirm due to her hot-and-cold personality. Nonetheless, their days pass like any other, until a new transfer student arrives at their high school—one who bears a striking resemblance to an old enemy. -- -- Yuuji and Shana have no time to dance around their feelings for each other; while their adversaries from the Bal Masqué organization plan their next attack, the two must keep their guard up as they explore the origin behind the coveted magical object within Yuuji's body, the "Midnight Lost Child." -- -- 274,998 7.60
Shakugan no Shana II (Second) -- -- J.C.Staff -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Supernatural Drama Romance Fantasy School -- Shakugan no Shana II (Second) Shakugan no Shana II (Second) -- Denizens from the Crimson Realm continue to infiltrate Misaki City and steal life energy from humans. To combat this threat, Flame Hazes are tasked with saving humans from losing their existences. But while it is a Flame Haze's duty to protect humans, Shana—the "Flame-Haired Burning-Eyed Hunter"—seems to be focusing her attention on one human in particular: Yuuji Sakai, a teenage boy who was unwittingly dragged into the fight between Crimson Denizens and Flame Hazes. Since her first encounter with Yuuji, Shana has started to see him as more than just a friend. In fact, Yuuji wonders if Shana might have revealed her feelings to him once before, but it is difficult for him to confirm due to her hot-and-cold personality. Nonetheless, their days pass like any other, until a new transfer student arrives at their high school—one who bears a striking resemblance to an old enemy. -- -- Yuuji and Shana have no time to dance around their feelings for each other; while their adversaries from the Bal Masqué organization plan their next attack, the two must keep their guard up as they explore the origin behind the coveted magical object within Yuuji's body, the "Midnight Lost Child." -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 274,998 7.60
Shakugan no Shana Movie -- -- J.C.Staff -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Supernatural Fantasy -- Shakugan no Shana Movie Shakugan no Shana Movie -- Crimson Denizens and Rinne, beings from a parallel world, seek to devour humans' precious existences. To restore the delicate balance of the world, Flame Hazes hunt these entities down. -- -- Yet such things are unknown to Yuuji Sakai, who starts his day like any other and heads to school. His day, however, takes a turn for the extraordinary when he witnesses everyone around him freeze in place and is left the only one able to move. Immediately, a Rinne begins devouring the souls of those around him, but as the creature sets its sights on Yuuji, a katana-wielding Flame Haze with blazing red hair saves him. -- -- After his protector fixes the damage done, she explains why Yuuji was able to move: he has become a Torch, a remnant of a dead human being that will eventually fade from memory. Furthermore, he is also a Mystes, a Torch that houses an unknown treasure. Before his flame burns out completely, a Crimson Denizen will try to seize the treasure he holds, so the fiery hunter decides to watch over him. As Yuuji comes to terms with being dead, he resolves to live his life the best he can with the time he has remaining. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Apr 21, 2007 -- 57,208 7.38
Shakugan no Shana Movie -- -- J.C.Staff -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Supernatural Fantasy -- Shakugan no Shana Movie Shakugan no Shana Movie -- Crimson Denizens and Rinne, beings from a parallel world, seek to devour humans' precious existences. To restore the delicate balance of the world, Flame Hazes hunt these entities down. -- -- Yet such things are unknown to Yuuji Sakai, who starts his day like any other and heads to school. His day, however, takes a turn for the extraordinary when he witnesses everyone around him freeze in place and is left the only one able to move. Immediately, a Rinne begins devouring the souls of those around him, but as the creature sets its sights on Yuuji, a katana-wielding Flame Haze with blazing red hair saves him. -- -- After his protector fixes the damage done, she explains why Yuuji was able to move: he has become a Torch, a remnant of a dead human being that will eventually fade from memory. Furthermore, he is also a Mystes, a Torch that houses an unknown treasure. Before his flame burns out completely, a Crimson Denizen will try to seize the treasure he holds, so the fiery hunter decides to watch over him. As Yuuji comes to terms with being dead, he resolves to live his life the best he can with the time he has remaining. -- -- Movie - Apr 21, 2007 -- 57,208 7.38
Shakugan no Shana S -- -- J.C.Staff -- 4 eps -- Light novel -- Action Drama Fantasy Romance School Supernatural -- Shakugan no Shana S Shakugan no Shana S -- Find out what happens when Yuji accidentally triggers a found Treasure Tool while it's pointed at Shana! Then, Yuji teams up with Wilhelmina to stalk their fiery friend—whose secrecy has become unsettling. Finally, in a two-part special, Shana tracks a Denizen's trail by sorting through a Torch's memories for clues. Her sleuth skills reveal a teenage girl's heartwarming last days and a predator with a serious identity crisis! -- -- (Source: FUNimation) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- OVA - Oct 23, 2009 -- 76,202 7.36
Shakugan no Shana S -- -- J.C.Staff -- 4 eps -- Light novel -- Action Drama Fantasy Romance School Supernatural -- Shakugan no Shana S Shakugan no Shana S -- Find out what happens when Yuji accidentally triggers a found Treasure Tool while it's pointed at Shana! Then, Yuji teams up with Wilhelmina to stalk their fiery friend—whose secrecy has become unsettling. Finally, in a two-part special, Shana tracks a Denizen's trail by sorting through a Torch's memories for clues. Her sleuth skills reveal a teenage girl's heartwarming last days and a predator with a serious identity crisis! -- -- (Source: FUNimation) -- OVA - Oct 23, 2009 -- 76,202 7.36
Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Ecchi School -- Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai -- With the introduction of strict new morality laws, Japan has become a nation cleansed of all that is obscene and impure. By monitoring citizens using special devices worn around their necks, authorities have taken extreme measures to ensure that society remains chaste. -- -- In this world of sexual suppression, Tanukichi Okuma—son of an infamous terrorist who opposed the chastity laws—has just entered high school, offering his help to the student council in order to get close to president Anna Nishikinomiya, his childhood friend and crush. Little does he know that the vice president Ayame Kajou has a secret identity: Blue Snow, a masked criminal dedicated to spreading lewd material amongst the sheltered public—and Tanukichi has caught the girl's interest due to his father's notoriety. -- -- Soon, Tanukichi is dragged into joining her organization called SOX, where he is forced to spread obscene propaganda, helping to launch an assault against the government's oppressive rule. With their school set as the first point of attack, Tanukichi will have to do the unthinkable when he realizes that their primary target is the person he admires most. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 590,301 7.31
Shingeki no Kyojin: Kuinaki Sentaku -- -- Wit Studio -- 2 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Fantasy Shoujo -- Shingeki no Kyojin: Kuinaki Sentaku Shingeki no Kyojin: Kuinaki Sentaku -- Many years before becoming the famed captain of the Survey Corps, a young Levi struggles to survive in the capital's garbage dump, the Underground. As the boss of his own criminal operation, Levi attempts to get by with meager earnings while aided by fellow criminals, Isabel Magnolia and Farlan Church. With little hope for the future, Levi accepts a deal from the anti-expedition faction leader Nicholas Lobov, who promises the trio citizenship aboveground if they are able to successfully assassinate Erwin Smith, a squad leader of the Survey Corps. -- -- As Levi and Erwin cross paths, Erwin acknowledges Levi's agility and skill and gives him the option to either become part of the expedition team, or be turned over to the Military Police, to atone for his crimes. Now closer to the man they are tasked to kill, the group plans to complete their mission and save themselves from a grim demise in the dim recesses of their past home. However, they are about to learn that the surface world is not as liberating as they had thought and that sometimes, freedom can come at a heavy price. -- -- Based on the popular spin-off manga of the same name, Shingeki no Kyojin: Kuinaki Sentaku illustrates the encounter between two of Shingeki no Kyojin's pivotal characters, as well as the events of the 23rd expedition beyond the walls. -- -- OVA - Dec 9, 2014 -- 352,829 8.40
Shingeki no Kyojin OVA -- -- Wit Studio -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Action Super Power Drama Fantasy Shounen -- Shingeki no Kyojin OVA Shingeki no Kyojin OVA -- Ilse no Techou: Aru Chousa Heidanin no Shuki -- During the Survey Corps' 49th recon mission, Hange Zoë is determined to capture a titan specimen. Despite not receiving clearance from Commander Erwin Smith, when a titan is spotted in nearby forestland, Hange rides out alone to meet it. Recklessly luring it out, she asks the titan numerous questions and puts her life on the line for the sake of her research. However, the behavior of this particular titan is far from normal. It quickly turns back and enters the wood once again, leading Hange to somewhere specific. What Hange finds is the legacy of former scout Ilse Langnar. In spite of her death, she provides a valuable piece of information that may serve to turn the tide for titan research—a diary documenting her last moments. -- -- Totsuzen no Raihousha: Sainamareru Seishun no Noroi -- Jean Kirstein would do anything to escape his boring home life and overbearing mother. After enlisting in the military, it became his ultimate goal to join the Military Police regiment and live out in peace and luxury. However, during his time with the 104th Training Corps, things never really go the way Jean wants them to. Eventually, the stolen glory and condescending banter of his comrades become too much—and Jean challenges fellow cadet Sasha Blouse to a battle, in order to determine which of them is strongest—but who will come out on top? -- -- Konnan -- The 104th Training Corps' most recent mission is a trek on horseback into the forest. Although a test of their ability to stay alert even in non-threatening situations, the task is boring and can lead to in-fighting. This is especially true for one of the groups, lead by Marco Bott. Some want to stay true to the mission they have been tasked with, and the rest would rather slack off, occupying themselves with more exciting activities. But when trouble strikes, they are completely unprepared. -- -- OVA - Dec 9, 2013 -- 324,896 7.84
Shinryaku! Ika Musume -- -- Diomedéa -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Shounen Slice of Life -- Shinryaku! Ika Musume Shinryaku! Ika Musume -- Humans have been polluting the ocean for a long time, carelessly pouring their garbage and desecrating the waters that many creatures call home. The denizens of the sea have suffered at their poisoning hands. Finally, one certain squid has had enough and vows to punish the humans' selfish actions. -- -- Possessing all the fearsome abilities of a squid such as powerful hair-tentacles, the ability to spit ink, and even use bioluminescence at will, Ika Musume takes it upon herself to rise from the depths of the ocean and exact revenge upon humanity! She surfaces at a certain Lemon Beach House, a restaurant managed by the sisters Eiko and Chizuru Aizawa. Thinking them to be an easy first step toward world domination, she immediately declares war against them, only to find out that she is, quite literally, a fish out of water! To make things worse, she destroys a part of a wall of the beach house in an attempt to flaunt her squiddy superiority and is consequently forced into becoming a waitress to pay the repair costs. Beached for the time being after tasting a thorough defeat at the hands of the Aizawa sisters, Ika Musume is forced to put her plans for world domination on hold. -- -- Despite these setbacks, Ika Musume soon finds herself right at home in her unexpected position as Lemon Beach House's newest employee. Wacky and hilarious, Shinryaku! Ika Musume follows her brand new life on the surface as she makes precious memories and meet lots of new people. With her newfound acquaintances, Ika Musume is looking to take the world by storm, one squid ink spaghetti at a time! -- -- TV - Oct 5, 2010 -- 162,731 7.45
Shin Tennis no Ouji-sama -- -- M.S.C, Production I.G -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Sports Shounen -- Shin Tennis no Ouji-sama Shin Tennis no Ouji-sama -- It takes a lot to reach the top when it comes to tennis. No one knows that better than Ryouma Echizen, a young prodigy tennis player, and his teammates at the Seishun Academy. It was only because they pushed themselves to the limit, spending countless hours preparing for every pulse-pounding match, that they managed to claim victory in the All-Japan National Tournament. -- -- New Prince of Tennis begins with Ryouma and his teammates heading to the U-17 Selection training camp, after receiving a special invitation due to their victory in the Nationals. The training camp is renowned for producing strong tennis players, so the boys of Seishun Academy can’t wait to take their game to the next level. However, not everyone is happy to have them among their ranks, and they’ll have to weather the intense training to prove they belong among the best of the up-and-coming players of their generation. -- TV - Jan 5, 2012 -- 50,376 7.56
Shishou Series -- -- Pierrot Plus -- ? eps -- Novel -- Horror Supernatural School Seinen -- Shishou Series Shishou Series -- The story of the original novels revolves around a protagonist who experiences various spiritual encounters due to his upperclassman at his college's club, the "master teacher" in the series title that has spiritual sensitivity. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - ??? ??, ???? -- 6,354 N/A -- -- Mouryou no Hako: Chuuzenji Atsuko no Jikenbo - Hako no Yurei no Koto -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Mystery Seinen Supernatural Thriller -- Mouryou no Hako: Chuuzenji Atsuko no Jikenbo - Hako no Yurei no Koto Mouryou no Hako: Chuuzenji Atsuko no Jikenbo - Hako no Yurei no Koto -- A side story that reveals the investigative notes that Atsuko, the younger sister of the main character Akihiko Chuzenji, wrote about the brutal dismembering incidents in the main story. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Special - May 22, 2009 -- 6,339 6.65
Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou -- -- White Fox -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Adventure Mystery Sci-Fi Slice of Life -- Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou -- Amid the desolate remains of a once-thriving city, only the rumbling of a motorbike breaks the cold winter silence. Its riders, Chito and Yuuri, are the last survivors in the war-torn city. Scavenging old military sites for food and parts, the two girls explore the wastelands and speculate about the old world to pass the time. Chito and Yuuri each occasionally struggle with the looming solitude, but when they have each other, sharing the weight of being two of the last humans becomes a bit more bearable. Between Yuuri's clumsy excitement and Chito's calm composure, their dark days get a little brighter with shooting practice, new books, and snowball fights on the frozen battlefield. -- -- Among a scenery of barren landscapes and deserted buildings, Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou tells the uplifting tale of two girls and their quest to find hope in a bleak and dying world. -- -- 238,244 8.19
Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou -- -- White Fox -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Adventure Mystery Sci-Fi Slice of Life -- Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou -- Amid the desolate remains of a once-thriving city, only the rumbling of a motorbike breaks the cold winter silence. Its riders, Chito and Yuuri, are the last survivors in the war-torn city. Scavenging old military sites for food and parts, the two girls explore the wastelands and speculate about the old world to pass the time. Chito and Yuuri each occasionally struggle with the looming solitude, but when they have each other, sharing the weight of being two of the last humans becomes a bit more bearable. Between Yuuri's clumsy excitement and Chito's calm composure, their dark days get a little brighter with shooting practice, new books, and snowball fights on the frozen battlefield. -- -- Among a scenery of barren landscapes and deserted buildings, Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou tells the uplifting tale of two girls and their quest to find hope in a bleak and dying world. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 238,244 8.19
Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii Desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii Desu ka? -- -- C2C, Satelight -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Sci-Fi Drama Romance Fantasy -- Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii Desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii Desu ka? Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii Desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii Desu ka? -- Putting his life on the line, Willem Kmetsch leaves his loved ones behind and sets out to battle a mysterious monster, and even though he is victorious, he is rendered frozen in ice. It is during his icy slumber that terrifying creatures known as "Beasts" emerge on the Earth's surface and threaten humanity's existence. Willem awakens 500 years later, only to find himself the sole survivor of his race as mankind is wiped out. -- -- Together with the other surviving races, Willem takes refuge on the floating islands in the sky, living in fear of the Beasts below. He lives a life of loneliness and only does odd jobs to get by. One day, he is tasked with being a weapon storehouse caretaker. Thinking nothing of it, Willem accepts, but he soon realizes that these weapons are actually a group of young Leprechauns. Though they bear every resemblance to humans, they have no regard for their own lives, identifying themselves as mere weapons of war. Among them is Chtholly Nota Seniorious, who is more than willing to sacrifice herself if it means defeating the Beasts and ensuring peace. -- -- Willem becomes something of a father figure for the young Leprechauns, watching over them fondly and supporting them in any way he can. He, who once fought so bravely on the frontlines, can now only hope that the ones being sent to battle return safely from the monsters that destroyed his kind. -- -- 288,264 7.71
Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii Desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii Desu ka? -- -- C2C, Satelight -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Sci-Fi Drama Romance Fantasy -- Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii Desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii Desu ka? Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii Desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii Desu ka? -- Putting his life on the line, Willem Kmetsch leaves his loved ones behind and sets out to battle a mysterious monster, and even though he is victorious, he is rendered frozen in ice. It is during his icy slumber that terrifying creatures known as "Beasts" emerge on the Earth's surface and threaten humanity's existence. Willem awakens 500 years later, only to find himself the sole survivor of his race as mankind is wiped out. -- -- Together with the other surviving races, Willem takes refuge on the floating islands in the sky, living in fear of the Beasts below. He lives a life of loneliness and only does odd jobs to get by. One day, he is tasked with being a weapon storehouse caretaker. Thinking nothing of it, Willem accepts, but he soon realizes that these weapons are actually a group of young Leprechauns. Though they bear every resemblance to humans, they have no regard for their own lives, identifying themselves as mere weapons of war. Among them is Chtholly Nota Seniorious, who is more than willing to sacrifice herself if it means defeating the Beasts and ensuring peace. -- -- Willem becomes something of a father figure for the young Leprechauns, watching over them fondly and supporting them in any way he can. He, who once fought so bravely on the frontlines, can now only hope that the ones being sent to battle return safely from the monsters that destroyed his kind. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 286,923 7.71
Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii Desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii Desu ka? -- -- C2C, Satelight -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Sci-Fi Drama Romance Fantasy -- Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii Desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii Desu ka? Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii Desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii Desu ka? -- Putting his life on the line, Willem Kmetsch leaves his loved ones behind and sets out to battle a mysterious monster, and even though he is victorious, he is rendered frozen in ice. It is during his icy slumber that terrifying creatures known as "Beasts" emerge on the Earth's surface and threaten humanity's existence. Willem awakens 500 years later, only to find himself the sole survivor of his race as mankind is wiped out. -- -- Together with the other surviving races, Willem takes refuge on the floating islands in the sky, living in fear of the Beasts below. He lives a life of loneliness and only does odd jobs to get by. One day, he is tasked with being a weapon storehouse caretaker. Thinking nothing of it, Willem accepts, but he soon realizes that these weapons are actually a group of young Leprechauns. Though they bear every resemblance to humans, they have no regard for their own lives, identifying themselves as mere weapons of war. Among them is Chtholly Nota Seniorious, who is more than willing to sacrifice herself if it means defeating the Beasts and ensuring peace. -- -- Willem becomes something of a father figure for the young Leprechauns, watching over them fondly and supporting them in any way he can. He, who once fought so bravely on the frontlines, can now only hope that the ones being sent to battle return safely from the monsters that destroyed his kind. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 288,264 7.71
Shuumatsu no Walküre -- -- Graphinica -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Super Power Supernatural Drama Seinen -- Shuumatsu no Walküre Shuumatsu no Walküre -- High above the realm of man, the gods of the world have convened to decide on a single matter: the continued existence of mankind. Under the head of Zeus, the deities of Ancient Greece, Norse mythology, and Hinduism, among others, call assembly every one thousand years to decide the fate of humanity. Because of their unrelenting abuse toward each other and the planet, this time the gods vote unanimously in favor of ending the human race. -- -- But before the mandate passes, Brunhild, one of the 13 demigod Valkyries, puts forth an alternate proposal: rather than anticlimactically annihilating mankind, why not give them a fighting chance and enact Ragnarök, a one-on-one showdown between man and god? Spurred on by the audacity of the challenge, the divine council quickly accepts, fully confident that this contest will display the utter might of the gods. To stand a chance against the mighty heavens, Brunhild will need to assemble history's greatest individuals, otherwise the death knell will surely be sounded for mankind. -- -- ONA - Jun ??, 2021 -- 29,841 N/A -- -- Hyakujitsu no Bara -- -- PrimeTime -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Drama Yaoi -- Hyakujitsu no Bara Hyakujitsu no Bara -- Two soldiers from warring countries are bound by a pledge as master and servant. Taki Reizen is a Commander of sublime beauty, shouldering the fate of his nation. Called "Mad Dog" because of his rough temperament, Klaus has sworn his loyalty to him as a knight. Despite this, those around them are cold and disapproving, full of various misgivings. For all their genuine feelings, what will come of love made cruel by the violence of war? -- OVA - May 29, 2009 -- 29,624 6.61
Sirius -- -- P.A. Works -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Historical Supernatural Vampire -- Sirius Sirius -- In the year 1930, vampires have infiltrated Tokyo to feast upon its unsuspecting citizens. As the number of victims continues to rise, the city's authorities decide to hire the Jaegers—a strange, diverse group of individuals tasked by the V Shipping Company to hunt down vampires around the world. Carrying musical instrument cases to disguise their identity, the Jaegers battle the vampires with the same mercilessness demonstrated by their foes. -- -- Yuliy, the Jaeger's most skilled warrior, is the sole survivor of a vampire raid on his home village. Using the strength granted by his werewolf blood, he works with his team to assist Tokyo's law enforcement with the city's vampire problem. Though under the pretense of helping the police, the Jaegers are actually fighting the vampires over the mystical Ark of Sirius. With its power to change the fate of the world, Yuliy and his friends must locate the artifact before the vampires can use it to achieve their destructive goals. -- -- 178,971 7.02
Sirius -- -- P.A. Works -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Historical Supernatural Vampire -- Sirius Sirius -- In the year 1930, vampires have infiltrated Tokyo to feast upon its unsuspecting citizens. As the number of victims continues to rise, the city's authorities decide to hire the Jaegers—a strange, diverse group of individuals tasked by the V Shipping Company to hunt down vampires around the world. Carrying musical instrument cases to disguise their identity, the Jaegers battle the vampires with the same mercilessness demonstrated by their foes. -- -- Yuliy, the Jaeger's most skilled warrior, is the sole survivor of a vampire raid on his home village. Using the strength granted by his werewolf blood, he works with his team to assist Tokyo's law enforcement with the city's vampire problem. Though under the pretense of helping the police, the Jaegers are actually fighting the vampires over the mystical Ark of Sirius. With its power to change the fate of the world, Yuliy and his friends must locate the artifact before the vampires can use it to achieve their destructive goals. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Netflix -- 178,971 7.02
Sister Princess -- -- Zexcs -- 26 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Drama Harem Romance Slice of Life -- Sister Princess Sister Princess -- Wataru Minakami is a top student who failed his high school entrance exam because of a computer glitch. He later discovered that he was accepted to Stargazer Hill Academy, which is located at a mysterious place called Promised Island. At the request of his father, Wataru is whisked away to the island, and before he can settle in, a dozen of cute and charming girls start to flock him and claim to be his younger sisters. As Wataru gets closer to his newfound siblings, a deeper mystery as to why they were sent to the island comes to play. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Discotek Media -- TV - Apr 4, 2001 -- 21,313 6.41
Slam Dunk: Zenkoku Seiha Da! - Sakuragi Hanamichi -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Sports Drama School Shounen -- Slam Dunk: Zenkoku Seiha Da! - Sakuragi Hanamichi Slam Dunk: Zenkoku Seiha Da! - Sakuragi Hanamichi -- Set during the Inter High Championships, Shohoku take on Tsukubu, one of this year's dark horses. It's a clash of acquaintances as Anzai will face his former student which is now the coach of Tsukubu, while Akagi & Kogure meet Godai their former classmate and Tsukubu's captain. Finally Sakuragi is irked by the presence of Nango, Tsukubu's center, who vies for Haruko's attention. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Aug 20, 1994 -- 12,919 7.55
So Ra No Wo To -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 12 eps -- Original -- Military Sci-Fi Music Slice of Life -- So Ra No Wo To So Ra No Wo To -- On the outskirts of the country of Helvetia rests the tranquil town of Seize. Upon its cobbled streets, citizens go about their daily lives, undisturbed by the increasingly tense military relations between Helvetia and the neighboring Roman Empire. -- -- It is under these circumstances that the 1121st platoon of the Helvetian army, stationed at the Clocktower Fortress in Seize, receives a new recruit in the young and spirited Kanata Sorami. Having joined the military to fulfill her dream of learning to play the bugle, she excitedly accepts the tutelage of the Sergeant Major, Rio Kazumiya, who happens to be a skilled trumpeter. Working alongside them are the aloof mechanic, Noël Kannagi, the feisty gunner, Kureha Suminoya, and the compassionate Captain Felicia Heideman; together, they experience the beauty of life in Seize and the lasting joy of a community that has persevered in spite of the crumbling world around them. -- -- 138,496 7.55
So Ra No Wo To -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 12 eps -- Original -- Military Sci-Fi Music Slice of Life -- So Ra No Wo To So Ra No Wo To -- On the outskirts of the country of Helvetia rests the tranquil town of Seize. Upon its cobbled streets, citizens go about their daily lives, undisturbed by the increasingly tense military relations between Helvetia and the neighboring Roman Empire. -- -- It is under these circumstances that the 1121st platoon of the Helvetian army, stationed at the Clocktower Fortress in Seize, receives a new recruit in the young and spirited Kanata Sorami. Having joined the military to fulfill her dream of learning to play the bugle, she excitedly accepts the tutelage of the Sergeant Major, Rio Kazumiya, who happens to be a skilled trumpeter. Working alongside them are the aloof mechanic, Noël Kannagi, the feisty gunner, Kureha Suminoya, and the compassionate Captain Felicia Heideman; together, they experience the beauty of life in Seize and the lasting joy of a community that has persevered in spite of the crumbling world around them. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Nozomi Entertainment -- 138,496 7.55
Sora yori mo Tooi Basho -- -- Madhouse -- 13 eps -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Drama -- Sora yori mo Tooi Basho Sora yori mo Tooi Basho -- Filled with an overwhelming sense of wonder for the world around her, Mari Tamaki has always dreamt of what lies beyond the reaches of the universe. However, despite harboring such large aspirations on the inside, her fear of the unknown and anxiety over her own possible limitations have always held her back from chasing them. But now, in her second year of high school, Mari is more determined than ever to not let any more of her youth go to waste. Still, her fear continues to prevent her from taking that ambitious step forward—that is, until she has a chance encounter with a girl who has grand dreams of her own. -- -- Spurred by her mother's disappearance, Shirase Kobuchizawa has been working hard to fund her trip to Antarctica. Despite facing doubt and ridicule from virtually everyone, Shirase is determined to embark on this expedition to search for her mother in a place further than the universe itself. Inspired by Shirase's resolve, Mari jumps at the chance to join her. Soon, their efforts attract the attention of the bubbly Hinata Miyake, who is eager to stand out, and Yuzuki Shiraishi, a polite girl from a high class background. Together, they set sail toward the frozen south. -- -- Sora yori mo Tooi Basho follows the captivating journey of four spirited girls, all in search of something great. -- -- 359,273 8.56
Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Romance Fantasy Shoujo -- Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii -- In the Sun Kingdom, sunshine is part of its citizens' everyday lives, and rain is something that they have never even heard of. However, in a faraway land called the Rain Dukedom, the weather is reversed, and everybody has the power to create rain with their voices. -- -- Livius Ifrikia has conquered the entire world and expanded the Sun Kingdom's influence in the three short years since he was crowned king. Upon learning about the powers to create rain, Livius decides to marry Nike Remercier, one of the princesses of the Rain Dukedom. However, those outside the Sun Kingdom have spread a rumor that Livius is a cruel, ruthless, and tyrannical ruler, and as word reaches the princess, she begins to prepare herself for the worst. But when she finally meets her fiancé, Nike discovers that he is an entirely different person from what she originally expected. -- -- TV - Apr 6, 2014 -- 239,664 7.66
Soukihei MD Geist -- -- Zero-G Room -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Mecha -- Soukihei MD Geist Soukihei MD Geist -- In the distant future, mankind has colonized other planets in the universe. While many planets lived in peace, the planet Jerra has been ravaged by decades of war. Geist is an M.D.S. (Most Dangerous Soldier), an enhanced human with unsurpassed combat capabilities and an insatiable lust for battle. Because of his uncontrollable nature, Geist is cryogenically frozen and locked in a satellite. Several years later, the satellite crashes and Geist wakes up from his sleep to engage in another war. This time, to help the army stop the planet's central computer from activating a doomsday device that will lead to total annihilation of all life on Jerra. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Central Park Media -- OVA - May 21, 1986 -- 13,229 5.32
Soukou Kihei Votoms: Red Shoulder Document - Yabou no Roots -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Drama Mecha Military Sci-Fi -- Soukou Kihei Votoms: Red Shoulder Document - Yabou no Roots Soukou Kihei Votoms: Red Shoulder Document - Yabou no Roots -- After armored trooper pilot Chirico Cuvie is given orders to transfer to Planet Odon, he and all of the other new recruits are sent into a simulated battle to test their abilities. However, this 'simulated battle' turns out to be a serious fight to eliminate those without the necessary skills. Chirico survives along with just three others, despite the fact that he fought while injured. It soon becomes apparent that this is not the first time he has survived against incredible odds, a fact that Colonel Peruzen wishes to exploit. But is Chirico truly immortal? -- -- (Source: Anime-Planet) -- -- Licensor: -- Maiden Japan -- OVA - Mar 19, 1988 -- 3,521 7.30
Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - The Beyond Part 3 -- -- I.Gzwei, Production I.G -- 3 eps -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Drama Mecha -- Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - The Beyond Part 3 Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - The Beyond Part 3 -- Episodes 7-9 of the Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - The Beyond series. -- Movie - Nov 13, 2020 -- 2,025 N/A -- -- Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway's Flash 2 -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Action Military Sci-Fi Space Drama Mecha -- Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway's Flash 2 Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway's Flash 2 -- (No synopsis yet.) -- Movie - ??? ??, ???? -- 2,001 N/AKouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai Kanzenban -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Military Adventure -- Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai Kanzenban Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai Kanzenban -- Compilation film with new content. -- Movie - Sep 11, 2020 -- 1,949 N/A -- -- Idol Bouei-tai Hummingbird -- -- Ashi Production -- 4 eps -- Light novel -- Military Music Comedy Parody -- Idol Bouei-tai Hummingbird Idol Bouei-tai Hummingbird -- When the Japanese government puts civilian organizations in charge of the country's air force, some of these companies decide to put their aspiring idol singers behind the controls of their fighter planes. Among these groups of idol singers is Hummingbird, a five-woman team consisting of the Toreishi sisters: Satsuki, Uzuki, Yayoi, Kanna and Mina. During a taping session, video director Kudou sees some potential in these girls and jumps in to help them reach the top of the charts by directing their debut video. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - Sep 1, 1993 -- 1,936 5.78
SSSS.Dynazenon -- -- Trigger -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Mecha -- SSSS.Dynazenon SSSS.Dynazenon -- One day, Yomogi Asanaka, a first-year student at Fujiyokidai High School, runs into a mysterious man named Gauma who claims to be a “kaiju user.” -- -- The sudden appearance of a kaiju is followed by the entry of the gigantic robot, Dynazenon. In the wrong place at the wrong time are Yume Minami, Koyomi Yamanaka, and Chise Asukagawa, who are dragged into the fight against the kaiju. -- -- (Source: Funimation) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 55,228 6.96
Starship Troopers: Red Planet -- -- Sola Digital Arts -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi -- Starship Troopers: Red Planet Starship Troopers: Red Planet -- After the events of Invasion, Johnny Rico has been demoted to the rank of colonel and relocated to a Martian satellite to train a new batch of troopers. Unfortunately, these troopers are some of the worst low-performing Rico has ever trained as they're Martians and don't take the war seriously. Mars overall has low support for the war as they see their planet unaffected by the bug conflict and even suggested pulling out from the war. Because of their laid back attitude, the denizens of Mars wasn't ready when the bugs attacked. Unknown to everyone, Sky Marshall Amy Snapp executes her plans for power. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- Movie - Feb 10, 2018 -- 1,915 6.50
Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Game Adventure Romance Fantasy -- Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria -- "There's no way to beat this game. The only difference is when and where you die..." -- -- One month has passed since Akihiko Kayaba's deadly game began, and the body count continues to rise. Two thousand players are already dead. -- -- Kirito and Asuna are two very different people, but they both desire to fight alone. Nonetheless, they find themselves drawn together to face challenges from both within and without. Given that the entire virtual world they now live in has been created as a deathtrap, the surviving players of Sword Art Online are starting to get desperate, and desperation makes them dangerous to loners like Kirito and Asuna. As it becomes clear that solitude equals suicide, will the two be able to overcome their differences to find the strength to believe in each other, and in so doing survive? -- -- Sword Art Online: Progressive is a new version of the Sword Art Online tale that starts at the beginning of Kirito and Asuna's epic adventure—on the very first level of the deadly world of Aincrad! -- -- (Source: Yen Press) -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - ??? ??, 2021 -- 94,949 N/A -- -- Rozen Maiden: Träumend -- -- Nomad -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Drama Magic Seinen -- Rozen Maiden: Träumend Rozen Maiden: Träumend -- As the story of Rozen Maiden closes, a new chapter begins in Rozen Maiden: Träumend. Shinku and the other sentient dolls of the Rozen Maiden collection are living life as usual at Jun Sakurada's house. Having settled into his role as Shinku's partner in the deadly Alice Game, Jun overcomes his former fears and prepares to return to school. And although Shinku and the other dolls idly pass the days by in the comfort of Jun's home, dark times lie ahead as a new foe presents herself: Barasuishou, the seventh Rozen Maiden. -- -- But Barasuishou is a mystery even to her sisters, none of whom have ever laid eyes on her until now. Shinku considers this a sign that the Alice Game is coming to an end, meaning the dolls will soon be forced to fight one another. Haunted by the upcoming battle and nightmares concerning another doll, Shinku begins distancing herself from the others. If she wishes to claim victory, it will come at a high cost—the lives of her sisters. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA, Sentai Filmworks -- 94,726 7.64
Tales of Zestiria the Cross: Saiyaku no Jidai -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Adventure Magic Fantasy -- Tales of Zestiria the Cross: Saiyaku no Jidai Tales of Zestiria the Cross: Saiyaku no Jidai -- In recent years, problems regarding atmospheric instability have greatly burdened the Hyland Kingdom, affecting the quality of crops and the citizens' health across the region. One day, the people of Guriel discover an eerie cloud of mist hovering over their town; its severity captures the attention of royal princess Alisha Diphda. -- -- She sends her subordinate Crem to investigate the situation, but receives no news from her for two weeks. Worried for Crem's safety, Alisha departs for Guriel herself with her attendants in tow. What awaits them there, however, is an issue of unprecedented scale. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Special - Jul 3, 2016 -- 54,675 7.26
Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari -- -- Kinema Citrus -- 25 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Drama Fantasy -- Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari -- The Four Cardinal Heroes are a group of ordinary men from modern-day Japan summoned to the kingdom of Melromarc to become its saviors. Melromarc is a country plagued by the Waves of Catastrophe that have repeatedly ravaged the land and brought disaster to its citizens for centuries. The four heroes are respectively bestowed a sword, spear, bow, and shield to vanquish these Waves. Naofumi Iwatani, an otaku, becomes cursed with the fate of being the "Shield Hero." Armed with only a measly shield, Naofumi is belittled and ridiculed by his fellow heroes and the kingdom's people due to his weak offensive capabilities and lackluster personality. -- -- When the heroes are provided with resources and comrades to train with, Naofumi sets out with the only person willing to train alongside him, Malty Melromarc. He is soon betrayed by her, however, and becomes falsely accused of taking advantage of her. Naofumi then becomes heavily discriminated against and hated by the people of Melromarc for something he didn't do. With a raging storm of hurt and mistrust in his heart, Naofumi begins his journey of strengthening himself and his reputation. Further along however, the difficulty of being on his own sets in, so Naofumi buys a demi-human slave on the verge of death named Raphtalia to accompany him on his travels. -- -- As the Waves approach the kingdom, Naofumi and Raphtalia must fight for the survival of the kingdom and protect the people of Melromarc from their ill-fated future. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 980,884 8.00
Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari Season 3 -- -- - -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Drama Fantasy -- Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari Season 3 Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari Season 3 -- Third season of Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari. -- TV - ??? ??, ???? -- 127,135 N/A -- -- Uchuu Patrol Luluco -- -- Trigger -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Space -- Uchuu Patrol Luluco Uchuu Patrol Luluco -- Living an abnormal existence in Ogikubo, an intergalactic melting pot of humans and aliens as well as the only Space Immigration Zone on Earth, Luluco is a bubbly middle school girl who just wants to be normal. One morning, however, her father, who works at the Space Patrol, eats a volatile sleep capsule by mistake and is frozen solid! To make matters worse, Luluco accidentally breaks him, so she hurries off to his office for help. There, the chief of the Space Patrol, Over Justice, hires Luluco as a space temp worker for undercover investigations, so that the institution may crack down on crime within her school. -- -- Made to don the Space Patrol suit and sent on her way to mete out justice, Luluco attempts to maintain the image of a normal girl who does not stand out in any way. But she soon discovers that with the automatic systems and inherently zealous judiciousness of the Space Patrol suit, continuing to be normal will be more difficult than she thought. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 126,964 7.59
Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki: Omatsuri Zenjitsu no Yoru! -- -- AIC -- 1 ep -- Original -- Comedy Harem Romance Sci-Fi Shounen -- Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki: Omatsuri Zenjitsu no Yoru! Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki: Omatsuri Zenjitsu no Yoru! -- After his recent battle in space, Tenchi Masaki believes that his fighting days are over. Unfortunately, his life is far from peaceful since Aeka Jurai Masaki and Ryouko Hakubi—the two women giving him the most grief—cannot seem to get along, continuing to fight over who gets to be Tenchi's lover. -- -- Since their usual romantic strategies fail, Aeka and Ryouko decide to research how to woo a man. After spending hours going through shoujo manga, the two decide to act like the girls they've read about and put Tenchi through various scenarios, with the hope that he will fall in love with one of them. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA -- OVA - Sep 25, 1993 -- 13,329 7.36
Tennis no Ouji-sama -- -- Trans Arts -- 178 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Sports School Shounen -- Tennis no Ouji-sama Tennis no Ouji-sama -- The world of tennis is harsh and highly competitive. Numerous schools from Japan battle it out to determine the best of the best. -- -- Seishun Gakuen Junior High School, more commonly known as Seigaku, is one of the most prominent contestants in this battle of the finest. Their team line-up gets even stronger with the sudden arrival of a young prodigy from the West, Ryouma Echizen, who is determined to prove himself and escape the towering shadow of his legendary father. This fine addition changes the team forever. -- -- Prince of Tennis follows the heartwarming and inspirational story of Ryouma on his quest to become one of the best tennis players the country has ever seen. He pushes himself hard so that he can one day surpass his father’s name and his own personal expectations. Alongside the rest of the Seigaku team, Ryouma fights to make his and his teammate's dreams come true. -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- TV - Oct 10, 2001 -- 146,203 7.90
Tennis no Ouji-sama -- -- Trans Arts -- 178 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Sports School Shounen -- Tennis no Ouji-sama Tennis no Ouji-sama -- The world of tennis is harsh and highly competitive. Numerous schools from Japan battle it out to determine the best of the best. -- -- Seishun Gakuen Junior High School, more commonly known as Seigaku, is one of the most prominent contestants in this battle of the finest. Their team line-up gets even stronger with the sudden arrival of a young prodigy from the West, Ryouma Echizen, who is determined to prove himself and escape the towering shadow of his legendary father. This fine addition changes the team forever. -- -- Prince of Tennis follows the heartwarming and inspirational story of Ryouma on his quest to become one of the best tennis players the country has ever seen. He pushes himself hard so that he can one day surpass his father’s name and his own personal expectations. Alongside the rest of the Seigaku team, Ryouma fights to make his and his teammate's dreams come true. -- TV - Oct 10, 2001 -- 146,203 7.90
Tennis no Ouji-sama: Sonzoku Yama no Hi -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Sports Shounen -- Tennis no Ouji-sama: Sonzoku Yama no Hi Tennis no Ouji-sama: Sonzoku Yama no Hi -- Echizen and the Seigaku regulars took a day off of their normal routines and went hiking on a mountain, where a tennis resort awaits their arrival. Expecting to do some special training, the team reaches the destination only to find their precious tennis courts taken over by a group of college tennis players. However, Ryoma is more than happy to teach them a thing or two about how to play "real" tennis. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - ??? ??, 2003 -- 14,523 7.39
Tennis no Ouji-sama: Zenkoku Taikai-hen -- -- M.S.C -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Sports Shounen -- Tennis no Ouji-sama: Zenkoku Taikai-hen Tennis no Ouji-sama: Zenkoku Taikai-hen -- Seigaku continues their road to winning the National Championship, but only the best schools remain as they'll have to go toe-to-toe with old rivals and new foes in the National Tournament. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - Mar 24, 2006 -- 39,406 7.94
Tennis no Ouji-sama: Zenkoku Taikai-hen - Final -- -- M.S.C -- 7 eps -- Manga -- Comedy School Shounen Sports -- Tennis no Ouji-sama: Zenkoku Taikai-hen - Final Tennis no Ouji-sama: Zenkoku Taikai-hen - Final -- After their victory over Shitenhouji Middle School in the semifinals, Ryouma Echizen and the Seishun Academy Boys Tennis Team must now face off against the two-time defending champions of Rikkai University-Affiliated Middle School in order to claim the national title. Rikkai is not only seeking revenge for its team's previous loss to Seishun at the Kanto Regional Tournament, but they also are aiming to win the national title for a third consecutive year. -- -- In the conclusion of Tennis no Ouji-sama, the titular "Prince of Tennis" is pitted against the "Child of God" in a head-to-head battle for the national championship title. Along the way, Ryouma must teach his opponents and teammates that there is more to tennis than winning. -- -- OVA - Apr 25, 2008 -- 31,419 8.01
Tennis no Ouji-sama: Zenkoku Taikai-hen - Semifinal -- -- M.S.C -- 6 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Sports -- Tennis no Ouji-sama: Zenkoku Taikai-hen - Semifinal Tennis no Ouji-sama: Zenkoku Taikai-hen - Semifinal -- The tournament continues. -- OVA - Jun 22, 2007 -- 32,222 7.94
Texhnolyze -- -- Madhouse -- 22 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Psychological Drama -- Texhnolyze Texhnolyze -- Texhnolyze takes place in the city of Lux, a man-made underground city that has crumbled after years of neglect and lack of repairs. Citizens of Lux have come to refer to their home as simply "The City" and treat it as though it has a mind and will of its own. Three major factions battle to control Lux: Organo, a group of "professionals" who collaborate with the criminal underworld that controls Texhnolyze (prosthetics), the Salvation Union, a populist group that seeks to disrupt Organo's business, and Racan, a collection of young individuals with Texhnolyzes that use their abilities for personal gain. -- -- Ichise was once an orphan who has made a place for himself in Lux as a prize fighter. One day, a fight promoter grows angry with him and the altercation that follows results in Ichise losing an arm and a leg. Before death can take him, Ichise is found by the scientist Eriko Kamata, who uses him as a test subject for her newly designed Texhnolyze. With these powerful new limbs at his disposal, Ichise begins to work for Oonishi, the leader of Organo. He soon meets a mysterious young girl, Ran, who has the power to see possible futures. Together, they soon realize that Lux is on the brink of war and collapse, and that they may be the only ones who can save The City. -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA -- 187,926 7.76
Time Travel Shoujo: Mari Waka to 8-nin no Kagakusha-tachi -- -- WAO World -- 12 eps -- Book -- Sci-Fi Adventure -- Time Travel Shoujo: Mari Waka to 8-nin no Kagakusha-tachi Time Travel Shoujo: Mari Waka to 8-nin no Kagakusha-tachi -- Time Travel Shoujo is based on a 1983 book titled Jishaku to Denki no Hatsumei Hakken Monogatari by Japanese educator Kiyonobu Itakura. It is part of the Hatsumei Hakken Monogatari Zenshuu series which describes the story of various scientific discoveries and inventions throughout history. The 1983 book focuses on discoveries related to magnetism and electricity. -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 14,667 6.51
Tokyo Ghoul -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Mystery Horror Psychological Supernatural Drama Seinen -- Tokyo Ghoul Tokyo Ghoul -- Tokyo has become a cruel and merciless city—a place where vicious creatures called "ghouls" exist alongside humans. The citizens of this once great metropolis live in constant fear of these bloodthirsty savages and their thirst for human flesh. However, the greatest threat these ghouls pose is their dangerous ability to masquerade as humans and blend in with society. -- -- Based on the best-selling supernatural horror manga by Sui Ishida, Tokyo Ghoul follows Ken Kaneki, a shy, bookish college student, who is instantly drawn to Rize Kamishiro, an avid reader like himself. However, Rize is not exactly who she seems, and this unfortunate meeting pushes Kaneki into the dark depths of the ghouls' inhuman world. In a twist of fate, Kaneki is saved by the enigmatic waitress Touka Kirishima, and thus begins his new, secret life as a half-ghoul/half-human who must find a way to integrate into both societies. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 2,034,029 7.80
Toriko -- -- Toei Animation -- 147 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Shounen -- Toriko Toriko -- Hamburgers that grow out of the ground like four-leaf clovers, mountain ranges carved out of ice cream, and warm servings of mac and cheese that stew deep within the stomachs of volcanoes fill the landscape. This world of delectable natural wonders has reached a prime age of exploration—the Gourmet Age! Citizens and chefs alike aspire to taste and prepare the finest dishes, while adventurers called "Gourmet Hunters" seek out delicious rare ingredients. -- -- Possessing a unique set of skills, the wild and passionate Gourmet Hunter Toriko is infamous for discovering 2% of all known ingredients. Together with his friend Komatsu—a highly skilled chef working at a five-star hotel—Toriko strives to complete his Full Course Menu of Life. But it isn’t going to be easy; in order to obtain the most delicious ingredients, Toriko must battle against obstacles like deadly monsters, evil organizations, and food itself! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 103,881 7.55
Tsubasa Chronicle: Tori Kago no Kuni no Himegimi -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- - -- Action Adventure Fantasy Drama Shounen -- Tsubasa Chronicle: Tori Kago no Kuni no Himegimi Tsubasa Chronicle: Tori Kago no Kuni no Himegimi -- In their continuing journey to find the feathers that are the fragments of Sakura's lost memory, Syaoran, Kurogane, Fai, and Sakura move through time and space with Mokona. Here, they visit the "Land of the Birdcage," a seemingly peaceful country where people and birds live together, each person having a bird companion. After a boy named Koruri confuses Syaoran and Sakura for "bodyguards" and attacks them, they learn that the king of the country possesses a mysterious power. Princess Tomoyo, Koruri, and the other oppressed citizens, having had their birds taken from them, live in hiding within the forest. In order to take back Sakura's feather, Syaoran and the others stand up against the scheming king. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Aug 20, 2005 -- 42,083 7.32
Tsubasa Chronicle: Tori Kago no Kuni no Himegimi -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- - -- Action Adventure Fantasy Drama Shounen -- Tsubasa Chronicle: Tori Kago no Kuni no Himegimi Tsubasa Chronicle: Tori Kago no Kuni no Himegimi -- In their continuing journey to find the feathers that are the fragments of Sakura's lost memory, Syaoran, Kurogane, Fai, and Sakura move through time and space with Mokona. Here, they visit the "Land of the Birdcage," a seemingly peaceful country where people and birds live together, each person having a bird companion. After a boy named Koruri confuses Syaoran and Sakura for "bodyguards" and attacks them, they learn that the king of the country possesses a mysterious power. Princess Tomoyo, Koruri, and the other oppressed citizens, having had their birds taken from them, live in hiding within the forest. In order to take back Sakura's feather, Syaoran and the others stand up against the scheming king. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Aug 20, 2005 -- 42,083 7.32
Tsuujou Kougeki ga Zentai Kougeki de Ni-kai Kougeki no Okaasan wa Suki Desu ka? -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Comedy Fantasy -- Tsuujou Kougeki ga Zentai Kougeki de Ni-kai Kougeki no Okaasan wa Suki Desu ka? Tsuujou Kougeki ga Zentai Kougeki de Ni-kai Kougeki no Okaasan wa Suki Desu ka? -- Forming a party with one's mother in an online game seems not only unlikely but also uncomfortable to most teenage gamers. -- -- Unfortunately, Masato Oosuki finds himself in that exact scenario. After completing a seemingly meaningless survey, he is thrown into the world of a fantasy MMORPG—and his mother Mamako actually tagged along with him! On top of all of that, Mamako turns out to be an overpowered swordswoman, possessing the power of two-hit multi-target attacks! After minor tension between the two, they search for party members, meeting the merchant Porta and the sage Wise, starting their journey to clear the game. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 191,502 5.54
Tsuujou Kougeki ga Zentai Kougeki de Ni-kai Kougeki no Okaasan wa Suki Desu ka? OVA -- -- J.C.Staff -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Comedy Ecchi Fantasy -- Tsuujou Kougeki ga Zentai Kougeki de Ni-kai Kougeki no Okaasan wa Suki Desu ka? OVA Tsuujou Kougeki ga Zentai Kougeki de Ni-kai Kougeki no Okaasan wa Suki Desu ka? OVA -- Unaired 13th episode. -- -- To thank the group for all their hard work in the past, Shirase invites the party to enjoy the sunny beach. While enjoying the wonderful weather and pristine waters, an accident causes Masato to lose all his memories, including those of Mamako! -- -- (Source: Funimation) -- OVA - Mar 25, 2020 -- 29,524 6.05
Uchuu Densetsu Ulysses 31 -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Sci-Fi Space -- Uchuu Densetsu Ulysses 31 Uchuu Densetsu Ulysses 31 -- It is the thirty-first century. Ulysses killed the giant Cyclops when he rescued the children and his son, Telemachus. -- But the ancient gods of Olympus are angry and threaten a terrible revenge: Ulysses is sentenced to travel through the universe of Olympus with a frozen crew on a quest to find the Kingdom of Hades. Only when he has found the Kingdom of Hades will his crew be free of their curse and he will be able to return to Earth and to his beloved Penelope. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- TV - Oct 3, 1981 -- 4,507 7.07
Uchuu Koukyoushi Maetel: Ginga Tetsudou 999 Gaiden -- -- Azeta Pictures -- 13 eps -- - -- Sci-Fi Space Drama -- Uchuu Koukyoushi Maetel: Ginga Tetsudou 999 Gaiden Uchuu Koukyoushi Maetel: Ginga Tetsudou 999 Gaiden -- Maetel abandoned her mother and her home planet, the doomed and frozen La Metal, where people must become cyborgs to survive. When she is beckoned to return, her options seem slim: follow her mother's path (and with it a robot mind and the contempt of all humans), or run away and fight with humans against the machines. Yet, she is not without comrades and defenders. If she can accept the friendship of beings of metal who desire peace, and oppose those who think being made of flesh and blood is enough to make one human, she may still have a chance to find her own path. -- -- (Source: Anime-Planet) -- TV - Aug 6, 2004 -- 3,724 6.69
Uchuu Patrol Luluco -- -- Trigger -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Space -- Uchuu Patrol Luluco Uchuu Patrol Luluco -- Living an abnormal existence in Ogikubo, an intergalactic melting pot of humans and aliens as well as the only Space Immigration Zone on Earth, Luluco is a bubbly middle school girl who just wants to be normal. One morning, however, her father, who works at the Space Patrol, eats a volatile sleep capsule by mistake and is frozen solid! To make matters worse, Luluco accidentally breaks him, so she hurries off to his office for help. There, the chief of the Space Patrol, Over Justice, hires Luluco as a space temp worker for undercover investigations, so that the institution may crack down on crime within her school. -- -- Made to don the Space Patrol suit and sent on her way to mete out justice, Luluco attempts to maintain the image of a normal girl who does not stand out in any way. But she soon discovers that with the automatic systems and inherently zealous judiciousness of the Space Patrol suit, continuing to be normal will be more difficult than she thought. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 126,964 7.59
Urasekai Picnic -- -- Felix Film, LIDENFILMS -- 12 eps -- Novel -- Sci-Fi Adventure Mystery Fantasy Shoujo Ai -- Urasekai Picnic Urasekai Picnic -- The "Otherworld" is a vast and dangerous realm hidden from the knowledge of the common folk. It is also home to many creatures that threaten any human who dare visit it. To witness its desolate yet oddly absorbing environment, one must search for portals that could reside anywhere, from secret elevators to shrine entrances. -- -- After a fateful encounter with a horrendous Otherworld denizen, Sorao Kamikoshi ponders whether to keep going or give up in life. Meanwhile, Toriko Nishina scours the Otherworld in hopes of finding her friend Satsuki, who she believes is lost somewhere within the realm. -- -- When the two cross paths, friendship blossoms. In order to acquire as much information about this obscure dimension, the two travel back and forth from the real world to the other. Sorao and Toriko's bodies are soon influenced by the Otherworld, preparing them for the many horrors to come as both of them try to fulfill their goals. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 76,567 6.54
Vinland Saga -- -- Wit Studio -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Drama Historical Seinen -- Vinland Saga Vinland Saga -- Young Thorfinn grew up listening to the stories of old sailors that had traveled the ocean and reached the place of legend, Vinland. It's said to be warm and fertile, a place where there would be no need for fighting—not at all like the frozen village in Iceland where he was born, and certainly not like his current life as a mercenary. War is his home now. Though his father once told him, "You have no enemies, nobody does. There is nobody who it's okay to hurt," as he grew, Thorfinn knew that nothing was further from the truth. -- -- The war between England and the Danes grows worse with each passing year. Death has become commonplace, and the viking mercenaries are loving every moment of it. Allying with either side will cause a massive swing in the balance of power, and the vikings are happy to make names for themselves and take any spoils they earn along the way. Among the chaos, Thorfinn must take his revenge and kill Askeladd, the man who murdered his father. The only paradise for the vikings, it seems, is the era of war and death that rages on. -- -- 744,449 8.71
Violence Jack: Hell's Wind-hen -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Drama Horror -- Violence Jack: Hell's Wind-hen Violence Jack: Hell's Wind-hen -- The survivors of Kanto's Hell Earthquake built a new city and christened it "Hope Town". However, this peaceful town becomes a nightmare when it's raided by the motorcycle gang, "Hell's Wind". They abduct the women while the remaining townsfolk are left helpless against them. -- -- Meanwhile, a boy, Subaro, meets Jun. Jun's lover was previously murdered, and the duo help one another to fight against Hell's Wind. The battles are getting more and more difficult, but with the appearance of Violence Jack, the citizens seem to gain the upper hand against Hell's Wind. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- OVA - Nov 9, 1990 -- 6,701 5.46
Witch Craft Works -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Supernatural Magic Fantasy Seinen -- Witch Craft Works Witch Craft Works -- Even though they shared the same bus every morning and sat next to each other in class, Ayaka Kagari, the "Princess" of Tougetsu High School, was nothing more than an unreachable idol for Honoka Takamiya. The horde of students who worshipped the "Princess" was merely a nuisance to Honoka, living his lazy, regular high school life. -- -- Everything seemed perfectly normal until, one day, Honoka is attacked out of the blue by a mysterious witch. To his surprise, Ayaka saves his life, revealing herself to be a fire witch on a covert mission to protect Honoka. -- -- From that fateful day, the ordinary life of Honoka is turned upside down as he is thrown into the war between the Workshop Witches, who strive to protect the citizens, and the Tower Witches, who desire to steal a power hidden within him. -- -- TV - Jan 5, 2014 -- 249,978 7.05
Yao Shen Ji -- -- Ruo Hong Culture -- 40 eps -- Novel -- Action Adventure Demons Romance Martial Arts Fantasy -- Yao Shen Ji Yao Shen Ji -- In his past life, although too weak to protect his home when it counted, out of grave determination Nie Li became the strongest Demon Spiritist and stood at the pinnacle of the martial world. However, he lost his life during the battle with the Sage Emperor and six deity-ranked beasts. -- -- His soul was then brought back to when he was still 13 years old. Although he's the weakest in his class with the lowest talent, having only a red soul realm and a weak one at that, with the aid of the vast knowledge which he accumulated from his previous life, he decided to train faster than anyone could expect. He also decided to help those who died nobly in his previous life to train faster as well. -- -- He aims to protect the city from the coming future of being devastated by demon beasts and the previous fate of ending up destroyed. He aims to protect his lover, friends, family and fellow citizens who died in the beast assault or its aftermath. And he aims to destroy the so-called Sacred family who arrogantly abandoned their duty and betrayed the city in his past life. -- -- (Source: Goodreads) -- ONA - May 9, 2017 -- 11,207 7.42
Zenchuu Maite -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Other -- Dementia -- Zenchuu Maite Zenchuu Maite -- Based on a poem by Kenji Miyazawa. -- A worm in this river looks shiny to me. -- 8 γ e 6 α -- -- (Source: Official website) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2004 -- 298 4.87
Zenonzard The Animation -- -- 8bit -- 9 eps -- Game -- Action Game Fantasy -- Zenonzard The Animation Zenonzard The Animation -- Hinaria is unemployed, gaming every day. One day she decides to hack the servers belonging to the Beholder Group for some money, and she stumbles across a carefully secured record of two witches, Alice and Rimel. The two women wished to coexist with mankind, and the history they experienced is connected to the modern ZENONZARD. -- -- (Source: Official Site) -- ONA - Jan 31, 2020 -- 11,370 6.06"linux-zen"'Citizen_Firefighter'_sculpture't_Hooft_van_Benthuizen,_dom_dziecka_,,Nasz_Dom,,_al._Zjednoczenia_34,_Warszawa,_dz._Bielany,_Mart2.JPG"Art"_art_by_Vebjornzen.jpg{{int:filedesc}}'Denver_from_the_Highlands'_by_Paul_Frenzeny_and_Jules_Tavernier,_1874.jpg"Full_House_at_Citizens_Bank_Park".jpg,_Belgien.jpg,_James_Ensor,_Mu.ZEE_Oostende,_SM001197.jpg"Kuszenie".jpg,_1906.djvu,_Serie_135._Opernszenen_(Wagner)_-_1_Die_Walk,_bewoners_van_de_Sjaelsberger_Kluis,_Streekmuseum_Het_Land_van_Valkenburg,_Limburg.jpg,_1976_-_NARA_-_7064987.jpg
101 Zen Stories
12 Citizens
1906 Sammarinese citizenry meeting
1927 Latvian citizenship referendum
1982 Sammarinese citizenship referendum
1986 Liechtenstein citizenship referendum
1988 Citizen Cup Doubles
1988 Citizen Cup Singles
1989 Citizen Cup Doubles
1989 Citizen Cup Singles
1992 Citizen Cup (sailing)
1993 Bayburt zengili avalanche
1993 Citizen Cup Doubles
1993 Citizen Cup Singles
1995 Citizen Cup
1995 Citizen Cup Doubles
1995 Citizen Cup Singles
1995 Citizen Cup (tennis)
1998 Latvian citizenship referendum
1999 Sammarinese citizenship referendum
2004 Hungarian dual citizenship referendum
2009 Citizens' Action Party presidential primary
2009 New Zealand citizens-initiated referendum
2009 Zenith Tennis Cup
2009 Zenith Tennis Cup Doubles
2009 Zenith Tennis Cup Singles
2012 Party of Free Citizens presidential primaries
2013 Citizens' Action Party presidential primary
2017 Citizens' Action Party presidential primary
2018 Citizen and Solidarity March (France)
2,4,6-Trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid
24 (Einstrzende Neubauten album)
2-aminobenzenesulfonate 2,3-dioxygenase
3D Sex and Zen: Extreme Ecstasy
4-(dimethylamino)phenylazoxybenzene reductase
4-formylbenzenesulfonate dehydrogenase
4-(hydroxymethyl)benzenesulfonate dehydrogenase
7 Deadly Zens
Aaron Heinzen
Ab Chendar-e Guzenan
Abdul Quddus Bizenjo
Ab Lami-ye Guzenan
Abraham Kazen
Abraham Tuizentfloot
Abraham van der Waeyen Pieterszen
Abu ol Khazen
Academy of Citizenship and Empowerment
Accolades received by Frozen
Achada Fazenda
Active and passive citizens
Active Citizenship
Active citizenship
Active Citizens Transform
Adalbert Bezzenberger
Adam Chazen
Adam Contzen
Adam, Count of Schwarzenberg
Adam Franz (Schwarzenberg)
Adam Szentptery
Adauchi szenji baba
Adelholzener Alpenquellen
Adelina Zendejas
Adolf-Friedrich Kuntzen
Adolf Heinrich von Arnim-Boitzenburg
Adolf von Schwarzenberg
Adolph Schwarzenberg
A Dozen Roses Greatest Hits
A Dozen Roses (You Remind Me)
Adrian Jorisszen Tienpoint
Adrian Zenz
Adur Burzen-Mihr
Aeon Zen
A Frozen Dream
A Frozen Flower
gnes Szendrei
gnes Szentannai
Ahani v Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration)
Ahmad Reza Zendehrouh
A. J. Sturzenegger
Alain Zenner
Albert Ganzenmller
Albert Hazen Wright
Albert Ritzenberg
Albert Szenczi Molnr
Albert Szent-Gyrgyi
Albert Szent-Gyrgyi Medical University
Albrecht of Hanau-Mnzenberg
Aldo Zenhusern
Alejandro Zendejas
Aleksandr Motuzenko
Aleksei Kurzenyov
Alexander Aizenshtat
Alexander Berezensky
Alexander Cozens
Alexander Golitzen
Alexander Herzen
Alexander Zenzes
Alex Dezen
Alice Tzeng
Ali Eren Demirezen
Ali zen
Alisa Folge deinem Herzen
Alkylbenzene sulfonates
All die ganzen Jahre
Allen Frantzen
Alliance of the New Citizen
Alon Eizenman
Alsszentmihly inscription
lvaro Casanova Zenteno
Alvin S. Felzenberg
Alzenau dialect
Amde Ozenfant
American Coalition of Citizens with Disabilities
American Frozen Food Institute
Amine Khazen
Amnesty for Polish citizens in the Soviet Union
Am-Pol Eagle Citizen of the Year Award
Amt Lenzen-Elbtalaue
Amund Nkleby Bentzen
Ana Mara Zeno
Andelo Srzentic
Andrs Szennay
Andrs Szente
Andrea Arntzen
Andrea Atzeni
Andrea Berntzen
Andr Cazeneuve
Andr Esterhuizen
Andr Muller Weitzenhoffer
Andrs Rozental Gutman
Andrew H. Cozzens
Andriy Huzenko
Andronikos Kantakouzenos (15531601)
Andy's Frozen Custard
Anel Oosthuizen
Anna Catharina Zenger
Anna (Frozen)
Anna Palaiologina Kantakouzene
Anne Ancelin Schtzenberger
Anne Frank Zentrum
Anne Hazen McFarland
Anneliese Hitzenberger
Anne-Pierre, marquis de Montesquiou-Fzensac
Annet Nieuwenhuyzen
Anny Cazenave
Anomalisipho verkruezeni
Antal Szentmihlyi
Anthene zenkeri
Anthony Cozens
Antoine-Augustin Bruzen de La Martinire
Anton Bezenek
Antnio Alberto Guimares Rezende
Antonio Zeno
Antoni Tyzenhaus
Antonius van Nieuwenhuizen
Anton Zensus
Anzen Chitai
Arab citizens of Israel
Arbr Zeneli
Architekturzentrum Wien
Arctostaphylos cruzensis
Argynnis zenobia
Arhopala azenia
Aristophon of Azenia
Arktisch-Alpiner Pflanzengarten und Alpine Staudengrtnerei
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Arnold Schwarzenegger and LGBT rights
Arnold Schwarzenegger filmography
rpd Szenes
Artin Bogezenyan
Arvid Franzen
Asheville Citizen-Times
Associao Esportiva Santacruzense
Association for Citizenship Teaching
Association for the Taxation of Financial Transactions and for Citizens' Action
Astrosansonia dautzenbergi
Asus ZenFone
Asus ZenFone 5
Asus ZenFone 6
Asus ZenFone 7
Asus ZenUI
A Touch of Zen
Attila Czene
Atzenberger Hhe
Atzeneta d'Albaida
Atzeneta del Maestrat
Auguste Georges Darzens
Australian Citizenship Day
Australian citizenship test
Australian Citizens Party
Austrazenia pura
Austrazenia tusa
Austrolittorina fernandezensis
Autzen Stadium
Aviation Museum Hannover-Laatzen
Avrom Reyzen
Axel Camillo Eitzen (18511937)
Axel Camillo Eitzen (18831968)
Ayhan Gezen
Azenaide Carlos
Azen Gushnasp
Azenhas do Mar
Azenia (Attica)
Azenia obtusa
Azenia procida
Azkuna Zentroa
Azobenzene reductase
Bad Homburg Gonzenheim (Frankfurt U-Bahn)
Baker's dozen (disambiguation)
Baker's Dozen (solitaire)
Baker v Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration)
Balthasar of Hanau-Mnzenberg
Bantu Homelands Citizenship Act, 1970
Baptiste Chouzenoux
Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories
Baron Ladislaus Mller von Szentgyrgy
Barony of Gritzena
Barony of Schwarzenberg
Barracks Complex in Wrzenia
Barum, Uelzen
Basilica of San Zeno, Verona
Battle for Zendikar
Battle of Anzen
Battle of Bautzen
Battle of Bautzen (1813)
Battle of Bautzen (1945)
Battle of Bazentin Ridge
Battle of Buzenval
Battle of Czeniki
Battle of Ltzen
Battle of Ltzen (1632)
Battle of Ltzen (1813)
Battle of Zenta
Bautzen (district)
Bautzen Reservoir
Bayerius zenkevitchi
Bazen u Gruu
Bazenville Airfield
BC Zenit Saint Petersburg
Bea Szenfeld
Beezen language
BeilinAbu Mazen agreement
Beitrge zur Kenntniss des Russischen Reiches und der angrenzenden Lnder Asiens
Belarusian citizenship
Bla Szende
Bla Szendey
Bla Tibor Jeszenszky
Bellinsgauzen (crater)
Benita Katzenellenbogen
Benjamin Zendel
Benot Allauzen
Bent Lorentzen
Benzene 1,2-dioxygenase
(Benzene)chromium tricarbonyl
Benzene Convention, 1971
Benzenediazonium chloride
Benzene hexachloride
Benzene in soft drinks
(Benzene)ruthenium dichloride dimer
Benzenesulfonic acid
Benzenesulfonyl chloride
Berber Arouch Citizens' Movement
Berkeley Zen Center
Berlin Wriezener Bahnhof
Bernard Bartzen
Bernard Cazeneuve
Bernard of Fzensaguet
Bernardo Rezende
Bernardo Zenale
Bernd Hlzenbein
Berthold II von Katzenelnbogen
Betty Holzendorf
Betzenberg (Schnbuch)
Bezenchuksky District
Bezen Perrot
Bezenek Shorthand
Bezenek Spur
Bezenkovo Bukovje
Bianzhong of Marquis Yi of Zeng
Biberacher Schtzenfest
Biestblut Zwei in Einem (Ein Gedankenkonstrukt in sieben Szenen)
Bill Huizenga
Biozentrum University of Basel
Birgit Penzenstadler
Bizen, Okayama
Bizen Province
Bizen ware
Black Creek (Bozen Kill tributary)
Blasius Kozenn
Blatnica, Zenica
Blitzen Benz
Blitzen, Oregon
Blitzen Trapper
Blitzen Trapper discography
Blue at the Mizzen
Blue Blood Tour Bakuhatsu Sunzen Gig
Bohemian Citizens' Benevolent Society
Bokuzen Hidari
Bolshoy Uzen
Bombax buonopozense
Bombay Citizens' Committee
Bombing of Enkhuizen
Book:Citizens United
Borders, Citizenship and Immigration Act 2009
Borys Rozenberh
Botanischer Garten fr Arznei- und Gewrzpflanzen Oberholz
Boudewijn Zenden
Braxton Citizens' News
Brazen bull
Brazen-class destroyer
Brazen head
Brazen Heart
Brazen (Weep)
Brezen, Vitanje
Brian Couzens
Brian Dietzen
Brian Goeltzenleuchter
Brnzenii Noi
British Overseas citizen
British Overseas Territories citizen
British Overseas Territories citizens in the United Kingdom
Brock Citizen
Broekhuizen, Limburg
Brooklyn Citizen
Bruce C. Heezen
Bruce Chizen
Bruce Kuczenski
Bruno de Cazenove
Bruno Mezenga
Bruno Rezende
Bryony van Velzen
Brzezinka, Gmina Brzenica
Brzeniak, Greater Poland Voivodeship
Brzeniak, West Pomeranian Voivodeship
Brzenica Bychawska
Brzenica Bychawska-Kolonia
Brzenica, Gmina Ktrzyn
Brzenica, Gmina Srokowo
Brzenica, Greater Poland Voivodeship
Brzenica Ksi
Brzenica Ksi
Brzenica Lena
Brzenica, d Voivodeship
Brzenica, Lower Silesian Voivodeship
Brzenica, Masovian Voivodeship
Brzenica, Opole Voivodeship
Brzenica, Podkarpackie Voivodeship
Brzenica, Podlaskie Voivodeship
Brzenica, Silesian Voivodeship
Brzenica, witokrzyskie Voivodeship
Brzenicka Wgorza
Brzenik, Lower Silesian Voivodeship
Brzenik, Masovian Voivodeship
Brzeno, Gmina Barwice
Brzeno, Gmina Szczecinek
Brzeno Lborskie
Brzeno, Lower Silesian Voivodeship
Brzeno, Lublin Voivodeship
Brzeno yskie
Brzeno Mae
Brzeno Mae, Lower Silesian Voivodeship
Brzeno, Masovian Voivodeship
Brzeno Pier
Brzeno, Podlaskie Voivodeship
Brzeno Stare
Brzeno, witokrzyskie Voivodeship
Brzeno Szlacheckie
Brzeno, Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship
Brzeno Wielkie
Bulgaria for Citizens Movement
BullenStrattonCozzen House
Bundesleistungszentrum Kienbaum
Buntzen Lake
Bnzen, Aargau
Busan Citizens Park
Butte Citizens Technical Environmental Committee
Buzen's algorithm
Buzen, Fukuoka
Buzen Province
Buzenval (Paris Mtro)
Ca' Zenobio degli Armeni
Caf Schwarzenberg
California Citizens Redistricting Commission
Callindra lenzeni
Calomyscus elburzensis
Cameraria wislizeniella
Camille Delezenne
Camillo Eitzen & Co
Campaign for Equal Citizenship
C & L Enterprises, Inc. v. Citizen Band, Potawatomi Indian Tribe of Oklahoma
Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration) v Khosa
Canadian Citizenship Act, 1946
Canalizations of Zenobia
Capila zennara
Cardinal Zen (musician)
Carl Heinrich 'Schultzenstein' Schultz
Carlos Bazn Zender
Carlo Zeno
Carl Severin Bentzen
Caroline Herzenberg
Carphochaete wislizeni
Casemate de Rountzenheim Nord
Casemate de Rountzenheim Sud
Catarina Zenab
Cathedral of St Peter, Bautzen
Cathorops belizensis
Cazeneuve government
Cazenove (ward)
Cazenovia College
Cazenovia Lake
Cazenovia, New York
Cazenovia Park Hockey Association
Cazenovia ParkSouth Park System
Cazenovia Seminary
Cazenovia (village), New York
Cazenovia, Wisconsin
Celeste (frozen pizza)
Celle Uelzen
Cem Zeng
Cendea de Olza Oltza zendea
Center for American Politics and Citizenship
Center for Citizen Initiatives
Certificate of Citizenship (Indonesia)
Csar Daneliczen
Ceylon Citizenship Act
Charkaoui v Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration)
Charles Arntzen
Charles Berthzenne
Charles Cozens
Charles Cozens Spencer
Charles Henzen
Charles of Artois, Count of Pzenas
Charles Otzenberger-Detaille
Charles Zentai
Chteau d'Arzens
Chteau de Cazeneuve
Chteau de Lorentzen
Chteau de Pzenas
Chatzenstrick Pass
Chazen Museum of Art
Cheaper by the Dozen
Cheaper by the Dozen (1950 film)
Cheaper by the Dozen 2
Cheaper by the Dozen (2003 film)
Cheaper by the Dozen (disambiguation)
Cheaper by the Dozen (franchise)
Chemisches Zentralblatt
Chen Wei-zen
Chen Zeng
Chi Ezenwa
Chikuzen Province
Child Citizenship Act of 2000
Chil Zena
Chinese American Citizens Alliance
Chinese citizen
Chogye International Zen Center
ChomskySchtzenberger enumeration theorem
ChomskySchtzenberger representation theorem
ChomskySchtzenberger theorem
Chorzenice, d Voivodeship
Chris Cozens
Chris de Cazenove
Chris Metzen
Christian August Lorentzen
Christian Franzen (photographer)
Christian Gottlieb Kratzenstein
Christian Renatus von Zinzendorf
Christine Lorentzen
Christoph Dientzenhofer
Christopher Cazenove
Christopher Cskszentmihlyi
Christopher Dietzen
Christopher van Huizen
Church of England Zenana Missionary Society
Circumzenithal arc
Cis-1,2-dihydrobenzene-1,2-diol dehydrogenase
Citizen's Account Program (Saudi Arabia)
Citizen's arrest
Citizen's Briefing Book
Citizen's Charter
Citizen's Decision
Citizen's dividend
Citizen's Popular Rally
Citizen's Unity
Citizen AA
Citizen Action
Citizen Advisors on the Mutual Security Program
Citizen Advocacy organisations
Citizen (album)
Citizen and consumer movements in Japan
Citizen and Republican Movement
Citizen (app)
Citizen Armed Force Geographical Unit
Citizen Baines
Citizen Band
Citizen Card (Portugal)
Citizen Change
Citizen Chauvelin
Citizen Cohn
Citizen Cope
Citizen Corps
Citizen Cyborg
Citizen diplomacy
Citizen Dog
Citizen Dog (comic strip)
Citizen Dog (film)
Citizen Equality Act of 2017
Citizen (film)
Citizen Fish
Citizen Force
Citizen Force Party
Citizen Gangster
Citizen grand jury
Citizen: I'm Not Losing My Mind, I'm Giving It Away
Citizen Information Project
Citizen Initiative for Development
Citizen in Space
Citizen Jane
Citizen Jane (book)
Citizen Joe
Citizen journalism
Citizen Kane
Citizen Kate
Citizen Khan
Citizen King
Citizen Lab
Citizen Law Enforcement Analysis and Reporting
Citizen Left
Citizen Matters
Citizen media
Citizen observer
Citizen of Glass
Citizen of Paris
Citizen of the Galaxy
Citizen of Time
Citizen of Wasteland
Citizen Option
Citizen Partnerships for Offshore Wind
Citizen Pinoy
Citizen Potawatomi Nation
Citizen Power
Citizen Power Initiatives for China
Citizen Power (political party)
Citizen Rally (Republic of the Congo)
Citizen Ruth
Citizens' Action Party
Citizens' Action Party (Costa Rica)
Citizens' Action Party (Nicaragua)
Citizens' Advisory Council on National Space Policy
Citizens' Alliance
Citizens' assembly
Citizens' Assembly (Ireland)
Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform
Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform (Ontario)
Citizens' Battle Against Corruption
Citizens' Climate Lobby
Citizens' Coalition
Citizens' Commission to Investigate the FBI
Citizens' Committee for Pollution Control
Citizens' Congress
Citizens' Convergence
Citizens' Convergence of the South-East
Citizens' Councils
Citizens' Debate Commission
Citizens' Defense
Citizens' Footprint Movement
Citizens' Forces
Citizens' Forum Austria
Citizens' Forum on Canada's Future
Citizens' Forum (TV program)
Citizens' Gavel
Citizens' Group on Electoral Process
Citizens' Initiative
Citizens' initiative referendum (France)
Citizens' List (Kerteminde)
Citizens' Military Training Camp
Citizens' Ministry
Citizens' Movement
Citizens' Movement for Democracy and Development
Citizens' Movement for Democratic Action
Citizens' Movement (Iceland)
Citizens' Movement (Mexico)
Citizens' Municipal Organisation
Citizens' Party (Finland)
Citizens' Party for Revival
Citizens' Party (Iceland, 1987)
Citizens' Political Movement
Citizens' Radio
Citizens' Rights Association
Citizens' Rights Directive
Citizens' Union for South Tyrol
Citizens: A Chronicle of the French Revolution
Citizens Action for Southern New Hampshire
Citizens Action Party (British Columbia)
Citizens Advice
Citizens Advice outside the United Kingdom
Citizens Advice Scotland
Citizens Against Government Waste
Citizens Against Rent Control v. City of Berkeley
Citizens & Southern National Bank
Citizens (band)
Citizens band radio
Citizens band radio in India
Citizens Bank
Citizens Bank Building
Citizens Bank International
Citizens Bank of Maryland
Citizens Bank of Northern California
Citizens Building
Citizens Campaign for the Environment
Citizens Centre for Freedom and Democracy
Citizens Charter in Local Governments in Kerala
Citizen science
Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee
Citizens Commission of Inquiry
Citizens Commission on Human Rights
Citizens Convention for Climate
Citizens Co-op
Citizens Energy Corporation
Citizens Equity First Credit Union
Citizens Financial Group
Citizens First Bank
Citizens for a Canadian Republic
Citizens for a Free Kuwait
Citizens for Alternatives to Chemical Contamination
Citizens for America
Citizens for an Alternative Tax System
Citizens for a Sound Economy
Citizens for Blank Votes
Citizens for Civil Discourse
Citizens for Constitutional Freedom
Citizens for Decent Literature
Citizens for East Shore Parks
Citizens for Fairness Hands Off Washington
Citizens for Foreign Aid Reform
Citizens for Global Solutions
Citizens for Home Rule
Citizens for Pennsylvania's Future
Citizens for Public Justice
Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington
Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions
Citizens for Rowling
Citizens for Self-Governance
Citizens for Social Reform
Citizens for Sunshine
Citizens for Tax Justice
Citizens for the Adelphi Theater
Citizens (FVG political party)
Citizenship Act
Citizenship Act (Slovakia)
Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019
Citizenship Amendment Act protests
Citizenship Amendment Act protests in Uttar Pradesh
Citizenship and Christian Democracy
Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law
Citizenship and Migration Board (Estonia)
Citizenship Clause
Citizenship education
Citizenship in a Republic
Citizenship in North Korea
Citizenship judge
Citizenship of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Citizenship of the European Union
Citizenship Reform Act of 2005
Citizenship Studies
Citizens Housing and Planning Council
Citizens in Charge Foundation
Citizens in Rage
Citizens Insurance
Citizens Insurance Co of Canada v Parsons
Citizens Justice Committee
Citizens Lobbying for Animals in Zoos
Citizens Memorial Healthcare
Citizen Smith
Citizens National Bank
Citizens National Bank (Evansville, Indiana)
Citizens of Boomtown
Citizen Soldier
Citizen Soldiers
Citizen Soldier (TV program)
Citizen sourcing
Citizens Party
Citizens Party (Hong Kong)
Citizen, speak Turkish!
Citizens (radio series)
Citizens Republic Bancorp
Citizens Savings and Loan Association
Citizens Savings and Trust Company
Citizens (Spanish political party)
Citizens Television
Citizens Theatre
Citizens to Preserve Overton Park
Citizens to Preserve Overton Park v. Volpe
Citizen suit
Citizens UK
Citizens Union
Citizens United for Rehabilitation of Errants
Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy
Citizens United (organization)
Citizens United v. FEC
Citizen survey
Citizens Utilities Rural
Citizen Toxie: The Toxic Avenger IV
Citizen TV
Citizen V
Citizen Watch
Citizen Way
Citizen Weather Observer Program
Citizen X (disambiguation)
Citizen Zero
Civic virtue (organizational citizenship behavior dimension)
Clarence Zener
Cledus Maggard & the Citizen's Band
Coalition of Concerned Citizens
Coalition of the Citizen
Coat of arms of Enkhuizen
Coldeportes Zen
Colegio Eugenio de Mazenod
Coleman v. Schwarzenegger
Coleophora ivrizensis
Colleen Zenk
Colombian National Police Directorate for Citizens Security
Columbus Citizens Foundation
Combat Kelly and the Deadly Dozen
Combretum mkuzense
Commonwealth citizen
Commonwealth of World Citizens
Communist, Republican, Citizen and Ecologist group
Concerned Citizens' Movement
Concerned Citizens of South Central Los Angeles
Connie Szerszen
Consensual citizenship
Consultative Council for Indonesian Citizenship
Convergence for Renewal and Citizenship
Cope Citizen
Cor Geelhuijzen
Cornelis Benjamin Biezeno
Cosmopterix zenobia
Council for Education in World Citizenship
Council of Conservative Citizens
Countess Amalie Elisabeth of Hanau-Mnzenberg
Countess Elisabeth Dobrzensky of Dobrzenicz
Courthouse in Wrzenia
Cozen's test
Cozen O'Connor
Cozzens House Hotel
Crazy Kanzen na Otona
Crazy Legs Conti: Zen and the Art of Competitive Eating
Creative Zen
Cristian Zenoni
Cruzen Range
Csaba Szentptery
CSS Zen Garden
Curveulima dautzenbergi
Cushing Citizen
Cute Nan Desu! Zen Single Atsumechaimashita! 1
Cymbalophora oertzeni
Cymothoe zenkeri
Cyrilla Mozenter
Cyzenis albicans
Czeniki-Kolonia Grna
brwka, Gmina Moszczenica
Daejeon Hana Citizen
Dag Otto Lauritzen
Dai Bai Zan Cho Bo Zen Ji
Dai Bosatsu Zendo Kongo-ji
Dai Chuanzeng
Daihonzan Chozen-ji
Daizen Takahiro
Dandr van der Westhuizen
Dane Sanzenbacher
Dane van der Westhuyzen
Daniel Heller-Roazen
Daniel H. Janzen
Daniel Katzen
Daniel Krutzen
Daniel Stolz von Stolzenberg
Dan Mozena
Danny Hultzen
Danzen! Futari wa Pretty Cure
Dar al-Makhzen (Fez)
Dar al-Makhzen (Rabat)
Dar el Makhzen (Tangier)
Daren Zenner
Dariusz Rzeniczek
Dark Triad Dirty Dozen
Darzens reaction
Das Reizleitungssystem des Sugetierherzens
Das Spitzentuch der Knigin
Dathan Ritzenhein
David & the Citizens
David I. Rozenberg
David Izenzon
David Lorenzen
David Metzenthen
David Wanzenried
David Zennie
David Zenoff
David Zinczenko
Dawson City: Frozen Time
Dead Dozen
Deadline (Leftver Crack and Citizen Fish album)
Deadly Dozen: Pacific Theater
De Alde Friezen
Dean Dozen
Death of a Citizen
Death of Richard Nieuwenhuizen
Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
Declaration of the Rights of the Man and of the Citizen of 1793
Declaration of the Rights of Woman and of the Female Citizen
Defence (Citizen Military Forces) Act 1943
De Jansmolen, Gongahuizen
De Luizenmoeder
De Mazenod College
Demetrios I Kantakouzenos
Demetrius Kantakouzenos
De Modderige Bol, Gongahuizen
Denationalized citizenship
Denizen (film)
Department of Immigration and Citizenship
Department of Transportation v. Public Citizen
Der Herzensphotograph
Derk Spitzen
Derry Citizens' Defence Association
Deuterated benzene
Deutsches Herzzentrum Berlin
Deutsche Zentral-Zeitung
Deutsch Schtzen-Eisenberg
Deutsch Schtzen massacre
Dewar benzene
Dezs Szentgyrgyi
Dialogo de Cecco di Ronchitti da Bruzene in perpuosito de la stella Nuova
Dialysis Patient Citizens
Diane Schanzenbach
Die Natrlichen Pflanzenfamilien
Dientzenhofer family
Die Prinzen
Die schwarzen Brder
Diethynylbenzene dianion
Digital citizen
Dimorphocarpa wislizeni
Dinosaur War Izenborg
Dirk Jan ten Geuzendam
Dirty Dozen
Dirty Dozen Brass Band
Disappearance of Timmothy Pitzen
District office building, Wrzenia
Dizengoff Center
Dizengoff Center suicide bombing
Dizengoff Square
Dizengoff Street
Dizengoff Street bus bombing
Dmytro Nytczenko
Dobrzenice Mae
Doctor Wislizenus
Dolf Niezen
Dominica citizenship by investment programme
Donald D. Lorenzen
Dorcadion almarzense
Dorcadion danczenkoi
Dorcadion zenete
Dorian Rogozenco
Dorothea of Hanau-Mnzenberg
Dota Gozen
Dottie Potter Zenaty
Doutzen Kroes
Dozen (disambiguation)
Draba fladnizensis
Draft:Queen Iduna (Frozen)
Draft:Zenit (gallery)
Drazen (disambiguation)
Dr. Cyrus and Myrtle Katzen Cancer Research Center
Dresden II Bautzen II
Driehuizen, Alkmaar
Driehuizen, Texel
Driewegen, Terneuzen
Drumstick (frozen dairy dessert)
Du, du liegst mir im Herzen
Duel Citizenship
Durak Zenan
Dzenli, Borka
Dzenli, avat
Dzen Tekkal
Earle D. Litzenberger
Eastern Morocco Zenati
East Lancs Cityzen
East Zenati languages
Echizen-Fuch Castle
Echizen, Fukui
Echizen-Katsuyama Domain
Echizen Province
Echizen ware
Economic citizenship
Ecumenical Pltzensee Days
Eddie Deezen
Eddy van IJzendoorn
Edibe Szen
Ed Litzenberger
Edmund, Prince of Schwarzenberg
douard Herzen
Eduard Gudzenko
Education, Citizenship and Social Justice
Education for Citizenship (Spain)
Edward L. Katzenbach
Edwin Katzen-Ellenbogen
Eidgenssisches Schtzenfest
Eighteen Wheels and a Dozen Roses
Eikan-d Zenrin-ji
Einstrzende Neubauten
Einstrzende Neubauten logo
Eiraku Myzen
Eitzen Chemical
Eitzen Group
Eitzen Maritime Services
Eitzen, Minnesota
E. K. Gauzen
Eleonore von Schwarzenberg
lise Delzenne
Elizabeth Lee Hazen
Ellen Zentner
Elsa (Frozen)
Emakhazeni Local Municipality
Emanuel Azenberg
Emil Brentzen
Emmy van Deurzen
Empress Zeng (Longwu)
Encampment for Citizenship
End Citizens United
Engeltrude de Fzensac
Enigmaticolus auzendei
Enik Eszenyi
Eois suarezensis
Eois zenobia
Equal Citizens
Erdem Duhan zensoy
Eregzengiin Choidog
Eren zen
Erfreut euch, ihr Herzen, BWV 66
Ericameria juarezensis
Eric Dezenhall
Eric Ewazen
Erich Huzenlaub
Eric Janszen
Eric Roozendaal
Eric Zencey
Eric Zener
Eric Zentner
Erkinger I von Seinsheim, Baron of Schwarzenberg
Erling Bentzen
Erling Lorentzen
Ernst Mrzendorfer
Ernst Stizenberger
Ernzen, Germany
Erol Ozensoy
Ersatz Zenta-class cruiser
Erturul Ergezen
Erzsbet Lanczendorfer
Erzsbet Szentesi
Esopus Spitzenburg
Estdio da Fazendinha (Ituiutaba)
Esther Rantzen
Estonian Citizens' Committees
Ethylbenzene hydroxylase
Etienne Oosthuizen
Eugne de Mazenod
Eugene Henry Cozzens Leutze
Eugen Szenkar
Eu No Fao a Menor Ideia do que eu T Fazendo Com a Minha Vida
European Citizen Action Service
European Citizens' Consultations
European Citizens' Initiative
European Citizens' Prize
European Citizen Science Association
Europe for Citizens
Evacuation of Pakistani citizens during the Yemeni Civil War (2015)
Even Dozen Jug Band
Evening Citizen
Eyal Eizenberg
Ezenwa Otorogu
Ezenwo Nyesom Wike
Ezenzeleni Blind Institute
Fahd Ndzengue
Fang Zengxian
Fanny Titus Hazen
Fan Zeng
Farid Elias Khazen
FarmerCitizen Movement
Fay Ajzenberg-Selove
Fazenda Botafogo
Fazenda, Cape Verde
Fazenda da Bica
Fazenda de Vero
Fazenda (Lajes das Flores)
Fazenda So Mateus Biological Reserve
Fazendeville, Louisiana
FC Bayern Alzenau
FC Frunzenets-Liha-99 Sumy
FC Smena-Zenit
FC Zenit-2 Saint Petersburg
FC Zenit Irkutsk
FC Zenit-Izhevsk
FC Zenit Penza
FC Zenit Saint Petersburg
FDA citizen petition
Fear Factor Nieustraszeni
FEC v. Massachusetts Citizens for Life
Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
Federation of Citizens Associations of the District of Columbia
Felix Gerritzen
Felix Herzenbruch
Fellow Citizen
Ferdinand Hartzenberg
Ferdinand, Prince of Schwarzenberg
Ferocactus wislizeni
Fertszentmikls Airfield
Filthy Notes for Frozen Hearts
Filzen Saddle
First Citizen (novel)
First Citizens BancShares
First Citizens Bank of South Carolina
First Citizens Bank (Trinidad and Tobago)
First-class citizen
First Zen Institute of America
F.L.. Kunzen
Floris Arntzenius
Former Citizens Bank and Trust Company Building
Former Residence of Zeng Guofan
Forschungszentrum Informatik
Forschungszentrum Jlich
Fort Prinzenstein
Fort Vijfhuizen
Francis A. Marzen
Franciszek Trzeniewski
Franois Delzenne
Franois Gesthuizen
Franois Ozenda
Franois Rozenthal
Franois-Xavier-Marc-Antoine de Montesquiou-Fzensac
Frank Rozendaal
Frank S. Katzenbach
Franz Conrad von Htzendorf
Franzen, Wisconsin
Franziska von Reitzenstein
Franz-Josef Holzenkamp
Franz Reizenstein
Franz Xaver Schwarzenbck
Franz-Zeno Diemer
Fred Cozens
Freddy's Frozen Custard & Steakburgers
Frederick Swartwout Cozzens
Fred S. Cozzens
Fred Woudhuizen
Freedom (Franzen novel)
Free Republic of Schwarzenberg
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
Fresh frozen plasma
Friedrich Adolph Wislizenus
Friedrich Albert von Zenker
Friedrich, Prince of Schwarzenberg
Friedrich Prince zu Schwarzenberg
Friedrich Wilhelm von Gtzen the Younger
From Emperor to Citizen
Frosty (frozen dairy dessert)
Frozen (1997 film)
Frozen (2010 American film)
Frozen (2010 Hong Kong film)
Frozen (2013 film)
Frozen (advertisement)
Frozen alcoholic drink
Frozen Alive (film)
Frozen assets
Frozen Assets (novel)
Frozen banana
Frozen bovine semen
Frozen Bubble
Frozen carbonated drink
Frozen Charlotte
Frozen City
Frozen conflict
Frozen Corpse Stuffed with Dope
Frozen Creek, Kentucky
Frozen custard
Frozen Dead Guy Days
Frozen dessert
Frozen Evolution
Frozen Fever
Frozen Flashes
Frozen food
Frozen (franchise)
Frozen Ghost
Frozen Ghost (album)
Frozen (House)
Frozen II
Frozen II (soundtrack)
Frozen in Frobisher Bay
Frozen in Love
Frozen in the Moment: Live in Atlanta
Frozen in Time
Frozen in Time (Dorman)
Frozen in Time (novel)
Frozen in Time: The Fate of the Franklin Expedition
Frozen Kiss
Frozen Lake (Montana)
Frozen Land
Frozen Live at the Hyperion
Frozen (Madonna song)
Frozen Man Creek
Frozen Man Creek (Plum Creek tributary)
Frozen Man Creek (Sulphur Creek tributary)
Frozen mirror image method
Frozen (musical)
Frozen: Olaf's Quest
Frozen Ones
Frozen Peas
Frozen pension
Frozen Planet
Frozen section procedure
Frozen (soundtrack)
Frozen Stiff
Frozen Synapse
Frozen tissue array
Frozen Tundra Hockey Classic
Frozen vegetables
Frozen with Fear
Frozen yogurt
Frozen zoo
Frunzenskaya (Moscow Metro)
Frunzensky District
FSV Budissa Bautzen
Fukan zazengi
Fushigi Dagashiya Zenitend
Fushizen na Girl / Natural ni Koishite
Fyodor Mezentsev
Gadi Eizenkot
Galba schirazensis
Galina Mezentseva
Gazen ParaPara!!
G.D. Tourizense
Gene Sarazen
Geneva Citizens' Movement
Gentzen's consistency proof
Georg August Zenker
Georg, Baron von rtzen
George Bowman (Zen master)
George Izenour
George Kaczender
George Klenzendorff
George Lazenby
George N. Zenovich
George P. Kazen
Gerald Vizenor
Gerardina Jacoba van de Sande Bakhuyzen
Grard Rozenknop
Gerhard Gentzen
German Association of Female Citizens
German destroyer Z4 Richard Beitzen
German destroyer Z9 Wolfgang Zenker
Gerold Schwarzenbach
Gert Oosthuizen
Gerzensee (lake)
Geuzen medals
Gewchshaus fr tropische Nutzpflanzen
Gza Jeszenszky
Ghaus Bakhsh Bizenjo
GhentTerneuzen Canal
Giants: Citizen Kabuto
Gibberula suezensis
Gilly, Gilly, Ossenfeffer, Katzenellen Bogen by the Sea
Girolamo Zenti
Gisela of Kerzenbroeck
GKK Etzenricht
Glanzenberg Castle
Glenda Goertzen
Glenn Cozen
Glenn Lautzenhiser
Global Citizen
Global Citizen EP 1
Global Citizen Festival
Global citizenship
Global citizenship education
Global citizens movement
Gloucester Citizen
Gmina Bodzentyn
Gmina Brzenica
Gmina Brzenica, Lesser Poland Voivodeship
Gmina Brzenica, Lubusz Voivodeship
Gmina Brzenio
Gmina Brzeno
Gmina Burzenin
Gmina Korzenna
Gmina Moszczenica
Gmina Moszczenica, d Voivodeship
Gmina Nowa Brzenica
Gmina Rzeczenica
Gmina Wrzenia
Gkhan Szen
GoldbergShprintzen syndrome
Good Citizen
Good citizenship
Gornja Zenica
Gott fhret auf mit Jauchzen, BWV 43
Gottfried Mnzenberg
Gottlieb Wanzenried
Gtzendorf an der Leitha
Gtzental Castle
Goyang Citizen FC
Gozen 3-ji no Muhchitai
Gozen Kaigi
Grace Hazen
Gratzen Mountains
Green Gulch Farm Zen Center
Grzegorz Rozenberg
Gudeodiscus dautzenbergi
Guido Grtzen
Gunzenhauser Museum
Guo Yuan (Zen monk)
Guo Zengyuan
Grzenicher Bach
Grzenich Orchestra Cologne
Gustav Adolf von Gtzen
Guus van Ditzhuyzen
Guy-Roger Nzeng
Gzen no Kakuritsu
Gwiazdy mocnego uderzenia: Czesaw Niemen
Gyeongju Citizen FC
Gyliano van Velzen
Gymnopilus zenkeri
Gyobutsuji Zen Monastery
Gyula Szentessy
Haeundae Doosan We've the Zenith
Hakk Szen
Hkon Lorentzen
Haldizen Mountains
Hamburg Citizen Militia
Hamza Zenevisi
Hangaku Gozen
Han Grijzenhout
Hanna Dudzenkova
Hanna Folge deinem Herzen
Hannah Szenes
Hanover Schtzenfest
Hans (Frozen)
Hans-Georg Schwarzenbeck
Hans Georg von Arnim-Boitzenburg
Hans-Joachim Zenk
Hans Magnus Enzensberger
Hanstedt, Uelzen
Hans Zender
Han Zenki
Harald Schwenzen
Harmon Schmelzenbach
Harold Locke Hazen
Hartford Street Zen Center
Hasil Bizenjo
Hvard Holmefjord Lorentzen
Havredal Zendo
Hawona Sullivan Janzen
Hawzen (woreda)
Hazen's Notch
Hazen A. Brattain
Hazen A. Dean
Hazen Airport
Hazen Argue
Hazen, Arkansas
Hazen Brigade Monument
Hazen Graff Werner
Hazen Municipal Airport
Hazen, North Dakota
Hazen, Pennsylvania
Hazen S. Pingree
Hazen Street
HazenWilliams equation
HC BozenBolzano
H. C. Zen
H. D. Couzens
Heechheim, Gongahuizen
Heil- und Giftpflanzengarten der Tierrztlichen Hochschule Hannover
Heinrich Ltzenkirchen
Heinz-Harald Frentzen
Heir of Zendor
Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
Helmholtz Zentrum Mnchen
Helsinki Citizens' Assembly
Hendrie Krzen
Hendrik Scherpenhuijzen
Hendrik van de Sande Bakhuyzen
Henri Tzenas du Montcel
Henzeni-ye Bala
Heorhiy Borzenko
Herbert Cozens-Hardy, 1st Baron Cozens-Hardy
Herbert Witzenmann
Herizen F. Guardiola
Herman I, Count of Winzenburg
Herman Matzen
Herr, wenn die stolzen Feinde schnauben, BWV 248 VI
Herve Xavier Zengue
Herzenstein's rough sculpin
Herzensteinia microcephalus
Herzen University
Heute Abend wollen wir tanzen geh'n
Hexahydroxybenzene triscarbonate
Hexahydroxybenzene trisoxalate
H. G. van de Sande Bakhuyzen
H. H. Couzens
High Follow-Up Committee for Arab Citizens of Israel
Hillfort of Otzenhausen
Hirotaka Zendana
History of citizenship
History of Haitian nationality and citizenship
History of Italian citizenship
Hizen Province
HMS Brazen (1798)
HMS Brazen (F91)
HMS Zenith (R95)
Hollywood: A Story of a Dozen Roses
Hollywood Zen
Holy Cross Church, Wrzenia
Holzen Abbey
Homer Litzenberg
Homosexuality and Citizenship in Florida
Honorary Canadian citizenship
Honorary Citizen of Singapore
Honorary citizenship
Hope Frozen
Hrzendorfer See
Hotel Janzen
Hotel Zena
House of Schwarzenberg
Hovorbis rodriguezensis
Howard Lovecraft and the Frozen Kingdom
Howard Metzenbaum
Hugo Conrad von Htzendorf
Hugo Keuzenkamp
Hugo Stoltzenberg
Hseyin Avni Szen Anadolu Lisesi
H. Wayne Huizenga College of Business and Entrepreneurship
(hydroxyamino)benzene mutase
Hymenothrix wislizeni
brahim Zengin
Icek Ajzen
Icheon Citizen FC
Ich lebe, mein Herze, zu deinem Ergtzen, BWV 145
Ignacije Szentmartony
Ignc Teiszenberger
Igor Gouzenko
Ildik Schwarczenberger
Ildik Szendrdi-Kvri
Ilse and Femke van Velzen
Ilzene Parish
Imad al-Din Zengi
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
Imre Szentply
Inauguration of Ezenwo Nyesom Wike
Independent Citizen's Association
Independent Citizens Committee of the Arts, Sciences and Professions
Independent Citizens Movement
Independent Citizens of Tucumn
Indian Citizenship Act
Ineke Dezentj Hamming-Bluemink
Ins Katzenstein
Ingenieurs zonder Grenzen
Ingo Giezendanner
Innozenz Stangl
Institute for Citizenship
Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen
International Citizen Service
Internet Citizen's Band
Into the Unknown: Making Frozen II
Invalidn sourozenci
Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion
Invincible King Tri-Zenon
Inzensky District
Iodobenzene dichloride
Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement
Iowa City Press-Citizen
Iranian frozen assets
Iran Zendan
Irene Kantakouzene
Irish Citizen Army
Iris Rezende
Isabel Zendal
Israeli citizenship law
Istvn Szendeffy
Istvn Szenes
Istvn Szentgyrgyi
Istvn Szentirmay
Istvn Szent-Ivnyi
Itzhak Katzenelson
Ivan Dzenisevich
Iver Heltzen
Ivica Senzen
Iwahashi Zenbei
Izena, Okinawa
Jackson Citizen Patriot
Jacob Brretzen
Jacob Katzenberg
Jacob van Heeckeren tot Enghuizen
Jacob Veldhuyzen van Zanten
Jaco van der Westhuyzen
Jacqueline van Rozendaal-van Gerven
Jaime Mirtenbaum Zenamon
Jairzinho Rozenstruik
Jakob Gtzenberger
Jakub Rzeniczak
James Gould Cozzens
James J. Couzens
James R. Van Den Elzen
James Schwarzenbach
Jan Bazen
Jan Brzeny
Jan Chozen Bays
Jan Dobrzensk z Dobrzenicz
Janet Ajzenstat
Jan George Freezen
Janine Kitzen
Janis Rozentls
Janja Kantakouzenos
Jan Knutzen
Jnos Jeszenk
Jnos Szentgothai
Jantzen & Thormhlen
Jantzen Beach Amusement Park
Jantzen Beach Carousel
Jantzen Beach Center
Jantzen filtration
JanzenConnell hypothesis
Janzen v Platy Enterprises Ltd
Jared Lorenzen
Jashar Mezenxhiu
Jay K. Katzen
Jean-Ren Cazeneuve
Jeffrey Bennetzen
Jeffrey Frentzen
Jeffrey Katzenberg
Jeffrey M. Drazen
Jeffrey P. Buzen
Jehoshua Rozenman
Jeng Shwu-zen
Jennifer Zeng
Jenny Zeng
Jens Lauritzen
Jentezen Franklin
Jeonju Citizen FC
Jeremy Parzen
Jerome Chazen
Jerzy W. Rozenblit
Jesper von Hertzen
Jewels (Einstrzende Neubauten album)
Jezera, Zenica
Jihan Zencirli
Jim Metzen
Joachim Wilhelm Franz Philipp von Holtzendorff
Joan van Broekhuizen
Johan Frederik Knudzen Ndbk
Johan Michiel Dautzenberg
Johann Adolf, Prince of Schwarzenberg
Johanna of Hanau-Mnzenberg
Johanna Stokhuyzen-de Jong
Johann Benzenberg
Johann Ernst, Count of Hanau-Mnzenberg
Johannes Lauritzen
Johann IV, Count of Katzenelnbogen
Johann of Schwarzenberg
Johann van der Westhuizen
Johann von Gtzen
Johann von Metzenhausen
Johan Printzenskld
John Arendzen
John Brzenk
John Cazenove
John Cozens
John Danzenbaker
John Ditzenback
John Douglas Hazen
John F. Dezendorf
John Goerzen
John Hazen
John Hazen White
John Katzenbach
John Katzenellenbogen
John Lanzendorf
John Nzenze
John Peter Zenger
John Pezzenti
John Ratzenberger
John R. Huizenga
John Robert Oosthuizen
John Szkely de Szentgyrgy
John VI Kantakouzenos
John Wozencraft
John Yzendoorn
John Zenda
John Zenevisi
Jonathan Carl Zenker
Jonathan Franzen
Jonathan Hazen
Jonathan Zenneck
Jonathan Zenon
Jon Katzenbach
Jon Zens
Joost van der Westhuizen
Jrgen Frantzen
Jrgen Moritzen
Jrg van Nieuwenhuijzen
Jrn Renzenbrink
Jos Antnio Rezende de Almeida Prado
Josef Lanzendrfer
Jos Ignacio Zenteno
Jos Inzenga
Jos Lutzenberger
Joseph Dergham El Khazen
Joseph Gurzenda
Joseph I Adam of Schwarzenberg
Joseph II (Schwarzenberg)
Josephine Mutzenbacher
Joseph Ragi El Khazen
Joseph Weizenbaum
Joseph Welzenbacher
Joseph Zen
Joseph Zentmayer
Joseph Zenzano
Jos Rezende Filho
Joshua Rozenberg
Jo Vandeurzen
Jovan Dovezenski
Jzsef Gyula Hubertus Szent-Ivny
Jzsef Mindszenty
Jzsef Szab de Szentmikls
Jzsef Szendi
Jzsef Szendrei
Jozzen Cuesta
Juan Briezen
Juan de Salinas y Zenitagoya
Juan Eugenio Hartzenbusch
Jujubinus suarezensis
Jlia Szendrey
Julien Van Muyzen
Julie Zenatti
Jrgen Alzen
Jutrzenka Krakw
J. Walter Kennedy Citizenship Award
Kagamiiwa Zenshir
Kagirinaki Zenshin
Kalanchoe suarezensis
Klmn Cseh von Szent-Katolna
Kamaladdin Pirmoazzen
Kamenka, Mezensky District, Arkhangelsk Oblast
Kamikazen: Last Night in Milan
Kan Naizen
Kantakouzenos (disambiguation)
Kantonales Kulturzentrum Palais Besenval
Kanzen Shouri Daiteioh
Kanzeon Zen Center
Karel Schwarzenberg
Karl Heinzen
Karl Philipp, Prince of Schwarzenberg
Karl von Zinzendorf
Kroly Szentivnyi
Kastelruther Spatzen
Katalin Szentgyrgyi
Katharina Schtzenhfer
Katherine Schwarzenegger
Katsu (Zen)
Katzenbach Commission
Katzenbach, Germany
Katzenbach v. McClung
Katzenbach v. Morgan
Katzenberger Trial
Katzenberg Hillfort
Katzenberg Tunnel
Katzenstein (Affalter)
Katzenstein Castle
Kazenga LuaLua
Keine Grenzen adnych granic
Kenk Zenrakei Suieibu Umish
Kevin Huizenga
KF Erzeni
Khaneh Zenyan
Khazeni family
Kids by the Dozen
Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger
Kikvidzensky District
Kilian Ignaz Dientzenhofer
Kim Brentzen
King Hazen
Kirsten Lauritzen
Kishin Dji Zenki FX: Vajra Fight
Kittanning Citizens Bridge
Kiyoko Suizenji
Klaus von Oertzen
Klemens of Brzenica
Koichi Zenigata
Kommissar X Drei gelbe Katzen
Koning Eizenberg Architecture
Konparu Zenchiku
Konparu Zenp
Kopp's Frozen Custard
Korzenica, d Voivodeship
Korzenica, Podkarpackie Voivodeship
Korzeniec, Podkarpackie Voivodeship
Korzeniwka Dua
Korzeniwka Maa
Korzeniwka, Masovian Voivodeship
Korzeniwka, Podlaskie Voivodeship
Korzeniw, Lublin Voivodeship
Korzeniw, Podkarpackie Voivodeship
Kotzen (mountain)
KozenyCarman equation
Kozowski WK.1 Jutrzenka
Kristoff (Frozen)
Krzen, Schleswig-Holstein
Kruzenshtern (ship)
Kuhberg (Sttzengrn)
Kulturzentrum Schlachthof (Wiesbaden)
Kumamoto Suizenji Stadium
Kusii, Zenica
Kutzenhausen, Bas-Rhin
Kutzenhausen, Bavaria
Kunica, Gmina Nowa Brzenica
La Bgude-de-Mazenc
Lacerta oertzeni
Laghi del Gorzente
Lajos Szendrdi
Lajos Szentgli
Lake Chzenji
Lake Hazen
Lake Kezenoyam
Lambak Kiri Landless Indigenous Citizens' Housing Scheme
Lament (Einstrzende Neubauten album)
Lami Jos Lutzenberger Biological Reserve
LandauZener formula
Langia zenzeroides
Langlaufzentrum Silberhtte
Lanzenbach (Bhler)
Lanzenbach (Weiach)
Lanzen-Turnau Airport
Large Zenith Telescope
Lasiopetalum schulzenii
Lass uns tanzen
Lszl Jeszenszky
Lszl Szentgrthy
Lau Lauritzen
Lau Lauritzen Jr.
Lau Lauritzen Sr.
Lauritzen Award
Lauritzen Corporation
Lauritzen Gardens
Law Abiding Citizen
Law Abiding Citizen (soundtrack)
La Wantzenau
LawCitizenshipRights Movement
Lawrence Van Huizen
Lzr Szentes
LDE Wurzen and Oschatz
Lee Lee-zen
Lee Meitzen Grue
Leezen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Legend of Ogre Battle Gaiden: Prince of Zenobia
Lenzen (Elbe)
Lenzener See
Leo Kulinczenko
Leon's Frozen Custard
Leonard Felzenberg
Leonard Herzenberg
Leonhard Dientzenhofer
Lon Ritzen
Lepidochrysops oosthuizeni
Lesia Valadzenkava
Levan Berdzenishvili
Lezley Zen
Liberal Citizens Action
Library of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
Liezen District
Linear alkylbenzene
Lisa Lorentzen
Lisa Morzenti
Lisa Zeno Churgin
Li Shizeng
List of accolades received by Frozen (2013 film)
List of AMD Ryzen processors
List of Arab citizens of Israel
List of awards and nominations received by Arnold Schwarzenegger
List of compositions by Eric Ewazen
List of honorary citizens of Gdask
List of honorary citizens of Gyumri
List of honorary citizens of Hamburg
List of honorary citizens of Schleswig-Holstein
List of honorary citizens of Skopje
List of honorary citizens of Vienna
List of honorary citizens of Zagreb
List of naturalized American citizens
List of NK elik Zenica managers
List of Old Citizens
List of protected heritage sites in Bilzen
List of Puerto Rican Presidential Citizens Medal recipients
List of Rozen Maiden episodes
List of Rozen Maiden volumes
List of Wonder Showzen characters
List of works by Charles Thomas Cozens
Lithuanian Citizens' Alliance
Live at Third Man Records (Blitzen Trapper album)
Live in Paris Zenith '88
Live in So Paulo (Richie Kotzen album)
Lffelstelzen radio transmitter
Lorenzen Group
Lorenzen Wright
Ltzen Infantry Brigade (Wehrmacht)
Louann Brizendine
Louis Cazeneuve
Louis de Cazenave
Louise Fazenda
Louise Lehzen
Louis-Frdric Schtzenberger
Louis Oosthuizen
Lozen (disambiguation)
Lozenets, Sofia
Lozenge camouflage
Lozenge (heraldry)
Lozen Mountain
Lozen, Sofia City Province
Lubbertus Gtzen
Lucas Watzenrode
Lucas Watzenrode the Elder
Lucas Zen
Ludolf Bakhuizen
Ludwig Anzengruber
Luigi Zenobi
Lupin the Third: Lupin Is Dead, Zenigata Is in Love
Lutzenberg, Switzerland
Luzenac AP
Lygropia szentivanyi
Maarten van Roozendaal
MabryHazen House
Macau United Citizens Association
Mdchen ohne Grenzen
Madzengue Younous
Mahamat Zene Cherif
Mahmut zen
Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007
Making an American Citizen
Malin to Mizen
Maly Uzen
Mancomunidad de Municipios Marquesado del Zenete
Manfred Razenbck
Manuel Kantakouzenos
Manuel Kantakouzenos (usurper)
Manuel Zeno Ganda
Marcel Bezenon
Marcel Bezenon Awards
Marcel-Paul Schtzenberger
Mrcio Rezende de Freitas
Margaret Matzenauer
Margaret of Hanau-Mnzenberg
Margot Brentzen
Maria Ajzensztadt
Maria Anna of Schwarzenberg
Maria Czenik
Maria Guzenina
Maria Himmelfahrt (Bozen)
Maria Konopnicka Monument, Wrzenia
Maria Lanzendorf
Maria Minzenti
Marianw, Gmina Burzenin
Maria of Hanau-Mnzenberg
Maria Palaiologina Kantakouzene
Maria Zeneida Collinson
Marie al-Khazen
Marie Hilson Katzenbach
Marieke van Witzenburg-de Groot
Marie Sidenius Zendt
Marina Szendey
Marinus van IJzendoorn
Mariola Zenik
Mris Rozentls
Mark Gietzen
Mark G. Raizen
Mark Huizenga
Mark Lorenzen
Mark Reizen
Mark Stolzenberg
Markus Vinzent
Mark van der Giezen
Mark Winzenried
Mark Zengerle
Marlies Veldhuijzen van Zanten
Marrama v. Citizens Bank of Massachusetts
Marshall Izen
Martha Lauzen
Marthinus Jacobus Oosthuizen
Martin Kierszenbaum
Martin Schtzenauer
Martin Szentivnyi
Maruzen Intec Osaka Pool
Mary Cozens-Walker
Mary Lou Goertzen
Mary Lynn Ritzenthaler
Marzena Cielik
Marzena Godecki
Marzena Karpiska
Marzena Trybaa
Marzena Wrbel
Marzena Ziba
Marzenin, d Voivodeship
Maschinenfabrik Liezen und Gieerei
Matheus Rezende
Mtraszentimrei dalok
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. v. Zenith Radio Corp.
Matthus Hetzenauer
Matthew Kantakouzenos
Matthew Zenovich
Matthias Knutzen
Matzen oil field
Maurandya wislizeni
Maurice Rozenthal
Mauro Pezzente
Maximilian von Gtzen-Iturbide
Max Ploetzeneder
Mazdacis zenoa
Mazen Abdul-Jawad
Mazen al-Tumeizi
Mazen Al-Yasen
Mazengarb Report
Ma Zengyu
Mazen Hesham
Mazenod College
Mazenod College, Perth
Mazenod College, Victoria
Mazeno Ridge
Medically Aware and Responsible Citizens of Hyderabad
Mehdi Shabzendedar Jahromi
Meir Dizengoff
Meir Katzenellenbogen
Meles Zenawi
Melisa Szen
Menchie's Frozen Yogurt
Merchants and Citizens Handicap
Mrdzene Parish
Messezentrum Nuremberg
Mete Sozen
Mezen horse
Mezen, Mezensky District, Arkhangelsk Oblast
Mezenskaya Pizhma
Mezensky District
Mzes de Debreczen
Miacora luzena
Michael Aizenman
Michael Arnzen
Michael Creizenach
Michael Eizenga
Michael Galitzen
Michael Heltzen
Michael Kantakouzenos
Michael Kantakouzenos eytanolu
Michael Lorenzen
Michael Merzenich
Michael Mitzenmacher
Michael Ranzenhofer
Michael Rezendes
Michael Roizen
Michael Rozenes
Michael Szenberg
Michael Zenezini
Michelle Franzen
Michel Zen-Ruffinen
Miek van Geenhuizen
Miguel Zenn
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Mihly Lombard de Szentbrahm
Mike Rutzen
Mikls Szentkuthy
Mikogami Tenzen
Milad Zeneyedpour
Milton Keynes Citizen
Mimi Ajzenstadt
Minamiechizen, Fukui
Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Interests
Minister for Immigration and Citizenship v SZMDS
Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs
Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship
Minister of Multiculturalism and Citizenship
Ministry of Citizen Protection (Greece)
Ministry of Citizenship (Brazil)
Ministry of Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade
Ministry of Women, Children and Senior Citizens (Nepal)
Minki van der Westhuizen
Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life
Minnesota Zen Meditation Center
Missouri Citizens Militia
Miyazaki Yzen
Mizengo Pinda
Mizen Head
Mizen potato
Mobile Citizen
Mohamed Al-Zeno
Mohammadreza Moazzen
Mohammad Shammaa Al Zengi III
Moiss Dallazen
Mollie Katzen
Mnica Rezende
Monika Brzena
Monique van de Elzen
Monoplacophorus zenkevitchi
Monsieur Zenith
Monthly Comic Zenon
Mont Mzenc
Montreal Citizens' Movement
Monument to the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
Moritz Heuzenroeder
Morning Musume Zen Single Coupling Collection
Morrisville News and Citizen
Moszczenica, Jastrzbie-Zdrj
Moszczenica Nina
Moszczenica Wyna
Moszenki, Lublin Voivodeship
Mount Baldy Zen Center
Mount Ryzen
Mount Unzen
Mouzens, Dordogne
Movement for Citizens' Commitment and Awakening
Movement for the Rehabilitation of Citizens Rurenzangemero
Movement of Ecologists Citizens' Cooperation
Movement of Free Citizens
Mr. Citizen
M. R. G. Conzen
MS Zenobia
Mugesera v Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration)
Muhammad bin Jamil Zeno
Muhammet Ouz Zengin
Multiple citizenship
Mnzenberg Castle
Murder of Jimmy Mizen
Museion (Bozen)
Music for Zen Meditation
Music of Rozen Maiden
Mu Zeng
MV The Zenith
My Fellow Citizens!
My Way de Solzen
Nagoya Castle (Hizen Province)
Nakayama Shzen
Naomi Zaizen
Nathalie Etzensperger
National Citizens' Coalition
National Citizens Alliance
National Citizen Service
National Citizen Will Party
National Coalition of Guinea for the Rights and Citizenship of Women
National Conference on Citizenship
Nationalist Citizens' Party
National Register of Citizens
National Register of Citizens for Assam
National Union of Ethical Citizens
Natural-born-citizen clause
Nazenin Ansari
Nebraska Zen Center
Network of Citizen Volunteers Protecting the Land
Neuhof an der Zenn
Neuss Schtzenfest
New Citizen Party
New Citizens' Movement
New Citizenship
Newmarket Citizens' Band
New Mobile Report Gundam Wing: Frozen Teardrop
Niagara Falls Citizens
Nicholas Dozenberg
Nicholas Katzenbach
Nick Drazenovic
Nicolaus Zinzendorf
Nicol Zen the younger
Nico Rezende
Nihon Igai Zenbu Chinbotsu
Niklas Zennstrm
Nikolai Rozenbakh
Nikolay Mezentsov
NJ Oosthuizen
NK elik Zenica
NK Neretvanac Opuzen
Nobuyuki Zaizen
Noel Cazenave
Non-citizens (disambiguation)
Non-citizens (Latvia)
Northern Cyprus citizenship
North Korean abductions of Japanese citizens
Nour al-Din al-Zenki Movement
Novouzensky District
Nov Hrozenkov
Nowa Brzenica
Nowa Korzeniwka
Now and Zen
Nowe Brzeno, Greater Poland Voivodeship
Nowe Brzeno, Pomeranian Voivodeship
N-tert-Butylbenzenesulfinimidoyl chloride
Nurettin Szen
Nrnberger Schnauzen
Nyncke Beekhuyzen
Oath of citizenship
Oath of Citizenship (Canada)
Oath of Citizenship (New Zealand)
baku Zen architecture
Odd Brretzen
Odo of Fzensac
Odrodzenie, Greater Poland Voivodeship
Ohio Citizen Action
Ohrazenice (Pbram District)
ivind Lorentzen
Oklahoma Tax Commission v. Citizen Band, Potawatomi Indian Tribe of Oklahoma
Olaf's Frozen Adventure
Olaf (Frozen)
Ole Arntzen Ltzow
Ole Arntzen Ltzow-Holm
Oleg Gazenko
Olha Huzenko
Olivella santacruzence
Olof von Feilitzen
Olympia-Einkaufszentrum (Munich U-Bahn)
mer Kzen
O. M. Wozencraft
nder zen
One Dozen Berrys
no Castle (Chikuzen Province)
no Castle (Echizen Province)
Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship
oka Echizen
Oosterdijk, Enkhuizen
Oosthuizen (surname)
Operation Zenith
O Pirozenosti Rostlin
Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt
Oregon Citizens Alliance
Organizational citizenship behavior
Ormetica zenzeroides
Oscar Gruzenberg
Oscar Patric Sturzen-Becker
Ossie Mazengarb
Osvobozen divadlo
Oszkr Szendr
Otona na no yo! / 1oku 3zenman S Diet koku
Ottawa Citizen
Ottilie of Katzenelnbogen
Otto Brentzen
Otto Skorzeny
Ouachita Citizen
OU Citizen Science Soil Collection Program
Our Leading Citizen
O vcech nadpirozench
Overseas Citizenship of India
Overwhelmed and Annoyed Citizens (Spain)
Ovid Tzeng
Owzen Darreh-ye Pain
Ozan Evrim zen
zen Dam
Pacific Zen Institute
Paju Citizen FC
Palais Bretzenheim
Palais Schwarzenberg
Palestinian Citizenship Order 1925
Palmetto Citizens Federal Credit Union
Pl Szende
Pastwowe Zjednoczenie na Kresach
Papilio zenobia
Parazen pacificus
Parents and citizens
Park im. Marszaka Jzefa Pisudskiego, Wrzenia
Party for Progress and Citizenship
Parzenica (folk pattern)
Patrick Schwarzenegger
Paulina Brzena-Bentkowska
Paul J. Crutzen
Paul Lazenbury
Paul Lorenzen
Paul Schtzenberger
Paul Sturzenegger
Pauwels SauzenBingoal
Pauwels SauzenVastgoedservice
Pavlo Rozenko
Pawe Czenpiski
Pawe Korzeniowski
Pawe Zenon Wo
Peace of Bautzen
Pecluma pastazensis
Pedro Felipe Felzenszwalb
Penetrate the Satanic Citizen
Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Citizens (PARC) v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Pensioner and Citizen Initiated Referendum Alliance
Penzensky District
Persimedusites chahgazensis
Peter Franzen
Peter J. Katzenstein
Peter Schneider (Zen priest)
Peter Szendy
Peter van der Westhuizen
Peter van Huizen
Peter van Nieuwenhuizen
Petit pt de Pzenas
Petra Winzenhller
Philipp I, Count of Hanau-Mnzenberg
Philipp I, Count of Katzenelnbogen
Philipp II, Count of Hanau-Mnzenberg
Philipp III, Count of Hanau-Mnzenberg
Philipp Ludwig I, Count of Hanau-Mnzenberg
Philipp Ludwig II, Count of Hanau-Mnzenberg
Philipp Ludwig III, Count of Hanau-Mnzenberg
Philipp Ludwig von Sinzendorf
Philipp Ludwig Wenzel von Sinzendorf
Philipp Moritz, Count of Hanau-Mnzenberg
Philipp Reinhard, Count of Hanau-Mnzenberg
Pierre-Claver Zeng Ebome
Pierre Louis Alphe Cazenave
Pieter van Nieuwenhuyzen
Pietro Zeno
Piet Velthuizen
Piotr Wawrzeniuk
Plasma frozen within 24 hours
Plata v. Schwarzenegger
Pltzensee (lake)
Pltzensee Prison
Pocheon Citizen FC
Pogonomyrmex anzensis
Pchleb, Gmina Brzeno
Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol
Police Citizens Youth Club
Political career of Arnold Schwarzenegger
Ponticola rizensis
Porcelana Futebol Clube do Cazengo
Premiership of Meles Zenawi
Presidential Citizens Medal
Prince Felix of Schwarzenberg
Princess Cantacuzene
Princess Ragnhild, Mrs. Lorentzen
Princess Zenebework
Prince William Sound Regional Citizens' Advisory Council
Prinzenpalais, Oldenburg
Prinzenstrae (Berlin U-Bahn)
Prisoner of Zenda (1988 film)
Pristimantis pastazensis
Pro Germany Citizens' Movement
Progressive Citizens' Party
Protea witzenbergiana
Protestant Church of Pltzensee
Providence Zen Center
Provisorische Zentralgewalt
Public Citizen Litigation Group
Public Citizen Texas
Public Citizen v. Department of Justice
Puerto Rican citizenship
Puffin/Nation Prize for Creative Citizenship
Pushpanathan v Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration)
Pustertaler Sprinzen
Qaleh-ye Zendani
Qaleh-ye Zendlij
Qalui Zendan
Quantum Zeno effect
Quasi-Zenith Satellite System
Quebec Citizens' Union
Quercus wislizeni
Raab-Katzenstein KL.1 Schwalbe
Raab-Katzenstein RK.25
Raab-Katzenstein RK-26
Raab-Katzenstein RK.9 Grasmcke
Raed El Khazen
Rafal Rozendaal
Raiffeisen Zentralbank
Raiffeisen Zentralbank sterreich AG v Five Star General Trading LLC
Ramon Zenhusern
Rantzen v Mirror Group Newspapers (1986) Ltd and others
Raphael Zengel
Raymond Charles Vietzen
Raymond D. Dzendzel
Raymond Meyzenq
Raymon van der Biezen
Record of Zeniff
Redux Orchestra versus Einstrzende Neubauten
Regensburger Domspatzen
Reimund Dietzen
Reinhard IV, Count of Hanau-Mnzenberg
Reinhold Mnzenberg
Reinier Cornelis Bakhuizen van den Brink
Reinier Cornelis Bakhuizen van den Brink (born 1881)
Reinier Cornelis Bakhuizen van den Brink (born 1911)
Rempo Niwa Zenji
Rene Schwarzenbach-Wille
Ren Schtzenberger
Reniero Zeno
Renunciation of citizenship
Republic of Heinzenland
Republic (Zeno)
Residence card of a family member of a Union citizen
Return of a Citizen
Reverend Zen
Rewe-Zentral AG v Bundesmonopolverwaltung fr Branntwein
Rezence (wireless charging standard)
Richard August Reitzenstein
Richard Beitzen
Richard Brazendale
Richard E. Berendzen
Richard Gordon Matzene
Richard Lindzen
Richard P. Von Herzen
Richard Pzena
Richard Rozendaal
Richardson v Schwarzenegger
Richard Zenith
Richard Zenor
Richie Kotzen
Richie Kotzen discography
Rifka Lodeizen
Rikuzen flounder
Rikuzen Province
Rikuzentakata, Iwate
Rik van IJzendoorn
Rimba Landless Indigenous Citizens' Housing Scheme
Rizen (gospel group)
Robert Bundtzen
Robert Frazen
Robert Hazen
Robert Huizenga
Robert Korzeniowski
Robert Litzenberger
Robert Livingston (Zen teacher)
Robert Manzenreiter
Robert Metzenberg
Roberto de Sousa Rezende
Robert Otzen
Robert Pozen
Robert Zend
Rob Groenhuyzen
Rochester Zen Center
Rodney van Buizen
Roger-Grard Schwartzenberg
Roger I of Fzensaguet
Rogozen Treasure
Roland Ratzenberger
Roland Weitzenbck
Roland Zenology
Rolph Ludwig Edward Schwarzenberger
Roman citizenship
Rmisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum
Roni Size & Reprazent
Rozenburg wind wall
Rozendaal, South Holland
Rozendaal (surname)
Rozen Maiden
RTV Zenica
Rdiger Sterzenbach
Rudi Koertzen
Rufus Zenas Johnston
Ruslan Mezentsev
Ruzena Bajcsy
RWE Vertrieb AG v Verbraucherzentrale Nordrhein-Westfalen eV
Ryan Papenhuyzen
Ryoma Echizen
Ryzen, Fukushima
Ryzen-ji (Naruto)
Ryozen Kannon
Ryozen Museum of History
Ryzen Shrine
Rzenik drzew
SaethreChotzen syndrome
Salbia zena
Salgado Zenha
Samadhi Zendejas
Samo ljubezen
Samsung Hauzen Cup
Samuel Judah Katzenellenbogen
Samuel W. Getzen
Sander Breure and Witte van Hulzen
Sndor Liezen-Mayer
Sandro Azenha
San Francisco Frozen Film Festival
San Francisco Zen Center
Sankt Lorenzen
Sankt Lorenzen am Wechsel
Sankt Lorenzen bei Knittelfeld
Sankt Lorenzen bei Scheifling
Sankt Lorenzen im Mrztal
Sanshin Zen Community
Santa Cruz Zenzontepec
San Zeno al Foro, Brescia
San Zeno Altarpiece (Mantegna)
San Zeno di Montagna
San Zeno (disambiguation)
San Zenn
San Zeno Naviglio
San Zenone al Lambro
San Zenone al Po
San Zenone degli Ezzelini
San Zeno, Pisa
S qui turo zente pleta
Sarah Lauritzen
Sra Szenteleki-Ligetkuti
Sarazen World Open
Sasha Vezenkov
Scenes from the Life of Saint Zenobius
Schanzen Einsiedeln
Schanzengraben Zrich
Schanzenkopf (Schwedenschanze)
Schloss Hetzendorf
Schuetzen Park
Schuetzen Park (Iowa)
Schulzentrum Marienhhe
Schulzentrum Saterland
Schtzen am Gebirge
Schtzenfest (Adelaide)
Schtzen (military)
Schtzenpanzer Lang HS.30
Schtzenpanzer SPz 11-2 Kurz
Schwarzenacker Roman Museum
Schwarzenau Brethren
Schwarzenau, Lower Austria
Schwarzenbach am Wald
Schwarzenbach an der Pielach
Schwarzenbach an der Saale
Schwarzenbach Dam
Schwarzenbach, Lower Austria
Schwarzenbach, Upper Palatinate
Schwarzenbach (Weiach)
Schwarzenberg am Bhmerwald
Schwarzenberg, Austria
Schwarzenberg Castle (Saxony)
Schwarzenberg, Saxony
Schwarzenberg, Switzerland
Schwarzenborn, Hesse
Schwarzenbhl Pass
Schwarzenburg District
Schwarzenfels Castle
Science for the Satanic Citizen
Scottish Senior Citizens Unity Party
Sea Zenith
Sebastin Rozental
Sbastien Cazenove
Second-class citizen
Second Class Citizen (book)
Seebad Katzensee
Sekai Nzenza
Semyon Gudzenko
Senior Citizens Party
Senior Citizens Partylist
Senna wislizeni
Senzeni Na?
Serge Aleksandrovich Zenkovsky
Sergei Zenjov
Sergey Glazenap
Srgio Rezende
Services and Citizens' Party
Sex and Zen
Sex and Zen II
Sezen Aksu
Shah Razen Said
Shake's Frozen Custard
Sheko and Mezenger People's Democratic Unity Organization
Shelley H. Metzenbaum
Shepherds Find Zenobia on the Banks of the Araxes
Shinobido 2: Revenge of Zen
Shinzenkji Castle
Shizuka Gozen
Shklzen Doli
Shklzen Gashi
Shklzen Maliqi
Shklzen Rui
ShprintzenGoldberg syndrome
Shushrusha Citizens' Co-operative Hospital
Shuzenji, Shizuoka
Shuzen Tanigawa
Sigismund von Gtzen
Sigrid Lorenzen Rupp
Sigurd Lorentzen
Simon Muzenda
Simon Zenevisi
Sinan zen
Sister Citizen: Shame, Stereotypes, and Black Women in America
Si Zentner
Supia Nadbrzena
Supia Nadbrzena-Kolonia
S/mileage Best Album Kanzenban 1
SMS Szent Istvn
Sodium nonanoyloxybenzenesulfonate
Solar zenith angle
Solomon Herzenstein
Something New (Zendaya song)
Something to Say (Richie Kotzen album)
Sonoma Mountain Zen Center
Sorrowful Mother of Warfhuizen
So Shim Sa Zen Center
Ssuke Aizen
Sotekizan Korinzenji
Sources for Citizen Kane
South Carolina v. Katzenbach
Sovereign citizen movement
Soviet repressions of Polish citizens (19391946)
Spatial citizenship
Spitzen Leichtathletik Luzern
Spolenost s ruenm omezenm
Spolonos s ruenm obmedzenm
Sport in Wrzenia
Srzeniawa coat of arms
SS Empire Citizen
Staatliche Mnzen Baden-Wrttemberg
Stadion Schtzenmatte
Stadion Schtzenwiese
Stadion Wals-Siezenheim
Staging Point (Rozenfeld)
Stan Arnzen
Stanislava Hrozensk
Stanisaw Szenic
Stanisaw Zenon Zakrzewski
Stara Brzenica
Stara Korzeniwka
Star Citizen
Stare Brzeno
Star Hrozenkov
Star Plzenec
Stautzenberger College
St. Casimir the Prince Church, Wrzenia
Stefanie Dijkhuizen
Stefan Rozental
Stefan Szende
Stefan Zeniuk
Steffen Lauritzen
Stphanie Mbanzendore
Stephen Chazen
Stephen Van Huizen
Sternotomis kuntzeni
Steven Goertzen
Steven Izenour
Steve Pieczenik
Steve Zenchuk
Stian Sivertzen
St. Lorenzen
Stolzenfels Castle
Stowarzyszenie Harcerstwa Katolickiego Zawisza
St Senara's Church, Zennor
Stuart E. Eizenstat
Studienzentrum Weikersheim
Studien zu Fundmnzen der Antike
Suizen-ji Jju-en
Sula (Mezen)
SunDog: Frozen Legacy
Super Citizen Ko
Suresh v Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration)
Susan Christine O'Meara Getzendanner
Susanne Zenor
Szen v Zehnacker Gebaeudereingung GmbH
Suzuka Gozen
Sven (Frozen)
Sveti Vid, Vuzenica
Svet v ohrozen
Swartzentruber Amish
Swedish Senior Citizen Interest Party
Sydney Cozens
Szenen aus dem Leben der Heiligen Johanna
Szentendre Island
Szentesi VK
Szentesi VSC 91-esek Rgbi Szakosztly
Szentgotthrd Abbey
Szent-Gyrgyi Prize for Progress in Cancer Research
Szent Istvn University
Szent Lszl Gimnzium
Szent Lszl Infantry Division
Szentlrinci AC
Szentlrinci SE
Szentmarjay Tibor Vrosi Stadion
Szigetszentmiklsi TK
Tabula Rasa (Einstrzende Neubauten album)
Tange Sazen
Tanja Szewczenko
Tanzenberg Castle
Tarzan Woltzen
Tassajara Zen Mountain Center
Tel Aviv Zen Center
Tell Zenoub
Terneuzense Boys
Tessin bei Boizenburg
Tetrazene explosive
Thai Citizen Party
The Battle Over Citizen Kane
The Bay Citizen
The Book of Urizen
The Brazen Beauty
The Citizen
The Citizen (Auburn)
The Citizen (Cumberland)
The Citizen (film)
The Citizen (Laconia)
The Citizen List
The Citizens' Voice
The Citizens Campaign
The Citizens Foundation
The Citizen (South African newspaper)
The Citizen (Vermont)
The Columbus Citizen-Journal
The Compass of Zen
The Concerns of a Citizen
The Daily Citizen
The Daily Citizen (Dalton, Georgia)
The Dirty Dozen
The Dirty Dozen (album)
The Dirty Dozen: Next Mission
The Distinguished Citizen
The Dozens
The Fang (frozen waterfall)
The Frozen Autumn
The Frozen Borderline 19681970
The Frozen Child
The Frozen Dead
The Frozen Dead (TV series)
The Frozen Deep
The Frozen Ground
The Frozen Hours
The Frozen Logger
The Frozen North
The Frozen Policeman
The Frozen Tears of Angels
The Gonzales Weekly Citizen
The Gorzen
The Harkin Institute for Public Policy & Citizen Engagement
The Institute for Citizens & Scholars
The Katzenjammer Kids
The life of the Saints of Zalka Zsihovics Debreczeni
The Man of Maybe Half-a-Dozen Faces
The Michigan Citizen
Theodora Kantakouzene (wife of Alexios IV of Trebizond)
Theodora Kantakouzene (wife of Orhan)
Theophilus Cazenove
The Party to Protect Citizens from NHK
The Police Serve the Citizens?
The Prince George Citizen
The Prisoner of Zenda
The Prisoner of Zenda (1979 film)
The Prisoner of Zenda (disambiguation)
Therese Zenz
The Rockdale Citizen
The Story of Frozen: Making a Disney Animated Classic
The Zen of CSS Design
Third National Assembly at Troezen
Thomas Autzen
Thomas de Zengotita
Thomas J. Autzen House
Thomas Kantakouzenos
Thomas Oosthuizen
Thomas Zeng Jing-mu
Thopia Zenevisi
Three Regentesses and the Binnenmoeder of the Leprozenhuis of Amsterdam
Throat lozenge
Thysania zenobia
Time for Citizenship
Timeline of the governorship of Ezenwo Nyesom Wike
Times & Citizen
Tim Folzenlogen
Tizen Association
Tobias El Khazen
Tky Zenryoku Shjo
Tom Barkhuizen
Tomb of Marquis Yi of Zeng
Tomoe Gozen
Tomoe Zenimoto Hvas
Tom van den Nieuwenhuijzen
Tom Zenk
Tony Arzenta
Tony Ezenna
Torkil Lauritzen
Trkszentmiklsi KE
Toronto Zen Centre
Toshiko Akiyoshi Trio, 1980 In Rikuzentakata
To the Polls, Citizens
Tour Meles Zenawi
Tracy Lazenby
Trans-1,2-dihydrobenzene-1,2-diol dehydrogenase
Treasure of Nagyszentmikls
Treaties of Bautzen and Merseburg
Treen, Zennor
Tricolour Citizens' Movement
Trine Bentzen
Triplophysa herzensteini
Trzeniw, Lubusz Voivodeship
Trzeniw, Podkarpackie Voivodeship
Tucson Citizen
Tungku Landless Indigenous Citizens' Housing Scheme Area 1
Tungku Landless Indigenous Citizens' Housing Scheme Area 2
Trker zenba
Tutti Frutti Frozen Yogurt
Two Dozen and One Greyhounds
Typisch Schrzenjger
Tyzenhaus Palace
Tyzen Hsiao
Tzena, Tzena, Tzena
Tzeni Karezi
Uelzen (district)
Uesugi Zensh
UFC on ESPN: Ngannou vs. Rozenstruik
UFC on ESPN: Overeem vs. Rozenstruik
Ulitsa Sergeya Eyzenshteyna
Ulrich Jasper Seetzen
Ulrich Vinzents
Umut Szen
Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer
Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act
Union of Citizens of Georgia
Union of Democrats for Citizenship and Development
Union of Russian Citizens
Unique citizenship number
Unique Master Citizen Number
Univers Zen ou de zro zro
Unzen-Amakusa National Park
Unzen, Nagasaki
Upaya Institute and Zen Center
Upright Citizens Brigade
Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre
User:Daniel Mietchen/Talks/Zentrum fr Europische Wirtschaftsforschung 2013
User:Daniel Mietchen/Talks/Zentrum fr Europische Wirtschaftsforschung 2013/Interaction between Wikimedia and the Research Community
USNS Bruce C. Heezen (T-AGS-64)
USNS Howard O. Lorenzen (T-AGM-25)
USS Zenda (SP-688)
USS Zenith (SP-61)
USS Zenobia (AKA-52)
Utsunomiya Blitzen
tvar rychlho nasazen
zengili, Bayburt
zengilik, ereflikohisar
Uzen Province
Valrie Zenatti
Valley Zendo
Valvasone Arzene
Van Boshuizenstraat tram stop
Van Deurzen
Vandzene Parish
Vn Hnh Zen Temple
VC Zenit-Kazan
Veenhuizen, Coevorden
Veenhuizen, Noordenveld
Veenhuizen, North Holland
Veldhuizen (disambiguation)
Veldhuizen, Gelderland
Veldhuyzen van Zanten
Vctor Garca Garzena
Viktor Gruzenkin
Viktoria Borzenkova
Viktor Pynzenyk
Viktor Szentpteri
Vilhelm Lauritzen Architects
Village of Schaumburg v. Citizens for a Better Environment
Vilma Rudzenskait
Vinzenz Dittrich
Vinzenz Eduard Milde
Vinzenz Fischer
Vinzenz Fux
Vinzenz Hck
Vinzenz Hrtnagl
Vinzenz Lachner
Vinzenz Lps
Vinzenz Maria Gredler
Vinzenz Rttimann
Vinzenz Schttl
Visa requirements for Abkhazian citizens
Visa requirements for Afghan citizens
Visa requirements for Argentine citizens
Visa requirements for Armenian citizens
Visa requirements for Artsakh citizens
Visa requirements for Bahraini citizens
Visa requirements for Bangladeshi citizens
Visa requirements for Belarusian citizens
Visa requirements for Brazilian citizens
Visa requirements for British citizens
Visa requirements for British Overseas citizens
Visa requirements for British Overseas Territories citizens
Visa requirements for Canadian citizens
Visa requirements for Chinese citizens
Visa requirements for Chinese citizens of Hong Kong
Visa requirements for Chinese citizens of Macau
Visa requirements for citizens of Luxembourg
Visa requirements for citizens of North Macedonia
Visa requirements for Danish citizens
Visa requirements for Democratic Republic of the Congo citizens
Visa requirements for Djiboutian citizens
Visa requirements for Dominican Republic citizens
Visa requirements for East Timorese citizens
Visa requirements for Emirati citizens
Visa requirements for European Union citizens
Visa requirements for German citizens
Visa requirements for Honduran citizens
Visa requirements for Icelandic citizens
Visa requirements for Indian citizens
Visa requirements for Israeli citizens
Visa requirements for Kazakhstani citizens
Visa requirements for Kosovan citizens
Visa requirements for Latvian citizens
Visa requirements for Marshall Islands citizens
Visa requirements for Mexican citizens
Visa requirements for Mongasque citizens
Visa requirements for Mongolian citizens
Visa requirements for Myanmar citizens
Visa requirements for Nauruan citizens
Visa requirements for Philippine citizens
Visa requirements for Polish citizens
Visa requirements for Romanian citizens
Visa requirements for Saint Lucian citizens
Visa requirements for Sammarinese citizens
Visa requirements for Saudi citizens
Visa requirements for Serbian citizens
Visa requirements for Singaporean citizens
Visa requirements for Slovenian citizens
Visa requirements for South Korean citizens
Visa requirements for South Ossetian citizens
Visa requirements for Taiwanese citizens
Visa requirements for Turkish citizens
Visa requirements for Uruguayan citizens
Visa requirements for Uzbekistani citizens
Visa requirements for Yemeni citizens
Visa requirements for Zambian citizens
Volha Khudzenka
Volume 1: Frozen Ropes and Dying Quails
Von Hertzen Brothers
Vranduk (Zenica)
Vulcaniella schultzendorffi
Waldbach (Grzenicher Bach)
Walid Khazen
Walt Ditzen
Wang Zeng
Wang Zengqi
Wang Zengyi
Wantagh Herald Citizen
Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne
Was geschah, nachdem Nora ihren Mann verlassen hatte; oder Sttzen der Gesellschaften
Watch Me (Bella Thorne and Zendaya song)
Water towers in Wrzenia
Wayne Huizenga
Wazena of Axum
W. Chris Wozencraft
Weis (frozen foods company)
Weienbach bei Liezen
Weitzenbck's inequality
Weitzenbck identity
Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts
Wellington Citizens' Association
Welverdiend, Ehlanzeni
W. E. Metzenthin
Westdeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale v Islington LBC
We, the Citizens!
We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution
White Citizens Parties
White Wind Zen Community
Who We Are: A Citizen's Manifesto
Wilczeniec Fabiaski
Wiler bei Utzenstorf
Willem Coertzen
Willem Hofhuizen
Willem van de Sande Bakhuyzen
William Babcock Hazen
William Buzenberg
William C. Cozzens
William Cozens-Hardy, 2nd Baron Cozens-Hardy
William Frantzen
William Garcs of Fzensac
William Knutzen
William Lazenby
William T. Zenor
Willi Mnzenberg
Wislizenia refracta
Wissenschaftlicher Katholischer Studentenverein Unitas Stolzenfels zu Bonn
Witw, Gmina Burzenin
Witzenberg Local Municipality
Wola Brzeniowska
Wonder Showzen
World Citizen (EP)
World Citizenship Award
World Senior Citizen's Day
Woskrzenice Due
Woskrzenice Mae
Wozencraft ensemble
Wrzenia children strike
Wrzenia (disambiguation)
Wrzenia, Masovian Voivodeship
Wrzenia, witokrzyskie Voivodeship
Wurzen Pass
Xerocrassa seetzeni
Xia Zengyou
Xu Enzeng
Xu Zengcai
Xyza Diazen
Yamana Szen
Yandex Zen
Yangjae Citizens' Forest
Yangju Citizen FC
Yang Zengxin
Yasuda Zenjir
Yekaterina Rozenberg
Yengus Azenaw
Yeni Dzen
Yeoju Citizen FC
Yico Zeng
Yiit zener
Yizenia Aldama
Yochi Dreazen
Yokoji Zen Mountain Center
Yongin Citizen FC
Yongin Citizen Sports Park
Young Citizen Volunteers
Yuri Gidzenko
Zawieszenie dzwonu Zygmunta
Zazen Boys
Zazen Xstasy
Zedazeni Monastery
Zena Sahel
Zen 2
Zen (2007 film)
Zen (2009 film)
Zen 3
Zena's brush-furred rat
Zenab Issa Oki Soumane
Zena Cardman
Zena Dare
Zena El Khalil
Zenaga language
Zenaida and Philonella
Zenaida dove
Zenaida doves
Zenaida Manfugs
Zenaida Monsada
Zenaida Yanowsky
Zenaida Ybaez-Chavez
Zenaide Maia
Zenair CH 100
Zenair CH 150
Zenair CH 180
Zenair CH 200
Zenair CH 300
Zenair CH 640
Zenair Zipper
Zena McNally
Zenana missions
Zenande Mfenyana
Zen and the Art of Consciousness
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Zen and the Art of Murder
Zen and the Brain
Zenani Mandela-Dlamini
Zena, Oklahoma
Zena, Oregon
Zen Arcade
Zenarchopterus dispar
Zenas Bliss
Zenas Coffin
Zenas Ferry Moody
Zena Sheardown
Zenas H. Gurley Sr.
Zenas the Lawyer
Zenas Work Bliss
Zenata Messali El Hadj Airport
Zena Tessensohn
Zenatia acinaces
Zenati languages
Zenati myotis
Zena Tooze
Zenbee Mizoguchi
Zen Bound
Zenbu Media
Zenbu! Petitmoni
Zen Caf
Zen Cart
Zen center
Zen Center of Syracuse
Zen Centre
Zen Chong
Zench Nakahara
Zenda (film)
Zenda, Kansas
Zenda Liess
Zenda, Wisconsin
Zendaya (album)
Zend (company)
Zendeh Jan
Zendeh Jan District
Zendeh Qul
Zendeh Rood (talk show)
Zend Engine
Zen (department store)
Zend Framework
Zendian problem
Zen (disambiguation)
Zend Server
Zend Studio
Zendtijd voor Politieke Partijen
Zenel Gjoleka
Zene Mindenki mskpp csinlja
Zener cards
Zener diode
Zener effect
ZenerHollomon parameter
Zenescope Entertainment
Zenevisi family
Zeny van der Walt
ZenFi Networks
Zen (first generation microarchitecture)
Zen From Mars
Zengana (disambiguation)
Zenga Zenga
Zeng Bing
Zeng Cheng
Zengcheng District
Zeng Chunlei
Zeng Dian
Zengdu District
Zengena Lake
Zeng Fanren
Zeng Fengnian
Zeng Guofan
Zeng Guoqiang
Zeng Guoquan
Zeng Guoyuan
Zenghu Chang
Zengid dynasty
Zengisa Acra
Zeng Jian
Zeng Jingsheng
Zeng Jize
Zeng Junchen
Zeng Keni & Liu Lingzi
Zeng Meilan
Zeng Motorsport
Zengo Yoshida
Zeng Peiyan
Zeng Pu
Zeng Qi
Zeng Qiliang
Zeng Qinghong
Zeng Qinghong (born 1962)
Zeng Rongsheng
Zen Group of Western Australia
Zeng Shaoxuan
Zeng Shunxi
Zeng Sini
Zeng Siqi
Zen Guerrilla
Zengwen Dam
Zeng Xiaoye
Zeng Xisheng
Zeng Xueming
Zeng Yan
Zeng Yanfen
Zeng Yangfu
Zeng Yi (painter)
Zeng Yong
Zeng Zhaolun
Zeng Zhen
Zen Habits
Zenia (plant)
Zeniarai Benzaiten Ugafuku Shrine
Zenia Stampe
Zenica-Doboj Canton
Zenica prison
Zenicomus photuroides
Zenigata Heiji
Zeni Geba
Zeni Geva
Zeni (letter)
ZeniMax Media
ZeniMax Online Studios
ZeniMax v. Oculus
Zen Internet
Zen in the Art of Archery
Zenit (album)
Zenit (camera)
Zenit ozi
Zenith Aircraft Company
Zenith Albatross Z-12
Zenithal hourly rate
Zenith Bank
Zenith Brass
Zenith camera
Zenith Carburettor Company (British)
Zenith (comics)
Zenith Data Systems
Zenith (disambiguation)
Zenith Electronics
Zenith Flash-matic
Zenith Foundation
Zenith Gallery
Zenith Gemini CH-620
Zenith Insurance Company
Zenith Jones Brown
Zenith (magazine)
Zenith Minisport
Zenith Myllypuro
Zenith, North Dakota
Zenith number
Zenith of Iron Age Shetland
Zenith Oilfield Technology
Zenith Plateau
Zenith Productions
Zenith Radio Corp. v. Hazeltine Research, Inc.
Zenith Solar
Zenith Star
Zenith STOL CH 701
Zenith STOL CH 801
Zenith telescope
Zenith University College
Zenith (watchmaker)
Zenith Z-100
Zenith Z-6
Zenith Z-89
Zenit News Agency
Zenit (rocket family)
Zenit (Saint Petersburg Metro)
Zenit (satellite)
Zenit (sports society)
Zeniya Gohei
Zenji Okuzawa
Zenjir Horikiri
Zenjiro Watanabe
Zen Judaism: For You a Little Enlightenment
Zen Kajihara
Zenker's diverticulum
Zenker's fixative
Zenker's fruit bat
Zenker's honeyguide
Zenker's turaco
Zenker's worm snake
Zenkerella (plant)
Zenk-ji (disambiguation)
Zenk-ji (Gifu)
Zenkoku Kk Soccer
Zenkoku Kk Soccer 2
Zenk Suzuki
Zenmaro Toki
Zen master
Zen (microarchitecture)
Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind
Zen Mountain Monastery
Zenna Henderson
Zen Nihon kend renmei Jd
Zen Nippon Kend Renmei Iaid
Zenn Kyi
ZENN Motor Company
Zennyo Ry
Zeno's Conscience
Zeno's paradoxes
Zenoah G-25
Zenoah G-50
Zenoa picea
Zenob Glak
Zenobia (1836 ship)
Zenobia (ballet)
Zenobia Camprub
Zenobia cassinefolia
Zenobia (film)
Zenobia, Illinois
Zenobia of Armenia
Zenobia (plant)
Zenobia pulverulenta
Zenobia speciosa
Zenobiella subrufescens
Zenobios and Zenobia
Zeno (bishop of Mrida)
Zenobius Membre
Zenobius of Florence
Zeno brothers
Zeno Bundea
Zeno Clash
Zeno Clash 2
Zeno Col
Zeno (consul 448)
Zeno (crater)
Zenodochium monopetali
Zenodochium polyphagum
Zenodochium sostra
Zenodochium xylophagum
Zenodorus (son of Lysanias)
Zenodorus (spider)
Zeno (emperor)
Zeno family
Zeno Fernndez
Zen of Python
Zen of Screaming
Zeno J. Rives
Zeno machine
Zeno map
Zeno (name)
Zenonas Jukneviius
Zenon Caravella
Zenon C.R. Hansen
Zenn de Somodevilla, 1st Marquess of Ensenada
Zenon de Souza Farias
ZENON Environmental
Zenone Veronese
Zenn Franco Ocampos
Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century
Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century (film)
Zenon Grocholewski
Zenonia (butterfly)
Zenonia zeno
Zenon Ivanovich Borevich
Zenon Jaskua
Zenon J. Pudlowski
Zenon Kazimierz Wysouch
Zenon Kohut
Zenon Kulpa
Zenon Labauve Jr.
Zenon Licznerski
Zenon Maysko
Zenn Martnez Garca
Zenon Mazurkevich
Zenn Noriega Agero
Zenon of Kaunos
Zenon Park, Saskatchewan
Zenon Pi
Zenn Roln
Zenon Rycki
Zenon witosawski
Zenon: The Zequel
Zenon Waraszkiewicz
Zenon Wany
Zenon Winiewski
Zenon: Z3
Zeno of Citium
Zeno of Elea
Zeno of Verona
Zeno (periodical)
Zenophleps alpinata
Zenopolis (Isauria)
Zenopolis (Lycia)
Zeno (programming language)
Zeno Roth
Zenos Cars
Zenoss Core
Zeno Vendler
Zenovie Pclianu
Zeno von Singalewicz
ZEN (Palermo)
Zen Peacemakers
Zen Pinball
Zen (portable media player)
ZEN (professional wrestling)
ZenQuest Martial Arts Center
Zenra-hoku Prefecture
Zenra-nan Prefecture
Zen ranks and hierarchy
Zenry Shimabukuro
Zensaku Motegi
Zensar Technologies
Zen scriptures
Zensho Holdings
Zenshuji Soto Misson
Zen (software)
Zen Studies Society
Zenta Gastl-Kopp
Zenta Mauria
Zentaro Kamei
Zentar Kosaka
Zentatsu Richard Baker
Zentene Parish
Zen the Intergalactic Ninja
Zentner (surname)
Zentralbetriebsrat der Landeskrankenhuser Tirols
Zentralbibliothek Zrich
Zentralblatt MATH
Zentral-Dombauverein zu Kln von 1842
Zentraler Omnibusbahnhof Berlin
Zentraler Omnibusbahnhof Mnchen
Zentrale Untersttzungsgruppe Zoll
Zentralfriedhof Friedrichsfelde
Zentralinstitut fr Kunstgeschichte
Zentralstadion (1956)
Zentralstelle fr Kreditinformation
Zentralverband der deutschen Konsumgenossenschaften
Zen Tricksters
Zentrum fr Biodokumentation
Zentrum fr Europische Wirtschaftsforschung
Zentrum fr Migrationskirchen
Zentrum fr soziale Entwicklung und Selbsthilfe Perspektive
Zentrum Paul Klee
Zentsji, Kagawa
Zentsji, Kagawa (town)
Zentsji, Kagawa (village)
Zentveld & Oomen
Zen (TV series)
ZEN Vision:M
ZEN Vision W
Zenvo Automotive
Zenvo ST1
Zenvo TS1 GT
Zenyatta Mondatta
Zenyatta Mondatta Tour
Zenyatta Stakes
Zen yoga
Zenza do Itombe
Zenz Kasai
Zenzo Matsuyama
Zenzontepec Chatino
Zenzo Shimizu
Zevenhuizen, Bunschoten
Zevenhuizen, Kaag en Braassem
Zevenhuizen, Tytsjerksteradiel
Zevenhuizen, Zuidplas
Zhanaozen massacre
Zhang Shaozeng
Zimna Brzenica
Zinzendorf (surname)
Zoltn Szenes
Zsuzsa Szentmiklssy
Zum schwarzen Ferkel
Zygmunt Szendzielarz

convenience portal:
recent: Section Maps - index table - favorites
Savitri -- Savitri extended toc
Savitri Section Map -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
authors -- Crowley - Peterson - Borges - Wilber - Teresa - Aurobindo - Ramakrishna - Maharshi - Mother
places -- Garden - Inf. Art Gallery - Inf. Building - Inf. Library - Labyrinth - Library - School - Temple - Tower - Tower of MEM
powers -- Aspiration - Beauty - Concentration - Effort - Faith - Force - Grace - inspiration - Presence - Purity - Sincerity - surrender
difficulties -- cowardice - depres. - distract. - distress - dryness - evil - fear - forget - habits - impulse - incapacity - irritation - lost - mistakes - obscur. - problem - resist - sadness - self-deception - shame - sin - suffering
practices -- Lucid Dreaming - meditation - project - programming - Prayer - read Savitri - study
subjects -- CS - Cybernetics - Game Dev - Integral Theory - Integral Yoga - Kabbalah - Language - Philosophy - Poetry - Zen
6.01 books -- KC - ABA - Null - Savitri - SA O TAOC - SICP - The Gospel of SRK - TIC - The Library of Babel - TLD - TSOY - TTYODAS - TSZ - WOTM II
8 unsorted / add here -- Always - Everyday - Verbs

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last updated: 2022-05-07 10:03:15
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