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Wealth and Government


Money is not meant to make money, money is meant to make the earth ready for the advent of the new creation.

It is to the Divine that all riches belong. It is the Divine who lends them to living beings, and it is to Him that they must naturally return.

Wealth under the psychic influence: wealth ready to return to its true possessor, the Divine.


Wealth and Government

A day shall come when all the wealth of this world, freed at last from the enslavement to the antidivine forces, offers itself spontaneously and fully to the service of the Divines Work upon earth.1
6 January 1955

Give all you are, all you have; nothing more is asked of you but also nothing less.1
6 January 1956

True wealth is that which one offers to the Divine.

You are rich only by the money that you give to the Divine

30 January 1959

You are richer with the wealth you give than with the wealth you keep in your possession.

(Message for the First Annual Conference of the Sri
Aurobindo Society)
The true fortune is to spend in the right way.

You become truly rich when you dispose of your wealth in the best possible way.

February 1962

Distri buted on the Feast of the Epiphany, which the Mother designated as the festival of the offering of the material world to the Divine.


Words of the Mother III

Prosperity stays consistently only with him who offers it to the

Unselfish prosperity: he who receives it abundantly, gives all that he has as he receives it.

Generosity gives and gives itself without bargaining.

Let money come and go in abundance for good works.

To me any activity is more important than its cost to me, even if the cost is unreasonable. Money should never be the criterion for such decisions. If we say we cant have something because of its cost, we limit our receptivity to the Grace and hamper its workings. Money is only a medium of exchange, it is all relative and the Divine resources are inexhaustible. Is this attitude a correct one?
You are quite right and I approve of your attitude.

* *
Never mix in your thought spiritual power and money because it leads straight to catastrophe.

A gift made through vanity is profitable neither to the giver nor to the receiver.


Wealth and Government

I wanted to make him understand and experience that the thought, the feeling and the force that is in a gift is much more important and valuable than the thing given itself.

A practical problem comes up more and more often: should one who is preparing to do Yoga and has made it a general rule to offer You everything and depend entirely on You, accept gifts, in money or kind, coming from others? Because if he accepts, he is put under personal obligations and duties. Can a sadhak allow this? Can he say to himself: The Divine has many ways of giving?
What is to be done if a person begins to quarrel because one has accepted a gift in one case and refused in another? What is to be done to avoid such bitterness around one, provoked by repeated refusals?
The Divine has many ways of giving.
This is the correct thing. One never has any obligation to anybody, one has an obligation only to the Divine and there totally. When a gift is made without conditions, one can always take it as coming from the Divine and leave it to the Divine to take care of what is needed in exchange or response.

As for ill-will, jealousy, quarrels and reproaches, one must sincerely be above all that and reply with a benevolent smile to the bitterest words; and unless one is absolutely sure of himself and his reactions, it would be better, as a general rule, to keep silent.

6 October 1960

People say, God is the friend of the poor, but it seems wrong and false. God is the friend of the rich. We do not know what place we have.

To the rich God gives money, but to the poor He gives Himself.


Words of the Mother III

All depends on the poor giving more value to the riches or to

22 August 1964

The financiers and businessmen have been offered the possibility to collaborate with the future, but most of them refuse, convinced that the power of money is stronger than that of the future.

But the future will crush them with its irresistible power.

* *
In this material world, for men, money is more sacred than the
Divines Will.

12 March 1965

Greed for money: the surest way to decrease ones conscience and to narrow ones nature.

I am not for getting interest on money.

I dabbled in stocks and shares a little, but came a cropper.

The speculation I carried on for a while has burnt quite a hole in my pocket. I really wish I hadnt. Are you dead against speculation?
You ought to know that I do not approve at all of speculation
but what is done is done.

17 December 1939


Wealth and Government

Does the economic condition of a man become stable with the betterment of his consciousness?
If betterment of consciousness means an increased, enlarged consciousness, a better organisation of it, then as a result there should naturally be a greater control of outward things (including the economic condition). But also, naturally when one has a better consciousness one is less preoccupied with such things as ones economic condition.

Solution of the economic problem:
Arriving at the synthesis of two problems:
(1) adjusting the production to the needs;
(2) adjusting the needs to the production.

One must be able to control oneself before one can hope to govern others.

1) To have complete control over oneself is the indispensable condition for controlling others.

2) To have no preferences, not to like one and to dislike the other to be equal with everybody.

3) To be patient and enduring.

Also to speak only what is quite indispensable and nothing more.

March 1954


Words of the Mother III

One takes seriously what is said by those whose lives are governed by reason; but how can one attach any importance to the so-called decisions made by those who are actually the playthings of their whimsical impulses?
Idea: essential for all organisers; on its quality depends the quality of the organisation.

It is easier to suppress than to organise, but the true order is far superior to suppression.

30 June 1954

Organisation and discipline are the necessary basis for all realisation.

To know how to comm and well, one must first know how to obey well.

Only he who knows how to obey is capable of governing.

In their ordinary consciousness, human beings cannot tolerate any authority, however legitimate, if it is exercised over them by somebody whom they believe to be on the same level as themselves.

On the other hand, for human authority to be legitimately exercised over others, it must be enlightened, impartial and unegoistic to the extent that nobody can reasonably challenge its value.



Wealth and Government


To those whose work is to govern or to lead.

When you want to please the people, you let things go as they are, waiting for Nature to impose her progress upon man. But this is not the truth of the creation. The true mission of man is to impose his progress on Nature.

2 December 1954

He only who has a perfect sense of true justice can claim the right to be obeyed.

When I say that the wise should govern the world, I am not taking a political point of view but a spiritual one.

The various forms of government can stay as they are; that is only of secondary importance. But whatever the social status of the men in power, they should receive their inspiration from those who have realised the Truth and have no other will than that of the Supreme.

17 September 1959


Words of the Mother III

Remain in politics and try to bring Truth into politics. It is a very sure way towards effective spirituality.

Completely give up this ordinary vulgar political practice of publicly abusing people either in speech or writing. One should wage a war of ideas so that the truth may triumph, not a war of personalities.

Sweet Mother,
In connection with the Youth Camps2 You have said that we should not discuss politics.

In this connection I pray for some more specific guidance from You, Douce Mere, not only for us at the
Youth Camps, but generally for us who go around the country giving talks on Sri Aurobindos Action....

So far, we have considered Politics as consisting of any movement, including intrigue and malpractice, to arrive at dominance either of oneself or of ones party over others. In this, one has to hold that ones own view or ideology is true and that of others is wrong.

This politics we must completely avoid. Is it not so?

But Sri Aurobindo has dealt with such matters from a very high viewpoint in which He has seen what is true in each approach or each ideology and has shown the way towards a true integration of all these partial truths into a real synthesis. If we can learn from Him and follow
Seminars, lasting several days, for the study of the works of Sri Aurobindo and the


Wealth and Government

His way then we can truly deal with such topics and need not avoid them. Are we correct in our understanding and approach?

When we have to answer specific questions on such matters as Bank Nationalisation, Privy Purses, Press Bill etc., then, unless we have had already direct and specific replies from Sri Aurobindo or You, our answer has been that all these actions are only arrangements on the surface and, therefore, by themselves cannot solve the basic problems they try to solve. It is only by a change of consciousness or, at least, by the aspiration for the truth and the resultant opening to a change of consciousness that such specific problems can be really solved. Because whatever is the form of any arrangement or scheme, it has to be implemented by people. If the people continue to remain in darkness and falsehood, then no arrangement or scheme, however fine it may appear to be, can succeed.

So, there is only one solution to all problems; that given by You to obey the Eternal Truth alone and live according to Truth.

Is this answer correct and sufficient?
Yes. True.

On certain issues where You or Sri Aurobindo have given direct answers, we also are specific, as for instance on the point of the Unity of India and Pakistan being a
Truth without which problems like Bangla Desh cannot be resolved or on the language issue where You have said for the country that (1) The regional language should be

Words of the Mother III
the medium of instruction, (2) Sanskrit should be the national language, (3) English should be the international language.

Are we correct in giving these replies to such questions?


Talk little, be true, act sincerely.

4 October 1971

To think that communism is the Truth is to make the same error as all religious fanaticism and puts communism on the same level as all other religions... very far from the Truth.

Message to America
Stop thinking that you are of the West and others of the East.

All human beings are of the same divine origin and meant to manifest upon earth the unity of this origin.

4 August 1949

The earth will enjoy a lasting and living peace only when men understand that they must be truthful and sincere even in their international dealings.

For the Governments honesty lies not only in saying what they are doing but also in doing what they say.


Wealth and Government

If diplomacy could become the instrument of the Truth and the
Divine Grace, instead of being based on duplicity and falsehood, a big step would be taken towards human unity and harmony.

15 April 1955

About Peace
It is only by the growth and establishment of the consciousness of human unity, that a true and lasting peace can be achieved upon earth. All means leading towards this goal are welcome, although the external ones have a very limited effect; however, the most important, urgent and indispensable of all, is a transformation of the human consciousness itself, an enlightenment of and conversion in its working.

Meanwhile some exterior steps may be taken usefully, and the acceptance of the principle of double nationality is one of them. The main objection to it has always been the awkward position in which those who have adopted a double nationality would be in case the two countries were at war.

But all those who sincerely want peace must understand that to think of war, to speak of war, to foresee war is to open the door to it.

On the contrary, the larger the number of people who have a vital interest in the abolition of war, the more effective the chances towards a stable peace, until the advent of a new consciousness in man makes of war an impossibility.

24 April 1955

Shake off all narrowness, selfishness, limitations, and wake up to the consciousness of Human Unity. This is the only way to achieve peace and harmony.

May 1955


Words of the Mother III

Speak to us at the level of the nations.

Alas! If I did it would not be from a very high level!
The nations, as yet, do not seem ready to listen to any true spiritual message.

11 May 1957

On the ingratitude of nations:
It takes nobility of character not to resent someone who does you good.

(Message for the First World Conference of the Sri Aurobindo Society)
The future of the earth depends on a change of consciousness.

The only hope for the future is in a change of mans consciousness and the change is bound to come.

But it is left to men to decide if they will collaborate for this change or if it will have to be enforced upon them by the power of crashing circumstances.

So, wake up and collaborate!

August 1964

(Mother gave the following questions for discussion by the Conference participants, and her own answers.)
How can humanity become one?
By becoming conscious of its origin.


Wealth and Government

What is the way of making the consciousness of human unity grow in man?
Spiritual education, that is to say an education which gives more importance to the growth of the spirit than to any religious or moral teaching or to the material so-called knowledge.

What is a change of consciousness?
A change of consciousness is equivalent to a new birth, a birth into a higher sphere of existence.

How can a change of consciousness change the life upon earth?
A change in human consciousness will make possible the manifestation upon earth of a higher Force, a purer Light, a more total Truth.

August 1964

Nothing but a radical change of consciousness can save humanity from the terrible plight into which it is plunged.

All the so-called practical means are a childishness by which men blind themselves so as not to see the true need and sole remedy.

What is the right way of achieving lasting world unity?
To realise the Consciousness of the ONE.

13 October 1965


Words of the Mother III

(Message for the Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary set of photographs and messages, issued by the Sri Aurobindo
Society and sent to the embassies of many nations)
A new world, based on Truth and refusing the old slavery to falsehood, wants to take birth.

In all countries there are people who know it, at least feel it.

To them we call:
Will you collaborate?3

The World is a unity it has always been, and it is always so, even now it is so it is not that it has not got the unity and the unity has to be brought in from outside and imposed upon it.

Only the world is not conscious of its unity. It has to be made conscious.

We consider now is the time most propitious for the endeavour.

For, a new Force or Consciousness or Light whatever you call the new element has manifested into the world and the world has now the capacity to become conscious of its own unity.

25 March 1960

You are quite right. Old methods cannot do for this new work.

Not only a new consciousness must be firmly established but

The Mother signed the original French manuscript: La Mere, Sri Aurobindo
Ashram, Pondichery.

World Union, founded in November 1958, is a charitable society primarily working for human unity and world peace on a spiritual foundation and is inspired in its work by Sri Aurobindos book The Ideal of Human Unity.


Wealth and Government
also a new process must be found before anything truly effective can be done.

15 January 1961

To those concerned with World Union work
All your differences are purely mental, and, in spite of the great importance you seem to give to them, they are, in fact, of very little importance, and could easily be overcome if each one made a broadening effort and understood that what he thinks is only one point of view of the question, and that any attempt for effectivity must admit the other points of view as well and try to make a synthesis of them all.

Otherwise, whatever is the quality of your intellect, you are hopelessly narrow and limited. This applies to everybody who has not realised the supramental consciousness and crossed to the upper hemisphere.

You will all work together harmoniously and happily, forgetting your differences, and each one thinking only of doing his own work as well as he can and according to his own conception, but tacitly recognising the validity of the others conceptions and accepting the necessity of a synthesis.

6 April 1961

Do not divide what is one. Both science and spirituality have the same goal the Supreme Divinity. The only difference between them is that the latter knows it and the other not.

December 1962

As I told you already World Union is an outward movement for those who need an outward activity and organisation to give a more concrete reality to their faith.


Words of the Mother III

It is an ideal activity for those who want to harmonise humanity as it is, in order to make it ready for a future integral progress.

Some others a few lay more stress on the inner individual preparation and progress they are the forerunners who show the way to the world. These must not be pulled out of their concentration and must remain sympathetic witnesses of World
Union, but not active participants.

1 July 1963

Gracious Mother, we need Your guidance which will enable us to remain faithful to our aspiration while we work with people whose way of work may not necessarily be consistent with our aspiration and on occasions may be divergent from it. Kindly give us a guiding principle.

Here is my definition which can serve also as a motto and a programme.

A world union based on the fact of human unity realising the truth of the Spirit.

With blessings.

April 1964

I want to tell you that from the higher vision, the whole world is advancing rapidly towards a radical change, and, if properly conducted, the World Union may have a special place in this change.

24 July 1964

Unity does not come from any exterior disposition, but by becoming conscious of the eternal Oneness.

12 August 1964


Wealth and Government

There is some truth behind all these theories, but none is perfect in itself.

A broad synthesis supple and progressive ought to be elaborated not in an arbitrary mental way, but by a living experience and an inner progress.

We start from what is existing at present with the will to advance towards a more perfect realisation.

October 1964

(Students of the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of
Education were invited to participate in a local symposium on 1965 International Cooperation Year.)
I have no objections to World Union, yourself and X joining the demonstration. I simply refused the participation of our students, because I do not believe in the usefulness of words spoken or written, when the worlds problems are concerned.

I insist on the fact that an inner effort to acquire oneself the consciousness of Unity and the consequent transformation of ones action is infinitely more effective than speeches and articles.

January 1965

The message written for Christmas was blocked for that very purpose. You must utilise it.

If you want peace upon earth, first establish peace in your heart.

If you want union in the world, first unify the different parts of your own being.

February 1965


Words of the Mother III

Do not attach too much importance to what is said. Words are only words and in each mind they take a different colouring.

February 1966

Prove to the World the possibility of Union by being united among yourselves.

19 February 1966

The unity of humanity is an underlying and existing fact.

But the external union of mankind depends on mans goodwill and sincerity.

12 August 1967

The power of division is unsteady and impermanent.

Union works for a steady power and a harmonious future.

25 April 1969

When men will be disgusted with the falsehood in which they live, then the world will be ready for the reign of the Truth.

14 August 1971

If you want union in the world, first unify the different parts of your own being.

17 December 1971

If you abolish in yourself the things that are wrong in the world, the world will no longer be wrong.

23 April 1972


Wealth and Government

We are at one of the hours of God as Sri Aurobindo puts it and the transforming evolution of the world has taken a hastened and intensified movement.

It is true that we are passing through a difficult period (we means the world) but those who remain steady will get out of it much stronger than before.

We are definitely not living at a time when men have been left to their own means.

The Divine has sent down His consciousness to enlighten them.

All who are able to do so, should profit by this.

Truth will conquer in spite of the turmoil.

Even within the confusion, there is the seed of the Divine order.

Inwardly things seem to be improving; outwardly a sort of disintegration seems to be at the door. Where do we stand?
In front of a beautiful realisation.


Words of the Mother III

Every day things seem to become worse. In truth we feel more and more disgusted with the old rotting world, and are more and more convinced of the necessity of founding, somewhere out of the well-trodden tracks, a new centre of life in which a new and truer light can be manifested, a new world no more based on selfish competitions and egoistic strife but on general and eager endeavours to promote the welfare, knowledge and progress of all a society based on spiritual aspiration instead of lust for money and material power.

What I see is the world of tomorrow, but the world of yesterday is still alive and will still live for some time. Let the old arrangements go on so long as they are alive.

Upon earth, the changes are slow to come.

Do not worry and keep hope for the future.

Let us wait and see. The result is sure but the way and the time are uncertain.

In spite of the night the spiritual Light is there.

Light must illumine the consciousness and the shadows of Ignorance must be dissolved in all.

30 December 1936

Open your heart and the Light will enter and dwell within it.

12 January 1948


Wealth and Government

Life is a journey in the darkness of the night. Wake up to the inner light.

14 April 1954

All veils must be dissolved and the light must shine fully in the hearts of all.

24 June 1954

Every obstacle must disappear, in every part of the being, the darkness of the ignorance must be replaced by the Divines knowledge.

12 October 1954

The light is everywhere, the force is everywhere. And the world is so small.


A new light is dawning on the world. Wake up and unite to receive and welcome it.


Some men in their blindness, when they seek knowledge, forsake the Light where they are only to enter into what is for them a new darkness.

12 October 1964

In their blindness men leave the Light and go to the darkness to obtain knowledge!


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Wikipedia - Diamond Sutra -- Popular Sutra in Mahayana Buddhism
Wikipedia - DiamondTouch -- Multiple person interface device
Wikipedia - Diamond Trail -- 1933 film by Harry L. Fraser
Wikipedia - Diamond Trellis (Faberge egg) -- 1892 Imperial Faberge egg
Wikipedia - Diamond Trust of London -- 2012 turn-based strategy video game
Wikipedia - Diamond Valley (Nevada) -- Valley basin in Nevada, United States
Wikipedia - Diamond v. Diehr
Wikipedia - Diamondville, California -- Human settlement in United States of America
Wikipedia - Diamondville (microprocessor)
Wikipedia - Diamond Walkers -- 1965 film
Wikipedia - Diamond Way Buddhism
Wikipedia - Diamond Way
Wikipedia - Diamond White (singer) -- American singer and actress
Wikipedia - Diamond -- Allotrope of carbon often used as a gemstone and an abrasive
Wikipedia - Diamond X -- Disc golf course in Montana, USA
Wikipedia - Diamond Youth -- American alternative rock band
Wikipedia - Diamond Yukai -- Japanese rock singer and actor
Wikipedia - Diana Diamond -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Diavik Diamond Mine -- Mine in NWT, Canada
Wikipedia - Diverging diamond interchange -- Freeway interchange design
Wikipedia - Division of Diamond Valley -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Don Diamond -- American actor
Wikipedia - Draft:Easton Diamond Sports -- American sports equipment company
Wikipedia - Dresden Green Diamond -- 41M-BM- carats (8.2M-BM- g) natural green diamond
Wikipedia - Dustin Diamond -- American actor, musician, director, and stand-up comedian
Wikipedia - Eastern diamondback rattlesnake -- Species of reptile endemic to the southeastern US
Wikipedia - Ebelyakh diamond mine -- Russian diamond mine
Wikipedia - Ebelyakh River diamond mine -- Russian diamond mine
Wikipedia - Ekati Diamond Mine -- Mine near Yellowknife, NWT, Canada
Wikipedia - Emily Diamond -- British track and field athlete
Wikipedia - Evans Diamond
Wikipedia - Exercise Paddington Diamond -- A joint Bolivian-British-Swiss scuba diving expedition to Lake Titicaca
Wikipedia - Extraterrestrial diamonds -- Diamonds formed outside of Earth
Wikipedia - Four Cuts (EP) -- 1982 extended play by Diamond Head
Wikipedia - Four Little Diamonds -- 1983 single by Electric Light Orchestra
Wikipedia - Froot -- 2015 album by Marina and the Diamonds
Wikipedia - Gahcho Kue Diamond Mine -- Diamond mine in Canada
Wikipedia - Graff Pink -- Rare pink diamond
Wikipedia - Great Diamond Mystery -- 1924 film by Denison Clift
Wikipedia - Greatest Hits II (Diamond Rio album) -- album by Diamond Rio
Wikipedia - Grib diamond mine -- Russian diamond mine
Wikipedia - Guns, Germs, and Steel -- 1997 book by Jared Diamond
Wikipedia - Hammer Hill Road Sports Ground -- Stadium in Diamond Hill, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Hannah Diamond -- British singer, songwriter, photographer and visual artist
Wikipedia - Haran's diamond theorem -- A sufficient condition for a separable extension of a Hilbertian field to be Hilbertian
Wikipedia - Harold Diamond -- American art dealer
Wikipedia - Hearts and Diamonds (1912 film) -- 1912 film
Wikipedia - Helzberg Diamonds
Wikipedia - HMS Diamond (D35) -- British Royal Navy destroyer, launched 1950
Wikipedia - HMS Diamond (H22) -- D-class destroyer
Wikipedia - Holdin' -- 1996 single by Diamond Rio
Wikipedia - Hope Diamond -- Historic 45.52 carat diamond of deep-blue color
Wikipedia - Hugh Welch Diamond
Wikipedia - I. A. L. Diamond -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - International Christian Quality Music Secondary and Primary School -- School in Diamond Hill, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Internationalnaya diamond mine -- Russian diamond mine
Wikipedia - Jack Diamond (architect) -- Canadian architect
Wikipedia - Jack Diamond (Canadian businessman) -- Canadian businessman
Wikipedia - Jack Diamond (radio personality) -- American photographer and radio personality
Wikipedia - Jack of Diamonds (artists) -- Russian artistic group
Wikipedia - Jacob & Co -- Privately held jewelry and wristwatch retailer, founded in 1986 by diamond designer Jacob Arabo
Wikipedia - James H. Diamond -- United States Army Medal of Honor recipient
Wikipedia - Jared Diamond bibliography -- Wikipedia bibliography
Wikipedia - Jared Diamond -- American scientist and author
Wikipedia - Jason Diamond -- American plastic surgeon and media personality
Wikipedia - Jean-Raymond Boulle -- Diamond and mineral businessman
Wikipedia - Jeremy Diamond -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jericho Diamond Mine -- Diamond mine in Canada
Wikipedia - Jessica Diamond -- American conceptual artist
Wikipedia - Joel Diamond -- American music producer
Wikipedia - John Diamond (journalist) -- British journalist and broadcaster
Wikipedia - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Is Unbreakable Chapter I -- 2017 film by Takashi Miike
Wikipedia - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Is Unbreakable -- third season of the Japanese anime series JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Wikipedia - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Records -- 2017 3D action video game
Wikipedia - Jonas Lek -- Dutch diamond merchant and collector
Wikipedia - Jon P. Diamond -- American businessman
Wikipedia - Joseph "Diamond Jo" Reynolds -- American businessman
Wikipedia - Jubilee Diamond -- Colourless, cushion-shaped diamond weighing 245.35 carats
Wikipedia - Jules Porges -- Austrian-born French diamond and art dealer
Wikipedia - KDWY -- Radio station in Diamondville, Wyoming
Wikipedia - Keith Diamond (actor) -- American actor and voice actor
Wikipedia - Kimberlite -- Deep igneous rock formed by violent eruption from the mantle which can carry diamonds
Wikipedia - King of Diamonds (film) -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Koh-i-Noor -- One of the largest cut diamonds in the world.
Wikipedia - Lady Diamond -- Traditional song
Wikipedia - Lake Elsinore Diamond -- Stadium in California
Wikipedia - Lance Diamond
Wikipedia - Leo Diamond -- American harmonica player
Wikipedia - Liebe Sokol Diamond -- American pediatric orthopedic surgeon
Wikipedia - Linda Diamond -- American choreographer
Wikipedia - Lisa M. Diamond -- American psychologist and feminist
Wikipedia - List of Ace of Diamond episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Arizona Diamondbacks broadcasters -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Arizona Diamondbacks first-round draft picks -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Arizona Diamondbacks managers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Arizona Diamondbacks minor league affiliates -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Arizona Diamondbacks no-hitters -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Arizona Diamondbacks Opening Day starting pitchers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Arizona Diamondbacks owners and executives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Arizona Diamondbacks seasons -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Arizona Diamondbacks team records -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of countries by diamond exports -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of countries by diamond production -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of diamonds -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PokM-CM-)mon: Diamond and Pearl episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Urawa Red Diamonds individual award winners -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Urawa Red Diamonds records and statistics -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of WBC Muaythai diamond champions -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of WBC Muaythai female diamond champions -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Lomonosov diamond mine -- Russian diamond mine
Wikipedia - Lonely Diamond -- 2020 studio album by Ocean Alley
Wikipedia - Lou Diamond Phillips -- Filipino American actor and film director
Wikipedia - Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds -- 1967 song by the Beatles
Wikipedia - Mafuta (ship) -- Diamond-mining ship
Wikipedia - Maiskoye diamond mine -- Russian diamond mine
Wikipedia - Malabar Gold and Diamonds -- Indian jewellery group
Wikipedia - Marian Diamond -- American professor of human anatomy and neuroanatomy
Wikipedia - Marina and the Diamonds
Wikipedia - Martha Diamond -- American artist and painter
Wikipedia - Matthew Diamond -- American film and television director
Wikipedia - Micaela Diamond -- Actor and singer (b. 1999)
Wikipedia - Michael Diamond (sport shooter) -- Australian sport shooter
Wikipedia - Milton Diamond
Wikipedia - Miriam Diamond -- Environmental chemist
Wikipedia - Moon of Baroda -- Diamond discovered in India
Wikipedia - Morty Diamond -- American filmmaker and performer
Wikipedia - Mrs. Salkim's Diamonds -- 1999 Turkish drama film
Wikipedia - MS Sea Diamond -- Cruise ship built in 1984
Wikipedia - MT New Diamond -- A very large crude carrier
Wikipedia - Nanodiamond -- Extremely small diamonds used for their thermal, mechanical and optoelectronic properties
Wikipedia - Napoleon Diamond Necklace -- Diamond necklace
Wikipedia - Neil Diamond discography -- Discography of American singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Neil Diamond -- American singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Noor-ul-Ain -- One of the largest pink diamonds in the world
Wikipedia - Norma Diamond -- American anthropologist
Wikipedia - Nurbinskaya diamond mine -- Russian diamond mine
Wikipedia - Ocean Dream Diamond -- Blue-green diamond
Wikipedia - Okavango Blue -- Blue diamond
Wikipedia - One More Day (Diamond Rio song) -- 2000 single by Diamond Rio
Wikipedia - Opus reticulatum -- Roman masonry in diamond-shaped bricks of tuff, covering a core of opus caementicium
Wikipedia - Party Line (Andrea True Connection song) -- Song by Gregg Diamond and performed by Andrea True
Wikipedia - Patrick H. Diamond -- American theoretical plasma physicist
Wikipedia - Perry Diamond Pearl -- American politician
Wikipedia - Peter Diamond (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Peter Diamond
Wikipedia - Pink Legacy -- Pink diamond
Wikipedia - PokM-CM-)mon: Diamond and Pearl: Battle Dimension -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - PokM-CM-)mon: Diamond and Pearl: Galactic Battles -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - PokM-CM-)mon: Diamond and Pearl: Sinnoh League Victors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - PokM-CM-)mon Diamond and Pearl -- Game developed by Game Freak and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo DS
Wikipedia - Po Kong Village Road Park -- Park in Diamond Hill, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Portuguese Diamond -- 25.402 g, octagonal-cut diamond
Wikipedia - Premier Mine -- Diamond mine in South Africa
Wikipedia - Primadonna (Marina and the Diamonds song) -- 2012 single by Marina and the Diamonds
Wikipedia - Prince of Diamonds -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Queen o'Diamonds -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Randlord -- South African diamond and gold mining entrepreneurs from the 1870s to World War I
Wikipedia - Rebecca Diamond -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Reed Diamond -- American actor
Wikipedia - Reel Injun -- 2009 Canadian documentary directed by Neil Diamond
Wikipedia - Regent Diamond -- Diamond
Wikipedia - Renard diamond mine -- Diamond mine in Canada
Wikipedia - Richard Diamond, Private Detective -- American radio and television program
Wikipedia - Rich Diamond -- 2003 puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Rochelle Diamond -- American biologist
Wikipedia - Rocks'n'Diamonds
Wikipedia - Royal Diamond -- Irish-bred Thoroughbred racehorse
Wikipedia - Sara Diamond -- Sociologist and attorney
Wikipedia - Sarah E. Diamond -- American ecologist
Wikipedia - Say It with Diamonds (1927 film) -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Selma Diamond -- Canadian-American comedian, writer
Wikipedia - Sergio (carbonado) -- Largest known rough diamond
Wikipedia - Sewelo -- Second largest rough diamond ever found
Wikipedia - Shoot Out the Lights (song) -- 1980 single by Diamond Head
Wikipedia - Skin Diamond -- American actress, singer-songwriter, model and former pornographic actress
Wikipedia - Snap Lake Diamond Mine -- Diamond mine in the Northwest Territories of Canada operated by De Beers from 2008-2015
Wikipedia - Sperrgebiet -- Diamond mining area in the Namib Desert, southwestern Namibia
Wikipedia - Stanley Diamond -- American anthropologist, author, poet, and professor
Wikipedia - Star of the East (diamond) -- 18.8 g, pear-shaped, D-color diamond, likely originating from India; once part of the collection of Sultan Abdul Hamid II of the Ottoman Empire
Wikipedia - Stephen A. Diamond
Wikipedia - Synthetic diamond
Wikipedia - Tavernier Blue -- Rare large, blue diamond
Wikipedia - Ten of Diamonds (film) -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - The Big Diamond Robbery -- 1929 film directed by Eugene Forde
Wikipedia - The Black Diamond (1922 film) -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - The Black Diamond Express -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - The Brahma Diamond -- 1909 film
Wikipedia - The Card Sharp with the Ace of Diamonds -- C. 1638 painting by Georges de La Tour
Wikipedia - The Creator (diamond) -- Large diamond found in Russia in 2004
Wikipedia - The Devil Diamond -- 1937 film by Leslie Goodwins
Wikipedia - The Diamond Age -- Science fiction novel by Neal Stephenson
Wikipedia - The Diamond Exchange -- Professional wrestling stable
Wikipedia - The Diamond Girls -- 2004 novel by Jacqueline Wilson
Wikipedia - The Diamond Man -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - The Diamond Master -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - The Diamond Necklace (film) -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - The Diamond Peddlers -- 1976 film
Wikipedia - The Diamond Queen (1921 film) -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - The Diamond, Sheffield -- Building at the University of Sheffield, England
Wikipedia - The Diamonds in the Rough -- Professional wrestling stable
Wikipedia - The Dog and the Diamonds -- 1953 British family drama film by Ralph Thomas
Wikipedia - The Great Kimberley Diamond Robbery -- 1911 South African first film
Wikipedia - The Hope Diamond Mystery -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - The Knave of Diamonds -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - The Lucky Diamond -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - The Pink Diamond -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - The World Until Yesterday -- 2012 popular science book by Jared Diamond
Wikipedia - Three-level diamond interchange -- Type of highway interchange
Wikipedia - Tidal diamond -- Symbols on British admiralty charts that indicate the direction and speed of tidal streams
Wikipedia - Tiffany Yellow Diamond -- One of the largest yellow diamonds ever discovered
Wikipedia - Time Locks and Diamonds -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - Tonality diamond -- Set of musical pitches
Wikipedia - Upheaval (book) -- Book by Jared Diamond
Wikipedia - Uprising: Who the Hell Said You Can't Ditch and Switch? - The Awakening of Diamond and Silk -- Non-fiction book by Diamond and Silk
Wikipedia - Verkhne-Munskoye diamond mine -- Russian diamond mine
Wikipedia - WA Diamonds -- Australian field hockey club
Wikipedia - Why Is Sex Fun? -- 1997 book by Jared Diamond
Wikipedia - Williamson diamond mine
Wikipedia - Wittelsbach-Graff Diamond -- Blue diamond
Wikipedia - Women and Diamonds -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Women Love Diamonds -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Yubileynaya diamond mine -- Russian diamond mine
Wikipedia - Zamitsa diamond mine -- Russian diamond mine
Wikipedia - Zarnitsa mine -- Russian diamond mine
John Diamond ::: Born: May 10, 1953; Died: March 2, 2001; Occupation: Journalist;
Marian Diamond ::: Born: November 26, 1926; Occupation: Professor;
Diamond D ::: Born: 1969; Occupation: Record Producer;
Lou Diamond Phillips ::: Born: February 17, 1962; Occupation: Actor;
Dustin Diamond ::: Born: January 7, 1977; Occupation: Actor;
Jared Diamond ::: Born: September 10, 1937; Occupation: Scientist;
Neil Diamond ::: Born: January 24, 1941; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Larry Diamond ::: Born: 1951; Occupation: Scholar;
Marina and the Diamonds ::: Born: October 10, 1985; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;\
Goodreads author - Jaine_Diamond
Goodreads author - Michael_Diamond
Goodreads author - Jared_Diamond
Goodreads author - Peter_A_Diamond
Goodreads author - Delaney_Diamond
Goodreads author - Marie_Diamond
Goodreads author - Larry_Diamond
Goodreads author - Lucy_Diamond!!,_14kG,_wed_eng_anv_RING.JPG
Integral World - The Evolutionary Scientists, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Evolutionary Biology, Jared Diamond, Chen Ling-Wang,_Kumgangsan,_Korea_-_Geographicus_-_DiamondMountain-showa14-1939.jpg
Diamonds (1987 - 1989) -
Diamond is Unbreakable (2016 - 2016) - The year is 1999. Morioh, a normally quiet and peaceful town, has recently become a hotbed of strange activity. Joutarou Kuujou, now a marine biologist, heads to the mysterious town to meet Jousuke Higashikata. While the two may seem like strangers at first, Jousuke is actually the illegitimate chil...
Diamond Daydreams (2004 - Current) - The series began with Kita e: White Illumination (White Illumination), which was released on March 18, 1999 for the Dreamcast. A fan disc, Kita e: Photo Memories (Photo Memories), was released on August 5 that same year. On October 30, 2003, the series hit the PlayStation 2 platform as Kita e....
Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan (2017 - 2019) - A popular manga creator becomes enmeshed in paranormal events while conducting research: Stand User Kishibe Rohan visits Italy, goes bankrupt and more. It's the spinoff of Araki's JoJo's Bizarre Adventure takes on Part 4's Diamond is Unbreakable.
Titanic(1997) - Deep-sea explorer Brock Lovett has reached the most famous shipwreck of all - the Titanic. Emerging with a safe believed to contain a diamond called 'The Heart of the Ocean', he discovers the safe does not hold the diamond but a drawing of a beautiful woman wearing it. When Brock is later interviewe...
The Great Mouse Detective(1986) - In the year 1897, a day before the Queen's diamond jubilee, a kidnapping occurred. Olivia Flaversham's father, Hiram, was taken away by a peg-legged bat. Olivia then seeks the help of Basil of Baker Street, the Greatest Detective of all Mousedom. With the help of Dr. David Q. Dawson, Basil attempts...
Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer(1985) - The universe is growing dark and on Earth it is eternal winter all because a selfish princess is trying to keep the diamond like planet Spectra to herself. Rainbow Brite, a girl in charge of changing the seasons and keeping the universe colorful, steps up to stop the princess. All of her friends hel...
The Four Diamonds(1995) - TV Movie Based on the true story of Chris Mallard who died in 1972 from cancer. The story around which the film revolves was written by him while he was ill. Young Christopher Millard fantasizes about being a squire of the Round Table and studies the stars. But when his difficulty breathing turns ou...
Blue Streak(1999) - Can a crook go straight without really trying? Jewel thief Miles Logan (Martin Lawrence) was being chased by the police after a robbery when he was forced to hide a cache of diamonds, worth $20 million, at a construction site. Despite his caution, Miles ended up behind bars anyway; after serving his...
Congo(1995) - Good gorillas meet bad gorillas while human beings search for treasure in this jungle advnture saga. R.B. Travis (Joe Don Baker) is the ruthless head of Travi-Com, a telecommunications firm on the cusp of a major breakthrough in laser communications technology. However, Travis needs diamonds to fini...
Marathon Man(1976) - A graduate history student (Dustin Hoffman) is unwittingly caught in the middle of an international conspiracy involving his dead brother, stolen diamonds, an exiled Nazi war criminal, and a rogue government agent.
Diamonds Are Forever(1971) - Diamonds are stolen only to be sold again in the international market. James Bond infiltrates a smuggling mission to find out whos guilty. The mission takes him to Las Vegas where Bong meets his archenemy Blofeld. The seventh film from the Legendary James Bond series starring Sean Connery as a Br...
No Contest(1995) - In this action-packed martial arts outing, a crazed criminal (Andrew Dice Clay) abducts the finalists and the hostess (Shannon Tweed) from the Miss Galaxy Beauty Contest in hopes of receiving a huge fortune in diamonds. During the abduction, the crook and his gang ruthlessly massacre a dozen innocen...
Into the Night(1985) - A cuckolded and bored man named Ed Okin (Jeff Goldblum) meets a young woman named Diana (Michelle Pfeiffer) when she runs into his car at an airport, and the two go on an adventure through L.A that involves stolen diamonds and Middle Eastern thugs.
The Jazz Singer(1980) - A New York cantor(Neil Diamond) rebels against his traditional father(Laurence Oliver) by moving to Los Angeles and becoming a rock and roll singer.
Thief(1981) - Frank is an expert professional safecracker, specializing in high-profile diamond jobs. After having spent many years in prison, he has a very concrete picture of what he wants out of life--including a nice home, a wife, and kids. As soon as he is able to assemble the pieces of this collage, by mean...
Thunderball(1965) - A criminal organization has obtained two nuclear bombs and are asking for a 100 million pound ransom in the form of diamonds in seven days or they will use the weapons. The secret service sends James Bond to the Bahamas to once again save the world.
A Fish Called Wanda(1988) - Wanda Gershwitz (Jamie Lee Curtis) has several very good friends...The debonair Georges Thomason (Tom Georgeson), the stuttering animal lover Ken Pile (Michael Palin), and the brick-stupid Otto (Kevin Kline). The 4 of them have teamed up for a diamond heist. When George moves the diamonds, crosses a...
Curse of The Pink Panther(1983) - Following where "Trail of The Pink Panther" left off, with Inspector Clouseau gone, France now calls on New York's greatest Policeman named Cliff Sleigh (Ted Wass) to continue the investigation of The Pink Panther diamond. Roger Moore makes a cameo in this film.
Trail of The Pink Panther(1982) - In this 7th film (created after the death of Peter Sellers) of the popular "Pink Panther" series, The Pink Panther diamond becomes missing again and Inspector Clouseau is called in to investigate, but along the way, he becomes missing and TV reporter Marie Jouvet starts to create a story about the f...
It's Arbor Day, Charlie Brown(1976) - To celebrate Arbor Day, the gang decide to do a great gardening project for Charlie Brown. Unfortunately, Charlie Brown learns that they did it in his baseball diamond, turning it in to a lush garden. With no alternative, he is forced to play against Peppermint Patty's team in that field. However, t...
Pokmon: The Rise of Darkrai(2007) - The tenth Pokemon movie and the first one of the Diamond & Pearl Saga. Ash and his friends are on their way to a Pokemon Contest in Alamos town when they come across Time-Space Tower. They find that something is giving both children and Pokemon horrible nightmares. Only the trainer Baron Alberto see...
The Pink Panther(1963) - The first"Pink Panther"film introduces us to the bumbling Inspector Jacques Clouseau(Peter Sellers) who is investigating the theft of the infamous"Pink Panther" diamond.
You're Never Too Young(1955) - When an aspiring barber becomes inadvertently involved in the theft of a valuable diamond, necessity forces him to masquerade as a 12 year-old child - with humorous consequences.
Camp Rock(2008) - Camp Rock is a 2008 Disney Channel Original Movie directed by Matthew Diamond and starring Demi Lovato, Joe Jonas, Meaghan Martin, Maria Canals-Barrera, Daniel Fathers and Alyson Stoner. The film debuted on the American Disney Channel on June 20, 2008. Camp Rock was the second DCOM to air on ABC's T...
Mole Men Against the Son of Hercules(1961) - Maciste arranges for himself and his new friend Bangor to be captured by a mysterious band of white-clad marauders and taken to an underground city. There the two are forced to turn an enormous wheel along with other captives as part of a gold-and-diamonds mining operation. The underground city's qu...
Jungle Gents(1954) - When the Bowery Boys discover that Sach has a strange ability to sniff out diamonds, they hatch a scheme to make money out of it.
King Solomon's Mines (1950)(1950) - Adventurer Allan Quartermain leads an expedition into uncharted African territory in an attempt to locate an explorer who went missing during his search for the fabled diamond mines of King Solomon.
Zombies Of Mora Tau(1957) - Zombie-like, dead crewmen of a sunken ship have always prevented salvagers from claiming the wreck's legendary box of diamonds, but will a new group of treasure hunters succeed?
Little Man(2006) - Calvin is a very short thief and convict. With the help of his goofball cohort Percy, Calvin plots a jewellery shop robbery to steal one of the world's largest diamonds. After the successful robbery, the duo are almost arrested, but not before Calvin manages to stash the diamond in a nearby woman's...
Man On A Ledge(2012) - As a police psychologist works to talk down an ex-con who is threatening to jump from a Manhattan hotel rooftop, the biggest diamond heist ever committed is in motion.
Day Of The Warrior(1996) - The Legion to Ensure Total Harmony and Law (L.E.T.H.A.L.), is tracking a criminal mastermind known only as The Warrior. While investigating his combination diamond smuggling/art theft/porn production industry, the agents discover that he has cracked their secret database and has stolen the files on...
Hard Ticket To Hawaii(1987) - Two drug enforcement agents are killed on a private Hawaiian island. Donna and Taryn, two operatives for The Agency, accidentally intercept a delivery of diamonds intended for drug lord Seth Romero, who takes exception and tries to get them back. Soon other Agency operatives get involved, and a full...
Fit To Kill(1993) - Chinese businessman Chang owns the fabulous Alexa diamond, stolen from Russia during WWII. He intends to return it to Russia during a gala dinner, but the diamond is stolen by Kane, assisted by his lethal and seductive partner Blu Steele. The Agency, in charge of security at the event, go into high...
Die Another Day(2002) - James Bond is sent to investigate the connection between a North Korean terrorist and a diamond mogul who is funding the development of an international space weapon.
The Pink Panther(2006) - Based on "The Pink Panther" films of Blake Edwards. During a semi-final soccer game between France and China, french coach Yves Gluant is seen wearing the mystical Pink Panther Diamond. After France wins the game and Gluant has a brief exchange with his girlfriend, he collapses over dead from a pois...
Ready to Rumble(2000) - Sewage workers Gordie Boggs and Sean Dawkins watch their favorite wrestler, WCW World Heavyweight Champion Jimmy King cheated out of the title by Diamond Dallas Page (playing himself), a corrupt WCW promoter named Titus Sinclair, and DDP's partners. After the match, the two wrestling fans humorously...
Diamond Dogs(2007) - A mercenary is hired to protect an expedition group while they search for a Tangka, a Buddhist artifact worth millions of dollars.
Deadfall(1968) - Cat burglar Henry Clarke and his accomplices, the Moreaus, attempt to steal diamonds from the chteau of millionaire Salinas. However, Henry's partners in crime aren't the most emotionally stable people.
The Family Man(2000) - The Family Man is a 2000 American romantic comedy-drama film directed by Brett Ratner, written by David Diamond and David Weissman, and starring Nicolas Cage and Ta Leoni. Cage's production company, Saturn Films, helped produce the film. The film centers on a man who experiences what his life might...
Love Happy(1949) - The Marx Brothers' final feature together sees Harpo as the mascot of a group of aspiring actors, who indulges in a little light larceny to ensure they have enough food. He steals a tin of sardines that were the cover for a stash of stolen diamonds and has to evade the heavies who are after them.
Neil Diamond: I'm Glad You're Here With Me Tonight(1977) - A combination performance/documentary about Neil Diamond in the 70s...
JJBA: Diamond is Unbreakable Chapter 1(2017) - A teen gifted with supernatural power discovers the truth behind his cursed and bizarre bloodline, and the evil that lurks within hi
Pokmon: Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction(2014) - Released to Japanese theaters in 2014 and aired in 2014 on Cartoon Network in the US. In the underground Diamond Domain, where many Carbink live, the Mythical Pokmon Diancie serves as ruler. The Heart Diamond that sustains the land is beginning to fall apart, and Diancie is not yet strong enough to...
Evil Under The Sun(1982) - Trying to find how a millionaire wound up with a phony diamond brings Hercule Poirot to an exclusive island resort frequented by the rich and famous. When a murder is committed, everyone has an alibi.
Modesty Blaise(1966) - Stylish ex-con Modesty Blaise and her partner Willie Garvin are tasked by the British Secret Service with preventing her rival Gabriel from stealing diamonds that are to be delivered to her adoptive father, a Sheikh. -- Action, Comedy, Kids, Fantasy -- Police, Comedy, Mystery, Shounen -- Drama, Romance, Slice of Life -- Action, Adventure, Comedy, Kids, Fantasy -- Comedy, School, Shounen, Sports -- -- -- Comedy, Sports, School, Shounen -- Action, Adventure, Comedy, Supernatural, Drama, Shounen -- -- Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Kids -- Music -- Comedy, Sports, School, Shounen -- Adventure -- Action, Adventure, Comedy, Kids, Fantasy -- Adventure, Drama, Sci-Fi -- Drama, Slice of Life
Blood Diamond (2006) ::: 8.0/10 -- R | 2h 23min | Adventure, Drama, Thriller | 8 December 2006 (USA) -- A fisherman, a smuggler, and a syndicate of businessmen match wits over the possession of a priceless diamond. Director: Edward Zwick Writers: Charles Leavitt (screenplay), Charles Leavitt (story) | 1 more credit
Carry On Up the Khyber (1968) ::: 6.8/10 -- Carry On... Up the Khyber (original title) -- Carry On Up the Khyber Poster Sir Sidney Ruff-Diamond looks after the British outpost near the Khyber Pass. Protected by the kilted Third Foot and Mouth regiment, you would think they were safe but the Khazi of Kalabar has other ideas. Director: Gerald Thomas Writer: Talbot Rothwell (screenplay)
Diamonds Are Forever (1971) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG | 2h | Action, Adventure, Thriller | 17 December 1971 (USA) -- A diamond smuggling investigation leads James Bond to Las Vegas, where he uncovers an evil plot involving a rich business tycoon. Director: Guy Hamilton Writers: Richard Maibaum (screenplay by), Tom Mankiewicz (screenplay by) Stars:
Evil Under the Sun (1982) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG | 1h 57min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 5 March 1982 (USA) -- Trying to find how a millionaire wound up with a phony diamond brings Hercule Poirot (Sir Peter Ustinov) to an exclusive island resort frequented by the rich and famous. When a murder is committed, everyone has an alibi. Director: Guy Hamilton Writer:
Fedora (1978) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG | 1h 54min | Drama, Romance | 13 September 1978 (France) -- Down-on-his-luck Hollywood producer Barry 'Dutch' Detweiler attempts to lure Fedora, a famous but reclusive film actress, out of retirement. Director: Billy Wilder Writers: Billy Wilder (screenplay), I.A.L. Diamond (screenplay) | 1 more
Flawless (2007) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 48min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 28 March 2008 (USA) -- In 1960s London, an elderly janitor convinces a glass-ceiling constrained executive to help him steal a handful of diamonds from their employer, the London Diamond Corporation. Director: Michael Radford Writer:
King Solomon's Mines (1950) ::: 6.8/10 -- Passed | 1h 43min | Action, Adventure, Romance | 24 November 1950 (USA) -- Adventurer Allan Quartermain leads an expedition into uncharted African territory in an attempt to locate an explorer who went missing during his search for the fabled diamond mines of King Solomon. Directors: Compton Bennett, Andrew Marton Writers:
Love in the Afternoon (1957) ::: 7.2/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 10min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 30 June 1957 (USA) -- A middle-aged playboy becomes fascinated by the daughter of a private detective who has been hired to entrap him with the wife of a client. Director: Billy Wilder Writers: Billy Wilder (screenplay), I.A.L. Diamond (screenplay) | 1 more credit Stars:
Man on a Ledge (2012) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 42min | Action, Crime, Thriller | 27 January 2012 (USA) -- As a police psychologist works to talk down an ex-con who is threatening to jump from a Manhattan hotel rooftop, the biggest diamond heist ever committed is in motion. Director: Asger Leth Writer:
One, Two, Three (1961) ::: 7.9/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 44min | Comedy | 16 December 1961 (USA) -- In West Berlin during the Cold War, a Coca-Cola executive is given the task of taking care of his boss' socialite daughter. Director: Billy Wilder Writers: Billy Wilder (screenplay), I.A.L. Diamond (screenplay) | 1 more
Parker Lewis Can't Lose ::: TV-G | 30min | Comedy, Fantasy | TV Series (19901993) -- For a cool high school kid and his friends, thwarting authority figures and other enemies is not a problem. Creators: Lon Diamond, Clyde Phillips
Snatch (2000) ::: 8.3/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Comedy, Crime | 19 January 2001 (USA) -- Unscrupulous boxing promoters, violent bookmakers, a Russian gangster, incompetent amateur robbers and supposedly Jewish jewelers fight to track down a priceless stolen diamond. Director: Guy Ritchie Writer:
Snatch (2000) ::: 8.3/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Comedy, Crime | 19 January 2001 (USA) -- Unscrupulous boxing promoters, violent bookmakers, a Russian gangster, incompetent amateur robbers and supposedly Jewish jewelers fight to track down a priceless stolen diamond.
Some Like It Hot (1959) ::: 8.2/10 -- Passed | 2h 1min | Comedy, Music, Romance | 19 March 1959 (USA) -- After two male musicians witness a mob hit, they flee the state in an all-female band disguised as women, but further complications set in. Director: Billy Wilder Writers: Billy Wilder (screenplay), I.A.L. Diamond (screenplay) | 2 more
Terror by Night (1946) ::: 6.9/10 -- Approved | 1h | Crime, Drama, Film-Noir | 1 February 1946 (USA) -- When the fabled Star of Rhodesia diamond is stolen on a London to Edinburgh train and the son of its owner is murdered, Sherlock Holmes must discover which of his suspicious fellow passengers is responsible. Director: Roy William Neill Writers: Frank Gruber (screenplay), Arthur Conan Doyle (adapted from a story by) (as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
The Apartment (1960) ::: 8.3/10 -- Approved | 2h 5min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 29 June 1960 (Canada) -- A man tries to rise in his company by letting its executives use his apartment for trysts, but complications and a romance of his own ensue. Director: Billy Wilder Writers: Billy Wilder, I.A.L. Diamond
The Fortune Cookie (1966) ::: 7.3/10 -- Passed | 2h 5min | Comedy, Romance | 19 October 1966 (USA) -- A crooked lawyer persuades his brother-in-law to feign a serious injury. Director: Billy Wilder Writers: Billy Wilder, I.A.L. Diamond
The Hot Rock (1972) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG | 1h 41min | Action, Comedy, Crime | 26 January 1972 (USA) -- Dortmunder and his pals plan to steal a huge diamond from a museum. But this turns out to be only the first time they have to steal it... Director: Peter Yates Writers: Donald E. Westlake (novel), William Goldman (screenplay)
The Pink Panther (1963) ::: 7.1/10 -- Approved | 1h 55min | Comedy, Crime, Romance | 18 March 1964 (USA) -- The bumbling Inspector Clouseau travels to Rome to catch a notorious jewel thief known as "The Phantom" before he conducts his most daring heist yet: a princess' priceless diamond with one slight imperfection, known as "The Pink Panther". Director: Blake Edwards Writers:
The Return of the Pink Panther (1975) ::: 7.1/10 -- G | 1h 53min | Comedy, Crime, Mystery | 21 May 1975 (USA) -- Inspector Jacque Clouseau (Peter Sellers) is put on the case when the Pink Panther diamond is stolen, with the Phantom's trademark glove the only clue. Director: Blake Edwards Writers:
The Sicilian Clan (1969) ::: 7.4/10 -- Le clan des Siciliens (original title) -- The Sicilian Clan Poster -- A young, ambitious mobster plans an elaborate diamond heist while seducing the daughter of a ruthless mob patriarch as a determined police commissioner closes in on all of them. Director: Henri Verneuil Writers:
The Thieves (2012) ::: 6.8/10 -- Dodookdeul (original title) -- Korea) The Thieves Poster -- After a heist in South Korea, a gang of 5+1 fly to Hong Kong to look into a heist, in a Macau casino, of a $30M diamond, planned by someone unreliable. He brings in HK thieves as well. Can anyone be trusted? Director: Dong-hoon Choi (as Choi Dong Hoon)
Who Is Cletis Tout? (2001) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 32min | Comedy, Crime | 21 December 2001 (Spain) -- This is a comedy about mistaken identities, a hitman who sees everything in terms of the movies, and a twenty-year-old diamond heist. Director: Chris Ver Wiel Writer: Chris Ver Wiel (as Chris Verwiel) Stars:
Yahsi Bati - The Ottoman Cowboys (2009) ::: 7.4/10 -- Yahsi Bati (original title) -- Yahsi Bati - The Ottoman Cowboys Poster -- In 1881, two Ottoman Secret Agents travel to the USA, at the Sultan's request, to deliver a valuable diamond as a gift for the President. Director: mer Faruk Sorak Writers:,_Queen_of_Diamonds,_Queen_of_Diamonds's_The_Reason_Why's_Best_Friend/Material_Girl's_Best_Friend/Material_Girl's_Bizarre_Adventure:_Diamond_Is_Unbreakable's_Bizarre_Adventure:_Diamond_is_Unbreakable's_Bizarre_Adventure:_Diamond_Is_Unbreakable_-_Chapter_1_(film)'s_Bizarre_Adventure:_Diamond_Is_Unbreakable_(film)'s_Bizarre_Adventure:_Diamond_Records's_Diamonds!_EP_9
Aikatsu Friends! -- -- Bandai Namco Pictures -- 50 eps -- Game -- Music Slice of Life School Shoujo -- Aikatsu Friends! Aikatsu Friends! -- Aine Yuuki, who is a regular student at Star Harmony Academy's normal division, meets Mio Minato from the idol division, who invites her to join Aikatsu to fulfill Aine's goal to make friends. She also befriends Maika Chōno and Ema Hinata who are also idols. Aine and Mio form a pair to become best friends to become the bright "Diamond Friends". Karen Kamishiro and Mirai Asuku are categorized as "Diamond Friends" and are in the Diamond Class! -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- 8,959 7.09
Bleach Movie 2: The DiamondDust Rebellion - Mou Hitotsu no Hyourinmaru -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Super Power Supernatural Shounen -- Bleach Movie 2: The DiamondDust Rebellion - Mou Hitotsu no Hyourinmaru Bleach Movie 2: The DiamondDust Rebellion - Mou Hitotsu no Hyourinmaru -- Assigned to protect a royal procession transporting a powerful artifact called the "Ouin," Squad 10 gathers in the human world as Captain Toushirou Hitsugaya and Lieutenant Rangiku Matsumoto observe the area cautiously. However, the caravan is suddenly struck by a group of assailants who wreak havoc on the procession, stealing the Ouin in the process. After a brief clash with one of the attackers, the distraught Hitsugaya pursues the escaping thieves, leaving behind Matsumoto and the disoriented squad. Following the incident, the Seireitei brands Hitsugaya a traitor for abandoning his post and puts Squad 10 on indefinite lockdown. -- -- In the human world, Ichigo Kurosaki is investigating a spiritual abnormality when he stumbles across the injured Captain, but is caught off guard when Hitsugaya suddenly flees. Soon learning of the situation, Ichigo, Rukia Kuchiki, Renji Abarai, and Matsumoto set off to prove Hitsugaya's innocence and uncover the truth behind the theft of the Ouin. Meanwhile, a ghost from Hitsugaya's past haunts his thoughts as he chases down the true culprit. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- Movie - Dec 22, 2007 -- 200,917 7.45
Bleach Movie 2: The DiamondDust Rebellion - Mou Hitotsu no Hyourinmaru -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Super Power Supernatural Shounen -- Bleach Movie 2: The DiamondDust Rebellion - Mou Hitotsu no Hyourinmaru Bleach Movie 2: The DiamondDust Rebellion - Mou Hitotsu no Hyourinmaru -- Assigned to protect a royal procession transporting a powerful artifact called the "Ouin," Squad 10 gathers in the human world as Captain Toushirou Hitsugaya and Lieutenant Rangiku Matsumoto observe the area cautiously. However, the caravan is suddenly struck by a group of assailants who wreak havoc on the procession, stealing the Ouin in the process. After a brief clash with one of the attackers, the distraught Hitsugaya pursues the escaping thieves, leaving behind Matsumoto and the disoriented squad. Following the incident, the Seireitei brands Hitsugaya a traitor for abandoning his post and puts Squad 10 on indefinite lockdown. -- -- In the human world, Ichigo Kurosaki is investigating a spiritual abnormality when he stumbles across the injured Captain, but is caught off guard when Hitsugaya suddenly flees. Soon learning of the situation, Ichigo, Rukia Kuchiki, Renji Abarai, and Matsumoto set off to prove Hitsugaya's innocence and uncover the truth behind the theft of the Ouin. Meanwhile, a ghost from Hitsugaya's past haunts his thoughts as he chases down the true culprit. -- -- Movie - Dec 22, 2007 -- 200,917 7.45
Diamond no Ace: Act II -- -- Madhouse -- 52 eps -- Manga -- Comedy School Shounen Sports -- Diamond no Ace: Act II Diamond no Ace: Act II -- The hallowed ground of Koshien Stadium is the "field of dreams," where the ambitions of high school baseball players come true. After emerging victorious in the autumn tournament last year, Seidou High School baseball's team has finally earned the right to compete there for the first time in seven years. Beyond the spring tournament looms the battle to decide who is the best team in the nation — the Summer Koshien. -- -- With the third-year players due to retire after the summer tournament, the team has to integrate the experience of the seniors and the potential of the newcomers to overcome familiar and new opponents alike and win the coveted national title. -- -- Meanwhile, pitcher Eijun Sawamura is as determined as ever to earn jersey No. 1 and seize the position of "ace" from his persistent rival, Satoru Furuya. As the team prepares for their greatest challenge yet, Sawamura and Furuya carry on their struggle to lead their team to glory and become the star of the game: the true "Ace of the Diamond." -- -- 58,455 8.23
Diamond no Ace -- -- Madhouse, Production I.G -- 75 eps -- Manga -- Comedy School Shounen Sports -- Diamond no Ace Diamond no Ace -- With a stray pitch that completely missed the batter, Eijun Sawamura loses his final middle school baseball game. Frustrated by this defeat, Eijun and his teammates vow to reach the national tournament once they are in high school. But everything changes when a scout unexpectedly invites him to Tokyo's prestigious Seidou High School after seeing the potential in his unusual pitching style. Encouraged by his teammates, Eijun accepts the offer, ready to improve his skills and play at a much more competitive level of baseball. -- -- However, now surrounded by a large number of skilled players, Eijun struggles to find his place on the team. He declares that he will one day become the team's ace, but that's only if fellow first year Satoru Furuya doesn't take the title first, with his breakneck fastballs that earn him a coveted spot on the starting roster. With the addition of these talented new players to an already powerful lineup, the Seidou baseball team aims to become the best in Japan, facing off against a number of formidable foes that stand in their way. -- -- 188,213 8.11
Diamond no Ace OVA -- -- Madhouse, Production I.G -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Sports School Shounen -- Diamond no Ace OVA Diamond no Ace OVA -- OVA episodes bundled with 44th-46th manga volumes. -- -- The limited-edition DVD will animate "Face -Kominato Ryousuke Special Bangai-hen," which appeared in the Ace of Diamond Official Guidebook Ura and tells the "moving secret story of the Kominato brothers that cannot be seen in the television series." -- OVA - Nov 17, 2014 -- 14,106 7.58
Diamond no Ace: Second Season -- -- Madhouse, Production I.G -- 51 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Sports School Shounen -- Diamond no Ace: Second Season Diamond no Ace: Second Season -- After the National Tournament, the Seidou High baseball team moves forward with uncertainty as the Fall season quickly approaches. In an attempt to build a stronger team centered around their new captain, fresh faces join the starting roster for the very first time. Previous losses weigh heavily on the minds of the veteran players as they continue their rigorous training, preparing for what will inevitably be their toughest season yet. -- -- Rivals both new and old stand in their path as Seidou once again climbs their way toward the top, one game at a time. Needed now more than ever before, Furuya and Eijun must be determined to pitch with all their skill and strength in order to lead their team to victory. And this time, one of these young pitchers may finally claim that coveted title: "The Ace of Seidou." -- -- 105,319 8.31
Dokidoki! Precure -- -- Toei Animation -- 49 eps -- Original -- Action Magic Fantasy Shoujo -- Dokidoki! Precure Dokidoki! Precure -- Middle schooler Mana Aida is known for her vivid passion and kind-hearted disposition, especially by her friends Rikka Hishikawa and Alice Yotsuba. While the girls are on a school field trip, otherworldly villains from the "Trump Kingdom" appear and create giant monsters from the civilians' selfish desires to cause havoc. -- -- In the midst of finding a way to stop the destruction, Mana encounters "Cure Sword," a mysterious Precure warrior. As Cure Sword engages in combat with the monsters, Mana meets Cure Sword's fairy allies, who tell her that she also has the ability to transform into a warrior herself. When Trump Kingdom's invaders begin to outnumber Cure Sword, Mana takes to the battleground with resolve. She partners with Sharuru, one of the fairies, and transforms into "Cure Heart"—the Precure of Love. -- -- In her attempts to ally with Cure Sword, Mana ends up pulling Rikka and Alice into the fray, whom each partner with a fairy ally to transform into "Cure Diamond" and "Cure Rosetta," respectively. Together, they battle against the Trump Kingdom invaders to protect the love in the world from being destroyed. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Saban Entertainment -- TV - Feb 3, 2013 -- 18,169 6.57
Himouto! Umaru-chan R -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy School Seinen Slice of Life -- Himouto! Umaru-chan R Himouto! Umaru-chan R -- Umaru Doma is a model student who has a hidden side: when she gets home each day, she puts on her hamster hoodie and turns into a sluggish otaku fond of junk food. As Umaru continues these daily antics, the friendship between her and her classmates—Nana Ebina, Kirie Motoba, and Sylphinford Tachibana—deepens, and more and more interesting events begin to unfold. -- -- Of course, these events give rise to numerous questions. What did Nana ask of Umaru's brother Taihei? Who is the mysterious girl with the diamond hairpin? And most important of all: why does this girl seem to know Umaru? These questions and more will be answered in Himouto! Umaru-chan R! -- -- 189,133 7.35
Himouto! Umaru-chan R -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy School Seinen Slice of Life -- Himouto! Umaru-chan R Himouto! Umaru-chan R -- Umaru Doma is a model student who has a hidden side: when she gets home each day, she puts on her hamster hoodie and turns into a sluggish otaku fond of junk food. As Umaru continues these daily antics, the friendship between her and her classmates—Nana Ebina, Kirie Motoba, and Sylphinford Tachibana—deepens, and more and more interesting events begin to unfold. -- -- Of course, these events give rise to numerous questions. What did Nana ask of Umaru's brother Taihei? Who is the mysterious girl with the diamond hairpin? And most important of all: why does this girl seem to know Umaru? These questions and more will be answered in Himouto! Umaru-chan R! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 189,133 7.35
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 4: Diamond wa Kudakenai -- -- David Production -- 39 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Supernatural Drama Shounen -- JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 4: Diamond wa Kudakenai JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 4: Diamond wa Kudakenai -- The year is 1999. Morioh, a normally quiet and peaceful town, has recently become a hotbed of strange activity. Joutarou Kuujou, now a marine biologist, heads to the mysterious town to meet Jousuke Higashikata. While the two may seem like strangers at first, Jousuke is actually the illegitimate child of Joutarou's grandfather, Joseph Joestar. When they meet, Joutarou realizes that he may have more in common with Jousuke than just a blood relation. -- -- Along with the mild-mannered Kouichi Hirose and the boisterous Okuyasu Nijimura, the group dedicates themselves to investigating recent disappearances and other suspicious occurrences within Morioh. Aided by the power of Stands, the four men will encounter danger at every street corner, as it is up to them to unravel the town's secrets, before another occurs. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- 687,713 8.50
Lupin III: Kutabare! Nostradamus -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Mystery Comedy Seinen -- Lupin III: Kutabare! Nostradamus Lupin III: Kutabare! Nostradamus -- After a diamond heist in Brazil, Lupin hides the gem in a doll and boards a plane headed out of the country. While on board, the doll is stolen by a little girl named Julia, whose nanny is none other than Fujiko Mine. Before Lupin can get the doll back, the plane is hijacked and the girl is kidnapped. The kidnappers are after the same thing that Fujiko is after - a book of Nostradamus prophecies hidden in Julia's father's tower. Lupin and the gang join forces to save the girl, get the diamond back, and discover the secrets surrounding the strange book. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Apr 22, 1995 -- 8,746 7.36
Pocket Monsters: Diamond & Pearl Specials -- -- OLM -- 2 eps -- Game -- Action Comedy Kids Fantasy -- Pocket Monsters: Diamond & Pearl Specials Pocket Monsters: Diamond & Pearl Specials -- One-hour special split into 2 episodes during the airing of Pokemon Best Wishes! featuring the old characters from the Diamond & Pearl series Hikari and Takeshi with their Pokemon. -- -- Episode 1 - ヒカリ・新たなる� -- 立ち! (Hikari, Arata Naru Tabidachi!): -- Hikari - Setting off on a New Journey! -- -- Episode 2 - ニビジム・史上最大の危機! (Nibi Gym, Shijou Saidai no Kiki!): -- Nibi Gym - The Greatest Crisis Ever! -- Special - Feb 3, 2011 -- 10,078 6.97
Pokemon Best Wishes! -- -- OLM -- 84 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Kids -- Pokemon Best Wishes! Pokemon Best Wishes! -- As with both the Advanced Generation and Diamond & Pearl series before it, the Best Wishes! series begins with only Satoshi, headed off to the Isshu region, located far away from Kanto, Johto, Houen, and Sinnoh, with his Pikachu. After he meets up with the new trainer and rival Shooty and the region's Professor Araragi, he gains traveling companions in Iris, a girl from a town known for its Dragon Pokémon, and Dent, Pokémon Connoisseur and the Grass Pokémon specialist of the three Sanyou City Gym Leaders. -- 75,162 6.39
Pokemon Best Wishes! -- -- OLM -- 84 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Kids -- Pokemon Best Wishes! Pokemon Best Wishes! -- As with both the Advanced Generation and Diamond & Pearl series before it, the Best Wishes! series begins with only Satoshi, headed off to the Isshu region, located far away from Kanto, Johto, Houen, and Sinnoh, with his Pikachu. After he meets up with the new trainer and rival Shooty and the region's Professor Araragi, he gains traveling companions in Iris, a girl from a town known for its Dragon Pokémon, and Dent, Pokémon Connoisseur and the Grass Pokémon specialist of the three Sanyou City Gym Leaders. -- -- Licensor: -- The Pokemon Company International, VIZ Media -- 75,162 6.39
Pokemon Diamond & Pearl -- -- OLM -- 191 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Comedy Kids Fantasy -- Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Pokemon Diamond & Pearl -- Following the end of Satoshi's Hoenn journey, he travels to the Sinnoh region for his next adventure en route to becoming a Pokémon Master. Immediately upon arrival, Team Rocket makes another attempt to snatch Pikachu, only for it to fail once again. However, Pikachu has fallen deep into a forest and it's up to Satoshi to find him! Along the way, he reunites with Takeshi—a Pokémon breeder with whom he has traveled through many regions—and meets his soon-to-be rival, Shinji, a power-hungry trainer who cares little for his Pokémons' feelings. -- -- Still in search for Pikachu, Satoshi notices a powerful electric attack in the distance and heads toward it to find Pikachu with Team Rocket and Hikari—a novice trainer aiming to be the top Pokémon coordinator. After foiling Team Rocket's plans, Satoshi reunites with Pikachu and Hikari joins the group. And thus, Ash and his friends begin their journey through the exciting land of Sinnoh. -- -- -- Licensor: -- The Pokemon Company International, VIZ Media -- 107,431 7.21
Pokemon Movie 17: Hakai no Mayu to Diancie -- -- OLM -- 1 ep -- Game -- Adventure Kids Fantasy -- Pokemon Movie 17: Hakai no Mayu to Diancie Pokemon Movie 17: Hakai no Mayu to Diancie -- The story is set in Diamond Ore Country, of which Diancie is the princess.This is a country located deep underground, where the Pokémon Carbink live together in peace. The energy source of this country is a giant diamond called the Sacred Diamond, which can only be created by princess Diancie. However, the current princess doesn't yet possess the power to create such a diamond, and the current Sacred Diamond's power is soon going to run out, which would result in the end of the country. Diancie meets up with Ash and Pikachu, and set off together with them to search for the legendary Pokemon Xerneas, which possesses sacred power, but on the way, they find the cocoon where the Destruction Pokémon, Yveltal, who was said to have once destroyed life in Kalos, lies in wait. -- -- (Source: -- -- Licensor: -- The Pokemon Company International -- Movie - Jul 19, 2014 -- 30,648 6.46,_1992),_for_N_=_2_(black_dots),_N_=_6_(blue_diamonds),_N_=_8_(purple_squares),_N_=_24_(green_triangles),_and_N_=_50_(yellow_circles).webp,_an_inn_in_Stirling._Robert_Burns.jpg"Diamond"_Structure.png'Portrait_of_Juan_Bautista_de_Anza'_by_Ira_Diamond_Gerald_Cassidy,_El_Paso_Museum_of_Art.JPG
12 Songs (Neil Diamond album)
13 Carat Diamond and Other Stories
1982 Thunderbirds Indian Springs Diamond Crash
2002 Proximus Diamond Games Doubles
2002 Proximus Diamond Games Singles
2003 Proximus Diamond Games Doubles
2003 Proximus Diamond Games Singles
2004 Proximus Diamond Games Doubles
2004 Proximus Diamond Games Singles
2005 Proximus Diamond Games Doubles
2005 Proximus Diamond Games Singles
2006 Proximus Diamond Games Doubles
2006 Proximus Diamond Games Singles
2007 Proximus Diamond Games Doubles
2007 Proximus Diamond Games Singles
2009 Graff Diamonds robbery
2011 Desert Diamond Cup
2015 Desert Diamond Cup
2015 Diamond Games
2015 Diamond Games Doubles
2015 Diamond Games Singles
2016 Desert Diamond Cup
2019 Desert Diamond Casino West Valley 200
Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center
Above Diamond
Ace of Diamond
Ace of Diamond Act II
Ace of Diamonds
Adele Diamond
A Diamond Hidden in the Mouth of a Corpse
A Diamond in the Mind: Live 2011
Adventure in Diamonds
A Fake Diamond Swindler
AFC Rushden & Diamonds
Affair of the Diamond Necklace
African Diamond Producers Association
Agaton Sax and the Diamond Thieves
Aggregated diamond nanorod
Aikhal diamond mine
Akbar Shah (diamond)
Alex Diamond
Allnatt Diamond
America (Neil Diamond song)
Ana Diamond
Andrew Diamond
Andrew Diamond (professor)
Ann Diamond
Antwerp diamond heist
Antwerp World Diamond Centre
Apollo Diamond
April Diamond
Argyle diamond mine
Arizona Diamondbacks
Arkansas Diamonds
Arnie Allen Diamond
Arthur Diamond
Ashberg Diamond
Ashes & Diamonds Winery
Ashes and Diamonds
At War in the Diamond Fields
Aurora Green Diamond
A Woman, an Animal, a Diamond
Aztec diamond
Baba Diamond Fields
Barbie & the Diamond Castle
Barry Diamond
Battle of Diamond Hill
Battle of the Diamond
Ben Meyer Diamond at Ray E. Didier Field
Bernard Diamond
Bernard L. Diamond
Betty Diamond
Bharat Diamond Bourse
Black Diamond
Black Diamond Apple
Black Diamond Bay
Black Diamond Cheese
Black Diamond/Cu Nim Airport
Black Diamond District
Black Diamond, Florida
Black Diamond/Flying R Ranch Aerodrome
Black Diamond (library)
Black Diamond Mines Regional Preserve
Black Diamond (roller coaster)
Black Diamonds (1938 film)
Black Diamonds (EP)
Black Diamond (Stan Ridgway album)
Black Diamond: The Anthology
Black Diamond (The Rippingtons album)
Black Diamond (train)
Black Diamond, Washington
Black Snake Diamond Rle
Bleach: The DiamondDust Rebellion
Blood and Diamonds
Blood Diamond
Blood diamond
Blood Diamonds
Blue and Green Diamond
Blue Diamond
Blue diamond
Blue Diamond Affair
Blue Diamond Hill housing proposals
Blue Diamond, Nevada
Blue Diamond Preview (C&G)
Bob Diamond
Bob Diamond (banker)
Botswana Diamond Sorters & Valuators' Union
Bratz: Forever Diamondz
Brilliant (diamond cut)
Broken Diamonds
Brown diamonds
Brussels Airport diamond heist
Canadian diamonds
Cape May diamonds
Carolina Diamonds
Cartier Diamond Dagger
Charles Diamond
Charlotte Diamond
Child labour in the diamond industry
Chopard Diamond award
Classic Diamonds
Classic Diamonds The DVD
Clean Diamond Trade Act
Close to the Edge (Diamond Rio album)
Confederate Gulch and Diamond City
Conspiracy (King Diamond album)
COVID-19 pandemic on Diamond Princess
Crystallographic defects in diamond
Cullinan Diamond
Curved space diamond structure
Data Recall Diamond
David Diamond
David Diamond (composer)
David M. Diamond
Death and Diamonds
Death and Diamonds (film)
De Beers Diamond Oval
Deepdene (diamond)
Demons to Diamonds (album)
Derek Diamond
Desert Diamond Casino West Valley 200
Desert Diamond West Valley Phoenix Grand Prix
Detonation nanodiamond
Diamond (4Minute album)
Diamond Aircraft Industries
Diamond and Flower Ferris Wheel
Diamond and Related Materials
Diamond and Silk
Diamond anvil cell
Diamond A Ranch
Diamond Babu
Diamondback Energy
Diamondback (Kings Island)
Diamondback moth
Diamondback puffer
Diamondback (Rachel Leighton)
Diamondback rattlesnake
Diamondback terrapin
Diamondback tritonia
Diamondback (Willis Stryker)
Diamond Ballroom
Diamond Bar, California
Diamond battery
Diamond Beach, New Jersey
Diamond Bessie
Diamond Bitch
DiamondBlackfan anemia
Diamond blade
Diamond Bluff, Wisconsin
Diamond Bridge
Diamond Bus
Diamond Cartel
Diamond Castle Holdings
Diamond Cay
Diamond Cement Ghana Limited
Diamond Challenge Sculls
Diamond City
Diamond City, Arkansas
Diamond City (shopping centers)
Diamond clarity
Diamond coconut model
Diamond code
Diamond color
Diamond Comic Distributors
Diamond (comics)
Diamond (Constant Deviants album)
Diamond Corner
Diamond Cove
Diamond Creek (Arizona)
Diamond Creek, Victoria
Diamond Crown (cigar)
Diamond Crown Maximus
Diamond cubic
Diamond Cup Golf
Diamond cut
Diamond Cut Audio Restoration Tools
Diamond Cut (Bonnie Tyler album)
Diamond Cut Diamond
Diamond Cut Productions
Diamond cutting
Diamond D
Diamond DA20 Katana
Diamond DA40 Diamond Star
Diamond DA42 Twin Star
Diamond DA50
Diamond DA62
Diamond Dallas Page
Diamond DART 450
Diamond darter
Diamond Days
Diamond DeShields
Diamond Dick
Diamond (disambiguation)
Diamond district
Diamond D-Jet
Diamond Dogs
Diamond Dogs (band)
Diamond Dogs, Turquoise Days
Diamond dove
Diamond Dreams (EP)
Diamond Duck
Diamond Duggal
Diamond dust
DiamondDybvig model
Diamond enhancement
Diamond Entertainment Corporation
Diamond Eyes
Diamond Eyes (song)
Diamondfield Jack
Diamond Fields Advertiser
Diamond Film
Diamond firetail
Diamond flaw
Diamond FM
Diamond FM (Nigeria)
Diamond Foods
Diamond Food Volleyball Club
Diamond Fund
Diamond Games
Diamond Geezer
Diamond (gemstone)
Diamond Girl
Diamond graph
Diamond Guitars
Diamond Hall
Diamond Harbour I
Diamond Harbour II
Diamond Harbour Women's University
Diamond Hard
Diamond Head
Diamondhead (album)
Diamond Head (English band)
Diamond Head, Hawaii
Diamond Head (Japanese band)
Diamond Head Lighthouse
Diamondhead, Mississippi
Diamond Head Oil Refinery Superfund Site
Diamond Head (song)
Diamond Head Theatre
Diamond Heart
Diamond Heights, San Francisco
Diamond Hill
Diamond Hill (Cumberland, Rhode Island)
Diamond Hill (Ireland)
Diamond HK36 Super Dimona
Diamond, Honour and Mercosur Konex Award winners
Diamond Hoo Ha
Diamond Horseshoe
Diamond, Illinois
Diamond, Indiana
Diamond industry in Israel
Diamond interchange
Diamond in the Back
Diamond in the Dirt (album)
Diamond in the Dirt (EP)
Diamond in the Riff
Diamond in the Ruff
Diamond Island
Diamond Island (Grenadines)
Diamond Island (Myanmar)
Diamond Is Unbreakable
Diamond Jack
Diamond Jack and the Queen of Pain
Diamond Jim
Diamond Jim Brady
Diamond Jo Casino
Diamond Jo Casino Worth
Diamond Joe
Diamond jubilee
Diamond Jubilee of Elizabeth II
Diamond Jubilee Pageant
Diamond Jubilee Stakes
Diamond Keturah, U.S. Virgin Islands
Diamond killifish
Diamond knife
Diamond knot
Diamond Knot Brewing Company
Diamond Lake
Diamond Lake, Minneapolis
Diamond Lake (Oregon)
Diamond lane
Diamond Life
Diamond Lights
Diamond Light Source
Diamond-like carbon
Diamond Lil (disambiguation)
Diamond lizardfish
Diamond Management & Technology Consultants
Diamond Mind
Diamond mine (disambiguation)
Diamond Mine (King Creosote and Jon Hopkins album)
Diamond Mine (video game)
Diamond, Missouri
Diamond model
Diamond Mountain Center
Diamond Mountain District AVA
Diamond Mountain National Forest
Diamond Mountains (Nevada)
Diamond mullet
Diamond Multimedia
Diamond Necklace
Diamond Necklace (film)
Diamond North West
Diamond Offshore Drilling
Diamond of Istanbul
Diamond, Ohio
Diamond operator
Diamond, Oregon
Diamond/Over the Clouds
Diamond Park
Diamond Peak
Diamond Peak (Colorado)
Diamond Peak (Idaho)
Diamond plate
Diamond Platnumz
Diamond Plaza (Mandalay)
Diamond Point, Washington
Diamond Princess
Diamond Princess (album)
Diamond Princess (ship)
Diamond principle
Diamond Project
Diamond Ranch
Diamond (rapper)
Diamond Records (Hong Kong)
Diamond Reo Trucks
Diamond Research and Mercantile City
Diamond Resorts
Diamond Rexx
Diamond Ridge, Alaska
Diamond Ridge Motorsports
Diamond ring
Diamond Ring (professional wrestling)
Diamond Rings and Old Barstools
Diamond Rio
Diamond Rio discography
Diamond Rock
Diamond Rubber Company
Diamond rush
Diamonds (1920 film)
Diamonds (1937 film)
Diamonds (1975 film)
Diamond Safari
Diamond Safari (1966 film)
Diamonds Affair
Diamonds & Guitars
Diamonds & Rust
Diamonds & Studs
Diamonds and Guns
Diamonds and Nuggets
Diamonds and Pearls
Diamonds and Pearls (song)
Diamonds and Pearls Video Collection
Diamonds and Rain
Diamonds and Toads
Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend
Diamonds Are a Man's Best Friend
Diamonds Are Brittle
Diamonds Are Forever
Diamonds Are Forever (film)
Diamonds Are Forever (novel)
Diamonds Are Forever (soundtrack)
Diamonds Are for Heather
Diamonds Are Invincible
Diamonds as an investment
Diamonds (British TV series)
Diamond Schmitt Architects
Diamonds (Elton John album)
Diamonds for Breakfast
Diamonds from Sierra Leone
Diamond Shamrock
Diamond Shamrock and Kwik Stop Boycott
Diamond Shoal Light
Diamond Shumsher Rana
Diamond simulant
Diamonds in a Dead Sky
Diamonds (instrumental)
Diamonds in the Coal
Diamonds in the Dark
Diamonds in the Dirt
Diamonds in the Rough
Diamonds in the Rough (album)
Diamond Skulls
Diamonds (Lil Peep and iLoveMakonnen album)
Diamonds (Megan Thee Stallion and Normani song)
Diamonds of the Night
Diamonds on My Neck
Diamonds On the Inside
Diamonds On the Inside (song)
Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes
Diamond Springs, California
Diamond-square algorithm
Diamonds (Rihanna song)
Diamonds (suit)
Diamond Star
Diamond-Star Motors
Diamond Stars F.C.
Diamonds The Best of Dio
Diamond (Stick to Your Guns album)
Diamond Stingily
Diamond stingray
Diamond Sun
Diamonds Under Fire
Diamond Sutra
Diamonds (video game)
Diamonds World Tour
Diamond T
Diamond T 4-ton 6x6 truck
Diamond Tail Formation
Diamond Teeth Mary
Diamond tetra
Diamond tool
Diamond Tooth Gertie's Gambling Hall
Diamond Tooth Lil
Diamond Tree
Diamond Trellis (Faberg egg)
Diamond Trust Bank (Tanzania) Limited
Diamond Trust Bank (Uganda)
Diamond turbot
Diamond turn
Diamond turning
Diamond type
Diamond, U.S. Virgin Islands
Diamond, Utah
Diamondvale, Queensland
Diamond Valley
Diamond Valley Lake
Diamond Valley United SC
Diamond v. Chakrabarty
Diamond v. Charles
Diamond v. Diehr
Diamond Village, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Diamondville, California
Diamondville, Wyoming
Diamond Vision
Diamond Walkers
Diamond Wave
Diamond Wave (song)
Diamond Way Buddhism
Diamond West Midlands
Diamond White
Diamond White (singer)
Diamond willow
Diamond X
Diamondy, Queensland
Diamond Y springsnail
Diamond Yukai
Diavik Diamond Mine
Dick Diamonde
Dion Diamond
Dirty Diamonds
Diverging diamond interchange
Division of Diamond Valley
Dominik Diamond
Dominion Diamond Mines
Don Diamond
Dorf on the Diamond
Double diamond
Double Diamond Burton Pale Ale
Double Diamond Dude Ranch Dining Hall
Double Diamond International
Douglas Diamond
Dow Diamond
Draft:Carbon negative diamond
Dresden Green Diamond
Dresden White Diamond
Dustin Diamond
Dusty Diamond's All-Star Softball
Eagle Diamond
Eastern diamondback rattlesnake
Eddie Pellagrini Diamond at John Shea Field
Ekati Diamond Mine
Elizabeth Taylor Diamond
Empress Eugnie (diamond)
Eureka Diamond
Excelsior Diamond
Exploration diamond drilling
Extraterrestrial diamonds
Fairmont Black Diamonds
Fantasia Diamond
Felicity's Diamond Jim
FIBA Diamond Ball
Finsch diamond mine
Firestone Diamonds
Flemish Diamond
Florentine Diamond
Four Diamonds
Four Little Diamonds
Four Lords of the Diamond
Four of Diamonds
Fred Diamond
Fucauma Diamond Mine
Funky Diamonds
Gahcho Kue Diamond Mine
General Diamond Workers' Union of the Netherlands
Genuine Diamond
Germanium-vacancy center in diamond
GIFT Diamond Tower
Global Diamond Resources
Golconda diamonds
Golden Days Diamond Night
Golden Jubilee Diamond
Great Diamond
Great diamond
Great Diamond Hoax
Great Diamond Island
Great Diamond Island Site
Greatest Hits II (Diamond Rio album)
Great Mogul Diamond
Green Diamond
Gregg Diamond
Gustave Diamond
Hannah Diamond
Happy (Marina and the Diamonds song)
Harry Diamond
Harry Diamond Laboratories
Hearts and Diamonds
Her Diamonds
Herkimer diamond
History of Rushden & Diamonds F.C.
Histria Diamond
HMS Diamond
HMS Diamond (1652)
HMS Diamond (D34)
HMS Diamond (D35)
HMS Diamond (H22)
Hope Diamond
Hortensia diamond
HTC Touch Diamond
HTC Touch Diamond2
Hugh Welch Diamond
I. A. L. Diamond
Ian Diamond
Irthlingborough Diamonds F.C.
Israel Diamond Institute
IV (Diamond Rio album)
Jack Diamond
Jack Diamond (architect)
Jack Diamond, Baron Diamond
Jack Diamond (comedian)
Jack Diamond (radio personality)
Jackie Diamond Hyman
Jack of Diamonds
Jack of Diamonds (artists)
Jack of Diamonds (song)
Jacob Diamond
James Diamond
Jared Diamond
Jeremy Diamond
Jim Diamond (music producer)
Jim Diamond (singer)
Joe Miller Field at Cowgirl Diamond
John Diamond
John Diamond (doctor)
John Diamond (journalist)
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Is Unbreakable
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Is Unbreakable Chapter I
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Records
Jon P. Diamond
Joseph "Diamond Jo" Reynolds
Jubilee Diamond
Keith Diamond
Keith Diamond (actor)
Kid Diamond
Kimberlite Diamond
King Diamond
King Diamond (band)
King Diamond discography
King of Diamonds
King of Diamonds (film)
Kisna Diamond Jewellery
Klein Field at Sunken Diamond
Klopman diamond
Koh-i-Noor: The History of the World's Most Infamous Diamond
Larry Diamond
Lavender Diamond
Legends of the Diamond
Legs Diamond
Lethbridge Black Diamonds
Letseng diamond mine
Liebe Sokol Diamond
Lili Diamonds
Lisa M. Diamond
List of Arizona Diamondbacks first-round draft picks
List of Arizona Diamondbacks managers
List of Arizona Diamondbacks owners and executives
List of diamond mines
List of diamonds
List of Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords or Diamonds recipients of the Luftwaffe fighter force
List of Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords or Diamonds recipients of the Waffen-SS
List of lakes named Diamond
List of Pokmon: Diamond and Pearl episodes
List of synthetic diamond manufacturers
List of Urawa Red Diamonds individual award winners
List of Urawa Red Diamonds records and statistics
Little Diamond Island
Live in the LBC & Diamonds in the Rough
Lonely Diamond
Lou Diamond
Lou Diamond Phillips
Louis Diamond
Love on the Rocks (Neil Diamond song)
Low vs Diamond
Low vs Diamond (album)
Luarica diamond mine
Lucara Diamond
Lucky Diamond Rich
Lucy Diamond
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
Lydia R. Diamond
Mahaney Diamond
Mirn Diamond
Marange diamond fields
Marian Diamond
Matthew Diamond
Memorial diamond
Merlin Diamond
Mero Mound Group (Diamond Bluff Site)
Micaela Diamond
Michael Diamond
Mighty Diamonds
Milton Diamond
Mini-Roman 2 Diamond
MOFAT Diamond scandal
Moods (Neil Diamond album)
Mountain Province Diamonds
Moussaieff Red Diamond
Mrs. Salkm's Diamonds
MS Sea Diamond
MT New Diamond
Multi two diamonds
Murowa diamond mine
MV Diamond Knot
Nagoya Diamond Dolphins
Napoleon Diamond Necklace
Nassak Diamond
Neil Diamond
Neil Diamond 50 50th Anniversary Collection
Neil Diamond discography
Nightfall of Diamonds
Nizam Diamond
No Diamonds for Ursula
Norman "Dinky" Diamond
Ocean Diamond
Ocean Paradise Diamond
goe Diamond
Oh No! (Marina and the Diamonds song)
Okwy Diamondstar
Operation Diamond
Orapa diamond mine
Orlov (diamond)
Paragon (diamond)
Pat Kenelly Diamond at Alumni Field
Patrol Base Diamond I
Paul Diamond
Paul S. Diamond
Peter Diamond
Peter Diamondstone
Pigot Diamond
Pink diamond
Pink Star (diamond)
Pittsburg Diamonds
Pokmon Diamond and Pearl
Pokmon Diamond and Pearl Adventure!
Pokmon: Diamond and Pearl: Battle Dimension
Pokmon Diamond and Pearl (disambiguation)
Pokmon: Diamond and Pearl: Galactic Battles
Poly diamond powder
Premier Rose Diamond
Primadonna (Marina and the Diamonds song)
Princie Diamond
Pumpkin Diamond
Pure Grown Diamonds
Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Wood
Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal
Queen of Diamonds
Queens of Diamonds and Hearts
Rapaport Diamond Report
Rebecca Diamond
Recording Industry Ass'n of America v. Diamond Multimedia Systems, Inc.
Recycled diamond
Red diamond
Reflections (Hannah Diamond album)
Regent Diamond
Richard Diamond, Private Detective
Rich Diamond
Robert Burns's diamond point engravings
Rockwell Diamonds
Rough Diamond
Rough diamond
Rough Diamonds
Rough Diamonds (EP)
Rough Diamond (TV series)
Royal Asscher Diamond Company
Run for the Diamonds
Rushden & Diamonds F.C.
Sagra, Diamond Harbour
Sara Diamond
Sara Diamond (college president)
Sara Diamond (singer)
Scio Diamond Technology Corporation
Sequel to the Diamond from the Sky
Shah Diamond
Shea Diamond
Shine On You Crazy Diamond
Shock diamond
Shock Diamonds (tone poem)
ShwachmanDiamond syndrome
Sid Diamond
Sierra Leone diamond (Kono region)
Silicon-vacancy center in diamond
Silver Diamond
Simon Diamond
Skewb Diamond
Skin Diamond
Small Diamond Crown of Queen Victoria
Snap Lake Diamond Mine
Some Days Are Diamonds
Some Days Are Diamonds (album)
Spence Diamonds
Spirit of de Grisogono Diamond
Spoonmaker's Diamond
Star of South Africa (diamond)
Star of the East (diamond)
Stephanie Diamond
Steve Diamond
Stone House (Diamond Hill)
Strawn-Wagner Diamond
Supreme Diamonds v Du Bois
Sweet and Innocent (Diamond Head song)
Swiss Diamond International
Swiss Diamond Prishtina
Syed Wahiduzzaman Diamond
Synthetic diamond
TaylorBurton Diamond
Tehn Diamond
Ten-of-diamonds decahedron
Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant
The Beggar and the Diamond
The Best of Diamond Head
The Best of King Diamond
The Black Diamonds
The Blue Diamonds (duo)
The Card Sharp with the Ace of Diamonds
The Devil Diamond
The Diamond Age
The Diamond Arm
The Diamond as Big as the Ritz
The Diamond Bar
The Diamond Brothers
The Diamond Chariot
The Diamond (department store)
The Diamond Exchange
The Diamond (film)
The Diamond Fleece
The Diamond Foundation
The Diamond from the Sky
The Diamond Head Game
The Diamond in the Fish
The Diamond Master
The Diamond of Drury Lane
The Diamond Peddlers
The Diamond Queen
The Diamonds
The Diamonds in the Rough
The Diamond Smugglers
The Diamond Throne
The Diamond Wink Tour
The Emerald Diamond
The Eye (King Diamond album)
The Family Jewels (Marina and the Diamonds album)
The Feel of Neil Diamond
The Hope Diamond Mystery
The Lex Diamond Story
The Loss of a Teardrop Diamond
The Lucky Diamond
The Maharaja's Diamond
Them (King Diamond album)
The Mystery of the Blue Diamond
The Pink Diamond
The Rajah's Diamond
The Vanished Diamond
Thomas Cullinan (diamond magnate)
Thomas Diamond
Three-level diamond interchange
Tidal diamond
Tiffany Yellow Diamond
Tonality diamond
Tony Diamond
Ultimate Diamond
Unbelievable (Diamond Rio album)
Universal Alliance of Diamond Workers
Urawa Red Diamonds
Urawa Red Diamonds Ladies
USS Diamond Head (AE-19)
Venetia Diamond Mine
Victor Diamond Mine
Voodoo (King Diamond album)
WA Diamonds
WD Lab Grown Diamonds
Wendy Diamond
Western diamondback rattlesnake
White Diamond
Wild Things: Diamonds in the Rough
William Diamond
Williamson diamond mine
Williamson pink diamond
Wittelsbach-Graff Diamond
Wizardry II: The Knight of Diamonds
World Diamond Council
Zander Diamond

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last updated: 2022-02-02 18:49:30
240604 site hits