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The Eternal Wisdom

Life and Yoga View Similar Wisdom and the Religions
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 01 - 15th August 1914The Eternal Wisdom The Song of Wisdom
1914 Sat 15 August
The Song of Wisdom

1) We fight to win sublime Wisdom; therefore men call us warriors. ~ Book of Wisdom

2) Put Wisdom at the head of the world; the world will fight its battle victoriously and will be the best world that men can constitute. ~ Carlyle

3) This Wisdom is the principle of all things.- ~ The Zohar

4) This mysterious Wisdom is the supreme principle of all. ~ The Zohar

5) I, Wisdom, dwell with prudence and find out knowledge of witty inventions.... Counsel is mine and sound knowledge. I am understanding. I am strength. By me Kings reign and princes decree justice. By me princes rule, and nobles, even all the judges of the earth. I love them that love me. And those that seek me shall find me. Riches and honour are with me; yea, durable riches and righteousness. My fruit is better than gold, yea, than fine gold; and my revenue than choice silver. I lead in the way of righteousness, in the midst of the paths of judgment, that I may cause those that love me to inherit substance; and I will fill their treasures.... I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning before ever the earth was. When there were no depths, I was brought forth; when there were no fountains abounding with water, before the mountains were settled, before the hills were, I was brought forth. ~ Proverbs

6) I am the mother of pure love and of science and of sacred hope. ~ Ecclesiastious

7) Wisdom is a thing of which one can never have enough. ~ Minokhired

8) Wisdom is the most precious riches. ~ Chinese Buddhistic, Scriptures

9) How much better is it to get wisdom than gold! and to get understanding rather to be chosen than silver! ~ Proverbs

10) To have wisdom is worth more than pearls. ~ Job

11) Happy is the man that findeth wisdom and the man that getteth understanding. For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver and the gain thereof than fine gold. She is more precious than rubies and all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her. Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her, and happy is everyone that retaineth her. ~ Proverbs

12) The possession of wisdom leadeth to true happiness. ~ Porphyry

13) In this state of pure felicity the soul is enlarged and the material substance that is subject to her profiteth also. ~ Tneng Tseu

14) Wisdom streng theneth the wise more than ten mighty men which are in a city. ~ Ecclesiastious

15) Wisdom is greater than all terrestrial sciences and than all human knowledge. She renders a man indifferent to the joys of the world and permits him to consider with an impassive heart their precipitous and tumultous course. ~ Fa.khen-pi.u

16) A happy life is the fruit of wisdom achieved; life bearable, of wisdom commenced. ~ Seneca

17) Wisdom is a well-spring of life unto him that hath it. ~ Proverbs

18) Who loves her loves life and they that keep vigil to find her shall enjoy her peace. Whosoever possesses her, shall have life for his inheritance. ~ Ecclesiastious

19) Of all our possessions, wisdom alone is immortal. ~ Socrates

20) The desire for wisdom leads us to the Eternal Kingdom. ~ Book of Wisdom

21) Wisdom is full of light and her beauty is not withered. ~ Book of Wisdom

22) Wisdom is like unto a beacon set on high, which radiates its light even in the darkest night. ~ Buddhist Meditations from the Japanese

23) And when the benevolence of benevolences manifests itself, all things are in her light and in joy. ~ The Zohar

25) That which satisfies the soul is the wisdom which governs the world. ~ Lalita Vistara

26) Honour to the high and sublime excellence of wisdom! ~ Formula of devotion of Mahayanist Buddhism

27) But where shall wisdom be found? and where is the place of understanding? ~ Job

28) As the light of a torch illumines the objects in a dark room, even so the light of wisdom illumines all men, whosoever they be, if they turn towards it. ~ To-shu-hing-tsan-king

29) Those who love her discover her easily and those that seek her do find her. ~ Book of Wisdom

30) Wisdom is a thing vast and grand. She demands all the time that one can consecrate to her. ~ Seneca

31) To find our real being and know it truly is to acquire wisdom. ~ Porphyry

32) Only by falling back on our better thought, by yielding to the spirit of prophecy which is innate in every man, can we know what that wisdom saith. ~ Emerson

33) The beginning of wisdom is the sincere desire for instruction. To observe attentively its laws is to establish the perfect purity of the soul. ~ Book of Wisdom

34) Behold the beginning of wisdom; therefore get wisdom; and with all thy getting, get understanding. Exalt her and she shall promote thee. She shall bring thee to honour, when thou dost embrace her. She shall give to thine head an ornament of grace; a crown of glory shall she deliver to thee. ~ Proverbs

35) Thou shalt invest thyself with her as with a raiment of glory and thou shalt put her on thy head as a crown of joy. Say unto wisdom, ~ Ecclesiastious

36) "Thou art my sister", and call understanding thy kinswoman. ~ Proverbs

37) For wisdom shall enter into thine heart and knowledge be pleasant unto thy soul. ~ Proverbs

38) Having thought of these things, meditating on them in my heart and having considered that I shall find immortality in the union with wisdom, I went in search of her on all sides, that I might take her for my companion. ~ Book of Wisdom

39) I have preferred wisdom to kingdoms and thrones and I have believed that riches are nothing before wisdom, for she is an endless treasure for men. ~ Book of Wisdom

40) I looked on all the works that my hands had wrought and on the labour that I had laboured to do: and behold, all was vanity and pursuit of the wind and there was no profit under the sun. And I turned myself to behold wisdom, and madness and folly... Then I saw that wisdom excelleth folly, as far as light excelleth darkness. ~ Ecclesiastious

41) I have learnt all that was hidden and all that was yet undiscovered because I was taught by wisdom herself that created everything. For there is in her a spirit of intelligence which is holy, unique, multiple in her effects, fine, copious, agile, spotless, dear, soft, friendly to good, penetrant, which nothing can prevent from acting, benevolent, friendly to men, kind, stable, infallible, calm, that achieves all, that sees all, that can comprehend all minds in itself, that is intelligible, pure and subtle. ~ Book of Wisdom

42) Eternal wisdom builds: I shall be her palace when she finds repose in me and I in her. ~ Angelus Silesius
Life and Yoga View Similar Wisdom and the Religions

The Song of Wisdom View Similar The Soul of a Plant
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 01 - 15th August 1914The Eternal WisdomWisdom and the Religions
1914 Sat 15 August
Wisdom and the Religions

1) All wisdom is one: to understand the spirit that rules all by all. ~ Heraclitus

2) Being but one, she is capable of all; immutable in herself, she renews all things; she diffuses herself among the nations in saintly souls. ~ The Book of Wisdom

3) The dayspring from on high has visited us, to give light to them that sit in the darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet in the way of peace. ~ St. Luke

4) Whatsoever things were written afore time, were written for our learning. ~ Epistle to the Romans

5) True knowledge does not grow old, so have declared the sages of all times. ~ Buddhist Canons in Pali

6) May the partisans of all doctrines in all countries unite and live in a common fellowship. For all alike profess mastery to be attained over oneself and purity of the heart. ~ Inscriptions of Asoka

7) There is only one Ethics, as there is only one geometry. But the majority of men, it will be said, are ignorant of geometry. Yes, but as soon as they begin to apply themselves a little to that science, all are in agreement. Cultivators, workmen, artisans have not gone through courses in ethics; they have not read Cicero or Aristotle, but the moment they begin to think on the subject they become, without knowing it, the disciples of Cicero. The Indian dyer, the Tartar shepherd and the English sailor know what is just and what is injust. Confucius did not invent a system of ethics as one invents a system of physics. He had discovered it in the heart of all mankind. ~ Voltaire

8) The sage's rule of moral conduct has its principle in the hearts of all men. ~ Tseu-tse

9) There is a primary law, eternal, invariable, engraved in the heads of all; it is Right Reason. Never does it speak in vain to the virtuous man, whether it ordains or prohibits. The wicked alone are untouched by its voice. It is easy to be understood and is not different in one country and in another; it is today what it will be tomorrow and for all time. ~ Cicero

10) Language is different but man is the same everywhere. That is why spoken Reason is one, and through its translation we see it to be the same in Egypt, in Persia and in Greece. ~ Hermes

11) But in what circumstances does our reason teach us that there is vice or virtue? How does this continual mystery work? Tell me, inhabitants of the Malay Archipelago, Africans, Canadians and you, Plato, Cicero, Epictetus! You all feel equally that it is better to give away the superfluity of your bread, your rice or your manioc to the indigent than to kill him or tear out his eyes. It is evident to all on earth that an act of benevolence is better than an outrage, that gentleness is preferable to wrath. We have merely to use our Reason in order to discern the shades which distinguish right and wrong. Good and evil are often close neighbours and our passions confuse them. Who will enlighten us? We ourselves when we are calm. ~ Voltaire

12) In order to live a happy life, man should understand what life is and what he can or cannot do. The best and wisest men in all nations have taught it to us from all times. All the doctrines of the sages meet in their foundation and it is this general sum of their doctrines, revealing the aim of human life and the conduct to be pursued, that constitutes real religion. ~ Tolstoi

13) The man who does not think about religion, imagines that there is only one that is true, the one in which he was born. But thou hast only to ask thyself what would happen if thou wert born in another religion, thou, Christian, if thou wert born a Mahomedan, thou, Buddhist, a Christian and thou, Mahomedan, a Brahmin. Is it possible that we alone with our religion should be in the truth and that all others should be subjected to falsehood? No religion can become true merely by thy persuading thyself or persuading others that it alone is true. ~ Tolstoi

14) No man has a right to constrain another to think like himself. Each must bear with patience and indulgence the beliefs of others. ~ Giordano Bruno

15) To compel men to do what appears good to oneself is the best means of making them disgusted with it. ~ Ramakrishss

16) As one can go up to the top of a house by means of a ladder, a bamboo or a flight of stairs, so are there various means for approaching the Eternal and each religion in the world shows only one of such means. ~ Ramakrishss

17) A truly religious man ought to think that the other religions are also paths leading towards the Reality. We should always maintain an attitude of respect towards other religions. ~ Ramakrishss

18) Decry not other sects nor depreciate them but, on the contrary, render honour to that in them which is worthy of honour. ~ Inscriptions of Asoka

19) The Catholic is our brother but the materialist not less. We owe him deference as to the greatest of believers. ~ Antonie the Healer

20) At a certain stage in the path of devotion the religious man finds satisfaction in the Divinity with a form, at another stage in the formless Impersonal. ~ Ramakrishna

21) The man who proclaims the existence of the Infinite accumulates, in this affirmation, more of the supernatural than there is in the miracles of all the religions. So long as the mystery of the Infinite weighs upon human thought, temples will be raised for the cult of the Infinite. ~ Pasteur

22) Bow down and adore where others bend the knee; for where so great a number of men pay the tri bute of their adoration, the Impersonal must needs manifest Himself, for He is all compassion. ~ Ramakrishna

23) The ordinary man says in his ignorance "My religion is the sole religion, my religion is the best." But when his heart is illumined by the true knowledge, he knows that beyond all the battles of sects and of sectaries presides the one, indivisible, eternal and omniscient Benediction. ~ Ramakrishna
The Song of Wisdom View Similar The Soul of a Plant

The Three Steps of Nature View Similar In the Beginning
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 01 - 15th September 1914The Eternal Wisdom The Sole Essence
1914 Tue 15 September
The Sole Essence

1) The Universe is a unity. ~ Philolaus

2) All is in the One in power and the One is in all in act. ~ Abraham-ibn-Ezra

3) The Essence of all things is one and identical. ~ Aswaghosha

4) I looked on high and I beheld in all the spaces That which is One; below, in all the foam of the waters that which is One; I looked into the heart, it was a sea, a space for worlds peopled with thousands of dreams: I saw in all the dreams That which is One. ~ Jelaluddin Rumi

5) All that exists is but the transformation of one and the same Matter and is therefore one and the same thing. ~ Diogenes of Apollonia

6) All souls are merely determinations of the universal Soul. Bodies taken separately are only varied and transient forms of material substance. ~ Kapila

7) The infinite variety of particular objects constitutes one sole and identical Being. To know that unity is the aim of all philosophy and of all knowledge of Nature. ~ Giordano Bruno

8) True knowledge leads to unity, ignorance to diversity. ~ Ramakrishan

9) The rays of the divine sun, the infinite Orient, shine equally on all that exists and the illumination of Unity repeats itself everywhere. ~ Baha-ullah

10) The Universe is a unity. ~ Anaxagoras

11) In the world of the Unity heaven and earth are one. ~ Baha-ullah

12) We share one Intelligence with heaven and the stars. ~ Macrobius

13) When we speak of the efficient cause of the universe, we mean, obviously the active Being,-the Being active and effective everywhere; we mean, then, that universal Intelligence which appears to be the principal faculty of the World-Soul and, as it were, the general form of the universe. ~ Giordano Bruno

14) There is in the universe one power of infinite Thought. ~ Leibnitz

15) The Idea is cause and end of things. ~ Giordano Bruno

16) As one sun illumines all this world, so the conscious Idea illumines all the physical field. ~ Bhagavad-Gita

17) Matter and Spirit are one since the first beginning. ~ Aswaghosha

18) In the true nature of Matter is the fundamental law of the Spirit. In the true nature of Spirit is the fundamental law of Matter. ~ id

19) He who abases Matter, abases himself and all creation. ~ CErsted

20) The physical world is only a reflection of the spiritual. ~ Antoine the Healer

21) Wherever you find movement, there you find life and a soul. ~ Thales

22) Life pervades and animates everything; it gives its movement to Nature and subjects her to itself. ~ Giordano Bruno

23) All is living. ~ Hermes

24) The universe is a living thing and all lives in it. ~ Giordano Bruno

25) The whole universe is life, force and action. ~ id

26) Each separate movement is produced by the same energy that moves the sum of things. ~ Hermes

27) Will is the soul of the universe. ~ Schopenhauer
The Three Steps of Nature View Similar In the Beginning

The Sole Essence View Similar Significance of the Name, "ARYA"
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 01 - 15th September 1914The Eternal Wisdom In the Beginning
1914 Tue 15 September
In the Beginning

1) Whence come these beings? What is this creation? ~ Rig Veda

2) From the immobile stone to the supreme principle creation consists in the differentiation of existences. ~ Sankhya Pravachana

3) Then Non-being was not, nor Being. What was that ocean profound and impenetrable?

Then death was not, nor immortality... That was one and lived without the breath by Its own permanence. There was nothing else beyond It

Darkness concealed in darkness in the beginning was all this ocean... When chaos atomic covered it, then That which is One was born by the vastness of Its energy

Desire in the beginning became active,-desire, the first seed..

Who knoweth of this? who here can declare it, whence this creation was born, whence was this loosing forth of things? The gods exist below by the creation; who then can know whence it was born?

Whence this creation came into being, whether He established it or did not establish it, He who regards it from above in the supreme ether, He knows,-or perhaps He knows it not. ~ Rig Veda

4) That which was before all individual existence, and which was without action although capable of action, is that which preceded heaven and earth. ~ Hoei Nan-Tse

5) Essence without form divided itself; then a movement took place and life was produced. ~ Tchuang-Tse

6) In the beginning all this was Non-being. From it Being appeared. Itself created itself. ~ Taittiriya Upanishad

7) Seek out that from which all existences are born, by which being born they live and to which they return...From Delight all these existences were born, by Delight they live, towards Delight they return. ~ Taittiriya Upanishad
The Sole Essence View Similar Significance of the Name, "ARYA"

The Threefold Life View Similar The Divine Essence
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 01 - 15th October 1914The Eternal Wisdom The Unknowable Divine
1914 Thu 15 October
The Unknowable Divine

1) Who knoweth these things? Who can speak of them? ~ Rig Veda

2) Things in their fundamental nature can neither be named nor explained. They cannot be expressed adequately in any form of language. ~ Aswaghosha

3) Trying to give an idea of the Ineffable by the help of philosophical learning is like trying to give an idea of Benares by the aid of a map or pictures. ~ Ramakrisha

4) All the sacred Scriptures of the world have become corrupted, but the Ineffable or Absolute has never been corrupted, because no one has ever been able to express It in human speech. ~ id

5) Words fail us when we seek, not to express Him who Is, but merely to attain to the expression of the powers that environ Him. ~ Philo

6) He is pure of all name. ~ The Bab

7) The word "He" diminishes Him. ~ Tolstoi

8) But call Him by what name you will; for to those who know, He is the possessor of all names. ~ Baha-ullah

9) Numerous are the names of the Ineffable and infinite the forms which lead towards Him. Under whatever name or in whatever form you desire to enter into relation with him, it is in that form and under that name that you will see Him. ~ Ramakrishna

10) Would you call Him Destiny? You will not be wrong. Providence? You will say well. Nature? That too you may. ~ Seneca

11) The Being that is one, sages speak of in many terms. ~ Rig Veda

12) I do not believe that any name, however complex, is sufficient to designate the principle of all Majesty. ~ Hermes

13) That which is Permanent, possess no attri bute by which one can speak of It, but the term Permanent is all that can be expressed by language. ~ Aswaghosha

14) The Permanent is neither existence, nor what is at once existence and non-existence; it is neither unity, nor plurality, nor what is at once unity and plurality. ~ id

15) Something beyond our power of discrimination existed before Heaven and Earth. How profound is its calm! How absolute its immateriality! It alone exists and does not change; It penetrates all and It does not perish. It may be regarded as the mother of the universe. For myself I know not Its name, but to give it a name I call It Tao. ~ Lao-tse

16) There is no suitable name for the eternal Tao. ~ id

17) The Tao which can be expressed is not the eternal Tao, the name which can be named is not the eternal Name. ~ id

18) The man who knows the Tao, does not speak; he who speaks, knows It not. ~ id

19) The eternal Tao has no name; when the Tao divided Itself, then It had a name. ~ id

20) If thou say, "Who is the Ancient and most Holy?" come then and see,-it is the supreme head, unknowable, inaccessible, indefinable, and it contains all. ~ The Zohar

21) The name of the Ancient and most Holy is unknowable to all and inaccessible. ~ id

22) And it is inaccessible, unknowable and beyond comprehension for all. ~ id

23) It is truly the supreme Light, inaccessible and unknowable, from which all other lamps receive their flame and their splendour. ~ id

24) That which has neither body, nor appearance, nor form, nor matter, nor can be seized by our senses, That which cannot be expressed,-this is God. ~ Hermes

25) It is not today nor tomorrow; who knoweth That which is Supreme? When It is approached, It vanishes. ~ Rig Veda

26) Is there a single man who can see what the Sage cannot even conceive? ~ Tseu-tse

27) No man hath seen God at any time. ~ John

28) If He were apparent, He would not be. ~ Hermes

29) Yes, His very splendour is the cause of His invisibility. ~ Baha-ullah

30) The more thou knowest God, the more thou wilt recognise that thou canst not name Him, nor say what He is. ~ Angelus Silesius

31) To comprehend God is difficult, to speak of Him impossible. ~ Hermes

32) Thinkest thou that thou canst write the name of God on Time? No more is it pronounced in Eternity. ~ Angelus Silesius

33) He who speaks best of God is he who, in the presence of the plenitude of the interior riches, knows best how to be silent. ~ Eckhart

34) O Inexpressible, Ineffable, whom silence alone can name! ~ Hermes

35) I salute It, this supreme Deity, which is beyond the senses, which mind and speech cannot define and which can be discerned only by the mind of the true sage. ~ Vishnu Purana
The Threefold Life View Similar The Divine Essence

The Unknowable Divine View Similar The Divine Becoming
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 01 - 15th October 1914The Eternal Wisdom The Divine Essence
1914 Thu 15 October
The Divine Essence

1) If thou canst comprehend God, thou shalt comprehend the Beautiful and the Good, the pure radiance, the incomparable beauty, the good that has not its like. ~ Hermes

2) The essence of God, if at all God has an essence, is Beauty. ~ id

3) God is Light. ~ John

4) He is the supreme Light hidden under every veil. ~ The Zohar

5) His name is conscious spirit, His abode is conscious spirit and He, the Lord, is all conscious spirit. ~ Ramakrishna

6) Knowledge belongs to the very essence of God, if at all God has an essence. ~ Hermes

7) God is not knowledge, but the cause of Knowledge; He is not mind, but the cause of mind; He is not Light, but the cause of Light. ~ id

8) He is the principle of supreme Wisdom. ~ The Zohar

9) God is spirit, fire, being and light, and yet He is not all this. ~ Angelus Silesius

10) He is an eternal silence. ~ id

11) No name is applicable to God, only He is called Love,-so great and precious a thing is Love. ~ id

12) God is Love. ~ John

13) Love which overflows on every side, which is found in the centre of the stars, which is in the depths of the Ocean,-Love whose perfume declares itself everywhere, which nourishes all the kingdoms of Nature and which maintains equilibrium and harmony in the whole universe. ~ Antoine the Healer

14) Victory to the Essence of all wisdom, to the unmoving, to the Imperishable! Victory to the Eternal, to the essence of visible and invisible beings, to Him who is at the same time the cause and the effect of the universe. ~ Vishnu Purana

15) He who contemplates the supreme Truth, contemplates the perfect Essence; only the vision of the spirit can see this nature of ineffable perfection. ~ Buddhist Mediations from the Japanese
The Unknowable Divine View Similar The Divine Becoming

The Unknowable Divine View Similar The Divine Becoming
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 01 - 15th October 1914The Eternal Wisdom The Divine Essence
1914 Thu 15 October
The Divine Essence

1) If thou canst comprehend God, thou shalt comprehend the Beautiful and the Good, the pure radiance, the incomparable beauty, the good that has not its like. ~ Hermes

2) The essence of God, if at all God has an essence, is Beauty. ~ id

3) God is Light. ~ John

4) He is the supreme Light hidden under every veil. ~ The Zohar

5) His name is conscious spirit, His abode is conscious spirit and He, the Lord, is all conscious spirit. ~ Ramakrishna

6) Knowledge belongs to the very essence of God, if at all God has an essence. ~ Hermes

7) God is not knowledge, but the cause of Knowledge; He is not mind, but the cause of mind; He is not Light, but the cause of Light. ~ id

8) He is the principle of supreme Wisdom. ~ The Zohar

9) God is spirit, fire, being and light, and yet He is not all this. ~ Angelus Silesius

10) He is an eternal silence. ~ id

11) No name is applicable to God, only He is called Love,-so great and precious a thing is Love. ~ id

12) God is Love. ~ John

13) Love which overflows on every side, which is found in the centre of the stars, which is in the depths of the Ocean,-Love whose perfume declares itself everywhere, which nourishes all the kingdoms of Nature and which maintains equilibrium and harmony in the whole universe. ~ Antoine the Healer

14) Victory to the Essence of all wisdom, to the unmoving, to the Imperishable! Victory to the Eternal, to the essence of visible and invisible beings, to Him who is at the same time the cause and the effect of the universe. ~ Vishnu Purana

15) He who contemplates the supreme Truth, contemplates the perfect Essence; only the vision of the spirit can see this nature of ineffable perfection. ~ Buddhist Mediations from the Japanese
The Unknowable Divine View Similar The Divine Becoming

The Divine Essence View Similar God in All
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 01 - 15th October 1914The Eternal Wisdom The Divine Becoming
1914 Thu 15 October
The Divine Becoming

1) God or the Good, what is it but the existence of that which yet is not? ~ Hermes

2) The supreme Brahman without beginning cannot be called either Being or Non-being. ~ Bhagavad Gita

3) It is that which is and that which is not. ~ Hermes

4) It is Itself that which was and that which is yet to be, the Eternal. ~ Kaivaiya Upanishad

5) It is He who engenders Himself perpetually.......the Lord of existences and of non-existences. ~ Egyptian Funeral Rites

6) His creation never had a beginning and will never have an end. ~ The Bab

7) Becoming is the mode of activity of the uncreated God. ~ Hermes

8) In the bosom of Time God without beginning becomes what He has never been in all eternity. ~ Angelus Silesius

9) Time is nothing else than the uninterrupted succession of the acts of divine Energy, one of the attri butes or one of the workings of the Deity. Space is the extension of His soul; it is His unfolding in length, breadth and height; it is the simultaneous existence of His productions and manifestations. ~ Giordano Bruno

10) As from a fire that is burning brightly sparks of a like nature are produced in their thousands, so from the Unmoving manifold becomings are born and thither also they wend. ~ Mundaka Upanishad

11) The Tao is diffused in the universe. All existences return to It as streams and mountain rivulets return to the rivers and the seas. ~ Las-tse

12) Even as the sun rises to us and sets, so also for the creation there are alternations of existence and death. ~ Harivansa

13) At the close of the great Night...He whom the spirit alone can perceive, who escapes from the organs of sense, who is without visible parts, Eternal, the soul of all existences, whom none can comprehend, outspread His own splendours. ~ Laws of Manu
The Divine Essence View Similar God in All

The Divine Becoming View Similar Meditation in Yoga and its objects
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 01 - 15th October 1914The Eternal WisdomGod in All
1914 Thu 15 October
God in All

1) For what is God? He is the soul of the universe. ~ Seneca

2) He is the soul of all conscious creatures, who constitutes all things in this world, those which are beyond our senses and those which fall within their range. ~ Aswaghosha

3) For of all things He is the Lord and Father and Source, and the life and power and light and intelligence and mind. ~ Hermes

4) He is everywhere in the world and stands with all in His embrace. ~ Bhagavad Gita

5) There is not a body, however small, which does not enclose a portion of the divine substance. ~ Giordano Bruno

6) For all is full of God. ~ Hermes

7) All this is full of that Being. ~ Swetaswatara Upanishad

8) The fire divine burns indivisible and ineffable and fills all the abysses of the world. ~ Iamblichus

9) All the aspects of the sea are not different from the sea; nor is there any difference between the universe and its supreme Principle. ~ Chhandogya Uppanishad

10) In truth there is no difference between the word of God and the world. ~ Baha-ulalh

11) God and Nature are one. ~ Spinoza

12) That which is most subtle in matter is air, in air the soul, in the soul intelligence, in intelligence God. ~ Hermes

13) Material energy in Matter, physical energy in the body, essential energy in the essence, all that in its entirety is God and in the universe there is nothing which is not God. ~ id

14) In the universe there is nothing which God is not. ~ id

15) God is all and all is God. ~ Eckhart

16) Heaven and Earth are only a talisman which conceals the Deity; without It they are but a vain name. Know then that the visible world and the invisible are God Himself. There is only He and all that is, is He. ~ Farid-ud-din-attar

17) He is all things and all things are one. ~ The Zohar

18) Just as unity is in each of the numbers, so God is one in all things. ~ Angelus Silesius

19) All that is one and one that is all. ~ Hermes

20) He who is alone uncreated is then by that very fact unrevealed and invisible, but, manifesting all things, He reveals Himself in them and by them. ~ id

21) All reflects Him in His shining and by His light all this is luminous. ~ Katha Upanishad

22) As the principle of Fire is one, but having entered this world assumes shapes that correspond to each different form, so the one Self in all existences assumes shapes that correspond to each form of things. ~ id

23) He has a form and He is as if He had no form. He has taken a form in order to be the essence of all. ~ The Zohar

24) The devotee who has seen the One in only one of his aspects, knows Him in that aspect alone. But he who has seen Him in numerous aspects is alone in a position to say; "All these forms are those of the One and the One is multiform." He is without form and in form, and numberless are His forms which we do not know. ~ Ramakrishna

25) Such is God, superior to His name, invisible and apparent, who reveals Himself to the spirit, who reveals Himself to the eyes, who has no body and who has many bodies or rather all bodies; for there is nothing which is not He and all is He alone. ~ Hermes

26) God invisible,...say not so; for who is more apparent than He? That is the goodness of God, that is His virtue, to be apparent in all. ~ Hermes

27) If thou comprehend Him, what seems invisible to most, will be for thee utterly apparent. ~ Hermes

28) If thou canst, thou mayst see Him by the eyes of the intelligence, for the Lord is not a miser of Himself; He reveals Himself in the whole universe. ~ Hermes

29) Thou shalt meet Him everywhere, thou shalt see Him everywhere, in the place and at the hour when thou least expectest it, in waking and in sleep, on the sea, in thy travels, by day, by night, in thy speaking and in thy keeping of silence. For there is nothing that is not the image of God. ~ Hermes

30) Raise thyself above every height, descend below every depth, assemble in thyself all the sensations of created things, of water, of fire, of the dry, of the moist; suppose that thou art at once everywhere, on earth, in the sea, in the heavens, that thou wast never born, that thou art still in the womb, that thou art young, old, dead, beyond death; comprehend all at once, times, spaces, things, qualities, and thou shalt comprehend God. ~ Hermes

31) Surpass all bodies, traverse all times, become eternity, and thou shalt comprehend God. ~ Hermes
The Divine Becoming View Similar Meditation in Yoga and its objects

No Title View Similar To Become God in order to know him
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 01 - 15th December 1914The Eternal WisdomSo should he be Adored
1914 Tue 15 December
So should he be Adored

1) So should He be adored...for it is in That all become one. ~ Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

2) Hail to Thee, to Thee, Spirit of the Supreme Spirit, Soul of souls, to Thee, the visible and invisible, who art one with Time and with the elements. ~ Vishnu Purana

3) O obscurity of obscurity, O soul of the soul, Thou art more than all and before all. All is seen in Thee and Thou art seen in all. ~ Farid-uddin-attar

4) I see of Thee neither end nor middle nor beginning, O Lord of all and universal form. ~ Bhagavad Gita

5) First of the elements, universal Being, Thou hast created all and preservest all and the universe is nothing but Thy form. ~ Vishnu Purana

6) Sole essence of the world, Thou createst it and thou dissolvest it. Thou makest and unmakest the universe which is born again unceasingly by Thee. ~ Harivansa

7) When creation perishes, Thou dost not perish, when it is reborn, thou coverest it, O Imperishable, with a thousand different forms. ~ id

8) Thou art the sun, the stars, the planets, the entire world, all that is without form or endowed with form, all that is visible or invisible, Thou art all these. ~ Vishnu Purana

9) Thou art also in the trees and the plants; the earth bears Thee in its flanks and gives birth to Thee as its nursling, Thee, the Lord of beings, Thee, the essence of all that exists. ~ Harivansa

10) Whither shall I go from Thy spirit or whither shall I flee from Thy presence? If I ascend up into heaven, Thou art there; if I make my bed in hell, behold Thou art there. ~ Psalms

11) Where shall I direct my gaze to bless Thee, on high, below, without, within? There is no way, no place that is outside Thee, other beings exist not; all is in Thee. ~ Hermes

12) Thou who art the soul of all things, Thy universal diffusion witnesses to Thy power and goodness. It is in thee, in others, in all creatures, in all worlds. ~ Vishnu Purana

13) All that is contains Thee; I could not exist if Thou wert not in me. ~ St Augustine

14) I have strayed like a lost sheep seeking outside me that which was within. I have run about the streets and places of the world, this great city, seeking Thee and I have not found Thee because I sought Thee ill and came not to the place where Thou wert. Thou wert within me and I sought thee without; Thou wert near and I sought thee at a distance, and if I had gone where Thou wert, I should immediately have met Thee. ~ id

15) Thou art all that I can be, Thou art all that I can do, Thou art all that I can say; for Thou art all and there is nothing that Thou art not. Thou art all that is and all that yet is not. ~ Hermes

16) Master invisible filling all hearts and directing them from within, to whatever side I look, Thou dwellest there. ~ Bharon Guru

17) Thou art the sovereign treasure of this universe. ~ Bhagavad Gita

18) Through Thy creations I have discovered the beatitude of Thy eternity. ~ Hermes
No Title View Similar To Become God in order to know him

So should he be Adored View Similar The Gods
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 01 - 15th December 1914The Eternal WisdomTo Become God in order to know him
1914 Tue 15 December
To Become God in order to know him

1) Only the like knows its like. ~ Porphyry

2) God dwells in a Light, to which a road is wanting. He who does not become That himself, will never see It. ~ Angelus Silesius

3) What God is one knows not. He is not light, nor spirit, nor beatitude nor unity, nor what goes by the name of divinity, nor wisdom, nor love, nor will, nor kindness, nor a thing, nor that which is not a thing, nor a being, nor a soul; He is what neither I nor thou nor any creature will ever know until we have become what He is. ~ id

4) For nobody can see what He is, except the soul in which He himself is. ~ Maitre Eckhart

5) Lose thyself in Him to penetrate this mystery; everything else is superfluous. ~ Farid-ud-din-attar

6) Do not think to gain God by thy actions...One must not gain but be God. ~ Angelus Silesius

7) One must be God in order to understand God. ~ Antoine the Healer

8) If thou canst not equal thyself with God, thou canst not understand Him. ~ Hermes

9) Be not astonished that man can become like God. ~ Epistle to Diognetus

10) If man surrenders himself to Tao, he identifies himself with Tao. ~ Lao-tse

11) Whoever thinks himself an imperfect and worldly soul, is really an imperfect and worldly soul; whoever deems himself divine, becomes divine. What a man thinks he is, he becomes. ~ Ramakrishna

12) That is why it is permitted to him who has attained to the truty within, to say, "I am the true Divine." ~ Mohyiddin in Arabi

13) Become what thou art. ~ Orphic Precept

14) Each man ought to say to himself, "I was the creator, may I become again what I was". ~ Upanishad

15) Before I was myself, I was God in God, that is why I can again become that when I shall be dead to myself. ~ Angelus Silesius
So should he be Adored View Similar The Gods

To Become God in order to know him View Similar The Divine Man
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 01 - 15th December 1914The Eternal Wisdom The Gods
1914 Tue 15 December
The Gods

1) He who knows that He is the supreme Lord, becomes that, and the gods themselves cannot prevent him...He who adores any other divinity, has not the knowledge. He is as cattle for the gods. Even as numerous cattle serve to nourish men, so each man serves to nourish the gods...That is why the gods love not that a man should know That. ~ Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

2) And the Lord Jehovah said, "Behold, the man is become as one of us...and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever ~ Genesis

3) The belief in supernatural beings may to a certain extent increase the action in man, but it produces also a moral deterioration. Dependence, fear, superstition accompany it; it degenerates into a miserable belief in the weakness of man. ~ Vivekananda

4) Man is the creator of the gods whom he worships in his temples. Therefore humanity has made its gods in its own image. ~ Hermes

5) The Ancestors fashioned the gods as a workman fashions iron. ~ Rig Veda

6) Little children, keep yourselves from idols. ~ John

7) For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. ~ Ephesians

8) For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many and lords many,) but to us there is but one God, of whom are all things. ~ Corinthians

9) All is full of gods ~ Thales

10) All the gods and goddesses are only varied aspects of the One. ~ Ramakrishna

11) The gods have been created by Him, but of Him who knows the manner of His being? ~ Rig Veda

12) We should not make comparisons between the gods. When a man has really seen a divinity, he knows that all divinities are manifestations of one and the same Brahman. ~ Ramakishna

13) That is worlds, gods, beings, the All,-the supreme Soul. ~ Brihadaranyaka Upanishad
To Become God in order to know him View Similar The Divine Man

The Gods View Similar Sanatan Dharma books of philosophy
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 01 - 15th December 1914The Eternal Wisdom The Divine Man
1914 Tue 15 December
The Divine Man

1) Ye are Gods. ~ Psalms

2) None of the heavenly gods quits his sphere to come upon the earth, while man mounts up to heaven and measures it. He knows what is on high and what is below. He knows all correctly and, what is more, has no need to leave the earth in order to exalt himself. ~ Hermes

3) None is greater than he. The gods themselves will have to descend upon earth and it is in a human form that they will get their salvation. Man alone reaches the perfection of which the gods themselves are ignorant. ~ Vivekananda

4) What is man?... Thou crownedst him with glory and honour.... thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet. ~ Hebrews

5) By the assemblage of all that is exalted and all that is base man was always the most astonishing of mysteries. ~ Farid-uddin-attar

6) The world is full of marvels and the greatest marvel is man. ~ Sophocles

7) Man is a small universe. ~ Democritus

8) Placed on the borders of Time and Eternity...he holds himself somehow erect at the horizon of Nature...Spiritual perfection is his true destiny. ~ Giordano Bruno

9) He is the king of Nature because he alone in the world knows himself...His substance is that of God Himself. ~ The Rose of Bakamate

10) Heaven and Earth are the father and mother of all beings; among beings man alone has intelligence for his portion. ~ Chu-King

11) It is we who, in the eyes of Intelligence, are the essence of the divine regard. ~ Omar Khayyam

12) That Intelligence is God within us; by that men are gods and their humanity neighbours divinity. ~ Hermes

13) Man is divine so long as he is in communion with the Eternal. ~ Ramakrishna

14) Deck thyself now with majesty and excellence and array thyself with glory and beauty. ~ Job

15) Thou belongest to the divine world. ~ Baha-ullah

16) The race of men is divine. ~ Pythagoras

17) One should seek God among men. ~ Novalis

18) Follow the great man and you will see what the world has at heart in these ages. There is no omen like that. ~ Emerson

19) There is always one man who more than others represents the divine thought of the epoch. ~ id

20) A link was wanting between two craving parts of Nature and he was hurled into being as the bridge over that yawning need. ~ id

21) There is only one temple in the universe and that is the body of man. Nothing is holier than this noble form. To bow down before man is a homage offered to this revelation in the flesh. We touch heaven when we lay our hand on a human body. ~ Novalis

22) Within man is the soul of the whole, the wise silence, the universal beauty to which every part and particle is equally related, the eternal ONE. ~ Emerson
The Gods View Similar Sanatan Dharma books of philosophy

The Four Aids View Similar The Quest Within
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 01 - 15th January 1915The Eternal Wisdom The Aspiration Towards Truth
1915 Fri 15 January
The Aspiration Towards Truth

1) When darkness envelops you, do you not seek for a lamp? ~ Dammapada 146

2) Man finds himself a centre of Nature, his fragment of Time surrounded by Eternity, his span of Space surrounded by Infinity. How can he help asking himself, "What am I? and whence have I come and whither do I go?" ~ Carlyle

3) This world after all our sciences remains still a miracle, marvellous, inscrutable, magical and more, for whoever thinks. ~ id

4) One beholds it as a mystery, another speaks of it as a mystery, another learns of it as a mystery and even when one has learned of it, there is none that knows it. ~ Bhagavad Gita II 29

5) And yet, O the happiness of being man and of being able to recognise the way of the Truth and by following it to attain the goal. ~ Gyothai

6) The supreme gift is the gift of Truth, the supreme savour is the savour of Truth, the supreme delight is the delight of Truth. ~ Dammapada 354

7) Awake, arise; strive incessantly towards the knowledge so that thou mayst attain unto the peace. ~ Buddhist Text

8) True royalty consists in spiritual knowledge; turn thy efforts to its attainment. ~ Farid-ud-din-attar, "Mantic uttair."

9) The man who does not try to raise his spirit above itself, is not worthy to live in the condition of a man. ~ Angelus Silesius II. 22

10) Seek and ye, shall find. ~ Matthew VII. 7

11) To the eyes of men athirst the whole world seems in dream as a spring of water. ~ Sadi, Gulistan VII

12) Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money,...come, buy wine and milk without money and without price...Incline your ear and come, hear and your soul shall live ~ Isaiah LV. 13

13) O children of immortality, you who live on the highest summits, the road is found, there is a way to escape out of the shadow; and this means, the sole,-for there are no others-is to perceive Him who is beyond all darkness. ~ Vivekananda

14) To look on high, to learn what is beyond, to seek to raise oneself always. ~ Pasteur

15) I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help! ~ Psalms CXXI.1

16) Heaven is my father and begot me; I have for my family all this heavenly circle. My mother is the boundless earth. But I-know not to what all this mysterious universe is like, my eyes are troubled and I move as if enchained in my own thought. ~ Rig Veda

17) I invoke the excellent people of the stars of pure knowledge, pure greatness and beneficent light


18) I desire and love nothing that is not of the light. ~ id

19) To my eyes the majesty of lords and princes is only a little smoke that floats in a ray of sunlight. ~ Sutra in 42 articles

20) To my eyes treasures, diamonds and precious stones are as mere charcoal and coarseness; to my eyes cloth of silk and brocades of price are but rags and tatters. ~ id

21) I renounce the honours to which the world aspires and desire only to know the Truth. ~ Socrates

22) Always higher must I mount, higher must I see. ~ Angelus Silesius I.15

23) What has been said about God, is still not enough for me; the supra-divine is my life and my light

24) O Thou who hast hidden thyself behind a veil, withdraw that veil at last, so that my soul may not consume itself in the search for Thee. ~ Farid-ud-din-attar "Mantic Uttair."

25) When thou saidst, Seek ye my face, my heart said unto Thee, Thy face, Lord, will I seek. ~ Psalms XXVII.8

26) With my soul have I desired thee in the night; with my spirit within me will I seek thee early. ~ Isaiah XXVI.9

27) In that God who illumines the reason, desiring liberation I seek my refuge. ~ Swetaswatara Upanishad VI.18

28) I will rise now and go about the city in the streets and the broadways, I will seek him whom my soul loveth. ~ Songs of Songs III.2

29) Verily, I say to thee; he who seeks the Eternal, finds Him. ~ Ramakrishna

30) He who seeks him, finds him; he who yearns intensely after the Ineffable, has found the Ineffable. ~ id

31) O son of earth, be blind and thou shalt see My beauty; be deaf and thou shalt hear My sweet song, My pleasant melody; be ignorant and thou shalt partake My knowledge; be in distress and thou shalt have an eternal portion of the infinite ocean of My riches:-blind to all that is not My beauty, deaf to all that is not My word, ignorant of all that is not My knowledge. Thus with a gaze that is pure, a spirit without stain, an understanding refined, thou shalt enter into my sacred presence. ~ Baha-ullah, "The Hidden Words in Persian."

32) Wide open to all beings be the gates of the Everlasting. ~ Mahavajjo
The Four Aids View Similar The Quest Within

The Aspiration Towards Truth View Similar A Question from Europe on Difficulty
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 01 - 15th January 1915The Eternal Wisdom The Quest Within
1915 Fri 15 January
The Quest Within

1) The sage's quest is for himself, the quest of the-ignorant for other than himself. ~ Confucius, "Lun-Yu," II 15.20

2) Nobility is for each man within him; only he never thinks of seeking for it within. ~ Meng-Tse II 5.17

3) If any one asks what is the shortest and surest way of disposing ourselves to advance continually in the spiritual life, I shall reply that it is to remain carefully self-gathered within, for it is there properly that one sees the gleam of the true light. ~ J. Tauler, "Institutions," 37

4) To retire from the world, that is to retire into oneself, is to aid in the dispersion of all doubts. ~ Tolstoi

5) If the soul would give itself leisure to take breath and return into itself, it would be easy for it to draw from its own depths the seeds of the true. ~ Seneca

6) Assuredly, whoever wishes to discover the universal truth must sound the depths of his own heart. ~ J. Tauler, "Institutions."

7) Only from his own soul can he demand the secret of eternal beauty. ~ Farid-ud-din-attar, "Mantic-uttair."

8) Examine yourselves. ~ II Corinthians. XIII. 5

9) Your greatness is within and only in yourselves can you find a spectacle worthy of your regard. ~ Seneca

10) Seek and you shall find.... It is when we seek for the things which are within us that quest leads to discovery. ~ Meng-Tse II. 7.3

11) Our true glory and true riches are within. ~ Seneca

12) Of what use is it to run painfully about the troubled world of visible things when there is a purer world within ourselves? ~ Novalis, "The Disciples at Sais."

13) The soul will enjoy veritable felicity when, separating itself from the darkness which surrounds it, it is able to contemplate with a sure gaze the divine light at its source. ~ Seneca

14) Each descent of the gaze on oneself is at the same time an ascension, an assumption, a gaze on the true objectivity. ~ Novalis, "Fragments."

15) I looked into my own heart and I saw reflected there in its entirety the vast world with all its passions,-pride, hope, fear and the conflagration of the desires. So gazing I understood the word of the ancient sage, "Man is a mirror in which there appears the image of the world." ~ Ryonen

16) The day of days, the great feast-day of the life, is that in which the eye within opens on the unity of things, the omnipresence of a law. ~ Emerson

17) The law is not in heaven, that thou shouldst say, "Who shall go up for us to heaven and bring it into us that we may hear it and do it?" Neither is it beyond the sea, that thou shouldst say "Who shall go over the sea and bring it into us that we may hear it and do it?" But the word is very nigh unto thee, in thy mouth and in thy heart, that thou mayst do it. ~ Deuteronomy XXX. 12-14

18) Observe thyself, not that which is thine, nor that which is around thee, but thyself alone. ~ St. Basil

19) Retire into thyself as into an island and set thyself to the work. ~ Dhammapada. 236

20) Gather thyself into thyself crouched like an infant in the bosom of its mother. ~ Farid-ud-din-attar, "Mantic uttair"

21) Look within thee; within thee is the source of all good and a source inexhaustible provided thou dig in it unceasingly. ~ Marcus Aurelius VII. 59

22) Contemplate the mirror of thy heart and thou shalt taste little by little a pure joy and unmixed peace. ~ Sadi, "Bostan"

23) Open the eye of the heart that thou mayst see thy soul; thou shalt see what was not made to be seen. ~ Ahmed Halif, "Mystic Odes"

24) The soul is veiled by the body; God is veiled by the soul. ~ Farid-ud-din-attar

25) If a man could cast a firm and clear glance into the depths of his being, he would see there God. ~ J. Tauler

26) Every man who returns into himself, will find there traces of the Divinity. ~ Cicero, "De Regibus. I. 22

27) Look into thy heart and thou shalt see there His image. ~ Farid-ud-din-attar, "Mantic-uttair," 13

28) An attentive scrutiny of thy being will reveal to thee that it is one with the very essence of absolute perfection. ~ Buddhist Writings in the Japanese

29) O my friend, hearken to the melody of the Spirit in thy heart and in thy soul and guard it as the apple of thy eyes. ~ Baha-ullah, "The Seven Valleys"

30) But how can that be manifested to thy eyes if what is within thee is to thyself invisible? ~ Hermes

31) This Self hidden in all existences shines not out, but it is seen with the supreme and subtle vision by those who see the subtle. The wise man should draw speech into the mind, mind into the Self that is knowledge; knowledge he should contain in the Great Self and that in the Self that is still. ~ Kathopanishad I.3.12,13

32) Let not him then who cannot enter into the chamber of hidden treasure complain that he is poor and has no part in these riches. ~ J. Tauler, "Institutions." 27

33) What right has a man to say he has a soul if he has not felt it or that there is a God, if he has not seen Him? If we have a soul, we must penetrate to it; otherwise it is better not to believe, to be frankly an atheist rather than hypocrite. ~ Vivekananda

34) O my soul, wilt thou be one day simple, one, bare, more visible than the body which envelops thee? ~ Marcus Aurelius. X.I
The Aspiration Towards Truth View Similar A Question from Europe on Difficulty

Self-Consecration View Similar The Paths of the Understanding
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 01 - 15th February 1915The Eternal WisdomKnow Thyself
1915 Mon 15 February
Know Thyself

1) Know thyself and thou shalt know the universe and the gods. ~ Inscription of the Temple of Delphi

2) One of the most important precepts of wisdom is to know oneself. ~ Socrates

3) There is nothing greater than the practice of the precept which says, "Know thyself". ~ Antoine the Healer

4) The sage knows himself. ~ Lao-Tse-35

5) All men participate in the possibility of self-knowledge. ~ Heraclitus

6) Let the man in whom there is intelligence... know himself. ~ Hermes

7) Let each contemplate himself, not shut up in narrow walls, not cabined in a corner of the earth, but a citizen of the whole world. From the height of the sublime meditations which the spectacle of Nature and the knowledge of it will procure for him, how well will he know himself how he will disdain, how base he will find all the futilities to which the vulgar attach so high a price. ~ Cicero

8) When one says to a man, "Know thyself," it is not only to lower his pride, but to make him sensible of his own value. ~ id

9) Ignorance of oneself is then an evil in all respects, whether ignoring the greatness and dignity of the inner man one lowers one's divine principle or ignoring the natural baseness of the external man one commits the fault of glorifying oneself. ~ Porphyry, "Treatise on the Precept, Know Thyself"

10) The supreme task of culture is to take possession of one's transcendental self, to be truly the self of the self...Without a complete intelligence of oneself one will never learn to understand others aright. ~ Novalis, Fragments

11) If then we wish to give ourselves to the study of philosophy, let us apply ourselves to self-knowledge and we shall arrive at a right philosophy by elevating ourselves from the conception of ourselves to the contemplation of the universe. ~ Porphyry

12) Whoever wishes to attain to the highest perfection of his being and to the vision of the supreme good, must have a knowledge of himself as of the things about him to the very core. It is only so that he can arrive at the supreme clarity. Therefore learn to know thyself, that is better for thee than to know all the powers of the creation. ~ Maitre Eckhart

13) Whoever knows himself, has light. ~ Lao-Tse, "Tao-Te King." XXXIII

14) Whoever knows essentially his own nature, can know also that of other men and can penetrate into the nature of things. He can collaborate in the transformations and in the progress of heaven and of earth. ~ Confucius

15) How can the soul which misunderstands itself, have a sure idea of other creatures? ~ Seneca

16) The soul of man is the mirror of the world. ~ Leibnitz

17) The soul is the image of what is above it and the model of what is below. Therefore by knowing and analysing itself it knows all things without going out of its own nature. ~ Proclus, "Commentary on the Timaeus"

18) The soul includes everything; whoever knows his soul, knows everything and whoever is ignorant of his soul, is ignorant of everything. ~ Socrates

19) This mental being in the inner heart who has the truth and the light is the lord and sovereign of all; he who knows it, governs all this that is. ~ Brihadaranyaka Upanishad V.6

20) Whoever develops all the faculties of his thinking principle, knows his own rational nature; once he knows his rational nature, he knows heaven. ~ Meng-Tse II.7.1

21) The greatest science is the knowledge of oneself. He who knows himself, knows God. ~ Clement of Alexandria

22) As by knowing one piece of clay one knows all that is of clay, as by knowing one implement of steel one knows all that is of steel, even so is the order of this knowledge. ~ Chhandoyga Upanishad VI.1.4.6

23) He who knows himself, knows his Lord. ~ Mohyddin-ibn-Arabi. "Essay on Unity."

24) Know thyself and thou shalt know the Non-ego and the Lord of all. Meditate deeply, thou shalt find there is nothing thou canst call "I". The innermost result of all analysis is the eternal divine. When egoism vanishes, divinity manifests itself. ~ Ramakrishna

25) When thou takest cognizance of what thine "I" is, then art thou delivered from egoism and shalt know that thou art not other than God. ~ Mohyddin-ibn-Arabi

26) When thou canst see that the substance of His being is thy being,... then thou knowest thy soul...So to know oneself is the true knowledge. ~ id

27) The zeal we devote to fulfilling the precept "Know thyself," leads us to the true happiness whose condition is the knowledge of veritable truths. ~ Porphyry

28) It is written in the great Law, "Before thou canst become a knower of the All-Self, thou must first b the knower of thine own self". ~ Book of the Golden Precepts

29) Who knows this ruler within, he knows the worlds and the gods and creatures and the Self, he knows all. ~ Mundaka Upanishad I.210.

30) That is the bright Light of all lights which they know who know themselves. ~ Brihadaranyaka Upanishad I.4

31) He becomes master of all this universe who has this knowledge.-Know thyself, sound the divinity ~ Epictetus, "Conversations." III.22
Self-Consecration View Similar The Paths of the Understanding

Know Thyself View Similar The Methods of Vedantic Knowledge
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 01 - 15th February 1915The Eternal Wisdom The Paths of the Understanding
1915 Mon 15 February
The Paths of the Understanding

1) Love light and not darkness. ~ Orphic Hymns

2) The light shineth in the darkness and the darkness comprehended it not. ...It was in the world and the world was made by it, and the world knew it not. ~ John I 5.10

3) Comprehend then the light and know it. ~ Hermes I. "Poimandres"

4) The whole dignity of man is in thought. Labour then to think aright. ~ Pascal

5) Our inner self is provided with all necessary faculties ~ Meng-Tse VII. I. IV. I. 3

6) The spirit constructs its own abode; directed falsely from the beginning it thinks in erroneous ways and engenders its own distress. Thought creates for itself its own suffering. ~ Fa-khe-pi-

7) Not only to unite oneself by the breath to the air in which we live, but henceforth to unite oneself by thought to the Intelligence in which all lives. For intelligent Power is no less diffused everywhere and is no less communicated to whoever can brea the it. ~ Marcus Aurelius VIII. 54

8) You tell me that even in Europe educated men become mad by thinking constantly of one subject. But how is it possible to lose one's intelligence and become mad by thinking of that Intelligence by which the whole world is made intelligent? ~ Ramakrishna

9) The law of the grand study or practical philosophy consists in developing and bringing into light the luminous principle of reason which we have received from heaven. ~ Confucius "Ta-hio" I

10) Reason is the foundation of all things. ~ Li-Ki

11) In the beginning all things were in confusion; intelligence came and imposed order. ~ Anaxagoras

12) Intelligence, soul divine, truly dominates all,-destiny, law and everything else. ~ Hermes

13) To it nothing is impossible, neither to place the soul above destiny nor to submit it to destiny by rendering it indifferent to circumstances. Nothing is more divine or more powerful than Intelligence. ~ id

14) We believe often that the greatest force existent in the world is material force. We so think because our body, whether we will or no, feels always that force. But spiritual force, the force of thought seems to us insignificant and we do not recognise it as a force at all. Nevertheless it is there that true force resides, that which modifies our life and the life of others. ~ Tolstoi

15) Force cannot resist intelligence; in spite of force, in spite of men, intelligence passes on and triumphs. ~ Ramayana

16) There is nothing in the world that man's intelligence cannot attain, annihilate or accomplish. ~ Hindu Saying

17) Beware when the Almighty sends a thinker on this planet; all is then in peril. ~ Emerson

18) Intelligence is worth more than all the possessions in the world. ~ Minokhired

19) It is nothing, O my brothers, the loss of relatives, riches or honours; but the loss of understanding is a heavy loss. It is nothing, O my brothers, the gain of relatives, riches or honours; but the gain of understanding is the supreme gain. Therefore we wish to gain in understanding; let that be our aspiration. ~ Angattara Nikaya

20) Thou shalt call Intelligence by the name of mother. ~ Kabbalah

21) Intelligence is the beneficent guide of human souls, it leads them towards their good. ~ Hermes

22) The great malady of the soul is error which brings in its train all evils without any good. Intelligence combats it and brings back the soul to good as the physician restores the body to health. ~ id

23) Cultivate the intelligence so that you may drink of the torrent of certitude. ~ Baha-ullah, "Tablets"

24) Strive to understand with that supreme intuition which will cause you to attain to divine knowledge and which is in harmony with the soul of eternal things, so that the mysteries of spiritual wisdom may be clearly revealed to you. ~ id. "Kitab-el-ikon"

25) Man should never cease to believe that the incomprehensible can be comprehended; otherwise he would give up his search. ~ Goethe

26) Our intelligence arrives by application at the understanding and knowledge of the nature of the world. The understanding of the nature of the world arrives at the knowledge of the eternal. ~ Hermes. "Initiatory discourses"

27) For the spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. ~ I Corinthians II

28) Man's vast spirit in its power to understand things, has a wider extent than heaven and earth. ~ J. Tauler, "Institutions" XII

29) Try, but thou shalt not find the frontiers of the soul even if thou scourest all its ways; so profound is the extension of its reasoning being. ~ Heraclitus
Know Thyself View Similar The Methods of Vedantic Knowledge

Self-Surrender in Works-The Gita View Similar The Purification of the Mind
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 01 - 15th March 1915The Eternal Wisdom The Spirit of Synthesis
1915 Mon 15 March
The Spirit of Synthesis

1) To think is to move in the Infinite. ~ Lacordaire

2) Wouldst thou penetrate the infinite? Advance, then, on all sides in the finite. ~ Goethe

3) There is one height of truth and there are those who approach from all sides, as many sides as there are radii in a circle, that is to say, by routes of an infinite variety. Let us work, then, with all our strength to arrive at this light of Truth which unites us all. ~ Tolstoi

4) All is truth for the intellect and reason. ~ Hermes

5) As the musician knows how to tune his lyre, so the wise man knows how to set his mind in tune with all minds. ~ Demophilus

6) If faith and incredulity offered themselves together to him, he would receive them with an equal willingness, let them but open to him the door through which he must pass to his goal. ~ Farid-uddin-attar

7) One must receive the Truth from wheresoever it may come. ~ Maimonides

8) Accept what is good even from the babbling of an idiot or the prattle of a child as they extract gold from a stone. ~ Mahabharata

9) Seek the Truth, though you must go to China to find it. ~ Mohammed

10) When they tell thee that thou must not search everywhere for truth, believe them not. Those who speak thus are thy most formidable enemies-and Truth's. ~ Tolstoi

11) Examine all things and hold fast that which is good. ~ St. Paul

12) Behind each particular idea there is a general idea, an absolute principle. Know that and you know all. ~ Vivekananda

13) Contraries harmonise with each other; the finest harmony springs from things that are unlike. ~ Heraclitus

14) Whoever would enter into the mysteries of Nature must incessantly explore the opposite extremes of things and discover the point where they unite. ~ Giordano Bruno

15) The more we rise towards the summit, towards the identity, both through the form and in the essence, and the more we turn away from particular things towards the whole, the more do we find the unity that abides for ever, and behold it as supreme, dominant, comprehensive of diversity and multiplicity. ~ Iamblichus

16) The more our reason adopts the ways and processes of this sovereign Reason which is at once that which knows and that which is known, the better are we enabled to understand the totality of things. Whosoever sees and possesses this unity, possesses all; whoever has been unable to reach this unity, has grasped nothing. ~ Giordano Bruno
Self-Surrender in Works-The Gita View Similar The Purification of the Mind

The Spirit of Synthesis View Similar All-Will and Free-Will
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 01 - 15th March 1915The Eternal Wisdom The Purification of the Mind
1915 Mon 15 March
The Purification of the Mind

1) There is a stain worse than all stains, the stain of ignorance. Purify yourselves of that stain, O disciples, and be free from soil. ~ Dhammapada 243

2) The plague of ignorance overflows all the earth. ~ Hermes II

3) Men and women live in the world without yet having any idea either of the visible world or the invisible. ~ Farid-ud-din-attar

4) Man is like an ignorant spectator of a drama played on the stage. ~ Bhagavat Purana

5) The ignorant is a child. ~ Laws of Manu. II. 193

6) Ignorance is the night of the spirit, but a night without stars or moon. ~ Chinese Proverb

7) Ignorance is the field in which all other difficulties grow. ~ Patanjali, Aphorisms II. 4

8) The evil of the soul is ignorance. ~ Hermes, "The Key"

9) Ignorance is also most always on the point of doing evil. ~ Chinese Proverb

10) With ignorance are born all the passions, with the destruction of ignorance the passions also are destroyed. ~ Majihima Nikaya

11) There is in this world no purification like knowledge. ~ Bhagavad Gita IV. 3

12) Even though thou shouldst be of all sinners the most sinful, yet by the raft of knowledge thou shalt cross utterly beyond all evil. ~ id. 36

13) Fill then your heart with this knowledge and seek for the sources of life in the words dictated by Truth itself. ~ Epsitle to Diognetus

14) There is a ceremony which is called the baptism of the purification. It is celebrated with solemnity and pomp, but it is not the true purification. I will teach you that noble baptism which leads to deliverance. ~ Samiutta Nikaya

15) It is not by the water in which they plunge that men become pure but he becomes pure who follows the path of the Truth. ~ ibid

16) And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. ~ John VIII. 32

17) Behold, my son, the plenitude of the good which follows the appearance of the Truth, for envy removes far from us and by the truth the good arrives with life and light and there no longer remain in us any executioners or darkness; all withdraw vanquished. ~ Hermes "On the Rebirth"

18) But most men, I know not why, love better to deceive themselves and fight obstinately for an opinion which is to their taste than to seek without obduracy the truth ~ Cicero, "Academy" II. 13

19) We have no power against the truth, we have power only for the truth. ~ II Corinthains XIII. 8

20) Happy are they whom Truth herself instructs not by words and figures but by showing herself as she is. ~ Imitation of Christ I. 3. 7

21) Truth is the perfect virtue, the sovereign good that is not troubled by matter nor circumscribed by the body, the good bare, evident, unalterable, august, immutable. ~ Hermes

22) Regard as true only the eternal and the just. ~ id
The Spirit of Synthesis View Similar All-Will and Free-Will

Sacrifice and the Triune Path View Similar The Type of the Superman
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 01 - 15th April 1915The Eternal Wisdom The True Science
1915 Thu 15 April
The True Science

1) The knowledge which purifies the intelligence is true knowledge. All the rest is ignorance. ~ Ramakrishna

2) He alone is truly a man who is illumined by the light of the true knowledge. Others are only men in name. ~ id

3) Human opinions are playthings. ~ Heraclitus 88

4) Those, on the contrary, who contemplate the immutable essence of things, have knowledge and not opinions. ~ Plato: Republic

5) To know is not to be well informed; it is our own effort that must reveal all to us and we can owe nothing to other than ourselves. ~ Antoine the Healer: "Revelations"

6) It is difficult, even after having learned much, to arrive at the desired term of science. ~ Sutra in 42 Articles. XI. 2

7) Whoever has perfected himself by the spiritual union, finds in time the true science in himself. ~ Bhagavad Gita IV. 38

8) Just discernment is of two kinds. The first conducts us towards the phenomenon, while the second knows how the Absolute appears in the universe. ~ Ramakrishna

9) The experimental sciences, when one occupies oneself with them for their own sake, studying them without any philosophical aim, are like a face without eyes. They then represent one of those occupations suitable to middling capacities devoid of the supreme gifts which would only be obstacles to their minute researches. ~ Schopenhauer

10) When a man has studied all sciences and learned what men know and have known, he will find that all these sciences taken as a whole are so insignificant that they bring with them no possibility of understanding the world. ~ Tolstoi

11) The observations and reckonings of astronomers have taught us many surprising things, but the most important result of their studies is, undoubtedly, that they reveal to us the abyss of our ignorance. ~ Kant

12) There is no fact in Science which may not tomorrow be turned into ridicule...The very hopes of man, the thoughts of his heart, the religions of the peoples, the customs and ethics of humanity are all at the mercy of a new generalisation. The generalisation is always a new current of the divine in the spirit. ~ Emerson

13) We must distinguish between the knowledge which is due to the study and analysis of Matter and that which results from contact with life and a benevolent activity in the midst of humanity. ~ Antoine the Healer: "Revelations."

14) The young generations study numberless subjects, the constitution of the stars, of the earth, the origin of organisms etc. They omit only one thing and that is to know what is the sense of human life, how one ought to live, what the great sages of all times have thought of this question and how they have resolved it. ~ Tolstoi

15) For life cannot subsist without science and science exposes us to this peril that it does not walk towards the light of the true life. ~ Epistle to Diognetus

16) Save the world that is within us, O Life. ~ Hermes: "On the Rebirth"

17) Whoever, without having the true science to which Life offers witness, fancies he knows something, knows, I repeat, nothing. ~ Epistle to Diognetus

18) Let no man deceive himself; if any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him a fool that he may be wise. ~ I. Corinthians III. 18

19) If thou wouldst make progress, be resigned to passing for an idiot or an imbecile in external things; consent to pass for one who understands nothing of them at all. ~ Epictetus: Manual. 13

20) The sage is not a savant nor the savant a sage. ~ Lao-Tse. 44

21) Out of academies there come more fools than from any other class in society. ~ Kant

22) The knowledge of a great number of trivialities is an insurmountable obstacle to knowing what is really necessary. ~ Tolstoi

23) Take care that the reading of numerous writers and books of all kinds does not confuse and trouble thy reason. ~ Seneca

24) It would be better not to have books than to believe all that is found in them. ~ Meng Tse. VII. II. III. 1

25) If a man does not read with an intense desire to know the truth renouncing for its sake all that is vain and frivolous and even that which is essential if needs be, mere reading will only inspire him with pedantry, presumption and egoism. ~ Ramakrishna

26) To read too much is bad for thought. The greatest thinkers I have met among the savants whom I have studied were precisely those who were the least learned. ~ Liehtemberg

27) Having studied books, the sage uniquely consecrated to knowledge and wisdom, should leave books completely aside as a man who wants the rice abandons the husk. ~ Upanishad

28) We begin to know really when we succeed in forgetting completely what we have learned. ~ Thoreau

29) One arrives at such a condition only by renouncing all that one has seen, heard, understood. ~ Baha-ullah: "The Seven Valleys."

30) So long as one has not become-as simple as a child, one cannot expect the divine illumination. Forget all the knowledge of the world that you have acquired and become as ignorant as a child; then you shall attain to the divine wisdom. ~ Ramakrishna

31) The great man is he who has not lost the child's heart within him. ~ Meng-Tse. I V. II. XII

32) The end of our study consists merely in recovering our heart that we have lost. ~ id. VI. I.XI

33) The seeker who would travel in the paths of the teaching of the King of the Ancients, should purify his heart of the dark dust of human science,....for it is in his heart that the divine and invisible mysteries appear transfigured. ~ Baha-ullah: "Kitab-el-ikon."

34) Learn then, in brief, matter and its nature, qualities and modifications and also what the Spirit is and what its power. ~ Bhagavad Gita XIII

35) Scrutinise the heavens, sound the earth and they will reveal to thee always their impermanence, consider the world all around thee and it will reveal to thee always its impermanence: but when thou shalt have acquired spiritual illumination, thou shalt find wisdom and the intelligence that thou shalt have so attained will guide thee at once on the path. ~ Sutra in 42 Articles

36) The true royalty is spiritual knowledge; put forth thy efforts to attain it. ~ Farid-ud-din-attar, "Mantic utttair"

37) The knowledge of the soul is the highest knowledge and truth has nothing for us beyond it. ~ Mahabharata

38) To be enlightened is to know that which is eternal. ~ Lao-Tse: Tao-Te-King" XVI

39) To know the One and Supreme, the supreme Lord, the immense Space, the superior Rule, that is the summit of knowledge. ~ Tsuang-Tse II

40) When thou possessest knowledge thou shalt attain soon to peace. ~ Bhagavad Git. V. 16

41) Which then is the cultivated and instructed soul? The one which knows the principle, end and reason diffused in all being and through all eternity and governing the whole by regular revolutions. ~ Marcus Aurelius. V. 32

42) Such is the science of the Intelligence, to contemplate things divine and comprehend God. ~ Hermes 1. "The Character"

43) For those in whom self-knowledge has destroyed their ignorance, knowledge illumines sunlike that highest existence. ~ Bhagavad Gita V. 16

44) He who has plunged himself into a pure knowledge of the profoundest secrets of the Spirit, is no longer either a terrestrial or a celestial being. He is the supreme Spirit enveloped in perishable flesh, the sublime divinity itself. ~ Pico de la Mirandola

45) He who suffers himself to be transported by the love of things on high, who drinks at the sources of eternal beauty, who lives by the Infinite and combats for the ideal of all virtue and all knowledge, who shows for that cult an enthusiasm pushed to a very fury,-he is the hero. ~ Giordano Bruno

46) Holy Knowledge, by thee illumined, I hymn by thee the ideal light; I rejoice with the joy of the Intelligence. ~ Hermes: "On the Rebirth"
Sacrifice and the Triune Path View Similar The Type of the Superman

The Triple Offering View Similar The Vaishnava Poetess
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 01 - 15th May 1915The Eternal Wisdom The Way of love
1915 Sat 15 May
The Way of love

1) Some say that knowledge is the road that leads towards love; others, that love and knowledge are interdependent. ~ Narada Sutra 18-19

2) Love is an easier method than the others; because it is self-evident and does not depend on other truths and its nature is peace and supreme felicity. ~ id. 58. 60

3) Love is greater than knowledge...because it is its own end. ~ id. 25. 26

4) Love is an invisible, a sacred and ineffable spirit which traverses the whole world with its rapid thoughts. ~ Empedocles

5) All the knowledge one can require emanates from this love ~ Antoine the Healer: "Revelations"

6) The knowledge of the Eternal and the love of the Eternal are in the end one and the same thing. There is no difference between pure knowledge and pure love. ~ Ramakrishna

7) Knowledge of God can be compared to a man while Love of God is like a woman. The one has his right of entry to the outer chambers of the Eternal, but only love can penetrate into the inner chambers, she who has access to the mysteries of the Almighty. ~ id

8) Cross even beyond the light which illumines thee and cast thyself upon the bosom of God. ~ Maitre Eckhart

9) He who goes from this world without knowing that Imperishable is poor in soul, but he who goes from this world having known that Imperishable, he is the sage. ~ Brihadaranyaka Upanishad III. 8. 10

10) Practise with all thy strength love for that being who is the One in order that it may be made manifest to thy sight that He is one and alone and there is no other God than He. ~ Ahmed Halif "Mystic Odes"

11) Still it is not impossible to raise oneself even higher than that, for love itself is a veil between the lover and the Beloved. ~ Baha-ullah "The Seven Valleys."
The Triple Offering View Similar The Vaishnava Poetess

The Standard of Conduct View Similar The Chain
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 01 - 15th June 1915The Eternal Wisdom The Example of the Sage
1915 Tue 15 June
The Example of the Sage

1) There are men in the world who labour to attain to spirituality and sages who are pure and perfect and can explain this life and the other of which they have themselves acquired the knowledge. ~ Unknown

2) There are some true and ardent aspirants who travel from place to place in search of this pass-word from a divine and perfect instructor which will open for them the doors of the eternal beatitude, and if in their earnest search one of them is so favoured as to meet such a master and receive from him the word so ardently desired which is capable of breaking all chains, he withdraws immediately from society to enter into the profound retreat of his own heart and dwells there till he has succeeded in conquering eternal peace. ~ Ramakrishna

3) The company of saints and sages is one of the chief agents of spiritual progress. ~ Ramakrishna

4) He that walketh with the wise, shall be wise. ~ Proverbs XIII 20

5) For in them there is a source of intelligence, a fountain of wisdom and a flood of knowledge. ~ Esdras

6) To avoid the company of fools, to be in communion with the sages, to render honour to that which merits honor, is a great blessedness. ~ Mahaparinibbana Sutta

7) To avoid the company of fools, to take pleasure in being among the intelligent, to venerate those who are worthy of veneration, is a great blessedness. ~ Mahamangala Sutta

8) Let us lend ear to the sages who point out to us the way. ~ Seneca

9) Employ all the leisure you have in listening to the well-informed; so you shall learn without difficulty what they have learned by long labour. ~ Isocrates

10) Question attentively, then meditate at leisure over what you have heard. ~ Confucius

11) Take delight in questioning; hearken in silence to the word of the saints. ~ Imitation of Christ

12) Happy is he who nourishes himself with these good words and shuts them up in his heart. He shall always be one of the wise. ~ Ecclesiasticus

13) He who knows how to find instructors for himself, arrives at the supreme mastery...He who loves to ask, extends his knowledge; but whoever considers only his own personal opinion becomes constantly narrower than he was. ~ Tsu-King

14) Obey them that guide you and submit yourselves; for they watch over your souls. ~ Hebrews XIII. 17

15) And we beseech you to know them which labour among you and are over you and admonish you and to esteem them very highly in love for their work's sake. ~ I Thessalonians V. 12. 13

16) Hold such in reputation. ~ Philippians II. 29

17) Take the pearl and throw from you the shell; take the instruction which is given you by your Master and put out of your view the human weaknesses of the teacher. ~ Ramakrishna

18) Alone the sage can recognize the sage. ~ Ramakrishna

19) The sage increases his wisdom by all that he can gather from others. ~ Fenelon

20) None is wise enough to guide himself alone. ~ Imitation of Christ

21) We must choose a virtuous man to be always present to our spirit and must live as if we were continually under his eyes and he were scrutinising all that we do

22) Whosoever can cry to the All-Powerful with sincerity and an intense passion of the soul has no need of a Master. But so profound an aspiration is very rare; hence the necessity of a Master. ~ Ramakrishna

23) It is impossible to arrive at the summit of the mountain without passing through rough and difficult paths. ~ Confucius

24) To be ignorant of the path one has to take and set out on the way without a guide, is to will to lose oneself and run the risk of perishing. ~ Hermes

25) Seek for a guide to lead you to the gates of knowledge where shines the brilliant light that is pure of all darkness. ~ Dhammapada

26) My son, if thou hearkenest to me with application thou shalt be instructed and if thou appliest thy mind thou shalt get wisdom. If thou lend thine ear, thou shalt receive instruction and if thou love to hearken thou shalt grow wise. ~ Ecclesiasticus

27) I will show thee, hear me; and that which I have seen I will declare, which wise men have told: ~ Job XV. 17.18

28) All that man does comes to its perfection in knowledge. That do thou learn by prostration to the wise and by questioning and by serving them; they who have the knowledge and see the truths of things shall instruct thee in the knowledge. ~ Bhagavadgita IV-33-34

29) Lend thine ear, hear the words of the wise, apply thy heart to knowledge. ~ Proverbs XXII. 17

30) Scorn not-the discourse of the wise, for thou shalt learn from them wisdom. ~ Ecclesiasticus

31) Neglect not the conversation of the aged, for they speak that which they have heard from their fathers. ~ Ecclesiasticus

32) Enquire, I pray thee, of the former age and prepare myself to search after the wisdom of their fathers...Shall they not teach thee and tell thee words out of their heart? ~ Job VIII.8.10

33) Avoid the society of evil friends and men of vulgar minds; have pleasure in that of the giants of wisdom and take as thy friends those who practice justice. ~ Dhammapada

34) Beyond all other men make thyself the friend of him who is distinguished by his virtue. Yield always to his gentle warnings and observe his honourable and useful actions. ~ Pythagoras; "Golden Verses". 5-6

35) If thou meetest on the roads of life an intelligent friend who is following thy path, one full of justice, firmness and wisdom, then overcome all obstacles and walk at his side happy and attentive. ~ Dhammapada

36) Follow wise and intelligent men possessed of experience, patient and full of spirituality and elevation...Follow just and perfect men faithfully as the moon follows the path of the constellations. ~ Dhammapada

37) If thou remain in isolation, thou shalt never be able to travel the path of the spirit; a guide is needed. Go not alone by thyself, enter not as a blind man into that ocean...Since thou art utterly ignorant what thou shouldst do to issue out of the pit of this world, how shalt thou dispense with a sure guide? ~ Farid-ud-din-attar

38) Blush not to submit to a sage who knows more than thyself. ~ Democritus

39) Do what thy Master tells thee; it is good. ~ Ptah-hotep

40) Do not listen if one criticises or blames thy Master, leave his presence that very moment. ~ Ramakrishna

41) Hearken to the word of the sage with the ear of the soul, even when his conduct has no similitude to his teachings. Men should listen to good counsel even though it be written on a wall. ~ Sadi; Sulistan

42) One who thinks that his spiritual guide is merely a man, can draw no profit from his contact. ~ Ramakrishna

43) Though my Master should visit the tavern, yet my master shall always be a saint. Though my Master should frequent the impious meeting-place of the drunkards and the sinners, yet shall he be always to me my pure and perfect Master. ~ Ramakrishna

44) Opinions on the world and on God are many and conflicting and I know not the truth. Enlighten me, O my Master. ~ Hermes
The Standard of Conduct View Similar The Chain

The Supreme Will View Similar Intellectual Independence
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 01 - 15th July 1915The Eternal WisdomBy Thy Own Torch
1915 Thu 15 July
By Thy Own Torch

1) By three roads we can reach wisdom: the road of experience and this is the most difficult; the road of initiative and this is the easiest; and the road of reflection and this is the noblest. ~ Confucius

2) One should seek the truth himself while profiting by the directions which have reached us from ancient sages and saints. ~ Tolstoi

3) It is extravagance to ask of others what can be procured by oneself. ~ Seneca: Epistles

4) The superior soul asks nothing from any but itself. The vulgar and unmeritable man asks everything of others. ~ Confucius: Lia yu II XV. 20

5) I call him a man who recognises no possessions save those he finds in himself. ~ Seneca

6) He governs his soul and expects nothing from others. ~ Confucius

7) Be your own torch and your own refuge. Take truth for your force, take truth for your refuge. Seek refuge in no others but only in yourself. ~ Mahaparinibbana Sutta

8) Who can be the Master of another? The Eternal alone is the guide and the Master. ~ Ramakrishna

9) There are numerous Masters. But the common Master is the Universal Soul: live in it and let its rays live in you. ~ Book of the Golden Precepts

10) It is you who must make the effort; the sages can only teach. ~ Dhammapada

11) If you do not meet a sage following the same road as yourself, then walk alone. ~ Dhammapada

12) Prepare thyself for thou must travel alone. The Master can only indicate to thee the road. ~ Book of the Golden Precepts

13) The sage is never alone...he bears in himself the Lord of all things. ~ Angelius Silesius

14) Thou hast always a refuge in thyself...There be free and look at all things with a fearless eye. ~ Marcus Aurelius

15) Confidence in help from outside brings with it distress. Only self-confidence gives force and joy. ~ Fo-tho-hing-tsang-king

16) Stimulate thyself, direct thyself; thus protected by thyself and full of clear-seeing thou shalt live always happy. ~ Dhammapada

17) Shine out for thyself as thy own light. ~ id

18) Be thy own torch; rise up and become wise. ~ id
The Supreme Will View Similar Intellectual Independence

By Thy Own Torch View Similar The Supreme Vaishnava Saint and Poet
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 01 - 15th July 1915The Eternal Wisdom Intellectual Independence
1915 Thu 15 July
Intellectual Independence

1) Do not believe all that men say. ~ Ecclesiasticus XIX. 10

2) Leave out of your mind the quality of him who speaks to you whether great or small, and consider with an open mind whether the words spoken are true or false. ~ Iamblichus "Book on the Mysteries 1"

3) Do not believe in men's discourses before you have reflected well on them. ~ Tolstoi

4) Do not believe a thing simply upon hearsay. Do not believe on the authority of traditions merely because they have been held in honour by numerous generations. Do not believe a thing because the general opinion holds it for the truth and because men speak much of it. Do not believe a thing because one of the wise men of antiquity bears witness to it. Do not believe a thing because the probabilities are in its favour, or because long habit has accustomed you to think of it as the truth. Do not believe in things you have imagined, thinking that a superior Power has revealed them to you. Do not believe anything upon the sole authority of your masters or of priests

What you have tried and experienced yourself and recognised as the Truth, what is in conformity with your own good and the good of others, in that believe and order your conduct accordingly. ~ Tolstoi

5) Beloved, believe not every spirit-because many false prophets are gone out into the world. ~ I John IV. 1

6) Even if the whole world should believe in the truth of a doctrine and if it should be very ancient, man ought to control it by his reason and throw it boldly away if it does not agree with the demands of his reason. ~ id

7) The more people believe in one thing, the more one ought to be careful with regard to that belief and attentive in examining it. ~ id

8) Let not the talk of the vulgar make any impression on you. ~ Cicero

9) Nothing is so dangerous as the habit we have of referring to a common opinion. So long as one trusts other people without taking the trouble to judge for oneself, one lives by the faith of others, error is passed on from hand to hand and example destroys us. ~ Seneca

10) To believe blindly is bad. Reason, judge for yourselves, experiment, verify whether what you have been told is true or false. ~ Vivekananda

11) Use your body and your thought and turn away from anybody who asks you to believe blindly, whatever be his good will or his virtue. ~ id

12) Be not children in understanding,be men. ~ I Corinthians XIV 20

13) Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. ~ I Thessalonians V. 21

14) Put all things to the touchstone of your reason, to a free and independent scrutiny and keep what is good, what is true, what is useful ~ Huxley

15) If you wish to battle and strive for Truth become a thinker, that is to say, a free man. ~ Apollonius of Tyana, 28th Letter to the King."

16) Be then on your guard against everything that suppresses your liberty. ~ Vivekananda

17) The wise man should not act under constraint but remain free in his actions

18) Attentive in the midst of the heedless, awake amidst sleepers, the intelligent man walks on leaving the others as far behind him as a courser distances beasts of burden. ~ Dhammapada
By Thy Own Torch View Similar The Supreme Vaishnava Saint and Poet

Commentary - IV View Similar Foreword
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 02 - 15th August 1915The Eternal WisdomMoral Independence
1915 Sun 15 August
Moral Independence

1) Often man is preoccupied with human rules and forgets the inner law. ~ Antoine the Healer; Revelations

2) The superior type of man is in all the circumstances of his life exempt from prejudices and obstinacy; he regulates himself by justice alone. ~ Confucius

3) The just man is himself his own law. ~ Inscription on the Catacombs

4) It is better to follow one's own law even though imperfect than the better law of another. ~ Bhagavad Gita

5) A soul full of wisdom, however excellent it be, cannot be compared with right and straightforward Thought. ~ Fo-sho-hing-tsau-king

6) A man's heart showeth to him what he should do better than seven sentinels on the summit of a rock. ~ Ecclesiasticus

7) Often men take for their conscience not the manifestation of the spiritual being but simply what is considered good or bad by the people in their environment. ~ Tolstoi

8) What human voice is capable of telling me, "This is good and that is bad ?" ~ Kobo Daishi

9) Do what thou knowest to be good without expecting from it any glory. Forget not that the vulgar area bad judge of good actions. ~ Demophilus

10) It is better to be good and to be called wicked by men than to be wicked and esteemed good. ~ Sadi Gulistan

11) Whoever wishes to be truly a man, must abandon all preoccupation by the wish to please the world. There is nothing more sacred or more fecund than the curiosity of an independent spirit. ~ Emerson

12) Only one who has surmounted by wisdom that which the world calls good and evil and who lives in a clear light, can be truly called an ascetic ~ Dhammapada

13) When you raise yourself beyond praise and blame and your will, the will of a man who loves, intends to be master of all things, then for you is the beginning of virtue. ~ Nietzsche

14) But the higher you raise yourself, the smaller you will seem to the eyes that are envious. He who ranges on the heights is the one whom men most detest. ~ Nietzsche

15) If a man is detested by the crowd, you must examine, before you judge him, why they condemn, and if a man is venerated by the crowd, equally must you, before you judge, examine why they admire. ~ Confucius

16) Let us take care above all not to walk like a flock of sheep each in the other's traces; let us inform ourselves rather of the place where we ought to go than of that where others are going. ~ Seneca

17) They will renounce even the treading in the tracks of their fathers and ancestors. They will shut the doors of friendship and hatred on all the dwellers in the world. ~ Baha-ullah

18) Break, break the old Tables, ye who seek after the knowledge. ~ Nietzsche

19) Neither, do men put new wine into old bottles. ~ Matthew IX.17

20) I love the great scorners because they are the great worshippers, arrows shot by desire towards that other shore. ~ Nietzsche
Commentary - IV View Similar Foreword

The Kena Upanishad - V View Similar The Doctrine of the Mystics
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 02 - 15th September 1915The Eternal WisdomTo Know the Impermanence of Things
1915 Wed 15 September
To Know the Impermanence of Things

1)Things mortal change their aspect daily; they are nothing but a lie. ~ Hermes: On Rebirth

2)The disciple should think that all things in this world are subject to a constant transformation...that all things in the past are like a dream, that all in the present are like a flash of lightning and all in the future like images that arrive spontaneously into existence. ~ Awaghosha

3) Matter is like a stream in perpetual flow; the actions of Nature manifest by continual mutations and endless transformations. There is hardly anything that is stable. Behold near thee this immense abyss of the times that no longer are and the future in which all things will disappear. ~ Marcus Aurelius

4)All is movement and nothing is fixed; we cannot cross over the same stream twice. ~ Heraclitus

5) Everything that is composite is soon destroyed and, like the lightning in heaven, does not last for long ~ Lalita-Vistara

6) What desolates my heart, is this sort of continual destruction throughout Nature; she has created nothing which does not destroy its neighbour or destroy itself. Thus, staggering and bewildered in the midst of these oscillating forces of earth and heaven, I move forward seeing nothing but a world in which all devours and ruminates eternally. ~ Goethe

7)It is a horrible thing to feel continually passing away everything which one possesses or to which one can attach oneself and yet to have no desire to seek out whether there is not something permanent. ~ Pascal

8)Therefore seek one thing only,-the kingdom of the permanent. ~ Pascal

9) The contemplation of impermanence is a door which leads to liberation and dissolves the formations of Illusion. ~ Abhidhamrnatthasangaha

10)If one ponders well, one finds that all that passes has never truly existed. ~ Schopenhauer

11)With the comprehension of the nature, impermanent, void of reality in itself and subject to grief, of all things the sun of the true wisdom rises. Without this comprehension there can be no real light ~ Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king

12)All aggregations are transient, all aggregations are subject to sorrow, all aggregations are without any substantial reality; when one is entirely penetrated with this fact, one is delivered from sorrow. This is the way of purification. ~ Dhammapada

13) When thou hast recognised the impermanence of all formations, thou shalt contemplate that which does not perish and remains for ever

14)The external forms are alone subject to change and destruction; for these forms are not the things themselves. ~ Giordano Bruno

15). Deliver thyself from the inconstancy of human things. ~ Seneca: De Providentia
The Kena Upanishad - V View Similar The Doctrine of the Mystics

Chapter XI View Similar South Indian Bronzes
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 02 - 15th October 1915The Eternal WisdomTo Understand the Unreality of the Ego
1915 Fri 15 October
To Understand the Unreality of the Ego

1) Life is a journey in the darkness of the night. ~ Panchatantra

2) What is human life? A bubble on a torrent produced by the rain, which dances and balances itself gaily on the waves, full of new life. And suddenly it bursts and disappears leaving no trace to mark hereafter the place that for a few moments it had occupied. ~ Zeisho Aisuho

3) Dewdrops fall on the large leaves of a lotus, they remain there trembling for a brief moment and then glide one this way and one another way and disappear. Such is life. ~ Sojo Hengo

4) Life is no more than a drop of water which shines upon a flower and even as it sparkles, glides away and disappears, and all our actions are no more than clouds reflected in a dewdrop; they are dreams that pass and disappear with the dreamer. ~ Hideyoshi

5) If we dreamed every night the same thing, it would affect us as much as the objects which we see every day. ~ Pascal

6) The world is a dream and resembles a flower in bloom which shakes out to all its sides its pollen and then no longer is. ~ Minamoo Sanemoto

7) The world is but a dream that passes and neither happiness nor sorrow are enduring. ~ Firdausi; "Shah-Namah."

8) And in this world, always a work of Illusion, men whose intelligence is troubled by desire, greed, envy and error, are rolled through different states with the idea that these states are real. ~ Bhagavata Purana

9) Men direct their gaze upon fugitive appearances and the transitory brilliance of this world of the senses and they lend no attention to the immutable Reality which remains unknown to them. ~ Tadeka Shingen

10) Thou hast demanded of me what is this phantasma goria of things here around us. To tell thee the whole truth of this matter would take too long; it is a fantastic image which issues from a vast ocean and then into that vast ocean it returns. ~ Omar Khayyam

11) The tranquil lake reflects in the polished mirror of its waters heaven and the trees and the glittering stars; approach now and see how the image is changed; in place of heaven and the stars it is thyself that thou seest, for it was thy soul that created the heaven and the stars reflected in the mirror of the lake. Learn that all things seem to be in the soul which reflects them, but they are not the truth and the essence of the eternal reality. That essence is the Spirit which forms all things. ~ Anon

12) Everything is but a shadow cast by the mind. ~ Awaghosha

13) All things, simply by reason of our confused subjectivity, appear in the forms of individualisation. If we could raise ourselves above our confused subjectivity, the signs of individuality would disappear and there would be no trace of a world of objects. ~ Awaghosha

14) We can thus recognise that all phenomena of the world are only the illusory manifestations of the mind and have no reality proper to themselves. ~ Awaghosha

15) Thus Space exists only in relation to our particularising consciousness. ~ Awaghosha

16) Space is only a mode of- particularisation and has no real self-existence. ~ Awaghosha

17) All the modes of relative existence of our phenomenal world are simply created by particularisation in the troubled mind. ~ Awaghosha

18) Although all things in their metaphysical origin proceed from the soul one and truly free from all particularisation, nevertheless by reason of non-illumination there is produced a subjective mind which becomes conscious of an external world. ~ Awaghosha

19) The senses and the mind seek to convince thee, sova in are they, that they are the end of all things. The senses and the mind are only instruments and play things. Behind the feelings and the thoughts, my brother; there dwells a more puissant master, an unknown sage; it is called the Self. ~ Nietzsche Zarathustra

20) It is on the blindness of ignorance that is founded the working which affirms the ego. ~ Sanyutta Nikaya

21) How vain and unreal, when I reflect, becomes this ego which I call mine! Yet a little time and behold! it is dispersed to all the winds and dissolution has effaced it. ~ Mikado Shuyaku

22) The egoist sacrifices everything to his "I,"dupe of an error which makes him take his personality for something real and durable and the world of phenomena for a solid entity. Thus life under this form of unbridled individualism is void of all moral character. ~ Schopenhauer

23) The thought of the ego occupies only the man of unsound understanding, the sage recognises that it has no foundation; he examines the world rationally and concludes that all formations of existence are vain and hasten towards dissolution; alone the Law remains eternal. When man by his efforts has acquired this knowledge he contemplates the truth. ~ Fo-sho-hing-tsan-kiag

24) It is thus that by the study of principles is produced this science which consists in saying, "I am not that; this is not mine; this is not myself,"-a science definitive, pure from all kind of doubt, a science absolute and unique. ~ Sankhya Karika

25) The body, the sensations, the perception, the respective differentiations and the mental consciousness are not the self

26) The body is the name of a succession of changes; it is with the body as with a river in which you see the same form, but the waves change every moment and other and new waves take the place of those that preceded them. ~ Vivekananda

27) The body is like a bubbling on the surface of water; sensation is like its form; perception resembles a mirage; consciousness is like a hallucination

28) Regard incessantly this body as the bespangled chariot of a king; it gladdens the simpleton but not the wise, dazzles the fool but not the sage. ~ Udanavarga

29) Rely on nothing that thy senses perceive; all that thou seest, hearest, feelest; is like a deceiving dream. ~ Minamoto Sanemoto

30) Terrestrial things are not the truth, but semblances of truth. ~ Hermes
Chapter XI View Similar South Indian Bronzes

The Lost Sun And The Lost Cows View Similar Refuge
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 02 - 15th November 1915The Eternal WisdomTo Renounce the Illusion of the World
1915 Mon 15 November
To Renounce the Illusion of the World

1) A mind without wisdom remains the sport of illusion and miserable. ~ Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king

2) Men insensate enter into the world seduced by a false brilliance. But just as it is easier to enter into a net than to issue out of it, so is it easier to enter into the world than to renounce it when once one has entered in. ~ Ramakrishna

3) That man whose mind is solely attached to the objects of sense, him death drags with it as an impetuous torrent sweeps away a slumbering village. ~ Dhammapada

4) The foolish follow after outward desires and they enter into the snare of death that is wide-extended for them; but the wise, having found immortality, know that which is sure and desire not here uncertain things. ~ Katha Upanishad. IV. 2

5) The wise do not linger in the thicket of the senses, the wise heed not the honeyed voices of the illusion. ~ The Book of Golden Precepts

6) So long as we are attached to the form, we shall be unable to appreciate the substance, we shall have no notion of the causes the knowledge of which is the true knowing. ~ Antoine the Healer : Revelations

7) Before the soul can see, it must have acquired the inner harmony and made the eyes blind to all illusion. ~ The Book of Gulden Precepts

8) He whose senses are not attached to name and form who is no longer troubled by transient things; can be really called a disciple. ~ Dhammapada

9) He who discerns the truth as truth and the illusion as an illusion, attains to the truth and is walking in the right road. ~ Dhammapada

10) If you wish to know why we must renounce all semblances, the reason is this that they are only mean to lead us to the simple and naked truth. If I wish, then, to arrive at that truth I must leave behind by little by little the road which leads me to it. ~ Tauler; Institutions

11) The knowledge of the divine nature is the sole truth and this truth cannot he discovered, nor even its shadow, in this world full of lies, of changing appearances. and of errors. ~ Hermes: On Initiation

12) As clouds cover the sun, so the Illusion hides theDivinity. When the clouds recede, the sun becomes visible; even so when the Illusion is dissipated, theEternal can be seen. ~ Ramakrishnan

13) You veil your eyes and complain that you cannot see the Eternal. If you wish to seeHim, tear from your eyes the veil of the illusion. ~ Ramakrishnan

14) So and likewise, if you tear away the veils of the heart, the light of the oneness will shine upon it. ~ Baha-ullah: The Seven Valleys

15) O disciple, that which was not created dwells in thee. If thou wish to attain to it,...thou must strip thyself of thy dark robes of illusion. ~ The Book of Golden Precepts

16) Flee the Ignorance and flee also the Illusion. Turn thy face from the deceptions of the world; distrust thy senses, they are liars. But in thy body which is the tabernacle of sensation, seek the "Eternal Man." ~ Farid-uddin-attar: Mantic Uttair

17) The world. is a brilliant flame in which every moment a new creature comes to burn itself. Bravely turn thy eyes from it like the lion, if thou wouldst not burn thyself in it like the butterfly. The insensate who like that insect adores the flame, will surely be burned in it. ~ Hermes: On Rebirth

18) This is the new birth, my son, to turn one's thought from the body that has the three dimensions. ~ Hermes: On Rebirth

19) What then is that which is true? That which is not troubled, my son, that which has no limits, colour nor form, the unmoving, the naked, the luminous; that which knows itself, the immutable, the good, the incorporeal

20) In what then consists progress? He who detaching him self from external things devotes himself entirely to the education and preparation of his faculty of judgment and will in order to put it into accord with Nature and give it elevation, freedom, independence, self-possession,-he it is who is really progressing. ~ Epictetus : Conversations

21) Who truly travels beyond the Illusion? He who renounces evil associations, who keeps company with lofty spirits; who has no longer the sense of possession; who frequents solitary places; who wrests himself out of slavery to the world, passes beyond the three qualities and abandons all anxiety about his existence; renounces the fruits of works, renounces his works and becomes free from the opposites; who renounces even the Vedas and aids others to travel beyond; he truly travels beyond and helps others to make the voyage. ~ Narada Sutra

22) He who has surmounted the furious waves of visible things, of him it is said "he is a master of the wisdom." He has attained the bank, he stands on firm ground. If thou hast traversed this sea with its abysms, full of waves, full of depths, full of monsters, then wisdom and holiness are thy portion. Thou hast attained to land, thou hast attained to the aim of the universe. ~ Sanyutta Nikaya

23) He alone traverses the current of the illusion who comes face to face with the Eternal and realises it. ~ Hermes: On Rebirth

24) I will therefore make ready to render my thought an alien to the illusion of the world. ~ Ramakrishna
The Lost Sun And The Lost Cows View Similar Refuge

The Fifth Hymn to Agni View Similar The Reincarnating Soul
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 02 - 15th December 1915The Eternal WisdomLook within Things
1915 Wed 15 December
Look within Things

1) Look within things. ~ Marcus Aurelius

2) Let us attach ourselves to a solid good, to a good that shines within and not externally. Let us devote all our efforts to its discovery. ~ Seneca

3) Attach thyself to the sense of-things and not to their form. The sense is the essential, the form is only an encumbrance. ~ Farid-ud.din-attar : Mantic uttair

4) Seeing many things, yet thou observest not; opening the ears ye hear not. ~ Isaiah XLII.20

5) Eye and ear are poor witnesses for man, if his inner life has not been made fine. ~ Heraclitus

6) Thence comes it that the saint occupies himself with his inner being and not with the objects of his eyes. ~ Lao- Tse

7) How canst thou seize by the senses that which is neither solid nor liquid...that which is conceived only in power and energy? ~ Hermes: On Rebirth

8) Empty for the fool are all the points of Space. ~ Hindu Saying

9) So long as the mind stops at the observation of multiple details, it does not enter into the general field of true knowledge. ~ Patanjali: Aphorisms. I 49

10) When the mind has been trainedon its object, it transforms itself to the image of that which it scrutinises and enters into the full comprehension of what it finds therein contained. ~ Patanjali: Aphorisms I. 41

11) There is nothing however small, however vile it be, that does not contain mind. ~ Giordano Bruno

12) In each thing there is a door to knowledge and in each atom is seen the trace of the sun. ~ Baha-ullah: Kitab-al-ikon

13) In the interior of each atom that thou shalt cleave thou shalt find imprisoned a sun. ~ Ahmed Halif: Mystic Odes

14) In each atom thou shalt see the All, thou shalt contemplate millions of secrets asluminous as the sun. ~ Farid-ud-din-attar

15) When one discovers the enigma of a single atom, one can see the mystery of all creation, that within us as well as that without. ~ Mohy-ud-din-arabi: Treatise on Unity

16) In this immense ocean the world is an atom and the atom a world. ~ Farid-ud-din-altar

17) If thou understand, what seems invisible to most shall be to thee very apparent. ~ Hermes

18) If we raise ourselves for a moment by aesthetic contemplation above the heavy terrestrial atmosphere, we are then beings blessed over all. ~ Schopenhauer

19) That is why the incorporeal eye** should be raised to contemplate not the figure, not the body, not the appearance, but that which is calm, tran quil, solid, immutable. ~ Hermes

20) We look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are notseen are eternal. ~ II Corinthians. IV. 18

21) There is a natural body and there is a spiritual body. ~ I Corinthians XV. 44

22) There is a supreme state unmanifest beyond this Nature and eternal which perishes not when all creatures perish; it is unmanifest and immutable and the supreme goal. ~ Bhagavad-Gita VIII. 18

23) Three worlds; the world of desire, the world of form and the world of the formless. ~ Sanyutta Nikaya

24) Yes, my brother, if we think of each world, we shall find there a hundred thousand wonderful sciences. One of these worlds is Sleep.What problems it contains! what wisdom is there concealed! how many worlds it includes! ~ Baha-ullah: The Seven Valleys

25) For the waking there is only one common world...During sleepeach turns towards his own particular world. ~ Heraclitus

26) My heart within instructs me also in the night seasons. ~ Psalms. XVI.7
The Fifth Hymn to Agni View Similar The Reincarnating Soul

The Seventh Hymn to Agni View Similar The Seven-Headed Thought, Swar and the Daagwas
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 02 - 15th January 1916The Eternal Wisdom The Mastery of the Mind
1916 Sat 15 January
The Mastery of the Mind

1) They had attained to the supreme perfection of being completely masters of their thought. ~ The Lotus of Bliss

2) Be master of thy thoughts, O thou who wrest lest for perfection. ~ Book of Golden Precepts

3) Be master of thy soul, O seeker of the eternal truths, if thou wouldst attain the goal. ~ Book of Golden Precepts

4) The soul not being mistress of itself, one looks but sees not, listens buthears not. ~ Tseng-tsen-ta-hio VII

5) The self is master of the self; what other master can it have? The sage who has made himself master of himself, rends his bonds and breaks his chains. ~ Udanavarga

6) The self is master of itself, what other master can it have? A self well controlled is a master difficult to procure. ~ Dhammapada. 160

7) To be master of one's mind! How difficult that is! it has been compared, not without reason, to a mad monkey. ~ Vivekananda

8) The mind is difficult to restrain, light, running whither it pleases; to control it is a helpful thing; controlled, it secures happiness. ~ Dhammapada. 35

9) The mind is restless, violent, powerful, obstinate; its control seems to me as difficult a task as to control the wind. ~ Bhagavad Gita VI. 34

10) Just as the fly settles now on an unclean sore and now on the sweetmeats offered to the gods, so a worldly man's thoughts stop for a moment on religious subjects and the next stray into the pleasures of luxury and lust. ~ Ramakrishna

11) So long as the mentality is inconstant and inconsequent, it is worthless, though one have a good teacher and the company of holy men. ~ Ramakrishna

12) On his mind vacillating, mobile, difficult to hold in, difficult to master the intelligent man should impose the same straightness as an arrow-maker gives to an arrow. ~ Dhammapada-33

13) Abandoning without exception all desires born of the will, controlling by the mind the senses in all directions, a man should gradually cease from mental action by the force of an understanding held in the grasp of a constant will; he should fix his mind in the self and think of nothing at all, and whenever the restless and mobile mentality ranges forth he should draw it back from whatever direction it takes and bring it again under control in the self alone: for when the mind has thus been quieted, there comes to man the highest peace. ~ Bhagavad Gita. VI. 24-26

14) The wise man should rein in intently this mental action like a chariot drawn by untrained horses. ~ Swetawatara Upanishad

15) A half-attention prepares the way for fresh errors, fresh illusions and allows the old to increase. Prevent by a sustained attention the birth of new errors and destroy the old. ~ Majjhima Nikaya

16) Under all circumstances be vigilant. ~ Baha-ullah

17) Let us watch over our thoughts. ~ Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king

18) A bad thought is the most dangerous of thieves. ~ Buddhist scriptures from the Chinese

19) Let not worldly thoughts and anxieties trouble your minds. ~ Ramakrishna

20) Have no vicious thoughts. ~ Confucius

21) When a thought rises in us, let us see whether it is not in touch with the inferior worlds. ~ Antoine the Healer : Revelations

22) When the disciple considering an idea sees rise in him bad or unhealthy thoughts, thoughts of covetousness, hatred or error, he should either turn his mind away from that idea or concentrate it upon a healthy thought, or else examine the fatal nature of the idea, or analyse it and decompose it into its different elements, or, making appeal to all his strength and applying the greatest energy, suppress it from his mind; thus are removed and disappear these bad and unhealthy ideas and the mind becomes firm, calm, unified, full of vigour. ~ Mahayana; the Book of the Faith

23) By dominating the senses one increases the intelligence. ~ Mababharata

24) The mind is a clear and polished mirror and our continual duty is to keep it pure and never allow dust to accumulate upon it. ~ Hindu Saying

25) When a mirror is covered with dust it cannot reflect images; it can only do so when it is clear of stain. So is it with beings. If their minds are not pure of soil, the Absolute cannot reveal itself in them. But if they free themselves from soil, then of itself it will be revealed. ~ Awaghosha

26) Action like inaction may find its place in thee; if thy body is in movement, let thy mind be calm, let thy soul be as limpid as a mountain lake. ~ Book of Golden Precepts

27) When water is still, it reflects objects like a mirror. This stillness, this perfect level is the model of the sage. If water is translucent when it is in perfect rest, much more so must it be with the intellectual essence. The heart of the sage in perfect repose is the mirror of earth and heaven and all existences. ~ Chwang-tse-

28) Even as the troubled surface of rolling waters cannot properly reflect the full moon, but only gives broken images of it, so a mind troubled by the desires and passions of the world cannot fully reflect the light of the Ineffable. ~ Ramakrishna

29) The Eternal is seen when the mind is at rest. When the sea of the mind is troubled by the winds of desire, it cannot reflect the Eternal and all divine vision is impossible. ~ Ramakrishna
The Seventh Hymn to Agni View Similar The Seven-Headed Thought, Swar and the Daagwas

The Ninth Hymn to Agni View Similar The Human Fathers
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 02 - 15th February 1916The Eternal WisdomConcentration
1916 Tue 15 February

1) The power of the human intelligence is without bounds; it increases by concentration: that is the secret. ~ Vivekananda

2) The force of attention properly guided and directed towards the inner life allows us to analyse our soul and will shed light on many things. The forces of the mind resemble scattered rays; concentrate them and they illumine everything. That is the sole source of knowledge we possess. To conquer this knowledge there is only one method, concentration. ~ Vivekananda

3) Just as the penetrating rays of the sun visit the darkest corners, so thought concentrated will master its own deepest secrets. ~ Vivekananda

4) Once the mind has been trained to fix itself on formed images, it can easily accustom itself to fix on formless realities. ~ Ramakrishna

5) So we should acquire the power of concentration by fixing the mind first on forms and when we have obtained in this a full success, we can easily fix it on the formless. ~ Ramakrishna

6) The powers developed are liable to become obstacles to a perfect concentration by reason of the possibility of wonder and admiration which results from their exercise. ~ Patanjali : Aphroisms III. 38

7) The obstacles met by the seeker after concentration are illness, langour, doubt, negligence, idleness, the domination of the senses, false perception, impotence to attain and instability in a state of meditation once attained. ~ Patanjali : Aphroisms I. 30

8) Such difficulties are root and product of both physical and mental workings; they produce their fruits alike in the visible and invisible. ~ Patanjali : Aphroisms.II. 12

9) When we render natural and easy to us perfect concentration (or the operation which consists in fixing attention, contemplation and meditation), a power of exact discernment develops. ~ Patanjali : Aphroisms.III. 9

10) After long practice one who is master of himself can dispense with diverse aids to concentration...and he will be able to make himself master of any result whatsoever simply by desiring it. ~ Patanjali : Aphroisms.III. 34

11) When by a constant practice a man is capable of effecting mental concentration, then wherever he may be, his mind will always lift itself above his surroundings and will repose in the Eternal. ~ Ramakrishna

12) The greater his aspiration and concentration, the more he finds the Eternal. ~ Ramakrishna
The Ninth Hymn to Agni View Similar The Human Fathers

The Eleventh Hymn to Agni View Similar The Victory of the Fathers
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 02 - 15th March 1916The Eternal WisdomContemplation
1916 Wed 15 March

1) Whoever applies himself intelligently to profound meditation, soon finds joy in what is good; he becomes conscious that beauty and riches are transient things and wisdom the fairest ornament. ~ Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king

2) He thinks actively, he opens his heart, he gathers up his internal illuminations. ~ Lao Tse

3) How can he belong in peace who troubles himself with foreign cares, who seeks to diffuse himself into the outward and withdraws little or rarely into himself? ~ Imitation of Christ I. 11.7

4) Without contemplation there is no tranquillity and without tranquillity how shall there be happiness? The mind that orders itself according to the motions of the senses, carries away the intelligence as the wind carries away a ship on the sea. Therefore only he whose senses are drawn back from the objects of sense, has a firmly seated wisdom. ~ Bhagavad Gita II. 666-68

5) Let him destroy by deep meditation the qualities that are opposed to the divine nature. ~ Laws of Manu VI. 72

6) As in a house with a sound roof the lain cannot penetrate, so in a mind where meditation dwells passion cannot enter. ~ Dhammapada

7) Having attained to that unalterable calm which nothing can trouble one can afterwards meditate and form an assured judgment on the essence of things; when one has meditated and formed a sure judgment on the essence of things, afterwards one can attain to the desired state of perfection. ~ Ramakrishna

8) One who during his contemplation is entirely inconscient of all external things to such a point that if birds made a nest in his hair he would not know it, has acquired the perfection of meditation. ~ Ramakrishna

9) He will go from doubt to certitude, from the night of error to the light of the Guidance; he will see with the eye of knowledge and begin to converse in secret with the Well-beloved. ~ Baha-ullah : The Seven Valleys

10) "To him who is perfect in meditation salvation is near" is an old saying. Do you know when a man is perfect in meditation? When as soon as he sits to meditate, he is surrounded with the divine atmosphere and his soul communes with the Ineffable. ~ Ramakrishna

11) Meditate on the Eternal either in an unknown nook or in the solitude of the forests or in the solitude of thy own mind. ~ Ramakrishna

12) Silence thy thoughts and fix all thy attention on the Master within whom thou seest not yet, but of whom thou hast a presentiment ~ The Book of Golden Precepts

13) His form stands not within the vision of any, none seeth Him with the eye. By the heart and the thought and the mind He is experienced; who seize this with the knowledge, they become immortal. ~ Katha Upanishad

14) He is not sized by the eye, nor by the speech, nor by the other gods, nor by the austerity of force, nor by action; when a man's being has been purified by a calm clarity of knowledge, he meditating beholds that which has not parts nor members. ~ Mundaka Upanishad III.1-8

15) One who has not ceased from evil living or is without peace or without concentration or whose mind has not been tranquillised, cannot attain to Him by the intelligence. ~ Katha Upanishad II.24

16) This self can always be won by truth and austerity, by purity and by entire knowledge. ~ Mundaka Upanishad III. 1-5

17) When thy understanding shall stand immovable and unshakeable in concentration, then thou shalt attain to the divine Union. ~ Bhagavad Gita 11. 53

18) Those who pursue attentively their contemplation have no sorrow to fear, nor can any vicissitude of Fate affect them . They contemplate this history written in ourselves to guide us in the execution of the divine laws which, equally, are engraved in our hearts. ~ Giordano Bruno
The Eleventh Hymn to Agni View Similar The Victory of the Fathers

The Fifteenth Hymn to Agni View Similar The Hound of Heaven
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 02 - 15th April 1916The Eternal WisdomSilence
1916 Sat 15 April

1) And, first, ordinarily be silent. ~ Epictetus 33. 2

2) For the ignorant there is no better rule than silence and if he knew its advantage he would not be ignorant. ~ Sadi : Gulistan VIII

3) The seeker ought to avoid any preference of himself to another; he should efface pride and arrogance from his heart, arm himself with patience and endurance and follow the law of silence so that he may keep himself from vain words. ~ Baha-ul Iah: Kitab-el-ikon

4) My brothers, when you accost each other, two things alone are fitting, instructive words or a grave silence. ~ Buddhist Scripture

5) It is far more useful to commune with oneself than with others. ~ Demophilus

6) The word echoes more profoundly in thyself than from the mouth of others. If thou canst listen for it in silence, thou shalt hear it at once. ~ Angelius Silesius I. 299

7) Before the soul can understand and remember it must be united to Him who speaks by His silence, as to the mind of the potter the form on which the clay is modelled. ~ Book of Golden Precepts

8) The eyes of our mentality are incapable as yet of contemplating the incorruptible and incomprehensible Beauty...Thou shalt see it when thou hast nothing to say concerning it; for knowledge, for contemplation are silence, are the sinking to rest of all sensation. ~ Hermes: The Key

9) So long as a man cries aloud, O Allah, O Allah, be sure he has not yet found his Allah; for whoever has found Him becomes cairn and full of peace

10) It is God within who hushes the tongue of prayer by a sublime thought. A voice speaks to us in the depths of the heart, "I am, my child, and by me are and subsist thy body and the luminous world. I am, all things are in me and all that is mine is thine."

11) When one considers the clamorous emptiness of the world, words of so little sense, actions of so little merit, one loves to reflect on the great reign of silence. The noble silent men scattered here and there each in his province silently thinking and silently acting of whom no morning paper makes mention, these are the salt of the earth. ~ Ramakrishna

12) Real action is done in moments of silence. ~ Emerson

13) The ancients might well make of silence a god, for it is the element of all divinity, of all infinity, of a transcendent greatness, at once the source and the ocean in which all begins and ends. ~ Carlyle

14) Silence, the great empire of silence, loftier than the stars, profounder than the kingdom of Death! It alone is great; all the rest is petty. ~ Carlyle
The Fifteenth Hymn to Agni View Similar The Hound of Heaven

The Twentieth Hymn to Agni View Similar The Sons of Darkness
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 02 - 15th May 1916The Eternal WisdomTo Practise
1916 Mon 15 May
To Practise

1) If you live one sixth of what is taught you, you will surely attain the goal. ~ Ramakrishna

2) Since the important thing is to practise, it is in vain that one is near the master, if one does not practice oneself; no profit of any kind corms out of it. ~ Sutra in 42 articles

3) The mind may be compared to a precious stone which is pure and brilliant in itself, but hidden in a coarse coating of foulness. There is no reason to suppose that anyone will be able to clean and purify it simply by gazing at it without any process of cleansing. ~ Aowaghoatia

4) It is not difficult to know the good, but it is difficult to put it in practice. ~ Tsu King

5) The man who knows the principles of right reason is less than the man who loves them and he less then the man who makes of them his delight and practices them ~ Confucius:Lun-yu

6) Better are those who have read than those who have studied little; preferable those who possess what they have read to those who have read and forgotten; more meritorious those who understand than those who know by heart; those to be more highly valued who do their duty than those who merely know it. ~ Laws of Mann

7) Hindu almanachs contain predictions about the annual rains foretelling how many centimetres will fall in the country; but by pressing the book which is so full of predictions of rain, you will extract not a drop of water. So also many good words are to be found in pious books, but the mere reading of them does not give spirituality. ~ Ramakrishna

8) There are two persons who have given themselves useless trouble and made efforts without profit. One is he who has amassed wealth and has not spent it and the other is he who has acquired knowledge and has made no use of it ~ Sadi: Gulistan

9) The man of knowledge with-out a good heart is like the bee without honey ~ Sadi: Gulistan

10) The knowledge one does not practise is a poison. ~ Hitopadesha

11) Intelligence divorced from virtue is no longer intelligence ~ Minokhired

12) All good thoughts, good words, good actions are works of intelligence; all bad thoughts, bad words, bad actions are works of unintelligence ~ Avesta

13) Freedom from pride and arrogance, harmlessness, patience, sincerity, purity, constancy, self-control, indifference to the objects of sense, absence of egoism,...freedom from attachment to son and wife and house, constant equality of heart towards desirable or undesirable events, love of solitude and withdrawal from the crowd, perpetual knowledge of the Supreme and study of the principles of things, this is knowledge; what is contrary in nature to this, is ignorance. ~ Bhagavad Gita

14) One may say boldly that no man has a just perception of any truth, if that truth has not reacted on him so intensely that be is ready to be its martyr. ~ Emerson

15) Speak well, act better. ~ Catinat

16) Apply thyself to think what is good, speak what is good, do what is good. ~ Avesta

17) Let your words corres-pond with your actions and your actions with your words. ~ Confucius

18) Act as you speak. ~ Lalita-vistara

19) As the perfect man speaks so he acts; as he acts, so the perfect man speaks. It is because he speaks as he acts and acts as he speaks that he is called the perfect. ~ Buddhist Scripture

20) Who is the superior man ? It is he who first puts his words in practice and then speaks in agreement with his acts. ~ Confucius

21) Ordinary men pronounce a sackful of discourses on religion, but do not put a grain into practice, while the sage speaks little, but his whole life is religion put in to action ~ Ramakrishna

22) Fine language not followed by acts in harmony with it is like a splendid flower brilliant in colour but without perfume. ~ Dhammapada

23) To conform one's conduct to one's talk is an eminent virtue; attain to that virtue and then you may speak of the duties of others. ~ Li-Ki

24) Thou wouldst exhort men to good ? but hast thou exhorted thyself ? Thou wouldst be useful to them ? Show by thy own example what men philosophy can make and do not prate uselessly. ~ Epictetus

25) Improve others not by reasoning but by example. Let your existence, not your words be your preaching. ~ Amiel

26) Make yourself loved by the example of your life. ~ St. Vincent de Paul

27) Bad example is a spiritual poisoning of men

28) The tree is known by its fruit. ~ Matthew

29) Gold is tested by the fire, the good man by his acts, heroes by perils, the prudent man by difficult circumstances, friends and enemies by great needs. ~ Mahabharata

30) Virtue shows itself in the lowest as well as in the sublimest things. ~ Confucius

31) Now that you have learned to know the truth, let your hearts henceforth enlightened take pleasure in a conduct in conformity with it. ~ Fo-sho-hing-tai ti-king

32) Be holy in every kind of action. ~ kihagavad Gita

33) Be unshakeable in the accomplishment of your duties great and small; lead a life proof against censure in accordance with the precepts and let our words likewise be above reproach. ~ Mahapariuibbaua Sutta

34) The man who docth these things shall live by them. ~ Epistle to the Romans

35) Happy is his portion who knows and performs and has knowledge of the ways. ~ Labor
The Twentieth Hymn to Agni View Similar The Sons of Darkness

The Twenty-Fifth Hymn To Agni View Similar The Conquest Over the Dasyus
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 02 - 15th June 1916The Eternal Wisdom The True Cult (The Religion Of The Spirit)
1916 Thu 15 June
The True Cult (The Religion Of The Spirit)

1) If you have art and science, you have religion; if you have neither art nor science, then have religion. ~ Goethe

2) Why do you amass stones and construct great temples? Why do you vex yourselves thus when God dwells within you ? ~ Vemara

3) Temples cannot imprison within their walls the divine Substance. ~ Euripides

4) The soul of each man contains the potential divinity. Our aim must be to make apparent this divinity within us by subduing our inner and outer nature. Attain to him by works or by adoration, by physical mastery, by philosophy, by one, by several or by all of these methods and be free. That is the whole of religion. Doctrines, dogmas, rituals, books, temples, forms are only secondary details. ~ Vivekananda

5) Although there is a difference of procedure between a Shaman of the Tungas and a Catholic prelate of Europe or between a coarse and sensual Vogul and a Puritan Independent of Connecticut, there is no difference in the principle of their creeds; for they all belong to the same category of people whose religion consists not in becoming better, but in believing in and carrying out certain arbitrary regulations. Only those who believe that the worship of God consists in aspiring to a better life differ from the first because they recognize quite another and certainly a loftier principle uniting all men of good faith in an invisible temple which alone can be the universal temple. ~ Kant

6) Everywhere something hinders me from meeting God in my brother because he has shut the doors of his inmost temple and recites the fables of his brother's god or the god of his brother's brother. ~ Emerson

7) How astonishing is this that of all the supreme revelations of the truth the world admits and tolerates only the more ancient, those which answer least to the needs of our epoch, while it holds each direct revelation, each original thought for null and some times hates them. ~ Thoreau

8) One should not think that a religion is true because it is old. On the contrary the more mankind lives, the more the true law of life becomes clear to it. To suppose that in our epoch one must continue to believe what our grandfa thers and ancestors believed is to think that an adult can continue to wear the garments of children ~ Tsen-tse-tsung-yung

9) That is why the superior man or he who is identified with the straight path watches attentively in his heart for the principles which have not been discerned by all and meditates with care on that which is not yet proclaimed and recognised as doctrine

10) Note this well that from whence soever it may come, a teaching which leads to passion and not to peace, to pride and not to modesty, to the extension of desire and not to its moderation, to the love of worldliness and not to the love.of solitude, to a violent and not to a peaceful spirit, is not the Law, is not the Discipline, is not the teaching of the Master. ~ Vinaya Pitaka

11) The Church does not consist in a great number of persons. He who possesses the Truth at his side is the church, though he be alone. ~ Ibn Masnd

12) Let us not fear to reject from our religion all that is useless, material, tangible as well as all that is vague and in definite; the more we purify its spiritual kernel, the more we shall understand the true law of life ~ Tolstoi

13) It is useless to grow pale ever the holy Scriptures end the sacred Shastras without a spirit of discrimination exempt from all passions. No spiritual progress can be made without discrimination and renunciation ~ Ramakrishna

14) For the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life. ~ Corinthians

15) Beware of the scribes who desire to walk in long robes and love greetings in the markets and the highest seats in the synagogues and the chief places at feasts, who devour widow's houses and for a show make long prayers ~ Luke

16) And there are others who wallow in their bogs and squatting among the rushes set themselves to cry, "This is virtue, to remain quiet in a bog." Their knees are ever bent and their hands joined in praise of virtue, but their hearts know it not. ~ Nietzsche: Zarathustra

17) Men never commit bad actions with more coolness and assurance in their rectitude than when they do them by virtue of a false belief. ~ Pascal

18) Visit not the doers of miracles. They have wandered from the path of the truth; they have allowed their minds to be caught in the snare of psychical powers which are so many temptations on the path of the pilgrims to the Brahman. Beware of such powers and do not desire them. ~ Ramakrishna

19) He whose heart longs after the Deity, has no time for anything else. ~ Ramakrishna

20) He is a stranger to the magical arts and divination and necromancy, to exorcisms and other analogous practices. He takes no part in the accomplishment of any prayer or religious ceremony. ~ Digha Nikaya

21) He whose thought is always fixed on the Eternal has no need of any devotional practice or spiritual exercise. ~ Ramakrishna

22) After having abandoned every kind of pious practice, directing his mind towards the sole object of his thoughts, the contemplation of the divine Being, free from all desire...he attains the supreme goal. ~ Laws of Mann
The Twenty-Fifth Hymn To Agni View Similar The Conquest Over the Dasyus

The Twenty-Eighth Hymn to Agni View Similar Summary of Conclusions
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 02 - 15th July 1916The Eternal Wisdom The Religion of Love
1916 Sat 15 July
The Religion of Love

1) Render to God the sole worship which is fitting towards Him, not to be evil. ~ Hermes

2) True worship does not consist in off: ring incense, flowers and other material objects, but in striving to follow the same path as the object of our veneration. ~ Jatakamala

3) Not superstitious rites but self-control allied to benevolence and beneficence towards all beings are in truth the rites one should accomplish in all places. ~ Asoka

4) Speak the truth, do not abandon yourself to wrath, give of the little you have to those who seek your aid. By these three steps you shall approach the Gods. ~ Dhammapada

5) It is much better to observe justice than to pass one's whole life in the prostrations and genuflexions of an external worship. ~ Farid-ud-din-attar; Mantic uttair

6) Though a man should have lived a hundred years consecrating his whole life to the performance of numerous sacrifices to the gods, all this is far from having the same worth as a single act of love which consists in succouring a life. ~ Fa-khen-pi-

7) A hundred years of life passed without the vision of the supreme law are not worth a single day of a life consecrated to that vision. ~ Dham-mapada

8) What is the path that leads to the Eternal? When a disciple pours over the whole world the light of a heart overflowing with love, in all directions, on high, below, to the four quarters, with a thought of love, large, profound, boundless, void of wrath and hate, and when thereafter he pours over the whole world the light of a thought of profound serenity, then the disciple is on the path that leads to the Eternal. ~ Auguttara Nikaya

9) In what does religion consist? It consists in causing as little suffering as possible and in doing good in abundance. It consists in the practice of love, of compassion, of truth, of purity in all domains of life. ~ Asoka

10) There is the Truth where Love and Righteousness are ~ Buddhist Text

11) Compassion and love, behold the true religion! ~ Asoka

12) Love towards all beings is the true religion. ~ Jarakaniala

13) I do not know which of the religious leaders is right, nor is it possible for me to know it with any certainty. But I know pertinently that the best I can do is to develop love in myself and about that it is impossible for me to doubt. I cannot doubt it because in developing my love my happiness increases.- ~ Tolstoi

14) There is no fear in love, but perfect love casteth out fear. ~ I John

15) Man, if thou wouldst discover in the crowd the friends of God, observe simply those who carry love in their hearts and in their hands. ~ Angeles Silesins

16) Renounce without hesitation faith and unbelief. ~ Faridud-din-attar

17) Whoever has his footing firm in love, renounces at one and the same time both religion and unbelief. ~ Faridud-din-attar

18 Light the fire of divine love and destroy all creed and all cult. ~ Baha-ullah: The Seven Valleys

19) Believe in the fundamental truth; it is to meditate with rapture on the Everlasting. ~ Awaghosha
The Twenty-Eighth Hymn to Agni View Similar Summary of Conclusions

The Psychology of Social Development - II View Similar The Guardians of the Light
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 03 - 15th September 1916The Eternal WisdomRespect for the Body
1916 Fri 15 September
Respect for the Body

1) Thinkest thou that thy body is nothing when in thee is contained the most perfect world? ~ Baha-ullah: The Seven Valleys

2) The human body is the most perfect in the world as the human creature is the most perfect of creatures. ~ Vivekananda

3) Your body is an image of heaven and earth confided to your keeping. Your life is the harmony of heaven and earth confided to your keeping. ~ Tswangrse

4) The spirit and the form; sentiment within and symbol without. ~ Ramakrishna

5) What purity is for the soul, cleanliness is for the body. ~ Epicietus

6) The body is not distinct from the soul but makes of part it and the soul is not distinct from the whole but one of its members ~ Farid-ud-din-aitar: Mantic uttair

7) The virtuous cannot but take care for their body, the temple of the soul in which the Eternal, manifests Himself or which has been consecrated by His coming. ~ Ramakrishna

8) One should maintain the vigour of the body in order to preserve that of the mind. ~ Vanvenargues

9) It is important to preserve the body's strength and health, for it is our best instrument. Take care that it is strong and healthy, you possess no better instrument. Imagine that it is as strong as steel and that thanks to it you travel over this ocean of life. The weak will never attain to liberation, put off all weakness, tell your body that it is robust, your intelligence that it is strong, have in yourself a boundless faith and hope ~ Vivekananda

10) There exist two extremes, O my brothers, to which he who aspires to liberation should never abandon himself. One of these extremes is the continual seeking after the satisfaction of the passions and the sensuality; that is vile, coarse, debasing and fatal, that is the road of the children of this world. The other extreme is a life consecrated to mortifications and asceticism; that is full of sorrow, suffering and inutility. Alone the middle path which the Perfect has discovered, avoids these two blind-alleys, accords clearsightedness, opens the intelligence and conducts to liberation, wisdom and perfection. ~ Mahavaga

11) If we walk in the path of true wisdom avoiding the two errors (asceticism and mortifications and the sensual life) we shall attain to the highest perfection. If religion consisted solely in mortifications and asceticism, it could never lead n.; to Peace. ~ Fo-sho-hing-san king

12) Even as the hard K us ha-grass tears the hand which knows not how to size it, so a misplaced asceticism leads to the lower life. ~ Dhammapada
The Psychology of Social Development - II View Similar The Guardians of the Light

The Teacher, the Disciple and the Doctrine - II View Similar Temperance in Speech
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 03 - 15th October 1916The Eternal WisdomTemperance
1916 Sun 15 October

1) Let us, who are of the day, be sober. ~ I Thessalonians V. 8

2) Let us net give ourselves up to excesses. ~ Chi-king

3) Let us watch at the gates of our senses. Let us be moderate in all that regards our nourishment; let us vow ourselves to vigilance and be armed with an intelligence that no fume s have veiled. ~ Majjhima Nikaya

4) Be sober, be vigilant. ~ I Peter V. 8

5) Take heed unto yourselves lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting and drunkenness. ~ Luke XXI. 34

6) Let us walk, as in the day, not in rioting and drunkenness. ~ Romans XIII

7) Master the body, be temperate in food and eat only at opportune moments. ~ Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king

8) Giving all diligence, add to virtue knowledge and to knowledge temperance. ~ II Peter I. 6

9) Gird up the loins of your mind, be sober. ~ I Peter I. 12
The Teacher, the Disciple and the Doctrine - II View Similar Temperance in Speech

The Teacher, the Disciple and the Doctrine - II View Similar Temperance in Speech
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 03 - 15th October 1916The Eternal WisdomTemperance
1916 Sun 15 October

1) Let us, who are of the day, be sober. ~ I Thessalonians V. 8

2) Let us net give ourselves up to excesses. ~ Chi-king

3) Let us watch at the gates of our senses. Let us be moderate in all that regards our nourishment; let us vow ourselves to vigilance and be armed with an intelligence that no fume s have veiled. ~ Majjhima Nikaya

4) Be sober, be vigilant. ~ I Peter V. 8

5) Take heed unto yourselves lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting and drunkenness. ~ Luke XXI. 34

6) Let us walk, as in the day, not in rioting and drunkenness. ~ Romans XIII

7) Master the body, be temperate in food and eat only at opportune moments. ~ Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king

8) Giving all diligence, add to virtue knowledge and to knowledge temperance. ~ II Peter I. 6

9) Gird up the loins of your mind, be sober. ~ I Peter I. 12
The Teacher, the Disciple and the Doctrine - II View Similar Temperance in Speech

The Psychology of Social Development - IV View Similar The Guardians of the Eight
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 03 - 15th November 1916The Eternal Wisdom The Law of Work
1916 Wed 15 November
The Law of Work

1) Why stand ye here all the day idle? ~ Matthew XX

2) The righteous man is always active. ~ Chi-King

3) The desire of the slothful killeth him. ~ Proverbs XXI. 25

4) Idleness like rust destroys much more than work uses up; a key in use is always clean. ~ Franklin

5) The hand of an artisan is always pure when it is at work. ~ Laws of Mann

6) There is no shame in any work even the un-cleanest. Idleness alone ought to be held shameful. ~ Tolstoi

7) Indolence is an infirmity and continual idleness a soil. ~ Uttama Sutta

8) Wouldst thou abstain from action? It is not so that thy soul shall obtain liberation. ~ Book of Golden Precepts

9) This is a great error to imagine that men can have a lofty spiritual life when the body remains in luxury and idleness. The body is ever the first disciple of the soul. ~ Thoreu

10) Doubt, sorrow, dejection, wrath, despair, all these demons lie in wait for a man and as soon as he leads an idle life, they attack; the surest protection against them is assiduous physical labour. As soon as a man sets himself to this task, no demon can approach him or do more than growl from a distance. ~ Carlyle

11) Idleness ought to be numbered among the torments of hell, and it has been placed among the joys of paradise. ~ Montaigne

12) The true disciple rejects enervation and idleness; he is delivered from caieless lassitude. Loving the light, intelligent and clear of vision he purifies his heart of all carelessness and idleness. ~ Majjhima Sntta

13) Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways and be wise. ~ Proverbs XVII. 6
The Psychology of Social Development - IV View Similar The Guardians of the Eight

The Psychology of Social Development - V View Similar The Guardians of the Light
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 03 - 15th December 1916The Eternal WisdomSincerity
1916 Fri 15 December

1) Speak always the truth and cultivate harmony- ~ Li-ki

2) Speak ye the truth. ~ Dhammapada

3) Love the truth and peace. ~ Zacharias VIII

4) Have your loins girt about with truth. ~ Ephesians VI. 14

5) Constantly observe sincerity and fidelity and good faith. ~ Confucius

6) Hold in horror dissimilation and all hypocrisy. ~ Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king.-

7) Wherefore laying aside all malice and all guile and hypocrisy and envy and all evil speaking. ~ l Peter II. I

8) Putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another. ~ Ephesians IV. 25

9) Ye shall not steal, neither deal falsely, neither lie one to another. ~ Leviticus XIX. 11

10) Lie not one to another. ~ Colossians III. 9

11) Let your yea be yea and your nay, nay. ~ James V. 12

12) Never lie; for to lie is infamous. ~ Zendavesta

13) Put away from thee a forward mouth and perverse lips put away from thee. ~ Proverbs IV 24

14) Keep thy tongue from evil and thy lips from speaking guile. ~ Psalms XXXIV. 13

15) Let thy tongue be the instrument of truth. Be ever true in all that thou shall speak and permit not to thy tongue a lie. ~ Phocylides

16) My lips shall not speak wickedness nor my tongue utter deceit, ~ Job XXVII. 4

17) A dumb man's tongue is better than the liar's. ~ Turkish Proverb

18) Lying words are unworthy of a disciple, for his aspiration should be sincere and straightforward and knavish and flattering words are kin to witchcraft. The man who occupies himself with spiritual questions, ought not to proffer any such utterances. ~ Fo-sho-tsan-kiug

19) Nothing is superior to truthfulness, nor anything more terrible than falsehood. ~ Mahabharata

20) Lying is for slaves; a freeman speaks the truth. ~ Apollonius of Tyana

21) Free from the happiness desired by slaves, delivered from the gods and their adoration, fearless and terrible, grand and solitary is the will of the man of truth. ~ Nietzsche, Zarathoustra

22) By whom is this world conquered? By the patient and truthful man. ~ Pranottaratrayamala

23) The more a man is truthful, the more he is divine; unconquerableness, immortality, the greatness of the godhead enter into a man along with truthfulness. ~ Emerson

24) Sincerity, a profound, grand, ingenuous sincerity is the first characteristic of all men who are in any way heroic. ~ Carlyle

25) I meet the sincere man with sincerity and tie insincere also with sincerity. ~ Lao-tse: Tao-te-king

26) When we are alone, we must act with the same sincerity as if ten eyes observed and ten fingers pointed to us ~ Ta-hio

27) He who acts according to what he holds to be the law of life, ~ Tolstoi

28) He alone knows the law of life. Whoever does not seek out clearly what is the true good, cannot correct himself with sincerity and does not arrive at true perfection. ~ Confucius

29) If every man dared speak frankly and highly what he thinks, he would abide always in the reality. How unhappy we make ourselves by striving to hide our nature. ~ Antoine the Healer

30) Let us never lose sight of this, my brothers, that when we depart from sincerity, we depart from the Truth. ~ Antoine the Healer

31) The eternal Truth shall never be attained by him who is not entirely truthful in his speech. ~ Ramakrishna
The Psychology of Social Development - V View Similar The Guardians of the Light

The Psychology of Social Development - VI View Similar Justice
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 03 - 15th January 1917The Eternal WisdomUprightness
1917 Mon 15 January

1) Put always in the first rank uprightness of heart and fidelity. ~ Confucius

2) Unto the upright there ariseth light in the darkness ~ Psalms CXII

3) Purity and peace make men upright. ~ Lao-Tsu-Te

4) If the mind makes a practice of rectitude in its thinking, there is no evil that can make entrance into it. ~ Fo-sho.hing-tsan-king

5) Upright and sincere is the virtue of the man who directs well his mind. ~ Lao-Tsu-Te

6) An upright nature, and true purification is for each the uprightness of his nature. ~ Avesta: Vexididad

7) As one washes the hand with the hand, so uprightness is purified by uprightness. Where there is uprightness, there there is wisdom and where there is wisdom, there there is uprightness, and the wisdom of the upright man, the uprightness of the wise man are of all wisdom and rectitude those which bring in this world the greatest peace. ~ Sonadanda Sutta

8) Affirm thy heart in the uprightness of a good conscience; for thou shalt have no more faithful counsellor. ~ Ecclesiasticus

9) The good things of this world perish but the treasures won by a life of uprightness are imperishable. ~ Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king

10) There is no happiness apart from rectitude. ~ Buddhist Text

11) An upright life tastes calm repose by night and by day; it is penetrated with a serene felicity. ~ Buddhist Text

12) The simple and upright man is as strong as if he were a great host. ~ Lao-Tse

13) When I return upon myself and find the heart upright, although my adversaries may be a thousand or ten thousand, I would march without fear on the enemy. ~ Meng-Tse

14) The man full of uprightness is happy here below, sweet is his sleep by night and by day his heart is radiant with peace. ~ Buddhist Text

15) The straight way is the love of the infinite essence. ~ Baha-Ullah: The Seven Valleys
The Psychology of Social Development - VI View Similar Justice

Uprightness View Similar The Ideal of Human Unity - XVII
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 03 - 15th January 1917The Eternal WisdomJustice
1917 Mon 15 January

1) To do justice and judgment is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice. ~ proverbs XXL 3

2) Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled. ~ Matthew V. 6

3) Blessed are they who are persecuted for righteousness' sake. ~ Matthew V. 10

4) The superior man enacts equity and justice is the foundation of all his deeds. ~ Confueins

5) He that followeth after righteousness and mercy, findeth life, righteousness and honour ~ preverbs XXI. 21

6) The holiness of justice is the health of the soul; it is more precious than heaps ol gold and silver. ~ Ecclesiasucus

7) All virtues are comprised injustice; if thou art just, thou art a man of virtue. ~ Theegris

8) If a man do that which is lawful and right...and hath not oppressed any, but hath restored to the debtor his pledge, hath spoiled none by violence, hath given hts bread to the hungry and hath covered the naked with a garment,-he that hath not given forth upon usury, neither hath taken any increase,...he is just. ~ Ezekiel XVIII.5.7.9

9) He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much. ~ Luke XVI.10

10) Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy, break up your fallow ground. ~ Hosea X. 12

11) Render unto all men that which is their due. ~ Corinthians

12) He that soweth iniquity, shall reap vanity. ~ Proverbs XXII

13) They that plough iniquity and sow wickedness, reap the same. ~ ol IV.8

14) The sinner sins against himself, for he makes himself evil. ~ Marcus Aurelias

15) As food mixed with poison, so is abhorrent to me a prosperity soiled by injustice. ~ Jatakanmla

16) I put on righteousness and it clothed me; my justice was my robe and my diadem. ~ Job XXIX. 14
Uprightness View Similar The Ideal of Human Unity - XVII

The Psychology of Social Development - VII View Similar The Ideal of Human Unity - XVIII
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 03 - 15th February 1917The Eternal WisdomSerenity
1917 Thu 15 February

1) Rejoice evermore. ~ I Thessalonians V. 16

2) Sorrow is a form of Evil. ~ Hermes

3) A merry heart doeth good like a medicine. ~ Proverbs XVII. 22

4) Give not up thy heart to sorrow, for it is a sister to distrust and wrath. ~ The Shepherd of Hermas

5) Let not thy heart give way to discouragement. ~ Ecclesiasticus VII 8

6) A man should be glad of heart. If you have joy no longer, find out where you have fallen into error. ~ Tolstoi

7) There is no happiness so great as peace of mind. ~ Dhammapada

8) If Paradise is not within thee, thou shalt never enter into it. ~ Angelus Silesins

9) If the discontented man were plunged into the joys of heaven, disquietude would still gnaw at his heart, because precisely contentment is not within him. ~ Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king

10) Contentment, internal peace, dominion over oneself, purity, compassion, affectionate words and consideration for friends are seven sorts of fuel which keep alive the flame of happiness. ~ Mahabharata

11) Knowledge of God has entered into us and at once ignorance disappears. The knowledge of joy arrives and before her, my son, sorrow shall flee away to those who can still feel her sting. ~ Hermes

12) Approach unto wisdom like one who tilleth and soweth and await in peace its excellent fruits. ~ Ecolesiasticus VI. 19

13) There is no peace for the man who is troubled with thought for the future, makes himself unhappy before even unhappiness comes to him and claims to assure till the end of his life his possession of the objects to which he is attached. ~ Seneca

14) Give not thy heart over to anxieties. ~ Mahabharara

15) Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit to his stature. ~ Luke XII. 25

16).Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, nor for your body, what ye shall put on.- ~ Luke XII. 22

17) Take no thought for the morrow; for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. ~ Matthew VI. 34

18) Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. ~ John. XIV. 27

19) Peace be unto you. ~ John. XIV. 21
The Psychology of Social Development - VII View Similar The Ideal of Human Unity - XVIII

The Psychology of Social Development - VIII View Similar The Second Hymn to Mitra-Varuna
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 03 - 15th March 1917The Eternal WisdomEquality of soul
1917 Thu 15 March
Equality of soul

1) I have learned, in whatever state I am, therewith to be content,-both to abound and to suffer need. ~ Philippians IV. 11, 12

2) The man who has conquered himself and is tranquillised, remains fixed in his highest self, whether in pleasure or pain, in honour or in disgrace. ~ Bhagavad Gita

3) They have conquered the creation, whose mind is settled in equality. ~ Bhagavad Gita

4) He is the happy man whose soul is superior to all happenings. ~ Seneca

5) All the accidents of life can be turned to our profit. ~ Seneca

6) In all things to do what depends on oneself and for the rest to remain firm and calm. ~ Epictetus

7) It is no use being in a rage against things, that makes no difference to them. ~ Marcus Aurelius

8) When we can draw from ourselves all our felicity, we find nothing vexatious to us in the order of Nature. ~ Cicero

9) True philosophy is beyond all the attacks of things. ~ Apollonius of Tyana

10) Truly, man has no retreat more tranquil and less troubled than that which he finds in his own soul, especially if he carries in it those truths to which it is enough to turn to acquire in a moment an absolute quietude. ~ Marcus Aurelius

11) The mind which studies is not disquieted. ~ Lao-tse

12) The superior man must always remain himself in all situations of life. ~ Tsung yung

13) Wherever they may be, upright men remain what they are in themselves. The desire of enjoyment can draw no word from the virtuous. In possession of happiness or in prey to misfortune the wise show neither pride nor dejection. ~ Dhammapada

14) Not overjoyed at gaining what is pleasant, nor disturbed, overtaken by what is unpleasant. ~ Bhagavad Gita

15) Like a piece of water that is deep, calm and limpid, having ears only for the precepts of the law the wise live in a complete serenity. ~ Dhammapada

16) For if a man moves among sensible objects with the senses delivered from liking and dislike and obedient to his self, he attains to serenity. By serenity is born the slaying of all sorrows, for when the heart is serene, the intelligent mind soon comes to its poise. ~ Bhagavad Gita

17) A mind which remains calm in the midst of the vicissitudes of life, delivered from preoccupations, liberated from passion, dwelling in serenity-that is a great blessing. ~ Mahamangala Sutta

18) A calm heart is the life of the body. ~ Proverbs XIV. 30

19) A man of understanding is of an excellent spirit. ~ Proverbs XVII. 27

20) The good man remains calm and serene. ~ Chi-king

21) The principle of supreme purity is in repose, in perfect calm. ~ Hoce-nan-tse

22) The perfection of virtue consists in a certain equality of soul and of conduct which should remain un-alterable. ~ Seneca

23) The wise in joy and in sorrow depart not from the equality of their souls. ~ Buddhist Text

24) What is the sign of a man settled in the fixity of his soul and his understanding? When he casts from him all desires that come to the mind, satisfied in himself and with himself, when his mind is undisturbed in pain and without desire in pleasure, when liking and fear and wrath have passed away from him, then a man is fixed in his understanding. He who is unaffected in all things by good or by evil happening, neither rejoices in them nor hates, in him wisdom is established. ~ Bhagavad Gita

25) Thus the sage, always equal, awaits the comm and of destiny, while the vulgar throw themselves into a thousand dangers in a search for happiness at any price. ~ Confucius

26) The sage is always at peace; thus his mentality is equally in equilibrium and at ease. His mind is simple and pure, his soul is not subject to lassitude. ~ Lao-Tse

27) The sage is happy everywhere, the whole earth is his. ~ Confucius

28) Nowhere and in no situation is the sage dissatisfied with his condition. ~ Confucius

29) He who consecrates his life to spiritual perfection, cannot be ill-content; for what he desires is always in his power. ~ Pascal

30) Nothing here below should trouble the sage. ~ Bhagavad Gita

31) When you have made progress in wisdom, you will find no situation troublesome to you; every condition will be happy. ~ Plntarch

32) In rest shall you be saved, in quietness and confidence shall be your strength. ~ Isaiah XXX

33) There is nothing here that is stable, let this truth be ever present to you and you will not let yourselves be transported by joy in prosperity nor cast down by sorrow in disgrace. ~ Isocrates

34) Therefore, considering with a firm heart the way of the spirit, renounce the trust which made you see something durable in the cause of joy and sorrow and return into calm. ~ Bhagavat Purana

35) Action like inaction can find a place in thee; if thy body agitates itself, let thy mind be calm, let thy soul be limpid as a mountain lake. ~ Book of Golden Precepts

36) When water is calm, it reflects objects like a mirror. This tranquillity, this perfect level is the model for the sage. If water is transparent when it is in perfect repose, much more so is the intellectual essence. The heart of the sage in perfect repose is the mirror of heaven and of earth and of all existences. ~ Tsuang tse
The Psychology of Social Development - VIII View Similar The Second Hymn to Mitra-Varuna

Sankhya, Yoga and Vedanta View Similar The Psychology of Social Development - IX
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 03 - 15th April 1917The Eternal WisdomPatience
1917 Sun 15 April

1) Even as the high mountain-chains remain immobile in the midst of the tempest, so the true sage remains unshaken amidst praise and blame. ~ Dhammapada

2) He who aspires to the true and eternal glory cares nothing for the glory of the age. He who is indifferent to praise or blame enjoys a great serenity of spirit. ~ Imitation of Christ

3) Let men blame him or praise, let fortune enter his house or go forth from it, let death come to him today or late, the man of firm mind never deviates from the straight path. ~ Bhartrihari

4) The man who knows Tao is inaccessible to favour as to disgrace, to profit as to loss, to honour as to ignominy. ~ Lao-tse

5) The just suffer injury without returning it; they hear reproach without replying; they act only out of love and keep the serenity of their soul in the midst of torments. ~ Maimonides

6) Wherefore, O my brothers, if men blame you, condemn you, persecute or attack you, you shall not be indignant, you shall not be discouraged and your spirit shall not be cast down. ~ Buddhist Text

7) Be indifferent to the praise and blame of men; consider it as if the croakings of frogs. ~ Ramakrishna

8) Fear not the reproach of men, neither be ye afraid of their revillings. ~ Isaiah LI. 7

9) Fear not them which kill the body but are not able to kill the soul. ~ Matthew X. 28

10) Count it all joy when ye fall into diverse temptations, knowing this that the trying of your faith work-eth patience. ~ James 1. 2, 3

11) Blessed is the man that endureth temptation. ~ James I 12

12) Is it asked, who is the most excellent of the strong? I reply, it is he who possesses patience. ~ Sutra in 42 articles

13) The anvil of the blacksmith remains unshaken under numberless blows of the hammer; so should a man endure with unshaken patience all the ordeals and persecutions which may come upon him. ~ Ramakrishna

14) Patience is an invincible breast-plate. ~ Chinese Buddhist Scriptures

15) If you do not cover yourself on every side with the shield of patience, you will not remain long without wounds. ~ Imitation of Christ

16) Possess your souls in patience. ~ St. Paul

17) Your peace shall be in a great patience. ~ Imitation of Christ

18) Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation. ~ Romans XII. 12

19) Behold, we count them happy who endure. ~ James V. 11

20) Patience is sweeter than very honey, by this understand how useful it is to the soul that possesses it. ~ Shepherd of Hermas

21) Be patient, as one who fears no check and does not court success. Fix the gaze of thy soul on the star of which thou art the ray, the flaming star which burns in the obscure depths of the eternal, in the limitless fields of the unknown. ~ Book of Golden Precepts

22) Make pain and pleasure, loss and gain, victory and defeat equal to thee, then turn thyself to the battle, so shalt thou have no sin. ~ Bhagavad Gita II. 38

23) Thou canst live without constraint in profoundest peace of heart, even if all men clamoured against thee what they will, even if wild beasts tore the members of this nature in which thou art enveloped. ~ Marcus Aurelius

24) When the water of the fetid pool and the glorious Ganges shall appear to thy eyes as one, when the Sound of the flute and the clamour of this crowd shall have no longer any difference to thy ear, then shalt thou attain to the divine Wisdom, ~ Ramakrishna

25) In the day of prosperity be joyful, but in the day of adversity consider. ~ Ecclesiastes VII

26) How shall thy patience be crowned, if it is never tried? ~ Imitation of Christ

27) It is by suffering and troubles that it is given us to acquire little portions of that wisdom which is not learned in books. ~ Gogol

28) Men who possess virtue, wisdom, prudence, intelligence have generally been formed in tribulations. ~ Meng-tse

29) When Tien wills to give a man a great mission, he begins by proving in bitterness the intentions of his heart. He fatigues his muscles and his bones by painful labours. He lets him suffer hunger. He exposes his person to needs and privations. Finally, he ruins his enterprises. Thereby he stimulates his heart, fortifies his being and gives him an energy without which the man could not accomplish his task. Tribulations produce life: repose and pleasures engender wretchedness and death. ~ Meng-tse

30) Others had trials of mockings and scourgings, yea, moreover of bonds and unprisonment: they were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tortured, were slain with the sword; they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins, being destitute, afflicted, tormented, of whom the world was not worthy: they wandered in deserts and in mountains and in dens and caves of the earth. ~ Hebrews XI. 36-38

31) Tribulation worketh patience, and patience experience, and experience hope.-Only by hope can one attain to unhoped-for things. ~ Romans V. 3, 4
Sankhya, Yoga and Vedanta View Similar The Psychology of Social Development - IX

The Soul and Its Liberation View Similar The Psychology of Social Development - X
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 03 - 15th May 1917The Eternal WisdomPerseverance
1917 Tue 15 May

1) Man can only be happy by the fruit of the labour which he spends on his self-improvement. ~ Antoine the Healer: Revelations

2) From the most exalted in position to the humblest and obscurest of men all have one equal duty, to correct incessantly and improve themselves. ~ Confucius

3) One should be careful to improve himself continually. ~ Chu-King

4) To think one is sufficiently virtuous, is to lose hold of virtue. ~ Chu-King

5) When one ceases to gain, one begins to lose. What matters is not to advance quickly, but to be always advancing. ~ Plutarch

6) The advance each individual can make corresponds to the excellence he has been able to acquire, and he can only approach his goal by virtue of his self-preparation. ~ Farid-uddin-attar

7) When he is animated by a certain desire and by hope, man ought not to shrink from risking his life. He ought not to halt for a moment in his quest, nor to remain an instant in inaction. If he halts, he will be violently rejected far from the road. ~ Farid-uddin-attar

8) The aspirant to the true knowledge, if he does not halt in his progress after acquiring certain extraordinary and supernatural powers, becomes in the end rich in the eternal knowledge of the truth. ~ Ramakrishna

9) I count not myself to have apprehended, but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before. I press towards the mark for the prize. ~ Philippines 111. 13, 14

10) To the persevering and the firm nothing is difficult. ~ Lun-Yu

11) For all things difficult to acquire the intelligent man works with perseverance. ~ Lao-tse

12) Whoso seeketh with diligence, he shall find. ~ Bahaullah: the Seven Valleys

13) There are who do not study or who, though they study, make no progress; let them not be discouraged. There are who put no questions or, when they do, cannot seize well the sense of the reply; let them not be discouraged. There are who can distinguish nothing or only confusedly; let them not be discouraged. There are who do not practice or have no solidity in their practice; let them not be discouraged. What another would do in one step, they will do in a hundred; what another would do in ten, they will do in a thousand. Assuredly, any man who follows this rule, however poorly enlightened he may be, will acquire intelligence and, however weak he may be, will acquire strength. ~ Confucius

14) With time and patience the mulberry leaf becomes satin. ~ Persian Proverb

15) The soul like the body accepts by practice whatever habit one wishes it to contract. ~ Socrates

16) Consecrate yourselves to the purification of your own minds. Be vigilant, be persevering, be attentive, be thoughtful for your own salvation. ~ Mahaparinibbana Sutta

17) He that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. ~ Matthew XX IV. 13

18) In perseverance ye shall possess your souls. ~ Luke XXI. 19

19) But let perseverance have her perfect work that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. ~ James I. 4

20) He who sowed sparingly, shall reap also sparingly, and he who sowed bountifully, shall reap also bountifully. ~ II Corinthians IX. 6

21) In due season we shall reap, if we faint not. ~ Galatians VI. 9

22) Let us lay aside every weight and run with patience the race that is set before us. ~ Hebrews XII. I

23) The pilgim should never be discouraged; though he should struggle for a hundred thousand years without success to behold the beauty of the Beloved, still he should not give way to despair. ~ Baha-ullah

24) It is he who is never discouraged who greatens and tastes the eternal joy. ~ Mahabharata

25) If thou hast attempted and failed, O indomitable warrior, yet lose not courage; fight and return to the charge still and always. ~ Book of Golden Precepts

26) A just man falleth seven times and riseth up again. ~ Proverbs XXIV. 16

27) If thy first endeavour to find the Eternal bears no fruit, lose not courage. Persevere and at last thou shalt obtain the divine grace. ~ Ramakrishna

28) Be persevering as one who shall last for ever. ~ Book of Golden Precepts
The Soul and Its Liberation View Similar The Psychology of Social Development - X

The Planes of our Existence View Similar The Psychology of Social Development - XI
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 03 - 15th June 1917The Eternal WisdomVigilance
1917 Fri 15 June

1) Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. ~ Corinthians I

2) It is needful to watch over oneself. ~ Chu-King

3) Sleep not until thou hast held converse with thyself. ~ Chinese Maxims

4) Nothing is more evident to the sage than the things hidden in the secrecy of his consciousness, nothing more manifest than the subtle causes of his actions. Therefore the superior man watches attentively over the secret inspirations of his conscience. ~ Tsu-Tse: Tsung-yung

5) In the man who keeps no watch over his conduct, desire extends itself like a creeper. It wanders hither and thither like the monkey running in the forest after a fruit. ~ Dhammapada

6) He whose thought spills not itself to this side or' that, whose mind is not tormented, who is not anxious any more about good than about evil, for him there is no fear, for he watches. ~ Dhammapada

7) By zeal, by vigilance, by peace of soul the sage can make himself as an island which the waves cannot over flow. ~ Dhammapada

8) Be watchful, divest yourself of all neglectfulness; follow the path. ~ Buddhist Maxims

9) Watch diligently over yourselves, let not negligence be born in you. ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsan-king

10) In all circumstances be wakeful. ~ Baha-ullah

11) A half attention prepares the way for new illusions and allows the old to grow. By a sustained attention prevent the birth of new errors and destroy the old. ~ Majjhima Nikaya

12) Watch with care over your heart and give not way to heedlessness; practise conscientiously every virtue and let not there be born in you any evil inclination. ~ Buddhist Maxims

13) Above all things avoid heedlessness; it is the enemy of all virtues. ~ Fo-shu-hiug-tsan-king

14) The demons become his companions who abandons himself to heedlessness. ~ Fo-shu-hiug-tsan-king

15) He who was heedless and has become vigilant, shines over the darkened world like a moon in cloudless heavens. ~ Udanavarga Sutta
The Planes of our Existence View Similar The Psychology of Social Development - XI

The Lower Triple Purusha View Similar The Psychology of Social Development - XII
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 03 - 15th July 1917The Eternal WisdomEnergy
1917 Sun 15 July

1) Energetically resolved on the search, they must pass without ceasing from negligence to the world of effort. ~ Baha-ullah: The Seven Valleys

2) Very weak are our efforts for the discovery of such great blessings, but when we arrive at them, we are recompensed by the felicity of our conscience. ~ Hermes

3) Nature has given us strengths in sufficiency, if only we choose to avail ourselves of them and if we collect and employ them all to our profit instead of turning them against ourselves. Our ill will is the cause of what we attri bute to a pretended impossibility. ~ Seneca

4) If a thing is difficult for thee, imagine not therefore! that it is impossible to man; but if a thing is possible and proper to man, think that it is accessible to thee also. ~ Marcus Aurelius

5) Many say with an appearance of humility, "I am even as an earthworm crawling in the dust..."; so always believing themselves to be earthworms, they become in time feeble as the worm. Let not discouragement enter into thy heart; despair is for all the great enemy of our progress. What a man thinks himself to be, that he in fact becomes. ~ Ramakrishna

6) In India the healers by faith comm and their sick to repeat with absolute conviction the words, "There is no malady in me, Sickness is not." The sick man repeats and, so mentally denied, his malady disappears. Thus if you believe yourself to be mortally weak, you find yourself actually in that condition. Know and believe that you can have an immense power, and the power will come to you in the end. ~ Ramakrishna

7) It is bad for man to think that he is without sin and has no need to struggle with himself; bat it is quite as bad for him to think that he is born in sin, condemned to die under a load of sins and that it would be of no use for him to struggle to rid himself of them. Both these errors are equally fatal. ~ Tolstoi

8) True good can only be obtained by our effort towards spiritual perfection and this effort is always in our power. ~ Epictetus

9) Who is the enemy? Lack of energy. ~ The Jewel-wreath of Questions and Answers

10) Nothing is more dangerous for man than negligence. ~ Mahabharata

11) A single day of life of the man who stimulates himself by an act of energy, is of more value than a hundred years passed in norchalance and indolence. ~ Buddhist Texts

12) Indolence is a soil. ~ Buddhist Texts

13) The disciple has rejected indolence and indolence conquers him not; loving the light, intelligent, clearly conscient, he purifies his heart of all laxness and all lassitude. ~ Buddhist Texts

14) I know nothing which engenders evil and weakens good so much as carelessness; in the uncaring evil appears at once and effaces good. I know nothing which engenders good and weakens evil so much as energy; in the energetic good at once appears and evil vanishes. ~ Buddhist Texts

15) Carelessness is not proper even for the worldling who derives vanity from his family and his riches; how much less for a disciple who has proposed to himself for his goal to discover the path of liberation ! ~ Fo -shu-hing-tsan-king

16) Whoso has been careless and has conquered his carelessness, whoso having committed errors concentrates his whole will towards good, shines on the darkened world like the moon in a cloudless sky, ~ Buddhist Sayings from the Chinese

17) Use all your forces for endeavour and leave no room for carelessness. ~ Buddhist Texts

18) Endeavour with your whole energy and leave no place for carelessness. ~ Fo -shu-hing-tsan-king

19) Zealous and not slothful; fervent in spirit. ~ Romans XII. II

20) Thyself stimulate and direct thyself; thus self-protected and clairvoyant thou shalt live happy.- ~ Dhammapada

21) Arise and be not slothful ! Follow the straight path ! He who so walks, lives happy in this world and in those beyond. ~ Dhammapada

22) For such a man, one who neglects no effort to set himself from now in the ranks of the best, is a priest, a minister of the gods, a friend of Him who dwells within him. ~ Marcus Aurelius
The Lower Triple Purusha View Similar The Psychology of Social Development - XII

The Ladder of Self-Transcendence View Similar Boldness
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 04 - 15th August 1917The Eternal WisdomFirmness
1917 Wed 15 August

1) No compromises; to live resolutely in integrity, plenitude and beauty. ~ Goethe

2) The firmness of our resolution gives the measure of our progress and a great diligence is needed if one wishes to advance. ~ Imitation of Christ

3) Circumstances, though they attack obstinately the man who is firm, cannot destroy his proper virtue,-firmness. ~ Bhartrihari

4) Stand firm therefore, having your loins girt about with truth and having on the breastplate of righteousness. ~ Ephesians. VI. 14

5) Be firm in the accomplishment of your duties, the great and the small. ~ Buddhist Texts

6) Be ye steadfast, immovable. ~ Corinthians XV. 58

7) When you have seen your aim, hold to it, firm and unshakeable. ~ Dhammapada

8) Turn not thy head from this path till thou art led to its end; keep ever near to this door till it is opened. Let not thy eyes be shut; seek well and thou shalt find. ~ Farid-ud-diu-attar

9) Seek wisdom carefully and she shall be uncovered to thee, and when once thou hast seen her, leave her, not. ~ Ecclesiasticus VI, 28

10) Hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. ~ Revelations III, 11

11) Be thou faithful unto death. ~ Revelations III, 10
The Ladder of Self-Transcendence View Similar Boldness

Firmness View Similar The Psychology of Social Development - XIII
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 04 - 15th August 1917The Eternal WisdomBoldness
1917 Wed 15 August

1) Watch ye, stand fast, quit you like men, be strong.* ~ Corinthians XVI. 13

2) Be strong and of a good courage; fear not. ~ Deuteronomy XXXI. 6

3) Lift up the hands which hang down and the feeble knees. ~ Hebrews HI. 12

4) Be strong; fear not. ~ Isaiah XXXV. 4

5) Man's first duty is to conquer fear. ~ Carlyle

6) A man's deeds are slavish, his very thoughts false, so long as he has not succeeded in putting fear under his feet. ~ Carlyle

7) In heaven fear is not. ~ Katha-Upanishad

8) The sage here surpasses God. God fears nothing by the benefit of his nature; the sage fears nothing, but by the sole strength of his spirit. This indeed is great, to have the weakness of a mortal and yet the fearlessness of a god. ~ Seneca

9) It is only the coward who appeals always to destiny and never to courage. ~ Ramayana

10) Fortune fears the brave soul; she crushes the coward. ~ Seneca

11) He who shows not zeal where zeal should be shown, who young and strong gives himself up to indolence, who lets his will and intelligence sleep, that do-nothing, that coward shall not find the way of the perfect knowledge. ~ Dhammapada 280

12) It needs a lion-hearted man to travel the extraordinary path; for the way is long and the sea is deep. ~ Farid-ud-din-attar

13) There are pearls in the depths of the ocean, but one must dare all the perils of the deep to have them. So is. it with the Eternal in the world. ~ Ramakrishna

14) Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer. ~ Revelations II

15) The more thou shalt advance, the more thy feet shall encounter bog and morass. The path which thou walkest, is lighted by one only fire, even the light of the audacity which burns in thy heart. The more thou shalt dare, the more thou shalt obtain ~ Book of Golden Precepts

16) Go in this thy might. ~ Judges VI. 14

17) Be not afraid, only believe. ~ Mark V. 36

18) All things are possible to him that believeth. ~ Mark IX. 23

19) I will trust and not be afraid. ~ Isaiah XII. 2
Firmness View Similar The Psychology of Social Development - XIII

Vijnana or Gnosis View Similar The Psychology of Social Development - XIV
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 04 - 15th September 1917The Eternal WisdomSimplicity: Modesty
1917 Sat 15 September
Simplicity: Modesty

1) Let not therefore the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches. ~ Jeremiah IX. 23

2) A man's pride shall bring him low, but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit. ~ Proverbs XXIX. 23

3) Pride goeth before destruction, but before honour is humility. ~ Proverbs XVI. 18: XVII. 12

4) Whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased, and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted. ~ Luke XIV. 11

5) If you give to a man all riches and all might and he looks upon himself with the same humility as before, then that man far surpasses other human beings. ~ Meng-tse

6) All the splendour of outward greatness has no lustre for men who are in search of the Spirit. The greatness of men of the Spirit is obnoxious to the rich, the kings, the conquerors and all the men of the flesh. ~ Pascal: Penses

7) Such are they who have not acquired self-knowledge, men who vaunt their science, are proud of their wisdom, vain of their riches. ~ Ramakrishna

8) Man is good when he raises very high his divine and spiritual "I", but frightful when he wishes to exalt above men his fleshly vain, ambitious and exclusive. ~ Tolstoi

9) All other vanities can be gradually extinguished, but the vanity of the saint in his saintliness is difficult indeed to banish. ~ Ramakrishna

10) This is a great fault in men, to love to be the models of others. ~ Meng-tse

11) To be a man of worth and not to try to look like one is the true way to glory. ~ Socrates

12) The supreme virtue does not consider itself a virtue and that is why it is virtue: the inferior positively believes itself to be virtue and that is why it is not virtue. ~ Lao-Tse: Tao-te-King

13) Men of superior virtue practise it without thinking of it; those of inferior virtue go about it with intention. ~ Lao-Tse: Tao-te-King

14) The man of superior virtue is well pleased in the humblest situation. His heart loves to be deep as the abyss. ~ Lao-Tse: Tao-te-King

15) The saint does good and makes not much of it. He accomplishes great things and is not attached to them. He does not wish to let his wisdom appear. ~ Lao-Tse: Tao-te-King

16) The saint does not seek to do great things; that is why he is able to accomplish them. ~ Lao-Tse: Tao-te-King

17) When one has done great things and made a reputation, one should withdraw out of view. ~ Lao-Tse: Tao-te-King

18) The man who has done good does not cry it through the world. ~ Marcus Aurelius

19) So long as a man has a little knowledge, he goes everywhere reading and preaching; but when the perfect knowledge has been attained, one ceases from vain ostentation. ~ Ramakrishna

20) Only the man who knows that God lives in his soul, can be humble; such a one is absolutely indifferent to what men say of him. ~ Tolstoi

21) Take heed that ye do not alms before, men, to be seen of them. ~ Matthew VI. 1

22) Make no parade of your wisdom; it is a vanity which costs dear to many. Let wisdom correct your vices, but not attack those of others. ~ Scneca

23) Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceit. ~ Romans X II

24) I say to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly. ~ Romans X II

25) Be pure, be simple and hold always a just mean. ~ Chu-King

26) Unite always to a great exactitude uprightness and simplicity of heart. ~ Chu-King

27) Be ye wise as serpents and simple as doves. ~ Matthew X. 16

28) Be humble if thou wouldst attain to wisdom; be humbler still if thou hast attained to it ~ Book of Golden Precepts

29) Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? there is more hope of a fool than of him. ~ Proverbs XXVI. 12

30) Be not proud in thy riches, nor in thy strength, nor in thy wisdom. ~ Phocylides

31) If thou givest thyself up to the least pride, thou art no longer master of thyself, thou losest thy understanding as if thou wert drunk with wine. ~ Farid-ud-din-attar

32) So long as thou livest in the bewilderment and seduction of pride, thou shalt abide far from the truth. ~ Farid-ud-din-attar

33) Thou hast cleansed thy heart of soil and bled it dry of impure desires. But, O glorious combatant, thy task is not yet done. Build high the wall which shall protect thy mind from pride and satisfaction at the thought of the great work accomplished. ~ Book of Golden Precept

34) Oh, if the heart could become a cradle and God once more a child upon the earth! ~ Augelius Silesius
Vijnana or Gnosis View Similar The Psychology of Social Development - XIV

The Conditions of Gnosis View Similar The Psychology of Social Development - XV
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 04 - 15th October 1917The Eternal WisdomDisinterestedness
1917 Mon 15 October

1) Self-interest is the prolongation in us of the animal. Humanity begins in man with disinterestedness. ~ Amiel

2) Disinterestedness is not always understood. Yet is it the foundation of the virtues, without it they could not be practised. ~ Antoine the Healer

3) As dawn announces the rising of the sun, so in a man disinterestedness, purity, rectitude forerun the coming of the Eternal. ~ Ramakrishna
4) Whoever is rich within and embellished with virtue, seeks not outside himself for glory and riches. ~ Angelus Silesius

5) The perfect man does not hunt after wealth. ~ Confucius

6) He must content himself with little and never ask for more than he has. ~ Baha-ullah

7) The least indigent mortal is the one who desires the least. We have everything we wish when we wish only for what is sufficient. ~ Seneca

8) Many things are wanting to indigence, but everything is wanting to greed. A covetous man is useful to none and still less is he of any good to himself. ~ Seneca

9) To covet external objects is to defile the mind. ~ Chu-King

10) To work only in the material sense is to increase the load that is crushing us. ~ Antoine the Healer

11) We brought nothing into this world and it is certain we can carry nothing out,-and having food and raiment let us be therewith content. But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish and hurtful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil. ~ Timothy VI.7

12) O you who are vain of your mortal possessions, know that wealth is a heavy barrier between the seeker and the Desired. ~ Baha-ullah

13) Children of knowledge! the slender eyelash can prevent the eye from seeing; what then must be the effect of the veil of avarice over the eye of the heart! ~ Baha-ullah

14) Let your behaviour be without covetousness, and be content with such things as you have. ~ Hebrews. XIII. 5

15) In vain are you rich if you do not quell your passions; if an insatiable cupidity eats you up, if you are the prey of fears and anxieties, of what use to you is your opulence?. ~ Plutarch

16) Mortify therefore covetousness, which is idolatry. ~ Colossians III. 5

17) Set not thy heart upon riches. ~ Psalms

18) Let your body be pure, pure your words, pure your thoughts. Free yourselves from the preoccupations of daily life; let not fields, houses, cattle, wealth and worldly goods be your encumbrances. Avoid the anxieties which attend on all things, as one shuns a flaming gulf. ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsan-king

19) Labour not for the food which perishes but for that which endures into everlasting life. ~ John VI. 27

20) For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. ~ Matthew VI. 21

21) O thou who resumest in thyself all creation, cease for one moment to be preoccupied with gain and loss. ~ Omar Khayyam

22) Found not thy glory on power and riches. ~ Theognis

23) Vex not thyself to be rich; cease from thy own wisdom. Wilt thou set thy eyes upon that which is not? for riches certainly make themselves wings. ~ Proverbs XXIII. 4-5

24) Thou whom all respect, impoverish thyself that thou mayst enter the abode of the supreme riches. ~ Baha-ullah

25) Thou shalt leave behind thee the embarrassments with which wealth surrounds thee and thou shalt find the immensity of the spiritual kingdom. ~ Ahmed Halif

26) I have never counted as real possessions either treasures or palaces or the places which give us credit and put authority in our hands or the pleasures of which men are slaves. ~ Cicero

27) I strive to attain the happiness which does not pass away nor perish and which has not its source in riches or beauty nor depends upon them. ~ Foshu-hing-tsan-king

28) My joy is in labouring to acquire spiritual wealth; for the riches of this world pass away, but the treasures of our spiritual earnings abide for ever. ~ Foshu-hing-tsan-king
The Conditions of Gnosis View Similar The Psychology of Social Development - XV

The Divine Birth and Divine Works - II View Similar The Psychology of Social Development - XVI
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 04 - 15th November 1917Eternal WisdomTo Renounce Desire
1917 Thu 15 November
To Renounce Desire

1) There is no fire that can equal desire. ~ Dhammapada

2) Coveting is without end, but contentment is a supreme felicity; therefore the wise recognise no treasures upon the earth except contentment alone. ~ Mahabharata

3) The world is carried away in the torrent of desire, in its eddies there is no soil of safety. Wisdom alone is a solid raft and meditation a firm foothold. ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsan king

4) From coveting is horn grief, from coveting is born fear. To be free utterly from desire is to know neither fear nor sorrow. ~ Dhammapada

5) When a man shakes from him the clinging yoke of desire, affliction drops away from him little by little as drops of water glide from a lotus-leaf. ~ Dhammapada

6) such as I am, belong not to myself. ..A man should think thus, "All earth is mine," or thus, "All this belongs to others just as well as to myself;" such a man is never afflicted. ~ Mahabharata

7) Let him repulse lust and coveting, the disciple who would lead a holy life. ~ Dhammapada

8) If a man covets nothing, how shall he fail to do what is just and good? ~ Chi-king

9) The body may be covered with jewels and yet the heart may have mastered all its covetings. ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsan-king
The Divine Birth and Divine Works - II View Similar The Psychology of Social Development - XVI

The Divine Birth and Divine Works - III View Similar A Hymn to Savitri
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 04 - 15th December 1917The Eternal WisdomTo Renounce the Fruit of Works
1917 Sat 15 December
To Renounce the Fruit of Works

1) Personal success ought never to he considered the aim of existence. ~ Bacon

2) One does not need to hope in order to act, nor to succeed in order to persevere. ~ William the Silent

3) The superior man perseveres in the middle path. Even though he remains unknown and the world esteems him not, he feels no regret. The sage alone is capable of such an action. ~ Tsang-Yung

4) Poor souls are they whose work is for a reward. ~ Bhagavad Gita. 2.49

5) Thou hast a right only to work, but never to its fruits. ~ Bhagavad Gita. 2.47

6) It is impossible for man who has a body to abstain absolutely from all action, but whoever; renounces its fruits, is the man of true renunciation. ~ Bhagavad Gita. 18.11

7) He who sees that in inaction there is an act and that in works there can be freedom from the act, is the wise among men...When a man has given up the fruit of his works and is eternally content and without dependence upon things, then though occupied in works, it is not he that is doing any act. ~ Bhagavad Gita. 4.18,20

8) When anyone does good without troubling himself for the result, ambition and malevolence pass quickly away from him. ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsan-king

9) When the man who does good, ceases to concern himself with the result of his act, ambition and wrath are extinguished within him. ~ Lalita Vistara

10) The act done under right rule, with detachment, without liking or dislike, by the man who grasps not at the fruit, that is a work of light. ~ Bhagavad Gita 18.23

11) A one-minded pursuit of the inner joys kills ambition. ~ Renan

12) The Master has said, "To pore over mysterious things and do miracles that I may be cited with honour in future times, this is what 1 will not do." ~ Tsang-Yung
The Divine Birth and Divine Works - III View Similar A Hymn to Savitri

The Divine Worker View Similar The Psychology of Social Development - XVIII
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 04 - 15th January 1918The Eternal WisdomTo Renounce Desire
1918 Tue 15 January
To Renounce Desire

1) The difficulties which come to birth in the disciple, are ignorance, egoism, desire, aversion and a tenacious will to existence upon the earth. ~ Patanjali

2) There is no better way to cultivate humanity and justice in the heart than to diminish our desires. ~ Meng-tse

3) It is good to have what one desires, but it is better to desire nothing more than what one has. ~ Menedemus

4) You tell me that good cheer, raiment, riches and luxury are happiness. I believe that the greatest felicity is to desire nothing, and in order to draw near to this supreme happiness, one must habituate oneself to have need of little. ~ Socrates

5) O children of desire, cast off your garb of vanities. ~ Baha-ullah

6) Renounce your desires and you shall taste of peace. ~ Imitation of Christ

7) So long as man has not thrown from him the load of worldly desire which he carries about with him, he cannot be in tranquillity and at peace with himself. ~ Ramakrishna

8) The man in whom all desires disappear like rivers into a motionless sea, attains to peace, not he whom they move to longing. That man whose walk is free from longing, for he has thrown all desires from him, who calls nothing his and has no sense of ego, is moving towards peace. ~ Bhagavad Gita II. 70-71

9) Ah! let us live happy without desires among those who are given up to covetousness. In the midst of men full of desires, let us dwell empty of them. ~ Dhammapada

10) Let us impose upon our desires the yoke of submission to reason, let them be ever calm and never bring trouble into our souls; thence result wisdom, constancy, moderation. ~ Cicero

11) The man veritably free is he who, disburdened of fear and desire, is subjected only to his reason. ~ Fenelon

12) Whoever prefers to all else his reason, does not enact tragedy, does not bewail himself, seeks neither solitude nor the crowd, but, greatest of all goods, he shall live without desire and without fear. ~ Marcus Aurelius

13) When his thought and feeling are perfectly under regulation and stand firm in his Self, then, unmoved to longing by any desire, he is said to be in union with the Self. ~ Bhagavad Gita VI.18

14) He has read everything, learned everything, practised everything, who has renounced his desires and lives without any straining of hope. ~ Hitopadesha

15) The breath of desire and pleasure so ravages the world that it has extinguished the torch of knowledge and understanding. ~ Baha-ullah

16) As the troubled surface of rolling waters cannot reflect aright the full moon, but gives only broken images of it, so the mentality troubled by the desires and passions of the world cannot reflect fully the light of the Eternal. ~ Ramakrishna

17) Then is the Eternal seen when the mind it at rest. When the sea of mind is tossed by the winds of desire, it cannot reflect the Eternal and all divine vision is impossible. ~ Ramakrishna

18) Man, wouldst thou be a sage, wouldst thou know thyself and know God? First thou shouldst extinguish in thyself the desire of the world. ~ Angelus Silesius

19) Desire nothing. Rage not against the unalterable laws of Nature. Struggle only against the personal, the transient, the ephemeral, the perishable. ~ Book of Golden Precepts

20) The light of thy spirit cannot destroy these shades of night so long as thou hast not driven out desire from thy soul. ~ Hindu Wisdom

21) When thou art enfranchised from all hate and desire, then shalt thou win thy liberation. ~ Dhammapada

22) Expel thy desires and fears and there shall be no longer any tyrant over thee. ~ Marcus Aurelius

23) If thou wouldst be free, accustom thyself to curb thy desires. ~ Tolstoi

24) Slay thy desires, O disciple, make powerless thy vices, before thou takest the first step of that solemn journey. ~ Book of Golden Precepts

25) Slay desire, but when thou hast slain it, take heed that it arise not again from the dead. ~ Book of Golden Precepts

26) Surmount the desires of which gods and men are the subjects. ~ Uttana Sutta

27) How canst thou desire anything farther when in thyself there are God and all things? ~ Angelus Silesius
The Divine Worker View Similar The Psychology of Social Development - XVIII

Equality View Similar The Psychology of Social Development - XIX
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 04 - 15th February 1918The Eternal WisdomTo Renounce the World
1918 Fri 15 February
To Renounce the World

1) Love cannot be used for the fulfilment of desire, for its nature is renunciation. Renunciation is the renunciation of ritual works and worldly affairs. ~ Narada Sutra

2) The insensate enter into the world, seduced by its false splendours. But just as it is easier to get into a net than to escape from it, so is it easier to enter into the world than, having once entered, to renounce it. ~ Ramakrishna

3) The man who lives in the bosom of the temptations of the world and attains perfection, is the true hero. ~ Ramakrishna

4) A boat can be in the water, but the water ought not to be in the boat. So the aspirant may live in the world, but the world should find no place in him. ~ Ramakrishna

5) What is a man profited if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? ~ Matthew. XVI. 26

6) Man is in truth a compound of eternity and time. The more he is attached to temporal things and rests in them, the farther he grows from things eternal; they seem to him petty, just as great objects appear small when we see them from a distance, and he can never attain to real peace. ~ J. Tauler: Institutions

7) Vanity of vanities, all is vanity. What profit hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the sun? ~ Ecclesiastes. I, 2, 3

8) Is it from without that there can come to a man the sweetness and the charm of his life? Is it not rather from the wisdom of his virtues that flow as from a happy source his real pleasures and his real joys? ~ Plutarch

9) Whoever gives himself up to rational meditations, finds very soon the joy in all that is good. He sees that riches and beauty are impermanent and wisdom the most precious of jewels. ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsan-king

10) Youth, beauty, life, riches, health, friends are things that pass; let not the wise man attach himself at all to these. ~ Mahabharata

11) When the sage has recognised impermanence, subjection to grief and unreality of substance as the three characteristic qualities of this world, how can his heart own attachment to the things of this world? ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsan-king

12) In the Ineffable who is the indivisible and eternal bliss, are centred all pleasure and happiness. Those who enjoy him, can find no attraction in the facile and valueless pleasures of the world. ~ Ramakrishna

13) What can he desire in the world who is greater than the world? ~ St. Cyprian

14) What joy is there in this world which is everywhere a prey to flames? ~ Dhammapada

15) O disciples, be ye heirs to Truth, not to worldly things. ~ Magghima Nikaya

16) Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. ~ I John II. 15

17) Seek those things which are above. ~ Colossians. III. 1

18) Covet earnestly the best gifts. ~ I Corinthians.XII. 21

19) My son, go hack into thy self by disentangling thyself as much as thou mayst from all things; seek purity from things below by detaching thy will and thy heart from the love of sensible objects. ~ J. Tauter

20) Reject passion and attachment, then shall be revealed in thee that which now dwells hidden from thy eyes. ~ Sutra in 42 articles

21) Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. ~ Matthew. VI. 21

22) O friend, fill not with mortal thoughts thy heart which is the seat of eternal mysteries. ~ Bahaullah

23) What offering should be made that we may attain to the Eternal? To find the Eternal thou must offer him thy body, thy mind and all thy possessions. ~ Ramakrishna

24) No man of war entangleth himself with the affairs of this life. ~ II Timothy. II. 4

25) If you would live tranquil and free, get rid of the habit of all which you can do without. ~ Tolstoi

26) Man! renounce all that thou mayst be happy, that thou mayst be free, that thou mayst have thy soul large and great. Carry high thy head,...and thou art delivered from servitude. ~ Epictetus

27) So live as if thou hadst at once to say farewell to life and the time yet accorded thee were an unexpected gift. ~ Marcus Aurelius

28) Eternity is for all time, but the world only for a moment. Sell not then for that moment thy kingdom of eternity. ~ Omar Khayyam
Equality View Similar The Psychology of Social Development - XIX

Rajayoga View Similar The Psychology of Social Development - XX
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 04 - 15th March 1918The Eternal WisdomTo Renounce One's Self
1918 Fri 15 March
To Renounce One's Self

1) Whosoever has oneness engraven in his heart, forgets all things and forgets himself. ~ Farid-ud-din-attar

2) It is from the shoot of self-renunciation that there starts the sweet fruit of final deliverance. ~ Book of Golden Precepts

3) This liberation is attained by him alone who has understood the lesson of complete disinterestedness and forgetfulness of self. ~ Ramakrishna

4) Knowledge is better than practice, concentration excels knowledge, the renunciation of fruits concentration; peace is the immediate result of renunciation. ~ Bhagavad Gita.XII. 12

5) To renounce one's self is not to renounce life. ~ Tolstoi

6) None can be richer, more powerful, freer than he who knows how to renounce his self and all things. ~ Imitation of Christ

7) To put an end to care for one's self is a great happiness. ~ Udanavarga

8) One must begin by annihilating one's self, to be able to kindle within the Flame of existence and be admitted into the paths of Love. ~ Baha-ullah

9) Not by work, not by family, not by riches, but by renunciation great beings attain to immortality. ~ Kaivalya Upanishad

10) Only he who lives not for himself, does not perish. ~ Lao-Tse

11) Man, every time he gives up and abandons himself, finds God in the depths of his heart, as if the immutable principle of his abnegation. ~ J. Tauler

12) The individual consciousness by the attempt to measure the Impersonal loses its individual egoism and becomes one with Him. ~ Ramakrishna

13) Each being who renounces his self and detaches himself completely from it, hears within this voice and this echo, "I am God. ~ Gulschen Raz

14) Totally to renounce one's self is to become God. ~ Tolstoi

15) Therefore regard attentively this ocean of impermanence, contemplate it even to its foundation and labour no more to attain but one sole thing,-the kingdom of the Permanent. ~ Buddhist Texts

16) Deliver yourself from all that is not your self; but what is it that is not your self? The body, the sensations, the perceptions, the relative differentiations. This liberation will lead you to felicity and peace. ~ Buddhist Texts

17) My brother, a delicate heart is like a mirror; polish it by love and detachment, that the Sun of the Reality may reflect itself in it and the divine Dawn arise. ~ Baha-ullah

18) Cut away in thee the love of thyself, even as in autumn thy hand plucks the lotus. ~ Dhammapada

19) Root out in thee all love of thyself and all egoism. ~ Buddhist Texts

20) Above all banish the thought of the "I." ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsan-kiug

21) Thou shalt have given a drop and won the sea, given thy life and won the well-beloved. ~ Baha-ullah
Rajayoga View Similar The Psychology of Social Development - XX

Love and the Triple Path View Similar The Psychology of Social Development - XXI
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 04 - 15th April 1918The Eternal Wisdom The Mastery of the Senses
1918 Mon 15 April
The Mastery of the Senses

1) In the man who contemplates the objects of the senses, attachment to them is born, from attachment is born desire, and from desire is born the wrath of desire; from that wrath delusion and from delusion error of the memory in the reason; from the error loss of understanding, and by the loss of understanding he goes to perdition. ~ Bhagavad Gita. II. 63

2) Human souls which have not the intelligence for their guide, are even as animals without reason. Intelligence abandons them to the passions which draw them by the lure of desire; their wraths and their appetites are equally blind and push them towards evil without ever finding satiety. ~ Hermes

3) Who is blinder even than the blind? The man of passion. ~ Buddhist Maxim

4) When the soul has not self-mastery, one looks and sees not, listens and hears not. ~ Theng-tse

5) Is one, indeed, master of himself when he follows his own caprices? ~ Farid-ud-din-attar

6) The evildoer is the only slave. ~ Rousseau

7) The ignorant is the slave of his passions, the wise man is their master. ~ Sutra in 42 articles

8) It is by resisting the passions, not by yielding to them that one finds true peace in the heart. ~ Imitation of Christ

9) By the taming of the senses the intelligence grows. ~ Mahabharata

10) Not to tame the senses is to take the road of misery, to conquer them is to enter into the path of well-being. Let each choose of these two roads the one that pleases him. ~ Hitopadesha

11) Happy the man who has tamed the senses and is utterly their master. ~ Buddhist Maxims

12) A man who has comm and over his senses and the forces of his being, has a just title to the name of king. ~ Angelus Silesius

13) The radiant beings themselves envy him whose senses are mastered like horses well trained by their driver. ~ Udana-varga

14) He whose senses have become calm like horses perfectly tamed by a driver, who has rid himself of pride and concupiscence, the gods themselves envy his lot. ~ Dhammapada

15) Thus become wise, calm, submitted, passionless, enduring, master of himself, he sees the Self in himself and in all beings. Sin conquers him no more, he conquers sin; sin consumes him no more, he consumes sin. ~ Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

16) Repress then your senses; calm, minds appeased, master your bodies. ~ Lalita Vistara

17) Shun agreeable amusements, deliver not yourselves to the pleasures of the senses. ~ Chu-king

18) Renounce pleasure and renounce wrath and observe justice. ~ Mahabharata

19) Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul. ~ I Peter II. 11

20) Every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour, not in the lust of concupiscence. ~ Thessalonians.IV.4. 5

21) Ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh. ~ Galatians V. 13

22) Labour to master adversity even as your passions, to which it would be shameful for you to be subjected. ~ Socrates

23) Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin. ~ Hebrews XII. 4

24) Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body that ye should obey it in the lusts there of. ~ Romans VI. 12

25) Let your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless. ~ I Thessalonians V. 23

26) At first sin is a stranger in the soul; then it becomes a guest; and when we are habituated to it, it becomes as if the master of the house. ~ Tolstoi

27) Thus little by little the enemy invades the soul, if it is not resisted from the beginning. ~ Imitation of Christ

28) By what is man impelled to act sin, though not willing it, as if brought to it by force? It is desire it is wrath born of the principle of passion, a mighty and devouring and evil thing; know this for the enemy. Eternal enemy of the sage, in the form of desire it obscures his knowledge and is an insatiable fire. The senses are supreme in the body, above the senses is the mind, higher than the mind is the understanding and higher than the understanding the spiritual Self. Know then that which is higher than the understanding, by the self control thyself and slay this difficult enemy, desire. ~ Bhagavad Gita III. 36. 37. 39. 42. 43

29) Know that all this is so, but habituate thyself to surmount and conquer thy passions. ~ Pythagoras

30) Flee youthful lusts. ~ II Timothy II. 22

31) If thou hast many vices, thou hast many masters. ~ Petrarch

32) Dominate the rush of passion. Yield not to the impulsion of a turbulent heart; he who is able to calm his heart when passion suddenly inflames it, can be called indeed a skilful driver of the chariot. ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsan-king

33) Fear pleasure, it is the mother of grief. ~ Solon

34) As a living man abstains from mortal poisons, so put away from thee all defilement. ~ Buddhist Texts

35) Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life. ~ Proverbs IV. 23

36) Keep thyself from all evil in thought, in word, in act. If thou transgress not these three frontiers of wisdom, thou shalt find the way pursued by the saints. ~ Magghima Nikaya

Ed. N.-We are obliged to discontinue the series of the "Eternal Wisdom" for a time as the next instalment has reached us mutilated in transit, with all the references cut out as well as the close of one section,-elegant censorial corrections, the object of which we are unable to discover
Love and the Triple Path View Similar The Psychology of Social Development - XXI

The Psychology of Social Development - I View Similar Our Demand and Need from the Gita
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 03 - 15th August 1916The Eternal Wisdom The True Religious Man
1916 Tue 15 August
The True Religious Man

1) It is not by shaving the head that one becomes a man of religion; truth and rectitude alone make the true religious man. ~ Dhammapada

2) Think not that to seat thyself in gloomy forests, in a proud seclusion, aloof from men, think not that to live on roots and plants and quench thy thirst with the snow shall lead thee to the goal of the final deliverance. ~ Book of Golden Precepts

3) Thou shalt see in that spot the mendicant stripped of all resources but with his head troubled by a desire for the possession of the world. ~ Ahmod Halif: Mystic Odes

4) Though the body be adorned with jewels, the heart may have mastered worldly tendencies; he who receives with indifference joy and pain is in possession of the spiritual life even though his external existence be of the world; nor is the garb of the ascetic a protection against sensual thoughts. ~ Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king

5) Although the body be robed with the garb of the layman, the soul can raise itself to the highest perfections. The man of the world and the ascetic differ not at all one from the other if both have conquered egoism. So long as the heart is bound by sensual chains, all external signs of asceticism are a vanity. ~ Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king

6) There is no difference between a man of the world and a solitary if both have conquered the illusion of the ego; but if the heart isa slave to the desires of the senses, the external signs of self-control serve no useful object. ~ Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king

7) A solitary may miss his goal and a man of the world become asage. ~ Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king

8) A gay liver who spreads gladness around him, is better than the devotee who fasts all the year round.Fasting is a merit in the man who distributes his food to the needy; otherwise what mortification is it to take in the evening a meal you have abstained from during the day? ~ Sadi: Bostan

9) Is it such a fast that I have chosen? a day for a man to afflict his soul? is it to bow down his head as a bulrush and to spread sackcloth and ashes under him? wilt thou call this a fast and an acceptable day to the Lord? Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke?Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? when thou seest the naked, that thou cover him and that thou hide not thyself from thine own kind? Then shall thy light break forth as the morning and thy health shall spring forth speedily. ~ Isaiah

10) To take neither wine nor meat is to fast ceremonially, it is not the heart's fasting which is to maintain in oneself the one thought. ~ Tsuang-tso

11) And this shall be the true manner of thy fasting that thy life shall be void of all iniquity. ~ The Pastor of Hermas

12) The man whose soul aspires to the Eternal cannot give thought to such silly questions as that of daivic food, that is to say, a simple vegetarian diet, and for him who does not desire to attain to the Eternal, beef is as good as daivic food. ~ Ramakrishna

13) It is not eating meat that makes a man impure; it is anger, intemperance, egoism, hypocrisy, disloyalty, envy, ostentation, vanity, pride; it is to take pleasure in the society of those who perpetrate injustice. ~ Amaghanda Susta

14) It is not the eating of meat that makes a man impure; it is to be hard, calumnious, disloyal, without compassion, proud, avaricious, giving no part of one's possessions to another. ~ Amaghanda Susta

15) To be malevolent and violent, a slanderer and unfaithful, without compassion, arrogant and greedy to the point of not giving anything whatsoever to others, it is that and not the eating of meat that makes a man impure. ~ Amaghanda Susta

16) The man who does not control himself in his conduct with living beings and who directs all his thoughts towards humiliating them after despoiling them of their goods, he who is wicked, cruel, violent, without respect, to him and not to the meat-eater should be applied the stigma of impurity. ~ Amaghanda Susta

17) They who torture living beings and feel no compassion towards them, them regard as impure. ~ Amaghanda Susta

18) Neither abstinence from meat and fish, nor mendicancy, nor the shaven head or the matted locks, nor mortifications of the body, nor garments offers a special colour, nor the adoration of a god can purify the man who is still a prey to illusion

Buddhist Canon in Pali

19) He whose mind is utterly purified from soil, as heaven is pure from stain and the moon from dust, him indeed I call a man of religion. ~ Buddhist Text

20) He whose mind is utterly pure from all evil as the Sun is pure of stain and the moon of soil, him indeed I call a man of religion. ~ Udanavagga

21) He who practises wisdom without anger or covetousness, who fulfils with fidelity his vows and lives master of himself, he is indeed a man of religion. ~ Buddhist Text

22) He who watches over his body, his speech, his whole self, who is full of serenity and joy, possesses a spirit unified and finds satisfaction in solitude, he is in-deed a man of religion. ~ Buddhist Text

23) He who has perfectly mastered himself in thought and speech and act, he is indeed a man of religion. ~ Buddhist Text

24) He who puts away from him all passion, hatred, pride and hypocrisy, who pronounces words instructive and benevolent, who does not make his own what has not been given to him, who without desire, covetousness, impatience knows the depths of the Permanent, he is indeed of religion. ~ Buddhist Text

25) He who afflicts no living creature, who neither kills nor allows to be killed, him indeed I call a man of religion. Whoever wishes to consecrate himself to the spiritual life, ought not to destroy any life. ~ Buddhist Text

26)He who punishes not, kills not, permits not to be killed, who is full of love among those who are full of hate, full of sweetness among those who are full of cruelty, he is indeed a man of religion. ~ Buddhist Text

27) He who has conquered the desire of the present life and of the future life, who has vanquished all fear and broken all chain, he is indeed a man of religion. ~ Buddhist Text
The Psychology of Social Development - I View Similar Our Demand and Need from the Gita

The Integral Perfection View Similar The Mastery of Self
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 05 - 15th January 1919The Etrenal Wisdom The Mastery of Thought
1919 Wed 15 January
The Mastery of Thought

1) They had gained this supreme perfection, to be totally masters of their thoughts. ~ The Lotus of the Good Law

2) To control the mind! How difficult that is! It has been compared, not without good reason, to a mad monkey. ~ Vivekananda

3) Hard is the mind to restrain, light, running where it pleases; to subjugate it is a salutary achievement; subjugated it brings happiness. ~ Dhammapada

4) The mind is restless, strong, insistent, violently disturbing; to control it I hold to be as difficult as to control the wind. ~ Bhagavad Gita VI

5) Just as a fly settles now on an unclean sore in the body, now on the offerings consecrated to the gods, so the mind of a worldly man stops for a moment upon religious ideas, but the next it strays away to the pleasures of luxury and lust. ~ Ramakrishna

6) On the vacillating, the mobile mind so difficult to hold in, so difficult to master the man of intelligence imposes a rectitude like the direct straightness which the arrow-maker gives to an arrow. ~ Dhammapada

7) So long as the mind is inconstant and inconsequent, it will avail nothing, even though one have a good instructor and the company of the saints. ~ Ramakrishna

8) Like a chariot drawn by wild horses is the mind, the man of knowledge should hold it in with an unswerving attention. ~ CwetawataraUpanishad. II. 9

9)Each time that the mobile and inconstant mind goes outward, it should be controlled, brought back into oneself and made obedient. ~ Bhagavad Gita VI. 26,

10) An evil thought is the most dangerous of all thieves. ~ Buddhist Scriptures from the Chinese

11) We hear it said and taught over the whole surface of the earth, "Be good, be good." There is hardly anywhere a child, wherever he is born, to whom one does not say, "Do not steal, do not lie". But we can only be really helpful to him by teaching him to dominate his thoughts. ~ Vivekananda

12) A big tree is at first a slender shoot; a nine-storied tower is raised by first placing a few small bricks; a journey of a thousand leagues begins with a step. Be careful of your thoughts; they are the beginning of your acts. ~ Lao Tse

13) Let not worldly thoughts and anxieties disturb the mind. ~ Ramakrishna

14) Think no evil thoughts. ~ Kun Yu

15) Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue and if there be any praise, think on these things. ~ Philippians IV, 8

16) When a thought of anger or cruelty or a bad and unwholesome inclination awakes in a man, let him immediately throw it from him. let him dispel it, destroy it, prevent it from staying with him. ~ Buddhist Maxims

17) When the disciple regarding his ideas sees appear in him bad and unwholesome thoughts, thoughts of covetousness, hatred, error, he should either turn his mind from them and concentrate on a healthy idea, or examine the fatal nature of the thought, or else he should analyse it and decompose it into its different elements, or calling up all his strength and applying the greatest energy suppress it from his mind: so bad and unwholesome thoughts withdraw and disappear, and the mind becomes firm, calm, unified, vigorous. ~ Buddhist Maxims

18) We cannot prevent birds from flying over our heads but we can prevent them from making their nests there. So we cannot prevent evil thoughts from traversing the mind, but we have the power not to let them make their nest in it so as to hatch and engender evil actions. ~ Luther

19) Let us keep watch over our thoughts. ~ Fo-shu- hing-tsan-king

20) When a thought rises in us, let us see whether it has not its roots in the inferior worlds. ~ Antoine the Healer

21)So let us accomplish what we know to be upright, let us keep watch over our thoughts so as not to suffer ourselves to be invaded by any pollution. As we sow, so we shall reap. ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsan king

22) Labour to purify thy thoughts. If thou hast no evil thoughts, thou shalt commit no evil deeds. ~ Confucius

23) If thou wouldst not be slain by them, thou shouldst make free from offence thy own creations, the children of thy invisible and impalpable thoughts, whose swarms keep wheeling around mankind and who are the descendants and heirs of man and of his terrestrial leavings. ~ Book of Golden Precepts

24) Be master of thy thoughts, O thou who strivest for perfection. ~ Book of Golden Precepts

25) Each of our good thoughts tears the veil behind which appears the pure, the infinite, God, our self. ~ Vivekananda

The Mastery of Self
The Integral Perfection View Similar The Mastery of Self

The Mastery of Thought View Similar "Is India Civilised" - II
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 05 - 15th January 1919The Etrenal Wisdom The Mastery of Self
1919 Wed 15 January
The Mastery of Self

1) The self is the master of the self, what other master wouldst thou have? A self well-controlled is a master one can get with difficulty. ~ Dhammapada

2) The self is the master of the self, what other master of it canst thou have? The wise man who has made himself the master of himself, has broken his chains, he has rent the ties of his bondage. ~ Udanavarga

3) The self is the master of the self, what other master of it canst thou have? The wise man who has made himself the master of himself, is a world-illumining beacon. ~ Udanavarga

4) Good is mastery of the body, good the mastery of the speech, good too the mastery of the thought, good the perfect self-mastery. ~ Maggima Nikaya

5) Good is the mastery of the body, good the mastery of the speech, good too the mastery of the mind, good the perfect self-mastery. The disciple who is the master of himself, shall deliver his soul from every sorrow. ~ Dhammapada

6) The true treasure is self-mastery; it is the secret wealth which cannot perish. ~ Nidhikama Sutta

7) Life is not short if it is filled. The way to fill it is to compel the soul to enjoy its own wealth and to become its own master. ~ Seneca

8) Our intelligence ought to govern us as a herdsman governs his goats, cows and sheep, preferring for himself and his herd all that is useful and agreeable. ~ Philo

9) A man who cannot comm and himself, should obey. But there are too those who know how to comm and themselves, but yet are very far from knowing how also to obey. ~ Nietzsche, Zarathustra

10) The body of man is a chariot, his mind the driver, his senses the horses. The man of intelligence who keeps watch over himself, travels on his way like an owner of a chariot, happy and contented, drawn by well-trained horses. ~ Mahabharata

11) Self-control brings calm to the mind, without it the seed of all the virtues perishes ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsan-king

12)Self-control which lies on a man like a fine garment, falls away from him who negligently gives himself up to slumber. ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsan-king

13) He that hath no rule over his own spirit, is like a city that is broken down and without walls. ~ Proverbs XXV. 28

14) One should guard oneself like a frontier citadel well defended-without and within. ~ Dhammapada

15) Difficult is union with God when the self is not under governance; but when the self is well-subjected, there are means to come by it. ~ Bhagavad Gita XI. 38

16) When the thought of a man is without attachment, when he has conquered himself and is rid of desire, by that renunciation he reaches a supreme perfection of quietude. ~ Bhagavad Gita XVIII. 49

17) In union by a purified understanding, controlling himself by a firm perseverance, abandoning the objects of the senses, putting away from him all liking and disliking, when one resorts to solitude, lives on little, masters speech and mind and body, ever in meditation and fixed in withdrawal from the desires of the world, when he has loosened from him egoism and violence and pride and lust and wrath and possession, then calm and without thought of self, he is able to become one with the Eternal. ~ Bhagavad Gita XVIII. 51-53

18) By virile activity, by vigilant effort, by empire over himself, by moderation, the sage can make himself an island which the floods shall not inundate. ~ Dhammapada

19) He is the wise man who, having once taken up his resolve, acts and does not cease from the labour, who does not lose uselessly his days and who knows how to govern himself. ~ Mahabharata

20) The sage should be figured in the image of a robust athlete whom long exercise has hardened, one who can baffle the efforts of the most obstinate enemy. ~ Seneca

21) He is the perfect athlete who surmounts temptations and the incline of his nature towards sin and exercises over his mind domination and empire. ~ J. Tauler. Institutions

22)Who is the Wise man? Whosoever is constantly learning something from one man or another. Who is the rich man? Whosoever is contented with his lot. Who is the strong man? Whosoever is capable of self-mastery. ~ Talmud

23) If holiness can be compared to any other quality, it is only to strength. ~ Meng-Tse

24) Strength of character primes strength of intelligence ~ Emerson

25) True strength is to have power over oneself. ~ Tolstoi

26)When the spirit has comm and over the soul, that is strength. ~ Lao-tse

27) The soul spiritual should have comm and over the soul of sense. ~ Lao-tse

28).All souls have within them something soft, cowardly, vile, nerveless, languishing, and if there were only that element in man, there would be nothing so ugly as the human being. But at the same time there is in him, very much to the purpose, this mistress, this absolute queen, Reason, who by the effort she has it in herself to make, becomes perfect and becomes the supreme virtue. One must, to be truly a human being, give it full authority over that other part of the soul whose duty it is to obey the reason. ~ Cicero

29) Be master of thy soul, O seeker of eternal verities, if thou wouldst attain thy end. ~ Book of Golden Precepts

30) Be master of thyself by taming thy heart, thy mind and thy senses; for each man is his own friend and his own enemy. ~ Mahabharata

31) Thy soul cannot be hurt in thee save by reason of thy ignorant body; direct and master them both. ~ Book of Golden Precepts

32) All things are lawful to me, but all things are not expedient; all things are lawful to me, but I will not be brought under the power of any. ~ I Corinthians VI. 12
The Mastery of Thought View Similar "Is India Civilised" - II

The Psychology of Self-Perfection View Similar "Is India Civilised" - III
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 05 - 15th February 1919The Eternal Wisdom The Internal Law
1919 Sat 15 February
The Internal Law

1)The true law of life is so simple, clear and intelligible that men cannot excuse their bad living under the pretext of ignorance. If men live in contradiction to the law of their true living, they are repudiating reason. And that is in fact what they do. ~ Tolstoi

2)We should follow the law which Nature has engraved in our hearts. Wisdom lies in the perfect observation of her law. ~ Seneca

3)What is the true law? It is a right reason invariable, eternal, in conformity with Nature, -which is extended in all human being. ~ Cicero

4)Man's duty is to give the guidance of the soul to reason. ~ Hermes,

5)The man whose understanding is in union with the Spirit, casts from him both good doing and evil doing; get this union, it is the perfect skill in works. ~ Bhagavad Gita. II- 50

6)In verity, there exists one law only, the law of our conscience; all truth is there controlled and verified. ~ Antoine the Healer

7)Our conscience is an inner light which guides us with an infallible security, shows us everywhere the Good and invites us to cooperate in it; but the intelligence snatches it away from us under a veil whose stuff is of the imagination. ~ Antoine the Healer

8)The sovereign good has its abode in the soul; when that is upright, attentive to its duties, shut in upon itself, it has nothing to desire, it enjoys a perfect happiness. ~ Seneca

9)Learn what are the duties which are engraved in the hearts of men as their means of arriving to beatitude. ~ Laws of Manu

10)A one and single direction is needed which will conduct us to a one sole end. ~ Philo

11)Let the soul be submitted within to an upright judge whose authority extends over our most secret actions. ~ Seneca

12) Whosoever desireth salvation hath no expectation from man, but from him alone who dwelleth in him inwardly and from within the voice speaketh to him; then is he astonished that such words he hath never heard from any mouth, nor hath ever desired to hear them. ~ Epistle of St. Barnabas

13) Quench not the spirit. ~ I Thessalonians V. 19

14) That which distinguishes from others the upright man, is that he never pollutes the genius within him which dwells in his heart. ~ Marcus Aurelius

15) If to thee nothing appears superior to the Genius which dwells in thee and has made itself master of his own tendencies and watches over his own thoughts and if beside him thoufindest that all the rest is petty and of no worth, then to no other thing give lodging. ~ Marcus Aurelius

16) Neglect not the gift that is in thee. ~ I. Timothy. IV. 14

17) Hearken unto thy soul in all thy works and be faithful unto it. ~ Ecclesiasticus. XXXIII. 17

18) The soul is its own witness, the soul is its own refuge. Never despise thy soul, that supreme witness in men. ~ Laws of Manu

The Good Combat

1)Who has ruder battles to sustain than the man who labours for self-conquest? ~ Imitation of Christ

2)He who subdues men is only strong; he who subdues himself, is mighty. ~ Lao-Tse

3)Better is he that rulethhis spirit than he that taketh a city. ~ Proverbs XVI

4) The greatest man in the world is not the conqueror, but the man who has domination over his own being. ~ Schopenhauer

5) A man may conquer thousands and thousands of men in battle, but he is the greatest conqueror who has mastered himself. ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsan-king

6) Self-conquest is the most glorious of victories; it shall better serve a man to conquer himself than to be master of the whole world. ~ Dhammapada

7) When a man has subdued himself and lives in perfect continence, not god, not Gandharva, not Mara, not Brahma himself can turn into defeat his victory. ~ Dhammapada

8) All you have to do then is to comm and yourselves. ~ Cicero,

9) Keep over your actions an absolute empire; be 10 not their slave, but their master. ~ Imitation of Christ

10)If you succeed inconquering yourself entirely, you will conquer the rest with the greatest ease. To triumph over oneself is the perfect victory ~ Imitation of Christ

11)He that overcometh shall inherit all things. ~ Revelation XXI. 7

12) Wouldst thou that the world should submit to thee? Be busy then to fortify thy soul without ceasing. ~ Omar Khayyam

13)Never be cowardly in the face of sin; say not to thyself. "I cannot do otherwise, I am habituated, I am weak." As long as thou livest, thou canst always strive against sin and conquer it, if not today, tomorrow, if not tomorrow, the day after, if not the day after, surely before thy death. But if from the beginning thou renounce the struggle, thou renouncest the fundamental sense of living. ~ Tolstoi

14)Behold thou hast instructed many and thou hast streng thened the weak hands, thy words have upholden him that was falling and thou hast streng thened the feeble knees; but now it is come upon thee and thou faintest, it toucheth thee and thou art troubled. ~ Job. IV. 3, 4

15) Be strong and of a good courage. ~ Joshua I. 9

16) Let the Godhead within thee protect there a virile being, respect-worthy, a chief, a man self-disciplined. ~ Marcus Aurelius

17) Thyself vindicate thyself. ~ Seneca

18)Subject thyself to thee. ~ Bhagavad Gita XII. 11

19) Control by thy divine self thy lower being. ~ Book of Golden Precepts

20) Battle with all thy force to cross the great torrent of desire. ~ Buddhist Texts

21) Fight the good fight, lay hold on eternal life. ~ I Timothy. VI. 12

22) Warriors I we call ourselves warriors? But of what fashion of warriors, tell me then, are we? We battle, O disciple, that is why we are called warriors. Why do we battle, O Master? For lofty virtue, for high discernment, for sublime wisdom,-that is why we are called warriors. ~ Anguttara Nikaya

23)We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of the world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. ~ Ephesians VI. 12

24) I strive not against the world, but it is the world which strives against me.-It is better to perish in the battle against evil than to be conquered by it and remain living. ~ Buddhist Texts
The Psychology of Self-Perfection View Similar "Is India Civilised" - III

The Perfection of the Mental Being View Similar A Rationalistic Critic on Indian Culture - II
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 05 - 15th March 1919The Eternal Wisdom The Root of Evil
1919 Sat 15 March
The Root of Evil

1) It is the Blessed One, the sole Being, thou sayest, who dwells in every soul: whence then come the misery and sorrow to which he is condemned by his presence in the heart of the soul of man? ~ Bhagavat Purana

2) The Eternal is in every man, but all men are not in the Eternal; there lies the cause of their suffering. ~ Ramakrishna,

3) Sorrow is the daughter of evil. ~ Dhammapada

4) The perfection of evil is to be ignorant of the Divine. ~ Hermes

5) This is the noble way in regard to the origin of suffering; its origin is that thirst made up of egoistic desires which produces individual existence and which now here, now there hunts for its self-satisfaction, and such is the thirst of sensation, the thirst of existence, the thirst of domination and well-being. ~ Buddhist Texts

6)The consciousness which is born of the battle of the sense-organs with their corresponding objects, man finds agreeable and takes pleasure in it; it is in that pleasure that this thirst takes its origin, is developed and becomes fixed and rooted. The sensations which are born of the senses, man finds agreeable and takes pleasure in them; it is in that pleasure that this thirst takes its origin, is developed and becomes fixed and rooted. The perception and the representation of the objects sensed by the senses, man finds agreeable and takes pleasure in them; it is in that pleasure that this thirst takes origin, is developed and becomes fixed and rooted. ~ Buddhist Texts

7)It is in the foundation of our being that the conditions of existence have their root. It is from the foundation of our being that they start up and take form. ~ Buddhist Texts

8)The action of man made of desire, dislike and illusion starts from his own being, in himself it has its source and, wherever it is found, must come to ripeness, and wherever his action comes to ripeness, man gathers its fruits whether in this or some other form of life. ~ Buddhist Texts

9) Desire is the profoundest root of all evil; it is from desire that there has arisen the world of life and sorrow. ~ Pali Canon

10)Like burning coals are our desires; they are full of suffering, full of torment and a yet heavier distressfulness. ~ Buddhist Texts

11)No living being possessed by desire can escape from sorrow. Those who have full understanding of this truth, conceive a hatred for desire. ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsau-king

12)The man who has conquered his unreined desires, offers no hold to sorrow; it glides over him like water over the leaves of the lotus. ~ Buddhist Texts

13) They have sown the wind and they shall reap the whirlwind. ~ Hosea VIII

14) Every action a man performs in thought, word and act, remains his veritable possession. It follows him and does not leave him even as a shadow separates not by a line from him who casts it. ~ Buddhist Texts

15) The fruit of coveting and desire ripens in sorrow; pleasant at first it soon burns, as a torch burns the hand of the fool who has not in time cast it from him. ~ Sutra in 42 articles

16) Such a fire, such an endless burning, that is Hell. It is not kindled by any devil, but it is within the heart that the mind incessantly lights, feeds and keeps it in being. ~ Gyokai

17) Hell has not been created by any one, but when a man does evil, he lights the fires of hell and burns in his own fire. ~ Mahomed

18) The essential spiritual being is so noble that even the damned cannot wish to cease from being. But sins form a partition and provoke so great a darkness and dissimilarity between the forces and the being in whom God lives that the spirit cannot unite itself to its own essence. ~ Ruysbroeck

19) If I regard myself as a martyr, I must think too of myself as that martyr's executioner; for we suffer only by the imagination of evil which is in us. ~ Antoine the Healer
The Perfection of the Mental Being View Similar A Rationalistic Critic on Indian Culture - II

The Instruments of the Spirit View Similar A Rationalistic Critic on Indian Culture - III
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 05 - 15th April 1919The Eternal Wisdom The Healing
1919 Tue 15 April
The Healing

1)It is thus that for a very long time you have undergone suffering, affliction and distress and have augmented the harvests of death, long enough in very truth to have recognised suffering, long enough to have turned away from suffering, long enough to have enfranchised yourselves from suffering. ~ Sannyutta Nikaya

2) Return ye now every one from his evil way and make your ways and your doings good. ~ Jeremiah XVIII. II

3) Turn ye from your evil ways. ~ Ezekiel XXXIII

4) Follow not a law of perdition, shut not yourselves up in negligence, follow not a law of falsehood; do nothing for the sake of the world. ~ Dhammapada

5)But now put off all these things. ~ Colossians III

6) A man shall shake off every tie; for when he has no more attachment for form and name, when he is utterly without possessions, sorrow does not run after him. ~ Dhammapada

7)I know not anything, O my brothers, which so much gives birth to good, leads to the supreme happiness and destroys evil as vigilance, energy, moderation, contentment, wise reflection, a clear conscience, the friendship of the just, seeking after good and aversion from evil. ~ Anguttara Nikaya

8)Be ye holy in all manner of conduct. ~ I Peter I. 15

9)Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. ~ Isaiah I. 18

10) Thou knowest, O my son, the way of regeneration. ~ Hermes

11) If thou art weary of suffering and affliction, do no longer any transgression, neither openly nor in secret. ~ Buddhist Texts

12) Thou shalt heal thy soul and deliver it from all its pain and travailing. ~ Pythagoras

13) Do no evil and evil shall not come upon thee; be far from the unjust and sin shall be far from thee. ~ Ecclesiasticus,

14) My son, give me thy heart and let thine eyes observe my ways. ~ Proverbs XXIII. 26

15) Leave hereafter iniquity and accomplish righteousness. ~ Buddhist Texts

16) Once thou hadst passions and namedst them evils. But now thou hast only virtues; they were born from thy passions. Thou broughtest into thy passions thy highest aim; then they became thy virtues and thy joys. ~ Nietzsche: Zarathustra

17)Let all men accomplish only the works of righteousness, and they shall build for themselves a place of safety where they can store their treasures. ~ Buddhist Texts

18) Let a man make haste towards good, let him turn away his thought from evil. ~ Dhammapada

19)The wise man sits not inert; he is ever walking incessantly forward towards a greater light. ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsan-king

20) The good acts we do today, our own progress will show to us tomorrow as an evil, because we shall have acquired a greater light. ~ Antoine the Healer

21)The night is far spent, the day is at hand; let us therefore cast off the works of darkness and let us put on the armour of light. ~ Romans XIII. 12

22) Let us strive to destroy in ourselves all that is of the animal, that the humanity in us may be manifest. ~ Bahaullah

23) Our creation, our perfection are our own work. ~ Antoine the Healer

24) To refrain from all evil, to speak always the truth, to abstain from all theft, to be pure and control the senses, that in sum constitutes the duty which theManu has prescribed for the four classes. ~ Laws of Manu

25) In every way evil company should be abandoned, because it gives occasion to passion, wrath, folly, dissipation, loss of decision, loss of energy. These propensities are at first a bubbling froth, but they become as if oceans. ~ Narada Sutra

26) A man's spiritual gain depends on his ideas and sentiments; it is the product of his heart and not of his works. ~ Ramakrishna

27)For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts. ~ Matthew XV. 19

28)One should, one can ameliorate one's life, not by external changes, but by a transformation of one's self in the soul. That one can do always and everywhere. ~ Tolstoi

29) Infected by the vices, the soul is swollen with poisons and can only be cured by knowledge and intelligence. ~ Hermes

30) For there is nothing so powerful to purify as knowledge. ~ Bhagavad Gita

31)The intelligence uncovers its light to the souls it governs and battles against their tendencies, even as a good physician uses fire and steel to combat the maladies of the body and recall it to health. ~ Hermes

32)When a man is delivered from all the dispositions of his heart which turn towards evil and not towards good and which can be extinguished, let him uproot them like the stock of a palm-tree, so that they shall be destroyed and have no power to sprout again. That I call a true repentance. ~ Mahavagga

33) The saintly disciple who applies himself in silence to right meditation, has surmounted covetousness, negligence, wrath, the inquietude of speculation and doubt; he contemplates and enlightens all beings friendly or hostile, with a limitless compassion, a limitless sympathy, a limitless serenity. He recognises that all internal phenomena are impermanent, subjected to sorrow and without substantial reality, and turning from these things he concentrates his mind on the permanent. ~ Buddhist Texts

34) He should sanctify his soul, for it is there that there sits the eternal Beloved; he should deliver his mind from all that is the water and mire of things without reality, vain shadows, so as to keep in himself no trace of love or hatred; for love may lead into the evil way and hatred prevents us from following the good path. ~ Bahu-ullah

35)Whosoever is truly enlightened, cannot fail to arrive at perfection. ~ Confucius

36) As the darkness of centuries is scattered when the light is brought into a chamber, so the accumulated faults of numberless births vanish before a single shaft of the light of the Almighty. ~ Ramakrishna

37) If iron is once changed to gold by the touch of the philosopher's stone, it may be kept in the earth or thrown into a mass of ordure, but always it will be gold and can never go back to its first condition. So is it with him whose heart has touched, were it but a single time, the feet of the Almighty; let him dwell amidst the tumult of the world or in the solitude of the forest, by nothing can he again be polluted. ~ Ramakrishna
The Instruments of the Spirit View Similar A Rationalistic Critic on Indian Culture - III

Purification-The Lower Mentality View Similar A Rationalistic Critic on Indian Culture - IV
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 05 - 15th May 1919The Eternal WisdomPurification
1919 Thu 15 May

1) Unto the pure all things are pure, but unto them that are defiled nothing is pure. ~ Titus I. 15

2) Blessed are the pure in heart. ~ Luke V. 8

3) Blessed is he whokeepeth himself pure. ~ Koran

4) Happy is the man whose senses are purified and utterly under curb. ~ Udanavarga

5) His purity has brought him many profitable things, and this in the first rank, to know his soul. ~ Apollonius of Tyana

6) Purity is, next to birth, the greatest good that can be given to man. ~ Avesta: Vendidad

7) Step by step, piece by piece, hour by hour, the wise man should purify his soul of all impurity as a silver worker purifies silver. ~ Dhammapada

8) By the practice of benevolence, tenderness, good will and indifference to the objects of happiness and sorrow, virtue and vice the mind arrives at its purification. ~ Patanjali

9) Whosoever purifies his own nature by holy thoughts, good words and good actions, has the real purity. Right nature is the true purification. In this visible world the true purification is for each man the right nature of his own natural being. And this nature is right in him when he purifies himself by holy thoughts, good words and good actions. ~ Avesta: Vendidad

10) Whosoever recognises at all times his faults of omission and cleanses himself by observing the ways of purity in each one of his actions, shall attain to perfection. ~ Udanavarga

11)To discern the eternal Reality and to detach oneself from the world are the two means of purification of the human heart. ~ Ramakrishna

12) The mind is a clear and polished mirror and our continual duty is to keep it pure and never allow dust to gather upon its face. ~ Saving of the School of Zen

13) When a mirror is covered with dust, it cannot reflect the image cast upon it, it can only do that when it is without spot. It is so with beings. If their minds are not clear of stain, the Absolute cannot reveal himself in them; but if they free themselves from pollution, then shall he reveal himself within their being. ~ Awaghesha

14)The light of the sun is the same every where where it may fall, but it is the clear surfaces, water and mirror and polished metals, that can give its perfect reflection. Even such is the light of the Divine. It falls equally and impartially on every heart, but only the clean and pure heart can perfectly reflect it. ~ Ramakrishna

15) The soiled mirror reflects never the sunbeams, and the unclean and impure heart which is subjected to Maya, can never perceive the glory of the Eternal. But the pure in heart sees the Eternal, even as the clear mirror reflects the sun. ~ Ramakrishna

16) A torrent of clarity streams from the mind which is purified in full of all its impurities. ~ Buddhist Texts

17) By the purity of the thoughts, of the actions, of holy words one cometh to know Ahura-Mazda. ~ Avesta: Yana

18) Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. ~ Matthew V. 8

19) Now we see through a glass darkly, but then face to face. ~ I Corinthians XIII. 12

20) Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all pollutionof the flesh and spirit. ~ II Corinthians VII. I

21)Be ye clean, ye that bear the vessels of the Lord. ~ Isaiah. LII. 11

22) Cleanse your heads, ye sinners, and purify your hearts, ye double-minded. ~ James IV. 1

23) Say in yourselves, "In the midst of this world of corruption, I would resemble the lotus which remains intangible by the mire in which it is born." ~ Sutra in 42 articles

24) Thus strive by the faith of love to burn the veils of the demoniac nature over the soul that thou mayst purify thy mind and make it ready to understand. ~ Baha-ullah

25) Let thy mind be pure like gold, firm like a rock, transparent as crystal. ~ Angelus Silesius

26) Thou seekest after Paradise and thou longest to arrive where thou shalt be free from all sorrow and disunion; appease thy heart and make it white and pure, then art thou even here in Paradise. ~ Angelus Silesius

27) Knowest thou not that thou nurturest in thyself a god? It is a god whom thou usest for thy strength, a god whom thou carriest with thee everywhere, and thou knowest it not at all, O unhappy man. And thinkest thou that I speak of a silver or golden idol outside thee? The god of whom I speak, thou carriest within thee and perceivest not that thou pollutest him by thy impure thoughts and infamous actions. ~ Epictetus

28) Purify thyself and thou shalt see God. Transform thy body into a temple, cast from thee evil thoughts and contemplate God with the eye of thy conscious soul. ~ Vemana

29) Renovate thyself daily. ~ A Chinese Buddhist Inscription
Purification-The Lower Mentality View Similar A Rationalistic Critic on Indian Culture - IV

Purification-Intelligence and Will View Similar The Rationalistic Critic on Indian Culture - V
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 05 - 15th June 1919The Eternal Wisdom The Great Choice
1919 Sun 15 June
The Great Choice

1) Four kinds of men have I found in the world, and what are the four? Men who are their own torturers, but cause no suffering to others; men who prepare suffering for others, but not for themselves; men who do evil both to themselves and to others men who are the cause of pain neither to others nor to themselves. And I have found still four other kinds of men in the world, and what are the four? Men who think only of themselves and not of others men who think of others and not of themselves; men who think of others as much as of themselves; men who think neither of themselves nor of others. ~ Anguttara Nikaya

2) And I have found still four other kinds of men in the world, and what are the four? Men who work only for their own deliverance and not for the deliverance of others; men who work for the deliverance of others and not for their own; men who work as much for their own deliverance as for the deliverance of others; men who care neither for others' deliverance nor for their own. And I have found yet four other kinds of men in the world, and what are the four? Men who instruct themselves without instructing others; men who instruct others without instructing themselves; men who instruct themselves in instructing others; men who instruct none, neither others nor themselves. ~ Anguttara Nikaya

3) And I have found still four other kinds of men in the world and what are they? Men who do only the actions that are good; men who do only the actions that are evil; men who do actions that are in part good and in part evil; and men who do actions neither good nor evil, they who consecrate themselves to a work that leads to cessation of works. ~ Anguttara Nikaya

4) Who really crosses over the Illusion? One who has renounced evil company, associates with men of noble mind, has put away the idea of property, frequents solitary places, tears himself away from the servitude of the world, transcends the qualities of Nature and abandons all anxiety for his existence, renounces the fruit of his works, renounces works, is freed from the dualities, renounces even the Vedas, and helps others to the passage, such is the one who crosses over the Illusion; he indeed traverses it and he helps others to pass. ~ Anguttara Nikaya

5) Ten knots of bondage; the illusion of personality; doubt; belief in the efficacy of rites and religious practices; sensuality; ill will; desire of a future life in the world of form; desire of a future life in the world of the formless; pride; unquietness; ignorance. ~ Narada Sutra

6) Ten high virtues: benevolence; spiritual life; intelligence; renunciation; perseverance; energy; patience; truthfulness; love for others; equality of soul. ~ Sangiti Sutta

7) What is the root of evil? Greed, disliking and delusion are the roots of evil. And what then are the roots of good? To be free from greed and disliking and delusion is the root of good. ~ Sangiti Sutta

8) What are the roots of evil? Desire, disliking, ignorance. And what then are the roots of good? Liberation from desire, disliking and ignorance. ~ Magghima Nikaya,

9) Three roots of evil: desire, disliking and ignorance. ~ Buddhist Texts

10) Three roads to good: knowledge, the spiritual life and the control of the mind. ~ Sangiti Sutta

11) Three kinds of thirst; the thirst of sensation, of existence and of annihilation. ~ Sangiti Sutta

12) The contemplation of the impermanence of things, that wonderful gateway to Truth, leads us to victory over the thirst for the satisfaction of our desires. ~ Sangiti Sutta

13) Whether on earth or in the abodes of the gods, all beings are upon three evil paths; they are in thepower of existence, desire and ignorance. ~ Latita Vistara

14) But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance. ~ Latita Vistara

15) By righteousness is the way to a higher region, but by unrighteousness to a lower region; by knowledge cometh freedom, but by ignorance the prolongation of bondage. ~ Galatians. V. 23

16) What are the four mighty combats? The battle to keep from waking the evil which yet is not; thebattle to repel the evil that is already in existence; the battle to awaken the good which yet is not; the battle to preserve and develop the good that is al-' ready in existence. ~ Sankhya Karika

17) Four roads to perfection: the way of the novice, the way of the warrior, the way of the conqueror, the way of the saint. Four conditions that we may enter into the way: the society of the just, an ear given to instruction, vigilance, a life of righteousness. ~ Anguttara Nikaya

18) Two kinds of joy are there, O my brothers, and what are they? The noisy and the silent joy; but nobler is the joy that is silent. ~ Sangiti Sutta

19) Two kinds of joy are there, O my brothers, and what are they? The joy of distraction and the joy of vigilance; but nobler is the joy that is heedful. ~ Buddhist Texts

20) Two kinds of joy are there, O my brothers, and what are they? The joy of the sated senses and the joy of the equal soul; but nobler is the joy of equality. ~ Buddhist Texts

21) Two kinds of joy are there O my brothers, and what are they? The joy of the senses and the joy of the spirit; but nobler is the joy of the spirit. ~ Buddhist Texts

22) Two kinds of joy are there, O my brothers, and what are they? The joy to possess and the joy to renounce; but nobler is the joy of renunciation. ~ Buddhist Texts

23) Two kinds of joy are there, O my brothers, and what are they? The joy of egoism and the joy to forget oneself; but nobler is the joy of self-oblivion. ~ Buddhist Texts

24) There is an internal war in man between reason and the passions. He could get some peace if he had only reason without passions or only passions without reason, but because he has both, he must be at war, since he cannot have peace with one without being at war with the other. Thus he is always divided and in opposition to himself. ~ Buddhist Texts

25) For the good that I would do, I do not; but the evil that I would not, that I do.. I find then a law that, when I would dogood, evil is present with me. ~ Pascal

26) I approve the better way, but I follow the worse. ~ Romans. VII. 19. 21

27) We have the choice; it depends on us to choose the good or the evil by our own will. The choice of evil draws us to our physical nature and subjects us to fate. ~ Horace

28) The union of the soul and nature has for its only object to give the soul the knowledge of nature and make it capable of eternal freedom. ~ Hennes

29) No man can serve two masters. ~ Sankhya Karika

30) It is not possible, O my son, to be attached at once to perishable things and to things divine; the one or the other one must choose, one cannot cling to both at once. ~ Matthew. VI. 24

31) Endeavour maketh wisdom to grow, but negligence increaseth perdition. Perceive the double way of descent and ascension and choose the way that increaseth wisdom. ~ Hermes

32) Behold, there is the goal of beatitude and there the long road of suffering. Thou canst choose the one or the other across the cycles to come. ~ Dhammapada

33) I have chosen the way of truth. ~ Book of Golden Precepts

34) I would follow the road of straightness, the unstained way of which the sages speak, which has no windings and leads straight to deliverance. ~ Psalms. IX30

35) One road conducts to the goods of this world, honour and riches, but the other to victory over the world. Seek not the goods of the world, riches and honour. Let your aim be to transcend the world. ~ Buddhist Texts

36) Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction. ~ Buddhist Texts

37) Walk in the spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh; for the flesh lusteth against the spirit and the desire of the spirit is against the flesh; and these are contrary the one to the other. ~ Matthew XII. 13

38) O friends, despise not the eternal Beauty for the mortal beauty, and be not held back by the things of the earth. ~ Bahaullah

39) You shall wander in the darkness and see not till you have found the eternal Light. ~ Dhammapada

40) Aspire to the regions where oneness has its dominion. ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsan-king

41) Beyond fugitive Time reigns in the silence the kingdom of the Permanent. O happy he who conquers here and penetrates into the country of peace! ~ Udanavarga
Purification-Intelligence and Will View Similar The Rationalistic Critic on Indian Culture - V

The Liberation of the Spirit View Similar The Rationalistic Critic on Indian Culture - VI
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 05 - 15th July 1919The Eternal WisdomTo Choose To-Day
1919 Tue 15 July
To Choose To-Day

1) Now it is high time to awake out of sleep.. The night is far spent, the day is at hand; let us therefore cast off the works of darkness and put on the armour of light. ~ Romans VII 11. 12

2) One says, When my son Harish shall have grown up, I will marry him off, give up the burden of the family, renounce the world and begin to practise Yoga. To him the Lord replies: You will never find the opportune moment to practise Yoga; for you will then say, 'Harish and Girish are very fond of me and cannot do without me', you will no doubt desire that Harish should have a son and the son marry. There will never be an end to your desires. ~ Ramakrishna

3) The world is an eternal present, and the present is now; what was is no more and who can say whatwill come or whether tomorrow morning the dawnwill arise. ~ Anamander

4) This is why I would put to profit the present moment, penetrated with the conviction that now has come the right moment to seek for the Truth. ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsan-king

5) It is easier today to triumph over evil habits than it will be tomorrow. ~ Confucius

6) The present is the most precious moment. Use all the forces of thy spirit not to let that momentescape thee. ~ Tolstoy

7) Let not the favourable moment pass thee by, for those who have suffered it to escape them, shall lament when they find themselves on the path which leads to the abyss. ~ Buddhist Texts

8) How shouldst thou not profit by thy age of strength to issue from the evil terrain? ~ Kin-yuan-li-sao

9) How then shalt thou discover in thy age what in thy youth thou hast not gathered in? ~ Ecclesiasticus

10) Seek out swiftly the way of righteousness; turn without delay from that which defiles thee. ~ Buddhist Texts

11) Knowest thou not that thy life, whether long or brief, consists only of a few breathings? ~ Farid-ud-din-attar

12) Enter not into questions of the vicissitudes of this world, ask not of things to come. Regard as booty won the present moment; trouble not thyself with the past, question not of the future. ~ Omar Khayyam

13) Thou hast lost thyself in the search for the mystery of life and death; but seek out thy path before thy life be taken from thee. If living thou find it not, hopest thou to reach this great mystery when thou art dead? ~ Farid-ud-din-attar

14) If to-day when thou art with thy self, thou knowest nothing, what wilt thou know tomorrow when thou shalt have passed out of this self? ~ Omar Khayyam

15) Thou canst create this day thy chances for tomorrow. In this great journey the causes thou sowest in every hour bear each its harvest of results. ~ Book of Go Iden Precepts

16) One life, one flash of time between two eternities. No second chance for us,-no, never. It will be well for us. if we can live like sages in the utter reality
The Liberation of the Spirit View Similar The Rationalistic Critic on Indian Culture - VI

Recent English Poetry - II View Similar Karma
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 06 - 15th August 1919The Eternal WisdomLife or Death
1919 Fri 15 August
Life or Death

1) See, I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil. ~ Deuteronomy XIII. 15

2) Life is like a moth which in summer at nightfall turns about a lamp; there it finds at first a fugitive joy, but afterwards death. ~ Zeisho Aishako

3) When lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin; and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. ~ James I. 14, 15

4) For the wages of Sin is death. ~ Romans VI. 23

5) Sin is nothing other than man's act of turning his face away from God and himself towards death. ~ Angelus Silesius

6) The wicked have called unto them death by their works and their words; they have taken death for their friend and have been consumed, they have made alliance with him, because of such companionship they were worthy. ~ Wisdom I 16

7) There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. ~ Proverbs XIV. 12

8) In the way of righteousness is life: and in the pathway thereof there is no death. ~ Proverbs XII

9) As righteousness tendeth to life, so he that pursueth evil, pursueth it to his own death. ~ Proverbs XI.19

10) Heedlessness is the road of death. ~ Buddhist Texts

11) To be heedful of one's soul is the way to immortality, but heedlessness is the highway of death. They who persevere and are heedful shall not perish, but the careless are even now as if souls that are dead. ~ Dhammapada

12) The man that wandereth out of the way of understanding, shall remain in the congregation of the dead. ~ Proverbs XXI. 16

13) That man whose mind attaches itself only to sensible objects, death carries away like a torrent dragging with it a sleeping village. ~ Dhammapada

14) Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. He that soweth to his flesh, shall reap corruption: but he that soweth to the Spirit, shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. ~ Galatians VI. 7. 8

15) For they that are after the flesh, do mind the things of the flesh, but they that are after the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. To be carnally minded is death, to be spiritually minded is life and peace. ~ Romans VIII 3

16) Whosoever has come to know himself, has come to the perfect good; but he who by an error of love has set his love on the body, remains lost in darkness and subjected by his senses to the conditions of death. ~ Hennes

17) The foolish follow after the desires that are outward and they fall into the snare of death that is wide open for them, but the wise man sets his mind on the immortal and the certain and longs not here below for uncertain and transient things. ~ Katha Upanishad

18) When all the desires that trouble the heart have fallen silent, then this mortal puts on immortality. ~ Katha Upanishad

19) By the understanding of the impermanence, of subjection to grief and of the unreality of substance of all formations arises the light of the true wisdom and without it there can be no veritable illumination. The gate of the Way is found in this understanding. Whoever strives not to come to it, is torn into pieces by death. ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsan-king

20) Who goeth into the next world undelivered from death, even as here death respecteth nothing, so in that world too shall he be its perpetual prey. ~ atapatha Brahmana

21) The way of life is above to the wise that he may depart from hell which is beneath. ~ Proverbs XV 24

22) When the wicked turneth away from his wickedness and doeth that which is lawful and right, he shall save his soul alive. Because he considereth and turneth away from all his transgressions that he hath committed, he shall surely live, he shall not die. ~ Ezekiel XVIII 27. 28

23) The pure shall not die, but he who leads not the spiritual life dies without ceasing. The wise man knows this difference and takes pleasure in purity and spirituality; it is his joy to live like the saints. ~ Udanavarga

24) When one follows the Way, there is no death upon the earth. ~ Lao-Tse

25) Death is swallowed up in victory. ~ I Corinthians XV. 54

26) When this corruptible shall have put on incorruption and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, "Death is swallowed up in victory." ~ I Corinthians XV. 54

27) The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. ~ I Corinthians XV

28) Why, O men born from the earth, do you yield yourselves to death, when it is permitted to you to obtain immortality? Return to yourselves, O you who walk in error and languish in ignorance, withdraw from the light that is darkness, renounce corruption, take part in immortality. ~ Hermes

29) Cease to search out death with such ardour in the strayings of your life, use not the work of your hands to win that which shall destroy you. ~ Wisdom I. 12

30) Forsake your ignorance and live. ~ Proverbs IX. 6

31) If ye live after the flesh, ye shall die; but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live. ~ Romans VIII. 13

32) For this corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on immortality. ~ I Corinthians XV. 53

33) Take me from non-being to being, take me from death to immortality. The non-being, it is death; but the being is the immortal. From death take me to that which dies not, let me be that which is immortal. ~ Bribadaranyaka Upanishad

34) O mortal, the enchantress sensuality is dragging thee like an untameable horse to the bottom of the tomb. Death will suddenly give the rein to thy courser and thou shalt not avail to hold her back from the fatal descent. ~ Sadi

35) Be not taken in the snares of the Prince of death, let him not cast thee to the ground because thou hast been heedless. ~ Buddhist Texts

36) Thou hast a name that thou livest and art dead. ~ Revelations III. 1

37) Depart from evil and do good and dwell for evermore. ~ Psalms XXXVII. 27

38) Above all thou must tear this robe that thou wearest, this garment of ignorance which is the principle of wickedness, this dark covering, this living death, this tomb which thou carriest about with thee. ~ Hermes

39) When thy soils shall have vanished and thou art free of defect, thou shalt no more be subject to decay and death. ~ Dhammapada

40) When thou art purified of thy omissions and thy pollutions, thou shalt come by that which is beyond age and death. ~ Buddhist Texts

41) Strive forcefully, cross the current. ~ Dhammapada

42) Cross force-fully the torrent flood of the world. ~ Dhammapada

43) To it with good heart, O pilgrim, on to that other shore ! ~ Book of Golden Precepts

44) Few among men come to that other shore of deliverance; the common run of mortals only wander parallel to its bank. But those who are consecrated to Truth and live according to its Law and strive for one only end, they shall come by that other shore and they shall swim across death's impetuous torrent. ~ Dhammapada

45) Those who are consecrated to Truth shall surely gain the other shore and they shall cross the torrent waves of death. ~ Buddhist Texts
Recent English Poetry - II View Similar Karma

The Elements of Perfection View Similar A Rationalistic Critic on Indian Culture - VIII
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 06 - 15th September 1919The Eternal Wisdom The Second Birth
1919 Mon 15 September
The Second Birth

1) To transform death and make of it a means of victory and triumph. ~ Nietzsche

2) What use to cut the branches if one leaves the roots? ~ Apollonius of Tyana

3) Death is the only remedy against death. ~ Farid-ud-din-attar

4) There is one only way of salvation, to renounce the life which perishes and to live the life in which there is no death. ~ Tolstoi

5) To know how to die in one age gives us life in all the others. ~ Giordano Bruno

6) To surmount this thirst of existence, to reject it, to be liberated from it, to give it no farther harbourage. ~ Mahavagga

7) He that loveth his life, shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world, shall keep it unto life eternal. ~ John XII. 25

8) The sage does not die any more, for he is already dead, dead to all vanity, dead to all that is not God. ~ Angelus Silesius

9) He is in truth the man of piety who is dead even in his lifetime, that is to say, whose passions and desires have been destroyed and are like a body that is dead. ~ Ramakrishna

10) Those I love who know how to live only to disappear, for they pass beyond ~ Nietzsche

11) None can be saved without being reborn. ~ Hennes

12) He who conceives the Truth, is born anew. ~ Vemana

13) The splendour which inundates all his thought and all his soul, snatches him from the ties of the body and transforms his whole being into the very essence of God. ~ Hermes

14) Whosoever comes to birth in God, is delivered from the physical sensations, recognises the different elements which compose it and enjoys a perfect happiness. ~ Hermes

15) That is the supreme felicity of those who have won their victory, it is the perfect and immutable peace, the defeat of Impermanence, a pure and luminous condition, the victory over death. ~ Canon in Pali

16) So long as we do not die to ourselves and are not indifferent to creatures, the soul will not be free. ~ Farid-ud-din- attar

17) How shall we conquer the old man in us? When the flower becomes a fruit, the petals fall of themselves; so when the divinity increases in us, all the weaknesses of human nature vanish of their own accord. ~ Ramakrishna

18) The ideal birth is perfected, the twelfth executioner is driven forth and we are born to contemplation. ~ Hermes

19) Old things are passed away, behold all things are become new. ~ II Corinthians V. 17

20) I have issued out of myself, I have put on an immortal body, 1 am no longer the same, I am born into wisdom. ~ Hermes

21) Now this is the counsel which I give to kings and Churches and to all that has grown weak by age and virtue,-"Allow yourselves to be overthrown that you may recover life and the virtue return to you. ~ Nietzsche

22) Before the creator can be born, there must be many pangs and transformations. Yes, your life must pass through many bitter deaths, O creators. ~ Nietzsche

23) Ye must be born again. ~ John III. 7

24) Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump. ~ I Corinthians V. 7

25) And be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. ~ Romans XII. 2

26) Ye have been taught that ye put off the old man which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, that ye put on the new man. ~ Ephesians IV. 21-24

27) Repent and be converted

28) Return and turn back from all your transgressions that your iniquity he not your ruin. Cast from you all the transgressions which you have committed and make yourselves a new heart and a new mind

29) For you were sometimes darkness, but now are light; walk as children of light. ~ Ephesians V. 8

30) You shall no more carry in yourselves the root of evil; disease and infirmity no more shall make war against you and corruption shall flee from you for ever into oblivion. ~ Esdras IV. 8. 33

31) That which is born of the flesh, is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit, is spirit. Marvel not that said unto thee, "Ye must be born again. " ~ John III 6. 7

32) Awake thou that steepest and arise from the dead. ~ Ephesians V. 14

33) Renew thyself utterly day by day; make thyself new and again new and ever again new. ~ Tsang-tse

34) Despair not, my son, thy desire shall be fulfilled, thy will shall have fruit; put to sleep the sensations of the body and thou shalt be born in God. ~ Hermes

35) It is then alone that thou canst become one who walks in heaven, one of those who walk on the winds and above the waves and their feet shall not touch the waters. ~ Book of Golden Precepts

36) So long as thou art not dead to all things, one by one, thou canst not set thy feet in this portico. ~ Farid-ud-din-attar

37) Thou must pass over thyself to mount beyond, ever higher till the stars themselves are below thee. ~ Nietzsche

38) O sage, very high raise thyself, even to the most high dwelling of Truth. ~ Ma havagga

39) Since the world passes, thyself pass beyond it. ~ Farid-nd-din-attar
The Elements of Perfection View Similar A Rationalistic Critic on Indian Culture - VIII

The Perfection of Equality View Similar A Rationalistic Critic on Indian Culture - IX
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 06 - 15th October 1919The Eternal Wisdom The Perfect Union
1919 Wed 15 October
The Perfect Union

1) Then are the veils torn which distinguish from each other these manifestations and he will soar up from the world of the passions to the heaven of the One. ~ Balla-ullah

2) There are no partitions between ourselves and the Infinite. ~ Emerson

3) Men who are sovereignly perfect resemble the earth by the greatness and depth of their wisdom, the heavens by its height and splendour, Space and illimitable Time by its extent and duration. ~ Tsu-tse

4) As for those who have risen more high, they make no distinction between cause and effect, and those who, higher still in the eternal cities, dwell in the flowering gardens, know not cause nor effect, both are to them absolutely foreign, for, rapid as the lightning, they have passed the kingdom of Names and qualities and they dwell with the divine Essence. ~ Baha-ullah

5) The One is attained when man arrives at ripeness in one of these three states of his spirit, "All is myself, All is thou," "Thou art the Master, I the servant." ~ Ramakrishna

6) To Him when the sages come, they are satisfied in knowledge, desire passes away from them, they have perfected the self, they enter in on every side into the All who pervades all things and they are united with him for ever. ~ Mundaka Upanishad

7) This evolution lasts until we reach the absolute purity of the Being. Then we arrive at divinity. We form a vast oneness. We enjoy an entirety of divine power; we are united in a single love; we are God. ~ Antoine the Healer

8) The soul which has reached this state, loses itself and is submerged in the deep sea of Divinity, so that it can say, "God is within me, God is outside me, God is everywhere around me, he replaces all things for me and I know Him only and nothing else. ~ J. Tauler

9) The saint who has arrived at a perfect contemplation, sees the All as one only spirit and his soul loses itself in this spirit, as water is dissolved in water, as fire is united to fire, as air is made one with air. ~ Shankaracharya

10) He sees the one Spirit in all beings and he sees all beings in the one Spirit. ~ Bhagavad Gita

11) Thus seeing the supreme Spirit equally in all beings and all beings in the supreme Spirit, he, offering his soul in sacrifice, identifies himself with the Being who shines in his own splendour. ~ Manu

12) Knowing the elements, knowing the worlds, knowing all the regions and the spaces, adoring the first-born Word, understanding heaven, earth and air to be only He, knowing that the worlds, discovering that Space and the solar orb are He alone, he sees this supreme Being, he becomes that Being, he is identified in union with Him and completes this vast and fertile web of solemn sacrifice. ~ The Upanishad of the Universal Sacrifice

13) Then, accomplished in knowledge, he shakes from him good and evil, and, stainless, reaches that supreme Equality. ~ Mundaka Upanishad

14) As the rivers flow into the ocean and lose their name and form, the sage losing name and form disappears into the supreme Spirit and himself becomes that Spirit. ~ Mundaka Upanishad

15) As the floods when they have thrown themselves into the ocean, lose their name and their form and one cannot say of them, "Behold, they are here, they are there, " though still they are, so one cannot say of the Perfect when he has entered into the supreme Nirvana, "He is here, he is there," though he is still in existence. ~ Buddhist Meditations,

16) The traveller in this valley may seem to be seated in the dust, but in truth he sits upon spiritual heights receiving the eternal favours, drinking the exquisite wine of the spirit. ~ Baha-ullah: The Seven Valleys

17) He feels himself to be master of the universe, his "I" floats in power above this gulf and Will range across eternity above these infinite vicissitudes. His spirit endeavours to announce and spread harmony. And through endless ages his union with Self and his creation which surrounds him will increase in perfection. ~ Novalis

18) Such is the last good of those who possess knowledge: to become God. ~ Hermes,

19) The soul bound is man; free, it is God. ~ Ramakrishna

20) Dost thou not know that thou hast become God and art the son of the One? ~ Hermes,
The Perfection of Equality View Similar A Rationalistic Critic on Indian Culture - IX

A Rationalistic Critic on Indian Culture - X View Similar New Birth or Decadence?
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 06 - 15th November 1919The Eternal Wisdom The Perfect Peace
1919 Sat 15 November
The Perfect Peace

1) If a man possesses the true light, darkness cannot lodge in his soul. Who can describe the peace of that luminous country where the true light shines out for ever in its limpid purity? ~ Imitation of Christ

2) The happiness of each thing resides in its own proper perfection, and this perfection is nothing else for each individual than union with his own Cause. ~ Sallust

3) The man in whose vision all things are becomings of the Self and who sees in all things oneness, whence shall he have grief or delusion? ~ Isha Upanishad

4) The sage having perceived God by the spiritual union casts from him grief and joy. ~ Katha Upanishad

5) Who in the world of plurality sees the One Existence and in the world of shadows seizes this Reality, to him belongs the eternal peace, to none else, to none else. ~ Vivekananda

6) The one controlling inner Self of all existences who makes his one form into many kinds of form, him the sages see in themselves; theirs is the eternal peace and it is not for others. ~ Katha Upanishad

7) The sages who see the eternal in things transient, for them is the peace eternal. ~ Katha Upanishad

8) In mosque and church and synagogue one has the terror of hell and the seeking for Paradise, but the seed of that disquiet has never sprouted in the heart which has entered into the secrets of the Almighty. ~ Omar Khayyam

9) When man has seen that he is one with the infinite being of the universe, all separation is at an end, all men, women, angels, gods, animals, plants, the whole world lost in this oneness, then all fear disappears. ~ Vivekananda

10) When one perceives clearly this Self as God and as the Lord of all that is and will be, he knows no longer any fear. ~ Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

11) When one knows God without beginning and end in the midst of the complex mass of things, the creator of all who takes many forms, the One who envelops the universe, he is delivered from all bondage. ~ Swetacwatara Upanishad

12) Good and evil cannot bind him who has realised the oneness of nature and self with the Eternal. ~ Ramakrishna

13) When he knows that he is That, the Eternal, he is delivered from all limitations. ~ Upanishad

14) The traveller in the valley of knowledge who sees the end of each thing, knows how to find peace amid contest and reconciliation amidst disunion. ~ Baha ullah

15) To him justice and injustice are equal, knowledge and ignorance have the same value, for he has broken the cage of personality and desire and he has flown on the wings of immortality towards the eternal heavens. ~ Baha ullah

16) In this state he will submit to destiny, making no more of disorder than of order. Death gives him a comprehension of immortality; he sees with the spiritual eye the mystery of resurrection in men and things and his heart makes him feel the divine wisdom in these infinite manifestations. ~ Baha ullah

17) He whose whole play of life is with the Self and in the Self has his joy and so does actions, is the best of the knowers of the Eternal. ~ Mundaka Upanishad

18) Void of wishes, controlled in mind and spirit, abandoning all desire of external possession, satisfied with what comes to him, free from liking and disliking and from all jealousy and envy, equal in success and failure, he acts and is not bound by his actions. ~ Bhagavad Gita

19) As a bird of the waters, such as the pelican, can dive into the waves and his plumage is not wetted, the liberated soul lives in the world, but is not affected by the world. ~ Ramakrishna

20) When the soul attains to its divine estate, it can live in constant contact wtth innumerable unregenerated souls without being affected by the contact. ~ Ramakrishna

21) The present world and the next are but a drop of water whose existence is of no account. ~ Farid-ud-diu attar

22) If we drink of this cup, we shall forget the whole world. ~ Baha-ullah

23) The lines are fallen to me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage. Therefore my heart is glad and my spirit rejoiceth; my flesh also shall rest in security. ~ Psalms XVI. 6. 9
A Rationalistic Critic on Indian Culture - X View Similar New Birth or Decadence?

A Rationalistic Critic on Indian Culture - XI View Similar The Ideal Spirit of Poetry
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 06 - 15th December 1919The Eternal Wisdom The Perfect Knowledge
1919 Mon 15 December
The Perfect Knowledge

1) The veils that hide the light shall be rent asunder. ~ Baha-ullah

2) The soul when it has arrived at unity, acquires a supernatural knowledge. ~ Lao-Tse

3) All Nature will be transfigured to them and the book of knowledge he open. They will not need to have recourse to books in order to know; their own thought will have become their book and will contain an infinite knowledge. ~ Vivekananda

4) When the spark of truth is discovered in the spirit, all is taught to it that it needs. ~ Ruysbro-eok

5) The virtue of a man who has attained to the height of perfection, extends even to a foreknowledge of the future. ~ Confucius

6) When the mind is one with the deeper spirit and wholly in touch with knowledge, its universality embraces all things. ~ Patanjali

7) When the mind is one with the deeper spirit, there results the absolute knowledge of the self. ~ Patanjali

8) That man who is without darkness, exempt from evil, absolutely pure, although-of all things which are in the world of the ten regions since unbeginning time till today, he knows none, has seen none, has heard of none, has not in a word any knowledge of them however small, yet has he the high knowledge of omniscience. It is in speaking of him that one can use the word enlightenment. ~ Sutra in 40 articles

9) The man who has plunged deep into a pure knowledge of the profound secrets of the spirit, is neither a terrestrial nor a celestial being. He is the most high spirit robed in the perishable body, the sublime and very Divinity. ~ Pico de la Mirandola

10) His faculties are so ample, so vast, so profound that it is as if an immense source from which everything issues in its time. They are as vast and extended as the heavens; the hidden source from which they issue is deep as the abyss. ~ Tsu-tse

11) And then lost in the Eternal, he is luminous, he is without body and matter, he is pure, he is delivered from all suffering and stain, he knows, he foresees, he masters everything, and beings appear to him what they were from eternity, constantly like unto themselves. ~ Upanishad

11) The seeker will discover himself with new eyes, a new understanding, a new heart and a new soul, and with them he shall see the evident signs of the world and the obscure secrets of the soul, and he will understand that in the least object there is found a door by which one enters into the domain of self-evidence, certitude and conviction. ~ Baha-ullah

13) Each moment, each hour will bring him the vision of a new mystery, because his heart is detached from this as from the other world; an invisible aid guides all his steps and fires his ardour. ~ Baha-ullah

14) In each thing he will see the mystery of the transfiguration and the divine apparition. ~ Baha-ullah

15) At each instant he sees a wonderful world and a new creation. ~ Baha-ullah

16) When his mind shall be enfranchised from human things, then shall he enter into the city of marvellous wisdom which ever renews itself and grows in beauty from age to age. ~ Baha-ullah

17) He shall contemplate under the veil millions of secrets as radiant as the sun. ~ Upanishad

18)He will see with the divine eyes the mysteries of the eternal art. ~ Baha-ullah

19) Some men only have the happiness to raise themselves to that perception of the Divine which exists only in God and in the human mind. ~ Hermes

20) Thou who by the force of thy heroism hast reached the unlimited exercise of a divine intelligence, thou hast wisdom for the force of thy means and gentleness for the force of thy pure action. ~ Lalita Vistara

21) Reflect attentively with all thy knowledge on the divine manifestation in all things of a glorious unity ; purify thy understanding from the sentences of men that thou mayst hear the sacred and divine harmonies which come from all directions ; sanctify thy heart from all the superstitions of the past that thou mayst understand the simple, direct and marvellous Revelation. ~ Baha-nllah

22) And before thee she shall open wide the portals of her secret chambers and under thy eyes she shall lay bare the treasures hidden in the deeps of her bosom. But she shows not her treasures save to the eye of the spirit, the eve which is never closed, the eye which is met by no veil in any of the kingdoms of her empire. ~ Book of Golden Precepts

23) It is then that she shall show to thee the means and the way, the first and the second and the third even to the seventh door. Last the end, beyond which are extended and bathed in light of the spiritual sun glories inexpressible and invisible to all save only to the soul's eye. ~ Book of Golden Precepts

24) Thou shalt hear what no ear has heard, thou shalt see what no eye has seen. ~ Ahmad Halif

25) And at last thou shalt come into that place where thou shalt find only one sole being in place of the world and its mortal creatures. ~ Ahmad Halif

26) That man, O beloved, who knows this imperishable Spirit, in which the Self is gathered with all its powers, lives and creatures, penetrates into all things and becomes omniscient. ~ Prasna Upanishad

27) Equal in heart, equal in thought thou hast won for thyself omniscience. ~ Lalita Vistara

28) Pass; thou hast the key, thou canst be at ease. ~ Book of Golden Precepts

29) Peace to him who has finished this supreme journey under the guidance of the Truth and the Light ! ~ Baha-ullah

30) We have known thee, O most great Light who art perceived only by the intelligence I We have known thee, O Plenitude matrix of all Nature! We have known thee, O eternal Permanence ! ~ Hermes
A Rationalistic Critic on Indian Culture - XI View Similar The Ideal Spirit of Poetry

Soul-Force and the Fourfold Personality View Similar A Rationalistic Critic on Indian Culture - XIII
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 06 - 15th February 1920The Eternal WisdomDeath
1920 Sun 15 February

1) Dust thou art and unto dust shall thou return. ~ Genesis III.19

2) The days of our years are three score years and ten, and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow. ~ Psalms XC. 10

3) Young and old and those who are growing to age, shall all die one after the other like fruits that fall. ~ Buddhist Texts

4) Man falls not suddenly into death, but moves to meet him step by step. We are dying each day; each day robs us of a part of our existence. ~ Sencea

5) For what is our life! It is even a vapour that appeareth for a little time and then vanisheth away. ~ James.IV. 14

6) Regard behind thee the abyss of duration and in front that other infinity of the ages to come. What difference is there is in this immensity between one who has lived three days and one who has lived three human ages? ~ Marcus Aurelius

7) As a ripe fruit is at every moment in peril of detaching itself from the branch, so every creature born lives under a perpetual menace of death. ~ Buddhist Texts

8) The lives of mortal men are like vases of many colours made by the potter's hands; they are broken into a thousand pieces ; there is one end for all. ~ Buddhist Texts

9) As the herdsman urges with his staff his cattle to the stall, so age and death drive before them the lives of men. ~ Udanavarga

10) Like the waves of a river that flow slowly on and return never back, the days of human life pass and come not back again. ~ Buddhist Texts

11) Like the waves of a rivulet, day and night are flowing the hours of life and coining nearer and nearer to their end. ~ Buddhist Texts

12) Time is a flood, an impetuous torrent which drags with it all that is born. A thing has scarcely appeared when it is carried away; another has already passed; and this other will soon fall into the gulf. ~ Marcus Aurelius

13) Nature wills that each thing after its fulfilment shall disappear; it is for this that everything ages and dies. ~ Apollonius of Tyana

14) Nothing is fixed, nothing stable, nothing immobile in nature, nor in heaven, nor on the earth. ~ Hermes

15) Nothing is wholly dead nor wholly alive. ~ Victor Hugo

16) It is at all times a sensible consolation to be able to say, "Death is as natural as life." ~ Schopenhauer

17) Death and decrepitude are inherent in the world. The sage who knows the nature of things, does not grieve. ~ Metta Sutta

18) Each thing in the world shoots out, flowers and returns to its root. This return is in conformity with nature; therefore the destruction of the body is no danger to the being ~ Lao-Tse

19) Man when he dies, knows that nothing peculiar will happen to him, only what has already happened to millions of beings, and all he does is to change his mode of journeying, but it is impossible for him not to feel an emotion when he comes to the place where he must undergo the change. ~ Tolstoi

20) The dying man understands with difficulty what lives, not because his mental faculties are dulled, but because he understands something the living do not and cannot understand, and in this he is entirely absorbed. ~ Tolstoi

21) Death will work in me this transformation, that I shall pass into another being otherwise separated from the world. And then the whole world, while yet the same for those who live in it, will become other for me. ~ Tolstoi

22) When the present dream of our life is finished, a new dream will succeed it and there our life and death will not be known. ~ Schopenhauer

23) For things and their revolutions are like the images of a dream...So long as the dream lasts, all this world appears real to us ; the world exists no longer when the dream is finished. ~ Shankaracharya

24) All the earth is no more than a great tomb and there is nothing on its surface which is not hidden in the tomb, under earth...All are hastening to bury themselves in the depths of the ocean of infinity. But be of good courage.. .The sun is cradled in darkness and the need of the night is to reveal the splendour of the stars. ~ Totaku-ko-Nozagual (Lopok. Mexico.)
Soul-Force and the Fourfold Personality View Similar A Rationalistic Critic on Indian Culture - XIII

The Divine Shakti View Similar A Rationalistic Critic on Indian Culture - XIV
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 06 - 15th March 1920The Eternal Wisdom Immortality
1920 Mon 15 March

1) Here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come ~ Hebrews XIII

2) Though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. ~ II Coriothians IV. 16

3) That which we arc is that, yes, it is that that we become, and if one knows it not, great is the perdition : it is they who who have discovered it that become immortal. ~ Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

4) They rest from their labours and their works follow them. ~ Revelations XIV. 13

5) The deeds a man has accomplished follow him in his journeying when he fares to another world. ~ Mahabharata

6) The voice which tells us that we are immortal is the voice of God within us. ~ Pascal

7) There are some who see by contemplation the self in themselves by the self, others by union through the understanding, and others again know not, but hear of it from others and seek after it, and all these, even they who hear and seek after it, pass over beyond death. ~ Bhagavad Gita

8) Let him in whom there is understanding know that he is immortal. ~ Hermes

9) Those become immortal who know by the heart and the understanding Him who in the heart has his dwelling-place. ~ wetaswatara Upanishad

10) When man has known beyond this world the Being who is hidden according to the form in every creature, the Lord who contains in himself all things, then he becomes immortal. ~ wetaswatara Upanishad

11) He who sees all things in the self and the self in all things, has doubt no longer. ~ I-sha Upanishad

12) The sage having seen the Self in everything, when he leaves this world, becomes immortal. ~ Kena Upanishad

13) That being known which is without sound, touch or form, inexhaustible, eternal, without beginning or end, greater than the great self, immutable, man escapes from the month of death. ~ Katha Upanishad

14) He who thus knows, "I am the Eternal", the gods themselves cannot make him other, for he is their own self. ~ Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

15) Therefore neither you, O judges, nor men in general ought to fear death: they have only to remember one thing, that for a just man there is no ill in life and no ill in death. ~ Socrates

16) For the saint there is no death. ~ Tolstoy

17) Here is a man to whom all others are not-self: at bottom his own personality alone is real to him, the others in truth only phantasms: he recognises an existence in them, but it is relative, they can serve him as instruments of his designs or can come in his way and that is all: in short between his own personality and all of them there is a deep gulf, an immense distance. Look upon this man confronted by death: it seems to him as if with him all reality, the whole world were disappearing. Then look upon this other who recognises in all that are his like, more, in all that lives, himself, his own essence : he casts his existence into the existence of all living beings and by death he loses only a feeble portion of that existence, for he subsists in all the others in whom he has always recognised, has always loved his own being, his own essence, and it is only the illusion that is now about to fall away from him, the illusion which separated his consciousness from all others. ~ Schopenhauer
The Divine Shakti View Similar A Rationalistic Critic on Indian Culture - XIV

The Supreme Secret - I View Similar The Action of the Divine Shakti
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 06 - 15th April 1920The Eternal Wisdom The Eternity of Beings
1920 Thu 15 April
The Eternity of Beings

1) He who has a mistaken idea of life, will always have a mistaken idea of death. ~ Tolstoy

2) He who looks on the forms of existence as a form or a mirage, shall not see death. ~ Sanyutta Nikaya

3) He who regards the body as a milage or as a flake of foam on the waves, shall no longer see death ~ Dhammapada

4) In death he sees life. ~ Bha-ullah

5) The individual dies, the kind is indestructible. The individual is the expression in time of the kind which is outside time. ~ Schopenhauer

6) Men perish because they cannot join the beginning and the end. ~ Alcineon

7) All existences are unmanifest in their origin and beginning, manifest in their middle and unmanifest again in their passing; what cause is here to lament ? ~ Bhagavad Gita. II. 28

8) The soul that dwells in the body of every man is unslayable, and therefore thou shouldst not weep for all these beings. ~ Bhagavad Gita. II. 30

9) The wise weep not for the dead nor the living: all of us were before and shall not cease to be hereafter. ~ Bhagavad Gita. II. 11, 12

10) There is no death, the word mortal has no significance ; death would be destruction and nothing is destroyed in the universe. ~ Hermes

11) The destruction of things is their return to the cause that has produced them. ~ Sankhya Pravachana

12) The origin of things is the Infinite: necessarily they disappear into that which put them into birth. ~ Anaximander

13) I will say more: there is no birth of terrestrial things and there is no disappearance of them by death's destruction, but only a reunion and a separation of materials assembled together: birth is only a word habitual to the human mind. ~ Empedocles

14) None dies except in appearance. In fact what is called birth is the passage from essence to substance, and what is called death is on the contrary the passage from substance to essence. Nothing is born and nothing dies in reality, but all first appears and then becomes invisible. The first effect is produced by the density of matter, the second by the subtlety of essence which remains always the same but is sometimes in movement, sometimes in repose. ~ Apollonius of Tyana

15) Nothing dies, but what was composed is divided: this division is not a death, it is the analysis of a combination; but the aim of this analysis is not destruction, it is a renewal. ~ Hermes

16) Life begins a long series of transformations, manifesting itself under innumerable forms, fashioning for itself in the sequence of the ages a multitude of transitory but ever more perfect organisms, thus perfecting itself by the progress of its faculties. ~ Antoine the Healer

17) Perfection is the end and the beginning of all things, and without perfection they could not be. ~ Confucius

18) There is an eternal Thinker, but his thoughts are not eternal. ~ Katha Upanisbad

19) All that is has already existed, but will not remain in the form in which we see it today. ~ Baha-ullah

20) All that exists in the world, without exception, is the seat of a movement of augmentation or of diminution. All that moves is alive, and the universal life is a necessary transformation: nothing is destroyed and nothing lost. If that is so, ail is immortal, matter, life, intelligence, the breath, the soul, all that constitutes the living being. ~ Hermes

21) Nothing is born of nothing, nothing can be annihilated, each commencement of being is only a transformation. ~ Thales

22) Life and death, waking and sleep, youth and age are one and the same thing, for one changes .into the other, that into this. ~ Heraclitus

23) All that is born, is corrupted to be born again. ~ Hermes

24) There is in all this only transformations of things one into another; there is no annihilation: a regulated order, a disposition of the ensemble, that is all. There is nothing else in a departure, it is only a slight change. There is nothing else in death, it is only a great change. The actual being changes, not into a non-existence, but into something it is not at present. ~ Epictetus

25) All manifest things are born from that which is unmanifest at the coming of the day, and when the night arrives they dissolve into the unmanifest; thus all this host of beings continually come into existence and they disappear at the advent of the night and are born with the approach of the day. But beyond the non-manifestation of things there is another and greater unmanifest state of being which is supreme and eternal, and when all existences perish, that does not perish. ~ Bhagavad Gita, VIII. 18, 20

26) The world possesses a thought and a sensation which is not like that of man nor so varied but superior and more simple. The world has only one sentiment, only one thought, to create all things and make them re-enter into itself. ~ Hermes

27) This universal order is the same for everything; neither God nor man has created it; it has always been, it is and will be always an eternally living Fire which kindles itself periodically and is again extinguished. ~ Heraclitus

28) The work of eternity is the world, which has not been produced once for all but is always produced by eternity. Thus it will never perish, for eternity is imperishable, and nothing is lost in the world because the world is enveloped in eternity. ~ Hermes

29) All goes, all returns, the wheel of existence turns for ever. All dies, all reblossoms, the cycle of existence pursues its course for ever. All is broken, and all again brought together, the same structure of existence is built and rebuilt for ever. All separates and greets again, the ring of existence is faithful to itself for ever. Existence is beginning at each moment. ~ Nietzsche

30) There where all ends, all is eternally beginning. ~ Hermes

31) Time which destroys the universe, must again create the worlds. ~ Mahabharata

32) Time takes away everything and gives everything; all changes but nothing is abolished, it is a thing immutable, eternal and always identical and one. ~ Giordano Bruno

33) There exists an unborn, an un-produced, uncreated, unformed. If this Permanent did not exist, there would be no possible issue for that which belongs to the world of the born, the produced, the created, the formed. ~ Udanavarga

34) But since there is a Permanent, there is also a possible issue for that which belongs to the world of the impermanence. ~ Udanavarga

35) The smallest drop of water united to the ocean no longer dries. ~ A Hindu Thought

36) If the atom is lost in the sun of immensity, it will participate, although a simple atom, in its eternal duration. ~ Farid-ud-din-attar

37) What is it that is? It is that which was. And what is it that was? It is that which is. There is nothing new under the sun. ~ Giordano Bruno

38) The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be, and that which is done, it is that which shall be done; and there is no new thing under the sun. Is there anything whereof it may be said, See, this is new? It hath been already of old time which was before us. ~ Ecclesiastes. VIII. 9, 18

39) That which is not cannot come to being and that which is cannot cease to be. ~ Bhagavad Gita. II. 16

40) That which is in all reality cannot begin to be nor be annihilated. ~ Schopenhauer

41) That which is was always and always will be. ~ Melessus

42) All that exists in the world, has always existed. ~ Antoine the Healer

43) There is no before or after: what will come tomorrow, is in fact in eternity ~ Angelus Silesius

44) The question "What will happen" belongs to time; the soul is outside time. The soul has not been and will not be, it always is. If it were not, there would be nothing. ~ Tolstoy

45) Nothing is lost in the world because the world is enveloped in eternity. ~ Hermes

46) What is cannot perish. ~ Apollonius of Tyana

47) There is not a grain of dust, not an atom that can become nothing, yet man believes that death is the annihilation of his being ~ Schopenhauer

48) Madmen are they, and counselled by an imprisoned mind and by narrow thoughts, who think that what was not before can be born or what is be utterly abolished in death and dissolution. ~ Empedocles

49) There is nothing, whether in its totality or its parts, which is not can that be corrupted which is a part of the incorruptible or something of God perish ? ~ Hermes

50) The thought of God is the movement of the universe: never at any time can there perish a being, that is to say, a portion of God, for God contains all beings; nothing is outside him and he is outside of nothing. ~ Hermes

51) All beings are from all eternity. ~ Awaghosha
The Supreme Secret - I View Similar The Action of the Divine Shakti

Faith and Shakti View Similar A Rationalistic Critic on Indian Culture - XVI
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 06 - 15th May 1920The Eternal WisdomThou Art
1920 Sat 15 May
Thou Art

1) Birth and death are two limits; beyond those limits there is a sort of uniformity. ~ Tolstoy

2) And shall I then no longer be? Yes, thou shalt be, but thou shalt be something else of which the world will have need at that moment. ~ Epictetus

3) Can it be that change terrifies thee? But nothing is done without it. ~ Marcus Aurelius

4) Await with calm the moment of extinction or perhaps of displacement. ~ Marcus Aurelius

5) Restore to heaven and earth that which thou owest unto them...But of this dead man there is a portion that is immortal. ~ Rig Veda

6) Thyself awaken thy self: then protected by thyself and discovering thy own deepest secret, thou shalt not change. ~ Hindu Wisdom

7) Thou remainest the same and thy years shall not fail. ~ Hebrews I. 12

8) The moment that this mystery has been unveiled to thy eyes that thou art no other than Allah, thou shalt know that thou a it thine own end and aim and that thou hast never ceased and canst never cease to be. ~ Mohyddin-ibu-arabi

9) If thou canst raise thy spirit above Space and Time, thou shalt find thyself at every moment in eternity. ~ Angelus Silesius

10) Thou art. ~ Delphic Inscription

11) If in the morning you have heard the voice of celestial reason, in the evening you can die. ~ Confucius

12) Thence you can see that it is in a clear knowledge that is found our eternal life. ~ Ruysbroeck

13) Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. ~ Psalms XXIII

14) I do not die, I go forth from Time. ~ Lebrun

15) I begin life over again after death even as the sun every day. ~ Book of the Dead

16) I was dead and, behold, I am alive for evermore. ~ Revelation I. 18

17) The day dies, I go towards repose, tomorrow evening the monastery bell shall ring out its accustomed voice, but no longer for me ; I shall not hear it again as this I, but swallowed up in the great All I shall hear it still. ~ Auam-mander

18) I have fought the good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me-a crown of righteousness. ~ JI Timothy IV. 7. 8

19) O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?...Death is swallowed up in victory. ~ I Corinthians XV.56.55
Faith and Shakti View Similar A Rationalistic Critic on Indian Culture - XVI

The Message of the Gita - I View Similar A Rationalistic Critic on Indian Culture - XVII
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 06 - 15th June 1920The Eternal Wisdom The Unity of Beings
1920 Tue 15 June
The Unity of Beings

1) To say eternal is to say universal. ~ Hermes

2) To represent constantly the world as one single being with one single soul and one single substance. ~ Marcus Aurelius

3) This world is a republic all whose citizens are made of one and the same substance. ~ Epictetus

4) Thus even though it is not durable, there is no interruption in substance. ~ Lalita Vistara

5) Soul is one. Nature is one, life is one. ~ Hermes

6) In the multiple unity of the universal life, its innumerable species distinguished from one another by their differences are still united in such a way that the totality is one and all proceeds from oneness. ~ Hermes

7) The being of the universe is one and equally present in each individual, part or member of the universe, in such sort that the totality and each part make from the view-point of substance only one. ~ Giordano Bruno

8) All men are separated from each other by the body, but all are united by the same spiritual principle which gives life to everything. ~ Tolstoy

9) A river does not resemble a pond, a pond a tun, nor a tun a bucket : but in a pond, a river, a tun and a bucket there is the same water. And so too all men are different, but the spirit that lives in them all is the same. ~ Tolstoy

10) There is one body and one Spirit. ~ Ephesians IV, 4

11) And all beings are resumed and reduced into one sole being, and they are one and all are He. ~ Zohar

12) All is Narayana, man or animal, the wise and the wicked, the whole world is Narayana, the Supreme Spirit. ~ Ramakrishna

13) The knowledge which sees one imperishable existence in all beings and the indivisible in things divided know to be the true knowledge. ~ Bhagavad Gita

14) The idea of thou and I is a fruit of the soul's ignorance. ~ Bhagavat Purana

15) Man understands his life only when he sees himself in each one of his kind. ~ Tolstoy

16) Let the sage unifying all his attentive regard see in the divine Spirit all things visible and invisible. ~ Manu

17) He who in his neighbour sees no other tiling but God, lives with the light that flowers in the Divinity. ~ Angelns Silesius

18) He that thus knoweth, becometh the self of all beings. As is that Divinity, such is he. And as to that Divinity all beings have good will, even so to him that thus knoweth all beings have good will. ~ Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

19) That man who seeth the self in all beings and all beings in the self, has no disdain for any thing that is. ~ Isha Upanishad

20) The sage regards the heart of every man in the millions of the crowd and sees only one heart. ~ Tseng Tee

21) When a corner of Maya, the illusion of individual life, is lifted before the eyes of a man in such sort that he no longer makes any egoistic difference between his own person and other men, that he takes as much interest in the sufferings of others as in his own and that he becomes succourable to the point of devotion, ready to sacrifice himself for the salvation of others, then that man is able to recognise himself in all beings, considers as his own the infinite sufferings of all that lives and must thus appropriate to himself the sorrow of the world. No distress is alien to him. All the torments which he sees and can so rarely soften, all the torments of which he hears, those even which it is impossible for him to conceive, strike his spirit as if he were himself the victim. Insensible to the alternations of weal and woe which succeed each other in his destiny, delivered from all egoism, he penetrates the veils of the individual illusion : all that lives, all that suffers is equally near to his heart. He conceives the totality of things, their essence, their eternal flux, the vain efforts, the internal struggles and sufferings without end ; he sees to whatever side he turns his gaze man who suffers, the animal who suffers and a world that is eternally passing away. He unites himself henceforth to the sorrows of the world as closely as the egoist to his own person. How can he having such a knowledge of the world affirm by incessant desires his will to live, attach himself more and more to life and clutch it to him always more closely ? The man seduced by the illusion of individual life, a slave of his egoism, sees only the things that touch him personally and draws from them incessantly renewed motives to desire and to will : on the contrary one who penetrates the essence of things and dominates their totality, elevates himself to a state of voluntary renunciation, resignation and true tranquillity. ~ Schopenhauer

22) Yes, from thenceforward, is there any suffering for one who sees this unity of the universe, this unity of life, this unity of the All? The separation between man and man, man and woman, man and child; nation and nation, that is the real cause of all the misery of the world. Now this separation is not at all real ; it is only apparent, it is only on the surface. In the very heart of things is the unity which is for ever. Go into yourself and you will find this unity between man and man, women and children, race and race, the great and the little, the rich and the poor, gods and men : all of us are one, even the animals, if you go down to a sufficient depth. And to the man who goes so far nothing can cause any illusion. ..where can there exist for him any illusion ? What can deceive him ? He knows the reality of everything, the secret of everything. Where can there exist any misery for him ? What can he desire ? He has discovered the reality of everything in the Lord who is the centre, the unity of all and who is the eternal felicity, the eternal knowledge, the eternal existence. ~ Virekananda

23) If after having traversed the hall of wisdom, thou wouldst reach the valley of Beatitude, close, O disciple, thy senses to the great and cruel heresy of the separation which severs thee from the rest. ~ Book of Golden Precepts

24) One must learn to dissipate the shadow and live in the Eternal. And to that end thou shouldest live and brea the in all as all breathes in thee and feel that thou dwellest in all things in the self. ~ Book of Golden Precepts

25) Christianity says, "Love thy neighbour as thyself." And I say . "Recognise thyself in thy neighbour and that all men are in reality one and the same substance." ~ Schopenhauer

26) And let this be our thought, "Our bodies are different, but we have one and the same heart." ~ Mahavagga

27) only after having the experience of suffering have I learned the kinship of human souls to each other. ~ Gogol
The Message of the Gita - I View Similar A Rationalistic Critic on Indian Culture - XVII

The Intuitive Mind View Similar A Rationalistic Critic on Indian Culture - XVII
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 06 - 15th July 1920The Eternal Wisdom The Fundamental Equality of Beings
1920 Thu 15 July
The Fundamental Equality of Beings

1) One can mount higher in a singular sort when the spirit soars above Time as high as eternity and there uniting itself with God becomes one thing with him and by that union knows and loves, not what is more or less noble, but all things in all things, considering them in that Object which is infinitely noble, all eminently reunited and in an equal degree of nobility. It is there that the spirit after it has raised itself above all that is, surpasses itself also and dwells imperturbable in an eternal repose, and the more it knows and loves, the more this eternity is affirmed and it becomes there itself eternal. ~ J. Taulcr

2) The foundation of man's life is the dwelling in him of the divine Spirit equal in all men. And that is why men among themselves are all equal. ~ Tolstoy

3) The divine Spirit dwells in every man. How can we make a difference among those who carry in themselves one and the same principle? ~ Tolstoy

4) Man is right when he believes that in all the world there is not a single being above him, but he errs when he thinks that there is on earth a single man beneath him. ~ Tolstoy

5) Only one who knows not that God lives in him can attri bute to certain men more importance than to others. ~ Tolstoy

6) One could understand if men thought themselves unequal because one is stronger, loftier than another or more intelligent or more courageous or wiser or better. But it is not so that men are commonly distinguished from each other. It is deemed that men are not equal because one is called a count and the other a peasant, because one wears rich robes and the other wooden clogs. ~ Tolstoy

7) Nothing divides men so much as pride, whether it be the pride of the individual, of the family, of the class or of the nation. ~ Tolstoy

8) The proud man wishes to distinguish himself from others and deprives himself thus of the best joy of life, of a free and joyful communion with men. ~ Tolstoy

9) The vulgar say : "This is one of ours or a stranger." The noble regard the whole earth as their family. ~ Bhartrihari

10) Let the superior man regard all men who dwell within the four seas as his brothers. ~ Lun Yu

11) The man who recognises in his own soul the supreme Soul present in all creatures, shows himself the same to all. ~ Manu

12) If there come into your assembly a man with a gold ring in goodly apparel and there come in also a poor man in vile raiment, and ye have respect to him that weareth the gay clothing and say unto him, "Sit thou here in a good place," and say to the poor man, "Stand thou there, or sit here under my footstool," are ye not then partial in yourselves and become judges of evil thoughts ? ~ James II. 1-4

13) When I see the chaste women of respectable families, I see in them the Divine clothed in the robe of a chaste woman; and again, when I see the public women of the city seated on their verandahs in their rajment of immorality and shame, I see also in them the Divine at play after another fashion. ~ Ramakrishna
The Intuitive Mind View Similar A Rationalistic Critic on Indian Culture - XVII

The Gradations of the Supermind View Similar Parasara's Hymns to the Lord of the Flame - VI
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 07 - 15th August 1920The Eternal wisdom The Interdependence of Beings
1920 Sun 15 August
The Interdependence of Beings

1) All things are linked to each other and there is nothing that has not its relations. All beings are coordinate with each other and all contri bute to the harmony of the world. ~ Marcus Aurelius

2) And all things depend one on the other and all are bound to each other...all is that Ancient One and nothing is separate from him. ~ Zohar

3) All is coordinated in the universe. All things depend mutually on each other. All conspires to one sole end, not only in the individual whose parts are perfectly linked together, but anteriorly and to a higher degree in the universe. ~ Plotinus

4) What the members of the body are in the individual being, reasonable beings are in the same way even though separate, because they are formed to cooperate in one common work. ~ Mar-cus Aurelius

5) We all cooperate in one common work, some with knowledge and full intelligence, others without knowing it ~ Mar-cus Aurelius

6) We are born to contri bute to a mutual action like feet and hands. The hostility of men among themselves is against Nature. ~ Mar-cus Aurelius

7) Let us have always in our hearts this thought: I am a man and nothing that interests humanity is foreign to me. We have a common birth; our society resembles the stones of a road that sustain each other. ~ Seneca

8) One can be solitary in a secluded and temporary environment ; but each of our thoughts and each of our feelings finds, has found and will find an echo in humanity. ~ Amiel

9) No man liveth to himself. ~ St. Paul

10) We are every one members one of another. ~ Romans. XII. 5

11) All this universe, and in that word are comprised things divine and human, all is only one great body of which we are the members. ~ Seneca

12) This world is a people of friends, and these friends are first the gods and next men whom Nature has made for each other. ~ Epictetus

13) Listen to Nature: she cries out to us that we are all members of one family. ~ Sadi

14) All you have issued the one from the other. ~ Koran

15) Are we then so insensate as to forget that we are members one of the other? ~ St. Clement to the Corinthians

16) The members of the body which seem to be more feeble are necessary ~ I Corinthians. XII. 22

17) And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it, or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it. ~ I Corinthians. XII. 25

18) The sons of Adam are the members of one body, for in the creation they are made of one single nature. When fortune casts one member into suffering, there is no rest for the others. O thou who art without care for the pain of another, it is not fitting that one should give thee the name of man. ~ Sadi

19) See unceasingly the enchainment, the mutual solidarity of all things and all beings ~ Marcus Aurelius

20) Even if thou wouldst, thou couldst not separate thy life from the life of humanity. Thou livest in humanity and by it and for it. ~ Marcus Aurelius

21) Thou art man thou art a citizen of the world, thou art the son of God, thou art the brother of all men. ~ Marcus Aurelius
The Gradations of the Supermind View Similar Parasara's Hymns to the Lord of the Flame - VI

The Supramental Thought and Knowledge View Similar A Defence of Indian Culture - XIX
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 07 - 15th September 1920The Eternal Wisdom The Law of Love
1920 Wed 15 September
The Law of Love

1) Love is the one truth. ~ Antoine the Healer

2) At all times love is the greatest thing ~ Narada Sutra

3) An atom of love is to be preferred to all that exists between the two horizons. ~ Farid-ud-din attar

4) Love is the deliverance of the heart. ~ Auguttara Nikaya

5) All the means used in this life to acquire spiritual merit are not worth a sixteenth part of love, that deliverance of the heart: love unites and contains them all, and it illumines and shines out and radiates. ~ Ittivutaka

6) No radiance of the Spirit can dissipate the darkness of the soul below unless all egoistic thought has fled out of it. ~ Book of Golden Precepts

7) One should rely on love only, because it alone is the base of all strength and all regeneration ~ Antoine the Healer

8) Love is immortal. Man obtaining it becomes perfect, becomes satisfied, becomes immortal. Once it is obtained, he desires nothing, is not afflicted, does not hate, is not diverted, strains no more after anything. ~ Narada Sutra

9) To love long, unweariedly, always makes t-lie weak strong ~ Michelet

10) Love is strong as death. ~ Bony of flours

11) It was by love that beings were created and it is commanded to them to live in love and harmony. ~ Baha-ullah

12) He that loveth another hath fulfilled the law. ~ Ro-wans XIII. 8

13) Men are educated to consider wealth and glory above all things and they think only of getting as much as they can of glory and wealth. They ought to be educated to place love above all things and to consecrate all their powers to learn how to love. ~ Mols-Te

14) Each man, before he is Austrian, Serb, Turk or Chinese, is first of all a man, that is to say a thinking and loving being whose one mission is to fulfil his destiny during the short lapse of time that he is to live in this world. That mission is to love all men. ~ Tolstoi

15) The principal work of life is love. And one cannot love in the past or in the future: one can only love in the present, at this hour, at this minute. ~ Tolstoi

16) A sage was asked, "What is the most important work? who is the man the most important in life ?" The sage replied, The most important work is to love all men, because that is the life-work of each man. The most important man is the one with whom you have to do at this moment, because you can never know whether you will have to do with another. ~ Tolstoi

17) It is impossible to compel oneself to the love of others. One can only reject that which prevents love; and that which prevents is the love of one's material I. ~ Tolstoi

18) I know no other secret for loving except to love. ~ St. Francois de Sales

19) Let the disciple consecrate himself to love, not in order to seek for his own happiness, but let him take pleasure in love for the love of love. ~ Jatakamala

20) To love, one must have no reservation, but be prepared to cast oneself into the flame and to give up into it a hundred worlds...In this path there is no difference between good and evil ; indeed with love neither good nor evil exists any longer. ~ Farid-ud-din attar

21) Reason cannot dwell with the madness of love : love has nothing to do with the human reason. ~ Farid-ud-din attar

22) But as we cannot love what is outside ourselves, we must love a being who is in us and who is not ourselves. Now it is only the universal Being who is such an one. ~ Pascal

23) It is not, in verity, yea, for the sake of the creature that the creature is dear to us, it is for the sake of the Self in all that the creature is dear. It is not, in verity, yea, for the sake of the all that the all is dear to us, it is for the sake of the one that the all is dear. ~ Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

24) My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue, but in deed and in truth. And hereby we know that we are of the truth. ~ John III. 18, 19

25) He that saith he is in the light and hateth his brother, is in the darkness even until now. He that loveth his brother abideth in the light and there is no occasion of stumbling in him. But he that hateth his brother is in darkness and walketh in darkness and knoweth not whither he goeth, because the darkness hath blinded his eyes. ~ John II. 9, 11

26) He that loveth not his brother abideth in death. ~ John III. 14

27) We know that we have passed from death into life because we love our brothers. ~ John III. 13

28) If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar; for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen ? ~ John IV. 20

29) No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us and his love is perfected in us. ~ John IV. 12

30) Let us say this clearly, my brothers, that we cannot reach unto God but by the intermediary of one who is like unto ourselves, by striving to love: God is not there where we think him to be, he is in ourselves. He dispenses love to us, he is love itself. Let us love then by him our neighbour. ~ Antoine the Healer

31) God is love, and he that dwelleth in love, dwelleth in God and God in him. ~ I John IV. 16

32) He that loveth not, knoweth not God, for God is love. ~ I John IV. 8

33) God is love and we are in our weakness imperfect gods. ~ Antoine the Healer

34) Beloved, let us love one another. ~ I John IV.7

35) For this is the message that ye have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another. ~ I John III.11

36) The teaching of our master consists solely in this, to be upright in heart and to love one's neighbour as oneself ~ Confucius

37) If ye fulfil the royal law, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well ; but if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin. ~ James II.8, 9

38) Love one another. ~ John. XIII, 14

39) This thing I comm and you that ye love one another. ~ John. XV. 17

40) Sustain one another in a mutual love, ~ Cullavaga

41) Owe no man anything but to love one another. ~ Ro-mans. XIV. 8

42) Love as brothers. ~ Peter III. 8

43) Be kindly affectioned one to another by brotherly love. ~ Romans.XII. 10

44) Let brotherly love continue. ~ Hebrews XIII

45) Cherish in your hearts a love without any limit for the whole world and make your love to radiate over the world in all directions without any shadow of animosity or hate. ~ Metta Sutta

46) Whether you are standing or walking, whether you are seated or lying down, consecrate yourselves wholly to love : it is the best way of life. ~ Metta Sutta

47) Practise love and only love. ~ Narada Sutra

48) O my friends, plant only flowers of love in the garden of hearts. ~ Baha-ullah

49) To enter into the soul of each and allow each to enter into thine. ~ Marcus Aurelius

50) All beings aspire to happiness, therefore envelop all in thy love. ~ Mahavantara

51) If thou feel not love for men, busy thyself with thyself, handle things, do what thou wilt, but leave men alone. ~ Tolstoi

52) Melt thy soul in the fire of love and thou wilt know that love is the alchemist of the soul. ~ Ahm-ed Halif

53) If thou lovest, God liveth in thee. ~ Tolstoi

54) Love thy neighbour and be faithful unto him. ~ Erelesiastieus

55) Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. ~ Leviticus XIX. 18

56) For all the law is fulfilled in one word, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. ~ Galatians. V. 14
The Supramental Thought and Knowledge View Similar A Defence of Indian Culture - XIX

The Supramental Instruments-Thought-Process View Similar Charity
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 07 - 15th October 1920The Eternal WisdomHappiness Through Love
1920 Fri 15 October
Happiness Through Love

1) He who loves is in joy, he is free and nothing stops him. ~ Imitation of Christ

2) Men will only be happy when they all love each other. ~ Tolstoi

3) Man cannot possess perfect happiness until all that separates him from others has been abolished in oneness. ~ Angolua Siloaius

4) There can be no true freedom and happiness so long as men have not understood their oneness. ~ Channing

5) Man finds happiness only in serving his neighbour. And he finds it there because, rendering service to his neighbours, he is in communion with the divine spirit that lives in them. ~ Tolstoi

6) Why are we all joy when we have done a good action ? Because each good action assures us that our true "I" is not limited to our own person, but exists in all that lives. ~ Tolstoi

7) When one lives for oneself, one lives only a portion of his true "I". When one lives for others, one feels his "I" expanding. ~ Tolstoi

8) The life of men is painful only because they do not know that the soul which is in each of us lives in all men. It is thence that comes animosity, that some are rich, others poor, some are masters, others workers, thence that come envy, hatred and all human torments. ~ Tolstoi

9) All the miseries of men are caused not by bad harvests, conflagrations, brigands, but simply because they live in discord. They are in discord because they do not believe in the voice of love who lives in them and calls them to union. ~ Tolstoi

10) One has no reason to regret when one dies, when one has lost money, property or house; all that does not belong to the man. One should have regret when man loses his real good, his greatest happiness: the faculty of loving. ~ Tolstoi

11) Be useful one to the other and the earth will flourish under your hands and wild animals will be obliged to respect your union

12) You will end by the discovery that the best means, of health is to watch over the good health of others, and that the surest way to feel happy is to watch over the happiness of others. ~ Vivenkananda

13) If man thinks only of himself and seeks everywhere his own profit, he cannot be happy. If thou wouldst really live for thyself, live for others. ~ Seneca

14) If thou livest for thyself alone, thou feelest thyself surrounded by enemies and the happiness of each an obstacle to thy own happiness. Live for others and thou wilt feel thyself surrounded by friends and the happiness of each will become thy happiness. ~ Tolstoi

15) When wilt thou understand that the true happiness is always in thy power and that it is the love for all men. ~ Marcos Aurelius

16) There is only one thing to do in order to be sure of being happy: it is to love the good and the wicked. Love always and thou wilt be happy always. ~ Tolstoi

17) Wilt thou that thy heart should be free from sorrow ? Forget not the hearts that sorrow devours. ~ Saadi
The Supramental Instruments-Thought-Process View Similar Charity

Happiness Through Love View Similar Love all that Lives
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 07 - 15th October 1920The Eternal WisdomCharity
1920 Fri 15 October

1) Charity is the affection that impels us to sacrifice ourselves to humankind as if it were one being with us. ~ Confucius

2) He is truly great who has great charity. ~ Imitation of Christ

3) And there is no more perfect life than that which is passed in the commerce and sociely of men when it is filled with charity towards one's neighbour. ~ J. Tauler

4) For charity covers a multitude of sins. ~ St. Poter. IV

5) Let charity be without dissimulation. ~ Romans. XII. 9

6) Though I speak with the tongues of men and of an- gels and have not charity, I am as a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing. Charity suffereth long and is kind; charity envieth not ; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up doth not behave itself unseemly seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinlceth no evil, rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. Charity never faileth...And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three: but the greatest of these is charity. Follow after charity. ~ I. Corinthians. 1. 8. 13-XIV. 8

7) Walk in charity. ~ Ephesians. V. 2

8) Let all your things be done with charity. ~ I. Corinthians. XVI. 14
Happiness Through Love View Similar Love all that Lives

Charity View Similar A Defence of Indian Culture - XX
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 07 - 15th October 1920The Eternal WisdomLove all that Lives
1920 Fri 15 October
Love all that Lives

1) The love for all that lives: all the religions teach it to us, the religion of the Brahmins, of the Bud- dhists, of the Hebrews, of the Chinese, of the Chris- tians, of the Mohammedans. Therefore the most necessary thing in the world is to learn to love. ~ Tolstoi

2) Faith may vary with different men, in different epochs, but love is invariable in all. The true faith is ~ Ibrahim of Cordova,

3) What is virtue ? It is sensebility towards all creatures. ~ Hitopadesa

4) Humanity does not embrace only the love of one's like: it extends over all creatures. ~ Chinese Proverb

5) The wise man acts towards all beings even as towards himself. ~ Madharata

6) To do no evil to any being, neither by action, nor by thought, nor by word; to will the good and to practise it: such is the eternal law of the good. ~ Madharata

7) He who does no evil to any is as if the father and mother of all beings. ~ Madharata

8) The superior man or the sage loves all beings that live, but has not for them the sentiments of humanity which he has for men. He has for men sentiments of humanity, but he does not love them with the love which he has for his father and mother. He loves his father and mother with filial love and he has for men sentiments of humanity. He has for men sentiments of humanity and he loves all beings that live. ~ Meug Tac

9) He must be good to animals, yet better to men. ~ Baha Ullah

10) The man to whom all men are strangers, who sees no other existence than his own and considers his like as phantoms capable only of serving his ends or of opposing them, sees the whole world extinguished at the moment of his death. On the contraty, he who recognises himself in others, even in all that, lives, and pours his existence into that of every animated being, loses in dying only a feeble part of his life. Having destroyed the illusion which separated his consciousness from the rest of the world, he continues to live in all those whom he has loved. ~ Sehopenhauer

11) Compassion toward animals is essentially bound up with goodness of character. Whoever is cruel to them cannot be good to men ~ Sehopenhauer

12) Hard to animals, hard to men. ~ Proverb

13) The poor animats who live in ail obscure consciousness of dream posses many rights to love and campassion. ~ Jatakamala

14) One can recognise in those beings who are so lar from us the principle of our own existence. ~ Schopenhauer

15) We feel in our conscience that that by which we live, that which we call our true " I " is the same not only in each man but also in a dog, a horse, a mouse, a fowl, a sparrow, a bee and even a plant. ~ Tolstoi

16) There is no beast on the earth, no bird flying on its ~ Koran

17) wings that do not form a community like us-When the incapacity to hurt and goodness are fully developed in him who has attained to the enlightened culture of the soul, there is a complete absence of enmity towards men, as also, towards the animals who are near to him ~ Patanjali

18) A man is not a master because he despotically subjects being living at his mercy. He can be called a master who has compassion for all that lives. ~ Dhammapada

19) By not doing evil to creatures and mastering one's arrives here below at the supreme goal. ~ Laws of Manu

20) Discovering himself everywhere and in all things, the disciple embraces the entire world in a sentiment of peace, of compassion, of love-large, profound and without limits, delivered from all wrath and all hatred. ~ Magghima Nikaya

21) Without stick or sword, filled with sympathy and benevolence, let the disciple show to all beings love and compassion. ~ Magghima Nikaya

22) Nourish in your heart a benevolence without limits for all that lives. ~ Metta Sutta

23) Thus thou shalt be in perfect accord with all that lives, thou shalt love men as thy brotheas. ~ Book of Golden Precepts

24) Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treads thy grain ~ Deuteronomy

25) Be gentle, strike not an inoffensive animal, break not a domestic tree. ~ Pythagoras

26) All, even the vegetables, have rights to thy sensibility ~ Chinese Proverb

27) Do no harm to an ant that is carrying its grain of corn, for has a life and sweet life is a good. ~ Firdausi

28) Have compassion, have pity for all beings that live. Let thy heart be benevolent and sympathetic towards all that lives. ~ Fo'shu-tsrn-king-
Charity View Similar A Defence of Indian Culture - XX

The Supramental Sense View Similar To Do no Hurt
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 07 - 15th November and 15th December 1920The Eternal WisdomThou Shalt not Kill
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Thou Shalt not Kill

1) Thou shalt not kill. ~ Exodus XX.82

2) " Thou shalt not kill " relates not solely to the murder of man, but of all that lives. ~ Tolstoi

3) He that killeth an ox is as if lie slew a man. ~ Isaiah LXVT

4) We are astonished to see that there have been and still are men who kill their kind in order to eat them. But the time will come when our grandchildren will be astonished that their grandparents should have killed every day millions of animals in order to eat them when one can have a sound and substantial nourishment by the use of the fruits of the earth. ~ Tolstoi

5) The man who consents to the death of an animal, he who kills it, he who cuts it up, the buyer, the seller, he who prepares the flesh, he who serves it and he who eats it, are all to be regarded as having taken part in the murder. ~ Laws of Maim

6) Whosoever seeketh to attain his personal happiness by maltreating or making to perish beings who were also striving after happiness. ..shall not find happiness

7) But the man who bringeth not by his own movement on living beings the pains of slavery and death and who desireth the good of all creatures, attaineth to happiness. ~ Laws of Manu

8) He who abstains from all violence towards beings, to the weak as to the strong, who kills not and makes not to kill, he, I say, is a Brahmin. ~ Dhammapada

9) Even as I are these, even as they am I,-identifying himself thus with others, the wise man neither kills nor is a cause of killing. ~ Sutta Nipata

10) What is dearest in the world to beings is their own self. Therefore from love for that own self which is so dear to beings, neither kill nor torment any. ~ Sa-myutta Nikaya

11) Shed not the blood of the beings that people the earth, men, domesticated animals, wild beasts and birds: out of the depths of thy soul rises a voice that forbids thee to shed blood, for the blood is the life, and thou canst not restore life. ~ Lamartine

12) Deliver them that are drawn unto death. ~ ProverbsXXXIV

13) Thou shalt not kill. ~ Mat-thew. XIX. 18
The Supramental Sense View Similar To Do no Hurt

Thou Shalt not Kill View Similar No Hatred
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 07 - 15th November and 15th December 1920The Eternal WisdomTo Do no Hurt
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To Do no Hurt

1) The ills we inflict upon our neighbours follow us as our shadows follow our bodies. ~ Krishna

2) There is nowhere in this world, nor in the air, nor in the midst of the ocean any place where we can disembarrass ourselves of the evil we have done. ~ Dhainmapada

3) The griefs thou puttest upon others shall not take long to fall back upon thyself. ~ Demophilus
4) Show kindness unto thy brothers and make them not to fall into suffering. ~ Chadana Sutta

5) None can reproach thee with injustice done? It is too little. Banish injustice even from thy thought, It is not the actions alone, but the will that distinguishes the good from the wicked. ~ Democritus

6) The just man is not one who does hurt to none, but one who having the power to hurt represses the will. ~ Pytha-goras

7) One must accustom oneself to say in the mind when one meets a man, "I will think of him only and not of myself. " ~ Tolstoi

8) Whosoever thinketh with love, never offendeth any. ~ Antoine the Healer

9) If there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. Love worketh no ill to his neighbour. ~ Romans XIII, 9, 10

10) He is not a man of religion who does ill to another. He is not a disciple who causes suffering to another. ~ Dhammapada

11) Never to cause pain by thought, word or act to any living being is what is meant by innocence. Than this there is no higher virtue. There is no greater happiness than that of the man who has reached this attitude of good will towards all creation. ~ Vivekananda

12) Not to weary of well doing is a great benediction. ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsau-king

13) Brothers, be good one unto another. ~ Baha-ullah

14) The charm of a man is in his kindness. ~ Proverbs XII 22
Thou Shalt not Kill View Similar No Hatred

To Do no Hurt View Similar Nor Anger
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 07 - 15th November and 15th December 1920The Eternal WisdomNo Hatred
Invalid date Invalid date NaN Invalid date
No Hatred

1) It is not pillage, assassinations and executions that arc terrifying. What is pillage? It is the passing of property from some to others. That always has been and always will be and there is nothing in it that is terrifying. What are executions and asssassinalions? It is the passing of men from life to death. These passings have been, are and always will be, and there equally there is nothing that is terrifying. What is really terrifying is the hatred of men which engenders brigandage, theft and murder. ~ Tolstoi

2) But if the man who is animated by hatred, could by an effort of his hate enter even into the most detested of his adversaries and arrive in him to the very centre, then would he be greatly astonis bed, for he would discover there his own self. ~ Schopenhauer

3) Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thy heart. ~ Leviticus XIX.17

4) Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him. ~ John. III. 15

5) There is no pollution like unto hatred. ~ Buddhist Text

6) Whosoever nourishes feelings of hatred against those who hate, will never purify himself, but one who in reply to hatred awakens love, appeases and softens those who are filled with hatred. ~ Magghima Nikaya

7) That he may vanquish hate, let the disciple live with a soul delivered from all hate and show towards all beings love and compassion. ~ Magghima Nikaya

8) For it is an ancient and a true saying, Never shall hate be vanquished by hate, only by love is hatred extinguished. ~ Udanavaryu

9) Let not one even whom the whole world curses, nourish against it any feeling of liatred. ~ Sutta Nipata

10) For never in this world can hate be appeased by hate: hatred is vanquished only by love,-that is the eternal law. ~ Dhammapada

11) Ah, let us live happy without hating those who hate us. In the midst of men who hate us, let us live without hatred. ~ Dhammapada
To Do no Hurt View Similar Nor Anger

No Hatred View Similar Not to Do unto Others
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 07 - 15th November and 15th December 1920The Eternal WisdomNor Anger
Invalid date Invalid date NaN Invalid date
Nor Anger

1) He who is a friend of wisdom, must not be violent. ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsan-king

2) When we act with obstinacy, malice, anger, violence, to whom do we make ourselves near and like? To wild beasts. ~ Epictetus

3) Anger is an affection of the soul which, if it is not treated, degenerates into a malady of the body. ~ Apollonius of Tyana

4) It is by gentleness that one must conquer wrath, it is by good that one must conquer evil. ~ Dhammapada

5) One who returns not wrath to wrath, saves himself as well as the other from a great peril: he is A physician to both. ~ Mahabharata

6) He that is slow to wrath is of great understanding. ~ Proverbs XIV. 22

7) But now put off all these, wrath, anger, malice, calumny, filthy communications out of your mouth. ~ Colossians III. 8

8) Let all bitterness and wrath and anger be put away from you. ~ Ephesians IV. 31

9) Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath. ~ Ephesians IV. 26

10) Let no evil communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good that it may minister grace unto the hearers. ~ Ephesians IV. 29

11) He who makes to be heard words without harshness, true and instructive, by which he injures none, he, I say, is a Brahmin. ~ Dhammapada

12) I pledge myself from this day forward not to entertain any feeling of irritation, anger or ill humour and to allow to arise within me neither violence nor hate. ~ Rurkthist Text
No Hatred View Similar Not to Do unto Others

Nor Anger View Similar First Mundaka
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 07 - 15th November and 15th December 1920The Eternal WisdomNot to Do unto Others
Invalid date Invalid date NaN Invalid date
Not to Do unto Others

1) To repress anger will be possible to you if you show yourselves disposed towards those who commit faults as you would have them be to you if you had committed them yourselves. ~ Isocrates

2) To do to men what we would have them do to ourselves is what one may call the teaching of humanity. ~ Confucius

3) Nothing more allows of growth in humanity than to train oneself ardently in reciprocity, that is to say, to do to others as we would that they should do to us. ~ Meng-Tse

4) The man who is sincere and careful to do nothing to others that he would not have done to him, is not far from the Law. What he does not desire to be done to him, let him not himself do to others. ~ Confucius

5) What we would not have done to us, we must not do to others. ~ Confucius

6) What we would not like being done to us, let us not do it to others. ~ Chang Yung

7) Let us act towards others as we would that they should act towards us: let us not cause any suffering. ~ Dhammapada

8) All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them. ~ Matthew VII. 12

9) What you wish others to do, do yourselves. ~ Ramakrishna

10) What you do not wish to be done to yourselves, do not do to other men. ~ Confucius

11) Do not do to others what you would not wish to suffer at their hands, and be to them what you would wish them to be to you. ~ Isocrates

12) What you love not in your superiors, do not to your inferiors; what you reprove in your inferiors, do not to your superiors; what you hate in those who precede you, do not to those who follow you...What you would not receive from those on your right, cast not upon those on your left...Let this be the rule of your conduct. ~ Confucius

13) Do not thyself what displeases thee in others. ~ Thales

14) Do not to others what would displease thee done to thyself: this is the substance of the Law; all other law depends on one's good pleasure. ~ Mahabharata

15) I would act towards others with a heart pure and filled with love exactly as I would have them act to- wards me. ~ Lalita Vistara

16) With a heart pure and overflowing with love I desire to act towards others even as I would toward myself. ~ Buddhist Text
Nor Anger View Similar First Mundaka

Towards the Supramental Time Vision View Similar Concord
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 07 - 15th January 1921The Eternal WisdomSolidarity
1921 Sat 15 January

1) Whatever is not of use to the swarm, is not of use to the bee. ~ Marcus Aurelius

2) The duty of man is to be useful to men: to a great number if he can, if not, to a small number, otherwise to his neighbours, otherwise to himself : in making himself useful to himself, he works for others. As the vicious man injures not only himself but also those to whom he might have been useful if he had been virtuous, likewise in labouring for oneself one labours also for others, since there is formed a man who can be of use to them. ~ Seneca

3) The most perfect man is the one who is most useful to others. ~ Koran

4) The just holds his own suffering for a gain when it can increase the happiness of others. ~ Jatakamala

5) If you act towards your like as a true brother, you do charity to yourselves. ~ Antoine the Healer

6) Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. ~ Philippians II. 4

7) As every man hath received the gilt, even so minister the same one to another. ~ I Peter IV. 10

8) Aid each other in practising that which is good, but aid not each other in evil and injustice. ~ Koran

9) Let us help each other as friends that we may put a term to suffering. ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsan-king

10) Let us think that we are born for the common good. ~ Seneca

11) Let us be one even with those who do not wish to be one with us. ~ Bossuet

12) For all are called to cooperate in the great work of progress ~ Antoine the Healer

13) Thou who hast been set in thy station of man to aid by all means the common interest ~ Marcus Aurelius

14) Tire not being useful to thyself by being useful to others. ~ Marcus Aurelius

15) Think not that when the sins of thy gross form are overcome, thy duty is over to nature and to other men. ~ Book of Golden Precepts

16) There is no malady that can prevent the doing of thy duty. If thou canst not serve men by thy works, serve them by thy example of love and patience. ~ Tolstoy

17) Be not ashamed to be helped: thy end is to accomplish that which is incumbent on thee, like a soldier in the assault. ~ Marcus Aurelius

18) Never get done by others what thou canst thyself do. ~ Tolstoy

19) Recoil from the sun into the shadow that there may be more place for others. ~ Book of Golden Precepts

20) That it may be easy for thee to live with every man, think of what unites thee to him and not of what separates. ~ Tolstoy

21) As thou thyself art a complement of the organism of the city, let thy action likewise he a complement of the life of the city. If each of thy actions has not a relation direct or remote to the common end, it breaks the social life, it no longer allows it to be one, it is factious like the citizen who amid the people separates himself as much as it is in him from the common accord. ~ Marcus Aurelius

22) If thou hast seen an amputated hand or foot or a severed head lying separated from the rest of the body, even such he makes himself, as far as it is in him, who isolates himself from the All and acts against the common good. ~ Marcus Aurelius

23) What then is the duty of the citizen? Never to consider his particular interest, never to calculate as if he were an isolated individual. ~ Epictetus

24) An off-cast from the city is he who tears his soul away from the soul of reasoning beings, which is one. ~ Marcus Aurelius

25) A branch detached from the contiguous branch must needs be detached from the whole tree: even so man separated even from a single man is detached from the whole society. ~ Marcus Aurelius

26) Have I done something for society? Then I have worked for myself, to my own advantage. Let this truth be present to thy mind and labour without ceasing. ~ Marcus Aurelius

27) We shall labour to our last sigh, we shall never cease from contri buting to the common good, serving every individual, helping even our enemies, exercising our talents and our industry. We know not an age destined to repose and, like the heroes of whom Virgil tells, our hair grows white under the helmet. ~ Seneca
Towards the Supramental Time Vision View Similar Concord

Solidarity View Similar Respect
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 07 - 15th January 1921The Eternal WisdomConcord
1921 Sat 15 January

1) The superior man lives in peace with all men with- out acting absolutely like them. The vulgar man acts absolutely like them without being in accord with them. ~ Confucius

2) An apostle of the truth should have no contest with any in the world. ~ Samyutta Nikaya

3) The beginning of strife is as when one letteth out water; therefore leave off contention before it be meddled with. ~ Proverbs XVII. 14

4) The disciple lives as a reconciler of those that are divided, uniting more closely those that are friends, establishing peace, preparing peace, rich in peace, pronouncing always words of peace ~ Metta Sutta

5) What is there more precious than a sage? He sets peace between all men. ~ Tsu-king

6) But what a force is that of the sage who can live at peace with men without having the mobility of water and remain in the midst of them firm and incorruptible ! ~ Confucius

7) Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation and every city cur house divided against itself shall not stand. ~ Matthew XII. 25

8) Now I beseech you, brethren, that there be no divisions among you, but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment. ~ I Corinthians I. 10

9) Have a care that ye sow not among men the seeds of discord. ~ Baha-ullah

10) Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace and the things wherewith one may edify another. ~ Romans XIV. 19

11) Follow peace with all men. ~ Hebrews XII. 14

12) Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar and there rememberest that thy brother hath aught against thee, leave there thy gift before the altar and go thy way, first be reconciled to thy brother and then come and offer thy gift. ~ Matthew V. 23
Solidarity View Similar Respect

Concord View Similar A Defence of Indian Culture - XXIII
Arya : A Philosophical ReviewVol. 07 - 15th January 1921The Eternal WisdomRespect
1921 Sat 15 January

1) The sins that we do against men come because each one does not respect the Divine Spirit in his like. ~ Tolstoy

2) Respect man as a spiritual being in whom dwells the divine Spirit. ~ Tolstoy

3) Courtesy is the most precious of jewels. The beauty that is not perfected by courtesy is like a garden without a flower. ~ Buddhacharita

4) Let the superior man bear himself in the commerce of men with an always dignified deference, regarding all men that dwell in the world as his own brothers. ~ Confucius

5) Practising wisdom, men have respect one for another. ~ Lao Tee

6) Let us respect men, and not only men of worth, but the public in general ~ Cicero

7) Show not respect in especial to those that are esteemed great and high in place, but treat with a like respect those that are judged to be small and at the bottom of the social ladder. ~ Tolstoy

8) Above all, respect thy sell. ~ Pythagoras

9) If you observe in all your acts the respect of yourself and of others, then shall you not be despised of any. ~ Confucius
Concord View Similar A Defence of Indian Culture - XXIII

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QUOTES [1500 / 2125 - 17 / 17]

KEYS (10k)

   59 Hermes
   57 Dhammapada
   46 Ramakrishna
   35 id
   31 Attar of Nishapur
   29 Buddhist Texts
   29 Baha-ullah
   28 Tolstoi
   28 Confucius
   26 Seneca
   22 Book of Golden Precepts
   21 Marcus Aurelius
   19 Angelus Silesius
   17 Antoine the Healer
   16 Tolstoy
   15 Mahabharata
   15 Imitation of Christ
   12 Giordano Bruno
   12 Bhagavad Gita
   11 Fo-shu-hing-tsan-king
   11 Buddhist Text
   10 The Zohar
   10 Schopenhauer
   10 Emerson
   9 Vivekananda
   8 Heraclitus
   8 Epictetus
   8 Apollonius of Tyana
   7 Udanavarga
   7 Socrates
   7 Rig Veda
   7 Pascal
   7 Nietzsche
   7 Lao-Tse
   7 Ecclesiasticus
   7 Chu-King
   7 Awaghosha
   6 Lao-tse
   6 Lalita Vistara
   6 J. Tauler
   6 John
   6 Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king
   6 Cicero
   6 Book of Wisdom
   5 Pythagoras
   5 Omar Khayyam
   5 Lao-Tse: Tao-te-King
   5 Koran
   5 Carlyle
   4 Thales
   4 Sutra in 42 articles
   4 Proverbs
   4 Porphyry
   4 Patanjali
   4 Meng-tse
   4 Magghima Nikaya
   4 Katha Upanishad
   4 Hermes: On Rebirth
   4 Goethe
   4 Ecclesiastious
   4 Demophilus
   4 Chinese Proverb
   4 Chi-king
   4 Brihadaranyaka Upanishad
   4 Baha-ullah: The Seven Valleys
   4 Aswaghosha
   3 Upanishad
   3 St. Paul
   3 Sanyutta Nikaya
   3 Sangiti Sutta
   3 Sadi
   3 Philo
   3 Novalis
   3 Narada Sutra
   3 Minokhired
   3 Metta Sutta
   3 Mahaparinibbana Sutta
   3 Madharata
   3 Laws of Manu
   3 Job
   3 Jatakamala
   3 Hindu Saying
   3 Epistle to Diognetus
   3 Book of the Golden Precepts
   3 Bahaullah
   2 Zohar
   2 Vishnu Purana
   2 Vemana
   2 Tseu-tse
   2 The Book of Golden Precepts
   2 The Bab
   2 Sutta Nipata
   2 Sankhya Pravachana
   2 Romans XIII
   2 Romans X II
   2 Revelations III
   2 Ramayana
   2 Psalms
   2 Phocylides
   2 Mundaka Upanishad
   2 Meng-Tse
   2 Mar-cus Aurelius
   2 Manu
   2 Maitre Eckhart
   2 Mahavagga
   2 Luke XXI. 34
   2 Li-Ki
   2 Leibnitz
   2 Latita Vistara
   2 Lao-Tsu-Te
   2 I Thessalonians V. 8
   2 Isocrates
   2 Isha Upanishad
   2 I Peter V. 8
   2 I Peter I. 12
   2 II Peter I. 6
   2 Hitopadesha
   2 Hindu Wisdom
   2 Hermes: "On the Rebirth"
   2 Hennes
   2 Hebrews XIII
   2 Harivansa
   2 Gogol
   2 Fo-shu-hiug-tsan-king
   2 Fo-shu-hing-tsau-king
   2 Fenelon
   2 Epistle to the Romans
   2 Eckhart
   2 Democritus
   2 Corinthians
   2 Buddhist Maxims
   2 Bhartrihari
   2 Bhagavat Purana
   2 Avesta
   2 Asoka
   2 Antoine the Healer: "Revelations"
   2 Anaxagoras
   2 Amiel
   2 Ahmed Halif
   2 Ahmad Halif
   1 Zendavesta
   1 Zeisho Aishako
   1 Zacharias VIII
   1 Wisdom I. 12
   1 William the Silent
   1 wetaswatara Upanishad
   1 Victor Hugo
   1 Vemara
   1 Vanvenargues
   1 Uttana Sutta
   1 Uttama Sutta
   1 Udanavaryu
   1 Udanavarga Sutta
   1 Udana-varga
   1 Udanavagga
   1 Turkish Proverb
   1 Tswangrse
   1 Tsung yung
   1 Tsu-king
   1 Tsu King
   1 Tsuang-tso
   1 Tsuang-Tse II
   1 Tseng-tsen-ta-hio VII
   1 Tseng Tee
   1 Tsang-Yung
   1 Tsang-tse
   1 Tneng Tseu
   1 Titus I. 15
   1 Thoreau
   1 Thessalonians.IV.4. 5
   1 The Shepherd of Hermas
   1 The Rose of Bakamate
   1 The Pastor of Hermas
   1 Theognis
   1 Theng-tse
   1 The Lotus of the Good Law
   1 The Lotus of Bliss
   1 The Jewel-wreath of Questions and Answers
   1 Theegris
   1 The Book of Wisdom
   1 The Book of Gulden Precepts
   1 Tchuang-Tse
   1 Taittiriya Upanishad
   1 Ta-hio
   1 Swetawatara Upanishad
   1 Swetaswatara Upanishad VI.18
   1 Swetaswatara Upanishad
   1 Sutra in 42 Articles. XI. 2
   1 St. Vincent de Paul
   1 St. Poter. IV
   1 St. Luke
   1 St. Francois de Sales
   1 St. Cyprian
   1 St. Clement to the Corinthians
   1 St. Basil
   1 St Augustine
   1 Spinoza
   1 Sophocles
   1 Songs of Songs III.2
   1 Solon
   1 Shepherd of Hermas
   1 Seneca: Epistles
   1 Seneca: De Providentia
   1 Sencea
   1 Sehopenhauer
   1 Scneca
   1 Saving of the School of Zen
   1 Sankhya Karika
   1 Samyutta Nikaya
   1 Sallust
   1 Sadi : Gulistan VIII
   1 Sadi: Gulistan
   1 Sadi Gulistan
   1 Saadi
   1 Ruysbro-eok
   1 Ruysbroeck
   1 Ro-wans XIII. 8
   1 Rousseau
   1 Ro-mans. XIV. 8
   1 Romans XIV. 19
   1 Romans XII. II
   1 Romans XIII. 12
   1 Romans. XII. 9
   1 Romans. XII. 5
   1 Romans XII. 2
   1 Romans XII. 12
   1 Romans.XII. 10
   1 Romans VIII. 13
   1 Romans. VII. 19. 21
   1 Romans VI. 23
   1 Romans VI. 12
   1 Romans V. 3
   1 Revelation XXI. 7
   1 Revelations XIV. 13
   1 Revelations III. 1
   1 Revelations II
   1 Revelation I. 18
   1 Renan
   1 Ramakrishss
   1 Ramakrishnan
   1 Ramakrishan
   1 Ramakrisha
   1 Pytha-goras
   1 Ptah-hotep
   1 Psalms XXXVII. 27
   1 Psalms XXXIV. 13
   1 Psalms XXVII.8
   1 Psalms XXIII
   1 Psalms. XVI.7
   1 Psalms XC. 10
   1 Psalms. IX30
   1 Psalms CXXI.1
   1 Psalms CXII
   1 ProverbsXXXIV
   1 Proverbs XXVI. 12
   1 Proverbs XXV. 28
   1 proverbs XXL 3
   1 Proverbs XXIX. 23
   1 Proverbs XXIV. 16
   1 Proverbs XXIII. 4-5
   1 Proverbs XXIII. 26
   1 Proverbs XXII. 17
   1 Proverbs XXII
   1 Proverbs XXI. 25
   1 Proverbs XXI. 16
   1 Proverbs XVII. 6
   1 Proverbs XVII. 27
   1 Proverbs XVII. 22
   1 Proverbs XVII. 14
   1 Proverbs XVI. 18: XVII. 12
   1 Proverbs XVI
   1 Proverbs XV 24
   1 Proverbs XIV. 30
   1 Proverbs XIV. 22
   1 Proverbs XIV. 12
   1 Proverbs XIII 20
   1 Proverbs XII 22
   1 Proverbs XII
   1 Proverbs XI.19
   1 Proverbs IX. 6
   1 Proverbs IV 24
   1 Proverbs IV. 23
   1 Proverb
   1 preverbs XXI. 21
   1 Pranottaratrayamala
   1 Plutarch
   1 Plntarch
   1 Plato: Republic
   1 Philolaus
   1 Philippians IV. 11
   1 Philippians II. 4
   1 Philippians II. 29
   1 Petrarch
   1 Peter III. 8
   1 Persian Proverb
   1 Patanjali : Aphroisms.II. 12
   1 Patanjali: Aphorisms. I 49
   1 Pasteur
   1 Panchatantra
   1 Pali Canon
   1 Orphic Precept
   1 Orphic Hymns
   1 ol IV.8
   1 Nidhikama Sutta
   1 Narada Sutra 18-19
   1 Mundaka Upanishad III. 1-5
   1 Mundaka Upanishad I.210.
   1 Montaigne
   1 Mohy-ud-din-arabi: Treatise on Unity
   1 Mohyiddin in Arabi
   1 Mohyddin-ibn-Arabi. "Essay on Unity."
   1 Mohyddin-ibn-Arabi
   1 Mohammed
   1 Minamoto Sanemoto
   1 Minamoo Sanemoto
   1 Michelet
   1 Meng-Tse VII. I. IV. I. 3
   1 Meng Tse. VII. II. III. 1
   1 Meng-Tse. I V. II. XII
   1 Meng-Tse II. 7.3
   1 Meng-Tse II.7.1
   1 Meng-Tse II 5.17
   1 Menedemus
   1 Melessus
   1 Matthew XX IV. 13
   1 Matthew XX
   1 Matthew. XVI. 26
   1 Matthew XV. 19
   1 Mat-thew. XIX. 18
   1 Matthew XII. 25
   1 Matthew X. 28
   1 Matthew X. 16
   1 Matthew VII. 7
   1 Matthew VII. 12
   1 Matthew VI. 34
   1 Matthew. VI. 21
   1 Matthew VI. 21
   1 Matthew VI. 1
   1 Matthew V. 8
   1 Matthew V. 6
   1 Matthew V. 10
   1 Matthew IX.17
   1 Matthew
   1 Mark V. 36
   1 Mark IX. 23
   1 Marcus Aurelius. X.I
   1 Marcus Aurelius VII. 59
   1 Marcus Aurelias
   1 Marcos Aurelius
   1 Majihima Nikaya
   1 Maimonides
   1 Mahomed
   1 Mahavantara
   1 Mahavajjo
   1 Ma havagga
   1 Mahabharara
   1 Maggima Nikaya
   1 Macrobius
   1 Mababharata
   1 Lun-Yu
   1 Lun Yu
   1 Luke XXI. 19
   1 Luke XVI.10
   1 Luke XIV. 11
   1 Luke XII. 25
   1 Luke XII. 22
   1 Luke V. 8
   1 l Peter II. I
   1 Li-ki
   1 Leviticus XIX. 18
   1 Leviticus XIX.17
   1 Leviticus XIX. 11
   1 Lebrun
   1 Laws of Manu VI. 72
   1 Laws of Manu. II. 193
   1 Laws of Mann
   1 Las-tse
   1 Lao-Tse: Tao-Te-King" XVI
   1 Lao-tse: Tao-te-king
   1 Lao-Tse. 44
   1 Lao-Tse-35
   1 Lao- Tse
   1 Lao Tse
   1 Lao Tee
   1 Lalita-vistara
   1 Lalita-Vistara
   1 Lacordaire
   1 Labor
   1 Kun Yu
   1 Krishna
   1 Kobo Daishi
   1 Kin-yuan-li-sao
   1 kihagavad Gita
   1 Kena Upanishad
   1 Katha-Upanishad
   1 Katha Upanisbad
   1 Kapila
   1 Kant
   1 Kaivalya Upanishad
   1 Kaivaiya Upanishad
   1 Kabbalah
   1 Judges VI. 14
   1 Joshua I. 9
   1 John. XV. 17
   1 John. XIV. 27
   1 John. XIV. 21
   1 John. XIII
   1 John XII. 25
   1 John VIII. 32
   1 John VI. 27
   1 John IV. 12
   1 John III. 7
   1 John III 6. 7
   1 John III. 18
   1 John. III. 15
   1 John III. 14
   1 John III. 13
   1 John I 5.10
   1 Job XXVII. 4
   1 Job XXIX. 14
   1 Job XV. 17.18
   1 JI Timothy IV. 7. 8
   1 Jeremiah XVIII. II
   1 Jeremiah IX. 23
   1 Jatakanmla
   1 Jarakaniala
   1 James V. 12
   1 James V. 11
   1 James.IV. 14
   1 James IV. 1
   1 James II.8
   1 James I. 4
   1 James I. 14
   1 James I 12
   1 James 1. 2
   1 I Timothy. VI. 12
   1 I. Timothy. IV. 14
   1 I Thessalonians V. 23
   1 I Thessalonians V. 21
   1 I Thessalonians V. 19
   1 I Thessalonians V. 16
   1 I-sha Upanishad
   1 Isaiah XXXV. 4
   1 Isaiah XXX
   1 Isaiah XXVI.9
   1 Isaiah XLII.20
   1 Isaiah XII. 2
   1 Isaiah LXVT
   1 Isaiah. LII. 11
   1 Isaiah LI. 7
   1 Isaiah I. 18
   1 I Peter IV. 10
   1 I Peter II. 11
   1 I Peter I. 15
   1 Inscriptions of Asoka
   1 Inscription on the Catacombs
   1 Inscription of the Temple of Delphi
   1 Imitation of Christ I. 3. 7
   1 I John IV. 8
   1 I John IV.7
   1 I John IV. 16
   1 I John IV. 1
   1 I John III.11
   1 I John II. 15
   1 I John
   1 II Timothy. II. 4
   1 II Timothy II. 22
   1 II Coriothians IV. 16
   1 II Corinthians. XIII. 5
   1 II Corinthians VII. I
   1 II Corinthians V. 17
   1 II Corinthians IX. 6
   1 II Corinthains XIII. 8
   1 id. VI. I.XI
   1 id. 58. 60
   1 id. 36
   1 id. 25. 26
   1 I. Corinthians. XVI. 14
   1 I Corinthians XV.56.55
   1 I Corinthians XV. 54
   1 I Corinthians XV. 53
   1 I Corinthians XV. 44
   1 I Corinthians XV
   1 I Corinthians XIV 20
   1 I Corinthians XIII. 12
   1 I Corinthians. XII. 25
   1 I Corinthians. XII. 22
   1 I Corinthians.XII. 21
   1 I Corinthians VI. 12
   1 I Corinthians V. 7
   1 I. Corinthians III. 18
   1 I Corinthians II
   1 Ibrahim of Cordova
   1 Ibn Masnd
   1 ibid
   1 Iamblichus
   1 Huxley
   1 Hosea X. 12
   1 Hosea VIII
   1 Horace
   1 Hoei Nan-Tse
   1 Hoce-nan-tse
   1 Hitopadesa
   1 Hermes I. "Poimandres"
   1 Hermes II
   1 Hermes 1. "The Character"
   1 Heraclitus 88
   1 Hebrews. XIII. 5
   1 Hebrews XIII. 17
   1 Hebrews XII. I
   1 Hebrews XII. 4
   1 Hebrews XII. 14
   1 Hebrews I. 12
   1 Hebrews HI. 12
   1 Hebrews
   1 Gyothai
   1 Gulschen Raz
   1 Genesis III.19
   1 Galatians VI. 9
   1 Galatians. V. 14
   1 Galatians V. 13
   1 Franklin
   1 Fo-tho-hing-tsang-king
   1 Fo'shu-tsrn-king-
   1 Fo-shu-hing-tsan-kiug
   1 Foshu-hing-tsan-king
   1 Fo-shu- hing-tsan-king
   1 Fo -shu-hing-tsan-king
   1 Fo-sho-hing-tsau-king
   1 Fo-sho.hing-tsan-king
   1 Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king.-
   1 Fo-sho-hing-tai ti-king
   1 Formula of devotion of Mahayanist Buddhism
   1 Firdausi; "Shah-Namah."
   1 Firdausi
   1 Ezekiel XXXIII
   1 Exodus XX.82
   1 Euripides
   1 Esdras
   1 Erelesiastieus
   1 Epsitle to Diognetus
   1 Epictetus 33. 2
   1 Epicietus
   1 Ephesians. VI. 14
   1 Ephesians VI. 14
   1 Ephesians V. 8
   1 Ephesians. V. 2
   1 Ephesians V. 14
   1 Ephesians IV. 31
   1 Ephesians IV. 29
   1 Ephesians IV. 26
   1 Ephesians IV. 25
   1 Ephesians IV
   1 Empedocles
   1 Egyptian Funeral Rites
   1 Ecolesiasticus VI. 19
   1 Ecclesiasucus
   1 Ecclesiasticus. XXXIII. 17
   1 Ecclesiasticus XIX. 10
   1 Ecclesiasticus VII 8
   1 Ecclesiasticus VI
   1 Ecclesiastes VII
   1 Ecclesiastes. I
   1 Diogenes of Apollonia
   1 Dhammapada. 35
   1 Dhammapada 243
   1 Dhammapada. 236
   1 Dhammapada. 160
   1 Dham-mapada
   1 Dhainmapada
   1 Deuteronomy XXXI. 6
   1 Deuteronomy XIII. 15
   1 Deuteronomy
   1 Delphic Inscription
   1 Dammapada 354
   1 Dammapada 146
   1 CwetawataraUpanishad. II. 9
   1 Cullavaga
   1 Corinthians XVI. 13
   1 Corinthians XV. 58
   1 Corinthians I
   1 Confueins
   1 Confucius: Lia yu II XV. 20
   1 Colossians III. 9
   1 Colossians III. 8
   1 Colossians III. 5
   1 Colossians. III. 1
   1 Colossians III
   1 Clement of Alexandria
   1 Chu-king
   1 Chinese Maxims
   1 Chinese Buddhist Scriptures
   1 Chinese Buddhistic
   1 Chi-King
   1 Chhandogya Uppanishad
   1 Channing
   1 Chang Yung
   1 Chadana Sutta
   1 CErsted
   1 Catinat
   1 Buddhist Writings in the Japanese
   1 Buddhist scriptures from the Chinese
   1 Buddhist Scriptures from the Chinese
   1 Buddhist Scripture
   1 Buddhist Meditations from the Japanese
   1 Buddhist Maxim
   1 Buddhist Canons in Pali
   1 Buddhacharita
   1 Brihadaranyaka Upanishad I.4
   1 Bossuet
   1 Book of the Dead
   1 Bony of flours
   1 Bha-ullah
   1 Bharon Guru
   1 Bhagavad Git. V. 16
   1 Bhagavad Gita XIII
   1 Bhagavad Gita XII. 11
   1 Bhagavad Gita XI. 38
   1 Bhagavad Gita VI. 34
   1 Bhagavad Gita VI. 26
   1 Bhagavad Gita VI
   1 Bhagavad Gita V. 16
   1 Bhagavad Gita IV. 38
   1 Bhagavad Gita IV. 3
   1 Bhagavad Gita II. 38
   1 Bhagavad Gita. II. 30
   1 Bhagavad Gita. II. 16
   1 Bhagavad Gita. II. 11
   1 Bhagavad Gita. 2.49
   1 Bhagavad Gita. 2.47
   1 Bhagavad Gita 18.23
   1 Bhagavad Gita. 18.11
   1 Bhagavad Gita 11. 53
   1 Bhagavad-Gita
   1 Balla-ullah
   1 Bahaullah: the Seven Valleys
   1 Baha-ullah: "The Seven Valleys."
   1 Baha-ullah "The Seven Valleys."
   1 Baha-Ullah: The Seven Valleys
   1 Baha-ullah: Kitab-al-ikon
   1 Baha ullah
   1 Baha Ullah
   1 Baha-ulalh
   1 Bacon
   1 Avesta: Yana
   1 Avesta: Vexididad
   1 Avesta: Vendidad
   1 Auguttara Nikaya
   1 Augelius Silesius
   1 atapatha Brahmana
   1 Antonie the Healer
   1 Antoine the Healer; Revelations
   1 Antoine the Healer: Revelations
   1 Antoine the Healer : Revelations
   1 Angolua Siloaius
   1 Angelus Silesius II. 22
   1 Angelus Silesius I.15
   1 Angelus Silesins
   1 Angelns Silesius
   1 Angelius Silesius I. 299
   1 Angelius Silesius
   1 Angeles Silesins
   1 Anaximander
   1 Anamander
   1 Amaghanda Susta
   1 Alcineon
   1 Ahmod Halif: Mystic Odes
   1 Ahmed Halif: Mystic Odes
   1 Ahm-ed Halif
   1 A Hindu Thought
   1 A Chinese Buddhist Inscription
   1 Abraham-ibn-Ezra
   1 Abhidhamrnatthasangaha


   9 Elias Lönnrot

1:God is Love. ~ John, the Eternal Wisdom
2:God is Love. ~ John, the Eternal Wisdom
3:God is Light. ~ John, the Eternal Wisdom
4:God is Light. ~ John, the Eternal Wisdom
5:Ye are Gods. ~ Psalms, the Eternal Wisdom
6:All is living. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
7:All is full of gods ~ Thales, the Eternal Wisdom
8:He is an eternal silence. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
9:He is an eternal silence. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
10:Thou art. ~ Delphic Inscription, the Eternal Wisdom
11:For all is full of God. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
12:Love as brothers. ~ Peter III. 8, the Eternal Wisdom
13:Speak ye the truth. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
14:Think no evil thoughts. ~ Kun Yu, the Eternal Wisdom
15:God and Nature are one. ~ Spinoza, the Eternal Wisdom
16:He is pure of all name. ~ The Bab, the Eternal Wisdom
17:Speak well, act better. ~ Catinat, the Eternal Wisdom
18:Act as you speak. ~ Lalita-vistara, the Eternal Wisdom
19:In death he sees life. ~ Bha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
20:Love one another. ~ John. XIII, 14, the Eternal Wisdom
21:Peace be unto you. ~ John. XIV. 21, the Eternal Wisdom
22:Sorrow is a form of Evil. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
23:Walk in charity. ~ Ephesians. V. 2, the Eternal Wisdom
24:Thou shalt not kill. ~ Exodus XX.82, the Eternal Wisdom
25:Thyself vindicate thyself. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
26:God is all and all is God. ~ Eckhart, the Eternal Wisdom
27:No man liveth to himself. ~ St. Paul, the Eternal Wisdom
28:The sage knows himself. ~ Lao-Tse-35, the Eternal Wisdom
29:The Universe is a unity. ~ Philolaus, the Eternal Wisdom
30:Ye must be born again. ~ John III. 7, the Eternal Wisdom
31:Be sober, be vigilant. ~ I Peter V. 8, the Eternal Wisdom
32:Be sober, be vigilant. ~ I Peter V. 8, the Eternal Wisdom
33:Be strong; fear not. ~ Isaiah XXXV. 4, the Eternal Wisdom
34:Go in this thy might. ~ Judges VI. 14, the Eternal Wisdom
35:Have no vicious thoughts. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
36:Indolence is a soil. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
37:Look within things. ~ Marcus Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
38:Man is a small universe. ~ Democritus, the Eternal Wisdom
39:The Universe is a unity. ~ Anaxagoras, the Eternal Wisdom
40:Become what thou art. ~ Orphic Precept, the Eternal Wisdom
41:Hard to animals, hard to men. ~ Proverb, the Eternal Wisdom
42:Set not thy heart upon riches. ~ Psalms, the Eternal Wisdom
43:The race of men is divine. ~ Pythagoras, the Eternal Wisdom
44:The word "He" diminishes Him. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
45:Flee youthful lusts. ~ II Timothy II. 22, the Eternal Wisdom
46:In heaven fear is not. ~ Katha-Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
47:No man hath seen God at any time. ~ John, the Eternal Wisdom
48:One should seek God among men. ~ Novalis, the Eternal Wisdom
49:Only the like knows its like. ~ Porphyry, the Eternal Wisdom
50:Thou shalt not kill. ~ Mat-thew. XIX. 18, the Eternal Wisdom
51:Above all, respect thy sell. ~ Pythagoras, the Eternal Wisdom
52:Be not afraid, only believe. ~ Mark V. 36, the Eternal Wisdom
53:Love is strong as death. ~ Bony of flours, the Eternal Wisdom
54:Rejoice evermore. ~ I Thessalonians V. 16, the Eternal Wisdom
55:Seek and ye, shall find. ~ Matthew VII. 7, the Eternal Wisdom
56:The tree is known by its fruit. ~ Matthew, the Eternal Wisdom
57:Blessed are the pure in heart. ~ Luke V. 8, the Eternal Wisdom
58:For the saint there is no death. ~ Tolstoy, the Eternal Wisdom
59:Love the truth and peace. ~ Zacharias VIII, the Eternal Wisdom
60:Possess your souls in patience. ~ St. Paul, the Eternal Wisdom
61:The evildoer is the only slave. ~ Rousseau, the Eternal Wisdom
62:Let brotherly love continue. ~ Hebrews XIII, the Eternal Wisdom
63:Lie not one to another. ~ Colossians III. 9, the Eternal Wisdom
64:Love is the one truth. ~ Antoine the Healer, the Eternal Wisdom
65:Love light and not darkness. ~ Orphic Hymns, the Eternal Wisdom
66:Practise love and only love. ~ Narada Sutra, the Eternal Wisdom
67:Follow peace with all men. ~ Hebrews XII. 14, the Eternal Wisdom
68:I do not die, I go forth from Time. ~ Lebrun, the Eternal Wisdom
69:Shine out for thyself as thy own light. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
70:Sorrow is the daughter of evil. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
71:To say eternal is to say universal. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
72:What is cannot perish. ~ Apollonius of Tyana, the Eternal Wisdom
73:All beings are from all eternity. ~ Awaghosha, the Eternal Wisdom
74:All that is one and one that is all. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
75:Examine yourselves. ~ II Corinthians. XIII. 5, the Eternal Wisdom
76:Hold such in reputation. ~ Philippians II. 29, the Eternal Wisdom
77:If thou lovest, God liveth in thee. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
78:In all circumstances be wakeful. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
79:Turn ye from your evil ways. ~ Ezekiel XXXIII, the Eternal Wisdom
80:Be strong and of a good courage. ~ Joshua I. 9, the Eternal Wisdom
81:Blessed is he whokeepeth himself pure. ~ Koran, the Eternal Wisdom
82:For the wages of Sin is death. ~ Romans VI. 23, the Eternal Wisdom
83:Human opinions are playthings. ~ Heraclitus 88, the Eternal Wisdom
84:If He were apparent, He would not be. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
85:Man's first duty is to conquer fear. ~ Carlyle, the Eternal Wisdom
86:No man can serve two masters. ~ Sankhya Karika, the Eternal Wisdom
87:Quench not the spirit. ~ I Thessalonians V. 19, the Eternal Wisdom
88:The righteous man is always active. ~ Chi-King, the Eternal Wisdom
89:Beloved, let us love one another. ~ I John IV.7, the Eternal Wisdom
90:Be thy own torch; rise up and become wise. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
91:It is needful to watch over oneself. ~ Chu-King, the Eternal Wisdom
92:I will trust and not be afraid. ~ Isaiah XII. 2, the Eternal Wisdom
93:Never lie; for to lie is infamous. ~ Zendavesta, the Eternal Wisdom
94:Purity and peace make men upright. ~ Lao-Tsu-Te, the Eternal Wisdom
95:Reason is the foundation of all things. ~ Li-Ki, the Eternal Wisdom
96:To have wisdom is worth more than pearls. ~ Job, the Eternal Wisdom
97:ubject thyself to thee. ~ Bhagavad Gita XII. 11, the Eternal Wisdom
98:Be ye steadfast, immovable. ~ Corinthians XV. 58, the Eternal Wisdom
99:Brothers, be good one unto another. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
100:None can be saved without being reborn. ~ Hennes, the Eternal Wisdom
101:The good man remains calm and serene. ~ Chi-king, the Eternal Wisdom
102:The ignorant is a child. ~ Laws of Manu. II. 193, the Eternal Wisdom
103:Thou belongest to the divine world. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
104:Why stand ye here all the day idle? ~ Matthew XX, the Eternal Wisdom
105:Will is the soul of the universe. ~ Schopenhauer, the Eternal Wisdom
106:Be holy in every kind of action. ~ kihagavad Gita, the Eternal Wisdom
107:Fear pleasure, it is the mother of grief. ~ Solon, the Eternal Wisdom
108:Forsake your ignorance and live. ~ Proverbs IX. 6, the Eternal Wisdom
109:Soul is one. Nature is one, life is one. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
110:Sustain one another in a mutual love, ~ Cullavaga, the Eternal Wisdom
111:To think is to move in the Infinite. ~ Lacordaire, the Eternal Wisdom
112:Under all circumstances be vigilant. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
113:ut now put off all these things. ~ Colossians III, the Eternal Wisdom
114:Be thou faithful unto death. ~ Revelations III, 10, the Eternal Wisdom
115:He is the principle of supreme Wisdom. ~ The Zohar, the Eternal Wisdom
116:He is the principle of supreme Wisdom. ~ The Zohar, the Eternal Wisdom
117:He who conceives the Truth, is born anew. ~ Vemana, the Eternal Wisdom
118:Regard as true only the eternal and the just. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
119:Strive forcefully, cross the current. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
120:The whole universe is life, force and action. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
121:All is truth for the intellect and reason. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
122:All you have issued the one from the other. ~ Koran, the Eternal Wisdom
123:And, first, ordinarily be silent. ~ Epictetus 33. 2, the Eternal Wisdom
124:e ye holy in all manner of conduct. ~ I Peter I. 15, the Eternal Wisdom
125:Found not thy glory on power and riches. ~ Theognis, the Eternal Wisdom
126:Give not thy heart over to anxieties. ~ Mahabharara, the Eternal Wisdom
127:Heedlessness is the road of death. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
128:It is that which is and that which is not. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
129:Little children, keep yourselves from idols. ~ John, the Eternal Wisdom
130:Our true glory and true riches are within. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
131:The mind which studies is not disquieted. ~ Lao-tse, the Eternal Wisdom
132:There is no suitable name for the eternal Tao. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
133:There is one body and one Spirit. ~ Ephesians IV, 4, the Eternal Wisdom
134:Alone the sage can recognize the sage. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
135:He is all things and all things are one. ~ The Zohar, the Eternal Wisdom
136:Let us net give ourselves up to excesses. ~ Chi-king, the Eternal Wisdom
137:Let us net give ourselves up to excesses. ~ Chi-king, the Eternal Wisdom
138:Let your yea be yea and your nay, nay. ~ James V. 12, the Eternal Wisdom
139:Real action is done in moments of silence. ~ Emerson, the Eternal Wisdom
140:There is no fire that can equal desire. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
141:Behold, we count them happy who endure. ~ James V. 11, the Eternal Wisdom
142:Speak always the truth and cultivate harmony- ~ Li-ki, the Eternal Wisdom
143:The Idea is cause and end of things. ~ Giordano Bruno, the Eternal Wisdom
144:The soul bound is man; free, it is God. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
145:At all times love is the greatest thing ~ Narada Sutra, the Eternal Wisdom
146:Compassion and love, behold the true religion! ~ Asoka, the Eternal Wisdom
147:Let charity be without dissimulation. ~ Romans. XII. 9, the Eternal Wisdom
148:Nothing is wholly dead nor wholly alive. ~ Victor Hugo, the Eternal Wisdom
149:The evil of the soul is ignorance. ~ Hermes, "The Key", the Eternal Wisdom
150:The soul of man is the mirror of the world. ~ Leibnitz, the Eternal Wisdom
151:True strength is to have power over oneself. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
152:Covet earnestly the best gifts. ~ I Corinthians.XII. 21, the Eternal Wisdom
153:Deliver them that are drawn unto death. ~ ProverbsXXXIV, the Eternal Wisdom
154:Do not thyself what displeases thee in others. ~ Thales, the Eternal Wisdom
155:Do what thy Master tells thee; it is good. ~ Ptah-hotep, the Eternal Wisdom
156:For charity covers a multitude of sins. ~ St. Poter. IV, the Eternal Wisdom
157:In the universe there is nothing which God is not. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
158:Let us watch over our thoughts. ~ Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king, the Eternal Wisdom
159:Seek those things which are above. ~ Colossians. III. 1, the Eternal Wisdom
160:That which is was always and always will be. ~ Melessus, the Eternal Wisdom
161:The perfect man does not hunt after wealth. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
162:There is no pollution like unto hatred. ~ Buddhist Text, the Eternal Wisdom
163:A calm heart is the life of the body. ~ Proverbs XIV. 30, the Eternal Wisdom
164:All this is full of that Being. ~ Swetaswatara Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
165:Death is swallowed up in victory. ~ I Corinthians XV. 54, the Eternal Wisdom
166:Everything is but a shadow cast by the mind. ~ Awaghosha, the Eternal Wisdom
167:I desire and love nothing that is not of the light. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
168:Love is the deliverance of the heart. ~ Auguttara Nikaya, the Eternal Wisdom
169:Renovate thyself daily. ~ A Chinese Buddhist Inscription, the Eternal Wisdom
170:The charm of a man is in his kindness. ~ Proverbs XII 22, the Eternal Wisdom
171:This Wisdom is the principle of all things.- ~ The Zohar, the Eternal Wisdom
172:What you wish others to do, do yourselves. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
173:All that is born, is corrupted to be born again. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
174:Blessed is the man that endureth temptation. ~ James I 12, the Eternal Wisdom
175:Do not believe all that men say. ~ Ecclesiasticus XIX. 10, the Eternal Wisdom
176:For what is God? He is the soul of the universe. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
177:Gird up the loins of your mind, be sober. ~ I Peter I. 12, the Eternal Wisdom
178:Gird up the loins of your mind, be sober. ~ I Peter I. 12, the Eternal Wisdom
179:Have your loins girt about with truth. ~ Ephesians VI. 14, the Eternal Wisdom
180:I have chosen the way of truth. ~ Book of Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
181:Thou knowest, O my son, the way of regeneration. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
182:To renounce one's self is not to renounce life. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
183:We are every one members one of another. ~ Romans. XII. 5, the Eternal Wisdom
184:Be pure, be simple and hold always a just mean. ~ Chu-King, the Eternal Wisdom
185:Neglect not the gift that is in thee. ~ I. Timothy. IV. 14, the Eternal Wisdom
186:Render unto all men that which is their due. ~ Corinthians, the Eternal Wisdom
187:The desire of the slothful killeth him. ~ Proverbs XXI. 25, the Eternal Wisdom
188:There where all ends, all is eternally beginning. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
189:Totally to renounce one's self is to become God. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
190:Be ye wise as serpents and simple as doves. ~ Matthew X. 16, the Eternal Wisdom
191:He must be good to animals, yet better to men. ~ Baha Ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
192:He that soweth iniquity, shall reap vanity. ~ Proverbs XXII, the Eternal Wisdom
193:If thou hast many vices, thou hast many masters. ~ Petrarch, the Eternal Wisdom
194:In perseverance ye shall possess your souls. ~ Luke XXI. 19, the Eternal Wisdom
195:Let us think that we are born for the common good. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
196:Love towards all beings is the true religion. ~ Jarakaniala, the Eternal Wisdom
197:Nothing here below should trouble the sage. ~ Bhagavad Gita, the Eternal Wisdom
198:or out of the heart proceed evil thoughts. ~ Matthew XV. 19, the Eternal Wisdom
199:Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation. ~ Romans XII. 12, the Eternal Wisdom
200:There is no happiness apart from rectitude. ~ Buddhist Text, the Eternal Wisdom
201:To covet external objects is to defile the mind. ~ Chu-King, the Eternal Wisdom
202:Whence come these beings? What is this creation? ~ Rig Veda, the Eternal Wisdom
203:Who knoweth these things? Who can speak of them? ~ Rig Veda, the Eternal Wisdom
204:All things are possible to him that believeth. ~ Mark IX. 23, the Eternal Wisdom
205:All you have to do then is to comm and yourselves. ~ Cicero,, the Eternal Wisdom
206:Death is the only remedy against death. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
207:He is the supreme Light hidden under every veil. ~ The Zohar, the Eternal Wisdom
208:He is the supreme Light hidden under every veil. ~ The Zohar, the Eternal Wisdom
209:He that killeth an ox is as if lie slew a man. ~ Isaiah LXVT, the Eternal Wisdom
210:Let us, who are of the day, be sober. ~ I Thessalonians V. 8, the Eternal Wisdom
211:Let us, who are of the day, be sober. ~ I Thessalonians V. 8, the Eternal Wisdom
212:Of all our possessions, wisdom alone is immortal. ~ Socrates, the Eternal Wisdom
213:The Essence of all things is one and identical. ~ Aswaghosha, the Eternal Wisdom
214:The plague of ignorance overflows all the earth. ~ Hermes II, the Eternal Wisdom
215:A merry heart doeth good like a medicine. ~ Proverbs XVII. 22, the Eternal Wisdom
216:Let us keep watch over our thoughts. ~ Fo-shu- hing-tsan-king, the Eternal Wisdom
217:Love thy neighbour and be faithful unto him. ~ Erelesiastieus, the Eternal Wisdom
218:Only he who lives not for himself, does not perish. ~ Lao-Tse, the Eternal Wisdom
219:There is no beast on the earth, no bird flying on its ~ Koran, the Eternal Wisdom
220:There is no happiness so great as peace of mind. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
221:The sage is not a savant nor the savant a sage. ~ Lao-Tse. 44, the Eternal Wisdom
222:Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. ~ Leviticus XIX. 18, the Eternal Wisdom
223:Zealous and not slothful; fervent in spirit. ~ Romans XII. II, the Eternal Wisdom
224:A one-minded pursuit of the inner joys kills ambition. ~ Renan, the Eternal Wisdom
225:Cross force-fully the torrent flood of the world. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
226:Empty for the fool are all the points of Space. ~ Hindu Saying, the Eternal Wisdom
227:Fortune fears the brave soul; she crushes the coward. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
228:He is truly great who has great charity. ~ Imitation of Christ, the Eternal Wisdom
229:Life is a journey in the darkness of the night. ~ Panchatantra, the Eternal Wisdom
230:Neither, do men put new wine into old bottles. ~ Matthew IX.17, the Eternal Wisdom
231:Never get done by others what thou canst thyself do. ~ Tolstoy, the Eternal Wisdom
232:Owe no man anything but to love one another. ~ Ro-mans. XIV. 8, the Eternal Wisdom
233:Practising wisdom, men have respect one for another. ~ Lao Tee, the Eternal Wisdom
234:The knowledge one does not practise is a poison. ~ Hitopadesha, the Eternal Wisdom
235:The possession of wisdom leadeth to true happiness. ~ Porphyry, the Eternal Wisdom
236:Thou shalt call Intelligence by the name of mother. ~ Kabbalah, the Eternal Wisdom
237:To the persevering and the firm nothing is difficult. ~ Lun-Yu, the Eternal Wisdom
238:Your peace shall be in a great patience. ~ Imitation of Christ, the Eternal Wisdom
239:All the accidents of life can be turned to our profit. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
240:Becoming is the mode of activity of the uncreated God. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
241:Be not children in understanding,be men. ~ I Corinthians XIV 20, the Eternal Wisdom
242:Comprehend then the light and know it. ~ Hermes I. "Poimandres", the Eternal Wisdom
243:Dust thou art and unto dust shall thou return. ~ Genesis III.19, the Eternal Wisdom
244:e that overcometh shall inherit all things. ~ Revelation XXI. 7, the Eternal Wisdom
245:Examine all things and hold fast that which is good. ~ St. Paul, the Eternal Wisdom
246:He that loveth not his brother abideth in death. ~ John III. 14, the Eternal Wisdom
247:In due season we shall reap, if we faint not. ~ Galatians VI. 9, the Eternal Wisdom
248:Men will only be happy when they all love each other. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
249:Strength of character primes strength of intelligence ~ Emerson, the Eternal Wisdom
250:The Being that is one, sages speak of in many terms. ~ Rig Veda, the Eternal Wisdom
251:Above all banish the thought of the "I." ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsan-kiug, the Eternal Wisdom
252:A dumb man's tongue is better than the liar's. ~ Turkish Proverb, the Eternal Wisdom
253:Be strong and of a good courage; fear not. ~ Deuteronomy XXXI. 6, the Eternal Wisdom
254:He governs his soul and expects nothing from others. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
255:He that loveth another hath fulfilled the law. ~ Ro-wans XIII. 8, the Eternal Wisdom
256:He that walketh with the wise, shall be wise. ~ Proverbs XIII 20, the Eternal Wisdom
257:He who abases Matter, abases himself and all creation. ~ CErsted, the Eternal Wisdom
258:In the world of the Unity heaven and earth are one. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
259:Nothing is more dangerous for man than negligence. ~ Mahabharata, the Eternal Wisdom
260:One must be God in order to understand God. ~ Antoine the Healer, the Eternal Wisdom
261:One should be careful to improve himself continually. ~ Chu-King, the Eternal Wisdom
262:The perfection of evil is to be ignorant of the Divine. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
263:Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thy heart. ~ Leviticus XIX.17, the Eternal Wisdom
264:Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treads thy grain ~ Deuteronomy, the Eternal Wisdom
265:We share one Intelligence with heaven and the stars. ~ Macrobius, the Eternal Wisdom
266:By the taming of the senses the intelligence grows. ~ Mahabharata, the Eternal Wisdom
267:For the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life. ~ Corinthians, the Eternal Wisdom
268:Matter and Spirit are one since the first beginning. ~ Aswaghosha, the Eternal Wisdom
269:None is wise enough to guide himself alone. ~ Imitation of Christ, the Eternal Wisdom
270:O Inexpressible, Ineffable, whom silence alone can name! ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
271:The essence of God, if at all God has an essence, is Beauty. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
272:The essence of God, if at all God has an essence, is Beauty. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
273:The sage is happy everywhere, the whole earth is his. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
274:The veils that hide the light shall be rent asunder. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
275:Thou art the sovereign treasure of this universe. ~ Bhagavad Gita, the Eternal Wisdom
276:Wisdom is a well-spring of life unto him that hath it. ~ Proverbs, the Eternal Wisdom
277:an's duty is to give the guidance of the soul to reason. ~ Hermes,, the Eternal Wisdom
278:Let us lend ear to the sages who point out to us the way. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
279:O children of desire, cast off your garb of vanities. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
280:Seek the Truth, though you must go to China to find it. ~ Mohammed, the Eternal Wisdom
281:There is in the universe one power of infinite Thought. ~ Leibnitz, the Eternal Wisdom
282:This thing I comm and you that ye love one another. ~ John. XV. 17, the Eternal Wisdom
283:Unto the upright there ariseth light in the darkness ~ Psalms CXII, the Eternal Wisdom
284:Whoever knows himself, has light. ~ Lao-Tse, "Tao-Te King." XXXIII, the Eternal Wisdom
285:Wisdom is a thing of which one can never have enough. ~ Minokhired, the Eternal Wisdom
286:Awake thou that steepest and arise from the dead. ~ Ephesians V. 14, the Eternal Wisdom
287:e ye clean, ye that bear the vessels of the Lord. ~ Isaiah. LII. 11, the Eternal Wisdom
288:Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer. ~ Revelations II, the Eternal Wisdom
289:Fight the good fight, lay hold on eternal life. ~ I Timothy. VI. 12, the Eternal Wisdom
290:I was dead and, behold, I am alive for evermore. ~ Revelation I. 18, the Eternal Wisdom
291:Let all your things be done with charity. ~ I. Corinthians. XVI. 14, the Eternal Wisdom
292:Let not the talk of the vulgar make any impression on you. ~ Cicero, the Eternal Wisdom
293:Let the man in whom there is intelligence... know himself. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
294:Our creation, our perfection are our own work. ~ Antoine the Healer, the Eternal Wisdom
295:Renounce without hesitation faith and unbelief. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
296:The just man is himself his own law. ~ Inscription on the Catacombs, the Eternal Wisdom
297:The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. ~ I Corinthians XV, the Eternal Wisdom
298:There is the Truth where Love and Righteousness are ~ Buddhist Text, the Eternal Wisdom
299:This mysterious Wisdom is the supreme principle of all. ~ The Zohar, the Eternal Wisdom
300:herefore seek one thing only,-the kingdom of the permanent. ~ Pascal, the Eternal Wisdom
301:He that loveth not, knoweth not God, for God is love. ~ I John IV. 8, the Eternal Wisdom
302:Let not thy heart give way to discouragement. ~ Ecclesiasticus VII 8, the Eternal Wisdom
303:Save the world that is within us, O Life. ~ Hermes: "On the Rebirth", the Eternal Wisdom
304:Since the world passes, thyself pass beyond it. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
305:The universe is a living thing and all lives in it. ~ Giordano Bruno, the Eternal Wisdom
306:Thou hast a name that thou livest and art dead. ~ Revelations III. 1, the Eternal Wisdom
307:To comprehend God is difficult, to speak of Him impossible. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
308:To love long, unweariedly, always makes t-lie weak strong ~ Michelet, the Eternal Wisdom
309:True knowledge leads to unity, ignorance to diversity. ~ Ramakrishan, the Eternal Wisdom
310:Wherever you find movement, there you find life and a soul. ~ Thales, the Eternal Wisdom
311:Wide open to all beings be the gates of the Everlasting. ~ Mahavajjo, the Eternal Wisdom
312:Wisdom is the most precious riches. ~ Chinese Buddhistic, Scriptures, the Eternal Wisdom
313:A man of understanding is of an excellent spirit. ~ Proverbs XVII. 27, the Eternal Wisdom
314:Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. ~ Matthew V. 8, the Eternal Wisdom
315:Constantly observe sincerity and fidelity and good faith. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
316:Control by thy divine self thy lower being. ~ Book of Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
317:One must receive the Truth from wheresoever it may come. ~ Maimonides, the Eternal Wisdom
318:Patience is an invincible breast-plate. ~ Chinese Buddhist Scriptures, the Eternal Wisdom
319:Poor souls are they whose work is for a reward. ~ Bhagavad Gita. 2.49, the Eternal Wisdom
320:Root out in thee all love of thyself and all egoism. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
321:The most perfect man is the one who is most useful to others. ~ Koran, the Eternal Wisdom
322:There are no partitions between ourselves and the Infinite. ~ Emerson, the Eternal Wisdom
323:There is no fear in love, but perfect love casteth out fear. ~ I John, the Eternal Wisdom
324:Thou remainest the same and thy years shall not fail. ~ Hebrews I. 12, the Eternal Wisdom
325:What purity is for the soul, cleanliness is for the body. ~ Epicietus, the Eternal Wisdom
326:When one follows the Way, there is no death upon the earth. ~ Lao-Tse, the Eternal Wisdom
327:All men participate in the possibility of self-knowledge. ~ Heraclitus, the Eternal Wisdom
328:All that exists in the world, has always existed. ~ Antoine the Healer, the Eternal Wisdom
329:Always higher must I mount, higher must I see. ~ Angelus Silesius I.15, the Eternal Wisdom
330:Be not astonished that man can become like God. ~ Epistle to Diognetus, the Eternal Wisdom
331:By dominating the senses one increases the intelligence. ~ Mababharata, the Eternal Wisdom
332:He is the happy man whose soul is superior to all happenings. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
333:hen the spirit has comm and over the soul, that is strength. ~ Lao-tse, the Eternal Wisdom
334:He that is slow to wrath is of great understanding. ~ Proverbs XIV. 22, the Eternal Wisdom
335:If we drink of this cup, we shall forget the whole world. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
336:Let not worldly thoughts and anxieties disturb the mind. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
337:Lying is for slaves; a freeman speaks the truth. ~ Apollonius of Tyana, the Eternal Wisdom
338:Make yourself loved by the example of your life. ~ St. Vincent de Paul, the Eternal Wisdom
339:Mortify therefore covetousness, which is idolatry. ~ Colossians III. 5, the Eternal Wisdom
340:Sleep not until thou hast held converse with thyself. ~ Chinese Maxims, the Eternal Wisdom
341:They that plough iniquity and sow wickedness, reap the same. ~ ol IV.8, the Eternal Wisdom
342:"Thou art my sister", and call understanding thy kinswoman. ~ Proverbs, the Eternal Wisdom
343:Three roots of evil: desire, disliking and ignorance. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
344:What is virtue ? It is sensebility towards all creatures. ~ Hitopadesa, the Eternal Wisdom
345:Yes, His very splendour is the cause of His invisibility. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
346:A just man falleth seven times and riseth up again. ~ Proverbs XXIV. 16, the Eternal Wisdom
347:Blush not to submit to a sage who knows more than thyself. ~ Democritus, the Eternal Wisdom
348:Here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come ~ Hebrews XIII, the Eternal Wisdom
349:He who acts according to what he holds to be the law of life, ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
350:I approve the better way, but I follow the worse. ~ Romans. VII. 19. 21, the Eternal Wisdom
351:Indolence is an infirmity and continual idleness a soil. ~ Uttama Sutta, the Eternal Wisdom
352:Leave hereafter iniquity and accomplish righteousness. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
353:My heart within instructs me also in the night seasons. ~ Psalms. XVI.7, the Eternal Wisdom
354:Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. ~ I Thessalonians V. 21, the Eternal Wisdom
355:Renounce pleasure and renounce wrath and observe justice. ~ Mahabharata, the Eternal Wisdom
356:Terrestrial things are not the truth, but semblances of truth. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
357:The Ancestors fashioned the gods as a workman fashions iron. ~ Rig Veda, the Eternal Wisdom
358:The desire for wisdom leads us to the Eternal Kingdom. ~ Book of Wisdom, the Eternal Wisdom
359:They have sown the wind and they shall reap the whirlwind. ~ Hosea VIII, the Eternal Wisdom
360:To put an end to care for one's self is a great happiness. ~ Udanavarga, the Eternal Wisdom
361:When darkness envelops you, do you not seek for a lamp? ~ Dammapada 146, the Eternal Wisdom
362:Whosoever thinketh with love, never offendeth any. ~ Antoine the Healer, the Eternal Wisdom
363:Be kindly affectioned one to another by brotherly love. ~ Romans.XII. 10, the Eternal Wisdom
364:Be persevering as one who shall last for ever. ~ Book of Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
365:Depart from evil and do good and dwell for evermore. ~ Psalms XXXVII. 27, the Eternal Wisdom
366:For there is nothing so powerful to purify as knowledge. ~ Bhagavad Gita, the Eternal Wisdom
367:Have a care that ye sow not among men the seeds of discord. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
368:His creation never had a beginning and will never have an end. ~ The Bab, the Eternal Wisdom
369:If thou wouldst be free, accustom thyself to curb thy desires. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
370:Intelligence divorced from virtue is no longer intelligence ~ Minokhired, the Eternal Wisdom
371:Let not worldly thoughts and anxieties trouble your minds. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
372:Lift up the hands which hang down and the feeble knees. ~ Hebrews HI. 12, the Eternal Wisdom
373:Love is greater than knowledge...because it is its own end. ~ id. 25. 26, the Eternal Wisdom
374:The hand of an artisan is always pure when it is at work. ~ Laws of Mann, the Eternal Wisdom
375:The world is full of marvels and the greatest marvel is man. ~ Sophocles, the Eternal Wisdom
376:What we would not have done to us, we must not do to others. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
377:Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. ~ Matthew. VI. 21, the Eternal Wisdom
378:Who is blinder even than the blind? The man of passion. ~ Buddhist Maxim, the Eternal Wisdom
379:Wisdom is full of light and her beauty is not withered. ~ Book of Wisdom, the Eternal Wisdom
380:And it is inaccessible, unknowable and beyond comprehension for all. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
381:Break, break the old Tables, ye who seek after the knowledge. ~ Nietzsche, the Eternal Wisdom
382:Hold in horror dissimilation and all hypocrisy. ~ Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king.-, the Eternal Wisdom
383:I know no other secret for loving except to love. ~ St. Francois de Sales, the Eternal Wisdom
384:Let him in whom there is understanding know that he is immortal. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
385:Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. ~ Corinthians I, the Eternal Wisdom
386:Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. ~ John. XIV. 27, the Eternal Wisdom
387:Let us walk, as in the day, not in rioting and drunkenness. ~ Romans XIII, the Eternal Wisdom
388:Let us walk, as in the day, not in rioting and drunkenness. ~ Romans XIII, the Eternal Wisdom
389:Men perish because they cannot join the beginning and the end. ~ Alcineon, the Eternal Wisdom
390:Pass; thou hast the key, thou canst be at ease. ~ Book of Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
391:Renounce your desires and you shall taste of peace. ~ Imitation of Christ, the Eternal Wisdom
392:The soul spiritual should have comm and over the soul of sense. ~ Lao-tse, the Eternal Wisdom
393:The wise man acts towards all beings even as towards himself. ~ Madharata, the Eternal Wisdom
394:To find our real being and know it truly is to acquire wisdom. ~ Porphyry, the Eternal Wisdom
395:Verily, I say to thee; he who seeks the Eternal, finds Him. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
396:With time and patience the mulberry leaf becomes satin. ~ Persian Proverb, the Eternal Wisdom
397:All, even the vegetables, have rights to thy sensibility ~ Chinese Proverb, the Eternal Wisdom
398:At each instant he sees a wonderful world and a new creation. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
399:He who is a friend of wisdom, must not be violent. ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsan-king, the Eternal Wisdom
400:It is you who must make the effort; the sages can only teach. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
401:Let us be one even with those who do not wish to be one with us. ~ Bossuet, the Eternal Wisdom
402:Not to weary of well doing is a great benediction. ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsau-king, the Eternal Wisdom
403:The man who docth these things shall live by them. ~ Epistle to the Romans, the Eternal Wisdom
404:True philosophy is beyond all the attacks of things. ~ Apollonius of Tyana, the Eternal Wisdom
405:Watch ye, stand fast, quit you like men, be strong.* ~ Corinthians XVI. 13, the Eternal Wisdom
406:All is in the One in power and the One is in all in act. ~ Abraham-ibn-Ezra, the Eternal Wisdom
407:For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. ~ Matthew VI. 21, the Eternal Wisdom
408:God is love and we are in our weakness imperfect gods. ~ Antoine the Healer, the Eternal Wisdom
409:If man surrenders himself to Tao, he identifies himself with Tao. ~ Lao-tse, the Eternal Wisdom
410:Ignorance is also most always on the point of doing evil. ~ Chinese Proverb, the Eternal Wisdom
411:Man is divine so long as he is in communion with the Eternal. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
412:O disciples, be ye heirs to Truth, not to worldly things. ~ Magghima Nikaya, the Eternal Wisdom
413:One of the most important precepts of wisdom is to know oneself. ~ Socrates, the Eternal Wisdom
414:Personal success ought never to he considered the aim of existence. ~ Bacon, the Eternal Wisdom
415:Put always in the first rank uprightness of heart and fidelity. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
416:Surmount the desires of which gods and men are the subjects. ~ Uttana Sutta, the Eternal Wisdom
417:The spirit and the form; sentiment within and symbol without. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
418:What use to cut the branches if one leaves the roots? ~ Apollonius of Tyana, the Eternal Wisdom
419:When you have seen your aim, hold to it, firm and unshakeable. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
420:Whoso seeketh with diligence, he shall find. ~ Bahaullah: the Seven Valleys, the Eternal Wisdom
421:Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin. ~ Hebrews XII. 4, the Eternal Wisdom
422:All the gods and goddesses are only varied aspects of the One. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
423:Blessed are they who are persecuted for righteousness' sake. ~ Matthew V. 10, the Eternal Wisdom
424:etter is he that rulethhis spirit than he that taketh a city. ~ Proverbs XVI, the Eternal Wisdom
425:It is far more useful to commune with oneself than with others. ~ Demophilus, the Eternal Wisdom
426:Respect man as a spiritual being in whom dwells the divine Spirit. ~ Tolstoy, the Eternal Wisdom
427:Temples cannot imprison within their walls the divine Substance. ~ Euripides, the Eternal Wisdom
428:The idea of thou and I is a fruit of the soul's ignorance. ~ Bhagavat Purana, the Eternal Wisdom
429:The man who knows the Tao, does not speak; he who speaks, knows It not. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
430:There is in this world no purification like knowledge. ~ Bhagavad Gita IV. 3, the Eternal Wisdom
431:This is a great fault in men, to love to be the models of others. ~ Meng-tse, the Eternal Wisdom
432:To think one is sufficiently virtuous, is to lose hold of virtue. ~ Chu-King, the Eternal Wisdom
433:What can he desire in the world who is greater than the world? ~ St. Cyprian, the Eternal Wisdom
434:Aspire to the regions where oneness has its dominion. ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsan-king, the Eternal Wisdom
435:He who knows himself, knows his Lord. ~ Mohyddin-ibn-Arabi. "Essay on Unity.", the Eternal Wisdom
436:hough your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. ~ Isaiah I. 18, the Eternal Wisdom
437:Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. ~ I John II. 15, the Eternal Wisdom
438:My lips shall not speak wickedness nor my tongue utter deceit, ~ Job XXVII. 4, the Eternal Wisdom
439:The principle of supreme purity is in repose, in perfect calm. ~ Hoce-nan-tse, the Eternal Wisdom
440:There is a natural body and there is a spiritual body. ~ I Corinthians XV. 44, the Eternal Wisdom
441:The simple and upright man is as strong as if he were a great host. ~ Lao-Tse, the Eternal Wisdom
442:The sinner sins against himself, for he makes himself evil. ~ Marcus Aurelias, the Eternal Wisdom
443:The whole dignity of man is in thought. Labour then to think aright. ~ Pascal, the Eternal Wisdom
444:Time which destroys the universe, must again create the worlds. ~ Mahabharata, the Eternal Wisdom
445:Tire not being useful to thyself by being useful to others. ~ Marcus Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
446:To transform death and make of it a means of victory and triumph. ~ Nietzsche, the Eternal Wisdom
447:Who is the enemy? Lack of energy. ~ The Jewel-wreath of Questions and Answers, the Eternal Wisdom
448:And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. ~ John VIII. 32, the Eternal Wisdom
449:e who subdues men is only strong; he who subdues himself, is mighty. ~ Lao-Tse, the Eternal Wisdom
450:e will see with the divine eyes the mysteries of the eternal art. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
451:How shall thy patience be crowned, if it is never tried? ~ Imitation of Christ, the Eternal Wisdom
452:Intelligence is worth more than all the possessions in the world. ~ Minokhired, the Eternal Wisdom
453:Keep thy tongue from evil and thy lips from speaking guile. ~ Psalms XXXIV. 13, the Eternal Wisdom
454:O my friends, plant only flowers of love in the garden of hearts. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
455:Such is the last good of those who possess knowledge: to become God. ~ Hermes,, the Eternal Wisdom
456:Take heed that ye do not alms before, men, to be seen of them. ~ Matthew VI. 1, the Eternal Wisdom
457:The man who has done good does not cry it through the world. ~ Marcus Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
458:The physical world is only a reflection of the spiritual. ~ Antoine the Healer, the Eternal Wisdom
459:The sage increases his wisdom by all that he can gather from others. ~ Fenelon, the Eternal Wisdom
460:Thou hast a right only to work, but never to its fruits. ~ Bhagavad Gita. 2.47, the Eternal Wisdom
461:All wisdom is one: to understand the spirit that rules all by all. ~ Heraclitus, the Eternal Wisdom
462:But where shall wisdom be found? and where is the place of understanding? ~ Job, the Eternal Wisdom
463: Deliver thyself from the inconstancy of human things. ~ Seneca: De Providentia, the Eternal Wisdom
464:Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways and be wise. ~ Proverbs XVII. 6, the Eternal Wisdom
465:Happy is the man whose senses are purified and utterly under curb. ~ Udanavarga, the Eternal Wisdom
466:He that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. ~ Matthew XX IV. 13, the Eternal Wisdom
467:He who loves is in joy, he is free and nothing stops him. ~ Imitation of Christ, the Eternal Wisdom
468:hosoever is truly enlightened, cannot fail to arrive at perfection. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
469:Let all bitterness and wrath and anger be put away from you. ~ Ephesians IV. 31, the Eternal Wisdom
470:No compromises; to live resolutely in integrity, plenitude and beauty. ~ Goethe, the Eternal Wisdom
471:The soul is veiled by the body; God is veiled by the soul. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
472:They rest from their labours and their works follow them. ~ Revelations XIV. 13, the Eternal Wisdom
473:Through Thy creations I have discovered the beatitude of Thy eternity. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
474:To be enlightened is to know that which is eternal. ~ Lao-Tse: Tao-Te-King" XVI, the Eternal Wisdom
475:To know how to die in one age gives us life in all the others. ~ Giordano Bruno, the Eternal Wisdom
476:Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit to his stature. ~ Luke XII. 25, the Eternal Wisdom
477:All beings aspire to happiness, therefore envelop all in thy love. ~ Mahavantara, the Eternal Wisdom
478:Battle with all thy force to cross the great torrent of desire. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
479:Be not proud in thy riches, nor in thy strength, nor in thy wisdom. ~ Phocylides, the Eternal Wisdom
480:God or the Good, what is it but the existence of that which yet is not? ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
481:I am the mother of pure love and of science and of sacred hope. ~ Ecclesiastious, the Eternal Wisdom
482:Is there a single man who can see what the Sage cannot even conceive? ~ Tseu-tse, the Eternal Wisdom
483:There is an eternal Thinker, but his thoughts are not eternal. ~ Katha Upanisbad, the Eternal Wisdom
484:We fight to win sublime Wisdom; therefore men call us warriors. ~ Book of Wisdom, the Eternal Wisdom
485:Whatever is not of use to the swarm, is not of use to the bee. ~ Marcus Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
486:He is everywhere in the world and stands with all in His embrace. ~ Bhagavad Gita, the Eternal Wisdom
487:Hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. ~ Revelations III, 11, the Eternal Wisdom
488:I begin life over again after death even as the sun every day. ~ Book of the Dead, the Eternal Wisdom
489:If thou canst not equal thyself with God, thou canst not understand Him. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
490:Let us respect men, and not only men of worth, but the public in general ~ Cicero, the Eternal Wisdom
491:Nothing is lost in the world because the world is enveloped in eternity. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
492:The name of the Ancient and most Holy is unknowable to all and inaccessible. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
493:The smallest drop of water united to the ocean no longer dries. ~ A Hindu Thought, the Eternal Wisdom
494:Virtue shows itself in the lowest as well as in the sublimest things. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
495:What we would not like being done to us, let us not do it to others. ~ Chang Yung, the Eternal Wisdom
496:Apply thyself to think what is good, speak what is good, do what is good. ~ Avesta, the Eternal Wisdom
497:Dost thou not know that thou hast become God and art the son of the One? ~ Hermes,, the Eternal Wisdom
498:For all are called to cooperate in the great work of progress ~ Antoine the Healer, the Eternal Wisdom
499:Happy is his portion who knows and performs and has knowledge of the ways. ~ Labor, the Eternal Wisdom
500:He whose heart longs after the Deity, has no time for anything else. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
501:If a man covets nothing, how shall he fail to do what is just and good? ~ Chi-king, the Eternal Wisdom
502:If Paradise is not within thee, thou shalt never enter into it. ~ Angelus Silesins, the Eternal Wisdom
503:My son, give me thy heart and let thine eyes observe my ways. ~ Proverbs XXIII. 26, the Eternal Wisdom
504:Now we see through a glass darkly, but then face to face. ~ I Corinthians XIII. 12, the Eternal Wisdom
505:That which is in all reality cannot begin to be nor be annihilated. ~ Schopenhauer, the Eternal Wisdom
506:The eternal Tao has no name; when the Tao divided Itself, then It had a name. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
507:Unite always to a great exactitude uprightness and simplicity of heart. ~ Chu-King, the Eternal Wisdom
508:What is there more precious than a sage? He sets peace between all men. ~ Tsu-king, the Eternal Wisdom
509:What joy is there in this world which is everywhere a prey to flames? ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
510:What you do not wish to be done to yourselves, do not do to other men. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
511:All that is contains Thee; I could not exist if Thou wert not in me. ~ St Augustine, the Eternal Wisdom
512:In truth there is no difference between the word of God and the world. ~ Baha-ulalh, the Eternal Wisdom
513:I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help! ~ Psalms CXXI.1, the Eternal Wisdom
514:Listen to Nature: she cries out to us that we are all members of one family. ~ Sadi, the Eternal Wisdom
515:Man is like an ignorant spectator of a drama played on the stage. ~ Bhagavat Purana, the Eternal Wisdom
516:No man of war entangleth himself with the affairs of this life. ~ II Timothy. II. 4, the Eternal Wisdom
517:Our inner self is provided with all necessary faculties ~ Meng-Tse VII. I. IV. I. 3, the Eternal Wisdom
518:Out of academies there come more fools than from any other class in society. ~ Kant, the Eternal Wisdom
519:Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump. ~ I Corinthians V. 7, the Eternal Wisdom
520:That is worlds, gods, beings, the All,-the supreme Soul. ~ Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
521:The soul when it has arrived at unity, acquires a supernatural knowledge. ~ Lao-Tse, the Eternal Wisdom
522:The superior man must always remain himself in all situations of life. ~ Tsung yung, the Eternal Wisdom
523:Be gentle, strike not an inoffensive animal, break not a domestic tree. ~ Pythagoras, the Eternal Wisdom
524:Be then on your guard against everything that suppresses your liberty. ~ Vivekananda, the Eternal Wisdom
525:Do not believe in men's discourses before you have reflected well on them. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
526:Fear not them which kill the body but are not able to kill the soul. ~ Matthew X. 28, the Eternal Wisdom
527:For the spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. ~ I Corinthians II, the Eternal Wisdom
528:God is spirit, fire, being and light, and yet He is not all this. ~ Angelus Silesius, the Eternal Wisdom
529:God is spirit, fire, being and light, and yet He is not all this. ~ Angelus Silesius, the Eternal Wisdom
530:He must content himself with little and never ask for more than he has. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
531:He who does no evil to any is as if the father and mother of all beings. ~ Madharata, the Eternal Wisdom
532:If holiness can be compared to any other quality, it is only to strength. ~ Meng-Tse, the Eternal Wisdom
533:It is easier today to triumph over evil habits than it will be tomorrow. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
534:It is only the coward who appeals always to destiny and never to courage. ~ Ramayana, the Eternal Wisdom
535:Knowledge belongs to the very essence of God, if at all God has an essence. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
536:Knowledge belongs to the very essence of God, if at all God has an essence. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
537:Nourish in your heart a benevolence without limits for all that lives. ~ Metta Sutta, the Eternal Wisdom
538:Nowhere and in no situation is the sage dissatisfied with his condition. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
539:Old things are passed away, behold all things are become new. ~ II Corinthians V. 17, the Eternal Wisdom
540: one and single direction is needed which will conduct us to a one sole end. ~ Philo, the Eternal Wisdom
541:Question attentively, then meditate at leisure over what you have heard. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
542:Repress then your senses; calm, minds appeased, master your bodies. ~ Lalita Vistara, the Eternal Wisdom
543:Retire into thyself as into an island and set thyself to the work. ~ Dhammapada. 236, the Eternal Wisdom
544:They have conquered the creation, whose mind is settled in equality. ~ Bhagavad Gita, the Eternal Wisdom
545:Thus Space exists only in relation to our particularising consciousness. ~ Awaghosha, the Eternal Wisdom
546:To enter into the soul of each and allow each to enter into thine. ~ Marcus Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
547:To it with good heart, O pilgrim, on to that other shore ! ~ Book of Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
548:To look on high, to learn what is beyond, to seek to raise oneself always. ~ Pasteur, the Eternal Wisdom
549:Upright and sincere is the virtue of the man who directs well his mind. ~ Lao-Tsu-Te, the Eternal Wisdom
550:Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath. ~ Ephesians IV. 26, the Eternal Wisdom
551:Happy the man who has tamed the senses and is utterly their master. ~ Buddhist Maxims, the Eternal Wisdom
552:In this immense ocean the world is an atom and the atom a world. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
553:Man understands his life only when he sees himself in each one of his kind. ~ Tolstoy, the Eternal Wisdom
554:Render to God the sole worship which is fitting towards Him, not to be evil. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
555:So should He be adored...for it is in That all become one. ~ Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
556:That which satisfies the soul is the wisdom which governs the world. ~ Lalita Vistara, the Eternal Wisdom
557:The straight way is the love of the infinite essence. ~ Baha-Ullah: The Seven Valleys, the Eternal Wisdom
558:The voice which tells us that we are immortal is the voice of God within us. ~ Pascal, the Eternal Wisdom
559:Those I love who know how to live only to disappear, for they pass beyond ~ Nietzsche, the Eternal Wisdom
560:When thou possessest knowledge thou shalt attain soon to peace. ~ Bhagavad Git. V. 16, the Eternal Wisdom
561:A bad thought is the most dangerous of thieves. ~ Buddhist scriptures from the Chinese, the Eternal Wisdom
562:Await with calm the moment of extinction or perhaps of displacement. ~ Marcus Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
563:Be watchful, divest yourself of all neglectfulness; follow the path. ~ Buddhist Maxims, the Eternal Wisdom
564:Fear not the reproach of men, neither be ye afraid of their revillings. ~ Isaiah LI. 7, the Eternal Wisdom
565:O sage, very high raise thyself, even to the most high dwelling of Truth. ~ Ma havagga, the Eternal Wisdom
566:Space is only a mode of- particularisation and has no real self-existence. ~ Awaghosha, the Eternal Wisdom
567:Thou shalt heal thy soul and deliver it from all its pain and travailing. ~ Pythagoras, the Eternal Wisdom
568:Use all your forces for endeavour and leave no room for carelessness. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
569:An apostle of the truth should have no contest with any in the world. ~ Samyutta Nikaya, the Eternal Wisdom
570:Be firm in the accomplishment of your duties, the great and the small. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
571:By whom is this world conquered? By the patient and truthful man. ~ Pranottaratrayamala, the Eternal Wisdom
572:Can it be that change terrifies thee? But nothing is done without it. ~ Marcus Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
573:Cleanse your heads, ye sinners, and purify your hearts, ye double-minded. ~ James IV. 1, the Eternal Wisdom
574:For nobody can see what He is, except the soul in which He himself is. ~ Maitre Eckhart, the Eternal Wisdom
575:I call him a man who recognises no possessions save those he finds in himself. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
576:It is extravagance to ask of others what can be procured by oneself. ~ Seneca: Epistles, the Eternal Wisdom
577:Let your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless. ~ I Thessalonians V. 23, the Eternal Wisdom
578:The sage's rule of moral conduct has its principle in the hearts of all men. ~ Tseu-tse, the Eternal Wisdom
579:All reflects Him in His shining and by His light all this is luminous. ~ Katha Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
580:Be master of thy thoughts, O thou who strivest for perfection. ~ Book of Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
581:Beware when the Almighty sends a thinker on this planet; all is then in peril. ~ Emerson, the Eternal Wisdom
582:Equal in heart, equal in thought thou hast won for thyself omniscience. ~ Lalita Vistara, the Eternal Wisdom
583:He who has a mistaken idea of life, will always have a mistaken idea of death. ~ Tolstoy, the Eternal Wisdom
584:hings mortal change their aspect daily; they are nothing but a lie. ~ Hermes: On Rebirth, the Eternal Wisdom
585:Is one, indeed, master of himself when he follows his own caprices? ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
586:It is he who is never discouraged who greatens and tastes the eternal joy. ~ Mahabharata, the Eternal Wisdom
587:Just as unity is in each of the numbers, so God is one in all things. ~ Angelus Silesius, the Eternal Wisdom
588:Let a man make haste towards good, let him turn away his thought from evil. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
589:Let him repulse lust and coveting, the disciple who would lead a holy life. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
590:Purity is, next to birth, the greatest good that can be given to man. ~ Avesta: Vendidad, the Eternal Wisdom
591:Wouldst thou penetrate the infinite? Advance, then, on all sides in the finite. ~ Goethe, the Eternal Wisdom
592:A solitary may miss his goal and a man of the world become asage. ~ Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king, the Eternal Wisdom
593:If thou understand, what seems invisible to most shall be to thee very apparent. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
594:Ignorance is the field in which all other difficulties grow. ~ Patanjali, Aphorisms II. 4, the Eternal Wisdom
595:Put away from thee a forward mouth and perverse lips put away from thee. ~ Proverbs IV 24, the Eternal Wisdom
596:Show kindness unto thy brothers and make them not to fall into suffering. ~ Chadana Sutta, the Eternal Wisdom
597:The man of knowledge with-out a good heart is like the bee without honey ~ Sadi: Gulistan, the Eternal Wisdom
598:The sage is never alone...he bears in himself the Lord of all things. ~ Angelius Silesius, the Eternal Wisdom
599:Thou shalt hear what no ear has heard, thou shalt see what no eye has seen. ~ Ahmad Halif, the Eternal Wisdom
600:To be a man of worth and not to try to look like one is the true way to glory. ~ Socrates, the Eternal Wisdom
601:What human voice is capable of telling me, "This is good and that is bad ?" ~ Kobo Daishi, the Eternal Wisdom
602:Ye shall not steal, neither deal falsely, neither lie one to another. ~ Leviticus XIX. 11, the Eternal Wisdom
603:A happy life is the fruit of wisdom achieved; life bearable, of wisdom commenced. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
604:A mind without wisdom remains the sport of illusion and miserable. ~ Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king, the Eternal Wisdom
605:Be master of thy thoughts, O thou who wrest lest for perfection. ~ Book of Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
606:Do not think to gain God by thy actions...One must not gain but be God. ~ Angelus Silesius, the Eternal Wisdom
607:f one ponders well, one finds that all that passes has never truly existed. ~ Schopenhauer, the Eternal Wisdom
608:For all things difficult to acquire the intelligent man works with perseverance. ~ Lao-tse, the Eternal Wisdom
609:Giving all diligence, add to virtue knowledge and to knowledge temperance. ~ II Peter I. 6, the Eternal Wisdom
610:Giving all diligence, add to virtue knowledge and to knowledge temperance. ~ II Peter I. 6, the Eternal Wisdom
611:God is love, and he that dwelleth in love, dwelleth in God and God in him. ~ I John IV. 16, the Eternal Wisdom
612:He shall contemplate under the veil millions of secrets as radiant as the sun. ~ Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
613:Ignorance is the night of the spirit, but a night without stars or moon. ~ Chinese Proverb, the Eternal Wisdom
614:Intelligence, soul divine, truly dominates all,-destiny, law and everything else. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
615:It is Itself that which was and that which is yet to be, the Eternal. ~ Kaivaiya Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
616:Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life. ~ Proverbs IV. 23, the Eternal Wisdom
617:Let your words corres-pond with your actions and your actions with your words. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
618:Seeing many things, yet thou observest not; opening the ears ye hear not. ~ Isaiah XLII.20, the Eternal Wisdom
619:The greater his aspiration and concentration, the more he finds the Eternal. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
620:The superior man enacts equity and justice is the foundation of all his deeds. ~ Confueins, the Eternal Wisdom
621:The wise in joy and in sorrow depart not from the equality of their souls. ~ Buddhist Text, the Eternal Wisdom
622:To do justice and judgment is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice. ~ proverbs XXL 3, the Eternal Wisdom
623:All virtues are comprised injustice; if thou art just, thou art a man of virtue. ~ Theegris, the Eternal Wisdom
624:Deck thyself now with majesty and excellence and array thyself with glory and beauty. ~ Job, the Eternal Wisdom
625:For wisdom shall enter into thine heart and knowledge be pleasant unto thy soul. ~ Proverbs, the Eternal Wisdom
626:He thinks actively, he opens his heart, he gathers up his internal illuminations. ~ Lao Tse, the Eternal Wisdom
627:How can the soul which misunderstands itself, have a sure idea of other creatures? ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
628:If you live one sixth of what is taught you, you will surely attain the goal. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
629:It is not difficult to know the good, but it is difficult to put it in practice. ~ Tsu King, the Eternal Wisdom
630:Pride goeth before destruction, but before honour is humility. ~ Proverbs XVI. 18: XVII. 12, the Eternal Wisdom
631:The gods have been created by Him, but of Him who knows the manner of His being? ~ Rig Veda, the Eternal Wisdom
632:The great man is he who has not lost the child's heart within him. ~ Meng-Tse. I V. II. XII, the Eternal Wisdom
633:The members of the body which seem to be more feeble are necessary ~ I Corinthians. XII. 22, the Eternal Wisdom
634:Thus even though it is not durable, there is no interruption in substance. ~ Lalita Vistara, the Eternal Wisdom
635:Above all things avoid heedlessness; it is the enemy of all virtues. ~ Fo-shu-hiug-tsan-king, the Eternal Wisdom
636:An evil thought is the most dangerous of all thieves. ~ Buddhist Scriptures from the Chinese, the Eternal Wisdom
637:Birth and death are two limits; beyond those limits there is a sort of uniformity. ~ Tolstoy, the Eternal Wisdom
638:Each separate movement is produced by the same energy that moves the sum of things. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
639:Hearken unto thy soul in all thy works and be faithful unto it. ~ Ecclesiasticus. XXXIII. 17, the Eternal Wisdom
640:If you do not meet a sage following the same road as yourself, then walk alone. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
641:In rest shall you be saved, in quietness and confidence shall be your strength. ~ Isaiah XXX, the Eternal Wisdom
642:In the day of prosperity be joyful, but in the day of adversity consider. ~ Ecclesiastes VII, the Eternal Wisdom
643:Let the superior man regard all men who dwell within the four seas as his brothers. ~ Lun Yu, the Eternal Wisdom
644:Let thy mind be pure like gold, firm like a rock, transparent as crystal. ~ Angelus Silesius, the Eternal Wisdom
645:Scorn not-the discourse of the wise, for thou shalt learn from them wisdom. ~ Ecclesiasticus, the Eternal Wisdom
646:Shun agreeable amusements, deliver not yourselves to the pleasures of the senses. ~ Chu-king, the Eternal Wisdom
647:Those who love her discover her easily and those that seek her do find her. ~ Book of Wisdom, the Eternal Wisdom
648:Watch diligently over yourselves, let not negligence be born in you. ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsan-king, the Eternal Wisdom
649:All the knowledge one can require emanates from this love ~ Antoine the Healer: "Revelations", the Eternal Wisdom
650:Lend thine ear, hear the words of the wise, apply thy heart to knowledge. ~ Proverbs XXII. 17, the Eternal Wisdom
651:ll is movement and nothing is fixed; we cannot cross over the same stream twice. ~ Heraclitus, the Eternal Wisdom
652:Nothing is superior to truthfulness, nor anything more terrible than falsehood. ~ Mahabharata, the Eternal Wisdom
653:Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy, break up your fallow ground. ~ Hosea X. 12, the Eternal Wisdom
654:The ills we inflict upon our neighbours follow us as our shadows follow our bodies. ~ Krishna, the Eternal Wisdom
655:There is always one man who more than others represents the divine thought of the epoch. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
656:We know that we have passed from death into life because we love our brothers. ~ John III. 13, the Eternal Wisdom
657:When he knows that he is That, the Eternal, he is delivered from all limitations. ~ Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
658:Wisdom streng theneth the wise more than ten mighty men which are in a city. ~ Ecclesiastious, the Eternal Wisdom
659:Endeavour with your whole energy and leave no place for carelessness. ~ Fo -shu-hing-tsan-king, the Eternal Wisdom
660:Eye and ear are poor witnesses for man, if his inner life has not been made fine. ~ Heraclitus, the Eternal Wisdom
661:He sees the one Spirit in all beings and he sees all beings in the one Spirit. ~ Bhagavad Gita, the Eternal Wisdom
662:I put on righteousness and it clothed me; my justice was my robe and my diadem. ~ Job XXIX. 14, the Eternal Wisdom
663:Let us help each other as friends that we may put a term to suffering. ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsan-king, the Eternal Wisdom
664:See, I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil. ~ Deuteronomy XIII. 15, the Eternal Wisdom
665:The demons become his companions who abandons himself to heedlessness. ~ Fo-shu-hiug-tsan-king, the Eternal Wisdom
666:The end of our study consists merely in recovering our heart that we have lost. ~ id. VI. I.XI, the Eternal Wisdom
667:We have no power against the truth, we have power only for the truth. ~ II Corinthains XIII. 8, the Eternal Wisdom
668:When the soul has not self-mastery, one looks and sees not, listens and hears not. ~ Theng-tse, the Eternal Wisdom
669:Who can be the Master of another? The Eternal alone is the guide and the Master. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
670:As every man hath received the gilt, even so minister the same one to another. ~ I Peter IV. 10, the Eternal Wisdom
671:As food mixed with poison, so is abhorrent to me a prosperity soiled by injustice. ~ Jatakanmla, the Eternal Wisdom
672:Cut away in thee the love of thyself, even as in autumn thy hand plucks the lotus. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
673:For you were sometimes darkness, but now are light; walk as children of light. ~ Ephesians V. 8, the Eternal Wisdom
674:Intelligence is the beneficent guide of human souls, it leads them towards their good. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
675:I renounce the honours to which the world aspires and desire only to know the Truth. ~ Socrates, the Eternal Wisdom
676:It is we who, in the eyes of Intelligence, are the essence of the divine regard. ~ Omar Khayyam, the Eternal Wisdom
677:One should guard oneself like a frontier citadel well defended-without and within. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
678:The company of saints and sages is one of the chief agents of spiritual progress. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
679:The griefs thou puttest upon others shall not take long to fall back upon thyself. ~ Demophilus, the Eternal Wisdom
680:The ignorant is the slave of his passions, the wise man is their master. ~ Sutra in 42 articles, the Eternal Wisdom
681:Thence you can see that it is in a clear knowledge that is found our eternal life. ~ Ruysbroeck, the Eternal Wisdom
682:There is no before or after: what will come tomorrow, is in fact in eternity ~ Angelus Silesius, the Eternal Wisdom
683:The soul like the body accepts by practice whatever habit one wishes it to contract. ~ Socrates, the Eternal Wisdom
684:This world is a republic all whose citizens are made of one and the same substance. ~ Epictetus, the Eternal Wisdom
685:Three roads to good: knowledge, the spiritual life and the control of the mind. ~ Sangiti Sutta, the Eternal Wisdom
686:Believe in the fundamental truth; it is to meditate with rapture on the Everlasting. ~ Awaghosha, the Eternal Wisdom
687:Expel thy desires and fears and there shall be no longer any tyrant over thee. ~ Marcus Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
688:In the beginning all things were in confusion; intelligence came and imposed order. ~ Anaxagoras, the Eternal Wisdom
689:It is no use being in a rage against things, that makes no difference to them. ~ Marcus Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
690:Master the body, be temperate in food and eat only at opportune moments. ~ Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king, the Eternal Wisdom
691:Master the body, be temperate in food and eat only at opportune moments. ~ Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king, the Eternal Wisdom
692:One should maintain the vigour of the body in order to preserve that of the mind. ~ Vanvenargues, the Eternal Wisdom
693:Renew thyself utterly day by day; make thyself new and again new and ever again new. ~ Tsang-tse, the Eternal Wisdom
694:Surpass all bodies, traverse all times, become eternity, and thou shalt comprehend God. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
695:Take delight in questioning; hearken in silence to the word of the saints. ~ Imitation of Christ, the Eternal Wisdom
696:There is nothing however small, however vile it be, that does not contain mind. ~ Giordano Bruno, the Eternal Wisdom
697:Though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. ~ II Coriothians IV. 16, the Eternal Wisdom
698:Unto the pure all things are pure, but unto them that are defiled nothing is pure. ~ Titus I. 15, the Eternal Wisdom
699:We begin to know really when we succeed in forgetting completely what we have learned. ~ Thoreau, the Eternal Wisdom
700:You shall wander in the darkness and see not till you have found the eternal Light. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
701:Each man ought to say to himself, "I was the creator, may I become again what I was". ~ Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
702:ho has ruder battles to sustain than the man who labours for self-conquest? ~ Imitation of Christ, the Eternal Wisdom
703:Honour to the high and sublime excellence of wisdom! ~ Formula of devotion of Mahayanist Buddhism, the Eternal Wisdom
704:Idleness like rust destroys much more than work uses up; a key in use is always clean. ~ Franklin, the Eternal Wisdom
705:If thou comprehend Him, what seems invisible to most, will be for thee utterly apparent. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
706:In all things to do what depends on oneself and for the rest to remain firm and calm. ~ Epictetus, the Eternal Wisdom
707:In the way of righteousness is life: and in the pathway thereof there is no death. ~ Proverbs XII, the Eternal Wisdom
708:Know thyself and thou shalt know the universe and the gods. ~ Inscription of the Temple of Delphi, the Eternal Wisdom
709:Look into thy heart and thou shalt see there His image. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
710:No name is applicable to God, only He is called Love,-so great and precious a thing is Love. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
711:No name is applicable to God, only He is called Love,-so great and precious a thing is Love. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
712:The supreme Brahman without beginning cannot be called either Being or Non-being. ~ Bhagavad Gita, the Eternal Wisdom
713:The true treasure is self-mastery; it is the secret wealth which cannot perish. ~ Nidhikama Sutta, the Eternal Wisdom
714:" Thou shalt not kill " relates not solely to the murder of man, but of all that lives. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
715:Three kinds of thirst; the thirst of sensation, of existence and of annihilation. ~ Sangiti Sutta, the Eternal Wisdom
716:Whatsoever things were written afore time, were written for our learning. ~ Epistle to the Romans, the Eternal Wisdom
717:Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. ~ Psalms XXIII, the Eternal Wisdom
718:All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them. ~ Matthew VII. 12, the Eternal Wisdom
719:If you act towards your like as a true brother, you do charity to yourselves. ~ Antoine the Healer, the Eternal Wisdom
720:Know that all this is so, but habituate thyself to surmount and conquer thy passions. ~ Pythagoras, the Eternal Wisdom
721:Obey them that guide you and submit yourselves; for they watch over your souls. ~ Hebrews XIII. 17, the Eternal Wisdom
722:What is a man profited if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? ~ Matthew. XVI. 26, the Eternal Wisdom
723:But how can that be manifested to thy eyes if what is within thee is to thyself invisible? ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
724:Give not up thy heart to sorrow, for it is a sister to distrust and wrath. ~ The Shepherd of Hermas, the Eternal Wisdom
725:I meet the sincere man with sincerity and tie insincere also with sincerity. ~ Lao-tse: Tao-te-king, the Eternal Wisdom
726:Lose thyself in Him to penetrate this mystery; everything else is superfluous. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
727:The destruction of things is their return to the cause that has produced them. ~ Sankhya Pravachana, the Eternal Wisdom
728:The sages who see the eternal in things transient, for them is the peace eternal. ~ Katha Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
729:Thou shalt have given a drop and won the sea, given thy life and won the well-beloved. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
730:Wisdom is a thing vast and grand. She demands all the time that one can consecrate to her. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
731:18 Light the fire of divine love and destroy all creed and all cult. ~ Baha-ullah: The Seven Valleys, the Eternal Wisdom
732:A man's pride shall bring him low, but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit. ~ Proverbs XXIX. 23, the Eternal Wisdom
733:An atom of love is to be preferred to all that exists between the two horizons. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
734:And all beings are resumed and reduced into one sole being, and they are one and all are He. ~ Zohar, the Eternal Wisdom
735:As a living man abstains from mortal poisons, so put away from thee all defilement. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
736:Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled. ~ Matthew V. 6, the Eternal Wisdom
737:Essence without form divided itself; then a movement took place and life was produced. ~ Tchuang-Tse, the Eternal Wisdom
738:He who looks on the forms of existence as a form or a mirage, shall not see death. ~ Sanyutta Nikaya, the Eternal Wisdom
739:If you would live tranquil and free, get rid of the habit of all which you can do without. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
740:In each thing he will see the mystery of the transfiguration and the divine apparition. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
741:Let us lay aside every weight and run with patience the race that is set before us. ~ Hebrews XII. I, the Eternal Wisdom
742:Oh, if the heart could become a cradle and God once more a child upon the earth! ~ Augelius Silesius, the Eternal Wisdom
743:That which is not cannot come to being and that which is cannot cease to be. ~ Bhagavad Gita. II. 16, the Eternal Wisdom
744:The fire divine burns indivisible and ineffable and fills all the abysses of the world. ~ Iamblichus, the Eternal Wisdom
745:The sage having perceived God by the spiritual union casts from him grief and joy. ~ Katha Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
746:The way of life is above to the wise that he may depart from hell which is beneath. ~ Proverbs XV 24, the Eternal Wisdom
747:To the eyes of men athirst the whole world seems in dream as a spring of water. ~ Sadi, Gulistan VII, the Eternal Wisdom
748:To work only in the material sense is to increase the load that is crushing us. ~ Antoine the Healer, the Eternal Wisdom
749:True knowledge does not grow old, so have declared the sages of all times. ~ Buddhist Canons in Pali, the Eternal Wisdom
750:Cultivate the intelligence so that you may drink of the torrent of certitude. ~ Baha-ullah, "Tablets", the Eternal Wisdom
751:He who sees all things in the self and the self in all things, has doubt no longer. ~ I-sha Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
752:How shouldst thou not profit by thy age of strength to issue from the evil terrain? ~ Kin-yuan-li-sao, the Eternal Wisdom
753:How then shalt thou discover in thy age what in thy youth thou hast not gathered in? ~ Ecclesiasticus, the Eternal Wisdom
754:I see of Thee neither end nor middle nor beginning, O Lord of all and universal form. ~ Bhagavad Gita, the Eternal Wisdom
755:I will therefore make ready to render my thought an alien to the illusion of the world. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
756:Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. ~ Philippians II. 4, the Eternal Wisdom
757:O friend, fill not with mortal thoughts thy heart which is the seat of eternal mysteries. ~ Bahaullah, the Eternal Wisdom
758:One does not need to hope in order to act, nor to succeed in order to persevere. ~ William the Silent, the Eternal Wisdom
759:See unceasingly the enchainment, the mutual solidarity of all things and all beings ~ Marcus Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
760:Three worlds; the world of desire, the world of form and the world of the formless. ~ Sanyutta Nikaya, the Eternal Wisdom
761:When the spark of truth is discovered in the spirit, all is taught to it that it needs. ~ Ruysbro-eok, the Eternal Wisdom
762:When thou art enfranchised from all hate and desire, then shalt thou win thy liberation. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
763:Aid each other in practising that which is good, but aid not each other in evil and injustice. ~ Koran, the Eternal Wisdom
764:Be indifferent to the praise and blame of men; consider it as if the croakings of frogs. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
765:For all the law is fulfilled in one word, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. ~ Galatians. V. 14, the Eternal Wisdom
766:For in them there is a source of intelligence, a fountain of wisdom and a flood of knowledge. ~ Esdras, the Eternal Wisdom
767:Labour not for the food which perishes but for that which endures into everlasting life. ~ John VI. 27, the Eternal Wisdom
768:Nobility is for each man within him; only he never thinks of seeking for it within. ~ Meng-Tse II 5.17, the Eternal Wisdom
769:Often man is preoccupied with human rules and forgets the inner law. ~ Antoine the Healer; Revelations, the Eternal Wisdom
770:Recoil from the sun into the shadow that there may be more place for others. ~ Book of Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
771:The just holds his own suffering for a gain when it can increase the happiness of others. ~ Jatakamala, the Eternal Wisdom
772:Thou who hast been set in thy station of man to aid by all means the common interest ~ Marcus Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
773:Ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh. ~ Galatians V. 13, the Eternal Wisdom
774:All that is has already existed, but will not remain in the form in which we see it today. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
775:And be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. ~ Romans XII. 2, the Eternal Wisdom
776:An upright nature, and true purification is for each the uprightness of his nature. ~ Avesta: Vexididad, the Eternal Wisdom
777:He who seeks him, finds him; he who yearns intensely after the Ineffable, has found the Ineffable. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
778:How canst thou desire anything farther when in thyself there are God and all things? ~ Angelus Silesius, the Eternal Wisdom
779:Humanity does not embrace only the love of one's like: it extends over all creatures. ~ Chinese Proverb, the Eternal Wisdom
780:If in the morning you have heard the voice of celestial reason, in the evening you can die. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
781:It is by gentleness that one must conquer wrath, it is by good that one must conquer evil. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
782:Let not one even whom the whole world curses, nourish against it any feeling of liatred. ~ Sutta Nipata, the Eternal Wisdom
783:Nothing is fixed, nothing stable, nothing immobile in nature, nor in heaven, nor on the earth. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
784:Observe thyself, not that which is thine, nor that which is around thee, but thyself alone. ~ St. Basil, the Eternal Wisdom
785:Return ye now every one from his evil way and make your ways and your doings good. ~ Jeremiah XVIII. II, the Eternal Wisdom
786:Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? there is more hope of a fool than of him. ~ Proverbs XXVI. 12, the Eternal Wisdom
787:There can be no true freedom and happiness so long as men have not understood their oneness. ~ Channing, the Eternal Wisdom
788:There is no shame in any work even the un-cleanest. Idleness alone ought to be held shameful. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
789:And let this be our thought, "Our bodies are different, but we have one and the same heart." ~ Mahavagga, the Eternal Wisdom
790:Do not listen if one criticises or blames thy Master, leave his presence that very moment. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
791:Every man who returns into himself, will find there traces of the Divinity. ~ Cicero, "De Regibus. I. 22, the Eternal Wisdom
792:It is on the blindness of ignorance that is founded the working which affirms the ego. ~ Sanyutta Nikaya, the Eternal Wisdom
793:The knowledge of the soul is the highest knowledge and truth has nothing for us beyond it. ~ Mahabharata, the Eternal Wisdom
794:Wilt thou that thy heart should be free from sorrow ? Forget not the hearts that sorrow devours. ~ Saadi, the Eternal Wisdom
795:Your greatness is within and only in yourselves can you find a spectacle worthy of your regard. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
796:Beloved, believe not every spirit-because many false prophets are gone out into the world. ~ I John IV. 1, the Eternal Wisdom
797:But call Him by what name you will; for to those who know, He is the possessor of all names. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
798:Cross even beyond the light which illumines thee and cast thyself upon the bosom of God. ~ Maitre Eckhart, the Eternal Wisdom
799:Eternal wisdom builds: I shall be her palace when she finds repose in me and I in her. ~ Angelus Silesius, the Eternal Wisdom
800:Keep over your actions an absolute empire; be 10 not their slave, but their master. ~ Imitation of Christ, the Eternal Wisdom
801:Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceit. ~ Romans X II, the Eternal Wisdom
802:Only from his own soul can he demand the secret of eternal beauty. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
803:That Intelligence is God within us; by that men are gods and their humanity neighbours divinity. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
804:The knowledge which purifies the intelligence is true knowledge. All the rest is ignorance. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
805:The sage regards the heart of every man in the millions of the crowd and sees only one heart. ~ Tseng Tee, the Eternal Wisdom
806:When thou saidst, Seek ye my face, my heart said unto Thee, Thy face, Lord, will I seek. ~ Psalms XXVII.8, the Eternal Wisdom
807:Whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased, and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted. ~ Luke XIV. 11, the Eternal Wisdom
808:Whosoever has oneness engraven in his heart, forgets all things and forgets himself. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
809:As righteousness tendeth to life, so he that pursueth evil, pursueth it to his own death. ~ Proverbs XI.19, the Eternal Wisdom
810:Contraries harmonise with each other; the finest harmony springs from things that are unlike. ~ Heraclitus, the Eternal Wisdom
811:He that followeth after righteousness and mercy, findeth life, righteousness and honour ~ preverbs XXI. 21, the Eternal Wisdom
812:In that God who illumines the reason, desiring liberation I seek my refuge. ~ Swetaswatara Upanishad VI.18, the Eternal Wisdom
813:It is at all times a sensible consolation to be able to say, "Death is as natural as life." ~ Schopenhauer, the Eternal Wisdom
814:It is better to follow one's own law even though imperfect than the better law of another. ~ Bhagavad Gita, the Eternal Wisdom
815:Labour to purify thy thoughts. If thou hast no evil thoughts, thou shalt commit no evil deeds. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
816:Not overjoyed at gaining what is pleasant, nor disturbed, overtaken by what is unpleasant. ~ Bhagavad Gita, the Eternal Wisdom
817:Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, nor for your body, what ye shall put on.- ~ Luke XII. 22, the Eternal Wisdom
818:That is the bright Light of all lights which they know who know themselves. ~ Brihadaranyaka Upanishad I.4, the Eternal Wisdom
819:The eternal Truth shall never be attained by him who is not entirely truthful in his speech. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
820:The greatest science is the knowledge of oneself. He who knows himself, knows God. ~ Clement of Alexandria, the Eternal Wisdom
821:There is nothing greater than the practice of the precept which says, "Know thyself". ~ Antoine the Healer, the Eternal Wisdom
822:The sage having seen the Self in everything, when he leaves this world, becomes immortal. ~ Kena Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
823:When the mind is one with the deeper spirit, there results the absolute knowledge of the self. ~ Patanjali, the Eternal Wisdom
824:But let perseverance have her perfect work that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. ~ James I. 4, the Eternal Wisdom
825:By the purity of the thoughts, of the actions, of holy words one cometh to know Ahura-Mazda. ~ Avesta: Yana, the Eternal Wisdom
826:It is better to be good and to be called wicked by men than to be wicked and esteemed good. ~ Sadi Gulistan, the Eternal Wisdom
827:It is good to have what one desires, but it is better to desire nothing more than what one has. ~ Menedemus, the Eternal Wisdom
828:It would be better not to have books than to believe all that is found in them. ~ Meng Tse. VII. II. III. 1, the Eternal Wisdom
829:Let your behaviour be without covetousness, and be content with such things as you have. ~ Hebrews. XIII. 5, the Eternal Wisdom
830:Melt thy soul in the fire of love and thou wilt know that love is the alchemist of the soul. ~ Ahm-ed Halif, the Eternal Wisdom
831:One can recognise in those beings who are so lar from us the principle of our own existence. ~ Schopenhauer, the Eternal Wisdom
832:One who thinks that his spiritual guide is merely a man, can draw no profit from his contact. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
833:The deeds a man has accomplished follow him in his journeying when he fares to another world. ~ Mahabharata, the Eternal Wisdom
834:There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. ~ Proverbs XIV. 12, the Eternal Wisdom
835:Are we then so insensate as to forget that we are members one of the other? ~ St. Clement to the Corinthians, the Eternal Wisdom
836:As one sun illumines all this world, so the conscious Idea illumines all the physical field. ~ Bhagavad-Gita, the Eternal Wisdom
837:A torrent of clarity streams from the mind which is purified in full of all its impurities. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
838:Do no harm to an ant that is carrying its grain of corn, for has a life and sweet life is a good. ~ Firdausi, the Eternal Wisdom
839:Perfection is the end and the beginning of all things, and without perfection they could not be. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
840:Seek out swiftly the way of righteousness; turn without delay from that which defiles thee. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
841:The man veritably free is he who, disburdened of fear and desire, is subjected only to his reason. ~ Fenelon, the Eternal Wisdom
842:The soul not being mistress of itself, one looks but sees not, listens buthears not. ~ Tseng-tsen-ta-hio VII, the Eternal Wisdom
843:They who torture living beings and feel no compassion towards them, them regard as impure. ~ Amaghanda Susta, the Eternal Wisdom
844:For this corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on immortality. ~ I Corinthians XV. 53, the Eternal Wisdom
845:Good and evil cannot bind him who has realised the oneness of nature and self with the Eternal. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
846:If a man could cast a firm and clear glance into the depths of his being, he would see there God. ~ J. Tauler, the Eternal Wisdom
847:Improve others not by reasoning but by example. Let your existence, not your words be your preaching. ~ Amiel, the Eternal Wisdom
848:In the bosom of Time God without beginning becomes what He has never been in all eternity. ~ Angelus Silesius, the Eternal Wisdom
849:It was by love that beings were created and it is commanded to them to live in love and harmony. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
850:Let him destroy by deep meditation the qualities that are opposed to the divine nature. ~ Laws of Manu VI. 72, the Eternal Wisdom
851:Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body that ye should obey it in the lusts there of. ~ Romans VI. 12, the Eternal Wisdom
852:Men who possess virtue, wisdom, prudence, intelligence have generally been formed in tribulations. ~ Meng-tse, the Eternal Wisdom
853:Self-control brings calm to the mind, without it the seed of all the virtues perishes ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsan-king, the Eternal Wisdom
854:Self-interest is the prolongation in us of the animal. Humanity begins in man with disinterestedness. ~ Amiel, the Eternal Wisdom
855:The present world and the next are but a drop of water whose existence is of no account. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
856:There is nothing in the world that man's intelligence cannot attain, annihilate or accomplish. ~ Hindu Saying, the Eternal Wisdom
857:The saint does not seek to do great things; that is why he is able to accomplish them. ~ Lao-Tse: Tao-te-King, the Eternal Wisdom
858:The world is but a dream that passes and neither happiness nor sorrow are enduring. ~ Firdausi; "Shah-Namah.", the Eternal Wisdom
859:They had gained this supreme perfection, to be totally masters of their thoughts. ~ The Lotus of the Good Law, the Eternal Wisdom
860:Thou whom all respect, impoverish thyself that thou mayst enter the abode of the supreme riches. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
861:When one has done great things and made a reputation, one should withdraw out of view. ~ Lao-Tse: Tao-te-King, the Eternal Wisdom
862:Wherefore laying aside all malice and all guile and hypocrisy and envy and all evil speaking. ~ l Peter II. I, the Eternal Wisdom
863:A man should be glad of heart. If you have joy no longer, find out where you have fallen into error. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
864:And when the benevolence of benevolences manifests itself, all things are in her light and in joy. ~ The Zohar, the Eternal Wisdom
865:Be master of thy soul, O seeker of eternal verities, if thou wouldst attain thy end. ~ Book of Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
866:He alone is truly a man who is illumined by the light of the true knowledge. Others are only men in name. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
867:He who regards the body as a milage or as a flake of foam on the waves, shall no longer see death ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
868:In the beginning all this was Non-being. From it Being appeared. Itself created itself. ~ Taittiriya Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
869:Knowest thou not that thy life, whether long or brief, consists only of a few breathings? ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
870:only after having the experience of suffering have I learned the kinship of human souls to each other. ~ Gogol, the Eternal Wisdom
871:There is no better way to cultivate humanity and justice in the heart than to diminish our desires. ~ Meng-tse, the Eternal Wisdom
872:There is not a body, however small, which does not enclose a portion of the divine substance. ~ Giordano Bruno, the Eternal Wisdom
873:They had attained to the supreme perfection of being completely masters of their thought. ~ The Lotus of Bliss, the Eternal Wisdom
874:Thou must pass over thyself to mount beyond, ever higher till the stars themselves are below thee. ~ Nietzsche, the Eternal Wisdom
875:Thyself stimulate and direct thyself; thus self-protected and clairvoyant thou shalt live happy.- ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
876:To retire from the world, that is to retire into oneself, is to aid in the dispersion of all doubts. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
877:For this is the message that ye have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another. ~ I John III.11, the Eternal Wisdom
878:It is not today nor tomorrow; who knoweth That which is Supreme? When It is approached, It vanishes. ~ Rig Veda, the Eternal Wisdom
879:I will show thee, hear me; and that which I have seen I will declare, which wise men have told: ~ Job XV. 17.18, the Eternal Wisdom
880:Peace to him who has finished this supreme journey under the guidance of the Truth and the Light ! ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
881:The sins that we do against men come because each one does not respect the Divine Spirit in his like. ~ Tolstoy, the Eternal Wisdom
882:To do to men what we would have them do to ourselves is what one may call the teaching of humanity. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
883:With my soul have I desired thee in the night; with my spirit within me will I seek thee early. ~ Isaiah XXVI.9, the Eternal Wisdom
884:Wouldst thou abstain from action? It is not so that thy soul shall obtain liberation. ~ Book of Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
885:An upright life tastes calm repose by night and by day; it is penetrated with a serene felicity. ~ Buddhist Text, the Eternal Wisdom
886:Awake, arise; strive incessantly towards the knowledge so that thou mayst attain unto the peace. ~ Buddhist Text, the Eternal Wisdom
887:He has a form and He is as if He had no form. He has taken a form in order to be the essence of all. ~ The Zohar, the Eternal Wisdom
888:In the interior of each atom that thou shalt cleave thou shalt find imprisoned a sun. ~ Ahmed Halif: Mystic Odes, the Eternal Wisdom
889:Let the sage unifying all his attentive regard see in the divine Spirit all things visible and invisible. ~ Manu, the Eternal Wisdom
890:The ideal birth is perfected, the twelfth executioner is driven forth and we are born to contemplation. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
891:The Tao which can be expressed is not the eternal Tao, the name which can be named is not the eternal Name. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
892:When a thought rises in us, let us see whether it has not its roots in the inferior worlds. ~ Antoine the Healer, the Eternal Wisdom
893:Be master of thy soul, O seeker of the eternal truths, if thou wouldst attain the goal. ~ Book of Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
894:If you have art and science, you have religion; if you have neither art nor science, then have religion. ~ Goethe, the Eternal Wisdom
895:Reason cannot dwell with the madness of love : love has nothing to do with the human reason. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
896:Thus little by little the enemy invades the soul, if it is not resisted from the beginning. ~ Imitation of Christ, the Eternal Wisdom
897:Be humble if thou wouldst attain to wisdom; be humbler still if thou hast attained to it ~ Book of Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
898:Each of our good thoughts tears the veil behind which appears the pure, the infinite, God, our self. ~ Vivekananda, the Eternal Wisdom
899:et the soul be submitted within to an upright judge whose authority extends over our most secret actions. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
900:For what is our life! It is even a vapour that appeareth for a little time and then vanisheth away. ~ James.IV. 14, the Eternal Wisdom
901:He that hath no rule over his own spirit, is like a city that is broken down and without walls. ~ Proverbs XXV. 28, the Eternal Wisdom
902:I do not believe that any name, however complex, is sufficient to designate the principle of all Majesty. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
903:The body may be covered with jewels and yet the heart may have mastered all its covetings. ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsan-king, the Eternal Wisdom
904:The sage's quest is for himself, the quest of the-ignorant for other than himself. ~ Confucius, "Lun-Yu," II 15.20, the Eternal Wisdom
905:Thou hast always a refuge in thyself...There be free and look at all things with a fearless eye. ~ Marcus Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
906:To compel men to do what appears good to oneself is the best means of making them disgusted with it. ~ Ramakrishss, the Eternal Wisdom
907:When we can draw from ourselves all our felicity, we find nothing vexatious to us in the order of Nature. ~ Cicero, the Eternal Wisdom
908:he wise man sits not inert; he is ever walking incessantly forward towards a greater light. ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsan-king, the Eternal Wisdom
909:How much better is it to get wisdom than gold! and to get understanding rather to be chosen than silver! ~ Proverbs, the Eternal Wisdom
910:Labour to master adversity even as your passions, to which it would be shameful for you to be subjected. ~ Socrates, the Eternal Wisdom
911:Let us act towards others as we would that they should act towards us: let us not cause any suffering. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
912:Life pervades and animates everything; it gives its movement to Nature and subjects her to itself. ~ Giordano Bruno, the Eternal Wisdom
913:Putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another. ~ Ephesians IV. 25, the Eternal Wisdom
914:Sin is nothing other than man's act of turning his face away from God and himself towards death. ~ Angelus Silesius, the Eternal Wisdom
915:The origin of things is the Infinite: necessarily they disappear into that which put them into birth. ~ Anaximander, the Eternal Wisdom
916:The true royalty is spiritual knowledge; put forth thy efforts to attain it. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
917:This self can always be won by truth and austerity, by purity and by entire knowledge. ~ Mundaka Upanishad III. 1-5, the Eternal Wisdom
918:Wouldst thou that the world should submit to thee? Be busy then to fortify thy soul without ceasing. ~ Omar Khayyam, the Eternal Wisdom
919:A man's heart showeth to him what he should do better than seven sentinels on the summit of a rock. ~ Ecclesiasticus, the Eternal Wisdom
920:And this shall be the true manner of thy fasting that thy life shall be void of all iniquity. ~ The Pastor of Hermas, the Eternal Wisdom
921:He who has perfectly mastered himself in thought and speech and act, he is indeed a man of religion. ~ Buddhist Text, the Eternal Wisdom
922:His name is conscious spirit, His abode is conscious spirit and He, the Lord, is all conscious spirit. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
923:His name is conscious spirit, His abode is conscious spirit and He, the Lord, is all conscious spirit. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
924:If we dreamed every night the same thing, it would affect us as much as the objects which we see every day. ~ Pascal, the Eternal Wisdom
925:One should rely on love only, because it alone is the base of all strength and all regeneration ~ Antoine the Healer, the Eternal Wisdom
926:Only one who knows not that God lives in him can attri bute to certain men more importance than to others. ~ Tolstoy, the Eternal Wisdom
927:Slay desire, but when thou hast slain it, take heed that it arise not again from the dead. ~ Book of Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
928:That which is most subtle in matter is air, in air the soul, in the soul intelligence, in intelligence God. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
929:Would you call Him Destiny? You will not be wrong. Providence? You will say well. Nature? That too you may. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
930:Approach unto wisdom like one who tilleth and soweth and await in peace its excellent fruits. ~ Ecolesiasticus VI. 19, the Eternal Wisdom
931:Behind each particular idea there is a general idea, an absolute principle. Know that and you know all. ~ Vivekananda, the Eternal Wisdom
932:Force cannot resist intelligence; in spite of force, in spite of men, intelligence passes on and triumphs. ~ Ramayana, the Eternal Wisdom
933:For the waking there is only one common world...During sleepeach turns towards his own particular world. ~ Heraclitus, the Eternal Wisdom
934:Gather thyself into thyself crouched like an infant in the bosom of its mother. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
935:I have issued out of myself, I have put on an immortal body, 1 am no longer the same, I am born into wisdom. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
936:In each thing there is a door to knowledge and in each atom is seen the trace of the sun. ~ Baha-ullah: Kitab-al-ikon, the Eternal Wisdom
937:Infected by the vices, the soul is swollen with poisons and can only be cured by knowledge and intelligence. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
938:Let us strive to destroy in ourselves all that is of the animal, that the humanity in us may be manifest. ~ Bahaullah, the Eternal Wisdom
939:Nothing is born of nothing, nothing can be annihilated, each commencement of being is only a transformation. ~ Thales, the Eternal Wisdom
940:Such is the science of the Intelligence, to contemplate things divine and comprehend God. ~ Hermes 1. "The Character", the Eternal Wisdom
941:Take heed unto yourselves lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting and drunkenness. ~ Luke XXI. 34, the Eternal Wisdom
942:Take heed unto yourselves lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting and drunkenness. ~ Luke XXI. 34, the Eternal Wisdom
943:The greatest man in the world is not the conqueror, but the man who has domination over his own being. ~ Schopenhauer, the Eternal Wisdom
944:The holiness of justice is the health of the soul; it is more precious than heaps ol gold and silver. ~ Ecclesiasucus, the Eternal Wisdom
945:The human body is the most perfect in the world as the human creature is the most perfect of creatures. ~ Vivekananda, the Eternal Wisdom
946:The just man is not one who does hurt to none, but one who having the power to hurt represses the will. ~ Pytha-goras, the Eternal Wisdom
947:Thence comes it that the saint occupies himself with his inner being and not with the objects of his eyes. ~ Lao- Tse, the Eternal Wisdom
948:The vulgar say : "This is one of ours or a stranger." The noble regard the whole earth as their family. ~ Bhartrihari, the Eternal Wisdom
949:Thinkest thou that thou canst write the name of God on Time? No more is it pronounced in Eternity. ~ Angelus Silesius, the Eternal Wisdom
950:When we are alone, we must act with the same sincerity as if ten eyes observed and ten fingers pointed to us ~ Ta-hio, the Eternal Wisdom
951:But now put off all these, wrath, anger, malice, calumny, filthy communications out of your mouth. ~ Colossians III. 8, the Eternal Wisdom
952:By not doing evil to creatures and mastering one's arrives here below at the supreme goal. ~ Laws of Manu, the Eternal Wisdom
953:Do no evil and evil shall not come upon thee; be far from the unjust and sin shall be far from thee. ~ Ecclesiasticus,, the Eternal Wisdom
954:Follow the great man and you will see what the world has at heart in these ages. There is no omen like that. ~ Emerson, the Eternal Wisdom
955:His purity has brought him many profitable things, and this in the first rank, to know his soul. ~ Apollonius of Tyana, the Eternal Wisdom
956:Is it asked, who is the most excellent of the strong? I reply, it is he who possesses patience. ~ Sutra in 42 articles, the Eternal Wisdom
957:It is by resisting the passions, not by yielding to them that one finds true peace in the heart. ~ Imitation of Christ, the Eternal Wisdom
958:O thou who resumest in thyself all creation, cease for one moment to be preoccupied with gain and loss. ~ Omar Khayyam, the Eternal Wisdom
959:The man who lives in the bosom of the temptations of the world and attains perfection, is the true hero. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
960:The present is the most precious moment. Use all the forces of thy spirit not to let that momentescape thee. ~ Tolstoy, the Eternal Wisdom
961:This is the new birth, my son, to turn one's thought from the body that has the three dimensions. ~ Hermes: On Rebirth, the Eternal Wisdom
962:To represent constantly the world as one single being with one single soul and one single substance. ~ Marcus Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
963:When lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin; and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. ~ James I. 14, 15, the Eternal Wisdom
964:Whoever is rich within and embellished with virtue, seeks not outside himself for glory and riches. ~ Angelus Silesius, the Eternal Wisdom
965:All is Narayana, man or animal, the wise and the wicked, the whole world is Narayana, the Supreme Spirit. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
966:Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
967:He is not a man of religion who does ill to another. He is not a disciple who causes suffering to another. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
968:It is He who engenders Himself perpetually.......the Lord of existences and of non-existences. ~ Egyptian Funeral Rites, the Eternal Wisdom
969:It is impossible to arrive at the summit of the mountain without passing through rough and difficult paths. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
970:Not by work, not by family, not by riches, but by renunciation great beings attain to immortality. ~ Kaivalya Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
971:Opinions on the world and on God are many and conflicting and I know not the truth. Enlighten me, O my Master. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
972:Take care that the reading of numerous writers and books of all kinds does not confuse and trouble thy reason. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
973:The man who recognises in his own soul the supreme Soul present in all creatures, shows himself the same to all. ~ Manu, the Eternal Wisdom
974:The poor animats who live in ail obscure consciousness of dream posses many rights to love and campassion. ~ Jatakamala, the Eternal Wisdom
975:The power of the human intelligence is without bounds; it increases by concentration: that is the secret. ~ Vivekananda, the Eternal Wisdom
976:When all the desires that trouble the heart have fallen silent, then this mortal puts on immortality. ~ Katha Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
977:Whoever has perfected himself by the spiritual union, finds in time the true science in himself. ~ Bhagavad Gita IV. 38, the Eternal Wisdom
978:Charity is the affection that impels us to sacrifice ourselves to humankind as if it were one being with us. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
979:Contemplate the mirror of thy heart and thou shalt taste little by little a pure joy and unmixed peace. ~ Sadi, "Bostan", the Eternal Wisdom
980:Death and decrepitude are inherent in the world. The sage who knows the nature of things, does not grieve. ~ Metta Sutta, the Eternal Wisdom
981:earn what are the duties which are engraved in the hearts of men as their means of arriving to beatitude. ~ Laws of Manu, the Eternal Wisdom
982:Idleness ought to be numbered among the torments of hell, and it has been placed among the joys of paradise. ~ Montaigne, the Eternal Wisdom
983:It is difficult, even after having learned much, to arrive at the desired term of science. ~ Sutra in 42 Articles. XI. 2, the Eternal Wisdom
984:Neglect not the conversation of the aged, for they speak that which they have heard from their fathers. ~ Ecclesiasticus, the Eternal Wisdom
985:O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?...Death is swallowed up in victory. ~ I Corinthians XV.56.55, the Eternal Wisdom
986:Prepare thyself for thou must travel alone. The Master can only indicate to thee the road. ~ Book of the Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
987:The Eternal is in every man, but all men are not in the Eternal; there lies the cause of their suffering. ~ Ramakrishna,, the Eternal Wisdom
988:The man that wandereth out of the way of understanding, shall remain in the congregation of the dead. ~ Proverbs XXI. 16, the Eternal Wisdom
989:The radiant beings themselves envy him whose senses are mastered like horses well trained by their driver. ~ Udana-varga, the Eternal Wisdom
990:Thinkest thou that thy body is nothing when in thee is contained the most perfect world? ~ Baha-ullah: The Seven Valleys, the Eternal Wisdom
991:Thus thou shalt be in perfect accord with all that lives, thou shalt love men as thy brotheas. ~ Book of Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
992:True royalty consists in spiritual knowledge; turn thy efforts to its attainment. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
993:Whoever has his footing firm in love, renounces at one and the same time both religion and unbelief. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
994:Even as the sun rises to us and sets, so also for the creation there are alternations of existence and death. ~ Harivansa, the Eternal Wisdom
995:Everything that is composite is soon destroyed and, like the lightning in heaven, does not last for long ~ Lalita-Vistara, the Eternal Wisdom
996:If you observe in all your acts the respect of yourself and of others, then shall you not be despised of any. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
997:Love is an invisible, a sacred and ineffable spirit which traverses the whole world with its rapid thoughts. ~ Empedocles, the Eternal Wisdom
998:None can be richer, more powerful, freer than he who knows how to renounce his self and all things. ~ Imitation of Christ, the Eternal Wisdom
999:O my soul, wilt thou be one day simple, one, bare, more visible than the body which envelops thee? ~ Marcus Aurelius. X.I, the Eternal Wisdom
1000:So long as thou art not dead to all things, one by one, thou canst not set thy feet in this portico. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
1001:The man who knows Tao is inaccessible to favour as to disgrace, to profit as to loss, to honour as to ignominy. ~ Lao-tse, the Eternal Wisdom
1002:The perfection of virtue consists in a certain equality of soul and of conduct which should remain un-alterable. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
1003:The wise man should rein in intently this mental action like a chariot drawn by untrained horses. ~ Swetawatara Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
1004:Thou art man thou art a citizen of the world, thou art the son of God, thou art the brother of all men. ~ Marcus Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
1005:To control the mind! How difficult that is! It has been compared, not without good reason, to a mad monkey. ~ Vivekananda, the Eternal Wisdom
1006:Why do you amass stones and construct great temples? Why do you vex yourselves thus when God dwells within you ? ~ Vemara, the Eternal Wisdom
1007:With a heart pure and overflowing with love I desire to act towards others even as I would toward myself. ~ Buddhist Text, the Eternal Wisdom
1008:Young and old and those who are growing to age, shall all die one after the other like fruits that fall. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
1009:An off-cast from the city is he who tears his soul away from the soul of reasoning beings, which is one. ~ Marcus Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
1010:As the musician knows how to tune his lyre, so the wise man knows how to set his mind in tune with all minds. ~ Demophilus, the Eternal Wisdom
1011:If thou feel not love for men, busy thyself with thyself, handle things, do what thou wilt, but leave men alone. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
1012:That it may be easy for thee to live with every man, think of what unites thee to him and not of what separates. ~ Tolstoy, the Eternal Wisdom
1013:To surmount this thirst of existence, to reject it, to be liberated from it, to give it no farther harbourage. ~ Mahavagga, the Eternal Wisdom
1014:When one says to a man, "Know thyself," it is not only to lower his pride, but to make him sensible of his own value. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
1015:Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him. ~ John. III. 15, the Eternal Wisdom
1016:Affirm thy heart in the uprightness of a good conscience; for thou shalt have no more faithful counsellor. ~ Ecclesiasticus, the Eternal Wisdom
1017:Anger is an affection of the soul which, if it is not treated, degenerates into a malady of the body. ~ Apollonius of Tyana, the Eternal Wisdom
1018:Confidence in help from outside brings with it distress. Only self-confidence gives force and joy. ~ Fo-tho-hing-tsang-king, the Eternal Wisdom
1019:He who in his neighbour sees no other tiling but God, lives with the light that flowers in the Divinity. ~ Angelns Silesius, the Eternal Wisdom
1020:He whose thought is always fixed on the Eternal has no need of any devotional practice or spiritual exercise. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
1021:In each atom thou shalt see the All, thou shalt contemplate millions of secrets asluminous as the sun. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
1022:It is from the shoot of self-renunciation that there starts the sweet fruit of final deliverance. ~ Book of Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
1023:It needs a lion-hearted man to travel the extraordinary path; for the way is long and the sea is deep. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
1024:Man can only be happy by the fruit of the labour which he spends on his self-improvement. ~ Antoine the Healer: Revelations, the Eternal Wisdom
1025:No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us and his love is perfected in us. ~ John IV. 12, the Eternal Wisdom
1026:One must accustom oneself to say in the mind when one meets a man, "I will think of him only and not of myself. " ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
1027:The sage does not die any more, for he is already dead, dead to all vanity, dead to all that is not God. ~ Angelus Silesius, the Eternal Wisdom
1028:Those, on the contrary, who contemplate the immutable essence of things, have knowledge and not opinions. ~ Plato: Republic, the Eternal Wisdom
1029:Thy soul cannot be hurt in thee save by reason of thy ignorant body; direct and master them both. ~ Book of Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
1030:To be master of one's mind! How difficult that is! it has been compared, not without reason, to a mad monkey. ~ Vivekananda, the Eternal Wisdom
1031:To my eyes the majesty of lords and princes is only a little smoke that floats in a ray of sunlight. ~ Sutra in 42 articles, the Eternal Wisdom
1032:When one ceases to gain, one begins to lose. What matters is not to advance quickly, but to be always advancing. ~ Plutarch, the Eternal Wisdom
1033:A man who has comm and over his senses and the forces of his being, has a just title to the name of king. ~ Angelus Silesius, the Eternal Wisdom
1034:Circumstances, though they attack obstinately the man who is firm, cannot destroy his proper virtue,-firmness. ~ Bhartrihari, the Eternal Wisdom
1035:e should follow the law which Nature has engraved in our hearts. Wisdom lies in the perfect observation of her law. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
1036:For of all things He is the Lord and Father and Source, and the life and power and light and intelligence and mind. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
1037:He alone traverses the current of the illusion who comes face to face with the Eternal and realises it. ~ Hermes: On Rebirth, the Eternal Wisdom
1038:If thou canst raise thy spirit above Space and Time, thou shalt find thyself at every moment in eternity. ~ Angelus Silesius, the Eternal Wisdom
1039:I have learned, in whatever state I am, therewith to be content,-both to abound and to suffer need. ~ Philippians IV. 11, 12, the Eternal Wisdom
1040:Let the Godhead within thee protect there a virile being, respect-worthy, a chief, a man self-disciplined. ~ Marcus Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
1041:Patience is sweeter than very honey, by this understand how useful it is to the soul that possesses it. ~ Shepherd of Hermas, the Eternal Wisdom
1042:So long as thou livest in the bewilderment and seduction of pride, thou shalt abide far from the truth. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
1043:So long as we do not die to ourselves and are not indifferent to creatures, the soul will not be free. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
1044:That man who seeth the self in all beings and all beings in the self, has no disdain for any thing that is. ~ Isha Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
1045:The knowledge of a great number of trivialities is an insurmountable obstacle to knowing what is really necessary. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
1046:The more thou knowest God, the more thou wilt recognise that thou canst not name Him, nor say what He is. ~ Angelus Silesius, the Eternal Wisdom
1047:The soul is its own witness, the soul is its own refuge. Never despise thy soul, that supreme witness in men. ~ Laws of Manu, the Eternal Wisdom
1048:The virtue of a man who has attained to the height of perfection, extends even to a foreknowledge of the future. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
1049:We all cooperate in one common work, some with knowledge and full intelligence, others without knowing it ~ Mar-cus Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
1050:When we act with obstinacy, malice, anger, violence, to whom do we make ourselves near and like? To wild beasts. ~ Epictetus, the Eternal Wisdom
1051:A man's deeds are slavish, his very thoughts false, so long as he has not succeeded in putting fear under his feet. ~ Carlyle, the Eternal Wisdom
1052:Before I was myself, I was God in God, that is why I can again become that when I shall be dead to myself. ~ Angelus Silesius, the Eternal Wisdom
1053:By zeal, by vigilance, by peace of soul the sage can make himself as an island which the waves cannot over flow. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1054:From the immobile stone to the supreme principle creation consists in the differentiation of existences. ~ Sankhya Pravachana, the Eternal Wisdom
1055:God dwells in a Light, to which a road is wanting. He who does not become That himself, will never see It. ~ Angelus Silesius, the Eternal Wisdom
1056:Heaven and Earth are the father and mother of all beings; among beings man alone has intelligence for his portion. ~ Chu-King, the Eternal Wisdom
1057:If thou art weary of suffering and affliction, do no longer any transgression, neither openly nor in secret. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
1058:I love the great scorners because they are the great worshippers, arrows shot by desire towards that other shore. ~ Nietzsche, the Eternal Wisdom
1059:O friends, despise not the eternal Beauty for the mortal beauty, and be not held back by the things of the earth. ~ Bahaullah, the Eternal Wisdom
1060:Sincerity, a profound, grand, ingenuous sincerity is the first characteristic of all men who are in any way heroic. ~ Carlyle, the Eternal Wisdom
1061:That is why it is permitted to him who has attained to the truty within, to say, "I am the true Divine." ~ Mohyiddin in Arabi, the Eternal Wisdom
1062:The good things of this world perish but the treasures won by a life of uprightness are imperishable. ~ Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king, the Eternal Wisdom
1063:The teaching of our master consists solely in this, to be upright in heart and to love one's neighbour as oneself ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
1064:True good can only be obtained by our effort towards spiritual perfection and this effort is always in our power. ~ Epictetus, the Eternal Wisdom
1065:What is man?... Thou crownedst him with glory and honour.... thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet. ~ Hebrews, the Eternal Wisdom
1066:A link was wanting between two craving parts of Nature and he was hurled into being as the bridge over that yawning need. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
1067:A man's spiritual gain depends on his ideas and sentiments; it is the product of his heart and not of his works. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
1068:Assuredly, whoever wishes to discover the universal truth must sound the depths of his own heart. ~ J. Tauler, "Institutions.", the Eternal Wisdom
1069:Desire is the profoundest root of all evil; it is from desire that there has arisen the world of life and sorrow. ~ Pali Canon, the Eternal Wisdom
1070:Faith may vary with different men, in different epochs, but love is invariable in all. The true faith is ~ Ibrahim of Cordova,, the Eternal Wisdom
1071:For never in this world can hate be appeased by hate: hatred is vanquished only by love,-that is the eternal law. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1072:he external forms are alone subject to change and destruction; for these forms are not the things themselves. ~ Giordano Bruno, the Eternal Wisdom
1073:It is not by the water in which they plunge that men become pure but he becomes pure who follows the path of the Truth. ~ ibid, the Eternal Wisdom
1074:Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace and the things wherewith one may edify another. ~ Romans XIV. 19, the Eternal Wisdom
1075:Man's vast spirit in its power to understand things, has a wider extent than heaven and earth. ~ J. Tauler, "Institutions" XII, the Eternal Wisdom
1076:Men and women live in the world without yet having any idea either of the visible world or the invisible. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
1077:This world after all our sciences remains still a miracle, marvellous, inscrutable, magical and more, for whoever thinks. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
1078:When a thought rises in us, let us see whether it is not in touch with the inferior worlds. ~ Antoine the Healer : Revelations, the Eternal Wisdom
1079:When thy soils shall have vanished and thou art free of defect, thou shalt no more be subject to decay and death. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1080:With ignorance are born all the passions, with the destruction of ignorance the passions also are destroyed. ~ Majihima Nikaya, the Eternal Wisdom
1081:As the herdsman urges with his staff his cattle to the stall, so age and death drive before them the lives of men. ~ Udanavarga, the Eternal Wisdom
1082:Man cannot possess perfect happiness until all that separates him from others has been abolished in oneness. ~ Angolua Siloaius, the Eternal Wisdom
1083:Man is the creator of the gods whom he worships in his temples. Therefore humanity has made its gods in its own image. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
1084:Master invisible filling all hearts and directing them from within, to whatever side I look, Thou dwellest there. ~ Bharon Guru, the Eternal Wisdom
1085:One arrives at such a condition only by renouncing all that one has seen, heard, understood. ~ Baha-ullah: "The Seven Valleys.", the Eternal Wisdom
1086:Rely on nothing that thy senses perceive; all that thou seest, hearest, feelest; is like a deceiving dream. ~ Minamoto Sanemoto, the Eternal Wisdom
1087:When wilt thou understand that the true happiness is always in thy power and that it is the love for all men. ~ Marcos Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
1088:When you have made progress in wisdom, you will find no situation troublesome to you; every condition will be happy. ~ Plntarch, the Eternal Wisdom
1089:Who is the superior man ? It is he who first puts his words in practice and then speaks in agreement with his acts. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
1090:Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul. ~ I Peter II. 11, the Eternal Wisdom
1091:Eternity is for all time, but the world only for a moment. Sell not then for that moment thy kingdom of eternity. ~ Omar Khayyam, the Eternal Wisdom
1092:Hell has not been created by any one, but when a man does evil, he lights the fires of hell and burns in his own fire. ~ Mahomed, the Eternal Wisdom
1093:He who consecrates his life to spiritual perfection, cannot be ill-content; for what he desires is always in his power. ~ Pascal, the Eternal Wisdom
1094:He who was heedless and has become vigilant, shines over the darkened world like a moon in cloudless heavens. ~ Udanavarga Sutta, the Eternal Wisdom
1095:Let us never lose sight of this, my brothers, that when we depart from sincerity, we depart from the Truth. ~ Antoine the Healer, the Eternal Wisdom
1096:Man should never cease to believe that the incomprehensible can be comprehended; otherwise he would give up his search. ~ Goethe, the Eternal Wisdom
1097:n verity, there exists one law only, the law of our conscience; all truth is there controlled and verified. ~ Antoine the Healer, the Eternal Wisdom
1098:Reject passion and attachment, then shall be revealed in thee that which now dwells hidden from thy eyes. ~ Sutra in 42 articles, the Eternal Wisdom
1099:Stimulate thyself, direct thyself; thus protected by thyself and full of clear-seeing thou shalt live always happy. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1100:Thyself awaken thy self: then protected by thyself and discovering thy own deepest secret, thou shalt not change. ~ Hindu Wisdom, the Eternal Wisdom
1101:Accept what is good even from the babbling of an idiot or the prattle of a child as they extract gold from a stone. ~ Mahabharata, the Eternal Wisdom
1102:Ah, let us live happy without hating those who hate us. In the midst of men who hate us, let us live without hatred. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1103:For it is an ancient and a true saying, Never shall hate be vanquished by hate, only by love is hatred extinguished. ~ Udanavaryu, the Eternal Wisdom
1104:I would act towards others with a heart pure and filled with love exactly as I would have them act to- wards me. ~ Lalita Vistara, the Eternal Wisdom
1105:My brothers, when you accost each other, two things alone are fitting, instructive words or a grave silence. ~ Buddhist Scripture, the Eternal Wisdom
1106:Open the eye of the heart that thou mayst see thy soul; thou shalt see what was not made to be seen. ~ Ahmed Halif, "Mystic Odes", the Eternal Wisdom
1107:Stand firm therefore, having your loins girt about with truth and having on the breastplate of righteousness. ~ Ephesians. VI. 14, the Eternal Wisdom
1108:When the mind is one with the deeper spirit and wholly in touch with knowledge, its universality embraces all things. ~ Patanjali, the Eternal Wisdom
1109:As in a house with a sound roof the lain cannot penetrate, so in a mind where meditation dwells passion cannot enter. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1110:A soul full of wisdom, however excellent it be, cannot be compared with right and straightforward Thought. ~ Fo-sho-hing-tsau-king, the Eternal Wisdom
1111:Be master of thyself by taming thy heart, thy mind and thy senses; for each man is his own friend and his own enemy. ~ Mahabharata, the Eternal Wisdom
1112:He that loveth his life, shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world, shall keep it unto life eternal. ~ John XII. 25, the Eternal Wisdom
1113:ike burning coals are our desires; they are full of suffering, full of torment and a yet heavier distressfulness. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
1114:In this state of pure felicity the soul is enlarged and the material substance that is subject to her profiteth also. ~ Tneng Tseu, the Eternal Wisdom
1115:One should seek the truth himself while profiting by the directions which have reached us from ancient sages and saints. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
1116:Restore to heaven and earth that which thou owest unto them...But of this dead man there is a portion that is immortal. ~ Rig Veda, the Eternal Wisdom
1117:Seek for a guide to lead you to the gates of knowledge where shines the brilliant light that is pure of all darkness. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1118:So live as if thou hadst at once to say farewell to life and the time yet accorded thee were an unexpected gift. ~ Marcus Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
1119:There is one only way of salvation, to renounce the life which perishes and to live the life in which there is no death. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
1120:Vanity of vanities, all is vanity. What profit hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the sun? ~ Ecclesiastes. I, 2, 3, the Eternal Wisdom
1121:Who knows this ruler within, he knows the worlds and the gods and creatures and the Self, he knows all. ~ Mundaka Upanishad I.210., the Eternal Wisdom
1122:Arise and be not slothful ! Follow the straight path ! He who so walks, lives happy in this world and in those beyond. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1123:By the assemblage of all that is exalted and all that is base man was always the most astonishing of mysteries. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
1124:For the ignorant there is no better rule than silence and if he knew its advantage he would not be ignorant. ~ Sadi : Gulistan VIII, the Eternal Wisdom
1125:He is the king of Nature because he alone in the world knows himself...His substance is that of God Himself. ~ The Rose of Bakamate, the Eternal Wisdom
1126:If the mind makes a practice of rectitude in its thinking, there is no evil that can make entrance into it. ~ Fo-sho.hing-tsan-king, the Eternal Wisdom
1127:I will rise now and go about the city in the streets and the broadways, I will seek him whom my soul loveth. ~ Songs of Songs III.2, the Eternal Wisdom
1128:One who returns not wrath to wrath, saves himself as well as the other from a great peril: he is A physician to both. ~ Mahabharata, the Eternal Wisdom
1129:O you who are vain of your mortal possessions, know that wealth is a heavy barrier between the seeker and the Desired. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
1130:Seek and you shall find.... It is when we seek for the things which are within us that quest leads to discovery. ~ Meng-Tse II. 7.3, the Eternal Wisdom
1131:Seek wisdom carefully and she shall be uncovered to thee, and when once thou hast seen her, leave her, not. ~ Ecclesiasticus VI, 28, the Eternal Wisdom
1132:Think not that when the sins of thy gross form are overcome, thy duty is over to nature and to other men. ~ Book of Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
1133:When thou art purified of thy omissions and thy pollutions, thou shalt come by that which is beyond age and death. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
1134:But since there is a Permanent, there is also a possible issue for that which belongs to the world of the impermanence. ~ Udanavarga, the Eternal Wisdom
1135:But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance. ~ Latita Vistara, the Eternal Wisdom
1136:Happy are they whom Truth herself instructs not by words and figures but by showing herself as she is. ~ Imitation of Christ I. 3. 7, the Eternal Wisdom
1137:He becomes master of all this universe who has this knowledge.-Know thyself, sound the divinity ~ Epictetus, "Conversations." III.22, the Eternal Wisdom
1138:He who sowed sparingly, shall reap also sparingly, and he who sowed bountifully, shall reap also bountifully. ~ II Corinthians IX. 6, the Eternal Wisdom
1139:He who speaks best of God is he who, in the presence of the plenitude of the interior riches, knows best how to be silent. ~ Eckhart, the Eternal Wisdom
1140:It is by suffering and troubles that it is given us to acquire little portions of that wisdom which is not learned in books. ~ Gogol, the Eternal Wisdom
1141:It is truly the supreme Light, inaccessible and unknowable, from which all other lamps receive their flame and their splendour. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
1142:The Catholic is our brother but the materialist not less. We owe him deference as to the greatest of believers. ~ Antonie the Healer, the Eternal Wisdom
1143:All that exists is but the transformation of one and the same Matter and is therefore one and the same thing. ~ Diogenes of Apollonia, the Eternal Wisdom
1144:All the modes of relative existence of our phenomenal world are simply created by particularisation in the troubled mind. ~ Awaghosha, the Eternal Wisdom
1145:Count it all joy when ye fall into diverse temptations, knowing this that the trying of your faith work-eth patience. ~ James 1. 2, 3, the Eternal Wisdom
1146:Fine language not followed by acts in harmony with it is like a splendid flower brilliant in colour but without perfume. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1147:I say to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly. ~ Romans X II, the Eternal Wisdom
1148:It is not by shaving the head that one becomes a man of religion; truth and rectitude alone make the true religious man. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1149:Let thy tongue be the instrument of truth. Be ever true in all that thou shall speak and permit not to thy tongue a lie. ~ Phocylides, the Eternal Wisdom
1150:Like the waves of a rivulet, day and night are flowing the hours of life and coining nearer and nearer to their end. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
1151:Meditate on the Eternal either in an unknown nook or in the solitude of the forests or in the solitude of thy own mind. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
1152:Some say that knowledge is the road that leads towards love; others, that love and knowledge are interdependent. ~ Narada Sutra 18-19, the Eternal Wisdom
1153:The light of thy spirit cannot destroy these shades of night so long as thou hast not driven out desire from thy soul. ~ Hindu Wisdom, the Eternal Wisdom
1154:The man of superior virtue is well pleased in the humblest situation. His heart loves to be deep as the abyss. ~ Lao-Tse: Tao-te-King, the Eternal Wisdom
1155:The man who does not try to raise his spirit above itself, is not worthy to live in the condition of a man. ~ Angelus Silesius II. 22, the Eternal Wisdom
1156:The more people believe in one thing, the more one ought to be careful with regard to that belief and attentive in examining it. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
1157:Then, accomplished in knowledge, he shakes from him good and evil, and, stainless, reaches that supreme Equality. ~ Mundaka Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
1158:The wise weep not for the dead nor the living: all of us were before and shall not cease to be hereafter. ~ Bhagavad Gita. II. 11, 12, the Eternal Wisdom
1159:This world is a people of friends, and these friends are first the gods and next men whom Nature has made for each other. ~ Epictetus, the Eternal Wisdom
1160:To know the One and Supreme, the supreme Lord, the immense Space, the superior Rule, that is the summit of knowledge. ~ Tsuang-Tse II, the Eternal Wisdom
1161:Words fail us when we seek, not to express Him who Is, but merely to attain to the expression of the powers that environ Him. ~ Philo, the Eternal Wisdom
1162:Youth, beauty, life, riches, health, friends are things that pass; let not the wise man attach himself at all to these. ~ Mahabharata, the Eternal Wisdom
1163:God is not knowledge, but the cause of Knowledge; He is not mind, but the cause of mind; He is not Light, but the cause of Light. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
1164:God is not knowledge, but the cause of Knowledge; He is not mind, but the cause of mind; He is not Light, but the cause of Light. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
1165:He who thus knows, "I am the Eternal", the gods themselves cannot make him other, for he is their own self. ~ Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
1166:If you do not cover yourself on every side with the shield of patience, you will not remain long without wounds. ~ Imitation of Christ, the Eternal Wisdom
1167:In the true nature of Matter is the fundamental law of the Spirit. In the true nature of Spirit is the fundamental law of Matter. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
1168:Men of superior virtue practise it without thinking of it; those of inferior virtue go about it with intention. ~ Lao-Tse: Tao-te-King, the Eternal Wisdom
1169:Nature wills that each thing after its fulfilment shall disappear; it is for this that everything ages and dies. ~ Apollonius of Tyana, the Eternal Wisdom
1170:o discern the eternal Reality and to detach oneself from the world are the two means of purification of the human heart. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
1171:So and likewise, if you tear away the veils of the heart, the light of the oneness will shine upon it. ~ Baha-ullah: The Seven Valleys, the Eternal Wisdom
1172:The breath of desire and pleasure so ravages the world that it has extinguished the torch of knowledge and understanding. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
1173:There is no death, the word mortal has no significance ; death would be destruction and nothing is destroyed in the universe. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
1174:Those become immortal who know by the heart and the understanding Him who in the heart has his dwelling-place. ~ wetaswatara Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
1175:Those who are consecrated to Truth shall surely gain the other shore and they shall cross the torrent waves of death. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
1176:Wisdom is like unto a beacon set on high, which radiates its light even in the darkest night. ~ Buddhist Meditations from the Japanese, the Eternal Wisdom
1177:Before the soul can see, it must have acquired the inner harmony and made the eyes blind to all illusion. ~ The Book of Gulden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
1178:Be not ashamed to be helped: thy end is to accomplish that which is incumbent on thee, like a soldier in the assault. ~ Marcus Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
1179:Do not do to others what you would not wish to suffer at their hands, and be to them what you would wish them to be to you. ~ Isocrates, the Eternal Wisdom
1180:Fill then your heart with this knowledge and seek for the sources of life in the words dictated by Truth itself. ~ Epsitle to Diognetus, the Eternal Wisdom
1181:He who discerns the truth as truth and the illusion as an illusion, attains to the truth and is walking in the right road. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1182:He who makes to be heard words without harshness, true and instructive, by which he injures none, he, I say, is a Brahmin. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1183:If the atom is lost in the sun of immensity, it will participate, although a simple atom, in its eternal duration. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
1184:The beginning of strife is as when one letteth out water; therefore leave off contention before it be meddled with. ~ Proverbs XVII. 14, the Eternal Wisdom
1185:The self is master of itself, what other master can it have? A self well controlled is a master difficult to procure. ~ Dhammapada. 160, the Eternal Wisdom
1186:When one lives for oneself, one lives only a portion of his true "I". When one lives for others, one feels his "I" expanding. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
1187:Be not taken in the snares of the Prince of death, let him not cast thee to the ground because thou hast been heedless. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
1188:Courtesy is the most precious of jewels. The beauty that is not perfected by courtesy is like a garden without a flower. ~ Buddhacharita, the Eternal Wisdom
1189:From coveting is horn grief, from coveting is born fear. To be free utterly from desire is to know neither fear nor sorrow. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1190:Nothing divides men so much as pride, whether it be the pride of the individual, of the family, of the class or of the nation. ~ Tolstoy, the Eternal Wisdom
1191:Once the mind has been trained to fix itself on formed images, it can easily accustom itself to fix on formless realities. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
1192:Only the man who knows that God lives in his soul, can be humble; such a one is absolutely indifferent to what men say of him. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
1193:The contemplation of impermanence is a door which leads to liberation and dissolves the formations of Illusion. ~ Abhidhamrnatthasangaha, the Eternal Wisdom
1194:The man full of uprightness is happy here below, sweet is his sleep by night and by day his heart is radiant with peace. ~ Buddhist Text, the Eternal Wisdom
1195:The wise do not linger in the thicket of the senses, the wise heed not the honeyed voices of the illusion. ~ The Book of Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
1196:Use your body and your thought and turn away from anybody who asks you to believe blindly, whatever be his good will or his virtue. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
1197:When creation perishes, Thou dost not perish, when it is reborn, thou coverest it, O Imperishable, with a thousand different forms. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
1198:Without stick or sword, filled with sympathy and benevolence, let the disciple show to all beings love and compassion. ~ Magghima Nikaya, the Eternal Wisdom
1199:For those in whom self-knowledge has destroyed their ignorance, knowledge illumines sunlike that highest existence. ~ Bhagavad Gita V. 16, the Eternal Wisdom
1200:hat is the true law? It is a right reason invariable, eternal, in conformity with Nature, -which is extended in all human being. ~ Cicero, the Eternal Wisdom
1201:Holy Knowledge, by thee illumined, I hymn by thee the ideal light; I rejoice with the joy of the Intelligence. ~ Hermes: "On the Rebirth", the Eternal Wisdom
1202:If ye live after the flesh, ye shall die; but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live. ~ Romans VIII. 13, the Eternal Wisdom
1203:If you wish to battle and strive for Truth become a thinker, that is to say, a free man. ~ Apollonius of Tyana, 28th Letter to the King.", the Eternal Wisdom
1204:Life and death, waking and sleep, youth and age are one and the same thing, for one changes .into the other, that into this. ~ Heraclitus, the Eternal Wisdom
1205:The individual consciousness by the attempt to measure the Impersonal loses its individual egoism and becomes one with Him. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
1206:The least indigent mortal is the one who desires the least. We have everything we wish when we wish only for what is sufficient. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
1207:And all things depend one on the other and all are bound to each other...all is that Ancient One and nothing is separate from him. ~ Zohar, the Eternal Wisdom
1208:As dawn announces the rising of the sun, so in a man disinterestedness, purity, rectitude forerun the coming of the Eternal. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
1209:First of the elements, universal Being, Thou hast created all and preservest all and the universe is nothing but Thy form. ~ Vishnu Purana, the Eternal Wisdom
1210:Life is not short if it is filled. The way to fill it is to compel the soul to enjoy its own wealth and to become its own master. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
1211:Like the waves of a river that flow slowly on and return never back, the days of human life pass and come not back again. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
1212:To conform one's conduct to one's talk is an eminent virtue; attain to that virtue and then you may speak of the duties of others. ~ Li-Ki, the Eternal Wisdom
1213:When the present dream of our life is finished, a new dream will succeed it and there our life and death will not be known. ~ Schopenhauer, the Eternal Wisdom
1214:All this universe, and in that word are comprised things divine and human, all is only one great body of which we are the members. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
1215:And yet, O the happiness of being man and of being able to recognise the way of the Truth and by following it to attain the goal. ~ Gyothai, the Eternal Wisdom
1216:Compassion toward animals is essentially bound up with goodness of character. Whoever is cruel to them cannot be good to men ~ Sehopenhauer, the Eternal Wisdom
1217:Each being who renounces his self and detaches himself completely from it, hears within this voice and this echo, "I am God. ~ Gulschen Raz, the Eternal Wisdom
1218:Let no evil communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good that it may minister grace unto the hearers. ~ Ephesians IV. 29, the Eternal Wisdom
1219:Slay thy desires, O disciple, make powerless thy vices, before thou takest the first step of that solemn journey. ~ Book of Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
1220:The individual dies, the kind is indestructible. The individual is the expression in time of the kind which is outside time. ~ Schopenhauer, the Eternal Wisdom
1221:The superior soul asks nothing from any but itself. The vulgar and unmeritable man asks everything of others. ~ Confucius: Lia yu II XV. 20, the Eternal Wisdom
1222:The world is a dream and resembles a flower in bloom which shakes out to all its sides its pollen and then no longer is. ~ Minamoo Sanemoto, the Eternal Wisdom
1223:To believe blindly is bad. Reason, judge for yourselves, experiment, verify whether what you have been told is true or false. ~ Vivekananda, the Eternal Wisdom
1224:Do what thou knowest to be good without expecting from it any glory. Forget not that the vulgar area bad judge of good actions. ~ Demophilus, the Eternal Wisdom
1225:Each descent of the gaze on oneself is at the same time an ascension, an assumption, a gaze on the true objectivity. ~ Novalis, "Fragments.", the Eternal Wisdom
1226:Energetically resolved on the search, they must pass without ceasing from negligence to the world of effort. ~ Baha-ullah: The Seven Valleys, the Eternal Wisdom
1227:Even though thou shouldst be of all sinners the most sinful, yet by the raft of knowledge thou shalt cross utterly beyond all evil. ~ id. 36, the Eternal Wisdom
1228:Happy is he who nourishes himself with these good words and shuts them up in his heart. He shall always be one of the wise. ~ Ecclesiasticus, the Eternal Wisdom
1229:Have compassion, have pity for all beings that live. Let thy heart be benevolent and sympathetic towards all that lives. ~ Fo'shu-tsrn-king-, the Eternal Wisdom
1230:Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all pollutionof the flesh and spirit. ~ II Corinthians VII. I, the Eternal Wisdom
1231:The mind is a clear and polished mirror and our continual duty is to keep it pure and never allow dust to accumulate upon it. ~ Hindu Saying, the Eternal Wisdom
1232:What is it that is? It is that which was. And what is it that was? It is that which is. There is nothing new under the sun. ~ Giordano Bruno, the Eternal Wisdom
1233:When anyone does good without troubling himself for the result, ambition and malevolence pass quickly away from him. ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsan-king, the Eternal Wisdom
1234:All other vanities can be gradually extinguished, but the vanity of the saint in his saintliness is difficult indeed to banish. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
1235:elf-control which lies on a man like a fine garment, falls away from him who negligently gives himself up to slumber. ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsan-king, the Eternal Wisdom
1236:Even as the hard K us ha-grass tears the hand which knows not how to size it, so a misplaced asceticism leads to the lower life. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1237:He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much. ~ Luke XVI.10, the Eternal Wisdom
1238:Just as the penetrating rays of the sun visit the darkest corners, so thought concentrated will master its own deepest secrets. ~ Vivekananda, the Eternal Wisdom
1239:Learn then, in brief, matter and its nature, qualities and modifications and also what the Spirit is and what its power. ~ Bhagavad Gita XIII, the Eternal Wisdom
1240:Men never commit bad actions with more coolness and assurance in their rectitude than when they do them by virtue of a false belief. ~ Pascal, the Eternal Wisdom
1241:The divine Spirit dwells in every man. How can we make a difference among those who carry in themselves one and the same principle? ~ Tolstoy, the Eternal Wisdom
1242:This liberation is attained by him alone who has understood the lesson of complete disinterestedness and forgetfulness of self. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
1243:A man may conquer thousands and thousands of men in battle, but he is the greatest conqueror who has mastered himself. ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsan-king, the Eternal Wisdom
1244:Every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour, not in the lust of concupiscence. ~ Thessalonians.IV.4. 5, the Eternal Wisdom
1245:He whose senses are not attached to name and form who is no longer troubled by transient things; can be really called a disciple. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1246:Some men only have the happiness to raise themselves to that perception of the Divine which exists only in God and in the human mind. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
1247:The mind is restless, violent, powerful, obstinate; its control seems to me as difficult a task as to control the wind. ~ Bhagavad Gita VI. 34, the Eternal Wisdom
1248:There is not a grain of dust, not an atom that can become nothing, yet man believes that death is the annihilation of his being ~ Schopenhauer, the Eternal Wisdom
1249:The supreme gift is the gift of Truth, the supreme savour is the savour of Truth, the supreme delight is the delight of Truth. ~ Dammapada 354, the Eternal Wisdom
1250:The Tao is diffused in the universe. All existences return to It as streams and mountain rivulets return to the rivers and the seas. ~ Las-tse, the Eternal Wisdom
1251:We are born to contri bute to a mutual action like feet and hands. The hostility of men among themselves is against Nature. ~ Mar-cus Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
1252:All men are separated from each other by the body, but all are united by the same spiritual principle which gives life to everything. ~ Tolstoy, the Eternal Wisdom
1253:God invisible,...say not so; for who is more apparent than He? That is the goodness of God, that is His virtue, to be apparent in all. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
1254:He whose mind is utterly pure from all evil as the Sun is pure of stain and the moon of soil, him indeed I call a man of religion. ~ Udanavagga, the Eternal Wisdom
1255:Let no man deceive himself; if any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him a fool that he may be wise. ~ I. Corinthians III. 18, the Eternal Wisdom
1256:Make no parade of your wisdom; it is a vanity which costs dear to many. Let wisdom correct your vices, but not attack those of others. ~ Scneca, the Eternal Wisdom
1257:Put Wisdom at the head of the world; the world will fight its battle victoriously and will be the best world that men can constitute. ~ Carlyle, the Eternal Wisdom
1258:Such are they who have not acquired self-knowledge, men who vaunt their science, are proud of their wisdom, vain of their riches. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
1259:The Church does not consist in a great number of persons. He who possesses the Truth at his side is the church, though he be alone. ~ Ibn Masnd, the Eternal Wisdom
1260:There are numerous Masters. But the common Master is the Universal Soul: live in it and let its rays live in you. ~ Book of the Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
1261:The soul that dwells in the body of every man is unslayable, and therefore thou shouldst not weep for all these beings. ~ Bhagavad Gita. II. 30, the Eternal Wisdom
1262:Tribulation worketh patience, and patience experience, and experience hope.-Only by hope can one attain to unhoped-for things. ~ Romans V. 3, 4, the Eternal Wisdom
1263:When one perceives clearly this Self as God and as the Lord of all that is and will be, he knows no longer any fear. ~ Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
1264:Decry not other sects nor depreciate them but, on the contrary, render honour to that in them which is worthy of honour. ~ Inscriptions of Asoka, the Eternal Wisdom
1265:Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation and every city cur house divided against itself shall not stand. ~ Matthew XII. 25, the Eternal Wisdom
1266:No radiance of the Spirit can dissipate the darkness of the soul below unless all egoistic thought has fled out of it. ~ Book of Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
1267:Put all things to the touchstone of your reason, to a free and independent scrutiny and keep what is good, what is true, what is useful ~ Huxley, the Eternal Wisdom
1268:Step by step, piece by piece, hour by hour, the wise man should purify his soul of all impurity as a silver worker purifies silver. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1269:The firmness of our resolution gives the measure of our progress and a great diligence is needed if one wishes to advance. ~ Imitation of Christ, the Eternal Wisdom
1270:Things in their fundamental nature can neither be named nor explained. They cannot be expressed adequately in any form of language. ~ Aswaghosha, the Eternal Wisdom
1271:When thou canst see that the substance of His being is thy being,... then thou knowest thy soul...So to know oneself is the true knowledge. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
1272:And shall I then no longer be? Yes, thou shalt be, but thou shalt be something else of which the world will have need at that moment. ~ Epictetus, the Eternal Wisdom
1273:Disinterestedness is not always understood. Yet is it the foundation of the virtues, without it they could not be practised. ~ Antoine the Healer, the Eternal Wisdom
1274:Good is mastery of the body, good the mastery of the speech, good too the mastery of the thought, good the perfect self-mastery. ~ Maggima Nikaya, the Eternal Wisdom
1275:Look within thee; within thee is the source of all good and a source inexhaustible provided thou dig in it unceasingly. ~ Marcus Aurelius VII. 59, the Eternal Wisdom
1276:That man whose mind attaches itself only to sensible objects, death carries away like a torrent dragging with it a sleeping village. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1277:The mind is restless, strong, insistent, violently disturbing; to control it I hold to be as difficult as to control the wind. ~ Bhagavad Gita VI, the Eternal Wisdom
1278:The soul includes everything; whoever knows his soul, knows everything and whoever is ignorant of his soul, is ignorant of everything. ~ Socrates, the Eternal Wisdom
1279:Two kinds of joy are there, O my brothers, and what are they? The noisy and the silent joy; but nobler is the joy that is silent. ~ Sangiti Sutta, the Eternal Wisdom
1280:When thy understanding shall stand immovable and unshakeable in concentration, then thou shalt attain to the divine Union. ~ Bhagavad Gita 11. 53, the Eternal Wisdom
1281:Even as I are these, even as they am I,-identifying himself thus with others, the wise man neither kills nor is a cause of killing. ~ Sutta Nipata, the Eternal Wisdom
1282:How canst thou seize by the senses that which is neither solid nor liquid...that which is conceived only in power and energy? ~ Hermes: On Rebirth, the Eternal Wisdom
1283:Let us attach ourselves to a solid good, to a good that shines within and not externally. Let us devote all our efforts to its discovery. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
1284:No man has a right to constrain another to think like himself. Each must bear with patience and indulgence the beliefs of others. ~ Giordano Bruno, the Eternal Wisdom
1285:One must begin by annihilating one's self, to be able to kindle within the Flame of existence and be admitted into the paths of Love. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
1286:Self-conquest is the most glorious of victories; it shall better serve a man to conquer himself than to be master of the whole world. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1287:That which distinguishes from others the upright man, is that he never pollutes the genius within him which dwells in his heart. ~ Marcus Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
1288:The union of the soul and nature has for its only object to give the soul the knowledge of nature and make it capable of eternal freedom. ~ Hennes, the Eternal Wisdom
1289:To take neither wine nor meat is to fast ceremonially, it is not the heart's fasting which is to maintain in oneself the one thought. ~ Tsuang-tso, the Eternal Wisdom
1290:When the man who does good, ceases to concern himself with the result of his act, ambition and wrath are extinguished within him. ~ Lalita Vistara, the Eternal Wisdom
1291:A hundred years of life passed without the vision of the supreme law are not worth a single day of a life consecrated to that vision. ~ Dham-mapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1292:And at last thou shalt come into that place where thou shalt find only one sole being in place of the world and its mortal creatures. ~ Ahmad Halif, the Eternal Wisdom
1293:And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it, or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it. ~ I Corinthians. XII. 25, the Eternal Wisdom
1294:Even if thou wouldst, thou couldst not separate thy life from the life of humanity. Thou livest in humanity and by it and for it. ~ Marcus Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
1295:he night is far spent, the day is at hand; let us therefore cast off the works of darkness and let us put on the armour of light. ~ Romans XIII. 12, the Eternal Wisdom
1296:Life is like a moth which in summer at nightfall turns about a lamp; there it finds at first a fugitive joy, but afterwards death. ~ Zeisho Aishako, the Eternal Wisdom
1297:Like a chariot drawn by wild horses is the mind, the man of knowledge should hold it in with an unswerving attention. ~ CwetawataraUpanishad. II. 9, the Eternal Wisdom
1298:Man falls not suddenly into death, but moves to meet him step by step. We are dying each day; each day robs us of a part of our existence. ~ Sencea, the Eternal Wisdom
1299:So long as the mentality is inconstant and inconsequent, it is worthless, though one have a good teacher and the company of holy men. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
1300:Whoever, without having the true science to which Life offers witness, fancies he knows something, knows, I repeat, nothing. ~ Epistle to Diognetus, the Eternal Wisdom
1301:All good thoughts, good words, good actions are works of intelligence; all bad thoughts, bad words, bad actions are works of unintelligence ~ Avesta, the Eternal Wisdom
1302:If thy first endeavour to find the Eternal bears no fruit, lose not courage. Persevere and at last thou shalt obtain the divine grace. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
1303:If ye fulfil the royal law, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well ; but if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin. ~ James II.8, 9, the Eternal Wisdom
1304:Like a piece of water that is deep, calm and limpid, having ears only for the precepts of the law the wise live in a complete serenity. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1305:Man, every time he gives up and abandons himself, finds God in the depths of his heart, as if the immutable principle of his abnegation. ~ J. Tauler, the Eternal Wisdom
1306:The day of days, the great feast-day of the life, is that in which the eye within opens on the unity of things, the omnipresence of a law. ~ Emerson, the Eternal Wisdom
1307:You veil your eyes and complain that you cannot see the Eternal. If you wish to seeHim, tear from your eyes the veil of the illusion. ~ Ramakrishnan, the Eternal Wisdom
1308:Even as the high mountain-chains remain immobile in the midst of the tempest, so the true sage remains unshaken amidst praise and blame. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1309:he man who has conquered his unreined desires, offers no hold to sorrow; it glides over him like water over the leaves of the lotus. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
1310:The good acts we do today, our own progress will show to us tomorrow as an evil, because we shall have acquired a greater light. ~ Antoine the Healer, the Eternal Wisdom
1311:There is a stain worse than all stains, the stain of ignorance. Purify yourselves of that stain, O disciples, and be free from soil. ~ Dhammapada 243, the Eternal Wisdom
1312:The self is the master of the self, what other master wouldst thou have? A self well-controlled is a master one can get with difficulty. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1313:Thou shalt invest thyself with her as with a raiment of glory and thou shalt put her on thy head as a crown of joy. Say unto wisdom, ~ Ecclesiastious, the Eternal Wisdom
1314:To be ignorant of the path one has to take and set out on the way without a guide, is to will to lose oneself and run the risk of perishing. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
1315:What then is the duty of the citizen? Never to consider his particular interest, never to calculate as if he were an isolated individual. ~ Epictetus, the Eternal Wisdom
1316:All souls are merely determinations of the universal Soul. Bodies taken separately are only varied and transient forms of material substance. ~ Kapila, the Eternal Wisdom
1317:At first sin is a stranger in the soul; then it becomes a guest; and when we are habituated to it, it becomes as if the master of the house. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
1318:Follow not a law of perdition, shut not yourselves up in negligence, follow not a law of falsehood; do nothing for the sake of the world. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1319:Hard is the mind to restrain, light, running where it pleases; to subjugate it is a salutary achievement; subjugated it brings happiness. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1320:He has read everything, learned everything, practised everything, who has renounced his desires and lives without any straining of hope. ~ Hitopadesha, the Eternal Wisdom
1321:He whose mind is utterly purified from soil, as heaven is pure from stain and the moon from dust, him indeed I call a man of religion. ~ Buddhist Text, the Eternal Wisdom
1322:If to-day when thou art with thy self, thou knowest nothing, what wilt thou know tomorrow when thou shalt have passed out of this self? ~ Omar Khayyam, the Eternal Wisdom
1323:O my friend, hearken to the melody of the Spirit in thy heart and in thy soul and guard it as the apple of thy eyes. ~ Baha-ullah, "The Seven Valleys", the Eternal Wisdom
1324:O obscurity of obscurity, O soul of the soul, Thou art more than all and before all. All is seen in Thee and Thou art seen in all. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
1325:The knowledge which sees one imperishable existence in all beings and the indivisible in things divided know to be the true knowledge. ~ Bhagavad Gita, the Eternal Wisdom
1326:Your body is an image of heaven and earth confided to your keeping. Your life is the harmony of heaven and earth confided to your keeping. ~ Tswangrse, the Eternal Wisdom
1327:An attentive scrutiny of thy being will reveal to thee that it is one with the very essence of absolute perfection. ~ Buddhist Writings in the Japanese, the Eternal Wisdom
1328:He who is alone uncreated is then by that very fact unrevealed and invisible, but, manifesting all things, He reveals Himself in them and by them. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
1329:Silence, the great empire of silence, loftier than the stars, profounder than the kingdom of Death! It alone is great; all the rest is petty. ~ Carlyle, the Eternal Wisdom
1330:That he may vanquish hate, let the disciple live with a soul delivered from all hate and show towards all beings love and compassion. ~ Magghima Nikaya, the Eternal Wisdom
1331:The rays of the divine sun, the infinite Orient, shine equally on all that exists and the illumination of Unity repeats itself everywhere. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
1332:ach time that the mobile and inconstant mind goes outward, it should be controlled, brought back into oneself and made obedient. ~ Bhagavad Gita VI. 26,, the Eternal Wisdom
1333:The foundation of man's life is the dwelling in him of the divine Spirit equal in all men. And that is why men among themselves are all equal. ~ Tolstoy, the Eternal Wisdom
1334:Do not to others what would displease thee done to thyself: this is the substance of the Law; all other law depends on one's good pleasure. ~ Mahabharata, the Eternal Wisdom
1335:If man thinks only of himself and seeks everywhere his own profit, he cannot be happy. If thou wouldst really live for thyself, live for others. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
1336:If we raise ourselves for a moment by aesthetic contemplation above the heavy terrestrial atmosphere, we are then beings blessed over all. ~ Schopenhauer, the Eternal Wisdom
1337:Man, if thou wouldst discover in the crowd the friends of God, observe simply those who carry love in their hearts and in their hands. ~ Angeles Silesins, the Eternal Wisdom
1338:My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue, but in deed and in truth. And hereby we know that we are of the truth. ~ John III. 18, 19, the Eternal Wisdom
1339:Take no thought for the morrow; for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. ~ Matthew VI. 34, the Eternal Wisdom
1340:That which has neither body, nor appearance, nor form, nor matter, nor can be seized by our senses, That which cannot be expressed,-this is God. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
1341:The man in whose vision all things are becomings of the Self and who sees in all things oneness, whence shall he have grief or delusion? ~ Isha Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
1342:The superior type of man is in all the circumstances of his life exempt from prejudices and obstinacy; he regulates himself by justice alone. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
1343:Before the creator can be born, there must be many pangs and transformations. Yes, your life must pass through many bitter deaths, O creators. ~ Nietzsche, the Eternal Wisdom
1344:From the most exalted in position to the humblest and obscurest of men all have one equal duty, to correct incessantly and improve themselves. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
1345:He who abstains from all violence towards beings, to the weak as to the strong, who kills not and makes not to kill, he, I say, is a Brahmin. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1346:If thou hast attempted and failed, O indomitable warrior, yet lose not courage; fight and return to the charge still and always. ~ Book of Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
1347:Man, wouldst thou be a sage, wouldst thou know thyself and know God? First thou shouldst extinguish in thyself the desire of the world. ~ Angelus Silesius, the Eternal Wisdom
1348:Only one who has surmounted by wisdom that which the world calls good and evil and who lives in a clear light, can be truly called an ascetic ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1349:So long as the mind stops at the observation of multiple details, it does not enter into the general field of true knowledge. ~ Patanjali: Aphorisms. I 49, the Eternal Wisdom
1350:That which is Permanent, possess no attri bute by which one can speak of It, but the term Permanent is all that can be expressed by language. ~ Aswaghosha, the Eternal Wisdom
1351:The mind is difficult to restrain, light, running whither it pleases; to control it is a helpful thing; controlled, it secures happiness. ~ Dhammapada. 35, the Eternal Wisdom
1352:Thou shalt leave behind thee the embarrassments with which wealth surrounds thee and thou shalt find the immensity of the spiritual kingdom. ~ Ahmed Halif, the Eternal Wisdom
1353:Behold, there is the goal of beatitude and there the long road of suffering. Thou canst choose the one or the other across the cycles to come. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1354:Employ all the leisure you have in listening to the well-informed; so you shall learn without difficulty what they have learned by long labour. ~ Isocrates, the Eternal Wisdom
1355:Make pain and pleasure, loss and gain, victory and defeat equal to thee, then turn thyself to the battle, so shalt thou have no sin. ~ Bhagavad Gita II. 38, the Eternal Wisdom
1356:The difficulties which come to birth in the disciple, are ignorance, egoism, desire, aversion and a tenacious will to existence upon the earth. ~ Patanjali, the Eternal Wisdom
1357:When thou takest cognizance of what thine "I" is, then art thou delivered from egoism and shalt know that thou art not other than God. ~ Mohyddin-ibn-Arabi, the Eternal Wisdom
1358:Whether you are standing or walking, whether you are seated or lying down, consecrate yourselves wholly to love : it is the best way of life. ~ Metta Sutta, the Eternal Wisdom
1359:Within man is the soul of the whole, the wise silence, the universal beauty to which every part and particle is equally related, the eternal ONE. ~ Emerson, the Eternal Wisdom
1360:Beyond fugitive Time reigns in the silence the kingdom of the Permanent. O happy he who conquers here and penetrates into the country of peace! ~ Udanavarga, the Eternal Wisdom
1361:Cease to search out death with such ardour in the strayings of your life, use not the work of your hands to win that which shall destroy you. ~ Wisdom I. 12, the Eternal Wisdom
1362:He whose whole play of life is with the Self and in the Self has his joy and so does actions, is the best of the knowers of the Eternal. ~ Mundaka Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
1363:I would follow the road of straightness, the unstained way of which the sages speak, which has no windings and leads straight to deliverance. ~ Psalms. IX30, the Eternal Wisdom
1364:The zeal we devote to fulfilling the precept "Know thyself," leads us to the true happiness whose condition is the knowledge of veritable truths. ~ Porphyry, the Eternal Wisdom
1365:Try, but thou shalt not find the frontiers of the soul even if thou scourest all its ways; so profound is the extension of its reasoning being. ~ Heraclitus, the Eternal Wisdom
1366:We can thus recognise that all phenomena of the world are only the illusory manifestations of the mind and have no reality proper to themselves. ~ Awaghosha, the Eternal Wisdom
1367:Difficult is union with God when the self is not under governance; but when the self is well-subjected, there are means to come by it. ~ Bhagavad Gita XI. 38, the Eternal Wisdom
1368:For life cannot subsist without science and science exposes us to this peril that it does not walk towards the light of the true life. ~ Epistle to Diognetus, the Eternal Wisdom
1369:If thou canst, thou mayst see Him by the eyes of the intelligence, for the Lord is not a miser of Himself; He reveals Himself in the whole universe. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
1370:Let the disciple consecrate himself to love, not in order to seek for his own happiness, but let him take pleasure in love for the love of love. ~ Jatakamala, the Eternal Wisdom
1371:Only by falling back on our better thought, by yielding to the spirit of prophecy which is innate in every man, can we know what that wisdom saith. ~ Emerson, the Eternal Wisdom
1372:Regard incessantly this body as the bespangled chariot of a king; it gladdens the simpleton but not the wise, dazzles the fool but not the sage. ~ Udanavarga, the Eternal Wisdom
1373:The mind is a clear and polished mirror and our continual duty is to keep it pure and never allow dust to gather upon its face. ~ Saving of the School of Zen, the Eternal Wisdom
1374:The proud man wishes to distinguish himself from others and deprives himself thus of the best joy of life, of a free and joyful communion with men. ~ Tolstoy, the Eternal Wisdom
1375:There is only one thing to do in order to be sure of being happy: it is to love the good and the wicked. Love always and thou wilt be happy always. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
1376:All the aspects of the sea are not different from the sea; nor is there any difference between the universe and its supreme Principle. ~ Chhandogya Uppanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
1377:Attach thyself to the sense of-things and not to their form. The sense is the essential, the form is only an encumbrance. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
1378:Despair not, my son, thy desire shall be fulfilled, thy will shall have fruit; put to sleep the sensations of the body and thou shalt be born in God. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
1379:Just discernment is of two kinds. The first conducts us towards the phenomenon, while the second knows how the Absolute appears in the universe. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
1380:Let not therefore the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches. ~ Jeremiah IX. 23, the Eternal Wisdom
1381:Sole essence of the world, Thou createst it and thou dissolvest it. Thou makest and unmakest the universe which is born again unceasingly by Thee. ~ Harivansa, the Eternal Wisdom
1382:So long as the mind is inconstant and inconsequent, it will avail nothing, even though one have a good instructor and the company of the saints. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
1383:That man whose mind is solely attached to the objects of sense, him death drags with it as an impetuous torrent sweeps away a slumbering village. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1384:There are pearls in the depths of the ocean, but one must dare all the perils of the deep to have them. So is. it with the Eternal in the world. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
1385:There is no malady that can prevent the doing of thy duty. If thou canst not serve men by thy works, serve them by thy example of love and patience. ~ Tolstoy, the Eternal Wisdom
1386:The traveller in the valley of knowledge who sees the end of each thing, knows how to find peace amid contest and reconciliation amidst disunion. ~ Baha ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
1387:To avoid the company of fools, to be in communion with the sages, to render honour to that which merits honor, is a great blessedness. ~ Mahaparinibbana Sutta, the Eternal Wisdom
1388:Whether on earth or in the abodes of the gods, all beings are upon three evil paths; they are in thepower of existence, desire and ignorance. ~ Latita Vistara, the Eternal Wisdom
1389:A man is not a master because he despotically subjects being living at his mercy. He can be called a master who has compassion for all that lives. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1390:Let not him then who cannot enter into the chamber of hidden treasure complain that he is poor and has no part in these riches. ~ J. Tauler, "Institutions." 27, the Eternal Wisdom
1391:Now that you have learned to know the truth, let your hearts henceforth enlightened take pleasure in a conduct in conformity with it. ~ Fo-sho-hing-tai ti-king, the Eternal Wisdom
1392:Of what use is it to run painfully about the troubled world of visible things when there is a purer world within ourselves? ~ Novalis, "The Disciples at Sais.", the Eternal Wisdom
1393:Silence thy thoughts and fix all thy attention on the Master within whom thou seest not yet, but of whom thou hast a presentiment ~ The Book of Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
1394:The beginning of wisdom is the sincere desire for instruction. To observe attentively its laws is to establish the perfect purity of the soul. ~ Book of Wisdom, the Eternal Wisdom
1395:The Master has said, "To pore over mysterious things and do miracles that I may be cited with honour in future times, this is what 1 will not do." ~ Tsang-Yung, the Eternal Wisdom
1396:The principal work of life is love. And one cannot love in the past or in the future: one can only love in the present, at this hour, at this minute. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
1397:Very weak are our efforts for the discovery of such great blessings, but when we arrive at them, we are recompensed by the felicity of our conscience. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
1398:When a man shakes from him the clinging yoke of desire, affliction drops away from him little by little as drops of water glide from a lotus-leaf. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1399:Being but one, she is capable of all; immutable in herself, she renews all things; she diffuses herself among the nations in saintly souls. ~ The Book of Wisdom, the Eternal Wisdom
1400:Coveting is without end, but contentment is a supreme felicity; therefore the wise recognise no treasures upon the earth except contentment alone. ~ Mahabharata, the Eternal Wisdom
1401:If the soul would give itself leisure to take breath and return into itself, it would be easy for it to draw from its own depths the seeds of the true. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
1402:Many things are wanting to indigence, but everything is wanting to greed. A covetous man is useful to none and still less is he of any good to himself. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
1403:That which was before all individual existence, and which was without action although capable of action, is that which preceded heaven and earth. ~ Hoei Nan-Tse, the Eternal Wisdom
1404:Ah! let us live happy without desires among those who are given up to covetousness. In the midst of men full of desires, let us dwell empty of them. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1405:As a ripe fruit is at every moment in peril of detaching itself from the branch, so every creature born lives under a perpetual menace of death. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
1406:For the good that I would do, I do not; but the evil that I would not, that I do.. I find then a law that, when I would dogood, evil is present with me. ~ Pascal, the Eternal Wisdom
1407:o living being possessed by desire can escape from sorrow. Those who have full understanding of this truth, conceive a hatred for desire. ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsau-king, the Eternal Wisdom
1408:One may say boldly that no man has a just perception of any truth, if that truth has not reacted on him so intensely that be is ready to be its martyr. ~ Emerson, the Eternal Wisdom
1409:Placed on the borders of Time and Eternity...he holds himself somehow erect at the horizon of Nature...Spiritual perfection is his true destiny. ~ Giordano Bruno, the Eternal Wisdom
1410:Still it is not impossible to raise oneself even higher than that, for love itself is a veil between the lover and the Beloved. ~ Baha-ullah "The Seven Valleys.", the Eternal Wisdom
1411:The act done under right rule, with detachment, without liking or dislike, by the man who grasps not at the fruit, that is a work of light. ~ Bhagavad Gita 18.23, the Eternal Wisdom
1412:The man who has conquered himself and is tranquillised, remains fixed in his highest self, whether in pleasure or pain, in honour or in disgrace. ~ Bhagavad Gita, the Eternal Wisdom
1413:The sage should be figured in the image of a robust athlete whom long exercise has hardened, one who can baffle the efforts of the most obstinate enemy. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
1414:To do no evil to any being, neither by action, nor by thought, nor by word; to will the good and to practise it: such is the eternal law of the good. ~ Madharata, the Eternal Wisdom
1415:Two kinds of joy are there, O my brothers, and what are they? The joy to possess and the joy to renounce; but nobler is the joy of renunciation. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
1416:What offering should be made that we may attain to the Eternal? To find the Eternal thou must offer him thy body, thy mind and all thy possessions. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
1417:When they tell thee that thou must not search everywhere for truth, believe them not. Those who speak thus are thy most formidable enemies-and Truth's. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
1418:And there is no more perfect life than that which is passed in the commerce and sociely of men when it is filled with charity towards one's neighbour. ~ J. Tauler, the Eternal Wisdom
1419:I have fought the good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me-a crown of righteousness. ~ JI Timothy IV. 7. 8, the Eternal Wisdom
1420:It is written in the great Law, "Before thou canst become a knower of the All-Self, thou must first b the knower of thine own self". ~ Book of the Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
1421:Our intelligence ought to govern us as a herdsman governs his goats, cows and sheep, preferring for himself and his herd all that is useful and agreeable. ~ Philo, the Eternal Wisdom
1422:The body is not distinct from the soul but makes of part it and the soul is not distinct from the whole but one of its members ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
1423:The happiness of each thing resides in its own proper perfection, and this perfection is nothing else for each individual than union with his own Cause. ~ Sallust, the Eternal Wisdom
1424:What are the roots of evil? Desire, disliking, ignorance. And what then are the roots of good? Liberation from desire, disliking and ignorance. ~ Magghima Nikaya,, the Eternal Wisdom
1425:Whoever develops all the faculties of his thinking principle, knows his own rational nature; once he knows his rational nature, he knows heaven. ~ Meng-Tse II.7.1, the Eternal Wisdom
1426:et all men accomplish only the works of righteousness, and they shall build for themselves a place of safety where they can store their treasures. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
1427:If thou say, "Who is the Ancient and most Holy?" come then and see,-it is the supreme head, unknowable, inaccessible, indefinable, and it contains all. ~ The Zohar, the Eternal Wisdom
1428:I have preferred wisdom to kingdoms and thrones and I have believed that riches are nothing before wisdom, for she is an endless treasure for men. ~ Book of Wisdom, the Eternal Wisdom
1429:I strive to attain the happiness which does not pass away nor perish and which has not its source in riches or beauty nor depends upon them. ~ Foshu-hing-tsan-king, the Eternal Wisdom
1430:It is much better to observe justice than to pass one's whole life in the prostrations and genuflexions of an external worship. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
1431:Love is an easier method than the others; because it is self-evident and does not depend on other truths and its nature is peace and supreme felicity. ~ id. 58. 60, the Eternal Wisdom
1432:The days of our years are three score years and ten, and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow. ~ Psalms XC. 10, the Eternal Wisdom
1433:The more a man is truthful, the more he is divine; unconquerableness, immortality, the greatness of the godhead enter into a man along with truthfulness. ~ Emerson, the Eternal Wisdom
1434:There is nowhere in this world, nor in the air, nor in the midst of the ocean any place where we can disembarrass ourselves of the evil we have done. ~ Dhainmapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1435:The sage is always at peace; thus his mentality is equally in equilibrium and at ease. His mind is simple and pure, his soul is not subject to lassitude. ~ Lao-Tse, the Eternal Wisdom
1436:The self is master of the self; what other master can it have? The sage who has made himself master of himself, rends his bonds and breaks his chains. ~ Udanavarga, the Eternal Wisdom
1437:Two kinds of joy are there O my brothers, and what are they? The joy of the senses and the joy of the spirit; but nobler is the joy of the spirit. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
1438:When a man has subdued himself and lives in perfect continence, not god, not Gandharva, not Mara, not Brahma himself can turn into defeat his victory. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1439:Whoever would enter into the mysteries of Nature must incessantly explore the opposite extremes of things and discover the point where they unite. ~ Giordano Bruno, the Eternal Wisdom
1440:Who loves her loves life and they that keep vigil to find her shall enjoy her peace. Whosoever possesses her, shall have life for his inheritance. ~ Ecclesiastious, the Eternal Wisdom
1441:All things are lawful to me, but all things are not expedient; all things are lawful to me, but I will not be brought under the power of any. ~ I Corinthians VI. 12, the Eternal Wisdom
1442:Be your own torch and your own refuge. Take truth for your force, take truth for your refuge. Seek refuge in no others but only in yourself. ~ Mahaparinibbana Sutta, the Eternal Wisdom
1443:But the higher you raise yourself, the smaller you will seem to the eyes that are envious. He who ranges on the heights is the one whom men most detest. ~ Nietzsche, the Eternal Wisdom
1444:By virile activity, by vigilant effort, by empire over himself, by moderation, the sage can make himself an island which the floods shall not inundate. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1445:f you succeed inconquering yourself entirely, you will conquer the rest with the greatest ease. To triumph over oneself is the perfect victory ~ Imitation of Christ, the Eternal Wisdom
1446:Hail to Thee, to Thee, Spirit of the Supreme Spirit, Soul of souls, to Thee, the visible and invisible, who art one with Time and with the elements. ~ Vishnu Purana, the Eternal Wisdom
1447:If thou canst comprehend God, thou shalt comprehend the Beautiful and the Good, the pure radiance, the incomparable beauty, the good that has not its like. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
1448:If thou canst comprehend God, thou shalt comprehend the Beautiful and the Good, the pure radiance, the incomparable beauty, the good that has not its like. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
1449:If you give to a man all riches and all might and he looks upon himself with the same humility as before, then that man far surpasses other human beings. ~ Meng-tse, the Eternal Wisdom
1450:When I return upon myself and find the heart upright, although my adversaries may be a thousand or ten thousand, I would march without fear on the enemy. ~ Meng-Tse, the Eternal Wisdom
1451:Consecrate yourselves to the purification of your own minds. Be vigilant, be persevering, be attentive, be thoughtful for your own salvation. ~ Mahaparinibbana Sutta, the Eternal Wisdom
1452:Gold is tested by the fire, the good man by his acts, heroes by perils, the prudent man by difficult circumstances, friends and enemies by great needs. ~ Mahabharata, the Eternal Wisdom
1453:Not superstitious rites but self-control allied to benevolence and beneficence towards all beings are in truth the rites one should accomplish in all places. ~ Asoka, the Eternal Wisdom
1454:That which is born of the flesh, is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit, is spirit. Marvel not that said unto thee, "Ye must be born again. " ~ John III 6. 7, the Eternal Wisdom
1455:The light shineth in the darkness and the darkness comprehended it not. ...It was in the world and the world was made by it, and the world knew it not. ~ John I 5.10, the Eternal Wisdom
1456:Thus strive by the faith of love to burn the veils of the demoniac nature over the soul that thou mayst purify thy mind and make it ready to understand. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
1457:To my eyes treasures, diamonds and precious stones are as mere charcoal and coarseness; to my eyes cloth of silk and brocades of price are but rags and tatters. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
1458:Trying to give an idea of the Ineffable by the help of philosophical learning is like trying to give an idea of Benares by the aid of a map or pictures. ~ Ramakrisha, the Eternal Wisdom
1459:When the soul attains to its divine estate, it can live in constant contact wtth innumerable unregenerated souls without being affected by the contact. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
1460:Who goeth into the next world undelivered from death, even as here death respecteth nothing, so in that world too shall he be its perpetual prey. ~ atapatha Brahmana, the Eternal Wisdom
1461:A boat can be in the water, but the water ought not to be in the boat. So the aspirant may live in the world, but the world should find no place in him. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
1462:Action like inaction can find a place in thee; if thy body agitates itself, let thy mind be calm, let thy soul be limpid as a mountain lake. ~ Book of Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
1463:He who practises wisdom without anger or covetousness, who fulfils with fidelity his vows and lives master of himself, he is indeed a man of religion. ~ Buddhist Text, the Eternal Wisdom
1464:Love cannot be used for the fulfilment of desire, for its nature is renunciation. Renunciation is the renunciation of ritual works and worldly affairs. ~ Narada Sutra, the Eternal Wisdom
1465:ne should, one can ameliorate one's life, not by external changes, but by a transformation of one's self in the soul. That one can do always and everywhere. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
1466:Purify thyself and thou shalt see God. Transform thy body into a temple, cast from thee evil thoughts and contemplate God with the eye of thy conscious soul. ~ Vemana, the Eternal Wisdom
1467:The lives of mortal men are like vases of many colours made by the potter's hands; they are broken into a thousand pieces ; there is one end for all. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
1468:The Permanent is neither existence, nor what is at once existence and non-existence; it is neither unity, nor plurality, nor what is at once unity and plurality. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
1469:The world is an eternal present, and the present is now; what was is no more and who can say whatwill come or whether tomorrow morning the dawnwill arise. ~ Anamander, the Eternal Wisdom
1470:This is why I would put to profit the present moment, penetrated with the conviction that now has come the right moment to seek for the Truth. ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsan-king, the Eternal Wisdom
1471:Thou shalt see in that spot the mendicant stripped of all resources but with his head troubled by a desire for the possession of the world. ~ Ahmod Halif: Mystic Odes, the Eternal Wisdom
1472:Time takes away everything and gives everything; all changes but nothing is abolished, it is a thing immutable, eternal and always identical and one. ~ Giordano Bruno, the Eternal Wisdom
1473:Two kinds of joy are there, O my brothers, and what are they? The joy of distraction and the joy of vigilance; but nobler is the joy that is heedful. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
1474:A single day of life of the man who stimulates himself by an act of energy, is of more value than a hundred years passed in norchalance and indolence. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
1475:At a certain stage in the path of devotion the religious man finds satisfaction in the Divinity with a form, at another stage in the formless Impersonal. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
1476:Children of knowledge! the slender eyelash can prevent the eye from seeing; what then must be the effect of the veil of avarice over the eye of the heart! ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
1477:If thou givest thyself up to the least pride, thou art no longer master of thyself, thou losest thy understanding as if thou wert drunk with wine. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
1478:Let the superior man bear himself in the commerce of men with an always dignified deference, regarding all men that dwell in the world as his own brothers. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
1479:Man is good when he raises very high his divine and spiritual "I", but frightful when he wishes to exalt above men his fleshly vain, ambitious and exclusive. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
1480:The dayspring from on high has visited us, to give light to them that sit in the darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet in the way of peace. ~ St. Luke, the Eternal Wisdom
1481:To know is not to be well informed; it is our own effort that must reveal all to us and we can owe nothing to other than ourselves. ~ Antoine the Healer: "Revelations", the Eternal Wisdom
1482:Two kinds of joy are there, O my brothers, and what are they? The joy of egoism and the joy to forget oneself; but nobler is the joy of self-oblivion. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
1483:Vex not thyself to be rich; cease from thy own wisdom. Wilt thou set thy eyes upon that which is not? for riches certainly make themselves wings. ~ Proverbs XXIII. 4-5, the Eternal Wisdom
1484:When one discovers the enigma of a single atom, one can see the mystery of all creation, that within us as well as that without. ~ Mohy-ud-din-arabi: Treatise on Unity, the Eternal Wisdom
1485:Whosoever comes to birth in God, is delivered from the physical sensations, recognises the different elements which compose it and enjoys a perfect happiness. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
1486:He whose senses have become calm like horses perfectly tamed by a driver, who has rid himself of pride and concupiscence, the gods themselves envy his lot. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1487:Often men take for their conscience not the manifestation of the spiritual being but simply what is considered good or bad by the people in their environment. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
1488:So long as man has not thrown from him the load of worldly desire which he carries about with him, he cannot be in tranquillity and at peace with himself. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
1489:The word echoes more profoundly in thyself than from the mouth of others. If thou canst listen for it in silence, thou shalt hear it at once. ~ Angelius Silesius I. 299, the Eternal Wisdom
1490:Avoid the society of evil friends and men of vulgar minds; have pleasure in that of the giants of wisdom and take as thy friends those who practice justice. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1491:It is impossible for man who has a body to abstain absolutely from all action, but whoever; renounces its fruits, is the man of true renunciation. ~ Bhagavad Gita. 18.11, the Eternal Wisdom
1492:Speak the truth, do not abandon yourself to wrath, give of the little you have to those who seek your aid. By these three steps you shall approach the Gods. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1493:Such difficulties are root and product of both physical and mental workings; they produce their fruits alike in the visible and invisible. ~ Patanjali : Aphroisms.II. 12, the Eternal Wisdom
1494:Then are the veils torn which distinguish from each other these manifestations and he will soar up from the world of the passions to the heaven of the One. ~ Balla-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
1495:The saint does good and makes not much of it. He accomplishes great things and is not attached to them. He does not wish to let his wisdom appear. ~ Lao-Tse: Tao-te-King, the Eternal Wisdom
1496:We have the choice; it depends on us to choose the good or the evil by our own will. The choice of evil draws us to our physical nature and subjects us to fate. ~ Horace, the Eternal Wisdom
1497:Action like inaction may find its place in thee; if thy body is in movement, let thy mind be calm, let thy soul be as limpid as a mountain lake. ~ Book of Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
1498:A man shall shake off every tie; for when he has no more attachment for form and name, when he is utterly without possessions, sorrow does not run after him. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1499:Endeavour maketh wisdom to grow, but negligence increaseth perdition. Perceive the double way of descent and ascension and choose the way that increaseth wisdom. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
1500:Have I done something for society? Then I have worked for myself, to my own advantage. Let this truth be present to thy mind and labour without ceasing. ~ Marcus Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom

*** NEWFULLDB 2.4M ***

1:The eternal wisdom of God ... has shown itself forth in all things, but chiefly in the mind of man, and most of all in Jesus Christ. ~ Baruch Spinoza,
2:Justice is peculiarly indispensable to nations . The unjust State is doomed of God to calamity and ruin. This is the teaching of the Eternal Wisdom and of history . ~ Albert Pike,
3:Only when all images of Earth are hushed and the clamor of the senses be stilled, and the soul has passed beyond thought of self, can the eternal wisdom be revealed to the mystic who seeks that highest communion with the unseen. ~ Margaret Smith,
4:The supreme question about a work of art is out of how deep a life does it spring. Paintings of Moreau are paintings of ideas. The deepest poetry of Shelley, the words of Hamlet bring our mind into contact with the eternal wisdom; Plato's world of ideas. All the rest is the speculation of schoolboys for schoolboys. ~ James Joyce,
5:We must learn to recognize nature's truths even though we don't understand them, for some of those truths may still be beyond the ability of the human mind to comprehend. What we need is a compound prescription of humility, imagination, devotion to the truth and, above all, confidence in the eternal wisdom of nature. ~ John E Sarno,
6:The little child who was to have done so much was born before the turf was planted on its father's grave. It was a boy; and I, my husband, and my guardian gave him his father's name. The help that my dear counted on did come to her, though it came, in the eternal wisdom, for another purpose. Though to bless and restore his mother, not his father, was the errand of this baby, its power was mighty to do it. When I saw the strength of the weak little hand and how its touch could heal my darling's heart and raised hope within her, I felt a new sense of the goodness and the tenderness of God. ~ Charles Dickens,
7:The sadhaka of the integral Yoga will make use of all these aids according to his nature; but it is necessary that he should shun their limitations and cast from himself that exclusive tendency of egoistic mind which cries, "My God, my Incarnation, my Prophet, my Guru," and opposes it to all other realisation in a sectarian or a fanatical spirit. All sectarianism, all fanaticism must be shunned; for it is inconsistent with the integrity of the divine realisation.
   On the contrary, the sadhaka of the integral Yoga will not be satisfied until he has included all other names and forms of Deity in his own conception, seen his own Ishta Devata in all others, unified all Avatars in the unity of Him who descends in the Avatar, welded the truth in all teachings into the harmony of the Eternal Wisdom.
   Nor should he forget the aim of these external aids which is to awaken his soul to the Divine within him. Nothing has been finally accomplished if that has not been accomplished. It is not sufficient to worship Krishna, Christ or Buddha without, if there is not the revealing and the formation of the Buddha, the Christ or Krishna in ourselves. And all other aids equally have no other purpose; each is a bridge between man's unconverted state and the revelation of the Divine within him. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga,
8:Finally we touch that Great Fact, which Goethe incorporated into his final words: the 'ever-womanly.' It is a sin against Goethe to say that here he means the female sex. He refers to that profundity signifying the human soul as related to the mystery of the world; that which deeply yearns as the eternal in man, the ever-womanly which draws the soul to the eternally immortal, the eternal wisdom, and which gives itself to the 'eternal masculine.' The ever-womanly draws us towards the ever-masculine. It has nothing to do with something feminine in the ordinary sense. Therefore can we truly seek this ever-womanly in man and woman: the ever-womanly which aspires to the union with the ever-manly in the cosmos, to become one with the Divine-Spiritual that inter-penetrates and permeates the world towards which Faust strives. This mystery of man of all ages pursued by Faust from the beginning, this secret to which Spiritual Science is to lead us in a modern sense, is expressed by Goethe paradigmatically and monumentally in those five words at the conclusion of the second part of Faust represented as a mystic Spirit Choir; that everything physical surrounding us in the sense world is Maya, illusion; a symbol only of the spiritual. But this spiritual we can perceive if we penetrate that which covers it like a veil. And in it we see attained what on earth was impossible of attainment. We see that, which for ordinary intellect is indescribable, transformed into action as soon as the human spirit unites with the spiritual world. 'The ineffable wrought in love.' And we see the significance of the moment when the soul becomes united with the eternal masculine of the cosmic world. That is the great secret expressed by Goethe in the words:

'All of mere transient date
As symbol showeth;
Here the inadequate
To fullness groweth;

Here the ineffable
Wrought is in love;
The ever-womanly
Draws us above ... ~ Rudolf Steiner,
9:The Kalevala - Rune Xli
Wainamoinen, ancient minstrel,
The eternal wisdom-singer,
Laves his hands to snowy whiteness,
Sits upon the rock of joyance,
On the stone of song be settles,
On the mount of silver clearness,
On the summit, golden colored;
Takes the harp by him created,
In his hands the harp of fish-bone,
With his knee the arch supporting,
Takes the harp-strings in his fingers,
Speaks these words to those assembled:
'Hither come, ye Northland people,
Come and listen to my playing,
To the harp's entrancing measures,
To my songs of joy and gladness.'
Then the singer of Wainola
Took the harp of his creation,
Quick adjusting, sweetly tuning,
Deftly plied his skillful fingers
To the strings that he had fashioned.
Now was gladness rolled on gladness,
And the harmony of pleasure
Echoed from the hills and mountains:
Added singing to his playing,
Out of joy did joy come welling,
Now resounded marvelous music,
All of Northland stopped and listened.
Every creature in the forest,
All the beasts that haunt the woodlands,
On their nimble feet came bounding,
Came to listen to his playing,
Came to hear his songs of joyance.
Leaped the squirrels from the branches,
Merrily from birch to aspen;
Climbed the ermines on the fences,
O'er the plains the elk-deer bounded,
And the lynxes purred with pleasure;
Wolves awoke in far-off swamp-lands,
Bounded o'er the marsh and heather,
And the bear his den deserted,
Left his lair within the pine-wood,
Settled by a fence to listen,
Leaned against the listening gate-posts,
But the gate-posts yield beneath him;
Now he climbs the fir-tree branches
That he may enjoy and wonder,
Climbs and listens to the music
Of the harp of Wainamoinen.
Tapiola's wisest senior,
Metsola's most noble landlord,
And of Tapio, the people,
Young and aged, men and maidens,
Flew like red-deer up the mountains
There to listen to the playing,
To the harp, of Wainamoinen.
Tapiola's wisest mistress,
Hostess of the glen and forest,
Robed herself in blue and scarlet,
Bound her limbs with silken ribbons,
Sat upon the woodland summit,
On the branches of a birch-tree,
There to listen to the playing,
To the high-born hero's harping,
To the songs of Wainamoinen.
All the birds that fly in mid-air
Fell like snow-flakes from the heavens,
Flew to hear the minstrel's playing,
Hear the harp of Wainamoinen.
Eagles in their lofty eyrie
Heard the songs of the enchanter;
Swift they left their unfledged young ones,
Flew and perched around the minstrel.
From the heights the hawks descended,
From the, clouds down swooped the falcon,
Ducks arose from inland waters,
Swans came gliding from the marshes;
Tiny finches, green and golden,
Flew in flocks that darkened sunlight,
Came in myriads to listen '
Perched upon the head and shoulders
Of the charming Wainamoinen,
Sweetly singing to the playing
Of the ancient bard and minstrel.
And the daughters of the welkin,
Nature's well-beloved daughters,
Listened all in rapt attention;
Some were seated on the rainbow,
Some upon the crimson cloudlets,
Some upon the dome of heaven.
In their hands the Moon's fair daughters
Held their weaving-combs of silver;
In their hands the Sun's sweet maidens
Grasped the handles of their distaffs,
Weaving with their golden shuttles,
Spinning from their silver spindles,
On the red rims of the cloudlets,
On the bow of many colors.
As they hear the minstrel playing,
Hear the harp of Wainamoinen,
Quick they drop their combs of silver,
Drop the spindles from their fingers,
And the golden threads are broken,
Broken are the threads of silver.
All the fish in Suomi-waters
Heard the songs of the magician,
Came on flying fins to listen
To the harp of Wainamoinen.
Came the trout with graceful motions,
Water-dogs with awkward movements,
From the water-cliffs the salmon,
From the sea-caves came the whiting,
From the deeper caves the bill-fish;
Came the pike from beds of sea-fern,
Little fish with eyes of scarlet,
Leaning on the reeds and rushes,
With their heads above the surface;
Came to bear the harp of joyance,
Hear the songs of the enchanter.
Ahto, king of all the waters,
Ancient king with beard of sea-grass,
Raised his head above the billows,
In a boat of water-lilies,
Glided to the coast in silence,
Listened to the wondrous singing,
To the harp of Wainamoinen.
These the words the sea-king uttered:
'Never have I heard such playing,
Never heard such strains of music,
Never since the sea was fashioned,
As the songs of this enchanter,
This sweet singer, Wainamoinen.'
Satko's daughters from the blue-deep,
Sisters of the wave-washed ledges,
On the colored strands were sitting,
Smoothing out their sea-green tresses
With the combs of molten silver,
With their silver-handled brushes,
Brushes forged with golden bristles.
When they hear the magic playing,
Hear the harp of Wainamoinen,
Fall their brushes on the billows,
Fall their combs with silver handles
To the bottom of the waters,
Unadorned their heads remaining,
And uncombed their sea-green tresses.
Came the hostess of the waters,
Ancient hostess robed in flowers,
Rising from her deep sea-castle,
Swimming to the shore in wonder,
Listened to the minstrel's playing,
To the harp of Wainamoinen.
As the magic tones re-echoed,
As the singer's song out-circled,
Sank the hostess into slumber,
On the rocks of many colors,
On her watery couch of joyance,
Deep the sleep that settled o'er her.
Wainamoinen, ancient minstrel,
Played one day and then a second,
Played the third from morn till even.
There was neither man nor hero,
Neither ancient dame, nor maiden,
Not in Metsola a daughter,
Whom he did not touch to weeping;
Wept the young, and wept the aged,
Wept the mothers, wept the daughters
Wept the warriors and heroes
At the music of his playing,
At the songs of the magician.
Wainamoinen's tears came flowing,
Welling from the master's eyelids,
Pearly tear-drops coursing downward,
Larger than the whortle-berries,
Finer than the pearls of ocean,
Smoother than the eggs of moor-hens,
Brighter than the eyes of swallows.
From his eves the tear-drops started,
Flowed adown his furrowed visage,
Falling from his beard in streamlets,
Trickled on his heaving bosom,
Streaming o'er his golden girdle,
Coursing to his garment's border,
Then beneath his shoes of ermine,
Flowing on, and flowing ever,
Part to earth for her possession,
Part to water for her portion.
As the tear-drops fall and mingle,
Form they streamlets from the eyelids
Of the minstrel, Wainamoinen,
To the blue-mere's sandy margin,
To the deeps of crystal waters,
Lost among the reeds and rushes.
Spake at last the ancient minstrel:
'Is there one in all this concourse,
One in all this vast assembly
That can gather up my tear-drops
From the deep, pellucid waters?'
Thus the younger heroes answered,
Answered thus the bearded seniors:
'There is none in all this concourse,
None in all this vast assembly,
That can gather up thy tear-drops
From the deep, pellucid waters.'
Spake again wise Wainamoinen:
'He that gathers up my tear-drops
From the deeps of crystal waters
Shall receive a beauteous plumage.'
Came a raven, flying, croaking,
And the minstrel thus addressed him:
'Bring, O raven, bring my tear-drops
From the crystal lake's abysses;
I will give thee beauteous plumage,
Recompense for golden service.'
But the raven failed his master.
Came a duck upon the waters,
And the hero thus addressed him:
'Bring O water-bird, my tear-drops;
Often thou dost dive the deep-sea,
Sink thy bill upon the bottom
Of the waters thou dost travel;
Dive again my tears to gather,
I will give thee beauteous plumage,
Recompense for golden service.'
Thereupon the duck departed,
Hither, thither, swam, and circled,
Dived beneath the foam and billow,
Gathered Wainamoinen's tear-drops
From the blue-sea's pebbly bottom,
From the deep, pellucid waters;
Brought them to the great magician,
Beautifully formed and colored,
Glistening in the silver sunshine,
Glimmering in the golden moonlight,
Many-colored as the rainbow,
Fitting ornaments for heroes,
Jewels for the maids of beauty.
This the origin of sea-pearls,
And the blue-duck's beauteous plumage.
~ Elias Lönnrot,
10:The Kalevala - Rune Xlv
Louhi, hostess of the Northland,
Heard the word in Sariola,
Heard the Dews with ears of envy,
That Wainola lives and prospers,
That Osmoinen's wealth increases,
Through the ruins of the Sampo,
Ruins of the lid in colors.
Thereupon her wrath she kindled,
Well considered, long reflected,
How she might prepare destruction
For the people of Wainola,
For the tribes of Kalevala.
With this prayer she turns to Ukko,
Thus entreats the god of thunder:
'Ukko, thou who art in heaven,
Help me slay Wainola's people
With thine iron-hail of justice,
With thine arrows tipped with lightning,
Or from sickness let them perish,
Let them die the death deserving;
Let the men die in the forest,
And the women in the hurdles!'
The blind daughter of Tuoni,
Old and wicked witch, Lowyatar,
Worst of all the Death-land women,
Ugliest of Mana's children,
Source of all the host of evils,
All the ills and plagues of Northland,
Black in heart, and soul, and visage,
Evil genius of Lappala,
Made her couch along the wayside,
On the fields of sin and sorrow;
Turned her back upon the East-wind,
To the source of stormy weather,
To the chilling winds of morning.
When the winds arose at evening,
Heavy-laden grew Lowyatar,
Through the east-wind's impregnation,
On the sand-plains, vast and barren.
Long she bore her weight of trouble,
Many morns she suffered anguish,
Till at last she leaves the desert,
Makes her couch within the forest,
On a rock upon the mountain;
Labors long to leave her burden
By the mountain-springs and fountains,
By the crystal waters flowing,
By the sacred stream and whirlpool,
By the cataract and fire-stream;
But her burden does not lighten.
Blind Lowyatar, old and ugly,
Knew not where to look for succor,
How to lose her weight of sorrow,
Where to lay her evil children.
Spake the Highest from the heavens,
These, the words of mighty Ukko:
'Is a triangle in Swamp-field,
Near the border of the ocean,
In the never-pleasant Northland,
In the dismal Sariola;
Thither go and lay thy burden,
In Pohyola leave thine offspring;
There the Laplanders await thee,
There will bid thy children welcome.'
Thereupon the blind Lowyatar,
Blackest daughter of Tuoni,
Mana's old and ugly maiden,
Hastened on her journey northward,
To the chambers of Pohyola,
To the ancient halls of Louhi,
There to lay her heavy burdens,
There to leave her evil offspring.
Louhi, hostess of the Northland,
Old and toothless witch of Pohya,
Takes Lowyatar to her mansion;
Silently she leads the stranger
To the bath-rooms of her chamber,
Pours the foaming beer of barley,
Lubricates the bolts and hinges,
That their movements may be secret,
Speaks these measures to Lowyatar:
'Faithful daughter of Creation,
Thou most beautiful of women,
First and last of ancient mothers,
Hasten on thy feet to ocean,
To the ocean's centre hasten,
Take the sea-foam from the waters,
Take the honey of the mermaids,
And anoint thy sacred members,
That thy labors may be lightened.
'Should all this be unavailing,
Ukko, thou who art in heaven,
Hasten hither, thou art needed,
Come thou to thy child in trouble,
Help the helpless and afflicted.
Take thy golden-colored sceptre,
Charm away opposing forces,
Strike the pillars of the stronghold,
Open all resisting portals,
That the great and small may wander
From their ancient hiding-places,
Through the courts and halls of freedom.'
Finally the blind Lowyatar,
Wicked witch of Tuonela,
Was delivered of her burden,
Laid her offspring in the cradle,
Underneath the golden covers.
Thus at last were born nine children,
In an evening of the summer,
From Lowyatar, blind and ancient,
Ugly daughter of Tuoni.
Faithfully the virgin-mother
Guards her children in affection,
As an artist loves and nurses
What his skillful hands have fashioned.
Thus Lowyatar named her offspring,
Colic, Pleurisy, and Fever,
Ulcer, Plague, and dread Consumption,
Gout, Sterility, and Cancer.
And the worst of these nine children
Blind Lowyatar quickly banished,
Drove away as an enchanter,
To bewitch the lowland people,
To engender strife and envy.
Louhi, hostess of Pohyola,
Banished all the other children
To the fog-point in the ocean,
To the island forest-covered;
Banished all the fatal creatures,
Gave these wicked sons of evil
To the people of Wainola,
To the youth of Kalevala,
For the Kalew-tribe's destruction.
Quick Wainola's maidens sicken,
Young and aged, men and heroes,
With the worst of all diseases,
With diseases new and nameless;
Sick and dying is Wainola.
Thereupon old Wainamoinen,
Wise and wonderful enchanter,
Hastens to his people's rescue,
Hastens to a war with Mana,
To a conflict with Tuoni,
To destroy the evil children
Of the evil maid, Lowyatar.
Wainamoinen heats the bath-rooms,
Heats the blocks of healing-sandstone
With the magic wood of Northland,
Gathered by the sacred river;
Water brings in covered buckets
From the cataract and whirlpool;
Brooms he brings enwrapped with ermine,
Well the bath the healer cleanses,
Softens well the brooms of birch-wood;
Then a honey-heat be wakens,
Fills the rooms with healing vapors,
From the virtue of the pebbles
Glowing in the heat of magic,
Thus he speaks in supplication:
'Come, O Ukko, to my rescue,
God of mercy, lend thy presence,
Give these vapor-baths new virtues,
Grant to them the powers of healing,
And restore my dying people;
Drive away these fell diseases,
Banish them to the unworthy,
Let the holy sparks enkindle,
Keep this heat in healing limits,
That it may not harm thy children,
May not injure the afflicted.
When I pour the sacred waters
On the heated blocks of sandstone,
May the water turn to honey
Laden with the balm of healing.
Let the stream of magic virtues
Ceaseless flow to all my children,
From this bath enrolled in sea-moss,
That the guiltless may not suffer,
That my tribe-folk may not perish,
Till the Master gives permission,
Until Ukko sends his minions,
Sends diseases of his choosing,
To destroy my trusting people.
Let the hostess of Pohyola,
Wicked witch that sent these troubles,
Suffer from a gnawing conscience,
Suffer for her evil doings.
Should the Master of Wainola
Lose his magic skill and weaken,
Should he prove of little service
To deliver from misfortune,
To deliver from these evils,
Then may Ukko be our healer,
Be our strength and wise Physician.
'Omnipresent God of mercy,
Thou who livest in the heavens,
Hasten hither, thou art needed,
Hasten to thine ailing children,
To observe their cruel tortures,
To dispel these fell diseases,
Drive destruction from our borders.
Bring with thee thy mighty fire-sword,
Bring to me thy blade of lightning,
That I may subdue these evils,
That these monsters I may banish,
Send these pains, and ills, and tortures,
To the empire of Tuoni,
To the kingdom of the east-winds,
To the islands of the wicked,
To the caverns of the demons,
To the rocks within the mountains,
To the hidden beds of iron,
That the rocks may fall and sicken,
And the beds of iron perish.
Rocks and metals do not murmur
At the hands of the invader.
'Torture-daughter of Tuoni,
Sitting on the mount of anguish,
At the junction of three rivers,
Turning rocks of pain and torture,
Turn away these fell diseases
Through the virtues of the blue-stone;
Lead them to the water-channels,
Sink them in the deeps of ocean,
Where the winds can never find them,
Where the sunlight never enters.
'Should this prayer prove unavailing,
O, Health-virgin, maid of beauty
Come and heal my dying people,
Still their agonies and anguish.,
Give them consciousness and comfort,
Give them healthful rest and slumber;
These diseases take and banish,
Take them in thy copper vessel,
To thy eaves within the mountains,
To the summit of the Pain-rock,
Hurl them to thy boiling caldrons.
In the mountain is a touch-stone,
Lucky-stone of ancient story,
With a hole bored through the centre,
Through this pour these pains and tortures,
Wretched feelings, thoughts of evil,
Human ailments, days unlucky,
Tribulations, and misfortunes,
That they may not rise at evening,
May not see the light of morning.'
Ending thus, old Wainamoinen,
The eternal, wise enchanter,
Rubbed his sufferers with balsams,
Rubbed the tissues, red and painful,
With the balm of healing flowers,
Balsams made of herbs enchanted,
Sprinkled all with healing vapors,
Spake these words in supplication.
'Ukko, thou who art in heaven,
God of justice, and of mercy,
Send us from the east a rain-cloud,
Send a dark cloud from the North-west,
From the north let fall a third one,
Send us mingled rain and honey,
Balsam from the great Physician,
To remove this plague of Northland.
What I know of healing measures,
Only comes from my Creator;
Lend me, therefore, of thy wisdom,
That I may relieve my people,
Save them from the fell destroyer,
If my hands should fall in virtue,
Let the hands of Ukko follow,
God alone can save from trouble.
Come to us with thine enchantment,
Speak the magic words of healing,
That my people may not perish;
Give to all alleviation
From their sicknesses and sorrows;
In the morning, in the evening,
Let their wasting ailments vanish;
Drive the Death-child from Wainola,
Nevermore to visit Northland,
Never in the course of ages,
Never while the moonlight glimmers
O'er the lakes of Kalevala.'
Wainamoinen, the enchanter,
The eternal wisdom-singer,
Thus expelled the nine diseases,
Evil children or Lowyatar,
Healed the tribes of Kalevala,
Saved his people from destruction.
~ Elias Lönnrot,
11:The Kalevala - Rune Xliv
Wainamoinen, ancient minstrel,
Long reflecting, sang these measures:
'It is now the time befitting
To awaken joy and gladness,
Time for me to touch the harp-strings,
Time to sing the songs primeval,
In these spacious halls and mansions,
In these homes of Kalevala;
But, alas! my harp lies hidden,
Sunk upon the deep-sea's bottom,
To the salmon's hiding-places,
To the dwellings of the whiting,
To the people of Wellamo,
Where the Northland-pike assemble.
Nevermore will I regain it,
Ahto never will return it,
Joy and music gone forever!
'O thou blacksmith, Ilmarinen,
Forge for me a rake of iron,
Thickly set the teeth of copper,
Many fathoms long the handle;
Make a rake to search the waters,
Search the broad-sea to the bottom,
Rake the weeds and reeds together,
Rake them to the curving sea-shore,
That I may regain my treasure,
May regain my harp of fish-bow
From the whiting's place of resting,
From the caverns of the salmon,
From the castles of Wellamo.'
Thereupon young Ilmarinen,
The eternal metal-worker,
Forges well a rake of iron,
Teeth in length a hundred fathoms,
And a thousand long the handle,
Thickly sets the teeth of copper.
Straightway ancient Wainamoinen
Takes the rake of magic metals,
Travels but a little distance,
To the cylinders of oak-wood,
To the copper-banded rollers,
Where be finds two ships awaiting,
One was new, the other ancient.
Wainamoinen, old and faithful,
Thus addressed the new-made vessel:
'Go, thou boat of master-magic,
Hasten to the willing waters,
Speed away upon the blue-sea,
And without the hand to move thee;
Let my will impel thee seaward.'
Quick the boat rolled to the billows
On the cylinders of oak-wood,
Quick descended to the waters,
Willingly obeyed his master.
Wainamoinen, the magician,
Then began to rake the sea-beds,
Raked up all the water-flowers,
Bits of broken reeds and rushes,
Deep-sea shells and colored pebbles,
Did not find his harp of fish-bone,
Lost forever to Wainola!
Thereupon the ancient minstrel
Left the waters, homeward hastened,
Cap pulled clown upon his forehead,
Sang this song with sorrow laden:
'Nevermore shall I awaken
With my harp-strings, joy and gladness!
Nevermore will Wainamoinen
Charm the people of the Northland
With the harp of his creation!
Nevermore my songs will echo
O'er the hills of Kalevala!'
Thereupon the ancient singer
Went lamenting through the forest,
Wandered through the sighing pine-woods,
Heard the wailing of a birch-tree,
Heard a juniper complaining;
Drawing nearer, waits and listens,
Thus the birch-tree he addresses:
'Wherefore, brother, art thou weeping,
Merry birch enrobed in silver,
Silver-leaved and silver-tasselled?
Art thou shedding tears of sorrow,
Since thou art not led to battle,
Not enforced to war with wizards?
Wisely does the birch make answer:
'This the language of the many,
Others speak as thou, unjustly,
That I only live in pleasure,
That my silver leaves and tassels
Only whisper my rejoicings;
That I have no cares, no sorrows,
That I have no hours unhappy,
Knowing neither pain nor trouble.
I am weeping for my smallness,
Am lamenting for my weakness,
Have no sympathy, no pity,
Stand here motionless for ages,
Stand alone in fen and forest,
In these woodlands vast and joyless.
Others hope for coming summers,
For the beauties of the spring-time;
I, alas! a helpless birch-tree,
Dread the changing of the seasons,
I must give my bark to, others,
Lose my leaves and silken tassels.
Men come the Suomi children,
Peel my bark and drink my life-blood:
Wicked shepherds in the summer,
Come and steal my belt of silver,
Of my bark make berry-baskets,
Dishes make, and cups for drinking.
Oftentimes the Northland maidens
Cut my tender limbs for birch-brooms,'
Bind my twigs and silver tassels
Into brooms to sweep their cabins;
Often have the Northland heroes
Chopped me into chips for burning;
Three times in the summer season,
In the pleasant days of spring-time,
Foresters have ground their axes
On my silver trunk and branches,
Robbed me of my life for ages;
This my spring-time joy and pleasure,
This my happiness in summer,
And my winter days no better!
When I think of former troubles,
Sorrow settles on my visage,
And my face grows white with anguish;
Often do the winds of winter
And the hoar-frost bring me sadness,
Blast my tender leaves and tassels,
Bear my foliage to others,
Rob me of my silver raiment,
Leave me naked on the mountain,
Lone, and helpless, and disheartened!'
Spake the good, old Wainamoinen:
'Weep no longer, sacred birch-tree,
Mourn no more, my friend and brother,
Thou shalt have a better fortune;
I will turn thy grief to joyance,
Make thee laugh and sing with gladness.'
Then the ancient Wainamoinen
Made a harp from sacred birch-wood,
Fashioned in the days of summer,
Beautiful the harp of magic,
By the master's hand created
On the fog-point in the Big-Sea,
On the island forest-covered,
Fashioned from the birch the archings,
And the frame-work from the aspen.
These the words of the magician:
'All the archings are completed,
And the frame is fitly finished;
Whence the hooks and pins for tuning,
That the harp may sing in concord?'
Near the way-side grew an oak-tree,
Skyward grew with equal branches,
On each twig an acorn growing,
Golden balls upon each acorn,
On each ball a singing cuckoo.
As each cuckoo's call resounded,
Five the notes of song that issued
From the songster's throat of joyance;
From each throat came liquid music,
Gold and silver for the master,
Flowing to the hills and hillocks,
To the silvery vales and mountains;
Thence he took the merry harp-pins,
That the harp might play in concord.
Spake again wise Wainamoinen:
'I the pins have well completed,
Still the harp is yet unfinished;
Now I need five strings for playing,
Where shall I procure the harp-strings?'
Then the ancient bard and minstrel
Journeyed through the fen and forest.
On a hillock sat a maiden,
Sat a virgin of the valley;
And the maiden was not weeping,
Joyful was the sylvan daughter,
Singing with the woodland songsters,
That the eventide might hasten,
In the hope that her beloved
Would the sooner sit beside her.
Wainamoinen, old and trusted,
Hastened, tripping to the virgin,
Asked her for her golden ringleta,
These the words of the magician.
'Give me, maiden, of thy tresses,
Give to me thy golden ringlets;
I will weave them into harp-strings,
To the joy of Wainamoinen,
To the pleasure of his people.'
Thereupon the forest-maiden
Gave the singer of her tresses,
Gave him of her golden ringlets,
And of these he made the harp-strings.
Sources of eternal pleasure
To the people of Wainola.
Thus the sacred harp is finished,
And the minstrel, Wainamoinen,
Sits upon the rock of joyance,
Takes the harp within his fingers,
Turns the arch up, looking skyward;
With his knee the arch supporting,
Sets the strings in tuneful order,
Runs his fingers o'er the harp-strings,
And the notes of pleasure follow.
Straightway ancient Wainamoinen,
The eternal wisdom-singer,
Plays upon his harp of birch-wood.
Far away is heard the music,
Wide the harp of joy re-echoes;
Mountains dance and valleys listen,
Flinty rocks are tom asunder,
Stones are hurled upon the waters,
Pebbles swim upon the Big-Sea,
Pines and lindens laugh with pleasure,
Alders skip about the heather,
And the aspen sways in concord.
All the daughters of Wainola
Straightway leave their shining needles,
Hasten forward like the current,
Speed along like rapid rivers,
That they may enjoy and wonder.
Laugh the younger men and maidens,
Happy-hearted are the matrons
Flying swift to bear the playing,
To enjoy the common pleasure,
Hear the harp of Wainamoinen.
Aged men and bearded seniors,
Gray-haired mothers with their daughters
Stop in wonderment and listen.
Creeps the babe in full enjoyment
As he hears the magic singing,
Hears the harp of Wainamoinen.
All of Northland stops in wonder,
Speaks in unison these measures:
'Never have we heard such playing,
Never heard such strains of music,
Never since the earth was fashioned,
As the songs of this magician,
This sweet singer, Wainamoinen!'
Far and wide the sweet tones echo,
Ring throughout the seven hamlets,
O'er the seven islands echo;
Every creature of the Northland
Hastens forth to look and listen,
Listen to the songs of gladness,
To the harp of Wainamoinen.
All the beasts that haunt the woodlands
Fall upon their knees and wonder
At the playing of the minstrel,
At his miracles of concord.
All the songsters of the forests
Perch upon the trembling branches,
Singing to the wondrous playing
Of the harp of Wainamoinen.
All the dwellers of the waters
Leave their beds, and eaves, and grottoes,
Swim against the shore and listen
To the playing of the minstrel,
To the harp of Wainamoinen.
All the little things in nature,
Rise from earth, and fall from ether,
Come and listen to the music,
To the notes of the enchanter,
To the songs of the magician,
To the harp of Wainamoinen.
Plays the singer of the Northland,
Plays in miracles of sweetness,
Plays one day, and then a second,
Plays the third from morn till even;
Plays within the halls and cabins,
In the dwellings of his people,
Till the floors and ceilings echo,
Till resound the roofs of pine-wood,
Till the windows speak and tremble,
Till the portals echo joyance,
And the hearth-stones sing in pleasure.
As he journeys through the forest,
As he wanders through the woodlands,
Pine and sorb-tree bid him welcome,
Birch and willow bend obeisance,
Beech and aspen bow submission;
And the linden waves her branches
To the measure of his playing,
To the notes of the magician.
As the minstrel plays and wanders,
Sings upon the mead and heather,
Glen and hill his songs re-echo,
Ferns and flowers laugh in pleasure,
And the shrubs attune their voices
To the music of the harp-strings,
To the songs of Wainamoinen.
~ Elias Lönnrot,
12:The Kalevala - Rune Xlviii
Wainamoinen, the enchanter,
The eternal wisdom-singer,
Long reflected, well considered,
How to weave the net of flax-yarn,
Weave the fish-net of the fathers.
Spake the minstrel of Wainola:
'Who will plow the field and fallow,
Sow the flax, and spin the flax-threads,
That I may prepare the fish-net,
Wherewith I may catch the Fire-pike,
May secure the thing of evil?'
Soon they found a fertile island,
Found the fallow soil befitting,
On the border of the heather,
And between two stately oak-trees.
They prepared the soil for sowing.
Searching everywhere for flax-seed,
Found it in Tuoni's kingdom,
In the keeping of an insect.
Then they found a pile of ashes,
Where the fire had burned a vessel;
In the ashes sowed the seedlings
Near the Alue-lake and border,
In the rich and loamy fallow.
There the seed took root and flourished,
Quickly grew to great proportions,
In a single night in summer.
Thus the flax was sowed at evening,
Placed within the earth by moonlight;
Quick it grew, and quickly ripened,
Quick Wainola's heroes pulled it,
Quick they broke it on the hackles,
Hastened with it to the waters,
Dipped it in the lake and washed it;
Quickly brought it borne and dried it.
Quickly broke, and combed, and smoothed it,
Brushed it well at early morning,
Laid it into laps for spinning
Quick the maidens twirl the spindles,
Spin the flaxen threads for weaving,
In a single night in summer.
Quick the sisters wind and reel it,
Make it ready for the needle.
Brothers weave it into fish-nets,
And the fathers twist the cordage,
While the mothers knit the meshes,
Rapidly the mesh-stick circles;
Soon the fish-net is completed,
In a single night in summer.
As the magic net is finished,
And in length a hundred fathoms,
On the rim three hundred fathoms.
Rounded stones are fastened to it,
Joined thereto are seven float-boards.
Now the young men take the fish-net,
And the old men cheer them onward,
Wish them good-luck at their fishing.
Long they row and drag the flax-seine,
Here and there the net is lowered;
Now they drag it lengthwise, sidewise,
Drag it through the slimy reed-beds;
But they do not catch the Fire-pike,
Only smelts, and luckless red-fish,
Little fish of little value.
Spake the ancient Wainamoinen:
'O thou blacksmith, Ilmarinen,
Let us go ourselves a-fishing,
Let us catch the fish of evil!'
To the fishing went the brothers,
Magic heroes of the Northland,
Pulled the fish-net through the waters,
Toward an island in the deep-sea
Then they turn and drag the fish-net
Toward a meadow jutting seaward;
Now they drag it toward Wainola,
Draw it lengthwise, sidewise, crosswise,
Catching fish of every species,
salmon, trout, and pike, and whiting,
Do not catch the evil Fire-fish.
Then the master, Wainamoinen,
Made additions to its borders,
Made it many fathoms wider,
And a hundred fathoms longer,
Then these words the hero uttered
'Famous blacksmith, Ilmarinen,
Let us go again a-fishing,
Row again the magic fish-net,
Drag it well through all the waters,
That we may obtain the Fire-pike!'
Thereupon the Northland heroes
Go a second time a-fishing,
Drag their nets across the rivers,
Lakelets, seas, and bays, and inlets,
Catching fish of many species,
But the Fire-fish is not taken.
Wainamoinen, ancient singer,
Long reflecting, spake these measures:
'Dear Wellamo, water-hostess,
Ancient mother with the reed-breast,
Come, exchange thy water-raiment,
Change thy coat of reeds and rushes
For the garments I shall give thee,
Light sea-foam, thine inner vesture,
And thine outer, moss and sea-grass,
Fashioned by the wind's fair daughters,
Woven by the flood's sweet maidens;
I will give thee linen vestments
Spun from flax of softest fiber,
Woven by the Moon's white virgins,
Fashioned by the Sun's bright daughters
Fitting raiment for Wellamo!
'Ahto, king of all the waters,
Ruler of a thousand grottoes,
Take a pole of seven fathoms,
Search with this the deepest waters,
Rummage well the lowest bottoms;
Stir up all the reeds and sea-weeds,
Hither drive a school of gray-pike,
Drive them to our magic fish-net,
From the haunts in pike abounding,
From the caverns, and the trout-holes,
From the whirlpools of the deep-sea,
From the bottomless abysses,
Where the sunshine never enters,
Where the moonlight never visits,
And the sands are never troubled.'
Rose a pigmy from the waters,
From the floods a little hero,
Riding on a rolling billow,
And the pigmy spake these measures:
'Dost thou wish a worthy helper,
One to use the pole and frighten
Pike and salmon to thy fish-nets?'
Wainamoinen, old and faithful,
Answered thus the lake-born hero:
'Yea, we need a worthy helper,
One to hold the pole, and frighten
Pike and salmon to our fish-nets.'
Thereupon the water-pigmy
Cut a linden from the border,
Spake these words to Wainamoinen:
'Shall I scare with all my powers,
With the forces of my being,
As thou needest shall I scare them?'
Spake the minstrel, Wainamoinen:
'If thou scarest as is needed,
Thou wilt scare with all thy forces,
With the strength of thy dominions.'
Then began the pigmy-hero,
To affright the deep-sea-dwellers;
Drove the fish in countless numbers
To the net of the magicians.
Wainamoinen, ancient minstrel,
Drew his net along the waters,
Drew it with his ropes of flax-thread,
Spake these words of magic import:
'Come ye fish of Northland waters
To the regions of my fish-net,
As my hundred meshes lower.'
Then the net was drawn and fastened,
Many were the gray-pike taken
By he master and magician.
Wainamoinen, happy-hearted,
Hastened to a neighboring island,
To a blue-point in the waters,
Near a red-bridge on the headland;
Landed there his draught of fishes,
Cast the pike upon the sea-shore,
And the Fire-pike was among them,
Cast the others to the waters.
Spake the ancient Wainamoinen:
'May I touch thee with my fingers,
Using not my gloves of iron,
Using not my blue-stone mittens?
This the Sun-child hears and answers:
'I should like to carve the Fire-fish,
I should like this pike to handle,
If I had the knife of good-luck.'
Quick a knife falls from the heavens,
From the clouds a magic fish-knife,
Silver-edged and golden-headed,
To the girdle of the Sun-child;
Quick he grasps the copper handle,
Quick the hero carves the Fire-pike,
Finds therein the tortured lake-trout;
Carves the lake-trout thus discovered.
Finds therein the fated whiting;
Carves the whiting, finds a blue-ball
In the third cave of his body.
He, the blue-ball quick unwinding,
Finds within a ball of scarlet;
Carefully removes the cover,
Finds the ball of fire within it,
Finds the flame from heaven fallen,
From the heights of the seventh heaven,
Through nine regions of the ether.
Wainamoinen long reflected
How to get the magic fire-ball
To Wainola's fireless hearth-stones,
To his cold and cheerless dwellings.
Quick he snatched the fire of heaven
From the fingers of the Sun-child.
Wainamoinen's beard it singes,
Burns the brow of Ilmarinen,
Burns the fingers of the blacksmith.
Rolling forth it hastens westward,
Hastens to the Alue shore-lines,
Burns the juniper and alder,
Burns the and heath and meadow,
Rises to the lofty linden,
Burns the firs upon the mountains;
Hastens onward, onward, onward,
Burns the islands of the Northland,
Burns the Sawa fields and forests,
Burns the dry lands of Karyala.
Straightway ancient Wainamoinen
Hastens through the fields and fenlands,
Tracks the ranger to the glen-wood,
Finds the Fire-child in an elm-tree,
Sleeping in a bed of fungus.
Thereupon wise Wainamoinen
Wakes the child and speaks these measures:
'Wicked fire that God created,
Flame of Ukko from the heavens,
Thou hast gone in vain to sea-caves,
To the lakes without a reason;
Better go thou to my village,
To the hearth-stones of my people;
Hide thyself within my chimneys,
In mine ashes sleep and linger.
In the day-time I will use thee
To devour the blocks of birch-wood;
In the evening I will hide thee
Underneath the golden circle.'
Then he took the willing Panu,
Took the willing fire of Ukko,
Laid it in a box of tinder,
In the punk-wood of a birch-tree,
In a vessel forged from copper;
Carried it with care and pleasure
To the fog-point in the waters,
To the island forest covered.
Thus returned the fire to Northland,
To the chambers of Wainola,
To the hearths of Kalevala.
Ilmarinen, famous blacksmith,
Hastened to the deep-sea's margin,
Sat upon the rock of torture,
Feeling pain the flame had given,
Laved his wounds with briny water,
Thus to still the Fire-child's fury,
Thus to end his persecutions.
Long reflecting, Ilmarinen
Thus addressed the flame of Ukko:
'Evil Panu from the, heavens,
Wicked son of God from ether,
Tell me what has made thee angry,
Made thee burn my weary members,
Burn my beard, and face, and fingers,
Made me suffer death-land tortures?
Spake again young Ilmarinen:
'How can I wild Panu conquer,
How shall I control his conduct,
Make him end his evil doings?
Come, thou daughter from Pohyola,
Come, white virgin of the hoar-frost,
Come on shoes of ice from Lapland,
Icicles upon thy garments,
In one band a cup of white-frost,
In the other hand an ice-spoon;
Sprinkle snow upon my members,
Where the Fire-child has been resting,
Let the hoar-frost fall and settle.
'Should this prayer be unavailing,
Come, thou son of Sariola,
Come, thou child of Frost from Pohya,
Come, thou Long-man from the ice-plains,
Of the height of stately pine-trees,
Slender as the trunks of lindens,
On thy hands the gloves of Hoar-frost,
Cap of ice upon thy forehead,
On thy waist a white-frost girdle;
Bring the ice-dust from Pohyola,
From the cold and sunless village.
Rain is crystallized in Northland,
Ice in Pohya is abundant,
Lakes of ice and ice-bound rivers,
Frozen smooth, the sea of ether.
Bounds the hare in frosted fur-robe,
Climbs the bear in icy raiment,
Ambles o'er the snowy mountains.
Swans of frost descend the rivers,
Ducks of ice in countless numbers
Swim upon thy freezing waters,
Near the cataract and whirlpool.
Bring me frost upon thy snow-sledge,
Snow and ice in great abundance,
From the summit of the wild-top,
From the borders of the mountains.
With thine ice, and snow, and hoar-frost
Cover well mine injured members
Where wild Panu has been resting,
Where the child of Fire has lingered.
'Should this call be ineffective,
Ukko, God of love and mercy,
First and last of the creators,
From the east send forth a snow-cloud,
From the west despatch a second,
Join their edges well together,
Let there be no vacant places,
Let these clouds bring snow and
Lay the healing balm of Ukko
On my burning, tortured tissues,
Where wild Panu has been resting.'
Thus the blacksmith, Ilmarinen,
Stills the pains by fire engendered,
Stills the agonies and tortures
Brought him by the child of evil,
Brought him by the wicked Panu.
~ Elias Lönnrot,
13:The Kalevala - Rune Xliii
Louhi, hostess of Pohyola,
Called her many tribes together,
Gave the archers bows and arrows,
Gave her brave men spears and broadswords;
Fitted out her mightiest war-ship,
In the vessel placed her army,
With their swords a hundred heroes,
With their bows a thousand archers;
Quick erected masts and sail-yards,
On the masts her sails of linen
Hanging like the clouds of heaven,
Like the white-clouds in the ether,
Sailed across the seas of Pohya,
To re-take the wondrous Sampo
From the heroes of Wainola.
Wainamoinen, old and faithful,
Sailed across the deep, blue waters,
Spake these words to Lemminkainen:
'O thou daring son of Lempo,
Best of all my friends and heroes,
Mount the highest of the topmasts,
Look before you into ether,
Look behind you at the heavens,
Well examine the horizon,
Whether clear or filled with trouble.'
Climbed the daring Lemminkainen,
Ever ready for a venture,
To the highest of the mastheads;
Looked he eastward, also westward,
Looked he northward, also southward,
Then addressed wise Wainamoinen.
'Clear the sky appears before me,
But behind a dark horizon;
In the north a cloud is rising,
And a longer cloud at north-west.'
Wainamoinen thus made answer:
Art thou speaking truth or fiction?
I am fearful that the war-ships
Of Pohyola are pursuing;
Look again with keener vision.'
Thereupon wild Lemminkainen
Looked again and spake as follows:
'In the distance seems a forest,
In the south appears an island,
Aspen-groves with falcons laden,
Alders laden with the wood-grouse.'
Spake the ancient Wainamoinen:
'Surely thou art speaking falsehood;
'Tis no forest in the distance,
Neither aspen, birch, nor alders,
Laden with the grouse, or falcon;
I am fearful that Pohyola
Follows with her magic armies;
Look again with keener vision.'
Then the daring Lemminkainen
Looked the third time from the topmast,
Spake and these the words be uttered:
'From the north a boat pursues us,
Driven by a hundred rowers,
Carrying a thousand heroes!'
Knew at last old Wainamoinen,
Knew the truth of his inquiry,
Thus addressed his fleeing people:
'Row, O blacksmith, Ilmarinen,
Row, O mighty Lemminkainen,
Row, all ye my noble oarsmen,
That our boat may skim the waters,
May escape from our pursuers!'
Rowed the blacksmith, Ilmarinen,
Rowed the mighty Lemminkainen,
With them rowed the other heroes;
Heavily groaned the helm of birch-wood,
Loudly rattled all the row-locks;
All the vessel shook and trembled,
Like a cataract it thundered
As it plowed the waste of waters,
Tossing sea-foam to the heavens.
Strongly rowed Wainola's forces,
Strongly were their arms united;
But the distance did not widen
Twixt the boat and their pursuers.
Quick the hero, Wainamoinen,
Saw misfortune hanging over,
Saw destruction in the distance
Heavy-hearted, long reflecting,
Trouble-laden, spake as follows:
'Only is there one salvation,
Know one miracle for safety!'
Then he grasped his box of tinder,
From the box he took a flint-stone,
Of the tinder took some fragments,
Cast the fragments on the waters,
Spake these words of master-magic.
'Let from these arise a mountain
From the bottom of the deep-sea,
Let a rock arise in water,
That the war-ship of Pohyola,
With her thousand men and heroes,
May be wrecked upon the summit,
By the aid of surging billows.'
Instantly a reef arises,
In the sea springs up a mountain,
Eastward, westward, through the waters.
Came the war-ship of the Northland,
Through the floods the boat came steering,
Sailed against the mountain-ledges,
Fastened on the rocks in water,
Wrecked upon the Mount of Magic.
In the deep-sea fell the topmasts,
Fell the sails upon the billows,
Carried by the winds and waters
O'er the waves of toil and trouble.
Louhi, hostess of Pohyola,
Tries to free her sinking vessel,
Tries to rescue from destruction;
But she cannot raise the war-ship,
Firmly fixed upon the mountain;
Shattered are the ribs and rudder,
Ruined is the ship of Pohya.
Then the hostess of the Northland,
Much disheartened, spake as follows:
'Where the force, in earth or heaven,
That will help a soul in trouble?'
Quick she changes form and feature,
Makes herself another body;
Takes five sharpened scythes of iron,
Also takes five goodly sickles,
Shapes them into eagle-talons;
Takes the body of the vessel,
Makes the frame-work of an eagle;
Takes the vessel's ribs and flooring
Makes them into wings and breastplate;
For the tail she shapes the rudder;
In the wings she plants a thousand
Seniors with their bows and arrows;
Sets a thousand magic heroes
In the body, armed with broadswords
In the tail a hundred archers,
With their deadly spears and cross-bows,
Thus the bird is hero-feathered.
Quick she spreads her mighty pinions,
Rises as a monster-eagle,
Flies on high, and soars, and circles
With one wing she sweeps the heavens,
While the other sweeps the waters.
Spake the hero's ocean-mother:
'O thou ancient Wainamoinen,
Turn thy vision to the north-east,
Cast thine eyes upon the sunrise,
Look behind thy fleeing vessel,
See the eagle of misfortune!'
Wainamoinen turned as bidden,
Turned his vision to the north-east,
Cast his eyes upon the sunrise,
There beheld the Northland-hostess,
Wicked witch of Sariola,
Flying as a monster-eagle,
Swooping on his mighty war-ship;
Flies and perches on the topmast,
On the sail-yards firmly settles;
Nearly overturns the vessel
Of the heroes of Wainola,
Underneath the weight of envy.
Then the hero, Ilmarinen,
Turned to Ukko as his refuge,
Thus entreated his Creator:
'Ukko, thou O God in heaven,
Thou Creator full of mercy,
Guard us from impending danger,
That thy children may not perish,
May not meet with fell destruction.
Hither bring thy magic fire-cloak,
That thy people, thus protected,
May resist Pohyola's forces,
Well may fight against the hostess
Of the dismal Sariola,
May not fall before her weapons,
May not in the deep-sea perish!'
Then the ancient Wainamoinen
Thus addressed the ancient Louhi:
'O thou hostess of Pohyola,
Wilt thou now divide the Sampo,
On the fog-point in the water,
On the island forest-covered?
Thus the Northland hostess answered:
'I will not divide the Sampo,
Not with thee, thou evil wizard,
Not with wicked Wainamoinen!'
Quick the mighty eagle, Louhi,
Swoops upon the lid in colors,
Grasps the Sampo in her talons;
But the daring Lemminkainen
Straightway draws his blade of battle,
Draws his broadsword from his girdle,
Cleaves the talons of the eagle,
One toe only is uninjured,
Speaks these magic words of conquest:
'Down, ye spears, and down, ye broadswords,
Down, ye thousand witless heroes,
Down, ye feathered hosts of Louhi!'
Spake the hostess of Pohyola,
Calling, screeching, from the sail-yards:
'O thou faithless Lemminkainen,
Wicked wizard, Kaukomieli,
To deceive thy trusting mother!
Thou didst give to her thy promise,
Not to go to war for ages,
Not to war for sixty summers,
Though desire for gold impels thee,
Though thou wishest gold and silver!
Wainamoinen, ancient hero,
The eternal wisdom-singer,
Thinking he had met destruction,
Snatched the rudder from the waters,
With it smote the monster-eagle,
Smote the, eagle's iron talons,
Smote her countless feathered heroes.
From her breast her hosts descended,
Spearmen fell upon the billows,
From the wings descend a thousand,
From the tail, a hundred archers.
Swoops again the bird of Pohya
To the bottom of the vessel,
Like the hawk from birch or aspen,
Like the falcon from the linden;
Grasps the Sampo with one talon,
Drags the treasure to the waters,
Drops the magic lid in colors
From the red rim of the war-ship
To the bottom of the deep-sea,
Where the Sampo breaks in pieces,
Scatters through the Alue-waters,
In the mighty deeps for ages,
To increase the ocean's treasures,
Treasures for the hosts of Ahto.
Nevermore will there be wanting
Richness for the Ahto-nation,
Never while the moonlight brightens
On the waters of the Northland.
Many fragments of the Sampo
Floated on the purple waters,
On the waters deep and boundless,
Rocked by winds and waves of Suomi,
Carried by the rolling billows
To the sea-sides of Wainola.
Wainamoinen, ancient minstrel,
Saw the fragments of the treasure
Floating on the billows landward,
Fragments of the lid in colors,
Much rejoicing, spake as follows:
'Thence will come the sprouting seed-grain,
The beginning of good fortune,
The unending of resources,
From the plowing and the sowing,
From the glimmer of the moonlight,
From the splendor of the sunshine,
On the fertile plains of Suomi,
On the meads of Kalevala.'
Louhi, hostess of Pohyola,
Thus addressed old Wainamoinen:
'Know I other mighty measures,
Know I means that are efficient,
And against thy golden moonlight,
And the splendor of thy sunshine,
And thy plowing, and thy reaping;
In the rocks I'll sink the moonbeams,
Hide the sun within the mountain,
Let the frost destroy thy sowings,
Freeze the crops on all thy corn-fields;
Iron-hail I'll send from heaven,
On the richness of thine acres,
On the barley of thy planting;
I will drive the bear from forests,
Send thee Otso from the thickets,
That he may destroy thy cattle,
May annihilate thy sheep-folds,
May destroy thy steeds at pasture.
I will send thee nine diseases,
Each more fatal than the other,
That will sicken all thy people,
Make thy children sink and perish,
Nevermore to visit Northland,
Never while the moonlight glimmers
On the plains of Kalevala!'
Thus the ancient bard made answer:
'Not a Laplander can banish
Wainamoinen and his people;
Never can a Turyalander
Drive my tribes from Kalevala;
God alone has power to banish,
God controls the fate of nations,
Never trusts the arms of evil,
Never gives His strength to others.
As I trust in my Creator,
Call upon benignant Ukko,
He will guard my crops from danger
Drive the Frost-fiend from my corn-fields,
Drive great Otso to his caverns.
'Wicked Louhi of Pohyola,
Thou canst banish evil-doers,
In the rocks canst hide the wicked,
In thy mountains lock the guilty;
Thou canst never hide the moonlight,
Never bide the silver sunshine,
In the caverns of thy kingdom.
Freeze the crops of thine own planting,
Freeze the barley of thy sowing,
Send thine iron-hail from heaven
To destroy the Lapland corn-fields,
To annihilate thy people,
To destroy the hosts of Pohya;
Send great Otso from the heather,
Send the sharp-tooth from the forest,
To the fields of Sariola,
On the herds and flocks of Louhi!'
Thus the wicked hostess answered:
'All my power has departed,
All my strength has gone to others,
All my hope is in the deep-sea;
In the waters lies my Sampo!'
Then the hostess of Pohyola
Home departed, weeping, wailing,
To the land of cold and darkness;
Only took some worthless fragments
Of the Sampo to her people;
Carried she the lid to Pohya,
In the blue-sea left the handle;
Hence the poverty of Northland,
And the famines of Pohyola.
Wainamoinen, ancient minstrel,
Hastened to the broad-sea's margin,
Stepped upon the shore in joyance;
Found there fragments of the Sampo,
Fragments of the lid in colors,
On the borders of the waters,
On the curving sands and sea-sides;
Gathered well the Sampo-relics
From the waters near the fog-point,
On the island forest-covered.
Spake the ancient Wainamoinen,
Spake these words in supplication:
'Grant, O Ukko, our Creator,
Grant to us, thy needful children,
Peace, and happiness, and plenty,
That our lives may be successful,
That our days may end in honor,
On the vales and hills of Suomi,
On the prairies of Wainola,
In the homes of Kalevala!
'Ukko, wise and good Creator,
Ukko, God of love and mercy,
Shelter and protect thy people
From the evil-minded heroes,
From the wiles of wicked women,
That our country's plagues may leave us,
That thy faithful tribes may prosper.
Be our friend and strong protector,
Be the helper of thy children,
In the night a roof above them,
In the day a shield around them,
That the sunshine may not vanish,
That the moonlight may not lessen,
That the killing frosts may leave them,
And destructive hail pass over.
Build a metal wall around us,
From the valleys to the heavens;
Build of stone a mighty fortress
On the borders of Wainola,
Where thy people live and labor,
As their dwelling-place forever,
Sure protection to thy people,
Where the wicked may not enter,
Nor the thieves break through and pilfer,
Never while the moonlight glistens,
And the Sun brings golden blessings
To the plains of Kalevala.'
~ Elias Lönnrot,
14:The Kalevala - Rune Xvi
Wainamoinen, ancient minstrel,
The eternal wisdom-singer,
For his boat was working lumber,
Working long upon his vessel,
On a fog-point jutting seaward,
On an island, forest-covered;
But the lumber failed the master,
Beams were wanting for his vessel,
Beams and scantling, ribs and flooring.
Who will find for him the lumber,
Who procure the timber needed
For the boat of Wainamoinen,
For the bottom of his vessel?
Pellerwoinen of the prairies,
Sampsa, slender-grown and ancient,
He will seek the needful timber,
He procure the beams of oak-wood
For the boat of Wainamoinen,
For the bottom of his vessel.
Soon he starts upon his journey
To the eastern fields and forests,
Hunts throughout the Northland mountain
To a second mountain wanders,
To a third he hastens, searching,
Golden axe upon his shoulder,
In his hand a copper hatchet.
Comes an aspen-tree to meet him
Of the height of seven fathoms.
Sampsa takes his axe of copper,
Starts to fell the stately aspen,
But the aspen quickly halting,
Speaks these words to Pellerwoinen:
'Tell me, hero, what thou wishest,
What the service thou art needing?'
Sampsa Pellerwoinen answers:
'This indeed, the needed service
That I ask of thee, O aspen:
Need thy lumber for a vessel,
For the boat of Wainamoinen,
Wisest of the wisdom-singers.'
Quick and wisely speaks the aspen,
Thus its hundred branches answer:
'All the boats that have been fashioned
From my wood have proved but failures;
Such a vessel floats a distance,
Then it sinks upon the bottom
Of the waters it should travel.
All my trunk is filled with hollows,
Three times in the summer seasons
Worms devour my stem and branches,
Feed upon my heart and tissues.'
Pellerwoinen leaves the aspen,
Hunts again through all the forest,
Wanders through the woods of Northland,
Where a pine-tree comes to meet him,
Of the height of fourteen fathoms.
With his axe he chops the pine-tree,
Strikes it with his axe of copper,
As he asks the pine this question:
'Will thy trunk give worthy timber
For the boat of Wainamoinen,
Wisest of the wisdom-singers?'
Loudly does the pine-tree answer:
'All the ships that have been fashioned
From my body are unworthy;
I am full of imperfections,
Cannot give thee needed timber
Wherewithal to build thy vessel;
Ravens live within ray branches,
Build their nests and hatch their younglings
Three times in my trunk in summer.'
Sampsa leaves the lofty pine-tree,
Wanders onward, onward, onward,
To the woods of gladsome summer,
Where an oak-tree comes to meet him,
In circumference, three fathoms,
And the oak he thus addresses:
'Ancient oak-tree, will thy body
Furnish wood to build a vessel,
Build a boat for Wainamoinen,
Master-boat for the magician,
Wisest of the wisdom-singers?'
Thus the oak replies to Sampsa:
'I for thee will gladly furnish
Wood to build the hero's vessel;
I am tall, and sound, and hardy,
Have no flaws within my body;
Three times in the months of summer,
In the warmest of the seasons,
Does the sun dwell in my tree-top,
On my trunk the moonlight glimmers,
In my branches sings the cuckoo,
In my top her nestlings slumber.'
Now the ancient Pellerwoinen
Takes the hatchet from his shoulder,
Takes his axe with copper handle,
Chops the body of the oak-tree;
Well he knows the art of chopping.
Soon he fells the tree majestic,
Fells the mighty forest-monarch,
With his magic axe and power.
From the stems he lops the branches,
Splits the trunk in many pieces,
Fashions lumber for the bottom,
Countless boards, and ribs, and braces,
For the singer's magic vessel,
For the boat of the magician.
Wainamoinen, old and skilful,
The eternal wonder-worker,
Builds his vessel with enchantment,
Builds his boat by art of magic,
From the timber of the oak-tree,
From its posts, and planks, and flooring.
Sings a song, and joins the frame-work;
Sings a second, sets the siding;
Sings a third time, sets the row-locks;
Fashions oars, and ribs, and rudder,
Joins the sides and ribs together.
When the ribs were firmly fastened,
When the sides were tightly jointed,
Then alas! three words were wanting,
Lost the words of master-magic,
How to fasten in the ledges,
How the stern should be completed,
How complete the boat's forecastle.
Then the ancient Wainamoinen,
Wise and wonderful enchanter,
Heavy-hearted spake as follows:
'Woe is me, my life hard-fated!
Never will this magic vessel
Pass in safety o'er the water,
Never ride the rough sea-billows.'
Then he thought and long considered,
Where to find these words of magic,
Find the lost-words of the Master:
'From the brains of countless swallows,
From the heads of swans in dying,
From the plumage of the gray-duck?'
For these words the hero searches,
Kills of swans a goodly number,
Kills a flock of fattened gray-duck,
Kills of swallows countless numbers,
Cannot find the words of magic,
Not the lost-words of the Master.
Wainamoinen, wisdom-singer,
Still reflected and debated:
'I perchance may find the lost-words
On the tongue of summer-reindeer,
In the mouth of the white squirrel.'
Now again he hunts the lost-words,
Hastes to find the magic sayings,
Kills a countless host of reindeer,
Kills a rafterful of squirrels,
Finds of words a goodly number,
But they are of little value,
Cannot find the magic lost-word.
Long he thought and well considered:
'I can find of words a hundred
In the dwellings of Tuoni,
In the Manala fields and castles.'
Wainamoinen quickly journeys
To the kingdom of Tuoni,
There to find the ancient wisdom,
There to learn the secret doctrine;
Hastens on through fen and forest,
Over meads and over marshes,
Through the ever-rising woodlands,
Journeys one week through the brambles,
And a second through the hazels,
Through the junipers the third week,
When appear Tuoni's islands,
And the Manala fields and castles.
Wainamoinen, brave and ancient,
Calls aloud in tones of thunder,
To the Tuonela deeps and dungeons,
And to Manala's magic castle:
'Bring a boat, Tuoni's daughter,
Bring a ferry-boat, O maiden,
That may bear me o'er this channel,
O'er this black and fatal river.'
Quick the daughter of Tuoni,
Magic maid of little stature,
Tiny virgin of Manala,
Tiny washer of the linen,
Tiny cleaner of the dresses,
At the river of Tuoni,
In Manala's ancient castles,
Speaks these words to Wainamoinen,
Gives this answer to his calling:
'Straightway will I bring the row-boat,
When the reasons thou hast given
Why thou comest to Manala
In a hale and active body.'
Wainamoinen, old and artful.,
Gives this answer to the maiden:
'I was brought here by Tuoni,
Mana raised me from the coffin.'
Speaks the maiden of Manala:
'This a tale of wretched liars;
Had Tuoni brought thee hither,
Mana raised thee from the coffin,
Then Tuoni would be with thee,
Manalainen too would lead thee,
With Tuoni's hat upon thee,
On thy hands, the gloves of Mana;
Tell the truth now, Wainamoinen,
What has brought thee to Manala?'
Wainamoinen, artful hero,
Gives this answer, still finessing:
'Iron brought me to Manala,
To the kingdom of Tuoni.'
Speaks the virgin of the death-land,
Mana's wise and tiny daughter:
'Well I know that this is falsehood,
Had the iron brought thee hither,
Brought thee to Tuoni's kingdom,
Blood would trickle from thy vesture,
And the blood-drops, scarlet-colored.
Speak the truth now, Wainamoinen,
This the third time that I ask thee.'
Wainamoinen, little heeding,
Still finesses to the daughter:
'Water brought me to Manala,
To the kingdom of Tuoui.'
This the tiny maiden's answer:
'Well I know thou speakest falsely;
If the waters of Manala,
If the cataract and whirlpool,
Or the waves had brought thee hither,
From thy robes the drops would trickle,
Water drip from all thy raiment.
Tell the truth and I will serve thee,
What has brought thee to Manala?'
Then the wilful Wainamoinen
Told this falsehood to the maiden:
'Fire has brought me to Manala,
To the kingdom of Tuoni.'
Spake again Tuoni's daughter:
'Well I know the voice of falsehood.
If the fire had brought thee hither,
Brought thee to Tuoni's empire,
Singed would be thy locks and eyebrows,
And thy beard be crisped and tangled.
O, thou foolish Wainamoinen,
If I row thee o'er the ferry,
Thou must speak the truth in answer,
This the last time I will ask thee;
Make an end of thy deception.
What has brought thee to Manala,
Still unharmed by pain or sickness,
Still untouched by Death's dark angel
Spake the ancient Wainamoinen:
'At the first I spake, not truly,
Now I give thee rightful answer:
I a boat with ancient wisdom,
Fashioned with my powers of magic,
Sang one day and then a second,
Sang the third day until evening,
When I broke the magic main-spring,
Broke my magic sledge in pieces,
Of my song the fleetest runners;
Then I come to Mana's kingdom,
Came to borrow here a hatchet,
Thus to mend my sledge of magic,
Thus to join the parts together.
Send the boat now quickly over,
Send me, quick, Tuoni's row-boat,
Help me cross this fatal river,
Cross the channel of Manala.'
Spake the daughter of Tuoni,
Mana's maiden thus replying:
'Thou art sure a stupid fellow,
Foresight wanting, judgment lacking,
Having neither wit nor wisdom,
Coming here without a reason,
Coming to Tuoni's empire;
Better far if thou shouldst journey
To thy distant home and kindred;
Man they that visit Mana,
Few return from Maria's kingdom.'
Spake the good old Wainamoinen:
'Women old retreat from danger,
Not a man of any courage,
Not the weakest of the heroes.
Bring thy boat, Tuoni's daughter,
Tiny maiden of Manala,
Come and row me o'er the ferry.'
Mana's daughter does as bidden,
Brings her boat to Wainamoinen,
Quickly rows him through the channel,
O'er the black and fatal river,
To the kingdom of Manala,
Speaks these words to the magician:
'Woe to thee! O Wainamoinen!
Wonderful indeed, thy magic,
Since thou comest to Manala,
Comest neither dead nor dying.'
Tuonetar, the death-land hostess,
Ancient hostess of Tuoni,
Brings him pitchers filled with strong-beer,
Fills her massive golden goblets,
Speaks these measures to the stranger:
'Drink, thou ancient Wainamoinen,
Drink the beer of king Tuoni!'
Wainamoinen, wise and cautious,
Carefully inspects the liquor,
Looks a long time in the pitchers,
Sees the spawning of the black-frogs,
Sees the young of poison-serpents,
Lizards, worms, and writhing adders,
Thus addresses Tuonetar:
'Have not come with this intention,
Have not come to drink thy poisons,
Drink the beer of Tuonela;
Those that drink Tuoni's liquors,
Those that sip the cups of Mana,
Court the Devil and destruction,
End their lives in want and ruin.'
Tuonetar makes this answer:
'Ancient minstrel, Wainamoinen,
Tell me what has brought thee hither,
Brought thee to the, realm of Mana,
To the courts of Tuonela,
Ere Tuoni sent his angels
To thy home in Kalevala,
There to cut thy magic life-thread.'
Spake the singer, Wainamoinen:
'I was building me a vessel,
At my craft was working, singing,
Needed three words of the Master,
How to fasten in the ledges,
How the stern should be completed,
How complete the boat's forecastle.
This the reason of my coming
To the empire of Tuoni,
To the castles of Manala:
Came to learn these magic sayings,
Learn the lost-words of the Master.'
Spake the hostess, Tuonetar:
'Mana never gives these sayings,
Canst not learn them from Tuoni,
Not the lost-words of the Master;
Thou shalt never leave this kingdom,
Never in thy magic life-time,
Never go to Kalevala,
To Wainola's peaceful meadows.
To thy distant home and country.'
Quick the hostess, Tuonetar,
Waves her magic wand of slumber
O'er the head of Wainamoinen,
Puts to rest the wisdom-hero,
Lays him on the couch of Mana,
In the robes of living heroes,
Deep the sleep that settles o'er him.
In Manala lived a woman,
In the kingdom of Tuoni,
Evil witch and toothless wizard,
Spinner of the threads of iron,
Moulder of the bands of copper,
Weaver of a hundred fish-nets,
Of a thousand nets of copper,
Spinning in the days of summer,
Weaving in the winter evenings,
Seated on a rock in water.
In the kingdom of Tuoni
Lived a man, a wicked wizard,
Three the fingers of the hero,
Spinner he of iron meshes,
Maker too of nets of copper,
Countless were his nets of metal,
Moulded on a rock in water,
Through the many days of summer.
Mana's son with crooked fingers,
Iron-pointed, copper fingers,
Pulls of nets, at least a thousand,
Through the river of Tuoni,
Sets them lengthwise, sets them crosswise,
In the fatal, darksome river,
That the sleeping Wainamomen,
Friend and brother of the waters,
May not leave the isle of Mana,
Never in the course of ages,
Never leave the death-land castles,
Never while the moonlight glimmers
On the empire of Tuoni.
Wainamoinen, wise and wary,
Rising from his couch of slumber,
Speaks these words as he is waking:
'Is there not some mischief brewing,
Am I not at last in danger,
In the chambers of Tuoni,
In the Manala home and household?'
Quick he changes his complexion,
Changes too his form and feature,
Slips into another body;
Like a serpent in a circle,
Rolls black-dyed upon the waters;
Like a snake among the willows,
Crawls he like a worm of magic,
Like an adder through the grasses,
Through the coal-black stream of death-land,
Through a thousand nets of copper
Interlaced with threads of iron,
From the kingdom of Tuoni,
From the castles of Manala.
Mana's son, the wicked wizard,
With his iron-pointed fingers,
In the early morning hastens
To his thousand nets of copper,
Set within the Tuoni river,
Finds therein a countless number
Of the death-stream fish and serpents;
Does not find old Wainamoinen,
Wainamoinen, wise and wary,
Friend and fellow of the waters.
When the wonder-working hero
Had escaped from Tuonela,
Spake he thus in supplication:
'Gratitude to thee, O Ukko,
Do I bring for thy protection!
Never suffer other heroes,
Of thy heroes not the wisest,
To transgress the laws of nature;
Never let another singer,
While he lives within the body,
Cross the river of Tuoni,
As thou lovest thy creations.
Many heroes cross the channel,
Cross the fatal stream of Mana,
Few return to tell the story,
Few return from Tuonela,
From Manala's courts and castles.'
Wainamoinen calls his people,
On the plains of Kalevala,
Speaks these words of ancient wisdom,
To the young men, to the maidens,
To the rising generation:
'Every child of Northland, listen:
If thou wishest joy eternal,
Never disobey thy parents,
Never evil treat the guiltless,
Never wrong the feeble-minded,
Never harm thy weakest fellow,
Never stain thy lips with falsehood,
Never cheat thy trusting neighbor,
Never injure thy companion,
Lest thou surely payest penance
In the kingdom of Tuoni,
In the prison of Manala;
There, the home of all the wicked,
There the couch of the unworthy,
There the chambers of the guilty.
Underneath Manala's fire-rock
Are their ever-flaming couches,
For their pillows hissing serpents,
Vipers green their writhing covers,
For their drink the blood of adders,
For their food the pangs of hunger,
Pain and agony their solace;
If thou wishest joy eternal,
Shun the kingdom of Tuoui!'
~ Elias Lönnrot,
15:The Kalevala - Rune Xlvi
Came the tidings to Pohyola,
To the village of the Northland,
That Wainola had recovered
From her troubles and misfortunes,
From her sicknesses and sorrows.
Louhi, hostess of the Northland,
Toothless dame of Sariola,
Envy-laden, spake these measures:
'Know I other means of trouble,
I have many more resources;
I will drive the bear before me,
From the heather and the mountain,
Drive him from the fen and forest,
Drive great Otso from the glen-wood
On the cattle of Wainola,
On the flocks of Kalevala.'
Thereupon the Northland hostess
Drove the hungry bear of Pohya
From his cavern to the meadows,
To Wainola's plains and pastures.
Wainamoinen, ancient minstrel,
To his brother spake as follows:
'O thou blacksmith, Ilmarinen,
Forge a spear from magic metals,
Forge a lancet triple-pointed,
Forge the handle out of copper,
That I may destroy great Otso,
Slay the mighty bear of Northland,
That he may not eat my horses,
Nor destroy my herds of cattle,
Nor the flocks upon my pastures.'
Thereupon the skillful blacksmith
Forged a spear from magic metals,
Forged a lancet triple-pointed,
Not the longest, nor the shortest,
Forged the spear in wondrous beauty.
On one side a bear was sitting,
Sat a wolf upon the other,
On the blade an elk lay sleeping,
On the shaft a colt was running,
Near the hilt a roebuck bounding.
Snows had fallen from the heavens,
Made the flocks as white as ermine
Or the hare, in days of winter,
And the minstrel sang these measures:
'My desire impels me onward
To the Metsola-dominions,
To the homes of forest-maidens,
To the courts of the white virgins;
I will hasten to the forest,
Labor with the woodland-forces.
'Ruler of the Tapio-forests,
Make of me a conquering hero,
Help me clear these boundless woodlands.
O Mielikki, forest-hostess,
Tapio's wife, thou fair Tellervo,
Call thy dogs and well enchain them,
Set in readiness thy hunters,
Let them wait within their kennels.
'Otso, thou O Forest-apple,
Bear of honey-paws and fur-robes,
Learn that Wainamoinen follows,
That the singer comes to meet thee;
Hide thy claws within thy mittens,
Let thy teeth remain in darkness,
That they may not harm the minstrel,
May be powerless in battle.
Mighty Otso, much beloved,
Honey-eater of the mountains,
Settle on the rocks in slumber,
On the turf and in thy caverns;
Let the aspen wave above thee,
Let the merry birch-tree rustle
O'er thy head for thy protection.
Rest in peace, thou much-loved Otso,
Turn about within thy thickets,
Like the partridge at her brooding,
In the spring-time like the wild-goose.'
When the ancient Wainamoinen
Heard his dog bark in the forest,
Heard his hunter's call and echo,
He addressed the words that follow:
'Thought it was the cuckoo calling,
Thought the pretty bird was singing;
It was not the sacred cuckoo,
Not the liquid notes of songsters,
'Twas my dog that called and murmured,
'Twas the echo of my hunter
At the cavern-doors of Otso,
On the border of the woodlands.'
Wainamoinen, old and trusty,
Finds the mighty bear in waiting,
Lifts in joy the golden covers,
Well inspects his shining fur-robes;
Lifts his honey-paws in wonder,
Then addresses his Creator:
'Be thou praised, O mighty Ukko,
As thou givest me great Otso,
Givest me the Forest-apple,
Thanks be paid to thee unending.'
To the bear he spake these measures:
'Otso, thou my well beloved,
Honey-eater of the woodlands,
Let not anger swell thy bosom;
I have not the force to slay thee,
Willingly thy life thou givest
As a sacrifice to Northland.
Thou hast from the tree descended,
Glided from the aspen branches,
Slippery the trunks in autumn,
In the fog-days, smooth the branches.
Golden friend of fen and forest,
In thy fur-robes rich and beauteous,
Pride of woodlands, famous Light-foot,
Leave thy cold and cheerless dwelling,
Leave thy home within the alders,
Leave thy couch among the willows,
Hasten in thy purple stockings,
Hasten from thy walks restricted,
Come among the haunts of heroes,
Join thy friends in Kalevala.
We shall never treat thee evil,
Thou shalt dwell in peace and plenty,
Thou shalt feed on milk and honey,
Honey is the food of strangers.
Haste away from this thy covert,
From the couch of the unworthy,
To a couch beneath the rafters
Of Wainola's ancient dwellings.
Haste thee onward o'er the snow-plain,
As a leaflet in the autumn;
Skip beneath these birchen branches,
As a squirrel in the summer,
As a cuckoo in the spring-time.'
Wainamoinen, the magician,
The eternal wisdom-singer,
O'er the snow-fields hastened homeward,
Singing o'er the hills and mountains,
With his guest, the ancient Otso,
With his friend, the, famous Light-foot,
With the Honey-paw of Northland.
Far away was heard the singing,
Heard the playing of the hunter,
Heard the songs of Wainamoinen;
All the people heard and wondered,
Men and maidens, young and aged,
From their cabins spake as follows:
'Hear the echoes from the woodlands,
Hear the bugle from the forest,
Hear the flute-notes of the songsters,
Hear the pipes of forest-maidens!'
Wainamoinen, old and trusty,
Soon appears within the court-yard.
Rush the people from their cabins,
And the heroes ask these questions:
'Has a mine of gold been opened,
Hast thou found a vein of silver,
Precious jewels in thy pathway?
Does the forest yield her treasures,
Give to thee the Honey-eater?
Does the hostess of the woodlands,
Give to thee the lynx and adder,
Since thou comest home rejoicing,
Playing, singing, on thy snow-shoes?'
Wainamoinen, ancient minstrel,
Gave this answer to his people:
'For his songs I caught the adder,
Caught the serpent for his wisdom;
Therefore do I come rejoicing,
Singing, playing, on my snow-shoes.
Not the mountain lynx, nor serpent,
Comes, however, to our dwellings;
The Illustrious is coming,
Pride and beauty of the forest,
'Tis the Master comes among us,
Covered with his friendly fur-robe.
Welcome, Otso, welcome, Light-foot,
Welcome, Loved-one from the glenwood!
If the mountain guest is welcome,
Open wide the gates of entry;
If the bear is thought unworthy,
Bar the doors against the stranger.'
This the answer of the tribe-folk:
'We salute thee, mighty Otso,
Honey-paw, we bid thee welcome,
Welcome to our courts and cabins,
Welcome, Light-foot, to our tables
Decorated for thy coming!
We have wished for thee for ages,
Waiting since the days of childhood,
For the notes of Tapio's bugle,
For the singing of the wood-nymphs,
For the coming of dear Otso,
For the forest gold and silver,
Waiting for the year of plenty,
Longing for it as for summer,
As the shoe waits for the snow-fields,
As the sledge for beaten highways,
As the, maiden for her suitor,
And the wife her husband's coming;
Sat at evening by the windows,
At the gates have, sat at morning,
Sat for ages at the portals,
Near the granaries in winter, Vanished,
Till the snow-fields warmed and
Till the sails unfurled in joyance,
Till the earth grew green and blossomed,
Thinking all the while as follows:
'Where is our beloved Otso,
Why delays our forest-treasure?
Has he gone to distant Ehstland,
To the upper glens of Suomi?'
Spake the ancient Wainamoinen:
'Whither shall I lead the stranger,
Whither take the golden Light-foot?
Shall I lead him to the garner,
To the house of straw conduct him?'
This the answer of his tribe-folk:
'To the dining-hall lead Otso,
Greatest hero of the Northland.
Famous Light-foot, Forest-apple,
Pride and glory of the woodlands,
Have no fear before these maidens,
Fear not curly-headed virgins,
Clad in silver-tinselled raiment
Maidens hasten to their chambers
When dear Otso joins their number,
When the hero comes among them.'
This the prayer of Wainamoinen:
'Grant, O Ukko, peace and plenty
Underneath these painted rafters,
In this ornamented dweling;
Thanks be paid to gracious Ukko!'
Spake again the ancient minstrel:
'Whither shall we lead dear Otso,
'Whither take the fur-clad stranger?
This the answer of his people:
'Hither let the fur-robed Light-foot
Be saluted on his coming;
Let the Honey-paw be welcomed
To the hearth-stone of the penthouse,
Welcomed to the boiling caldrons,
That we may admire his fur-robe,
May behold his cloak with joyance.
Have no care, thou much-loved Otso,
Let not anger swell thy bosom
As thy coat we view with pleasure;
We thy fur shall never injure,
Shall not make it into garments
To protect unworthy people.'
Thereupon wise Wainamoinen
Pulled the sacred robe from Otso,
Spread it in the open court-yard,
Cut the, members into fragments,
Laid them in the heating caldrons,
In the copper-bottomed vesselsO'er the fire the crane was hanging,
On the crane were hooks of copper,
On the hooks the broiling-vessels
Filled with bear-steak for the feasting,
Seasoned with the salt of Dwina,
From the Saxon-land imported,
From the distant Dwina-waters,
From the salt-sea brought in shallops.
Ready is the feast of Otso;
From the fire are swung the kettles
On the crane of polished iron;
In the centers of the tables
Is the bear displayed in dishes,
Golden dishes, decorated;
Of the fir-tree and the linden
Were the tables newly fashioned;
Drinking cups were forged from copper,
Knives of gold and spoons of silver;
Filled the vessels to their borders
With the choicest bits of Light-foot,
Fragments of the Forest-apple.
Spake the ancient Wainamoinen
'Ancient one with bosom golden,
Potent voice in Tapio's councils
Metsola's most lovely hostess,
Hostess of the glen and forest,
Hero-son of Tapiola,
Stalwart youth in cap of scarlet,
Tapio's most beauteous virgin,
Fair Tellervo of the woodlands,
Metsola with all her people,
Come, and welcome, to the feasting,
To the marriage-feast of Otso!
All sufficient, the provisions,
Food to eat and drink abundant,
Plenty for the hosts assembled,
Plenty more to give the village.'
This the question of the people:
'Tell us of the birth of Otso!
Was be born within a manger,
Was he nurtured in the bath-room
Was his origin ignoble?'
This is Wainamoinen's answer:
'Otso was not born a beggar,
Was not born among the rushes,
Was not cradled in a manger;
Honey-paw was born in ether,
In the regions of the Moon-land,
On the shoulders of Otava,
With the daughters of creation.
'Through the ether walked a maiden,
On the red rims of the cloudlets,
On the border of the heavens,
In her stockings purple-tinted,
In her golden-colored sandals.
In her hand she held a wool-box,
With a hair-box on her shoulder;
Threw the wool upon the ocean,
And the hair upon the rivers;
These are rocked by winds and waters,
Water-currents bear them onward,
Bear them to the sandy sea-shore,
Land them near the Woods of honey,
On an island forest-covered.
'Fair Mielikki, woodland hostess,
Tapio's most cunning daughter,
Took the fragments from the sea-side,
Took the white wool from the waters,
Sewed the hair and wool together,
Laid the bundle in her basket,
Basket made from bark of birch-wood,
Bound with cords the magic bundle;
With the chains of gold she bound it
To the pine-tree's topmost branches.
There she rocked the thing of magic,
Rocked to life the tender baby,
Mid the blossoms of the pine-tree,
On the fir-top set with needles;
Thus the young bear well was nurtured,
Thus was sacred Otso cradled
On the honey-tree of Northland,
In the middle of the forest.
'Sacred Otso grew and flourished,
Quickly grew with graceful movements,
Short of feet, with crooked ankles,
Wide of mouth and broad of forehead,
Short his nose, his fur-robe velvet;
But his claws were not well fashioned,
Neither were his teeth implanted.
Fair Mielikki, forest hostess,
Spake these words in meditation:
'Claws I should be pleased to give him,
And with teeth endow the wonder,
Would be not abuse the favor.'
'Swore the bear a promise sacred,
On his knees before Mielikki,
Hostess of the glen and forest,
And before omniscient Ukko,
First and last of all creators,
That he would not harm the worthy,
Never do a deed of evil.
Then Mielikki, woodland hostess,
Wisest maid of Tapiola,
Sought for teeth and claws to give him,
From the stoutest mountain-ashes,
From the juniper and oak tree,
From the dry knots of the alder.
Teeth and claws of these were worthless,
Would not render goodly service.
'Grew a fir-tree on the mountain,
Grew a stately pine in Northland,
And the fir had silver branches,
Bearing golden cones abundant;
These the sylvan maiden gathered,
Teeth and claws of these she fashioned
In the jaws and feet of Otso,
Set them for the best of uses.
Then she freed her new-made creature,
Let the Light-foot walk and wander,
Let him lumber through the marshes,
Let him amble through the forest,
Roll upon the plains and pastures;
Taught him how to walk a hero,
How to move with graceful motion,
How to live in ease and pleasure,
How to rest in full contentment,
In the moors and in the marshes,
On the borders of the woodlands;
How unshod to walk in summer,
Stockingless to run in autumn;
How to rest and sleep in winter
In the clumps of alder-bushes
Underneath the sheltering fir-tree,
Underneath the pine's protection,
Wrapped securely in his fur-robes,
With the juniper and willow.
This the origin of Otso,
Honey-eater of the Northlands,
Whence the sacred booty cometh.
Thus again the people questioned:
Why became the woods so gracious,
Why so generous and friendly?
Why is Tapio so humored,
That he gave his dearest treasure,
Gave to thee his Forest-apple,
Honey-eater of his kingdom?
Was he startled with thine arrows,
Frightened with the spear and broadsword?'
Wainamoinen, the magician,
Gave this answer to the question:
'Filled with kindness was the forest,
Glen and woodland full of greetings,
Tapio showing greatest favor.
Fair Mielikki, forest hostess,
Metsola's bewitching daughter,
Beauteous woodland maid, Tellervo,
Gladly led me on my journey,
Smoothed my pathway through the glen-wood.
Marked the trees upon the, mountains,
Pointing me to Otso's caverns,
To the Great Bear's golden island.
'When my journeyings had ended,
When the bear had been discovered,
Had no need to launch my javelins,
Did not need to aim the arrow;
Otso tumbled in his vaulting,
Lost his balance in his cradle,
In the fir-tree where he slumbered;
Tore his breast upon the branches,
Freely gave his life to others.
'Mighty Otso, my beloved,
Thou my golden friend and hero,
Take thy fur-cap from thy forehead,
Lay aside thy teeth forever,
Hide thy fingers in the darkness,
Close thy mouth and still thine anger,
While thy sacred skull is breaking.
'Now I take the eyes of Otso,
Lest he lose the sense of seeing,
Lest their former powers shall weaken;
Though I take not all his members,
Not alone must these be taken.
'Now I take the ears of Otso,
Lest he lose the sense of 'hearing,
Lest their former powers shall weaken;
Though I take not all his members,
Not alone must these be taken.
'Now I take the nose of Otso,
Lest he lose the sense of smelling,
Lest its former powers shall weaken;
Though I take not all his members,
Not alone must this be taken.
'Now I take the tongue of Otso,
Lest he lose the sense of tasting
Lest its former powers shall weaken;
Though I take not all his members,
Not alone must this be taken.
'Now I take the brain of Otso,
Lest he lose the means of thinking,
Lest his consciousness should fail him,
Lest his former instincts weaken;
Though I take not all his members,
Not alone must this be taken.
'I will reckon him a hero,
That will count the teeth of Light-foot,
That will loosen Otso's fingers
From their settings firmly fastened.'
None he finds with strength sufficient
To perform the task demanded.
Therefore ancient Wainamoinen
Counts the teeth of sacred Otso;
Loosens all the claws of Light-foot,
With his fingers strong as copper,
Slips them from their firm foundations,
Speaking to the bear these measures:
'Otso, thou my Honey-eater,
Thou my Fur-ball of the woodlands,
Onward, onward, must thou journey
From thy low and lonely dwelling,
To the court-rooms of the village.
Go, my treasure, through the pathway
Near the herds of swine and cattle,
To the hill-tops forest covered,
To the high and rising mountains,
To the spruce-trees filled with needles,
To the branches of the pine-tree;
There remain, my Forest-apple,
Linger there in lasting slumber,
Where the silver bells are ringing,
To the pleasure of the shepherd.'
Thus beginning, and thus ending,
Wainamoinen, old and truthful,
Hastened from his emptied tables,
And the children thus addressed him:
'Whither hast thou led thy booty,
Where hast left thy Forest-apple,
Sacred Otso of the woodlands?
Hast thou left him on the iceberg,
Buried him upon the snow-field?
Hast thou sunk him in the quicksand,
Laid him low beneath the heather?'
Wainamoinen spake in answer:
'Have not left him on the iceberg,
Have not buried him in snow-fields;
There the dogs would soon devour him,
Birds of prey would feast upon him;
Have not hidden him in Swamp-land,
Have not buried him in heather;
There the worms would live upon him,
Insects feed upon his body.
Thither I have taken Otso,
To the summit of the Gold-hill,
To the copper-bearing mountain,
Laid him in his silken cradle
In the summit of a pine-tree,
Where the winds and sacred branches
Rock him to his lasting slumber,
To the pleasure of the hunter,
To the joy of man and hero.
To the east his lips are pointing,
While his eyes are northward looking;
But dear Otso looks not upward,
For the fierceness of the storm-winds
Would destroy his sense of vision.'
Wainamoinen, ancient minstrel,
Touched again his harp of joyance,
Sang again his songs enchanting,
To the pleasure of the evening,
To the joy of morn arising.
Spake the singer of Wainola:
'Light for me a torch of pine-wood,
For the darkness is appearing,
That my playing may be joyous
And my wisdom-songs find welcome.'
Then the ancient sage and singer,
Wise and worthy Wainamoinen,
Sweetly sang and played, and chanted,
Through the long and dreary evening,
Ending thus his incantation:
'Grant, O Ukko, my Creator,
That the people of Wainola
May enjoy another banquet
In the company of Light-foot;
Grant that we may long remember
Kalevala's feast with Otso!
'Grant, O Ukko, my Creator,
That the signs may guide our footsteps,
That the notches in the pine-tree
May direct my faithful people
To the bear-dens of the woodlands;
That great Tapio's sacred bugle
May resound through glen and forest;
That the wood-nymph's call may echo,
May be heard in field and hamlet,
To the joy of all that listen!
Let great Tapio's horn for ages
Ring throughout the fen and forest,
Through the hills and dales of Northland
O'er the meadows and the mountains,
To awaken song and gladness
In the forests of Wainola,
On the snowy plains of Suomi,
On the meads of Kalevala,
For the coming generations.'
~ Elias Lönnrot,
16:The Kalevala - Rune L
Mariatta, child of beauty,
Grew to maidenhood in Northland,
In the cabin of her father,
In the chambers of her mother,
Golden ringlets, silver girdles,
Worn against the keys paternal,
Glittering upon her bosom;
Wore away the father's threshold
With the long robes of her garments;
Wore away the painted rafters
With her beauteous silken ribbons;
Wore away the gilded pillars
With the touching of her fingers;
Wore away the birchen flooring
With the tramping of her fur-shoes.
Mariatta, child of beauty,
Magic maid of little stature,
Guarded well her sacred virtue,
Her sincerity and honor,
Fed upon the dainty whiting,
On the inner bark of birch-wood,
On the tender flesh of lambkins.
When she hastened in the evening
To her milking in the hurdles,
Spake in innocence as follows:
'Never will the snow-white virgin
Milk the kine of one unworthy!'
When she journeyed over snow-fields,
On the seat beside her father,
Spake in purity as follows:
'Not behind a steed unworthy
Will I ever ride the snow-sledge!'
Mariatta, child of beauty,
Lived a virgin with her mother,
As a maiden highly honored,
Lived in innocence and beauty,
Daily drove her flocks to pasture,
Walking with the gentle lambkins.
When the lambkins climbed the mountains,
When they gamboled on the hill-tops,
Stepped the virgin to the meadow,
Skipping through a grove of lindens,
At the calling of the cuckoo,
To the songster's golden measures.
Mariatta, child of beauty,
Looked about, intently listened,
Sat upon the berry-meadow
Sat awhile, and meditated
On a hillock by the forest,
And soliloquized as follows:
'Call to me, thou golden cuckoo,
Sing, thou sacred bird of Northland,
Sing, thou silver breasted songster,
Speak, thou strawberry of Ehstland,
Tell bow long must I unmarried,
As a shepherdess neglected,
Wander o'er these bills and mountains,
Through these flowery fens and fallows.
Tell me, cuckoo of the woodlands,
Sing to me how many summers
I must live without a husband,
As a shepherdess neglected!'
Mariatta, child of beauty,
Lived a shepherd-maid for ages,
As a virgin with her mother.
Wretched are the lives of shepherds,
Lives of maidens still more wretched,
Guarding flocks upon the mountains;
Serpents creep in bog and stubble,
On the greensward dart the lizards;
But it was no serpent singing,
Nor a sacred lizard calling,
It was but the mountain-berry
Calling to the lonely maiden:
'Come, O virgin, come and pluck me,
Come and take me to thy bosom,
Take me, tinsel-breasted virgin,
Take me, maiden, copper-belted,
Ere the slimy snail devours me,
Ere the black-worm feeds upon me.
Hundreds pass my way unmindful,
Thousands come within my hearing,
Berry-maidens swarm about me,
Children come in countless numbers,
None of these has come to gather,
Come to pluck this ruddy berry.'
Mariatta, child of beauty,
Listened to its gentle pleading,
Ran to pick the berry, calling,
With her fair and dainty fingers,.
Saw it smiling near the meadow,
Like a cranberry in feature,
Like a strawberry in flavor;
But be Virgin, Mariatta,
Could not pluck the woodland-stranger,
Thereupon she cut a charm-stick,
Downward pressed upon the berry,
When it rose as if by magic,
Rose above her shoes of ermine,
Then above her copper girdle,
Darted upward to her bosom,
Leaped upon the maiden's shoulder,
On her dimpled chin it rested,
On her lips it perched a moment,
Hastened to her tongue expectant
To and fro it rocked and lingered,
Thence it hastened on its journey,
Settled in the maiden's bosom.
Mariatta, child of beauty,
Thus became a bride impregnate,
Wedded to the mountain-berry;
Lingered in her room at morning,
Sat at midday in the darkness,
Hastened to her couch at evening.
Thus the watchful mother wonders:
'What has happened to our Mary,
To our virgin, Mariatta,
That she throws aside her girdle,
Shyly slips through hall and chamber,
Lingers in her room at morning,
Hastens to her couch at evening,
Sits at midday in the darkness?'
On the floor a babe was playing,
And the young child thus made answer:
'This has happened to our Mary,
To our virgin, Mariatta,
This misfortune to the maiden:
She has lingered by the meadows,
Played too long among the lambkins,
Tasted of the mountain-berry.'
Long the virgin watched and waited,
Anxiously the days she counted,
Waiting for the dawn of trouble.
Finally she asked her mother,
These the words of Mariatta:
'Faithful mother, fond and tender,
Mother whom I love and cherish,
Make for me a place befitting,
Where my troubles may be lessened,
And my heavy burdens lightened.'
This the answer of the mother:
'Woe to thee, thou Hisi-maiden,
Since thou art a bride unworthy,
Wedded only to dishonor!'
Mariatta, child of beauty,
Thus replied in truthful measures:
'I am not a maid of Hisi,
I am not a bride unworthy,
Am not wedded to dishonor;
As a shepherdess I wandered
With the lambkins to the glen-wood,
Wandered to the berry-mountain,
Where the strawberry had ripened;
Quick as thought I plucked the berry,
On my tongue I gently laid it,
To and fro it rocked and lingered,
Settled in my heaving bosom.
This the source of all my trouble,
Only cause of my dishonor!'
As the mother was relentless,
Asked the maiden of her father,
This the virgin-mother's pleading:
O my father, full of pity,
Source of both my good and evil,
Build for me a place befitting,
Where my troubles may be lessened,
And my heavy burdens lightened.'
This the answer of the father,
Of the father unforgiving:
'Go, thou evil child of Hisi,
Go, thou child of sin and sorrow,
Wedded only to dishonor,
To the Great Bear's rocky chamber,
To the stone-cave of the growler,
There to lessen all thy troubles,
There to cast thy heavy burdens!'
Mariatta, child of beauty,
Thus made answer to her father:
'I am not a child of Hisi,
I am not a bride unworthy,
Am not wedded to dishonor;
I shall bear a noble hero,
I shall bear a son immortal,
Who will rule among the mighty,
Rule the ancient Wainamoinen.'
Thereupon the virgin-mother
Wandered hither, wandered thither,
Seeking for a place befitting,
Seeking for a worthy birth-place
For her unborn son and hero;
Finally these words she uttered
'Piltti, thou my youngest maiden,
Trustiest of all my servants,
Seek a place within the village,
Ask it of the brook of Sara,
For the troubled Mariatta,
Child of sorrow and misfortune.'
Thereupon the little maiden,
Piltti, spake these words in answer:
'Whom shall I entreat for succor,
Who will lend me his assistance?
These the words of Mariatta:
'Go and ask it of Ruotus,
Where the reed-brook pours her waters.'
Thereupon the servant, Piltti,
Ever hopeful, ever willing,
Hastened to obey her mistress,
Needing not her exhortation;
Hastened like the rapid river,
Like the flying smoke of battle
To the cabin of Ruotus.
When she walked the hill-tops tottered,
When she ran the mountains trembled;
Shore-reeds danced upon the pasture,
Sandstones skipped about the heather
As the maiden, Piltti, hastened
To the dwelling of Ruotus.
At his table in his cabin
Sat Ruotus, eating, drinking,
In his simple coat of linen.
With his elbows on the table
Spake the wizard in amazement:
'Why hast thou, a maid of evil,
Come to see me in my cavern,
What the message thou art bringing?
Thereupon the servant, Piltti,
Gave this answer to the wizard:
'Seek I for a spot befitting,
Seek I for a worthy birth-place,
For an unborn child and hero;
Seek it near the Sara-streamlet,
Where the reed-brook pours her waters.
Came the wife of old Ruotus,
Walking with her arms akimbo,
Thus addressed the maiden, Piltti:
'Who is she that asks assistance,
Who the maiden thus dishonored,
What her name, and who her kindred?'
'I have come for Mariatta,
For the worthy virgin-mother.'
Spake the wife of old Ruotus,
Evil-minded, cruel-hearted:
'Occupied are all our chambers,
All our bath-rooms near the reed-brook;
in the mount of fire are couches,
is a stable in the forest,
For the flaming horse of Hisi;
In the stable is a manger
Fitting birth-place for the hero
From the wife of cold misfortune,
Worthy couch for Mariatta!'
Thereupon the servant, Piltti,
Hastened to her anxious mistress,
Spake these measures, much regretting.
'There is not a place befitting,
on the silver brook of Sara.
Spake the wife of old Ruotus:
'Occupied are all the chambers,
All the bath-rooms near the reed-brook;
In the mount of fire are couches,
Is a stable, in the forest,
For the flaming horse of Hisi;
In the stable is a manger,
Fitting birth-place for the hero
From the wife of cold misfortune,
Worthy couch for Mariatta.''
Thereupon the hapless maiden,
Mariatta, virgin-mother,
Fell to bitter tears and murmurs,
Spake these words in depths of sorrow:
'I, alas! must go an outcast,
Wander as a wretched hireling,
Like a servant in dishonor,
Hasten to the burning mountain,
To the stable in the forest,
Make my bed within a manger,
Near the flaming steed of Hisi!'
Quick the hapless virgin-mother,
Outcast from her father's dwelling,
Gathered up her flowing raiment,
Grasped a broom of birchen branches,
Hastened forth in pain and sorrow
To the stable in the woodlands,
On the heights of Tapio's mountains,
Spake these words in supplication:
'Come, I pray thee, my Creator,
Only friend in times of trouble,
Come to me and bring protection
To thy child, the virgin-mother,
To the maiden, Mariatta,
In this hour of sore affliction.
Come to me, benignant Ukko,
Come, thou only hope and refuge,
Lest thy guiltless child should perish,
Die the death of the unworthy!'
When the virgin, Mariatta,
Had arrived within the stable
Of the flaming horse of Hisi,
She addressed the steed as follows:
'Breathe, O sympathizing fire-horse,
Breathe on me, the virgin-mother,
Let thy heated breath give moisture,
Let thy pleasant warmth surround me,
Like the vapor of the morning;
Let this pure and helpless maiden
Find a refuge in thy manger!'
Thereupon the horse, in pity,
Breathed the moisture of his nostrils
On the body of the virgin,
Wrapped her in a cloud of vapor,
Gave her warmth and needed comforts,
Gave his aid to the afflicted,
To the virgin, Mariatta.
There the babe was born and cradled
Cradled in a woodland-manger,
Of the virgin, Mariatta,
Pure as pearly dews of morning,
Holy as the stars in heaven.
There the mother rocks her infant,
In his swaddling clothes she wraps him,
Lays him in her robes of linen;
Carefully the babe she nurtures,
Well she guards her much-beloved,
Guards her golden child of beauty,
Her beloved gem of silver.
But alas! the child has vanished,
Vanished while the mother slumbered.
Mariatta, lone and wretched,
Fell to weeping, broken-hearted,
Hastened off to seek her infant.
Everywhere the mother sought him,
Sought her golden child of beauty,
Her beloved gem of silver;
Sought him underneath the millstone,
In the sledge she sought him vainly,
Underneath the sieve she sought him,
Underneath the willow-basket,
Touched the trees, the grass she parted,
Long she sought her golden infant,
Sought him on the fir-tree-mountain,
In the vale, and hill, and heather;
Looks within the clumps of flowers,
Well examines every thicket,
Lifts the juniper and willow,
Lifts the branches of the alder.
Lo! a star has come to meet her,
And the star she thus beseeches-.
'O, thou guiding-star of Northland,
Star of hope, by God created,
Dost thou know and wilt thou tell me
Where my darling child has wandered,
Where my holy babe lies hidden?'
Thus the star of Northland answers:
'If I knew, I would not tell thee;
'Tis thy child that me created,
Set me here to watch at evening,
In the cold to shine forever,
Here to twinkle in the darkness.'
Comes the golden Moon to meet her,
And the Moon she thus beseeches:
'Golden Moon, by Ukko fashioned,
Hope and joy of Kalevala,
Dost thou know and wilt thou tell me
Where my darling child has wandered,
Where my holy babe lies hidden?
Speaks the golden Moon in answer:
'If I knew I would not tell thee;
'Tis thy child that me created,
Here to wander in the darkness,
All alone at eve to wander
On my cold and cheerless journey,
Sleeping only in the daylight,
Shining for the good of others.'
Thereupon the virgin-mother
Falls again to bitter weeping,
Hastens on through fen and forest,
Seeking for her babe departed.
Comes the silver Sun to meet her,
And the Sun she thus addresses:
'Silver Sun by Ukko fashioned,
Source of light and life to Northland,
Dost thou know and wilt thou tell me
Where my darling child has wandered,
Where my holy babe lies hidden?'
Wisely does the Sun make answer:
'Well I know thy babe's dominions,
Where thy holy child is sleeping,
Where Wainola's light lies hidden;
'Tis thy child that me created,
Made me king of earth and ether,
Made the Moon and Stars attend me,
Set me here to shine at midday,
Makes me shine in silver raiment,
Lets me sleep and rest at evening;
Yonder is thy golden infant,
There thy holy babe lies sleeping,
Hidden to his belt in water,
Hidden in the reeds and rushes.'
Mariatta, child of beauty,
Virgin-mother of the Northland,
Straightway seeks her babe in Swamp-land,
Finds him in the reeds and rushes;
Takes the young child on her bosom
To the dwelling of her father.
There the infant grew in beauty,
Gathered strength, and light, and wisdom,
All of Suomi saw and wondered.
No one knew what name to give him;
When the mother named him, Flower,
Others named him, Son-of-Sorrow.
When the virgin, Mariatta,
Sought the priesthood to baptize him,
Came an old man, Wirokannas,
With a cup of holy water,
Bringing to the babe his blessing;
And the gray-beard spake as follows:
'I shall not baptize a wizard,
Shall not bless a black-magician
With the drops of holy water;
Let the young child be examined,
Let us know that he is worthy,
Lest he prove the son of witchcraft.'
Thereupon old Wirokannas
Called the ancient Wainamoinen,
The eternal wisdom-singer,
To inspect the infant-wonder,
To report him good or evil.
Wainamoinen, old and faithful,
Carefully the child examined,
Gave this answer to his people:
'Since the child is but an outcast,
Born and cradled in a manger,
Since the berry is his father;
Let him lie upon the heather,
Let him sleep among the rushes,
Let him live upon the mountains;
Take the young child to the marshes,
Dash his head against the birch-tree.'
Then the child of Mariatta,
Only two weeks old, made answer:
'O, thou ancient Wainamoinen,
Son of Folly and Injustice,
Senseless hero of the Northland,
Falsely hast thou rendered judgment.
In thy years, for greater follies,
Greater sins and misdemeanors,
Thou wert not unjustly punished.
In thy former years of trouble,
When thou gavest thine own brother,
For thy selfish life a ransom,
Thus to save thee from destruction,
Then thou wert not sent to Swamp-land
To be murdered for thy follies.
In thy former years of sorrow,
When the beauteous Aino perished
In the deep and boundless blue-sea,
To escape thy persecutions,
Then thou wert not evil-treated,
Wert not banished by thy people.'
Thereupon old Wirokannas,
Of the wilderness the ruler,
Touched the child with holy water,
Crave the wonder-babe his blessing,
Gave him rights of royal heirship,
Free to live and grow a hero,
To become a mighty ruler,
King and Master of Karyala.
As the years passed Wainamoinen
Recognized his waning powers,
Empty-handed, heavy-hearted,
Sang his farewell song to Northland,
To the people of Wainola;
Sang himself a boat of copper,
Beautiful his bark of magic;
At the helm sat the magician,
Sat the ancient wisdom-singer.
Westward, westward, sailed the hero
O'er the blue-back of the waters,
Singing as he left Wainola,
This his plaintive song and echo:
'Suns may rise and set in Suomi,
Rise and set for generations,
When the North will learn my teachings,
Will recall my wisdom-sayings,
Hungry for the true religion.
Then will Suomi need my coming,
Watch for me at dawn of morning,
That I may bring back the Sampo,
Bring anew the harp of joyance,
Bring again the golden moonlight,
Bring again the silver sunshine,
Peace and plenty to the Northland.'
Thus the ancient Wainamoinen,
In his copper-banded vessel,
Left his tribe in Kalevala,
Sailing o'er the rolling billows,
Sailing through the azure vapors,
Sailing through the dusk of evening,
Sailing to the fiery sunset,
To the higher-landed regions,
To the lower verge of heaven;
Quickly gained the far horizon,
Gained the purple-colored harbor.
There his bark be firmly anchored,
Rested in his boat of copper;
But be left his harp of magic,
Left his songs and wisdom-sayings,
To the lasting joy of Suomi.
Now I end my measured singing,
Bid my weary tongue keep silence,
Leave my songs to other singers.
Horses have their times of resting
After many hours of labor;
Even sickles will grow weary
When they have been long at reaping;
Waters seek a quiet haven
After running long in rivers;
Fire subsides and sinks in slumber
At the dawning of the morning
Therefore I should end my singing,
As my song is growing weary,
For the pleasure of the evening,
For the joy of morn arising.
Often I have heard it chanted,
Often heard the words repeated:
'Worthy cataracts and rivers
Never empty all their waters.'
Thus the wise and worthy singer
Sings not all his garnered wisdom;
Better leave unsung some sayings
Than to sing them out of season.
Thus beginning, and thus ending,
Do I roll up all my legends,
Roll them in a ball for safety,
In my memory arrange them,
In their narrow place of resting,
Lest the songs escape unheeded,
While the lock is still unopened,
While the teeth remain unparted,
And the weary tongue is silent.
Why should I sing other legends,
Chant them in the glen and forest,
Sing them on the hill and heather?
Cold and still my golden mother
Lies beneath the meadow, sleeping,
Hears my ancient songs no longer,
Cannot listen to my singing;
Only will the forest listen,
Sacred birches, sighing pine-trees,
Junipers endowed with kindness,
Alder-trees that love to bear me,
With the aspens and the willows.
When my loving mother left me,
Young was I, and low of stature;
Like the cuckoo of the forest,
Like the thrush upon the heather,
Like the lark I learned to twitter,
Learned to sing my simple measures,
Guided by a second mother,
Stern and cold, without affection;
Drove me helpless from my chamber
To the wind-side of her dwelling,
To the north-side of her cottage,
Where the chilling winds in mercy
Carried off the unprotected.
As a lark I learned to wander,
Wander as a lonely song-bird,
Through the forests and the fenlands
Quietly o'er hill and heather;
Walked in pain about the marshes,
Learned the songs of winds and waters,
Learned the music of the ocean,
And the echoes of the woodlands.
Many men that live to murmur,
Many women live to censure,
Many speak with evil motives;
Many they with wretched voices
Curse me for my wretched singing,
Blame my tongue for speaking wisdom,
Call my ancient songs unworthy,
Blame the songs and curse the singer.
Be not thus, my worthy people,
Blame me not for singing badly,
Unpretending as a minstrel.
I have never had the teaching,
Never lived with ancient heroes,
Never learned the tongues of strangers,
Never claimed to know much wisdom.
Others have had language-masters,
Nature was my only teacher,
Woods and waters my instructors.
Homeless, friendless, lone, and needy,
Save in childhood with my mother,
When beneath her painted rafters,
Where she twirled the flying spindle,
By the work-bench of my brother,
By the window of my sister,
In. the cabin of my father,
In my early days of childhood.
Be this as it may, my people,
This may point the way to others,
To the singers better gifted,
For the good of future ages,
For the coming generations,
For the rising folk of Suomi.
~ Elias Lönnrot,
17:The Kalevala - Rune Xxv
At the home of Ilmarinen
Long had they been watching, waiting,
For the coming of the blacksmith,
With his bride from Sariola.
Weary were the eyes of watchers,
Waiting from the father's portals,
Looking from the mother's windows;
Weary were the young knees standing
At the gates of the magician;
Weary grew the feet of children,
Tramping to the walls and watching;
Worn and torn, the shoes of heroes,
Running on the shore to meet him.
Now at last upon a morning
Of a lovely day in winter,
Heard they from the woods the rumble
Of a snow-sledge swiftly bounding.
Lakko, hostess of Wainola,
She the lovely Kalew-daughter,
Spake these words in great excitement:
''Tis the sledge of the magician,
Comes at last the metal-worker
From the dismal Sariola,
By his side the Bride of Beauty!
Welcome, welcome, to this hamlet,
Welcome to thy mother's hearth-stone,
To the dwelling of thy father,
By thine ancestors erected!'
Straightway came great Ilmarinen
To his cottage drove the blacksmith,
To the fireside of his father,
To his mother's ancient dwelling.
Hazel-birds were sweetly singing
On the newly-bended collar;
Sweetly called the sacred cuckoos
From the summit of the break-board;
Merry, jumped the graceful squirrel
On the oaken shafts and cross-bar.
Lakko, Kalew's fairest hostess,
Beauteous daughter of Wainola,
Spake these words of hearty welcome:
'For the new moon hopes the village,
For the sun, the happy maidens,
For the boat, the swelling water;
I have not the moon expected,
For the sun have not been waiting,
I have waited for my hero,
Waited for the Bride of Beauty;
Watched at morning, watched at evening,
Did not know but some misfortune,
Some sad fate had overtaken
Bride and bridegroom on their journey;
Thought the maiden growing weary,
Weary of my son's attentions,
Since he faithfully had promised
To return to Kalevala,
Ere his foot-prints had departed
From the snow-fields of his father.
Every morn I looked and listened,
Constantly I thought and wondered
When his sledge would rumble homeward,
When it would return triumphant
To his home, renowned and ancient.
Had a blind and beggared straw-horse
Hobbled to these shores awaiting,
With a sledge of but two pieces,
Well the steed would have been lauded,
Had it brought my son beloved,
Had it brought the Bride of Beauty.
Thus I waited long, impatient,
Looking out from morn till even,
Watching with my head extended,
With my tresses streaming southward,
With my eyelids widely opened,
Waiting for my son's returning
To this modest home of heroes,
To this narrow place of resting.
Finally am I rewarded,
For the sledge has come triumphant,
Bringing home my son and hero,
By his side the Rainbow maiden,
Red her cheeks, her visage winsome,
Pride and joy of Sariola.
'Wizard-bridegroom of Wainola,
Take thy-courser to the stable,
Lead him to the well-filled manger,
To the best of grain and clover;
Give to us thy friendly greetings,
Greetings send to all thy people.
When thy greetings thou hast ended,
Then relate what has befallen
To our hero in his absence.
Hast thou gone without adventure
To the dark fields of Pohyola,
Searching for the Maid of Beauty?
Didst thou scale the hostile ramparts,
Didst thou take the virgin's mansion,
Passing o'er her mother's threshold,
Visiting the halls of Louhi?
'But I know without the asking,
See the answer to my question:
Comest from the North a victor,
On thy journey well contented;
Thou hast brought the Northland daughter,
Thou hast razed the hostile portals,
Thou hast stormed the forts of Louhi,
Stormed the mighty walls opposing,
On thy journey to Pohyola,
To the village of the father.
In thy care the bride is sitting,
In thine arms, the Rainbow-maiden,
At thy side, the pride of Northland,
Mated to the highly-gifted.
Who has told the cruel story,
Who the worst of news has scattered,
That thy suit was unsuccessful,
That in vain thy steed had journeyed?
Not in vain has been thy wooing,
Not in vain thy steed has travelled
To the dismal homes of Lapland;
He has journeyed heavy laden,
Shaken mane, and tail, and forelock,
Dripping foam from lips and nostrils,
Through the bringing of the maiden,
With the burden of the husband.
'Come, thou beauty, from the snow-sledge,
Come, descend thou from the cross-bench,
Do not linger for assistance,
Do not tarry to be carried;
If too young the one that lifts thee,
If too proud the one in waiting,
Rise thou, graceful, like a young bird,
Hither glide along the pathway,
On the tan-bark scarlet- colored,
That the herds of kine have evened,
That the gentle lambs have trodden,
Smoothened by the tails of horses.
Haste thou here with gentle footsteps,
Through the pathway smooth and tidy,
On the tiles of even surface,
On thy second father's court-yard,
To thy second mother's dwelling,
To thy brother's place of resting,
To thy sister's silent chambers.
Place thy foot within these portals,
Step across this waiting threshold,
Enter thou these halls of joyance,
Underneath these painted rafters,
Underneath this roof of ages.
During all the winter evenings,
Through the summer gone forever,
Sang the tiling made of ivory,
Wishing thou wouldst walk upon it;
Often sang the golden ceiling,
Hoping thou wouldst walk beneath it,
And the windows often whistled,
Asking thee to sit beside them;
Even on this merry morning,
Even on the recent evening,
Sat the aged at their windows,
On the sea-shore ran the children,
Near the walls the maidens waited,
Ran the boys upon the highway,
There to watch the young bride's coming,
Coming with her hero-husband.
'Hail, ye courtiers of Wainola,
With the heroes of the fathers,
Hail to thee, Wainola's hamlet,
Hail, ye halls with heroes peopled,
Hail, ye rooms with all your inmates,
Hail to thee, sweet golden moonlight,
Hail to thee, benignant Ukko,
Hail companions of the bridegroom!
Never has there been in Northland
Such a wedding-train of honor,
Never such a bride of beauty.
'Bridegroom, thou beloved hero,
Now untie the scarlet ribbons,
And remove the silken muffler,
Let us see the honey-maiden,
See the Daughter of the Rainbow.
Seven years hast thou been wooing,
Hast thou brought the maid affianced,
Wainamoinen's Wedding-Songs.
Hast thou sought a sweeter cuckoo,
Sought one fairer than the moonlight,
Sought a mermaid from the ocean?
But I know without the asking,
See the answer to my question:
Thou hast brought the sweet-voiced cuckoo,
Thou hast found the swan of beauty
Plucked the sweetest flower of Northland,
Culled the fairest of the jewels,
Gathered Pohya's sweetest berry!'
Sat a babe upon the matting,
And the young child spake as follows:
'Brother, what is this thou bringest,
Aspen-log or trunk of willow,
Slender as the mountain-linden?
Bridegroom, well dost thou remember,
Thou hast hoped it all thy life-time,
Hoped to bring the Maid of Beauty,
Thou a thousand times hast said it,
Better far than any other,
Not one like the croaking raven,
Nor the magpie from the border,
Nor the scarecrow from the corn-fields,
Nor the vulture from the desert.
What has this one done of credit,
In the summer that has ended?
Where the gloves that she has knitted,
Where the mittens she has woven?
Thou hast brought her empty-handed,
Not a gift she brings thy father;
In thy chests the nice are nesting,
Long-tails feeding on thy vestments,
And thy bride, cannot repair them.'
Lakko hostess of Wainola,
She the faithful Kalew-daughter,
Hears the young child's speech in wonder,
Speaks these words of disapproval:
Silly prattler, cease thy talking,
Thou Last spoken in dishonor;
Let all others be astonished,
Reap thy malice on thy kindred,
must not harm the Bride of Beauty,
Rainbow-daughter of the Northland.
False indeed is this thy Prattle,
All thy words are full or evil,
Fallen from thy tongue of mischief
From the lips of one unworthy.
Excellent the hero 's young bride,
Best of all in Sariola,
Like the, strawberry in summer,
Like the daisy from the meadow,
Like the cuckoo from the forest,
Like the bluebird from the aspen,
Like the redbreast from the heather,
Like the martin. from the linden;
Never couldst thou find in Ehstland
Such a virgin as this daughter,
Such a graceful beauteous maiden,
With such dignity of Carriage,
With such arms of pearly whiteness,
With. a neck so fair and lovely.
Neither is she empty-handed,
She has brought us furs abundant,
Brought us many silken garments,
Richest weavings of Pohyola.
Many beauteous things the maiden,
With the spindle has accomplished,
Spun and woven with her fingers
Dresses of the finest texture
She in winter has upfolded,
Bleached them in the days of spring-time,
Dried them at the hour of noon-day,
For our couches finest linen,
For our heads the softest pillows,
For our comfort woollen blankets,
For our necks the silken ribbons.'
To the bride speaks gracious Lakko:
'Goodly wife, thou Maid of Beauty,
Highly wert thou praised as daughter,
In thy father's distant country;
Here thou shalt be praised forever
By the kindred of thy husband;
Thou shalt never suffer sorrow,
Never give thy heart to grieving;
In the swamps thou wert not nurtured,
Wert not fed beside the brooklets;
Thou wert born 'neath stars auspicious,
Nurtured from the richest garners,
Thou wert taken to the brewing
Of the sweetest beer in Northland.
'Beauteous bride from Sariola,
Shouldst thou see me bringing hither
Casks of corn, or wheat, or barley;
Bringing rye in great abundance,
They belong to this thy household;
Good the plowing of thy husband.
Good his sowing and his reaping.
'Bride of Beauty from the Northland,
Thou wilt learn this home to manage,
Learn to labor with thy kindred;
Good the home for thee to dwell in,
Good enough for bride and daughter.
At thy hand will rest the milk-pail,
And the churn awaits thine order;
It is well here for the maiden,
Happy will the young bride labor,
Easy are the resting-benches;
Here the host is like thy father,
Like thy mother is the hostess,
All the sons are like thy brothers,
Like thy sisters are the daughters.
'Shouldst thou ever have a longing
For the whiting of the ocean,
For thy, father's Northland salmon,
For thy brother's hazel-chickens,
Ask them only of thy husband,
Let thy hero-husband bring them.
There is not in all of Northland,
Not a creature of the forest,
Not a bird beneath the ether,
Not a fish within the waters,
Not the largest, nor the smallests
That thy husband cannot capture.
It is well here for the maiden,
Here the bride may live in freedom,
Need not turn the heavy millstone,
Need not move the iron pestle;
Here the wheat is ground by water,
For the rye, the swifter current,
While the billows wash the vessels
And the surging waters rinse them.
Thou hast here a lovely village,
Finest spot in all of Northland,
In the lowlands sweet the verdure,
in the uplands, fields of beauty,
With the lake-shore near the hamlet,
Near thy home the running water,
Where the goslings swim and frolic,
Water-birds disport in numbers.'
Thereupon the bride and bridegroom
Were refreshed with richest viands,
Given food and drink abundant,
Fed on choicest bits of reindeer,
On the sweetest loaves of barley,
On the best of wheaten biscuits,
On the richest beer of Northland.
Many things were on the table,
Many dainties of Wainola,
In the bowls of scarlet color,
In the platters deftly painted,
Many cakes with honey sweetened,
To each guest was butter given,
Many bits of trout and whiting,
Larger salmon carved in slices,
With the knives of molten silver,
Rimmed with gold the silver handles,
Beer of barley ceaseless flowing,
Honey-drink that was not purchased,
In the cellar flows profusely,
Beer for all, the tongues to quicken,
Mead and beer the minds to freshen.
Who is there to lead the singing,
Lead the songs of Kalevala?
Wainamoinen, old and truthful,
The eternal, wise enchanter,
Quick begins his incantations,
Straightway sings the songs that follow.
'Golden brethren, dearest kindred,
Ye, my loved ones, wise and worthy
Ye companions, highly-gifted,
Listen to my simple sayings:
Rarely stand the geese together,
Sisters do not mate each other,
Not together stand the brothers,
Nor the children of one mother,
In the countries of the Northland.
'Shall we now begin the singing,
Sing the songs of old tradition?
Singers can but sing their wisdom,
And the cuckoo call the spring-time,
And the goddess of the heavens
Only dyes the earth in beauty;
So the goddesses of weaving
Can but weave from dawn till twilight,
Ever sing the youth of Lapland
In their straw-shoes full of gladness,
When the coarse-meat of the roebuck,
Or of blue-moose they have eaten.
Wherefore should I not be singing,
And the children not be chanting
Of the biscuits of Wainola,
Of the bread of Kalew-waters?
Even Sing the lads of Lapland
In their straw-shoes filled with joyance,
Drinking but a cup of water,
Eating but the bitter tan-bark.
Wherefore should I not be singing,
And the children not be chanting
Of the beer of Kalevala,
Brewed from barley in perfection,
Dressed in quaint and homely costume,
As they sit beside their hearth-stones.
Wherefore should I not be singing,
And the children too be chanting
Underneath these painted rafters,
In these halls renowned and ancient?
This the place for men to linger,
This the court-room for the maidens,
Near the foaming beer of barley,
Honey-brewed in great abundance,
Very near, the salmon-waters,
Near, the nets for trout and whiting,
Here where food is never wanting,
Where the beer is ever brewing.
Here Wainola's sons assemble,
Here Wainola's daughters gather,
Here they never eat in trouble,
Here they live without regretting,
In the life-time of the landlord,
While the hostess lives and prospers.
'Who shall first be sung and lauded?
Shall it be the bride or bridegroom?
Let us praise the bridegroom's father,
Let the hero-host be chanted,
Him whose home is in the forest,
Him who built upon the mountains,
Him who brought the trunks of lindens,
With their tops and slender branches,
Brought them to the best of places,
Joined them skilfully together,
For the mansion of the nation,
For this famous hero-dwelling,
Walls procured upon the lowlands,
Rafters from the pine and fir-tree,
From the woodlands beams of oak-wood,
From the berry-plains the studding,
Bark was furnished by the aspen,
And the mosses from the fenlands.
Trimly builded is this mansion,
In a haven warmly sheltered;
Here a hundred men have labored,
On the roof have stood a thousand,
As this spacious house was building,
As this roof was tightly jointed.
Here the ancient mansion-builder,
When these rafters were erected,
Lost in storms his locks of sable,
Scattered by the winds of heaven.
Often has the hero-landlord
On the rocks his gloves forgotten,
Left his hat upon the willows,
Lost his mittens in the marshes;
Oftentimes the mansion-builder,
In the early hours of morning,
Ere his workmen had awakened,
Unperceived by all the village,
Has arisen from his slumber,
Left his cabin the snow-fields,
Combed his locks among the branches,
Bathed his eyes in dews of morning.
'Thus obtained the pleasant landlord
Friends to fill his spacious dwelling,
Fill his benches with magicians,
Fill his windows with enchanters,
Fill his halls with wizard-singers,
Fill his floors with ancient speakers,
Fill his ancient court with strangers,
Fill his hurdles with the needy;
Thus the Kalew-host is lauded.
'Now I praise the genial hostess,
Who prepares the toothsome dinner,
Fills with plenty all her tables,
Bakes the honeyed loaves of barley,
Kneads the dough with magic fingers,
With her arms of strength and beauty,
Bakes her bread in copper ovens,
Feeds her guests and bids them welcome,
Feeds them on the toothsome bacon,
On the trout, and pike, and whiting,
On the rarest fish in ocean,
On the dainties of Wainola.
'Often has the faithful hostess
Risen from her couch in silence,
Ere the crowing of the watcher,
To prepare the wedding-banquet,
Make her tables look attractive.
Brew the honey-beer of wedlock.
Excellently has the housewife,
Has the hostess filled with wisdom,
Brewed the beer from hops and barley,
From the corn of Kalevala,
From the wheat-malt honey-seasoned,
Stirred the beer with graceful fingers,
At the oven in the penthouse,
In the chamber swept and polished.
Neither did the prudent hostess,
Beautiful, and full of wisdom,
Let the barley sprout too freely,
Lest the beer should taste of black-earth,
Be too bitter in the brewing,
Often went she to the garners,
Went alone at hour of midnight,
Was not frightened by the black-wolf,
Did not fear the beasts of woodlands.
'Now the hostess I have lauded,
Let me praise the favored suitor,
Now the honored hero-bridegroom,
Best of all the village-masters.
Clothed in purple is the hero,
Raiment brought from distant nations,
Tightly fitting to his body;
Snugly sets his coat of ermine,
To the floor it hangs in beauty,
Trailing from his neck and shoulders,
Little of his vest appearing,
Peeping through his outer raiment,
Woven by the Moon's fair daughters,
And his vestment silver-tinselled.
Dressed in neatness is the suitor,
Round his waist a belt of copper,
Hammered by the Sun's sweet maidens,
Ere the early fires were lighted,
Ere the fire had been discovered.
Dressed in richness is the bridegroom,
On his feet are silken stockings,
Silken ribbons on his ankles,
Gold and silver interwoven.
Dressed in beauty is the bridegroom,
On his feet are shoes of deer-skin,
Like the swans upon the water,
Like the blue-duck on the sea-waves,
Like the thrush among the willows,
Like the water-birds of Northland.
Well adorned the hero-suitor,
With his locks of golden color,
With his gold-beard finely braided,
Hero-hat upon his forehead,
Piercing through the forest branches,
Reaching to the clouds of heaven,
Bought with countless gold and silver,
Priceless is the suitor's head-gear.
'Now the bridegroom has been lauded,
I will praise the young bride's playmate,
Day-companion in her childhood,
In the maiden's magic mansion.
Whence was brought the merry maiden,
From the village of Tanikka?
Thence was never brought the playmate,
Playmate of the bride in childhood.
Has she come from distant nations,
From the waters of the Dwina,
O'er the ocean far-outstretching?
Not from Dwina came the maiden,
Did not sail across the waters;
Grew as berry in the mountains,
As a strawberry of sweetness,
On the fields the child of beauty,
In the glens the golden flower.
Thence has come the young bride's playmate,
Thence arose her fair companion.
Tiny are her feet and fingers,
Small her lips of scarlet color,
Like the maiden's loom of Suomi;
Eyes that shine in kindly beauty
Like the twinkling stars of heaven;
Beam the playmate's throbbing temples
Like the moonlight on the waters.
Trinkets has the bride's companion,
On her neck a golden necklace,
In her tresses, silken ribbons,
On her arms are golden bracelets,
Golden rings upon her fingers,
Pearls are set in golden ear-rings,
Loops of gold upon her temples,
And with pearls her brow is studded.
Northland thought the Moon was shining
When her jeweled ear-ringsglistened;
Thought the Sun had left his station
When her girdle shone in beauty;
Thought a ship was homeward sailing
When her colored head-gear fluttered.
Thus is praised the bride's companion,
Playmate of the Rainbow-maiden.
'Now I praise the friends assembled,
All appear in graceful manners;
If the old are wise and silent,
All the youth are free and merry,
All the guests are fair and worthy.
Never was there in Wainola,
Never will there be in Northland,
Such a company assembled;
All the children speak in joyance,
All the aged move sedately;
Dressed in white are all the maidens,
Like the hoar-frost of the morning,
Like the welcome dawn of spring-time,
Like the rising of the daylight.
Silver then was more abundant,
Gold among the guests in plenty,
On the hills were money, pockets,
Money-bags along the valleys,
For the friends that were invited,
For the guests in joy assembled.
All the friends have now been lauded,
Each has gained his meed of honor.'
Wainamoinen, old and truthful,
Song-deliverer of Northland,
Swung himself upon the fur-bench
Or his magic sledge of copper,
Straightway hastened to his hamlet,
Singing as he journeyed onward,
Singing charms and incantations,
Singing one day, then a second,
All the third day chanting legends.
On the rocks the runners rattled,
Hung the sledge upon a birch-stump,
Broke it into many pieces,
With the magic of his singing;
Double were the runners bended,
All the parts were torn asunder,
And his magic sledge was ruined.
Then the good, old Wainamoinen
Spake these words in meditation:
'Is there one among this number,
In this rising generation,
Or perchance among the aged,
In the passing generation,
That will go to Mana's kingdom,
To the empire of Tuoni,
There to get the magic auger
From the master of Manala,
That I may repair my snow-sledge,
Or a second sledge may fashion?'
What the younger people answered
Was the answer of the aged:
'Not among the youth of Northland,
Nor among the aged heroes,
Is there one of ample courage,
That has bravery sufficient,
To attempt the reckless journey
To the kingdom of Tuoni,
To Manala's fields and castles,
Thence to bring Tuoni's auger,
Wherewithal to mend thy snow-sledge,
Build anew thy sledge of magic.'
Thereupon old Wainamoinen,
The eternal wisdom-singer,
Went again to Mana's empire,
To the kingdom of Tuoni,
Crossed the sable stream of Deathland,
To the castles of Manala,
Found the auger of Tuoni,
Brought the instrument in safety.
Straightway sings old Wainamoinen,
Sings to life a purple forest,
In the forest, slender birches,
And beside them, mighty oak-trees,
Shapes them into shafts and runners,
Moulds them by his will and power,
Makes anew his sledge of magic.
On his steed he lays the harness,
Binds him to his sledge securely,
Seats himself upon the cross-bench,
And the racer gallops homeward,
To the manger filled and waiting,
To the stable of his master;
Brings the ancient Wainamoinen,
Famous bard and wise enchanter,
To the threshold of his dwelling,
To his home in Kalevala.
~ Elias Lönnrot,


   4 Integral Yoga
   1 Alchemy

   3 Sri Aurobindo
   2 Nolini Kanta Gupta

01.02 - The Creative Soul, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Now the centre of this energy, the matrix of creativity is the soul itself, one's own soul. If you want to createlive, grow and be real-find yourself, be yourself. The simple old wisdom still remains the Eternal Wisdom. It is because we fall off from our soul that we wander into side-paths, paths that do not belong to our real nature and hence that lead to imitation and repetition, decay and death. This is what happens to what we call common souls. The force of circumstances, the pressure of environment or simply the momentum of custom or habit compel them to choose the easiest and the readiest way that may lie before them. They do not consult the demand of the inner being but the requirement of the moment. Our bodily needs, our vital hungers and our mental prejudices obsess and obscure the impulsions that thrill the hidden spirit. We hasten to gratify the immediate and forget the eternal, we clutch at the shadow and let go the substance. We are carried away in the flux and tumult of life. It is a mixed and collective whirla Weltgeist that moves and governs us. We are helpless straws drifting in the current. But manhood demands that we stop and pause, pull ourselves out of the Maelstrom and be what we are. We must shape things as we want and not allow things to shape us as they want.
   Let each take cognisance of the godhead that is within him for self is Godand in the strength of the soul-divinity create his universe. It does not matter what sort of universe he- creates, so long as he creates it. The world created by a Buddha is not the same as that created by a Napoleon, nor should they be the same. It does not prove anything that I cannot become a Kalidasa; for that matter Kalidasa cannot become what I am. If you have not the genius of a Shankara it does not mean that you have no genius at all. Be and become yourselfma gridhah kasyachit dhanam, says the Upanishad. The fountain-head of creative genius lies there, in the free choice and the particular delight the self-determination of the spirit within you and not in the desire for your neighbours riches. The world has become dull and uniform and mechanical, since everybody endeavours to become not himself, but always somebody else. Imitation is servitude and servitude brings in grief.

01.11 - Aldous Huxley: The Perennial Philosophy, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   A similar compilation was published in the Arya, called the Eternal Wisdom (Les Paroles ternelles, in French) a portion of which appeared later on in book-form: that was more elaborate, the contents were arranged in such a way that no comments were needed, they were self-explanatory, divided as they were in chapters and sections and subsections with proper headings, the whole thing put in a logical and organised sequence. Huxley's compilation begins under the title of the Upanishadic text "That art Thou" with this saying of Eckhart: "The more God is in all things, the more He is outside them. The more He is within, the more without". It will be interesting to note that the Arya compilation too starts with the same idea under the title "The God of All; the God who is in All", the first quotation being from Philolaus, "The Universe is a Unity". the Eternal Wisdom has an introduction called "The Song of Wisdom" which begins with this saying from the Book of Wisdom: "We fight to win sublime Wisdom; therefore men call us warriors".
   Huxley gives only one quotation from Sri Aurobindo under the heading "God in the World". Here it is:

1.01 - The Four Aids, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  30:On the contrary, the Sadhaka of the integral Yoga will not be satisfied until he has included all other names and forms of Deity in his own conception, seen his own Ishta Devata in all others, unified all Avatars in the unity of Him who descends in the Avatar, welded the truth in all teachings into the harmony of the Eternal Wisdom.
  31:Nor should he forget the aim of these external aids which is to awaken his soul to the Divine within him. Nothing has been finally accomplished if that has not been accomplished. It is not sufficient to worship Krishna, Christ or Buddha without, if there is not the revealing and the formation of the Buddha, the Christ or Krishna in ourselves. And all other aids equally have no other purpose; each is a bridge between man's unconverted state and the revelation of the Divine within him.

1.4 - Readings in the Taittiriya Upanishad, #Kena and Other Upanishads, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  infinite privilege of the Eternal Wisdom.
  Truth, Knowledge, Infinity

1961-11-05, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   When Richard went to Japan, he sent his manuscripts to Sri Aurobindo, including The Wherefore of the Worlds and the Eternal Wisdom, and Sri Aurobindo continued to translate them into English.
   Frankly, it was a relief for Sri Aurobindo when we left; he even wrote to someone or other (but in a totally superficial way) that Richards departure was a great relief for him.

2.02 - The Ishavasyopanishad with a commentary in English, #Isha Upanishad, #unset, #Philosophy
  poured forth from himself as Prajna the Eternal Wisdom and
  entered & encompassed each thing as he created it. But who is

3.01 - Towards the Future, #On Education, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  Oh, I shall not be alone, for I shall go and join those through whom we have found the path, those who possess the Eternal Wisdom and who have, from a distance, guided our steps until now. Surely they will shelter me. (She turns towards the Clairvoyant and takes her by the hand.) Come, do not be upset.
  Women who are sensitive and sincere have the right to freely choose the person who will be their protector and guide in life.

BOOK II. -- PART II. THE ARCHAIC SYMBOLISM OF THE WORLD-RELIGIONS, #The Secret Doctrine, #H P Blavatsky, #Theosophy
  Upanishads, "the mirror of the Eternal Wisdom."
  For over sixteen centuries the new masks, forced on the faces of the old gods, have screened them
  Fallen angels, metaphorically -- "the true mirrors of the Eternal Wisdom."
  What is the absolute and complete truth as well as the esoteric meaning about this universal myth? The

The Dwellings of the Philosophers, #unset, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  accord with the traditional teachings of the Eternal Wisdom. No philosopher, truly worthy of
  the name, would refuse to subscribe to the rules of conduct which it expresses and which can


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