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object:Erik Erikson
object:Erik H. Erikson
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--- WIKI
Erik Homburger Erikson (born Erik Salomonsen; 15 June 1902 12 May 1994) was a German-American developmental psychologist and psychoanalyst known for his theory on psychological development of human beings. He may be most famous for coining the phrase identity crisis. His son, Kai T. Erikson, is a noted American sociologist. Despite lacking a bachelor's degree, Erikson served as a professor at prominent institutions, including Harvard, University of California, Berkeley, and Yale. A Review of General Psychology survey, published in 2002, ranked Erikson as the 12th most cited psychologist of the 20th century.
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Erik Erikson




QUOTES [8 / 8 - 57 / 57]

KEYS (10k)

   7 Erik Erikson
   1 Frank Visser


   46 Erik Erikson

1:Doubt is the brother of shame. ~ Erik Erikson,
2:If life is to be sustained, hope must remain. ~ Erik Erikson,
3:Play is the most natural method of self-healing that childhood affords. ~ Erik Erikson,
4:There is in every child at every stage a new miracle of vigorous unfolding. ~ Erik Erikson,
5:Adolescents need freedom to choose, but not so much freedom that they cannot, in fact, make a choice. ~ Erik Erikson,
6:The richest and fullest lives attempt to achieve an inner balance between three realms: work, love and play. ~ Erik Erikson,
7:Will, therefore, is the unbroken determination to exercise free choice as well as self-restraint, in spite of the unavoidable experience of shame and doubt in infancy. ~ Erik Erikson,
8:Integral Psychology presents a very complex picture of the individual. As he did previously in The Atman Project, at the back of the book Wilber has included numerous charts showing how his model relates to the work of a hundred or so different authors from East and West.57

57. Wilber compares the models of Huston Smith, Plotinus, Buddhism, Stan Grof, John Battista, kundalini yoga, the Great Chain of Being, James Mark Baldwin, Aurobindo, the Kabbalah, Vedanta, William Tiller, Leadbeater, Adi Da, Piaget, Commons and Richards, Kurt Fisher, Alexander, Pascual-Leone, Herb Koplowitz, Patricia Arlin, Gisela Labouvie-Vief, Jan Sinnot, Michael Basseches, Jane Loevinger, John Broughton, Sullivan, Grant and Grant, Jenny Wade, Michael Washburn, Erik Erikson, Neumann, Scheler, Karl Jaspers, Rudolf Steiner, Don Beck, Suzanne Cook-Greuter, Clare Graves, Robert Kegan, Kohlberg, Torbert, Blanchard-Fields, Kitchener and King, Deirdre Kramer, William Perry, Turner and Powell, Cheryl Armon, Peck, Howe, Rawls, Piaget, Selman, Gilligan, Hazrat Inayat Khan, mahamudra meditation, Fowler, Underhill, Helminiak, Funk, Daniel Brown, Muhyddin Ibn 'Arabi, St. Palamas, classical yoga, highest tantra yoga, St Teresa, Chirban, St Dionysius, Patanjali, St Gregory of Nyssa, transcendental meditation, Fortune, Maslow, Chinen, Benack, Gardner, Melvin Miller, Habermas, Jean Houston, G. Heard, Lenski, Jean Gebser, A. Taylor, Jay Early, Robert Bellah, and Duane Elgin. ~ Frank Visser, Ken Wilber Thought as Passion,


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1:Personality, too, is destiny. ~ Erik Erikson,
2:Doubt is the brother of shame. ~ Erik Erikson,
3:Doubt is the brother of shame. ~ Erik Erikson,
4:Do not mistake a child for his symptom. ~ Erik Erikson,
5:If life is to be sustained, hope must remain. ~ Erik Erikson,
6:If life is to be sustained, hope must remain. ~ Erik Erikson,
7:You can actively flee, then, and you can actively stay put. ~ Erik Erikson,
8:Play is the most natural method of self-healing that childhood affords. ~ Erik Erikson,
9:Play is the most natural method of self-healing that childhood affords. ~ Erik Erikson,
10:There is in every child at every stage a new miracle of vigorous unfolding. ~ Erik Erikson,
11:There is in every child at every stage a new miracle of vigorous unfolding. ~ Erik Erikson,
12:In America nature is autocratic, saying, "I am not arguing, I am telling you. ~ Erik Erikson,
13:The more you know yourself, the more patience you have for what you see in others. ~ Erik Erikson,
14:Healthy children will not fear life if their elders have integrity enough not to fear death. ~ Erik Erikson,
15:You've got to learn to accept the law of life, and face the fact that we disintegrate slowly. ~ Erik Erikson,
16:Adolescents need freedom to choose, but not so much freedom that they cannot, in fact, make a choice. ~ Erik Erikson,
17:Adolescents need freedom to choose, but not so much freedom that they cannot, in fact, make a choice. ~ Erik Erikson,
18:In the social jungle of human existence, there is no feeling of being alive without a sense of identity. ~ Erik Erikson,
19:The fact that human conscience remains partially infantile throughout life is the core of human tragedy. ~ Erik Erikson,
20:The richest and fullest lives attempt to achieve an inner balance between three realms: work, love and play. ~ Erik Erikson,
21:The richest and fullest lives attempt to achieve an inner balance between three realms: work, love and play. ~ Erik Erikson,
22:The more you know yourself, the more patience you have for what you see in others." ~ Erik H Erikson Erik Erikson ~ Erik H Erikson,
23:The playing adult steps sideward into another reality; the playing child advances forward to new stages of mastery. ~ Erik Erikson,
24:Life doesn't make any sense without interdependence. We need each other, and the sooner we learn that, the better for us all. ~ Erik Erikson,
25:If you have ever talked about having an “identity crisis” you have psychologist Erik Erikson to thank for inventing the term. Erikson ~ Tom Butler Bowdon,
26:Life doesn’t make any sense without interdependence. We need each other, and the sooner we learn that, the better for us all. –Erik Erikson   ~ Anonymous,
27:The sense of identity provides the ability to experience one's self as something that has continuity and sameness, and to act accordingly. ~ Erik Erikson,
28:Babies control and bring up their families as much as they are controlled by them; in fact ... the family brings up baby by being brought up by him. ~ Erik Erikson,
29:Let us face it: 'deep down' nobody in his right mind can visualize his own existence without assuming that he has always lived and will live hereafter. ~ Erik Erikson,
30:Mans true taproots are nourished in the sequence of generations, and he loses his taproots in disrupted developmental time, not in abandoned localities. ~ Erik Erikson,
31:Children love and want to be loved and they very much prefer the joy of accomplishment to the triumph of hateful failure. Do not mistake a child for his symptom. ~ Erik Erikson,
32:Will, therefore, is the unbroken determination to exercise free choice as well as self-restraint, in spite of the unavoidable experience of shame and doubt in infancy. ~ Erik Erikson,
33:Will, therefore, is the unbroken determination to exercise free choice as well as self-restraint, in spite of the unavoidable experience of shame and doubt in infancy. ~ Erik Erikson,
34:If there is any responsibility in the cycle of life it must be that one generation owes to the next that strength by which it can come to face ultimate concerns in its own way. ~ Erik Erikson,
35:Nobody likes to be found out, not even one who has made ruthless confession a part of his profession. Any autobiographer, therefore, at least between the lines, spars with his reader and potential judge. ~ Erik Erikson,
36:Acceptance is the end of our argument with reality. Once we face the facts, no matter how disturbing they are, we feel calmer and less crazy. Erik Erikson defined clarity as “the capacity to fear accurately. ~ Mary Pipher,
37:The American feels too rich in his opportunities for free expression that he often no longer knows what he is free from. Neither does he know where he is not free; he does not recognize his native autocrats when he sees them. ~ Erik Erikson,
38:When we looked at the life cycle in our 40s, we looked to old people for wisdom. At 80, though, we look at other 80-year-olds to see who got wise and who not. Lots of old people don't get wise, but you don't get wise unless you age. ~ Erik Erikson,
39:When established identities become outworn or unfinished ones threaten to remain incomplete, special crises compel men to wage holy wars, by the cruelest means, against those who seem to question or threaten their unsafe ideological bases. ~ Erik Erikson,
40:The growing child must derive a vitalizing sense of reality from the awareness that his individual way of mastering experience (his ego synthesis) is a successful variant of a group identity and is in accord with its space-time and life plan. ~ Erik Erikson,
41:Hope is the enduring belief in the attainability of fervent wishes, in spite of the dark urges and rages which mark the beginning of existence. Hope is the ontogenetic basis of faith, and is nourished by the adult faith which pervades patterns of care. ~ Erik Erikson,
42:ERIK ERIKSON, ONE OF the most innovative psychoanalysts of the twentieth century, wrote about these moments of existential review in his work on the human life cycle. He famously argued that all of us go through eight stages of development, each marked by a specific conflict. ~ Jennifer Senior,
43:If one sees the personality not as an apparatus that is essentially constructed by the time childhood is over, but as always in its essence developing, then life at 25 or 30 or at the gateway to middle age will stimulate its own intrigue, surprise, and exhilaration of discovery. ~ Erik Erikson,
44:You see a child play, and it is so close to seeing an artist paint, for in play a child says things without uttering a word. You can see how he solves his problems. You can also see what's wrong. Young children, especially, have enormous creativity, and whatever's in them rises to the surface in free play. ~ Erik Erikson,
45:Hope is both the earliest and the most indispensable virtue inherent in the state of being alive. Others have called this deepest quality confidence, and I have referred to trust as the earliest positive psychosocial attitude, but if life is to be sustained hope must remain, even where confidence is wounded, trust impaired. ~ Erik Erikson,
46:Erik Erikson has commented: Potentially creative men like (Bernard) Shaw build the personal fundament of their work during a self-decreed moratorium, during which they often starve themselves, socially, erotically, and, at last but not least, nutritionally, in order to let the grosser weeds die out, and make way for the growth of their inner garden. ~ Lewis Hyde,
47:Children cannot be fooled by empty praise and condescending encouragement. They may have to accept artificial bolstering of their self-esteem in lieu of something better, but what I call their accruing ego identity gains real strength only from wholehearted and consistent recognition of real accomplishment, that is, achievement that has meaning in their culture. ~ Erik Erikson,
48:Someday, maybe, there will exist a well-informed, well considered and yet fervent public conviction that the most deadly of all possible sins is the mutilation of a child’s spirit; for such mutilation undercuts the life principle of trust, without which every human act, may it feel ever so good and seem ever so right is prone to perversion by destructive forms of conscientiousness. ~ Erik Erikson,
49:There is a wonderful book called "Gandhi's Truth," by Erik Erikson, the psychologist. It is a great book. And I remember reading that and thinking about this connection between what we think in our personal lives and how that manifests itself in our politics. Those are two books, just off the top, that I think are sort of representative of reading that I did at that time. I never get a chance to read anymore. ~ Barack Obama,
50:In the evaluation of the dominant moods of any historical period it is important to hold fast to the fact that there are always islands of self-sufficient order — on farms and in castles, in homes, studies, and cloisters — where sensible people manage to live relatively lusty and decent lives: as moral as they must be, as free as they may be, and as masterly as they can be. If we only knew it, this elusive arrangement is happiness. ~ Erik Erikson,
51:It's a long haul bringing up our children to be good; you have to keep doing that — bring them up — and that means bringing things up with them: Asking, telling, sounding them out, sounding off yourself — finding, through experience, your own words, your own way of putting them together. You have to learn where you stand, and make sure your kids learn [where you stand], understand why, and soon, you hope, they'll be standing there beside you, with you. ~ Erik Erikson,
52:The strengths a young person finds in adults at this time-their willingness to let him experiment, their eagerness to confirm him at his best, their consistency in correcting his excesses, and the guidance they give him-will codetermine whether or not he eventually makes order out of necessary inner confusion and applies himself to the correction of disordered conditions. He needs freedom to choose, but not so much freedom that he cannot, in fact, make a choice. ~ Erik Erikson,
53:These same experiences make of the sequence of life cycles a generational cycle, irrevocably binding each generation to those that gave it life and to those for whose life it is responsible. Thus, reconciling lifelong generativity and stagnation involves the elder in a review of his or her own years of active responsibility for nurturing the next generations, and also in an integration of earlier-life experiences of caring and of self-concern in relation to previous generations. ~ Erik Erikson,
54:Erik Erikson writes that in their search for identity, adolescents need a place of stillness, a place to gather themselves.2 Psychiatrist Anthony Storr writes of solitude in much the same way. Storr says that in accounts of the creative process, “by far the greater number of new ideas occur during a state of reverie, intermediate between waking and sleeping.... It is a state of mind in which ideas and images are allowed to appear and take their course spontaneously . . . the creator need[s] to be able to be passive, to let things happen within the mind.”3 In the digital life, stillness and solitude are hard to come by. ~ Sherry Turkle,
55:Since the earliest period of our life was preverbal, everything depended on emotional interaction. Without someone to reflect our emotions, we had no way of knowing who we were. Mirroring remains important during our entire lives. Think of the frustrating experience, which most of us have had, of talking to someone who is not looking at us. While you are speaking, they are fidgeting around or reading something. Our identity demands a significant other whose eyes see us pretty much as we see ourselves. In fact, Erik Erikson defines identity as interpersonal. In Childhood and Society he writes: The sense of ego identity is the accrued confidence that the inner sameness and continuity . . . are matched by the sameness and continuity of one’s meaning for others. ~ John Bradshaw,
56:Integral Psychology presents a very complex picture of the individual. As he did previously in The Atman Project, at the back of the book Wilber has included numerous charts showing how his model relates to the work of a hundred or so different authors from East and West.57

57. Wilber compares the models of Huston Smith, Plotinus, Buddhism, Stan Grof, John Battista, kundalini yoga, the Great Chain of Being, James Mark Baldwin, Aurobindo, the Kabbalah, Vedanta, William Tiller, Leadbeater, Adi Da, Piaget, Commons and Richards, Kurt Fisher, Alexander, Pascual-Leone, Herb Koplowitz, Patricia Arlin, Gisela Labouvie-Vief, Jan Sinnot, Michael Basseches, Jane Loevinger, John Broughton, Sullivan, Grant and Grant, Jenny Wade, Michael Washburn, Erik Erikson, Neumann, Scheler, Karl Jaspers, Rudolf Steiner, Don Beck, Suzanne Cook-Greuter, Clare Graves, Robert Kegan, Kohlberg, Torbert, Blanchard-Fields, Kitchener and King, Deirdre Kramer, William Perry, Turner and Powell, Cheryl Armon, Peck, Howe, Rawls, Piaget, Selman, Gilligan, Hazrat Inayat Khan, mahamudra meditation, Fowler, Underhill, Helminiak, Funk, Daniel Brown, Muhyddin Ibn 'Arabi, St. Palamas, classical yoga, highest tantra yoga, St Teresa, Chirban, St Dionysius, Patanjali, St Gregory of Nyssa, transcendental meditation, Fortune, Maslow, Chinen, Benack, Gardner, Melvin Miller, Habermas, Jean Houston, G. Heard, Lenski, Jean Gebser, A. Taylor, Jay Early, Robert Bellah, and Duane Elgin. ~ Frank Visser, Ken Wilber Thought as Passion,
57:What is more, the whole apparatus of life has become so complex and the processes of production, distribution, and consumption have become so specialized and subdivided, that the individual person loses confidence in his own unaided capacities: he is increasingly subject to commands he does not understand, at the mercy of forces over which he exercises no effective control, moving to a destination he has not chosen. Unlike the taboo-ridden savage, who is often childishly over-confident in the powers of his shaman or magician to control formidable natural forces, however inimical, the machine-conditioned individual feels lost and helpless as day by day he metaphorically punches his time-card, takes his place on the assembly line, and at the end draws a pay check that proves worthless for obtaining any of the genuine goods of life.

This lack of close personal involvement in the daily routine brings a general loss of contact with reality: instead of continuous interplay between the inner and the outer world, with constant feedback or readjustment and with stimulus to fresh creativity, only the outer world-and mainly the collectively organized outer world of the power system-exercises authority: even private dreams must be channeled through television, film, and disc, in order to become acceptable.

With this feeling of alienation goes the typical psychological problem of our time, characterized in classic terms by Erik Erikson as the 'Identity Crisis.' In a world of transitory family nurture, transitory human contacts, transitory jobs and places of residence, transitory sexual and family relations, the basic conditions for maintaining continuity and establishing personal equilibrium disappear. The individual suddenly awakens, as Tolstoi did in a famous crisis in his own life at Arzamas, to find himself in a strange, dark room, far from home, threatened by obscure hostile forces, unable to discover where he is or who he is, appalled by the prospect of a meaningless death at the end of a meaningless life. ~ Lewis Mumford,



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Wikipedia - List of crossings of the River Wye -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of crossings of the Riviere des Mille M-CM-^Nles -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of crossings of the Riviere des Prairies -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of crossings of the Sacramento River -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of crossings of the Saint John River -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of crossings of the Saint Lawrence River and the Great Lakes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of crossings of the Schuylkill River -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of crossings of the Seine -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of crossings of the Shannon -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of crossings of the Snake River -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of crossings of the South Saskatchewan River -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of crossings of the Spokane River -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of crossings of the St. Johns River -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of crossings of the Susquehanna River -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of crossings of the Taunton River -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of crossings of the Tennessee River -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of crossings of the Thompson River -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of crossings of the Upper Mississippi River -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of crossings of the Upper Passaic River -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of crossings of the Wallkill River -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of crossings of the Willamette River -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of crossings of the Youghiogheny River -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Earth-crossing minor planets -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English Channel crossings by air -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Jupiter-crossing minor planets -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of level crossing crashes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Mars-crossing minor planets -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Mercury-crossing minor planets -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Mexico-United States border crossings -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Neptune-crossing minor planets -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of railroad crossings of the North American continental divide -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Saturn-crossing minor planets -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of South Fork Eel River crossings -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Uranus-crossing minor planets -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Venus-crossing minor planets -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of waterways forming and crossings of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of waterways forming and crossings of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of crossings of the East River -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lok Ma Chau Control Point -- Border crossing in Lok Ma Chau, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Lukeville Port of Entry -- Border crossing between Mexico and the U.S.
Wikipedia - Masnaa Border Crossing -- Border crossing between Lebanon and Syria
Wikipedia - McAllen-Hidalgo-Reynosa International Bridge -- Road bridge crossing the Rio Grande between northeastern Mexico and Texas
Wikipedia - Miller's Crossing -- 1990 film by the Coen brothers
Wikipedia - Mr. Resetti -- Fictional character from the Animal Crossing video game series
Wikipedia - Mysterious Crossing -- 1936 film by Arthur Lubin
Wikipedia - Naco Arizona Port of Entry -- Border crossing between Mexico and the U.S.
Wikipedia - Napoleon Crossing the Alps -- Series of paintings byM-BM- Jacques-Louis David
Wikipedia - New Haven Harbor Crossing Improvement Program -- Highway construction project
Wikipedia - Nogales-Grand Avenue Port of Entry -- Border crossing between Mexico and the U.S.
Wikipedia - Nogales-Mariposa Port of Entry -- Border crossing between Mexico and the U.S.
Wikipedia - Nogales-Morley Gate Port of Entry -- Border crossing between Mexico and the U.S.
Wikipedia - Northern Crossing -- Former shopping mall in Glendale, Arizona, United States
Wikipedia - Novi Yarylovychi (border checkpoint) -- Belarus and Ukraine border crossing
Wikipedia - Occupation crossing -- Land law
Wikipedia - Osaki Channel Crossing -- Power line between islands in Japan
Wikipedia - Otay Mesa East Port of Entry -- Proposed border crossing between Mexico and the U.S.
Wikipedia - Otay Mesa Port of Entry -- Border crossing between Mexico and the U.S.
Wikipedia - Outcrossing
Wikipedia - Outerbridge Crossing -- Bridge between New Jersey and New York
Wikipedia - Palomar Planet-Crossing Asteroid Survey
Wikipedia - PAVES crossing zones -- Collaborative project between the artists Anne Bean, who initiated it, Sinead O'Donnell,
Wikipedia - Pedestrian crossing -- Place designated for pedestrians to cross a road, street or avenue
Wikipedia - Perko pair -- Prime knot with crossing number 10; erroneously listed twice in Rolfsen's table; the error was discovered by Perko
Wikipedia - Port Huron-Sarnia Border Crossing -- International border crossing
Wikipedia - Postcrossing -- Hobby about exchanging postcards
Wikipedia - Proposed wildlife crossings in Jackson, Wyoming -- 2019 ballot proposal in Jackson, Wyoming, US
Wikipedia - Queensferry Crossing -- Road bridge across the Firth of Forth, Scotland
Wikipedia - Rainbow Bridge (Niagara Falls) -- Major crossing of the Niagara River
Wikipedia - Regional planning -- Land use planning at the meta (crossing one or more municipal boundaries) level
Wikipedia - Rhumb line -- Arc crossing all meridians of longitude at the same angle
Wikipedia - Rip Van Winkle Bridge -- Bridge crossing the Husdon River in New York, United States
Wikipedia - River crossing problem
Wikipedia - River Lee -- River crossing Cork (county and city), Ireland
Wikipedia - Ropes Crossing, New South Wales -- Suburb of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Wikipedia - Rory O'More Bridge -- Crossing of the River Liffey, Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - Samatar Crossing -- shared-use path in Minneapolis
Wikipedia - San Luis Port of Entry -- Border crossing between Mexico and the U.S.
Wikipedia - San Ysidro Port of Entry -- Border crossing between Mexico and the U.S.
Wikipedia - Sasabe Port of Entry -- Border crossing between Mexico and the U.S.
Wikipedia - Sault Sainte Marie Border Crossing -- Border crossing
Wikipedia - Second Severn Crossing -- M4 motorway bridge over the Severn Estuary in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Short-sea shipping -- Movement of cargo and passengers by sea along a cost, without crossing an ocean
Wikipedia - Snell's law -- The relation between the angles of incidence and refraction of waves crossing the interface between isotropic media
Wikipedia - Stevedore knot (mathematics) -- Mathematical knot with crossing number 6
Wikipedia - Stones Crossing, Indiana -- Human settlement in United States of America
Wikipedia - Strelasund Crossing -- Two bridges in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany
Wikipedia - St. Zacharie Border Crossing -- Crossing on the Canada-US border
Wikipedia - Sweetgrass-Coutts Border Crossing -- Border crossing between Canada and the United States
Wikipedia - Synesthesia -- Neurological condition involving the crossing of senses
Wikipedia - Tangent -- In mathematics, straight line touching a plane curve without crossing it
Wikipedia - Tauranga Crossing -- Shopping mall in Tauranga, New Zealand
Wikipedia - Tecate Port of Entry -- Border crossing between Mexico and the U.S.
Wikipedia - The Crossing (choral ensemble)
Wikipedia - The Crossing Guard -- 1995 film by Sean Penn
Wikipedia - The Crossing (Murphy book) -- 2010 Children's history book by Jim Murphy
Wikipedia - The Crossing (Sophie B. Hawkins album) -- 2012 Sophie B. Hawkins album
Wikipedia - The Crossing (video game) -- Cancelled video game
Wikipedia - The Difficult Crossing -- Painting by RenM-CM-) Magritte
Wikipedia - The Mall at Tuttle Crossing -- Shopping mall in Central Ohio
Wikipedia - Three Nations Crossing -- Canada-US border crossing
Wikipedia - Three-twist knot -- Mathematical knot with crossing number 5
Wikipedia - Tom Nook -- Fictional character from the Animal Crossing franchise
Wikipedia - Tooleybuc Bridge -- Bridge crossing Murray River in Victoria, Australia
Wikipedia - Transcontinental railroad -- Contiguous railroad trackage crossing a continental landmass
Wikipedia - Trefoil knot -- Simplest non-trivial closed knot with three crossings
Wikipedia - TrM-CM-$nenpalast -- Former border crossing between East and West Germany
Wikipedia - Tsugaru KaikyM-EM-^M Ferry -- Passenger ferry crossing the Tsugaru Strait
Wikipedia - Turan's brick factory problem -- Problem of minimizing crossings in complete bipartite graphs
Wikipedia - Unequal crossing over -- Chromosomal crossover resulting in gene duplication or deletion
Wikipedia - Vaalimaa -- Border crossing point in Virolahti, Finland
Wikipedia - Viaduct -- A multiple span bridge crossing an extended lower area
Wikipedia - Victoria Bridge, Worcestershire -- Bridge crossing the River Severn in Worcestershire, England
Wikipedia - Victory Crossing -- Shopping mall in the United States
Wikipedia - Wall crossing -- technique used by public companies to raise capital
Wikipedia - Wangki Radio -- Radio station in Fitzroy Crossing, Western Australia
Wikipedia - Washington Crossing the Delaware (1851 painting) -- 1851 painting by Emanuel Leutze
Wikipedia - Washington's Crossing (book) -- Book by David Hackett Fischer
Wikipedia - WayPoint 200 Mobile Crossing -- Defunct personal digital assistant
Wikipedia - Western Harbour Crossing -- Tunnel crossing Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Whitehead link -- Two interlinked loops with five structural crossings
Wikipedia - William Crossing -- British writer
Wikipedia - Wilsthorpe Crossing Halt railway station -- Former railway station in Lincolnshire, England
Wikipedia - Wynyard Crossing -- Bridge in Auckland, New Zealand
Wikipedia - Yankee Dutch crossing -- Dance performed in a formation of 8 couples
Wikipedia - Zero crossing -- Point where a function crosses an axis and changes sign
Wikipedia - Zhaisan -- Border crossing point between Kazakhstan and Russia
Crossing Lines
Psychology Wiki - Types_of_gestures#Crossing_oneself,_August_1985.png,_Benton_Crossing.jpg's_Crossing
Swan's Crossing (1992 - 1992) - This show follows the lives of a group of teenagers in a town called Swans Crossing. Designed to be a soap opera aimed at the preteen age group, it provides storylines that are found in your typical "grown-up" soap opera - love triangles, innocent first love, the possibility of being switched at bir...
Hickory Hideout (1981 - 1991) - 1980's Cleveland, Ohio based live action children's show that featured humans, and puppets, tackling children's issues of that era. Actress Kathryn Hahn("Crossing Jordan") got her start on this show.
Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls(1995) - Africa's the place and Ace is on the case, setting out to rescue an animal he loathes - a bat! Jim Carrey returns as Ace, the alligator-wrasslin', elephant-calling, monkeyshining, loogie-launching, burning coals-crossing, disguise-mastering pet detective. If you're ready to laugh like a pack of hyen...
Point Doom(1999) - This romantic action film stars Richard Grieco as a double-crossing drug dealer in a dangerous relationship. His girlfriend, Stephanie, eventually finds love with another man, but the young couple is forced to risk their own lives in hopes of facing the dangers threatening to bind them to street lif...
Crossing Delancey(1988) - Isabelle Grossman (Amy Irving) leads a happy single life. Working at a bookstore and cultivating a small group of friends, she's feeling absolutely fine. Her grandmother Bubbie Kantor (Reizl Bozyk) feels that the single life isn't the type of life her granddaughter should be having. Calling upon a m...
Bugsy(1991) - New York gangster Ben 'Bugsy' Siegel takes a brief business trip to Los Angeles. A sharp-dressing womaniser with a foul temper, Siegel doesn't hesitate to kill or maim anyone crossing him. In L.A. the life, the movies, and most of all strong-willed Virginia Hill detain him while his family wait back...
The Crossing Guard(1995) - Sean Penn wrote and directed this tale of loss, guilt, and revenge. The daughter of Freddy and Mary Gale (Jack Nicholson and Anjelica Huston) was killed by a drunk driver, John Booth (David Morse). The death of their child took a heavy toll on the Gales; their marriage broke up, and, while Mary has...
The Cassandra Crossing(1976) - Passengers on a European train have been exposed to a deadly disease. Nobody will let them off the train so what happens next?
The Mutations(1974) - A scientist experiments with crossing humans and plants, for which he uses his students.
Picasso Trigger(1988) - Double agent Picasso Trigger is assassinated in Paris by double-crossing bad guy Miguel Ortiz. Then Ortiz begins eliminating agents of The Agency who were involved in his brother's death. The Agency (belatedly) springs into action to stop Ortiz' heinous activities. The usual gunplay, romance, and ni...
The Crossing(1990) - Two men tussle over the affections of a young woman after one of them returns during Anzac Day in an Australian rural town in the 1960s.
Crossing The Bridge(1992) - The adventures of three teenage friends in 1970s Detroit. --
Banshee Origins ::: TV-MA | Drama | TV Series (20132016) -- Fresh out of prison after 15 years, a master thief assumes the identity of a dead sheriff in Banshee, PA. After tracking down the woman he loves they try to avoid detection from her father; a Ukrainian mobster looking to kill them for double crossing him. Stars:
Crossing Delancey (1988) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG | 1h 37min | Comedy, Romance | 16 September 1988 (USA) -- A Manhattan single meets a man through her Jewish grandmother's matchmaker. Director: Joan Micklin Silver Writers: Susan Sandler (screenplay by), Susan Sandler (based on her original
Crossing Jordan ::: TV-14 | 1h | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (20012007) -- A "sexy, brilliant" Boston medical examiner. Despite a checkered career, Dr. Jordan Cavanaugh goes above and beyond to solve cases. Creator: Tim Kring
Crossing Lines ::: TV-14 | 43min | Action, Crime, Drama | TV Series (20132015) -- A special crime unit investigates serialized crimes that cross over European borders, to hunt down criminals and bring them to justice. Creator: Edward Allen Bernero
Crossing Over (2009) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 53min | Crime, Drama | 27 March 2009 (Canada) -- Crossing Over is about illegal aliens of many nationalities in the Los Angeles area and the authorities and individuals dealing with them. Director: Wayne Kramer Writer: Wayne Kramer (screenplay)
Frontera (2014) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 43min | Drama, Thriller, Western | 31 July 2014 (USA) -- A former Arizona sheriff's wife is killed while riding on their ranch property. It would appear a Mexican man illegally crossing into the US is at fault. As the former and the current sheriff search for answers, lives are changed forever. Director: Michael Berry Writers:
Kon-Tiki (2012) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 58min | Adventure, Biography, Drama | 26 April 2013 (USA) -- Legendary explorer Thor Heyerdahl's epic 4,300-mile crossing of the Pacific on a balsawood raft in 1947, in an effort to prove that it was possible for South Americans to settle in Polynesia in pre-Columbian times. Directors: Joachim Rnning, Espen Sandberg Writer:
Lost in Translation (2003) ::: 7.7/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Comedy, Drama | 3 October 2003 (USA) -- A faded movie star and a neglected young woman form an unlikely bond after crossing paths in Tokyo. Director: Sofia Coppola Writer: Sofia Coppola
Miller's Crossing (1990) ::: 7.7/10 -- R | 1h 55min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 5 October 1990 (USA) -- Tom Reagan, an advisor to a Prohibition-era crime boss, tries to keep the peace between warring mobs but gets caught in divided loyalties. Directors: Joel Coen, Ethan Coen (uncredited) Writers: Joel Coen, Ethan Coen
Monkey Business (1931) ::: 7.5/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 17min | Comedy, Musical | 19 September 1931 (USA) -- On a transatlantic crossing, The Marx Brothers get up to their usual antics and manage to annoy just about everyone on board the ship. Director: Norman Z. McLeod (as Norman McLeod) Writers: S.J. Perelman (by), Will B. Johnstone (by) | 1 more credit Stars:
One Way Passage (1932) ::: 7.5/10 -- Passed | 1h 7min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 22 October 1932 (USA) -- A terminally ill woman and a debonair murderer facing execution meet and fall in love on a trans-Pacific crossing, each without knowing the other's secret. Director: Tay Garnett Writers: Wilson Mizner (screen play), Joseph Jackson (screen play) | 1 more credit
Sun Alley (1999) ::: 6.8/10 -- Sonnenallee (original title) -- Sun Alley Poster A group of kids grow up on the short, wrong (east) side of the Sonnenallee in Berlin, right next to one of the few border crossings between East and West reserved for German citizens. The ... S Director: Leander Haumann Writers: Thomas Brussig (screenplay), Leander Haumann (screenplay) | 3 more
The Cassandra Crossing (1976) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 2h 9min | Drama, Thriller | 9 February 1977 (USA) -- Passengers on a European train have been exposed to a deadly disease. Nobody will let them off the train. So what happens next? Director: George P. Cosmatos (as George Pan Cosmatos) Writers: Robert Katz (story), George P. Cosmatos (story) (as George Pan Cosmatos) | 3 more credits Stars:
The Crossing ::: TV-PG | 42min | Adventure, Drama, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2018) Episode Guide 11 episodes The Crossing Poster -- Refugees from a war-torn country 180 years in the future start showing up in the present to seek asylum in an American town. Creators: Jay Beattie, Dan Dworkin
The Crossing ::: TV-PG | 42min | Adventure, Drama, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2018) -- Refugees from a war-torn country 180 years in the future start showing up in the present to seek asylum in an American town. Creators: Jay Beattie, Dan Dworkin
The Spirit of St. Louis (1957) ::: 7.2/10 -- Approved | 2h 15min | Adventure, Biography, Drama | 20 April 1957 (USA) -- Charles 'Slim' Lindbergh struggles to finance and design an airplane that will make his New York to Paris flight the first solo transatlantic crossing. Director: Billy Wilder Writers:
https://animalcrossing.fandom's_Crossing's_Crossing's_Crossing's_Crossing's_Crossing of Fate's_Crossing
Dragon Ball Specials -- -- Toei Animation -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Fantasy Comedy Super Power Shounen -- Dragon Ball Specials Dragon Ball Specials -- Specials included with the original series. -- -- Goku no Koutsuuanzen (Goku's Traffic Safety) -- Goku is heading to West City to attend Bulma's birthday party, and on the way he ends up learning the rules for getting through traffic. The movie was for children to watch so it would teach them how to get across a pedestrian crossing. -- -- Goku no Shouboutai (Goku's Fire Brigade) -- An episode for kids where Goku and the others work for the Fire brigade and explain how avoid problems with fire. -- Special - Jun 8, 1988 -- 25,798 6.73
Fumikiri Jikan -- -- EKACHI EPILKA -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Slice of Life -- Fumikiri Jikan Fumikiri Jikan -- Every day, all kinds of different people stop at railroad crossings on their way to work or school, resulting in all sorts of different conversations. Friends, enemies, acquaintances, and complete strangers—there's always a new encounter to be had. -- -- Fumikiri Jikan documents the discussions that take place at these locations. Whether these are funny or depressing, expected or completely unexpected, they certainly have the potential to be quite interesting. -- -- 33,594 6.39
Gendai Kibunroku Kaii Monogatari -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- - -- Horror -- Gendai Kibunroku Kaii Monogatari Gendai Kibunroku Kaii Monogatari -- The horrid stories that remain in many conversations, the chilling urban legends come to life thanks to the Ga-nime. -- -- The terrible anecdote of an old fridge thrown by a dried up river bed in “Refrigerator”. -- The grotesque encounter with an out of place sculpture standing on top of a building in “The Dharma Statue”. -- The ghost encounter experience by a boy on a long bridge at night in “The Night Bridge” -- A purchase at the flea market that brings a man to an ironic end in “US Army Surplus” -- The enigma of continuous deadly accidents near a railroad in “The Railroad Crossing” -- The mysterious experience of a boy on summer vacation in a peaceful countryside in “I Want Friends”. -- -- 6 pieces of horror put on 1 film. The Japanese urban legends, put on screen in the characteristic drawing of KIMURA Toshiyuki, whose fame reaches outside the borders of Japan, call for a scream, with the talented collaboration for the ending theme of an artist produced by SUDOH Akira, Leilani. -- -- (Source: -- OVA - Aug 1, 2006 -- 1,097 N/A -- -- Mirai Choujuu Fobia -- -- - -- 2 eps -- - -- Hentai Horror -- Mirai Choujuu Fobia Mirai Choujuu Fobia -- Iijima is no ordinary coed. She's a tempestuous time traveler from a future ruled by hideous replinoid monsters. She has come to this past to find a hero, a man strong enough to wield her futuristic sword and save the women of Earth from a grisly doom! -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- OVA - Oct 27, 1995 -- 1,065 4.88
Mahou Shoujo Site -- -- production doA -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Horror Psychological Supernatural -- Mahou Shoujo Site Mahou Shoujo Site -- Every day, Aya Asagiri thinks about killing herself. She is bullied relentlessly at school, and at home, her older brother Kaname physically abuses her to relieve the academic stress put on him by their father. -- -- One night, as she lies awake wishing for death, a mysterious website called Magical Girl Site appears on her laptop, promising to give her magical powers. At first, she dismisses it as a creepy prank, but when she finds a magical gun in her shoe locker the next day, she doesn't know what to believe. Deciding to take it with her, she soon runs into her bullies once again. But this time, desperate for anything to save her, she uses the gun—and her assailants are transported to a nearby railroad crossing, where they are run over. -- -- Aya's conscience is unable to handle the fact that she murdered two of her classmates with magic, and she desperately tries to understand the situation. However, when she finds herself in trouble again, she is saved by Tsuyuno Yatsumura, a classmate who can use magic to stop time. This duo has a lot to do: not only do they have to fight alongside and against other magical girls, but they also need to uncover the truth behind the website and the apocalyptic event known as "The Tempest" that is soon to occur. -- -- 161,527 6.49
Midara na Ao-chan wa Benkyou ga Dekinai -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Romance Ecchi Shounen -- Midara na Ao-chan wa Benkyou ga Dekinai Midara na Ao-chan wa Benkyou ga Dekinai -- "Show them your A-O face!" As an innocent child, Ao Horie would unhesitantly proclaim the origins of her name. Now that she is in high school, she is determined to study hard in order to one day escape the influence of her lascivious father, a famous erotic author. However, when the amiable Takumi Kijima confesses to Horie, her mind runs wild with scandalous thoughts. -- -- Moans eager to escape, legs crossing, and a warmth spreading through her body, Horie cannot help but misconstrue Kijima's rather pure motivations. To make things worse, no matter how hard she tries to ward off Kijima, his advances do not stop. Now, if only she could just study! -- -- 174,154 6.77
Toki no Kousa -- -- CLAP -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- Toki no Kousa Toki no Kousa -- A four-dimensional short anime will start at the very beginning of Shibuya Crossing, that is, 10,000 years in the past. -- -- The anime is part of a collaborative project helmed by Yoshitoshi Shinomiya. It features a hybrid of animation and live-action. The short was screened on Shibuya's Crossing screens and a YouTube-friendly version was posted as well. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Special - Apr 20, 2018 -- 1,141 5.82
Yozakura Quartet: Hana no Uta -- -- Tatsunoko Production -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Super Power Supernatural Magic Shounen -- Yozakura Quartet: Hana no Uta Yozakura Quartet: Hana no Uta -- Hundreds of years ago, the borders between the worlds of humans and youkai temporarily overlapped, resulting in many residents of both crossing over to the other side. In the years since this event, the city of Sakurashin has become a central hub for all inter-dimensional affairs—a result of both the sacred Seven Pillars around the city serving as a beacon for the youkai, and the efforts of the Hiizumi Life Counseling Office in keeping the townsfolk happy. This office is composed of Hime Yarizakura, the young mayor of the city; satori Ao Nanami, who can read people's minds; half-youkai Kotoha Isone, who can summon anything by speaking a word; oni siblings, Kyousuke and Touka Kishi; and the office director Akina Hiizumi, who inherited his family's ability to force youkai back to their world. -- -- Besides volunteer and arbitration work, the Life Counseling Office also suppresses any Strikes: rare occurrences where humans are suddenly infused with youkai powers and go on a rampage. But the appearance of a sinister man signals trouble as Strikes become increasingly common, political rivals make their moves, and malicious individuals descend upon the city. As the self-appointed defenders of Sakurashin, it's up to the Life Counseling Office to protect the idyllic city they call home! -- -- TV - Oct 6, 2013 -- 104,811 7.50,_NASA_Camera_Shows_Moon_Crossing_Face_of_Earth_(20323156471).jpg"Knot_with_48_crossings"_on_a_clock_face.svg
1813 crossing of the Blue Mountains
1973 Kecskemt level crossing disaster
2003 South African floor-crossing window period
2004 Erez Crossing bombing
2005 South African floor-crossing window period
2007 South African floor-crossing window period
2017 Euphrates Crossing offensive
2018 Marivan border crossing attack
400 kV Forth Crossing
400 kV Thames Crossing
Adwe Crossing
Administration of Border Crossings, Population and Immigration
Alamo Crossing, Arizona
AlburghNoyan Border Crossing
Alburg SpringsClarenceville Border Crossing
AlcanBeaver Creek Border Crossing
Allen Crossing, Indiana
Al Waleed border crossing
AmbroseTorquay Border Crossing
Ammans Crossing, Texas
Animal Crossing
Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival
Animal Crossing: City Folk
Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp
Animal Crossing (video game)
Animal Crossing: Wild World
Annakeera Crossing
Antioch Crossing
AntlerLyleton Border Crossing
Arar border crossing
ArmstrongJackman Border Crossing
Asterix and the Great Crossing
Atlantic Balloon Crossing
Atlantic Crossing 1
At the Crossing Places
Auckland Harbour Crossing Swim
Avoided crossing
Bab al-Hawa Border Crossing
Bakers Crossing, Texas
Barker Crossing
Battle of Eora Creek Templeton's Crossing
Battle of Franklin's Crossing
Battle of LaFourche Crossing
Battle of Rhone Crossing
Battle of Smithfield Crossing
Beaver Crossing, Nebraska
Beebe PlainBeebe Border Crossing
Beecher FallsEast Hereford Border Crossing
Bering Strait crossing
Berlin border crossings
Beyer Crossing, Texas
Bike crossing
Black Creek Crossing
Blackfoot Crossing
Blue Gate Crossing
Blue Ridge Crossing
Bonaparte Crossing the Alps
Border Crossing
Border Crossing Card
Border Crossing (novel)
Border Crossings (magazine)
Border crossings of Albania
Bornholmer Strae border crossing
Bosporus overhead line crossings
Boundary-Waneta Border Crossing
Brief Crossing
Brighton Park crossing
Brown's Crossing
Browns Crossing, Georgia
Bruce Crossing, Michigan
Bulfinch Crossing
Business Bay Crossing
Canal Crossing, Jersey City
Capitol Crossing
CarburyGoodlands Border Crossing
Caroline Crossing, Queensland
Carriage Crossing
Category:Border crossings of China
Cedar Hills Crossing
ChamplainSt. Bernard de Lacolle Border Crossing
Characters in the Animal Crossing series
ChateaugayHerdman Border Crossing
Cheshire Crossing
ChurubuscoFranklin Centre Border Crossing
Chshi Powerline Crossing
Clock domain crossing
Coburn Gore-Woburn Border Crossing
Collins Crossing
Colton Crossing
Condit Crossing, Pennsylvania
Coutts Crossing, New South Wales
Crazy Woman Crossing
Crossing (2008 film)
Crossing (architecture)
Crossing a Shadow
Crossing-based interface
Crossing Borders: Personal Essays
Crossing East
Crossing Europe
Crossing guard
Crossing Jordan
Crossing Lines
Crossing Midnight
Crossing network
Crossing number
Crossing number inequality
Crossing of cheques
Crossing of the Dna
Crossing of the Red Sea (Bronzino)
Crossing of the Rhine
Crossing of the Rhine (disambiguation)
Crossing of the Somme
Crossing Over
Crossing (physics)
Crossings (Buffy novel)
Crossings (journal)
Crossings (miniseries)
Crossing Souls
Crossing South
Crossings (Steel novel)
Crossings (TV series)
Crossing sweeper
Crossing the Bar
Crossing the BLVD
Crossing-the-bridge noodles
Crossing the Bridge: The Sound of Istanbul
Crossing the Chasm
Crossing the Ditch
Crossing the ditch
Crossing the floor
Crossing the inner German border during the Cold War
Crossing the Line
Crossing the Line '99
Crossing the Line (2006 film)
Crossing the Line (2008 film)
Crossing the Line (novel)
Crossing the Red Sea
Crossing the Red Sea with The Adverts
Crossing the Rubicon
Crossing the Rubicon (disambiguation)
Crossing the Rubicon (The Sounds album)
Crossing the Sierra de Gredos
Crossing the T
Crossing the Tracks
Crossing Time
Cuba Crossing
Czech rail border crossings
Dak Bungalow Crossing, Patna
Dale Creek Crossing
Dalton CachePleasant Camp Border Crossing
Dangerous Crossing
Dangerous Crossing (1937 film)
Danville-Carson Border Crossing
Dartford Crossing
Dartmouth Crossing
Deadman Crossing, Ohio
Dead Women Crossing, Oklahoma
Deans Crossing, Georgia
Deer Crossing, California
Delaware Crossing
Derby LineRock Island Border Crossing
Derby LineStanstead Border Crossing
Desert Crossing
Desert Crossing 1999
Donnellys Crossing Section
Dorion level crossing accident
Double Crossing
Downtown Crossing
Durbin Crossing, Florida
Dutch Crossing
Eastern Harbour Crossing
East Passyunk Crossing, Philadelphia
East RichfordGlen Sutton Border Crossing
East Tennessee Crossing Byway
Ems powerline crossing
English Channel migrant crossings (2018present)
Erez Crossing
Essex Crossing
Eureka-Roosville Border Crossing
Exeter crossing loop collision
Faure level crossing accident
Fear of crossing streets
Ferry-Midway Border Crossing
Ferry Point Border Crossing
Ficks Crossing, Queensland
First aerial crossing of the South Atlantic
First Battle of Eora Creek Templeton's Crossing
Fish Ponds and Crossing Place Trail Important Bird Area
Fitzroy Crossing Airport
Fitzroy Crossing, Western Australia
Fivemile Crossing, Texas
FlatIron Crossing
Floor crossing (South Africa)
Ford (crossing)
Ford crossing, West Toodyay
Fort CovingtonDundee Border Crossing
Fort Fairfield - Andover Border Crossing
Fort KentClair Border Crossing
Forts Ferry Crossing
FortunaOungre Border Crossing
Fourth Crossing, California
Fox Crossing
Fresno Crossing, California
Frontier-Paterson Border Crossing
Gallions Reach Crossing
Geurie crossing loop collision
Gideon's Crossing
Global Crossing
Global Mall at the Crossings
Grand Crossing
Grand Crossing, Florida
Greater Grand Crossing, Chicago
Great Lakes Crossing Outlets
Gulf of Paria crossing
Hagemans Crossing, Ohio
Halls Crossing, Utah
Hangman Crossing, Indiana
HannahSnowflake Border Crossing
Hannibal's crossing of the Alps
Hanover Crossing
HansboroCartwright Border Crossing
HelmstedtMarienborn border crossing
Highgate SpringsSt. Armand/Philipsburg Border Crossing
History of the Forth Crossing
Hite Crossing Bridge
Hoffman Crossing, Indiana
Hoot and Holler Crossing, Texas
Hoppers Crossing Cricket Club
Hoppers Crossing Secondary College
Hoppers Crossing, Victoria
Horsehead Crossing
HoultonWoodstock Border Crossing
Human Crossing
HyderStewart Border Crossing
Ibrahim Khalil border crossing
International FallsFort Frances Border Crossing
Intersystem crossing
Ironworkers Memorial Second Narrows Crossing
Isabelle (Animal Crossing)
Jackson Crossing
John Crossingham
Johnsons Crossing
Kakavia (border crossing)
Karameh Border Crossing
Karni crossing
Kasganj level crossing disaster
Kerem Shalom border crossing
Kings Crossing Site
K.V.V. Crossing Elewijt
Lafourche Crossing, Louisiana
Lancaster Crossing
LancasterTolstoi Border Crossing
Land border crossings of Pakistan
Land border crossings of Turkey
Lander Crossing, California
Landscape with Charon Crossing the Styx
Langenweddingen level crossing disaster
Laurier-Cascade Border Crossing
Lavers' Crossing, California
Lee's Crossing
Level crossing
Level Crossing Removal Project
Level crossing signals
Level crossings in the United Kingdom
Limestone - Gillespie Portage Border Crossing
Line-crossing ceremony
List of Crossing Jordan episodes
List of crossings of Cameron Run
List of crossings of Four Mile Run
List of crossings of Rock Creek
List of crossings of the Atlantic Ocean
List of crossings of the Danube
List of crossings of the Rivire des Mille les
List of crossings of the Rivire des Prairies
List of crossings of the Seine
List of crossings of the Shannon
List of Earth-crossing minor planets
List of Human Crossing chapters
List of Jupiter-crossing minor planets
List of level crossing crashes
List of Mars-crossing minor planets
List of Mercury-crossing minor planets
List of Neptune-crossing minor planets
List of Saturn-crossing minor planets
List of Uranus-crossing minor planets
List of Venus-crossing minor planets
List of waterways forming and crossings of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway
List of waterways forming and crossings of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway
Longwood Crossing, Indiana
Lower Thames Crossing
Lowry Crossing, Texas
Low-water crossing
Lubec - Campobello Border Crossing
LyndenAldergrove Border Crossing
Mahan Crossing, Indiana
MaidaWindygates Border Crossing
MalaysiaSingapore Third Crossing
Mall at Barnes Crossing
Masnaa Border Crossing
Matthews Crossing, Alberta
Meridian crossing effect
Miller's Crossing
Monroe Crossing
MooersHemmingford Border Crossing
Moore's Crossing Historic District
MorganMonchy Border Crossing
Napoleon Crossing the Alps
Nebraska Crossing Outlets
NecheGretna Border Crossing
Negro Crossing, Texas
Newton's Crossing, California
New York-Barcelona Crossing, Volumen 1
New York-Barcelona Crossing, Volumen 2
Noncrossing partition
Normal crossing singularity
Norman's Crossing, Texas
Northern Crossing
North TroyHighwater Border Crossing
NortonStanhope Border Crossing
Nosaby level crossing accident
Nova Iguau level crossing disaster
NoyesEmerson East Border Crossing
OgdensburgPrescott Border Crossing
Old Union Crossing Covered Bridge
Orient Fosterville Border Crossing
Outerbridge Crossing
Overhead line crossing
Overton CornersLacolle 221 Border Crossing
Painters Crossing, Pennsylvania
Palomar Planet-Crossing Asteroid Survey
Paris Crossing, Indiana
Peace Arch Border Crossing
Peak Crossing, Queensland
Pedestrian crossing
Pegasus crossing
Pelican crossing
Pelly Crossing
Pelly Crossing Airport
PembinaEmerson Border Crossing
Perry Crossing, Indiana
PieganCarway Border Crossing
PinecreekPiney Border Crossing
PittsburgChartierville Border Crossing
Point Roberts - Boundary Bay Border Crossing
Poker CreekLittle Gold Creek Border Crossing
Polgahawela level crossing accident
PortalNorth Portal Border Crossing
Porthill-Rykerts Border Crossing
Port HuronSarnia Border Crossing
Preston Crossing
Prides Crossing
Proposed wildlife crossings in Jackson, Wyoming
Puffin crossing
Quarterbridge Crossing
Queensferry Crossing
Rafah Border Crossing
Rainbow crossing
Ramsey Crossing, California
RaymondRegway Border Crossing
Rays Crossing, Indiana
Reconstruction from zero crossings
Rice's Crossing, Texas
RichfordAbercorn Border Crossing
Rodgers Crossing, California
RoseauSouth Junction Border Crossing
Rosh HaNikra Crossing
Rough Crossings
Rough Crossing (TV series)
Rouses PointLacolle 223 Border Crossing
Russell Crossing
Sadliers Crossing, Queensland
Saint Just de Bretenires - St. Juste Maine Border Crossing
Saint Louis Crossing, Indiana
SarlesCrystal City Border Crossing
SaskatoonClark's Crossing
ScobeyCoronach Border Crossing
Second Battle of Eora Creek Templeton's Crossing
Second Harbour Crossing, Auckland
Second Severn Crossing
Severn crossing
Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed Crossing
Sheppey Crossing
SherwoodCarievale Border Crossing
Shibuya Crossing
Shield's Crossing
Singapore Strait crossing
Single crossing condition
Snow Storm: Hannibal and his Army Crossing the Alps
Southern Crossing (California)
Staggered Crossing
Stephenville Crossing
Stevens Crossing, Georgia
Stewart Crossing
Stimson Crossing, Washington
St. JohnLena Border Crossing
Stones Crossing, Indiana
Stony Crossing, New South Wales
Strait of Gibraltar crossing
Stream crossing
Strelasund Crossing
St. Zacharie Border Crossing
Suez Canal overhead powerline crossing
Sumas-Huntingdon Border Crossing
Summer Crossing
Suvorov Crossing the Alps
Swans Crossing
Sweeneys Crossing, California
SweetgrassCoutts Border Crossing
Swingnose crossing
Taba Border Crossing
Taggart Crossing, Indiana
Tambo Crossing, Victoria
Teslin Crossing
The Bar at the Crossing
The Cassandra Crossing
The Crossing
The Crossing (2010 film)
The Crossing (Big Country album)
The Crossing (Cardoso novel)
The Crossing (choral ensemble)
The Crossing Guard
The Crossing Hero
The Crossing (McCarthy novel)
The Crossing (Murphy book)
The Crossing of the Red Land
The Crossing of the Red Sea (Sistine Chapel)
The Crossing (play)
The Crossings at Northwest
The Crossings, Florida
The Crossing (Star Trek: Enterprise)
The Crossing (video game)
The Mall at Tuttle Crossing
Third Tagus Crossing
Three Crossing, California
Three Nations Crossing
Tilikum Crossing
Tongariro Alpine Crossing
Transatlantic crossing
Transpacific crossing
Traveston Crossing Dam
Treaty of Old Crossing
Trotter Crossing, Indiana
TurnerClimax Border Crossing
Twelve Mile Crossing at Fountain Walk
Unequal crossing over
Vehicular harbour crossings in Hong Kong
Victory Crossing
Villa Soldati level crossing tragedy
Voice crossing
Wadi Araba Crossing
WalhallaWinkler Border Crossing
Washington's Crossing (book)
Washington Crossing
Washington Crossing Bridge (Pittsburgh)
Washington Crossing Council
Washington Crossing Historic Park
Washington Crossing, New Jersey
Washington Crossing, Pennsylvania
Washington Crossing the Delaware
Washington Crossing the Delaware (1851 painting)
Watsons Crossing, Queensland
WeshChaman border crossing
West BerkshireFrelighsburg Border Crossing
Western Crossing
Western Harbour Crossing
WesthopeCoulter Border Crossing
Widgee Crossing North, Queensland
Widgee Crossing South, Queensland
Wildlife crossing
William Crossing
Willow Creek Border Crossing
Wolf Crossing
X-way crossing
Yankee Dutch crossing
Yuma Crossing
Zebra crossing
Zero crossing
Zero crossing control
Zero-crossing rate

convenience portal:
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Savitri -- Savitri extended toc
Savitri Section Map -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
authors -- Crowley - Peterson - Borges - Wilber - Teresa - Aurobindo - Ramakrishna - Maharshi - Mother
places -- Garden - Inf. Art Gallery - Inf. Building - Inf. Library - Labyrinth - Library - School - Temple - Tower - Tower of MEM
powers -- Aspiration - Beauty - Concentration - Effort - Faith - Force - Grace - inspiration - Presence - Purity - Sincerity - surrender
difficulties -- cowardice - depres. - distract. - distress - dryness - evil - fear - forget - habits - impulse - incapacity - irritation - lost - mistakes - obscur. - problem - resist - sadness - self-deception - shame - sin - suffering
practices -- Lucid Dreaming - meditation - project - programming - Prayer - read Savitri - study
subjects -- CS - Cybernetics - Game Dev - Integral Theory - Integral Yoga - Kabbalah - Language - Philosophy - Poetry - Zen
6.01 books -- KC - ABA - Null - Savitri - SA O TAOC - SICP - The Gospel of SRK - TIC - The Library of Babel - TLD - TSOY - TTYODAS - TSZ - WOTM II
8 unsorted / add here -- Always - Everyday - Verbs

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