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Saint Hildegard von Bingen




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   14 Saint Hildegard von Bingen


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1:Alleluia! light burst from your untouched womb like a flower on the farther side of death. The world-tree is blossoming. Two realms become one. [1826.jpg] -- from Symphonia: A Critical Edition of the Symphonia armonie celstium revelationum, by Hildegard of Bingen / Translated by Barbara Newman

~ Saint Hildegard von Bingen, O virga mediatrix - Alleluia-verse for the Virgin
2:Most noble evergreen with your roots in the sun: you shine in the cloudless sky of a sphere no earthly eminence can grasp, enfolded in the clasp of ministries divine. You blush like the dawn, you burn like a flame of the sun. [1826.jpg] -- from Symphonia: A Critical Edition of the Symphonia armonie celstium revelationum, by Hildegard of Bingen / Translated by Barbara Newman

~ Saint Hildegard von Bingen, O nobilissima viriditas
3:Holy spirit, making life alive, moving in all things, root of all created being, cleansing the cosmos of every impurity, effacing guilt, anointing wounds. You are lustrous and praiseworthy life, You waken and re-awaken everything that is. [1816.jpg] -- from Hildegard of Bingen's Book of Divine Works with Letters and Songs, by Hildegard of Bingen / Edited by Matthew Fox

~ Saint Hildegard von Bingen, De Spiritu Sancto - To the Holy Spirit
4:To the Trinity be praise! God is music, God is life that nurtures every creature in its kind. Our God is the song of the angel throng and the splendor of secret ways hid from all humankind, But God our life is the life of all. [1826.jpg] -- from Symphonia: A Critical Edition of the Symphonia armonie celstium revelationum, by Hildegard of Bingen / Translated by Barbara Newman

~ Saint Hildegard von Bingen, Laus Trinitati - Antiphon for the Trinity
5:Father, Great is our need and we beg, we beg with a word that was fullness within us: look again. It is fitting -- let your word look again that we fail not, that your name be not darkened within us. Tell us your name again lest we forget. [1826.jpg] -- from Symphonia: A Critical Edition of the Symphonia armonie celstium revelationum, by Hildegard of Bingen / Translated by Barbara Newman

~ Saint Hildegard von Bingen, O magne Pater - Antiphon for God the Father
6:O most noble Greenness, rooted in the sun, shining forth in streaming splendor upon the wheel of Earth. No earthly sense or being can comprehend you. You are encircled by the very arms of Divine mysteries. You are radiant like the red of dawn! You glow like the incandescence of the sun! [1816.jpg] -- from Hildegard of Bingen's Book of Divine Works with Letters and Songs, by Hildegard of Bingen / Edited by Matthew Fox

~ Saint Hildegard von Bingen, O most noble Greenness, rooted in the sun
7:O wonder! the one who was hidden scales the summit of the cliffs of integrity where the living Majesty utters mysteries. So you, Disibod, shall arise in the end as you rose in the beginning when the blossom that sustains you blooms on all the boughs in the world. [1826.jpg] -- from Symphonia: A Critical Edition of the Symphonia armonie celstium revelationum, by Hildegard of Bingen / Translated by Barbara Newman

~ Saint Hildegard von Bingen, O mirum admirandum - Antiphon for Saint Disibod
8:O moving force of Wisdom, encircling the wheel of the cosmos, Encompassing all that is, all that has life, in one vast circle. You have three wings: The first unfurls aloft in the highest heights. The second dips its way dripping sweat on the Earth. Over, under, and through all things whirls the third. Praise to you, O Wisdom worthy of praise! [1816.jpg] -- from Hildegard of Bingen's Book of Divine Works with Letters and Songs, by Hildegard of Bingen / Edited by Matthew Fox

~ Saint Hildegard von Bingen, O Virtus Sapientiae - O Moving Force of Wisdom
9:Spectacular men! you see with the spirit's eyes, piercing the veil. In a luminous shade you proclaim a sharp living brightness that buds from a branch that blossomed alone when the radical light took root. Holy ones of old! you foretold deliverance for the souls of exiles slumped in the dead lands. Like wheels you spun round in wonder as you spoke of the mysterious mountain at the brink of heaven that stills many waters, sailing over the waves. And a shining lamp burned in the midst of you! Pointing, he runs to the mountain. [1826.jpg] -- from Symphonia: A Critical Edition of the Symphonia armonie celstium revelationum, by Hildegard of Bingen / Translated by Barbara Newman

~ Saint Hildegard von Bingen, O spectabiles viri - Antiphon for Patriarchs and Prophets
10:In the pupil of chastity's eye I beheld you untouched. Generous maid! Know that it's God who broods over you. For heaven flooded you like unbodied speech and you gave it a tongue. Glistening lily: before all worlds you lured the supernal one. How he reveled in your charms! how your beauty warmed to his caresses till you gave your breast to his child. And your womb held joy when heaven's harmonies rang from you, a maiden with child by God, for in God your chastity blazed. Yes your flesh held joy like the grass when the dew falls, when heaven freshens its green: O mother of gladness, verdure of spring. Ecclesia, flush with rapture! Sing for Mary's sake, sing for the maiden, sing for God's mother. Sing! [1826.jpg] -- from Symphonia: A Critical Edition of the Symphonia armonie celstium revelationum, by Hildegard of Bingen / Translated by Barbara Newman

~ Saint Hildegard von Bingen, Ave generosa - Hymn to the Virgin
11:O Holy Spirit of Fire, life in the life of all life, holy are you, enlivening all things. Holy are you, a healing balm to the broken. Holy are you, washing blistered wounds. O Holy Breath, O Fire of Life, O Sweetness in my breast infusing my heart with the fine scent of truth. O Pure Fountain through which we know God unites strangers and gathers the lost. O Heart's Shield, guarding life and hope, joining the many members into one body; Belt of Truth, wrap them in beauty. Protect those ensnared by the enemy, and free the worthy from their fetters. O Great Way that runs through all, from the heights, across the earth, and in the depths, you encompass all and unify all. From you the clouds stream and the ether rises; from your stones precious water pours, springs well and birth waterways, and the earth sweats green with life. And eternally do you bring forth knowledge by the breath of wisdom. All praise to you, you who are the song of praise and the joy of life, you who are hope and the greatest treasure, bestowing the gift of Light.

~ Saint Hildegard von Bingen, O ignis Spiritus Paracliti
12:Eucharius! you walked blithely when you stayed with the Son of God, touching him, watching his miracle-working. You loved him with a perfect love when terror fell on your friends -- who being human had no strength to bear the brightness of the good. But you -- in the blaze of utmost love -- drew him to your heart when you gathered the sheaves of his precepts. Eucharius! when the Word of God possessed you in the blaze of the dove, when the sun rose in your spirit, you founded a church in your bliss. Daylight shimmers in your heart where three tabernacles stand on a marble pillar in the city of God. In your preaching Ecclesia savors old wine with new -- a chalice twice hallowed. And in your teaching Ecclesia argued with such force that her shout rang over the mountains, that the hills and the woods might bow to suck her breasts. Pray for this company now, pray with resounding voice that we forsake not Christ in his sacred rites, but become before his altar a living sacrifice. [1826.jpg] -- from Symphonia: A Critical Edition of the Symphonia armonie celstium revelationum, by Hildegard of Bingen / Translated by Barbara Newman

~ Saint Hildegard von Bingen, O Euchari in leta via - Sequence for Saint Eucharius
13:A dove gazed in through a latticed window: there balm rained down on her face, raining from lucent Maximin. The heat of the sun blazed out to irradiate the dark: a bud burst open, jewel-like, in the temple of the heart (limpid and kind his heart). A tower of cypress is he, and of Lebanon's cedars -- rubies and sapphires frame his turrets -- a city passing the arts of all other artisans. A swift stag is he who ran to the fountain -- pure wellspring from a stone of power -- to water sweet-smelling spices. O perfumers! you who dwell in the luxuriance of royal gardens, climbing high when you accomplish the holy sacrifice with rams: Among you this architect is shining, a wall of the temple, he who longed for an eagle's wings as he kissed his foster-mother Wisdom in Ecclesia's garden. O Maximin, mountain and valley, on your towering height the mountain goat leapt with the elephant, and Wisdom was in rapture. Strong and sweet in the sacred rites and the shimmer of the altar, you rise like incense to the pillar of praise -- where you pray for your people who strive toward the mirror of light. Praise him! Praise in the highest! [1826.jpg] -- from Symphonia: A Critical Edition of the Symphonia armonie celstium revelationum, by Hildegard of Bingen / Translated by Barbara Newman

~ Saint Hildegard von Bingen, Columba aspexit - Sequence for Saint Maximin
14:Praise to you Spirit of fire! to you who sound the timbrel and the lyre. Your music sets our minds ablaze! The strength of our souls awaits your coming in the tent of meeting. There the mounting will gives the soul its savor and desire is its lantern. Insight invokes you in a cry full of sweetness, while reason builds you temples as she labors at her golden crafts. But sword in hand you stand poised to prune shoots of the poisoned apple -- scions of the darkest murder -- when mist overshadows the will. Adrift in desires the soul is spinning everywhere. But the mind is a bond to bind will and desire. When the heart yearns to look the Evil One in the eye, to stare down the jaws of iniquity, swiftly you burn it in consuming fire. Such is your wish. And when reason doing ill falls from her place, you restrain and constrain her as you will in the flow of experience until she obeys you. And when the Evil One brandishes his sword against you, you break it in his own heart. For so you did to the first lost angel, tumbling the tower of his arrogance to hell. And there you built a second tower -- traitors and sinners its stones. In repentance they confessed all their crafts. So all beings that live by you praise your outpouring like a priceless salve upon festering sores, upon fractured limbs. You convert them into priceless gems! Now gather us all to yourself and in your mercy guide us into the paths of justice. [1826.jpg] -- from Symphonia: A Critical Edition of the Symphonia armonie celstium revelationum, by Hildegard of Bingen / Translated by Barbara Newman

~ Saint Hildegard von Bingen, O ignee Spiritus - Hymn to the Holy Spirit



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