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object:Manly P Hall
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Manly Palmer Hall (March 18, 1901 August 29, 1990) was a Canadian-born author, lecturer, astrologer and mystic. He is best known for his 1928 work The Secret Teachings of All Ages. Over his 70 year career, he gave thousands of lectures, including two at Carnegie Hall, and published over 150 volumes. In 1934, he founded The Philosophical Research Society in Los Angeles, which he dedicated to the "Truth Seekers of All Time", with a research library, lecture hall and publishing house. Many of his lectures can be found online and his books are still in print.
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Manly P Hall




QUOTES [64 / 64 - 455 / 455]

KEYS (10k)

   62 Manly P Hall
   1 Manly P Hall (Resurrection 1964
   1 Manly P Hall?


  453 Manly P Hall

1:Experiences are the chemicals of life with which the philosopher experiments.
   ~ Manly P Hall,
2:I am a stranger amongst them. They cannot know my longings nor taste my sorrows.
   ~ Manly P Hall,
3:Words are vehicles of ideas, and unless they are understood properly misunderstanding is inevitable. ~ Manly P Hall,
4:We become more and more nervous as we live less and less intelligently. ~ Manly P Hall, Horizon Fall-Winter 1944 p.3,
5:They wander in darkness seeking light, failing to realize that the light is in the heart of the darkness.
   ~ Manly P Hall,
6:If the individual cannot dream of a better future, he cannot live well today. ~ Manly P Hall, The Bible, the Story of a Book,
7:Thousands of years before the Christian era, the Tibetans knew that an atom was a solar system [...] ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
8:To live in the world without becoming aware of the meaning of the world is like wandering about in a great library without touching the books. ~ Manly P Hall,
9:Critics have found fault with all the world's scriptures, but as yet they have discovered no useful substitutes. ~ Manly P Hall, The Bible, the Story of a Book,
10:It is not what happens to us, but how we interpret what happens to us, that becomes the basis of our convictions. ~ Manly P Hall, Horizon Fall-Winter 1944 p.66,
11:When we open the door we go not into a strange place but we stand in the presence of the altar of our own soul. ~ Manly P Hall, Lecture
12:[...] for doubt itself is an attribute of Saturn (Satan). Those who are not striving for the highest, partake of the lowest. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
13:Symbolism is the language of the Mysteries. By symbols men have ever sought to communicate to each other those thoughts which transcend the limitations of language.
   ~ Manly P Hall,
14:Every man is born into this world as a servant. He must serve life and nature, those to whom he has personal responsibilities, and the spiritual needs of his own soul."
   ~ Manly P Hall,
15:Considered mystically, the story of the Flood is the wise man's mastery of adversity. It is the philosopher surviving the onslaughts of ignorance. It is ... ~ Manly P Hall?, Understand your Bible?,
16:We cannot afford to take ourselves or other persons so seriously. It is wise to realize that we are not actually qualified to sit in judgment on each other. ~ Manly P Hall, The Mystic Maze of Thought 1970, p.8),
17:It is not easy to confer upon the young a strength or vision which we do not possess, but sometime, these young people will be the leaders and supporters of world affairs. ~ Manly P Hall, (PRS Journal Autumn 1961, p.11),
18:Wisdom fears no thing, but still bows humbly to its own source, with its deeper understanding, loves all things, for it has seen the beauty, the tenderness, and the sweetness which underlie Life's mystery ~ Manly P Hall,
19:He [Francis Bacon] was a devoutly religious man and was convinced that he would rather believe all the fables of antiquity than deny that the vast fabric of creation is without a mind. ~ Manly P Hall, The Bible, the Story of a Book,
20:Under the pressure of his own need, man can change. He can wipe out the past if he wants to badly enough; but most persons not only do not want to, but do not realize that they can. ~ Manly P Hall, (The Sins of the Father 1967, p.8),
21:Every man's true teacher is his own Higher Self, and when the life is brought under the control of reason, this Higher Self is released from bondage to appetites and impulses, and becomes Priest, Sage and Illuminator.
   ~ Manly P Hall,
22:Esoteric more generally means simply a continuing knowledge of reality which is rejected. That it is esoteric not because it cannot be known but because we refuse to recognize it. Therefore it remains a profound secret.
   ~ Manly P Hall,
23:Occultism is the ancient science which deals with the hidden forces of nature, the laws governing them, and the means by which such forces can be brought under the control of the enlightened human mind. ~ Manly P Hall, Spiritual Centers in Man,
24:It is well known that when a man repents the errors of his ways, he is likely to develop an overdose of virtue that will lead to extremes and incline him to become fanatical in his living and thinking. ~ Manly P Hall, (Journey in Truth, 1945 p.153),
25:Ignorance fears all things, falling, terror-stricken before the passing wind. Superstition stands as the monument to ignorance, and before it kneel all who realize their own weakness who see in all things the strength they do not possess ~ Manly P Hall,
26:Pythagoras said that the universal Creator had formed two things in His own image: The first was the cosmic system with its myriads of suns, moons, and planets; the second was man, in whose nature the entire universe existed in miniature. ~ Manly P Hall,
27:Our troubles arise not from the failures of our thoughts alone; they arise largely because we have not given leadership to our hearts. We have not given to our souls the power to direct us in the right way of things. ~ Manly P Hall (Resurrection 1964, p.2),
28:To understand any one sacred book completely it is necessary to understand all other sacred books. In spite of human prejudice to the contrary, there is but one religion and one truth and all the great faiths of the world are parts or fragments of the Anscient Wisdom.
   ~ Manly P Hall, The Students Monthly Letter 1973,
29:The disciple will probably be visited at night by his Teacher, who will come in a superphysical body. [...] If he has not developed his spiritual nature by right living, right thinking and right feeling during his probation as a student, he will be unable to recognize the Master when he comes. ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
30:Esoterically, the Hanged Man is the human spirit which is suspended from heaven by a single thread. Wisdom, not death, is the reward for this voluntary sacrifice during which the human soul, suspended above the world of illusion, and meditating upon its unreality, is rewarded by the achievement of self-realization. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages,
31:All who are not consciously fortified in the path of right are possible victims of these monsters of iniquity; all who are not consciously on the white path, and firmly established in the way of sincerity and truth, are in eternal danger of these Harpies who float like soulless specters on the tide of evolution. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
32:Every soul is engaged in a great work-the labor of personal liberation from the state of ignorance. The world is a great prison; its bars are the Unknown. And each is a prisoner until, at last, he earns the right to tear these bars from their moldering sockets, and pass, illuminated and inspired into the darkness, which becomes lighted by that presence ~ Manly P Hall,
33:Those who dedicate themselves to the processes of discipline and self improvement set down by the old masters, are preparing themselves to enter the house of wisdom by the proper gate. On the other hand, such foolish mortals as believe they can breathe, chant, intone, psychologize or affirm themselves into a state of all knowing are trying to pick locks for which they have not filed the key. ~ Manly P Hall,
34:In the ancient system of initiation, the truth seeker must pass through a second birth, and those who attained this exalted state were known thereafter as 'the twice born.' Only one who has been born again can understand the mysteries of heaven. This new birth, however, is not attained by merely joining a sect. It must be personally earned through a complete regeneration of character and conduct.
   ~ Manly P Hall,
35:Every soul is engaged in a great work-the labor of personal liberation from the state of ignorance. The world is a great prison; its bars are the Unknown. And each is a prisoner until, at last, he earns the right to tear these bars from their moldering sockets, and pass, illuminated and inspired into the darkness, which becomes lighted by that presence ~ Manly P Hall, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry: Or the Secret of Hiram Abiff,
36:Having become a citizen of two worlds, the individual must act accordingly. There can be no backsliding, because the individual must reach a state of certainty before this enlightenment is given that makes it utterly and completely impossible to backslide. He cannot 'get it' and then fail and turn from it. If he turns from it, it means he never had it. If he fails, he fails himself. He cannot fail the infinite. ~ Manly P Hall,
37:The occultist and the philosopher are entirely willing to accept the mystical truths of Christianity for they are a part of all truth, all revelation, and all mysteries. What the mystic seeks to escape is not true Christianity but the contendings of unnumbered jarring sects that have theologized Jesus out of existence and put in his place a figure of their own conception. ~ Manly P Hall, The Students Monthly Letter, 4th year
38:When the human race learns to read the language of symbolism, a great veil will fall from the eyes of men. They shall then know truth and, more than that, they shall realize that from the beginning truth has been in the world unrecognized, save by a small but gradually increasing number appointed by the Lords of the Dawn as ministers to the needs of human creatures struggling co regain their consciousness of divinity. ~ Manly P Hall,
39:The white magician consecrates his life to study, meditation, and service, that he may know the law and may direct force to its appointed ends. He mods himself into the plan, becoming part of the divine rhythm by sacrificing himself and his wishes to the will of the Infinite, asking only to know wherein his duty lies and how he may be of the greatest service to the greatest number. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
40:The confusion, the intolerance, the inconsistencies, have really nothing to do with religion at all; they are related to the inevitable and eternal bickering of human nature; they reveal not the failure of Deity, but the natural tendency of man. And until we realize that in some way religion has an existence apart from the human mind, we are never going to solve our problem. ~ Manly P Hall, Babel and the Confusion of Tongues 1971, p.6,
41:There comes a time in the growth of every living individual thing when it realizes with dawning consciousness that it is a prisoner. While apparently free to move and have its being, the struggling life cognizes through ever greater vehicles its own limitations. It is at this point that man cries out with greater insistence to be liberated from the binding ties which, though invisible to mortal eyes, still chain him with bonds far more terrible than those of any physical prison. ~ Manly P Hall,
42:But the true black magician does not work through the ethers which are the home of the etheric elementals. He works through the entities who dwell in the astral light or the animal magnetism of the lower astral plane. The true black magician can become (and usually is) clairvoyant, but he can never go any higher than the astral world. To this plane he is tied to his passions, hates, incantations, and the animal nature which is the basis of black magic. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
43:An ancient philosopher once said that the bee extracts honey from the pollen of the flower, while from the same source the spider extracts poison. The problem which then confronts us is: are we bees or spiders ? Do we transform the experiences of life into honey, or do we change them into poison ? Do they lift us, or do we eternally rebel against the pricks? Many people become soured by experience, but the wise one takes the honey and builds it into the beehive of his own spiritual nature.
   ~ Manly P Hall, The Occult Anatomy Of Man,
44:The true occultist wants nothing but wisdom. When Solomon raised his hands to his God, Jehovah spoke from the heavens asking him what he would have, and he answered, "God give me the gift of wisdom." Jehovah asked him if there were not other things he desired, but Solomon answered, "No, only wisdom." And God told Solomon that because he had asked only for wisdom that all the other things should be added unto him and that from this day to the end of the world there would never be another king so rich, so great, or so blest. ~ Manly P Hall,
45:The spirit, while superior to all of its bodies, is incapable of manifesting without its chain of vehicles. This divine spark must always be limited by the quality of its bodies. In all too many cases, it is the servant of its own dependencies. Instead of ruling its world by apostolic succession, the spirit is generally bowed and broken by the endless demands of the lower nature. The appetites, desires, and selfish propensities cast the spirit into a dungeon, while a false and cruel monarch rules the empire in his stead. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
46:In ancient times many years of preparation were required before the neophyte was permitted to enter the temple of the Mysteries. In this way the shallow, the curious, the faint of heart, and those unable to withstand the temptations of life were automatically eliminated by their inability to meet the requirements for admission. The successful candidate who did pass between the pillars entered the temple, keenly realizing his sublime opportunity, his divine obligation, and the mystic privilege which he had earned for himself through years of special preparation. ~ Manly P Hall,
47:One alchemist announced that one grain of this powder would transmute into purest gold one hundred thousand times its own weight. But his readers did not realize that this powder is wisdom, one grain of which can transmute all the ignorance in the world. Nor did the reader properly understand that the PHILOSOPHER'S STONE IS KNOWLEDGE, the great miracle worker, or that the elixir of life was Truth, which makes all things new. It was sad that misunderstandings should exist, but wherever great truths are given to small minds, misunderstandings are inevitable. ~ Manly P Hall, (A Monthly Letter April 1937),
48:Evil will never cease to exist until selfishness and greed are overcome as factors in dictating the attitudes of men. It is the common thing for the concrete mind to sacrifice the eternal to the temporal. Man, concentrating upon the limited area of the known, loses sight of the effect of his actions upon the limitless area of the unknown. Shortsightedness, consequently, is the cause of endless misery. Moral shortsightedness results in vice, philosophical shortsightedness in materialism, religious shortsightedness in bigotry, rational short-sightedness in fanaticism. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
49:The black magician is one who learns to manipulate these forces for selfish and destructive purposes, his own aggrandizement of the fulfillment of desire, while the white magician prays that he may learn to manipulate them as God would have them manipulated - for the salvation of the divine creation. The powers are in the hands of those capable of invoking them; it makes no difference whether for good or ill. For this reason, the schools of white magic conceal these powers from man until, through growth, purification, and unfoldment, he gains the proper incentive for using them. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
50:There are two kinds of black magicians: (1) those who use the demons of the astral plane for their villainy, which they invoke through necromancy and invocation; and (2) those who create their own demons and launch them against the world. The first group does the greatest harm to the world, but the second injure themselves more. The first group is composed mostly of conscious black magicians, while there are many in the second group who are totally ignorant of what they are doing. Some never learn their mistake until the demons they have created come back to the persons who sent them forth. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
51:The first proof of ignorance is selfishness, which includes what we term self-centeredness. To be selfish is to violate the basic principles of our kind. Yet, for ages the majority of mortals have considered selfishness a virtue. Those who are selfish then reveal a further degree of benightedness because those who are ignorant and selfish are also possessive. The desire to control, own, accumulate, and overshadow, is a common fault. It is unfortunately true that a common fault does not become a virtue merely because it is frequently indulged. If men were not selfish and possessive, there would be slight cause for war, crime, and poverty. ~ Manly P Hall, (HORIZON Summer 1955, p.6),
52:The person who has allowed himself to develop certain mental habits finds that attitudes can be just as much addiction as narcotics. Someone who would not under any conditions become an alcoholic can become so completely sickened by his own habitual negative thinking, that many people around him wish he would become alcoholic as the lesser of two evils. It is hard to cure an alcoholic, although Alcoholics Anonymous can do it sometimes; but the individual who falls too deeply into some of the traps of his own thinking is practically incurable because he has warped all perspective and has no real desire to make any change in himself. ~ Manly P Hall, (Change Yourself and You Change All 1969, p.7),
53:Noah harkened to the voice of the Lord that is he lived according to the Law, perfecting his soul and enriching his consciousness with the many experiences which result from the mystery of living. As a consequence the "Lord" protects the life of Noah, and brings the Ark at the end to a safe testing place upon the Mount of the illumination, Ararat. Part of the thirty-third degree of Freemasonry includes an interpretation of the symbolism of Noah and his Ark. Considered mystically, the story of the Flood is the wise man's mastery of adversity. It is the philosopher surviving the onslaughts of ignorance. It is the illumined mystic floating safely over the chaos.
   ~ Manly P Hall, How To Understand Your Bible,
54:It is the power given by wisdom and knowledge that makes the occultist superior to his fellow man, his superiority being proportionate to his superior intelligence. In every walk of life, the uninitiated will be confronted with mysteries. To the average person, the working of a gasoline engine is just as mysterious as calculus would be to a kindergarten child, but intimate relationship and study result in that familiarity which gives ease in handling and intelligence in directing. It has been well said that no man is a stranger to his own valet. The philosopher is a servant of God, and by perfect serving, soon becomes capable of thoroughly understanding the desires and dictates of his divine Master. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
55:Certainly we have had our Napoleons and our Hitlers, but we have also had Jesus and Buddha. We have had tyrants, but also great humanitarians. We have had corrupt politicians, but also noble rulers. Even in the most selfish of times, the world has brought forth idealists, philanthropists, great artists, musicians, and poets. If we have inherited ages of feuding and intolerance, we have also inherited the magnificence of Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. For each tyrant who has profaned the pages of history, there have been thousands, even millions, of gentle people who have lived unhonored and unknown, keeping principles and living convictions under the most difficult situations. To see this good, and to know it, is to find a new courage and a new faith. ~ Manly P Hall, PRS Journal Summer 1961, p.7,
   The White Magician uses none of the powers of the animal world in his work, but rather seeks to transmute the poles of the beast within himself into higher and finer qualities. The White Magician labors entirely with the finer forces of the elemental planes. He is a builder--not a destroyer--and seeks to liberate rather than to dominate his fellow creatures. The White Magician has dedicated his soul to the immortal light, while the Black Magician has sold his for mortal glory. The Grimores of the Middle Ages are filled with chants and charms for the invoking of spirits. History is filled with stories of Black Magicians but the true student of occult science must have nothing to do with these things other than to protect himself against them. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Natural Occultism, 28,
57:Seek ye first the kingdom of Heaven and its righteousness, and all other things shall be added unto you." The alchemist, therefore is assured that if he achieved the inner mystery, the fulfillment of the outer part will be inevitable. But practically every charlatan in alchemy has determined primarily to achieve the physical purpose first. His primary interest has been to make gold, or perhaps one of the other aspects of it, such as a medicine against illness. He has wanted the physical effect first but because the physical effect was not intended to be first, when he starts to study and explore the various texts, he comes upon a dilemma, HIS OWN INTERNAL RESOURCES CANNOT DISCOVER THE CORRECT INSTRUCTIONS. The words may be there but the meaning eludes him because the meaning is not part of his own present spiritual integrity. ~ Manly P Hall,
58:What we are desperately in need of today is for the individual to wake up in himself and realize that it is not necessary for him to be part of anything he does not approve of. It is not necessary for him to compromise. He may be penalized if he does not. If he does not follow the general way, he may be subject to certain criticism and discomfort, but he has to decide for himself whether these penalties are more important than character. He must decide whether it is better to get along with other people for a few years than it is to learn to get along with himself for the full duration of life. He must decide whether he wishes to make this compromise and be fashionable for a few years, and pay for it perhaps with ten years of lingering misery at the end of his life. He has to decide where his values are. ~ Manly P Hall, Accepting the Challenge of Maturity 1965, p. 13,
59:In the Mysteries the seven Logi, or Creative Lords, are shown as streams of force issuing from the mouth of the Eternal One. This signifies the spectrum being extracted from the white light of the Supreme Deity. The seven Creators, or Fabricators, of the inferior spheres were called by the Jews the Elohim. By the Egyptians they were referred to as the Builders (sometimes as the Governors) and are depicted with great knives in their hands with which they carved the universe from its primordial substance. Worship of the planets is based upon their acceptation as the cosmic embodiments of the seven creative attributes of God. The Lords of the planets were described as dwelling within the body of the sun, for the true nature of the sun, being analogous to the white light, contains the seeds of all the tone and color potencies which it manifests. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of all Ages,
60:To study, to contemplate, to understand - by these processes we grow, we enrich, and we ennoble ourselves. If we can learn from the experiences of others we do not need to have all these miseries brought upon our own flesh. If we are able to learn from the common experience of the world we can free ourselves from the necessity of learning what every other man from the beginning of time has had to learn the hard way. Every human being has had to learn that fear, anger, greed, overambition all end in pain, misery, and in the loss of natural growth. All have had to learn that prejudice is wrong; compromise leads to corruption - which is wrong. Everyone has to learn this, yet how does it happen that after so many thousands of years each human being has to learn again. Can we learn nothing from observing the conduct of those around us? ~ Manly P Hall, Sensory Perceptions Cannot Think, 1972, p.10),
61:Gradually a separation took place among the schools of the Mysteries. The zeal of the priests to spread their doctrines in many cases apparently exceeded their intelligence. As a result, many were allowed to enter the temples before they had really prepared themselves for the wisdom they were to receive. The result was that these untutored minds, slowly gaining positions of authority, became at last incapable of maintaining the institution because they were unable to contact the spiritual powers behind the material enterprise. So the Mystery Schools vanished. The spiritual hierarchy, served through all generations by a limited number of true and devoted followers, withdrew from the world; while the colossal material organizations, having no longer any contact with the divine source, wandered in circles, daily becoming more involved in the rituals and symbols which they had lost the power of interpreting. ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
62:When man's thoughts rise upon the wings of aspiration, when he pushes back the darkness with the strength of reason and logic, then indeed the builder is liberated from his dungeon and the light pours in, bathing him with life and power. This light enables us to seek more clearly the mystery of creation and to find with greater certainty our place in the Great Plan, for as man unfolds his bodies he gains talents with which he can explore the mysteries of Nature and search for the hidden workings of the Divine. Through these powers the Builder is liberated and his consciousness goes forth conquering and to conquer. These higher ideals, these spiritual concepts, these altruistic, philanthropic, educative applications of thought power glorify the Builder; for they give the power of expression and those who can express themselves are free. When man can mold his thoughts, his emotions, and his actions into faithful expressions of his highest ideals then liberty is his, for ignorance is the darkness of Chaos and knowledge is the light of Cosmos.
   ~ Manly P Hall,
63:The alchemist of today is not hidden in caves and cellars, studying alone, but as he goes on with his work, it is seen that walls are built around him, and while he is in the world, like the master of old, he is not of it. As he goes further in his work, the light of other people's advice and outside help grows weaker and weaker, until finally he stands alone in darkness, and then comes the time that he must use his own lamp, and the various experiments which he has carried on must be his guide. He must take the Elixir of Life which he has developed and with it fill the lamp of his spiritual consciousness, and holding that above his head, walk into the Great Unknown, where if he has been a good and faithful servant, he will learn of the alchemy of Divinity. Where now test tubes and bottles are his implements, then worlds and globes he will study, and as a silent watcher will learn from that Divine One, who is the Great Alchemist of all the universe, the greatest alchemy of all, the creation of life, the maintenance of form, and the building of worlds. ~ Manly P Hall, The Initiates of the Flame,
64:Although a devout student of the Bible, Paracelsus instinctively adopted the broad patterns of essential learning, as these had been clarified by Pythagoras of Samos and Plato of Athens. Being by nature a mystic as well as a scientist, he also revealed a deep regard for the Neoplatonic philosophy as expounded by Plotinus, Iamblichus, and Proclus. Neo­platonism is therefore an invaluable aid to the interpretation of the Paracelsian doctrine.
   Paracelsus held that true knowledge is attained in two ways, or rather that the pursuit of knowledge is advanced by a two-fold method, the elements of which are completely interdependent. In our present terminology, we can say that these two parts of method are intuition and experience. To Paracelsus, these could never be divided from each other.
   The purpose of intuition is to reveal certain basic ideas which must then be tested and proven by experience. Experience, in turn, not only justifies intuition, but contributes certain additional knowledge by which the impulse to further growth is strengthened and developed. Paracelsus regarded the separation of intuition and experience to be a disaster, leading inevitably to greater error and further disaster. Intuition without experience allows the mind to fall into an abyss of speculation without adequate censorship by practical means. Experience without intuition could never be fruitful because fruitfulness comes not merely from the doing of things, but from the overtones which stimulate creative thought. Further, experience is meaningless unless there is within man the power capable of evaluating happenings and occurrences. The absence of this evaluating factor allows the individual to pass through many kinds of experiences, either misinterpreting them or not inter­ preting them at all. So Paracelsus attempted to explain intuition and how man is able to apprehend that which is not obvious or apparent. Is it possible to prove beyond doubt that the human being is capable of an inward realization of truths or facts without the assistance of the so-called rational faculty?
   According to Paracelsus, intuition was possible because of the existence in nature of a mysterious substance or essence-a universal life force. He gave this many names, but for our purposes, the simplest term will be appropriate. He compared it to light, further reasoning that there are two kinds of light: a visible radiance, which he called brightness, and an invisible radiance, which he called darkness. There is no essential difference between light and darkness. There is a dark light, which appears luminous to the soul but cannot be sensed by the body. There is a visible radiance which seems bright to the senses, but may appear dark to the soul. We must recognize that Paracelsus considered light as pertaining to the nature of being, the total existence from which all separate existences arise. Light not only contains the energy needed to support visible creatures, and the whole broad expanse of creation, but the invisible part of light supports the secret powers and functions of man, particularly intuition. Intuition, therefore, relates to the capacity of the individual to become attuned to the hidden side of life. By light, then, Paracelsus implies much more than the radiance that comes from the sun, a lantern, or a candle. To him, light is the perfect symbol, emblem, or figure of total well-being. Light is the cause of health. Invisible light, no less real if unseen, is the cause of wisdom. As the light of the body gives strength and energy, sustaining growth and development, so the light of the soul bestows understanding, the light of the mind makes wisdom possible, and the light of the spirit confers truth. Therefore, truth, wisdom, understanding, and health are all manifesta­ tions or revelations ot one virtue or power. What health is to the body, morality is to the emotions, virtue to the soul, wisdom to the mind, and reality to the spirit. This total content of living values is contained in every ray of visible light. This ray is only a manifestation upon one level or plane of the total mystery of life. Therefore, when we look at a thing, we either see its objective, physical form, or we apprehend its inner light Everything that lives, lives in light; everything that has an existence, radiates light. All things derive their life from light, and this light, in its root, is life itself. This, indeed, is the light that lighteth every man who cometh into the world. ~ Manly P Hall, Paracelsus,


*** NEWFULLDB 2.4M ***

1:~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
2:The seventh seal is Mercury[...] ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
3:Experiences are the chemicals of life with which the philosopher experiments ~ Manly P Hall,
4:Experiences are the chemicals of life with which the philosopher experiments.
   ~ Manly P Hall,
5:I am a stranger amongst them. They cannot know my longings nor taste my sorrows.
   ~ Manly P Hall,
6:The seven golden candlesticks are the seven planets[...] ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
7:Wisdom is given to no man until he asks for it [...] ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
8:Man's status in the natural world is determined, therefore, by the quality of his thinking. ~ Manly P Hall,
9:Wisdom itself is frequently symbolized by a mountain or a hill. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
10:An intellectual fact is not necessarily a truth ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
11:Fascinated by the glitter of gain, man gazes at the Medusa-like face of greed and stands petrified. ~ Manly P Hall,
12:Osiris, the Egyptian god of the underworld (the material sphere) [...] ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
13:The Priscillianists borrowed from the Gnostics and the Manicheans[...] ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
14:Words are vehicles of ideas, and unless they are understood properly misunderstanding is inevitable. ~ Manly P Hall,
15:Words are vehicles of ideas, and unless they are understood properly misunderstanding is inevitable. ~ Manly P Hall,
16:We become more and more nervous as we live less and less intelligently. ~ Manly P Hall, Horizon Fall-Winter 1944 p.3,
17:The white magician's motto is: "right is might" (survival of all). ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
18:They wander in darkness seeking light, failing to realize that the light is in the heart of the darkness ~ Manly P Hall,
19:If the infinite had not desired man to be wise, he would not have bestowed upon him the faculty of knowing. ~ Manly P Hall,
20:The cosmogony of the Jews is derived directly from the Chaldean and Egyptian. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
21:They wander in darkness seeking light, failing to realize that the light is in the heart of the darkness.
   ~ Manly P Hall,
22:If the individual cannot dream of a better future, he cannot live well today. ~ Manly P Hall, The Bible, the Story of a Book,
23:Man i s given by Nature, a gift, and that gift is the privilege of labor. Through labor he learns all things. ~ Manly P Hall,
24:If the individual cannot dream of a better future, he cannot live well today. ~ Manly P Hall, The Bible, the Story of a Book,
25:The world knows many religions, but Nature has but onc Truth. ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
26:The black magician's motto is: "might is right" (survival of the fittest). ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
27:Love is religion, and hate is atheism...ethics is philosophy. ~ Manly P Hall, Back to Basics in Religion, Philosophy and Science,
28:The intellect of Adam "named," that is, examined and understood, all the creations. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
29:Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men. ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
30:And to cleanse the lepers meant to purify those who were unclean of thought and deed. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
31:White magic is the right use of spiritual power, consciously and objectively. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
32:A little philosophy inclineth man's mind to atheism; but depth in philosophy bringeth men's minds about to religion. ~ Manly P Hall,
33:Thus Seth is the physical archetype of man, even as Adam is the spiritual archetype of man. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
34:The instinct of reverence for the Unknown is implanted in all human life. ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
35:To Peter, the Christian "mystery" was that of God made flesh. To Paul, it was flesh made God. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
36:The Mysteries do not demand poverty, but they demand the right use of that which is possessed. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
37:[...] and we beg that our lower animal nature shall not lead us from the path of righteousness. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
38:Plato said "God is," and inferred all else that could be said upon that subject as depreciatory. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
39:Our ancestors came over to this continent to find freedom of worship, not freedom from worship. ~ Manly P Hall, The Bible, the Story of a Book,
40:The ancient Jewish priests had peculiar veneration for the Moons, their faith being a lunar cult. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
41:By eyes, must always be understood planets or stars; and by horns, the power or ray which emerges. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
42:In the old frescoes and mosaics, the god Bacchus is usually depicted riding on a donkey [as was Jesus]. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
43:People are eternally trying to walk out of difficulties, instead of trying to work out of them. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
44:It has been said that wisdom lies not in seeing things but in seeing through things. ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
45:Thousands of years before the Christian era, the Tibetans knew that an atom was a solar system [...] ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
46:Thousands of years before the Christian era, the Tibetans knew that an atom was a solar system [...] ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
47:To live in the world without becoming aware of the meaning of the world is like wandering about in a great library without touching the books. ~ Manly P Hall,
48:The two Great Demons of Creation are: Satan - Saturn, and Lucifer - Mars (According to the Greeks, Venus) ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
49:To live in the world without becoming aware of the meaning of the world is like wandering about in a great library without touching the books. ~ Manly P Hall,
50:Critics have found fault with all the world's scriptures, but as yet they have discovered no useful substitutes. ~ Manly P Hall, The Bible, the Story of a Book,
51:Critics have found fault with all the world's scriptures, but as yet they have discovered no useful substitutes. ~ Manly P Hall, The Bible, the Story of a Book,
52:It is not what happens to us, but how we interpret what happens to us, that becomes the basis of our convictions. ~ Manly P Hall, Horizon Fall-Winter 1944 p.66,
53:Christians have tortured more Christians and pagans for their beliefs than ever suffered martyrdom under the Caesars. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
54:The seventh and lowest diffusion of the fourth "world" is that with which the Creation story in Genesis is concerned. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
55:He [Paul] realized that Christ is a principle, and not a man, that Jesus had come to "bear witness" for that principle. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
56:In most respects, the Bible is a very simple book, and many parts of it can be read to children and will benefit them. ~ Manly P Hall, The Bible, the Story of a Book,
57:The tree has always been the appropriate symbol of creation. [...] Creation is a tree and man is the fruit of that tree. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
58:Men believe they can be wise without being good; but this can never happen, for wisdom and virtue are inseparably related. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
59:After the decline of the Mysteries, when the sacred books fell into the hands of the profane, the subtler values were lost. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
60:[...] the founders of the Christian faith had a religious tolerance quite beyond the comprehension of their modern successors. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
61:In all things involving the acquirement of knowledge, the Ancient Wisdom says, "First purify your own life." ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
62:"Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
63:Noah, born with white hair and prematurely aged, is of course the symbol of mind, or that which is above the confusion of matter. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
64:The book of Job is an initiation ritual, one of the finest expositions of the Mysteries to be found in the literature of the world. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
65:[...] for doubt itself is an attribute of Saturn (Satan). Those who are not striving for the highest, partake of the lowest. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
66:Overshadowed by the divine prerogative, these illumined ones, founded what we now know as the Ancient Mysteries. ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
67:The word 'amen' is from Ammon, the father god of Egypt, and was an ancient Egyptian salutation to the supreme power of the universe. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
68:[...] for doubt itself is an attribute of Saturn (Satan). Those who are not striving for the highest, partake of the lowest. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
69:To say that an account in the Bible may have a symbolical meaning does not necessarily mean that the account is entirely unhistorical. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
70:One expression of the solar energy is Solomon, whose name SOL-OM-ON is the name for the Supreme Light in three different languages. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of all Ages,
71:Temptation is the price that the human race pays for intelligence, therefore the Serpent of Wisdom is also the eternal Tempter. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
72:Symbolism is the language of the Mysteries. By symbols men have ever sought to communicate to each other those thoughts which transcend the limitations of language.
   ~ Manly P Hall,
73:Universals cannot become particulars and particulars cannot become universals, but universals exist according to degrees and particulars exist according to conditions. ~ Manly P Hall,
74:Plutarch further asserts that the Greeks recognized in Osiris the same person whom they revered under the names of Dionysos and Bacchus. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of all Ages,
75:Every man is born into this world as a servant. He must serve life and nature, those to whom he has personal responsibilities, and the spiritual needs of his own soul."
   ~ Manly P Hall,
76:The esoteric system is all based upon the ultimate motive. Ultimate motive is the service of truth itself, a complete dedication to the service of the realities of existence. ~ Manly P Hall,
77:Wealth, therefore, impoverishes man, deprives him of time, absorbs his interests, depletes his strength, and leaves him incapable of becoming wise. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
78:Rome - never a philosophical empire - dabbled superficially in Greek learning, and then returned to its more congenial tasks of conquest and control. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
79:Considered mystically, the story of the Flood is the wise man's mastery of adversity. It is the philosopher surviving the onslaughts of ignorance. It is ... ~ Manly P Hall?, Understand your Bible?,
80:Each one of these Mystery Schools is invisible and unknown. They can only be found after long searching and repeated disappointment. ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
81:When Elizabeth came to the throne, the Protestant cause was favored and the Catholics established themselves in the more favorable atmosphere of France. ~ Manly P Hall, The Bible, the Story of a Book,
82:There is abundant confirming evidence to indicate that the Genesis given in the Bible describes processes occurring over a period of at least a billion years; ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
83:The true resurrection is the lifting up of Truth in the individual; the resurrection of the eternal in the temporal; the resurrection of virtue always latent in man. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
84:We cannot afford to take ourselves or other persons so seriously. It is wise to realize that we are not actually qualified to sit in judgment on each other. ~ Manly P Hall, The Mystic Maze of Thought 1970, p.8),
85:Plato saw God in everything, and communed with truth. The modern scientist sees God in nothing, and may commune only with his confreres obsessed with similar unbelief. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
86:Do not worry over your past misdeeds - for worry itself breeds demons - but eliminate them from your aura, planting instead good seeds with constructive labors. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
87:In the Cabalistic legends Enoch - the second messenger of God - was one of the Messianic gods or perfected men. He did not die, but ascended to heaven walking with God. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
88:We must learn to realize that the greater the knowledge, the greater the penalty for abusing it. The sin that is excusable in the child is unforgivable in a man. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
89:In the Cabala the higher powers do not descend into the lower elements to ensoul the mundane diffusion, but rather cast their shadows upon the Deep or the lower elements. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
90:It has been well observed that Constantine wrote as a tolerant and liberal-minded statesman, but he certainly was not properly informed on delicate matters of theology. ~ Manly P Hall, The Bible, the Story of a Book,
91:Wisdom fears no thing, but still bows humbly to its own source, with its deeper understanding, loves all things, for it has seen the beauty, the tenderness, and the sweetness which underlie Life's mystery ~ Manly P Hall,
92:It is not easy to confer upon the young a strength or vision which we do not possess, but sometime, these young people will be the leaders and supporters of world affairs. ~ Manly P Hall, (PRS Journal Autumn 1961, p.11),
93:Wisdom fears no thing, but still bows humbly to its own source, with its deeper understanding, loves all things, for it has seen the beauty, the tenderness, and the sweetness which underlie Life's mystery ~ Manly P Hall,
94:From our present perspective it is reasonably certain that the Apocalypse is a compilation of pagan doctrines with an occasional Christian reference interpolated into the text. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
95:There are no Adepts or Masters in this world or upon the invisible planes who have not passed through all the sorrows and uncertainties of human experience. ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
96:Immortality is the reward of wisdom; not immortality in the sense of perpetuation of the physical body with its infirmities, but rather a conscious participation in eternal life. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
97:So the initiator gave to Satan, the adversary, permission to strike Job in his weakest part, his wealth, to see whether the loss of things would destroy his vision or philosophy. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
98:The black magic of the past, the darkness that sank Atlantis when man made slaves of the demons of the elements and chained them to do his bidding, still survives to this day. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
99:A true occultist, be he student, disciple, or initiate, never discloses his position to any except those equally interested and equally sincere along similar lines. ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
100:Judas Iscariot is the negative Scorpio, unredeemed; St. Paul is the virtuous Scorpio, the enlightener, and of all the twelve the most likely to have been an initiate of pagan Mysteries. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
101:He [Francis Bacon] was a devoutly religious man and was convinced that he would rather believe all the fables of antiquity than deny that the vast fabric of creation is without a mind. ~ Manly P Hall, The Bible, the Story of a Book,
102:He [Francis Bacon] was a devoutly religious man and was convinced that he would rather believe all the fables of antiquity than deny that the vast fabric of creation is without a mind. ~ Manly P Hall, The Bible, the Story of a Book,
103:Under the pressure of his own need, man can change. He can wipe out the past if he wants to badly enough; but most persons not only do not want to, but do not realize that they can. ~ Manly P Hall, (The Sins of the Father 1967, p.8),
104:Every man's true teacher is his own Higher Self, and when the life is brought under the control of reason, this Higher Self is released from bondage to appetites and impulses, and becomes Priest, Sage and Illuminator.
   ~ Manly P Hall,
105:In the 3rd chapter of Genesis the adversary is Samael, the Serpent, and like Mephistopholes it is "a spirit of negation; part of the power that still works for good while ever scheming ill." ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
106:Esoteric more generally means simply a continuing knowledge of reality which is rejected. That it is esoteric not because it cannot be known but because we refuse to recognize it. Therefore it remains a profound secret.
   ~ Manly P Hall,
107:The white magician labors entirely with the finer forces of the elemental planes. He is a builder - not a destroyer - and seeks to liberate rather than to dominate his fellow creatures. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
108:The true Masters never appear in public teaching large classes or groups concerning occult exercises, but come privately to their disciples and instruct each on individually. ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
109:This accounts for many of the changes in the translations of the biblical books. It also explains why orthodoxy actually means conformity with a specialized interpretation of the holy writings. ~ Manly P Hall, The Bible, the Story of a Book,
110:Ararat is the Polar Mountain, the Olympus of the Greeks, the Meru of the Hindus. It represents the first firmament or the heavens which are above the earth, that is, the sphere of the fixed stars. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
111:The metaphysical experiences described in the Bible most frequently occur near water. In religious symbolism, water is a symbol of the etheric world that extends beyond the physical plane of life. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
112:Science offers the average person no moral or ethical substitute for religious instruction. When sterile intellectualism gains control of social procedures, morality and ethics gradually collapse. ~ Manly P Hall, The Bible, the Story of a Book,
113:There was an old Greek fable to the effect that even the most wealthy man must eat his own food. If he hires another to do his eating, the one he hires will gain the nourishment. ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
114:[...] we may say the the Mystery Schools interpret truth along the lines of the familiar, clothing wisdom in symbol and allegory familiar to those who are supposed to receive it. ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
115:Occultism is the ancient science which deals with the hidden forces of nature, the laws governing them, and the means by which such forces can be brought under the control of the enlightened human mind. ~ Manly P Hall, Spiritual Centers in Man,
116:The infant Jesus was born in a manger surrounded by animals. These animals merely represent the animal world, or the material universe, wherein most mortals dwell in the state of dumb, driven cattle. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
117:As these star groups do not resemble, in most cases, the creature or symbol assigned to them, the origin of the system must have been an arbitrary allocation according to the laws of ancient theology. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
118:King James' final instructions to the translators were in substance as follows: Where the new translations agree with accepted tradition, use them; where they do not, conform to the popular tradition. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
119:The man who hid his doctrine in the earth, that is, attempted to hold truth and prevent others from receiving it, was rebuked by his master and lost the very wisdom he had attempted to keep for himself. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
120:For many ages, theologians have insisted upon personalizing natural principles. [...] This is one of the main reasons for the inability of theologians to read the Bible correctly or intelligently. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
121:It is well known that when a man repents the errors of his ways, he is likely to develop an overdose of virtue that will lead to extremes and incline him to become fanatical in his living and thinking. ~ Manly P Hall, (Journey in Truth, 1945 p.153),
122:There is a collection of sayings attributed to Jesus not included in the Gospels. These fragments are usually described as the Logia, or words recorded or remembered by those who heard the Master speak. ~ Manly P Hall, The Bible, the Story of a Book,
123:All things manifesting in the lower worlds exist first in the intangible rings of the upper spheres, so that creation is, in truth, the process of making tangible the intangible by extending the intangible into various vibratory rates. ~ Manly P Hall,
124:By this miracle [the changing of water into wine] Jesus is associated with Bacchus or Dionysius, the vine-god. Exoterically, Bacchus was a symbol of the grape; esoterically, of the sun and the divine soul. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
125:Truth manifesting the material universe is hopelessly obscured by the inadequate vehicles of its manifestation. Perfection manifesting through the imperfect appears by very necessity to be imperfect itself. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
126:Ignorance fears all things, falling, terror-stricken before the passing wind. Superstition stands as the monument to ignorance, and before it kneel all who realize their own weakness who see in all things the strength they do not possess ~ Manly P Hall,
127:Ignorance fears all things, falling, terror-stricken before the passing wind. Superstition stands as the monument to ignorance, and before it kneel all who realize their own weakness who see in all things the strength they do not possess ~ Manly P Hall,
128:It was the wish of Martin Luther that the Book of Revelation should be omitted from his translation of the Bible. In his opinion, the Apocalypse was of pagan origin, and was not a writing of the beloved John. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
129:Pythagoras said that the universal Creator had formed two things in His own image: The first was the cosmic system with its myriads of suns, moons, and planets; the second was man, in whose nature the entire universe existed in miniature. ~ Manly P Hall,
130:Pythagoras said that the universal Creator had formed two things in His own image: The first was the cosmic system with its myriads of suns, moons, and planets; the second was man, in whose nature the entire universe existed in miniature. ~ Manly P Hall,
131:Our troubles arise not from the failures of our thoughts alone; they arise largely because we have not given leadership to our hearts. We have not given to our souls the power to direct us in the right way of things. ~ Manly P Hall (Resurrection 1964, p.2),
132:It was apparent that materialism was in complete control of the economic structure, the final objective of which was for the individual to become part of a system providing an economic security at the expense of the human soul, mind, and body. ~ Manly P Hall,
133:No one is born without responsibility. Each living thing is responsible for itself, and when it fails to assume its individual responsibilities others must suffer as well as the thoughtless one. ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
134:When the disciples of Socrates questioned him concerning the Absolute, he also refused to discuss it, stating that it was beyond his wisdom and that it played no practical part in everyday life. ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
135:Intolerance is based upon a small certainty about things unknown. Yet intolerance can be the destroyer of religions and nations; hence the necessity for the statement of doubt, and moderation of theological enthusiasm. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
136:To the Eleusinian philosophers, birch into the physical world was death in the fullest sense of the word, and the only true birth was that of the spiritual soul of man rising out of the womb of his own fleshly nature. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of all Ages,
137:In the case of Moses as the wise man who leads the race, the Commandments are part of wisdom itself which Moses brings from the height of his own realization down to the valley where mortals dwell who cannot see the light. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
138:Strangely enough the mummy of the Pharaoh of the Exodus is now preserved in the Cairo Museum. He did not drown in the sea, but is believed to have died of the smallpox. Maybe this disease was the Red Sea that engulfed him. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
139:There are no initiates who are not clairvoyant, at least to a certain degree, for they cannot receive their spiritual ordination until they are capable of functioning consciously out of the physical body. ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
140:Impersonal consideration would indicate that very few of the first Christian martyrs were actually killed for their beliefs. Most of them were arrested for sedition and executed for crimes against the solidarity of the state. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
141:Plato defined good as threefold in character: good in the soul, expressed through the virtues; good in the body, expressed through the symmetry and endurance of the parts; and good in the external world, expressed through social position and companionship. ~ Manly P Hall,
142:We cannot be certain of the source of Paul's knowledge, but one thing is true beyond doubt, Paul did know: and his realization created a division within the Christian Church that all the centuries have been unable to overcome. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
143:Though the modern world may know a million secrets, the ancient world knew one - and that was greater than the million; for the million secrets breed death, disaster, sorrow, selfishness, lust, and avarice, but the one secret confers life, light, and truth. ~ Manly P Hall,
144:We have reached a period in the history of the world when ignorance is criminal and deserves the heaviest penalty. Ignorance is not black magic, but it is the greatest ally that the black magician has in the world today. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
145:In each life we have a personal complex which is a king ruling for a day. After death the complex is broken up, and the seven souls return to the seven planets, unless initiation has bound them together in a spiritual personality. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
146:The lower mind is the instrument of habit, appetite, emotion, sensation, and self-preservation. The higher mind accepts to itself philosophy, religion, and the arts, and contemplates the more refined elements of material existence. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
147:Our word college comes from the ancient collegium, which was a society of artisans bound together by vows. Our word gymnasium is derived from one of the names for the temple of wisdom. The institution is the mother of its graduates. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
148:The devil, the archetype of misuse, is not a son of Saturn, but a son of man and the false darkness of earth. Man is the incarnation of the germ of mental intelligence, and black magic is possible only to intelligent beings. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
149:According to Jacob Boehme, the New Jerusalem is the redeemed Adam, the man lifted up by the mystery of Christ. It is, therefore a spiritual symbol of the mystical state of being, where those dwell together who have received the light. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
150:As the spirit enters the human body when the embryo reaches a certain degree of unfoldment, so will the spirit of Truth enter the religious body when that structure has adequately prepared itself for such a coming. ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
151:Motive is the key to the problem of magic. Even the greatest of white magicians can become a degenerate in an instant if his motive becomes unworthy. The white magician serves humanity; the black magician seeks to serve himself. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
152:We all want the good things of life; we all desire to be surrounded by friends; but we have no right to expect to attract any of these things except when our own lives have earned us the right to be honored, respected, and admired. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
153:By Seth is to be understood a new generation, one which takes the place of the earlier creation that had failed and destroyed itself...The third of the children of Adam, Seth, is the third race, known in the occult tradition as the Lemurian. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
154:His Majesty [King James] decreed that the new version [of the Bible] should be modeled from the Bishops' Bible. Wherever the new translation agreed with the old, it should be accepted and, if it disagreed, the old should be given precedent. ~ Manly P Hall, The Bible, the Story of a Book,
155:There are no spiritual initiations given in the physical world. All the true initiations must take place in the invisible worlds, for that is the only place where there can be found those authorized and fitted to give them. ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
156:Jonah may be a symbolical prophecy bearing upon the death and resurrection of Christ. Cetus, the constellation of the great whale, was a symbol of the physical earth in which the body of Christ remained for three days before the Resurrection. ~ Manly P Hall, The Bible, the Story of a Book,
157:It was this doctrine of the humanity of Jesus that gave rise to Islamism. On one occasion Mohammed is reported to have said: "This Jesus was a good and holy man, a teacher among the Jews, but one day his disciples became mad and made a god of him." ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
158:The seven schools, together with their branches in all parts of the earth, constitute the Great White Lodge. [...] It is composed of all the initiates and adepts of the White Path and forms the invisible government of the earth. ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
159:Through the centuries, the Bible has inspired some of the noblest achievements of mankind. It has bestowed the courage to reform corrupt laws, to liberate human souls from slavery and bondage, and to advance justice in private and public conduct. ~ Manly P Hall, The Bible, the Story of a Book,
160:Without labor, there is no inspiration, and none can do our work for us but ourselves. The Ancient Wisdom demanded many years of purification and preparation before the adepts were willing to instruct in even the simplest things. ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
161:If we understand Adam to be man, the incarnating ego, the one father of all the bodies that are manifested by an entity during its life cycle, we will realize that by the fall is described the descent of this egoic vortex into the sphere of generation. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
162:The headdresses of the Egyptians have great symbolic and emblematic importance, for they represent the auric bodies of the superhuman intelligences, and are used in the same way that the nimbus, halo, and aureole are used in Christian religious art. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of all Ages,
163:All sincere Bible students must be mindful of the words of Synesius, Bishop of Alexandria: "Therefore, as a bishop of the church, I will continue to disseminate the fables of the church, but in my private capacity I shall remain a philosopher to the end." ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
164:Although the Ante-Nicene Fathers were aware of the inner mysteries of the Christian faith, a rising orthodoxy was content to disseminate the most literal possible explanations of the Christian mysteries. This is largely responsible for modern sectarianism. ~ Manly P Hall, The Bible, the Story of a Book,
165:Nowhere is black magic more apparent than in the modern phases of religion. In both the new and old doctrines, instead of emphasizing the will of the Logos as the law of men, students have been taught to demand of the Infinite, and that He will obey. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
166:Rome was exceedingly tolerant religiously. The temples of a score of faiths faced upon the Forum. As long as men paid their taxes and admitted their allegiance, Rome cared but little for private belief, provided that belief threatened no treason to the state. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
167:Before wisdom can be given to him, it is necessary that his evil nature be cleansed. So the Masters give him the labor of purifying himself as the first test of his sincerity. All that follows depends on how that first work is accomplished. ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
168:Therefore, the twelve disciples actually represent the twelve attributes of the Logos, or the sun, both visible and invisible; and should be considered the parts of one being, rather than twelve separate beings, each with an arbitrary interpretation of its own. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
169:The Christian church blindly follows ancient customs, and when asked for a reason gives superficial and unsatisfactory explanations, either forgetting or ignoring the indisputable fact that each religion is based upon the secret doctrines of its predecessor. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of all Ages,
170:In the ancient Hebrew language the word which is translated "ladder" can also mean a hill, a mound, or any artificially contrived means of ascent. It is quite possible therefore that the Jews used the term ladder to include the type of building now called a pyramid. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
171:Still, with all its faults, and with all its misinterpretations, the Christian Bible is the greatest book in English literature. But like most other great books, it must be approached with understanding, gentleness, impersonality, and a sincere desire to find truth. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
172:A reasonable interpretation of the Biblical writings is one based upon a system of cross reference in which all the great schools of ancient religion and philosophy are considered as one composite structure. Thus each system is interpreted in the light of the others. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
173:Charles Thomson (1729-1824) was the first to translate the Septuagint Bible into English. Thomson was Secretary of the Continental Congress of the United States of America, a close friend of Thomas Jefferson, and was highly respected by most of the Founding Fathers. ~ Manly P Hall, The Bible, the Story of a Book,
174:We would have much less trouble if our psychologists refrained from speaking for the first five years, for most of them are preaching with no more foundation for their eloquence than two weeks' study with someone no better informed than themselves. ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
175:The Cabalists insist that in the body of man the Shekinah is a subtle essence, the medium through which the spirit acts upon the blood. In the macrocosm, or the universe, the Shekinah is the mysterious field of energy by means of which the solar light acts upon nature. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
176:A rare manuscript of the apostle Barnabas was for some time in the possession of Cranmer; in this it is definitely stated that Christ was not crucified. He was carried into the third heaven by the four angels, Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, and Uriel. Judas died in his place. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
177:Some Gnostics were of the opinion that the Jewish God, Jehovah, was the Demiurgus. This concept, under a slightly different name, apparently influenced mediæval Rosicrucianism, which viewed Jehovah as the Lord of the material universe rather than as the Supreme Deity. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of all Ages,
178:Throughout the entire ritual were repeated references to the birth of Mithras as the Sun God, his sacrifice for man, his death that men might have eternal life, and lastly, his resurrection and the saving of all humanity by his intercession before the throne of Ormuzd. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of all Ages,
179:Actually, however, he [Constantine] seems to have presided in an honorary capacity and tool little part, if any, in the theological discussions. The real heads of the council on a religious level were probably Hosius of Cordova and the papal legates, Victor and Vicentius. ~ Manly P Hall, The Bible, the Story of a Book,
180:Samson, the Hebrew hero, as his name implies, is also a solar deity. His fight with the Nubian lion, his battles with the Philistines, who represent the Powers of Darkness, and his memorable feat of carrying off the gates of Gaza, all refer to aspects of solar activity. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of all Ages,
181:To understand any one sacred book completely it is necessary to understand all other sacred books. In spite of human prejudice to the contrary, there is but one religion and one truth and all the great faiths of the world are parts or fragments of the Anscient Wisdom.
   ~ Manly P Hall, The Students Monthly Letter 1973,
182:The emperor [Constantine], realizing that the council was hopelessly entangled in its controversial issues, recommended the formulation of the basic creed to which all the various bishops would subscribe and thus have a common and mutually acceptable statement of orthodoxy. ~ Manly P Hall, The Bible, the Story of a Book,
183:When we gaze upon the wondrous spectacle of the Last Judgement on the wall of the Sistine Chapel with the knowledge that it was painted by Michelangelo, a mortal person, gifted but still human, something within ourselves is overwhelmed by the mystic vision of the Divine Plan. ~ Manly P Hall, The Bible, the Story of a Book,
184:While Le Plongeon may be right, the possible historical queen sinks into insignificance when compared with the allegorical, symbolic World Virgin; and the fact that she appears among so many different races and peoples discredits the theory that she was a historical individual. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of all Ages,
185:Alexandria was an important center of classical publishing. Organized groups of scribes would copy almost any manuscript available in the Alexandrian libraries for a reasonable fee. The final destruction of these libraries may well have destroyed the precious biblical manuscripts. ~ Manly P Hall, The Bible, the Story of a Book,
186:The prevalent delusion seems to be that a religiously-oriented person is at a disadvantage in an intensely capitalistic society. Honesty has no recommendation these days, sincerity is not respected by one's own family, and fidelity inhibits the gratification of physical pleasures. ~ Manly P Hall, The Bible, the Story of a Book,
187:Paracelsus, the Cabalist, says that man's spirit comes from the stars, his soul from the planets, his body from the elements. This is the arrangement set forth in the structure of the Tabernacle, and is an important key to the interpretation of all sacred places, shrines, and temples. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
188:Esoterically, the Hanged Man is the human spirit which is suspended from heaven by a single thread. Wisdom, not death, is the reward for this voluntary sacrifice during which the human soul, suspended above the world of illusion, and meditating upon its unreality, is rewarded by the achievement of self-realization. ~ Manly P Hall,
189:The method of communication used by the spiritual powers is faithfully set out by Josephus in his description of the Ark of the Covenant and the priests who served it. This ark was an oracle, and the gods spoke to the high priest by means of the language of symbolism. ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
190:A few atheists are determined to prevent religious sentiments from receiving public support. What do they offer in the place of such an inspiring faith? Atheism is especially difficult in the last hours of human life. All that has been gained by avarice and ambition must be left behind. ~ Manly P Hall, The Bible, the Story of a Book,
191:Odin spoke to Mimir, the god of memory and wisdom, and begged the knowledge of all things, and Mimir spoke and said: "If thou wouldst know all things, pluck out thine eye and cast it into my pool." Odin did so, and received the knowledge of every mystery except the secret of his own death. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
192:Out of the struggles of these men after truth, out of their prayers and meditations, out of debate and controversy, out of feud and schism emerged Christian theology - the product of fallible men, dreaming after the infallible, seeking with finite minds to probe the mysteries of the infinite. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
193:The life of Jesus between his infancy and his thirtieth year undoubtedly was devoted to travel and study. It is a fallacy to believe that the teachings attributed to Jesus are a direct and unique revelation. All of his teachings can be traced to older religions and the faiths of other peoples. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
194:The fish is one of the most ancient symbols of the human soul, and it was the original symbol of Christianity. [...] Jesus as the fisher of men, or the fish man, appears to come from the Chaldean story of Dagon who came out of the sea and brought religion, philosophy, and science to his people. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
195:In the Jewish metaphysics, the Ark is the planet or the solar system floating in a sea of cosmic space, its decks crowded with the complex genera of living things. Thus the Deluge myth is a part of the story of the Fall of Man, told differently, but still retaining for the wise its secret import. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
196:The Elohim are also the seven Cabiri of Samothrace; the seven rays upon the golden crown of the Gnostic Lion; the sacred seven, the unwritten vowels which together make up the name of the manifested divinity, the seven colors of the spectrum, the seven days of creation, the seven seals of Revelation. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
197:Also in the same verse [Genesis 4:17] Cain builds a city which he names after his son. One man could scarcely build a city, nor could the abode of one man be termed a city. But when we realize that Cain is a race, we then understand that the story of Cain's wanderings is an account of racial migration. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
198:Sun worship played an important part in nearly all the early pagan Mysteries. This indicates the probability of their Atlantean origin, for the people of Atlantis were sun worshipers. The Solar Deity was usually personified as a beautiful youth, with long golden hair to symbolize the rays of the sun. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of all Ages,
199:When Jesus insists that he be baptized by John, the inner meaning is that Jesus insists upon being accepted into the old dispensation. [...] By John baptizing with water, Israel is represented as possessing the Lesser Mysteries; and Christ by baptizing with fire is made to represent the Greater Mysteries. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
200:This was indeed a temple "built without sound of hammer or voice of workmen" - it was the Everlasting Temple Eternal in the Heavens. Josephus, the Jewish historian, was aware that the Tabernacle in the Wilderness was a symbol of the Universe. This is also true of Solomon's Temple, in even more perfect measure. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
201:The disciple will probably be visited at night by his Teacher, who will come in a superphysical body. [...] If he has not developed his spiritual nature by right living, right thinking and right feeling during his probation as a student, he will be unable to recognize the Master when he comes. ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
202:Man remains in the physical world, according to the Ancient Wisdom, for approximately eight hundred earth lives, during which time he passes through an infinite diversity of human forms and environments, and learns to master the various organic qualities from which dense physical vehicles are manufactured. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
203:Pharaoh is the power referred to later by Jesus as "The prince of this world." He is "wordly wisdom" of Bunyan's Pilgrims Progress. Pharaoh is the personification of temporal pomp and splendor, those diversified objects of selfishness, jealousy, and greed which keep men in bondage to the least parts of themselves. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
204:So Melchizedek is father Sedek, the father of the planets and the Cabirian artificers. Thus Sedek is the sun. We have the same symbolism as with Moses, the letters of whose name, if rearranged, form the name of the sun, samach. Moses, the red-haired man and Melchizedek the king, the first priest, are both sun-men. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
205:The disciple will probably be visited at night by his Teacher, who will come in a superphysical body. [...] If he has not developed his spiritual nature by right living, right thinking and right feeling during his probation as a student, he will be unable to recognize the Master when he comes. ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
206:There is a false darkness and a true darkness. The true darkness is the womb of Light; the false darkness, the perversion of the light that pours out of the true darkness. Natural darkness is the basic principle of things, while the false darkness is the result of debasing the power of the angles of Satan. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
207:The most perplexing and comparatively unsolvable mystery with which the Christian theologian is faced is the almost complete lack of historical evidence concerning the life of Christ. If we except a few palpable forgeries, our knowledge of the life of Christ is based principally upon the accounts given in the Gospels. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
208:All who are not consciously fortified in the path of right are possible victims of these monsters of iniquity; all who are not consciously on the white path, and firmly established in the way of sincerity and truth, are in eternal danger of these Harpies who float like soulless specters on the tide of evolution. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
209:During the medieval times there sprang up in Europe a mysterious sect called the ILLUMINATI. The story of the pearl of great price became the most important part of their ritual, and members of the order were dedicated to the search for this pearl in the same way that the Knights of the Round Table sought for the Grail. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
210:Esoterically, the Hanged Man is the human spirit which is suspended from heaven by a single thread. Wisdom, not death, is the reward for this voluntary sacrifice during which the human soul, suspended above the world of illusion, and meditating upon its unreality, is rewarded by the achievement of self-realization. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages,
211:To Peter there were no "mysteries," all was literally and utterly true. [...] With an almost unlimited capacity to believe, Peter questioned nothing [...] Peter was not different from many of the evangelists of our present time who, in the face of an ever-growing knowledge, preach the "jot and tittle" of the scriptures. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
212:All who are not consciously fortified in the path of right are possible victims of these monsters of iniquity; all who are not consciously on the white path, and firmly established in the way of sincerity and truth, are in eternal danger of these Harpies who float like soulless specters on the tide of evolution. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
213:The greatest art in all the world is the art of being natural, for that which is natural shall survive. For ages religion has been founded upon a false hypothesis. It has sought to fill the world with miracles and unnatural things. It has sought to dictate and dogmatize. For this reason it is failing. ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
214:Every soul is engaged in a great work-the labor of personal liberation from the state of ignorance. The world is a great prison; its bars are the Unknown. And each is a prisoner until, at last, he earns the right to tear these bars from their moldering sockets, and pass, illuminated and inspired into the darkness, which becomes lighted by that presence ~ Manly P Hall,
215:Thus it becomes obvious to the studiously minded that the writers of the New Testament intended the agricultural myth to be recognized as one of the keys to the resurrection story. [...] When the plant emerges from the seed its form is changed, and it is therefore not recognizable to those who knew only its previous state. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
216:Every soul is engaged in a great work-the labor of personal liberation from the state of ignorance. The world is a great prison; its bars are the Unknown. And each is a prisoner until, at last, he earns the right to tear these bars from their moldering sockets, and pass, illuminated and inspired into the darkness, which becomes lighted by that presence ~ Manly P Hall,
217:Pluto, the lord of the underworld, represents the body intelligence of man; and the rape of Persephone is symbolic of the divine nature assaulted and defiled by the animal soul and dragged downward into the somber darkness of Hades, which is here used as a synonym for the material, or objective, sphere of consciousness. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of all Ages,
218:First, in Hebrew, Elohim is an androgynous term inferring a combination of male and female attributes. Second, the word, by its termination, is plural. Actually therefore the word Elohim means "the male-female creators," representing a host or at least a group of powers and not, under any condition, a single personal entity. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
219:The Gnostics divided humanity into three parts: those who, as savages, worshiped only the visible Nature; those who, like the Jews, worshiped the Demiurgus; and lastly, themselves, or others of a similar cult, including certain sects of Christians, who worshiped Nous (Christ) and the true spiritual light of the higher Æons. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of all Ages,
220:If any of these demoniacal creatures were to confront a person on the physical plane, it would scare him to death, but because the unfortunate person does not see them, he does not worry. It would be wise if people did consider them, however, as they will find out if they do not fortify themselves by taking the White Path. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
221:[...] life is consciousness and wisdom; and those who do not possess it are dead thought they seem to live. He who possesses the Truth shall still live though he seem to die. Wisdom bestows immortality upon internal consciousness. Immortality is not continuance in one body, but the continuance of consciousness through many bodies. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
222:Of this Mosheim writes, "The council assembled by Constantine at Nice, is one of the most famous and interesting events that are presented to us in ecclesiastical history; and yet, what is most surprising, scarcely any part of the history of the church has been unfolded with such negligence, or rather passed over with such rapidity." ~ Manly P Hall, The Bible, the Story of a Book,
223:Balder the Beautiful--the Scandinavian Christ--was the beloved son of Odin. Balder was not warlike; his kindly and beautiful spirit brought peace and joy to the hearts of the gods, and they all loved him save one. As Jesus had a Judas among His twelve disciples, so one of the twelve gods was false--Loki, the personification of evil. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of all Ages,
224:Careful study will show that the entire account is a cleverly concealed myth which parallels closely the Greek myth of Hercules. The name Hercules means the glory of Hera (who was the Queen of Heaven). In Hebrew, Samson means sunlike. Samson is a solar personification, and, like Hercules, performs certain labors consistent with his role. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
225:In the year 1803, Thomas Jefferson cut from the pages of the New Testament such verses as presented the ethical teachings of Jesus concisely and in what he considered to be the proper sequence. The labor was not for his own use alone, but for the benefit of Indian tribes unable to understand the numerous complications of the Scriptures. ~ Manly P Hall, The Bible, the Story of a Book,
226:Satan is the spirit of caution, prudence, and when perverted, negation. At his door are laid the sins of omission. Few realize that man is responsible for the things he has not done. That is part of the law. It is just as wrong not to do the right things as it is to do the wrong thing. Satan inhibits, he draws back, he holds aloof. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
227:The magicians of Pharaoh's court, like the scientists of today, represent material knowledge, in itself miraculous and full of wonder, but not in harmony with divine wisdom. The rod of Aaron represents truth. The serpent form of it is the serpent of wisdom; and spiritual truth swallowed up or devoured all the false truth of the material world. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
228:Many of the first converts to the Christian faith were men of Greek learning. Therefore, in the interpretation of Christian metaphysics, it will be useful to consider the substance of Platonic teaching concerning the nature of the LOGOS. It will then be obvious that the Christian teaching is but a thinly veiled re-statement of the Greek original. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
229:By another interpretation, equally significant, the serpent tempter represents the intellectual principle. This is evident from the words of Jesus in the New Testament, "be ye wise as serpents." The intellectual principle leads to the experience of conscious self-responsibility. This is exile from the Edenic garden of innocence, spiritual infancy. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
230:For reasons which they doubtless considered sufficient, those who chronicled the life and acts of Jesus found it advisable to metamorphose him into a solar deity. The historical Jesus was forgotten; nearly all the salient incidents recorded in the four Gospels have their correlations in the movements, phases, or functions of the heavenly bodies. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of all Ages,
231:The spirit of man is regarded as a luminous principle perfect in wisdom, the origin of the life in man. This spirit, descending into dark bodies, achieves through the chemistry of experience the mysterious power that is called Soul. The Virgin of the world is Soul; in the Universe the World Soul; in man the human soul. The soul is the dark Princess. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
232:If by Christ, then, we represent Truth which is the firstborn of Reality, the eternal Messiah, the universal Savior, we have perceived the substance behind the shadow. As long as we are satisfied with a merely literal explanation pinning our hope of salvation upon the historical circumstance, we have not gone far in the understanding of spiritual mysteries. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
233:The stars are the races of heaven, the population of the firmament, and they are ruled by kings greater than any kings of the earth, even the kings of Edom - the Lords of the stars. When we think of Israel, therefore, we have not only to consider a people or a tribe or nation, but of the whole life of nature, the gods of heaven whose shadows are upon earth. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
234:Remember that Saturn is the chief of the Elohim in that he is the eldest of the seven planets or Chaldean gods. It is Saturn who says in the beginning: "Let there be a firmament in the midst of the deep." When the first day of manifestation, or remanifestation, begins, the Saturnine principle of crystallization dominates space and the firmament is manifested. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
235:There are two great systems in the body of man: the tree of life, which is the arterial with its roots in the heart; and, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, i.e. the nervous system, which has its roots in the brain. These two "trees" are physical manifestations of a complicated network of branching energy currents in the aura or superphysical bodies. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
236:The seven schools, each composed of twelve initiates and their disciples surrounding a thirteenth exalted brother, are the God-ordained perpetuators of the Ancient Wisdom as it has come from the dawn of the world when the gods descended from the nebula of the sun and took up their dwelling place on the sacred island at the north polar cap. ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
237:Has any scientist, politician, educator, or philosopher been able to refute the words of Solomon? Are we willing to ignore universal integrity and trust our fate and future upon nuclear fission, chemical warfare, and the strategies of materialistically-minded economists? It would seem that the Bible is trying to tell us something, but we are slow of learning. ~ Manly P Hall, The Bible, the Story of a Book,
238:Those who dedicate themselves to the processes of discipline and self improvement set down by the old masters, are preparing themselves to enter the house of wisdom by the proper gate. On the other hand, such foolish mortals as believe they can breathe, chant, intone, psychologize or affirm themselves into a state of all knowing are trying to pick locks for which they have not filed the key. ~ Manly P Hall,
239:The Passover is the annual passing over of the sun from the southern to the northern hemisphere, according to primitive ideas concerning astronomy. The sacrifice of the lamb at this period was practised by the pagan Greeks who regarded the vernal equinox as the annual rebirth of the savior god. The ceremony of Easter is the perpetuation of pagan equinoctial rites. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
240:The eye single, the third eye painted on the foreheads of oriental gods, the inner eye, the symbolic eye of Horus, see inwardly; whereas the physical eyes behold only the outer parts. It is with the eye single, the eye of the gods, that man can behold the sanctum sanctorum, the little room in the heart, where between the wings of the cherub hovers the shekinah's glory. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
241:In the ancient system of initiation, the truth seeker must pass through a second birth, and those who attained this exalted state were known thereafter as 'the twice born.' Only one who has been born again can understand the mysteries of heaven. This new birth, however, is not attained by merely joining a sect. It must be personally earned through a complete regeneration of character and conduct.
   ~ Manly P Hall,
242:We can only escape from the world by outgrowing the world. Death may take man out of the world but only wisdom can take the world out of the man. As long as the human being is obsessed by worldliness, he will suffer from the Karmic consequences of false allegiances. When however, worldliness is transmuted into Spiritual Integrity he is free, even though he still dwells physically among worldly things. ~ Manly P Hall,
243:The Children of the Dark Birth who labor in the blackness of this substance, molding it into myriads of unseen and unmeasured form, are not evil. They are the sons of Saturn (Satan), the Black Father, who, like the very darkness of chaos itself, must in time swallow all his creations and, in so doing, bring them back to life again from the death that men call creation. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
244:In any event, the emperor [Constantine] saw the wisdom of providing the various congregations with a comprehensive text of the accepted writings. He therefore sponsored the preparation of fifty large and fine volumes to be prepared for the use of the principal churches in Constantinople. This is probably the first occasion in which the two testaments were united in one volume. ~ Manly P Hall, The Bible, the Story of a Book,
245:In the Gospel account, the flight into Egypt is inserted during the infancy of Jesus to prevent the pious reader from inferring that Jesus was a student of Egyptian philosophy. The date of the return of Jesus from Egypt is not given, and this has led a majority of readers to the uninformed conclusion that he returned while still a child. Such a conclusion is not necessarily true. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
246:The Edenic Garden contained not only the rudiments of human existence but also the other kingdoms which were to manifest. It was therefore a sort of superior earth in which forms of life developed and prepared themselves for physical incarnation, even as the wise in this world are building superphysical bodies in which to function when the race has finished its physical evolution. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
247:Having become a citizen of two worlds, the individual must act accordingly. There can be no backsliding, because the individual must reach a state of certainty before this enlightenment is given that makes it utterly and completely impossible to backslide. He cannot ‘get it’ and then fail and turn from it. If he turns from it, it means he never had it. If he fails, he fails himself. He cannot fail the infinite. ~ Manly P Hall,
248:Every soul is engaged in a great work-the labor of personal liberation from the state of ignorance. The world is a great prison; its bars are the Unknown. And each is a prisoner until, at last, he earns the right to tear these bars from their moldering sockets, and pass, illuminated and inspired into the darkness, which becomes lighted by that presence ~ Manly P Hall, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry: Or the Secret of Hiram Abiff,
249:Having become a citizen of two worlds, the individual must act accordingly. There can be no backsliding, because the individual must reach a state of certainty before this enlightenment is given that makes it utterly and completely impossible to backslide. He cannot 'get it' and then fail and turn from it. If he turns from it, it means he never had it. If he fails, he fails himself. He cannot fail the infinite. ~ Manly P Hall,
250:Several authors have attempted to prove that Isis, Osiris, Typhon, Nephthys, and Aroueris (Thoth, or Mercury) were grandchildren of the great Jewish patriarch Noah by his son Ham. But as the story of Noah and his ark is a cosmic allegory concerning the repopulation of planets at the beginning of each world period, this only makes it less likely that they were historical personages. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of all Ages,
251:The occultist and the philosopher are entirely willing to accept the mystical truths of Christianity for they are a part of all truth, all revelation, and all mysteries. What the mystic seeks to escape is not true Christianity but the contendings of unnumbered jarring sects that have theologized Jesus out of existence and put in his place a figure of their own conception. ~ Manly P Hall, The Students Monthly Letter, 4th year #10,
252:When the human race learns to read the language of symbolism, a great veil will fall from the eyes of men. They shall then know truth and, more than that, they shall realize that from the beginning truth has been in the world unrecognized, save by a small but gradually increasing number appointed by the Lords of the Dawn as ministers to the needs of human creatures struggling co regain their consciousness of divinity. ~ Manly P Hall,
253:The white magician consecrates his life to study, meditation, and service, that he may know the law and may direct force to its appointed ends. He mods himself into the plan, becoming part of the divine rhythm by sacrificing himself and his wishes to the will of the Infinite, asking only to know wherein his duty lies and how he may be of the greatest service to the greatest number. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
254:When the human race learns to read the language of symbolism, a great veil will fall from the eyes of men. They shall then know truth and, more than that, they shall realize that from the beginning truth has been in the world unrecognized, save by a small but gradually increasing number appointed by the Lords of the Dawn as ministers to the needs of human creatures struggling co regain their consciousness of divinity. ~ Manly P Hall,
255:The white magician consecrates his life to study, meditation, and service, that he may know the law and may direct force to its appointed ends. He mods himself into the plan, becoming part of the divine rhythm by sacrificing himself and his wishes to the will of the Infinite, asking only to know wherein his duty lies and how he may be of the greatest service to the greatest number. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
256:The confusion, the intolerance, the inconsistencies, have really nothing to do with religion at all; they are related to the inevitable and eternal bickering of human nature; they reveal not the failure of Deity, but the natural tendency of man. And until we realize that in some way religion has an existence apart from the human mind, we are never going to solve our problem. ~ Manly P Hall, Babel and the Confusion of Tongues 1971, p.6,
257:The story of Moses being found in an ark of bulrushes in the Nile is definitely derived from the story of the Egyptian Osiris and is a key to the meaning of his life. We learn that Moses was an initiate priest of the Egyptian Mysteries and had received the Rites of Osiris. There is debate as to whether he was a Jew or an Egyptian. In all probability he was neither, but had his origin in Asia. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
258:No man who is sick should be healed merely because he is ailing. He should learn the lesson that accompanies the disease that he has brought upon himself. To affirm health is foolishness; to find out the reason for the ailment, make right the wrong, and become healthy again, is wise and proper. To be so moderate, so wise, so thoughtful as not to become sick, is still better philosophy. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
259:On the other hand, the black magician is firmly of the belief that he knows what he needs, when in reality he only knows what he wants. He seeks to mold the Plan into his own desires. He believes that the universe wants him to be greater than his fellow men, when the Cosmic All does not know that he exists other than a tiny atom passing with myriads of similar things to an appointed end. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
260:It is only after the unhappy experience of worldliness that man desires to return again to his father's house to begin the long and difficult evolutionary process which leads him back to God. At last, after numerous trials, he comes again to his father, who receives him with great joy and gives him preferment above his righteous brother who never having been tempted had never risen above temptation. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
261:Solomon tells us something else in the Proverbs. He tells us that it is impossible to be wise without living in harmony with the Divine Plan. Only the soul that is gentle and filled with the love of truth is capable of great learning, and no man can learn more than he himself is. Increase of knowledge infers increase of spiritual stature. As we grow in integrity we become capable of greater knowledge. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
262:Man has no free will at the present time, but merely the power of choice over a certain area of incidents brought, by his ever growing consciousness, within the scope of his comprehension. These incidents have been differentiated by his evolving organism from the dark primum hyle, or the true blackness. The greater his growth, the larger the area of his choices and the greater his independence. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
263:The next important allegory relates to the creation of Eve, the female or negative principle. To understand this, we must realize that the original Adamic Man, that is, the spirit in its luminous vestments, was in itself androgynous. According to the ancient Jewish legends, Adam was formed with two faces and two bodies united back to back; that is, with two natures, each facing in the opposite direction. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
264:As Plato used the history of the lost continent to veil the secret of man's lost spiritual state, so likewise did the Hindus, Chinese, Chaldeans, Mayans, and Jews. There can be no doubt that there is a direct relationship between the story of Noah and the lost Atlantis, but what most writers have been unable to discover is the relationship between both Noah and Atlantis and a third metaphysical tradition. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
265:According to Madame Blavatsky, the disobedience of Adam and the eating of the forbidden fruit, represented an effort to secure the esoteric wisdom without being properly and duly initiated. In other words, it was a violation of the laws of the Mystery Schools - an attempt to storm the gates of heaven. For this violation primitive humanity was exiled from the spiritual state, and the symbolic Fall occurred. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
266:This Egyptian deity [Isis] under many names appears as the principle of natural fecundity among nearly all the religions of the ancient world. She was known as the goddess with ten thousand appellations and was metamorphosed by Christianity into the Virgin Mary, for Isis, although she gave birth to all living things--chief among them the Sun--still remained a virgin, according to the legendary accounts. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of all Ages,
267:The Creating Power, in its aspect as the law of nature, now pronounces a curse upon the disobedient mortals. They are doomed to the cycle of birth and death. They are no longer supported and sustained by the inward light but must struggle to survive in a universe of doubts and fears. Ixion is bound to his wheel, and the cycle of necessity has gained dominion over the divine spark - the hosts of Adamic souls. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
268:The resurrection is not the raising of the dead from their graveclothes and their tombs; it is lifting up into life and light the spiritual nature which is within man. Truly, it is the Christ in you, the hope of glory, that must be raised up. The resurrection is an internal and eternal mystery. It is regeneration, the release of the spiritual entity from its material sepulcher of body, instinct, and appetite. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
269:When the vehicles or bodies built up first from the more subtile parts of the physical globe reached a certain degree of development, the spirits dwelling in the ether above, and called in the Bible the "Sons of God," flowed downward and into the new bodies, which were called the "daughters of men"; or more correctly the daughters of manas or mind - the mind - formed bodies; for the word man literally means mind. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
270:The World Virgin is sometimes shown standing between two great pillars--the Jachin and Boaz of Freemasonry--symbolizing the fact that Nature attains productivity by means of polarity. As wisdom personified, Isis stands between the pillars of opposites, demonstrating that understanding is always found at the point of equilibrium and that truth is often crucified between the two thieves of apparent contradiction. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of all Ages,
271:It must be acknowledged then, that the authorship of the Revelation is extremely uncertain. The claims of the Authorized Version that it was the work of John, while on the Isle of Patmos, may be liberally discounted. It is quote possible that the Cerinthus story is the correct one. If so, the Revelation may be the most important work in the entire New Testament; for the reason that it arose from Gnostic scholarship. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
272:The human race has never desired that which was best for it, but like a child it reaches out its hands and cries for the moon. Today the race does not know what is good for it, and individuals, instead of seeking to unfold their constitutions symmetrically, have gone mad over a system of philosophical hocus-pocus which promises something for nothing and exchanges divine wisdom for a moderate fee. ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
273:It is not force or power, but the perversion of force which constitutes evil. The magician says: "Demon est deus inversus." We may say: "The Demon is power perverted." Therefore man, the perverter of power, is the creator of demons, because he is the lowest creature capable of exercising authority from within his own being. The lower kingdoms are forced to react upon group impression and obey unquestioningly. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
274:According to the Gospel account, Jesus was crucified directly over the burial place of Adam. This is mystically set forth on certain crucifixes by the addition of a small skull and crossbones near the foot of the cross. After Noah had removed the body of Adam from the ark, he buried on Golgotha. Accounts like this contribute to the realization that we are dealing with spiritual allegories rather than historical facts. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
275:Ceres appeared before Pluto, god of the souls of the dead, and pleaded with him to allow Persephone to return to her home. This the god at first refused to do, because Persephone had eaten of the pomegranate, the fruit of mortality. At last, however, he compromised and agreed to permit Persephone to live in the upper world half of the year if she would stay with him in the darkness of Hades for the remaining half. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of all Ages,
276:Always try to solve as much of a problem yourself as is possible. Do not develop the leaning habit. [...] the more we develop the habit of leaning, the weaker we become. [...] web must realize that as a nation or a community develops leaners, it becomes weaker as a whole. Where the person tries to evade the need for personal decision, solution, and responsibility, the result is always weakness. ~ Manly P Hall, Five Mistakes That Can Lead to Tragedy - Lecture Note 082,
277:It may seem strange that one story or account may have several meanings, but such is the working of the Cabala. In the original Hebrew there were numerical and letter cyphers to aid in the decoding of the hidden information. Translation and editing have destroyed these older Cabalistic patterns and it is now necessary to have recourse to the fascinating field of comparative religion in order to unlock the Biblical secrets. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
278:The Druids of Britain and Gaul had a deep knowledge concerning the mysteries of Isis and worshiped her under the symbol of the moon. Godfrey Higgins considers it a mistake to regard Isis as synonymous with the moon. The moon was chosen for Isis because of its dominion over water. The Druids considered the sun to be the father and the moon the mother of all things. By means of these symbols they worshiped Universal Nature. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of all Ages,
279:A reconciliation between theism and atheism would not be especially difficult if modern scholars gave some attention to allegory, mythology, and legendry. Homer, Hesiod, and Virgil were neither superstitious nor gullible. They perpetuated philosophical fables with profound meanings concealed beneath the folklore of remote times. Each generation can interpret the old beliefs and benefit greatly by such liberal thoughtfulness. ~ Manly P Hall, The Bible, the Story of a Book,
280:The average individual does not realize that life, consciousness, and intelligence are separate and apart from physical substance, merely functioning through chemical bodies during the temporary span which we call life in the chemical world. One of the great occult laws is that to function in any sphere or plane of substance in nature you must have a body sensitive to and capable of adjustment with that plane of substance. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
281:In certain parts of the New Testament Jesus is made to teach through parables, through homely sayings about familiar things. But the reader must not be deceived into overlooking the fact that a large part of the New Testament itself is a parable, a human statement of divine matters, and that Christ stands in the midst of the great Christian parable as the personification of the righteous man passing through the vicissitudes of life. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
282:Sinai, though pointed out to travellers in the Holy Land as a single peak in the drear desert, is no mountain of earth; but the mountain of the gods, the mysterious hill to the clouded summit of which the wisest of mystics have lifted their eyes. It is the mountain of illumination, the high place of realization. The mountain is symbolical of a state of consciousness, the highest degree of final consciousness to which man can ascend. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
283:Thought awoke feeling, and the fire-worlds were born, and our system, celestial and terrestrial, existed as a flaming nebula. [...] Feeling gave birth to impulse [...] Finally, the crystallization of humidity resulted in the formation of the solid earth, referred to as the black man, often called in India the sudra, or the creature born into slavery, doomed to live in chains until the night of the gods dissolved its shackles. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
284:The New Testament in the surviving form is known only through early Greek manuscripts of which the earliest are believed to date from the fourth century A.D. Three important manuscripts were probably among those commissioned by Constantine. They are the Codex Vaticanus (Codex B), Codex Alexandrinus (Codex A), and the Codex Sinaiticus (Codex Aleph). The first of these is in the Vatican Library and the other two are in the British Museum. ~ Manly P Hall, The Bible, the Story of a Book,
285:An occultist is an expert in the science of life. As an operative magician, he is able to manipulate the forces of nature to the gratification of whatever end he may desire but woe to him if those ends are not in harmony with the natural plan! By means of his knowledge, he may work miracles, like the magicians of India, but: his feats are miraculous only to those who do not know as much as he does concerning the subtle forces of nature. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
286:The later Atlantean world crumbled because it wavered from the law. It forgot that Nature was the ruler of all things, and in attempting to survive unnaturally it was destroyed. Before its disintegration, however, the Ancient Wisdom passed into the new Aryan world, where from the heart of the lofty Himalayas its adepts and initiates began the process of building a new people to be the living tabernacles of the gods among men. ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
287:To the Gnostics, the Christ was the personification of Nous, the Divine Mind, and emanated from the higher spiritual Æons. He descended into the body of Jesus at the baptism and left it again before the crucifixion. The Gnostics declared that the Christ was not crucified, as this Divine Nous could not suffer death, but that Simon, the Cyrenian, offered his life instead and that the Nous, by means of its power, caused Simon to resemble Jesus. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of all Ages,
288:During the Atlantean periods of which Plato dreamed, the work of gathering and arranging the Ancient Wisdom went on apace, for the people of Atlantis were the greatest exponents of concrete thought the world has ever known. The Atlanteans never fully understood the wisdom that was theirs, for even in those early times the gods had withdrawn from the mass of humanity, and spoke to m an only through appointed priests and oracles. ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
289:From Shem, Japeth, and Ham descend the races of humanity, and to this newly established human kind is given the collective term Israel. The word Israel signifies not the Jew in particular, but all humanity, and the evolution of man in the period subsequent to the Atlantean Deluge is symbolically described by the wanderings of the twelve tribes of Israel. These tribes are the twelve orders of human beings dominated by the twelve signs of the Zodiac. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
290:To most Bible students Jesus was physically and literally raised from the dead, appearing physically and literally to his disciples. But a study of the gospel account by no means substantiates this attitude; it implies that both the resurrection and ascension were spiritual mysteries. The Christian awaits his day of liberation when he shall be reborn in Christ, but it seems that he is not informed as to the true nature of this spiritual experience. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
291:Constantine Magnus was neither the best nor the worst of the Roman emperors, but he was probably the most practical. He and Licinius issues the Edict of Milan (313 A.D.) proclaiming the right of the Christians to follow the mod of religion which appeared best to them. [...] the emperor acted with dignity, courtesy, and restraint in the delicate task of attempting to arbitrate the theological differences which had arisen among the Christian groups. ~ Manly P Hall, The Bible, the Story of a Book,
292:According to the old Mysteries, the secret father, or as the Greeks called it, the hidden god, abode in the heart - that is, in the sanctum sanctorum. Man prays not to some vast spirit in the sky, but rather to the divine principle within himself; that is his god, his own spirit; his own over-self; the father that abides in the innermost. Many have raised their eyes to the skies, but few have turned them inward to the contemplation of the hidden god. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
293:There comes a time in the growth of every living individual thing when it realizes with dawning consciousness that it is a prisoner. While apparently free to move and have its being, the struggling life cognizes through ever greater vehicles its own limitations. It is at this point that man cries out with greater insistence to be liberated from the binding ties which, though invisible to mortal eyes, still chain him with bonds far more terrible than those of any physical prison. ~ Manly P Hall,
294:If Satan were to go out of the scheme, man would be burned up by the fiery passions of Mars and the angels of Lucifer. Without the chill, caution, and curbing of Saturn, his soul would speedily be lost in utter debauchery and licentiousness. If on the other hand, Lucifer should withdraw, man would soon be a stone again, incapable of incentive, of motion or emotion, and chained, like the sufferers of Dante's Inferno, by the icy fingers of death. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
295:The power of the early Church lay in its influence over the masses. It was not the faith of the noble during the first centuries, but the faith of the shopkeeper, and even the slave. Its power increased through the sheer weight of numbers, rather than through special favor by any group. Its early dogmas were uncertain; there was much groping. But after the Council of Nice, a certain integration was obvious; and this was the true foundation of the Church. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
296:It is also important to remember that nearly every personality described or discussed in the Bible is primarily a symbol, and not an historical individual. It is a great mistake to believe that there is great spiritual virtue in the perpetuation of history or the worship of ancestors. The virtue lies not in the accepting of the sacred writings but in the discovery and application of the ever living truths secretly hidden in the scriptural books of the world. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
297:But the true black magician does not work through the ethers which are the home of the etheric elementals. He works through the entities who dwell in the astral light or the animal magnetism of the lower astral plane. The true black magician can become (and usually is) clairvoyant, but he can never go any higher than the astral world. To this plane he is tied to his passions, hates, incantations, and the animal nature which is the basis of black magic. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
298:This tree is indeed a Tree of Life, for without the higher and finer sentiments man does not life; he merely exists. If any branch of that tree does not bear fruit, the Master tells us that it shall be cut off and cast into the fire. It is the duty of all living things to produce some truly constructive labor as recognition of the divine life which is within them. God is most glorified when His children glorify His spirit within themselves. ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
299:But the true black magician does not work through the ethers which are the home of the etheric elementals. He works through the entities who dwell in the astral light or the animal magnetism of the lower astral plane. The true black magician can become (and usually is) clairvoyant, but he can never go any higher than the astral world. To this plane he is tied to his passions, hates, incantations, and the animal nature which is the basis of black magic. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
300:According to the Guinness Book of World Records, 1983, between the years 1815 and 1975, some 2,500 million Bibles were printed either completely or in parts in 1,735 languages. These figures do not include sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth century printings of which there were large and numerous editions. It may reasonably be assumed, therefore, that nearly every literate, living person has had some direct contact with the sacred writings of Christianity. ~ Manly P Hall, The Bible, the Story of a Book,
301:The common notion that the twelve tribes of Israel make up the Jewish nation is quite incorrect, as Israel means all life; the tribes of Israel are all living things. Israel is a generic term for humanity as a collective whole, regardless of race or nation. When this collective humanity is signified by a single term it may be called Adam, or again Jacob. Both represent humanity. This is in the same sense that we use the word man to signify either one man or all men. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
302:The sheep is an animal of gentle ways but no great brilliancy of mind. It always follows the leader and wails dismally if left behind. By this symbol is to be understood the great body of humankind which still follows the leader and wishes to be guided into green pastures. It is the duty of wisdom, of strength, and of integrity to guard the sheep. But there are false shepherds who would lead the sheep astray. And there are wild beasts that would carry away the lamb. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
303:Inner strength is the only defense that most persons have against social injustices. A dynamic faith in God's power and his ever-present help in time of trouble is our first line of defense against war, crime, poverty, and intolerance. All the religions of the world are dedicated to honor and integrity. Those who oppose religion or try to discredit it are false to the very life within themselves. Idealism reveals the divine destiny which we were created to fulfill. ~ Manly P Hall, The Bible, the Story of a Book,
304:The head of Isis is sometimes ornamented with a crown of gold or a garland of olive leaves, as conspicuous marks of her sovereignty as queen of the world and mistress of the entire universe. The crown of gold signifies also the aurific unctuosity or sulphurous fatness of the solar and vital fires which she dispenses to every individual by a continual circulation of the elements, this circulation being symbolized by the musical rattle which she carries in her hand. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of all Ages,
305:The early Christian Church, through the process of councils and synods, determined that there was no difference between the proper person of God and the proper person of Christ - they later added the Holy Ghost. This agree entirely with the statement of the Egyptian mythology that Osiris was his own father and his own son. Osiris was born in Horus that he might be his own avenger. As lord of Amentet, Osiris was also the Holy Spirit, the judge of the quick and the dead. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
306:Why is the crucifixion present in more than a dozen ancient religions? Why was Prometheus crucified on Mt. Caucasus with a vulture gnawing at his liver? And Christ on Mt. Calvary with the spear of Longinus thrust into his right side? Prometheus brought the fire of God, wisdom, to men. Christ brought "light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world." The mystery is explained when we understand the words attributed to St. Paul: "Christ in you, the hope of glory." ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
307:By this it is understood that the animal excesses of man build, on the lower planes of the astral world, strange creatures, some resembling debased human beings, and others shaped like animals, lizards, snakes, and other reptiles. The power of the black magician lies in his ability to direct these soulless creatures, which, while not in reality individualized things, still have tremendous power over their own essences, both in the body of nature and of individuals. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
308:What man of myopic vision dares to ordain health for the sick or illness for the strong? Who dares to say this poor man should be rich or this man should be poor? Does he know the reason for his coming? Does he know the virtues and vices which, lying hidden in the past, are the invisible causes of his present condition? Does he know the reason for the environment where he dwells, or the urges that have led him to his present state? If not, then he should be silent. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
309:Early orthodoxy set itself the task to confuse the epistles of Paul. Paul could not be ignored nor entirely destroyed; his sphere of influence had been too wide. The easiest solution was to corrupt his writings, thus destroying his subtler meanings. The result of this questionable strategy is obvious to the impartial reader. Paul is made to contradict himself; statements obviously inconsistent with his vision stand side by side with the most lofty and transcendental thoughts. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
310:The legend used in the Lesser rites is that of the abduction of the goddess Persephone, the daughter of Ceres, by Pluto, the lord of the underworld, or Hades. While Persephone is picking flowers in a beautiful meadow, the earth suddenly opens and the gloomy lord of death, riding in a magnificent chariot, emerges from its somber depths and, grasping her in his arms, carries the screaming and struggling goddess to his subterranean palace, where he forces her to become his queen. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of all Ages,
311:The Masters themselves, our Elder Brothers, will enter no man's house unless invited, for they accord all creatures the privilege of living their own lives. If an occultist were to break both legs, and should ask, in whatever way he knows, that one of the great healers should mend his left leg, the healer would come, labor with that leg, and go away, even though he knew the right were broken also. He will not touch it, for he has been given permission to work upon only one. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
312:In the Authorized Version, the Creating Power is said to cause a deep sleep to descend upon Adam and from his side Eve was created, Genesis 2:21-23. Eve is the etheric principle, called by Plato the principle of generation. This is exuded out of the auric body in the same way that the hard shell of a snail is exuded from the soft substances of its body. The etheric vehicle, or the feminine principle, as it is referred to in ancient times, is described in Genesis as being the tempter. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
313:In many instances we have no proof as to who wrote the sacred books, but we associate them with sanctified persons in the past who had the inner realization of the Divine Will. The real authority for the words in the Bible comes from our own hearts and we accept without question universal integrities that no honorable person can doubt. A long-suffering humankind sanctifies the scriptures of the world because they give directives which we instinctively and intuitively know to be right. ~ Manly P Hall, The Bible, the Story of a Book,
314:An ancient philosopher once said that the bee extracts honey from the pollen of the flower, while from the same source the spider extracts poison. The problem which then confronts us is: are we bees or spiders ? Do we transform the experiences of life into honey, or do we change them into poison ? Do they lift us, or do we eternally rebel against the pricks? Many people become soured by experience, but the wise one takes the honey and builds it into the beehive of his own spiritual nature.
   ~ Manly P Hall, The Occult Anatomy Of Man,
315:It is proper to study history, but not proper to worship it. The Christian Bible is a semi-historical account of certain possible happenings, which, in themselves, are not necessarily the appropriate foundation for a faith. Nor does this history, or neo-history, or in some cases outright fiction, insure salvation by the reading or acceptance of it. This is the error of the ages. In a desperate effort to preserve the "letter" of the law we have committed grievous errors in the name of truth. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
316:The true occultist wants nothing but wisdom. When Solomon raised his hands to his God, Jehovah spoke from the heavens asking him what he would have, and he answered, "God give me the gift of wisdom." Jehovah asked him if there were not other things he desired, but Solomon answered, "No, only wisdom." And God told Solomon that because he had asked only for wisdom that all the other things should be added unto him and that from this day to the end of the world there would never be another king so rich, so great, or so blest. ~ Manly P Hall,
317:The little room or, perhaps more correctly, cell where he [Martin Luther] labored on his translation has long been a tourist attraction. There is a blotch on the wall which is always pointed out. It seems that while Martin Luther was engaged in his appointed task, the devil came up through the floor in an effort to divert his attention. Luther picked up his heavy inkwell and threw it at the demon who apparently vanished, but the ink stain on the wall is plainly visible after all these centuries. ~ Manly P Hall, The Bible, the Story of a Book,
318:In the most ancient writings, Noah's Ark is not called a boat. Its name signifies some peculiar form of enclosure, a superior place to which men could go for refuge. The idea of a boat floating on the water was a poetic figure developed by later theologists. It is merely a symbol of the spiritual world which survives the disintegration of the physical universe. Briefly then, the Ark of Noah, with its three decks, represents the three parts of the divine sphere. The Ark is a miniature of the universe. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
319:...The intellect cannot by its very nature participate in truth, for reality is higher than the mind. the reason may intellectually consider it, but never actually experience it. Illumination is the ceasing of the Self in Reality; so Moses the good man, is taken unto the hill of Nebo, the highest point of wisdom; and there in the distance perceives the Real. But there mind must die, and be hidden in the unknown grave; as Kundry falls dead at the feet of the altar of the Grail, in the story of Parsifal. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
320:The motive which impelled Gutenberg to carry on his work in absolute secrecy has been the subject of considerable speculation. In any event, it brought him nothing but financial disaster. There is an old story that ecclesiastical authorities suspected that the devil was cooperating in the enterprise. It was obvious that actual manuscripts could not be produced with such speed and accuracy by any normal means. His creditors moved in on him and took possession of the printing equipment he had invented. ~ Manly P Hall, The Bible, the Story of a Book,
321:The most sacred part of the human body is the brain and spinal system, revered from all antiquity and symbolized again and again in all the religions of the world. While other parts of the body are of great interest to the student, the mysterious working of the spinal fires by means of which liberation is finally attained is so tremendous that many years must be spent in understanding even the fundamental principles. The spine is the rod which budded, the Yggdrasil Tree, the flaming sword, the staff of comfort, the wand of the Magi. ~ Manly P Hall,
322:The black magician, becoming a conscious channel for these forces, launches a stream of hell-demons into the world. In so doing, he sells his own soul (for these forces must pass through his own astral body) in exchange for the powers that these demons will give him over his fellow men. The powers of these elemental creatures are practically unlimited, and there are many depraved souls who are glad to barter their immortal spirits for the power which these demons give them over the material world. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
323:To these somewhat contradictory remarks we learn that the gospel writers were not very sure what did happen to Judas. It appears that Judas is the Egyptian Typhon, Job's Satan, and Scandinavia's Loki. He is the personification of the adversary. He is introduced into the drama as a symbol of the intrinsic imperfection of all living things. In the zodiac, he is Scorpio by some calculations; and by others Capricorn. He is the backbiter, the destroyer. He is still preserved in the church as the "devil's advocate." ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
324:During the later Atlantean world, and again in our own modern civilization, there have been and are minds powerful but not virtuous. These two words are not always synonymous. Some of these perverted beings were actual demigods, as glorious as Satan himself, but their misdeeds and falsities sent them hurling into oblivion, like planets gone wrong. These demon gods bred black magic (the perversion of power) in the minds of men; and to this time, it has remained nurtured by man's besetting sin--selfishness. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
325:Frankly and honestly, this entire belief and all the consequences that have been built upon it, have been footed on a most insecure foundation. There is no absolute proof that it did take place. The principal and almost sole foundation of the crucifixion account are in the Gospels, and the immense literature derived from the Gospels. It follows therefore that until the Gospels themselves are authenticated and their true authorship determined, no account peculiar to them can be regarded as historically established. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
326:There is another class of people who go about discussing the Infinite with ease and fluency who as yet have never acquainted themselves with the finite. A most interesting rule of the Ancient Wisdom is that none of its initiates discuss the Absolute. They explain the hypothesis of First Cause, but state finally that no human being, themselves included, know sufficient concerning it to give an intelligent opinion or definition; and no wise man presumes to discuss that bout which he knows nothing. ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
327:In all probability, Osiris represents the third, or material, aspect of solar activity, which by its beneficent influences vitalizes and enlivens the flora and fauna of the earth. Osiris is not the sun, but the sun is symbolic of the vital principle of Nature, which the ancients knew as Osiris. His symbol, therefore, was an opened eye, in honor of the Great Eye of the universe, the sun. Opposed to the active, radiant principle of impregnating fire, hear, and motion was the passive, receptive principle of Nature. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of all Ages,
328:Black magic appeals to the mass mind. It appeals to the principles of our civilization. It offers something for nothing. As long as there is cupidity in the human heart, it will remain as a menace tot he honesty and integrity of our race. If occult students will only remember that honesty is the deadly enemy of black magic, and that it holds no terrors for the individual who is true to himself and true to the Golden Rule, he can protect his own soul and those he loves from its insidious and unnatural influences. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
329:Thus astronomy plays an important part in Biblical symbolism. The Christian dispensation occurred near the end of the cycle of the ram and close to the beginning of the cycle of the fish. Jesus refers to himself as the ALPHA and the OMEGA, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. The first sign of the zodiac is Aries, the ram, and the last sign is Pisces, the fishes. Therefore, Jesus is truly the lamb of God and the fisher of men. The lamb and the fish were the only Christian symbols known to the early church. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
330:The spirit, while superior to all of its bodies, is incapable of manifesting without its chain of vehicles. This divine spark must always be limited by the quality of its bodies. In all too many cases, it is the servant of its own dependencies. Instead of ruling its world by apostolic succession, the spirit is generally bowed and broken by the endless demands of the lower nature. The appetites, desires, and selfish propensities cast the spirit into a dungeon, while a false and cruel monarch rules the empire in his stead. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
331:Lucifer, on the other hand, is the spirit of excess, the flaming son of rashness and the ruler of sense-gratification, over which he wields dominion with a scepter of serpents. [...]Lucifer is the light-bringer; he is transmuted by man into the fiery demon of war and hate. His power is used by man as the inspiration of lust and passion [...] He always is opposed to Satan, seeking to snatch the soul of man from the cold embrace of Saturn. He is the heat the incubates the soul, but man uses him as a flame to burn up reason. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
332:The name given to the order of life which was to incarnate as human was Adam, which means species, type, or kind. Never for a moment does it infer a single individual. Adam, therefore, correctly means a mode of consciousness, a type with mind, as distinguished from the animal and vegetable kingdoms which do not possess individualized intelligence, and therefore are properly termed species. These lower kingdoms have a center of consciousness called a monad, whereas man has evolved his monad into and ego or a center of "I am-ness." ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
333:The spirit, while superior to all of its bodies, is incapable of manifesting without its chain of vehicles. This divine spark must always be limited by the quality of its bodies. In all too many cases, it is the servant of its own dependencies. Instead of ruling its world by apostolic succession, the spirit is generally bowed and broken by the endless demands of the lower nature. The appetites, desires, and selfish propensities cast the spirit into a dungeon, while a false and cruel monarch rules the empire in his stead. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
334:In ancient times many years of preparation were required before the neophyte was permitted to enter the temple of the Mysteries. In this way the shallow, the curious, the faint of heart, and those unable to withstand the temptations of life were automatically eliminated by their inability to meet the requirements for admission. The successful candidate who did pass between the pillars entered the temple, keenly realizing his sublime opportunity, his divine obligation, and the mystic privilege which he had earned for himself through years of special preparation. ~ Manly P Hall,
335:About the year B.C. 100, Jehoshua Ben Panthera, then about twenty years of age, accompanied his master Ben Prachia to Egypt to escape King Alexander's persecution of the rabbins. The statement that Jesus studied with the Egyptian priests is found not only in the Talmudic writings, but in certain early manuscripts of the Christian Gospels. The Talmud states that this Jesus, or Jehoshua, travelled to Egypt with Ben Prachia to study sorcery, so that he became a miracle worker, gained the power of healing the sick, and practised illusions. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
336:Thus man is heaven, earth, and hell in one, and his salvation is a much more personal problem than he realizes. Realizing that the human body is a mass of psychic centers and that during life the form is crisscrossed with endless currents of energy, that all through the form are sunbursts of electric force and magnetic power, man can be seen by chose who know how to see as a solar system of scars and planets, suns and moons, with comets in irregular orbits circling through them. As the Milky Way is supposed co be a gigantic cosmic embryo, so man is himself a galaxy ~ Manly P Hall,
337:If the seven souls are lifted up, they become a seven-headed creature; but those parts which fail are judged unworthy of the resurrection, and are cast into darkness. The outer darkness represents the various planes of the universe from which these souls have come. Here each disintegrates into its primal substance, resulting in the picturing of the seven hells. But it is not the spirit that goes to these places of punishment, but the castoff souls, which are slowly destroyed and their essences returned to the planes from which they came. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
338:The whole world desires to be happy, it desires security and peach, it longs for green pastures; but happiness must be earned. The stupid, the foolish, and the selfish can never be happy. Any man who departs from wisdom departs from peace. A man who clings to the evils in him must suffer for his decision. It appears in this world that the evil flourish, but if we examine closely into their lives we shall see sorrow, misery, sickness, and death. The law forbids that any man who is not intrinsically good shall enjoy either wisdom or peace. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
339:In each of these three cases, the power of Truth makes the body whole. One who sleeps, he who is dead, and he who is buried, all are brought back to life - life here representing a condition of spiritual awareness. We are not concerned with literal resurrection of the flesh, but with a mystery, the mystery of internal resurrection through initiation into the Mysteries. In these Mysteries, Jesus stands as the hierophant, and into his mouth are placed the words of the high priest. He is made a personification of the Truth which he represents. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
340:In the Cabala it is written that Moses three times ascended Sinai, remaining forty days and forty nights upon each occasion. On the first ascent he was given the tablets which constituted the basis of the Torah. Upon the second ascent he received the Mishna or the Unwritten Law for the priests. And upon the third ascent he received the Cabala, the soul of the Law which was given only to the initiates of the Mysteries. It is thus revealed that there are three codes of law - one for the foolisih, one for the learned, and one for the illumined. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
341:It is exceedingly dubious that the original historical Jesus actually had twelve apostles. If he did by chance select this number, it was because he was aware of the astronomical significance. The destruction of numerous gospels after the Nicene Council indicates that many other apostles whose names have not survived may have been closely associated with the Master and his work. The Church, however, following Egyptian and Greek precedent, arbitrarily fixed upon twelve, thus indicating that it was aware of the sanctity peculiar to this number. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
342:The true occultist wants nothing but wisdom. When Solomon raised his hands to his God, Jehovah spoke from the heavens asking him what he would have, and he answered, "God give me the gift of wisdom." Jehovah asked him if there were not other things he desired, but Solomon answered, "No, only wisdom." And God told Solomon that because he had asked only for wisdom that all the other things should be added unto him and that from this day to the end of the world there would never be another king so rich, so great, or so blest. ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
343:By the troubled sea we are to understand life with its storms and trials. In the midst of the sea the little ship of disciples represents humanity. The ship is in danger of foundering, and the disciples are afraid. Then, in the midst of the sea, walking peacefully upon the waters, appears the form of Jesus, the symbol of Truth that quiets the sea of life. When peace and wisdom are in the heart of ma n, the sea can no longer be troubled. There are no more storms and man himself, like Peter when he held his faith, can walk likewise upon the waters. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
344:The pineal gland is a link between the consciousness of man and the invisible worlds of Nature. Whenever the arc of the pituitary body contacts this gland there are flashes of temporary clairvoyance, but the process of making these two work together consistently is one requiring not only years bur lives of consecration and special physiological and biological training. This third eye is the Cyclopean eye of the ancients, for it was an organ of conscious vision long before the physical eyes were formed, although vision was a sense of cognition rather than sight in those ancient days. ~ Manly P Hall,
345:The Egyptian Sphinx is supposed to have pointed out the initiate's code of conduct by the symbolic interpretation of the four creatures composing it. The body of the bull with its great strength was interpreted to mean the process of labor, "to do." The legs and tail of the lion speak of courage and are interpreted as meaning "to dare." The wings of the eagle bespeak of loftier things, so they are interpreted as "to aspire." The human head, with its sealed lips, means "to be silent." Of all these rules, the last is the most important. ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
346:One alchemist announced that one grain of this powder would transmute into purest gold one hundred thousand times its own weight. But his readers did not realize that this powder is wisdom, one grain of which can transmute all the ignorance in the world. Nor did the reader properly understand that the PHILOSOPHER'S STONE IS KNOWLEDGE, the great miracle worker, or that the elixir of life was Truth, which makes all things new. It was sad that misunderstandings should exist, but wherever great truths are given to small minds, misunderstandings are inevitable. ~ Manly P Hall, (A Monthly Letter April 1937),
347:Among the so-called students of truth we see the fruitage of the delusions from which the world suffers. Sickly, nervous, no longer capable of solving their own problems, they sit around treating each other, waiting like spiritual Micawbers for something to turn up. These people were once useful, intelligent members of their community, but they are now so involved in mental absurdities that they are useless both to themselves and to society in general. Most of all, they are like gaunt scarecrows who frighten others from the paths of wisdom. ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
348:First, the majority of people do not know what they are looking for. If they should meet truth, they would not recognize it. The Masters they seek are about them every day, but like Sir Launfal they journey into distant lands, seeking for those things which are upon their own doorsteps. Secondly, they would not accept wisdom if they should find it. They would all be glad to have the power that the Masters have, but few would labor unselfishly and untiringly for ages to secure that power and then consecrate it unreservedly to the good of humanity. ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
349:In the cosmogony of the Greeks the material universe is brought into being by seven gods, each of whom rules over one of the seven parts of the mundane diffusion. In the Greek system the gods are: Phanes, Ouranos, Chronos, Rhea, Zeus, Poseidon and Hades. The mundane world consists of seven interpenetrating spheres of which six are superphysical and the lowest or seventh is physical. According to this system, the seventh or physical plane is ruled over by Hades, the subterranean god, to symbolize the physical plane as being the farthest removed from the divine energy. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
350:We cannot always tell why souls come into the world rich or poor, some to grow strong and survive, others to become weak and succumb; but this we do know, that the law of karma directs these things, placing each life where it will best learn the lesson needed for its growth. Some must learn in sickness and pain; others in laughter and joy. Some must learn to be exalted; others to humble themselves. But all are here to save their souls by the sweat of their brows; to knead the bread of their own existence, even though they must mix it with their own life-blood. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
351:It was these Serpent Kings who founded the Mystery Schools which later appeared as the Egyptian and Brahman Mysteries and other forms of ancient occultism. The serpent was their symbol, for they taught man the use of the creative energy which courses through Nature and his own bodies as a serpentine line of force. They were the true Sons of Light, and from them have descended a long line of adepts and initiates duly tried and proven according to the law. These have kept alight the divine truths through many generations of ignorance and thoughtlessness. ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
352:Evil will never cease to exist until selfishness and greed are overcome as factors in dictating the attitudes of men. It is the common thing for the concrete mind to sacrifice the eternal to the temporal. Man, concentrating upon the limited area of the known, loses sight of the effect of his actions upon the limitless area of the unknown. Shortsightedness, consequently, is the cause of endless misery. Moral shortsightedness results in vice, philosophical shortsightedness in materialism, religious shortsightedness in bigotry, rational short-sightedness in fanaticism. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
353:Evil will never cease to exist until selfishness and greed are overcome as factors in dictating the attitudes of men. It is the common thing for the concrete mind to sacrifice the eternal to the temporal. Man, concentrating upon the limited area of the known, loses sight of the effect of his actions upon the limitless area of the unknown. Shortsightedness, consequently, is the cause of endless misery. Moral shortsightedness results in vice, philosophical shortsightedness in materialism, religious shortsightedness in bigotry, rational short-sightedness in fanaticism. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
354:The name of Solomon may be divided into three syllables. Sol-Om-On. Each of these syllables is the name of a Sun God, or a Divine Principle. Sol means Sun; Om is the sacred syllable of the Vedas, the most magical of all intonations among the Hindus; and On is the name of a Supreme Being in Persia. The building of the Temple was supervised by three men. Solomon of the Sun, the source of all life and power; Hiram of Tyre, the earth, who supplied the materials; and a cunning workman, Hiram Abiff, the energies of space, the ethers, the dancing power of Fohat, the law of the atoms. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
355:When St. Augustine was asked why four of the apostles were especially designated from the rest, he replied that it was necessary that there be four principal gospels, because there were four corners to the world, thus admitting a relationship between cosmogony and theology. The association of these four selected evangelists with certain creatures representing the four fixed signs of the zodiac intensifies the realization that we are dealing not with human beings, but with the characters of a sublime cosmologic drama, reduced to human estate by ignorance of clergy and laity alike. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
356:The black magician is one who learns to manipulate these forces for selfish and destructive purposes, his own aggrandizement of the fulfillment of desire, while the white magician prays that he may learn to manipulate them as God would have them manipulated - for the salvation of the divine creation. The powers are in the hands of those capable of invoking them; it makes no difference whether for good or ill. For this reason, the schools of white magic conceal these powers from man until, through growth, purification, and unfoldment, he gains the proper incentive for using them. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
357:The black magician is one who learns to manipulate these forces for selfish and destructive purposes, his own aggrandizement of the fulfillment of desire, while the white magician prays that he may learn to manipulate them as God would have them manipulated - for the salvation of the divine creation. The powers are in the hands of those capable of invoking them; it makes no difference whether for good or ill. For this reason, the schools of white magic conceal these powers from man until, through growth, purification, and unfoldment, he gains the proper incentive for using them. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
358:The general Council of Nicaea assembled in May, 325 A.D. More than three hundred bishops accompanied by their priests and deacons attended the meetings. The Eastern church was more strongly represented than the Western group as the Bishop of Rome did not attend but sent two legates. [...] As a pagan Constantine made an opening address in which he emphasized the importance of Christian fellowship among the leaders of their churches, and reminded all that were assembled there and were true followers of Christ that they should forgive one another, serve God, and act with charity and love. ~ Manly P Hall, The Bible, the Story of a Book,
359:In our modern world, black magic finds a fertile breeding ground in man's desires. Age after age, the wants of man destroy him. In ignorance he plays with fire; in thoughtlessness he ignores the immutable laws of nature, and then wonders why the tempests break about his head, why lava and ash bury his cities, why wars lay waste his lands and mighty upheavals of the earth cause continents and nations to vanish in a single day. He neither obeys the laws of force, nor recognizes that cause and effect rule all things; that day after day, he reaps misery as the harvest of thoughtlessness. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
360:There are two kinds of black magicians: (1) those who use the demons of the astral plane for their villainy, which they invoke through necromancy and invocation; and (2) those who create their own demons and launch them against the world. The first group does the greatest harm to the world, but the second injure themselves more. The first group is composed mostly of conscious black magicians, while there are many in the second group who are totally ignorant of what they are doing. Some never learn their mistake until the demons they have created come back to the persons who sent them forth. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
361:There are two kinds of black magicians: (1) those who use the demons of the astral plane for their villainy, which they invoke through necromancy and invocation; and (2) those who create their own demons and launch them against the world. The first group does the greatest harm to the world, but the second injure themselves more. The first group is composed mostly of conscious black magicians, while there are many in the second group who are totally ignorant of what they are doing. Some never learn their mistake until the demons they have created come back to the persons who sent them forth. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
362:The coming of the sun was hailed with joy; the time of its departure was viewed as a period to be set aside for sorrow and unhappiness. This glorious, radiant orb of day, the true light "which lighteth every man who cometh into the world," the supreme benefactor, who raised all things from the dead, who fed the hungry multitudes, who stilled the tempest, who after dying rose again and restored all things to life--this Supreme Spirit of humanitarianism and philanthropy is known to Christendom as Christ, the Redeemer of worlds, the Only Begotten of The Father, the Word made Flesh, and the Hope of Glory. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of all Ages,
363:The last judgment is derived almost completely from the metaphysics of Egypt. According to the Egyptians, the human being is born with seven souls which are in a way the potential powers of the seven planets in man. The souls are manifested though the seven senses, the seven vital organs, and the seven bodily systems. Each of the seven souls has its planetary name. Saturn is the contemplative or rational soul; Jupiter is the reasonable soul; Mars is the impulsive soul; the sun is the vitative soul; Venus is the amative soul; Mercury is the intellectual soul; and the moon is the vegetative or generative soul. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
364:The name Mary means literally water, and is an adaption of the Hebrew name Miriam. The word Magdala from the Greek means a tower, a fortress, a place of strength, a defense or security. Like many Bible names it is a carefully conceived key to the Bible mysteries. Like the Helen of the Greeks, Mary Magdalene symbolizes the moon, the consort of the sun; the principle of humidity, water, MARE; and a high fortress or place of protection; Mary of Magdala is like the Ishtar of the Babylonians, and the Mylitta of the Phrigians. She is the mistress of growing things, the very symbol of the humid principle that brings forth life. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
365:The fourth and highest group embraces philosophers, musicians, and artists, all living in an abstract mental world surrounded by dreams and visions wholly unrecognizable by the other types. They have reached beyond the world of academic education to the world of creative idealism, which is at present the highest function of the human mind. This world is the dwelling place of genius, of invention, and of the things which lower mentalities can only accept but never analyze. Religiously, these minds are deistic. Most of them are monotheists - believers in one God. Many of them are mystics or occultists... ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
366:It was in the later sub-races of the Lemurian race that the human being we know as man was differentiated from the animal prototype. Thus in Lemuria the true man came into being. Man having been formed as the vehicle for the "thinker," we have the explanation for the opening verses of chapter 6 [Genesis]. The 1st verse describes that men began to multiply on the earth; and in the 2nd verse it explains that the sons of God (the intellectual egos or conscious entities) gazed upon the bodies that had been formed (the daughters of men) and took wives from among them, i.e. joined with them to become the true humanity that we know. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
367:He [Julian] resented, furthermore, that a class of people within the boundaries of the empire - for the most part the poorest educated and of least estate - should fanatically expound a belief that they were the sole possessors of truth; that all other gods were demons; all other philosophers, frauds; and all other institutions, heretical. It is possible that the Emperor's annoyance was well founded. If the attitude of converts two thousand years ago resembled the attitude of certain modern Christian fanatics, one gains a greater degree of sympathy for the plight of Romans having a faith thrust upon them without the right to say nay. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
368:It has recently been stated that Michaelangelo placed horns on his statue of Moses by mistake. In reality they are most significant. They are the horns of Jupiter Ammon, the same symbol which is later to appear again as the horns on the corners of the Hebrew alter. The horns are those of the celestial Ram, Aries, the leader of the flocks of heaven. The same symbol traces from the fact that during the time of Moses the vernal equinox took place in the sign of the Ram, and the horned Sun was the symbol of truth. Ram, the mind-light god of the Egyptians, is likewise represented as wearing a helmet adorned with the curling horns of the ram. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
369:People who use these false systems vindicate themselves, for the most part, on two unsound hypotheses: (1) that God has intended man to have whatever his puny intellect desires; (2) that man knows what he needs. Both of these are false assumptions. Man was not intended by God to be rich, wise, beautiful, healthy, witty, of charming personality, or happily married. This does not mean that the Lord has any objection to any of these things or all of them. It merely means that if man desires these things, he must go forth, as Adam was directed to do, earning his bread by the sweat of his brow and not by the sweat of somebody else's. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
370:The first proof of ignorance is selfishness, which includes what we term self-centeredness. To be selfish is to violate the basic principles of our kind. Yet, for ages the majority of mortals have considered selfishness a virtue. Those who are selfish then reveal a further degree of benightedness because those who are ignorant and selfish are also possessive. The desire to control, own, accumulate, and overshadow, is a common fault. It is unfortunately true that a common fault does not become a virtue merely because it is frequently indulged. If men were not selfish and possessive, there would be slight cause for war, crime, and poverty. ~ Manly P Hall, (HORIZON Summer 1955, p.6),
371:Many early priests and prophets, both pagan and Christian, were versed in astronomy and astrology; their writings are best understood when read in the light of these ancient sciences. With the growth of man's knowledge of the constitution and periodicity of the heavenly bodies, astronomical principles and terminology were introduced into his religious systems. The tutelary gods were given planetary thrones, the celestial bodies being named after the deities assigned to them. The fixed stars were divided into constellations, and through these constellations wandered the sun and its planets, the latter with their accompanying satellites. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of all Ages,
372:The death and resurrection of Christ is said to be prefigured by Jonah, who remained three days int he belly of a great fish, even as Christ remained three days in the earth. In India, the first avatar of Vishnu is in the form of a fish swimming in the great ocean of space. The symbolism appears to be as follows: There are two seas - that which is below the firmament, called the sea of illusion in which dwell men represented as small fishes swimming in its depths; and that which is above the firmament, the SCHAMAYIM, the sea of the waters of life in which abides the great fish which, like the serpent of Aaron, eats up all the small fishes. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
373:In the very early period of human differentiation, man was incapable of self-government, but was ruled by those appointed by Nature to preserve him and unfold him to the point when he would be capable of taking care of himself. We are told that when our solar system began its labors, spirits of wise beings from other solar systems came to us and taught us the ways of wisdom that we might have that birthright of knowledge which God gives to all His creations. It was these minds which are said to have founded the Mystery Schools of the Ancient Wisdom, for this Wisdom was the knowledge of the will of Nature for Her children. ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
374:In the Gnostic Remains it is described that the Demiurgus, or creating power, fashioned innumerable bodies while experimenting with the cosmic substances. Most of these bodies were incapable of containing a mind. They were the night-born, the false birth, the monsters of the Abyss. This account is based upon the Hermetic legend wherein it is described that these first creatures were destroyed by the gods because they could not be the vehicles or bodies for the incarnation of intellectual entities. Of such an order also are the giant-kings of Edom who "perished in the void." Also, these are the Sheddai, the antedeluvian kings recorded in the Zohar. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
375:The person who has allowed himself to develop certain mental habits finds that attitudes can be just as much addiction as narcotics. Someone who would not under any conditions become an alcoholic can become so completely sickened by his own habitual negative thinking, that many people around him wish he would become alcoholic as the lesser of two evils. It is hard to cure an alcoholic, although Alcoholics Anonymous can do it sometimes; but the individual who falls too deeply into some of the traps of his own thinking is practically incurable because he has warped all perspective and has no real desire to make any change in himself. ~ Manly P Hall, (Change Yourself and You Change All 1969, p.7),
376:Evil is not a false thing; there are no false things in the creation of a true God. Evil is an abuse or misuse of power. [...] The worst evil in nature can be transmuted into good by the simple process of adjustment. The average intelligence of the consciously functioning man is sufficient to make a god out of any demon by the simple process of inversion; likewise, he is capable of making a demon or evil thing out of any good thing or god by placing it in improper relationship to other things. The word devil is used to cover the two excesses of polarity in nature, for when uncurbed, either will destroy the organism that man is seeking to construct. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
377:From the Vedas poured forth the streams of religious tradition which, flowing into various nations down through the ages, appear in the course of time as the single source of the numerous Scriptural writings of the world. Great saints and sages interpreting this ageless wisdom, wrote their commentaries or re-states in the terms of their own day the Vedic lore and the sacred tradition. In China Lao-Tze and Confucius were the interpreters, and their writings have become Scripture. In India Buddha was the great Emissary. In Persia it was Zoroaster. In Egypt, Akhnaton and Hermes. In Greece, Orpheus, Pythagoras and Plato. In Syria it was Moses, and later Jesus. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
378:Modern science has proved that forms ranging in magnitude from solar systems to atoms are composed of positive, radiant nuclei surrounded by negative bodies that exist upon the emanations of the central life. From this allegory we have the story of Solomon and his wives, for Solomon is the sun and his wives and concubines are the planets, moons, asteroids, and other receptive bodies within his house--the solar mansion. Isis, represented in the Song of Solomon by the dark maid of Jerusalem, is symbolic of receptive Nature--the watery, maternal principle which creates all things out of herself after impregnation has been achieved by the virility of the sun. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of all Ages,
379:Noah harkened to the voice of the Lord that is he lived according to the Law, perfecting his soul and enriching his consciousness with the many experiences which result from the mystery of living. As a consequence the "Lord" protects the life of Noah, and brings the Ark at the end to a safe testing place upon the Mount of the illumination, Ararat. Part of the thirty-third degree of Freemasonry includes an interpretation of the symbolism of Noah and his Ark. Considered mystically, the story of the Flood is the wise man's mastery of adversity. It is the philosopher surviving the onslaughts of ignorance. It is the illumined mystic floating safely over the chaos.
   ~ Manly P Hall, How To Understand Your Bible,
380:When Moses desired to go before the Pharaoh he cried to the Lord "I am slow of speech and of a slow tongue!" (Exodus 4:10) Therefore the Lord bade him take with him his brother Aaron. When Moses complains that he is slow of speech, the reference is definitely to the Mystery Schools; for the secrets of the spirit cannot easily be communicated to men. For this reason the Egyptian god Harpocrates, keeper of the Mysteries, is depicted with his finger to his lips, commanding silence. Aaron is therefore the voice of Moses. He is the priesthood, the custodians of the Mysteries. It is the priest who must clothe the secrets in fables, that the foolish may learn something. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
381:Prior to the Christian Era seven hundred thousand of the most valuable books, written upon parchment, papyrus, vellum, and wax, and also tablets of stone, terra cotta, and wood, were gathered from all parts of the ancient world and housed in Alexandria, in buildings specially prepared for the purpose. This magnificent repository of knowledge was destroyed by a series of three fires. The parts that escaped the conflagration lighted by Cæsar to destroy the fleet in the harbor were destroyed about A.D. 389 by the Christians in obedience to the edict of Theodosius, who had ordered the destruction of the Serapeum, a building sacred to Serapis in which the volumes were kept. ~ Manly P Hall, Secret Teachings of all Ages,
382:Lack of true understanding as to the meaning of the "temptation" and the "fall" led Christian theologians to regard all female kind as the embodiment of temptation and corruption. In fact, the old story to the effect that "with Adam's fall we sinned us all" is one of the most ludicrous errors of theology. Nowhere is it more evident in scriptural writings that "the letter of the law killeth" than in this particular instance. In fact, the whole Christian theory of redemption, and the estate of Christ in the concepts of orthodox theologians depends upon the literal and benighted misunderstanding of the ancient Chaldean myth, long regarded not only as history but as scripture. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
383:Natural processes are accomplished by two cosmic motions. One of these is termed involution, or the descent of life into form. In this process, units of radiant energy take upon themselves ever more of the material elements, until they are hopelessly obscured by the forms with which they have surrounded themselves. This state is typified by the seed, the hard shell, and the living germ within. The second cosmic motion is evolution. This is life releasing itself from form by the process of growth. It requires billions of years for the cosmic plant to grow up, but by the evolutionary process all things are ultimately released from form and are restored to their divine state. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
384:So Moses, wisdom, brought about finally the release of his people; and Pharaoh let the people go; and the Lord (law) led them through the Red Sea and the wilderness; and Moses took the bones of Joseph with him. The Red Sea is a very apt symbol for man's world of desire. After he overcame his material nature (the escape from Egypt) he must still conquer his emotions. The way of liberation is through the conquest of desire. And wisdom led the people, and the sea opened, and the children of Israel passed through dry shod. Pharaoh, still desiring to destroy evolving humanity, went against the tribes with six hundred chariots; but the sea closed upon them and destroyed them all. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
385:A simple example of this is the modern problem of invention. Whenever a man invents some new and useful improvement, to make life more secure and comfortable, abuse inevitably follows. Good laws are perverted by selfish men; great ideals are brought down to a thousand purposes inconsistent with the original dream. Primitive men realized this, and the earliest scriptures teach that the universe is a battlefield of good and evil impulses which they termed "gods" and "demons." Even as God was the chief and Lord of all benevolent forces, so the evil agencies or negative attributes are personified in one offending being variously named Satan, Lucifer, Yama, Loki, Hades, Kali, etc. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
386:Through the mental body, man secures that reflection and thought which make him greater than the animal; through the astral body, he secures those qualities of motion and emotion--sense, color and feeling, and any other qualities--the expression of which makes the animal superior to the plant; through the etheric body, he gains the power of reproducing his species and also the functions of assimilation and excretion, for in these things the plant is greater than the mineral. Of course, the mineral, by its actual existence, proves its superiority over the myriads of swirling gaseous, formless essences which have not yet even the power of appearing in the physical world. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
387:The list of the deathless mortals who suffered for man that he might receive the boon of eternal life is an imposing one. Among those connected historically or allegorically with a crucifixion are Prometheus, Adonis, Apollo, Arys, Bacchus, Buddha, Christna, Horus, Indra, Ixion, Mithras, Osiris, Pythagoras, Quetzalcoatl, Semiramis, and Jupiter. According to the fragmentary accounts extant, all these heroes gave their lives to the service of humanity and, with one or two exceptions, died as martyrs for the cause of human progress. In many mysterious ways the manner of their death has been designedly concealed, but it is possible that most of them were crucified upon a cross or tree. ~ Manly P Hall, Secret Teachings of all Ages,
388:As power is given to man commensurate to his wisdom and understanding, it is not safe at the present time to reveal to the world at large the methods whereby entrance to the invisible world is possible. If this knowledge were given to selfish people unprepared for their responsibility, they would be able to destroy the universe, either through perversion or ignorance. In order to protect this sacred wisdom obstacles have been placed in the way of its attainment which only the sincere and courageous would be strong enough to overcome. Years of service, self-purification and self-mastery must be passed through before any candidate will be admitted to the path of wisdom. ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
389:At one of her ears was the moon and at the other the sun, to indicate that these two were the agent and patient, or father and mother principles of all natural objects; and that Isis, or Nature, makes use of these two luminaries to communicate her powers to the whole empire of animals, vegetables, and minerals. On the back of her neck were the characters of the planets and the signs of the zodiac which assisted the planets in their functions. This signified that the heavenly influences directed the destinies of the principles and sperms of all things, because they were the governors of all sublunary bodies, which they transformed into little worlds made in the image of the greater universe. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of all Ages,
390:All true occultists abide by the laws of the nations and the community in which they dwell. While in many cases they recognize these laws as imperfect, they abide by them lest by their moral example they should teach the less intelligent to break the restraining bonds of law and order. It is said that laws are made for those who break them. We may add that laws were not made for Initiates, but there is a very small minority of people intelligent enough to live together honestly without the assistance of law. No matter how bad these laws are, they are far superior to the lawlessness which would exist when the mental hazard of punishment is removed from the untrained and unregenerated man. ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
391:Certain Rosicrucian scholars have given special appellations to these three phases of the sun: the spiritual sun they called Vulcan; the soular and intellectual sun, Christ and Lucifer respectively; and the material sun, the Jewish Demiurgus Jehovah. Lucifer here represents the intellectual mind without the illumination of the spiritual mind; therefore it is "the false light. " The false light is finally overcome and redeemed by the true light of the soul, called the Second Logos or Christ. The secret processes by which the Luciferian intellect is transmuted into the Christly intellect constitute one of the great secrets of alchemy, and are symbolized by the process of transmuting base metals into gold. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of all Ages,
392:It is the power given by wisdom and knowledge that makes the occultist superior to his fellow man, his superiority being proportionate to his superior intelligence. In every walk of life, the uninitiated will be confronted with mysteries. To the average person, the working of a gasoline engine is just as mysterious as calculus would be to a kindergarten child, but intimate relationship and study result in that familiarity which gives ease in handling and intelligence in directing. It has been well said that no man is a stranger to his own valet. The philosopher is a servant of God, and by perfect serving, soon becomes capable of thoroughly understanding the desires and dictates of his divine Master. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
393:It is the power given by wisdom and knowledge that makes the occultist superior to his fellow man, his superiority being proportionate to his superior intelligence. In every walk of life, the uninitiated will be confronted with mysteries. To the average person, the working of a gasoline engine is just as mysterious as calculus would be to a kindergarten child, but intimate relationship and study result in that familiarity which gives ease in handling and intelligence in directing. It has been well said that no man is a stranger to his own valet. The philosopher is a servant of God, and by perfect serving, soon becomes capable of thoroughly understanding the desires and dictates of his divine Master. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
394:All action immediately sets into motion the law of reaction, which the ancients have called the law of karma, which is the factor employed by nature for the creation of the soul. The rejecting or ignoring of opportunity, falling under the law of indifference and inertia, fails to result in a reaction. This, in turn, results in the starving of the soul. Those who have ignored experience are called the "soulless creations," and are in the same position as those kingdoms which, like the angels, have not been given individual intelligence. [...] As one pole or the other slowly grows within the being, the atoms of the opposing substances are slowly crowded or forced out, or sloughed off, for lack of cohesion. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
395:According to Pythagoreans, the cube is a symbol of both matter and man, the opening of the cube being a symbol of the unfoldment of man and the releasing of geometric mysteries within himself. To the Christian, Chris is the perfect man; therefore, he becomes the embodiment of the perfect measure of a man, the cube. In Freemasonry, the perfect ashlar or trued stone is the proper figure of the perfect man, for he is square, upright, and true, which are the moral qualities of a cube. The perfect cube represents the personality that has had all the uneveness, roughness, and inequality polished away by experience. Such a stone is ready to become a block in the Everlasting House not built by hands but eternal in the heavens. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
396:The criers of the Mysteries speak again, bidding all men welcome to the House of Light. The great institution of materiality has failed. The false civilization built by man has turned, and like the monster of Frankenstein, is destroying its creator. Religion wanders aimlessly in the maze of theological speculation. Science batters itself impotently against the barriers of the unknown. Only transcendental philosophy knows the path. Only the illumined reason can carry the understanding part of man upward to the light. Only philosophy can teach man to be born well, to live well, to die well, and in perfect measure be born again. Into this band of the elect--those who have chosen the life of knowledge, of virtue, and of utility--the philosophers of the ages invite YOU. ~ Manly P Hall,
397:From a consideration of all these ancient and secret rituals it becomes evident that the mystery of the dying god was universal among the illumined and venerated colleges of the sacred teaching. This mystery has been perpetuated in Christianity in the crucifixion and death of the God-man-Jesus the Christ. The secret import of this world tragedy and the Universal Martyr must be rediscovered if Christianity is to reach the heights attained by the pagans in the days of their philosophic supremacy. The myth of the dying god is the key to both universal and individual redemption and regeneration, and those who do not comprehend the true nature of this supreme allegory are not privileged to consider themselves either wise or truly religious. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of all Ages,
398:It is written in the Bible that Mary, the wife of Joseph, received a vision in which it was foretold that a son would be born to her; she should call him Jesus, and he would deliver Israel from sin. It is most significant that the name of the Virgin should be Mary. There are important phonetic associations. The Latin word mare means the sea. Of course, the word virgin also means pure - and virgin mare means pure sea. In pagan symbolism the sea is the natural symbol of illusion, because of the reflecting quality of water. Mary is Isis, the Egyptian goddess of the Mysteries whose veil no man might lift. She is the virgin Sophia, the Mother of Adepts; she is Diana of the Ephesians, the mater deorum of the Romans; she is Istar, Astarte, Mylitt. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
399:At length Isis discovered that the chest had floated to the coast of Byblos. There it had lodged in the branches of a tree, which in a short time miraculously grew up around the box. This so amazed the king of that country that he ordered the tree to be cut down and a pillar made from its trunk to support the roof of his palace. Isis, visiting Byblos, recovered the body of her husband [Osiris], but it was again stolen by Typhon, who cut it into fourteen parts, which he scattered all over the earth. Isis, in despair, began gathering up the severed remains of her husband, but found only thirteen pieces. The fourteenth part (the phallus) she reproduced in gold, for the original had fallen into the river Nile and had been swallowed by a fish. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of all Ages,
400:If this practice [black magic] is persisted in long enough, the spirit will be unable to disentangle itself from the substances of the lower worlds, and must remain enmeshed therein until the dissolution of the universe at the time of the night of Brahma, when the divine spark is cast into the blackness of the Infinite through the rings of Saturn. By taking this path, the ego attains darkness, but it is the darkness of the tomb and of unconsciousness, reached through the path of perversion and negation. Its reward is the black death and the loss of the soul. Such an ego wanders in a great unknown without hope, reason, or understanding, while the endless wheels of Chaos dissolve the bodies of which it has failed to make the proper use. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
401:The evolving intellect of primitive man brought with a gradual extroversion. From an inward contemplation of spiritual principles man came to recognize an external life. Slowly the inner sense were dimmed and the perceptive powers correspondingly strengthened. The result is man's present state in which he has little if any inward life, and is entirely overconscious of the significance of outward circumstances. The inner life is the Paradisiacal or Edenic state. The outer life is the relapsed or fallen state. The resurrection promised by the Messianic dispensation is the restoring of the inner life, the conquest of the external or sensory sphere. All this is clearly shown in the teaching of Buddha, and is an essential part of the dicta of Plato. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
402:We seldom realize that our passions and hates create these demoniacal beings in the superphysical world, but this is one of the secretes of black magic. Every evil or debased thought or emotion of man helps to build these tearing, rending creatures, the innate qualities of which become, in the hands of those who know, agencies for the destruction of the powers of light. It also seems part of the plan that those who chain these demons shall themselves, fall victims to their own slaves, for one after another, the black magicians are sucked into the maelstrom of the astral hell. The lower planes of the astral world are the three hells of religion, and are the homes of these excess-created beings that battle each other with never-ending fury. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
403:Man’s threefold lower nature—consisting of his physical organism, his emotional nature, and his mental faculties—reflects the light of his threefold Divinity and bears witness of It in the physical world. Man’s three bodies are symbolized by an upright triangle; his threefold spiritual nature by an inverted triangle. These two triangles, when united in the form of a six-pointed star, were called by the Jews “the Star of David,” “the Signet of Solomon,” and are more commonly known today as “the Star of Zion.” These triangles symbolize the spiritual and material universes linked together in the constitution of the human creature, who partakes of both Nature and Divinity. Man’s animal nature partakes of the earth; his divine nature of the heavens; his human nature of the mediator. ~ Manly P Hall,
404:In constructing their temples of initiation, the early priests frequently demonstrated their superior knowledge of the principles underlying the phenomena known as vibration. A considerable part of the Mystery rituals consisted of invocations and intonements, for which purpose special sound chambers were constructed. A word whispered in one of these apartments was so intensified that the reverberations made the entire building sway and be filled with a deafening roar. The very wood and stone used in the erection of these sacred buildings eventually became so thoroughly permeated with the sound vibrations of the religious ceremonies that when struck they would reproduce the same tones thus repeatedly impressed into their substances by the rituals. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of all Ages,
405:Faced with the death penalty for high treason, courageous men debated long before they picked up the quill pen to sign the parchment that declared the independence of the colonies from the mother country. For many hours they had debated in the State House at Philadelphia, with the lower chamber doors locked and a guard posted--when suddenly a voice rang out from the balcony. A burst of eloquence to the keynote, "God has given America to be free!" ended with the delegates rushing forward to sign. ... The American patriots then turned to express their gratitude to the unknown speaker. The speaker was not in the balcony; he was not to be found anywhere. How he entered and left the locked and guarded room is not known. No one knows to this day who he was. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Destiny of America,
406:In the early Christian church, when a man took holy orders, he was said to "die out of the world, to enter a new live in spirit." For this reason, he usually changed his name (the symbol of his identity), taking some mystical or religious name to represent this transition from one state to another. He renounced worldliness, took obligations of detachment from material things, and was a man apart, sanctified unto God. This is a form of the resurrection, and the physical shadow of the greater mysteries which take place in the consciousness itself. Unfortunately, most men can perceive only the body of the law and attempt to obey its letter. The few who are illumined, however, perceive the soul of the law, and become participants in the spiritual mysteries. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
407:Certainly we have had our Napoleons and our Hitlers, but we have also had Jesus and Buddha. We have had tyrants, but also great humanitarians. We have had corrupt politicians, but also noble rulers. Even in the most selfish of times, the world has brought forth idealists, philanthropists, great artists, musicians, and poets. If we have inherited ages of feuding and intolerance, we have also inherited the magnificence of Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. For each tyrant who has profaned the pages of history, there have been thousands, even millions, of gentle people who have lived unhonored and unknown, keeping principles and living convictions under the most difficult situations. To see this good, and to know it, is to find a new courage and a new faith. ~ Manly P Hall, PRS Journal Summer 1961, p.7,
408:The heavier the load, the greater his joy, for he [the Student] was doing good. All this and other things the Master saw. But the student did not see the Teacher, for the sweat from the laborer's brow ran down into his eyes and blinded him. The Master stepped over to the student, saying, "Leave now your labors and follow me." The vineyard vanished, the dirt fell from the hands of the worker, and for a moment he dwelt in space, while before him was the shining figure of his Master. He sank on his knees at the feet of the Master and kissed the hem of his robe. Again the Master spoke: "You are my disciple. You have not chosen me; I have chosen you. You have been faithful unto a few things; now you shall have power over more and greater things." ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
409:The mystic resurrection is accomplished in two ways: spiritually, through illumination, the sublimation of appetites, and the purification of desires; physically, as the spiritual nature is released through the phenomenon of death. According to the terminology of the classical philosophers, death is the accidental separation of the superior and the inferior parts of man. The word accidental is used here in its philosophical sense, as the antonym of intentional. Resurrection, or release through death, is a separation rather than a transmutation; it is, therefore, not regarded as a spiritual victory. Illumination is the conscious separation during life of the divine from the animal man. It is a conscious resurrection. It is a lifting up through effort and integrity. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
410:If we look about us in life, we shall perceive as Job did, that the wicked seem to flourish and it is the just man who is stricken. This is part of the Divine Plan. The just man, having consecrated himself to the highest of his principles, is immediately confronted with karma and deluged with what seems to be adversity. In reality, this is not adversity, but the speeding up of evolution as the result of consecration to the spiritual life. More is expected of a man who is wise than of the man who is foolish. The older we grow, the more strength we have; and the more strength we have, the more sternly we are tested to prove that strength. But no man is tested beyond his capacity. Therefore, the Lord says to Satan that he may afflict Job, but that he may not take his life. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
   The White Magician uses none of the powers of the animal world in his work, but rather seeks to transmute the poles of the beast within himself into higher and finer qualities. The White Magician labors entirely with the finer forces of the elemental planes. He is a builder--not a destroyer--and seeks to liberate rather than to dominate his fellow creatures. The White Magician has dedicated his soul to the immortal light, while the Black Magician has sold his for mortal glory. The Grimores of the Middle Ages are filled with chants and charms for the invoking of spirits. History is filled with stories of Black Magicians but the true student of occult science must have nothing to do with these things other than to protect himself against them. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Natural Occultism, 28,
412:Seek ye first the kingdom of Heaven and its righteousness, and all other things shall be added unto you." The alchemist, therefore is assured that if he achieved the inner mystery, the fulfillment of the outer part will be inevitable. But practically every charlatan in alchemy has determined primarily to achieve the physical purpose first. His primary interest has been to make gold, or perhaps one of the other aspects of it, such as a medicine against illness. He has wanted the physical effect first but because the physical effect was not intended to be first, when he starts to study and explore the various texts, he comes upon a dilemma, HIS OWN INTERNAL RESOURCES CANNOT DISCOVER THE CORRECT INSTRUCTIONS. The words may be there but the meaning eludes him because the meaning is not part of his own present spiritual integrity. ~ Manly P Hall,
413:It was the honest conviction of the Patristic Fathers that the deeper mysteries of Christian dispensation were beyond the understanding of the laity. In order, therefore, not to 'cast pearls before swine,' they devised a cycle of fables which have come to be accepted as literal historical facts. From various causes the same general condition has arisen in most religions. Spiritual matters can not be understood by those not spiritually enlightened. Again, enlightenment can not be bestowed; it must be evolved. To be serviceable, a religion must be comprehensible to the mass of its followers. The result is inevitably a compromise with truth. In serving the uninformed many, theology leaves the enlightened few without adequate spiritual food. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible: A Philosopher's Interpretation of Obscure and Puzzling Passages,
414:In the Biblical story, man dwelt in a Paradisiacal sphere before his fall into the mystery of generation. This Paradisiacal sphere is called a garden, and has been variously located by religious enthusiasts upon almost every part of the earth's surface. Eden is not, however, on the earth's surface, but above it, or, more correctly, in a higher etheric element which encloses the earth in a globe of translucent energy. The four rivers are the four streams of ether or energy which sustain the four kingdoms of the physical world - mineral, vegetable, animal, and human. Man physically is nourished by the vital ethers of nature. Man physically is nourished by the vital ethers of nature. These ethers now work through him, but in pre-Adamic times he possessed no physical body and these ethers formed an etheric body. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
415:Abel, in the allegory, brings his offering, the "firstlings of his flock," and offers them to the Law. By this is meant the animal propensities of his own nature. Such is always the meaning of the burnt offerings referred to in the Scriptures. Because he brings the "animal," his offering is accepted. Cain, on the other hand, brings the fruits of the ground, and these are not accepted. The fruits here represent not principles of the soul, but merely the consequences of action. Cain's offering represents the same type of superficial gift that the rich man gives when he presents a stained glass window to the church, and continues to cheat the widows and orphans. Cain gives of what he has, for fruits represent accumulation or possessions; but Abel gives of what he is, the "firstlings," his transmuted animal nature. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
416:In the 1st verse of the 4th chapter of Genesis, Eve says, "I have gotten a man from the Lord." The ancient Jewish Mysteries declare this to mean that Cain was not the child of Adam, but of the archangel Samael, the serpent, the mysterious luminous power at the root of all human perplexity. In the Authorized Version the translation is so obscure that both Adam and the Lord are referred to as the fathers of Cain; but the early rabbins knew their Scripture better than 17th century theologians, and the old commentaries insist that Cain was the son of Samael; Abel was the son of Adam. Cain was the embodiment therefore of cosmic fire, Abel the son of the agrarian principle. It was for this reason the Chasidim explained that the offering of Cain was not acceptable to the Lord, leading to the first crime - the murder of Abel. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
417:What we are desperately in need of today is for the individual to wake up in himself and realize that it is not necessary for him to be part of anything he does not approve of. It is not necessary for him to compromise. He may be penalized if he does not. If he does not follow the general way, he may be subject to certain criticism and discomfort, but he has to decide for himself whether these penalties are more important than character. He must decide whether it is better to get along with other people for a few years than it is to learn to get along with himself for the full duration of life. He must decide whether he wishes to make this compromise and be fashionable for a few years, and pay for it perhaps with ten years of lingering misery at the end of his life. He has to decide where his values are. ~ Manly P Hall, Accepting the Challenge of Maturity 1965, p. 13,
418:His transcendent learning caused Hermes to be identified with many of the early sages and prophets. In his Ancient Mythology, Bryant writes: "I have mentioned that Cadmus was the same as the Egyptian Thoth; and it is manifest from his being Hermes, and from the invention of letters being attributed to him. " (In the chapter on the theory of Pythagorean Mathematics will be found the table of the original Cadmean letters.) Investigators believe that it was Hermes who was known to the Jews as "Enoch," called by Kenealy the "Second Messenger of God." Hermes was accepted into the mythology of the Greeks, later becoming the Mercury of the Latins. He was revered through the form of the planet Mercury because this body is nearest to the sun: Hermes of all creatures was nearest to God, and became known as the Messenger of the Gods. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of all Ages,
419:Many deities have been associated with the sun. The Greeks believed that Apollo, Bacchus, Dionysos, Sabazius, Hercules, Jason, Ulysses, Zeus, Uranus, and Vulcan partook of either the visible or invisible attributes of the sun. The Norwegians regarded Balder the Beautiful as a solar deity, and Odin is often connected with the celestial orb, especially because of his one eye. Among the Egyptians, Osiris, Ra, Anubis, Hermes, and even the mysterious Ammon himself had points of resemblance with the solar disc. Isis was the mother of the sun, and even Typhon, the Destroyer, was supposed to be a form of solar energy. The Egyptian sun myth finally centered around the person of a mysterious deity called Serapis. The two Central American deities, Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl, while often associated with the winds, were also undoubtedly solar gods. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of all Ages,
420:Through the mystic passageways and chambers of the Great Pyramid passed the illumined of antiquity. They entered its portals as men; they came forth as gods. It was the place of the "second birth," the "womb of the Mysteries," and wisdom dwelt in it as God dwells in the hearts of men. Somewhere in the depths of its recesses there resided an unknown being who was called "The Initiator," or "The Illustrious One," robed in blue and gold and bearing in his hand the sevenfold key of Eternity. This was the lion-faced hierophant, the Holy One, the Master of Masters, who never left the House of Wisdom and whom no man ever saw save he who had passed through the gates of preparation and purification. It was in these chambers that Plato--he of the broad brow---came face to face with the wisdom of the ages personified in the Master of the Hidden House. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of all Ages,
421:In the Mysteries the seven Logi, or Creative Lords, are shown as streams of force issuing from the mouth of the Eternal One. This signifies the spectrum being extracted from the white light of the Supreme Deity. The seven Creators, or Fabricators, of the inferior spheres were called by the Jews the Elohim. By the Egyptians they were referred to as the Builders (sometimes as the Governors) and are depicted with great knives in their hands with which they carved the universe from its primordial substance. Worship of the planets is based upon their acceptation as the cosmic embodiments of the seven creative attributes of God. The Lords of the planets were described as dwelling within the body of the sun, for the true nature of the sun, being analogous to the white light, contains the seeds of all the tone and color potencies which it manifests. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of all Ages,
422:In the Mysteries the seven Logi, or Creative Lords, are shown as streams of force issuing from the mouth of the Eternal One. This signifies the spectrum being extracted from the white light of the Supreme Deity. The seven Creators, or Fabricators, of the inferior spheres were called by the Jews the Elohim. By the Egyptians they were referred to as the Builders (sometimes as the Governors) and are depicted with great knives in their hands with which they carved the universe from its primordial substance. Worship of the planets is based upon their acceptation as the cosmic embodiments of the seven creative attributes of God. The Lords of the planets were described as dwelling within the body of the sun, for the true nature of the sun, being analogous to the white light, contains the seeds of all the tone and color potencies which it manifests. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of all Ages,
423:To study, to contemplate, to understand - by these processes we grow, we enrich, and we ennoble ourselves. If we can learn from the experiences of others we do not need to have all these miseries brought upon our own flesh. If we are able to learn from the common experience of the world we can free ourselves from the necessity of learning what every other man from the beginning of time has had to learn the hard way. Every human being has had to learn that fear, anger, greed, overambition all end in pain, misery, and in the loss of natural growth. All have had to learn that prejudice is wrong; compromise leads to corruption - which is wrong. Everyone has to learn this, yet how does it happen that after so many thousands of years each human being has to learn again. Can we learn nothing from observing the conduct of those around us? ~ Manly P Hall, Sensory Perceptions Cannot Think, 1972, p.10),
424:The control which knowledge gives over ignorance on the spiritual planes of nature is very much like the control that wealth gives over poverty in the physical world. Wealth may be a blessing or a curse; so may knowledge, which is mental wealth. The wise man will always be master of the fool, for he has a mentality which is capable of demanding respect, and the fool must bow down to that thing which he cannot comprehend. In every age, a few have come into the realization of nature's tremendous powers, and in one way or another, legitimate or otherwise, have become temporary wielders of the serpent scepter. As a man can steal money and remain wealthy until the law dispossesses him, so may a black magician steal a certain amount of divine power and manipulate it to the gratification of his own ends until at last his misuse of power destroys him. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
425:The golden ornaments used by the priestcraft of the various world religions are again a subtle reference to the solar energy, as are also the crowns of kings. In ancient times, crowns had a number of points extending outward like the rays of the sun, but modern conventionalism has, in many cases, either removed the points or else bent: them inward, gathered them together, and placed an orb or cross upon the point where they meet. Many of the ancient prophets, philosophers, and dignitaries carried a scepter, the upper end of which bore a representation of the solar globe surrounded by emanating rays. All the kingdoms of earth were but copies of the kingdoms of Heaven, and the kingdoms of Heaven were best symbolized by the solar kingdom, in which the sun was the supreme ruler, the planets his privy council, and all Nature the subjects of his empire. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of all Ages,
426:Satan is not a spirit of destruction. There is no essential evil in the universe. Our present form of the devil is merely derived from the Greek nature god Pan. As Goethe says, Mephistopheles, or Satan, "is part of the power that still works for good while ever scheming ill." Satan is really karma, but he is more than that. He is the temptation from which arises strength. When the Mysteries were celebrated in ancient Egypt, there was an evil spirit called Typhon or Set who brought about the death of the good Osiris. It is the red Set that has given us our concept of the devil; but Set was nothing but the material world, the ground of man's temptation, and also the environment in which he gains immortality through self-discipline. Therefore, Set, or Satan is divine opportunity; the world into which we come in ignorance but from which we depart in wisdom. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
427:In the majority of cases, the religions of antiquity agree that the material visible sun was a reflector rather than a source of power. The sun was sometimes represented as a shield carried on the arm of the Sun God, as for example, Frey, the Scandinavian Solar Deity. This sun reflected the light of the invisible spiritual sun, which was the true source of life, light, and truth. The physical nature of the universe is receptive; it is a realm of effects. The invisible causes of these effects belong to the spiritual world. Hence, the spiritual world is the sphere of causation; the material world is the sphere of effects; while the intellectual--or soul--world is the sphere of mediation. Thus Christ, the personified higher intellect and soul nature, is called "the Mediator" who, by virtue of His position and power, says: "No man cometh to the Father, but by me." ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of all Ages,
428:Man, by his actions, is gradually unfolding the possibilities lying latent in his physical body. By his conservation of energy, he is gradually unfolding sequentially the centers of his vital consciousness. This end can be attained only through intelligent living, for the vitality is extracted from the atmosphere, from the sun's rays, from our food, and from other sources. Through gradual purification and regeneration of his emotions and feelings--control of his fire-mist body with its outbursts and excesses--man gradually raises the vibratory rates and unfolds the latent possibilities of the astral body, thus redeeming the animal soul. By his thoughts, ideals, and aspirations, aided by the twin faculties of logic and reason, man gradually gains control of that seething mental vortex which will later put him in harmony with the divine mind of the solar God. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
429:There are, however, but few mature minds in the world; and thus it was that the philosophic-religious doctrines of the pagans were divided to meet the needs of these two fundamental groups of human intellect--one philosophic, the other incapable of appreciating the deeper mysteries of life. To the discerning few were revealed the esoteric, or spiritual, teachings, while the unqualified many received only the literal, or exoteric, interpretations. In order to make simple the great truths of Nature and the abstract principles of natural law, the vital forces of the universe were personified, becoming the gods and goddesses of the ancient mythologies. While the ignorant multitudes brought their offerings to the altars of Priapus and Pan (deities representing the procreative energies), the wise recognized in these marble statues only symbolic concretions of great abstract truths. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages,
430:We must disabuse our minds of the idea that the black magician cannot injure us because we are in the right, or that he is weak because he is evil. This is a foolish concept, taught to prevent man from strengthening himself, and is propaganda of the black path itself. It is just as foolish as to say that if a prize fighter were boxing a baby, the baby would win the fight because he had no ulterior motive, or because his soul is undefiled. Thousands of people have not enough ambition to develop the necessary strength. In fact, they do not even know that their soul is worth saving. They are living honestly, they are good Christian people, but so purely negative that they are positively advertising the fact that they are easy marks for anyone desiring to avail himself of the opportunity. They are not black themselves, but they are the type that helps to make possible the perpetuation of black magic. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
431:In Phrygia there existed a remarkable school of religious philosophy which centered around the life and untimely fate of another Savior-God known as Atys, or Attis, by many considered synonymous with Adonis. This deity was born at midnight on the 24th day of December. Of his death there are two accounts. In one he was gored to death like Adonis; in the other he emasculated himself under a pine tree and there died. His body was taken to a cave by the Great Mother (Cybele), where it remained through the ages without decaying. To the rites of Atys the modern world is indebted for the symbolism of the Christmas tree. Atys imparted his immortality to the tree beneath which he died, and Cybele took the tree with her when she removed the body. Atys remained three days in the tomb, rose upon a date corresponding with Easter morn, and by this resurrection overcame death for all who were initiated into his Mysteries. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of all Ages,
432:But man was never left to wander alone in ignorance. When the ties connecting him to the unseen worlds were broken, certain methods were established whereby the will of the gods could be made known. To this end, a certain number of men and women were instructed how to bridge the chasm which then separated the gods from men. The method of establishing this communication was the greatest of all the secrets of ancient occultism. This secret has been preserved for the race, for at a later time all human beings will be able to communicate directly with the gods once more. During the great interval of ages, this wisdom has been perpetuated in the Mystery Schools, and a few chosen disciples in each generation have been given the sacred privilege of knowing the gods. This wisdom and the power and knowledge they have gained they in turn impart to a few chosen and beloved disciples. Thus the work is carried on. ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
433:In the second chapter of Genesis, god created man, and in the third chapter man disobeyed God, setting in motion an endless series of disagreeable occurrences. God provided Adam and Eve with a beautiful garden where everything necessary was available as divine bounty. Even the Lord himself walked in the garden in the cool of the evening. As the story unfolds, Cain slays his brother; and God, weary of his wayward children, found Noah to be the only just man in his generation. These circumstances must be regarded as allegorical. They are not the account of a few wandering tribes which fell into one dilemma after another. It is clearly indicated that mankind was incapable of obeying the laws by which he was created and by which he could preserve himself. This story epitomizes ten thousand years of history in all parts of the world. It is the continuing record of the victory of the immediate desires over the divine purpose. ~ Manly P Hall, The Bible, the Story of a Book,
434:Gradually a separation took place among the schools of the Mysteries. The zeal of the priests to spread their doctrines in many cases apparently exceeded their intelligence. As a result, many were allowed to enter the temples before they had really prepared themselves for the wisdom they were to receive. The result was that these untutored minds, slowly gaining positions of authority, became at last incapable of maintaining the institution because they were unable to contact the spiritual powers behind the material enterprise. So the Mystery Schools vanished. The spiritual hierarchy, served through all generations by a limited number of true and devoted followers, withdrew from the world; while the colossal material organizations, having no longer any contact with the divine source, wandered in circles, daily becoming more involved in the rituals and symbols which they had lost the power of interpreting. ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
435:Gradually a separation took place among the schools of the Mysteries. The zeal of the priests to spread their doctrines in many cases apparently exceeded their intelligence. As a result, many were allowed to enter the temples before they had really prepared themselves for the wisdom they were to receive. The result was that these untutored minds, slowly gaining positions of authority, became at last incapable of maintaining the institution because they were unable to contact the spiritual powers behind the material enterprise. So the Mystery Schools vanished. The spiritual hierarchy, served through all generations by a limited number of true and devoted followers, withdrew from the world; while the colossal material organizations, having no longer any contact with the divine source, wandered in circles, daily becoming more involved in the rituals and symbols which they had lost the power of interpreting. ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
436:The old Jewish Mysteries declare the serpent to be a symbol of Samael, the archangel of Mars and the master of the astral light. In scriptural writings serpents are frequently used to represent currents or waves of force moving in space. The Midgard Snake of the Nordic Eddas, and the Orphic serpent twined about the Egg of the Year, are both symbols of the zodiac and the serpentine course of the sun. The erect serpent of Egypt, and the hooded Naga of India and Cambodia, signify the spinal fire in man. The winged serpents of Gobi, and the Taoist dragons of China, represent both the psychic forces of the soul and the initiates, or sky-men. The Indians of the Southwest of America have serpent symbols of similar significance; and the Quetzalcoatl, or Feathered Snake of Central America, is a symbol of the initiate or high priest. The Druid priests of Britain and Gaul called themselves serpents; and these too are the snakes that St. Patrick is said to have driven from Ireland. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
437:Melchizedek actually means "hail to" or "honor to" or "power to Sedek." Therefore the name can be freely translated the Authority of Sedek, or Sedek is king. Melchizedek, Prince of Salem, really means then, Sedek is king of Salem. The word Sedek is Egyptian. Sedek was the father of the Artificer gods of Egypt. The seven gods, called the Cabiri, are the children of Sedek. Melchizedek therefore is the father of the planets, or, astronomically, the Sun. Like Moses, the red haired man whose name is also a Cabalistic title of the Sun, Melchizedek is the great orb of heaven, therefore his own father and mother, and the founder of the eternal priesthood. Later, Christi is called "the Light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world." Christ is therefore a type of the spiritual sun, the light-bearer, the light-bringer, called by St. Paul a priest forever after the Order of Melchizedek. In other words, a priest of the Sun, or of the Solar Mystery, or of the Eternal Light. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
438:...Man is a composite creature, his lower nature consisting of the fragments of the Titans and his higher nature the sacred, immortal flesh (life) of Bacchus. Therefore man is capable of either a Titanic (irrational) or a Bacchic (rational) existence. The Titans of Hesiod, who were twelve in number, are probably analogous to the celestial zodiac, whereas the Titans who murdered and dismembered Bacchus represent the zodiacal powers distorted by their involvement in the material world. Thus Bacchus represents the sun who is dismembered by the signs of the zodiac and from whose body the universe is formed. When the terrestrial forms were created from the various parts of his body the sense of wholeness was lost and the sense of separateness established. The heart of Bacchus, which was saved by Pallas, or Minerva, was lifted out of the four elements symbolized by his dismembered body and placed in the ether. The heart of Bacchus is the immortal center of the rational soul. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of all Ages,
439:When man's thoughts rise upon the wings of aspiration, when he pushes back the darkness with the strength of reason and logic, then indeed the builder is liberated from his dungeon and the light pours in, bathing him with life and power. This light enables us to seek more clearly the mystery of creation and to find with greater certainty our place in the Great Plan, for as man unfolds his bodies he gains talents with which he can explore the mysteries of Nature and search for the hidden workings of the Divine. Through these powers the Builder is liberated and his consciousness goes forth conquering and to conquer. These higher ideals, these spiritual concepts, these altruistic, philanthropic, educative applications of thought power glorify the Builder; for they give the power of expression and those who can express themselves are free. When man can mold his thoughts, his emotions, and his actions into faithful expressions of his highest ideals then liberty is his, for ignorance is the darkness of Chaos and knowledge is the light of Cosmos.
   ~ Manly P Hall,
440:The early Church, patterned after pagan Mysteries, sought for a little time to perpetuate the arcana, but such a procedure would doom the Church to a humble and obscure existence, ministering only to a devout and dedicated few. The bishops of the Church were mortal men instinctively desiring power and authority, and they sacrificed the spiritual doctrines of Christianity to temporal ambitions. The majority of mankind neither desires to improve itself nor to support an organization which demands a high degree of integrity. The outer body of the Church increased to the degree that the standards of Christian living were lowered, until at last, promising everything and demanding only temporal support, the Church gained temporal power at the expense of spiritual authority. It is for this reason particularly that the Christian thinker must never confuse the Jesus of Nazareth with the Christ of the modern church. Nor must the Christian thinker permit the clergy to interpret for him spiritual matters of which the clergy itself is ignorant. ~ Manly P Hall, Twelve World Teachers,
441:What right has anyone to believe that man was born into the world to be happy? In the Arabian Nights, it is written, "Happiness must be earned." We are born with a divine birthright--a mind, a heart, two hands, and two feet. If any of these be missing at the time of our appearance, we have some other function proportionately developed to take its place. With these tools, we may go forth and earn happiness, but we have no right to assume that someone is going to thrust it upon us. We have come here for experience, as a child who goes to school. We may be happy in our studies, or we may curse them all the days of our lives. The wise are happy in doing the things that should be done. When we command the universe to make well the sick or to make the rich poor, we know not whereof we speak; for in our zeal and ignorance we may be doing an irreparable injury to the one we love, like a parent who cannot deny his children the sweetmeats that they want. In granting desires, we endanger both their lives and their future efficiency. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
442:The solar orb, like the nature of man, was divided by the ancient sages into three separate bodies. According to the mystics, there are three suns in each solar system, analogous to the three centers of life in each individual constitution. These are called three lights: the spiritual sun, the intellectual or soular sun, and the material sun (now symbolized in Freemasonry by three candles). The spiritual sun manifests the power of God the Father; the soular sun radiates the life of God the Son; and the material sun is the vehicle of manifestation for God the Holy Spirit. Man's nature was divided by the mystics into three distinct parts: spirit, soul, and body. His physical body was unfolded and vitalized by the material sun; his spiritual nature was illuminated by the spiritual sun; and his intellectual nature was redeemed by the true light of grace--the soular sun. The alignment of these three globes in the heavens was one explanation offered for the peculiar fact that the orbits of the planets are not circular but elliptical. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of all Ages,
443:The sun, as supreme among the celestial bodies visible to the astronomers of antiquity, was assigned to the highest of the gods and became symbolic of the supreme authority of the Creator Himself. From a deep philosophic consideration of the powers and principles of the sun has come the concept of the Trinity as it is understood in the world today. The tenet of a Triune Divinity is not peculiar to Christian or Mosaic theology, but forms a conspicuous part of the dogma of the greatest religions of both ancient and modern times. The Persians, Hindus, Babylonians, and Egyptians had their Trinities. In every instance these represented the threefold form of one Supreme Intelligence. In modern Masonry, the Deity is symbolized by an equilateral triangle, its three sides representing the primary manifestations of the Eternal One who is Himself represented as a tiny flame, called by the Hebrews Yod (י). Jakob Böhme, the Teutonic mystic, calls the Trinity The Three Witnesses, by means of which the Invisible is made known to the visible, tangible universe. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of all Ages,
444:The alchemist of today is not hidden in caves and cellars, studying alone, but as he goes on with his work, it is seen that walls are built around him, and while he is in the world, like the master of old, he is not of it. As he goes further in his work, the light of other people's advice and outside help grows weaker and weaker, until finally he stands alone in darkness, and then comes the time that he must use his own lamp, and the various experiments which he has carried on must be his guide. He must take the Elixir of Life which he has developed and with it fill the lamp of his spiritual consciousness, and holding that above his head, walk into the Great Unknown, where if he has been a good and faithful servant, he will learn of the alchemy of Divinity. Where now test tubes and bottles are his implements, then worlds and globes he will study, and as a silent watcher will learn from that Divine One, who is the Great Alchemist of all the universe, the greatest alchemy of all, the creation of life, the maintenance of form, and the building of worlds. ~ Manly P Hall, The Initiates of the Flame,
445:The true Mason is not creed-bound. He realizes with the divine illumination of his lodge that as Mason his religion must be universal: Christ, Buddha or Mohammed, the name means little, for he recognizes only the light and not the bearer. He worships at every shrine, bows before every altar, whether in temple, mosque or cathedral, realizing with his truer understanding the oneness of all spiritual truth. All true Masons know that they only are heathen who, having great ideals, do not live up to them. They know that all religions are but one story told in divers ways for peoples whose ideals differ but whose great purpose is in harmony with Masonic ideals. North, east, south and west stretch the diversities of human thought, and while the ideals of man apparently differ, when all is said and the crystallization of form with its false concepts is swept away, one basic truth remains: all existing things are Temple Builders, laboring for a single end. No true Mason can be narrow, for his Lodge is the divine expression of all broadness. There is no place for little minds in a great work. ~ Manly P Hall,
446:Some secret orders have taught that the sun was inhabited by a race of creatures with bodies composed of a radiant, spiritual ether not unlike in its constituency the actual glowing ball of the sun itself. The solar heat had no harmful effect upon them, because their organisms were sufficiently refined and sensitized to harmonize with the sun's tremendous vibratory rate. These creatures resemble miniature suns, being a little larger than a dinner plate in size, although some of the more powerful are considerably larger. Their color is the golden white light of the sun, and from them emanate four streamers of Vril. These streamers are often of great length and are in constant motion. A peculiar palpitation is to be noted throughout the structure of the globe and is communicated in the form of ripples to the emanating streamers. The greatest and most luminous of these spheres is the Archangel Michael; and the entire order of solar life, which resemble him and dwell upon the sun, are called by modern Christians "the archangels" or "the spirits of the light. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of all Ages,
447:The ability of the Mystery Schools to communicate with the invisible worlds is the basis of their power; for all the creative hierarchies dwell in the unseen worlds, and there the disciple must go in order to consult them. The reason for this is that the human race is the only one in our scheme of things that is equipped with both a physical and a mental body. The gods, so-called, have never descended into physical substance. Consequently, having no body composed of dense chemical elements, they are incapable of manifesting here. In order to communicate with them, man must, therefore, learn to function consciously in his own invisible bodies. When he is capable of doing this, he can communicate with the spiritual beings who dwell in similar superphysical substances. Thus, while religion deals only with fancies, theorems, and beliefs, the initiates of the Ancient Wisdom go straight to the fountainhead of wisdom and, learning the will of the gods, make that will the law of their lives. The initiate does not guess, wonder or soliloquize; he labors with facts for he is one with the truths of Nature. ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
448:Religion is the outgrowth of many ages of spiritual hunger, when the soul of the primitive man, finding itself insufficient, turned in awe to the immensity of Nature, in whose endless pageantry it saw a power far greater than itself. The savage turned to the winds and found in them something superior to himself. He trembled in fear at the voice of the thunder; fell prostrate in terror as great storms swept through the primitive world and volcanic craters belched forth red-hot stones and ashes. He offered sacrifice tot he gods of the air that they should spare him; he cried from the tops of the mountains and offered incense to the stars. He could not find God anywhere, so offered sacrifice to Him everywhere. He saw his crops burn for lack of water, his children sicken about him. His hopes were dashed to the ground by an unknown, unnamed thing which, though he could not understand, was the determining factor in every thought and action of his life. This was undoubtedly the origin of religion as man knows it. We remember the words of Pope: "Lo, the poor Indian! whose untutored mind sees God in clouds, or hears Him in the wind." ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
449:An aged and wise Chinese once set out to visit a distant place. He sent a messenger ahead to tell the good folks of the house to prepare him no food save rice; but when he arrived, he found a many-course dinner awaiting him, for the good family felt that they must so honor his presence. The philosopher reproved them, saying, "I asked for rice, you have given me fish; I asked for rice, you have given me corn; I asked for rice, you have given me meat; I asked for rice, and you have given me sweets; and among all these things you have given me no rice." Observing that the family was hurt by the words, the philosopher added: "I have lived these many years, and, after studying carefully this body which God has given me, I have found that it doth flourish nobly upon rice. It was with wisdom that I ordered rice; it was with folly that you insulted me by offering other foods. You say that I am a great philosopher, that I am wiser than all other men; and yet you did not think me wise enough to order my own mean." In the same way, when our brother asks for rice, we have no right to give him meat because we think he ought to have it. It matters not whether the meat be physical or spiritual, whether the rice be literal or allegorical. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
450:Thoth Hermes Trismegistus, the founder of Egyptian learning, the Wise Man of the ancient world, gave to the priests and philosophers of antiquity the secrets which have been preserved to this day in myth and legend. These allegories and emblematic figures conceal the secret formulæ for spiritual, mental, moral, and physical regeneration commonly known as the Mystic Chemistry of the Soul (alchemy). These sublime truths were communicated to the initiates of the Mystery Schools, but were concealed from the profane. The latter, unable to understand the abstract philosophical tenets, worshiped the concrete sculptured idols which were emblematic of these secret truths. The wisdom and secrecy of Egypt are epitomized in the Sphinx, which has preserved its secret from the seekers of a hundred generations. The mysteries of Hermeticism, the great spiritual truths hidden from the world by the ignorance of the world, and the keys of the secret doctrines of the ancient philosophers, are all symbolized by the Virgin Isis. Veiled from head to foot, she reveals her wisdom only to the tried and initiated few who have earned the right to enter her sacred presence, tear from the veiled figure of Nature its shroud of obscurity, and stand face to face with the Divine Reality. ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of all Ages,
451:Saviors unnumbered have died for the sins of man and by the hands of man, and through their deaths have interceded in heaven for the souls of their executioners. The martyrdom of the God-Man and the redemption of the world through His blood has been an essential tenet of many great religions. Nearly all these stories can be traced to sun worship, for the glorious orb of day is the Savior who dies annually for every creature within his universe, but year after year rises again victorious from the tomb of winter. Without doubt the doctrine of the crucifixion is based upon the secret traditions of the Ancient Wisdom; it is a constant reminder that the divine nature of man is perpetually crucified upon the animal organism. Certain of the pagan Mysteries included in the ceremony of initiation the crucifixion of the candidate upon a cross, or the laying of his body upon a cruciform altar. It has been claimed that Apollonius of Tyana (the Antichrist) was initiated into the Arcanum of Egypt in the Great Pyramid, where he hung upon a cross until unconscious and was then laid in the tomb (the coffer) for three days. While his body was unconscious, his soul was thought to pass into the realms of the immortals (the place of death) After it had vanquished death (by recognizing that life is eternal) it returned again to the body, which then rose from the coffer, after which he was hailed as a brother by the priests, who believed that he had returned from the land of the dead. This concept was, in substance, the teaching of the Mysteries. ~ Manly P Hall, Secret Teachings of all Ages,
452:The far-reaching effect exercised by music upon the culture of the Greeks is thus summed up by Emil Nauman: "Plato depreciated the notion that music was intended solely to create cheerful and agreeable emotions, maintaining rather that it should inculcate a love of all that is noble, and hatred of all that is mean, and that nothing could more strongly influence man's innermost feelings than melody and rhythm. Firmly convinced of this, he agreed with Damon of Athens, the musical instructor of Socrates, that the introduction of a new and presumably enervating scale would endanger the future of a whole nation, and that it was not possible to alter a key without shaking the very foundations of the State. Plato affirmed that music which ennobled the mind was of a far higher kind than that which merely appealed to the senses, and he strongly insisted that it was the paramount duty of the Legislature to suppress all music of an effeminate and lascivious character, and to encourage only s that which was pure and dignified; that bold and stirring melodies were for men, gentle and soothing ones for women. From this it is evident that music played a considerable part in the education of the Greek youth. The greatest care was also to be taken in the selection of instrumental music, because the absence of words rendered its signification doubtful, and it was difficult to foresee whether it would exercise upon the people a benign or baneful influence. Popular taste, being always tickled by sensuous and meretricious effects, was to be treated with deserved contempt. (See The History of Music.) ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of all Ages,
453:When confronted with a problem involving the use of the reasoning faculties, individuals of strong intellect keep their poise, and seek to reach a solution by obtaining facts bearing upon the question. Those of immature mentality, on the other hand, when similarly confronted, are overwhelmed. While the former may be qualified to solve the riddle of their own destiny, the latter must be led like a flock of sheep and taught in simple language. They depend almost entirely upon the ministrations of the shepherd. The Apostle Paul said that these little ones must be fed with milk, but that meat is the food of strong men. Thoughtlessness is almost synonymous with childishness, while thoughtfulness is symbolic of maturity. There are, however, but few mature minds in the world; and thus it was that the philosophic-religious doctrines of the pagans were divided to meet the needs of these two fundamental groups of human intellect--one philosophic, the other incapable of appreciating the deeper mysteries of life. To the discerning few were revealed the esoteric, or spiritual, teachings, while the unqualified many received only the literal, or exoteric, interpretations. In order to make simple the great truths of Nature and the abstract principles of natural law, the vital forces of the universe were personified, becoming the gods and goddesses of the ancient mythologies. While the ignorant multitudes brought their offerings to the altars of Priapus and Pan (deities representing the procreative energies), the wise recognized in these marble statues only symbolic concretions of great abstract truths. In all cities of the ancient ~ Manly P Hall,
454:The Masters are ever waiting to entrust their disciples and students who show desire to receive with that wisdom which the world so sadly needs. If the student desires to go forth and teach, he will be given a work to do - that is, if he will honestly, sincerely, and intelligently prepare himself for his labors. The reason why so many false doctrines are being taught is that people who have an idea do not ask themselves, "Is this theory which I have, true? Am I living the sort of a life that would permit me to receive real truth into my soul? Am I unselfish, open, obedient, humble, and consecrated? Have I developed my mind so that it can think? Have I opened my heart so that it can feel? If I have not, then the thing which I have received is distorted by the glass through which it shines, and all I can give the world is a distorted image, a dishonest representation of truth. Have I actually consecrated my life and all that I am, unselfishly and without reservation, or am I only an intellectual dabbler? Am I a success or a failure in life? Am I surrounded by friends or by enemies of my own making? Am I respected by my community? Do I allow other people to live their own lives, or am I trying to force my beliefs upon all with whom I come in contact? Have I, or have I not, consciously and beyond all possibility of mental exaggeration, received personal instruction from the inner schools? I and I alone know that. The rest of the world, except the enlightened few, must believe what I say. If I have not received such instructions, am I big enough to admit it and say, with respect to my doctrines, that they are only my own opinions; or am I palming off these opinions as cosmic truths upon no firmer ground than the fact that I believe them?" ~ Manly P Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples,
455:Although a devout student of the Bible, Paracelsus instinctively adopted the broad patterns of essential learning, as these had been clarified by Pythagoras of Samos and Plato of Athens. Being by nature a mystic as well as a scientist, he also revealed a deep regard for the Neoplatonic philosophy as expounded by Plotinus, Iamblichus, and Proclus. Neo­platonism is therefore an invaluable aid to the interpretation of the Paracelsian doctrine.
   Paracelsus held that true knowledge is attained in two ways, or rather that the pursuit of knowledge is advanced by a two-fold method, the elements of which are completely interdependent. In our present terminology, we can say that these two parts of method are intuition and experience. To Paracelsus, these could never be divided from each other.
   The purpose of intuition is to reveal certain basic ideas which must then be tested and proven by experience. Experience, in turn, not only justifies intuition, but contributes certain additional knowledge by which the impulse to further growth is strengthened and developed. Paracelsus regarded the separation of intuition and experience to be a disaster, leading inevitably to greater error and further disaster. Intuition without experience allows the mind to fall into an abyss of speculation without adequate censorship by practical means. Experience without intuition could never be fruitful because fruitfulness comes not merely from the doing of things, but from the overtones which stimulate creative thought. Further, experience is meaningless unless there is within man the power capable of evaluating happenings and occurrences. The absence of this evaluating factor allows the individual to pass through many kinds of experiences, either misinterpreting them or not inter­ preting them at all. So Paracelsus attempted to explain intuition and how man is able to apprehend that which is not obvious or apparent. Is it possible to prove beyond doubt that the human being is capable of an inward realization of truths or facts without the assistance of the so-called rational faculty?
   According to Paracelsus, intuition was possible because of the existence in nature of a mysterious substance or essence-a universal life force. He gave this many names, but for our purposes, the simplest term will be appropriate. He compared it to light, further reasoning that there are two kinds of light: a visible radiance, which he called brightness, and an invisible radiance, which he called darkness. There is no essential difference between light and darkness. There is a dark light, which appears luminous to the soul but cannot be sensed by the body. There is a visible radiance which seems bright to the senses, but may appear dark to the soul. We must recognize that Paracelsus considered light as pertaining to the nature of being, the total existence from which all separate existences arise. Light not only contains the energy needed to support visible creatures, and the whole broad expanse of creation, but the invisible part of light supports the secret powers and functions of man, particularly intuition. Intuition, therefore, relates to the capacity of the individual to become attuned to the hidden side of life. By light, then, Paracelsus implies much more than the radiance that comes from the sun, a lantern, or a candle. To him, light is the perfect symbol, emblem, or figure of total well-being. Light is the cause of health. Invisible light, no less real if unseen, is the cause of wisdom. As the light of the body gives strength and energy, sustaining growth and development, so the light of the soul bestows understanding, the light of the mind makes wisdom possible, and the light of the spirit confers truth. Therefore, truth, wisdom, understanding, and health are all manifesta­ tions or revelations ot one virtue or power. What health is to the body, morality is to the emotions, virtue to the soul, wisdom to the mind, and reality to the spirit. This total content of living values is contained in every ray of visible light. This ray is only a manifestation upon one level or plane of the total mystery of life. Therefore, when we look at a thing, we either see its objective, physical form, or we apprehend its inner light Everything that lives, lives in light; everything that has an existence, radiates light. All things derive their life from light, and this light, in its root, is life itself. This, indeed, is the light that lighteth every man who cometh into the world. ~ Manly P Hall, Paracelsus,



IN WEBGEN [10000/1048]

Wikipedia - 2019 HFX Wanderers FC season -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2020 HFX Wanderers FC season -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2021 HFX Wanderers FC season -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Aloha Wanderwell -- Canadian adventurer
Wikipedia - Anni Anwander -- West German slalom canoeist
Wikipedia - Apparent polar wander
Wikipedia - A Tale of the Wanderers -- Chinese television series
Wikipedia - Carlos Wanderley -- Brazilian sailor
Wikipedia - Conan the Wanderer -- Book by Robert E. Howard
Wikipedia - Dinaldo Wanderley -- Brazilian politician and physician
Wikipedia - Dorothy Nyswander -- American psychologist
Wikipedia - Edinburgh Wanderers -- Rugby union team in City of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Wikipedia - Erasmus Desiderius Wandera -- Ugandan priest
Wikipedia - Erik Wanderley -- Brazilian mixed martial arts fighter and Brazilian Jiu-jitsu practitioner
Wikipedia - Esther Neuenschwander -- Swiss curler
Wikipedia - Forth Wanderers (band) -- American rock band
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Wikipedia - Gyrovague -- Wandering or itinerant monk
Wikipedia - HMS Wanderer (1835) -- Royal Navy brig-sloop
Wikipedia - In a Dark Wood Wandering -- 1949 novel by Hella S. Haasse
Wikipedia - I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud
Wikipedia - Jangam -- Shaiva order of wandering religious monks
Wikipedia - Julius Wandera Maganda -- Ugandan politician
Wikipedia - List of Bolton Wanderers F.C. managers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Bolton Wanderers F.C. players (1-24 appearances) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Bolton Wanderers F.C. players (25-99 appearances) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Bolton Wanderers F.C. players -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Bolton Wanderers F.C. records and statistics -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of international cricket centuries at the Wanderers Stadium -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of international cricket five-wicket hauls at Old Wanderers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of international cricket five-wicket hauls at the Wanderers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Wanderers F.C. FA Cup-winning players -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Wandering Son episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Wander Over Yonder episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Western Sydney Wanderers FC managers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Western Sydney Wanderers FC players (1-24 appearances) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Western Sydney Wanderers FC players -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Western Sydney Wanderers FC records and statistics -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Western Sydney Wanderers FC seasons -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Western Sydney Wanderers Women players -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Wolverhampton Wanderers F.C. managers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Wolverhampton Wanderers F.C. players -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Wycombe Wanderers F.C. managers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Wycombe Wanderers F.C. players -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Wycombe Wanderers F.C. seasons -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Maine Children's Home for Little Wanderers -- Nonprofit agency
Wikipedia - Manuela Anwander -- German ice hockey forward
Wikipedia - Maria Anwander -- Austrian conceptual artist
Wikipedia - Marie Nyswander -- Psychiatrist and Psychoanalyst
Wikipedia - Mattias Neuenschwander -- Swiss male curler
Wikipedia - Melmoth the Wanderer -- 1820 novel by Charles Maturin
Wikipedia - Mind-wandering -- The experience of thoughts not remaining on a single topic for a long period of time
Wikipedia - Montreal Wanderers -- Ice hockey team
Wikipedia - Mystery Dungeon: Shiren the Wanderer
Wikipedia - North Magnetic Pole -- Wandering point on the Northern Hemisphere
Wikipedia - Notes of Some Wanderings with the Swami Vivekananda
Wikipedia - Pabstiella wanderbildtiana -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Plains-wanderer -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - SS Wanderer -- Ferry
Wikipedia - Synchronistic Wanderings -- 1999 compilation album by Pat Benatar
Wikipedia - Tanja Schwander -- Swiss evolutionary biologist
Wikipedia - The Happy Wanderer (1955 film) -- 1955 film
Wikipedia - The Hungry Syrian Wanderer -- Syrian blogger
Wikipedia - The Little Wanderer -- 1920 silent film
Wikipedia - The Song of Wandering Aengus -- 1897 poem by W. B. Yeats
Wikipedia - The Wanderer (1913 film) -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - The Wanderer (1925 film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - The Wanderer (Leiber novel) -- Novel by Fritz Leiber
Wikipedia - The Wanderers (1979 film) -- 1979 film directed by Philip Kaufman
Wikipedia - The Wanderers (Shishkov novel) -- 1931 novel by Vyacheslav Shishkov
Wikipedia - The Wandering Earth -- 2019 Chinese science fiction film directed by Frant Gwo
Wikipedia - The Wandering Image -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - The Wandering Jew (1923 film) -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - The Wandering Jew (ballad) -- English broadside ballad
Wikipedia - The Wandering Jew's Chronicle -- Song
Wikipedia - The Wandering Jew (Sue novel)
Wikipedia - The Wandering Light -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - The Wandering Prince of Troy -- Song
Wikipedia - The Wandering Scholar -- Opera by Gustav Holst
Wikipedia - The Wandering Virgin -- Song
Wikipedia - True polar wander -- Wandering of a planet's pole of rotation
Wikipedia - Wander (1974 video game) -- Text adventure game
Wikipedia - Wanderbiltia -- Genus of moths
Wikipedia - Wander Bra -- Filipino comedy film
Wikipedia - Wanderer above the Sea of Fog -- Oil painting by Caspar David Friedrich
Wikipedia - Wanderer (company) -- German manufacturer of bicycles, motorcycles and automobiles
Wikipedia - Wanderer Fantasy -- Musical composition for piano by Franz Schubert
Wikipedia - Wanderer of the Wasteland (1924 film) -- 1924 film by Irvin Willat
Wikipedia - Wanderer of the Wasteland (1935 film) -- 1935 film directed by Otho Lovering
Wikipedia - Wanderers (comics)
Wikipedia - Wanderers Cricket Ground -- Sports venue in Windhoek, Namibia
Wikipedia - Wanderer's Nightsong
Wikipedia - Wanderers of the West -- 1941 film
Wikipedia - Wanderers Oval -- Multi-use sportsground in Newcastle, Australia
Wikipedia - Wanderers Stadium -- Sports venue
Wikipedia - Wandering Daughters -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Wandering (dementia)
Wikipedia - Wandering Fires -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Wandering Footsteps -- 1925 film directed by Phil Rosen
Wikipedia - Wandering Ginza Butterfly 2: She-Cat Gambler -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - Wandering Girls -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Wandering Husbands -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Wandering Island
Wikipedia - Wandering Jew -- Legendary figure
Wikipedia - Wandering Papas -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Wandering Shadows -- 2004 film
Wikipedia - Wandering Son -- Manga and anime series
Wikipedia - Wandering Souls -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Wandering spider -- Family of spiders
Wikipedia - Wandering tattler -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Wandering Through Winter
Wikipedia - Wandering whistling duck -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Wandering with the Moon -- 1945 film
Wikipedia - Wander Johannes de Haas
Wikipedia - Wanderlei Silva vs. Quinton Jackson -- Mixed martial arts rivalries
Wikipedia - Wanderlei Silva -- Brazilian mixed martial artist
Wikipedia - Wanderley Mariz -- Brazilian politician
Wikipedia - Wanderlust (magazine) -- British travel magazine
Wikipedia - Wanderlust (R.E.M. song) -- 2005 song by R.E.M.
Wikipedia - Wanderlust -- Strong desire to travel the world
Wikipedia - Wander Mateo -- Dominican judoka
Wikipedia - Wandersong (genus) -- Genus of Rubiaceae plants
Wikipedia - Wandervogel -- German youth movement
Wikipedia - Where Shall I Wander -- Book by John Ashbery
Wikipedia - Where's My Wandering Boy Tonight? -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - World Wide Web Wanderer
Marcel Wanders ::: Born: July 2, 1963; Occupation: Designer;'s_love_for_Wander_Over_Yonder
dedroidify.blogspot - aimless-wandering-chuang-tzus-chaos
Psychology Wiki - Mind-wandering,_1886_(Odin,_the_Wanderer).jpg,_1886_(Odin,_the_Wanderer).jpg
The Littlest Hobo (1979 - 1985) - London is an extremely intelligent, wandering German shepherd who walks into a different place in each episode of this long-running television series, and comes upon people down on their luck or in trouble. London always befriends and helps the struggling person or persons. Then, when his job is don...
Rurouni Kenshin (1996 - 1998) - The show revolves around the adventures of the legendary samurai known as Battosai the Manslayer. Years after the revolution in Kyoto, during the Meiji era, he reappears in Tokyo as a Rurouni or 'Wanderer' by the name of Kenshin Himura. After getting a place to stay at the Kamiya Dojo with the assis...
The Slayers (1995 - 1998) - Lina Inverse, a wandering sorceress and bandit-killer, joins forces with roving swordsman Gourry Gabriev in what's supposed to be a quick union of convenience. Instead, an artifact Lina "liberated" from a gang of thieves turns out to be the key to the resurrection of the demon lord Shabranigdo. Urge...
Virtua Fighter (1999 - 2012) - Based on the popular Virtua Fighter video game franchise, this series follows the adventures of Akira, a lone martial artist who has lost his ability to see the mystical constellations that reveal a truly strong man's destiny. Now, his path of wandering has forced him into the fighting ring with sev...
Mad Jack the Pirate (1998 - 1998) - Mad Jack, the blundering, narcissistic pirate, wanders the globe in search of the rarest and most sought-after treasures of the seven seas. Along with him on his ship, the Sea Chicken, is his unwanted possum-like sidekick Snuk, who Mad Jack unwittingly rescued at the last moment.
Sanjay and Craig (2013 - 2015) - Sanjay and Craig (who happens to be a talking snake) are best friends. Together they wander the suburbs doing the impossible, walking tightropes, shredding video game world records, posing as doctors, befriending gorillas and basically doing whatever they want to do. They're unstoppable... as long a...
Chi's Sweet Home (2008 - 2016) - An anime adaptation lasting two seasons began airing on March 31, 2008 and concluded on September 25, 2009. A new 3DCG anime television adaptation began airing on October 2, 2016.A grey and white kitten with black stripes wanders away from her mother and siblings one day while enjoying a walk outsid...
The Irresponsible Captain Tylor (1993 - 1993) - Justy Ueki Tylor had his life all planned out: join the military, get a cushy desk job, and then retire with a big fat pension check. The perfect plan...until he wandered into a hostage situation and somehow managed to save an Admiral! Now Tylor, a man who wouldn't know what discipline was if it bit...
Wander Over Yonder (2013 - 2016) - Wander Over Yonder is a Disney animated series about that crazy orange dude named Wander and his horse named Sylvia. And they like to mess with Lord Hater and the Watchdogs.
El Hazard: The Wanderers (1995 - 1996) - High school science-whiz Makoto Mizuhara is working on his newest project in preparation for the school festival, alongside his best friend Nanami Jinnai. Nanami's brother and Makoto's lifelong rival, the unscrupulous student council president Katsuhiko Jinnai, is under scrutiny for mishandling the...
Pee-Wee's Big Adventure(1985) - The love of Pee-wee Herman's life is his bicycle. When it is stolen, he is goes on a wild cross country adventure after a fortune teller tells him his bicycle is in the basement of the Alamo. Along the way, Pee-wee encounters an escaped convict, a waitress with wanderlust and a jealous boyfriend, an...
Sesame Street Presents: Follow That Bird(1985) - When a pesky social worker thinks Big Bird should be with his own kind (other birds) instead of living on the diverse Sesame Street, she sends him to a foster with a family of Dodos, but he is not happy and runs away. Big Bird begins a long adventure wandering the country. In the mean time, his frie...
An American Werewolf In London(1981) - While wandering the English moors on vacation, college yanks David (David Naughton) and Jack (Griffin Dunne) happen upon a quaint pub with a mysterious patronage who warn them not to leave the road when walking after dark. Irreverent of such advice as characters in horror films always are, the two d...
D.A.R.Y.L.(1985) - A young boy is found wandering without any memory of who he is. A family takes him in and begin to look for clues to help him find his way home. In the meantime, they notice that the boy seems to have certain special abilities, not usually found in kids his age, or even fully-grown adults. D.A.R.Y.L...
Dick(1999) - The time is 1972 and The Watergate Scandal was brewing and teenage best friends Betsy and Arlene become unwittingly involved. The next day, during a class field trip of the White House, the ditzy duo wander off the tour and meet President Richard Nixon where he makes them official dog walkers to Che...
A Chinese Ghost Story 2(1990) - This continuation of A Chinese Ghost Story reunites some of the original cast. Ning Leslie Cheung, the wandering scholar from the first film, is mistakenly imprisoned. An old man helps him escape and gives him a medallion for good luck. Ning meets a group of rebels, and the medallion causes them to...
Box of Moon Light(1996) - Al Fountain, a middle-aged electrical engineer, is on the verge of a mid-life crisis, when he decides to take his time coming home from a business trip, rents a car, and heads out looking for a lake he remembers from his childhood. But his wandering takes him into the life of Kid, a free-spirited yo...
Them!(1954) - Sargent Ben Peterson (James Whitmore) investigates a disappearance of a FBI agent and his wife after discovering a little wandering a New Mexico desert, only to find her and a group of giant ants about to terrorize Los Angeles from the sewers.
SPACE ADVENTURE COBRA: the movie(1982) - The intergalactic bounty hunter Jane Flower is followed home from a nightclub by a man who professes love for her and reveals he is Cobra, one of the most wanted criminals in the galaxy. Jane is one of three triplet sisters who are the princess heirs to the wandering planet Dakobar. She drags him on...
Rurouni Kenshin Part 1: Origins(2012) - In 1868, after the end of the Bakumatsu war, the former assassin Kenshin Himura promises to defend those in need without killing. Kenshin wanders through Japan with a reverse-edged sword during the transition of the samurai age to the New Age. When Kenshin helps the idealistic Kaoru Kamiya from the...
The Little Fox(1981) - Vic, the little fox lives happily among his many siblings in their parents' home. As he is livelier and snappier than the others, one day he wanders into the forest alone. As soon as he arrives home, he discovers that his whole family has disappeared. Only later, he comes to know that the responsibl...
I Am Legend(2007) - Robert Neville (Will Smith), a brilliant scientist, is a survivor of a man-made plague that transforms humans into bloodthirsty mutants. He wanders alone through New York City, calling out for other possible survivors, and works on finding a cure for the plague using his own immune blood. Neville kn...
Berserk: The Golden Age Arc I: The Egg of the King(2012) - In the Kingdom of Midland, a mercenary named Guts wanders the land, preferring a life of conflict over a life of peace. Despite the odds never being in his favor, he is an unstoppable force that overcomes every opponent, wielding a massive sword larger tha
Welcome To Arrow Beach(1974) - A hippie girl wandering on a California beach is taken in by a Korean War veteran who lives in a nearby mansion with his sister. The girl soon begins to suspect that the mansion is home to some very strange goings-on.
Stripteaser(1995) - As Zipper's Clown Palace (a strip bar) closes, Neil wanders in and decides to hold the dancers, bartender, and remaining customers hostage. He torments them with little tasks he wants performed, playing on their weaknesses and relying on his gun for intimidation. Eventually the hostages begin formul...
Six-String Samurai(1998) - In a post-apocalyptic world where the Russians have taken over a nuked USA and Elvis is king of Lost Vegas, "Six-String Samurai" chronicles the tale of Buddy (Jeffrey Falcon), a hero who's a '50s rocker and wandering warrior rolled into one, too-cool package. Armed with his six-string in one hand an...
Warriors Of The Wasteland(1983) - Two mercenaries help wandering caravans fight off an evil and aimless band of white-clad bikers after the nuclear holocuast.
Cinderella III: A Twist in Time(2007) - On the anniversary of Cinderella and Prince Charming's wedding, the Fairy Godmother surprises them, Jaq and Gus with a picnic in the woods. However, nearby is Cinderella's old mansion, where Anastasia and Drizella are bitterly doing Cinderella's old chores. While wandering off to avoid work, Anastas...
Charlie Brown's All-Stars(1966) - After Charlie Brown's team loses their first game of the season (123-6), his team throws down their caps in disgust and quits. Frustrated and depressed, Charlie Brown wanders around aimlessly until Linus meets him with good news: Mr. Hennessey, operator of a local hardware store, is offering to spon...
The Inspector General(1949) - In this farcical Technicolor musical, snake oil salesman Georgi (Danny Kaye) is too honest for his own good. After his partner (Walter Slezak) fires him, the simple-minded Georgi wanders into a corrupt town where he is mistaken for a diplomat. As Georgi unknowingly enjoys his false identity, the tow...
Mutant War(1988) - The sequel to 'Galaxy Destroyer' which finds our hero Harry Trent wandering Earth's post-apocalyptic landscape full of mutants, monsters, and fragmented human tribes. Harry's attempt to help a young girl rescue her sisters, leads him to a group of armed mutants led by a human madman attempting to br... -- Adventure, Comedy, Romance, Fantasy -- Action, Supernatural, Magic, Fantasy
A Boy and His Dog (1975) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 31min | Comedy, Drama, Sci-Fi | 14 November 1975 (USA) -- A young man and his telepathic dog wander a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Director: L.Q. Jones Writers: L.Q. Jones (screenplay), Harlan Ellison (novel)
A Coffee in Berlin (2012) ::: 7.4/10 -- Oh Boy (original title) -- A Coffee in Berlin Poster -- An aimless university dropout attempts to make sense of life as he spends one fateful day wandering the streets of Berlin. Director: Jan-Ole Gerster (as Jan Ole Gerster) Writer:
Angel's Egg (1985) ::: 7.7/10 -- Tenshi no tamago (original title) -- Angel's Egg Poster A mysterious young girl wanders a desolate, otherworldly landscape, carrying a large egg. Director: Mamoru Oshii Writers: Yoshitaka Amano (story), Mamoru Oshii (screenplay) | 1 more credit Stars:
El Topo (1970) ::: 7.4/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 5min | Drama, Western | 15 April 1971 (Mexico) -- A mysterious black-clad gunfighter wanders a mystical Western landscape encountering multiple bizarre characters. Director: Alejandro Jodorowsky (as Alexandro Jodorowsky) Writer: Alejandro Jodorowsky (as Alexandro Jodorowsky) Stars:
Factotum (2005) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 34min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 29 April 2005 (Norway) -- This drama centers on Hank Chinaski, the fictional alter-ego of "Factotum" author Charles Bukowski, who wanders around Los Angeles, CA trying to live off jobs which don't interfere with his primary interest, which is writing. Along the way, he fends off the distractions offered by women, drinking and gambling. Director: Bent Hamer
Gummo (1997) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 29min | Comedy, Drama | 24 November 1997 (Australia) -- Lonely residents of a tornado-stricken Ohio town wander the deserted landscape trying to fulfill their boring, nihilistic lives. Director: Harmony Korine Writer: Harmony Korine
Made in Abyss: Wandering Twilight (2019) ::: 7.9/10 -- Made in Abyss: Hr Suru Tasogare (original title) -- Made in Abyss: Wandering Twilight Poster After departing from Ozen's camp, Riko and Reg continue their journey, encountering more dangers as they descend further into the Abyss. Director: Masayuki Kojima Writer: Akihito Tsukushi (manga) Stars:
Naked (1993) ::: 7.8/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 12min | Comedy, Drama | 4 February 1994 (USA) -- Parallel tales of two sexually obsessed men, one hurting and annoying women physically and mentally, one wandering around the city talking to strangers and experiencing dimensions of life. Director: Mike Leigh Writer:
On the Beach at Night Alone (2017) ::: 6.8/10 -- Bamui haebyun-eoseo honja (original title) -- On the Beach at Night Alone Poster -- An actress wanders around a seaside town, pondering her relationship with a married man. Director: Sang-soo Hong Writer:
Paris, Texas (1984) ::: 8.1/10 -- R | 2h 25min | Drama | 23 August 1984 (UK) -- Travis Henderson, an aimless drifter who has been missing for four years, wanders out of the desert and must reconnect with society, himself, his life, and his family. Director: Wim Wenders Writers:
Permanent Vacation (1980) ::: 6.4/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 15min | Comedy, Drama | 25 April 1984 (France) -- A young man wanders New York City searching for some meaning in life and encounters many idiosyncratic characters. Director: Jim Jarmusch Writer: Jim Jarmusch
Playtime (1967) ::: 7.9/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 35min | Comedy | 27 June 1973 (USA) -- Monsieur Hulot curiously wanders around a high-tech Paris, paralleling a trip with a group of American tourists. Meanwhile, a nightclub/restaurant prepares its opening night, but it's still under construction. Director: Jacques Tati Writers:
Possessed (1947) ::: 7.2/10 -- Approved | 1h 48min | Crime, Drama, Film-Noir | 26 July 1947 (USA) -- After being found wandering the streets of Los Angeles, a severely catatonic woman tells a doctor the complex story of how she wound up there. Director: Curtis Bernhardt Writers: Silvia Richards (screenplay), Ranald MacDougall (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Rurouni Kenshin: Wandering Samurai ::: Rurni Kenshin - Meiji kenkaku romantan (original tit ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (1996-1999) Episode Guide 95 episodes Rurouni Kenshin: Wandering Samurai Poster -- The adventures of a young wandering swordsman who stumbles upon a struggling martial arts school in Meiji era Japan. Stars:
Secret of the Wings (2012) ::: 7.1/10 -- G | 1h 15min | Animation, Family, Fantasy | 14 December 2012 (UK) -- Tinkerbell wanders into the forbidden Winter woods and meets Periwinkle. Together they learn the secret of their wings and try to unite the warm fairies and the winter fairies to help Pixie Hollow. Directors: Roberts Gannaway (as Bobs Gannaway), Peggy Holmes Writers:
Shadows and Fog (1991) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 25min | Comedy | 20 March 1992 (USA) -- With a serial strangler on the loose, a bookkeeper wanders around town searching for the vigilante group intent on catching the killer. Director: Woody Allen Writer: Woody Allen
That Darn Cat! (1965) ::: 6.8/10 -- Approved | 1h 56min | Comedy, Crime, Family | 2 December 1965 (USA) -- After a kidnapped bank teller uses a neighbor's wandering cat to send an S.O.S., the F.B.I. assigns a cat-allergic Agent to the case. Director: Robert Stevenson Writers: Gordon Gordon (screenplay) (as The Gordons), Mildred Gordon (screenplay) (as The Gordons) | 3 more credits Stars:
The Bridges of Madison County (1995) ::: 7.6/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 15min | Drama, Romance | 2 June 1995 (USA) -- Photographer Robert Kincaid wanders into the life of housewife Francesca Johnson for four days in the 1960s. Director: Clint Eastwood Writers: Richard LaGravenese (screenplay), Robert James Waller (novel)
The Frisco Kid (1979) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG | 1h 59min | Adventure, Comedy, Drama | 13 July 1979 (USA) -- A Polish rabbi wanders through the Old West on his way to lead a synagogue in San Francisco. On the way he is nearly burnt at the stake by Indians and almost killed by outlaws. Director: Robert Aldrich Writers: Michael Elias, Frank Shaw Stars:
The Fugitive Kind (1960) ::: 7.2/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 59min | Drama, Romance | 14 April 1960 (USA) -- Valentine "Snakeskin" Xavier, a trouble-prone drifter trying to go straight, wanders into a small Mississippi town looking for a simple and honest life but finds himself embroiled with problem-filled women. Director: Sidney Lumet Writers: Tennessee Williams (screenplay), Meade Roberts (screenplay) | 1 more credit
The Wanderers (1979) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 1h 52min | Crime, Drama, Romance | 4 July 1979 (USA) -- The Wanderers is a teenage, Italian gang in Bronx, NYC, 1963. They have their confrontations with other gangs. Drugs and weapons are uncool. Adult life awaits them. Director: Philip Kaufman Writers:
Wanderlust ::: TV-MA | 1h | Drama | TV Series (2018 ) -- A therapist tries to save her marriage after a cycling accident causes them to reassess their relationship. Stars: Toni Collette, Steven Mackintosh, Joe Hurst
Wander Over Yonder ::: TV-Y7 | 30min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | TV Series (20132016) Wander is is eager to help anyone in the galaxy, together with his friend Sylvia. Wander's friendliness often angers Lord Hater, who is bent on galactic domination, and his army of Watchdogs. Creator: Craig McCracken Stars:
Xavier: Renegade Angel ::: TV-MA | 12min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | TV Series (20072009) -- Xavier is a faun-like wanderer/seeker who is traveling across the land to find out the truth about his mysterious origin. Facing rednecks, inflicting righteousness and preaching about the 'strong, silent types' and morality, this hero has his work cut out for him. Creators:'s_Diary's_apartment's_Trading_Post_and_Sauna
Arata Kangatari -- -- Satelight -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Fantasy Shounen -- Arata Kangatari Arata Kangatari -- As a young boy from a noble family in Amawakuni, Arata has always expected to make life his own—until word of the princess growing weak reaches his city. Unbeknown to him, his grandmother had claimed him to be female at birth, and now, with no other girls to succeed the princess from the matriarchal Hime clan, he is next in line for the throne! Disguised as a woman awaiting a replacement to be found, Arata witnesses an assassination attempt on the princess by none other than her own guard, the 12 Shinsho. The crime is pinned on his head, forcing Arata to escape to the Kando forest, where it is said that no one comes out the same. -- -- Meanwhile, in modern-day Japan, Arata Hinohara longs for escape from the cruelty of his classmates. Hearing his name called from an alley, he wanders from his path and unwittingly switches universes with Arata from Amawakuni. With his own power as a newly awakened "Sho"—a warrior able to wield Hayagami, weapons with the power of the gods—and the help of his companions he meets along his journey, Hinohara sets out to restore order to this new world. -- -- 61,920 6.49
Ashita no Joe 2 -- -- Tokyo Movie Shinsha -- 47 eps -- Manga -- Action Drama Shounen Slice of Life Sports -- Ashita no Joe 2 Ashita no Joe 2 -- Yabuki Joe is left downhearted and hopeless after a certain tragic event. In attempt to put the past behind him, Joe leaves the gym behind and begins wandering. On his travels he comes across the likes of Wolf Kanagushi and Goromaki Gondo, men who unintentionally fan the dying embers inside him, leading him to putting his wanderings to an end. His return home puts Joe back on the path to boxing, but unknown to himself and his trainer, he now suffers deep-set issues holding him back from fighting. In attempt to quell those issues, Carlos Rivera, a world renowned boxer is invited from Venezuela to help Joe recover. -- TV - Oct 13, 1980 -- 32,084 8.66
Ashita no Joe -- -- Mushi Production -- 79 eps -- Manga -- Action Drama Shounen Slice of Life Sports -- Ashita no Joe Ashita no Joe -- Joe Yabuki is a troubled youth, whose only solution to problems is throwing punches at them. What he lacks in manners and discipline, he makes up for with his self-taught fighting skills. -- -- One day, while wandering the slums of Doya, Joe gets into a fight with the local gang. Although greatly outnumbered, he effortlessly defeats them, drawing the attention of Danpei Tange—a former boxing coach turned alcoholic. Seeing his potential, he offers to train Joe into Japan's greatest boxer. At first, Joe dismisses Danpei as a hopeless drunk; but after the trainer saves his life, he agrees to live with him and learn the art of boxing. Unfortunately, Joe's personality makes him an unruly student, and he often falls back to his old ways. -- -- To survive the harsh world of his new career, Joe needs to trust his mentor and master the techniques taught to him. However, the road to becoming a professional boxer is rife with struggles that will test his mettle to the end. -- -- 60,510 8.28
Bakemono no Ko -- -- Studio Chizu -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Supernatural -- Bakemono no Ko Bakemono no Ko -- Two souls, living very different lives, wander alone and isolated in their respective worlds. For nine-year-old Ren, the last person who treated him with any form of kindness has been killed and he is shunned by what is left of his family. With no parents, no real family, and no place to go, Ren escapes into the confusing streets and alleyways of Shibuya. Through the twists and turns of the alleys, Ren stumbles into the intimidating Kumatetsu, who leads him to the beast realm of Shibuten. -- -- For Kumatetsu, the boy represents a chance for him to become a candidate to replace the Lord of the realm once he retires. While nearly unmatched in combat, Kumatetsu's chilly persona leaves him with no disciples to teach and no way to prove he is worthy of becoming the Lord's successor. -- -- While the two share different goals, they agree to help each other in order to reach them. Kumatetsu searches for recognition; Ren, now known as Kyuuta, searches for the home he never had. As the years pass by, it starts to become apparent that the two are helping each other in more ways than they had originally thought. Perhaps there has always been less of a difference between them, a boy and a beast, than either of the two ever realized. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Jul 11, 2015 -- 320,389 8.31
Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto -- -- Sunrise -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Drama Historical Samurai -- Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto -- In the final years of the Bakumatsu, wandering mercenary Yojiro Akizuki travels the length and breadth of Japan. And while he employs his sword in the usual fashion, he also uses it to help him locate supernatural items which he pursues with single-minded determination, often with bloody results. In the course of his quest, he crosses paths with a traveling theater group whose members have their own dark agenda. Is it a chance meeting or the result of some, as yet, undiscovered conspiracy? -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- ONA - Oct 6, 2006 -- 35,781 7.12
Bartender -- -- Palm Studio -- 11 eps -- Manga -- Drama Seinen Slice of Life -- Bartender Bartender -- Hidden in the backstreets of the Ginza district is Eden Hall, a lone bar operated by Ryuu Sasakura, the prodigy bartender who is said to mix the most incredible cocktails anyone has ever tasted. However, not just anyone can find Eden Hall; rather, it is Eden Hall that must find you. Customers of varying backgrounds, each plagued with their own troubles, wander into this bar. Nevertheless, Ryuu always knows the ideal cocktail to console and guide each distraught soul. -- -- TV - Oct 15, 2006 -- 73,299 7.37
Berserk: Ougon Jidai-hen I - Haou no Tamago -- -- Studio 4°C -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Military Adventure Demons Supernatural Fantasy Seinen -- Berserk: Ougon Jidai-hen I - Haou no Tamago Berserk: Ougon Jidai-hen I - Haou no Tamago -- In the Kingdom of Midland, a mercenary named Guts wanders the land, preferring a life of conflict over a life of peace. Despite the odds never being in his favor, he is an unstoppable force that overcomes every opponent, wielding a massive sword larger than himself. -- -- One day, Griffith, the mysterious leader of the mercenary group Band of the Hawk, witnesses the warrior's battle prowess and invites the wandering swordsman to join his squadron. Rejecting the offer, Guts challenges Griffith to a duel—and, much to the former's surprise, is subsequently defeated and forced to join. -- -- Now, Guts must fight alongside Griffith and his crew to help Midland defeat the Empire of Chuder. However, Griffith seems to harbor ulterior motives, desiring something much larger than just settling the war... -- -- -- Licensor: -- NYAV Post, VIZ Media -- Movie - Feb 4, 2012 -- 170,324 7.74
Berserk: Ougon Jidai-hen I - Haou no Tamago -- -- Studio 4°C -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Military Adventure Demons Supernatural Fantasy Seinen -- Berserk: Ougon Jidai-hen I - Haou no Tamago Berserk: Ougon Jidai-hen I - Haou no Tamago -- In the Kingdom of Midland, a mercenary named Guts wanders the land, preferring a life of conflict over a life of peace. Despite the odds never being in his favor, he is an unstoppable force that overcomes every opponent, wielding a massive sword larger than himself. -- -- One day, Griffith, the mysterious leader of the mercenary group Band of the Hawk, witnesses the warrior's battle prowess and invites the wandering swordsman to join his squadron. Rejecting the offer, Guts challenges Griffith to a duel—and, much to the former's surprise, is subsequently defeated and forced to join. -- -- Now, Guts must fight alongside Griffith and his crew to help Midland defeat the Empire of Chuder. However, Griffith seems to harbor ulterior motives, desiring something much larger than just settling the war... -- -- Movie - Feb 4, 2012 -- 170,324 7.74
Binbougami ga! -- -- Sunrise -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Parody Shounen Supernatural -- Binbougami ga! Binbougami ga! -- Ichiko Sakura lives life on easy mode. Blessed with good fortune, she has everything she has ever wanted, including beauty, intelligence, and wealth. Momiji Binboda is a goddess of poverty. In stark contrast to Ichiko, she is cursed with misfortune, such as a perpetual cast on her arm, a flat chest, and a box under a bridge for a home. -- -- Their lives collide when Momiji lives up to her title and delivers some unfortunate news to Ichiko: her large amount of luck is due to her subconsciously draining the luck from those around her! Momiji has been tasked with stealing back Ichiko's fortune before she leaves everyone without enough luck to even survive. But Ichiko, with the help of the wandering monk Bobby Statice, manages to fight off the poverty goddess. This defeat forces the goddess to enlist reinforcements in the form of Kumagai, her teddy bear familiar, and the masochistic dog god, Momoo Inugami. -- -- Insanity ensues as Ichiko's quiet life is replaced with daily battles for her fortune. To survive the chaos, Ichiko will need all the luck she can get in Binbougami ga!! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Jul 5, 2012 -- 199,037 7.72
Binbougami ga! -- -- Sunrise -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Parody Shounen Supernatural -- Binbougami ga! Binbougami ga! -- Ichiko Sakura lives life on easy mode. Blessed with good fortune, she has everything she has ever wanted, including beauty, intelligence, and wealth. Momiji Binboda is a goddess of poverty. In stark contrast to Ichiko, she is cursed with misfortune, such as a perpetual cast on her arm, a flat chest, and a box under a bridge for a home. -- -- Their lives collide when Momiji lives up to her title and delivers some unfortunate news to Ichiko: her large amount of luck is due to her subconsciously draining the luck from those around her! Momiji has been tasked with stealing back Ichiko's fortune before she leaves everyone without enough luck to even survive. But Ichiko, with the help of the wandering monk Bobby Statice, manages to fight off the poverty goddess. This defeat forces the goddess to enlist reinforcements in the form of Kumagai, her teddy bear familiar, and the masochistic dog god, Momoo Inugami. -- -- Insanity ensues as Ichiko's quiet life is replaced with daily battles for her fortune. To survive the chaos, Ichiko will need all the luck she can get in Binbougami ga!! -- -- TV - Jul 5, 2012 -- 199,037 7.72
Black Cat (TV) -- -- Gonzo -- 23 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Adventure Comedy Super Power Shounen -- Black Cat (TV) Black Cat (TV) -- Completing every job with ruthless accuracy, Train Heartnet is an infamous assassin with no regard for human life. Donning the moniker "Black Cat" in the underground world, the elite killer works for the powerful secret organization known only as Chronos. -- -- One gloomy night, the blasé gunman stumbles upon Saya Minatsuki, an enigmatic bounty hunter, and soon develops an odd friendship with her. Influenced by Saya's positive outlook on life, Train begins to rethink his life. Deciding to abandon his role as the Black Cat, he instead opts to head down a virtuous path as an honest bounty hunter. However, Chronos—and particularly Creed Diskenth, Train's possessive underling—is not impressed with Train's sudden change of heart and vows to resort to extreme measures in order to bring back the emissary of bad luck. -- -- This assassin turned "stray cat" can only wander so far before the deafening sound of gunfire rings out. -- -- 236,091 7.37
Black Cat (TV) -- -- Gonzo -- 23 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Adventure Comedy Super Power Shounen -- Black Cat (TV) Black Cat (TV) -- Completing every job with ruthless accuracy, Train Heartnet is an infamous assassin with no regard for human life. Donning the moniker "Black Cat" in the underground world, the elite killer works for the powerful secret organization known only as Chronos. -- -- One gloomy night, the blasé gunman stumbles upon Saya Minatsuki, an enigmatic bounty hunter, and soon develops an odd friendship with her. Influenced by Saya's positive outlook on life, Train begins to rethink his life. Deciding to abandon his role as the Black Cat, he instead opts to head down a virtuous path as an honest bounty hunter. However, Chronos—and particularly Creed Diskenth, Train's possessive underling—is not impressed with Train's sudden change of heart and vows to resort to extreme measures in order to bring back the emissary of bad luck. -- -- This assassin turned "stray cat" can only wander so far before the deafening sound of gunfire rings out. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 236,091 7.37
Blame! -- -- Group TAC -- 6 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Mecha -- Blame! Blame! -- The story takes place in a city where it's said that has thousands of levels. -- -- In a shutdown area, thousands of levels overlap each other, you couldn't tell the sky from the ground and you couldn't tell which way is up or which way is down. Maybe the original purpose of this story is to unravel the mysteries bound in this time and world. For the humans who found this vast rare multi-level city, the mysterious main character "Kirii" wanders to search for the "Net Terminal Genes" that were not infected. Kirii's burden and his search for the "Net Terminal Genes" is a goal like no other and is very much the mystery of this story. Log1~Log6 contains the story of Cibo that wasn't done in the original works. The Cibo who strayed away with Kirii and wanders about. A disc thrown away in the rubble. Cibo starts downloading. Just who's "Memory" will he end up with? -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Note: These clips are meant as a bonus to the manga, and should only be taken as such. Do not expect any plot in these. They are merely animated (short) scenes from the manga. -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- ONA - Oct 24, 2003 -- 26,099 5.97
Blame! Prologue -- -- Production I.G -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Action Mecha Sci-Fi -- Blame! Prologue Blame! Prologue -- Based on the manga Blame! by Nihei Tsutomu, serialised in Monthly Afternoon. -- -- In a city that is said to have thousands of levels, making it impossible to tell the sky from the ground, the mysterious Killy wanders the bizarre and foreboding levels of this mega-structure, where the boundaries between machine and living organism have been obscured. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- OVA - Sep 7, 2007 -- 8,844 5.46
Bleach Movie 1: Memories of Nobody -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Super Power Supernatural Shounen -- Bleach Movie 1: Memories of Nobody Bleach Movie 1: Memories of Nobody -- When a life ends, its soul departs to its final resting place known as the Soul Society. However, if a soul is left to wander in the human world for too long, it ends up turning into a corrupted "Hollow" that feeds on other souls. In such cases, spirits called "Soul Reapers" are needed to eliminate the Hollows and guide the lost souls to the Soul Society. -- -- Ichigo Kurosaki and Rukia Kuchiki are two Soul Reapers who are used to dealing with Hollows that appear in Karakura Town. But when they encounter the hostile "Blanks"—souls devoid of memories and immune to the "soul burial" used by Reapers—they are thrown for a loop. Senna, a fellow Reaper that neither Ichigo or Rukia are familiar with, comes to their rescue and manages to fend off the Blanks. The mystery deepens when a mirage of the human world suddenly appears over Soul Society. What could be the reason behind the strange phenomena, and how is it connected to Senna, who avoids any questions about her identity? -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- Movie - Dec 16, 2006 -- 226,583 7.45
Bleach Movie 1: Memories of Nobody -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Super Power Supernatural Shounen -- Bleach Movie 1: Memories of Nobody Bleach Movie 1: Memories of Nobody -- When a life ends, its soul departs to its final resting place known as the Soul Society. However, if a soul is left to wander in the human world for too long, it ends up turning into a corrupted "Hollow" that feeds on other souls. In such cases, spirits called "Soul Reapers" are needed to eliminate the Hollows and guide the lost souls to the Soul Society. -- -- Ichigo Kurosaki and Rukia Kuchiki are two Soul Reapers who are used to dealing with Hollows that appear in Karakura Town. But when they encounter the hostile "Blanks"—souls devoid of memories and immune to the "soul burial" used by Reapers—they are thrown for a loop. Senna, a fellow Reaper that neither Ichigo or Rukia are familiar with, comes to their rescue and manages to fend off the Blanks. The mystery deepens when a mirage of the human world suddenly appears over Soul Society. What could be the reason behind the strange phenomena, and how is it connected to Senna, who avoids any questions about her identity? -- -- Movie - Dec 16, 2006 -- 226,583 7.45
Blood Lad -- -- Brain's Base -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Demons Seinen Supernatural Vampire -- Blood Lad Blood Lad -- Staz Charlie Blood is a powerful vampire who rules the Eastern district of Demon World. According to rumors, he is a bloodthirsty and merciless monster, but in reality, Staz is just an otaku obsessed with Japanese culture and completely uninterested in human blood. Leaving the management of his territory to his underlings, Staz spends his days lazing around, indulging in anime, manga, and games. -- -- When Fuyumi Yanagi, a Japanese girl, accidentally wanders through a portal leading into the demon world, Staz is overjoyed. But just as he is starting to feel an unusual attraction to her, his territory is attacked, resulting in Fuyumi's untimely death. She turns into a wandering ghost and the crestfallen Staz vows to resurrect her as this would mean being able to travel to the human world, something he has always dreamed of. -- -- Blood Lad follows Staz and Fuyumi, soon joined by the spatial magician Bell and the half-werewolf Wolf, as they travel to find a magic that can bring humans back to life. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- 554,443 7.32
Bloody Night -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Horror Psychological Supernatural Thriller -- Bloody Night Bloody Night -- A little girl is wandering the streets late at night, but something is eerily amiss. Suddenly, a vicious red monster appears and begins chasing her. As she desperately tries to get away, she encounters a homeless old man in an alleyway and later an armed policeman who both try to save her. Can either of these brave men save the girl from the monster that pursues her so relentlessly? -- -- ONA - May 21, 2006 -- 2,561 3.88
Bungou Stray Dogs -- -- Bones -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Mystery Seinen Super Power Supernatural -- Bungou Stray Dogs Bungou Stray Dogs -- For weeks, Atsushi Nakajima's orphanage has been plagued by a mystical tiger that only he seems to be aware of. Suspected to be behind the strange incidents, the 18-year-old is abruptly kicked out of the orphanage and left hungry, homeless, and wandering through the city. -- -- While starving on a riverbank, Atsushi saves a rather eccentric man named Osamu Dazai from drowning. Whimsical suicide enthusiast and supernatural detective, Dazai has been investigating the same tiger that has been terrorizing the boy. Together with Dazai's partner Doppo Kunikida, they solve the mystery, but its resolution leaves Atsushi in a tight spot. As various odd events take place, Atsushi is coerced into joining their firm of supernatural investigators, taking on unusual cases the police cannot handle, alongside his numerous enigmatic co-workers. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 859,739 7.79
Digimon Xros Wars: Toki wo Kakeru Shounen Hunter-tachi -- -- Toei Animation -- 25 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Shounen -- Digimon Xros Wars: Toki wo Kakeru Shounen Hunter-tachi Digimon Xros Wars: Toki wo Kakeru Shounen Hunter-tachi -- Digimon Xros Wars: Toki wo Kakeru Shounen Hunter-tachi takes place one year after the defeat of Bagramon and company. Since then, Taiki Kudou and Yuu Amano have formed a basketball team with Yuu’s classmate, Tagiru Akashi. One day, Tagiru discovers a strange area called the DigiQuartz, a strange and unstable realm that exists between the human and digital worlds. He then realises that children all over the world have obtained Xros Loaders as well as Digimon partners to participate in a competition called the 'Digimon Hunt'. -- -- Digimon that wander from the digital world into the DigiQuartz are able to feed off of what negative emotions leak in from the human world. This makes the Digimon stronger at the expense of being extremely violent. As a result, the Digimon Hunters must work to stop these Digimon from wreaking havoc in the human world. Joined by the troublemaking Gumdramon, Tagiru aims to become the top Digimon Hunter, all the while unaware of Taiki and Yuu’s previous Digimon connections. Yet a sinister force lurks with the creation of the DigiQuartz, and the young Hunters will soon realize that the Digimon Hunt is much more than a simple game... -- 21,558 6.43
Digimon Xros Wars: Toki wo Kakeru Shounen Hunter-tachi -- -- Toei Animation -- 25 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Shounen -- Digimon Xros Wars: Toki wo Kakeru Shounen Hunter-tachi Digimon Xros Wars: Toki wo Kakeru Shounen Hunter-tachi -- Digimon Xros Wars: Toki wo Kakeru Shounen Hunter-tachi takes place one year after the defeat of Bagramon and company. Since then, Taiki Kudou and Yuu Amano have formed a basketball team with Yuu’s classmate, Tagiru Akashi. One day, Tagiru discovers a strange area called the DigiQuartz, a strange and unstable realm that exists between the human and digital worlds. He then realises that children all over the world have obtained Xros Loaders as well as Digimon partners to participate in a competition called the 'Digimon Hunt'. -- -- Digimon that wander from the digital world into the DigiQuartz are able to feed off of what negative emotions leak in from the human world. This makes the Digimon stronger at the expense of being extremely violent. As a result, the Digimon Hunters must work to stop these Digimon from wreaking havoc in the human world. Joined by the troublemaking Gumdramon, Tagiru aims to become the top Digimon Hunter, all the while unaware of Taiki and Yuu’s previous Digimon connections. Yet a sinister force lurks with the creation of the DigiQuartz, and the young Hunters will soon realize that the Digimon Hunt is much more than a simple game... -- -- Licensor: -- Flatiron Film Company -- 21,558 6.43
Dororo -- -- MAPPA, Tezuka Productions -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Demons Historical Samurai Shounen Supernatural -- Dororo Dororo -- The greedy samurai lord Daigo Kagemitsu's land is dying, and he would do anything for power, even renounce Buddha and make a pact with demons. His prayers are answered by 12 demons who grant him the power he desires by aiding his prefecture's growth, but at a price. When Kagemitsu's first son is born, the boy has no limbs, no nose, no eyes, no ears, nor even skin—yet still, he lives. -- -- This child is disposed of in a river and forgotten. But as luck would have it, he is saved by a medicine man who provides him with prosthetics and weapons, allowing for him to survive and fend for himself. The boy lives and grows, and although he cannot see, hear, or feel anything, he must defeat the demons that took him as sacrifice. With the death of each one, he regains a part of himself that is rightfully his. For many years he wanders alone, until one day an orphan boy, Dororo, befriends him. The unlikely pair of castaways now fight for their survival and humanity in an unforgiving, demon-infested world. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 745,731 8.20
Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka Movie: Orion no Ya -- -- J.C.Staff -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Romance -- Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka Movie: Orion no Ya Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka Movie: Orion no Ya -- Continuing his adventure to get stronger in order to traverse deeper into the "Dungeon," Bell Cranel wanders the Orario city streets with his friends and the goddess Hestia. That evening, the city is filled with stalls and games as it celebrates the Holy Moon Festival. -- -- Hermes, a god, hosts one such activity where participants are asked to pull a spear embedded in a crystal boulder; those who succeed will receive a special gift: a trip around the world and a divine blessing from the gods! Bell and his merry group challenge one another to claim the prize. But behind the facade of an innocent party game lies a preface for a daring quest ahead. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Movie - Feb 15, 2019 -- 147,084 7.43
Fairy Tail Movie 1: Houou no Miko -- -- A-1 Pictures, Satelight -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Magic Shounen -- Fairy Tail Movie 1: Houou no Miko Fairy Tail Movie 1: Houou no Miko -- In the mountains of north Fiore lies the Fire Village, where a lush-blue relic known as the Phoenix Stone is preserved. Entrusted to a mystifying woman named Éclair, it is said to contain the power of an ancient phoenix. She wanders the land alone and protects the stone from harm, despite having no memory of why it was left in her care and only the faintest recollection of where she must take it. -- -- After encountering the wizard guild Fairy Tail, Éclair receives an offer from Natsu Dragneel and his friends to help her uncover the mysteries surrounding the stone. However, in the midst of the group's journey, Éclair is suddenly attacked and the stone is taken from her. With this, nefarious intentions to revive the blazing phoenix for its unparalleled power come to light, and the wizards of Fairy Tail find themselves in a situation that could spell calamity. They must now work together to prevent the revival of the phoenix and save the world from ruin. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Aug 18, 2012 -- 171,203 7.39
Fairy Tail Movie 1: Houou no Miko -- -- A-1 Pictures, Satelight -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Magic Shounen -- Fairy Tail Movie 1: Houou no Miko Fairy Tail Movie 1: Houou no Miko -- In the mountains of north Fiore lies the Fire Village, where a lush-blue relic known as the Phoenix Stone is preserved. Entrusted to a mystifying woman named Éclair, it is said to contain the power of an ancient phoenix. She wanders the land alone and protects the stone from harm, despite having no memory of why it was left in her care and only the faintest recollection of where she must take it. -- -- After encountering the wizard guild Fairy Tail, Éclair receives an offer from Natsu Dragneel and his friends to help her uncover the mysteries surrounding the stone. However, in the midst of the group's journey, Éclair is suddenly attacked and the stone is taken from her. With this, nefarious intentions to revive the blazing phoenix for its unparalleled power come to light, and the wizards of Fairy Tail find themselves in a situation that could spell calamity. They must now work together to prevent the revival of the phoenix and save the world from ruin. -- -- Movie - Aug 18, 2012 -- 171,203 7.39
Fatal Fury 2: The New Battle -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Adventure Drama Martial Arts Shounen -- Fatal Fury 2: The New Battle Fatal Fury 2: The New Battle -- After defeating Geese Howard, legendary fighter Terry Bogard faces German warrior Wolfgang Krauser, only to suffer a humiliating defeat. Depressed by his loss, Terry wanders around the country, wasting his life through drinking. Only a young boy named Tony can convince Terry to go back to his winning ways, conquer his fears, and once again face Krauser. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Based on the Neo Geo SNK video game Fatal Fury 2. -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, VIZ Media -- OVA - Jul 31, 1993 -- 7,802 6.73
Fate/Grand Order: Shinsei Entaku Ryouiki Camelot 1 - Wandering; Agateram -- -- Signal.MD -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Fate/Grand Order: Shinsei Entaku Ryouiki Camelot 1 - Wandering; Agateram Fate/Grand Order: Shinsei Entaku Ryouiki Camelot 1 - Wandering; Agateram -- An adaptation of the the Sixth Singularity, The Sacred Round Table Realm Camelot Singularity of Fate/Grand Order. -- Movie - Dec 5, 2020 -- 40,125 6.80
Fate/Grand Order: Shinsei Entaku Ryouiki Camelot 2 - Paladin; Agateram -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Fate/Grand Order: Shinsei Entaku Ryouiki Camelot 2 - Paladin; Agateram Fate/Grand Order: Shinsei Entaku Ryouiki Camelot 2 - Paladin; Agateram -- Part two of Fate/Grand Order: Shinsei Entaku Ryouiki Camelot - Wandering; Agateram; an adaptation of the the Sixth Holy Grail War, The Sacred Round Table Realm Camelot Singularity of Fate/Grand Order. -- -- (Source: TYPE-MOON Wiki) -- Movie - May 8, 2021 -- 29,606 N/A -- -- .hack//G.U. Trilogy -- -- CyberConnect2 -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Fantasy Game Sci-Fi -- .hack//G.U. Trilogy .hack//G.U. Trilogy -- Based on the CyberConnect2 HIT GAME, now will be released in a CG Movie! -- -- The Movie will be placed in the storyline of each .hack//G.U. games trilogy. The story follows Haseo, a player in the online MMORPG called The World:R2 at first depicted as a PKK (Player Killer Killer) known as the "Terror of Death", a former member of the disbanded Twilight Brigade guild. Haseo encounters Azure Kite (believing him to be Tri-Edge and blaming him for what happened to Shino) but is hopelessly outmatched. Azure Kite easily defeats Haseo and Data Drains him, reducing his level from 133 to 1 and leaving him without any items, weapons, or member addresses. He is left with a mystery on his hands as to the nature of the Data Drain and why Azure Kite is in possession of such a skill. -- -- Eventually Haseo gains the "Avatar" of Skeith. Acquiring the ability to call Skeith and wield his abilities, such as Data Drain. With Skeith as his strength, Haseo begins the quest for a way to save Shino. -- -- He is seen seeking out a PK (Player Killer) known as Tri-Edge, whose victims supposedly are unable to return to The World after he PKs them. Haseo's friend, Shino, was attacked six months prior to the events of the game by Tri-Edge, and the player herself, Shino Nanao, was left in a coma. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Funimation -- Movie - Mar 25, 2008 -- 29,585 7.13
Fate/Grand Order: Shinsei Entaku Ryouiki Camelot 2 - Paladin; Agateram -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Fate/Grand Order: Shinsei Entaku Ryouiki Camelot 2 - Paladin; Agateram Fate/Grand Order: Shinsei Entaku Ryouiki Camelot 2 - Paladin; Agateram -- Part two of Fate/Grand Order: Shinsei Entaku Ryouiki Camelot - Wandering; Agateram; an adaptation of the the Sixth Holy Grail War, The Sacred Round Table Realm Camelot Singularity of Fate/Grand Order. -- -- (Source: TYPE-MOON Wiki) -- Movie - May 8, 2021 -- 29,606 N/A -- -- Smile Precure! -- -- Toei Animation -- 48 eps -- Original -- Action Magic Fantasy Shoujo -- Smile Precure! Smile Precure! -- To teenager Miyuki Hoshizora, fairy tales are a world of wondrous encounters and happy endings. Inspired by her love for these stories, she lives every day searching for happiness. While running late on her first day of school as a transfer student, Miyuki meets Candy—a mysterious fairy from the world of fairy tales, Märchenland. However, when Candy disappears as quickly as she appeared, Miyuki is left believing the encounter was only a dream. -- -- After an eventful first day, Miyuki finds a mysterious library at school. While combing through the bookshelves, she is transported next to Candy, who claims to be searching for the so-called legendary warriors, Precure. When forced to protect Candy's and everyone else's happiness, Miyuki transforms into "Cure Happy," one of the Precure warriors! As Cure Happy, Miyuki is now tasked with finding the other legendary warriors and protecting the world from destruction, all while possibly discovering her very own happy ending. -- -- 29,388 6.71
Fate/Grand Order: Shinsei Entaku Ryouiki Camelot 2 - Paladin; Agateram -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Fate/Grand Order: Shinsei Entaku Ryouiki Camelot 2 - Paladin; Agateram Fate/Grand Order: Shinsei Entaku Ryouiki Camelot 2 - Paladin; Agateram -- Part two of Fate/Grand Order: Shinsei Entaku Ryouiki Camelot - Wandering; Agateram; an adaptation of the the Sixth Holy Grail War, The Sacred Round Table Realm Camelot Singularity of Fate/Grand Order. -- -- (Source: TYPE-MOON Wiki) -- Movie - May 8, 2021 -- 29,606 N/A -- -- Wagaya no Oinari-sama. -- -- Zexcs -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Fantasy Shounen Supernatural -- Wagaya no Oinari-sama. Wagaya no Oinari-sama. -- The Mizuchi bloodline has long been hunted by Yokai, or monsters. Toru and Noboru Takagami are descendents of this bloodline, and under their grandmother's discretion, are given a secret weapon to combat these monsters. It is Tenko Kugen, a fox deity who can take the shape of a man or woman at will. The mischievous deity is accompanied by a shrine maiden, Ko, who will both live with the Takagami brothers at their house. Life just got complicated. -- -- (Source: NIS America) -- -- Licensor: -- NIS America, Inc. -- TV - Apr 7, 2008 -- 29,375 7.21
Ged Senki -- -- Studio Ghibli -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Adventure Magic Fantasy -- Ged Senki Ged Senki -- Calamities are plaguing the land of Earthsea and dragons have been seen fighting above the clouds—something which has never happened before. Sparrowhawk, a powerful Archmage, sets out to uncover the mystery behind these concerning events and meets Prince Arren along the way. Arren is the fugitive heir to the Kingdom of Enlad and a seemingly quiet and distressed lad. Wandering aimlessly in an attempt to escape the dark presence haunting him, he decides to tag along Sparrowhawk on his journey. -- -- However, their arrival in the seaside settlement of Hort Town is met with unexpected trouble—Lord Cob, a powerful evil wizard obsessed with eternal life, stands in their way. Forced to confront him, the pair joins forces with Tenar—an old friend of Sparrowhawk—and Therru, the ill-fated orphan girl she took in. But the enemy's cunning hobby of manipulating emotions may just prove to be catastrophic for the young prince. -- -- Set in a magical world, Ged Senki goes beyond the classical battle between the forces of good and evil, as it explores the inner battles of the heart. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Walt Disney Studios -- Movie - Jul 29, 2006 -- 111,570 6.92
Ged Senki -- -- Studio Ghibli -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Adventure Magic Fantasy -- Ged Senki Ged Senki -- Calamities are plaguing the land of Earthsea and dragons have been seen fighting above the clouds—something which has never happened before. Sparrowhawk, a powerful Archmage, sets out to uncover the mystery behind these concerning events and meets Prince Arren along the way. Arren is the fugitive heir to the Kingdom of Enlad and a seemingly quiet and distressed lad. Wandering aimlessly in an attempt to escape the dark presence haunting him, he decides to tag along Sparrowhawk on his journey. -- -- However, their arrival in the seaside settlement of Hort Town is met with unexpected trouble—Lord Cob, a powerful evil wizard obsessed with eternal life, stands in their way. Forced to confront him, the pair joins forces with Tenar—an old friend of Sparrowhawk—and Therru, the ill-fated orphan girl she took in. But the enemy's cunning hobby of manipulating emotions may just prove to be catastrophic for the young prince. -- -- Set in a magical world, Ged Senki goes beyond the classical battle between the forces of good and evil, as it explores the inner battles of the heart. -- -- Movie - Jul 29, 2006 -- 111,570 6.92
.hack//Sign -- -- Bee Train -- 26 eps -- Original -- Game Sci-Fi Adventure Mystery Magic Fantasy -- .hack//Sign .hack//Sign -- A young wavemaster, only known by the alias of Tsukasa, wakes up in an MMORPG called The World, with slight amnesia. He does not know what he has previously done before he woke up. In The World, the Crimson Knights suspects him of being a hacker, as he was seen accompanying a tweaked character in the form of a cat. Unable to log out from the game, he wanders around looking for answers, avoiding the knights and other players he meets along the way. -- -- As Tsukasa explores The World, he stumbles upon a magical item that takes the form of a "guardian," which promises him protection from all harm. Subaru, the leader of the Crimson Knights, along with several other players who became acquainted with Tsukasa, set out to investigate why Tsukasa is unable to log out, and attempt to get to the bottom of the problem before it gets out of hand. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Funimation -- TV - Apr 4, 2002 -- 160,231 6.98
.hack//Sign -- -- Bee Train -- 26 eps -- Original -- Game Sci-Fi Adventure Mystery Magic Fantasy -- .hack//Sign .hack//Sign -- A young wavemaster, only known by the alias of Tsukasa, wakes up in an MMORPG called The World, with slight amnesia. He does not know what he has previously done before he woke up. In The World, the Crimson Knights suspects him of being a hacker, as he was seen accompanying a tweaked character in the form of a cat. Unable to log out from the game, he wanders around looking for answers, avoiding the knights and other players he meets along the way. -- -- As Tsukasa explores The World, he stumbles upon a magical item that takes the form of a "guardian," which promises him protection from all harm. Subaru, the leader of the Crimson Knights, along with several other players who became acquainted with Tsukasa, set out to investigate why Tsukasa is unable to log out, and attempt to get to the bottom of the problem before it gets out of hand. -- -- TV - Apr 4, 2002 -- 160,231 6.98
Hatsukoi Monster -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Romance School Shoujo -- Hatsukoi Monster Hatsukoi Monster -- Freshman Kaho Nikaidou is from an influential family, and as such, no one has ever said anything even remotely mean to her, for fear of incurring her household's wrath. Wishing to be around people who will not treat her as special because of her background, she leaves home to live at a dormitory for her new school year. Shortly after arriving, Kaho accidentally wanders into traffic and is saved by a tall, handsome stranger. When she asks for his name, he tells her she is weird and walks away. Having finally met the only person to ever say an unkind word to her, Kaho falls head over heels for her savior. -- -- After meeting her rescuer yet again and discovering that his name is Kanade Takahashi, she confesses her love to him. Kanade says he would like for them to be a couple, but that Kaho may not want to date him after she finds out his secret. To her shock, Kaho discovers the startling truth: Kanade is a fifth grader! -- -- Deciding that she can't date a fifth grader, Kaho intends to break up with him. But as she spends more time with Kanade, she begins to care for him even more and continues dating him. Hatsukoi Monster follows Kaho's first steps into love with Kanade, her immature, yet kind, fifth grade boyfriend. -- -- 89,172 5.58
Hokuto no Ken -- -- Toei Animation -- 109 eps -- Manga -- Action Drama Martial Arts Sci-Fi Shounen -- Hokuto no Ken Hokuto no Ken -- In the year 19XX, after being betrayed and left for dead, bravehearted warrior Kenshirou wanders a post-apocalyptic wasteland on a quest to track down his rival, Shin, who has kidnapped his beloved fiancée Yuria. During his journey, Kenshirou makes use of his deadly fighting form, Hokuto Shinken, to defend the helpless from bloodthirsty ravagers. It isn't long before his exploits begin to attract the attention of greater enemies, like warlords and rival martial artists, and Keshirou finds himself involved with more than he originally bargained for. -- -- Faced with ever-increasing odds, the successor of Hokuto Shinken is forced to put his skills to the test in an effort to take back what he cares for most. And as these new challenges present themselves and the battle against injustice intensifies, namely his conflict with Shin and the rest of the Nanto Seiken school of martial arts, Kenshirou is gradually transformed into the savior of an irradiated and violent world. -- -- 101,893 7.98
Hokuto no Ken -- -- Toei Animation -- 109 eps -- Manga -- Action Drama Martial Arts Sci-Fi Shounen -- Hokuto no Ken Hokuto no Ken -- In the year 19XX, after being betrayed and left for dead, bravehearted warrior Kenshirou wanders a post-apocalyptic wasteland on a quest to track down his rival, Shin, who has kidnapped his beloved fiancée Yuria. During his journey, Kenshirou makes use of his deadly fighting form, Hokuto Shinken, to defend the helpless from bloodthirsty ravagers. It isn't long before his exploits begin to attract the attention of greater enemies, like warlords and rival martial artists, and Keshirou finds himself involved with more than he originally bargained for. -- -- Faced with ever-increasing odds, the successor of Hokuto Shinken is forced to put his skills to the test in an effort to take back what he cares for most. And as these new challenges present themselves and the battle against injustice intensifies, namely his conflict with Shin and the rest of the Nanto Seiken school of martial arts, Kenshirou is gradually transformed into the savior of an irradiated and violent world. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Manga Entertainment -- 101,893 7.98
Iwa Kakeru!: Sport Climbing Girls -- -- Blade -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Comedy Sports School -- Iwa Kakeru!: Sport Climbing Girls Iwa Kakeru!: Sport Climbing Girls -- Video games, especially puzzle games, were always at the center of Konomi Kasahara's life. However, upon entering Hanamiya High School, she decides to break away from this lifestyle. As Konomi wanders the halls in search of a new activity to engage herself in, she stumbles upon a gigantic wall owned by the school's rock climbing team. Fascinated, she attempts to scale the wall, discovering that she can use her puzzle-solving skills to help her reach the top. -- -- Certain that she has found her calling, Konomi immediately joins the club. As she strives to improve her climbing skills, Konomi, alongside the rest of the Hanamiya Climbing Team, will learn what it truly means to be a "sports climber" and work to achieve victory in the upcoming competitions. -- -- 64,490 6.48
Juubee Ninpuuchou -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Historical Horror Supernatural Romance Samurai Fantasy Shounen -- Juubee Ninpuuchou Juubee Ninpuuchou -- Jubei Kibagami wanders feudal Japan as an itinerant swordsman-for-hire. After a past betrayal left him masterless, he has no more patience for warring political factions and their schemes. Unfortunately, both past and political intrigue collide when he meets and saves a female ninja named Kagero from a man with the ability to make his body as hard as stone. -- -- The sole survivor of a ninja clan, Kagero continues her team's last mission: investigate a mysterious plague that wiped out an entire village. Jubei wants nothing to do with this, but the stone-like man's allies, a group of ninja with supernatural powers known as the Devils of Kimon, make that option difficult. To make matters worse, a government spy poisons Jubei, promising him an antidote if he can unravel the true intentions of the Devils of Kimon and their connection to the plague. The trail leads to shadow leaders, a plot to overthrow the government, and a man that Jubei thought he would never see again. -- -- Licensor: -- Manga Entertainment, Sentai Filmworks -- Movie - Jun 5, 1993 -- 104,294 7.61
Juubee Ninpuuchou -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Historical Horror Supernatural Romance Samurai Fantasy Shounen -- Juubee Ninpuuchou Juubee Ninpuuchou -- Jubei Kibagami wanders feudal Japan as an itinerant swordsman-for-hire. After a past betrayal left him masterless, he has no more patience for warring political factions and their schemes. Unfortunately, both past and political intrigue collide when he meets and saves a female ninja named Kagero from a man with the ability to make his body as hard as stone. -- -- The sole survivor of a ninja clan, Kagero continues her team's last mission: investigate a mysterious plague that wiped out an entire village. Jubei wants nothing to do with this, but the stone-like man's allies, a group of ninja with supernatural powers known as the Devils of Kimon, make that option difficult. To make matters worse, a government spy poisons Jubei, promising him an antidote if he can unravel the true intentions of the Devils of Kimon and their connection to the plague. The trail leads to shadow leaders, a plot to overthrow the government, and a man that Jubei thought he would never see again. -- Movie - Jun 5, 1993 -- 104,294 7.61
Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl -- -- Studio Hibari -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance School Shoujo Ai Slice of Life -- Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl -- Hazumu was a shy boy who enjoyed gardening, collecting herbs, and long walks in the mountains. One day he finally worked up the courage to confess his love to Yasuna, but she rejected him. -- -- Depressed, he wandered up Mt. Kashimayama, the place where they first met, to reconsider his feelings. After getting lost, he wished upon a shooting star and received a bizarre twist of fate. -- -- Now he is a she, and she stumbles headfirst back into social life and relationships only to find that the entire landscape has changed! -- -- (Source: Media Blasters) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Media Blasters -- TV - Jan 12, 2006 -- 43,936 6.66
Kaze no Na wa Amnesia -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Dementia Drama Sci-Fi -- Kaze no Na wa Amnesia Kaze no Na wa Amnesia -- Two years ago, a mysterious wind swept over the Earth without warning, taking everyone's memories with it. Not knowing their names or even how to speak, cars crashed, planes dropped from the sky, and society crumbled in an instant. One young man happens to wander into a military testing facility, where he meets Johnny, a young boy who underwent experimental memory enhancement treatment and could, therefore, still remember who he was. Johnny names the young man Wataru and teaches him everything that he can before his frail body fails him. -- -- Wataru sets out on a journey to see if he can find other people like him, and in San Francisco, he meets a mysterious silver-haired woman named Sophia, who refuses to speak about her past. Sophia says that she is heading to New York, and decides to travel together with Wataru. As the pair make their way across America, they learn about what has happened to the rest of society, and what the essence of humanity really is. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media, Discotek Media -- Movie - Dec 22, 1990 -- 14,803 6.37
Ken En Ken: Aoki Kagayaki -- -- Studio Deen -- 13 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Demons Magic Martial Arts Fantasy -- Ken En Ken: Aoki Kagayaki Ken En Ken: Aoki Kagayaki -- Yin and Ning are two sisters who have been wandering the land together ever since their village was destroyed by the villainous Taibai Empire. Their childhood friend, Zhao, has been enslaved by the Taibai himself, and uses his brilliance at tinkering and inventing to get by as a slave to the Empire's whims. One day, Yin accidentally discovers a legendary sword, which grants her fantastic abilities in combat, and allows her to summon a mystical, mechanical fox spirit named Yun, who is sworn to fight by her side. Meanwhile, Zhao is making fast friends with a mysterious young girl who just may hold a great amount of power within the Taibai Empire. As Zhao and the Fu sisters find themselves increasingly caught up in the Empire's battle for supremacy over the land, it will take all of the magic and might that the budding resistance armies can muster to turn the tide of war once and for all. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 13,901 6.06
Kill la Kill -- -- Trigger -- 24 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Super Power Ecchi School -- Kill la Kill Kill la Kill -- After the murder of her father, Ryuuko Matoi has been wandering the land in search of his killer. Following her only lead—the missing half of his invention, the Scissor Blade—she arrives at the prestigious Honnouji Academy, a high school unlike any other. The academy is ruled by the imposing and cold-hearted student council president Satsuki Kiryuuin alongside her powerful underlings, the Elite Four. In the school's brutally competitive hierarchy, Satsuki bestows upon those at the top special clothes called "Goku Uniforms," which grant the wearer unique superhuman abilities. -- -- Thoroughly beaten in a fight against one of the students in uniform, Ryuuko retreats to her razed home where she stumbles across Senketsu, a rare and sentient "Kamui," or God Clothes. After coming into contact with Ryuuko's blood, Senketsu awakens, latching onto her and providing her with immense power. Now, armed with Senketsu and the Scissor Blade, Ryuuko makes a stand against the Elite Four, hoping to reach Satsuki and uncover the culprit behind her father's murder once and for all. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 1,337,349 8.09
Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World -- -- A.C.G.T. -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Psychological Slice of Life -- Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World -- Kino, a 15-year-old traveler, forms a bond with Hermes, a talking motorcycle. Together, they wander the lands and venture through various countries and places, despite having no clear idea of what to expect. After all, life is a journey filled with the unknown. -- -- Throughout their journeys, they encounter different kinds of customs, from the morally gray to tragic and fascinating. They also meet many people: some who live to work, some who live to make others happy, and some who live to chase their dreams. Thus, in every country they visit, there is always something to learn from the way people carry out their lives. -- -- It is not up to Kino or Hermes to decide whether these asserted values are wrong or right, as they merely assume the roles of observers within this small world. They do not attempt to change or influence the places they visit, despite how absurd these values would appear. That's because in one way or another, they believe things are fine as they are, and that "the world is not beautiful; therefore, it is." -- -- 234,132 8.33
Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World -- -- A.C.G.T. -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Psychological Slice of Life -- Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World -- Kino, a 15-year-old traveler, forms a bond with Hermes, a talking motorcycle. Together, they wander the lands and venture through various countries and places, despite having no clear idea of what to expect. After all, life is a journey filled with the unknown. -- -- Throughout their journeys, they encounter different kinds of customs, from the morally gray to tragic and fascinating. They also meet many people: some who live to work, some who live to make others happy, and some who live to chase their dreams. Thus, in every country they visit, there is always something to learn from the way people carry out their lives. -- -- It is not up to Kino or Hermes to decide whether these asserted values are wrong or right, as they merely assume the roles of observers within this small world. They do not attempt to change or influence the places they visit, despite how absurd these values would appear. That's because in one way or another, they believe things are fine as they are, and that "the world is not beautiful; therefore, it is." -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Sentai Filmworks -- 234,132 8.33
Koihime†Musou -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Adventure Historical Ecchi Martial Arts Fantasy -- Koihime†Musou Koihime†Musou -- After witnessing the death of her family at the hands of bandits, Unchou Kan'u has devoted her life to protecting the innocent by exterminating any group of bandits she comes across. Over time, Kan'u's deeds become famous throughout the land—even if she herself remains unknown. During her travels, she runs across a young girl, Chouhi Yokutoku, whose parents suffered a similar fate as Kan'u's. Finding companionship through their similar pasts, the two girls take a vow of sisterhood and continue to wander the land, determined to bring peace to wherever their journey takes them. -- -- During Kan'u and Chouhi's journey, they meet and travel with several people who are sympathetic to their cause, such as the noble Chouun Shiryuu, the headstrong Bachou Mouki, and the calculating Shokatsuryou Koumei. From problems with local lords to groups of ravaging bandits, Kan'u and her friends do what they can to make life a little easier for those in need, wherever they may be. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 42,705 6.75
Konohana no Sakuya Mori -- -- Tomoyasu Murata Company -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- Konohana no Sakuya Mori Konohana no Sakuya Mori -- A horse puppet wanders into a silver world and pauses before an ethereal flower. -- -- (Source: CoolConnections) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2014 -- 465 6.01
Kyousou Giga -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Fantasy Supernatural -- Kyousou Giga Kyousou Giga -- It's Kyoto, and yet it is not. -- -- A microcosm of peculiar origins, "Mirror Kyoto." -- -- A small incident causes a young girl, Koto, to wander into this world. -- -- She runs into a mysterious monk, gets chased around by a tech-obsessed girl, and heartily enjoys her chaotic and colorful new life, but meanwhile, out of sight, a certain plan is being set into motion... -- -- In this mysterious city where spirits and humans have been thrown together, the festivities are about to begin! -- -- (Source: translated from the official website by lygerzero0zero) -- ONA - Dec 1, 2011 -- 41,778 6.94
Ling Qi -- -- Haoliners Animation League -- 20 eps -- Web manga -- Action Comedy Magic Shounen Ai Supernatural -- Ling Qi Ling Qi -- Low on luck after a series of unfortunate events, You Keika works part-time to try bringing himself out of a life of poverty. After a strange encounter with a white-haired man in a junkyard, You wakes up to discover that he was killed in a sudden accident and has become a spirit. The man he had encountered, Tanmoku Ki, is revealed as the 13th Youmeshi of the Tanmoki, the highest-ranking exorcist family of China. Noticing the wandering spirit, he offers You the opportunity to form a pact: he will offer You protection from humans and in return, You will have to become his spirit shadow, keeping him safe and guarded at all times. -- -- From then on, the two face untold challenges in the spiritual world, striving to keep those around them safe from harmful spirits. Along the way, the pact they formed grows into something more; a bond that neither of the two ever expected. Behind their roles as master and servant, a lingering admiration begins to emerge. -- -- ONA - Jun 21, 2016 -- 66,773 7.14
Majo no Takkyuubin -- -- Studio Ghibli -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Adventure Comedy Drama Magic Romance Fantasy -- Majo no Takkyuubin Majo no Takkyuubin -- Kiki, a 13-year-old witch-in-training, must spend a year living on her own in a distant town in order to become a full-fledged witch. Leaving her family and friends, Kiki undertakes this tradition when she flies out into the open world atop her broomstick with her black cat Jiji. -- -- As she settles down in the coastal town of Koriko, Kiki struggles to adapt and ends up wandering the streets with no place to stay—until she encounters Osono, who offers Kiki boarding in exchange for making deliveries for her small bakery. Before long, Kiki decides to open her own courier service by broomstick, beginning her journey to independence. In attempting to find her place among the townsfolk, Kiki brings with her exciting new experiences and comes to understand the true meaning of responsibility. -- -- -- Licensor: -- GKIDS, Walt Disney Studios -- Movie - Jul 29, 1989 -- 400,205 8.23
Majo no Takkyuubin -- -- Studio Ghibli -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Adventure Comedy Drama Magic Romance Fantasy -- Majo no Takkyuubin Majo no Takkyuubin -- Kiki, a 13-year-old witch-in-training, must spend a year living on her own in a distant town in order to become a full-fledged witch. Leaving her family and friends, Kiki undertakes this tradition when she flies out into the open world atop her broomstick with her black cat Jiji. -- -- As she settles down in the coastal town of Koriko, Kiki struggles to adapt and ends up wandering the streets with no place to stay—until she encounters Osono, who offers Kiki boarding in exchange for making deliveries for her small bakery. Before long, Kiki decides to open her own courier service by broomstick, beginning her journey to independence. In attempting to find her place among the townsfolk, Kiki brings with her exciting new experiences and comes to understand the true meaning of responsibility. -- -- Movie - Jul 29, 1989 -- 400,205 8.23
Majutsushi Orphen -- -- J.C.Staff -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Comedy Demons Fantasy Magic -- Majutsushi Orphen Majutsushi Orphen -- Six years ago at the magic school known as the Tower of Fang, a grave accident happened involving the magical sword Baltanders and the magic user Azali. Unable to control the sword's power, Azali was transformed into the shape of a great dragon who since that day became known as Bloody August. Krilancelo, a young magician at the Tower who cared greatly for Azali found much to his disgust that the elders of the Tower of Fang were less than willing to save Azali and wanted rather to pretend the accident never happened. Angered by their stand, Krilanceloa swore that he would find a way to return Azali to her former self. Thus he forsook the name Krilancelo and declared himself Orphen, leaving the Tower and his magical studies behind to wander the world... -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 36,924 7.16
Muramasa -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Historical Horror Martial Arts Samurai -- Muramasa Muramasa -- "A man with arms which can kill people like puppets is not aware that he himself has already become a puppet." In this short hand-drawn silent animation, a wandering samurai learns this lesson firsthand. -- -- Along his travels, the samurai comes across a straw dummy at the base of a tree, with a sword lodged in its body. Upon drawing it out, the samurai learns that the blade is imbued with magic, and immensely powerful. The power comes at a price, though, and wielding the blade begins to slowly drive the warrior mad. He now has a choice to make: remain himself, or sacrifice his sanity for ultimate power? -- Movie - Aug 21, 1987 -- 4,605 6.20
Omoide no Marnie -- -- Studio Ghibli -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Mystery Psychological Drama -- Omoide no Marnie Omoide no Marnie -- Suffering from frequent asthma attacks, young Anna Sasaki is quiet, unsociable, and isolated from her peers, causing her foster parent endless worry. Upon recommendation by the doctor, Anna is sent to the countryside, in hope that the cleaner air and more relaxing lifestyle will improve her health and help clear her mind. Engaging in her passion for sketching, Anna spends her summer days living with her aunt and uncle in a small town near the sea. -- -- One day while wandering outside, Anna discovers an abandoned mansion known as the Marsh House. However, she soon finds that the residence isn't as vacant as it appears to be, running into a mysterious girl named Marnie. Marnie's bubbly demeanor slowly begins to draw Anna out of her shell as she returns night after night to meet with her new friend. But it seems there is more to the strange girl than meets the eye—as her time in the town nears its end, Anna begins to discover the truth behind the walls of the Marsh House. -- -- Omoide no Marnie tells the touching story of a young girl's journey through self-discovery and friendship, and the summer that she will remember for the rest of her life. -- -- -- Licensor: -- GKIDS -- Movie - Jul 19, 2014 -- 200,826 8.10
One Piece Movie 5: Norowareta Seiken -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Super Power Fantasy Shounen -- One Piece Movie 5: Norowareta Seiken One Piece Movie 5: Norowareta Seiken -- Luffy and crew go to an island searching for a legendary sword, said to be the most expensive in the world. Soon attacking marines and beautiful maidens split the crew. Zoro betrays the crew to help an old friend, Luffy and Usopp wander through a cave, and the rest help a village fight marines. When Zoro defeats Sanji he takes the sacred pearls that are the only defense against the evil sword that will plunge the world into darkness. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Mar 6, 2004 -- 59,097 7.22
Phantom in the Twilight -- -- LIDENFILMS -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Supernatural Vampire -- Phantom in the Twilight Phantom in the Twilight -- Set in modern day London, the story takes place in a world where "Shadows" are born from human fear and anxiety. A young girl arrives to study abroad, only to be caught in a bizarre incident as she enters university. In a city with no acquaintances, the helpless girl wanders into "Café Forbidden," a mysterious café that exclusively opens at midnight. She meets an assortment of handsome men employed at the café, where guardians who protect the boundary between humans and shadow convene. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- 36,678 6.41
Plunderer -- -- GEEK TOYS -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Ecchi Fantasy Shounen -- Plunderer Plunderer -- Alcia is a world governed by "Count": numbers engraved on a person's body, representing any number related to their life. These Counts determine a person's social status and power in Alcia. If a Count reaches zero, the person is sent to the Abyss, a place rumored to be worse than death. -- -- Hina, a traveler whose Count is based on the distance she traveled, witnessed her mother get dragged down into the Abyss. Determined to fulfill her mother's last wishes, she sets off on a journey in search of the legendary Aces—heroes of the war that happened three hundred years ago, bearing a white star next to their Count. -- -- While wandering around, Hina encounters Licht Bach, a mysterious masked man with negative Count, and Nana, the owner of a tavern. In the midst of having a good time, Hina is tricked into a battle with a military soldier. However, despite his negative count, Licht rescues Hina and reveals that he has another count, one with a white star, one of a legendary Ace. -- -- Plunderer follows the journey of Hina and other inhabitants of Alcia as they discover the truth about their world, the Abyss, and the legendary Aces. -- -- 240,541 6.51
Plunderer -- -- GEEK TOYS -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Ecchi Fantasy Shounen -- Plunderer Plunderer -- Alcia is a world governed by "Count": numbers engraved on a person's body, representing any number related to their life. These Counts determine a person's social status and power in Alcia. If a Count reaches zero, the person is sent to the Abyss, a place rumored to be worse than death. -- -- Hina, a traveler whose Count is based on the distance she traveled, witnessed her mother get dragged down into the Abyss. Determined to fulfill her mother's last wishes, she sets off on a journey in search of the legendary Aces—heroes of the war that happened three hundred years ago, bearing a white star next to their Count. -- -- While wandering around, Hina encounters Licht Bach, a mysterious masked man with negative Count, and Nana, the owner of a tavern. In the midst of having a good time, Hina is tricked into a battle with a military soldier. However, despite his negative count, Licht rescues Hina and reveals that he has another count, one with a white star, one of a legendary Ace. -- -- Plunderer follows the journey of Hina and other inhabitants of Alcia as they discover the truth about their world, the Abyss, and the legendary Aces. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 240,541 6.51
Pokemon XY -- -- OLM -- 93 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Kids -- Pokemon XY Pokemon XY -- Satoshi and Pikachu have arrived in Miare City of the illustrious Kalos region to capture more Pokemon and continue their journey towards becoming the very best. Meanwhile, a genius inventor named Citron and his little sister Eureka wander the city when they run into Satoshi who quickly challenges them to a battle. However, they are soon caught up in a dangerous incident when Team Rocket, following Satoshi into Kalos, cause a Gaburias to rampage through the city. -- -- Far away in the quiet Asame Town, a young girl named Serena slogs through daily Sihorn riding practice at the behest of her mother, a professional Sihorn racer. After practice, she sees the events unfolding in Miare City on television where she recognizes a boy from her childhood. Having left a significant impact on her life, the sight of him stirs in her a desire to meet him again; and so, Serena sets off to Miare City, determined to find the boy from her past. -- -- Pokemon XY follows the group as they travel throughout Kalos in pursuit of their ambitions—Satoshi challenging Pokemon gyms, Citron learning from Satoshi, and Serena searching for what exactly her dream is. Along the way, they meet new friends, face new rivals, and continue to thwart Team Rocket's schemes, all the while discovering a little about the mysteries of mega evolution. -- -- -- Licensor: -- The Pokemon Company International -- 113,164 7.28
Psycho-Pass: Sinners of the System Case.3 - Onshuu no Kanata ni__ -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Police Psychological -- Psycho-Pass: Sinners of the System Case.3 - Onshuu no Kanata ni__ Psycho-Pass: Sinners of the System Case.3 - Onshuu no Kanata ni__ -- Shinya Kougami continues to wander the Southeast Asian Union (SEAUn) away from the eyes of the Sibyl System in Japan. While travelling through the Tibet-Himalayan Alliance Kingdom, Kougami encounters Guillermo Garcia—commander of a paramilitary group attempting to unite the local factions and bring peace to the war-torn nation. Wary of joining another mercenary group, Kougami declines to join his cause, but agrees to be driven to the nearby Tibetan capital by one of Garcia’s men. -- -- However, Kougami's plan to remain uninvolved is short-lived when a bus of refugees are ambushed by armed guerrillas. Among them is a half-Japanese, half-Tibetan girl named Tenzing Wangchuck. Impressed with Kougami's fighting prowess as he single-handedly takes the attackers out, Wangchuck requests him to teach her how to fight so she can take revenge against the warlord who murdered her family. -- -- Knowing first-hand that there's no turning back to the person you were once you take a human life, Kougami is initially reluctant to accept her request. But faced with the girl's desire for vengeance that mirrors the haunting abyss inside his own heart, will he train her? -- -- Movie - Mar 8, 2019 -- 60,997 7.74
Punch Line -- -- MAPPA -- 12 eps -- Original -- Comedy Ecchi Sci-Fi Super Power Supernatural -- Punch Line Punch Line -- After escaping a bus hijacking with the help of masked superhero Strange Juice, Yuuta Iridatsu finds his soul separated from his body and in the care of a perverse cat spirit, Chiranosuke. As a spirit, Yuuta wanders around his residence, the Korai House, aiming to regain his body and observe the other residents: Meika Daihatsu, a genius inventor; Mikatan Narugino, a cheerful idol; Ito Hikiotani, a shut-in NEET; and Rabura Chichibu, a spiritual medium. After catching a glimpse of Narugino's undergarments, Chiranosuke reveals to Yuuta that he becomes exponentially stronger upon seeing panties. However, if he sees another pair while he is still a spirit, his power will cause an asteroid to crash into the earth, ending the world and killing his friends. -- -- Punch Line follows Yuuta as he unravels the mysteries surrounding Korai House, its residents, and a villainous organization attempting to end the world. Will Yuuta be able to save everyone, or will the ever-present threat of panties result in their doom? -- -- 191,872 6.98
Punch Line -- -- MAPPA -- 12 eps -- Original -- Comedy Ecchi Sci-Fi Super Power Supernatural -- Punch Line Punch Line -- After escaping a bus hijacking with the help of masked superhero Strange Juice, Yuuta Iridatsu finds his soul separated from his body and in the care of a perverse cat spirit, Chiranosuke. As a spirit, Yuuta wanders around his residence, the Korai House, aiming to regain his body and observe the other residents: Meika Daihatsu, a genius inventor; Mikatan Narugino, a cheerful idol; Ito Hikiotani, a shut-in NEET; and Rabura Chichibu, a spiritual medium. After catching a glimpse of Narugino's undergarments, Chiranosuke reveals to Yuuta that he becomes exponentially stronger upon seeing panties. However, if he sees another pair while he is still a spirit, his power will cause an asteroid to crash into the earth, ending the world and killing his friends. -- -- Punch Line follows Yuuta as he unravels the mysteries surrounding Korai House, its residents, and a villainous organization attempting to end the world. Will Yuuta be able to save everyone, or will the ever-present threat of panties result in their doom? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 191,872 6.98
Queen's Blade: Grimoire -- -- Arms, Asread -- 2 eps -- Other -- Action Adventure Ecchi Fantasy -- Queen's Blade: Grimoire Queen's Blade: Grimoire -- The story takes place after the wandering warrior Leina's championship has ended. The royal court's magician Alicia uses black magic and opens a doorway to another dimension. From that door, a rabbit lures Alicia into another dimension called Melfairland. Melfairland is holding a tournament of its own to award out a Queen's Blade, and Alicia enters the tournament in order to find a way to return to her own world. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - Jan 29, 2016 -- 9,209 6.17
Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan -- -- Gallop, Studio Deen -- 94 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Historical Romance Samurai Shounen -- Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan -- In the final years of the Bakumatsu era lived a legendary assassin known as Hitokiri Battousai. Feared as a merciless killer, he was unmatched throughout the country, but mysteriously disappeared at the peak of the Japanese Revolution. It has been ten peaceful years since then, but the very mention of Battousai still strikes terror into the hearts of war veterans. -- -- Unbeknownst to them, Battousai has abandoned his bloodstained lifestyle in an effort to repent for his sins, now living as Kenshin Himura, a wandering swordsman with a cheerful attitude and a strong will. Vowing never to kill again, Kenshin dedicates himself to protecting the weak. One day, he stumbles across Kaoru Kamiya at her kendo dojo, which is being threatened by an impostor claiming to be Battousai. After receiving help from Kenshin, Kaoru allows him to stay at the dojo, and so the former assassin temporarily ceases his travels. -- -- Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan tells the story of Kenshin as he strives to save those in need of saving. However, as enemies from both past and present begin to emerge, will the reformed killer be able to uphold his new ideals? -- -- 397,174 8.31
Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan -- -- Gallop, Studio Deen -- 94 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Historical Romance Samurai Shounen -- Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan -- In the final years of the Bakumatsu era lived a legendary assassin known as Hitokiri Battousai. Feared as a merciless killer, he was unmatched throughout the country, but mysteriously disappeared at the peak of the Japanese Revolution. It has been ten peaceful years since then, but the very mention of Battousai still strikes terror into the hearts of war veterans. -- -- Unbeknownst to them, Battousai has abandoned his bloodstained lifestyle in an effort to repent for his sins, now living as Kenshin Himura, a wandering swordsman with a cheerful attitude and a strong will. Vowing never to kill again, Kenshin dedicates himself to protecting the weak. One day, he stumbles across Kaoru Kamiya at her kendo dojo, which is being threatened by an impostor claiming to be Battousai. After receiving help from Kenshin, Kaoru allows him to stay at the dojo, and so the former assassin temporarily ceases his travels. -- -- Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan tells the story of Kenshin as he strives to save those in need of saving. However, as enemies from both past and present begin to emerge, will the reformed killer be able to uphold his new ideals? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- 397,174 8.31
Saikyou Ginga Ultimate Zero: Battle Spirits -- -- Sunrise -- 49 eps -- Card game -- Game Adventure Space -- Saikyou Ginga Ultimate Zero: Battle Spirits Saikyou Ginga Ultimate Zero: Battle Spirits -- In the new, whimsical era of Battle Spirits, cards have become scattered across a colorful galaxy, enticing all "card questers" to duke it out in search of the strongest cards. Rei is a flamboyant wanderer who is obsessed with being on top. Accompanied by a small dragon named Mugen and a talking robot named Salt, the self-proclaimed "Number One Star" regularly engages in card-gaming mischief through flashy battles. -- -- One day, Rei meets Raira and Rikuto April, both of whom seem to have clues on the whereabouts of the "ultimate" Battle Spirits card. Together, they embark on a quest to search for the card, clashing with many vibrant personalities along the way. Soon, their adventure catches the attention of the Guild, wily villains who are also set on obtaining the Ultimate Battle Spirits. In contending against the Guild, Rei's status as number one is put to the test—an endeavor that will slowly unveil secrets regarding the fate of the universe. -- -- TV - Sep 22, 2013 -- 1,462 6.50
Saraiya Goyou -- -- Manglobe -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Mystery Historical Drama Samurai Seinen -- Saraiya Goyou Saraiya Goyou -- Saraiya Goyou follows Masanosuke Akitsu, a wandering ronin adrift in Japan's peaceful Edo period. Despite being a skilled swordsman, Masa's meek personality has netted him the label "unreliable," and he is often abruptly dismissed by his employers, leading him to question his resolve as a samurai. -- -- As Masa reaches his lowest point, he is approached by Yaichi, a carefree man draped in pink who seemingly hires him on a whim as his bodyguard. Unbeknownst to Masa, the job is not as innocent as it seems, and he is drawn into the illicit activities of the group spearheaded by Yaichi. As he becomes further entwined with the gang known as the "Five Leaves," Masa struggles with his own principles. Still, his curiosity spurs him forward to uncover the past and motivations of this mysterious band of outlaws. -- -- 73,005 7.82
Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai -- -- CloverWorks -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Supernatural Drama Romance School -- Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai -- The rare and inexplicable Puberty Syndrome is thought of as a myth. It is a rare disease which only affects teenagers, and its symptoms are so supernatural that hardly anyone recognizes it as a legitimate occurrence. However, high school student Sakuta Azusagawa knows from personal experience that it is very much real, and happens to be quite prevalent in his school. -- -- Mai Sakurajima is a third-year high school student who gained fame in her youth as a child actress, but recently halted her promising career for reasons unknown to the public. With an air of unapproachability, she is well known throughout the school, but none dare interact with her—that is until Sakuta sees her wandering the library in a bunny girl costume. Despite the getup, no one seems to notice her, and after confronting her, he realizes that she is another victim of Puberty Syndrome. As Sakuta tries to help Mai through her predicament, his actions bring him into contact with more girls afflicted with the elusive disease. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 1,045,880 8.35
Sekai Seifuku: Bouryaku no Zvezda -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Fantasy -- Sekai Seifuku: Bouryaku no Zvezda Sekai Seifuku: Bouryaku no Zvezda -- Asuta Jimon, a runaway, is wandering the streets at night when he has a chance encounter with a young girl collapsed beside her tricycle. After he offers her some food, she is moved by his kindness and asks him to join her organization, offering him a face mask and a sweet bun. In need of a place to stay, Asuta decides to play along and accepts her offer, adopting the nickname "Dva." -- -- Little does Dva know, this cute girl is Kate Hoshimiya, the leader of Zvezda, a secret organization bent on world conquest. However, he soon realizes the true weight of her words as peculiar happenings rope him deeper into Zvezda and its eccentric members—the samurai-like vanguard Itsuka Shikabane, tech-genius Natalia "Natasha" Vasylchenko, troublesome Yasubee "Yasu" Morozumi, ex-gangster Gorou Shikabane, and multi-purpose robot Roboko Tsujii. -- -- With "White Light," a powerful organization of justice, and the entire Japanese government against them, can Zvezda really dominate all humanity and let their light shine throughout the world? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- TV - Jan 12, 2014 -- 121,217 7.08
Shin Angyo Onshi -- -- OLM Digital -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Fantasy -- Shin Angyo Onshi Shin Angyo Onshi -- After wandering through the desert for days, a bitter warrior named Munsu is lost and unable to continue. His life is unexpectedly saved by Mon-ryon, a young man who dreams of becoming a secret agent for Jushin, a once-great country that was recently destroyed. Mon-ryon's goal is to save his girlfriend, Chunhyan, a born fighter who is held captive by the evil Lord Byonand. Then, from out of nowhere, blood begins trickling from his chest. He has been fatally wounded by the Sarinjas, a cannibalistic breed of desert goblin. The quick-thinking Munsu convinces these beasts to spare his life, in exchange for the peaceful handover of Mon-ryon's appetizing corpse. Although skeptical of Mon-ryon's motives, Munsu sets out to continue the mission that the young idealist described. Accompanied by an army of ghost troops, unleashed using the powers of Angyo Onshi, Munsu liberates Chunhyan. After visiting her boyfriend's final resting place, she declares herself Munsu's bodyguard and, together, they set out on a mission to punish those who stripped Jushin of its original glory. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation, OLM Digital -- Movie - Dec 4, 2004 -- 16,795 6.87
Somali to Mori no Kamisama -- -- HORNETS, Satelight -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Adventure Slice of Life Demons Drama Fantasy -- Somali to Mori no Kamisama Somali to Mori no Kamisama -- In a world inhabited by demons, cyclopes, and other fantastic creatures, humans stand apart as the outcasts. Quick to anger, the human race engaged in a war that all but wiped them out. The few humans that remain are seen as a delicacy, serving no purpose but to be hunted down and eaten. -- -- One day, Golem, a wandering protector of nature, encounters a lone human child while patrolling. Inspired by her enthusiasm, he takes the girl, named Somali, under his wing. Together, the duo embarks on a journey to find Somali's parents and bring her home. -- -- 204,462 7.82
Space Adventure Cobra -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Sci-Fi Space -- Space Adventure Cobra Space Adventure Cobra -- Cobra, a notorious space pirate, is enlisted by bounty hunter Jane to rescue her sister from the strange being known as Crystal Boy, but then finds himself drawn into a complex struggle over the fate of a mysterious wandering planet. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Urban Vision -- Movie - Jul 3, 1982 -- 7,687 7.11
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann -- -- Gainax -- 27 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Comedy Mecha -- Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann -- Simon and Kamina were born and raised in a deep, underground village, hidden from the fabled surface. Kamina is a free-spirited loose cannon bent on making a name for himself, while Simon is a timid young boy with no real aspirations. One day while excavating the earth, Simon stumbles upon a mysterious object that turns out to be the ignition key to an ancient artifact of war, which the duo dubs Lagann. Using their new weapon, Simon and Kamina fend off a surprise attack from the surface with the help of Yoko Littner, a hot-blooded redhead wielding a massive gun who wanders the world above. -- -- In the aftermath of the battle, the sky is now in plain view, prompting Simon and Kamina to set off on a journey alongside Yoko to explore the wastelands of the surface. Soon, they join the fight against the "Beastmen," humanoid creatures that terrorize the remnants of humanity in powerful robots called "Gunmen." Although they face some challenges and setbacks, the trio bravely fights these new enemies alongside other survivors to reclaim the surface, while slowly unraveling a galaxy-sized mystery. -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Aniplex of America, Bandai Entertainment -- 1,262,649 8.66
Usagi Drop -- -- Production I.G -- 11 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Josei -- Usagi Drop Usagi Drop -- Daikichi Kawachi is a 30-year-old bachelor working a respectable job but otherwise wandering aimlessly through life. When his grandfather suddenly passes away, he returns to the family home to pay his respects. Upon arriving at the house, he meets a mysterious young girl named Rin who, to Daikichi’s astonishment, is his grandfather's illegitimate daughter! -- -- The shy and unapproachable girl is deemed an embarrassment to the family, and finds herself ostracized by her father's relatives, all of them refusing to take care of her in the wake of his death. Daikichi, angered by their coldness towards Rin, announces that he will take her in—despite the fact that he is a young, single man with no prior childcare experience. -- -- Usagi Drop is the story of Daikichi's journey through fatherhood as he raises Rin with his gentle and affectionate nature, as well as an exploration of the warmth and interdependence that are at the heart of a happy, close-knit family. -- -- -- Licensor: -- NIS America, Inc. -- 402,371 8.42
Vampire Hunter D -- -- Production Reed -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Sci-Fi Horror Supernatural Vampire -- Vampire Hunter D Vampire Hunter D -- 10,000 years in the future, the world has become a very different place; monsters roam the land freely, and people, although equipped with high tech weapons and cybernetic horses, live a humble life more suited to centuries past. The story focuses on a small hamlet plagued by monster attacks and living under the shadow of rule by Count Magnus Lee, a powerful vampire lord who has ruled the land for thousands of years. When a young girl is bitten by the Count and chosen as his current plaything, she seeks out help of a quiet wandering stranger, D. It so happens that D is one of the world's best vampire hunters, and he takes it upon himself to cut through Magnus Lee's many minions, and put an end to the Count's rule. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks, Urban Vision -- Movie - Dec 21, 1985 -- 65,968 7.07
Vampire Hunter D -- -- Production Reed -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Sci-Fi Horror Supernatural Vampire -- Vampire Hunter D Vampire Hunter D -- 10,000 years in the future, the world has become a very different place; monsters roam the land freely, and people, although equipped with high tech weapons and cybernetic horses, live a humble life more suited to centuries past. The story focuses on a small hamlet plagued by monster attacks and living under the shadow of rule by Count Magnus Lee, a powerful vampire lord who has ruled the land for thousands of years. When a young girl is bitten by the Count and chosen as his current plaything, she seeks out help of a quiet wandering stranger, D. It so happens that D is one of the world's best vampire hunters, and he takes it upon himself to cut through Magnus Lee's many minions, and put an end to the Count's rule. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- Movie - Dec 21, 1985 -- 65,968 7.07
Violence Jack: Harlem Bomber-hen -- -- D.A.S.T., Production Reed, Studio 88 -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Drama Horror -- Violence Jack: Harlem Bomber-hen Violence Jack: Harlem Bomber-hen -- Kanto Hell Earthquake has demolished the metropolitan completely. After the earthquake, Slum King is kidnapping girls and sell them as sex slaves. Mari is wandering on the devastated field looking for her lover, Ken. But she is also kidnapped by them. While she is tortured and trained as a sex slave, Ken saves her. Ken has become the member of Slum King. The king offers condition to him; in return for releasing her, he has to kill Violence Jack. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- OVA - Jun 5, 1986 -- 9,606 5.22
Within the Bloody Woods -- -- - -- 2 eps -- Original -- Horror -- Within the Bloody Woods Within the Bloody Woods -- A man wanders lost in the forest when he happens upon another person. At first thinking the stranger is injured, the man quickly realizes that isn't the case. The stranger, in fact, isn't even human—he's a zombie! Suddenly finding himself in danger, the man pulls out a machete to fight. The lost man must now defend himself against the dangers lurking in the forest... -- -- ONA - May 22, 2006 -- 2,146 3.36
Wolf's Rain OVA -- -- Bones -- 4 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Adventure Psychological Supernatural Drama -- Wolf's Rain OVA Wolf's Rain OVA -- As the world accelerates toward its own destruction, Kiba and Cheza—with the help of Tsume, Hige, Toboe, and Blue—race to reach true paradise before the entire world is rendered uninhabitable. Now reunited, Cher and Hubb decide to accompany the wolves in hopes of seeing the journey through to its end, while a distraught and confused Quent wanders aimlessly into the wasteland with his mind fixated on revenge. -- -- Meanwhile, Lord Darcia the Third has finally put his plot into motion and pursues Cheza, pitting him against the pack. As everything falls apart yet simultaneously falls into place, the wolves struggle to survive in an increasingly dangerous environment. Though the end draws near, paradise seems further away than ever before. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Funimation -- OVA - Jan 23, 2004 -- 55,762 8.03
Wolf's Rain OVA -- -- Bones -- 4 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Adventure Psychological Supernatural Drama -- Wolf's Rain OVA Wolf's Rain OVA -- As the world accelerates toward its own destruction, Kiba and Cheza—with the help of Tsume, Hige, Toboe, and Blue—race to reach true paradise before the entire world is rendered uninhabitable. Now reunited, Cher and Hubb decide to accompany the wolves in hopes of seeing the journey through to its end, while a distraught and confused Quent wanders aimlessly into the wasteland with his mind fixated on revenge. -- -- Meanwhile, Lord Darcia the Third has finally put his plot into motion and pursues Cheza, pitting him against the pack. As everything falls apart yet simultaneously falls into place, the wolves struggle to survive in an increasingly dangerous environment. Though the end draws near, paradise seems further away than ever before. -- -- OVA - Jan 23, 2004 -- 55,762 8.03
Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku OVA -- -- feel. -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Comedy Romance School -- Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku OVA Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku OVA -- After accepting a weekend invitation, Hachiman Hikigaya accompanies Isshiki Iroha around the Chiba Prefecture to brainstorm ideas suitable for an ideal date with Hayato Hayama. As the duo wanders from place to place without a plan, they seemingly enjoy each other's company. Yet, through these straightforward and sincere interactions, the meaning behind what it means to be genuine continues to intrigue Hachiman and his outlook for the future of the Volunteer Service Club and its members. -- -- OVA - Oct 27, 2016 -- 180,933 8.07
Ys -- -- Tokyo Kids -- 7 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Demons Drama Fantasy Magic -- Ys Ys -- Mythical beasts lay siege on the people of Esteria, who have raised an army to fight back. The beasts are relentless and seemingly have no end to their numbers, while the population of defenders dwindle in every skirmish. Even in the town of Minea, where the people are safely nestled behind castle walls, the constant attacks have left them hopeless. It is then that a prophecy is made, proclaiming the arrival of a brave young soul that could be the one who will bring their salvation. -- -- Ys follows Adol Christin, an adventurer driven by wanderlust towards the island of Esteria, who washes up on shore after a shipwreck. Following the guidance of the fortuneteller Sarah Tovah, he and his allies will travel the island in search of the legendary tomes known as the Books of Ys. It will be a long and perilous journey, but if fate is truly at work then Adol will certainly be the hero who returns peace to Esteria. -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- OVA - Nov 21, 1989 -- 6,790 6.48
Zoids Shinseiki/Zero -- -- Xebec -- 26 eps -- - -- Adventure Comedy Mecha Sci-Fi Shounen Sports -- Zoids Shinseiki/Zero Zoids Shinseiki/Zero -- Zoids—powerful animal-shaped combat mechs—are no longer used in warfare, but in organized sporting competitions. The Blitz Team, a group of pilots struggling to carve out a niche for themselves in the Zoid battling leagues, experience a stroke of luck when Bit Cloud, a vagrant junk dealer, wanders into their midst and proves himself capable of piloting the temperamental Liger Zero, a Zoid that refuses to let anyone else into its cockpit. Led by Bit and the Liger, the Blitz Team steadily make their way to the top—but along the way they attract the unwelcome attention of the Backdraft Group, an organization of Zoid pilots that operates outside the laws set down by the Zoid Battle Commission. The Backdraft want powerful Zoids to add to their ranks, and they have their eye on the Liger Zero... -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- TV - Jan 6, 2001 -- 24,602 7.34
Zoids Shinseiki/Zero -- -- Xebec -- 26 eps -- - -- Adventure Comedy Mecha Sci-Fi Shounen Sports -- Zoids Shinseiki/Zero Zoids Shinseiki/Zero -- Zoids—powerful animal-shaped combat mechs—are no longer used in warfare, but in organized sporting competitions. The Blitz Team, a group of pilots struggling to carve out a niche for themselves in the Zoid battling leagues, experience a stroke of luck when Bit Cloud, a vagrant junk dealer, wanders into their midst and proves himself capable of piloting the temperamental Liger Zero, a Zoid that refuses to let anyone else into its cockpit. Led by Bit and the Liger, the Blitz Team steadily make their way to the top—but along the way they attract the unwelcome attention of the Backdraft Group, an organization of Zoid pilots that operates outside the laws set down by the Zoid Battle Commission. The Backdraft want powerful Zoids to add to their ranks, and they have their eye on the Liger Zero... -- TV - Jan 6, 2001 -- 24,602 7.34
Zombie Clay Animation: Life of the Dead -- -- Studio Binzo -- 4 eps -- Original -- Comedy Horror -- Zombie Clay Animation: Life of the Dead Zombie Clay Animation: Life of the Dead -- Clay animation about a guy stuck in a room during zombie apocalypse. -- OVA - ??? ??, 2011 -- 292 N/A -- -- The Girl and the Monster -- -- - -- ? eps -- Original -- Comedy Horror -- The Girl and the Monster The Girl and the Monster -- A girl quietly reads a book in her room. Suddenly, a monster comes crawling out from under her bed! Is it friend or foe? -- ONA - Jul 26, 2019 -- 291 N/A -- -- Heisei Matsue Kaidan: Ayashi -- -- DLE -- 2 eps -- Original -- Comedy Historical Parody Horror Supernatural -- Heisei Matsue Kaidan: Ayashi Heisei Matsue Kaidan: Ayashi -- A Matsue City collaboration anime with Eagle Talon. Yoshida book-ends the story as horror tales, both modern and historical, originated within the city are narrated by another person. -- ONA - Mar 17, 2017 -- 289 N/A -- -- 3-bu de Wakaru Koizumi Yakumo no Kaidan -- -- - -- 7 eps -- Book -- Historical Horror Parody Supernatural -- 3-bu de Wakaru Koizumi Yakumo no Kaidan 3-bu de Wakaru Koizumi Yakumo no Kaidan -- Stories from Patrick Lafcadio Hearn's book Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange Things. The Greek-American author was known as Koizumi Yakumo in Japan and is renowned for collecting and publishing stories of Japanese folklore and legends. -- -- The shorts were made for a Matsue City tourism promotion, as Hearn taught, lived, and married there. His home is a museum people can visit. -- ONA - May 9, 2014 -- 287 N/A -- -- Kimoshiba -- -- Jinnis Animation Studios, TMS Entertainment -- 13 eps -- Original -- Comedy Horror Kids Supernatural -- Kimoshiba Kimoshiba -- Kimoshiba is a weird type of life form with the shape of an oversize shiba inu, loves eating curry (particularly curry breads), and works at a funeral home. Similar life forms include yamishiba and onishiba. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 284 N/A -- -- Ehon Yose -- -- - -- 50 eps -- Other -- Historical Horror Kids -- Ehon Yose Ehon Yose -- Anime rakugo of classic Japanese horror tales shown in a wide variety of art styles. -- TV - ??? ??, 2006 -- 279 N/A -- -- Higanjima X: Aniki -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Fantasy Horror Seinen Vampire -- Higanjima X: Aniki Higanjima X: Aniki -- A new episode of Higanjima X that was included in Blu-ray. -- Special - Aug 30, 2017 -- 277 N/A -- -- Yamiyo no Jidaigeki -- -- Sunrise -- 2 eps -- - -- Historical Horror -- Yamiyo no Jidaigeki Yamiyo no Jidaigeki -- Tales include: -- -- The Hill of Old Age, which tells of a conspiracy hatched against Japan's unifier, Oda Nobunaga. -- -- Seeing the Truth, about the assassin sent to murder Nobunaga's successor leyasu Tokugawa. -- -- The broadcast was a part of the Neo Hyper Kids program. -- -- (Source: Anime Encyclopedia) -- Special - Feb 19, 1995 -- 275 N/A -- -- Youkai Ningen Bem: Part II -- -- Topcraft -- 2 eps -- Original -- Demons Horror -- Youkai Ningen Bem: Part II Youkai Ningen Bem: Part II -- For 1982 a 26-episode TV series sequel to Youkai Ningen Bem was planned. Because the original producers disbanded, the animation was done by Topcraft. 2 episodes were created and the project shut down without airing on television. The episodes were released to the public on a LD-Box Set a decade later. 2,000 units were printed and all were sold out. -- Special - Oct 21, 1992 -- 268 N/A -- -- Kaibutsu-kun: Kaibutsu Land e no Shoutai -- -- Shin-Ei Animation -- 1 ep -- - -- Comedy Horror Kids Shounen -- Kaibutsu-kun: Kaibutsu Land e no Shoutai Kaibutsu-kun: Kaibutsu Land e no Shoutai -- Based on the shounen manga by Fujiko Fujio. -- -- Note: Screened as a double feature with Doraemon: Nobita no Uchuu Kaitakushi. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- Movie - Mar 14, 1981 -- 266 N/A -- -- Ushiro no Hyakutarou -- -- - -- 2 eps -- - -- Horror School Supernatural -- Ushiro no Hyakutarou Ushiro no Hyakutarou -- Horror OVA based on the manga by Jirou Tsunoda. The title roughly means "Hyakutarou behind". -- -- A boy named Ichitarou Ushiro deals with various horrifying phenomena with the help of his guardian spirit Hyakutarou. -- -- 2 episodes: "Kokkuri Satsujin Jiken", "Yuutai Ridatsu". -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- OVA - Aug 21, 1991 -- 254 N/A -- -- Zombie Clay Animation: I'm Stuck!! -- -- Studio Binzo -- 4 eps -- Original -- Comedy Horror -- Zombie Clay Animation: I'm Stuck!! Zombie Clay Animation: I'm Stuck!! -- Spin-off series of Zombie Clay Animation: Life of the Dead. -- ONA - Mar 2, 2014 -- 247 N/A -- -- Shou-chan Sora wo Tobu -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Horror Sci-Fi -- Shou-chan Sora wo Tobu Shou-chan Sora wo Tobu -- An anime version of Ikkei Makina's horror novel of the same name. It aired at the same time as the live-action adaptation. -- Movie - Nov 14, 1992 -- 235 N/A -- -- Matsue Kankou Taishi Sanri ga Iku! Matsue Ghost Tour -- -- DLE -- 2 eps -- Original -- Comedy Historical Parody Horror -- Matsue Kankou Taishi Sanri ga Iku! Matsue Ghost Tour Matsue Kankou Taishi Sanri ga Iku! Matsue Ghost Tour -- An accompaniment to Heisei Matsue Kaidan: Ayashi. This ghost tour takes a more realistic approach featuring Yoshia (the fictional Eagle Talon character), Kihara Hirokatsu (horror and mystery novelist), Chafurin (voice actor and Shimae Prefecture ambassador), and Frogman (Ryou Ono's caricature; real-life director of the anime studio DLE). The quartet travels around Matsue City exploring horror/haunted real life locations talking about the history and how it became a paranormal focus. -- -- The end of the episode promotes ticket sale and times for a real ghost tour watchers can partake in. -- ONA - Mar 16, 2017 -- 227 N/A -- -- Yamiyo no Jidaigeki (OVA) -- -- Sunrise -- 2 eps -- - -- Historical Horror -- Yamiyo no Jidaigeki (OVA) Yamiyo no Jidaigeki (OVA) -- A direct sequel that was put straight to video. -- -- The Ear of Jinsuke, about a wandering swordsman saving a damsel in distress from evil spirits. -- -- Prints from the Fall of the Bakufu, features a tomboy from a woodcut works charged with making a print of the young warrior Okita Soji. -- -- (Source: Anime Encyclopedia) -- -- OVA - Aug 2, 1995 -- 227 N/A -- -- Inunaki-mura x Taka no Tsume-dan -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Other -- Comedy Horror Parody -- Inunaki-mura x Taka no Tsume-dan Inunaki-mura x Taka no Tsume-dan -- A collaboration between the live-action horror film Inunaki-mura slated to be released in theaters February 7, 2020 and the Eagle Talon franchise. The film is based on the urban legend of the real-life abandoned Inunaki Village and the old tunnel that cut through the area. -- ONA - Jan 17, 2020 -- 226 N/A -- -- Echigo no Mukashibanashi: Attaten Ganoo -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Demons Horror Kids -- Echigo no Mukashibanashi: Attaten Ganoo Echigo no Mukashibanashi: Attaten Ganoo -- A collection of four folk tales from Koshiji (from 2005, part of Nagaoka), Niigata prefecture (Echigo is the old name of Niigata). -- -- Episode 1: The Azuki Mochi and the Frog -- A mean old woman tells an azuki mochi to turn into a frog, if her daughter-in-law wants to eat it. The daughter-in-law hears this, and... -- -- Episode 2: Satori -- A woodcutter warms himself at the fire of deadwood, when a spirit in the form of an eyeball appears in front of him. The spirit guesses each of the woodcutter's thoughts right... -- -- Episode 3: The Fox's Lantern -- An old man, who got lost in the night streets, finds a lantern with a beautiful pattern, which was lost by a fox spirit. The next day, he returns it reluctantly, and what he sees... -- -- Episode 4: The Three Paper Charms -- An apprentice priest, who lost his way, accidentally puts up at the hut of the mountain witch. To avoid being eaten, he uses three paper charms to get back to the temple... -- -- (Source: Official site) -- OVA - May ??, 2000 -- 221 N/A -- -- Jigoku Koushien -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Sports Comedy Horror Shounen -- Jigoku Koushien Jigoku Koushien -- (No synopsis yet.) -- OVA - Feb 13, 2009 -- 220 N/A -- -- Nanja Monja Obake -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Kids Horror -- Nanja Monja Obake Nanja Monja Obake -- An anime made entirely in sumi-e following a child fox spirit and his morphing ability for haunting but he ends up getting scared himself. -- Special - Dec 6, 1994 -- 215 N/A -- -- Heisei Matsue Kaidan -- -- DLE -- 7 eps -- Original -- Horror Parody Supernatural -- Heisei Matsue Kaidan Heisei Matsue Kaidan -- A Matsue City collaboration anime with Eagle Talon. Yoshida book-ends the story as modern horror tales, originated within the city, are narrated by another person. The shorts are meant to promote the Patrick Lafcadio Hearn's Ghost Tour offered by the city. -- -- Some episodes feature biographical segments of the Matsue Kankou Taishi Sanri ga Iku! Matsue Ghost Tour group. -- ONA - Apr 9, 2015 -- 211 N/A -- -- Akuma no Organ -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Music -- Music Horror Demons -- Akuma no Organ Akuma no Organ -- Music video for Devil's Organ by GREAT3. From Climax E.P. (2003) -- Music - ??? ??, 2003 -- 210 5.16
Adam Niswander
African Wanderers F.C.
Age of Wanderer
Aloha Wanderwell
Arsenal Wanderers
Ashwander v. Tennessee Valley Authority
BAA Wanderers F.C.
Ballyboden Wanderers GAA
Batucada (Walter Wanderley album)
Blue Bird Wanderlodge
Bolton Wanderers F.C.
Bolton Wanderers F.C. Reserves and Academy
Bray Wanderers F.C.
Burton Park Wanderers F.C.
Burton Wanderers F.C.
Carl Wanderer
Cashmere Wanderers
Castaway Wanderers RFC
Cobh Wanderers F.C.
Come Wander with Me
Conan the Wanderer
Cory Chisel and The Wandering Sons
Cray Wanderers F.C.
Der Wanderer
Der Wanderer ber dem Nebelmeer (album)
Deutsche Wanderjugend
Dorking Wanderers F.C.
Dorothy Nyswander
Dundee Wanderers F.C.
Dziady (wandering beggars)
Easy Wanderlings
Edinburgh Wanderers
Erik Wanderley
Esther Neuenschwander
Forth Wanderers (band)
Forth Wanderers F.C.
Gerhard Reinke's Wanderlust
Gieener Auswanderungsgesellschaft
Glamorgan Wanderers RFC
Gore Wanderers AFC
Grafton Wanderers
Greenock Wanderers RFC
Groo the Wanderer
Gurpreet Singh Wander
Halifax Wanderers
Hamilton Wanderers AFC
Hartford Wanderers RFC
Harzer Wandernadel
Havelock North Wanderers AFC
HFX Wanderers FC
Ipswich Wanderers F.C.
I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud
I Wonder as I Wander
Jim Walewander
Johnny Wander
Joshua Wander
Juerg Neuenschwander
Jrg Neuenschwander
Kanto Wanderer
Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Wander
Kilsyth Wanderers F.C.
Leichhardt Wanderers
Lilo Wanders
Linux Bier Wanderung
List of Bolton Wanderers F.C. players
List of Bolton Wanderers F.C. players (124 appearances)
List of Bolton Wanderers F.C. players (2599 appearances)
List of Bolton Wanderers F.C. records and statistics
List of HFX Wanderers FC records and statistics
List of international cricket five-wicket hauls at the Wanderers
List of The Smiling, Proud Wanderer characters
List of Wanderers F.C. FA Cup-winning players
List of Wandering Son chapters
List of Wander Over Yonder episodes
List of Western Sydney Wanderers FC players
List of Western Sydney Wanderers FC players (124 appearances)
List of Western Sydney Wanderers Women players
List of Wolverhampton Wanderers F.C. managers
List of Wolverhampton Wanderers F.C. players
List of Wolverhampton Wanderers F.C. records and statistics
List of Wycombe Wanderers F.C. players
Management by wandering around
Manzini Wanderers F.C.
Marcel Wanders
Marco Wanderwitz
Margaret Wander Bonanno
Maria Anwander
Mary Swander
Mattias Neuenschwander
Melmoth the Wanderer
Mexican wandering garter snake
Middlesex Wanderers A.F.C.
Mighty Wanderers FC
Montevideo Wanderers F.C.
Montreal Wanderers
Mounties Wanderers FC
Mufulira Wanderers F.C.
Murrayfield Wanderers FC
Mystery Dungeon: Shiren the Wanderer
New Orleans Wanderers
Nick Nighswander
Nithsdale Wanderers F.C.
Not All Who Wander Are Lost
Not All Who Wander Are Lost (album)
Notes of Some Wanderings with the Swami Vivekananda
No-wandering-domain theorem
Old Wanderers
Oskar Neuenschwander
Pabstiella wanderbildtiana
Pearson Wanderer
Pembroke Wanderers Hockey Club
Reborn as a Vending Machine, I Now Wander the Dungeon
Rudolf Wanderone
Santiago Wanderers
Shiren the Wanderer
Shiren the Wanderer 2
Shiren the Wanderer (2008 video game)
Shiren the Wanderer 4: The Eye of God and the Devil's Navel
Shiren the Wanderer GB2: Magic Castle of the Desert
Shiren the Wanderer Side Story: Swordswoman Asuka Arrives!
Shiren the Wanderer: The Tower of Fortune and the Dice of Fate
Shire of Wandering
Shropshire Wanderers F.C.
S.K. Victoria Wanderers F.C.
Sliema Wanderers F.C.
Some Girls Wander by Mistake
St Cuthbert Wanderers F.C.
Sudbury Wanderers F.C.
Taran Wanderer
Thanet Wanderers
The Dream Wanderer
The Dybbuk. A Tale of Wandering Souls
The Happy Wanderer
The Happy Wanderer (1955 film)
The Happy Wanderer (The Sopranos)
The Hungry Syrian Wanderer
The Land of the Wandering Souls
The Night Wanderer
The Smiling, Proud Wanderer
The Smiling, Proud Wanderer (disambiguation)
The Swan and the Wanderer
The Time Wanderers
The Wanderer and His Shadow (album)
The Wanderer (audio drama)
The Wanderer (Burney novel)
The Wanderer (Catholic newspaper)
The Wanderer (Creech novel)
The Wanderer (Donna Summer album)
The Wanderer (Leiber novel)
The Wanderer (Massachusetts newspaper)
The Wanderers (1956 film)
The Wanderers (1979 film)
The Wanderers (band)
The Wanderers (Price novel)
The Wanderers (Rimland novel)
The Wanderer (TV series)
The Wanderer (U2 song)
The Wanderer (Waltari novel)
The Wandering Beast
The Wandering Earth
The Wandering Image
The Wandering Jew (Sue novel)
The Wandering Juvie
The Wandering Light
The Wandering Madman
The Wandering Prince of Troy
The Wandering Scholars
The Wandering Soap Opera
The Wanderings of Oisin
The Wandering Songstress
The Wandering Swordsman
Thomas Wander
Tooting & Mitcham Wanderers F.C.
True polar wander
USS Wanderlust (SP-923)
Walter Wanderley
Wander (1974 video game)
Wander About Me
Wanderer's Nightsong
Wanderer above the Sea of Fog
Wanderer (company)
Wanderer Fantasy
Wanderer of the Wasteland
Wanderers (2014 film)
Wanderer (sailing dinghy)
Wanderers Amateur Athletic Club
Wanderers Cricket Ground
Wanderers F.C.
Wanderers FC (Australia)
Wanderer (slave ship)
Wanderers of Time
Wanderers Oval
Wanderers Special Club
Wanderers Stadium
Wanderer W21
Wanderer W22
Wanderful Interactive Storybooks
Wandering albatross
Wandering as Water
Wandering atrial pacemaker
Wandering cell
Wandering (dementia)
Wandering Detective
Wandering Detective: Black Wind in the Harbor
Wandering Detective: Tragedy in Red Valley
Wandering eye
Wandering Ginza Butterfly
Wandering Ginza Butterfly 2: She-Cat Gambler
Wandering Jew
Wandering Jew (disambiguation)
Wandering Oldfield mouse
Wandering Rocks (2/5)
Wandering salamander
Wandering set
Wandering skipper
Wandering small-eared shrew
Wanderings of Sanmao
Wandering Son
Wandering Souls
Wandering spider
Wandering Spirit
Wandering Spirit (album)
Wandering Spirit (Cree leader)
Wandering spleen
Wandering star
Wandering Star (novel)
Wandering Streams
Wandering tattler
Wandering whistling duck
Wandering Witch: The Journey of Elaina
Wandering with the Moon
Wander Johannes de Haas
Wanderland Music and Arts Festival
Wanderlei Silva
Wanderlei Silva vs. Quinton Jackson
Wanderley Machado
Wanderley Magalhes Azevedo
Wanderley Paiva
Wanderley Santos Monteiro Jnior
Wanderlust (2012 film)
Wanderlust (Bjrk song)
Wanderlust (British TV series)
Wanderlust (disambiguation)
Wanderlust (Dragonlance novel)
Wanderlust (Frankie Laine album)
Wanderlust (Gavin Rossdale album)
Wanderlust (Sophie Ellis-Bextor album)
Wanderlust (Steel novel)
Wander Moura
Wander Over Yonder
Wanderpreis Cup
Wanderson Cafu
Wanderson Lima
Wanderson Maciel Sousa Campos
Wander This World
Warstones Wanderers F.C.
Western Sydney Wanderers FC
Western Sydney Wanderers FC Youth
Where Shall I Wander
Whither Must I Wander
WollesonNicewander Building
Wolverhampton Wanderers F.C.
Wolverhampton Wanderers F.C. Development Squad and Academy
Wolverhampton Wanderers F.C. v Budapest Honvd FC
Wolverhampton Wanderers W.F.C.
Wycombe Wanderers F.C.
Yohan: The Child Wanderer
Ys III: Wanderers from Ys

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