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QUOTES [1 / 1 - 43 / 43]

KEYS (10k)

   1 Sri Chidananda


   20 Mirabai
   12 Mirabai Starr
   4 Paramahansa Yogananda

1:Turn your thoughts now, and lift up your thoughts to a devout and joyous contemplation on sage Vyasa and Vasishtha, on Narda and Valmiki. Contemplate on the glorious Lord Buddha, Jesus the Christ, prophet Mohammed, the noble Zoroaster (Zarathushtra), Lord Mahavira, the holy Guru Nanak. Think of the great saints and sages of all ages, like Yajnavalkya, Dattatreya, Sulabha and Gargi, Anasooya and Sabari, Lord Gauranga, Mirabai, Saint Theresa and Francis of Assisi. Remember St. Augustine, Jallaludin Rumi, Kabir, Tukaram, Ramdas, Ramakrishna Paramhamsa, Vivekananda and Rama Tirtha. Adore in thy heart the sacred memory of Mahatma Gandhi, sage Ramana Maharishi, Aurobindo Ghosh, Gurudev Sivananda and Swami Ramdas. They verily are the inspirers of humanity towards a life of purity, goodness and godliness. Their lives, their lofty examples, their great teachings constitute the real wealth and greatest treasure of mankind today.
   ~ Sri Chidananda, Advices On Spiritual Living,


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1:Our capacity to forgive is our superpower." pg. 172 ~ Mirabai Starr,
2:It lasts, and will last forever, because God loves it. Everything that is has its being through the love of God. ~ Mirabai Starr,
3:I am told that only two groups carry very little negative baggage inside of Christianity: Franciscans and Quakers. ~ Mirabai Starr,
4:Julian of Norwich's message is as relevant now as it was in the Middle Ages: God loves us completely, exactly as we are. “Then he ~ Mirabai Starr,
5:civilization able to produce a Mahavira, a Mirabai, a Malik Ambar, a Periyar, a Muhammad Iqbal and a Mohandas Gandhi is a place open to radical experiments with self-definition. It ~ Sunil Khilnani,
6:the heaven to which Jesus points is the spaciousness within ourselves—one that makes room for those who threaten us, for those who are different, even for those who have betrayed us. ~ Mirabai Starr,
7:I think that much of our depression, anxiety, and addiction has to do with what John writes about: the soul's need and longing for transcendence. This need is instinctual and unavoidable. ~ Mirabai Starr,
8:When we show up to make art, we need to get still enough to hear what wants to be expressed though us, and then we need to step out of the way and let it. We must be willing to abide in a space of not knowing before we can settle into knowing." pg. 159 ~ Mirabai Starr,
9:When someone tries to put you back into a box from which you’ve already escaped, you might recall a line from the Indian poet Mirabai. She said, “I have felt the swaying of the elephant’s shoulders and now you want me to climb on a jackass? Try to be serious!”13 ~ Sue Monk Kidd,
10:She turned her attention from Maharani Putlabai to Mirabai. Why was the younger queen on a chair and not a cushion? Perhaps it was a statement of her middling position—that she was not high enough for the zenana throne, but she was respected enough not to be somewhat elevated. ~ Sujata Massey,
11:English version by Andrew Schelling Out in a downpour in a sopping wet skirt. And you have gone to a distant country. Unbearable heart, letter after letter just asking when, my lord, when are you coming? [1473.jpg] -- from For Love of the Dark One: Songs of Mirabai, Translated by Andrew Schelling

~ Mirabai, Out in a downpour
12:Your God would never punish you for being a human being: this life itself is your penance...But it is also more than that: it is a crucible for transformation. Each trial, every loss, is an opportunity for you to meet suffering with love and make of it an offering, a prayer. The minute you lift your pain like a candle the darkness vanishes, and mercy comes rushing in to heal you. ~ Mirabai Starr,
13:This magnificent refuge is inside you. Enter. Shatter the darkness that shrouds the doorway. Step around the poisonous vipers that slither at your feet, attempting to throw you off your course. Be bold. Be humble. Put away the incense and forget the incantations they taught you. Ask no permission from the authorities. Slip away. Close your eyes and follow your breath to the still place that leads to the invisible path that leads you home. ~ Mirabai Starr,
14:Mystics seem to have no shame about contradicting themselves left and right. They blithely proclaim that the cure for pain is in the pain itself and that the cry of longing is the sigh of merging. That's because the path of the mystic reconciles contradictory propositions (such as harrowing sorrow and radical amazement) and blesses us with an extended capacity to sit with ambiguity, to treasure vulnerability, to celebrate paradox as the highest truth. ~ Mirabai Starr,
15:My friend, I went to the market and bought the Dark One.
You claim by night, I claim by day.
Actually I was beating a drum all the time I was buying him.
You say I gave too much; I say too little.
Actually, I put him on a scale before I bought him.
What I paid was my social body, my town body, my family body, and all my inherited jewels.
Mirabai says: The Dark One is my husband now.
Be with me when I lie down; you promised me this in an earlier life. ~ M r b,
16:English version by Andrew Schelling Clouds -- I watched as they ruptured, ash black and pallid I saw mountainous clouds split and spew rain for two hours. Everywhere water, plants and rainwater, a riot of green on the earth. My lover's gone off to some foreign country, sopping wet at our doorway I watch the clouds rupture. Mira says, nothing can harm him. This passion has yet to be slaked. [1473.jpg] -- from For Love of the Dark One: Songs of Mirabai, Translated by Andrew Schelling

~ Mirabai, Clouds
17:English version by Andrew Schelling Friend, without that Dark raptor I could not survive. Mother-in-law shrills at me, her daughter sneers, the prince stumbles about in a permanent fury. Now they've bolted my door and mounted a guard. But who could abandon a love developed through uncounted lifetimes? The Dark One is Mirabai's lord, who else could slake her desire? [1473.jpg] -- from For Love of the Dark One: Songs of Mirabai, Translated by Andrew Schelling

~ Mirabai, Friend, without that Dark raptor
18:English version by Jane Hirshfield Unbreakable, O Lord, Is the love That binds me to You: Like a diamond, It breaks the hammer that strikes it. My heart goes into You As the polish goes into the gold. As the lotus lives in its water, I live in You. Like the bird That gazes all night At the passing moon, I have lost myself dwelling in You. O my Beloved -- Return. [bk1sm.gif] -- from Holy Fire: Nine Visionary Poets and the Quest for Enlightenment, Edited by Daniel Halpern

~ Mirabai, Unbreakable, O Lord
19:English version by Andrew Schelling Dark Friend, what can I say? This love I bring from distant lifetimes is ancient, do not revile it. Seeing your elegant body I am ravished. Visit our courtyard, hear the women singing old hymns On the square I've laid out a welcome of teardrops, body and mind I surrendered ages ago, taking refuge wherever your feet pass. Mira flees from lifetime to lifetime, your virgin. [1473.jpg] -- from For Love of the Dark One: Songs of Mirabai, Translated by Andrew Schelling

~ Mirabai, Dark Friend, what can I say?
20:English version by A. J. Alston I have heard that today Hari will come. O my companion, I will climb my high palace To see when my King will come Frogs, peacocks and papihas are calling. The koil is striking its plaintive note Indra is exulting, rain is falling everywhere. The lightning is dancing without shame The earth robes herself anew To greet Indra. Says Mira, O my Master, the courtly Giridhara Come quickly, my King [bk1sm.gif] -- from The Devotional Poems of Mirabai, by Mirabai / Translated by A. J. Alston

~ Mirabai, I have heard that today Hari will come
21:Ever since that troublemaker Eve handed that gullible Adam the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, they say, human beings have been continuously messing up and suffering the consequences. But in the depths of your darkest despair your Beloved calls to you: "Look," he says, and opens the fathomless beautiful wound of his heart so that you can peer inside. All creation is nestled there, bathed in beauty. "Do you see any sin here?" he asks. "Do you detect a shred of retribution?" You do not. All you perceive, from horizon to endless horizon, is love. ~ Mirabai Starr,
22:English version by Robert Bly O I saw witchcraft tonight in the region of Braj. A milking girl going her rounds, a pot on her head, came face to face with the Dark One. My friend, she is babbling, can no longer say buttermilk. -- Come get the Dark One, the Dark One! A pot full of Shyam! -- In the overgrown lanes of Vrindavan forest the Enchanter of Hearts fixed his eye on this girl, then departed. Mira's lord is hot, lovely and raven -- tonight she saw witchcraft at Braj. [1689.jpg] -- from Mirabai: Ecstatic Poems, Translated by Robert Bly

~ Mirabai, O I saw witchcraft tonight
23:If by bathing daily God could be realised Sooner would I be a whale in the deep; If by eating roots and fruits He could be known Gladly would I choose the form of a goat; If the counting of rosaries uncovered Him I would say my prayers on mammoth beads; If bowing before stone images unveiled Him A flinty mountain I would humbly worship; If by drinking milk the Lord could be imbibed Many calves and children would know Him; If abandoning one’s wife would summon God Would not thousands be eunuchs? Mirabai knows that to find the Divine One The only indispensable is Love. ~ Paramahansa Yogananda,
24:If by bathing daily God could be realized Sooner would I be a whale in the deep; If by eating roots and fruits He could be known Gladly would I choose the form of a goat; If the counting of rosaries uncovered Him I would say my prayers on mammoth beads; If bowing before stone images unveiled Him A flinty mountain I would humbly worship; If by drinking milk the Lord could be imbibed Many calves and children would know Him; If abandoning one’s wife could summon God Would not thousands be eunuchs? Mirabai knows that to find the Divine One The only indispensable is Love. ~ Paramahansa Yogananda,
25:English version by F. E. Keay I am true to my Lord, O my companions, there is nothing to be ashamed of now Since I have been seen dancing openly. In the day I have no hunger At night I am restless and cannot sleep. Leaving these troubles behind, I go to the other side; A hidden knowledge has taken hold of me. My relations surround me like bees. But Mira is the servant of her beloved Giridhar, And she cares nothing that people mock her. [1714.jpg] -- from Women Writing in India: 600 BC to the Present: Volume 1, Edited by Susie Tharu / Edited by K. Lalita

~ Mirabai, I am true to my Lord
26:English version by Robert Bly My friend, I went to the market and bought the Dark One. You claim by night, I claim by day. Actually I was beating a drum all the time I was buying him. You say I gave too much; I say too little. Actually, I put him on a scale before I bought him. What I paid was my social body, my town body, my family body, and all my inherited jewels. Mirabai says: The Dark One is my husband now. Be with me when I lie down; you promised me this in an earlier life. [1469.jpg] -- from Women in Praise of the Sacred: 43 Centuries of Spiritual Poetry by Women, Edited by Jane Hirshfield

~ Mirabai, Its True I Went to the Market
27:English version by Robert Bly The Dark One threw me a glance like a dagger today. Since that moment, I am insane; I can't find my body. The pain has gone through my arms and legs, and I can't find my mind. At least three of my friends are completely mad. I know the thrower of daggers well; he enjoys roving the woods. The partridge loves the moon; and the lamplight pulls in the moth. You know, for the fish, water is precious; without it, the fish dies. If he is gone, how shall I live? I can't live without him. Go and speak to the dagger-thrower: Say, Mira belongs to you. [1689.jpg] -- from Mirabai: Ecstatic Poems, Translated by Robert Bly

~ Mirabai, The Dagger
28:Mirabai composed many ecstatic songs which are still treasured in India; I translate one of them here: “If by bathing daily God could be realised Sooner would I be a whale in the deep; If by eating roots and fruits He could be known Gladly would I choose the form of a goat; If the counting of rosaries uncovered Him I would say my prayers on mammoth beads; If bowing before stone images unveiled Him A flinty mountain I would humbly worship; If by drinking milk the Lord could be imbibed Many calves and children would know Him; If abandoning one’s wife would summon God Would not thousands be eunuchs? Mirabai knows that to find the Divine One The only indispensable is Love. ~ Paramahansa Yogananda,
29:Mirabai composed many ecstatic songs, which are still treasured in India. I translate one of them here: If by bathing daily God could be realized Sooner would I be a whale in the deep; If by eating roots and fruits He could be known Gladly would I choose the form of a goat; If the counting of rosaries uncovered Him I would say my prayers on mammoth beads; If bowing before stone images unveiled Him A flinty mountain I would humbly worship; If by drinking milk the Lord could be imbibed Many calves and children would know Him; If abandoning one’s wife could summon God Would not thousands be eunuchs? Mirabai knows that to find the Divine One The only indispensable is Love. Several ~ Paramahansa Yogananda,
30:English version by Robert Bly Something has reached out and taken in the beams of my eyes. There is a longing, it is for his body, for every hair of that dark body. All I was doing was being, and the Dancing Energy came by my house. His face looks curiously like the moon, I saw it from the side, smiling. My family says: "Don't ever see him again!" And they imply things in a low voice. But my eyes have their own life; they laugh at rules, and know whose they are. I believe I can bear on my shoulders whatever you want to say of me. Mira says: Without the energy that lifts mountains, how am I to live? [1689.jpg] -- from Mirabai: Ecstatic Poems, Translated by Robert Bly

~ Mirabai, All I Was Doing Was Breathing
31:English version by Robert Bly My friend, the stain of the Great Dancer has penetrated my body. I drank the cup of music, and I am hopelessly drunk. Moreover I stay drunk, no matter what I do to become sober. Rana, who disapproves, gave me one basket with a snake in it. Mira folded the snake around her neck, it was a lover's necklace, lovely! Rana's next gift was poison: "This is something for you, Mira." She repeated the Holy Name in her chest, and drank it, it was good! Every name He has is praise; that's the cup I like to drink, and only that. "The Great Dancer is my husband," Mira says, "rain washes off all the other colors." [2226.jpg] -- from The Winged Energy of Delight, Translated by Robert Bly

~ Mirabai, The Music
32:There is a secret place. A radiant sanctuary. As real as your own kitchen. More real than that. Constructed of the purest elements. Overflowing with the ten thousand beautiful things. Worlds within worlds. Forests, rivers. Velvet coverlets thrown over featherbeds, fountains bubbling beneath a canopy of stars. Bountiful forests, universal libraries. A wine cellar offering an intoxi cation so sweet you will never be sober again. A clarity so complete you will never again forget. This magnificent refuge is inside you. Enter. Shatter the darkness that shrouds the doorway… Believe the incredible truth that the Beloved has chosen for his dwelling place the core of your own being because that is the single most beautiful place in all of creation. ~ Mirabai Starr,
33:English version by Jane Hirshfield O my friends, What can you tell me of Love, Whose pathways are filled with strangeness? When you offer the Great One your love, At the first step your body is crushed. Next be ready to offer your head as his seat. Be ready to orbit his lamp like a moth giving in to the light, To live in the deer as she runs toward the hunter's call, In the partridge that swallows hot coals for love of the moon, In the fish that, kept from the sea, happily dies. Like a bee trapped for life in the closing of the sweet flower, Mira has offered herself to her Lord. She says, the single Lotus will swallow you whole. [1527.jpg] -- from The Enlightened Heart: An Anthology of Sacred Poetry, by Stephen Mitchell

~ Mirabai, O my friends
34:English version by Nita Ramaiya I am pale with longing for my beloved; People believe I am ill. Seizing on every possible pretext, I try to meet him "by accident." They have sent for a country doctor; He grabs my arm and prods it; How can he diagnose my pain? It's in my heart that I am afflicted. Go home, country doctor, Don't address me by my name; It's the name of God that has wounded me, Don't force your medicines on me. The sweetness of his lips is a pot of nectar, That's the only curd for which I crave; Mira's Lord is Giridhar Naagar. He will feed me nectar again and again. [1714.jpg] -- from Women Writing in India: 600 BC to the Present: Volume 1, Edited by Susie Tharu / Edited by K. Lalita

~ Mirabai, I am pale with longing for my beloved
35:English version by Robert Bly Listen, my friend, this road is the heart opening, Kissing his feet, resistance broken, tears all night. If we could reach the Lord through immersion in water, I would have asked to be born a fish in this life. If we could reach Him through nothing but berries and wild nuts, Then surely the saints would have been monkeys when they came from the womb! If we could reach him by munching lettuce and dry leaves, Then the goats would surely go to the Holy One before us! If the worship of stone statues could bring us all the way, I would have adored a granite mountain years ago. Mirabai says: The heat of midnight tears will bring you to God. [2226.jpg] -- from The Winged Energy of Delight, Translated by Robert Bly

~ Mirabai, The Heat of Midnight Tears
36:English version by Robert Bly The colors of the Dark One have penetrated Mira's body; all the other colors washed out. Making love with the Dark One and eating little, those are my pearls and my carnelians. Meditation beads and the forehead streak, those are my scarves and my rings. That's enough feminine wiles for me. My teacher taught me this. Approve me or disapprove me: I praise the Mountain Energy night and day. I take the path that ecstatic human beings have taken for centuries. I don't steal money, I don't hit anyone. What will you charge me with? I have felt the swaying of the elephant's shoulders; and now you want me to climb on a jackass? Try to be serious. [2226.jpg] -- from The Winged Energy of Delight, Translated by Robert Bly

~ Mirabai, Why Mira Cant Come Back to Her Old House
37:English version by V. K. Sethi I will not be restrained now, O Rana, Despite all you do to block my path. I have torn off the veil of worldly shame; Only the company of Saints is dear to me. Merta, my parents' home, I have left for good. My surat and nirat, awakened, Now shine bright. My master has revealed to me The mirror within my own body; Now I'll sing and dance in ecstasy. Keep to your self your gems and jewelry; I have discarded them all, O Rana. My true Lord I have come to behold; None knows of this wealth within the body. I fancy not your forts and palaces Nor want silken robes wrought with gold. Mira, unadorned and unbedecked, Roams intoxicated in the Lord's love. [2594.jpg] -- from Mira: The Divine Lover (Mystics of the East Series), Translated by V. K. Sethi

~ Mirabai, Mira is Steadfast
38:English version by V. K. Sethi The one I longed for has come home; The raging fire of separation is quenched. Now I rejoice with Him, I sing in bliss. The peacocks at the cloud's roar Dance with unbound joy; I rejoice in ecstasy At the sight of my Beloved. I am absorbed in His love; My misery of wandering In the world has ended. The lily bursts into bloom At the sight of the full moon; Seeing Him, my heart blossoms in joy. Peace permeates this body of mine; His arrival has filled my home with bliss. That very Lord has become my own Who is ever the redeemer of His devotees. Mira's heart, scorched by the blaze of separation, Has become cool and refreshed; The pain of duality has vanished. [2594.jpg] -- from Mira: The Divine Lover (Mystics of the East Series), Translated by V. K. Sethi

~ Mirabai, The Beloved Comes Home
39:English version by Willis Barnstone No one knows my invisible life. Pain and madness for Rama. Our wedding bed is high up in the gallows. Meet him? If the dark healer comes, we'll negotiate the hurt. I love the man who takes care of cows. The cowherd. Cowherd and dancer. My eyes are drunk, worn out from making love with him. We are one. I am now his dark color. People notice me, point fingers at me. They see my desire, since I'm walking about like a lunatic. I'm wiped out, gone. Yet no one knows I live with my prince, the cowherd. The palace can't contain me. I leave it behind. I couldn't care less about gossip or my royal name. I'll be with him in all his gardens. [1508.jpg] -- from To Touch the Sky: Poems of Mystical, Spiritual & Metaphysical Light, Translated by Willis Barnstone

~ Mirabai, No one knows my invisible life
40:English version by V. K. Sethi I am infused in the Lord's hue, O friend. Pray, get my garment dyed in five colours so I may go and play in the arbour. within the alcove I will meet my Master; Shedding all falsity, I'll sing in joy. The sun will perish, so too the moon; Earth and sky will exist no more. Air and water will also go; The Eternal alone will there be. Of surat and nirat make the lamp, And let thy longing be the wick. In this lamp pour the oil from love's mart; Day and night it will keep burning bright. They write letters whose spouses are afar. My Beloved resides in my heart; I need go nowhere to search for Him. I live not with my parents, Nor with my in-laws. Ever do I live in the Word My Master blessed me with. Not mine nor thine is this house, O friend; Mira lives absorbed in the Lord's hue. [2594.jpg] -- from Mira: The Divine Lover (Mystics of the East Series), Translated by V. K. Sethi

~ Mirabai, The Five-Coloured Garment
41:Turn your thoughts now, and lift up your thoughts to a devout and joyous contemplation on sage Vyasa and Vasishtha, on Narda and Valmiki. Contemplate on the glorious Lord Buddha, Jesus the Christ, prophet Mohammed, the noble Zoroaster (Zarathushtra), Lord Mahavira, the holy Guru Nanak. Think of the great saints and sages of all ages, like Yajnavalkya, Dattatreya, Sulabha and Gargi, Anasooya and Sabari, Lord Gauranga, Mirabai, Saint Theresa and Francis of Assisi. Remember St. Augustine, Jallaludin Rumi, Kabir, Tukaram, Ramdas, Ramakrishna Paramhamsa, Vivekananda and Rama Tirtha. Adore in thy heart the sacred memory of Mahatma Gandhi, sage Ramana Maharishi, Aurobindo Ghosh, Gurudev Sivananda and Swami Ramdas. They verily are the inspirers of humanity towards a life of purity, goodness and godliness. Their lives, their lofty examples, their great teachings constitute the real wealth and greatest treasure of mankind today.
   ~ Sri Chidananda, Advices On Spiritual Living,
42:The life of Mahadeviyakkha to some extent mirrors that of Mirabai. Both female
saints had to renounce the comforts and expectations of a family life. Both
suffered censure and displeasure from parts of society who didn't appreciate their
devotion to spirituality. However despite the difficulties both faced, the intensity
of their divine intoxication is startlingly revealed in their poetry.
"Akka's poems are moving, haunting, unforgettable. For women, her work
embodies a radical legitimacy as she struggles in her poetry to go beyond much
of Virasaiva poetry to include the struggles of her body, struggles against the
pettiness of roles she is forced into as a woman, struggles against a man who is
also a prince and a Jain, and against the social expectations that restrain her."
Don'T Despise Me
Don't despise me as
She who has no one
I'm not one to be afraid,
Whatever you do.
I exist chewing dry leaves.
My life resting on a knife edge
If you must torment me,
My life, my body
I'll offer you and be cleansed.
~ Akka Mahadevi,
43:Questioner: In the tradition, we were always taught to be reverential towards God or the highest aspect. So how to reconcile this with Mirabai or Akka Mahadevi who took God as their lover? Sadhguru: Where there is no love, how can reverence come? When love reaches its peak, it naturally becomes reverence. People who are talking about reverence without love know neither this nor that. All they know is fear. So probably you are referring to God-fearing people. These sages and saints, especially the seers like Akka Mahadevi, Mirabai or Anusuya and so many of them in the past, have taken to this form of worship because it was more suitable for them – they could emote much more easily than they could intellectualize things. They just used their emotions to reach their Ultimate nature. Using emotion and reaching the Ultimate nature is what is called bhakti yoga. In every culture, there are different forms of worship. Some people worship God as the master and themselves as the slaves. Sometimes they even take God as their servant or as a partner in everything that they do. Yet others worship him as a friend, as a lover, or as their own child like Balakrishna. Generally, you become the feminine and you hold him as the ultimate purusha – masculine. How you worship is not at all the point; the whole point is just how deeply you relate. These are the different attitudes, but whatever the attitude, the love affair is such that you are not expecting anything from the other side. Not even a response. You crave for it. But if there is no response, you are not going to be angry, you are not going to be disappointed – nothing. Your life is just to crave and make something else tremendously more important than yourself. That is the fundamental thing. In the whole path of bhakti, the important thing is just this, that something else is far more important than you. So Akka, Mirabai and others like them, their bhakti was in that form and they took this mode of worship where they worshipped God – whether Shiva or Krishna – as their husband. In India, when a woman comes to a certain age, marriage is almost like a must, and it anyway happens. They wanted to eliminate that dimension of being married once again to another man, so they chose the Lord himself as their husband so that they don’t need any other relationship in their lives. How a devotee relates to his object of devotion does not really matter because the purpose of the path of devotion is just dissolution. The only objective of a devotee is to dissolve into his object of devotion. Whichever way they could relate best, that is how they would do it. The reason why you asked this question in terms of reverence juxtaposed with being a lover or a husband is because the word “love” or “being a lover” is always understood as a physical aspect. That is why this question has come. How can you be physical with somebody and still be reverential? This has been the tragedy of humanity that lovers have not known how to be reverential to each other. In fact the very objective of love is to dissolve into someone else. If you look at love as an emotion, you can see that love is a vehicle to bring oneness. It is the longing to become one with the other which we are referring to as love. When it is taken to its peak, it is very natural to become reverential towards what you consider worthwhile being “one” with. For whatever sake, you are willing to dissolve yourself. It is natural to be reverential towards that. Otherwise how would you feel that it is worthwhile to dissolve into? If you think it is something you can use or something you can just relate to and be benefited by, there can be no love. Always, the object of love is to dissolve. So, whatever you consider is worthwhile to dissolve your own self into, you are bound to be reverential towards that; there is no other way to be. ~ Sadhguru,


   10 Poetry
   3 Yoga
   2 Integral Yoga

   10 Mirabai
   2 Sri Ramakrishna
   2 Sri Aurobindo

   2 The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna

1.18 - M. AT DAKSHINESWAR, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
  "In that state a devotee looks on himself as a woman. He does not regard himself as a man. Sanatana Goswami refused to see Mirabai because she was a woman. Mira informed him that at Vrindvan the only man was Krishna and that all others were His handmaids. 'Was it right of Sanatana to think of himself as a man?' Mira inquired."
  Master and the Brahmo Samaj

1929-07-28 - Art and Yoga - Art and life - Music, dance - World of Harmony, #Questions And Answers 1929-1931, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  This was the avowed function of Art in the Middle Ages. The primitive painters, the builders of cathedrals in Mediaeval Europe had no other conception of art. In India all her architecture, her sculpture, her painting have proceeded from this source and were inspired by this ideal. The songs of Mirabai and the music of Thyagaraja, the poetic literature built up by her devotees, saints and Rishis rank among the worlds greatest artistic possessions.
  But does the work of an artist improve if he does Yoga?

1.mb - All I Was Doing Was Breathing, #unset, #Anonymous, #Various
   English version by Robert Bly Something has reached out and taken in the beams of my eyes. There is a longing, it is for his body, for every hair of that dark body. All I was doing was being, and the Dancing Energy came by my house. His face looks curiously like the moon, I saw it from the side, smiling. My family says: "Don't ever see him again!" And they imply things in a low voice. But my eyes have their own life; they laugh at rules, and know whose they are. I believe I can bear on my shoulders whatever you want to say of me. Mira says: Without the energy that lifts mountains, how am I to live? [1689.jpg] -- from Mirabai: Ecstatic Poems, Translated by Robert Bly

1.mb - Clouds, #unset, #Anonymous, #Various
   English version by Andrew Schelling Clouds -- I watched as they ruptured, ash black and pallid I saw mountainous clouds split and spew rain for two hours. Everywhere water, plants and rainwater, a riot of green on the earth. My lover's gone off to some foreign country, sopping wet at our doorway I watch the clouds rupture. Mira says, nothing can harm him. This passion has yet to be slaked. [1473.jpg] -- from For Love of the Dark One: Songs of Mirabai, Translated by Andrew Schelling <
1.mb - Dark Friend, what can I say?, #unset, #Anonymous, #Various
   English version by Andrew Schelling Dark Friend, what can I say? This love I bring from distant lifetimes is ancient, do not revile it. Seeing your elegant body I am ravished. Visit our courtyard, hear the women singing old hymns On the square I've laid out a welcome of teardrops, body and mind I surrendered ages ago, taking refuge wherever your feet pass. Mira flees from lifetime to lifetime, your virgin. [1473.jpg] -- from For Love of the Dark One: Songs of Mirabai, Translated by Andrew Schelling <
1.mb - Friend, without that Dark raptor, #unset, #Anonymous, #Various
   English version by Andrew Schelling Friend, without that Dark raptor I could not survive. Mother-in-law shrills at me, her daughter sneers, the prince stumbles about in a permanent fury. Now they've bolted my door and mounted a guard. But who could abandon a love developed through uncounted lifetimes? The Dark One is Mirabai's lord, who else could slake her desire? [1473.jpg] -- from For Love of the Dark One: Songs of Mirabai, Translated by Andrew Schelling <
1.mb - I have heard that today Hari will come, #unset, #Anonymous, #Various
   English version by A. J. Alston I have heard that today Hari will come. O my companion, I will climb my high palace To see when my King will come Frogs, peacocks and papihas are calling. The koil is striking its plaintive note Indra is exulting, rain is falling everywhere. The lightning is dancing without shame The earth robes herself anew To greet Indra. Says Mira, O my Master, the courtly Giridhara Come quickly, my King [bk1sm.gif] -- from The Devotional Poems of Mirabai, by Mirabai / Translated by A. J. Alston <
1.mb - Its True I Went to the Market, #unset, #Anonymous, #Various
   English version by Robert Bly My friend, I went to the market and bought the Dark One. You claim by night, I claim by day. Actually I was beating a drum all the time I was buying him. You say I gave too much; I say too little. Actually, I put him on a scale before I bought him. What I paid was my social body, my town body, my family body, and all my inherited jewels. Mirabai says: The Dark One is my husband now. Be with me when I lie down; you promised me this in an earlier life. [1469.jpg] -- from Women in Praise of the Sacred: 43 Centuries of Spiritual Poetry by Women, Edited by Jane Hirshfield <
1.mb - O I saw witchcraft tonight, #unset, #Anonymous, #Various
   English version by Robert Bly O I saw witchcraft tonight in the region of Braj. A milking girl going her rounds, a pot on her head, came face to face with the Dark One. My friend, she is babbling, can no longer say buttermilk. -- Come get the Dark One, the Dark One! A pot full of Shyam! -- In the overgrown lanes of Vrindavan forest the Enchanter of Hearts fixed his eye on this girl, then departed. Mira's lord is hot, lovely and raven -- tonight she saw witchcraft at Braj. [1689.jpg] -- from Mirabai: Ecstatic Poems, Translated by Robert Bly <
1.mb - Out in a downpour, #unset, #Anonymous, #Various
   English version by Andrew Schelling Out in a downpour in a sopping wet skirt. And you have gone to a distant country. Unbearable heart, letter after letter just asking when, my lord, when are you coming? [1473.jpg] -- from For Love of the Dark One: Songs of Mirabai, Translated by Andrew Schelling <
1.mb - The Dagger, #unset, #Anonymous, #Various
   English version by Robert Bly The Dark One threw me a glance like a dagger today. Since that moment, I am insane; I can't find my body. The pain has gone through my arms and legs, and I can't find my mind. At least three of my friends are completely mad. I know the thrower of daggers well; he enjoys roving the woods. The partridge loves the moon; and the lamplight pulls in the moth. You know, for the fish, water is precious; without it, the fish dies. If he is gone, how shall I live? I can't live without him. Go and speak to the dagger-thrower: Say, Mira belongs to you. [1689.jpg] -- from Mirabai: Ecstatic Poems, Translated by Robert Bly <
1.mb - The Heat of Midnight Tears, #unset, #Anonymous, #Various
   English version by Robert Bly Listen, my friend, this road is the heart opening, Kissing his feet, resistance broken, tears all night. If we could reach the Lord through immersion in water, I would have asked to be born a fish in this life. If we could reach Him through nothing but berries and wild nuts, Then surely the saints would have been monkeys when they came from the womb! If we could reach him by munching lettuce and dry leaves, Then the goats would surely go to the Holy One before us! If the worship of stone statues could bring us all the way, I would have adored a granite mountain years ago. Mirabai says: The heat of midnight tears will bring you to God. [2226.jpg] -- from The Winged Energy of Delight, Translated by Robert Bly <
2.05 - On Poetry, #Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo, #unset, #Integral Yoga
   Sri Aurobindo: Homer has written on war and action. Can one say that those who write on many subjects are greater than Homer? Sappho wrote only on one subject. Can we say therefore she is not great? What about Milton and Mirabai?
   Disciple: What Tagore wants to say is that to be a perfect poet one must have variety.

2.08 - ALICE IN WONDERLAND, #God Exists, #Swami Sivananda Saraswati, #Hinduism
  The highest devotion is the same as the highest knowledge. Jnana and Para Bhakti are the same. The Gauna Bhakti or secondary love of God, which is more ritualistic and more formal, is inferior. But Ramanujas Bhakti is the surging of the soul and the melting of personality in God-experience. It is to become mad with God-love as we hear in the case of Spinoza, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Mirabai and Tukaram. Their Bhakti was not simply love of God as that of churchmen or templemen. It is a kind of ecstasy in which the personality has lost itself in God-love and God-being. That is Jnana and that is Bhakti. So, there is no difference between Ramanuja and Sankara in the ultimate reaches. And Bhagavan Sri Krishnas dictum is also of a similar character.
  So now, when we are discussing the final point in our studies, we are gradually losing attachments to his obsessional notion that we are this little Mr. and Mrs. Body and that we are located in a part of the physical world called India or America, Japan or Russia. And we are slowly trying to become citizens of a larger dimension which is wider than this earth, perhaps larger than even the solar system and this physical cosmos.

9.99 - Glossary, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
     Mirabai: A great medieval woman saint of the Vaishnava sect.
    mlechchha: A non-Hindu, a barbarian. This is a term of reproach applied by the orthodox Hindus to foreigners, who do not conform to the established usages of Hindu religion and society. The word corresponds to the "heathen" of the Christians and the "kafir" of the Mussalmans.

Talks With Sri Aurobindo 1, #unset, #Anonymous, #Various
  no variety and yet he is one of the greatest poets. Mirabai has no variety either and she is still great.
  PURANI: What about the Upanishads themselves? They have only one strain.

Talks With Sri Aurobindo 2, #Talks With Sri Aurobindo, #unset, #Integral Yoga
  in the afternoon and, when he had nearly finished, feeling cool and comfortable, he started singing a bhajan of Mirabai. Towards the end the word Mira
  occurred and he played on it, repeating it over and over again. He says his


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