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object:1.240 - 1.300 Talks
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author class:Sri Ramana Maharshi

Talk 240.

D.: The world is materialistic. What is the remedy for it?
M.: Materialistic or spiritual, it is according to your outlook.

Drishtim jnanamayim kritva, Brahma mayam pasyet jagat - Make your outlook right. The Creator knows how to take care of His Creation.

D.: What is the best thing to do for ensuring the future?
M.: Take care of the present, the future will take care of itself.

D.: The future is the result of the present. So, what should I do to make it good? Or should I keep still?
M.: Whose is the doubt? Who is it that wants a course of action?
Find the doubter. If you hold the doubter the doubts will disappear.

Having lost hold of the Self the thoughts afflict you; the world is seen, doubts arise, also anxiety for the future.

Hold fast to the Self, these will disappear.

D.: How to do it?
M.: This question is relevant to matters of non-self, but not to the
Self. Do you doubt the existence of your own Self?
D.: No. But still, I want to know how the Self could be realised. Is there any method leading to it?
M.: Make effort. Just as water is got by boring a well, so also you realise the Self by investigation.

D.: Yes. But some find water readily and others with difficulty.

M.: But you already see the moisture on the surface. You are hazily aware of the Self. Pursue it. When the effort ceases the Self shines forth.

D.: How to train the mind to look within?
M.: By practice. The mind is the intelligent phase leading to its own destruction, for Self to manifest.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
D.: How to destroy the mind?
M.: Water cannot be made dry water. Seek the Self; the mind will be destroyed.

29th August, 1936
Talk 241.

D.: How to avoid misery?
M.: Has misery a shape? Misery is only unwanted thought. The mind is not strong enough to resist it.

D.: How to gain such strength of mind?
M.: By worship of God.

D.: Meditation of the God of Immanence is hard to understand.

M.: Leave God alone. Hold your Self.

D.: How to do japa (repetition of mantras)?
M.: It is of two kinds - gross and subtle. The latter is meditation on it, and it gives strength to the mind.

D.: But the mind does not get steady for meditation.

M.: It is due to lack of strength.

D.: Sandhya is usually done mechanically. Similarly other religious duties. Is it useful? Is it not better to do japa, etc., knowing their meanings?
M.: Um! Um!
Talk 242.

A Gujarati gentleman asked Sri Bhagavan: They say that choice is offered to us to enjoy merits or demerits after our death. Their succession will be according to our choice. Is it so?
M.: Why raise these questions relating to events after death?
Why ask "Was I born? Am I reaping fruits of my past karma," and so on? They will not be raised some time hence when you fall asleep. Why? Are you now different from the one in sleep? You are not. Why do these questions arise now and not in sleep? Find out.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
Talk 243.

A middle-aged, weak-looking man came with a walking stick in his hand, placed it before Bhagavan, bowed low and sat near Maharshi. He got up and with great humility offered the stick to Bhagavan, saying that it was sandal-wood. Sri Bhagavan told him to keep it for himself. Because nothing of Bhagavan's can be safeguarded. Being common property but coveted by some, it will be taken away by any visitor with or without
Bhagavan's permission. Then the donor may be displeased.

But the man still humbly insisted. Sri Bhagavan could not resist his supplications, and said, "Keep it yourself as prasad from Bhagavan."
The man then requested that the stick might first be taken and then given to him by Sri Bhagavan with blessings. Sri Bhagavan received it, smelled it, said it was fine, nodded, and handed it back to the man, saying, "Keep it. It will make you always remember me."
Talk 244.

A Maharani Saheba spoke in a gentle and low voice, but quite audibly:
D.: "Maharajji, I have the good fortune to see you. My eyes have had the pleasure of seeing you, my ears the pleasure of hearing your voice.

"I am blessed with everything that a human being would like to have." Her Highness's voice choked. With great strength of mind she rallied and proceeded slowly, "I have all that I want, a human being would want .... But ... But ... I ... I ... do not have peace of mind ... Something prevents it. Probably my destiny...."
There was silence for a few minutes. Then Maharshi in his usual sweet manner spoke:
M.: "All right. What need be said has been said. Well. What is destiny?
There is no destiny. Surrender, and all will be well. Throw all the responsibility on God. Do not bear the burden yourself. What can destiny do to you then?"
D.: Surrender is impossible.

M.: Yes. Complete surrender is impossible in the beginning. Partial surrender is certainly possible for all. In course of time that will lead to complete surrender. Well, if surrender is impossible, what can be done? There is no peace of mind. You are helpless to bring it about. It can be done only by surrender.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
D.: Partial surrender - well - can it undo destiny?
M.: Oh, yes! It can.

D.: Is not destiny due to past karma?
M.: If one is surrendered to God, God will look to it.

D.: This being God's dispensation, how does God undo it?
M.: All are in Him only.

D.: How is God to be seen?
M.: Within. If the mind is turned inward God manifests as inner consciousness.

D.: God is in all - in all the objects we see around us. They say we should see God in all of them.

M.: God is in all and in the seer. Where else can God be seen? He cannot be found outside. He should be felt within. To see the objects, mind is necessary. To conceive God in them is a mental operation. But that is not real. The consciousness within, purged of the mind, is felt as God.

D.: There are, say, beautiful colours. It is a pleasure to watch them.

We can see God in them.

M.: They are all mental conceptions.

D.: There are more than colours. I mentioned colours only as an example.

M.: They are also similarly mental.

D.: There is the body also - the senses and the mind. The soul makes use of all these for knowing things.

M.: The objects or feelings or thoughts are all mental conceptions. The mind rises after the rise of the I-thought or the ego. Wherefrom does the ego rise? From the abstract consciousness or Pure intelligence.

D.: Is it the soul?
M.: Soul, mind or ego are mere words. There are no entities of the kind. Consciousness is the only truth.

D.: Then that consciousness cannot give any pleasure.

M.: Its nature is Bliss. Bliss alone is. There is no enjoyer to enjoy pleasure.

Enjoyer and joy - both merge in it.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
D.: There are pleasure and pain in ordinary life. Should we not remain with only pleasure?
M.: Pleasure consists in turning and keeping the mind within; pain in sending it outward. There is only pleasure. Absence of pleasure is called pain. One's nature is pleasure - Bliss (Ananda)
D.: Is it the soul?
M.: Soul and God are only mental conceptions.

D.: Is God only a mental conception?
M.: Yes. Do you think of God in sleep?
D.: But sleep is a state of dullness.

M.: If God be real He must remain always. You remain in sleep and in wakefulness - just the same. If God be as true as your Self, God must be in sleep as well as the Self. This thought of God arises only in the wakeful state. Who thinks now?
D.: I think.

M.: Who is this 'I'? Who says it? Is it the body?
D.: The body speaks.

M.: The body does not speak. If so, did it speak in sleep? Who is this I?
D.: I within the body.

M.: Are you within the body or without?
D.: I am certainly within the body.

M.: Do you know it to be so in your sleep?
D.: I remain in my body in sleep also.

M.: Are you aware of being within the body in sleep?
D.: Sleep is a state of dullness.

M.: The fact is, you are neither within nor without. Sleep is the natural state of being.

D.: Then sleep must be a better state than this.

M.: There is no superior or inferior state. In sleep, in dream and in the wakeful state you are just the same. Sleep is a state of happiness; there is no misery. The sense of want, of pain, etc., arises only in the

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi wakeful state. What is the change that has taken place? You are the same in both, but there is difference in happiness. Why? Because the mind has risen now. This mind rises after the 'I-thought'. The thought arises from consciousness. If one abides in it, one is always happy.

D.: The sleep state is the state when the mind is quiet. I consider it a worse state.

M.: If that were so, why do all desire sleep?
D.: It is the body when tired that goes to sleep.

M.: Does the body sleep?
D.: Yes. It is the condition in which the wear and tear of the body is repaired.

M.: Let it be so. But does the body itself sleep or wake up? You yourself said shortly before that the mind is quiet in sleep. The three states are of the mind.

D.: Are they not states of the soul functioning through the senses, etc.?
M.: They are not of the soul or of the body. The soul remains always uncontaminated. It is the substratum running through all these three states. Wakefulness passes off, I am; the dream state passes off, I am; the sleep state passes off, I am. They repeat themselves, and yet
I am. They are like pictures moving on the screen in a cinema show.

They do not affect the screen. Similarly also, I remain unaffected although these states pass off. If it is of the body, are you aware of the body in sleep?
D.: No.

M.: Without knowing the body to be there how can the body be said to be in sleep?
D.: Because it is still found after waking up.

M.: The sense of body is a thought; the thought is of the mind, the mind rises after the 'I-thought', the 'I-thought' is the root thought.

If that is held, the other thoughts will disappear. There will then be no body, no mind, not even the ego.

D.: What will remain then?
M.: The Self in its purity.

D.: How can the mind be made to vanish?

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
M.: No attempt is made to destroy it. To think or wish it is itself a thought. If the thinker is sought, the thoughts will disappear.

D.: Will they disappear of themselves? It looks so difficult.

M.: They will disappear because they are unreal. The idea of difficulty is itself an obstacle to realisation. It must be overcome. To remain as the Self is not difficult.

D.: It looks easy to think of God in the external world, whereas it looks difficult to remain without thoughts.

M.: That is absurd; to look at other things is easy and to look within is difficult! It must be contrariwise.

D.: But I do not understand. It is difficult.

M.: This thought of difficulty is the chief obstacle. A little practice will make you think differently.

D.: What is the practice?
M.: To find out the source of 'I'.

D.: That was the state before one's birth.

M.: Why should one think of birth and death? Are you really born? The rising of the mind is called birth. After mind the body-thought arises and the body is seen; then the thought of birth, the state before birth, death, the state after death - all these are only of the mind. Whose is the birth?
D.: Am I not now born?
M.: So long as the body is considered, birth is real. But the body is not 'I'. The Self is not born nor does it die. There is nothing new.

The Sages see everything in and of the Self. There is no diversity in it. Therefore there is neither birth nor death.

D.: If sleep be such a good state, why does not one like to be always in it?
M.: One is always only in sleep. The present waking state is no more than a dream. Dream can take place only in sleep. Sleep is underlying these three states. Manifestation of these three states is again a dream, which is in its turn another sleep. In this way these states of dream and sleep are endless.

Similar to these states, birth and death also are dreams in a sleep.

Really speaking, there are no birth and death.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi

8th September, 1936
Talk 245.

Misses Gulbai and Shirinbai Byramjee, two Parsi ladies, were asking questions round one central point. All their questions amounted to one.

"I understand that the Self is beyond the ego. My knowledge is theoretical and not practical. How shall I gain practical realisation of the Self?"
M.: Realisation is nothing to be got afresh. It is already there. All that is necessary is to be rid of the thought: "I have not realised."
D.: Then one need not attempt it.

M.: No. Stillness of mind or peace is realisation. There is no moment when the Self is not.

So long as there is doubt or the feeling of non-realisation, attempt must be made to rid oneself of these thoughts.

The thoughts are due to identification of the Self with the non-self.

When the non-self disappears the Self alone remains. To make room anywhere it is enough that things are removed from there. Room is not brought in afresh. Nay, more - room is there even in cramping.

Absence of thoughts does not mean a blank. There must be one to know the blank. Knowledge and ignorance are of the mind. They are born of duality. But the Self is beyond knowledge and ignorance.

It is light itself. There is no necessity to see the Self with another
Self. There are no two selves. What is not Self is non-self. The non-self cannot see the Self. The Self has no sight or hearing. It lies beyond these - all alone, as pure consciousness.

A woman, with her necklace round her neck, imagines that it has been lost and goes about searching for it, until she is reminded of it by a friend; she has created her own sense of loss, her own anxiety of search and then her own pleasure of recovery. Similarly the Self is all along there, whether you search for it or not. Again just as the woman feels as if the lost necklace has been regained, so also the removal of ignorance and the cessation of false identification reveal the Self which is always present - here and now. This is called realisation. It is not new. It amounts to elimination of ignorance and nothing more.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
Blankness is the evil result of searching the mind. The mind must be cut off, root and branch. See who the thinker is, who the seeker is. Abide as the thinker, the seeker. All thoughts will disappear.

D.: Then there will be the ego - the thinker.

M.: That ego is pure Ego purged of thoughts. It is the same as the Self.

So long as false identification persists doubts will persist, questions will arise, there will be no end of them. Doubts will cease only when the non-self is put an end to. That will result in realisation of the Self. There will remain no other there to doubt or ask. All these doubts should be solved within oneself. No amount of words will satisfy. Hold the thinker. Only when the thinker is not held do objects appear outside or doubts arise in the mind.

Talk 246.

Language is only a medium for communicating one's thoughts to another. It is called in only after thoughts arise; other thoughts arise after the 'I-thought' rises; the 'I-thought' is the root of all conversation.

When one remains without thinking one understands another by means of the universal language of silence.

Silence is ever-speaking; it is a perennial flow of language; it is interrupted by speaking. These words obstruct that mute language. There is electricity flowing in a wire. With resistance to its passage, it glows as a lamp or revolves as a fan. In the wire it remains as electric energy. Similarly also, silence is the eternal flow of language, obstructed by words.

What one fails to know by conversation extending to several years can be known in a trice in Silence, or in front of Silence - e.g.,
Dakshinamurti, and his four disciples.

That is the highest and most effective language.

Talk 247.

There arose a doubt if 'I-I' consciousness be the same as nirvikalpa samadhi or anything anterior to it.

Sri Bhagavan said that the tiny hole in the Heart remains always closed, but it is opened by vichara with the result that 'I-I' consciousness shines forth. It is the same as samadhi.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
D.: What is the difference between fainting and sleep?
M.: Sleep is sudden and overpowers the person forcibly. A faint is slower and there is a tingle of resistance kept up. Realisation is possible in a faint and impossible in sleep.

D.: What is the state just before death?
M.: When a person gasps for breath it indicates that the person is unconscious of this body; another body has been held and the person swings to and fro. While gasping there is a more violent gasp at intervals and that indicates the oscillation between the two bodies due to the present attachment not having been completely snapped.

I noticed it in the case of my mother and of Palaniswami.

D.: Does the new body involved in that state represent the next reincarnation of the person?
M.: Yes. While gasping the person is in something like a dream, not aware of the present environment.

(It must be remembered that Sri Bhagavan had been with His mother from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. until she passed away. He was all along holding her head with one hand, the other hand placed on her bosom. What does it signify? He Himself said later that there was a struggle between Himself and His mother until her spirit reached the Heart.

Evidently the soul passes through a series of subtle experiences, and Sri Bhagavan's touch generates a current which turns the soul back from its wandering into the Heart.

The samskaras, however, persist and a struggle is kept up between the spiritual force set up by His touch and the innate samskaras, until the latter are entirely destroyed and the soul is led into the
Heart to rest in eternal Peace, which is the same as Liberation.

Its entry into the Heart is signified by a peculiar sensation perceptible to the Mahatma - similar to the tinkling of a bell.

When Maharshi attended on Palaniswami on his death-bed, He took away His hand after the above signal. But Palaniswami's eyes opened immediately, signifying that the spirit had escaped through them, thereby indicating a higher rebirth, but not Liberation.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
Having once noticed it with Palaniswami, Maharshi continued touching His mother for a few minutes longer - even after the signal of the soul passing into the Heart - and thus ensured her
Liberation. This was confirmed by the look of perfect peace and composure on her features).

15th September, 1936
Talk 248.

Sri Bhagavan said: The Jnani says, "I am the body"; The ajnani says,
"I am the body"; what is the difference? 'I am' is the truth. The body is the limitation. The ajnani limits the 'I' to the body. 'I' remains independent of the body in sleep. The same 'I' is now in the wakeful state. Though imagined to be within the body, 'I' is without the body.

The wrong notion is not 'I am the body.' 'I' says so. The body is insentient and cannot say so. The mistake lies in thinking that 'I' is what 'I' is not. 'I' is not insentient. 'I' cannot be the inert body. The body's movements are confounded with 'I' and misery is the result.

Whether the body works or not, 'I' remains free and happy. The ajnani's 'I' is the body only. That is the whole error. The jnani's 'I' includes the body and everything else. Clearly some intermediate entity arises and gives rise to the confusion.

Mr. Vaidyanatha Iyer, a lawyer, asked: If the Jnani says "I am the body," what happens to him in death?
M.: He does not identify himself with the body even now.

D.: But you said just before that the Jnani says "I am the body."
M.: Yes. His 'I' includes the body. For there cannot be anything apart from 'I' for him. If the body falls away there is no loss for the 'I'.

'I' remains the same. If the body feels dead let it raise the question.

Being inert it cannot. 'I' never dies and does not ask the question.

Who then dies? Who asks questions?
D.: For whom are all the sastras then? They cannot be for the real 'I'.

They must be for the unreal 'I'. The real one does not require them.

It is strange that the unreal should have so many sastras for him.

M.: Yes. Quite so. Death is only a thought and nothing more. He who thinks raises troubles. Let the thinker tell us what happens to him in

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi death. The real 'I' is silent. One should not think 'I am this - I am not that'. To say 'this or that' is wrong. They are also limitations. Only
'I am' is the truth. Silence is 'I'. If one thinks 'I am this', another thinks 'I am this' and so on, there is a clash of thoughts and so many religions are the result. The truth remains as it is, not affected by any statements, conflicting or otherwise.

D.: What is death? Is it not the falling away of the body?
M.: Do you not desire it in sleep? What goes wrong then?
D.: But I know I shall wake up.

M.: Yes - thought again. There is the preceding thought 'I shall wake up'. Thoughts rule the life. Freedom from thoughts is one's true nature - Bliss.

24th September, 1936
Talk 249.

M.: Ignorance - ajnana - is of two kinds:
(1) Forgetfulness of the Self.

(2) Obstruction to the knowledge of the Self.

Aids are meant for eradicating thoughts; these thoughts are the re-manifestations of predispositions remaining in seed-form; they give rise to diversity from which all troubles arise. These aids are: hearing the truth from the master (sravana), etc.

The effects of sravana may be immediate and the disciple realises the truth all at once. This can happen only for the well-advanced disciple.

Otherwise, the disciple feels that he is unable to realise the truth, even after repeatedly hearing it. What is it due to? Impurities in his mind: ignorance, doubt and wrong identity are the obstacles to be removed.

(a) To remove ignorance completely, he has to hear the truth repeatedly, until his knowledge of the subject-matter becomes perfect;
(b) to remove doubts, he must reflect on what he has heard; ultimately his knowledge will be free from doubts of any kind;

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
(c) to remove the wrong identity of the Self with the non-self (such as the body, the senses, the mind or the intellect) his mind must become one-pointed.

All these things accomplished, the obstacles are at an end and samadhi results, that is, Peace reigns.

Some say that one should never cease to engage in hearing, reflection and one-pointedness. These are not fulfilled by reading books, but only by continued practice to keep the mind withdrawn.

The aspirant may be kritopasaka or akritopasaka. The former is fit to realise the Self, even with the slightest stimulus: only some little doubt stands in his way, it is easily removed if he hears the truth once from the Master. Immediately he gains the samadhi state. It is presumed that he had already completed sravana, reflection, etc. in previous births, they are no more necessary for him.

For the other all these aids are necessary; for him doubts crop up even after repeated hearing; therefore he must not give up aids until he gains the samadhi state.

Sravana removes the illusion of the Self being one with the body, etc. Reflection makes it clear that Knowledge is Self. Onepointedness reveals the Self as being Infinite and Blissful.

27th September, 1936
Talk 250.

A certain devotee asked Maharshi about some disagreeable statements made by a certain man well-known to Maharshi.

He said, "I permit him to do so. I have permitted him already. Let him do so even more. Let others follow suit. Only let them leave me alone. If because of these reports no one comes to me, I shall consider it a great service done to me. Moreover, if he cares to publish books containing scandals of me, and if he makes money by their sale, it is really good. Such books will sell even more quickly and in larger numbers than others. Look at Miss Mayo's book. Why should he not also do it? He is doing me a very good turn." Saying so, He laughed.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi

29th September, 1936
There was again a reference to the same subject when Maharshi was alone. The villifier seems to be getting into hot water on account of his inconsiderate action. When it was mentioned, Maharshi seemed to be concerned for the man's safety, and He said with obvious sympathy:
"Even if allowed to have his own way for earning money, the man gets into trouble. If he availed himself of our indulgence and acted sensibly, he could have got on well. But what can we do?"
Talk 251.

An aristocratic lady looking very intelligent, though pensive, asked:
"We had heard of you, Maharajji, as the kindest and noblest soul. We had long desired to have your darsan. I came here once before, on the 14th of last month, but could not remain in your holy presence as long as I wished. Being a woman and also young, I could not stand the people around, and so broke away hurriedly after asking one or two simple questions. There are no holy men like you in our part of the country. I am happy as I have everything I want. But I do not have that peace of mind which brings happiness. I now come here seeking your blessing so that I may gain it."
M.: Bhakti fulfils your desire.

D.: I want to know how I can gain that peace of mind. Kindly be pleased to advise me.

M.: Yes - devotion and surrender.

D.: Am I worthy of being a devotee?
M.: Everyone can be a devotee. Spiritual fare is common to all and never denied to anyone - be the person old or young, male or female.

D.: That is exactly what I am anxious to know. I am young and a grihini (housewife). There are duties of grihastha dharma (the household). Is devotion consistent with such a position?
M.: Certainly. What are you? You are not the body. You are Pure
Consciousness. Grihastha dharma and the world are only phenomena appearing on that Pure Consciousness. It remains unaffected. What prevents you from being your own Self?

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
D.: Yes I am already aware of the line of teaching of Maharshi. It is the quest for the Self. But my doubt persists if such quest is compatible with grihastha life.

M.: The Self is always there. It is you. There is nothing but you.

Nothing can be apart from you. The question of compatibility or otherwise does not arise.

D.: I shall be more definite. Though a stranger, I am obliged to confess the cause of my anxiety. I am blessed with children. A boy - a good brahmachari - passed away in February. I was grief-stricken. I was disgusted with this life. I want to devote myself to spiritual life.

But my duties as a grihini do not permit me to lead a retired life.

Hence my doubt.

M.: Retirement means abidance in the Self. Nothing more. It is not leaving one set of surroundings and getting entangled in another set, nor even leaving the concrete world and becoming involved in a mental world.

The birth of the son, his death, etc., are seen in the Self only.

Recall the state of sleep. Were you aware of anything happening? If the son or the world be real, should they not be present with you in sleep? You cannot deny your existence in sleep. Nor can you deny you were happy then. You are the same person now speaking and raising doubts. You are not happy, according to you. But you were happy in sleep. What has transpired in the meantime that happiness of sleep has broken down? It is the rise of ego. That is the new arrival in the jagrat state. There was no ego in sleep. The birth of the ego is called the birth of the person. There is no other kind of birth. Whatever is born is bound to die. Kill the ego: there is no fear of recurring death for what is once dead. The Self remains even after the death of the ego. That is Bliss - that is Immortality.

D.: How is that to be done?
M.: See for whom these doubts exist. Who is the doubter? Who is the thinker? That is the ego. Hold it. The other thoughts will die away. The ego is left pure; see where from the ego arises. That is pure consciousness.

D.: It seems difficult. May we proceed by bhakti marga?
M.: It is according to individual temperament and equipment. Bhakti is the same as vichara.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
D.: I mean meditation, etc.

M.: Yes. Meditation is on a form. That will drive away other thoughts.

The one thought of God will dominate others. That is concentration.

The object of meditation is thus the same as that of vichara.

D.: Do we not see God in concrete form?
M.: Yes. God is seen in the mind. The concrete form may be seen.

Still it is only in the devotee's mind. The form and appearance of
God-manifestation are determined by the mind of the devotee. But it is not the finality. There is the sense of duality.

It is like a dream-vision. After God is perceived, vichara commences.

That ends in Realisation of the Self. Vichara is the ultimate route.

Of course, a few find vichara practicable. Others find bhakti easier.

D.: Did not Mr. Brunton find you in London? Was it only a dream?
M.: Yes. He had the vision. He saw me in his mind.

D.: Did he not see this concrete form?
M.: Yes, still in his mind.

D.: How shall I reach the Self?
M.: There is no reaching the Self. If the Self were to be reached, it would mean that the Self is not now and here, but that it should be got anew. What is got afresh, will also be lost. So it will be impermanent. What is not permanent is not worth striving for. So I say, the Self is not reached. You are the Self. You are already That.

The fact is that you are ignorant of your blissful state. Ignorance supervenes and draws a veil over the pure Bliss. Attempts are directed only to remove this ignorance. This ignorance consists in wrong knowledge. The wrong knowledge consists in the false identification of the Self with the body, the mind, etc. This false identity must go and there remains the Self.

D.: How is that to happen?
M.: By enquiry into the Self.

D.: It is difficult. Can I realise the Self, Maharaj? Kindly tell me. It looks so difficult.

M.: You are already the Self. Therefore realisation is common to everyone. Realisation knows no difference in the aspirants. This

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi very doubt, "Can I realise?" or the feeling, "I have not realised" are the obstacles. Be free from these also.

D.: But there should be the experience. Unless I have the experience how can I be free from these afflicting thoughts?
M.: These are also in the mind. They are there because you have identified yourself with the body. If this false identity drops away, ignorance vanishes and Truth is revealed.

D.: Yes, I feel it difficult. There are disciples of Bhagavan who have had His Grace and realised without any considerable difficulty. I too wish to have that Grace. Being a woman and living at a long distance I cannot avail myself of Maharshi's holy company as much as I would wish and as often as I would. Possibly I may not be able to return. I request Bhagavan's Grace. When I am back in my place, I want to remember Bhagavan. May Bhagavan be pleased to grant my prayer!
M.: Where are you going? You are not going anywhere. Even supposing you are the body, has your body come from Lucknow to
Tiruvannamalai? You had simply sat in the car and one conveyance or another had moved; and finally you say that you have come here.

The fact is that you are not the body. The Self does not move. The world moves in it. You are only what you are. There is no change in you. So then even after what looks like departure from here, you are here and there and everywhere. These scenes shift.

As for Grace - Grace is within you. If it is external it is useless. Grace is the Self. You are never out of its operation. Grace is always there.

D.: I mean that when I remember your form, my mind should be streng thened and that response should come from your side too. I should not be left to my individual efforts which are after all only weak.

M.: Grace is the Self. I have already said, "If you remember Bhagavan, you are prompted to do so by the Self." Is not Grace already there?
Is there a moment when Grace is not operating in you? Your remembrance is the forerunner of Grace. That is the response, that is the stimulus, that is the Self and that is Grace.

There is no cause for anxiety.

D.: Can I engage in spiritual practice, even remaining in samsara?

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
M.: Yes, certainly. One ought to do so.

D.: Is not samsara a hindrance? Do not all the holy books advocate renunciation?
M.: Samsara is only in your mind. The world does not speak out, saying
'I am the world'. Otherwise, it must be ever there - not excluding your sleep. Since it is not in sleep it is impermanent. Being impermanent it has no stamina. Having no stamina it is easily subdued by the Self.

The Self alone is permanent. Renunciation is non-identification of the Self with the non-self. On the disappearance of ignorance the non-self ceases to exist. That is true renunciation.

D.: Why did you then leave your home in your youth?
M.: That is my prarabdha (fate). One's course of conduct in this life is determined by one's prarabdha. My prarabdha is this way. Your prarabdha is that way.

D.: Should I not also renounce?
M.: If that had been your prarabdha, the question would not have arisen.

D.: I should therefore remain in the world and engage in spiritual practice. Well, can I get realisation in this life?
M.: This has been already answered. You are always the Self. Earnest efforts never fail. Success is bound to result.

D.: Will Maharshi be pleased to extend Grace to me also!
Maharshi smiled and said "Um! Um!" With blessings and salutation, the interview came to a close and the party departed directly.

30th September, 1936
Talk 252.

D.: Sri Ramakrishna touched Vivekananda and the latter realised
Bliss. Is it possible?
M.: Sri Ramakrishna did not touch all for that purpose. He did not create Atma. He did not create Realisation. Vivekananda was ripe.

He was anxious to realise. He must have completed the preliminary course in his past births. Such is possible for ripe persons only.

D.: Can the same miracle be worked for all?

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
M.: If they are fit. Fitness is the point. A strong man controls the weaker man. A strong mind controls the weaker mind. That was what happened in the case cited. The effect was only temporary.

Why did Vivekananda not sit quiet? Why did he wander about after such a miracle? Because the effect was only temporary.

D.: How is the mind to dive into the Heart?
M.: The mind now sees itself diversified as the universe. If the diversity is not manifest it remains in its own essence, that is the Heart.

Entering the Heart means remaining without distractions.

The Heart is the only Reality. The mind is only a transient phase.

To remain as one's Self is to enter the Heart.

Because a man identifies himself with the body he sees the world separate from him. This wrong identification arises because he has lost his moorings and has swerved from his original state. He is now advised to give up all these false ideas, to trace back his source and remain as the
Self. In that state, there are no differences. No questions will arise.

All the sastras are meant only to make the man retrace his steps to the original source. He need not gain anything new. He must only give up his false ideas and useless accretions. Instead of doing it he tries to catch hold of something strange and mysterious because he believes that his happiness lies elsewhere. That is the mistake.

If one remains as the Self there is bliss. Probably he thinks that being quiet does not bring about the state of bliss. That is due to his ignorance.

The only practice is to find out "to whom these questions arise."
D.: How to control lust, anger, etc.?
M.: Whose are these passions? Find out. If you remain as the Self, there will be found to be nothing apart from the Self. Then there will be no need to control, etc.

D.: If a person whom we love dies, grief results. Shall we avoid such grief by either loving all alike or by not loving at all?
M.: If one dies, it results in grief for the other who lives. The way to get rid of grief is not to live. Kill the one who grieves. Who will remain then to suffer? The ego must die. That is the only way.

The two alternatives amount to the same state. When all have become the one Self, who is there to be loved or hated?

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
D.: What is the Sun marga? What is the Moon marga? Which of them is easier?
M.: Ravi marga (Sun marga) is jnana. Moon marga is Yoga. They think that after purifying the 72,000 nadis in the body, sushumna is entered and the mind passes up to the sahasrara and there is nectar trickling.

These are all mental concepts. The man is already overwhelmed by world concepts. Other concepts are now added in the shape of this Yoga. The object of all these is to rid the man of concepts and to make him inhere as the pure Self - i.e., absolute consciousness, bereft of thoughts! Why not go straight to it? Why add new encumbrances to the already existing ones?

1st October, 1936
Talk 253.

Mr. F. G. Pearce, Principal, Scindia School, Gwalior: Bhagavan has stated
[in Sad Vidya Anubandham (Supplement) sloka 36]: "The illiterates are certainly better off than the literates whose egos are not destroyed by the quest of the self." This being so, could Bhagavan advise a school master
(who feels this to be true) how to carry on education in such a way that the desire for literacy and intellectual knowledge may not obscure the more important search for the Self? Are the two incompatible? If they are not, then from what age, and by what means, can young people best be stimulated towards the search for the Real Truth within?
M.: Pride of learning and desire for appreciation are condemned and not learning itself. Learning leading to search for Truth and humility is good.

[A request from the same seeker: The above questioner has spent two very precious days in physical proximity to Bhagavan Maharshi
(whom he has not seen since - 17 years ago - he visited Him for a few minutes on the hillside). His duties now compel him to take his body far away again to the north, and it may be years before he can return.

He humbly requests Bhagavan to make a strong link with him, and to continue to help him with His grace, in the quest of the Self.

Maharshi had a gentle smile for this.]

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
Talk 254.

Mr. Duncan Greenlees quoted a few verses from Srimad Bhagavatam to the following effect:
"See the Self in yourself like the pure ether in all beings, in and out."
"Unashamed, fall prostrate before even an outcast, a cow or an ass."
"So long as 'I' am not perceived in all, worship all with body and mind."
"With right knowledge see all as Brahma. This once clear, all doubts are at an end and you will remain withdrawn in the Self."
He then raised the following questions:
D.: Is this a True Path to the realisation of the, One Self? Is it not easier for some thus to practise seeing Bhagavan in whatever meets the mind than to seek the Super-Mental through the mental inquiry
"Who am I?"
M.: Yes. When you see God in all, do you think of God or do you not?
You should certainly keep God in your mind for seeing God all round you. Keeping God in your mind becomes dhyana. Dhyana is the stage before realisation. Realisation is in the Self only. Dhyana must precede it. Whether you make dhyana of God or of Self, it is immaterial. The goal is the same.

But you cannot escape the Self. You want to see God in all, but not in yourself? If all are God, are you not included in that all? Yourself being God, is it a wonder that all are God? There must be a seer and thinker for even the practice. Who is he?
D.: Through poetry, music, japa, bhajan, beautiful landscapes, reading the lives of spiritual heroes, etc., one sometimes experiences a true sense of all-unity. Is that feeling of deep blissful quiet (wherein the personal self has no place) the "entering into the heart" whereof
Bhagavan speaks? Will practice of that lead to a deeper samadhi, and so ultimately to a full vision of the Real?
M.: Again, there is happiness at agreeable sights, etc. It is the happiness inherent in the Self. That happiness is not alien and after. You are diving into the Pure Self on occasions which you consider pleasurable. That diving reveals the Self-existent Bliss.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
But the association of ideas is responsible for foisting this bliss on to other things or happenings. In fact, it is within you. On these occasions you are plunging into the Self, though unconsciously.

If you do so consciously you call it Realisation. I want you to dive consciously into the Self, i.e., into the Heart.

Talk 255.

D.: If the Self be always realised we should only keep still. Is that so?
M.: If you can keep still without engaging in any other pursuits, it is very good. If that cannot be done, where is the use of being quiet so far as realisation is concerned? So long as one is obliged to be active, let him not give up the attempt to realise the Self.

Talk 256.

A question was asked regarding the position of one whose jnana is weak in the scheme of things. The doubt was if that manda Jnani had stopped short of kevala nirvikalpa.

M.: Kevala nirvikalpa happens even in the tanumanasi stage (of attenuated mind).

D.: The middling and superior jnanis are said to be jivanmuktas.

Kevala nirvikalpa is in tanumanasa. Where does one whose jnana is weak fit in?
M.: He comes in sattvapatti (realisation) - whereas the middling and the superior ones come in asamsakti and padarthabhavini respectively. This division as dull, middling, and superior is according to the momentum of prarabdha. If it is strong he is weak; if it is middling he is middling too; if prarabdha is weak he is superior; if it is very weak he is in turyaga.

There is no difference in the samadhi state or the jnana of the jnanis.

The classification is only from the standpoint of the observer.

D.: Is tanumanasi the same as mumukshutva?
M.: No. The six qualities, discrimination, dispassion and mumukshutva, etc., precede subhechcha. The first stage follows mumukshutva, then comes vicharana (search), then the tenuous mind. Direct perception is in sattvapatti (realisation).


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
There is no need to discuss similar points. Jivanmukti and Videhamukti are differently described by different authorities; Videhamukti is sometimes said to occur even when the man is seen with a body.

The fact is that mukti is another name for Aham ('I').

The Seven Jnana bhumikas (stages of knowledge) are: (1) Subhechcha
(desire for enlightenment); (2) Vicharana (hearing and reflection);
(3) Tanumanasi (tenuous mind); (4) Sattvapatti (Self-Realisation);
(5) Asamsakti (non-attachment); (6) Padarthabhavani (absolute non-perception of objects); (7) Turyaga (beyond words).

Those who have attained the last four Bhumikas are respectively called Brahmavit, Brahmavidvara, Brahmavidvarya and

Talk 257.

D.: A certain young man from Dindigul spoke to Sri Bhagavan, saying that he had learnt by his stay for a few days; that all that he need do was to enquire, "Who am I?" He wanted to know if any discipline was to be observed and started with the question: "Where should I do the enquiry?" meaning if he should do it in Guru sannidhi (the presence of the Master).

M.: The enquiry should be from where the 'I' is.

D.: People labour for gaining the summum bonum of life. I think that they are not on the right track. Sri Bhagavan has made considerable tapas and achieved the goal. Sri Bhagavan is also desirous that all should reach the goal and willing to help them to that end. His vicarious tapas must enable others to reach the goal rather easily. They need not undergo all the hardships which Sri Bhagavan has already undergone. Their way has been made easy for them by Sri Bhagavan. Am I not right?
Maharshi smiled and said: If that were so everyone would easily reach the goal, but each one must work for himself.

Talk 258.

D.: A young man from Mysore gave a written slip to Sri Bhagavan and waited for an answer. He had asked Sri Bhagavan to say where other Mahatmas could be found whom he might approach for guidance. He confessed that he had left his home without

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi informing his elders in order that he might seek God through
Mahatmas. True, he knew nothing of God or of search for Him.

Therefore he desired to see Mahatmas.

Sri Bhagavan simply returned the note saying: I must answer any and every question. Unless I do so I am not great.

The boy tore away the slip and wrote another, which said, "You are kind to squirrels and hares. You fondle them when they struggle to run away from you. Yet you are indifferent to human beings. For instance, I have left my home and am waiting here for a fortnight. I have had no food some days. I am struggling.

Still you do not care for me."
M.: Look here. I am not endowed with television. God has not bestowed that gift on me. What shall I do? How can I answer your questions? People call me Maharshi and treat me like this. But I do not see myself as a Maharshi. On the other hand everyone is a
Maharshi to me. It is good that you in this early age are attempting to seek God. Concentrate on Him. Do your work without desiring the fruits thereof. That is all that you should do.

Talk 259.

Nada, Bindu and Kala correspond to prana, mind and intellect.

Isvara is beyond nada (sound).

Nada, jyoti (light), etc., are mentioned in Yoga literature. But God is beyond these.

The circulation of blood, respiration of air, and other functions of the body are bound to produce sound. That sound is involuntary and continuous. That is nada.

Talk 260.

An extract from "A Hermit in the Himalayas" was found in the Sunday
Times. It related to recapitulation of past incarnations. In it Paul Brunton has mentioned the Buddhist methods of gaining that faculty. Sri Bhagavan said, "There is a class of people who want to know all about their future or their past. They ignore the present. The load from the past forms the present misery. The attempt to recall the past is mere waste of time."

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
Talk 261.

There was a reference to reincarnation. Reincarnation of Shanti Devi tallies with the human standards of time. Whereas the latest case reported of a boy of seven is different. The boy is seven years now.

He recalls his past births. Enquiries go to show that the previous body was given up 10 months ago.

The question arises how the matter stood for six years and two months previous to the death of the former body. Did the soul occupy two bodies at the same time?
Sri Bhagavan pointed out that the seven years is according to the boy; ten months is according to the observer. The difference is due to these two different upadhis. The boy's experience extending to seven years has been calculated by the observer to cover only 10 months of his own time.

Sri Bhagavan again referred to Lila's story in Yoga Vasishta.

Talk 262.

Dr. Syed, a Muslim Professor, is now here. A sceptic friend of his had confronted him with the question: "What miracle does your
Maharshi work?" He had replied that the ordinary people being no better than animals are made men and that we being only His children are endowed with strength by Maharshi. He desired to know if he was right in replying to him. "Refreshing Peace within is the highest miracle. Maharshi possesses it."
"What is that to us?" the other man asked. I replied "The same
Peace is bestowed on all visitors to be shared by them. Mr. Paul
Brunton has mentioned it in his book. Everyone feels it every day in Maharshi's presence."
The whole conversation was mentioned to Sri Bhagavan with the following addition:
Parasurama has said that he felt some refreshing peace within when he met Samvritta on the way. So he made him out to be a great saint.

Is not such peace the sole criterion of a Mahatma's Presence? Is there anything else?

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
Sri Bhagavan said: A Madhva saint Tatvaroyar had composed a bharani on his master Swarupanand. Pandits objected to the composition, saying that it was reserved to such as have killed more than a thousand elephants in battle, whereas Swarupan and was an idle man sitting somewhere unknown to people and he did not deserve that panegyric.

Tatvaroyar asked them all to assemble before his master so that they might see for themselves if he could slay one thousand elephants at a time. They did so. As soon as they appeared they were struck dumb and remained in beatific peace for a few days without the least movement. When they regained their senses, they saluted both the master and the disciple, saying that they were more than satisfied. Swarupan and excelled the warriors in that he could subdue the egos, which is a much more formidable task than slaying a thousand elephants.

Maharshi said that the moral was clear. Peace is the sole criterion of a Mahatma's Presence.

20th October, 1936
Talk 263.

Dr. Syed: Sri Bhagavan says that the Heart is the Self. Psychology has it that malice, envy, jealousy and all passions have their seat in the heart. How are these two statements to be reconciled?
M.: The whole cosmos is contained in one pinhole in the Heart. These passions are part of the cosmos. They are avidya (ignorance).

D.: How did avidya arise?
M.: Avidya is like Maya [she who is not is maya (illusion)]. Similarly that which is not is ignorance. Therefore the question does not arise. Nevertheless, the question is asked. Then ask, "Whose is the avidya? Avidya is ignorance. It implies subject and object. Become the subject and there will be no object.

D.: What is avidya?
M.: Ignorance of Self. Who is ignorant of the Self? The self must be ignorant of Self. Are there two selves?

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Talk 264.

D.: Does Bhagavan see the world as part and parcel of Himself? How does He see the world?
M.: The Self alone is and nothing else. However, it is differentiated owing to ignorance. Differentiation is threefold: (1) of the same kind: (2) of a different kind, and (3) as parts in itself. The world is not another self similar to the self. It is not different from the self; nor is it part of the self.

D.: Is not the world reflected on the Self?
M.: For reflection there must be an object and an image. But the Self does not admit of these differences.

D.: Does not then Bhagavan see the world?
M.: Whom do you mean by Bhagavan?
D.: A jiva advanced more than I.

M.: If you understand your jiva the other jiva is also understood.

D.: I do not want to discuss. I want to learn. Please instruct me.

M.: Because you desire to learn, discussion is unavoidable. Leave all this aside. Consider your sleep. Are you then aware of bondage or do you seek means for release? Are you then aware of the body itself? The sense of bondage is associated with the body. Otherwise there is no bondage, no material to bind with and no one to be bound. These appear, however, in your wakeful state. Consider to whom they appear.

D.: To the mind.

M.: Watch the mind. You must stand aloof from it. You are not the mind. And the Self will remain ever.

D.: Does Sri Bhagavan believe in evolution?
M.: Evolution must be from one state to another. When no differences are admitted, how can evolution arise?
D.: Why does Sri Krishna say, "After several rebirths the seeker gains knowledge and thus knows Me." There must be evolution from stage to stage.

M.: How does Bhagavad Gita begin?" Neither I was not nor you nor these chiefs, etc." "Neither it is born, nor does it die, etc." So there is no birth, no death, no present as you look at it. Reality was, is, and

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi will be. It is changeless. Later Arjuna asked Sri Krishna how he could have lived before Aditya. Then Krishna, seeing Arjuna was confounding Him with the gross body, spoke to him accordingly.

The instruction is for the one who sees diversity. In reality there is no bondage nor mukti for himself or for others from the jnani's standpoint.

D.: Are all in liberation?
M.: Where is all? There is no liberation either. It could be only if there was bondage. There was really no bondage and so, it follows, there is no liberation.

D.: But to evolve through births, there must be practice, years of abhyasa.

M.: Abhyasa is only to prevent any disturbance to the inherent peace. There is no question of years. Prevent this thought at this moment. You are only in your natural state whether you make abhyasa or not.

Another man asked: Why do not all realise the Self in that case?
M.: It is the same question in another guise. Why do you raise this question? Inasmuch as you raise this question of abhyasa it shows you require abhyasa. Make it.

But to remain without questions or doubts is the natural state.

God created man; and man created God. They both are the originators of forms and names only. In fact, neither God nor man was created.

21st October, 1936
Talk 265.

The aristocratic lady again came after a few days, went straight to
Bhagavan, saluted him and said:
"I came last time with my husb and and children. I was thinking of their food and time was pressing. So I could not stay here as long as I would have wished. But I was later worried over the hurried nature of the visit. I have returned now to sit quiet and imbibe Sri Bhagavan's
Grace. May He give me strength of mind!"

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
The hall was already kept clear of people. She sat on a crude carpet in front of Sri Bhagavan. Sri Bhagavan said smiling: "Yes.

Silence is perpetual speaking. Ordinary speech hinders that heartto-heart talk."
She agreed and sat quiet. Sri Bhagavan was sitting reclining on the sofa. His eyes were fixed in her direction with a gracious smile on His lips. Both remained silent and motionless for about an hour.

Prasad was distributed. The lady said: "Now I want to return. The river between Bangalore and this place is in floods. On my way here a bus was overturned in the floods. My car came later, and I saw the sad accident. Still I was not afraid to ford the river. My car came out safe. I would like to return in daytime.

"This time I shall not say 'is the last time I shall come' as I said on former occasions. I do not know, but it may be so. Yet Maharshi should give me strength of mind.

"I long for bhakti. I want more of this longing. Even realisation does not matter for me. Let me be strong in my longing."
M.: If the longing is there, Realisation will be forced on you even if you do not want it. Subhechcha is the doorway for realisation.

D.: Let it be so. But I am content with longing. Even when I am away from this place I must not relax in my devotion. May Sri Bhagavan give me the necessary strength. Such longing could only be through
His Grace. I am personally too weak.

Again, when I was here on a previous occasion I asked several questions. But I could not follow Sri Bhagavan's answers. I thought I would not ask any more questions but only sit quiet in
His Presence imbibing Grace which might be extended to me.

So I do not pursue Maharshi with more questions this time. Only let me have His Grace.

M.: Your repeated visits to this place indicate the extension of Grace.

She was surprised and said: "I was going to ask Maharshi if He called me. For all of a sudden my husb and told me this morning:
'There are two days free. If you want you may visit Maharshi and return.'

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
"I was very agreeably surprised and pleased. I took it to be a call from Maharshi."
She also expressed a desire to reside near Maharshi and asked for
His blessings.

Maharshi said: A Higher Power is leading you. Be led by the same.

D.: But I am not aware of it. Please make me aware of it.

M.: The Higher Power knows what to do and how to do it. Trust it.

Talk 266.

The Muslim Professor asked: It is said that one should give up desire.

But there are the needs of the body which are irrepressible. What is to be done?
M.: An aspirant must be equipped with three requisites: (1) Ichcha;
(2) Bhakti; and (3) Sraddha. Ichcha means satisfaction of bodily wants without attachment to the body (such as hunger and thirst and evacuation). Unless it is done meditation cannot progress. Bhakti and Sraddha are already known.

D.: There are two kinds of desires - the baser and the nobler. Is it our duty to transmute the baser one to the nobler?
M.: Yes.

D.: Well, Bhagavan, you said there are three requisites of which ichcha is the satisfaction of natural wants without attachment to the body, etc. I take food three or four times a day and attend to bodily wants so much so that I am oppressed by the body. Is there a state when I shall be disembodied so that I might be free from the scourge of bodily wants?
M.: It is the attachments (raga, dwesha) which are injurious. The action is not bad in itself. There is no harm in eating three or four times. But only do not say, "I want this kind of food and not that kind" and so on.

Moreover you take those meals in twelve hours of wakeful state whereas you are not eating in the hours of sleep. Does sleep lead you to mukti?
It is wrong to suppose that simple inactivity leads one to mukti.

D.: There are said to be sadeha mukta (liberated in body) and videha mukta (liberated without body).


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
M.: There is no liberation, and where are muktas?
D.: Do not Hindu sastras speak of mukti?
M.: Mukti is synonymous with the Self. Jivan mukti (liberation while alive) and videha mukti (liberation after the body falls) are all for the ignorant. The Jnani is not conscious of mukti or bandha (bondage).

Bondage, liberation and orders of mukti are all said for an ajnani in order that ignorance might be shaken off. There is only mukti and nothing else.

D.: It is all right from the standpoint of Bhagavan. But what about us?
M.: The difference 'He' and 'I' are the obstacles to jnana.

D.: But it cannot be denied that Bhagavan is of a high order whereas we are limited. Will Bhagavan make me one with Him?
M.: Were you aware of limitations in your sleep?
D.: I cannot bring down the state of my sleep in the present state and speak of it.

M.: You need not. These three states alternate before the unchanging
Self. You can remember your state of sleep. That is your real state.

There were no limitations then. After the rise of the 'I-thought' the limitations arose.

D.: How to attain the Self?
M.: Self is not to be attained because you are the Self.

D.: Yes. There is an unchanging Self and a changing one in me. There are two selves.

M.: The changefulness is mere thought. All thoughts arise after the arising of the 'I-thought'. See to whom the thoughts arise. Then you transcend them and they subside. This is to say, tracing the source of the 'I-thought', you realise the perfect 'I-I'. 'I' is the name of the Self.

D.: Shall I meditate on "I am Brahman" (Aham Brahmasmi)?
M.: The text is not meant for thinking "I am Brahman". Aham ('I') is known to everyone. Brahman abides as Aham in everyone. Find out the 'I'. The 'I' is already Brahman. You need not think so. Simply find out the 'I'.

D.: Is not discarding of the sheaths mentioned in the sastras?

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
M.: After the rise of the 'I-thought' there is the false identification of the 'I' with the body, the senses, the mind, etc. 'I' is wrongly associated with them and the true 'I' is lost sight of. In order to shift the pure 'I' from the contaminated 'I' this discarding is mentioned.

But it does not mean exactly discarding of the non-self, but it means the finding of the real Self.

The real Self is the Infinite 'I-I', i.e., 'I' is perfection. It is eternal.

It has no origin and no end. The other 'I' is born and also dies. It is impermanent. See to whom are the changing thoughts. They will be found to arise after the 'I-thought'. Hold the 'I-thought'. They subside.

Trace back the source of the 'I-thought'. The Self alone will remain.

D.: It is difficult to follow. I understand the theory. But what is the practice?
M.: The other methods are meant for those who cannot take to the investigation of the Self. Even to repeat Aham Brahmasmi or think of it, a doer is necessary. Who is it? It is 'I'. Be that 'I'. It is the direct method. The other methods also will ultimately lead everyone to this method of the investigation of the Self.

D.: I am aware of the 'I'. Yet my troubles are not ended.

M.: This 'I-thought' is not pure. It is contaminated with the association of the body and senses. See to whom the trouble is. It is to the 'Ithought'. Hold it. Then the other thoughts vanish.

D.: Yes. How to do it? That is the whole trouble.

M.: Think 'I' 'I' 'I' and hold to that one thought to the exclusion of all others.

23rd October, 1936
Talk 267.

While speaking of the animal companions in the hall Sri Bhagavan quoted a Tamil stanza by Avvai.

When the old lady was going along she heard on one occasion some one praising Kambar. She replied with a stanza which means:
"Each is great in its own way. What is Kambar's greatness when compared with a bird which builds its nest so fine, the worms which

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi give lac, the honey bee which builds the comb, the ants which build cities, and the spider its web?"
Bhagavan then began to describe their activities.

While living on the hill He had seen a hut built of stones and mud and roofed with thatch. There was constant trouble with white ants.

The roof was pulled down and the walls demolished to get rid of the mud which harboured the ants. Sri Bhagavan saw that the hollows protected by stones were made into towns. These were skirted by walls plastered black, and there were roads to neighbouring cities which were also similarly skirted with black plastered walls. The roads were indicated by these walls. The interior of the town contained holes in which ants used to live. The whole wall was thus tenanted by white ants which ravaged the roofing materials above.

Sri Bhagavan had also watched a spider making its web and described it. It is seen in one place, then in another place, again in a third place. The fibre is fixed at all these points. The spider moves along it, descends, ascends and goes round and round and the web is finished. It is geometrical. The net is spread out in the morning and rolled up in the evening.

Similarly the wasps build their nests of lac (crude), and so on.

So then, each animal has got some remarkable instinct. Kambar's learning is not to be wondered at because it is God's will, as it is in the other cases.

Talk 268.

Dr. Syed: ,What is salvation? What did Christ mean by it?
M.: Salvation for whom? and from what?
D.: Salvation for the individual and from the sorrows and sufferings of the world.

M.: Whose are the sorrows, etc.?
D.: Of the mind.

M.: Are you the mind?
D.: I shall now explain how this question arose. I was meditating. I began to reflect on the Grace shown by Christ to some devotees who got salvation. I consider that Sri Bhagavan is similar. Is not salvation the result of similar Grace? That is what I mean by my questions.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
M.: Yes. Right.

D.: The booklet Who am I? speaks of swarupa drishti (seeing the essence). Then there must be a seer and the seen. How can this be reconciled with the Ultimate Unity?
M.: Why do you ask for salvation, release from sorrow, etc.? He who asks for them sees them also.

The fact is this. Drishti (sight) is consciousness. It forms the subject and object. Can there be drishti apart from the Self? The Self is all - drishti, etc.

D.: How to discern the ego from the Perfect 'I-I'?
M.: That which rises and falls is the transient 'I'. That which has neither origin nor end is the permanent 'I-I' consciousness.

D.: Will continuous thought on the Self make the mind more and more refined so that it will not think of anything but the highest?
M.: There is the peaceful mind which is the supreme. When the same becomes restless, it is afflicted by thoughts. Mind is only the dynamic power (sakti) of the Self.

D.: Are the sheaths material and different from the Self?
M.: There is no difference between matter and spirit. Modern science admits that all matter is energy. Energy is power or force (sakti).

Therefore all are resolved in Siva and Sakti i.e., the Self and the

The kosas are mere appearances. There is no reality in them as such.

D.: How many hours a day should one devote to meditation?
M.: Your very nature is meditation.

D.: It will be so when ripe, but not now.

M.: You become conscious of it later. That does not mean that your nature is now different from meditation.

D.: What about practice?
M.: Meditation must always be practised.

D.: A Persian mystic says: "There is nothing but God." The Quran says: "God is immanent in all."
M.: There is no 'all', apart from God, for Him to pervade. He alone is.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
D.: Is it morally right for a man to renounce his household duties when he once realises that his highest duty is Atma-chintana (continuous thought on the Self)?
M.: This desire to renounce things is the obstacle. The Self is simple renunciation. The Self has renounced all.

D.: It is true from Bhagavan's standpoint. But for us .... my work demands the best part of my time and energy; often I am too tired to devote myself to Atma-chintana.

M.: The feeling "I work" is the hindrance. Enquire, "Who works?"
Remember, "Who am I?" The work will not bind you. It will go on automatically. Make no effort either to work or to renounce work.

Your effort is the bondage. What is bound to happen will happen.

If you are destined to cease working, work cannot be had even if you hunt for it. If you are destined to work you cannot leave it; you will be forced to engage in it. So leave it to the Higher Power.

You cannot renounce or hold as you choose.

Talk 269.

D.: How is all-immanent God said to reside in daharakasa (Ether of the Heart).

M.: Do we not reside in one place? Do you not say that you are in your body? Similarly, God is said to reside in Hritpundarika (the heart-lotus). The heart-lotus is not a place. Some name is mentioned as the place of God because we think we are in the body. This kind of instruction is meant for those who can appreciate only relative knowledge.

Being immanent everywhere there is no particular place for God.

Because we think we are in the body we also believe that we are born. However we do not think of the body, of God, or of method of realisation in our deep slumber. Yet in our waking state we hold on to the body and think we are in it.

The Supreme Being is that from which the body is born, in which it lives and into which it resolves. We however think that we reside within the body. Hence such instruction is given. The instruction means: "Look within."

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
Talk 270.

Mr. G. V. Subbaramiah, a lecturer in English in Nellore, asked:
Brahman is the one by whom all this is pervaded (yena sarvamidam thatham). But then how does Sri Krishna specify the vibhutis in
Chapter X of Bhagavad Gita?
M.: The specifications are in reply to a definite question by Arjuna who required to know the Lord's vibhutis for convenience of worship
(upasana soukaryam). The fact is that God is all. There is nothing apart from Him.

D.: The individual is said to give up decayed bodies (jirnani sarirani) and to take up new ones (navani). Would the statement apply to infant deaths also?
M.: You do not know, in the first place, what is jirnani and what is navani. Secondly, jirna and nava are relative terms. What is old to a king may be new to a beggar. The truth is that the individuality signifies the state of embodiment till the time of liberation!
Talk 271.

Dr. Syed: How is Grace to be obtained?
M.: Similar to obtaining the Self.

D.: Practically, how is it to be for us?
M.: By self-surrender.

D.: Grace was said to be the Self. Should I then surrender to my own
M.: Yes. To the one from whom Grace is sought. God, Guru and Self are only different forms of the same.

D.: Please explain, so that I may understand.

M.: So long as you think you are the individual you believe in God.

On worshipping God, God appears to you as Guru. On serving
Guru He manifests as the Self. This is the rationale.

Talk 272.

D.: There are widespread disasters spreading havoc in the world e.g., famine and pestilence. What is the cause of this state of affairs?
M.: To whom does all this appear?
D.: That won't do. I see misery around.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
M.: You were not aware of the world and its sufferings in your sleep; you are conscious of them in your wakeful state. Continue in that state in which you were not afflicted by these. That is to say, when you are not aware of the world, its sufferings do not affect you. When you remain as the Self, as in sleep, the world and its sufferings will not affect you. Therefore look within. See the Self!
There will be an end of the world and its miseries.

D.: But that is selfishness.

M.: The world is not external. Because you identify yourself wrongly with the body you see the world outside, and its pain becomes apparent to you.

But they are not real. Seek the reality and get rid of this unreal feeling.

D.: There are great men, public workers, who cannot solve the problem of the misery of the world.

M.: They are ego-centred and therefore their inability. If they remained in the Self they would be different.

D.: Why do not Mahatmas help?
M.: How do you know that they do not help? Public speeches, physical activity and material help are all outweighed by the silence of
Mahatmas. They accomplish more than others.

D.: What is to be done by us for ameliorating the condition of the world?
M.: If you remain free from pain, there will be no pain anywhere. The trouble now is due to your seeing the world externally and also thinking that there is pain there. But both the world and the pain are within you. If you look within there will be no pain.

D.: God is perfect. Why did He create the world imperfect? The work shares the nature of the author. But here it is not so.

M.: Who is it that raises the question?
D.: I - the individual.

M.: Are you apart from God that you ask this question?
So long as you consider yourself the body you see the world as external. The imperfections appear to you. God is perfection. His work also is perfection. But you see it as imperfection because of your wrong identification.

D.: Why did the Self manifest as this miserable world?

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
M.: In order that you might seek it. Your eyes cannot see themselves. Place a mirror before them and they see themselves. Similarly with the creation.

"See yourself first and then see the whole world as the Self."
D.: So it amounts to this - that I should always look within.

M.: Yes.

D.: Should I not see the world at all?
M.: You are not instructed to shut your eyes from the world. You are only to "see yourself first and then see the whole world as the
Self". If you consider yourself as the body the world appears to be external. If you are the Self the world appears as Brahman.

Talk 273.

Dr. Syed asked: I have been reading the Five Hymns. I find that the hymns are addressed to Arunachala by you. You are an Advaitin. How do you then address God as a separate Being?
M.: The devotee, God and the Hymns are all the Self.

D.: But you are addressing God. You are specifying this Arunachala
Hill as God.

M.: You can identify the Self with the body. Should not the devotee identify the Self with Arunachala?
D.: If Arunachala be the Self why should it be specially picked out among so many other hills? God is everywhere. Why do you specify
Him as Arunachala?
M.: What has attracted you from Allahabad to this place? What has attracted all these people around?
D.: Sri Bhagavan.

M.: How was I attracted here? By Arunachala. The Power cannot be denied. Again Arunachala is within and not without. The Self is

D.: Several terms are used in the holy books - Atman, Paramatman,
Para, etc. What is the gradation in them?
M.: They mean the same to the user of the words. But they are understood differently by persons according to their development.

D.: But why do they use so many words to mean the same thing?

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
M.: It is according to circumstances. They all mean the Self. Para means
'not relative' or 'beyond the relative', that is to say, the Absolute.

D.: Should I meditate on the right chest in order to meditate on the Heart?
M.: The Heart is not physical. Meditation should not be on the right or the left. Meditation should be on the Self. Everyone knows 'I am'. Who is the 'I'? It will be neither within nor without, neither on the right nor on the left. 'I am' - that is all.

The Heart is the centre from which everything springs. Because you see the world, the body and so on, it is said that there is a centre for these, which is called the Heart. When you are in the Heart, the
Heart is known to be neither the centre nor the circumference. There is nothing else. Whose centre could it be?
D.: May I take it that the Self and the non-Self are like substance and its shadow?
M.: Substance and shadow are for the one who sees only the shadow and mistakes it for the substance and sees its shadow also. But there is neither substance nor shadow for the one who is aware only of the Reality.

D.: Buddha, when asked if there is the ego, was silent; when asked if there is no ego, he was silent; asked if there is God, he was silent; asked if there is no God, he was silent. Silence was his answer for all these. Mahayana and Hinayana schools have both misinterpreted his silence because they say that he was an atheist. If he was an atheist, why should he have spoken of nirvana, of births and deaths, of karma, reincarnations and dharma? His interpreters are wrong. Is it not so?
M.: You are right.

27th October, 1936
Talk 274.

The Muslim Professor asked how Vaishnavism can be reconciled to

M.: The Vaishnavites call themselves Visishtadvaitins. This is also
Advaita. Just as the individual body comprises the soul, the ego and the gross body, so also God comprises Paramatma, the world and the individuals.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
D.: Does not bhakti imply duality?
M.: Swa swarupanusandhanam bhaktirityabhidheeyate (Reflection on one's own Self is called bhakti). Bhakti and Self-Enquiry are one and the same. The Self of the Advaitins is the God of the bhaktas.

D.: Is there a spiritual hierarchy of all the original propounders of religions watching the spiritual welfare of the humans?
M.: Let them be or let them not be. It is only a surmise at the best. Atma is pratyaksha (self-evident). Know it and be done with speculation.

One may admit such a hierarchy; another may not. But no one can gainsay the Atma.

D.: What does Sri Bhagavan think of Pravritti and nivritti margas?
M.: Yes. Both are mentioned. What of that?
D.: Which is the better of the two?
M.: If you see the Self - pure and simple - it is nivritti; if you see the Self with the world, it is pravritti. In other words, inwardturned mind (antarmukhi manas) is nivritti; outward-going mind
(bahirmukhi manas) is pravritti. Anyway, there is nothing apart from the Self. Both are the same.

Similarly also, with the spiritual hierarchy; they cannot exist apart from the Self. They are only in the Self and remain as the Self.

Realisation of the Self is the one Goal of all.

5th November, 1936
Talk 275.

In the course of conversation, someone referred to the fact that when Mr.

Brunton and a lady were walking home in the night, they saw a bright glow on half the hill moving slowly and gently from North to South.

Sri Bhagavan said: This hill is said to be wisdom in visible shape.

D.: How is it visible to the physical eye?
M.: Sambandar had sung "The One who fascinated my heart or the captivator of my heart, I sing of Him in my mind". The Heart is captivated: consequently the mind must have sunk into the
Heart; and yet there is the remembrance which enables the saint to sing of God later.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
Then the experience of a young disciple was mentioned. The young man, educated and in good circumstances, in good health and sober mind, was once facing Sri Bhagavan's picture in his home and meditating on the figure. The figure suddenly appeared animated with life, which threw the young man into a spasm of fear. He called out for his mother. His mother came and asked him what the matter was. He was surrounded by his relatives who were perplexed by his appearance. He was aware of their presence, but was still overpowered by a mysterious force which he tried to resist. He became unconscious for a short time. Fear seized him as he regained consciousness. The people became anxious and tried to bring him round with medicines.

When later he came to Tiruvannamalai he had some foreboding of similar experience. The proximity of Sri Bhagavan prevented any untoward happening. But whenever he wandered away from the hall he found the force almost irresistible and himself in the grip of fear.

Sri Bhagavan said: "Is it so? No one told me this before."
A devotee asked, if it was not saktipata (descent of divine power)?
M.: Yes it is. A madman clings to samskaras, whereas a Jnani does not. That is the only difference between the two. Jnana is madness of a kind.

D.: But saktipata is said to occur in karmasamya, i.e., when merit and demerit are equal.

M.: Yes. Malaparipaka, karmasamya and saktipata mean the same,
A man is running the course of his samskaras; when taught he is the Self, the teaching affects his mind and imagination runs riot.

He feels helpless before the onrushing power. His experiences are only according to his imagination of the state "I am the Self", whatever he may conceive it to be. Saktipata alone confers the true and right experience.

When the man is ripe for receiving the instruction and his mind is about to sink into the Heart, the instruction imparted works in a flash and he realises the Self all right. Otherwise, there is always the struggle.

Mano-nasa, jnana, and chittaikagrata (annihilation of the mind, knowledge and one-pointedness) means the same.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
Talk 276.

The U. P. lady arrived with her brother, a woman companion and a burly bodyguard.

When she came into the hall she saluted Maharshi with great respect and feeling, and sat down on a wool blanket in front of Sri Bhagavan. Sri
Bhagavan was then reading Trilinga in Telugu on the reincarnation of a boy. The boy is now thirteen years old and reading in the Government
High School in a village near Lucknow. When he was three years he used to dig here and there; when asked, he would say that he was trying to recover something which he had hidden in the earth. When he was four years old, a marriage function was celebrated in his home. When leaving, the guests humorously remarked that they would return for this boy's marriage. But he turned round and said: "I am already married.

I have two wives." When asked to point them out, he requested to be taken to a certain village, and there he pointed to two women as his wives. It is now learnt that a period of ten months elapsed between the death of their husb and and the birth of this boy.

When this was mentioned to the lady, she asked if it was possible to know the after-death state of an individual.

Sri Bhagavan said, "some are born immediately after, others after some lapse of time, a few are not reborn on this earth but eventually get salvation in some higher region, and a very few get absolved here and now."
She: I do not mean that. Is it possible to know the condition of an individual after his death?
M.: It is possible. But why try to know it? All facts are only as true as the seeker.

She: The birth of a person, his being and death are real to us.

M.: Because you have wrongly identified your own self with the body, you think of the other one in terms of the body. Neither you are nor the other is the body.

She: But from my own level of understanding I consider myself and my son to be real.

M.: The birth of the 'I-thought' is one's own birth, its death is the person's death. After the 'I-thought' has arisen the wrong identity with the body

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi arises. Thinking yourself the body, you give false values to others and identify them with bodies. Just as your body has been born, grows and will perish, so also you think the other was born, grew up and died. Did you think of your son before his birth? The thought came after his birth and persists even after his death. Inasmuch as you are thinking of him he is your son. Where has he gone? He has gone to the source from which he sprang. He is one with you. So long as you are, he is there too. If you cease to identify yourself with the body, but see the real Self, this confusion will vanish. You are eternal. The others also will similarly be found to be eternal. Until this truth is realised there will always be this grief due to false values arising from wrong knowledge and wrong identity.

She: Let me have true knowledge by Sri Bhagavan's Grace.

M.: Get rid of the 'I-thought'. So long as 'I' is alive, there is grief. When
'I' ceases to exist, there is no grief. Consider the state of sleep!
She: Yes. But when I take to the 'I-thought', other thoughts arise and disturb me.

M.: See whose thoughts they are. They will vanish. They have their root in the single 'I-thought'. Hold to it and they will disappear.

Again the Master pointed to the story of Punya and Papa in Yoga
Vasishta, V. Ch. 20, where Punya consoles Papa on the death of their parents and turns him to realising the Self. Further, creation is to be considered in its two aspects, Isvara srishti (God's creation) and jiva srishti (individual's creation). Of these two, the universe is the former, and its relation to the individual is the latter. It is the latter which gives rise to pain and pleasure, irrespective of the former. A story was mentioned from Panchadasi. There were two young men in a village in South India. They went on a pilgrimage to North India. One of them died. The survivor, who was earning something, decided to return only after some months. In the meantime he came across a wandering pilgrim whom he asked to convey the information regarding himself and his dead companion to the village in South India. The wandering pilgrim did so, but by mistake changed the names. The result was that the dead man's parents rejoiced in his safety and the living one's parents were in grief. Thus, you see, pain or pleasure has no reference to facts but

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi to mental conceptions. Jiva Srishti is responsible for it. Kill the jiva and there is no pain or pleasure but the mental bliss persists forever. Killing the jiva is to abide in the Self.

She: I hear all this. It is beyond my grasp. I pray Sri Bhagavan to help me to understand it all.

"I had been to a waterfall in Mysore. The cascade was a fascinating sight. The waters streamed out in the shapes of fingers trying to grasp the rocks but were rushed on by the current to the depths below. I imagined this to be the state of the individuals clinging to their present surroundings. But I cannot help clinging.

"I cannot imagine that we are no better than seasonal flowers, fruits and leaves on trees. I love flowers but still this idea has no hold on me."
After a few minutes, she pointed out that she had intended to ask
Maharshi about death and matters relating to it but did not however do it. Yet Maharshi was reading the related matter in the newspaper and the same topic came up for enlightenment. She left after seeing the cow Lakshmi.

9th November, 1936
Talk 277.

Mr. Cohen: What is will? I mean - where does it fit in, in the five kosas?
M.: The 'I-thought' arises first and then all other thoughts. They comprise the mind. The mind is the object and the 'I' is the subject. Can there be will without the 'I'? It is comprised in the
'I'. The 'I-thought' is the vijnanamaya kosa (intellectual sheath).

Will is included in it.

Sri Bhagavan said further: Annamaya kosa is the gross body sheath. The senses with the prana and the karmendriyas form the pranamayakosa (sense-sheath). The senses with the mind form the manomaya kosa (mind-sheath). They are the jnanendryas. The mind is formed of thoughts only Idam (this) is the object and aham
('I') is the subject; the two together form the vijnanamayakosa


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi

10th November, 1936
Talk 278.

Miss W. Umadevi, a Polish lady, convert to Hinduism, had travelled in
Kashmir and brought views from Kashmir at which we were looking.

Sri Bhagavan humorously, remarked, "We have seen those places without the trouble of travel."
D.: I wish to go to Kailas.

M.: One can see these places only if destined. Not otherwise. After seeing all, there will still remain more - if not in this hemisphere, maybe in the other. Knowledge implies ignorance of what lies beyond what is known. Knowledge is always limited.

After some time Sri Bhagavan continued: Appar was decrepit and old and yet began to travel to Kailas.

Another old man appeared on the way and tried to dissuade him from the attempt, saying that it was so difficult to reach there. Appar was however obdurate and said that he would risk his life in the attempt. The stranger asked him to dip himself in a tank close by.

Appar did so and found Kailas then and there.

Where did all this happen? In Tiruvayyar, nine miles from
Tanjore. Where is Kailas then? Is it within the mind or outside it?
If Tiruvayyar be truly Kailas, it must appear to others as well. But
Appar alone found it so.

Similarly it is said of other places of pilgrimage in the South, that they are the abodes of Siva, and devotees found them so. This was true from their standpoint. Everything is within. There is nothing without.

Talk 279.

D.: How long does it take a man to be reborn after death? Is it immediately after death or some time after?
M.: You do not know what you were before birth, yet you want to know what you will be after death. Do you know what you are now?
Birth and rebirth pertain to the body. You are identifying the Self with the body. It is a wrong identification. You believe that the

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi body has been born and will die, and confound the phenomena relating to the one with the other. Know your real being and these questions will not arise.

Birth and rebirth are mentioned only to make you investigate the question and find out that there are neither births nor rebirths. They relate to the body and not to the Self. Know the Self and be not perturbed by doubts.

Talk 280.

D.: Can you help me to get rid of Maya?
M.: What is Maya?
D.: Attachment to the world.

M.: Was the world in your deep sleep? Was there attachment to it?
D.: There was not.

M.: Were you there or not?
D.: Maybe.

M.: Then do you deny having existed in sleep?
D.: I do not.

M.: You are therefore now "the same one as there was in sleep."
D.: Yes.



No world
No attachment
The Self

The Self

M.: What is it then that raises the question of Maya just now?
D.: The mind was not in sleep. The world and the attachment to it are of the mind.

M.: That is it. The world and the attachment to it are of the mind, not of the Self.

D.: I was ignorant in sleep.

M.: Who says that he was ignorant? Is he not ignorant now? Is he a

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
Ignorance is now mentioned by the contaminated Self here.

D.: Was the Self pure then in sleep?
M.: It did not raise any doubts. It did not feel imperfect or impure.

D.: Such Self is common to all, even in a dead body.

M.: But the man in sleep or in dead body does not raise questions.

Consider who raises questions. It is you. Were you not in sleep?
Why was there no imperfection?
The pure Self is simple Being. It does not associate itself with objects and become conscious as in the wakeful state. What you now call consciousness in the present state is associated consciousness requiring brain, mind, body, etc., to depend upon.

But in sleep consciousness persisted without these.

D.: But I do not know the consciousness in sleep.

M.: Who is not aware of it? You admit "I am". You admit "I was" in sleep. The state of being is your self.

D.: Do you mean to say that sleep is Self-Realisation?
M.: It is the Self. Why do you talk of Realisation? Is there a moment when the Self is not realised?
If there be such a moment, the other moment might be said to be one of Realisation. There is no moment when the Self is not nor when the Self is not realised. Why pick out sleep for it? Even now you are Self-realised.

D.: But I do not understand.

M.: Because you are identifying the Self with the body. Give up the wrong identity and the Self is revealed.

D.: But this does not answer my question to help me to get rid of
Maya, i.e., attachment.

M.: This attachment is not found in sleep. It is perceived and felt now.

It is not your real nature.

On whom is this accretion?
If the Real Nature is known these exist not. If you realise the Self the possessions are not perceived. That is getting rid of Maya.

Maya is not objective, that it could be got rid of in any other way.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi

15th November, 1936
Talk 281.

A certain man, who claims to have been Sri Maharshi's quondam disciple, has filed a suit in the court praying for a declaration that he is the legitimate Sarvadhikari of the Asramam.

Sri Maharshi was examined on Commission. There was a crowd but the proceedings went on smoothly in the room on the North East.

The following are a few titbits therefrom: Sri Bhagavan's answers were quite spontaneous and smooth.

Q.: To which asramam does Sri Bhagavan belong?
M.: Atiasramam (beyond the four stages).

Q.: What is it?
M.: It is beyond the four commonly known asramas.

Q.: Is it sastraic?
M.: Yes. It is mentioned in the sastras.

Q.: Are there others of the same type besides yourself?
M.: There may be.

Q.: Have there been any?
M.: Suka, Rishabha, Jada Bharata and others.

Q.: You left home at an early age because you had no attachment for home and property. But here, there is property in the Asramam.

How is it?
M.: I do not seek it. Property is thrust on me. I neither love nor hate it.

Q.: Are they given to you?
M.: They are given to the Swami, whoever he may be. But the body is considered the Swami in the world. That body is this. It reduces itself to myself.

Q.: In that case the attachment to property is now renewed. Is it so?
M.: I do not hate it - that is all I said.

Q.: In practical life it amounts to what I say.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
M.: Just as we live and move in practical matters.

Q.: Do you give upadesh? Have you ever done it?
M.: Visitors ask questions. I answer them as well as I know. It is for them to treat my words as they please.

Q.: Is it upadesh?
M.: How shall I say how others take it?
Q.: Have you disciples?
M.: I do not give upadesh in the ceremonial manner. For instance, keeping a kumbha, making puja to it and whispering to the person.

The person may call himself my disciple or devotee. I do not consider anyone to be my disciple. I have never sought upadesh from anyone nor do I give ceremonial upadesh. If the people call themselves my disciples I do not approve or disapprove. In my view all are alike.

They consider themselves fit for being called disciples. What can
I say to them? I do not call myself a disciple or a Guru.

Q.: How did you approve the building of Skandasramam on the Hill which was temple-land, without previously obtaining permission from the authorities?
M.: Guided by the same Power which made me come here and reside on the Hill.

Q.: When you threw away your cash, etc., within an hour after your arrival in this place, you did so because you did not desire possessions. You never touch money. There were no possessions for several years after your arrival here. How is it that donations are now accepted by the Asramam?
M.: This practice grew up at a later stage because a few associates began to use my name to collect funds. I did not approve of their action nor check them. So it is going on. One man leaves, another steps in, but the process goes on. I do not desire that contri butions should be accepted. But people do not heed that advice. I do not desire to give ineffective advice. I do not therefore check them.

Since money comes in property grows spontaneously.

Q.: Why do you not sign your name?
M.: The author of Self-Realisation has furnished his answer for this question. Moreover, by what name am I to be known? I myself do

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi not know. People have given me several names from time to time since my arrival here. If I should sign by one name, all would not understand it. So I used to say to the people seeking autographs that, even if they should show my signature, people in general would not believe it to be true.

Q.: You do not touch money nor other offerings, I trust.

M.: People sometimes place fruits in my hands. I touch them.

Q.: If you receive one kind of offering, why should you not receive money also?
M.: I cannot eat money. What shall I do with it? Why should I take that with which I do not know what to do?
Q.: Why do visitors stop at the Asramam?
M.: They must know why.

Q.: You have no objection to anyone coming and staying here, I suppose.

M.: No.

Q.: You have similarly no objection to any length of their stay.

M.: No. If I do not find it agreeable I will go away. That is all.

A lawyer devotee asked Sri Bhagavan if the previous day's examination by Commission caused much strain.

M.: I did not use my mind and so there was no strain. Let them examine me for a thousand days. I don't mind.

16th November, 1936
Talk 282.

D.: Does the Tantrik sadhana bring about Self-Realisation?
M.: Yes.

D.: Which worship in Tantra is the best?
M.: It depends on temperament.

D.: What part does Kundalini play in bringing about Self-Realisation?
M.: Kundalini rises from any lakshya that you have. Kundalini is prana-sakti (life-current).

D.: Different deities are said to reside in different chakras. Does one see them in course of sadhana?

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
M.: They can be seen if desired.

D.: Does the path to Self-Realisation go through samadhi?
M.: They are synonymous.

D.: It is said that the Guru can make his disciple realise the Self by transmitting some of his own power to him? Is it true?
M.: Yes. The Guru does not bring about Self-Realisation. He simply removes the obstacles to it. The Self is always realised.

D.: Is there absolute necessity of a Guru for Self-Realisation?
M.: So long as you seek Self-Realisation the Guru is necessary.

Guru is the Self. Take Guru to be the Real Self and your self as the individual self.

The disappearance of this sense of duality is removal of ignorance.

So long as duality persists in you the Guru is necessary. Because you identify yourself with the body you think the Guru, too, to be some body. You are not the body, nor is the Guru. You are the Self and so is the Guru.

This knowledge is gained by what you call Self-Realisation.

D.: How can one know whether a particular individual is competent to be a Guru?
M.: By the peace of mind found in his presence and by the sense of respect you feel for him.

D.: If the Guru happens to turn out incompetent, what will be the fate of the disciple who has implicit faith in him?
M.: Each one according to his merits.

D.: What are your opinions about social reform?
M.: Self-reform automatically brings about social reform. Confine yourself to self-reform. Social reform will take care of itself.

D.: What is your opinion about Gandhiji's Harijan movement?
M.: Ask him.

D.: Is it necessary to take bath if we touch dead bodies?
M.: The body is a corpse. So long as one is in contact with it one must ba the in the waters of the Self.

D.: If the advaita is final, why did Madhvacharya teach dvaita?

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
M.: Is your Self dvaita or advaita? All systems agree on Selfsurrender. Attain it first, then there will be time to judge whose view is right or otherwise.

D.: Why do you not preach to the people to set them on the right path?
M.: You have already decided by yourself that I do not preach. Do you know who I am and what preaching is?
D.: Is the shaving of widows among Brahmins not cruel?
M.: This may be asked of Dharma Sastris or reformers. Reform yourself first and let us then see about the rest.

17th November, 1936
Talk 283.

D.: How can one become jitasangadoshah (free from the stain of association)?
M.: By satsanga (association with the wise).

"Satsangatve nissangatvam, nissangatve nirmohatvam, nirmohatve nischalatatvam, nischalatatve jivanmuktih."
Satsanga means sanga (association) with sat. Sat is only the Self.

Since the Self is not now understood to be Sat, the company of the sage who has thus understood it is sought. That is Sat-sanga.

Introversion results. Then Sat is revealed.

For whom is association? For whom is dosha?
D.: To the Self.

M.: No. The Self is pure and unaffected. The impurities affect only the ego.

D.: Can the soul remain without the body?
M.: It will be so a short time hence - in deep slumber. The Self is bodiless. Even now it is so.

D.: Can a sanyasi remain in the midst of samsara?
M.: So long as one thinks that he is a sanyasi, he is not one, so long as one does not think of samsara, he is not a samsari; on the other hand he is a sanyasi.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi

18th November. 1936
Talk 284.

D.: It is said in Srimad Bhagavad Gita: "Realise the Self with pure intellect and also by service to Guru and by enquiry." How are they to be reconciled?
M.: Iswaro Gururatmeti - Iswara, Guru and Self are identical. So long as the sense of duality persists in you, you seek a Guru considering that he stands apart. He however teaches you the truth and you gain the insight.

D.: Kindly explain: ahameko name kaschit nahamanyasya kasyachit naham pasyami yasyaham tam na pasyami yo mama (I am alone; none is mine; of none else am I, I see none whose I am, none who is mine).

M.: This sloka occurs in different scriptures, holy books, e.g.,
Bhagavata, Maha Bharata, etc. It also forms the motto of Chapter
XI in Self-Realisation.

Aham - 'I', is only one. Egos are different. They are in the One Self.

The Self is not affected by the egos. 'I' is one only. 'I' is the Truth.

All that follows is meant to refute the sense of duality.

Talk 285.

D.: If the Self be itself aware, why am I not aware of the same, even now?
M.: There is no duality. Your present knowledge is due to the ego and only relating. Relative knowledge requires a subject and an object. Whereas the awareness of the Self is absolute and requires no object.

Remembrance also is similarly relative, requiring an object to be remembered and a subject to remember. When there is no duality, who is to remember whom?
D.: What happens to the created ego when the body dies?
M.: Ego is 'I-thought'. In its subtle form it remains a thought, whereas in its gross aspect it embraces the mind, the senses and the body.

They disappear in deep slumber along with the ego. Still the Self is there; similarly it will be in death.

Ego is not an entity independent of the Self in order that it must be created or destroyed by itself. It functions as an instrument of the

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
Self and periodically ceases to function. That is to say, it appears and disappears; this might be considered to be birth and death.

Relative knowledge pertains to the mind and not to the Self. It is therefore illusory and not permanent. Take a scientist for instance.

He formulates a theory that the Earth is round and goes on to prove it and establish it on an incontrovertible basis. When he falls asleep the whole idea vanishes; his mind is left a blank; what does it matter if the world remains round or flat when he is asleep? So you see the futility of all such relative knowledge.

One should go beyond such relative knowledge and abide in the Self. Real knowledge is such experience and not apprehension by the mind.

D.: Why does not Sri Bhagavan go about and preach the Truth to the people at large?
M.: How do you know that I am not doing it? Does preaching consist in mounting a platform and haranguing to the people around?
Preaching is simple communication of knowledge. It may be done in Silence too.

What do you think of a man listening to a harangue for an hour and going away without being impressed by it so as to change his life?
Compare him with another who sits in a holy presence and leaves after some time with his outlook on life totally changed. Which is better: To preach loudly without effect or to sit silently sending forth intuitive forces to play on others?
Again how does speech arise? There is abstract knowledge
(unmanifest). From it there rises the ego which gives rise to thoughts and words successively. So then:

Abstract Knowledge
Words are therefore the great grandson of the original source. If words can produce an effect, how much more powerful should the preaching through silence be? Judge for yourself.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
Talk 286.

D.: Why can we not remain in sushupti as long as we like and be also voluntarily in it just as we are in the waking state?
M.: Sushupti continues in this state also. We are ever in sushupti. That should be consciously gone into and realised in this very state.

There is no real going into or coming from it. Becoming aware of that is samadhi. An ignorant man cannot remain long in sushupti because he is forced by nature to emerge from it. His ego is not dead and it will rise up again. But the wise man attempts to crush it in its source. It rises up again and again for him too impelled by nature, i.e., prarabdha. That is, both in Jnani and ajnani, ego is sprouting forth, but with this difference, namely the ajnani's ego when it rises up is quite ignorant of its source, or he is not aware of his sushupti in the dream and jagrat states; whereas a Jnani when his ego rises up enjoys his transcendental experience with this ego keeping his lakshya (aim) always on its source. This ego is not dangerous: it is like the skeleton of a burnt rope: in this form it is ineffective. By constantly keeping our aim on our source, our ego is dissolved in its source. like a doll of salt in the ocean.

D.: Sri Ramakrishna says that nirvikalpa samadhi cannot last longer than twenty-one days. If persisted in, the person dies. Is it so?
M.: When the prarabdha is exhausted the ego is completely dissolved without leaving any trace behind. This is final liberation. Unless prarabdha is completely exhausted the ego will be rising up in its pure form even in jivanmuktas. I still doubt the statement of the maximum duration of twenty-one days. It is said that people cannot live if they fast thirty or forty days. But there are those who have fasted longer, say a hundred days. It means that there is still prarabdha for them.

D.: How is realisation made possible?
M.: There is the absolute Self from which a spark proceeds as from fire. The spark is called the ego. In the case of an ignorant man it identifies itself with an object simultaneously with its rise. It cannot remain independent of such association with objects.

This association is ajnana or ignorance, whose destruction is the objective of our efforts. If its objectifying tendency is killed

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi it remains pure, and also merges into the source. The wrong identification with the body is dehatmabuddhi ('I-am-the-body' idea). This must go before good results follow.

D.: How to eradicate it?
M.: We exist in sushupti without being associated with the body and mind. But in the other two states we are associated with them. If one with the body, how can we exist without the body in sushupti?
We can separate ourselves from that which is external to us and not from that which is one with us. Hence the ego is not one with the body. This must be realised in the waking state. Avas thatraya (the three states of waking, dream and deep sleep) should be studied only for gaining this outlook.

The ego in its purity is experienced in intervals between two states or two thoughts. Ego is like that caterpillar which leaves its hold only after catching another. Its true nature can be found when it is out of contact with objects or thoughts. Realise this interval with the conviction gained by the study of avas thatraya (the three states of consciousness).

D.: How do we go to sleep and how do we wake up?
M.: Just at nightfall the hen clucks and the chicks go and hide themselves under her wings. The hen then goes to roost in the nest with the chicks in her protection. At dawn the chicks come out and so does the hen. The mother-hen stands for the ego which collects all the thoughts and goes to sleep. At sunrise the rays emerge forth and are collected again at sunset. Similarly, when the ego displays itself, it does so with all its paraphernalia. When it sinks, everything disappears with it.

D.: What does sushupti look like?
M.: In a cloudy dark night no individual identification of objects is possible and there is only dense darkness, although the seer has his eyes wide open; similarly in sushupti the seer is aware of simple nescience.

Sri Bhagavan is said to have remarked to an inquisitive person: "What is the meaning of this talk of truth and falsehood in the world which is itself false?"

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi

27th November, 1936
Talk 287.

A Punjabi gentleman, a doctor by profession, came here with his wife to visit Sri Bhagavan. He was in the hall when Sri Bhagavan came in after lunch; then he asked: "How should I meditate? I do not have peace of mind."
M.: Peace is our real nature. It need not be attained. Our thoughts must be obliterated.

D.: I have been trying to obliterate them but I am not successful.

M.: The Gita method is the only one for it. Whenever mind strays away bring it back to bear on meditation.

D.: I cannot bring my mind to meditate.

Another devotee: An elephant when free puts its trunk here and there and feels restless. If a length of chain is given to it, the trunk holds it and is no longer restless. Similarly, mind without an aim is restless, with an aim it remains at peace.

D.: No, no, it is all theory. I have read many books. But no use. It is practically impossible to make the mind concentrate.

M.: Concentration is impossible so long as there are predispositions.

They obstruct bhakti also.

The interpreter advised the questioner to study Who am I? The doctor was ready with his protestations: "I have read it also. I cannot still make my mind concentrate."
M.: By practice and dispassion - abhyasa vairagyabhyam.

D.: Vairagya is necessary ...

M.: Abhyasa and vairagya are necessary. Vairagya is the absence of diffused thoughts; abhyasa is concentration on one thought only. The one is the positive and the other the negative aspect of meditation.

D.: I am not able to do so by myself. I am in search of a force to help me.

M.: Yes, what is called Grace. Individually we are incapable because the mind is weak. Grace is necessary. Sadhu seva is meant only for it. There is however nothing new to get. Just as a weak man comes

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi under the control of a stronger one, the weak mind of a man comes under control easily in the presence of the strong-minded sadhus.

That which is - is only Grace; there is nothing else.

The questioner said, "I request your blessings for the good of myself".

Bhagavan said: "Yes - yes."
He left with his wife.

29th November, 1936
Talk 288.

Explaining Maya of Vedanta and swatantra of Pratyabhijna
(independence of recognition), Sri Bhagavan said:
The Vedantins say that Maya is the sakti of illusion premised in Siva.

Maya has no independent existence. Having brought out the illusion of the world as real, she continues to play upon the ignorance of the victims. When the reality of her not being is found, she disappears.

'Recognition' says that Sakti (power) is coeval with Siva. The one does not exist without the other. Siva is unmanifest, whereas Sakti is manifest on account of Her independent will swatantra. Her manifestation is the display of the cosmos on pure consciousness, like images in a mirror.

The images cannot remain in the absence of a mirror.

So also the world cannot have an independent existence. Swatantra becomes eventually an attri bute of the Supreme. Sri Sankara says that the Absolute is without attri butes and that Maya is not and has no real being. What is the difference between the two? Both agree that the display is not real. The images of the mirror cannot in any way be real. The world does not exist in reality (vastutah).

Both schools mean the same thing. Their ultimate aim is to realise the Absolute Consciousness. The unreality of the cosmos is implied in Recognition (Pratyabhijna), whereas it is explicit in Vedanta. If the world be taken as chit (consciousness), it is always real. Vedanta says that there is no nana (diversity), meaning that it is all the same Reality.

There is agreement on all points except in words and the method of expression.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi

30th November, 1936
Talk 289.

While discussing Karma, Sri Bhagavan said: "Karma has its fruit
(phala). They are like cause and effect. The interrelation of a cause and its effect is due to a Sakti whom we call God. God is phala data
(dispenser of fruit).

A visitor had been speaking of the Self having forgotten its true nature.

Sri Bhagavan after some time said: "People speak of memory and oblivion of the Fullness of the Self. Oblivion and memory are only thought-forms. They will alternate so long as there are thoughts. But
Reality lies beyond these. Memory or oblivion must be dependent on something. That something must be foreign too; otherwise there cannot be oblivion. It is called 'I' by everyone. When one looks for it, it is not found because it is not real. Hence 'I' is synonymous with illusion or ignorance (maya, avidya or ajnana). To know that there never was ignorance is the goal of all the spiritual teachings. Ignorance must be of one who is aware. Awareness is jnana. Jnana is eternal and natural.

Ajnana is unnatural and unreal.

D.: Having heard this truth, why does not one remain content?
M.: Because samskaras have not been destroyed. Unless the samskaras cease to exist, there will always be doubt and confusion
(sandeha, viparita). All efforts are directed to destroying doubt and confusion. To do so their roots must be cut. Their roots are the samskaras. These are rendered ineffective by practice as prescribed by the Guru. The Guru leaves it to the seeker to do this much so that he might himself find out that there is no ignorance. This truth mentioned is in the stage of the hearing of the Truth (sravana). That is not drdha (firm). For making it unshaken, one has to practise reflection (manana) and one-pointedness (nididhyasana). These two processes scorch the seeds of vasanas so that they are rendered ineffective.

Some extraordinary persons get drdha jnana (unshaken knowledge) even on hearing the Truth only once (sakrchhravana matrena).

Because they are krthopasakah (advanced seekers), whereas the

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi akrthopasakah (raw seekers) take longer to gain drdha jnana
(unshaken knowledge). People ask: "How did ignorance (avidya) arise at all?" We have to say to them: "Ignorance never arose. It has no real being. That which is, is only vidya (knowledge)."
D.: Why then do I not realise it?
M.: Because of the samskaras. However, find out who does not realise and what he does not realise. Then it will be clear that there is no avidya (ignorance).

Talk 290.

Mr. Sagarmull, a Marwari gentleman, a cotton merchant from
Bombay, seems learned in Srimad Bhagavad Gita. He asked:
Srimad Bhagavad Gita says: mattah parataram nanyat kinchit and later on sutre manigana iva - "there is nothing different from Me" and later on "like beads strung on a thread." If there is nothing but Sri
Krishna, how can the world be said to be like "beads on a string?"
M.: It means that the sutra (string) and the mani (jewel beads) are not apart from ME. There are no maniganah (row of beads) apart from the string (sutra) and no string apart from Me. The sloka emphasises unity and not multiplicity which is only on the surface.

D.: Unity can only be after merging into Bhagavan. True - but till then there must be diversity. That is samsara.

M.: Where are we now? Are we apart from Bhagavan? The samsara and we are all in Bhagavan.

D.: But that is the experience of the jnanis. Differentiation persists until jnana dawns. So there is samsara for me.

M.: Samskara (predisposition) is samsara (cycle of births and deaths).

D.: Right. "All this is Vasudeva" - this truth has been forgotten by us.

So we cannot identify ourselves with God.

M.: Where is forgetfulness?
D.: Like svapna.

M.: Whose svapna?
D.: Jiva's.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
M.: Who is jiva?
D.: It is Paramatma's.

M.: Let Paramatma ask then.

D.: I shall make my doubt clear by means of an illustration.

M.: Whoever wants the doubt to be illustrated and made clear? Direct experience - pratyaksha - does not require examples for elucidation.

D.: There is pratyaksha and also forgetfulness.

M.: What is forgotten and by whom?
D.: Listen. One dreams; the dream-world disappears on waking.

M.: Wake up similarly from the present dream.

D.: Prakrti (nature) is too powerful.

M.: See the Purusha (lord) also. What can prakrti do then?
D.: There is a granthi (knot) between them.

M.: Whose is that knot? Is it of the Lord or of Nature? or of both?
D.: Due to Brahman.

M.: Then Brahman must ask or must be asked. To whom is svapna? or the knot? You are always saying "I ask." Who is that 'I'?
D.: I do not perceive.

M.: 'I' is eternal. It would vanish if it were anything particular. It is
Perfection. So it is not found as an object.

D.: But I am imperfect.

M.: Why bring in imperfection? Why are you not perfect? Did you feel imperfection in your sleep? Why do you not remain so even now? Bring sleep into the waking state (jagrat sushupti) and you will be all right. Ya nisa sarva bhootanam ... pasyato muneh ...

(That which is night for the ignorant is day for the wise).

D.: Yes, if he is a muni (sage).

M.: Who is a muni? Is he not a man?
D.: Do you not feel a slap if given to you? Is there no differentiation?
Is it jnana?
M.: A man under chloroform or under the influence of drink does not feel it. Is he a Jnani? Is jnana inconsistent with that feeling?

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
D.: There is seer, seen and sight. They are not characteristic of jnana.

M.: In sleep, in trance, in absent-mindedness, there is no differentiation.

Do you call it jnana? What has happened in these states? Is that which then was, absent now? That which is exists for ever. The difference is due to the mind. The mind is sometimes present at other times absent.

There is no change in the Reality. Reality is always Bliss - Ananda.

D.: Bliss is the outcome of practice. What is that practice?
M.: Sadhana is the enquiry to find out to whom all these doubts arise.

D.: It is for the ego (ahamkara).

M.: Wherefrom does ahamkara arise?
D.: Guidance is necessary to show me the way.

M.: Go within and find the route. You cannot find it from without; nor should you seek it externally.

D.: I am unable to find the ego by search. I stop there.

M.: How can you get it? It is not apart from you. Leave alone not finding it. Where are you now? Do you mean to say "I am not"?
D.: What or how am I?
M.: Do not trouble yourself about it. Let it be as it is. Why do you care? Did you care for the whole or part (samashti, vyashti) in your sleep? The same person is present now too. You are the same in sleep and in waking.

D.: Sleep and waking are different states having different effects ....

M.: How does it matter to you? The Self is the same, all through.

D.: The mind is not steady in meditation.

M.: Whenever it wanders, turn it inward again and again.

D.: When duhka (misery) overpowers me, enquiry is impossible.

M.: Because the mind is too weak. Make it strong.

D.: By what means?
M.: Sat-sanga, Isvara Aradhana, Pranayama - (association with the wise, worship of God, breath control).

D.: What happens?

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
M.: Misery is removed; our aim is removal of misery. You do not acquire happiness. Your very nature is happiness. Bliss is not newly earned.

All that is done is to remove unhappiness. These methods do it.

D.: Association with the wise may streng then the mind. There must also be practice. What practice should be made?
M.: Yes. Practice is necessary too. Practice means removal of predispositions. Practice is not for any fresh gain; it is to kill the predispositions.

D.: Abhyasa (practice) should give me that power.

M.: Practice is power. If thoughts are reduced to a single thought the mind is said to have grown strong. When practice remains unshaken it becomes sahaja (natural).

D.: What is such practice?
M.: Enquiring into the Self. That is all. Atmanyeva vasam nayet .....

Fix the mind on the SELF.

D.: What is the aim to be kept in view? Practice requires an aim.

M.: Atman is the aim. What else can there be? All other aims are for those who are incapable of atmalakshya (having the Self for the aim).

They lead you ultimately to atma-vichara (enquiry into the Self). Onepointedness is the fruit of all kinds of practice. One may get it quickly; another after a long time. Everything depends on the practice.

D.: Peace is extolled more than anything else. How shall we gain it?
M.: It is your very nature. Forgetfulness never overtakes the Self. The
Self is now confounded with non-self and that makes you speak of forgetfulness of the Self, Peace, etc. Oblivion will never rear up its head if this confusion is put an end to.

D.: How is that done?
M.: Enquiry into the Self. One-pointedness means cessation of mental activities. Forgetfulness must be for the self - well, of what? Of the
Self? Are there then two selves? Practice removes the samskaras.

D.: But samskaras are infinite and eternal - from beginningless time.

M.: This itself is a samskara. Give up that idea and all samskaras will disappear at once. That is visranti (repose), santi (peace). Peace is

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi ever present. But you hold it down and rise over it and thus disturb it. Then you say, "I want Peace".

D.: Will Peace be gradual?
M.: Yes. Make the mind gradually still (Sanaissanaih uparamet) says the Bhagavad Gita.

After some time, the visitor asked if one Mr. G. had been here on or about the 20th instant. He himself had heard of Maharshi from him.

Mr. G. was full of joy after his visit here.

M.: How can I know the names of all the visitors? He might have been here. All are full of joy. There is no name, no form .... Name is however needed for vyavahara (empirical life).

5th December, 1936
Talk 291.

Question: You spoke of atyasrama (beyond the asramas - beyond the orders of life) the other day. Is there any authority for it? Is it mentioned anywhere?
Maharshi: Yes, in the Upanishads, the Suta Samhita (Skanda Purana),
Bhagavata, Bharata and other works.*
Q.: Are there any restrictions or discipline for that state?
M.: There are characteristics of it mentioned.

Q.: There are Gurus for each asrama. Is there a Guru for atyasrama?
M.: Yes.

Q.: But you do not admit a Guru.

M.: There is a Guru for everyone. I admit a Guru for me also.

Q.: Who is your Guru.

M.: The Self.

Q.: For whom?
M.: For myself. The Guru may be internal or external. He may reveal
Himself internally or communicate externally.

* For atyasrama, refer to Narada Parivrajaka Upanishad, v. 1-15;
Svetasvatara Up. VI. 21; Tejobindu Up. I. 47-48; Suta Samhita-Mukti Khanda
Ch. V. v. 9, 14-43; Sivamahatmya Khanda Ch. V. 32, 37fi 55.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
Q.: Can the atyasramis own property?
M.: There is no restriction for them. They may do what they please.

Suka is said to have married and begotten children also.

Q.: The atyasrami is like a householder in that case.

M.: I have already said that he is above the four recognised asramas.

Q.: If they can marry, own property, etc., they are only grihasthas.

M.: That may be your view.

Q.: Can they own property and convey the same to others?
M.: They may or may not. All depends on their prarabdha.

Q.: Is there any Karma for them?
M.: Their conduct is not regulated according to any rules or codes.

Q.: When visitors want to stay here, say two or three days, do they take your permission?
M.: The permission from the management is permission from me. The visitors come here for me, the management is for me. Wherever there is mutual agreement, I do not interfere. When visitors come here and
I admit them, will others dare go against my wishes? My consent is implied in the actions which take place with mutual goodwill.

Sri Bhagavan was shown a stanza in His own handwriting in praise of
Himself as Subrahmanya.

Sri Bhagavan said that the handwriting was His own whereas the ideas were Perumalswami's.

Q.: But do you not agree with the statement made in it?
M.: In the same way as an idol is praised as Subrahmanya.

13th December 1936
Talk 292.

In reply to a question if tanmatras are the operating factors in dreams,
Sri Bhagavan said: No. Tanmatras are sukshma - subtler than that.

Although the dream-creations are subtle as compared with the gross world of the wakeful state, yet the dream-creations are gross compared to tanmatras. Tanmatras after panchikarana give rise to the form of the antahkarnas (inner organ, mind). There too, by the different sets

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi of operating causes. Influenced by satva the predominance of ether
(akasa) it gives rise to jnana (knowledge) whose seat is the brain. vayu (air) gives rise to manas (mind) tejas (light) gives rise to buddhi (intellect)
jala (water) gives rise to chitta (memory etc.) prthvi (earth) gives rise to ahankara (ego).

They are samashti (collective) for the reason that they can operate collectively or individually with any or all of the senses or organs. By rajoguna they are changed to jnanendriyas in the vyashti (individual); by tamoguna to karmendriyas in the vyashti (the individual). The relation between the external world and the individual now becomes easy because the tanmatras are common to them.

The tanmatras proceed from Prakriti. The statements on creation differ considerably. There is mentioned yugapatsrshti (simultaneous creation) and kramasrshti (gradual creation). The significance is not emphasis on creation but on the original source.

Talk 293.

Mr. K. K. V. Iyer: There is no way found to go inward by means of meditation.

M.: Where else are we now? Our very being is that.

D.: Being so, we are ignorant of it.

M.: Ignorant of what, and whose is the ignorance? If ignorant of the
Self, are there two selves?
D.: There are no two selves. The feeling of limitation cannot be denied. Due to limitations....

M.: Limitation is only in the mind. Did you feel it in deep sleep?
You exist in sleep. You do not deny your existence then. The same
Self is now and here, in the wakeful state. You are now saying that there are limitations. What has now happened is that there are these differences between the two states. The differences are due to the mind. There was no mind in sleep. whereas it is now active. The
Self exists in the absence of the mind also.

D.: Although it is understood, it is not realised.

M.: It will be by and by, with meditation.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
D.: Meditation is with mind and how can it kill the mind in order to reveal the Self?
M.: Meditation is sticking to one thought. That single thought keeps away other thoughts; distraction of mind is a sign of its weakness. By constant meditation it gains strength, i.e., to say, its weakness of fugitive thought gives place to the enduring background free from thoughts. This expanse devoid of thought is the Self. Mind in purity is the Self. Sri
Bhagavan continued in reply to the former questioner: Everyone says
"I am the body". It is the experience of the sage as also of the ignorant.

The ignorant man believes that the Self is confined to the body only, whereas the wise man believes that the body cannot remain apart from the Self. The Self is infinite for him and includes the body also.

Mr. Bose said that he felt peace in His presence which lasts some time after. He added: "Why is it not enduring?"
M.: That Peace is the Real nature. Contrary ideas are only superimpositions. This is true bhakti, true yoga, true jnana. You may say that this peace is acquired by practice. The wrong notions are given up by practice. This is all. Your true nature always persists.

These flashes are only signs of the ensuing revelation of the Self.

In reply to the first questioner Bhagavan said: The Heart is the
Self. It is not within or without. The mind is Its sakti. After the emergence of the mind, the universe appears and the body is seen to be contained in it. Whereas all these are contained in the Self and they cannot exist apart from the Self.

14th December 1936
Talk 294.

Mr. Parkhi: How is meditation to be practised?
M.: Meditation is, truly speaking, Atmanishtha (to be fixed as the
Self). But when thoughts cross the mind and an effort is made to eliminate them the effort is usually termed meditation. Atmanishtha is your real nature. Remain as you are. That is the aim.

D.: But thoughts come up. Is our effort meant to eliminate thoughts only?
M.: Yes. Meditation being on a single thought, the other thoughts are kept away. Meditation is only negative in effect inasmuch as thoughts are kept away.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
D.: It is said Atma samstham manah krtva (fixing the mind in the
Self). But the Self is unthinkable.

M.: Why do you wish to meditate at all? Because you wish to do so you are told Atma samstham manah krtva (fixing the mind in the
Self); why do you not remain as you are without meditating? What is that manah (mind)? When all thoughts are eliminated it becomes
Atma samstha (fixed in the Self).

D.: If a form is given I can meditate on it and other thoughts are eliminated. But the Self is formless.

M.: Meditation on forms or concrete objects is said to be dhyana, whereas the enquiry into the Self is vichara (enquiry) or nididhyasana.

Explaining adhyaropapavadabhyam (superimposition and its elimination), Sri Bhagavan pointed out that the first turns you inward to the Self; and then according to the second, you know that the world is not apart from the Self.

16th December, 1936
Talk 295.

Mr. Natverlal Parekh, a Gujerati gentleman who had attended the
International Religious Conference as a delegate from Baroda, came here on a visit. He is a young man, well-groomed, alert, and quite conscious of his well-earned merit. He presented a note containing some questions to Sri Bhagavan.

D.: Pray help me realise Atma - Paramatma - Satchidananda.

M.: Atma - Paramatma - Satchidananda mean one and the same thing, i.e., the Self. The Self is eternally realised. Otherwise there will be no pleasure in it. If it is not eternal it must have a beginning; what begins will also end; so that it is only transient. There is no use seeking for a temporary state of affairs. The fact is that it is the state of effortless, ever alert Peace. Effortlessness while remaining aware is the state of Bliss, and that is Realisation.

D.: I do not want intellectual answers. I want them to be practical.

M.: Yes. Direct knowledge does not require intellectual discourses.

Since the Self is directly experienced by everyone, they are not at all necessary. Everyone says "I am". Is there anything more to realise?

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
D.: It is not clear to me.

M.: You exist. You say 'I am'. That means existence.

D.: But I am not sure of it, i.e., my existence.

M.: Oh! Who then is speaking now?
D.: I, surely. But whether I exist or not, I am not sure. Moreover, admitting my existence leads me nowhere.

M.: There must be one even to deny the existence. If you do not exist, there is no questioner, and no question can arise.

D.: Let us take it that I exist.

M.: How do you know that you exist?
D.: Because I think, I feel, I see, etc.

M.: So you mean that your existence is inferred from these.

Furthermore, there is no feeling, thinking etc., in sleep and yet there is the being.

D.: But no. I cannot say that I was in deep sleep.

M.: Do you deny your existence in sleep?
D.: I may be or may not be in sleep. God knows.

M.: When you wake up from sleep, you remember what you did before falling asleep.

D.: I can say that I was before and after sleep, but I cannot say if I was in sleep.

M.: Do you now say that you were asleep?
D.: Yes.

M.: How do you know unless you remember the state of sleep?
D.: It does not follow that I existed in sleep. Admission of such existence leads nowhere.

M.: Do you mean to say that a man dies every time that sleep overtakes him and that he resuscitates while waking?
D.: Maybe. God alone knows.

M.: Then let God come and find the solution for these riddles. If one were to die in sleep, one will be afraid of sleep, just as one fears death. On the other hand one courts sleep. Why should sleep be courted unless there is pleasure in it?

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
D.: There is no positive pleasure in sleep. Sleep is courted only to be rid of physical fatigue.

M.: Well, that is right. "To be free from fatigue." There is one who is free from fatigue.

D.: Yes.

M.: So you are in sleep and you are now too. You were happy in sleep without feeling, thinking etc. The same one continuing now, why are you not happy?
D.: How can it be said that there is happiness?
M.: Everyone says Sukhamahamasvapsam (I slept happily or was blissfully asleep).

D.: I do not think that they are right. There is no sukha (bliss). It is only absence of sorrow.

M.: Your very being is bliss. Therefore everyone says I was blissfully asleep. That means that one remains in the primal uncontaminated state in sleep. As for sorrow, there is no sorrow.

Where is it in order that you might speak of its absence in sleep?
The present wrong identification of the Self with the body has given rise to all mistakes.

D.: What I want is realisation. I do not feel my inherent happy nature.

M.: Because the Self is now identified with the non-self. The non-self too is not apart from the Self. However, there is the wrong notion that the body is apart and the Self is confounded with the body.

This wrong identity must be ended for happiness to manifest.

D.: I am unable to help myself.

The Engineer suggested surrender to the Master.

D.: Agreed.

M.: Your nature is happiness. You say that is not apparent. See what obstructs you from your true being. It is pointed out to you that the obstruction is the wrong identity. Eliminate the error. The patient must himself take the medicine prescribed by the doctor in order that he may be cured of his illness.

D.: The patient is too weak to help himself and places himself unconditionally in the hands of the doctor.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
M.: The doctor must be given a free hand and the patient must only remain quiet without saying anything. Similarly keep quiet. That is effortlessness.

D.: That is the most effective medicine too.

The other questions which he wrote down were:
D.: Convince me of the existence of God.

M.: Realisation of the Self amounts to such conviction.

D.: How is prarabdha (past karma) related to purushakara (one's own effort here)?
M.: Prarabdha is karma (action). There must be a karta (doer) for it.

See who the karta is. Purushakara is effort. See who exerts. There is identity established. The one who seeks to know their relation is himself the link.

D.: What is karma and rebirth?
M.: See the karta (doer) and then the karma (action) becomes obvious.

If you are born now, rebirth may follow. See if you are born now.

D.: Help me to have jyotidarsana (vision of light).

M.: Darsana (sight) implies drashta (seer). Find him and darsana
(sight) is included in him.

Talk 296.

Poovan, a shepherd, says that he knows Sri Bhagavan since thirty years ago, the days of Virupakshi cave. He used at times to supply milk to the visitors in those days.

Some six years ago he had lost a sheep, for which he was searching for three days. The sheep was pregnant and he had lost all hopes of recovering her, because he thought that she had been set upon by wild animals. He was one day passing by the Asramam, when Sri
Bhagavan saw him and enquired how he was. The man replied that he was looking out for a lost sheep. Sri Bhagavan kept quiet, as is usual with Him. Then He told the shepherd to help in lifting some stones, which he did with great pleasure. After the work was finished,
Sri Bhagavan told him: "Go this way", pointing the footpath towards the town. "You will find the stray sheep on the way". So he did and found the lost sheep with two little lambs.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
He now says, "What a Bhagavan is this! Look at the force of his words! He is great! He never forgets even a poor man like me. He remembers my son Manikkam also with kindness. Such are the great ones! I am happy when I do any little work for Him, such as looking to the cows when they are in heat".

18th December, 1936
Talk 297.

Mr. Cohen asked: Meditation is with mind in the jagrat (waking) state. There is mind in dream also. Why is there no meditation in dream? Nor is it possible?
M.: Ask it in the dream.

After a short silence Sri Bhagavan continued: You are told to meditate now and find who you are. Instead of doing it you ask
"Why is there no meditation in dream or in sleep?" If you find out for whom there is jagrat (waking), it will be clear that dream and sleep are also for the same one. You are the witness of jagrat
(waking), svapna (dream) and sushupti (sleep) - rather, they pass before you. Because you are out of meditation now, these questions arise. Stick to meditation and see if these questions arise.

23rd December, 1936
Talk 298.

A certain visitor formulated a question, saying that meditation is more direct than investigation, because the former holds on to the truth whereas the latter sifts the truth from untruth.

M.: For the beginner meditation on a form is more easy and agreeable.

Practice of it leads to Atmavichara which consists in sifting the
Reality from unreality.

What is the use of holding on to truth when you are filled with antagonistic factors?
Atmavichara directly leads to realisation by removing the obstacles which make you think that the Self is not already realised.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi

24th December, 1936
Talk 299.

Mr. T. K. S. Iyer asked Sri Bhagavan about the source of sound.

M.: The general opinion is that para (sound) comes from the Muladhara
(the solar plexus) at the bottom of the spine. All sounds beginning from vaikhar (thought form) are contained in para which proceeds from Kundalini; and Kundalini is not different from the Heart. In fact the whole shadadhara (six-fold centre) is contained in the heart.

The sushumna with its source Kundalini is included in the Heart.

A visitor asked about antarena taluke sendrayonih.

M.: Indrayoni together with the sushumna nadi is contained (leena) in para.

25th December, 1936

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Wikipedia - Canal A -- Former Colombian state-owned, privately run national TV network
Wikipedia - Canisius College -- Private Jesuit college in Buffalo, NY
Wikipedia - Cape Town Partnership -- Cape Town-based collaborative public-private partnership organisation
Wikipedia - Capitalism -- Economic system based on private ownership
Wikipedia - Capital University Law School -- Private law school in Columbus, OH, US
Wikipedia - Capitol University -- Private university in Philippines
Wikipedia - Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School (Michigan) -- Private Catholic high school in Marine City, Michigan
Wikipedia - Car-free movement -- Movement to reduce the use of private vehicles
Wikipedia - Caribbean School -- Private, college preparatory day school in Ponce, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Caribbean University -- Private university system in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Caritas University -- |Private university in Enugu State, Nigeria
Wikipedia - Carnegie Mellon University -- Private research university in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US (founded 1900)
Wikipedia - Carroll University -- Private liberal arts college in Wisconsin, U.S.
Wikipedia - Carver College -- Private college in Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Wikipedia - Case Western Reserve University -- Private research university in Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - Castaway Cay -- Private island in the Bahamas
Wikipedia - Category:Private universities and colleges in Maryland
Wikipedia - Category:Private universities and colleges in Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Category:Private universities and colleges in New York (state)
Wikipedia - Category:Private universities and colleges in Texas
Wikipedia - Catholic University of America -- Private Catholic university in Washington, D.C.
Wikipedia - Catholic University of Brasilia -- Private university in Brazil
Wikipedia - Catholic University of Eastern Africa -- Private university in Kenya
Wikipedia - Catholic University of Ireland -- Former private university in Ireland (1854-1909/1911)
Wikipedia - Cavendish University Uganda -- Private university in Uganda
Wikipedia - Cayo Norte -- Privately owned island of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Cebu Institute of Technology - University -- Private university in Cebu City, Philippines
Wikipedia - CEFC China Energy -- Bankrupted private company from China
Wikipedia - Center for Advanced Studies on Puerto Rico and the Caribbean -- Private research institute in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Central Catholic High School (DuBois, Pennsylvania) -- Private, coeducational school in DuBois, , Pennsylvania, United States
Wikipedia - Central European University -- Private
Wikipedia - Central Philippine University -- Private research university in Iloilo City, Philippines
Wikipedia - Centre College -- Private liberal arts college in Danville, Kentucky, U.S.
Wikipedia - Chaminade College Preparatory School (California) -- Private Catholic high school in Los Angeles
Wikipedia - Champlain College -- private college in Burlington, Vermont, United States
Wikipedia - Chandigarh University -- Private university in Punjab, India
Wikipedia - Chapman University School of Law -- Private, non-profit law school located in Orange, California
Wikipedia - Chapman University -- American private university in Orange County, California
Wikipedia - Charlemont Clinic -- Former private medical facility in Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - Charles Stewart Mott Foundation -- Private foundation based in Flint, Michigan, United States
Wikipedia - Charlotte King -- Fictional character from the television series Private Practice
Wikipedia - Charsley's Hall -- Former private hall of the University of Oxford
Wikipedia - Charterhouse Capital Partners -- British private equity investment firm
Wikipedia - Chatfield College -- Private Catholic college in Ohio, U.S.
Wikipedia - Chautauqua, Illinois -- private semi-gated summer resort in Elsah Township, Illinois
Wikipedia - Chef de Cabinet -- Senior civil servant who acts as an aide or private secretary to a government figure
Wikipedia - Chicago Growth Partners -- American private equity firm
Wikipedia - Child School and Legacy High School -- Approved private, special education school in Manhattan, New York, United States
Wikipedia - Chinese Culture University -- Private university in Taipei, Taiwan
Wikipedia - Chinese International School -- Private, international school in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - C. Hoare & Co -- British private bank
Wikipedia - Chowan University -- Private university in Murfreesboro, North Carolina, United States
Wikipedia - Chow Tai Fook -- Hong Kong-based privately owned conglomerate
Wikipedia - Christian Brothers Academy (New Jersey) -- Private school in Monmouth County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Christ Our King-Stella Maris School -- Private Catholic school for grades PreK-8 in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina (USA)
Wikipedia - Christ University -- Private deemed university in India
Wikipedia - Chungdahm Learning -- A private education company in the Republic of Korea
Wikipedia - Citibank India -- Indian private sector bank headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Citi FM (Ghana) -- Private radio station in Accra
Wikipedia - Citi Private Bank -- Subsidiary of Citigroup
Wikipedia - Citizen's arrest -- The concept of a private citizen being able to make a formal arrest.
Wikipedia - Citizens for Constitutional Freedom -- Armed private U.S. militia
Wikipedia - City Union Bank -- Indian private sector bank
Wikipedia - CJD Christophorusschule Konigswinter -- Private, alternative secondary school in Rhein-Sieg-Kreis, Germany
Wikipedia - Claflin University -- Claflin University is a private historically black university in Orangeburg, South Carolina
Wikipedia - Claremont McKenna College -- Private liberal arts college in Claremont, California
Wikipedia - Clarendon School for Girls -- girls' independent private school in the UK
Wikipedia - Clarke International University -- Private university in Uganda
Wikipedia - Clarke University -- Private catholic university in Iowa, U.S.
Wikipedia - Clark University -- Private research university in Worcester, Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Club Deportivo del Oeste -- Private club in Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - CMR Institute of Technology -- Private technology college in Bangalore, India
Wikipedia - Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations -- Public-private organization for vaccine development
Wikipedia - Coastal Aviation -- Private Tanzanian airline
Wikipedia - Colby College -- Private liberal arts college in Waterville, Maine, USA
Wikipedia - Colegio Amado Nervo -- Private school in Mexico City, Mexico
Wikipedia - Colegio Bilingue Vista Hermosa -- Private school in Guatemala City
Wikipedia - Colegio Catolico Notre Dame -- Private, coeducational school in Caguas, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Colegio Marista El Salvador -- Private school located in Manati, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Colegio Sagrados Corazones (Guaynabo, Puerto Rico) -- Catholic school, private school in Guaynabo, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Colegio San Benito -- Private pre K-12 preparatory school located in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Colegio San Conrado -- Private Catholic school in Ponce, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Colegio San Jose (San Juan, Puerto Rico) -- Private middle school and high school in San Juan, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - College Notre-Dame (Haiti) -- Private Catholic school in Cap-HaM-CM-/tien, Haiti
Wikipedia - College Notre-Dame (Sudbury) -- Private Catholic secondary school in Sudbury, Ontario (Canada)
Wikipedia - College of New Rochelle -- Private Catholic college with its main campus in New Rochelle, New York, US
Wikipedia - College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University -- Private liberal arts colleges in St. Joseph and Collegeville, Minnesota
Wikipedia - College of Saint Rose -- Private college in Albany, New York
Wikipedia - College of Science, Arts and Education -- Private university in Ghana
Wikipedia - College of Wooster -- Private liberal arts college in Wooster, Ohio
Wikipedia - Collegiate School (New Jersey) -- Private school in Passaic County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Coller Capital -- British investor firm in the private equity secondary market
Wikipedia - Colonial Williamsburg -- Living-history museum and private foundation presenting part of a historic district in the city of Williamsburg, VA
Wikipedia - Colony Capital -- American private equity real estate firm
Wikipedia - Colorado College -- Private liberal arts college in Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States
Wikipedia - Columbia Academy (Tennessee) -- Private school in Columbia, Tennessee, US
Wikipedia - Columbia College Hollywood -- Private college in Hollywood, Los Angeles California, U.S.
Wikipedia - Columbia Law School -- Private law school in New York City
Wikipedia - Columbia University -- Private Ivy League research university in New York City
Wikipedia - Commercial Spaceflight Federation -- Private spaceflight industry group
Wikipedia - Community High School (Teaneck, New Jersey) -- Private high school in Bergen County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Concordia University (Oregon) -- Closed Private University in Portland, Oregon
Wikipedia - Concordia University (Saint Paul, Minnesota) -- Private Lutheran university in St. Paul, Minnesota
Wikipedia - Concord Law School -- Private online law school in Los Angeles, California, United States
Wikipedia - Confederate Private Monument -- Sculpture of a Confederate soldier in Nashville, Tennessee
Wikipedia - Connecticut College -- Private liberal arts college in New London, Connecticut
Wikipedia - Co-op City Department of Public Safety -- Private NYC law enforcement agency
Wikipedia - Cooper Union -- Private college in New York City
Wikipedia - Copenhagen Atomics -- Private Danish company developing molten salt technology
Wikipedia - Cordoba Private University -- Syrian science and technology university in Aleppo
Wikipedia - Corelis -- A private US company categorized under Electronic Equipment & Supplies
Wikipedia - Cornell University -- Private Ivy League research university in Ithaca, New York
Wikipedia - Corporation for Public Broadcasting -- A private corporation funded by the American people
Wikipedia - Council on Foreign Relations -- American private non-profit think tank on foreign policy
Wikipedia - Covenant Christian High School (Indianapolis) -- Private Christian high school in Indianapolis, founded in 1996
Wikipedia - Covenant School (Texas) -- A private Christian K-12 school in Dallas, Texas (USA)
Wikipedia - Covenant University -- Nigerian private university
Wikipedia - Craigmount School -- Former private school in Edinburgh
Wikipedia - Crew rest compartment -- The area of an airplane where workers can rest in private
Wikipedia - Crooked Stick Golf Club -- Private golf course in Carmel, IN, US
Wikipedia - Cross and Passion College (Kilcullen) -- Private high school in Kilcullen, Ireland
Wikipedia - Cryptocurrency wallet -- Medium to store public and/or private keys for signing cryptocurrency transactions
Wikipedia - Curry College -- Private liberal-arts based institution in Milton, MA
Wikipedia - Curtis Institute of Music -- Private music school in Philadelphia, United States
Wikipedia - CVC Capital Partners -- British private equity and investment advisory firm
Wikipedia - C. V. Raman Global University -- Private university in Bhubaneswar, Odisha
Wikipedia - Cypress Point Club -- Private golf club in California
Wikipedia - Daffodil International University -- Private University in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Dallah Al-Baraka -- A private multinational corporation based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Wikipedia - Dalton School -- Private, co-ed prep school on Upper East Side, New York City
Wikipedia - Dana Foundation -- US private philanthropic organization
Wikipedia - Dantas Hill Private Wildlife Refuge -- Protected area in Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective -- Fictional private detective
Wikipedia - Dartmouth College -- private liberal arts university in Hanover, New Hampshire, United States
Wikipedia - D.A.V. College, Jalandhar -- Private college in Pungab, India
Wikipedia - Davenport University -- Private university
Wikipedia - David Rumsey Historical Map Collection -- One of the world's largest private map collections
Wikipedia - DAV University -- Private university in Jalandhar, Punjab, India
Wikipedia - Dayananda Sagar University -- Private university in Bangalore, India
Wikipedia - Dean College -- Private college in Franklin, Massachusetts, United States
Wikipedia - Dean Gardens, Edinburgh -- Private communal gardens near Stockbridge, New Town area, Edinburgh, Scotland
Wikipedia - Dear Bill -- Feature in the British satirical magazine Private Eye
Wikipedia - Debo Adegbile -- American lawyer in private practice
Wikipedia - Deep Springs College -- Private, alternative college in Deep Springs, California, United States
Wikipedia - Deerwalk Institute of Technology -- Private college in Nepal
Wikipedia - Delbarton School -- Private high school in Morris County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Delhi Public School, Warangal -- Private school in India
Wikipedia - Denison University -- Private college in Granville, Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Detective Conan: Private Eye in the Distant Sea
Wikipedia - Detective Conan: The Private Eyes' Requiem
Wikipedia - Detention (imprisonment) -- Process whereby a state or private citizen lawfully holds a person, removing their freedom
Wikipedia - Deutsche Evangelische Oberschule -- Private school in Giza, Egypt
Wikipedia - Deutsche Schule Durban -- Private school in South Africa
Wikipedia - Developing Virtue Secondary School -- A private Buddhist secondary school in Talmage, California (USA)
Wikipedia - Dhaka City College -- private college with affiliated high school in Dhanmondi, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Dharma Productions -- Private Film Production founded by Yash Johar
Wikipedia - Dharma Realm Buddhist University -- Private, nonprofit Buddhist university in Ukiah, California, United States
Wikipedia - Dillard University -- Private college in New Orleans, Louisiana
Wikipedia - Dimensional Fund Advisors -- American private investment firm
Wikipedia - Divers Institute of Technology -- A private, commercial educational institution for the training of commercial divers
Wikipedia - Divine Word College of San Jose -- Private Roman Catholic institution of higher learning in San Jose, Occidental Mindoro
Wikipedia - DMI St. Eugene University -- Private University in Zambia
Wikipedia - Doane Academy -- Private school in Burlington County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Doha Academy -- Private day school in Doha, Qatar
Wikipedia - Domain Name System -- Hierarchical distributed naming system for computers, services, or any resource connected to the Internet or a private network
Wikipedia - Dominion Academy of Dayton -- Private school in the US
Wikipedia - Donald J. Trump Foundation -- Former US-based private foundation founded and chaired by Donald Trump.
Wikipedia - Don Bosco Preparatory High School -- American private Roman Catholic high school
Wikipedia - Doshisha University -- Private university in Kyoto, Japan
Wikipedia - Draft:CABAL -- British Private Member's club, real ale [[Beer and breweries by region|World Beer]]
Wikipedia - Draft:My Film Factory -- Private Film Production founded by Swapnil Banate and Priyaranjan Naik
Wikipedia - Drake University -- Private university in Des Moines, Iowa
Wikipedia - Drexel University -- Private research university in Pennsylvania, United States
Wikipedia - Drury University -- Private college in Springfield Missouri, U.S.
Wikipedia - Dublin Writers Museum -- Private literary museum on Parnell Square, Dublin
Wikipedia - Duchy of Lancaster -- The private estate of the British sovereign as Duke of Lancaster
Wikipedia - Duke Street Capital -- British private equity firm focused on leveraged buyout and growth capital investments
Wikipedia - Duke University -- Private university in Durham, North Carolina, United States
Wikipedia - Dunedin Academy -- K-12 private school in Dunedin, Florida, US
Wikipedia - Dun Emer Press -- 1902-08 Irish private press founded and run by the Yeats siblings and Evelyn Gleeson
Wikipedia - Dwight-Englewood School -- Private school in Bergen County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - DynaLife -- private health organization in Alberta, Canada
Wikipedia - D'Youville College -- Private Roman Catholic college in Buffalo, New York
Wikipedia - Eagle Hill School -- Independent private, special education residential schools in Massachusetts and Connecticut, United States
Wikipedia - Eastern Christian High School -- Private high school in Passaic County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Eastern Medical College -- Private medical school in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - East Kent Sudbury School -- private school in Margate, Kent
Wikipedia - East-West Airlines (India) -- Indian private airline
Wikipedia - Eavesdropping -- Act of secretly listening to the private conversation of others
Wikipedia - Education in California -- Public and private schools in the U.S. state of California
Wikipedia - Edward Whitehead Reid -- Pioneering British private aviator
Wikipedia - Effat University -- Private university for women in Saudi Arabia
Wikipedia - EHealthInsurance -- Private online marketplace for health insurance
Wikipedia - Eisenhower Fellowships -- private, non-profit
Wikipedia - Electra Private Equity -- British investment trust specialising in private equity
Wikipedia - Elizabethtown College -- Private college in Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, U.S.
Wikipedia - Elmhurst University -- Private liberal arts college in Elmhurst, Illinois, United States
Wikipedia - Elohim City, Oklahoma -- Private community in Adair County, Oklahoma, US
Wikipedia - Embassy Group -- Privately-held real estate developer based in Bengaluru, India
Wikipedia - Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Asia -- Private university in Singapore
Wikipedia - Emerson College -- Private coeducational university located in Boston, Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Emmanuel College (Massachusetts) -- Private liberal arts college in Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Wikipedia - Emory and Henry College -- Private, coeducational liberal arts college located in Emory, Virginia, United States
Wikipedia - Emory University -- Private research university in Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Wikipedia - Enam Medical College and Hospital -- Private medical school in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Endicott College -- Private college in Beverly, Massachusetts, United States
Wikipedia - Endless (private equity) -- British private equity firm
Wikipedia - Enterprise private network
Wikipedia - Entity List -- List published by the Bureau of Industry and Security of businesses, research institutions, government and private organizations, individuals, and other types of legal persons subject to specific license requirements for the export, reexport and/or transfer of specified items
Wikipedia - Era University -- Private university in Uttar Pradesh
Wikipedia - Escola da Cidade -- Private architecture school in Brazil
Wikipedia - ESMOD -- French private fashion school
Wikipedia - Estancia -- Large, private plot of land used for farming or cattle-raising
Wikipedia - Ethel Walker School -- Private college-prep school in Simsbury, Connecticut
Wikipedia - Ethos Capital -- private equity investment firm
Wikipedia - Eureka (locomotive) -- Privately owned Baldwin Class 8/18 C 4-4-0 steam locomotive
Wikipedia - European Collegium Private School -- Private school in Kiev, Ukraine
Wikipedia - European Skytime -- Private Jet Company
Wikipedia - Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico -- Private mainline Protestant seminary in Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Everglades University -- American private university
Wikipedia - ExpressVPN -- Virtual private network service
Wikipedia - Ezekiel "Easy" Rawlins -- Fictional private detective created by Walter Mosley
Wikipedia - Faberius -- Private secretary of Julius Caesar
Wikipedia - Fahd bin Sultan University -- Private university in Saudi Arabia
Wikipedia - Fair Field -- Large private house in the Hamptons, Long Island, in New York State
Wikipedia - Fairleigh Dickinson University -- Private university in New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising -- Private college in California, United States
Wikipedia - Faulkner University -- Private university in Montgomery, Alabama, United States
Wikipedia - Federal Bank -- Indian private sector bank
Wikipedia - Ferrum College -- Private college in Ferrum, Virginia, U.S.
Wikipedia - Fielding Graduate University -- Private university in Santa Barbara, California, United States
Wikipedia - Firefly Aerospace -- A private aerospace firm based in US.
Wikipedia - Firestone Country Club -- Private golf club in Akron, OH, US
Wikipedia - First Presbyterian Day School -- Private day school in Macon, Georgia USA
Wikipedia - Five Branches University -- Private university located in California, United States
Wikipedia - FJ Management -- Privately held U.S. corporation which operates convenience stores, oil & refining, banking, and insurance businesses
Wikipedia - Flagler College -- Private liberal arts college in St. Augustine, Florida
Wikipedia - Florida Institute of Technology -- Private research university in Melbourne, Florida
Wikipedia - Fly Angola -- Angolan private airline
Wikipedia - Fontbonne Hall Academy -- Private high school in Brooklyn, NY, USA
Wikipedia - Ford Foundation -- Private foundation based in New York City
Wikipedia - Fordham University -- Private research university in New York City
Wikipedia - Ford India Private Limited -- Indian subsidiary of Ford
Wikipedia - Forex Bank -- Swedish private bank
Wikipedia - Foster care -- System in which a minor has been placed into a ward, group home, or private home of a state-certified caregiver, referred to as a "foster parent"
Wikipedia - Fountain of Youth Archaeological Park -- Private archaeological park
Wikipedia - Four Seasons Hotel & Private Residences, One Dalton Street -- A skyscraper containing residences and a hotel in Boston, MA
Wikipedia - Four Seasons Private Residences at 706 Mission Street -- Skyscraper in San Francisco, California, U.S.
Wikipedia - Fox Paine & Company -- American private equity firm
Wikipedia - FPT University -- Private university in Vietnam.
Wikipedia - Francisco Partners -- American private equity firm
Wikipedia - Francis Drake -- English sailor and privateer
Wikipedia - Francois Ripaud -- Privateer
Wikipedia - Franklin College (Indiana) -- Private liberal arts college in Franklin, Indiana, United States
Wikipedia - Franklin Road Academy -- Private school in Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Wikipedia - Freed-Hardeman University -- Private university in Henderson, Tennessee, U.S.
Wikipedia - Freeman Spogli & Co. -- Private equity firm
Wikipedia - Free School Under the Bridge -- Private school in Delhi, India
Wikipedia - Friars Club of Beverly Hills -- Defunct private show business club
Wikipedia - Friends University -- Private university in Kansas, United States
Wikipedia - Frisch School -- Private high school in Bergen County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Fukuoka University -- Private research university in Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Full Sail University -- Private, for-profit university in Winter Park, Florida
Wikipedia - Furman University -- Private liberal arts college in Greenville, South Carolina, United States
Wikipedia - Fusion Academy -- Private, alternative school founded in California, US
Wikipedia - Galgotias University -- Private university in Uttar Pradesh, Indian
Wikipedia - Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology -- Public-private organization for vaccine development
Wikipedia - Gannon University -- Private university in Erie, Pennsylvania, United States
Wikipedia - Garden City University -- Private university in Bangalore, India
Wikipedia - Geetanjali University -- Private university in India
Wikipedia - General Atlantic -- Private American equity firm
Wikipedia - Geneva Business School -- Private Swiss-based business school
Wikipedia - Genstar Capital -- Private equity firm
Wikipedia - Gentlemen's club -- members-only private club of a type originally set up by and for upper-class British men
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Dawson -- British newspaper editor, and private secretary
Wikipedia - George Fabyan -- American businessman who founded a private research laboratory
Wikipedia - George R. Roberts (privateer) -- American privateer
Wikipedia - Georgetown University -- Private university in Washington, D.C., United States
Wikipedia - George Washington University -- Private research university in Washington, D.C.
Wikipedia - Georgian Court University -- Private university in Lakewood Township, New Jersey. United States
Wikipedia - Getit Infoservices Private Limited
Wikipedia - Ghana COVID-19 Private Sector Fund -- Fund
Wikipedia - Ghanashyam Hemalata Institute of Technology and Management -- Private institute located in outside the city of Puri, India
Wikipedia - Ghanashyam Hemlata Vidya Mandir, Jharsuguda -- An Indian residential private school
Wikipedia - Gia An 115 Hospital -- Private hospital in Vietnam
Wikipedia - Giardino Botanico Ponziano -- Private botanical garden in Italy
Wikipedia - Gill St. Bernard's School -- Private school in Somerset County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - GK Investment -- private equity and investment firm
Wikipedia - Glen Massey Line -- Private railway in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Gloucester Catholic High School -- Private high school in Gloucester County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Golden Gate University -- Private university in San Francisco, California, United States
Wikipedia - Goldman Sachs Capital Partners -- Private equity firm
Wikipedia - Gombe State University -- |Private university in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Gopaldi Nazrul Islam Babu College -- Private college in Bangaladesh
Wikipedia - Gossip -- idle talk or rumour, especially about personal or private affairs of others
Wikipedia - Goucher College -- Private liberal arts college in Towson, Maryland
Wikipedia - Governess -- Woman employed as a teacher in a private household
Wikipedia - Grace Christian University -- Private university
Wikipedia - Graduate Theological Union -- Group of eight private American theological schools
Wikipedia - Graham Mountain (New York) -- Highest privately owned summit in New York's Catskill Mountains
Wikipedia - Grand Canyon University -- Private, for-profit, Christian university in Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.
Wikipedia - Grand View University -- Private liberal arts university in Des Moines, Iowa, United States
Wikipedia - Graphite Capital -- British private equity firm
Wikipedia - Great Lakes Regional University -- Private university in Uganda
Wikipedia - Green Collection -- Private collection of biblical manuscripts and artifacts
Wikipedia - Green Lake Yacht Club -- Private yacht club in Wisconsin, USA
Wikipedia - Greenville University -- Private liberal arts university in Greenville, Illinois, United States
Wikipedia - Groucho Club -- Private members' club in Soho, London
Wikipedia - Grovepoint Capital -- British private equity firm
Wikipedia - GTCR -- Financial LLC private organization
Wikipedia - Guerrilla News Network -- Privately owned news web site and television production company that operated from 2000 to 2009
Wikipedia - Gun show loophole -- US political term for sale of firearms by private sellers
Wikipedia - Gustavus Adolphus College -- Private liberal arts college in St. Peter, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Habibullah Bahar College -- A private college of Dhaka
Wikipedia - Haijin -- Isolationist Chinese policies restricting private maritime trading and coastal settlement during Ming and early Qing dynasties, originally motivated by Wokou piracy
Wikipedia - Halic University -- Turkish private university located in M-DM-0stanbul
Wikipedia - Hamilton Bradshaw -- British private equity firm
Wikipedia - Hamilton College -- Private liberal arts college in Clinton, New York
Wikipedia - Hamline University -- Private liberal arts college in Saint Paul, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Hampden & Co. -- British independent private bank
Wikipedia - Hampden-Sydney College -- United States historic place and private men's liberal arts college in Hampden Sydney, Virginia, United States
Wikipedia - Hampshire College -- Private liberal arts college in Amherst, Massachusetts, US
Wikipedia - Hampton University -- Virginia private historically black university
Wikipedia - Hang Seng University of Hong Kong -- Private university in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Hankuk University of Foreign Studies -- Private research university in South Korea
Wikipedia - Hanna van Recklinghausen -- Dutch private banker
Wikipedia - Hanover College -- Private, co-ed, liberal arts college, in Hanover, Indiana, US
Wikipedia - Hanyang University -- Private research university in South Korea
Wikipedia - HarbourVest Global Private Equity -- Investment fund
Wikipedia - Harding University -- Private university in Searcy, Arkansas, United States
Wikipedia - Hardin-Simmons University -- Private university in Abilene, Texas, United States
Wikipedia - Harry David Art Collection -- Private art collection
Wikipedia - Harry Westley Orndoff -- American private and Medal of Honor recipient
Wikipedia - Hartwick College -- Private college in Oneonta, New York, United States
Wikipedia - Harvard Club of Boston -- Private social club in Boston, Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Harvard University -- Private research university in Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States
Wikipedia - Haverford College -- Private liberal arts college in Haverford, Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Haymarket Media Group -- privately held English media company
Wikipedia - HDFC Bank -- Indian private sector bank
Wikipedia - Heinrich Reissdorf -- Private brewery in Cologne, Germany
Wikipedia - Henry Knollys (privateer) -- English privateer, courtier, and politician
Wikipedia - Henry Morgan -- Welsh privateer and political office holder
Wikipedia - Heritage Institute of Technology, Kolkata -- Private autonomous engineering college in Anandapur, India
Wikipedia - Her Private Affair -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Her Private Life (TV series) -- 2019 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Her Private Life -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Herzing University -- Private university in Wisconsin, United States
Wikipedia - Hg (equity firm) -- British private equity firm
Wikipedia - H.I.G. Capital -- US private equity and alternative assets investment firm
Wikipedia - Hillel Yeshiva -- Private school in Monmouth County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - HipChat -- Web service for internal/private chat
Wikipedia - Hiram College -- Private liberal arts college in Hiram, Ohio, USA
Wikipedia - Hiram Sinsabaugh -- American private banker
Wikipedia - His Private Life (1926 film) -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - His Private Life (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - His Private Secretary -- 1933 film
Wikipedia - History of private equity and venture capital
Wikipedia - Hitler and Mannerheim recording -- 1942 recording of private conversation between Adolf Hitler and Finnish Commander-in-Chief Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim
Wikipedia - HKBK College of Engineering -- Private engineering college
Wikipedia - HM Capital Partners -- US private equity firm
Wikipedia - HMS Dominica (1807) -- French privateer
Wikipedia - Holy Family College (Wisconsin) -- Private Catholic liberal arts college in Manitowoc, Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Holy Trinity Academy (Philippines) -- Private school in Manila, Philippines
Wikipedia - Home insurance -- A type of property insurance that covers a private residence
Wikipedia - Home invasion -- Illegal and forceful entry to an occupied, private dwelling intending to commit a violent crime against the occupants
Wikipedia - Hong Kong College of Technology -- Private college in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Hood College -- Private liberal arts college in Frederick, Maryland, United States
Wikipedia - Hope College -- Private liberal arts college in Holland, Michigan, United States
Wikipedia - Hosei University -- Private university in Tokyo, Japan
Wikipedia - Hot mic -- An incident where a private conversation is unintentionally recorded or broadcast
Wikipedia - House of Dipsheu -- Circassian house of privateer origin.
Wikipedia - House of Kuadzhe -- Circassian house of peasant and privateer origin
Wikipedia - Howard Payne University -- Private university in Brownwood, Texas, United States
Wikipedia - Howe Military Academy -- Private college preparatory school in Indiana, US
Wikipedia - Hua Siong College of Iloilo -- Filipino private school and college
Wikipedia - Huilo-Huilo Biological Reserve -- Private protected area in Chile
Wikipedia - Hun School of Princeton -- Private school in Mercer County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Hutton Collins -- British private equity firm
Wikipedia - IAPCC -- International Association of Private Career Colleges
Wikipedia - Ibanda University -- Private university in Uganda
Wikipedia - ICICI Bank -- Indian private sector bank
Wikipedia - ICT University -- Private university in Cameroon
Wikipedia - Icy Strait Point -- Privately owned tourist destination just outside the small village of Hoonah, Alaska
Wikipedia - IFTM University -- Indian private university in Uttar Pradesh
Wikipedia - IHH Healthcare -- Private healthcare group
Wikipedia - IK Investment Partners -- European private equity firm
Wikipedia - Illinois Institute of Technology -- Private research university in Chicago, Illinois
Wikipedia - IMG Academy -- Private athletic school in Bradenton, Florida, USA
Wikipedia - Immaculata High School (New Jersey) -- Private high school in Somerset County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Immaculate Conception High School (Montclair, New Jersey) -- Private high school in Essex County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Independent College Dublin -- Irish private college
Wikipedia - Independent school -- Private, non-parochial school that is not dependent upon national or local government
Wikipedia - Indiana Institute of Technology -- Private university in Fort Wayne, Indiana, United States
Wikipedia - Indian Angel Network -- Private angel investors network in India
Wikipedia - Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur -- Private technical university in West Bengal, India
Wikipedia - Indianola Academy -- Private school
Wikipedia - IndusInd Bank -- Indian private sector bank
Wikipedia - Ineos -- Privately owned multinational chemicals company
Wikipedia - Inholding -- Privately owned enclave surrounded by public land
Wikipedia - Inner Temple Library -- Private law library in London, England
Wikipedia - Inquisitr -- Privately owned news and media website
Wikipedia - Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico -- Private research university in Mexico
Wikipedia - Integral University -- A state private university in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Wikipedia - Interamerican University of Puerto Rico -- Private Christian university founded in 1912 in San German, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - International AIDS Vaccine Initiative -- Not-for-profit, public-private partnership
Wikipedia - International American University -- Private, for-profit university in California
Wikipedia - International Spanish Academies -- Private Spanish international school
Wikipedia - International Technological University -- Private university located in San Jose, California, United States
Wikipedia - International University of Business Agriculture and Technology -- Private university in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - International University of East Africa -- Private university in Uganda
Wikipedia - International University of La Rioja -- Private university in Spain
Wikipedia - Intranet -- A network of private resources in an organization
Wikipedia - Investment banking -- Type of private company
Wikipedia - Iona College (New York) -- Private Catholic college in New Rochelle, NY, US
Wikipedia - IPredator -- Virtual private network service
Wikipedia - Irving Place Capital -- American private equity firm
Wikipedia - Islamic University in Uganda -- Private university in Uganda
Wikipedia - Islamic University of Indonesia -- Private university in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Wikipedia - I-Space (Chinese company) -- Chinese private space launch company
Wikipedia - ISSpresso -- ISSpresso is the first capsule espresso coffee machine for use in space and not only on the ground, produced for the International Space Station by Argotec and Lavazza in a public-private partnership with the Italian Space Agency (ASI)
Wikipedia - Istanbul Bilgi University -- Private university in M-DM-0stanbul, Turkey
Wikipedia - Istanbul Medipol University -- Turkish private university located in M-DM-0stanbul
Wikipedia - Istanbul Sehir University -- Turkish private university located in Istanbul
Wikipedia - Istanbul University -- Private university in Istanbul, Turkey
Wikipedia - Ithaca College -- Private college in Ithaca, NY USA
Wikipedia - ITM University (Gwalior) -- Private univeresity in Gwalior, India
Wikipedia - Jacksonville University -- Private university in Jacksonville, Florida, United States
Wikipedia - Jacob & Co -- Privately held jewelry and wristwatch retailer, founded in 1986 by diamond designer Jacob Arabo
Wikipedia - Jakarta Intercultural School -- Private international school in Jakarta, Indonesia
Wikipedia - J&F Investimentos -- Private investment holding company based in Sao Paulo, Brazil
Wikipedia - Jan Willems (Dutch buccaneer) -- Dutch privateer
Wikipedia - Jaypee University, Anoopshahr -- private university in Uttar Pradesh
Wikipedia - Jean-Baptiste du Casse -- French privateer, admiral, and colonial administrator
Wikipedia - Jean Bart -- French admiral and privateer
Wikipedia - Jeanne de Clisson -- Breton privateer
Wikipedia - JECRC University -- Private university in Jaipur, India
Wikipedia - Jersey Shore Airport -- Private airport in Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - J. Frank White Academy -- Private school in Harrogate, Tennessee, United States
Wikipedia - Jianlong Steel -- private-owned enterprise
Wikipedia - Jinseon Girls' High School -- South Korea private high school
Wikipedia - John Andrew Barnes III -- American private first class during the Vietnam War
Wikipedia - John Brown University -- Private liberal arts college in Siloam Springs, Arkansas, United States
Wikipedia - John F. Kennedy Public School -- Indian private school
Wikipedia - John F. Kennedy University -- Private university located in Pleasant Hill, California, United States
Wikipedia - John Goodrich (Loyalist) -- Loyalist privateer during the American Revolution
Wikipedia - John Shaft -- Fictional private investigator
Wikipedia - Johns Hopkins University -- Private research university in Baltimore, Maryland
Wikipedia - John Sprunt Hill -- American private banker and politician
Wikipedia - John William Pope Foundation -- American private charitable foundation
Wikipedia - Jordan Goudreau -- Former U.S. Green Beret & private military contractor
Wikipedia - JSAT Corporation -- First private Japanese satellite operator
Wikipedia - J.S. University -- Private university in Uttar Pradesh
Wikipedia - JTV (Indonesian TV channel) -- Private TV channel in East Java, Indonesia
Wikipedia - Jungleland USA -- Defunct private zoo, animal training facility, and theme park
Wikipedia - Jupiter Capital Private Limited -- Companies based in Bangalore, India
Wikipedia - Jurong Bird Park Panorail -- Private monorail system
Wikipedia - Kagando Hospital -- Ugandan private community hospital
Wikipedia - Kalongo Hospital -- Ugandan private faith-based community hospital
Wikipedia - Kampala Hospital -- Private hospital in Uganda
Wikipedia - Kampala International University -- Private university in Uganda
Wikipedia - Kampala Medical Chambers Hospital -- Private hospital in Uganda
Wikipedia - Kampala University -- Private university in Uganda
Wikipedia - Karaikal port -- private port in Karaikal, Puducherry, India
Wikipedia - Kardan University -- Private university in Afghanistan
Wikipedia - Karlshochschule International University -- Private university in Karlsruhe, Germany
Wikipedia - Katsina University -- Private Islamic institution in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Keck Graduate Institute -- Private graduate school in Claremont, California, United States
Wikipedia - Keenie Meenie Services -- Private military contractor
Wikipedia - Kellogg School of Management -- Private business school
Wikipedia - Kennet Partners -- British private equity investment firm
Wikipedia - Kensington Roof Gardens -- Private planted area and former open-air nightclub on top of the former Derry & Toms building on Kensington High Street in central London, England
Wikipedia - Kent Place School -- Private school in Union County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Kentucky Wesleyan College -- Private Methodist college in Owensboro, Kentucky, United States
Wikipedia - Kenyon College -- Private liberal arts college in Gambier, Ohio, US
Wikipedia - Kernel (neurotechnology company) -- Private neurotechnology company
Wikipedia - Kettering University -- Private university in Flint, Michigan, United States
Wikipedia - Khalid Ali -- Vijas Digital India Private Limited, Lucknow ,Uttar Pradesh
Wikipedia - Khalili Collection of Aramaic Documents -- Private collection of ancient documents
Wikipedia - Khalili Collection of Enamels of the World -- Private art collection
Wikipedia - Khalili Collection of Japanese Art -- Private collection of Meiji-era art
Wikipedia - Khalili Collection of Kimono -- Private collection of Japanese kimono
Wikipedia - Khalili Collection of Swedish Textiles -- Private collection of textile art
Wikipedia - Khurasan University -- Private university in Jalalabad, Afghanistan
Wikipedia - Kibuli Hospital -- Private hospital in Uganda
Wikipedia - Kildare Partners -- British private equity investment firm
Wikipedia - King Abdullah University of Science and Technology -- Private university in Thuwal, Saudi Arabia
Wikipedia - King Henry VIII School, Coventry -- Private day school in Coventry, England
Wikipedia - Kitovu Hospital -- Private community hospital in Uganda
Wikipedia - Kiwoko Hospital -- Private community hospital in Uganda
Wikipedia - Koala Park Sanctuary -- Privately run wildlife park in Australia
Wikipedia - Koch Industries -- The largest privately-owned business enterprises in the United States
Wikipedia - Kotak Mahindra Bank -- Indian private sector bank
Wikipedia - Kualoa Ranch -- Large private, nature reserve and cattle ranch on Oahu, Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - Kuluva Hospital -- Private non-profit community hospital in Uganda
Wikipedia - Kumaraguru College of Technology -- Private engineering college in Coimbatore, India
Wikipedia - Kwansei Gakuin University -- Private university in HyM-EM-^Mgo, Japan
Wikipedia - Kyiv Medical University of UAFM -- Private medical university in Kyiv, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Kyoritsu Women's University -- Japanese private women's university
Wikipedia - Lacordaire Academy -- Private school in Essex County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Laguna City -- Private housing estate in Kowloon, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Lahore University of Management Sciences -- Private university in Lahore, Punjab
Wikipedia - Lakeland University -- Private liberal arts college in Plymouth, Wisconsin, United States
Wikipedia - Lakeway Airpark -- Private airport in Travis County, Texas, US
Wikipedia - La Martiniere Lyon -- Non-denominational private school
Wikipedia - Lambay Island -- Private island off the Dublin coast, Ireland
Wikipedia - Landmark College -- Private college in Putney, Vermont, US
Wikipedia - Langholm Capital -- British private equity firm
Wikipedia - LAPD Hooper Heliport -- City-owned private-use heliport in Los Angeles, CA, US
Wikipedia - La Salle Green Hills -- Private Catholic school for boys and girls in Metro Manila
Wikipedia - Lasell University -- Private university in Auburndale, Massachusetts, United States
Wikipedia - Latifundium -- Very extensive parcel of privately owned land both in antique Rome and in modern days
Wikipedia - Launch America -- Public-private partnership associated with the United States' return to human spaceflight
Wikipedia - Lawrenceville School -- Private school in Mercer County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - L Catterton -- Venture capital and private equity firm
Wikipedia - Leading University -- Private university in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Lebanon College -- Private two-year college in Lebanon, New Hampshire, United States
Wikipedia - Lebanon Valley College -- Private college in Pennsylvania, USA
Wikipedia - Lech WalM-DM-^Ysa Institute -- Private non-profit organization
Wikipedia - Lee University -- Private University in Tennessee, United States
Wikipedia - Legatum -- Private investment firm headquartered in Dubai
Wikipedia - Lekoni Park -- private wildlife and agricultural park
Wikipedia - Lenoir-Rhyne University -- Private Lutheran university in North Carolina, USA
Wikipedia - Lesley University -- Private university in Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.
Wikipedia - LeTourneau University -- Private university in Longview, Texas, United States
Wikipedia - Letovo School -- Private boarding school in Moscow, Russia
Wikipedia - Letters Home: Correspondence 1950-1963 -- Private letter collection
Wikipedia - Levi Sheftall Family Cemetery -- Private family cemetery in Savannah, Georgia, U.S.
Wikipedia - Lewis & Clark College -- Private liberal arts college in Portland, Oregon, United States
Wikipedia - Lewis University -- Private Roman Catholic and Lasallian university in Romeoville, Illinois
Wikipedia - Liberty University -- private Christian university in Lynchburg, Virginia
Wikipedia - Library of Friedrich Nietzsche -- Private library of Friedrich Nietzsche
Wikipedia - Life Center Academy -- Private school in Burlington County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - LIM College -- Private fashion college in New York, NY, US
Wikipedia - Limited liability company -- US-specific form of a private limited company
Wikipedia - Limkokwing University of Creative Technology -- Private university
Wikipedia - Lindsay Goldberg -- American private equity firm
Wikipedia - Linfield University -- Private university in McMinnville, Oregon, United States
Wikipedia - Linguistic rights -- Concerning the human / civil right to choose the language/s for communication in a private or public space
Wikipedia - Lion Capital LLP -- British private equity firm
Wikipedia - Lionel Wafer -- Welsh privateer
Wikipedia - Lipscomb University -- Private liberal arts university in Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Wikipedia - List of British heritage and private railways -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of early British private locomotive manufacturers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of French privateers named for Napoleon Bonaparte -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Hague Conventions on Private International Law -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of largest private companies in the United Kingdom -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of parochial and private schools in the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Area -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of private and independent schools in Arizona -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of private and parochial schools in Baltimore -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Private Benjamin episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of private contractor deaths in Afghanistan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of private-equity firms -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of privateers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of privately owned public spaces in New York City -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of private military contractors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Private Practice episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of private railway stations in Great Britain -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of private railway stations -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of private residents of Covent Garden -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of private schools in Atlanta -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of private schools in Bacolod -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of private schools in Iowa -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of private schools in Mississippi -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of private schools in Nashville, Tennessee -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of private schools in Oklahoma -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Private Secretary episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of private security companies -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of private spaceflight companies -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of private universities in Canada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of private universities in India -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of private-use airports in Oregon -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of public-private partnerships in Puerto Rico -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of state humanities councils in the United States -- List of private, non-profit partners of the National Endowment for the Humanities
Wikipedia - List of The Doon School alumni -- Alumni of the private boarding school in India
Wikipedia - List of the oldest private schools in the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Washington College alumni -- Alumni of private liberal arts college in Chestertown, Maryland
Wikipedia - Little Ships of Dunkirk -- Private boats that rescued soldiers from Dunkirk in 1940
Wikipedia - Liverpool Athenaeum -- Private member club in Liverpool, England
Wikipedia - Livingbridge -- British private equity firm
Wikipedia - LivingStone International University -- Private university in Uganda
Wikipedia - Lloyd Library and Museum -- Private research library in Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.
Wikipedia - Logos High School -- Private school in Olivette, Missouri
Wikipedia - LOHAS Park -- Private Housing estate in Tseung Kwan O, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - London School of Business and Finance -- Profit private business and finance school, London
Wikipedia - Loras College -- Private university in Dubuque, Iowa, United States
Wikipedia - Loreto Kirribilli -- Private girls' school in Sydney, Australia
Wikipedia - Los Angeles Athletic Club -- Privately owned athletic club and social club in Los Angeles, California, US
Wikipedia - Louisiana College -- Private Baptist college in Louisiana, U.S.
Wikipedia - Louisiana Independent School Association -- Defunct Louisiana private school athletic league
Wikipedia - Low-budget film -- Motion picture shot with little to no funding from a major film studio or private investor
Wikipedia - Loyola University New Orleans -- Private Jesuit university in New Orleans, Louisiana
Wikipedia - LSM Education -- Private business school
Wikipedia - Lubbock Christian University -- Private university in Lubbock, Texas, United States
Wikipedia - Lucid Motors -- California-based EV company, founded in 2007 Private Company
Wikipedia - Luisenschule (Posen) -- Polish private school
Wikipedia - Luna Parc -- Semi-private museum, atelier, and private home
Wikipedia - Luther Preparatory School -- private college preparatory school in Watertown, Wisconsin, United States
Wikipedia - LycM-CM-)e Franco-Mexicain -- A private French school with two campuses in Mexico City and one in Morelos
Wikipedia - Ma'ayanot Yeshiva High School -- Private high school in Bergen County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Macalester College -- Private liberal arts college in Saint Paul, Minnesota
Wikipedia - MacDuffie School -- Private college preparatory school in Granby, Massachusetts, US
Wikipedia - MacMurray College -- Private college in Illinois, United States
Wikipedia - Maddock Films -- Private Production Company founded by Dinesh Vijan
Wikipedia - Mahabharata (comics) -- Comic book series published by Amar Chitra Katha Private Limited
Wikipedia - Maine College of Art -- Private art college in Portland, Maine
Wikipedia - Makerere University Hospital -- Private hospital in Uganda
Wikipedia - Malawi Adventist University -- Private Christian university in Ntcheu, Malawi
Wikipedia - Malone Park -- Private avenue in Belfast, Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Mamma Haidara Commemorative Library -- Private manuscript library in Timbuktu, Mali
Wikipedia - Management & Science University -- Private university in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Manhattan Christian College -- Private christian college in Manhattan
Wikipedia - Manhattan College -- private Roman Catholic college of liberal arts and science, business, and engineering in New York City
Wikipedia - Man in a Suitcase -- British television private eye thriller television series
Wikipedia - Maranatha Baptist University -- Private Baptist liberal arts university in Watertown, Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Marian Academy -- Private school in Georgetown, Guyana
Wikipedia - Marine Military Academy -- Private college preparatory academy in Harlingen, TX, US
Wikipedia - Marist High School (New Jersey) -- Private high school in Hudson County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Marquette University -- Private university in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Marriage Is a Private Affair -- 1944 film by Robert Zigler Leonard
Wikipedia - Marshall B. Ketchum University -- Private university in Fullerton, California, United States
Wikipedia - Martin Bormann -- Nazi Party leader and private secretary to Adolf Hitler
Wikipedia - Martin Luther College -- private liberal arts college in New Ulm, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Martins Bank -- A London former private bank
Wikipedia - Maryam Abacha American University Niger -- Private university in the Republic of Niger
Wikipedia - Maryland Institute College of Art -- Private art and design college in Baltimore, Maryland & a United States historic place
Wikipedia - Marylhurst University -- Closed Private University in Marylhurst, Oregon
Wikipedia - Marywood University -- Private Catholic liberal arts university in Scranton, Pennsylvania. United States
Wikipedia - Massachusetts Institute of Technology -- Private research university in Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Mastercraft (tool brand) -- Canadian Tire private label
Wikipedia - Matany Hospital -- Private hospital in Uganda
Wikipedia - Mater Divinae Gratiae College -- Private Franciscan College in Dolores, Eastern Samar, Philippines
Wikipedia - Mayanja Memorial Hospital -- Ugandan private community hospital
Wikipedia - Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science -- Private nonprofit university focused on biomedical research and graduate-level education.
Wikipedia - McLeod's Light Railways -- Private railway company
Wikipedia - McPherson College -- Private liberal arts college in McPherson, Kansas, United States
Wikipedia - MCPHS University -- Private university in Boston and Worcester, Massachusetts, United States
Wikipedia - MDNX -- Private telecommunications company
Wikipedia - Medical College of Wisconsin -- Private medical school in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States
Wikipedia - Medway Quarry railway line -- private railway line
Wikipedia - MEF University -- Turkish private university
Wikipedia - Meiji University -- Private university in Tokyo, Japan
Wikipedia - Melungeon DNA Project -- Genetic study started in 2005 by the private company Family Tree DNA
Wikipedia - Memphis College of Art -- private college of art and design in Memphis, Tennessee
Wikipedia - Mengo Hospital -- Private faith-based hospital in Uganda
Wikipedia - Mercer University -- Private university in Macon, Georgia
Wikipedia - MerchantBridge -- British private equity firm
Wikipedia - Mercy College (New York) -- Private university in Dobbs Ferry, New York, United States
Wikipedia - Meredith College -- Private liberal arts women's college in Raleigh, North Carolina, United States
Wikipedia - Merkur Bank -- German private bank
Wikipedia - Mesh Computers -- Private computer company
Wikipedia - MET Institute of Management -- Mumbai, India private business college
Wikipedia - MHR Fund Management -- Private equity firm
Wikipedia - Michael Chu (private equity investor) -- American private equity manager
Wikipedia - Michael Parker (courtier) -- Private secretary to the Duke of Edinburgh
Wikipedia - Michael Shayne -- Fictional private detective character
Wikipedia - Michigan Lutheran Seminary -- private college preparatory school in Saginaw, Michigan, United States
Wikipedia - Mid-Continent University -- Defunct private university near Mayfield, Kentucky
Wikipedia - Middlebury College -- Private liberal arts college in Middlebury, VT, US
Wikipedia - MidOcean Partners -- American private equity firm
Wikipedia - Midway University -- Private Christian liberal arts university in Midway, Kentucky, United States
Wikipedia - Miftaahul Uloom Academy -- Private school in Hudosn County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Miguel Enriquez (privateer) -- Puerto Rican privateer in the late 17th and early 18th centuries
Wikipedia - Millikin University -- Private university in Decatur, Illinois, United States
Wikipedia - Millsaps College -- Private liberal arts college
Wikipedia - Milpark Education -- South African private educational institution
Wikipedia - MINT College -- Private secondary and tertiary school in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Missouri Militia -- Private, non-profit civilian defense organization
Wikipedia - MIT World Peace University -- Indian private university
Wikipedia - Mobile virtual private network
Wikipedia - Modern Cookery for Private Families -- Bestselling 1845 English cookbook by Eliza Acton
Wikipedia - Monad University -- private university in Uttar Pradesh
Wikipedia - Moneyer -- Private individual who is officially permitted to mint money
Wikipedia - Monmouth University -- Private university in West Long Branch, New Jersey, US
Wikipedia - Montclair Kimberley Academy -- Private school in Essex County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Montreux Document -- Agreement between signature countries obligations regarding private military and security companies in war zones
Wikipedia - Moonhole -- Grenadine private community
Wikipedia - Moore College of Art and Design -- Private art and design college in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Wikipedia - Moorestown Friends School -- Private school in Burlington County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Moravian College -- Private liberal-arts college in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, United States
Wikipedia - Morningside College -- Private liberal arts college in Sioux City, Iowa, U.S.
Wikipedia - Morristown-Beard School -- Private school in Morris County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Mouawad -- Private jewelry company
Wikipedia - Mountain View Academy -- Private high school in Cape Town, South Africa
Wikipedia - Mount Aloysius College -- Private college in Cresson, Pennsylvania, United States
Wikipedia - Mount Alvernia High School (Pittsburgh) -- Private, all-female school in Pittsburgh, , Pennsylvania, United States
Wikipedia - Mount Anville Secondary School -- Private all-girls post-primary school in Goatstown, Ireland
Wikipedia - Mount Elizabeth Hospital -- Private hospital in Singapore
Wikipedia - Mount Saint Joseph High School -- private boys' high school in Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Wikipedia - Mount Vernon Seminary and College -- Former private women's college in Washington, D.C, now part of George Washington University
Wikipedia - MSD Capital -- American private investment firm
Wikipedia - Mufti (dress) -- Clothing worn in private or civil life, especially by those otherwise in uniform
Wikipedia - Muhlenberg College -- Private liberal arts college in Allentown, Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Multnomah Athletic Club -- Private club in Portland, Oregon, U.S.
Wikipedia - Multnomah University -- Private non-denominational Christian university in Portland, Oregon
Wikipedia - Murder in the Private Car -- 1934 film by Harry Beaumont
Wikipedia - Museum of Goa -- Privately owned contemporary art gallery in Goa, India
Wikipedia - Musha Cay -- Private island in the southern Bahamas
Wikipedia - Muskingum University -- Private liberal arts college in New Concord, Ohio
Wikipedia - Muteesa I Royal University -- Private university in Uganda
Wikipedia - Mutolere Hospital -- Private, faith-based teaching, community hospital in Uganda
Wikipedia - MVJ College of Engineering -- Private engineering college in Karnataka, India
Wikipedia - MVM, Inc. -- Private security contractor
Wikipedia - MyTouch -- Private label smartphone
Wikipedia - Naggalama Hospital -- Private, faith-based community hospital in Uganda
Wikipedia - Nakasero Hospital -- Private hospital in Uganda
Wikipedia - Nan Kai University of Technology -- A private university in Taiwan
Wikipedia - National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities -- Organization of private US colleges and universities
Wikipedia - National Association of State Boards of Education -- Nonprofit, private association
Wikipedia - National Bureau of Economic Research -- American private nonprofit research organization
Wikipedia - National Catholic Educational Association -- Private, professional educational membership association
Wikipedia - National Commission for the Accreditation of Special Education Services -- An accrediting agency for private special education services
Wikipedia - National Extremism Tactical Co-ordination Unit -- Private British police organisation
Wikipedia - National Holistic Institute -- Private, for-profit college of massage therapy in Emeryville, California, US
Wikipedia - National Incubation Center -- Public-private technology start-up program, Pakistan
Wikipedia - National Louis University -- Private university in Chicago, Illinois
Wikipedia - National Museum of Crime and Punishment -- Privately owned museum dedicated to the history of criminology and penology in the U.S.
Wikipedia - National University College -- Private university in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - National University of Health Sciences -- Private university in Lombard, Illinois
Wikipedia - National University of Science and Technology (Oman) -- Private university in Oman established in 2018
Wikipedia - Nazareth College (New York) -- Private college in Pittsford, New York
Wikipedia - Nazi memorabilia -- Items of Nazi origin that are collected by museums and private individuals
Wikipedia - Ndejje University -- Private Christian university in Uganda
Wikipedia - Negros Occidental Private Schools Sports Cultural Educational Association -- Organization
Wikipedia - NetJets -- Private business jet charter and aircraft management company
Wikipedia - New England Center for Children -- Independent private, special education residential school in Southborough, Massachusetts, United States
Wikipedia - New Epsilon TV -- Greek private television station
Wikipedia - New Era High School -- Private co-educational international BahaM-JM-
Wikipedia - Newforge Lane -- Private members' club in Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - New Jersey United Christian Academy -- Private school in Monmouth County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Newmarket Films -- American privately owned independent film company
Wikipedia - New York Athletic Club -- Private social club
Wikipedia - New York Chiropractic College -- Private chiropractic college in Seneca Falls, New York, United States
Wikipedia - New York Friars Club -- Private club in New York City
Wikipedia - New York Institute of Technology -- Private university in New York
Wikipedia - New York University -- Private research university in New York City
Wikipedia - Nexus International University -- Private university in Uganda
Wikipedia - Ngora Hospital -- Private non-profit community hospital in Uganda
Wikipedia - NGP VAN -- privately owned voter database and web hosting service provider
Wikipedia - Niagara University -- Private Catholic university in Lewiston, New York, USA
Wikipedia - Nichols College -- Private college in Dudley, Massachusetts, United States
Wikipedia - Nile University of Nigeria -- Private research institution in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Niva International School -- private school located in Bangkok, Thailand
Wikipedia - Nkumba University -- Private university in Uganda
Wikipedia - Noor-Ul-Iman School -- Private school in Middlesex County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - No purchase, no pay -- Phrase used by pirates and privateers
Wikipedia - Nord Anglia International School Dublin -- Private primary and secondary school in Leopardstown, Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - NordVPN -- Virtual private network provider
Wikipedia - Normae Congregationis -- 1978 Vatican statement on private revelations
Wikipedia - Northeastern University -- Private university in Boston, Massachusetts, US
Wikipedia - North Park University -- Private university in Chicago, Illinois, United States
Wikipedia - Northwell Health -- Private Nonprofit Healthcare Network in Long Island, New York, United States
Wikipedia - Northwestern University -- Private research university in Illinois, United States
Wikipedia - Northwest Nazarene University -- Private Christian university in Nampa, Idaho, U.S.
Wikipedia - Northwood University -- Private university in Midland, Michigan, United States
Wikipedia - Norwalk Seminary -- 19th century private school in Norwalk, Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Notre Dame de MongrM-CM-) High School -- Private catholic school in Villefranche-sur-Saone, Rhone, France
Wikipedia - Notre Dame of Maryland University -- Private university in Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Wikipedia - Nova Southeastern University -- Private university in south Florida
Wikipedia - Novator Partners -- English private equity investment firm
Wikipedia - NRDS Dhamdhama -- Private computer institute in India
Wikipedia - Nsaka University -- Private university in Uganda
Wikipedia - NuScale Power -- Private company that designs and markets small modular reactors (SMRs)
Wikipedia - Nyenrode Business University -- Private business university in Netherlands
Wikipedia - Oak Hill Academy (New Jersey) -- Private school in Monmouth County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Oak Hill Capital Partners -- American private equity firm
Wikipedia - Oak Investment Partners -- American private equity firm
Wikipedia - Oakwood University -- American private Seventh-day Adventist university
Wikipedia - Oberlin College -- Private liberal arts college in Oberlin, Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - October 6 University -- First private university in Egypt
Wikipedia - Off the Record: The Private Papers of Harry S. Truman -- 1980 book of Truman's writings edited by historian Robert Hugh Ferrell
Wikipedia - Oglethorpe University -- Private liberal arts college in Brookhaven, GA, USA
Wikipedia - Ohio Defense Force -- Privately organized militia in the state of Ohio
Wikipedia - Ohio Dominican University -- Private liberal arts university in Columbus, Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Ohio Northern University -- Private university in Ada, Ohio, U.S.
Wikipedia - Ohio Wesleyan University -- Private liberal arts university in Delaware, Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Oklahoma Baptist University -- Private liberal arts university in Shawnee, Oklahoma, United States
Wikipedia - Old boy network -- Private school alumni social connections
Wikipedia - Olivet University -- Private Christian institution of biblical higher education in Anza, California, U.S.
Wikipedia - Olympic Club (New Orleans) -- Private club in New Orleans, Louisiana
Wikipedia - Omaha Horse Railway -- Private transportation company in early Omaha, Nebraska USA
Wikipedia - Om Sterling Global University -- Private university in Haryana, India
Wikipedia - Open-fields doctrine -- U.S. legal rule allowing warrantless searches of private property not near houses
Wikipedia - OpenVPN -- free and open-source virtual private network software
Wikipedia - Operation Warp Speed -- American public-private partnership designed to accelerate COVID-19 vaccine development
Wikipedia - Oral Roberts University -- Private evangelical liberal arts university in Tulsa, Oklahoma
Wikipedia - Orbit Communications Company -- Privately owned Pay TV network
Wikipedia - Oregon College of Art and Craft -- Closed Private Art College in Portland, Oregon
Wikipedia - Oregon Culinary Institute -- Private For-profit Culinary school in Portland, Oregon
Wikipedia - Origin Space -- Chinese private company
Wikipedia - Orlando Apopka Airport -- Privately owned public use airport in Orange County, Florida, US
Wikipedia - Osaka Gakuin University -- Private liberal arts university in Osaka Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Otterbein University -- Private university in Westerville, Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - OtterBox -- Privately owned consumer electronics accessory company
Wikipedia - Our Lady of Perpetual Succor College -- Private school in Marikina, Philippines
Wikipedia - Our Private World -- Television series
Wikipedia - Oxbridge Academy (South Africa) -- Private distance learning college based in South Africa
Wikipedia - Pace University -- Private university in the New York metropolitan area
Wikipedia - Pacific Islands Private Sector Organisation (PIPSO) -- organization dedicated to promoting role of private sector in Pacific Island development
Wikipedia - Pacific Medical College and Hospital, Udaipur -- Private college in Rajasthan, India
Wikipedia - Padre Vicente Garcia Memorial Academy -- Private school in Rosario, Batangas
Wikipedia - Pak-Turk Maarif International Schools & Colleges -- Chain of private schools in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Palais Jacques Coeur -- Private mansion in Bourges, France
Wikipedia - Palamon Capital Partners -- British private equity firm
Wikipedia - Palmer College of Chiropractic -- Private chiropractic college in Davenport, Iowa, United States
Wikipedia - Palo Alto University -- Private university located in Palo Alto, California, United States
Wikipedia - Paragon Hospital -- Private hospital in Uganda
Wikipedia - Paragon International University -- Private university in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Wikipedia - Paramus Catholic High School -- Private high school in Bergen County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Parc de Wesserling -- town private garden
Wikipedia - Park University -- Private university in Parkville, Missouri
Wikipedia - Parsons School of Design -- Private art and design college in New York
Wikipedia - Parul University -- Private university in Vadodara, Gujarat, India
Wikipedia - PassportCard -- British travel insurance and International Private Medical Insurance company
Wikipedia - Paul Smith's College -- Private college in New York
Wikipedia - PDM University -- Private university in Kherka muslman ,Haryana, India
Wikipedia - Peddie School -- Private school in Mercer County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Peirce College -- Private college in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Wikipedia - Pelita Harapan University -- Private Christian university in Indonesia
Wikipedia - Pendennis Club -- Private social club in downtown Louisville, KY
Wikipedia - Pentecost University -- Ghanaian Private University
Wikipedia - Pepperdine University -- Private university near Malibu, California, USA
Wikipedia - Permanent private hall -- Educational institution within the University of Oxford
Wikipedia - Pete Dye Golf Club -- Private golf course near Bridgeport, WV, US
Wikipedia - Peter Gunn -- American private eye television series created by Blake Edwards
Wikipedia - Peter William Humphrey -- British journalist and private detective
Wikipedia - Philip Fitzgerald (pirate) -- Irish pirate and privateer
Wikipedia - Philip Marlowe, Private Eye -- Television series
Wikipedia - Phillip Ean Cohen -- Australian private equity investor
Wikipedia - Piedmont College -- Private college in Georgia, United States
Wikipedia - Piedmont Driving Club -- Private social club in Atlanta, Georgia
Wikipedia - Pilot University of Colombia -- Private coeducational research university in Colombia
Wikipedia - Pingry School -- Private school in Somerset County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Pinkerton (detective agency) -- Private security guard and detective agency in the United States
Wikipedia - Pioneer Academy -- Private school in Passaic County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Pioneer Pacific College -- Private For-profit College in Beaverton, Oregon
Wikipedia - Pirate attacks on Fuerteventura in 1740 -- Two attacks by English privateers on the Canary island
Wikipedia - Pitzer College -- Private liberal arts college in Claremont, California, United States
Wikipedia - Plaksha University -- Private University in Punjab, India
Wikipedia - Planet FM (Mauritius) -- Private Radio Station in Mauritius
Wikipedia - Plattekill Mountain -- Private ski resort in New York State's Catskill Mountains
Wikipedia - PLD Space -- A private Spanish launch services provider
Wikipedia - Point Park University -- Private university in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Polish Hearth Club -- Private members' club in London UK
Wikipedia - Political corruption -- Use of power by government officials for illegitimate private gain
Wikipedia - Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico -- Private non-profit technical university in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Ponce Health Sciences University -- Private university in Ponce, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez -- Private university in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul -- Private non-profit Catholic university in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Wikipedia - Pope JohnM-bM-^@M-^Ys Hospital Aber -- Private community hospital in Uganda
Wikipedia - Portage Lakes Yacht Club -- private yacht club
Wikipedia - Port City International University -- A private university in Chittagong, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Portland University -- Former private university in Portland, Oregon
Wikipedia - Precious International School of Davao -- Private school in Davao City, Philippines
Wikipedia - Presbyterian College -- Private liberal arts college in Clinton, South Carolina, United States
Wikipedia - Presidency University, Bangladesh -- Private university in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Prime TV Zambia -- Private television station in Lusaka Zambia
Wikipedia - Prime University -- Bangladeshi private university
Wikipedia - Princeton Day School -- Private school in Mercer County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Prior's Field School -- private school in Surrey, UK
Wikipedia - Prisoner Transportation Services -- US privately-held company
Wikipedia - Private Affairs (1925 film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Private army -- A non-governmental military force
Wikipedia - Private browsing -- Privacy feature in some web browsers
Wikipedia - Private Buckaroo -- 1942 film by Edward F. Cline
Wikipedia - Private Collection: 1979-1988 -- 1988 compilation album by Cliff Richard
Wikipedia - Private Collection (film) -- 1972 Australian black comedy film
Wikipedia - Private collection -- Privately owned collection of works, usually a collection of art
Wikipedia - Private college
Wikipedia - Private company limited by guarantee -- Type of corporation
Wikipedia - Private company limited by shares -- Type of business entity
Wikipedia - Private company
Wikipedia - Private Confessions -- 1996 film
Wikipedia - Private copying levy
Wikipedia - Private credit -- Non-publicly traded asset
Wikipedia - Private defense agency
Wikipedia - Private Detective 62 -- 1933 film by Michael Curtiz
Wikipedia - Private Detective (film) -- 1939 film by Noel M. Smith
Wikipedia - Private Disk
Wikipedia - Private duty nursing
Wikipedia - Private equity real estate -- Term used in investment finance
Wikipedia - Private equity
Wikipedia - Private Eye Action, as You Like It -- Short story collection
Wikipedia - Private Eyes (Hall & Oates album) -- 1981 studio album by Hall & Oates
Wikipedia - Private Eyes (song) -- 1981 single by Hall & Oates
Wikipedia - Private Eyes (TV series) -- Television series
Wikipedia - Private Eye -- British satirical and current affairs magazine
Wikipedia - Private finance initiative
Wikipedia - Private first class
Wikipedia - Private foundation -- Type of charitable organization
Wikipedia - Private Gladiator -- 2001 film by Antonio Adamo
Wikipedia - Private hospital
Wikipedia - Private income -- Income of an individual
Wikipedia - Private industry
Wikipedia - Private Information -- 1952 film
Wikipedia - Private Internet Access -- Virtual private network service
Wikipedia - Private investigator
Wikipedia - Private Islands (TV series) -- Television series
Wikipedia - Private island -- Island owned by a single private citizen or corporation
Wikipedia - Private Izzy Murphy -- 1926 film by Lloyd Bacon
Wikipedia - Private Jones -- 1933 film by Russell Mack
Wikipedia - Private key
Wikipedia - Private Label Strategy -- 2007 book
Wikipedia - Private label -- Brand for goods manufactured under contract
Wikipedia - Private language argument -- Argument by Wittgenstein that the concept of a language understandable by only a single individual is incoherent
Wikipedia - Private language
Wikipedia - Private law
Wikipedia - Private Lessons (1975 film) -- 1975 film by Vittorio De Sisti
Wikipedia - Private Lessons (1981 film) -- 1981 film directed by Alan Myerson
Wikipedia - Private library
Wikipedia - Private Lies -- 2001 film directed by Sherry Hormann
Wikipedia - Private Life (2018 film) -- 2018 film by Tamara Jenkins
Wikipedia - Private limited company -- Type of company used in many jurisdictions
Wikipedia - Private Lives (film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Private Lives of Nashville Wives -- American reality television series
Wikipedia - Private Lives (TV series) -- 2020 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Private Lives -- Play by NoM-CM-+l Coward
Wikipedia - Privately held company -- Business company owned either by non-governmental organizations or by a relatively small number of shareholders or company members, and the company's capital stock is offered, owned and traded or exchanged privately
Wikipedia - Private military company -- company providing armed combat or security services
Wikipedia - Private network -- Network using private IP addresses
Wikipedia - Private Number (1936 film) -- 1936 film by Roy Del Ruth
Wikipedia - Private Number (Judy Clay and William Bell song) -- 1968 single by Judy Clay and William Bell
Wikipedia - Private Nurse -- 1941 film by David Burton
Wikipedia - Private ownership
Wikipedia - Private P2P
Wikipedia - Private Parts (1972 film) -- 1972 film by Paul Bartel
Wikipedia - Private Passions -- Long-running BBC music discussion programme
Wikipedia - Private Peaceful -- 2003 book by Michael Morpurgo
Wikipedia - Private peer-to-peer
Wikipedia - Private police -- Law enforcement bodies that are owned and/or controlled by non-governmental entities
Wikipedia - Private prison -- Prison operated by private owners
Wikipedia - Private property rights
Wikipedia - Private property
Wikipedia - Private Psycho Lesson -- Original video animation
Wikipedia - Private railway -- Railway run by a private business entity
Wikipedia - Private (rank)
Wikipedia - Private Resort -- 1985 film by George Bowers
Wikipedia - Private revelation
Wikipedia - Private Road -- 1971 film
Wikipedia - Private Romeo
Wikipedia - Private (RyM-EM-^Mko Hirosue song) -- Song by RyM-EM-^Mko Hirosue
Wikipedia - Private Scandal -- 1934 film by Ralph Murphy
Wikipedia - Private School (film) -- 1983 film by Noel Black
Wikipedia - Private schools
Wikipedia - Private school (United Kingdom)
Wikipedia - Private school
Wikipedia - Private Secretary
Wikipedia - Private sector
Wikipedia - Private Show (Britney Spears song) -- 2016 single by Britney Spears
Wikipedia - Private Smith of the U.S.A. -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Private Snafu vs. Malaria Mike -- 1944 film
Wikipedia - Private Snafu -- Warner Bros. theatrical cartoon character
Wikipedia - Private Snuffy Smith -- 1942 film by Edward F. Cline
Wikipedia - Private spaceflight -- Spaceflight that is conducted and paid for by an entity other than a government agency
Wikipedia - Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program -- Canadian refugee resettlement program
Wikipedia - Private (United States)
Wikipedia - Private university -- Higher education institution not operated by a government
Wikipedia - Private Use Areas -- Unicode three ranges of code points that not be assigned characters by the Unicode Consortium
Wikipedia - Private Vices, Public Pleasures -- 1976 film
Wikipedia - Private viewing
Wikipedia - Private Waters in the Great Divide -- album by Kid Creole and the Coconuts
Wikipedia - Private Worlds -- 1935 film by Gregory La Cava
Wikipedia - Privatisation of British Rail -- Transfer of ownership and operation of British railways from government to private sector
Wikipedia - Privatization -- Transferring something from the public sphere to the private
Wikipedia - Project Juno -- Private British space programme
Wikipedia - Proprietary chapel -- Christian place of prayer and worship originally belonging to a private person, but intended to be open to the public, rather than restricted
Wikipedia - Protestant University in Congo -- Private university in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Wikipedia - Providence College -- American private university in Rhode Island
Wikipedia - Providence Country Day School -- Private middle and high school in Rhode Island, U.S.
Wikipedia - PTAT-1 -- First privately financed transatlantic fibre optic telecommunications cable, completed in 1989
Wikipedia - Public and private bills -- bill which proposes a law affecting only limited individuals or entities
Wikipedia - Public-key cryptography -- Cryptographic system with public and private keys
Wikipedia - Public-private partnership -- Public project or service which is financed and operated through a partnership of government and one or more private sector companies
Wikipedia - Puerto Rican Volunteers Corps -- Militia composed of private citizens, principally instituted for the defense of Puerto Rico's periphery
Wikipedia - Puerto Rico Public-Private Partnerships Authority -- Government-owned corporation of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Puerto Rico Science, Technology and Research Trust -- Private, non-profit organization devoted to the increase of IT jobs
Wikipedia - Punahou School -- Private college-prep high school in Honolulu
Wikipedia - Pyramid Club (Philadelphia) -- Private social club in Philadelphia, USA
Wikipedia - Quadrant Private Equity
Wikipedia - Qualitas Career Academy -- Private college in South Africa
Wikipedia - Queens University of Charlotte -- Private university in Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
Wikipedia - Quest Software -- Privately held software company based in California
Wikipedia - Quinnipiac University -- Private university in Hamden, Connecticut, United States
Wikipedia - Rabbi Pesach Raymon Yeshiva -- Private school in Middlesex County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Radio Impuls (Czech Republic) -- Czech private radio station
Wikipedia - Radio Next -- Bangladeshi private radio station
Wikipedia - Radio One (Mauritius) -- Private Radio Station in Mauritius
Wikipedia - Radio Plus (Mauritius) -- Private Radio Station in Mauritius
Wikipedia - Rafael Urdaneta University -- Venezuelan private, non-profit university
Wikipedia - Rai University -- Private university in Gujarat, India
Wikipedia - Raja University -- Private university in Qazvin, Iran
Wikipedia - Ralph Hamers -- Dutch private banker
Wikipedia - Ramaz School -- Private school in New York City, United States
Wikipedia - Randolph College -- Private liberal arts college in Lynchburg, Virginia
Wikipedia - Rayat Bahra University -- Private university in Punjab, India
Wikipedia - Raypower -- Private radio network in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Redeemer's University Nigeria -- Nigerian private university
Wikipedia - Rede Partners -- British independent private equity fundraising advisory firm
Wikipedia - Redondo Hill Private Wildlife Refuge -- Protected area in Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Reed College -- Private liberal arts college in Portland, Oregon
Wikipedia - Regent University -- Christian private research institution in Virginia
Wikipedia - Regis University -- Private Jesuit university in Denver, Colorado
Wikipedia - Relativity Space -- A private American launch vehicle manufacturer
Wikipedia - Renaissance University -- |Private university in Enugu State, Nigeria
Wikipedia - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute -- Private research university in Troy, New York, United States
Wikipedia - Renuka Ramnath -- Indian private equity fund manager
Wikipedia - Reynolds and Reynolds -- Private corporation based in Ohio
Wikipedia - Rhode Island School of Design -- Private art and design college in Providence, Rhode Island
Wikipedia - Rhodes College -- Private, four-year liberal arts college in Memphis, Tennessee
Wikipedia - Richard Diamond, Private Detective -- American radio and television program
Wikipedia - Rider University -- Private university in Lawrence Township, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Right-libertarianism -- Type of libertarianism supporting capitalist property rights and private natural resources
Wikipedia - Riphah International University -- Private University in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Risk Capital Partners -- British private equity firm
Wikipedia - Ritsumeikan University -- Private university in Kyoto, Japan
Wikipedia - Riverside Academy (Louisiana) -- Private school in Reserve, Louisiana
Wikipedia - Rivier University -- Private liberal arts college in Nashua, New Hampshire, United States
Wikipedia - Robert College -- Private high school in Istanbul, Turkey
Wikipedia - Robert Mouawad Private Museum -- Museum in Beirut, Lebanon
Wikipedia - Rochester Institute of Technology -- Private research university near Rochester, New York
Wikipedia - Rockhurst University -- Private university in Kansas City, Missouri, United States
Wikipedia - Roosevelt University -- Private university in Chicago
Wikipedia - Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology -- Private college specializing in engineering, mathematics and science in Terre Haute, Indiana, US
Wikipedia - Rosstown Railway -- Australian private railway
Wikipedia - Royal Academy of Culinary Arts -- Non-profit private Jordanian associate university college
Wikipedia - Royal Global University -- Indian private university
Wikipedia - Royal Grammar School, Newcastle upon Tyne -- Selective British independent (private) school
Wikipedia - Rungta College of Engineering and Technology, Bhilai -- Private college in Chhattisgarh, India
Wikipedia - Rush University -- Private university in Chicago, Illinois, United States
Wikipedia - Ryan International Group of Institutions -- Group of private educational institutions in India
Wikipedia - Sacred Heart Academy Bryn Mawr -- Private, all-female school in Pennsylvania, United States
Wikipedia - Sacred Heart School in Tokyo -- Private girls school in Tokyo, Japan
Wikipedia - Saddle River Day School -- Private school in Bergen County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - SAE Institute -- Private arts college with campuses in various countries
Wikipedia - Sageworks -- Private financial information company headquartered in Raleigh, North Carolina
Wikipedia - Sai Krishna Medical College & Hospital (SKMCH) -- Private medical college in Nepal
Wikipedia - Sailing yacht -- Private sailing vessel with overnight accommodations
Wikipedia - Saint Francis High School (Athol Springs, New York) -- Catholic private high school
Wikipedia - Saint Louis University -- Private research university in St. Louis, Missouri
Wikipedia - Saint Martin de Porres High School (Detroit) -- American private high school
Wikipedia - Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College -- Private Catholic college near Terre Haute, Indiana, US
Wikipedia - Saint Mary's Academy and College -- Private school in St. Marys,Kansas, U.S.
Wikipedia - Saint Michael's College -- Private Catholic college in Vermont
Wikipedia - Saint Xavier University -- Private Roman Catholic college in Chicago, Illinois, US
Wikipedia - Salem College -- Private liberal arts women's college in Winston-Salem, NC, US
Wikipedia - Salsali Private Museum -- Museum in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Wikipedia - Salve Regina University -- Private university in Newport, Rhode Island, United States
Wikipedia - Sam & Max -- Media franchise created by Steve Purcell focusing on the titular fictional private investigator duo
Wikipedia - Samford University -- Private Christian university in Homewood, Alabama
Wikipedia - SAM Global University -- Private university in Bhopal, India
Wikipedia - Sanaka Education Trusts Group of Institutions -- Private engineering institution in Durgapur, West Bengal, India
Wikipedia - Sanda University -- Private university in Shanghai, China
Wikipedia - San Diego Country Club -- Private golf club in Chula Vista, California
Wikipedia - Sandringham House -- Country house in Norfolk, England, private home of Queen Elizabeth II
Wikipedia - San Joaquin Valley College -- Private for-profit junior college in California
Wikipedia - San Juan Bautista School of Medicine -- Private medical school in Caguas, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Sanskriti University -- Private university in Uttar Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Santa Clara High School (Oxnard, California) -- Private Catholic high school in Oxnard, California
Wikipedia - Santa Clara University -- private non-profit Jesuit university located in Santa Clara, California
Wikipedia - SAP Converged Cloud -- Private computing cloud
Wikipedia - SA Power Networks -- Privately-owned sole elecricity distributor in South Australia
Wikipedia - Sarah Lawrence College -- Private liberal arts college in the United States
Wikipedia - Sarhad University of Science & Information Technology -- Private university in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Saving Private Ryan -- 1998 film by Steven Spielberg
Wikipedia - Saxony Lutheran High School -- private high school in Jackson, Missouri, USA
Wikipedia - Schlotzsky's -- American privately held franchise chain of restaurants, specializing in sandwiches
Wikipedia - Schufa -- German private credit bureau
Wikipedia - Scottsdale National Golf Club -- A private golf club in Scottsdale, Arizona
Wikipedia - Sea Dogs -- Group of privateers
Wikipedia - Searchlight Capital -- British private equity firm
Wikipedia - Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol -- Form of virtual private network tunnel
Wikipedia - Security and Intelligence Services (India) -- Indian private security company
Wikipedia - Seiha English Academy -- Private eikaiwa English conversation school in Japan
Wikipedia - Seisen University (Tokyo) -- Private college in Tokyo, Japan
Wikipedia - Sengunthar Engineering College -- Private college in Tamil Nadu, India
Wikipedia - Seton Hall Preparatory School -- Private high school in Essex County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Seton Hall University -- Private Roman Catholic university in South Orange, New Jersey
Wikipedia - Shady Side Academy -- Private high school in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Shaheed Monsur Ali Medical College -- Private medical college in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Shaktan Thampuran Private Bus Stand, Thrissur
Wikipedia - Shanmugha Arts, Science, Technology & Research Academy -- Privately funded Research University located at Tirumalaisamudram, India.
Wikipedia - Shaw Nature Reserve -- Private nature reserve in Villa Ridge, Missouri, United States
Wikipedia - Shenandoah University -- Private university in Winchester, Virginia, United States
Wikipedia - Sherman Service Company -- Private detectives specializing in labor cases
Wikipedia - Sherwood College -- Private school in Uttarakhand, India
Wikipedia - Shi-gakkM-EM-^M -- Private military academy system in Kagoshima founded by SaigM-EM-^M Takamori
Wikipedia - Shirpur Airstrip -- Private airport in Maharashtra, India
Wikipedia - Shoal Creek Club -- Private golf club near Birmingham, AL, US
Wikipedia - Showa Women's University -- Women's private university in Tokyo, Japan
Wikipedia - Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management -- Indian private college in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Shri Vaishnav Vidyapeeth Vishwavidyalaya -- Private university in Madhya Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Siam University -- Private university in Bangkok, Thailand
Wikipedia - Sikkim Manipal University -- Private university in Sikkim, India
Wikipedia - Silliman University -- |Private research university in Dumaguete, Philippines
Wikipedia - Silver Lake (investment firm) -- American private equity firm
Wikipedia - Simmons University -- Private women-focused university in Boston, Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Simpson College -- Private Methodist liberal arts college in Indianola, Iowa, United States
Wikipedia - Simpson University -- Private university in Redding, California
Wikipedia - Sir Parashurambhau College -- Private college in India
Wikipedia - Sky Express (Greece) -- Greek Private Commercial Airline
Wikipedia - Sleeping car -- Railway passenger car with private sleeping berths
Wikipedia - Smith College -- Private women's liberal arts college in Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Smoking bans in private vehicles
Wikipedia - Soka University of America -- Private university in Aliso Viejo, California, USA
Wikipedia - Somerville School, Noida -- Private school in Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Southeastern College -- Private college in Florida, U.S.
Wikipedia - Southern de Oro Philippines College -- Private college in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Southern Methodist University -- Private university in Dallas, Texas, United States
Wikipedia - Southern Mindanao Colleges -- Private college in Zamboanga del Sur, Philippines.
Wikipedia - Southern Wesleyan University -- Private university in South Carolina, U.S.A.
Wikipedia - South Texas College of Law Houston -- Private law school in Houston, Texas, USA
Wikipedia - Southwestern Adventist University -- Private Adventist university in Keene, Texas
Wikipedia - Southwestern Law School -- Private law school is Los Angeles, California
Wikipedia - SpaceShipOne flight 15P -- First privately funded human spaceflight (2004)
Wikipedia - SpaceX South Texas launch site -- SpaceX private launch site
Wikipedia - SpaceX -- American private aerospace company
Wikipedia - Spartanburg Methodist College -- Private Methodist college in Spartanburg, South Carolina, United States
Wikipedia - SpoleM-DM-^Mnost s ruM-DM-^Menim omezenM-CM-=m -- Czech Republic legal structure for a private limited liability company
Wikipedia - Spring Arbor University -- A private Free Methodist affiliated university in Spring Arbor, Michigan
Wikipedia - Spring Hill College -- Private Jesuit college in Mobile, Alabama
Wikipedia - Sprott Shaw College -- Private Canadian career college in British Columbia
Wikipedia - Spruce Creek Airport -- Private airport near Daytona Beach, FL, US
Wikipedia - Square Hospital -- Private hospital in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Wikipedia - Sree Ayyappa Medical College -- Private medical college in Kerala, India
Wikipedia - Sri Chaitanya Techno School, Eluru -- Private school in Eluru, Andhra Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Stafford University Uganda -- Private university in Uganda
Wikipedia - St Andrew's College, Christchurch -- New Zealand private co-educational school
Wikipedia - Stanford University -- Private research university located in Stanford, California, US
Wikipedia - St. Augustine International University -- Private university in Uganda
Wikipedia - St. Augustine Preparatory School -- Private high school in Atlantic County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - St. Augustine University of Tanzania -- Private university in Tanzania
Wikipedia - St. Benedict's Preparatory School -- Private K-12 school in Newark, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Stephen Gaynor School -- Independent private, special education school in Manhattan, New York, United States
Wikipedia - St. Francis Hospital Nkokonjeru -- Private non-profit community hospital in Uganda
Wikipedia - St. George's College, Quilmes -- Private boarding school in Argentina
Wikipedia - St. George's Grammar School (Cape Town) -- Private school in Mowbray, South Africa
Wikipedia - St. George's School (Vancouver) -- Private day and boarding school in British Columbia, Canada
Wikipedia - S. Thomas' Preparatory School -- Private school in Kollupitiya, Sri Lanka
Wikipedia - Stirling Square Capital Partners -- British private equity firm
Wikipedia - St. John Fisher College -- Private liberal arts college near Rochester, New York, USA
Wikipedia - St. Johns Country Day School -- Private school in Florida
Wikipedia - St Joseph College of Bulacan -- Private higher education institution of the Philippines
Wikipedia - St. Jude Thaddeus Institute of Technology -- Private college in The Philippines
Wikipedia - St. Mark's High School -- Private, coeducational, diocesan school in Wilmington, , Delaware, United States
Wikipedia - St. Mary's Hospital Lacor -- Private community hospital in Uganda
Wikipedia - St. Olaf College -- Private liberal arts college
Wikipedia - Stott's College -- Private college in Australia
Wikipedia - St. Paul College, Pasig -- Private Catholic girls school in the Philippines
Wikipedia - St. Paul High School (Shiner, Texas) -- Private coeducational school in Texas
Wikipedia - St. Paul's High School (Winnipeg) -- Private school in Manitoba
Wikipedia - St. Peter's Preparatory School -- Private high school in Jersey City, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Strike Bowling Bar -- Australian privately owned bowling chain
Wikipedia - Stuart Island (British Columbia) -- Privately owned island of the Discovery Islands in British Columbia, Canada
Wikipedia - St. Vincent Pallotti High School -- Private secondary school in Laurel, Maryland, U.S.
Wikipedia - St. Xavier's School, Ranchi -- Private school in Doranda, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India
Wikipedia - Sudbury Valley School -- Private school in the United States
Wikipedia - Summit School (Nyack) -- Approved private, special education residential school in Nyack, New York, United States
Wikipedia - Summit School (Queens) -- Approved private, special education school in Queens, New York, United States
Wikipedia - Sumter Academy -- Private school in Sumter County, Alabama
Wikipedia - Sun Capital Partners (UK) -- British private equity firm
Wikipedia - Sunway University -- Private research university in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Supinfo -- Private institution of higher education in general Computer Science
Wikipedia - Supreme Court Historical Society -- Private non-profit organization in the USA
Wikipedia - Suresh Gyan Vihar University -- Private university in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
Wikipedia - Swaylands -- Private parkland estate upon the Kentish Weald
Wikipedia - Sycamore Partners -- American private equity firm
Wikipedia - Symbiosis International University -- Private higher-education institute in Maharashtra, India
Wikipedia - Syn Studio -- Canadian private art school
Wikipedia - Syracuse University -- Private university located in Syracuse, New York, United States
Wikipedia - Systems Plus College Foundation -- Private collegel in Angeles, Pampanga, Philippines
Wikipedia - TA Associates -- American private equity firm
Wikipedia - Tabeetha School -- International Private School
Wikipedia - Ta Hwa University of Science and Technology -- Private university in Hsinchu County, Taiwan
Wikipedia - Tatung University -- Private university in Taipei, Taiwan
Wikipedia - Tbilisi Medical Academy -- Georgian private medical university
Wikipedia - TDR Capital -- British private equity firm headquartered in London
Wikipedia - Techno India -- Private Schools and Engineering/management college group in Kolkata, India
Wikipedia - Ted Gunderson -- FBI agent and private investigator
Wikipedia - Template talk:Private colleges and universities in Texas
Wikipedia - Template talk:Private revelation in the Catholic Church
Wikipedia - Tempo TV -- Defunct private Greek TV channel
Wikipedia - Tennessee Temple Academy -- Former private school in Tennessee, United States
Wikipedia - Terna Engineering College -- private engineering college in Nerul, Navi Mumbai, India
Wikipedia - Terra Firma Capital Partners -- UK-based private equity firm
Wikipedia - Texas Central Railway -- proposed private high-speed rail line between Dallas/Fort Worth and Houston
Wikipedia - Texas Lutheran University -- Private Evangelical Lutheran university in Seguin, Texas., United States
Wikipedia - Texas Wesleyan University -- Private Methodist university in Fort Worth, Texas, United States
Wikipedia - Thacher School Historic District -- Early private boarding school in California
Wikipedia - The Anschutz Corporation -- American private holding company
Wikipedia - The Attachmate Group -- Defunct privately held software holding company
Wikipedia - The Beacon Academy -- private international school in the Philippines
Wikipedia - The British University in Egypt -- Private university in Egypt
Wikipedia - The Canadian Press -- Canadian private news agency established in 1917
Wikipedia - The Craig School -- Private school in Morris County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - The Duke Endowment -- Private foundation established in 1924 by industrialist and philanthropist James B. Duke
Wikipedia - The Economics and Ethics of Private Property -- 1993 book by Hans-Hermann Hoppe
Wikipedia - The Execution of Private Slovik -- 1974 television film directed by Lamont Johnson
Wikipedia - The George Gund Foundation -- Private foundation based in Cleveland, Ohio, in the U.S.
Wikipedia - The Hospital Club -- Private members club and television studio facility in London, England
Wikipedia - The Hudson School -- Private school in Hudson County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - The Jarrold Group -- Privately held company in Norwich
Wikipedia - The Korea Society -- Private, non-partisan, non-profit organization to ensure understanding, cooperation, and awareness between the United States and Korea
Wikipedia - The Kresge Foundation -- American philanthropic private foundation
Wikipedia - The Moorings, New York -- American private gated-community
Wikipedia - The Nippon Dental University -- Private university in Japan
Wikipedia - The Oakridge School -- private school in Arlington, Texas, US
Wikipedia - The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State
Wikipedia - The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State
Wikipedia - The Patrick School -- Private high school in Union County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - The Pennington School -- Private school in Mercer County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - The Pickwick Club -- New Orleans private gentlemen's club
Wikipedia - The Pilgrim Academy -- Private school in Atlantic County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - The Private Affairs of Bel Ami -- 1947 film by Albert Lewin
Wikipedia - The Private Afternoons of Pamela Mann -- 1975 film by Radley Metzger
Wikipedia - The Private Files of J. Edgar Hoover -- 1977 film by Larry Cohen
Wikipedia - The Private Life of a Modern Woman -- 2017 film
Wikipedia - The Private Life of Don Juan -- 1934 film by Alexander Korda
Wikipedia - The Private Life of Helen of Troy -- 1927 film by Alexander Korda
Wikipedia - The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes (book) -- 1933 book by Vincent Starrett
Wikipedia - The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes
Wikipedia - The Private Life of the Gannets -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex -- 1939 American historical romantic drama film directed by Michael Curtiz
Wikipedia - The Private Navy of Sgt. O'Farrell -- 1968 film by Frank Tashlin
Wikipedia - The Private Patient -- 2008 Dalgliesh novel by P. D. James
Wikipedia - The Private Secretary (1931 German film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - The Private Secretary (1931 Italian film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - The Private Secretary (1953 film) -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - Theranos -- Defunct American privately held health technology company
Wikipedia - The Sage Colleges -- Private educational institution in New York state, United States
Wikipedia - The Vanishing Private -- 1942 Donald Duck cartoon
Wikipedia - The Wilds -- Private, non-profit safari park and conservation center in east-central Ohio
Wikipedia - Thoma Bravo -- American private equity firm
Wikipedia - Thomas Alva Edison School -- Private school located in Caguas, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Thomas College -- Private college in Waterville, Maine, United States
Wikipedia - Thomas Dover -- English physician and privateer.
Wikipedia - Thomas Jefferson University -- Private university in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US
Wikipedia - Thomas Paine (privateer) -- Colonial American privateer
Wikipedia - Thula Thula -- Private game reserve in South Africa
Wikipedia - Tiger Eye P. I. -- Private investigation agency in Ghana
Wikipedia - Timberland Shop Heliport -- Private heliport in Oregon, USA
Wikipedia - Tishk International University -- Private university in Iraq
Wikipedia - Titus Salter -- American military commander and privateer (b. 1722, d. 1798)
Wikipedia - T.M. Landry College Preparatory -- Unaccredited, co-educational private college-preparatory school in Breaux Bridge, Louisiana
Wikipedia - Toilet (room) -- room for privately accessing a toilet (sanitation fixture) and handwashing basin
Wikipedia - Tokyo Health Care University -- Private university in Tokyo, Japan
Wikipedia - Tokyo Seiei College -- Private college in Tokyo, Japan
Wikipedia - Tokyo University of Science -- Private research university in Japan
Wikipedia - Top FM (Mauritius) -- Private Radio Station in Mauritius
Wikipedia - Totino-Grace High School -- private Catholic high school in Fridley, Minnesota, USA
Wikipedia - Touro College and University System -- Private university system in New York
Wikipedia - ToursByLocals -- Canadian international private tour provider
Wikipedia - Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago -- Private college focused on computer science
Wikipedia - TPC River Highlands -- Private golf club in Connecticut
Wikipedia - Trans7 -- Private TV station in Indonesia
Wikipedia - Transdev -- French-based international private public transport operator
Wikipedia - Transilvania Private Wildlife Refuge -- Protected area in Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Transylvania University -- Private University in Lexington, KY, USA
Wikipedia - Trinity College (Connecticut) -- Private liberal arts college in Hartford, Connecticut
Wikipedia - Trinity Hall (New Jersey) -- Private school in Monmouth County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Trinity School (New York City) -- Private school in New York, NY, USA
Wikipedia - Triton Submarines -- Florida-based (USA) company that designs and manufactures private submersibles
Wikipedia - Trump Force One -- An informal name for The Trump Organization's private jet
Wikipedia - Trump National Golf Club Westchester -- Private golf club in Briarcliff Manor, New York
Wikipedia - Tufts University -- Private research university in Medford and Somerville, Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Tulane University -- Private research university in New Orleans, Louisiana
Wikipedia - Tumurun Private Museum -- Museum in Surakarta, Indonesia
Wikipedia - Turabo University at Gurabo -- Private university in Gurabo, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Tuskegee University -- Private, historically black university located in Tuskegee, Alabama, USA
Wikipedia - Tutor -- Instructor who gives private lessons
Wikipedia - TVA (Canadian TV network) -- Privately-owned French language television network in Canada
Wikipedia - TV JOJ -- Slovak private TV channel
Wikipedia - TvOne (Indonesian TV network) -- Private TV station in Indonesia
Wikipedia - UC3 Nautilus -- Privately built Danish midget submarine
Wikipedia - Uganda Christian University -- Ugandan private university
Wikipedia - Uganda Martyrs University -- Private university in Uganda
Wikipedia - Uganda Pentecostal University -- Private university in Uganda
Wikipedia - Uganda Technology and Management University -- Private university in Uganda
Wikipedia - UK Addiction Treatment -- Private addiction treatment firm
Wikipedia - Ukrainian Free University -- Private graduate university in Munich, Germany
Wikipedia - Unbelievable Acres Botanic Gardens -- Private man-made, nonprofit botanical garden in West Palm Beach, Florida, United States
Wikipedia - Union Catholic Regional High School -- Private school in Union County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Union College -- Private Liberal-Arts College in Schenectady, New York, United States
Wikipedia - Union League Club -- Private social club in New York City
Wikipedia - Unisinos -- Brazilian private Jesuit university
Wikipedia - United Kingdom aircraft registration -- Register and means of identification for British owned and operated commercial and private aircraft
Wikipedia - United News of Bangladesh -- Bangladesh private sector news agency
Wikipedia - United States Sanitary Commission -- Private relief agency during the American Civil War, created by federal legislation, to support sick and wounded soldiers of the United States Army (Northern)
Wikipedia - Universidad Autonoma de Durango -- Private university in Mexico
Wikipedia - Universidad Central del Caribe -- Private university in Bayamon, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Universidad Central del Este -- Private university in the Dominican Republic
Wikipedia - Universidad CEU San Pablo -- Private Roman Catholic university in Madrid, Spain
Wikipedia - Universidade Lusofona -- Private university in Lisbon, Portugal
Wikipedia - Universidad Empresarial de Costa Rica -- Private university in Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Universidad Intercontinental -- Private Catholic University in Mexico City
Wikipedia - Universidad Tecnologica de Honduras -- Private university in Honduras
Wikipedia - Universidad UNIVER -- Private university in Mexico
Wikipedia - Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore -- Italian private Catholic university
Wikipedia - Universita Leonardo da Vinci -- private university
Wikipedia - University Club of Chicago -- Private club
Wikipedia - University Club of Kentucky -- Semi-private golf course privately licensed by University of Kentucky
Wikipedia - University of Asia and the Pacific -- Private university in the Philippines
Wikipedia - University of Buckingham -- Private university in Buckinghamshire, UK
Wikipedia - University of Cebu -- Private university in Cebu City, Philippines
Wikipedia - University of Central Punjab -- Private university located in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
Wikipedia - University of Chicago -- Private research university in Chicago, Illinois, United States
Wikipedia - University of Denver -- Private university in the Rocky Mountain Region of the United States
Wikipedia - University of Detroit Mercy -- Private, Catholic co-educational university in Detroit, Michigan, US
Wikipedia - University of Dubuque -- Private university in Dubuque, Iowa, United States
Wikipedia - University of Evansville -- United States historic place and a private liberal arts university in Evansville, Indiana
Wikipedia - University of Faisalabad -- Private university in Pakistan
Wikipedia - University of Findlay -- Private university in Findlay, Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - University of Global Village -- Private university in Barishal division of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - University of Hartford -- Private university in West Hartford, Connecticut, United States
Wikipedia - University of Health Sciences and Pharmacy in St. Louis -- Private College of Pharmacy in St. Louis, Missouri, United States
Wikipedia - University of Indianapolis -- Private college in Indianapolis
Wikipedia - University of Kigali -- Private university in Rwanda
Wikipedia - University of Kisubi -- Private university in Uganda
Wikipedia - University of Lusaka -- Private university in Zambia
Wikipedia - University of Lynchburg -- Private university in Virginia, USA
Wikipedia - University of Mary Hardin-Baylor -- Private christian research institute of Baylor University in Texas
Wikipedia - University of Miami -- Private research university in Coral Gables, Florida, United States
Wikipedia - University of New Haven -- Private non-sectarian university in West Haven, Connecticut
Wikipedia - University of New York (Tirana) -- Private university in New york
Wikipedia - University of Notre Dame -- Private Catholic university in Notre Dame, Indiana, United States
Wikipedia - University of Pangasinan -- Private university in Pangasinan province, Philippines
Wikipedia - University of Pennsylvania -- Private research university in Philadelphia
Wikipedia - University of Perpetual Help System DALTA -- Private Catholic university in Philippines
Wikipedia - University of Pikeville -- Private university in Pikeville, KY, US
Wikipedia - University of Portland -- Private Catholic university in Portland, Oregon, USA
Wikipedia - University of Puget Sound -- Private university in Puget Sound, Washington, United States
Wikipedia - University of Redlands -- Private liberal arts university located in Redlands, California
Wikipedia - University of Rochester -- Private research university in Rochester, New York, United States
Wikipedia - University of San Carlos -- Private Catholic university in Cebu City, Philippines
Wikipedia - University of San Diego -- Private university in San Diego, California, United States
Wikipedia - University of Santa Monica -- Private unaccredited graduate school in Santa Monica, CA, US
Wikipedia - University of Santander -- Colombian private research university
Wikipedia - University of Science and Culture -- Private university in Tehran, Iran
Wikipedia - University of Southern California -- Private research university in Los Angeles, California, United States
Wikipedia - University of Tampa -- Private university in Florida
Wikipedia - University of the Immaculate Conception -- Private Catholic university in Davao City, Philippines
Wikipedia - University of the Incarnate Word -- Private Catholic university in San Antonio, TX, US
Wikipedia - University of the Pacific (United States) -- Private university in Stockton, California, United States
Wikipedia - University of the Sacred Heart Gulu -- Private university in Uganda
Wikipedia - University of Tulsa -- Private research university in Oklahoma, United States
Wikipedia - University Pitt Club -- A private members' club of the University of Cambridge
Wikipedia - Unofficial Bar -- Lawyers engaged in private practice
Wikipedia - Upper Canada College -- Private IB World School for boys in Toronto, Canada
Wikipedia - Upsala College -- Defunct private college in New Jersey
Wikipedia - Uro Care Hospital -- Private specialized hospital in Uganda
Wikipedia - Ursinus College -- Private liberal arts college in Collegeville, Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - US Debt Ventures -- Private equity firm based in Florida, USA
Wikipedia - Uthhan -- private foundation founded by Leemon Ravi
Wikipedia - Utpal Shanghvi Global School -- private school in J.V.P.D Scheme area of, Juhu, Mumbai, India.
Wikipedia - Valencian International University -- Private international university in Valencia, Spain
Wikipedia - Valley University of Science and Technology -- Private university in Uganda
Wikipedia - Valley View University -- Private university in Ghana
Wikipedia - Vancouver Career College -- Private college in British Columbia, Canada
Wikipedia - Vanderbilt University -- Private research university in Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Wikipedia - Varsity College (South Africa) -- South African private higher education provider
Wikipedia - Vassar College -- Private, coeducational liberal arts college in Poughkeepsie, New York
Wikipedia - Vehicle for hire -- Vehicle providing private or shared transport for a fee in which passengers choose the approximate origin and destination
Wikipedia - Venereum -- Element of ancient Roman private apartments
Wikipedia - Venevision -- Venezuelan private television channel founded in 1961
Wikipedia - Veritas Capital -- American private-equity firm
Wikipedia - Victoria Falls University of Technology -- Private university in Zambia
Wikipedia - Victoria University Uganda -- Private university in Uganda
Wikipedia - Victory garden -- Private food supply gardens in the World Wars
Wikipedia - VID Specialized University -- Private university in Norway
Wikipedia - Vidya Bharati -- Indian chain of private schools
Wikipedia - Villanova University -- Private Catholic university near Philadelphia, Penn., US
Wikipedia - Villanueva University -- Spanish private university
Wikipedia - Virginia Union University -- Private historically black university in Richmond, Virginia
Wikipedia - Virginia University of Lynchburg -- Private HBCU in Lynchburg, Virginia, U.S.
Wikipedia - Virginia Wesleyan University -- Private university in Virginia
Wikipedia - Virtual Private Networks
Wikipedia - Virtual Private Network
Wikipedia - Virtual private network -- Allows a private network to go through a public network
Wikipedia - Virtual private server -- One of many virtual machines running on a single computer
Wikipedia - VIT-AP University -- Private university in Andhra Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Vitruvian Partners -- European private equity firm
Wikipedia - Voice phishing -- Form of criminal phone fraud, using social engineering over the telephone system to gain access to private personal and financial information for the purpose of financial reward
Wikipedia - Volkswagen Foundation -- Private German charitable Foundation
Wikipedia - Voluntary society -- Libertarian conception of a society entirely of private/cooperative ownership
Wikipedia - Vybe Together -- Mobile app promoting private parties
Wikipedia - Wagner Group -- Russian private military company
Wikipedia - Wake Forest University -- Private research university in Winston-Salem, NC, US
Wikipedia - Walden School (New York City) -- Defunct private day school in Manhattan
Wikipedia - Waldorf School of Mendocino County -- A private school for grades Pre-K to 8 in Calpella, California (USA)
Wikipedia - Walk Score -- Private company that provides walkability service
Wikipedia - Wandsworth Parks and Events Police -- Private police service in London
Wikipedia - Wardlaw-Hartridge School -- Private school in Middlesex County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Warmachine -- Tabletop steampunk wargame by Privateer Press
Wikipedia - Warren Wilson College -- Private liberal arts college in Swannanoa, North Carolina, United States
Wikipedia - Waseda University -- Private university in Tokyo, Japan
Wikipedia - Washington & Jefferson College -- Private liberal arts college in Washington, Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Washington College -- Private liberal arts college in Chestertown, Maryland
Wikipedia - Wayland Baptist University -- private Baptist university based in Plainview, Texas, USA
Wikipedia - Wayside Folk Museum -- Small private museum
Wikipedia - Wazaa FM (Mauritius) -- Private Radio Station in Mauritius
Wikipedia - WeBank (China) -- Private bank based in Qianhai, Shenzhen
Wikipedia - We Build the Wall -- Private, non-profit organization seeking to build sections of a Mexico-US border wall
Wikipedia - Wellesley College -- Private women's liberal arts college in Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Wentworth Institute of Technology -- Private university in Boston, Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Wesleyan University -- Private liberal arts college in Middletown, Connecticut
Wikipedia - Western Christian High School (Upland, California) -- Co-educational private Christian high school in California
Wikipedia - Western Sanitary Commission -- Private relief agency during the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Western University of Health Sciences -- Private medical graduate school in California and Oregon
Wikipedia - Whaleboat War -- Privateer activity in American Revolutionary War
Wikipedia - Whampoa Garden -- Private housing estate in Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Wheaton College (Massachusetts) -- Private liberal arts college in Norton, Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Whitecliffe College of Arts and Design -- Private art school in Auckland, New Zealand
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Private Equity -- Wikimedia subject-area collaboration
Wikipedia - Wiley College -- Private historically black college in Marshall, Texas
Wikipedia - Willes Little Flower School -- private school in Kakrail, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - William Carey University -- Private Christian liberal arts college in Mississippi
Wikipedia - William Mitchell College of Law -- Private law school in St. Paul, Minnesota
Wikipedia - William Peace University -- Private college in Raleigh, North Carolina, United States
Wikipedia - Willy the Private Detective -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Wilmington University -- Private university in Delaware, United States
Wikipedia - Wilson College (Pennsylvania) -- Private liberal arts college in Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Windhoek Gymnasium Private School -- High school in Windhoek, Namibia
Wikipedia - Wing Commander: Privateer
Wikipedia - Winnebago Lutheran Academy -- Private Wisconsin high school
Wikipedia - Winston Preparatory School -- Independent private, special education school in the United States
Wikipedia - Wisconsin Lutheran College -- Private liberal arts college near Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States
Wikipedia - Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary -- private Lutheran seminary in Mequon, Wisconsin, United States
Wikipedia - Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language
Wikipedia - Women's Hospital International and Fertility Centre -- Private specialized hospital in Uganda
Wikipedia - Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution -- Private, nonprofit research and education facility
Wikipedia - World University of Design -- Private university in Haryana, India
Wikipedia - World View Enterprises -- Private American near-space exploration and technology company
Wikipedia - Xavier Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship -- Private business school in India
Wikipedia - XCOR Aerospace -- American private rocket engine and spaceflight development company
Wikipedia - Yale School of Art -- Private Art School in New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Wikipedia - Yale University -- Private research university in New Haven, Connecticut, United States
Wikipedia - Yang-En University -- Private University in Mania, Fujian, China
Wikipedia - Yellowstone Club -- Private club and resort in Montana
Wikipedia - Yeshiva University -- Private research university in New York City
Wikipedia - Yeungnam University -- Private research university in South Korea
Wikipedia - Yonsei University -- Private university in Seoul, South Korea
Wikipedia - Zeppelin University -- Private university in Friedrichshafen, Germany
Wikipedia - Zero 2 Infinity -- Private Spanish company developing high-altitude balloons
Francis Drake ::: Born: July 13, 1540; Died: January 27, 1596; Occupation: Privateer;
Goodreads author - I_Leigh_Private
selforum - private property is sole guarantor of
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - private-language,_failed.jpg
Duckman (1994 - 1997) - Duckman isn't your average suave, sophisticated private eye. In fact, he's rude, ignorant, slovenly, and hasn't had a date in years. With the help of his infinitely more capable sidekick, Cornfed, Duckman manages to solve enough cases to cover his alimony payments and cable TV bills.
Charlie's Angels (1976 - 1981) - Once upon a time, Jill, Sabrina & Kelly were police officers whose skills were being wasted in menial duties such as filing and answering phones. A mysterious millionaire named Charles Townsend took them away from all that by opening his own private investigation agency, and hiring these gorgeous la...
The Equalizer (1985 - 1989) - Robert McCall is "The Equalizer", a private detective with a lot of contacts who is available for hire if you have a problem that you don't know how to solve. His no-nonsense attitude, compassion, and experience with dealing with a wide variety of situations makes him a powerful and useful detective...
Barnaby Jones (1973 - 1980) - Buddy Ebsen stars as a father who takes over his son's private eye business when he was killed. CO-STARRING Lee Meriwhether. A VERY GOOD CBS PI SERIES FROM QUINN MARTIN. GOOD THEME TUNE by Jerry Goldsmith.
The Rockford Files (1974 - 1980) - Was a detective series about an ex-con private investigator. He had a natural mis-trust of the police and the legal system in general as he had been wrongly convicted of armed robbery. Luckily, new evidence proved his innocence and he was released. Often, he would get involved in closed cases that t...
Simon and Simon (1981 - 1988) - Gerald McRaney and Jameson Parker star as Rick and Andrew Jackson "A.J." Simon, brothers working as private detectives in San Diego. The show also stars WKRP's Tim Reid (Venus Flytrap) as police Detectove Marcel "Downtown" Brown and Mary Carver as Cecelia Simon, the mother of Rick and A.J.
Jim Henson's Dog City (1992 - 1994) - The adventures of a canine private eye while he confers with his animator who has his own problems to deal with.
Inch High Private Eye (1973 - 1974) - INCH HIGH, "the world's biggest little detective," was the hero of Inch High, Private Eye, a 1972 Hanna Barbera cartoon for kids. He could shrink down to the height of one inch, thanks to the help of a secret shrinking formula. Unfortunately, the effects of the formula weren't reliable, and he would...
Cannon (1971 - 1976) - Frank Cannon is a Los Angeles based private eye. He live in a luxurious penthouse apartment, eats fine gourmet food, and drives a Lincoln luxury car.
Riptide (1983 - 1986) - Cody Allen and Nick Ryder, two best friend that knew each other since Vietnam, years later, they and Dr. Murray (and Electronic Engineer Nerd) decide to create a Private Detective Agency in the boat "Riptide" in pier 56.
Thunderbirds (1965 - 1966) - "Thunderbirds" was created by Gerry Anderson, the man famous for his "Supermarionation" animation technique featuring marionettes, in 1965. The show revolved around Jeff Tracy, a millionaire ex-astronaut who owned his own private island with his five sons. But unbeknownst to the world, his five so...
T. And T. (1988 - 1990) - T.S. Turner is a former boxer who is accussed of a murder he didn't commit. All was lost but, thanks to public defender Amanda Taler, he was proven innocent. Now he works as private eye and, along side Taler, sets out to help those who can't defend themselves in and out of the justice system.
The Wild Wild West (1965 - 1969) - James West and Artemus Gordon are two agents of President Grant who take their splendidly appointed private train through the west to fight evil. Half science fiction and half western, the Artemus designs a series of interesting gadgets for James that would make Inspector Gadget and James Bond proud...
Mannix (1967 - 1975) - A private eye series starring Mike Connors and Gail Fisher created by Richard Levinson and William Link the "Columbo" creators. Season 1 featured Joseph Campanella as Mannix's boss at Intertect. Season 2 he became a private investigator. The series was produced by Paramount TV and ran on CBS from 19...
Remington Steele (1982 - 1987) - Private investagator Laura Holt was once ignored by all, because they think a lady P.I. is nothing but too femine. So she decides to create a fictional detective named Remington Steele, and that obviously worked because since then people come into her office asking her to solve cases. But then one...
Spenser: For Hire (1985 - 1988) - Mystery/suspense series based on Robert Parker's "Spenser" novels. Spenser, a private investigator living in Boston, gets involved in a new murder mystery each episode. Using his years of experience, his natural talents for observation and reasoning, and the occasional bit of help from his friend Ha...
Ace Crawford, Private Eye (1983 - 1983) - Tim Conway stars as a trench-coated private detective who always solves the case and catches the bad guy, despite his constant bumbling. The show was broadcast on Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET on CBS. Only five episodes were aired.
Harry O (1973 - 1976) - A buillet-wounded, pensioned San Diego cop, Harry Orwell, becomes a private investigator. Harry lived ina shackon the north shore of Coronado Island, his car was always in the shop, and his back hurt a lot. Brilliantly portrayed by a fading David Janssen.
Private Benjamin (1981 - 1981) - Spin off from movie of the same title.
Crazy Like A Fox (1984 - 1987) - The Crazy Like A Fox tv show was about a smart, old private detective and his son, a young hip lawyer. The father constantly found clients that were in trouble with the law, but innocent and his son helped him prove that they are innocent. Father and son didn't get along very well, but they always g...
Private Eye (1986 - 1997) - Detecive show about an ex policeman turned detevite trying to solve crime. It was shown in the USA on a cable channel as well as in Canada and it was for a very short time shown in the UK on a satelite/cable channel. There was a TV movie made in 1999 showen in the USA then in Canada Then in the UK...
Peter Gunn (1958 - 1961) - The cases of a stylishly cool private detective
77 Sunset Strip (1958 - 1964) - 77 Sunset Strip is an American television private detective series created by Roy Huggins and starring Efrem Zimbalist, Jr., Roger Smith, and Edd Byrnes. Each episode was one hour long.
J.J. Starbuck (1987 - 1988) - Texas billionaire Jerome Jeremiah 'J.J.' Starbuck drives around the country in a 1961 Lincoln convertible, with horns on the hood, acting as a freelance private detective solving crimes.
Leg Work (1987 - 1987) - This American detective drama series about a former New York City assistant D.A. turned private investigator named Claire McCarron (Margaret Colin), who works for her fledging detective agency.
The Adventures Of Q.T.Hush. (1960 - 1961) - This tv cartoon series followed the cases of private detective"Q.T.Hush"and his two aides "Shemus and Quincy" they try to solve baffling crimes.Dallas McKennon did all of the voices.
Queen Emeraldas (1998 - 1999) - a manga written and illustrated by Leiji Matsumoto, later adapted into a four-episode anime OVA of the same name. Queen Emeraldas is the story of the pirate spaceship, Queen Emeraldas, which is captained by the mysterious and beautiful Emeraldas, a strong and powerful privateer. Sometimes, the chara...
Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans (2015 - 2017) - It was roughly 300 years after the conclusion of a great conflict known as the Calamity War, the Earth Sphere has lost its previous governing structure, and a new system of government has created a new world. Far away, seeds of a new conflict are starting to form in the Mars Sphere. When private sec...
The Penguins of Madagascar (2008 - 2015) - The Penguins of Madagascar is an American CGI animated television series that had aired on Nickelodeon. It stars nine characters from the DreamWorks Animation animated film Madagascar: The penguins Skipper, Rico, Kowalski, and Private; the lemurs King Julien, Maurice, and Mort; and Mason and Phil th...
Sakigake!! Otokojuku (1988 - 1988) - Charge!! Men's Private School. Otokojuku: a private school for juvenile delinquents that were previously expelled from normal schools. At this school, Japanese chivalry is taught through feudal and military fundamentals. Similar to an action film, the classes are overwhelmed by violence. Only those...
Monk (2002 - 2009) - Adrian Monk was formally the best detective for the San Francisco Police Department until his wife is killed by a car bomb and he suffers a nervous breakdown and gets discharged. He later gets a job as a private detective. Despite his OCD he is always able to solve any case at hand.
Private Practice (2007 - 2013) - The series focuses on Dr. Addison Montgomery, who relocates from Seattle to Los Angeles, needing a big change in her life. In Los Angeles, Addison joins the private practice of her friends Naomi, a fertility specialist and endocrinologist, and Sam Bennett, an internist and cardiothoracic surgeon.
Poltergeist(1982) - asDirector[s], Steven Spielberg ("E.T." and "Saving Private Ryan") and Tobe Hooper ("The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" and "Salem's Lot") team up to bring us one of the most well made and frightening ghost stories of al
The Private Eyes(1980) - This old-dark-house spoof finds Inspector Winship (Don Knotts) and Dr. Tart (Tim Conway) summoned by Lord Morley to his mansion to reveal who killed him. Yes, you read that correctly. Unfortunately, Winship and Tart are The Yard's most inept detectives, and all of Morley's staff seem to be complet...
The Frighteners(1996) - Charlatan Frank Bannister (Michael J. Fox) has genuine psychic powers, but he doesn't use them to help people. Rather, he generates cases for his supernatural private-eye firm by harassing a group of hapless ghosts (including a dearly departed Wild West outlaw and an undead judge played by John Asti...
Toy Soldiers(1991) - Billy Tepper is the leader of a group of rebellious guys at The Regis School. He has already been expelled from three prominent private schools. His best friend, Joey Trotta, is the son of the Head of the New York Mafia; Billy, all their friends and many other kids at the school have equally influen...
Saving Private Ryan(1998) - During World War II, Captain John H. Miller has been given a mission to take a platoon of soldiers and retrieve Private Ryan from the battlefields and send him back home because his brothers have all died in the war.
Look Who's Talking Now(1993) - Mikey and Julie are now older and no longer dubbed. Mollie and James are still together and raising them on their own. Mollie is no longer working for the same firm, and James has landed a terrific job as a private pilot to a sexy business woman named Samantha, who is after him. Two new additions ar...
Who's Harry Crumb?(1989) - Harry Crumb is a bumbling and inept private investigator who is hired to solve the kidnapping of a young heiress which he's not expected to solve because his employer is the mastermind behind the kidnapping.
Happy Birthday to Me(1981) - Virginia is proud that she belongs to a clique. The best students at a private school. But before her 18th birthday, a grueling set of murders take place and her friends are the ones who are falling prey. Could it be her? She suffers from blackouts due to a freak accident one yea
Renaissance Man(1994) - Penny Marshall's feel-good comedy, invoking parts of Dead Poet's Society, Sister Act, and Private Benjamin, features Danny DeVito as Bill Rago, a divorced advertising man who is fired from his job. During an appointment at the unemployment office, a counselor finds him a job as a civilian instructor...
It's Not Cricket(1949) - Kicked out of Army Intelligence, a pair of upper class twits set up as private detectives. The result is refined English chaos.
Flying Down To Rio(1933) - The Yankee Clippers get an engagement in Rio de Janeiro, after they are fired from a Miami hotel because band leader Roger Bond has flirted with Brazilian guest Belinha de Rezende. Roger gets Belinha to accompany him to Rio in his private plane. En route, the two land on a moonlit beach for repairs...
Armed and Dangerous(1986) - Frank Dooley is an ex-cop, thrown out of the force after being framed by corrupt colleagues. Herman Kane is an out of work attorney who quit because he lost his nerve. Both men turn to a private security firm to find employment, but everything goes quickly wrong when the first warehouse they guard g...
Zombie(1979) - After a New York harbor patrolman is murdered at the hands of a flesh-hungry ghoul aboard what was believed to be an abandoned yacht, Anne (Tisa Farrow)--the daughter of the ship's missing owner--teams up with a newspaper reporter named Peter West (Ian McCulloch) for a private investigation. With th...
Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid(1982) - Juliet Forrest is convinced that the reported death of her father in a mountain car crash was no accident. Her father was a prominent cheese scientist working on a secret recipe. To prove it was murder, she enlists the services of private eye Rigby Reardon. He finds a slip of paper containing a list...
Private Resort(1985) - Jack (Depp) and his buddy ben (Morrow) check in at a posh Florida resort, planning to spend every hour in hot pursuit of gorgeous babes. But their plans hit a major detour when they try to bed the wife of a conniving jewel theif (Ector Elizondo). They'll have to outsmart him, a nasty security guard...
My Own Private Idaho(1991) - This is a character study of best friends Mike and Scott who are male hustlers. They both live on the street and do drugs while selling themselves to men and women both for sex. The character Mike is shy, gay, and suffers from the disease narcolepsy. His mother abandoned him as a child and he become...
Private Parts(1997) - This movie is based on Howard Stern's autobiography of the same name. He plays himself throughout the 70s, 80s and 90s as he deals with issues both personal and pop-cultural in the special way that only he knows how.
Rounders(1998) - John Dahl directed this exploration of New York private clubs devoted to high-stakes poker, with first-person narration from the film's central figure, law student Mike McDermott (Matt Damon), who loses his entire savings to Russian club owner Teddy KGB (John Malkovich). Mike then turns away from ca...
Chinatown(1974) - Roman Polanski's brooding film noir exposes the darkest side of the land of sunshine, the Los Angeles of the 1930s, where power is the only currency--and the only real thing worth buying. Jack Nicholson is J.J. Gittes, a private eye in the Chandler mold, who during a routine straying-spouse investig...
V.I. Warshawski(1991) - Kathleen Turner stars as V.I. Warshawski in Jeff Kanew's film version of the hard-boiled detective character from Sara Paretsky's series of crime novels. Warshawski is a freelance private investigator in Chicago, who lives the part of the hard-boiled detective. But in her heart of hearts, she is a s...
Project: Shadowchaser 2(1994) - A renegade android and his group of terrorists takes over a private nuclear base and threatens to bomb Washington DC in this action movie, the sequel of 1991's Project: Shadowchaser. The android stages his take-over during Christmas after the President ordered the base to disarm it's arsenal. It is...
Rushmore(1998) - Max Fischer (Jason Schwartzman, THE DARJEELING LIMITED, SHOPGIRL) is a precocious 15-year-old whose reason for living is his attendance at Rushmore, a private school where he's not doing well in any of his classes, but where he's the king of extracurricular activities - from being in the beekeeping...
Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers(1988) - This tongue-in-cheek horror movie is about a private detective who starts out looking for a runaway girl and ends up in the middle of a cult of good-looking, but very violent, hookers.
Private Passions(1985) -
The Best Man(1999) - Harper's (Taye Diggs, RENT, TV's "Private Practice") autobiographical novel is almost out, his girlfriend Robin (Sanaa Lathan, AVP: ALIEN VS. PREDATOR, TV's "A Raisin In The Sun") desires commitment, and he's best man at the wedding of Lance (Morris Chestnut, THE GAME PLAN, BOYZ 'N THE HOOD), a pro...
Private School(1983) - Christine (Phoebe Cates), a student at an exclusive all-girls private school, is in love with Jim, who attends an academy for boys nearby. Christine's arch rival Jordan also has her eye on Jim, and she is willing to do whatever she can to steal him away. Jim's uber-slob buddy Bubba is going with Bet...
Long Time Gone(1986) - A "world-class screw-up" private eye (Paul le Mat) finds his world and his attention changed when he is reunited with his estranged 11-year old son (Wil Wheaton). At the film's beginning, Le Mat is a down-on-his-luck gambler with the mob on his heals. When his son, whom he abandoned 10 years earlier...
Liberace(1988) - This ABC TV-Movie is a bio-pic on the late Liberace (Andrew Robinson), who to the public was a versatile showman, but in private, lived a homosexual lifestyle that led to a death from AIDS.
The Babe(1992) - John Goodman is cast as the Sultan of Swat, whose excesses especially drinking and private demons can (in this context) be excused in view of his genuine love of baseball. The facts never get in the way of a good story for screenwriter John Fusco; we're even offered the umpteenth rehash of "Li...
Going Undercover(1988) - a wealthy woman(Jean Simmons)hires a clumsy private investigator(Chris Lemmon)to keep an eye on her stepdaughter(Lea Thompson) vacationing in Denmark.
Out Cold(1989) - Sunny is married to the butcher Ernie; their marriage is about to end as both of them have affairs. Thus Sunny hires Lester Atlas as private investigator in order to collect proofs for the divorce. One evening drunken Ernie and his partner Dave have a fight in the butchery with the result of Ernie g...
This Is A Hijack(1973) - A gambler with serious debts hijacks a small private plane, planning to collect a $1,000,000 ransom. Unfortunately, he's not in the best of company with his mates, and the F.B.I. is waiting for them on the ground.
Perry Mason: The Case of the Sinister Spirit(1987) - Jordan White, a publisher friend of Perry, is called to a hotel where a guest, famous horror writer David Hall, has cleared out the hotel for a weekend and has called his "friends" - an actress, a fortune-teller, David's private assistant and the two remaining staff at the hotel to discuss business....
Abbott & Costello Meet The invisible Man(1951)(1951) - After graduating from"Dugan's Detective School"..inept private investigators:Bud"Alexander"(Bud Abbott) and Lou"Francis"(Lou Costello)agree to help prove that former boxer"Tommy Nelson"(Arthur Franz)..who becomes invisible with the aide of a serum created by his girlfriend's uncle"Dr.Phil Grey(Gavin...
Shooter(2007) - Shooter is a 2007 American conspiracy action thriller film directed by Antoine Fuqua based on the novel Point of Impact by Stephen Hunter. The film concerns a former U.S. Marine Scout Sniper, Bob Lee Swagger (Mark Wahlberg), who is framed for murder by a rogue secret private military company unit. I...
Poison Ivy(1992) - The always challenging transition from adorable child performer to sexy adult star was achieved flamboyantly by actress Drew Barrymore with this erotic drama that unfolds like a paranoia-drenched "Lolita" (1962). Sylvie Cooper is a misanthropic student at a private high school for children of the pr...
Soaked in Bleach(2015) - Soaked in Bleach is an American docudrama directed by Benjamin Statler, who co-wrote and produced it with Richard Middelton and Donnie Eichar. The film details the events leading up to the death of Kurt Cobain, as seen through the perspective of Tom Grant, the private detective who was hired by Cour...
Shattered(1991) - Dan Merrick comes out from a shattering car accident with amnesia. He finds that he is married to Judith who is trying to help him start his life again. He keeps getting flashbacks about events and places that he can't remember. He meets pet shop owner and part time private detective Gus Klein who i...
Love At Large(1990) - A down and out private detective is asked by a beautiful woman to follow her lover because she thinks he may be planning to kill her. Due to her poor description she's in danger. He ends up following the wrong man, but discovers the wrong man has some sleazy secrets himself. Meanwhile another detect...
Steve Jobs: The Man In The Machine(2015) - A look at the personal and private life of the late Apple CEO, Steve Jobs.
Citizen Cohn(1992) - As lawyer and power broker Roy Cohn lies dying of AIDS in a private hospital room, ghosts from his past visit him as he reflects on his life and loves.
A Private Matter(1992) - The story of Sherri Finkbine, a woman who sought a medically recommended abortion and endured a firestorm of public controversy about her decision.
Private Lessons(1981) - Phillip Filmore is a naive, 15-year-old, preoccupied with sex, who develops a crush on Nicole Mallow, the new 30-something, French housekeeper and sitter to look after him when Phillip's father is out of town for the summer on a "business" trip. But Mr. Filmore's unscrupulous chauffeur, Lester Lewis...
The Private Files Of J. Edgar Hoover(1977) - The story of the late J. Edgar Hoover, who was head of the FBI from 1924-1972. The film follows Hoover from his racket-busting days through his reign under eight U.S. presidents.
I, The Jury(1982) - An old friend of a private detective is murdered. The detective, Mike Hammer, will make every effort to find out the killer. At each step he does, there is someone taking advantage of his progress.
The Sky Crawlers(2008) - In an alternate timeline, the world has seemingly achieved peace. Bereft of international conflicts, wars are now waged between private corporations in place of peaceful nations. Yuuichi Kannami, a recent transfer in Area 262, simply does his job as a contracted fighter pilot. However, the more time...
The Maltese Falcon(1941) - A private detective takes on a case that involves him with three eccentric criminals, a gorgeous liar, and their quest for a priceless statuette.
The Big Sleep(1946) - Private detective Philip Marlowe is hired by a rich family. Before the complex case is over, he's seen murder, blackmail, and what might be love.
Grand Central Murder(1942) - A convict being escorted in for retrial escapes at Grand Central and threatens his old girlfriend on the phone. She flees for her new beau's private railcar at the same station. When she is then found murdered the cops round up a motley group of suspects including the escapee, several guys feeling s...
Delinquent School Girls(1975) - Three mental patients (a bad impersonator, a baseball player, and a gay fashion designer) escape their asylum and sexually assault their way into a girl's private school. The girls education includes wrestling and karate, so the three mad men will find stern opposition when they least expected.
Spy Kids 3: Game Over(2003) - In the year since Spy Kids 2, Juni is now working as a private detective who gets very little profit. One day he gets a call from the OSS who say that his sister Carmen has gone missing. He comes to the OSS and gets reunited with Donnagon Giggles and his wife Francesca, who explain that Carmen was c...
Private Duty Nurses(1971) - A trio of beautiful private-duty nurses that practice more than the medical arts must confront underground drug traffickers, racism and murder in their local hospital.
Private Benjamin(1980) -
All You've Got(2006) - Three privileged female volleyball players transfer to the barrio high school of rivals when their private campus burns down.
Charlie's Angels(2000) - Charlie's Angels is a 2000 American action comedy film directed by McG, starring Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore and Lucy Liu as three women working for a private investigation agency. The film is based on the television series of the same name from the late 1970s, which was adapted by screenwriters Ry...
It's A Wonderful Life(1946) - It's a Wonderful Life is a 1946 American Christmas drama film produced and directed by Frank Capra, based on the short story "The Greatest Gift", which Philip Van Doren Stern wrote in 1939 and privately published in 1945. The film is considered one of the most loved films in American cinema and has...
The Roly Poly Man(1994) - A Sydney private detective is drawn into a bizarre case while investigating an adultery.
Faceless(1987) - A model named Barbara Hallen has disappeared and her father gets private detective Sam Morgan to go to Paris to find his daughter. Barbara's trail leads Morgan to a plastic surgery clinic owned by Dr. Flamand. Morgan's investigation reveals the horrifying secret behind the Doctor's miracle cures whi...
Malibu Express(1985) - Cody Abiliene is a semi-successful private detective desperately in need of a big (and well-paying) case. When he's hired to solve the murder of Contessa Luciana's husband, he jumps at the chance. In between investigating the many women around the Contessa's estate, Abilene eventually uncovers a com...
Hard Ticket To Hawaii(1987) - Two drug enforcement agents are killed on a private Hawaiian island. Donna and Taryn, two operatives for The Agency, accidentally intercept a delivery of diamonds intended for drug lord Seth Romero, who takes exception and tries to get them back. Soon other Agency operatives get involved, and a full...
City Heat(1984) - A slick private eye and tough police lieutenant--once partners, now bitter enemies--reluctantly team up to investigate a murder.
The Aristocrats(2005) - One hundred superstar comedians tell the same very, VERY dirty, filthy joke--one shared privately by comics since Vaudeville.
Gotham(1988) - Eddie is a private detective. When a client asks him to help persuade his ex-wife to leave him alone, Eddie says yes. Nothing strange about that ?, well 'ex' refers to the fact that she died 10 years ago. Eddie thinks this will be an 'easy money' case, but soon falls for the beautiful woman who insi...
She's In The Army Now(1981) - Akin to Private Benjamin, this comedy deals with the tough life of female army recruits going through basic training. Through their training they come to realize that there is more to being tough than having muscles.
Peeper(1975) - Set in the 1940s, the story follows a private eye on a case to find a long lost daughter of an oddball client. Two goons are on a mission to stop him.
The Resurrected(1991) - Private investigator John March is hired by Claire Ward to investigate her husband's recent mysterious activities. Upon investing deeper into Charles Dexter Ward's experiments in his abandoned ancestral farmhouse it turns out to be more horrors come from Charles's famil
Foxtrot(1976) - Two Romanian aristocrats try to escape the troubles of World War II on a private island, but the tension comes to them.
Armed Response(1986) - One of Tanaka's underlings has stolen a rare statuette that he had planned to use as a peace offering between the local Yakusa and Chinese Tong. He hires two private investigators to exchange ransom money to recover the statuette, but the trade goes down bad and Clay Roth is killed. This angers Roth...
From Here To Eternity(1953) - In Hawaii in 1941, a private is cruelly punished for not boxing on his unit's team, while his captain's wife and second-in-command are falling in love.
Underclassman(2005) - A young detective (Nick Cannon) goes undercover at an elite private school to destroy an international stolen car ring.
Foxtrap(1986) - Private detective is hired by rich man to find his niece, who has disappeared while traveling in Europe.
Pokmon: Detective Pikachu(2019) - The very first live-action Pokmon film! The story begins when ace private eye Harry Goodman goes mysteriously missing, prompting his 21-year-old son Tim to find out what happened. Aiding in the investigation is Harrys former Pokmon partner, Detective Pikachu: a hilariously wise-cracking, adorable...
Penguins of Madagascar(2014) - A prequel to the "Madagascar" franchise this film chronicles the Penguins before they are put on exhibit at the Central Park Zoo. Skipper, Kowalski, and Rico father a new egg that hatches into the fourth penguin Private. The group soon join forces with undercover organization The North Wind to stop...
J. Edgar(2011) - As head of the FBI for nearly 50 years, J. Edgar Hoover (Leonardo DiCaprio) becomes one of America's most-powerful men. Serving through eight presidents and three wars, Hoover utilizes methods both ruthless and heroic to keep his country safe. Projecting a guarded persona in public and in private, h...
The Happytime Murders(2018) - In a World... where puppets live alongside the humans as second-class citizens, among them is Phil Phillips: a disgraced cop turned private eye. When a new client who's being blackmailed leads him to investigate a porno store that gets hit as a robbery gone wrong... Phil's convinced it was a planned...
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang(2005) - A murder mystery brings together a private eye, a struggling actress, and a thief masquerading as an actor.
Detective School Dropouts(1986) - Two bumbling private detectives get themselves hired to find a missing person. They find themselves in the middle of a mob war when it turns out that the missing person is somebody the mob wants to stay missing.
Jungle Warriors(1984) - A group of models fly into the jungle of some South American country to look for a photo location. Their plane is shot down and they are captured by a drug baron's private army. At the same time, the Mafia's representative arrive to negotiate future collaboration.
Big Time Movie(2012) - Big Time Rush are going international for the first time as they take their own private plane to London at the start of a major world tour. When they get their they meet up with a secret agent codenamed "Moon" who has a plan to jam the world's radio signals to stop the success of upstart bands such... -- Adventure, Mystery, Comedy, Police, Shounen -- Action, Mystery, Comedy, Shounen -- Comedy, School -- Comedy, School
8MM (1999) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 2h 3min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 26 February 1999 (USA) -- A private investigator is hired to discover if a "snuff film" is authentic or not. Director: Joel Schumacher Writer: Andrew Kevin Walker
Along Came a Spider (2001) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 44min | Drama, Thriller | 6 April 2001 (USA) -- When a senator's daughter under Secret Service protection is kidnapped from a private school, detective Alex Cross investigates the case even though he's recovering from the loss of his partner. Director: Lee Tamahori Writers:
Angel Heart (1987) ::: 7.3/10 -- X | 1h 53min | Horror, Mystery, Thriller | 6 March 1987 (USA) -- A private investigator is hired by a man who calls himself Louis Cyphre to track down a singer named Johnny Favorite. But the investigation takes an unexpected and somber turn. Director: Alan Parker Writers:
APB ::: TV-14 | 43min | Crime, Drama | TV Series (20162017) -- After witnessing a violent crime, a tech billionaire purchases a troubled police precinct, rebooting it as a private police force. Creators: Matt Nix, David Slack
A Private War (2018) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 50min | Biography, Drama, War | 16 November 2018 (USA) -- One of the most celebrated war correspondents of our time, Marie Colvin is an utterly fearless and rebellious spirit, driven to the frontline of conflicts across the globe to give voice to the voiceless. Director: Matthew Heineman Writers:
A Walk Among the Tombstones (2014) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 54min | Action, Crime, Drama | 19 September 2014 (USA) -- Private investigator Matthew Scudder is hired by a drug kingpin to find out who kidnapped and murdered his wife. Director: Scott Frank Writers: Lawrence Block (based on the novel by), Scott Frank (written for the
Big Sky ::: TV-14 | 1h | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (2020 ) -- A private detective teams up with an ex-cop to solve a kidnapping case in Montana. Creator: David E. Kelley
Blood Ties ::: TV-14 | 43min | Drama, Fantasy, Horror | TV Series (2007) -- Vicki Nelson, a former homicide detective turned private investigator, and Henry Fitzroy, a 470-year-old vampire, form a unique team solving cases and dealing with the supernatural world. Creator:
Bored to Death ::: TV-MA | 28min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | TV Series (20092011) -- A well-meaning but struggling writer decides to lead a sort of double life by pretending to be a private detective using the methods he read about in old detective novels. Creator:
Buck Privates (1941) ::: 7.1/10 -- Passed | 1h 24min | Comedy, Musical, War | 31 January 1941 (USA) -- Two sidewalk salesman enlist in the army in order to avoid jail, only to find that their drill instructor is the police officer who tried having them imprisoned. Director: Arthur Lubin Writers:
Bud Abbott and Lou Costello Meet the Invisible Man (1951) ::: 6.8/10 -- Passed | 1h 22min | Comedy, Sci-Fi, Sport | 7 March 1951 (USA) -- Two bumbling private eyes help a man wrongly accused of murder who has become invisible to help clear his name. Director: Charles Lamont Writers: Hugh Wedlock Jr. (story), Howard Snyder (story) | 4 more credits Stars:
Case Histories -- 1h | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (20112013) ::: Former soldier and policeman Jackson Brodie becomes a private investigator. Stars: Jason Isaacs, Amanda Abbington, Zawe Ashton
Casino Royale (2006) ::: 8.0/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 24min | Action, Adventure, Thriller | 17 November 2006 (USA) -- After earning 00 status and a licence to kill, Secret Agent James Bond sets out on his first mission as 007. Bond must defeat a private banker funding terrorists in a high-stakes game of poker at Casino Royale, Montenegro. Director: Martin Campbell Writers:
C.B. Strike ::: Strike (original tit ::: TV-MA | 1h | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (2017 ) -- War veteran turned private detective Cormoran Strike solves brutal murders with the help of his trusted assistant Robin Ellacott. Stars:
Chinatown (1974) ::: 8.1/10 -- R | 2h 10min | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 20 June 1974 (USA) -- A private detective hired to expose an adulterer finds himself caught up in a web of deceit, corruption, and murder. Director: Roman Polanski Writer: Robert Towne
City Hunter (2018) ::: 6.5/10 -- Nicky Larson et le parfum de Cupidon (original title) -- City Hunter Poster -- Nicky Larson, the best private investigator in the business, is called for a high-risk mission: to recover the perfume of Cupid, a perfume that would make irresistible the one who uses it. Director: Philippe Lacheau Writers:
Dead Again (1991) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 47min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 30 August 1991 (USA) -- A woman who has lost her memory is taken in by a Los Angeles orphanage, and a private eye is enlisted to track down her identity, but he soon finds that he might have a past life connection to her that endangers their lives. Director: Kenneth Branagh Writer:
Duckman: Private Dick/Family Man ::: TV-PG | 30min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | TV Series (19941997) A crass, womanizing duck works as a private eye with his level-headed pig sidekick, all the while raising a family as a single dad. Creators: Everett Peck, Gabor Csupo, Arlene Klasky | 5 more credits Stars:
Europa Report (2013) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 30min | Action, Drama, Mystery | 27 June 2013 (USA) -- An international crew of astronauts undertakes a privately funded mission to search for life on Jupiter's fourth largest moon. Director: Sebastian Cordero Writer: Philip Gelatt
Europa Report (2013) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 30min | Action, Drama, Mystery | 27 June 2013 (USA) -- An international crew of astronauts undertakes a privately funded mission to search for life on Jupiter's fourth largest moon. Director: Sebastin Cordero Writer: Philip Gelatt
Family Plot (1976) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG | 2h | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 9 April 1976 (USA) -- A phony psychic/con artist and her taxi driver/private investigator boyfriend encounter a pair of serial kidnappers while trailing a missing heir in California. Director: Alfred Hitchcock Writers:
Farewell, My Lovely (1975) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 35min | Crime, Mystery, Thriller | 8 August 1975 (USA) -- Los Angeles private eye Philip Marlowe is hired by paroled convict Moose Malloy to find his girlfriend Velma, former seedy nightclub dancer. Director: Dick Richards Writers:
From Here to Eternity (1953) ::: 7.6/10 -- Passed | 1h 58min | Drama, Romance, War | 28 August 1953 (USA) -- In Hawaii in 1941, a private is cruelly punished for not boxing on his unit's team, while his captain's wife and second-in-command are falling in love. Director: Fred Zinnemann Writers:
Full Metal Panic! ::: TV-14 | 24min | Action, Comedy, Romance | TV Series (2002 ) -- Sousuke Sagara, a member of a covert anti-terrorist private military organization known as Mithril, tasked with protecting Kaname Chidori, a spirited Japanese high school girl. Stars:
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953) ::: 7.2/10 -- Approved | 1h 31min | Comedy, Musical, Romance | August 1953 (USA) -- Showgirls Lorelei Lee and Dorothy Shaw travel to Paris, pursued by a private detective hired by the suspicious father of Lorelei's fianc, as well as a rich, enamored old man and many other doting admirers. Director: Howard Hawks Writers:
Harper (1966) ::: 6.9/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 1min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 30 March 1966 (USA) -- Lew Harper, a cool private investigator, is hired by a wealthy California matron to locate her kidnapped husband. Director: Jack Smight Writers: William Goldman (screenplay), Ross Macdonald (novel)
Haute Cuisine (2012) ::: 6.4/10 -- Les saveurs du Palais (original title) -- Haute Cuisine Poster -- The story of Danile Delpeuch and how she was appointed as the private chef for Franois Mitterrand. Director: Christian Vincent Writers:
High Maintenance ::: TV-MA | 30min | Comedy, Drama | TV Series (2016 ) -- A comedy that explores the private lives of unique New York individuals through a common thread: their weed deliveryman. Creators: Ben Sinclair, Katja Blichfeld
Idiocracy (2006) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 24min | Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi | 25 January 2007 (Germany) -- Private Joe Bauers, the definition of "average American", is selected by the Pentagon to be the guinea pig for a top-secret hibernation program. Forgotten, he awakes five centuries in the future. He discovers a society so incredibly dumbed down that he's easily the most intelligent person alive. Director: Mike Judge
If.... (1968) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 1h 51min | Crime, Drama | 21 May 1969 (France) -- In this allegorical story, a revolution led by pupil Mick Travis takes place at an old established private school in England. Director: Lindsay Anderson Writers: David Sherwin (screenplay), David Sherwin (original script: "Crusaders") | 1 more credit Stars:
Inherent Vice (2014) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 2h 28min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 9 January 2015 (USA) -- In 1970, drug-fueled Los Angeles private investigator Larry "Doc" Sportello investigates the disappearance of a former girlfriend. Director: Paul Thomas Anderson Writers: Paul Thomas Anderson (written for the screen by), Thomas Pynchon (based
Ja'mie: Private School Girl ::: TV-MA | 30min | Comedy | TV Series (2013) Ja'mie: Private School Girl follows the eponymous school captain during the last few months of school, far removed from the grounds of Summer Heights High and back on the lush manicured lawns of Hillford Girls Grammar School. Creator: Chris Lilley
Jessica Jones ::: TV-MA | 56min | Action, Crime, Drama | TV Series (20152019) -- Following the tragic end of her brief superhero career, Jessica Jones tries to rebuild her life as a private investigator, dealing with cases involving people with remarkable abilities in New York City. Creator:
King & Maxwell ::: 1h | Crime, Drama | TV Series (2013) Sean King and Michelle Maxwell aren't your typical pair of private investigators. Both are former Secret Service agents, and their unique skill set (not to mention their razor-sharp ... S Creator: Shane Brennan Stars:
King of Hearts (1966) ::: 7.5/10 -- Le roi de coeur (original title) -- King of Hearts Poster During World War I, a British private, sent ahead to a French town to scout for enemy presence, is mistaken for a King by the colorful patients of an insane asylum. Director: Philippe de Broca Writers: Daniel Boulanger (scenario and dialogue), Maurice Bessy (idea)
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 1h 43min | Comedy, Crime, Mystery | 18 November 2005 (USA) -- A murder mystery brings together a private eye, a struggling actress, and a thief masquerading as an actor. Director: Shane Black Writers: Brett Halliday (novel), Shane Black (screen story) | 1 more credit
Lady in the Lake (1946) ::: 6.6/10 -- Passed | 1h 45min | Crime, Film-Noir, Mystery | 24 January 1947 (USA) -- The lady editor of a crime magazine hires Phillip Marlowe to find the wife of her boss. The private detective soon finds himself involved in murder. Director: Robert Montgomery Writers:
Lawn Dogs (1997) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 1h 41min | Drama | 15 May 1998 (USA) -- When Devon, a 10-year-old girl, forges a friendship with Trent, a 21-year-old outsider who mows the neighborhood lawns, things suddenly get very complicated and private. Director: John Duigan Writer:
Love in the Afternoon (1957) ::: 7.2/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 10min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 30 June 1957 (USA) -- A middle-aged playboy becomes fascinated by the daughter of a private detective who has been hired to entrap him with the wife of a client. Director: Billy Wilder Writers: Billy Wilder (screenplay), I.A.L. Diamond (screenplay) | 1 more credit Stars:
Marlowe (1969) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG | 1h 36min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 31 October 1969 (USA) -- A young woman from Kansas hires LA private detective Philip Marlowe to find her missing brother. Director: Paul Bogart Writers: Raymond Chandler (novel), Stirling Silliphant (screenplay) Stars:
Monk ::: TV-PG | 44min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | TV Series (20022009) -- The series follows Adrian Monk, a brilliant former San Francisco detective, who now consults the police as a private consultant who battles with an obsessive-compulsive disorder. Creator:
Moonlight ::: TV-14 | 1h | Drama, Fantasy, Horror | TV Series (20072008) -- A vampire lands work as a private investigator and falls for a mortal woman. Creators: Ron Koslow, Trevor Munson
Motherless Brooklyn (2019) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 2h 24min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 1 November 2019 (USA) -- In 1950s New York, a lonely private detective afflicted with Tourette's Syndrome ventures to solve the murder of his mentor and only friend. Director: Edward Norton Writers: Edward Norton (written for the screen by), Jonathan Lethem (from the
My Own Private Idaho (1991) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 44min | Drama | 20 July 1991 (Japan) -- Two best friends living on the streets of Portland as hustlers embark on a journey of self discovery and find their relationship stumbling along the way. Director: Gus Van Sant Writer:
Night Moves (1975) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 40min | Crime, Mystery, Thriller | 30 August 1975 (Italy) -- Los Angeles private investigator Harry Moseby is hired by a client to find her runaway teenage daughter. Moseby tracks the daughter down, only to stumble upon something much more intriguing and sinister. Director: Arthur Penn Writer:
Out of the Past (1947) ::: 8.0/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 37min | Crime, Drama, Film-Noir | December 1947 (USA) -- A private eye escapes his past to run a gas station in a small town, but his past catches up with him. Now he must return to the big city world of danger, corruption, double crosses and duplicitous dames. Director: Jacques Tourneur Writers:
Penguins of Madagascar (2014) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG | 1h 32min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 26 November 2014 (USA) -- Skipper, Kowalski, Rico and Private join forces with undercover organization The North Wind to stop the villainous Dr. Octavius Brine from destroying the world as we know it. Directors: Eric Darnell, Simon J. Smith Writers:
Private Eyes ::: TV-PG | 43min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | TV Series (2016 ) -- Former professional hockey player Matt Shade partners with private eye Angie Everett to solve crimes around Toronto. Creators: Tim Kilby, Shelley Eriksen
Private Fears In Public Places (Coeurs) (2006) ::: 6.9/10 -- Coeurs (original title) -- Private Fears In Public Places (Coeurs) Poster -- In Paris, six people all look for love, despite typically having their romantic aspirations dashed at every turn. Director: Alain Resnais Writers:
Private Life (2018) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 2h 3min | Comedy, Drama | 5 October 2018 (USA) -- An author is undergoing multiple fertility therapies to get pregnant, putting her relationship with her husband on edge. Director: Tamara Jenkins Writer: Tamara Jenkins
Private Parts (1997) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 49min | Biography, Comedy, Drama | 7 March 1997 (USA) -- The autobiographical story of Howard Stern, the radio rebel who is now also a TV personality, an author and a movie star. Director: Betty Thomas Writers: Howard Stern (book), Len Blum (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Private Practice ::: TV-14 | 1h | Comedy, Drama, Romance | TV Series (20072013) -- A spin-off of the medical drama "Grey's Anatomy" centering on the life of neonatal surgeon Addison Montgomery. Creator: Shonda Rhimes
Pushing Daisies ::: TV-PG | 44min | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy | TV Series (20072009) -- A pie-maker, with the power to bring dead people back to life, solves murder mysteries with his alive-again childhood sweetheart, a cynical private investigator, and a lovesick waitress. Creator:
Republic of Doyle ::: TV-14 | 1h | Comedy, Crime, Drama | TV Series (20102014) -- Jake Doyle and his father Malachy run a private investigations agency in St. John's, Newfoundland. Their cases involve them in all sorts of dealings - not all of them on the right side of the law. Creators:
Route Irish (2010) ::: 6.4/10 -- 1h 49min | Action, Drama, Thriller | 16 March 2011 (France) -- The story of a private security contractor in Iraq who rejected the official explanation of his friend's death and sets out to discover the truth. Director: Ken Loach Writer:
Saving Private Ryan (1998) ::: 8.6/10 -- R | 2h 49min | Drama, War | 24 July 1998 (USA) -- Following the Normandy Landings, a group of U.S. soldiers go behind enemy lines to retrieve a paratrooper whose brothers have been killed in action. Director: Steven Spielberg Writer:
School of Rock (2003) ::: 7.1/10 -- The School of Rock (original title) -- School of Rock Poster -- After being kicked out of his rock band, Dewey Finn becomes a substitute teacher of an uptight elementary private school, only to try and turn his class into a rock band. Director: Richard Linklater Writer:
Scott & Bailey ::: TV-14 | 45min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (20112016) Two female detectives, one motherly, the other emotionally immature, have varying levels of success applying their eccentric outlooks on life to their police cases and private lives. Creators: Sally Wainwright, Diane Taylor Stars:
Shaft (1971) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 40min | Action, Crime, Thriller | 2 July 1971 (USA) -- Cool black private eye John Shaft is hired by a crime lord to find and retrieve his kidnapped daughter. Director: Gordon Parks Writers: Ernest Tidyman (screenplay), John D.F. Black (screenplay) | 1 more
Shame (2011) ::: 7.2/10 -- NC-17 | 1h 41min | Drama | 13 January 2012 (UK) -- A sex addict's carefully cultivated private life falls apart after his sister arrives for an indefinite stay. Director: Steve McQueen Writers: Steve McQueen, Abi Morgan | 1 more credit
Simon & Simon -- 1h | Action, Crime, Drama | TV Series (19811989) ::: Two brothers of disparate tastes and manners run a private detective agency. Creator: Philip DeGuere Jr.
Stumptown ::: TV-14 | 44min | Crime, Drama | TV Series (20192020) -- A sharp-witted Marine veteran becomes a private investigator in Portland, Oregon, where she takes care of her brother who has Down syndrome. Creator:
Sunshine Cleaning (2008) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 31min | Comedy, Drama | 17 April 2009 (USA) -- In order to raise the tuition to send her young son to private school, a mom starts an unusual business -- a biohazard removal/crime scene clean-up service -- with her unreliable sister. Director: Christine Jeffs Writer:
Take Two ::: TV-PG | 43min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | TV Series (2018) -- A private investigator in Los Angeles reluctantly teams up with a former star of a hit cop show. Creators: Andrew W. Marlowe, Terri Edda Miller
Terriers ::: TV-MA | 45min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | TV Series (2010) Ex-cop and recovering alcoholic Hank Dolworth partners with his best friend, former criminal Britt Pollack, in an unlicensed private investigation business. Creator: Ted Griffin Stars:
The Adventures of Ford Fairlane (1990) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 44min | Action, Adventure, Comedy | 11 July 1990 (USA) -- A vulgar private detective is hired to find a missing groupie and is drawn into a mystery involving a series of murders tied to the music industry. Director: Renny Harlin Writers: Daniel Waters (screenplay), James Cappe (screenplay) | 4 more credits Stars:
The Bachelors (2017) ::: 6.8/10 -- Unrated | 1h 39min | Comedy, Drama | 20 October 2017 (USA) -- After the early death of his wife, a mourning father moves with his teenage son across the country for a private school teaching job. Their lives begin to transform due to two unique women, who help them embrace life and love again. Director: Kurt Voelker Writer:
The Big Sleep (1946) ::: 7.9/10 -- Passed | 1h 54min | Crime, Film-Noir, Mystery | 31 August 1946 (USA) -- Private detective Philip Marlowe is hired by a wealthy family. Before the complex case is over, he's seen murder, blackmail, and what might be love. Director: Howard Hawks Writers:
The Catch ::: TV-14 | 43min | Crime, Drama, Romance | TV Series (20162017) -- Follows a female private investigator whose career specialty is exposing fraud for a living. She is drawn to a man whose career appears to be committing fraud for a living. Creators:
The Dresden Files ::: TV-14 | 1h | Action, Crime, Drama | TV Series (20072008) -- A Chicago-based wizard works as a private investigator. Creators: Hans Beimler, Robert Hewitt Wolfe
The East (2013) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 56min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 28 June 2013 (UK) -- An operative for an elite private intelligence firm finds her priorities changing dramatically after she is tasked with infiltrating an anarchist group known for executing covert attacks upon major corporations. Director: Zal Batmanglij Writers:
The Equalizer -- 48min | Action, Crime, Drama | TV Series (19851989) ::: A retired Intelligence Agent turned private detective helps various threatened clients to equalize the odds. Creators: Richard Lindheim, Michael Sloan
The Last Boy Scout (1991) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 45min | Action, Comedy, Crime | 13 December 1991 (USA) -- A private detective's protected female witness is murdered, prompting him and the victim's boyfriend to investigate the crime that leads to a corrupt politician and a crooked football team owner. Director: Tony Scott Writers:
The Long Goodbye (1973) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 1h 52min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 8 March 1973 (USA) -- Private investigator Philip Marlowe helps a friend out of a jam, but in doing so gets implicated in his wife's murder. Director: Robert Altman Writers: Leigh Brackett (screenplay), Raymond Chandler (novel) Stars:
The Magnificent Seven (2016) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 12min | Action, Adventure, Western | 23 September 2016 (USA) -- Seven gunmen from a variety of backgrounds are brought together by a vengeful young widow to protect her town from the private army of a destructive industrialist. Director: Antoine Fuqua Writers:
The Maltese Falcon (1941) ::: 8.0/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 40min | Film-Noir, Mystery | 18 October 1941 (USA) -- A private detective takes on a case that involves him with three eccentric criminals, a gorgeous liar, and their quest for a priceless statuette. Director: John Huston Writers:
The Nice Guys (2016) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 1h 56min | Action, Comedy, Crime | 20 May 2016 (USA) -- In 1970s Los Angeles, a mismatched pair of private eyes investigate a missing girl and the mysterious death of a porn star. Director: Shane Black Writers: Shane Black, Anthony Bagarozzi
The Outfit (1973) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG | 1h 43min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 9 February 1974 (Japan) -- Earl Macklin robs a bank owned by the mob, serves his prison time and is released, only to start a private war against the crime outfit that owned the bank. Director: John Flynn Writers: Donald E. Westlake (novel) (as Richard Stark), John Flynn Stars:
The Private Life of Henry VIII. (1933) ::: 7.1/10 -- The Private Life of Henry VIII (original title) -- The Private Life of Henry VIII. Poster King Henry VIII marries five more times after his divorce from his first wife Catherine of Aragon. Director: Alexander Korda Writers: Lajos Bir (story and dialogue) (as Lajos Biro), Arthur Wimperis (story and dialogue) | 1 more credit
The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes (1970) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 5min | Adventure, Comedy, Crime | 29 October 1970 (USA) -- When a bored Holmes eagerly takes the case of Gabrielle Valladon after an attempt on her life, the search for her missing husband leads to Loch Ness and the legendary monster. Director: Billy Wilder Writers:
The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex (1939) ::: 7.1/10 -- Approved | 1h 46min | Biography, Drama, History | 11 November 1939 -- The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex Poster -- A depiction of the love/hate relationship between Queen Elizabeth I and Robert Devereux, the Earl of Essex. Director: Michael Curtiz Writers:
The Private Lives of Pippa Lee (2009) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 38min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 10 July 2009 (UK) -- After her much older husband forces a move to a suburban retirement community, Pippa Lee engages in a period of reflection and finds herself heading toward a quiet nervous breakdown. Director: Rebecca Miller Writers:
The Search (1948) ::: 7.8/10 -- Approved | 1h 44min | Drama, War | 26 March 1948 (USA) -- In post-war Berlin, an American private helps a lost Czech boy find his mother. Director: Fred Zinnemann Writers: Richard Schweizer (screen play), David Wechsler (collaborator: on screen play) | 1 more credit Stars:
The Yakuza (1974) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 52min | Action, Crime, Drama | 19 March 1975 (USA) -- American private-eye Harry Kilmer returns to Japan to rescue a friend's kidnapped daughter from the clutches of the Yakuza. Director: Sydney Pollack Writers: Paul Schrader (screenplay), Robert Towne (screenplay) | 1 more credit Stars:
Too Late (2015) ::: 6.7/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 47min | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | April 2016 (USA) -- Explores the tangled relationship between a troubled private investigator and the missing woman he's hired to help find. Director: Dennis Hauck Writer: Dennis Hauck
Towelhead (2007) ::: 6.9/10 -- Nothing Is Private (original title) -- Towelhead Poster -- A young Arab-American girl struggles with her sexual obsession, a bigoted Army reservist and her strict father during the Gulf War. Director: Alan Ball Writers:
Uncommon Valor (1983) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 45min | Action, Drama, Thriller | 16 December 1983 (USA) -- Ten years after his son went M.I.A. in Vietnam, U.S. Marine retired Colonel Jason Rhodes assembles a private rescue team to find Americans held in P.O.W. camps in Laos. Director: Ted Kotcheff Writer: Joe Gayton Stars:
Under Suspicion (1991) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 39min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 28 February 1992 (USA) -- In Brighton in 1959, disgraced cop turned private detective Tony Aaron works largely on falsifying adulteries for use as evidence in divorce cases. He involves his wife as the fictional ... S Director: Simon Moore Writer: Simon Moore Stars:
Veronica Mars (2014) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 47min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 13 March 2014 (Germany) -- Years after walking away from her past as a young private eye, Veronica Mars gets pulled back to her hometown, just in time for her high school reunion, in order to help her old flame Logan Echolls, who's embroiled in a murder mystery. Director: Rob Thomas Writers:
Wheels on Meals (1984) ::: 7.2/10 -- Kuai can che (original title) -- Wheels on Meals Poster Two Chinese friends, who operate a food truck in Barcelona, Spain, use their martial arts expertise to help their private investigator friend protect the pickpocket Sylvia, who's been targeted by a ruthless gang. Director: Sammo Kam-Bo Hung (as Samo Hung) Writers: Edward Tang, Gwing-Gai Lee (as Johnny Lee)
When Trumpets Fade (1998) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 35min | Action, Drama, War | TV Movie 27 June 1998 -- A private in the latter days of WWII on the German front struggles between his will to survive and what his superiors perceive as a battlefield instinct. Director: John Irvin Writer:'_Private_Lounge,_Private_Eye"Joker"_Davis"Gomer_Pyle"_Lawrence"Cowboy"_Evans"Snowball"_Brown's_Private_Journal_VII's_Diary_(Private!)'s_Hold's_Hold_(Location)'s_Hold_(Quest),_Buoyant_Armiger's_Private_Thoughts,_Part_1's_Private_Thoughts,_Part_4's_Private_Stock_(Event_Heroic)'s_private_sanctum,_Private_Eye'mie:_Private_School_Girl,_Private_Lives,_Private_Lives,_Conclusion,_Private_Lives!_Private_Lessons!_Private_Lessons_2's_Private_Squad!!_Men's_Private_School's_private_spire!'s_Private_Island
5-toubun no Hanayome -- -- Tezuka Productions -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Harem Comedy Romance School Shounen -- 5-toubun no Hanayome 5-toubun no Hanayome -- Fuutarou Uesugi is an ace high school student, but leads an otherwise tough life. His standoffish personality and reclusive nature have left him friendless, and his father is debt-ridden, forcing his family to scrape by. -- -- One day during his lunch break, Uesugi argues with a female transfer student who has claimed "his seat," leading both of them to dislike each other. That same day, he is presented with a golden opportunity to clear his family's debt: a private tutoring gig for a wealthy family's daughter, with a wage of five times the market price. He accepts the proposal, but is horrified to discover that the client, Itsuki Nakano, is the girl he confronted earlier! -- -- After unsuccessfully trying to get back on Itsuki's good side, Uesugi finds out that his problems don't end there: Itsuki is actually a quintuplet, so in addition to her, he must also tutor her sisters—Miku, Yotsuba, Nino, and Ichika—who, despite the very real threat of flunking, want nothing to do with a tutor. However, his family's livelihood is on the line so Uesugi pushes on, adamant in his resolve to rid the sisters of their detest for studying and successfully lead them to graduation. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 520,949 7.63
AIKa R-16: Virgin Mission -- -- Studio Fantasia -- 3 eps -- Original -- Action Ecchi Comedy -- AIKa R-16: Virgin Mission AIKa R-16: Virgin Mission -- Aika is a smart and athletic high school girl. She is so competent that she successfully passes the salvagers license test, obtaining a C-class license. Yet, she is young and hotheaded, so much so that Gota still treats her as a child. Due to this personality, no one is willing to hire her for salvaging jobs. -- -- Since she had taken the trouble to get her license, she decides to post an ad in her school to attract clients. She manages to get the attention of Erika, a daughter of a rich family and the leader of the treasure hunting club. She asks Aika to salvage something from the sea and Aika delightfully accepts the request. -- -- However, upon seeing the state-of-the-art submarine loaded onto Erika's private cruiser and discovering their destination, Aika realizes the terrible nature of her assignment. This results in a clash with a group of high school girls in the southern islands. -- -- Who is the mysterious girl named Karen? So begins Aika's newest challenge! -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- OVA - Apr 25, 2007 -- 19,953 5.96
Aikatsu! -- -- Bandai Namco Pictures, Sunrise -- 178 eps -- Original -- Music School Shoujo Slice of Life -- Aikatsu! Aikatsu! -- An idol's brilliance illuminates the dreams of humanity. Starlight Academy, a holy ground for celebrities in training, seeks to realize this belief. Behind its rigorous entrance requirements lie not only the top young stars in the entertainment business, but some of the best memories these students will ever have. -- -- Or so Aoi Kiriya believes. Alongside her best friend Ichigo, Aoi decides to apply for the prestigious private school in hopes of living up to the praise of the biggest idol in the world: Mizuki Kanzaki. As they journey through the numerous laughs, friendships, and heartbreaks that await them, can the two girls light up the lives of others as Mizuki has done for them? -- -- Whether it be chopping down Christmas trees, traversing obstacle courses, or even rock climbing, there's always a playful new adventure to be found in the world of Aikatsu!. -- -- 34,019 7.37
Akuma no Riddle -- -- Diomedéa -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action School Shoujo Ai -- Akuma no Riddle Akuma no Riddle -- Tokaku Azuma has just transferred to the elite Myoujou Academy, a private girls' boarding school. But there's a catch: she, along with 11 of her fellow students in Class Black, is an assassin taking part in the challenge to kill their sweet-natured classmate, Haru Ichinose. Whoever succeeds will be granted their deepest desire, no matter the difficulty or cost. However, each assassin only gets one chance; if they fail to kill her, they will be expelled. -- -- Despite the extraordinary reward, Tokaku decides to take a different course of action. Though Haru is her target, the young assassin soon finds herself drawn to the very girl she is supposed to kill. With the entire class out for Haru, Tokaku refuses to let her friend die, vowing to protect her from a growing bloodlust. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Apr 4, 2014 -- 228,817 6.63
Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova -- -- SANZIGEN -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Seinen -- Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova -- In the year 2039, the drastic effects of global warming have caused sea levels to rise, resulting in major loss of land. To ensure humanity learns its lesson, a fleet of powerful warships equipped with advanced weaponry emerges, causing overwhelming defeat for naval forces throughout the world. Calling themselves the Fleet of Fog, each ship has a "Mental Model," a humanoid avatar which represents the ship's heart, its "Union Core." Each model has a different personality but all follow an unknown authority known as the Admiralty Code, who have implemented a blockade to prevent humans from traveling across the sea. -- -- Seventeen years after the blockade, Gunzou Chihaya, a National Marine Academy alumnus, stumbles upon I-401 and its Mental Model, Iona, who sides with mankind for unknown reasons. Utilizing this newfound hope of achieving peace for humanity, Gunzou and his friends form a group of privateers, known as the Blue Steel, as they set out on a dangerous journey. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Discotek Media -- 133,603 7.39
Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova Cadenza -- -- SANZIGEN -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Seinen -- Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova Cadenza Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova Cadenza -- The group of privateers known as the Blue Steel continues their mission to deliver blueprints of the Vibration Warhead Torpedo—a weapon that may turn the tides of war in their favor—to the United States. However, a new threat arises from their enemy, the overwhelming Fleet of Fog in the form of "The Student Council.," This is a group of warships composed of the remaining Mental Models—the ships' humanoid avatars—who have yet to face the unpredictable captain of the Blue Steel, Gunzou Chihaya. -- -- As the Blue Steel gets closer to understanding the origins of the authority controlling the enemy, Iona's past starts to reveal why the war began and her reason for siding with humanity. -- -- Movie - Oct 3, 2015 -- 27,151 7.87
Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo. -- -- Lay-duce -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance School Shounen -- Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo. Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo. -- When they were little kids laughing and playing together, Izumi Norimoto and Kazusa Onodera were like siblings. But as their bodies matured into middle school, Kazusa began seeing him as something different; unfortunately for her, so did the other girls. Ostracized, Kazusa had no choice but to distance herself from him going into high school. After joining the literature club, however, she finds friends that keep her mind occupied. Known throughout the school for reading aloud sex scenes in literature novels, the club's reputation has kept all teachers from accepting the task of being their adviser. --   -- During a discussion about what they would put on their bucket list, one of the girls says one thing: sex. This single word sends ripples throughout the five girls, as the thought of sex begins taking over their daily lives. And, after walking in on Izumi during a very private moment, Kazusa is sent into a spiral of emotion that forces her to face her true feelings for him. Now, with their hearts racing and the literature club facing immediate disbandment, the five girls must work hard to keep both their sanities and their club alive. -- -- 215,366 7.47
Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo. -- -- Lay-duce -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance School Shounen -- Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo. Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo. -- When they were little kids laughing and playing together, Izumi Norimoto and Kazusa Onodera were like siblings. But as their bodies matured into middle school, Kazusa began seeing him as something different; unfortunately for her, so did the other girls. Ostracized, Kazusa had no choice but to distance herself from him going into high school. After joining the literature club, however, she finds friends that keep her mind occupied. Known throughout the school for reading aloud sex scenes in literature novels, the club's reputation has kept all teachers from accepting the task of being their adviser. --   -- During a discussion about what they would put on their bucket list, one of the girls says one thing: sex. This single word sends ripples throughout the five girls, as the thought of sex begins taking over their daily lives. And, after walking in on Izumi during a very private moment, Kazusa is sent into a spiral of emotion that forces her to face her true feelings for him. Now, with their hearts racing and the literature club facing immediate disbandment, the five girls must work hard to keep both their sanities and their club alive. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 215,366 7.47
Ark IX -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Action -- Ark IX Ark IX -- The world has been divided into two halves by a giant wall to prevent the epidemic of "Dark mist". In order to shelter the refugees, artificial cities called "Arks" were built. Shido Enishi is a private detective, who works at the ninth Ark. One day, he is asked to capture a burglar. The seemingly simple case leads him to a great conspiracy. -- OVA - Jul 2, 2013 -- 7,762 5.13
Black Fox -- -- Studio 3Hz -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action -- Black Fox Black Fox -- Rikka Isurugi has spent her life training in the way of the ninja with her grandfather Hyoe while following in the footsteps of her father, the esteemed researcher Allen. His work has culminated in a set of cutting- edge drones equipped with artificial intelligence and incredible technical capabilities; although Allen plans to develop these drones for civilian use, there are others who have more sinister ideas in mind. -- -- On Rikka's 16th birthday, things are forever changed when a paramilitary group raids the Isurugi house in search of the drone technology, killing Allen and Hyoe while Rikka manages to escape with the drones. Months pass, and Rikka is now an ordinary girl working as a private detective while sharing an apartment with another girl, Melissa. But when night falls, she dons her grandfather's fox mask and mercilessly hunts down those responsible for the attack. With the anger she felt that day driving her forward, Rikka will not rest until her family's killers receive the justice that they deserve. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll -- Movie - Oct 5, 2019 -- 64,168 6.75
Busou Shoujo Machiavellianism -- -- Connect, SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy School Shounen -- Busou Shoujo Machiavellianism Busou Shoujo Machiavellianism -- The Private Aichi Symbiosis Academy was originally a high school for high-class girls. When it became co-ed, the girls, out of fear, asked to be permitted to bring weapons to school. When that was enforced, a five-member vigilante corps-like organization called the "Supreme Five Swords" was also formed. -- -- After many generations, the five swords eventually became a group which corrected problematic students, and the academy started proactively accepting such students in order to correct them. -- -- Nomura Fudou was sent to this school after being part of a huge brawl. What will he do when the only options he has after enrolling are being expelled from that school or being corrected the way the rest of the male students there being forced to dress and act like a girl! -- -- (Source: Batoto, edited) -- 275,576 6.94
Busou Shoujo Machiavellianism -- -- Connect, SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy School Shounen -- Busou Shoujo Machiavellianism Busou Shoujo Machiavellianism -- The Private Aichi Symbiosis Academy was originally a high school for high-class girls. When it became co-ed, the girls, out of fear, asked to be permitted to bring weapons to school. When that was enforced, a five-member vigilante corps-like organization called the "Supreme Five Swords" was also formed. -- -- After many generations, the five swords eventually became a group which corrected problematic students, and the academy started proactively accepting such students in order to correct them. -- -- Nomura Fudou was sent to this school after being part of a huge brawl. What will he do when the only options he has after enrolling are being expelled from that school or being corrected the way the rest of the male students there being forced to dress and act like a girl! -- -- (Source: Batoto, edited) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 275,576 6.94
Cat Shit One -- -- Anima -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Fantasy Military -- Cat Shit One Cat Shit One -- This bold account follows the brave exploits of Sergeant "Packy" Perkins and his unit... of rabbits! Join Packy and Private "Bota" Botasky as they resolve an Iranian hostage crisis. Watch these commando-style bunnies through an anthropomorphic lens as events unfold and violence erupts. -- -- Note: This anime has been provisionally set to "Finished Airing" due to lack of official information regarding future installments. -- ONA - Jul 17, 2010 -- 26,326 6.99
Chang -- -- Studio Dadashow -- 1 ep -- - -- Drama Military Thriller -- Chang Chang -- Sergeant Jeong Cheol-min's squad are staying indoors a corroded stockroom renovated without windows. His squad is well known for their hardworking members until councellor Hong Yeong-soo comes in. Jeong Cheol-min does all he can to make Hong Yeong-soo the right man for his squad and the army requires him to. However, private Hong Yeong-soo doesn't adjust to the surroundings and causes trouble. -- -- (Source: Hancinema) -- Movie - Nov 1, 2012 -- 614 N/A -- -- Phantom Yuusha Densetsu -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Action Military Drama Seinen -- Phantom Yuusha Densetsu Phantom Yuusha Densetsu -- Yazawa, a Japanese pilot, suffers a crash in his Phantom jetfighter. After a six month recovery, his old friend from an airplane magazine wants him to investigate the appearance of a Phantom in an armed conflict in El Salvador. Yazawa's investigations makes him wind up in an international arms conspiracy. Based on a series of military fiction novels. -- OVA - Jan 24, 1991 -- 604 5.33
Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro -- -- Diomedéa -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Seinen -- Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro -- For the average Japanese high school student, walking to school can be a chore, but for first-year Chio Miyamo, it's always an adventure. Constantly running late due to her long night sessions playing video games, she is forced to come up with new routes to make it to Samejima Private Academy on time. -- -- On her many bizarre journeys to school, Chio contends with obstacles like street-blocking detours, overzealous kabaddi players, and befuddled motorcycle gang leaders. But these minor hindrances are no match for the special ops training that Chio, AKA the legendary assassin "Bloody Butterfly," has received from her extensive gaming obsession. Together with her best friends Manana Nonomura and Yuki Hosokawa, Chio will do whatever it takes to avoid her school's harsh penalties for tardiness. -- -- 91,819 7.45
City Hunter '91 -- -- Sunrise -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Mystery Shounen -- City Hunter '91 City Hunter '91 -- Ryo Saeba is back as the City Hunter, a "sweeper" (private detective) working on the streets of Tokyo. He and sidekick Kaori Makimura are hired to solve the problems of desperate people. When Ryo is not using his sharp shooting skills against bad guys, he's aiming his sites on pretty ladies. Kaori uses a giant anti-ecchi hammer to make sure he behaves. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- TV - Apr 28, 1991 -- 15,433 7.77
City Hunter '91 -- -- Sunrise -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Mystery Shounen -- City Hunter '91 City Hunter '91 -- Ryo Saeba is back as the City Hunter, a "sweeper" (private detective) working on the streets of Tokyo. He and sidekick Kaori Makimura are hired to solve the problems of desperate people. When Ryo is not using his sharp shooting skills against bad guys, he's aiming his sites on pretty ladies. Kaori uses a giant anti-ecchi hammer to make sure he behaves. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Apr 28, 1991 -- 15,433 7.77
City Hunter Movie: Shinjuku Private Eyes -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Mystery Comedy Shounen -- City Hunter Movie: Shinjuku Private Eyes City Hunter Movie: Shinjuku Private Eyes -- Ryo Saeba is the top "City Hunter" around and he takes on cases with his partner Kaori. A model named Ai Shindo has been attacked and hires him to be her bodyguard. Shinji Mikuni, the president of an IT company that has hired Ai for its ad campaign, turns out to be an old friend of Kaori, and they become involved. Meanwhile, mercenaries are gathering in Shinjuku... and a major arms dealer arrives in Japan with a new weapon, but with Mikuni in the picture, Ryo and Kaori are growing apart... -- -- (Source: Official Website) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- Movie - Feb 8, 2019 -- 8,074 7.42
Detective Conan -- -- TMS Entertainment -- ? eps -- Manga -- Adventure Mystery Comedy Police Shounen -- Detective Conan Detective Conan -- Shinichi Kudou, a high school student of astounding talent in detective work, is well known for having solved several challenging cases. One day, when Shinichi spots two suspicious men and decides to follow them, he inadvertently becomes witness to a disturbing illegal activity. Unfortunately, he is caught in the act, so the men dose him with an experimental drug formulated by their criminal organization, leaving him to his death. However, to his own astonishment, Shinichi lives to see another day, but now in the body of a seven-year-old child. -- -- Perfectly preserving his original intelligence, he hides his real identity from everyone, including his childhood friend Ran Mouri and her father, private detective Kogorou Mouri. To this end, he takes on the alias of Conan Edogawa, inspired by the mystery writers Arthur Conan Doyle and Ranpo Edogawa. -- -- Detective Conan follows Shinichi who, as Conan, starts secretly solving the senior Mouri's cases from behind the scenes with his still exceptional sleuthing skills, while covertly investigating the organization responsible for his current state, hoping to reverse the drug's effects someday. -- -- 262,623 8.16
Detective Conan Movie 05: Countdown to Heaven -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Police Comedy Mystery Shounen -- Detective Conan Movie 05: Countdown to Heaven Detective Conan Movie 05: Countdown to Heaven -- Conan Edogawa, the Detective Boys, and Professor Hiroshi Agasa decide to visit the Nishitamashi Twin Towers. There they run into Ran Mouri; her closest friend, Sonoko Suzuki, and Ran's father, the famous Kogorou Mouri. Learning the trio are attending the towers' grand opening, Conan and company tag along for a private tour of its floors. -- -- However, as preparations are finalized for the opening ceremony, their visit takes an unexpected turn—three brutal murders occur, seemingly linked to a mysterious Porsche 356A. Soon after, as Conan and the detectives dive deeper into the case, the towers are rocked by an explosion. With fire rapidly spreading and lives in danger, police desperately seek to evacuate everyone. But when the elevator, their only means to escape goes down, Conan and company are left behind. With help on its way, they frantically try to keep everyone safe, but time is running out if they want to bring the perpetrators to justice. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Apr 21, 2001 -- 49,927 8.13
Detective Conan Movie 08: Magician of the Silver Sky -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Mystery Comedy Police Shounen -- Detective Conan Movie 08: Magician of the Silver Sky Detective Conan Movie 08: Magician of the Silver Sky -- Once again, Kaitou Kid crosses swords with Conan Edogawa in this annual installment of the Detective Conan movie franchise. After receiving a letter from the thief, famous actress Juri Maki seeks the help of private detective Kogorou Mouri to protect the Star Sapphire—the "Jewel of Destiny," said to represent faith, fate, and hope. Thinking he has deciphered Kid's riddle, Kogorou personally shows up to the newly constructed space theater where Juri is acting in the play "Josephine" in order to catch Kid in the act. -- -- The next day, Conan and the gang are invited by Juri to her holiday home, to celebrate the thwarting of Kid's plan and the success of the play. However, their triumph crumbles when a murder occurs during the flight there. Although unintentional, this sets off a series of events that escalate to catastrophic results. Conan and Kid, unlikely allies that they are, must work together to save both their friends and every other passenger aboard the plane. -- -- Movie - Apr 17, 2004 -- 44,589 8.10
Detective Conan Movie 17: Private Eye in the Distant Sea -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Mystery Comedy Police Shounen -- Detective Conan Movie 17: Private Eye in the Distant Sea Detective Conan Movie 17: Private Eye in the Distant Sea -- The warship Aegis Destroyer is conducting public exercises in Maizuru Bay where, coincidentally, a suspicious foreign ship was recently spotted. Conan Edogawa, Ran Mouri, Kogorou Mouri, Sonoko Suzuki, and the Detective Boys all receive a ticket to attend this event. However, while the ongoing military operations are underway, one of the crew members comes across a lieutenant's severed left arm. Conan later discovers that a foreign spy may have infiltrated the warship to obtain classified information by any means necessary. If the information were to leak, Japan's line of defense would be exposed, leaving the country unprotected from hostile attack. -- -- With the help of the police at sea while other friends and allies investigate on the mainland, Conan must now prevent this national crisis and identify the spy for the sake of Japan. -- -- Movie - Apr 20, 2013 -- 29,499 7.69
Dolls' Frontline -- -- Asahi Production -- ? eps -- Game -- Action Military Sci-Fi Drama -- Dolls' Frontline Dolls' Frontline -- After the third world war, nations devastated by biological warfare no longer have the ability to protect the wastelands, so the defense of these territories is left to private military companies like Griffin & Kryuger, whose android soldiers or "tactical dolls" are tasked with fighting the rogue android army of Sangvis Ferri. Now M4A1, the indecisive but potentially capable leader of the elite "Anti-Rain" team must protect her comrades in a series of operations to try and regain the upper hand against Sangvis Ferri. -- TV - ??? ??, 2021 -- 4,205 N/A -- -- Mobile Suit Gundam AGE: Memory of Eden -- -- Sunrise -- 2 eps -- - -- Action Mecha Military Sci-Fi Drama -- Mobile Suit Gundam AGE: Memory of Eden Mobile Suit Gundam AGE: Memory of Eden -- This project will recompile the television series (from the Asemu arc onward) to focus on the characters Asemu Asuno and Zeheart Galette. -- OVA - Jul 26, 2013 -- 4,174 6.63
Dorei-ku The Animation -- -- TNK, Zero-G -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Psychological -- Dorei-ku The Animation Dorei-ku The Animation -- Eager to know why her best friend’s boyfriend dumped her for a man, the headstrong Eiya Arakawa suggests a meeting with them. Gathered together at a café, Yuuga Oota agrees to answer Eiya’s questions only if she can correctly ascertain the relationship of a couple sitting across from them, which she does on her first attempt. Amazed by her astounding intellect and intuition, he invites her to a private meeting where he introduces her to the concept of Slave Control Method, or SCM, a retainer-like device that has the ability to turn people into slaves. -- -- When two SCM users enter a duel, the devices exert a powerful influence on their brains. Once the duel is over, the SCM amplifies the loser’s sense of obligation and forces them to bend to the will of the winner. Wanting desperately to test his own abilities, Yuuga asks Eiya to act as his insurance in the event that he himself becomes a slave. Granted access to 10 million yen, Eiya’s job is to convince Yuuga’s would-be master to free him from his servitude. Though hesitant at first, Yuuga’s words resonate with her personal yearning for something more from her life, and she agrees to his request. However, when a mysterious organization begins rapidly accruing slaves, Eiya becomes entangled in a game far more dangerous than she ever could have imagined. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 51,942 5.98
Fruits Basket 1st Season -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance Shoujo Slice of Life Supernatural -- Fruits Basket 1st Season Fruits Basket 1st Season -- Tooru Honda has always been fascinated by the story of the Chinese Zodiac that her beloved mother told her as a child. However, a sudden family tragedy changes her life, and subsequent circumstances leave her all alone. Tooru is now forced to live in a tent, but little does she know that her temporary home resides on the private property of the esteemed Souma family. Stumbling upon their home one day, she encounters Shigure, an older Souma cousin, and Yuki, the "prince" of her school. Tooru explains that she lives nearby, but the Soumas eventually discover her well-kept secret of being homeless when they see her walking back to her tent one night. -- -- Things start to look up for Tooru as they kindly offer to take her in after hearing about her situation. But soon after, she is caught up in a fight between Yuki and his hot-tempered cousin, Kyou. While trying to stop them, she learns that the Souma family has a well-kept secret of their own: whenever they are hugged by a member of the opposite sex, they transform into the animals of the Chinese Zodiac. -- -- With this new revelation, Tooru will find that living with the Soumas is an unexpected adventure filled with laughter and romance. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 425,981 8.19
Full Metal Panic! -- -- Gonzo -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Military Sci-Fi Comedy Mecha -- Full Metal Panic! Full Metal Panic! -- Equipped with cutting-edge weaponry and specialized troops, a private military organization named Mithril strives to extinguish the world's terrorism and all threats to peace on earth. The organization is powered by the "Whispered," individuals who possess intuitive knowledge and the remarkable ability to create powerful devices and machinery. -- -- Seventeen-year-old Sousuke Sagara, a sergeant working for Mithril, has been assigned to protect Kaname Chidori, a Whispered candidate. He is ordered to join her high school class and be as close to her as possible to prevent her from falling into enemy hands—that is, if he can safely blend in with their fellow classmates without revealing his true identity. -- -- Sousuke, who was raised on a battlefield and has very little knowledge of an average high school student's lifestyle, must adapt to a normal school life to safeguard Kaname. However, enemy forces have already begun making their move, and Sousuke is about to find out that the adversary coming for the Whispered girl may be a lot more familiar than he expects. -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation -- 419,737 7.64
Gakkougurashi! -- -- Lerche -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Horror Mystery Psychological School Slice of Life -- Gakkougurashi! Gakkougurashi! -- Yuki Takeya loves her school so much that she does not want to ever leave! Megurigaoka Private High School is a unique and lively place where Yuki enjoys her carefree life as a third-year high school student and member of the School Living Club. The club, consisting of the president Yuuri Wakasa, the athletic Kurumi Ebisuzawa, the mature junior Miki Naoki, the supervising teacher Megumi Sakura, and the club dog Taroumaru, prides itself on making the most of life at school. On top of meeting after classes, the members must live within school grounds, from sleeping over to eating meals. -- -- From the manga series of the same name written by Norimitsu Kaihou and illustrated by Sadoru Chiba, Gakkougurashi! follows the adventures of the School Living Club as they live at school to promote independence and self-determination. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 351,005 7.62
Gakuen Utopia Manabi Straight! -- -- ufotable -- 12 eps -- Original -- Slice of Life Comedy School -- Gakuen Utopia Manabi Straight! Gakuen Utopia Manabi Straight! -- Manabi Straight! follows the lives of a group of young high school girls living in the year 2035 while they attend the all-girl Seioh Private High School. Since the birth rate has dropped dramatically, schools are being closed down due to the sheer lack of students available to teach. Morale in schools has dropped dramatically, and Seioh is no exception. -- -- The story begins when the main character, Manami Amamiya, transfers to Seioh. After some initial hijinks involving a futuristic scooter and a swim meet, followed by an inspirational school song performance, she is inducted as the student council president. The story that follows pertains to Manami working with Mika Inamori, the only other student council member, and three other classmates named Mutsuki Uehara, Mei Etoh, and Momoha Odori, in student council matters. After some remodeling of the student council room, Manami and her friends set forth to plan for the upcoming student festival. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia, edited) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- TV - Jan 8, 2007 -- 27,236 7.27
Genocyber -- -- Artmic -- 5 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Horror Psychological Mecha -- Genocyber Genocyber -- As the nations of the world begin to merge, world peace is threatened by the private armies of individual corporations. The Kuryu Group has just discovered a weapon that will tip world power in their favor. The Genocyber: a nightmarish combination of cybernetics and psychic potential. Many desire to control this monstrosity, but can its hatred be contained... Battle erupts, and the cyberpunk world of the future is about to explode with violence. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- OVA - Mar 2, 1994 -- 26,832 5.82
Getsuyoubi no Tawawa Specials -- -- Pine Jam -- 2 eps -- Other -- Slice of Life Ecchi -- Getsuyoubi no Tawawa Specials Getsuyoubi no Tawawa Specials -- Two special episodes of Getsuyoubi no Tawawa included on Blu-ray. -- 1. Ukkarimono daga Aisare Jouzu no Kawaii Kouhai -- 2. Ai-chan to Private Film -- Special - Dec 29, 2016 -- 23,727 6.58
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These (Zoku-hen) -- -- Production I.G -- 24 eps -- Novel -- Action Military Sci-Fi Space Drama -- Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These (Zoku-hen) Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These (Zoku-hen) -- Continuation of the Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These series. -- - - ??? ??, ???? -- 6,073 N/A -- -- Busou Chuugakusei: Basket Army -- -- Asread -- 5 eps -- Manga -- Action Military -- Busou Chuugakusei: Basket Army Busou Chuugakusei: Basket Army -- The story is set in August of 2026 at the Fuji Training Facility. Natori Touko, a third-year middle school student in the Eastern Private Defense Academy, is entrenched in field training with instructor Kamiya. It has been a harsh training regiment, but it is finally the last day. Kamiya proposes a extracurricular class under the name Newest Weapons Research. But then, an incident occurs that rocks all of Japan. -- ONA - Dec 22, 2011 -- 6,037 5.73
Gin no Guardian -- -- Haoliners Animation League -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Adventure Fantasy -- Gin no Guardian Gin no Guardian -- High school student and gamer Suigin Riku attends the prestigious Shinryou Private Academy, a school for the elite and the children of the wealthy. But rich or wealthy are not words that describe Suigin; in fact, he is dirt poor and must work many part time jobs to pay for his tuition. During one such job, he dives into a pool to save his pet cat, fully aware that he cannot swim. Luckily, he is saved by Rei Riku, the beautiful and popular daughter of a game developer, and he falls in love with her. -- -- He is also drawn to another girl: a new friend he meets in Dungeon Century, his favorite online RPG. But when the game is scheduled to shut down, he knows his adventures with her will soon end. However, the day after the game is shut down, he finds out that Rei and the online girl are one and the same. Soon after, Rei gives Suigin a new game meant to replace Dungeon Century—a tomb raiding game called Grave Buster. But when Rei is suddenly kidnapped, Suigin is pulled inside Grave Buster to save her. -- -- Gin no Guardian follows Suigin as he plays through Grave Buster to save Rei, while uncovering the secrets hidden within the game. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 90,940 6.24
Gin no Guardian II -- -- Blade, Emon -- 6 eps -- Web manga -- Adventure Fantasy -- Gin no Guardian II Gin no Guardian II -- At Shinryou Private Academy—an expensive school for wealthy students—one would never expect to find the poverty-stricken Suigin Riku. When he is not working on one of his many part-time jobs to pay his tuition, he can often be found playing the RPG game Dungeon Century, where he has cultivated a relationship with an online friend. However, when Dungeon Century shuts down, he finds out that his crush, the kind-hearted Rei Riku, and his online friend are the same person. -- -- But in the aftermath of this revelation, Rei gets kidnapped and taken into Grave Buster, which is a new online game from the creators of Dungeon Century, forcing Suigin to enter the harsh new world of a pay-to-win game in order to save her. Gin no Guardian 2nd Season continues Suigin's quest to rescue Rei, while attempting to solve the mysteries of this strange game. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 46,176 6.58
Golden Kamuy OVA -- -- Geno Studio -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Historical Seinen -- Golden Kamuy OVA Golden Kamuy OVA -- The 7th Division's Private Hyakunosuke Ogata and former Shinsengumi Vice Commander Toshizou Hijikata find themselves on opposite sides of a gang war in Barato after hearing rumors of the Hidoro gang possessing an escaped prisoner's tattooed skin. With a lead to the hidden Ainu gold close at hand, the two gladly take up arms but a betrayal will force both sides to think twice before carelessly jumping the gun. -- -- OVA - Sep 19, 2018 -- 17,338 7.19
Hanamonogatari -- -- Shaft -- 5 eps -- Light novel -- Mystery Comedy Supernatural -- Hanamonogatari Hanamonogatari -- Now that Koyomi Araragi and Hitagi Senjougahara have graduated, very few familiar faces remain at Naoetsu Private High School, one of them being Kanbaru Suruga, holder of the Monkey's Paw. When she begins to hear talk of a mysterious being known as the "Devil," who will magically solve any problem, she immediately thinks these rumors are about her and decides to investigate. -- -- She discovers the Devil is actually Rouka Numachi, a former rival from junior high who is providing free advice to those who seek her out now that she is no longer able to play basketball due to a leg injury. Acting as a collector of misfortune, she enjoys relieving the stress of her clients by providing them with the false hope of having their problems solved. Although Kanbaru sees no real harm being done, she reprimands Rouka for lying and heads home, relieved she is not the cause of the rumors. But when she finds that her left hand has reverted back to its human form, she may have a reason to worry after all... -- -- 339,149 7.98
Hanamonogatari -- -- Shaft -- 5 eps -- Light novel -- Mystery Comedy Supernatural -- Hanamonogatari Hanamonogatari -- Now that Koyomi Araragi and Hitagi Senjougahara have graduated, very few familiar faces remain at Naoetsu Private High School, one of them being Kanbaru Suruga, holder of the Monkey's Paw. When she begins to hear talk of a mysterious being known as the "Devil," who will magically solve any problem, she immediately thinks these rumors are about her and decides to investigate. -- -- She discovers the Devil is actually Rouka Numachi, a former rival from junior high who is providing free advice to those who seek her out now that she is no longer able to play basketball due to a leg injury. Acting as a collector of misfortune, she enjoys relieving the stress of her clients by providing them with the false hope of having their problems solved. Although Kanbaru sees no real harm being done, she reprimands Rouka for lying and heads home, relieved she is not the cause of the rumors. But when she finds that her left hand has reverted back to its human form, she may have a reason to worry after all... -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 339,149 7.98
Hayate no Gotoku!!: Atsu ga Natsuize - Mizugi-hen! -- -- J.C.Staff -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Comedy Harem Parody Romance -- Hayate no Gotoku!!: Atsu ga Natsuize - Mizugi-hen! Hayate no Gotoku!!: Atsu ga Natsuize - Mizugi-hen! -- To encourage Nagi to swim and enjoy summer, Maria invites various friends to their Sanzenin family's private beach. While everyone is having fun, Nagi hesitates to wear swimsuits and come out because of her small breasts, and refuses to join... -- OVA - Mar 6, 2009 -- 35,002 7.33
Hello Harinezumi: Satsui no Ryoubun -- -- Studio Deen -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Drama Mystery Psychological Seinen -- Hello Harinezumi: Satsui no Ryoubun Hello Harinezumi: Satsui no Ryoubun -- One stormy night, a young woman is shot to death on a cliff; her body is found floating in the waters below the next morning. She was last seen with a man who is now being sought not only for her death. Meanwhile, an estranged wife hires Goro, a private investigator, to find her husband. Alongside another member of law enforcement with his own motives for finding the man, Goro sets forth on a trail of tragedy and intrigue to find the reason and connection behind the murders and missing husband. -- -- (Source: Anime-Planet; edited) -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media, NYAV Post -- OVA - Sep 1, 1992 -- 2,551 6.43
High School DxD Specials -- -- TNK -- 6 eps -- Light novel -- Ecchi Comedy Harem Romance Demons School -- High School DxD Specials High School DxD Specials -- A series of 3-5 minute specials that were bundled with the HighSchool DxD DVD and Blu-rays. They are a stand alone set of episodes that are not a part of any story line in particular. -- -- Special 1: Going Sunbathing! - The Occult Research Club goes on a beach outing. -- -- Special 2: Issei's Private Training! - Issei is being given lessons in magic by Akeno. -- -- Special 3: A Little Bold, Koneko-Chan... Nyan! - Koneko accidentally has her personality reversed magically, making her incredibly sexually active and reversing her sexual preference. -- -- Special 4: The Untold Story of The Dress Break's Birth! - A few flashbacks of how Issei first found out and eventually perfected his special move, Dress Break. -- -- Special 5: Making Udon! - As part of a penalty for losing a bet, Sona and Tsubaki make udon for the Occult Research Club but the udon comes to life in a peculiar way... -- -- Special 6: Asia Transforms! - Asia wants to prove she is just as bad as any demon by using ideas found in Issei's magazines, going as far as dressing up like a harlot and seducing him. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- Special - Mar 21, 2012 -- 164,172 7.26
Jormungand -- -- White Fox -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Seinen -- Jormungand Jormungand -- Brought up in a conflict-ridden environment, child soldier Jonathan "Jonah" Mar hates weapons and those who deal them. But when Koko Hekmatyar, an international arms dealer, takes on Jonah as one of her bodyguards, he has little choice but to take up arms. Along with Koko's other bodyguards, composed mostly of former special-ops soldiers, Jonah is now tasked with protecting Koko and her overly idealistic goal of world peace from the countless dangers that come from her line of work. -- -- Jormungand follows Koko, Jonah, and the rest of crew as they travel the world selling weapons under the international shipping company HCLI. As Koko's work is illegal under international law, she is forced to constantly sidestep both local and international authorities while doing business with armies, private militaries, and militias. With the CIA always hot on her trail, and assassins around every corner, Jonah and the crew must guard Koko and her dream of world peace with their lives or die trying. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Apr 11, 2012 -- 279,590 7.84
Jormungand: Perfect Order -- -- White Fox -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Seinen -- Jormungand: Perfect Order Jormungand: Perfect Order -- Still in pursuit of her ambitious goal, ingenious arms dealer Koko Hekmatyar, inexpressive child soldier Jonathan “Jonah” Mar, and the rest of their squad continue their mercenary activities. From professional assassins to private militaries, the group's work constantly puts them in the face of danger. -- -- But internal conflicts soon arise after Renato "R" Socci, one of Koko's bodyguards, is revealed to be an undercover agent for "Operation Undershaft"—a plan devised by the CIA to infiltrate HCLI and exploit Koko as a tool. Shocked by his betrayal, Koko's leadership is needed now more than ever to rally her squad and rebuild their foundation of trust before they are torn apart. -- -- Jormungand: Perfect Order follows Koko and the rest of her crew as they take on persistent adversaries, overcome internal struggles, and make Koko's vision of world peace a reality—where everything is in perfect order. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Oct 10, 2012 -- 155,241 7.93
Jungle wa Itsumo Hare nochi Guu Final -- -- Shin-Ei Animation -- 7 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Jungle wa Itsumo Hare nochi Guu Final Jungle wa Itsumo Hare nochi Guu Final -- Haré's family receives a video letter from Weda's home in the city. Witnessing how sad and lonely Weda's mother and Bel are without her, Weda decides to take Haré and Guu back to the city for a while. After Haré complains about being bored and lonely without his friends in the jungle (as part of his plot to persuade his mother to take him back), Weda decides to send him to a private school in the city, where he instanly falls in love with a pretty girl named Rita. But, of course, Guu wants part of the action too. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - Dec 21, 2003 -- 9,234 7.65
Junjou Romantica 3 -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance Shounen Ai -- Junjou Romantica 3 Junjou Romantica 3 -- After living together for three years, Misaki Takahashi and Akihiko "Usagi" Usami's relationship has been progressing smoothly. However, all great relationships have problems, and theirs is just beginning. With a new rival on the horizon, Usagi worries about Misaki's feelings towards him. -- -- Meanwhile, Ryuuichirou Isaka has always loved to intrude on Misaki and Usagi's love life, but his own love life hasn't been all smooth sailing—Isaka and his secretary Kaoru Asahina have been dating for a few years; however, Asahina prefers to keep their professional and private lives separate, often leading to troubled waters between them. -- -- As for Nowaki Kusama and Hiroki Kamijou, now that their careers are finally taking off, they hardly see each other anymore. With the time they spend together lessening, doubts and insecurities threaten to creep in between them. On the other hand, the 17-year age gap between Shinobu Takatsuki and You Miyagi has been a constant barrier in their relationship, but as they learn more about each other, their self-consciousness continues to fade. -- -- The beloved couples of Junjou Romantica, Junjou Egoist, and Junjou Terrorist are back again, this time with a new addition: Junjou Mistake! -- -- 96,777 7.73
Kakegurui×× -- -- MAPPA -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Game Mystery Psychological School Shounen -- Kakegurui×× Kakegurui×× -- As Yumeko Jabami's fame grows and the reputation of the student council dwindles, Kirari Momobami decides to revolutionize the group. To this end, she announces an election for its next president. The rules are simple: each student in the school receives one chip. Whoever has the most chips by the end of thirty days becomes both the new president and the head of the Momobami clan. -- -- Upon receiving news of this development, the Momobami branch families spring into action. Eleven transfer students arrive at Hyakkao Private Academy, each aiming to lead both the school and the Momobami clan. Equipped with unique talents, they will compete to get as many chips as possible—but their chips are not the only things on the line. -- -- 480,876 7.28
Kakegurui -- -- MAPPA -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Game Mystery Psychological Drama School Shounen -- Kakegurui Kakegurui -- Unlike many schools, attending Hyakkaou Private Academy prepares students for their time in the real world. Since many of the students are the children of the richest people in the world, the academy has its quirks that separate it from all the others. By day, it is a normal school, educating its pupils in history, languages, and the like. But at night, it turns into a gambling den, educating them in the art of dealing with money and manipulating people. Money is power; those who come out on top in the games stand at the top of the school. -- -- Yumeko Jabami, a seemingly naive and beautiful transfer student, is ready to try her hand at Hyakkaou's special curriculum. Unlike the rest, she doesn't play to win, but for the thrill of the gamble, and her borderline insane way of gambling might just bring too many new cards to the table. -- -- 940,309 7.37
Kidou Senkan Nadesico -- -- Xebec -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Mecha Military Parody Romance Sci-Fi Shounen Space -- Kidou Senkan Nadesico Kidou Senkan Nadesico -- Akito doesn't want to fight. Despite a childhood spent on the anime Gekiganger 3, a Mecha show, he'd rather cook than pilot a Mecha. Fate intervenes when his home on Mars is destroyed, and he is transported instantly to the Earth, mysteriously. He has questions no one can answer fully, but follows a girl from a chance meeting in hopes to discover any. The girl, Yurika, is captain of the private battleship Nadesico, and in order to follow her, he enlists as their cook. Possessing the nanite implants that allow to control mechas, he's a handy backup pilot for the mechas of the Nadesico. He joins a crew bent on avenging Mars that seems to be composed of only misfits, otakus, and ditzes; however, in reality, they are handpicked experts. They take their own private war back to Mars to face the harsh reality that life may not always be like a Giant Mecha series. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 44,434 7.52
Kidou Senkan Nadesico -- -- Xebec -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Mecha Military Parody Romance Sci-Fi Shounen Space -- Kidou Senkan Nadesico Kidou Senkan Nadesico -- Akito doesn't want to fight. Despite a childhood spent on the anime Gekiganger 3, a Mecha show, he'd rather cook than pilot a Mecha. Fate intervenes when his home on Mars is destroyed, and he is transported instantly to the Earth, mysteriously. He has questions no one can answer fully, but follows a girl from a chance meeting in hopes to discover any. The girl, Yurika, is captain of the private battleship Nadesico, and in order to follow her, he enlists as their cook. Possessing the nanite implants that allow to control mechas, he's a handy backup pilot for the mechas of the Nadesico. He joins a crew bent on avenging Mars that seems to be composed of only misfits, otakus, and ditzes; however, in reality, they are handpicked experts. They take their own private war back to Mars to face the harsh reality that life may not always be like a Giant Mecha series. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Nozomi Entertainment -- 44,434 7.52
Kizumonogatari I: Tekketsu-hen -- -- Shaft -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Vampire -- Kizumonogatari I: Tekketsu-hen Kizumonogatari I: Tekketsu-hen -- During Koyomi Araragi's second year at Naoetsu Private High School, he has a chance encounter with Tsubasa Hanekawa, the top honor student in his class. When they strike up a conversation, Hanekawa mentions a shocking rumor: a vampire with beautiful blonde hair and freezing cold eyes has been seen lurking around town. -- -- Happy to have made a new friend, Araragi writes off the rumor and goes about the rest of his evening in a carefree manner. However, on his way home, he stumbles across splatters of blood leading down the stairs to the subway. His curiosity pushes him to investigate further, so he follows the gruesome pools into the depths of the station. -- -- When he arrives at the source of the blood, he is terrified by what he sees—the rumored blonde vampire herself, completely dismembered. After she calls for his help, Araragi must make a decision, one which carries the potential to change his life forever. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Jan 8, 2016 -- 390,956 8.40
Kono Naka ni Hitori, Imouto ga Iru! -- -- Studio Gokumi -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Ecchi Harem Mystery Romance School -- Kono Naka ni Hitori, Imouto ga Iru! Kono Naka ni Hitori, Imouto ga Iru! -- Shougo Mikadono's father has just passed away, and now he must become the head of Mikadono Group, his father's company. After completing the training to take over, there is just one other stipulation he must adhere to: he will need to find a girl he loves at his new school and marry her by the time he graduates high school. -- -- Shougo transfers to Miryuin Private Academy, and it seems like he has many girls to choose from, such as Konoe Suruma, the class representative as well as his first new friend; Miyabi Kannagi, a standoffish but kind girl; Rinka Kunitachi, the student council vice president; Mei Sagara, who runs a cafe and dresses like a witch; and Mana Tendou, the student council president. However, there is a complication: one of them is his long-lost half sister, and he has no idea which one, so how can he become romantically involved with any of them? -- -- TV - Jul 6, 2012 -- 176,408 6.58
Kuro no Danshou -- -- - -- 4 eps -- - -- Hentai Horror -- Kuro no Danshou Kuro no Danshou -- While vacationing with his adopted daughter, Private Detective Susuki becomes trapped in a secluded ski resort with a few other vacationers after a storm closes the place down. All is well until one of the guests is found brutally murdered. Being the good investigator he is, Susuki gets to work to find the killer. While digging for the killer, Susuki uncovers a lot of dirt on the other guests and even finds out a thing or two about his own past. But, as Susuki struggles to find the killer, the other guests start to point the finger at him. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- OVA - Oct 29, 1999 -- 2,308 5.74
Machine-Doll wa Kizutsukanai Specials -- -- Lerche -- 6 eps -- Light novel -- Action Ecchi Fantasy School Seinen -- Machine-Doll wa Kizutsukanai Specials Machine-Doll wa Kizutsukanai Specials -- Original animation to be included in the BD and DVD volume releases of Machine-Doll wa Kizutsukanai. -- -- Volume 1: "Soshite Futari wa Manabisha e (And So They Arrive at School)" -- Volume 2: "Irori, Rotenburo de Sosou suru (Irori Has an Accident at the Open-Air Bath)" -- Volume 3: "Char and Frey, Senritsu no Bathroom (Charl, Frey, and the Bathroom of Terror)" -- Volume 4: "Akabane Nadeshiko, Natsu no Yo no Yume (Nadeshiko Akabane, Midsummer Night's Dream)" -- Volume 5: "Kojin Jugyou: Imishitsu de Bijo Futari to~ (Private Lesson - Two Beauties in an Infirmary)" -- Volume 6: "Bishoujo Shuugou! Mizugi Darake no Daisoudou (Pretty Girls Gather! Swimsuit-Stubbed Pandemonium)" -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Special - Dec 25, 2013 -- 31,454 6.75
Magic-Kyun! Renaissance -- -- Sunrise -- 13 eps -- Original -- Music Magic Romance School -- Magic-Kyun! Renaissance Magic-Kyun! Renaissance -- A world where art becomes magic. In this world, people who can inspire passion with their Magic Arts are called Artistas, and are employed in show business. In Hoshinomori Private Magical Arts High School, where Artistas are taught, a strange new student named Kohana Aigasaki transfers into the school. -- -- Kohana is placed on the planning committee for the school's yearly Hoshinomori Summer Festa cultural festival. She spends her romantic school life with six other boys who aim to become entertainers in the future. Each of the boys specializes in his own Arts, and aims to make Hoshi Fes a success. In addition, the boys also aim to be chosen alongside Kohana as the school's Artista Prince and Princess, only chosen once a year. -- -- A Magic-kyun for you! A new renaissance starts here! Magic-kyun! Renaissance is a multimedia project where you can create great memories with Artistas of greatly varying personalities! -- -- (Source: Official site) -- -- Licensor: -- Ponycan USA -- 41,813 7.06
Major 2nd (TV) 2nd Season -- -- OLM -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Sports Drama Shounen -- Major 2nd (TV) 2nd Season Major 2nd (TV) 2nd Season -- After recovering from the inner struggles he faced in the past, Daigo Shigeno continues to play baseball and is now the captain of Fuurin Private Academy Middle School's baseball team. Alongside Mutsuko Sakura, his classmate from elementary school, he aims to lead the team to glory. However, due to unexpected circumstances, Fuurin's baseball team is left with only six members: Daigo, Mutsuko, Yayoi Sawa, Tao Sagara, Seira Kandori, and Hiromu Tanba. Left with mostly female players and lacking in experience, the team struggles to gain confidence and trust from the new recruits—Akira Nishina, Anita Kabashima, and Chisato Fujii. Facing challenges such as having no proper coach, problematic recruits, and a limited number of members, Daigo's resolution is put to the test as he tries to bring the team together in time to participate in their first ever tournament. -- -- 14,548 7.57
Mashiro-iro Symphony: The Color of Lovers -- -- Manglobe -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Harem Drama Romance School -- Mashiro-iro Symphony: The Color of Lovers Mashiro-iro Symphony: The Color of Lovers -- When boys suddenly get into places where they've never been allowed before, some girls tend to get upset. So when the decision is made to merge the elite Yuihime Girls' Private Academy and the coeducational Kagamidai Private Academy, everyone wants to take extra care in avoiding trouble while bringing the two Privates together. Therefore, rather than just bringing the Kagamidai boys into the Yuihime girls' school all at once, a plan is concocted in which a group of test males will be inserted into the Girls' Private Academy first. -- -- Thus, poor young Shingo finds himself being thrown as a sacrificial lamb to the lionesses of Yuihime, who aren't exactly waiting for him with open arms. Will Shingo manage to survive the estrogen soaked death pit that is Yuihime? Can the girls learn to be more receptive to the boys? And just how long until something involving panties will cause emotions to flare, sparks to fly and the battle of the sexes to explode? -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks, edited) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 132,505 7.09
Mayoi Neko Overrun! -- -- AIC -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Harem Romance -- Mayoi Neko Overrun! Mayoi Neko Overrun! -- Takumi Tsuzuki is a high school student who attends the Umenomori Private Academy, free of charge, alongside Fumino Serizawa, a childhood friend of his whom always says the opposite of what she feels. He spends most of his time at school fending off Chise Umenomori, the granddaughter of the board chairman and a pampered princess, who is constantly roping him into her eccentric hobbies. After school, he goes to work at the "Stray Cats" confectionery, a cake shop run by his adoptive older sister, Otome Tsuzuki, until it's time to go to bed. This is the average routine in the day and the life of Takumi. -- -- Mayoi Neko Overrun follows another seemingly average day in the life of Takumi. With his sister away from the shop, having gone to save someone else in need of help, Fumino takes it upon herself to wake him up so that he won't be late for their usual walk to school together, giving him a glimpse of her blue and white striped panties in the process. What a nice way to start the day. -- -- When Otome returns home, she brings with her a girl named Nozomi Kiriya, whose hair and mannerisms resemble that of a large cat. It turns out that she is a runaway that Otome can't help but take in. Takumi's ordinary days are transformed into splendid chaos as he tries to unravel who this mysterious beauty is and what she's running away from... -- TV - Apr 6, 2010 -- 119,729 6.70
Mnemosyne: Mnemosyne no Musume-tachi -- -- Xebec -- 6 eps -- Original -- Action Horror Sci-Fi Shoujo Ai Supernatural -- Mnemosyne: Mnemosyne no Musume-tachi Mnemosyne: Mnemosyne no Musume-tachi -- Immortality is something many people would wish for. But would it be such a coveted ability if people knew they would be subject to countless attacks because of it? Such is the case for Rin Asougi, an immortal private investigator, because there is no shortage of people who want her dead. Over the centuries, she has met many grisly ends, but each time, she returns to life as if nothing had happened. -- -- In 1990, while looking for a lost cat, Rin runs into Kouki Maeno, a man who feels that his memories are wrong. Agreeing to help him, Rin discovers that Kouki is not what he seems, all the while drawing closer to her true enemy. This adversary knows Rin and her kind all too well, and if she dies by his hand, she may stay dead permanently. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Feb 4, 2008 -- 155,149 7.31
Mnemosyne: Mnemosyne no Musume-tachi -- -- Xebec -- 6 eps -- Original -- Action Horror Sci-Fi Shoujo Ai Supernatural -- Mnemosyne: Mnemosyne no Musume-tachi Mnemosyne: Mnemosyne no Musume-tachi -- Immortality is something many people would wish for. But would it be such a coveted ability if people knew they would be subject to countless attacks because of it? Such is the case for Rin Asougi, an immortal private investigator, because there is no shortage of people who want her dead. Over the centuries, she has met many grisly ends, but each time, she returns to life as if nothing had happened. -- -- In 1990, while looking for a lost cat, Rin runs into Kouki Maeno, a man who feels that his memories are wrong. Agreeing to help him, Rin discovers that Kouki is not what he seems, all the while drawing closer to her true enemy. This adversary knows Rin and her kind all too well, and if she dies by his hand, she may stay dead permanently. -- -- TV - Feb 4, 2008 -- 155,149 7.31
Mouretsu Pirates -- -- Satelight -- 26 eps -- Light novel -- Sci-Fi Space -- Mouretsu Pirates Mouretsu Pirates -- The story centers around a spirited high school girl named Marika. She keeps herself busy with the space yacht club and her part-time job at a high-class retro café. One day, two strangers suddenly appear and claim to be subordinates of her dead father. They demand that she assume command of the space pirate ship Bentenmaru. A privateer ship's compact was made during a war of independence a century ago, and according to that compact, the ship must be inherited by the captain's next direct descendant. Marika finds herself embarking on a new life as a space pirate. -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 66,594 7.16
Mouryou no Hako -- -- Madhouse -- 13 eps -- Novel -- Mystery Psychological Supernatural Thriller Seinen -- Mouryou no Hako Mouryou no Hako -- The story follows a series of bizarre murders of schoolgirls who have been dismembered and stuffed into boxes. The private investigator hired by a missing daughter's mother joins forces with an antique book seller and others to unravel the murder spree. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Oct 8, 2008 -- 53,699 7.19
Netsuzou TRap -- -- Creators in Pack -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Romance Shoujo Ai -- Netsuzou TRap Netsuzou TRap -- High school students Yuma Okazaki and Hotaru Mizushina are childhood friends. With their respective boyfriends, Takeda and Fujiwara, their lives couldn't be more perfect. From playing in school to going on group dates, it seems nothing can break their bond. -- -- However, during one such group date, Hotaru makes an unexpected move. While Takeda and Fujiwara are distracted, she begins stroking Yuma's thighs. Taken aback by this peculiar action, Yuma awkwardly retreats to the toilets, followed shortly by her aggressor. Now in private, Hotaru forces the innocent Yuma into a locked cubicle and whispers into her ear: "You'll be more nervous with a boy; I'll help you practice." -- -- 117,974 5.36
Night Walker: Mayonaka no Tantei -- -- AIC -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Comedy Horror Mystery Vampire -- Night Walker: Mayonaka no Tantei Night Walker: Mayonaka no Tantei -- Shido Tatsuhiko is not only a private eye... he is also a vampire with no real memory of his past. Joined by Yayoi Matsunaga, a female government agent, Riho Yamazaki, an orphaned teenage girl working as his girl Friday and Guni, a little green imp, Shido must face demonic creatures known as Nightbreed. Meanwhile, Cain, the vampire who made him what he is now, is seeking him... -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media, Discotek Media -- 16,642 6.94
Owarimonogatari -- -- Shaft -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Mystery Comedy Supernatural Vampire -- Owarimonogatari Owarimonogatari -- A peculiar transfer student named Ougi Oshino has just arrived at Naoetsu Private High School. She is quickly introduced to senior student Koyomi Araragi by their mutual friend Kanbaru Suruga, in hopes of obtaining advice regarding a strange discovery she has made. After taking a look at the school's layout, Ougi notices that a classroom has appeared in an otherwise empty area—a place that should not exist. -- -- Unsure if this is the work of an apparition, Araragi and Ougi attempt to unravel the truth behind this enigma. But Araragi soon discovers, after finding himself locked in with Ougi, that the room holds the memory of an event he had long since forgotten. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 371,735 8.46
Platinum End -- -- Signal.MD -- ? eps -- Manga -- Psychological Supernatural Drama Shounen -- Platinum End Platinum End -- After the death of his parents, a young Mirai Kakehashi is left in the care of his abusive relatives. Since then, he has become gloomy and depressed, leading him to attempt suicide on the evening of his middle school graduation. Mirai, however, is saved by a pure white girl named Nasse who introduces herself as a guardian angel wishing to give him happiness—by granting him supernatural powers and a chance to become the new God. -- -- In order to earn the position, he must defeat 12 other "God Candidates" within 999 days. Soon, Mirai begins a struggle to survive as a terrifying battle royale erupts between himself and the candidates looking to obtain the most power in the world. -- -- TV - Oct ??, 2021 -- 27,914 N/A -- -- Genocyber -- -- Artmic -- 5 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Horror Psychological Mecha -- Genocyber Genocyber -- As the nations of the world begin to merge, world peace is threatened by the private armies of individual corporations. The Kuryu Group has just discovered a weapon that will tip world power in their favor. The Genocyber: a nightmarish combination of cybernetics and psychic potential. Many desire to control this monstrosity, but can its hatred be contained... Battle erupts, and the cyberpunk world of the future is about to explode with violence. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- OVA - Mar 2, 1994 -- 26,832 5.82
Prison School -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi Romance School Seinen -- Prison School Prison School -- Located on the outskirts of Tokyo, Hachimitsu Private Academy is a prestigious all-girls boarding school, famous for its high-quality education and disciplined students. However, this is all about to change due to the revision of the school's most iconic policy, as boys are now able to enroll as well. -- -- At the start of the first semester under this new decree, a mere five boys have been accepted, effectively splitting the student body into a ratio of two hundred girls to one boy. Kiyoshi, Gakuto, Shingo, Andre, and Jo are quickly cast away without having a chance to make any kind of a first impression. Unable to communicate with their fellow female students, the eager boys set their sights on a far more dangerous task: peeping into the girls' bath! -- -- It's only after their plan is thoroughly decimated by the infamous Underground Student Council that the motley crew find their freedom abruptly taken from them, as they are thrown into the school's prison with the sentence of an entire month as punishment. Thus begins the tale of the boys' harsh lives in Prison School, a righteous struggle that will ultimately test the bonds of friendship and perverted brotherhood. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 738,344 7.68
R-15 -- -- AIC, Remic -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Ecchi Harem Romance School -- R-15 R-15 -- R-15 is about a boy, Taketo Akutagawa, who attends a school for geniuses: Inspiration Academy Private High School. Taketo is a genius novelist and writes erotica. Despite negative perceptions many people have of him, he aims to be at the top of his class and be recognized as the world's greatest writer. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- TV - Jul 10, 2011 -- 81,149 6.48
Sakigake!! Otokojuku -- -- Toei Animation -- 34 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Martial Arts School Shounen -- Sakigake!! Otokojuku Sakigake!! Otokojuku -- Otokojuku: a private school for juvenile delinquents that were previously expelled from normal schools. At this school, Japanese chivalry is taught through feudal and military fundamentals. Similar to an action film, the classes are overwhelmed by violence. Only those who survive it become true men. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 10,374 7.38
Schoolgirl Strikers: Animation Channel -- -- J.C.Staff -- 13 eps -- Game -- Action Sci-Fi School -- Schoolgirl Strikers: Animation Channel Schoolgirl Strikers: Animation Channel -- It's the near future. The newly established girls' private school Goryoukan Academy has another face. This school has a special unit, Fifth force, who is assembled and selected from the school's student body in order to fight an enemy called O'bli. -- -- This is a story about love, courage and friendship about the girls called Strikers. -- 17,899 5.71
Seiken Tsukai no World Break -- -- Diomedéa -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Fantasy Harem Romance School Supernatural -- Seiken Tsukai no World Break Seiken Tsukai no World Break -- Seiken Tsukai no World Break takes place at Akane Private Academy where students who possess memories of their previous lives are being trained to use Ancestral Arts so that they can serve as defenders against monsters, called Metaphysicals, who randomly attack. Known as saviors, the students are broken up into two categories: the kurogane who are able to use their prana to summon offensive weapons and the kuroma who are able to use magic. -- -- The story begins six months prior to the major climax of the series during the opening ceremonies on the first day of the school year. After the ceremony is over, the main character, Moroha Haimura, meets a girl named Satsuki Ranjou who reveals that she was Moroha's little sister in a past life where Moroha was a heroic prince capable of slaying entire armies with his sword skills. Soon afterwards he meets another girl, Shizuno Urushibara, who eventually reveals that she also knew Moroha in an entirely different past life where he was a dark lord capable of using destructive magic but saved her from a life of slavery. Can those whose minds live in both the present and the past truly reach a bright future? Delve into the complex world of Seiken Tsukai no World Break to find out! -- 244,980 6.88
Seiken Tsukai no World Break -- -- Diomedéa -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Fantasy Harem Romance School Supernatural -- Seiken Tsukai no World Break Seiken Tsukai no World Break -- Seiken Tsukai no World Break takes place at Akane Private Academy where students who possess memories of their previous lives are being trained to use Ancestral Arts so that they can serve as defenders against monsters, called Metaphysicals, who randomly attack. Known as saviors, the students are broken up into two categories: the kurogane who are able to use their prana to summon offensive weapons and the kuroma who are able to use magic. -- -- The story begins six months prior to the major climax of the series during the opening ceremonies on the first day of the school year. After the ceremony is over, the main character, Moroha Haimura, meets a girl named Satsuki Ranjou who reveals that she was Moroha's little sister in a past life where Moroha was a heroic prince capable of slaying entire armies with his sword skills. Soon afterwards he meets another girl, Shizuno Urushibara, who eventually reveals that she also knew Moroha in an entirely different past life where he was a dark lord capable of using destructive magic but saved her from a life of slavery. Can those whose minds live in both the present and the past truly reach a bright future? Delve into the complex world of Seiken Tsukai no World Break to find out! -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 244,980 6.88
Seitokai no Ichizon Lv.2 -- -- AIC -- 10 eps -- Light novel -- Harem Comedy Parody School -- Seitokai no Ichizon Lv.2 Seitokai no Ichizon Lv.2 -- Sugisaki Ken, through diligence and academic excellence, had successfully entered the paradise that is the Hekiyou Private Academy's Student Council. There, he boldly embarks on his plan to create his personal harem with the 4 girls who are the other council members, namely: The incredibly youthful president Sakurano Kurimu; The cool and kindly yet super-sadistic secretary Akaba Chizuru; Tomboyish and hot-blooded vice-president Shiina Minatsu; and The ephemerally beautiful yet complicated treasurer Shiina Mafuyu. While every day since then has been non-stop fun, Graduation Day now looms near. Could this spell the end of their carefree days? -- -- (Source: translated and adapted from official site by Cranston) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- ONA - Oct 13, 2012 -- 63,446 7.37
Seitokai Yakuindomo -- -- GoHands -- 13 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy School Shounen Slice of Life -- Seitokai Yakuindomo Seitokai Yakuindomo -- On his first day of high school at the formerly all-girl's Ousai Private Academy, Takatoshi Tsuda is called out for his untidy uniform by the student council president Shino Amakusa. In apology for delaying Takatoshi for his first class—and stating that the group needs a male point of view to accommodate the arrival of boys at the school—Shino offers him the position of vice president of the student council. Though unwilling, Takatoshi finds himself appointed as the newest member of the student council having yet to even step foot inside the school building. -- -- Takatoshi soon realizes that the other student council members who are more than a little strange: President Shino, who is studious and serious in appearance, but actually a huge pervert, fascinated with the erotic and constantly making lewd jokes; the secretary Aria Shichijou, who may seem like a typical sheltered rich girl, but is just as risque as the president, if not more so; and finally, the treasurer Suzu Hagimura, who may act fairly normal, but has the body of an elementary school student and is extremely self-conscious of it. Surrounded by these colorful characters, the new vice president must now work through a nonstop assault of sexual humor and insanity. -- -- 406,166 7.59
Seitokai Yakuindomo -- -- GoHands -- 13 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy School Shounen Slice of Life -- Seitokai Yakuindomo Seitokai Yakuindomo -- On his first day of high school at the formerly all-girl's Ousai Private Academy, Takatoshi Tsuda is called out for his untidy uniform by the student council president Shino Amakusa. In apology for delaying Takatoshi for his first class—and stating that the group needs a male point of view to accommodate the arrival of boys at the school—Shino offers him the position of vice president of the student council. Though unwilling, Takatoshi finds himself appointed as the newest member of the student council having yet to even step foot inside the school building. -- -- Takatoshi soon realizes that the other student council members who are more than a little strange: President Shino, who is studious and serious in appearance, but actually a huge pervert, fascinated with the erotic and constantly making lewd jokes; the secretary Aria Shichijou, who may seem like a typical sheltered rich girl, but is just as risque as the president, if not more so; and finally, the treasurer Suzu Hagimura, who may act fairly normal, but has the body of an elementary school student and is extremely self-conscious of it. Surrounded by these colorful characters, the new vice president must now work through a nonstop assault of sexual humor and insanity. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 406,166 7.59
Seitokai Yakuindomo* -- -- GoHands -- 13 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School Shounen -- Seitokai Yakuindomo* Seitokai Yakuindomo* -- They say that the more things change, the more they stay the same, and those words could not be more true for the student council of Ousai Private Academy. Though an entire year has passed—bringing the senior members to their final year of high school—not much has changed. President Shino Amakusa is just as perverted as ever, Secretary Aria Shichijou still refuses to put on a pair of panties, Treasurer Suzu Hagimura has yet to grow an inch, and Vice President Takatoshi Tsuda is still stuck as the straight man to their crazy antics. -- -- Of course, limiting the fun to a four-way might get a little stale; although the group still messes around with the Judo Club and the Newspaper Club, more girls have come to get in on the excitement. Takatoshi's sister Kotomi, a new student at Ousai, is as perverse as the president, while Uomi, the aloof student council president of the nearby Eiryou High School, fits right in with the insanity at Ousai. With loads of absurdity and sexual humor that keeps on coming, Takatoshi needs to harden up if he is going to keep up with all the madness around him. -- -- TV - Jan 4, 2014 -- 207,805 7.73
Shuumatsu no Harem -- -- AXsiZ, Studio Gokumi -- ? eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Harem Ecchi Shounen -- Shuumatsu no Harem Shuumatsu no Harem -- The Man-Killer Virus: a lethal disease that has eradicated 99.9% of the world's male population. Mizuhara Reito has been in cryogenic sleep for the past five years, leaving behind Tachibana Erisa, the girl of his dreams. When Reito awakens from the deep freeze, he emerges into a sex-crazed new world where he himself is the planet's most precious resource. Reito and four other male studs are given lives of luxury and one simple mission: repopulate the world by impregnating as many women as possible! All Reito wants, however, is to find his beloved Erisa who went missing three years ago. Can Reito resist temptation and find his one true love? -- -- (Source: Seven Seas Entertainment) -- TV - ??? ??, 2021 -- 15,282 N/A -- -- Kindaichi Shounen no Jikenbo Returns -- -- Toei Animation -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Mystery Shounen -- Kindaichi Shounen no Jikenbo Returns Kindaichi Shounen no Jikenbo Returns -- High school student Hajime Kindaichi is the supposed grandson of famous private detective Kosuke Kindaichi. Visiting Hong Kong for a fashion event with Kindaichi, our hero's girlfriend Miyuki is captured by a stranger in a case of mistaken identity. The journey to save Miyuki itself leads to yet another crime case... -- -- (Source: YTV) -- TV - Apr 5, 2014 -- 15,198 7.52
Strange+ -- -- Seven -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Josei -- Strange+ Strange+ -- Kou comes to a slum neighborhood in search of his elder brother Takumi and finds him to have become the head of a private detective firm. Kou is drafted by Takumi to do errands and chores in the detective firm, and they come to meet various interesting people... -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- TV - Jan 10, 2014 -- 28,724 5.99
Sword Art Online: Alicization -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Game Adventure Romance Fantasy -- Sword Art Online: Alicization Sword Art Online: Alicization -- The Soul Translator is a state-of-the-art full-dive interface which interacts with the user's Fluctlight—the technological equivalent of a human soul—and fundamentally differs from the orthodox method of sending signals to the brain. The private institute Rath aims to perfect their creation by enlisting the aid of Sword Art Online survivor Kazuto Kirigaya. He works there as a part-time employee to test the system's capabilities in the Underworld: the fantastical realm generated by the Soul Translator. As per the confidentiality contract, any memories created by the machine in the virtual world are wiped upon returning to the real world. Kazuto can only vaguely recall a single name, Alice, which provokes a sense of unease when mentioned in reality. -- -- When Kazuto escorts Asuna Yuuki home one evening, they chance upon a familiar foe. Kazuto is mortally wounded in the ensuing fight and loses consciousness. When he comes to, he discovers that he has made a full-dive into the Underworld with seemingly no way to escape. He sets off on a quest, seeking a way back to the physical world once again. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 699,385 7.56
Tasogare Otome x Amnesia -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Horror Mystery Romance School Shounen Supernatural -- Tasogare Otome x Amnesia Tasogare Otome x Amnesia -- Seikyou Private Academy, built on the intrigue of traditional occult myths, bears a dark past—for 60 years, it has been haunted by a ghost known as Yuuko, a young woman who mysteriously died in the basement of the old school building. With no memory of her life or death, Yuuko discreetly finds and heads the Paranormal Investigations Club in search of answers. -- -- A chance meeting leads Yuuko to cling to diligent freshman Teiichi Niiya, who can see the quirky ghost, they quickly grow close, and he decides to help her. Along with Kirie Kanoe, Yuuko's relative, and the oblivious second year Momoe Okonogi, they delve deep into the infamous Seven Mysteries of the storied school. -- -- Tasogare Otome x Amnesia tells a unique tale of students who work together to shed light on their school's paranormal happenings, all the while inching closer to the truth behind Yuuko's death. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 9, 2012 -- 324,107 7.85
Tasogare Otome x Amnesia -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Horror Mystery Romance School Shounen Supernatural -- Tasogare Otome x Amnesia Tasogare Otome x Amnesia -- Seikyou Private Academy, built on the intrigue of traditional occult myths, bears a dark past—for 60 years, it has been haunted by a ghost known as Yuuko, a young woman who mysteriously died in the basement of the old school building. With no memory of her life or death, Yuuko discreetly finds and heads the Paranormal Investigations Club in search of answers. -- -- A chance meeting leads Yuuko to cling to diligent freshman Teiichi Niiya, who can see the quirky ghost, they quickly grow close, and he decides to help her. Along with Kirie Kanoe, Yuuko's relative, and the oblivious second year Momoe Okonogi, they delve deep into the infamous Seven Mysteries of the storied school. -- -- Tasogare Otome x Amnesia tells a unique tale of students who work together to shed light on their school's paranormal happenings, all the while inching closer to the truth behind Yuuko's death. -- -- TV - Apr 9, 2012 -- 324,107 7.85
The Sky Crawlers -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Drama Military -- The Sky Crawlers The Sky Crawlers -- In an alternate timeline, the world has seemingly achieved peace. Bereft of international conflicts, wars are now waged between private corporations in place of peaceful nations. Yuuichi Kannami, a recent transfer in Area 262, simply does his job as a contracted fighter pilot. However, the more time he spends at his new base, the more mysteries come to light. -- -- The Sky Crawlers exhibits this reality through the eyes of Kannami as he endeavors to understand the "Kildren," humans genetically altered to be teenagers forever with faster reflexes, and his predecessor, the ace pilot known as "Teacher." However, what troubles Kannami the most is how all this connects to the base commander, Suito Kusanagi. Area 262 has the answers, but the truth comes with a price the young pilot may not be ready to pay. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sony Pictures Entertainment -- Movie - Aug 2, 2008 -- 48,129 7.30
Top Secret: The Revelation -- -- Madhouse -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Mystery Police Psychological Shoujo -- Top Secret: The Revelation Top Secret: The Revelation -- A newly developed method allows to display the memories of dead people. It is used to solve difficult murder cases. But at what cost? What of the dead's privacy as strangers poke about in their most private memories? What about the effects the imageries may have on the persons whose jobs require going through psychotic murderers' minds and experience whatever emotions and feelings these murderers felt as they skin and disembowel their victims? -- -- (Source: Adapted from manga description) -- TV - Apr 9, 2008 -- 16,796 7.32
Trickster: Edogawa Ranpo "Shounen Tanteidan" yori -- -- Shin-Ei Animation, TMS Entertainment -- 24 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Mystery Psychological Drama -- Trickster: Edogawa Ranpo "Shounen Tanteidan" yori Trickster: Edogawa Ranpo "Shounen Tanteidan" yori -- Kogorou Akechi is the founder of a private investigation firm known as the Boy Detectives' Club. Together, this group takes on cases both great and small. One of their junior members, Kensuke Hanasaki, is out solving a case one day when he happens upon Yoshio Kobayashi, a mysterious amnesiac boy with an inability to die. After seeing his abilities in action, Kensuke offers Yoshio a deal: join the Boy Detectives' Club and help them solve cases, and in exchange he will find a way to help Yoshio die. -- -- The apathetic Yoshio accepts this deal begrudgingly, unaware of how different his life will become. Although he does not have much use for people, he gradually begins to acknowledge the group as he spends more time with them while solving cases. -- -- Trickster: Edogawa Ranpo "Shounen Tanteidan" yori follows Akechi and the rest of the Boy Detectives' Club as they solve the various cases they are given, all while combating a hidden threat from the shadows—"The Fiend with Twenty Faces." -- -- 100,358 6.23
Trickster: Edogawa Ranpo "Shounen Tanteidan" yori -- -- Shin-Ei Animation, TMS Entertainment -- 24 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Mystery Psychological Drama -- Trickster: Edogawa Ranpo "Shounen Tanteidan" yori Trickster: Edogawa Ranpo "Shounen Tanteidan" yori -- Kogorou Akechi is the founder of a private investigation firm known as the Boy Detectives' Club. Together, this group takes on cases both great and small. One of their junior members, Kensuke Hanasaki, is out solving a case one day when he happens upon Yoshio Kobayashi, a mysterious amnesiac boy with an inability to die. After seeing his abilities in action, Kensuke offers Yoshio a deal: join the Boy Detectives' Club and help them solve cases, and in exchange he will find a way to help Yoshio die. -- -- The apathetic Yoshio accepts this deal begrudgingly, unaware of how different his life will become. Although he does not have much use for people, he gradually begins to acknowledge the group as he spends more time with them while solving cases. -- -- Trickster: Edogawa Ranpo "Shounen Tanteidan" yori follows Akechi and the rest of the Boy Detectives' Club as they solve the various cases they are given, all while combating a hidden threat from the shadows—"The Fiend with Twenty Faces." -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 100,358 6.23
Viper's Creed -- -- AIC Spirits, Digital Frontier -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi -- Viper's Creed Viper's Creed -- The story revolves around the members of a private military company (PMC), and the uneasy tension between them and the regular military after a war that caused massive environmental destruction. -- -- (Source: Animekon) -- TV - Jan 6, 2009 -- 9,270 6.73
Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii OVA -- -- A-1 Pictures, Lapin Track -- 2 eps -- Web manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance -- Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii OVA Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii OVA -- Tarou Kabakura, a third-year high school student and captain of the boys' volleyball team, is constantly being harassed by his underclassman Hanako Koyanagi, who is in charge of the girls' team. Koyanagi insists that since the girls have a match coming up, Kabakura should give up the courts to let them practice. When he refuses, she pulls out photographic evidence exposing his secret hobby. -- -- With the danger of his entire team finding out about his otaku interests looming over him, Kabakura agrees to hand over the volleyball courts to Koyanagi, giving her some private coaching as well. As the two grow closer, they begin to forge an everlasting bond. -- -- -- The second episode will be bundled with the tenth limited edition volume. It will focus on the supporting characters Naoya Nifuji and Kou Sakuragi. -- OVA - Mar 29, 2019 -- 106,550 7.86
Yarichin☆Bitch-bu -- -- GRIZZLY -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Comedy School Yaoi -- Yarichin☆Bitch-bu Yarichin☆Bitch-bu -- Takashi Toono was unsure what to expect when he transferred to Morimori Academy, a private all-boys boarding school located deep in the mountains. However, it's no different from any other boys' school, and since he entered halfway through the year, he feels like an outcast—until the bright and friendly Kyousuke Yaguchi introduces himself. -- -- Due to the school's compulsory club policy, Toono chooses to join the low-effort "Photography Club," but the club is not what it seems. Nicknamed the "Yarichin Bitch Club," its members offer sexual services to pent-up boys at the academy—for no reason other than a love of sex. What's worse is his monthly sex quota—and the punishment for failure is severe: the club will forcefully take his innocence. However, as time runs out, Toono is left mortified and out of options. -- -- At Toono's side throughout his ordeal is Yaguchi, as well as Yuu Kashima—a fellow transfer student and club member who shares Toono's predicament. While the first years in the club struggle with their sticky dilemma, the club collectively has to deal with sex, secrets, and even stalkers! -- -- OVA - Sep 21, 2018 -- 65,573 6.51,_Auckland_,_New_Zealand.jpg,_F._S._Burnell,_State_Library_Of_New_South_Wales_PXA_2165_(45710221542).jpg,_historical_blue_and_white_plates_and_platters_and_(14783923095).jpg
Adolf Hitler's private library
Adolphe (1803 privateer lugger)
Adventures of a Private Eye
A Fine and Private Place
Aitutaki Lagoon Private Island Resort
Alida/Cowan Farm Private Aerodrome
Aloe Private Equity
Amazon Virtual Private Cloud
Andrew Barton (privateer)
Angel of Music, or The Private Life of Giselle
Antenor Orrego Private University
Anton Bruckner Private University
Applied Science Private University
A Private Dinner
A Private Little War
A Private Matter
A Private Storm
A Private Venus
A Private View at the Royal Academy, 1881
A Private Wire
Area Police/Private Security Liaison
Arslan Eyce Private Amphora Museum
Asian Private Banker
Association of Private Enterprise Education
At Home: A Short History of Private Life
A Very Private Affair
A Very Private Gentleman
A Very Private Life
Ayr/Sargeant Private Airfield
Backstage and Dangerous: The Private Rehearsal
Bank of America Private Bank
Barrett's Privateers
Battle for Britain (Private Eye)
Bixler High Private Eye
Borro Private Finance
Botswana Private Medical & Health Services Workers' Union
Brahma Vision Private Limited
British Private Equity and Venture Capital Association
Buck Privates Come Home
California Bureau for Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education
California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education
Catholic Private University Linz
CCGS Private Robertson V.C.
Central Office for Private Transfer Rights
Chiaroscuro: The Private Lives of Leonardo da Vinci
Chris Butler (private investigator)
Chronological Table of Private and Personal Acts
Classic Private University
Commission on Private Philanthropy and Public Needs
Committee for Private Education
Comparison of virtual private network services
Conservation of Private Grazing Lands
Consolidated PB4Y-2 Privateer
Cordoba Private University
Curries (Rand Private Airfield) Aerodrome
Dart (privateer)
Delta Private Jets
Detective Conan: Private Eye in the Distant Sea
Detective Conan: The Private Eyes' Requiem
Digital private mobile radio
Digital Private Network Signalling System
Doctors' Private Lives
Draft:Private Academic Library Network of Indiana
Dreaming Is a Private Thing
Duckman: The Graphic Adventures of a Private Dick
Dynamic Multipoint Virtual Private Network
Electra Private Equity
Endless (private equity)
Ernst Barre Private Brewery
Federation of Public and Private Sector Employees
Feliciano Miguel Abdala Private Natural Heritage Reserve
For All Debts Public and Private
Ford India Private Limited
French privateer Bellone (1745)
Fund for Assistance to Private Education
Gamaliel Bradford (privateersman)
Global publicprivate partnership
Greenslopes Private Hospital
Gross private domestic investment
Hague Conference on Private International Law
Henry Knollys (privateer)
Hirslanden Private Hospital Group
His Private Life
History of private equity and venture capital
Hollywood Private Hospital
Hyposwiss Private Bank
I Can Feel You Creep Into My Private Life
Implementations of differentially private analyses
Inch High, Private Eye
In Private
Institute for Governance of Private and Public Organizations
Insurgent privateers
International Journal of Private Law
Ireland Privateer
John Black (privateer)
John Drake (privateer)
John Newland Maffitt (privateer)
John Smith (private)
Joint Private Medical Universities Admissions System
Juan Garca (privateer)
Kingsbridge Private Hospital
Kingsbridge Private Hospital Sligo
Las Vertientes Private Nature Reserve
Liberty dollar (private currency)
Life and Extraordinary Adventures of Private Ivan Chonkin
List of early British private locomotive manufacturers
List of Hague Conventions on Private International Law
List of largest private companies in the United Kingdom
List of largest private non-governmental companies by revenue
List of private contractor deaths in Iraq
List of private-equity firms
List of privateers
List of private military contractors
List of Private Passions episodes (19951999)
List of Private Passions episodes (20002004)
List of Private Passions episodes (20052009)
List of Private Passions episodes (20102014)
List of Private Passions episodes (2020present)
List of Private Practice episodes
List of private residents of Covent Garden
List of private security companies
List of private spaceflight companies
List of private-use airports in Oregon
List of publicprivate partnerships in Puerto Rico
List of regular mini-sections in Private Eye
Liverpool Privateers
Louisa (Quasi-War privateer)
Maestri Field at Privateer Park
Mapesu Private Game Reserve
Maputo Private Hospital
Martin Kane, Private Eye
Mata do Jambreiro Private Natural Heritage Reserve
Mater Private Hospital, Cork
Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law
Memes in Private Eye
Mercenaries, Spies and Private Eyes
Michael Chu (private equity investor)
Michael Shayne, Private Detective
Microsoft Private Folder
Miguel Enrquez (privateer)
Mike Hammer, Private Eye
Ministry of Private Transport Services
Misuse of private information
Mobile virtual private network
Moditlo Private Game Reserve
Mouth of the Aguape Private Natural Heritage Reserve
Murder in the Private Car
My Own Private Idaho
My Private Nation
Nasdaq Private Market
National Association of Private Special Education Centers
National Health Service (Private Finance) Act 1997
National Private Pilot Licence
National Private Truck Council
NBAD Private Bank (Suisse) SA
Newfoundland (Treasury Board) v Newfoundland and Labrador Assn of Public and Private Employees
New Orleans Privateers
New York Private Bank & Trust
Nigeria Private University Games Association
Notenstein La Roche Private Bank
Not Private Eye
Overseas Private Investment Corporation
Parliamentary Private Secretary
Parliamentary Private Secretary to the Prime Minister
Patent privateer
Pension investment in private equity
Permanent private hall
Permitted attached private lines
Philip Marlowe, Private Eye
Phinda Private Game Reserve
Pirates & Privateers
Popski's Private Army
President's Task Force on Private Sector Initiatives
Prime Minister parodies (Private Eye)
Principal Private Secretary
Principal Private Secretary to the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Private's Progress
Private Access
Private activity bond
Private Affair
Private Affairs (1987 film)
Private Apartments of the Winter Palace
Private army
Private Asset Management
Private Astronomy: A Vision of the Music of Bix Beiderbecke
Private attorney general
Private aviation
Private bank
Private banking
Private benefits of control
Private Benjamin
Private biometrics
Private browsing
Private cable operator
Private candidate
Private car
Private Career Training Institutions Agency
Private Case
Private Channel
Private Collection
Private collection
Private Collection: 19791988
Private Collection (Miki Howard album)
Private-collective model of innovation
Private Committee
Private company limited by guarantee
Private company limited by shares
Private Confessions
Private copying levy
Private Corner
Private credit
Private Crimes
Private currency
Private currency in pre-revolutionary Russia
Private dancer
Private Dancer Tour
Private defense agency
Private Division
Private Domain
Private duty nursing
Private education in Canada
Private electronic market
Private Employment Agencies Convention, 1997
Private enterprise in Japan
Private Enterprise Number
Private equity
Private Equity Analyst
Private-equity firm
Private-equity fund
Private equity in the 2000s
Private equity secondary market
Privateer 2: The Darkening
Privateering (album)
Privateers and Gentlemen
Privateer, South Carolina
Private exchange
Private Express Statutes
Private Eye
Private eye
Private Eye (1983 video game)
Private Eye Action, as You Like It
Private Eye books
Private Eye Project
Private Eye recordings
Private Eyes (Hall & Oates album)
Private Eye (song)
Private Fears in Public Places
Private Fears in Public Places (film)
Private finance initiative
Private first class
Private Forests Tasmania
Private foundation
Private Frazer
Private Games
Private Gladiator
Private Godfrey
Private good
Private GSM
Private health services plan
Private hospital
Private Idaho
Private information retrieval
Private intelligence agency
Private Internet Access
Private Investigations (album)
Private investigator
Private Investigator (Indian TV Series)
Private investment in public equity
Private IP
Private island
Private Ivan
Private Joy
Private L.A.
Private label
Private Label Strategy
Private landowner assistance program
Private language argument
Private law
Private law (disambiguation)
Private Lessons
Private Lessons (1975 film)
Private Lessons (1981 film)
Private Lessons (2008 film)
Private Libraries Association
Private library
Private Lies (book)
Private Life
Private Life (song)
Private Life: The Compass Point Sessions
Private limited company
Private line
Private Line (album)
Private Line (band)
Private Lives
Private Lives (band)
Privately held company
Privately owned public space
Private Mail Bag
Private Media Group
Private medicine in the United Kingdom
Private member's bill
Private Members' Bills in the Parliament of the United Kingdom
Private military company
Private militias in Iraq
Private money investing
Private Music
Private natural heritage reserve (Brazil)
Private network
Private Network-to-Network Interface
Private (novel)
Private (novel series)
Private Number
Private Number (1936 film)
Private: Number 1 Suspect
Private Number (Judy Clay and William Bell song)
Private officer of arms
Private Opera
Private overprint
Private Parts
Private Parts (1997 film)
Private Parts (album)
Private Parts & Pieces
Private Parts & Pieces II: Back to the Pavilion
Private Party
Private Party (professional wrestling)
Private Peaceful
Private peer-to-peer
Private pension
Private Pike
Private pilot licence
Private placement
Private placement agent
Private Plane
Private police
Private practice
Private Practice (album)
Private Practices: The Story of a Sex Surrogate
Private Practice (TV series)
Private press
Private prison
Private probation
Private product remaining
Private property
Private Property (2006 film)
Private property (disambiguation)
Private prosecution
Private protected area
Private (rank)
Private rented sector
Private Resistance
Private Resort
Private revelation
Private (rocket)
Private Room (album)
Private (Ryko Hirosue song)
Private Schulz
Private Secretary
Private Secretary for Foreign Affairs to the Prime Minister
Private Secretary to the Sovereign
Private sector
Private sector development
Private sector involvement
Private Securities Litigation Reform Act
Private security industry in South Africa
Private Show
Private ski area (North America)
Private Smith of the U.S.A.
Private Snafu
Private Snafu vs. Malaria Mike
Privates on Parade
Privates on Parade (film)
Private spaceflight
Private sphere
Privates (TV series)
Private sub-domain registry
Private Teacher!
Private timber reserve (Tasmania)
Private transfer fee
Private transport
Private university
Private University of Angola
Private University of Science and Arts
Private University of the North
Private use area
Private Use Areas
Private Valentine: Blonde & Dangerous
Private Vices, Public Pleasures
Private view
Private VLAN
Private Walker
Private (web series)
Private Wings
Private Worlds
ProCivitas Private Gymnasium
Protection of Homes, Small Businesses, and Private Property Act of 2005
Public and private bills
Public and private screening
Publicly traded private equity
Public-Private Alliance Foundation
PublicPrivate Investment Program for Legacy Assets
Publicprivate partnership
Publicprivate partnership in transition economies
Public-private partnerships by country
Public-private partnerships in Canada
Publicprivate partnerships in India
Publicprivate partnership unit
Public/social/private partnership
Puerto Rico PublicPrivate Partnerships Authority
Quadrant Private Equity
Quintet Private Bank
Rabel Journal of Comparative and International Private Law
Rainbow: A Private Affair
Richard Diamond, Private Detective
Richie Brockelman, Private Eye
Riding with Private Malone
Ringing Bells Private Limited
Robert Knox (private equity investor)
Robert Mouawad Private Museum
Roman Agrarian History and Its Significance for Public and Private Law
Rover (privateering ship)
Santa Cruz do Sul University Private Natural Heritage Reserve
Saving Private Ryan
Saving Private Ryan (soundtrack)
Schroders UK Public Private Trust
Scott Ross (private investigator)
See Here, Private Hargrove
Serra das Almas Private Natural Heritage Reserve
Shakespeare & Hathaway: Private Investigators
Shaktan Thampuran Private Bus Stand
Society for Private Musical Performances
Special purpose private equity fund
St John of God Midland Public and Private Hospitals
St Vincent's Private Hospital
St. Vincent's Private Hospital (Dublin)
St Vincent's Private Hospital Melbourne
Superior Council for Private Enterprise
Swiss Private Aviation
Sydney Private Hospital
Syrian Private University
Taxation of private equity and hedge funds
Teazer (privateer)
The Amusements of Private Life
The Execution of Private Slovik
The Journal of Private Equity
The Life and Extraordinary Adventures of Private Ivan Chonkin
The Magician's Private Library
The Modern Corporation and Private Property
The Private's Letter
The Private Affairs of Bel Ami
The Private Blog of Joe Cowley
The Private Collection
The Private Ear
The Private Eye Blues
The Private Eyes (1980 film)
The Private Files of J. Edgar Hoover
The Private Life of a Cat
The Private Life of a Masterpiece
The Private Life of a Modern Woman
The Private Life of Chairman Mao
The Private Life of Helen of Troy (book)
The Private Life of Henry VIII
The Private Life of Louis XIV
The Private Life of Mark Antony and Cleopatra
The Private Life of Plants
The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes
The Private Life of the Gannets
The Private Life of the Kingfisher
The Private Lives of Adam and Eve
The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex
The Private Lives of Pippa Lee
The Private Lives of the Three Tenors
The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner
The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft
The Private Secretary (1931 German film)
The Private Secretary (1931 Italian film)
The Private Secretary (1953 film)
The Private Secretary (disambiguation)
The Private War of Doctor Doom
The Very Private Life of Mister Sim
Thomas Paine (privateer)
Timblo Drydocks Private Limited
Tokio Private Police
Ulusaba Private Game Reserve
UMIT - Private University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology
Union of Private Sector Employees, Printing, Journalism, and Paper
USNS Private Francis X. McGraw (T-AK-241)
USNS Private Frank J. Petrarca (T-AK-250)
USNS Private Joe E. Mann (T-AK-253)
USNS Private Joe P. Martinez (T-AP-187)
USNS Private John F. Thorson (T-AK-247)
USNS Private John R. Towle (T-AK-240)
USNS Private Jose F. Valdez (T-AG-169)
USNS Private Leonard C. Brostrom (T-AK-255)
USS Privateer (SP-179)
USV Private Limited
Vares: Private Eye
Virtual private cloud
Virtual Private LAN Service
Virtual private network
Virtual private server
Webster Vienna Private University
William Hutchinson (privateer)
Willy the Private Detective
Wing Commander: Privateer
Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language

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