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--- WIKI
liphas Lvi Zahed, born Alphonse Louis Constant (8 February 1810 31 May 1875), was a French occult author and ceremonial magician. "liphas Lvi", the name under which he published his books, was his attempt to translate or transliterate his given names "Alphonse Louis" into the Hebrew language. "Eliphas Levi" is an anagram for "Phileas Evil." Phileas is greek for "love," so the transliteration of his name is an anagram for "love evil."
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Eliphas Levi



Eliphas Levi, there are 2 governing spirits of


as Amiziras. Eliphas Levi ( The History of Magic)

Eliphas Levi, there are 2 governing spirits of

Egregores Coined by Eliphas Levi, who explains it as “the chiefs of the souls who are the spirits of energy and action” (SD 1:259). They are beings “whose bodies and essence is a tissue of the so-called astral light. They are the shadows of the higher Planetary Spirits whose bodies are of the essence of the higher divine light” (TG 111). They are “the ‘giants’ of Genesis who loved the daughters of men: an allusion to the first prehuman (so to say) races of men evoluted, not born — Alpha and the Omega of Humanity in this our ‘Round’ ” (BCW 6:176).

given by Eliphas Levi, the list consists of Sarahiel

Od is also used, together with the Hebrew words ob (’ob) and aour (’or), by Eliphas Levi to denote aspects of the astral light. Ob is a well-known word for sorcery and necromancy, for a sorcerer or necromancer, as well as occasionally signifying an astral shade or spook. Aour, on the contrary, signifies light, brilliance, and hence revelation and the light of initiation.

Perisprit [from Greek peri around, surrounding + Latin spiritus spirit, vital atmosphere] Used by the followers of Allan Kardec, the French spiritualist, and by Eliphas Levi, to denote the human astral double.

Phosphorus (Greek) phosphoros. Light-bringing; equivalent of Latin Lucifer (the morning star; a torchbearer, e.g., Hecate, a form of the moon). Satan, according to Christian legend, was once Phosphorus, the redeemer. Also a personified aspect of the astral fire and light in the anima mundi. Eliphas Levi speaks of the interior phosphorus, meaning the astral light.

says Eliphas Levi in The History of Magic, “which

sefiroth (Eliphas Levi says the 10th). In this

St. Peter’s guardian angel. Eliphas Levi finds an

Tempter In general, the human mind, whether reacting to outside impulsions or impressions, or from within its own relatively small and uninspired powers; it has been commonly typified by the dragon, Satan, Zeus, etc. “Zeus is represented as a serpent — the intellectual tempter of man — which, nevertheless, begets in the course of cyclic evolution the ‘Man-Saviour,’ the solar Bacchus or ‘Dionysus,’ more than a man” (SD 2:419-20). Indeed, often it is our higher nature which “tempts” us upwards by calling forth latent or inner powers which, once evoked, are the ladder by which we climb. Thus our tempter is also our redeemer. The esoteric teaching of the tempting of humankind by awakening in its light of intellect has been materialized into a sensual temptation by a Devil in the Garden of Eden; and in the Bible, an evolutionary phase has been theologically degraded into a sin. The astral light is also spoken of as the tempter, especially by Eliphas Levi.

The symbol of a cross within a circle, supposed to represent a rose with a cross in it, is really a perversion by Western Christian Qabbalists, who call it the great mystery of occult generation, whereas the true symbol of the reawakening of the universe is a circle with a point in it, and the circle with a cross is the true mundane cross. The real symbol of the Rosicrucians is that of a pelican tearing open its breast to feed its seven little ones — the symbol of the 18th degree of the order. The rosy cross is the cube unfolded (cf SD 2:19, 80, 601). Many associations, since the disappearance of the medieval Rosicrucians, have existed and still exist, who have borrowed the name and apparently as much of the Rosicrucians’ teachings as they could understand. Blavatsky mentions Paracelsus as having been a true Rosicrucian, and Eliphas Levi as having had access to Rosicrucian manuscripts.

to Eliphas Levi, Orifiel, like Saturn, is the angel of

-(tr.). Transcendental Magic of Eliphas Levi.

Vril A tremendous magical force wielded by people in The Coming Race, a posthumous novel by Bulwer-Lytton. Blavatsky compared it with the Atlantean Mash-Mak, the vibratory force of J. W. Keely, the power of sound, Eliphas Levi’s astral light, akasa, etc.

QUOTES [20 / 20 - 58 / 58]

KEYS (10k)

   18 Eliphas Levi
   1 Peter J Carroll
   1 Aleister Crowley


   56 Eliphas Levi

1:The devil never repents.
   ~ Eliphas Levi, [T5],
2:The elect are those who dare; woe to the timid! ~ Eliphas Levi,
3:Man's greatest wisdom is to choose his obsession well.
   ~ Eliphas Levi, [T5],
4:To be an object of attraction for all women, you must desire none ~ Eliphas Levi,
5:To practice magic is to be a quack; to know magic is to be a sage.
   ~ Eliphas Levi,
6:A good teacher must be able to put himself in the place of those who find learning hard.
   ~ Eliphas Levi,
7:The philosophy of laughter will never have anything in common with the religion of tears.
   ~ Eliphas Levi,
8:The Magician looks on the wicked as invalids whom one must pity and cure; the world, with its errors and vices, is to him God's hospital, and he wishes to serve in it.
   ~ Eliphas Levi,
9:Human thought creates what it imagines; the phantoms of superstition project their deformities on the astral light, and live upon the same terrors which give them birth.
   ~ Eliphas Levi,
10:EVERY intention which does not assert itself by deeds is a vain intention, and the speech which expresses it is idle speech. It is action which proves life and establishes will
   ~ Eliphas Levi,
11:To know all is an impossible dream; but woe unto him who dares not to learn all, and who does not know that, in order to know anything, one must learn eternally!
   ~ Eliphas Levi, The Key of The Mysteries,
12:The Great Work is, before all things, the creation of man by himself, that is to say, the full and entire conquest of his faculties and his future; it is especially the perfect emancipation of his will.
   ~ Eliphas Levi,
13:Succeed in not fearing the lion, and the lion will fear YOU. Say to suffering, 'I will that you shall become a pleasure,' and it will prove to be such-- and even more than a pleasure, it will be a blessing.
   ~ Eliphas Levi,
14:An imprisoned person with no other book than the Tarot, if he knew how to use it, could in a few years acquire Universal Knowledge Gnosis, and would be able to speak on all subjects with unequaled learning and inexhaustible eloquence. ~ Eliphas Levi,
15:You, therefore, who are undertaking the study of this book, if you persevere to the end and understand it, you will be either a monarch or a madman. Do what you will with this volume, you will be unable to despise or to forget it.
   ~ Eliphas Levi, Transcendental Magic,
16:Paracelcus, Eliphas Levi, MacGregor Mathers, Aleister Crowley, Austin Spare, and Michael Moorcock all fed ideas into Chaos Magic. Plus it made some acknowledgement to the ideas of Quantum Physics and other bits of strange science.
   ~ Peter J Carroll, The Octavo: A sorcerer-scientist's grimoire,
17:All Religions and all Sciences connect themselves with one single science, always hidden from the common herd, and transmitted from age to age, from initiate to initiate, beneath the veil of fables and symbols. It preserves for a world yet to come the secrets of a world that has passed away. ~ Eliphas Levi,
18:The key one and threefold, even as universal science. The division of the work is sevenfold, and through these sections are distributed the seven degrees of initiation into is transcendental philosophy.

The text is a mystical commentary on the oracles of Solomon, ^ and the work ends with a series of synoptic schedules which are the synthesis of Magic and the occult Kabalah so far as concerns that which can be made public in writing. The rest, being the esoteric and inexpressible part of the science, is formulated in magnificent pantacles carefully designed and engraved. These are nine in number, as follows

(1) The dogma of Hermes;
(2) Magical realisation;
(3) The path of wisdom and the initial procedure in the work
(4) The Gate of the Sanctuary enlightened by seven mystic rays;
(5) A Rose of Light, in the centre of which a human figure is extending its arms in the form of a cross;
(6) The magical laboratory of Khunrath, demonstrating the necessary union of prayer and work
(7) The absolute synthesis of science;
(8) Universal equilibrium ;
(9) A summary of Khunrath's personal embodying an energetic protest against all his detractors. ~ Eliphas Levi, The History Of Magic,
19:We have all a ruling defect, which is for our soul as the umbilical cord of its birth in sin, and it is by this that the enemy can always lay hold upon us: for some it is vanity, for others idleness, for the majority egotism. Let a wicked and crafty mind avail itself of this means and we are lost; we may not go mad or turn idiots, but we become positively alienated, in all the force of the expression - that is, we are subjected to a foreign suggestion. In such a state one dreads instinctively everything that might bring us back to reason, and will not even listen to representations that are opposed to our obsession. Here is one of the most dangerous disorders which can affect the moral nature. The sole remedy for such a bewitchment is to make use of folly itself in order to cure folly, to provide the sufferer with imaginary satisfactions in the opposite order to that wherein he is now lost. Endeavour, for example, to cure an ambitious person by making him desire the glories of heaven - mystic remedy; cure one who is dissolute by true love - natural remedy; obtain honourable successes for a vain person; exhibit unselfishness to the avaricious and procure for them legitimate profit by honourable participation in generous enterprises, etc. Acting in this way upon the moral nature, we may succeed in curing a number of physical maladies, for the moral affects the physical in virtue of the magical axiom: "That which is above is like unto that which is below." This is why the Master said, when speaking of the paralyzed woman: "Satan has bound her." A disease invariably originates in a deficiency or an excess, and ever at the root of a physical evil we shall find a moral disorder. This is an unchanging law of Nature. ~ Eliphas Levi, Transcendental Magic,
20:SECTION 1. Books for Serious Study
   Liber CCXX. (Liber AL vel Legis.) The Book of the Law. This book is the foundation of the New Æon, and thus of the whole of our work.
   The Equinox. The standard Work of Reference in all occult matters. The Encyclopaedia of Initiation.
   Liber ABA (Book 4). A general account in elementary terms of magical and mystical powers. In four parts: (1) Mysticism (2) Magical (Elementary Theory) (3) Magick in Theory and Practice (this book) (4) The Law.
   Liber II. The Message of the Master Therion. Explains the essence of the new Law in a very simple manner.
   Liber DCCCXXXVIII. The Law of Liberty. A further explanation of The Book of the Law in reference to certain ethical problems.
   Collected Works of A. Crowley. These works contain many mystical and magical secrets, both stated clearly in prose, and woven into the Robe of sublimest poesy.
   The Yi King. (S. B. E. Series [vol. XVI], Oxford University Press.) The "Classic of Changes"; give the initiated Chinese system of Magick.
   The Tao Teh King. (S. B. E. Series [vol. XXXIX].) Gives the initiated Chinese system of Mysticism.
   Tannhäuser, by A. Crowley. An allegorical drama concerning the Progress of the Soul; the Tannhäuser story slightly remodelled.
   The Upanishads. (S. B. E. Series [vols. I & XV.) The Classical Basis of Vedantism, the best-known form of Hindu Mysticism.
   The Bhagavad-gita. A dialogue in which Krishna, the Hindu "Christ", expounds a system of Attainment.
   The Voice of the Silence, by H.P. Blavatsky, with an elaborate commentary by Frater O.M. Frater O.M., 7°=48, is the most learned of all the Brethren of the Order; he has given eighteen years to the study of this masterpiece.
   Raja-Yoga, by Swami Vivekananda. An excellent elementary study of Hindu mysticism. His Bhakti-Yoga is also good.
   The Shiva Samhita. An account of various physical means of assisting the discipline of initiation. A famous Hindu treatise on certain physical practices.
   The Hathayoga Pradipika. Similar to the Shiva Samhita.
   The Aphorisms of Patanjali. A valuable collection of precepts pertaining to mystical attainment.
   The Sword of Song. A study of Christian theology and ethics, with a statement and solution of the deepest philosophical problems. Also contains the best account extant of Buddhism, compared with modern science.
   The Book of the Dead. A collection of Egyptian magical rituals.
   Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie, by Eliphas Levi. The best general textbook of magical theory and practice for beginners. Written in an easy popular style.
   The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage. The best exoteric account of the Great Work, with careful instructions in procedure. This Book influenced and helped the Master Therion more than any other.
   The Goetia. The most intelligible of all the mediæval rituals of Evocation. Contains also the favourite Invocation of the Master Therion.
   Erdmann's History of Philosophy. A compendious account of philosophy from the earliest times. Most valuable as a general education of the mind.
   The Spiritual Guide of [Miguel de] Molinos. A simple manual of Christian Mysticism.
   The Star in the West. (Captain Fuller). An introduction to the study of the Works of Aleister Crowley.
   The Dhammapada. (S. B. E. Series [vol. X], Oxford University Press). The best of the Buddhist classics.
   The Questions of King Milinda. (S. B. E. Series [vols. XXXV & XXXVI].) Technical points of Buddhist dogma, illustrated bydialogues.
   Liber 777 vel Prolegomena Symbolica Ad Systemam Sceptico-Mysticæ Viæ Explicandæ, Fundamentum Hieroglyphicam Sanctissimorum Scientiæ Summæ. A complete Dictionary of the Correspondences of all magical elements, reprinted with extensive additions, making it the only standard comprehensive book of reference ever published. It is to the language of Occultism what Webster or Murray is to the English language.
   Varieties of Religious Experience (William James). Valuable as showing the uniformity of mystical attainment.
   Kabbala Denudata, von Rosenroth: also The Kabbalah Unveiled, by S.L. Mathers. The text of the Qabalah, with commentary. A good elementary introduction to the subject.
   Konx Om Pax [by Aleister Crowley]. Four invaluable treatises and a preface on Mysticism and Magick.
   The Pistis Sophia [translated by G.R.S. Mead or Violet McDermot]. An admirable introduction to the study of Gnosticism.
   The Oracles of Zoroaster [Chaldæan Oracles]. An invaluable collection of precepts mystical and magical.
   The Dream of Scipio, by Cicero. Excellent for its Vision and its Philosophy.
   The Golden Verses of Pythagoras, by Fabre d'Olivet. An interesting study of the exoteric doctrines of this Master.
   The Divine Pymander, by Hermes Trismegistus. Invaluable as bearing on the Gnostic Philosophy.
   The Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians, reprint of Franz Hartmann. An invaluable compendium.
   Scrutinium Chymicum [Atalanta Fugiens]¸ by Michael Maier. One of the best treatises on alchemy.
   Science and the Infinite, by Sidney Klein. One of the best essays written in recent years.
   Two Essays on the Worship of Priapus [A Discourse on the Worship of Priapus &c. &c. &c.], by Richard Payne Knight [and Thomas Wright]. Invaluable to all students.
   The Golden Bough, by J.G. Frazer. The textbook of Folk Lore. Invaluable to all students.
   The Age of Reason, by Thomas Paine. Excellent, though elementary, as a corrective to superstition.
   Rivers of Life, by General Forlong. An invaluable textbook of old systems of initiation.
   Three Dialogues, by Bishop Berkeley. The Classic of Subjective Idealism.
   Essays of David Hume. The Classic of Academic Scepticism.
   First Principles by Herbert Spencer. The Classic of Agnosticism.
   Prolegomena [to any future Metaphysics], by Immanuel Kant. The best introduction to Metaphysics.
   The Canon [by William Stirling]. The best textbook of Applied Qabalah.
   The Fourth Dimension, by [Charles] H. Hinton. The best essay on the subject.
   The Essays of Thomas Henry Huxley. Masterpieces of philosophy, as of prose.
   ~ Aleister Crowley, Liber ABA, Appendix I: Literature Recommended to Aspirants


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1:The devil never repents.
   ~ Eliphas Levi, [T5],
2:Doubt is really a groping ignorance. ~ Eliphas Levi,
3:Fear is nothing but idleness of the will. ~ Eliphas Levi,
4:Judge not; speak hardly at all; love and act. ~ Eliphas Levi,
5:It is necessary to DARE what must be attempted. ~ Eliphas Levi,
6:The elect are those who dare; woe to the timid! ~ Eliphas Levi,
7:Magic is the divinity of man achieved in union with faith. ~ Eliphas Levi,
8:Succeed in not fearing the lion, and the lion will fear you. ~ Eliphas Levi,
9:Man's greatest wisdom is to choose his obsession well.
   ~ Eliphas Levi, [T5],
10:An iron chain is less difficult to break than a chain of flowers. ~ Eliphas Levi,
11:Passing beauties are only the fugitive reflectios of the eternal. ~ Eliphas Levi,
12:If you wish to seduce an angel, you must play the part of a devil. ~ Eliphas Levi,
13:To be an object of attraction for all women, you must desire none ~ Eliphas Levi,
14:To practice magic is to be a quack; to know magic is to be a sage. ~ Eliphas Levi,
15:Weak people talk and do not act, strong people act and keep quiet. ~ Eliphas Levi,
16:To practice magic is to be a quack; to know magic is to be a sage.
   ~ Eliphas Levi,
17:There is nothing more to controlling demons than to do good and fear nothing. ~ Eliphas Levi,
18:Nothing can resist the will of man when he knows what is true and wills what is good. ~ Eliphas Levi,
19:When we love, we see the infinite in the finite. We find the Creator in the creation. ~ Eliphas Levi,
20:A good teacher must be able to put himself in the place of those who find learning hard. ~ Eliphas Levi,
21:One can only define the unknown by its supposed and supposable relations with the known. ~ Eliphas Levi,
22:A good teacher must be able to put himself in the place of those who find learning hard.
   ~ Eliphas Levi,
23:The philosophy of laughter will never have anything in common with the religion of tears.
   ~ Eliphas Levi,
24:Order is never observed; it is disorder which attracts attention because it is awkward and intrusive. ~ Eliphas Levi,
25:The Placer is an enemy who must necessarily become our lord or our slave; one doesn't enjoy if it's not defeated. ~ Eliphas Levi,
26:All the power of the occult healer lies in his conscious will, and all his art consists in producing faith in the patient. ~ Eliphas Levi,
27:Everything is possible to him who wills only what is true! Rest in Nature, study, know, then dare; dare to will, dare to act and be silent! ~ Eliphas Levi,
28:Everything lives by movement, everything is maintained by equilibrium, and harmony results from the analogy of contraries; this law is the form of forms. ~ Eliphas Levi,
29:Renounce to the desire of possessing worldly things: this is the first step in the path of perfection; by mean of this absolute untie is how the passions can be fought. ~ Eliphas Levi,
30:The Magician looks on the wicked as invalids whom one must pity and cure; the world, with its errors and vices, is to him God's hospital, and he wishes to serve in it.
   ~ Eliphas Levi,
31:Human thought creates what it imagines; the phantoms of superstition project their deformities on the astral light, and live upon the same terrors which give them birth.
   ~ Eliphas Levi,
32:EVERY intention which does not assert itself by deeds is a vain intention, and the speech which expresses it is idle speech. It is action which proves life and establishes will ~ Eliphas Levi,
33:EVERY intention which does not assert itself by deeds is a vain intention, and the speech which expresses it is idle speech. It is action which proves life and establishes will
   ~ Eliphas Levi,
34:Father, forgive them,' said Jesus, 'for they know not what they do' -- People of good sense whoever you may be, I will add, do not listen to them, for they know not what they say. ~ Eliphas Levi,
35:To know all is an impossible dream; but woe unto him who dares not to learn all, and who does not know that, in order to know anything, one must learn eternally!
   ~ Eliphas Levi, The Key of The Mysteries,
36:That great Kabbilistical association known in Europe under the name of Masonry appeared suddenly in the world when the revolt against the Church had just succeeded in dismembering Christian unity. ~ Eliphas Levi,
37:There exists in nature a force which is immeasurably more powerful than steam, and by means of which a single man, who knows how to adapt and direct it, might upset and alter the face of the world. ~ Eliphas Levi,
38:The Great Work is, before all things, the creation of man by himself, that is to say, the full and entire conquest of his faculties and his future; it is especially the perfect emancipation of his will. ~ Eliphas Levi,
39:The Great Work is, before all things, the creation of man by himself, that is to say, the full and entire conquest of his faculties and his future; it is especially the perfect emancipation of his will.
   ~ Eliphas Levi,
40:Succeed in not fearing the lion, and the lion will fear YOU. Say to suffering, 'I will that you shall become a pleasure,' and it will prove to be such-- and even more than a pleasure, it will be a blessing. ~ Eliphas Levi,
41:All miracles are promised to faith, and what is faith except the audacity of will which does not hesitate in the darkness, but advances towards the light in spite of all ordeals, and surmounting all obstacles? ~ Eliphas Levi,
42:Succeed in not fearing the lion, and the lion will fear YOU. Say to suffering, 'I will that you shall become a pleasure,' and it will prove to be such-- and even more than a pleasure, it will be a blessing.
   ~ Eliphas Levi,
43:To be rich is to give; to give nothing is to be poor; to live is to love; to love nothing is to be dead; to be happy is to devote oneself; to exist only for oneself is to damn oneself, and to exile oneself to hell. ~ Eliphas Levi,
44:When one creates phantoms for oneself, one puts vampires into the world, and one must nourish these children of a voluntary nightmare with one's blood, one's life, one's intellegence, and one's reason, without ever satisfying them. ~ Eliphas Levi,
45:Up to one's last breath, one may retain the simple joys of childhood, the poetic ecstasies of the young person, the enthusiasms of maturity. Right to the end, one may intoxicate one's spirit with flowers, with beauty and with smiles. ~ Eliphas Levi,
46:An imprisoned person with no other book than the Tarot, if he knew how to use it, could in a few years acquire Universal Knowledge Gnosis, and would be able to speak on all subjects with unequaled learning and inexhaustible eloquence. ~ Eliphas Levi,
47:In olden times gold was manufactured by science; nowadays science must be renewed by gold. We have fixed the volatile and we must now volatilize the fixed—in other words, we have materialized spirit, and we must now spiritualize matter. ~ Eliphas Levi,
48:Mistress of love or of hate, occult science can dispense paradise or hell at its pleasure to human hearts; it disposes of all forms and confers beauty or ugliness; with the wand of Circe it changes men into brutes and animals alternately into men. ~ Eliphas Levi,
49:Passing beauties are only the fugitive reflections of the eternal. All beauty alters and all life melts away; in short, everything passes with marvelous rapidity; beautiful Helen of Troy has become a toothless skull, then a handful of dust, then nothing. ~ Eliphas Levi,
50:You, therefore, who are undertaking the study of this book, if you persevere to the end and understand it, you will be either a monarch or a madman. Do what you will with this volume, you will be unable to despise or to forget it.
   ~ Eliphas Levi, Transcendental Magic,
51:Paracelcus, Eliphas Levi, MacGregor Mathers, Aleister Crowley, Austin Spare, and Michael Moorcock all fed ideas into Chaos Magic. Plus it made some acknowledgement to the ideas of Quantum Physics and other bits of strange science.
   ~ Peter J Carroll, The Octavo: A sorcerer-scientist's grimoire,
52:All Religions and all Sciences connect themselves with one single science, always hidden from the common herd, and transmitted from age to age, from initiate to initiate, beneath the veil of fables and symbols. It preserves for a world yet to come the secrets of a world that has passed away. ~ Eliphas Levi,
53:Weakness ever sympathizes with vice, because vice is a weakness which assumes the mask of strength. Madness holds reason in horror, and on all subjects it delights in the exaggerations of falsehood. The cause of all bewitchments, the poison of all philtres, the power of all sorcerers are there. ~ Eliphas Levi,
54:What is more absurd and more impious than to attribute the name of Lucifer to the devil, that is, to personified evil. The intellectual Lucifer is the spirit of intelligence and love; it is the paraclete, it is the Holy Spirit, while the physical Lucifer is the great agent of universal magnetism. ~ Eliphas Levi,
55:Hermeticism is the science of nature hidden in the hieroglyphics and symbols of the ancient world. It is the search for the principle of life, along with the dream (for those who have not yet achieved it) of accomplishing the great work, that is the reproduction by man of the divine, natural fire which creates and recreates beings. ~ Eliphas Levi,
56:The key one and threefold, even as universal science. The division of the work is sevenfold, and through these sections are distributed the seven degrees of initiation into is transcendental philosophy.

The text is a mystical commentary on the oracles of Solomon, ^ and the work ends with a series of synoptic schedules which are the synthesis of Magic and the occult Kabalah so far as concerns that which can be made public in writing. The rest, being the esoteric and inexpressible part of the science, is formulated in magnificent pantacles carefully designed and engraved. These are nine in number, as follows

(1) The dogma of Hermes;
(2) Magical realisation;
(3) The path of wisdom and the initial procedure in the work
(4) The Gate of the Sanctuary enlightened by seven mystic rays;
(5) A Rose of Light, in the centre of which a human figure is extending its arms in the form of a cross;
(6) The magical laboratory of Khunrath, demonstrating the necessary union of prayer and work
(7) The absolute synthesis of science;
(8) Universal equilibrium ;
(9) A summary of Khunrath's personal embodying an energetic protest against all his detractors. ~ Eliphas Levi, The History Of Magic,
57:We have all a ruling defect, which is for our soul as the umbilical cord of its birth in sin, and it is by this that the enemy can always lay hold upon us: for some it is vanity, for others idleness, for the majority egotism. Let a wicked and crafty mind avail itself of this means and we are lost; we may not go mad or turn idiots, but we become positively alienated, in all the force of the expression - that is, we are subjected to a foreign suggestion. In such a state one dreads instinctively everything that might bring us back to reason, and will not even listen to representations that are opposed to our obsession. Here is one of the most dangerous disorders which can affect the moral nature. The sole remedy for such a bewitchment is to make use of folly itself in order to cure folly, to provide the sufferer with imaginary satisfactions in the opposite order to that wherein he is now lost. Endeavour, for example, to cure an ambitious person by making him desire the glories of heaven - mystic remedy; cure one who is dissolute by true love - natural remedy; obtain honourable successes for a vain person; exhibit unselfishness to the avaricious and procure for them legitimate profit by honourable participation in generous enterprises, etc. Acting in this way upon the moral nature, we may succeed in curing a number of physical maladies, for the moral affects the physical in virtue of the magical axiom: "That which is above is like unto that which is below." This is why the Master said, when speaking of the paralyzed woman: "Satan has bound her." A disease invariably originates in a deficiency or an excess, and ever at the root of a physical evil we shall find a moral disorder. This is an unchanging law of Nature. ~ Eliphas Levi, Transcendental Magic,
58:SECTION 1. Books for Serious Study
   Liber CCXX. (Liber AL vel Legis.) The Book of the Law. This book is the foundation of the New Æon, and thus of the whole of our work.
   The Equinox. The standard Work of Reference in all occult matters. The Encyclopaedia of Initiation.
   Liber ABA (Book 4). A general account in elementary terms of magical and mystical powers. In four parts: (1) Mysticism (2) Magical (Elementary Theory) (3) Magick in Theory and Practice (this book) (4) The Law.
   Liber II. The Message of the Master Therion. Explains the essence of the new Law in a very simple manner.
   Liber DCCCXXXVIII. The Law of Liberty. A further explanation of The Book of the Law in reference to certain ethical problems.
   Collected Works of A. Crowley. These works contain many mystical and magical secrets, both stated clearly in prose, and woven into the Robe of sublimest poesy.
   The Yi King. (S. B. E. Series [vol. XVI], Oxford University Press.) The "Classic of Changes"; give the initiated Chinese system of Magick.
   The Tao Teh King. (S. B. E. Series [vol. XXXIX].) Gives the initiated Chinese system of Mysticism.
   Tannhäuser, by A. Crowley. An allegorical drama concerning the Progress of the Soul; the Tannhäuser story slightly remodelled.
   The Upanishads. (S. B. E. Series [vols. I & XV.) The Classical Basis of Vedantism, the best-known form of Hindu Mysticism.
   The Bhagavad-gita. A dialogue in which Krishna, the Hindu "Christ", expounds a system of Attainment.
   The Voice of the Silence, by H.P. Blavatsky, with an elaborate commentary by Frater O.M. Frater O.M., 7°=48, is the most learned of all the Brethren of the Order; he has given eighteen years to the study of this masterpiece.
   Raja-Yoga, by Swami Vivekananda. An excellent elementary study of Hindu mysticism. His Bhakti-Yoga is also good.
   The Shiva Samhita. An account of various physical means of assisting the discipline of initiation. A famous Hindu treatise on certain physical practices.
   The Hathayoga Pradipika. Similar to the Shiva Samhita.
   The Aphorisms of Patanjali. A valuable collection of precepts pertaining to mystical attainment.
   The Sword of Song. A study of Christian theology and ethics, with a statement and solution of the deepest philosophical problems. Also contains the best account extant of Buddhism, compared with modern science.
   The Book of the Dead. A collection of Egyptian magical rituals.
   Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie, by Eliphas Levi. The best general textbook of magical theory and practice for beginners. Written in an easy popular style.
   The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage. The best exoteric account of the Great Work, with careful instructions in procedure. This Book influenced and helped the Master Therion more than any other.
   The Goetia. The most intelligible of all the mediæval rituals of Evocation. Contains also the favourite Invocation of the Master Therion.
   Erdmann's History of Philosophy. A compendious account of philosophy from the earliest times. Most valuable as a general education of the mind.
   The Spiritual Guide of [Miguel de] Molinos. A simple manual of Christian Mysticism.
   The Star in the West. (Captain Fuller). An introduction to the study of the Works of Aleister Crowley.
   The Dhammapada. (S. B. E. Series [vol. X], Oxford University Press). The best of the Buddhist classics.
   The Questions of King Milinda. (S. B. E. Series [vols. XXXV & XXXVI].) Technical points of Buddhist dogma, illustrated bydialogues.
   Liber 777 vel Prolegomena Symbolica Ad Systemam Sceptico-Mysticæ Viæ Explicandæ, Fundamentum Hieroglyphicam Sanctissimorum Scientiæ Summæ. A complete Dictionary of the Correspondences of all magical elements, reprinted with extensive additions, making it the only standard comprehensive book of reference ever published. It is to the language of Occultism what Webster or Murray is to the English language.
   Varieties of Religious Experience (William James). Valuable as showing the uniformity of mystical attainment.
   Kabbala Denudata, von Rosenroth: also The Kabbalah Unveiled, by S.L. Mathers. The text of the Qabalah, with commentary. A good elementary introduction to the subject.
   Konx Om Pax [by Aleister Crowley]. Four invaluable treatises and a preface on Mysticism and Magick.
   The Pistis Sophia [translated by G.R.S. Mead or Violet McDermot]. An admirable introduction to the study of Gnosticism.
   The Oracles of Zoroaster [Chaldæan Oracles]. An invaluable collection of precepts mystical and magical.
   The Dream of Scipio, by Cicero. Excellent for its Vision and its Philosophy.
   The Golden Verses of Pythagoras, by Fabre d'Olivet. An interesting study of the exoteric doctrines of this Master.
   The Divine Pymander, by Hermes Trismegistus. Invaluable as bearing on the Gnostic Philosophy.
   The Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians, reprint of Franz Hartmann. An invaluable compendium.
   Scrutinium Chymicum [Atalanta Fugiens]¸ by Michael Maier. One of the best treatises on alchemy.
   Science and the Infinite, by Sidney Klein. One of the best essays written in recent years.
   Two Essays on the Worship of Priapus [A Discourse on the Worship of Priapus &c. &c. &c.], by Richard Payne Knight [and Thomas Wright]. Invaluable to all students.
   The Golden Bough, by J.G. Frazer. The textbook of Folk Lore. Invaluable to all students.
   The Age of Reason, by Thomas Paine. Excellent, though elementary, as a corrective to superstition.
   Rivers of Life, by General Forlong. An invaluable textbook of old systems of initiation.
   Three Dialogues, by Bishop Berkeley. The Classic of Subjective Idealism.
   Essays of David Hume. The Classic of Academic Scepticism.
   First Principles by Herbert Spencer. The Classic of Agnosticism.
   Prolegomena [to any future Metaphysics], by Immanuel Kant. The best introduction to Metaphysics.
   The Canon [by William Stirling]. The best textbook of Applied Qabalah.
   The Fourth Dimension, by [Charles] H. Hinton. The best essay on the subject.
   The Essays of Thomas Henry Huxley. Masterpieces of philosophy, as of prose.
   ~ Aleister Crowley, Liber ABA, Appendix I: Literature Recommended to Aspirants #reading list,


   6 Occultism
   1 Fiction

   5 Aleister Crowley

   5 Liber ABA
   3 The Secret Doctrine

0.00a - Introduction, #A Garden of Pomegranates - An Outline of the Qabalah, #Israel Regardie, #Occultism
  During a short retirement in North Devon in 1931, I began to amalgamate my notes. It was out of these that A Garden of Pomegranates gradually emerged. I unashamedly admit that my book contains many direct plagiarisms from Crowley, Waite, Eliphas Levi, and D. H. Lawrence. I had incorporated numerous fragments from their works into my notebooks without citing individual references to the various sources from which I condensed my notes.
  Prior to the closing down of the Mandrake Press in London about 1930-31, I was employed as company secretary for a while. Along with several Crowley books, the Mandrake Press published a lovely little monogram by D. H. Lawrence entitled "Apropos of Lady Chatterley's Lover." My own copy accompanied me on my travels for long years. Only recently did I discover that it had been lost. I hope that any one of my former patients who had borrowed it will see fit to return it to me forthwith.

1.08 - Summary, #Liber ABA, #Aleister Crowley, #Occultism
    Rituel et Dogme de la Haute Magie, by Eliphas Levi, or its translation by A. E. Waite.
    The Goetia of the Lemegeton of Solomon the King.

1f.lovecraft - The Case of Charles Dexter Ward, #Lovecraft - Poems, #unset, #Integral Yoga
   writings of Eliphas Levi, that cryptic soul who crept through a crack
   in the forbidden door and glimpsed the frightful vistas of the void
   authority had shewn it to him in the forbidden pages of Eliphas Levi;
   but its identity was unmistakable, and such words as Sabaoth, Metraton,

3.07 - The Formula of the Holy Grail, #Liber ABA, #Aleister Crowley, #Occultism
  1. The date of Eliphas Levis death was about six months
  previous to that of Aleister Crowleys birth. The reincarnating ego
  2. Eliphas Levi had a striking personal resemblance to Aleister [52]
  Crowleys father. This of course merely suggests a certain degree of
  when he had not read any of Eliphas Levis works. The motive of
  this play is a Magical Operation of a very peculiar kind. The
  the life of Eliphas Levi. He recalls intimate trivialities of childhood.
  1. [See Equinox I (10), Supplement.]
  2. Long since writing the above, the publication of the biography of Eliphas Levi
  by M. Paul Charconat has confirmed the hypothesis in innumerable striking ways.

3.14 - Of the Consecrations, #Liber ABA, #Aleister Crowley, #Occultism
  fell until Eliphas Levi undertook the task of re-habilitating it two
  generations ago. But even he (profoundly as he studied, and

3.21 - Of Black Magic, #Liber ABA, #Aleister Crowley, #Occultism
  of the evocation of Apollonius of Tyana, which Eliphas Levi
  Home for Eliphas Levi. See Equinox I (10), The Key of the Mysteries.
  2. It occurs in certain rare cases that a very unusual degree of personal purity

APPENDIX I - Curriculum of A. A., #Liber ABA, #Aleister Crowley, #Occultism
      Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie, ::: by Eliphas Levi. The best general textbook of magical theory and practice for beginners. Written in an easy popular style.
      The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage. ::: The best exoteric account of the Great Work, with careful instructions in procedure. This Book influenced and helped the Master Therion more than any other.
    Liber XLVI. (46) [] - The Key of the Mysteries. ::: A Translation of "La Clef des Grands Mysteres", by Eliphas Levi. Specially adapted to the task of the Attainment of Bhakta-Yoga. Equinox X, Supplement.
    Liber XLIX. (49) [] - Collected writings of Jack Parsons, The

BOOK II. -- PART I. ANTHROPOGENESIS., #The Secret Doctrine, #H P Blavatsky, #Theosophy
  him open Eliphas Levi's Histoire de la Magic," p. 53, and carefully examine his "Grand Symbole
  Kabalistique" of the Zohar. He will find, on the engraving given, a white man standing erect and a
  and thus transform the animal of clay into an immortal god. For, as Eliphas Levi tells us, "the angels
  aspire to become men; for the perfect man, the man-god, is above even angels." On Earth -- because no
  means simply the astral light, so called by the Martinists, by Eliphas Levi, and now by all the modern
  Occultists. (Vide Sections about.)

BOOK II. -- PART II. THE ARCHAIC SYMBOLISM OF THE WORLD-RELIGIONS, #The Secret Doctrine, #H P Blavatsky, #Theosophy
  light, as Eliphas Levi correctly explains. The Devil is not "the God of this period," as he says, for it is
  the deity of every age and period, since man appeared on earth, and matter, in its countless forms and
  converted to Christianity (! !) (vide p. 16), the English compiler of Eliphas Levi's works -- "The
  Mysteries of Magic" -- is also of a like opinion. He remarks that: "Outside the erudition of Dr.
  incomprehensible.* "For the initiates," says Eliphas Levi, "the devil is not a person but a creative
  Force, for Good as for Evil." They (the Initiates) represented this Force, which presides at physical
  which differs from that given by Eliphas Levi, whose genius and crafty intellect had to submit to a
  certain compromise dictated to him from Rome.
  even the secrets hinted at by Eliphas Levi without adequate explanation; for the latter's policy of
  veiled revelations could only lead to further superstition and misunderstanding. What, indeed, can a
  student of Occultism, a beginner, gather from the following highly poetical sentences of Eliphas Levi,
  as apocalyptic as the writings of any of the Alchemists?
  of attracting to themselves her shadowy manifested essence, called by Eliphas Levi -- "the fatal light"
  which kills and destroys. Humanity, in its units, can overpower and master its effects; but only by the
  Interpreted with the help of merely the symbolical key, Enoch is the type of the dual nature of man -spiritual and physical. Hence he occupies the centre of the astronomical cross (given by Eliphas Levi
  from a secret work), which is a six-pointed star, "the Adonai." In the upper triangle is the Eagle; in the
  WHEN the Abbe Louis Constant -- known as Eliphas Levi -- said in his Histoire de la Magie that the
  "Sepher Jezirah, the Zohar, and the Apocalypse (of St. John) are the master-pieces of the Occult
  Flood. Therefore, returning to Eliphas Levi and the Zohar, we answer for the Eastern Occultists and
  say that, applying practice to principle, they agree entirely with Pascal, who says that "God is a circle,
  binary , explained cunningly enough by Eliphas Levi thus (Dogme et Rituel, Vol. I., p. 124): -- China
  had her Confucius, and her Tau-ists.* The former circumscribes the "great extreme" within a circle
  It is no explanation to say, as Eliphas Levi does, that God, the universal Love, having caused the male
  unit to dig an abyss in the female Binary, or chaos, produced thereby the world. Besides being as gross
  paradox, Eliphas Levi, that "man is God on Earth, and God is man in Heaven." But this could not, and
  never did apply to the One Deity, only to the Hosts of ITS incarnated beams, called by us Dhyan
  and the logos (the verb) of man is the revealer of God," says Eliphas Levi in one of his paradoxes. To
  this, the Eastern Occultist would reply: -- "On this condition, however, that man should be dumb on
  Buddhi, and Nephesh the 4th principle, the Vital, Animal Soul. Eliphas Levi falls into the same error.
  [[Vol. 2, Page]] 634 THE SECRET DOCTRINE.

BOOK I. -- PART I. COSMIC EVOLUTION, #The Secret Doctrine, #H P Blavatsky, #Theosophy
  Alchemists, and Kabalists claimed the same; and even the late modern Magus, Eliphas Levi, publicly
  asserts it in print in his books on Magic.
  Unveiled" and the rest as a plagiarism from Eliphas Levi (!), Paracelsus (!!), and, mirabile
  [[Vol. 1, Page]] xlvi INTRODUCTORY.
  Most of the Western Christian Kabalists -- pre-eminently Eliphas Levi -- in their desire to reconcile
  the Occult Sciences with Church dogmas, did their best to make of the "Astral Light" only and
  Kabala as in Eastern Occultism. Eliphas Levi calls the number seven "the key to the Mosaic creation
  and the symbols of every religion." He shows the Kabala following faithfully even the septenary
  We will now give in tabular form what the very cautious Eliphas Levi says in explanation of his
  diagram, and what the Esoteric Doctrine teaches -- and compare the two. Levi, too, makes a distinction
  Says Eliphas Levi, the Kabalist: -KABALISTIC PNEUMATICS.
  1. The Soul (or EGO) is a clothed light; and this light is triple.
  As given by Eliphas Levi.
  1. Nephesh is immortal because it renews its life by the destruction of forms.
  * Eliphas Levi has, whether purposely or otherwise, confused the numbers: with us his No. 2 is No. 1.
  (Spirit); and by making of Nephesch both the plastic mediator and Life, he thus makes in reality only
  the Creators and "Builders," that Astral Light which the paradoxical Eliphas Levi calls in one breath
  "the body of the Holy Ghost," and in the next "Baphomet," the "Androgyne Goat of Mendes"*; AIR,
  * Eliphas Levi shows it very truly "a force in Nature," by means of which "a single man who can
  master it . . . might throw the world into confusion and transform its face"; for it is the "great Arcanum
  above, Eliphas Levi calls it invariably the "Astral Light." It is the "grand Agent Magique" with him;
  undeniably it is so, but -- only so far as Black Magic is concerned, and
  the container of all things but only the reflector, at best, of this all. Eliphas Levi writes: -"The great Magic agent is the fourth emanation of the life principle (we say -- it is the first in the inner,
  and the second in the outer (our) Universe), of which the Sun is the third form . . . for the day-star (the
  and very erroneously termed, Astral Light, which Eliphas Levi calls "the imagination of Nature,"||
  probably to avoid giving it its correct name, as others do.
  || Speaking of it in his Preface to the "History of Magic" Eliphas Levi says: "It is through this Force
  that all the nervous centres secretly communicate with each other; from it -- that sympathy and
  energy and action." Eliphas Levi ought to have added that the astral light, or primordial substance, if
  matter at all, is that which, called Light, LUX, esoterically explained, is the body of those Spirits
  flowing language, as Eliphas Levi. He leads his reader through the most lovely, gorgeously blooming
  valleys, to strand him after all on a desert and barren rocky island.

Liber 111 - The Book of Wisdom - LIBER ALEPH VEL CXI, #unset, #Anonymous, #Various
   I comprehend even when as Eliphas Levi Zahed I walked up and down the
   Earth, seeking a Reconciliation of these Antagonisms, which was a Task
   said aforetime by the Mouth of Eliphas Levi Zahed,) knowing thyself
   Omnipotent, and thine Habitation Eternity. O my Son, attend well this

Liber 46 - The Key of the Mysteries, #unset, #Anonymous, #Various
                   Eliphas Levi
                   Eliphas Levi
   delicate irony of which Eliphas Levi is one of the greatest masters
   that has ever lived, have baffled the pedantry and stupidity of such
   Eliphas Levi
   Master Eliphas Levi, gave the persons assembled in Mme. de B------s
   drawing-room the scientific explanation of the three signatures, and
   At the period when Eliphas Levi was publishing his "Dogme et rituel de
   la haute magie," he received a pamphlet from Mr. Madrolle which
   Eliphas Levi. "Sir, I have received a pamphlet from you. {139} I am
   come to thank you for your gift, and, at the same time, to testify to
   Eliphas Levi, who felt ill at ease in discussing facts with which there
   was mingled a sort of profanation of the most holy things, then took
   trembling that Eliphas Levi had already noticed in the case of Mr.
   Madrolle. The magician shook his head pensively; then, suddenly:
   One day a workman paid a visit to Eliphas Levi. He was a tall man of
   some fifty years old, of frank appearance, and speaking in a very
   desire to see him. Eliphas Levi did not feel himself immediately
   prepossessed with confidence towards the stranger, to the point of
   little embarrassed. Questioned by Eliphas Levi concerning the object of
   his visit, he replied that he was on the look-out for the "grimoire" of
   Eliphas Levi was awakened suddenly by the emotions of a bizarre and
   dismal dream. It seemed to him that he was in a dilapidated room of
   Eliphas Levi had been swept out of the church by the crowd. He had come
   out by the right-hand door. Almost at the same moment the left-hand
   Some weeks after what we have just recorded, Eliphas Levi was talking
   with a bookseller whose specialty was to make a collection of old books
   real thought in the presence of Eliphas Levi.
   One may also comment upon the apparition of the sinister man taking

Liber, #Liber Null, #Peter J Carroll, #Occultism
  @Liber XLVI. (46) [] - The Key of the Mysteries. ::: A Translation of "La Clef des Grands Mysteres", by Eliphas Levi. Specially adapted to the task of the Attainment of Bhakta-Yoga. Equinox X, Supplement.
  @Liber XLIX. (49) [] - Collected writings of Jack Parsons, The ::: Io Pan!


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Wikipedia - Anthony Cellier -- French politician
Wikipedia - Antibiotic-Antimycotic -- Antibiotic solution for cell culture media
Wikipedia - Anti-Imperialist Cell -- German far-left militant organization
Wikipedia - Anti-nuclear antibody -- Autoantibody that binds to contents of the cell nucleus
Wikipedia - Anton Hekking -- Dutch cellist
Wikipedia - Antonio Janigro -- Italian cellist and conductor
Wikipedia - Antonio Porcelli -- Italian painter
Wikipedia - Anton Walter (cellist) -- Austrian cellist
Wikipedia - APAN Star Awards -- South Korea annual award for excellence in television
Wikipedia - Aplastic anemia -- Anemia that is characterized by a deficiency of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets produced by bone marrow
Wikipedia - Apocellus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Apoplast -- The extracellular space, outside the plasma membrane of plants
Wikipedia - Apoptosis -- Programmed cell death in multicellular organisms
Wikipedia - Arcella (Padua)
Wikipedia - Archaea -- A domain of single-celled prokaryotic microorganisms
Wikipedia - Archchancellor -- Title given to the highest dignitary of the Holy Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Argolamprotes micella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Argyresthia atlanticella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Argyresthia praecocella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Argyresthia semitestacella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Aristotelia heliacella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Aristotelia montarcella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Aristotelia staticella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Arlette Nougarede -- French cell biologist
Wikipedia - Armando Barcellos -- Brazilian triathlete
Wikipedia - Aroga velocella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Arrangement (space partition) -- Decomposition into connected open cells of lower dimensions, by a finite set of objects
Wikipedia - Artcell -- Bangladeshi progressive metal band
Wikipedia - Article 48 (Weimar Constitution) -- Article of the Weimar Constitution allowed Chancellor Adolf Hitler, with decrees issued by President Paul von Hindenburg, to create a totalitarian dictatorship after the Nazi Party's rise to power in the early 1930s.
Wikipedia - Artificial cell
Wikipedia - Arturo Petrocelli -- Italian painter
Wikipedia - Aschoff cell -- Cells associated with rheumatic heart disease
Wikipedia - Asger Lund Christiansen -- Danish cellist (1927-1998)
Wikipedia - Asifa Akhtar -- Geneticist and cell biologist
Wikipedia - Asigliano Vercellese -- Comune in Piedmont, Italy
Wikipedia - Askanazy cell
Wikipedia - Asymmetric cell division -- Production of two daughter cells with different cellular fates
Wikipedia - Asynchronous cellular automaton
Wikipedia - Ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3 related -- Protein kinase that detects DNA damage and halts cell division
Wikipedia - A. Thurairajah -- Sri Lankan Tamil Academic and vice-chancellor of the University of Jaffna (1934-1994)
Wikipedia - August Eichhorn -- German musician and cellist
Wikipedia - Autoimmune regulator -- A transcription factor expressed in the medulla (inner part) of the thymus. It is part of the mechanism which eliminates self-reactive T cells that would cause autoimmune disease.
Wikipedia - Autoinducer -- Signaling molecules produced in response to cell-population density
Wikipedia - Autologous stem-cell transplantation -- Medical procedure in which stem cells are removed, stored, and then returned to the same person
Wikipedia - Autophagy -- Cellular catabolic process in which cells digest parts of their own cytoplasm
Wikipedia - Auzata ocellata -- Species of hook-tip moth
Wikipedia - Award -- Something given to a person or a group of people to recognize their merit or excellence
Wikipedia - Axicabtagene ciloleucel -- Treatment for large B-cell lymphoma
Wikipedia - Axolemma -- Cell membrane of an axon specialised for action potential transmission
Wikipedia - Axon hillock -- Part of the neuronal cell soma from which the axon originates
Wikipedia - Azurophilic granule -- Cellular object readily stainable with a Romanowsky stain.
Wikipedia - B10 cell -- B cell lymphocytes
Wikipedia - B-1 cell -- B cell lymphocytes
Wikipedia - Bacterial cell structure -- The specialized anatomy and physiology of bacteria
Wikipedia - Bacteriolysin -- Class of substances which dissolve bacterial cell walls
Wikipedia - Baghdad Battery -- Set of artifacts purported to form an ancient electrochemical cell
Wikipedia - Balanites pedicellaris -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Balazucellus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Barbara Young, Baroness Young of Old Scone -- BBC Governor, Peer and Chancellor of Cranfield University (born 1948)
Wikipedia - Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto
Wikipedia - Bardi Madonna -- Painting by Sandro Botticelli
Wikipedia - Barr body -- Form taken by the inactive X chromosome in a female somatic cell
Wikipedia - Basal-cell carcinoma -- Most common type of skin cancer
Wikipedia - Basement membrane -- A thin fibrous layer between the cells and the adjacent connective tissue in animals
Wikipedia - Battery balancing -- Techniques that maximize the capacity of a battery pack with multiple cells to make all of the capacity available for use and increase each cell's longevity.
Wikipedia - Battery storage power station -- Energy storage system using electrochemical secondary cells
Wikipedia - Battle of Chancellorsville -- Major battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - BCL6 -- Transcription factor for converting Naive T cells to TFH
Wikipedia - Beccuto Madonna -- 1420s fresco by Paolo Uccello
Wikipedia - Benedetto Marcello -- Italian composer
Wikipedia - Benevenuto Cellini
Wikipedia - Benign tumor -- Disease of cellular proliferation that results in abnormal growths in the body which lack the ability to metastasize
Wikipedia - Benita Katzenellenbogen -- American professor of physiology and cell biology
Wikipedia - Benvenuto Cellini -- Florentine sculptor and goldsmith
Wikipedia - Bernhard Cella -- Austrian artist and curator
Wikipedia - Betacellulin
Wikipedia - Beta cell -- Type of cell found in pancreatic islets
Wikipedia - Beta dispersion -- Cell biology
Wikipedia - Betty Hay -- Cell biologist and Developmental biologist
Wikipedia - Betz cells
Wikipedia - Betz cell -- Giant pyramidal neurons of the primary motor cortex
Wikipedia - Bicellonycha -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Biham-Middleton-Levine traffic model -- Cellular automaton traffic flow model
Wikipedia - Bilal Philips -- Canadian Muslim teacher, speaker, author, and founder/chancellor of the Islamic Online University
Wikipedia - Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure -- 1989 film
Wikipedia - Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure
Wikipedia - Bill Pepicello -- American academic
Wikipedia - Bill > Ted's Excellent Adventure
Wikipedia - Biochemical cascade -- Series of chemical reactions resulting in a cell response
Wikipedia - Bioelectricity -- Regulation of cell, tissue, and organ-level patterning and behavior as the result of endogenous electrically-mediated signaling.
Wikipedia - Biological pacemaker -- Specialized cells used to improve heart regulation
Wikipedia - Bioluminescence -- The production of light by certain enzyme-catalyzed reactions in cells
Wikipedia - Biomarker (cell) -- Identifying feature of a cell
Wikipedia - Bioprocess -- Process that uses living cells to obtain desired products
Wikipedia - Biopsy -- Medical test involving extraction of sample cells or tissues for examination
Wikipedia - Bishop of Vercelli
Wikipedia - Black Chicks Talking -- Arts project by Australian actress Leah Purcell
Wikipedia - Blastema -- Mass of cells capable of enacting growth and regeneration
Wikipedia - Blastoid (embryoid) -- Stem cell-based embryo model
Wikipedia - Bleb (cell biology) -- Bulge in the plasma membrane of a cell
Wikipedia - Blessed Jacopone da Todi (painting) -- 1436 painting by Paolo Uccello
Wikipedia - Block cellular automaton
Wikipedia - Blood cell -- Cell produced by hematopoiesis
Wikipedia - Blood type (non-human) -- Phenotypic grouping based on red blood cell surface antigens
Wikipedia - Bloom Energy Server -- Brand of solid oxide fuel cell
Wikipedia - Bloom Energy -- American fuel cell company
Wikipedia - Boeing Model 306 -- Cancelled airplane model
Wikipedia - Boeing XB-55 -- Strategic bomber project, U.S. Air Force, cancelled 1949
Wikipedia - Boeing XB-59 -- Medium bomber project, U.S. Air Force, cancelled 1952
Wikipedia - Bologna Corticella railway station -- Railway halt in Italy
Wikipedia - Bookmarking (genetic) -- Mechanism of transmission of gene expression programs through cell division.
Wikipedia - Botticelli Inferno -- 2016 film
Wikipedia - Botticelli
Wikipedia - Bradycellus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Bradysia ocellaris -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Bragat language -- Torricelli language
Wikipedia - Brain damage -- Destruction or degeneration of brain cells
Wikipedia - Branden & James -- Voice and Cello Duo
Wikipedia - Brawl in Cell Block 99 -- 2017 film
Wikipedia - Brawl Stars -- Mobile game created by Supercell
Wikipedia - Breakaway (cancelled video game) -- Cancelled video game
Wikipedia - Breeder (cellular automaton) -- Type of pattern that grows quadratically
Wikipedia - Brian's Brain -- 2D cellular automaton devised by Brian Silverman
Wikipedia - Brice Catherin -- French composer and cellist
Wikipedia - Brieres-les-Scelles -- Commune in M-CM-^Nle-de-France, France
Wikipedia - Brigitte Bierlein -- Chancellor of Austria
Wikipedia - Bromodeoxyuridine -- Synthetic nucleoside that is an analog of thymidine. BrdU is commonly used in the detection of proliferating cells in living tissues
Wikipedia - Brown algae -- A large group of multicellular algae, comprising the class Phaeophyceae
Wikipedia - Brucella suis -- Bacterium that causes swine brucellosis
Wikipedia - Brucellosis -- Human and animal disease
Wikipedia - Bruno Courcelle -- French mathematician and computer scientist
Wikipedia - Brussels ISIL terror cell -- Group accused of Paris and Brussels terrorist attacks
Wikipedia - Bruton's tyrosine kinase -- Kinase that plays a crucial role in B cell development.
Wikipedia - Bucculatrix arnicella -- Species of moth in genus Bucculatrix
Wikipedia - Bucculatrix basifuscella -- Species of moth in genus Bucculatrix
Wikipedia - Bucculatrix cantabricella -- Species of moth in genus Bucculatrix
Wikipedia - Bucculatrix ilecella -- Species of moth in genus Bucculatrix
Wikipedia - Bucculatrix thoracella -- Species of moth in genus Bucculatrix
Wikipedia - Bueno-Orovio-Cherry-Fenton model -- Phenomenological ionic model for human ventricular cells
Wikipedia - Buffalo City Tower -- Cancelled skyscraper in Buffalo, New York
Wikipedia - Buick Excelle GT -- Chinese compact car
Wikipedia - Butler Machine Tool Co Ltd v Ex-Cell-O Corp (England) Ltd -- 1977 Court of Appeal case involving contract formation and standard forms
Wikipedia - Button cell
Wikipedia - Byron Fidetzis -- Greek cellist and conductor
Wikipedia - C5-convertase -- Serine protease that plays key role in the innate immunity. It participates in the complement system ending with cell death.
Wikipedia - Caduceus Cellars -- winery in Jerome, Arizona, USA
Wikipedia - Cajal-Retzius cell -- Cell that guides radial neuronal migration
Wikipedia - Callose -- a plant cell wall polysaccharide
Wikipedia - Callus (cell biology) -- Growing mass of unorganized plant parenchyma cells
Wikipedia - Camille Purcell -- English singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Cancellaria darwini -- Species of sea snail
Wikipedia - Cancellaria plebeja -- Species of mollusc
Wikipedia - Cancellariidae -- Family of sea snails
Wikipedia - Cancellation (mail) -- Postal marking to deface a stamp and prevent its re-use
Wikipedia - Cancelled (song) -- 2020 single by Larray
Wikipedia - Cancello (San Felice a Cancello)
Wikipedia - Cancer cell -- Tumor cell
Wikipedia - Cancer stem cell -- Possess characteristics associated with normal stem cells, specifically the ability to give rise to all cell types found in a particular cancer sample. C
Wikipedia - Cancer -- Group of diseases involving abnormal cell growth and spread
Wikipedia - Capsaspora -- Single-celled eukaryote genus
Wikipedia - Carcinocythemia -- Tumour cells on blood smear
Wikipedia - Cardiac muscle cell -- Muscle cells (myocytes) that make up the cardiac muscle
Wikipedia - Cardiac pacemaker -- Network of cells that facilitate rhythmic heart contraction
Wikipedia - Carla Macelloni -- Italian actress
Wikipedia - Carlos Marcello -- American mobster
Wikipedia - Carlos Prieto (cellist) -- Mexican cellist
Wikipedia - Carole LaBonne -- Developmental and Stem Cell Biologist
Wikipedia - Carolina Uccelli -- Italian composer
Wikipedia - Caroline Bosanquet -- British cellist and composer
Wikipedia - Caroline Cellier -- French actress
Wikipedia - Carol MacKintosh -- Cell and developmental biologist
Wikipedia - Carol Mason -- Professor of Pathology and Cell Biology
Wikipedia - Carpatolechia fugacella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Carter Brey -- American cello virtuoso
Wikipedia - Caryocolum interalbicella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Caryocolum leucothoracellum -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Cascellius -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - CASY cell counting technology -- Cell counting system
Wikipedia - Catastrophic cancellation
Wikipedia - Category:Cellular automata in popular culture
Wikipedia - Category:Cellular automata
Wikipedia - Category:Cellular automatists
Wikipedia - Category:Cellular automaton rules
Wikipedia - Category:Chancellors of McGill University
Wikipedia - Category:Chancellors of the Duchy of Lancaster
Wikipedia - Category:Chancellors of the University of Cambridge
Wikipedia - Category:Chancellors of the University of Exeter
Wikipedia - Category:Chancellors of the University of Mississippi
Wikipedia - Category:Chancellors of the University of Oxford
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Mario Tonincelli
Wikipedia - Category:Lord Chancellors of England
Wikipedia - Category:Lord Chancellors
Wikipedia - Category:Medieval chancellors (government)
Wikipedia - Category:Miscellaneous articles needing expert attention
Wikipedia - Category:Plant cells
Wikipedia - Category:Stem cells
Wikipedia - Category:Vice-Chancellors of the University of Bristol
Wikipedia - Category:Vice-Chancellors of the University of Cambridge
Wikipedia - Category:Vice-Chancellors of the University of Exeter
Wikipedia - Catenicella -- Genus of bryozoans
Wikipedia - Catenicellidae -- Family of bryozoans
Wikipedia - Caterina Volpicelli
Wikipedia - Catherine Nobes -- Professor of Cell Biology
Wikipedia - Catoptria corsicellus -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Catoptria petrificella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - CCB Centre for Sporting Excellence -- Welsh sports facility
Wikipedia - CD2 -- Cell adhesion molecule found on the surface of T cells and natural killer
Wikipedia - CD34 -- Cluster of differentiation protocol that identifies cell surface antigens.
Wikipedia - CD44 -- Cell-cell interactions, cell adhesion and migration.
Wikipedia - CD8+ cell noncytotoxic anti-HIV response -- Apparent anti-HIV innate immune response
Wikipedia - C. Denise Marcelle -- American politician from Louisiana
Wikipedia - CDMA mobile test set -- Equipment used to test CDMA cell phones
Wikipedia - Cecilia Chancellor -- British model
Wikipedia - Cellach mac Brain -- Irish king
Wikipedia - Cellach of Armagh
Wikipedia - Cell adhesion molecule -- Subset of cell adhesion proteins
Wikipedia - Cell adhesion -- The attachment of a cell, either to another cell or to an underlying substrate such as the extracellular matrix, via cell adhesion molecules.
Wikipedia - Cellana -- Genus of molluscs
Wikipedia - Cellanus
Wikipedia - Cellar Darling -- Folk metal band from Switzerland
Wikipedia - Cell-based therapies for Parkinson's disease -- Treatment method for Parkinson's disease
Wikipedia - Cell biologist
Wikipedia - Cell (biology) -- Basic structural and functional unit of organisms
Wikipedia - Cell biology -- Scientific discipline that studies cells
Wikipedia - Cell Block Tango -- Song from the 1975 musical "Chicago"
Wikipedia - Cellcast Group -- British television broadcasting company
Wikipedia - Cellchrome -- Japanese rock band under the Being label
Wikipedia - CellCognition
Wikipedia - Cell Communication & Adhesion -- UK academic journal
Wikipedia - Cell compartment
Wikipedia - Cell complex
Wikipedia - Cell culture -- Process by which cells are grown under controlled conditions
Wikipedia - Cell cycle checkpoint
Wikipedia - Cell cycle regulated Methyltransferase -- Bacterial enzyme
Wikipedia - Cell cycle -- Series of events and stages that result in cell division
Wikipedia - Cell damage -- Variety of changes of stress that a cell suffers due to external as well as internal environmental changes
Wikipedia - Cell death
Wikipedia - Cell division
Wikipedia - Cell (Dragon Ball) -- Fictional supervillain in the Dragon Ball franchise
Wikipedia - Celldweller (album) -- 2003 album by Celldweller
Wikipedia - Celldweller discography -- Band discography
Wikipedia - Celldweller -- American electronic rock project by Klayton
Wikipedia - Celle Castle -- German castle/palace in Lower Saxony
Wikipedia - Celle (district) -- District in Lower Saxony, Germany
Wikipedia - Cell envelope antibiotic -- Antibiotic
Wikipedia - Celler Castell d'Encus -- Spanish winery
Wikipedia - Cellere Codex -- 1524 manuscript describing Giovanni da Verrazzano's exploration of the American east coast
Wikipedia - Celles, Ariege -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Cellesche Zeitung -- German local newspaper
Wikipedia - Celles-sur-Ource -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Celle -- Town in Celle district, Lower Saxony, Germany
Wikipedia - Cell fate determination
Wikipedia - Cell-free fetal DNA -- Fetal DNA in the maternal bloodstream
Wikipedia - Cell (geometry)
Wikipedia - Cell group -- Form of church organization
Wikipedia - Cell growth
Wikipedia - Cellica Nurrachadiana -- Indonesian politician
Wikipedia - Cellini Salt Cellar -- Sculpture by Benvenuto Cellini
Wikipedia - Cellino & Barnes -- American law firm
Wikipedia - Cellio Bucchi -- Italian actor
Wikipedia - Celliphine Chespol -- Kenyan athlete
Wikipedia - Cellista -- American cellist and artistic director
Wikipedia - Cell (journal) -- Scientific journal
Wikipedia - Cell junction -- Multiprotein complex that forms a point of contact or adhesion in animal cells
Wikipedia - Cell lineage
Wikipedia - Cellmates -- 2011 film directed by Jesse Baget
Wikipedia - Cell-mediated immunity -- Immune response that does not involve antibodies
Wikipedia - Cell membranes
Wikipedia - Cell membrane -- Biological membrane that separates the interior of a cell from its outside environment
Wikipedia - Cell (microprocessor)
Wikipedia - Cell migration
Wikipedia - Cellnex -- Spanish telecommunications company
Wikipedia - Cell nucleus -- Eukaryotic membrane-bounded organelle containing DNA
Wikipedia - Cello Concerto (Margola) -- Work by Franco Margola
Wikipedia - Cellodextrin -- Glucose polymers
Wikipedia - Cello Fury -- American chamber music rock group
Wikipedia - Cellophane (FKA Twigs song) -- 2019 single by FKA Twigs
Wikipedia - Cellophane noodles -- Transparent noodle made from starch
Wikipedia - Cellophane paradox -- A type of incorrect reasoning used in market regulation methods
Wikipedia - Cellophane
Wikipedia - Cello scrotum -- Hoax medical condition
Wikipedia - Cello Sonata No. 3 (Beethoven) -- composition for cello and piano by Ludwig van Beethoven
Wikipedia - Cello Sonatas Nos. 4 and 5 (Beethoven) -- Set of sonatas by Ludwig van Beethoven
Wikipedia - Cello Suites (Bach) -- Suites for unaccompanied cello by J.S. Bach
Wikipedia - Cellou Dalein Diallo -- Guinea
Wikipedia - Cello (web browser)
Wikipedia - Cello -- Bowed string musical instrument
Wikipedia - Cell phone network
Wikipedia - Cellphone surveillance -- Tracking, bugging, monitoring, interception and recording of conversations and text messages on mobile phones.
Wikipedia - Cellphone
Wikipedia - Cell physiology
Wikipedia - Cell potency -- Ability of a cell to differentiate into other cell types
Wikipedia - Cell production
Wikipedia - CellProfiler
Wikipedia - Cell Proliferation (journal) -- Cell biology journal
Wikipedia - Cell relay
Wikipedia - Cell Research -- Chinese scientific journal
Wikipedia - Cells at Work! -- Japanese manga series
Wikipedia - Cells (biology)
Wikipedia - Cell signaling -- System of communication
Wikipedia - Cells in the stratosphere
Wikipedia - Cell site -- Cellular telephone site where antennae and electronic communications equipment are placed - typically on a radio mast, tower, or other raised structure - to create a cell (or adjacent cells) in a cellular network
Wikipedia - Cell Stem Cell
Wikipedia - Cell surface receptor -- Class of proteins
Wikipedia - Cell survival curve -- Curve in radiobiology
Wikipedia - Cell suspension -- Type of cell culture
Wikipedia - Cell theory
Wikipedia - Cell therapy -- Therapy in which cellular material is injected into a patient
Wikipedia - Celltrion Entertainment -- South Korean production and artist management company
Wikipedia - Celltrion -- South Korean biopharmaceutical company
Wikipedia - Cellular agriculture
Wikipedia - Cellular architecture
Wikipedia - Cellular automata
Wikipedia - Cellular automaton -- A discrete model studied in computer science
Wikipedia - Cellular biology
Wikipedia - Cellular communication networks
Wikipedia - Cellular communication
Wikipedia - Cellular compartment -- Closed part in cytosol
Wikipedia - Cellular computing
Wikipedia - Cellular confinement
Wikipedia - Cellular differentiation
Wikipedia - Cellular evolutionary algorithm
Wikipedia - Cellular frequencies -- Ultra high frequency radio bands assigned to mobile devices
Wikipedia - Cellular life
Wikipedia - Cellular Message Encryption Algorithm
Wikipedia - Cellular microbiology
Wikipedia - Cellular model
Wikipedia - Cellular network
Wikipedia - Cellular neuroscience
Wikipedia - Cellular organizational structure -- Non-hierarchical organisational structure
Wikipedia - Cellular phone
Wikipedia - Cellular Potts model -- Computational model of cells and tissues
Wikipedia - Cellular respiration -- Metabolic reactions in the cells of organisms converting chemical energy from oxygen molecules or nutrients into adenosine triphosphate (ATP) while releasing waste byproducts.
Wikipedia - Cellular senescence -- Phenomenon characterized by the cessation of cell division
Wikipedia - Cellular telephone
Wikipedia - Cellular textile -- A type of mordern textile
Wikipedia - Celluloid
Wikipedia - Cellulose acetate film -- Base material for photographic emulsions
Wikipedia - Cellulose acetate -- Chemical compound refers to any acetate ester of cellulose, usually cellulose diacetate.
Wikipedia - Cellulose diacetate -- Chemical compound
Wikipedia - Cellulose synthase (UDP-forming) -- Cellulose synthesizing enzyme in plants and bacteria
Wikipedia - Cellulose -- Polymer of glucose and component of plants and green algae cell wall
Wikipedia - Cellulosic ethanol
Wikipedia - Cell unroofing -- Methods to isolate and expose cell membranes
Wikipedia - Cell wall
Wikipedia - Cenocell -- Concrete material using fly ash in place of cement
Wikipedia - Center for Excellence in Education -- Non-profit organisation in the USA
Wikipedia - Center for Excellence in Higher Education -- Utah-based company
Wikipedia - Center of Excellence for Document Analysis and Recognition
Wikipedia - Centriole -- An organelle in eukaryotic cells that produces cilia and organizes the mitotic spindle
Wikipedia - Centroidal Voronoi tessellation -- Voronoi tessellation where the generating point of each Voronoi cell is also its centroid
Wikipedia - Centumcellae
Wikipedia - Cercosaura ocellata -- Species of lizard
Wikipedia - Cessna Citation Columbus -- Cancelled American business jet project
Wikipedia - Champagne hillsides, houses and cellars -- World Heritage site in France
Wikipedia - Champdor-Corcelles -- Commune in Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France
Wikipedia - Champdor -- Part of Champdor-Corcelles in Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France
Wikipedia - Chancellor chess
Wikipedia - Chancellor (ecclesiastical)
Wikipedia - Chancellor (education) -- Leader of a university or a college
Wikipedia - Chancellor of Austria -- Head of government of the Republic of Austria
Wikipedia - Chancellor of Florence
Wikipedia - Chancellor of France
Wikipedia - Chancellor of Germany (Federal Republic)
Wikipedia - Chancellor of Germany (German Reich)
Wikipedia - Chancellor of Germany -- Head of government of Germany
Wikipedia - Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster
Wikipedia - Chancellor of the Exchequer -- United Kingdom finance minister
Wikipedia - Chancellor of the University of Oxford
Wikipedia - Chancellor of the University of Paris
Wikipedia - Chancellor's Gold Medal
Wikipedia - Chancellors of the University of Cambridge
Wikipedia - Chancellorsville (game) -- War-game set during the US Civil War.
Wikipedia - Chancellor -- Governmental office
Wikipedia - Chancellor Williams -- American historian
Wikipedia - Charles Elmer Allen -- American botanist and cell biologist
Wikipedia - Charles Mennegand -- Eminent French luthier and a distinguished repairer of violins, violas, and cellos
Wikipedia - Charleston (1977 film) -- 1977 film by Marcello Fondato
Wikipedia - Chemorepulsion -- Directional movement of a cell away from a substance
Wikipedia - Chemotherapy -- Treatment of cancer using drugs that inhibit cell division or kill cells
Wikipedia - Chersotis ocellina -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Chiara Fancelli -- Prominent figure in Florentine history
Wikipedia - Chimera (genetics) -- Single organism composed of two or more different populations of genetically distinct cells
Wikipedia - Chionodes holosericella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Chionodes mediofuscella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Chionodes tragicella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Choanoflagellate -- A group of free-living unicellular and colonial flagellate eukaryotes
Wikipedia - Chondroblast -- Mesenchymal progenitor cell that forms a chondrocyte
Wikipedia - Chondrocyte -- Cell that makes up cartilage
Wikipedia - Choroid plexus tumor -- Cancer of the cells that produce cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles of the brain
Wikipedia - Chris Higgins (academic) -- British geneticist and Vice-Chancellor of Durham University
Wikipedia - Christine Rauh -- German cellist
Wikipedia - Christoph Cellarius -- German classical scholar
Wikipedia - Chromaffin cell
Wikipedia - Chromatophore -- Pigment-containing cells found in a wide range of animals
Wikipedia - Chromoplast -- pigment-bearing organelle in plant cells
Wikipedia - Chromosomal crossover -- Cellular process
Wikipedia - Chromosome 15 -- 101 million base pairs (the building material of DNA) and represents between 3% and 3.5% of the total DNA in cells. The human leukocyte antigen gene for M-NM-22-m
Wikipedia - Chromosome -- DNA molecule containing genetic material of a cell
Wikipedia - Chronic granulomatous disease -- Diverse group of hereditary diseases in which certain cells of the immune system have difficulty forming the reactive oxygen compounds used to kill certain ingested pathogens.
Wikipedia - Chronique de la Pucelle
Wikipedia - Chrysoesthia atriplicella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Ciliogenesis -- Building of cellular cilia
Wikipedia - Cinquillo -- Cuban/Caribbean rhythmic cell
Wikipedia - Cinthia Marcelle -- Brazilian artist
Wikipedia - Circular RNA -- Type of RNA found in cells
Wikipedia - Circumcellions
Wikipedia - City8 -- Cancelled local television channel in Birmingham, England
Wikipedia - Clandestine cell system
Wikipedia - Claudia Marcella the Younger
Wikipedia - Clematis viticella -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clone (B-cell) -- Part of process of immunological B-cell maturation
Wikipedia - Clone (cell biology) -- Group of identical cells that share a common ancestry
Wikipedia - Clotilde Thery -- French cell biologist
Wikipedia - C. Marcella Carollo -- Swiss astromoner
Wikipedia - Cnaemidophorus urbicella -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - C-Netz -- Analog cellular network
Wikipedia - Cnidocyte -- Explosive cell containing one giant secretory organelle (cnida)
Wikipedia - Coccolithophore -- Unicellular algae responsible for the formation of chalk
Wikipedia - Codd's cellular automaton -- 2D cellular automaton devised by Edgar F. Codd in 1968
Wikipedia - Coenraad Bloemendal -- Dutch-born Canadian cellist
Wikipedia - Cohesin -- A protein complex that regulates the separation of sister chromatids during cell division
Wikipedia - Cold core ring -- A type of oceanic eddy, characterized as unstable, time-dependent swirling M-bM-^@M-^XcellsM-bM-^@M-^Y that separate from their respective ocean current and move into water bodies with different characteristics
Wikipedia - Coleophora albicella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Coleophora auricella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Coleophora beticella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Coleophora corsicella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Coleophora cracella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Coleophora laricella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Coleophora polonicella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Coleophora sibiricella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Coleophora sylvaticella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Coleophora tauricella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Coleophora vibicella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Colette Giudicelli -- French politician
Wikipedia - Collin Circelli -- Canadian professional ice hockey center
Wikipedia - Colponema -- Genus of single-celled flagellates
Wikipedia - Columbicella explanata -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Comet Rendezvous Asteroid Flyby -- Cancelled NASA mission plan
Wikipedia - Companion cell
Wikipedia - Company Level Intelligence Cell
Wikipedia - Complementarity-determining region -- Part of the variable chains in immunoglobulins (antibodies) and T cell receptors, generated by B-cells and T-cells respectively
Wikipedia - Complement system -- Part of the immune system that enhances the ability of antibodies and phagocytic cells to clear microbes and damaged cells
Wikipedia - Complete blood count -- Routine laboratory test of blood cells
Wikipedia - Complex cells (visual cortex)
Wikipedia - Complex cell
Wikipedia - Compound of tesseract and 16-cell
Wikipedia - CONDOR secure cell phone -- Prototype secure CDMA phone by Qualcomm
Wikipedia - Cone cell
Wikipedia - Congenital dyserythropoietic anemia -- Congenital hemolytic anemia characterized by ineffective erythropoiesis, and resulting from a decrease in the number of red blood cells (RBCs) in the body and a less than normal quantity of hemoglobin in the blood
Wikipedia - Constantine Phipps (Lord Chancellor of Ireland) -- Lord Chancellor of Ireland
Wikipedia - Consumer Cellular -- American postpaid mobile virtual network operator
Wikipedia - Conus cancellatus -- Species of sea snail
Wikipedia - Conus carcellesi -- Species of sea snail
Wikipedia - Conus praecellens -- Species of sea snail
Wikipedia - Conway's Game of Life -- Two-dimensional cellular automaton devised by J. H. Conway in 1970
Wikipedia - Corallochytrium -- Genus of unicellular organisms
Wikipedia - Corcelles, Ain -- Part of Champdor-Corcelles in Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France
Wikipedia - Corcelles-Nord railway station -- Swiss railway station
Wikipedia - Corcelles-Sud railway station -- Railway station in Switzerland
Wikipedia - Cord-cutting -- Mass cancellation of cable television subscriptions
Wikipedia - Cornicello
Wikipedia - Corrado Annicelli -- Italian actor
Wikipedia - Cosmopterix crassicervicella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Costa Smeralda (ship) -- Excellence-class cruise ship operated by Costa Cruises
Wikipedia - Courcelles-sur-Voire -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Crambus ericella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Crew Exploration Vehicle -- Planned orbiter component of NASA's cancelled Project Constellation; became Orion crew vehicle
Wikipedia - Cristiano Marcello -- Brazilian mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Critical and Miscellaneous Essays (Carlyle)
Wikipedia - Crosseola cancellata -- Species of mollusc
Wikipedia - Crucifixion (Uccello) -- c. 1457 painting by Paolo Uccello
Wikipedia - Crucifixion with Two Angels -- c. 1423 painting by Paolo Uccello
Wikipedia - Crucifix of San Marcello -- Crucifix associated with the 1522 plague epidemic in Rome.
Wikipedia - Cumulina -- First animal cloned from adult cells that survived to adulthood
Wikipedia - Cyclic cellular automaton
Wikipedia - Cyclophora albiocellaria -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Cylindrical algebraic decomposition -- Decomposing n-space into cells in which each of a set of polynomials has constant sign
Wikipedia - Cytomixis -- Migration of the nucleus from one plant cell to another
Wikipedia - Cytopathology -- A branch of pathology that studies and diagnoses diseases on the cellular level
Wikipedia - Cytoplasm -- Material within a cell
Wikipedia - Cytoskeleton -- Network of filamentous proteins that forms the internal framework of cells
Wikipedia - Cytosol -- Liquid found in cells
Wikipedia - Cytotoxicity -- The quality of being toxic to cells
Wikipedia - Cytotoxic T cell -- T cell that kills infected, damaged or cancerous cells
Wikipedia - Dafna Bar-Sagi -- Cell biologist and cancer researcher
Wikipedia - Daniela Barcellona -- Italian operatic mezzo-soprano
Wikipedia - Daniela Maccelli -- Italian gymnast
Wikipedia - Daniel Jones (chancellor)
Wikipedia - Daniel Lascelles (diplomat) -- British diplomat
Wikipedia - Daniel Mazia -- American cell biologist (1912-1996)
Wikipedia - Danny Fraticelli -- Puerto Rican singer, musician and actor
Wikipedia - Danske Kancelli -- Administrative body in Denmark (12th c. - 1848)
Wikipedia - Dante Fascell -- American politician
Wikipedia - Dasystoma salicella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - DATRI -- Nonprofit organization for blood stem cell donation in India
Wikipedia - Dave Eggar -- American cellist, pianist and composer
Wikipedia - David Darling (musician) -- American cellist and composer
Wikipedia - Davide Uccellari -- Italian triathlete
Wikipedia - David Geringas -- Lithuanian cellist and conductor
Wikipedia - David James (cell biologist)
Wikipedia - David Lascelles, 8th Earl of Harewood -- British hereditary peer and film and television producer
Wikipedia - David Monro (scholar) -- Scottish Homeric scholar, Provost of Oriel College, Oxford, and Vice-Chancellor of Oxford University
Wikipedia - David Mosser -- American cell biologist
Wikipedia - David Suter (biologist) -- David Suter, Swiss cell biologist
Wikipedia - David W. Deamer -- American cell biologist
Wikipedia - Dawn Avery -- Native American composer, cellist and educator
Wikipedia - Day and Night (cellular automaton) -- 2D cellular automaton with black/white reversal symmetry
Wikipedia - DC Implosion -- 1978 DC Comics cancellation purge
Wikipedia - Dead Cells -- 2018 roguelike-metroidvania video game
Wikipedia - Debi Purcell -- American martial artist
Wikipedia - Decellia bimaculipennis -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Decoy cells -- Virally infected epithelial cells found in urine
Wikipedia - Dedifferentiation -- Cellular process of loss of specialization
Wikipedia - DeepC -- Autonomous underwater vehicle powered by a fuel cell
Wikipedia - Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury -- Defence organization in United States
Wikipedia - Deilephila porcellus -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Delaware Student Excellence Equals Degree Program Scholarship -- Scholarship program
Wikipedia - Dendritic cell
Wikipedia - Denise Soriano-Boucherit -- French woman cellist
Wikipedia - Dennys Lascelles Ltd -- Australian agriculture company
Wikipedia - Depressaria cervicella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Depressaria daucella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Depressaria gallicella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Depressaria hystricella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Depressaria marcella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Depressaria veneficella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Derrick Rossi -- Canadian stem cell biologist
Wikipedia - Desmoplastic small round cell tumor
Wikipedia - Desmoplastic small-round-cell tumor -- An aggressive and rare cancer
Wikipedia - Desmosome -- Strong cell junction involved in cell-to-cell adhesion
Wikipedia - Detention center (cell biology) -- region of the cell
Wikipedia - Developmental signaling center -- Type of group of cells
Wikipedia - Devil Sister -- cancelled 2020 Thai television series
Wikipedia - Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma -- Type of lymphoma
Wikipedia - Digital manifold -- Special kind of combinatorial manifold which is defined in grid cell space
Wikipedia - Digitivalva arnicella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Dioryctria mendacella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Dioryctria simplicella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Divine Comedy Illustrated by Botticelli
Wikipedia - Divya Nag -- American stem cell biologist
Wikipedia - DNA-binding protein from starved cells -- Group of bacterial ferritin proteins that protect DNA against oxidative damage
Wikipedia - DNA repair -- Cellular mechanism
Wikipedia - DNA re-replication -- Undesirable and possibly fatal occurrence in eukaryotic cells in which the genome is replicated more than once per cell cycle
Wikipedia - Dodecahedral conjecture -- Theorem on the minimal volume of cells in the Voronoi decomposition of packed spheres
Wikipedia - Dogs Playing Poker -- Set of paintings by Cassius Marcellus Coolidge
Wikipedia - Dolipore septum -- Dividing walls between cells of some fungi
Wikipedia - Dom Bedos de Celles -- French Benedictine monk and pipe organ builder
Wikipedia - Dominic Purcell -- English actor
Wikipedia - Dominique McElligott -- Irish actress
Wikipedia - Donacaula forficella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Dora Vasconcellos -- Brazilian writer and diplomat
Wikipedia - Doris Cellar -- American singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Dorothy Lawson -- Canadian cellist and composer
Wikipedia - Dot cancellation test -- Visual perception and vigilance test
Wikipedia - Douglas XP-48 -- Light fighter project for U.S. Air Force, cancelled 1940
Wikipedia - Draft:FV-E991 series -- Future fuel cell electric multiple unit train type operated in Japan
Wikipedia - Draft:Reinhold Johannes Buhl -- German classical cellist
Wikipedia - Draft:Republic AP-100 -- Cancelled American military plane project of the 1940s-1950s
Wikipedia - Dragon Sword -- Cancelled video game
Wikipedia - Dr. Dobb's Excellence in Programming Award
Wikipedia - Dr. Dobb's Excellence in Programming award
Wikipedia - Drop the Debt -- Late 1990s campaign for international debt cancellation
Wikipedia - Drunk tank -- Jail cell for intoxicated people
Wikipedia - Dry cell
Wikipedia - Duck blood and vermicelli soup -- Traditional delicacy of Nanjing, China
Wikipedia - Duracell
Wikipedia - Du Yan -- Chancellor of Tang Dynasty
Wikipedia - DVB-H -- Digital TV standard for cellphones
Wikipedia - DVB-SH -- Digital TV standard that allows satellite TV to be watched on a cellphone
Wikipedia - E3 2020 -- Cancelled 26th annual Electronic Entertainment Expo
Wikipedia - East vs. West - A Hearts of Iron Game -- Cancelled 2014 grand strategy video game
Wikipedia - Echo suppression and cancellation -- Preventing or removing echo in telephony
Wikipedia - Ectoedemia liguricella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Edith Heard -- Professor of Epigenetics and Cellular Memory
Wikipedia - Edmund Kurtz -- Russian-Australian cellist
Wikipedia - Edward Henry Purcell -- English organist and musician
Wikipedia - Edward Mills Purcell -- Nobel prize winning American physicist
Wikipedia - Edward M. Purcell
Wikipedia - Edward Purcell (musician) -- English composer (1689-1740); son of Henry Purcell
Wikipedia - Edward Vance -- American architect, Chancellor of the American Institute of Architects College of Fellows
Wikipedia - Egg cell -- Female reproductive cell in most anisogamous organisms
Wikipedia - Elachista bisulcella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Elachista ibericella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Elachista regificella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Elachista subocellea -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Elaine Diacumakos -- Cell biologist
Wikipedia - Elasticity of cell membranes -- Ability of cell membranes to deform elastically
Wikipedia - Electricity and Magnetism (book) -- Electromagnetism textbook originally written by Edward M. Purcell in 1965
Wikipedia - Electrochemical cell -- Device capable of either generating electrical energy from chemical reactions or using electrical energy to cause chemical reactions
Wikipedia - Electrode potential -- Electromotive force of a cell built of two electrodes
Wikipedia - Electrophysiology -- Study of the electrical properties of biological cells and tissues.
Wikipedia - Elementary cellular automation
Wikipedia - Elementary cellular automaton
Wikipedia - Element One -- Lawrence Technological University's hydrogen fuel cell race team
Wikipedia - Elena Celledoni -- Italian mathematician
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Cellier -- English midwife
Wikipedia - Ellis Owusu-Dabo -- Ghanaian academic and Pro Vice-Chancellor
Wikipedia - Elma Gonzalez -- Mexican-born American plant cell biologist
Wikipedia - Embryoid body -- Three-dimensional aggregate of pluripotent stem cells
Wikipedia - Embryonic stem cell -- Pluripotent stem cell of the inner cell mass of the blastocyst
Wikipedia - Embryo -- Multicellular diploid eukaryote in its earliest stage of development
Wikipedia - Emiliania huxleyi -- Unicellular algae responsible for the formation of chalk
Wikipedia - Emma Leclercq -- Belgian cell biologist
Wikipedia - Emmanuel Evans-Anfom -- Vice Chancellor of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
Wikipedia - Endocellion -- monotypic flowering plant genus in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Endocytosis -- Cellular process
Wikipedia - Endosymbiont -- Organism that lives within the body or cells of another organism
Wikipedia - Endothelial stem cell -- Stem cell in bone marrow that gives rise to endothelial cells
Wikipedia - Endothelium -- Cells that line the Inner surface of blood vessels
Wikipedia - Enercell -- Battery brand
Wikipedia - Enrico Forcella -- Venezuelan sport shooter
Wikipedia - Enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphoma -- Complication of coeliac disease
Wikipedia - Epermenia pontificella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Epiblast-derived stem cell -- Type of stem cell
Wikipedia - Epiblast -- Embryonic inner cell mass tissue that forms the embryo itself, through the three germ layers
Wikipedia - Epidermal growth factor -- Protein that stimulates cell division and differentiation
Wikipedia - Episcythrastis tetricella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Erastin -- Molecule initiating ferroptotic cell death
Wikipedia - Eremias multiocellata -- Species of lizard
Wikipedia - Eremias nigrocellata -- Species of lizard
Wikipedia - Eric Saucke-Lacelle -- Canadian ice dancer
Wikipedia - Eriocrania cicatricella -- Moth species in family Eriocraniidae
Wikipedia - Ernest Aryeetey -- Vice-Chancellor of the University of Ghana
Wikipedia - Ernest McCulloch -- Canadian cellular biologist (1926-2011)
Wikipedia - Eryptosis -- Programmed death of red blood cells
Wikipedia - ESPY Award -- Excellence in Sports Performance Yearly Awards Event
Wikipedia - Eteobalea albiapicella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Ethmia cyrenaicella -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Ethmia trifurcella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Ettore Cella -- Swiss actor
Wikipedia - Euchromius ocellea -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eucoccidiorida -- Order of microscopic, spore-forming, single-celled parasites in the apicomplex phylum
Wikipedia - Eudicella -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Eugenio Pacelli
Wikipedia - Euhyponomeutoides albithoracellus -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eulamprotes altaicella -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Euoniticellus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - European Union Centers of Excellence in the United States -- Promotion of the study of the European Union
Wikipedia - Eurovision: Europe Shine a Light -- Event taking place after the cancellation of Eurovision 2020
Wikipedia - Eurovision Song Contest 2020 -- Cancelled 65th Eurovision Song Contest
Wikipedia - Eusebius of Vercelli
Wikipedia - Evangelista Torricelli
Wikipedia - Evelyn Gitau -- Cellular immunologist
Wikipedia - Evolution of cells -- The evolutionary origin and subsequent development of cells
Wikipedia - Evolution of multicellularity -- The development of organisms that consists of more than one cell from unicellular ancestors
Wikipedia - Evolution of sexual reproduction -- How sexually reproducing multicellular organisms could have evolved from a common ancestor species
Wikipedia - Ewa Paluch -- French biophysicist and cell biologist
Wikipedia - Exaeretia mongolicella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Excavata -- Supergroup of unicellular organisms belonging to the domain Eukaryota
Wikipedia - Excellence and equity
Wikipedia - Excellence-class cruise ship -- Excellence class of cruise ship
Wikipedia - Excellence -- Talent or quality which surpasses ordinary standards
Wikipedia - Excellent Cadavers (film) -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Excellent Cadaver -- Production company
Wikipedia - Excellion Capital -- British corporate finance advisory and investment firm
Wikipedia - Exomer -- Protein complex transporting molecules inside the cell
Wikipedia - Exon skipping -- Form of RNA splicing used to cause cells to M-bM-^@M-^\skipM-bM-^@M-^] over faulty sections of genetic code
Wikipedia - Exosome (vesicle) -- Membrane-bound extracellular vesicles
Wikipedia - Exoteleia dodecella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Extracellular matrix -- Network of proteins and molecules outside cells that provides structural support for cells
Wikipedia - Extracellular space -- Biology term
Wikipedia - Extracranial germ cell tumor -- Type of tumor
Wikipedia - Fabio Arcella -- 16th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Fabio Barcellandi -- Italian poet and translator
Wikipedia - Fananas cell -- Glial cells of the cerebellar cortex
Wikipedia - Farkhanda Manzoor -- Pakistani zoologist and university Vice-Chancellor
Wikipedia - FASEB Excellence in Science Award
Wikipedia - Fatty liver disease -- Lipid storage disease characterized by the accumulation of large vacuoles of triglyceride fat in liver cells via the process of steatosis
Wikipedia - Favosites -- Fossil genus of corals recognised on the densely packed, polygon cells.
Wikipedia - Femtocell -- Small, low-power cellular base station
Wikipedia - Fences and pickets model of plasma membrane structure -- Concept of cell membrane structure
Wikipedia - Ferdinando Petruccelli della Gattina -- Italian journalist, writer and patriot (1815-1890)
Wikipedia - Fernando De Almeida Vasconcellos -- Brazilian chess player
Wikipedia - Ferritin -- A protein complex that binds iron and acts as a major iron storage system. Intracellular and extracellular ferritin complexes have different ratios of two types of ferritin monomer, the L (light) chain and H (heavy) chain.
Wikipedia - Ferroptosis -- Programmed cell death
Wikipedia - Fibroblast -- Animal connective tissue cell that synthesizes the extracellular matrix, collagen, animal stroma and is involved in wound healing
Wikipedia - Fidel Nemenzo -- Chancellor of the University of the Philippines Diliman
Wikipedia - Filatima spurcella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Filopodia -- Actin projections on the leading edge of lamellipodia of migrating cells
Wikipedia - Finchale Priory -- Benedictine cell: hermitage, monastic precinct and site of priory watermill
Wikipedia - Fine Cell Work -- Charity working with British prisoners
Wikipedia - Fiorella Infascelli -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Firing rate (cells)
Wikipedia - Flora de Pablo -- Spanish molecular biologist, cell biologist and physician.
Wikipedia - Flow battery -- A type of electrochemical cell where chemical energy is provided by two chemical components dissolved in liquids
Wikipedia - Focke-Wulf Fw 42 -- Medium bomber project, Germany, cancelled c.1934
Wikipedia - F. O. Kwami -- Former Vice Chancellor of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
Wikipedia - Follicle (anatomy) -- | small spherical group of cells containing a cavity
Wikipedia - Follicular dendritic cell sarcoma -- Dendritic cell sarcoma cancer that effects the follicular dendritic cells
Wikipedia - Follicular dendritic cells -- Non-migratory population found in primary and secondary follicles of the B cell areas of lymph nodes, spleen, and mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT).
Wikipedia - Follower neuron -- Type of nerve cell in the brain
Wikipedia - Framework (building) -- Cancelled building project in Portland, Oregon, United States
Wikipedia - Frances Brodsky -- American cell biologist
Wikipedia - Francesco Saverio Monticelli -- Italian zoologist
Wikipedia - Francevillian biota -- Possibly earliest multicellular lifeforms
Wikipedia - Frankish Chancellors
Wikipedia - Frank Ruddle -- American cell and developmental biologist (1929-2013)
Wikipedia - Franz Fischer (cellist) -- German conductor and cellist
Wikipedia - Franz von Papen -- German general staff officer, politician, diplomat, nobleman and Chancellor of Germany (1879-1969)
Wikipedia - Fraticelli
Wikipedia - Fred Katz (cellist) -- American musician, composer, and anthropology professor
Wikipedia - FreeCell -- Solitaire card game
Wikipedia - Freedom (IX-43) -- An unclassified miscellaneous vessel of the US Navy in service 1940-42
Wikipedia - Friedlanderia cicatricella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Friedmanniella okinawensis -- Species of unicellular organism
Wikipedia - Fuel cell bus -- Hydrogen powered bus
Wikipedia - FuelCell Energy -- U.S.-based fuel cell company
Wikipedia - Fuel cell vehicle -- Vehicle that uses a fuel cell to power its electric motor
Wikipedia - Fuel cell -- Device that converts the chemical energy from a fuel into electricity
Wikipedia - Funerary Monument to Sir John Hawkwood -- Fresco by Paolo Uccello
Wikipedia - Fungal extracellular enzyme activity -- Enzymes produced by fungi and secreted outside their cells
Wikipedia - Fungal ribotoxin -- Group of extracellular ribonucleases secreted by fungi
Wikipedia - G0 phase -- Quiescent stage of the cell cycle in which the cell does not divide
Wikipedia - G1 phase -- First growth phase in the eukaryotic cell cycle
Wikipedia - G1/S transition -- Stage in cell cycle
Wikipedia - G2 phase -- Second growth phase in the eukaryotic cell cycle, prior to mitosis
Wikipedia - Gabor RejtM-EM-^Q -- Hungarian cellist (1916-1987)
Wikipedia - Gaius Claudius Marcellus (consul 49 BC) -- Senator of the Roman Republic
Wikipedia - Gaius Claudius Marcellus (consul 50 BC) -- Roman politician
Wikipedia - Gaius Quinctius Certus Poblicius Marcellus -- Roman suffect consul in 120 AD
Wikipedia - Galdieria sulphuraria -- Extremophilic unicellular species of red alga
Wikipedia - Galerucella -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Galvanic cell
Wikipedia - Gambit (unproduced film) -- Cancelled 20th Century Fox film project
Wikipedia - Gametangium -- Multicellular sex organs in plant life
Wikipedia - Gamete -- Cell that fuses during fertilisation, such as a sperm or egg cell
Wikipedia - Gametocyte -- Eukaryotic germ stem cell
Wikipedia - Gametogonium -- Stem cell that gives rise to a gamete, such as a sperm or egg cell
Wikipedia - Garcelle Beauvais -- American actress, television personality, author, and former fashion model
Wikipedia - Garden of Eden (cellular automaton) -- Type of pattern that has no predecessors
Wikipedia - Garrha ocellifera -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Gaspare Grimaldi Bracelli -- Doge of the Republic of Genoa
Wikipedia - Gastrodia agnicellus -- Orchid species
Wikipedia - Gatorade Player of the Year awards -- Awards given annually for excellence to up and coming high school student-athletes in the United States
Wikipedia - Gauntlet (cancelled video game) -- Unreleased Nintendo DS hack and slash video game
Wikipedia - Gene delivery -- Introduction of foreign genetic material into host cells
Wikipedia - Genevieve Dulude-De Celles -- Canadian film director
Wikipedia - Genotype -- Part of the genetic makeup of a cell which determines one of its characteristics
Wikipedia - Geocell -- Cellular branch of Georgian telecommunication company Silknet
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Templeman -- Vice-Chancellor of the University of Kent at Canterbury
Wikipedia - George Emil Palade -- American cell biologist
Wikipedia - George Henry Caunter -- English judge and miscellaneous writer
Wikipedia - George Huddesford (Vice-Chancellor)
Wikipedia - George Lascelles, 7th Earl of Harewood -- British noble
Wikipedia - George Lascelles (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - George Neville (archbishop) -- 15th-century Archbishop of York and Chancellor of England
Wikipedia - George Otto Gey -- cell biologist
Wikipedia - George Syncellus
Wikipedia - Georg Faust -- German cellist
Wikipedia - Georg Wille -- German cellist
Wikipedia - Gerald Eckert -- German composer, cellist, and painter
Wikipedia - Gerard (archbishop of York) -- Eleventh-century Chancellor of England and Archbishop of York
Wikipedia - Gerard la Pucelle
Wikipedia - Gerhard Mantel -- German cellist
Wikipedia - Germaine Cellier -- French perfumer
Wikipedia - German Chancellery -- Office of the Federal Chancellor of Germany
Wikipedia - Germ-free animal -- Multi-cellular organisms that have no microorganisms living in or on them
Wikipedia - Germ layer -- Primary layer of cells in embryonic development
Wikipedia - Germline mosaicism -- Situation in which some gamete-producing cells are affected by a mutation
Wikipedia - Gertrude Purcell -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Geumsan Insam Cello -- South Korean cycling team
Wikipedia - Giga New York -- Photovoltaic (PV) cell factory in Buffalo, New York
Wikipedia - Gil M-CM-^Alvarez Carrillo de Albornoz -- 14th century Spanish cardinal, archbishop, Chancellor of Toledo and ecclesiastical leader
Wikipedia - Giovanni Perricelli -- Italian race walker
Wikipedia - Giovanni Ricciardi (cellist) -- Italian musician
Wikipedia - Giovanni Tacci Porcelli
Wikipedia - Giuseppe Lauricella -- Italian mathematician
Wikipedia - Giuseppe Maria Jacchini -- Italian cellist and composer
Wikipedia - Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor
Wikipedia - Glial cells
Wikipedia - Glial cell
Wikipedia - Glia -- Support cells in the nervous system
Wikipedia - Glider (Conway's Life) -- Moving pattern of five live cells in Conway's Game of Life
Wikipedia - Glioma -- Tumour of the glial cells of the brain or spine
Wikipedia - Glossary of fuel cell terms -- Wikipedia glossary
Wikipedia - Glossary of Russian and USSR aviation acronyms: Miscellaneous -- Aviation acronym glossary
Wikipedia - Glycocalyx -- A viscous, carbohydrate rich layer at the outermost periphery of a cell.
Wikipedia - Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus Marcellinus -- Ancient Roman politician
Wikipedia - Goblet cell
Wikipedia - Golgi apparatus -- Cell organelle
Wikipedia - Golly (program) -- Tool for simulating cellular automata
Wikipedia - Gottfried Finger -- Czech baroque composer and violoncellist (c1655-1730)
Wikipedia - Goutam Buddha Das -- Vice-Chancellor of Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University
Wikipedia - Government Wine Cellar -- Wine cellar of the government of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Grand 120-cell
Wikipedia - Grand 600-cell
Wikipedia - Grand Chancellor of the Crown
Wikipedia - Grand Chancellor of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Wikipedia - Grandmother cells
Wikipedia - Grandmother cell -- Hypothetical neuron that responds to a single concept
Wikipedia - Grand stellated 120-cell
Wikipedia - Grand Tour program -- NASA's cancelled space program intended to explore the outer solar system
Wikipedia - Granule (cell biology) -- small particle, often in plants
Wikipedia - Granule cell -- Type of neuron with a very small cell body
Wikipedia - Granulocyte transfusion -- Transfusion of white blood cells
Wikipedia - Granulocyte -- category of white blood cells
Wikipedia - Grazia Barcellona -- Italian figure skater
Wikipedia - Graziella Pellegrini -- Italian Professor of Cell Biology
Wikipedia - Great 120-cell
Wikipedia - Great grand 120-cell
Wikipedia - Great grand stellated 120-cell
Wikipedia - Great icosahedral 120-cell
Wikipedia - Great stellated 120-cell
Wikipedia - Greenberg-Hastings cellular automaton
Wikipedia - Gregorio Celli
Wikipedia - Gregory Paul Jordan -- Vice-Chancellor of the University of Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Grey matter -- Areas of neuronal cell bodies in the brain
Wikipedia - Growth factor -- Protein or other substance that stimulates cellular proliferation
Wikipedia - Growth medium -- Solid, liquid or gel used to grow microorganisms or cells
Wikipedia - GSM -- Standard to describe protocols for second generation digital cellular networks used by mobile phones
Wikipedia - Guard cell -- paired cells that control the stomatal pore
Wikipedia - Gun (cellular automaton) -- Type of stationary pattern that periodically produces spaceships
Wikipedia - Gunpowder Cellar of Tartu -- Historic building in Tartu, Estonia
Wikipedia - Gustav Bauer -- German politician and chancellor from 1919-1920
Wikipedia - Guy Sircello
Wikipedia - Gwyneth George -- British cellist and teacher
Wikipedia - Gymnascella dankaliensis -- Species of fungi
Wikipedia - Gymnascella -- Genus of fungi
Wikipedia - Hadley cell -- A global scale tropical atmospheric circulation feature
Wikipedia - Haematopoiesis -- The formation of blood cellular components
Wikipedia - Hairy cell leukemia -- Hematological malignancy
Wikipedia - Hambuhren -- Municipality in Celle district, Lower Saxony, Germany
Wikipedia - Hamilton LRT -- Cancelled light rail line in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - Han Hong (general) -- Chinese general and Chancellor
Wikipedia - Hannele Ruohola-Baker -- Biochemist and stem cell researcher
Wikipedia - Hans von Schuch -- German cellist and music educator
Wikipedia - Hanwha Q Cells -- Solar cell manufacturer
Wikipedia - Harmonia Macrocosmica -- Book by Andreas Cellarius
Wikipedia - Harpella forficella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Haruko Obokata -- Japanese stem-cell researcher
Wikipedia - Hashlife -- Algorithm for speeding up cellular automaton simulations
Wikipedia - Hayflick limit -- Number of times a normal human cell population will divide before cell division stops
Wikipedia - Heads of the German Chancellery -- List of people appointed as head of the German Chancellery
Wikipedia - Hedgehog signaling pathway -- Embryonic signaling pathway for proper cell differentiation
Wikipedia - HEK 293 cells -- Cell line derived from human embryonic kidney cells
Wikipedia - HeLa cells
Wikipedia - HeLa -- Cell line
Wikipedia - Hell in a Cell (2009) -- 2009 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Hell in a Cell (2010) -- 2010 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Hell in a Cell (2011) -- 2011 WWE pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Hell in a Cell (2012) -- 2012 WWE pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Hell in a Cell (2013) -- 2013 WWE pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Hell in a Cell (2014) -- 2014 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Hell in a Cell (2015) -- 2015 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Hell in a Cell (2016) -- 2016 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Hell in a Cell (2017) -- 2017 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Hell in a Cell (2018) -- 2018 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Hell in a Cell (2019) -- 2019 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Hell in a Cell (2020) -- 2020 WWE pay-per-view and network event
Wikipedia - Hell in a Cell -- Professional wrestling match type
Wikipedia - Helmut Kohl -- Chancellor of Germany from 1982 to 1998
Wikipedia - Hemangioblast -- Cell type
Wikipedia - Hematocrit -- Volume percentage of red blood cells in blood
Wikipedia - Hematology analyzer -- to count and identify blood cells at high speed and accuracy
Wikipedia - Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation -- Medical procedure to replace blood or immune stem cells
Wikipedia - Hematopoietic stem cell -- Stem cells that give rise to other blood cells
Wikipedia - Hemicellulose -- Class of plant cell wall polysaccharides
Wikipedia - Hemocyte (invertebrate immune system cell) -- Cell type
Wikipedia - Hemoglobin -- Oxygen-transport metalloprotein in red blood cells
Wikipedia - Hemolysis -- Rupturing of red blood cells and the release of their contents (cytoplasm) into surrounding fluid
Wikipedia - Henri Demarquette -- French cellist
Wikipedia - Henrietta Lacks -- American woman whose cancer cells produced the HeLa immortalised cell line
Wikipedia - Henry Beaufort -- 14th and 15th-century English prince, Bishop of Lincoln, then Winchester, Lord Chancellor of England, and cardinal
Wikipedia - Henry Lascelles (1690-1753) -- British colonial administrator
Wikipedia - Henry Lascelles, 6th Earl of Harewood -- English peer
Wikipedia - Henry Purcell -- English composer
Wikipedia - Hepatocellular adenoma -- Hepatocellular adenoma (HA) is a rare benign tumor of the liver
Wikipedia - Hepatocellular carcinoma
Wikipedia - Hermes (spacecraft) -- Cancelled French crewed spaceplane concept from 1987
Wikipedia - Hermine Horiot -- French cellist
Wikipedia - Heterotrophic picoplankton -- The fraction of plankton composed by cells between 0.2 and 2 M-NM-
Wikipedia - Hexagonal chess -- Set of chess variants played on a board with hexagonal cells
Wikipedia - Hierarchical cell structure
Wikipedia - Highlife (cellular automaton) -- 2D cellular automaton similar to Conway's Game of Life
Wikipedia - Hirofumi Kanno -- Japanese classical cellist
Wikipedia - His Excellency (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - His Excellency from Madagascar -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - His Excellency, The Shop Assistant -- 1933 film by Michal Waszynski
Wikipedia - His Late Excellency (1927 film) -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - His Late Excellency (1935 film) -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - Histiocyte -- Vertebrate cell
Wikipedia - Histology -- Study of the microscopic anatomy of cells and tissues of plants and animals
Wikipedia - HLA-DQ -- Cell surface receptor protein found on antigen-presenting cells.
Wikipedia - HMS Excellent (1787) -- 74-gun Royal Navy ship of the line
Wikipedia - Holcopogon bubulcellus -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Holiday in the Sun (film) -- 2001 film by Steve Purcell
Wikipedia - Hologenome theory of evolution -- Evolutionary view of an individual multicellular organism as a community of the host plus all of its symbiotic microbes
Wikipedia - Holozoa -- Group of organisms that includes animals and their closest single-celled relatives, but excludes fungi
Wikipedia - Homeobox protein NANOG -- Transcriptional factor that helps embryonic stem cells (ESCs) maintain pluripotency by suppressing cell determination factors
Wikipedia - Homologous chromosome -- Set of one maternal and one paternal chromosome that pair up with each other inside a cell during meiosis
Wikipedia - Honor society -- Rank organization that recognizes excellence among peers
Wikipedia - Hook echo -- Weather radar signature indicating tornadic circulation in a supercell thunderstorm
Wikipedia - Horizontal transfer of mitochondria -- Movement of whole mitochondria between cells
Wikipedia - Hormone -- Chemical released by a cell or a gland in one part of the body that sends out messages that affect cells in other parts of the organism
Wikipedia - Host cell protein -- impurities that occur in the production of biopharmaceutical proteins
Wikipedia - Howard Gillman -- 6th Chancellor of UC Irvine
Wikipedia - H. Vasken Aposhian -- Toxicologist and emeritus professor of molecular and cell biology at the University of Arizona
Wikipedia - Hydrothermal vent microbial communities -- unicellular organisms that live and reproduce in a chemically distinct area around Hydrothermal vents
Wikipedia - Hypatima excellentella -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Hypatopa ibericella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Hypatopa nucella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Hyperplasia -- Increase in the amount of organic tissue that results from cell proliferation
Wikipedia - Hypertrophy -- Increase in the volume of an organ or tissue due to the enlargement of its component cells
Wikipedia - Hypoblast -- Embryonic inner cell mass tissue that forms the yolk sac and, later, chorion
Wikipedia - Hypodiploid acute lymphoblastic leukemia -- Chromosome mutation of lukemic cells with 45 chromosomes or less
Wikipedia - Hypromellose -- Cellulose ether used as emulsifier or thickening agent to disperse colloids in water
Wikipedia - Hyundai Nexo -- Hydrogen powered fuel cell crossover SUV
Wikipedia - Ian MacLaurin, Baron MacLaurin of Knebworth -- British businessman, cricket chairman, Chancellor, and politician
Wikipedia - Ian R. Gibbons -- English biophysicist and cell biologist
Wikipedia - I Believe (Marcella Detroit song) -- 1994 single by Marcella Detroit
Wikipedia - IBM 2321 Data Cell
Wikipedia - I-cell disease -- Lysosomal storage disease
Wikipedia - Icosahedral 120-cell
Wikipedia - Icosian -- Specific set of Hamiltonian quaternions with the same symmetry as the 600-cell
Wikipedia - Idea Cellular -- Former Indian telecommunications company
Wikipedia - Ignaz von Gleichenstein -- German aristocrat and amateur cellist
Wikipedia - IgSF CAM -- Cell adhesion molecules in the immunoglobulin superfamily
Wikipedia - IJCAI Award for Research Excellence
Wikipedia - Immortalised cell line -- Lineage of cells that evades senescence and continues dividing
Wikipedia - Immunogenic cell death
Wikipedia - Immunoglobulin class switching -- Switching of activated B cells from IgM biosynthesis to biosynthesis of other isotypes of immunoglobulin
Wikipedia - Immunoglobulin superfamily -- Large protein superfamily of cell surface and soluble proteins
Wikipedia - Incubator (culture) -- Device used to grow and maintain microbiological cultures or cell cultures
Wikipedia - Induced pluripotent stem cell -- Pluripotent stem cell generated directly from a somatic cell
Wikipedia - Induced stem cells -- Stem cells derived from somatic, reproductive, pluripotent or other cell types by deliberate epigenetic reprogramming.
Wikipedia - Inhibitor protein -- Cell biology
Wikipedia - Inke Nathke -- German cell biologist
Wikipedia - Innate lymphoid cell -- Group of innate immune cells that are derived from common lymphoid progenitors
Wikipedia - Inner cell mass -- Early embryonic mass that gives rise to the fetus
Wikipedia - Institute for Credentialing Excellence
Wikipedia - Insulin-like growth factor -- Proteins similar to insulin that stimulate cell proliferation
Wikipedia - Interferon -- Signaling proteins released by host cells in response to the presence of pathogens
Wikipedia - Interior Characterization of Europa using Magnetometry -- Cancelled magnetometer for Europa Clipper
Wikipedia - Interleukin 33 -- IL-33 induces helper T cells, mast cells, eosinophils and basophils to produce type 2 cytokines.
Wikipedia - Interleukin 3 -- Cytokine is to regulate blood-cell production also called csf
Wikipedia - Interleukin 7 -- Growth factor secreted by stromal cells in the bone marrow and thymus.
Wikipedia - Interleukin -- Group of cytokines (secreted proteins and signal molecules) that were first seen to be expressed by white blood cells
Wikipedia - International Mobile Equipment Identity -- Cellphone identification code
Wikipedia - Interphase -- G1, S and G2 phases of the cell cycle
Wikipedia - Interstate 66 (Kansas-Kentucky) -- Cancelled highway in the United States
Wikipedia - Intestinal gland -- Gland between the intestinal villi that produces new cells
Wikipedia - Intracellular transport -- Directed movement of vesicles and substances within a cell
Wikipedia - Intravasation -- Invasion of cancer cells into a blood or lymphatic vessel
Wikipedia - Intravital microscopy -- Form of microscopy that allows observing biological processes in live animals (in vivo) at a high resolution that makes distinguishing between individual cells of a tissue possible
Wikipedia - Intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells
Wikipedia - Intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cell -- Type of neuron in the retina of the mammalian eye
Wikipedia - Ira Mellman -- American cell biologist
Wikipedia - Iraqi Falcons Intelligence Cell -- Counter-terrorism unit of the Iraqi military
Wikipedia - Irene Gudel -- Swiss cellist
Wikipedia - Irish Stem Cell Foundation -- Ireland's national stem cell research organisation
Wikipedia - Isabella von Thurn und Valsassina-Como-Vercelli -- Austrian model, socialite, and noblewoman
Wikipedia - Ischemic cell death
Wikipedia - Isosaccharinic acid -- Chemical compound arising from the degradation of cellulose
Wikipedia - Isotropic bands -- Lighter bands of skeletal muscle cells
Wikipedia - Iteron -- Repeated DNA sequences that play an important role in regulation of plasmid copy number in bacterial cells
Wikipedia - Izatha spheniscella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Jadranka LonM-DM-^Marek -- Croatian cell and molecular biologist
Wikipedia - Jakarta Monorail -- Cancelled monorail network project in Jakarta, Indonesia
Wikipedia - James Beard Foundation Award -- Annual awards presented for excellence in cuisine, culinary writing, and culinary education in the US
Wikipedia - James Marcello -- American mobster incarcerated in a US federal prison
Wikipedia - James Thomson (cell biologist) -- American developmental biologist
Wikipedia - Jan Diesselhorst -- German cellist
Wikipedia - Janus kinase -- Family of intracellular tyrosine kinases
Wikipedia - Jasper County Courthouse (Georgia) -- Historic building in Monticello, Georgia, US
Wikipedia - Jean-Baptiste Janson -- French cellist and composer
Wikipedia - Jean-Louis Bertuccelli -- French film director
Wikipedia - Jeanne Scelles-Millie -- French engineer and architect
Wikipedia - Jeanne Smith -- Expert on sickle cell anemia
Wikipedia - Jean-Pierre Giudicelli -- French modern pentathlete
Wikipedia - Jenny Choi -- American singer and cellist
Wikipedia - Jeremy Findlay -- Canadian cellist
Wikipedia - Jerry Kuma -- Vice-Chancellor of University of Mines and Technology, Tarkwa
Wikipedia - Jessica Borger -- Australian T Cell immunologist
Wikipedia - Jim Malatras -- American educator and university chancellor
Wikipedia - Joan Acocella -- American journalist, dance critic and writer
Wikipedia - Jodi Nunnari -- American cell biologist
Wikipedia - Joel Barcellos -- Brazilian actor
Wikipedia - Johann Gottfried Arnold -- German cellist and composer
Wikipedia - John Baptist Purcell -- Roman Catholic archbishop
Wikipedia - John Barbirolli -- British conductor and cellist
Wikipedia - John Contreras -- American cellist
Wikipedia - John Davies (vice-chancellor)
Wikipedia - John de Stratford -- 14th-century Archbishop of Canterbury, Treasurer and Chancellor of England
Wikipedia - John de Ufford -- 14th-century Archbishop of Canterbury-elect and Chancellor of England
Wikipedia - John Fortescue of Salden -- 16th-century English politician and Chancellor of the Exchequer
Wikipedia - John Hobart Caunter -- English Church of England clergyman and miscellaneous writer
Wikipedia - John J. McElligott -- New York City Fire Commissioner
Wikipedia - John Kemp -- 15th-century Archbishop of Canterbury, Chancellor of England, and cardinal
Wikipedia - John Langton -- 14th-century Bishop of Chichester and Chancellor of England
Wikipedia - John Morton (cardinal) -- 15th-century Archbishop of Canterbury, Chancellor of England, and cardinal
Wikipedia - John of Thoresby -- 14th-century Archbishop of York and Chancellor of England
Wikipedia - John of Vercelli
Wikipedia - John Smith (Chancellor of the Exchequer)
Wikipedia - John Vasconcellos
Wikipedia - Joint Combat Pistol -- Cancelled US program for a new military sidearm
Wikipedia - Josefina de Vasconcellos -- British sculptor
Wikipedia - Joseph Ahaneku -- Former Vice Chancellor and Consultant Chemical Pathologist
Wikipedia - Joseph Cella -- American diplomat and adviser
Wikipedia - Joseph Franz Weigl -- Bavarian and Austrian cellist
Wikipedia - Joseph Marcell -- British actor
Wikipedia - Julia Kent -- Canadian cellist and composer
Wikipedia - Julian Armour -- Canadian cellist and artistic director
Wikipedia - Julian Lloyd Webber -- British solo cellist and conductor
Wikipedia - Julie Elizabeth Gough -- British cell biologist
Wikipedia - Julie Law -- American molecular and cellular biologist.
Wikipedia - June Lascelles -- Australian microbiologist
Wikipedia - Jurnjakob Timm -- German classical cellist
Wikipedia - Justizvollzugsanstalt Celle -- German prison
Wikipedia - Jyotsna Dhawan -- Indian Cell and Developmental Biologist
Wikipedia - Kairbaan Hodivala-Dilke -- Cell biologist
Wikipedia - Kanak Kanti Barua -- Bangladeshi neurosurgeon and Vice-chancellor (born 1953)
Wikipedia - Kangaroo (video on demand) -- Cancelled video on demand platform
Wikipedia - Karen Oegema -- Molecular cell biologist
Wikipedia - Karina Cascella -- Italian television personality
Wikipedia - Karl Renner -- First Chancellor of Austria, Fourth President of Austria
Wikipedia - Karyorrhexis -- Destructive fragmentation of the nucleus of a dying cell
Wikipedia - Karyotype -- Photographic display of total chromosome complement in a cell
Wikipedia - Kathryn Ayscough -- Professor of Molecular Cell Biology
Wikipedia - Kayla DiCello -- American artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Kelly's Cellars -- Public house in Belfast, Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Keratin -- One of a family of fibrous structural proteins; protein that protects epithelial cells from damage or stress
Wikipedia - Kessleria alpicella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Killing of Marcellis Stinnette -- October 20, 2020 fatal shooting of 19-year-old Black man by police in Waukegan, Illinois, United States
Wikipedia - Kinetochore -- Protein complex that allows microtubules to attach to chromosomes during cell division
Wikipedia - Klaus MM-CM-$kelM-CM-$ -- Finish conductor and violoncellist
Wikipedia - KM-EM-^Qbanya cellar system -- Network of tunnels under the 10th district of Budapest
Wikipedia - Kodecyte -- Modified living cell
Wikipedia - Kombio-Arapeshan languages -- Branch of the Torricelli language family
Wikipedia - Konrad Adenauer -- German statesman, Federal Chancellor of Germany, politician (CDU)
Wikipedia - Konstanze von Gutzeit -- German woman cellist
Wikipedia - Kulturkampf -- Culture struggle on the part of the German chancellor Otto von Bismarck to subject the Roman Catholic church to state controls
Wikipedia - Kurloff cell -- Cells found in the blood and organs of guinea pigs and capybara
Wikipedia - Kurt Georg Kiesinger -- Chancellor of West Germany from 1966-1969
Wikipedia - Kurt Schuschnigg -- Chancellor of Austria
Wikipedia - Kurt von Schleicher -- German politician and Chancellor of the Weimar Republic
Wikipedia - Kwadwo Asenso Okyere -- A Ghanaian academic and a former Vice Chancellor of University of Ghana
Wikipedia - Kwasi Kwarfo Adarkwa -- Academic, Vice Chancellor
Wikipedia - Labile cell -- Cell that multiplies constantly throughout life
Wikipedia - La Celle-Dunoise -- Commune in Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France
Wikipedia - La Celle-Saint-Cloud
Wikipedia - La Celle-sous-Gouzon -- Commune in Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France
Wikipedia - La Cellette, Creuse -- Commune in Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France
Wikipedia - Lai-Ming Ching -- New Zealand cellular biology academic
Wikipedia - Lamellipodium -- Actin projection on the leading edge of a migrating cell
Wikipedia - Laminin -- Protein in the extracellular matrix
Wikipedia - Lampronia corticella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Langton's loops -- Self-reproducing patterns in a particular cellular automaton rule, investigated in 1984 by Christopher Langton
Wikipedia - Laodamia faecella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Large cell -- Term used in oncology
Wikipedia - Lascelles Abercrombie -- British poet
Wikipedia - Lascelles Brown -- Jamaican-born Canadian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Lascelles Principles -- The basis by which the Sovereign of the United Kingdom could refuse to dissolve parliament
Wikipedia - Lascelle -- Commune in Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France
Wikipedia - Lattice constant -- Physical dimensions of unit cells in a crystal
Wikipedia - Lauricella hypergeometric series
Wikipedia - Lauricella's theorem -- Orthogonal functions theorem
Wikipedia - Lautafi Fio Selafi Purcell -- Samoan politician
Wikipedia - Lavra -- Type of monastery consisting of a cluster of cells or caves
Wikipedia - Lawrence Booth -- 15th-century Archbishop of York and Chancellor of England
Wikipedia - Lazare Ponticelli -- World War I veteran, piping and metal worker
Wikipedia - Leah Coloff -- American singer-songwriter, and cellist
Wikipedia - Leah Lowenstein -- American nephrologist, academic administrator, and cellist
Wikipedia - Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy -- A mitochondrially inherited degeneration of retinal cells in human
Wikipedia - Lecithocera macella -- Species of moth in the genus Lecithocera
Wikipedia - Lee Purcell -- American actress
Wikipedia - Len Cella -- American film actor and director
Wikipedia - Leopold Grutzmacher -- German cellist and composer
Wikipedia - Letizia Cicconcelli -- Italian rhythmic gymnast
Wikipedia - Leukapheresis -- laboratory procedure in which white blood cells are separated from a sample of blood
Wikipedia - Leviticus: Faggot -- 1996 single by Meshell Ndegeocello
Wikipedia - Lewis Charlton (chancellor)
Wikipedia - Lewis' law -- Observed property of epithelial cells
Wikipedia - Leydig cell -- Androgen-producing cell adjacent to the seminiferous tubules of the testicle
Wikipedia - Lezioni di violoncello con toccata e fuga -- 1976 film by Davide Montemurri
Wikipedia - LG GD510 Pop -- Cell phone model
Wikipedia - LG Uplus -- South Korean cellular carrier
Wikipedia - Life-like cellular automaton -- Type of cellular automaton with similarities to Conway's Game of Life
Wikipedia - Life without Death -- 2D cellular automaton similar to Conway's Game of Life
Wikipedia - Lignin -- Structural phenolic polymer in plant cell walls
Wikipedia - Liliana Ventricelli -- Italian politician
Wikipedia - Limacellopsis -- Genus of mushroom
Wikipedia - Lindsay L. Cooper -- Scottish bassist and cellist
Wikipedia - Lineage (evolution) -- Sequence of populations, organisms, cells, or genes that form a line of descent
Wikipedia - Lipid-laden alveolar macrophage -- Pathological cells in lung
Wikipedia - Lipidome -- Totality of lipids in cells
Wikipedia - Lipid storage disorder -- Group of genetic diseases involving the harmful accumulation of lipids in cells
Wikipedia - List of Ace miscellaneous double titles -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ace miscellaneous letter-series single titles -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ace miscellaneous numeric-series single titles -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of atheists (miscellaneous) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of cancelled 3DO Interactive Multiplayer games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of cancelled Atari Jaguar games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of cancelled Atari Lynx games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of cancelled games for Commodore platforms -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of cancelled games for Nintendo consoles -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of cancelled military projects -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of cancelled N-Gage games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of cancelled nuclear reactors in the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of cancelled Sega Genesis games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of cancelled X68000 games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of career achievements by Fabian Cancellara -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of centenarians (miscellaneous) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Chancellors and Vice-Chancellors of Aligarh Muslim University -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of chancellors and vice-chancellors of South African universities -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of chancellors and vice-chancellors of the University of Pretoria -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of chancellors of Austria -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of chancellors of Burgundy -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of chancellors of East Carolina University
Wikipedia - List of chancellors of Germany by age -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of chancellors of Germany by time in office -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of chancellors of Germany -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of chancellors of the Duchy of Lancaster -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of chancellors of the Queen's University, Belfast -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of chancellors of the University of Cambridge -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of chancellors of the University of Dublin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of chancellors of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of chancellors of the University of Massachusetts Amherst -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Chancellors of the University of Mississippi
Wikipedia - List of chancellors of the University of Mississippi -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Chancellors of the University of Oxford
Wikipedia - List of chancellors of the University of Oxford
Wikipedia - List of chancellors of Washington University in St. Louis -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of compositions by Henry Purcell -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of compositions for cello and organ -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of compositions for cello and piano -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of contaminated cell lines -- List of immortalized cell lines overgrown by other, more aggressive cells
Wikipedia - List of distinct cell types in the adult human body -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of eukaryotic picoplankton species -- List of eukaryotic species which have one of their cell dimensions smaller than 3 M-NM-
Wikipedia - List of fictional astronauts (miscellaneous futuristic activities) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of fuel cell vehicles -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of gliders (miscellaneous) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of human cell types derived from the germ layers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Lord Chancellors and Lord Keepers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of members of the National Academy of Sciences (Cellular and developmental biology)
Wikipedia - List of members of the National Academy of Sciences (Cellular and molecular neuroscience)
Wikipedia - List of miscellaneous designer cannabinoids
Wikipedia - List of miscellaneous fictional animals -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of miscellaneous ships of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of miscellaneous ships of the Turkish Navy -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of miscellaneous works by Lewis Vulliamy -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of NASA cancellations -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of NATO reporting names for miscellaneous aircraft -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of peerages created for Lord Chancellors and Lord Keepers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of presidents and chancellors of the University of Wisconsin-Madison -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Prisoner characters - miscellaneous -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Procellariidae species -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Procellariiformes by population -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of procellariiformes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ships named Lascelles -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sleeper Cell characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Tanzanian university chancellors and vice-chancellors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of vice-chancellors of the Queen's University, Belfast -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of vice-chancellors of the University of Calcutta -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Vice-Chancellors of the University of Cambridge
Wikipedia - List of vice-chancellors of the University of Cambridge -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Vice-chancellors of the University of Delhi -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Vice-Chancellors of the University of Oxford
Wikipedia - List of vice-chancellors of the University of Oxford
Wikipedia - List of vice-chancellors of the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of women classical cellists -- Country-based list of women classical cellists
Wikipedia - List of women presidents or chancellors of co-ed colleges and universities -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of academic chancellors and vice chancellors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Liu Congyi -- Tang dynasty Chancellor
Wikipedia - Liuixalus ocellatus -- Species of frog
Wikipedia - Liver sinusoidal endothelial cell -- Blood vessel lining
Wikipedia - Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects
Wikipedia - Livia Ocellina -- Adoptive mother of Roman emperor Galba
Wikipedia - LMNO -- Cancelled video game
Wikipedia - Load cell -- Type of force transducer
Wikipedia - Lois Simpson (cellist) -- Australian cellist and teacher
Wikipedia - Lord Chancellor of England
Wikipedia - Lord Chancellor of France
Wikipedia - Lord Chancellor
Wikipedia - Loredana Marcello -- Dogaress of Venice
Wikipedia - LTE-M -- Cellular device technology
Wikipedia - Lucelle Frances Beetham -- New Zealand artist
Wikipedia - Lucelle, Haut-Rhin -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Lucia Prauscello -- Classicist
Wikipedia - Lucille Lortel Awards -- Awards to recognize excellence in New York Off-Broadway theatre
Wikipedia - Lucio Amanti -- Italian cellist and composer
Wikipedia - Ludwig Hoelscher -- German cellist
Wikipedia - Luigi Baricelli -- Brazilian actor
Wikipedia - Luigi Boccherini -- Italian composer and cellist
Wikipedia - Lukas Lauermann -- Austrian cellist
Wikipedia - Lydia Villa-Komaroff -- Mexican American cellular biologist
Wikipedia - Lymphocyte -- Subtype of white blood cell
Wikipedia - Lynching of Cellos Harrison -- African American who was lynched in the U.S.
Wikipedia - Lynn Harrell -- American cellist
Wikipedia - Lyocell -- Regenerated cellulose fiber made from dissolving pulp
Wikipedia - Lysis -- Breaking down of the membrane of a cell
Wikipedia - Lysosome -- Cell organelle
Wikipedia - Macellidiopygus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Macellum of Pompeii -- Mall at the forum of Pompeii
Wikipedia - Macellum of Pozzuoli -- Market building of the Roman colony of Puteoli, now the city of Pozzuoli in southern Italy
Wikipedia - Macrocell array
Wikipedia - Macrophage -- Type of white blood cell
Wikipedia - Maddy Parsons -- British cell biologist
Wikipedia - Magnocellular cell -- Type of neuron of the lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus
Wikipedia - Magnocellular neurosecretory cell -- Large neuroendocrine cells of the hypothalamus
Wikipedia - Magnocellular red nucleus -- Nucleus of the rostral midbrain involved in motor coordination
Wikipedia - M. A. Hadi -- Bangladeshi Surgeon and Vice-chancellor (1941-2007)
Wikipedia - Maintenance respiration -- The amount of cellular respiration required for an organism to maintain itself in a constant state
Wikipedia - Major histocompatibility complex -- Cell surface proteins, part of the acquired immune system
Wikipedia - Majority problem (cellular automaton)
Wikipedia - Manuel Apicella -- French chess grandmaster
Wikipedia - Manuel Balcells i Diaz -- Spanish politician
Wikipedia - MAPK/ERK pathway -- Cell signaling pathway
Wikipedia - Marcella Albani -- Italian actress
Wikipedia - Marcella Araica -- American recording and mixing engineer
Wikipedia - Marcella Arguello -- American comedian
Wikipedia - Marcella Bella -- Italian singer
Wikipedia - Marcella Boveri -- American biologist
Wikipedia - Marcella Cosgrave -- Nationalist
Wikipedia - Marcella (film) -- 1937 film
Wikipedia - Marcella Frangipane -- Italian archaeologist
Wikipedia - Marcella Hazan -- Italian-born American cookbook author
Wikipedia - Marcella Lista -- French curator
Wikipedia - Marcella Lotti della Santa -- Italian opera singer 1831-1901
Wikipedia - Marcella Ng -- First African American woman pilot in the United States Armed Forces
Wikipedia - Marcella Nunez-Smith -- Professor of medicine and epidemiology
Wikipedia - Marcella Silvestri -- Italian voice actress
Wikipedia - Marcella Tonioli -- Italian archer
Wikipedia - Marcella (TV series) -- British television series
Wikipedia - Marcella Walker McGee -- librarian and activist
Wikipedia - Marcelle Auclair
Wikipedia - Marcelle Barbey-Gampert -- Swiss botanist (1887-1949)
Wikipedia - Marcelle Capy -- French writer and pacifist
Wikipedia - Marcelle Chaumont -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Marcelle Demougeot -- Singer from framch
Wikipedia - Marcelle Gauvreau -- Canadian naturalist and teacher
Wikipedia - Marcelle Henry -- French civil servant
Wikipedia - Marcelle Lapicque -- French neurophysiologist
Wikipedia - Marcelle Lively Hamer
Wikipedia - Marcelle Machluf -- Israeli biochemist
Wikipedia - Marcelle Maritz -- South African politician from Limpopo
Wikipedia - Marcelle Matthews -- South African figure skater
Wikipedia - Marcelle Meyer -- French pianist
Wikipedia - Marcelle Ranson-HervM-CM-) -- French actress
Wikipedia - Marcelle Werbrouck -- Belgian egyptologist
Wikipedia - Marcell Goszleth -- Hungarian sailor
Wikipedia - Marcellina (gnostic) -- Second-century Carpocratian Christian religious leader
Wikipedia - Marcellin Berthelot
Wikipedia - Marcellin Boule
Wikipedia - Marcellin Champagnat
Wikipedia - Marcelline Akinocho -- Beninese actress and comedian
Wikipedia - Marcelline Basigayabo -- Rwandan politician
Wikipedia - Marcelline Jayakody
Wikipedia - Marcellin Marbot -- French general
Wikipedia - Marcellino Lucchi -- Italian motorcycle racer
Wikipedia - Marcellinus and Peter
Wikipedia - Marcellinus Comes
Wikipedia - Marcellinus of Carthage
Wikipedia - Marcell, Minnesota -- Unincorporated community in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Marcello Abbado -- Italian composer
Wikipedia - Marcello Abbondanza -- Italian volleyball coach
Wikipedia - Marcello Andrei -- Italian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Marcello Bacciarelli
Wikipedia - Marcello Barbieri (gymnast) -- Italian gymnast
Wikipedia - Marcello Barbieri
Wikipedia - Marcello Bartolucci -- Italian prelate of the Catholic Church
Wikipedia - Marcello Bernardini -- 18th century Italian composer and librettist
Wikipedia - Marcello Candia -- Italian businessman
Wikipedia - Marcello Costalunga
Wikipedia - Marcello Costa
Wikipedia - Marcello Craveri -- Italian biblical scholar
Wikipedia - Marcello d'Aste -- 16th-century Catholic cardinal
Wikipedia - Marcello de Ridder -- Argentine bobsledder
Wikipedia - Marcello Dudovich -- Italian painter
Wikipedia - Marcello Durazzo (Doge of Genoa) -- Doge of the Republic of Genoa
Wikipedia - Marcello Farabegoli -- Italian curator living in Vienna
Wikipedia - Marcello Fiasconaro -- Italian-South African athlete
Wikipedia - Marcello Fois -- Italian writer
Wikipedia - Marcello Fondato -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Marcello Fonte -- Italian actor
Wikipedia - Marcello Gatti -- Italian cinematographer
Wikipedia - Marcello Giombini -- Italian composer
Wikipedia - Marcello Giordani -- Italian operatic tenor
Wikipedia - Marcello Giorda -- Italian actor
Wikipedia - Marcello Lante della Rovere -- 17th-century Catholic cardinal
Wikipedia - Marcello Lorenzi -- 17th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Marcello Malpighi
Wikipedia - Marcello Marchesi -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Marcello Mastrilli
Wikipedia - Marcello Mastroianni: I Remember -- 1997 film
Wikipedia - Marcello Mastroianni -- Italian actor
Wikipedia - Marcello Nizzoli
Wikipedia - Marcello Pacifico -- Italian trade unionist
Wikipedia - Marcello Pera
Wikipedia - Marcello Pignatelli -- 17th-century Italian Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Marcello Rodriguez Pons -- Argentine architect, and sailor
Wikipedia - Marcello Ruta
Wikipedia - Marcello Salazar -- Brazilian mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Marcello Semeraro
Wikipedia - Marcello Tittarelli -- Italian sports shooter
Wikipedia - Marcello Truzzi
Wikipedia - Marcellus Baz -- British sports administrator
Wikipedia - Marcellus Emants -- Dutch novelist
Wikipedia - Marcellus Empiricus
Wikipedia - Marcellus Flemming Berry -- American inventor
Wikipedia - Marcellus Hartley Dodge Jr. -- American heir
Wikipedia - Marcellus Jerome Clarke -- Confederate captain and guerilla fighter
Wikipedia - Marcellus (magister equitum) -- Roman general
Wikipedia - Marcellus of Ancyra
Wikipedia - Marcellus of Capua
Wikipedia - Marcellus of Tangier
Wikipedia - Marcellus Orontius
Wikipedia - Marcellus Osceola Jr. -- Seminole Tribal Council Chairman
Wikipedia - Marcellus (prefect of Judea) -- Prefect of Judea
Wikipedia - Marcellus (usurper) -- Roman officer and usurper (4th c.)
Wikipedia - Marco Simoncelli -- Italian motorcycle racer
Wikipedia - Marco Uccellini -- Italian composer (1603/10-1680)
Wikipedia - Marcus Asinius Marcellus -- 1st century AD Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Marcus Claudius Marcellus (nephew of Augustus) -- Nephew of Roman emperor Augustus
Wikipedia - Margaret Frame (biologist) -- Professor of Molecular Cell Biology
Wikipedia - Margaret Reed Lewis -- American cell biologist
Wikipedia - Marginal zone B-cell lymphoma -- Group of lymphomas
Wikipedia - Maria Grazia Buccella -- Italian actress
Wikipedia - Marie-Anne-Marcelle Mallet
Wikipedia - Marina Cavazzana -- Italian physician and cellular biologist
Wikipedia - Mario Brunello -- Italian cellist and musician
Wikipedia - Mario Monicelli -- Italian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mario Monticelli -- Italian chess player
Wikipedia - Mark and Marcellianus
Wikipedia - Mark and Marcellian
Wikipedia - Mars Astrobiology Explorer-Cacher -- A cancelled NASA Mars rover concept
Wikipedia - Marsh Award for Excellence in Public Sculpture -- Annual award for public sculpture in the UK or Ireland
Wikipedia - Martin Lovett -- English cellist
Wikipedia - Mary Locke Petermann -- American cellular biochemist
Wikipedia - Mary Purcell (biographer) -- Irish teacher, religious biographer and archivist
Wikipedia - Masayo Takahashi -- Japanese medical physician, ophthalmologist and stem cell researcher
Wikipedia - Matilda Moldenhauer Brooks -- American cell biologist
Wikipedia - Matteo Malucelli -- Italian bicycle racer
Wikipedia - Matt Fish (cellist) -- American cellist and a music producer
Wikipedia - Matthias Lorenz -- German cellist
Wikipedia - Matt Turner (cellist) -- American cellist
Wikipedia - Matvei Wielhorski -- Russian-Polish cellist
Wikipedia - Maurice Manning -- Irish academic and politician, Chancellor of the NUI
Wikipedia - Maurits Frank -- Dutch cellist
Wikipedia - Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
Wikipedia - McCaw Cellular Communications -- American cellular telephone company
Wikipedia - Md. Akhtaruzzaman -- Professor and 28th Vice Chancellor of University of Dhaka
Wikipedia - Meaghan Francella -- American professional golfer
Wikipedia - Medea Abrahamyan -- Armenian cellist
Wikipedia - Mediastinal germ cell tumor
Wikipedia - Megachile ocellifera -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Meiosis -- Type of cell division in sexually-reproducing organisms used to produce gametes
Wikipedia - Melanoblast -- Precursor cell of a melanocyte
Wikipedia - Melanocyte -- Melanin-producing cells of the skin
Wikipedia - Melanthia procellata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire
Wikipedia - Memory cell (computing)
Wikipedia - Memory cell (disambiguation)
Wikipedia - Memory cells (motor cortex) -- Scientific concept related to the somatic motor system
Wikipedia - Memory T cell -- Subset of T lymphocytes that might have some of the same functions as memory B cells.
Wikipedia - Mercedes A-Class E-Cell
Wikipedia - Mercedes-Benz F125 -- Electrically driven, hydrogen fuel cell concept car
Wikipedia - Mercerised cotton -- Chemical (caustic) treatment for cellulosic yarns and fabrics.
Wikipedia - Mericella -- Genus of molluscs
Wikipedia - Meristem -- Type of plant tissue involved in cell proliferation
Wikipedia - Merkel-cell carcinoma -- Rare and highly aggressive skin cancer
Wikipedia - Mesangial cell -- Specialised kidney cells
Wikipedia - Mesenchymal stem cell -- Multipotent, non-hematopoietic adult stem cells present in multiple tissues
Wikipedia - Mesh generation -- is dividing a geometric space into discrete cells
Wikipedia - Mesoglea -- Substance found between the two epithelial cell layers in the bodies of coelenterates and sponges
Wikipedia - Mesophleps corsicella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Mesophleps ochracella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Mesophleps silacella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Metabolism -- The set of life-sustaining chemical transformations within the cells of organisms
Wikipedia - Metachanda borbonicella -- Species of moth in genus Metachanda
Wikipedia - Metaphase -- Stage of cell division
Wikipedia - Methuselah (cellular automaton) -- Type of pattern that takes many generations to stabilize
Wikipedia - Metzneria artificella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - MIA PaCa-2 -- Pancreatic cancer cell line
Wikipedia - Micelle -- Group of molecules
Wikipedia - Michael A. Wartell -- Chancellor of Indiana University
Wikipedia - Michael Botticelli (figure skater) -- American figure skater
Wikipedia - Michael Denhoff -- German composer and cellist
Wikipedia - Michael Fitzpatrick (cellist) -- American Cellist and Composer
Wikipedia - Michael Flaksman -- American cellist
Wikipedia - Michael Purcell Memorial Novice Hurdle -- Hurdle horse race in Ireland
Wikipedia - Michele Cascella -- Italian painter
Wikipedia - Michel Strogoff (1936 film) -- 1936 film directed by Jacques de Baroncelli & Richard Eichberg
Wikipedia - Microbial fuel cell
Wikipedia - Microglia -- Glial cell located throughout the brain and spinal cord
Wikipedia - Micrometastasis -- Small collection of cancer cells that has spread to another part of the body
Wikipedia - Micropterix aruncella -- Moth species in family Micropterigidae
Wikipedia - Micropterix avarcella -- Moth species in family Micropterigidae
Wikipedia - Microsoft FreeCell
Wikipedia - Microvesicles -- Type of extracellular vesicle
Wikipedia - Military of Love -- cancelled 2020 Thai television series
Wikipedia - Minusheet perfusion culture system -- System used for advanced cell culture experiments
Wikipedia - M. I. Parcell -- American politician
Wikipedia - Miracle in Cell No. 7 (2019 Philippine film) -- 2019 Philippine drama film directed by Nuel Cm Naval
Wikipedia - Miracle in Cell No. 7 (2019 Turkish film) -- 2019 Turkish drama film
Wikipedia - Miracle in Cell No. 7 -- 2013 film
Wikipedia - Misano World Circuit Marco Simoncelli -- Motorsport track in Italy
Wikipedia - Miscellaneous Babylonian Inscriptions -- Book by George Aaron Barton
Wikipedia - Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows -- Unicode block
Wikipedia - Miscellaneous Symbols -- Unicode block
Wikipedia - Missa Papae Marcelli -- Mass by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
Wikipedia - Mitochondrial biogenesis -- Process by which cells build mitochondrial mass
Wikipedia - Mitochondrion -- organelle in eukaryotic cells responsible for respiration
Wikipedia - Mitosis -- The division of a cell nucleus in which the genome is copied and separated into two identical halves
Wikipedia - Mitotic inhibitor -- Cell division inhibitor
Wikipedia - Mitrella ocellata -- Species of mollusc
Wikipedia - MMRV vaccine -- Combination vaccine against measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella viruses
Wikipedia - Mobile radio telephone -- A family of pre-cellular PSTN wireless communication technologies
Wikipedia - Moitrelia italogallicella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Molecular Biology of the Cell (book) -- 1983 book by Bruce Alberts
Wikipedia - Molecular Biology of the Cell
Wikipedia - Molecular cellular cognition
Wikipedia - Molecular evolution -- process of change in the sequence composition of cellular molecules across generations
Wikipedia - Mompha jurassicella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Mompha miscella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Monastic cell -- Small room used by a hermit, monk, anchorite or nun to live and as a devotional space
Wikipedia - Monica Bettencourt-Dias -- Portuguese biochemist and cellular biologist
Wikipedia - Monique Adolphe -- French cell biologist
Wikipedia - Monochroa simplicella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Monoclonal antibody -- Monospecific antibody that is made by identical immune cells that are all clones of a unique parent cell
Wikipedia - Monoclonality -- Descent from a single ancestor cell
Wikipedia - Monticello, Minnesota -- City in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Monticello, New York -- Monticello (Sullivan County), the Catskills
Wikipedia - Monticello, Utah -- City in Utah, United States
Wikipedia - Moore neighborhood -- Cellular automaton neighborhood consisting of eight adjacent cells
Wikipedia - Morula -- Early-stage embryo consisting of 16 cells
Wikipedia - Motor neuron -- Neuron whose cell body is located in the motor cortex, brainstem or the spinal cord, and whose axon projects to the spinal cord or outside of the spinal cord to directly or indirectly control effector organs, mainly muscles and glands
Wikipedia - Motorola MicroTAC -- Cellular phone by Motorola
Wikipedia - Motorola Rokr -- Cell phone model
Wikipedia - Movable cellular automaton -- A method in computational solid mechanics based on the discrete concept
Wikipedia - MRC-5 -- Cell line
Wikipedia - Muhammad Tanko -- Vice chancellor of Kaduna State University
Wikipedia - Muller glia -- Glial cell type in the retina
Wikipedia - Multicellularity
Wikipedia - Multicellular organism -- Organism that consists of more than one cell
Wikipedia - Multi-level cell
Wikipedia - Multinucleate -- Cell type
Wikipedia - Multiple myeloma -- Cancer of plasma cells
Wikipedia - Mun Choi -- Chancellor of the University of Missouri and President of the University of Missouri System
Wikipedia - Muscle cells
Wikipedia - Muscle cell
Wikipedia - Mycosis fungoides -- Most common form of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma
Wikipedia - Myelin -- Fatty substance that surrounds nerve cell axons to insulate them and increase transmission speed
Wikipedia - Myelodysplastic syndrome -- Diverse collection of blood-related cancers that involve ineffective production of certain blood cells
Wikipedia - Myocyte -- Type of cell found in muscle tissue
Wikipedia - Myosatellite cell -- Precursor cell of skeletal muscle cells
Wikipedia - Nacelle -- Part of an aircraft
Wikipedia - Nancy L. Zimpher -- American educator and former university chancellor
Wikipedia - Nancy Sullivan (biologist) -- American cell biologist
Wikipedia - Nanocellulose
Wikipedia - Napoleon's planned invasion of the United Kingdom -- Cancelled attempt to invade Britain during the Napoleonic Wars
Wikipedia - Narcissus, Argeus, and Marcellinus
Wikipedia - Natalie Haas -- American cellist
Wikipedia - Natalie Porat-Shliom -- Israeli-American cell biologist and microscopist
Wikipedia - Nathan Gershman -- American cellist and session musician
Wikipedia - National Commission on Excellence in Education -- Education reform
Wikipedia - National Institute for Health and Care Excellence -- Non-departmental public body of the Department of Health in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
Wikipedia - National Logistics Cell -- Pakistani logistics company
Wikipedia - National Security Affairs Cell -- Government agency of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Natronocella -- Genus of bacteria
Wikipedia - Natural killer cell -- Type of cytotoxic lymphocyte
Wikipedia - Natural killer T cell -- T cells with some properties of natural killer cells
Wikipedia - Naucelles -- Commune in Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France
Wikipedia - Naucelle -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Navicella (mosaic) -- lost mosaic by Giotto
Wikipedia - Ncell -- Nepalese telecommunications company
Wikipedia - Necrosis -- Unprogrammed cell death caused by external cell injury
Wikipedia - Nectin -- Family of cellular adhesion molecules
Wikipedia - Nelson Cooke -- Australian cellist
Wikipedia - Nemapogon cloacella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Nemophora cupriacella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Neoblast -- Planarian regeneration proliferative cells
Wikipedia - Neogalerucella -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Neoplasm -- Abnormal mass of tissue as a result of abnormal growth or division of cells
Wikipedia - Nerve cell
Wikipedia - NetLander -- Cancelled Mars orbiter and multiple lander mission
Wikipedia - Network of Excellence for Functional Biomaterials -- Multidisciplinary research centre at NUI Galway, Ireland
Wikipedia - Neural crest -- Embyronic group of cells giving rise to diverse cell lineages
Wikipedia - Neural stem cell -- Precursor cells of neurons and glia during embryonic development
Wikipedia - Neuroacanthocytosis -- Group of neurological genetic diseases involving misshapen spiky red blood cells
Wikipedia - Neuroblast -- Non-dividing precursor cell to a neuron
Wikipedia - Neurogenesis -- Generation of cells within the nervous system
Wikipedia - Neurogliaform cell -- Type of interneuron
Wikipedia - Neuron -- Electrically excitable cell that communicates via synapses
Wikipedia - Neutropenia -- Abnormally low concentration of neutrophils (a type of white blood cell) in the blood
Wikipedia - Neutrophil -- Most abundant type of granulocytes and the most abundant white blood cell
Wikipedia - Nezpercella -- Trematode genus
Wikipedia - NF-M-NM-:B -- Nuclear transcriptional activator that binds to enhancer elements in many different cell types
Wikipedia - Nicasio JimM-CM-)nez -- Cuban violin-cellist
Wikipedia - Nicholas Marcellus Hentz
Wikipedia - Nicholas Purcell (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Niditinea fuscella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Nils Aall Barricelli
Wikipedia - Nitrocellulose -- Highly flammable compound
Wikipedia - Nobili cellular automata
Wikipedia - Nocello -- Italian liqueur
Wikipedia - Nodal signaling pathway -- A signal transduction pathway important in regional and cellular differentiation during embryonic development
Wikipedia - Noella Marcellino -- American Benedictine nun, scientist
Wikipedia - Nokia 6150 -- Cell phone model
Wikipedia - Nokia 6710 Navigator -- Cell phone model
Wikipedia - Nokia 6800 series -- Range of cellular phones
Wikipedia - Nonius Marcellus
Wikipedia - Nonogram -- Puzzle where grid cells are filled per numbers at the side to reveal a hidden picture
Wikipedia - Nora Vasconcellos -- American skateboarder
Wikipedia - Norma Andrews -- American cell biologist and academic
Wikipedia - Northern Light (spacecraft) -- Cancelled Canadian Mars lander and rover mission
Wikipedia - Nothocascellius -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Nothris lemniscellus -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Nuclear matrix -- Dense, fibrillar protein network throughout the inside of a cell nucleus
Wikipedia - Nuclear organization -- Spatial distribution of chromatin within a cell nucleus
Wikipedia - Nucleoid -- Region within a prokaryotic cell containing genetic material
Wikipedia - Nucleolus -- Largest structure in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells
Wikipedia - Nude mouse -- A laboratory mouse from a strain with a genetic mutation that causes a deteriorated or absent thymus, resulting in an inhibited immune system due to a greatly reduced number of T cells
Wikipedia - NXT TakeOver: Tampa Bay -- 2020 WWE Network event; cancelled due to COVID-19
Wikipedia - Nymphs and Shepherds -- 17th century song by Henry Purcell
Wikipedia - Ocellated crake -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Ocellated piculet -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Ocellated poorwill -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Ocellated quail -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Ocellated turkey -- Species of turkey native to (Yucatan Peninsula) Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize
Wikipedia - Ocellus Lucanus
Wikipedia - O Concurso -- 2013 film directed by Pedro Vasconcellos
Wikipedia - Office of the Secretary of Defense Award for Excellence
Wikipedia - Olfactory ensheathing cell -- Type of macroglia that ensheath unmyelinated olfactory neurons
Wikipedia - Oligodendrocyte -- Neural cell type
Wikipedia - Oligodynamic effect -- toxic effect of metal ions on living cells
Wikipedia - Oluwayemisi Oluremi Obilade -- Nigerian Vice Chancellor of Education
Wikipedia - Oniticellini -- Tribe of beetles
Wikipedia - Oniticellus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Onno Shomoy -- debut studio album by Bangladeshi metal band Artcell
Wikipedia - Oocyte -- Female gametocyte or germ cell involved in reproduction. In other words, it is an immature ovum, or egg cell. An oocyte is produced in the ovary during female gametogenesis
Wikipedia - Oogonium -- Undifferentiated female germ cell
Wikipedia - Operation Mikado -- Cancelled UK operation of the Falklands War
Wikipedia - Operation Sea Lion -- Cancelled plan for Nazi invasion of Britain in World War II
Wikipedia - Opsonin -- Any molecule that identifies and marks cells or substances for destruction by the immune system
Wikipedia - Orange Garden, Rome -- garden in Rome, Italy with excellent views of the city
Wikipedia - Order of Excellence (Jamaica) -- National order of the jamaica honour system
Wikipedia - Organelle -- Specialized subunit within a cell
Wikipedia - Oscar Celli Gerbasi -- Venezuelan politician
Wikipedia - Oscillator (cellular automaton) -- Type of pattern that returns to its original configuration after a number of steps
Wikipedia - Otto von Bismarck -- German statesman and Chancellor (1815-1898)
Wikipedia - Outline of cell biology
Wikipedia - Ovary -- Female reproductive organ that produces egg cells
Wikipedia - Oxford University's Chancellor
Wikipedia - Paavo Lotjonen -- Finnish cellist
Wikipedia - Pablo Casals -- Catalan cellist and conductor
Wikipedia - Pachyanthus pedicellatus -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Pacinian corpuscle -- Type of mechanoreceptor cell in hairless mammals
Wikipedia - PAETEC Headquarters -- Cancelled building in Rochester, New York
Wikipedia - Palazzo della Cancelleria
Wikipedia - Palazzo Rucellai
Wikipedia - Pamela Robey -- American cell biologist
Wikipedia - Paneth cell -- Anti-microbial epithelial cell of the small intestine
Wikipedia - Paolo Bonacelli -- Italian actor
Wikipedia - Paolo Marcellini -- Italian mathematician
Wikipedia - Paolo Uccello -- 15th-century Florentine painter
Wikipedia - Paracellular transport -- Transfer of substances by passing through space between cells
Wikipedia - Parafomoria liguricella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - PARAMOUNT trial -- Clinical trial studying non-small-cell lung carcinoma
Wikipedia - Paraspeckle -- Cell compartment found in the nucleus's interchromatin space
Wikipedia - Parco di Centocelle (Rome Metro) -- Rome metro station
Wikipedia - Pardon -- Forgiveness of a crime and the cancellation of the relevant penalty
Wikipedia - Parenthesome -- Cell structure in fungi
Wikipedia - Parentucellia -- Genus of flowering plants in the broomrape family
Wikipedia - Parexarrhenus excellens -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Parornix anglicella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Parornix scoticella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Parthanatos -- PARP-1 dependent cell death
Wikipedia - Partnership for Academic Competition Excellence -- Student quiz competition
Wikipedia - Paterson's worms -- A family of cellular automata to model feeding behaviour
Wikipedia - Patricia Pranke -- Brazilian stem cell researcher
Wikipedia - Paul Bazelaire -- French cellist and composer
Wikipedia - Paul Desenne -- Venezuelan cellist and composer
Wikipedia - Peabody Award -- International awards for excellence in radio and television
Wikipedia - Pectin -- Structural heteropolysaccharide in the primary cell walls of land plants and some algae
Wikipedia - Percelle Ascott -- Puerto Rican Born English actor
Wikipedia - Pericyte -- Contractile cells that wrap around the endothelial cells of capillaries and venules throughout the body
Wikipedia - Periglomerular cell -- Type of olfactory cell
Wikipedia - Perilymph -- Extracellular fluid located within the inner ear
Wikipedia - Peripheral neuropathy -- Nervous system disease located in nerves or nerve cells
Wikipedia - Peritubular myoid cell -- Smooth muscle cell found in testis
Wikipedia - Permanent cell -- Terminally differentiated cell incapable of regeneration
Wikipedia - Perseus with the Head of Medusa -- 16th-century sculpture by Benvenuto Cellini
Wikipedia - Peter Bentley (businessman) -- Businessperson, former Chancellor of the University of Northern British Columbia
Wikipedia - Peter Bruns -- German cellist and university professor.
Wikipedia - Peter Excell -- British engineer, scientist and researcher
Wikipedia - Peter of Poitiers (Chancellor)
Wikipedia - Peter P. McElligott -- American lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - Peter Valent -- Austrian hematologist and stem cell researcher
Wikipedia - Peto's paradox -- Biological observation of cancer rate not correlating with the number of cells in a species
Wikipedia - Petri dish -- Shallow dish used to hold cell cultures
Wikipedia - Phacelia pedicellata -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Phacellini -- Tribe of beetles
Wikipedia - Phacellocera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Phacellocerina -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Phacellus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Phagocyte -- Cells that ingest harmful matter within the body
Wikipedia - Phagocytosis -- Process by which a cell uses its plasma membrane to engulf a large particle
Wikipedia - Philip the Chancellor
Wikipedia - Phil Purcell (hurler) -- Irish hurler
Wikipedia - Phone cloning -- Copying of identity from one cellular device to another
Wikipedia - Photocell
Wikipedia - Photocyte -- Cell that specializes in catalyzing enzymes to produce light
Wikipedia - Photoelectric cell
Wikipedia - Photopsin -- Photoreceptor proteins in the cone cells of the retina
Wikipedia - Photoreceptor cell -- Type of neuroepithelial cell
Wikipedia - Phycitodes gallicella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Phycitodes subcretacella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Phyllonorycter nicellii -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Picoplankton -- fraction of plankton composed by cells between 0.2 and 2 M-NM-
Wikipedia - Pierre DeCelles -- Canadian animator
Wikipedia - Pierre Gonczy -- Swiss-Italian cell biologist
Wikipedia - Pilosella lactucella -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Pirates of the Caribbean: Armada of the Damned -- Cancelled action-adventure video game
Wikipedia - Pit (botany) -- Feature of plant cell walls
Wikipedia - Piz Uccello -- Mountain of the Swiss Alps
Wikipedia - Place cell
Wikipedia - Placido Navas Lloret -- Spanish Professor of Cell Biology
Wikipedia - Plant cell -- The type of eukaryotic cell present in green plants
Wikipedia - Plant tissue culture -- Aseptic culture of plant cells or tissues in vitro
Wikipedia - Plant -- Kingdom of mainly multicellular, predominantly photosynthetic eukaryotes
Wikipedia - Plasma cell -- White blood cell that secretes large volumes of antibodies
Wikipedia - Plasmid -- Small DNA molecule within a cell that is physically separated from a chromosomal DNA and can replicate independently
Wikipedia - Plasmolysis -- Process in which cells lose water in a hypertonic solution
Wikipedia - Play (telecommunications) -- Polish cellular telecommunications provider
Wikipedia - Pleomorphism (cytology) -- Variability in the size and shape of a cell or nucleus
Wikipedia - Ploidy -- Number of sets of chromosomes in a cell
Wikipedia - Pluralis excellentiae -- In Hebrew grammar, certain morphologically plural forms (-im, -oth etc.) that are grammatically/semantically singular, interpreted as due to the M-bM-^@M-^\excellenceM-bM-^@M-^] of these morphemes; e.g. elohim, behemoth; words for M-bM-^@M-^XuprightnessM-bM-^@M-^Y, M-bM-^@M-^XblessednessM-bM-^@M-^Y, etc.
Wikipedia - Pluriblast -- Embryoblast of metatherian mammals, analogous to the inner cell mass of eutherians
Wikipedia - Pluriformea -- Clade of unicellular organisms
Wikipedia - Polysaccharide -- Long carbohydrate polymers comprising starch, glycogen, cellulose, and chitin
Wikipedia - Pope Marcellinus
Wikipedia - Pope Marcellus II -- 16th-century Catholic pope
Wikipedia - Pope Marcellus I
Wikipedia - Porcellino -- Bronze fountain of a boar in Florence, Italy
Wikipedia - Porter Lee Fortune Jr. -- Chancellor of the University of Mississippi
Wikipedia - Portland Press Excellence in Science Award -- Award of the Biochemical Society
Wikipedia - Portrait of a Young Man holding a Medallion -- Painting by Sandro Botticelli
Wikipedia - Portrait of a Young Man (Uccello) -- Painting by Paolo Uccello
Wikipedia - Potamites ocellatus -- Species of lizard
Wikipedia - Pouteria leptopedicellata -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Precambrian body plans -- Structure and development of early multicellular organisms
Wikipedia - Precursor cells
Wikipedia - Precursor cell -- Partially differentiated usually unipotent cell
Wikipedia - Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring -- American mentoring award
Wikipedia - Presidential Order of Excellence -- Award conferred by the President of Georgia
Wikipedia - Primitive cell -- Minimum volume cell (a unit cell) corresponding to a single lattice point of a structure with discrete translational symmetry
Wikipedia - Prison cell -- Small room in a prison or police station where a prisoner is held
Wikipedia - Probabilistic cellular automata
Wikipedia - Problepsis ocellata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Procellariiformes -- Order of birds
Wikipedia - Procellosaurinus erythrocercus -- Species of lizard
Wikipedia - Procellosaurinus tetradactylus -- Species of lizard
Wikipedia - Procell -- Programmable cell chip
Wikipedia - Professor Kageyama's Maths Training: The Hundred Cell Calculation Method -- 2007 puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Progenitor cell -- Cell that differentiates into one or a few cell types
Wikipedia - Programmable metallization cell -- Non-volatile memory technology
Wikipedia - Programmed cell death -- Death of a cell mediated by intracellular program, often as part of development
Wikipedia - Project for Excellence in Journalism -- American organization that studies the press
Wikipedia - Prokaryote -- Unicellular organism that lacks a membrane-bound nucleus
Wikipedia - Prokaryotic small ribosomal subunit -- Smaller subunit of the 70S ribosome found in prokaryote cells
Wikipedia - Prometaphase -- Stage of cell division
Wikipedia - Prophase -- First phase of cell division in both mitosis and meiosis
Wikipedia - Protein biosynthesis -- Assembly of proteins inside biological cells
Wikipedia - Protein M -- Immunoglobulin-binding protein found on the cell surface of the human pathogenic bacterium Mycoplasma genitalium
Wikipedia - Protein subcellular localization prediction
Wikipedia - Proteome -- Set of proteins that can be expressed by a genome, cell, tissue, or organism
Wikipedia - Protocell -- Lipid globule proposed as a precursor of living cells
Wikipedia - Protosyncellus
Wikipedia - P-selectin -- Cell adhesion molecule (CAM) on the surfaces of activated endothelial cells, which line the inner surface of blood vessels, and activated platelets
Wikipedia - Pseudogalleria inimicella -- species of moth
Wikipedia - Puffer train (cellular automaton)
Wikipedia - Puffer train -- Type of moving cellular automaton pattern that leaves a repeating pattern of debris behind it
Wikipedia - Pulp (tooth) -- Part in the center of a tooth made up of living connective tissue and cells called odontoblasts
Wikipedia - Purcell Sea Sprite -- Experimental homebuilt glider aircraft
Wikipedia - Purcell Supergroup -- Mesoproterozoic geological supergroup on the Canadian Shield
Wikipedia - Purcell Trench -- Large valley in the Rocky Mountains
Wikipedia - Purinergic receptor -- Family of cell membrane receptors in almost all tissues
Wikipedia - Pyknosis -- Irreversible condensation of chromatin in the nucleus of a dying cell
Wikipedia - Quad-level cell
Wikipedia - Quantum cellular automata
Wikipedia - Quantum cellular automaton -- An abstract model of quantum computation
Wikipedia - Quantum dot cellular automaton
Wikipedia - Quantum dot solar cell
Wikipedia - Rabbit hybridoma -- Group of cells
Wikipedia - Rachel Reeves -- Shadow Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and Shadow Minister for the Cabinet Office since 2020
Wikipedia - Radial glial cell -- Bipolar-shaped progenitor cells of all neurons in the cerebral cortex and some glia
Wikipedia - Raji cell -- Human cell line
Wikipedia - Raj Kumar (professor) -- vice-chancellor of Uttar Pradesh University of Medical Sciences
Wikipedia - Rake (cellular automaton) -- Type of moving pattern which periodically produces spaceships
Wikipedia - Ralph Cole (chancellor)
Wikipedia - Ralph M. Steinman -- Canadian immunologist and cell biologist
Wikipedia - Ralph Neville -- 13th-century English Chancellor and bishop
Wikipedia - Ramdas Pai -- Chancellor of Manipal University
Wikipedia - Ramon Balcells Comas -- Spanish sailor
Wikipedia - Ramon Balcells Rodon -- Spanish sailor
Wikipedia - Ramon Margalef Award for Excellence in Education -- Educatonal award in the fields of limnology and oceanography
Wikipedia - Ranulf (chancellor)
Wikipedia - RaphaM-CM-+l ChrM-CM-)tien -- French cellist and educator
Wikipedia - RAR-related orphan receptor gamma -- Cellular receptor
Wikipedia - Ras GTPase -- GTP-binding proteins functioning on cell-cycle regulation
Wikipedia - Raymond Marcellin -- French politician
Wikipedia - Raymond Moriyama -- Canadian architect and university chancellor
Wikipedia - Rayon -- Cellulose-based semi-synthetic fiber
Wikipedia - Real Colegio de Doncellas Nobles -- Building in Toledo, Spain
Wikipedia - ReCellular -- Defunct cell phone recycling company
Wikipedia - Recombination signal sequences -- Noncoding DNA that are recognized by the RAG1/RAG2 enzyme complex during V(D)J recombination in immature B cells and T cells
Wikipedia - Red blood cell distribution width -- Measure of red blood cell volume variation as part of a standard blood test
Wikipedia - Red blood cell indices -- Details about red blood cells as part of a standard blood test
Wikipedia - Red blood cell -- Oxygen-delivering blood cell and the most common type of blood cell
Wikipedia - Red cell agglutination -- Clumping of red blood cells
Wikipedia - Redmond Barry (lord chancellor) -- Irish lawyer and judge
Wikipedia - Reelin -- Large secreted extracellular matrix glycoprotein involved in neuronal migration
Wikipedia - Reflector (cellular automaton) -- Type of pattern that can redirect a stream of incoming spaceships
Wikipedia - REG3G -- Antimicrobial peptides secreted by intestinal immune and epithelial cells
Wikipedia - Regulatory T cell -- Subpopulation of T cells that modulate the immune system, maintain tolerance to self-antigens, and prevent autoimmune disease.
Wikipedia - Reich Chancellery meeting of 12 December 1941 -- Encounter between Adolf Hitler and the highest-ranking officials of the Nazi Party
Wikipedia - Reich Chancellery -- The building in Berlin housing the Chancellor of Germany and other administrative offices of Germany during the German Empire, Weimar Republic and Nazi period
Wikipedia - Renato Mocellini -- Italian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Renee Reijo Pera -- Stem cell biologist
Wikipedia - RenM-CM-) Lacelle -- French canoeist
Wikipedia - Renshaw cell -- Inhibitory interneurons found in the gray matter of the spinal cord
Wikipedia - Replicator (cellular automaton) -- Type of pattern that infinitely produces copies of itself
Wikipedia - Republic XF-103 -- Cancelled American military plane project of the 1940s-1950s
Wikipedia - Resorts World Catskills -- Casino hotel in Monticello, New York
Wikipedia - Restrictions on cell phone use while driving in the United States -- U.S. laws regulating use of electronic mobile devices by motorists
Wikipedia - Reticulocyte -- Blood cells
Wikipedia - Retinal precursor cells -- Type of cell in the human eye
Wikipedia - Retortamonas -- Unicellular organism
Wikipedia - Reversible cellular automaton -- Cellular automaton in which every configuration has a unique predecessor.
Wikipedia - Revolutionary Cells (German group) -- The Revolutionary Cells were a German militant organization of the extreme left active between 1973 and 1995
Wikipedia - Revolutionary Cells (RCALB)
Wikipedia - Rex1 -- Known marker of pluripotency, and is usually found in undifferentiated embryonic stem cells
Wikipedia - Rhabdite -- Structures in some cells of turbellarians and nemerteans
Wikipedia - Rhopalomyia pedicellata -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Ribosome biogenesis -- Cellular process
Wikipedia - Ribosome -- Intracellular organelle consisting of RNA and protein
Wikipedia - Rice vermicelli -- Thin dried noodles made of rice
Wikipedia - Richard Chancellor
Wikipedia - Richard Green (chancellor) -- New York City Schools Chancellor
Wikipedia - Richard Marsh (bishop) -- 13th-century Chancellor of England and Bishop of Durham
Wikipedia - Richard Middleton (Lord Chancellor) -- 13th-century English clergyman and Chancellor of England
Wikipedia - Richard Purcell (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Richard Southwood -- Zoologist, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford
Wikipedia - Richard Wogan -- Irish cleric and judge, Lord Chancellor of Ireland
Wikipedia - Richfield (hamlet), New York -- Monticello, Central New York (Otsego County)
Wikipedia - Rick Lancellotti
Wikipedia - Rick Purcell -- American politician
Wikipedia - Ricotta di fuscella -- Italian cheese
Wikipedia - Rictus (bicosoecid) -- Genus of Bikosea, a small group of unicellular flagellates
Wikipedia - Ring Tone Transfer Language -- Computing language developed by Nokia for transfer of ringtones to cellphones
Wikipedia - Riot in Cell Block 11 -- 1954 film by Don Siegel
Wikipedia - Rita Celli -- Canadian radio journalist
Wikipedia - RNA transfection -- deliberately introducing RNA to living cells
Wikipedia - Robert Bloet -- 12th-century Chancellor of England and Bishop of Lincoln
Wikipedia - Robert Burnell -- 13th-century English Chancellor and bishop
Wikipedia - Robert de Stratford -- 14th-century Bishop of Chichester and Chancellor of England
Wikipedia - Robert Jocelyn, 1st Viscount Jocelyn -- Irish politician, Lord Chancellor of Ireland
Wikipedia - Robert Mocellini -- Italian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Robert N. Klein II -- American stem cell researcher
Wikipedia - Robert of Ghent -- 12th-century Chancellor of England and cleric
Wikipedia - Robert R. Livingston (chancellor) -- American lawyer, politician, diplomat and [[founding father]](1746-1813)
Wikipedia - Robert Stillington -- 15th-century Bishop of Bath and Wells and Chancellor of England
Wikipedia - Robert Thorpe (Lord Chancellor)
Wikipedia - Robert Torricelli -- American politician
Wikipedia - Robert Weston -- English politician and Lord Chancellor of Ireland
Wikipedia - Rod cell -- Photoreceptor cells that can function in lower light better than cone cells
Wikipedia - Roel Dieltiens -- Belgian cellist and composer
Wikipedia - Roger de Lascelles -- 13th century English nobleman
Wikipedia - Roger le Poer -- 12th-century Chancellor of England
Wikipedia - Rohon-Beard cell -- Cells are specialized neurons with mechanoreceptive properties.
Wikipedia - Romanza -- 1997 compilation album by Andrea Bocelli
Wikipedia - Romolo Marcellini -- Italian film director
Wikipedia - Ron Carter -- American jazz bassist, cellist, and composer
Wikipedia - Root cellar
Wikipedia - Ropicella -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Rory Cellan-Jones
Wikipedia - Rosamond W. Purcell -- American artist
Wikipedia - Roscellinus
Wikipedia - Rostral migratory stream -- One path neural stem cells take to reach the olfactory bulb
Wikipedia - Rotatin -- Protein involved in cellular cilia maintenance and neuronal migration
Wikipedia - Rouleaux -- Stacks or aggregations of red blood cells
Wikipedia - RSA Award for Excellence in Mathematics
Wikipedia - Rucellai Madonna -- 1285 painting by Duccio di Buoninsegna
Wikipedia - Rucellai Palace
Wikipedia - Rucellai Sepulchre -- Funerary chapel in Florence
Wikipedia - Rudolf Metzmacher -- German cellist
Wikipedia - Rule 110 -- elementary cellular automaton
Wikipedia - Rule 184 -- elementary cellular automaton
Wikipedia - Rule 30 -- Elementary cellular automaton
Wikipedia - Rule 90 -- elementary cellular automaton
Wikipedia - Rustam Komachkov -- Russian cellist
Wikipedia - Ruth Chiquet-Ehrismann -- Swiss biochemist and cell biologist
Wikipedia - Ruth Lehmann -- German-American developmental and cell biologist
Wikipedia - Sacellarius
Wikipedia - Saint Augustine in His Cell (Botticelli)
Wikipedia - Saint Dominic (Titian) -- C. 1565 painting by Tiziano Vecellio
Wikipedia - Saint Marcella
Wikipedia - Saint Marcellina
Wikipedia - Saint Marcellus's flood -- A storm surge in the North Sea 1362
Wikipedia - Saint-MM-CM-)dard, Deux-Sevres -- Part of Celles-sur-Belle in Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France
Wikipedia - Saints Marcellinus and Peter
Wikipedia - Salt cellar -- Low, wide table salt container popular before salt shakers
Wikipedia - Sam & Max -- Media franchise created by Steve Purcell focusing on the titular fictional private investigator duo
Wikipedia - Samara Reck-Peterson -- American cell biologist and biophysicist
Wikipedia - SaM-EM-!a VeM-DM-^Mtomov -- Czechoslovak cellist
Wikipedia - Sameodes cancellalis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Samuel Kalnoky -- Chancellor of Transylvania
Wikipedia - Sancellemoz
Wikipedia - Sandro Botticelli -- 15th and 16th-century Italian Renaissance painter
Wikipedia - San Marcello al Corso
Wikipedia - Santa Maria in Monticelli, Rome -- Church building in Rome, Italy
Wikipedia - Santa Maria in Vallicella
Wikipedia - Sap -- Fluid transported in xylem cells or phloem sieve tube elements of a plant
Wikipedia - Sarah Isabella McElligott -- New Zealand cook and fruit-stall holder
Wikipedia - Sarah J. Purcell -- American historian
Wikipedia - Sarah Purcell -- American game show host
Wikipedia - Sara Rankin -- Professor of Leukocyte and Stem Cell Biology
Wikipedia - Sarcomere -- The repeating unit of a myofibril in a muscle cell
Wikipedia - Sarcoplasm -- Cytoplasm of a muscle cell, including the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
Wikipedia - Sawtooth (cellular automaton) -- Type of pattern whose population grows without bound but does not tend to infinity
Wikipedia - Scandalo in famiglia -- 1976 film by Marcello Andrei
Wikipedia - Scenes from the Life of Noah -- C. 1440 paintings by Paolo Uccello
Wikipedia - Schreckensteinia felicella -- Moth species in family Schreckensteiniidae
Wikipedia - Science Power Platform -- Cancelled ISS module
Wikipedia - Scincella capitanea -- Species of Skink found in Nepal
Wikipedia - Scincella cherriei -- Species of skink found in Mexico
Wikipedia - Scincella doriae -- Species of skink found in Mexico
Wikipedia - Scincella punctatolineata -- Species of skink found in Mexico
Wikipedia - Scoparia conicella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Scopula nigrocellata -- Species of geometer moth in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Scopula ocellata -- Species of geometer moth in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Scopula ocellicincta -- Species of geometer moth in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Scrobipalpa atriplicella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Scrobipalpa ocellatella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Scythris fallacella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Sean na Maighe M-CM-^S Cellaigh -- Irish chief, 16th century
Wikipedia - Sebastian Kurz -- Austrian politician and chancellor of Austria (2017-2019, 2020-)
Wikipedia - Second Merkel cabinet -- Cabinet in the German federal government headed by Chancellor Angela Merkel (2009-2013)
Wikipedia - Second messenger system -- System of signaling molecules within a cell
Wikipedia - Second-order cellular automaton
Wikipedia - Secundian, Marcellian and Verian
Wikipedia - Seeds (cellular automaton)
Wikipedia - Selagia spadicella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Senolytic -- Among the class of small molecules under basic research to determine if they can selectively induce death of senescent cells
Wikipedia - Sensory neuron -- Nerve cell that converts environmental stimuli into corresponding internal stimuli
Wikipedia - Serbian Chancellery in Dubrovnik
Wikipedia - Serena AuM-CM-1on-Chancellor -- American physician, engineer, and NASA astronaut
Wikipedia - Serena Capponcelli -- Italian athlete
Wikipedia - Sergio Lauricella -- Italian composer
Wikipedia - Sergio Mocellini -- Italian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Serotype -- Distinct variation within a species of bacteria or virus or among immune cells
Wikipedia - Sertoli cell
Wikipedia - Servais Stradivarius -- Antique cello
Wikipedia - Sf9 (cells) -- Insect cell line
Wikipedia - Shadow Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster -- Position in the British Shadow Cabinet
Wikipedia - Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer -- In the British Parliamentary system, the member of the Shadow Cabinet who is responsible for shadowing the Chancellor of the Exchequer
Wikipedia - Shadow Realms -- Cancelled video game
Wikipedia - Sharifu Kiragga Tusuubira -- Uganda's sickle cell advocates
Wikipedia - Shaun Purcell -- Genetics researcher
Wikipedia - Sheku Kanneh-Mason -- British cellist
Wikipedia - Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Silk Stocking -- 2004 television film directed by Simon Cellan Jones
Wikipedia - Shingles -- viral disease caused by the Varicella zoster virus
Wikipedia - Shinya InouM-CM-) -- Japanese American biophysicist and cell biologist
Wikipedia - Shinya Yamanaka -- Japanese stem cell researcher
Wikipedia - Sickle Cell Anemia, a Molecular Disease
Wikipedia - Sickle cell anemia
Wikipedia - Sickle-cell anemia
Wikipedia - Sickle cell disease -- Group of genetic blood disorders
Wikipedia - Siegfried Pank -- German classical cellist
Wikipedia - Sieve tube element -- Elongated cell in the phloem tissue of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Signal patch -- Patch of a protein which determines its final location in the cell
Wikipedia - Signature in the Cell -- 2009 book by Stephen C. Meyer
Wikipedia - Silvester de Everdon -- 13th-century Bishop of Carlisle and Chancellor of England
Wikipedia - Simon Courcelles -- Canadian professional ice hockey Centre
Wikipedia - Simple cells (visual cortex)
Wikipedia - Simple cell
Wikipedia - SIM swap scam -- Cell phone account takeover fraud
Wikipedia - Single-cell analysis -- Testbg biochemical processes and reactions in an individual cell
Wikipedia - Sinoatrial node -- Group of cells located in the wall of the right atrium of the heart
Wikipedia - Slayers Excellent -- 1998 original video animation directed by Takashi Watanabe
Wikipedia - Slime mold -- Kinds of unrelated eukaryotic organisms that can live freely as single cells
Wikipedia - Small cell
Wikipedia - Small stellated 120-cell
Wikipedia - Smerinthus ocellatus -- Species of moth in the family Sphingidae
Wikipedia - S. Murty Srinivasula -- Indian cell biologist
Wikipedia - Soft Cell
Wikipedia - Solar cells
Wikipedia - Solar cell -- Photodiode used to produce power from light on a large scale
Wikipedia - Solar-powered calculator -- |Hand-held electronic calculators powered by solar cells mounted on the device
Wikipedia - Solid oxide electrolyzer cell -- solid oxide fuel cell that runs in regenerative mode to achieve the electrolysis of water (and/or carbon dioxide)
Wikipedia - Somatic cell nuclear transfer -- Method of creating a cloned embryo by replacing the egg nucleus with a body cell nucleus
Wikipedia - Somatic cell -- Any biological cell forming the body of an organism
Wikipedia - Somatic embryogenesis -- Method to derive a plant or embryo from a single somatic cell
Wikipedia - Somatic mutation -- Type of mutation on somatic cell
Wikipedia - Somatic recombination -- An alteration of the DNA of a somatic cell that is inherited by its daughter cells.
Wikipedia - Sonia Rocha -- Portuguese cell and molecular biologist
Wikipedia - Sony Toshiba IBM Center of Competence for the Cell Processor
Wikipedia - Soo Bae -- Korean-Canadian cellist
Wikipedia - Sophie Adam -- French cellist
Wikipedia - Soumendra Mohan Patnaik -- Indian academic and the former vice-chancellor of Utkal University, Odisha, India
Wikipedia - Soundtrack for the Voices in My Head Vol. 03 -- Album by Celldweller
Wikipedia - Spaceship (cellular automaton) -- Type of pattern that periodically changes position
Wikipedia - Spark (cellular automaton) -- Type of pattern which temporarily appears at the edge of a larger pattern
Wikipedia - Speed of light (cellular automaton)
Wikipedia - Spermatid -- Direct precursor of a sperm cell
Wikipedia - Spermatocyte -- Sperm precursor cell that undergoes meiosis
Wikipedia - Spermatogonial stem cell -- Spermatogonium that does not differentiate into a spermatocyte
Wikipedia - Spermatogonium -- Undifferentiated male germ cell
Wikipedia - Spermatozoon -- Motile sperm cell
Wikipedia - Sperm cells
Wikipedia - Spermine -- Polyamine involved in cellular metabolism
Wikipedia - Sperm -- Male reproductive cell in anisogamous forms of sexual reproduction
Wikipedia - S phase -- DNA replication phase of the cell cycle, between G1 and G2 phase
Wikipedia - Sphingosinicella humi -- Gram-negative, rod-shaped bacterium that is a member of the genus Sphingosinicella
Wikipedia - Spilonota ocellana -- Bud moth
Wikipedia - Spongiosis -- Intercellular epidermal edema characteristic of dermatitis
Wikipedia - Sporophyte -- Diploid multicellular stage in the life cycle of a plant or alga
Wikipedia - Squamous cell carcinoma -- Carcinoma that derives from squamous epithelial cells
Wikipedia - SquareCells -- 2015 puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Stable cell -- Cell that multiplies only when needed
Wikipedia - Standing cell -- Special cell constructed so as to prevent the prisoner from doing anything but stand
Wikipedia - Stanislaw Gabriel Worcell -- Polish revolutionary
Wikipedia - StarCraft: Ghost -- Cancelled video game
Wikipedia - Star Wars: Return of the Jedi: Ewok Adventure -- Cancelled Star Wars video game
Wikipedia - Stem cell chip -- Device that detects biochemical changes in stem cells
Wikipedia - Stem cell controversy -- Ethical controversy over the use of embryonic stem cells
Wikipedia - Stem cell factor
Wikipedia - Stem cell laws -- Laws governing the use or isolation of human stem cells
Wikipedia - Stem-cell line -- Culture of stem cells that can be propagated indefinitely
Wikipedia - Stem-cell niche -- Specific location in the body containing stem cells
Wikipedia - Stem cell research
Wikipedia - Stem Cells and Development -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Stem cells
Wikipedia - Stem Cell Theranostics -- Biotech company
Wikipedia - Stem Cell Therapeutic and Research Act of 2005 -- United States federal law
Wikipedia - Stem-cell therapy -- Use of stem cells to treat or prevent a disease or condition
Wikipedia - Stem cell transplant
Wikipedia - Stem cell treatments
Wikipedia - Stem cell -- Undifferentiated biological cells that can differentiate into specialized cells
Wikipedia - Stenoglene decellei -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Stephan Breith -- German cellist
Wikipedia - Steritruncated 16-cell honeycomb -- Honeycomb
Wikipedia - Stigmella catharticella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Stigmella lemniscella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Still life (cellular automaton) -- Type of pattern that does not change from one generation to the next
Wikipedia - Stingray phone tracker -- Cellular phone surveillance device
Wikipedia - Stjepan Hauser -- Croatian cellist
Wikipedia - St. Marcellinus Secondary School -- Catholic high school located in Mississauga, Ontario
Wikipedia - Stochastic cellular automaton
Wikipedia - Stoma -- in plants, a variable pore between paired guard cells
Wikipedia - Streamy Awards -- Excellence in online video production
Wikipedia - Stroke -- Death of a region of brain cells due to poor blood flow
Wikipedia - Stromal cell -- Connective tissue cell of any organ
Wikipedia - Study of the cell
Wikipedia - Sua Eccellenza si fermM-CM-2 a mangiare -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Subependymoma -- Relatively benign brain cancer involving ependymal cells
Wikipedia - Suberin -- Hydrophobic lipid polyester in plant cell walls
Wikipedia - Sue Biggins -- American cell biologist
Wikipedia - Sullivan County International Airport -- General aviation airport in Monticello, New York
Wikipedia - Supercell -- Thunderstorm that is characterized by the presence of a mesocyclone
Wikipedia - Susan Wray -- Cellular and molecular physiologist
Wikipedia - Sustentacular cell -- Structural and metabolic support cell
Wikipedia - Synapse -- Junction between two neurons or a neuron and another cell
Wikipedia - Synaptic stabilization -- Modifying synaptic strength via cell adhesion molecules
Wikipedia - Syncytium -- Type of multinucleate cell
Wikipedia - Synthetic lethality -- Cell death resulting from a deficiency in two or more genes
Wikipedia - Talis quercella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Tambourissa pedicellata -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Tania Simoncelli
Wikipedia - Tannishtha Reya -- Indian-born American cell and developmental biologist
Wikipedia - Tanya Anisimova -- Russian cellist and composer
Wikipedia - Tauriac-de-Naucelle -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia -- A type of acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Wikipedia - T-cell growth factor
Wikipedia - T cell receptor
Wikipedia - T-cell receptor -- Protein complex on the surface of T cells that recognises antigens
Wikipedia - T cell -- Type of lymphocyte
Wikipedia - Teet JM-CM-$rvi -- Estonian cellist
Wikipedia - Telestes muticellus -- Species of fish
Wikipedia - Telomerase -- Telomere-restoring protein active in the most rapidly dividing cells
Wikipedia - Telomeres in the cell cycle -- Biological theory of cellular aging
Wikipedia - Template talk:Chancellors of McGill University
Wikipedia - Template talk:Chancellors of the University of Cambridge
Wikipedia - Template talk:Chancellors of the University of Oxford
Wikipedia - Template talk:University of Mississippi chancellors
Wikipedia - Tenosynovial giant cell tumor -- Human joint disease
Wikipedia - Teru Hayashi -- American cell biologist
Wikipedia - Tetrachromacy -- Type of color vision with four types of cone cells
Wikipedia - Tetraploid complementation assay -- A technique in biology in which cells of two mammalian embryos are combined to form a new embryo.
Wikipedia - Thalerotricha mylicella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - The Affairs of Cellini -- 1934 film by Gregory La Cava
Wikipedia - The Amazing Eternals -- Cancelled video game
Wikipedia - The Ancestor Cell -- Doctor Who novel by Peter Anghelides and Stephen Cole
Wikipedia - The Beast in the Cellar -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - The Best of Andrea Bocelli: Vivere -- 2007 compilation album by Andrea Bocelli
Wikipedia - The Birth of Venus -- painting by Sandro Botticelli
Wikipedia - The Black Room (KLF album) -- cancelled studio album by The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu
Wikipedia - The Boat Race 2020 -- Cancelled Cambridge University vs Oxford University rowing race
Wikipedia - The Boston Miscellany -- Defunct American fashion and literary magazines
Wikipedia - The Cancelled Debt -- 1927 film directed by Phil Rosen
Wikipedia - The Catholic Miscellany -- Newspaper
Wikipedia - The Cell -- 2000 science fiction psychological horror film
Wikipedia - The Crossing (video game) -- Cancelled video game
Wikipedia - The End of Celluloid
Wikipedia - The Fairy-Queen -- Semi-opera by Henry Purcell
Wikipedia - The Gordin Cell -- Israeli television series
Wikipedia - The Harleian Miscellany -- 1744-1753 collection of historical English pamphlets
Wikipedia - The Hidden Pearl -- 2001 film by Marcello Baldi
Wikipedia - The House of Mancello -- 1962 Australian film
Wikipedia - The Kissing Booth 2 -- 2020 film by Vince Marcello
Wikipedia - The Kissing Booth -- 2018 film by Vince Marcello
Wikipedia - The London Magazine -- Literary periodical; publication of arts, literature and miscellaneous interests
Wikipedia - The Miracle of the Desecrated Host -- c. 1467 painting by Paolo Uccello
Wikipedia - The Miscellaneous -- 1990s alternate rock band
Wikipedia - The Miscellany News -- Student newspaper of Vassar College
Wikipedia - Theodore de Celles
Wikipedia - The One and Only (2002 film) -- 2002 British romantic comedy directed by Simon Cellan Jones
Wikipedia - The Queens of Comedy -- 2001 film by Steve Purcell
Wikipedia - The Sign of the City -- 2007 film directed by Carlos Alberto Riccelli
Wikipedia - The Six Best Cellars -- 1920 film by Donald Crisp
Wikipedia - The Thebaid (painting) -- c. 1460 painting by Paolo Uccello
Wikipedia - The Very Excellent Mr. Dundee -- 2020 film directed by Dean Murphy
Wikipedia - Thiotricha subocellea -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Thomas Arundel -- 14th and 15th-century Archbishop of Canterbury, Archbishop of York, and Chancellor of England
Wikipedia - Thomas Becket -- 12th-century Archbishop of Canterbury, Chancellor of England and saint
Wikipedia - Thomas Bek (bishop of St David's) -- Bishop, university chancellor
Wikipedia - Thomas Bourchier (cardinal) -- 15th-century Archbishop of Canterbury, Chancellor of England, and cardinal
Wikipedia - Thomas Cranley -- Archbishop of Dublin and Lord Chancellor of Ireland
Wikipedia - Thomas Demenga -- Swiss composer and cellist
Wikipedia - Thomas D. Pollard -- American cell biologist
Wikipedia - Thomas Langley -- 15th-century Archbishop of York-elect, Bishop of Durham, and Chancellor of England
Wikipedia - Thomas Lascelles (engineer) -- British military engineer
Wikipedia - Thomas Marcelle -- American lawyer
Wikipedia - Thomas Rotherham -- 15th-century Archbishop of York and Chancellor of England
Wikipedia - Thomas Wolsey -- 16th-century Archbishop of York, Chancellor of England, and cardinal
Wikipedia - Timothy Eddy -- American cellist
Wikipedia - Tinagma perdicella -- Moth species in family Douglasiidae
Wikipedia - Tissue (biology) -- | Cellular organization level between cell and organ
Wikipedia - Titus Clodius Eprius Marcellus -- 1st century AD Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist -- 2013 action-adventure stealth video game
Wikipedia - Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory -- 2005 stealth video game
Wikipedia - Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell (video game) -- 2002 stealth video game
Wikipedia - Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell -- Stealth video game series
Wikipedia - Tom Cora -- American cellist and composer
Wikipedia - Tom Limoncelli -- American activist
Wikipedia - Tonsil carcinoma -- Tonsil cancer that has material basis in squamous cells
Wikipedia - Torcello
Wikipedia - Torricella Peligna -- Comune in Abruzzo, Italy
Wikipedia - Torricellian chamber -- An air space in a cave chamber with pressure below atmospheric
Wikipedia - Toxin -- Poisonous substance produced within living cells or organisms
Wikipedia - Toyota Mirai -- Hydrogen fuel cell car
Wikipedia - Transcription factories -- Sites in the cell nucleus where DNA transcription occurs
Wikipedia - Transcriptome -- Set of all RNA molecules in one cell or a population of cells
Wikipedia - Transduction (genetics) -- The transfer of genetic information to a bacterium from a bacteriophage or between bacterial or yeast cells mediated by a phage vector.
Wikipedia - Transfection -- Process of introducing nucleic acids into eukaryotic cells
Wikipedia - Translation (biology) -- Cellular process of protein synthesis
Wikipedia - TRiC (complex) -- Multiprotein complex used in cellular proteostasis
Wikipedia - Trichocyte (algae) -- Algal cell type
Wikipedia - Trichome -- Fine outgrowths or appendages on plants, algae, lichens, and certain protists. A unicellular or multicellular plant structure that forms a non-sclerified outgrowth from the epidermis
Wikipedia - Trio for Piano, Flute and Cello (Weber) -- Trio by Carl Maria von Weber
Wikipedia - Tsaraphycis mimeticella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - T-tubule -- Invagination of the plasma membrane of a muscle cell that extends inward from the cell surface around each myofibril; the ends of T-tubules make contact with the sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane
Wikipedia - Tumor antigen -- Antigenic substance produced in tumor cells
Wikipedia - Turmite -- A Turing machine which has an orientation as well as a current state and a "tape" that consists of an infinite two-dimensional grid of cells
Wikipedia - Udyan Pandit Award -- Award is given for excellence in fruit cultivation in India
Wikipedia - UFC Fight Night: Lamas vs. Penn -- UFC cancelled mixed martial arts event in 2016
Wikipedia - UFC Fight Night: Overeem vs. Harris -- UFC mixed martial arts cancelled event in 2020
Wikipedia - UFC on ESPN: Ngannou vs. Rozenstruik -- UFC mixed martial arts cancelled event in 2020
Wikipedia - Une Jeune Pucelle
Wikipedia - Unicellular organism -- Organism that consists of only one cell
Wikipedia - Unit 180 -- North Korean cyberwarfare cell
Wikipedia - Universal integrated circuit card -- Smart card used to uniquely identify a mobile device on a cellular network
Wikipedia - Urim languages -- Branch of the Torricelli language family
Wikipedia - Uromastyx ocellata -- Species of African lizard
Wikipedia - U.S. Cellular 250 -- Race at Iowa Speedway
Wikipedia - USS Chancellorsville -- Ticonderoga-class cruiser
Wikipedia - USS Lorain (PF-97) -- Cancelled Tacoma-class frigate
Wikipedia - USS Macon (PF-96) -- Cancelled Tacoma-class frigate
Wikipedia - USS Milledgeville (PF-98) -- Cancelled Tacoma-class frigate
Wikipedia - USS Stamford (PF-95) -- Cancelled Tacoma-class frigate
Wikipedia - Uterine natural killer cells -- Maternal lymphocytes that make up 70% of the total found during pregnancy
Wikipedia - Uveal melanoma -- Uveal cancer that has material basis in uvea pigment cells
Wikipedia - UWF St. Valentine's Day Massacre -- Cancelled 1996 Universal Wrestling Federation live television event
Wikipedia - Vacuole -- Membrane-bound organelle in cells containing fluid
Wikipedia - Valdovecaria hispanicella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Valentin Berlinsky -- Russian cellist
Wikipedia - Valeria Bertuccelli -- Argentine film and television actress
Wikipedia - Valerie Horsley -- American cell and developmental biologist
Wikipedia - Valonia ventricosa -- Large, unicellular species of alga
Wikipedia - Vanadocyte -- Vanadium-rich blood cell found in tunicates
Wikipedia - Variations for Cello Solo -- Musical composition
Wikipedia - Varicella vaccine -- Vaccine to prevent chickenpox
Wikipedia - Vasoconstriction -- Narrowing of blood vessels due to the constriction of smooth muscle cells
Wikipedia - Vaso-occlusive crisis -- Form of sickle cell crisis in sickle cell anaemia
Wikipedia - Vat dye -- Class of dyes used with cellulose fiber such as cotton
Wikipedia - Vav (protein) -- Proteins involved in cell signalling
Wikipedia - VCaP -- Cell line
Wikipedia - Veena Parnaik -- Indian cell biologist
Wikipedia - Velia Fowler -- American cell biologist and biochemist
Wikipedia - Ventricular zone -- Transient embryonic layer of tissue containing neural stem cells
Wikipedia - Venus and Mars (Botticelli) -- Painting by Sandro Botticelli
Wikipedia - Vera Chaves Barcellos -- Brazilian artist and educator
Wikipedia - Vera Danchakoff -- Russian anatomist, cell biologist and embryologist, 1879-1950
Wikipedia - Vercelli Homilies
Wikipedia - Vercelli
Wikipedia - Vermicelli -- Type of pasta
Wikipedia - Veronicellidae -- Family of pulmonate land slugs
Wikipedia - Vestire gli ignudi -- 1953 film by Marcello Pagliero
Wikipedia - Vice-Chancellor of the County Palatine of Lancaster
Wikipedia - Vice-Chancellor of the Crown
Wikipedia - Vice-Chancellor of the Holy Roman Church
Wikipedia - Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford
Wikipedia - Vice-Chancellors of the University of Cambridge
Wikipedia - Vice-Chancellor
Wikipedia - Vice chancellor
Wikipedia - Vice-chancellor
Wikipedia - Vico Pancellorum
Wikipedia - Victoria Adaobi Obasi -- Current substantive vice chancellor of Imo State University
Wikipedia - Victor Julien-Laferriere -- French cellist
Wikipedia - Vincent Courtois -- French jazz cellist
Wikipedia - Vincenzo de Doncelli
Wikipedia - Viola ocellata -- Species of flowering plant in the family Violaceaent
Wikipedia - Violoncello (horse) -- Australian Thoroughbred racehorse
Wikipedia - Viral interference -- Ihibition of virus growth caused by previous exposure of cells to another virus
Wikipedia - Viral shedding -- Dissemination of mature virions from host cell
Wikipedia - Viral vector -- Biotechnology to deliver genetic material into a cell
Wikipedia - Virginia Centurione Bracelli
Wikipedia - Virophysics -- Biophysics of the interactions between virus and cells
Wikipedia - Virus -- Small non-cellular infectious agent that only replicates in cells
Wikipedia - Visconti Castle (Vercelli) -- Castle in northern Italy
Wikipedia - Vite de' pi eccellenti architetti, pittori, et scultori Italiani
Wikipedia - Vivian Li -- Hong Kong-born cell and developmental biologist
Wikipedia - Vivo per lei -- 1997 single by Andrea Bocelli
Wikipedia - Vomocytosis -- Cellular process
Wikipedia - Von Kossa stain -- Staining method used in cell biology to see calcium deposits
Wikipedia - Von Neumann cellular automata
Wikipedia - Von Neumann cellular automaton -- Cellular automaton used to model universal construction
Wikipedia - Von Neumann neighborhood -- Cellular automaton neighborhood consisting of four adjacent cells
Wikipedia - Vorticella citrina -- Species of protozoan
Wikipedia - Waffle fabric -- Woven or Knit fabric structure with a cellular or waffle appearance.
Wikipedia - Walter de Gray -- 13th-century Archbishop of York and Lord Chancellor
Wikipedia - Walter Fitzsimon -- Irish archbishop and Lord Chancellor
Wikipedia - Walter Reynolds -- 14th-century Archbishop of Canterbury, Treasurer and Chancellor of England
Wikipedia - Walter Schulz (cellist) -- German cellist
Wikipedia - Wapei-Palei languages -- Branch of the Torricelli language family
Wikipedia - Wayne Pacelle -- American activist
Wikipedia - We Cellar Children -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Weismann barrier -- distinction between germ cell lineages producing gametes and somatic cells
Wikipedia - Werner Resel -- German classical cellist
Wikipedia - WFRF-FM -- Christian radio station in Monticello-Tallahassee, Florida
Wikipedia - White blood cell -- Type of cells of the immunological system
Wikipedia - White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics -- History of education in the United States
Wikipedia - WI-38 -- Human cell line composed of fibroblasts
Wikipedia - Wietze -- municipality in Celle district, Lower Saxony, Germany
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:VideoWiki/Cancer -- Cancer is a group of diseases involving abnormal cell growth
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Village pump (miscellaneous) -- Central discussion page of Wikipedia for general topics not covered by the specific topic pages
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Molecular Biology/Molecular and Cell Biology -- Sub-project of WikiProject Molecular Biology
Wikipedia - William Courtenay -- 14th-century Archbishop of Canterbury and Chancellor of England
Wikipedia - William Cowper, 1st Earl Cowper -- 17th/18-century English politician and first Lord Chancellor of Great Britain
Wikipedia - William Edington -- 14th-century Archbishop of Canterbury-elect and Chancellor and Treasurer of England
Wikipedia - William Estabrook Chancellor -- American academic, writer, and presidential candidate
Wikipedia - William FitzJohn -- Irish bishop and Lord Chancellor
Wikipedia - William Frederick Purcell -- (1866-1919) English-born South African araneologist
Wikipedia - William F. Vallicella
Wikipedia - William Giffard -- 11th and 12th-century Bishop of Winchester and Chancellor of England
Wikipedia - William Greenfield -- 14th-century Archbishop of York and Chancellor of England
Wikipedia - William Hamilton (Lord Chancellor)
Wikipedia - William Lascelles -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Marcellus Howard -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Paxton (musician) -- English composer and cellist
Wikipedia - William Walsh (archbishop of Dublin) -- Catholic prelate, first chancellor of the NUI
Wikipedia - Willy Benda -- German cellist
Wikipedia - Wilton R. Earle -- American cell biologist
Wikipedia - Windows Odyssey -- Cancelled operating system
Wikipedia - Wine Cellars -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Wine cellar -- Storage room for wine
Wikipedia - Winston Churchill as Chancellor of the Exchequer -- Political history
Wikipedia - Wireworld -- 2D cellular automaton devised by Brian Silverman in 1987
Wikipedia - Witold Wnuk -- Polish cellist
Wikipedia - Women in Cell Block 7 -- 1973 film
Wikipedia - Women in Cellblock 9 -- 1977 film
Wikipedia - Woodstock 50 -- 2019 cancelled American music festival
Wikipedia - World Series of Fighting 20: Branch vs. McElligott -- World Series of Fighting MMA event in 2015
Wikipedia - Wright's stain -- Hematologic stain that facilitates the differentiation of blood cell types
Wikipedia - WWE Hell in a Cell -- WWE pay-per-view event series
Wikipedia - Xanthia ocellaris -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Xanthocrambus caducellus -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Xanthocrambus lucellus -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Xavier Phillips -- French cellist
Wikipedia - Xenotransplantation -- transplantation of cells or tissue across species
Wikipedia - Xyloglucan -- Structural polysaccharide in the primary cell walls of land plants
Wikipedia - Ybor Stadium -- Cancelled stadium proposal in Tampa, Florida, US
Wikipedia - Yeast extract -- cell contents of yeast without the cell walls, used as a food additive
Wikipedia - Yo-Yo Ma -- Chinese-American cellist
Wikipedia - Ypsolopha coriacella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Ypsolopha falcella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Ypsolopha lucella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Ypsolopha persicella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Ypsolopha sarmaticella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Yuki Ito (cellist) -- Japanese cellist
Wikipedia - Zena Werb -- German-born cell biologist
Wikipedia - Zhao Ying -- Chinese chancellor
Wikipedia - Zhou Chi -- 9th-century Chinese chancellor
Wikipedia - Zhuge Liang -- Shu Han chancellor, military strategist (181-234)
Wikipedia - Zoid -- A specialised reproductive cell of plants and algae, capable of independent movement
Wikipedia - Zygote -- Single diploid eukaryotic cell formed by a fertilization event between two gametes
Meshell Ndegeocello ::: Born: August 29, 1968; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Konrad Adenauer ::: Born: January 5, 1876; Died: April 19, 1967; Occupation: Former Chancellor of Germany;
William Pitt ::: Born: May 28, 1759; Died: January 23, 1806; Occupation: Former Chancellor of the Exchequer;
Mstislav Rostropovich ::: Born: March 27, 1927; Died: April 27, 2007; Occupation: Cellist;
Gerhard Schroder ::: Born: April 7, 1944; Occupation: Former Chancellor of Germany;
Andrea Bocelli ::: Born: September 22, 1958; Occupation: Tenor;
Henry Brougham, 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux ::: Born: September 19, 1778; Died: May 7, 1868; Occupation: Former Lord Chancellor;
Marcello Truzzi ::: Born: September 6, 1935; Died: February 2, 2003;
Marcello Malpighi ::: Born: March 10, 1628; Died: September 30, 1694; Occupation: Physician;
Emanuel Celler ::: Born: May 6, 1888; Died: January 15, 1981; Occupation: American Politician;
Evangelista Torricelli ::: Born: October 15, 1608; Died: October 25, 1647; Occupation: Physicist;
Ammianus Marcellinus ::: Born: 320; Died: 390; Occupation: Historian;
Anne-Therese de Marguenat de Courcelles ::: Born: 1647; Died: July 12, 1733; Occupation: Writer;
Marcellin Berthelot ::: Born: October 25, 1827; Died: March 18, 1907; Occupation: Chemist;
Edward Mills Purcell ::: Born: August 30, 1912; Died: March 7, 1997; Occupation: Physicist;
Willy Brandt ::: Born: December 18, 1913; Died: October 8, 1992; Occupation: Former Chancellor of Germany;
Lascelles Abercrombie ::: Born: January 9, 1881; Died: October 27, 1938; Occupation: Poet;
Marcello Mastroianni ::: Born: September 28, 1924; Died: December 19, 1996; Occupation: Film actor;
Ludwig Erhard ::: Born: February 4, 1897; Died: May 5, 1977; Occupation: Former Chancellor of Germany;
Hugh Dalton ::: Born: August 16, 1887; Died: February 13, 1962; Occupation: Chancellor of the Exchequer;
Helmut Schmidt ::: Born: December 23, 1918; Died: November 10, 2015; Occupation: Former Chancellor of Germany;
John Vasconcellos ::: Born: May 11, 1932; Died: May 24, 2014; Occupation: American Politician;
Henry Purcell ::: Born: September 10, 1659; Died: November 21, 1695; Occupation: Composer;
Jacqueline du Pre ::: Born: January 26, 1945; Died: October 19, 1987; Occupation: Cellist;
Chancellor Williams ::: Born: December 22, 1893; Died: December 7, 1992; Occupation: Historian;
Franz von Papen ::: Born: October 29, 1879; Died: May 2, 1969; Occupation: Former Chancellor of Germany;
Joan Acocella ::: Born: April 13, 1945; Occupation: Journalist;
Paolo Uccello ::: Born: 1397; Died: December 10, 1475; Occupation: Visual Artist;
Annette Funicello ::: Born: October 22, 1942; Died: April 8, 2013; Occupation: Actress;
David Lloyd George ::: Born: January 17, 1863; Died: March 26, 1945; Occupation: Chancellor of the Exchequer;
William E. Gladstone ::: Born: December 29, 1809; Died: May 19, 1898; Occupation: Former Chancellor of the Exchequer;
Bob Colacello ::: Born: 1947; Occupation: Writer;
Denis Healey ::: Born: August 30, 1917; Died: October 3, 2015; Occupation: Chancellor of the Exchequer;
Adolf Hitler ::: Born: April 20, 1889; Died: April 30, 1945; Occupation: Former Chancellor of Germany;
Marcello Lippi ::: Born: April 12, 1948; Occupation: Football manager;
Dominique McElligott ::: Born: March 5, 1986; Occupation: Film actress;
Francis Bacon ::: Born: January 22, 1561; Died: April 9, 1626; Occupation: Former Lord Chancellor;
Frank-Walter Steinmeier ::: Born: January 5, 1956; Occupation: Former Vice-Chancellor of Germany;
Guido Westerwelle ::: Born: December 27, 1961; Died: March 18, 2016; Occupation: Former Vice-Chancellor of Germany;
Helmut Kohl ::: Born: April 3, 1930; Occupation: Former Chancellor of Germany;
Stanley Baldwin ::: Born: August 3, 1867; Died: December 14, 1947; Occupation: Former Chancellor of the Exchequer;
Yo-Yo Ma ::: Born: October 7, 1955; Occupation: Cellist;
Angela Merkel ::: Born: July 17, 1954; Occupation: Chancellor of Germany;\\
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Goodreads author - Chancellor_Williams
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Beyond Excellence in Sports: Flow by Choice
Biden’s First Month, Trump’s Second Impeachment, and Cancelling Cancel Culture
Evolving a Multi-Cellular Society
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Psychology Wiki - Cell_(biology)
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Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - cell-biology
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - cellular-automata
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - philip-chancellor
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - stem-cells,_marquise_de_Lambert
100 Deeds for Eddie McDowd (1999 - 2002) - A school bully named Eddie was turned into a dog for his crimes. Now he must complete 100 good deeds in order to turn back to human. The only person who can understand him is the boy in which he last bullied. The show was apparently cancelled before the plot was acomplished, with Eddie having 76 mor...
Who's the Boss? (1984 - 1992) - A former st. louis cardinals pitcher;Tony Micelli decides to take his daughter out of mean streets of brooklyn. So he takes his daughter; Samantha(Sam) Micelli to a white picket fenced house down in Connecticut to go and work for a Lady named Angela Bower and her son Jonathan Bower. At first, Tony'...
The Pink Panther Show (1964 - 1970) - The Pink Panther Show ran for many episodes from 1964-1970 on NBC. It has also aired reruns on Nickelodeon in the 90s, as well as in syndication in the 1980s. The series was cancelled in 1971, in favor of The New Pink Panther Show. The main star is The Pink Panther, who was originally created for th...
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventures (1990 - 1991) - Bill and Ted continue to travel through time and have all kinds of adventures.
Adventures of Raggedy Ann and Andy (1988 - 1990) - Siblings Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy are toys that come to life when their owner Marcella isn't around. Together with the other toys, they explore a strange land where anything is possible.
Designing Women (1986 - 1993) - Julia Sugarbaker Mcellroy-(Dixie Carter) owns an interior design studio named "Sugarbakers" in Atlanta Gg]eorgia.Among the people working with her are her former beauty queen sister Suzanne Sugarbaker Goff Dent Stoencipher -(Delta Burke), sweet and meek May Jo Shively-(Annie Potts) and the book kee...
The Brothers Garcia (2000 - 2004) - This was a good show about an American-Hispanic family just trying to make it through life and it was based on the life of the narrator of the show. He would describe how he grew up, him,his two older brothers, and his sister. It was an excellent show. It used to come on Nickelodeon a few years ago.
Capitol Critters (1995 - 1996) - A field mouse moves in the basement of the White House with various critters,the show pokes fun of things there. ABC cancelled the show after showing only 7 of the 13 episodes that were produced. The Cartoon Network picked up the series in 1995 and it ran there for most of 1996.
The New Pink Panther Show (1971 - 1972) - Shortly after The Pink Panther Show was cancelled, DFE created a new series about the panther, also featuring the Ant & the Aardvark. It was called The New Pink Panther Show.
On Our Own (1994 - 1995) - On Our Own was about 8 kids who were orphaned after thier parents are killed in an accident. The eldest brother dressed as the children's aunt to keep the kids from being separated. This show was cancelled after only 1 season
Sonny Spoon (1988 - 1988) - Sonny Spoon was a short-lived show about a "streetwise" black PI, played by Mario Van Peebles. He would take on community concerns and foil evildoers ranging from mobsters to record company slime. It had a very short run and was cancelled in late 88.
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventures (1992) (1990 - 1990) - Short lived live action series based on the movies.
Mission Hill (1999 - 1999) - Mission Hill was an American animated television series that first aired on The WB in 1999. Although 13 episodes were produced, the show was cancelled after only six were aired. The show was put on hiatus by the WB Network after just two episodes due to poor ratings. It returned to the WB in the sum...
Spin City (1996 - 2002) - Show who's cast was originally led by Michael J. Fox who's role was later handed over to Charlie Sheen. The series focuses on the Mayor of New York City, Randall Winston, and his staff as they run the cityalthough the main person in charge is Deputy Mayor Mike Flaherty. Mike is excellent at his job...
The Chevy Chase Show (1993 - 1993) - Fox's ill-fated late night talk show, not even comedic great Chevy Chase could compete with the established late night contenders, Leno and Letterman. The show was cancelled before making its mark on the map.
NBC Nightly News (1970 - Current) - It is NBC News' weekday evening news program. The program debut on August 3, 1970, with David Brinkley, John Chancellor, and Frank McGee rotating duties as anchors until August 9, 1971 when Chancellor became the sole anchor. On June 7, 1976, David Brinkley was brought back to the anchor desk, this...
Bridget Loves Bernie (1972 - 1972) - Controversial comedy about a rich Irish girl who marries a poor Jewish boy. Starring Meredith Baxter and David Birney (who later married) and co-starring David Doyle, Audra Lindley, Harold J. Stone and Bibi Osterwald. Widely reported that the series was cancelled after Jewish groups pressured CBS.
Real People (1979 - 1984) - REAL PEOPLE was the fore-runner to THAT'S INCREDIBLE and other like shows. Hosts: Skip Stephenson, Sarah Purcell, Byron Allen, Bill Rafferty, Fred Williard. The show highlighted people with unique occupations and hobbies. Segments included "funny pictures".
Petrocelli (1974 - 1976) - lawyer/detective drama
South Central (1994 - 1994) - South Central was a short-lived comedy sitcom that aired on the Fox network from April 5, 1994 to June 4, 1994. It was cancelled midway through its first season, for a total of 10 episodes. The sitcom was set in South Central Los Angeles, and dealt with everyday life in Los Angeles. Many notable act...
Co-ed Fever (1979 - 1979) - Co-Ed Fever was one of a few shows that earned the dubious honor of being cancelled after just 1 episode. The show was supposedly inspired by the movie "National Lampoon's Animal House" in which it was a sitcom about a Women's college suddenly becoming co-ed.
The Brady Bunch Hour (1976 - 1977) - After the cancellation of "The Brady Bunch" and "The Brady Kids," it seemed that the Brady franchise was dead -- until several key cast members appeared in a memorable, high-rated episode of "The Donny and Marie Show." Soon there was a buzz, and the "Bunch" (minus Eve Plumb, who was replaced with "...
Second Thoughts (1991 - 1993) - A good-value comedy about two young-middle-aged divorcees with very different backgrounds, trying to build - and cling to - a relationship despite the pressures pulling it apart. The principal players were the ever-excellent James Bolam, cast as Bill Macgregor, the art editor of a style magazine, an...
Roman Holidays (1972 - 1973) - The Roman Holidays is a Hanna-Barbera animated television series that was broadcast in 1972 on NBC. It ran for 13 episodes before being cancelled. Very similar in theme to both The Flintstones and The Jetsons, The Roman Holidays brought a look at "modern-day" life in Ancient Rome, around 63 A.D. (wi...
The All-New Get Smart (1995 - 1995) - The revival of Get Smart that aired on FOX-TV. Maxwell Smart is now the chief and now works with his son Zachary Smart. Only 7 episodes were created and then the show was then cancelled. Andy Dicks (Who plays Zachary Smart) went on to News Radio later in 1995.
The New Andy Griffith Show (1971 - 1971) - Was originally meant to be Andy Griffith's return to television, but was cancelled as quickly as it aired.
Once Upon a Time... Life (1987 - 1987) - The series Once Upon a Time... Life used the same characters from the other Once Upon a Time... seasons: the good characters represent the cells that make up the body's systems and defense mechanisms, such as red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets, while the bad characters represent the vi...
You're In The Picture (1961 - 1961) - You're In The Picture earns the dubious honor of being the 1st TV show to get cancelled on U.S. TV after just 1 episode.
Mary-Kate and Ashley in Action! (2001 - 2002) - an American animated children's television series featuring the voices and likeness of Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen. It is also a series of books that spun off, from the show. The show premiered on October 20, 2001 on the ABC block Disney's One Saturday Morning, and was cancelled after one season due...
Warren the Ape (2010 - Current) - an MTV reality show parody which ran from June 14 to August 30, 2010 and aired at 10:30 p.m. The series is a spin-off of the IFC and Fox TV show Greg the Bunny, and follows the titular character's life as he tries to get his life back together following the cancellation of Greg the Bunny.Warren has...
Rainbow (2010 - 2010) - Japan, 1955: Mario Minakami has just arrived at Shounan Special Reform School along with five other teenagers who have been arrested on serious criminal charges. All assigned to the same cell, they meet older inmate Rokurouta Sakuragia former boxerwith whom they establish a close bond. Under his g...
The City (1995) (1995 - 1997) - Short-lived soap opera starring Morgan Fairchild (left the following year) and set basically in New York City. A spin-off after the cancellation of Loving.
Ushio & Tora (2015) (2015 - 2016) - While cleaning out his family's Shinto temple, middle-school student Ushio Aotsuki stumbles upon a hidden cellar which houses a dangerous yokai. The yokai, pinned by a legendary weapon called the Beast Spear for 500 years, attracts many other supernatural creatures to the premises. Ushio is forced t...
It's a Big Big World (2006 - 2010) - an American children's television show on PBS Kids, that debuted January 2, 2006. It was originally part of Miss Lori and Hooper's schedule block, but it was replaced and cancelled in that block on April 28, 2010, though it still aired as part of most stations' PBS Kids lineup in reruns. The show re...
Stardust Crusaders (2014 - 2014) - Years after an ancient evil was salvaged from the depths of the sea, Joutarou Kuujou sits peacefully within a Japanese jail cell. He's committed no crime yet demands he not be released, believing he's been possessed by an evil spirit capable of harming those around him. Concerned for her son, Holly...
Late Night with Conan O'Brien (1993 - 2009) - Late Night with Conan O'Brien was a late-night talk show on NBC that first began in 1993 as hosted by comedian Conan O'Brien. The show was notably more edgier than other late-night talk shows because of its very late time-slot. The show was cancelled in 2009 after NBC made changes to the time-slot w...
Slayers Excellent (1998 - 1999) - Fantasy comedy OVA featuring more adventures of Lina Inverse and Naga the Serpent.
ESPN National Hockey Night (1992 - 2012) - ESPN National Hockey Night was ESPN's weekly television broadcasts of National Hockey League regular season games and coverage of playoff games, broadcast from 1992 to 2004. ESPN had been slated to broadcast games for the 200405 NHL season, but the season's cancellation combined with the NHL reachi...
Joanie Loves Chachi (1982 - 1983) - In this spin off of"Happy Days",Joanie Cunningham(Erin Moran)and Chachi Arcola(Scott Baio) move to Chicago to pursue music careers.The show was short lived,lasting only 17 espisodes.After cancellation,Moran and Baio returned to"Happy Days".Ellen Travolta and Al Molinaro co-starred.
The Challenge (1998 - Current) - The Challenge (originally Real World/Road Rules Challenge) is a reality television game show on MTV that is both dependent on and spun off from the network's two flagship reality shows, The Real World and the now cancelled series, Road Rules. It is currently hosted by former BMX rider T.J. Lavin.
Good Morning, Miss Bliss (1987 - 1989) - Good Morning Miss Bliss stars Hayley Mills as a middle school teacher. Aired on Disney Channel for one season in 1988, it was cancelled then picked up by NBC who dumped Hayley Mills and other cast members and decided to do a spin off series based around the Character Zack Morris that spin off was Sa...
JAG (1995 - 2005) - JAG is a distinct military-themed drama which was first aired on NBC in 1995. NBC cancelled the series after a single season but it was revived by CBS for ten years and remains in syndicated airing. The series follows the exploits of the Washington metropolitan areabased "judge advocates" (i.e. uni...
The New Adventures of Nanoboy (2008 - 2010) - Nine-year-old Oscar often gets picked on for his small size, but he's a little boy hiding a big secret: he's Nanoboy, the world's smallest superhero. When there's trouble in the world of molecules, Oscar shrinks down to be smaller than the average cell to fight off little villains that could mean bi...
Grounded for Life (2001 - 2005) - Grounded for Life is an American television sitcom that debuted on January 10, 2001, as a mid-season replacement on the Fox Network. It was created by Mike Schiff and Bill Martin. It ran for two seasons on the network until being cancelled only two episodes into its third season. It was immediately...
Mrs. Munger's Class (1997 - 1998) - Mrs. Munger's Class was a series of shorts that aired in between shows on ABC's One Saturday Morning. It features Mrs. Munger and her 15 unusual students having adventures in their classroom and field trips. They were in a yearbook setting. But the show got cancelled due to the fact that the student...
Ask NBC News (1979 - 1985) - Hosted by John Chancellor Ask NBC News appeared on Saturday Mornings during commercial breaks of Saturday Morning Cartoons and featured Chancellor giving quick answers to current events in a way children could understand after a child asks him a question on that event.
Golden Globe Awards (1964 - Current) - The Golden Globe Awards are accolades bestowed by the 93 members of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association beginning in January 1944, recognizing excellence in film, both American and International, and the American television. NBC has broadcast the awards annually every year since 1964.
Primetime Emmy Awards (1967 - Current) - The Primetime Emmy Award is an American award bestowed by the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (ATAS) in recognition of excellence in American primetime television programming. First given out in 1949, the award was originally referred to as simply the "Emmy Awards" until the first Daytime Emmy...
Daytime Emmy Awards (1974 - Current) - The Daytime Emmy Award is an American accolade bestowed by the New Yorkbased National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences in recognition of excellence in American daytime television programming. Ceremonies generally are held in May or June. The ceremony has been broadcast in Priemtime since 199...
The Tony Awards (1967 - Current) - The Antoinette Perry Award for Excellence in Broadway Theatre, more commonly known as the Tony Award, recognizes excellence in live Broadway theatre. Held every year since 1947, CBS has televised the ceremony every year since 1967.
Awful Life of Violy (2015 - Current) - Andrew Orozco first made the Series called Awful Life of Violy (Season(s) 1 -) This show doesn't get Cancelled, He will Continue the Series!
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace(1999) - Long, long ago in a galaxy far far away the peaceful planet of Naboo has been invaded by the Trade Federation. Secretley Chancellor Valorum dispatches two jedi knights, Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi, to negotiate with the Trade Federation leader Nute Gunray. When on the ship Qui-Gon...
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure(1989) - Bill and Ted have spent so much time forming their rock band, The Wyld Stallyns, that they're flunking history. When Ted's dad threatens to send him away to military school, Bill and Ted realize it could mean the most heinous end of The Stallyns! Luckly, a guide from the future, Rufus, has come to...
Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey(1991) - Attention all righteous dudes and babes! Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter are back and better than ever with a most triumphant sequel to Bill And Ted's Excellent Adventure! Everything's excellent for everyone's favourite surf-speaking dudes. With their own apartment, a pair of bodacious princess babes a...
Purojekuto A-ko(1986) - Graviton City, just sixteen years after a meteor destroyed it has been rebuilt and is a booming metropolis. A-Ko and her ditzy friend/side kick C-ko have just moved to this city. A-ko is your average 17 year old, except for the fact she is super strong, super fast and an excellent fighter (Her par...
Dream a Little Dream(1989) - An unfortunate bike accident leaves the minds of an elderly man and a young teenager swapped over - and the teenager uses the mind of the elderly man to win the girl of his dreams. An excellent comedy with a superb cast and is certainly well worth watching if you get
Freaked(1993) - The manic writing-directing comedy team of Tom Stern and Alex Winter (the latter of Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure and Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey) followed up their deranged short-film collaborations and the short-lived MTV series The Idiot Box with this comic fantasy, which amounts to a virtual c...
Summer of Fear(1978) - Teenager Rachel (Linda Blair) has her world turned upside down when her cousin Julia (Lee Purcell) comes to live with the family. As Julia steals away Rachel's friends and family, Rachel comes to the realization that Julia is a witch -- and she may not really be he
Nausica of the Valley of the Wind(1985) - Nausica is the Princess of the small Valley of the Wind, one of the few places with clean air left after the Earth was devastated during "The Seven Days of Fire" one thousand years ago, after which a toxic jungle began to take over the planet. Nausica is a pacifist and an excellent flyer on her...
Fallen(1998) - Gregory Hoblit (Primal Fear) directed this genre mix-in, a blend of police drama and supernatural thriller. Homicide detective John Hobbes (Denzel Washington) narrates, taking the audience back to "the time I almost died." This sets a flashback in motion, beginning at the prison cell of serial kille...
Street Trash(1987) - When a liquor store owner finds a case of "Viper" in his cellar, he decides to sell it to the local hobos at one dollar a bottle, unaware of its true properties. The drinks causes its consumers to melt, very messily. Two homeless lads find themselves up against the effects of the toxic brew, as well...
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith(2005) - After the Clone Wars the Galactic Republic has suffered major setbacks. After the rescue of Chancellor Palpetine, Obi-Wan and Anakin are confronted by Dooku who engages them in battle, killing Dooku. Fleeing and crash-landing on the planet Coruscant, Anakin reunites with his wife Padme who is pregna...
Wonderworks - The Little Kidnappers (1995)(1995) - "When a man loses his loved ones in a tragedy, he feels that he may never love again. Then two orphaned boys bring hope back into his life. This heartwarming story won the "Award of Excellence" from the Film Advisory Board. Remake of the classic 1953 version
Barney's Great Adventure(1998) - Two kids named Cody and Abby plus their best friend Marcella and baby brother Fig come to their grandparents' farm for a visit. Cody bullies by the two girls for believing that their stuffed Barney toy can come to life. After the kids use their imagination and it comes to life, the kids wish to go o...
Godzilla VS. Spacegodzilla(1994) - In this movie, Godzilla teams up with the military robot M.O.G.U.E.R.A. to fight SpaceGodzilla! SpaceGodzilla was created by stray Godzilla cells drifting through a black hole, and coming out a whit
The Man With The Golden Gun(1974) - Scaramanga is a hit-man who charges a million dollars per job. He becomes linked to the death of a scientist working on a powerful solar cell, and James Bond is called in to investigate. As he tracks down Scaramanga, he realises that he is highly respected by the killer, but will this prove to be an...
Year Of The Comet(1992) - In this film, young, headstrong Margaret Harwood (Penelope Ann Miller) is entrusted with a business assignment by her wine merchant father. While taking an inventory of the contents of the wine cellar of a Scottish estate, Margaret discovers an almost-priceless bottle of wine from the "year of the c...
Ginger and Fred(1986) - Amelia (Giulietta Masina) and Pippo (Marcello Mastroianni) danced in the style of Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire several decades back. They're reunited on Italian television to perform once more, but they have to deal with assorted strange performers and the troubles of their own pasts.
Micki + Maude(1984) - TV journalist Rob Salinger has been married to assistant district attorney Micki for seven years. He wants children, but she doesn't thinking it will put a damper in her career and more after being appointed to be a judge in the Superior Court. Then Rob meets Maude, a beautiful and seductive cello p...
When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth(1971) - In this sequel to ONE MILLION YEARS B.C. (1966) a young blond escapes sacrifice and falls in love with a handsome fisherman and trains disnoaur. The special effects created by Jim Danforth, are excellent. It got nominated for an Oscar for best Special Effects, but got beaten by Disney's BEDKNOBS AND...
Five Easy Pieces(1970) - A former concert pianist,from A wealthy family,gives it all up to work on an oil rig.But when his father grows ill,the man must rejoin his family,having to face the reasons;he left in the first place.Jack Nicholson is Excellent,in an oscar nominated performance.A good comedy/drama study of working c...
Goof Troop Christmas(1992) - Big-hearted Goofy tries to go all out to give Max a great Christmas but as usual catastrophe follows Goofy's intentions. Excellent Christmas message of Family, Friends and Love conveyed.
The World According To Garp(1982) - An excellent film adaptation of John Irving's bestseller. Robin Williams plays the demanding role of T.S. Garp, a complex and unpredictable young man at odds with a violent and cruel world. Academy Award Nominations: Best Supporting Actor--John Lithgow, Best Supporting Actress--Glenn Close.
Pajama Party(1964) - An teen alien(Tommy Kirk)comes to earth to prepare for an invasion but instead falls for a teenaged human(Annette Funicello).Unofficially the fourth AIP "Beach Party" film.
How To Stuff a Wild Bikini(1965) - While Frankie(Frankie Avalon)is away, serving in the navy,Dee Dee(Annette Funicello)falls in love with an advertising exec(Dwayne Hickman).The sixth entry in the AIP "Beach Party" film series,and the last to feature Frankie and Annette.
Bikini Beach(1964) - When a millionaire(Kennan Wynn) tries to build a retirement community on the beach,Frankie(Frankie Avalon),Dee Dee(Annette Funicello),and their friends, fight back.Third entry in the AIP "Beach Party" series.
Muscle Beach Party(1964) - Frankie(Frankie Avalon)and Dee Dee(Annette Funicello) find that their favorite surfing area has been taken over by a bunch of bodybuilders and a cantankerous trainer(Don Rickles).The second of the AIP "Beach Party" films.
Beach Party(1963) - An anthropologist(Robert Cummings)studies the social habits of a group of teenage surfers(Frankie Avalon and Annette Funicello).The first in the AIP Beach Party series.
Reindeer Games(2000) - Nick and Rudy are cellmates in prison two days away from release. Nick has been corresponding with a young woman named Ashley, who is waiting for him on the outside. After Nick is seemingly killed during a prison fight, Rudy, who wants to have a cup of hot chocolate after he reunites with his family...
Sticky Fingers(1988) - Two girls try hard to find job as musicians. One of them play the cello and the other the violin. They have very little money, even to pay the rent. One day a friend (who is a drug dealer) ask them to keep a bag for some days. When the girls discover that inside the bag there are $ 900,000 they deci...
Minions(2015) - Evolving from single-celled yellow organisms at the dawn of time, Minions live to serve, but find themselves working for a continual series of unsuccessful masters, from T. Rex to Napoleon. Without a master to grovel for, the Minions fall into a deep depression. But one minion, Kevin, has a plan; ac...
The Secret of Kells(2009) - In the remote Irish woods, Cellach (Brendan Gleeson) prepares a fortress for an impending attack by a Viking war party. Unbeknown to Cellach, his young nephew Brendan (Evan McGuire) -- who has no taste for battle -- works secretly as an apprentice in the scriptorium of the local monastery, learning...
Space Warrior Baldios: The Movie(1981) - This film supplied the ending to the cancelled Space Warrior Baldios television series.
The House By The Cemetery(1981) - A deranged killer lives in the basement of an old mansion and pops out occasionally to commit grisly murders that include be-headings, ripped throats, and stabbings with a fireplace poker. The killer needs fresh body parts to rejuvenate his cells. He also has maggots for blood.
Jeremy(1973) - Jeremy Jones is learning Cello at an arts school in New York. At school he spots Susan Rollins, who practices for a ballet audition, and he falls in love on first sight. He's very diffident in nearing her, so he gets some help of his experienced friend Ralph. Susan's first impression isn't great, un...
Deception(1946) - Music teacher Christine Radcliffe thought Karel Novak to have been killed in the war. She loves him more than ever and insists they marry. At their reception her benefactor and former lover offers Karel the chance to solo his new cello concerto. Hollenius torments Christine and she shoots him. The c...
The Hunger(1983) - The Blaylocks, Miriam (Catherine Deneuve) and John (David Bowie), are a well-to-do couple in early 80s New York City. They give cello lessons by day, and by night prowl the discos of Manhattan looking for young and gorgeous people, not for sex, but for blood. Miriam and John are vampires, and Miriam...
Learn Gun Safety With Eddie Eagle(1992) - This excellent animated video, hosted by Jason Priestley, isan entertaining and effective way to teach children the impor-tant safety message that guns are not toys. The Eddie EagleGun Safety Program reaches over a million parents and chil-dren each year.Time: 7 minutes
Babes in Toyland(1934) - Toyland is being invaded Silas Barnaby. And he blamed Tom-Tom piper that he pignapped little Elmer. And then, Our heroes, Stannie Dum (Stan Laurel) and Ollie Dee (Oliver Hardy) told the king that Tom Tom was innocent. They found Little Elmer in Barnaby's cellar. Barnaby had to call the bogeyman to i...
All Through The Night(1941) - Runyonesque Broadway gamblers turn patriotic when they stumble onto a cell of Nazi saboteurs.
Whisper To The Wind(1966) - Siblings discover that their father has their vampire mother chained up in the cellar. The mother bites her son and soon everyone in the community is either dead or a vampire.
The Curse Of The Werewolf(1961) - In Spain, Leon is born on Christmas day to a mute servant girl who was raped by a beggar. His mother dies giving birth and he is looked after by Don Alfredo. As a child Leon becomes a werewolf after having been taken hunting. As a young man, he works in a wine cellar and falls in love with the owner...
Michael Jackson's This Is It(2009) - Documentary film directed by Kenny Ortega. The movie follows the late king of pop Michael Jackson and his rehearsals for the concert series of the same name which were later cancelled after his death in June 2009. The film features Jackson's rehearsals of dances and directing his team as well as beh...
What?(1972) - A young American woman (Sydne Rome) traveling through Italy finds herself in a strange Mediterranean villa where nothing seems right. Her visit becomes an absurd, decadent, oversexed version of "Alice in Wonderland", with Marcello Mastroianni as the maddest of mad hatters and Roman Polanski a kinky...
Guns Girls and Gangsters(1959) - Recently released prisoner Chuck Wheeler, nightclub owner Joe Darren and the lovely Vi Victor plan to steal a armored car. However Mike's former cell mate and Vi's former husband, Mike Bennett escapes from prison ruining th
Sonic Armageddon(2002) - Sonic Armageddon is a cancelled film that was originally going to be released on July 10, 2002, based on the Sonic the Hedgehog television series and the Archie Comics, possibly made around the time of Sonic's 10t
Code Name: Emerald(1985) - Emerald is an agent the Germans "have" inside allied intelligence 1944/WWII. With "help" from Emerald, the Germans catch Wheeler, believed to know the when and where of D-Day. Emerald is sent to be Wheeler's cell mate. Let the game begin.
Cellular(2004) - Cellular is a 2004 American action thriller film directed by David R. Ellis. The film stars Chris Evans, Jason Statham, Kim Basinger and William H. Macy, with Noah Emmerich, Richard Burgi, Valerie Cruz and Jessica Biel. A young man receives an emergency phone call on his cell phone from an older wom...
Despicable Me 3(2017) - Gru teams up with his long-lost twin brother Dru in order to defeat a new enemy named Balthazar Bratt, a former child actor, obsessed with the 1980s, who grows up to become a villain after having his show cancelled following adolescence.
Sunday In The Country(1974) - Three vicious thugs are on the run in rural America after robbing a local bank. They seek refuge at the home of a reclusive farmer, but he is prepared for their arrival and holds them at gunpoint. Unable to let them simply wait for the law, he decides to take them into into his cellar and torture th...
Smokey And The Good Time Outlaws(1978) - J.D. and The Salt Flat Kid have dreams of country-singer stardom and a habit of getting into trouble. After meeting a talent agent in a jail cell, the two buddies leave their small town and set off for Nashville, with hopes of making it to the Grand Ol' Opry on an adventure full of music, laughs, an...
The Berlin Affair(1985) - In 1938, in Berlin, Louise von Hollendorf is a well married woman frequenting art classes. Her husband Heinz von Hollendorf is a successful politician in a pre-war German and they have an excellent relationship. During the class, Louise meets Mitsuko Matsugae, an exotica and very discreet Japanese y...
The Terminal(2004) - Viktor Navorski has just arrived at JFK Airport New York when he discovers that his passport has been cancelled and he cannot enter the US. At the same time a military coup in his native Krakozhia means he cannot return home. Left as a refugee he decided to take up a new life right inside JFK's Term... -- -- Adventure, Fantasy, Shounen, Supernatural -- Adventure, Comedy, Demons, Supernatural, Magic, Fantasy, Shounen -- Music, Kids, Fantasy
Allegiance ::: TV-14 | 42min | Drama, Thriller | TV Series (2015) -- A rookie CIA analyst doesn't know that members of his family are part of a Russian sleeper cell. Stars: Hope Davis, Scott Cohen, Margarita Levieva
All Through the Night (1942) ::: 7.1/10 -- Approved | 1h 47min | Action, Comedy, Crime | 10 January 1942 (USA) -- Runyonesque Broadway gamblers turn patriotic when they stumble onto a cell of Nazi saboteurs. Director: Vincent Sherman Writers: Leonard Spigelgass (screenplay), Edwin Gilbert (screenplay) | 2 more
Any Number Can Win (1963) ::: 7.3/10 -- Mlodie en sous-sol (original title) -- Any Number Can Win Poster -- Charles (Jean Gabin), a sixtyish career criminal fresh out of jail, rejects his wife's plan for a quiet life of bourgeois respectability. He enlists a former cellmate, Francis (Alain Delon)... S Director: Henri Verneuil
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1989) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG | 1h 30min | Adventure, Comedy, Music | 17 February 1989 (USA) -- Two seemingly dumb teens set off on a quest to prepare the ultimate historical presentation with the help of a time machine. Director: Stephen Herek Writers: Chris Matheson, Ed Solomon
Bomber (1982) ::: 6.4/10 -- 1h 41min | Comedy, Action, Crime | 19 November 1982 (Italy) -- Bud "Bomber" Graziano (Bud Spencer) retired from boxing as heavyweight champion and has sworn to never fight again. While living his life on a ship he meets Jerry Cala' (Jerry Cala) who ... S Director: Michele Lupo Writers: Marcello Fondato (story), Francesco Scardamaglia (story) | 2 more credits
Boychoir (2014) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG | 1h 43min | Drama, Music | 12 March 2015 (Singapore) -- After his single mother dies, a young boy with an excellent voice is sent to a prestigious choir school, and has trouble adapting to the culture of the school. Director: Franois Girard Writer:
Brawl in Cell Block 99 (2017) ::: 7.1/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 12min | Action, Crime, Drama | 6 October 2017 (USA) -- A former boxer-turned-drug runner lands in a prison battleground after a deal gets deadly. Director: S. Craig Zahler Writer: S. Craig Zahler
Buried (2010) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 35min | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 15 October 2010 (USA) -- Paul is a U.S. truck driver working in Iraq. After an attack by a group of Iraqis he wakes to find he is buried alive inside a coffin. With only a lighter and a cell phone it's a race against time to escape this claustrophobic death trap. Director: Rodrigo Corts Writer:
Cellular (2004) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 34min | Action, Crime, Thriller | 10 September 2004 (USA) -- A young man receives an emergency phone call on his cell phone from an older woman. The catch? The woman claims to have been kidnapped; and the kidnappers have targeted her husband and child next. Director: David R. Ellis Writers:
Crime Wave (1953) ::: 7.4/10 -- Approved | 1h 13min | Crime, Drama, Film-Noir | 6 March 1954 (USA) -- Reformed parolee Steve Lacey is caught in the middle when a wounded former cellmate seeks him out for shelter. Director: Andr De Toth Writers: Crane Wilbur (screen play), Bernard Gordon (adaptation) | 3 more credits Stars:
Destry Rides Again (1939) ::: 7.7/10 -- Approved | 1h 35min | Comedy, Western | 29 December 1939 (USA) -- Deputy sheriff Destry tames the town of Bottle Neck, including saloon singer Frenchy. Director: George Marshall Writers: Felix Jackson (screen play), Gertrude Purcell (screen play) | 3 more
Hilary and Jackie (1998) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 2h 1min | Biography, Drama, Music | 5 February 1999 (USA) -- The tragic story of world renowned classic cellist Jacqueline du Pr, as told from the point of view of her sister, flautist Hilary du Pr-Finzi. Director: Anand Tucker Writers:
Jesse Stone: No Remorse (2010) ::: 7.3/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 27min | Crime, Drama | TV Movie 9 May 2010 -- Police Chief Jesse Stone's suspended in Paradise. He helps a friend as "temp" with a serial killer in Boston. He gets his first cellphone to avoid calls from his ex. Paradise PD's way over its head with a convenience store robbery/murder. Director: Robert Harmon Writers:
Let Sleeping Corpses Lie (1974) ::: 6.8/10 -- No profanar el sueo de los muertos (original title) -- Let Sleeping Corpses Lie Poster A cop chases two hippies suspected of a series of Manson family-like murders; unbeknownst to him, the real culprits are the living dead, brought to life with a hunger for human flesh by ultrasonic radiation being used for pest control. Director: Jorge Grau Writers: Sandro Continenza, Marcello Coscia
Like Sunday, Like Rain (2014) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 44min | Drama, Music | 6 October 2014 (USA) -- Surrounded by wealth and living with abundant resources in Manhattan, 12-year-old cello prodigy Reggie, lives a solitary life lacking only frequently absent parents and friends. Estranged from family, having slacker boyfriend troubles, and fired from her waitressing job, sometimes musician 23-year-old Eleanor needs a new place to live and a new job. Director: Frank Whaley
Marcella ::: TV-MA | 45min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (2016 ) -- Marcella Backland left the Metropolitan Police for the sake of her family, only to have her husband leave her. She returns to her job on the murder squad, investigating a case that seems disturbingly familiar to her. Creators:
Miracle in Cell No. 7 (2013) ::: 8.2/10 -- 7-beon-bang-ui seon-mul (original title) -- Miracle in Cell No. 7 Poster A story about the love between a mentally-ill father and his lovingly adorable daughter. Director: Hwan-kyung Lee (as Lee Hwan-Kyung) Writers: Hwan-kyung Lee (screenplay) (as Lee Hwan-Kyung), Yeong-ah Yoo (screenplay) | 2 more credits
Queen (2013) ::: 8.2/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 26min | Adventure, Comedy, Drama | 7 March 2014 (India) -- A Delhi girl from a traditional family sets out on a solo honeymoon after her marriage gets cancelled. Director: Vikas Bahl Writers: Vikas Bahl (story and screenplay), Chaitally Parmar (story and
Running Out of Time (1999) ::: 7.4/10 -- Am zin (original title) -- Kong) Running Out of Time Poster -- Police inspector and excellent hostage negotiator Ho Sheung-Sang finds himself in over his head when he is pulled into a 72 hour game by a cancer suffering criminal out for vengeance on Hong Kong's organized crime Syndicates. Director: Johnnie To
Running Out of Time (1999) ::: 7.4/10 -- Am zin (original title) -- Kong) Running Out of Time Poster -- Police inspector and excellent hostage negotiator Ho Sheung-Sang finds
Sanctuary ::: TV-14 | 44min | Action, Drama, Fantasy | TV Series (2008-2011) Episode Guide 59 episodes Sanctuary Poster -- Stem cells, gene therapy, transplants, and cloning have changed the definition of "humanity" in the modern world, but the darker side contains monsters that only few are brave enough to face, because the future lies in their hands. Creator:
Sanctuary ::: TV-14 | 44min | Action, Drama, Fantasy | TV Series (20082011) -- Stem cells, gene therapy, transplants, and cloning have changed the definition of "humanity" in the modern world, but the darker side contains monsters that only few are brave enough to face, because the future lies in their hands. Creator:
Sleeper Cell ::: TV-MA | 1h | Crime, Drama, Thriller | TV Series (20052006) -- An American undercover FBI agent is assigned to infiltrate a terrorist sleeper cell that is planning an attack in Los Angeles. Creators: Ethan Reiff, Cyrus Voris
Sneaky Pete ::: TV-MA | 1h | Crime | TV Series (20152019) -- A con man on the run from a vicious gangster takes cover by assuming the identity of his prison cellmate, Pete, reuniting with his estranged family, that threatens to drag him into a world just as dangerous as the one he's escaping. Creators:
Speechless ::: TV-PG | 30min | Comedy | TV Series (20162019) -- The family of a special-needs teen is good at dealing with the challenges he faces - and excellent at creating new ones. Creator: Scott Silveri
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG | 1h 50min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | 6 December 1991 (USA) -- On the eve of retirement, Kirk and McCoy are charged with assassinating the Klingon High Chancellor and imprisoned. The Enterprise crew must help them escape to thwart a conspiracy aimed at sabotaging the last best hope for peace. Director: Nicholas Meyer Writers:
Stir Crazy (1980) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 51min | Comedy, Crime | 12 December 1980 (USA) -- Set up and wrongfully accused, two best friends will be sent to prison for a crime they didn't commit. However, no prison cell could keep them locked in. Director: Sidney Poitier Writer:
Swordfish (2001) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 39min | Action, Crime, Thriller | 8 June 2001 (USA) -- A covert counter-terrorist unit called Black Cell led by Gabriel Shear wants the money to help finance their war against international terrorism, but it's all locked away. Gabriel brings in convicted hacker Stanley Jobson to help him. Director: Dominic Sena Writer:
The Cell (2000) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 47min | Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller | 18 August 2000 (USA) -- An F.B.I. Agent persuades a social worker, who is adept with a new experimental technology, to enter the mind of a comatose serial killer in order to learn where he has hidden his latest kidnap victim. Director: Tarsem Singh Writer:
The Cell (2000) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 47min | Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller | 18 August 2000 (USA) -- An F.B.I. Agent persuades a social worker, who is adept with a new experimental technology, to enter the mind of a comatose serial killer in order to learn where he has hidden his latest kidnap victim.
The Hunger (1983) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 37min | Drama, Horror | 29 April 1983 (USA) -- A love triangle develops between a beautiful yet dangerous vampire, her cellist companion, and a gerontologist. Director: Tony Scott Writers: Ivan Davis (screenplay), Michael Thomas (screenplay) | 1 more credit
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks (2017) ::: 6.3/10 -- TV-MA | 1h 33min | Biography, Drama, History | TV Movie 22 April 2017 -- An African-American woman becomes an unwitting pioneer for medical breakthroughs when her cells are used to create the first immortal human cell line in the early 1950s. Director: George C. Wolfe Writers:
The Little Drummer Girl ::: TV-MA | 55min | Drama, Thriller | TV Series (2018) -- A Palestinian assassin is targeting prominent Israelis. An English actress is recruited by the Israelis to infiltrate the assassin's terrorist cell. This will require all of her acting talents and put her at considerable risk. Stars:
The Man with the Golden Gun (1974) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG | 2h 5min | Action, Adventure, Thriller | 20 December 1974 (USA) -- James Bond is targeted by the world's most expensive assassin, while he attempts to recover sensitive solar cell technology that is being sold to the highest bidder. Director: Guy Hamilton Writers:
The Platform (2019) ::: 7.0/10 -- El hoyo (original title) -- The Platform Poster -- A vertical prison with one cell per level. Two people per cell. Only one food platform and two minutes per day to feed. An endless nightmare trapped in The Hole. Director: Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia Writers:
There Was a Crooked Man... (1970) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 2h 6min | Comedy, Western | 19 September 1970 (France) -- A charming but totally ruthless criminal is sent to a remote Arizona prison. He enlists the help of his cellmates in an escape attempt with the promise of sharing his hidden loot. Director: Joseph L. Mankiewicz Writers:
The Robe (1953) ::: 6.8/10 -- Unrated | 2h 15min | Drama, History | 4 December 1953 (France) -- In the Roman province of Judea during the 1st century, Roman tribune Marcellus Gallio is ordered to crucify Jesus of Nazareth but is tormented by his guilty conscience afterwards. Director: Henry Koster Writers:
The Tree (2010) ::: 6.6/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 40min | Drama, Romance | 11 August 2010 (France) -- After the death of her father, an 8-year-old girl becomes convinced that he is whispering to her through the leaves of the gargantuan tree that towers over her house. Director: Julie Bertuccelli Writers:
Toy Story That Time Forgot (2014) ::: 7.2/10 -- TV-G | 22min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | TV Movie 2 December 2014 -- It's a post-Christmas play-date and the toys have to go up against the fearsome and aggressive new dino toys. Director: Steve Purcell Writer: Steve Purcell Stars:
Welcome to Collinwood (2002) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 26min | Comedy, Crime | 18 October 2002 (USA) -- Cosimo gets a plan for a huge job from his cellmate. He asks his woman to find a patsy for his bungled car theft, offering $15,000. Suddenly, 7 are involved. Directors: Anthony Russo, Joe Russo Writers:'t_cancelled_in_1989!!'s_Excellent_Adventure!_Wiki,_Florida
Advancer Tina -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Space Hentai Sci-Fi -- Advancer Tina Advancer Tina -- There is something very dangerous about planet Omega 13. Whatever it is, it's been killing Advancers sent out, one by one, to investigate. The Domestic Union of Arms is perplexed, so top DUA officer Mugal decides to give the job to the most dangerous, most independent, and most expendable Advancer they could find. -- -- They find such an Advancer in the renegade Tina Owens. Currently incarcerated with a 2,000 year sentence for blowing up a planet, she is given a tempting offer. Instead of rotting in her cell, if she'll go to Omega 13, find and destroy any threats on the planet, and determine any exploitable resources for the Allied Earth Government, they'll let her go. -- -- Knowing how dangerous Omega 13 appears to be (and thinking about what has yet to be discovered), how would you decide? Tina takes the job, and she sets off for the planet. -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- OVA - Aug 21, 1996 -- 2,598 5.05
Ansatsu Kyoushitsu 2nd Season -- -- Lerche -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy School Shounen -- Ansatsu Kyoushitsu 2nd Season Ansatsu Kyoushitsu 2nd Season -- The students return as school is back in session for the second semester. Following their exploits on the island during summer vacation, Class 3-E continues to sharpen their blades with their sights set on their teacher, the slippery Koro-sensei. They have more to worry about than just their teacher, however, as enemy assassins, both old and new, are out for the increased bounty on the octopus' head. -- -- Moreover, their rivals in Class A, as well as Kunugigaoka Junior High's fearsome principal, stand to block Class E from achieving academic excellence. With all of these obstacles opposing them, the group must continue to work together in order to overcome their foes and accomplish their goal of successfully assassinating their teacher. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 969,377 8.53
Aquarion Logos -- -- Satelight -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Drama Fantasy Mecha Romance Sci-Fi -- Aquarion Logos Aquarion Logos -- For thousands of years after its development, mankind used the written word for communication between people and generations. As millenia passed and technology became more prevalent, writing - and thus, communication as a whole - diminished, until it could only be found on cell phones and computer screens. Seeing an opportunity, the sorcerer Sogan Kenzaki starts infecting words with the Nesta Virus, which brings them to life and turns them into monsters called MJBK (Menace of Japanese with Biological Kinetic energy). -- -- To counter this attack against humanity, an organization known as DEAVA (Division of EArth Verbalism Ability) assembles a group of youths with the ability of "Verbalism". They have to pilot the vector machines, which are used to form the mechas dubbed "Aquarions". The one wild card in the situation is the self-dubbed "savior", a young man who is the direct relative of a famous calligrapher, named Akira Kaibuki. -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 20,066 5.71
Arata naru Sekai: World's/Start/Load/End -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- - -- Sci-Fi -- Arata naru Sekai: World's/Start/Load/End Arata naru Sekai: World's/Start/Load/End -- Four high school girls in uniforms walk silently on the barren earth. These girls are time travelers who had been sent 6000 years into the future, from their present in which the same day is endlessly repeated, in order to evade human extinction. -- -- They studied time travel in school, were examined by the aptitude test, and were sent to the future as told. What should they do now? They had no idea. The only thing they could take with them from the present was a light, toy-like cellphone. Of course, it receives no signal here. -- -- As the girls are walking, they see strange birds flying in the sky, and a discolored river in the distance. -- -- Then, one girl finds an abandoned house, and recognizes the name inscribed on the front gates. -- OVA - Oct 20, 2012 -- 18,568 6.30
Beastars 2nd Season -- -- Orange -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Psychological Drama Shounen -- Beastars 2nd Season Beastars 2nd Season -- "Beastar"—a title awarded to beasts who prove their excellence through fighting inequality to unite carnivores and herbivores in an anthropomorphic animal society. Cherryton Academy has gone five years without one such leader. However, following the murder of an alpaca within the school boundaries, the growing tension between the different species poses a greater need for a Beastar to ensure peace and harmony. -- -- When Louis, the prime candidate for this prestigious role, rejects the offer and leaves the academy, the student council declares to honor any student who captures the culprit of the aforementioned murder as Beastar. Meanwhile, Legoshi's sense of duty as a strong wolf who must protect the weak pushes him to investigate the incident. To further complicate his life, he struggles to manage his complex feelings for the white rabbit, Haru. -- -- 223,463 8.06
Black� -- Rock Shooter -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Other -- Action Music -- Black� -- Rock Shooter Black� -- Rock Shooter -- The official music video that eventually spawned the entire Black Rock Shooter franchise. Inspired by the first official illustration by huke, the song was composed by ryo of supercell, illustrated by huke and sung by Hatsune Miku, Vocaloid's main character. -- Music - Jun 13, 2008 -- 60,855 7.05
Black� -- Rock Shooter (OVA) -- -- Ordet -- 1 ep -- Other -- Action Slice of Life Drama School -- Black� -- Rock Shooter (OVA) Black� -- Rock Shooter (OVA) -- On her first day of junior high school, Mato Kuroi meets Yomi Takanashi. Though Yomi is initially taken aback by Mako's straightforward personality, the pair quickly becomes friends and begin to spend time together daily. As a sign of their friendship, Mato gives Yomi a cell phone charm—a blue star, identical to her own. -- -- However, when the two enter their second year, their relationship starts to change. Placed in a different class, Mato begins to spend more time with Yuu Koutari instead, a girl she met through the basketball team. In fact, the former best friends drift apart so much so that Mato cannot find Yomi anywhere, as if she had disappeared entirely. -- -- Elsewhere, Black� -- Rock Shooter is on a quest to vanquish the Dead Master. These two, while opposed, bear a connection not unlike Mato and Yomi. As their stories begin to cross, it seems Yomi's disappearance may have to do with the blue star-shaped charm and the legendary gunslinger herself. -- -- OVA - Jul 24, 2010 -- 162,971 7.12
Blue Gender -- -- AIC -- 26 eps -- Original -- Adventure Romance Mecha Military Sci-Fi Horror Space Drama -- Blue Gender Blue Gender -- Blue Gender takes place in the not too distant future in a world where things have gone terribly wrong for humanity. Humans have been replaced at the top of the food chain by the Blue, a race of bug-like aliens that have colonized Earth and pushed humans aside. A space station, Second Earth, has been constructed as a safe haven for humans, with the hope of one day reclaiming the Earth once more. -- -- Yuji Kaido was cryogenically frozen, having been suffering from a disease known as B-Cells. Once awakened, he joins a team of soldiers that have come to Earth to extract him. Unfortunately, nothing goes according to plan as they make their way back to Second Earth. -- -- Yuji will have to deal with the horrors of fighting a bloody war as he and the fighters from Second Earth look to survive. Will they be able to win back Earth without losing their humanity? -- 66,851 7.05
Blue Gender -- -- AIC -- 26 eps -- Original -- Adventure Romance Mecha Military Sci-Fi Horror Space Drama -- Blue Gender Blue Gender -- Blue Gender takes place in the not too distant future in a world where things have gone terribly wrong for humanity. Humans have been replaced at the top of the food chain by the Blue, a race of bug-like aliens that have colonized Earth and pushed humans aside. A space station, Second Earth, has been constructed as a safe haven for humans, with the hope of one day reclaiming the Earth once more. -- -- Yuji Kaido was cryogenically frozen, having been suffering from a disease known as B-Cells. Once awakened, he joins a team of soldiers that have come to Earth to extract him. Unfortunately, nothing goes according to plan as they make their way back to Second Earth. -- -- Yuji will have to deal with the horrors of fighting a bloody war as he and the fighters from Second Earth look to survive. Will they be able to win back Earth without losing their humanity? -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 66,851 7.05
Boku no Hero Academia -- -- Bones -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy School Shounen Super Power -- Boku no Hero Academia Boku no Hero Academia -- The appearance of "quirks," newly discovered super powers, has been steadily increasing over the years, with 80 percent of humanity possessing various abilities from manipulation of elements to shapeshifting. This leaves the remainder of the world completely powerless, and Izuku Midoriya is one such individual. -- -- Since he was a child, the ambitious middle schooler has wanted nothing more than to be a hero. Izuku's unfair fate leaves him admiring heroes and taking notes on them whenever he can. But it seems that his persistence has borne some fruit: Izuku meets the number one hero and his personal idol, All Might. All Might's quirk is a unique ability that can be inherited, and he has chosen Izuku to be his successor! -- -- Enduring many months of grueling training, Izuku enrolls in UA High, a prestigious high school famous for its excellent hero training program, and this year's freshmen look especially promising. With his bizarre but talented classmates and the looming threat of a villainous organization, Izuku will soon learn what it really means to be a hero. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 2,093,393 8.06
Bokura no: Tsuisou -- -- Gonzo -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Psychological Drama Mecha -- Bokura no: Tsuisou Bokura no: Tsuisou -- A Bokurano recap episode of first 15 episodes. Aired on the 24 July 2007 on channel tvk instead of episode 16, while other stations cancelled the broadcast altogether for the same week. -- Special - Jul 24, 2007 -- 2,937 6.09
Bouken Ou Beet Excellion -- -- Toei Animation -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Fantasy Shounen Supernatural -- Bouken Ou Beet Excellion Bouken Ou Beet Excellion -- It is the dark century and the people are suffering under the rule of the devil, Vandel, who is able to manipulate monsters. The Vandel Busters are a group of people who hunt these devils, and among them, the Zenon Squad is known to be the strongest busters on the continent. A young boy, Beet, dreams of joining the Zenon Squad. However, one day, as a result of Beet's fault, the Zenon squad was defeated by the devil, Beltose. The five dying busters sacrificed their life power into their five weapons, Saiga. After giving their weapons to Beet, they passed away. Years have passed since then and the young Vandel Buster, Beet, begins his adventure to carry out the Zenon Squad's will to put an end to the dark century. -- 6,908 6.71
Captain Tsubasa (2018) -- -- David Production -- 52 eps -- Manga -- Action Sports Shounen -- Captain Tsubasa (2018) Captain Tsubasa (2018) -- Captain Tsubasa is the passionate story of an elementary school student whose thoughts and dreams revolve almost entirely around the love of soccer. 11-year-old Tsubasa Oozora started playing football at a very young age, and while it was mostly just a recreational sport for his friends, for him, it developed into something of an obsession. -- -- In order to pursue his dream to the best of his elementary school abilities, Tsubasa moves with his mother to Nankatsu city, which is well-known for its excellent elementary school soccer teams. But although he was easily the best in his old town, Nankatsu has a lot more competition, and he will need all of his skill and talent in order to stand out from this new crowd. -- -- He encounters not only rivals, but also new friends like the pretty girl Sanae Nakazawa and the talented goalkeeper, Genzo Wakabayashi, who shares the same passion as Tsubasa, and will prove to be a treasured friend in helping him push towards his dreams. Representing Japan in the FIFA World Cup is Tsubasa’s ultimate dream, but it will take a lot more than talent to reach it. -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- 55,697 7.41
Captain Tsubasa -- -- Tsuchida Productions -- 128 eps -- Manga -- Action Shounen Sports -- Captain Tsubasa Captain Tsubasa -- Captain Tsubasa is the passionate story of an elementary school student whose thoughts and dreams revolve almost entirely around the love of soccer. 11-year-old Tsubasa Oozora started playing soccer at a very young age, and while it was mostly just a recreational sport for his friends, for him, it developed into something of an obsession. -- -- In order to pursue his dream to the best of his elementary school abilities, Tsubasa moves with his mother to Nankatsu city, which is well-known for its excellent elementary school soccer teams. But although he was easily the best in his old town, Nankatsu has a lot more competition, and he will need all of his skill and talent in order to stand out from this new crowd. -- -- He encounters not only rivals, but also new friends like the pretty girl Sanae Nakazawa and the talented goalkeeper, Genzo Wakabayashi, who shares the same passion as Tsubasa, and will prove to be a treasured friend in helping him push towards his dreams. Representing Japan in the FIFA World Cup is Tsubasa’s ultimate dream, but it will take a lot more than talent to reach it. -- TV - Oct 13, 1983 -- 67,893 7.30
Chang -- -- Studio Dadashow -- 1 ep -- - -- Drama Military Thriller -- Chang Chang -- Sergeant Jeong Cheol-min's squad are staying indoors a corroded stockroom renovated without windows. His squad is well known for their hardworking members until councellor Hong Yeong-soo comes in. Jeong Cheol-min does all he can to make Hong Yeong-soo the right man for his squad and the army requires him to. However, private Hong Yeong-soo doesn't adjust to the surroundings and causes trouble. -- -- (Source: Hancinema) -- Movie - Nov 1, 2012 -- 614 N/A -- -- Phantom Yuusha Densetsu -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Action Military Drama Seinen -- Phantom Yuusha Densetsu Phantom Yuusha Densetsu -- Yazawa, a Japanese pilot, suffers a crash in his Phantom jetfighter. After a six month recovery, his old friend from an airplane magazine wants him to investigate the appearance of a Phantom in an armed conflict in El Salvador. Yazawa's investigations makes him wind up in an international arms conspiracy. Based on a series of military fiction novels. -- OVA - Jan 24, 1991 -- 604 5.33
Chrno Crusade -- -- Gonzo -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Demons Historical Romance Shounen Supernatural -- Chrno Crusade Chrno Crusade -- The 1920s was a decade of great change and upheaval, with monstrous demons appearing across America. To combat this menace, the holy organization known as the Order of Magdalene was established. The organization's New York branch is home to the young and reckless Sister Rosette Christopher, as well as her partner Chrno. Tasked with the extermination of demonic threats, the renowned team is excellent at their job, despite causing extensive collateral damage on their missions. -- -- However, both Rosette and Chrno are driven by their dark pasts. Through exterminating demons, Rosette hopes to find her lost brother Joshua who was taken by the sinner and demon, Aion, with whom Chrno also shares a bloody history. The two of them must fight off the increasingly dangerous demonic menace and discover its source, while continuing to search for the truth behind Joshua's disappearance. -- -- 200,692 7.65
Chrno Crusade -- -- Gonzo -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Demons Historical Romance Shounen Supernatural -- Chrno Crusade Chrno Crusade -- The 1920s was a decade of great change and upheaval, with monstrous demons appearing across America. To combat this menace, the holy organization known as the Order of Magdalene was established. The organization's New York branch is home to the young and reckless Sister Rosette Christopher, as well as her partner Chrno. Tasked with the extermination of demonic threats, the renowned team is excellent at their job, despite causing extensive collateral damage on their missions. -- -- However, both Rosette and Chrno are driven by their dark pasts. Through exterminating demons, Rosette hopes to find her lost brother Joshua who was taken by the sinner and demon, Aion, with whom Chrno also shares a bloody history. The two of them must fight off the increasingly dangerous demonic menace and discover its source, while continuing to search for the truth behind Joshua's disappearance. -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation -- 200,692 7.65
Citrus -- -- Passione -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Romance School Shoujo Ai -- Citrus Citrus -- During the summer of her freshman year of high school, Yuzu Aihara's mother remarried, forcing her to transfer to a new school. To a fashionable socialite like Yuzu, this inconvenient event is just another opportunity to make new friends, fall in love, and finally experience a first kiss. Unfortunately, Yuzu's dreams and style do not conform with her new ultrastrict, all-girls school, filled with obedient shut-ins and overachieving grade-skippers. Her gaudy appearance manages to grab the attention of Mei Aihara, the beautiful and imposing student council president, who immediately proceeds to sensually caress Yuzu's body in an effort to confiscate her cellphone. -- -- Thoroughly exhausted from her first day, Yuzu arrives home and discovers a shocking truth—Mei is actually her new step-sister! Though Yuzu initially tries to be friendly with her, Mei's cold shoulder routine forces Yuzu to begin teasing her. But before Yuzu can finish her sentence, Mei forces her to the ground and kisses her, with Yuzu desperately trying to break free. Once done, Mei storms out of the room, leaving Yuzu to ponder the true nature of her first kiss, and the secrets behind the tortured expression in the eyes of her new sister. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 364,268 6.51
Cowboy Bebop: Yose Atsume Blues -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama Sci-Fi Space -- Cowboy Bebop: Yose Atsume Blues Cowboy Bebop: Yose Atsume Blues -- Due to the violence portrayed in the Cowboy Bebop world and violence in Japanese schools, the series was briefly cancelled and an extra session was created as a final episode to the first thirteen episodes aired. Called "Session XX: Mish-Mash Blues," a compilation of clips from previous episodes, it aired on June 26, 1998 on TV Tokyo. The episode was never released on DVD. In it, the characters provide a philosophical commentary and end with the words: This Is Not The End. You Will See The Real "Cowboy Bebop" Someday! -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- Special - Jun 26, 1998 -- 37,216 7.44
Detective Conan Movie 20: The Darkest Nightmare -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Mystery Police Shounen -- Detective Conan Movie 20: The Darkest Nightmare Detective Conan Movie 20: The Darkest Nightmare -- On a dark night, the Japanese police is raided by a spy. Different countries' intelligence agencies—such as England's MI6, Germany's BND, and America's CIA—as well as the FBI's secret files are going to be taken, but public safety officers lead by Tooru Amuro arrive just in time. The spy steals a car and escapes. The spy and Amuro are then locked in a dead heat on the highway, and just as it is about to cause an accident with multiple cars, the spy's car is hit by FBI agent Shuichi Akai's rifle bullet and falls of the roadway. -- The next day, Conan and his friends go to a newly-remodeled aquarium in Tokyo. Under the main attraction, a Ferris wheel, Conan finds an attractive woman alone and injured. Her left and right eyes are different colors. -- -- But the woman is in a state of amnesia where she doesn't even remember her own name, and the cellphone she's carrying is broken. Conan and his friends promise to help her regain her memory, so they stay with her. -- -- Throughout all this, Vermouth is watching behind the scenes. Afterwards, she pulls out a silencer and speaks into an attached intercom, "It's as planned, Gin." -- Movie - Apr 16, 2016 -- 29,585 8.17
Doraemon -- -- - -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Fantasy Kids Shounen -- Doraemon Doraemon -- Nobita Nobi is so hapless that his 22nd century decendants are still impoverished as a result of his 20th century bumbling. In a bid to raise their social status, their servant, a robotic cat named Doraemon, decides to travel back in time and guide Nobita on the proper path to fortune. Unfortunately Doraemon, a dysfunctional robot that the familly acquired by accident (but chose to keep nonetheless), isn't much better off than Nobita. The robot leads Nobita on many adventures, and while Nobita's life certainly is more exciting with the robot cat from the future, it is questionable if it is in fact better in the way that Doraemon planned. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Note: The series has been poorly preserved, and never released on any format, nor has it ever been re-aired. -- -- Nearly all the footage within the series (except for the opening and closing credits) was destroyed in an accidental fire sometime after the series was cancelled. -- -- Surviving reels from the show are occasionally shown at Doraemon fan conventions in Japan. In addition, the audio of several episodes still survives. Still images from episodes 1 and 24 exists. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- 16,840 7.37
Doukyuusei (Movie) -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Slice of Life Romance School Shounen Ai -- Doukyuusei (Movie) Doukyuusei (Movie) -- Hikaru Kusakabe is a normal, carefree boy in a rock band who is always focused on the present. During the summer, his entire class is forced to participate in an upcoming chorus festival. By coincidence, he discovers his classmate Rihito Sajou—known for being an honor student with excellent grades—practicing his singing alone. Sajou just cannot seem to get their class' song right, and Kusakabe, delighted at seeing a new side of his straight-laced classmate, offers to help him prepare for the event. -- -- Although their lives and personalities are total opposites, they begin to grow closer as time progresses. But with the pressure of an unknown future, what will become of them and their growing relationship? -- -- Movie - Feb 20, 2016 -- 172,090 8.32
Dragon Ball Z Movie 12: Fukkatsu no Fusion!! Gokuu to Vegeta -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Sci-Fi Shounen -- Dragon Ball Z Movie 12: Fukkatsu no Fusion!! Gokuu to Vegeta Dragon Ball Z Movie 12: Fukkatsu no Fusion!! Gokuu to Vegeta -- After a janitorial mishap, an unsuspecting custodian transforms into Janemba, a fat, yellow demon who wreaks havoc throughout the afterlife. Gokuu Son has been competing in martial arts tournaments for the undead since his heroic death in the battle against Cell. Soon, Janemba's chaos draws Gokuu and fellow combatant Pikkon toward him, forcing the pair to figure out a way to defeat the giant monster. -- -- After a bout with him, Gokuu witnesses Janemba undergo another transformation: the demon sheds his fat and changes color, turning into a sword-wielding enemy more powerful than anyone Gokuu has faced thus far. With the aid of his similarly deceased rival Vegeta, Gokuu must stop the terrifying Janemba from disrupting the very fabric of the universe. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Mar 4, 1995 -- 114,805 7.55
Dragon Ball Z Movie 12: Fukkatsu no Fusion!! Gokuu to Vegeta -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Sci-Fi Shounen -- Dragon Ball Z Movie 12: Fukkatsu no Fusion!! Gokuu to Vegeta Dragon Ball Z Movie 12: Fukkatsu no Fusion!! Gokuu to Vegeta -- After a janitorial mishap, an unsuspecting custodian transforms into Janemba, a fat, yellow demon who wreaks havoc throughout the afterlife. Gokuu Son has been competing in martial arts tournaments for the undead since his heroic death in the battle against Cell. Soon, Janemba's chaos draws Gokuu and fellow combatant Pikkon toward him, forcing the pair to figure out a way to defeat the giant monster. -- -- After a bout with him, Gokuu witnesses Janemba undergo another transformation: the demon sheds his fat and changes color, turning into a sword-wielding enemy more powerful than anyone Gokuu has faced thus far. With the aid of his similarly deceased rival Vegeta, Gokuu must stop the terrifying Janemba from disrupting the very fabric of the universe. -- -- Movie - Mar 4, 1995 -- 114,805 7.55
Dragon Ball Z: Zenbu Misemasu Toshi Wasure Dragon Ball Z! -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Slice of Life Adventure Fantasy Martial Arts Comedy Super Power Shounen -- Dragon Ball Z: Zenbu Misemasu Toshi Wasure Dragon Ball Z! Dragon Ball Z: Zenbu Misemasu Toshi Wasure Dragon Ball Z! -- In this film, which is believed to take place some time around the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament, Gohan and Goten are having a hot bath outside in the middle of winter. Goku (who is still dead) suddenly appears in front of his sons with the help of his Instant Transmission, and joins them in the tub. While there, the three Saiyans reflect back on the events that occurred during the Cell Games. Inside the house after Chi-Chi appeared, Goku tells his sons about Pikkon and the Other World Tournament. -- -- Later, the four members of the Son family appear dressed nicely. Gohan says that the adult division of the Tournament will begin this next year (in 1994), and the special comes to an end. -- -- (Source: Dragon Ball Wikia) -- Special - Dec 31, 1993 -- 12,907 6.51
Dr. Stone: Stone Wars -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 11 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Adventure Comedy Shounen -- Dr. Stone: Stone Wars Dr. Stone: Stone Wars -- Senkuu has made it his goal to bring back two million years of human achievement and revive the entirety of those turned to statues. However, one man stands in his way: Tsukasa Shishiou, who believes that only the fittest of those petrified should be revived. -- -- As the snow melts and spring approaches, Senkuu and his allies in Ishigami Village finish the preparations for their attack on the Tsukasa Empire. With a reinvented cell phone model now at their disposal, the Kingdom of Science is ready to launch its newest scheme to recruit the sizable numbers of Tsukasa's army to their side. However, it is a race against time; for every day the Kingdom of Science spends perfecting their inventions, the empire rapidly grows in number. -- -- Reuniting with old friends and gaining new allies, Senkuu and the Kingdom of Science must stop Tsukasa's forces in order to fulfill their goal of restoring humanity and all its creations. With the two sides each in pursuit of their ideal world, the Stone Wars have now begun! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 535,602 8.22
Endride -- -- Brain's Base -- 24 eps -- Original -- Adventure Fantasy -- Endride Endride -- Shun Asanaga is a 15-year-old junior high school student with an optimistic and bright personality. One day, he finds a mysterious crystal in the office of his father, who is a scientist and businessman. When Shun touches it, the world becomes distorted, and he is sent into the world of Endra. Emilio, a prince of the kingdom of Endra, is nearing his 16th birthday and despises the reigning king, Delzain. Since Emilio is now at the age when he can inherit the throne, he takes up a weapon and attempts revenge. However, because Emilio is too weak, he is captured by Delzain and put in prison. When Emilio is in grief, the wall of his cell becomes distorted and Shun appears from there with two goals: return to his own world, and complete Emilio's revenge. What future lies ahead for the two boys trying to survive in Endra, yet raised in two different worlds? -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 63,061 5.64
Fantastic Cell -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Dementia -- Fantastic Cell Fantastic Cell -- Mirai Mizue's debut animation short film. -- Movie - ??? ??, 2003 -- 641 4.78
Fate/Extra: Last Encore -- -- Shaft -- 10 eps -- Game -- Action Fantasy Magic -- Fate/Extra: Last Encore Fate/Extra: Last Encore -- A technological hell masquerading as paradise, Tsukimihara Academy is an artificial high school that serves as the setting for the next Holy Grail War. Created by the Moon Cell computer, the school is inhabited by Earth-projected souls who have even the slightest aptitude for being a "Master." Of these 256 souls, 128 will be chosen for the main tournament and granted a Servant. With all of the Masters selected, the Academy activates a purge, targeting the remaining lifeforms for elimination. -- -- Awakening in a pool of his own blood, Hakuno Kishinami refuses to die. Fueled by unknown feelings of hatred, he vows to fight for survival. As he struggles to escape from a relentless pursuer, he finds a crimson blade plunged into the ground; and by pulling it out, Hakuno summons his own Servant, Saber, who instantly destroys his pursuer in a flurry of rose petals. With his newfound power, Hakuno must now begin his journey to Moon Cell's core, the Angelica Cage. There, he will unveil the reason for this artificial world and the secrets of his own blood-soaked past. -- -- 165,564 6.29
Fate/Extra: Last Encore - Illustrias Tendousetsu -- -- Shaft -- 3 eps -- Game -- Action Fantasy Magic -- Fate/Extra: Last Encore - Illustrias Tendousetsu Fate/Extra: Last Encore - Illustrias Tendousetsu -- After defeating the various Floor Masters of the six prior levels, Hakuno Kishinami and Saber arrive at the top floor of the Moon Cell. Their opponent will be Leonardo B. Harwey—the strongest Master in the history of the Holy Grail War and the current fan favorite, following his previous victory. -- -- As they reach a field of flowers among floating isles, Hakuno, Saber, and Rin Toosaka come across a hooded man tending to the blossoms. Saber immediately draws her blade before the cloaked figure, who reveals himself as Prince Gawain: the Platinum Saber and Knight of the Round Table. However, when Gawain insists that he has no interest in fighting, the four discuss the infinite possibilities for the Holy Grail, with Hakuno determined to return the Moon Cell to its original form. -- -- Their discussion ends with a clangor from afar, ringing through the skies. The threadbare Gawain, knowing its significance, informs the three that not much time remains for their lives. He beckons them towards the final battleground, where the two Sabers shall duel once more to determine the future of mankind. -- -- TV - Jul 29, 2018 -- 48,706 6.54
Fate/Grand Order: Shuukyoku Tokuiten - Kani Jikan Shinden Solomon -- -- - -- ? eps -- Game -- Action Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Fate/Grand Order: Shuukyoku Tokuiten - Kani Jikan Shinden Solomon Fate/Grand Order: Shuukyoku Tokuiten - Kani Jikan Shinden Solomon -- (No synopsis yet.) -- - - ??? ??, ???? -- 22,965 N/AKono Danshi, Uchuujin to Tatakaemasu. -- -- CoMix Wave Films -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Fantasy Shounen Ai Super Power Supernatural -- Kono Danshi, Uchuujin to Tatakaemasu. Kono Danshi, Uchuujin to Tatakaemasu. -- All hope seems lost when the world is suddenly invaded by aliens. Earth's only defense is a small three-person team known as the Special Counter-Aliens Task Force, consisting of an anonymous director, the tyrannical Shiro, and the easygoing Arikawa. -- -- The luck of the Task Force improves when Arikawa finds a teenage boy lying alone on a hill. The boy, Kakashi, is humanity's only hope—he has power previously unbeknownst capable of defeating the aliens! However, without any memories and with no knowledge on how to use his power, Kakashi is left clinging to Arikawa and Shiro as well as the only remnant of his previous life: his broken cellphone. -- -- Kakashi is conflicted by the fears and emotions clouding his mind and he calls his own motivations into question. Can he overcome his doubts and internal struggles and save the world? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- OVA - Oct 10, 2011 -- 22,909 6.84
Fuuka -- -- Diomedéa -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Ecchi Music Romance School Shounen -- Fuuka Fuuka -- The story follows the life of Yuu Haruna, who recently moved into Tokyo with his sisters after their father is forced to transfer overseas on work. -- -- On his way to buy dinner while looking at his Twitter account, a high school girl suddenly crashes into him. Thinking he was taking upskirt pictures of her, the girl takes Yuu's phone, breaks it, and slaps him before leaving Yuu lying on the ground. As it turns out, this girl—Fuuka Akitsuki—also goes to the school Yuu is transferring to. -- -- Unlike most people, Fuuka doesn't own a cellphone; she even listens to music using a CD player. Eventually these two become closer, and decide to form a band with their friends and enter the professional world of music. With Fuuka around, what will now become of Yuu's new life in Tokyo? -- -- 232,443 6.53
Fuuka -- -- Diomedéa -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Ecchi Music Romance School Shounen -- Fuuka Fuuka -- The story follows the life of Yuu Haruna, who recently moved into Tokyo with his sisters after their father is forced to transfer overseas on work. -- -- On his way to buy dinner while looking at his Twitter account, a high school girl suddenly crashes into him. Thinking he was taking upskirt pictures of her, the girl takes Yuu's phone, breaks it, and slaps him before leaving Yuu lying on the ground. As it turns out, this girl—Fuuka Akitsuki—also goes to the school Yuu is transferring to. -- -- Unlike most people, Fuuka doesn't own a cellphone; she even listens to music using a CD player. Eventually these two become closer, and decide to form a band with their friends and enter the professional world of music. With Fuuka around, what will now become of Yuu's new life in Tokyo? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 232,443 6.53
God Eater -- -- ufotable -- 13 eps -- Game -- Action Fantasy Military Sci-Fi -- God Eater God Eater -- The year is 2071. Humanity has been pushed to the brink of extinction following the emergence of man-eating monsters called "Aragami" that boast an immunity to conventional weaponry. They ravaged the land, consuming almost everything in their path and leaving nothing in their wake. To combat them, an organization named Fenrir was formed as a last-ditch effort to save humanity through the use of "God Eaters"—special humans infused with Oracle cells, allowing them to wield the God Arc, the only known weapon capable of killing an Aragami. One such God Eater is Lenka Utsugi, a New-Type whose God Arc takes the form of both blade and gun. -- -- Now, as one of Fenrir's greatest weapons, Lenka must master his God Arc if he is to fulfill his desire of wiping out the Aragami once and for all. The monsters continue to be born en masse while the remnants of humanity struggle to survive the night. Only God Eaters stand between the Aragami and complete and total annihilation of the human race. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 443,037 7.27
God Eater Prologue -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Fantasy Military Sci-Fi -- God Eater Prologue God Eater Prologue -- Driven to the verge of extinction by "Aragami," a race of all-devouring monsters, humanity makes its last stand in isolated points of resistance. Invulnerable to conventional damage, only "Oracle Cell" weapons—composed of the same matter which makes up Aragami—can kill these creatures. -- -- However, due to their god-like ability to adapt, the Aragami soon develop further immunity. Having no other hope of fending off the enemy, the remnants of human governments decide to detonate a nuclear reactor and wipe out the monsters facing Eurasia. -- -- The soldiers tasked with this mission are aided by three "God Eaters" dispatched from the Fenrir Far East Branch, an organization controlling what remains of Japan. The state-of-the-art weapons they wield, called God Arcs, are supposedly capable of piercing through Aragami skin and tearing their cores out, pulverizing the monsters. These mighty warriors may just be humanity's last hope of fending off the Aragami threat and averting total extinction. -- -- Special - Sep 28, 2009 -- 31,718 6.68
Golden Kamuy 2nd Season -- -- Geno Studio -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Historical Seinen -- Golden Kamuy 2nd Season Golden Kamuy 2nd Season -- In Hokkaido, it is rumored that there is a stash of hidden gold. This gold was supposedly stolen by a man who killed the original Ainu owners; and before being captured and imprisoned by the police, he hid it in a secret location. In order to relay the gold's location to his comrades on the outside, he tattooed the map on the bodies of his cellmates and promised them a share of the gold—provided they managed to escape and find it. -- -- In Golden Kamuy 2nd Season, First Lieutenant Tokushirou Tsurumi plans to give the 7th Division an advantage in the war for the tattoos by getting a taxidermist to create skins that only he can distinguish as fake. Meanwhile, Saichi "The Immortal" Sugimoto, Asirpa, and their companions continue their hunt for the skins by following a strange rumor: a thief who broke into a home in Yubari found taxidermied human corpses, among which was a torso with strange tattoos. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 122,433 8.21
Golden Kamuy -- -- Geno Studio -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Historical Seinen -- Golden Kamuy Golden Kamuy -- In early 1900s Hokkaido after the Russo-Japanese war, Saichi Sugimoto tirelessly pans for gold. Nicknamed "Sugimoto the Immortal" for his death-defying acts in battle, the ex-soldier seeks fortune in order to fulfill a promise made to his best friend before he was killed in action: to support his family, especially his widow who needs treatment overseas for her deteriorating eyesight. One day, a drunken companion tells Sugimoto the tale of a man who murdered a group of Ainu and stole a fortune in gold. Before his arrest by the police, he hid the gold somewhere in Hokkaido. The only clue to its location is the coded map he tattooed on the bodies of his cellmates in exchange for a share of the treasure, should they manage to escape and find it. -- -- Sugimoto does not think much of the tale until he discovers the drunken man’s corpse bearing the same tattoos described in the story. But before he can collect his thoughts, a grizzly bear—the cause of the man's demise—approaches Sugimoto, intent on finishing her meal. He is saved by a young Ainu girl named Asirpa, whose father happened to be one of the murdered Ainu. With Asirpa's hunting skills and Sugimoto's survival instincts, the pair agree to join forces and find the hidden treasure—one to get back what was rightfully her people's, and the other to fulfill his friend's dying wish. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 235,656 7.83
Harmonie -- -- Studio Rikka -- 1 ep -- Original -- Slice of Life Psychological Drama School -- Harmonie Harmonie -- Akio Honjou is a high school student with a special gift for music. He can perfectly recall any piece of music that he has heard only once. One day, as he tries to reproduce a particularly soothing piano melody, he unexpectedly meets Juri Makina—the girl whose cell phone had spontaneously played the tune earlier in class. -- -- If art is the only way to truly know what landscapes populate others' inner worlds, then can this particular tune pave the way for Akio to begin to understand the more intellectual and emotional aspects of his captivating classmate, Juri? -- -- Movie - Mar 1, 2014 -- 48,449 7.30
Hataraku Saibou Black (TV) -- -- LIDENFILMS -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Drama Seinen -- Hataraku Saibou Black (TV) Hataraku Saibou Black (TV) -- Due to poor lifestyle choices, a certain human's body is in constant turmoil. With germs, bacteria, and foreign substances abound, the jobs of various cells become increasingly difficult and dangerous. As some of the unfortunate ones who matured in this chaotic environment, Sekkekkyuu AA2153 and Hakkekkyuu U-1196 strive to fulfill their duties—even if it means seeing many of their fellow cells lose their lives in duty. -- -- Set in an environment vastly different from its parent story, Hataraku Saibou Black portrays the cells' struggles as they try to maintain the body's health. However, the human's condition continues to deteriorate, and whether or not these efforts will amount to something concrete depends on the cells! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 147,097 7.56
Hataraku Saibou -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Sci-Fi -- Hataraku Saibou Hataraku Saibou -- A special animated commercial to celebrate the release of the manga's fifth volume. The full length version of the commercial was released on Kodansha's official YouTube channel the day after the short version was released on TV. -- -- It features the anthropomorphized cells of a human body, with the protagonist being a red blood cell named AE-3803. -- ONA - Jul 2, 2017 -- 16,581 6.84
Hataraku Saibou!! -- -- David Production -- 8 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Shounen -- Hataraku Saibou!! Hataraku Saibou!! -- The cells of the human body never rest for too long; there's always something new to do and learn every day. At least, that's what Hakkekkyuu U-1146 feels as he rushes to and fro, searching for any pathogens that could cause harm to the body. Despite his dangerous line of work, it's all worth it to protect the happy smiles of Sekkekkyuu AE3803, the platelet crew, his fellow neutrophils, and the other cells he meets along the way. -- -- In his latest pathogen-hunting adventures, Hakkekkyuu U-1146 discovers how important cells can sometimes make mistakes, and that not all bacteria are actually bad. Everybody has their bad days, but everything eventually works out when their comrades have their backs. In the end, it's just another normal day for these hardworking cells! -- -- 175,777 7.31
Hataraku Saibou: Kaze Shoukougun -- -- David Production -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Comedy Shounen -- Hataraku Saibou: Kaze Shoukougun Hataraku Saibou: Kaze Shoukougun -- A mysterious cell wearing a stylish hat appears before the regular cells, who are bored with just the same (cell division) work over and over again, every day. This mysterious cell lures the regular cells into a mischievous scheme against White Blood Cell and Killer T Cell. The regular cells enjoy working out their everyday, pent-up frustration. But, just who exactly is this cell wearing a stylish hat? -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Special - Dec 27, 2018 -- 37,187 7.27
Hataraku Saibou!!: Saikyou no Teki, Futatabi. Karada no Naka wa "Chou" Oosawagi! -- -- David Production -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Comedy Shounen -- Hataraku Saibou!!: Saikyou no Teki, Futatabi. Karada no Naka wa "Chou" Oosawagi! Hataraku Saibou!!: Saikyou no Teki, Futatabi. Karada no Naka wa "Chou" Oosawagi! -- Ippan Saibou is envious of the public praise immune system cells like white blood cells receive for protecting the human body from deadly pathogens. Instead of watching safely from his home, he also wants to be useful and get recognized for his efforts. He soon comes across a group of infantile-looking bacteria getting washed away by a river current. Despite knowing the potential dangers that they hold, he rescues the bacteria and brings them to safety. However, Hakkekkyuu U-1146 picks up the presence of these bacteria and is on the hunt for them. -- -- Meanwhile, somewhere else in the human body is NK Saibou, who is on the lookout for someone. Based on her intel, he is an antigen that the immune system cells have previously encountered, and he may have returned for revenge. -- -- Movie - Sep 5, 2020 -- 19,268 7.25
Hataraku Saibou (TV) -- -- David Production -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Shounen -- Hataraku Saibou (TV) Hataraku Saibou (TV) -- Inside the human body, roughly 37.2 trillion cells work energetically 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. Fresh out of training, the cheerful and somewhat airheaded Sekkekkyuu AE3803 is ready to take on the ever-so-important task of transporting oxygen. As usual, Hakkekkyuu U-1146 is hard at work patrolling and eliminating foreign bacteria seeking to make the body their new lair. Elsewhere, little platelets are lining up for a new construction project. -- -- Dealing with wounds and allergies, getting lost on the way to the lungs, and bickering with similar cell types, the daily lives of cells are always hectic as they work together to keep the body healthy! -- -- 471,853 7.62
Hataraku Saibou (TV) -- -- David Production -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Shounen -- Hataraku Saibou (TV) Hataraku Saibou (TV) -- Inside the human body, roughly 37.2 trillion cells work energetically 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. Fresh out of training, the cheerful and somewhat airheaded Sekkekkyuu AE3803 is ready to take on the ever-so-important task of transporting oxygen. As usual, Hakkekkyuu U-1146 is hard at work patrolling and eliminating foreign bacteria seeking to make the body their new lair. Elsewhere, little platelets are lining up for a new construction project. -- -- Dealing with wounds and allergies, getting lost on the way to the lungs, and bickering with similar cell types, the daily lives of cells are always hectic as they work together to keep the body healthy! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 471,853 7.62
Higashi no Eden -- -- Production I.G -- 11 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Mystery Drama Romance Thriller -- Higashi no Eden Higashi no Eden -- On November 22, 2010, Japan was hit by missile strikes, a terrorist act that fortunately did not harm anyone, becoming known as "Careless Monday." Quickly forgotten, society goes on about their lives as normal. -- -- During her graduation trip to America three months later, friendly college student Saki Morimi's life is forever changed when she finds herself saved from unexpected trouble by Akira Takizawa. Takizawa is cheerful, but odd in many ways—he is stark naked and suffers from amnesia, believing himself to be a terrorist. In addition, he possesses a strange cell phone loaded with 8.2 billion yen in digital cash. -- -- Despite Takizawa's suspicious traits, Saki quickly befriends the enigmatic young man. However, unbeknownst to her, this is the beginning of a thrilling death game involving money, cell phones, and the salvation of the world. Higashi no Eden chronicles Saki's struggle to unravel the mysteries behind her savior, while Takizawa himself battles other individuals armed with similar cell phones and returning memories which reveal his possible connection to the event from months ago. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 476,305 7.82
Higashi no Eden Movie I: The King of Eden -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Original -- Comedy Drama Mystery Romance Slice of Life Thriller -- Higashi no Eden Movie I: The King of Eden Higashi no Eden Movie I: The King of Eden -- After preventing Japan's destruction, Akira Takizawa made one final request to become the "King of Japan," before he erased his memories once again and disappeared. Leaving Saki Morimi with his cellphone, the only clue she has in regards to Akira's whereabouts is the message, "I'll be waiting where our journey started." -- -- Six months later, rumors have spread about Akira, and Saki's search leads her to New York City. However, Saki is not the only person who goes to investigate—with several billion yen burning a hole in their pockets and a challenge to "save Japan," the remaining Seleção are not far behind. Some are willing to help Akira achieve his goals, but a few are making dangerous moves in order to eliminate him and achieve their own picture of a better Japan. With rising stakes and new revelations, the game is still on. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Nov 28, 2009 -- 148,746 7.59
Higashi no Eden Movie I: The King of Eden -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Original -- Comedy Drama Mystery Romance Slice of Life Thriller -- Higashi no Eden Movie I: The King of Eden Higashi no Eden Movie I: The King of Eden -- After preventing Japan's destruction, Akira Takizawa made one final request to become the "King of Japan," before he erased his memories once again and disappeared. Leaving Saki Morimi with his cellphone, the only clue she has in regards to Akira's whereabouts is the message, "I'll be waiting where our journey started." -- -- Six months later, rumors have spread about Akira, and Saki's search leads her to New York City. However, Saki is not the only person who goes to investigate—with several billion yen burning a hole in their pockets and a challenge to "save Japan," the remaining Seleção are not far behind. Some are willing to help Akira achieve his goals, but a few are making dangerous moves in order to eliminate him and achieve their own picture of a better Japan. With rising stakes and new revelations, the game is still on. -- -- Movie - Nov 28, 2009 -- 148,746 7.59
Honzuki no Gekokujou: Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen OVA -- -- Ajia-Do -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Fantasy Slice of Life -- Honzuki no Gekokujou: Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen OVA Honzuki no Gekokujou: Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen OVA -- Eustachius no Shitamachi Sennyuu Dai Sakusen (Eustachius' Incognito Operation Downtown) -- To get more information about Myne and her strange background, Head Priest Ferdinand sends two nobles, Eustachius and Eckhard, to investigate everything regarding her life within her hometown. However, things do not go the way they expected. -- -- Corinna-sama no Otaku Houmon (Visiting Missus Corinna) -- Otto's wife, Corinna, takes an interest in the outfit that Myne wore at her baptism. Corinna summons her alongside her mother, Eva, and sister, Turi, wishing to know the procedure in making such sophisticated attire and accessories. Naturally, for Myne, she sees an excellent opportunity for profit. -- -- OVA - Mar 10, 2020 -- 23,716 7.47
Hoshi no Koe -- -- CoMix Wave Films -- 1 ep -- Original -- Sci-Fi Space Drama Romance Mecha -- Hoshi no Koe Hoshi no Koe -- It is the year 2046, Noboru Terao and Mikako Nagamine are close friends who will soon be graduating junior high school. But after an alien attack on humanity, Mikako is selected for the UN military space expedition set to retaliate against the aliens. Separated, Noboru and Mikako attempt to keep in touch by sending emails to each other with their cell phones. Yet as the expedition journeys farther from Earth, the time it takes for them to transmit and receive each other's messages increases substantially. -- -- Hoshi no Koe revolves around the relationship between this couple as they try to stay connected despite the growing distance between them. -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- OVA - Feb 2, 2002 -- 133,072 7.21
Isekai Izakaya: Koto Aitheria no Izakaya Nobu -- -- Sunrise -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Fantasy -- Isekai Izakaya: Koto Aitheria no Izakaya Nobu Isekai Izakaya: Koto Aitheria no Izakaya Nobu -- The novels center on a bar called "Nobu"—located in Kyoto, Japan, but with a door that is connected to the bar in another world. The visitors include denizens of the other world, and customers seek out its excellent "Toriaezu Nama" ale and cuisine. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- ONA - Apr 13, 2018 -- 25,795 7.38
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 3: Stardust Crusaders -- -- David Production -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Supernatural Drama Shounen -- JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 3: Stardust Crusaders JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 3: Stardust Crusaders -- Years after an ancient evil was salvaged from the depths of the sea, Joutarou Kuujou sits peacefully within a Japanese jail cell. He's committed no crime yet demands he not be released, believing he's been possessed by an evil spirit capable of harming those around him. Concerned for her son, Holly Kuujou asks her father, Joseph Joestar, to convince Joutarou to leave the prison. Joseph informs his grandson that the "evil spirit" is in fact something called a "Stand," the physical manifestation of one's fighting spirit which can adopt a variety of deadly forms. After a fiery brawl with Joseph's friend Mohammed Avdol, Joutarou is forced out of his cell and begins learning how to control the power of his Stand. -- -- However, when a Stand awakens within Holly and threatens to consume her in 50 days, Joutarou, his grandfather, and their allies must seek out and destroy the immortal vampire responsible for her condition. They must travel halfway across the world to Cairo, Egypt and along the way, do battle with ferocious Stand users set on thwarting them. If Joutarou and his allies fail in their mission, humanity is destined for a grim fate. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- 758,045 8.10
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 5: Ougon no Kaze -- -- David Production -- 39 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Shounen -- JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 5: Ougon no Kaze JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 5: Ougon no Kaze -- In the coastal city of Naples, corruption is teeming—the police blatantly conspire with outlaws, drugs run rampant around the youth, and the mafia governs the streets with an iron fist. However, various fateful encounters will soon occur. -- -- Enter Giorno Giovanna, a 15-year-old boy with an eccentric connection to the Joestar family, who makes a living out of part-time jobs and pickpocketing. Furthermore, he is gifted with the unexplained Stand ability to give and create life—growing plants from the ground and turning inanimate objects into live animals, an ability he has dubbed "Gold Experience." Fascinated by the might of local gangsters, Giorno has dreamed of rising up in their ranks and becoming a "Gang-Star," a feat made possible by his encounter with Bruno Buccellati, a member of the Passione gang with his own sense of justice. -- -- JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Ougon no Kaze follows the endeavors of Giorno after joining Bruno's team while working under Passione, fending off other gangsters and secretly plotting to overthrow their mysterious boss. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- 592,526 8.60
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 6: Stone Ocean -- -- - -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Shounen -- JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 6: Stone Ocean JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 6: Stone Ocean -- In Florida, 2011, Jolyne Kuujou sits in a jail cell like her father Joutarou once did; yet this situation is not of her own choice. Framed for a crime she didn’t commit, and manipulated into serving a longer sentence, Jolyne is ready to resign to a dire fate as a prisoner of Green Dolphin Street Jail. Though all hope seems lost, a gift from Joutarou ends up awakening her latent abilities, manifesting into her Stand, Stone Free. Now armed with the power to change her fate, Jolyne sets out to find an escape from the stone ocean that holds her. -- -- However, she soon discovers that her incarceration is merely a small part of a grand plot: one that not only takes aim at her family, but has additional far-reaching consequences. What's more, the mastermind is lurking within the very same prison, and is under the protection of a lineup of menacing Stand users. Finding unlikely allies to help her cause, Jolyne sets course to stop their plot, clear her name, and take back her life. -- -- - - ??? ??, ???? -- 85,902 N/A -- -- Guilty Crown: Lost Christmas - An Episode of Port Town -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Super Power Drama -- Guilty Crown: Lost Christmas - An Episode of Port Town Guilty Crown: Lost Christmas - An Episode of Port Town -- In 2029, Scrooge escapes from a research facility where he had been confined as an experimental subject. His body was remodeled by genetic manipulations and he uses his psychic power to kill the chasers. One day, he meets another experimental subject called Carol. When three psychic chasers hunt down the two, Carol asks Scrooge to use his right arm to extract a weapon from her body. -- OVA - Jul 26, 2012 -- 85,740 6.93
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 6: Stone Ocean -- -- - -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Shounen -- JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 6: Stone Ocean JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 6: Stone Ocean -- In Florida, 2011, Jolyne Kuujou sits in a jail cell like her father Joutarou once did; yet this situation is not of her own choice. Framed for a crime she didn’t commit, and manipulated into serving a longer sentence, Jolyne is ready to resign to a dire fate as a prisoner of Green Dolphin Street Jail. Though all hope seems lost, a gift from Joutarou ends up awakening her latent abilities, manifesting into her Stand, Stone Free. Now armed with the power to change her fate, Jolyne sets out to find an escape from the stone ocean that holds her. -- -- However, she soon discovers that her incarceration is merely a small part of a grand plot: one that not only takes aim at her family, but has additional far-reaching consequences. What's more, the mastermind is lurking within the very same prison, and is under the protection of a lineup of menacing Stand users. Finding unlikely allies to help her cause, Jolyne sets course to stop their plot, clear her name, and take back her life. -- -- - - ??? ??, ???? -- 85,902 N/ARunway de Waratte -- -- Ezόla -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Drama School Shounen -- Runway de Waratte Runway de Waratte -- Being the daughter of a modeling agency owner, Chiyuki Fujito aspires to represent her father's agency in the prestigious Paris Fashion Week, shining under the spotlight as a runway model. However, although she is equipped with great looks and talent, she unfortunately lacks a key element in becoming a successful model—height. Stuck at 158 cm even after entering high school, her childhood dream seems out of reach. -- -- Meanwhile, Ikuto Tsumura is a high school student with a knack in designing clothes; however, without the resources to pursue the necessary education, his ambition of becoming a fashion designer remains a mere dream. But as fate brings Chiyuki and Ikuto together, the dim hopes within their hearts are ignited once again. Together, the two promise to rebel against convention and carve out their own paths in the fashion world. -- -- 85,891 7.62
Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon S -- -- Kyoto Animation -- ? eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Fantasy -- Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon S Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon S -- Second season of Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon. -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 130,085 N/A -- -- WWW.Working!! -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 13 eps -- Web manga -- Slice of Life Comedy -- WWW.Working!! WWW.Working!! -- Daisuke Higashida is a serious first-year student at Higashizaka High School. He lives a peaceful everyday life even though he is not satisfied with the family who doesn't laugh at all and makes him tired. However, his father's company goes bankrupt one day, and he can no longer afford allowances, cellphone bills, and commuter tickets. When his father orders him to take up a part-time job, Daisuke decides to work at a nearby family restaurant in order to avoid traveling 15 kilometers to school by bicycle. -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 128,189 7.44
Kono Danshi, Uchuujin to Tatakaemasu. -- -- CoMix Wave Films -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Fantasy Shounen Ai Super Power Supernatural -- Kono Danshi, Uchuujin to Tatakaemasu. Kono Danshi, Uchuujin to Tatakaemasu. -- All hope seems lost when the world is suddenly invaded by aliens. Earth's only defense is a small three-person team known as the Special Counter-Aliens Task Force, consisting of an anonymous director, the tyrannical Shiro, and the easygoing Arikawa. -- -- The luck of the Task Force improves when Arikawa finds a teenage boy lying alone on a hill. The boy, Kakashi, is humanity's only hope—he has power previously unbeknownst capable of defeating the aliens! However, without any memories and with no knowledge on how to use his power, Kakashi is left clinging to Arikawa and Shiro as well as the only remnant of his previous life: his broken cellphone. -- -- Kakashi is conflicted by the fears and emotions clouding his mind and he calls his own motivations into question. Can he overcome his doubts and internal struggles and save the world? -- -- OVA - Oct 10, 2011 -- 22,909 6.84
Koutetsu Tenshi Kurumi 2 -- -- OLM -- 12 eps -- Original -- Comedy Mecha Romance Sci-Fi Shoujo Ai Shounen -- Koutetsu Tenshi Kurumi 2 Koutetsu Tenshi Kurumi 2 -- Taking place 75 years after the first series, Steel Angel Kurumi 2 brings the Steel Angels in a new mis-adventure. High school student and aspiring cellist Nako Kagura accidentally discovers and kisses Kurumi Mk. II at her home, thus making her Kurumi's master. But things go awry as Nako's best friend Uruka gets jealous and tries anything - including her father's army of top-secret mecha - to destroy Kurumi and win back Nako. Things get more out of control when Saki Mk. II is awakened by Uruka, and Karinka Mk. II joins in to steal Nako away from Kurumi. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- TV - Apr 12, 2001 -- 10,600 6.29
Lapis Re:LiGHTs -- -- Yokohama Animation Lab -- 12 eps -- Other -- Music Magic Fantasy -- Lapis Re:LiGHTs Lapis Re:LiGHTs -- Tiara, a princess from the kingdom of Waleland, travels to the city of Mamkestell to attend a prestigious academy for those who practice magic like herself. After passing a test to prove her eligibility, Tiara reunites with her childhood friend Rosetta, who is also a student there. She then joins and meets Rosetta's group: the athletic Lavie, the reliable Ashley, and the bookish Lynette—all of whom Tiara quickly befriends. -- -- In this institution, students are placed into one of three ranks based on their test score: group Noir being the highest, followed by Rouge and Lapis. Tiara's group is ranked Lapis, and if that wasn't enough, those who fail while ranked Lapis face expulsion. Realizing their dire situation, Tiana urges everyone to start taking their activities more seriously. -- -- On top of this, Tiara has one more purpose for excelling at the academy: to become more like her elder sister, who is a very skilled singer. However, to reach the stage that she desires, she will have to overcome many challenges, along with her companions, as she continues her magical journey. -- -- 30,833 6.63
Lapis Re:LiGHTs -- -- Yokohama Animation Lab -- 12 eps -- Other -- Music Magic Fantasy -- Lapis Re:LiGHTs Lapis Re:LiGHTs -- Tiara, a princess from the kingdom of Waleland, travels to the city of Mamkestell to attend a prestigious academy for those who practice magic like herself. After passing a test to prove her eligibility, Tiara reunites with her childhood friend Rosetta, who is also a student there. She then joins and meets Rosetta's group: the athletic Lavie, the reliable Ashley, and the bookish Lynette—all of whom Tiara quickly befriends. -- -- In this institution, students are placed into one of three ranks based on their test score: group Noir being the highest, followed by Rouge and Lapis. Tiara's group is ranked Lapis, and if that wasn't enough, those who fail while ranked Lapis face expulsion. Realizing their dire situation, Tiana urges everyone to start taking their activities more seriously. -- -- On top of this, Tiara has one more purpose for excelling at the academy: to become more like her elder sister, who is a very skilled singer. However, to reach the stage that she desires, she will have to overcome many challenges, along with her companions, as she continues her magical journey. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 30,833 6.63
Mahou Shoujo Nante Mou Ii Desukara. -- -- Pine Jam -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Comedy Magic -- Mahou Shoujo Nante Mou Ii Desukara. Mahou Shoujo Nante Mou Ii Desukara. -- Yuzuka Hanami is a young, carefree girl who lives the most ordinary life imaginable. Although her father works around the clock and her mother is rarely home, she still enjoys herself and strives to be an excellent student. -- -- Miton, on the other hand, is an alien life-form with the ability to transform his master into a magical girl, a warrior who fights evil wherever it may appear. However, there are not as many enemies as there used to be, so Miton has been out of work for a while. Starving and homeless, he has taken up residence in a pile of garbage. -- -- As Yuzuka walks past him one day, Miton seizes the opportunity to offer his services to the young girl. Yuzuka reluctantly agrees, but when she transforms into a magical girl and discovers that her outfit is a swimsuit, she begins to have second thoughts about what she has gotten herself into! -- -- 22,403 5.94
Major 2nd (TV) -- -- OLM -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Shounen Sports -- Major 2nd (TV) Major 2nd (TV) -- Daigo, the son of renowned baseball player Gorou Shigeno, believes he has to live up to his father's name by becoming an all-star player himself. With great dreams, as soon as he reaches fourth-grade, he promptly joins the same little league baseball team his dad played on, the Mifune Dolphins. However, things don't go as planned. After only the first couple of practices, Daigo's lack of talent and inherent baseball sense shows, and his confidence is crushed. Unable to bear the pressure of living up to his father, a baseball prodigy, he quits the team in less than a year. -- -- Two years later, now in sixth-grade, a transfer student joins Daigo's class. This student turns out to be Hikaru, the son of Gorou's lifelong friend and fellow baseball star, Toshiya Satou. One day, Daigo's mother receives a call from the Dolphins requesting players for a game, so she forces Daigo to attend. To Daigo's surprise, he finds Hikaru there. Even more shocking is that despite his father's occupation, Hikaru has never played baseball before! -- -- Unlike Daigo, though, Hikaru immediately picks up the game demonstrating excellent performance. Needless to say, Daigo and Hikaru are polar opposites of each other. But this friction will inevitably thrust both of these inexperienced children into the world their fathers cherish—the world of baseball. -- -- 26,091 7.46
Mirai Nikki (TV) -- -- Asread -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Mystery Psychological Supernatural Thriller Shounen -- Mirai Nikki (TV) Mirai Nikki (TV) -- Lonely high school student, Yukiteru Amano, spends his days writing a diary on his cellphone, while conversing with his two seemingly imaginary friends Deus Ex Machina, who is the god of time and space, and Murmur, the god's servant. Revealing himself to be an actual entity, Deus grants Yukiteru a "Random Diary," which shows highly descriptive entries based on the future and forces him into a bloody battle royale with 11 other holders of similarly powerful future diaries. -- -- With the last person standing designated as the new god of time and space, Yukiteru must find and kill the other 11 in order to survive. He reluctantly teams up with his obsessive stalker Yuno Gasai (who also possesses such a diary), and she takes it upon herself to ensure his safety. But there's more to the girl than meets the eye, as she might have other plans for her unrequited love... -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 1,594,291 7.52
Mix -- -- OLM -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Drama Romance School Shounen Sports -- Mix Mix -- Because of the legend left by Tatsuya Uesugi, Meisei Academy High School was well-known for their strong baseball team. But 26 years after their glory, the team has not been able to keep their record and has since lost their fame. -- -- Two stepbrothers, Souichirou and Touma Tachibana, aim to revive of the once-strong Meisei Academy baseball team and enter the National High School Baseball Championship. -- -- Souichirou and Touma are second years in Meisei Academy Middle School. Both boys are talented baseball players. Souichirou has shown excellent skill as a catcher and batter. Though having an extraordinary skill as a pitcher, Touma no longer pitches due to a certain reason. -- -- Once the two enter high school, they pair as a battery and aim to enter the National High School Baseball Championship! -- -- (Source: YTV, edited) -- 17,728 7.25
Modern -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Dementia -- Modern Modern -- I finished this film in only two months after the completion of Playground. Inspired by optical illusions, like Escher's paintings, I made the film using isometric drawings. my idea was to make a great film using only transformations of rectangular parallelepipeds. I applied the method of geometric animation, a technique used in Metropolis, in this film. Along with "cell" animation, I continue making films with the application of this method. Hopefully, I will eventually discover a third alternative method to use in my films. -- -- (Source: Mirai Mizue) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2010 -- 609 5.09
Monster Strike -- -- Studio Hibari -- 51 eps -- Game -- Action Game Fantasy -- Monster Strike Monster Strike -- Ren Homura has just moved back to his hometown of Kaminohara, but he isn't able to remember much about the time he spent there other than vague flashbacks. When he retrieves his cell phone which he had sent to a shop for repairs, he finds that a mysterious game titled “Monster Strike” has been installed on it. Unaware of its purpose or how it got there, Ren decides to open it, an action that will change his life forever as he finds himself suddenly attacked by a strange man. -- -- Now trapped on the roof of his school which strangely has been designated as a "stage," Ren is shocked to see the man summon a realistic monster from the game, one that is more than capable of inflicting damage on a human. His only chance of getting out of this situation alive is by summoning the dragon Oragon, who tells Ren that he will crush the opposing monster for him. Unfortunately, it turns out that Oragon is a tiny dragon that is completely useless! -- -- ONA - Oct 10, 2015 -- 20,997 6.45
Moyashimon Returns -- -- Shirogumi, Telecom Animation Film -- 11 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Supernatural School Seinen -- Moyashimon Returns Moyashimon Returns -- In the second season the story continues exactly where it left off previously. Professor Itsuki's Fermentation Cellar and laboratory is ready for operation and with Sawaki Tadayasu's unique gift to see and communicate with microbes to help, Itsuki's motley group of students begin to process different fermented products like soy sauce and sake. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 22,523 7.22
Nanbaka -- -- Satelight -- 13 eps -- Web manga -- Action Comedy Drama -- Nanbaka Nanbaka -- Nanba is the world's most formidable prison, built to incarcerate criminals who are too slippery to stay in ordinary confinement. The four inmates who occupy Cell 13 are particularly cunning on that behalf, having escaped every other prison with a perfect success rate. There is Juugo, a specialist in locks who has spent the majority of his life in prison; Uno, a gambler with great intuition; Nico, an otaku whose body reacts strangely to drugs; and Rock, a bruiser with a love for food. The daily shenanigans of the four prisoners always cause trouble for the building supervisor, Hajime Sugoroku, who desperately tries to prevent them from breaking out of Nanba. -- -- Nanbaka follows the comedic, sparkle-filled exploits of these prisoners and their guards. From three square meals a day to sports festivals, prison life in Nanba isn't actually that bad—and it is the closest these four have to a home. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 247,115 7.34
Nurse Witch Komugi-chan Magikarte -- -- Kyoto Animation, Tatsunoko Production -- 5 eps -- Original -- Comedy Magic Parody -- Nurse Witch Komugi-chan Magikarte Nurse Witch Komugi-chan Magikarte -- Ungrar, the King of Viruses, has escaped from his prison cell in Vaccine World. Maya, the Goddess of Vaccine World sends Mugimaru down to Earth to find a human to accept the powers of Vaccine World and become the Magical Nurse. He finds the best (and the only willing) person for the job when he meets Komugi Nakahara. Komugi is a playful, lazy, and easily distracted (typical) teenager whose dream is to become a cosplay idol. Balancing her career with the Kiri-Pro Promotion Company and her new job battling Ungrar's loyal henchman, the Magical Maid Koyori, Komugi delights audiences in this parody anime series. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- OVA - Aug 23, 2002 -- 14,236 6.62
Oshiete! Galko-chan -- -- feel. -- 12 eps -- Digital manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School -- Oshiete! Galko-chan Oshiete! Galko-chan -- At first glance, Galko, Otako, and Ojou are three high school girls who seem like they wouldn’t have anything to do with each other. Galko is a social butterfly with a reputation for being a party animal, even though she is actually innocent and good-hearted despite her appearance. Otako is a plain-looking girl with a sarcastic personality and a rabid love of manga. And Ojou is a wealthy young lady with excellent social graces, though she can be a bit absent-minded at times. Despite their differences, the three are best friends, and together they love to talk about various myths and ask candid questions about the female body. -- -- Oshiete! Galko-chan is a lighthearted and humorous look at three very different girls and their frank conversations about themselves and everyday life. No topic is too safe or too sensitive for them to joke about—even though every so often, Galko seems to get a bit embarrassed by their discussions! -- -- 144,170 7.10
Prison Lab -- -- - -- 20 eps -- Manga -- Horror Psychological -- Prison Lab Prison Lab -- A victim of endless bullying, Aito Eyama is plagued by his classmates' constant taunts and beatings. However, through a fortuitous turn of events, he receives a strange invitations for the "Captivity Game," where victory promises unbelievable wealth. To participate, he must accept the role of captor and choose one victim to imprison for a month. For Eyama, the only choice is Aya Kirishima, the ringleader of his bullies and the source of all his suffering. The rules of the game are simple: the jailer may do whatever they please with their inmate barring murder; but in order to win the game, the captor's identity must remain hidden. Exemption from the law, an isolated cell, and the funds to purchase supplies—all the necessary tools are provided. -- -- As Eyama administers his sadistic revenge and "divine" retribution, he encounters other captors, each with their own hidden agendas. Meanwhile, Aya refuses to be a compliant prisoner and will go to any length to escape captivity. However, her endeavors threaten to awaken a darkness buried inside Eyama that craves to be unleashed. -- -- ONA - Dec 28, 2018 -- 3,106 5.52
Queen's Blade: Rurou no Senshi -- -- Arms -- 12 eps -- Other -- Action Adventure Ecchi Fantasy -- Queen's Blade: Rurou no Senshi Queen's Blade: Rurou no Senshi -- In a land where a queen is chosen every few years solely by winning a tournament, there can be no short supply of formidable opponents. For one woman warrior however, an early defeat clearly shows her that she is lacking in experience though she may be bountiful in body. -- -- Fortunately, while defeat could spell one's doom, her life is saved by a powerful stranger. But unfortunately for this savior, less-than-pure motives and shrewd family members mean her reward is a prison cell. Her release is prompt when the unseasoned warrior she saved, tired of her current lifestyle of nobility, sets off to prove herself. -- -- (Source: Media Blasters) -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- TV - Apr 2, 2009 -- 80,249 6.17
Rainbow: Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin -- -- Madhouse -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Drama Historical Seinen Thriller -- Rainbow: Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin Rainbow: Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin -- Japan, 1955: Mario Minakami has just arrived at Shounan Special Reform School along with five other teenagers who have been arrested on serious criminal charges. All assigned to the same cell, they meet older inmate Rokurouta Sakuragi—a former boxer—with whom they establish a close bond. Under his guidance, and with the promise that they will meet again on the outside after serving their sentences, the delinquents begin to view their hopeless situation in a better light. -- -- Rainbow: Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin follows the seven cellmates as they struggle together against the brutal suffering and humiliation inflicted upon them by Ishihara, a sadistic guard with a grudge on Rokurouta, and Gisuke Sasaki, a doctor who takes pleasure in violating boys. Facing such hellish conditions, the seven inmates must scrape together all the strength they have to survive until their sentences are up; but even if they do, just what kind of lives are waiting for them on the other side? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Apr 7, 2010 -- 314,140 8.51
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu -- -- White Fox -- 25 eps -- Light novel -- Psychological Drama Thriller Fantasy -- Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu -- When Subaru Natsuki leaves the convenience store, the last thing he expects is to be wrenched from his everyday life and dropped into a fantasy world. Things aren't looking good for the bewildered teenager; however, not long after his arrival, he is attacked by some thugs. Armed with only a bag of groceries and a now useless cell phone, he is quickly beaten to a pulp. Fortunately, a mysterious beauty named Satella, in hot pursuit after the one who stole her insignia, happens upon Subaru and saves him. In order to thank the honest and kindhearted girl, Subaru offers to help in her search, and later that night, he even finds the whereabouts of that which she seeks. But unbeknownst to them, a much darker force stalks the pair from the shadows, and just minutes after locating the insignia, Subaru and Satella are brutally murdered. -- -- However, Subaru immediately reawakens to a familiar scene—confronted by the same group of thugs, meeting Satella all over again—the enigma deepens as history inexplicably repeats itself. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 1,589,703 8.28
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu - Memory Snow - Manner Movie -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Parody Fantasy -- Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu - Memory Snow - Manner Movie Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu - Memory Snow - Manner Movie -- A manner movie shown before Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu - Memory Snow. It features the cast in chibi form speaking to the viewer asking them to behave such as by turning off cellphones and to avoid smoking inside the theater. -- Movie - Oct 6, 2018 -- 31,972 7.41
Rokuhoudou Yotsuiro Biyori -- -- Zexcs -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Seinen -- Rokuhoudou Yotsuiro Biyori Rokuhoudou Yotsuiro Biyori -- Kyousui "Sui" Tougoku inherits a traditional Japanese-style cafe called Rokuhoudou from his grandfather, which he manages alongside Gregorio "Gure" Valentino, Tokitaka Nagae, and Tsubaki Nakao. Their hospitality par excellence undoubtedly turns any one-time visitor into a regular. Having gone through their own share of trials and tribulations, the staff at this modest cafe do their best to serve their customers—whether it be through tea, sweets, or even helping with the various troubles one may have. -- -- Although most days pass pleasantly, the small world of Sui and his friends takes an unexpected path when their reputation as a cafe flourishes overnight. -- -- 23,653 7.60
Roujin Z -- -- APPP -- 1 ep -- Original -- Comedy Drama Mecha Sci-Fi -- Roujin Z Roujin Z -- The Z Project was intended to give the new generation a break from caring for the old. The original intenion was to create a machine to care for them without any intervention. At first glance, it looked like an excellent plan, and many of the younger generation approved of its application. But when old Mr. Takazawa become the test subject for the Z-001 machine, Haruko questioned both the tactics of the hospital and the moral implications of the machine. This is just the beginning, as Haruko has not just the hospital, but the odds against her. But then, she discovers an odd quirk about the machine: it uses a biochip, and it eventually acquires a mind of its own! -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- Movie - Sep 14, 1991 -- 25,750 7.06
Roujin Z -- -- APPP -- 1 ep -- Original -- Comedy Drama Mecha Sci-Fi -- Roujin Z Roujin Z -- The Z Project was intended to give the new generation a break from caring for the old. The original intenion was to create a machine to care for them without any intervention. At first glance, it looked like an excellent plan, and many of the younger generation approved of its application. But when old Mr. Takazawa become the test subject for the Z-001 machine, Haruko questioned both the tactics of the hospital and the moral implications of the machine. This is just the beginning, as Haruko has not just the hospital, but the odds against her. But then, she discovers an odd quirk about the machine: it uses a biochip, and it eventually acquires a mind of its own! -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- Movie - Sep 14, 1991 -- 25,750 7.06
Sakamoto Desu ga? -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School Seinen -- Sakamoto Desu ga? Sakamoto Desu ga? -- Sophisticated, suave, sublime; all words which describe the exceedingly handsome and patently perfect Sakamoto. Though it is only his first day in high school, his attractiveness, intelligence, and charm already has the girls swooning and the guys fuming with jealousy. No one seems able to derail him, as all attempts at tripping him up are quickly foiled. His sangfroid is indomitable, his wits peerless. Will any of Sakamoto's classmates, or even teachers, be able to reach his level of excellence? Probably not, but they just might learn a thing or two trying... -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 571,751 7.58
School Days -- -- TNK -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Harem Drama Romance School -- School Days School Days -- High school student Makoto Itou first notices Kotonoha Katsura at the start of his second semester, freshman year. Immediately, he becomes entranced by her beauty, but his bashfulness doesn't allow him to approach her, even though they ride the same train every day. Instead, he snaps a photo of her in secret and sets it as his cell phone's wallpaper: a charm that, if kept under wraps, would supposedly help you realize your love. However, classmate Sekai Saionji spots the picture, but instead of ratting him out, she offers to help set him up with Kotonoha—going so far as befriending her just for him. Thus, the trio begins a rather impromptu friendship. -- -- School Days follows the lives of these three teenagers as they traverse the joys and hardships that come with being a high schooler. In a story alive and brimming with romance and melancholy, the tale of these three students will linger in memory long after the momentous conclusion. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- 539,138 5.65
Seikimatsu Occult Gakuin -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 13 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Mystery Comedy Supernatural School -- Seikimatsu Occult Gakuin Seikimatsu Occult Gakuin -- The story revolves around Maya, the daughter of the former Headmaster of Waldstein Academy, and a time traveling agent Fumiaki Uchida. In the year 2012, the world had been invaded by aliens and time travelers were sent back to the year 1999 in order to find and destroy the Nostradamus Key, which Nostradamus Prophecy foretold as what would bring about the apocalypse. The series then turns to the year 1999, where Maya returns to the Academy with the intention of destroying the Academy by superseding her late father's position as the principal. Her plan was interrupted when she meets Fumiaki and learns of the forthcoming destruction. Despite being distrusting towards Fumiaki, they form a pact to look for the Nostradamus Key. -- -- In order to find the Nostradamus Key, time agents were provided with specially created cell phones. When a user finds an object of interest, by thinking of destroying it and taking a photo, and if the resulting image is that of a peaceful world, then the subject is the Nostradamus Key. Conversely, if the subject is not the Nostradamus Key, then the photo displays destruction. By using the phone, Maya and Fumiaki investigates occult occurrences as they occur in the town. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- 91,327 7.07
Seitokai no Ichizon Lv.2 -- -- AIC -- 10 eps -- Light novel -- Harem Comedy Parody School -- Seitokai no Ichizon Lv.2 Seitokai no Ichizon Lv.2 -- Sugisaki Ken, through diligence and academic excellence, had successfully entered the paradise that is the Hekiyou Private Academy's Student Council. There, he boldly embarks on his plan to create his personal harem with the 4 girls who are the other council members, namely: The incredibly youthful president Sakurano Kurimu; The cool and kindly yet super-sadistic secretary Akaba Chizuru; Tomboyish and hot-blooded vice-president Shiina Minatsu; and The ephemerally beautiful yet complicated treasurer Shiina Mafuyu. While every day since then has been non-stop fun, Graduation Day now looms near. Could this spell the end of their carefree days? -- -- (Source: translated and adapted from official site by Cranston) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- ONA - Oct 13, 2012 -- 63,446 7.37
Slayers Excellent -- -- J.C.Staff -- 3 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Comedy Demons Supernatural Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Slayers Excellent Slayers Excellent -- In these earlier adventures of Lina Inverse and Naga the Serpent, learn how the two rivals first met. In their first adventure, the two rivals meet and run into a vampire during a rescue mission. Next, Lina is hired to be the bodyguard of a rich man's daughter, Sirene. Lina is at first very enthusiastic about it at first, as she is being paid very well, but Sirene keeps spending all of Lina's first half of pay. (She gets the other half later) She puts together a fake kidnapping to teach Sirene a lesson, but when she really gets kidnapped, she must team up with Naga to save her. In the final episode, Lina and Naga find themselves on seperate sides in a fashion war. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- OVA - Oct 25, 1998 -- 18,080 7.33
Slayers Excellent -- -- J.C.Staff -- 3 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Comedy Demons Supernatural Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Slayers Excellent Slayers Excellent -- In these earlier adventures of Lina Inverse and Naga the Serpent, learn how the two rivals first met. In their first adventure, the two rivals meet and run into a vampire during a rescue mission. Next, Lina is hired to be the bodyguard of a rich man's daughter, Sirene. Lina is at first very enthusiastic about it at first, as she is being paid very well, but Sirene keeps spending all of Lina's first half of pay. (She gets the other half later) She puts together a fake kidnapping to teach Sirene a lesson, but when she really gets kidnapped, she must team up with Naga to save her. In the final episode, Lina and Naga find themselves on seperate sides in a fashion war. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - Oct 25, 1998 -- 18,080 7.33
Soukou Kihei Votoms: Case;Irvine -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Drama Mecha -- Soukou Kihei Votoms: Case;Irvine Soukou Kihei Votoms: Case;Irvine -- Irvine Lester is an AT repairman. In order to make a living with his sister, he is secretly fighting in AT gambling matches and intentionally losing the games for money. But the other fighters find out about his excellent AT maneuvering skills and demand a real match. -- OVA - Nov 6, 2010 -- 2,552 6.51
Soul Link Special -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Ecchi Adventure Space Comedy Romance Military Sci-Fi -- Soul Link Special Soul Link Special -- Recap Special. First half of the episode follows Cellaria from her point of view and her narration. Second part follows Nanami from her point of view with her narration. Takes place between episodes 10 and 11 (Episode 10.5). -- Special - Jun 11, 2006 -- 2,574 5.88
Souten Kouro -- -- Madhouse -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Historical -- Souten Kouro Souten Kouro -- Souten Kouro's story is based loosely on the events taking place in Three Kingdoms period of China during the life of the last Chancellor of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Cao Cao (155 – March 15, 220), who also serves as the main character. -- -- The Three Kingdoms period has been a popular theme in Japanese manga for decades, but Souten Kouro differs greatly from most of the others on several points. One significant difference is its highly positive portrayal of its main character, Cao Cao, who is traditionally the antagonist in not only Japanese manga, but also most novel versions of the Three Kingdoms period, including the original 14th century version, Romance of the Three Kingdoms by Luo Guanzhong. Another significant difference from others is that the storyline primarily uses the original historical account of the era, Records of Three Kingdoms by Chen Shou, as a reference rather than the aforementioned Romance of the Three Kingdoms novel. By this, the traditional hero of Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Liu Bei, takes on relatively less importance within the story and is portrayed in a less positive light. Yet, several aspects of the story are in fact based on the novel version, including the employment of its original characters such as Diao Chan, as well as anachronistic weapons such as Guan Yu's Green Dragon Crescent Blade and Zhang Fei's Viper Blade. -- -- A consistent theme throughout the story is Cao Cao's perpetual desire to break China and its people away from its old systems and ways of thinking and initiate a focus on pragmatism over empty ideals. This often puts him at odds with the prevalent customs and notions of Confucianism and those that support them. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- TV - Apr 8, 2009 -- 15,970 7.29
Subarashiki Kono Sekai The Animation -- -- domerica, Shin-Ei Animation -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure -- Subarashiki Kono Sekai The Animation Subarashiki Kono Sekai The Animation -- Neku Sakuraba, a 15-year-old boy with a hobby for music and graffiti, wakes up in what seems to be the Shibuya shopping district of Tokyo, Japan. With no idea why he's there, he opens his hand to realize he is holding a strange black pin. After flipping it with his hand, the thoughts of the people surrounding him begins to flow into his head at once. Surprised, Neku discovers he is able to read the minds of others and assumes it has something to do with the black pin he is holding. -- -- A cell phone starts to ring in his pocket, and he can't tell whether it is his or not. A text message appears: "Reach 104. You have 60 minutes. Fail, and face erasure. -The Reapers." After discovering he can't delete the message, a timer of 60 minutes imprints onto his right hand. Neku is in Shibuya to play the "Reapers' Game," which spans a total of seven days. All Players of the Reapers' Game have a black pin with a skull embedded on it. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia, edited) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 42,433 6.32
Summer Wars -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Original -- Sci-Fi Comedy -- Summer Wars Summer Wars -- OZ, a virtual world connected to the internet, has become extremely popular worldwide as a spot for people to engage in a large variety of activities, such as playing sports or shopping, through avatars created and customized by the user. OZ also possesses a near impenetrable security due to its strong encryption, ensuring that any personal data transmitted through the networks will be kept safe in order to protect those who use it. Because of its convenient applications, the majority of society has become highly dependent on the simulated reality, even going as far as entrusting the system with bringing back the unmanned asteroid explorer, Arawashi. -- -- Kenji Koiso is a 17-year-old math genius and part-time OZ moderator who is invited by his crush Natsuki Shinohara on a summer trip. But unbeknownst to him, this adventure requires him to act as her fiancé. Shortly after arriving at Natsuki's family's estate, which is preparing for her great-grandmother's 90th birthday, he receives a strange, coded message on his cell phone from an unknown sender who challenges him to solve it. Kenji is able to crack the code, but little does he know that his math expertise has just put Earth in great danger. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, GKIDS, Warner Bros. Japan -- Movie - Aug 1, 2009 -- 435,444 8.08
Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari Season 2 -- -- DR Movie, Kinema Citrus -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Drama Fantasy -- Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari Season 2 Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari Season 2 -- Second season of Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari. -- TV - Oct ??, 2021 -- 251,232 N/A -- -- Nanbaka -- -- Satelight -- 13 eps -- Web manga -- Action Comedy Drama -- Nanbaka Nanbaka -- Nanba is the world's most formidable prison, built to incarcerate criminals who are too slippery to stay in ordinary confinement. The four inmates who occupy Cell 13 are particularly cunning on that behalf, having escaped every other prison with a perfect success rate. There is Juugo, a specialist in locks who has spent the majority of his life in prison; Uno, a gambler with great intuition; Nico, an otaku whose body reacts strangely to drugs; and Rock, a bruiser with a love for food. The daily shenanigans of the four prisoners always cause trouble for the building supervisor, Hajime Sugoroku, who desperately tries to prevent them from breaking out of Nanba. -- -- Nanbaka follows the comedic, sparkle-filled exploits of these prisoners and their guards. From three square meals a day to sports festivals, prison life in Nanba isn't actually that bad—and it is the closest these four have to a home. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 247,115 7.34
Tekkon Kinkreet Pilot -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Psychological Supernatural -- Tekkon Kinkreet Pilot Tekkon Kinkreet Pilot -- Softimage's Michael Arias started the project as a short CG exercise, which then came to the attention of Morimoto, who then agreed to work on the project on the Softimage 3D software. A few months later, Visual Director Wilson Tang and Animation Supervisor Lee Fulton introduced a pilot to the Softimage staff, made entirely on computer with a staff of only 12. The pilot won the Excellence Award at the 3rd Japan Media Arts Festival in the Digital Art Division. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Special - Jan 1, 1999 -- 1,329 4.68
Uchuu Senshi Baldios (Movie) -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Action Sci-Fi Space Mecha -- Uchuu Senshi Baldios (Movie) Uchuu Senshi Baldios (Movie) -- This film supplied the ending to the cancelled Space Warrior Baldios television series. -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- Movie - Dec 29, 1981 -- 1,101 6.38
Uta∽Kata -- -- Hal Film Maker -- 12 eps -- Original -- Psychological Drama Magic -- Uta∽Kata Uta∽Kata -- It's the last day of the school term in Kamakura Girl's School, and summer is about to begin. Serious but polite 14-year-old Ichika Tachibana is excited to make her summer vacation with her friends a special break to remember! But little does Ichika know that this summer will be more special than she could have ever imagined. -- -- While cleaning in an unused school building, Ichika notices an image of an unfamiliar girl in place of her own reflection in a large mirror. Convinced by her friends that she was just seeing things, she is surprised to see the girl in the mirror later that day, holding her lost cell phone. Introducing herself as Manatsu Kuroki, she comes out of the mirror and hands Ichika's phone back—and to Ichika's surprise, the stones on her cell phone charm have changed colors and now allow her to borrow the power of the 12 Djinn that watch over the world. -- -- Uta Kata is a tale of a young girl who will realize new things through her interactions with these spirits. As the Djinn show her overwhelming sights, they will soon also bring to her overwhelming thoughts... -- -- 22,274 6.71
Uta∽Kata -- -- Hal Film Maker -- 12 eps -- Original -- Psychological Drama Magic -- Uta∽Kata Uta∽Kata -- It's the last day of the school term in Kamakura Girl's School, and summer is about to begin. Serious but polite 14-year-old Ichika Tachibana is excited to make her summer vacation with her friends a special break to remember! But little does Ichika know that this summer will be more special than she could have ever imagined. -- -- While cleaning in an unused school building, Ichika notices an image of an unfamiliar girl in place of her own reflection in a large mirror. Convinced by her friends that she was just seeing things, she is surprised to see the girl in the mirror later that day, holding her lost cell phone. Introducing herself as Manatsu Kuroki, she comes out of the mirror and hands Ichika's phone back—and to Ichika's surprise, the stones on her cell phone charm have changed colors and now allow her to borrow the power of the 12 Djinn that watch over the world. -- -- Uta Kata is a tale of a young girl who will realize new things through her interactions with these spirits. As the Djinn show her overwhelming sights, they will soon also bring to her overwhelming thoughts... -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 22,274 6.71
WWW.Working!! -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 13 eps -- Web manga -- Slice of Life Comedy -- WWW.Working!! WWW.Working!! -- Daisuke Higashida is a serious first-year student at Higashizaka High School. He lives a peaceful everyday life even though he is not satisfied with the family who doesn't laugh at all and makes him tired. However, his father's company goes bankrupt one day, and he can no longer afford allowances, cellphone bills, and commuter tickets. When his father orders him to take up a part-time job, Daisuke decides to work at a nearby family restaurant in order to avoid traveling 15 kilometers to school by bicycle. -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 128,189 7.44
Yozakura Quartet: Tsuki ni Naku -- -- Tatsunoko Production -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Action Magic Comedy Super Power Supernatural Shounen -- Yozakura Quartet: Tsuki ni Naku Yozakura Quartet: Tsuki ni Naku -- "Tsuki ni Naku" will take the story content from volume 11 of the manga, which features a visit to a onsen by the members of the Hiizumi Life Councelling Office, while the town's police force have to deal with a new youkai-hunter threat. -- -- This OVA is bundled with the limited edition of the manga (14th, 15th, and 16th). -- OVA - Oct 9, 2013 -- 24,590 7.50,_Waters_Subsiding_and_Noah_Stories_by_Paolo_Uccello's_Miscellany,_Vol._3's_Miscellany,_Vol._3/Number_15,_Waters_Subsiding_and_Noah_Stories_by_Paolo_Uccello,_Called_Willie_Wastle-_To_Which_are_Added_Herny's_Cottage_Maid,_the_Sheffeld_Prentence,_Different_Humours,_and_My_Love_is_But_a_Lassie_Yet_WDL3381.pdf's_Miscellany_vol_XXIII.jpg"Dafne_in_un_bosco_popolato_di_ninfe",_dipinto_di_Gustavo_Manicelli_(Teatro_Comunale_di_Siracusa).jpg's_Return;_The_Heaving_of_the_Lead;_Hal_the_Woodman;_The_Banks_O'_Doon_WDL3364.pdf;_Pease-strae;_Blythe_Was_She;_Fairest_of_the_Fair;_We'll_Meet_Beside_the_Dusky_Glen_WDL3365.pdf'Dumblane;_The_Yellow_Hair'd_Laddie;_The_Meeting_of_the_Waters;_Life_is_Like_a_Summer_Flower;_Bruce's_Address_WDL3395.pdf's_Daughter;_The_Golden_Glove;_The_Answer;_The_Caledonian_Hunt_Delights_WDL3354.pdf,_miscellanea_medica,_1250_ca.,_pluteo_73.16,_02_chirone_cropped_white-balanced.png"Navicella"_de_Giotto,_grabado_por_Nicolas_B,_Made_free_of_the_Cellar.jpg,_Abbazia_di_Novacella_cloister_007.JPG's_Miscellany,_Vol._3/Number_15&curid=103814469;+The+Storm;+The+Boatie+Rows;+Bonny+Jean+WDL3357.pdf#mw-category-media
15th World Scout Jamboree (cancelled)
16-cell honeycomb
1988 Cellnet Superprix
199192 Eccellenza Friuli-Venezia Giulia
199293 Eccellenza Friuli-Venezia Giulia
2004 Cellular South Cup Doubles
2004 Cellular South Cup Singles
2004 Kroger St. Jude International and the Cellular South Cup
200506 Eccellenza
2005 Cellular South Cup Doubles
2005 Cellular South Cup Singles
2005 Industrial Design Excellence Awards
200607 Eccellenza
2006 Cellular South Cup Doubles
2006 Cellular South Cup Singles
2006 Industrial Design Excellence Awards
2006 Neighborhood Excellence 400
200708 Eccellenza
2007 Cellular South Cup Doubles
2007 Cellular South Cup Singles
200809 Eccellenza
2008 Cellular South Cup Doubles
2008 Cellular South Cup Singles
200910 Eccellenza
2009 Cellular South Cup Doubles
2009 Cellular South Cup Singles
2010 Cellular South Cup Doubles
2010 Cellular South Cup Singles
2011 Cellular South Cup Doubles
2011 Cellular South Cup Singles
201213 Eccellenza
2012 Ncell Cup
2014 Citt di Vercelli Trofeo Multimed
2014 Citt di Vercelli Trofeo Multimed Doubles
2014 Citt di Vercelli Trofeo Multimed Singles
2014 Sarcelles riots
2015 Citt di Vercelli Trofeo Multimed
2015 Citt di Vercelli Trofeo Multimed Doubles
2015 Citt di Vercelli Trofeo Multimed Singles
24-cell honeycomb
24-cell honeycomb honeycomb
3D cell culture
3D cell culturing by magnetic levitation
3T3 cells
4F2 cell-surface antigen heavy chain
5-cell honeycomb
5th Cell
A431 cells
A549 cell
A. A. Purcell
Abstract cell complex
Abul Kalam (vice-chancellor)
Academic Competition for Excellence
Academy for Academic Excellence
Academy for Excellence in Leadership
Acanthinucella punctulata
Acanthinucella spirata
Acanthophila alacella
A Cellarful of Motown!
A Cellarful of Noise
A Cell Phone Movie
Acellular dermis
Acidophil cell
Acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas
Acquired cystic kidney disease-associated renal cell carcinoma
Acrobasis dulcella
Acrobasis glaucella
Acrobasis persicella
Acrobasis quarcella
Acrocercops calicella
Acrolepiopsis tauricella
Activation-induced cell death
Adagio and Rondo for glass harmonica, flute, oboe, viola and cello
Adam Cella
Adam International Cello Festival and Competition
Adaptive NK cells
Adelaida Cellars
Adelina Murio-Celli d'Elpeux
ADG Excellence in Production Design Award
Adolphe Monticelli
Adoptive cell transfer
Adoration of the Magi (Botticelli, 1475)
Adrenergic cell group C1
Adrenergic cell group C2
Adult stem cell
Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma
Advanced Cell Therapeutics
Aedh mac Brian Cellaigh
Aed Cellaigh
Aegomorphus excellens
Aeolothapsa malacella
Aerenicella spissicornis
Aethes beatricella
Aetobatus ocellatus
Afghanistan-Pakistan Center of Excellence
Afrasura discocellularis
Africa-Italy Excellence Awards
Africofusus ocelliferus
Agelasta ocellifera
Aggressive NK-cell leukemia
A.G. Huntsman Award for Excellence in the Marine Sciences
Aglossa ocellalis
Aglossosia aurantiacella
Agnathosia mendicella
Agonopterix angelicella
Agonopterix anticella
Agonopterix archangelicella
Agonopterix arnicella
Agonopterix cnicella
Agonopterix doronicella
Agonopterix ferocella
Agonopterix hypericella
Agonopterix ligusticella
Agonopterix multiplicella
Agonopterix ocellana
Agonopterix posticella
Agonopterix septicella
Agrioceros magnificella
Agriphila cyrenaicellus
Agrochola circellaris
Aicelle Santos
Ainbcellach mac Ferchair
Air cell
Air Force Organizational Excellence Award
Alan Lascelles
Alberta Order of Excellence
Albert of Vercelli
Alessandra Celletti (mathematician)
Alessandro Marcello
Alexander Chancellor
Alexander Lascelles, Viscount Lascelles
Alexandre Eugne Cellier
Alexandria Nicole Cellars
Alfonso Vallicella
Alfred Duclos DeCelles
Alfred Lascelles
Alicyclobacillus cellulosilyticus
Alkaline anion exchange membrane fuel cell
Alkaline fuel cell
Alliance for Excellent Education
Allobates fuscellus
Alpha cell
Alphonse-Marie-Marcellin-Thomas Brenger
Alternative Center for Excellence
Alucita cancellata
Amacrine cell
Amalthea Cellars
Amastus cellularis
A Mathematician's Miscellany
Amcelle, Maryland
Ameivula ocellifera
American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence
American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology
American Society for Cell Biology
American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy
Ameritech Cellular
Amlcar Vasconcellos
Amleto Monacelli
Ammianus Marcellinus
Amniotic epithelial cell
Amniotic stem cell bank
Amniotic stem cells
Amore (Andrea Bocelli album)
Amplified // A Decade of Reinventing the Cello
Amyloodinium ocellatum
Anacampsis fuscella
Anadia ocellata
Anal cell
Anania ocellalis
Anaplastic large-cell lymphoma
Anatis ocellata
Anatrachyntis coriacella
Ancell Stronach
Anchorite's Cell, Chester
Ancylosis ocellella
Ancylosis semidiscella
Andrea Bocelli
Andrea Bocelli discography
Andrea Coscelli
Andrea Monticelli
Andrs Daz (cellist)
Andrs Vasconcellos
Andrew Carnegie Medals for Excellence in Fiction and Nonfiction
Andrew Fiscella
Andrew Lemoncello
Andrew Leoncelli
Andrew Purcell
Andrew Simoncelli
Ane Marcelle dos Santos
An Excellent Mystery
Angela Lascelles
Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma
Angustalius malacelloides
Angustalius malacellus
Anitschkow cell
Anna Marcella Giffard
Annamaria Cancellieri
Anna Maria Monticelli
Annenberg Award for Excellence in Diplomacy
Anne-Thrse de Marguenat de Courcelles
Annette Funicello
Annibale Ruccello
Annie Purcell Walker
Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology
Annular elastolytic giant-cell granuloma
Annunciation (Botticelli, Glasgow)
Annunciation (Botticelli, New York)
Anomalous cancellation
Antaeotricha ocellifer
Antaeotricha reciprocella
Anthela excellens
Anthela ocellata
Anthony Cellier
Anthony Circelli
Anthony N Sabga Caribbean Awards for Excellence
Anthony Petruccelli
Antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity
Antigen-presenting cell
Antigen-presenting cell vaccine
Anti-Imperialist Cell
Antonina Uccello
Antonio Marcello Barberini
Aproaerema modicella
Aprominta syriacella
APUD cell
Aquiloeurycea praecellens
ARC Centre of Excellence for All-Sky Astrophysics
ARC Centre of Excellence for Australian Biodiversity and Heritage
ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation
ARC Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions
ARC Centre of Excellence in Future Low-Energy Electronics Technologies
ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research
Arcicella aquatica
Arcicella rosea
Argolamprotes micella
Argyresthia laricella
Argyresthia praecocella
Argyresthia semitestacella
Aristotelia heliacella
Aristotelia pulicella
Aristotelia staticella
ArkansasMonticello Boll Weevils and Cotton Blossoms
Armorial of Lord High Chancellors of Great Britain
Aroga velocella
Arrondissement of Sarcelles
Art Directors Guild Award for Excellence in Production Design for a Television Movie or Limited Series
Arthur Moore Lascelles
Articular cartilage stem cell paste grafting
Artificial antigen presenting cells
Artificial cell
Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology
Aschoff cell
Asclepias pedicellata
A.S.D. Roccella
Asian Excellence Awards
Asperula pedicellata
Asprilio Pacelli
Aster (cell biology)
Asymmetric cell division
Asynchronous cellular automaton
Atles dels Ocells Nidificants de Catalunya
Atto of Vercelli
Auction cancellation hunter
Autochton cellus
Autologous stem-cell transplantation
Automotive Service Excellence
Autosticha modicella
Auvernier Castle Cellars
Auxiliary cell
Aviation Centre of Excellence
Award of Excellence Promotion of Linguistic Duality
B-1 cell
Baby hamster kidney cell
Bacterial cell structure
Bacterial cellular morphologies
Bacterial cellulose
Baked Bean Museum of Excellence
Balanitis plasmacellularis
Balloon cell nevus
Band cell
Bangalaia ocellata
Baphia longipedicellata
Barcellona Landing Ground
Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto
Baroncelli Chapel
Barrymore Awards for Excellence in Theater
Basal cell
Basal cell adhesion molecule
Basal-cell carcinoma
Basket cell
Basophil cell
Battle of Cellorigo
Battle of Chancellorsville
Battle of Marcellae
Battle of Marcellae (756)
Battle of Vercellae
Bay (chancellor)
BC Centre of Excellence
B cell
B-cell activating factor
B-cell leukemia
B-cell linker
B-cell lymphoma
B-cell maturation antigen
B-cell prolymphocytic leukemia
B-cell receptor
Bedford Stem Cell Research Foundation
Beethoven's cello sonatas
Belomitra climacella
Bema neuricella
Benedetto Marcello
Benjamin Purcell
Bennie Purcell
Bentley's Miscellany
Benvenuto Cellini
Berchtesgaden Chancellery Branch office
Bernardo Bandini Baroncelli
Bernardo Rucellai
Best of Celly Cel 2: Tha Sick Wid It Dayz
Beta cell
Betz cell
Bianca Monticellana
Bifacial solar cells
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1989 video game)
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1991 video game)
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventures
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventures (1990 TV series)
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventures (1992 TV series)
Bill & Ted's Excellent Comic Book
Bill & Ted's Excellent Game Boy Adventure: A Bogus Journey!
Bill & Ted's Excellent Video Game Adventure
Bill Parcells
Bill Purcell
Bill Purcell (mayor)
Binucleated cells
Biocellata alfarae
Biocellata bistellata
Biocellata praeclara
Biocellata rotundipuncta
Biochemical switches in the cell cycle
Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Biofuel cell
Biology of the Cell
Biopolymers & Cell
Birectified 16-cell honeycomb
Bi-specific T-cell engager
Bivetiella cancellata
Black queen cell virus
Blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm
Blastobasis quaintancella
Bleb (cell biology)
Blepephaeus ocellatus
Block cellular automaton
Blood cell
Blood Cells, Molecules and Diseases
Bob Colacello
Bogo-Indian Defence, Monticelli Trap
Book:Cellular Automata
Book:Humans - cells to consciousness
Border cell
Border cells (Drosophila)
Borgonovo, Torricella Sicura
Boundary cell
Brachmia japonicella
Brachybacterium sacelli
Brain cell
Brain Cell Repulsion
Brawl in Cell Block 99
Brayton Purcell
Breakaway (cancelled video game)
Breast cancer stem cell
Breeder (cellular automaton)
Brenthia pavonacella
Brevicellicium olivascens
Brian Purcell
British Cellophane
British Engineering Excellence Awards
Broz v. Cellular Information Systems Inc.
Brucella abortus
Brucella canis
Brucella melitensis
Brucella papionis
Brucella sRNA
Brucella suis
Brucellosis vaccine
Bruno Courcelle
Brussels ISIL terror cell
Buccella (foraminifera)
Bucculatrix thoracella
Bucellarian Theme
Bucell Junction
Buick Excelle
Buick Excelle GT
Bulliform cell
Bunsen cell
Butler Machine Tool Co Ltd v Ex-Cell-O Corp (England) Ltd
Buttock cell
Button cell
Buy & Cell
Caduceus Cellars
CajalRetzius cell
Calamotropha anticella
Calamotropha corticellus
Calamotropha discellus
Calcium signaling in cell division
Caldicellulosiruptor bescii
Caldicellulosiruptor saccharolyticus
California Fuel Cell Partnership
Calliostoma carcellesi
Callus (cell biology)
Caloptilia violacella
Calumny of Apelles (Botticelli)
Camille Purcell
Campofelice di Roccella
Cancellaria africana
Cancellaria cooperii
Cancellaria crawfordiana
Cancellaria lyrata
Cancellaria obesa
Cancellation Hearts
Cancellation (insurance)
Cancellation (mail)
Cancellation of Debt (COD) Income
Cancellation of removal
Cancellation property
Cancellative semigroup
Cancelled expressways in Toronto
Cancelled (song)
Cancelled (South Park)
Cancelleria Reliefs
Cancellicula aethiopica
Cancelling out
Cancello e Arnone
Cancelloxus burrelli
Cancelloxus elongatus
Cancer cell
Cancer Cell (journal)
Cancer stem cell
Cantellated 120-cell
Cantellated 24-cells
Cantellated 5-cell
Carboxymethyl cellulose
Cardiac muscle cell
Cardiovascular Cell Therapy Research Network
Caribbean Centre of Excellence for Teacher Training
Carl Marcellino
Carlos Balcells
Carlos Carmelo Vasconcellos Motta
Carlos Marcello
Carlos Peucelle
Carlo Vercellone
Carnegie Medal for Excellence in Children's Video
Caroline Brown (cellist)
Carpatolechia fugacella
Carposina corticella
Caryocolum interalbicella
Caryocolum leucothoracellum
Cassa di Risparmio di Biella e Vercelli
Cassa di Risparmio di Vercelli
Cssio Vasconcellos
Cassius Marcellus Clay
Cassius Marcellus Clay Sr.
Cassius Marcellus Coolidge
Catacombs of Marcellinus and Peter
Catalyst Institute of Management and Advance Global Excellence
Catastia incorruscella
Category:Chancellors of the University of California, Davis
Category:Lascelles family
Category:Miscellaneous pages for deletion
Category:Miscellaneous redirects
Catoptria colchicellus
Catoptria corsicellus
Catoptria petrificella
Caudal cell mass
Caulastrocecis pudicellus
CCB Centre for Sporting Excellence
C cell
Ccella Ccella
CD30+ cutaneous T-cell lymphoma
CD4+ T cells and antitumor immunity
C. Denise Marcelle
Cell Bayar
Cell engr
CELCIS: Centre for Excellence for Children's Care and Protection
Cell Cell
Cell 16
Cell 2455 Death Row
Cell 2455 Death Row (film)
Cell 7
Cella, Aragon
Cellachn Caisil
Cellach ha Ranada
Cellach I
Cellach II
Cellach mac Brain
Cellach mac Dnchada
Cellach mac Faelan
Cellach mac Felchair
Cellach mac Fonachta
Cellach mac Mele Coba
Cellach mac Rogallaig
Cellach mac Sgdai
Cellach Cellaigh
Cellach of Armagh
Cellach Tosach mac Donngaile
Cella Dati
Cell adhesion
Cell adhesion molecule
Cell adhesion molecule 1
Cella Dwellas
Cellae in Proconsulari
Cellairis Amphitheatre
Cell (album)
Cellamare conspiracy
Cella Monte
Cellana (company)
Cellana craticulata
Cellana denticulata
Cellana flava
Cellana livescens
Cellana radians
Cellana radiata
Cellana sandwicensis
Cellana stellifera
Cellana strigilis
Cellana taitensis
Cellana vitiensis
Cell and molecular biology
Cell and Tissue Research
Cellar Darling
Cellar door (disambiguation)
Cellar Door: Terminus ut Exordium
Cellared in Canada
Cellarful of Noise
Cellars of Diocletian's Palace
Cell-based models
Cell-based therapies for Parkinson's disease
Cell-based vaccine
Cell Biochemistry & Function
Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics
Cell biology
Cell (biology)
Cell Biology International
Cell biophysics
Cell Block Tango
Cell-bound complement activation products
Cell breathing
Cell breathing (telephony)
Cell C
Cell captive
Cellcast Group
Cellcell fusogens
Cellcell interaction
Cellcell recognition
Cell Chemical Biology
Cell church
Cellcom (Israel)
Cell Communication & Adhesion
Cell Communication and Signaling
Cell cortex
Cell counting
Cell culture
Cell culture assay
Cell Cycle
Cell cycle
Cell cycle analysis
Cell cycle checkpoint
Cell cycle withdrawal
Cell damage
Cell death
Cell Death & Differentiation
Cell disruption
Cell division
Cell division cycle 7-related protein kinase
Cell dog
Cell (Dragon Ball)
Celldweller (album)
Celle Air Base
Celle Castle
Celle di Bulgheria
Celle di Macra
Celle di San Vito
Celle (district)
Celle Hole
Celle massacre
Cellemetry Data Services
Cell envelope
Celle qui vint d'ailleurs
Celler Castell d'Encus
CellerKefauver Act
Celles, Arige
Celles, Hrault
Celles, Houyet
Celles (Norea)
Celle Uelzen
CellFactor: Psychokinetic Wars
CellFactor: Revolution
Cell fate determination
Cell (film)
Cell For Cash
Cell fractionation
Cell-free DNA
Cell-free fetal DNA
Cell-free protein array
Cell-free system
Cell games
Cell group
Cell growth
Cell growth regulator with EF-hand domain 1
Cell Host & Microbe
Cellica Nurrachadiana
Cellini Salt Cellar
Cellino & Barnes
Cellino San Marco
Celliphine Chespol
Cell isolation
Cell (Japanese band)
Cell Journal
Cell (journal)
Cell junction
Cell lineage
Cell Mates
Cell-mediated immunity
Cell membrane
Cell Metabolism
Cell (microprocessor)
Cell microprocessor implementations
Cell migration
Cell mobility
Cell (music)
Cell (novel)
Cell nucleus
Cellobiose dehydrogenase (acceptor)
Cellobiose epimerase
Cellobiose phosphorylase
Cello Concerto
Cello concerto
Cello Concerto (Dvok)
Cello Concerto (Elgar)
Cello Concerto in A major (Dvok)
Cello Concerto in D minor (Cassad)
Cello Concerto in E major (Cassad-Tchaikovsky)
Cello Concerto (Lalo)
Cello Concerto (Ligeti)
Cello Concerto (Margola)
Cello Concerto No. 1
Cello Concerto No. 1 (Glass)
Cello Concerto No. 1 (Haydn)
Cello Concerto No. 1 (Saint-Sans)
Cello Concerto No. 2
Cello Concerto No. 2 (Boccherini)
Cello Concerto No. 2 (Haydn)
Cello Concerto No. 2 (Saint-Sans)
Cello Concerto No. 9 (Boccherini)
Cello Concerto (Rouse)
Cello Concerto (Schumann)
Cello concertos (Kabalevsky)
Cello Concerto (Sullivan)
Cello Concerto (Tchaikovsky/Leonovich)
Cello da spalla
Cellodextrin phosphorylase
Cello Dias
Cello tude
Cellofan med dden til flge
Cell of origin
Cello Metal
Cello Metal (album)
Cellophane (disambiguation)
Cellophane (FKA Twigs song)
Cellophane noodles
Cellophane paradox
Cello rock
Cello scrotum
Cello sonata
Cello Sonata (Chopin)
Cello Sonata (Franck/Delsart)
Cello Sonata No. 1
Cello Sonata No. 1 (Brahms)
Cello Sonata No. 1 (Faur)
Cello Sonata No. 2
Cello Sonata No. 3
Cello Sonata (Rachmaninoff)
Cello Sonatas Nos. 1 and 2 (Beethoven)
Cello Sonatas Nos. 4 and 5 (Beethoven)
Cello Sonata (Strauss)
Cello Sonatas (Vivaldi)
Cello Suites (Bach)
Cello suites (Britten)
Cello Symphony (Britten)
Cello technique
Cellou Dalein Diallo
Cello (web browser)
Cell Park
Cell-penetrating peptide
Cell Phone (film)
Cell Phone Freedom Act
Cellphone lot
Cell phone novel
Cellphone surveillance
Cell physiology
Cell polarity
Cellport Systems
Cell potency
Cell potential
Cell Press
Cell-probe model
Cell Project Space
Cell Proliferation (journal)
Cell relay
Cell Reports
Cell Research
CellResearch Corporation
Cells Alive System
Cells at Work!
Cell signaling
Cell Signaling Technology
Cell site
Cell software development
Cell Stem Cell
Cell structure
Cell surface receptor
Cell suspension
Cell synchronization
Cell Systems
Cell test
Cell theory
Cell therapy
Cell Therapy (song)
Cell Transplantation
Cell type
Cellular Agriculture Society
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences
Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology
Cellular approximation theorem
Cellular automaton
Cellular communication (biology)
Cellular compartment
Cellular component
Cellular confinement
Cellular differentiation
Cellular digital accessory
Cellular digital packet data
Cellular Dynamics International
Cellular evolutionary algorithm
Cellular (film)
Cellular floor raceways
Cellular frequencies
Cellular Inhibitor of Apoptosis Protein 1
Cellular Jail
Cellular manufacturing
Cellular memory
Cellular memory modules
Cellular Message Encryption Algorithm
Cellular microarray
Cellular model
Cellular multiprocessing
Cellular network
Cellular neural network
Cellular neuroscience
Cellular noise
Cellular One
Cellular Operators Association of India
Cellular organizational structure
Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry
Cellular Potts model
Cellular repeater
Cellular respiration
Cellular Signalling
Cellular stress response
Cellular thermal shift assay
Cellular traffic
Cellular V2X
Cellulase unit
Cellulite Soul
Celluloid Records
Cellulomonas bogoriensis
Cellulomonas iranensis
Cellulomonas persica
Cellulose 1,4-beta-cellobiosidase
Cellulose 1,4-beta-cellobiosidase (reducing end)
Cellulose acetate
Cellulose acetate film
Cellulose acetate phthalate
Cellulose fiber
Cellulose insulating material plant
Cellulose synthase (GDP-forming)
Cellulose synthase (UDP-forming)
Cellulose triacetate
Cellulosic ethanol
Cellulosic ethanol commercialization
Cellulosic sugars
Cellulosilyticum lentocellum
Cellulosimicrobium cellulans
Cellulosimicrobium funkei
Cellvibrio japonicus
Cell wall
Cell wall protein 2
Celly Campello
Celly Cel
Center for Cell and Gene Therapy
Center for Excellence in Education
Center for Planning Excellence
Center for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine
Center for Teaching Excellence
Center of excellence
Center of Excellence for Document Analysis and Recognition
Center of Excellence for Stability Police Units
Center of Excellence in Nanotechnology
Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence
Centocelle Airport
Central Coast Mariners Centre of Excellence
Central giant-cell granuloma
Centre d'Excellence Sports Rousseau
Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology
Centre for Cellular and Molecular Platforms
Centre for Excellence in Basic Sciences
Centre for Excellence in Computational Engineering
Centre for Excellence in Mining Innovation
Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning through Design
Centre for Excellence in Telecom Technology and Management
Centre for Neuroscience and Cell Biology
Centre of excellence (disambiguation)
Centre of Excellence for Biosecurity Risk Analysis
Centre of Excellence for Operations in Confined and Shallow Waters
Centre of Excellence on Public Security
Centre of Vocational Excellence
Centroacinar cell
Centum Cellas
C. E. Parcell
Cephalopsetta ventrocellatus
Ceramic Fuel Cells
Ceramic heat cell
Cerautola decellei
Cerebellar granule cell
Ceroprepes ophthalmicella
Cerrato Cellars
Cesare Vecellio
Chaenopsis ocellata
Chainmail and Cello
Chalaroderma ocellata
Chalcides ocellatus
Chance Chancellor
Chancellery (Austria)
Chancellery of Saxony
Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland
Chancellery of the Prime Minister of Poland
Chancellor's Gold Medal
Chancellor's Residence (University of Pittsburgh)
Chancellor and Patrick
Chancellor chess
Chancellor (education)
Chancellor Family
Chancellor (grape)
Chancellor House
Chancellor House (company)
Chancellor of Austria
Chancellor of Florence
Chancellor of Germany
Chancellor of Justice
Chancellor of Justice (Estonia)
Chancellor of Justice (Finland)
Chancellor of Justice (Sweden)
Chancellor of Keele University
Chancellor of Maryland
Chancellor of Switzerland
Chancellor of Syracuse University
Chancellor of the College of William & Mary
Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster
Chancellor of the Exchequer
Chancellor of the Exchequer of Ireland
Chancellor of the High Court
Chancellor of the Order of Australia
Chancellor of the Order of the Thistle
Chancellor of the Tang dynasty
Chancellor of the University of Edinburgh
Chancellor of the University of Glasgow
Chancellor of the University of Paris
Chancellor of the University of St Andrews
Chancellor of Uppsala University
Chancellor (Poland)
Chancellor (Russia)
Chancellors Hotel & Conference Centre
Chancellor, South Dakota
Chancellorsville Confederate order of battle
Chancellorsville (game)
Chancellorsville Union order of battle
Chancellor University
Chancellor Williams
Chandelier cell
Charadraula parcella
Charaxes ocellatus
Charles Ancelle
Charles Casuscelli
Charles H. Purcell
Charles J. Cella
Charltoniada apicella
Chteau de Beauregard, La Celle-Saint-Cloud
Chteau de Corcelle
Chteau de la Celle
Chteau de La Celle-Guenand
Chnier Cell
Chersomorpha biocellana
Chersotis ocellina
Chiarissimo Fancelli
Chief cell
Chimeric antigen receptor T cell
Chinese hamster ovary cell
Chinese Water Torture Cell
Chione cancellata
Chionodes discoocellella
Chionodes hibiscella
Chionodes holosericella
Chionodes mediofuscella
Chionodes tragicella
Chlanidophora albicancellata
Chloragogen cell
Cholmondeley cello
Choristoneura longicellanus
Christian Cellay
Christoph Cellarius
Christopher Chancellor
Chromaffin cell
Chromic acid cell
Chromophobe cell
Chronic multifocal Langerhans cell histiocytosis
Chronique de la Pucelle
Chrysaora hysoscella
Chrysoesthia atriplicella
Chrysoesthia lingulacella
Chrysoteuchia hyalodiscella
Cichla ocellaris
Circulating endothelial cell
Circulating tumor cell
Cirque de Navacelles
Citt di Vercelli Trofeo Multimed
Civil-Military Cooperation Centre of Excellence
Clandestine cell system
Clarinet-cello repertoire
Clark cell
Clathrina cancellata
Claudia Marcella Major
Claudia Marcella Minor
Claudius cell
Clausicella xanthocera
Clear cell acanthoma
Clear-cell adenocarcinoma
Clear-cell adenocarcinoma of the vagina
Clear cell carcinoma
Clear-cell ovarian carcinoma
Clear cell papillary renal cell carcinoma
Clear cell renal cell carcinoma
Clear cell sarcoma
Clear-cell sarcoma of the kidney
Clear-cell tumor
Clematis viticella
Cline Cellars
Clone (B-cell)
Clone (cell biology)
Closed-cell PVC foamboard
Closings and cancellations following the September 11 attacks
Clostridium alkalicellulosi
Clostridium luticellarii
Clotilde-Suzanne Courcelles de Labrousse
Club cell
Clue cell
Cluster of Excellence Frankfurt Macromolecular Complexes
C. Marcella Carollo
Cnemaspis biocellata
Cnesteboda celligera
Cochlicella acuta
Codd's cellular automaton
Codex Vercellensis
Coleophora albicella
Coleophora attalicella
Coleophora auricella
Coleophora corsicella
Coleophora cracella
Coleophora hololeucella
Coleophora hystricella
Coleophora japonicella
Coleophora laricella
Coleophora marcella
Coleophora polonicella
Coleophora sibiricella
Coleophora sylvaticella
Coleophora tauricella
Coleophora velocella
Coleophora vibicella
Colette Giudicelli
Collective cell migration
Collision/reaction cell
Color Cell Compression
Columbicella explanata
Combined Joint Operations from the Sea Center of Excellence
Combined small-cell lung carcinoma
Comedy Cellar
COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies
Command & Conquer (cancelled video game)
Commatica bifuscella
Communist Cells
Communist Combatant Cells
Complementary cells
Complex cell
Compsolechia ocelligera
Conchobar an Abaidh Cellaigh
Conchobar mac Domnall Cellaigh
Conchobar Cellaigh
Concobar mac Tadg Ua Cellaigh
Cone cell
Conjunctival squamous cell carcinoma
Conocrambus dileucellus
Conservatorio di Musica Benedetto Marcello di Venezia
Constable's Miscellany
Constantine Phipps (Lord Chancellor of Ireland)
Consumer Cellular
Conus carcellesi
Conus praecellens
Convection cell
Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence
Copper indium gallium selenide solar cells
Corcelles, Bern
Coriocella nigra
Corticotropic cell
Corythoichthys ocellatus
COS cells
Cosima von Blow Pavoncelli
Cosmopterix crassicervicella
Cossus subocellatus
Costasiella ocellifera
Council for Excellence in Government
Council for Research Excellence
Courcelles, Belgium
Courcelles massacre
Courcelles, Nivre
Courcelles (Paris Mtro)
Courcelles, Territoire de Belfort
Crambus ericella
Crenadactylus ocellatus
Crisis Cell
Cristina Pucelli
Critical micelle concentration
Critters (cellular automaton)
Crobylophora daricella
Crosseola cancellata
Crossotus subocellatus
Crucifix of San Marcello
Cryo-Cell International
Ctenomeristis subfuscella
Cuprina fuscella
Current Opinion in Cell Biology
Curriculum for Excellence
Customer Service Excellence
Cutaneous T cell lymphoma
Cyclic cellular automaton
Cyclophora albiocellaria
Cyclophora binocellaria
Cydia falsifalcellum
Cytokine-induced killer cell
Cytotoxic T cell
Dactyloceras ocelligera
Dale Henderson (cellist)
Dan Debicella
Daniel de Rmy de Courcelle
Daniel Lascelles
Daniel Lascelles (16551734)
Daniel Lascelles (17141784)
Daniel Lascelles (diplomat)
Daniell cell
Daniel M. Petrocelli
Dante Fascell
Daphnusa ocellaris
Dasystoma salicella
Davide Mucelli
David James (cell biologist)
David Lascelles, 8th Earl of Harewood
Day and Night (cellular automaton)
D cell
Dead Brain Cells
Dead Cell
Deborah Chancellor
Decellia bimaculipennis
Decellularization of porcine heart valve
Decellularized homografts
Decidual cells
Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury
Deilephila porcellus
Deiters cells
Delaware Student Excellence Equals Degree Program Scholarship
DeLille Cellars
Delta cell
Deltoplastis amicella
De Munck (Stradivarius cello)
Dendritic cell
Dendritic cell-based cancer vaccine
Dendrochirus biocellatus
Dendropsophus luteoocellatus
Dennys Lascelles Ltd
Dental pulp stem cells
Department of Miscellaneous Weapons Development
Depressaria daucella
Depressaria gallicella
Depressaria hystricella
Depressaria marcella
Desmoplastic small-round-cell tumor
Desmopuntius rhomboocellatus
Detention center (cell biology)
Detroit Sleeper Cell
DeVaughn Akoon-Purcell
Developmental Cell
Diamond anvil cell
Diarmaid Cellaigh
Dichomeris cellaria
Dichomeris punctidiscellus
Dichotomyctere ocellatus
Didier de Chaffoy de Courcelles
Didymascella thujina
Diethylaminoethyl cellulose
Diffuse idiopathic pulmonary neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
Digitivalva arnicella
Digitivalva exsuccella
Digrammia ocellinata
Dioryctria auranticella
Dioryctria mendacella
Dioryctria simplicella
Direct carbon fuel cell
Direct-ethanol fuel cell
Direct methanol fuel cell
Dirtbox (cell phone)
Disavowals or Cancelled Confessions
Dissecting cellulitis of the scalp
Divine Comedy Illustrated by Botticelli
Division Excellence
DNA and Cell Biology
DNA-binding protein from starved cells
Dobson Cellular
Dogiel cells
Dom Bdos de Celles
Domenico Botticella
Dominic Purcell
Domnall Mr Ua Cellaigh
Domnall Cellaigh
Donacaula forficella
Donacaula microforficellus
Donacoscaptes marcella
Dona i Ocell
Donnchad Grana Cellaigh
Donnchadh mac Eamonn Cellaigh
Donnchadh Cellaigh
Donnchad mac Cellachin
Donnchad Muimnech Cellaigh
Don Porcella
Doosan Fuel Cell America
Dopaminergic cell groups
Doris Cellar
Doris ocelligera
Dot cancellation test
Down in the Cellar
Downs cell
DP cell
Draft:Hell in a Cell (2020)
Dr. Dobb's Excellence in Programming Award
Dr. Dude and His Excellent Ray
Dr. Joo Havelange Centre of Excellence
Dry Cell (band)
Duck blood and vermicelli soup
Dunchadh Ua Cellaigh
Dngal mac Cellaig
Duomo of Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto
Duplex canceller
Duracell Bunny
Dyadic space (cell biology)
Dye-sensitized solar cell
Dyffryn Cellwen
Earthworm Jim (cancelled video game)
Easter Is Cancelled
East Monticello, Indiana
E. Beresford Chancellor
Eccellenza Abruzzo
Eccellenza Apulia
Eccellenza Emilia-Romagna
Eccellenza Friuli-Venezia Giulia
Eccellenza Lombardy
Eccellenza Piedmont-Aosta Valley
Eccellenza Sardinia
Eccellenza Sicily
Eccellenza Trentino-Alto Adige/Sdtirol
Eccellenza Tuscany
Echis ocellatus
Echo suppression and cancellation
Ectoedemia hypericella
EdisonLalande cell
Edna S. Purcell House
douard Marcelle
Edward A. Purcell Jr.
Edward Henry Purcell
Edward Lascelles, 1st Earl of Harewood
Edward Mills Purcell
Edward Purcell
Edwin Lascelles
Edwin Lascelles, 1st Baron Harewood
Eero Simoncelli
Effector cell
Egg cell
glise Saint-Franois-Xavier de Monticello
Elachista bisulcella
Elachista maculoscella
Elachista subocellea
Elattoneura cellularis
El cant dels ocells
Eleanor Warren (cellist)
Electrical cell
Electrochemical cell
Electrolytic cell
Elementary cellular automaton
Elizabeth Cellier
Elizabeth Parcells
Elizabeth W. Jones Award for Excellence in Education
El Jard dels Ocells
Emanuel Celler
Ematheudes persicella
Emblemaria biocellata
Embryonic stem cell
Embryonic Stem Cell Research Oversight Committees
Encore! (Travels with My Cello Volume 2)
Endoplasmic reticulum stress in beta cells
Endothelial colony forming cell
Endothelial progenitor cell
Endothelial stem cell
Enrico Forcella
Enterochromaffin cell
Enterochromaffin-like cell
Enteroendocrine cell
Enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphoma
Enzymatic biofuel cell
E. O. Excell
Eois cancellata
Eois cellulata
Eosinophilic cellulitis
Epanastasis atlanticella
Epermenia pontificella
Epiblast-derived stem cell
Epigenetics in stem-cell differentiation
Episcythrastis tetricella
Epithelial cell adhesion molecule
Epithelial cell rests of Malassez
Epithelial reticular cell
Epithelioid cell
Epstein Barr virus positive diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, not otherwise specified
Eremias multiocellata
Eremias nigrocellata
Eric Breindel Award for Excellence in Opinion Journalism
Eric Saucke-Lacelle
Eriocrania cicatricella
Erioderma pedicellatum
Ernest J. Gaines Award for Literary Excellence
Erythrolamprus ocellatus
Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library
Estvo Cacella
Eteobalea albiapicella
Ethmia cyrenaicella
Ethmia nigroapicella
Ethmia paucella
Ethmia trifurcella
Ethyl cellulose
Ethyl methyl cellulose
tienne de Courcelles
tienne Pasquier (cellist)
Etincelles F.C.
tincelles (Moszkowski)
Et s'il n'en restait qu'une (je serais celle-l)
Ettore Puricelli
Euchromius ocellea
Eudicella frontalis
Eudicella gralli
Eudonia malgassicella
Eugenia Paulicelli
Euhyponomeutoides albithoracellus
Eukaryotic Cell (journal)
Eunicella cavolini
Eunicella verrucosa
Eupromerella nigroocellata
Euro-Excellence Inc v Kraft Canada Inc
European Bank for induced pluripotent Stem Cells
European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats
European Collection of Authenticated Cell Cultures
European Film Academy Award of Excellence
European Journal of Cell Biology
European Society of Gene and Cell Therapy
Euryeulia biocellata
Eusebius of Vercelli
Eutychide physcella
Euzophera perticella
Evangelista Torricelli
Everything Is Miscellaneous
Evolution of cells
Exaeretia mongolicella
Excellence Canada
Excellence-class cruise ship
Excellence in Armor
Excellence in Cities
Excellence in Missouri Foundation
Excellence in Research for Australia
Excellence (yacht)
Excellent Cadavers
Excellent Cadavers (film)
Excellent Long-Established University Consortium of Taiwan
Excellent ring
Excellent Sheep
Excellent Swedish Design
Excellus BlueCross BlueShield
Exomilus cancellatus
Exoncotis umbraticella
Exoteleia dodecella
Exoteleia graphicella
Experimental Cell Research
Extracellular digestion
Extracellular fluid
Extracellular matrix
Extracellular matrix protein 1
Extracellular matrix protein 2
Extracellular polymeric substance
Extracellular RNA
Extracellular signal-regulated kinases
Extracellular vesicle
Extracranial germ cell tumor
Extraglomerular mesangial cell
Extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type
Fabio Arcella
Facel Vega Excellence
Facet cell
Faggot cell
Fall on Me (Andrea Bocelli and Matteo Bocelli song)
Falsilunatia carcellesi
Fananas cell
Fascellina chromataria
FASEB Excellence in Science Award
Faveria coriacella
F.C. Pro Vercelli 1892
Feardorcha Cellaigh
Federal Chancellery
Federal Chancellery (Bonn)
Federal Chancellery of Switzerland
Federal Public Service Chancellery of the Prime Minister
Federated Miscellaneous Workers' Union of Australia
Fernanda Vasconcellos
Fernandocrambus falklandicellus
Fernandocrambus radicellus
Fernando Giudicelli
FFA Centre of Excellence
Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma
Filatima spurcella
Finger Touching Cell Phone
Finzi: Cello Concerto, Clarinet Concerto
First Cellular of Southern Illinois
Five Star Prison Cell
Flame cell
Flexible solar cell research
Flight cancellation and delay
Foam cell
Folco de Baroncelli-Javon
Follicular B cell
Follicular B helper T cells
Follicular cell
Follicular dendritic cells
Folliculostellate cell
Foreign-body giant cell
Foreign Investment and NRI Cell, Government of Haryana
Forest Heights Academy of Excellence
Formic acid fuel cell
Fortitude (Botticelli)
Fortress (cancelled video game)
Foundation for Excellence in Education
Foveolar cell
Fragmentation (cell biology)
Francella Mary Griggs
Francesca Porcellato
Francesco Cancellieri
Francesco Carbone Tomacelli
Francesco Vecellio
Francesco Zanoncelli
Francis Cellini
Francisco Arcellana
Francis Lascelles
Francis Pharcellus Church
Francisque de Corcelle
Francis T. Purcell
Franois Baccelli
Franois Cellier
Franois Purcell
Franois Scellier
Frank Lascelles
Frank Lascelles (diplomat)
Frank Pacelli
Fraticelli of Monte Malbe
Frederic Charles Lascelles Wraxall
Frederick Chancellor
Free Cell (album)
French pressure cell press
Friedlanderia cicatricella
Fuel cell
Fuel cell bus
Fuel Cell Bus Club
Fuel Cells and Hydrogen
Fuel cell vehicle
Full House: The Spread of Excellence from Plato to Darwin
Fungal extracellular enzyme activity
Gaius Claudius Marcellus
Gaius Claudius Marcellus (consul 49 BC)
Gaius Claudius Marcellus (consul 50 BC)
Gaius Quinctius Certus Poblicius Marcellus
Galerucella calmariensis
Galvanic cell
Gamma delta T cell
Ganglion cell
Ganglion cell layer
Ganglion mother cell
Garcelle Beauvais
Garden of Eden (cellular automaton)
Garrha ocellifera
Gastn Cellerino
Gastric chief cell
Gauche the Cellist
Gauntlet (cancelled video game)
G cell
GDP-mannose:cellobiosyl-diphosphopolyprenol alpha-mannosyltransferase
Gelechia atlanticella
Gelechia ocherfuscella
Gelsolin (cellular)
General Union of Miscellaneous Industries
Generic cell rate algorithm
Genes to Cells
Geoffrey Mauncell
George Councell
George Etcell
George Lascelles
George Lascelles, 7th Earl of Harewood
George Murcell
George Purcell
Georges Scelle
George Syncellus
Gerald David Lascelles
Gerald Lascelles
Grard de Courcelles
Gerard la Pucelle
German Chancellery
German Society for Stem Cell Research
German Universities Excellence Initiative
Germ cell
Germ cell neoplasia in situ
Germ cell nuclear factor
Germ cell tumor
Germinal center B-cell like diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
Geumsan Insam Cello
Ghana-India Kofi Annan Centre of Excellence in ICT
Ghost cell
Giant cell
Giant cell arteritis
Giant-cell carcinoma of the lung
Giant-cell fibroblastoma
Giant-cell fibroma
Giant-cell glioblastoma
Giant-cell reticulohistiocytoma
Giant-cell tumor of bone
Giant retinal ganglion cells
Gigantocellular reticular nucleus
Gilbert cell
Gilbert Cellaigh
Gilla Cellaig Ruaidn
Giovanna Baccelli
Giovanni Battista Braccelli
Giovanni Battista Bracelli
Giovanni Perricelli
Giovanni Ricciardi (cellist)
Giovanni Stefano Marucelli
Giovanni Tacci Porcelli
Girolamo Simoncelli (18171852)
Giru Marcelli
Giselle Pereira de Vasconcellos
Giuseppe Lauricella
GLAAD Excellence in Media Award
Glassy cell carcinoma of the cervix
Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor
Glitter cell
Global Centre of Excellence on Climate Adaptation
Glomus cell
Glossary of fuel cell terms
Glossary of Russian and USSR aviation acronyms: Miscellaneous
Gnorimoschema triocellella
Goblet cell
Goblet cell carcinoid
Golay cell
Golgi cell
Gonadotropic cell
Good 'til cancelled
Government Wine Cellar
Graham B. Purcell Jr.
Grammodes ocellata
Grand 120-cell
Grand 600-cell
Grand Chancellor
Grand chancellor (China)
Grand Chancellor of France
Grandmother cell
Grand stellated 120-cell
Granular cell tumor
Granule cell
Granule (cell biology)
Granule-cellPurkinje-cell synapse
Granulosa cell
Granulosa cell tumour
Great 120-cell
GreatCell Solar
Great grand 120-cell
Great grand stellated 120-cell
Great icosahedral 120-cell
Great stellated 120-cell
GRE Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology Test
Greek Wine Cellars
GreenbergHastings cellular automaton
Grid cell
Griscelli syndrome type 2
GTEM cell
Guard cell
Guecellone II da Camino
Guidepost cells
Guido Marcello Mugnaini
Guillaume Marcellin Proteau
Guillermo Francella
Gun (cellular automaton)
Gunpowder Cellar of Tartu
Gymnascella dankaliensis
Gymnothorax ocellatus
Hadley cell
Hair cell
Hairy cell leukemia
Hamburg cell
Hank Lauricella
Hanwha Q Cells
HAP1 cells
Hapalonoma sublustricella
Haydn Cello Concerto
HCT116 cells
Head direction cell
Heads of the German Chancellery
Heart cell
Heitz Wine Cellars
HEK 293 cells
Helcystogramma hystricella
Helcystogramma rusticella
Helen Bernstein Book Award for Excellence in Journalism
Helen Nash (cellist)
Helen Purcell
Hell in a Cell
Hell in a Cell (2009)
Hell in a Cell (2010)
Hell in a Cell (2011)
Hell in a Cell (2012)
Hell in a Cell (2013)
Hell in a Cell (2014)
Hell in a Cell (2015)
Hell in a Cell (2019)
Hematology-Oncology and Stem Cell Transplantation Research Center
Hematopoietic stem cell
Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
Henri Delcellier
Henry Chancellor
Henry Lascelles
Henry Lascelles (16901753)
Henry Lascelles, 6th Earl of Harewood
Henry Purcell
Henry Viccellio Jr.
Hensen's cell
Heortia ocellata
Hepatic stellate cell
Hepatocellular adenoma
Hepatocellular carcinoma
Hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma
Herald Chancellor of Canada
Hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell cancer syndrome
Herman Ene-Purcell
Herv Lacelles
Heteropsis exocellata
Hfr cell
HHV Infected Cell Polypeptide 0
Hierarchical cell structure (telecommunications)
High Five cells
Highlife (cellular automaton)
Hilarographa excellens
Himmacia huachucella
Hippocampus biocellatus
Hippopus porcellanus
His Excellency (1958 film)
His Excellency (disambiguation)
His Excellency from Madagascar
His Excellency: George Washington
His Excellency, The Shop Assistant
His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancellery
His Late Excellency
Histochemistry and Cell Biology
Historical rankings of chancellors of Germany
Hitler's Chancellery
Hofbauer cell
Hofstra Center for Teaching and Scholarly Excellence
Holcopogon bubulcellus
Holy Trinity (Botticelli)
Holy Week in Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto
Home fuel cell
Homeland Security Centers of Excellence
Homoeosoma calcella
Homoeosoma fornacella
Homoeosoma stypticellum
Hood's Magazine and Comic Miscellany
Hooker's Journal of Botany and Kew Garden Miscellany
Hoploscopa ocellata
Horia Macellariu
Host cell factor C1
Host-cell reactivation
Hot cell
Hotel Grand Chancellor
Hotel Grand Chancellor, Hobart
Hotel Grand Chancellor Townsville
House of the Huangcheng Chancellor
Hugh Purcell of Loughmoe
Human Science Operations Cell
Human umbilical artery endothelial cells
Human umbilical vein endothelial cell
Hrthle cell
Hrthle cell adenoma
HuS-E/2 cells
Hybrid solar cell
Hydroelectric cell
Hydroxyethyl cellulose
Hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose
Hydroxypropyl cellulose
Hymenobacter ocellatus
Hypatopa nucella
Hypatopa simplicella
Hypercomplex cell
Hypocrita excellens
Hyposmocoma scepticella
Hyposmocoma subocellata
Hystricella bicarinata
Hystricella echinulata
Hystricella oxytropis
Hystricella turricula
Ibicella lutea
IBM 2321 Data Cell
I-cell disease
ICELL Network
Icosahedral 120-cell
Idea Cellular
IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence
Identification of cell death
Idioblasta procellaris
Idiopathic giant-cell myocarditis
Idiothauma malgassicella
Immediate Reaction Cell
Immobilized whole cell
Immortalised cell line
Immunology and Cell Biology
In-cell charge control
Inclusion (cell)
Indo-Israeli Centre of Excellence for Animal Husbandary & Dairying, Hisar
Indonesian ocellated flounder
Induced cell cycle arrest
Induced pluripotent stem cell
Induced thymic epithelial cell
Infected cell protein 34.5
Infected cell protein 47
Information excellence
Ingress cancellation
Injury-induced stem-cell niche
Innate lymphoid cell
Inner cell mass
Innocenzo Del Bufalo-Cancellieri
Insane (cancelled video game)
In Search of Excellence
Institut de biologie molculaire et cellulaire
Institute for Credentialing Excellence
Institute for Stem Cell Science and Regenerative Medicine
Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology
Integrated gasification fuel cell cycle
Inter-Cell Interference Coordination
Intercellular adhesion molecule
International Comedy Cellar
International Design Excellence Awards
International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy
International Research Association for Talent Development and Excellence
International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology
International Society for Extracellular Vesicles
Interstitial cell of Cajal
Intracellular antibody-mediated degradation
Intracellular calcium-sensing proteins
Intracellular parasite
Intracellular receptor
Intracellular transport
Intraglomerular mesangial cell
Intramyocellular lipids
Intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cell
In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology Animal
In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology Plant
Iraqi Falcons Intelligence Cell
Irish Stem Cell Foundation
Isabella von Thurn und Valsssina-Como-Vercelli
Ischemic cell death
Islet cell transplantation
Istituto Italiano Statale Comprensivo di Barcellona
Italian submarine Evangelista Torricelli (1934)
Jack Petruccelle
Jacksonia furcellata
Jacopo Tumicelli
Jacques and Marcelle Morgantini
Jamaal Lascelles
James Bond uncollected and other miscellaneous short stories
James Cancellar
James Cellan Jones
James Lascelles
James Marcello
James N. Purcell Jr.
Jameson cell
James Purcell
Jan F. E. Celliers
Jan Porcellis
Jean-Baptiste-Pierre Courcelles
Jean-Louis Bertuccelli
Jean-Marcellin Buttin
Jeanne Scelles-Millie
Jean-Pierre Giudicelli
Jean Pucelle
Jeffrey R. Cellars
Jela Cello
Jeremy Lascelles
Jrme Cellier
Jerry Cox Vasconcells
Jian Wang (cellist)
J. Malucelli Futebol
Joan Acocella
Joan Balcells
Jocelyn (Sicilian chancellor)
Joe Purcell
John Baptist Purcell
John Barcellona
John Cassidy (chancellor)
John Chancellor
John Chancellor (colonial administrator)
John J. McElligott
John Marcellus
John McElligott
John of Vercelli
John Pacella
John Painter (cellist)
John Parricelli
John Petrucelli
John Porcellino
John Porcelly
John Purcell
John Purcell-Fitzgerald
John Smith (Chancellor of the Exchequer)
John Vasconcellos
John W. Cell
Joint Unmanned Aircraft Systems Center of Excellence
Jorge Barcellos
Josefina de Vasconcellos
Jos Lus Purcell Rodrguez
Jos Marcelino Pessoa de Vasconcellos
Joseph Alexander (cellist)
Joseph Andr Cellony
Joseph Cella
Joseph Celli
Joseph Marcell
Joseph Marcellin Rullire
Josh Kilmer-Purcell
Journal of Cell and Molecular Biology
Journal of Cell Biology
Journal of Cell Science
Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine
Journal of Cellular Biochemistry
Journal of Cellular Physiology
Journal of Cellular Plastics
Journal of Extracellular Vesicles
Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology
Journal of Stem Cells & Regenerative Medicine
Julia Marcell
Jurkat cells
Juvenile cellulitis
Juxtaglomerular cell
Juxtaglomerular cell tumor
JY cell line
K562 cells
Kamancello (album)
Kam Chancellor
Karina Cascella
Katherine Chancellor
Kayla DiCello
K cell
K-cell (mathematics)
Kee Marcello's K2
Keiferia lycopersicella
Kelly's Cellars
Ken McElligott
Kenneth Parcell
Kenyon cell
Kessleria alpicella
Killer-cell immunoglobulin-like receptor
Killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor 2DL3
Killing of Marcellis Stinnette
Knudsen cell
Kbnya cellar system
Koniocellular cell
Korbel Champagne Cellars
Korpi & Blackcell
Krusty Gets Kancelled
KSL cells
Kupffer cell
Kurloff cell
Kuroshiodaphne supracancellata
Kuzey Kbrs Turkcell
L1210 cells
Labile cell
La Celle
La Celle-Cond
La Celle-Dunoise
La Celle, Puy-de-Dme
La Celle-Saint-Cloud
La Celle-sur-Nivre
La Cellette
La Cellette, Puy-de-Dme
Lactotropic cell
Lacus Excellentiae
La Flocellire
Lake Monticello
La Mancellire-sur-Vire
Lambdina fiscellaria
Lamella (cell biology)
Lamentation over the Dead Christ (Botticelli, Milan)
Lamentation over the Dead Christ (Botticelli, Munich)
La Moncelle
Lampronia corticella
Lancelotto Malocello
Langerhans cell
Langerhans cell histiocytosis
Langhans giant cell
Laodamia faecella
La Pucelle
La Pucelle: Tactics
Large cell
Large-cell acanthoma
Large-cell lung carcinoma
Large-cell lung carcinoma with rhabdoid phenotype
Large-cell lymphoma
Large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the lung
Lascelles (1812 ship)
Lascelles Abercrombie
Lascelles Robotham
Laughlin Cellaigh
Lauricella hypergeometric series
Law of Property (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1989
Lawrence Barcella
Lazare Ponticelli
LE cell
Leclanch cell
Le Crocodile (cancelled film)
Le Mnil-Scelleur
Le Monsieur, le Vampire et Rene Marcelle
Lena Purcell
Leydig cell
Leydig cell hypoplasia
Leydig cell tumour
Lezioni di violoncello con toccata e fuga
LifeCell International
Life-like cellular automaton
Light-emitting electrochemical cell
Lignocellulosic biomass
Liliana Ventricelli
Li Lin (Tang chancellor)
Limacella delicata
Limbal stem cell
Limited-stage small cell lung carcinoma
Lineage Cell Therapeutics
Linker for activation of T cells
Lioprosopa neuricella
List of Ace miscellaneous double titles
List of Ace miscellaneous letter-series single titles
List of Ace miscellaneous numeric-series single titles
List of Ahmadu Bello University chancellors
List of ArkansasMonticello Boll Weevils in the NFL Draft
List of atheists (miscellaneous)
List of awards and nominations received by Andrea Bocelli
List of breast cancer cell lines
List of cancelled Atari Jaguar games
List of cancelled games for Nintendo consoles
List of cancelled SNES and Super Famicom games
List of cancelled X68000 games
List of cellists
List of Chancellors and Vice-Chancellors of Aligarh Muslim University
List of chancellors and vice-chancellors of British universities
List of chancellors and vice-chancellors of South African universities
List of chancellors and vice-chancellors of the University of Pretoria
List of chancellors of Austria
List of chancellors of Burgundy
List of chancellors of Durham
List of chancellors of Durham University
List of chancellors of East Carolina University
List of chancellors of Germany
List of chancellors of Germany by time in office
List of chancellors of the Duchy of Lancaster
List of chancellors of the Queen's University, Belfast
List of chancellors of the University of Alberta
List of chancellors of the University of British Columbia
List of chancellors of the University of Cambridge
List of chancellors of the University of Dublin
List of chancellors of the University of Houston System
List of chancellors of the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign
List of chancellors of the University of Massachusetts Amherst
List of chancellors of the University of Mississippi
List of chancellors of the University of Oxford
List of chancellors of the University of Toronto
List of chancellors of Transylvania
List of chancellors of Vanderbilt University
List of chancellors of Washington University in St. Louis
List of chancellors of Wu Zetian
List of chancellors, vice-chancellors and presidents of RMIT University
List of compositions by Henry Purcell
List of compositions for cello and organ
List of distinct cell types in the adult human body
List of double concertos for violin and cello
List of fuel cell manufacturers
List of human cell types derived from the germ layers
List of interstitial cells
List of intestinal stem cell marker genes
List of Lord Chancellors and Lord Keepers
List of mayors of Vercelli
List of miscellaneous English Bible translations
List of miscellaneous fictional animals
List of miscellaneous works by Temple Moore
List of municipalities of the Province of Vercelli
List of peerages created for Lord Chancellors and Lord Keepers
List of presidents and chancellors of the University of WisconsinMadison
List of Prisoner characters miscellaneous
List of Procellariidae species
List of procellariiformes
List of protected heritage sites in Pont--Celles
List of Sleeper Cell characters
List of solo cello pieces
List of Tanzanian university chancellors and vice-chancellors
List of triple concertos for violin, cello, and piano
List of vice-chancellors and chancellors of the University of the Witwatersrand
List of vice-chancellors and wardens of Durham University
List of vice-chancellors of Banaras Hindu University
List of vice-chancellors of Bangladeshi universities
List of Vice Chancellors of Darul Uloom Deoband
List of Vice Chancellors of Dhaka University
List of vice-chancellors of Nigerian universities
List of vice-chancellors of Sylhet Agricultural University
List of vice-chancellors of the Queen's University, Belfast
List of vice-chancellors of the University of Auckland
List of vice-chancellors of the University of Cambridge
List of vice-chancellors of the University of Hong Kong
List of vice-chancellors of the University of London
List of vice-chancellors of the University of Malaya
List of vice-chancellors of the University of Oxford
List of vice-chancellors of the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David
List of women classical cellists
List of women presidents or chancellors of co-ed colleges and universities
Lists of academic chancellors and vice chancellors
Littoral cell angioma
Liuixalus ocellatus
Liu Ji (Tang chancellor)
Live at The Cellar Door
Live single-cell imaging
Live (Soft Cell album)
Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects
Li Yong (chancellor)
Li Yuanhong (Tang chancellor)
Load cell
Locksmith and Chancellor
Loggia Rucellai
Longicella mollis
Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies filmography (1970present and miscellaneous)
Lophiogobius ocellicauda
Lorcn mac Cellaig
Lord Chancellor
Lord Chancellor's Advisory Committee on Legal Education and Conduct
Lord Chancellor's Department
Lord Chancellor of Ireland
Lord Chancellor of Scotland
Lord High Chancellor of Sweden
Lorenzo Cellerino
Los Angeles Resistance Cell
Los Marcellos Ferial
Louis B. Vocelle
Louis Cella
Louis Cellot
Louise de Corcelles
Louis N. Scarcella
Louis Vauxcelles
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
Lucas Barcellos
LuceCeller Act of 1946
Lucella MacLean
Lucelle Abbey
Lucelle Frances Beetham
Lucelle, Haut-Rhin
Lugaro cell
Luigi Baricelli
Luigi Mascelli
Lus Mendes de Vasconcellos
Luther Marcellus Goddard
Lyce Corneille (La Celle-Saint-Cloud)
Lygodactylus ocellatus
Lymph node stromal cell
Lymphocyte T-cell immunomodulator
Lymphokine-activated killer cell
Lynching of Cellos Harrison
Macella euritiusalis
Mac Gilla Cellaig Ua Ruaidn
Macrocell array
Mac Scelling
Maculonaclia muscella
Madin-Darby Canine Kidney cells
Madonna and Child (Botticelli, Avignon)
Madonna della Loggia (Botticelli)
Madonna del Padiglione (Botticelli)
Madonna of Chancellor Rolin
Madonna of the Rose Garden (Botticelli)
Maelsechlainn mac Aedh Cellaigh
Maelsechlainn mac Tadhg Cellaigh
Maelsechlainn Cellaigh
Magic Cellphone
Magliano, Torricella Sicura
Magnocellular cell
Magnocellular neurosecretory cell
Magnocellular red nucleus
Maharani Laxmi Bai Govt. College of Excellence
Maiestas elangatoocellatus
Maine Mor Cellaigh
Majority problem (cellular automaton)
Malcolm Parcell
Manila Police District secret jail cell scandal
Maniltoa lenticellata
Mantle cell lymphoma
Manuel Balcells i Daz
Marcel Cellier
Marcella Althaus-Reid
Marcella Araica
Marcella Boveri
Marcella Coms Winslow
Marcella Craft
Marcella Detroit
Marcella Evaristi
Marcella Frevert
Marcella (Giordano)
Marcella Grace Eiler
Marcella LeBeau
Marcella Lindh
Marcella Lotti della Santa
Marcella Mariani
Marcella Michelangeli
Marcella Ng
Marcella Nunez-Smith
Marcella Pattyn
Marcella Place
Marcella Pobbe
Marcella Puppini
Marcella Runell Hall
Marcella Sembrich
Marcella (song)
Marcella Walker McGee
Marcell Dareus
Marcell Dek-Nagy
Marcelle Barbey-Gampert
Marcelle Bouele Bondo
Marcelle Bhler
Marcelle Capy
Marcelle Chantal
Marcelle Deschnes
Marcelle Dormoy
Marcelle Gabarrus
Marcelle Karp
Marcelle Manson
Marcelle Matthews
Marcelle Meyer
Marcell Antnez Roca
Marcell Gausachs
Marcellina (gnostic)
Marcellin Berthelot
Marcellin Champagnat
Marcellin College
Marcellin College, Auckland
Marcellin College, Bulleen
Marcellin Desboutin
Marcelline Akinocho
Marcelline Jayakody
Marcelline Picard-Kanap
Marcellin Koukpo
Marcellin Marbot
Marcellino da Civezza
Marcellinus and Peter
Marcellinus Comes
Marcellinus (magister militum)
Marcellinus of Carthage
Marcell Perell i Domingo
Marcell Jacobs
Marcell Jansen
Marcell Molnr
Marcell Nemes
Marcello Abbado
Marcello Alencar
Marcello Aliprandi
Marcello Amador
Marcello Bacciarelli
Marcello Barbieri
Marcello Bergamo
Marcello Bernardini
Marcello Bertinetti
Marcello Boldrini
Marcello Brunelli
Marcello Campolonghi
Marcello Cestaro
Marcello-class submarine
Marcello Cottafava
Marcello d'Orey
Marcello De Cecco
Marcello De Dorigo
Marcello del Bello
Marcello Del Duca
Marcello Dell'Utri
Marcello Fabbri
Marcello Falzerano
Marcello Farabegoli
Marcello Ferrada de Noli
Marcello Fiasconaro
Marcello Fondato
Marcello Frigrio
Marcello Geppetti
Marcello Giordani
Marcello Guarducci
Marcello Guido
Marcello, I'm So Bored
Marcello Lara
Marcello Lippi
Marcello Maio
Marcello Malpighi
Marcello Maruzzo and Luis Navarro
Marcello Mastroianni
Marcello Mastroianni Award
Marcello Mastroianni: I Remember
Marcello Matrone
Marcello Mihalich
Marcello Novaes
Marcellon, Wisconsin
Marcello Pavarin
Marcello Pera
Marcello Piedt
Marcello Pirani
Marcello Quintanilha
Marcello Siniscalco
Marcello Spatafora
Marcello Truzzi
Marcello Vernola
Marcell Ozuna
Marcell Takcs
Marcellus Augustus Stovall
Marcellus Baz
Marcellus Boss
Marcellus de Niveriis
Marcellus Empiricus
Marcellus E. Wright Sr.
Marcellus Formation
Marcellus Gilmore Edson
Marcellus Hartley Dodge
Marcellus Hartley Dodge Jr.
Marcellus Hartley Dodge Sr.
Marcellus H. Chiles
Marcellus H. Evans
Marcellus Jerome Clarke
Marcellus Jones
Marcellus Laroon
Marcellus Laroon the Younger
Marcellus Lovejoy Stearns
Marcellus (magister equitum)
Marcellus M. Crocker
Marcellus, Michigan
Marcellus (name)
Marcellus natural gas trend
Marcellus, New York
Marcellus of Capua
Marcellus of Tangier
Marcellus Osceola Jr.
Marcellus (prefect of Judea)
Marcellus Stearns
Marcellus Ttny
Marcellus Township, Michigan
Marcellus (village), New York
Marco Uccellini
Marco Vecellio
Marcus Asinius Marcellus
Marcus Claudius Marcellus
Marcus Claudius Marcellus (aedile 91 BC)
Marcus Claudius Marcellus (consul 196 BC)
Marcus Claudius Marcellus (disambiguation)
Marcus Claudius Marcellus (nephew of Augustus)
Marcus Egnatius Marcellinus
Marginal zone B-cell
Marginal zone B-cell lymphoma
Maria Grazia Buccella
Mara Lucelly Murillo
Marano Puricelli
Marie-Anne-Marcelle Mallet
Marinobacter excellens
Mario Arcelli
Mario Monicelli
Marisa Acocella Marchetto
Mark and Marcellian
Marker-and-cell method
Mark Janicello
Mark Maroncelli
Mark of Excellence
Marsh Award for Excellence in Public Sculpture
Martin Cellarius
Mary Lascelles
Mary Tracey-Purcell
Massive giant-cell tumor of pelviacetabulum
Mast cell
Mast cell activation syndrome
Mast cell leukemia
Mast cell sarcoma
Mast cell stabilizer
Mastoid cells
Mathematical Olympiad Cell
Matricellular protein
Matteo Guidicelli
Matt Parcell
Maurice Eustace (Lord Chancellor)
Maurice Purcell-FitzGerald
Mauricio Vincello
Mauthner cell
Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
Mayor's Award for Excellence in Science and Technology
Mbankomo Centre of Excellence
M cells
Measuring Business Excellence
Mediastinal germ cell tumor
Medullary thymic epithelial cells
Megacraspedus violacellum
Megakaryocyteerythroid progenitor cell
Meier's Wine Cellars
Melanthia procellata
Melipotis cellaris
Memory B cell
Memory cell
Memory cell (computing)
Memory cells (motor cortex)
Memory T cell
Memory T cell inflation
Mercedes-Benz F-Cell
Mericella cingulata
Mericella gerda
Merkel cell
Merkel-cell carcinoma
Merkel cell polyomavirus
Mesangial cell
Mesenchymal stem cell
Meshell Ndegeocello
Mesophleps corsicella
Mesophleps ochracella
Mesophleps silacella
Metalair electrochemical cell
Metal hydride fuel cell
Metallolophia ocellata
Methuselah (cellular automaton)
Methyl cellulose
Metisella perexcellens
Metzneria artificella
Miathyria marcella
Micellar electrokinetic chromatography
Micellar liquid chromatography
Micellar solubilization
Michael Botticelli
Michael Marcello
Michael Petrucelli
Michael Purcell
Michael Shaara Award for Excellence in Civil War Fiction
Michael Vey: The Prisoner of Cell 25
Mchel Cellaigh
Michele Dancelli
Michel Particelli d'Emery
Microbial electrolysis cell
Microbial fuel cell
Microcell-mediated chromosome transfer
Microcellular plastic
Microcramboides meretricella
Microcrambus francescella
Microcrystalline cellulose
Microfold cell
Microlenecamptus biocellatus
Micropterix aruncella
Micropterix avarcella
Micropterix ibericella
Microsoft FreeCell
Microthyris miscellalis
Mike Berticelli
Mimeresia cellularis
Miracle in Cell No. 7
Miracle in Cell No. 7 (2019 Philippine film)
Miracle in Cell No. 7 (2019 Turkish film)
Mirificarma ocellinella
Mirko Pigliacelli
Mirror cell
Mirror support cell
Misano World Circuit Marco Simoncelli
Miscellanea Entomologica
Miscellanea Malacologica
Miscellaneous Babylonian Inscriptions
Miscellaneous charges order
Miscellaneous compositions (Chopin)
Miscellaneous electric load
Miscellaneous left
Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A
Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B
Miscellaneous Morsels from Youyang
Miscellaneous right
Miscellaneous SC Serowe
Miscellaneous Symbols
Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
Miscellaneous Technical
Miscellaneous Writings (Lovecraft)
Missa Cellensis
Missa Cellensis in honorem Beatissimae Virginis Mariae
Missa Papae Marcelli
Mitotic cell rounding
Mitral cell
Mixed-cell lymphoma
Mobile cell sites
Moitrelia boeticella
Moitrelia italogallicella
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry
Molecular and Cellular Biology
Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology
Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Molecular and Cellular Probes
Molecular Biology of the Cell
Molecular Biology of the Cell (book)
Molecular Cell
Molecular cellular cognition
Molecules and Cells
Molten carbonate fuel cell
Moluccella laevis
Mompha jurassicella
Mompha miscella
Monastic cell
Monochroa simplicella
Montbliard Courcelles Aerodrome
Montesano sulla Marcellana
Monticelli, Teramo
Monticello Airport
Monticello, Arkansas
Monticello Artillery
Monticello AVA
Monticello, California
Monticello Courthouse Square Historic District
Monticello d'Alba
Monticello Dam
Monticello (disambiguation)
Monticello, Florida
Monticello, Georgia
Monticello, Haute-Corse
Monticello Historic District
Monticello Hotel
Monticello Hotel (Longview, Washington)
Monticello, Illinois
Monticello, Indiana
Monticello, Iowa
Monticello, Kentucky
Monticello, Louisiana
Monticello, Maine
Monticello Media
Monticello, Minnesota
Monticello, Mississippi
Monticello, Missouri
Monticello Municipal Airport
Monticello Municipal Airport (Arkansas)
Monticello National Forest
Monticello, New York
Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant
Monticello, Ohio
Monticello Raceway
Monticello Regional Airport
Monticello Reservoir
Monticello Seminary
Monticello, South Carolina
Monticello, Utah
Monticello, Wisconsin
Morethia lineoocellata
Most Excellent Majesty
Most Excellent Order of the Pearl of Africa
Mothonica ocellea
Mount Macbeth (Purcells)
Movable cellular automaton
MTN Irancell
Mucin 21, cell surface associated
Mucinous tubular and spindle cell carcinoma
Mucosal associated invariant T cell
Muiredach mac Ainbcellaig
Multicellular organism
Multicellular thunderstorm
Multi-junction solar cell
Multi-level cell
Multilocular cystic renal cell carcinoma
Multinational Centre of Excellence for Mountain Warfare
Multinucleate cell angiohistiocytoma
Multipass spectroscopic absorption cells
Multiphase particle-in-cell method
Mural cell
Muricodrupa fiscella
Muse cell
Museo Provinciale di Torcello
MV Empire Chancellor
Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare infection
Myeloid-derived suppressor cell
Myelopsis subtetricella
Myoepithelial cell
Myosatellite cell
Myrcella Baratheon
Myrlaea orcella
N2a cell
Nacaduba biocellata
Nacella macquariensis
Nacella polaris
Nacelle (wind turbine)
Naive B cell
Naive T cell
Naria ocellata
National Alliance for Advanced Transportation Battery Cell Manufacture
National Centre for Cell Science
National Centre for Excellence
National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics
National Centre of Excellence in Geology
National Commission on Excellence in Education
National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence
National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
National Logistics Cell
National Parliamentary Tournament of Excellence
National Socialist Factory Cell Organization
National Tournament of Academic Excellence
Natural killer cell
Natural killer cell enteropathy
Natural killer T cell
Nature Cell Biology
Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology
Navicella (diatom)
Navicella (mosaic)
Navicelli channel
Nazi Party Chancellery
Nemapogon cloacella
Nemophora cupriacella
Neoloy Geocell
NEPAD African Western and Southern Networks of Centres of Excellence in Water Sciences
Network for Excellence in Health Innovation
Network of Excellence for Functional Biomaterials
Neural cell adhesion molecule
Neural stem cell
Neuroendocrine cell
Neuroepithelial cell
Neurogliaform cell
Neuronal cell cycle
Neutrophil extracellular traps
Nevoid basal-cell carcinoma syndrome
New Jersey Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Cell
Nicholas Laucella
Nicholas Marcellus Hentz
Nicholas Purcell
Nicholas Purcell (classicist)
Nicholas Purcell of Loughmoe
Nicholas Saunders (vice-chancellor)
Nick Frascella
Nicola Acocella
Nicols Francella
Nicolaus Ricci de Nucella Campli
Nicol Marcello
Nico Vascellari
Niditinea fuscella
Nika Ranjina's Miscellany
Nils Aall Barricelli
Ninox boobook ocellata
Noah Purcell
Nobili cellular automata
Noel Purcell
Noel Purcell (actor)
Noise-cancelling headphones
Non-cellular life
Non-islet cell tumor hypoglycemia
Non-Langerhans cell histiocytosis
Non-mycosis fungoides CD30 cutaneous large T-cell lymphoma
Non-small-cell lung carcinoma
Noradrenergic cell group A5
Noradrenergic cell group A6
Noradrenergic cell group A7
Noradrenergic cells in medulla
Nora Vasconcellos
Noricella oreinos
Norman Fischer (cellist)
Nothobranchius ocellatus
Nothris lemniscellus
Nothris sulcella
Nothris verbascella
Nucella canaliculata
Nucella dubia
Nucella emarginata
Nucella lamellosa
Nucella ostrina
Nucellar embryony
Nucella squamosa
Nucella wahlbergi
Nucleated red blood cell
Null cell
Nymphargus ocellatus
Oboe Concerto (Marcello)
Occella iburia
Occella kasawae
Occella kuronumai
Oceanus Procellarum
Ocella (butterfly)
Ocellaris clownfish
Ocellated angelshark
Ocellated antbird
Ocellated crake
Ocellated dragonet
Ocellated electric ray
Ocellated flat lizard
Ocellated forest tree frog
Ocellated frogfish
Ocellated lizard
Ocellated moray
Ocellated piculet
Ocellated poorwill
Ocellated quail
Ocellated sand-eel
Ocellated skink
Ocellated tapaculo
Ocellated thrasher
Ocellated turbot
Ocellated turkey
Ocellated velvet gecko
Ocellated woodcreeper
Ocellated wrasse
Ocellate eel blenny
Ocellate soapfish
Ocellate spot skate
Ocellate topeshark
Ode to St. Cecilia (Purcell)
OK cells
Okinawa Cellular Stadium
Olcella parva
Oldendorf (Celle district)
Old White Horse Cellar
Old York Cellars
Olepa ocellifera
Olfactory ensheathing cell
Oligodendrocyte progenitor cell
Oligonicella scudderi
Oligoxyloglucan reducing-end-specific cellobiohydrolase
Oliver Marcell
One Cell in the Sea
Oogonial stem cells
Oorja Fuel Cells
OP9 cell
Operational excellence
Orazio Vecellio
Orbicella annularis
Orbicella faveolata
Orbicella franksi
Orchid Cellmark
Order-5 120-cell honeycomb
Order of Excellence of Guyana
Ordxan Cell
Organic solar cell
Ornativalva aurantiacella
Orocrambus apicellus
Oscillation (cell signaling)
Oscillator (cellular automaton)
Outline of cell biology
Out of the Cellar
Ovalipes ocellatus
Ovarian germ cell tumors
Oxidized cellulose
Oxychilus cellarius
Oxyphil cell
Oyster vermicelli
Pacello da Mercogliano
Packed red blood cells
Padded cell
Palazzo Boccella
Palazzo Cellammare, Naples
Palazzo della Cancelleria
Palazzo Grimani Marcello
Palazzo Rucellai
Palisade cell
Pallini Limoncello
Palpita ocelliferalis
Pancreatic progenitor cell
Pancreatic stellate cell
Paneth cell
Paolo Marucelli
Paolo Uccello
Papillary renal cell carcinoma
Paracellular transport
Parachaetodon ocellatus
Paradiaptomus excellens
Parafollicular cell
Parafomoria liguricella
Parasol cell
Parentucellia latifolia
Parentucellia viscosa
Parexarrhenus excellens
Parietal cell
Parmacellilla filipowitschi
Parornix anglicella
Parornix scoticella
Partnership for Academic Competition Excellence
Parvocellular cell
Parvocellular neurosecretory cell
Parvocellular red nucleus
Parvocellular reticular nucleus
Patricia Lascelles, Countess of Harewood
Patterson power cell
Paul Cellucci
Pauline Rifer de Courcelles
Payena longipedicellata
PC12 cell line
PeaucellierLipkin linkage
Pediasia ericella
Pediasia matricella
Pedioplanis lineoocellata
Peg cell
Pei Tan (9th-century Tang chancellor)
Pempeliella malacella
Pennisetum pedicellatum
Perianal cellulitis
Periglomerular cell
Periodontal ligament stem cells
Periorbital cellulitis
Peripheral blood cell
Peripheral blood mononuclear cell
Peripheral giant-cell granuloma
Peripheral stem cell transplantation
Peripheral T-cell lymphoma
Peripheral T-cell lymphoma not otherwise specified
Periploca orichalcella
Perisynaptic schwann cells
Peritubular myoid cell
Perivascular epithelioid cell tumour
Permanent Secretary to the Lord Chancellor's Office
Perovskite solar cell
Persicula porcellana
Persistent polyclonal B-cell lymphocytosis
Persister cells
Personal Digital Cellular
Pessograptis cancellata
Peter Cellensis
Peter Excell
Peter Gregson (cellist)
Peter Stumpf (cellist)
Pfaff's beer cellar
Phacelia pedicellata
Phacellophora camtschatica
Phelsuma quadriocellata
Philip J. Purcell
Philip the Chancellor
Phillip Chancellor
Philodoria hibiscella
Phil Purcell
Phosinella cancellata
Phosphoric acid fuel cell
Phostria ocellalis
Photoelectrochemical cell
Photoreceptor cell
Photoreceptor cell-specific nuclear receptor
Phycitodes subcretacella
Phyllocnistis meliacella
Phyllonorycter nicellii
Phyllonorycter nipponicella
Phyllonorycter tiliacella
Pictocolumbella ocellata
Pietro Marcellino Corradini
Pietro Scarcella
Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research
Pigmented spindle cell nevus
Pilosella lactucella
Pithecellobium decandrum
Pithecellobium dulce
Pithecellobium johansenii
Pithecellobium keyense
Pithecellobium seleri
Place cell
Plakobranchus ocellatus
Plant cell
Plant, Cell & Environment
Plant Cell Reports
Plant stem cell
Plasma cell
Plasma cell dyscrasias
Plasma cell gingivitis
Plasmacytoid dendritic cell
Plasmonic solar cell
Plays Electronica By One Cello
Pleomorphic T-cell lymphoma
PMHC cellular microarray
Poems on Miscellaneous Subjects
Pogo cello
Polar cell
Pole cell
Polyclonal B cell response
Pontiac Academy for Excellence
Ponticelli, Citt della Pieve
Pope Marcellinus
Pope Marcellus
Pope Marcellus I
Pope Marcellus II
Porcellana platycheles
Porcellana sayana
Porcellian Club
Porcellio laevis
Porcellionides myrmecophilus
Porcellionides pruinosus
Porcellio pumicatus
Porcellio scaber
Porcelli v Strathclyde Regional Council
Portal:Alps/Excellent Articles
Portland Press Excellence in Science Award
Portrait of a Young Man (Botticelli, London)
Portrait of a Young Man (Botticelli, Pitti Palace)
Portrait of a Young Man (Botticelli, Washington)
Portrait of a Young Woman (Botticelli, Frankfurt)
Portrait of Giuliano de' Medici (Botticelli, Berlin)
Portrait of Lavinia Vecellio
Portraits of Benvenuto Cellini
Pouteria brevipedicellata
Power cell
PP cell
Prays atomocella
Precision Cellular Storage
Precursor B-cell lymphoblastic leukemia
Precursor cell
President's Commission on Excellence in Special Education
Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching
Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring
Presidential Chancellery
Presidential Order of Excellence
Primary cell
Primary mediastinal B-cell lymphoma
Primary mediastinal (thymic) large B cell lymphoma
Primavera (Botticelli)
Primitive cell
Princess Marcella Borghese
Prison cell
Pristimantis ocellatus
Problepsis ocellata
Problepsis triocellata
Procellaris grotis noctuid moth
Procellosaurinus erythrocercus
Procellosaurinus tetradactylus
Prochoreutis extrincicella
Professor Kageyama's Maths Training: The Hundred Cell Calculation Method
Progenitor cell
Programmable metallization cell
Programmed cell death
Programmed cell death protein 1
Project cancellation
Project for Excellence in Journalism
Proliferating cell nuclear antigen
Propebela cancellata
Protein & Cell
Protein subcellular localization prediction
Protographium marcellinus
Protographium marcellus
Proton-exchange membrane fuel cell
Protonic ceramic fuel cell
Province of Vercelli
Prudentius, Carmina and Miscellanea (Boulogne, Bibliothque Municipale, MS 189)
Pryteria apicella
Pseudocatharylla duplicellus
Pseudocellus bolivari
Pseudocellus boneti
Pseudocellus cookei
Pseudocellus mitchelli
Pseudocellus pearsei
Pseudocreobotra ocellata
Pseudogalleria inimicella
Pseudorhombus quinquocellatus
Pseudotelphusa palliderosacella
Pseudotelphusa quercinigracella
Psilocorsis quercicella
Pterochroza ocellata
Purcell's Cove, Nova Scotia
Purcell's gecko
Purcell's ghost frog
Purcell's Harbour
Purcell's hunter slug
Purcell & Elmslie
Purcell (architects)
Purcell effect
Purcell, Kansas
PurcellKillingsworth House
Purcell, Missouri
Purcell Mountains
Purcell, Oklahoma
Purcell Quartet
Purcell Supergroup
Purcellville Cannons
Purcell Wilderness Conservancy Provincial Park and Protected Area
PureCell System
Pure red cell aplasia
Purkinje cell
Pyramidal cell
Quantum cellular automaton
Quantum dot cellular automaton
Quantum dot solar cell
Radial glial cell
Raffaele Marcellino
Rake (cellular automaton)
Ralph Richardson (chancellor)
Ramnath Goenka Excellence in Journalism Awards
Ramn Balcells
Ramn Balcells Rodn
Randall Division of Cell and Molecular Biophysics
Ranulf (chancellor)
Raoul (founder of Vaucelles Abbey)
Ratarda excellens
Raymond Marcellin
ReaganFascell Democracy Fellowship
Real Colegio de Doncellas Nobles
Recomposed by Peter Gregson: Bach The Cello Suites
Reconciliation (Josefina de Vasconcellos sculpture)
Rectified 120-cell
Rectified 24-cell
Rectified 24-cell honeycomb
Rectified 5-cell
Rectified 600-cell
Red blood cell
Red blood cell distribution width
Red blood cell indices
Red cell
Red cell agglutination
Red Hat Cell Block
Redmond Barry (lord chancellor)
ReedSternberg cell
Reflector (cellular automaton)
Reformed methanol fuel cell
Regenerative fuel cell
Regents' and Chancellor's Scholarship
Regulator of cell cycle RGCC
Regulatory B cell
Regulatory T cell
Reich Chancellery
Religious affiliations of chancellors of Germany
Renal cell carcinoma
Renal stem cell
Ren Lacelle
Renshaw cell
Reproductive-cell cycle theory
Research Excellence Framework
Resistance-nodulation-cell division superfamily
Reticular cell
Retina bipolar cell
Retina horizontal cell
Retinal ganglion cell
Reversibly assembled cellular composite materials
Revolutionary Cells
Revolutionary Cells Animal Liberation Brigade
Revolutionary Cells (German group)
Rhindoma rosapicella
Rhinella ocellata
Rhytiphora ocellata
Rice vermicelli
Richard Chancellor
Richard Green (chancellor)
Richard Marcellais
Richard Purcell
Richard West (Lord Chancellor of Ireland)
Richie Bancells
Rick Lancellotti
Rick Porcello
Rico Petrocelli
Ricotta di fuscella
Rinaldo Piscicello
Riot in Cell Block Number 9
Robert Marcellus
Robert Marcellus Stewart
Robert McElliott
Robert Mocellini
Roberto Tricella
Robert Phelips (Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster)
Robert Purcell
Robert Purcell (virologist)
Robert R. Livingston (chancellor)
Robert Thorpe (Lord Chancellor)
Robert Torricelli
Rob Marcello
Roccella Ionica
Roccella (lichen)
Roccella tinctoria
Rocellaria stimpsonii
Rochester Area Colleges Center for Excellence in Math and Science
Rod cell
Role of cell adhesions in neural development
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vercelli
Roman Catholic Diocese of Torcello
Romantic Cello Concertos
Roman villa of Centcelles
Ron Purcell
Root cellar
Rory Cellan-Jones
Rosamond W. Purcell
Rosa Vercellana
Rotating cell biofilm reactor
Routing in cellular networks
Royal Canadian Legion Cadet Medal of Excellence
RSA Award for Excellence in Mathematics
Ruaidri Cellaigh
Rucellai Chapel
Rucellai Madonna
Rudy Bruner Award for Urban Excellence
Runcinated 120-cells
Runcinated 24-cells
Runcinated 5-cell
R (UNISON) v Lord Chancellor
Rural Cellular
Sabicea pedicellata
Sacred Arias (Andrea Bocelli album)
Saint Augustine in His Study (Botticelli, Ognissanti)
Saint Augustine in His Study (Botticelli, Uffizi)
Sainte-Marcelline-de-Kildare, Quebec
Saint George and the Dragon (Uccello)
Saint Marcella
Saint Marcellina
Saint-Marcellin, Isre
Saint Marcellinus
Saint Marcellus
Saint Marcellus's flood
Salix pedicellaris
Salix pedicellata
Salt cellar
Sameodes cancellalis
Sam Fisher (Splinter Cell)
Smuel Teleki (chancellor)
Sanctuary of Arcella, Padua
Sandro Botticelli
San Felice a Cancello
San Marcello
San Marcello al Corso
San Marcello, Marche
San Niccol di Celle
Sant'Agrippino a Forcella
Sant'Ambrogio di Valpolicella
Sant'Ireneo a Centocelle
Santa Maria Assunta in Cellole
Santa Maria Egiziaca a Forcella
Santa Maria in Monticelli, Rome
Santa Maria in Vallicella
Santi Marcellino e Pietro
Santi Marcellino e Pietro al Laterano
Sapi Saltceller
Sarah J. Purcell
Sarah Purcell
Satellite glial cell
Sattleria melaleucella
Sawtooth (cellular automaton)
Say Hello to Soft Cell
Scaeosopha triocellata
Scanning Flow Cell
Schistocerca cancellata
Schneider 2 cells
Schottky junction solar cell
Schreckensteinia felicella
Schwann cell
Scincella apraefrontalis
Scincella assata
Scincella badenensis
Scincella boettgeri
Scincella capitanea
Scincella caudaequinae
Scincella cherriei
Scincella darevskii
Scincella doriae
Scincella formosensis
Scincella gemmingeri
Scincella lateralis
Scincella macrotis
Scincella melanosticta
Scincella monticola
Scincella punctatolineata
Scincella rara
Scincella reevesii
Scincella rufocaudata
Scincella sikimmensis
Scincella vandenburghi
Scoparia conicella
Scopula ancellata
Scopula nigrocellata
Scopula ocellata
Scopula ocellicincta
Scott Morrison Award of Minor Hockey Excellence
Scrobipalpa atriplicella
Scrobipalpa gallicella
Scrobipalpa ocellatella
Scrobipalpopsis arnicella
Scrobipalpula lutescella
Scythris noricella
Seal of Excellence for Handicrafts
Sen MacEllin
Sen na Maighe Cellaigh
Sen Purcell
Sbastien Piocelle
Secondary cell wall
Secondary cutaneous CD30+ large-cell lymphoma
Second-order cellular automaton
Seeds (cellular automaton)
Selagia spadicella
Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology
Semioscopis merriccella
Semnocera procellaris
Sentinel cell
Septaria porcellana
Serbian Chancellery in Dubrovnik
Serena Aun-Chancellor
Serenade for Violin, Viola and Cello (Beethoven)
Serotonergic cell groups
Serra d'En Celler
Sertoli cell
Sertoli cell nodule
Sertoli cell-only syndrome
Sertoli cell tumour
SertoliLeydig cell tumour
Serum B-cell maturation antigen
Service Excellence Health Care
Sf9 (cells)
Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer
Shpilman International Prize for Excellence in Photography
S (Andrea Bocelli album)
Sickle cell disease
Sickle Cell Disease Association of America
Sickle cell nephropathy
Sickle cell trait
Signet ring cell
Signet ring cell carcinoma
Silver Oak Cellars
Simon Cellan Jones
Simple cell
Single antenna interference cancellation
Single cell
Single-cell analysis
Single-cell protein
Single cell sequencing
Single-cell transcriptomics
Single-cell variability
Sleeper cell (disambiguation)
Sleeper Cell (TV series)
Small-blue-round-cell tumor
Small cancellation theory
Small cell
Small-cell carcinoma
Small cell (disambiguation)
Small-cell melanoma
Small cleaved cells
Small stellated 120-cell
SmartCell Technology
Smerinthus ocellatus
SmithPurcell effect
Snake Cell Andhra Pradesh
Snub 24-cell
Snub 24-cell honeycomb
Society for Hematology and Stem Cells
Sodium cellulose phosphate
Sdra Cell Tofte
So Excellent
Soft Cell
Soft Cell's Non-Stop Exotic Video Show
Soft Cell discography
Solar cell
Solar cell efficiency
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells
Solid cell nests
Solid oxide electrolyzer cell
Solid oxide fuel cell
Soluble cell adhesion molecules
Somatic cell
Somatic Cell and Molecular Genetics
Somatic cell count
Somatic cell nuclear transfer
Somatomammotrophic cell
Somatotropic cell
Sonata for Solo Cello (Kodly)
Sonata for Solo Cello (Ligeti)
Sonata for Solo Cello (Prokofiev)
Son Excellence Eugne Rougon
Sony Toshiba IBM Center of Competence for the Cell Processor
Sophia Dorothea of Celle
Spaceship (cellular automaton)
Spanish Network of Excellence on Cybersecurity Research
Spark (cellular automaton)
Speed cell
Speed of light (cellular automaton)
Spermatogonial stem cell
Sphingosinicella humi
Spilarctia percellens
Spilonota ocellana
Spindle cell carcinoma
Spindle cell lipoma
Spinner (cell culture)
Spinous cell
Spore-like cell
Spurius Cassius Viscellinus
Squamous cell carcinoma
Squamous-cell carcinoma of the lung
Squamous-cell carcinoma of the vagina
Squamous cell papilloma
Squamous cell skin cancer
Squamous-cell thyroid carcinoma
Sri Lanka Journalism Awards for Excellence
Stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture
Stadio Marcello Melani
Stag's Leap Wine Cellars
Stage Awards for Acting Excellence
Standard cell
Standing cell
Stanisaw Gabriel Worcell
Stanley Meyer's water fuel cell
Starburst amacrine cell
Starksia ocellata
Stefano Antonio Morcelli
Stellate cell
Stem cell
Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Cluster
Stem cell controversy
Stem cell factor
Stem cell genomics
Stem cell laws
Stem-cell line
Stem-cell niche
Stem cell proteomics
Stem Cell Reports
Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act
Stem Cell Research (journal)
Stem cell research policy
Stem Cell Reviews and Reports
Stem Cells and Development
Stem cell secretome
StemCells, Inc.
Stem Cells (journal)
Stemcell Technologies
Stem cell theory of aging
Stem-cell therapy
Stem cell transplantation for articular cartilage repair
Steve Buccellato
Steven Purcell
Steve Purcell
Stewie, Chris, & Brian's Excellent Adventure
Stigmella catharticella
Stigmella lemniscella
Still life (cellular automaton)
Stochastic cellular automaton
Stomopteryx nigricella
Stomopteryx subnigricella
Storm cell
Storm cellar
Strabena excellens
Streptomyces cellulosae
Streptophlebia bicellulata
Strobilurus tenacellus
Stromal cell
Stromal cell-derived factor
Stromal cell-derived factor 1
Studies for cello (J.-L. Duport)
Sua Eccellenza si ferm a mangiare
Subcellular localization
Subcutaneous T-cell lymphoma
Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma
Successive interference cancellation
Suite for Cello and Piano (Saint-Sans)
Sulpicia (wife of Lentulus Cruscellio)
Sun Cellular
Sun Monticello
Supercell (band)
Supercell (disambiguation)
Supercell (video game company)
Suppressor-inducer T cell
Suspension Bridge of San Marcello Piteglio
Swainsonia ocellata
S. Ward Casscells
Swiss Excellence Airplanes
Swiss Excellence Risen
Switchback (Celldweller song)
Sybra porcellus
Syncopacma suecicella
Synodontis ocellifer
Table cell
Tadgh g Cellaigh
Tadhg Caech Cellaigh
Tadhg Mr Ua Cellaigh
Tadhg Cellaigh
Tadhg Ruadh Cellaigh
Taeniotes subocellatus
Taiwan Excellence Awards
Talis quercella
Talk:Ferrel cell
Talk:Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
Talk:The Montgomery Burns Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence
Tamayouz Excellence Award for Architecture
Targalla subocellata
T cell
T-cell activation RhoGTPase activating protein
T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia
T cell deficiency
T-cell lymphoma
T-cell lymphoma invasion and metastasis-inducing protein 1
T-cell prolymphocytic leukemia
T-cell receptor
T cell receptor beta constant 1
T-cell receptor excision circles
T-cell surface glycoprotein CD3 epsilon chain
T-cell vaccination
Teddy Purcell
Teleiodes excentricella
Telestes muticellus
Telomeres in the cell cycle
Telphusa alexandriacella
Temptations of Christ (Botticelli)
Tendon cell
Tenosynovial giant cell tumor
Terra Incognita: The Perils and Promise of Stem Cell Research
Tessellota cancellata
Th 9 cell
Thailand Center of Excellence for Life Sciences
The 12 Cellists of the Berlin Philharmonic
The Adjutant of His Excellency
The Affairs of Cellini
The Art of Excellence
The Assassin (cancelled video game)
Theatre of Marcellus
The Ballad of Kenneth Parcell
The Beatles (terrorist cell)
The Best of Andrea Bocelli: Vivere
The Best of Celly Cel
The Boston Miscellany
The Botticellis
The Cell
The Cellar
The Cellar Door
The Cellar Door Sessions 1970
The Cellar (film)
The Cellar (Macy's)
The Celluloid Closet
The Complete Cellout
The End of Celluloid
The Excellent Dizzy Collection
The Glass Cell (film)
The Glass Cell (novel)
The Harleian Miscellany
The Hemingses of Monticello
The Inner Life of the Cell
The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology
The Last Communion of Saint Jerome (Botticelli)
The Lives of a Cell: Notes of a Biology Watcher
T helper 17 cell
T helper 3 cell
T helper cell
The Man in the Cellar
The Miscellany News
The Most Excellent
The Nichols-Chancellor's Medal
Theological miscellany (British Library, Add MS 43460)
Theonestus of Vercelli
The Onion Cellar
Theory of solar cells
The Plant Cell
The Prayer (Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli song)
The Purcell Papers (1975 book)
The Reich Chancellery and Fhrerbunker Complex
The Relative of His Excellency
Thermodynamics of micellization
The Special Chancellery
The Survivors of the Chancellor
The Totally Excellent Adventures of Mack and The D
Thin-film solar cell
Thiotricha subocellea
Third-generation photovoltaic cell
Third Section of His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancellery
Thomas Lascelles
Thomas Lascelles (16241658)
Thomas Lascelles (died 1697)
Thomas Lascelles (engineer)
Thorax porcellana
THP-1 cell line
Three Pieces for Solo Cello
Thyroid follicular cell
Thyrotropic cell
Timeline of solar cells
Tinagma perdicella
Tin-based perovskite solar cells
Tisis mendicella
TM (cellular service)
Tmesisternus excellens
TNT (cellular service)
Tobacco BY-2 cells
Toby Purcell
Toker cell
Tokyo Cancelled
Tolerogenic dendritic cell
Toms mac Gilbert Cellaigh
Toms Cellaigh
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Essentials
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell (video game)
Tom Limoncelli
Tommaso Cancelloni
Tommaso Menoncello
Tom McEllistrim
Tom McEllistrim (18941973)
Tom McEllistrim (19262000)
Tom McEllistrim (born 1968)
Toner Prize for Excellence in Political Reporting
Tonicella lineata
Tonicella lokii
Tonicella undocaerulea
Tony Fruscella
Torcello Cathedral
Torricella, Apulia
Torricella del Pizzo
Torricelli's equation
Torricelli's experiment
Torricelli's law
Torricelli language
Torricelli languages
Torricelli Range
Toto and Marcellino
Tottel's Miscellany
Touton giant cell
Toyota Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicle-Advanced
Tragopogon miscellus
Transcellular transport
Transfer cell
Transitional B cell
Transitional cell carcinoma
Transitional cell carcinoma of the ovary
Travels with My Cello
Travels with My Cello (album)
Triclonella albicellata
Trinchesia ocellata
Truncated 120-cells
Truncated 16-cell honeycomb
Truncated 24-cell honeycomb
Truncated 24-cells
Truncated 5-cell
Tsaraphycis libanoticella
Tsaraphycis mimeticella
Tuft cell
Tufted cell
Tumor-associated endothelial cell
Turatia psameticella
Turicella otitidis
Turkcell Kurueme Arena
TuS Celle FC
Tuta atriplicella
Two-cell Chinese Braille
Type 1 regulatory T cell
Type 3 innate lymphoid cells
U937 (cell line)
Udea simplicella
Ulderico Marcelli
Une jeune Pucelle
Unexpected Guest at a Cancelled Party
Unicellular organism
Unipolar brush cell
Unit for Viral Host Cell Interactions
Universal Ship Cancellation Society
University of Arkansas at Monticello
University of Arkansas at Monticello College of Forestry and Natural Resources
Unreal Tournament (cancelled video game)
Urano Teixeira da Matta Bacellar
Uromastyx ocellata
Uropeltis ocellata
U.S. Cellular
U.S. Cellular 250
U.S. Cellular Center
U.S. Cellular Community Park
USPS Building Bridges Special Postal Cancellation Series
USS Ascella
USS Chancellorsville
USS Marcellus (1879)
USS Monticello (1859)
Uterine clear-cell carcinoma
Uterine natural killer cells
Valdovecaria hispanicella
Variable pathlength cell
Varicella vaccine
Varicella (video game)
Varicella zoster virus
Vasconcellea candicans
Vasconcellea horovitziana
Vasconcellea omnilingua
Vasconcellea palandensis
Vasconcellea pulchra
Vasconcellea sprucei
Venus and Mars (Botticelli)
Vercelli Book
Vercelli Cathedral
Vermicella parscauda
Vero cell
Veronicella cubensis
Veronicella sloanii
Veto cells
Vexillum cancellarioides
Vice-Chancellor (disambiguation)
Vice-Chancellor of Austria
Vice-Chancellor of Germany
Vicellous Reon Shannon
Victor Barcellos Borges
Victoria Purcell-Gates
Victor Purcell
Video over cellular
Vincelles, Sane-et-Loire
Vincenzo Macchi di Cellere
Vincenzo Petrocelli
Viola ocellata
Vipsania Marcella
Virgin and Child with an Angel (Botticelli)
Virgin and Child with the Infant St. John the Baptist (Botticelli)
Virgin and Child with the Young Saint John the Baptist (Botticelli)
Virtual Cell
Virtual memory T cell
Vocelli Pizza
Volcanic flight cancellation
Volucella bombylans
Volucella inflata
Volucella pellucens
Volvarina porcellana
Von Neumann cellular automaton
Vorticella convallaria
Vriesea 'Marcella'
Wake (cancelled film)
WalnutChancellor Historic District
Walt Disney Imagineering Blue Sky Cellar
Walter Cronkite Award for Excellence in Journalism
Walter the Chancellor
Walthard cell rest
Wandering cell
Wang Bo (chancellor)
Wang Jun (Later Zhou chancellor)
Wang Jun (Tang chancellor)
WarthinFinkeldey cell
Wayne Pacelle
Weather-related cancellation
We Cellar Children
Weill Institute for Cell and Molecular Biology
WellcomeMRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute
Western Australia Police Commissioner's Medal for Excellence
Weston cell
White blood cell
White blood cell differential
White Blood Cells
White cell
White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics
WignerSeitz cell
Wikipedia talk:Miscellany for deletion/Portal:Lighthouses
Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Molecular Biology/Molecular and Cell Biology/Discussion Archive
William Celling
William E. Purcell
William Estabrook Chancellor
William F. Cellini
William Frederick Purcell
William F. Vallicella
William Lascelles
William Marcellus Howard
William Cellaigh
William Purcell
William Purcell Witcutt
William S. McEllroy
William Thomas (Chancellor of Llandaff Cathedral)
William Ua Cellaig
Wine cellar
Wine Cellars
Winston Churchill as Chancellor of the Exchequer
Women in Cell Block 7
World Cell Race
World Series of Fighting 20: Branch vs. McElligott
WWE Hell in a Cell
W.Y. Boyd Literary Award for Excellence in Military Fiction
Xanthocrambus lucellus
Xenorhina ocellata
Xubida neogynaecella
Xylanimonas cellulosilytica
YALSA Award for Excellence in Nonfiction
Yau language (Torricelli)
Ypsolopha angelicella
Ypsolopha coriacella
Ypsolopha falcella
Ypsolopha persicella
Ypsolopha sarmaticella
Ypsolopha sublucella
Zauclophora procellosa
Zebrafish AB9 cell line
Zhang Jun (Song chancellor)
Ziggy Marcell
Zygopetalum pedicellatum

convenience portal:
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Savitri -- Savitri extended toc
Savitri Section Map -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
authors -- Crowley - Peterson - Borges - Wilber - Teresa - Aurobindo - Ramakrishna - Maharshi - Mother
places -- Garden - Inf. Art Gallery - Inf. Building - Inf. Library - Labyrinth - Library - School - Temple - Tower - Tower of MEM
powers -- Aspiration - Beauty - Concentration - Effort - Faith - Force - Grace - inspiration - Presence - Purity - Sincerity - surrender
difficulties -- cowardice - depres. - distract. - distress - dryness - evil - fear - forget - habits - impulse - incapacity - irritation - lost - mistakes - obscur. - problem - resist - sadness - self-deception - shame - sin - suffering
practices -- Lucid Dreaming - meditation - project - programming - Prayer - read Savitri - study
subjects -- CS - Cybernetics - Game Dev - Integral Theory - Integral Yoga - Kabbalah - Language - Philosophy - Poetry - Zen
6.01 books -- KC - ABA - Null - Savitri - SA O TAOC - SICP - The Gospel of SRK - TIC - The Library of Babel - TLD - TSOY - TTYODAS - TSZ - WOTM II
8 unsorted / add here -- Always - Everyday - Verbs

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