classes ::: physical, attribute, parts of the being, plane, parts of the being, Place, thing, element,
children :::
branches ::: physical, Physical Inspiration, physical perfection, physical training, Subtle.Physical

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object:the Physical


  behaviour, action, movement, injunctions

  Physical inspiration ::: a demo of moves from different disciplines, imaging physical perfection
see also ::: Life / Vital

--- OLD
  PRIMARY ::: strength, flexibility, cardio
  SECONDARY ::: coordination, balance
  backbend ::: gymnastics, contortion, dance, yoga
  handstand pushup ::: freestanding, against the wall

  gymnastics :::
  ballet ::: grand jete
  hatha yoga :::
  martial arts:
  kata-shadow boxing thing
  finger pushups
  balance training
  strength training - p90x
  weapons training
  sensory training
time training (increasing processing speed. coordination / kendama)
  other ::: space, time, movement, stillness, change, stability, physical examination, physical education

  sight ::: binoculars, magnifying glass, microscope, telescope
  sound ::: stethoscope, (mind?) computer, internet

  sound ::: noise cancelling headphones, noise cancelling padding for wall
  sound, body ::: isolation tank

  sound ::: Relaxing Ethereal Ambient Music
  smell ::: nice smelling plants, clean air, essential oils

  sound:instruments:digital keyboard


  air ::: air purification
  sound ::: surround sound
  smell ::: which plants smell nice? essential oils(can they be made from plants I grow?)

  air for humidity,
  water for ph

    rain water vs tap water
    tap water: Chlorine, fluoride, bleach, harder (ph)
    rain water: softer(ph), electrolytes,

  hot and cold keeps things together and separates. so in effect also acts as a means of movement in elementary material


  DIET/EATING:as an offering



  physical grace, posture

see also ::: On Education, Vital, Mental

class:parts of the being
class:parts of the being

see also ::: Life_/_Vital, Mental, On_Education, Vital

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Physical Inspiration
physical perfection
physical training



physical addressing ::: (networking) The low level addressing scheme used on Ethernet. The 48-bit destination Ethernet address in a packet is compared with the receiving node's Ethernet address.Compare Internet address. (1994-12-23)

physical addressing "networking" The low level addressing scheme used on {Ethernet}. The 48-bit destination {Ethernet address} in a {packet} is compared with the receiving node's Ethernet address. Compare {IP address}. (1994-12-23)

physical address "memory management" The address presented to a computer's main memory in a {virtual memory} system, in contrast to the {virtual address} which is the address generated by the {CPU}. A {memory management unit} translates virtual addresses into physical addresses. (1995-03-31)

physical address ::: (memory management) The address presented to a computer's main memory in a virtual memory system, in contrast to the virtual address which is the address generated by the CPU. A memory management unit translates virtual addresses into physical addresses. (1995-03-31)

physical and its energies, — all that Nature has not put into visi- ble operation on the surface ; It pursues also the application of these hidden truths and powers of Nature so as to extend the mastery of the human spirit beyond the ordinary operations of mind, the ordinary operations of life, the ordinary operations of our physical existence. In the spiritual domain, which is occult to the surface mind in so far as it passes beyond normal and enters into supernormal experience, there is possible not only the discovery of the self and spirit, but the discovery of the uplift- ing, informing and guiding light of spiritual consciousness and the power of the spirit, the spiritual way of knowledge, the spiri- tual way of action. To know these things and to bring their truths and forces into the life of humanity is a necessary part of its evolution. Science itself is in Its own way an occultism ; for it brings to light the formulas which Nature has hidden and it uses its knowledge to set free operations of her energies which she has not included in her ordinary operations and to organise and place at the service of man her occult powers and processes, a vast system of physical magic, — for there is and can be no other magic than the utilisation of secret truths of being, secret powers and processes of Nature. It may even be found that a supra- physical knowledge Is necessary for the completion of physical knowledge, because the processes of physical Nature have behind them a supraphysical factor, a power and action mental, vital or spiritual which is not tangible to any outer means of knowledge.

physical ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to nature (as including all created existences); in accordance with the laws of nature; also, of or relating to natural or material things, or to the bodily structure, as opposed to things mental, moral, spiritual, or imaginary; material; natural; as, armies and navies are the physical force of a nation; the body is the physical part of man.
Of or pertaining to physics, or natural philosophy; treating of, or relating to, the causes and connections of natural

physical bhoga ::: physical ananda, or any of its forms, in the state of bhoga (the second stage of bhukti), where the seizing of the rasa in things is made concrete by the participation of the pran.a bringing in "the full sense of life and the occupying enjoyment by the whole being".

physical bhukti ::: bhukti in the physical body or sthūla deha, consisting of physical ananda in its five forms (kamananda, vis.ayananda, tivrananda, raudrananda and vaidyutananda) with the corresponding forms of bhoga and rasagrahan.a..

physical consciousness ::: the physical mind, the physical vital as well as the body consciousness proper.

physical file "file system" A low-level view of the physical characteristics of a {file}, such as its location on a {disk} or its physical structure, for example, whether indexed or sequential. (2004-12-23)

physical file ::: (file system) A low-level view of the physical characteristics of a file, such as its location on a disk or its physical structure, for example, whether indexed or sequential.(2004-12-23)

physicalism ::: The metaphysical position asserting that everything that exists has one or more physical properties; that is, that there are no kinds of things other than physical things. In contemporary philosophy, physicalism is most frequently associated with the philosophy of mind, in particular the mind-body problem, in which it holds that the mind is a physical thing in some sense. Physicalism is also called "materialism", but the term "physicalism" is preferable because it has evolved with the physical sciences to incorporate far more sophisticated notions of physicality than matter; for example, wave/particle relationships and unseen, non-material forces.

physical "jargon" The opposite of {logical} in its jargon sense. Compare {real}, {virtual}, and {transparent}. It is said that what you can touch and see is real; what you can see but not touch is virtual; what you can touch but not see is transparent; and what you can neither touch nor see is probably imaginary. (2001-10-26)

physical ::: (jargon) The opposite of logical in its jargon sense. Compare real, virtual, and transparent.It is said that what you can touch and see is real; what you can see but not touch is virtual; what you can touch but not see is transparent; and what you can neither touch nor see is probably imaginary.(2001-10-26)

physical layer "networking" Layer one, the lowest layer in the {OSI} seven layer model. The physical layer encompasses details such as electrical and mechanical connections to the network, transmission of {binary} data as changing voltage levels on wires or similar concepts on other connectors, and {data rates}. The physical layer is used by the {data link layer}. Example physical layer {protocols} are {CSMA/CD}, {token ring} and bus. (2004-06-29)

physical layer ::: (networking) Layer one, the lowest layer in the OSI seven layer model. The physical layer encompasses details such as electrical and mechanical connections to the network, transmission of binary data as changing voltage levels on wires or similar concepts on other connectors, and data rates.The physical layer is used by the data link layer.Example physical layer protocols are CSMA/CD, token ring and bus.(2004-06-29)

physically ::: adv. --> In a physical manner; according to the laws of nature or physics; by physical force; not morally.
According to the rules of medicine.

physical memory address {physical address}

physical memory "memory management" The memory hardware (normally {RAM}) installed in a computer. The term is only used in contrast to {virtual memory}. (1996-03-23)

physical memory ::: (memory management) The memory hardware (normally RAM) installed in a computer. The term is only used in contrast to virtual memory. (1996-03-23)

physical mind

physical nature ::: not the body alone, but the whole physical mind, vital, material nature.

physical nature of man which not only became a

physical (physiological) dependence: a state where the body has adapted to and has become dependent on drugs, and sudden absence can result in withdrawal.

physical self ::: the physical conscious being; the material being; annamaya purusa.

physical siddhi ::: the siddhi of the sarira catus.t.aya or of any of its members; any of the siddhis of the body which "although belonging to the dharma of the vijnana . . . act in the body and are strictly part of the physical siddhi", forming the basis of utthapana.

physical. The Mother’s force caa work through both together.

physical ::: The Mother: “The physical is the concrete domain that crystallises and defines the thoughts, the movements of the vital, etc. It is a solid foundation for action.” Words of the Mother, MCW Vol. 15.

physical ::: the Mother: "The physical is the concrete domain that crystallises and defines the thoughts, the movements of the vital, etc. It is a solid foundation for action.” Words of the Mother, MCW Vol. 15.

physical (the) ::: the physical consciousness and body.

physical vital ::: the part of the vital that is turned entirely upon physical things, full of desires and greeds and seekings for pleasure on the physical plane.

Physical body: The material, perishable, gross body which is destroyed at death.

Physical Body The most material sheath or instrument used by the forces manifesting as the human composite nature. This body is the evolutionary product of the inner man’s experience during vast ages of time in and through all the kingdoms of nature. Thus the reimbodying ego, having acquired knowledge of the earth’s manifesting forms and forces, combines or correlates the principles and products of the mineral and vegetal life-atoms in its animal body, while evolving through its human incarnations. The atoms of a person’s body which are dispersed on earth at death, are karmically drawn to him again in the next life. As the quality of his own thought and feeling has been impressed upon these atoms, their automatic magnetic return to him insures the justice of his self-made physical heredity.

Physical capital - The stock of equipment and structures that are used to produce goods and services.

PHYSICAL CHANGE. ::: The physical consciousness has to become balanced, tilled with light and force from above, made conscious and responsive.


PHYSICAL CONSCIOUSNESS Physical consciousness (49) is the lowest kind of consciousness. Man&

Physical consciousness ::: There is the universal physical cons- ciousness of Nature and there is our own which is a part of it, moved by it, and used by the central being for the support of its expression in the physical world and for a direct dealing with all these external objects and movements and forces. This physical consciousness-plane receives from the other planes their powers and influences and makes formations of them in its own province. Therefore we have a physical mind as well as a vital mind and the mind proper ; we have a vital-physical part in us

PHYSICAL CONTACT. ::: No spiritual man who acts dyna- mically is limited to physical contact ; the idea that physical contact through writing, speech, meeting is indispensable to the action of the spiritual force is self-contradictory, for then it

Physical death is the dissolution of the physical form ; but all form does not disappear by death.

Physical essence: (or physical composition in Scholasticism) Consists in the composition of the parts by which that composite truly is. Of these parts, that which indifferently constitutes this or that, is called matter, as the body in man, but that which determines and perfects matter is called form, as soul. -- H.G.

PHYSICAL EXERCISE. ::: It is very necessary to keep off tamas. Physical tamas in its roots can be removed only by the descent and the transformation, but physical exercise and regu- lar activity of the body can always prevent a tamasic condition from prevailing in the body.

Physical fatigue in sSdhana ::: It may come from ( 1 ) receiv- ing more than the physical is ready to assimilate. The cure is then quiet rest in conscious immobility receiving the forces but not for any other purpose than tbe recuperation of the strength and energy. (2) It may be due to the passivity taking the form of inertia ; inertia brings the consciousness dotvn towards the ordinary physical level which is soon fatigued and prone to tamas. The cure here is to get back into the true consciousness and to rest there, not in inertia. (3) It may be due to mere overstrain of the body — not giving enough sleep or repose. The body is the support of the yoga, but its energy is not inexhaustible and needs to be husbanded ; it can be kept up by drawing on the universal vital Force but that reinforcement too has its limits.

PHYSICAL FATIGUE. ::: It may come from receiving more than the physical is ready to assimilate. It may be due to the passivity taking the form of inertia ; inertia brings the consciousness down towards the ordinary physical level which is soon fatigued and prone to tamas. It may be due to mere oveistrain of the body — not giving it enough sleep or repose,

Physical inventory (stock-take) - Is determining the quantity of inventory on hand through an inventory count (i.e., quantity, weight).

Physicalism: The thesis, developed within Scientific Empiricism (q.v., , II B), that every descriptive term in the language of science (in the widest sense, including social science) is connected with terms designating observable properties of things. This connection is of such a kind that a sentence applying the term in question is intersubjectively (q.v.) confirmable by observations (see Verification). The application of physicalism to psychology is the logical basis for the method of behaviorism (q.v.). See papers by O. Neurath, R. Carnap, C. G. Hempel, in Erkenntnis, 2, 1931; 3, 1932; 4, 1934; Scientia 50, 1931; Rev. de Synthese 10, 1935; Phil. Science 3, 1936; S. S. Stevens in Psych. Bull. 36, 1939. -- R.C.

PHYSICALISM The view that limits its understanding of reality to the physical world and so tries to explain all reality within the limits of physical reality.

This view has been called philosophical or scientific materialism. More properly it ought to be called physicalism, since it took into account physical matter only, and there is a whole series of ever higher material worlds.

The physicalist is wrong in assuming that the visible world is the only existing one, that organisms are the only forms of life, that the organism&

PHYSICALIST Term referring to two different things:

Physicality ::: The property of reality that imparts a physical presence upon the mind; a stability of form that allows for greater expression and introspection to occur. This is a tremendously complicated illusion formed by the mind on its journey from noumenal reality through increasingly complex dualistic layers of Itself. One system that models the causal journey of Consciousness toward greater complexity is the Kabbalah. See also Maya.

PHYSICAL MIND. ::: That part of the mind which is concerned with the physical things only ; it depends on the sense-mind, sees only objects, exiemol actions, draws its ideas from the data given by external things, infers from them only and knows no other Truth until it is enlightened from above.

PHYSICAL. ::: No doubt the physical is an obstinate obstacle, but it must be enlightened, persuaded, pressed even to change, but not oppressed or violently driven.

PHYSICAL OPENING. ::: The opening of the physical and the subconscient always takes a long time as it is a thing of habits and constant repetition of the old movements, obscure and stiff and not plastic, yielding only little by little. The physical mind can be more easily opened and converted than the rest but the vital-physical and the mental-physical arc obstinate. The old things are always recurring there without reason and by force of habit. Much of the vital-physical and most of the material are in the subconsciencc or depend upon it. U needs a strong and sustained action to progress there.

Physical Organs Natural history reveals that the organs of the body acquire a greater individual importance, and in some cases occupy a larger proportion of the organism, as we ascend from the lower to the higher animal forms. G. de Purucker points out that “Every one of the organs of the human physical body, both collectively and distributively, is the organic representative in man’s physical sheath or body of one part or portion of his complex inner and invisible constitution. . . . every one of the monadic centers in man’s being . . . has its own corresponding organ in the physical body, each such organ functioning in the body as much as it can according to the characteristic or type-activity of its inner and invisible cause. Thus the heart, the brain, the liver, the spleen, etc., is, each one, the expression on the physical plane and in the human physical body of a corresponding consciousness-center in the invisible constitution of the sevenfold man” (ET 518 3rd & rev ed).

Physical or predicamental (q.v.) -- opposed to substance (q.v.) -- that whose nature it is to exist not in itself but in some subject; as figure, quantity, manner.- -- H.G.

Physical, Physicalization The physical plane of matter is that one of the many planes in universal nature which is coordinated with our physical senses; and the physical plane of consciousness is therefore the plane on which our consciousness functions when we are using those senses. It is characterized by the familiar qualities which science studies under the name of properties of matter. In order to understand biological evolution, it is necessary to admit the existence of the next plane above — the astral plane. The passage of the astral prototypes of organisms from the astral plane to the physical is called physicalization. Differentiation on the physical plane is caused by the psychological and astral life-agents acting in the protyle of the physical plane. Temporary and abnormal physicalization takes place in a spiritualistic materialization.

Physical Plane ::: Also Assiah. One of the Four Worlds as part of the Kabbalistic map of reality. A realm of reality that we perceive as solid and as solely real. The Physical Plane is a complex superposition of the three planes above it that serves as a foundationally stable lens through which Source Consciousness experiences reality. Exists along the Middle Pillar in respect to the Kabbalah. See also Malkuth and Physicality.

PHYSICAL SELF Human monad that has its consciousness concentrated on physical reality and small activation of emotional and mental consciousness. Also called physicalist.

Physical Sequential "file format" (PS, QSAM, Queued Sequential Access Method) The simplest {data set} on an {IBM} {mainframe}. Sequential files can only be read or written from the beginning: they do not support {random access}. [Why "Queued"?] (2003-12-05)

Physical Sequential ::: (file format) (PS, QSAM, Queued Sequential Access Method) The simplest data set on an IBM mainframe. Sequential files can only be read or written from the beginning: they do not support random access.[Why Queued?](2003-12-05)

Physical space is said to have six directions, the four cardinal points plus the zenith and nadir; or eight directions given by the axes joining the opposite corners of a cube. The six and the eight combine in the cube and octahedron. Nothing in the definition of geometrical space excludes the possibility of other spatial constructions, coexistent with our space and interblended with it and with each other. This helps in understanding such matters as chains of globes — which, when we attempt to represent them by drawn diagrams, seem so confusing and contradictory — and the manner in which other planes of consciousness and of objectivity may be related to the physical.

Physical things have a consciousness within them which feels and responds to care and is sensitive to careless touch and rough handling.

Physical Transport Network "communications" (PTN) The actual {hardware} through which data transfer devices are connected. {Virtual Circuits} may be leased by the owner of the physical network to organisations which cannot afford the high costs of laying long distance cable. (2003-11-23)

Physical Transport Network ::: (communications) (PTN) The actual hardware through which data transfer devices are connected.Virtual Circuits may be leased by the owner of the physical network to organisations which cannot afford the high costs of laying long distance cable.(2003-11-23)

PHYSICAL WORLD Atomic world 49 in the cosmos and solar system. Within the planets it is divided into two molecular worlds: the physical etheric world (49:2-4) and the visible world (49:5-7).


1. A physical likeness or representation of a person, animal, or thing, photographed, painted, sculptured, or otherwise made visible. 2. A mental representation; idea; conception. 3. Form; appearance; semblance. 4. A type; embodiment. 5. An idol or representation of a deity. 6. A person or thing that resembles another closely; counterpart, double or copy. 7. A concrete representation, as in art, literature, or music, that is expressive or evocative of something else. images, image-face.

1. The active opposition or mutual hostility of two opposing forces, physical or mental. 2. An opposing force, principle, or tendency.

1. The act, power or property of appealing, alluring, enticing or inviting. 2. A thing or feature which draws by appealing to desires, tastes, etc. 3. The action of a body or substance in drawing to itself, by some physical force, another to which it is not materially attached; the force thus exercised. attractions.

"A basis can be created for a subjective illusion-consciousness which is yet part of Being, if we accept in the sense of an illusory subjective world-awareness the account of sleep and dream creation given to us in the Upanishads. For the affirmation there is that Brahman as Self is fourfold; the Self is Brahman and all that is is the Brahman, but all that is is the Self seen by the Self in four states of its being. In the pure self-status neither consciousness nor unconsciousness as we conceive it can be affirmed about Brahman; it is a state of superconscience absorbed in its self-existence, in a self-silence or a self-ecstasy, or else it is the status of a free Superconscient containing or basing everything but involved in nothing. But there is also a luminous status of sleep-self, a massed consciousness which is the origin of cosmic existence; this state of deep sleep in which yet there is the presence of an omnipotent Intelligence is the seed state or causal condition from which emerges the cosmos; — this and the dream-self which is the continent of all subtle, subjective or supraphysical experience, and the self of waking which is the support of all physical experience, can be taken as the whole field of Maya.” The Life Divine

“A basis can be created for a subjective illusion-consciousness which is yet part of Being, if we accept in the sense of an illusory subjective world-awareness the account of sleep and dream creation given to us in the Upanishads. For the affirmation there is that Brahman as Self is fourfold; the Self is Brahman and all that is is the Brahman, but all that is is the Self seen by the Self in four states of its being. In the pure self-status neither consciousness nor unconsciousness as we conceive it can be affirmed about Brahman; it is a state of superconscience absorbed in its self-existence, in a self-silence or a self-ecstasy, or else it is the status of a free Superconscient containing or basing everything but involved in nothing. But there is also a luminous status of sleep-self, a massed consciousness which is the origin of cosmic existence; this state of deep sleep in which yet there is the presence of an omnipotent Intelligence is the seed state or causal condition from which emerges the cosmos;—this and the dream-self which is the continent of all subtle, subjective or supraphysical experience, and the self of waking which is the support of all physical experience, can be taken as the whole field of Maya.” The Life Divine

ACCIDENT. ::: There is no such thing as a mere accident. There is some - perhaps a slight - unconsciousness in the physical and it is taken advantage of by these small beings of the vital physical plane, who are more mischievous than consciously hostile.
It has often been seen that when an accident takes place at a particular spot, there is a tendency for some time for other accidents to happen there. There is the same tendency with suicides at a particular place. It is a sort of powerful formation that remains there with or without a vital being (spirit) in charge of the’ formation.

A certain amount of sclf-defence is necessary, so that the consciousness may not be puIJed down or out constantly info the ordinary atmosphere or the physical strained by being forced into activities that have become foreign to you.

ache ::: a continuous or abiding pain, in contrast to a sudden or sharp one. Used of both physical and mental sensations.

— active only when driven by an energy, otherwise inactive and immobile. When one first falls into direct contact with this level, the feeling in the body is that of inertia and immobility, in the vital-physical exhaustion or lassitude, in the physical mind absence of prakasa and pravrtti* or only the most ordinary thoughts and impulses. Once it is illumined, the advantage is that the sub-conscient becomes conscient and this removes a very fucidamfintal obstacle from the sadhana.

ADHARA. ::: The containing system composed of the five sheaths of the five principles constituting the physical, vital, mental, supramental and spiritual being.

“A distinction has to be made between the soul in its essence and the psychic being. Behind each and all there is the soul which is the spark of the Divine—none could exist without that. But it is quite possible to have a vital and physical being supported by such a soul essence but without a clearly evolved psychic being behind it.” Letters on Yoga

A dynamic Intuitive conviction In the inner being of the truth of supersensible things which cannot be proved by any physical evidence but which are a subject of experience.

"All change must come from within with the felt or the secret support of the Divine Power; it is only by one"s own inner opening to that that one can receive help, not by mental, vital or physical contact with others.” Letters on Yoga

“All change must come from within with the felt or the secret support of the Divine Power; it is only by one’s own inner opening to that that one can receive help, not by mental, vital or physical contact with others.” Letters on Yoga

:::   ". . . all our spiritual and psychic experience bears affirmative witness, brings us always a constant and, in its main principles, an invariable evidence of the existence of higher worlds, freer planes of existence. Not having bound ourselves down, like so much of modern thought, to the dogma that only physical experience or experience based upon the physical sense is true, the analysis of physical experience by the reason alone verifiable, and all else only result of physical experience and physical existence and anything beyond this an error, self-delusion and hallucination, we are free to accept this evidence and to admit the reality of these planes. We see that they are, practically, different harmonies from the harmony of the physical universe; they occupy, as the word ‘plane" suggests, a different level in the scale of being and adopt a different system and ordering of its principles.” The Life Divine

“… all our spiritual and psychic experience bears affirmative witness, brings us always a constant and, in its main principles, an invariable evidence of the existence of higher worlds, freer planes of existence. Not having bound ourselves down, like so much of modern thought, to the dogma that only physical experience or experience based upon the physical sense is true, the analysis of physical experience by the reason alone verifiable, and all else only result of physical experience and physical existence and anything beyond this an error, self-delusion and hallucination, we are free to accept this evidence and to admit the reality of these planes. We see that they are, practically, different harmonies from the harmony of the physical universe; they occupy, as the word ‘plane’ suggests, a different level in the scale of being and adopt a different system and ordering of its principles.” The Life Divine

All these centres are in the middle of the body ; they are supposed, to 'be attached to the spinal chord; but in fact all these things are. in the subtle body, (hough one has the feeling of their activities as if In the physical body when the conscious- ness is awake.

All these centres are in the middle of the body; they are supposed to be attached to the spinal cord; but in fact all these things are in the subtle body, suksma deha , though one has the feeling of their activities as if in the physical body when the consciousness is awake.” Letters on Yoga

“All this action and struggle and ascension is supported by Heaven our Father and Earth our Mother, Parents of the Gods, who sustain respectively the purely mental and psychic and the physical consciousness. Their large and free scope is the condition of our achievement.

Amal: “I believe the reference is to the outward-gazing ‘physical’ mind and its triple activity as described in the passage.”

Amal: “The reference seems to be to the vital being in the first place—the vital being in its destructive aspect—and then to the physical being. The physical being is suggested by the fact of the snake always moving in continuous contact with the earth.”

ANANDA. ::: Delight; essential principle of delight; bliss; spiritual ecstasy; the bliss of the Spirit which is the secret source· and support of all existence.
Ānanda is the secret delight from which all things are born, by which all is sustained in existence and to which all can rise in the spiritual culmination.
It is the Divine Bliss which comes from above. It is not joy or pleasure, but something self-existent, pure and quite beyond what any joy or pleasure can be.
Something greater than peace or joy, something that, like Truth and Light, is the very nature of the supramental Divine. It can come by frequent inrushes or descents, partially or for a time, but it cannot -remain in the system so long as the system has not been prepared for it.
It can come not only with its fullest intensity but with a more enduring persistence when the mind is at peace and the heart delivered from ordinary joy and sorrow. If the mind and heart are restless, changeful, unquiet, Ānanda of a kind may come, but it is mixed with vital excitement and cannot abide. One must get peace and calm fixed in the consciousness first, then there is a solid basis on which Ānanda can spread itself and in its turn become an enduring part of the consciousness and the nature.
Ānanda (ascension into) ::: It is quite impossible to ascend to the real Ānanda plane (except in a profound trance), until after the supramental consciousness has been entered, realised and possessed; but it is quite possible and normal to feel some form of Ānanda consciousness on any level. This consciousness, wherever it is felt, is a derivation from the Ānanda plane, but it is very much diminished in power and modified to suit the lesser power of receptivity of the inferior levels.
Ānanda (divine) in the physical ::: self-existent in its essence, its manifestation is dependent only on an inner union with the Divine.
Ānanda (of the Brahman) ::: there is an absoluteness of immutable ecstasy in it, a concentrated intensity of silent and inalienable rapture.

Ananda in the consciousness, their workings there, the realisation of the divine or spiritual love, the perception of on€’s own psy- chic being, the discovery of one’s own true mental being, true wtal being, true physical being, the realisation of the overmind or the Supramental consciousness, the clear perception of the relation of all these things to our present inferior nature and their action on it to change that lower nature. These things also are often called experiences when they only come in flashes, snatches or rare visitations ; they are spoken of as full realisa- tions only when they become very positive or frequent or con- tinuous or normal.

"And if there is, as there must be in the nature of things, an ascending series in the scale of substance from Matter to Spirit, it must be marked by a progressive diminution of these capacities most characteristic of the physical principle and a progressive increase of the opposite characteristics which will lead us to the formula of pure spiritual self-extension. This is to say that they must be marked by less and less bondage to the form, more and more subtlety and flexibility of substance and force, more and more interfusion, interpenetration, power of assimilation, power of interchange, power of variation, transmutation, unification. Drawing away from durability of form, we draw towards eternity of essence; drawing away from our poise in the persistent separation and resistance of physical Matter, we draw near to the highest divine poise in the infinity, unity and indivisibility of Spirit.” The Life Divine

“And if there is, as there must be in the nature of things, an ascending series in the scale of substance from Matter to Spirit, it must be marked by a progressive diminution of these capacities most characteristic of the physical principle and a progressive increase of the opposite characteristics which will lead us to the formula of pure spiritual self-extension. This is to say that they must be marked by less and less bondage to the form, more and more subtlety and flexibility of substance and force, more and more interfusion, interpenetration, power of assimilation, power of interchange, power of variation, transmutation, unification. Drawing away from durability of form, we draw towards eternity of essence; drawing away from our poise in the persistent separation and resistance of physical Matter, we draw near to the highest divine poise in the infinity, unity and indivisibility of Spirit.” The Life Divine

Animal ::: Nolini: “The Animal is the vital-physical consciousness personified.”

ANNAKOSA. ::: Sheath of the material consciousness.
annam ::: Matter. annamaya
puruṣa ::: physical conscious being; physical consciousness in man; materialised soul.

APANA. ::: ANNAKOSA. ::: Sheath of the material consciousness.
annam ::: Matter. annamaya
puruṣa ::: physical conscious being; physical consciousness in man; materialised soul.

ASANA. ::: Fixed posture habituating the body to certain attitudes of immobility. The system of Asana has at its basis two profound ideas ::: control by physical immobility, power by immobility.
The sitting motionless posture is the natural posture for concentrated meditation - walking and standing are active conditions. It is only when one has gained the enduring rest and passivity of the consciousness that it is easy to concentrate and receive when walking or doing anything. A fundamental passive condition of the consciousness gathered into itself is the proper poise for concentration and a seated gathered immobility in the body is the best position for that. It can be done also lying down, but that position is too passive, tending to be inert rather than gathered. This is the reason why yogis always sit in an āsana. One can accustom oneself to meditate walking. standing, lying but sitting is the first natural position.

ASCENT AND DESCENT. ::: The practice of this yoga is double ::: one side is of an ascent of the consciousness to the higher planes, the other is that of a descent of the power of the higher planes into the earth-consciousness so as to drive out the Power of darkness and ignorance and transform the nature.
All the consciousness in the human being who is the mental embodied in living matter has to rise so as to meet the higher consciousness; the higher consciousness has also to descend into mind, into life, into matter.
To ascend is easier than to bring down ; the higher consciousness gets entangled and impeded in the physical and the mind and vital.

ascent ::: Sri Aurobindo: "The ascent or the upward movement takes place when there is a sufficient aspiration from the being, i.e., from the various mental, vital and physical planes.” *Letters on Yoga

ascent ::: “The ascent or the upward movement takes place when there is a sufficient aspiration from the being, i.e., from the various mental, vital and physical planes.” Letters on Yoga

::: "As for immortality, it cannot come if there is attachment to the body, — for it is only by living in the immortal part of oneself which is unidentified with the body and bringing down its consciousness and force into the cells that it can come. I speak of course of yogic means. The scientists now hold that it is (theoretically at least) possible to discover physical means by which death can be overcome, but that would mean only a prolongation of the present consciousness in the present body. Unless there is a change of consciousness and change of functionings it would be a very small gain.” Letters on Yoga

“As for immortality, it cannot come if there is attachment to the body,—for it is only by living in the immortal part of oneself which is unidentified with the body and bringing down its consciousness and force into the cells that it can come. I speak of course of yogic means. The scientists now hold that it is (theoretically at least) possible to discover physical means by which death can be overcome, but that would mean only a prolongation of the present consciousness in the present body. Unless there is a change of consciousness and change of functionings it would be a very small gain.” Letters on Yoga

:::   "As for prophecy, I have never met or known of a prophet, however reputed, who was infallible. Some of their predictions come true to the letter, others do not, — they half-fulfil or misfire entirely. It does not follow that the power of prophecy is unreal or the accurate predictions can be all explained by probability, chance, coincidence. The nature and number of those that cannot is too great. The variability of fulfilment may be explained either by an imperfect power in the prophet sometimes active, sometimes failing or by the fact that things are predictable in part only, they are determined in part only or else by different factors or lines of power, different series of potentials and actuals. So long as one is in touch with one line, one predicts accurately, otherwise not — or if the lines of power change, one"s prophecy also goes off the rails. All the same, one may say, there must be, if things are predictable at all, some power or plane through which or on which all is foreseeable; if there is a divine Omniscience and Omnipotence, it must be so. Even then what is foreseen has to be worked out, actually is worked out by a play of forces, — spiritual, mental, vital and physical forces — and in that plane of forces there is no absolute rigidity discoverable. Personal will or endeavour is one of those forces.” Letters on Yoga

“As for prophecy, I have never met or known of a prophet, however reputed, who was infallible. Some of their predictions come true to the letter, others do not,—they half-fulfil or misfire entirely. It does not follow that the power of prophecy is unreal or the accurate predictions can be all explained by probability, chance, coincidence. The nature and number of those that cannot is too great. The variability of fulfilment may be explained either by an imperfect power in the prophet sometimes active, sometimes failing or by the fact that things are predictable in part only, they are determined in part only or else by different factors or lines of power, different series of potentials and actuals. So long as one is in touch with one line, one predicts accurately, otherwise not—or if the lines of power change, one’s prophecy also goes off the rails. All the same, one may say, there must be, if things are predictable at all, some power or plane through which or on which all is foreseeable; if there is a divine Omniscience and Omnipotence, it must be so. Even then what is foreseen has to be worked out, actually is worked out by a play of forces,—spiritual, mental, vital and physical forces—and in that plane of forces there is no absolute rigidity discoverable. Personal will or endeavour is one of those forces.” Letters on Yoga

ASPIRATION. ::: The call in the being for the Divine or for the higher things that belong to the Divine Consciousness.
A call to the Divine; aspiration for the discovery and embodiment of the Divine Truth and to nothing else whatever.
An aspiration vigilant, constant, unceasing- the mind’s will, the heart’s seeking, the assent of the vital being, the will to open and make plastic the physical consciousness and nature.
There is no need of words in aspiration. It can be expressed or unexpressed in words.
Aspiration need not be in the form of thought; it can be a feeling within that remains even when the mind is attending to the work.
Aspiration is to call the forces. When the forces have answered, there is a natural state of quiet receptivity concentrated but spontaneous.
In aspiration there is a self-giving for the higher consciousness to descend and take possession ; the more intense the call, the greater the self-giving.
Aspiration keeps the consciousness open, prevents an inert state of acquiescence in all that comes and exercises a sort of pull on the sources of the higher consciousness.
The intensity of aspiration brings the intensity of the experience and by repeated intensity of the experience, the change. It is the psychic that gives the true aspiration; if the vital is purified and subjected to the psychic, then the vital gives intensity.
Aspiration in the physical consciousness ::: the physical consciousness is always in everybody in its own nature a little inert and in it a constant strong aspiration is not natural, it has to be created. But first there must be the opening, a purification, a fixed quietude, otherwise the physical vital will turn the strong aspiration into over-eagerness and impatience or rather it will try to give it that turn.

"A SPIRITUAL evolution, an evolution of consciousness in Matter in a constant developing self-formation till the form can reveal the indwelling Spirit, is then the keynote, the central significant motive of the terrestrial existence. This significance is concealed at the outset by the involution of the Spirit, the Divine Reality, in a dense material Inconscience; a veil of Inconscience, a veil of insensibility of Matter hides the universal Consciousness-Force which works within it, so that the Energy, which is the first form the Force of creation assumes in the physical universe, appears to be itself inconscient and yet does the works of a vast occult Intelligence.” The Life Divine

“A SPIRITUAL evolution, an evolution of consciousness in Matter in a constant developing self-formation till the form can reveal the indwelling Spirit, is then the keynote, the central significant motive of the terrestrial existence. This significance is concealed at the outset by the involution of the Spirit, the Divine Reality, in a dense material Inconscience; a veil of Inconscience, a veil of insensibility of Matter hides the universal Consciousness-Force which works within it, so that the Energy, which is the first form the Force of creation assumes in the physical universe, appears to be itself inconscient and yet does the works of a vast occult Intelligence.” The Life Divine

assuage ::: to mitigate, alleviate, soothe, relieve (physical or mental pain).

". . . as there is a constant dynamic energy in movement in the universe which takes various material forms more or less subtle or gross, so in each physical body or object, plant or animal or metal, there is stored and active the same constant dynamic force; a certain interchange of these two gives us the phenomena which we associate with the idea of life. It is this action that we recognise as the action of Life-Energy and that which so energises itself is the Life-Force. Mind-Energy, Life-Energy, material Energy are different dynamisms of one World-Force.” The Life Divine

“… as there is a constant dynamic energy in movement in the universe which takes various material forms more or less subtle or gross, so in each physical body or object, plant or animal or metal, there is stored and active the same constant dynamic force; a certain interchange of these two gives us the phenomena which we associate with the idea of life. It is this action that we recognise as the action of Life-Energy and that which so energises itself is the Life-Force. Mind-Energy, Life-Energy, material Energy are different dynamisms of one World-Force.” The Life Divine

“As there is an inner sight other than the physical, so there is an inner hearing other than that of the external ear, and it can listen to voices and sounds and words of other worlds, other times and places, or those which come from supraphysical beings.” Letters on Yoga

At a certain stage attacks fall heavily on the body because the opposing forces find it more difficult than before to upset the mind and vital directly, so they fall on the physical in the hope that that will do the trick, the physical bemg most vulnerable.

athlete ::: Sri Aurobindo employs the word as an adj. in the sense of athletic: Of the nature of, or befitting, one who is physically active, powerful, muscular, robust, agile.

:::   ". . . a true occultism means no more than a research into supraphysical realities and an unveiling of the hidden laws of being and Nature, of all that is not obvious on the surface. It attempts the discovery of the secret laws of mind and mental energy, the secret laws of life and life-energy, the secret laws of the subtle-physical and its energies, — all that Nature has not put into visible operation on the surface; it pursues also the application of these hidden truths and powers of Nature so as to extend the mastery of the human spirit beyond the ordinary operations of mind, the ordinary operations of life, the ordinary operations of our physical existence. In the spiritual domain which is occult to the surface mind in so far as it passes beyond normal and enters into supernormal experience, there is possible not only the discovery of the self and spirit, but the discovery of the uplifting, informing and guiding light of spiritual consciousness and the power of the spirit, the spiritual way of knowledge, the spiritual way of action. To know these things and to bring their truths and forces into the life of humanity is a necessary part of its evolution. Science itself is in its own way an occultism; for it brings to light the formulas which Nature has hidden and it uses its knowledge to set free operations of her energies which she has not included in her ordinary operations and to organise and place at the service of man her occult powers and processes, a vast system of physical magic, — for there is and can be no other magic than the utilisation of secret truths of being, secret powers and processes of Nature. It may even be found that a supraphysical knowledge is necessary for the completion of physical knowledge, because the processes of physical Nature have behind them a supraphysical factor, a power and action mental, vital or spiritual which is not tangible to any outer means of knowledge.” The Life Divine

“… a true occultism means no more than a research into supraphysical realities and an unveiling of the hidden laws of being and Nature, of all that is not obvious on the surface. It attempts the discovery of the secret laws of mind and mental energy, the secret laws of life and life-energy, the secret laws of the subtle-physical and its energies,—all that Nature has not put into visible operation on the surface; it pursues also the application of these hidden truths and powers of Nature so as to extend the mastery of the human spirit beyond the ordinary operations of mind, the ordinary operations of life, the ordinary operations of our physical existence. In the spiritual domain which is occult to the surface mind in so far as it passes beyond normal and enters into supernormal experience, there is possible not only the discovery of the self and spirit, but the discovery of the uplifting, informing and guiding light of spiritual consciousness and the power of the spirit, the spiritual way of knowledge, the spiritual way of action. To know these things and to bring their truths and forces into the life of humanity is a necessary part of its evolution. Science itself is in its own way an occultism; for it brings to light the formulas which Nature has hidden and it uses its knowledge to set free operations of her energies which she has not included in her ordinary operations and to organise and place at the service of man her occult powers and processes, a vast system of physical magic,—for there is and can be no other magic than the utilisation of secret truths of being, secret powers and processes of Nature. It may even be found that a supraphysical knowledge is necessary for the completion of physical knowledge, because the processes of physical Nature have behind them a supraphysical factor, a power and action mental, vital or spiritual which is not tangible to any outer means of knowledge.” The Life Divine

ATTACHMENT. ::: All attachment is a hindrance to sadhana. Goodwāl you should have for all, psychic kindness for all, but no vital attachment.
To become indifferent to the attraction of outer objects is one of the first rules of yoga, for this non-attachment liberates the inner being into peace and the true consciousness.
Even after the liberation, one has to remain vigilant, for often these things go out and remain at a far distance, waiting to see if under any circumstances in any condition they can make a rush and recover their kingdom. If there has been an entire purification down to the depths and nothing is there to open the gate, then they cannot do it.
Attachment to things ::: the physical rejection of them is not the best way to get rid of it. Accept what is given you, ask for what is needed and think no more of it - attaching no importance, using them when you have, not troubled if you have not. That is the best way of getting rid of the attachment.

* attachment must draw away altogether from the object of its love. The vital can be as absolute in its unquestioning self-giving as any other part or the nature ; nothing can be more generous than its movement when it forgets self for the Beloved. The vital and physical should both give themselves in the true way — the way of true love, not of ego-desire.

Attacks of illnesses ::: These forces, when thronm out, retreat into the environmental consciousness and remain there concealed and at any opportunity make an attack on the centres accustomed to receive them (external mind and the external emotional) and get in. This happens with most sadbakas. Two things are neces- sary — (1) to open fully the physical to the higher forces, (2) to reach the stage when even if the forces attack they cannot come fully in, the inner being remaining calm and free. Then even if there is still a surface dIfiBcuIty, there will not be these overpowerings.

attack ::: the act of setting upon with violent force.; launching a physical assault (against) attacks.

  At times he calls himself the ‘Lord of Nations." It is he who sets all wars in motion and only by thwarting his plans could the last war be won . . . This one does not want to be converted, not at all. He wants neither the physical transformation not the supramental world, for that would spell his end. The Mother"s talk of 26 March 1959.

At times he calls himself the ‘Lord of Nations.’ It is he who sets all wars in motion and only by thwarting his plans could the last war be won . . . This one does not want to be converted, not at all. He wants neither the physical transformation not the supramental world, for that would spell his end. The Mother’s talk of 26 March 1959.

AUSTERITY. ::: A premature and excessive physical austerity, tapasyā, may endanger the process of the sadhana by establishing a disturbance and abnormality of the forces in the different parts of the system. A great energy may pour into the mental and vital parts, but the nerves and the body may be overstrained and lose the strength to support the play of these higher energies.

“Avatarhood would have little meaning if it were not connected with the evolution. The Hindu procession of the ten Avatars is itself, as it were, a parable of evolution. First the Fish Avatar, then the amphibious animal between land and water, then the land animal, then the Man-Lion Avatar, bridging man and animal, then man as dwarf, small and undeveloped and physical but containing in himself the godhead and taking possession of existence, then the rajasic, sattwic, nirguna Avatars, leading the human development from the vital rajasic to the sattwic mental man and again the overmental superman. Krishna, Buddha and Kalki depict the last three stages, the stages of the spiritual development—Krishna opens the possibility of overmind, Buddha tries to shoot beyond to the supreme liberation but that liberation is still negative, not returning upon earth to complete positively the evolution; Kalki is to correct this by bringing the Kingdom of the Divine upon earth, destroying the opposing Asura forces. The progression is striking and unmistakable.” Letters on Yoga

background ::: n.** 1. The general scene or surface against which designs, patterns, or figures are represented or viewed. 2. Fig. The complex of physical, cultural, and psychological factors that serves as the environment of an event or experience; the set of conditions against which an occurrence is perceived. backgrounds. adj. 3.** Of, pertaining to, or serving as a background.

beauty ::: “Beauty is the special divine Manifestation in the physical as Truth is in the Mind, Love in the heart, Power in the vital.” The Future Poetry

   "Beauty is Ananda taking form — but the form need not be a physical shape. One speaks of a beautiful thought, a beautiful act, a beautiful soul. What we speak of as beauty is Ananda in manifestation; beyond manifestation beauty loses itself in Ananda or, you may say, beauty and Ananda become indistinguishably one.” The Future Poetry

“Beauty is Ananda taking form—but the form need not be a physical shape. One speaks of a beautiful thought, a beautiful act, a beautiful soul. What we speak of as beauty is Ananda in manifestation; beyond manifestation beauty loses itself in Ananda or, you may say, beauty and Ananda become indistinguishably one.” The Future Poetry

   "Beauty is the way in which the physical expresses the Divine – but the principle and law of Beauty is something inward and spiritual and expresses itself through the form.” *The Future Poetry

“Beauty is the way in which the physical expresses the Divine—but the principle and law of Beauty is something inward and spiritual and expresses itself through the form.” The Future Poetry

'Beings (two) ::: there are, we might say, two beings in us, one on the surface, our ordinary exterior mind, life, body conscious- ness, another behind the veil, an inner mind, an inner life, and inner physical consciousness constituting another or inner self.

beyond ::: Sri Aurobindo: "The language of the Upanishad makes it strikingly clear that it is no metaphysical abstraction, no void Silence, no indeterminate Absolute which is offered to the soul that aspires, but rather the absolute of all that is possessed by it here in the relative world of its sojourning. All here in the mental is a growing light, consciousness and life; all there in the supramental is an infinite life, light and consciousness. That which is here shadowed, is there found; the incomplete here is there the fulfilled. The Beyond is not an annullation, but a transfiguration of all that we are here in our world of forms; it is sovran Mind of this mind, secret Life of this life, the absolute Sense which supports and justifies our limited senses.” The Upanishads *

Beyond ::: “The language of the Upanishad makes it strikingly clear that it is no metaphysical abstraction, no void Silence, no indeterminate Absolute which is offered to the soul that aspires, but rather the absolute of all that is possessed by it here in the relative world of its sojourning. All here in the mental is a growing light, consciousness and life; all there in the supramental is an infinite life, light and consciousness. That which is here shadowed, is there found; the incomplete here is there the fulfilled. The Beyond is not an annullation, but a transfiguration of all that we are here in our world of forms; it is sovran Mind of this mind, secret Life of this life, the absolute Sense which supports and justifies our limited senses.” The Upanishads

birth ::: “Birth is the first spiritual mystery of the physical universe, death is the second which gives its double point of perplexity to the mystery of birth; for life, which would otherwise be a self-evident fact of existence, becomes itself a mystery by virtue of these two which seem to be its beginning and its end and yet in a thousand ways betray themselves as neither of these things, but rather intermediate stages in an occult processus of life.” The Life Divine

bodily ::: 1. Physical as opposed to mental or spiritual. 2. Of, relating to, or belonging to the body or the physical nature of man.

body ::: 1. The entire material or physical structure of an organism, especially of a human or animal as differentiated from the soul. 2. The entire physical structure of a human being. 3. A mass of matter that is distinct from other masses. 4. Substance. 5. An agent or entity. 6. The mass of a thing. 7. A mass of matter that is distinct from other masses. 8. The largest or main part of anything; the foundation; central part. body"s, bodies.

Body transjormauon If the transformation is complete that means no subjection to death it does not mean that one will be bound to keep the same body for all time One creates a new body for oneself when one wants to change but how it will be done cannot be said now The present method is by physical birth — some occultists suppose that a time will come when that will not be necessary *— but the question must be left for the

physical and its energies, — all that Nature has not put into visi- ble operation on the surface ; It pursues also the application of these hidden truths and powers of Nature so as to extend the mastery of the human spirit beyond the ordinary operations of mind, the ordinary operations of life, the ordinary operations of our physical existence. In the spiritual domain, which is occult to the surface mind in so far as it passes beyond normal and enters into supernormal experience, there is possible not only the discovery of the self and spirit, but the discovery of the uplift- ing, informing and guiding light of spiritual consciousness and the power of the spirit, the spiritual way of knowledge, the spiri- tual way of action. To know these things and to bring their truths and forces into the life of humanity is a necessary part of its evolution. Science itself is in Its own way an occultism ; for it brings to light the formulas which Nature has hidden and it uses its knowledge to set free operations of her energies which she has not included in her ordinary operations and to organise and place at the service of man her occult powers and processes, a vast system of physical magic, — for there is and can be no other magic than the utilisation of secret truths of being, secret powers and processes of Nature. It may even be found that a supra- physical knowledge Is necessary for the completion of physical knowledge, because the processes of physical Nature have behind them a supraphysical factor, a power and action mental, vital or spiritual which is not tangible to any outer means of knowledge.

physical mind

physical. The Mother’s force caa work through both together.

physical ::: The Mother: “The physical is the concrete domain that crystallises and defines the thoughts, the movements of the vital, etc. It is a solid foundation for action.” Words of the Mother, MCW Vol. 15.

physical ::: the Mother: "The physical is the concrete domain that crystallises and defines the thoughts, the movements of the vital, etc. It is a solid foundation for action.” Words of the Mother, MCW Vol. 15.

Brahmarandhra downward. People went above this only in samadhi or in a condition of static mukii without any dynamic descent. All that was dynamic took place in the region of the spiritualised mental and vital-physical consciousness.

BRAIN CENTRE. ::: The ‘brain is only a centre of the phy- sical consciousness. One feels stationed there so long as one dwells in the physical mind or is identified with the body-cons- ciousness, then one receives through the sahasrara into the brain.

"But man also has a life-mind, a vital mentality which is an instrument of desire: this is not satisfied with the actual, it is a dealer in possibilities; it has the passion for novelty and is seeking always to extend the limits of experience for the satisfaction of desire, for enjoyment, for an enlarged self-affirmation and aggrandisement of its terrain of power and profit. It desires, enjoys, possesses actualities, but it hunts also after unrealised possibilities, is ardent to materialise them, to possess and enjoy them also. It is not satisfied with the physical and objective only, but seeks too a subjective, an imaginative, a purely emotive satisfaction and pleasure.” *The Life Divine

“But man also has a life-mind, a vital mentality which is an instrument of desire: this is not satisfied with the actual, it is a dealer in possibilities; it has the passion for novelty and is seeking always to extend the limits of experience for the satisfaction of desire, for enjoyment, for an enlarged self-affirmation and aggrandisement of its terrain of power and profit. It desires, enjoys, possesses actualities, but it hunts also after unrealised possibilities, is ardent to materialise them, to possess and enjoy them also. It is not satisfied with the physical and objective only, but seeks too a subjective, an imaginative, a purely emotive satisfaction and pleasure.” The Life Divine

But still it is the personal effort that Is prominent and assumes most of the burden. The other way is that of the psychic being, the consciousness opening to the Divine, not only opening the psychic and bringing it forward, but opening the mind, the vital and the physical, receiving the Light, perceiving what is to be done, feeling and seeing it done by the Divine Force itself and helping constantly by its own vigilant and conscious assent to and call for the Divine working.

"By individual we mean normally something that separates itself from everything else and stands apart, though in reality there is no such thing anywhere in existence; it is a figment of our mental conceptions useful and necessary to express a partial and practical truth. But the difficulty is that the mind gets dominated by its words and forgets that the partial and practical truth becomes true truth only by its relation to others which seem to the reason to contradict it, and that taken by itself it contains a constant element of falsity. Thus when we speak of an individual we mean ordinarily an individualisation of mental, vital, physical being separate from all other beings, incapable of unity with them by its very individuality. If we go beyond these three terms of mind, life and body, and speak of the soul or individual self, we still think of an individualised being separate from all others, incapable of unity and inclusive mutuality, capable at most of a spiritual contact and soul-sympathy. It is therefore necessary to insist that by the true individual we mean nothing of the kind, but a conscious power of being of the Eternal, always existing by unity, always capable of mutuality. It is that being which by self-knowledge enjoys liberation and immortality.” The Life Divine

“By individual we mean normally something that separates itself from everything else and stands apart, though in reality there is no such thing anywhere in existence; it is a figment of our mental conceptions useful and necessary to express a partial and practical truth. But the difficulty is that the mind gets dominated by its words and forgets that the partial and practical truth becomes true truth only by its relation to others which seem to the reason to contradict it, and that taken by itself it contains a constant element of falsity. Thus when we speak of an individual we mean ordinarily an individualisation of mental, vital, physical being separate from all other beings, incapable of unity with them by its very individuality. If we go beyond these three terms of mind, life and body, and speak of the soul or individual self, we still think of an individualised being separate from all others, incapable of unity and inclusive mutuality, capable at most of a spiritual contact and soul-sympathy. It is therefore necessary to insist that by the true individual we mean nothing of the kind, but a conscious power of being of the Eternal, always existing by unity, always capable of mutuality. It is that being which by self-knowledge enjoys liberation and immortality.” The Life Divine

By the descent the inertia changes its character. It ceases to be a resistance of the physical and becomes only a physical con- dition to be transformed into the true basic immobility and rest.

CAKRA(S). Conscious centres-and sources of-all the dyna- mic powers of our being organising their action through the plexuses and arranged in an ascending series from the lowest physical to the highest mind centre and spiritual' centre called the thousand-petalled lotus where ascending Nature, the Serpent

Central faith ::: A faith in the soul or the central being behind, a faith which is there even when the mind doubts and (he vital despairs and the physical wants to collapse, and after the attack is over, reappears and pushes on the path again.

chastisement ::: verbal (often physical) punishment; discipline.

CHEIROMANCY. ::: Each man is an individual by himself with his own peculiar formation different from others and made by minute variations in the general human plan, — this is true of small physical characteristics, it is evidently equally true of psychological characteristics ; it is not unreasonable to suppose a correlation between the two. On that basis cheiromancy may very well have a truth in it, for it is a known fact that the lines in an individual hand are different from the lines in others and that this, as well as differences of physiognomy, may carry in it psychological indications is not impossible.

Citta really means the ordinaty consciousness including the mind, vita! and physical — but can be taken to mean something central in the consciousness.

clash ::: n. 1. A loud, harsh noise, such as that made by two metal objects in collision. 2. An encounter between hostile forces; a battle or skirmish. 3. A conflict, as between opposing or irreconcilable ideas. v. 4. To engage in a physical conflict or contest, as in a game or a battle (often followed by with). 5. To come into conflict; be in opposition. clashes, clashed, clashing.

Colour indicates the pby of forces mental, physical and vital, but forces making for ealigbteiunent of these parts of the being.

conquer ::: 1. To defeat or subdue by force, especially by force of arms. 2. To overcome (an enemy, army, etc.); defeat. 3. To overcome or surmount by physical, mental, or moral force. conquers, conquered, conquering.

Conquest of desire for food ::: There are two ways of con- quering it ::: one of detachment, learning to regard food as only a physical necessity and the vital satisfaction of the stomach and the palate as a thing of no importance ; the other is to be able to take without insistence or seeking any food given and to find in it the equal rasa, not of the food for its own sake, but of the universal ananda.

Consciousness in physical things ::: Physical things have a consciousness within them which feels and responds to care and in sensitive to careless touch and rough handling. To know or feel that and learn to be careful of them is a great progress of consciousness.

convulsing ::: shaking violently; agitating physically.

cosmic mind ::: Sri Aurobindo: "Nevertheless, the fact of this intervention from above, the fact that behind all our original thinking or authentic perception of things there is a veiled, a half-veiled or a swift unveiled intuitive element is enough to establish a connection between mind and what is above it; it opens a passage of communication and of entry into the superior spirit-ranges. There is also the reaching out of mind to exceed the personal ego limitation, to see things in a certain impersonality and universality. Impersonality is the first character of cosmic self; universality, non-limitation by the single or limiting point of view, is the character of cosmic perception and knowledge: this tendency is therefore a widening, however rudimentary, of these restricted mind areas towards cosmicity, towards a quality which is the very character of the higher mental planes, — towards that superconscient cosmic Mind which, we have suggested, must in the nature of things be the original mind-action of which ours is only a derivative and inferior process.” *The Life Divine

"If we accept the Vedic image of the Sun of Truth, . . . we may compare the action of the Higher Mind to a composed and steady sunshine, the energy of the Illumined Mind beyond it to an outpouring of massive lightnings of flaming sun-stuff. Still beyond can be met a yet greater power of the Truth-Force, an intimate and exact Truth-vision, Truth-thought, Truth-sense, Truth-feeling, Truth-action, to which we can give in a special sense the name of Intuition; . . . At the source of this Intuition we discover a superconscient cosmic Mind in direct contact with the supramental Truth-Consciousness, an original intensity determinant of all movements below it and all mental energies, — not Mind as we know it, but an Overmind that covers as with the wide wings of some creative Oversoul this whole lower hemisphere of Knowledge-Ignorance, links it with that greater Truth-Consciousness while yet at the same time with its brilliant golden Lid it veils the face of the greater Truth from our sight, intervening with its flood of infinite possibilities as at once an obstacle and a passage in our seeking of the spiritual law of our existence, its highest aim, its secret Reality.” The Life Divine

"There is one cosmic Mind, one cosmic Life, one cosmic Body. All the attempt of man to arrive at universal sympathy, universal love and the understanding and knowledge of the inner soul of other existences is an attempt to beat thin, breach and eventually break down by the power of the enlarging mind and heart the walls of the ego and arrive nearer to a cosmic oneness.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

"[The results of the opening to the cosmic Mind:] One is aware of the cosmic Mind and the mental forces that move there and how they work on one"s mind and that of others and one is able to deal with one"s own mind with a greater knowledge and effective power. There are many other results, but this is the fundamental one.” Letters on Yoga

"The cosmic consciousness has many levels — the cosmic physical, the cosmic vital, the cosmic Mind, and above the higher planes of cosmic Mind there is the Intuition and above that the overmind and still above that the supermind where the Transcendental begins. In order to live in the Intuition plane (not merely to receive intuitions), one has to live in the cosmic consciousness because there the cosmic and individual run into each other as it were, and the mental separation between them is already broken down, so nobody can reach there who is still in the separative ego.” Letters on Yoga*

“Cosmic vision is the seeing of the universal movements—it has nothing to do with the psychic necessarily. It can be in the universal mind, the universal vital, the universal physical or anywhere.” Letters on Yoga

cosmic vision ::: Sri Aurobindo: "Cosmic vision is the seeing of the universal movements — it has nothing to do with the psychic necessarily. It can be in the universal mind, the universal vital, the universal physical or anywhere.” Letters on Yoga*

cosmologist ::: one who studies the physical universe considered as a totality of phenomena in time and space.

Creen is the vital energy of work and action. Green light is a vital force, a dynamic force of the emotional vital which has the force to purify, harmonise or cure. Active energy of the divine Truth for work. It can signify various things according to the context ::: in the emotional vital. It is the colour of a cer- tain form of emotional generosity; in the vital proper, an activity with vital abundance or vital generosity behind it ; in the vital physical, it signifies a force of health.

Crimson ::: Light of Love in (he vital and physical. Usually the colour of the physical (force).

CRITICISM. ::: The habit of criticism — mostly ignorant criti- cism of others — mixed with alJ sorts of iujagmstions, inferences, exaggerations, false interpretations, even gross inventions is one of the universal illnesses. It is a disease of the vital aided by the physical mind which makes itself an instrument of the plea- sure taken in this barren and harmful pursuit of the vital. Control of speech, refusal of this disease and the itch of the vital is very necessary, if inner experience has to have any true effect of transformation in the outer life.

Dawn ::: Tehmi: “Dawn in the Veda is the goddess symbolic of new openings of divine illumination on man’s physical consciousness.”

Death has no separate existence by itself, it is only a result of the principle of decay in the body and that principle is there already — it is part of the physical nature. At the same time it is not inevitable ; if one could have the ’necessary consciousness and force, decay and death is not inevitable. But to bring that consciousness and force into the whole of the material nature is the most diflicult thing of all — at any rate, in such a way as to annul the decay principle.

delight ::: “… the divine Ananda, the principle of Bliss [is that] from which, in the Vedic conception, the existence of Man, this mental being, is drawn. A secret Delight is the base of existence, its sustaining atmosphere and almost its substance. This Ananda is spoken of in the Taittiriya Upanishad as the ethereal atmosphere of bliss without which nothing could remain in being. In the Aitareya Upanishad Soma, as the lunar deity, is born from the sense-mind in the universal Purusha and, when man is produced, expresses himself again as sense-mentality in the human being. For delight is the raison d’être of sensation, or, we may say, sensation is an attempt to translate the secret delight of existence into the terms of physical consciousness.” The Secret of the Veda

Descent into the most physical ::: It brings light, consciousness, force, Ananda into the cells and all the physical movements. The body becomes conscious and vi^ant and performs the right movements, obeying the higher will or else automatically by the force of the consciousness that has come into iL It becomes more possible to control the functions of the body and set right any> thing that is mong, to deal with illness and pain etc. A greater control comes over the actions of the body and even ov'er bap> penings to it from outside, e.g. minimising of aeddents and small happenings. The body becomes a more effective instrument for work. It becomes possible to mimmise fatigue. Peace, happiness, strength, lightness come in the whole system. There is also the unity with the earth-consdousness, the constant sense of the

disciplined ::: 1. Trained mentally or physically by instruction or exercise. 2. Having or exhibiting discipline, i.e. activity, exercise or a regimen that develops or improves a skill; training.

disciplines ::: branches of knowledge as well as training for the improvement of physical powers, self-control, etc.

::: "Discoveries will be made that thin the walls between soul and matter; attempts there will be to extend exact knowledge into the psychological and psychic realms with a realisation of the truth that these have laws of their own which are other than the physical, but not the less laws because they escape the external senses and are infinitely plastic and subtle.” The Human Cycle, etc.

“Discoveries will be made that thin the walls between soul and matter; attempts there will be to extend exact knowledge into the psychological and psychic realms with a realisation of the truth that these have laws of their own which are other than the physical, but not the less laws because they escape the external senses and are infinitely plastic and subtle.” The Human Cycle, etc.

DISTURBANCES. ::: There are always two things that can rise up and assail the silence — vital suggestions, the physical mind’s mechanical recurrences. Calm rejection for both is the cure

Divine in the physical etc.

divine life ::: Sri Aurobindo: "A life of gnostic beings carrying the evolution to a higher supramental status might fitly be characterised as a divine life; for it would be a life in the Divine, a life of the beginnings of a spiritual divine light and power and joy manifested in material Nature.” *The Life Divine ::: "The ascent to the divine Life is the human journey, the Work of works, the acceptable Sacrifice. This alone is man"s real business in the world and the justification of his existence, without which he would be only an insect crawling among other ephemeral insects on a speck of surface mud and water which has managed to form itself amid the appalling immensities of the physical universe.” The Life Divine

Divine Love is of two kinds — the divine love for the creation and the souls that are part of itself, and the love of the seeker and love for the Divine Beloved ; it has both a personal and impersonal element, but the personal b free here from all lower elements or bondage to the vital and physical instincts.

"Divine Love is of two kinds — the divine Love for the creation and the souls that are part of itself, and the love of the seeker and love for the Divine Beloved; it has both a personal and impersonal element, but the personal is free here from all lower elements or bondage to the vital and physical instincts.” Letters on Yoga

“Divine Love is of two kinds—the divine Love for the creation and the souls that are part of itself, and the love of the seeker and love for the Divine Beloved; it has both a personal and impersonal element, but the personal is free here from all lower elements or bondage to the vital and physical instincts.” Letters on Yoga

dragon of the dark foundation ::: Sri Aurobindo: "All this action and struggle and ascension is supported by Heaven our Father and Earth our Mother, Parents of the Gods, who sustain respectively the purely mental and psychic and the physical consciousness. Their large and free scope is the condition of our achievement. Vayu, Master of life, links them together by the mid-air, the region of vital force. And there are other deities, — Parjanya, giver of the rain of heaven; Dadhikravan, the divine war-horse, a power of Agni; the mystic Dragon of the Foundations; Trita Aptya who on the third plane of existence consummates our triple being; and more besides.” The Secret of the Veda

Dreams of physical mind and yogic dreams ; The dreams of the physical mind are an incoherent jumble made up partly of responses to vague touches from the physical world round which the lower mind-faculties disconnected from the will and reason, the bttddhi, weave a web of wandering phantasy, partly of disordered associations from the bram-memory, partly of reflections from the soul travelling on the mental plane, reflections which are, ordinarily, received without intelligence or co-ordination, wildly distorted in the reception and mixed up confusedly with the other dream elements, wnlh brain-memories and fantastic responses to any sensory touch from the physical world. In the yogic dream-state, on the other hand, the mind is in clear pos- session of itself, though not of the physical world, works cohe- rently and is able to use either its ordinary will and intelligence with a concentrated power or else the higher will and intelli- gence of the more exalted planes of mind. It withdraws from experience of the outer world, it puts its seals upon the physical senses and their doors of communication with material things ; but everything that is proper to itself, thought, reasoning, reflec- tion, vision, it can continue to execute with an increased purity and power of sovereign concentration free from the distractions and unsteadiness of the waking mind. It can use too its will and produce upon itself or upon its environment mental, moral and even physical effects which may continue and have their after-consequences on the waking state subsequent to the cessa- tion of the trance.

DREAMS. ::: Sometimes they are the formations of your own mind or vital ; sometimes they are the formations of other minds wth an exact or modified transcription in yours ; sometimes for- mations come that are made by the non-human forces or beings of these other planes. These things are not true and need not become true in the physical world, but they may still have effects on the physical if they are framed wlh that purpose or that tendency and, if they are allowed, they may realise their events or their meaning — for they are most often symbolic or sche- ‘ matic — in the inner or the outer life.

There are other dreams that have not the same character but are a representation or transcription of things that actually hap- pen on other planes, in other worlds under other conditions than ours. There are, again, some dreams that are purely symbolic and some that indicate existing movements and propensities in us.

Symbolic dreams may symbolize anything, forces at play, the underlying structure and tissue of things done or experienced, actual or potential happenings, real or suggested movements or changes in the inner or outer nature. The exact meaning varies with the mind and the condition of the one who sees them.

drive ::: v. 1. To impel; constrain; urge; compel. 2. To manoeuvre, guide or steer the progress of. 3. To impel (matter) by physical force; to cause (something) to move along by direct application of physical force; to propel, carry along. 4. To send, expel, or otherwise cause to move away or out by force or compulsion. 5. To strive vigorously and with determination toward a goal or objective. 6. To cause and guide the movement of (a vehicle, an animal, etc.). n. 7. A strong organized effort to accomplish a purpose, with energy, push or aggressiveness. 8. Impulse; impulsive force. adj. 9. Urged onward, impelled. 10. Pertaining to an inner urge that stimulates activity or inhibition. drives, drove, drov"st, driving, driven.

DRY PERIOD. ::: There is a long stage of preparation neces- sary in order to arrive at the moer psychologic^ condition in which the doors of experience can open and one can walk from vista to vista — though even then new gates may present them- selves and refuse to open until all is ready. This period can be dry and desert-like unless one has the ardour of self-introspec- tion and self-conquest and finds every step of the effort and struggle interesting or unless one has or gets the secret of trust and self-giving which secs the hand of the Divine in every step of the path and even in the difficulty the grace or the guidance.

Such interval periods come to all and cannot be avoided.

The main thing is to meet them with quietude and not become restless, depressed or despondent. A constant fire can be there only when a certain stage has been reached, that is when one is always inside consciously living in the psychic being, but for that all this preparation of the mind, vital, physical is necessary.

For this fire belongs to the psychic and one cannot command it always merely by the mind's effort. The psychic has to be fully liberated and that is what the Force is working to make fully possible.

The difficulty comes when either the vital with its desires or the physical with its past habitual movements comes in — as they do with almost everyone. It is then that the dryness and difficulty of spontaneous aspiration come. This dryness is a well- known obstacle in all sadhana. But one has to persist and not be discouraged. If one keep? the will fixed even in these barren periods, they pass and after their passage a greater force of aspiration and experience becomes possible.

Dryness comes usually when the vital dislikes a movement or' condition or the refusal of its desires and starts non-co-operation.

But sometimes it is a condition that has to be crossed through, e.g. the neutral or dry quietude which sometimes comes when the ordinary movements have been thrown out but nothing positive has yet come to take their place, i.e, peace, joy, a higher know- ledge or force or action.

DULLNESS AND DISPERSION. ::: Two sides of the physical’s resistance to the peace and concentrated power. They correspond to the inertia and chaotic activity of physical Nature, that aspect of it which makes some scientists now say that all is brought about by chance and there is no certitude of things but only probability.

"Each inner experience is perfectly real in its own way, although the values of different experiences differ greatly, but it is real with the reality of the inner self and the inner planes. It is a mistake to think that we live physically only, with the outer mind and life. We are all the time living and acting on other planes of consciousness, meeting others there and acting upon them, and what we do and feel and think there, the forces we gather, the results we prepare have an incalculable importance and effect, unknown to us, upon our outer life.” Letters on Yoga

ease ::: 1. Freedom from labour, pain, or physical annoyance; tranquil rest; comfort. 2. Freedom from difficulty, hardship, or effort. 3. Freedom from concern or anxiety; a quiet state of mind.

Effort and surrender ::: Surrender is not a thing that can be done in a day. The mind has its ideas and clings to them ; the human vital resists surrender, for what it calls surrender in the early stages is a doubtful kind of self-giving with a demand in it ; the physical consciousness is like a stone and what it calls surrender is often no more Ilian Inertia. It is only the psychic that knows how to surrender and the psychic is usually very much veiled in the beginning. When the psychic awakes, it can bring a sudden and true surrender of the whole being, for the difficulty of the rest is rapidly dealt with and disappears. But till then effort is indispensable. Or else it is necessary till the

effort ::: the use of physical or mental energy to do something; exertion. effort"s, efforts.

Ego is constituted by Nature and is at once a mental, vital and physical formation meant to aid in centralising and indivi- dualising the outer consciousness and action. When the true being is discovered, the utility of tbe ego is over and this forma- tion has to disappear — the true being is felt in its place.

EPILEPSY. ::: Epilepsy is not possession ; it is an attack or at most a temporary seizure. Insanity always indicates posses- sion. The hereditary conditions create a predisposition. It is not possible for a vital Force or Being to invade or take possession unless there are doors open for it to enter. The door may be a vital consent or affinity or a physical defect in the being.

Equally, what we call our physical being is only a visible pro- jection of a greater and subtler invisible physical consciousness whicit is much more complex, much more aware, much wider

:::   "Even Science believes that one day death may be conquered by physical means and its reasonings are perfectly sound. There is no reason why the supramental Force should not do it. Forms on earth do not last (they do in other planes) because these forms are too rigid to grow expressing the progress of the spirit. If they become plastic enough to do that there is no reason why they should not last.” Letters on Yoga

“Even Science believes that one day death may be conquered by physical means and its reasonings are perfectly sound. There is no reason why the supramental Force should not do it. Forms on earth do not last (they do in other planes) because these forms are too rigid to grow expressing the progress of the spirit. If they become plastic enough to do that there is no reason why they should not last.” Letters on Yoga

Every sadbaka Is faced with two elements in him, the inner being which wants the Divine and the sadhana and the outer mainly vital and physical being which does not want them but remains attached to the things of the ordinary life. The mind is sometimes led by one, someUoves by the other. One of the most important things he has to do, therefore, is to decide fundamentally the quarrel between these two parts and to persuade or compel by psychic aspiration, by steadiness of the mind’s thought and will, by the choice of the higher vital in his emotional being, the opposing elements to be first quiescent and then consenting. So long as he is not able to do that his progress must be either very slow or fluctuating and chequered as the aspiration within cannot have a continuous action or a continuous result. Besides so long as thb is so, there are likely to be periodical revolts of the vita! repining at the slow progress, des- pairing, desponding, declaring the Adhar unfit ; calls from old life will come ; circumstances will be attracted which seem to justify it, suggestions will come from men and unseen powers pressing the sadhaka away from the sadhana and pointing back- ward to the former life. And yet in that life he is not likely to get any real satisfaction.

Experiences of sounds, lights etc . ::: The sounds of bells and the seeing of lights and colours are signs of the opening of the inner consciousness which brings with it an opening also to sights and sounds of other planes than the physical. Some of these things like the sound of bells, crickets, etc. seem even to help the opening.

extraordinary health, force and suppleness and seeks to liberate it from the habits by which it is subjected to ordinary physical

Faith — fouf kinds ::: Mental fmth combats doubt and helps to open to the true knowledge ; \Ual faith prevents the attacks of the hostile forces or defeats them and helps to open to the true spiritual will and action ; physical faith keeps one firm through all physical obscurity, inertia or suffering and helps to open to the foundation of the true consciousness ; psychic faith

field ::: 1. A wide unbroken expanse, as of ice. 2. An area or sphere of activity. 3. A broad, level, open expanse of land; a stretch of open land, esp. one used for pasture or tillage; a plain. 4. The surface on which something is portrayed or enacted. An area of human activity or interest. 5. A piece of ground devoted to sports or contests; playing field. 6. A region of space characterized by a physical property, such as gravitational or electromagnetic force or fluid pressure. fields, field-paths, star-field, time-field, play-fields, race-fields.

fight ::: n. 1. Fig. A confrontation between opposing groups in which each attempts to harm or gain power over the other, as with bodily force or weapons. fights. v. 2. To contend with physically or in battle; attempt to defend oneself against or to subdue, defeat, or destroy an adversary. fighting, fought.

filth ::: 1. Foul or dirty matter. 2. Extreme physical or moral uncleanliness; pollution.

FITNESS. ::: The question is not of fitness or unfitness but of the acceptance of Grace. There is no human being whose physical outer consciousness is fit for the yoga. It is by Grace and a light from above that it can become capable and for that the necessity is to be persevering and open it to the Light.

fleshly ::: of or pertaining to the flesh or the body; bodily, corporeal, or physical.

force ::: n. 1. Strength; energy; power; intensity. 2. Fig. An agency, influence, or source of power likened to a physical force. Force, force"s, forces, Force-compelled, Conscious-Force, earth-force, God-Force, lion-forces, Mother-Force, Nature-force, Nature-Force, serpent-force, soul-force, Soul-Forces, world-force, World-Force, world-forces. *v. 3. To compel or cause (a person, group, etc.) to do something through effort, superior strength, etc.; coerce. 4. To propel or drive despite resistance. 5. To break open (a gate, door, etc.) *forces, forced, forcing.

"For do not imagine that light is created by the Suns. The Suns are only physical concentrations of Light, but the splendour they concentrate for us is self-born and everywhere.” Essays Divine and Human

“For do not imagine that light is created by the Suns. The Suns are only physical concentrations of Light, but the splendour they concentrate for us is self-born and everywhere.” Essays Divine and Human

For do not imagine that light is created by the Suns. The Suns are only physical concentrations of Light, but the splendour they concentrate for us is self-born and everywhere.

"For it is a gnostic way of dynamic living that must be the fulfilled divine life on earth, a way of living that develops higher instruments of world-knowledge and world-action for the dynamisation of consciousness in the physical existence and takes up and transforms the values of a world of material Nature.” The Life Divine

“For it is a gnostic way of dynamic living that must be the fulfilled divine life on earth, a way of living that develops higher instruments of world-knowledge and world-action for the dynamisation of consciousness in the physical existence and takes up and transforms the values of a world of material Nature.” The Life Divine

fortify ::: to impart physical strength or endurance to; invigorate. fortifying.

Four M'ays of changins the Nature ::: either the higher cons- ciousness has to make a dynamic descent into the whole being and change it ; or it must establish itself in the inne'r being down to the inner physical so that the latter feels itself separate from the outer and is able to act freely upon it ; or the psychic must come forward and change the nature ; or the inner will must awake and force the nature to change.

gene ::: the basic physical unit of heredity which leads to the expression of hereditary character.

hallucination ::: 1. A sensory experience of something that does not exist outside the mind, caused by various physical and mental disorders. 2. A false notion, belief, or impression; illusion; delusion.

harm ::: n. 1. Physical or psychological injury or damage. harms. v. 2. To injure physically, morally, or mentally.

harsh ::: 1. Grim or unpleasantly severe; stern; cruel; austere. 2. Physically uncomfortable; desolate; stark. 3. Unpleasant to the taste or sense of smell; bitter; acrid.

HEART CENTRE.* The physical heart is in the left side, but the heart centre of yoga is in the middle of the chest — the cardiac centre.

How the being receives the higher dynamism depends on the condition of the body or rather of the physical and most material consciousness. In one condition it is tamasic, inert, unopen and cannot bear or cannot receive or cannot contain the force ; in another rajas predominates and tries to seize on the dynamism, but wastes and spills and loses it ; in another, there is receptivity, harmony, balance and the result is a harmonious action without strain or eflort.

"If there is a self in us capable of largeness and universality, able to enter into a cosmic consciousness, that too must be within our inner being; the outer consciousness is a physical consciousness bound to its individual limits by the triple cord of mind, life and body: any external attempt at universality can only result either in an aggrandisement of the ego or an effacement of the personality by its extinction in the mass or subjugation to the mass.” The Life Divine*

“If there is a self in us capable of largeness and universality, able to enter into a cosmic consciousness, that too must be within our inner being; the outer consciousness is a physical consciousness bound to its individual limits by the triple cord of mind, life and body: any external attempt at universality can only result either in an aggrandisement of the ego or an effacement of the personality by its extinction in the mass or subjugation to the mass.” The Life Divine

If wc Jive only in the outward physical consciousness, we do not usually know that we are going to be ill until the symptoms of the malady declare themselves in the body. But if we develop the inward physical consciousness, we become aware of a subtle environmental physical atmosphere and can feel the forces of illness coming towards us through it, feel them even at a distance, and, if we have learnt how to do it, we can stop them by the will or otherwise. We sense too around us a vital physical or nervous envelope which radiates from the body and protects it, and we can feel the adverse forces trying to break through it and can interfere, stop them or reinforce the nervous envelope.

"Ignorance, this matrix of sin, has in its substantial effect the appearance of a triple cord of limited mind, inefficient life, obscure physical animality, the three ropes with which the Rishi Shunahshepa in the parable was bound as a victim to the sacrificial post.” The Secret of the Veda

“Ignorance, this matrix of sin, has in its substantial effect the appearance of a triple cord of limited mind, inefficient life, obscure physical animality, the three ropes with which the Rishi Shunahshepa in the parable was bound as a victim to the sacrificial post.” The Secret of the Veda

II ADIT. ::: The physical is the slave of certain forces which create a habit and drive it ilirouch the mechanical power of the habit. So long ns the mind gives consent, you do not notice the slavery ; but if the mind withdraws its consent, then you feel the servitude, you feci a force pushing you in spite of the mind's will. It is very obstinate and repeats itself till the habit, the inner habit revealing itself in the outward act, is broken. If is like a machine which once set in motion repeats the same move* ment. A quiet persistent aspiration will bring you to the point where the habit breaks and you arc free.

ILLNESS. ::: A deformation of the physical nature just as lust, anger, jealousy, etc. are deformations of the vital nature and error and prejudice and indulgence of falsehood are deforma- tions of the mental nature.

Illness marks some imperfection or weakness or else opening to adverse touches in the physical nature and is often connected also with some obscurity or dlsbannony in the low'd vital or the phj^ical mind or elsewhere.

:::   ". . . immortality in its fundamental sense does not mean merely some kind of personal survival of the bodily death; we are immortal by the eternity of our self-existence without beginning or end, beyond the whole succession of physical births and deaths through which we pass, beyond the alternations of our existence in this and other worlds: the spirit"s timeless existence is the true immortality.” *The Life Divine

“… immortality in its fundamental sense does not mean merely some kind of personal survival of the bodily death; we are immortal by the eternity of our self-existence without beginning or end, beyond the whole succession of physical births and deaths through which we pass, beyond the alternations of our existence in this and other worlds: the spirit’s timeless existence is the true immortality.” The Life Divine

INCAPACITY. ::: There is a part in the physical and vital consciousness of every human being that has not the will for sadhana, docs not feel the capacity for it, distrusts any hope or promise of a spiritual future and is inert and indifferent to any such thing. At one period in the course of the sadhana this rises up and one feels identified with it.

inconscient ::: Sri Aurobindo: "The Inconscient and the Ignorance may be mere empty abstractions and can be dismissed as irrelevant jargon if one has not come in collision with them or plunged into their dark and bottomless reality. But to me they are realities, concrete powers whose resistance is present everywhere and at all times in its tremendous and boundless mass.” *Letters on Savitri

". . . in its actual cosmic manifestation the Supreme, being the Infinite and not bound by any limitation, can manifest in Itself, in its consciousness of innumerable possibilities, something that seems to be the opposite of itself, something in which there can be Darkness, Inconscience, Inertia, Insensibility, Disharmony and Disintegration. It is this that we see at the basis of the material world and speak of nowadays as the Inconscient — the Inconscient Ocean of the Rigveda in which the One was hidden and arose in the form of this universe — or, as it is sometimes called, the non-being, Asat.” Letters on Yoga

"The Inconscient itself is only an involved state of consciousness which like the Tao or Shunya, though in a different way, contains all things suppressed within it so that under a pressure from above or within all can evolve out of it — ‘an inert Soul with a somnambulist Force".” Letters on Yoga

"The Inconscient is the last resort of the Ignorance.” Letters on Yoga

"The body, we have said, is a creation of the Inconscient and itself inconscient or at least subconscient in parts of itself and much of its hidden action; but what we call the Inconscient is an appearance, a dwelling place, an instrument of a secret Consciousness or a Superconscient which has created the miracle we call the universe.” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga :::

"The Inconscient is a sleep or a prison, the conscient a round of strivings without ultimate issue or the wanderings of a dream: we must wake into the superconscious where all darkness of night and half-lights cease in the self-luminous bliss of the Eternal.” The Life Divine

"Men have not learnt yet to recognise the Inconscient on which the whole material world they see is built, or the Ignorance of which their whole nature including their knowledge is built; they think that these words are only abstract metaphysical jargon flung about by the philosophers in their clouds or laboured out in long and wearisome books like The Life Divine. Letters on Savitri :::

   "Is it really a fact that even the ordinary reader would not be able to see any difference between the Inconscient and Ignorance unless the difference is expressly explained to him? This is not a matter of philosophical terminology but of common sense and the understood meaning of English words. One would say ‘even the inconscient stone" but one would not say, as one might of a child, ‘the ignorant stone". One must first be conscious before one can be ignorant. What is true is that the ordinary reader might not be familiar with the philosophical content of the word Inconscient and might not be familiar with the Vedantic idea of the Ignorance as the power behind the manifested world. But I don"t see how I can acquaint him with these things in a single line, even with the most. illuminating image or symbol. He might wonder, if he were Johnsonianly minded, how an Inconscient could be teased or how it could wake Ignorance. I am afraid, in the absence of a miracle of inspired poetical exegesis flashing through my mind, he will have to be left wondering.” Letters on Savitri

  **inconscient, Inconscient"s.**

Inertia and exercise ::: Physical tamas In its roots can be removed only by the descent and the transformation, but physical exercise and regular activity of the body can always prevent a tamasic condition from prevailing In the body.-

INERTIA. ::: Comes usually from the ordinary physical cons- ciousness. especially when the vital is not actively supporting the sadhana.

INNER CONSCIOUSNESS (Divisions) ::: There are five main divisions. At the top above the head arc layers (or as we call them planes) of which we arc not conscious and which become conscious to us only by sadhana — those above the human mind — that is the higher consciousness. Below from the crown of the head to the throat are the layers (there are many of them) of the mind, the three principal being one at the top of the head communicating with the higher consciousness, another between the eye-brows where is the thought, sight and will, a third in the throat which is the externalising mind. A second division is from the shoulders to the navel ; these are the layers of the higher vital presided over by the heart centre where is the emotional being with the psychic behind it. From the navel downwards is the rest of the vital being containing several layers. From the bottom of the spine downward are the layers of the physical consciousness proper, the material, and below the feet is the sub- conscient which has also many levels.

Inner consciousness ::: means the inner mind, inner vital, inner physical and behind them the psychic which is their inmost being. But the inner mind is not the higher mind ; ft is more in touch with the universal forces and more open to the higher consciousness and capable of an immensely deeper and larger range of action than the outer or surface mind — but it is of the same essential nature.

INNER SIGHT. ::: When one tries to meditate, the first obstacle in the beginning is sleep. When you get over this obstacle, there comes a condition in which, with the eyes closed, you begin to see things, people, scenes of all kinds. It is a good sign and means that you are making progress in yoga. There is, besides the outer physical sight which sees external objects, an inner .sight in us which can see things yet unseen and unknown, things at a distance, things belonging to another place or time or to other worlds.

Inner vision is vivid like actual sight, always precise and contains a truth in it. In mental vision the images are invented by the mind and are partly true, partly a play of possibilities. Or a mental vision like the vital may be only a suggestion,- that is a formation of some possibility on the mental or vital plane which presents itself to the sādhaka in the hope of being accepted and helped to realise itself.

INSANITY. ::: It is always due to a vital attack, or rather pos- session although there 1$ often a physical reason as well.

inscrutable ::: 1. Difficult or nearly impossible to fathom or understand; impenetrable. 2. Incapable of being seen through physically; physically impenetrable.

INTEGRAL YOGA ::: This yoga accepts the value of cosmic existence and holds it to be a reality; its object is to enter into a higher Truth-Consciousness or Divine Supramental Consciousness in which action and creation are the expression not of ignorance and imperfection, but of the Truth, the Light, the Divine Ānanda. But for that, the surrender of the mortal mind, life and body to the Higher Consciousnessis indispensable, since it is too difficult for the mortal human being to pass by its own effort beyond mind to a Supramental Consciousness in which the dynamism is no longer mental but of quite another power. Only those who can accept the call to such a change should enter into this yoga.

Aim of the Integral Yoga ::: It is not merely to rise out of the ordinary ignorant world-consciousness into the divine consciousness, but to bring the supramental power of that divine consciousness down into the ignorance of mind, life and body, to transform them, to manifest the Divine here and create a divine life in Matter.

Conditions of the Integral Yoga ::: This yoga can only be done to the end by those who are in total earnest about it and ready to abolish their little human ego and its demands in order to find themselves in the Divine. It cannot be done in a spirit of levity or laxity; the work is too high and difficult, the adverse powers in the lower Nature too ready to take advantage of the least sanction or the smallest opening, the aspiration and tapasyā needed too constant and intense.

Method in the Integral Yoga ::: To concentrate, preferably in the heart and call the presence and power of the Mother to take up the being and by the workings of her force transform the consciousness. One can concentrate also in the head or between the eye-brows, but for many this is a too difficult opening. When the mind falls quiet and the concentration becomes strong and the aspiration intense, then there is the beginning of experience. The more the faith, the more rapid the result is likely to be. For the rest one must not depend on one’s own efforts only, but succeed in establishing a contact with the Divine and a receptivity to the Mother’s Power and Presence.

Integral method ::: The method we have to pursue is to put our whole conscious being into relation and contact with the Divine and to call Him in to transform Our entire being into His, so that in a sense God Himself, the real Person in us, becomes the sādhaka of the sādhana* as well as the Master of the Yoga by whom the lower personality is used as the centre of a divine transfiguration and the instrument of its own perfection. In effect, the pressure of the Tapas, the force of consciousness in us dwelling in the Idea of the divine Nature upon that which we are in our entirety, produces its own realisation. The divine and all-knowing and all-effecting descends upon the limited and obscure, progressively illumines and energises the whole lower nature and substitutes its own action for all the terms of the inferior human light and mortal activity.

In psychological fact this method translates itself into the progressive surrender of the ego with its whole field and all its apparatus to the Beyond-ego with its vast and incalculable but always inevitable workings. Certainly, this is no short cut or easy sādhana. It requires a colossal faith, an absolute courage and above all an unflinching patience. For it implies three stages of which only the last can be wholly blissful or rapid, - the attempt of the ego to enter into contact with the Divine, the wide, full and therefore laborious preparation of the whole lower Nature by the divine working to receive and become the higher Nature, and the eventual transformation. In fact, however, the divine strength, often unobserved and behind the veil, substitutes itself for the weakness and supports us through all our failings of faith, courage and patience. It” makes the blind to see and the lame to stride over the hills.” The intellect becomes aware of a Law that beneficently insists and a Succour that upholds; the heart speaks of a Master of all things and Friend of man or a universal Mother who upholds through all stumblings. Therefore this path is at once the most difficult imaginable and yet in comparison with the magnitude of its effort and object, the most easy and sure of all.

There are three outstanding features of this action of the higher when it works integrally on the lower nature. In the first place, it does not act according to a fixed system and succession as in the specialised methods of Yoga, but with a sort of free, scattered and yet gradually intensive and purposeful working determined by the temperament of the individual in whom it operates, the helpful materials which his nature offers and the obstacles which it presents to purification and perfection. In a sense, therefore, each man in this path has his own method of Yoga. Yet are there certain broad lines of working common to all which enable us to construct not indeed a routine system, but yet some kind of Shastra or scientific method of the synthetic Yoga.

Secondly, the process, being integral, accepts our nature such as it stands organised by our past evolution and without rejecting anything essential compels all to undergo a divine change. Everything in us is seized by the hands of a mighty Artificer and transformed into a clear image of that which it now seeks confusedly to present. In that ever-progressive experience we begin to perceive how this lower manifestation is constituted and that everything in it, however seemingly deformed or petty or vile, is the more or less distorted or imperfect figure of some elements or action in the harmony of the divine Nature. We begin to understand what the Vedic Rishis meant when they spoke of the human forefathers fashioning the gods as a smith forges the crude material in his smithy.

Thirdly, the divine Power in us uses all life as the means of this integral Yoga. Every experience and outer contact with our world-environment, however trifling or however disastrous, is used for the work, and every inner experience, even to the most repellent suffering or the most humiliating fall, becomes a step on the path to perfection. And we recognise in ourselves with opened eyes the method of God in the world, His purpose of light in the obscure, of might in the weak and fallen, of delight in what is grievous and miserable. We see the divine method to be the same in the lower and in the higher working; only in the one it is pursued tardily and obscurely through the subconscious in Nature, in the other it becomes swift and selfconscious and the instrument confesses the hand of the Master. All life is a Yoga of Nature seeking to manifest God within itself. Yoga marks the stage at which this effort becomes capable of self-awareness and therefore of right completion in the individual. It is a gathering up and concentration of the movements dispersed and loosely combined in the lower evolution.

Key-methods ::: The way to devotion and surrender. It is the psychic movement that brings the constant and pure devotion and the removal of the ego that makes it possible to surrender.

The way to knowledge. Meditation in the head by which there comes the opening above, the quietude or silence of the mind and the descent of peace etc. of the higher consciousness generally till it envelops the being and fills the body and begins to take up all the movements.
Yoga by works ::: Separation of the Purusha from the Prakriti, the inner silent being from the outer active one, so that one has two consciousnesses or a double consciousness, one behind watching and observing and finally controlling and changing the other which is active in front. The other way of beginning the yoga of works is by doing them for the Divine, for the Mother, and not for oneself, consecrating and dedicating them till one concretely feels the Divine Force taking up the activities and doing them for one.

Object of the Integral Yoga is to enter into and be possessed by the Divine Presence and Consciousness, to love the Divine for the Divine’s sake alone, to be tuned in our nature into the nature of the Divine, and in our will and works and life to be the instrument of the Divine.

Principle of the Integral Yoga ::: The whole principle of Integral Yoga is to give oneself entirely to the Divine alone and to nobody else, and to bring down into ourselves by union with the Divine Mother all the transcendent light, power, wideness, peace, purity, truth-consciousness and Ānanda of the Supramental Divine.

Central purpose of the Integral Yoga ::: Transformation of our superficial, narrow and fragmentary human way of thinking, seeing, feeling and being into a deep and wide spiritual consciousness and an integrated inner and outer existence and of our ordinary human living into the divine way of life.

Fundamental realisations of the Integral Yoga ::: The psychic change so that a complete devotion can be the main motive of the heart and the ruler of thought, life and action in constant union with the Mother and in her Presence. The descent of the Peace, Power, Light etc. of the Higher Consciousness through the head and heart into the whole being, occupying the very cells of the body. The perception of the One and Divine infinitely everywhere, the Mother everywhere and living in that infinite consciousness.

Results ::: First, an integral realisation of Divine Being; not only a realisation of the One in its indistinguishable unity, but also in its multitude of aspects which are also necessary to the complete knowledge of it by the relative consciousness; not only realisation of unity in the Self, but of unity in the infinite diversity of activities, worlds and creatures.

Therefore, also, an integral liberation. Not only the freedom born of unbroken contact of the individual being in all its parts with the Divine, sāyujya mukti, by which it becomes free even in its separation, even in the duality; not only the sālokya mukti by which the whole conscious existence dwells in the same status of being as the Divine, in the state of Sachchidananda ; but also the acquisition of the divine nature by the transformation of this lower being into the human image of the divine, sādharmya mukti, and the complete and final release of all, the liberation of the consciousness from the transitory mould of the ego and its unification with the One Being, universal both in the world and the individual and transcendentally one both in the world and beyond all universe.

By this integral realisation and liberation, the perfect harmony of the results of Knowledge, Love and Works. For there is attained the complete release from ego and identification in being with the One in all and beyond all. But since the attaining consciousness is not limited by its attainment, we win also the unity in Beatitude and the harmonised diversity in Love, so that all relations of the play remain possible to us even while we retain on the heights of our being the eternal oneness with the Beloved. And by a similar wideness, being capable of a freedom in spirit that embraces life and does not depend upon withdrawal from life, we are able to become without egoism, bondage or reaction the channel in our mind and body for a divine action poured out freely upon the world.

The divine existence is of the nature not only of freedom, but of purity, beatitude and perfection. In integral purity which shall enable on the one hand the perfect reflection of the divine Being in ourselves and on the other the perfect outpouring of its Truth and Law in us in the terms of life and through the right functioning of the complex instrument we are in our outer parts, is the condition of an integral liberty. Its result is an integral beatitude, in which there becomes possible at once the Ānanda of all that is in the world seen as symbols of the Divine and the Ānanda of that which is not-world. And it prepares the integral perfection of our humanity as a type of the Divine in the conditions of the human manifestation, a perfection founded on a certain free universality of being, of love and joy, of play of knowledge and of play of will in power and will in unegoistic action. This integrality also can be attained by the integral Yoga.

Sādhanā of the Integral Yoga does not proceed through any set mental teaching or prescribed forms of meditation, mantras or others, but by aspiration, by a self-concentration inwards or upwards, by a self-opening to an Influence, to the Divine Power above us and its workings, to the Divine Presence in the heart and by the rejection of all that is foreign to these things. It is only by faith, aspiration and surrender that this self-opening can come.

The yoga does not proceed by upadeśa but by inner influence.

Integral Yoga and Gita ::: The Gita’s Yoga consists in the offering of one’s work as a sacrifice to the Divine, the conquest of desire, egoless and desireless action, bhakti for the Divine, an entering into the cosmic consciousness, the sense of unity with all creatures, oneness with the Divine. This yoga adds the bringing down of the supramental Light and Force (its ultimate aim) and the transformation of the nature.

Our yoga is not identical with the yoga of the Gita although it contains all that is essential in the Gita’s yoga. In our yoga we begin with the idea, the will, the aspiration of the complete surrender; but at the same time we have to reject the lower nature, deliver our consciousness from it, deliver the self involved in the lower nature by the self rising to freedom in the higher nature. If we do not do this double movement, we are in danger of making a tamasic and therefore unreal surrender, making no effort, no tapas and therefore no progress ; or else we make a rajasic surrender not to the Divine but to some self-made false idea or image of the Divine which masks our rajasic ego or something still worse.

Integral Yoga, Gita and Tantra ::: The Gita follows the Vedantic tradition which leans entirely on the Ishvara aspect of the Divine and speaks little of the Divine Mother because its object is to draw back from world-nature and arrive at the supreme realisation beyond it.

The Tantric tradition leans on the Shakti or Ishvari aspect and makes all depend on the Divine Mother because its object is to possess and dominate the world-nature and arrive at the supreme realisation through it.

This yoga insists on both the aspects; the surrender to the Divine Mother is essential, for without it there is no fulfilment of the object of the yoga.

Integral Yoga and Hatha-Raja Yogas ::: For an integral yoga the special methods of Rajayoga and Hathayoga may be useful at times in certain stages of the progress, but are not indispensable. Their principal aims must be included in the integrality of the yoga; but they can be brought about by other means. For the methods of the integral yoga must be mainly spiritual, and dependence on physical methods or fixed psychic or psychophysical processes on a large scale would be the substitution of a lower for a higher action. Integral Yoga and Kundalini Yoga: There is a feeling of waves surging up, mounting to the head, which brings an outer unconsciousness and an inner waking. It is the ascending of the lower consciousness in the ādhāra to meet the greater consciousness above. It is a movement analogous to that on which so much stress is laid in the Tantric process, the awakening of the Kundalini, the Energy coiled up and latent in the body and its mounting through the spinal cord and the centres (cakras) and the Brahmarandhra to meet the Divine above. In our yoga it is not a specialised process, but a spontaneous upnish of the whole lower consciousness sometimes in currents or waves, sometimes in a less concrete motion, and on the other side a descent of the Divine Consciousness and its Force into the body.

Integral Yoga and other Yogas ::: The old yogas reach Sachchidananda through the spiritualised mind and depart into the eternally static oneness of Sachchidananda or rather pure Sat (Existence), absolute and eternal or else a pure Non-exist- ence, absolute and eternal. Ours having realised Sachchidananda in the spiritualised mind plane proceeds to realise it in the Supramcntal plane.

The suprcfhe supra-cosmic Sachchidananda is above all. Supermind may be described as its power of self-awareness and W’orld- awareness, the world being known as within itself and not out- side. So to live consciously in the supreme Sachchidananda one must pass through the Supermind.

Distinction ::: The realisation of Self and of the Cosmic being (without which the realisation of the Self is incomplete) are essential steps in our yoga ; it is the end of other yogas, but it is, as it were, the beginning of outs, that is to say, the point where its own characteristic realisation can commence.

It is new as compared with the old yogas (1) Because it aims not at a departure out of world and life into Heaven and Nir- vana, but at a change of life and existence, not as something subordinate or incidental, but as a distinct and central object.

If there is a descent in other yogas, yet it is only an incident on the way or resulting from the ascent — the ascent is the real thing. Here the ascent is the first step, but it is a means for the descent. It is the descent of the new coosdousness attain- ed by the ascent that is the stamp and seal of the sadhana. Even the Tantra and Vaishnavism end in the release from life ; here the object is the divine fulfilment of life.

(2) Because the object sought after is not an individual achievement of divine realisation for the sake of the individual, but something to be gained for the earth-consciousness here, a cosmic, not solely a supra-cosmic acbievement. The thing to be gained also is the bringing of a Power of consciousness (the Supramental) not yet organised or active directly in earth-nature, even in the spiritual life, but yet to be organised and made directly active.

(3) Because a method has been preconized for achieving this purpose which is as total and integral as the aim set before it, viz., the total and integral change of the consciousness and nature, taking up old methods, but only as a part action and present aid to others that are distinctive.

Integral Yoga and Patanjali Yoga ::: Cilia is the stuff of mixed mental-vital-physical consciousness out of which arise the movements of thought, emotion, sensation, impulse etc.

It is these that in the Patanjali system have to be stilled altogether so that the consciousness may be immobile and go into Samadhi.

Our yoga has a different function. The movements of the ordinary consciousness have to be quieted and into the quietude there has to be brought down a higher consciousness and its powers which will transform the nature.

intermediate zone ::: Sri Aurobindo: "The intermediate zone means simply a confused condition or passage in which one is getting out of the personal consciousness and opening into the cosmic (cosmic Mind, cosmic vital, cosmic physical, something perhaps of the cosmic higher Mind) without having yet transcended the human mind levels. One is not in possession of or direct contact with the divine Truth on its own levels , but one can receive something from them, even from the overmind, indirectly. Only, as one is still immersed in the cosmic Ignorance, all that comes from above can be mixed, perverted, taken hold of for their purposes by lower, even by hostile Powers. ::: It is not necessary for everyone to struggle through the intermediate zone. If one has purified oneself, if there is no abnormal vanity, egoism, ambition or other strong misleading element, or if one is vigilant and on one"s guard, or if the psychic is in front, one can either pass rapidly and directly or with a minimum of trouble into the higher zones of consciousness where one is in direct contact with the Divine Truth.

In the liberated stale it is not the inner Purusha only that remains detached ; the inner Purusha is always detached, only one is not conscious of it in the ordinary state. It is the Prakrit! also that is not disturbed by the action of the Gunas or attached to it ; the mind, the vital, (he physical (whatever Prakriti) begin to get the same quietude, unperturbed peace and detachment as the Purusha, but it is quietude, not a cessation of all action. It is quietude in action itself. TTic whole being, Purusha, Prakriit, becomes detached (having no desire or attachment) even in the actions of the gunas. The outer being Is also detached ; the whole being is without desire or attachment and still action is possible, action without desire is possible, action without attach- ment is possible, action without ego is possible.

intoxicating ::: affecting temporarily with diminished physical and mental control by means of alcoholic liquor, a drug, or another substance.

Inward opening ::: An opening inwards of the inner mind, vital, physical to the inmost part of us, the psychic.

Is Itself greater than the Ufe-forcc. In matter life appears and living physical beings. But life or matter is not the sole reality ; it is a power of the Spirit. ’ . ‘ /

“It could be affirmed as a consequence that there is one all-pervading Life or dynamic energy—the material aspect being only its outermost movement—that creates all these forms of the physical universe, Life imperishable and eternal which, even if the whole figure of the universe were quite abolished, would itself still go on existing and be capable of producing a new universe in its place, must indeed, unless it be held back in a state of rest by some higher Power or hold itself back, inevitably go on creating. In that case Life is nothing else than the Force that builds and maintains and destroys forms in the world; it is Life that manifests itself in the form of the earth as much as in the plant that grows upon the earth and the animals that support their existence by devouring the life-force of the plant or of each other. All existence here is a universal Life that takes form of Matter. It might for that purpose hide life-process in physical process before it emerges as submental sensitivity and mentalised vitality, but still it would be throughout the same creative Life-principle.” The Life Divine

"It [death] has no separate existence by itself, it is only a result of the principle of decay in the body and that principle is there already — it is part of the physical nature. At the same time it is not inevitable; if one could have the necessary consciousness and force, decay and death is not inevitable. But to bring that consciousness and force into the whole of the material nature is the most difficult thing of all — at any rate, in such a way as to annul the decay principle.” Letters on Yoga

“It [death] has no separate existence by itself, it is only a result of the principle of decay in the body and that principle is there already—it is part of the physical nature. At the same time it is not inevitable; if one could have the necessary consciousness and force, decay and death is not inevitable. But to bring that consciousness and force into the whole of the material nature is the most difficult thing of all—at any rate, in such a way as to annul the decay principle.” Letters on Yoga

  It is true that the subliminal in man is the largest part of his nature and has in it the secret of the unseen dynamisms which explain his surface activities. But the lower vital subconscious which is all that this psycho-analysis of Freud seems to know, — and even of that it knows only a few ill-lit corners, — is no more than a restricted and very inferior portion of the subliminal whole. The subliminal self stands behind and supports the whole superficial man; it has in it a larger and more efficient mind behind the surface mind, a larger and more powerful vital behind the surface vital, a subtler and freer physical consciousness behind the surface bodily existence. And above them it opens to higher superconscient as well as below them to lower subconscient ranges.” *Letters on Yoga

It is true that the subliminal in man is the largest part of his nature and has in it the secret of the unseen dynamisms which explain his surface activities. But the lower vital subconscious which is all that this psycho-analysis of Freud seems to know,—and even of that it knows only a few ill-lit corners,—is no more than a restricted and very inferior portion of the subliminal whole. The subliminal self stands behind and supports the whole superficial man; it has in it a larger and more efficient mind behind the surface mind, a larger and more powerful vital behind the surface vital, a subtler and freer physical consciousness behind the surface bodily existence. And above them it opens to higher superconscient as well as below them to lower subconscient ranges.” Letters on Yoga

Its thoughts or run about among the objects it pursues, remaining at the back of the mind quiet and separate ; (2) to practise quietude and concentration in this separateness, until the habit of quiet takes hold of the physical mind and replaces the habit of these activities.

Jhumur: “It is the little sense mind which thinks itself to be very great. It is just a small point of consciousness, it is a small world and yet it thinks itself to be the whole world. The physical mind really thinks itself to be a very huge field of experience. It is the first mental plane after the physical.”

Jhumur: “She (Savitri) has gone into this world of light not having really left her body. It is not an experience that is beyond the body. It is in the physical life that she has attained this plane, so topaz, a yellow colour, is the colour of the mind, stone is the consciousness in matter, so physical life, body, life, mind. Mother had told us I remember that a precious stone symbolises consciousness that is lodged in matter. It shows how blazing light is present even in the hardest matter. So you have the image of the physical light, like a kind of a wall, a barrier.”

Just as the higher consciousness is superconscient to us and supports all our spiritual possibilities and nature, so the subconscient is the basis of our material being and supports all that comes up in the physical nature.” Letters on Yoga

KEYS OF YOGA. ::: There Is above us, above the conscious- ness in the physical body, a great supporting extension as it were ot peace, light, power, joy — we can become aware of it, and bring It down into the physical consciousness ; and that, at first for a time, afterwards more frequently and for a longer time, in the end for good, can remain and change the whole basis of our daily consciousness. Even before we are aware ' of it above, »‘c can feel it coming down and entering into us.

labourer ::: 1. Someone who works with their hands; someone engaged in manual labour. 2. A worker; one who is engaged in physical work, esp. of an unskilled kind. labourers.

light ::: Sri Aurobindo: ". . . light is primarily a spiritual manifestation of the Divine Reality illuminative and creative; material light is a subsequent representation or conversion of it into Matter for the purposes of the material Energy.” *The Life Divine

"Our sense by its incapacity has invented darkness. In truth there is nothing but Light, only it is a power of light either above or below our poor human vision"s limited range.

  For do not imagine that light is created by the Suns. The Suns are only physical concentrations of Light, but the splendour they concentrate for us is self-born and everywhere.

  God is everywhere and wherever God is, there is Light.” *The Hour of God

"Light is a general term. Light is not knowledge but the illumination that comes from above and liberates the being from obscurity and darkness.” The Mother

The Mother: "The light is everywhere, the force is everywhere. And the world is so small.” Words of the Mother, MCW Vol. 15. ::: *Light, light"s, lights, light-petalled, light-tasselled, half-light.

lotus (as chakra) ::: Sri Aurobindo: "This arrangement of the psychic body is reproduced in the physical with the spinal column as a rod and the ganglionic centres as the chakras which rise up from the bottom of the column, where the lowest is attached, to the brain and find their summit in the brahmarandhra at the top of the skull. These chakras or lotuses, however, are in physical man closed or only partly open, with the consequence that only such powers and only so much of them are active in him as are sufficient for his ordinary physical life, and so much mind and soul only is at play as will accord with its need. This is the real reason, looked at from the mechanical point of view, why the embodied soul seems so dependent on the bodily and nervous life, — though the dependence is neither so complete nor so real as it seems. The whole energy of the soul is not at play in the physical body and life, the secret powers of mind are not awake in it, the bodily and nervous energies predominate. But all the while the supreme energy is there, asleep; it is said to be coiled up and slumbering like a snake, — therefore it is called the kundalinî sakti, — in the lowest of the chakras, in the mûlâdhâra.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

Love for the Divine is not pqchic Jove only ; it is the Jove of all the being, the vital and vital-physical included — all are capable of the same self-giving. It Is a mistake to believe that if the vital loves, it must be a love that demands and imposes

LOVE. ::: Love must be turned singly towards the Divine. What men call by that name is a vita! interchange for mental satis- faction of desire, vital impulse or physical pleasure.

Madhav: “Space which is normally occupied by movements in the world is now occupied by the spiritual silence of the Self. Mark, it is not physical silence but spiritual silence. Spiritual silence permits activity, even speech, unlike physical silence which shuts off speech. Spiritual silence is silence of the whole being, whereas physical silence, mauna as we call it, is only abstention from speech, vocal activity, which makes the mind, very often, more active than before.” The Book of the Divine Mother

Madhav: “The brilliant courtyard is the realm of the subtle-physical Matter that Aswapathy is leaving behind in his upward climb. He sees that with all its brilliant glow, this region is limited on all sides and it is only a courtyard—not yet the entrance proper—of the Mansion of Light, where the Light of God is ever manifest. Day in the spiritual symbolism signifies the reign of Light. Aswapathy seeks to enter the Order (symbolised by House) where the Light shines uninterrupted.” The Book of the Divine Mother

Madhav: “The mind is pictured in terms of a seat with three legs: the physical mind (sense mentality); vital mind (desire mind, dynamic mentality); reason (thought mentality). The normal human mind has these three layers.” The Book of the Divine Mother

Madhav: “The triple cord refers to the physical, the vital and the thought strands of the mind which constrict and narrow the range of human vision. As they are loosened, the gaze widens and larger horizons come into view.” The Book of the Divine Mother

Madhav: “Triple-plated gloom is the darkness with three successive layers: the material-physical, the vital and the mental. This is the Shadow that infests the three lower orders of existence.” The Book of the Divine Mother

Madhav: “When Aswapathy lifts the curtain of the flesh i.e. when he gets through the barrier of his physical existence, he comes to the threshold of another domain, subtle and occult. He sees a serpent watching, guarding the entrance. In all traditions, especially the ancient, at the doors of every subtle kingdom there is a sentinel and that sentinel is imaged as a serpent. In spiritual symbolism the serpent stands for Energy. Depending on the colour of the serpent, it is physical energy or vital energy, mental energy, spiritual energy. Unless this serpent allows one to pass one cannot enter. The serpent, in this context, is the guard whose consent is necessary before one can pass. The Book of the Divine Mother

MADNESS. ::: People go mad because they have a physical predisposition due either to heredity or to some kind of organic cause or secret illness Eke syphilis, the action being often brought up by some psychological factor (ambition turning to megalomania, hypochondria, melancholia etc.). There may be an invasion of an alien Force bringing about the upsetting, but it is not the Divine Force, it is a vital Force that invades. The

* mal thought-mind (budd/ii) h apt to fall silent or abate most of its activities and when it does, very often either this vital mind can rush in, if one is not on one’s guard or else a kind of mechanical physical or random subconscient mind can begin to come up and act ; these are the chief disturbers of the silence.

"Man himself is not a life and mind born of Matter and eternally subject to physical Nature, but a spirit that uses life and body.” The Renaissance in India

“Man himself is not a life and mind born of Matter and eternally subject to physical Nature, but a spirit that uses life and body.” The Renaissance in India

mantra ::: Sri Aurobindo: "The mantra as I have tried to describe it in The Future Poetry is a word of power and light that comes from the Overmind inspiration or from some very high plane of Intuition. Its characteristics are a language that conveys infinitely more than the mere surface sense of the words seems to indicate, a rhythm that means even more than the language and is born out of the Infinite and disappears into it, and the power to convey not merely the mental, vital or physical contents or indications or values of the thing uttered, but its significance and figure in some fundamental and original consciousness which is behind all these and greater.” *The Future Poetry

mantra ::: Sri Aurobindo: “The mantra as I have tried to describe it in The Future Poetry is a word of power and light that comes from the Overmind inspiration or from some very high plane of Intuition. Its characteristics are a language that conveys infinitely more than the mere surface sense of the words seems to indicate, a rhythm that means even more than the language and is born out of the Infinite and disappears into it, and the power to convey not merely the mental, vital or physical contents or indications or values of the thing uttered, but its significance and figure in some fundamental and original consciousness which is behind all these and greater.” The Future Poetry

mantra ::: : “The mantra as I have tried to describe it in The Future Poetry is a word of power and light that comes from the Overmind inspiration or from some very high plane of Intuition. Its characteristics are a language that conveys infinitely more than the mere surface sense of the words seems to indicate, a rhythm that means even more than the language and is born out of the Infinite and disappears into it, and the power to convey not merely the mental, vital or physical contents or indications or values of the thing uttered, but its significance and figure in some fundamental and original consciousness which is behind all these and greater.” The Future Poetry

mass ::: n. 1. A body of coherent matter, usually of indefinite shape and often of considerable size. 2. A large amount or number, such as a great body of people. masses, flower-masses. 3. Bulk, size, expanse, or massiveness. 4. The main body, bulk, or greater part of anything. 5. Physics. A measure of the amount of matter contained in or constituting a physical body. adj. 6. Of, involving, composed of masses of people (or things) or the majority of people (or a society, group, etc.); done, made, etc., on a large scale. v. 7. To gather into or dispose in a mass or masses; assemble. massed.

material world ::: Sri Aurobindo: "Our material world is the result of all the others, for the other principles have all descended into Matter to create the physical universe, and every particle of what we call Matter contains all of them implicit in itself; their secret action, as we have seen, is involved in every moment of its existence and every movement of its activity. And as Matter is the last word of the descent, so it is also the first word of the ascent; as the powers of all these planes, worlds, grades, degrees are involved in the material existence, so are they all capable of evolution out of it. It is for this reason that material being does not begin and end with gases and chemical compounds and physical forces and movements, with nebulae and suns and earths, but evolves life, evolves mind, must evolve eventually Supermind and the higher degrees of the spiritual existence.” The Life Divine

mechanic ::: n. 1. A worker skilled in making, using, or repairing machines, vehicles, and tools. mechanic"s. adj. **2. Resembling the action of a machine. 3. Resembling (inanimate) machines or their operations; acting or performed without the exercise of thought or volition; lacking spontaneity or originality; machine-like; automatic. 4. Habitual; routine; automatic. 5. Pertaining to, or controlled or affected by, physical force. mechanical, mechanically.**

Medical treatment is sometimes a necessity. If one can cure by the Force it is the best ; but if for some reason the body is not able to respond to the Force (e.g. owing to doubt, lassitude or discouragement or for inability to react against the disease), then the aid of medical treatment becomes necessary. It is not that the Force ceases to act and leaves all to the medicines, — it will continue to act through the consciousness but take the support of the Irealntent so as to act directly on the resistance in the body, which responds more readily to physical means in its ordinary consciousness. ‘

MEDIUMS. ::: They are most of them in contact with the vital-physical or subtle physical worlds and do not receive any- thing higher at aii.

“Men have not learnt yet to recognise the Inconscient on which the whole material world they see is built, or the Ignorance of which their whole nature including their knowledge is built; they think that these words are only abstract metaphysical jargon flung about by the philosophers in their clouds or laboured out in long and wearisome books like The Life Divine.

MENTAL BEING. ::: The true mental being is not the same as the inner mental ; true mental, true vital, true physical being means the Purusha of that level freed from the error and ignorant thought and will of the lower Prakriti and directly open to the knowledge and guidance above.

metaphysical ::: highly abstract or theoretical; abstruse, relating to that which is immaterial or concerned with abstract thought or subjects, as existence, causality, or truth.

mind, physical

mind, physical ::: Sri Aurobindo: "The physical mind is that part of the mind which is concerned with the physical things only — it depends on the sense-mind, sees only objects, external actions, draws its ideas from the data given by external things, infers from them only and knows no other Truth until it is enlightened from above.” *Letters on Yoga

Mind in the physical or mental physical is limited by the physical view and experience of things, it mentalises the experi- ences brought by the contacts of outward life and things, and docs not go beyond that (though it can do that much very cleverly), unlike the externalising mmd which deals with them more from the reason and its higher intelligence. But in practice these two usually get mixed together. The niec/innicai mind is a much lower action of the mental physical which, left to itself, woutd only repeat customary ideas and record the natural reflexes of the physical consciousness to the contacts of outward life and things.

“Mind therefore is held by the Hindus to be a species of subtle matter in which ideas are waves or ripples, and it is not limited by the physical body which it uses as an instrument.” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

misery ::: 1. Severe mental or emotional unhappiness or distress. 2. The state of suffering and want as a result of physical circumstances or extreme poverty. 3. A cause or source of suffering. misery"s, miseries.

MOLADHARA. ::: The seat of the physical consciousness proper, commanding the physical consciousness and the sub- conscient.

MONEY. ::: Money is the visible sign of a universal force, and this force m its manifestation on earth woris an the vitaf and physical planes and Is indispensable to the fullness of the outer life. In its origin and true action it belongs lo the Divine. But like other powers of the Divine it is delegated here and in the ignorance of the lower Nature can be usurped for the uses of the ego or held by Asuric influences and perverted to their purpose.

Muladhara — physical.


n. 1. Emotional or spiritual exaltation. 2. An elevating effect, result, or influence in the sphere of morality, emotion, physical condition, etc. v. 3. To lift up; raise; elevate. 4. To elevate in rank, honour, estate, or estimation. 5. To exalt emotionally or spiritually. uplifts, uplifting.

Name ::: Jhumur: “Hold onto the Name. That is the only power. I remember Mother once told me—because there was a moment when I was attacked by a certain person. She was mad and so had a certain number of people she chose to attack with her vibrations, with her words. If she could she would throw stones. I was very, very young, about 17 or 18. I said, ‘Every time I see her, Mother, I really start to tremble. It has become something so physically terrifying. Once she (the mad person) had thrown a big paperweight, a cement paperweight in the library. It went just past my head, it could have killed me. After that I became really frightened. So Mother told me ‘Nothing will happen to you. Each time you see her just say ‘Ma, Ma, Ma.’ But it was so difficult. Each time I saw her from far I would think, ‘I have to say Ma.’ But when she came close enough I could not say the Name, for a long time, for a very long time. I was so frightened the fear would take the Name away. I knew very well I had to say the Name That is what Mother told me. And one day I could, finally I could and the mad person lost interest in me!”

Nature and kept within the narrow bounds of her normal ope- rations. Id the ancient tradition of Hatha Yoga it has always been supposed that this conquest could be pushed so far even as to conquer to a great extent the force of gravitation. By various subsidiary but elaborate processes the Hatha Yogin next contrives to keep the body free from all impurities and the ner- vous system unclogged for those exercises of respiration which are his most important instruments. These are called prana- yama, the control of the breath or vital power ; for breathing is the chief physical functioning of the vital forces. Prdnayaina, for the Hatha Yogin, serves a double purpose. First, it completes the perfection of the body. The vitality is liberated from many of the ordinary necessities of physical Nature ; robust health, prolonged youth, often an extraordinary longevity arc attained.

NATURE (CHANGE OF). Merely to have experiences of the higher consciousness will not change the nature. Either the higher consciousness has to make a dynamic descent into the whole being and change it ; or it must establish itself in the inner being down to the inner physical so that the latter feels itself separate from the outer and is able to act freely upon it ; or the psychic must come forward and change the nature ; or the inner will must awake and force the nature to change.

Nature, of all that is not obvious on the surface. An integral knowledge demands an exploration, an unveiling of all the possible domains of consciousness and experience. For there are subjective domains of our being which lie behind the obvious surface; these have to be fathomed and whatever is ascertained must be admitted within the scope of the total reality. An inner range of spiritual experience is one very great domain of human consciousness ; it has to be entered into up to its deepest depths and its vastest reaches. The supraphysical is as real as the physical ; to know it is part of a complete knowledge. The knowledge of the supraph>'sical has been associated with mysti- efsm and occultism, and occultism has been banned as a super- stition and fantastic error. But the occult Is a part of existence ; a true occultism means no more than a research into supraphysical realities and an unveiling of the hidden Jaws of being and

NERVES, The physical nerves are part of the material body but they are extended into the subtle body and there is a con* nection between the two.

Nervous being is part of the physical consciousness, below the physical mind and not abo%'e it ; the nerves are part of the body.

Nolini: “Amber colour representing a particular plane of consciousness. Yellow + red + touch of brown—physico-vital or even subtle physical plane—the New Creation come down on that plane. Mother India—Nolini’s reply to a question from Huta.

Normally the more physical work the body has lo do the more food it needs. On the other hand mental work requires no increase of food.

"Nothing can be more remarkable and suggestive than the extent to which modern Science confirms in the domain of Matter the conceptions and even the very formulae of language which were arrived at, by a very different method, in the Vedanta, — the original Vedanta, not of the schools of metaphysical philosophy, but of the Upanishads. And these, on the other hand, often reveal their full significance, their richer contents only when they are viewed in the new light shed by the discoveries of modern Science, — for instance, that Vedantic expression which describes things in the Cosmos as one seed arranged by the universal Energy in multitudinous forms.(1) Significant, especially, is the drive of Science towards a Monism which is consistent with multiplicity, towards the Vedic idea of the one essence with its many becomings.” The Life Divine

“Nothing can be more remarkable and suggestive than the extent to which modern Science confirms in the domain of Matter the conceptions and even the very formulae of language which were arrived at, by a very different method, in the Vedanta,—the original Vedanta, not of the schools of metaphysical philosophy, but of the Upanishads. And these, on the other hand, often reveal their full significance, their richer contents only when they are viewed in the new light shed by the discoveries of modern Science,—for instance, that Vedantic expression which describes things in the Cosmos as one seed arranged by the universal Energy in multitudinous forms.(1) Significant, especially, is the drive of Science towards a Monism which is consistent with multiplicity, towards the Vedic idea of the one essence with its many becomings.” The Life Divine

“ Now, that a conscious Infinite is there in physical Nature, we are assured by every sign, though it is a consciousness not made or limited like ours. All her constructions and motions are those of an illimitable intuitive wisdom too great and spontaneous and mysteriously self-effective to be described as an intelligence, of a Power and Will working for Time in eternity with an inevitable and forecasting movement in each of its steps, even in those steps that in their outward or superficial impetus seem to us inconscient. And as there is in her this greater consciousness and greater power, so too there is an illimitable spirit of harmony and beauty in her constructions that never fails her, though its works are not limited by our aesthetic canons. An infinite hedonism too is there, an illimitable spirit of delight, of which we become aware when we enter into impersonal unity with her; and even as that in her which is terrible is a part of her beauty, that in her which is dangerous, cruel, destructive is a part of her delight, her universal Ananda. Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

noxious ::: injurious to physical or mental health.

' OBSCURITY. ::: When one is working on the physical consci- ousness this sense of obscurity rises up. One has to react quickly against it and persistently bring dosvn the Light. When the physical and the subconscient are fully permeated it need come no more.

Occultism is the knowledge and right use of the hidden forces of Nature. True occultism means a search into supraphysical realities and an unveiling of the hidden laws of being and

OCCULT. ::: Occult forces are the forces that can only be known by going behind the veil of apparent phenomena, especially the forces of the subtle physical and supraphysical planes.

ocean ::: 1. The vast body of salt water that covers three fourths of the surface of the globe. 2. A vast expanse or quantity. (Sri Aurobindo also employs the word as an adj. in this sense.) Ocean, ocean"s, oceans, ocean-silence, ocean-ecstasy, world-ocean"s. adj. 3. Of or pertaining to the ocean in its natural and physical relations. Also fig. ::: oceans. (Sri Aurobindo also employs the word as a v.)

"Of course, the gods exist — that is to say, there are Powers that stand above the world and transmit the divine workings. It is the physical mind which believes only what is physical that denies them. There are also beings of other worlds — gods and Asuras, etc.” Letters on Yoga

“Of course, the gods exist—that is to say, there are Powers that stand above the world and transmit the divine workings. It is the physical mind which believes only what is physical that denies them. There are also beings of other worlds—gods and Asuras, etc.” Letters on Yoga

OJAS. ::: Primal energy ; physical (and vital physical) energy.

:::   "OM is the mantra, the expressive sound-symbol of the Brahman Consciousness in its four domains from the Turiya to the external or material plane. The function of a mantra is to create vibrations in the inner consciousness that will prepare it for the realisation of what the mantra symbolises and is supposed indeed to carry within itself. The mantra OM should therefore lead towards the opening of the consciousness to the sight and feeling of the One Consciousness in all material things, in the inner being and in the supraphysical worlds, in the causal plane above now superconscient to us and, finally, the supreme liberated transcendence above all cosmic existence.” *Letters on Yoga

“OM is the mantra, the expressive sound-symbol of the Brahman Consciousness in its four domains from the Turiya to the external or material plane. The function of a mantra is to create vibrations in the inner consciousness that will prepare it for the realisation of what the mantra symbolises and is supposed indeed to carry within itself. The mantra OM should therefore lead towards the opening of the consciousness to the sight and feeling of the One Consciousness in all material things, in the inner being and in the supraphysical worlds, in the causal plane above now superconscient to us and, finally, the supreme liberated transcendence above all cosmic existence.” Letters on Yoga

“OM is the mantra, the expressive sound-symbol of the Brahman Consciousness in itsfour domains from the Turiya to the external or material plane. The function of a mantra is to create vibrations in the inner consciousness that will prepare it for the realisation of what the mantra symbolises and is supposed indeed to carry within itself. The mantra OM should therefore lead towards the opening of the consciousness to the sight and feeling of the One Consciousness in all material things, in the inner being and in the supraphysical worlds, in the causal plane above now superconscient to us and, finally, the supreme liberated transcendence above all cosmic existence.” Letters on Yoga

Orange or Red Gold ::: light of the supramenial in the physical.

"Ordinarily we mean by it [consciousness] our first obvious idea of a mental waking consciousness such as is possessed by the human being during the major part of his bodily existence, when he is not asleep, stunned or otherwise deprived of his physical and superficial methods of sensation. In this sense it is plain enough that consciousness is the exception and not the rule in the order of the material universe. We ourselves do not always possess it. But this vulgar and shallow idea of the nature of consciousness, though it still colours our ordinary thought and associations, must now definitely disappear out of philosophical thinking. For we know that there is something in us which is conscious when we sleep, when we are stunned or drugged or in a swoon, in all apparently unconscious states of our physical being. Not only so, but we may now be sure that the old thinkers were right when they declared that even in our waking state what we call then our consciousness is only a small selection from our entire conscious being. It is a superficies, it is not even the whole of our mentality. Behind it, much vaster than it, there is a subliminal or subconscient mind which is the greater part of ourselves and contains heights and profundities which no man has yet measured or fathomed.” Letters on Yoga

“Ordinarily we mean by it [consciousness] our first obvious idea of a mental waking consciousness such as is possessed by the human being during the major part of his bodily existence, when he is not asleep, stunned or otherwise deprived of his physical and superficial methods of sensation. In this sense it is plain enough that consciousness is the exception and not the rule in the order of the material universe. We ourselves do not always possess it. But this vulgar and shallow idea of the nature of consciousness, though it still colours our ordinary thought and associations, must now definitely disappear out of philosophical thinking. For we know that there is something in us which is conscious when we sleep, when we are stunned or drugged or in a swoon, in all apparently unconscious states of our physical being. Not only so, but we may now be sure that the old thinkers were right when they declared that even in our waking state what we call then our consciousness is only a small selection from our entire conscious being. It is a superficies, it is not even the whole of our mentality. Behind it, much vaster than it, there is a subliminal or subconscient mind which is the greater part of ourselves and contains heights and profundities which no man has yet measured or fathomed.” Letters on Yoga

Or we can feel the symptoms of illness, fever or cold for instance, in the subtle physical sheath before they are manifest in the gross body and destroy them there, preventing them from mani- festing in the body.

“Our material world is the result of all the others, for the other principles have all descended into Matter to create the physical universe, and every particle of what we call Matter contains all of them implicit in itself; their secret action, as we have seen, is involved in every moment of its existence and every movement of its activity. And as Matter is the last word of the descent, so it is also the first word of the ascent; as the powers of all these planes, worlds, grades, degrees are involved in the material existence, so are they all capable of evolution out of it. It is for this reason that material being does not begin and end with gases and chemical compounds and physical forces and movements, with nebulae and suns and earths, but evolves life, evolves mind, must evolve eventually Supermind and the higher degrees of the spiritual existence.” The Life Divine

"Our subliminal self is not, like our surface physical being, an outcome of the energy of the Inconscient; it is a meeting-place of the consciousness that emerges from below by evolution and the consciousness that has descended from above for involution.” The Life Divine

“Our subliminal self is not, like our surface physical being, an outcome of the energy of the Inconscient; it is a meeting-place of the consciousness that emerges from below by evolution and the consciousness that has descended from above for involution.” The Life Divine

outward ::: n. 1. Relating to physical reality rather than with thoughts or the mind; the material or external world. outward"s, outwardness. adj. 2. Relating to the physical self. 3. Purely external; superficial. 4. Belonging or pertaining to external actions or appearances, as opposed to inner feelings, mental states, etc. 5. Pertaining to or being what is seen or apparent, as distinguished from the underlying nature, facts, etc.; pertaining to surface qualities only; superficial.

"Over each grade of our being a power of the Spirit presides; we have within us and discover when we go deep enough inwards a mind-self, a life-self, a physical self; there is a being of mind, a mental Purusha, expressing something of itself on our surface in the thoughts, perceptions, activities of our mind-nature, a being of life which expresses something of itself in the impulses, feelings, sensations, desires, external life-activities of our vital nature, a physical being, a being of the body which expresses something of itself in the instincts, habits, formulated activities of our physical nature. These beings or part selves of the self in us are powers of the Spirit and therefore not limited by their temporary expression, for what is thus formulated is only a fragment of its possibilities; but the expression creates a temporary mental, vital or physical personality which grows and develops even as the psychic being or soul-personality grows and develops within us.” The Life Divine

“Over each grade of our being a power of the Spirit presides; we have within us and discover when we go deep enough inwards a mind-self, a life-self, a physical self; there is a being of mind, a mental Purusha, expressing something of itself on our surface in the thoughts, perceptions, activities of our mind-nature, a being of life which expresses something of itself in the impulses, feelings, sensations, desires, external life-activities of our vital nature, a physical being, a being of the body which expresses something of itself in the instincts, habits, formulated activities of our physical nature. These beings or part selves of the self in us are powers of the Spirit and therefore not limited by their temporary expression, for what is thus formulated is only a fragment of its possibilities; but the expression creates a temporary mental, vital or physical personality which grows and develops even as the psychic being or soul-personality grows and develops within us.” The Life Divine

Oversoul ::: We might say then that there are three elements in the totality of our being: there is the submental and the subconscient which appears to us as if it were inconscient, comprising the material basis and a good part of our life and body; there is the subliminal, which comprises the inner being, taken in its entirety of inner mind, inner life, inner physical with the soul or psychic entity supporting them; there is this waking consciousness which the subliminal and the subconscient throw up on the surface, a wave of their secret surge. But even this is not an adequate account of what we are; for there is not only something deep within behind our normal self-awareness, but something also high above it: that too is ourselves, other than our surface mental personality, but not outside our true self; that too is a country of our spirit. For the subliminal proper is no more than the inner being on the level of the Knowledge-Ignorance, luminous, powerful and extended indeed beyond the poor conception of our waking mind, but still not the supreme or the whole sense of our being, not its ultimate mystery. We become aware, in a certain experience, of a range of being superconscient to all these three, aware too of something, a supreme highest Reality sustaining and exceeding them all, which humanity speaks of vaguely as Spirit, God, the Oversoul: from these superconscient ranges we have visitations and in our highest being we tend towards them and to that supreme Spirit. There is then in our total range of existence a superconscience as well as a subconscience and inconscience, overarching and perhaps enveloping our subliminal and our waking selves, but unknown to us, seemingly unattainable and incommunicable.

pain ::: 1. An unpleasant sensation occurring in varying degrees of severity as a consequence of injury, disease, or emotional disorder. 2. The sensation of acute physical hurt or discomfort caused by injury, illness, etc. **Pain, pain"s, pains, earth-pain, life-pain, world-pain, pain-forgetting, pain-fraught.

"Pain is caused because the physical consciousness in the Ignorance is too limited to bear the touches that come upon it. Otherwise, to cosmic consciousness in its state of complete knowledge and complete experience all touches come as Ananda.” Letters on Yoga

“Pain is caused because the physical consciousness in the Ignorance is too limited to bear the touches that come upon it. Otherwise, to cosmic consciousness in its state of complete knowledge and complete experience all touches come as Ananda.” Letters on Yoga

personality ::: “Personality is only a temporary mental, vital, physical formation which the being, the real Person, the psychic entity, puts forward on the surface,—it is not the self in its abiding reality.” The Life Divine

phantasm ::: something apparently seen but having no physical reality; a phantom or an apparition.

phantom ::: n. 1. Something apparently seen, heard, or sensed, but having no physical reality; a ghost or an apparition. 2. An image that appears only in the mind; an illusion. adj. 3. Of, pertaining to, or of the nature of a phantom; illusory. phantom"s, phantoms.

:::   ". . . philosophy is only a way of formulating to ourselves intellectually in their essential significance the psychological and physical facts of existence and their relation to any ultimate reality that may exist,. . . .” Essays on the Gita

“… philosophy is only a way of formulating to ourselves intellectually in their essential significance the psychological and physical facts of existence and their relation to any ultimate reality that may exist,….” Essays on the Gita

Physical consciousness ::: There is the universal physical cons- ciousness of Nature and there is our own which is a part of it, moved by it, and used by the central being for the support of its expression in the physical world and for a direct dealing with all these external objects and movements and forces. This physical consciousness-plane receives from the other planes their powers and influences and makes formations of them in its own province. Therefore we have a physical mind as well as a vital mind and the mind proper ; we have a vital-physical part in us

Physical death is the dissolution of the physical form ; but all form does not disappear by death.

Physical fatigue in sSdhana ::: It may come from ( 1 ) receiv- ing more than the physical is ready to assimilate. The cure is then quiet rest in conscious immobility receiving the forces but not for any other purpose than tbe recuperation of the strength and energy. (2) It may be due to the passivity taking the form of inertia ; inertia brings the consciousness dotvn towards the ordinary physical level which is soon fatigued and prone to tamas. The cure here is to get back into the true consciousness and to rest there, not in inertia. (3) It may be due to mere overstrain of the body — not giving enough sleep or repose. The body is the support of the yoga, but its energy is not inexhaustible and needs to be husbanded ; it can be kept up by drawing on the universal vital Force but that reinforcement too has its limits.

Physical things have a consciousness within them which feels and responds to care and is sensitive to careless touch and rough handling.

Por immortality in its fundamental sense does not mean merely some'kind of penonal survival of the bodily death ; we are im- mortal by the eternity of our self-existence without beginning or end, beyond the whole succession of physical births and deaths through which we pass, beyond the alternations of our existence in this and other worlds ; the spirit’s timeless existence is the true immortality.

potent ::: possessing inner or physical strength; powerful; having great control or authority.

Power of the Tantrics, meets the Brahman and Ss liberated into the Divine Being. These centres are closed or half-closed within us and have to be op>ened before their full potentiality can be manifested in our physical.- nature ::: but once they are opened and completely active, no limit can easily be set to the develop- ment of their potencies and the total transformation to be possible.

Power ; there must a constant and integral choice of the Truth that is descending, a constant and integral rejection of the false- hood of the mental, vital and physical Powers and Appearances that still rule the earth-Nature.

presence ::: 1. The state or fact of being present; current existence or occurrence. 2. A divine, spiritual, or supernatural spirit or influence felt or conceived as present. 3. The immediate proximity of someone or something.

Sri Aurobindo: "It is intended by the word Presence to indicate the sense and perception of the Divine as a Being, felt as present in one"s existence and consciousness or in relation with it, without the necessity of any further qualification or description. Thus, of the ‘ineffable Presence" it can only be said that it is there and nothing more can or need be said about it, although at the same time one knows that all is there, personality and impersonality, Power and Light and Ananda and everything else, and that all these flow from that indescribable Presence. The word may be used sometimes in a less absolute sense, but that is always the fundamental significance, — the essential perception of the essential Presence supporting everything else.” *Letters on Yoga

"Beyond mind on spiritual and supramental levels dwells the Presence, the Truth, the Power, the Bliss that can alone deliver us from these illusions, display the Light of which our ideals are tarnished disguises and impose the harmony that shall at once transfigure and reconcile all the parts of our nature.” Essays Divine and Human

"But if we learn to live within, we infallibly awaken to this presence within us which is our more real self, a presence profound, calm, joyous and puissant of which the world is not the master — a presence which, if it is not the Lord Himself, is the radiation of the Lord within.” *The Life Divine

"The true soul secret in us, — subliminal, we have said, but the word is misleading, for this presence is not situated below the threshold of waking mind, but rather burns in the temple of the inmost heart behind the thick screen of an ignorant mind, life and body, not subliminal but behind the veil, — this veiled psychic entity is the flame of the Godhead always alight within us, inextinguishable even by that dense unconsciousness of any spiritual self within which obscures our outward nature. It is a flame born out of the Divine and, luminous inhabitant of the Ignorance, grows in it till it is able to turn it towards the Knowledge. It is the concealed Witness and Control, the hidden Guide, the Daemon of Socrates, the inner light or inner voice of the mystic. It is that which endures and is imperishable in us from birth to birth, untouched by death, decay or corruption, an indestructible spark of the Divine.” *The Life Divine

"If we need any personal and inner witness to this indivisible All-Consciousness behind the ignorance, — all Nature is its external proof, — we can get it with any completeness only in our deeper inner being or larger and higher spiritual state when we draw back behind the veil of our own surface ignorance and come into contact with the divine Idea and Will behind it. Then we see clearly enough that what we have done by ourselves in our ignorance was yet overseen and guided in its result by the invisible Omniscience; we discover a greater working behind our ignorant working and begin to glimpse its purpose in us: then only can we see and know what now we worship in faith, recognise wholly the pure and universal Presence, meet the Lord of all being and all Nature.” *The Life Divine

"The presence of the Spirit is there in every living being, on every level, in all things, and because it is there, the experience of Sachchidananda, of the pure spiritual existence and consciousness, of the delight of a divine presence, closeness, contact can be acquired through the mind or the heart or the life-sense or even through the physical consciousness; if the inner doors are flung sufficiently open, the light from the sanctuary can suffuse the nearest and the farthest chambers of the outer being.” *The Life Divine

"There is a secret divine Will, eternal and infinite, omniscient and omnipotent, that expresses itself in the universality and in each particular of all these apparently temporal and finite inconscient or half-conscient things. This is the Power or Presence meant by the Gita when it speaks of the Lord within the heart of all existences who turns all creatures as if mounted on a machine by the illusion of Nature.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

"For what Yoga searches after is not truth of thought alone or truth of mind alone, but the dynamic truth of a living and revealing spiritual experience. There must awake in us a constant indwelling and enveloping nearness, a vivid perception, a close feeling and communion, a concrete sense and contact of a true and infinite Presence always and everywhere. That Presence must remain with us as the living, pervading Reality in which we and all things exist and move and act, and we must feel it always and everywhere, concrete, visible, inhabiting all things; it must be patent to us as their true Self, tangible as their imperishable Essence, met by us closely as their inmost Spirit. To see, to feel, to sense, to contact in every way and not merely to conceive this Self and Spirit here in all existences and to feel with the same vividness all existences in this Self and Spirit, is the fundamental experience which must englobe all other knowledge.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

"One must have faith in the Master of our life and works, even if for a long time He conceals Himself, and then in His own right time He will reveal His Presence.” *Letters on Yoga

"They [the psychic being and the Divine Presence in the heart] are quite different things. The psychic being is one"s own individual soul-being. It is not the Divine, though it has come from the Divine and develops towards the Divine.” *Letters on Yoga

"For it is quietness and inwardness that enable one to feel the Presence.” *Letters on Yoga

"Beyond mind on spiritual and supramental levels dwells the Presence, the Truth, the Power, the Bliss that can alone deliver us from these illusions, display the Light of which our ideals are tarnished disguises and impose the harmony that shall at once transfigure and reconcile all the parts of our nature.” *Essays Divine and Human

The Mother: "For, in human beings, here is a presence, the most marvellous Presence on earth, and except in a few very rare cases which I need not mention here, this presence lies asleep in the heart — not in the physical heart but the psychic centre — of all beings. And when this Splendour is manifested with enough purity, it will awaken in all beings the echo of his Presence.” Words of the Mother, MCW, Vol. 15.

::: "Pressure, throbbing, electrical vibrations are all signs of the working of the Force. The places indicate the field of action — the top of the head is the summit of the thinking mind where it communicates with the higher consciousness; the neck or throat is the seat of the physical, externalising or expressive mind; the ear is the place of communication with the inner mind-centre by which thoughts etc. enter into the personal being from the general Nature.” Letters on Yoga

“Pressure, throbbing, electrical vibrations are all signs of the working of the Force. The places indicate the field of action—the top of the head is the summit of the thinking mind where it communicates with the higher consciousness; the neck or throat is the seat of the physical, externalising or expressive mind; the ear is the place of communication with the inner mind-centre by which thoughts etc. enter into the personal being from the general Nature.”

quantum ::: 1. Quantity, amount. 2. Physics. The smallest amount of a physical quantity that can exist independently.

Radha ::: “Radha is the personification of the absolute love for the Divine, total and integral in all parts of the being from the highest spiritual to the physical, bringing the absolute self-giving and total consecration of all the being and calling down into the body and the most material nature the supreme Ananda.” Letters on Yoga

ray ::: “Even if there is much darkness—and this world is full of it and the physical nature of man also—yet a ray of the true Light can prevail eventually against a tenfold darkness. Believe that and cleave to it always.” Letters on Yoga

Receptivity to the Force ; I mean a certain receptivity in the consciousness — mind, vital, physical, whichever is needed.

Red ; Deep red is the Divine Love. Deep red light is tlic light that comes down into the physical for its change. It is associated with the sunlight and the golden light. Golden red is the colour of the supramcntal physical light. The golden red light has a strong transforming power. Rosy red is the psychic love.

red ::: Jhumur: “In general it is the play of the vital forces. Mother always uses red as a symbol of the physical, the colour of blood, the early stage of the developing

Relatives in dreams ; Figures of the physical mother and father and relatives are very often symbolical of the physical or the hereditary nature or generally of the ordinary nature in which we arc born.

Remembering dreams ::: There I's a change or reversal of the consciousness that takes place and the dream* consciousness in disappearing takes away its scences' and experiences with it. This can sometimes be avoided by not coming out abruptly into the waking state or getting up quickly, but remaining quiet for a time to see if the memory lemains or comes back: Otherwise the physical memory has to be taught to remember.

If the waking is composed or it the impression is very strong, then the memory remains at least of the last dream. Those who want to remember their dreams sometimes make a practice of lying quiet and tracing backwards, recovering the dreams one by one. When the dream-state is very light, one can remember more dreams than when it is heavy.

"Science at its limits, even physical Science, is compelled to perceive in the end the infinite, the universal, the spirit, the divine intelligence and will in the material universe.” The Synthesis of Yoga

“Science at its limits, even physical Science, is compelled to perceive in the end the infinite, the universal, the spirit, the divine intelligence and will in the material universe.” The Synthesis of Yoga

Seeking for occulf powers is looked on with disfavour for the most part by spiritual teachers in India, because it belongs to the inferior planes and usually pushes the seeker on a path which may lead him very far from the Divine. Especially, a contact mth the forces and beings of the astral (or, as we term it, the vital) plane is attended with great dangers. The beings of this plane are often bosiQc to the true aim of spiritual life and establish contact with the seeker and offer him powers and occult experiences only in order that they may lead him away from the spiritual path or else that they may establish their own control over him or take possession of him for their owm pur- pose. Often, representing themselves as Divine powers they mis- lead, give erring suggestions and impulsions and pervert the inner life. Many are those who, attracted by these powers and beings of the vital plane, bave ended in a definitive spiritual fall or in mental and physical perversion and disorder. One comes ineritably into contact with the vital plane and enters into it in the expansion of consriousness which results from an inner opening, but one ought never to put oneself into the hands of these beings and forces or allow oneself to be led by their sug- gestions and impulsions. This is one of the chief dangers of the spiritual life and to be on one’s guard against it is a necessity for the seeTer if he wishes to arrive at his goal. It is true that many supraphysical or supernonnal powers come with the expansion of the consciousness in the yoga ; to rise out of the body consciousness, to act by subtle means on the supraphysical planes, etc. are natural activities for the yogi- But these powers are not sought after, they come naturally, and they have not the astral character. Also, Aey have to be used on purely spiritual

Self. But there is another, a hidden consciousness within behind the surface one in which we can become aware of the real Self and of a larger, deeper truth of nature, can realise the Self and liberate and transform the nature. To quiet the surface mind and begin to live within is the object of concentration. Of this true consciousness other than the superficial there are two main centres, one in the heart (not the physical heart, but the cardiac centre in the middle of the chest), one in the head. The con- centration in the heart opens within and by following this inward opening and going deep one becomes aware of the soul or psy- chic being, the divine element in the individual. This being unveiled begins to come forward, to govern the nature, to turn it and all its movements towards the Truth, towards the Divine, and to call down into it all that is above. It brings the conscious- ness of the Presence, the dedication of the being to the Highest and invites the descent into our nature of a greater Force and

sensations (‘s) ::: 1. Perception or awareness of stimuli through the senses. 2. A physical ‘feeling" considered apart from the resulting ‘perception" of an object. 3. A state of intense or heightened interest or emotion; an exciting experience resulting from the stimulation of one of the sense organs. sensations.

"Sense is in fact the mental contact of the embodied consciousness with its surroundings. This contact is always essentially a mental phenomenon; but in fact it depends chiefly upon the development of certain physical organs of contact with objects and with their properties to whose images it is able by habit to give their mental values. What we call the physical senses have a double element, the physical-nervous impression of the object and the mental-nervous value we give to it, and the two together make up our seeing, hearing, smell, taste, touch with all those varieties of sensation of which they, and the touch chiefly, are the starting-point or first transmitting agency.” The Synthesis of Yoga

“Sense is in fact the mental contact of the embodied consciousness with its surroundings. This contact is always essentially a mental phenomenon; but in fact it depends chiefly upon the development of certain physical organs of contact with objects and with their properties to whose images it is able by habit to give their mental values. What we call the physical senses have a double element, the physical-nervous impression of the object and the mental-nervous value we give to it, and the two together make up our seeing, hearing, smell, taste, touch with all those varieties of sensation of which they, and the touch chiefly, are the starting-point or first transmitting agency.” The Synthesis of Yoga

sensual ::: 1. Of or relating to any of the senses or sense organs; sensory; physical rather than spiritual or intellectual. 2. Pertaining to, inclined to, or preoccupied with the gratification of the senses or appetites.

sheath ::: “… sheaths is simply a term for bodies, because each is superimposed on the other and acts as a covering and can be cast off. Thus the physical body itself is called the food sheath and its throwing off is what is called death.” Letters on Yoga

sheaths ::: Madhav: “The physical is not the only body encasing the soul. Ensouling it, as it were, and subtler than it, is the vital body; finer than the vital is the mental body; still finer is the causal body and the finest of them all is the body of bliss. All these bodies, each subtler than the other, are termed sheaths in view of their functions as so many coverings of the being at the core.” Readings in Savitri, Vol. I.

Shruti: “The symbolic representation of the metaphysical ascending layers of creation, the mystical (Sri Yantra) symbol of creation. The symbol of diamonds and triangles leading to a single point at the top and encompassed in a square. If you look at it from above, aerially, it appears to be this symbol (from a flat perspective), but if you look at it from the side it is an ascending mountain. (Called Mount Meru but actually like the Sri Yantra).”

soul ::: Sri Aurobindo: "The word ‘soul", as also the word ‘psychic", is used very vaguely and in many different senses in the English language. More often than not, in ordinary parlance, no clear distinction is made between mind and soul and often there is an even more serious confusion, for the vital being of desire — the false soul or desire-soul — is intended by the words ‘soul" and ‘psychic" and not the true soul, the psychic being.” *Letters on Yoga

  "The word soul is very vaguely used in English — as it often refers to the whole non-physical consciousness including even the vital with all its desires and passions. That was why the word psychic being has to be used so as to distinguish this divine portion from the instrumental parts of the nature.” *Letters on Yoga

  "The word soul has various meanings according to the context; it may mean the Purusha supporting the formation of Prakriti, which we call a being, though the proper word would be rather a becoming; it may mean, on the other hand, specifically the psychic being in an evolutionary creature like man; it may mean the spark of the Divine which has been put into Matter by the descent of the Divine into the material world and which upholds all evolving formations here.” *Letters on Yoga

  "A distinction has to be made between the soul in its essence and the psychic being. Behind each and all there is the soul which is the spark of the Divine — none could exist without that. But it is quite possible to have a vital and physical being supported by such a soul essence but without a clearly evolved psychic being behind it.” *Letters on Yoga

  "The soul and the psychic being are practically the same, except that even in things which have not developed a psychic being, there is still a spark of the Divine which can be called the soul. The psychic being is called in Sanskrit the Purusha in the heart or the Chaitya Purusha. (The psychic being is the soul developing in the evolution.)” *Letters on Yoga

  "The soul or spark is there before the development of an organised vital and mind. The soul is something of the Divine that descends into the evolution as a divine Principle within it to support the evolution of the individual out of the Ignorance into the Light. It develops in the course of the evolution a psychic individual or soul individuality which grows from life to life, using the evolving mind, vital and body as its instruments. It is the soul that is immortal while the rest disintegrates; it passes from life to life carrying its experience in essence and the continuity of the evolution of the individual.” *Letters on Yoga

  ". . . for the soul is seated within and impervious to the shocks of external events. . . .” *Essays on the Gita

  ". . . the soul is at first but a spark and then a little flame of godhead burning in the midst of a great darkness; for the most part it is veiled in its inner sanctum and to reveal itself it has to call on the mind, the life-force and the physical consciousness and persuade them, as best they can, to express it; ordinarily, it succeeds at most in suffusing their outwardness with its inner light and modifying with its purifying fineness their dark obscurities or their coarser mixture. Even when there is a formed psychic being able to express itself with some directness in life, it is still in all but a few a smaller portion of the being — ‘no bigger in the mass of the body than the thumb of a man" was the image used by the ancient seers — and it is not always able to prevail against the obscurity or ignorant smallness of the physical consciousness, the mistaken surenesses of the mind or the arrogance and vehemence of the vital nature.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

". . . the soul is an eternal portion of the Supreme and not a fraction of Nature.” The Life Divine

"The true soul secret in us, — subliminal, we have said, but the word is misleading, for this presence is not situated below the threshold of waking mind, but rather burns in the temple of the inmost heart behind the thick screen of an ignorant mind, life and body, not subliminal but behind the veil, — this veiled psychic entity is the flame of the Godhead always alight within us, inextinguishable even by that dense unconsciousness of any spiritual self within which obscures our outward nature. It is a flame born out of the Divine and, luminous inhabitant of the Ignorance, grows in it till it is able to turn it towards the Knowledge. It is the concealed Witness and Control, the hidden Guide, the Daemon of Socrates, the inner light or inner voice of the mystic. It is that which endures and is imperishable in us from birth to birth, untouched by death, decay or corruption, an indestructible spark of the Divine.” The Life Divine

*Soul, soul"s, Soul"s, souls, soulless, soul-bridals, soul-change, soul-force, Soul-Forces, soul-ground, soul-joy, soul-nature, soul-range, soul-ray, soul-scapes, soul-scene, soul-sense, soul-severance, soul-sight, soul-slaying, soul-space,, soul-spaces, soul-strength, soul-stuff, soul-truth, soul-vision, soul-wings, world-soul, World-Soul.

spirit of Delight ::: Sri Aurobindo: " Now, that a conscious Infinite is there in physical Nature, we are assured by every sign, though it is a consciousness not made or limited like ours. All her constructions and motions are those of an illimitable intuitive wisdom too great and spontaneous and mysteriously self-effective to be described as an intelligence, of a Power and Will working for Time in eternity with an inevitable and forecasting movement in each of its steps, even in those steps that in their outward or superficial impetus seem to us inconscient. And as there is in her this greater consciousness and greater power, so too there is an illimitable spirit of harmony and beauty in her constructions that never fails her, though its works are not limited by our aesthetic canons. An infinite hedonism too is there, an illimitable spirit of delight, of which we become aware when we enter into impersonal unity with her; and even as that in her which is terrible is a part of her beauty, that in her which is dangerous, cruel, destructive is a part of her delight, her universal Ananda. Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

spiritual ::: 1. Of or pertaining to, affecting or concerning, the spirit or soul as distinguished from the physical nature; incorporeal. 2. Of or pertaining to sacred things or matters; sacred. 3. Characterized by or suggesting predominance of the spirit; having spiritual tendencies or instincts; holy.

Spiritual evolution ::: It is a series of ascents from the physical being and consciousness to the vital, the being dominated by the life-self, thence to the menial being realised in the fully deve- loped man and thence into the perfect consciousness which is beyond the mental, into the supramental consciousness and the supramental being, the Truth-Consciousness which is the integral consciousness of the spiritual being. Mind cannot be our last conscious expression because mind is fundamentally an ignorance seeking for knowledge ; it is only the supramental Truth-Cons- ciousness that can bring us the true and whole Self-Knowledge and world-KnowIedge ; it is through that only that we can get to our true being and fulfilment of our spiritual evolution.

Sri Aurobindo: "As there is an inner sight other than the physical, so there is an inner hearing other than that of the external ear, and it can listen to voices and sounds and words of other worlds, other times and places, or those which come from supraphysical beings.” *Letters on Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: "Avatarhood would have little meaning if it were not connected with the evolution. The Hindu procession of the ten Avatars is itself, as it were, a parable of evolution. First the Fish Avatar, then the amphibious animal between land and water, then the land animal, then the Man-Lion Avatar, bridging man and animal, then man as dwarf, small and undeveloped and physical but containing in himself the godhead and taking possession of existence, then the rajasic, sattwic, nirguna Avatars, leading the human development from the vital rajasic to the sattwic mental man and again the overmental superman. Krishna, Buddha and Kalki depict the last three stages, the stages of the spiritual development — Krishna opens the possibility of overmind, Buddha tries to shoot beyond to the supreme liberation but that liberation is still negative, not returning upon earth to complete positively the evolution; Kalki is to correct this by bringing the Kingdom of the Divine upon earth, destroying the opposing Asura forces. The progression is striking and unmistakable.” *Letters on Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: "Beauty is the special divine Manifestation in the physical as Truth is in the Mind, Love in the heart, Power in the vital.” *The Future Poetry

Sri Aurobindo: "Birth is the first spiritual mystery of the physical universe, death is the second which gives its double point of perplexity to the mystery of birth; for life, which would otherwise be a self-evident fact of existence, becomes itself a mystery by virtue of these two which seem to be its beginning and its end and yet in a thousand ways betray themselves as neither of these things, but rather intermediate stages in an occult processus of life.” *The Life Divine

*Sri Aurobindo: "Even if there is much darkness — and this world is full of it and the physical nature of man also — yet a ray of the true Light can prevail eventually against a tenfold darkness. Believe that and cleave to it always.” Letters on Yoga*

Sri Aurobindo: "It could be affirmed as a consequence that there is one all-pervading Life or dynamic energy — the material aspect being only its outermost movement — that creates all these forms of the physical universe, Life imperishable and eternal which, even if the whole figure of the universe were quite abolished, would itself still go on existing and be capable of producing a new universe in its place, must indeed, unless it be held back in a state of rest by some higher Power or hold itself back, inevitably go on creating. In that case Life is nothing else than the Force that builds and maintains and destroys forms in the world; it is Life that manifests itself in the form of the earth as much as in the plant that grows upon the earth and the animals that support their existence by devouring the life-force of the plant or of each other. All existence here is a universal Life that takes form of Matter. It might for that purpose hide life-process in physical process before it emerges as submental sensitivity and mentalised vitality, but still it would be throughout the same creative Life-principle.” *The Life Divine

Sri Aurobindo: "Personality is only a temporary mental, vital, physical formation which the being, the real Person, the psychic entity, puts forward on the surface, — it is not the self in its abiding reality.” *The Life Divine

:::   Sri Aurobindo: "Radha is the personification of the absolute love for the Divine, total and integral in all parts of the being from the highest spiritual to the physical, bringing the absolute self-giving and total consecration of all the being and calling down into the body and the most material nature the supreme Ananda.” *Letters on Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: “Radha is the personification of the absolute love for the Divine, total and integral in all parts of the being from the highest spiritual to the physical, bringing the absolute self-giving and total consecration of all the being and calling down into the body and the most material nature the supreme Ananda.” Letters on Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: "Science started on the assumption that the ultimate truth must be physical and objective — and the objective Ultimate (or even less than that) would explain all subjective phenomena. Yoga proceeds on the opposite view that the ultimate Truth is spiritual and subjective and it is in that ultimate Light that we must view objective phenomena.” *Letters on Yoga

*Sri Aurobindo: ". . . sheaths is simply a term for bodies, because each is superimposed on the other and acts as a covering and can be cast off. Thus the physical body itself is called the food sheath and its throwing off is what is called death.” Letters on Yoga

::: Sri Aurobindo: "Spiritual force has its own concreteness; it can take a form (like a stream, for instance) of which one is aware and can send it quite concretely on whatever object one chooses. This is a statement of fact about the power inherent in spiritual consciousness. But there is also such a thing as a willed use of any subtle force — it may be spiritual, mental or vital — to secure a particular result at some point in the world. Just as there are waves of unseen physical forces (cosmic waves etc.) or currents of electricity, so there are mind-waves, thought-currents, waves of emotion, — for example, anger, sorrow, etc., — which go out and affect others without their knowing whence they come or that they come at all, they only feel the result. One who has the occult or inner senses awake can feel them coming and invading him.” Letters on Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: "The physical nerves are part of the material body but they are extended into the subtle body and there is a connection between the two.” Letters on Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: "The cosmic consciousness is that of the universe, of the cosmic spirit and cosmic Nature with all the beings and forces within it. All that is as much conscious as a whole as the individual separately is, though in a different way. The consciousness of the individual is part of this, but a part feeling itself as a separate being. Yet all the time most of what he is comes into him from the cosmic consciousness. But there is a wall of separative ignorance between. Once it breaks down he becomes aware of the cosmic Self, of the consciousness of the cosmic Nature, of the forces playing in it, etc. He feels all that as he now feels physical things and impacts. He finds it all to be one with his larger or universal self.” *Letters on Yoga

*Sri Aurobindo: ". . . the divine Ananda, the principle of Bliss [is that] from which, in the Vedic conception, the existence of Man, this mental being, is drawn. A secret Delight is the base of existence, its sustaining atmosphere and almost its substance. This Ananda is spoken of in the Taittiriya Upanishad as the ethereal atmosphere of bliss without which nothing could remain in being. In the Aitareya Upanishad Soma, as the lunar deity, is born from the sense-mind in the universal Purusha and, when man is produced, expresses himself again as sense-mentality in the human being. For delight is the raison d"être of sensation, or, we may say, sensation is an attempt to translate the secret delight of existence into the terms of physical consciousness.” The Secret of the Veda

Sri Aurobindo: "The Divine and no other is the flame of life that sustains the physical body of living creatures and turns its food into sustenance of their vital force. He is lodged in the heart of every breathing thing; from him are memory and knowledge and the debates of the reason. He is that which is known by all the Vedas and by all forms of knowing; he is the knower of Veda and the maker of Vedanta. In other words, the Divine is at once the Soul of matter and the Soul of life and the Soul of mind as well as the Soul of the supramental light that is beyond mind and its limited reasoning intelligence.” *Essays on the Gita

Sri Aurobindo: “The Divine and no other is the flame of life that sustains the physical body of living creatures and turns its food into sustenance of their vital force. He is lodged in the heart of every breathing thing; from him are memory and knowledge and the debates of the reason. He is that which is known by all the Vedas and by all forms of knowing; he is the knower of Veda and the maker of Vedanta. In other words, the Divine is at once the Soul of matter and the Soul of life and the Soul of mind as well as the Soul of the supramental light that is beyond mind and its limited reasoning intelligence.” Essays on the Gita

*Sri Aurobindo: "There are some who often or almost invariably have the contact whenever they worship, the Deity may become living to them in the picture or other image they worship, may move and act through it; others may feel him always present, outwardly, subtle-physically, abiding with them where they live or in the very room, but sometimes this is only for a period. Or they may feel the Presence with them, see it frequently in a body (but not materially except sometimes), feel its touch or embrace, converse with it constantly — that is also a kind of milana. The greatest milana is one in which one is constantly aware of the Deity abiding in oneself, in everything in the world, holding all the world in him, identical with existence and yet supremely beyond the world — but in the world too one sees, hears, feels nothing but him, so that the very senses bear witness to him alone — . . . .” Letters on Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: "There is an inner vision that opens when one does sadhana and all sorts of images rise before it or pass. Their coming does not depend upon your thought or will; it is real and automatic. Just as your physical eyes see things in the physical world, so the inner eyes see things and images that belong to the other worlds and subtle images of things of this physical world also.” *Letters on Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: "There is no necessity in the essential nature of mind, sense, life that they should be so limited: for the physical sense-organs are not the creators of sense-perceptions, but themselves the creation, the instruments and here a necessary convenience of the cosmic sense; the nervous system and vital organs are not the creators of life"s action and reaction, but themselves the creation, the instruments and here a necessary convenience of the cosmic Life-force; the brain is not the creator of thought, but itself the creation, the instrument and here a necessary convenience of the cosmic Mind. The necessity then is not absolute, but teleological; it is the result of a divine cosmic Will in the material universe which intends to posit here a physical relation between sense and its object, establishes here a material formula and law of Conscious-Force and creates by it physical images of Conscious-Being to serve as the initial, dominating and determining fact of the world in which we live. It is not a fundamental law of being, but a constructive principle necessitated by the intention of the Spirit to evolve in a world of Matter.” The Life Divine

Sri Aurobindo: “There is no necessity in the essential nature of mind, sense, life that they should be so limited: for the physical sense-organs are not the creators of sense-perceptions, but themselves the creation, the instruments and here a necessary convenience of the cosmic sense; the nervous system and vital organs are not the creators of life’s action and reaction, but themselves the creation, the instruments and here a necessary convenience of the cosmic Life-force; the brain is not the creator of thought, but itself the creation, the instrument and here a necessary convenience of the cosmic Mind. The necessity then is not absolute, but teleological; it is the result of a divine cosmic Will in the material universe which intends to posit here a physical relation between sense and its object, establishes here a material formula and law of Conscious-Force and creates by it physical images of Conscious-Being to serve as the initial, dominating and determining fact of the world in which we live. It is not a fundamental law of being, but a constructive principle necessitated by the intention of the Spirit to evolve in a world of Matter.” The Life Divine

Sri Aurobindo: "The word is a sound expression of the idea. In the supra-physical plane when an idea has to be realised, one can by repeating the word-expression of it, produce vibrations which prepare the mind for the realisation of the idea. That is the principle of the Mantras and of Japa. One repeats the name of the Divine and the vibrations created in the consciousness prepare the realisation of the Divine. It is the same idea that is expressed in the Bible: ‘God said, Let there be Light, and there was Light". It is creation by the Word.” *The Future Poetry

Sri Aurobindo: "Trance or samadhi is a way of escape — the body is made quiet, the physical mind is in a state of torpor, the inner consciousness is left free to go on with its experiences. The disadvantage is that trance becomes indispensable and the problem of the waking consciousness is not solved; it remains imperfect.” Letters on Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: "What we call unconsciousness is simply other-consciousness; it is the going in of this surface wave of our mental awareness of outer objects into our subliminal self-awareness and into our awareness too of other planes of existence. We are really no more unconscious when we are asleep or stunned or drugged or ``dead"" or in any other state, than when we are plunged in inner thought oblivious of our physical selves and our surroundings. For anyone who has advanced even a little way in Yoga, this is a most elementary proposition and one which offers no difficulty whatever to the thought because it is proved at every point by experience.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

Sri Krishna is the Lord of the Divine Love and Ananda. His flute calls the physical being to awake out of the attachments of the physical world and turn to that Love and Ananda.

:::   "Sri Krishna . . . Lord of the divine love and Ananda — and his flute calls the physical being to awake out of the attachments of the physical world and turn to that love and Ananda.” *Letters on Yoga

“Sri Krishna . . . Lord of the divine love and Ananda—and his flute calls the physical being to awake out of the attachments of the physical world and turn to that love and Ananda.” Letters on Yoga

Stales (four) of consciousness ; ■ The waking state is the cons- ciousness of the material universe which we normally possess in this embodied existence dominated by the physical mind. The dream state is a consciousness corresponding to the subtler life- plane and mind-plane behind, which to us, even when we get intimations of them, have not the same concrete reality as the things of the physical existence. The sleep state Is a conscious- ness corresponding to the supraraenta! plane proper to the gnosis, which is teyond our experience because our causal body or envelope of gnosis is not developed in us, its faculties not active, and therefore we are in relation to that plane in a condition of dreamless sleep. The turiya (fourth) beyond is the conscious-

stress ::: 1. Physical, mental or emotional strain or tension; a situation, occurrence, condition or factor causing strain. 2. Stimulus or pressure of the influence of an adverse force. 3. Special or exceptional emphasis or significance attached to something. stress-vision.

subconscient ::: “In our yoga we mean by the subconscient that quite submerged part of our being in which there is no wakingly conscious and coherent thought, will or feeling or organised reaction, but which yet receives obscurely the impressions of all things and stores them up in itself and from it too all sorts of stimuli, of persistent habitual movements, crudely repeated or disguised in strange forms can surge up into dream or into the waking nature. No, subliminal is a general term used for all parts of the being which are not on the waking surface. Subconscient is very often used in the same sense by European psychologists because they do not know the difference. But when I use the word, I mean always what is below the ordinary physical consciousness, not what is behind it. The inner mental, vital, physical, the psychic are not subconscious in this sense, but they can be spoken of as subliminal.” The Synthesis of Yoga.

subconscient ::: Sri Aurobindo: "In our yoga we mean by the subconscient that quite submerged part of our being in which there is no wakingly conscious and coherent thought, will or feeling or organised reaction, but which yet receives obscurely the impressions of all things and stores them up in itself and from it too all sorts of stimuli, of persistent habitual movements, crudely repeated or disguised in strange forms can surge up into dream or into the waking nature. No, subliminal is a general term used for all parts of the being which are not on the waking surface. Subconscient is very often used in the same sense by European psychologists because they do not know the difference. But when I use the word, I mean always what is below the ordinary physical consciousness, not what is behind it. The inner mental, vital, physical, the psychic are not subconscious in this sense, but they can be spoken of as subliminal.” *The Synthesis of Yoga.

"The subconscient is a concealed and unexpressed inarticulate consciousness which works below all our conscious physical activities. Just as what we call the superconscient is really a higher consciousness above from which things descend into the being, so the subconscient is below the body-consciousness and things come up into the physical, the vital and the mind-nature from there.

Just as the higher consciousness is superconscient to us and supports all our spiritual possibilities and nature, so the subconscient is the basis of our material being and supports all that comes up in the physical nature.” Letters on Yoga

  "That part of us which we can strictly call subconscient because it is below the level of mind and conscious life, inferior and obscure, covers the purely physical and vital elements of our constitution of bodily being, unmentalised, unobserved by the mind, uncontrolled by it in their action. It can be held to include the dumb occult consciousness, dynamic but not sensed by us, which operates in the cells and nerves and all the corporeal stuff and adjusts their life process and automatic responses. It covers also those lowest functionings of submerged sense-mind which are more operative in the animal and in plant life.” *The Life Divine

"The subconscient is a thing of habits and memories and repeats persistently or whenever it can old suppressed reactions, reflexes, mental, vital or physical responses. It must be trained by a still more persistent insistence of the higher parts of the being to give up its old responses and take on the new and true ones.” Letters on Yoga

"About the subconscient — it is the sub-mental base of the being and is made up of impressions, instincts, habitual movements that are stored there. Whatever movement is impressed in it, it keeps. If one impresses the right movement in it, it will keep and send up that. That is why it has to be cleared of old movements before there can be a permanent and total change in the nature. When the higher consciousness is once established in the waking parts, it goes down into the subconscient and changes that also, makes a bedrock of itself there also.” Letters on Yoga

"The sub-conscious is the evolutionary basis in us, it is not the whole of our hidden nature, nor is it the whole origin of what we are. But things can rise from the subconscient and take shape in the conscious parts and much of our smaller vital and physical instincts, movements, habits, character-forms has this source.” Letters on Yoga

"The subconscient is the support of habitual action — it can support good habits as well as bad.” Letters on Yoga

"For the subconscient is the Inconscient in the process of becoming conscious; it is a support and even a root of our inferior parts of being and their movements.” The Life Divine *subconscient"s.

"Subliminal is a general term used for all parts of the being which are not on the waking surface. Subconscient is very often used in the same sense by European psychologists because they do not know the difference. But when I use the word, I mean always what is below the ordinary physical consciousness, not what is behind it. The inner mental, vital, physical, the psychic are not subconscious in this sense, but they can be spoken of as subliminal.” Letters on Yoga

“Subliminal is a general term used for all parts of the being which are not on the waking surface. Subconscient is very often used in the same sense by European psychologists because they do not know the difference. But when I use the word, I mean always what is below the ordinary physical consciousness, not what is behind it. The inner mental, vital, physical, the psychic are not subconscious in this sense, but they can be spoken of as subliminal.” Letters on Yoga

sublimity ::: something in physical objects that evokes or awakens awe and reverence.

substance ::: 1. Essential nature; essence. 2. That of which a thing consists; physical matter or material. 3. That which is solid and practical in character, quality, or importance, as contrasted with an appearance or something unsubstantial.

subtle body ::: Sri Aurobindo: "The terminology of Yoga recognises besides the status of our physical and vital being, termed the gross body and doubly composed of the food sheath and the vital vehicle, besides the status of our mental being, termed the subtle body and singly composed of the mind sheath or mental vehicle, a third, supreme and divine status of supra-mental being, termed the causal body and composed of a fourth and a fifth vehicle which are described as those of knowledge and bliss.” The Synthesis of Yoga

subtle images ::: Sri Aurobindo: "Subtle images can be images of all things in all worlds.” *Letters on Yoga

"These are not mental images. There is an inner vision that opens when one does sadhana and all sorts of images rise before it or pass. Their coming does not depend upon your thought or will; it is real and automatic. Just as your physical eyes see things in the physical world, so the inner eyes see things and images that belong to the other worlds and subtle images of things of this physical world also.” Letters on Yoga

subtle Matter ::: Sri Aurobindo: "Much more than half our thoughts and feelings are not our own in the sense that they take form out of ourselves; of hardly anything can it be said that it is truly original to our nature. A large part comes to us from others or from the environment, whether as raw material or as manufactured imports; but still more largely they come from universal Nature here or from other worlds and planes and their beings and powers and influences; for we are overtopped and environed by other planes of consciousness, mind planes, life planes, subtle matter planes, from which our life and action here are fed, or fed on, pressed, dominated, made use of for the manifestation of their forms and forces.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

"Mind therefore is held by the Hindus to be a species of subtle matter in which ideas are waves or ripples, and it is not limited by the physical body which it uses as an instrument.” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

"All that manifested from the Eternal has already been arranged in worlds or planes of its own nature, planes of subtle Matter, planes of Life, planes of Mind, planes of Supermind, planes of the triune luminous Infinite. But these worlds or planes are not evolutionary but typal. A typal world is one in which some ruling principle manifests itself in its free and full capacity and energy and form are plastic and subservient to its purpose. Its expressions are therefore automatic and satisfying and do not need to evolve; they stand so long as need be and do not need to be born, develop, decline and disintegrate.” Essays Divine and Human*

Supporting from its place behind the heart-centre the mental, vital, physical, psychic evolution of the being in Nature. Its realisation brings Bhakti, self-^ving, surrender, turning of all the 'movements Godward, discrimination and choice of all that

terrain ::: n. 1. An area of land; ground. Also fig. terrains. adj. 2. Of the earth, esp. with reference to its physical character.

“That part of us which we can strictly call subconscient because it is below the level of mind and conscious life, inferior and obscure, covers the purely physical and vital elements of our constitution of bodily being, unmentalised, unobserved by the mind, uncontrolled by it in their action. It can be held to include the dumb occult consciousness, dynamic but not sensed by us, which operates in the cells and nerves and all the corporeal stuff and adjusts their life process and automatic responses. It covers also those lowest functionings of submerged sense-mind which are more operative in the animal and in plant life.” The Life Divine

"The ascent to the divine Life is the human journey, the Work of works, the acceptable Sacrifice. This alone is man"s real business in the world and the justification of his existence, without which he would be only an insect crawling among other ephemeral insects on a speck of surface mud and water which has managed to form itself amid the appalling immensities of the physical universe.” The Life Divine

“The ascent to the divine Life is the human journey, the Work of works, the acceptable Sacrifice. This alone is man’s real business in the world and the justification of his existence, without which he would be only an insect crawling among other ephemeral insects on a speck of surface mud and water which has managed to form itself amid the appalling immensities of the physical universe.” The Life Divine

"The Avatar does not come as a thaumaturgic magician, but as the divine leader of humanity and the exemplar of a divine humanity. Even human sorrow and physical suffering he must assume and use so as to show, first, how that suffering may be a means of redemption, — as did Christ, — secondly, to show how, having been assumed by the divine soul in the human nature, it can also be overcome in the same nature, — as did Buddha. The rationalist who would have cried to Christ, ‘If thou art the Son of God, come down from the cross," or points out sagely that the Avatar was not divine because he died and died too by disease, — as a dog dieth, — knows not what he is saying: for he has missed the root of the whole matter. Even, the Avatar of sorrow and suffering must come before there can be the Avatar of divine joy; the human limitation must be assumed in order to show how it can be overcome; and the way and the extent of the overcoming, whether internal only or external also, depends upon the stage of the human advance; it must not be done by a non-human miracle.” Essays on the Gita

“The Avatar does not come as a thaumaturgic magician, but as the divine leader of humanity and the exemplar of a divine humanity. Even human sorrow and physical suffering he must assume and use so as to show, first, how that suffering may be a means of redemption,—as did Christ,—secondly, to show how, having been assumed by the divine soul in the human nature, it can also be overcome in the same nature,—as did Buddha. The rationalist who would have cried to Christ, ‘If thou art the Son of God, come down from the cross,’ or points out sagely that the Avatar was not divine because he died and died too by disease,—as a dog dieth,—knows not what he is saying: for he has missed the root of the whole matter. Even, the Avatar of sorrow and suffering must come before there can be the Avatar of divine joy; the human limitation must be assumed in order to show how it can be overcome; and the way and the extent of the overcoming, whether internal only or external also, depends upon the stage of the human advance; it must not be done by a non-human miracle.” Essays on the Gita

"The body is not only the necessary outer instrument of the physical part of action, but for the purposes of this life a base or pedestal also for all inner action.” The Synthesis of Yoga

“The body is not only the necessary outer instrument of the physical part of action, but for the purposes of this life a base or pedestal also for all inner action.” The Synthesis of Yoga

The physical centre is also the sex-centre. The apex of it is at the end of the spine and It projects for\vard from there,— com- manding -the organ and its action.

The physical consciousness centre, mCtladhdra, commanding the physical consciousness and the' subconscienl, 'governs the physical down to the subconscienl. (Colour of the lotus ::: red ; number of petals ::: four.)

The physical consciousness is full of inertia ; it wants not to move but to be moved by whatever forces and that is its habit.

the physical features of a place or region.

  "The physical heart is in the left side, but the heart centre of yoga is in the middle of the chest — the cardiac centre.” *Letters on Yoga

“The physical heart is in the left side, but the heart centre of yoga is in the middle of the chest—the cardiac centre.” Letters on Yoga

  "The physical is not the only world; there are others that we become aware of through dream records, through the subtle senses, through influences and contacts, through imagination, intuition and vision. There are worlds of a larger subtler life than ours, vital worlds; worlds in which Mind builds its own forms and figures, mental worlds; psychic worlds which are the soul"s home; others above with which we have little contact. In each of us there is a mental plane of consciousness, a psychic, a vital, a subtle physical as well as the gross physical and material plane. The same planes are repeated in the consciousness of general Nature. It is when we enter or contact these other planes that we come into connection with the worlds above the physical. In sleep we leave the physical body, only a subconscient residue remaining, and enter all planes and all sorts of worlds.” Letters on Yoga

“The physical is not the only world; there are others that we become aware of through dream records, through the subtle senses, through influences and contacts, through imagination, intuition and vision. There are worlds of a larger subtler life than ours, vital worlds; worlds in which Mind builds its own forms and figures, mental worlds; psychic worlds which are the soul’s home; others above with which we have little contact. In each of us there is a mental plane of consciousness, a psychic, a vital, a subtle physical as well as the gross physical and material plane. The same planes are repeated in the consciousness of general Nature. It is when we enter or contact these other planes that we come into connection with the worlds above the physical. In sleep we leave the physical body, only a subconscient residue remaining, and enter all planes and all sorts of worlds.” Letters on Yoga

“The physical mind is that part of the mind which is concerned with the physical things only—it depends on the sense-mind, sees only objects, external actions, draws its ideas from the data given by external things, infers from them only and knows no other Truth until it is enlightened from above.” Letters on Yoga

The physical mind is that which is fixed on physical objects and happenings, sees and understands these only, and deals with them according to their own nature, but can with difficulty respond to the higher forces. Left to itself, it Is skeptical of the existence of supra-physical things of which it has no direct experience and to which it can find no due ; even when it has spiritual experi- ences, it forgets them easily, loses (he impression and result and finds it difficult to believe. To enlighten the physical mind by the consciousness of the higher spiritual and Supramental planes is one object of this yoga, just as to enlighten it by the power of the higher vital and higher mental elements of the being is the greatest part of human self-development, civilisation and culture.

:::   "The physical mind is that which is fixed on physical objects and happenings, sees and understands these only, and deals with them according to their own nature, but can with difficulty respond to the higher forces.” *Letters on Yoga

“The physical mind is that which is fixed on physical objects and happenings, sees and understands these only, and deals with them according to their own nature, but can with difficulty respond to the higher forces.” Letters on Yoga

The physical nature is a thing of habits ; it is out of habit that it responds to the forces of illness ; one has to get into it the contrary habit of responding to the Divine Force only. This, of course, so long as a highest consciousness does not descend to which illness Is impossible.

"The colours of the lotuses and the numbers of petals are respectively, from bottom to top: — (1) the Muladhara or physical consciousness centre, four petals, red; (2) the abdominal centre, six petals, deep purple red; (3) the navel centre, ten petals, violet; (4) the heart centre, twelve petals, golden pink; (5) the throat centre, sixteen petals, grey; (6) the forehead centre between the eye-brows, two petals, white; (7) the thousand-petalled lotus above the head, blue with gold light around. The functions are, according to our yoga, — (1) commanding the physical consciousness and the subconscient; (2) commanding the small vital movements, the little greeds, lusts, desires, the small sense-movements; (3) commanding the larger life-forces and the passions and larger desire-movements; (4) commanding the higher emotional being with the psychic deep behind it; (5) commanding expression and all externalisation of the mind movements and mental forces; (6) commanding thought, will, vision; (7) commanding the higher thinking mind and the illumined mind and opening upwards to the intuition and overmind. The seventh is sometimes or by some identified with the brain, but that is an error — the brain is only a channel of communication situated between the thousand-petalled and the forehead centre. The former is sometimes called the void centre, sunya , either because it is not in the body, but in the apparent void above or because rising above the head one enters first into the silence of the self or spiritual being.” Letters on Yoga*

“The colours of the lotuses and the numbers of petals are respectively, from bottom to top:—(1) the Muladhara or physical consciousness centre, four petals, red; (2) the abdominal centre, six petals, deep purple red; (3) the navel centre, ten petals, violet; (4) the heart centre, twelve petals, golden pink; (5) the throat centre, sixteen petals, grey; (6) the forehead centre between the eye-brows, two petals, white; (7) the thousand-petalled lotus above the head, blue with gold light around. The functions are, according to our yoga,—(1) commanding the physical consciousness and the subconscient; (2) commanding the small vital movements, the little greeds, lusts, desires, the small sense-movements; (3) commanding the larger life-forces and the passions and larger desire-movements; (4) commanding the higher emotional being with the psychic deep behind it; (5) commanding expression and all externalisation of the mind movements and mental forces; (6) commanding thought, will, vision; (7) commanding the higher thinking mind and the illumined mind and opening upwards to the intuition and overmind. The seventh is sometimes or by some identified with the brain, but that is an error—the brain is only a channel of communication situated between the thousand-petalled and the forehead centre. The former is sometimes called the void centre, sunya , either because it is not in the body, but in the apparent void above or because rising above the head one enters first into the silence of the self or spiritual being.” Letters on Yoga

“The cosmic consciousness has many levels—the cosmic physical, the cosmic vital, the cosmic Mind, and above the higher planes of cosmic Mind there is the Intuition and above that the overmind and still above that the supermind where the Transcendental begins. In order to live in the Intuition plane (not merely to receive intuitions), one has to live in the cosmic consciousness because there the cosmic and individual run into each other as it were, and the mental separation between them is already broken down, so nobody can reach there who is still in the separative ego.” Letters on Yoga

“The cosmic consciousness is that of the universe, of the cosmic spirit and cosmic Nature with all the beings and forces within it. All that is as much conscious as a whole as the individual separately is, though in a different way. The consciousness of the individual is part of this, but a part feeling itself as a separate being. Yet all the time most of what he is comes into him from the cosmic consciousness. But there is a wall of separative ignorance between. Once it breaks down he becomes aware of the cosmic Self, of the consciousness of the cosmic Nature, of the forces playing in it, etc. He feels all that as he now feels physical things and impacts. He finds it all to be one with his larger or universal self.” Letters on Yoga

The course taken by the attacks is not indeed the same for all, but still they have strong family resemblance. One can even- tually overcome If one begins to realise the nature and source of these assaults and acquires the faculty of observing them, bearing, without being involved or absorbed into their gulf, finally becoming the witness of their phenomena and understanding them and refusing the mind's sanction even when the vital is still tossed in the whirl and the most outward physical mind still reflects the adverse suggestions. In the end, these attacks lose their power and fall away from the nature ; the recurrence becomes feeble, or has no power to last ; even, if the detach- ment is strong enough, they can be cut out very soon or at once.

::: "The Divine and no other is the flame of life that sustains the physical body of living creatures and turns its food into sustenance of their vital force.” Essays on the Gita

“The Divine and no other is the flame of life that sustains the physical body of living creatures and turns its food into sustenance of their vital force.” Essays on the Gita

“The Divine and no other is the flame of life that sustains the physical body of living creatures and turns its food into sustenance of their vital force. He is lodged in the heart of every breathing thing; from him are memory and knowledge and the debates of the reason. He is that which is known by all the Vedas and by all forms of knowing; he is the knower of Veda and the maker of Vedanta. In other words, the Divine is at once the Soul of matter and the Soul of life and the Soul of mind as well as the Soul of the supramental light that is beyond mind and its limited reasoning intelligence.” Essays on the Gita

The Divine reveals himself in the world around us when we look upon that with a spiritual desire of delight that seeks him in all things. There is often a sudden opening by which the veil of forms is itself turned Into a revelation. A universal spiri- tual Presence, a universal peace, a universal infinite Delight has manifested, immanent, embracing, aU-penetraling. This Presence by our love of It, our delight in it, our constant thought of It returns and grows upon us ; it becomes the thing that we see and all else is only its habitation, form and symbol. Even all that is most outward, the body, the form, the sound, "whatever our senses seize, are seen as this Presence ; they cease to be physical and are changed into a substance of spirit. This trans- formation means a transformation of our own inner conscious- ness ; we are taken by the surrounding Presence into itself and

The feeling of all being conscious or alive comes when our own physical consciousness — and not the mind only — awakes out of its obscurity and becomes aware of the One in all things, the Divine everywhere.

:::   "The heart spoken of by the Upanishads corresponds with the physical cardiac centre; it is the hrdpadma of the Tantriks. As a subtle centre, cakra , it is supposed to have its apex on the spine and to broaden out in front. Exactly where in this area one or another feels it does not matter much; to feel it there and be guided by it is the main thing.” *Letters on Yoga

“The heart spoken of by the Upanishads corresponds with the physical cardiac centre; it is the hrdpadma of the Tantriks. As a subtle centre, cakra , it is supposed to have its apex on the spine and to broaden out in front. Exactly where in this area one or another feels it does not matter much; to feel it there and be guided by it is the main thing.” Letters on Yoga

The hold of inertia always increases when the working of s3dhana comes down into the physical and subconscient. Before that the inertia is overpowered though not eradicated by the

::: "The human vital and physical external nature resist to the very end, but if the soul has once heard the call, it arrives, sooner or later.” Letters on Yoga

“The human vital and physical external nature resist to the very end, but if the soul has once heard the call, it arrives, sooner or later.” Letters on Yoga

"The inner vision is an open door on higher planes of consciousness beyond the physical mind which gives room for a wider truth and experience to enter and act upon the mind. It is not the only or the most important door, but it is one which comes readiest to very many if not most and can be a very powerful help.” Letters on Yoga

“The inner vision is an open door on higher planes of consciousness beyond the physical mind which gives room for a wider truth and experience to enter and act upon the mind. It is not the only or the most important door, but it is one which comes readiest to very many if not most and can be a very powerful help.” Letters on Yoga

“The intermediate zone means simply a confused condition or passage in which one is getting out of the personal consciousness and opening into the cosmic (cosmic Mind, cosmic vital, cosmic physical, something perhaps of the cosmic higher Mind) without having yet transcended the human mind levels. One is not in possession of or direct contact with the divine Truth on its own levels , but one can receive something from them, even from the overmind, indirectly. Only, as one is still immersed in the cosmic Ignorance, all that comes from above can be mixed, perverted, taken hold of for their purposes by lower, even by hostile Powers.

"The ‘I" or the little ego is constituted by Nature and is at once a mental, vital and physical formation meant to aid in centralising and individualising the outer consciousness and action. When the true being is discovered, the utility of the ego is over and this formation has to disappear — the true being is felt in its place.” Letters on Yoga

“The ‘I’ or the little ego is constituted by Nature and is at once a mental, vital and physical formation meant to aid in centralising and individualising the outer consciousness and action. When the true being is discovered, the utility of the ego is over and this formation has to disappear—the true being is felt in its place.” Letters on Yoga

The lion with Durga on it is the ^mbol of the Divine Cons- ciousness acting through a divinised physical-vital and vital- emotional force.

The mantra Om should lead towards the opening of the con- sciousness to the sight and feeling of the One Consciousness in all material things, in the inner being and in the supraphysical worlds, in the causal plane above now superconscient to us and, finally, the supreme liberated transcendence above all cosmic existence.

The Mother: “For, in human beings, here is a presence, the most marvellous Presence on earth, and except in a few very rare cases which I need not mention here, this presence lies asleep in the heart—not in the physical heart but the psychic centre—of all beings. And when this Splendour is manifested with enough purity, it will awaken in all beings the echo of his Presence.” Words of the Mother, MCW, Vol. 15.

   The Mother: "In the physical world, of all things it is beauty that expresses best the Divine. the physical world is the world of form and the perfection of form is beauty. Beauty interprets, expresses, manifests the Eternal. Its role is to put all manifested nature in contact with the Eternal through the perfection of form, through harmony and a sense of the ideal which uplifts and leads towards something higher. On Education, MCW Vol. 12.

The Mother: “In the physical world, of all things it is beauty that expresses best the Divine. the physical world is the world of form and the perfection of form is beauty. Beauty interprets, expresses, manifests the Eternal. Its role is to put all manifested nature in contact with the Eternal through the perfection of form, through harmony and a sense of the ideal which uplifts and leads towards something higher. On Education, MCW Vol. 12.

  The Mother: ‘There are four Asuras. Two have already been converted, and the other two, the Lord of Death and the Lord of Falsehood, made an attempt at conversion by taking on a physical body – they have been intimately associated with my life. The story of these Asuras would be very interesting to recount. . . the Lord of Death disappeared; he lost his physical body, and I don"t know what has become of him. As for the other, the Lord of Falsehood, the one who now rules over this earth, he tried hard to be converted but he found it disgusting!

The Mother: ‘There are four Asuras. Two have already been converted, and the other two, the Lord of Death and the Lord of Falsehood, made an attempt at conversion by taking on a physical body—they have been intimately associated with my life. The story of these Asuras would be very interesting to recount. . . the Lord of Death disappeared; he lost his physical body, and I don’t know what has become of him. As for the other, the Lord of Falsehood, the one who now rules over this earth, he tried hard to be converted but he found it disgusting!

The Mother "The sun is the symbol of the Divine in the physical nature” Questions and Answers, MCW Vol. 3

The Mother”The sun is the symbol of the Divine in the physical nature” Questions and Answers, MCW Vol. 3

The mSidd/idra from which the Kundalin! rises is not in the physical body but in the subtle body ; so also are all the centres.

"The mystic feels real and present, even ever present to his experience, intimate to his being, truths which to the ordinary reader are intellectual abstractions or metaphysical speculations.” Letters on Savitri

“The mystic feels real and present, even ever present to his experience, intimate to his being, truths which to the ordinary reader are intellectual abstractions or metaphysical speculations.” Letters on Savitri

The navel is the vital centre in the physical body but the natural scat of the vital is in the vital sheath of the subtle body, which sheath it pervades ; but for action through the gross body it is centred at the navel and below it.

The neck and throat and the lower part of the face belong to the externalising mind, the physical mental. The forehead to the inner Mind. Above the head are the higher planes of Mind.

The nerves are distributed all over the body, but the vital- physical action is concentrated in its origin between the Mula- dhara and the centre Just above It.

The opening is the same for all. U begins with an opening of mind and heart, then of the vital proper — when it reaches the lower vital and the physical the opening is complete.

The personal effort required Is a triple labour of aspiration, rejection and surrender ; an aspiration vigilant, constant, un- ceasing — the mind’s will, the heart's seeking, the assent of the vital being, the will to open and make plastic the physical consciousness and nature ; rejection of the movements of the lower nature — rejection of the mind’s ideas, opinions, prefer- ences, habits, constructions, so that the true knowledge may find room in a silent mind, — rejection of the vital nature’s desires, demands, cravings, sensations, passions, selfishness, pride, arro- gance, lust, greed, jealousy, envy, hostility to the Truth, so that the true power and joy may pour from above into a calm, large, strong and consecrated vital being, — rejection of the physical nature’s stupidity, doubt, disbelief, obscurity, obstinacy, pettiness, laziness, unwillingness to change, tamas, so that the true stability of Light, Power, Ananda may establish itself in a body growing always more divine ; surrender of oneself and all one is and has and every plane of the consciousness and every movement to the Divine and the ShaUi.

“The presence of the Spirit is there in every living being, on every level, in all things, and because it is there, the experience of Sachchidananda, of the pure spiritual existence and consciousness, of the delight of a divine presence, closeness, contact can be acquired through the mind or the heart or the life-sense or even through the physical consciousness; if the inner doors are flung sufficiently open, the light from the sanctuary can suffuse the nearest and the farthest chambers of the outer being.” The Life Divine

The process of the Kundalini awakened rising through the centres as also the purification of the centres is a Taniric know- ledge. In our yoga there is no willed process of the punfication and opening of the centres, no raising up of the Kundalini by a set process either. Another method is used, but stiff there is the ascent of the consciousness from and through the different fc\cls to join the higher consciousness above ; there is the open- ing of the centres and of the planes (mental, vital, physical) which these centres command ; there is also the descent which is the main key of the spiritual transformation.

"The real motive power of the life of the soul is Will; desire is only a deformation of will in the dominant bodily life and physical mind. The essential turn of the soul to possession and enjoyment of the world consists in a will to delight, and the enjoyment of the satisfaction of craving is only a vital and physical degradation of the will to delight. It is essential that we should distinguish between pure will and desire, between the inner will to delight and the outer lust and craving of the mind and body.” The Synthesis of Yoga

“The real motive power of the life of the soul is Will; desire is only a deformation of will in the dominant bodily life and physical mind. The essential turn of the soul to possession and enjoyment of the world consists in a will to delight, and the enjoyment of the satisfaction of craving is only a vital and physical degradation of the will to delight. It is essential that we should distinguish between pure will and desire, between the inner will to delight and the outer lust and craving of the mind and body.” The Synthesis of Yoga

“There are some who often or almost invariably have the contact whenever they worship, the Deity may become living to them in the picture or other image they worship, may move and act through it; others may feel him always present, outwardly, subtle-physically, abiding with them where they live or in the very room, but sometimes this is only for a period. Or they may feel the Presence with them, see it frequently in a body (but not materially except sometimes), feel its touch or embrace, converse with it constantly—that is also a kind of milana. The greatest milana is one in which one is constantly aware of the Deity abiding in oneself, in everything in the world, holding all the world in him, identical with existence and yet supremely beyond the world—but in the world too one sees, hears, feels nothing but him, so that the very senses bear witness to him alone—….” Letters on Yoga

"There are, we might say, two beings in us, one on the surface, our ordinary exterior mind, life, body consciousness, another behind the veil, an inner mind, an inner life, an inner physical consciousness constituting another or inner self. This inner self once awake opens in its turn to our true real eternal self. It opens inwardly to the soul, called in the language of this yoga the psychic being which supports our successive births and at each birth assumes a new mind, life and body. It opens above to the Self or Spirit which is unborn and by conscious recovery of it we transcend the changing personality and achieve freedom and full mastery over our nature.” Letters on Yoga

“There are, we might say, two beings in us, one on the surface, our ordinary exterior mind, life, body consciousness, another behind the veil, an inner mind, an inner life, an inner physical consciousness constituting another or inner self. This inner self once awake opens in its turn to our true real eternal self. It opens inwardly to the soul, called in the language of this yoga the psychic being which supports our successive births and at each birth assumes a new mind, life and body. It opens above to the Self or Spirit which is unborn and by conscious recovery of it we transcend the changing personality and achieve freedom and full mastery over our nature.” Letters on Yoga

“There is an inner vision that opens when one does sadhana and all sorts of images rise before it or pass. Their coming does not depend upon your thought or will; it is real and automatic. Just as your physical eyes see things in the physical world, so the inner eyes see things and images that belong to the other worlds and subtle images of things of this physical world also.” Letters on Yoga

"There is a rhythm in everything unheard by the physical ear and by that rhythm things exist.” Letters on Yoga*

“There is a rhythm in everything unheard by the physical ear and by that rhythm things exist.” Letters on Yoga

There is no sufTicient utility in fasting, since the higher energy and receptivity ought to come not by artificial or physical means but by intensity of the consciousness and strong will for the saclliana.

The rough handling and careless breaking or waste and mis- use of physical things is a denial of the yogic consciousness and a great hindrance to the bringing down of the Pivine Truth to the materia! plane.

“These are not mental images. There is an inner vision that opens when one does sadhana and all sorts of images rise before it or pass. Their coming does not depend upon your thought or will; it is real and automatic. Just as your physical eyes see things in the physical world, so the inner eyes see things and images that belong to the other worlds and subtle images of things of this physical world also.” Letters on Yoga

"The serpent is the symbol of energy — especially of the Kundalini Shakti which is the divine Force coiled up in the lowest (physical) centre, Muladhara, and when it rises it goes up through the spine and joins the higher consciousness above.” Letters on Yoga

“The serpent is the symbol of energy—especially of the Kundalini Shakti which is the divine Force coiled up in the lowest (physical) centre, Muladhara, and when it rises it goes up through the spine and joins the higher consciousness above.” Letters on Yoga

"The serpent with the six hoods is the Kundalini Shakti, the divine power asleep in the lowest physical centre which, awakened in the yoga, ascends in light through the opening centres to meet the Divine in the highest centre and so connect the manifest and the unmanifested, joining spirit and Matter.” Letters on Yoga*

“The serpent with the six hoods is the Kundalini Shakti, the divine power asleep in the lowest physical centre which, awakened in the yoga, ascends in light through the opening centres to meet the Divine in the highest centre and so connect the manifest and the unmanifested, joining spirit and Matter.” Letters on Yoga

“… the soul is at first but a spark and then a little flame of godhead burning in the midst of a great darkness; for the most part it is veiled in its inner sanctum and to reveal itself it has to call on the mind, the life-force and the physical consciousness and persuade them, as best they can, to express it; ordinarily, it succeeds at most in suffusing their outwardness with its inner light and modifying with its purifying fineness their dark obscurities or their coarser mixture. Even when there is a formed psychic being able to express itself with some directness in life, it is still in all but a few a smaller portion of the being—‘no bigger in the mass of the body than the thumb of a man’ was the image used by the ancient seers—and it is not always able to prevail against the obscurity or ignorant smallness of the physical consciousness, the mistaken surenesses of the mind or the arrogance and vehemence of the vital nature.” The Synthesis of Yoga

:::   "The soul or psyche is immutable only in the sense that it contains all the possibilities of the Divine within it, but it has to evolve them and in its evolution it assumes the form of a developing psychic individual evolving in the manifestation the individual Prakriti and taking part in the evolution. It is the spark of the Divine Fire that grows behind the mind, vital and physical by means of the psychic being until it is able to transform the Prakriti of Ignorance into a Prakriti of Knowledge.” *Letters on Yoga

“The soul or psyche is immutable only in the sense that it contains all the possibilities of the Divine within it, but it has to evolve them and in its evolution it assumes the form of a developing psychic individual evolving in the manifestation the individual Prakriti and taking part in the evolution. It is the spark of the Divine Fire that grows behind the mind, vital and physical by means of the psychic being until it is able to transform the Prakriti of Ignorance into a Prakriti of Knowledge.” Letters on Yoga

The spiritual element is the need of the being for contact, merging, union wth its own highest and uhole sell and source of being and consciousness and bliss, the Ditinc. These two are two sides of the same thing. The mind, vital, physical can be the supports and recipients of this lose, but they can be fully that only when they become remoulded in harmony with the psychic and spiritual elements of the being and no longer bring in the lower insistences of the ego.

The strongest attitude to take is to regard these things as what they really are ::: incursions of dark forces from outside taking advantage of certain openings in the physical mind or the vital part, but not a real part of oneself or spontaneous creation in one’s own nature. To create a confusion and darkness in the physical mind and to throw into it or awake in it mistaken ideas, dark thoughts, false impressions is a favourite method of these assailants, and if they can get the support of this mind from over-confidence in its own correctness or the natural rightness of its impressions and inferences, then they can have a field-day until the true mind reasserts itself and blows the clouds away.

“The subconscient is a concealed and unexpressed inarticulate consciousness which works below all our conscious physical activities. Just as what we call the superconscient is really a higher consciousness above from which things descend into the being, so the subconscient is below the body-consciousness and things come up into the physical, the vital and the mind-nature from there.

“The subconscient is a thing of habits and memories and repeats persistently or whenever it can old suppressed reactions, reflexes, mental, vital or physical responses. It must be trained by a still more persistent insistence of the higher parts of the being to give up its old responses and take on the new and true ones.” Letters on Yoga

“The sub-conscious is the evolutionary basis in us, it is not the whole of our hidden nature, nor is it the whole origin of what we are. But things can rise smaller vital and physical instincts, movements, habits, character-forms has this source.” Letters on Yoga

"The subliminal self stands behind and supports the whole superficial man; it has in it a larger and more efficient mind behind the surface mind, a larger and more powerful vital behind the surface vital, a subtler and freer physical consciousness behind the surface bodily existence. And above them it opens to higher superconscient as well as below them to lower subconscient ranges.” Letters on Yoga

“The subliminal self stands behind and supports the whole superficial man; it has in it a larger and more efficient mind behind the surface mind, a larger and more powerful vital behind the surface vital, a subtler and freer physical consciousness behind the surface bodily existence. And above them it opens to higher superconscient as well as below them to lower subconscient ranges.” Letters on Yoga

“The terminology of Yoga recognises besides the status of our physical and vital being, termed the gross body and doubly composed of the food sheath and the vital vehicle, besides the status of our mental being, termed the subtle body and singly composed of the mind sheath or mental vehicle, a third, supreme and divine status of supra-mental being, termed the causal body and composed of a fourth and a fifth vehicle which are described as those of knowledge and bliss.” The Synthesis of Yoga

The theory of the Mantra is that it is a word of power bom out of the secret depths of our being where it has been brooded upon by a deeper consciousness than the mental, framed In the heart and not constructed by the intellect, held in the mind, again concentrated on by the waking mental consciousness and then thrown out silently or vocally — the silent word is perhaps held to be more potent than the spoken — precisely for the work of creation. The Mantra can not only Create new subjective states in ourselves, alter our p^chical being, reveal knowledge and faculties we did not before possess, can not only produce similar results in other minds than that of the user, but can pro- duce vibrations in the mental and vital atmosphere which result in effects, in actions and even in the production of material forms on the physical place. ’

"The theory of the Mantra is that it is a word of power born out of the secret depths of our being where it has been brooded upon by a deeper consciousness than the mental, framed in the heart and not constructed by the intellect, held in the mind, again concentrated on by the waking mental consciousness and then thrown out silently or vocally — the silent word is perhaps held to be more potent than the spoken — precisely for the work of creation. The Mantra can not only create new subjective states in ourselves, alter our psychical being, reveal knowledge and faculties we did not before possess, can not only produce similar results in other minds than that of the user, but can produce vibrations in the mental and vital atmosphere which result in effects, in actions and even in the production of material forms on the physical plane.” The Upanishads

“The theory of the Mantra is that it is a word of power born out of the secret depths of our being where it has been brooded upon by a deeper consciousness than the mental, framed in the heart and not constructed by the intellect, held in the mind, again concentrated on by the waking mental consciousness and then thrown out silently or vocally—the silent word is perhaps held to be more potent than the spoken—precisely for the work of creation. The Mantra can not only create new subjective states in ourselves, alter our psychical being, reveal knowledge and faculties we did not before possess, can not only produce similar results in other minds than that of the user, but can produce vibrations in the mental and vital atmosphere which result in effects, in actions and even in the production of material forms on the physical plane.” The Upanishads

“The theory of the Mantra is that it is a word of power born out of the secret depths of our being where it has been brooded upon by a deeper consciousness than the mental, framed in the heart and not constructed by the intellect, held in the mind, again concentrated on by the waking mental consciousness and then thrown out silently or vocally—the silent word is perhaps held to be more potent than the spoken—precisely for the work of creation. The Mantra can not only create new subjective states in ourselves, alter our psychical being, reveal knowledge and faculties we did not before possess, can not only produce similar results in other minds than that of the user, but can produce vibrations in the mentaland vital atmosphere which result ineffects, in actions and even in theproduction of material forms on the physical plane.” The Upanishads

::: "The true physical mind is the receiving and externalising intelligence which has two functions — first, to work upon external things and give them a mental order with a way of practically dealing with them and, secondly, to be the channel of materialising and putting into effect whatever the thinking and dynamic mind sends down to it for the purpose.” Letters on Yoga

“The true physical mind is the receiving and externalising intelligence which has two functions—first, to work upon external things and give them a mental order with a way of practically dealing with them and, secondly, to be the channel of materialising and putting into effect whatever the thinking and dynamic mind sends down to it for the purpose.” Letters on Yoga

:::   "The true emptiness is the beginning of what I call in the Arya ‘sama ‘ — the rest, calm, peace of the eternal Self — which has finally to replace tamas, the physical inertia. Tamas is the degradation of sama , as rajas is the degradation of Tapas, the Divine Force.” *Letters on Yoga

“The true emptiness is the beginning of what I call in the Arya ‘sama ‘—the rest, calm, peace of the eternal Self—which has finally to replace tamas, the physical inertia. Tamas is the degradation of sama , as rajas is the degradation of Tapas, the Divine Force.” Letters on Yoga

The true love for the Divine is a self-giving, free of demand, full of submission and surrender ; it makes no claim, imposes no condition, strikes no bargain, indulges in no violences of jealousy or pride or anger — for these things arc not in its composition. In return the Divine Mother also gives herself, but freely — and this represents itself in an inner giving — hei presence in your mind, your vital, your physical consciousness, her power recreating you in the divine nature, taking up aU the move'ments of your being and Erecting them towards perfection and fulfilment, her love enveloping you and carrying you in its arms Godwards.

"The universe is not merely a mathematical formula for working out the relation of certain mental abstractions called numbers and principles to arrive in the end at a zero or a void unit, neither is it merely a physical operation embodying a certain equation of forces. It is the delight of a Self-lover, the play of a Child, the endless self-multiplication of a Poet intoxicated with the rapture of His own power of endless creation.” The Supramental Manifestation

“The universe is not merely a mathematical formula for working out the relation of certain mental abstractions called numbers and principles to arrive in the end at a zero or a void unit, neither is it merely a physical operation embodying a certain equation of forces. It is the delight of a Self-lover, the play of a Child, the endless self-multiplication of a Poet intoxicated with the rapture of His own power of endless creation.” The Supramental Manifestation

  The vast body of salt water that covers three fourths of the surface of the globe. 2. A vast expanse or quantity. (Sri Aurobindo also employs the word as an adj. in this sense.) Ocean, ocean’s, oceans, ocean-silence, ocean-ecstasy, world-ocean’s. adj. 3. Of or pertaining to the ocean in its natural and physical relations. Also fig.

The weakness of Hatha Yoga is that its laborious and difficult processes make so great a demand on the time and energy and impose so complete a severance from the ordinary life of men that the utilisation of its results for the life of the world becomes either impracticable or is extraordinarily restricted. The physical results, increased vitality, prolonged youth, health, longevity are of small avail if they must be held by us as misers of ourselves apart from the common life for their own sake, not utilised, not thrown into the common sura of the world’s activity. Hatha

"The whole energy of the soul is not at play in the physical body and life, the secret powers of mind are not awake in it, the bodily and nervous energies predominate. But all the while the supreme energy is there, asleep; it is said to be coiled up and slumbering like a snake, — therefore it is called the kundalinî sakti, — in the lowest of the chakras, in the mûlâdhâra. When by Pranayama the division between the upper and lower prana currents in the body is dissolved, this Kundalini is struck and awakened, it uncoils itself and begins to rise upward like a fiery serpent breaking open each lotus as it ascends until the Shakti meets the Purusha in the brahmarandhra in a deep samadhi of union.” The Synthesis of Yoga

“The whole energy of the soul is not at play in the physical body and life, the secret powers of mind are not awake in it, the bodily and nervous energies predominate. But all the while the supreme energy is there, asleep; it is said to be coiled up and slumbering like a snake,—therefore it is called the kundalinî sakti,—in the lowest of the chakras, in the mûlâdhâra. When by Pranayama the division between the upper and lower prana currents in the body is dissolved, this Kundalini is struck and awakened, it uncoils itself and begins to rise upward like a fiery serpent breaking open each lotus as it ascends until the Shakti meets the Purusha in the brahmarandhra in a deep samadhi of union.” The Synthesis of Yoga

"The whole nature of man is to become more than himself. He was the man-animal, he has become more than the animal man. He is the thinker, the craftsman, the seeker after beauty. He shall be more than the thinker, he shall be the seer of knowledge; he shall be more than the craftsman, he shall be the creator and master of his creation; he shall be more than the seeker of beauty, for he shall enjoy all beauty and all delight. Physical he seeks for this immortal substance; vital he seeks after immortal life and the infinite power of his being; mental and partial in knowledge, he seeks after the whole light and the utter vision.

“The whole nature of man is to become more than himself. He was the man-animal, he has become more than the animal man. He is the thinker, the craftsman, the seeker after beauty. He shall be more than the thinker, he shall be the seer of knowledge; he shall be more than the craftsman, he shall be the creator and master of his creation; he shall be more than the seeker of beauty, for he shall enjoy all beauty and all delight. Physical he seeks for this immortal substance; vital he seeks after immortal life and the infinite power of his being; mental and partial in knowledge, he seeks after the whole light and the utter vision.

"The word ‘physical mind" is rather ambiguous, because it can mean this externalising Mind and the mental in the physical taken together.” Letters on Yoga*

“The word ‘physical mind’ is rather ambiguous, because it can mean this externalising Mind and the mental in the physical taken together.” Letters on Yoga

“The word soul is very vaguely used in English—as it often refers to the whole non-physical consciousness including even the vital with all its desires and passions. That was why the word psychic being has to be used so as to distinguish this divine portion from the instrumental parts of the nature.” Letters on Yoga

The world of the Asuras is prior to the evolution, so are the worlds of the mental, vital or subtle-physical Devas — but these beings are different from each other. The great Gods belong to the Overmind plane ::: in the Supennind they are unified as aspects of the Divine, in the Overmind they appear as separate personali- ties. Any godhead can descend by emanation to the physical plane and associate himself with the evolution of a human being with whose line of manlfestion he is in affinity.

“This arrangement of the psychic body is reproduced in the physical with the spinal column as a rod and the ganglionic centres as the chakras which rise up from the bottom of the column, where the lowest is attached, to the brain and find their summit in the brahmarandhra at the top of the skull. These chakras or lotuses, however, are in physical man closed or only partly open, with the consequence that only such powers and only so much of them are active in him as are sufficient for his ordinary physical life, and so much mind and soul only is at play as will accord with its need. This is the real reason, looked at from the mechanical point of view, why the embodied soul seems so dependent on the bodily and nervous life,—though the dependence is neither so complete nor so real as it seems. The whole energy of the soul is not at play in the physical body and life, the secret powers of mind are not awake in it, the bodily and nervous energies predominate. But all the while the supreme energy is there, asleep; it is said to be coiled up and slumbering like a snake,—therefore it is called the kundalinî sakti,—in the lowest of the chakras, in the mûlâdhâra.” The Synthesis of Yoga

This is the Diwne seen around us and on our own physical plane. But he may reveal himself above. We see or feel him as a high-lifted Presence, a great infinite of Ananda above us,

This movement as it proceeds opens up the six centres of the subtle nervous system and by the opening one escapes from the limitations of the surface consciousness bound to the gross body and great ranges of experiences proper to the subliminal self, mental, vitalj subtle physical, are shown to the sadhaka. When the Kundalini meets the higher Consciousness as it ascends through the summit of the head, there is an opening of the higher superconscient reaches above the normal mind. It is by ascend- ing through these in our consciousness and receiring a descent of their energies that it is possible ultimately to reach the Super- mind. This is the method of the Tantra. In our Yoga it is not necessary to go through the sysiemaihed method. It takes place spontaneously according to the need by the force of the aspira- tion. As soon as (here is an openmg the Divine Power descends and conducts the necessary working, does what is needed, each thing in its time and the Consciousness begins to be bom

This tenn inner is used in l«o different senses. Sometimes it denotes the consciousness behind the veil of the outer being, the mental or vital or physical within, which is in direct touch with the universal mind, the universal life-forces, universal phy- sical forces. Sometimes, on the other hand, we mean an inmost mental, vital, phyucal, more specifically called the true mind, the true vital, the true physical consciousness which is nearer to the soul and can most easily and directly respond to the

.Thus the soul or psychic essence, which is the Purusha entering into the evolution and supporting it, carries in itself all the divine potentialities ; but the individual psychic being which it puts forth as its representative assumes the imperfection of Nature and evolves in it till it has recovered its full psychic essence and united itself with the Self above of which the soul is the individual projection in the evolution. This duality in the being on all its planes, — for it is true in different ways not only of the Self and the psychic, but of the mental, vital and physical

"To live and act under control or according to a standard of what is right — not to allow the vital or the physical to do whatever they like and not to let the mind run about according to its fancy without truth or order. Also to obey those who ought to be obeyed.” Letters on Yoga

“To live and act under control or according to a standard of what is right—not to allow the vital or the physical to do whatever they like and not to let the mind run about according to its fancy without truth or order. Also to obey those who ought to be obeyed.” Letters on Yoga

torment ::: n. 1. An action that causes great pain, suffering, or anguish; torture. 2. A state of great physical pain or mental torture; anguish. v. 3. To annoy, pester, or harass. tormented, tormenting, torment-craft.

torpor ::: 1. A state of mental or physical inactivity or insensibility. 2. A state of lethargy; apathy. 3. The dormant, inactive state of a hibernating or estivating animal.

torture ::: n. 1. Infliction of severe physical pain as a means of punishment, coercion or malevolent purpose. 2. Excruciating physical or mental pain; agony. self-torture. *v. *3. To bring great physical or mental pain upon another. tortures.

torturing ::: that causes excruciating physical or mental pain.

"To the mystic there is no such thing as an abstraction. Everything which to the intellectual mind is abstract has a concreteness, substantiality which is more real than the sensible form of an object or of a physical event.” Letters on Savitri*

“To the mystic there is no such thing as an abstraction. Everything which to the intellectual mind is abstract has a concreteness, substantiality which is more real than the sensible form of an object or of a physical event.” Letters on Savitri

Transfonnaiion of inertia ::: Tamas is to be transformed into sama, the peace and the rest of the higher Prakrit!, and then filled with tapas and jyoti.^ But this can only be done com- pletely in the physical when the physical is fully transformed by the Supramental Power.

triple heavens ::: Sri Aurobindo: "Vishnu is the wide-moving one. He is that which has gone abroad — as it is put in the language of the Isha Upanishad, sa paryagât, — triply extending himself as Seer, Thinker and Former, in the superconscient Bliss, in the heaven of mind, in the earth of the physical consciousness, tredhâ vicakramânah. In those three strides he has measured out, he has formed in all their extension the earthly worlds; for in the Vedic idea the material world which we inhabit is only one of several steps leading to and supporting the vital and mental worlds beyond. In those strides he supports upon the earth and mid-world, — the earth the material, the mid-world the vital realms of Vayu, Lord of the dynamic Life-principle, — the triple heaven and its three luminous summits, trîni rocanâ. These heavens the Rishi describes as the higher seat of the fulfilling. Earth, the mid-world and heaven are the triple place of the conscious being"s progressive self-fulfilling, trishadhastha, earth the lower seat, the vital world the middle, heaven the higher. All these are contained in the threefold movement of Vishnu.” The Secret of the Veda

truth ::: “Science started on the assumption that the ultimate truth must be physical and objective—and the objective Ultimate (or even less than that) would explain all subjective phenomena. Yoga proceeds on the opposite view that the ultimate Truth is spiritual and subjective and it is in that ultimate Light that we must view objective phenomena.” Letters on Yoga

Types of illnesses ::: An illness which comes in the ordinary course as the result of physical causes — even though adverse universal forces are the first cause — is an ordinary illness. One brought by the forces hostile to yoga to upset the system and prevent or disturb progress — without any adequate physical reason — is a hostile attack. It may have the appearance of a cold or other illness, but to the eye which sees the action of the forces and not only the outward symptoms or results, the diHerence is clear.

unconsciousness ::: “What we call unconsciousness is simply other-consciousness; it is the going in of this surface wave of our mental awareness of outer objects into our subliminal self-awareness and into our awareness too of other planes of existence. We are really no more unconscious when we are asleep or stunned or drugged or ``dead’’ or in any other state, than when we are plunged in inner thought oblivious of our physical selves and our surroundings. For anyone who has advanced even a little way in Yoga, this is a most elementary proposition and one which offers no difficulty whatever to the thought because it is proved at every point by experience.” The Synthesis of Yoga

violence ::: 1. Swift and intense force. 2. Rough or injurious physical force, action, or treatment.

“Vishnu is the wide-moving one. He is that which has gone abroad—as it is put in the language of the Isha Upanishad, sa paryagât,—triply extending himself as Seer, Thinker and Former, in the superconscient Bliss, in the heaven of mind, in the earth of the physical consciousness, tredhâ vicakramânah. In those three strides he has measured out, he has formed in all their extension the earthly worlds; for in the Vedic idea the material world which we inhabit is only one of several steps leading to and supporting the vital and mental worlds beyond. In those strides he supports upon the earth and mid-world,—the earth the material, the mid-world the vital realms of Vayu, Lord of the dynamic Life-principle,—the triple heaven and its three luminous summits, trîni rocanâ. These heavens the Rishi describes as the higher seat of the fulfilling. Earth, the mid-world and heaven are the triple place of the conscious being’s progressive self-fulfilling, trishadhastha, earth the lower seat, the vital world the middle, heaven the higher. All these are contained in the threefold movement of Vishnu.” The Secret of the Veda

weak ::: 1. Lacking firmness of character or strength of will. 2. Lacking physical strength, energy, or vigour; feeble. 3. Likely to fail under pressure, stress, or strain; lacking resistance; fragile. (Also used as a n.) weaker.

weariness ::: temporary loss of strength and energy resulting from hard physical or mental work.

"We arrive then necessarily at this conclusion that human birth is a term at which the soul must arrive in a long succession of rebirths and that it has had for its previous and preparatory terms in the succession the lower forms of life upon earth; it has passed through the whole chain that life has strung in the physical universe on the basis of the body, the physical principle.” The Life Divine

“We arrive then necessarily at this conclusion that human birth is a term at which the soul must arrive in a long succession of rebirths and that it has had for its previous and preparatory terms in the succession the lower forms of life upon earth; it has passed through the whole chain that life has strung in the physical universe on the basis of the body, the physical principle.” The Life Divine

weary ::: adj. 1. Physically or mentally fatigued. 2. Impatient or dissatisfied with something (often followed by of). 3. Causing fatigue; tiresome. wearily. v. 4. To become exhausted tired through overuse or great strain or stress.

"We. . . become conscious, in our physical movements, in our nervous and vital reactions, in our mental workings, of a Force greater than body, mind and life which takes hold of our limited instruments and drives all their motion. There is no longer the sense of ourselves moving, thinking or feeling but of that moving, feeling and thinking in us. This force that we feel is the universal Force of the Divine, which, veiled or unveiled, acting directly or permitting the use of its powers by beings in the cosmos, is the one Energy that alone exists and alone makes universal or individual action possible. For this force is the Divine itself in the body of its power; all is that, power of act, power of thought and knowledge, power of mastery and enjoyment, power of love.” The Synthesis of Yoga

“We. . . become conscious, in our physical movements, in our nervous and vital reactions, in our mental workings, of a Force greater than body, mind and life which takes hold of our limited instruments and drives all their motion. There is no longer the sense of ourselves moving, thinking or feeling but of that moving, feeling and thinking in us. This force that we feel is the universal Force of the Divine, which, veiled or unveiled, acting directly or permitting the use of its powers by beings in the cosmos, is the one Energy that alone exists and alone makes universal or individual action possible. For this force is the Divine itself in the body of its power; all is that, power of act, power of thought and knowledge, power of mastery and enjoyment, power of love.” The Synthesis of Yoga

"We might say then that there are three elements in the totality of our being: there is the submental and the subconscient which appears to us as if it were inconscient, comprising the material basis and a good part of our life and body; there is the subliminal, which comprises the inner being, taken in its entirety of inner mind, inner life, inner physical with the soul or psychic entity supporting them; there is this waking consciousness which the subliminal and the subconscient throw up on the surface, a wave of their secret surge. But even this is not an adequate account of what we are; for there is not only something deep within behind our normal self-awareness, but something also high above it: that too is ourselves, other than our surface mental personality, but not outside our true self; that too is a country of our spirit. For the subliminal proper is no more than the inner being on the level of the Knowledge-Ignorance luminous, powerful and extended indeed beyond the poor conception of our waking mind, but still not the supreme or the whole sense of our being, not its ultimate mystery.” The Life Divine

“We might say then that there are three elements in the totality of our being: there is the submental and the subconscient which appears to us as if it were inconscient, comprising the material basis and a good part of our life and body; there is the subliminal, which comprises the inner being, taken in its entirety of inner mind, inner life, inner physical with the soul or psychic entity supporting them; there is this waking consciousness which the subliminal and the subconscient throw up on the surface, a wave of their secret surge. But even this is not an adequate account of what we are; for there is not only something deep within behind our normal self-awareness, but something also high above it: that too is ourselves, other than our surface mental personality, but not outside our true self; that too is a country of our spirit. For the subliminal proper is no more than the inner being on the level of the Knowledge-Ignorance luminous, powerful and extended indeed beyond the poor conception of our waking mind, but still not the supreme or the whole sense of our being, not its ultimate mystery.” The Life Divine

". . . what is this strongly separative self-experience that we call ego? It is nothing fundamentally real in itself but only a practical constitution of our consciousness devised to centralise the activities of Nature in us. We perceive a formation of mental, physical, vital experience which distinguishes itself from the rest of being, and that is what we think of as ourselves in nature — this individualisation of being in becoming. We then proceed to conceive of ourselves as something which has thus individualised itself and only exists so long as it is individualised, — a temporary or at least a temporal becoming; or else we conceive of ourselves as someone who supports or causes the individualisation, an immortal being perhaps but limited by its individuality. This perception and this conception constitute our ego-sense.” The Life Divine

“… what is this strongly separative self-experience that we call ego? It is nothing fundamentally real in itself but only a practical constitution of our consciousness devised to centralise the activities of Nature in us. We perceive a formation of mental, physical, vital experience which distinguishes itself from the rest of being, and that is what we think of as ourselves in nature—this individualisation of being in becoming. We then proceed to conceive of ourselves as something which has thus individualised itself and only exists so long as it is individualised,—a temporary or at least a temporal becoming; or else we conceive of ourselves as someone who supports or causes the individualisation, an immortal being perhaps but limited by its individuality. This perception and this conception constitute our ego-sense.” The Life Divine

When it is golden red it mc.ins Ute same modified Supramcntal- physical Light, — the Light of Divine Truth in the physical. The golden red light has a strong iransformiog power.

When the physical consciousness prevails, often one does not feel any signs or effect even if the experiences are there.

When the physical consdousness has been sensilivised, too much or heavy food becomes offensive to it.

"When the Peace is established, this higher or Divine Force from above can descend and work in us. It descends usually first into the head and liberates the inner mind centres, then into the heart centre and liberates fully the psychic and emotional being, then into the navel and other vital centres and liberates the inner vital, then into the Muladhara and below and liberates the inner physical being. It works at the same time for perfection as well as liberation; it takes up the whole nature part by part and deals with it, rejecting what has to be rejected, sublimating what has to be sublimated, creating what has to be created. It integrates, harmonises, establishes a new rhythm in the nature. It can bring down too a higher and yet higher force and range of the higher nature until, if that be the aim of the sadhana, it becomes possible to bring down the supramental force and existence. All this is prepared, assisted, farthered by the work of the psychic being in the heart centre; the more it is open, in front, active, the quicker, safer, easier the working of the Force can be. The more love and bhakti and surrender grow in the heart, the more rapid and perfect becomes the evolution of the sadhana. For the descent and transformation imply at the same time an increasing contact and union with the Divine.” Letters on Yoga

“When the Peace is established, this higher or Divine Force from above can descend and work in us. It descends usually first into the head and liberates the inner mind centres, then into the heart centre and liberates fully the psychic and emotional being, then into the navel and other vital centres and liberates the inner vital, then into the Muladhara and below and liberates the inner physical being. It works at the same time for perfection as well as liberation; it takes up the whole nature part by part and deals with it, rejecting what has to be rejected, sublimating what has to be sublimated, creating what has to be created. It integrates, harmonises, establishes a new rhythm in the nature. It can bring down too a higher and yet higher force and range of the higher nature until, if that be the aim of the sadhana, it becomes possible to bring down the supramental force and existence. All this is prepared, assisted, farthered by the work of the psychic being in the heart centre; the more it is open, in front, active, the quicker, safer, easier the working of the Force can be. The more love and bhakti and surrender grow in the heart, the more rapid and perfect becomes the evolution of the sadhana. For the descent and transformation imply at the same time an increasing contact and union with the Divine.” Letters on Yoga

"When the Peace is established, this higher or Divine Force from above can descend and work in us. It descends usually first into the head and liberates the inner mind centres, then into the heart centre and liberates fully the psychic and emotional being, then into the navel and other vital centres and liberates the inner vital, then into the Muladhara and below and liberates the inner physical being. It works at the same time for perfection as well as liberation; it takes up the whole nature part by part and deals with it, rejecting what has to be rejected, sublimating what has to be sublimated, creating what has to be created.” Letters on Yoga

“When the Peace is established, this higher or Divine Force from above can descend and work in us. It descends usually first into the head and liberates the inner mind centres, then into the heart centre and liberates fully the psychic and emotional being, then into the navel and other vital centres and liberates the inner vital, then into the Muladhara and below and liberates the inner physical being. It works at the same time for perfection as well as liberation; it takes up the whole nature part by part and deals with it, rejecting what has to be rejected, sublimating what has to be sublimated, creating what has to be created.” Letters on Yoga

When the resistance in the body is too strong and persistent, it can help to take some aid of physical means as an instru- mentation for the Force to work more directly on the body itself ; for the body then feels itself supported against the resistance from both sides, by means physical as well as supra-

"When we see with the inner vision and sense and not with the physical eye a tree or other object, what we become aware of is an infinite one Reality constituting the tree or object, pervading its every atom and molecule, forming them out of itself, building the whole nature, process of becoming, operation of indwelling energy; all of these are itself, are this infinite, this Reality: we see it extending indivisibly and uniting all objects so that none is really separate from it or quite separate from other objects. ‘It stands," says the Gita, ‘undivided in beings and yet as if divided." Thus each object is that Infinite and one in essential being with all other objects that are also forms and names, — powers, numens, — of the Infinite.” The Life Divine

“When we see with the inner vision and sense and not with the physical eye a tree or other object, what we become aware of is an infinite one Reality constituting the tree or object, pervading its every atom and molecule, forming them out of itself, building the whole nature, process of becoming, operation of indwelling energy; all of these are itself, are this infinite, this Reality: we see it extending indivisibly and uniting all objects so that none is really separate from it or quite separate from other objects. ‘It stands,’ says the Gita, ‘undivided in beings and yet as if divided.’ Thus each object is that Infinite and one in essential being with all other objects that are also forms and names,—powers, numens,—of the Infinite.” The Life Divine

Wideness and calmness are the foundation of the yogic cons- ciousness and the best condition for inner growth and experi- ence. If a wide calm can be established in the physical cons- ciousness, occupying and filling the very body and all its cells, that can become (he basis for its transformation ; in fact, with- out this wideness and calmness (he transformation is hardly possible.

"Wideness and calmness are the foundation of the yogic consciousness and the best condition for inner growth and experience. If a wide calm can be established in the physical consciousness, occupying and filling the very body and all its cells, that can become the basis for its transformation; in fact, without this wideness and calmness the transformation is hardly possible.” Letters on Yoga*

“Wideness and calmness are the foundation of the yogic consciousness and the best condition for inner growth and experience. If a wide calm can be established in the physical consciousness, occupying and filling the very body and all its cells, that can become the basis for its transformation; in fact, without this wideness and calmness the transformation is hardly possible.” Letters on Yoga

Will to illness ::: There is something in the body that accepts the illness and has certain reactions that make this acceptance effective ; so there must be a contrary will in the conscious parts of the being to get rid of this most physical acceptance.

with the reality of the inner self and the inner planes. It is a mistake to think that we lire physically only, with the outer mind and life. We are all the time living and acting on other planes of consciousness, meeting others there and acting upon them, and what we do and feel and think there, the forces we gather, the results we prepare have an incalculable importance and effect, unknown to us, upon our outer life.

Word ::: “The word is a sound expression of the idea. In the supra-physical plane when an idea has to be realised, one can by repeating the word-expression of it, produce vibrations which prepare the mind for the realisation of the idea. That is the principle of the Mantras and of Japa. One repeats the name of the Divine and the vibrations created in the consciousness prepare the realisation of the Divine. It is the same idea that is expressed in the Bible: ‘God said, Let there be Light, and there was Light’. It is creation by the Word.” The Future Poetry

You must learn to stand back from the physical pain or uneasi- ness and localise it. If you can do that and do it completely, the pain or uneasiness itself will be more easily and quietly removed and you will not be overpowered. You can see that the Force has the power to lake away the pains.

QUOTES [283 / 283 - 1500 / 11211]

KEYS (10k)

  142 Sri Aurobindo
   39 The Mother
   4 Sri Aurobindo
   4 Sri Ramakrishna
   3 Peter J Carroll
   3 Manly P Hall
   3 M Alan Kazlev
   3 Joseph Campbell
   2 Nikola Tesla
   2 Ken Wilber
   2 Howard Gardner
   2 Gabor Mate
   2 Sri Ramana Maharshi
   2 Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
   2 Jorge Luis Borges
   2 Aleister Crowley
   2 ?
   1 William James
   1 Wikipedia
   1 Vivekananda
   1 they are not all bad. Those devils have been my angels. Without them I would never have disappeared into language
   1 The Hashish Eater
   1 Sylvia Plath
   1 Swami Rama
   1 Swami Brahmananda
   1 Swami Akhandananda
   1 Stephen Hawking
   1 six hours
   1 Satprem
   1 SATM?
   1 Samuel Taylor Coleridge
   1 Samael Aun Weor
   1 Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina
   1 Ronald Decker and Thierry Depaulis and Michael Dummett
   1 Rodney Collin
   1 Richard P Feynman
   1 R Buckminster Fuller
   1 Ramesh Balsekar
   1 Pavel Florensky
   1 Patanjali : Aphroisms.II. 12
   1 Nolini Kanta Gupta
   1 Maximus the Confessor
   1 Mahatma Gandhi
   1 Leonard Susskind
   1  Leonard Adleman
   1 Karol Wojtyla to Henri de Lubac
   1 Julian Huxley
   1 Jigme Lingpa
   1 James Clerk Maxwell
   1 Israel Regardie
   1 Integral Yoga; Sri Aurobindo's Teaching and Method of Practice
   1 id
   1 Horace
   1 Hermes
   1 Henry David Thoreau
   1 Haruki Murakami
   1 Georges Van Vrekhem
   1 Gabriel Marcel
   1 Fred Rogers
   1 Eugene Paul Wigner
   1 Erwin Schrodinger
   1 Eliphas Levi
   1 Edward Haskell
   1 Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
   1 Charles Darwin
   1 Carlyle
   1 Carl Jung
   1 Bhagavad-Gita
   1  Bertrand Russell
   1 Awaghosha
   1 Antoine the Healer
   1 Anthony Robbins
   1 Alice Bailey
   1 Alice A. Bailey
   1 Alfred Korzybski
   1 Albert Einstein
   1 Saint Thomas Aquinas
   1 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
   1 A B Purani


   32 Frederick Lenz
   19 Anonymous
   11 Haruki Murakami
   11 Deepak Chopra
   10 Sri Aurobindo
   9 Mahatma Gandhi
   8 Swami Vivekananda
   7 Dalai Lama
   6 Stephen Hawking
   6 Edgar Cayce
   6 Bessel A van der Kolk
   5 Wayne Dyer
   5 R Buckminster Fuller
   5 Mehmet Murat ildan
   5 Leo Tolstoy
   5 John Green
   5 B K S Iyengar
   5 Ayn Rand
   4 The Mother
   4 Marshall McLuhan

1:Guru is not the physical form. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
2:Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
3:If you don't know how to say no, your body will say it for you through physical illnesses. ~ Gabor Mate,
4:The physical world is only a reflection of the spiritual. ~ Antoine the Healer, the Eternal Wisdom
5:Learn to make demands upon yourself. This is the secret. But it applies to all sides of oneself - physical, emotional, mental. ~ Rodney Collin,
6:Few aspire for the higher things! They are attracted by physical beauty, money, honor, and titles. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
7:For the physical plane the work always repeated is the foundation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II, Work and Yoga,
8:There can be no physical life without an order and rhythm. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II, Practical Concerns in Work,
9:The vital and physical life, a human edition of the animal round. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle, Civilisation and Culture,
10:Rely on the Mother always. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - III, Experiences on the Subtle Physical, Vital and Mental Planes,
11:What gives the force and joy of the work is however not physical but vital. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II, Work and Yoga,
12:The physical consciousness is constitutionally ignorant. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV, Difficulties of the Physical Nature,
13:As one sun illumines all this world, so the conscious Idea illumines all the physical field. ~ Bhagavad-Gita, the Eternal Wisdom
14:Mental faith is not sufficient; it must be completed and enforced by a vital and even a physical faith, a faith of the body. ~ The Mother,
15:Mathematics is a language plus reasoning; it is like a language plus logic. Mathematics is a tool for reasoning. ~ Richard P Feynman, The Character of Physical Law,
16:The idea is a mighty force, even when it has no physical power behind it. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Karmayogin: The Right of Association, Speech,
17:All the physical senses have their corresponding powers in the psychical being. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Supramental Sense,
18:Birth is the first spiritual mystery of the physical universe, death is the second. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, The Philosophy of Rebirth,
19:Sri Aurobindo is in the subtle physical, you can meet him when you sleep, if you know how to go there.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother I, [T1],
20:Though egotism is beheaded in the perfected soul, its vitality is left to make them carry on the functions of physical life. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
21:There is a consciousness in each physical thing with which one can communicate. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II, Practical Concerns in Work,
22:Consciousness cannot be accounted for in physical terms. For consciousness is absolutely fundamental. It cannot be accounted for in terms of anything else. ~ Erwin Schrodinger,
23:Man is a spirit, but a spirit that lives as a mental being in physical Nature. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Ladder of Self-Transcendence,
24:The luminous zone that envelops the blue flame of the candle is the subtle body, and the outermost edge represents the physical body. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
25:Guru is not the physical form. So the contact will remain even after the physical form of the Guru vanishes. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi, Day by Day, 9-3-46,
26:You have got to cultivate all the three - hands, head and heart. The word 'hands' stands for physical labour; the 'head' for intellect and by 'heart' is meant love. ~ Swami Akhandananda,
27:The supraphysical is as real as the physical; to know it is part of a complete knowledge. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, Reality and the Integral Knowledge,
28:Physics is mathematical not because we know so much about the physical world, but because we know so little; it is only its mathematical properties that we can discover. ~ Bertrand Russell,
29:It is the physical that fears and abhors suffering, but the vital takes it as part of the play of life. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV, Sorrow and Suffering,
30:Physical science may give clues of process, but cannot lay hold on the reality of things. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays in Philosophy and Yoga, Rebirth and Soul Evolution,
31:There is an obscure mind and life even in the cells of the body, the stones or in molecules and atoms. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - I, The Physical Consciousness,
32:It is by the process of repeated impressions that consciousness was made to manifest in matter. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV, Difficulties of the Physical Nature,
33:The entire conquest of the body comes in fact by the conquest of the physical life-energy. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Release from Subjection to the Body,
34:The eye is not able to perceive physical objects without light, nor can the intellect receive spiritual contemplation apart from the knowledge of God. ~ Maximus the Confessor, Ambiguum 10.27 [1156b],
35:Pain and discomfort come from a physical consciousness not forceful enough to determine its own reaction to things. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV, Illness and Health,
36:Science gives us the objective truth of existence and the superficial knowledge of our physical and vital being. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Lower Triple Purusha,
37:Pain is caused because the physical consciousness in the Ignorance is too limited to bear the touches that come upon it. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV, Illness and Health,
38:Illusion (World)
When one is living in the physical mind, the only way to escape from it is by imagination. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - III, Experiences and Realisations,
39:The bondage does not consist in the physical act of becoming, but in the persistence of the ignorant sense of the separate ego. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Isha Upanishad, Conclusion and Summary,
40:A certain moderation is needed even in the eagerness for progress—moderation, not indifference or indolence. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV, Difficulties of the Physical Nature,
41:The material world and the physical life exist for us only by virtue of our internal self and our internal life. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Kena and Other Upanishads, The Subject of the Upanishad,
42:The peace and spontaneous knowledge are in the psychic being and from there they spread to mind and vital and physical. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV, Levels of the Physical Being,
43:A beginner shouldn't meditate and do japa excessively, foregoing sleep in the process. Meditation, japa, physical work and studying the scriptures should all be done gradually in a regulated way. ~ MATA AMRITANANDAMAYI,
44:To ascend is easier than to bring down; the higher consciousness gets entangled and impeded in the physical and the mind and vital. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - III, Ascent and Descent,
45:Whosoever comes to birth in God, is delivered from the physical sensations, recognises the different elements which compose it and enjoys a perfect happiness. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
46:Such difficulties are root and product of both physical and mental workings; they produce their fruits alike in the visible and invisible. ~ Patanjali : Aphroisms.II. 12, the Eternal Wisdom
47:We have the choice; it depends on us to choose the good or the evil by our own will. The choice of evil draws us to our physical nature and subjects us to fate. ~ Horace, the Eternal Wisdom
48:Barbarism is the state of society in which man is almost entirely preoccupied with his life and body, his economic and physical existence. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle, Civilisation and Culture,
49:Can the very physical cells of one's body have more aspiration than the rest of the being?

   It is quite possible as the 'sadhana' is done now in the body itself.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II,
50:Material energy in Matter, physical energy in the body, essential energy in the essence, all that in its entirety is God and in the universe there is nothing which is not God. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
51:There is only one aim to be followed, the increase of the Peace, Light, Power and the growth of a new consciousness in the being. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV, Difficulties of the Physical Nature,
52:To become an Initiate, one has to endure a "magical ritual", in which, the soul is momentarily liberated... and can contemplate, on one side, ones physical-animal life, and on the other side, ones spiritual life... ~ Samael Aun Weor,
53:The laws of this world as it is are the laws of the Ignorance and the Divine in the world maintains them so long as there is the Ignorance. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV, The Physical Mind and Sadhana,
54:Providing it is taken in its metaphysical and not its physical sense, the distinction between the *full* and the *empty* seems to me more fundamental than that between the *one* and the *many.* ~ Gabriel Marcel, 'The Ontological Mystery',
55:In order to be unattached one must be unattached everywhere, in the mental, vital, physical action and not only in the silent soul somewhere inside. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - I, The Sankhya-Yoga System,
56:The physical body is therefore a basis of action, pratiṣṭhā, which cannot be despised, neglected or excluded from the spiritual evolution. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Elements of Perfection,
57:Physical nature is slow and inert and unwilling to change; its tendency is to be still and take long periods of time for a little progress. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV, The Transformation of the Physical,
58:Physical troubles always come as lessons to teach equality and to reveal what in us is pure and luminous enough to remain unaffected. It is in equality that one finds the remedy. An important point: equality does not mean indifference.
   ~ ?,
59:When you are exposed to any trial, be it physical or moral, bodily or spiritual, the best remedy is the thought of him who is our life, and not think of the one without joining to it the thought of the other. ~ Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina,
60:On the physical plane the Divine expresses himself through beauty, on the mental plane through knowledge, on the vital plane through power and on the psychic plane through love.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother III,
61:The physical is an obstinate obstacle, but it must be enlightened, persuaded, pressed even to change, but not oppressed or violently driven. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV, The Transformation of the Physical,
62:The plan of the human form is one, yet no two human beings are precisely alike in their physical characteristics. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle, Nature's Law in Our Progress - Unity in Diversity, Law and Liberty,
63:The words of language, as they are written or spoken, do not seem to play any role in my mechanism of thought. The physical entities which seem to serve as elements in thought are certain signs and more or less clear images. ~ Albert Einstein,
64:Perfection is the true aim of all culture, the spiritual and psychic, the mental, the vital and it must be the aim of our physical culture also. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays in Philosophy and Yoga, Perfection of the Body,
65:All would change if man could once consent to be spiritualised; but his nature mental and vital and physical is rebellious to the higher law. He loves his imperfections. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays In Philosophy And Yoga,
66:Ours is still a world in which ideals can only be imposed if they have a preponderating vital and physical force in their hands or at their backs. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle, The Principle of Free Confederation,
67:Our subjective being is the basis of our objective experience, and it is not probable that only its physical objectivisations are true and the rest unreliable. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, The Order of the Worlds,
68:It is not true that physical work is of an inferior value to mental culture, it is the arrogance of the intellect that makes the claim. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV, The Hostile Forces and the Difficulties of Yoga,
69:When you learn a lesson, you have to repeat it till the physical mind gets hold of it—otherwise it does not become a part of consciousness. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - III, Variations in the Intensity of Experience,
70:Philosophy is only a way of formulating to ourselves intellectually in their essential significance the psychological and physical facts of existence and their relation to any ultimate reality that may exist. ~ Sri Aurobindo,
71:Any final recoil from the physical life must be a turning away from the completeness of the divine Wisdom and a renunciation of its aim in earthly manifestation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Three Steps of Nature,
72:And by sleep the human example teaches us that we mean not a suspension of consciousness, but its gathering inward away from conscious physical response to the impacts of external things. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 1.10-14,
73:When I was a boy I used to think that strong meant having big muscles, great physical power; but the longer I live, the more I realize that real strength has much more to do with what is not seen. Real strength has to do with helping others." ~ Fred Rogers,
74:The body is not only the necessary outer instrument of the physical part of action, but for the purposes of this life a base or pedestal also for all inner action. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Power of the Instruments,
75:If the root of a tree is medicinal, then the fruit will be medicine. But if the root is poisonous, then the fruit will be poison. Likewise, positive and negative qualities come from one's motivation, and not from one's physical actions in themselves. ~ Jigme Lingpa,
76:As an apparent entity, man does not live his life but is being lived, like a puppet on strings. All his attempts to "live his life", are nothing more than reactions to impulses, engendered by psycho-physical conditions, over which he has no control. ~ Ramesh Balsekar,
77:One goal of alchemy, the transmutation of base substances into gold, is now known to be impossible by chemical means but possible by physical means. Although not financially worthwhile, Gold was synthesized in particle accelerators as early as 1941. ~ Wikipedia, Alchemy,
78:In a manifestation in Time new realities can emerge, truths of being not yet realised can put forth their possibilities and become actual in the physical and terrestrial existence. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, Reality and the Cosmic Illusion,
79:It is, I suppose, the image of Sri Krishna as Lord of the divine Love and Ananda - and his flute calls the physical being to awake out of the attachments of the physical world and turn to that Love and Ananda.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - I,
80:Realize that your world is only a reflection of yourself and stop finding fault with the reflection. Attend to yourself, set yourself right; mentally and emotionally. The physical self will follow automatically.
   ~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj,
81:The Guru should not be looked upon as an ordinary human being. His physical body is the temple, in which resides the Lord. If the Guru is served with this idea in mind, one comes to acquire love and devotion for him, which can then be directed toward the Lord. ~ Swami Brahmananda,
82:To catch the boundless in a net of birth,
To cast the spirit into physical form,
To lend speech and thought to the Ineffable; ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, 02.06,
83:Physics is becoming so unbelievably complex that it is taking longer and longer to train a physicist. It is taking so long, in fact, to train a physicist to the place where he understands the nature of physical problems that he is already too old to solve them. ~ Eugene Paul Wigner,
84:Science at its limits, even physical Science, is compelled to perceive in the end the infinite, the universal, the spirit, the divine intelligence and will in the material universe. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Higher and the Lower Knowledge,
85:The Spirit has made itself Matter in order to place itself there as an instrument for the well-being and joy, yogakṣema, of created beings, for a self. offering of universal physical utility and service. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, The Gnostic Being,
86:I am with you because I am you or you are me.
   I am with you, that signifies a world of things, because I am with you on all levels, on all planes, from the supreme consciousness down to my most physical consciousness. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother I, [T4],
87:In that fair subtle realm behind our own
The form is all, and physical gods are kings.
The inspiring Light plays in fine boundaries;
A faultless beauty comes by Nature's grace; ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Kingdom of Subtle Matter,
88:Drugs cure the body when they do not merely trouble or poison it, but only if their physical attack on the disease is supported by the force of the spirit; if that force can be made to work freely, drugs are superfluous.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays Divine And Human,
89:When the will and energy are concentrated and used to control the mind, vital and physical and change them or to bring down the higher consciousness or for any other Yogic purpose or high purpose, that is called Tapasya.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - II, 102?,
90:The passion of pity with its impure elements of physical repulsion and emotional inability to bear the suffering of others has to be rejected and replaced by the higher divine compassion. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Release from the Heart and the Mind,
91:Last night, we (you and I and some others) were together for quite a long time in the permanent dwelling-place of Sri Aurobindo which exists in the subtle physical (what Sri Aurobindo called the true physical).
   1 February 1963 ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother I, [T1],
92:The rough handling and careless breaking or waste and misuse of physical things is a denial of the Yogic Consciousness and a great hindrance to the bringing down of the Divine Truth to the material plane. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II, Practical Concerns in Work,
93:As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives.
   ~ Henry David Thoreau,
94:That life which has passed thro spiritual regeneration will last for ever. It is of the spirit, & not subject to destruction or decay. The law of physical regeneration is the law of physical change, but the law of spiritual regeneration brings about thor change of human life ~ SWAMI TRIGUNATITANANDA,
95:The more you are preoccupied by your own physical aging, the more anxious you will become. Do not worry so much about your physical appearance. Concentrate, rather, on not wasting your life. Practise the Dharma. The more you engage in it, the more your satisfaction will grow. ~ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche,
96:There are five ways in which men are different. The first way is by sex, which Paul excludes when he says, there cannot be male and female, because men and women do not differ in mind, but in their physical sex ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (Commentary on Colossians 3, lect. 2).,
97:The red lotus is the flower of Sri Aurobindo, but specially for his centenary we shall choose the blue lotus, which is the colour of his physical aura, to symbolise the centenary of the manifestation of the Supreme upon earth. 21 December 1971
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother I,
98:Knowledge of the way is not enough - one must tread it, or if one cannot do that, allow oneself to be carried along it. The human vital and physical external nature resist to the very end, but if the soul has once heard the call, it arrives, sooner or later. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - II,
99:It's not all bad. Heightened self-consciousness, apartness, an inability to join in, physical shame and self-loathing~they are not all bad. Those devils have been my angels. Without them I would never have disappeared into language, literature, the mind, laughter and all the mad intensities that made and unmade me. ~ Stephen Fry,
100:I can never read all the books I want; I can never be all the people I want and live all the lives I want. I can never train myself in all the skills I want. And why do I want? I want to live and feel all the shades, tones and variations of mental and physical experience possible in life. And I am horribly limited. ~ Sylvia Plath,
101:A book is a physical object in a world of physical objects. It is a set of dead symbols. And then the right reader comes along, and the words-or rather the poetry behind the words, for the words themselves are mere symbols-spring to life, and we have a resurrection of the word.
   ~ Jorge Luis Borges,
102:Destiny is an absolutely definite and inexorable ruler. Physical ability and moral determination count for nothing. It is impossible to perform the simplest act when the gods say "no." I have no idea how they bring pressure to bear on such occasions; I only know that it is irresistible. ~ Aleister Crowley,
103:Doubt, sorrow, dejection, wrath, despair, all these demons lie in wait for a man and as soon as he leads an idle life, they attack; the surest protection against them is assiduous physical labour. As soon as a man sets himself to this task, no demon can approach him or do more than growl from a distance. ~ Carlyle, the Eternal Wisdom
104:But not the utter vision and delight.
A veil is kept, something is still held back,
Lest, captives of the beauty and the joy,
Our souls forget to the Highest to aspire.
In that fair subtle realm behind our own
The form is all, and physical gods are kings.
~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Kingdom of Subtle Matter,
105:Sri Aurobindo is constantly in the subtle physical, very active there. I see him almost daily, and last night I spent many hours with him.
   If you become conscious in the subtle physical you will surely meet him, it is what he called the true physical - it has nothing to do with the psychic. 21 December 1969
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother I, [T1],
106:It is no doubt as you say, [1] but that is always the difficulty of the physical consciousness until it has been enlightened from within.
   [1] The correspondent wrote that although she wanted to get rid of her desires, confusions and wrong movements, the outward, physical part of her being wanted to hold on to them.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - IV,
107:From the point of view of action (physical action), it is the will: you must work and build up an unshakable will. From the intellectual point of view, you must work and build up a power of concentration which nothing can shake. And if you have both, concentration and will, you will be a genius and nothing will resist you.
   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1953, [T4],
108:O Mother, what should I do? I am completely unconscious. Mother, where are You?

   In your psychic being - I am always present there. It is there that you can find me and must find me, and when you have found me there, in the depths of your heart, you will also recognise me in my physical form. 31 October 1934
   ~ The Mother, More Answers From The Mother, [T0],
109:The very same brain centers that interpret and feel physical pain also become activated during experiences of emotional rejection. In brain scans, they light up in response to social ostracism, just as they would when triggered by physically harmful stimuli. When people speak of feeling hurt or of having emotional pain, they are not being abstract or poetic, but scientifically quite precise. ~ Gabor Mate,
110:Occultism is in its essence man's effort to arrive at a knowledge of secret truths and potentialities of Nature which will lift him out of slavery to his physical limits of being, an attempt in particular to possess and organise the mysterious, occult, outwardly still undeveloped direct power of Mind upon Life and of both Mind and Life over Matter. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine,
111:Full Circle argues that scientific specialization has destroyed those concepts and values crucial to the survival and regeneration of Western democracy. These values are boldly restated as an assembly of the sciences - physical, biological, and psycho-social - within a single system, the periodic coordinate system of Unified Science, modelled on Leibniz's Universal Characteristic..... ~ Edward Haskell, Full Circle,
112:Any physical theory is always provisional, in the sense that it is only a hypothesis; you can never prove it. No matter how many times the results of experiments agree with some theory, you can never be sure that the next time the result will not contradict the theory. On the other hand, you can disprove a theory by finding even a single observation that disagrees with the predictions of the theory. ~ Stephen Hawking,
113:conditions of the psychic opening :::
The realisation of the psychic being, its awakening and the bringing of it in front depend mainly on the extent to which one can develop a personal relation with the Divine, a relation of Bhakti, love, reliance, self-giving, rejection of the insistences of the separating and self-asserting mental, vital and physical ego. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - III,
114:The research for physical immortality proceeds from a misunderstanding of the traditional teaching. On the contrary, the basic problem is: to enlarge the pupil of the eye, so that the body with its attendant personality will no longer obstruct the view. Immortality is then experienced as a present fact: "It is here! It is here!" [165]
[165] A Tantric aphorism. ~ Joseph Campbell, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, The Ultimate Boon,
115:Psychic life in the universe is a work of the divine Grace. Psychic growth is a work of the divine Grace and the ultimate power of the psychic being over the physical-being will also be a result of the divine Grace. And the mind, if it wants to be at all useful, has only to remain very quiet, as quiet as it can, because if it meddles in it, it is sure to spoil everything.
   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1955,
116:The worlds beyond exist: they have their universal rhythm, their grand lines and formations, their self-existent laws and mighty energies, their just and luminous means of knowledge. And here on our physical existence and in our physical body they exercise their influences; here also they organise their means of manifestation and commission their messengers and their witnesses. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, 1.03,
117:All division in the being is an insincerity. The greatest insincerity is to dig an abyss between your body and the truth of your being. When an abyss separates the true being from the physical being, Nature fills it up immediately with all kinds of adverse suggestions, the most formidable of which is fear, and the most pernicious, doubt. Allow nothing anywhere to deny the truth of your being - this is sincerity. ~ The Mother,
118:The Divine Grace and Power can do anything, but with the full assent of the sadhak.
   To learn to give the full assent, is the whole meaning of the sadhana. It may take time either because of ideas in the mind, desires in the vital or inertia in the physical consciousness, but these things have to be and can be removed with the aid or by calling in the action of the Divine Force.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - II, [T9],
119:The soul of each man contains the potential divinity. Our aim must be to make apparent this divinity within us by subduing our inner and outer nature. Attain to him by works or by adoration, by physical mastery, by philosophy, by one, by several or by all of these methods and be free. That is the whole of religion. Doctrines, dogmas, rituals, books, temples, forms are only secondary details. ~ Vivekananda, the Eternal Wisdom
120:Lila (pronounced Leela) is the play of creation. To awakened consciousness, the entire universe. With all its joys and sorrows, pleasures and pains, appears as a divine game, sport, or drama. It is a play in which the one Consciousness performs all the roles. Alluding to this lila of the Divine Mother the physical universe is a "mansion of mirth." ~ Sri Ramakrishna, in Selections from The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna (2005), p. 130
121:To be in full union with the Divine is the final aim. When one has some kind of constant union, one can be called a yogi, but the union has to be made complete. There are yogis who have only the union on the spiritual plane, others who are united in mind and heart, others in the vital also. In our yoga our aim is to be united too in the physical consciousness and on the supramental plane.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - II, [T2],
122:In the growth into a divine life the spirit must be our first preoccupation; until we have revealed and evolved it in our self out of its mental, vital, physical wrappings and disguises, extricated it with patience from our own body, as the Upanishad puts it, until we have built up in ourselves an inner life of the spirit, it is obvious that no outer divine living can become possible. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, 2.28 - The Divine Life,
123:powers of freedom from subjection to the body :::
   By a similar process the habit by which the bodily nature associates certain forms and degrees of activity with strain, fatigue, incapacity can be rectified and the power, freedom, swiftness, effectiveness of the work whether physical or mental which can be done with this bodily instrument marvelously increased, doubled, tripled, decupled.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Renunciation, 346,
124:There comes a time in the growth of every living individual thing when it realizes with dawning consciousness that it is a prisoner. While apparently free to move and have its being, the struggling life cognizes through ever greater vehicles its own limitations. It is at this point that man cries out with greater insistence to be liberated from the binding ties which, though invisible to mortal eyes, still chain him with bonds far more terrible than those of any physical prison. ~ Manly P Hall,
125:Our sense by its incapacity has invented darkness. In truth there is nothing but Light, only it is a power of light either above or below our poor human vision's limited range.

For do not imagine that light is created by the Suns. The Suns are only physical concentrations of Light, but the splendour they concentrate for us is self-born and everywhere.

God is everywhere and wherever God is, there is Light. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays Divine And Human,
126:The presence of the Spirit is there in every living being, on every level, in all things, and because it is there, the experience of Sachchidananda, of the pure spiritual existence and consciousness, of the delight of a divine presence, closeness, contact can be acquired through the mind or the heart or the life-sense or even through the physical consciousness; if the inner doors are flung sufficiently open, the light from the sanctuary can suffuse the nearest and the farthest chambers of the outer being. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine
127:Divine Mother, I want to realise Your Presence in all the parts of my being, penetrating even the body - only I don't know how to do it. You are the very reason of my being; why then do I live now without feeling Your Presence even in the cells of my body?

   The physical nature is obscure and recalcitrant everywhere; it is very difficult for it to become conscious of the divine Presence. That is why we must be patient and keep on aspiring with the certitude of Victory. My blessings are always with you.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II,
128:Mother, Some people criticise the fact that we have too many rules in our physical education and that we impose too much discipline on the children.
   There can be no physical education without discipline. The body itself could not function without a strict discipline. Actually, the failure to recognise this fact is the principal cause of illness. Digestion, growth, blood-circulation, everything, everything is a discipline. Thought, movement, gestures, everything is a discipline, and if there is no discipline people immediately fall ill.
   ~ The Mother, On Education,
129:The miraculous or extraordinary powers acquired by Yogis on the vital plane are not all true in the physical. There are many pit-falls in the vital. These vital powers take up even a man like Hitler and make him do things by suggesting to him - "It shall happen". There are quite a number of cases of Sadhaks who have lost their Sadhana by listening to these voices from the vital-world. And the humour of it all is that they all say that they come either from the Mother or from me! ~ Sri Aurobindo, EVENING TALKS WITH SRI AUROBINDO, RECORDED BY A B PURANI (page no-614),
130:The connection between you and the Mother is there and has always existed. Inside it is very evident and, when you are in the psychic condition, that which is inside begins to work. It is only the physical mind that suggests the idea to the contrary because outward circumstances are still inharmonious and unfavourable. Do not allow these suggestions to sway you. Seek the connection within you in your psychic being; then even through the outward circumstances it will shine out and change all into oneness.
5 June 1936 ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Mother With Letters On The Mother,
131:Has the subconscient accepted the Higher Consciousness?

   If the subconscient were to accept the Consciousness, it would no longer be the subconscient, it would become consciousness. I think that you mean: has the subconscient submitted to the rule, to the law of the higher Consciousness? This is not done as a whole, for the subconscient is vast and complex; there is a mental subconscient, a vital subconscient, a physical subconscient, a bodily subconscient. We have to wrest the subconscient fragment by fragment from its ignorant and inert...
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II,
132:Faith in its essence is a light in the soul which turns towards the truth even when the mind doubts or the vital revolts or the physical consciousness denies it. When this extends itself to the instruments, it becomes a fixed belief in the mind, a sort of inner knowledge which resists all apparent denial by circumstances or appearances, a complete confidence, trust, adhesion in the vital and in the physical consciousness, an invariable clinging to the truth in which one has faith even when all is dark around and no cause of hope seems to be there. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - II,
133:When a nation which has long groaned under the intolerable yoke of a tyrant rises at last and throws off its chains, do you call that weakness? The man who, to rescue his house from the flames, finds his physical strength redoubled, so that he lifts burdens with ease which in the absence of excitement he could scarcely move; he who under the rage of an insult attacks and puts to flight half a score of his enemies,-are such persons to be called weak? My good friend, if resistance be strength, how can the highest degree of resistance be a weakness? ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
134:Hence, as more individuals are produced than can possibly survive, there must in every case be a struggle for existence, either one individual with another of the same species, or with the individuals of distinct species, or with the physical conditions of life. It is the doctrine of Malthus applied with manifold force to the whole animal and vegetable kingdoms; for in this case there can be no artificial increase of food, and no prudential restraint from marriage. Although some species may be now increasing, more or less rapidly, in numbers, all cannot do so, for the world would not hold them. ~ Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species,
135:It is the peace you feel - the peace that is taking little by little hold of the inner being - that has to deepen and strengthen itself till it can take hold of the physical also. When it can do that, the externalised physical consciousness will feel it no longer alien to itself. The Peace will enable the Force and Light to enter also into the physical and the true understanding will come there too and remove the sense of distance and difference. That is how the Yoga force always works in principle - but the more the quietude, the more rapidly and surely it will work. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - IV?,
136:The word is a sound expressive of the idea. In the supra-physical plane when an idea has to be realised, one can by repeating the word-expression of it, produce vibrations which prepare the mind for the realisation of the idea. That is the principle of the Mantra and of japa. One repeats the name of the Divine and the vibrations created in the consciousness prepare the realisation of the Divine. It is the same idea that is expressed in The Bible, God said, Let there be Light, and there was Light. It is creation by the Word.  6 May 1933 ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Poetry And Art, - Creation by the Word / 2.3.02 - Mantra and Japa,
137:aspiration and dryness :::
Naturally, the more one-pointed the aspiration the swifter the progress. The difficulty comes when either the vital with its desires or the physical with its past habitual movements comes in - as they do with almost everyone. It is then that the dryness and difficulty of spontaneous aspiration come. This dryness is a well-known obstacle in all sadhana. But one has to persist and not be discouraged. If one keeps the will fixed even in these barren periods, they pass and after their passage a greater force of aspiration and experience becomes possible. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - II,
138:Apart from the individual difficulty there is a general difficulty in the physical earth-nature. Physical nature is slow and inert and unwilling to change; its tendency is to be still and take long periods of time for a little progress. It is very difficult for even the strongest mental or vital or even psychic will to overcome this inertia. It is only by bringing down constantly the consciousness and force and light from above that it can be done. Therefore there must be a constant will and aspiration for that and for the change and it must be a steady and patient will not tired out even by the utmost resistance of the physical nature.
   ~ SATM?,
139:There are only three fundamental obstacles that can stand in the way: (1) Absence of faith or insufficient faith. (2) Egoism - the mind clinging to its own ideas, the vital preferring its own desires to a true surrender, the physical adhering to its own habits. (3) Some inertia or fundamental resistance in the consciousness, not willing to change because it is too much of an effort or because it does not want to believe in its own capacity or the power of the Divine - or for some other more subconscient reason. You have to see for yourself which of these it is.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - III, Difficulties of the Path,
140:Sciences reach a point where they become mathematized..the central issues in the field become sufficiently understood that they can be thought about mathematically..[by the early 1990s] biology was no longer the science of things that smelled funny in refrigerators (my view from undergraduate days in the 1960s)..The field was undergoing a revolution and was rapidly acquiring the depth and power previously associated exclusively with the physical sciences. Biology was now the study of information stored in DNA - strings of four letters: A, T, G, and C..and the transformations that information undergoes in the cell. There was mathematics here! ~ Leonard Adleman,
141:Therefore the coming of a spiritual age must be preceded by the appearance of an increasing number of individuals who are no longer satisfied with the normal intellectual, vital and physical existence of man, but perceive that a greater evolution is the real goal of humanity and attempt to effect it in themselves, to lead others to it and to make it the recognised goal of the race. In proportion as they succeed and to the degree to which they carry this evolution, the yet unrealised potentiality which they represent will become an actual possibility of the future.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle, The Advent and Progress of the Spiritual Age, 263,
142:Einstein's breakthrough was classic in that it sought to unify the elements of a physical analysis, and it placed the older examples and principles within a broader framework. But it was revolutionary in that, ever afterward, we have thought differently about space and time, matter and energy. Space and time-no more absolute-have become forms of intuition that cannot be divorced from perspective or consciousness, anymore than can the colors of the world or the length of a shadow. As the philosopher Ernst Cassirer commented, in relativity, the conception of constancy and absoluteness of the elements is abandoned to give permanence and necessity to the laws instead. ~ Howard Gardner,
143:There is a period, more or less prolonged, of internal effort and struggle in which the individual will has to reject the darkness and distortions of the lower nature and to put itself resolutely or vehemently on the side of the divine Light. The mental energies, the heart's emotions, the vital desires, the very physical being have to be compelled into the right attitude or trained to admit and answer to the right influences. It is only then, only when this has been truly done, that the surrender of the lower to the higher can be effected, because the sacrifice has become acceptable.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Four Aids, 61, [T0],
144:But if human mind can become capable of the glories of the divine Light, human emotion and sensibility can be transformed into the mould and assume the measure and movement of the supreme Bliss, human action not only represent but feel itself to be the motion of a divine and non-egoistic Force and the physical substance of our being suffiently partake of the purity of the supernal essence, suffiently unify plasticity and durable constancy to support and prolong these highest experiences and agencies, then all the long labour of Nature will end in a crowning justification and her evolutions reveal their profound significance.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga,
145:The intermediate zone means simply a confused condition or passage in which one is getting out of the personal consciousness and opening into the cosmic (cosmic Mind, cosmic vital, cosmic physical, something perhaps of the cosmic higherMind) without having yet transcended the human mind levels. One is not in possession of or direct contact with the divine Truth on its own levels, but one can receive something from them, even from the Overmind, indirectly.Only, as one is still immersed in the cosmic Ignorance, all that comes from above can be mixed, perverted, taken hold of for their purposes by lower, even by hostile Powers.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Himself And The Ashram, 118,
146:There is always some tendency to looseness, forgetfulness and inattention in the physical consciousness. One has to be very vigilant and careful to prevent this tendency having its way. There are many [defects of the physical consciousness] - but mainly obscurity, inertia, tamas, a passive acceptance of the play of wrong forces, inability to change, attachment to habits, lack of plasticity, forgetfulness, loss of experiences or realisations gained, unwillingness to accept the Light or to follow it, incapacity (through tamas or through attachment or through passive reaction to accustomed forces) to do what it admits to be the Right and the Best.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - IV,
147:It is an inertia of the physical consciousness which allows these desires to come and does not react against the suggestions; it is that also which responds to the pains and suggestion of illness. But you must not accept the suggestion that you cannot react and be free, - the physical consciousness itself cannot as yet, but the will can if it is called on to act and made accustomed to act always. Not the struggling will, but a quiet will insisting on the quietude of the mind and vital and insisting on the rejection of these adverse things. That would soon prove sufficient to hold the ground for the Peace and Force to act and they would do the rest.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - IV,
148:The physical form of a magical weapon is no more than a convenient handle or anchor for its aetheric form.
The Sword and Pentacle are weapons of analysis and synthesis respectively. Upon the pentacle aetheric forms, images, and powers are assembled when the magical will and perception vitalize the imagination. The magician may create hundreds of pentacles in the course of his sorceries, yet there is a virtue in having a general purpose weapon of this class, for its power increases with use, and it can be employed as an altar for the consecration of lesser pentacles. For many operations of an evocatory type, the pentacle is placed on the cup and the conjuration performed with the wand. ~ Peter J Carroll, Liber Null,
149:I am again feeling that depression, but I cannot find out its cause. I feel a burning pain inside me and then some part in me becomes very hostile. There is also some inertia in the nature.

These are the two difficulties, one of the vital dissatisfaction and restlessness, the other of the inertia of the physical consciousness which are the chief obstacles to the sadhana. The first thing to do is to keep detached from them, not to identify yourself mentally with these movements - even if you cannot reject them - next to call on the Mother's force quietly but steadily for it to descend and make the obstacles disappear. 31 January 1934 ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Mother With Letters On The Mother,
150:The dream is evidently an indication of the difficulty you are experiencing. The sea is the sea of the vital nature whose flood is pursuing you (desires are the sea water) on your road of sadhana.
The Mother is there in your heart but sleeping - i.e. her power has not become conscious in your inner consciousness because she is surrounded by the thin curtain of skin (the obscurity of the physical nature). It is this (it is not thick any longer but still effective to veil her from you) which has to go so that she may awake. It is a matter of persistence in the will and the endeavour - the response from within, the awaking of the Mother in the heart will come. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - III,
151:Nobility and Refinement
Nobility: the incapacity for any pettiness either of sentiments or of action.
Aristocracy: incapable of baseness and pettiness, it asserts itself with dignity and authority.
Dignity affirms its worth, but demands nothing.
Dignity of the emotions: not to permit one's emotions to contradict the inner Divinity.
Dignity in the physical: above all bargaining.
Psychic dignity refuses to accept anything that lowers or debases.
Refinement: gradually grossness is eliminated from the being.
Sensitivity: one of the results of the refinement of the being.
Gentleness: always gracious and wishing to give pleasure. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II,
152:For it exists already as an all-revealing and all-guiding Truth of things which watches over the world and attracts mortal man, first without the knowledge of his conscious mind, by the general march of Nature, but at last consciously by a progressive awakening and self-enlargement, to his divine ascension. The ascent to the divine Life is the human journey, the Work of works, the acceptable Sacrifice. This alone is man's real business in the world and the justification of his existence, without which he would be only an insect crawling among other ephemeral insects on a speck of surface mud and water which has managed to form itself amid the appalling immensities of the physical universe.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine,
153:The contribution of the psychic being to the sadhana is: (1) love and bhakti, a love not vital, demanding and egoistic but unconditioned and without claims, self-existent; (2) the contact or the presence of the Mother within; (3) the unerring guidance from within; (4) a quieting and purification of the mind, vital and physical consciousness by their subjection to the psychic influence and guidance; (5) the opening up of all this lower consciousness to the higher spiritual consciousness above for its descent into a nature prepared to receive it with a complete receptivity and right attitude - for the psychic brings in everything, right thought, right perception, right feeling, right attitude. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - III,
154:In Malkus, the lowest of the Sephiros, the sphere of the physical world of matter, wherein incarnate the exiled Neschamos from the Divine Palace, there abides the Shechinah, the spiritual Presence of Ain Soph as a heritage to mankind and an ever-present reminder of spiritual verities. That is why there is written " Keser is in Malkus, and Malkus is in Keser, though after another manner The Zohar would imply that the real Shechinah, the real Divine Presence, is allocated to Binah whence it never descends, but that the Shechinah in Malkus is an eidolon or Daughter of the Great Supernal Mother. Isaac Myer suggests that : " It is considered by Qabalists as the executive energy or power of Binah, the Holy Spirit or the Upper Mother." ~ Israel Regardie, A Garden of Pomegrantes,
155:It depends on what is meant by the higher buddhi - whether you use the word to mean the higher part of the intellect or the higher Mind. The higher Mind in itself on its own level knows, but when it is involved in the ordinary human intelligence and works under limitations, it often does not know - or it has the idea merely that it must be so but has not the consciousness of its separate existence. The intellect can rise above its ordinary movements and feel itself as a separate power no longer working under the limitations of the vital and physical mind and the senses. It then begins to reflect something of the action of the higher mind but without the full freedom and greater light and truth of the higher mind.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - I,
156:At one stage in the initiation procedure, Christian tells us...the postulant climbs down an iron ladder, with seventy-eight rungs, and enters a hall on either side of which are twelve statues, and, between each pair of statues, a painting. These twenty-two paintings, he is told, are Arcana or symbolic hieroglyphs; the Science of Will, the principle of all wisdom and source of all power, is contained in them. Each corresponds to a "letter of the sacred language" and to a number, and each expresses a reality of the divine world, a reality of the intellectual world and a reality of the physical world. The secret meanings of these twenty-two Arcana are then expounded to him. ~ Ronald Decker and Thierry Depaulis and Michael Dummett, A Wicked Pack of Cards - The Origins of the Occult Tarot,
157:The cup can be regarded as an aetheric receptacle for the magical perception. Of all the weapons, it is the one least likely to resemble the physical object whose name it bears, although actual cups of ink or blood are sometimes used. For some, the cup exists as a mirror, a shew stone, a state of trance, a tarot pack, a mandala, a state of dreaming, or a feeling that just comes to them. These things often act as devices for preoccupying oneself with something else, so that magical perceptions can surface unhindered by discursive thought and imagination. Part of the power that is built up in them can be likened to self-fascination. The cup weapon acquires an autohypnotic quality and provides a doorway through which the perception has access to other realms.
   ~ Peter J Carroll, Liber Null,
   Mother, I would like to know from you if it is good for me to devote more time to meditation than I am doing at present. I spend about two hours, morning and evening together. I am as yet not quite successful in meditation. My physical mind disturbs me a lot. I pray to you that it may become quiet and my psychic being may come out. It is so painful to find the mind working like a mad machine and the heart sleeping like a stone. Mother, let me feel your presence within my heart always.


The increase of time given to meditation is not very useful unless the urge for meditation comes spontaneously from inside and not from any arbitrary decision of the mind.
   My help, love and blessings are always with you.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II,
159:Systematic study of chemical and physical phenomena has been carried on for many generations and these two sciences now include: (1) knowledge of an enormous number of facts; (2) a large body of natural laws; (3) many fertile working hypotheses respecting the causes and regularities of natural phenomena; and finally (4) many helpful theories held subject to correction by further testing of the hypotheses giving rise to them. When a subject is spoken of as a science, it is understood to include all of the above mentioned parts. Facts alone do not constitute a science any more than a pile of stones constitutes a house, not even do facts and laws alone; there must be facts, hypotheses, theories and laws before the subject is entitled to the rank of a science. ~ Alfred Korzybski, Manhood of Humanity,
160:But it is evident that all analogies of this kind depend on principles of a more fundamental nature; and that, if we had a true mathematical classification of quantities, we should be able at once to detect the analogy between any system of quantities presented to us and other systems of quantities in known sciences, so that we should lose no time in availing ourselves of the mathematical labors of those who had already solved problems essentially the same. [...] At the same time, I think that the progress of science, both in the way of discovery, and in the way of diffusion, would be greatly aided if more attention were paid in a direct way to the classification of quantities. ~ James Clerk Maxwell, Remarks on the mathematical classification of physical quantities, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 1871,
161:I have read your account of your sadhana. There is nothing to say, I think, - for it is all right - except that the most important thing for you is to develop the psychic fire in the heart and the aspiration for the psychic being to come forward as the leader of the sadhana. When the psychic does so, it will show you the 'undetected ego-knots' of which you speak and loosen them or burn them in the psychic fire. This psychic development and the psychic change of mind, vital and physical consciousness is of the utmost importance because it makes safe and easy the descent of the higher consciousness and the spiritual transformation without which the supramental must always remain far distant. Powers etc. have their place, but a very minor one so long as this is not done.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - III,
162:Seek ye first the kingdom of Heaven and its righteousness, and all other things shall be added unto you." The alchemist, therefore is assured that if he achieved the inner mystery, the fulfillment of the outer part will be inevitable. But practically every charlatan in alchemy has determined primarily to achieve the physical purpose first. His primary interest has been to make gold, or perhaps one of the other aspects of it, such as a medicine against illness. He has wanted the physical effect first but because the physical effect was not intended to be first, when he starts to study and explore the various texts, he comes upon a dilemma, HIS OWN INTERNAL RESOURCES CANNOT DISCOVER THE CORRECT INSTRUCTIONS. The words may be there but the meaning eludes him because the meaning is not part of his own present spiritual integrity. ~ Manly P Hall,
163:It is only when after long and persistent concentration or by other means the veil of the mind is rent or swept aside, only when a flood of light breaks over the awakened mentality, jyotirmaya brahman, and conception gives place to a knowledge-vision in which the Self is as present, real, concrete as a physical object to the physical eye, that we possess in knowledge; for we have seen. After that revelation, whatever fadings of the light, whatever periods of darkness may afflict the soul, it can never irretrievably lose what it has once held. The experience is inevitably renewed and must become more frequent till it is constant; when and how soon depends on the devotion and persistence with which we insist on the path and besiege by our will or our love the hidden Deity.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, [305],
164:The thunderbolt (vajra) is one of the major symbols in Buddhist iconography, signifying the spiritual power of Buddhahood (indestructible enlightenment) which shatters the illusory realities of the world. The Absolute, or Adi Buddha, is represented in the images of Tibet as Vajra-Dhara (Tibetan: Dorje-Chang) "Holder of the Adamantine Bolt.
We know also that among primitive peoples warriors may speak of their weapons as thunderbolts. Sicut in coelo et in terra: the initiated warrior is an agent of the divine will; his training is not only in manual but also in spiritual skills. Magic (the supernatural power of the thunderbolt), as well as physical force and chemical poison, gives the lethal energy to his blows. A consummate master would require no physical weapon at all; the power of his magic word would suffice. ~ Joseph Campbell, The Hero with a Thousand Faces,
165:the soul alone ensures sincerity :::
   It is here that the emergence of the secret psychic being in us as the leader of the sacrifice is of the utmost importance; for this inmost being alone can bring with it the full power of the spirit in the act, the soul in the symbol. It alone can assure, even while the spiritual consciousness is incomplete, the perennial freshness and sincerity and beauty of the symbol and prevent it from becoming a dead form or a corrupted and corrupting magic; it alone can preserve for the act its power with its significance. All the other members of our being, mind, life-force, physical or body consciousness, are too much under the control of the Ignorance to be a sure instrumentation and much less can they be a guide or the source of an unerring impulse. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Ascent of the Sacrifice - 2, 166,
166:what is meant by the psychic :::
What is meant in the terminology of the yoga by the psychic is the soul element in the nature, the pure psyche or divine nucleus which stands behind mind, life and body (it is not the ego) but of which we are only dimly aware. It is a portion of the Divine and permanent from life to life, taking the experience of life through its outer instruments. As this experience grows it manifests a developing psychic personality which insisting always on the good, true and beautiful, finally becomes ready and strong enough to turn the nature towards the Divine. It can then come entirely forward, breaking through the mental, vital and physical screen, govern the instincts and transform the nature. Nature no longer imposes itself on the soul, but the soul, the Purusha, imposes its dictates on the nature. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - III,
167:potential limitation of Yogic methods :::
   But as in physical knowledge the multiplication of scientific processes has its disadvantages, as it tends, for instance, to develop a victorious artificiality which overwhelms our natural human life under a load of machinery and to purchase certain forms of freedom and mastery at the price of an increased servitude, so the preoccupation with Yogic processes and their exceptional results may have its disadvantages and losses. The Yogin tends to draw away from the common existence and lose his hold upon it; he tends to purchase wealth of spirit by an impoverishment of his human activities, the inner freedom by and outer death. If he gains God, he loses life, or if he turns his efforts outward to conquer life, he is in danger of losing God...
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Introduction - The Conditions of the Synthesis, Life and Yoga,
168:I have said that from a young age children should be taught to respect good health, physical strength and balance. The great importance of beauty must also be emphasised. A young child should aspire for beauty, not for the sake of pleasing others or winning their admiration, but for the love of beauty itself; for beauty is the ideal which all physical life must realise. Every human being has the possibility of establishing harmony among the different parts of his body and in the various movements of the body in action. Every human body that undergoes a rational method of culture from the very beginning of its existence can realise its own harmony and thus become fit to manifest beauty. When we speak of the other aspects of an integral education, we shall see what inner conditions are to be fulfilled so that this beauty can one day be manifested. ~ The Mother, On Education, Physical Education,
169:  If everything depends on the Divine intervention, then man is only a puppet and there is no use of sadhana, and there are no conditions, no law of things - therefore no universe, but only the Divine rolling things about at his pleasure. No doubt in the last resort all can be said to be the Divine cosmic working, but it is through persons, through forces that it works - under the conditions of Nature. Special intervention there can be and is, but all cannot be special intervention.

  The Divine Grace and Power can do everything, but with the full assent of the sadhak. To learn to give that full assent is the whole meaning of the sadhana. It may take time either because of ideas in the mind, desires in the vital or inertia in the physical consciousness, but these things have to be and can be removed with the aid or by calling in the action of the Divine Force. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga II, 1.4.01,
170:But if in passing from one domain to another we renounce what has already been given us from eagerness for our new attainment, if in reaching the mental life we cast away or belittle the physical life which is our basis, or if we reject the mental and physical in our attraction to the spiritual, we do not fulfil God integrally, nor satisfy the conditions of His selfmanifestation. We do not become perfect, but only shift the field of our imperfection or atmost attain a limited altitude. However high we may climb, even though it be to the Non-Being itself, we climb ill if we forget our base. Not to abandon the lower to itself, but to transfigure it in the light of the higher to which we have attained, is true divinity of nature. Brahman is integral and unifies many states of consciousness at a time; we also, manifesting the nature of Brahman, should become integral and all-embracing. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine,
171:Drugs are able to bring humans into the neighborhood of divine experience and can thus carry us up from our personal fate and the everyday circumstances of our life into a higher form of reality. It is, however, necessary to understand precisely what is meant by the use of drugs. We do not mean the purely physical craving...That of which we speak is something much higher, namely the knowledge of the possibility of the soul to enter into a lighter being, and to catch a glimpse of deeper insights and more magnificent visions of the beauty, truth, and the divine than we are normally able to spy through the cracks in our prison cell. But there are not many drugs which have the power of stilling such craving. The entire catalog, at least to the extent that research has thus far written it, may include only opium, hashish, and in rarer cases alcohol, which has enlightening effects only upon very particular characters. ~ The Hashish Eater, (1857) pg. 181
172:A silence, an entry into a wide or even immense or infinite emptiness is part of the inner spiritual experience; of this silence and void the physical mind has a certain fear, the small superficially active thinking or vital mind a shrinking from it or dislike, - for it confuses the silence with mental and vital incapacity and the void with cessation or non-existence: but this silence is the silence of the spirit which is the condition of a greater knowledge, power and bliss, and this emptiness is the emptying of the cup of our natural being, a liberation of it from its turbid contents so that it may be filled with the wine of God; it is the passage not into non-existence but to a greater existence. Even when the being turns towards cessation, it is a cessation not in non-existence but into some vast ineffable of spiritual being or the plunge into the incommunicable superconscience of the Absolute. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, 2.28 - The Divine Life,
173:For the contact of the human and individual consciousness with the divine is the very essence of Yoga. Yoga is the union of that which has become separated in the play of the universe with its own true self, origin and universality. The contact may take place at any point of the complex and intricately organised consciousness which we call our personality. It may be effected in the physical through the body; in the vital through the action of those functionings which determine the state and the experiences of our nervous being; through the mentality, whether by means of the emotional heart, the active will or the understanding mind, or more largely by a general conversion of the mental consciousness in all its activities. It may equally be accomplished through a direct awakening to the universal or transcendent Truth and Bliss by the conversion of the central ego in the mind. And according to the point of contact that we choose will be the type of the Yoga that we practise. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga,
174:Embracing a different vocabulary, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi has described a highly sought-after affective state called the flow state or flow experience. In such intrinsically motivating experiences, which can occur in any domain of activity, people report themselves as fully engaged with and absorbed by the object of their attention. In one sense, those "in flow" are not conscious of the experience at the moment; on reflection, however, such people feel that they have been fully alive, totally realized, and involved in a "peak experience." Individuals who regularly engage in creative activities often report that they seek such states; the prospect of such "periods of flow" can be so intense that individuals will exert considerable practice and effort, and even tolerate physical or psychological pain, in pursuit thereof. Committed writers may claim that they hate the time spent chained to their desks, but the thought that they would not have the opportunity to attain occasional periods of flow while writing proves devastating. ~ Howard Gardner,
175:You must make up your mind what you want. There is no harm in drawing back from all vital and physical relations and wanting only the true relation that is in fact what happens to everybody who wants the true relation the only thing kept is the universal goodwill (not vital affection) to all. But if you swing about from one mood to another then of course they will not understand and have some ground to say that they are perplexed by your variations. This matter of touching and caressing is one on which you ought to take a firm and unvarying stand. If you dont want it, you should repel it always with the utmost firmness, otherwise there will necessarily be clash and disturbance. All depends upon your inner will and establishing a unity of will in yourself turned exclusively towards the Divine.

I think I have told you that an entire physical retirement is seldom healthy, although a comparative retirement is often helpful. But the main thing is the inner detachment and complete turning to the Divine. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga IV, 2.4.2,
176:Nature may reach the same result in many ways. Like a wave in the physical world, in the infinite ocean of the medium which pervades all, so in the world of organisms, in life, an impulse started proceeds onward, at times, may be, with the speed of light, at times, again, so slowly that for ages and ages it seems to stay, passing through processes of a complexity inconceivable to men, but in all its forms, in all its stages, its energy ever and ever integrally present.
   A single ray of light from a distant star falling upon the eye of a tyrant in bygone times may have altered the course of his life, may have changed the destiny of nations, may have transformed the surface of the globe, so intricate, so inconceivably complex are the processes in Nature. In no way can we get such an overwhelming idea of the grandeur of Nature than when we consider, that in accordance with the law of the conservation of energy, throughout the Infinite, the forces are in a perfect balance, and hence the energy of a single thought may determine the motion of a universe. ~ Nikola Tesla,
177:[invocation] Let us describe the magical method of identification. The symbolic form of the god is first studied with as much care as an artist would bestow upon his model, so that a perfectly clear and unshakeable mental picture of the god is presented to the mind. Similarly, the attributes of the god are enshrined in speech, and such speeches are committed perfectly to memory. The invocation will then begin with a prayer to the god, commemorating his physical attributes, always with profound understanding of their real meaning. In the second part of the invocation, the voice of the god is heard, and His characteristic utterance is recited. In the third portion of the invocation the Magician asserts the identity of himself with the god. In the fourth portion the god is again invoked, but as if by Himself, as if it were the utterance of the will of the god that He should manifest in the Magician. At the conclusion of this, the original object of the invocation is stated.
   ~ Aleister Crowley, Liber ABA, Book 4, Magick, Part 3, The Formuale of the Elemental Weapons [149] [T4],
178:But a time will come when you will feel more and more that you are the instrument and not the worker. For first by the force of your devotion your contact with the Divine Mother will become so intimate that at all times you will have only to concentrate and to put everything into her hands to have her present guidance, her direct command or impulse, the sure indication of the thing to be done and the way to do it and the result. And afterwards you will realise that the divine Shakti not only inspires and guides, but initiates and carries out your works; all your movements are originated by her, all your powers are hers, mind, life and body are conscious and joyful instruments of her action, means for her play, moulds for her manifestation in the physical universe. There can be no more happy condition than this union and dependence; for this step carries you back beyond the border-line from the life of stress and suffering in the ignorance into the truth of your spiritual being, into its deep peace and its intense Ananda. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Mother With Letters On The Mother, 12,
179:The tide of materialistic thoughts is always on the watch, waiting for the least weakness, and if we relax but one moment from our vigilance, if we are even slightly negligent, it rushes in and invades us from all sides, submerging under its heavy flood the result sometimes of numberless efforts. Then the being enters a sort of torpor, its physical needs of food and sleep increase, its intelligence is clouded, its inner vision veiled, and in spite of the little interest it really finds in such superficial activities, they occupy it almost exclusively. This state is extremely painful and tiring, for nothing is more tiring then materialistic thoughts, and the mind, worn out, suffers like a caged bird which cannot spread its wings and yet longs to be able to soar freely.
   But perhaps this state has its own use which I do not see.... In any case, I do not struggle; and like a child in its mother's arms, like a fervent disciple at the feet of his master, I trust myself to Thee and surrender to Thy guidance, sure of Thy victory.
   ~ The Mother, Prayers And Meditations, January 4th, 1914,
180:Three things you must have, - consciousness, - plasticity and - unreserved surrender.
   For you must be conscious in your mind and soul and heart and life and the very cells of your body, aware of the Mother and her Powers and their working; for although she can and does work in you even in your obscurity and your unconscious parts and moments, it is not the same thing as when you are in an awakened and living communion with her.
   All your nature must be plastic to her touch, - not questioning as the self-sufficient ignorant mind questions and doubts and disputes and is the enemy of its enlightenment and change; not insisting on its own movements as the vital in the man insists and persistently opposes its refractory desires and ill-will to every divine influence; not obstructing and entrenched in incapacity, inertia and tamas as man's physical consciousness obstructs and clinging to the pleasure in smallness and darkness cries out against each touch that disturbs it soulless routine or it dull sloth or its torpid slumber.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Mother With Letters On The Mother, [58],
181:To know, possess and be the divine being in an animal and egoistic consciousness, to convert our twilit or obscure physical men- tality into the plenary supramental illumination, to build peace and a self-existent bliss where there is only a stress of transitory satisfactions besieged by physical pain and emotional suffering, to establish an infinite freedom in a world which presents itself as a group of mechanical necessities, to discover and realise the immortal life in a body subjected to death and constant mutation, - this is offered to us as the manifestation of God in Matter and the goal of Nature in her terrestrial evolution. To the ordinary material intellect which takes its present organisation of consciousness for the limit of its possibilities, the direct contradiction of the unrealised ideals with the realised fact is a final argument against their validity. But if we take a more deliberate view of the world's workings, that direct opposition appears rather as part of Nature's profoundest method and the seal of her completest sanction. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, 1.01,
182:Do not be over-eager for experience, - for experiences you can always get, having once broken the barrier between the physical mind and the subtle planes. What you have to aspire for most is the improved quality of the recipient consciousness in you - discrimination in the mind, the unattached impersonal Witness look on all that goes on in you and around you, purity in the vital, calm equanimity, enduring patience, absence of pride and the sense of greatness - and more especially, the development of the psychic being in you - surrender, self-giving, psychic humility, devotion. It is a consciousness made up of these things, cast in this mould that can bear without breaking, stumbling or deviation into error the rush of lights, powers and experiences from the supraphysical planes. An entire perfection in these respects is hardly possible until the whole nature from the highest mind to the subconscient physical is made one in the light that is greater than Mind; but a sufficient foundation and a consciousness always self-observant, vigilant and growing in these things is indispensable
   - for perfect purification is the basis of the perfect siddhi. ~ ?,
183:In the early part of the sadhana - and by early I do not mean a short part - effort is indispensable. Surrender of course, but surrender is not a thing that is done in a day. The mind has its ideas and it clings to them; the human vital resists surrender, for what it calls surrender in the early stages is a doubtful kind of self-giving with a demand in it; the physical consciousness is like a stone and what it calls surrender is often no more then inertia. It is only the psychic that knows how to surrender and the psychic is usually very much veiled in the beginning. When the psychic awakens, it can bring a sudden and true surrender of the whole being, for the difficulty of the rest is rapidly dealt with and disappears. But till then effort is indispensable. Or else it is necessary till the Force comes flooding down into the being from above and takes up the sadhana, does it for one more and more and leaves less and less to individual effort - but even then, it not effort, at least aspiration and vigilance are needed till the possession of mind, will, life and body by the Divine Power is complete. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - II,
184:It can be expected that the orthodox Christian will at first reject the theories about the Christ which occultism presents; at the same time, this same orthodox Christian will find it increasingly difficult to induce the intelligent masses of people to accept the impossible Deity and the feeble Christ, which historical Christianity has endorsed. A Christ Who is present and living, Who is known to those who follow Him, Who is a strong and able executive, and not a sweet and sentimental sufferer, Who has never left us but Who has worked for two thousand years through the medium of His disciples, the inspired men and women of all faiths, all religions, and all religious persuasions; Who has no use for fanaticism or hysterical devotion, but Who loves all men persistently, intelligently and optimistically, Who sees divinity in them all, and Who comprehends the techniques of the evolutionary development of the human consciousness (mental, emotional and physical, producing civilizations and cultures appropriate to a particular point in evolution) - these ideas the intelligent public can and will accept. p. 589/90 ~ Alice Bailey, in The Externalization of the Hierarchy (1957)
185:In Hathayoga the instrument is the body and life. All the power of the body is stilled, collected, purified, heightened, concentrated to its utmost limits or beyond any limits by Asana and other physical processes; the power of the life too is similarly purified, heightened, concentrated by Asana and Pranayama. This concentration of powers is then directed towards that physical centre in which the divine consciousness sits concealed in the human body. The power of Life, Nature-power, coiled up with all its secret forces asleep in the lowest nervous plexus of the earth-being,-for only so much escapes into waking action in our normal operations as is sufficient for the limited uses of human life,-rises awakened through centre after centre and awakens, too, in its ascent and passage the forces of each successive nodus of our being, the nervous life, the heart of emotion and ordinary mentality, the speech, sight, will, the higher knowledge, till through and above the brain it meets with and it becomes one with the divine consciousness.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Yoga of Self-Perfection, The Principle of the Integral Yoga, 609,
186:Meditation is a deliberate attempt to pierce into the higher states of consciousness and finally go beyond it. The art of meditation is the art of shifting the focus of attention to ever subtler levels, without losing one's grip on the levels left behind. In a way it is like having death under control. One begins with the lowest levels: social circumstances, customs and habits; physical surroundings, the posture and the breathing of the body, the senses, their sensation s and perceptions; the mind, its thoughts and feelings; until the entire mechanism of personality is grasped and firmly held. The final stage of meditation is reached when the sense of identity goes beyond the 'I-am-so-and-so', beyond 'so-l-am', beyond 'I-am-the-witness-only', beyond 'there-is', beyond all ideas into the impersonally personal pure being. But you must be energetic when you take to meditation. It is definitely not a part-time occupation. Limit your interests and activities to what is needed for you and your dependents' barest needs.
Save all your energies and time for breaking the wall your mind had built around you. Believe me, you will not regret. ~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj,
187:It proceeds by a personal effort to a conversion through a divine influence and possession; but this divine grace, if we may so call it, is not simply a mysterious flow or touch coming from above, but the all-pervading act of a divine presence which we come to know within as the power of the highest Self and Master of our being entering into the soul and so possessing it that we not only feel it close to us and pressing upon our mortal nature, but live in its law, know that law, possess it as the whole power of our spiritualised nature. The conversion its action will effect is an integral conversion of our ethical being into the Truth and Right of the divine nature, of our intellectual into the illumination of divine knowledge, our emotional into the divine love and unity, our dynamic and volitional into a working of the divine power, our aesthetic into a plenary reception and a creative enjoyment of divine beauty, not excluding even in the end a divine conversion of the vital and physical being. It regards all the previous life as an involuntary and unconscious or half-conscious preparatory growing towards this change and Yoga as the voluntary and conscious
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga,
188:To us poetry is a revel of intellect and fancy, imagination a plaything and caterer for our amusement, our entertainer, the nautch-girl of the mind. But to the men of old the poet was a seer, a revealer of hidden truths, imagination no dancing courtesan but a priestess in God's house commissioned not to spin fictions but to image difficult and hidden truths; even the metaphor or simile in the Vedic style is used with a serious purpose and expected to convey a reality, not to suggest a pleasing artifice of thought. The image was to these seers a revelative symbol of the unrevealed and it was used because it could hint luminously to the mind what the precise intellectual word, apt only for logical or practical thought or to express the physical and the superficial, could not at all hope to manifest. To them this symbol of the Creator's body was more than an image, it expressed a divine reality. Human society was for them an attempt to express in life the cosmic Purusha who has expressed himself otherwise in the material and the supraphysical universe. Man and the cosmos are both of them symbols and expressions of the same hidden Reality.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle, Chapter 1, The Cycle of Society,
189:Raise Your Standards
Any time you sincerely want to make a change, the first thing you must do is to raise your standards. When people ask me what really changed my life eight years ago, I tell them that absolutely the most important thing was changing what I demanded of myself. I wrote down all the things I would no longer accept in my life, all the things I would no longer tolerate, and all the things that I aspired to becoming.
Think of the far-reaching consequences set in motion by men and women who raised their standards and acted in accordance with them, deciding they would tolerate no less. History chronicles the inspiring examples of people like Leonardo da Vinci, Abraham Lincoln, Helen Keller, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Rosa Parks, Albeit Einstein, Cesar Chavez, Soichiro Honda, and many others who took the magnificently powerful step of raising their standards. The same power that was available to them is available to you, if you have the courage to claim it. Changing an organization, acompany, a country-or a world-begins with the simple step of changing yourself.


Change Your Limiting Beliefs ~ Anthony Robbins, How to take Immediate Control of Your Mental Emotional Physical and Financial Destiny,
190:The whole principle of this Yoga is to give oneself entirely to the Divine alone and to nobody and to nothing else, and to bring down into ourselves by union with the Divine Mother-Power all the transcendent light, force, wideness, peace, purity, truth-consciousness and Ananda of the supramental Divine. In this Yoga, therefore, there can be no place for vital relations or interchanges with others; any such relation or interchange immediately ties down the soul to the lower consciousness and its lower nature, prevents the true and full union with the Divine and hampers both the ascent to the supramental Truth consciousness and the descent of the supramental Ishwari Shakti. Still worse would it be if this interchange took the form of a sexual relation or a sexual enjoyment, even if kept free from any outward act; therefore these things are absolutely forbidden in the sadhana. It goes without saying that any physical act of the kind is not allowed, but also any subtler form is ruled out. It is only after becoming one with the supramental Divine that we can find our true spiritual relations with others in the Divine; in that higher unity this kind of gross lower vital movement can have no place. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV,
191:And now what methods may be employed to safeguard the worker in the field of the world? What can be done to ensure his safety in the present strife, and in the greater strife of the coming centuries? 1. A realisation that purity of all the vehicles is the prime essential. If a Dark Brother gains control over any man, it but shows that that man has in his life some weak spot.... 2. The elimination of all fear. The forces of evolution vibrate more rapidly than those of involution, and in this fact lies a recognisable security. Fear causes weakness; weakness causes a disintegration; the weak spot breaks and a gap appears, and through that gap evil force may enter.... 3. A standing firm and unmoved, no matter what occurs. Your feet may be bathed in the mud of earth, but your head may be bathed in the sunshine of the higher regions... 4. A recognition of the use of common-sense, and the application of this common-sense to the matter in hand. Sleep much, and in sleeping, learn to render the body positive; keep busy on the emotional plane, and achieve the inner calm. Do naught to overtire the body physical, and play whenever possible. In hours of relaxation comes the adjustment that obviates later tension. ~ Alice A. Bailey, Letters on Occult Meditation p. 137/8, (1922)
   Sweet Mother, is the physical mind the same as the mechanical mind?

Almost. You see, there is just a little difference, but not much. The mechanical mind is still more stupid than the physical mind. The physical mind is what we spoke about one day, that which is never sure of anything.

   I told you the story of the closed door, you remember. Well, that is the nature of the physical mind. The mechanical mind is at a lower level still, because it doesn't even listen to the possibility of a convincing reason, and this happens to everyone.

   Usually we don't let it function, but it comes along repeating the same things, absolutely mechanically, without rhyme or reason, just like that. When some craze or other takes hold of it, it goes... For example, you see, if it fancies counting: "One, two, three, four", then it will go on: "One, two, three, four; one, two, three, four." And you may think of all kinds of things, but it goes on: "One, two, three, four", like that... (Mother laughs.) Or it catches hold of three words, four words and repeats them and goes on repeating them; and unless one turns away with a certain violence and punches it soundly, telling it, "Keep quiet!", it continues in this way, indefinitely. ~ The Mother,
193:Therefore the age of intuitive knowledge, represented by the early Vedantic thinking of the Upanishads, had to give place to the age of rational knowledge; inspired Scripture made room for metaphysical philosophy, even as afterwards metaphysical philosophy had to give place to experimental Science.

   Intuitive thought which is a messenger from the superconscient and therefore our highest faculty, was supplanted by the pure reason which is only a sort of deputy and belongs to the middle heights of our being; pure reason in its turn was supplanted for a time by the mixed action of the reason which lives on our plains and lower elevations and does not in its view exceed the horizon of the experience that the physical mind and senses or such aids as we can invent for them can bring to us.

   And this process which seems to be a descent, is really a circle of progress.

   For in each case the lower faculty is compelled to take up as much as it can assimilate of what the higher had already given and to attempt to re-establish it by its own methods.

   By the attempt it is itself enlarged in its scope and arrives eventually at a more supple and a more ample selfaccommodation to the higher faculties. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, 1.08-13,
194:It's a strange world. It seems that about fifteen billion years ago there was, precisely, absolute nothingness, and then within less than a nanosecond the material universe blew into existence.

Stranger still, the physical matter so produced was not merely a random and chaotic mess, but seemed to organize itself into ever more and complex and intricate forms. So complex were these forms that, many billions of years later, some of them found ways to reproduce themselves, and thus out of matter arose life.

Even stranger, these life forms were apparently not content to merely reproduce themselves, but instead began a long evolution that would eventually allow them to represent themselves, to produce sign and symbols and concepts, and thus out of life arose mind.

Whatever this process of evolution was, it seems to have been incredibly driven from matter to life to mind.

But stranger still, a mere few hundred years ago, on a small and indifferent planet around an insignificant star, evolution became conscious of itself.

And at precisely the same time, the very mechanisms that allowed evolution to become conscious of itself were simultaneously working to engineer its own extinction.

And that was the strangest of all. ~ Ken Wilber, Sex Ecology Spirituality, p. 3,
   Sweet Mother, Just as there is a methodical progression of exercises for mental and physical education, isn't there a similar method to progress towards Sri Aurobindo's yoga?
It should vary with each individual.
Could you make a step-by-step programme for me to follow daily?

The mechanical regularity of a fixed programme is indispensable for physical, mental and vital development; but this mechanical rigidity has little or no effect on spiritual development where the spontaneity of an absolute sincerity is indispensable. Sri Aurobindo has written very clearly on this subject. And what he has written on it has appeared in The Synthesis Of Yoga.
   However, as an initial help to set you on the path, I can tell you: (1) that on getting up, before starting the day, it is good to make an offering of this day to the Divine, an offering of all that one thinks, all that one is, all that one will do; (2) and at night, before going to sleep, it is good to review the day, taking note of all the times one has forgotten or neglected to make an offering of one's self or one's action, and to aspire or pray that these lapses do not recur. This is a minimum, a very small beginning - and it should increase with the sincerity of your consecration. 31 March 1965
   ~ The Mother, Some Answers From The Mother, [T1],
196:For this is the other face of the psychic: not only is it joy and sweetness, but also quiet strength, as if it were forever above every possible tragedy - an invulnerable master. In this case, too, the details of a scene can be indelibly engraved. But what passes on to the next life is not so much the details as the essence of the scene: we will be struck by certain repetitive patterns of events or deadlocked situations that have an air of déjà vu and seem surrounded by an aura of fatality - for what has not been overcome in the past returns again and again, each time with a slightly different appearance, but basically always identical, until we confront the old knot and untie it. Such is the law of inner progress. Generally, however, the memory of actual physical circumstances does not remain, because, although our small surface consciousness makes much of them, they are, after all, of little significance. There is even a spontaneous mechanism that erases the profusion of useless past memories, just as those of the present life soon become eradicated. If we glance behind us, without thinking, what is actually left of our present life? A nebulous mass with perhaps two or three outstanding images; all the rest is blotted out. This is likewise the case for the soul and its past lives.
   ~ Satprem, Sri Aurobindo Or The Adventure Of Consciousness,
197:the great division :::
   Secondly, with regard to the movements and experiences of the body the mind will come to know the Purusha seated within it as, first, the witness or observer of the movements and, secondly, the knower or perceiver of the experiences. It will cease to consider in thought or feel in sensation these movements and experiences as its own but rather consider and feel them as not its own, as operations of Nature governed by the qualities of Nature and their interaction upon each other. This detachment can be made so normal and carried so far that there will be a kind of division between the mind and the body and the former will observe and experience the hunger, thirst, pain, fatigue, depression, etc. of the physical being as if they were experiences of some other person with whom it has so close a rapport as to be aware of all that is going on within him. This division is a great means, a great step towards mastery; for the mind comes to observe these things first without being overpowered and finally without at all being affected by them, dispassionately, with clear understanding but with perfect detachment. This is the initial liberation of the mental being from servitude to the body; for by right knowledge put steadily into practice liberation comes inevitably
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Renunciation, 345,
198:the psychic transformation :::
The soul, the psychic being is in direct touch with the divine Truth, but it is hidden in man by the mind, the vital being and the physical nature. One may practise yoga and get illuminations in the mind and the reason; one may conquer power and luxuriate in all kinds of experiences in the vital; one may establish even surprising physical Siddhis; but if the true soul-power behind does not manifest, if the psychic nature does not come into the front, nothing genuine has been done. In this yoga the psychic being is that which opens the rest of the nature to the true supramental light and finally to the supreme Ananda. Mind can open by itself to its own higher reaches; it can still itself in some kind of static liberation or Nirvana; but the supramental cannot find a sufficient base in a spiritualised mind alone. If the inmost soul is awakened, if there is a new birth out of the mere mental, vital and physical into the psychic consciousness, then this yoga can be done; otherwise (by the sole power of the mind or any other part) it is impossible.... If there is a refusal of the psychic new birth, a refusal to become the child new born from the Mother, owing to attachment to intellectual knowledge or mental ideas or to some vital desire, then there will be a failure in the sadhana. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - III,
199:A certain inertia, tendency to sleep, indolence, unwillingness or inability to be strong for work or spiritual effort for long at a time, is in the nature of the human physical consciousness. When one goes down into the physical for its change (that has been the general condition here for a long time), this tends to increase. Even sometimes when the pressure of the sadhana on the physical increases or when one has to go much inside, this temporarily increases - the body either needing more rest or turning the inward movement into a tendency to sleep or be at rest. You need not, however, be anxious about that. After a time this rights itself; the physical consciousness gets the true peace and calm in the cells and feels at rest even in full work or in the most concentrated condition and this tendency of inertia goes out of the nature. Even for those who have never been in trance, it is good to repeat a mantra, a word, a prayer before going into sleep. But there must be a life in the words; I do not mean an intellectual significance, nothing of that kind, but a vibration. And its effect on the body is extraordinary: it begins to vibrate, vibrate, vibrate... and quietly you let yourself go, as though you wanted to go to sleep. The body vibrates more and more, more and more, more and more, and away you go. That is the cure for tamas.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother III,
200:Endure and you will triumph. Victory goes to the most enduring. And with the Grace and divine love nothing is impossible. My force and love are with you. At the end of the struggle there is Victory And so we find once more that the Ego-idea must be ruthlessly rooted out before Understanding can be attained The emptiness that you described in your letter yesterday was not a bad thing - it is this emptiness inward and outward that often in Yoga becomes the first step towards a new consciousness. Man's nature is like a cup of dirty water - the water has to be thrown out, the cup left clean and empty for the divine liquor to be poured into it. The difficulty is that the human physical consciousness feels it difficult to bear this emptiness - it is accustomed to be occupied by all sorts of little mental and vital movements which keep it interested and amused or even if in trouble and sorrow still active. The cessation of these things is hard to bear for it. It begins to feel dull and restless and eager for the old interests and movements. But by this restlessness it disturbs the quietude and brings back the things that had been thrown out. It is this that is creating the difficulty and the obstruction for the moment. If you can accept emptiness as a passage to the true consciousness and true movements, then it will be easier to get rid of the obstacle.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - III,
201:To prepare for Astral Magic a temple or series of temples needs to be erected on the plane of visualized imagination. Such temples can take any convenient form although some magicians prefer to work with an exact simulacrum of their physical temple. The astral temple is visualized in fine detail and should contain all the equipment required for ritual or at least cupboards where any required instruments can be found.
   Any objects visualized into the temple should always remain there for subsequent inspection unless specifically dissolved or removed. The most important object in the temple is the magician's image of himself working in it. At first it may seem that he is merely manipulating a puppet of himself in the temple but with persistence this should give way to a feeling of actually being there. Before beginning Astral Magic proper, the required temple and instruments together with an image of the magician moving about in it should be built up by a repeated series of visualizations until all the details are perfect. Only when this is complete should the magician begin to use the temple. Each conjuration that is performed should be planned in advance with the same attention to detail as in Ritual Magic. The various acts of astral evocation, divination, enchantment, invocation and illumination take on a similar general form to the acts of Ritual Magic which the magician adapts for astral work. ~ Peter J Carroll, Liber Kaos [T2],
202:When the Peace is established, this higher or Divine Force from above can descend and work in us. It descends usually first into the head and liberates the inner mind mind centres, then into the heart centre and liberates fully the psychic and emotional being, then into the navel and other vital centres and liberates the inner vital, then into the Muladhara and below and liberates the inner vital, then into the navel and other vital centres and liberates the inner physical being. It works at the same time for perfection as well as liberation; it takes up the whole nature part by part and deals with it, rejecting what has to be rejected, sublimating what has to be sublimated, creating what has to be created. It integrates, harmonises, establishes a new rhythm in the nature. It can bring down too a higher and yet higher force and range of the higher nature until, if that be the aim of the sadhana, it becomes possible to bring down the supramental force and existence. All this is prepared, assistance, farthered by the work of the psychic being in the heart centre; the more it is open, in front, active, the quicker, safer, easier the working of the Force can be. The more love and bhakti and surrender grow in the heart, the more rapid and perfect becomes the evolution of the sadhana. For the descent and transformation imply at the same time an increasing contact and union with the Divine. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Mother With Letters On The Mother,
203:the joy of progress :::
It is the will for progress and self-purification which lights the [psychic] fire. The will for progress. Those who have a strong will, when they turn it towards spiritual progress and purification, automatically light the fire within themselves.
And each defect one wants to cure or each progress one wants to make - if all that is thrown into the fire, it burns with a new intensity. And this is not an image, it is a fact in the subtle physical. One can feel the warmth of the flame, one can see in the subtle physical the light of the flame. And when there is something in the nature which prevents one from advancing and one throws it into this fire, it begins to burn and the flame becomes more intense....
How can one feel sweetness and joy when one is in difficulty?
Exactly, when the difficulty is egoistic or personal, if one makes an offering of it and throws it into the fire of purification, one immediately feels the joy of progress. If one does it sincerely, at once there is a welling up of joy.
That is obviously what ought to be done instead of despairing and lamenting. If one offers it up and aspires sincerely for transformation and purification, one immediately feels joy springing up in the depths of the heart. Even when the difficulty is a great sorrow, one may do this with much success. One realises that behind the sorrow, no matter how intense it may be, there is divine joy. ~ The Mother,
204:In Rajayoga the chosen instrument is the mind. our ordinary mentality is first disciplined, purified and directed towards the divine Being, then by a summary process of Asana and Pranayama the physical force of our being is stilled and concentrated, the life-force released into a rhythmic movement capable of cessation and concentrated into a higher power of its upward action, the mind, supported and strengthened by this greater action and concentration of the body and life upon which it rests, is itself purified of all its unrest and emotion and its habitual thought-waves, liberated from distraction and dispersion, given its highest force of concentration, gathered up into a trance of absorption. Two objects, the one temporal, the other eternal,are gained by this discipline. Mind-power develops in another concentrated action abnormal capacities of knowledge, effective will, deep light of reception, powerful light of thought-radiation which are altogether beyond the narrow range of our normal mentality; it arrives at the Yogic or occult powers around which there has been woven so much quite dispensable and yet perhaps salutary mystery. But the one final end and the one all-important gain is that the mind, stilled and cast into a concentrated trance, can lose itself in the divine consciousness and the soul be made free to unite with the divine Being.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Yoga of Self-Perfection, The Principle of the Integral Yoga, 609,
205:The great men of the past have given us glimpses of what is possible in the way of personality, of intellectual understanding, of spiritual achievement, of artistic creation. But these are scarcely more than Pisgah glimpses. We need to explore and map the whole realm of human possibility, as the realm of physical geography has been explored and mapped. How to create new possibilities for ordinary living? What can be done to bring out the latent capacities of the ordinary man and woman for understanding and enjoyment; to teach people the techniques of achieving spiritual experience (after all, one can acquire the technique of dancing or tennis, so why not of mystical ecstasy or spiritual peace?)...
   The zestful but scientific exploration of possibilities and of the techniques for realizing them will make our hopes rational, and will set our ideals within the framework of reality, by showing how much of them are indeed realizable. Already, we can justifiably hold the belief that these lands of possibility exist, and that the present limitations and miserable frustrations of our existence could be in large measure surmounted. We are already justified in the conviction that human life as we know it in history is a wretched makeshift, rooted in ignorance; and that it could be transcended by a state of existence based on the illumination of knowledge and comprehension, just as our modern control of physical nature based on science transcends the tentative fumblings of our ancestors, that were rooted in superstition and professional secrecy. ~ Julian Huxley, Transhumanism,
206:challenge for the Integral Yogin :::
   Nor is the seeker of the integral fulfilment permitted to solve too arbitrarily even the conflict of his own inner members. He has to harmonise deliberate knowledge with unquestioning faith; he must conciliate the gentle soul of love with the formidable need of power; the passivity of the soul that lives content in transcendent calm has to be fused with the activity of the divine helper and the divine warrior. To him as to all seekers of the spirit there are offered for solution the oppositions of the reason, the clinging hold of the senses, the perturbations of the heart, the ambush of the desires, the clog of the physical body; but he has to deal in another fashion with their mutual and internal conflicts and their hindrance to his aim, for he must arrive at an infinitely more difficult perfection in the handling of all this rebel matter. Accepting them as instruments for the divine realisation and manifestation, he has to convert their jangling discords, to enlighten their thick darknesses, to transfigure them separately and all together, harmonising them in themselves and with each other, -- integrally, omitting no grain or strand or vibration, leaving no iota of imperfection anywhere. All exclusive concentration, or even a succession of concentrations of that kind, can be in his complex work only a temporary convenience; it has to be abandoned as soon as its utility is over. An all-inclusive concentration is the difficult achievement towards which he must labour.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, 78, [T9],
207:So too we can rise to a consciousness above and observe the various parts of our being, inner and outer, mental, vital and physical and the subconscient below all, and act upon one or other or the whole from that higher status. It is possible also to go down from that height or from any height into any of these lower states and take its limited light or its obscurity as our place of working while the rest that we are is either temporarily put away or put behind or else kept as a field of reference from which we can get support, sanction or light and influence or as a status into which we can ascend or recede and from it observe the inferior movements. Or we can plunge into trance, get within ourselves and be conscious there while all outward things are excluded; or we can go beyond even this inner awareness and lose ourselves in some deeper other consciousness or some high superconscience. There is also a pervading equal consciousness into which we can enter and see all ourselves with one enveloping glance or omnipresent awareness one and indivisible. All this which looks strange and abnormal or may seem fantastic to the surface reason acquainted only with our normal status of limited ignorance and its movements divided from our inner higher and total reality, becomes easily intelligible and admissible in the light of the larger reason and logic of the Infinite or by the admission of the greater illimitable powers of the Self, the Spirit in us which is of one essence with the Infinite. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, 1.2.02
208:[the value of sublimation:]
   And since Yoga is in its essence a turning away from the ordinary material and animal life led by most men or from the more mental but still limited way of living followed by the few to a greater spiritual life, to the way divine, every part of our energies that is given to the lower existence in the spirit of that existence is a contradiction of our aim and our self-dedication. On the other hand, every energy or activity that we can convert from its allegiance to the lower and dedicate to the service of the higher is so much gained on our road, so much taken from the powers that oppose our progress. It is the difficulty of this wholesale conversion that is the source of all the stumblings in the path of Yoga. For our entire nature and its environment, all our personal and all our universal self, are full of habits and of influences that are opposed to our spiritual rebirth and work against the whole-heartedness of our endeavour.
   In a certain sense we are nothing but a complex mass of mental, nervous and physical habits held together by a few ruling ideas, desires and associations, - an amalgam of many small self-repeating forces with a few major vibrations. What we propose in our Yoga is nothing less than to break up the whole formation of our past and present which makes up the ordinary material and mental man and to create a new centre of vision and a new universe of activities in ourselves which shall constitute a divine humanity or a superhuman nature.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Self-Consecration, [71] [T1],
209:the vital
the life-nature made up of desires, sensations, feelings, passions, energies of action, will of desire, reactions of the desire-soul of man and of all that play of possessive and other related instincts, anger, greed, lust, etc., that belong to this field of nature. The vital part of man is a true instrument only when its feelings and tendencies have been purified by the psychic touch and governed by the spiritual light and power. The vital has three main parts:

higher vital
the mental vital and emotional vital taken together. The mental vital gives a mental expression by thought, speech or otherwise to the emotions, desires, passions, sensations or other movements of the vital being; the emotional vital is the seat of various feelings, such as love, joy, sorrow, hatred and the rest.

central vital or vital proper
dynamic, sensational and passionate, it is the seat of the stronger vital longings and reactions, such as ambition, pride, fear, love of fame, attractions and repulsions, desires and passion of various kinds and the field of many vital energies.

lower vital
made up of the smaller movements of human life-desire and life-reactions, it is occupied with small desires and feelings, such as food desire, sexual desire, small likings, dislikings, vanity, quarrels, love of praise, anger at blame, little wishes of all kinds, etc. The material vital is that part of the lower vital turned entirely upon physical things, full of desires and greeds and seekings for pleasure on the physical plane. ~ Integral Yoga; Sri Aurobindo's Teaching and Method of Practice,
210:This ego or "I" is not a lasting truth, much less our essential part; it is only a formation of Nature, a mental form of thought centralisation in the perceiving and discriminating mind, a vital form of the centralisation of feeling and sensation in our parts of life, a form of physical conscious reception centralising substance and function of substance in our bodies. All that we internally are is not ego, but consciousness, soul or spirit. All that we externally and superficiallyare and do is not ego but Nature. An executive cosmic force shapes us and dictates through our temperament and environment and mentality so shaped, through our individualised formulation of the cosmic energies, our actions and their results. Truly, we do not think, will or act but thought occurs in us, will occurs in us, impulse and act occur in us; our ego-sense gathers around itself, refers to itself all this flow of natural activities. It is cosmic Force, it is Nature that forms the thought, imposes the will, imparts the impulse. our body, mind and ego are a wave of that sea of force in action and do not govern it, but by it are governed and directed. The Sadhaka in his progress towards truth and self-knowledge must come to a point where the soul opens its eyes of vision and recognises this truth of ego and this truth of works. He gives up the idea of a mental, vital, physical, "I" that acts or governs action; he recognises that Prakriti, Force of cosmic nature following her fixed modes, is the one and only worker in him and in all things and creatures.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Supreme Will, 214,
211:Concentrating the Attention:
   Whatever you may want to do in life, one thing is absolutely indispensable and at the basis of everything, the capacity of concentrating the attention. If you are able to gather together the rays of attention and consciousness on one point and can maintain the concentration with a presistent will, nothing can resist it - whatever it may be, from the most material physical development to the highest spiritual one. But this discipline must be followed in a constant and, it may be said, imperturbable way; not that you should always be concentrated on the same thing - thats not what I mean, I mean learning to concentrate. And materially, for studies, sports, all physical or mental development, it is absolutely indispensble. And the value of an individual is proportionate to the value of his attention. And from the spiritual point of view it is still more important. There is no spiritual obstacle which can resist a penetrating power of concentration. For instance, the discovery of the psychic being, union with the inner Divine, opening to the higher spheres, all can be obtained by an intense and obstinate power of concentration - but one must learn how to do it. There is nothing in the human or even in the superhuman field, to which the power of concentration is not the key. You can be the best athlete, you can be the best student, you can be an artistic, literary or scientific genius, you can be the greatest saint with that faculty. And everyone has in himself a tiny little beginning of it - it is given to everybody, but people do not cultivate it.
   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1957-1958,
212:subtle ::: In Vedanta (Mandukya Upanishad and later teachings - e.g. Advaita - based on it) "subtle" is used to designate the "dream state" of consciousness, and in Advaita this also includes the Prana, Manas, and Vijnana koshas (= the vehicles of vital force, mind, and higher consciousness) re-interpreted from of the Taittiriya Upanishad.

In Tibetan and Tantric Buddhism it refers to an intermediate grade between the "gross" and "very subtle" "minds" and "winds" (vayu = prana).

The Sukshma Sthula or Subtle Body is one of the seven principles of man in Blavatskian Theosophy; it is also called the "astral body" (this has little similarity with the astral body of Out of Body experience, because it cannot move far from the gross physical vehicle, it seems to correspond to what Robert Monroe calls the "second body", and identified with the Double or Ka

In Sant Mat / Radhasoami cosmology - the Anda (Cosmic Egg) / Sahans-dal Kanwal (Crown Chakra) is sometimes called the Subtle; hence Subtle = Astral

The term Subtle Physical is used somewhat generically by Sri Aurobindo (in Letters on Yoga) to refer to a wider reality behind the external physical.

Ken Wilber uses the term Subtle to indicate the yogic and mystic holonic-evolutionary level intermediate between "Psychic" (in his series = Nature Mysticism) and "Causal" (=Realisation"); it includes many psychic and occult experiences and can be considered as pertaining to the Subtle as defined here (although it also includes other realities and experiences that might also be interpreted as "Inner Gross" - e.g. Kundalini as a classic example). ~ M Alan Kazlev, Kheper, planes/subtle,
213:Instruction about Sadhana to a disciple:
   Disciple: What is the nature of realisation in this yoga?
   Sri Aurobindo: In this yoga we want to bring down the Truth-consciousness into the whole being - no part being left out. This can be done by the Higher Power itself. What you have to do is to open yourself to it.
   Disciple: As the Higher Power is there why does it not work in all men - consciously?
   Sri Aurobindo: Because man, at present, is shut up in his mental being, his vital nature and physical consciousness and their limitations. You have to open yourself. By an opening I mean an aspiration in the heart for the coming down of the Power that is above, and a will in the Mind, or above the Mind, open to it.
   The first thing this working of the Higher Power does is to establish Shanti - peace - in all the parts of the being and an opening above. This peace is not mere mental Shanti, it is full of power and, whatever action takes place in it, Samata, equality, is its basis and the Shanti and Samata are never disturbed. What comes from Above is peace, power and joy. It also brings about changes in various parts of our nature so that they can bear the pressure of the Higher Power.
   Knowledge also progressively develops showing all in our being that is to be thrown out and what is to be retained. In fact, knowledge and guidance both come and you have constantly to consent to the guidance. The progress may be more in one direction than in another. But it is the Higher Power that works. The rest is a matter of experience and the movement of the Shakti. ~ Sri Aurobindo, EVENING TALKS WITH SRI AUROBINDO, RECORDED BY A B PURANI (28-09-1923),
214:What is that work and result, if not a self-involution of Consciousness in form and a self-evolution out of form so as to actualise some mighty possibility in the universe which it has created? And what is its will in Man if not a will to unending Life, to unbounded Knowledge, to unfettered Power? Science itself begins to dream of the physical conquest of death, expresses an insatiable thirst for knowledge, is working out something like a terrestrial omnipotence for humanity. Space and Time are contracting to the vanishing-point in its works, and it strives in a hundred ways to make man the master of circumstance and so lighten the fetters of causality. The idea of limit, of the impossible begins to grow a little shadowy and it appears instead that whatever man constantly wills, he must in the end be able to do; for the consciousness in the race eventually finds the means. It is not in the individual that this omnipotence expresses itself, but the collective Will of mankind that works out with the individual as a means. And yet when we look more deeply, it is not any conscious Will of the collectivity, but a superconscious Might that uses the individual as a centre and means, the collectivity as a condition and field. What is this but the God in man, the infinite Identity, the multitudinous Unity, the Omniscient, the Omnipotent, who having made man in His own image, with the ego as a centre of working, with the race, the collective Narayana, the visvamanava as the mould and circumscription, seeks to express in them some image of the unity, omniscience, omnipotence which are the self-conception of the Divine?
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine,
215:science of consciousness, the soul and objective matter :::
   When the ancient thinkers of India set themselves to study the soul of man in themselves and others, they, unlike any other nation or school of early thought, proceeded at once to a process which resembles exactly enough the process adopted by modern science in its study of physical phenomena. For their object was to study, arrange and utilise the forms, forces and working movements of consciousness, just as the modern physical Sciences study, arrange and utilize the forms, forces and working movements of objective Matter. The material with which they had to deal was more subtle, flexible and versatile than the most impalpable forces of which the physical Sciences have become aware; its motions were more elusive, its processes harder to fix; but once grasped and ascertained, the movements of consciousness were found by Vedic psychologists to be in their process and activity as regular, manageable and utilisable as the movements of physical forces. The powers of the soul can be as perfectly handled and as safely, methodically and puissantly directed to practical life-purposes of joy, power and light as the modern power of electricity can be used for human comfort, industrial and locomotive power and physical illumination; but the results to which they give room and effect are more wonderful and momentous than the results of motorpower and electric luminosity. For there is no difference of essential law in the physical and the psychical, but only a difference and undoubtedly a great difference of energy, instrumentation and exact process. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays Divine And Human, Towards a True Scientific Psychology, 106,
   Why do some children take interest in things only when there is some excitement?

They are tamasic. It is due to the large proportion of tamas in their nature. The more tamasic one is, the more does one need something violent and exciting circumstances. When the physical is tamasic, unless one eats spices and highly flavoured food, one does not feel nourished. And yet these are poisons. They act exactly like poison on the nerves. They do not nourish. But it is because people are tamasic, because their body's consciousness is not sufficiently developed. Well, mentally it is the same thing, vitally the same thing. If they are tamasic, they always need new excitements, dramas, murders, suicides, etc. to feel anything at all, otherwise.... And there is nothing, nothing that makes one more wicked and cruel than tamas. For it is this need of excitement which shakes you up a little, makes you come out of yourself. And one must also learn, there, to distinguish between those who are exclusively tamasic and those who are mixed, and those who are struggling within themselves with their different parts. One can, one must know in what proportion their nature is constituted, so as to be able to insist at need on one thing or another. Some people constantly need a whipping from life in order to move, otherwise they would spend their time sleeping. Others, on the contrary, need soothing things, silence, a retreat in the country-side - all things that do a lot of good but which must disappear as soon as one needs to make an effort for progress or to realise something or struggle against a defect, conquer an obstacle.... It is complicated, don't you think so? ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1953,
217:In all that is done in the universe, the Divine through his Shakti is behind all action but he is veiled by his Yoga Maya and works through the ego of the Jiva in the lower nature.
   In Yoga also it is the Divine who is the Sadhaka and the Sadhana; it is his Shakti with her light, power, knowledge, consciousness, Ananda, acting upon the adhara and, when it is opened to her, pouring into it with these divine forces that makes the Sadhana possible. But so long as the lower nature is active the personal effort of the Sadhaka remains necessary.
   The personal effort required is a triple labour of aspiration, rejection and surrender, -
   an aspiration vigilant, constant, unceasing - the mind's will, the heart's seeking, the assent of the vital being, the will to open and make plastic the physical consciousness and nature;
   rejection of the movements of the lower nature - rejection of the mind's ideas, opinions, preferences, habits, constructions, so that the true knowledge may find free room in a silent mind, - rejection of the vital nature's desires, demands, cravings, sensations, passions, selfishness, pride, arrogance, lust, greed, jealousy, envy, hostility to the Truth, so that the true power and joy may pour from above into a calm, large, strong and consecrated vital being, - rejection of the physical nature's stupidity, doubt, disbelief, obscurity, obstinacy, pettiness, laziness, unwillingness to change, tamas, so that the true stability of Light, Power, Ananda may establish itself in a body growing always more divine;
   surrender of oneself and all one is and has and every plane of the consciousness and every movement to the Divine and the Shakti.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Mother With Letters On The Mother,
218:We have all a ruling defect, which is for our soul as the umbilical cord of its birth in sin, and it is by this that the enemy can always lay hold upon us: for some it is vanity, for others idleness, for the majority egotism. Let a wicked and crafty mind avail itself of this means and we are lost; we may not go mad or turn idiots, but we become positively alienated, in all the force of the expression - that is, we are subjected to a foreign suggestion. In such a state one dreads instinctively everything that might bring us back to reason, and will not even listen to representations that are opposed to our obsession. Here is one of the most dangerous disorders which can affect the moral nature. The sole remedy for such a bewitchment is to make use of folly itself in order to cure folly, to provide the sufferer with imaginary satisfactions in the opposite order to that wherein he is now lost. Endeavour, for example, to cure an ambitious person by making him desire the glories of heaven - mystic remedy; cure one who is dissolute by true love - natural remedy; obtain honourable successes for a vain person; exhibit unselfishness to the avaricious and procure for them legitimate profit by honourable participation in generous enterprises, etc. Acting in this way upon the moral nature, we may succeed in curing a number of physical maladies, for the moral affects the physical in virtue of the magical axiom: "That which is above is like unto that which is below." This is why the Master said, when speaking of the paralyzed woman: "Satan has bound her." A disease invariably originates in a deficiency or an excess, and ever at the root of a physical evil we shall find a moral disorder. This is an unchanging law of Nature. ~ Eliphas Levi, Transcendental Magic,
219:Contact and Union with the Divine;
Seeing is of many kinds. There is a superficial seeing which only erects or receives momentarily or for some time an image of the Being seen; that brings no change, unless the inner bhakti makes it a means for change. There is also the reception of the living image of the Divine in one of his forms into oneself, - say, in the heart, - that can have an immediate effect or initiate a period of spiritual growth. There is also the seeing outside oneself in a more or less objective and subtle physical or physical way. As for milana, the abiding union is within and that can be there at all times; the outer milana or contact is not usually abiding. There are some who often or almost invariably have the contact whenever they worship, the Deity may become living to them in the picture or other image they worship, may move and act through it; others may feel him always present, outwardly, subtle-physically, abiding with them where they live or in the very room, but sometimes this is only for a period. Or they may feel the Presence with them, see it frequently in a body (but not materially except sometimes), feel its touch or embrace, converse with it constantly - that is also a kind of milana. The greatest milana is one in which one is constantly aware of the Deity abiding in oneself, in everything in the world, holding all the world in him, identical with existence and yet supremely beyond the world - but in the world too one sees, hears, feels nothing but him, so that the very senses bear witness to him alone - and this does not exclude such specific personal manifestations as those vouchsafed to Krishnaprem and his guru. The more ways there are of the union, the better. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - II, [T4],
220:But this is only one side of the force that works for perfection. The process of the integral Yoga has three stages, not indeed sharply distinguished or separate, but in a certain measure successive. There must be, first, the effort towards at least an initial and enabling self-transcendence and contact with the Divine; next, the reception of that which transcends, that with which we have gained communion, into ourselves for the transformation of our whole conscious being; last, the utilisation of our transformed humanity as a divine centre in the world. So long as the contact with the Divine is not in some considerable degree established, so long as there is not some measure of sustained identity, sayujya, the element of personal effort must normally predominate. But in proportion as this contact establishes itself, the sadhaka must become conscious that a force other than his own, a force transcending his egoistic endeavour and capacity, is at work in him and to this Power he learns progressively to submit himself and delivers up to it the charge of his Yoga. In the end his own will and force become one with the higher Power; he merges them in the divineWill and its transcendent and universal Force. He finds it thenceforward presiding over the necessary transformation of his mental, vital and physical being with an impartial wisdom and provident effectivity of which the eager and interested ego is not capable. It is when this identification and this self-merging are complete that the divine centre in the world is ready. Purified, liberated, plastic, illumined, it can begin to serve as a means for the direct action of a supreme Power in the larger Yoga of humanity or superhumanity, of the earth's spiritual progression or its transformation.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, [T2],
221:The link between the spiritual and the lower planes of the mental being is that which is called in the old Vedantic phraseology the vijnana and which we may term the Truth-plane or the ideal mind or supermind where the One and the Many meet and our being is freely open to the revealing light of the divine Truth and the inspiration of the divine Will and Knowledge. If we can break down the veil of the intellectual, emotional, sensational mind which our ordinary existence has built between us and the Divine, we can then take up through the Truth-mind all our mental, vital and physical experience and offer it up to the spiritual -- this was the secret or mystic sense of the old Vedic "sacrifice" -- to be converted into the terms of the infinite truth of Sachchidananda, and we can receive the powers and illuminations of the infinite Existence in forms of a divine knowledge, will and delight to be imposed on our mentality, vitality, physical existence till the lower is transformed into the perfect vessel of the higher. This was the double Vedic movement of the descent and birth of the gods in the human creature and the ascent of the human powers that struggle towards the divine knowledge, power and delight and climb into the godheads, the result of which was the possession of the One, the Infinite, the beatific existence, the union with God, the Immortality. By possession of this ideal plane we break down entirely the opposition of the lower and the higher existence, the false gulf created by the Ignorance between the finite and the Infinite, God and Nature, the One and the Many, open the gates of the Divine, fulfil the individual in the complete harmony of the cosmic consciousness and realise in the cosmic being the epiphany of the transcendent Sachchidananda. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, 2.15,
222:What is "the heavenly archetype of the lotus"?
It means the primal idea of the lotus.
   Each thing that is expressed physically was conceived somewhere before being realised materially.
   There is an entire world which is the world of the fashioners, where all conceptions are made. And this world is very high, much higher than all the worlds of the mind; and from there these formations, these creations, these types which have been conceived by the fashioners come down and are expressed in physical realisations. And there is always a great distance between the perfection of the idea and what is materialised. Very often the materialised things are like caricatures in comparison with the primal idea. This is what he calls the archetype. This takes place in worlds... not always the same ones, it depends on the things; but for many things in the physical, the primal ideas, these archetypes, were in what Sri Aurobindo calls the Overmind.
   But there is a still higher domain than this where the origins are still purer, and if one reaches this, attains this, one finds the absolutely pure types of what is manifested upon earth. And then it is very interesting to compare, to see to what an extent earthly creation is a frightful distortion. And moreover, it is only when one can reach these regions and see the reality of things in their essence that one can work with knowledge to transform them here; otherwise on what can we take our stand to conceive a better world, more perfect, more beautiful than the existing one? It can't be on our imagination which is itself something very poor and very material. But if one can enter that consciousness, rise right up to these higher worlds of creation, then with this in one's consciousness one can work at making material things take their real form. ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1955, 121,
223:Man's refusal of the Divine Grace has been depicted very beautifully and graphically in a perfect dramatic form by Sri Aurobindo in Savitri. The refusal comes one by one from the three constituent parts of the human being. First of all man is a material being, a bodily creature, as such he is a being of ignorance and misery, of brutish blindness . He does not know that there is something other than his present state of misfortune and dark fate. He is not even aware that there may be anything higher or nobler than the ugliness he is steeped in. He lives on earth-life with an earth-consciousness, moves mechanically and helplessly through vicissitudes over which he has no control. Even so the material life is not a mere despicable thing; behind its darkness, behind its sadness, behind all its infirmities, the Divine Mother is there upholding it and infusing into it her grace and beauty. Indeed, she is one with this world of sorrows, she has in effect become it in her infinite pity and love so that this material body of hers may become conscious of its divine substance and manifest her true form. But the human being individualised and separated in egoistic consciousness has lost the sense of its inner reality and is vocal only in regard to its outward formulation. It is natural for physical man therefore to reject and deny the physical Godhead in him, he even curses it and wants to continue as he is.
He yells therefore in ignorance and anguish:
I am the Man of Sorrows, I am he
Who is nailed on the wide cross of the Universe . . .
I toil like the animal, like the animal die.
I am man the rebel, man the helpless serf...
I know my fate will ever be the same.
It is my Nature' s work that cannot change . . .
I was made for evil, evil is my lot;
Evil I must be and by evil live;
Nought other can I do but be myself;
What Nature made, that I must remain.2' ~ Nolini Kanta Gupta, On Savitri, 13,
224:One can concentrate in any of the three centres which is easiest to the sadhak or gives most result. The power of the concentration in the heart-centre is to open that centre and by the power of aspiration, love, bhakti, surrender remove the veil which covers and conceals the soul and bring forward the soul or psychic being to govern the mind, life and body and turn and open them all-fully-to the Divine, removing all that is opposed to that turning and opening.
   This is what is called in this Yoga the psychic transformation. The power of concentration above the head is to bring peace, silence, liberation from the body sense, the identification with mind and life and open the way for the lower (mental vital-physical) consciousness to rise up to meet the higher Consciousness above and for the powers of the higher (spiritual or divine) Consciousness to descend into mind, life and body. This is what is called in this Yoga the spiritual transformation. If one begins with this movement, then the Power from above has in its descent to open all the centres (including the lowest centre) and to bring out the psychic being; for until that is done there is likely to be much difficulty and struggle of the lower consciousness obstructing, mixing with or even refusing the Divine Action from above. If the psychic being is once active this struggle and these difficulties can be greatly minimised. The power of concentration in the eyebrows is to open the centre there, liberate the inner mind and vision and the inner or Yogic consciousness and its experiences and powers. From here also one can open upwards and act also in the lower centres; but the danger of this process is that one may get shut up in one's mental spiritual formations and not come out of them into the free and integral spiritual experience and knowledge and integral change of the being and nature.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - II, [where to concentrate?],
225:Disciple: If the Asuras represent the dark side of God on the vital plane - does this dark side exist on every plane? If so, are there beings on the mental plane which correspond to the dark side?
   Sri Aurobindo: The Asura is really the dark side of God on the mental plane. Mind is the very field of the Asura. His characteristic is egoistic strength, which refuses the Higher Law. The Asura has got Self-control, Tapas, intelligence, only, all that is for his ego.
   On the vital plane the corresponding forces we call the Rakshashas which represent violent passions and impulses. There are other beings on the vital plane which we call pramatta and piśacha and these; manifest, more or less, on the physico-vital plane.
   Distiple: What is the corresponding being on the higher plane?
   Sri Aurobindo: On the higher plane there are no Asuras - there the Truth prevails. There are "Asuras" there in the Vedic sense,- "beings with divine powers". The mental Asura is only a deviation of that power.
   The work of the Asura has all the characteristics of mind in it. It is mind refusing to submit to the Higher Law; it is the mind in revolt. It works on the basis of ego and ignorance.
   Disciple: What are the forces that correspond to the dark side of God on the physical plane?
   Sri Aurobindo: They are what may be called the "elemental beings", or rather, obscure elemental forces - they are more "forces" than "beings". It is these that the Theosophists call the "Elementals". They are not individualised beings like the Asura and the Rakshasas, they are ignorant forces working oh the subtle physical plane.
   Disciple: What is the word for them in Sanskrit;?
   Sri Aurobindo: What are called bhūtas seem most nearly to correspond to them.
   Disciple: The term "Elemental" means that these work through the elements.
   Sri Aurobindo: There are two kinds of "elementals": one mischievous and the other innocent. What the Europeans call the gnomes come under this category. ~ A B Purani, EVENING TALKS WITH SRI AUROBINDO, 15-06-1926,
226:It must also be kept in mind that the supramental change is difficult, distant, an ultimate stage; it must be regarded as the end of a far-off vista; it cannot be and must not be turned into a first aim, a constantly envisaged goal or an immediate objective. For it can only come into the view of possibility after much arduous self-conquest and self-exceeding, at the end of many long and trying stages of a difficult self-evolution of the nature. One must first acquire an inner Yogic consciousness and replace by it our ordinary view of things, natural movements, motives of life; one must revolutionise the whole present build of our being. Next, we have to go still deeper, discover our veiled psychic entity and in its light and under its government psychicise our inner and outer parts, turn mind-nature, life-nature, body-nature and all our mental, vital, physical action and states and movements into a conscious instrumentation of the soul. Afterwards or concurrently we have to spiritualise the being in its entirety by a descent of a divine Light, Force, Purity, Knowledge, freedom and wideness. It is necessary to break down the limits of the personal mind, life and physicality, dissolve the ego, enter into the cosmic consciousness, realise the self, acquire a spiritualised and universalised mind and heart, life-force, physical consciousness. Then only the passage into the supramental consciousness begins to become possible, and even then there is a difficult ascent to make each stage of which is a separate arduous achievement. Yoga is a rapid and concentrated conscious evolution of the being, but however rapid, even though it may effect in a single life what in an instrumental Nature might take centuries and millenniums or many hundreds of lives, still all evolution must move by stages; even the greatest rapidity and concentration of the movement cannot swallow up all the stages or reverse natural process and bring the end near to the beginning.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Supermind and the Yoga of Works, 281,
227:The capacity for visions, when it is sincere and spontaneous, can put you in touch with events which you are not capable of knowing in your outer consciousness.... There is a very interesting fact, it is that somewhere in the terrestrial mind, somewhere in the terrestrial vital, somewhere in the subtle physical, one can find an exact, perfect, automatic recording of everything that happens. It is the most formidable memory one could imagine, which misses nothing, forgets nothing, records all. And if you are able to enter into it, you can go backward, you can go forward, and in all directions, and you will have the "memory" of all things - not only of things of the past, but of things to come. For everything is recorded there.

   In the mental world, for instance, there is a domain of the physical mind which is related to physical things and keeps the memory of physical happenings upon earth. It is as though you were entering into innumerable vaults, one following another indefinitely, and these vaults are filled with small pigeon-holes, one above another, one above another, with tiny doors. Then if you want to know something and if you are conscious, you look, and you see something like a small point - a shining point; you find that this is what you wish to know and you have only to concentrate there and it opens; and when it opens, there is a sort of an unrolling of something like extremely subtle manuscripts, but if your concentration is sufficiently strong you begin to read as though from a book. And you have the whole story in all its details. There are thousands of these little holes, you know; when you go for a walk there, it is as though you were walking in infinity. And in this way you can find the exact facts about whatever you want to know. But I must tell you that what you find is never what has been reported in history - histories are always planned out; I have never come across a single "historical" fact which is like history.
   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1950-1951, 109 [T7],
228:indifference to things of the body :::
   This detachment of the mind must be strengthened by a certain attitude of indifference to the things of the body; we must not care essentially about its sleep or its waking, its movement or its rest, its pain or its pleasure, its health or ill-health, its vigour or its fatigue, its comfort or its discomfort, or what it eats or drinks. This does not mean that we shall not keep the body in right order so far as we can; we have not to fall into violent asceticisms or a positive neglect of the physical frame. But we have not either to be affected in mind by hunger or thirst or discomfort or ill-health or attach the importance which the physical and vital man attaches to the things of the body, or indeed any but a quite subordinate and purely instrumental importance. Nor must this instrumental importance be allowed to assume the proportions of a necessity; we must not for instance imagine that the purity of the mind depends on the things we eat or drink, although during a certain stage restrictions in eating and drinking are useful to our inner progress; nor on the other hand must we continue to think that the dependence of the mind or even of the life on food and drink is anything more than a habit, a customary relation which Nature has set up between these principles. As a matter of fact the food we take can be reduced by contrary habit and new relation to a minimum without the mental or vital vigour being in any way reduced; even on the contrary with a judicious development they can be trained to a greater potentiality of vigour by learning to rely on the secret fountains of mental and vital energy with which they are connected more than upon the minor aid of physical aliments. This aspect of self-discipline is however more important in the Yoga of self-perfection than here; for our present purpose the important point is the renunciation by the mind of attachment to or dependence on the things of the body.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Release from Subjection to the Body,
229:Nati is the submission of the soul to the will of God; its acceptance of all touches as His touches, of all experience as His play with the soul of man. Nati may be with titiksha, feeling the sorrow but accepting it as God's will, or with udasinata, rising superior to it and regarding joy and sorrow equally as God's working in these lower instruments, or with ananda, receiving everything as the play of Krishna and therefore in itself delightful. The last is the state of the complete Yogin, for by this continual joyous or anandamaya namaskara to God constantly practised we arrive eventually at the entire elimination of grief, pain etc, the entire freedom from the dwandwas, and find the Brahmananda in every smallest, most trivial, most apparently discordant detail of life & experience in this human body. We get rid entirely of fear and suffering; Anandam Brahmano vidvan na bibheti kutaschana. We may have to begin with titiksha and udasinata but it is in this ananda that we must consummate the siddhi of samata. The Yogin receives victory and defeat, success and ill-success, pleasure and pain, honour and disgrace with an equal, a sama ananda, first by buddhi-yoga, separating himself from his habitual mental & nervous reactions & insisting by vichara on the true nature of the experience itself and of his own soul which is secretly anandamaya, full of the sama ananda in all things. He comes to change all the ordinary values of experience; amangala reveals itself to him as mangala, defeat & ill-success as the fulfilment of God's immediate purpose and a step towards ultimate victory, grief and pain as concealed and perverse forms of pleasure. A stage arrives even, when physical pain itself, the hardest thing for material man to bear, changes its nature in experience and becomes physical ananda; but this is only at the end when this human being, imprisoned in matter, subjected to mind, emerges from his subjection, conquers his mind and delivers himself utterly in his body, realising his true anandamaya self in every part of the adhara.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Record Of Yoga,
230:the characteristics of Life, Mind and Spirit :::
   The characteristic energy of bodily Life is not so much in progress as in persistence, not so much in individual self-enlargement as in self-repetition. There is, indeed, in physical Nature a progression from type to type, from the vegetable to the animal, from the animal to man; for even in inanimate Matter Mind is at work. But once a type is marked off physically, the chief immediate preoccupation of the terrestrial Mother seems to be to keep it in being by a constant reproduction. For Life always seeks immortality; but since individual form is impermanent and only the idea of a form is permanent in the consciousness that creates the universe, -for there it does not perish,- such constant reproduction is the only possible material immortality. Self-preservation, self-repetition, self-multiplication are necessarily, then, the predominant instincts of all material existence.
   The characteristic energy of pure Mind is change and the more it acquires elevation and organisation, the more this law of Mind assumes the aspect of a continual enlargement, improvement and better arrangement of its gains and so of a continual passage from a smaller and simpler to a larger and more complex perfection. For Mind, unlike bodily life, is infinite in its field, elastic in its expansion, easily variable in its formations. Change, then, self-enlargement and self-improvement are its proper instincts. Its faith is perfectibility, its watchword is progress.
   The characteristic law of Spirit is self-existent perfection and immutable infinity. It possesses always and in its own right the immortality which is the aim of Life and the perfection which is the goal of Mind. The attainment of the eternal and the realisation of that which is the same in all things and beyond all things, equally blissful in universe and outside it, untouched by the imperfections and limitations of the forms and activities in which it dwells, are the glory of the spiritual life.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Introduction - The Conditions Of the Synthesis, The Threefold Life,
231:It is not very easy for the customary mind of man, always attached to its past and present associations, to conceive of an existence still human, yet radically changed in what are now our fixed circumstances.We are in respect to our possible higher evolution much in the position of the original Ape of the Darwinian theory. It would have been impossible for that Ape leading his instinctive arboreal life in primeval forests to conceive that there would be one day an animal on the earth who would use a new faculty called reason upon the materials of his inner and outer existence, who would dominate by that power his instincts and habits, change the circumstances of his physical life, build for himself houses of stone, manipulate Nature's forces, sail the seas, ride the air, develop codes of conduct, evolve conscious methods for his mental and spiritual development. And if such a conception had been possible for the Ape-mind, it would still have been difficult for him to imagine that by any progress of Nature or long effort of Will and tendency he himself could develop into that animal. Man, because he has acquired reason and still more because he has indulged his power of imagination and intuition, is able to conceive an existence higher than his own and even to envisage his personal elevation beyond his present state into that existence. His idea of the supreme state is an absolute of all that is positive to his own concepts and desirable to his own instinctive aspiration,-Knowledge without its negative shadow of error, Bliss without its negation in experience of suffering, Power without its constant denial by incapacity, purity and plenitude of being without the opposing sense of defect and limitation. It is so that he conceives his gods; it is so that he constructs his heavens. But it is not so that his reason conceives of a possible earth and a possible humanity. His dream of God and Heaven is really a dream of his own perfection; but he finds the same difficulty in accepting its practical realisation here for his ultimate aim as would the ancestral Ape if called upon to believe in himself as the future Man. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, Ego and the Dualities,
232:"Will it take long for the Supermind which is involved in material Nature to emerge into the outer consciousness and bring visible results?"
   That depends on the state of consciousness from which one answers, for... For the human consciousness, obviously, I think it will take quite a long time. For another consciousness it will be relatively very fast, and for yet another consciousness, it is already accomplished. It is an accomplished fact. But in order to become aware of this, one must be able to enter into another state of consciousness than the ordinary physical consciousness.
   Sri Aurobindo has spoken - I believe I have read it to you, I think it's in The Synthesis of Yoga - of the true mind, the true vital and the true physical or subtle physical, and he has said that they co-exist with the ordinary mind, vital and physical, and that in certain conditions one may enter into contact with them, and then one becomes aware of the difference between what really is and the appearances of things.
   Well, for a developed consciousness, the Supermind is already realised somewhere in a domain of the subtle physical, it already exists there visible, concrete, and expresses itself in forms and activities. And when one is in tune with this domain, when one lives there, one has a very strong feeling that this world would only have to be condensed, so to say, for it to become visible to all. What would then be interesting would be to develop this inner perception which would put you into contact with the supramental truth which is already manifested, and is veiled for you only for want of appropriate organs to enter into relation with it.
   It is possible that those who are conscious of their dreams may have dreams of a new kind which put them into contact with that world, for it is accessible to the subtle physical of all those who have the corresponding organs in themselves. And there is necessarily a subtle influence of this physical on outer matter, if one is ready to receive impressions from it and admit them into one's consciousness. That's all.
   Now, if nobody has any questions to ask, well, we shall remain silent.
   Something to say, over there? (Mother looks at a disciple.) Oh! he is burning to speak! ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1956,
233:And for the same reason, because that which we are seeking through beauty is in the end that which we are seeking through religion, the Absolute, the Divine. The search for beauty is only in its beginning a satisfaction in the beauty of form, the beauty which appeals to the physical senses and the vital impressions, impulsions, desires. It is only in the middle a satisfaction in the beauty of the ideas seized, the emotions aroused, the perception of perfect process and harmonious combination. Behind them the soul of beauty in us desires the contact, the revelation, the uplifting delight of an absolute beauty in all things which it feels to be present, but which neither the senses and instincts by themselves can give, though they may be its channels, - for it is suprasensuous, - nor the reason and intelligence, though they too are a channel, - for it is suprarational, supra-intellectual, - but to which through all these veils the soul itself seeks to arrive. When it can get the touch of this universal, absolute beauty, this soul of beauty, this sense of its revelation in any slightest or greatest thing, the beauty of a flower, a form, the beauty and power of a character, an action, an event, a human life, an idea, a stroke of the brush or the chisel or a scintillation of the mind, the colours of a sunset or the grandeur of the tempest, it is then that the sense of beauty in us is really, powerfully, entirely satisfied. It is in truth seeking, as in religion, for the Divine, the All-Beautiful in man, in nature, in life, in thought, in art; for God is Beauty and Delight hidden in the variation of his masks and forms. When, fulfilled in our growing sense and knowledge of beauty and delight in beauty and our power for beauty, we are able to identify ourselves in soul with this Absolute and Divine in all the forms and activities of the world and shape an image of our inner and our outer life in the highest image we can perceive and embody of the All-Beautiful, then the aesthetic being in us who was born for this end, has fulfilled himself and risen to his divine consummation. To find highest beauty is to find God; to reveal, to embody, to create, as we say, highest beauty is to bring out of our souls the living image and power of God. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle, 144,
234:complexity of the human constitution :::
   There is another direction in which the ordinary practice of Yoga arrives at a helpful but narrowing simplification which is denied to the Sadhaka of the integral aim. The practice of Yoga brings us face to face with the extraordinary complexity of our own being, the stimulating but also embarrassing multiplicity of our personality, the rich endless confusion of Nature. To the ordinary man who lives upon his own waking surface, ignorant of the self's depths and vastnesses behind the veil, his psychological existence is fairly simple. A small but clamorous company of desires, some imperative intellectual and aesthetic cravings, some tastes, a few ruling or prominent ideas amid a great current of unconnected or ill-connected and mostly trivial thoughts, a number of more or less imperative vital needs, alternations of physical health and disease, a scattered and inconsequent succession of joys and griefs, frequent minor disturbances and vicissitudes and rarer strong searchings and upheavals of mind or body, and through it all Nature, partly with the aid of his thought and will, partly without or in spite of it, arranging these things in some rough practical fashion, some tolerable disorderly order, -- this is the material of his existence. The average human being even now is in his inward existence as crude and undeveloped as was the bygone primitive man in his outward life. But as soon as we go deep within ourselves, -- and Yoga means a plunge into all the multiple profundities of' the soul, -- we find ourselves subjectively, as man in his growth has found himself objectively, surrounded by a whole complex world which we have to know and to conquer.
   The most disconcerting discovery is to find that every part of us -- intellect, will, sense-mind, nervous or desire self, the heart, the body-has each, as it were, its own complex individuality and natural formation independent of the rest; it neither agrees with itself nor with the others nor with the representative ego which is the shadow cast by some central and centralising self on our superficial ignorance. We find that we are composed not of one but many personalities and each has its own demands and differing nature. Our being is a roughly constituted chaos into which we have to introduce the principle of a divine order.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Self-Consecration, 74-75,
235:The object of spiritual knowledge is the Supreme, the Divine, the Infinite and the Absolute. This Supreme has its relations to our individual being and its relations to the universe and it transcends both the soul and the universe. Neither the universe nor the individual are what they seem to be, for the report of them which our mind and our senses give us, is, so long as they are unenlightened by a faculty of higher supramental and suprasensuous knowledge, a false report, an imperfect construction, an attenuated and erroneous figure. And yet that which the universe and the individual seem to be is still a figure of what they really are, a figure that points beyond itself to the reality behind it. Truth proceeds by a correction of the values our mind and senses give us, and first by the action of a higher intelligence that enlightens and sets right as far as may be the conclusions of the ignorant sense-mind and limited physical intelligence; that is the method of all human knowledge and science. But beyond it there is a knowledge, a Truth-Consciousness, that exceeds our intellect and brings us into the true light of which it is a refracted ray.
   There the abstract terms of pure reason and the constructions .of the mind disappear or are converted into concrete soul-vision and the tremendous actuality of spiritual experience. This knowledge can turn away to the absolute Eternal and lose vision of the soul and the universe; but it can too see that existence from that Eternal. When that is done, we find that the ignorance of the mind and the senses and all the apparent futilities of human life were not an useless excursion of the conscious being, an otiose blunder. Here they were planned as a rough ground for the self-expression of the Soul that comes from the Infinite, a material foundation for its self-unfolding and self-possessing in the terms of the universe. It is true that in themselves they and all that is here have no significance, and to build separate significances for them is to live in an illusion, Maya; but they have a supreme significance in the Supreme, an absolute Power in the Absolute and it is that that assigns to them and refers to that Truth their present relative values. This is the all-uniting experience that is the foundation of the deepest integral and most intimate self-knowledge and world-knowledge
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Object of Knowledge, 293, 11457,
236:Fundamentally, whatever be the path one follows - whe- ther the path of surrender, consecration, knowledge-if one wants it to be perfect, it is always equally difficult, and there is but one way, one only, I know of only one: that is perfect sincerity, but perfect sincerity!

Do you know what perfect sincerity is?...

Never to try to deceive oneself, never let any part of the being try to find out a way of convincing the others, never to explain favourably what one does in order to have an excuse for what one wants to do, never to close one's eyes when something is unpleasant, never to let anything pass, telling oneself, "That is not important, next time it will be better."

Oh! It is very difficult. Just try for one hour and you will see how very difficult it is. Only one hour, to be totally, absolutely sincere. To let nothing pass. That is, all one does, all one feels, all one thinks, all one wants, is exclusively the Divine.

"I want nothing but the Divine, I think of nothing but the Divine, I do nothing but what will lead me to the Divine, I love nothing but the Divine."

Try - try, just to see, try for half an hour, you will see how difficult it is! And during that time take great care that there isn't a part of the vital or a part of the mind or a part of the physical being nicely hidden there, at the back, so that you don't see it (Mother hides her hands behind her back) and don't notice that it is not collaborating - sitting quietly there so that you don't unearth it... it says nothing, but it does not change, it hides itself. How many such parts! How many parts hide themselves! You put them in your pocket because you don't want to see them or else they get behind your back and sit there well-hidden, right in the middle of your back, so as not to be seen. When you go there with your torch - your torch of sincerity - you ferret out all the corners, everywhere, all the small corners which do not consent, the things which say "No" or those which do not move: "I am not going to budge. I am glued to this place of mine and nothing will make me move."... You have a torch there with you, and you flash it upon the thing, upon everything. You will see there are many of them there, behind your back, well stuck.

Try, just for an hour, try!
No more questions?
Nobody has anything to say? Then, au revoir, my children! ~ The Mother, Question and Answers, Volume-6, page no.132-133),
237:the ways of the Bhakta and man of Knowledge :::
   In the ordinary paths of Yoga the method used for dealing with these conflicting materials is direct and simple. One or another of the principal psychological forces in us is selected as our single means for attaining to the Divine; the rest is quieted into inertia or left to starve in its smallness. The Bhakta, seizing on the emotional forces of the being, the intense activities of the heart, abides concentrated in the love of God, gathered up as into a single one-pointed tongue of fire; he is indifferent to the activities of thought, throws behind him the importunities of the reason, cares nothing for the mind's thirst for knowledge. All the knowledge he needs is his faith and the inspirations that well up from a heart in communion with the Divine. He has no use for any will to works that is not turned to the direct worship of the Beloved or the service of the temple. The man of Knowledge, self-confined by a deliberate choice to the force and activities of discriminative thought, finds release in the mind's inward-drawn endeavour. He concentrates on the idea of the self, succeeds by a subtle inner discernment in distinguishing its silent presence amid the veiling activities of Nature, and through the perceptive idea arrives at the concrete spiritual experience. He is indifferent to the play of the emotions, deaf to the hunger-call of passion, closed to the activities of Life, -- the more blessed he, the sooner they fall away from him and leave him free, still and mute, the eternal non-doer. The body is his stumbling-block, the vital functions are his enemies; if their demands can be reduced to a minimum, that is his great good fortune. The endless difficulties that arise from the environing world are dismissed by erecting firmly against them a defence of outer physical and inner spiritual solitude; safe behind a wall of inner silence, he remains impassive and untouched by the world and by others. To be alone with oneself or alone with the Divine, to walk apart with God and his devotees, to entrench oneself in the single self-ward endeavour of the mind or Godward passion of the heart is the trend of these Yogas. The problem is solved by the excision of all but the one central difficulty which pursues the only chosen motive-force; into the midst of the dividing calls of our nature the principle of an exclusive concentration comes sovereignly to our rescue.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Self-Consecration. 76-77,
238:requirements for the psychic :::
   At a certain stage in the Yoga when the mind is sufficiently quieted and no longer supports itself at every step on the sufficiency of its mental certitudes, when the vital has been steadied and subdued and is no longer constantly insistent on its own rash will, demand and desire, when the physical has been sufficiently altered not to bury altogether the inner flame under the mass of its outwardness, obscurity or inertia, an inmost being hidden within and felt only in its rare influences is able to come forward and illumine the rest and take up the lead of the sadhana. Its character is a one-pointed orientation towards the Divine or the Highest, one-pointed and yet plastic in action and movement; it does not create a rigidity of direction like the one-pointed intellect or a bigotry of the regnant idea or impulse like the one-pointed vital force; it is at every moment and with a supple sureness that it points the way to the Truth, automatically distinguishes the right step from the false, extricates the divine or Godward movement from the clinging mixture of the undivine. Its action is like a searchlight showing up all that has to be changed in the nature; it has in it a flame of will insistent on perfection, on an alchemic transmutation of all the inner and outer existence. It sees the divine essence everywhere but rejects the mere mask and the disguising figure. It insists on Truth, on will and strength and mastery, on Joy and Love and Beauty, but on a Truth of abiding Knowledge that surpasses the mere practical momentary truth of the Ignorance, on an inward joy and not on mere vital pleasure, -- for it prefers rather a purifying suffering and sorrow to degrading satisfactions, -- on love winged upward and not tied to the stake of egoistic craving or with its feet sunk in the mire, on beauty restored to its priesthood of interpretation of the Eternal, on strength and will and mastery as instruments not of the ego but of the Spirit. Its will is for the divinisation of life, the expression through it of a higher Truth, its dedication to the Divine and the Eternal.
   But the most intimate character of the psychic is its pressure towards the Divine through a sacred love, joy and oneness. It is the divine Love that it seeks most, it is the love of the Divine that is its spur, its goal, its star of Truth shining over the luminous cave of the nascent or the still obscure cradle of the new-born godhead within us.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Ascent of the Sacrifice - 1,
239:There is also the consecration of the thoughts to the Divine. In its inception this is the attempt to fix the mind on the object of adoration, -for naturally the restless human mind is occupied with other objects and, even when it is directed upwards, constantly drawn away by the world, -- so that in the end it habitually thinks of him and all else is only secondary and thought of only in relation to him. This is done often with the aid of a physical image or, more intimately and characteristically, of a Mantra or a divine name through which the divine being is realised. There are supposed by those who systematise, to be three stages of the seeking through the devotion of the mind, first, the constant hearing of the divine name, qualities and all that has been attached to them, secondly, the constant thinking on them or on the divine being or personality, thirdly, the settling and fixing of the mind on the object; and by this comes the full realisation. And by these, too, there comes when the accompanying feeling or the concentration is very intense, the Samadhi, the ecstatic trance in which the consciousness passes away from outer objects. But all this is really incidental; the one thing essential is the intense devotion of the thought in the mind to the object of adoration. Although it seems akin to the contemplation of the way of knowledge, it differs from that in its spirit. It is in its real nature not a still, but an ecstatic contemplation; it seeks not to pass into the being of the Divine, but to bring the Divine into ourselves and to lose ourselves in the deep ecstasy of his presence or of his possession; and its bliss is not the peace of unity, but the ecstasy of union. Here, too, there may be the separative self-consecration, which ends in the giving up of all other thought of life for the possession of this ecstasy, eternal afterwards in planes beyond, or the comprehensive consecration in which all the thoughts are full of the Divine and even in the occupations of life every thought remembers him. As in the other Yogas, so in this, one comes to see the Divine everywhere and in all and to pour out the realisation of the Divine in all ones inner activities and outward actions. But all is supported here by the primary force of the emotional union: for it is by love that the entire self-consecration and the entire possession is accomplished, and thought and action become shapes and figures of the divine love which possesses the spirit and its members.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Way of Devotion [T2],
   "Without conscious occult powers, is it possible to help or protect from a distance somebody in difficulty or danger? If so, what is the practical procedure?"

Then a sub-question:

   "What can thought do?"

We are not going to speak of occult processes at all; although, to tell the truth, everything that happens in the invisible world is occult, by definition. But still, practically, there are two processes which do not exclude but complete each other, but which may be used separately according to one's preference.

   It is obvious that thought forms a part of one of the methods, quite an important part. I have already told you several times that if one thinks clearly and powerfully, one makes a mental formation, and that every mental formation is an entity independent of its fashioner, having its own life and tending to realise itself in the mental world - I don't mean that you see your formation with your physical eyes, but it exists in the mental world, it has its own particular independent existence. If you have made a formation with a definite aim, its whole life will tend to the realisation of this aim. Therefore, if you want to help someone at a distance, you have only to formulate very clearly, very precisely and strongly the kind of help you want to give and the result you wish to obtain. That will have its effect. I cannot say that it will be all-powerful, for the mental world is full of innumerable formations of this kind and naturally they clash and contradict one another; hence the strongest and the most persistent will have the best of it.

   Now, what is it that gives strength and persistence to mental formations? - It is emotion and will. If you know how to add to your mental formation an emotion, affection, tenderness, love, and an intensity of will, a dynamism, it will have a much greater chance of success. That is the first method. It is within the scope of all those who know how to think, and even more of those who know how to love. But as I said, the power is limited and there is great competition in that world.

   Therefore, even if one has no knowledge at all but has trust in the divine Grace, if one has the faith that there is something in the world like the divine Grace, and that this something can answer a prayer, an aspiration, an invocation, then, after making one's mental formation, if one offers it to the Grace and puts one's trust in it, asks it to intervene and has the faith that it will intervene, then indeed one has a chance of success.

   Try, and you will surely see the result.

   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1956, 253,
241:The Examiners
The integral yoga consists of an uninterrupted series of examinations that one has to undergo without any previous warning, thus obliging you to be constantly on the alert and attentive.

   Three groups of examiners set us these tests. They appear to have nothing to do with one another, and their methods are so different, sometimes even so apparently contradictory, that it seems as if they could not possibly be leading towards the same goal. Nevertheless, they complement one another, work towards the same end, and are all indispensable to the completeness of the result.

   The three types of examination are: those set by the forces of Nature, those set by spiritual and divine forces, and those set by hostile forces. These last are the most deceptive in their appearance and to avoid being caught unawares and unprepared requires a state of constant watchfulness, sincerity and humility.

   The most commonplace circumstances, the events of everyday life, the most apparently insignificant people and things all belong to one or other of these three kinds of examiners. In this vast and complex organisation of tests, those events that are generally considered the most important in life are the easiest examinations to undergo, because they find you ready and on your guard. It is easier to stumble over the little stones in your path, because they attract no attention.

   Endurance and plasticity, cheerfulness and fearlessness are the qualities specially needed for the examinations of physical nature.

   Aspiration, trust, idealism, enthusiasm and generous self-giving, for spiritual examinations.

   Vigilance, sincerity and humility for the examinations from hostile forces.

   And do not imagine that there are on the one hand people who undergo the examinations and on the other people who set them. Depending on the circumstances and the moment we are all both examiners and examinees, and it may even happen that one is at the same time both examiner and examinee. And the benefit one derives from this depends, both in quality and in quantity, on the intensity of one's aspiration and the awakening of one's consciousness.

   To conclude, a final piece of advice: never set yourself up as an examiner. For while it is good to remember constantly that one may be undergoing a very important examination, it is extremely dangerous to imagine that one is responsible for setting examinations for others. That is the open door to the most ridiculous and harmful kinds of vanity. It is the Supreme Wisdom which decides these things, and not the ignorant human will. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II,
242:The last sentence: " the Truth-Creation the law is that of a constant unfolding without any Pralaya." What is this constant unfolding?

The Truth-Creation... it is the last line? (Mother consults the book) I think we have already spoken about this several times. It has been said that in the process of creation, there is the movement of creation followed by a movement of preservation and ending in a movement of disintegration or destruction; and even it has been repeated very often: "All that begins must end", etc., etc.

In fact in the history of our universe there have been six consecutive periods which began by a creation, were prolonged by a force of preservation and ended by a disintegration, a destruction, a return to the Origin, which is called Pralaya; and that is why this tradition is there. But it has been said that the seventh creation would be a progressive creation, that is, after the starting-point of the creation, instead of its being simply followed by a preservation, it would be followed by a progressive manifestation which would express the Divine more and more completely, so that no disintegration and return to the Origin would be necessary. And it has been announced that the period we are in is precisely the seventh, that is, it would not end by a Pralaya, a return to the Origin, a destruction, a disappearance, but that it would be replaced by a constant progress, because it would be a more and more perfect unfolding of the divine Origin in its creation.

And this is what Sri Aurobindo says. He speaks of a constant unfolding, that is, the Divine manifests more and more completely; more and more perfectly, in a progressive creation. It is the nature of this progression which makes the return to the Origin, the destruction no longer necessary. All that does not progress disappears, and that is why physical bodies die, it's because they are not progressive; they are progressive up to a certain moment, then there they stop and most often they remain stable for a certain time, and then they begin to decline, and then disappear. It's because the physical body, physical matter as it is at present is not plastic enough to be able to progress constantly. But it is not impossible to make it sufficiently plastic for the perfecting of the physical body to be such that it no longer needs disintegration, that is, death.

Only, this cannot be realised except by the descent of the Supermind which is a force higher than all those which have so far manifested and which will give the body a plasticity that will allow it to progress constantly, that is, to follow the divine movement in its unfolding. ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1955, 207-209,
243:What is the difference between meditation and concentration?
   Meditation is a purely mental activity, it interests only the mental being. One can concentrate while meditating but this is a mental concentration; one can get a silence but it is a purely mental silence, and the other parts of the being are kept immobile and inactive so as not to disturb the meditation. You may pass twenty hours of the day in meditation and for the remaining four hours you will be an altogether ordinary man because only the mind has been occupied-the rest of the being, the vital and the physical, is kept under pressure so that it may not disturb. In meditation nothing is directly done for the other parts of the being.
   Certainly this indirect action can have an effect, but... I have known in my life people whose capacity for meditation was remarkable but who, when not in meditation, were quite ordinary men, even at times ill-natured people, who would become furious if their meditation was disturbed. For they had learnt to master only their mind, not the rest of their being.
   Concentration is a more active state. You may concentrate mentally, you may concentrate vitally, psychically, physically, and you may concentrate integrally. Concentration or the capacity to gather oneself at one point is more difficult than meditation. You may gather together one portion of your being or consciousness or you may gather together the whole of your consciousness or even fragments of it, that is, the concentration may be partial, total or integral, and in each case the result will be different.
   If you have the capacity to concentrate, your meditation will be more interesting and easieR But one can meditate without concentrating. Many follow a chain of ideas in their meditation - it is meditation, not concentration.
   Is it possible to distinguish the moment when one attains perfect concentration from the moment when, starting from this concentration, one opens oneself to the universal Energy?
   Yes. You concentrate on something or simply you gather yourself together as much as is possible for you and when you attain a kind of perfection in concentration, if you can sustain this perfection for a sufficiently long time, then a door opens and you pass beyond the limit of your ordinary consciousness-you enter into a deeper and higher knowledge. Or you go within. Then you may experience a kind of dazzling light, an inner wonder, a beatitude, a complete knowledge, a total silence. There are, of course, many possibilities but the phenomenon is always the same.
   To have this experience all depends upon your capacity to maintain your concentration sufficiently long at its highest point of perfection. ~ The Mother,
   Sweet Mother, can the psychic express itself without the mind, the vital and the physical?

It expresses itself constantly without them. Only, in order that the ordinary human being may perceive it, it has to express itself through them, because the ordinary human being is not in direct contact with the psychic. If it was in direct contact with the psychic it would be psychic in its manifestation - and all would be truly well. But as it is not in contact with the psychic it doesn't even know what it is, it wonders all bewildered what kind of a being it can be; so to reach this ordinary human consciousness it must use ordinary means, that is, go through the mind, the vital and the physical.

One of them may be skipped but surely not the last, otherwise one is no longer conscious of anything at all. The ordinary human being is conscious only in his physical being, and only in relatively rare moments is he conscious of his mind, just a little more frequently of his vital, but all this is mixed up in his consciousness, so much so that he would be quite unable to say "This movement comes from the mind, this from the vital, this from the physical." This already asks for a considerable development in order to be able to distinguish within oneself the source of the different movements one has. And it is so mixed that even when one tries, at the beginning it is very difficult to classify and separate one thing from another.

It is as when one works with colours, takes three or four or five different colours and puts them in the same water and beats them up together, it makes a grey, indistinct and incomprehensi- ble mixture, you see, and one can't say which is red, which blue, which green, which yellow; it is something dirty, lots of colours mixed. So first of all one must do this little work of separating the red, blue, yellow, green - putting them like this, each in its corner. It is not at all easy.

I have met people who used to think themselves extremely intelligent, by the way, who thought they knew a lot, and when I spoke to them about the different parts of the being they looked at me like this (gesture) and asked me, "But what are you speaking about?" They did not understand at all. I am speaking of people who have the reputation of being intelligent. They don't understand at all. For them it is just the consciousness; it is the consciousness-"It is my consciousness" and then there is the neighbour's consciousness; and again there are things which do not have any consciousness. And then I asked them whether animals had a consciousness; so they began to scratch their heads and said, "Perhaps it is we who put our consciousness in the animal when we look at it," like that...
   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1955,
245:If we look at this picture of the Self-Existence and its works as a unitary unlimited whole of vision, it stands together and imposes itself by its convincing totality: but to the analysis of the logical intellect it offers an abundance of difficulties, such as all attempts to erect a logical system out of a perception of an illimitable Existence must necessarily create; for any such endeavour must either effect consistency by an arbitrary sectioning of the complex truth of things or else by its comprehensiveness become logically untenable. For we see that the Indeterminable determines itself as infinite and finite, the Immutable admits a constant mutability and endless differences, the One becomes an innumerable multitude, the Impersonal creates or supports personality, is itself a Person; the Self has a nature and is yet other than its nature; Being turns into becoming and yet it is always itself and other than its becomings; the Universal individualises itself and the Individual universalises himself; Brahman is at once void of qualities and capable of infinite qualities, the Lord and Doer of works, yet a non-doer and a silent witness of the workings of Nature. If we look carefully at these workings of Nature, once we put aside the veil of familiarity and our unthinking acquiescence in the process of things as natural because so they always happen, we discover that all she does in whole or in parts is a miracle, an act of some incomprehensible magic. The being of the Self-existence and the world that has appeared in it are, each of them and both together, a suprarational mystery. There seems to us to be a reason in things because the processes of the physical finite are consistent to our view and their law determinable, but this reason in things, when closely examined, seems to stumble at every moment against the irrational or infrarational and the suprarational: the consistency, the determinability of process seems to lessen rather than increase as we pass from matter to life and from life to mentality; if the finite consents to some extent to look as if it were rational, the infinitesimal refuses to be bound by the same laws and the infinite is unseizable. As for the action of the universe and its significance, it escapes us altogether; if Self, God or Spirit there be, his dealings with the world and us are incomprehensible, offer no clue that we can follow. God and Nature and even ourselves move in a mysterious way which is only partially and at points intelligible, but as a whole escapes our comprehension. All the works of Maya look like the production of a suprarational magical Power which arranges things according to its wisdom or its phantasy, but a wisdom which is not ours and a phantasy which baffles our imagination. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, 2.02,
246:root of the falsification and withdrawl of divine love :::
   At every moment they are moved to take egoistic advantage of the psychic and spiritual influences and can be detected using the power, joy or light these bring into us for a lower life-motive. Afterwards too, even when the seeker has opened to the Divine Love transcendental, universal or immanent, yet if he tries to pour it into life, he meets the power of obscuration and perversion of these lower Nature-forces. Always they draw away towards pitfalls, pour into that higher intensity their diminishing elements, seek to capture the descending Power for themselves and their interests and degrade it into an aggrandised mental, vital or physical instrumentation for desire and ego. Instead of a Divine Love creator of a new heaven and a new earth of Truth and Light, they would hold it here prisoner as a tremendous sanction and glorifying force of sublimation to gild the mud of the old earth and colour with its rose and sapphire the old turbid unreal skies of sentimentalising vital imagination and mental idealised chimera. If that falsification is permitted, the higher Light and Power and Bliss withdraw, there is a fall back to a lower status; or else the realisation remains tied to an insecure half-way and mixture or is covered and even submerged by an inferior exaltation that is not the true Ananda. It is for this reason that Divine Love which is at the heart of all creation and the most powerful of all redeeming and creative forces has yet been the least frontally present in earthly life, the least successfully redemptive, the least creative. Human nature has been unable to bear it in its purity for the very reason that it is the most powerful, pure, rare and intense of all the divine energies; what little could be seized has been corrupted at once into a vital pietistic ardour, a defenceless religious or ethical sentimentalism, a sensuous or even sensual erotic mysticism of the roseate coloured mind or passionately turbid life-impulse and with these simulations compensated its inability to house the Mystic Flame that could rebuild the world with its tongues of sacrifice. It is only the inmost psychic being unveiled and emerging in its full power that can lead the pilgrim sacrifice unscathed through these ambushes and pitfalls; at each moment it catches, exposes, repels the mind's and the life's falsehoods, seizes hold on the truth of the Divine Love and Ananda and separates it from the excitement of the mind's ardours and the blind enthusiasms of the misleading life-force. But all things that are true at their core in mind and life and the physical being it extricates and takes with it in the journey till they stand on the heights, new in spirit and sublime in figure. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Ascent of the Sacrifice - 2, 166,
247:- for every well-made and significant poem, picture, statue or building is an act of creative knowledge, a living discovery of the consciousness, a figure of Truth, a dynamic form of mental and vital self-expression or world-expression, - all that seeks, all that finds, all that voices or figures is a realisation of something of the play of the Infinite and to that extent can be made a means of God-realisation or of divine formation. But the Yogin has to see that it is no longer done as part of an ignorant mental life; it can be accepted by him only if by the feeling, the remembrance, the dedication within it, it is turned into a movement of the spiritual consciousness and becomes a part of its vast grasp of comprehensive illuminating knowledge.
   For all must be done as a sacrifice, all activities must have the One Divine for their object and the heart of their meaning. The Yogin's aim in the sciences that make for knowledge should be to discover and understand the workings of the Divine Consciousness-Puissance in man and creatures and things and forces, her creative significances, her execution of the mysteries, the symbols in which she arranges the manifestation. The Yogin's aim in the practical sciences, whether mental and physical or occult and psychic, should be to enter into the ways of the Divine and his processes, to know the materials and means for the work given to us so that we may use that knowledge for a conscious and faultless expression of the spirit's mastery, joy and self-fulfilment. The Yogin's aim in the Arts should not be a mere aesthetic, mental or vital gratification, but, seeing the Divine everywhere, worshipping it with a revelation of the meaning of its own works, to express that One Divine in ideal forms, the One Divine in principles and forces, the One Divine in gods and men and creatures and objects. The theory that sees an intimate connection between religious aspiration and the truest and greatest Art is in essence right; but we must substitute for the mixed and doubtful religious motive a spiritual aspiration, vision, interpreting experience. For the wider and more comprehensive the seeing, the more it contains in itself the sense of the hidden Divine in humanity and in all things and rises beyond a superficial religiosity into the spiritual life, the more luminous, flexible, deep and powerful will the Art be that springs from that high motive. The Yogin's distinction from other men is this that he lives in a higher and vaster spiritual consciousness; all his work of knowledge or creation must then spring from there: it must not be made in the mind, - for it is a greater truth and vision than mental man's that he has to express or rather that presses to express itself through him and mould his works, not for his personal satisfaction, but for a divine purpose. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Ascent of the Sacrifice - 1, 142 [T4],
248:Concentration is a gathering together of the consciousness and either centralising at one point or turning on a single object, e.g., the Divine; there can be also be a gathered condition throughout the whole being, not at a point. In meditation it is not indispensable to gather like this, one can simply remain with a quiet mind thinking of one subject or observing what comes in the consciousness and dealing with it. ... Of this true consciousness other than the superficial there are two main centres, one in the heart (not the physical heart, but the cardiac centre in the middle of the chest), one in the head. The concentration in the heart opens within and by following this inward opening and going deep one becomes aware of the soul or psychic being, the divine element in the individual. This being unveiled begins to come forward, to govern the nature, to turn it and all its movements towards the Truth, towards the Divine, and to call down into it all that is above. It brings the consciousness of the Presence, the dedication of the being to the Highest and invites the descent into our nature of a greater Force and Consciousness which is waiting above us. To concentrate in the heart centre with the offering of oneself to the Divine and the aspiration for this inward opening and for the Presence in the heart is the first way and, if it can be done, the natural beginning; for its result once obtained makes the spiritual path far more easy and safe than if one begins the other ways.
   That other way is the concentration in the head, in the mental centre. This, if it brings about the silence of the surface mind, opens up an inner, larger, deeper mind within which is more capable of receiving spiritual experience and spiritual knowledge. But once concentrated here one must open the silent mental consciousness upward and in the end it rises beyond the lid which has so long kept it tied in the body and finds a centre above the head where it is liberated into the Infinite. There it begins to come into contact with the universal Self, the Divine Peace, Light, Power, Knowledge, Bliss, to enter into that and become that, to feel the descent of these things into the nature. To concentrate in the head with the aspiration for quietude in the mind and the realisation of the Self and Divine above is the second way of concentration. It is important, however, to remember that the concentration of the consciousness in the head in only a preparation for its rising to the centre above; otherwise, one may get shut up in one's own mind and its experiences or at best attain only to a reflection of the Truth above instead of rising into the spiritual transcendence to live there. For some the mental concentration is easier, for some the concentration in the heart centre; some are capable of doing both alternatively - but to begin with the heart centre, if one can do it, is the most desirable.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - II,
249:3. Conditions internal and external that are most essential for meditation. There are no essential external conditions, but solitude and seculsion at the time of meditation as well as stillness of the body are helpful, sometimes almost necessary to the beginning. But one should not be bound by external conditions. Once the habit of meditation is formed, it should be made possible to do it in all circumstances, lying, sitting, walking, alone, in company, in silence or in the midst of noise etc.
   The first internal condition necessary is concentration of the will against the obstacles to meditation, i.e. wandering of the mind, forgetfulness, sleep, physical and nervous impatience and restlessness etc. If the difficulty in meditation is that thoughts of all kinds come in, that is not due to hostile forces but to the ordinary nature of the human mind. All sadhaks have this difficulty and with many it lasts for a very long time. There are several was of getting rid of it. One of them is to look at the thoughts and observe what is the nature of the human mind as they show it but not to give any sanction and to let them run down till they come to a standstill - this is a way recommended by Vivekananda in his Rajayoga. Another is to look at the thoughts as not one's own, to stand back as the witness Purusha and refuse the sanction - the thoughts are regarded as things coming from outside, from Prakriti, and they must be felt as if they were passers-by crossing the mind-space with whom one has no connection and in whom one takes no interest. In this way it usually happens that after the time the mind divides into two, a part which is the mental witness watching and perfectly undisturbed and quiet and a part in which the thoughts cross or wander. Afterwards one can proceed to silence or quiet the Prakriti part also. There is a third, an active method by which one looks to see where the thoughts come from and finds they come not from oneself, but from outside the head as it were; if one can detect them coming, then, before enter, they have to be thrown away altogether. This is perhaps the most difficult way and not all can do it, but if it can be done it is the shortest and most powerful road to silence. It is not easy to get into the Silence. That is only possible by throwing out all mental-vital activities. It is easier to let the Silence descend into you, i.e., to open yourself and let it descend. The way to do this and the way to call down the higher powers is the same. It is to remain quiet at the time of efforts to pull down the Power or the Silence but keeping only a silent will and aspiration for them. If the mind is active one has to learn to look at it, drawn back and not giving sanction from within, until its habitual or mechanical activities begin to fall quiet for want of support from within. if it is too persistent, a steady rejection without strain or struggle is the one thing to be done.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Autobiographical Notes,
250:on purifying ego and desire :::
   The elimination of all egoistic activity and of its foundation, the egoistic consciousness, is clearly the key to the consummation we desire. And since in the path of works action is the knot we have first to loosen, we must endeavour to loosen it where it is centrally tied, in desire and in ego; for otherwise we shall cut only stray strands and not the heart of our bondage.These are the two knots of our subjection to this ignorant and divided Nature, desire and ego-sense. And of these two desire has its native home in the emotions and sensations and instincts and from there affects thought and volition; ego-sense lives indeed in these movements, but it casts its deep roots also in the thinking mind and its will and it is there that it becomes fully self conscious. These are the twin obscure powers of the obsessing world-wide Ignorance that we have to enlighten and eliminate.
   In the field of action desire takes many forms, but the most powerful of all is the vital selfs craving or seeking after the fruit of our works. The fruit we covet may be a reward of internal pleasure; it may be the accomplishment of some preferred idea or some cherished will or the satisfaction of the egoistic emotions, or else the pride of success of our highest hopes and ambitions. Or it may be an external reward, a recompense entirely material, -wealth, position, honour, victory, good fortune or any other fulfilment of vital or physical desire. But all alike are lures by which egoism holds us. Always these satisfactions delude us with the sense of mastery and the idea of freedom, while really we are harnessed and guided or ridden and whipped by some gross or subtle, some noble or ignoble, figure of the blind Desire that drives the world. Therefore the first rule of action laid down by the Gita is to do the work that should be done without any desire for the fruit, niskama karma. ...
   The test it lays down is an absolute equality of the mind and the heart to all results, to all reactions, to all happenings. If good fortune and ill fortune, if respect and insult, if reputation and obloquy, if victory and defeat, if pleasant event and sorrowful event leave us not only unshaken but untouched, free in the emotions, free in the nervous reactions, free in the mental view, not responding with the least disturbance or vibration in any spot of the nature, then we have the absolute liberation to which the Gita points us, but not otherwise. The tiniest reaction is a proof that the discipline is imperfect and that some part of us accepts ignorance and bondage as its law and clings still to the old nature. Our self-conquest is only partially accomplished; it is still imperfect or unreal in some stretch or part or smallest spot of the ground of our nature. And that little pebble of imperfection may throw down the whole achievement of the Yoga
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Yoga of Divine Works, Self-Surrender in Works - The Way of the Gita, [102],
251:Something happened to you before you were born, and this is what it was:
   The events of the 49-day Bardo period are divided into three major stages, the Chikhai, the Chonyid, and the Sidpa (in that order). Immediately following physical death, the soul enters the Chikhai, which is simply the state of the immaculate and luminous Dharmakaya, the ultimate Consciousness, the BrahmanAtman. This ultimate state is given, as a gift, to all individuals: they are plunged straight into ultimate reality and exist as the ultimate Dharmakaya. "At this moment," says the Bardo Thotrol, "the first glimpsing of the Bardo of the Clear Light of Reality, which is the Infallible Mind of the Dharmakaya, is experienced by all sentient beings.''110 Or, to put it a different way, the Thotrol tells us that "Thine own consciousness, shining, void, and inseparable from the Great Body of Radiance, hath no birth, nor death, and is the Immutable Light-Buddha Amitabha. Knowing this is sufficient. Recognizing the voidness of thine own intellect to be Buddhahood ... is to keep thyself in the Divine Mind."110 In short, immediately following physical death, the soul is absorbed in and as the ultimate-causal body (if we may treat them together).
   Interspersed with this brief summary of the Bardo Thotrol, I will add my commentaries on involution and on the nature of the Atman project in involution. And we begin by noting that at the start of the Bardo experience, the soul is elevated to the utter heights of Being, to the ultimate state of Oneness-that is, he starts his Bardo career at the top. But, at the top is usually not where he remains, and the Thotrol tells us why. In Evans-Wentz's words, "In the realm of the Clear Light [the highest Chikhai stage] the mentality of a person . . . momentarily enjoys a condition of balance, of perfect equilibrium, and of [ultimate] oneness. Owing to unfamiliarity with such a state, which is an ecstatic state of non-ego, of [causal] consciousness, the . . . average human being lacks the power to function in it; karmic propensities becloud the consciousness-principle with thoughts of personality, of individualized being, of dualism, and, losing equilibrium, the consciousness-principle falls away from the Clear Light."
   The soul falls away from the ultimate Oneness because "karmic propensities cloud consciousness"-"karmic propensities'' means seeking, grasping, desiring; means, in fact, Eros. And as this Erosseeking develops, the state of perfect Oneness starts to "break down" (illusorily). Or, from a different angle, because the individual cannot stand the intensity of pure Oneness ("owing to unfamiliarity with such a state"), he contracts away from it, tries to ''dilute it," tries to extricate himself from Perfect Intensity in Atman. Contracting in the face of infinity, he turns instead to forms of seeking, desire, karma, and grasping, trying to "search out" a state of equilibrium. Contraction and Eros-these karmic propensities couple and conspire to drive the soul away from pure consciousness and downwards into multiplicity, into less intense and less real states of being. ~ Ken Wilber, The Atman Project,
252:The Mother once described the characteristics of the unity-body, of the future supramental body, to a young Ashramite: 'You know, if there is something on that window-sill and if I [in a supramental body] want to take it, I stretch out my hand and it becomes - wow! - long, and I have the thing in my hand without even having to get up from my chair ... Physically, I shall be able to be here and there at the same time. I shall be able to communicate with many people at the same time. To have something in my hand, I'll just have to wish for it. I think about something and I want it and it is already in my hand. With this transformed body I shall be free of the fetters of ignorance, pain, of mortality and unconsciousness. I shall be able to do many things at the same time. The transparent, luminous, strong, light, elastic body won't need any material things to subsist on ... The body can even be lengthened if one wants it to become tall, or shrunk when one wants it to be small, in any circumstances ... There will be all kinds of changes and there will be powers without limit. And it won't be something funny. Of course, I am giving you somewhat childish examples to tease you and to show the difference. 'It will be a true being, perfect in proportion, very, very beautiful and strong, light, luminous or else transparent. It will have a supple and malleable body endowed with extraordinary capacities and able to do everything; a body without age, a creation of the New Consciousness or else a transformed body such as none has ever imagined ... All that is above man will be within its reach. It will be guided by the Truth alone and nothing less. That is what it is and more even than has ever been conceived.'895 This the Mother told in French to Mona Sarkar, who noted it down as faithfully as possible and read it out to her for verification. The supramental body will not only be omnipotent and omniscient, but also omnipresent. And immortal. Not condemned to a never ending monotonous immortality - which, again, is one of our human interpretations of immortality - but for ever existing in an ecstasy of inexhaustible delight in 'the Joy that surpasses all understanding.' Moment after moment, eternity after eternity. For in that state each moment is an eternity and eternity an ever present moment. If gross matter is not capable of being used as a permanent coating of the soul in the present phase of its evolution, then it certainly is not capable of being the covering of the supramental consciousness, to form the body that has, to some extent, been described above. This means that the crux of the process of supramental transformation lies in matter; the supramental world has to become possible in matter, which at present still is gross matter. - Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were supramentalized in their mental and vital, but their enormous problem was the supramentalization of the physical body, consisting of the gross matter of the Earth. As the Mother said: 'It is matter itself that must change so that the Supramental may manifest. A new kind of matter no longer corresponding with Mendeleyev's periodic table of the elements? Is that possible?
   ~ Georges Van Vrekhem,
253:There is no invariable rule of such suffering. It is not the soul that suffers; the Self is calm and equal to all things and the only sorrow of the psychic being is the sorrow of the resistance of Nature to the Divine Will or the resistance of things and people to the call of the True, the Good and the Beautiful. What is affected by suffering is the vital nature and the body. When the soul draws towards the Divine, there may be a resistance in the mind and the common form of that is denial and doubt - which may create mental and vital suffering. There may again be a resistance in the vital nature whose principal character is desire and the attachment to the objects of desire, and if in this field there is conflict between the soul and the vital nature, between the Divine Attraction and the pull of the Ignorance, then obviously there may be much suffering of the mind and vital parts. The physical consciousness also may offer a resistance which is usually that of a fundamental inertia, an obscurity in the very stuff of the physical, an incomprehension, an inability to respond to the higher consciousness, a habit of helplessly responding to the lower mechanically, even when it does not want to do so; both vital and physical suffering may be the consequence. There is moreover the resistance of the Universal Nature which does not want the being to escape from the Ignorance into the Light. This may take the form of a vehement insistence on the continuation of the old movements, waves of them thrown on the mind and vital and body so that old ideas, impulses, desires, feelings, responses continue even after they are thrown out and rejected, and can return like an invading army from outside, until the whole nature, given to the Divine, refuses to admit them. This is the subjective form of the universal resistance, but it may also take an objective form - opposition, calumny, attacks, persecution, misfortunes of many kinds, adverse conditions and circumstances, pain, illness, assaults from men or forces. There too the possibility of suffering is evident. There are two ways to meet all that - first that of the Self, calm, equality, a spirit, a will, a mind, a vital, a physical consciousness that remain resolutely turned towards the Divine and unshaken by all suggestion of doubt, desire, attachment, depression, sorrow, pain, inertia. This is possible when the inner being awakens, when one becomes conscious of the Self, of the inner mind, the inner vital, the inner physical, for that can more easily attune itself to the divine Will, and then there is a division in the being as if there were two beings, one within, calm, strong, equal, unperturbed, a channel of the Divine Consciousness and Force, one without, still encroached on by the lower Nature; but then the disturbances of the latter become something superficial which are no more than an outer ripple, - until these under the inner pressure fade and sink away and the outer being too remains calm, concentrated, unattackable. There is also the way of the psychic, - when the psychic being comes out in its inherent power, its consecration, adoration, love of the Divine, self-giving, surrender and imposes these on the mind, vital and physical consciousness and compels them to turn all their movements Godward. If the psychic is strong and master...
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - IV, Resistances, Sufferings and Falls, 669,
254:Can it be said in justification of one's past that whatever has happened in one's life had to happen?

The Mother: Obviously, what has happened had to happen; it would not have been, if it had not been intended. Even the mistakes that we have committed and the adversities that fell upon us had to be, because there was some necessity in them, some utility for our lives. But in truth these things cannot be explained mentally and should not be. For all that happened was necessary, not for any mental reason, but to lead us to something beyond what the mind imagines. But is there any need to explain after all? The whole universe explains everything at every moment and a particular thing happens because the whole universe is what it is. But this does not mean that we are bound over to a blind acquiescence in Nature's inexorable law. You can accept the past as a settled fact and perceive the necessity in it, and still you can use the experience it gave you to build up the power consciously to guide and shape your present and your future.

Is the time also of an occurrence arranged in the Divine Plan of things?

The Mother: All depends upon the plane from which one sees and speaks. There is a plane of divine consciousness in which all is known absolutely, and the whole plan of things foreseen and predetermined. That way of seeing lives in the highest reaches of the Supramental; it is the Supreme's own vision. But when we do not possess that consciousness, it is useless to speak in terms that hold good only in that region and are not our present effective way of seeing things. For at a lower level of consciousness nothing is realised or fixed beforehand; all is in the process of making. Here there are no settled facts, there is only the play of possibilities; out of the clash of possibilities is realised the thing that has to happen. On this plane we can choose and select; we can refuse one possibility and accept another; we can follow one path, turn away from another. And that we can do, even though what is actually happening may have been foreseen and predetermined in a higher plane.

The Supreme Consciousness knows everything beforehand, because everything is realised there in her eternity. But for the sake of her play and in order to carry out actually on the physical plane what is foreordained in her own supreme self, she moves here upon earth as if she did not know the whole story; she works as if it was a new and untried thread that she was weaving. It is this apparent forgetfulness of her own foreknowledge in the higher consciousness that gives to the individual in the active life of the world his sense of freedom and independence and initiative. These things in him are her pragmatic tools or devices, and it is through this machinery that the movements and issues planned and foreseen elsewhere are realised here.

It may help you to understand if you take the example of an actor. An actor knows the whole part he has to play; he has in his mind the exact sequence of what is to happen on the stage. But when he is on the stage, he has to appear as if he did not know anything; he has to feel and act as if he were experiencing all these things for the first time, as if it was an entirely new world with all its chance events and surprises that was unrolling before his eyes. 28th April ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1929-1931,
255:If this is the truth of works, the first thing the sadhaka has to do is to recoil from the egoistic forms of activity and get rid of the sense of an "I" that acts. He has to see and feel that everything happens in him by the plastic conscious or subconscious or sometimes superconscious automatism of his mental and bodily instruments moved by the forces of spiritual, mental, vital and physical Nature. There is a personality on his surface that chooses and wills, submits and struggles, tries to make good in Nature or prevail over Nature, but this personality is itself a construction of Nature and so dominated, driven, determined by her that it cannot be free. It is a formation or expression of the Self in her, - it is a self of Nature rather than a self of Self, his natural and processive, not his spiritual and permanent being, a temporary constructed personality, not the true immortal Person. It is that Person that he must become. He must succeed in being inwardly quiescent, detach himself as the observer from the outer active personality and learn the play of the cosmic forces in him by standing back from all blinding absorption in its turns and movements. Thus calm, detached, a student of himself and a witness of his nature, he realises that he is the individual soul who observes the works of Nature, accepts tranquilly her results and sanctions or withholds his sanction from the impulse to her acts. At present this soul or Purusha is little more than an acquiescent spectator, influencing perhaps the action and development of the being by the pressure of its veiled consciousness, but for the most part delegating its powers or a fragment of them to the outer personality, - in fact to Nature, for this outer self is not lord but subject to her, anı̄sa; but, once unveiled, it can make its sanction or refusal effective, become the master of the action, dictate sovereignly a change of Nature. Even if for a long time, as the result of fixed association and past storage of energy, the habitual movement takes place independent of the Purusha's assent and even if the sanctioned movement is persistently refused by Nature for want of past habit, still he will discover that in the end his assent or refusal prevails, - slowly with much resistance or quickly with a rapid accommodation of her means and tendencies she modifies herself and her workings in the direction indicated by his inner sight or volition. Thus he learns in place of mental control or egoistic will an inner spiritual control which makes him master of the Nature-forces that work in him and not their unconscious instrument or mechanic slave. Above and around him is the Shakti, the universal Mother and from her he can get all his inmost soul needs and wills if only he has a true knowledge of her ways and a true surrender to the divine Will in her. Finally, he becomes aware of that highest dynamic Self within him and within Nature which is the source of all his seeing and knowing, the source of the sanction, the source of the acceptance, the source of the rejection. This is the Lord, the Supreme, the One-in-all, Ishwara-Shakti, of whom his soul is a portion, a being of that Being and a power of that Power. The rest of our progress depends on our knowledge of the ways in which the Lord of works manifests his Will in the world and in us and executes them through the transcendent and universal Shakti. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Supreme Will, 216,
256:In our world error is continually the handmaid and pathfinder of Truth; for error is really a half-truth that stumbles because of its limitations; often it is Truth that wears a disguise in order to arrive unobserved near to its goal. Well, if it could always be, as it has been in the great period we are leaving, the faithful handmaid, severe, conscientious, clean-handed, luminous within its limits, a half-truth and not a reckless and presumptuous aberration.
   A certain kind of Agnosticism is the final truth of all knowledge. For when we come to the end of whatever path, the universe appears as only a symbol or an appearance of an unknowable Reality which translates itself here into different systems of values, physical values, vital and sensational values, intellectual, ideal and spiritual values. The more That becomes real to us, the more it is seen to be always beyond defining thought and beyond formulating expression. "Mind attains not there, nor speech."3 And yet as it is possible to exaggerate, with the Illusionists, the unreality of the appearance, so it is possible to exaggerate the unknowableness of the Unknowable. When we speak of It as unknowable, we mean, really, that It escapes the grasp of our thought and speech, instruments which proceed always by the sense of difference and express by the way of definition; but if not knowable by thought, It is attainable by a supreme effort of consciousness. There is even a kind of Knowledge which is one with Identity and by which, in a sense, It can be known. Certainly, that Knowledge cannot be reproduced successfully in the terms of thought and speech, but when we have attained to it, the result is a revaluation of That in the symbols of our cosmic consciousness, not only in one but in all the ranges of symbols, which results in a revolution of our internal being and, through the internal, of our external life. Moreover, there is also a kind of Knowledge through which That does reveal itself by all these names and forms of phenomenal existence which to the ordinary intelligence only conceal It. It is this higher but not highest process of Knowledge to which we can attain by passing the limits of the materialistic formula and scrutinising Life, Mind and Supermind in the phenomena that are characteristic of them and not merely in those subordinate movements by which they link themselves to Matter.
   The Unknown is not the Unknowable; it need not remain the unknown for us, unless we choose ignorance or persist in our first limitations. For to all things that are not unknowable, all things in the universe, there correspond in that universe faculties which can take cognisance of them, and in man, the microcosm, these faculties are always existent and at a certain stage capable of development. We may choose not to develop them; where they are partially developed, we may discourage and impose on them a kind of atrophy. But, fundamentally, all possible knowledge is knowledge within the power of humanity. And since in man there is the inalienable impulse of Nature towards self-realisation, no struggle of the intellect to limit the action of our capacities within a determined area can for ever prevail. When we have proved Matter and realised its secret capacities, the very knowledge which has found its convenience in that temporary limitation, must cry to us, like the Vedic Restrainers, 'Forth now and push forward also in other fields.'
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine,
257:It is thus by an integralisation of our divided being that the Divine Shakti in the Yoga will proceed to its object; for liberation, perfection, mastery are dependent on this integralisation, since the little wave on the surface cannot control its own movement, much less have any true control over the vast life around it. The Shakti, the power of the Infinite and the Eternal descends within us, works, breaks up our present psychological formations, shatters every wall, widens, liberates, presents us with always newer and greater powers of vision, ideation, perception and newer and greater life-motives, enlarges and newmodels increasingly the soul and its instruments, confronts us with every imperfection in order to convict and destroy it, opens to a greater perfection, does in a brief period the work of many lives or ages so that new births and new vistas open constantly within us. Expansive in her action, she frees the consciousness from confinement in the body; it can go out in trance or sleep or even waking and enter into worlds or other regions of this world and act there or carry back its experience. It spreads out, feeling the body only as a small part of itself, and begins to contain what before contained it; it achieves the cosmic consciousness and extends itself to be commensurate with the universe. It begins to know inwardly and directly and not merely by external observation and contact the forces at play in the world, feels their movement, distinguishes their functioning and can operate immediately upon them as the scientist operates upon physical forces, accept their action and results in our mind, life, body or reject them or modify, change, reshape, create immense new powers and movements in place of the old small functionings of the nature. We begin to perceive the working of the forces of universal Mind and to know how our thoughts are created by that working, separate from within the truth and falsehood of our perceptions, enlarge their field, extend and illumine their significance, become master of our own minds and active to shape the movements of Mind in the world around us. We begin to perceive the flow and surge of the universal life-forces, detect the origin and law of our feelings, emotions, sensations, passions, are free to accept, reject, new-create, open to wider, rise to higher planes of Life-Power. We begin to perceive too the key to the enigma of Matter, follow the interplay of Mind and Life and Consciousness upon it, discover more and more its instrumental and resultant function and detect ultimately the last secret of Matter as a form not merely of Energy but of involved and arrested or unstably fixed and restricted consciousness and begin to see too the possibility of its liberation and plasticity of response to higher Powers, its possibilities for the conscious and no longer the more than half-inconscient incarnation and self-expression of the Spirit. All this and more becomes more and more possible as the working of the Divine Shakti increases in us and, against much resistance or labour to respond of our obscure consciousness, through much struggle and movement of progress and regression and renewed progress necessitated by the work of intensive transformation of a half-inconscient into a conscious substance, moves to a greater purity, truth, height, range. All depends on the psychic awakening in us, the completeness of our response to her and our growing surrender. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Ascent of the Sacrifice - 2, 183,
258:Sometimes one cannot distinguish adverse forces from other forces.

That happens when one is quite unconscious. There are only two cases when this is possible: you are either very unconscious of the movements of your being - you have not studied, you have not observed, you do not know what is happening within you - or you are absolutely insincere, that is, you play the ostrich in order not to see the reality of things: you hide your head, you hide your observation, your knowledge and you say, "It is not there." But indeed the latter I hope is not in question here. Hence it is simply because one has not the habit of observing oneself that one is so unconscious of what is happening within.

Have you ever practised distinguishing what comes from your mind, what comes from your vital, what comes from your physical?... For it is mixed up; it is mixed up in the outward appearance. If you do not take care to distinguish, it makes a kind of soup, all that together. So it is indistinct and difficult to discoveR But if you observe yourself, after some time you see certain things, you feel them to be there, like that, as though they were in your skin; for some other things you feel you would have to go within yourself to find out from where they come; for other things, you have to go still further inside, or otherwise you have to rise up a little: it comes from unconsciousness. And there are others; then you must go very deep, very deep to find out from where they come. This is just a beginning.

Simply observe. You are in a certain condition, a certain undefinable condition. Then look: "What! how is it I am like that?" You try to see first if you have fever or some other illness; but it is all right, everything is all right, there's neither headache nor fever, the stomach is not protesting, the heart is functioning as it should, indeed, all's well, you are normal. "Why then am I feeling so uneasy?"... So you go a little further within. It depends on cases. Sometimes you find out immediately: yes, there was a little incident which wasn't pleasant, someone said a word that was not happy or one had failed in his task or perhaps did not know one's lesson very well, the teacher had made a remark. At the time, one did not pay attention properly, but later on, it begins to work, leaves a painful impression. That is the second stage. Afterwards, if nothing happened: "All's well, everything is normal, everything usual, I have nothing to note down, nothing has happened: why then do I feel like that?" Now it begins to be interesting, because one must enter much more deeply within oneself. And then it can be all sorts of things: it may be precisely the expression of an attack that is preparing; it may be a little inner anxiety seeking the progress that has to be made; it may be a premonition that there is somewhere in contact with oneself something not altogether harmonious which one has to change: something one must see, discover, change, on which light is to be put, something that is still there, deep down, and which should no longer be there. Then if you look at yourself very carefully, you find out: "There! I am still like that; in that little corner, there is still something of that kind, not clear: a little selfishness, a little ill-will, something refusing to change." So you see it, you take it by the tip of its nose or by the ear and hold it up in full light: "So, you were hiding! you are hiding? But I don't want you any longer." And then it has to go away.

This is a great progress.
   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1953, 102-104, [T4],

NOW that we have learnt to observe the mind, so that we know how it works to some extent, and have begun to understand the elements of control, we may try the result of gathering together all the powers of the mind, and attempting to focus them on a single point.

   We know that it is fairly easy for the ordinary educated mind to think without much distraction on a subject in which it is much interested. We have the popular phrase, "revolving a thing in the mind"; and as long as the subject is sufficiently complex, as long as thoughts pass freely, there is no great difficulty. So long as a gyroscope is in motion, it remains motionless relatively to its support, and even resists attempts to distract it; when it stops it falls from that position. If the earth ceased to spin round the sun, it would at once fall into the sun. The moment then that the student takes a simple subject - or rather a simple object - and imagines it or visualizes it, he will find that it is not so much his creature as he supposed. Other thoughts will invade the mind, so that the object is altogether forgotten, perhaps for whole minutes at a time; and at other times the object itself will begin to play all sorts of tricks.

   Suppose you have chosen a white cross. It will move its bar up and down, elongate the bar, turn the bar oblique, get its arms unequal, turn upside down, grow branches, get a crack around it or a figure upon it, change its shape altogether like an Amoeba, change its size and distance as a whole, change the degree of its illumination, and at the same time change its colour. It will get splotchy and blotchy, grow patterns, rise, fall, twist and turn; clouds will pass over its face. There is no conceivable change of which it is incapable. Not to mention its total disappearance, and replacement by something altogether different!

   Any one to whom this experience does not occur need not imagine that he is meditating. It shows merely that he is incapable of concentrating his mind in the very smallest degree. Perhaps a student may go for several days before discovering that he is not meditating. When he does, the obstinacy of the object will infuriate him; and it is only now that his real troubles will begin, only now that Will comes really into play, only now that his manhood is tested. If it were not for the Will-development which he got in the conquest of Asana, he would probably give up. As it is, the mere physical agony which he underwent is the veriest trifle compared with the horrible tedium of Dharana.

   For the first week it may seem rather amusing, and you may even imagine you are progressing; but as the practice teaches you what you are doing, you will apparently get worse and worse. Please understand that in doing this practice you are supposed to be seated in Asana, and to have note-book and pencil by your side, and a watch in front of you. You are not to practise at first for more than ten minutes at a time, so as to avoid risk of overtiring the brain. In fact you will probably find that the whole of your willpower is not equal to keeping to a subject at all for so long as three minutes, or even apparently concentrating on it for so long as three seconds, or three-fifths of one second. By "keeping to it at all" is meant the mere attempt to keep to it. The mind becomes so fatigued, and the object so incredibly loathsome, that it is useless to continue for the time being. In Frater P.'s record we find that after daily practice for six months, meditations of four minutes and less are still being recorded.

   ~ Aleister Crowley, Liber ABA,
260:We have now completed our view of the path of Knowledge and seen to what it leads. First, the end of Yoga of Knowledge is God-possession, it is to possess God and be possessed by him through consciousness, through identification, through reflection of the divine Reality. But not merely in some abstraction away from our present existence, but here also; therefore to possess the Divine in himself, the Divine in the world, the Divine within, the Divine in all things and all beings. It is to possess oneness with God and through that to possess also oneness with the universal, with the cosmos and all existences; therefore to possess the infinite diversity also in the oneness, but on the basis of oneness and not on the basis of division. It is to possess God in his personality and his impersonality; in his purity free from qualities and in his infinite qualities; in time and beyond time; in his action and in his silence; in the finite and in the infinite. It is to possess him not only in pure self, but in all self; not only in self, but in Nature; not only in spirit, but in supermind, mind, life and body; to possess him with the spirit, with the mind, with the vital and the physical consciousness; and it is again for all these to be possessed by him, so that our whole being is one with him, full of him, governed and driven by him. It is, since God is oneness, for our physical consciousness to be one with the soul and the nature of the material universe; for our life, to be one with all life; for our mind, to be one with the universal mind; for our spirit, to be identified with the universal spirit. It is to merge in him in the absolute and find him in all relations. Secondly, it is to put on the divine being and the divine nature. And since God is Sachchidananda, it is to raise our being into the divine being, our consciousness into the divine consciousness, our energy into the divine energy, our delight of existence into the divine delight of being. And it is not only to lift ourselves into this higher consciousness, but to widen into it in all our being, because it is to be found on all the planes of our existence and in all our members, so that our mental, vital, physical existence shall become full of the divine nature. Our intelligent mentality is to become a play of the divine knowledge-will, our mental soul-life a play of the divine love and delight, our vitality a play of the divine life, our physical being a mould of the divine substance. This God-action in us is to be realised by an opening of ourselves to the divine gnosis and divine Ananda and, in its fullness, by an ascent into and a permanent dwelling in the gnosis and the Ananda. For though we live physically on the material plane and in normal outwardgoing life the mind and soul are preoccupied with material existence, this externality of our being is not a binding limitation. We can raise our internal consciousness from plane to plane of the relations of Purusha with prakriti, and even become, instead of the mental being dominated by the physical soul and nature, the gnostic being or the bliss-self and assume the gnostic or the bliss nature. And by this raising of the inner life we can transform our whole outward-going existence; instead of a life dominated by matter we shall then have a life dominated by spirit with all its circumstances moulded and determined by the purity of being, the consciousness infinite even in the finite, the divine energy, the divine joy and bliss of the spirit.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Yoga of Integral Knowledge, The Higher and the Lower Knowledge [511] [T1],
   Sometimes while reading a text one has ideas, then Sweet Mother, how can one distinguish between the other person's idea and one's own?

Oh! This, this doesn't exist, the other person's idea and one's own idea.
   Nobody has ideas of his own: it is an immensity from which one draws according to his personal affinity; ideas are a collective possession, a collective wealth.
   Only, there are different stages. So there is the most common level, the one where all our brains bathe; this indeed swarms here, it is the level of "Mr. Everybody". And then there is a level that's slightly higher for people who are called thinkers. And then there are higher levels still - many - some of them are beyond words but they are still domains of ideas. And then there are those capable of shooting right up, catching something which is like a light and making it come down with all its stock of ideas, all its stock of thoughts. An idea from a higher domain if pulled down organises itself and is crystallised in a large number of thoughts which can express that idea differently; and then if you are a writer or a poet or an artist, when you make it come lower down still, you can have all kinds of expressions, extremely varied and choice around a single little idea but one coming from very high above. And when you know how to do this, it teaches you to distinguish between the pure idea and the way of expressing it.
   Some people cannot do it in their own head because they have no imagination or faculty for writing, but they can do it through study by reading what others have written. There are, you know, lots of poets, for instance, who have expressed the same idea - the same idea but with such different forms that when one reads many of them it becomes quite interesting to see (for people who love to read and read much). Ah, this idea, that one has said it like this, that other has expressed it like that, another has formulated it in this way, and so on. And so you have a whole stock of expressions which are expressions by different poets of the same single idea up there, above, high above. And you notice that there is an almost essential difference between the pure idea, the typal idea and its formulation in the mental world, even the speculative or artistic mental world. This is a very good thing to do when one loves gymnastics. It is mental gymnastics.
   Well, if you want to be truly intelligent, you must know how to do mental gymnastics; as, you see, if you want really to have a fairly strong body you must know how to do physical gymnastics. It is the same thing. People who have never done mental gymnastics have a poor little brain, quite over-simple, and all their life they think like children. One must know how to do this - not take it seriously, in the sense that one shouldn't have convictions, saying, "This idea is true and that is false; this formulation is correct and that one is not and this religion is the true one and that religion is false", and so on and so forth... this, if you enter into it, you become absolutely stupid.
   But if you can see all that and, for example, take all the religions, one after another and see how they have expressed the same aspiration of the human being for some Absolute, it becomes very interesting; and then you begin... yes, you begin to be able to juggle with all that. And then when you have mastered it all, you can rise above it and look at all the eternal human discussions with a smile. So there you are master of the thought and can no longer fly into a rage because someone else does not think as you, something that's unfortunately a very common malady here.
   Now, there we are. Nobody has any questions, no?
   That's enough? Finished! ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1955,
262:In the process of this change there must be by the very necessity of the effort two stages of its working. First, there will be the personal endeavour of the human being, as soon as he becomes aware by his soul, mind, heart of this divine possibility and turns towards it as the true object of life, to prepare himself for it and to get rid of all in him that belongs to a lower working, of all that stands in the way of his opening to the spiritual truth and its power, so as to possess by this liberation his spiritual being and turn all his natural movements into free means of its self-expression. It is by this turn that the self-conscious Yoga aware of its aim begins: there is a new awakening and an upward change of the life motive. So long as there is only an intellectual, ethical and other self-training for the now normal purposes of life which does not travel beyond the ordinary circle of working of mind, life and body, we are still only in the obscure and yet unillumined preparatory Yoga of Nature; we are still in pursuit of only an ordinary human perfection. A spiritual desire of the Divine and of the divine perfection, of a unity with him in all our being and a spiritual perfection in all our nature, is the effective sign of this change, the precursory power of a great integral conversion of our being and living. By personal effort a precursory change, a preliminary conversion can be effected; it amounts to a greater or less spiritualising of our mental motives, our character and temperament, and a mastery, stilling or changed action of the vital and physical life. This converted subjectivity can be made the base of some communion or unity of the soul in mind with the Divine and some partial reflection of the divine nature in the mentality of the human being. That is as far as man can go by his unaided or indirectly aided effort, because that is an effort of mind and mind cannot climb beyond itself permanently: at most it arises to a spiritualised and idealised mentality. If it shoots up beyond that border, it loses hold of itself, loses hold of life, and arrives either at a trance of absorption or a passivity. A greater perfection can only be arrived at by a higher power entering in and taking up the whole action of the being. The second stage of this Yoga will therefore be a persistent giving up of all the action of the nature into the hands of this greater Power, a substitution of its influence, possession and working for the personal effort, until the Divine to whom we aspire becomes the direct master of the Yoga and effects the entire spiritual and ideal conversion of the being. Two rules there are that will diminish the difficulty and obviate the danger. One must reject all that comes from the ego, from vital desire, from the mere mind and its presumptuous reasoning incompetence, all that ministers to these agents of the Ignorance. One must learn to hear and follow the voice of the inmost soul, the direction of the Guru, the command of the Master, the working of the Divine Mother. Whoever clings to the desires and weaknesses of the flesh, the cravings and passions of the vital in its turbulent ignorance, the dictates of his personal mind unsilenced and unillumined by a greater knowledge, cannot find the true inner law and is heaping obstacles in the way of the divine fulfilment. Whoever is able to detect and renounce those obscuring agencies and to discern and follow the true Guide within and without will discover the spiritual law and reach the goal of the Yoga. A radical and total change of consciousness is not only the whole meaning but, in an increasing force and by progressive stages, the whole method of the integral Yoga.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Yoga of Self-Perfection, The Integral Perfection [618],
263:The principle of Yoga is the turning of one or of all powers of our human existence into a means of reaching the divine Being. In an ordinary Yoga one main power of being or one group of its powers is made the means, vehicle, path. In a synthetic Yoga all powers will be combined and included in the transmuting instrumentation.
   In Hathayoga the instrument is the body and life. All the power of the body is stilled, collected, purified, heightened, concentrated to its utmost limits or beyond any limits by Asana and other physical processes; the power of the life too is similarly purified, heightened, concentrated by Asana and Pranayama. This concentration of powers is then directed towards that physical centre in which the divine consciousness sits concealed in the human body. The power of Life, Nature-power, coiled up with all its secret forces asleep in the lowest nervous plexus of the earth-being,-for only so much escapes into waking action in our normal operations as is sufficient for the limited uses of human life,-rises awakened through centre after centre and awakens, too, in its ascent and passage the forces of each successive nodus of our being, the nervous life, the heart of emotion and ordinary mentality, the speech, sight, will, the higher knowledge, till through and above the brain it meets with and it becomes one with the divine consciousness.
   In Rajayoga the chosen instrument is the mind. our ordinary mentality is first disciplined, purified and directed towards the divine Being, then by a summary process of Asana and Pranayama the physical force of our being is stilled and concentrated, the life-force released into a rhythmic movement capable of cessation and concentrated into a higher power of its upward action, the mind, supported and strengthened by this greater action and concentration of the body and life upon which it rests, is itself purified of all its unrest and emotion and its habitual thought-waves, liberated from distraction and dispersion, given its highest force of concentration, gathered up into a trance of absorption. Two objects, the one temporal, the other eternal,are gained by this discipline. Mind-power develops in another concentrated action abnormal capacities of knowledge, effective will, deep light of reception, powerful light of thought-radiation which are altogether beyond the narrow range of our normal mentality; it arrives at the Yogic or occult powers around which there has been woven so much quite dispensable and yet perhaps salutary mystery. But the one final end and the one all-important gain is that the mind, stilled and cast into a concentrated trance, can lose itself in the divine consciousness and the soul be made free to unite with the divine Being.
   The triple way takes for its chosen instruments the three main powers of the mental soul-life of the human being. Knowledge selects the reason and the mental vision and it makes them by purification, concentration and a certain discipline of a Goddirected seeking its means for the greatest knowledge and the greatest vision of all, God-knowledge and God-vision. Its aim is to see, know and be the Divine. Works, action selects for its instrument the will of the doer of works; it makes life an offering of sacrifice to the Godhead and by purification, concentration and a certain discipline of subjection to the divine Will a means for contact and increasing unity of the soul of man with the divine Master of the universe. Devotion selects the emotional and aesthetic powers of the soul and by turning them all Godward in a perfect purity, intensity, infinite passion of seeking makes them a means of God-possession in one or many relations of unity with the Divine Being. All aim in their own way at a union or unity of the human soul with the supreme Spirit.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Yoga of Self-Perfection, The Principle of the Integral Yoga, 609,
264:I have never been able to share your constantly recurring doubts about your capacity or the despair that arises in you so violently when there are these attacks, nor is their persistent recurrence a valid ground for believing that they can never be overcome. Such a persistent recurrence has been a feature in the sadhana of many who have finally emerged and reached the goal; even the sadhana of very great Yogis has not been exempt from such violent and constant recurrences; they have sometimes been special objects of such persistent assaults, as I have indeed indicated in Savitri in more places than one - and that was indeed founded on my own experience. In the nature of these recurrences there is usually a constant return of the same adverse experiences, the same adverse resistance, thoughts destructive of all belief and faith and confidence in the future of the sadhana, frustrating doubts of what one has known as the truth, voices of despondency and despair, urgings to abandonment of the Yoga or to suicide or else other disastrous counsels of déchéance. The course taken by the attacks is not indeed the same for all, but still they have strong family resemblance. One can eventually overcome if one begins to realise the nature and source of these assaults and acquires the faculty of observing them, bearing, without being involved or absorbed into their gulf, finally becoming the witness of their phenomena and understanding them and refusing the mind's sanction even when the vital is still tossed in the whirl or the most outward physical mind still reflects the adverse suggestions. In the end these attacks lose their power and fall away from the nature; the recurrence becomes feeble or has no power to last: even, if the detachment is strong enough, they can be cut out very soon or at once. The strongest attitude to take is to regard these things as what they really are, incursions of dark forces from outside taking advantage of certain openings in the physical mind or the vital part, but not a real part of oneself or spontaneous creation in one's own nature. To create a confusion and darkness in the physical mind and throw into it or awake in it mistaken ideas, dark thoughts, false impressions is a favourite method of these assailants, and if they can get the support of this mind from over-confidence in its own correctness or the natural rightness of its impressions and inferences, then they can have a field day until the true mind reasserts itself and blows the clouds away. Another device of theirs is to awake some hurt or rankling sense of grievance in the lower vital parts and keep them hurt or rankling as long as possible. In that case one has to discover these openings in one's nature and learn to close them permanently to such attacks or else to throw out intruders at once or as soon as possible. The recurrence is no proof of a fundamental incapacity; if one takes the right inner attitude, it can and will be overcome. The idea of suicide ought never to be accepted; there is no real ground for it and in any case it cannot be a remedy or a real escape: at most it can only be postponement of difficulties and the necessity for their solution under no better circumstances in another life. One must have faith in the Master of our life and works, even if for a long time he conceals himself, and then in his own right time he will reveal his Presence.
   I have tried to dispel all the misconceptions, explain things as they are and meet all the points at issue. It is not that you really cannot make progress or have not made any progress; on the contrary, you yourself have admitted that you have made a good advance in many directions and there is no reason why, if you persevere, the rest should not come. You have always believed in the Guruvada: I would ask you then to put your faith in the Guru and the guidance and rely on the Ishwara for the fulfilment, to have faith in my abiding love and affection, in the affection and divine goodwill and loving kindness of the Mother, stand firm against all attacks and go forward perseveringly towards the spiritual goal and the all-fulfilling and all-satisfying touch of the All-Blissful, the Ishwara.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - IV,
265:All Yoga is a turning of the human mind and the human soul, not yet divine in realisation, but feeling the divine impulse and attraction in it, towards that by which it finds its greater being. Emotionally, the first form which this turning takes must be that of adoration. In ordinary religion this adoration wears the form of external worship and that again develops a most external form of ceremonial worship. This element is ordinarily necessary because the mass of men live in their physical minds, cannot realise anything except by the force of a physical symbol and cannot feel that they are living anything except by the force of a physical action. We might apply here the Tantric gradation of sadhana, which makes the way of the pasu, the herd, the animal or physical being, the lowest stage of its discipline, and say that the purely or predominantly ceremonial adoration is the first step of this lowest part of the way. It is evident that even real religion, - and Yoga is something more than religion, - only begins when this quite outward worship corresponds to something really felt within the mind, some genuine submission, awe or spiritual aspiration, to which it becomes an aid, an outward expression and also a sort of periodical or constant reminder helping to draw back the mind to it from the preoccupations of ordinary life. But so long as it is only an idea of the Godhead to which one renders reverence or homage, we have not yet got to the beginning of Yoga. The aim of Yoga being union, its beginning must always be a seeking after the Divine, a longing after some kind of touch, closeness or possession. When this comes on us, the adoration becomes always primarily an inner worship; we begin to make ourselves a temple of the Divine, our thoughts and feelings a constant prayer of aspiration and seeking, our whole life an external service and worship. It is as this change, this new soul-tendency grows, that the religion of the devotee becomes a Yoga, a growing contact and union. It does not follow that the outward worship will necessarily be dispensed with, but it will increasingly become only a physical expression or outflowing of the inner devotion and adoration, the wave of the soul throwing itself out in speech and symbolic act.
   Adoration, before it turns into an element of the deeper Yoga of devotion, a petal of the flower of love, its homage and self-uplifting to its sun, must bring with it, if it is profound, an increasing consecration of the being to the Divine who is adored. And one element of this consecration must be a self-purifying so as to become fit for the divine contact, or for the entrance of the Divine into the temple of our inner being, or for his selfrevelation in the shrine of the heart. This purifying may be ethical in its character, but it will not be merely the moralist's seeking for the right and blameless action or even, when once we reach the stage of Yoga, an obedience to the law of God as revealed in formal religion; but it will be a throwing away, katharsis, of all that conflicts whether with the idea of the Divine in himself or of the Divine in ourselves. In the former case it becomes in habit of feeling and outer act an imitation of the Divine, in the latter a growing into his likeness in our nature. What inner adoration is to ceremonial worship, this growing into the divine likeness is to the outward ethical life. It culminates in a sort of liberation by likeness to the Divine,1 a liberation from our lower nature and a change into the divine nature.
   Consecration becomes in its fullness a devoting of all our being to the Divine; therefore also of all our thoughts and our works. Here the Yoga takes into itself the essential elements of the Yoga of works and the Yoga of knowledge, but in its own manner and with its own peculiar spirit. It is a sacrifice of life and works to the Divine, but a sacrifice of love more than a tuning of the will to the divine Will. The bhakta offers up his life and all that he is and all that he has and all that he does to the Divine. This surrender may take the ascetic form, as when he leaves the ordinary life of men and devotes his days solely to prayer ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Way of Devotion, 571 [T1],
266:Although a devout student of the Bible, Paracelsus instinctively adopted the broad patterns of essential learning, as these had been clarified by Pythagoras of Samos and Plato of Athens. Being by nature a mystic as well as a scientist, he also revealed a deep regard for the Neoplatonic philosophy as expounded by Plotinus, Iamblichus, and Proclus. Neo­platonism is therefore an invaluable aid to the interpretation of the Paracelsian doctrine.
   Paracelsus held that true knowledge is attained in two ways, or rather that the pursuit of knowledge is advanced by a two-fold method, the elements of which are completely interdependent. In our present terminology, we can say that these two parts of method are intuition and experience. To Paracelsus, these could never be divided from each other.
   The purpose of intuition is to reveal certain basic ideas which must then be tested and proven by experience. Experience, in turn, not only justifies intuition, but contributes certain additional knowledge by which the impulse to further growth is strengthened and developed. Paracelsus regarded the separation of intuition and experience to be a disaster, leading inevitably to greater error and further disaster. Intuition without experience allows the mind to fall into an abyss of speculation without adequate censorship by practical means. Experience without intuition could never be fruitful because fruitfulness comes not merely from the doing of things, but from the overtones which stimulate creative thought. Further, experience is meaningless unless there is within man the power capable of evaluating happenings and occurrences. The absence of this evaluating factor allows the individual to pass through many kinds of experiences, either misinterpreting them or not inter­ preting them at all. So Paracelsus attempted to explain intuition and how man is able to apprehend that which is not obvious or apparent. Is it possible to prove beyond doubt that the human being is capable of an inward realization of truths or facts without the assistance of the so-called rational faculty?
   According to Paracelsus, intuition was possible because of the existence in nature of a mysterious substance or essence-a universal life force. He gave this many names, but for our purposes, the simplest term will be appropriate. He compared it to light, further reasoning that there are two kinds of light: a visible radiance, which he called brightness, and an invisible radiance, which he called darkness. There is no essential difference between light and darkness. There is a dark light, which appears luminous to the soul but cannot be sensed by the body. There is a visible radiance which seems bright to the senses, but may appear dark to the soul. We must recognize that Paracelsus considered light as pertaining to the nature of being, the total existence from which all separate existences arise. Light not only contains the energy needed to support visible creatures, and the whole broad expanse of creation, but the invisible part of light supports the secret powers and functions of man, particularly intuition. Intuition, therefore, relates to the capacity of the individual to become attuned to the hidden side of life. By light, then, Paracelsus implies much more than the radiance that comes from the sun, a lantern, or a candle. To him, light is the perfect symbol, emblem, or figure of total well-being. Light is the cause of health. Invisible light, no less real if unseen, is the cause of wisdom. As the light of the body gives strength and energy, sustaining growth and development, so the light of the soul bestows understanding, the light of the mind makes wisdom possible, and the light of the spirit confers truth. Therefore, truth, wisdom, understanding, and health are all manifesta­ tions or revelations ot one virtue or power. What health is to the body, morality is to the emotions, virtue to the soul, wisdom to the mind, and reality to the spirit. This total content of living values is contained in every ray of visible light. This ray is only a manifestation upon one level or plane of the total mystery of life. Therefore, when we look at a thing, we either see its objective, physical form, or we apprehend its inner light Everything that lives, lives in light; everything that has an existence, radiates light. All things derive their life from light, and this light, in its root, is life itself. This, indeed, is the light that lighteth every man who cometh into the world. ~ Manly P Hall, Paracelsus,
267:To arrive then at this settled divine status must be the object of our concentration. The first step in concentration must be always to accustom the discursive mind to a settled unwavering pursuit of a single course of connected thought on a single subject and this it must do undistracted by all lures and alien calls on its attention. Such concentration is common enough in our ordinary life, but it becomes more difficult when we have to do it inwardly without any outward object or action on which to keep the mind; yet this inward concentration is what the seeker of knowledge must effect. Nor must it be merely the consecutive thought of the intellectual thinker, whose only object is to conceive and intellectually link together his conceptions. It is not, except perhaps at first, a process of reasoning that is wanted so much as a dwelling so far as possible on the fruitful essence of the idea which by the insistence of the soul's will upon it must yield up all the facets of its truth. Thus if it be the divine Love that is the subject of concentration, it is on the essence of the idea of God as Love that the mind should concentrate in such a way that the various manifestation of the divine Love should arise luminously, not only to the thought, but in the heart and being and vision of the Sadhaka. The thought may come first and the experience afterwards, but equally the experience may come first and the knowledge arise out of the experience. Afterwards the thing attained has to be dwelt on and more and more held till it becomes a constant experience and finally the Dharma or law of the being.
   This is the process of concentrated meditation; but a more strenuous method is the fixing of the whole mind in concentration on the essence of the idea only, so as to reach not the thought-knowledge or the psychological experience of the subject, but the very essence of the thing behind the idea. In this process thought ceases and passes into the absorbed or ecstatic contemplation of the object or by a merging into it m an inner Samadhi. If this be the process followed, then subsequently the state into which we rise must still be called down to take possession of the lower being, to shed its light, power and bliss on our ordinary consciousness. For otherwise we may possess it, as many do, in the elevated condition or in the inward Samadhi, but we shall lose our hold of it when we awake or descend into the contacts of the world; and this truncated possession is not the aim of an integral Yoga.
   A third process is neither at first to concentrate in a strenuous meditation on the one subject nor in a strenuous contemplation of the one object of thought-vision, but first to still the mind altogether. This may be done by various ways; one is to stand back from the mental action altogether not participating in but simply watching it until, tired of its unsanctioned leaping and running, it falls into an increasing and finally an absolute quiet. Another is to reject the thought-suggestions, to cast them away from the mind whenever they come and firmly hold to the peace of the being which really and always exists behind the trouble and riot of the mind. When this secret peace is unveiled, a great calm settles on the being and there comes usually with it the perception and experience of the all-pervading silent Brahman, everything else at first seeming to be mere form and eidolon. On the basis of this calm everything else may be built up in the knowledge and experience no longer of the external phenomena of things but of the deeper truth of the divine manifestation.
   Ordinarily, once this state is obtained, strenuous concentration will be found no longer necessary. A free concentration of will using thought merely for suggestion and the giving of light to the lower members will take its place. This Will will then insist on the physical being, the vital existence, the heart and the mind remoulding themselves in the forms of the Divine which reveal themselves out of the silent Brahman. By swifter or slower degrees according to the previous preparation and purification of the members, they will be obliged with more or less struggle to obey the law of the will and its thought-suggestion, so that eventually the knowledge of the Divine takes possession of our consciousness on all its planes and the image of the Divine is formed in our human existence even as it was done by the old Vedic Sadhakas. For the integral Yoga this is the most direct and powerful discipline.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Yoga of Integral Knowledge, Concentration,
   What is the exact way of feeling that we belong to the Divine and that the Divine is acting in us?

You must not feel with your head (because you may think so, but that's something vague); you must feel with your sense-feeling. Naturally one begins by wanting it with the mind, because that is the first thing that understands. And then one has an aspiration here (pointing to the heart), with a flame which pushes you to realise it. But if you want it to be truly the thing, well, you must feel it.

   You are doing something, suppose, for example, you are doing exercises, weight-lifting. Now suddenly without your knowing how it happened, suddenly you have the feeling that there is a force infinitely greater than you, greater, more powerful, a force that does the lifting for you. Your body becomes something almost non-existent and there is this Something that lifts. And then you will see; when that happens to you, you will no longer ask how it should be done, you will know. That does happen.

   It depends upon people, depends upon what dominates in their being. Those who think have suddenly the feeling that it is no longer they who think, that there is something which knows much better, sees much more clearly, which is infinitely more luminous, more conscious in them, which organises the thoughts and words; and then they write. But if the experience is complete, it is even no longer they who write, it is that same Thing that takes hold of their hand and makes it write. Well, one knows at that moment that the little physical person is just a tiny insignificant tool trying to remain as quiet as possible in order not to disturb the experience.

   Yes, at no cost must the experience be disturbed. If suddenly you say: "Oh, look, how strange it is!"...

   How can we reach that state?

Aspire for it, want it. Try to be less and less selfish, but not in the sense of becoming nice to other people or forgetting yourself, not that: have less and less the feeling that you are a person, a separate entity, something existing in itself, isolated from the rest.

   And then, above all, above all, it is that inner flame, that aspiration, that need for the light. It is a kind of - how to put it? - luminous enthusiasm that seizes you. It is an irresistible need to melt away, to give oneself, to exist only in the Divine.

   At that moment you have the experience of your aspiration.

   But that moment should be absolutely sincere and as integral as possible; and all this must occur not only in the head, not only here, but must take place everywhere, in all the cells of the body. The consciousness integrally must have this irresistible need.... The thing lasts for some time, then diminishes, gets extinguished. You cannot keep these things for very long. But then it so happens that a moment later or the next day or some time later, suddenly you have the opposite experience. Instead of feeling this ascent, and all that, this is no longer there and you have the feeling of the Descent, the Answer. And nothing but the Answer exists. Nothing but the divine thought, the divine will, the divine energy, the divine action exists any longer. And you too, you are no longer there.

   That is to say, it is the answer to our aspiration. It may happen immediately afterwards - that is very rare but may happen. If you have both simultaneously, then the state is perfect; usually they alternate; they alternate more and more closely until the moment there is a total fusion. Then there is no more distinction. I heard a Sufi mystic, who was besides a great musician, an Indian, saying that for the Sufis there was a state higher than that of adoration and surrender to the Divine, than that of devotion, that this was not the last stage; the last stage of the progress is when there is no longer any distinction; you have no longer this kind of adoration or surrender or consecration; it is a very simple state in which one makes no distinction between the Divine and oneself. They know this. It is even written in their books. It is a commonly known condition in which everything becomes quite simple. There is no longer any difference. There is no longer that kind of ecstatic surrender to "Something" which is beyond you in every way, which you do not understand, which is merely the result of your aspiration, your devotion. There is no difference any longer. When the union is perfect, there is no longer any difference.

   Is this the end of self-progress?

There is never any end to progress - never any end, you can never put a full stop there. ~ The Mother,
   Guru yoga is an essential practice in all schools of Tibetan Buddhism and Bon. This is true in sutra, tantra, and Dzogchen. It develops the heart connection with the masteR By continually strengthening our devotion, we come to the place of pure devotion in ourselves, which is the unshakeable, powerful base of the practice. The essence of guru yoga is to merge the practitioner's mind with the mind of the master.
   What is the true master? It is the formless, fundamental nature of mind, the primordial awareness of the base of everything, but because we exist in dualism, it is helpful for us to visualize this in a form. Doing so makes skillful use of the dualisms of the conceptual mind, to further strengthen devotion and help us stay directed toward practice and the generation of positive qualities.
   In the Bon tradition, we often visualize either Tapihritsa* as the master, or the Buddha ShenlaOdker*, who represents the union of all the masters. If you are already a practitioner, you may have another deity to visualize, like Guru Rinpoche or a yidam or dakini. While it is important to work with a lineage with which you have a connection, you should understand that the master you visualize is the embodiment of all the masters with whom you are connected, all the teachers with whom you have studied, all the deities to whom you have commitments. The master in guru yoga is not just one individual, but the essence of enlightenment, the primordial awareness that is your true nature.
   The master is also the teacher from whom you receive the teachings. In the Tibetan tradition, we say the master is more important than the Buddha. Why? Because the master is the immediate messenger of the teachings, the one who brings the Buddha's wisdom to the student. Without the master we could not find our way to the Buddha. So we should feel as much devotion to the master as we would to the Buddha if the Buddha suddenly appeared in front of us.
   Guru yoga is not just about generating some feeling toward a visualized image. It is done to find the fundamental mind in yourself that is the same as the fundamental mind of all your teachers, and of all the Buddhas and realized beings that have ever lived. When you merge with the guru, you merge with your pristine true nature, which is the real guide and masteR But this should not be an abstract practice. When you do guru yoga, try to feel such intense devotion that the hair stands upon your neck, tears start down your face, and your heart opens and fills with great love. Let yourself merge in union with the guru's mind, which is your enlightened Buddha-nature. This is the way to practice guru yoga.
The Practice
   After the nine breaths, still seated in meditation posture, visualize the master above and in front of you. This should not be a flat, two dimensional picture-let a real being exist there, in three dimensions, made of light, pure, and with a strong presence that affects the feeling in your body,your energy, and your mind. Generate strong devotion and reflect on the great gift of the teachings and the tremendous good fortune you enjoy in having made a connection to them. Offer a sincere prayer, asking that your negativities and obscurations be removed, that your positive qualities develop, and that you accomplish dream yoga.
   Then imagine receiving blessings from the master in the form of three colored lights that stream from his or her three wisdom doors- of body, speech, and mind-into yours. The lights should be transmitted in the following sequence: White light streams from the master's brow chakra into yours, purifying and relaxing your entire body and physical dimension. Then red light streams from the master's throat chakra into yours, purifying and relaxing your energetic dimension. Finally, blue light streams from the master's heart chakra into yours, purifying and relaxing your mind.
   When the lights enter your body, feel them. Let your body, energy, and mind relax, suffused inwisdom light. Use your imagination to make the blessing real in your full experience, in your body and energy as well as in the images in your mind.
   After receiving the blessing, imagine the master dissolving into light that enters your heart and resides there as your innermost essence. Imagine that you dissolve into that light, and remain inpure awareness, rigpa.
   There are more elaborate instructions for guru yoga that can involve prostrations, offerings, gestures, mantras, and more complicated visualizations, but the essence of the practice is mingling your mind with the mind of the master, which is pure, non-dual awareness. Guru yoga can be done any time during the day; the more often the better. Many masters say that of all the practices it is guru yoga that is the most important. It confers the blessings of the lineage and can open and soften the heart and quiet the unruly mind. To completely accomplish guru yoga is to accomplish the path.
   ~ Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, The Tibetan Yogas Of Dream And Sleep, [T3],
270:It is natural from the point of view of the Yoga to divide into two categories the activities of the human mind in its pursuit of knowledge. There is the supreme supra-intellectual knowledge which concentrates itself on the discovery of the One and Infinite in its transcendence or tries to penetrate by intuition, contemplation, direct inner contact into the ultimate truths behind the appearances of Nature; there is the lower science which diffuses itself in an outward knowledge of phenomena, the disguises of the One and Infinite as it appears to us in or through the more exterior forms of the world-manifestation around us. These two, an upper and a lower hemisphere, in the form of them constructed or conceived by men within the mind's ignorant limits, have even there separated themselves, as they developed, with some sharpness.... Philosophy, sometimes spiritual or at least intuitive, sometimes abstract and intellectual, sometimes intellectualising spiritual experience or supporting with a logical apparatus the discoveries of the spirit, has claimed always to take the fixation of ultimate Truth as its province. But even when it did not separate itself on rarefied metaphysical heights from the knowledge that belongs to the practical world and the pursuit of ephemeral objects, intellectual Philosophy by its habit of abstraction has seldom been a power for life. It has been sometimes powerful for high speculation, pursuing mental Truth for its own sake without any ulterior utility or object, sometimes for a subtle gymnastic of the mind in a mistily bright cloud-land of words and ideas, but it has walked or acrobatised far from the more tangible realities of existence. Ancient Philosophy in Europe was more dynamic, but only for the few; in India in its more spiritualised forms, it strongly influenced but without transforming the life of the race.... Religion did not attempt, like Philosophy, to live alone on the heights; its aim was rather to take hold of man's parts of life even more than his parts of mind and draw them Godwards; it professed to build a bridge between spiritual Truth and the vital and material human existence; it strove to subordinate and reconcile the lower to the higher, make life serviceable to God, Earth obedient to Heaven. It has to be admitted that too often this necessary effort had the opposite result of making Heaven a sanction for Earth's desires; for, continually, the religious idea has been turned into an excuse for the worship and service of the human ego. Religion, leaving constantly its little shining core of spiritual experience, has lost itself in the obscure mass of its ever extending ambiguous compromises with life: in attempting to satisfy the thinking mind, it more often succeeded in oppressing or fettering it with a mass of theological dogmas; while seeking to net the human heart, it fell itself into pits of pietistic emotionalism and sensationalism; in the act of annexing the vital nature of man to dominate it, it grew itself vitiated and fell a prey to all the fanaticism, homicidal fury, savage or harsh turn for oppression, pullulating falsehood, obstinate attachment to ignorance to which that vital nature is prone; its desire to draw the physical in man towards God betrayed it into chaining itself to ecclesiastic mechanism, hollow ceremony and lifeless ritual. The corruption of the best produced the worst by that strange chemistry of the power of life which generates evil out of good even as it can also generate good out of evil. At the same time in a vain effort at self-defence against this downward gravitation, Religion was driven to cut existence into two by a division of knowledge, works, art, life itself into two opposite categories, the spiritual and the worldly, religious and mundane, sacred and profane; but this defensive distinction itself became conventional and artificial and aggravated rather than healed the disease.... On their side Science and Art and the knowledge of Life, although at first they served or lived in the shadow of Religion, ended by emancipating themselves, became estranged or hostile, or have even recoiled with indifference, contempt or scepticism from what seem to them the cold, barren and distant or unsubstantial and illusory heights of unreality to which metaphysical Philosophy and Religion aspire. For a time the divorce has been as complete as the one-sided intolerance of the human mind could make it and threatened even to end in a complete extinction of all attempt at a higher or a more spiritual knowledge. Yet even in the earthward life a higher knowledge is indeed the one thing that is throughout needful, and without it the lower sciences and pursuits, however fruitful, however rich, free, miraculous in the abundance of their results, become easily a sacrifice offered without due order and to false gods; corrupting, hardening in the end the heart of man, limiting his mind's horizons, they confine in a stony material imprisonment or lead to a final baffling incertitude and disillusionment. A sterile agnosticism awaits us above the brilliant phosphorescence of a half-knowledge that is still the Ignorance. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Ascent of the Sacrifice - 1,
271:What are these operations? They are not mere psychological self-analysis and self-observation. Such analysis, such observation are, like the process of right thought, of immense value and practically indispensable. They may even, if rightly pursued, lead to a right thought of considerable power and effectivity. Like intellectual discrimination by the process of meditative thought they will have an effect of purification; they will lead to self-knowledge of a certain kind and to the setting right of the disorders of the soul and the heart and even of the disorders of the understanding. Self-knowledge of all kinds is on the straight path to the knowledge of the real Self. The Upanishad tells us that the Self-existent has so set the doors of the soul that they turn outwards and most men look outward into the appearances of things; only the rare soul that is ripe for a calm thought and steady wisdom turns its eye inward, sees the Self and attains to immortality. To this turning of the eye inward psychological self-observation and analysis is a great and effective introduction.We can look into the inward of ourselves more easily than we can look into the inward of things external to us because there, in things outside us, we are in the first place embarrassed by the form and secondly we have no natural previous experience of that in them which is other than their physical substance. A purified or tranquillised mind may reflect or a powerful concentration may discover God in the world, the Self in Nature even before it is realised in ourselves, but this is rare and difficult. (2) And it is only in ourselves that we can observe and know the process of the Self in its becoming and follow the process by which it draws back into self-being. Therefore the ancient counsel, know thyself, will always stand as the first word that directs us towards the knowledge. Still, psychological self-knowledge is only the experience of the modes of the Self, it is not the realisation of the Self in its pure being.
   The status of knowledge, then, which Yoga envisages is not merely an intellectual conception or clear discrimination of the truth, nor is it an enlightened psychological experience of the modes of our being. It is a "realisation", in the full sense of the word; it is the making real to ourselves and in ourselves of the Self, the transcendent and universal Divine, and it is the subsequent impossibility of viewing the modes of being except in the light of that Self and in their true aspect as its flux of becoming under the psychical and physical conditions of our world-existence. This realisation consists of three successive movements, internal vision, complete internal experience and identity.
   This internal vision, dr.s.t.i, the power so highly valued by the ancient sages, the power which made a man a Rishi or Kavi and no longer a mere thinker, is a sort of light in the soul by which things unseen become as evident and real to it-to the soul and not merely to the intellect-as do things seen to the physical eye. In the physical world there are always two forms of knowledge, the direct and the indirect, pratyaks.a, of that which is present to the eyes, and paroks.a, of that which is remote from and beyond our vision. When the object is beyond our vision, we are necessarily obliged to arrive at an idea of it by inference, imagination, analogy, by hearing the descriptions of others who have seen it or by studying pictorial or other representations of it if these are available. By putting together all these aids we can indeed arrive at a more or less adequate idea or suggestive image of the object, but we do not realise the thing itself; it is not yet to us the grasped reality, but only our conceptual representation of a reality. But once we have seen it with the eyes,-for no other sense is adequate,-we possess, we realise; it is there secure in our satisfied being, part of ourselves in knowledge. Precisely the same rule holds good of psychical things and of he Self. We may hear clear and luminous teachings about the Self from philosophers or teachers or from ancient writings; we may by thought, inference, imagination, analogy or by any other available means attempt to form a mental figure or conception of it; we may hold firmly that conception in our mind and fix it by an entire and exclusive concentration;3 but we have not yet realised it, we have not seen God. It is only when after long and persistent concentration or by other means the veil of the mind is rent or swept aside, only when a flood of light breaks over the awakened mentality, jyotirmaya brahman, and conception gives place to a knowledge-vision in which the Self is as present, real, concrete as a physical object to the physical eye, that we possess in knowledge; for we have seen. After that revelation, whatever fadings of the light, whatever periods of darkness may afflict the soul, it can never irretrievably lose what it has once held. The experience is inevitably renewed and must become more frequent till it is constant; when and how soon depends on the devotion and persistence with which we insist on the path and besiege by our will or our love the hidden Deity.
   (2) And it is only in ourselves that we can observe and know the 2 In one respect, however, it is easier, because in external things we are not so much hampered by the sense of the limited ego as in ourselves; one obstacle to the realisation of God is therefore removed.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Status of Knowledge,
272:summary of the entire process of psychic awakening :::
You have asked what is the discipline to be followed in order to convert the mental seeking into a living spiritual experience. The first necessity is the practice of concentration of your consciousness within yourself. The ordinary human mind has an activity on the surface which veils the real Self. But there is another, a hidden consciousness within behind the surface one in which we can become aware of the real Self and of a larger deeper truth of nature, can realise the Self and liberate and transform the nature. To quiet the surface mind and begin to live within is the object of this concentration. Of this true consciousness other then the superficial there are two main centres, one in the heart (not the physical heart, but the cardiac centre in the middle of the chest), one in the head. The concentration in the heart opens within and by following this inward opening and going deep one becomes aware of the soul or psychic being, the divine element in the individual. This being unveiled begins to come forward, to govern the nature, to turn it an d all its movements towards the Truth, towards the Divine, and to call down into it all that is above. It brings the consciousness of the Presence, the dedication of the being to the Highest and invites the descent into our nature of a greater Force and Consciousness which is waiting above us. To concentrate in the heart centre with the offering of oneself to the Divine and the aspiration for this inward opening and for the Presence in the heart is the first way and, if it can be done, the natural beginning; for its result once obtained makes the spiritual path far more easy and safe than if one begins the other way.
   That other way is the concentration in the head, in the mental centre. This, if it brings about the silence of the surface mind, opens up an inner, larger, deeper mind within which is more capable of receiving spiritual experience and spiritual knowledge. But once concentrated here one must open the silent mental consciousness upward to all that is above mind. After a time one feels the consciousness rising upward and it the end it rises beyond the lid which has so long kept it tied in the body and finds a centre above the head where it is liberated into the Infinite. There it behind to come into contact with the universal Self, the Divine Peace, Light, Power, Knowledge, Bliss, to enter into that and become that, to feel the descent of these things into the nature. To concentrate in the head with the aspiration for quietude in the mind and the realisation of the Self and Divine above is the second way of concentration. It is important, however, to remember that the concentration of the consciousness in the head is only a preparation for its rising to the centre above; otherwise, one may get shut up in one's own mind and its experiences or at best attain only to a reflection of the Truth above instead of rising into the spiritual transcendence to live there. For some the mental consciousness is easier, for some the concentration in the heart centre; some are capable of doing both alternatively - but to begin with the heart centre, if one can do it, is the more desirable.
   The other side of the discipline is with regard to the activities of the nature, of the mind, of the life-self or vital, of the physical being. Here the principle is to accord the nature with the inner realisation so that one may not be divided into two discordant parts. There are here several disciplines or processes possible. One is to offer all the activities to the Divine and call for the inner guidance and the taking up of one's nature by a Higher Power. If there is the inward soul-opening, if the psychic being comes forward, then there is no great difficulty - there comes with it a psychic discrimination, a constant intimation, finally a governance which discloses and quietly and patiently removes all imperfections, bring the right mental and vital movements and reshapes the physical consciousness also. Another method is to stand back detached from the movements of the mind, life, physical being, to regard their activities as only a habitual formation of general Nature in the individual imposed on us by past workings, not as any part of our real being; in proportion as one succeeds in this, becomes detached, sees mind and its activities as not oneself, life and its activities as not oneself, the body and its activities as not oneself, one becomes aware of an inner Being within us - inner mental, inner vital, inner physical - silent, calm, unbound, unattached which reflects the true Self above and can be its direct representative; from this inner silent Being proceeds a rejection of all that is to be rejected, an acceptance only of what can be kept and transformed, an inmost Will to perfection or a call to the Divine Power to do at each step what is necessary for the change of the Nature. It can also open mind, life and body to the inmost psychic entity and its guiding influence or its direct guidance. In most cases these two methods emerge and work together and finally fuse into one. But one can being with either, the one that one feels most natural and easy to follow.
   Finally, in all difficulties where personal effort is hampered, the help of the Teacher can intervene and bring above what is needed for the realisation or for the immediate step that is necessary.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - II, 6, {871},

THE EDUCATION of a human being should begin at birth and continue throughout his life.

   Indeed, if we want this education to have its maximum result, it should begin even before birth; in this case it is the mother herself who proceeds with this education by means of a twofold action: first, upon herself for her own improvement, and secondly, upon the child whom she is forming physically. For it is certain that the nature of the child to be born depends very much upon the mother who forms it, upon her aspiration and will as well as upon the material surroundings in which she lives. To see that her thoughts are always beautiful and pure, her feelings always noble and fine, her material surroundings as harmonious as possible and full of a great simplicity - this is the part of education which should apply to the mother herself. And if she has in addition a conscious and definite will to form the child according to the highest ideal she can conceive, then the very best conditions will be realised so that the child can come into the world with his utmost potentialities. How many difficult efforts and useless complications would be avoided in this way!

   Education to be complete must have five principal aspects corresponding to the five principal activities of the human being: the physical, the vital, the mental, the psychic and the spiritual. Usually, these phases of education follow chronologically the growth of the individual; this, however, does not mean that one of them should replace another, but that all must continue, completing one another until the end of his life.

   We propose to study these five aspects of education one by one and also their interrelationships. But before we enter into the details of the subject, I wish to make a recommendation to parents. Most parents, for various reasons, give very little thought to the true education which should be imparted to children. When they have brought a child into the world, provided him with food, satisfied his various material needs and looked after his health more or less carefully, they think they have fully discharged their duty. Later on, they will send him to school and hand over to the teachers the responsibility for his education.

   There are other parents who know that their children must be educated and who try to do what they can. But very few, even among those who are most serious and sincere, know that the first thing to do, in order to be able to educate a child, is to educate oneself, to become conscious and master of oneself so that one never sets a bad example to one's child. For it is above all through example that education becomes effective. To speak good words and to give wise advice to a child has very little effect if one does not oneself give him an example of what one teaches. Sincerity, honesty, straightforwardness, courage, disinterestedness, unselfishness, patience, endurance, perseverance, peace, calm, self-control are all things that are taught infinitely better by example than by beautiful speeches. Parents, have a high ideal and always act in accordance with it and you will see that little by little your child will reflect this ideal in himself and spontaneously manifest the qualities you would like to see expressed in his nature. Quite naturally a child has respect and admiration for his parents; unless they are quite unworthy, they will always appear to their child as demigods whom he will try to imitate as best he can.

   With very few exceptions, parents are not aware of the disastrous influence that their own defects, impulses, weaknesses and lack of self-control have on their children. If you wish to be respected by a child, have respect for yourself and be worthy of respect at every moment. Never be authoritarian, despotic, impatient or ill-tempered. When your child asks you a question, do not give him a stupid or silly answer under the pretext that he cannot understand you. You can always make yourself understood if you take enough trouble; and in spite of the popular saying that it is not always good to tell the truth, I affirm that it is always good to tell the truth, but that the art consists in telling it in such a way as to make it accessible to the mind of the hearer. In early life, until he is twelve or fourteen, the child's mind is hardly open to abstract notions and general ideas. And yet you can train it to understand these things by using concrete images, symbols or parables. Up to quite an advanced age and for some who mentally always remain children, a narrative, a story, a tale well told teach much more than any number of theoretical explanations.

   Another pitfall to avoid: do not scold your child without good reason and only when it is quite indispensable. A child who is too often scolded gets hardened to rebuke and no longer attaches much importance to words or severity of tone. And above all, take good care never to scold him for a fault which you yourself commit. Children are very keen and clear-sighted observers; they soon find out your weaknesses and note them without pity.

   When a child has done something wrong, see that he confesses it to you spontaneously and frankly; and when he has confessed, with kindness and affection make him understand what was wrong in his movement so that he will not repeat it, but never scold him; a fault confessed must always be forgiven. You should not allow any fear to come between you and your child; fear is a pernicious means of education: it invariably gives birth to deceit and lying. Only a discerning affection that is firm yet gentle and an adequate practical knowledge will create the bonds of trust that are indispensable for you to be able to educate your child effectively. And do not forget that you have to control yourself constantly in order to be equal to your task and truly fulfil the duty which you owe your child by the mere fact of having brought him into the world.

   Bulletin, February 1951

   ~ The Mother, On Education,
274:To what gods shall the sacrifice be offered? Who shall be invoked to manifest and protect in the human being this increasing godhead?

Agni first, for without him the sacrificial flame cannot burn on the altar of the soul. That flame of Agni is the seven-tongued power of the Will, a Force of God instinct with Knowledge. This conscious and forceful will is the immortal guest in our mortality, a pure priest and a divine worker, the mediator between earth and heaven. It carries what we offer to the higher Powers and brings back in return their force and light and joy into our humanity.

Indra, the Puissant next, who is the power of pure Existence self-manifested as the Divine Mind. As Agni is one pole of Force instinct with knowledge that sends its current upward from earth to heaven, so Indra is the other pole of Light instinct with force which descends from heaven to earth. He comes down into our world as the Hero with the shining horses and slays darkness and division with his lightnings, pours down the life-giving heavenly waters, finds in the trace of the hound, Intuition, the lost or hidden illuminations, makes the Sun of Truth mount high in the heaven of our mentality.

Surya, the Sun, is the master of that supreme Truth, - truth of being, truth of knowledge, truth of process and act and movement and functioning. He is therefore the creator or rather the manifester of all things - for creation is out-bringing, expression by the Truth and Will - and the father, fosterer, enlightener of our souls. The illuminations we seek are the herds of this Sun who comes to us in the track of the divine Dawn and releases and reveals in us night-hidden world after world up to the highest Beatitude.

Of that beatitude Soma is the representative deity. The wine of his ecstasy is concealed in the growths of earth, in the waters of existence; even here in our physical being are his immortalising juices and they have to be pressed out and offered to all the gods; for in that strength these shall increase and conquer.

Each of these primary deities has others associated with him who fulfil functions that arise from his own. For if the truth of Surya is to be established firmly in our mortal nature, there are previous conditions that are indispensable; a vast purity and clear wideness destructive of all sin and crooked falsehood, - and this is Varuna; a luminous power of love and comprehension leading and forming into harmony all our thoughts, acts and impulses, - this is Mitra; an immortal puissance of clear-discerning aspiration and endeavour, - this is Aryaman; a happy spontaneity of the right enjoyment of all things dispelling the evil dream of sin and error and suffering, - this is Bhaga. These four are powers of the Truth of Surya. For the whole bliss of Soma to be established perfectly in our nature a happy and enlightened and unmaimed condition of mind, vitality and body are necessary. This condition is given to us by the twin Ashwins; wedded to the daughter of Light, drinkers of honey, bringers of perfect satisfactions, healers of maim and malady they occupy our parts of knowledge and parts of action and prepare our mental, vital and physical being for an easy and victorious ascension.

Indra, the Divine Mind, as the shaper of mental forms has for his assistants, his artisans, the Ribhus, human powers who by the work of sacrifice and their brilliant ascension to the high dwelling-place of the Sun have attained to immortality and help mankind to repeat their achievement. They shape by the mind Indra's horses, the chariot of the Ashwins, the weapons of the Gods, all the means of the journey and the battle. But as giver of the Light of Truth and as Vritra-slayer Indra is aided by the Maruts, who are powers of will and nervous or vital Force that have attained to the light of thought and the voice of self-expression. They are behind all thought and speech as its impellers and they battle towards the Light, Truth and Bliss of the supreme Consciousness.

There are also female energies; for the Deva is both Male and Female and the gods also are either activising souls or passively executive and methodising energies. Aditi, infinite Mother of the Gods, comes first; and there are besides five powers of the Truthconsciousness, - Mahi or Bharati, the vast Word that brings us all things out of the divine source; Ila, the strong primal word of the Truth who gives us its active vision; Saraswati, its streaming current and the word of its inspiration; Sarama, the Intuition, hound of heaven who descends into the cavern of the subconscient and finds there the concealed illuminations; Dakshina, whose function is to discern rightly, dispose the action and the offering and distribute in the sacrifice to each godhead its portion. Each god, too, has his female energy.

All this action and struggle and ascension is supported by Heaven our Father and Earth our Mother Parents of the Gods, who sustain respectively the purely mental and psychic and the physical consciousness. Their large and free scope is the condition of our achievement. Vayu, master of life, links them together by the mid-air, the region of vital force. And there are other deities, - Parjanya, giver of the rain of heaven; Dadhikravan, the divine war-horse, a power of Agni; the mystic Dragon of the Foundations; Trita Aptya who on the third plane of existence consummates our triple being; and more besides.

The development of all these godheads is necessary to our perfection. And that perfection must be attained on all our levels, - in the wideness of earth, our physical being and consciousness; in the full force of vital speed and action and enjoyment and nervous vibration, typified as the Horse which must be brought forward to upbear our endeavour; in the perfect gladness of the heart of emotion and a brilliant heat and clarity of the mind throughout our intellectual and psychical being; in the coming of the supramental Light, the Dawn and the Sun and the shining Mother of the herds, to transform all our existence; for so comes to us the possession of the Truth, by the Truth the admirable surge of the Bliss, in the Bliss infinite Consciousness of absolute being. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Hymns to the Mystic Fire, The Doctrine of the Mystics,
275:SECTION 1. Books for Serious Study
   Liber CCXX. (Liber AL vel Legis.) The Book of the Law. This book is the foundation of the New Æon, and thus of the whole of our work.
   The Equinox. The standard Work of Reference in all occult matters. The Encyclopaedia of Initiation.
   Liber ABA (Book 4). A general account in elementary terms of magical and mystical powers. In four parts: (1) Mysticism (2) Magical (Elementary Theory) (3) Magick in Theory and Practice (this book) (4) The Law.
   Liber II. The Message of the Master Therion. Explains the essence of the new Law in a very simple manner.
   Liber DCCCXXXVIII. The Law of Liberty. A further explanation of The Book of the Law in reference to certain ethical problems.
   Collected Works of A. Crowley. These works contain many mystical and magical secrets, both stated clearly in prose, and woven into the Robe of sublimest poesy.
   The Yi King. (S. B. E. Series [vol. XVI], Oxford University Press.) The "Classic of Changes"; give the initiated Chinese system of Magick.
   The Tao Teh King. (S. B. E. Series [vol. XXXIX].) Gives the initiated Chinese system of Mysticism.
   Tannhäuser, by A. Crowley. An allegorical drama concerning the Progress of the Soul; the Tannhäuser story slightly remodelled.
   The Upanishads. (S. B. E. Series [vols. I & XV.) The Classical Basis of Vedantism, the best-known form of Hindu Mysticism.
   The Bhagavad-gita. A dialogue in which Krishna, the Hindu "Christ", expounds a system of Attainment.
   The Voice of the Silence, by H.P. Blavatsky, with an elaborate commentary by Frater O.M. Frater O.M., 7°=48, is the most learned of all the Brethren of the Order; he has given eighteen years to the study of this masterpiece.
   Raja-Yoga, by Swami Vivekananda. An excellent elementary study of Hindu mysticism. His Bhakti-Yoga is also good.
   The Shiva Samhita. An account of various physical means of assisting the discipline of initiation. A famous Hindu treatise on certain physical practices.
   The Hathayoga Pradipika. Similar to the Shiva Samhita.
   The Aphorisms of Patanjali. A valuable collection of precepts pertaining to mystical attainment.
   The Sword of Song. A study of Christian theology and ethics, with a statement and solution of the deepest philosophical problems. Also contains the best account extant of Buddhism, compared with modern science.
   The Book of the Dead. A collection of Egyptian magical rituals.
   Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie, by Eliphas Levi. The best general textbook of magical theory and practice for beginners. Written in an easy popular style.
   The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage. The best exoteric account of the Great Work, with careful instructions in procedure. This Book influenced and helped the Master Therion more than any other.
   The Goetia. The most intelligible of all the mediæval rituals of Evocation. Contains also the favourite Invocation of the Master Therion.
   Erdmann's History of Philosophy. A compendious account of philosophy from the earliest times. Most valuable as a general education of the mind.
   The Spiritual Guide of [Miguel de] Molinos. A simple manual of Christian Mysticism.
   The Star in the West. (Captain Fuller). An introduction to the study of the Works of Aleister Crowley.
   The Dhammapada. (S. B. E. Series [vol. X], Oxford University Press). The best of the Buddhist classics.
   The Questions of King Milinda. (S. B. E. Series [vols. XXXV & XXXVI].) Technical points of Buddhist dogma, illustrated bydialogues.
   Liber 777 vel Prolegomena Symbolica Ad Systemam Sceptico-Mysticæ Viæ Explicandæ, Fundamentum Hieroglyphicam Sanctissimorum Scientiæ Summæ. A complete Dictionary of the Correspondences of all magical elements, reprinted with extensive additions, making it the only standard comprehensive book of reference ever published. It is to the language of Occultism what Webster or Murray is to the English language.
   Varieties of Religious Experience (William James). Valuable as showing the uniformity of mystical attainment.
   Kabbala Denudata, von Rosenroth: also The Kabbalah Unveiled, by S.L. Mathers. The text of the Qabalah, with commentary. A good elementary introduction to the subject.
   Konx Om Pax [by Aleister Crowley]. Four invaluable treatises and a preface on Mysticism and Magick.
   The Pistis Sophia [translated by G.R.S. Mead or Violet McDermot]. An admirable introduction to the study of Gnosticism.
   The Oracles of Zoroaster [Chaldæan Oracles]. An invaluable collection of precepts mystical and magical.
   The Dream of Scipio, by Cicero. Excellent for its Vision and its Philosophy.
   The Golden Verses of Pythagoras, by Fabre d'Olivet. An interesting study of the exoteric doctrines of this Master.
   The Divine Pymander, by Hermes Trismegistus. Invaluable as bearing on the Gnostic Philosophy.
   The Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians, reprint of Franz Hartmann. An invaluable compendium.
   Scrutinium Chymicum [Atalanta Fugiens]¸ by Michael Maier. One of the best treatises on alchemy.
   Science and the Infinite, by Sidney Klein. One of the best essays written in recent years.
   Two Essays on the Worship of Priapus [A Discourse on the Worship of Priapus &c. &c. &c.], by Richard Payne Knight [and Thomas Wright]. Invaluable to all students.
   The Golden Bough, by J.G. Frazer. The textbook of Folk Lore. Invaluable to all students.
   The Age of Reason, by Thomas Paine. Excellent, though elementary, as a corrective to superstition.
   Rivers of Life, by General Forlong. An invaluable textbook of old systems of initiation.
   Three Dialogues, by Bishop Berkeley. The Classic of Subjective Idealism.
   Essays of David Hume. The Classic of Academic Scepticism.
   First Principles by Herbert Spencer. The Classic of Agnosticism.
   Prolegomena [to any future Metaphysics], by Immanuel Kant. The best introduction to Metaphysics.
   The Canon [by William Stirling]. The best textbook of Applied Qabalah.
   The Fourth Dimension, by [Charles] H. Hinton. The best essay on the subject.
   The Essays of Thomas Henry Huxley. Masterpieces of philosophy, as of prose.
   ~ Aleister Crowley, Liber ABA, Appendix I: Literature Recommended to Aspirants
   Why do we forget our dreams?

Because you do not dream always at the same place. It is not always the same part of your being that dreams and it is not at the same place that you dream. If you were in conscious, direct, continuous communication with all the parts of your being, you would remember all your dreams. But very few parts of the being are in communication.

   For example, you have a dream in the subtle physical, that is to say, quite close to the physical. Generally, these dreams occur in the early hours of the morning, that is between four and five o'clock, at the end of the sleep. If you do not make a sudden movement when you wake up, if you remain very quiet, very still and a little attentive - quietly attentive - and concentrated, you will remember them, for the communication between the subtle physical and the physical is established - very rarely is there no communication.

   Now, dreams are mostly forgotten because you have a dream while in a certain state and then pass into another. For instance, when you sleep, your body is asleep, your vital is asleep, but your mind is still active. So your mind begins to have dreams, that is, its activity is more or less coordinated, the imagination is very active and you see all kinds of things, take part in extraordinary happenings.... After some time, all that calms down and the mind also begins to doze. The vital that was resting wakes up; it comes out of the body, walks about, goes here and there, does all kinds of things, reacts, sometimes fights, and finally eats. It does all kinds of things. The vital is very adventurous. It watches. When it is heroic it rushes to save people who are in prison or to destroy enemies or it makes wonderful discoveries. But this pushes back the whole mental dream very far behind. It is rubbed off, forgotten: naturally you cannot remember it because the vital dream takes its place. But if you wake up suddenly at that moment, you remember it. There are people who have made the experiment, who have got up at certain fixed hours of the night and when they wake up suddenly, they do remember. You must not move brusquely, but awake in the natural course, then you remember.

   After a time, the vital having taken a good stroll, needs to rest also, and so it goes into repose and quietness, quite tired at the end of all kinds of adventures. Then something else wakes up. Let us suppose that it is the subtle physical that goes for a walk. It starts moving and begins wandering, seeing the rooms and... why, this thing that was there, but it has come here and that other thing which was in that room is now in this one, and so on. If you wake up without stirring, you remembeR But this has pushed away far to the back of the consciousness all the stories of the vital. They are forgotten and so you cannot recollect your dreams. But if at the time of waking up you are not in a hurry, you are not obliged to leave your bed, on the contrary you can remain there as long as you wish, you need not even open your eyes; you keep your head exactly where it was and you make yourself like a tranquil mirror within and concentrate there. You catch just a tiny end of the tail of your dream. You catch it and start pulling gently, without stirring in the least. You begin pulling quite gently, and then first one part comes, a little later another. You go backward; the last comes up first. Everything goes backward, slowly, and suddenly the whole dream reappears: "Ah, there! it was like that." Above all, do not jump up, do not stir; you repeat the dream to yourself several times - once, twice - until it becomes clear in all its details. Once that dream is settled, you continue not to stir, you try to go further in, and suddenly you catch the tail of something else. It is more distant, more vague, but you can still seize it. And here also you hang on, get hold of it and pull, and you see that everything changes and you enter another world; all of a sudden you have an extraordinary adventure - it is another dream. You follow the same process. You repeat the dream to yourself once, twice, until you are sure of it. You remain very quiet all the time. Then you begin to penetrate still more deeply into yourself, as though you were going in very far, very far; and again suddenly you see a vague form, you have a feeling, a sensation... like a current of air, a slight breeze, a little breath; and you say, "Well, well...." It takes a form, it becomes clear - and the third category comes. You must have a lot of time, a lot of patience, you must be very quiet in your mind and body, very quiet, and you can tell the story of your whole night from the end right up to the beginning.

   Even without doing this exercise which is very long and difficult, in order to recollect a dream, whether it be the last one or the one in the middle that has made a violent impression on your being, you must do what I have said when you wake up: take particular care not even to move your head on the pillow, remain absolutely still and let the dream return.

   Some people do not have a passage between one state and another, there is a little gap and so they leap from one to the other; there is no highway passing through all the states of being with no break of the consciousness. A small dark hole, and you do not remember. It is like a precipice across which one has to extend the consciousness. To build a bridge takes a very long time; it takes much longer than building a physical bridge.... Very few people want to and know how to do it. They may have had magnificent activities, they do not remember them or sometimes only the last, the nearest, the most physical activity, with an uncoordinated movement - dreams having no sense.

   But there are as many different kinds of nights and sleep as there are different days and activities. There are not many days that are alike, each day is different. The days are not the same, the nights are not the same. You and your friends are doing apparently the same thing, but for each one it is very different. And each one must have his own procedure.

   Why are two dreams never alike?

Because all things are different. No two minutes are alike in the universe and it will be so till the end of the universe, no two minutes will ever be alike. And men obstinately want to make rules! One must do this and not that.... Well! we must let people please themselves.

   You could have put to me a very interesting question: "Why am I fourteen years old today?" Intelligent people will say: "It is because it is the fourteenth year since you were born." That is the answer of someone who believes himself to be very intelligent. But there is another reason. I shall tell this to you alone.... I have drowned you all sufficiently well! Now you must begin to learn swimming!

   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1953, 36?,
   Mother, when one imagines something, does it not exist?

When you imagine something, it means that you make a mental formation which may be close to the truth or far from the truth - it also depends upon the quality of your formation. You make a mental formation and there are people who have such a power of formation that they succeed in making what they imagine real. There are not many of these but there are some. They imagine something and their formation is so well made and so powerful that it succeeds in being realised. These are creators; there are not many of them but there are some.

   If one thinks of someone who doesn't exist or who is dead?

Ah! What do you mean? What have you just said? Someone who doesn't exist or someone who is dead? These are two absolutely different things.

   I mean someone who is dead.

Someone who is dead!

   If this person has remained in the mental domain, you can find him immediately. Naturally if he is no longer in the mental domain, if he is in the psychic domain, to think of him is not enough. You must know how to go into the psychic domain to find him. But if he has remained in the mental domain and you think of him, you can find him immediately, and not only that, but you can have a mental contact with him and a kind of mental vision of his existence.

   The mind has a capacity of vision of its own and it is not the same vision as with these eyes, but it is a vision, it is a perception in forms. But this is not imagination. It has nothing to do with imagination.

   Imagination, for instance, is when you begin to picture to yourself an ideal being to whom you apply all your conceptions, and when you tell yourself, "Why, it should be like this, like that, its form should be like this, its thought like that, its character like that," when you see all the details and build up the being. Now, writers do this all the time because when they write a novel, they imagine. There are those who take things from life but there are those who are imaginative, creators; they create a character, a personage and then put him in their book later. This is to imagine. To imagine, for example, a whole concurrence of circumstances, a set of events, this is what I call telling a story to oneself. But it can be put down on paper, and then one becomes a novelist. There are very different kinds of writers. Some imagine everything, some gather all sorts of observations from life and construct their book with them. There are a hundred ways of writing a book. But indeed some writers imagine everything from beginning to end. It all comes out of their head and they construct even their whole story without any support in things physically observed. This truly is imagination. But as I say, if they are very powerful and have a considerable capacity for creation, it is possible that one day or other there will be a physical human being who realises their creation. This too is true.

   What do you suppose imagination is, eh? Have you never imagined anything, you?

   And what happens?

   All that one imagines.

You mean that you imagine something and it happens like that, eh? Or it is in a dream...

   What is the function, the use of the imagination?

If one knows how to use it, as I said, one can create for oneself his own inner and outer life; one can build his own existence with his imagination, if one knows how to use it and has a power. In fact it is an elementary way of creating, of forming things in the world. I have always felt that if one didn't have the capacity of imagination he would not make any progress. Your imagination always goes ahead of your life. When you think of yourself, usually you imagine what you want to be, don't you, and this goes ahead, then you follow, then it continues to go ahead and you follow. Imagination opens for you the path of realisation. People who are not imaginative - it is very difficult to make them move; they see just what is there before their nose, they feel just what they are moment by moment and they cannot go forward because they are clamped by the immediate thing. It depends a good deal on what one calls imagination. However...

   Men of science must be having imagination!

A lot. Otherwise they would never discover anything. In fact, what is called imagination is a capacity to project oneself outside realised things and towards things realisable, and then to draw them by the projection. One can obviously have progressive and regressive imaginations. There are people who always imagine all the catastrophes possible, and unfortunately they also have the power of making them come. It's like the antennae going into a world that's not yet realised, catching something there and drawing it here. Then naturally it is an addition to the earth atmosphere and these things tend towards manifestation. It is an instrument which can be disciplined, can be used at will; one can discipline it, direct it, orientate it. It is one of the faculties one can develop in himself and render serviceable, that is, use it for definite purposes.

   Sweet Mother, can one imagine the Divine and have the contact?

Certainly if you succeed in imagining the Divine you have the contact, and you can have the contact with what you imagine, in any case. In fact it is absolutely impossible to imagine something which doesn't exist somewhere. You cannot imagine anything at all which doesn't exist somewhere. It is possible that it doesn't exist on the earth, it is possible that it's elsewhere, but it is impossible for you to imagine something which is not already contained in principle in the universe; otherwise it could not occur.

   Then, Sweet Mother, this means that in the created universe nothing new is added?

In the created universe? Yes. The universe is progressive; we said that constantly things manifest, more and more. But for your imagination to be able to go and seek beyond the manifestation something which will be manifested, well, it may happen, in fact it does - I was going to tell you that it is in this way that some beings can cause considerable progress to be made in the world, because they have the capacity of imagining something that's not yet manifested. But there are not many. One must first be capable of going beyond the manifested universe to be able to imagine something which is not there. There are already many things which can be imagined.

   What is our terrestrial world in the universe? A very small thing. Simply to have the capacity of imagining something which does not exist in the terrestrial manifestation is already very difficult, very difficult. For how many billions of years hasn't it existed, this little earth? And there have been no two identical things. That's much. It is very difficult to go out from the earth atmosphere with one's mind; one can, but it is very difficult. And then if one wants to go out, not only from the earth atmosphere but from the universal life!

   To be able simply to enter into contact with the life of the earth in its totality from the formation of the earth until now, what can this mean? And then to go beyond this and enter into contact with universal life from its beginnings up to now... and then again to be able to bring something new into the universe, one must go still farther beyond.

   Not easy!
   That's all?
   (To the child) Convinced?
   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1955, [T1],
278:This, in short, is the demand made on us, that we should turn our whole life into a conscious sacrifice. Every moment and every movement of our being is to be resolved into a continuous and a devoted self-giving to the Eternal. All our actions, not less the smallest and most ordinary and trifling than the greatest and most uncommon and noble, must be performed as consecrated acts. Our individualised nature must live in the single consciousness of an inner and outer movement dedicated to Something that is beyond us and greater than our ego. No matter what the gift or to whom it is presented by us, there must be a consciousness in the act that we are presenting it to the one divine Being in all beings. Our commonest or most grossly material actions must assume this sublimated character; when we eat, we should be conscious that we are giving our food to that Presence in us; it must be a sacred offering in a temple and the sense of a mere physical need or self-gratification must pass away from us. In any great labour, in any high discipline, in any difficult or noble enterprise, whether undertaken for ourselves, for others or for the race, it will no longer be possible to stop short at the idea of the race, of ourselves or of others. The thing we are doing must be consciously offered as a sacrifice of works, not to these, but either through them or directly to the One Godhead; the Divine Inhabitant who was hidden by these figures must be no longer hidden but ever present to our soul, our mind, our sense. The workings and results of our acts must be put in the hands of that One in the feeling that that Presence is the Infinite and Most High by whom alone our labour and our aspiration are possible. For in his being all takes place; for him all labour and aspiration are taken from us by Nature and offered on his altar. Even in those things in which Nature is herself very plainly the worker and we only the witnesses of her working and its containers and supporters, there should be the same constant memory and insistent consciousness of a work and of its divine Master. Our very inspiration and respiration, our very heart-beats can and must be made conscious in us as the living rhythm of the universal sacrifice.
   It is clear that a conception of this kind and its effective practice must carry in them three results that are of a central importance for our spiritual ideal. It is evident, to begin with, that, even if such a discipline is begun without devotion, it leads straight and inevitably towards the highest devotion possible; for it must deepen naturally into the completest adoration imaginable, the most profound God-love. There is bound up with it a growing sense of the Divine in all things, a deepening communion with the Divine in all our thought, will and action and at every moment of our lives, a more and more moved consecration to the Divine of the totality of our being. Now these implications of the Yoga of works are also of the very essence of an integral and absolute Bhakti. The seeker who puts them into living practice makes in himself continually a constant, active and effective representation of the very spirit of self-devotion, and it is inevitable that out of it there should emerge the most engrossing worship of the Highest to whom is given this service. An absorbing love for the Divine Presence to whom he feels an always more intimate closeness, grows upon the consecrated worker. And with it is born or in it is contained a universal love too for all these beings, living forms and creatures that are habitations of the Divine - not the brief restless grasping emotions of division, but the settled selfless love that is the deeper vibration of oneness. In all the seeker begins to meet the one Object of his adoration and service. The way of works turns by this road of sacrifice to meet the path of Devotion; it can be itself a devotion as complete, as absorbing, as integral as any the desire of the heart can ask for or the passion of the mind can imagine.
   Next, the practice of this Yoga demands a constant inward remembrance of the one central liberating knowledge, and a constant active externalising of it in works comes in too to intensify the remembrance. In all is the one Self, the one Divine is all; all are in the Divine, all are the Divine and there is nothing else in the universe, - this thought or this faith is the whole background until it becomes the whole substance of the consciousness of the worker. A memory, a self-dynamising meditation of this kind, must and does in its end turn into a profound and uninterrupted vision and a vivid and all-embracing consciousness of that which we so powerfully remember or on which we so constantly meditate. For it compels a constant reference at each moment to the Origin of all being and will and action and there is at once an embracing and exceeding of all particular forms and appearances in That which is their cause and upholder. This way cannot go to its end without a seeing vivid and vital, as concrete in its way as physical sight, of the works of the universal Spirit everywhere. On its summits it rises into a constant living and thinking and willing and acting in the presence of the Supramental, the Transcendent. Whatever we see and hear, whatever we touch and sense, all of which we are conscious, has to be known and felt by us as That which we worship and serve; all has to be turned into an image of the Divinity, perceived as a dwelling-place of his Godhead, enveloped with the eternal Omnipresence. In its close, if not long before it, this way of works turns by communion with the Divine Presence, Will and Force into a way of Knowledge more complete and integral than any the mere creature intelligence can construct or the search of the intellect can discover.
   Lastly, the practice of this Yoga of sacrifice compels us to renounce all the inner supports of egoism, casting them out of our mind and will and actions, and to eliminate its seed, its presence, its influence out of our nature. All must be done for the Divine; all must be directed towards the Divine. Nothing must be attempted for ourselves as a separate existence; nothing done for others, whether neighbours, friends, family, country or mankind or other creatures merely because they are connected with our personal life and thought and sentiment or because the ego takes a preferential interest in their welfare. In this way of doing and seeing all works and all life become only a daily dynamic worship and service of the Divine in the unbounded temple of his own vast cosmic existence. Life becomes more and more the sacrifice of the eternal in the individual constantly self-offered to the eternal Transcendence. It is offered in the wide sacrificial ground of the field of the eternal cosmic Spirit; and the Force too that offers it is the eternal Force, the omnipresent Mother. Therefore is this way a way of union and communion by acts and by the spirit and knowledge in the act as complete and integral as any our Godward will can hope for or our soul's strength execute.
   It has all the power of a way of works integral and absolute, but because of its law of sacrifice and self-giving to the Divine Self and Master, it is accompanied on its one side by the whole power of the path of Love and on the other by the whole power of the path of Knowledge. At its end all these three divine Powers work together, fused, united, completed, perfected by each other.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Yoga of Divine Works, The Sacrifice, the Triune Path and the Lord of the Sacrifice [111-114],
279:Intuition And The Value Of Concentration :::
   Mother, how can the faculty of intuition be developed?

   ... There are different kinds of intuition, and we carry these capacities within us. They are always active to some extent but we don't notice them because we don't pay enough attention to what is going on in us. Behind the emotions, deep within the being, in a consciousness seated somewhere near the level of the solar plexus, there is a sort of prescience, a kind of capacity for foresight, but not in the form of ideas: rather in the form of feelings, almost a perception of sensations. For instance, when one is going to decide to do something, there is sometimes a kind of uneasiness or inner refusal, and usually, if one listens to this deeper indication, one realises that it was justified. In other cases there is something that urges, indicates, insists - I am not speaking of impulses, you understand, of all the movements which come from the vital and much lower still - indications which are behind the feelings, which come from the affective part of the being; there too one can receive a fairly sure indication of the thing to be done. These are forms of intuition or of a higher instinct which can be cultivated by observation and also by studying the results. Naturally, it must be done very sincerely, objectively, without prejudice. If one wants to see things in a particular way and at the same time practise this observation, it is all useless. One must do it as if one were looking at what is happening from outside oneself, in someone else. It is one form of intuition and perhaps the first one that usually manifests. There is also another form but that one is much more difficult to observe because for those who are accustomed to think, to act by reason - not by impulse but by reason - to reflect before doing anything, there is an extremely swift process from cause to effect in the half-conscious thought which prevents you from seeing the line, the whole line of reasoning and so you don't think that it is a chain of reasoning, and that is quite deceptive. You have the impression of an intuition but it is not an intuition, it is an extremely rapid subconscious reasoning, which takes up a problem and goes straight to the conclusions. This must not be mistaken for intuition. In the ordinary functioning of the brain, intuition is something which suddenly falls like a drop of light. If one has the faculty, the beginning of a faculty of mental vision, it gives the impression of something coming from outside or above, like a little impact of a drop of light in the brain, absolutely independent of all reasoning. This is perceived more easily when one is able to silence one's mind, hold it still and attentive, arresting its usual functioning, as if the mind were changed into a kind of mirror turned towards a higher faculty in a sustained and silent attention. That too one can learn to do. One must learn to do it, it is a necessary discipline.
   When you have a question to solve, whatever it may be, usually you concentrate your attention here (pointing between the eyebrows), at the centre just above the eyes, the centre of the conscious will. But then if you do that, you cannot be in contact with intuition. You can be in contact with the source of the will, of effort, even of a certain kind of knowledge, but in the outer, almost material field; whereas, if you want to contact the intuition, you must keep this (Mother indicates the forehead) completely immobile. Active thought must be stopped as far as possible and the entire mental faculty must form - at the top of the head and a little further above if possible - a kind of mirror, very quiet, very still, turned upwards, in silent, very concentrated attention. If you succeed, you can - perhaps not immediately - but you can have the perception of the drops of light falling upon the mirror from a still unknown region and expressing themselves as a conscious thought which has no connection with all the rest of your thought since you have been able to keep it silent. That is the real beginning of the intellectual intuition.
   It is a discipline to be followed. For a long time one may try and not succeed, but as soon as one succeeds in making a mirror, still and attentive, one always obtains a result, not necessarily with a precise form of thought but always with the sensations of a light coming from above. And then, if one can receive this light coming from above without entering immediately into a whirl of activity, receive it in calm and silence and let it penetrate deep into the being, then after a while it expresses itself either as a luminous thought or as a very precise indication here (Mother indicates the heart), in this other centre.
   Naturally, first these two faculties must be developed; then, as soon as there is any result, one must observe the result, as I said, and see the connection with what is happening, the consequences: see, observe very attentively what has come in, what may have caused a distortion, what one has added by way of more or less conscious reasoning or the intervention of a lower will, also more or less conscious; and it is by a very deep study - indeed, almost of every moment, in any case daily and very frequent - that one succeeds in developing one's intuition. It takes a long time. It takes a long time and there are ambushes: one can deceive oneself, take for intuitions subconscious wills which try to manifest, indications given by impulses one has refused to receive openly, indeed all sorts of difficulties. One must be prepared for that. But if one persists, one is sure to succeed.
   And there comes a time when one feels a kind of inner guidance, something which is leading one very perceptibly in all that one does. But then, for the guidance to have its maximum power, one must naturally add to it a conscious surrender: one must be sincerely determined to follow the indication given by the higher force. If one does that, then... one saves years of study, one can seize the result extremely rapidly. If one also does that, the result comes very rapidly. But for that, it must be done with sincerity and... a kind of inner spontaneity. If one wants to try without this surrender, one may succeed - as one can also succeed in developing one's personal will and making it into a very considerable power - but that takes a very long time and one meets many obstacles and the result is very precarious; one must be very persistent, obstinate, persevering, and one is sure to succeed, but only after a great labour.
   Make your surrender with a sincere, complete self-giving, and you will go ahead at full speed, you will go much faster - but you must not do this calculatingly, for that spoils everything! (Silence) Moreover, whatever you may want to do in life, one thing is absolutely indispensable and at the basis of everything, the capacity of concentrating the attention. If you are able to gather together the rays of attention and consciousness on one point and can maintain this concentration with a persistent will, nothing can resist it - whatever it may be, from the most material physical development to the highest spiritual one. But this discipline must be followed in a constant and, it may be said, imperturbable way; not that you should always be concentrated on the same thing - that's not what I mean, I mean learning to concentrate.
   And materially, for studies, sports, all physical or mental development, it is absolutely indispensable. And the value of an individual is proportionate to the value of his attention.
   And from the spiritual point of view it is still more important.
   There is no spiritual obstacle which can resist a penetrating power of concentration. For instance, the discovery of the psychic being, union with the inner Divine, opening to the higher spheres, all can be obtained by an intense and obstinate power of concentration - but one must learn how to do it. There is nothing in the human or even in the superhuman field, to which the power of concentration is not the key. You can be the best athlete, you can be the best student, you can be an artistic, literary or scientific genius, you can be the greatest saint with that faculty. And everyone has in himself a tiny little beginning of it - it is given to everybody, but people do not cultivate it.
   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1957-1958,
   Can a Yogi attain to a state of consciousness in which he can know all things, answer all questions, relating even to abstruse scientific problems, such as, for example, the theory of relativity?

Theoretically and in principle it is not impossible for a Yogi to know everything; all depends upon the Yogi.

   But there is knowledge and knowledge. The Yogi does not know in the way of the mind. He does not know everything in the sense that he has access to all possible information or because he contains all the facts of the universe in his mind or because his consciousness is a sort of miraculous encyclopaedia. He knows by his capacity for a containing or dynamic identity with things and persons and forces. Or he knows because he lives in a plane of consciousness or is in contact with a consciousness in which there is the truth and the knowledge.

   If you are in the true consciousness, the knowledge you have will also be of the truth. Then, too, you can know directly, by being one with what you know. If a problem is put before you, if you are asked what is to be done in a particular matter, you can then, by looking with enough attention and concentration, receive spontaneously the required knowledge and the true answer. It is not by any careful application of theory that you reach the knowledge or by working it out through a mental process. The scientific mind needs these methods to come to its conclusions. But the Yogi's knowledge is direct and immediate; it is not deductive. If an engineer has to find out the exact position for the building of an arch, the line of its curve and the size of its opening, he does it by calculation, collating and deducing from his information and data. But a Yogi needs none of these things; he looks, has the vision of the thing, sees that it is to be done in this way and not in another, and this seeing is his knowledge.

   Although it may be true in a general way and in a certain sense that a Yogi can know all things and can answer all questions from his own field of vision and consciousness, yet it does not follow that there are no questions whatever of any kind to which he would not or could not answer. A Yogi who has the direct knowledge, the knowledge of the true truth of things, would not care or perhaps would find it difficult to answer questions that belong entirely to the domain of human mental constructions. It may be, he could not or would not wish to solve problems and difficulties you might put to him which touch only the illusion of things and their appearances. The working of his knowledge is not in the mind. If you put him some silly mental query of that character, he probably would not answer. The very common conception that you can put any ignorant question to him as to some super-schoolmaster or demand from him any kind of information past, present or future and that he is bound to answer, is a foolish idea. It is as inept as the expectation from the spiritual man of feats and miracles that would satisfy the vulgar external mind and leave it gaping with wonder.

   Moreover, the term "Yogi" is very vague and wide. There are many types of Yogis, many lines or ranges of spiritual or occult endeavour and different heights of achievement, there are some whose powers do not extend beyond the mental level; there are others who have gone beyond it. Everything depends on the field or nature of their effort, the height to which they have arrived, the consciousness with which they have contact or into which they enter.

   Do not scientists go sometimes beyond the mental plane? It is said that Einstein found his theory of relativity not through any process of reasoning, but through some kind of sudden inspiration. Has that inspiration anything to do with the Supermind?

The scientist who gets an inspiration revealing to him a new truth, receives it from the intuitive mind. The knowledge comes as a direct perception in the higher mental plane illumined by some other light still farther above. But all that has nothing to do with the action of Supermind and this higher mental level is far removed from the supramental plane. Men are too easily inclined to believe that they have climbed into regions quite divine when they have only gone above the average level. There are many stages between the ordinary human mind and the Supermind, many grades and many intervening planes. If an ordinary man were to get into direct contact even with one of these intermediate planes, he would be dazzled and blinded, would be crushed under the weight of the sense of immensity or would lose his balance; and yet it is not the Supermind.

   Behind the common idea that a Yogi can know all things and answer all questions is the actual fact that there is a plane in the mind where the memory of everything is stored and remains always in existence. All mental movements that belong to the life of the earth are memorised and registered in this plane. Those who are capable of going there and care to take the trouble, can read in it and learn anything they choose. But this region must not be mistaken for the supramental levels. And yet to reach even there you must be able to silence the movements of the material or physical mind; you must be able to leave aside all your sensations and put a stop to your ordinary mental movements, whatever they are; you must get out of the vital; you must become free from the slavery of the body. Then only you can enter into that region and see. But if you are sufficiently interested to make this effort, you can arrive there and read what is written in the earth's memory.

   Thus, if you go deep into silence, you can reach a level of consciousness on which it is not impossible for you to receive answers to all your questions. And if there is one who is consciously open to the plenary truth of the supermind, in constant contact with it, he can certainly answer any question that is worth an answer from the supramental Light. The queries put must come from some sense of the truth and reality behind things. There are many questions and much debated problems that are cobwebs woven of mere mental abstractions or move on the illusory surface of things. These do not pertain to real knowledge; they are a deformation of knowledge, their very substance is of the ignorance. Certainly the supramental knowledge may give an answer, its own answer, to the problems set by the mind's ignorance; but it is likely that it would not be at all satisfactory or perhaps even intelligible to those who ask from the mental level. You must not expect the supramental to work in the way of the mind or demand that the knowledge in truth should be capable of being pieced together with the half-knowledge in ignorance. The scheme of the mind is one thing, but Supermind is quite another and it would no longer be supramental if it adapted itself to the exigencies of the mental scheme. The two are incommensurable and cannot be put together.

   When the consciousness has attained to supramental joys, does it no longer take interest in the things of the mind?

The supramental does not take interest in mental things in the same way as the mind. It takes its own interest in all the movements of the universe, but it is from a different point of view and with a different vision. The world presents to it an entirely different appearance; there is a reversal of outlook and everything is seen from there as other than what it seems to the mind and often even the opposite. Things have another meaning; their aspect, their motion and process, everything about them, are watched with other eyes. Everything here is followed by the supermind; the mind movements and not less the vital, the material movements, all the play of the universe have for it a very deep interest, but of another kind. It is about the same difference as that between the interest taken in a puppet-play by one who holds the strings and knows what the puppets are to do and the will that moves them and that they can do only what it moves them to do, and the interest taken by another who observes the play but sees only what is happening from moment to moment and knows nothing else. The one who follows the play and is outside its secret has a stronger, an eager and passionate interest in what will happen and he gives an excited attention to its unforeseen or dramatic events; the other, who holds the strings and moves the show, is unmoved and tranquil. There is a certain intensity of interest which comes from ignorance and is bound up with illusion, and that must disappear when you are out of the ignorance. The interest that human beings take in things founds itself on the illusion; if that were removed, they would have no interest at all in the play; they would find it dry and dull. That is why all this ignorance, all this illusion has lasted so long; it is because men like it, because they cling to it and its peculiar kind of appeal that it endures.

   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1929-1931, 93?
281:[The Gods and Their Worlds]

   [...] According to traditions and occult schools, all these zones of realities, these planes of realities have got different names; they have been classified in a different way, but there is an essential analogy, and if you go back far enough into the traditions, you see only the words changing according to the country and the language. Even now, the experiences of Western occultists and those of Eastern occultists offer great similarities. All who set out on the discovery of these invisible worlds and make a report of what they saw, give a very similar description, whether they be from here or there; they use different words, but the experience is very similar and the handling of forces is the same.

   This knowledge of the occult worlds is based on the existence of subtle bodies and of subtle worlds corresponding to those bodies. They are what the psychological method calls "states of consciousness", but these states of consciousness really correspond to worlds. The occult procedure consists then in being aware of these various inner states of being or subtle bodies and in becoming sufficiently a master of them so as to be able to go out of them successively, one after another. There is indeed a whole scale of subtleties, increasing or decreasing according to the direction in which you go, and the occult procedure consists in going out of a denser body into a subtler body and so on again, up to the most ethereal regions. You go, by successive exteriorisations, into bodies or worlds more and more subtle. It is somewhat as if every time you passed into another dimension. The fourth dimension of the physicists is nothing but the scientific transcription of an occult knowledge. To give another image, one can say that the physical body is at the centre - it is the most material, the densest and also the smallest - and the inner bodies, more subtle, overflow more and more the central physical body; they pass through it, extending themselves farther and farther, like water evaporating from a porous vase and forming a kind of steam all around. And the greater the subtlety, the more the extension tends to unite with that of the universe: one ends by universalising oneself. And it is altogether a concrete process which gives an objective experience of invisible worlds and even enables one to act in these worlds.

   There are, then, only a very small number of people in the West who know that these gods are not merely subjective and imaginary - more or less wildly imaginary - but that they correspond to a universal truth.

   All these regions, all these domains are filled with beings who exist, each in its own domain, and if you are awake and conscious on a particular plane - for instance, if on going out of a more material body you awake on some higher plane, you have the same relation with the things and people of that plane as you had with the things and people of the material world. That is to say, there exists an entirely objective relation that has nothing to do with the idea you may have of these things. Naturally, the resemblance is greater and greater as you approach the physical world, the material world, and there even comes a time when the one region has a direct action upon the other. In any case, in what Sri Aurobindo calls the overmental worlds, you will find a concrete reality absolutely independent of your personal experience; you go back there and again find the same things, with the differences that have occurred during your absence. And you have relations with those beings that are identical with the relations you have with physical beings, with this difference that the relation is more plastic, supple and direct - for example, there is the capacity to change the external form, the visible form, according to the inner state you are in. But you can make an appointment with someone and be at the appointed place and find the same being again, with certain differences that have come about during your absence; it is entirely concrete with results entirely concrete.

   One must have at least a little of this experience in order to understand these things. Otherwise, those who are convinced that all this is mere human imagination and mental formation, who believe that these gods have such and such a form because men have thought them to be like that, and that they have certain defects and certain qualities because men have thought them to be like that - all those who say that God is made in the image of man and that he exists only in human thought, all these will not understand; to them this will appear absolutely ridiculous, madness. One must have lived a little, touched the subject a little, to know how very concrete the thing is.

   Naturally, children know a good deal if they have not been spoilt. There are so many children who return every night to the same place and continue to live the life they have begun there. When these faculties are not spoilt with age, you can keep them with you. At a time when I was especially interested in dreams, I could return exactly to a place and continue a work that I had begun: supervise something, for example, set something in order, a work of organisation or of discovery, of exploration. You go until you reach a certain spot, as you would go in life, then you take a rest, then you return and begin again - you begin the work at the place where you left off and you continue it. And you perceive that there are things which are quite independent of you, in the sense that changes of which you are not at all the author, have taken place automatically during your absence.

   But for this, you must live these experiences yourself, you must see them yourself, live them with sufficient sincerity and spontaneity in order to see that they are independent of any mental formation. For you can do the opposite also, and deepen the study of the action of mental formation upon events. This is very interesting, but it is another domain. And this study makes you very careful, very prudent, because you become aware of how far you can delude yourself. So you must study both, the dream and the occult reality, in order to see what is the essential difference between the two. The one depends upon us; the other exists in itself; entirely independent of the thought that we have of it.

   When you have worked in that domain, you recognise in fact that once a subject has been studied and something has been learnt mentally, it gives a special colour to the experience; the experience may be quite spontaneous and sincere, but the simple fact that the subject was known and studied lends a particular quality. Whereas if you had learnt nothing about the question, if you knew nothing at all, the transcription would be completely spontaneous and sincere when the experience came; it would be more or less adequate, but it would not be the outcome of a previous mental formation.

   Naturally, this occult knowledge or this experience is not very frequent in the world, because in those who do not have a developed inner life, there are veritable gaps between the external consciousness and the inmost consciousness; the linking states of being are missing and they have to be constructed. So when people enter there for the first time, they are bewildered, they have the impression they have fallen into the night, into nothingness, into non-being!

   I had a Danish friend, a painter, who was like that. He wanted me to teach him how to go out of the body; he used to have interesting dreams and thought that it would be worth the trouble to go there consciously. So I made him "go out" - but it was a frightful thing! When he was dreaming, a part of his mind still remained conscious, active, and a kind of link existed between this active part and his external being; then he remembered some of his dreams, but it was a very partial phenomenon. And to go out of one's body means to pass gradually through all the states of being, if one does the thing systematically. Well, already in the subtle physical, one is almost de-individualised, and when one goes farther, there remains nothing, for nothing is formed or individualised.

   Thus, when people are asked to meditate or told to go within, to enter into themselves, they are in agony - naturally! They have the impression that they are vanishing. And with reason: there is nothing, no consciousness!

   These things that appear to us quite natural and evident, are, for people who know nothing, wild imagination. If, for example, you transplant these experiences or this knowledge to the West, well, unless you have been frequenting the circles of occultists, they stare at you with open eyes. And when you have turned your back, they hasten to say, "These people are cranks!" Now to come back to the gods and conclude. It must be said that all those beings who have never had an earthly existence - gods or demons, invisible beings and powers - do not possess what the Divine has put into man: the psychic being. And this psychic being gives to man true love, charity, compassion, a deep kindness, which compensate for all his external defects.

   In the gods there is no fault because they live according to their own nature, spontaneously and without constraint: as gods, it is their manner of being. But if you take a higher point of view, if you have a higher vision, a vision of the whole, you see that they lack certain qualities that are exclusively human. By his capacity of love and self-giving, man can have as much power as the gods and even more, when he is not egoistic, when he has surmounted his egoism.

   If he fulfils the required condition, man is nearer to the Supreme than the gods are. He can be nearer. He is not so automatically, but he has the power to be so, the potentiality.

   If human love manifested itself without mixture, it would be all-powerful. Unfortunately, in human love there is as much love of oneself as of the one loved; it is not a love that makes you forget yourself. - 4 November 1958

   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother III, 355
282:The Science of Living

To know oneself and to control oneself

AN AIMLESS life is always a miserable life.

Every one of you should have an aim. But do not forget that on the quality of your aim will depend the quality of your life.

   Your aim should be high and wide, generous and disinterested; this will make your life precious to yourself and to others.

   But whatever your ideal, it cannot be perfectly realised unless you have realised perfection in yourself.

   To work for your perfection, the first step is to become conscious of yourself, of the different parts of your being and their respective activities. You must learn to distinguish these different parts one from another, so that you may become clearly aware of the origin of the movements that occur in you, the many impulses, reactions and conflicting wills that drive you to action. It is an assiduous study which demands much perseverance and sincerity. For man's nature, especially his mental nature, has a spontaneous tendency to give a favourable explanation for everything he thinks, feels, says and does. It is only by observing these movements with great care, by bringing them, as it were, before the tribunal of our highest ideal, with a sincere will to submit to its judgment, that we can hope to form in ourselves a discernment that never errs. For if we truly want to progress and acquire the capacity of knowing the truth of our being, that is to say, what we are truly created for, what we can call our mission upon earth, then we must, in a very regular and constant manner, reject from us or eliminate in us whatever contradicts the truth of our existence, whatever is opposed to it. In this way, little by little, all the parts, all the elements of our being can be organised into a homogeneous whole around our psychic centre. This work of unification requires much time to be brought to some degree of perfection. Therefore, in order to accomplish it, we must arm ourselves with patience and endurance, with a determination to prolong our life as long as necessary for the success of our endeavour.

   As you pursue this labour of purification and unification, you must at the same time take great care to perfect the external and instrumental part of your being. When the higher truth manifests, it must find in you a mind that is supple and rich enough to be able to give the idea that seeks to express itself a form of thought which preserves its force and clarity. This thought, again, when it seeks to clothe itself in words, must find in you a sufficient power of expression so that the words reveal the thought and do not deform it. And the formula in which you embody the truth should be manifested in all your feelings, all your acts of will, all your actions, in all the movements of your being. Finally, these movements themselves should, by constant effort, attain their highest perfection.

   All this can be realised by means of a fourfold discipline, the general outline of which is given here. The four aspects of the discipline do not exclude each other, and can be followed at the same time; indeed, this is preferable. The starting-point is what can be called the psychic discipline. We give the name "psychic" to the psychological centre of our being, the seat within us of the highest truth of our existence, that which can know this truth and set it in movement. It is therefore of capital importance to become conscious of its presence in us, to concentrate on this presence until it becomes a living fact for us and we can identify ourselves with it.

   In various times and places many methods have been prescribed for attaining this perception and ultimately achieving this identification. Some methods are psychological, some religious, some even mechanical. In reality, everyone has to find the one which suits him best, and if one has an ardent and steadfast aspiration, a persistent and dynamic will, one is sure to meet, in one way or another - outwardly through reading and study, inwardly through concentration, meditation, revelation and experience - the help one needs to reach the goal. Only one thing is absolutely indispensable: the will to discover and to realise. This discovery and realisation should be the primary preoccupation of our being, the pearl of great price which we must acquire at any cost. Whatever you do, whatever your occupations and activities, the will to find the truth of your being and to unite with it must be always living and present behind all that you do, all that you feel, all that you think.

   To complement this movement of inner discovery, it would be good not to neglect the development of the mind. For the mental instrument can equally be a great help or a great hindrance. In its natural state the human mind is always limited in its vision, narrow in its understanding, rigid in its conceptions, and a constant effort is therefore needed to widen it, to make it more supple and profound. So it is very necessary to consider everything from as many points of view as possible. Towards this end, there is an exercise which gives great suppleness and elevation to the thought. It is as follows: a clearly formulated thesis is set; against it is opposed its antithesis, formulated with the same precision. Then by careful reflection the problem must be widened or transcended until a synthesis is found which unites the two contraries in a larger, higher and more comprehensive idea.

   Many other exercises of the same kind can be undertaken; some have a beneficial effect on the character and so possess a double advantage: that of educating the mind and that of establishing control over the feelings and their consequences. For example, you must never allow your mind to judge things and people, for the mind is not an instrument of knowledge; it is incapable of finding knowledge, but it must be moved by knowledge. Knowledge belongs to a much higher domain than that of the human mind, far above the region of pure ideas. The mind has to be silent and attentive to receive knowledge from above and manifest it. For it is an instrument of formation, of organisation and action, and it is in these functions that it attains its full value and real usefulness.

   There is another practice which can be very helpful to the progress of the consciousness. Whenever there is a disagreement on any matter, such as a decision to be taken, or an action to be carried out, one must never remain closed up in one's own conception or point of view. On the contrary, one must make an effort to understand the other's point of view, to put oneself in his place and, instead of quarrelling or even fighting, find the solution which can reasonably satisfy both parties; there always is one for men of goodwill.

   Here we must mention the discipline of the vital. The vital being in us is the seat of impulses and desires, of enthusiasm and violence, of dynamic energy and desperate depressions, of passions and revolts. It can set everything in motion, build and realise; but it can also destroy and mar everything. Thus it may be the most difficult part to discipline in the human being. It is a long and exacting labour requiring great patience and perfect sincerity, for without sincerity you will deceive yourself from the very outset, and all endeavour for progress will be in vain. With the collaboration of the vital no realisation seems impossible, no transformation impracticable. But the difficulty lies in securing this constant collaboration. The vital is a good worker, but most often it seeks its own satisfaction. If that is refused, totally or even partially, the vital gets vexed, sulks and goes on strike. Its energy disappears more or less completely and in its place leaves disgust for people and things, discouragement or revolt, depression and dissatisfaction. At such moments it is good to remain quiet and refuse to act; for these are the times when one does stupid things and in a few moments one can destroy or spoil the progress that has been made during months of regular effort. These crises are shorter and less dangerous for those who have established a contact with their psychic being which is sufficient to keep alive in them the flame of aspiration and the consciousness of the ideal to be realised. They can, with the help of this consciousness, deal with their vital as one deals with a rebellious child, with patience and perseverance, showing it the truth and light, endeavouring to convince it and awaken in it the goodwill which has been veiled for a time. By means of such patient intervention each crisis can be turned into a new progress, into one more step towards the goal. Progress may be slow, relapses may be frequent, but if a courageous will is maintained, one is sure to triumph one day and see all difficulties melt and vanish before the radiance of the truth-consciousness.

   Lastly, by means of a rational and discerning physical education, we must make our body strong and supple enough to become a fit instrument in the material world for the truth-force which wants to manifest through us.

   In fact, the body must not rule, it must obey. By its very nature it is a docile and faithful servant. Unfortunately, it rarely has the capacity of discernment it ought to have with regard to its masters, the mind and the vital. It obeys them blindly, at the cost of its own well-being. The mind with its dogmas, its rigid and arbitrary principles, the vital with its passions, its excesses and dissipations soon destroy the natural balance of the body and create in it fatigue, exhaustion and disease. It must be freed from this tyranny and this can be done only through a constant union with the psychic centre of the being. The body has a wonderful capacity of adaptation and endurance. It is able to do so many more things than one usually imagines. If, instead of the ignorant and despotic masters that now govern it, it is ruled by the central truth of the being, you will be amazed at what it is capable of doing. Calm and quiet, strong and poised, at every minute it will be able to put forth the effort that is demanded of it, for it will have learnt to find rest in action and to recuperate, through contact with the universal forces, the energies it expends consciously and usefully. In this sound and balanced life a new harmony will manifest in the body, reflecting the harmony of the higher regions, which will give it perfect proportions and ideal beauty of form. And this harmony will be progressive, for the truth of the being is never static; it is a perpetual unfolding of a growing perfection that is more and more total and comprehensive. As soon as the body has learnt to follow this movement of progressive harmony, it will be possible for it to escape, through a continuous process of transformation, from the necessity of disintegration and destruction. Thus the irrevocable law of death will no longer have any reason to exist.

   When we reach this degree of perfection which is our goal, we shall perceive that the truth we seek is made up of four major aspects: Love, Knowledge, Power and Beauty. These four attributes of the Truth will express themselves spontaneously in our being. The psychic will be the vehicle of true and pure love, the mind will be the vehicle of infallible knowledge, the vital will manifest an invincible power and strength and the body will be the expression of a perfect beauty and harmony.

   Bulletin, November 1950

   ~ The Mother, On Education,
283:The Supreme Discovery
   IF WE want to progress integrally, we must build within our conscious being a strong and pure mental synthesis which can serve us as a protection against temptations from outside, as a landmark to prevent us from going astray, as a beacon to light our way across the moving ocean of life.
   Each individual should build up this mental synthesis according to his own tendencies and affinities and aspirations. But if we want it to be truly living and luminous, it must be centred on the idea that is the intellectual representation symbolising That which is at the centre of our being, That which is our life and our light.
   This idea, expressed in sublime words, has been taught in various forms by all the great Instructors in all lands and all ages.
   The Self of each one and the great universal Self are one. Since all that is exists from all eternity in its essence and principle, why make a distinction between the being and its origin, between ourselves and what we place at the beginning?
   The ancient traditions rightly said:
   "Our origin and ourselves, our God and ourselves are one."
   And this oneness should not be understood merely as a more or less close and intimate relationship of union, but as a true identity.
   Thus, when a man who seeks the Divine attempts to reascend by degrees towards the inaccessible, he forgets that all his knowledge and all his intuition cannot take him one step forward in this infinite; neither does he know that what he wants to attain, what he believes to be so far from him, is within him.
   For how could he know anything of the origin until he becomes conscious of this origin in himself?
   It is by understanding himself, by learning to know himself, that he can make the supreme discovery and cry out in wonder like the patriarch in the Bible, "The house of God is here and I knew it not."
   That is why we must express that sublime thought, creatrix of the material worlds, and make known to all the word that fills the heavens and the earth, "I am in all things and all beings."When all shall know this, the promised day of great transfigurations will be at hand. When in each atom of Matter men shall recognise the indwelling thought of God, when in each living creature they shall perceive some hint of a gesture of God, when each man can see God in his brother, then dawn will break, dispelling the darkness, the falsehood, the ignorance, the error and suffering that weigh upon all Nature. For, "all Nature suffers and laments as she awaits the revelation of the Sons of God."
   This indeed is the central thought epitomising all others, the thought which should be ever present to our remembrance as the sun that illumines all life.
   That is why I remind you of it today. For if we follow our path bearing this thought in our hearts like the rarest jewel, the most precious treasure, if we allow it to do its work of illumination and transfiguration within us, we shall know that it lives in the centre of all beings and all things, and in it we shall feel the marvellous oneness of the universe.
   Then we shall understand the vanity and childishness of our meagre satisfactions, our foolish quarrels, our petty passions, our blind indignations. We shall see the dissolution of our little faults, the crumbling of the last entrenchments of our limited personality and our obtuse egoism. We shall feel ourselves being swept along by this sublime current of true spirituality which will deliver us from our narrow limits and bounds.
   The individual Self and the universal Self are one; in every world, in every being, in every thing, in every atom is the Divine Presence, and man's mission is to manifest it.
   In order to do that, he must become conscious of this Divine Presence within him. Some individuals must undergo a real apprenticeship in order to achieve this: their egoistic being is too all-absorbing, too rigid, too conservative, and their struggles against it are long and painful. Others, on the contrary, who are more impersonal, more plastic, more spiritualised, come easily into contact with the inexhaustible divine source of their being.But let us not forget that they too should devote themselves daily, constantly, to a methodical effort of adaptation and transformation, so that nothing within them may ever again obscure the radiance of that pure light.
   But how greatly the standpoint changes once we attain this deeper consciousness! How understanding widens, how compassion grows!
   On this a sage has said:
   "I would like each one of us to come to the point where he perceives the inner God who dwells even in the vilest of human beings; instead of condemning him we would say, 'Arise, O resplendent Being, thou who art ever pure, who knowest neither birth nor death; arise, Almighty One, and manifest thy nature.'"
   Let us live by this beautiful utterance and we shall see everything around us transformed as if by miracle.
   This is the attitude of true, conscious and discerning love, the love which knows how to see behind appearances, understand in spite of words, and which, amid all obstacles, is in constant communion with the depths.
   What value have our impulses and our desires, our anguish and our violence, our sufferings and our struggles, all these inner vicissitudes unduly dramatised by our unruly imagination - what value do they have before this great, this sublime and divine love bending over us from the innermost depths of our being, bearing with our weaknesses, rectifying our errors, healing our wounds, bathing our whole being with its regenerating streams?
   For the inner Godhead never imposes herself, she neither demands nor threatens; she offers and gives herself, conceals and forgets herself in the heart of all beings and things; she never accuses, she neither judges nor curses nor condemns, but works unceasingly to perfect without constraint, to mend without reproach, to encourage without impatience, to enrich each one with all the wealth he can receive; she is the mother whose love bears fruit and nourishes, guards and protects, counsels and consoles; because she understands everything, she can endure everything, excuse and pardon everything, hope and prepare for everything; bearing everything within herself, she owns nothing that does not belong to all, and because she reigns over all, she is the servant of all; that is why all, great and small, who want to be kings with her and gods in her, become, like her, not despots but servitors among their brethren.
   How beautiful is this humble role of servant, the role of all who have been revealers and heralds of the God who is within all, of the Divine Love that animates all things....
   And until we can follow their example and become true servants even as they, let us allow ourselves to be penetrated and transformed by this Divine Love; let us offer Him, without reserve, this marvellous instrument, our physical organism. He shall make it yield its utmost on every plane of activity.
   To achieve this total self-consecration, all means are good, all methods have their value. The one thing needful is to persevere in our will to attain this goal. For then everything we study, every action we perform, every human being we meet, all come to bring us an indication, a help, a light to guide us on the path.
   Before I close, I shall add a few pages for those who have already made apparently fruitless efforts, for those who have encountered the pitfalls on the way and seen the measure of their weakness, for those who are in danger of losing their self-confidence and courage. These pages, intended to rekindle hope in the hearts of those who suffer, were written by a spiritual worker at a time when ordeals of every kind were sweeping down on him like purifying flames.
   You who are weary, downcast and bruised, you who fall, who think perhaps that you are defeated, hear the voice of a friend. He knows your sorrows, he has shared them, he has suffered like you from the ills of the earth; like you he has crossed many deserts under the burden of the day, he has known thirst and hunger, solitude and abandonment, and the cruellest of all wants, the destitution of the heart. Alas! he has known too the hours of doubt, the errors, the faults, the failings, every weakness.
   But he tells you: Courage! Hearken to the lesson that the rising sun brings to the earth with its first rays each morning. It is a lesson of hope, a message of solace.
   You who weep, who suffer and tremble, who dare not expect an end to your ills, an issue to your pangs, behold: there is no night without dawn and the day is about to break when darkness is thickest; there is no mist that the sun does not dispel, no cloud that it does not gild, no tear that it will not dry one day, no storm that is not followed by its shining triumphant bow; there is no snow that it does not melt, nor winter that it does not change into radiant spring.
   And for you too, there is no affliction which does not bring its measure of glory, no distress which cannot be transformed into joy, nor defeat into victory, nor downfall into higher ascension, nor solitude into radiating centre of life, nor discord into harmony - sometimes it is a misunderstanding between two minds that compels two hearts to open to mutual communion; lastly, there is no infinite weakness that cannot be changed into strength. And it is even in supreme weakness that almightiness chooses to reveal itself!
   Listen, my little child, you who today feel so broken, so fallen perhaps, who have nothing left, nothing to cover your misery and foster your pride: never before have you been so great! How close to the summits is he who awakens in the depths, for the deeper the abyss, the more the heights reveal themselves!
   Do you not know this, that the most sublime forces of the vasts seek to array themselves in the most opaque veils of Matter? Oh, the sublime nuptials of sovereign love with the obscurest plasticities, of the shadow's yearning with the most royal light!
   If ordeal or fault has cast you down, if you have sunk into the nether depths of suffering, do not grieve - for there indeed the divine love and the supreme blessing can reach you! Because you have passed through the crucible of purifying sorrows, the glorious ascents are yours.
   You are in the wilderness: then listen to the voices of the silence. The clamour of flattering words and outer applause has gladdened your ears, but the voices of the silence will gladden your soul and awaken within you the echo of the depths, the chant of divine harmonies!
   You are walking in the depths of night: then gather the priceless treasures of the night. In bright sunshine, the ways of intelligence are lit, but in the white luminosities of the night lie the hidden paths of perfection, the secret of spiritual riches.
   You are being stripped of everything: that is the way towards plenitude. When you have nothing left, everything will be given to you. Because for those who are sincere and true, from the worst always comes the best.
   Every grain that is sown in the earth produces a thousand. Every wing-beat of sorrow can be a soaring towards glory.
   And when the adversary pursues man relentlessly, everything he does to destroy him only makes him greater.
   Hear the story of the worlds, look: the great enemy seems to triumph. He casts the beings of light into the night, and the night is filled with stars. He rages against the cosmic working, he assails the integrity of the empire of the sphere, shatters its harmony, divides and subdivides it, scatters its dust to the four winds of infinity, and lo! the dust is changed into a golden seed, fertilising the infinite and peopling it with worlds which now gravitate around their eternal centre in the larger orbit of space - so that even division creates a richer and deeper unity, and by multiplying the surfaces of the material universe, enlarges the empire that it set out to destroy.
   Beautiful indeed was the song of the primordial sphere cradled in the bosom of immensity, but how much more beautiful and triumphant is the symphony of the constellations, the music of the spheres, the immense choir that fills the heavens with an eternal hymn of victory!
   Hear again: no state was ever more precarious than that of man when he was separated on earth from his divine origin. Above him stretched the hostile borders of the usurper, and at his horizon's gates watched jailers armed with flaming swords. Then, since he could climb no more to the source of life, the source arose within him; since he could no more receive the light from above, the light shone forth at the very centre of his being; since he could commune no more with the transcendent love, that love offered itself in a holocaust and chose each terrestrial being, each human self as its dwelling-place and sanctuary.
   That is how, in this despised and desolate but fruitful and blessed Matter, each atom contains a divine thought, each being carries within him the Divine Inhabitant. And if no being in all the universe is as frail as man, neither is any as divine as he!
   In truth, in truth, in humiliation lies the cradle of glory! 28 April 1912 ~ The Mother, Words Of Long Ago, The Supreme Discovery,


1:Physical violence is the basis of authority. ~ leo-tolstoy, @wisdomtrove
2:An emotion is both a mental and a physical event. ~ nathaniel-branden, @wisdomtrove
3:Variety – the need for physical and mental stimulation ~ tony-robbins, @wisdomtrove
4:Love is the fuel of our physical and spiritual bodies. ~ caroline-myss, @wisdomtrove
5:In war, the moral is to the physical as three is to one. ~ napoleon-bonaparte, @wisdomtrove
6:Love goes very far beyond the physical person of the beloved. ~ viktor-frankl, @wisdomtrove
7:Love is the fuel of our physical and spiritual bodies. ~ norman-vincent-peale, @wisdomtrove
8:Spirit is the life, the mind the builder the physical the result ~ edgar-cayce, @wisdomtrove
9:A poet without love were a physical and metaphysical impossibility. ~ john-keats, @wisdomtrove
10:How infinitely superior to our physical senses are those of the mind! ~ john-muir, @wisdomtrove
11:I must have physical exercise, or my temper'll certainly be ruined. ~ leo-tolstoy, @wisdomtrove
12:Physical Fitness is the basis for all other forms of excellence. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
13:We talk a lot about the importance of physical exercise to wake us ~ dale-carnegie, @wisdomtrove
14:When I focus upon things of a physical nature, I am less spiritual. ~ esther-hicks, @wisdomtrove
15:Clarity is the ability to see the soul in action in the physical world. ~ gary-zukav, @wisdomtrove
16:Physical properties like position don’t exist until they’re measured. ~ george-carlin, @wisdomtrove
17:We are on a very rich emotional and physical journey on this planet. ~ melody-beattie, @wisdomtrove
18:We have two physical eyes, but every pore of the body is also an eye. ~ b-k-s-iyengar, @wisdomtrove
19:No phenomenon is a physical phenomenon until it is an observed phenomenon ~ john-wheeler, @wisdomtrove
20:I've learned that memories can have a physical, almost living presence. ~ nicholas-sparks, @wisdomtrove
21:We must meet hate with love. We must meet physical force with soul force. ~ martin-luther, @wisdomtrove
22:The best way to improve mental performance, is to improve physical performance ~ tim-ferris, @wisdomtrove
23:In most cases learning something essential in life requires physical pain. ~ haruki-murakami, @wisdomtrove
24:You've got to be in top physical condition. Fatigue makes cowards of us all. ~ vince-lombardi, @wisdomtrove
25:I am what I am, not identifiable with any physical or mental state. ~ sri-nisargadatta-maharaj, @wisdomtrove
26:War is a dangerous teacher and physical victory leads often to a moral defeat. ~ sri-aurobindo, @wisdomtrove
27:Some tortures are physical and some are mental, but the one that's both is dental. ~ ogden-nash, @wisdomtrove
28:Success is the product of the severest kind of mental and physical application. ~ thomas-edison, @wisdomtrove
29:Some tortures are physical And some are mental, But the one that is both Is dental. ~ ogden-nash, @wisdomtrove
30:I am convinced that life in a physical body is meant to be an ecstatic experience. ~ shakti-gawain, @wisdomtrove
31:Physical science is like simple addition: it is either infallible or it is false. ~ g-k-chesterton, @wisdomtrove
32:Their whole life will begin to shift, from their first physical contact with you. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
33:Everything, both mental and physical, is rigidly bound by the law of causation. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
34:Art should be something like a good armchair in which to rest from physical fatigue. ~ henri-matisse, @wisdomtrove
35:Heavy thoughts bring on physical maladies; when the soul is oppressed so is the body. ~ martin-luther, @wisdomtrove
36:The honour of physical decline is waiting, and you have to get used to that reality. ~ haruki-murakami, @wisdomtrove
37:I think permitting the game to become too physical takes away a little bit of the beauty. ~ john-wooden, @wisdomtrove
38:Man as Atman is really free; as man he is bound, changed by every physical condition. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
39:Almost all the moral good which is left among us is the apparent effect of physical evil. ~ samuel-johnson, @wisdomtrove
40:Any relationship primarily built on physical attractiveness is predestined to be short lived. ~ zig-ziglar, @wisdomtrove
41:Anything physical is always changing, therefore, its reality is not constant, not eternal. ~ b-k-s-iyengar, @wisdomtrove
42:A sanctity hangs about the sources of our being, whether physical, social, or imaginary. ~ george-santayana, @wisdomtrove
43:Inner seeing has nothing to do with physical vision; it's the perception of life directly. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
44:Like the physical, the psychical is not necessarily in reality what it appears to us to be. ~ sigmund-freud, @wisdomtrove
45:It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare. ~ mark-twain, @wisdomtrove
46:Our growing softness, our increasing lack of physical fitness, is a menace to our security. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
47:Entities can see a certain amount because they are outside of the physical dimensional plane. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
48:Poverty is the fundamental cause of most of the physical, moral and economic ills of humanity. ~ hellen-keller, @wisdomtrove
49:To think the universe is only composed of the physical universe is to be rather shortsighted. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
50:Begin to act in your physical world as if that person whom you would love to be were already here. ~ wayne-dyer, @wisdomtrove
51:If there are problems with the subtle physical body, it's very hard for the kundalini to flow. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
52:I have always believed that a good laugh was good for both the mental and physical digestion. ~ abraham-lincoln, @wisdomtrove
53:The consciousness of self is the greatest hindrance to the proper execution of all physical action. ~ bruce-lee, @wisdomtrove
54:There are more potential combinations of DNA [physical forms] than there are atoms in the universe. ~ carl-sagan, @wisdomtrove
55:It is impossible to attain proper physical condition without being sound both mentally and morally. ~ john-wooden, @wisdomtrove
56:the reason you have descended into physical life is to unleash the power of your soul upon Earth. ~ caroline-myss, @wisdomtrove
57:There can be no substitute for work, neither affection nor physical well-being can replace it. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
58:If heaven existed as a physical building on earth, human beings would remodel it to make it right. ~ vernon-howard, @wisdomtrove
59:Matter and all else that is in the physical world have been reduced to a shadowy symbolism. ~ sir-arthur-eddington, @wisdomtrove
60:Thought, backed by strong desire, has a tendency to transmute itself into its physical equivalent. ~ napoleon-hill, @wisdomtrove
61:You've got to keep yourself in prime physical condition, because fatigue makes cowards of us all. ~ vince-lombardi, @wisdomtrove
62:Birth in the physical is death in the spiritual. Death in the physical is the birth in the spiritual. ~ edgar-cayce, @wisdomtrove
63:In not only the physical science, but in the real mental silence, the wisdom dawns. ~ swami-satchidananda-saraswati, @wisdomtrove
64:Ability may get you to the top, nut it takes chracter to keep you there - mental, moral, and physical. ~ john-wooden, @wisdomtrove
65:Again and again we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
66:You and I are all as much continuous with the physical universe as a wave is continuous with the ocean. ~ alan-watts, @wisdomtrove
67:Of all the mental and physical polluters of life, nothing exercises such a poisonous effect as fear. ~ elbert-hubbard, @wisdomtrove
68:When the spirit most closely approaches the physical earth, then we have the perception of fragrance. ~ rudolf-steiner, @wisdomtrove
69:Every individual has in himself perfection. It lies within the dark recesses of his physical being. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
70:Schrödinger's wave-mechanics is not a physical theory, but a dodge - and a very good dodge too. ~ sir-arthur-eddington, @wisdomtrove
71:The mind has these four levels: physical, vital, buddhi, higher mind. The Supermind is far above these. ~ sri-aurobindo, @wisdomtrove
72:For the truth of the conclusions of physical science, observation is the supreme Court of Appeal. ~ sir-arthur-eddington, @wisdomtrove
73:In dream yoga we use the etheric double and go beyond the confines of the physical, it's very ecstatic. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
74:the reason you have descended into physical life is to unleash the power of your soul upon Earth. ~ norman-vincent-peale, @wisdomtrove
75:Prison is not a mere physical horror. It is using a pickaxe to no purpose that makes a prison. ~ antoine-de-saint-exupery, @wisdomtrove
76:Anything that brings spiritual, mental, or physical weakness, touch it not with the toes of your feet. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
77:When an idea exclusively occupies the mind, it is transformed into an actual physical or mental state. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
78:Love does not exist. There exists the physical need for intercourse, and the rational need for a mate in life ~ leo-tolstoy, @wisdomtrove
79:A factor that greatly supports the opening of energy in practice is exercise and care of the physical body. ~ jack-kornfield, @wisdomtrove
80:Religion is a matter of the heart. No physical inconvenience can warrant abandonment of one's own religion. ~ mahatma-gandhi, @wisdomtrove
81:Writing a long novel is like survival training. Physical strength is as necessary as artistic sensitivity. ~ haruki-murakami, @wisdomtrove
82:Despotic governments can stand &
83:Purity is very fragile when it takes physical manifestation. It is very, very strong in its original aspect. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
84:The physical world is entirely abstract and without actuality apart from its linkage to consciousness. ~ sir-arthur-eddington, @wisdomtrove
85:Our supreme duty is to advance toward freedom - physical, mental, and spiritual - and help others to do so. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
86:Intelligence increases mere physical ability one half. The use of the head abridges the labor of the hands. ~ henry-ward-beecher, @wisdomtrove
87:Just for the record, the weather today is increasing turmoil with a possible physical and emotional breakdown. ~ chuck-palahniuk, @wisdomtrove
88:In the dreaming state and the waking state I appear to be a physical body, but essentially I am intangible awareness. ~ tim-freke, @wisdomtrove
89:There are seven primary centers, junctions, within the subtle physical body. These are called the seven chakras. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
90:Grief is like a physical pain which must be allowed to subside somewhat on its own before medical treatment is applied. ~ plutarch, @wisdomtrove
91:In reality, as any physicist will tell you, the physical world is made up of moving energy. All matter is energy. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
92:Our own physical body possesses a wisdom which we who inhabit the body lack. We give it orders which make no sense. ~ henry-miller, @wisdomtrove
93:Yoga is more than physical. It is cellular, mental, intellectual and spiritual-it involves man in his entire being ~ b-k-s-iyengar, @wisdomtrove
94:But for the use of physical punishment by, and fear of their oppressors, animals would never be a part of a circus. ~ richard-pryor, @wisdomtrove
95:In every department of physical science there is only so much science, properly so-called, as there is mathematics. ~ immanuel-kant, @wisdomtrove
96:In the dreaming state and the waking state, I appear to be a physical body, but essentially, I am intangible awareness. ~ tim-freke, @wisdomtrove
97:Thought and action can be perceived as two different dimensions of who you are: the mental you and the physical you ~ steve-pavlina, @wisdomtrove
98:When every physical and mental resources is focused, one's power to solve a problem multiplies tremendously. ~ norman-vincent-peale, @wisdomtrove
99:Everything you do to improve your physical well-being will have a positive impact on how good you feel about yourself. ~ brian-tracy, @wisdomtrove
100:our present picture of physical reality, particularly in relation to the nature of time, is due for a grand shake up ~ roger-penrose, @wisdomtrove
101:I had to take a physical to do this show. They had a lot of weird questions like, "Have you ever tried sugar or PCP?" ~ mitch-hedberg, @wisdomtrove
102:our present picture of physical reality, particularly in relation to the nature of time, is due for a grand shake up. ~ roger-penrose, @wisdomtrove
103:When men abandon reason, physical force becomes their only means of dealing with one another and of settling disagreements. ~ ayn-rand, @wisdomtrove
104:Father Time is the make-up man responsible for the physical changes that determine the parts the average actor is to play. ~ fred-allen, @wisdomtrove
105:Contemporary science is based on the philosophy of materialism, which claims that all reality is material or physical. ~ rupert-sheldrake, @wisdomtrove
106:Every thought creates form on some level and all that our physical experience is - is a reflection of our thoughts. ~ marianne-williamson, @wisdomtrove
107:The spirit of man is more important than mere physical strength, and the spiritual fiber of a nation than its wealth. ~ dwight-eisenhower, @wisdomtrove
108:With respect to physical existence, one needs little, and to the degree that one needs less, the more perfect one is. ~ soren-kierkegaard, @wisdomtrove
109:Accept the consequences of your actions in order to become the agent of your mental, physical, spiritual and material success. ~ les-brown, @wisdomtrove
110:As you let go and willingly release the physical, emotional, and mental aspects of your being, Spirit becomes your state. ~ michael-singer, @wisdomtrove
111:Everything in its place. Clean as you go. Put it away now. Use a physical inbox, and empty it. Keep a simple filing system.   ~ leo-babauta, @wisdomtrove
112:Too much concern about physical security and too little concern about spirituality is the hallmark of today's world. ~ mata-amritanandamayi, @wisdomtrove
113:The new information technology... Internet and e-mail... have practically eliminated the physical costs of communications. ~ peter-drucker, @wisdomtrove
114:The physical body is not only a temple for our soul, but the means by which we embark on the inward journey toward the core. ~ b-k-s-iyengar, @wisdomtrove
115:Color helps to express light, not the physical phenomenon, but the only light that really exists, that in the artist's brain. ~ henri-matisse, @wisdomtrove
116:“For the truth of the conclusions of physical science, observation is the supreme Court of Appeal. Arthur S. Eddington ~ sir-arthur-eddington, @wisdomtrove
117:The strongest feelings assigned to the conscience are not moral feelings at all; they express merely physical antipathies. ~ george-santayana, @wisdomtrove
118:A second way that oppressed people sometimes deal with oppression is to resort to physical violence and corroding hatred. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
119:Love is visceral and real. Love is physical. It embraces all things. Love doesn't space you out or take you out of this world. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
120:Man, alone, has the power to transform his thoughts into physical reality; man, alone, can dream and make his dreams come true. ~ napoleon-hill, @wisdomtrove
121:Many a person has changed his whole physical and mental condition by a careful, persistent course of auto-suggestion. ~ william-walker-atkinson, @wisdomtrove
122:Somewhere there is an essence. It is not a physical somewhere. There is no sense of world, of time and space. That is nirvana. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
123:Spiritual relationship is far more precious than physical. Physical relationship divorced from spiritual is body without soul.  ~ mahatma-gandhi, @wisdomtrove
124:The one who actually succeeds in making himself believe that he is having a good time is the man of splendid physical health. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
125:We are Physical, Mental and Spiritual beings. If you don't deal with ALL OF LIFE you're not going to get all that life has to offer. ~ zig-ziglar, @wisdomtrove
126:Our greatest human freedom is that, despite whatever our physical situation is in life, WE ARE ALWAYS FREE TO CHOOSE OUR THOUGHTS! ~ viktor-frankl, @wisdomtrove
127:Physiological expenditure is a superficial way of self-expression. People who incline toward physical love accomplish nothing at all. ~ salvador-dali, @wisdomtrove
128:The physical is external reality. The mental is our thought process - an intermediate reality. And the vital is the reality behind both. ~ barry-long, @wisdomtrove
129:The wine-shops breed, in physical atmosphere of malaria and a moral pestilence of envy and vengeance, the men of crime and revolution. ~ charles-dickens, @wisdomtrove
130:What makes old age hard to bear is not the failing of one's faculties, mental and physical, but the burden of one's memories. ~ william-somerset-maugham, @wisdomtrove
131:Since the time of the ancient Greeks, we have felt that there was a close relationship between a strong vital mind and physical fitness. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
132:Women have so many levels. There's the physical level, which is a lot of fun. There's this emotional level, which is extremely mercurial. ~ robin-williams, @wisdomtrove
133:Something was making him nibble at the edge of stale ideas as if his sturdy physical egotism no longer nourished his peremptory heart. ~ f-scott-fitzgerald, @wisdomtrove
134:You know, these non-physical beings, it's very hard to tell what they're up to. You can't see them. How can you rely on them? It's chancy. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
135:A country is as strong, really, as its citizens. And I think that mental and physical health - mental and physical vigor - go hand in hand. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
136:All brave men love; for he only is brave who has affections to fight for, whether in the daily battle of life, or in physical contests. ~ nathaniel-hawthorne, @wisdomtrove
137:A lot of people who are involved in self-discovery lose energy to abusive teachers, to abusive friends and to entities, non-physical beings. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
138:We give physical exercise to the body, but neglect the heart. The exercise for the heart is uplifting the destitute and the suffering. ~ mata-amritanandamayi, @wisdomtrove
139:A government is the most dangerous threat to man's rights: it holds a legal monopoly on the use of physical force against legally disarmed victims. ~ ayn-rand, @wisdomtrove
140:Everything has a nothingness. On the other side of physical reality, there is another world, and in that world, everything is something else. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
141:It seemed incredible to me, that physical courage should be so commonplace and revered, while moral courage . . . is so rare and despised. ~ albert-schweitzer, @wisdomtrove
142:Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
143:Repetition of the same thought or physical action develops into a habit which, repeated frequently enough, becomes an automatic reflex. ~ norman-vincent-peale, @wisdomtrove
144:The physical business of writing is unpleasant to me, but the psychic satisfaction of discharging bad ideas in worse English makes me forget it. ~ h-l-mencken, @wisdomtrove
145:Love tames the benumbed beast. A man is put to use regarding a woman's physical safety, but a woman is put to use regarding a man's mental safety. ~ criss-jami, @wisdomtrove
146:If we perceived life with reverence, we would stand in awe at the experience of physical life and walk the earth in a very deep sense of gratitude. ~ gary-zukav, @wisdomtrove
147:If you would escape moral and physical assassination, do nothing, say nothing, be nothing—court obscurity, for only in oblivion does safety lie. ~ elbert-hubbard, @wisdomtrove
148:Nirvana isn't a physical place. It is not like going to heaven. It just means no more individualized awareness, no aggregate body of experience. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
149:So I think that the issue of how consciousness relates to the physical world is all tied up with morality but we have a lot to learn on that one. ~ roger-penrose, @wisdomtrove
150:In any attempt to bridge the domains of experience belonging to the spiritual and physical sides of nature, time occupies the key position. ~ sir-arthur-eddington, @wisdomtrove
151:Next to physical survival, the greatest need of a human being is psychological survival—to be affirmed, to be appreciated, and to be understood. ~ stephen-r-covey, @wisdomtrove
152:The help which tends to make us spiritually strong is the highest help, next to it comes intellectual help and after that comes physical help. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
153:When you become angry at someone, your anger will actually have a power. You can hit somebody in a non-physical way and it can injure that being. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
154:Spiritual beings do not allow their thoughts and feelings to flow from their actions, they understand that their thoughts create their physical world. ~ wayne-dyer, @wisdomtrove
155:I've seen many miracles take place in people's lives. Financial miracles, miracles of physical healing, mental healing, healing of relationships. ~ michael-beckwith, @wisdomtrove
156:Remind yourself that you are supported, that you are not going it alone upon this Earth. Dwell in the company of your Non-Physical Teachers and Guides. ~ gary-zukav, @wisdomtrove
157:The atom cannot disobey the law. Whether it is the mental or the physical atom, it must obey the law. "What is the use of [external restraint]?" ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
158:In the future, however, we may see real gaps in physical and cognitive abilities opening between an upgraded upper class and the rest of society. ~ yuval-noah-harari, @wisdomtrove
159:Throughout the developed world,we have moved from "man power"to "mind power."We have moved from the use of physical muscle to the use of mental muscle. ~ brian-tracy, @wisdomtrove
160:When one has love for God, one doesn't feel any physical attraction to wife, children, relatives and friends. One retains only compassion for them. ~ sri-ramakrishna, @wisdomtrove
161:Of pain you could wish only one thing: that it should stop. Nothing in the world was so bad as physical pain. In the face of pain there are no heroes. ~ george-orwell, @wisdomtrove
162:Your heart chakra is not in your physical body. It is in your subtle physical body, but it comes in contact with your physical body in this location. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
163:The people has no definite disbelief in the temples of theology. The people has a very fiery and practical disbelief in the temples of physical science. ~ g-k-chesterton, @wisdomtrove
164:Beyond this world, beyond other worlds, be they inter-dimensional worlds or physical worlds, there is something else, which is the vast unknown eternity. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
165:By activating an expansive, tolerant, and creative mindset, positive feelings maximize the social, intellectual, and physical benefits that will accrue. ~ martin-seligman, @wisdomtrove
166:The reality we live in is selected by our conceptual definitions. You and I may be in the same physical space, but each of us will see it as entirely different. ~ ram-das, @wisdomtrove
167:Sounds are the echo of the "Harmony of the Spheres" which man took into himself when he came down from the divine-spiritual world into the physical world. ~ rudolf-steiner, @wisdomtrove
168:The school of awareness is the school of mysticism. Mysticism is the experience of eternity, of that which lies beyond the physical phenomenal experience. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
169:Without money, you are powerless in this world. You are totally subject to whatever happens. To be without money in the physical world is to be powerless. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
170:I think good physical conditioning is essential to any occupation. A man who is physically fit performs better at any job. Fatigue makes cowards of us all. ~ vince-lombardi, @wisdomtrove
171:There is the physical mind which is mechanical but the awareness which is the essential character (dharma) of the mind is also to some extent present there. ~ sri-aurobindo, @wisdomtrove
172:Knowledge of life in the astral world leads us to a conclusion of fundamental importance, namely that the physical world is the product of the astral world. ~ rudolf-steiner, @wisdomtrove
173:Stop imagining that you are just the physical body you appear to be. Instead, imagine yourself to be a spacious presence within which your experience is arising. ~ tim-freke, @wisdomtrove
174:The goal of the human experience is to transform ourselves from being who long to attain power in the physical world to beings who are empowered from within. ~ caroline-myss, @wisdomtrove
175:Everything that occurs—everything that has occurred, is occurring, and ever will occur—is the outward physical manifestation of your innermost thoughts. ~ neale-donald-walsch, @wisdomtrove
176:Real wisdom does not occur here in this physical universe. Real wisdom is something that you have to move into the planes of the highest light to experience. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
177:Don't judge your meditations. Don't rate them. The physical mind cannot tell how well you did. As long as you are sitting there trying, something will happen. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
178:As high as mind stands above nature, so high does the state stand above physical life. Man must therefore venerate the state as a secular deity. ~ georg-wilhelm-friedrich-hegel, @wisdomtrove
179:All love - love of children, love of parents, love of God or life - comes out of making physical love. Without the making of love there is no body to love anything. ~ barry-long, @wisdomtrove
180:As water by cooling and condensation becomes ice, so thought by condensation assumes physical form. Everything in the universe is thought in material form. ~ paramahansa-yogananda, @wisdomtrove
181:As we become multi sensory, we move beyond the limitations of the five senses and we now are evolving to a different mechanism in the exploration of physical reality. ~ gary-zukav, @wisdomtrove
182:If I take my whole, passionate, spiritual and physical love to the woman who in return loves me, that is how I serve God. And my hymn and my game of joy is my work. ~ d-h-lawrence, @wisdomtrove
183:It is my view that the vegetarian manner of living, by its purely physical effect on the human temperament, would most beneficially influence the lot of mankind. ~ albert-einstein, @wisdomtrove
184:We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
185:Yoga exercises are excellent; the speaker does them every day, for an hour or more; but that is merely physical exercise, to keep the body healthy, and so on. ~ jiddu-krishnamurti, @wisdomtrove
186:Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit. When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distractions, the gates of the soul open. ~ b-k-s-iyengar, @wisdomtrove
187:How can I tell," said the man, "that the past isn't a fiction designed to account for the discrepancy between my immediate physical sensations and my state of mind? ~ douglas-adams, @wisdomtrove
188:If physical death is the price that I must pay to free my white brothers and sisters from a permanent death of the spirit, then nothing can be more redemptive. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
189:The goal of the human experience is to transform ourselves from being who long to attain power in the physical world to beings who are empowered from within. ~ norman-vincent-peale, @wisdomtrove
190:There are those who believe Black people possess the secret of joy and that it is this that will sustain them through any spiritual or moral or physical devastation. ~ alice-walker, @wisdomtrove
191:There could be no fairer destiny for any physical theory than that it should point the way to a more comprehensive theory in which it lives on as a limiting case. ~ albert-einstein, @wisdomtrove
192:Light physical is said by Solomon to be sweet, but gospel light is infinitely more precious, for it reveals eternal things, and ministers to our immortal natures. ~ charles-spurgeon, @wisdomtrove
193:When I look at my life, I see that I wanted to be free of the physical plane, the psychological plane, and when I got free of those I didn't want to go anywhere near them. ~ ram-das, @wisdomtrove
194:By looking into physical causes our minds are opened and enlarged; and in this pursuit, whether we take or whether we lose the game, the chase is certainly of service. ~ edmund-burke, @wisdomtrove
195:The illusion holds power over you when you are not able to remember that you are a powerful spirit that has taken on the physical experience for the purpose of learning. ~ gary-zukav, @wisdomtrove
196:When writing, you can't break physical rules. You can't have people come back from the dead. That's cheating. I am a kind of narrative fundamentalist in many ways. ~ malcolm-gladwell, @wisdomtrove
197:the important people in our lives leave imprints. they may die or go in the physical realm, but they are always there in your heart, because they helped form your heart ~ jules-renard, @wisdomtrove
198:I realize the dominating thoughts of my mind will eventually reproduce themselves in outward, physical action, and gradually transform themselves into physical reality. ~ napoleon-hill, @wisdomtrove
199:Nonviolence means avoiding not only external physical violence but also internal violence of spirit. You not only refuse to shoot a man, but you refuse to hate him. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
200:The smell of her hair, the taste of her mouth, the feeling of her skin seemed to have got inside him, or into the air all round him. She had become a physical necessity. ~ george-orwell, @wisdomtrove
201:All too often we are more afraid of physical pain than of moral wrong. The cross is the standing evidence of the fact that holiness is a principle for which God would die. ~ billy-graham, @wisdomtrove
202:I have since become convinced that when we define ourselves by our wounds, we burden and lose our physical and spiritual energy and open ourselves to the risk of illness. ~ caroline-myss, @wisdomtrove
203:The weak have no place here, in this life or any other life. Weakness leads to slavery. Weakness leads to all kinds of misery, physical and mental. Weakness is death. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
204:I love life. That’s why I give teachings of celebration, celebrate everything. From body to soul, physical to spiritual, sex to superconsciousness, everything is divine for me. ~ rajneesh, @wisdomtrove
205:Love makes you wise. Love unites. Pain divides. Hate divides even more. Hate separates and brings us down to a very physical plane. Love elevates us to a plane of spirit. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
206:Most people tend to think the best of those who are blessed with beauty; we have difficulty imagining that physical perfection can conceal twisted emotions or a damaged mind. ~ dean-koontz, @wisdomtrove
207:Theories that diseases are caused by mental states and can be cured by will power, are always an index of how much is not understood about the physical terrain of a disease. ~ susan-sontag, @wisdomtrove
208:Time is too conceptual. Not that it stops us from filling it in. So much so, we can't even tell whether our experiences belong to time or to the world of physical things. ~ haruki-murakami, @wisdomtrove
209:What is the basic, the essential, the crucial principle that differentiates freedom from slavery? It is the principle of voluntary action versus physical coercion or compulsion. ~ ayn-rand, @wisdomtrove
210:When someone admits one and rejects another which is equally in accordance with the appearances, it is clear that he has quitted all physical explanation and descended into myth. ~ epicurus, @wisdomtrove
211:Begin with the end in mind is based on the principle that all things are created twice. There's a mental or first creation, and a physical or second creation to all things. ~ stephen-r-covey, @wisdomtrove
212:Let yourself go, the pleasure of physical movement is so important. If that's a problem, you say to yourself, what is there that I am afraid of, or hiding? Maybe your libido! ~ marilyn-monroe, @wisdomtrove
213:The invitation to Miss Myra St. Claire's bobbing party spent the morning in his coat pocket, where it had an intense physical affair with a dusty piece of peanut brittle. ~ f-scott-fitzgerald, @wisdomtrove
214:Maintain your physical, emotional, and spiritual harmony with the universe by meditating every day. Inhale the precious breath of life. It is your connection to your Higher power. ~ louise-hay, @wisdomtrove
215:When we begin to see each other through what the metaphysician calls, the third eye, we begin to know each other on a level that is beyond what our physical eyes can see. ~ marianne-williamson, @wisdomtrove
216:I have since become convinced that when we define ourselves by our wounds, we burden and lose our physical and spiritual energy and open ourselves to the risk of illness. ~ norman-vincent-peale, @wisdomtrove
217:Love in its purest form is a sharing of joy. It asks nothing in return, it expects nothing. Love is a spiritual phenomenon; lust is physical. Ego is psychological; love is spiritual. ~ rajneesh, @wisdomtrove
218:We are under exercised as a nation. We look instead of play. We ride instead of walk. Our existence deprives us of the minimum of physical activity essential for healthy living. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
219:As the strong man exults in his physical ability, delighting in such exercises as call his muscles into action, so glories the analyst in that moral activity which disentangles. ~ edgar-allan-poe, @wisdomtrove
220:Pain, n. An uncomfortable frame of mind that may have a physical basis in something that is being done to the body, or may be purely mental, caused by the good fortune of another. ~ ambrose-bierce, @wisdomtrove
221:All living things have an aura, a rapidly vibrating, invisible psychic energy field that protects them from toxic, non-physical energies that would otherwise be detrimental to them. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
222:A man who as a physical being is always turned toward the outside, thinking that his happiness lies outside him, finally turns inward and discovers that the source is within him. ~ soren-kierkegaard, @wisdomtrove
223:For since it is impossible for a created monad to have a physical influence on the inner nature of another, this is the only way in which one can be dependent on another. ~ gottfried-wilhelm-leibniz, @wisdomtrove
224:If we fail to encourage physical development and prowess, we will undermine our capcity for thought, for work, and for use of those skills vital to an expanding and complex America. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
225:Faith is the power to stand up to the madness and chaos of the physical world, while holding the position that nothing external has any authority over what heaven has in mind for you. ~ caroline-myss, @wisdomtrove
226:The complexity and efficiency of the physicist’s technical apparatus is matched, if not surpassed, by that of the mystic’s consciousness—both physical and spiritual—in deep meditation. ~ fritjof-capra, @wisdomtrove
227:The highest activities of consciousness have their origins in physical occurrences of the brain, just as the loveliest melodies are not too sublime to be expressed by notes. ~ william-somerset-maugham, @wisdomtrove
228:A person without much power is easily influenced by others, whether they are physical or non-physical beings. Their life is easily ruined. They are blown around like a leaf in the wind. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
229:I always stress condition with my basketball players. I don’t mean physical condition only. You cannot attain and maintain physical condition unless you are morally and mentally conditioned. ~ john-wooden, @wisdomtrove
230:The subtle physical body protects the body's physical health. It is the radiant life force that is you. When you get sick, it is because there is a problem with your subtle physical body. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
231:The wisdom of samadhi is quite different. Higher level wisdom cannot be written down. It cannot be spoken. True wisdom is the knowledge of the universe that is beyond physical expression. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
232:As long as the mind is enslaved, the body can never be free. Psychological freedom, a firm sense of self-esteem, is the most powerful weapon against the long night of physical slavery. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
233:A teacher had two types of students. One type of student is a close student. The other is also a close student, but not in the sense of physical proximity. The close students rotate a lot. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
234:A theology which is not based on revelation as a given reality but treats God as an idea would be as mad as a zoology which is no longer sure of the physical, tangible existence of animals. ~ hannah-arendt, @wisdomtrove
235:My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute all my success in life to the moral, intellectual and physical education I received from her. ~ george-washington, @wisdomtrove
236:Thrift means that you should always have the best you can possibly afford, when the thing has any reference to your physical and mental health, to your growth in efficiency and power. ~ orison-swett-marden, @wisdomtrove
237:Faith is the power to stand up to the madness and chaos of the physical world, while holding the position that nothing external has any authority over what heaven has in mind for you. ~ norman-vincent-peale, @wisdomtrove
238:Ideas are intangible forces, but they have more power than the physical brains that give birth to them. They have the power to live on, after the brain that creates them has returned to dust. ~ napoleon-hill, @wisdomtrove
239:For me, beauty is a physical sensation, something we feel with our whole body. It is not the result of judgement. We do not arrive at it by way of rules. We either feel beauty or we don't. ~ jorge-luis-borges, @wisdomtrove
240:A powerful agent is the right word. Whenever we come upon one of those intensely right words in a book or a newspaper the resulting effect is physical as well as spiritual, and electrically prompt. ~ mark-twain, @wisdomtrove
241:We seek to sow life in the child rather than theories, to help him in his growth, mental and emotional as well as physical, and for that we must offer grand and lofty ideas to the human mind. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
242:Life is a book that never ends. Chapters close, but not the book itself. The end of one physical incarnation is like the end of a chapter, on some level setting up the beginning of another. ~ marianne-williamson, @wisdomtrove
243:Don't get involved with non-physical beings. This current pastime, this rage, is dangerous. Many of these people who are channeling entities are going to become very sick, physically and mentally ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
244:Yoga is an art, a science and a philosophy. It touches the life of man at every level, physical, mental, and spiritual. It is a practical method for making one's life purposeful, useful and noble. ~ b-k-s-iyengar, @wisdomtrove
245:I am a pack of nerves while waiting for the moment, and this feeling grows and grows and grows and then it explodes, it is a physical joy, a dance, space and time united. Yes, yes, yes, yes! ~ henri-cartier-bresson, @wisdomtrove
246:The moral absolute should be: if and when, in any dispute, one side initiates the use of physical force, that side is wrong - and no consideration or discussion of the issues is necessary or appropriate. ~ ayn-rand, @wisdomtrove
247:Well, gauge theory is very fundamental to our understanding of physical forces these days. But they are also dependent on a mathematical idea, which has been around for longer than gauge theory has. ~ roger-penrose, @wisdomtrove
248:While Occam's razor is a useful tool in the physical sciences, it can be a very dangerous implement in biology. It is thus very rash to use simplicity and elegance as a guide in biological research. ~ francis-crick, @wisdomtrove
249:At death, this physical separation is broken. The soul is released from its particular and exclusive location in this body. The soul then comes in to a free and fluent universe of spiritual belonging. ~ john-odonohue, @wisdomtrove
250:Everything starts within your own mind. The physical choices you make, drain your power or give you power. If your power is low, then you stay in lower levels of mind and you don't see opportunities. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
251:Anyone who seeks enlightenment is going to encounter opposition, whether it is from their society or from non-physical forces or friends or whatever it is. Be strong enough to go through that and win. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
252:The power to be at peace - not because of anything your physical senses perceive, and sometimes in spite of what your physical senses perceive - is the power to help heal this world miraculously. ~ marianne-williamson, @wisdomtrove
253:The secret of visualization lies in the occult and psychological principle that, as is the mental matrix, so is the mental form; and as is the mental form, so is the physical materialization. ~ william-walker-atkinson, @wisdomtrove
254:Vanity of science. Knowledge of physical science will not console me for ignorance of morality in time of affliction, but knowledge of morality will always console me for ignorance of physical science. ~ blaise-pascal, @wisdomtrove
255:There are those who will seek to block you. There are also non-physical forces. To win in the world of enlightenment, it is necessary to be able to will away these forces, to see they're insubstantial. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
256:Be aware of emotional toxins as well as physical toxins. Be aware of what you are thinking. Clear yourself at the end of every day. Try not to go to bed angry or distressed or anxious or jealous or envious. ~ gary-zukav, @wisdomtrove
257:All this cut-price transcendentalism does not prevent California from being a startlingly physical state. This becomes most obvious where Los Angeles saunters down to the sea. The region is called Venice. ~ quentin-crisp, @wisdomtrove
258:Anyone who stops learning is old — whether this happens at twenty or at eighty. Anyone who keeps on learning not only remains young but becomes constantly more valuable — regardless of physical capacity. ~ henry-ford, @wisdomtrove
259:The exploration of the external world by the methods of physical science leads not to a concrete reality but to a shadow world of symbols, beneath which those methods are unadapted for penetrating. ~ sir-arthur-eddington, @wisdomtrove
260:Don't listen to voices. If you hear voices talking to you, forget it. Disregard the information, even if it is right occasionally. You are dealing with non-physical forces that are trying to influence you. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
261:I believe any malevolent supercivilisation would have rapidly self-destructed as we may be in the process of doing ourselves. If we do have contact, physical contact with aliens, I think it will be benign. ~ arthur-c-carke, @wisdomtrove
262:The kundalini is raised or brought down. It can be done in several different ways, and as it moves to the different chakras or energy centers in the subtle physical body, it endows one with various powers. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
263:The degree of success that you attain in all of your physical, mental and spiritual undertakings is dependent upon the strength and clarity of your finite mind and your ability to access your infinite mind. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
264:The miracle is when you shift. The miracle is when you know there is no hill - you're removing the hill. The miracle is when you realize the time of physical decline can be a time of spiritual incline. ~ marianne-williamson, @wisdomtrove
265:At such a moment, it is not the physical pain which hurts the most (and this applies to adults as much as to punished children); it is the mental agony caused by the injustice, the unreasonableness of it all. ~ viktor-frankl, @wisdomtrove
266:At the start of the process the idea is just a thought - very fragile and exclusive. When the first physical manifestation is created everything changes. It is no longer exclusive, now it involves a lot of people. ~ jony-ive, @wisdomtrove
267:Never give up! Never give up! Physical fitness is of paramount importance. There is no age limit when we live in the heart and when we try to be of prayerful and soulful service to God in the heart of humanity. ~ sri-chinmoy, @wisdomtrove
268:When we lack etiquette, we trash things. We trash each other. We trash the environment. We lose sight of the value of things. We suffer alienation when our spirit is disconnected from our physical awareness. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
269:Your understanding of the astral dimensions can help you alter structures in the physical dimensions. It is in and through the medium of the astral dimensions that all of the siddha powers function and work. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
270:But if for the physical life it is necessary to have the child exposed to the vivifying forces of nature, it is also necessary for his psychical life to place the soul of the child in contact with creation. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
271:Under the pressure of the cares and sorrows of our mortal condition, men have at all times, and in all countries, called in some physical aid to their moral consolations - wine, beer, opium, brandy, or tobacco. ~ edmund-burke, @wisdomtrove
272:Let me die fighting. Two years of physical suffering have taken from me twenty years of life. But the soul changes not, does it? It is there, the same madcap - Atman - mad upon one idea, intent and intense. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
273:What Is Meditation? It is not musing, not daydreaming; but as ye find you bodies made up of the physical, mental and spiritual, it is the attuning of the mental body and the physical body to its spiritual source. ~ edgar-cayce, @wisdomtrove
274:Everything, from the intellect down to the gross physical body, is the effect of Maya. Understand that all these and Maya itself are not the [absolute] Self, and are therefore unreal, like a mirage in the desert. ~ adi-shankara, @wisdomtrove
275:To run away from life and desire is impossible because you are life and you have desire. Accept that this is part of your physical condition and see that these aspects are not really indigenous to what you are. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
276:Ego is no more than complete identification with form—physical forms, thought forms, emotional forms. This results in a total unawareness of my connectedness with the whole, my intrinsic oneness with the Source.   ~ eckhart-tolle, @wisdomtrove
277:The sages are often ignorant of physical science, because they read the wrong book-the book within; and the scientists are too often ignorant of religion, because they too read the wrong book-the book outside. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
278:There are principles that govern human effectiveness - natural laws in the human dimension that are just as real, just as unchanging and unarguably "there" as laws such as gravity are in the physical dimension.   ~ stephen-r-covey, @wisdomtrove
279:We are evolving from five-sensory humans into multisensory humans... . The perceptions of the multi-sensory human extend beyond physical reality to the larger dynamical systems of which our physical reality is a part. ~ gary-zukav, @wisdomtrove
280:You are liquid love in physical bodies, wanting, more than life itself, because it is life itself, to adore the vessel that’s you through which this Source Energy flows. You are God. You are Source. You are creator. ~ esther-hicks, @wisdomtrove
281:What we think of as physical reality is an intermingling of appropriate realities, a fluid massive consciousness in which each of us exists independently of each other and yet coexists interdependently with each other. ~ gary-zukav, @wisdomtrove
282:The three most difficult things for a human being are not physical feats or intellectual achievements. They are, first, returning love for hate; second, including the excluded; third, admitting that you are wrong. ~ anthony-de-mello, @wisdomtrove
283:Every person I've known has had an effect on me, as have people whom I've not met in the physical in this life, but whom I've met inwardly, teachers from other eras - Sri Ramana Maharshi, Sri Ramakrishna and Lao Tse. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
284:When there is total surrender, complete relinquishment of all concern with one's past, presents and future, with one's physical and spiritual security and standing, a new life dawns, full of love and beauty ~ sri-nisargadatta-maharaj, @wisdomtrove
285:If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them. ~ bruce-lee, @wisdomtrove
286:Love, to the inferior man, remains almost wholly a physical matter. The heroine he most admires is the one who offers the grossest sexual provocation; the hero who makes his wife roll her eyes is a perambulating phallus. ~ h-l-mencken, @wisdomtrove
287:Psychic impressions can also remain in a physical location for some time. You can move into a home just vacated, pick-up the thought forms from the previous tenants, and assume they were your own thoughts and feelings. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
288:When the subtle physical body is damaged you will begin to notice changes in your skin, you skin starts to get gnarly or dry. I'm not speaking of acne. Acne means you have a lot of kundalini, which stimulates hormones. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
289:Cross-country running was so beautiful with all the trails and the lake regions ... very physical and also a bit spiritual, where you could come over the mountain and all of a sudden you'd see a Buddhist landscape fog. ~ robin-williams, @wisdomtrove
290:The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not sufficient warrant. ~ john-stuart-mill, @wisdomtrove
291:The physical world is entirely abstract and without actuality apart from its linkage to consciousness. Arthur Eddington ~ sir-arthur-eddington, @wisdomtrove
292:We are beginning to comprehend a basic truth hitherto neglected, that our physical condition is determined very largely by our emotional condition, and our emotional life is profoundly regulated by our thought life. ~ norman-vincent-peale, @wisdomtrove
293:I am conscious of a soul-sense that lifts me above the narrow, cramping circumstances of my life. My physical limitations are forgotten- my world lies upward, the length and the breadth and the sweep of the heavens are mine! ~ hellen-keller, @wisdomtrove
294:The crisis of physical hunger is essentially a crisis of faith. What or whom will you trust to meet your most basic needs? Will you trust the God who made human bodies, or will you seek your own way? (Deuteronomy 8:1-3) ~ charles-r-swindoll, @wisdomtrove
295:... the physical fitness of our citizens is a vital prerequisite to America's realization of its full potential as a nation, and to the opportunity of each individual citizen to make full and fruitful use of his capacities. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
296:Not all practitioners can jump to that highest level. They have to climb, step by step from the physical sphere to reach the spiritual sphere. If it is treated as exercise it is not the fault of yoga but of the practitioners. ~ b-k-s-iyengar, @wisdomtrove
297:As the prana current, kundalini and different energies begin to move through you, you will feel yourself moving and rocking. Keep the body still, otherwise that energy will be lost as it expresses itself through the physical. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
298:I believe there are monsters born in the world to human parents... . The face and body may be perfect, but if a twisted gene or a malformed egg can produce physical monsters, may not the same process produce a malformed soul? ~ john-steinbeck, @wisdomtrove
299:We are a nation of physical animals who have forgotten how much we enjoy being that. We are cushioned by this kind of make-believe, unreal world and have no idea what we can survive because we are never challenged or tested. ~ chuck-palahniuk, @wisdomtrove
300:We can cure physical diseases with medicine, but the only cure for loneliness, despair, and hopelessness is love. There are many in the world who are dying for a piece of bread, but there are many more dying for a little love. ~ mother-teresa, @wisdomtrove
301:All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree. All these aspirations are directed toward ennobling man's life, lifting it from the sphere of mere physical existence and leading the individual towards freedom. ~ albert-einstein, @wisdomtrove
302:Brainard Keyes Bullard, President of Wyandotte College, said in an address tonight that most of the worlds ills can be traced to the fact that Mans knowledge of himself has not kept pace with his knowledge of the physical world. ~ kurt-vonnegut, @wisdomtrove
303:Courage doesn't always involve physical heroism in the face of death. It doesn't always require giant leaps worthy of celebration. Sometimes, courage is the willingness to speak the truth about what you see and to own what you say. ~ seth-godin, @wisdomtrove
304:Although the whole of this life were said to be nothing but a dream and the physical world nothing but a phantasm, I should call this dream or phantasm real enough, if, using reason well, we were never deceived by it. ~ gottfried-wilhelm-leibniz, @wisdomtrove
305:Anecdote: It is by no means self-evident that human beings are most real when most violently excited; violent physical passions do not in themselves differentiate men from each other, but rather tend to reduce them to the same state. ~ t-s-eliot, @wisdomtrove
306:It from bit symbolizes the idea that every item of the physical world has at bottom... an immaterial source and explanation... that all things physical are information-theoretic in origin and that this is a participatory universe. ~ john-wheeler, @wisdomtrove
307:Transmission does not have to take place physically. The student doesn't have to be sitting across from you. But it's easier if they are because the vibration of the teacher is strongest in the physical proximity of the teacher. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
308:When something goes wrong with the body of energy that surrounds and protects your physical body, it will later show up in your physical body. The problem always starts in the subtle physical, and then manifests in the physical. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
309:I wish I could give you a big heartfelt hug and tell you how beautiful you are! I wish I could tell you face-to-face that every scar, emotional and physical, makes you who you are. You are enough! Feel this in your heart and bones. ~ aimee-davies, @wisdomtrove
310:Role models who push us to exceed our limits, physical training that removes our spare tires, and risks that expand our sphere of comfortable action are all examples of eustress—stress that is healthful and the stimulus for growth. ~ tim-ferris, @wisdomtrove
311:There comes a time in the evolution of every soul when the chief concern is no longer the survival of the physical body, but the growth of the spirit; no longer the attainment of worldly success, but the realization of Self. ~ neale-donald-walsch, @wisdomtrove
312:To interpose the threat of physical destruction between a man and his perception of reality, is to negate and paralyze his means of survival to force him to act against his own judgment, is like forcing him to act against his own sight ~ ayn-rand, @wisdomtrove
313:[When thinking about the new relativity and quantum theories] I have felt a homesickness for the paths of physical science where there are ore or less discernible handrails to keep us from the worst morasses of foolishness. ~ sir-arthur-eddington, @wisdomtrove
314:All physical and nonphysical things have another side, a side that is not visible to the senses or accessible to the reasoning mind, a side that can only be known and experienced intuitively by emptying one's own mind of thoughts. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
315:What I dream of is an art of balance, of purity and serenity devoid of troubling or depressing subject matter - a soothing, calming influence on the mind, rather like a good armchair which provides relaxation from physical fatigue. ~ henri-matisse, @wisdomtrove
316:In this state of inner connectedness, you are much more alert, more awake than in the mind- identified state. You are fully present.  It also raises the vibrational frequency of the energy field that give life to the physical body.  ~ eckhart-tolle, @wisdomtrove
317:Habits of pessimism lead to depression, wither achievement, and undermine physical health. The good news is that pessimism can be unlearned, and that with its removal depression, underachievement, and poor health can be alleviated. ~ martin-seligman, @wisdomtrove
318:There are physical characteristics which are inherited. These include things like good looks, high intelligence, physical coordination. These attributes contribute to success in life, and success in life is a determinant of optimism. ~ martin-seligman, @wisdomtrove
319:As all waves are in the ocean, so are all things physical and mental in awareness. Hence awareness itself is all important, not the content of it. Deepen and broaden your awareness of yourself and all the blessings will flow. ~ sri-nisargadatta-maharaj, @wisdomtrove
320:I am almost sure to be blotted out by death, but sometimes I think it is not impossible that I may continue to live in some other manner after my physical death . Or, as Hamlet wonders, what dreams will come when we leave this body? ~ jorge-luis-borges, @wisdomtrove
321:There are three things an athlete must do. You must be in physical condition ... You must execute properly and quickly the fundamentals ... and you must have eagerness to sacrifice personal interests or glory for the welfare of the team. ~ john-wooden, @wisdomtrove
322:When I was a boy I used to think that STRONG meant having big muscles, great physical power; but the longer I live, the more I realize that real strength has much more to do with what is NOT seen. Real strength has to do with helping others. ~ fred-rogers, @wisdomtrove
323:Mental pain is less dramatic than physical pain, but it is more common and also more hard to bear. The frequent attempt to conceal mental pain increases the burden: it is easier to say “My tooth is aching” than to say “My heart is broken. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
324:In order to explain why the ordinary Sadhus and Yogis take to tobacco and gānja [an intoxicant], I said that these cause stimulation of the physical brain. But these have reactions. And to stimulate the brain thus is not the proper process. ~ sri-aurobindo, @wisdomtrove
325:A great deal of energy is lost in the study by people who interact with non-physical beings. They get into your mind and your body by approaching you in the dream plane, promising you powers, playing on your desires. They sap your life force. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
326:One can often trace the sources of a brand personality - here it is the advertising, there the pack, somewhere else some physical element of the product. Of course, the personality is clearest and strongest when all the elements are consistent. ~ stephen-king, @wisdomtrove
327:The fellowship of those who bear the mark of pain: who are the members of this Fellowship? Those who have learnt by experience what physical pain and bodily anguish mean, belong together all the world over; they are united by a secret bond. ~ albert-schweitzer, @wisdomtrove
328:The non-violent resistor not only avoids external, physical violence, but he avoids internal violence of spirit. He not only refuses to shoot his opponent, but he refuses to hate him. And he stands with understanding, goodwill at all times. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
329:Freedom, individualism, authenticity and being yourself so long as you don't hurt another's physical person or property: The creative process is the emergence in action of a novel relational product, growing out of the uniqueness of the individual. ~ carl-rogers, @wisdomtrove
330:Love goes very far beyond the physical person of the beloved. It finds its deepest meaning in its spiritual being, his inner self. Whether or not he is actually present, whether or not he is still alive at all, ceases somehow to be of importance. ~ viktor-frankl, @wisdomtrove
331:Trying to suppress or eradicate symptoms on the physical level can be extremely important, but there's more to healing than that; dealing with psychological, emotional and spiritual issues involved in treating sickness is equally important. ~ marianne-williamson, @wisdomtrove
332:Our society is so fragmented, our family lives so sundered by physical and emotional distance, our friendships so sporadic, our intimacies so &
333:Beauty is not the divine in a cloak of physical reality; no, it is physical reality in a cloak that is divine. The artist does not bring the divine on to the earth by letting it flow into the world; he raises the world into the sphere of the divine. ~ rudolf-steiner, @wisdomtrove
334:Considering the notion that the spiritual battlefield is infinitely greater than the physical, perhaps God is more willing to bless with a sort of divine ecstasy those who see the devil as the enemy rather than those who see other people as the enemies. ~ criss-jami, @wisdomtrove
335:For years I thought my assignment or the Church's assignment was to articulate the Gospel and nothing more. Now I believe that if we don't support the verbal expression of the Gospel with physical demonstration of compassion, we are not imitating Jesus. ~ max-lucado, @wisdomtrove
336:Here’s how I define stuff”: anything you have allowed into your psychological or physical world that doesn’t belong where it is, but for which you haven’t yet determined what, exactly, it means to you, with the desired outcome and the next action step. ~ david-allen, @wisdomtrove
337:We are a bit of stellar matter gone wrong. We are physical machinery—puppets that strut and talk and laugh and die as the hand of time pulls the strings beneath. But there is one elementary inescapable answer. We are that which asks the question. ~ sir-arthur-eddington, @wisdomtrove
338:My whole working philosophy is that the only stable happiness for mankind is that it shall live married in blessed union to woman-kind - intimacy, physical and psychical between a man and his wife. I wish to add that my state of bliss is by no means perfect. ~ d-h-lawrence, @wisdomtrove
339:The saddest thing in the world was that human beings, for all their ardent striving and desire, could never achieve physical, emotional, or intellectual perfection. The species was doomed to imperfection; it thrashed forever in despair or denial of that fact. ~ dean-koontz, @wisdomtrove
340:It is not the child as a physical but as a psychic being that can provide a strong impetus to the betterment of mankind. It is the spirit of the child that can determine the course of human progress and lead it perhaps even to a higher form of civilization. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
341:There are memories for both of us, of course, but I've learned that memories can have a physical, almost living presence, and in this, Savannah and I are different as well.If hers are stars in the nighttime sky, mine are the haunted empty spaces in beetween. ~ nicholas-sparks, @wisdomtrove
342:When that strange race nears the dust and is condemned as untouchable, then nature remembers the physical perfection that she accomplished elsewhere, and throws out a god-not many, but one here and there, to prove to society how little its categories impress her. ~ e-m-forster, @wisdomtrove
343:I am beguiled by your physical beauty, and I am moved by how head-over-heels in love with books you are. And nowhere else have I found such thoughtful and literate reportage on the state of the American soul, as that soul makes itself known in the books we write. ~ kurt-vonnegut, @wisdomtrove
344:I am more than a physical being. When I love myself, my whole self, I realize I'm more than a human body, I am a vehicle for my soul to express itself. I need to love, value, honor, and take care of my human form, and not beat it up, and criticize, and judge it. ~ anita-moorjani, @wisdomtrove
345:One's life story cannot be told with complete veracity. A true autobiography would have to be written in states of mind, emotions, heartbeats, smiles and tears; not in months and years, or physical events. Life is marked off on the soul by feelings, not by dates. ~ hellen-keller, @wisdomtrove
346:This knowledge, the knowledge that the physical well-being of the citizen is an important foundation for all of the activities of the nation, is as old as Western civilization itself. But it is a knowledge which today, in America, we are in danger of forgetting. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
347:Intuition is like a radio station.. No, intuition is more like a radio receiver and it can receive different stations. This radio receiver serves different functions, it serves your spirituality which is the development of your soul. It serves your physical survival. ~ gary-zukav, @wisdomtrove
348:The teacher’s first duty is to watch over the environment, and this takes precedence over all the rest. It’s influence is indirect, but unless it be well done there will be no effective and permanent results of any kind, physical, intellectual or spiritual. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
349:We possess our body by chance and we are already pleased with it. If our physical bodies went through ten thousand transformations without end, how incomparable would this joy be! Therefore the sage roams freely in the realm in which nothing can escape, but all endures. ~ zhuangzi, @wisdomtrove
350:The journey of Soul... by the lessons gained in the physical experience... it may take (its) place in the realms of soul activity in an infinite world among others that have passed through the various realms... which first called every soul and body into experience. ~ edgar-cayce, @wisdomtrove
351:Although it is difficult to pinpoint the physical base or location of awareness, it is perhaps the most precious thing concealed within our brains. And it is something that the individual alone can feel and experience. Each of us cherishes it highly, yet it is private.   ~ dalai-lama, @wisdomtrove
352:Yes, flexibility of body and physical perfection for Yogasana is important. However more important is the state of your mind, Meditative mind. Your flexibility might be excellent but if your mind is not attentive, you are merely doing some physical exercise, not Yoga. ~ b-k-s-iyengar, @wisdomtrove
353:A logical theory may be tested by its capacity for dealing with puzzles, and it is a wholesome plan, in thinking about logic, to stock the mind with as many puzzles as possible, since these serve much the same purpose as is served by experiments in physical science. ~ bertrand-russell, @wisdomtrove
354:We've gotten caught up in thinking we are what we look like, the physical, the exterior. We think we're the lamp shade. We've forgotten that we are the light-the electricity and the luminosity that lights up every man, woman, and child. The light is who we truly are. ~ michael-beckwith, @wisdomtrove
355:Any physical theory is always provisional, in the sense that it is only a hypothesis: you can never prove it. No matter how many times the results of experiments agree with some theory, you can never be sure that the next time the result will not contradict the theory. ~ stephen-hawking, @wisdomtrove
356:God created us in such a way that our inner self is in the spiritual world and our outer self is in the physical world. This was so that the spiritual part of us, which belongs in heaven, could be planted in the physical part the way a seed is planted in the ground. ~ emanuel-swedenborg, @wisdomtrove
357:Grief is like a bomber circling round and dropping its bombs each time the circle brings it overhead; physical pain is like the steady barrage on a trench in World War One, hours if it with no let-up for a moment. Thought is never static pain often is... is it not yet enough? ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
358:Here's a simple way you can engage your intuition. When you are about to say something and you're not sure if you want to say it, ask yourself, "What is my motivation?" When you check your motivation you engage non-physical guidance and you will not be alone in you assessment. ~ gary-zukav, @wisdomtrove
359:Each of us is here to discover our true Self that essentially we are spiritual beings who have taken manifestation in physical form... that we‘re not human beings that have occasional spiritual experiences… that we’re spiritual beings that have occasional human experiences.   ~ deepak-chopra, @wisdomtrove
360:Lucid living is embodied enlivenment. It is a state of consciousness that reaches right down into our physical nature and changes how we engage with the sensual world. We find ourselves delighting in the pleasures of existence because we are conscious enough to really relish them. ~ tim-freke, @wisdomtrove
361:Modern physics has definitely decided for Plato. For the smallest units of matter are not physical objects in the ordinary sense of the word: they are forms, structures, or – in Plato’s sense – Ideas, which can be unambiguously spoken of only in the language of mathematics. ~ rupert-sheldrake, @wisdomtrove
362:We are not compelled in naturalism, or even in materialism, to ignore immaterial things; the point is that any immaterial things which are recognized shall be regarded as names, aspects, functions, or concomitant products of those physical things among which action goes on. ~ george-santayana, @wisdomtrove
363:If your thoughts are thoughts that draw low-frequency energy current to you, your physical and emotional attitudes will deteriorate, and emotional or physical disease will follow, whereas thoughts that draw high-frequency energy current to you create physical and emotional health. ~ gary-zukav, @wisdomtrove
364:A gang of lads, morally neglected, and in that respect inferior to the intermediate class, but in good physical training, attack and throw another set, trained neither physically nor morally, and make off with their food and their dainty clothes. What more is called for than a laugh? ~ plotinus, @wisdomtrove
365:I knew of a physicist at the University of Chicago who was rather crazy like some scientists, and the idea of the insolidity, the instability of the physical world impressed him so much that he used to go around in enormous padded slippers for fear he should fall through the floor. ~ alan-watts, @wisdomtrove
366:The first principle of value that we need to rediscover is this: that all reality hinges on moral foundations. In other words, that this is a moral universe, and that there are moral laws of the universe just as abiding as the physical laws. (from "Rediscovering Lost Values") ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
367:The spirit of man is more important than mere physical strength, and the spiritual fiber of a nation than its wealth. The Bible is endorsed by the ages. Our civilization is built upon its words. In no other book is there such a collection of inspired wisdom, reality, and hope. ~ dwight-eisenhower, @wisdomtrove
368:A book is a physical object in a world of physical objects. It is a set of dead symbols. And then the right reader comes along, and the words‚or rather the poetry behind the words, for the words themselves are mere symbols‚spring to life, and we have a resurrection of the word. ~ jorge-luis-borges, @wisdomtrove
369:I had seen so many begin to pack their lives in cotton woool, smother their impulses, hood their passions, and gradually retire from their manhood into a kind of spiritual and physical semi-invalidism. In this they are encouraged by wives and relatives, and it's such a sweet trap. ~ john-steinbeck, @wisdomtrove
370:Almost all our suffering is the product of our thoughts. We spend nearly every moment of our lives lost in thought, and hostage to the character of those thoughts. You can break this spell, but it takes training just like it takes training to defend yourself against a physical assault. ~ sam-harris, @wisdomtrove
371:The only proper purpose of a government is to protect man's rights, which means: to protect him from physical violence. A proper government is only a policeman, acting as an agent of man's self-defense, and, as such, may only resort to force only against those who start the use of force. ~ ayn-rand, @wisdomtrove
372:Movement, or physical activity, is thus an essential factor in intellectual growth, which depends upon the impressions received from outside. Through movement we come in contact with external reality, and it is through these contacts that we eventually acquire even abstract ideas. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
373:When you are still, you are who you were before you temporarily assumed this physical and mental form called a person. You are also who you will be when the form dissolves. When you are still, you are beyond your temporal existence: consciousness- unconditional, formless, eternal.    ~ eckhart-tolle, @wisdomtrove
374:You are loved just for being who you are, just for existing. You don't have to do anything to earn it. Your shortcomings, your lack of self-esteem, physical perfection, or social and economic success- none of that matters. No one can take this love away from you, and it will always be here. ~ ram-das, @wisdomtrove
375:Think about the holes children make when they dig in the sand on the seashore. When the waves come in, the holes are swallowed up by the ocean. Similarly, when we know Christ, our physical death is overwhelmed by the love and grace of God. Death is swallowed up in the victory of Christ. ~ billy-graham, @wisdomtrove
376:I’m not particularly keen on writing which exhaustively describes the physical characteristics of the people in the story and what they’re wearing.¶ I can always get a J. Crew catalogue. So spare me, if you please, the hero’s sharply intelligent blue eyes’ and outthrust determined chin’. ~ stephen-king, @wisdomtrove
377:Those wise men knew God to be in things, and Divinity to be latent in Nature, working and glowing differently in different subjects and succeeding through diverse physical forms, in certain arrangements, in making them participants in her, I say, in her being, in her life and intellect. ~ giordano-bruno, @wisdomtrove
378:We all have two lives: an inner life and an outer life. Your inner life is your soul life, which includes your mind, will and emotions. Your outer life is your physical life. And while God cares about every detail of your life, He is more concerned with your inner life than your outer life. ~ joyce-meyer, @wisdomtrove
379:We shall match your capacity to inflict suffering by our capacity to endure suffering. We will meet your physical force with soul force. Do to us what you will and we will still love you... .Bomb our homes and threaten our children, and, as difficult as it is, we will still love you. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
380:Whatever may be open to disagreement, there is one act of evil that may not, the act that no man may commit against others and no man may sanction or forgive. So long as men desire to live together, no man may initiate‚ do you hear me? no man may start‚ the use of physical force against others. ~ ayn-rand, @wisdomtrove
381:The Here-and-Now demands attention, is more present to us. We dismiss the inner world of our ideas as less important, although most of our immediate physical reality originated only in the mind. The TV, sofa, clock and room, the whole civilisation that contains them once were nothing save ideas. ~ alan-moore, @wisdomtrove
382:A common mistake we make is that we look for God in places where we ourselves wish to find him, yet even in the physical reality this is a complete failure. For example, if you lost your car keys, you would not search where you want to search, you would search where you must in order to find them. ~ criss-jami, @wisdomtrove
383:The only proper, moral purpose of a government is to protect man's rights, which means: to protect him from physical violence - to protect his right to his own life, to his own liberty, to his own property and to the pursuit of his own happiness. Without property rights, no other rights are possible. ~ ayn-rand, @wisdomtrove
384:Ego is a social institution with no physical reality. The ego is simply your symbol of yourself. Just as the word “water” is a noise that symbolizes a certain liquid without being it, so too the idea of ego symbolizes the role you play, who you are, but it is not the same as your living organism. ~ alan-watts, @wisdomtrove
385:It was very lucky for me as a writer that I studied the physical sciences rather than English. I wrote for my own amusement. There was no kindly English professor to tell me for my own good how awful my writing really was. And there was no professor with the power to order me what to read, either. ~ kurt-vonnegut, @wisdomtrove
386:There slumber in every human being faculties by means of which he can acquire for himself a knowledge of higher worlds. Mystics, Gnostics, Theosophists — all speak of a world of soul and spirit which for them is just as real as the world we see with our physical eyes and touch with our physical hands. ~ rudolf-steiner, @wisdomtrove
387:Man's origin was as spirit, not a physical body. These souls projected themselves into matter, probably for their own diversion. Through the use of his creative powers for selfish purposes, man became entangled in matter and materiality to such an extent that he nearly forgot his divine origin and nature. ~ edgar-cayce, @wisdomtrove
388:Poverty is a bitter thing; but it is not as bitter as the existence of restless vacuity and physical, moral, and intellectual flabbiness, to which those doom themselves who elect to spend all their years in that vainest of all vain pursuits-the pursuit of mere pleasure as a sufficient end in itself. ~ theodore-roosevelt, @wisdomtrove
389:More learning can occur when there are many obstacles then when there are few or none. A life with difficult relationships, filled with obstacles and losses, presents the most opportunity for the soul's growth. You may have chosen the more difficult life so that you could accelerate your physical progress. ~ brian-l-weiss, @wisdomtrove
390:Watch for opportunities to praise and most of all watch for opportunities to express your own appreciation to yourself. In appreciating yourself, you vibrate in harmony with your core energy. And when you vibrate in harmony with your core energy, you allow that which you are to this physical time and place. ~ esther-hicks, @wisdomtrove
391:It is a rare person who can pierce the veil between ordinarly life, consumed with matters of physical survival, and pursuit of the empowered path of purpose and meaning unless he or she is motivated by a crisis. Most often we require the failure of some system of power that we rely on before we take action. ~ caroline-myss, @wisdomtrove
392:Look around you: what you have done to society, you have done it first within your soul; one is the image of the other. This dismal wreckage, which is now your world, is the physical form of the treason you committed to your values, to your friends, to your defenders, to your future, to your country, to yourself. ~ ayn-rand, @wisdomtrove
393:Clarity is the perception of wisdom and the ability to see the soul in action in the physical world. It turns pain into suffering and evaporates fear. Clarity allows you to see the world of physical matter for what it is, a learning experience that is created jointly by the intentions of the souls that share it. ~ gary-zukav, @wisdomtrove
394:I often need physical gesture to balance dialogue. If I write in public, every time I need to know what a character is doing with his hand or foot, I can look up and study people and find compelling gestures that I can harvest. Writing in public gives you that access to a junkyard of details all around you. ~ chuck-palahniuk, @wisdomtrove
395:In the wilderness, God's covenant people struggled with a choice between feeding their bellies and nourishing their souls. God provided manna-a breadlike food that fell to the ground during the night-to sustain the wandering Israelites and to teach them how to value His Word more than physical fulfillment. ~ charles-r-swindoll, @wisdomtrove
396:People say that what we are all seeking is meaning for life. I think that what we're really seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonance within our innnermost being and reality, so that we can actually feel the rapture of being alive.   ~ joseph-campbell, @wisdomtrove
397:The first requisite for success is to develop the ability to focus and apply your mental and physical energies to the problem at hand - without growing weary. Because such thinking is often difficult, there seems to be no limit to which some people will go to avoid the effort and labor that is associated with it. ~ thomas-edison, @wisdomtrove
398:You are God in a physical body. You are Spirit in the flesh. You are Eternal Life expressing Itself as You. You are a cosmic being. You are all power. You are all wisdom. You are all intelligence. You are perfection. You are magnificence. You are the creator, and you are creating the creation of You on this planet ~ rhonda-byrne, @wisdomtrove
399:It is a rare person who can pierce the veil between ordinarly life, consumed with matters of physical survival, and pursuit of the empowered path of purpose and meaning unless he or she is motivated by a crisis. Most often we require the failure of some system of power that we rely on before we take action. ~ norman-vincent-peale, @wisdomtrove
400:The Law of Detachment says that in order to acquire anything in the physical universe, you have to relinquish your attachment to it. This doesn’t mean that you give up the intention to create your desire. You don’t give up the intention, and you don’t give up the desire. You give up your attachment to the result.   ~ deepak-chopra, @wisdomtrove
401:Use emotional awareness and pay attention to your body - look [and locate] concrete physical sensations - like stabbing, aching, throbbing - and [distinguish and define them] by saying things like, "it is the size of a golf ball or it is the size of a baseball" - do whatever you can do to find painful physical sensations. ~ gary-zukav, @wisdomtrove
402:For a wonderful physical tie binds the parents to the children; and - by some sad, strange irony - it does not bind us children to our parents. For if it did, if we could answer their love not with gratitude but with equal love, life would lose much of its pathos and much of its squalor, and we might be wonderfully happy. ~ e-m-forster, @wisdomtrove
403:We fear death because of pain, and because of the thought that we may become obliterated. This idea is erroneous. Jesus showed himself in a physical form to his disciples after his death. Lahiri Mahasaya returned in the flesh the next day after he had entered mahasamadhi. They proved that they were not destroyed. ~ paramahansa-yogananda, @wisdomtrove
404:As science integrates the in-depth knowledge of the physical world accumulated over the past three centuries, it will be channeled into a new and exciting line of inquiry that acknowledges the expanded reality of consciousness as a creative force in the universe and the spiritual creative power embodied in our own minds. ~ bernard-haisch, @wisdomtrove
405:A yogi never forgets that health must begin with the body. . . .Physical health is not a commodity to be bargained for. Nor can it be swallowed in the form of drugs and pills. . . . It is something that we must build up. You have to create within yourself the experience of beauty, liberation, and infinity. This is health. ~ b-k-s-iyengar, @wisdomtrove
406:Being a Negro in America means trying to smile when you want to cry. It means trying to hold on to physical life amid psychological death. It means the pain of watching your children grow up with clouds of inferiority in their mental skies. It means having their legs off, and then being condemned for being a cripple. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
407:Physical education for the body to be effective must be rigorous and detailed, far sighted and methodological. This will be translated into habits. These habits should be controlled and disciplined, while remaining flexible enough to adapt themselves to circumstances and to the needs of growth and development of the being. ~ sri-aurobindo, @wisdomtrove
408:A pleasant comedy, which paints the manners of the age, and exposes a faithful picture of nature, is a durable work, and is transmitted to the latest posterity. But a system, whether physical or metaphysical, commonly owes its success to its novelty; and is no sooner canvassed with impartiality than its weakness is discovered. ~ david-hume, @wisdomtrove
409:I am myself so exceedingly Nordic, as far as physical constitution is concerned, that I can enjoy almost any weather except what is called glorious weather. At the end of a few days, I am left wondering how the men of the Mediterranean ever managed to do almost all the most active and astonishing things that have been done. ~ g-k-chesterton, @wisdomtrove
410:Until now, physical theories have been regarded as merely models with approximately describe the reality of nature. As the models improve, so the fit between theory and reality gets closer. Some physicists are now claiming that supergravity is the reality, that the model and the real world are in mathematically perfect accord. ~ paul-davies, @wisdomtrove
411:When the head of a goat is severed from its body, the trunk struggles for some time, still showing signs of life. Similarly, though ahamkara (egotism) is slain in the perfect man, yet enough of its vitality is left to make him carry on the functions of physical life; but it is not sufficient to bind him again into the world. ~ sri-ramakrishna, @wisdomtrove
412:I'm moving and not moving at all. I'm like the moon underneath the waves that ever go on rolling and rocking. It is not, I am doing this, but rather, an inner realization that this is happening through me, or it is doing this for me. The consciousness of self is the greatest hindrance to the proper execution of all physical action. ~ bruce-lee, @wisdomtrove
413:Man has become a superman ... because he not only disposes oinnate, physical forces, but because he is in command ... olatent forces in nature and because he can put them to his service... . But the essential fact we must surely all feel in our hearts ... is that we are becoming inhuman in proportion as we become supermen. ~ albert-schweitzer, @wisdomtrove
414:Our divine perfection - not registered by the physical eye but only by the heart’s knowing - is who we truly are. Our mortal imperfections - registered by the physical senses - are not who we truly are. Yet we keep trying, in love, to find each other’s perfection within the world of imperfection. And it simply is not there. ~ marianne-williamson, @wisdomtrove
415:In the stillness of your presence, you can feel your own formless and timeless reality as the unmanifested life that animates your physical form. You can then feel the same life deep within every other human and every other creature. You look beyond the veil of form and separation. This is the realization of oneness. This is love. ~ eckhart-tolle, @wisdomtrove
416:Without doubt one is allowed to resist against the unjust aggressor to one's life, one's goods or one's physical integrity; sometimes, even 'til the aggressor's death... In fact, this act is aimed at preserving one's life or one's goods and to make the aggressor powerless. Thus, it is a good act, which is the right of the victim. ~ denis-diderot, @wisdomtrove
417:Without doubt one is allowed to resist against the unjust aggressor to one's life, one's goods or one's physical integrity; sometimes, even 'til the aggressor's death... In fact, this act is aimed at preserving one's life or one's goods and to make the aggressor powerless. Thus, it is a good act, which is the right of the victim. ~ thomas-aquinas, @wisdomtrove
418:Masculine exhalations are, as a rule, stronger, more vivid,more widely differentiated than those of women. In the odor of young men there is something elemental, as of fire, storm, and salt sea. It pulsates with buoyancy and desire. It suggests all the things strong and beautiful and joyous and gives me a sense of physical happiness. ~ hellen-keller, @wisdomtrove
419:Or, if I take that same auditorium and I make it much bigger and put more space between seats, it'll be quieter because it's much harder when you're not in physical contact with people to spread a virus from person-to-person, right? There are all sorts of patterns that we see in epidemiology that help us understand why something spreads. ~ seth-godin, @wisdomtrove
420:The laws and conditions of the production of wealth partake of the character of physical truths. There is nothing optional or arbitrary in them ... It is not so with the Distribution of Wealth. That is a matter of human institution solely. The things once there, mankind, individually or collectively, can do with them as they like. ~ john-stuart-mill, @wisdomtrove
421:Time is a social institution and not a physical reality. There is no such thing as time in the natural world - the world of stars and waters, clouds, mountains and living organisms. There is such a thing as rhythm - rhythm of tides, rhythm of biological processes... There is rhythm and there is motion. Time is a way of measuring motion. ~ alan-watts, @wisdomtrove
422:Descriptions of inner, spiritual processes are much more liable to misunderstanding than descriptions of events in the physical world. Such misunderstandings arise easily because the life of the soul is in constant movement and because we fail to bear in mind that the life of the soul is very different from life in the physical world. ~ rudolf-steiner, @wisdomtrove
423:When we say that pleasure is the end, we do not mean the pleasure of the profligate or that which depends on physical enjoyment&
424:Through my scientific work I have come to believe more and more strongly that the physical universe is put together with an ingenuity so astonishing that I cannot accept it as a brute fact... .I cannot believe that our existence in this universe is a mere quirk of fate, an accident of history, an incidental blip in the great cosmic drama. ~ paul-davies, @wisdomtrove
425:The subconscious mind will translate into its physical equivalent a thought impulse of a negative or destructive nature, just as readily as it will act upon thought impulses of a positive or constructive nature. This accounts for the strange phenomenon which so many millions of people experience, referred to as "misfortune" or "bad luck. ~ napoleon-hill, @wisdomtrove
426:Just as man's physical existence was liberated when he grasped that &
427:According to the ‘uncertainty principle’ of quantum physics, on an elementary level the physical universe is a collection of possibilities. Scientists have discovered that there has to be a conscious observer to ‘collapse’ the quantum possibilities, which stops particles being in two places at once and creates a world we can examine and measure. ~ tim-freke, @wisdomtrove
428:Healing of the physical without the change in the mental and spiritual aspects brings little real help to the individual in the end. How true, because the mind and the body imprint and imitate each other. What we think, we become. What we become, we think. It's an insidious process that can predispose us to illness or it can lead us to health. ~ edgar-cayce, @wisdomtrove
429:You are always the Supreme. But your attention is fixed on things, physical or mental. When your attention is off a thing and not yet fixed on another, in the interval you are pure being. When through the practice of discrimination and detachment, you lose sight of sensory and mental states, pure being emerges as the natural state. ~ sri-nisargadatta-maharaj, @wisdomtrove
430:By "essence" I understand a universal, of any degree of complexity and definition, which may be given immediately, whether to sense or to thought... . This object of pure sense or pure thought, with no belief superadded, an object inwardly complete and individual, but without external relations or physical status, is what I call an essence. ~ george-santayana, @wisdomtrove
431:Fear is all the fear of some loss: "I'm going to lose something." If we declare, and if we know in our hearts, "I already have everything that I need: I have life, I have creativity, I have joy, I have nourishment. I have everything I need," and if we just say, "It doesn't depend on my having a physical body to do it," then everything opens up. ~ richard-bach, @wisdomtrove
432:Following your bliss is not self-indulgent, but vital; your whole physical system knows that this is the way to be alive in this world and the way to give to the world the very best that you have to offer. There IS a track just waiting for each of us and once on it, doors will open that were not open before and would not open for anyone else. ~ joseph-campbell, @wisdomtrove
433:I realize the dominating thoughts of my mind will eventually reproduce themselves in outward, physical action, and gradually transform themselves into physical reality; therefore, I will concentrate my thoughts for thirty minutes daily, upon the task of thinking of the person I intend to become, thereby creating in my mind a clear mental picture. ~ napoleon-hill, @wisdomtrove
434:I find it difficult to feel responsible for the suffering of others. That's why I find war so hard to bear. It's the same with animals: I feel the less harm I do, the lighter my heart. I love a light heart. And when I know I'm causing suffering, I feel the heaviness of it. It's a physical pain. So it's self-interest that I don't want to cause harm. ~ alice-walker, @wisdomtrove
435:No one in our society needs to be told that exercise is good for us. Whether you are overweight or have a chronic illness or are a slim couch potato, you've probably heard or read this dictum countless times throughout your life. But has anyone told you-indeed, guaranteed you-that regular physical activity will make you happier? I swear by it. ~ sonja-lyubomirsky, @wisdomtrove
436:Pain is a relatively objective, physical phenomenon; suffering is our psychological resistance to what happens. Events may create physical pain, but they do not in themselves create suffering. Resistance creates suffering. Stress happens when your mind resists what is... The only problem in your life is your mind's resistance to life as it unfolds. ~ dan-millman, @wisdomtrove
437:The point, which can hardly be repeated too often, is that differentiation is not separation. The head and the feet are different, but not separate, and though man is not connected to the universe by exactly the same physical relation as branch to tree or feet to head, he is nonetheless connected - and by physical relations of fascinating complexity. ~ alan-watts, @wisdomtrove
438:We need a home in the psychological sense as much as we need one in the physical: to compensate for a vulnerability. We need a refuge to shore up our states of mind, because so much of the world is opposed to our allegiances. We need our rooms to align us to desirable versions of ourselves and to keep alive the important, evanescent sides of us. ~ alain-de-botton, @wisdomtrove
439:If spiritual science is to do the same for spirit that natural science has done for nature, it must investigate quite differently from the latter. It must find ways and means of penetrating into the sphere of the spiritual, a domain which cannot be perceived with outer physical senses nor apprehended with the intellect which is bound to the brain. ~ rudolf-steiner, @wisdomtrove
440:If you always put limits on what you can do, physical or anything else, it’ll spread over into the rest of your life. It’ll spread into your work, into your morality, into your entire being. There are no limits. There are plateaus, but you must not stay there, you must go beyond them. If it kills you, it kills you. A man must constantly exceed his level. ~ bruce-lee, @wisdomtrove
441:You cannot attain and maintain physical condition unless you are morally and mentally conditioned. And it is impossible to be in moral condition unless you are spiritually conditioned. I always told my players that our team condition depended on two factors / how hard they worked on the floor during practice and how well they behaved between practices. ~ john-wooden, @wisdomtrove
442:The idea that God is an oversized white male with a flowing beard, who sits in the sky and tallies the fall of every sparrow is ludicrous. But if by &
443:An effective mission statement: Is an expression of your own unique capacities. Inspires you rather than impresses anyone else. Is based on true principles which produce quality-of-life. Includes the physical, social, mental & spiritual areas. Deals with what you want to be and do with your life. Balances all the significant roles of your life.   ~ stephen-r-covey, @wisdomtrove
444:Proactive people recognise that they are "response-able." They don't blame circumstances, or conditioning for their behaviour.  They know they choose their behaviour. Reactive people, on the other hand, are often affected by their physical environment.  If the weather is good, they feel good.  If it isn't, it effects their attitude and performance.   ~ stephen-r-covey, @wisdomtrove
445:The navel region is the centre of the vital. It is from here that the movements of the vital rise upward. Above the navel and behind the chest is the centre of the play of emotions and below this takes place the play of the physical. Mulādhāra is the base of the physical. In between the Mulādhāra and the navel, there is another centre of the vital. ~ sri-aurobindo, @wisdomtrove
446:To me, love is a pure idea forged in flesh, awkwardly maybe, but it had to connect to somewhere, despite twists and turns of underground cable. An all-too-perfect thing. Sometimes the lines get crossed. Or you get a wrong number. But that's nobody's fault. It'll always be like that, so long as we exist in this physical form. As a matter of principle. ~ haruki-murakami, @wisdomtrove
447:How is it that some celebrities, whom the average person would believe to have all the popularity a human being could want, still admit to feeling lonely? It is quite naive to assume that popularity is the remedy for loneliness. Loneliness does not necessarily equal physical solitude, it is the inability to be oneself and rightfully represented as oneself. ~ criss-jami, @wisdomtrove
448:The burgeoning field of computer science has shifted our view of the physical world from that of a collection of interacting material particles to one of a seething network of information. In this way of looking at nature, the laws of physics are a form of software, or algorithm, while the material world-the hardware-plays the role of a gigantic computer. ~ paul-davies, @wisdomtrove
449:From the girl who sat before me now... surged a fresh and physical life force. She was like a small animal that has popped into the world with the coming of spring. Her eyes moved like an independent organism with joy, laughter, anger, amazement, and despair. I hadn't seen a face so vivid and expressive in ages, and I enjoyed watching it live and move. ~ haruki-murakami, @wisdomtrove
450:If it were only that people have diversities of taste, that is reason enough for not attempting to shape them all after one model. But different persons also require different conditions for their spiritual development, and can no more exist healthily in the same moral, than all the varieties of plants can in the same physical, atmosphere and climate. ~ john-stuart-mill, @wisdomtrove
451:Vipassana arises as you pay awareness to the inner and outer experience unfolding at the present moment. Vipassana is not associated with any rigid formula or methods. Whenever you are aware of your mental or physical feelings like tension in the muscles, movement of limbs, stiffness, heat or cold, you have begun to develop special understanding of realities. ~ amit-ray, @wisdomtrove
452:We are particularly thankful to you for your part in the movement to have the words under God added to our Pledge of Allegiance. These words will remind Americans that despite our great physical strength we must remain humble. They will help us keep constantly in our minds and hearts the spiritual and moral principles which alone give dignity to man. ~ dwight-eisenhower, @wisdomtrove
453:What do you mean, &
454:Consciousness is an ever-unfolding, deepening, and expanding process with no end point. We are infinite and complex beings, and our human journey involves not just a spiritual awakening, but the development of all levels of our being - spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical - and the integration of all these aspects into a healthy and balanced daily life. ~ shakti-gawain, @wisdomtrove
455:The explanation of types of structure in classes - as resulting from the will of the Deity, to create animals on certain plans - is no explanation. It has not the character of a physical law and is therefore utterly useless. It foretells nothing because we know nothing of the will of the Deity, how it acts and whether constant or inconstant like that of man. ~ charles-darwin, @wisdomtrove
456:If we've learned any lessons during the past few decades, perhaps the most important is that preservation of our environment is not a partisan challenge; it's common sense. Our physical health, our social happiness, and our economic well-being will be sustained only by all of us working in partnership as thoughtful, effective stewards of our natural resources. ~ ronald-reagan, @wisdomtrove
457:To live without love, compassion, or any other spiritual value creates a state of such severe imbalance that every cell yearns to correct it. Ultimately, that is what lies behind the onset of disease; the body is sending a message that something lacking in the present—an imbalance existing somewhere—has given rise to highly visible, unarguable, physical symptoms. ~ deepak-chopra, @wisdomtrove
458:Yoga is as old and traditional as civilization, yet it persists in modern society as a means to achieving essential vitality. But yoga demands that we develop not only strength in body but attention and awareness in mind.The yogi knows that the physical body is not only the temple for our soul but the means by which we embark on the inward journey toward the core. ~ b-k-s-iyengar, @wisdomtrove
459:Potentially, a government is the most dangerous threat to man's rights; it holds a legal monopoly on the use of physical force against legally disarmed victims. When unlimited and unrestricted by individual rights, a government is man's deadliest enemy. It is not as protection against private actions, but against governmental actions that the Bill of Rights was written. ~ ayn-rand, @wisdomtrove
460:The process of Deliberate Creation is twofold: It involves the thought that you project, and the corresponding feeling that comes forth. You offer the thought from your conscious, physical perspective - and your Inner Being offers you a corresponding feeling. Therefore, you are literally co-creating: You, the physical you, and you, the inner, Non-physical you. ~ esther-hicks, @wisdomtrove
461:While it is possible for intelligence to increase the range of benevolent impulse, and thus prompt a human being to consider the needs and rights of other than those to whom he is bound by organic and physical relationship, there are definite limits in the capacity of ordinary mortals which makes it impossible for them to grant to others what they claim for themselves. ~ reinhold-niebuhr, @wisdomtrove
462:The deeper we look, the more we shall be convinced that the one thing wanting, which we must strive to acquire before all others, is strength strength physical, strength mental, strength moral, but above all strength spiritual which is the one inexhaustible and imperishable source of all the others. If we have strength everything else will be added to us easily and naturally. ~ sri-aurobindo, @wisdomtrove
463:Intensity is a mental attitude more than a physical attitude. Many people misunderstand what intensity means. They think it means straining and sweating. No! That is a wrong meaning of the word! Intensity is to get totally involved, fully immersed and absorbed in what one is doing. Intense practice means a fast and keen mode in adjusting, correcting, and progressively proceeding. ~ b-k-s-iyengar, @wisdomtrove
464:We have seen that blood united to blood in the case of but remotely connected species of animals, kills; blood united to blood in the case of more closely allied species of animals does not kill. The physical organism of man survives when strange blood comes in contact with strange blood, ... but clairvoyant power perishes under the influence of this mixing of blood, or exogamy. ~ rudolf-steiner, @wisdomtrove
465:I believe that people need to get their worth and value from knowing that God loves them. I believe that all healing in our inner man and even, we know Christ also heals people's physical diseases, but the Bible says he heals our wounds and bruises. Don't worry about what's wrong with you right now, God accepts you just the way you are and he will help you be what he wants you to be. ~ joyce-meyer, @wisdomtrove
466:Pain is inevitable as long as you are identified with your mind, which is to say as long as you are unconscious, physically speaking.  I am talking here primarily of emotional pain, which is also the main cause of physical pain and physical disease.  Resentment, hatred, self-pity, guilt, anger, depression, jealousy, and so on, even the slightest irritation, are all forms of pain.   ~ eckhart-tolle, @wisdomtrove
467:Habit 7 is taking the time to sharpen the saw. By renewing the four dimensions of your nature -    physical, spiritual, mental and social/emotional, you can work more quickly and effortlessly. To do this, we must be proactive. This is a Quadrant II (important, not urgent) activity that must be acted on. It's at the center of our Circle of Influence, so we must do it for ourselves.   ~ stephen-r-covey, @wisdomtrove
468:The ascent to the divine Life is the human journey, the Work of works, the acceptable Sacrifice. This alone is man's real business in the world and the justification of his existence, without which he would only be an insect crawling among the ephemeral insects on a speck of surface mud and water which has managed to form itself amid the appalling immensities of the physical universe. ~ sri-aurobindo, @wisdomtrove
469:We suffer from a hallucination, from a false and distorted sensation of our own existence as living organisms. Most of us have the sensation that "I myself" is a seperate center of feeling and action, living inside and bounded by the physical body-a center which "confronts" an "external" world of people and things, making contact through the senses with a universe both alien and strange. ~ alan-watts, @wisdomtrove
470:Such are the differences among human beings in their sources of pleasure, their susceptibilities of pain, and the operation on them of different physical and moral agencies, that unless there is a corresponding diversity in their modes of life, they neither obtain their fair share of happiness, nor grow up to the mental, moral, and aesthetic stature of which their nature is capable. ~ john-stuart-mill, @wisdomtrove
471:In the world of physics we watch a shadowgraph performance of the drama of familiar life. The shadow of my elbow rests on the shadow table as the shadow ink flows over the shadow paper. It is all symbolic, and as a symbol the physicist leaves it. ... The frank realisation that physical science is concerned with a world of shadows is one of the most significant of recent advances. ~ sir-arthur-eddington, @wisdomtrove
472:In the world of physics we watch a shadowgraph performance of the drama of familiar life. The shadow of my elbow rests on the shadow table as the shadow ink flows over the shadow paper. It is all symbolic, and as a symbol the physicist leaves it. ... The frank realization that physical science is concerned with a world of shadows is one of the most significant of recent advances. ~ sir-arthur-eddington, @wisdomtrove
473:Charles Darwin [is my personal favorite Fellow of the Royal Society]. I suppose as a physical scientist I ought to have chosen Newton. He would have won hands down in an IQ test, but if you ask who was the most attractive personality then Darwin is the one you'd wish to meet. Newton was solitary and reclusive, even vain and vindictive in his later years when he was president of the society. ~ martin-rees, @wisdomtrove
474:Fear arises through identification with form, whether it be a material possession, a physical body, a social role, a self- image, a thought, or an emotion. It arises through unawareness of the formless inner dimension of consciousness or spirit, which is the essence of who you are. You are trapped in object consciousness, unaware of the dimension of inner space which alone is true freedom. ~ eckhart-tolle, @wisdomtrove
475:Who you really are is Non-Physical Energy focused in a physical body, knowing full well that all is well and always has been, and always will be. You are here to experience the supreme pleasure of concluding new desires, and then of bringing yourself into vibrational alignment with the new desires that you've concluded, for the purpose of taking thought beyond that which it has been before. ~ esther-hicks, @wisdomtrove
476:Richard and I both believe that something transcendental is involved with the mind, consciousness, and the path of awakening—call it God, Spirit, Buddha-nature, the Ground, or by no name at all. Whatever it is, by definition it’s beyond the physical universe. Since it cannot be proven one way or another, it is important—and consistent with the spirit of science—to respect it as a possibility. ~ rick-hanson, @wisdomtrove
477:Of course it hurt that we could never love each other in a physical way. We would have been far more happy if we had. But that was like the tides, the change of seasons&
478:What I would really like to do, if I could have a sort of kingship for a short time and organize the group of my dreams - I would make one group which would be a combination of, say, Parliament and Kraftwerk - put those two together and say, "Make a record." Something that would be an extraordinary combination: the weird physical feeling of Parliament with this strange, rigid stuff over the top of it. ~ brian-eno, @wisdomtrove
479:M: Every pleasure, physical or mental, needs an instrument. Both the physical and mental instruments are material, they get tired and worn out. The pleasure they yield is necessarily limited in intensity and duration. Pain is the background of all your pleasures. You want them because you suffer. On the other hand, the very search for pleasure is the cause of pain. It is a vicious circle. ~ sri-nisargadatta-maharaj, @wisdomtrove
480:What is sustained in a sustainable community is not economic growth, development, market share, or competitive advantage, but the entire web of life on which our long-term survival depends. In other words, a sustainable community is designed in such a way that its ways of life, businesses, economy, physical structures, and technologies do not interfere with nature’s inherent ability to sustain life. ~ fritjof-capra, @wisdomtrove
481:Q: How can I possibly enjoy pain? Physical pain calls for action. .M: Of course.  The bliss is in the awareness of it, in not shrinking, or in any way turning away from it.  All happiness comes from awareness. The more we are conscious, the deeper the joy.  Acceptance of pain, non-resistance, courage and endurance - these open deep and perennial sources of real happiness, true bliss. ~ sri-nisargadatta-maharaj, @wisdomtrove
482:Reverence is a perception of the soul. Reverence is a natural aspect of authentic empowerment because the soul reveres all of Life. When the personality is aligned with the soul, it cannot perceive life except with reverence. Approaching life with reverence is a step toward moving the personality into alignment with the soul because it brings an aspect of the soul directly into the physical environment. ~ gary-zukav, @wisdomtrove
483:The conditions of city life may be made healthy, so far as the physical constitution is concerned; but there is connected with the business of the city so much competition, so much rivalry, so much necessity for industry, that I think it is a perpetual, chronic, wholesale violation of natural law. There are ten men that can succeed in the country, where there is one that can succeed in the city. ~ henry-ward-beecher, @wisdomtrove
484:Whether moral and social phenomena are really exceptions to the general certainty and uniformity of the course of nature; and how far the methods, by which so many of the laws of the physical world have been numbered among truths irrevocably acquired and universally assented to, can be made instrumental to the gradual formation of a similar body of received doctrine in moral and political science. ~ john-stuart-mill, @wisdomtrove
485:Notice what happens when you doubt, suppress, or act contrary to your feelings. You will observe decreased energy, powerless or helpless feelings, and physical or emotional pain. Now notice what happens when you follow your intuitive feelings. Usually the result is increased energy and power and a sense of natural flow. When you're at one with yourself, the world feels peaceful, exciting, and magical. ~ shakti-gawain, @wisdomtrove
486:First realise that your world is only a reflection of yourself and stop finding fault with the reflection. Attend to yourself, set yourself right - mentally and emotionally. The physical will follow automatically. You talk so much of reforms: economic, social, political. Leave alone the reforms and mind the reformer. What kind of world can a man create who is stupid, greedy, heartless? ~ sri-nisargadatta-maharaj, @wisdomtrove
487:The arguments for immortality, weak when you take them one by one, are no more cogent when you take them together... For my part, I cannot see how consciousness can persist when its physical basis has been destroyed, and I am too sure of the interconnection of my body and my mind to think that any survival of my my consciousness apart from my body would be in any sense a survival of myself. ~ william-somerset-maugham, @wisdomtrove
488:The new female is competent in all that she chooses. She chooses whatever her heart tells her. She can create a business, lead a country, drive a truck, hammer nails, deliver mail, or raise a family. She is at home in every social and physical environment. She can be a housewife, if she chooses. She can be anything else, too. She is intuitive and heart centered. She is all that a female has been, and more. ~ gary-zukav, @wisdomtrove
489:The Soul is a fact, but it is not physical. ... Survivors of near-death experiences attest that some part of them apparently detaches from their physical bodies following the death of the body, but while that is proof of the soul for them, it does not prove it to us. The Soul is like divine music that only God can hear; it is the force of endless resurrection; the soul is like a fire that never goes out. ~ caroline-myss, @wisdomtrove
490:Since we are provided with both a body and a mind, we grasp onto the physical forms we see. Since we are provided with both a body and a mind, we cling to the sounds we hear. As a consequence, we make ourselves inseparable from all things, yet we are not like some shadowy figure &
491:We all share a type of physical body that becomes ill or heals for the same reasons. We also share emotional and psychological crises common to the human experience. Everyone fears abandonment, loss and betrayal; anger is as toxic within a Jewish body as it is within a Christian, Muslim or Hindu body; and we are all drawn to love. When it comes to health of our spirits and our bodies, we have no difference. ~ caroline-myss, @wisdomtrove
492:What one thinks continually, they become; what one cherishes in their heart and mind they make a part of the pulsation of their heart, through their own blood cells, and build in their own physical, that which its spirit and soul must feed upon, and that with which it will be possessed, when it passes into the realm for which the other experiences of what it has gained here in the physical plane, must be used. ~ edgar-cayce, @wisdomtrove
493:Pleasure lies in the relationship between the enjoyer and the enjoyed. And the essence of it is acceptance. Whatever may be the situation, if it is acceptable, it is pleasant. If it is not acceptable, it is painful. What makes it acceptable is not important; the cause may be physical, or psychological, or untraceable; acceptance is the decisive factor. Obversely, suffering is due to non-acceptance. ~ sri-nisargadatta-maharaj, @wisdomtrove
494:When you find yourself critical of the way anyone has attracted or is using money, you are pushing money away from yourself. But when you realize that what others do with money has nothing to do with you, and that your primary work is to think and speak and do what feels good to you, then you will be in alignment not only about the subject of money, but about every important subject in your physical experience. ~ esther-hicks, @wisdomtrove
495:Your success in life and work will be determined by the kinds of habits that you develop over time. The habit of setting priorities, overcoming procrastination, and getting on with your most important task is a mental and physical skill. As such, this habit is learnable through practice and repetition, over and over again, until it locks into your subsconscious mind and becomes a permanent part of your behaviour. ~ brian-tracy, @wisdomtrove
496:The Soul is a fact, but it is not physical. ... Survivors of near-death experiences attest that some part of them apparently detaches from their physical bodies following the death of the body, but while that is proof of the soul for them, it does not prove it to us. The Soul is like divine music that only God can hear; it is the force of endless resurrection; the soul is like a fire that never goes out. ~ norman-vincent-peale, @wisdomtrove
497:One should not excessively seek partners or friends, one should seek to know and be oneself. As you begin to awaken to the Truth, you start noticing how well life flows by itself and how well you are cared for. Life supports the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs of the one who is open to self-discovery. Trust opens your eyes to the recognition of this. Surrender allows you to merge in your own eternal being. ~ mooji, @wisdomtrove
498:We all share a type of physical body that becomes ill or heals for the same reasons. We also share emotional and psychological crises common to the human experience. Everyone fears abandonment, loss and betrayal; anger is as toxic within a Jewish body as it is within a Christian, Muslim or Hindu body; and we are all drawn to love. When it comes to health of our spirits and our bodies, we have no difference. ~ norman-vincent-peale, @wisdomtrove
499:The idea of success for most people, revolves around money or the acquisition of property or other possessions, but we consider a state of joy as the greatest achievement of success. And while the attainment of money and wonderful possessions certainly can enhance your state of joy, the achievement of a good-feeling physical body is by far the greatest factor for maintaining a continuing state of joy and Well-Being. ~ esther-hicks, @wisdomtrove
500:Productiveness is your acceptance of morality, your recognition of the fact that you choose to live-that productive work is the process by which man's consciousness controls his existence, a constant process of acquiring knowledge and shaping matter to fit one's purpose, of translating an idea into physical form, of remaking the earth in the image of one's values-that all work is creative work if done by a thinking mind. ~ ayn-rand, @wisdomtrove

*** NEWFULLDB 2.4M ***

1:physical evidence linking ~ Ann Rule,
2:physical pain and do yet ~ Dale Mayer,
3:buttress their physical ~ Jordan Peterson,
4:Beauty is not just physical. ~ Halle Berry,
5:But information is physical. ~ James Gleick,
6:buttress their physical ~ Jordan B Peterson,
7:I enjoy doing physical comedy. ~ Scott Adsit,
8:Physical labour is a daily death ~ Simone Weil,
9:Singing is incredibly physical. ~ Hugh Jackman,
10:of its physical substrate! Indeed, ~ Max Tegmark,
11:heat hit me like a physical barrier. ~ Sylvia Day,
12:Missed the physical human contact. ~ Sam Sisavath,
13:There are no physical problems-only ~ Byron Katie,
14:Depression is a physical illness. ~ Terry Bradshaw,
15:My job is intense. It's very physical. ~ Joan Jett,
16:Physical courage is a great test. ~ Oriana Fallaci,
17:Get physical to help your fiscal health ~ Anonymous,
18:Stability-The Physical Body (Asana) ~ B K S Iyengar,
19:Guru is not the physical form. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
20:Physical contact is a human necessity. ~ David Byrne,
21:Grief, it seemed, was a physical place. ~ Kim Edwards,
22:I've always been extremely physical. ~ Mads Mikkelsen,
23:The greatest evil is physical pain. ~ Saint Augustine,
24:All the physical comes from the mental. ~ Clara Hughes,
25:Google[x]'s Focus on the Physical World ~ Astro Teller,
26:Electronic man has no physical body. ~ Marshall McLuhan,
27:The physical will give away to the virtual, ~ Anonymous,
28:We're just physically not physical enough. ~ Denny Crum,
29:Being on stage a lot is quite physical. ~ Cate Blanchett,
30:It's 90% mental. The other half is physical ~ Yogi Berra,
31:Anything cruel I do is mental, not physical ~ Bette Davis,
32:I fast for greater physical and mental efficiency ~ Plato,
33:The physical was never the best part of the body. ~ Rakim,
34:Your words and thoughts have physical power. ~ Will Smith,
35:Physical violence is the basis of authority. ~ Leo Tolstoy,
36:Waging war is not a primary physical need. ~ Susan Griffin,
37:A fight is 10% physical and 90% mental. ~ Georges St Pierre,
38:A library is a physical equivalent of a sigh. ~ Deb Caletti,
39:The physical world is meaningless tonight ~ Wallace Stevens,
40:A physical response to an emotional problem. ~ Rachel Hollis,
41:Reality must be expressed by a physical symbol. ~ Mark Tobey,
42:There is a right physical size for every idea. ~ Henry Moore,
43:A physical law must possess mathematical beauty. ~ Paul Dirac,
44:Hell is a state of being, not a physical place. ~ Evan Currie,
45:I get physical, mystical, very artistical... ~ Big Daddy Kane,
46:It doesn’t need to be physical abuse to be abuse. ~ T M Logan,
47:Memory, perhaps, should have no physical shape. ~ Dave Eggers,
48:Mental slavery is worst than physical slavery ~ Dave Hockaday,
49:physical pain to make the mental pain go away ~ Richelle Mead,
50:Physical qualities don't really matter much. ~ Frank Langella,
51:Expanding your body toughens you to physical pain. ~ Amy Cuddy,
52:I like to think of myself as a physical actor. ~ David Oyelowo,
53:near where Julia was found. Clean. No physical ~ Eric Rickstad,
54:Physical love is unthinkable without violence. ~ Milan Kundera,
55:Poetry is ... the physical enactment of a process ~ Mark Doty,
56:There was mental and physical abuse in my family. ~ Erin Moran,
57:I do like to move and get physical in my movies. ~ Nicolas Cage,
58:The physical laws are but the bars of a cage. ~ Gregory Benford,
59:How nice to see you in the physical world at last. ~ J K Rowling,
60:I'm glad that it was so physical and so isolated ~ Toni Collette,
61:Acting is a total physical, emotional sensation. ~ Armand Assante,
62:I've always been into sports and being physical. ~ Moon Bloodgood,
63:Mental toughness is to physical as four is to one. ~ Bobby Knight,
64:Physical rehab is often very, very hard work. ~ David Copperfield,
65:Digital death followed long after physical death. ~ Matthew Mather,
66:I feel like I can compete against any physical player. ~ Pau Gasol,
67:but madness wasn’t enough to deny physical death. ~ Jeremy Robinson,
68:Physical pain will never compare to mental anguish ~ Gena Showalter,
69:The only antidote to mental suffering is physical pain. ~ Karl Marx,
70:We are exquisite souls housed in physical bodies. ~ Sharon E Rainey,
71:You can realign people's physical chemistry with sound. ~ Bob Mould,
72:I love being physical and acting at the same time. ~ Jennifer Garner,
73:Only economists mistake physical opulence for riches. ~ Aldo Leopold,
74:Physical pain will never compare to mental anguish. ~ Gena Showalter,
75:An emotion is both a mental and a physical event. ~ Nathaniel Branden,
76:It's not the physical scars that are the most painful. ~ Julie Kagawa,
77:I've definitely become much more aware of physical stunts. ~ Lucy Liu,
78:...this moment... is the only physical reality you have. ~ Wayne Dyer,
79:Dancing is a spiritual exercise in a physical form. ~ Merce Cunningham,
80:I like physical comedy. And I like the old comedies. ~ Patrick Dempsey,
81:I wish emotional bruises healed like physical ones. ~ Susane Colasanti,
82:Love is the fuel of our physical and spiritual bodies. ~ Caroline Myss,
83:Most writers need a wound, either physical or spiritual. ~ Martin Amis,
84:My self in the mirror is just a physical reflection. ~ Haruki Murakami,
85:Our thinking absolutely affects the physical body. ~ Cheryl Richardson,
86:Physical beauty is like athletic skill: it peaks young. ~ Nancy Etcoff,
87:Physical comedy is my favorite thing in the world to do. ~ Jason Biggs,
88:Physical pain is far easier to bear than mental agony. ~ Preeti Shenoy,
89:There is no truth to any meeting or physical encounter. ~ Casper Smart,
90:At some point, a false belief collides with physical reality. ~ Al Gore,
91:The most effective torture is not physical, it's mental. ~ Raine Miller,
92:There are much more terrible things than physical injury. ~ J K Rowling,
93:Your spiritual mind is greater than your physical mind. ~ Asa Don Brown,
94:Discipline — both mental and physical — is crucial. ~ Anna Deavere Smith,
95:Even when we have physical hardships, we can be very happy. ~ Dalai Lama,
96:I don't take Twitter too seriously in the physical world. ~ Ilana Glazer,
97:I have no physical courage, I've asked for a double. ~ Catherine Deneuve,
98:In war, the moral is to the physical as ten to one. ~ Napol on Bonaparte,
99:Our external physical reality is a mathematical structure. ~ Max Tegmark,
100:Physical pain inspires the worst kind of helplessness. ~ Hiromi Kawakami,
101:So, baseball is probably more physical of the two mentally. ~ Bo Jackson,
102:Unhappiness spreads more easily than a physical disease. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
103:Ana, you make me ache in places that aren't even physical. ~ Jodi Meadows,
104:Do you want to be mesmermized by the physical phenomenon? ~ Scott Steiner,
105:Frontiers are physical as well as symbolic constructions ~ Roland Barthes,
106:I'm from a family of six men, so I'm bound to be physical. ~ Henry Cavill,
107:The physical part has a lot to do with the mental part. ~ Adrian Peterson,
108:There's more kinds of pain than just physical pain, you know. ~ Tim Tharp,
109:Through joy, the Soul finds its greatest - physical expression. ~ Eleesha,
110:emotional scars take longer to heal than physical ones. ~ David Staniforth,
111:Government holds a legal monopoly on the use of physical force. ~ Ayn Rand,
112:Hockey is a tough, physical game, and it always should be. ~ Mario Lemieux,
113:The best way to offset tension is with physical activity. ~ Bonnie Prudden,
114:With every physical pain, my moral fibre unravels a little. ~ Mason Cooley,
115:Later that night mutual approval took physical expression. ~ Anthony Powell,
116:Physical comfort has nothing to do with any other comfort. ~ Jerzy Kosinski,
117:Physical fitness is in. I recently had a physical fit myself. ~ Steve Allen,
118:Physical nearness does not necessarily breed intimacy. ~ Cristina Henriquez,
119:War is the domain of physical exertion and suffering. ~ Carl von Clausewitz,
120:Writing is a physical act that engages your body and mind. ~ Mike Cernovich,
121:Great faith overcomes laws of nature that govern physical world. ~ Toba Beta,
122:...personal torture instructor...I mean physical therapist. ~ Simone Elkeles,
123:The physical extinction of the human race is one possibility. ~ Vernor Vinge,
124:The size of the attack struck his mind like a physical blow. ~ Frank Herbert,
125:We were meant to see more than our physical eyes can see, ~ Paul David Tripp,
126:At the level of the microcode, physical and abstract meet. The ~ Tracy Kidder,
127:Attraction isn’t about physical appearance. It’s about energy. ~ Heidi DuPree,
128:But I'm going to focus on salvation as well as physical healing. ~ Benny Hinn,
129:Frontiers are physical as well as symbolic constructions
~ Roland Barthes,
130:In war, the moral is to the physical as three is to one. ~ Napoleon Bonaparte,
131:For me exercise is more than just physical, it’s therapeutic. ~ Michelle Obama,
132:For resentments of any nature bring their fruit in the physical. ~ Edgar Cayce,
133:Horniness is just a mental state with a physical repercussion. ~ Bink Cummings,
134:I think emotional health is a big contributor to physical health. ~ April Rose,
135:Ninety percent of baseball is mental, the other half is physical. ~ Yogi Berra,
136:physical coordination are better. And you’ll probably notice ~ Melissa Hartwig,
137:Physical evils destroy themselves, or they destroy us. ~ Jean Jacques Rousseau,
138:Spirit is the life, the mind the builder the physical the result ~ Edgar Cayce,
139:The physical evidence of disease separates you from other people. ~ John Green,
140:The physical world is only a reflection of the spiritual. ~ Antoine the Healer,
141:Truths physical have an origin as divine as truths religious. ~ David Brewster,
142:Your physical safety is up to you, as it really always has been. ~ Jeff Cooper,
143:Damn you!" he reviled her, "damn you for your physical charms! ~ Jessica Steele,
144:How can thoughts hurt so much when they aren't even physical? ~ Beatrice Sparks,
145:I love being physical, but I don't have any desire to prove myself. ~ Anna Torv,
146:I'm just a regular guy, but if you cross me it will get physical. ~ Ryan Tedder,
147:I think every physical program has to come from good nutrition. ~ Rosamund Pike,
148:I will have a largely happier week if I get to do a physical stunt. ~ Eden Sher,
149:Love goes very far beyond the physical person of the beloved. ~ Viktor E Frankl,
150:Sometimes, God gives you physical talent and takes away the brain. ~ Mike Ditka,
151:Sometimes we keep the physical objects until memory is enough ~ Vikki Wakefield,
152:There is an abandonment, an escape, that physical labor bestows. ~ Steven Gould,
153:The soul is not physical, yet it is the force field of your being. ~ Gary Zukav,
154:Violin playing is a physical art with great traditions behind it. ~ Vanessa Mae,
155:what I’d done was allow my own reentry into the physical world. ~ Gary Ferguson,
156:A poet without love were a physical and metaphysical impossibility. ~ John Keats,
157:Are you in great physical pain, or is that your thinking expression? ~ G A Aiken,
158:Every time I do a movie where it gets physical, I say never again. ~ Kevin James,
159:Hatred. Something almost as physical as walls, pianos, or nurses. ~ Paulo Coelho,
160:I'm a very physical person. I like to run and I like to work out. ~ Britt Ekland,
161:I push through physical pain. Life hurts. I enjoy the positives. ~ Carla J Hanna,
162:Our youth should also be educated with music and physical education. ~ Aristotle,
163:She gives physical presence to the depths of the human psyche. ~ Haruki Murakami,
164:Social action, just like physical action, is steered by perception. ~ Kurt Lewin,
165:The astral is the supporting ground for the physical dimension. ~ Frederick Lenz,
166:The wise trusts not only to his physical eyes - thus he can see clearly. ~ Laozi,
167:What's really heavy on my heart is fighting physical inactivity. ~ Allyson Felix,
168:Yoga began as a philosophy rather than as a physical discipline. ~ Deepak Chopra,
169:Godliness is sexy in a way that physical attraction can never be. ~ Matt Chandler,
170:How infinitely superior to our physical senses are those of the mind! ~ John Muir,
171:I consider myself more of a visual comedian than a physical one. ~ Rowan Atkinson,
172:I must have physical exercise, or my temper'll certainly be ruined. ~ Leo Tolstoy,
173:I think there's something to be said for being physical in acting. ~ Crystal Reed,
174:Lust is less a physical need than a way of forgetting time and death. ~ W H Auden,
175:No man has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training ~ Socrates,
176:Physical Fitness is the basis for all other forms of excellence. ~ John F Kennedy,
177:The wheel of physical manifestations is turning quickly, Govinda. ~ Hermann Hesse,
178:experiences actually change the physical structure of the brain. ~ Daniel J Siegel,
179:Fear-filled expectation is worse torture than the physical kind. ~ Charmaine Pauls,
180:I find that arduous physical labor can jump-start my thought process. ~ Jane Fonda,
181:Inner mental technique is more important than the physical one. ~ Gichin Funakoshi,
182:Man's only physical salvation is to "get back to Nature. ~ William Walker Atkinson,
183:People with heavy physical vibrations rule the world. ~ Margaret Caroline Anderson,
184:Sometimes the worst beatings we endure are never the physical kind. ~ Dannika Dark,
185:Strength, both physical and spiritual, is the product of struggle! ~ Napoleon Hill,
186:That is fun. You’re not a reader? Fun doesn’t have to be physical. ~ Kendra Elliot,
187:The online world has subsumed the physical one. We live in the future. ~ Dan Wells,
188:The world is not a physical place anymore. It’s about technology. ~ James Campbell,
189:Always know and remember that you are more than your physical body. ~ Robert Monroe,
190:As if the physical proximity can make up for the emotional distance. ~ Irvine Welsh,
191:Because of old sports injuries, yoga has become a physical lifesaver. ~ Erica Tazel,
192:Daylight seemed then to be the physical manifestation of common sense. ~ Ian McEwan,
193:Daylight seemed then to be the physical manifestation of common sense. ~ Ian Mcewan,
194:I really believe that the virtual world mirrors the physical world. ~ Marissa Mayer,
195:Love does not exist. There exists the physical need for intercourse, ~ Leo Tolstoy,
196:Physical activity is the magical elixir of practically everything. ~ Gretchen Rubin,
197:Somebody took my actual physical presence away and substituted this ~ Philip K Dick,
198:We talk a lot about the importance of physical exercise to wake us ~ Dale Carnegie,
199:When a thing defies physical law, there's usually politics involved. ~ P J O Rourke,
200:And singing is a physical thing - your vocal cords are these muscles. ~ Micky Dolenz,
201:Architecture is a ride - a physical ride and an intellectual ride. ~ Antoine Predock,
202:Artistic paternity is as wholesome as physical paternity. Moreover, ~ G K Chesterton,
203:Clarity is the ability to see the soul in action in the physical world. ~ Gary Zukav,
204:Creativity requires action and part of that action must be physical. ~ Julia Cameron,
205:Have you ever noticed that fear affects your physical mind and body? ~ Asa Don Brown,
206:it tells me that consciousness is primary to the physical universe. ~ Michael Pollan,
207:Others need more physical horsepower. Some need very little of either. ~ David Allen,
208:physical beauty should have no importance in a lasting relationship. ~ Julie Garwood,
209:Physical features count little unless they are illumined from within. ~ Mark Helprin,
210:physical or anything else, it’ll spread over into the rest of your life. ~ Bruce Lee,
211:The ape in them yearned for physical contact, grooming, and reassurance. ~ Anonymous,
212:The Net is pretty cool, but the physical world is the best medium ever. ~ Jeff Bezos,
213:We are missing the gold if we do asanas as a physical practice only. ~ Geeta Iyengar,
214:We best avoid wars by taking even physical action to stop small ones. ~ Anthony Eden,
215:With the physical mindset I play the game with, I expect to get hurt. ~ Steve McNair,
216:You're here for a reason and it's not to hoard a lot of physical stuff. ~ Wayne Dyer,
217:Always know and remember that you are more than your physical body. ~ Robert A Monroe,
218:A 'multicultural society' is a logical and physical impossibility. ~ Satoshi Kanazawa,
219:arguing that our external physical reality is a mathematical structure, ~ Max Tegmark,
220:~ Deepak ChopraAny feeling is both mental and physical~ Deepak Chopra ~ Deepak Chopra,
221:Food is about nurturing: not only physical but also emotional nurturing. ~ Ina Garten,
222:Good physical condition is protection. Our strength comes from our body. ~ Jane Fonda,
223:I’m bisexual, and it’s not just a physical connection I feel with Wes. ~ Sarina Bowen,
224:I still have my [flight] license and I can still pass a flight physical. ~ John Glenn,
225:I was a very physical child... I was a tree-climber; I was a tomboy. ~ Natalie Dormer,
226:Lots of things are more than what they seem in a purely physical sense. ~ Jim Butcher,
227:Pain, unless it is physical, was sold to you (by your culture). ~ Mokokoma Mokhonoana,
228:Physical geography and geology are inseparable scientific twins. ~ Roderick Murchison,
229:We are on a very rich emotional and physical journey on this planet. ~ Melody Beattie,
230:We have two physical eyes, but every pore of the body is also an eye. ~ B K S Iyengar,
231:All disease and aging occurs as the subtle physical body breaks down. ~ Frederick Lenz,
232:As a dancer, I was always the physical comedy girl. I love it so much. ~ Anne Fletcher,
233:At the end of the day we're all spirits having a physical experience. ~ Mahershala Ali,
234:despite my physical limitations, I’m living as though I have no limits. ~ Nick Vujicic,
235:Every day, we've got to do something physical. It's mind, body and spirit. ~ Ray Lewis,
236:Exercise is the key not only to physical health but to peace of mind. ~ Nelson Mandela,
237:He understands my pity for his ridiculous, humiliating physical necessity. ~ Anais Nin,
238:He understands my pity for his ridiculous, humiliating physical necessity. ~ Ana s Nin,
239:I'm a very physical person. I hug people, more so than shake hands. ~ Jaimie Alexander,
240:my physical suffering some of my emotional suffering would fade away. ~ Cheryl Strayed,
241:Our bodies are our physical bookmarks that hold space for us in the world. ~ Jes Baker,
242:quite know them, was a physical ache. It didn’t help that she looked ~ Catherine Bybee,
243:The mobile phone acts as a cursor to connect the digital and physical. ~ Marissa Mayer,
244:The mobile phone acts as a cursor to connect the digital and physical. ~ Marissa Meyer,
245:Wushu is a move in Chinese, a physical move. An attack. Wushu is like an art. ~ Jet Li,
246:A child's mental health is just as important as their physical health. ~ Kate Middleton,
247:All media are extensions of some human faculty- psychic or physical. ~ Marshall McLuhan,
248:Far more products today are effectively services with a physical component. ~ Anonymous,
249:Getting started is as much a mental activity as it is a physical activity. ~ Bob Harper,
250:Henry did not lack for physical courage; his was a moral cowardice. ~ Sharon Kay Penman,
251:I believe in loneliness so deep and profound it has a physical presence ~ Tarryn Fisher,
252:I believe that the physical is the geography of the being. ~ Louise Berliawsky Nevelson,
253:Make the mental physical, and the physical mental, and things will improve. ~ A M Homes,
254:My demons, inner strengths and physical battles have guided me through life. ~ GG Allin,
255:On top of physical pain like a metaphysical pinprick, writing abounds. ~ Julio Cort zar,
256:Physical pain is my friend. I pursue it every night for four hours. ~ Bruce Springsteen,
257:The beauty of physical pain is that it wipes out the other forms of pain. ~ David Estes,
258:There are two types of football - there's physical football and football talent. ~ Xavi,
259:Within your physical atoms the origins of all consciousness still sings. ~ Jane Roberts,
260:A negative outlook is more of a handicap than any physical injury. ~ Christopher Paolini,
261:At Death we are aware that we are more than just our physical bodies. ~ James Van Praagh,
262:Color is a powerful physical, biological, and psychological force. ~ John Paul Caponigro,
263:even a tiny physical network connected by trust held a potent, raw power. ~ Nalini Singh,
264:Humans are not physically normal in the absence of hard physical effort. ~ Mark Rippetoe,
265:I'm a man of strong physical needs, but I'm clearly a romantic at heart. ~ Victoria Dahl,
266:I think that physical actions are always hard to describe, to translate. ~ Ann Goldstein,
267:It must be hard to move past the physical reminders of people you love. ~ Colleen Hoover,
268:It’s hard to modernize a country kept in physical or ideological isolation. ~ JoAnn Ross,
269:Mass man is a phenomenon of electric speed, not of physical quantity. ~ Marshall McLuhan,
270:Physical limitedness can only be surpassed by mental unlimitedness! ~ Mehmet Murat ildan,
271:Physical wounds heal, but those on the soul are difficult to heal. ~ Asghar Ali Engineer,
272:Some beliefs serve you as you walk this physical plain, but others do not. ~ Vivian Amis,
273:The hand’s dexterity is the physical manifestation of the mind’s ingenuity, ~ Ted Chiang,
274:There's one thing about Kyriagos - he's tall, he's physical and he's slow ~ Ray Houghton,
275:I’d take a physical fight over Touchy-Feely Share Time, hands down ~ Jennifer Lynn Barnes,
276:I love being physical. It makes me feel like I sickly love the pain of it. ~ Meaghan Rath,
277:I've learned that memories can have a physical, almost living presence. ~ Nicholas Sparks,
278:Preparing mentally takes more out of you than the physical aspect of it. ~ Summer Sanders,
279:Remove the emotional and physical clutter from your life so you can soar. ~ Judith Orloff,
280:Spiritual “fruit,” you see, is produced in the same way physical “fruit” is. ~ J D Greear,
281:The deep tone caught my attention and my body reacted in a physical way. ~ Sarah A Denzil,
282:There was strength in his honesty, a power greater than physical might. ~ R L Prendergast,
283:The spirit is life. The mind is the builder. The physical is the result.
   ~ Edgar Cayce,
284:We must meet hate with love. We must meet physical force with soul force. ~ Martin Luther,
285:Abra wants its payment network to outnumber all physical ATMs in the world. ~ Don Tapscott,
286:Christian Science explains all cause and effect as mental, not physical. ~ Mary Baker Eddy,
287:could one make up for lack of moral courage by proving physical bravery? ~ Arthur C Clarke,
288:Exploration is the physical expression of the Intellectual Passion ~ Apsley Cherry Garrard,
289:His presence was larger-than-life, bigger even than his physical body. ~ Alexandra Bracken,
290:Okay, this has been fun as a fuckin’ turn-your-head-and-cough physical. ~ Nicole Jacquelyn,
291:The act of expressing oneself is a physical one. It materializes the thought. ~ Asger Jorn,
292:The dope couldn't touch that pain , which was like a deep physical sobbing. ~ Stephen King,
293:The library, to me, is the second most sacred physical space on the planet. ~ Nikky Finney,
294:There are many other pleasures - besides the pleasure of physical union. ~ Faiz Ahmad Faiz,
295:The spiritual world is hidden and perfectly revealed in the physical world. ~ Richard Rohr,
296:We're more cerebral than physical."
"Your cerebrum can't have an orgasm. ~ Kresley Cole,
297:Writing has always had a tactile quality for me. It's a physical experience. ~ Paul Auster,
298:After moral poisoning, one requires physical remedies and a bottle of champagne. ~ Stendhal,
299:Consequences aren't always physical. Not the ones that hurt the most anyway. ~ Nicole Deese,
300:Consistent physical structures can allow unbounded intuitive clarity. ~ Mary Anne Radmacher,
301:Fasting is not just a physical discipline; it can be a spiritual feast. ~ Jentezen Franklin,
302:If there was no moral evil upon earth, there would be no physical evil. ~ Joseph de Maistre,
303:In seeming contradiction of physical laws, time is heavy only when it is empty. ~ Trevanian,
304:Intangible assets are real, identifiable assets that are not physical objects. ~ Mike Piper,
305:It takes a lot of physical and spiritual energy to balance on one wheel. Seen? ~ Peter Tosh,
306:I was reminded of the old pain, a pain once so intense it was physical. ~ Patricia Cornwell,
307:Neagley hated physical contact. No one knew why. But it was a recognized issue. ~ Lee Child,
308:Physical maturity is bound to time. Spiritual maturity is bound to obedience. ~ John Bevere,
309:Psychological horror is more interesting to me than the explicitly physical. ~ Andrew Pyper,
310:The physical universe and its buzzing machinery, its fantastical scenery. ~ Laura Kasischke,
311:There is a direct correlation between physical exertion and mental relief. ~ Sakyong Mipham,
312:Art is a wholly physical language whose words are all the visible objects. ~ Gustave Courbet,
313:Clutter, either mental or physical, is the sign of a healthy curiosity. ~ Christopher Fowler,
314:for a negative outlook is more of a handicap than any physical injury. ~ Christopher Paolini,
315:Hermione was screaming again: the sound went through Harry like physical pain. ~ J K Rowling,
316:In most cases learning something essential in life requires physical pain. ~ Haruki Murakami,
317:Intuition is perception beyond the physical senses that is meant to assist you. ~ Gary Zukav,
318:It is never possible to predict a physical occurrence with unlimited precision. ~ Max Planck,
319:Meditation trains the mind the way physical exercise strengthens the body. ~ Sharon Salzberg,
320:Pliable human nature is relentlessly pressed upon by its physical environment. ~ Jane Addams,
321:The best way to improve mental performance, is to improve physical performance ~ Tim Ferriss,
322:There is nothing good in love but the physical part. ~ Georges Louis Leclerc Comte de Buffon,
323:Thinking is a physical process, the human brain is not exempt from evolution ~ Steven Pinker,
324:We grow our courage muscles like we grow our physical muscles, by using them. ~ Gloria Feldt,
325:If you’re feeling mentally unwell, treat yourself as you would a physical problem ~ Matt Haig,
326:I read actual physical books and have thus far avoided the electronic lure. ~ Khaled Hosseini,
327:It takes much longer to leave the psychic place than the physical place. ~ Jeanette Winterson,
328:No separation between the spiritual and the physical. It is all one. ~ Terry Tempest Williams,
329:Our thoughts, our feelings, our dreams, our ideas, are physical in the universe. ~ Will Smith,
330:Violence does not always take physical form, and not all wounds gush blood. ~ Haruki Murakami,
331:What we mean by ‘life’ is a psychological response to the physical world. ~ Devdutt Pattanaik,
332:99.99% of your creation is complete before you see ANY physical evidence of it. ~ Esther Hicks,
333:..home INSIDE is home shining brightly above all homes in physical world. ~ Christina Westover,
334:I get outside a lot. I am a huge champion of physical activity. It's so important. ~ Neko Case,
335:I try to do something physical every day. I don't go heavy every day, though. ~ Russell Wilson,
336:Lies are a thing of the physical world. They can’t exist in the spirit world. ~ Nnedi Okorafor,
337:Nothing short of physical handicap has ever made anybody turn over a new leaf. ~ Kingsley Amis,
338:Physical sickness we usually defy. Soul sickness we often resign ourselves to. ~ Mark Buchanan,
339:The habits of life form the soul, and the soul forms the physical presence. ~ Honore de Balzac,
340:War is a dangerous teacher and physical victory leads often to a moral defeat. ~ Sri Aurobindo,
341:Domination delegates the physical violence on which it rests to the dominated. ~ Theodor Adorno,
342:Emotional and physical states can be altered by changing the breathing pattern. ~ Wilhelm Reich,
343:I think that being happy makes the biggest impact on your physical appearance. ~ Drew Barrymore,
344:I've had a lot of arguments with people, but it's never really gotten physical. ~ Billy Eichner,
345:Life comes from physical survival; but the good life comes from what we care about. ~ Rollo May,
346:Our physical bodies are so connected, when I came inside her, I gave her my soul. ~ Celia Aaron,
347:Possible reality [is obtained] by slightly bending physical and chemical laws. ~ Marcel Duchamp,
348:the law clearly stated that a man with a physical defect could not be king. ~ Devdutt Pattanaik,
349:The mind forgets pain, the physical sensation of pain. It doesn’t forget terror. ~ Kate Griffin,
350:There were no explosions. But the brutal calamitous physical noise was maybe worse. ~ Lee Child,
351:when you truly love someone, you share a bond that transcends the physical world. ~ E B Walters,
352:"Emotions are physical. Our bodies are the only place they can ever be found." ~ Raphael Cushnir,
353:If you can conceive it in your mind, then it can be brought to the physical world. ~ Bob Proctor,
354:I'm a physical receiver, yet I can run and move like someone who is 5-8 or 5-9. ~ Chad Ochocinco,
355:Judo is the way to the most effective use of both physical and spiritual strength. ~ Kano Jigoro,
356:sheer physical power is an unstable basis on which to found lasting dominance, ~ Jordan Peterson,
357:Some tortures are physical And some are mental, But the one that is both Is dental. ~ Ogden Nash,
358:The physical union of the sexes ... only intensifies man's sense of solitude. ~ Nikolai Berdyaev,
359:There is only one effective antidote for mental suffering and that is physical pain. ~ Karl Marx,
360:You have nothing to prove. Be the spiritual you and create like a physical fiend. ~ Esther Hicks,
361:1. Career 2. Financial 3. Spiritual 4. Physical 5. Intellectual 6. Family 7. Social ~ Dave Ramsey,
362:Acting by yourself is pretty darn hard, especially having to do physical comedy. ~ Gillian Jacobs,
363:Basically, it doesn't take all that much physical effort to shape up your mind. ~ Valerie Frankel,
364:Beauty is not just physical. It's about what you stand for, how you live your life. ~ Halle Berry,
365:I am convinced that life in a physical body is meant to be an ecstatic experience ~ Shakti Gawain,
366:I kept you at arm’s length so long that the window for physical connection passed. ~ Sarah Smarsh,
367:Knowledge of every aspect of human life, physical and spiritual is plentiful today. ~ Ted Andrews,
368:Love and meaningful relationships are vital to physical and emotional well-being. ~ Deepak Chopra,
369:Love is a spiritual phenomenon; lust is physical. Ego is psychological; love is spiritual. ~ Osho,
370:Physical pleasure is awakening in me the desire for more pleasure in general. ~ Cheryl Richardson,
371:Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will. ~ Tarrin P Lupo,
372:Success is the product of the severest kind of mental and physical application. ~ Thomas A Edison,
373:the more physical touching there is among people, the healthier the country is ~ Martin Lindstrom,
374:Doesnt matter what your skill and physical gifts are if you cant get your head right. ~ Mark Cuban,
375:Do not expect any satisfaction from physical life and you will no more be tied to it. ~ The Mother,
376:emotional conflict undermines physical health and absence of stress promotes health. ~ Diane Capri,
377:For material progress and physical well being, peace of mind is of utmost importance. ~ Dalai Lama,
378:He’s smarter than me. I get things done better. He’s more cerebral, I’m more physical. ~ Lee Child,
379:I am very aggressive and very physical. On the field, I guess I am just plain mean. ~ Jack Lambert,
380:In many towns, the library is the only place you can browse through physical books. ~ Susan Orlean,
381:It's a shame that physical beauty often has such a negative effect on its occupant. ~ Dov Davidoff,
382:I vow, is there no man who can talk about physical pleasures without exaggerating? ~ Karen Hawkins,
383:Man, as a physical being, is like other bodies governed by invariable laws. ~ Baron de Montesquieu,
384:Mathematics is the abstract key which turns the lock of the physical universe. ~ John Polkinghorne,
385:Psychological detachment from work, in addition to physical detachment, is crucial ~ Daniel H Pink,
386:sheer physical power is an unstable basis on which to found lasting dominance, ~ Jordan B Peterson,
387:Soon, Jesus’ Kingdom will claim the entire earth as its physical territory.​—Ps. 72:8. ~ Anonymous,
388:Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
389:Their whole life will begin to shift, from their first physical contact with you. ~ Frederick Lenz,
390:What did all the saints have in common? They feared sin more than even physical death. ~ Mark Hart,
391:You are going to die. Your physical body will disintegrate. You cannot help that. ~ Frederick Lenz,
392:You men notice so little, Pemberton. Physical strength is your gender's sole advantage. ~ Ron Rash,
393:But as proactive people, we can carry our own physical or social weather with us. ~ Stephen R Covey,
394:But so many people... have only got their minds tacked on to their physical corpses. ~ D H Lawrence,
395:Dressing impractically is a way of showing that one doesn’t have to do physical work. ~ Bill Bryson,
396:Everything, both mental and physical, is rigidly bound by the law of causation. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
397:I don't even have a type! I don't have a physical type. I have an emotional type. ~ Jessica Simpson,
398:I like the physicality in doing the different physical motions, being a beast. ~ Sendhil Ramamurthy,
399:I'm not a big fan of just doing weights. Anything more physical is infinitely better. ~ Jason Momoa,
400:Karma is not a receipt of a physical experience, because of what someone has done. ~ Frederick Lenz,
401:Physical fitness is a three-legged stool: strength, aerobic capacity, and flexibility. ~ Jane Fonda,
402:Physical pain is easily forgotten, but a moral chagrin lasts indefinitely. ~ Santiago Ramon y Cajal,
403:Some pains are physical, and some pains are mental, but the one that's both is dental. ~ Ogden Nash,
404:Sport is the habitual and voluntary cultivation of intensive physical effort. ~ Pierre de Coubertin,
405:The physical laws, in their observable consequences, have a finite limit of precision. ~ Kurt Godel,
406:We see what we want to see, after all, especially when blinded by physical attraction. ~ Jojo Moyes,
407:Your body is the physical record of your life story as you’ve lived it until today. ~ Deepak Chopra,
408:anger is always an issue of the heart before it is an act of physical aggression. ~ Paul David Tripp,
409:Art should be something like a good armchair in which to rest from physical fatigue. ~ Henri Matisse,
410:As far as our physical form, the mind is a great temple. But it has a life span and it dies. ~ Rakim,
411:Every step forward is made at the cost of mental and physical pain to someone. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche,
412:Everything has been created twice once on a mental plain and once on a physical plain. ~ Bob Proctor,
413:Fear worked both ways - if you suppressed the physical symptoms, it calmed your mind. ~ S M Stirling,
414:Hamilton reminded himself it was not acceptable to enjoy another’s physical discomfort. ~ Jen Turano,
415:Health is not just a physical phenomenon. We do not just have physical bodies. ~ Christopher Penczak,
416:I believe in financial retirement. I don't necessarily believe in physical retirement. ~ Jerry Doyle,
417:Like the physical, the psychical is not necessarily in reality what it appears to be ~ Sigmund Freud,
418:Movement is medicine for changing a person’s physical, emotional, and mental state. ~ Maria Emmerich,
419:Our breathing reflects every emotional or physical effort and every disturbance. ~ Moshe Feldenkrais,
420:Replacing physical priorities with spiritual priorities can change everything. ~ Neale Donald Walsch,
421:Since Atlanta, she had looked out the dining-car window with a delight almost physical. ~ Harper Lee,
422:teaching people the skills to deal with such distressing physical reactions. ~ Bessel A van der Kolk,
423:The physical reality is assumed to be the wave function of the whole universe itself. ~ Hugh Jackman,
424:The physical universe expresses the conscious and unconscious thoughts of mortals. ~ Mary Baker Eddy,
425:We have so much separation between feeling the emotional and physical side of sex. ~ Natalie Portman,
426:Why was it that silence sometimes felt like a physical thing with a weight of its own? ~ Mary Balogh,
427:Freedom was conditioned by man's physical body, heredity, and environment. ~ Kenneth Scott Latourette,
428:God gave me a great body and it's my duty to take care of my physical temple. ~ Jean Claude Van Damme,
429:Heavy thoughts bring on physical maladies; when the soul is oppressed so is the body. ~ Martin Luther,
430:I am troubled by a crushing physical sense of other people’s lack of comprehension. ~ Fernando Pessoa,
431:I didn't really care about my physical health; I only cared about what was on screen. ~ Nicole Kidman,
432:I don't have the physical talent those guys have. My hard work has made me very good. ~ Reggie Miller,
433:If your energy body is in full vibrancy, the physical body will naturally fix itself. ~ Jaggi Vasudev,
434:I get to do physical comedy! When do women get to do physical comedy? Very rarely. ~ Michaela Watkins,
435:I was learning that emotional intimidation could be just as unsettling as physical. ~ Liv Constantine,
436:Nonviolence or soul force does not need physical aids for its propagation of effect. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
437:Physical intimacy isn’t and can never be an effective substitute for emotional intimacy. ~ John Green,
438:Sex without a condom was just a physical symbol of an emotional barricade destroyed. ~ Melanie Harlow,
439:Social rejection doesn't just cause emotional pain; it affects our physical being. ~ Leonard Mlodinow,
440:The best predictor of preschool children's physical activity is simply being outdoors. ~ James Sallis,
441:The diversity of physical arguments and opinions embraces all sorts of methods. ~ Michel de Montaigne,
442:The film industry needs to confront the physical footprint of the way films get made. ~ Edward Norton,
443:The lash may force men to physical labor, it cannot force them to spiritual creativity. ~ Sholem Asch,
444:The physical power of real love is staggering, because real forgiveness is staggering... ~ Ted Dekker,
445:To create a physical world that corresponds to all the vibes you possess, life happens. ~ Mike Dooley,
446:...we use intimacy to refer to the physical when it really pertains to the spiritual .. ~ John Geddes,
448:A lot of women are turned off by the physical appearance of some of the first feminists. ~ Helen Reddy,
449:A man of prayer regards what are known as physical calamities as divine chastisement. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
450:As in the physical world, so in the spiritual world, pain does not last forever. ~ Katherine Mansfield,
451:Continuously accept the challenge of physical unfolding. ~ Erich Jantsch, The Self-Organizing Universe,
452:Edward Glaeser writes, “Cities are the absence of physical space between people.”11 ~ Timothy J Keller,
453:For many, the emotional trauma of a broken heart can manifest as real, physical pain. ~ Kat Rosenfield,
454:For people, 'here' signifies not merely a physical space, but also an historical space. ~ Paulo Freire,
455:Hope is cruel. Hope reminds me of what almost was. Hope makes the physical ache return. ~ Harlan Coben,
456:If it's not true love, then that energy will gradually wear the subtle physical down. ~ Frederick Lenz,
457:If the heart sorrows over physical loss, the spirit rejoices over hope of understanding. ~ Subhash Kak,
458:It is impossible to get blood from a stone, to get spirituality from a physical being. ~ Ernest Becker,
459:It takes much longer to leave the psychic place than the physical place." (p.120) ~ Jeanette Winterson,
460:music is still an oral (and physical) tradition, handed down from one person to another. ~ David Byrne,
461:Our physical unity has gone far ahead of our moral unity. ~ Barbara Ward Baroness Jackson of Lodsworth,
462:Physical intimacy is essential. No matter how old are you, it's extremely important. ~ Hiromi Kawakami,
463:Physical strength doesn't mean a damn thing when you're all cut up and bleeding inside. ~ Cameron Dane,
464:Rather than starting inside, I start outside and reach the mental through the physical. ~ Jim Morrison,
465:The 40s are when you start trading your psychological problems for physical ones. ~ Marilyn vos Savant,
466:The honour of physical decline is waiting, and you have to get used to that reality. ~ Haruki Murakami,
467:They’re telling us that an observer determines physical behavior of “external” objects. ~ Robert Lanza,
468:They taught me that pain can be present, despite every physical need being met.” Small ~ Aleatha Romig,
469:We Deveauxs preferred to talk you to death, rather than face you in physical combat. ~ Maureen Johnson,
470:When I was younger, I was very athletic and I always loved sports and physical things. ~ Saoirse Ronan,
471:When the physical organism breaks up, the soul survives. It then takes on another body. ~ Paul Gauguin,
472:Ah, he thought, for one who cannot read--or think--the Image, the physical form of Love! ~ Willa Cather,
473:Both death and life are happening at every instant in the river of our physical body. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh,
474:Good breeding in cattle depends on physical health, but in men on a well-formed character. ~ Democritus,
475:I fell straight into the abyss. My want of her isn’t just physical; it is soul deep. ~ Kristen Callihan,
476:I was not influenced by composers as much as by natural objects and physical phenomena. ~ Edgard Varese,
477:jerk.smokes cigars.will die of lung cancer,hopefully soon.excellent physical shape. ~ Becca Fitzpatrick,
478:Love is a journey from the first blush of physical attraction to a marriage of souls. ~ Virginia Henley,
479:Perhaps if we lived with less physical beauty we would develop our true natures more. ~ Shirley Hazzard,
480:physical activity counts as novel experience, at least as far as the brain is concerned. ~ John J Ratey,
481:Physical self-awareness is the first step in releasing the tyranny of the past. ~ Bessel A van der Kolk,
482:Physical strength can never permanently withstand the impact of spiritual force. ~ Franklin D Roosevelt,
483:The game overall has gotten so much better, stronger, more physical parts to the game. ~ Martina Hingis,
484:The only physical body Jesus has on the earth today is the Church - the Body of Christ. ~ Charles Capps,
485:There is a physical relation between physical things. But it is different with commodities. ~ Karl Marx,
486:The spirit partly lies in physical body,
the rest of it is still waiting to be refitted. ~ Toba Beta,
487:Um, yeah. I guess lying around reading books all day doesn't do much for physical endurance. ~ Amy Plum,
488:We must remember that possession of physical beauty can easily weaken the moral faculty. ~ Frank Tallis,
489:Canada is a broad land - broad in mind, broad in spirit, and broad in physical expanse. ~ Harry S Truman,
490:Enthusiasm is the power that transfers the mental blueprint into the physical dimension. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
491:I discovered that running actually gave me both physical and mental clarity. I love it. ~ Mallika Chopra,
492:If you don't know how to say no, your body will say it for you through physical illnesses. ~ Gabor Mate,
493:I knew that maybe I couldn't be playing again, but I just wanted to get in physical shape. ~ Steffi Graf,
494:In the mind and nature of a man a secret is an ugly thing, like a hidden physical defect. ~ Isak Dinesen,
495:No woman has to be a victim of physical abuse. Women have to feel like they are not alone. ~ Salma Hayek,
496:Objects are more than their physical properties, they hold an emotional value and a story. ~ Meik Wiking,
497:Oh, and once, when I was in the Marines, I got a perfect score on my physical fitness test. ~ Drew Carey,
498:Physical aggression by a man toward his partner is abuse, even if it happens only once. ~ Lundy Bancroft,
499:Physical science is like simple addition: it is either infallible or it is false. ~ Gilbert K Chesterton,
500:The intention to act violently is accompanied by strong feelings of physical distress. ~ Anthony Burgess,
501:The prejudice surrounding AIDS exacts a social death which precedes the actual physical one. ~ Tom Hanks,
502:We have problems with our physical security, operational security through to management. ~ Kevin Mitnick,
503:When you’re met with your own physical limitations, don’t give up, never quit, just adapt! ~ B T Urruela,
504:Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical. ~ Sophia Loren,
505:Homeopaths do not have a physical brain, but merely 'skull water' with the memory of brains. ~ Robin Ince,
506:I love physical comedy. I love Oscar Wilde, I love Shakespeare comedies, I love improv. ~ Elizabeth Banks,
507:I'm an intellectual, but I've always had jobs that required physical labor above all else. ~ Niall Matter,
508:In not only the physical science, but in the real mental silence, the wisdom dawns. ~ Swami Satchidananda,
509:It is not necessary to meet your guru on the physical plane. The guru is not external. ~ Neem Karoli Baba,
510:It's a great counter to doing the soap because it's a comedy. It's real physical comedy. ~ Corbin Bernsen,
511:It's not about curing the disease, but healing the life; then the physical benefits come. ~ Bernie Siegel,
512:"Loving thoughts and actions are clearly beneficial for our physical and mental health." ~ Dalai Lama XIV,
513:Man as Atman is really free; as man he is bound, changed by every physical condition. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
514:Nature has two powers: Her own physical power and the spiritual power of her beauty! ~ Mehmet Murat ildan,
515:Overcoming the obstacles of physical ailments and hurt makes us stronger for the ordeal. ~ Michael Newton,
516:Some of the epidemic may overwhelm society as a physical expression of energy hysteria. ~ Lynne McTaggart,
517:The only protection against INJUSTICE in man is POWER?Physical, financial and scientific. ~ Marcus Garvey,
518:The passion for physical comforts is essentially a passion of the middle classes. ~ Alexis de Tocqueville,
519:There is no such thing as unnecessary beauty, whether it be physical or intellectual. ~ Stuart Rojstaczer,
520:There's nothing like a little physical pain to keep your mind off your emotional problems. ~ John E Sarno,
521:There were not so many physical threats that could not be countered with a decent hammer. ~ Steig Larsson,
522:There were not so many physical threats that could not be countered with a decent hammer. ~ Stieg Larsson,
523:You Men notice so little Pemberton, Physical strength is your genders sole advantage" - Serena ~ Ron Rash,
525:Almost all the moral good which is left among us is the apparent effect of physical evil. ~ Samuel Johnson,
526:Anything physical is always changing, therefore, its reality is not constant, not eternal. ~ B K S Iyengar,
527:Applying the axioms of physical science to human life has something reprehensible to it. ~ Albert Einstein,
528:Everything that lives has a physical body,
but the value of a life is measured by the soul. ~ Lao Tzu,
529:I always felt that my greatest asset was not my physical ability, it was my mental ability. ~ Bruce Jenner,
530:I came from a family of physical abuse. He came from one that had a psychological terrorist. ~ Dan Skinner,
531:If you suppress laboratories, physical science will be stricken with barrenness and death. ~ Louis Pasteur,
532:I, however did not like to run. Or, for that matter, engage in any kind of physical exertion. ~ John Green,
533:I'm five-foot-something, sixty years old; I'm not much of a physical threat to anybody. ~ Shirley Franklin,
534:position to commit an act of physical aggression against any neighbor—anywhere in the world. ~ Jon Meacham,
535:The body is to be compared, not to a physical object, but rather to a work of art. ~ Maurice Merleau Ponty,
536:the physical world is the only salvation from a mind constantly churning away at itself. ~ Gary Shteyngart,
537:to recall a name or incident felt almost wearyingly physical, like clearing out an attic. ~ David Nicholls,
538:@ Wisdom in the physical mind:a first step towards the supramental manifestation upon earth.- ~ The Mother,
539:you” are a combination of the thinking self, the physical self, and the observing self. They ~ Russ Harris,
540:Accept yourself, your physical condition and your fate as they are at the present moment. ~ Morrie Schwartz,
541:A fight is mental, not just physical and psychological warfare is absolutely part of that. ~ Conor McGregor,
542:A sanctity hangs about the sources of our being, whether physical, social, or imaginary. ~ George Santayana,
543:But the sense of accomplishment is something I've never felt before, in a physical sense. ~ Charlene Tilton,
544:Children key off their parents’ reaction more than the argument or physical discipline itself. ~ Po Bronson,
545:[Domestic violence is] a carefully laid physical, financial and psychological trap. ~ Leslie Morgan Steiner,
546:Elegance is a physical quality. If a woman doesn't have it naked, she'll never it clothed. ~ Karl Lagerfeld,
547:I love physical stuff. I love circusy, weird, breathing fire and bucket-listy things. ~ Neil Patrick Harris,
548:Inadequate nutrition can lead to terrible health consequences, both physical and emotional. ~ Vicki Escarra,
549:Inner seeing has nothing to do with physical vision; it's the perception of life directly. ~ Frederick Lenz,
550:Like the physical, the psychical is not necessarily in reality what it appears to us to be. ~ Sigmund Freud,
551:Motherhood was a physical act as much as an emotional one. It took every part of you. ~ J Courtney Sullivan,
552:Physical fears change and shift depending on the role and depending on the mindset I'm in. ~ Misty Copeland,
553:Physical inertia favors mental passivity and renders the mind more receptive to suggestion. ~ Joseph Murphy,
554:She said: “Spiritual love from the waist up and physical love from the waist down. ~ Gabriel Garc a M rquez,
555:That whole appreciation for a physical form made some seriously horny hosts of heaven and hell. ~ Anonymous,
556:The passion for physical comforts is essentially a passion of the middle classes... ~ Alexis de Tocqueville,
557:To win Grand Slams you have to be in the right frame of mind, the right physical shape. ~ Jennifer Capriati,
558:Abuse may consist of physical maltreatment or language that is belittling, discriminatory... ~ Asa Don Brown,
559:As one sun illumines all this world, so the conscious Idea illumines all the physical field. ~ Bhagavad-Gita,
560:I love broad comedy. It has its place. If I were to do that, I'd love to do physical comedy. ~ Rashida Jones,
561:I picture success and winning. The body has a physical response to mental images of winning. ~ Randy Couture,
562:It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare. ~ Mark Twain,
563:It really is all about believing in yourself: 80 per cent mental, 20 per cent physical. ~ Victoria Pendleton,
564:Our growing softness, our increasing lack of physical fitness, is a menace to our security. ~ John F Kennedy,
565:Physical distance between people has nothing to do with loneliness. It's psychic distance. ~ Robert M Pirsig,
566:Physical perfection, working out, adds to your spiritual perfection if that is your intent. ~ Frederick Lenz,
567:...the physical pain from the bite of the belt is nothing, nothing compared to this devastation. ~ E L James,
568:What quantum physics teaches us is that everything we thought was physical is not physical. ~ Bruce H Lipton,
569:When people say "the body," frequently they mean the literal body, the physical body. ~ Shirley Geok lin Lim,
570:Yes, too much emphasis is put on outward physical attributes in every area of American life. ~ Gloria Gaynor,
571:An attitude of gratitude goes a long way when it comes to physical and emotional healing. ~ Jill Bolte Taylor,
572:A true believer does not fear physical death, rather he fears the death of his heart ~ Ibn Qayyim Al Jawziyya,
573:Brain deals exclusively with the physical, and mind exclusively with the metaphysical. ~ R Buckminster Fuller,
574:Ego is the complete identification with form. Physical forms, thought forms, emotional forms. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
575:For me, the martial arts is a search for something inside. It's not just a physical discipline. ~ Brandon Lee,
576:Hesitation of any kind is a sign of mental decay in the young, of physical weakness in the old. ~ Oscar Wilde,
577:How does being tethered to our devices impact our physical bodies—and even our imaginations? ~ Jocelyn K Glei,
578:I don't believe in luck; it's just dedication to the technique plus good physical condition. ~ Rickson Gracie,
579:If you look at anything physical, you find out that at the quantum level, it is non-physical. ~ Deepak Chopra,
580:I'm so vigorous, and I so take it for granted, because I've always been a real physical person. ~ Sally Field,
581:In the physical world we know, nothing lasts forever – a thought I find strangely comforting. ~ Linda Gillard,
582:It seems to me that physical sickness softens, just as moral sickness hardens, the heart. ~ Lord Chesterfield,
583:Mental wellbeing counts as much as physical wellbeing - indeed, it is part of physical wellbeing. ~ Matt Haig,
584:No elaboration of physical or moral accomplishment can atone for the sin of parasitism. ~ George Bernard Shaw,
585:physical activity sparks biological changes that encourage brain cells to bind to one another. ~ John J Ratey,
586:Physical pain was rare for angels to feel, but I was in it. Unyielding and excruciating pain. ~ Ashlan Thomas,
587:Poverty is the fundamental cause of most of the physical, moral and economic ills of humanity. ~ Helen Keller,
588:The human brain is by far the most complex physical object known to us in the entire cosmos. ~ Owen Gingerich,
589:Though Nora had traveled the world, she remained in New York no matter her physical location. ~ Andrea Dunlop,
590:We build in thought the conditions that will later come into manifestation on the physical plane. ~ Emmet Fox,
591:Wisdom is all about outgrowing hunger, be it physical, emotional, intellectual or social. ~ Devdutt Pattanaik,
592:You translate everything-whether physical, mental, or spiritual into muscular tension. ~ F Matthias Alexander,
593:A woman who could look death squarely in the face and smile was beyond the plane of physical ruin. ~ Susan Kay,
594:Do not allow obligation or immediacy to bind you to physical things or specific actions. ~ Mary Anne Radmacher,
595:Entities can see a certain amount because they are outside of the physical dimensional plane. ~ Frederick Lenz,
596:Hate causes distress, potentially leading to mental and physical health problems. Adolescents ~ Graeme Simsion,
597:He knew all about self-inflicted wounds, especially the pointless ones. They weren’t all physical. ~ Anonymous,
598:Human thought can literally transform the physical world .. we are the masters of our own universe ~ Dan Brown,
599:In not only the physical science, but in the real mental silence, the wisdom dawns. (75) ~ Swami Satchidananda,
600:One of the most obvious ways dogs can improve our physical and mental health is via daily walks. ~ Andrew Weil,
601:Physical life is characterized by defensiveness, whereas spiritual life is just the opposite. ~ Eben Alexander,
602:Physical space between us evaporates. We play the broken strings of our instruments one last time ~ John Green,
603:Singing, it's like it's like loving somebody, it's a supreme emotional and physical experience. ~ Janis Joplin,
604:This gives us a lot more than just a visual model: it also gives us a physical model of objects. ~ Martin Ford,
605:To think the universe is only composed of the physical universe is to be rather shortsighted. ~ Frederick Lenz,
606:Underneath your physical and psychological form, you are one with Life itself, one with Being. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
607:Any physical contact with her was a bonus. She could give me a noogie and I’d consider it a win. ~ Beth Ehemann,
608:Birth in the physical is death in the spiritual. Death in the physical is birth in the spiritual. ~ Edgar Cayce,
609:I am thinking—talking—in images. I don’t know how to write them down. Every feeling is physical. ~ Susan Sontag,
610:If there are problems with the subtle physical body, it's very hard for the kundalini to flow. ~ Frederick Lenz,
611:I have always believed that a good laugh was good for both the mental and physical digestion. ~ Abraham Lincoln,
612:It takes physical courage to indulge in wickedness. The "good" are too cowardly to do it. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche,
613:I wrote three years for Lucille Ball. She taught me everything I know about physical comedy... ~ Garry Marshall,
614:No physical quantity can continue to change exponentially forever. Your job is delaying forever. ~ Gordon Moore,
615:Our world is physical. Learn to play defense—ignore the head and keep your eyes on the body. ~ Ta Nehisi Coates,
616:Perhaps all freedom—physical, personal—really only came at the cost of somebody or something else. ~ Jojo Moyes,
617:physical energy is the fundamental source of fuel, even if our work is almost completely sedentary. ~ Anonymous,
618:Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will. —MAHATMA GANDHI ~ Scott Jurek,
619:The consciousness of self is the greatest hindrance to the proper execution of all physical action. ~ Bruce Lee,
620:there is a deeper hunger within you than the physical hunger with which you are so familiar. ~ Paul David Tripp,
621:The standards should reflect the psychological conceptual models, not the physical mechanics. ~ Donald A Norman,
622:The words we speak in the physical realm move mountains and bend destinies in the spirit realm. ~ Blake K Healy,
623:Unfortunately, moral beauty in art - like physical beauty in a person - is extremely perishable. ~ Susan Sontag,
624:We can't even tell whether our experiences belong to time or to the world of physical things. ~ Haruki Murakami,
625:All this fuss about sleeping together. For physical pleasure I'd sooner go to my dentist any day. ~ Evelyn Waugh,
626:Animal intuitives can diagnose an animal's physical health problems by listening to the animals. ~ Bernie Siegel,
627:Becoming acutely lonely, the experiment found, was as stressful as experiencing a physical attack. ~ Johann Hari,
628:He longed sometimes with an almost physical ache just to say 'My Husband' and have it be true. ~ Cassandra Clare,
629:His voice filling my head with memories of something other than the physical pain I was enduring. ~ Hadena James,
630:I don't feel that no fighter has the mental or physical agility to match Floyd Mayweather. ~ Floyd Mayweather Jr,
631:I missed her so much I wanted to die: a hard, physical longing, like a craving for air underwater. ~ Donna Tartt,
632:Internet has grown to not only touch humans in a physical sense but also in an emotional sense. ~ Santosh Kalwar,
633:Is it any wonder that for millions of men the only intimacy is physical, silent, and predictable? ~ Phil Donahue,
634:Marathons are hard because of the physical pain, the pounding on the muscles, joints, tendons. ~ Lance Armstrong,
635:Most of the time, tough, combative, adversarial dialogue is much more exciting than physical action. ~ Sol Stein,
636:The greatest realities are physical and economic, all the subtleties of life come afterward. ~ Joyce Carol Oates,
637:The physical world was one vast, tangled obstacle course of pointless, arbitrary restrictions. “We’d ~ Greg Egan,
638:There are more potential combinations of DNA [physical forms] than there are atoms in the universe. ~ Carl Sagan,
639:The red man divided mind into two parts, - the spiritual mind and the physical mind. ~ Charles Alexander Eastman,
640:We are luminous beings. Beneath our transient physical bodies we are made of intelligent light. ~ Frederick Lenz,
641:We have entered an age of insecurity—economic insecurity, physical insecurity, political insecurity. ~ Tony Judt,
642:Women know the financial, social and physical costs of not having access to basic health care. ~ Martha Plimpton,
643:All Americans need a sense of place. That's what makes our physical surroundings worth caring about. ~ Ed McMahon,
644:Disempowerment,” Michael told me, “is at the heart of poor health”—physical, mental, and emotional. ~ Johann Hari,
645:Ego is a social institution with no physical reality. The ego is simply your symbol of yourself. ~ Shunryu Suzuki,
646:Everything from now on will be done online - physical music media like the CD are dead in the water. ~ Jan Hammer,
647:Fighting is very physical and extreme and you're very vulnerable. It's a very mental type of thing. ~ Gina Carano,
648:He prescribed more physical exercise as far as possible, and as far as possible less mental strain, ~ Leo Tolstoy,
649:I don't fear for a physical death, but when my conscience dies, that is a real death ~ Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale,
650:If man thinks about his physical or moral state he usually discovers that he is ill. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
651:I want to get physical, let's get into physical, let me hear your body talk, your body talk. ~ Olivia Newton John,
652:Love that is physical, death will destroy. But love that is spiritual, death can never destroy. ~ Eknath Easwaran,
653:My mother never wanted me to focus on my physical self. She always said that beauty is what you do. ~ Halle Berry,
654:Opium teaches only one thing, which is that aside from physical suffering, there is nothing real. ~ Andre Malraux,
655:The blessing and the prosperity of God are invisible and spiritual, not financial or physical. ~ Jefferson Bethke,
656:The dream is to be regarded, says Binz, "as a physical process always useless, frequently morbid. ~ Sigmund Freud,
657:The physical sciences capitalize on the lessons of the past, but the social sciences seldom do. ~ W Cleon Skousen,
658:The reason you have descended into physical life is to unleash the power of your soul upon Earth. ~ Caroline Myss,
659:the reason you have descended into physical life is to unleash the power of your soul upon Earth. ~ Caroline Myss,
660:There can be no substitute for work, neither affection nor physical well-being can replace it. ~ Maria Montessori,
661:A calm mind is good for our physical health, but it also enables us to see things more realistically. ~ Dalai Lama,
662:Even if yoga only enhanced physical fitness, the time spent in practice would be fully worthwhile. ~ Deepak Chopra,
663:How can I miss something with a physical ache and be absolutely terrified of it at the same time? ~ Samantha Towle,
664:If heaven existed as a physical building on earth, human beings would remodel it to make it right. ~ Vernon Howard,
665:I've not made a career of being physical in my movies, but I love sports. I'm a very physical guy. ~ Aaron Eckhart,
666:My friends call me 'Dolittle One' [a reference to her physical stature and affinity for animals]. ~ Gloria Estefan,
667:Our physical health is dependent upon energy. We have a short lifespan compared with past Yuga's. ~ Frederick Lenz,
668:People seeking to live spiritually must be concerned with their social and physical environment. ~ Sulak Sivaraksa,
669:Schrödinger's wave-mechanics is not a physical theory, but a dodge - and a very good dodge too. ~ Arthur Eddington,
670:Take away love, and not physical nature only, but the heart of the moral world, would be palsied. ~ Robert Southey,
671:Theres a fine line between physical and thug ball, and the Knicks have crossed the line on occasion. ~ Marv Albert,
672:Thought, backed by strong desire, has a tendency to transmute itself into its physical equivalent. ~ Napoleon Hill,
673:Tweaking your body , it's all about trying to make your physical self fit with who you are inside ~ Becky Chambers,
674:Your age is the sum total of your physical condition, the condition of your mind, and how you feel. ~ Jack LaLanne,
675:You've got to keep yourself in prime physical condition, because fatigue makes cowards of us all. ~ Vince Lombardi,
676:A bookstore is one of the only pieces of physical evidence we have that people are still thinking. ~ Jerry Seinfeld,
677:Beauty isn’t between a size zero and a size eight, it is not a number at all. It is not physical. ~ Ellen DeGeneres,
678:Birth in the physical is death in the spiritual. Death in the physical is the birth in the spiritual. ~ Edgar Cayce,
679:Books exist for me not as physical entities with pages and binding, but in the province of my mind. ~ Sara Sheridan,
680:Dance is a physical and mental workout. Once you get your body moving, you'll see a difference. ~ Kathryn McCormick,
681:For me, choreography is a process of physical thinking. It's very much in mind as well as in body. ~ Wayne McGregor,
682:His cock was hard against Murdo’s thigh, a physical expression of his delight in his lover. Murdo ~ Joanna Chambers,
683:I almost feel guilty. The physical toll is tremendous. Im exhausted and I only played nine innings. ~ Lance Berkman,
684:In modern industrial society only minimal effort is necessary to satisfy one's physical needs. ~ Theodore Kaczynski,
685:I think watching the TV news is bad for you. It is bad for your physical health and your mental health. ~ Tom Petty,
686:... nostalgia was once thought to be a mental illness or a physical affliction; for me, it was both. ~ Laura McHugh,
687:Prayer is the difference between seeing with our physical eyes and seeing with our spiritual eyes. ~ Mark Batterson,
688:The Devil lurked nearby in our Kansas town, an evil that was as natural and physical as a hillside. ~ Gillian Flynn,
689:The skyscraper is but a physical realization of the information contained in the architect's design. ~ Brian Greene,
690:When I was a girl, the West was still young, and the law of force, of physical force, was dominant. ~ Agnes Smedley,
691:With sensitive children, physical blows or traumas aren't required to make them afraid of the dark. ~ Elaine N Aron,
692:You are the Atma. You are permanent. The physical is not permanent. The physical is not the Atma. ~ Sathya Sai Baba,
693:A laugh is a surprise. And all humor is physical. I was always athletic, so that came naturally to me. ~ Chevy Chase,
694:Don't think of yourself as a surrogate mule, think of yourself as an entrepreneur of the physical. ~ George Saunders,
695:Every day you fight death with life and what is more vital in life than the physical act of love? ~ Michael Connelly,
696:For the truth of the conclusions of physical science, observation is the supreme Court of Appeal. ~ Arthur Eddington,
697:In order to acquire anything in the physical universe, you have to relinquish your attachment to it. ~ Deepak Chopra,
698:Instead of working out three times a week, I do something physical, like a one-hour walk everyday. ~ Beverly Johnson,
699:I was grotesque to the theatrical pitch, a stage miser, but I was certainly not a physical impossibility ~ H G Wells,
700:Nationality is the miracle of political independence; race is the principle of physical analogy. ~ Benjamin Disraeli,
701:Physical strength is the most important thing in life. This is true whether we want it to be or not. ~ Mark Rippetoe,
702:So what do you think the physical effect was?"
Roman Laughed. "Buddy," he said, "she was tripping. ~ Jodi Picoult,
703:Thanksgiving is every day because in this physical body you can spring into eternal paradise. ~ Roger Delano Hinkins,
704:The internet creates more of an appetite for media - it doesn't replace physical books, radio or TV. ~ Marissa Mayer,
705:The study of molecular structure attempts to get at precisely the physical constituents of molecules. ~ Morris Kline,
706:This is why we must transcend our physical bodies. Because a body is always going to piss you off ~ Suzanne Morrison,
707:Today I know that physical training should have as much place in the curriculum as mental training. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
708:Until your physical togetherness increases, your development in the inner worlds will not increase. ~ Frederick Lenz,
709:You and I are all as much continuous with the physical universe as a wave is continuous with the ocean. ~ Alan Watts,
710:A good listener: a physical presence that is warm, alert, intelligent - more important than any words. ~ Susan Sontag,
physical. ~ Marshall McLuhan,
712:As far as physical health goes, I try to eat in a balanced way, sleep enough, and stay active. ~ Maria Canals Barrera,
713:As for female mink, if they do not experience physical trauma at the male's hands, they do not ovulate. ~ Robin Baker,
714:By my makeup and temperament I wasn't really prey to physical desires. Everything happened in my head. ~ Anne Desclos,
715:I was aware that on my skill as a painter would depend the physical and moral possession of the model. ~ Paul Gauguin,
716:Of all the mental and physical polluters of life, nothing exercises such a poisonous effect as fear. ~ Elbert Hubbard,
717:Physical reality is one of the biggest horror movies of all, and you know how we love horror movies. ~ Thaddeus Golas,
718:Richard Feynman famously said that the first step in discovering a new physical law is to guess it. It ~ Jason Wilkes,
719:Sometimes the distance of years—all that was contained within its concertina folds—was a physical ache. ~ Kate Morton,
720:The Academy days were half physical activity. It was like half the day was gym. Stabby, stabby gym. ~ Cassandra Clare,
721:The crown was a bobble, a piece of jewellery, like a queen was merely a physical representation ~ Philippa Ballantine,
722:We are made for action, and activity is the sovereign remedy for all physical ills. ~ Frederick II Holy Roman Emperor,
723:You’re one breath away from totally losing your shit. Accept the torment that is physical comfort. ~ Kristen Callihan,
724:Youth, beauty, strenght: the criteria for physical lova are exactly the same as those of Nazism. ~ Michel Houellebecq,
725:You've got to keep yourself in prime physical condition, because fatigue makes cowards of us all. ~ Vince Lombardi Jr,
726:A disharmonious mind is disturbing in itself, but sooner or later it also causes physical problems. ~ Georg Feuerstein,
727:forcing him to jump back and forth along the corridor in an almost physical demonstration of hypertext. ~ John Markoff,
728:From first to last the civilization of America has been bound up with its physical environment. ~ Ellsworth Huntington,
729:honor included not only physical and moral courage but also a daring commitment to central beliefs, ~ James A Michener,
730:I'm very physical. I grew up boxing. I've done almost all of my own stunts in movies and in television. ~ Raymond Cruz,
731:I never could have achieved the success that I have without setting physical activity and health goals. ~ Bonnie Blair,
732:I've learned that verbal abuse can be just as damaging as physical abuse and take longer to heal from. ~ Jaycee Dugard,
733:Most partners do not have sex frequently enough for optimum mental, physical, and emotional health. ~ Diana Richardson,
734:Never in history has such ruination – physical and moral – been associated with the name of one man”. ~ Hourly History,
735:Play with your physical workplace in a way that sends positive "body language" to employees and visitors. ~ Tom Kelley,
736:Seriously, however, I learn a lot about my physical life in the aging and changing of my body. ~ Reverend Malcolm Boyd,
737:Show physical affection. Nothing says "I love you" like bearing the entirety of your spouse's weight. ~ Jesse Petersen,
738:The physical side of the universe is as a speck of dust compared to the invisible and spiritual part. ~ Eben Alexander,
739:There's something physical that changes with a person's appearance when they suddenly open up to you. ~ Dinaw Mengestu,
740:The spirit is the true self, not that physical figure which can be pointed out by your finger. ~ Marcus Tullius Cicero,
741:To the scientist, the universality of physical laws makes the cosmos a marvelously simple place. ~ Neil deGrasse Tyson,
742:Well, by accepting that sex is a physical manifestation of God, and that is not a sin-it is a blessing. ~ Paulo Coelho,
743:When the spirit most closely approaches the physical earth, then we have the perception of fragrance. ~ Rudolf Steiner,
744:When you focus on a chakra, it's very easy to bring subtle physical energies into your consciousness. ~ Frederick Lenz,
745:Why is it that, among men, physical courage is a trait so plenteous yet moral courage is a trait so rare? ~ Mark Twain,
746:You and I are all as much continuous with the physical universe as a wave is continuous with the ocean. ~ Alan W Watts,
747:Ability is the result of mental and physical toughness, resourcefulness, and powerful concentration. ~ Howard A Tullman,
748:Again and again we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force. ~ Martin Luther King Jr,
749:All the mathematical sciences are founded on relations between physical laws and laws of numbers. ~ James Clerk Maxwell,
750:Any time you do physical stuff, violence, it is controlled. It's a little bit like you block the move. ~ Ron Livingston,
751:Despotic governments can stand 'moral force' till the cows come home; what they fear is physical force. ~ George Orwell,
752:Every individual has in himself perfection. It lies within the dark recesses of his physical being. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
753:I adore physical miniatures and try to use them as much as I can and have a bit of a fetish about that. ~ Peter Jackson,
754:I feel like Jim Carrey is probably the closest thing to a true physical comedian that we have working today. ~ Josh Gad,
755:If physical fasting is not accompanied by mental fasting it is bound to end in hypocrisy and disaster. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
756:One needn’t be strong in only physical matters—a strong mind and will were fierce to behold as well. ~ Kerri Maniscalco,
757:People who succeed are those who know how to mobilize all their physical and mental resources on a goal. ~ Tony Robbins,
758:Rivers perhaps are the only physical features of the world that are at their best from the air. ~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh,
759:Science gives you an understanding of the physical world, and it increases the capacity for fascination. ~ Reggie Watts,
760:someone who was experiencing a break-up was the same as that of someone undergoing acute physical pain. ~ Preeti Shenoy,
761:Sometimes the distance of years –all that was contained within its concertina folds –was a physical ache. ~ Kate Morton,
762:The best physical, chemical, and other scientific knowledge will not tell us what to do and who to be. ~ Dallas Willard,
763:The cynicism that regards hero worship as comical is always shadowed by a sense of physical inferiority ~ Yukio Mishima,
764:The mind has these four levels: physical, vital, buddhi, higher mind. The Supermind is far above these. ~ Sri Aurobindo,
765:There are a thousand ways to hurt someone you love that have nothing to do with physical violence. ~ Laurell K Hamilton,
766:The steady physical effort, the lack of anything to focus on put me into a waking dream about nothing. The ~ Robin Hobb,
767:When I see two women kissing, my only physical reaction is a strong desire to vomit in both of their mouths. ~ Jim Goad,
768:Be a physical chemist, an analytical chemist, an organic chemist, if you will; but above all, be a chemist. ~ Ira Remsen,
769:Behavioral residue is the physical traces or remnants that most actions or behaviors leave in their wake. ~ Jonah Berger,
770:British aren't really known for their physical loveliness but firemen, generally speaking, are gorgeous. ~ Emma Thompson,
771:But here the physical battle is only an occasion for describing the battlefield that is the human body. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
772:Finding the physical aspect is important to me because that is often how we read people in everyday life. ~ Henry Cavill,
773:For the physical plane the work always repeated is the foundation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II, Work and Yoga,
774:he would tell us most amazing things in regard to the physical and moral evils that overspread earth and sea, ~ Voltaire,
775:I had spent the past ten months cultivating solitude, but now I wanted contact, physical and emotional. ~ Helena Hunting,
776:I'm a big proponent of having a mental health component go along with whatever the physical realities are. ~ Alan Thicke,
777:I'm a physical type of actor and love projects in which I can get physical. The more action, the better. ~ Wesley Snipes,
778:In dream yoga we use the etheric double and go beyond the confines of the physical, it's very ecstatic. ~ Frederick Lenz,
779:It is not primarily our physical selves that limit us but rather our mindset about our physical limits. ~ Ellen J Langer,
780:Living Matter Evades the Decay to Equilibrium. ~ Erwin Schrödinger, What Is Life? The Physical Aspect of the Living Cell,
781:Of course, you'll have to meet the physical and psychological demands. A space walk takes a lot of energy. ~ Leroy Chiao,
782:Physical attractiveness is no indicator of an individual's beauty."

from "The Beauty of Ugh ~ Richelle E Goodrich,
783:Physical circumstances have very little to do with either our capacity to love or to attract love. ~ Marianne Williamson,
784:Remember that, for better or for worse, you are in control of your physical self and surroundings ~ Kelly Williams Brown,
785:Robots will play an important role in providing physical assistance and even companionship for the elderly. ~ Bill Gates,
786:The boy would learn to ride, to fight, and to hawk, the three chief physical elements of noble life, ~ Barbara W Tuchman,
787:The gift?” “An ability to utilize the etheric sense despite their encapsulation in the physical body. ~ Richard Matheson,
788:The karma that is most interesting is the mental karma because ultimately it generates physical action. ~ Frederick Lenz,
789:The physical stuff of a movie is difficult. It's one of those things where it's just harder than it looks. ~ Luke Wilson,
790:The so-called laws of nature are nothing more than the physical expression of the steady will of Christ. ~ Jerry Bridges,
791:To be in good moral condition requires at least as much training as to be in good physical condition. ~ Jawaharlal Nehru,
792:To bring something into the physical world requires focusing not on what we see, but on what we want to see. ~ Pam Grout,
793:We're very physical creatures, and we worry about how we look sometimes more than our spiritual selves ~ Smokey Robinson,
794:Yes, it is an interesting instance of a throwback, which appears to be both physical and spiritual. ~ Arthur Conan Doyle,
795:You must remain optimistic, for a negative outlook is more of a handicap than any physical injury. ~ Christopher Paolini,
796:Approach or come: refers not to the physical act of coming, but to the mental attitude; the heart is ~ Abdullah Yusuf Ali,
797:As we learn to see each other through our spiritual eyes, the physical differences will cease to matter. ~ Iyanla Vanzant,
798:be because of some physical limitation of the user - such as the need for a larger font size, or the avoiding ~ Anonymous,
799:I find purer philosophy in a Poem than in a Conclusion of Geometry, a chemical analysis, or a physical law ~ Wilfred Owen,
800:I really want to make physical things so that the experience is a real experience and not just conceptual. ~ Michael Snow,
801:It is a tragedy that we live in a world where physical courage is so common, and moral courage is so rare. ~ Claude Monet,
802:I wish that photographs were physical spaces, like tunnels; that you could crawl inside them and go back. ~ Lauren Oliver,
803:overcome ingrained patterns of submission is to restore a physical capacity to engage and defend. ~ Bessel A van der Kolk,
804:Physical attraction is half the battle, you have to have chemistry before you worry about compatibility. ~ Helena Hunting,
805:Physical suffering apart, not a single sorrow exists that can touch us except through our thoughts. ~ Maurice Maeterlinck,
806:Prison is not a mere physical horror. It is using a pickaxe to no purpose that makes a prison. ~ Antoine de Saint Exupery,
807:Social pain – such as that resulting from exclusion – activates the same brain regions as physical pain. ~ David Eagleman,
808:The mind says there is nothing beyond the physical world; the HEART says there is, and I've been there many times. ~ Rumi,
809:The physical world is entirely abstract and without actuality apart from its linkage to consciousness. ~ Arthur Eddington,
810:What we want to be is something completely new. There is no physical analog for what is becoming. ~ Jeff Bezos,
811:Writing a long novel is like survival training. Physical strength is as necessary as artistic sensitivity. ~ Mohsin Hamid,
812:Anything that brings spiritual, mental, or physical weakness, touch it not with the toes of your feet. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
813:As long as you are a part of the physical process of the existence, there is nothing that does not change. ~ Jaggi Vasudev,
814:Disempowerment," Michael [Marmot] told me, "is at the heart of poor health"—physical, mental, and emotional. ~ Johann Hari,
815:Every day in every way, I am increasing my mental and physical capacity. I am reversing my biological age. ~ Deepak Chopra,
816:I feel happier knowing a starting point came from me. And I like stuff that gives you a physical reaction. ~ Anna Meredith,
817:If emotion can create a physical action, then duplicating the physical action can re-create the emotion. ~ Chuck Palahniuk,
818:I liked math - that was my favorite subject - and I was very interested in astronomy and in physical science. ~ Sally Ride,
819:It felt good doing a physical job, and going home each evening feeling like I had really done a day's work. ~ James D arcy,
820:Obvious prospects for physical growth in a business do not translate into obvious profits for investors. ~ Benjamin Graham,
821:Physical exercise makes you more graceful. After some gymnasitics you walk as if the whole street is yours. ~ Sophia Loren,
822:The physical part of comedy is as hard as a lot of action movies. It scares me, but in a way that I like. ~ Rachel McAdams,
823:There are things that can be accomplished only by violence. Physical love is unthinkable without violence. ~ Milan Kundera,
824:There are two kinds of satisfaction or happiness: one mainly through mental peace; another physical comfort ~ Dalai Lama,
825:The state has physical power and uses it when necessary; the power of religion is love and beneficence ~ Moses Mendelssohn,
826:We are gene-copying bio-robots, living out here on a lonely planet in a cold and empty physical universe. ~ Thomas Ligotti,
827:When an idea exclusively occupies the mind, it is transformed into an actual physical or mental state. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
828:But he described our shortcomings, physical, mental, moral, and genetic, in great and insulting detail. ~ Robert A Heinlein,
829:[Describing the soap in the gulag] It smelt as if some sacred physical law had been demeaned in its creation. ~ Martin Amis,
830:Forty percent of the people who are being treated for mental illness are not addressing the physical body. ~ Linda Hamilton,
831:I am a very active person. I have a lot of energy, and I love to be doing something physical all the time. ~ Tiffany Dupont,
832:I may not be the most physical player, that's not my nature. But I am a competitor and I play as hard as I can. ~ Pau Gasol,
833:Intention governs attention, and attention exerts real, physical effects on the dynamics of the brain. ~ Jeffrey M Schwartz,
834:My understanding of the world was physical, and its moral arc bent toward chaos then concluded in a box. ~ Ta Nehisi Coates,
835:Nothing but physical impossibility, lack of space and money would make me close my doors to Allied refugees. ~ Edith Cavell,
836:Poverty is not only about income levels, but for lack of freedom that comes from physical insecurity ~ Jacqueline Novogratz,
837:Scientists study physical things, then describe them; engineers describe physical things, then build them. ~ K Eric Drexler,
838:Sex is animal, love is human, compassion is divine. Sex is physical, love is psychological, compassion is spiritual. ~ Osho,
839:The open ocean often takes you past your physical limits and when it does, sailing becomes a mental game. ~ Abby Sunderland,
840:The preservation of health is a duty. Few seem conscious that there is such a thing as physical morality. ~ Herbert Spencer,
841:Trying to meet impossible expectations will only continue to harm our physical and psychological well-being. ~ Tiffany Dufu,
842:When you travel with a wise man, in addition to your physical direction, you travel to every direction ~ Mehmet Murat ildan,
843:White men should exhibit the same insensibility to moral tortures that red men do to physical torments. ~ Theophile Gautier,
844:A factor that greatly supports the opening of energy in practice is exercise and care of the physical body. ~ Jack Kornfield,
845:A miracle is not the breaking of physical laws, but rather represents laws which are incomprehensible to us. ~ G I Gurdjieff,
846:Happiness that depends mainly on physical pleasure is unstable; one day it's there, the next day it may not be. ~ Dalai Lama,
847:I can go physical,” Barry said. “You can go naked and vulnerable,” Freedom said. “Hey, some people like that. ~ Peter Clines,
848:If you start to think of your physical and moral condition, you usually find that you are sick. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
849:It didn’t feel fleeting and solely physical. It didn’t feel like infatuation. It felt like...recognition. That ~ Lucy Parker,
850:Linguistic sounds, considered as external, physical phenomena have two aspects, the motor and the acoustic. ~ Roman Jakobson,
851:Love does not exist. There exists the physical need for intercourse, and the rational need for a mate in life. ~ Leo Tolstoy,
852:Our success already exists on a spiritual level; it's a matter of pulling it into the physical world. ~ Sarah Ban Breathnach,
853:Religion is a matter of the heart. No physical inconvenience can warrant abandonment of one's own religion. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
854:The real form of abuse is not a physical torture; it’s mismanagement of purpose by misunderstanding God! ~ Israelmore Ayivor,
855:There is only one right way to draw... physical contact with all sorts of objects through all the senses. ~ Kimon Nicolaides,
856:We have no idea how the subjective quality of consciousness emerges from the physical stuff of the brain. ~ Richard Davidson,
857:Writing a long novel is like survival training. Physical strength is as necessary as artistic sensitivity. ~ Haruki Murakami,
858:1. Jerk
2.Smokes cigars
3.Will die of lung cancer
4.Hopefully soon
5.Excellent physical shape ~ Becca Fitzpatrick,
859:A good material work not exceeding normal capacities is most useful for keeping a good physical and moral poise. ~ The Mother,
860:become the physical embodiment of your soul so that you discover the woman you were always meant to be. ~ Christiane Northrup,
861:Breaking through the cyclical laws of physical nature is the basis of the spiritual process that Adiyogi explored. ~ Sadhguru,
862:differences in economic performance are chiefly dependent upon spiritual rather than physical characteristics. ~ Daniel Lapin,
863:Drazen’s lips were more than lips; they were the physical memory of myself before I shut out sex to pursue music. ~ C D Reiss,
864:Humans are organisms, subject to physical laws, including, alas, the one that says entropy always increases. ~ Paul Kalanithi,
865:I don't think much about my physical body going off into the long, green fairways of heaven to play golf. ~ John Shelby Spong,
866:I had been sick before, of course, but this felt more than sickness, like a physical confirmation of shame. ~ Garth Greenwell,
867:I have always maintained that in basketball the importance of the mental to the physical is about four to one. ~ Bobby Knight,
868:I live so resolutely apart from physical contingencies that my senses no longer trouble to inform me of them. ~ Marcel Proust,
869:In the characteristics of the perfected man of the Gita, I do not see any to correspond to physical warfare. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
870:It does not seem possible to explain these facts by a purely physical mechanism without any intervention of mind. ~ Anonymous,
871:It is best to think of karma, not so much in terms of physical action, but as waveforms of vibratory energy. ~ Frederick Lenz,
872:Karma indicates action, but not necessarily physical action; nor is karma a result in the sense of a reward. ~ Frederick Lenz,
873:More souls become casualties of war than physical bodies. War is a soul-shattering experience for the innocent. ~ Suzy Kassem,
874:My big struggle has been how to expand my mind without being able to expand my physical experience of the world. ~ Peter Wolf,
875:One needn't be strong in only physical matters - a strong mind set and will were fierce to behold as well. ~ Kerri Maniscalco,
876:Purity is very fragile when it takes physical manifestation. It is very, very strong in its original aspect. ~ Frederick Lenz,
877:Real estate is the key cost of physical retailers. That's why there's the old saw: location, location, location. ~ Jeff Bezos,
878:research has found that our brains don’t register much difference between physical pain and psychological pain. ~ Mark Manson,
879:Sophia Loren said, "Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical. ~ Sherry Argov,
880:That which is communicated, i.e., understood, is metaphysical. The means of communication is physical. ~ R Buckminster Fuller,
881:The most important thing that a change in physical perspective can do is to prompt a change in mental perspective ~ Anonymous,
882:The pain is indescribable… physical, mental… metaphysical… it is everywhere, seeping into the marrow of my bones. ~ Anonymous,
883:The physical presence of other Christians is a source of incomparable joy and strength to the believer. ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer,
884:There are actually some men in the world who care more about a women's character than her physical appearance. ~ Jody Hedlund,
885:There can be no physical life without an order and rhythm. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II, Practical Concerns in Work,
886:the superior man leads not by violence or by coarse physical acts but by the pure intelligence of a wise mind. ~ Pearl S Buck,
887:The vital and physical life, a human edition of the animal round. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle, Civilisation and Culture,
888:The voice collects and translates your bad physical health, your emotional worries, your personal troubles. ~ Placido Domingo,
889:Valuing physical sensations above moral considerations is evidence of either mental deficiency or demonic evil. ~ Osamu Dazai,
890:We know a great deal more about the causes of physical disease than we do about the causes of physical health. ~ M Scott Peck,
891:As far as wrestling goes, as long as my body is able to withstand the physical beating, I will keep wrestling. ~ Trish Stratus,
892:Despair, when not the response to absolute physical and moral defeat is, like war, the failure of imagination. ~ Adrienne Rich,
893:Emotional abuse is just as bad as physical abuse. Worse! You can heal broken bones; you can't heal a broken mind. ~ Dia Reeves,
894:from the moment we are born we are dying every day in all sorts of physical, emotional, and spiritual ways. ~ Elizabeth Lesser,
895:I consider myself a pretty hardworking guy and I like to play hard, play physical and play well defensively too. ~ Mike Fisher,
896:I grew up in a family where we weren't allowed to talk about beauty or to put any emphasis on physical appearance. ~ Pam Grier,
897:It felt uncomfortable to lie to someone who was being kind. She hadn't known a lie could have a physical weight. ~ Anne Bishop,
898:Love making is much more than physical expression, it is a soulful dance of sensual wonder and euphoric amazement. ~ T F Hodge,
899:My understanding of the universe was physical, and its moral arc bent toward chaos then concluded in a box. ~ Ta Nehisi Coates,
900:Physical fitness contributes to all other aspects of personal development and makes for rich and radiant living ~ Hugh B Brown,
901:Please touch me." He needed intimacy, the emotion behind the physical punch of what Marcus had just done to him. ~ Joey W Hill,
902:Plenty of men came back from war with more scars than they left with, and some of those scars weren’t physical. ~ Katee Robert,
903:Poetry is also the physical self of the poet, and it is impossible to separate the poet from his poetry. ~ Salvatore Quasimodo,
904:The closeness of the bond and the physical embrace really hit home for me: dogs and humans belong together. We ~ Gregory Berns,
905:To feel completely alone and isolated leads to mental disintegration just as physical starvation leads to death. ~ Erich Fromm,
906:Utterly devoid of fear in physical dangers, he was a great deal too sensitive to the smell of spiritual evil. ~ G K Chesterton,
907:We are not omniscient or all-powerful. Even enhanced by technology, our physical and mental powers are limited. ~ Atul Gawande,
908:Acting is what I love. I love being the chameleon, and you can't do that if you have just one physical type. ~ Alexander Ludwig,
909:Always remember that dreams-your creative visualizations-must come before their physical manifestations. ~ Sarah Ban Breathnach,
910:Any physical theory is always provisional, in the sense that it is only a hypothesis: you can never prove it. ~ Stephen Hawking,
911:Breathing is so important with physical activity, then how much more important is it with psychological activity? ~ Kevin Gates,
912:e-reader (i.e., a portable replacement for physical books), this is the go-to, standard-setting device." - Engadget ~ Anonymous,
913:finance, family, society, physical, emotional and spiritual health. You have to consciously maintain a balance. ~ Rashmi Bansal,
914:I explained to him, however, that my nature was such that my physical needs often got in the way of my feelings. ~ Albert Camus,
915:It is harder to develop your occult or psychic body when you are dead because all planes meet in the physical. ~ Frederick Lenz,
916:It's just been so heartwarming to see my clothes on people in wheelchairs and people needing physical support. ~ Betsey Johnson,
917:I want to live and feel all the shades, tones and variations of mental and physical experience possible in life. ~ Sylvia Plath,
918:Nothing mattered at that moment except for the fact that the love of my life was in emotional and physical pain. ~ Karina Halle,
919:Now the standard cure for one who is sunk is to consider those in actual destitution or physical suffering ~ F Scott Fitzgerald,
920:One needn’t be strong in only physical matters—a strong mind and will were fierce to behold as well. “You’re ~ Kerri Maniscalco,
921:Optimism, that is healthy in its application, will inevitably result in better physical and emotional health. ~ Richard Bandler,
922:Our supreme duty is to advance toward freedom - physical, mental, and spiritual - and help others to do so. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
923:Playing sick. That is so hard to do. It has to be a total mental challenge, as well as the physical challenge. ~ Michael Jordan,
924:Price was never recognized for physical mayhem, but his dismissals were just the same as a wallop in the face. ~ Patrick deWitt,
925:Rely on the Mother always. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - III, Experiences on the Subtle Physical, Vital and Mental Planes,
926:Research shows that 75 to 98 percent of mental, physical, and behavioral illness comes from one’s thought life. ~ Caroline Leaf,
927:That's how most men connect - in bed. The physical connection is important because it reinforces the emotional one. ~ Mehmet Oz,
928:That's how we like to play basketball, is be physical down there in the paint and force teams to the perimeter. ~ Bill Laimbeer,
929:The key to success is to keep growing in all areas of life - mental, emotional, spiritual, as well as physical. ~ Julius Erving,
930:The moral world is as little exempt as the physical world from the law of ceaseless change, of perpetual flux. ~ James G Frazer,
931:The problem of a painting is physical and metaphysical, the same as I think life is physical and metaphysical. ~ Barnett Newman,
932:Voluntary simplicity has more to do with the state of mind than a person's physical surroundings and possessions. ~ Duane Elgin,
933:What's powerful about the mind, the mind comes through every physical and when the physical goes the mind still exists. ~ Rakim,
934:You should never be surprised by or feel the need to explain why any physical system is in a high entropy state. ~ Brian Greene,
935:Evil habits, in which men indulge, are the chief cause of disease in the physical as well as the mental state. ~ Sathya Sai Baba,
936:For me, I always wonder what's worse: an emotional betrayal or a physical betrayal? That's a really tough call. ~ Hilarie Burton,
937:George Orwell once wrote that a false belief sooner or later collides with physical reality, usually on a battlefield. ~ Al Gore,
938:I cannot imagine having a physical relationship with a woman. I have not done that. But I really love women. ~ Catherine Deneuve,
939:if someone will take such good care of your physical bodies in the Temporal.” “Don’t you worry about that, ~ Wayne Thomas Batson,
940:Intelligence increases mere physical ability one half. The use of the head abridges the labor of the hands. ~ Henry Ward Beecher,
941:I think that’s the hardest part about mistakes: Sometimes the consequences aren’t physical. Sometimes they simply ~ Tammy L Gray,
942:Just for the record, the weather today is increasing turmoil with a possible physical and emotional breakdown. ~ Chuck Palahniuk,
943:Like friendship, hatred needed more than physical intimacy; it wanted creativity and hard work to sustain itself ~ Toni Morrison,
944:Luminosity is a quality dependent as much on technique as on the physical properties of individual pigments. ~ Walter J Phillips,
945:Our essential nature is pure consciousness, the infinite source of everything that exists in the physical world. ~ Deepak Chopra,
946:The brain creates both the mind and the body we experience. A physical thing creates the mental world we inhabit. ~ Bruce M Hood,
947:The result, therefore, of this physical enquiry is that we find no vestige of a beginning, no prospect of an end. ~ James Hutton,
948:The spiritual world is connected with the physical world. The common factor connecting all things is true love. ~ Sun Myung Moon,
949:This connection extended far beyond a physical union. He’d give her anything. He wanted to give her everything. ~ Pepper Winters,
950:All things are created twice. There's a mental or first creation, and a physical or second creation to all things ~ Stephen Covey,
951:A majority of young people seem to develop mental arteriosclerosis forty years before they get the physical kind. ~ Aldous Huxley,
952:Any pursuit—be it physical or cognitive—that supports high levels of skill can also generate a sense of sacredness. ~ Cal Newport,
953:As I showed earlier, the idea of time is more important than any physical instrument invented for recording time; ~ Lewis Mumford,
954:Childbirth, as a strictly physical phenomenon, is comparable to driving a United Parcel truck through an inner tube. ~ Dave Barry,
955:Experience coupled with attention leads to physical changes in the structure and functioning of the nervous system. ~ Anat Baniel,
956:first step in Yogi development consists of the mastery of the physical body and its care and attention. ~ William Walker Atkinson,
957:His physical attitude suggested a holy man doing penance vicariously for the sin of those in his spiritual care. ~ Anthony Powell,
958:It is always observable that the physical and the exact sciences are the last to suffer under despotisms. ~ Richard Henry Dana Jr,
959:It was one thing to talk about ghosts, quite another to have them messing around with things in the physical world. ~ Hunter Shea,
960:I was a hardworking junkie. Heroin doesn’t affect your brain. It doesn’t touch your thinking. It’s purely physical. ~ Jeet Thayil,
961:Just as we have a physical body, so we have an etheric body and the etheric body is made up of energy, of light. ~ Frederick Lenz,
962:Maintain a state of balance between physical acts and inner serenity,like a lute whose strings are finely tuned. ~ Gautama Buddha,
963:Nothing in this physical world moves from disorder to order without intelligence and energy being applied to it. ~ James C Dobson,
964:On Teasing : Teach your teen-age daughters not to tease boys into physical desire. You might save their lives. ~ Marlene Dietrich,
965:Stone, Bronze, and Iron, naturally enough, he did so in accordance with the physical tools that defined each epoch. ~ Amor Towles,
966:The 3 key components for success are as follows: Psychological Preparedness Physical Conditioning Mental Toughness ~ Chuck Norris,
967:... the actual and physical conduct of an experiment must govern the statistical procedure of its interpretation. ~ Ronald Fisher,
968:Thus the metaphysical took the measure of, and mastered, the physical. ~ Buckminster Fuller, Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth,
969:What gives the force and joy of the work is however not physical but vital. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II, Work and Yoga,
970:What you experience as "reality," including your physical body and aging, is shaped by your habits of perception. ~ Deepak Chopra,
971:Writing is physical for me. I always have the sense that the words are coming out of my body, not just my mind. ~ Jonathan Lethem,
972:Age has no reality except in the physical world. The essence of a human being is resistant to the passage of time. ~ Javier Bardem,
973:Be comforted with this divine thought that your spiritual and physical pains are the test of the Divine Will. ~ Pio of Pietrelcina,
974:Everything can be linked together in some fashion, in either a physical, psychological, or symbolic manner. ~ R Buckminster Fuller,
975:Grief is like a physical pain which must be allowed to subside somewhat on its own before medical treatment is applied. ~ Plutarch,
976:I have emotional needs that I didn't know I had, and I have physical needs that I didn't know weren't really needs. ~ Dov Davidoff,
977:I wonder how biology can explain the physical pain you feel in your chest when all you want to do is be with someone. ~ Dan Howell,
978:Learning to observe and tolerate your physical reactions is a prerequisite for safely revisiting the past. ~ Bessel A van der Kolk,
979:Nothing you could tell of a physical sort captures the smell of a rose, for instance. Therefore, Physicalism is false. ~ Anonymous,
980:Our own physical body possesses a wisdom which we who inhabit the body lack. We give it orders which make no sense. ~ Henry Miller,
981:Punctuation is biological. It is the physical indication of the body-rhythms which the reader is to acknowledge. ~ Muriel Rukeyser,
982:The lesson of these new insights is that our brain is entirely like any of our physical muscles: Use it or lose it. ~ Ray Kurzweil,
983:The only proper purpose of a government is to protect man's rights, which means: to protect him from physical violence. ~ Ayn Rand,
984:There are seven primary centers, junctions, within the subtle physical body. These are called the seven chakras. ~ Frederick Lenz,
985:To exist in each other’s souls so strongly that you are bound without a physical tie is the greatest mark of love… ~ Renee Carlino,
986:We were able to get after the rebounds. We were able to control the paint. We were able to be physical down there. ~ Bill Laimbeer,
987:When we are aware about our body’s sensations, we can release physical pain, tensions or stress through slow movements. ~ Amit Ray,
988:Yoga is more than physical. It is cellular, mental, intellectual and spiritual-it involves man in his entire being ~ B K S Iyengar,
989:Anything that has been accomplished by any other human being in the physical realm is within the field of possibility. ~ Wayne Dyer,
990:But for the use of physical punishment by, and fear of their oppressors, animals would never be a part of a circus. ~ Richard Pryor,
991:But I loved doing the physical stuff for 'Dredd.' I have to give a shout-out to the stunt team that I worked with. ~ Olivia Thirlby,
992:Depression and despair accompanied the physical symptoms, and before the end “death is seen seated on the face. ~ Barbara W Tuchman,
993:During the earliest stages of thought, accommodation remains on the surface of physical as well as social experience. ~ Jean Piaget,
994:I cannot write any sort of story unless there is at least one character in it for whom I have physical desire. ~ Tennessee Williams,
995:I'm a physical person. That's why I like action movies. I like to get real into it all, and get real down and dirty. ~ Paula Patton,
996:In every department of physical science there is only so much science, properly so-called, as there is mathematics. ~ Immanuel Kant,
997:In reality, as any physicist will tell you, the physical world is made up of moving energy. All matter is energy. ~ Frederick Lenz,
998:Instead, we will have a physical representation of God on which to dwell, personal idols made of paper and ink. ~ Rachel Held Evans,
999:I sense people when they're near me, thinking and feeling and moving around, their bodies, their physical energy. ~ Kristin Cashore,
1000:Is he all scarred now?”

“Magic gets rid of most physical scars, but I like to think I scarred him emotionally. ~ Derek Landy,
1001:It is important to remember that these efficiencies come from actual physical changes to the structure of the brain. ~ Massad Ayoob,
1002:Proof is the idol before whom the pure mathematician tortures himself. ~ Arthur Eddington, The Nature of the Physical World (1928).,
1003:Reason is valuable,” he said, “only when it performs against the wordless physical background of the universe.” Her ~ Frank Herbert,
1004:Some things feel really good to sing: there's a physical aspect, but there's more to it - a deeper place you go to. ~ Alison Krauss,
1005:The expansion of the whole cosmos was but the shrinkage of all its physical units and of the wavelengths of light. ~ Olaf Stapledon,
1006:The joy of the Lord is your strength.” Joy is an emotion, and yet it creates something physical. It creates strength. ~ Joel Osteen,
1007:The physical body is conceived and constructed in consciousness as are time and space. All happens within our self. ~ Deepak Chopra,
1008:The presence of a friend who is far away can sometimes feel denser than his physical presence in a room. ~ Antoine de Saint Exup ry,
1009:To play piano is a significant part of my life, my existence. It fulfills a very physical & spiritual need for me. ~ Michel Legrand,
1010:When every physical and mental resources is focused, one's power to solve a problem multiplies tremendously. ~ Norman Vincent Peale,
1011:When you hit thirty-five or forty, you know on one level that you are no longer the physical specimen you once were. ~ Harlan Coben,
1012:Bookstores, like libraries, are the physical manifestation of the wide world's longest, most thrilling conversation. ~ Richard Russo,
1013:Dying is something we human beings do continuously, not just at the end of our physical lives on this earth. ~ Elisabeth K bler Ross,
1014:Dying is something we human beings do continuously, not just at the end of our physical lives on this earth. ~ Elisabeth Kubler Ross,
1015:I cannot conceive curved lines of force without the conditions of a physical existence in that intermediate space. ~ Michael Faraday,
1016:It is important for everyone to keep in close contact and preferably be in physical proximity with their loved ones. ~ Deepak Chopra,
1017:Lenin was always prone to overestimate the physical danger to himself: in this respect he was something of a coward. ~ Orlando Figes,
1018:Never had I seen a human being better adjusted to such a humiliating physical handicap. I shuddered with admiration. ~ Kurt Vonnegut,
1019:our present picture of physical reality, particularly in relation to the nature of time, is due for a grand shake up ~ Roger Penrose,
1020:The mind is the most important part of achieving any fitness goal. Mental change always comes before physical change. ~ Matt McGorry,
1021:The physical consciousness is constitutionally ignorant. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV, Difficulties of the Physical Nature,
1022:True health is only possible when we understand the unity of our minds, emotions, spirits and physical bodies. ~ Christiane Northrup,
1023:Vigorous Scout games are the best form of physical education because most of them bring in moral education. ~ Baden Powell de Aquino,
1024:We hold from God the gift which includes all others. This gift is life -- physical, intellectual, and moral life. ~ Fr d ric Bastiat,
1025:A mind at peace, a mind centered and not focused on harming others, is stronger than any physical force in the universe. ~ Wayne Dyer,
1026:A mind at peace a mind centered and not focused on harming others is stronger than any physical force in the universe. ~ Wayne W Dyer,
1027:Beyond the subtle physical body, is the causal body, the part of your being that lives from one lifetime to another. ~ Frederick Lenz,
1028:Did there not cross your mind some thought of the physical power of words? Is not every word an impulse on the air? ~ Edgar Allan Poe,
1029:He was tired, it was not a physical fatigue, but a draining lassitude that numbed the margins of his mind. ~ Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie,
1030:Human thoughts and emotions emerge from exceedingly complex interconnections of physical entities within the brain. ~ Richard Dawkins,
1031:I cannot function if there is a physical mess around me. If everything is falling apart, I go on a cleaning frenzy. ~ Gwyneth Paltrow,
1032:I had to take a physical to do this show. They had a lot of weird questions like, "Have you ever tried sugar or PCP?" ~ Mitch Hedberg,
1033:I know I am judged unfairly by my physical characteristics and ostracized because of that so I say, "Yes, I'm a black man." ~ Chuck D,
1034:It's just a theory really, but I have always thought that your physical surroundings can shape your voice and personality. ~ K D Lang,
1035:It was not only the physical side of love that disgusted Inácio, he found the emotional side equally repellent. ~ M rio de S Carneiro,
1036:Learning to observe and tolerate your physical reactions is a prerequisite for safely revisiting the past. If ~ Bessel A van der Kolk,
1037:Lust is the base of most physical ills, and like a tapeworm in the system, it feeds on our best energies and vitality. ~ James Ussher,
1038:Man wanted a home, a place for warmth, or comfort, first of physical warmth, then the warmth of the affections. ~ Henry David Thoreau,
1039:Modern art is an effort, still very awkard, to express something other than the simple physical appearance. ~ The Mother#Sriaurobindo,
1040:Music is the most abstract of the arts and also the most is under two signs, the stars and the wine ~ Edgard Varese,
1041:Physical strength therefore is one of the first conditions of happiness and even of the existence of nations. ~ Alexis de Tocqueville,
1042:Piecemeal social engineering resembles physical engineering in regarding the ends as beyond the province of technology. ~ Karl Popper,
1043:Prayer is to the spiritual life what breathing is to the physical life, and if you stop breathing, you will faint. ~ Warren W Wiersbe,
1044:Spiritual relationship is far more precious than Physical relationship divorced from spiritual is body without soul. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
1045:The only freedom that exists is of a metaphysical character. In the physical world freedom is an impossibility. ~ Arthur Schopenhauer,
1046:The physical is only a small aspect of existence. In this cosmos, not even 1% is physical - the rest is non-physical. ~ Jaggi Vasudev,
1047:The physical mechanics of sex are pretty funny unless you are engaged in them. Then they are, of course, marvelous. ~ Charlton Heston,
1048:The true traveller is the one urged to move about for physical, aesthetic, intellectual as well as spiritual reasons. ~ Ella Maillart,
1049:Two plus two always equals four. Balls dropped off roofs always fall. Your every thought always affects physical reality. ~ Pam Grout,
1050:We're not used to seeing movies, especially with physical action, when it isn't the man who comes in to save the day. ~ Curtis Hanson,
1051:Words are the worst kind of ammunition. Physical pain fades in time, but bullets of cruelty forever penetrate the soul. ~ Tillie Cole,
1052:You fucking raped me with emotional orgasms. Repeatedly. I’m just giving you a physical one, why am I the criminal now? ~ Lucian Bane,
1053:Being an actress is a very physical thing. If I didn't look the way I looked, I would never have started in films. ~ Catherine Deneuve,
1054:coarse necessities of physical existence drag him from the heights of thought into the mart of economic strife and gain. ~ Will Durant,
1055:his dorsal fin was collapsed. It was a physical characteristic he shared with all of the adult male orcas at SeaWorld. ~ John Hargrove,
1056:If enough people out there want a physical product, I'll be happy to make one. I'd say about 10,000 people is "enough." ~ Rivers Cuomo,
1057:It was as though the dark part of my past had become a physical being, a black beast pounding on the gates of my memory. ~ Edie Claire,
1058:I’ve always felt an almost physical repugnance for secret things — intrigues, diplomacy, secret societies, occultism ~ Fernando Pessoa,
1059:Jed Diamond is, quite simply, one of the wisest men writing today on the topic of male emotional and physical health. ~ Michael Gurian,
1060:Mental strength is more powerful than physical strength.- STRONG: Powerful Philosophy for Timeless Thoughts by Kailin Gow ~ Kailin Gow,
1061:nobody was truly free. Perhaps all freedom—physical, personal—really only came at the cost of somebody or something else. ~ Jojo Moyes,
1062:Scars, whether physical or emotional, could be not just a representation of survival but also a story of hope. ~ Jennifer L Armentrout,
1063:She said the object and color in the materials around us actually have a physical effect on us, on how we feel. ~ Florence Nightingale,
1064:That was the worst part about having cancer, sometimes: The physical evidence of disease separates you from other people. ~ John Green,
1065:The calculus is the greatest aid we have to the application of physical truth in the broadest sense of the word. ~ William Fogg Osgood,
1066:There are physical karmas. They are reactions and results from actions. But those are bound to a particular lifetime. ~ Frederick Lenz,
1067:There are some things more important than physical survival. You gotta be able to look at yourself in the mirror. ~ Laurell K Hamilton,
1068:The soul has come to the physical realm to have a direct experience of itself as an "individuation of divinity." ~ Neale Donald Walsch,
1069:We live today not in the digital, not in the physical, but in the kind of minestrone that our mind makes of the two. ~ Paola Antonelli,
1070:When men abandon reason, physical force becomes their only means of dealing with one another and of settling disagreements. ~ Ayn Rand,
1071:When words lose their meaning, physical force takes over.

from an essay for Writers by Nancy Crampton ~ W H Auden,
1072:worries were almost physical beings, leechy creatures with latchhooks for fingers, meant to be vanquished immediately. ~ Gillian Flynn,
1073:A physical store cannot be reconfigured on the fly to cater to each customer based on his or her particular interests. ~ Chris Anderson,
1074:A sense of belonging is not physical. We cant find it by changing where we live or what we do. We have to carry it within us ~ P C Cast,
1075:By mundane is meant not the physical worlds but the metaphysical system, of which the physical creation is the lowest or seventh part..,
1076:Father Time is the make-up man responsible for the physical changes that determine the parts the average actor is to play. ~ Fred Allen,
1077:I can tell you that anything that happens in the physical body will happen in the pattern of the energy fields first. ~ Barbara Brennan,
1078:In stories, the external problem is often a physical, tangible problem the hero must overcome in order to save the day. ~ Donald Miller,
1079:It seemed his demon couldn't tell the physical difference between when he was in danger and when he was "in" Danger. ~ Sherrilyn Kenyon,
1080:Megan could have kissed him. If there weren't a million obstacles, both physical and psychological, in her way, of course. ~ Kate Brian,
1081:Mental events such as perceivings, rememberings, decisions, and actions resist capture in the net of physical theory. ~ Donald Davidson,
1082:Most people view health only in the physical sense, but I view it also in the mental, spiritual, and emotional sense. ~ Malcolm Goodwin,
1083:Online learning can be a lifeline to those who have obstacles, such as geographical distances or physical disabilities. ~ Paul Levinson,
1084:Our mothers are racked with the pains of our physical birth; we ourselves suffer the longer pains of our spiritual growth. ~ Mary Antin,
1085:Remote Sensing is defined as the acquisition of information about an object without being in physical contact with it. ~ Charles Elachi,
1086:Superman! Champion of the oppressed. The physical marvel who had sworn to devote his existence to helping those in need. ~ Jerry Siegel,
1087:That idea of time cannot be located in space, though it has endless spatial manifestations, both physical and symbolic. ~ Lewis Mumford,
1088:The god, it would appear, was frequently thought of as the physical progenitor or first father of his people. ~ William Robertson Smith,
1089:The moment you get emotionally involved with your goal, it instantly and automatically begins to move into physical form. ~ Bob Proctor,
1090:The physical memory blunders through the doors the mind has tried to seal. ... Wisdom says forget, the body howls. ~ Jeanette Winterson,
1091:...a love more binding than physical affection, some tar-pit of the soul where I might flop around and malinger for years. ~ Donna Tartt,
1092:exploring physical sensations and discovering the location and shape of the imprints of past trauma on the body. ~ Bessel A van der Kolk,
1093:He seemed not to need mere physical sustenance anymore, surviving instead on a spiritual alchemy of memory and desire. ~ Mark Beauregard,
1094:If any one of about 40 physical qualities had more than slightly different values, life as we know it could not exist. ~ Stephen Hawking,
1095:I guess I was raised in a household with a lot of reverence for the physical sanctity of books. You didn't destroy books. ~ Lev Grossman,
1096:I like doing the comedic episodes because it's refreshing. I enjoy doing comedic things and physical comedy. It's fun. ~ Emily Deschanel,
1097:Is this muteness a real physical handicap? One of the many symptoms of being Dead?Or do we just have nothing left to say? ~ Isaac Marion,
1098:Just as mental toughness and physical energy are the primary traits of an army, they also mark God's beautiful woman. ~ Elizabeth George,
1099:Life itself is but the expression of a sum of phenomena, each of which follows the ordinary physical and chemical laws. ~ Rudolf Virchow,
1100:mother and her entire family line are obsessed with skinniness as an indicator of physical, moral, and economic fitness. ~ Maggie Nelson,
1101:On the very instant that we know that our assailant intends us serious physical harm, we must work just as fast as we can. ~ Jeff Cooper,
1102:physical pain in the stomach that made you want to throw up, an emotional agony that made you long to curl up and die. ~ John C Dalglish,
1103:Sabbath rest is more than mere abstention from physical work; and, therefore, must include worship and Scripture-reading. ~ Joseph Hertz,
1104:succumbed to a belief that, once you lose your physical independence, a life of worth and freedom is simply not possible. ~ Atul Gawande,
1105:The body isn’t the foundation of your health. The body is the physical manifestation of the sum of your life experiences. ~ Lissa Rankin,
1106:The God concept, of course, originated from mankind’s innate knowledge that consciousness precedes physical construction. ~ Jane Roberts,
1107:The idea is a mighty force, even when it has no physical power behind it. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Karmayogin: The Right of Association, Speech,
1108:The power and beauty of physical laws is that they apply everywhere, whether or not you choose to believe in them. ~ Neil deGrasse Tyson,
1109:The travesty of slavery wasn't physical abuse. It was the moral abuse of looking at a human being as if they are an animal. ~ Alan Keyes,
1110:Thus Seth is the physical archetype of man, even as Adam is the spiritual archetype of man. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
1111:To think that this is the only universe, that the physical creation is all there is, these are the dogmas of our times. ~ Frederick Lenz,
1112:Unlike physical progress, which is subject to natural restrictions, the qualities of the mind can be developed limitlessly. ~ Dalai Lama,
1113:When our lives are divinely ordered, our spirit will direct our soul and mind, which in turn will guide our physical self. ~ Lisa Bevere,
1114:You are a physical extension of pure positive energy. Therefore, there is nothing more important than that you feel good. ~ Esther Hicks,
1115:A person who doesn't dress well, who doesn't spend time and attention with their physical being, has a very loose being. ~ Frederick Lenz,
1116:Contemporary science is based on the philosophy of materialism, which claims that all reality is material or physical. ~ Rupert Sheldrake,
1117:Every thought creates form on some level and all that our physical experience is - is a reflection of our thoughts. ~ Marianne Williamson,
1118:Few people who are hit once by someone they love respond in the way they might to a singular physical assault by a stranger. ~ Bell Hooks,
1119:From a purely physical standpoint she didn't have a chance, but her attitude was that death was better than capitulation. ~ Steig Larsson,
1120:From a purely physical standpoint she didn't have a chance, but her attitude was that death was better than capitulation. ~ Stieg Larsson,
1121:I believe that the physical effect, the physical set, whenever you can, is ten times better than the digital effect. ~ Guillermo del Toro,
1122:I have a side of me that doesn't care. I really enjoy physical comedy, thinking of an idea and pitching it to the director. ~ Isla Fisher,
1123:I love being physical, but I am extreme either way. I can be superfit. And then I can be really lazy and ignore everything. ~ Lena Headey,
1124:Inactivity should be avoided by all means. Activity always means resistance. Resist all evils, mental and physical... ~ Swami Vivekananda,
1125:It's not the end of the physical body that should worry us. Rather our concern must be to live while we're alive. ~ Elisabeth Kubler Ross,
1126:Just as the subtle physical body holds together the physical body, the causal body holds together the body of awareness. ~ Frederick Lenz,
1127:of the actual objects of physical reality. Physical objects are not in space, but these objects are spatially extended. ~ Albert Einstein,
1128:There are no physical divisions in the subtle domain and therefore no barriers between heaven and hell, light and shadow. ~ Deepak Chopra,
1129:What aided the mind made the body suffer. They could choose mental health or physical health, but they could not have both. ~ Rufi Thorpe,
1130:With respect to physical existence, one needs little, and to the degree that one needs less, the more perfect one is. ~ Soren Kierkegaard,
1131:Because our consciousness is tied to the physical manifestation of reality, we are tied to the belief in separation. ~ Marianne Williamson,
1132:Death should be KNOWN. Known as a difficult mental, physical and emotional process, respected and feared for what it is. ~ Caitlin Doughty,
1133:Dennis Lewis has a deep understanding of the central importance of breathing, in both its physical and spiritual dimensions ~ John Welwood,
1134:Emotionally men and women are different, but only as a result of the physical differences. It all comes back to our bodies. ~ Willem Dafoe,
1135:Everyone should try no gluten for a week! The change in your skin, physical and mental health is amazing. You won't go back! ~ Miley Cyrus,
1136:He had stylized himself--life was easier that way. He had chosen a physical mould just as writer chooses a technical form. ~ Graham Greene,
1137:I love physical comedy. Comedy that comes from an emotional place is amazing too and lets me develop in a new way as an actor. ~ Eden Sher,
1138:I think that women are more sensitive to emotional infidelity than men. I think men are more scared of physical infidelity. ~ Olivia Wilde,
1139:I’ve been having a physical relationship with the detachable showerhead for a year now while you’ve been with another woman? ~ Carian Cole,
1140:Life is crueller than art, for the latter usually assures that physical surroundings reflect characters' mental states". ~ Alain de Botton,
1141:Public Opinion... an attempt to organize the ignorance of the community, and to elevate it to the dignity of physical force. ~ Oscar Wilde,
1142:The new information technology... Internet and e-mail... have practically eliminated the physical costs of communications. ~ Peter Drucker,
1143:Until you prevail with God, you cannot prevail with men; your victory has to be spiritual first, before it is physical. ~ Chris Oyakhilome,
1144:Virtual domain = the field of spirit Quantum domain = the field of mind Material reality = the field of physical existence ~ Deepak Chopra,
1145:was another thing gone with the old world. Just like that. Everything evaporated. By then the cold had become black, physical. ~ Anonymous,
1146:All the reasons which made the initiation of physical force evil, make the retaliatory use of physical force a moral imperative. ~ Ayn Rand,
1147:Americans worship creativity the way they worship physical beauty - as a way of enjoying elitism without guilt: God did it. ~ Florence King,
1148:Anxiety causes a physical reaction that causes endless symptoms in the physical body that you literally can not control. ~ Jessica Gadziala,
1149:But in the end the least misleading ikon is to be found, not in the physical world outside us, but in the human heart. The ~ Kallistos Ware,
1150:Death should be known. Known as a difficult mental, physical, and emotional process, respected and feared for what it is. ~ Caitlin Doughty,
1151:Everest for me, and I believe for the world, is the physical and symbolic manifestation of overcoming odds to achieve a dream ~ Junko Tabei,
1152:If life were a movie, physical reality would be the entire DVD: Future and past frames exist just as much as the present one. ~ Max Tegmark,
1153:If the physical thing you're doing is funny, you don't have to act funny while doing it...Just be real and it will be funnier ~ Gene Wilder,
1154:Life has to be described in pure and simple physical and physiological terms. It must be demystified and depsychologised ~ U G Krishnamurti,
1155:Make your body your prized possession above all physical things. Spare no expense, re-prioritize and invest in your health. ~ Bryant McGill,
1156:Meditation is the direct means of eradicating the very cause of the majority of diseases, both mental and physical. ~ Maharishi Mahesh Yogi,
1157:My vanity is not remotely physical, it is cerebral. I suppose feeling self-conscious might be a form of vanity, though. ~ Richard Griffiths,
1158:People who lack economic and social power often expand their physical impact on the world."

"-In Pursuit of Silence ~ Doris Lessing,
1159:Physical expression was my first language: Before I was an actor, I was a dancer, an acrobat, a mime and a street performer. ~ Denis Lavant,
1160:Physical ills are the taxes laid upon this wretched life; some are taxed higher, and some lower, but all pay something. ~ Lord Chesterfield,
1161:Rowan's physical effect- godlike jawline, long-lashed eyes, umber skin, rakish quiff of hair- is that of lightening strike. ~ Helen Oyeyemi,
1162:There isn't any real you in you," she says, "Even your physical body, all your cells will be replaced within eight years. ~ Chuck Palahniuk,
1163:The spirit of man is more important than mere physical strength, and the spiritual fiber of a nation than its wealth. ~ Dwight D Eisenhower,
1164:The view that all mental processes are necessarily physical processes is a metaphysical assumption, not a scientific fact. ~ Dalai Lama XIV,
1165:Too much concern about physical security and too little concern about spirituality is the hallmark of today's world. ~ Mata Amritanandamayi,
1166:Toughness has nothing to do with size, physical strength or athleticism. Toughness is A SKILL that can be developed & improved. ~ Jay Bilas,
1167:What molds our brain? Experience. Even into old age, our experiences actually change the physical structure of the brain. ~ Daniel J Siegel,
1168:Africa is to Europe as the picture is to Dorian Gray-a carrier onto whom the master unloads his physical & moral deformities ~ Chinua Achebe,
1169:All forms of yoga involve occult assumptions, even hatha yoga, which is often presented as a merely physical discipline. ~ Douglas Groothuis,
1170:all variants of voluntary effort—cognitive, emotional, or physical—draw at least partly on a shared pool of mental energy. ~ Daniel Kahneman,
1171:In a sense the physical connectedness that you feel with your children as a mother changes as they become independent. ~ Polixeni Papapetrou,
1172:It wasn’t about gratification, but there was no need that wasn’t met, whether it was physical or something less definable. ~ Stephenie Meyer,
1173:once an individual severs his emotional and physical bondage, he is on the road to freedom, happiness and peace of mind. ~ A P J Abdul Kalam,
1174:Our connections to the Oneness of the Universe/God are both physical/atomic matter and nonphysical spiritual/energy. ~ Russell Anthony Gibbs,
1175:Physical injury is the least of the harmful accidents that this universe inflicts on its inhabitants; it is soonest mended. ~ Anne McCaffrey,
1176:Reactive people... are often affected by their physical environment. They find external sources to blame for their behavior. ~ Stephen Covey,
1177:Running is still running. It doesn't matter if it's a physical move from one place to another or if it's to within yourself. ~ Katie McGarry,
1178:Science tells us that love not only diminishes the experience of physical pain but can make us—and our beloveds—healthier. ~ Sharon Salzberg,
1179:The physical body is not only a temple for our soul, but the means by which we embark on the inward journey toward the core. ~ B K S Iyengar,
1180:This is normal. Although the processes can be slowed—diet and physical activity can make a difference—they cannot be stopped. ~ Atul Gawande,
1181:We are not physical beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a physical experience. ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin,
1182:When I was a teenager, I learned that in order to play guitar like Johnny Ramone, it takes a huge amount of physical effort. ~ Kevin Shields,
1183:Women can form a friendship with a man very well; but to preserve it, a slight physical antipathy most probably helps. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche,
1184:All these mystics, throughout history, all over the world, they all found their way to enlightenment by physical suffering. ~ Chuck Palahniuk,
1185:Color helps to express light, not the physical phenomenon, but the only light that really exists, that in the artist's brain. ~ Henri Matisse,
1186:Good health is multifaceted - it's physical, it's internal, it's my diet, and my emotional state. It's all tied in together. ~ Michelle Obama,
1187:Granted, physical attraction is what gets you in the door. But there has to be something beyond that to want to keep you there. ~ Jaci Burton,
1188:I've learned over the years that sooner or later a person's physical appearance comes to resemble whatever is in their heart. ~ Damien Echols,
1189:Man’s only justification for physical existence is to learn; this is his destiny which he cannot avoid under any circumstances. ~ Th un Mares,
1190:Modern science is predicated on "truths" verified through accurate observation and measurements of physical world phenomena. ~ Bruce H Lipton,
1191:Physical beauty wasn't the same as True Beauty, any more than pretty ugly meant truly ugly or Magnetic North meant True North. ~ Justina Chen,
1192:Proper physical exercise increases your chances for health, and proper mental exercise increases your chances for wealth. ~ Robert T Kiyosaki,
1193:the depth of a person's character is not measured by his or her physical strength, but by the depth of his or her nobility. ~ Frank E Peretti,
1194:The strongest feelings assigned to the conscience are not moral feelings at all; they express merely physical antipathies. ~ George Santayana,
1195:This virtuous and very industrious woman needs physical strength and ability to do the work of her life, the work of love. ~ Elizabeth George,
1196:Violence, whether spiritual or physical, is a quest for identity and the meaningful. The less identity, the more violence. ~ Marshall McLuhan,
1197:We will continue to see a convergence of the digital and physical world. Those who conquer that trend will be market leaders. ~ John Phillips,
1198:With God thoughts are colors, with us they are pigments-even the most abstract one may be accompanied by physical pain. ~ Georg C Lichtenberg,
1199:All the physical senses have their corresponding powers in the psychical being. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Supramental Sense,
1200:And I tell you, if you have the desire for knowledge and the power to give it physical expression, go out and explore. ~ Apsley Cherry Garrard,
1201:and suggested that in the future I refrain from strenuous physical activity in a hot room the day after falling off a roof. ~ Patrick Rothfuss,
1202:Annoyance is a physical malady that is in no way cured just because the annoying situation that causes it is eliminated. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche,
1203:But shit, I've never been that complicated. Physical pain gets a physical response. Everything else is nobody's fucking business. ~ Lisa Henry,
1204:Cosmologies are made up of small snippets of physical reality that have been remodeled by society into vast cosmic deceptions. ~ Jeremy Rifkin,
1205:habitual drug use in teens is that they cannot stand the physical sensations that signal fear, rage, and helplessness. ~ Bessel A van der Kolk,
1206:I don't do a huge amount of physical activity. I play tennis, I work out sporadically, and I eat well and take care of myself. ~ Harrison Ford,
1207:If you can imagine something, then it is possible within the physical laws of this universe. So says some Greek philosopher. ~ Heather O Neill,
1208:I have reached the conclusion that those who have physical courage also have moral courage. Physical courage is a great test. ~ Oriana Fallaci,
1209:I thank God for this illness and these physical discomforts, because I have the time to converse with the Lord Jesus. ~ Mary Faustina Kowalska,
1210:It is all about confidence: 90% mental and 10% physical, that is what basketball is. I live by that and it seems to be working. ~ Michael Redd,
1211:It is much wiser to let your inner beauty shine through a drab gown than to attempt to conceal it with physical accoutrements. ~ Marissa Meyer,
1212:The automation of wayfinding serves to “inhibit the process of experiencing the physical world by navigation through it.” 4 As ~ Nicholas Carr,
1213:The caste system, in all its various forms, is always based on identifiable physical characteristics - sex, color, age. ~ Roxanne Dunbar Ortiz,
1214:The heart can resist all kinds of physical trauma, but sadness can destroy it in a second. So no sadness in this house! ~ Armando Lucas Correa,
1215:The mental and physical diseases we face in old age are tied together through the cardiovascular system and metabolic system. A ~ John J Ratey,
1216:To play the drums, you have to spread your legs and use your arms. It's a very physical instrument to play. It's not feminine. ~ Patty Schemel,
1217:"Unlike physical progress, which is subject to natural restrictions, the qualities of the mind can be developed limitlessly." ~ Dalai Lama XIV,
1218:where breathes the man who has traversed, and successfully, all the wide areas of moral, physical, and mathematical science? ~ Edgar Allan Poe,
1219:You need a certain amount of nerve to be a writer, an almost physical nerve, the kind you need to walk a log across a river. ~ Margaret Atwood,
1220:Your body is a physical representation of the cumulative effect of all the experiences you’ve had throughout your life. ~ Dashama Konah Gordon,
1221:Are we more fully realized when we minimize the physical part of our natures? And that, you gave to agree, is a profound question. ~ Ted Chiang,
1222:Frege has the merit of ... finding a third assertion by recognising the world of logic which is neither mental nor physical. ~ Bertrand Russell,
1223:Information overload will lead to 'future shock syndrome' as an individual will suffer severe physical and mental disturbances. ~ Alvin Toffler,
1224:It seems to be a law of nature that no man, unless he has some obvious physical deformity, ever is loth to sit for his portrait. ~ Max Beerbohm,
1225:Love is visceral and real. Love is physical. It embraces all things. Love doesn't space you out or take you out of this world. ~ Frederick Lenz,
1226:Maintaining the relationship. But there's also physical temptation and being on the same spiritual level, which can be difficult. ~ Kevin Jonas,
1227:Man, alone, has the power to transform his thoughts into physical reality; man, alone, can dream and make his dreams come true. ~ Napoleon Hill,
1228:ominously—a love more binding than physical affection, some tar-pit of the soul where I might flop around and malinger for years. ~ Donna Tartt,
1229:Somewhere there is an essence. It is not a physical somewhere. There is no sense of world, of time and space. That is nirvana. ~ Frederick Lenz,
1230:Spiritual relationship is far more precious than physical. Physical relationship divorced from spiritual is body without soul. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
1231:Unless we can interpret that ecstatic trip in a way that better grounds our physical reality, trance isn’t worth much. ~ S Kelley Harrell M Div,
1232:What is male and female? Is it just a physical condition? No. The energy runs very, very differently in a woman than in a man. ~ Frederick Lenz,
1233:When every physical and mental resource is focused, one’s power to solve a problem multiplies tremendously.” (Norman Vincent Peale) ~ Anonymous,
1234:Your Outer Self-Concept These ingredients include everything you accept as truth concerning what the physical you is capable of. ~ Wayne W Dyer,
1235:An independant reality in the ordinary physical sense can neither be ascribed to the phenomenon nor to the agencies of observation. ~ Niels Bohr,
1236:Anna felt suddenly as if all of her - physical, mental and emotional - was draining out and into this other unknown human being. ~ Lucinda Riley,
1237:a piece of knowledge, unlike a piece of physical property, can be shared by large groups of people without making anybody poorer. ~ Aaron Swartz,
1238:Birth is the first spiritual mystery of the physical universe, death is the second. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, The Philosophy of Rebirth,
1239:Damon needed to be healed. Not from his physical ailments, but from the wounds that came from the ones he loved always leaving him. ~ Lexi Blake,
1240:Dressing badly has been a refuge much of my life, a way of compelling others to engage with my mind, not my physical presence. Page. 283 ~ Sonia,
1241:For me, literature is a complex game, both mental and concrete, which is acted out in a physical manner on the page. ~ Guillermo Cabrera Infante,
1242:I am against great themes and great subjects... You can't film an idea. The camera is an instrument for recording physical impact. ~ Jean Renoir,
1243:I do not believe I have ever met a more physically attractive person who was more acutely aware of his own physical attractiveness. ~ John Green,
1244:I love any scene where there's a physical confrontation. It reminds me that I'm in show business and I play pretend for a living. ~ Bob Odenkirk,
1245:It was a stupid thing to hold onto, but when one doesn't have much to celebrate in the way of physical attributes, ankles matter. ~ Eloisa James,
1246:I used the physical scar of my breast cancer operation, the scar that I have across my chest as a metaphor for all kinds of scars. ~ Carly Simon,
1247:I've always felt that the best whips and chains are in the mind. With a little creativity, the physical ones are hardly necessary. ~ Jim Butcher,
1248:I was lucky. That's what everyone told me. I didn't feel very lucky, lying there in the most excruciating physical pain of my life. ~ Val Emmich,
1249:I was under no illusions as to my physical attractiveness. It was not such that it would inspire propriety-overwhelming enthusiasm. ~ Ann Leckie,
1250:Of course you cannot free yourself from the laws of nature; but the laws of nervous systems are not the same as the physical laws. ~ Mario Bunge,
1251:One way poetry connects is across time. . . . Some echo of a writer's physical experience comes into us when we read her poem. ~ Jane Hirshfield,
1252:Proper physical exercise increases your chances for health, and proper mental exercise increases your chances for wealth. My ~ Robert T Kiyosaki,
1253:Reaching our full physical maturity, for example, does not necessarily assure us of simultaneous emotional or mental maturity. ~ Stephen R Covey,
1254:The first requisite of success is the ability to apply your physical and mental energies to one problem without growing weary. ~ Thomas A Edison,
1255:The important people in our lives leave imprints. They may stay or go in the physical realm, but they are always in your heart. ~ David Levithan,
1256:The object of basic education is the physical, intellectual and moral development of children through the medium of handicraft. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
1257:The world has physical limits that we are already encountering, but our economy operates as if no physical limits exist. ~ Christopher Martenson,
1258:today’s greatest commodities aren’t physical objects, they’re ideas. Economists use the terms rival goods and nonrival goods ~ Peter H Diamandis,
1259:Transparency is not the same as looking straight through a building: it's not just a physical idea, it's also an intellectual one. ~ Helmut Jahn,
1260:Vegetarianism is a way of life that we should all move toward for economic survival, physical well-being and spiritual integrity. ~ Thomas Berry,
1261:When we clear the physical clutter from our lives, we literally make way for inspiration and 'good, orderly direction' to enter. ~ Julia Cameron,
1262:Wherever there is a heart and an intellect, the diseases of the physical frame are tinged with the peculiarities of these. ~ Nathaniel Hawthorne,
1263:You don’t have to access the physical details to address the emotional damage within yourself. You can’t escape your own experience. ~ Tami Hoag,
1264:You must consider that there is opposition from other human beings and also non-physical forces that don't want you to succeed. ~ Frederick Lenz,
1265:A second way that oppressed people sometimes deal with oppression is to resort to physical violence and corroding hatred. ~ Martin Luther King Jr,
1266:Because it is a process of alchemy: it transforms a vast manifestation of spiritual energy, which is love, into a physical gesture ~ Paulo Coelho,
1267:Consciousness is never experienced in the plural, only in the singular. ~ Erwin Schrödinger, What Is Life? The Physical Aspect of the Living Cell,
1268:Eternal Life" is life itself, real life, which can also be lived in the present age and is no longer challenged by physical death. ~ Benedict XVI,
1269:Physical experience is the translation of phenomena into symbolic language, and the law is the creation of the wind or a symbol. ~ Fulton J Sheen,
1270:Poetry can be the bridge, the crossover point in the mind between the physical and the spiritual. A place where the two can meet. ~ Don Pendleton,
1271:Some were drawn towards displays of physical showboating, when it came to cats, while others preferred subtle intellectual stimulation. ~ Tom Cox,
1272:The author of the Mahabharata has not established the necessity of physical warfare; on the contrary he has proved its futility. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
1273:The one who actually succeeds in making himself believe that he is having a good time is the man of splendid physical health. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
1274:The purpose of life is to find your way back to a spiritual way of thinking and living—to be able to get past the physical stuff. ~ Wendy Higgins,
1275:Time, presence and physical attentiveness are our most basic proxies for something ultimately unprovable: that we are understood. ~ Tom Chatfield,
1276:You cannot be a military leader without physical courage. But there are Plenty of soldiers with physical courage who are not leaders ~ John Adair,
1277:A mathematician is an individual who calls himself a 'physicist' and does 'physics' and physical experiments with abstract concepts. ~ Bill Gaede,
1278:Beauty is not defined by your physical features. It is defined by the heart inside your chest and the love that flows through it. ~ Imania Margria,
1279:Because the brain stores emotional memories and the physical details of what happened in two separate places. This is oversimplifying, ~ Tami Hoag,
1280:But the rhythm of the mix tape is the rhythm of romance, the analog hum of a physical connection between two sloppy, human bodies. ~ Rob Sheffield,
1281:Classical thermodynamics ... is the only physical theory of universal content which I am convinced ... will never be overthrown. ~ Albert Einstein,
1282:Had their physical attractions proved insufficient because she had unconsciously asked more from them than they were able to give? ~ Josephine Tey,
1283:hal parport. That component defines one or more HAL pins for each physical pin. The pins are described in that component’s doc section ~ Anonymous,
1284:Her physical beauty had initially caught my attention, but it was her spirit that imprisoned my heart and soul forever. - Jonathan ~ Helen Boswell,
1285:His machines - soon to be called Turing machines - offered a bridge, a connection between abstract symbols and the physical world. ~ Andrew Hodges,
1286:How unjust life is, to make physical charm so immediately apparent or absent, when one can get away with vices untold for ever. ~ Margaret Drabble,
1287:I get literally a physical sensation of low self-esteem that is a result of not engaging the world and getting comfortable that way. ~ Judd Apatow,
1288:I grew up in a physical world, and I speak English. The next generation is growing up in a digital world, and they speak social. ~ Angela Ahrendts,
1289:I had no evidence. No physical signs of my rape existed anymore. My body had already purged them. That was the irreversible reality. ~ Aspen Matis,
1290:In different lifetimes, you incarnate in different dimensional planes, let alone in different universes in the physical universe. ~ Frederick Lenz,
1291:In fact our brains respond so similarly to rejection and physical pain that Tylenol reduces the emotional pain rejection elicits. ~ Lysa TerKeurst,
1292:It is funny how women feel they have the right to demand physical affection whenever they want, but men can’t. Like a trained pet, ~ Chetan Bhagat,
1293:It is not humiliating to be unhappy. Physical suffering is sometimes humiliating, but the suffering of being cannot be, it is life. ~ Albert Camus,
1294:I would staple a green card to the diploma of anyone that graduates with a degree in the physical sciences or engineering in the U.S. ~ John Doerr,
1295:No man owns me. All man can do is practice the timeless, criminal art of threatening to separate my soul from her physical host. ~ Tiffany Madison,
1296:Physical courage in whatever scene ... seems to hinge on whether the individual can feel he is fighting for others as well as himself. ~ Rollo May,
1297:Racism is taught in our society, it is not automatic. It is learned behavior toward persons with dissimilar physical characteristics. ~ Alex Haley,
1298:Spanking a child is about the parent not the child. The child will learn more from positive correction than physical manipulation. ~ Asa Don Brown,
1299:Spirtual does not mean divorced from the physical, earthly realm. The Earth is one of the most divine forms in all creation. ~ Christopher Penczak,
1300:There is a consciousness in each physical thing with which one can communicate. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II, Practical Concerns in Work,
1301:There's nothing particularly physical that I find attractive in a man. It's men with a passion for something that I find attractive. ~ Rhona Mitra,
1302:We have to be able to reject disproportionate and unjustified responses in the cyber domain just as we do in the physical domain. ~ Edward Snowden,
1303:What makes old age hard to bear is not the failing of one's faculties, mental and physical, but the burden of one's memories. ~ W Somerset Maugham,
1304:When we free ourselves from physical disabilities, emotional disturbances, and mental distractions, we open the gates to our soul. ~ B K S Iyengar,
1305:You are a holistic being with both nondualistic energy and the energy of the physical plane as a part of your being at your disposal. ~ Wayne Dyer,
1306:And so artistic creation is the metamorphosis of the external physical aspects of a thing into a self-sustaining spiritual reality . ~ Hans Hofmann,
1307:Any dollar given to you voluntarily, no matter the physical form, is a certificate of performance and validation of a job well done. ~ Daniel Lapin,
1308:Dualists hold that body and soul are separate entities and that the soul will continue beyond the existence of the physical body. ~ Michael Shermer,
1309:I felt I was losing track of my physical location, rising above my body, viewing my life from a very distant point, hovering over it. ~ Zadie Smith,
1310:If I die in Atlanta my work shall then only begin, but I shall live, in the physical or spiritual to see the day of Africa’s glory. ~ Marcus Garvey,
1311:If you're prosperous in soul, you'll be prosperous in whole, regardless of how many and how much physical possessions you have ~ Mark Victor Hansen,
1312:I lead a very physical life. I played a lot of sports and I spent a lot of time in the water surfing, swimming. I was a big swimmer. ~ Dustin Clare,
1313:I needed a physical reminder to say yes to the person I want to be, not the person I mostly am. Now my ankle says yes for no reason. ~ Julie Buntin,
1314:I needed no physical object to remind me of his love. I already carried it in my heart, and it would be enough to get through this. ~ Richelle Mead,
1315:Live from the inside out. Your mind, body and spirit are interconnected. Nourish your soul with mental and physical wellness. ~ Janet Taylor Spence,
1316:Love goes very far beyond the physical person of the beloved. It finds its deepet meaning in his spiritual being, his inner self. ~ Viktor E Frankl,
1317:Physical concepts are free creations of the human mind,and are not however it may seem, uniquely determined by the external world ~ Albert Einstein,
1318:someone like me needed to not only refrain from drugs but also engage in careful mental and physical upkeep in order to stay balanced. ~ Dan Harris,
1319:Sri Aurobindo is in the subtle physical, you can meet him when you sleep, if you know how to go there.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother I, [T1],
1320:Surrender the body and its members, physical faculties, property, reputation, office, honours, children, siblings – repudiate them all. ~ Epictetus,
1321:The Goldberg Variations is a good example of how symmetry is not just a physical property but pervades many abstract structures. ~ Marcus du Sautoy,
1322:The physical life of the scene is determined by whether the set squeezes people together or whether the set has an escape place in it. ~ Elia Kazan,
1323:The words wounded deeper than the bruises and the scars from any physical pain he inflicted on me. At least those wounds healed. ~ Serena Valentino,
1324:We hold from God the gift which, as far as we are concerned, contains all others, Life — physical, intellectual, and moral life. ~ Fr d ric Bastiat,
1325:We're always sick and we just don't know it. What we mean by health is only when our constant physical deterioration is undetectable. ~ Steve Toltz,
1326:We’re far more than just physical beings having a spiritual experience. We’re spiritual beings having a temporary physical experience. ~ Ted Dekker,
1327:(1) Physical gravity is a physical form of love. That little rock is falling because it’s in love with the big rock called the earth. ~ Peter Kreeft,
1328:A physical object could only be in one place at one time. Einstein proved that. Reality was utterly coolheaded and utterly lonely. ~ Haruki Murakami,
1329:But recently I've, the past few years, I'm more focused on meditation. It's not a physical part. It's more mental part, to understand life. ~ Jet Li,
1330:But taking a few minutes out of your morning routine to spend outside can have a profound effect on your mental and physical well-being. ~ S J Scott,
1331:He has reconciled you by His physical body through His death, to present you holy, faultless, and blameless before Him. Colossians 1:22 ~ Beth Moore,
1332:Holistic living means that your spiritual, relational, emotional, intellectual, physical, and financial lives are working together. ~ Tsh Oxenreider,
1333:Homelessness is the actor's fate; physical incapacity to attain what is most required and desired by such a spirit as I am a slave to. ~ Edwin Booth,
1334:I believe it is the duty of science, of humanity, to discover as much as we can. But I am a physical scientist, not a psychologist. ~ Graeme Simsion,
1335:I'm not the guy with the enormous comedy nose or the big feet or the bad posture or the whatever; a physical comic has certain things. ~ Dick Cavett,
1336:It is not the physical or bodily Jesus who is the messiah who will save the world, but the presence that filled Jesus and fills us too. ~ Jim Palmer,
1337:it’s sometimes wise to add rather than remove communication barriers—and physical distance is one of the most protective barriers. ~ Robert I Sutton,
1338:It was safe to say that neither had ever known the other sort of love, the sort with fireworks and racing hearts and physical desires. ~ Kate Morton,
1339:I want a performance style that's more cerebral and emotional than physical. I want to be a creative artist, not a whirling dervish. ~ Scott Weiland,
1340:Love goes very far beyond the physical person of the beloved. It finds its deepest meaning in his spiritual being, his inner self. ~ Viktor E Frankl,
1341:No wonder she felt so ashamed of her shyness, as if it were an embarrassing physical ailment that needed to be hidden at all costs. ~ Liane Moriarty,
1342:Our greatest human freedom is that, despite whatever our physical situation is in life, WE ARE ALWAYS FREE TO CHOOSE OUR THOUGHTS! ~ Viktor E Frankl,
1343:@PravinVejan Yes, identifying with the physical form, which is the ego/mind/body is our fall from Grace. The Self is the one Reality. ~ @CathyGinter,
1344:She’s gotten her story, after all, and she’s beginning to see how much easier physical pain is to tolerate than emotional pain. ~ Kaui Hart Hemmings,
1345:St. Vincent was far too clever to rely on physical violence when a few well-chosen words would skewer someone with a minimum of fuss. ~ Lisa Kleypas,
1346:The keystone of the entire structure of the spiritual and physical universe is Rhythmic Balanced Interchange between all opposites. ~ Walter Russell,
1347:there is a relationship between the mind and the body that can both create a physical condition and enable us to recover from it ~ Christopher Reeve,
1348:These energies when directed towards the subtle physical body cause the subtle physical body to break down, to lose its lumonisity. ~ Frederick Lenz,
1349:The varying physical characteristics of the actors may also necessitate changes. Sean Connery is six feet four. Dustin Hoffman isn't. ~ Sidney Lumet,
1350:When we cling to a thought or follow its track, we are performing a mental karma, and that, in turn, is the seed of all physical actions. ~ Om Swami,
1351:When you punch somebody in the ring, you have to use your whole body. I learned that it's more about technique than physical strength. ~ Kuno Becker,
1352:You are not merely the physical body that you identify with out of habit. Your essential state is a field of infinite possibilities. ~ Deepak Chopra,
1353:An adventure is never an adventure when it happens. An adventure is simply physical and emotional discomfort recollected in tranquility. ~ Tim Cahill,
1354:A poem is a small machine made of words. . .Its movement is intrinsic, undulant, a physical more than a literary character. ~ William Carlos Williams,
1355:A woman may very well form a friendship with a man, but for this to endure, it must be assisted by a little physical antipathy. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche,
1356:But honestly, if you do a rigorous survey of my work, I'll bet you'll find that biology is a theme far more often than physical science. ~ David Brin,
1357:Damasio argues that the core of our self-awareness rests on the physical sensations that convey the inner states of the body: ~ Bessel A van der Kolk,
1358:I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical. ~ Thomas Jefferson,
1359:In the United States, one in four children will experience physical abuse and one in five will be sexually molested.28 Bessel van ~ David A Treleaven,
1360:In thinking of home, we have to move beyond considering home as a physical address. We have to start asking what home feels like. My ~ Ethan Nichtern,
1361:It is shameful and inhuman to treat men like chattels to make money by, or to regard them merely as so much muscle or physical power. ~ Pope Leo XIII,
1362:I used to be a die-hard defender of physical film, which I still am. I love shooting on physical film and I think it's great. ~ Christopher McQuarrie,
1363:Mathematics is only a tool and one should learn to hold the physical ideas in one's mind without reference to the mathematical form. ~ Paul A M Dirac,
1364:No matter what anybody says, relationships are based on physical attraction. The first time I saw my wife, it was pure animal whatever. ~ Denis Leary,
1365:No sex. No taking care of her pack. No physical activity at all.
Being pregnant was definitely much, much worse than being a werewolf. ~ S M Reine,
1366:Nothing to mountaineering, just a little physical endurance, a good deal of brains, lots of practice, and plenty of warm clothing. ~ Annie Smith Peck,
1367:Physiological expenditure is a superficial way of self-expression. People who incline toward physical love accomplish nothing at all. ~ Salvador Dali,
1368:the individual’s scoreboard should be a physical artifact in the workspace that displays the individual’s current deep work hour count. ~ Cal Newport,
1369:The mind and the body are like parallel universes. Anything that happens in the mental universe must leave tracks in the physical one ~ Deepak Chopra,
1370:The Physical Symbol System Hypothesis. A physical symbol system has the necessary and sufficient means for general intelligent action. ~ Allen Newell,
1371:To end slavery, you must overcome the mental and physical inertia of the masses and quicken their intelligence and creative faculty. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
1372:What a thing is and what it means are not separate, the former being physical and the latter mental as we are accustomed to believe. ~ James J Gibson,
1373:Almost nobody travels willingly from sameness to sameness and repetition to repetition, even if the physical effort required is trivial. ~ Jane Jacobs,
1374:An interesting practice that combines mindfulness and refraining is just to notice your physical movements when you feel uncomfortable. ~ Pema Ch dr n,
1375:Art is the opposite of dissipation, in the physical and spiritual sense of the word: it is concentration, desire that seeks incarnation. ~ Octavio Paz,
1376:Being adjacent to that much beauty—more than adjacent; immersed in, pierced by it—was the point. The physical risks were footnotes. ~ William Finnegan,
1377:but the reality of millions of years of adaptation to a ruggedly physical existence will not just go away because desks were invented. ~ Mark Rippetoe,
1378:He smelled a little strange, sweet and bitter at the same time, the way madness might have smelled if it could've taken a physical form. ~ Jaida Jones,
1379:How delightful it is to be here.(Gym) If only one could spend one's entire life in this state of easygoing physical democracy. ~ Christopher Isherwood,
1380:I'm very physical. It's an important part of being a woman - feeling good about yourself and really being in tune with your personality. ~ Summer Glau,
1381:Physical concepts are free creations of the human mind, and are not, however it may seem, uniquely determined by the external world. ~ Albert Einstein,
1382:Raising money to pay the cost of war was to cause more damage to 14th century society than the physical destruction of war itself. ~ Barbara W Tuchman,
1383:Sometimes the only way people can handle emotional pain is to cause themselves physical pain. In some cases, it can lead to suicide. ~ Patricia Gibney,
1384:The essence of life, I concluded, did not lie in the material. It penetrated, but was not bound to, the physical world of science. ~ Charles Lindbergh,
1385:The physical and mental impairments caused by one night of bad sleep dwarf those caused by an equivalent absence of food or exercise. ~ Matthew Walker,
1386:The physical voice we use in prayer need not be great nor startling; even should we not lift up any great cry or shout, God will yet hear us. ~ Origen,
1387:This was evidently an example of the peculiarity in the social universe which is similar to interstellar time in the physical universe. ~ Rebecca West,
1388:With enough attention to anything, the essence of what you have been giving thought to will eventually become a physical manifestation. ~ Esther Hicks,
1389:For an artist to do creative work, he needs at once physical health and some physiomental ill health. He needs both serenity and gloom. ~ Yukio Mishima,
1390:Guru is not the physical form. So the contact will remain even after the physical form of the Guru vanishes. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi, Day by Day, 9-3-46,
1391:He talked and talked, the kind of talking you do to stave off the inevitable physical desire, the kind of talking that only increases it. ~ Zadie Smith,
1392:If a person's basic state of mind is serene and calm, then it is possible for this inner peace to overwhelm a painful physical experience. ~ Dalai Lama,
1393:Meditation means to know life beyond the sphere of the physical; to know and experience life not just at the surface but at the source. ~ Jaggi Vasudev,
1394:No one is more worried by the actual physical manifestation of a god than his priests; it's like having the auditors in unexpectedly. ~ Terry Pratchett,
1395:One of the criteria that a woman can add to her list when selecting a mate, therefore, is his ability to overcome her physical resistance ~ Robin Baker,
1396:Pain (any pain-emotional, physical, mental) has a message. Once we get the pains message, and follow its advice, the pain goes away. ~ Peter McWilliams,
1397:Remember your created limits. So much of workaholism is a defiance of the physical limitations that God our creator has imposed upon us. ~ Tim Challies,
1398:S&M is as psychological as it is physical and sexual, Zach. Imagine being as deep inside a woman’s mind as you are inside her body. ~ Tiffany Reisz,
1399:Slavic peoples get their physical characteristics from potatoes, their smoldering inquietude from radishes, their seriousness from beets. ~ Tom Robbins,
1400:The best rituals are physical, solitary, and silent: These are the ones that register most deeply with the unconscious. ~ Robert A. Johnson, Inner Work,
1401:The establishment of Christianity . . . arrested the normal development of the physical sciences for over fifteen hundred years. ~ Andrew Dickson White,
1402:The physical world, including our bodies, is a response of the observer. We create our bodies as we create the experience of our world. ~ Deepak Chopra,
1403:To one who reads the spirit of the Gita, it teaches the secret of nonviolence, the secret of realizing self through the physical body. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
1404:A creditor is worst than a master; for a master owns only your physical presence, whereas a creditor owns your dignity and may affront it. ~ Victor Hugo,
1405:A labourer cannot sit at the table and write, but a man who has worked at the table all his life can certainly take to physical labour. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
1406:a woman who struggles to recover from a brutal attack and sets out on a dark, psychological and physical journey for revenge and justice. ~ Jodie Foster,
1407:If someone is not spiritually present during a time when you need their help, then how will their physical presence make a difference? ~ Shannon L Alder,
1408:If you use a cell phone - as I do - your wireless carrier likely has records about your physical movements going back months, if not years. ~ Al Franken,
1409:In terms of withstanding incredible amounts of pain - both physical and emotional - I don't think there's any better training than ballet. ~ Julia Jones,
1410:I saw [Allen Ginsberg] more as an old man who liked poetry and who had a lot of physical and emotional problems. We liked our time together. ~ Ai Weiwei,
1411:It is right noble to fight with wickedness and wrong; the mistake is in supposing that spiritual evil can be overcome by physical means. ~ Lydia M Child,
1412:I would much rather feel the physical soreness that comes with exercise than to feel the psychological soreness that comes with regret. ~ Steve Maraboli,
1413:Just as physical wounds heal at different rates in different people, so do emotional wounds. Everyone has different needs and speeds. ~ Karen Salmansohn,
1414:Man is a spirit, but a spirit that lives as a mental being in physical Nature. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Ladder of Self-Transcendence,
1415:Now He has reconciled you by His physical body through His death, to present you holy, faultless, and blameless before Him. Colossians 1:22 ~ Beth Moore,
1416:People who are attached to each other develop a social dependence on each other that's based in a physical dependence on brain opiates. ~ Temple Grandin,
1417:Perhaps the only way out of our poor physical state, created by our culture of convenience, is a return to the behaviors of our ancestors. ~ Katy Bowman,
1418:Physical sound can lead you to the inner vibration of Prana. Prana is the cause of all sound, and sound is the expression of Prana ~ Swami Satchidananda,
1419:Scientists inform us that you build a new body every eleven months; so from a physical standpoint you are really only eleven months old. ~ Joseph Murphy,
1420:standing up straight with your shoulders back is not something that is only physical, because you’re not only a body. You’re a spirit, ~ Jordan Peterson,
1421:The great mistake these people make is that they go to looking after the spiritual welfare of the Indians before securing their physical. ~ George Crook,
1422:The meaningful design of experiences in physical space now regularly overlaps with the meaningful design of experiences in digital space. ~ Kate O Neill,
1423:The wine-shops breed, in physical atmosphere of malaria and a moral pestilence of envy and vengeance, the men of crime and revolution. ~ Charles Dickens,
1424:Anyone who is aware of his environment knows that the peril of physical assault does exist, and that it exists everywhere and at all times. ~ Jeff Cooper,
1425:Burton did not believe in miracles . Nothing happened that could not be explained by physical principles if you knew all the facts . ~ Philip Jose Farmer,
1426:George Lucas doesn't have the most physical stamina. He was so unhappy making Star Wars that he just vowed he'd never do it again. ~ Francis Ford Coppola,
1427:How could pain that wasn’t inflicted by a physical assault hurt so much? How could emotional distress turn into this agonising emptiness? ~ Rachel Abbott,
1428:Ideas alone can be works of art; they are in a chain of development that may eventually find some form. All ideas need not be made physical. ~ Sol LeWitt,
1429:I didn't think God would make someone go through that much physical pain. I didn't think God would make someone suffer like she suffered ~ Colleen Hoover,
1430:I grew up poor, hated, the victim of physical, emotional, and sexual violence, and I know that suffering does not ennoble. It destroys. ~ Dorothy Allison,
1431:I love saying dialogue and creating a full character more than just being physical. But I always end up doing physical stuff in my roles. ~ Kelly Stables,
1432:Kenny, when's the last time you had a physical," Roddy asks.
"What're you...the designated driver of my life?"

"Mad Dog House ~ Mark Rubinstein,
1433:Man’s mind is a coast of great monuments, the source of wild and complex dreams and accomplishments that physical eyes have not seen. ~ Israelmore Ayivor,
1434:Metaphysical speculation is independent of the physical validity of the Big Bang itself and is irrelevant to our understanding of it. ~ Lawrence M Krauss,
1435:Most of the time, the reason people are overweight is too little physical activity, in conjunction with a high-calorie, low-nutrient diet. ~ Joel Fuhrman,
1436:The body will destroy the germs of a physical illness within a week; but the mind will preserve germs of morbidity or fear for a lifetime. ~ Colin Wilson,
1437:The brain does not create consciousness, but conciousness created the brain, the most complex physical form on earth, for its expression. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
1438:The first requisite for success is the ability to apply your physical and mental energies to one problem incessantly without growing weary. ~ Brian Tracy,
1439:This is an an abundant universe. Grasp your birthright. Success is a massive abundance of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. ~ David Wolfe,
1440:Why should physical processing give rise to a rich inner life at all? It seems objectively unreasonable that it should, and yet it does. ~ David Chalmers,
1441:agreement not to discuss. “He never gets tired of comparing one physical artifact to another,” Anders went on, “even if they all look pretty ~ David Weber,
1442:As anyone who is gay will confirm, being that way is not something you become, it is a set of emotional and physical responses that just are. ~ Lance Loud,
1443:everyone shares the handicap of mortality. Our individual physical, emotional, and spiritual failures are but symptoms of this disease. ~ Henri J M Nouwen,
1444:I leaned my forehead against his. “I will repay you in unspeakable physical favors if you can erase any trace of this party from my memory. ~ Molly Harper,
1445:Love changes everything. I proposed to my wife after we limped away from a physical altercation with another serial killer. Good times.” “Feels ~ J D Robb,
1446:Materialism—an attachment to physical goods beyond their practical value—was a trap; a chain to ensnare the foolish with their own greed. ~ Drew Karpyshyn,
1447:My heart swelled, so full of love I didn’t know how any physical body could possibly contain such power. I felt like my chest would burst. ~ Richelle Mead,
1448:No matter how closely we look, it is difficult to find a mental act that can take place without the support of some physical function. ~ Moshe Feldenkrais,
1449:standing up straight with your shoulders back is not something that is only physical, because you’re not only a body. You’re a spirit, ~ Jordan B Peterson,
1450:Sufis deny the absolute reality of time, space and physical form. These things are both relative and local. They only appear to be absolute. ~ Idries Shah,
1451:Two fixed ideas can no more exist together in the moral world than two bodies can occupy one and the same place in the physical world. ~ Alexander Pushkin,
1452:We can so easily deceive ourselves, mistaking the presence of physical bodies in a crowd for the existence of spiritual life in a community. ~ David Platt,
1453:When I approached him a second time with the cameras rolling, Munson grabbed the microphone and suggested I perform a physical impossibility. ~ Jim Bouton,
1454:Women have so many levels. There's the physical level, which is a lot of fun. There's this emotional level, which is extremely mercurial. ~ Robin Williams,
1455:You have to be smart to play a dumb blonde over and over again and keep the audience's attention without extraordinary physical equipment. ~ Judy Holliday,
1456:Angels come in all sizes and shapes and colors, visible and invisible to the physical eye. But always you are changed from having seen one. ~ Sophy Burnham,
1457:Any physical action, properly studied and practiced, could no doubt be accomplished with a reasonable amount of skill, if not flair. ~ Kim Stanley Robinson,
1458:Attention is psychic energy, and like physical energy, unless we allocate some part of it to the task at hand, no work gets done. ~ Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi,
1459:But then what? What occurs after revelation and paralysis? Either death or a slow and certain thawing. A returning to the physical world. ~ Jeff VanderMeer,
1460:Everything was simple, physical, painful, exalting. The world consisted of the four elements - land and water, firepower and distancing air. ~ Susan Sontag,
1461:For me, physical love has always been bound to an irresistible feeling of innocence and joy. Thus, I cannot love in tears but in exaltation. ~ Albert Camus,
1462:I don't know if anything can really prepare you for 'Survivor,' but since I grew up as an athlete, the physical aspect came to me more easily. ~ Ethan Zohn,
1463:Instead of fixating on the physical aspects of aging, it's good to contemplate the deeper source of our anxiety. That can be liberating. ~ Elizabeth Lesser,
1464:In the second and third exiles we have served as a living protest against greed and hate, against physical force, against "might makes right"! ~ I L Peretz,
1465:I think we're intrinsically spiritual. We're spiritual beings in a physical universe and we are here to make a spiritual contribution. ~ Mark Victor Hansen,
1466:Loneliness isn’t the physical absence of other people, he said—it’s the sense that you’re not sharing anything that matters with anyone else. ~ Johann Hari,
1467:Mental cruelty, nondisfiguring physical abuse or just plain unhappiness are rarely considered grounds on which a woman can seek divorce. ~ Geraldine Brooks,
1468:No matter how messy your house may be, tidying deals with physical objects. No matter how much stuff you may own, the amount is always finite. ~ Marie Kond,
1469:Nothing irritates me more than chronic laziness in others. Mind you, it's only mental sloth I object to. Physical sloth can be heavenly. ~ Elizabeth Hurley,
1470:Physical beauty, however, was frequently more a detriment than an advantage if one wished ever to be respected and valued for one's mind. ~ Kathleen Morgan,
1471:Physical deformity, calls forth our charity. But the infinite misfortune of moral deformity calls forth nothing but hatred and vengeance. ~ Clarence Darrow,
1472:Real love is more than a physical feeling. If there's even the slightest doubt in your head about a guy, then forget about it. It's not real. ~ Ethan Embry,
1473:Something was making him nibble at the edge of stale ideas as if his sturdy physical egotism no longer nourished his peremptory heart. ~ F Scott Fitzgerald,
1474:The Mesh difference is that with GPS-enabled mobile Web devices and social networks, physical goods are now easily located in space and time. ~ Lisa Gansky,
1475:Therapists always struck me as a hire-a-friend service. Therapists are to mental and emotional purging what prostitutes are to physical urges. ~ L H Cosway,
1476:There's something with the physical size of America... American writers can write about America and it can still feel like a foreign country. ~ Mark Haddon,
1477:To be a good parent, you need to take care of yourself so that you can have the physical and emotional energy to take care of your family. ~ Michelle Obama,
1478:To make a real independent film where the filmmaker is in charge creatively, one must sacrifice personal, financial, and physical well-being. ~ Mark Polish,
1479:When you learn to love your physical body, every activity can become a ritual of gratitude where you fully express the joy to be alive! ~ Miguel Angel Ruiz,
1480:You know, these non-physical beings, it's very hard to tell what they're up to. You can't see them. How can you rely on them? It's chancy. ~ Frederick Lenz,
1481:your body doesn’t know the difference between physical pain and emotional pain. That’s why grief, if left unchecked, can eventually kill you. ~ Mary Calmes,
1482:A country is as strong, really, as its citizens. And I think that mental and physical health - mental and physical vigor - go hand in hand. ~ John F Kennedy,
1483:Even with mental health as well as physical health, it's about taking responsibility and knowing that you're part of the solution always. ~ Mariel Hemingway,
1484:For science the great miracle to be explained is the physical universe. For esoteric philosophy the greater miracle is human consciousness. ~ Jonathan Black,
1485:Friends that I value most are people who would essentially use physical violence against me at a time when I seem to be teetering on the edge. ~ Ezra Miller,
1486:He wasn’t an exhibitionist. He was a sadist, and the only thing better than causing someone physical pain was causing emotional discomfort. ~ Pepper Winters,
1487:I always wondered what it must be like to lose a twin—if somehow Mary felt it like it was happening to her. If she felt physical pain. ~ Francesca Lia Block,
1488:I love things where I can be physical and I so love high stakes, and you usually don't get that unless you're doing a play or an action movie. ~ Will Patton,
1489:Instead of physical objects, (in order to have faith in myself) I have my personal mottos/charms to keep myself motivated and then I smack my chest. ~ Yunho,
1490:I wanted to do something far from my intellectual and physical home, so I went to live in Beijing for eight months and took Mandarin Chinese. ~ Mira Sorvino,
1491:Nature reacts not only to physical disease, but also to moral weakness; when the danger increases; she gives us greater courage ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
1492:Physical experiences, lacking the joys of love, depend on twists and perversions of pleasure. Abnormal pleasures kill the taste for normal ones. ~ Anais Nin,
1493:Physical experiences, lacking the joys of love, depend on twists and perversions of pleasure. Abnormal pleasures kill the taste for normal ones. ~ Ana s Nin,
1494:Physical strength (hard work), mental strength (perseverance) and spiritual strength (love & acceptance) are the keys to continuous growth. ~ Rickson Gracie,
1495:Physical wounds can heal, can’t they? But it takes a long time to recover from having your self-confidence and self-esteem crushed to nothing. ~ Sibel Hodge,
1496:Physical wounds don’t matter when I receive them. But if I had to inflict them on someone else, that would wound me in a way I couldn’t bear ~ gota Krist f,
1497:Racism is taught in our society... it is not automatic.
It is learned behavior toward persons with
dissimilar physical characteristics. ~ Alex Haley,
1498:That’s such an incredibly organic bias, the idea that your squishy physical existence is some sort of pinnacle that all programs aspire to. ~ Becky Chambers,
1499:The poem is not a physical body. It's a textual body that has life only insofar as it can act symbolically. It cannot physically act. ~ Shirley Geok lin Lim,
1500:there are 6 spokes of life – finance, family, society, physical, emotional and spiritual health. You have to consciously maintain a balance. ~ Rashmi Bansal,

IN CHAPTERS [300/2734]

1823 Integral Yoga
  127 Occultism
   84 Christianity
   75 Yoga
   60 Philosophy
   47 Fiction
   45 Psychology
   26 Science
   20 Poetry
   16 Theosophy
   14 Integral Theory
   14 Education
   9 Hinduism
   7 Cybernetics
   4 Mythology
   3 Buddhism
   2 Sufism
   2 Mysticism
   1 Thelema
   1 Kabbalah
   1 Baha i Faith
   1 Alchemy

1026 Sri Aurobindo
  897 The Mother
  564 Satprem
  284 Nolini Kanta Gupta
   47 Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
   46 H P Lovecraft
   40 Carl Jung
   40 Aleister Crowley
   28 Sri Ramakrishna
   27 Swami Krishnananda
   26 A B Purani
   24 Plotinus
   21 Rudolf Steiner
   20 James George Frazer
   18 Swami Vivekananda
   17 Aldous Huxley
   13 Nirodbaran
   13 Franz Bardon
   12 Saint Augustine of Hippo
   11 George Van Vrekhem
   9 Plato
   9 Jorge Luis Borges
   8 Sri Ramana Maharshi
   8 Saint John of Climacus
   7 Norbert Wiener
   7 Alice Bailey
   5 Thubten Chodron
   5 Patanjali
   5 Friedrich Nietzsche
   4 Swami Sivananda Saraswati
   4 Peter J Carroll
   4 Joseph Campbell
   4 Jordan Peterson
   3 R Buckminster Fuller
   3 Paul Richard
   3 Ken Wilber
   3 Bokar Rinpoche
   2 Saint Teresa of Avila
   2 Robert Browning
   2 Mahendranath Gupta
   2 Jorge Luis Borges
   2 John Keats
   2 Henry David Thoreau
   2 Edgar Allan Poe

  442 Record of Yoga
  133 The Synthesis Of Yoga
   67 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03
   67 Agenda Vol 01
   65 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04
   58 Letters On Yoga III
   56 Agenda Vol 03
   53 Questions And Answers 1957-1958
   51 Agenda Vol 04
   49 Letters On Yoga IV
   48 The Life Divine
   47 On Thoughts And Aphorisms
   46 Lovecraft - Poems
   46 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01
   43 Agenda Vol 10
   42 Questions And Answers 1950-1951
   42 Agenda Vol 02
   41 Essays In Philosophy And Yoga
   41 Agenda Vol 09
   40 Letters On Yoga II
   39 Questions And Answers 1956
   38 Agenda Vol 13
   37 Agenda Vol 08
   36 Agenda Vol 06
   36 Agenda Vol 05
   35 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 07
   34 Agenda Vol 07
   33 Agenda Vol 11
   32 Questions And Answers 1955
   32 Questions And Answers 1953
   30 Questions And Answers 1954
   30 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02
   30 Agenda Vol 12
   27 The Study and Practice of Yoga
   27 The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
   27 Prayers And Meditations
   26 Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo
   26 Essays On The Gita
   25 Letters On Yoga I
   22 The Human Cycle
   22 Mysterium Coniunctionis
   22 Magick Without Tears
   20 The Golden Bough
   20 Questions And Answers 1929-1931
   20 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 05
   18 Liber ABA
   17 The Perennial Philosophy
   15 The Future of Man
   15 Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness
   14 Words Of The Mother II
   14 The Secret Of The Veda
   14 On Education
   14 Essays Divine And Human
   13 Twelve Years With Sri Aurobindo
   13 The Phenomenon of Man
   13 The Mother With Letters On The Mother
   13 Some Answers From The Mother
   12 Talks
   12 Isha Upanishad
   12 City of God
   11 Preparing for the Miraculous
   11 Letters On Poetry And Art
   11 Let Me Explain
   10 The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious
   10 Knowledge of the Higher Worlds
   10 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 08
   9 The Practice of Magical Evocation
   9 Theosophy
   9 Raja-Yoga
   9 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 06
   8 Words Of Long Ago
   8 The Ladder of Divine Ascent
   8 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 02
   8 Labyrinths
   8 Hymn of the Universe
   7 Savitri
   7 Cybernetics
   7 A Treatise on Cosmic Fire
   6 Vedic and Philological Studies
   6 The Secret Doctrine
   6 The Integral Yoga
   6 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 04
   6 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 03
   6 A Garden of Pomegranates - An Outline of the Qabalah
   5 The Problems of Philosophy
   5 The Practice of Psycho therapy
   5 Patanjali Yoga Sutras
   5 On the Way to Supermanhood
   5 How to Free Your Mind - Tara the Liberator
   4 Words Of The Mother III
   4 Twilight of the Idols
   4 The Hero with a Thousand Faces
   4 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
   4 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 01
   4 Maps of Meaning
   4 Liber Null
   4 Initiation Into Hermetics
   4 Hymns to the Mystic Fire
   4 Bhakti-Yoga
   3 Words Of The Mother I
   3 Tara - The Feminine Divine
   3 Synergetics - Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking
   3 Sex Ecology Spirituality
   3 Aion
   2 Walden
   2 The Red Book Liber Novus
   2 The Lotus Sutra
   2 The Interior Castle or The Mansions
   2 The Essentials of Education
   2 The Blue Cliff Records
   2 Symposium
   2 Selected Fictions
   2 Poe - Poems
   2 Kena and Other Upanishads
   2 Keats - Poems
   2 God Exists
   2 Browning - Poems
   2 Borges - Poems
   2 Beating the Cloth Drum Letters of Zen Master Hakuin
   2 Amrita Gita
   2 Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 2E

00.01 - The Approach to Mysticism, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Mystic realities cannot be reached by the scientific consciousness, because they are far more subtle than the subtlest object that science can contemplate. The neutrons and positrons are for science today the finest and profoundest object-forces; they belong, it is said, almost to a borderl and where physics ends. Nor for that reason is a mystic reality something like a mathematical abstraction, -n for example. The mystic reality is subtler than the subtlest of physical things and yet, paradoxical to say, more concrete than the most concrete thing that the senses apprehend.
   Furthermore, being so, the mystic domain is of infinitely greater potency than the domain of intra-atomic forces. If one comes, all on a sudden, into contact with a force here without the necessary preparation to hold and handle it, he may get seriously bruised, morally and physically. The adventure into the mystic domain has its own toll of casualtiesone can lose the mind, one can lose one's body even and it is a very common experience among those who have tried the path. It is not in vain and merely as a poetic metaphor that the ancient seers have said
   Kurasya dhr niit duratyay1
   The mystic forces are not only of immense potency but of a definite moral disposition and character, that is to say, they are of immense potency either for good or for evil. They are not mechanical and amoral forces like those that physical sciences deal with; they are forces of consciousness and they are conscious forces, they act with an aim and a purpose. The mystic forces are forces either of light or of darkness, either Divine or Titanic. And it is most often the powers of darkness that the naturally ignorant consciousness of man contacts when it seeks to cross the borderline without training or guidance, by the sheer arrogant self-sufficiency of mental scientific reason.
   Ignorance, certainly, is not man's ideal conditionit leads to death and dissolution. But knowledge also can be equally disastrous if it is not of the right kind. The knowledge that is born of spiritual disobedience, inspired by the Dark ones, leads to the soul's fall and its calvary through pain and suffering on earth. The seeker of true enlightenment has got to make a distinction, learn to separate the true and the right from the false and the wrong, unmask the luring Mra say clearly and unfalteringly to the dark light of Luciferapage Satana, if he is to come out into the true light and comm and the right forces. The search for knowledge alone, knowledge for the sake of knowledge, the path of pure scientific inquiry and inquisitiveness, in relation to the mystic world, is a dangerous thing. For such a spirit serves only to encourage and enhance man's arrogance and in the end not only limits but warps and falsifies the knowledge itself. A knowledge based on and secured exclusively through the reason and mental light can go only so far as that faculty can be reasonably stretched and not infinitelyto stretch it to infinity means to snap it. This is the warning that Yajnavalkya gave to Gargi when the latter started renewing her question ad infinitum Yajnavalkya said, "If you do not stop, your head will fall off."

00.01 - The Mother on Savitri, #Sweet Mother - Harmonies of Light, #unset, #Zen
  These are experiences lived by Him, realities, supracosmic truths. He experienced all these as one experiences joy or sorrow, physically. He walked in the darkness of inconscience, even in the neighborhood of death, endured the sufferings of perdition, and emerged from the mud, the world-misery to brea the the sovereign plenitude and enter the supreme Ananda. He crossed all these realms, went through the consequences, suffered and endured physically what one cannot imagine. Nobody till today has suffered like Him. He accepted suffering to transform suffering into the joy of union with the Supreme. It is something unique and incomparable in the history of the world. It is something that has never happened before, He is the first to have traced the path in the Unknown, so that we may be able to walk with certitude towards the Supermind. He has made the work easy for us. Savitri is His whole Yoga of transformation, and this Yoga appears now for the first time in the earth-consciousness.
  And I think that man is not yet ready to receive it. It is too high and too vast for him. He cannot understand it, grasp it, for it is not by the mind that one can understand Savitri. One needs spiritual experiences in order to understand and assimilate it. The farther one advances on the path of Yoga, the more does one assimilate and the better. No, it is something which will be appreciated only in the future, it is the poetry of tomorrow of which He has spoken in The Future Poetry. It is too subtle, too refined, - it is not in the mind or through the mind, it is in meditation that Savitri is revealed.

00.02 - Mystic Symbolism, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The Mystics all over the world and in all ages have clothed their sayings in proverbs and parables, in figures and symbols. To speak in symbols seems to be in their very nature; it is their characteristic manner, their inevitable style. Let us see what is the reason behind it. But first who are the Mystics? They are those who are in touch with supra-sensual things, whose experiences are of a world different from the common physical world, the world of the mind and the senses.
   These other worlds are constituted in other ways than ours. Their contents are different and the laws that obtain there are also different. It would be a gross blunder to attempt a chart of any of these other systems, to use an Einsteinian term, with the measures and conventions of the system to which our external waking consciousness belongs. For, there "the sun shines not, nor the moon, nor the stars, neither these lightnings nor this fire." The difficulty is further enhanced by the fact that there are very many unseen worlds and they all differ from the seen and from one another in manner and degree. Thus, for example, the Upanishads speak of the swapna, the suupta, and the turya, domains beyond the jgrat which is that where the rational being with its mind and senses lives and moves. And there are other systems and other ways in which systems exist, and they are practically innumerable.
   When a Mystic refers to the Solar Light or to the Fire the light, for example, that struck down Saul and transformed him into Saint Paul or the burning bush that visited Moses, it is not the physical or material object that he means and yet it is that in a way. It is the materialization of something that is fundamentally not material: some movement in an inner consciousness precipitates itself into the region of the senses and takes from out of the material the form commensurable with its nature that it finds there.
   And there is such a commensurability or parallelism between the various levels of consciousness, in and through all the differences that separate them from one another. Thus an object or a movement apprehended on the physical plane has a sort of line of re-echoing images extended in a series along the whole gradation of the inner planes; otherwise viewed, an object or movement in the innermost consciousness translates itself in varying modes from plane to plane down to the most material, where it appears in its grossest form as a concrete three-dimensional object or a mechanical movement. This parallelism or commensurability by virtue of which the different and divergent states of consciousness can portray or represent each other is the source of all symbolism.
   A symbol symbolizes something for this reason that both possess in common a certain identical, at least similar, quality or rhythm or vibration, the symbol possessing it in a grosser or more apparent or sensuous form than the thing symbolized does. Sometimes it may happen that it is more than a certain quality or rhythm or vibration that is common between the two: the symbol in its entirety is the thing symbolized but thrown down on another plane, it is the embodiment of the latter in a more concrete world. The light and the fire that Saint Paul and Moses saw appear to be of this kind.

00.03 - Upanishadic Symbolism, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Now, before any explanation is attempted it is important to bear in mind that the Upanishads speak of things experiencednot merely thought, reasoned or argued and that these experiences belong to a world and consciousness other than that of the mind and the senses. One should naturally expect here a different language and mode of expression than that which is appropriate to mental and physical things. For example, the world of dreams was once supposed to be a sheer chaos, a mass of meaningless confusion; but now it is held to be quite otherwise. Psychological scientists have discovered a methodeven a very well-defined and strict methodin the madness of that domain. It is an ordered, organised, significant world; but its terminology has to be understood, its code deciphered. It is not a jargon, but a foreign language that must be learnt and mastered.
   In the same way, the world of spiritual experiences is also something methodical, well-organized, significant. It may not be and is not the rational world of the mind and the sense; but it need not, for that reason, be devoid of meaning, mere fancifulness or a child's imagination running riot. Here also the right key has to be found, the grammar and vocabulary of that language mastered. And as the best way to have complete mastery of a language is to live among the people who speak it, so, in the matter of spiritual language, the best and the only way to learn it is to go and live in its native country.
   Garhapatya is the Fire in the body-consciousness, the fire of Earth, as it is sometimes called; Dakshina is the Fire of the moon or mind, and Ahavaniya that of life.10 The earthly fire is also the fire of the sun; the sun is the source of all earth's heat and symbolises at the same time the spiritual light manifested in the physical consciousness. The lunar fire is also the fire of the stars, the stars, mythologically, being the consorts or powers of the moon and they symbolise, in Yogic experience, the intuitive thoughts. The fire of the life-force has its symbol in lightning, electric energy being its vehicle.
   Agni in the physical consciousness is calledghapati, for the body is the house in which the soul is lodged and he is its keeper, guardian and lord. The fire in the mental consciousness is called daki; for it is that which gives discernment, the power to discriminate between the truth and the falsehood, it is that which by the pressure of its heat and light cleaves the wrong away from the right. And the fire in the life-force is called havanya; for pra is not only the plane of hunger and desire, but also of power and dynamism, it is that which calls forth forces, brings them into' play and it is that which is to be invoked for the progression of the Sacrifice, for an onward march on the spiritual path.
   Of the three fires one is the upholderhe who gives the firm foundation, the stable house where the Sacrifice is performed and Truth realised; the second is the Knower, often called in the Veda jtaved, who guides and directs; and the third the Doer, the effective Power, the driving Energyvaivnara.
   The five elements of the ancientsearth, water, fire, air and ether or spaceare symbols taken from the physical world to represent other worlds that are in it and behind it. Each one is a principle that constitutes the fundamental nature of a particular plane of existence.
   Earth represents the material world itself, Matter or existence in its most concrete, its grossest form. It is the basis of existence, the world that supports other worlds (dhar, dharitri),the first or the lowest of the several ranges of creation. In man it is his body. The principle here is that of stability, substantiality, firmness, consistency.
   The Science of the Five Agnis (Fires), as propounded by Pravahan, explains and illustrates the process of the birth of the body, the passage of the soul into earth existence. It describes the advent of the child, the building of the physical form of the human being. The process is conceived of as a sacrifice, the usual symbol with the Vedic Rishis for the expression of their vision and perception of universal processes of Nature, physical and psychological. Here, the child IS said to be the final fruit of the sacrifice, the different stages in the process being: (i) Soma, (ii) Rain, (iii) Food, (iv) Semen, (v) Child. Soma means Rasa physically the principle of water, psychologically the 'principle of delightand symbolises and constitutes the very soul and substance of life. Now it is said that these five principles the fundamental and constituent elementsare born out of the sacrifice, through the oblation or offering to the five Agnis. The first Agni is Heaven or the Sky-God, and by offering to it one's faith and one's ardent desire, one calls into manifestation Soma or Rasa or Water, the basic principle of life. This water is next offered to the second Agni, the Rain-God, who sends down Rain. Rain, again, is offered to the third Agni, the Earth, who brings forth Food. Food is, in its turn, offered to the fourth Agni, the Father or Male, who elaborates in himself the generating fluid.
   Finally, this fluid is offered to the fifth Agni, the Mother or the Female, who delivers the Child.
   Some Western and Westernised scholars have tried to show that the phenomenon described here is an exclusively natural phenomenon, actually visible in the polar region where the sun never sets for six months and moves in a circle whose plane is parallel to the plane of the horizon on the summer solstice and is gradually inclined as the sun regresses towards the equinox (on which day just half the solar disc is visible above the horizon). The sun may be said there to move in the direction East-South-West-North and again East. Indeed the Upanishad mentions the positions of the sun in that order and gives a character to each successive station. The Ray from the East is red, symbolising the Rik, the Southern Ray is white, symbolising the Yajur, the Western Ray is black symbolising the Atharva. The natural phenomenon, however, might have been or might not have been before the mind's eye of the Rishi, but the symbolism, the esotericism of it is clear enough in the way the Rishi speaks of it. Also, apart from the first four movements (which it is already sufficiently difficult to identify completely with what is visible), the fifth movement, as a separate descending movement from above appears to be a foreign element in the context. And although, with regard to the sixth movement or status, the sun is visible as such exactly from the point of the North Pole for a while, the ring of the Rishi's utterance is unmistakably spiritual, it cannot but refer to a fact of inner consciousness that is at least what the physical fact conveys to the Rishi and what he seeks to convey and express primarily.
   Now this is what is sought to be conveyed and expressed. The five movements of the sun here also are nothing but the five smas and they refer to the cycle of the Cosmic or Universal Brahman. The sixth status where all movements cease, where there is no rising and setting, no ebb and flow, no waxing and waning, where there is the immutable, the ever-same unity, is very evidently the Transcendental Brahman. It is That to which the Vedic Rishi refers when he prays for a constant and fixed vision of the eternal Sunjyok ca sryam drie.
   It would be interesting to know what the five ranges or levels or movements of consciousness exactly are that make up the Universal Brahman described in this passage. It is the mystic knowledge, the Upanishad says, of the secret delight in thingsmadhuvidy. The five ranges are the five fundamental principles of delightimmortalities, the Veda would say that form the inner core of the pyramid of creation. They form a rising tier and are ruled respectively by the godsAgni, Indra, Varuna, Soma and Brahmawith their emanations and instrumental personalities the Vasus, the Rudras, the Adityas, the Maruts and the Sadhyas. We suggest that these refer to the five well-known levels of being, the modes or nodi of consciousness or something very much like them. The Upanishad speaks elsewhere of the five sheaths. The six Chakras of Tantric system lie in the same line. The first and the basic mode is the physical and the ascent from the physical: Agni and the Vasus are always intimately connected with the earth and -the earth-principles (it can be compared with the Muladhara of the Tantras). Next, second in the line of ascent is the Vital, the centre of power and dynamism of which the Rudras are the deities and Indra the presiding God (cf. Swadhishthana of the Tantras the navel centre). Indra, in the Vedas, has two aspects, one of knowledge and vision and the other of dynamic force and drive. In the first aspect he is more often considered as the Lord of the Mind, of the Luminous Mind. In the present passage, Indra is taken in his second aspect and instead of the Maruts with whom he is usually invoked has the Rudras as his agents and associates.
   The third in the line of ascension is the region of Varuna and the Adityas, that is to say, of the large Mind and its lightsperhaps it can be connected with Tantric Ajnachakra. The fourth is the domain of Soma and the Marutsthis seems to be the inner heart, the fount of delight and keen and sweeping aspirations the Anahata of the Tantras. The fifth is the region of the crown of the head, the domain of Brahma and the Sadhyas: it is the Overmind status from where comes the descending inflatus, the creative Maya of Brahma. And when you go beyond, you pass into the ultimate status of the Sun, the reality absolute, the Transcendent which is indescribable, unseizable, indeterminate, indeterminable, incommensurable; and once there, one never returns, neverna ca punarvartate na ca punarvartate.
   The first boon regards the individual, that is to say, the individual identity and integrity. It asks for the maintenance of that individuality so that it may be saved from the dissolution that Death brings about. Death, of course, means the dissolution of the body, but it represents also dissolution pure and simple. Indeed death is a process which does not stop with the physical phenomenon, but continues even after; for with the body gone, the other elements of the individual organism, the vital and the mental too gradually fall off, fade and dissolve. Nachiketas wishes to secure from Death the safety and preservation of the earthly personality, the particular organisation of mind and vital based upon a recognisable physical frame. That is the first necessity for the aspiring mortalfor, it is said, the body is the first instrument for the working out of one's life ideal. But man's true personality, the real individuality lies beyond, beyond the body, beyond the life, beyond the mind, beyond the triple region that Death lords it over. That is the divine world, the Heaven of the immortals, beyond death and beyond sorrow and grief. It is the hearth secreted in the inner heart where burns the Divine Fire, the God of Life Everlasting. And this is the nodus that binds together the threefold status of the manifested existence, the body, the life and the mind. This triplicity is the structure of name and form built out of the bricks of experience, the kiln, as it were, within which burns the Divine Agni, man's true soul. This soul can be reached only when one exceeds the bounds and limitations of the triple cord and experiences one's communion and identity with all souls and all existence. Agni is the secret divinity within, within the individual and within the world; he is the Immanent Divine, the cosmic godhead that holds together and marshals all the elements and components, all the principles that make up the manifest universe. He it is that has entered into the world and created facets of his own reality in multiple forms: and it is he that lies secret in the human being as the immortal soul through all its adventure of life and death in the series of incarnations in terrestrial evolution. The adoration and realisation of this Immanent Divinity, the worship of Agni taught by Yama in the second boon, consists in the triple sacrifice, the triple work, the triple union in the triple status of the physical, the vital and the mental consciousness, the mastery of which leads one to the other shore, the abode of perennial existence where the human soul enjoys its eternity and unending continuity in cosmic life. Therefore, Agni, the master of the psychic being, is called jtaveds, he who knows the births, all the transmigrations from life to life.
   The third boon is the secret of secrets, for it is the knowledge and realisation of Transcendence that is sought here. Beyond the individual lies the universal; is there anything beyond the universal? The release of the individual into the cosmic existence gives him the griefless life eternal: can the cosmos be rolled up and flung into something beyond? What would be the nature of that thing? What is there outside creation, outside manifestation, outside Maya, to use a latter day term? Is there existence or non-existence (utter dissolution or extinctionDeath in his supreme and absolute status)? King Yama did not choose to answer immediately and even endeavoured to dissuade Nachiketas from pursuing the question over which people were confounded, as he said. Evidently it was a much discussed problem in those days. Buddha was asked the same question and he evaded it, saying that the pragmatic man should attend to practical and immediate realities and not, waste time and energy in discussing things ultimate and beyond that have hardly any relation to the present and the actual.
   But Yama did answer and unveil the mystery and impart the supreme secret knowledge the knowledge of the Transcendent Brahman: it is out of the transcendent reality that the immanent deity takes his birth. Hence the Divine Fire, the Lord of creation and the Inner Mastersarvabhtntartm, antarymis called brahmajam, born of the Brahman. Yama teaches the process of transcendence. Apart from the knowledge and experience first of the individual and then of the cosmic Brahman, there is a definite line along which the human consciousness (or unconsciousness, as it is at present) is to ascend and evolve. The first step is to learn to distinguish between the Good and the Pleasurable (reya and preya). The line of pleasure leads to the external, the superficial, the false: while the other path leads towards the inner and the higher truth. So the second step is the gradual withdrawal of the consciousness from the physical and the sensual and even the mental preoccupation and focussing it upon what is certain and permanent. In the midst of the death-ridden consciousness in the heart of all that is unstable and fleetingone has to look for Agni, the eternal godhead, the Immortal in mortality, the Timeless in time through whom lies the passage to Immortality beyond Time.
   Man has two souls corresponding to his double status. In the inferior, the soul looks downward and is involved in the current of Impermanence and Ignorance, it tastes of grief and sorrow and suffers death and dissolution: in the higher it looks upward and communes and joins with the Eternal (the cosmic) and then with the Absolute (the transcendent). The lower is a reflection of the higher, the higher comes down in a diminished and hence tarnished light. The message is that of deliverance, the deliverance and reintegration of the lower soul out of its bondage of worldly ignorant life into the freedom and immortality first of its higher and then of its highest status. It is true, however, that the Upanishad does not make a trenchant distinction between the cosmic and the transcendent and often it speaks of both in the same breath, as it were. For in fact they are realities involved in each other and interwoven. Indeed the triple status, including the Individual, forms one single totality and the three do not exclude or cancel each other; on the contrary, they combine and may be said to enhance each other's reality. The Transcendence expresses or deploys itself in the cosmoshe goes abroad,sa paryagt: and the cosmic individualises, concretises itself in the particular and the personal. The one single spiritual reality holds itself, aspects itself in a threefold manner.
   The teaching of Yama in brief may be said to be the gospel of immortality and it consists of the knowledge of triple immortality. And who else can be the best teacher of immortality than Death himself, as Nachiketas pointedly said? The first immortality is that of the physical existence and consciousness, the preservation of the personal identity, the individual name and formthis being in itself as expression and embodiment and instrument of the Inner Reality. This inner reality enshrines the second immortality the eternity and continuity of the soul's life through its incarnations in time, the divine Agni lit for ever and ever growing in flaming consciousness. And the third and final immortality is in the being and consciousness beyond time, beyond all relativities, the absolute and self-existent delight.
   Rig Veda, X. 14-11, 12.

0.00a - Introduction, #A Garden of Pomegranates - An Outline of the Qabalah, #Israel Regardie, #Occultism
  The Book of the Law states simply, "Every man and every woman is a star." This is a startling thought for those who considered a star a heavenly body, but a declaration subject to proof by anyone who will venture into the realm of his own Unconscious. This realm, he will learn if he persists, is not hemmed in by the boundaries of his physical body but is one with the boundless reaches of outer space.
  Those who, armed with the tools provided by the Qabalah, have made the journey within and crossed beyond the barriers of illusion, have returned with an impressive quantity of knowledge which conforms strictly to the definition of "science" in Winston's College Dictionary: "Science: a body of knowledge, general truths of particular facts, obtained and shown to be correct by accurate observation and thinking; knowledge condensed, arranged and systematized with reference to general truths and laws."
  The Qabalah reveals the nature of certain physical and psychological phenomena. Once these are apprehended, understood and correlated, the student can use the principles of Magic to exercise control over life's conditions and circumstances not otherwise possible. In short. Magic provides the practical application of the theories supplied by the Qabalah.
  It serves yet another vital function. In addition to the advantages to be gained from its philosophical application, the ancients discovered a very practical use for the literal Qabalah.

000 - Humans in Universe, #Synergetics - Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking, #R Buckminster Fuller, #Science
  economists insisted that superior physical fitness obviously governed economic
  survival as well. Karl Marx accepted the scientific viewpoints of both Malthus and
  fittest to survive." Thus survival of the physically fittest became the basis for
  national departments of defense with their priority of access to the most advanced
  chemical structuring produces ever more powerful and incisive performances perpound of physical matter employed.
  000.112 Structures are complexes of visible or invisible physical events
  interacting to produce stable patterns. A structural system divides Universe into all
  sustainable physical success on this planet. The prime barrier to humanity's
  discovery and comprehension of nature is the obscurity of the mathematical
  values. In physically realized time-size each has therefore 4 + 3 = 7 dimensions, but
  since each system is inherently independent in Universe and therefore has
  dimensions in all for experientially evidencing physical reality.
  000.1271 To define the everywhere-and-everywhen-transforming cosmic
  favorably comprehend and to exercise its option to attain universal physical
  success, thereby eliminating forevermore all world politics and competition for the
  governing all physical and meta physical, omniinteraccommodative, ceaseless
  intertransformings of Universe.
  revolution and will enter a new and-lasting epoch of physical success for all. If not,
  it will be curtains for all humanity within this century.

0.00 - INTRODUCTION, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
   Rani Rasmani, the foundress of the temple garden, passed away in 1861. After her death her son-in-law Mathur became the sole executor of the estate. He placed himself and his resources at the disposal of Sri Ramakrishna and began to look after his physical comfort. Sri Ramakrishna later spoke of him as one of his five "suppliers of stores" appointed by the Divine Mother. Whenever a desire arose in his mind, Mathur fulfilled it without hesitation.
   Sri Ramakrishna welcomed the visitor with great respect, described to her his experiences and visions, and told her of people's belief that these were symptoms of madness. She listened to him attentively and said: "My son, everyone in this world is mad. Some are mad for money, some for creature comforts, some for name and fame; and you are mad for God." She assured him that he was passing through the almost unknown spiritual experience described in the scriptures as mahabhava, the most exalted rapture of divine love. She told him that this extreme exaltation had been described as manifesting itself through nineteen physical symptoms, including the shedding of tears, a tremor of the body, horripilation, perspiration, and a burning sensation. The Bhakti scriptures, she declared, had recorded only two instances of the experience, namely, those of Sri Radha and Sri Chaitanya.
   Very soon a tender relationship sprang up between Sri Ramakrishna and the Brahmani, she looking upon him as the Baby Krishna, and he upon her as mother. Day after day she watched his ecstasy during the kirtan and meditation, his samadhi, his mad yearning; and she recognized in him a power to transmit spirituality to others. She came to the conclusion that such things were not possible for an ordinary devotee, not even for a highly developed soul. Only an Incarnation of God was capable of such spiritual manifestations. She proclaimed openly that Sri Ramakrishna, like Sri Chaitanya, was an Incarnation of God.
   Sri Ramakrishna now devoted himself to scaling the most inaccessible and dizzy heights of dualistic worship, namely, the complete union with Sri Krishna as the Beloved of the heart. He regarded himself as one of the gopis of Vrindavan, mad with longing for her divine Sweetheart. At his request Mathur provided him with woman's dress and jewelry. In this love-pursuit, food and drink were forgotten. Day and night he wept bitterly. The yearning turned into a mad frenzy; for the divine Krishna began to play with him the old tricks He had played with the gopis. He would tease and taunt, now and then revealing Himself, but always keeping at a distance. Sri Ramakrishna's anguish brought on a return of the old physical symptoms: the burning sensation, an oozing of blood through the pores, a loosening of the joints, and the stopping of physiological functions.
   The Vaishnava scriptures advise one to propitiate Radha and obtain her grace in order to realize Sri Krishna. So the tortured devotee now turned his prayer to her. Within a short time he enjoyed her blessed vision. He saw and felt the figure of Radha disappearing into his own body.
   On the appointed day, in the small hours of the morning, a fire was lighted in the Panchavati. Totapuri and Sri Ramakrishna sat before it. The flame played on their faces. "Ramakrishna was a small brown man with a short beard and beautiful eyes, long dark eyes, full of light, obliquely set and slightly veiled, never very wide open, but seeing half-closed a great distance both outwardly and inwardly. His mouth was open over his white teeth in a bewitching smile, at once affectionate and mischievous. Of medium height, he was thin to emaciation and extremely delicate. His temperament was high-strung, for he was supersensitive to all the winds of joy and sorrow, both moral and physical. He was indeed a living reflection of all that happened before the mirror of his eyes, a two-sided mirror, turned both out and in." (Romain Rolland, Prophets of the New India, pp. 38-9.) Facing him, the other rose like a rock. He was very tall and robust, a sturdy and tough oak. His constitution and mind were of iron. He was the strong leader of men.
   In the burning flame before him Sri Ramakrishna performed the rituals of destroying his attachment to relatives, friends, body, mind, sense-organs, ego, and the world. The leaping flame swallowed it all, making the initiate free and pure. The sacred thread and the tuft of hair were consigned to the fire, completing his severance from caste, sex, and society. Last of all he burnt in that fire, with all that is holy as his witness, his desire for enjoyment here and hereafter. He uttered the sacred mantras giving assurance of safety and fearlessness to all beings, who were only manifestations of his own Self. The rites completed, the disciple received from the guru the loin-cloth and ochre robe, the emblems of his new life.
   His body would not have survived but for the kindly attention of a monk who happened to be at Dakshineswar at that time and who somehow realized that for the good of humanity Sri Ramakrishna's body must be preserved. He tried various means, even physical violence, to recall the fleeing soul to the prison-house of the body, and during the resultant fleeting moments of consciousness he would push a few morsels of food down Sri Ramakrishna's throat. Presently Sri Ramakrishna received the command of the Divine Mother to remain on the threshold of relative consciousness. Soon there-after after he was afflicted with a serious attack of dysentery. Day and night the pain tortured him, and his mind gradually came down to the physical plane.
   From now on Sri Ramakrishna began to seek the company of devotees and holy men. He had gone through the storm and stress of spiritual disciplines and visions. Now he realized an inner calmness and appeared to others as a normal person. But he could not bear the company of worldly people or listen to their talk. Fortunately the holy atmosphere of Dakshineswar and the liberality of Mathur attracted monks and holy men from all parts of the country. Sadhus of all denominations — monists and dualists, Vaishnavas and Vedantists, Saktas and worshippers of Rama — flocked there in ever increasing numbers. Ascetics and visionaries came to seek Sri Ramakrishna's advice. Vaishnavas had come during the period of his Vaishnava sadhana, and Tantriks when he practised the disciplines of Tantra. Vedantists began to arrive after the departure of Totapuri. In the room of Sri Ramakrishna, who was then in bed with dysentery, the Vedantists engaged in scriptural discussions, and, forgetting his own physical suffering, he solved their doubts by referring directly to his own experiences. Many of the visitors were genuine spiritual souls, the unseen pillars of Hinduism, and their spiritual lives were quickened in no small measure by the sage of Dakshineswar. Sri Ramakrishna in turn learnt from them anecdotes concerning the ways and the conduct of holy men, which he subsequently narrated to his devotees and disciples. At his request Mathur provided him with large stores of food-stuffs, clothes, and so forth, for distribution among the wandering monks.
   "Sri Ramakrishna had not read books, yet he possessed an encyclopedic knowledge of religions and religious philosophies. This he acquired from his contacts with innumerable holy men and scholars. He had a unique power of assimilation; through meditation he made this knowledge a part of his being. Once, when he was asked by a disciple about the source of his seemingly inexhaustible knowledge, he replied; "I have not read; but I have heard the learned. I have made a garland of their knowledge, wearing it round my neck, and I have given it as an offering at the feet of the Mother."
   The real organizer of the Samaj was Devendranath Tagore (1817-1905), the father of the poet Rabindranath. His physical and spiritual beauty, aristocratic aloofness, penetrating intellect, and poetic sensibility made him the foremost leader of the educated Bengalis. These addressed him by the respectful epithet of Maharshi, the "Great Seer". The Maharshi was a Sanskrit scholar and, unlike Raja Rammohan Roy, drew his inspiration entirely from the Upanishads. He was an implacable enemy of image worship ship and also fought to stop the infiltration of Christian ideas into the Samaj. He gave the movement its faith and ritual. Under his influence the Brahmo Samaj professed One Self-existent Supreme Being who had created the universe out of nothing, the God of Truth, Infinite Wisdom, Goodness, and Power, the Eternal and Omnipotent, the One without a Second. Man should love Him and do His will, believe in Him and worship Him, and thus merit salvation in the world to come.
   By far the ablest leader of the Brahmo movement was Keshab Chandra Sen (1838-1884). Unlike Raja Rammohan Roy and Devendranath Tagore, Keshab was born of a middle-class Bengali family and had been brought up in an English school. He did not know Sanskrit and very soon broke away from the popular Hindu religion. Even at an early age he came under the spell of Christ and professed to have experienced the special favour of John the Baptist, Christ, and St. Paul. When he strove to introduce Christ to the Brahmo Samaj, a rupture became inevitable with Devendranath. In 1868 Keshab broke with the older leader and founded the Brahmo Samaj of India, Devendra retaining leadership of the first Brahmo Samaj, now called the Adi Samaj.
   Durgacharan Nag, also known as Nag Mahashay, was the ideal householder among the lay disciples of Sri Ramakrishna. He was the embodiment of the Master's ideal of life in the world, unstained by worldliness. In spite of his intense desire to become a sannyasi, Sri Ramakrishna asked him to live in the world in the spirit of a monk, and the disciple truly carried out this injunction. He was born of a poor family and even during his boyhood often sacrificed everything to lessen the sufferings of the needy. He had married at an early age and after his wife's death had married a second time to obey his father's command. But he once said to his wife: "Love on the physical level never lasts. He is indeed blessed who can give his love to God with his whole heart. Even a little attachment to the body endures for several births. So do not be attached to this cage of bone and flesh. Take shelter at the feet of the Mother and think of Her alone. Thus your life here and hereafter will be ennobled." The Master spoke of him as a "blazing light". He received every word of Sri Ramakrishna in dead earnest. One day he heard the Master saying that it was difficult for doctors, lawyers, and brokers to make much progress in spirituality. Of doctors he said, "If the mind clings to the tiny drops of medicine, how can it conceive of the Infinite?" That was the end of Durgacharan's medical practice and he threw his chest of medicines into the Ganges. Sri Ramakrishna assured him that he would not lack simple food and clothing. He bade him serve holy men. On being asked where he would find real holy men, the Master said that the sadhus themselves would seek his company. No sannyasi could have lived a more austere life than Durgacharan.
   Narendra was born in Calcutta on January 12, 1863, of an aristocratic kayastha family. His mother was steeped in the great Hindu epics, and his father, a distinguished attorney of the Calcutta High Court, was an agnostic about religion, a friend of the poor, and a mocker at social conventions. Even in his boyhood and youth Narendra possessed great physical courage and presence of mind, a vivid imagination, deep power of thought, keen intelligence, an extraordinary memory, a love of truth, a passion for purity, a spirit of independence, and a tender heart. An expert musician, he also acquired proficiency in physics, astronomy, mathematics, philosophy, history, and literature. He grew up into an extremely handsome young man. Even as a child he practised meditation and showed great power of concentration. Though free and passionate in word and action, he took the vow of austere religious chastity and never allowed the fire of purity to be extinguished by the slightest defilement of body or soul.
   As he read in college the rationalistic Western philosophers of the nineteenth century, his boyhood faith in God and religion was unsettled. He would not accept religion on mere faith; he wanted demonstration of God. But very soon his passionate nature discovered that mere Universal Reason was cold and bloodless. His emotional nature, dissatisfied with a mere abstraction, required a concrete support to help him in the hours of temptation. He wanted an external power, a guru, who by embodying perfection in the flesh would still the commotion of his soul. Attracted by the magnetic personality of Keshab, he joined the Brahmo Samaj and became a singer in its choir. But in the Samaj he did not find the guru who could say that he had seen God.
   One day, in January 1884, the Master was going toward the pine-grove when he went into a trance. He was alone. There was no one to support him or guide his footsteps. He fell to the ground and dislocated a bone in his left arm. This accident had a significant influence on his mind, the natural inclination of which was to soar above the consciousness of the body. The acute pain in the arm forced his mind to dwell on the body and on the world outside. But he saw even in this a divine purpose; for, with his mind compelled to dwell on the physical plane, he realized more than ever that he was an instrument in the hand of the Divine Mother, who had a mission to fulfil through his human body and mind. He also distinctly found that in the phenomenal world God manifests Himself, in an inscrutable way, through diverse human beings, both good and evil. Thus he would speak of God in the guise of the wicked, God in the guise of the pious. God in the guise of the hypocrite, God in the guise of the lewd. He began to take a special delight in watching the divine play in the relative world. Sometimes the sweet human relationship with God would appear to him more appealing than the all-effacing Knowledge of Brahman. Many a time he would pray: "Mother, don't make me unconscious through the Knowledge of Brahman. Don't give me Brahmajnana, Mother. Am I not Your child, and naturally timid? I must have my Mother. A million salutations to the Knowledge of Brahman! Give it to those who want it." Again he prayed: "O Mother let me remain in contact with men! Don't make me a dried-up ascetic. I want to enjoy Your sport in the world." He was able to taste this very rich divine experience and enjoy the love of God and the company of His devotees because his mind, on account of the injury to his arm, was forced to come down to the consciousness of the body. Again, he would make fun of people who proclaimed him as a Divine Incarnation, by pointing to his broken arm. He would say, "Have you ever heard of God breaking His arm?" It took the arm about five months to heal.
   supernatural cause to a natural phenomenon. They believed that the Master's body, a material thing, was subject, like all other material things, to physical laws. Growth, development, decay, and death were laws of nature to which the Master's body could not but respond. But though holding differing views, they all believed that it was to him alone that they must look for the attainment of their spiritual goal.
   In spite of the physician's efforts and the prayers and nursing of the devotees, the illness rapidly progressed. The pain sometimes appeared to be unbearable. The Master lived only on liquid food, and his frail body was becoming a mere skeleton. Yet his face always radiated joy, and he continued to welcome the visitors pouring in to receive his blessing. When certain zealous devotees tried to keep the visitors away, they were told by Girish, "You cannot succeed in it; he has been born for this very purpose — to sacrifice himself for the redemption of others."
   It was at Cossipore that the curtain fell on the varied activities of the Master's life on the physical plane. His soul lingered in the body eight months more. It was the period of his great Passion, a constant crucifixion of the body and the triumphant revelation of the Soul. Here one sees the humanity and divinity of the Master passing and repassing across a thin border line. Every minute of those eight months was suffused with touching tenderness of heart and breath-taking elevation of spirit. Every word he uttered was full of pathos and sublimity.
   It took the group only a few days to become adjusted to the new environment. The Holy Mother, assisted by Sri Ramakrishna's niece, Lakshmi Devi, and a few woman devotees, took charge of the cooking for the Master and his attendants. Surendra willingly bore the major portion of the expenses, other householders contributing according to their means. Twelve disciples were constant attendants of the Master: Narendra, Rakhal, Baburam, Niranjan, Jogin, Latu, Tarak, the-elder Gopal, Kali, Sashi, Sarat, and the younger Gopal. Sarada, Harish, Hari, Gangadhar, and Tulasi visited the Master from time to time and practised sadhana at home. Narendra, preparing for his law examination, brought his books to the garden house in order to continue his studies during the infrequent spare moments. He encouraged his brother disciples to intensify their meditation, scriptural studies, and other spiritual disciplines. They all forgot their relatives and their
   Yet one is not sure whether the Master's soul actually was tortured by this agonizing disease. At least during his moments of spiritual exaltation — which became almost constant during the closing days of his life on earth — he lost all consciousness of the body, of illness and suffering. One of his attendants (Latu, later known as Swami Adbhutananda.) said later on: "While Sri Ramakrishna lay sick he never actually suffered pain. He would often say: 'O mind! Forget the body, forget the sickness, and remain merged in Bliss.' No, he did not really suffer. At times he would be in a state when the thrill of joy was clearly manifested in his body. Even when he could not speak he would let us know in some way that there was no suffering, and this fact was clearly evident to all who watched him. People who did not understand him thought that his suffering was very great. What spiritual joy he transmitted to us at that time! Could such a thing have been possible if he had 'been suffering physically? It was during this period that he taught us again these truths: 'Brahman is always unattached. The three gunas are in It, but It is unaffected by them, just as the wind carries odour yet remains odourless.' 'Brahman is Infinite Being, Infinite Wisdom, Infinite Bliss. In It there exist no delusion, no misery, no disease, no death, no growth, no decay.' 'The Transcendental Being and the being within are one and the same. There is one indivisible Absolute Existence.'"
   The Holy Mother secretly went to a Siva temple across the Ganges to intercede with the Deity for the Master's recovery. In a revelation she was told to prepare herself for the inevitable end.
   Doubt, however, dies hard. After one or two days Narendra said to himself, "If in the midst of this racking physical pain he declares his Godhead, then only shall I accept him as an Incarnation of God." He was alone by the bedside of the Master. It was a passing thought, but the Master smiled. Gathering his remaining strength, he distinctly said, "He who was Rama and Krishna is now, in this body, Ramakrishna — but not in your Vedantic sense." Narendra was stricken with shame.

0.00 - The Book of Lies Text, #The Book of Lies, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
    spiritual importance of this physical procession in
    line 5.
     As man loses his personality in physical love, so
    does the magician annihilate his divine personality in
    beyond physical love. It is called the Pole-Star, because
    Laylah is the one object of devotion to which the author
    on the physical plane, Laylah is an Australian.
  precedes spiritual and physical perceptions. One would be foolish to claim
  initiation unless it were complete on every plane.

0.00 - THE GOSPEL PREFACE, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
  The reader will find mentioned in this work many visions and experiences that fall outside the ken of physical science and even psychology. With the development of modern knowledge the border line between the natural and the supernatural is ever shifting its position. Genuine mystical experiences are not as suspect now as they were half a century ago. The words of Sri Ramakrishna have already exerted a tremendous influence in the land of his birth. Savants of Europe have found in his words the ring of universal truth.
  But these words were not the product of intellectual cogitation; they were rooted in direct experience. Hence, to students of religion, psychology, and physical science, these experiences of the Master are of immense value for the understanding of religious phenomena in general. No doubt Sri Ramakrishna was a Hindu of the Hindus; yet his experiences transcended the limits of the dogmas and creeds of Hinduism. Mystics of religions other than Hinduism will find in Sri Ramakrishna's experiences a corroboration of the experiences of their own prophets and seers. And this is very important today for the resuscitation of religious values. The sceptical reader may pass by the supernatural experiences; he will yet find in the book enough material to provoke his serious thought and solve many of his spiritual problems.
  There are repetitions of teachings and parables in the book. I have kept them purposely. They have their charm and usefulness, repeated as they were in different settings. Repetition is unavoidable in a work of this kind. In the first place, different seekers come to a religious teacher with questions of more or less identical nature; hence the answers will be of more or less identical pattern. Besides, religious teachers of all times and climes have tried, by means of repetition, to hammer truths into the stony soil of the recalcitrant human mind. Finally, repetition does not seem tedious if the ideas repeated are dear to a man's heart.

0.00 - The Wellspring of Reality, #Synergetics - Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking, #R Buckminster Fuller, #Science
  The human brain is a physical mechanism for storing, retrieving, and re-storing again, each special-case experience. The experience is often a packaged concept.
  Such packages consist of complexedly interrelated and not as-yet differentially analyzed phenomena which, as initially unit cognitions, are potentially re-experienceable. A rose, for instance, grows. has thorns, blossoms, and fragrance, but often is stored in the brain only under the single word-rose.
  The principle of leverage is a scientific generalization. It makes no difference of what material either the fulcrum or the lever consists-wood, steel, or reinforced concrete. Nor do the special-case sizes of the lever and fulcrum, or of the load pried at one end, or the work applied at the lever's other end in any way alter either the principle or the mathematical regularity of the ratios of physical work advantage that are provided at progressive fulcrum-to-load increments of distance outward from the fulcrum in the opposite direction along the lever's arm at which theoperating effort is applied.
  Mind is the weightless and uniquely human faculty that surveys the ever larger inventory of special-case experiences stored in the brain bank and, seeking to identify their intercomplementary significance, from time to time discovers one of the rare scientifically generalizable principles running consistently through all the relevant experience set. The thoughts that discover these principles are weightless and tentative and may also be eternal. They suggest eternity but do not prove it, even though there have been no experiences thus far that imply exceptions to their persistence. It seems also to follow that the more experiences we have, the more chances there are that the mind may discover, on the one hand, additional generalized principles or, on the other hand, exceptions that disqualify one or another of the already catalogued principles that, having heretofore held "true" without contradiction for a long time, had been tentatively conceded to be demonstrating eternal persistence of behavior. Mind's relentless reviewing of the comprehensive brain bank's storage of all our special-case experiences tends both to progressive enlargement and definitive refinement of the catalogue of generalized principles that interaccommodatively govern all transactions of Universe.
  Furthermore, today's hyperspecialization in socioeconomic functioning has come to preclude important popular philosophic considerations of the synergetic significance of, for instance, such historically important events as the discovery within the general region of experimental inquiry known as virology that the as-yet popularly assumed validity of the concepts of animate and inanimate phenomena have been experimentally invalidated. Atoms and crystal complexes of atoms were held to be obviously inanimate; the protoplasmic cells of biological phenomena were held to be obviously animate. It was deemed to be common sense that warm- blooded, moist, and soft-skinned humans were clearly not to be confused with hard, cold granite or steel objects. A clear-cut threshold between animate and inanimate was therefore assumed to exist as a fundamental dichotomy of all physical phenomena. This seemingly placed life exclusively within the bounds of the physical.
  The supposed location of the threshold between animate and inanimate was methodically narrowed down by experimental science until it was confined specifically within the domain of virology. Virologists have been too busy, for instance, with their DNA-RNA genetic code isolatings, to find time to see the synergetic significance to society of the fact that they have found that no physical threshold does in fact exist between animate and inanimate. The possibility of its existence vanished because the supposedly unique physical qualities of both animate and inanimate have persisted right across yesterday's supposed threshold in both directions to permeate one another's-previously perceived to be exclusive- domains. Subsequently, what was animate has become foggier and foggier, and what is inanimate clearer and clearer. All organisms consist physically and in entirety of inherently inanimate atoms. The inanimate alone is not only omnipresent but is alone experimentally demonstrable. Belated news of the elimination of this threshold must be interpreted to mean that whatever life may be, it has not been isolated and thereby identified as residual in the biological cell, as had been supposed by the false assumption that there was a separate physical phenomenoncalled animate within which life existed. No life per se has been isolated. The threshold between animate and inanimate has vanished. Those chemists who are preoccupied in synthesizing the particular atomically structured molecules identified as the prime constituents of humanly employed organisms will, even if they are chemically successful, be as remote from creating life as are automobile manufacturers from creating the human drivers of their automobiles. Only the physical connections and development complexes of distinctly "nonlife" atoms into molecules, into cells, into animals, has been and will be discovered. The genetic coding of the design controls of organic systems offers no more explanation of life than did the specifications of the designs of the telephone system's apparatus and operation explain the nature of the life that communicates weightlessly to life over the only physically ponderable telephone system. Whatever else life may be, we know it is weightless. At the moment of death, no weight is lost. All the chemicals, including the chemist's life ingredients, are present, but life has vanished. The physical is inherently entropic, giving off energy in ever more disorderly ways. The meta physical is antientropic, methodically marshalling energy. Life is antientropic.
  It is spontaneously inquisitive. It sorts out and endeavors to understand.
  The overconcentration on details of hyperspecialization has also been responsible for the lack of recognition by science of its inherently mandatory responsibility to reorient all our educational curricula because of the synergetically disclosed, but popularly uncomprehended, significance of the 1956 Nobel Prize-winning discovery in physics of the experimental invalidation of the concept of "parity" by which science previously had misassumed that positive-negative complementations consisted exclusively of mirror-imaged behaviors of physical phenomena.
  Science's self-assumed responsibility has been self-limited to disclosure to society only of the separate, supposedly physical (because separately weighable) atomic component isolations data. Synergetic integrity would require the scientists to announce that in reality what had been identified heretofore as physical is entirely meta physical-because synergetically weightless. Meta physical has been science's designation for all weightless phenomena such as thought. But science has made no experimental finding of any phenomena that can be described as a solid, or as continuous, or as a straight surface plane, or as a straight line, or as infinite anything. We are now synergetically forced to conclude that all phenomena are meta physical; wherefore, as many have long suspected-like it or not-life is but a dream.Science has found no up or down directions of Universe, yet scientists are personally so ill-coordinated that they all still personally and sensorially see "solids" going up or down-as, for instance, they see the Sun "going down." Sensorially disconnected from their theoretically evolved information, scientists discern no need on their part to suggest any educational reforms to correct the misconceiving that science has tolerated for half a millennium.
  Society depends upon its scientists for just such educational reform guidance.
  Children freed of the ignorantly founded educational traditions and exposed only to their spontaneously summoned, computer-stored and -distributed outflow of reliable-opinion-purged, experimentally verified data, shall indeed lead society to its happy egress from all misinformedly conceived, fearfully and legally imposed, and physically enforced customs of yesterday. They can lead all humanity into omnisuccessful survival as well as entrance into an utterly new era of human experience in an as-yet and ever-will-be fundamentally mysterious Universe.
  And whence will come the wealth with which we may undertake to lead world man into his new and validly hopeful life? From the wealth of the minds of world man-whence comes all wealth. Only mind can discover how to do so much with so little as forever to be able to sustain and physically satisfy all humanity.

0.01f - FOREWARD, #The Phenomenon of Man, #Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, #Christianity
  view of his own significance in the physical world. There is no
  need to be surprised at this slow awakening. It often happens
  of physical scale which separates, both in rhythm and dimension,
  upsetting the physical unity of the world ;
  A sense of movement, capable of perceiving the irresistible
  A sense, lastly, of the organic, discovering physical links and
  structural unity under the superficial juxtaposition of successions

0.01 - I - Sri Aurobindos personality, his outer retirement - outside contacts after 1910 - spiritual personalities- Vibhutis and Avatars - transformtion of human personality, #Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo, #unset, #Zen
   The question which Arjuna asks Sri Krishna in the Gita (second chapter) occurs pertinently to many about all spiritual personalities: "What is the language of one whose understanding is poised? How does he speak, how sit, how walk?" Men want to know the outer signs of the inner attainment, the way in which a spiritual person differs outwardly from other men. But all the tests which the Gita enumerates are inner and therefore invisible to the outer view. It is true also that the inner or the spiritual is the essential and the outer derives its value and form from the inner. But the transformation about which Sri Aurobindo writes in his books has to take place in nature, because according to him the divine Reality has to manifest itself in nature. So, all the parts of nature including the physical and the external are to be transformed. In his own case the very physical became the transparent mould of the Spirit as a result of his intense Sadhana. This is borne out by the impression created on the minds of sensitive outsiders like Sj. K. M. Munshi who was deeply impressed by his radiating presence when he met him after nearly forty years.
   The Evening Talks collected here may afford to the outside world a glimpse of his external personality and give the seeker some idea of its richness, its many-sidedness, its uniqueness. One can also form some notion of Sri Aurobindo's personality from the books in which the height, the universal sweep and clear vision of his integral ideal and thought can be seen. His writings are, in a sense, the best representative of his mental personality. The versatile nature of his genius, the penetrating power of his intellect, his extraordinary power of expression, his intense sincerity, his utter singleness of purpose all these can be easily felt by any earnest student of his works. He may discover even in the realm of mind that Sri Aurobindo brings the unlimited into the limited. Another side of his dynamic personality is represented by the Ashram as an institution. But the outer, if one may use the phrase, the human side of his personality, is unknown to the outside world because from 1910 to 1950 a span of forty years he led a life of outer retirement. No doubt, many knew about his staying at Pondicherry and practising some kind of very special Yoga to the mystery of which they had no access. To some, perhaps, he was living a life of enviable solitude enjoying the luxury of a spiritual endeavour. Many regretted his retirement as a great loss to the world because they could not see any external activity on his part which could be regarded as 'public', 'altruistic' or 'beneficial'. Even some of his admirers thought that he was after some kind of personal salvation which would have very little significance for mankind in general. His outward non-participation in public life was construed by many as lack of love for humanity.

0.01 - Letters from the Mother to Her Son, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  whole being, mental, psychic, vital and physical, enters into a
  complete state of rest made of perfect peace, absolute silence

0.01 - Life and Yoga, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  But as in physical knowledge the multiplication of scientific processes has its disadvantages, as that tends, for instance, to develop a victorious artificiality which overwhelms our natural human life under a load of machinery and to purchase certain forms of freedom and mastery at the price of an increased servitude, so the preoccupation with Yogic processes and their exceptional results may have its disadvantages and losses. The
  The Conditions of the Synthesis

0.02 - Letters to a Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  The physical being is always fatigued when it is asked to keep a
  lasting concentration.
  It may be that physical appearance has something to do with it,
  but truly speaking it does not count for much. I believe rather
  say in French, and that one can rely only on one's physical eyes
  Series Two - To a Sadhak in the Building Department
  for seeing and observing, on one's physical-mental knowledge
  for judging and deciding, and that the laws of Nature are laws -
  If I could move about and see everything physically for myself, I
  would not need to get information from anyone. But this is not

0.02 - The Three Steps of Nature, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  If, then, this inferior equilibrium is the basis and first means of the higher movements which the universal Power contemplates and if it constitutes the vehicle in which the Divine here seeks to reveal Itself, if the Indian saying is true that the body is the instrument provided for the fulfilment of the right law of our nature, then any final recoil from the physical life must be a turning away from the completeness of the divine Wisdom and a renunciation of its aim in earthly manifestation. Such a refusal may be, owing to some secret law of their development, the right attitude for certain individuals, but never the aim intended for mankind. It can be, therefore, no integral Yoga which ignores the body or makes its annulment or its rejection indispensable to a perfect spirituality. Rather, the perfecting of the body also should be the last triumph of the Spirit and to make the bodily life also divine must be God's final seal upon His work in the universe. The obstacle which the physical presents to the spiritual is no argument for the rejection of the physical; for in the unseen providence of things our greatest difficulties are our best opportunities. A supreme difficulty is Nature's indication to us of a supreme conquest to be won and an ultimate problem to be solved; it is not a warning of an inextricable snare to be shunned or of an enemy too strong for us from whom we must flee.
  Equally, the vital and nervous energies in us are there for a great utility; they too demand the divine realisation of their possibilities in our ultimate fulfilment. The great part assigned to this element in the universal scheme is powerfully emphasised by the catholic wisdom of the Upanishads. "As the spokes of a wheel in its nave, so in the Life-Energy is all established, the triple knowledge and the Sacrifice and the power of the strong and the purity of the wise. Under the control of the LifeEnergy is all this that is established in the triple heaven."2 It is therefore no integral Yoga that kills these vital energies, forces them into a nerveless quiescence or roots them out as the source
  If the bodily life is what Nature has firmly evolved for us as her base and first instrument, it is our mental life that she is evolving as her immediate next aim and superior instrument. This in her ordinary exaltations is the lofty preoccupying thought in her; this, except in her periods of exhaustion and recoil into a reposeful and recuperating obscurity, is her constant pursuit wherever she can get free from the trammels of her first vital and physical realisations. For here in man we have a distinction which is of the utmost importance. He has in him not a single mentality, but a double and a triple, the mind material and nervous, the pure intellectual mind which liberates itself from the illusions of the body and the senses, and a divine mind above intellect which in its turn liberates itself from the imperfect modes of the logically discriminative and imaginative reason. Mind in man is first emmeshed in the life of the body, where in the plant it is entirely involved and in animals always imprisoned. It accepts this life as not only the first but the whole condition of its activities and serves its needs as if they were the entire aim of existence. But the bodily life in man is a base, not the aim, his first condition and not his last determinant. In the just idea of the ancients man is essentially the thinker, the Manu, the mental being who leads the life and the body,3 not the animal who is led by them. The true human existence, therefore, only begins when the intellectual mentality emerges out of the material and we begin more and more to live in the mind independent of the nervous and physical obsession and in the measure of that liberty are able to accept rightly and rightly to use the life of the body. For freedom and not a skilful subjection is the true means of mastery. A free, not a compulsory acceptance of the conditions, the enlarged and sublimated conditions of our physical being, is the high human ideal. But beyond this intellectual mentality is the divine.
  The mental life thus evolving in man is not, indeed, a
  Moreover the whole trend of modern thought and modern endeavour reveals itself to the observant eye as a large conscious effort of Nature in man to effect a general level of intellectual equipment, capacity and farther possibility by universalising the opportunities which modern civilisation affords for the mental life. Even the preoccupation of the European intellect, the protagonist of this tendency, with material Nature and the externalities of existence is a necessary part of the effort. It seeks to prepare a sufficient basis in man's physical being and vital energies and in his material environment for his full mental possibilities. By the spread of education, by the advance of the backward races, by the elevation of depressed classes, by the multiplication of labour-saving appliances, by the movement
  The Three Steps of Nature
  And when the preliminary conditions are satisfied, when the great endeavour has found its base, what will be the nature of that farther possibility which the activities of the intellectual life must serve? If Mind is indeed Nature's highest term, then the entire development of the rational and imaginative intellect and the harmonious satisfaction of the emotions and sensibilities must be to themselves sufficient. But if, on the contrary, man is more than a reasoning and emotional animal, if beyond that which is being evolved, there is something that has to be evolved, then it may well be that the fullness of the mental life, the suppleness, flexibility and wide capacity of the intellect, the ordered richness of emotion and sensibility may be only a passage towards the development of a higher life and of more powerful faculties which are yet to manifest and to take possession of the lower instrument, just as mind itself has so taken possession of the body that the physical being no longer lives only for its own satisfaction but provides the foundation and the materials for a superior activity.
  The assertion of a higher than the mental life is the whole foundation of Indian philosophy and its acquisition and organisation is the veritable object served by the methods of Yoga.
  The only approximate terms in the English language have other associations and their use may lead to many and even serious inaccuracies. The terminology of Yoga recognises besides the status of our physical and vital being, termed the gross body and doubly composed of the food sheath and the vital vehicle, besides the status of our mental being, termed the subtle body and singly composed of the mind sheath or mental vehicle,5 a third, supreme and divine status of supra-mental being, termed the causal body and composed of a fourth and a fifth vehicle6 which are described as those of knowledge and bliss. But this knowledge is not a systematised result of mental questionings and reasonings, not a temporary arrangement of conclusions and opinions in the terms of the highest probability, but rather a pure self-existent and self-luminous Truth. And this bliss is not a supreme pleasure of the heart and sensations with the experience of pain and sorrow as its background, but a delight also selfexistent and independent of objects and particular experiences, a self-delight which is the very nature, the very stuff, as it were, of a transcendent and infinite existence.
  For, as is indicated by the name, causal body (karan.a), as opposed to the two others which are instruments (karan.a), this crowning manifestation is also the source and effective power of all that in the actual evolution has preceded it. Our mental activities are, indeed, a derivation, selection and, so long as they are divided from the truth that is secretly their source, a deformation of the divine knowledge. Our sensations and emotions have the same relation to the Bliss, our vital forces and actions to the aspect of Will or Force assumed by the divine consciousness, our physical being to the pure essence of that Bliss and
  Consciousness. The evolution which we observe and of which
  The immanence itself would have no credible reason for being if it did not end in such a transfiguration. But if human mind can become capable of the glories of the divine Light, human emotion and sensibility can be transformed into the mould and assume the measure and movement of the supreme Bliss, human action not only represent but feel itself to be the motion of a divine and non-egoistic Force and the physical substance of our being sufficiently partake of the purity of the supernal essence, sufficiently unify plasticity and durable constancy to support and prolong these highest experiences and agencies, then all the long labour of Nature will end in a crowning justification and her evolutions reveal their profound significance.
  So dazzling is even a glimpse of this supreme existence and so absorbing its attraction that, once seen, we feel readily justified in neglecting all else for its pursuit. Even, by an opposite exaggeration to that which sees all things in Mind and the mental life as an exclusive ideal, Mind comes to be regarded as an unworthy deformation and a supreme obstacle, the source of an illusory universe, a negation of the Truth and itself to be denied and all its works and results annulled if we desire the final liberation. But this is a half-truth which errs by regarding only the actual limitations of Mind and ignores its divine intention.

0.03 - III - The Evening Sittings, #Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo, #unset, #Zen
   Then, on 23 November 1938, I got up at 2 o'clock to prepare hot water for the Mother's early bath because the 24th was Darshan day. Between 2.20 and 2.30 the Mother rang the bell. I ran up the staircase to be told about an accident that had happened to Sri Aurobindo's thigh and to be asked to fetch the doctor. This accident brought about a change in his complete retirement, and rendered him available to those who had to attend on him. This opened out a long period of 12 years during which his retirement was modified owing to circumstances, inner and outer, that made it possible for him to have direct physical contacts with the world outside.
   The long period of the Second World War with all its vicissitudes passed through these years. It was a priceless experience to see how he devoted his energies to the task of saving humanity from the threatened reign of Nazism. It was a practical lesson of solid work done for humanity without any thought of return or reward, without even letting humanity know what he was doing for it! Thus he lived the Divine and showed us how the Divine cares for the world, how He comes down and works for man. I shall never forget how he who was at one time in his own words "not merely a non-co-operator but an enemy of British Imperialism" bestowed such anxious care on the health of Churchill, listening carefully to the health-bulletins! It was the work of the Divine, it was the Divine's work for the world.

0.03 - Letters to My little smile, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  to recover, do not recover. Perhaps it is the same for physical
  What is all this about psychological and physical
  diseases? I understand nothing of it.
  such as depression, revolt, sadness, etc. physical diseases are
  those of the body.
  "Supramental beauty in the physical"3 - what does
  it mean? All these things - all the arts, the beautiful
  supramental beauty in the physical?
  No, all that is only the manifestation of a universal harmony
  of the promises; and also you must be patient. In this physical
  world, things take time to get realised.
  I am speaking of your inner eyes, not the physical ones.
  "Turn your faculty of feeling inward instead of letting it

0.03 - The Threefold Life, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  NATURE, then, is an evolution or progressive self-manifestation of an eternal and secret existence, with three successive forms as her three steps of ascent. And we have consequently as the condition of all our activities these three mutually interdependent possibilities, the bodily life, the mental existence and the veiled spiritual being which is in the involution the cause of the others and in the evolution their result. Preserving and perfecting the physical, fulfilling the mental, it is Nature's aim and it should be ours to unveil in the perfected body and mind the transcendent activities of the Spirit. As the mental life does not abrogate but works for the elevation and better utilisation of the bodily existence, so too the spiritual should not abrogate but transfigure our intellectual, emotional, aesthetic and vital activities.
  For man, the head of terrestrial Nature, the sole earthly frame in which her full evolution is possible, is a triple birth. He has been given a living frame in which the body is the vessel and life the dynamic means of a divine manifestation. His activity is centred in a progressive mind which aims at perfecting itself as well as the house in which it dwells and the means of life that it uses, and is capable of awaking by a progressive self-realisation to its own true nature as a form of the Spirit. He culminates in what he always really was, the illumined and beatific spirit which is intended at last to irradiate life and mind with its now concealed splendours.
  The characteristic energy of bodily Life is not so much in progress as in persistence, not so much in individual selfenlargement as in self-repetition. There is, indeed, in physical Nature a progression from type to type, from the vegetable to the animal, from the animal to man; for even in inanimate Matter Mind is at work. But once a type is marked off physically, the chief immediate preoccupation of the terrestrial Mother seems to be to keep it in being by a constant reproduction. For Life always seeks immortality; but since individual form is impermanent and only the idea of a form is permanent in the consciousness that creates the universe, - for there it does not perish, - such constant reproduction is the only possible material immortality.
  Self-preservation, self-repetition, self-multiplication are necessarily, then, the predominant instincts of all material existence.
  In each of these forms Nature acts both individually and collectively; for the Eternal affirms Himself equally in the single form and in the group-existence, whether family, clan and nation or groupings dependent on less physical principles or the supreme group of all, our collective humanity. Man also may seek his own individual good from any or all of these spheres of activity, or identify himself in them with the collectivity and live for it, or, rising to a truer perception of this complex universe, harmonise the individual realisation with the collective aim. For as it is the right relation of the soul with the Supreme, while it is in the universe, neither to assert egoistically its separate being nor to blot itself out in the Indefinable, but to realise its unity with the Divine and the world and unite them in the individual, so the right relation of the individual with the collectivity is neither to pursue egoistically his own material or mental progress or spiritual salvation without regard to his fellows, nor for the sake of the community to suppress or maim his proper development, but to sum up in himself all its best and completest possibilities and pour them out by thought, action and all other means on his surroundings so that the whole race may approach nearer to the attainment of its supreme personalities.
  It follows that the object of the material life must be to fulfil, above all things, the vital aim of Nature. The whole aim of the material man is to live, to pass from birth to death with as much comfort or enjoyment as may be on the way, but anyhow to live.
  He can subordinate this aim, but only to physical Nature's other instincts, the reproduction of the individual and the conservation of the type in the family, class or community. Self, domesticity, the accustomed order of the society and of the nation are the constituents of the material existence. Its immense importance in the economy of Nature is self-evident, and commensurate is the importance of the human type which represents it. He assures her of the safety of the framework she has made and of the orderly continuance and conservation of her past gains.
  But by that very utility such men and the life they lead are condemned to be limited, irrationally conservative and earthbound. The customary routine, the customary institutions, the inherited or habitual forms of thought, - these things are the life-breath of their nostrils. They admit and jealously defend the changes compelled by the progressive mind in the past, but combat with equal zeal the changes that are being made by it in the present. For to the material man the living progressive thinker is an ideologue, dreamer or madman. The old Semites who stoned the living prophets and adored their memories when dead, were the very incarnation of this instinctive and unintelligent principle in Nature. In the ancient Indian distinction between the once born and the twice born, it is to this material man that the former description can be applied. He does Nature's inferior works; he assures the basis for her higher activities; but not to him easily are opened the glories of her second birth.
  Nevertheless it is possible to make the material man and his life moderately progressive by imprinting on the material mind the custom of progress, the habit of conscious change, the fixed idea of progression as a law of life. The creation by this means of progressive societies in Europe is one of the greatest triumphs of Mind over Matter. But the physical nature has its revenge; for the progress made tends to be of the grosser and more outward kind and its attempts at a higher or a more rapid movement bring about great wearinesses, swift exhaustions, startling recoils.
  It is possible also to give the material man and his life a moderate spirituality by accustoming him to regard in a religious spirit all the institutions of life and its customary activities. The creation of such spiritualised communities in the East has been one of the greatest triumphs of Spirit over Matter. Yet here, too, there is a defect; for this often tends only to the creation of a religious temperament, the most outward form of spirituality.
  But if it is often difficult for the mental life to accommodate itself to the dully resistant material activity, how much more difficult must it seem for the spiritual existence to live on in a world that appears full not of the Truth but of every lie and illusion, not of Love and Beauty but of an encompassing discord and ugliness, not of the Law of Truth but of victorious selfishness and sin? Therefore the spiritual life tends easily in the saint and Sannyasin to withdraw from the material existence and reject it either wholly and physically or in the spirit. It sees this world as the kingdom of evil or of ignorance and the eternal and divine either in a far-off heaven or beyond where there is no world and no life. It separates itself inwardly, if not also physically, from the world's impurities; it asserts the spiritual reality in a spotless isolation. This withdrawal renders an invaluable service to the material life itself by forcing it to regard and even to bow down to something that is the direct negation of its own petty ideals, sordid cares and egoistic self-content.
  But the work in the world of so supreme a power as spiritual force cannot be thus limited. The spiritual life also can return upon the material and use it as a means of its own greater fullness. Refusing to be blinded by the dualities, the appearances, it can seek in all appearances whatsoever the vision of the same Lord, the same eternal Truth, Beauty, Love, Delight. The

0.04 - The Systems of Yoga, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  For the contact of the human and individual consciousness with the divine is the very essence of Yoga. Yoga is the union of that which has become separated in the play of the universe with its own true self, origin and universality. The contact may take place at any point of the complex and intricately organised consciousness which we call our personality. It may be effected in the physical through the body; in the vital through the action of
  Bhakta, the devotee or lover of God; Bhagavan, God, the Lord of Love and Delight.
  For it is calculated on the amount of vital or dynamic force necessary to drive the physical engine during the normal span of human life and to perform more or less adequately the various workings demanded of it by the individual life inhabiting this frame and the world-environment by which it is conditioned.
  The Conditions of the Synthesis
  Hathayoga therefore seeks to rectify Nature and establish another equilibrium by which the physical frame will be able to sustain the inrush of an increasing vital or dynamic force of
  Prana indefinite, almost infinite in its quantity or intensity. In
  By its numerous asanas or fixed postures it first cures the body of that restlessness which is a sign of its inability to contain without working them off in action and movement the vital forces poured into it from the universal Life-Ocean, gives to it an extraordinary health, force and suppleness and seeks to liberate it from the habits by which it is subjected to ordinary physical
  Nature and kept within the narrow bounds of her normal operations. In the ancient tradition of Hathayoga it has always been supposed that this conquest could be pushed so far even as to conquer to a great extent the force of gravitation. By various subsidiary but elaborate processes the Hathayogin next contrives to keep the body free from all impurities and the nervous system unclogged for those exercises of respiration which are his most important instruments. These are called pran.ayama, the control of the breath or vital power; for breathing is the chief physical functioning of the vital forces. Pranayama, for the Hathayogin, serves a double purpose. First, it completes the perfection of the body. The vitality is liberated from many of the ordinary necessities of physical Nature; robust health, prolonged youth, often an extraordinary longevity are attained.
  On the other hand, Pranayama awakens the coiled-up serpent of the Pranic dynamism in the vital sheath and opens to the Yogin fields of consciousness, ranges of experience, abnormal faculties denied to the ordinary human life while it puissantly intensifies such normal powers and faculties as he already possesses.
  The results of Hathayoga are thus striking to the eye and impose easily on the vulgar or physical mind. And yet at the end we may ask what we have gained at the end of all this stupendous labour. The object of physical Nature, the preservation of the mere physical life, its highest perfection, even in a certain sense the capacity of a greater enjoyment of physical living have been carried out on an abnormal scale. But the weakness of Hathayoga is that its laborious and difficult processes make so great a demand on the time and energy and impose so complete a severance from the ordinary life of men that the utilisation of its results for the life of the world becomes either impracticable or is extraordinarily restricted. If in return for this loss we gain another life in another world within, the mental, the dynamic, these results could have been acquired through other systems, through Rajayoga, through Tantra, by much less laborious methods and held on much less exacting terms. On the other hand the physical results, increased vitality, prolonged youth, health, longevity are of small avail if they must be held by us as misers of ourselves, apart from the common life, for their own sake, not utilised, not thrown into the common sum of the world's activities. Hathayoga attains large results, but at an exorbitant price and to very little purpose.
  Rajayoga takes a higher flight. It aims at the liberation and perfection not of the bodily, but of the mental being, the control of the emotional and sensational life, the mastery of the whole apparatus of thought and consciousness. It fixes its eyes on the citta, that stuff of mental consciousness in which all these activities arise, and it seeks, even as Hathayoga with its physical material, first to purify and to tranquillise. The normal state of man is a condition of trouble and disorder, a kingdom either at war with itself or badly governed; for the lord, the Purusha, is subjected to his ministers, the faculties, subjected even to his subjects, the instruments of sensation, emotion, action, enjoyment. Swarajya, self-rule, must be substituted for this subjection.
  First, therefore, the powers of order must be helped to overcome
  We perceive that as Hathayoga, dealing with the life and body, aims at the supernormal perfection of the physical life and its capacities and goes beyond it into the domain of the mental life, so Rajayoga, operating with the mind, aims at a supernormal perfection and enlargement of the capacities of the mental life and goes beyond it into the domain of the spiritual existence.
  But the weakness of the system lies in its excessive reliance on abnormal states of trance. This limitation leads first to a certain aloofness from the physical life which is our foundation and the sphere into which we have to bring our mental and spiritual gains. Especially is the spiritual life, in this system, too much associated with the state of Samadhi. Our object is to make the spiritual life and its experiences fully active and fully utilisable in the waking state and even in the normal use of the functions.
  But in Rajayoga it tends to withdraw into a subliminal plane at the back of our normal experiences instead of descending and possessing our whole existence.

0.05 - Letters to a Child, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  the "plane" from which they come, it is surely the subtle physical, where the memory of all the conceptions and works of art
  realised on earth is stored.
  healthy. For that, you must follow a physical discipline: sleep
  regularly, eat regularly, exercise regularly, etc., etc. And unfortunately you refuse all discipline. This makes my task very
  The best thing for your headache is to take plenty of physical
  exercise (such as gardening for example).

0.05 - The Synthesis of the Systems, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Perfection includes perfection of mind and body, so that the highest results of Rajayoga and Hathayoga should be contained in the widest formula of the synthesis finally to be effected by mankind. At any rate a full development of the general mental and physical faculties and experiences attainable by humanity through Yoga must be included in the scope of the integral method. Nor would these have any raison d'etre unless employed for an integral mental and physical life. Such a mental and physical life would be in its nature a translation of the spiritual existence into its right mental and physical values. Thus we would arrive at a synthesis of the three degrees of Nature and of the three modes of human existence which she has evolved or is evolving. We would include in the scope of our liberated being and perfected modes of activity the material life, our base, and the mental life, our intermediate instrument.
  Nor would the integrality to which we aspire be real or even possible, if it were confined to the individual. Since our divine perfection embraces the realisation of ourselves in being, in life and in love through others as well as through ourselves, the extension of our liberty and of its results in others would be the inevitable outcome as well as the broadest utility of our liberation and perfection. And the constant and inherent attempt of such an extension would be towards its increasing and ultimately complete generalisation in mankind.

0.06 - Letters to a Young Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  My physical mind is not yet convinced that human life
  is capable of overcoming all suffering and even death.
  some other plane than the physical? I don't mean by
  leaving the body; even when in the body, is it not possible
  even when your physical eyes do not see me? I don't think so, for
  if it were so, you would not complain of separation, you would
  progress which life in a physical body represents, that one may
  hope to be reborn in a higher organism. All defection, on the
  not be done after death. It is the physical life which is the true
  field for progress and realisation.
  this desire to come to You physically?
  I have never said anything of the kind. But you must prepare
  If you are physically far from me and think of me all the time,
  you will surely be nearer to me than if you were seated near me
  think that I was not with you. Wherever you work, physically
  near or far, I am always with you in your work and in your
  Certainly not; quite on the contrary, to be able to conquer the desires of the vital one must have an excellent physical equilibrium
  and sound health.

0.07 - Letters to a Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  human beings: the pride and blindness of the physical mind.
  8 July 1935
  vital and the physical. But I am deeply sensible of your
  kindness, my Mother, and grateful too.

0.08 - Letters to a Young Captain, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  of physical Education.
  Sweet Mother,
  is physical energy, we absorb it principally through respiration,
  and all that facilitates and improves respiration increases at the
  same time the absorption of physical energy.
  But there are many other kinds of energies, or rather many
  What is meant by "a subtle physical prolongation
  of the superficial form of the mental envelope"?
  a photographic imprint) left in the subtle physical by the superficial mental form, an image that can become visible under
  certain conditions. These images can move about (like cinema
  form and symbol of an eternal Reality, and through the physical
  appearance, it is to this higher Reality that you must turn. The
  What is meant by the "silence of the physical consciousness"2 and how can one remain in this silence?
  The physical consciousness is not only the consciousness of our
  body, but of all that surrounds us as well - all that we perceive
  of the physical world; and everyone knows how much time and
  effort are needed merely to learn the things indispensable for
  Supernature is the Nature superior to material or physical Nature - what we usually call "Nature". But this Nature that we
  see, feel and study, this Nature that has been our familiar environment since our birth upon earth, is not the only one. There
  be expressed by a quaternary: the physical, the vital, the mental
  and the psychic or soul.

0.09 - Letters to a Young Teacher, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  of any physical embracing, as practical jokers with the tastes
  and habits of street-urchins might like to suggest and who seek

01.01 - A Yoga of the Art of Life, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Sri Aurobindo saw that the very core of his teaching was being missed by this common interpretation of his saying. So he changed his words and said, Our Yoga is not for humanity but for the Divine. But I am afraid this change of front, this volte-face, as it seemed, was not welcomed in many quarters; for thereby all hope of having him back for the work of the country or the world appeared to be totally lost and he came to be looked upon again as an irrevocable meta physical dreamer, aloof from physical things and barren, even like the Immutable Brahman.
   It is not my purpose here to enter into details as to the exact meaning of the descent, how it happens and what are its lines of activity and the results brought about. For it is indeed an actual descent that happens: the Divine Light leans down first into the mind and begins its purificatory work therealthough it is always the inner heart which first recognises the Divine Presence and gives its assent to the Divine action for the mind, the higher mind that is to say, is the summit of the ordinary human consciousness and receives more easily and readily the Radiances that descend. From the Mind the Light filters into the denser regions of the emotions and desires, of life activity and vital dynamism; finally, it gets into brute Matter itself, the hard and obscure rock of the physical body, for that too has to be illumined and made the very form and figure of the Light supernal. The Divine in his descending Grace is the Master-Architect who is building slowly and surely the many-chambered and many-storeyed edifice that is human nature and human life into the mould of the Divine Truth in its perfect play and supreme expression. But this is a matter which can be closely considered when one is already well within the mystery of the path and has acquired the elementary essentials of an initiate.
   Another question that troubles and perplexes the ordinary human mind is as to the time when the thing will be done. Is it now or a millennium hence or at some astronomical distance in future, like the cooling of the sun, as someone has suggested for an analogy. In view of the magnitude of the work one might with reason say that the whole eternity is there before us, and a century or even a millennium should not be grudged to such a labour for it is nothing less than an undoing of untold millenniums in the past and the building of a far-flung futurity. However, as we have said, since it is the Divine's own work and since Yoga means a concentrated and involved process of action, effectuating in a minute what would perhaps take years to accomplish in the natural course, one can expect the work to be done sooner rather than later. Indeed, the ideal is one of here and nowhere upon this earth of material existence and now in this life, in this very bodynot hereafter or elsewhere. How long exactly that will mean, depends on many factors, but a few decades on this side or the other do not matter very much.

01.01 - Sri Aurobindo - The Age of Sri Aurobindo, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Apart from the well-recognised fact that only in distress does the normal man think of God and non-worldly things, the real matter, however, is that the inner life is a thing apart and follows its own line of movement, does not depend upon, is not subservient to, the kind of outer life that one may happen to live under. The Bible says indeed, "Blessed are the poor, blessed are they that mourn"... But the Upanishad declares, on the other hand, that even as one lies happily on a royal couch, bathes and anoints himself with all the perfumes of the world, has attendants all around and always to serve him, even so, one can be full of the divine consciousness from the crown of the head to the tip of his toe-nail. In fact, a poor or a prosperous life is in no direct or even indirect ratio to a spiritual life. All the miseries and immediate needs of a physical life do not and cannot detain or delay one from following the path of the ideal; nor can all your riches be a burden to your soul and overwhelm it, if it chooses to walk onit can not only walk, but soar and fly with all that knapsack on its back.
   If one were to be busy about reforming the world and when that was done then alone to turn to other-worldly things, in that case, one would never take the turn, for the world will never be reformed totally or even considerably in that way. It is not that reformers have for the first time appeared on the earth in the present age. Men have attempted social, political, economic and moral reforms from times immemorial. But that has not barred the spiritual attempt or minimised its importance. To say that because an ideal is apparently too high or too great for the present age, it must be kept in cold storage is to set a premium on the present nature of humanity arid eternise it: that would bind the world to its old moorings and never give it the opportunity to be free and go out into the high seas of larger and greater realisations.
   The ideal or perhaps one should say the policy of Real-politick is the thing needed in this world. To achieve something actually in the physical and material field, even a lesser something, is worth much more than speculating on high flaunting chimeras and indulging in day-dreams. Yes, but what is this something that has to be achieved in the material world? It is always an ideal. Even procuring food for each and every person, clothing and housing all is not less an ideal for all its concern about actuality. Only there are ideals and ideals; some are nearer to the earth, some seem to be in the background. But the mystery is that it is not always the ideal nearest to the earth which is the easiest to achieve or the first thing to be done first. Do we not see before our very eye show some very simple innocent social and economic changes are difficult to carry outthey bring in their train quite disproportionately gestures and movements of violence and revolution? That is because we seek to cure the symptoms and not touch the root of the disease. For even the most innocent-looking social, economic or political abuse has at its base far-reaching attitudes and life-urgeseven a spiritual outlook that have to be sought out and tackled first, if the attempt at reform is to be permanently and wholly successful. Even in mundane matters we do not dig deep enough, or rise high enough.
   Indeed, looking from a standpoint that views the working of the forces that act and achieve and not the external facts and events and arrangements aloneone finds that things that are achieved on the material plane are first developed and matured and made ready behind the veil and at a given moment burst out and manifest themselves often unexpectedly and suddenly like a chick out of the shell or the young butterfly out of the cocoon. The Gita points to that truth of Nature when it says: "These beings have already been killed by Me." It is not that a long or strenuous physical planning and preparation alone or in the largest measure brings about a physical realisation. The deeper we go within, the farther we are away from the surface, the nearer we come to the roots and sources of things even most superficial. The spiritual view sees and declares that it is the Brahmic consciousness that holds, inspires, builds up Matter, the physical body and form of Brahman.
   The highest ideal, the very highest which God and Nature and Man have in view, is not and cannot be kept in cold storage: it is being worked out even here and now, and it has to be worked out here and now. The ideal of the Life Divine embodies a central truth of existence, and however difficult or chimerical it may appear to be to the normal mind, it is the preoccupation of the inner being of manall other ways or attempts of curing human ills are faint echoes, masks, diversions of this secret urge at the source and heart of things. That ideal is a norm and a force that is ever dynamic and has become doubly so since it has entered the earth atmosphere and the waking human consciousness and is labouring there. It is always safer and wiser to recognise that fact, to help in the realisation of that truth and be profited by it.

01.02 - Natures Own Yoga, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   This process of a developing consciousness in Nature is precisely what is known as Evolution. It is the bringing out and fixing of a higher and higher principle of consciousness, hitherto involved and concealed behind the veil, in the earth consciousness as a dynamic factor in Nature's manifest working. Thus, the first stage of evolution is the status of inconscient Matter, of the lifeless physical elements; the second stage is that of the semi-conscious life in the plant, the third that of the conscious life in the animal, and finally the fourth stage, where we stand at present, is that of the embodied self-conscious life in man.
   The course of evolution has not come to a stop with man and the next stage, Sri Aurobindo says, which Nature envisages and is labouring to bring out and establish is the life now superconscious to us, embodied in a still higher type of created being, that of the superman or god-man. The principle of consciousness which will determine the nature and build of this new, being is a spiritual principle beyond the mental principle which man now incarnates: it may be called the Supermind or Gnosis.

01.02 - Sri Aurobindo - Ahana and Other Poems, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The heart and its urges, the vital and its surges, the physical impulsesit is these of which the poets sang in their infinite variations. But the mind proper, that is to say, the higher reflective ideative mind, was not given the right of citizenship in the domain of poetry. I am not forgetting the so-called Meta physicals. The element of metaphysics among the Meta physicals has already been called into question. There is here, no doubt, some theology, a good dose of mental cleverness or conceit, but a modern intellectual or rather rational intelligence is something other, something more than that. Even the metaphysics that was commandeered here had more or less a decorative value, it could not be taken into the pith and substance of poetic truth and beauty. It was a decoration, but not unoften a drag. I referred to the Upanishads, but these strike quite a different, almost an opposite line in this connection. They are in a sense truly meta physical: they bypass the mind and the mental powers, get hold of a higher mode of consciousness, make a direct contact with truth and beauty and reality. It was Buddha's credit to have forged this missing link in man's spiritual consciousness, to have brought into play the power of the rational intellect and used it in support of the spiritual experience. That is not to say that he was the very first person, the originator who initiated the movement; but at least this seems to be true that in him and his au thentic followers the movement came to the forefront of human consciousness and attained the proportions of a major member of man's psychological constitution. We may remember here that Socrates, who started a similar movement of rationalisation in his own way in Europe, was almost a contemporary of the Buddha.
   Poetry as an expression of thought-power, poetry weighted with intelligence and rationalised knowledge that seems to me to be the end and drive, the secret sense of all the mystery of modern technique. The combination is risky, but not impossible. In the spiritual domain the Gita achieved this miracle to a considerable degree. Still, the power of intelligence and reason shown by Vyasa is of a special order: it is a sublimated function of the faculty, something aloof and other-worldly"introvert", a modern mind would term it that is to say, something a priori, standing in its own au thenticity and self-sufficiency. A modern intelligence would be more scientific, let us use the word, more matter-of-fact and sense-based: the mental light should not be confined in its ivory tower, however high that may be, but brought down and placed at the service of our perception and appreciation and explanation of things human and terrestrial; made immanent in the mundane and the ephemeral, as they are commonly called. This is not an impossibility. Sri Aurobindo seems to have done the thing. In him we find the three terms of human consciousness arriving at an absolute fusion and his poetry is a wonderful example of that fusion. The three terms are the spiritual, the intellectual or philosophical and the physical or sensational. The intellectual, or more generally, the mental, is the intermediary, the Paraclete, as he himself will call it later on in a poem9 magnificently exemplifying the point we are trying to make out the agent who negotiates, bridges and harmonises the two other firmaments usually supposed to be antagonistic and incompatible.
   Indeed it would be wrong to associate any cold ascetic nudity to the spiritual body of Sri Aurobindo. His poetry is philosophic, abstract, no doubt, but every philosophy has its practice, every abstract thing its concrete application,even as the soul has its body; and the fusion, not mere union, of the two is very characteristic in him. The deepest and unseizable flights of thought he knows how to clo the with a Kalidasian richness of imagery, or a Keatsean gusto of sensuousness:

01.03 - Mystic Poetry, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   We left out the Meta physicals, for they can be grouped as a set apart. They are not so much meta physical as theological, religious. They have a brain-content stirring with theological problems and speculations, replete with scintillating conceits and intricate fancies. Perhaps it is because of this philosophical burden, this intellectual bias that the Meta physicals went into obscurity for about two centuries and it is precisely because of that that they are slowly coming out to the forefront and assuming a special value with the moderns. For the modern mind is characteristically thoughtful, introspective"introvert"and philosophical; even the exact physical sciences of today are rounded off in the end with metaphysics.
   The growth of a philosophical thought-content in poetry has been inevitable. For man's consciousness in its evolutionary march is driving towards a consummation which includes and presupposes a development along that line. The mot d'ordre in old-world poetry was "fancy", imaginationremember the famous lines of Shakespeare characterising a poet; in modern times it is Thought, even or perhaps particularly abstract meta physical thought. Perceptions, experiences, realisationsof whatever order or world they may beexpressed in sensitive and aesthetic terms and figures, that is poetry known and appreciated familiarly. But a new turn has been coming on with an increasing insistencea definite time has been given to that, since the Renaissance, it is said: it is the growing importance of Thought or brain-power as a medium or atmosphere in which poetic experiences find a sober and clear articulation, a definite and strong formulation. Rationalisation of all experiences and realisations is the keynote of the modern mentality. Even when it is said that reason and rationality are not ultimate or final or significant realities, that the irrational or the submental plays a greater role in our consciousness and that art and poetry likewise should be the expression of such a mentality, even then, all this is said and done in and through a strong rational and intellectual stress and frame the like of which cannot be found in the old-world frankly non-intellectual creations.
   Here we have a pattern of thought-movement that does not seem to follow the lineaments of the normal brain-mind consciousness, although it too has a basis there: our customary line of reasoning receives a sudden shock, as it were, and then is shaken, moved, lifted up, transportedgradually or suddenly, according to the temperament of the listener. Besides, we have here the peculiar modern tone, which, for want of a better term, may be described as scientific. The impressimprimaturof Science is its rational coherence, justifying or justified by sense data, by physical experience, which gives us the pattern or model of an inexorable natural law. Here too we feel we are in the domain of such natural law but lifted on to a higher level.
   This is what I was trying to make out as the distinguishing trait of the real spiritual consciousness that seems to be developing in the poetic creation of tomorrow, e.g., it has the same rationality, clarity, concreteness of perception as the scientific spirit has in its own domain and still it is rounded off with a halo of magic and miracle. That is the nature of the logic of the infinite proper to the spiritual consciousness. We can have a Science of the Spirit as well as a Science of Matter. This is the Thought element or what corresponds to it, of which I was speaking, the philosophical factor, that which gives form to the formless or definition to that which is vague, a nearness and familiarity to that which is far and alien. The fullness of the spiritual consciousness means such a thing, the presentation of a divine name and form. And this distinguishes it from the mystic consciousness which is not the supreme solar consciousness but the nearest approach to it. Or, perhaps, the mystic dwells in the domain of the Divine, he may even be suffused with a sense of unity but would not like to acquire the Divine's nature and function. Normally and generally he embodies all the aspiration and yearning moved by intimations and suggestions belonging to the human mentality, the divine urge retaining still the human flavour. We can say also, using a Vedantic terminology, that the mystic consciousness gives us the tatastha lakshana, the nearest approximative attribute of the attri buteless; or otherwise, it is the hiranyagarbha consciousness which englobes the multiple play, the coruscated possibilities of the Reality: while the spiritual proper may be considered as prajghana, the solid mass, the essential lineaments of revelatory knowledge, the typal "wave-particles" of the Reality. In the former there is a play of imagination, even of fancy, a decorative aesthesis, while in the latter it is vision pure and simple. If the spiritual poetry is solar in its nature, we can say, by extending the analogy, that mystic poetry is characteristically lunarMoon representing the delight and the magic that Mind and mental imagination, suffused, no doubt, with a light or a reflection of some light from beyond, is capable of (the Upanishad speaks of the Moon being born of the Mind).

01.03 - Sri Aurobindo and his School, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Sri Aurobindo's sadhana starts from the perception of a Power that is beyond the ordinary nature yet is its inevitable master, a fulcrum, as we have said, outside the earth. For what is required first is the discovery and manifestation of a new soul-consciousness in man which will bring about by the very pressure and working out of its self-rule an absolute reversal of man's nature. It is the Asuras who are now holding sway over humanity, for man has allowed himself so long to be built in the image of the Asura; to dislodge the Asuras, the Gods in their sovereign might have to be forged in the human being and brought into play. It is a stupendous task, some would say impossible; but it is very far removed from quietism or passivism. Sri Aurobindo is in retirement, but it is a retirement only from the outward field of present physical activities and their apparent actualities, not from the true forces and action of life. It is the retreat necessary to one who has to go back into himself to conquer a new plane of creative power,an entrance right into the world of basic forces, of fundamental realities, into the flaming heart of things where all actualities are born and take their first shape. It is the discovery of a power-house of tremendous energism and of the means of putting it at the service of earthly life.
   And, properly speaking, it is not at all a school, least of all a mere school of thought, that is growing round Sri Aurobindo. It is rather the nucleus of a new life that is to come. Quite naturally it has almost insignificant proportions at present to the outward eye, for the work is still of the nature of experiment and trial in very restricted limits, something in the nature of what is done in a laboratory when a new power has been discovered, but has still to be perfectly formulated in its process. And it is quite a mistake to suppose that there is a vigorous propaganda carried on in its behalf or that there is a large demand for recruits. Only the few, who possess the call within and are impelled by the spirit of the future, have a chance of serving this high attempt and great realisation and standing among its first instruments and pioneer workers.

01.03 - Yoga and the Ordinary Life, #The Integral Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  I must say in view of something you seem to have said to your father that it is not the object of the one to be a great man or the object of the other to be a great Yogin. The ideal of human life is to establish over the whole being the control of a clear, strong and rational mind and a right and rational will, to master the emotional, vital and physical being, create a harmony of the whole and develop the capacities whatever they are and fulfil them in life. In the terms of Hindu thought, it is to enthrone the rule of the purified and sattwic buddhi, follow the dharma, fulfilling one's own svadharma and doing the work proper to one's capacities, and satisfy kama and artha under the control of the buddhi and the dharma. The object of the divine life, on the other hand, is to realise one's highest self or to realise
  God and to put the whole being into harmony with the truth of the highest self or the law of the divine nature, to find one's own divine capacities great or small and fulfil them in life as a sacrifice to the highest or as a true instrument of the divine

01.04 - The Intuition of the Age, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   This is the truth that is trying to dawn upon the new age. Not matter but that which forms the substance of matter, not intellect but a vaster consciousness that informs the intellect, not man as he is, an aberration in the cosmic order, but as he may and shall be the embodiment and fulfilment of that orderthis is the secret Intuition which, as yet dimly envisaged, nevertheless secretly inspires all the human activities of today. Only, the truth is being interpreted, as we have said, in terms of vital life. The intellectual and physical man gave us one aspect of the reality, but neither is the vital and psychical man the complete reality. The one acquisition of this shifting of the viewpoint has been that we are now in touch with the natural and deeper movement of humanity and not as before merely with its artificial scaffolding. The Alexandrine civilisation of humanity, in Nietzsche's phrase, was a sort of divagation from nature, it was following a loop away from the direct path of natural evolution. And the new Renaissance of today has precisely corrected this aberration of humanity and brought it again in a line with the natural cosmic order.
   Certainly this does not go far enough into the motive of the change. The cosmic order does not mean mentalised vitalism which is also in its turn a section of the integral reality. It means the order of the spirit, it means the transfiguration of the physical, the vital and the intellectual into the supernal Substance, Power and Light of that Spirit. The real transcendence of humanity is not the transcendence of one or other of its levels but the total transcendence to an altogether different status and the transmutation of humanity in the mould of that statusnot a Nietzschean Titan nor a Bergsonian Dionysus but the tranquil vision and delight and dynamism of the Spirit the incarnation of a god-head.

01.04 - The Poetry in the Making, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The modern critical self-consciousness in the artist originated with the Romantics. The very essence of Romanticism is curiosity the scientist's pleasure in analysing, observing, experimenting, changing the conditions of our reactions, mental or sentimental or even nervous and physical by way of discovery of new and unforeseen or unexpected modes of "psychoses" or psychological states. Goethe, Wordsworth, Stendhal represented a mentality and initiated a movement which led logically to the age of Hardy, Housman and Bridges and in the end to that of Lawrence and Joyce, Ezra Pound and Eliot and Auden. On the Continent we can consider Flaubert as the last of the classicists married to the very quintessence of Romanticism. A hard, self-regarding, self-critical mentality, a cold scalpel-like gaze that penetrates and upturns the reverse side of things is intimately associated with the poetic genius of Mallarm and constitutes almost the whole of Valry's. The impassioned lines of a very modern poet like Aragon are also characterised by a consummate virtuosity in chiselled artistry, conscious and deliberate and willed at every step and turn.
   The consciously purposive activity of the poetic consciousness in fact, of all artistic consciousness has shown itself with a clear and unambiguous emphasis in two directions. First of all with regard to the subject-matter: the old-world poets took things as they were, as they were obvious to the eye, things of human nature and things of physical Nature, and without questioning dealt with them in the beauty of their normal form and function. The modern mentality has turned away from the normal and the obvious: it does not accept and admit the "given" as the final and definitive norm of things. It wishes to discover and establish other norms, it strives to bring about changes in the nature and condition of things, envisage the shape of things to come, work for a brave new world. The poet of today, in spite of all his effort to remain a pure poet, in spite of Housman's advocacy of nonsense and not-sense being the essence of true Art, is almost invariably at heart an incorrigible prophet. In revolt against the old and established order of truths and customs, against all that is normally considered as beautiful,ideals and emotions and activities of man or aspects and scenes and movements of Natureagainst God or spiritual life, the modern poet turns deliberately to the ugly and the macabre, the meaningless, the insignificant and the triflingtins and teas, bone and dust and dustbin, hammer and sicklehe is still a prophet, a violent one, an iconoclast, but one who has his own icon, a terribly jealous being, that seeks to pull down the past, erase it, to break and batter and knead the elements in order to fashion out of them something conforming to his heart's desire. There is also the class who have the vision and found the truth and its solace, who are prophets, angelic and divine, messengers and harbingers of a new beauty that is to dawn upon earth. And yet there are others in whom the two strains mingle or approach in a strange way. All this means that the artist is far from being a mere receiver, a mechanical executor, a passive unconscious instrument, but that he is supremely' conscious and master of his faculties and implements. This fact is doubly reinforced when we find how much he is preoccupied with the technical aspect of his craft. The richness and variety of patterns that can be given to the poetic form know no bounds today. A few major rhythms were sufficient for the ancients to give full expression to their poetic inflatus. For they cared more for some major virtues, the basic and fundamental qualitiessuch as truth, sublimity, nobility, forcefulness, purity, simplicity, clarity, straightforwardness; they were more preoccupied with what they had to say and they wanted, no doubt, to say it beautifully and powerfully; but the modus operandi was not such a passion or obsession with them, it had not attained that almost absolute value for itself which modern craftsmanship gives it. As technology in practical life has become a thing of overwhelming importance to man today, become, in the Shakespearean phrase, his "be-all and end-all", even so the same spirit has invaded and pervaded his aesthetics too. The subtleties, variations and refinements, the revolutions, reversals and inventions which the modern poet has ushered and takes delight in, for their own sake, I repeat, for their intrinsic interest, not for the sake of the subject which they have to embody and clothe, have never been dream by Aristotle, the supreme legislator among the ancients, nor by Horace, the almost incomparable craftsman among the ancients in the domain of poetry. Man has become, to be sure, a self-conscious creator to the pith of his bone.
   Such a stage in human evolution, the advent of Homo Faber, has been a necessity; it has to serve a purpose and it has done admirably its work. Only we have to put it in its proper place. The salvation of an extremely self-conscious age lies in an exceeding and not in a further enhancement or an exclusive concentration of the self-consciousness, nor, of course, in a falling back into the original unconsciousness. It is this shift in the poise of consciousness that has been presaged and prepared by the conscious, the scientific artists of today. Their task is to forge an instrument for a type of poetic or artistic creation completely new, unfamiliar, almost revolutionary which the older mould would find it impossible to render adequately. The yearning of the human consciousness was not to rest satisfied with the familiar and the ordinary, the pressure was for the discovery of other strands, secret stores of truth and reality and beauty. The first discovery was that of the great Unconscious, the dark and mysterious and all-powerful subconscient. Many of our poets and artists have been influenced by this power, some even sought to enter into that region and become its denizens. But artistic inspiration is an emanation of Light; whatever may be the field of its play, it can have its origin only in the higher spheres, if it is to be truly beautiful and not merely curious and scientific.

01.05 - Rabindranath Tagore: A Great Poet, a Great Man, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Socrates is said to have brought down Philosophy from Heaven to live among men upon earth. A similar exploit can be ascribed to Tagore. The Spirit, the bare transcendental Reality contemplated by the orthodox Vedantins, has been brought nearer to our planet, close to human consciousness in Tagore's vision, being clothed in earth and flesh and blood, made vivid with the colours and contours of the physical existence. The Spirit, yes and by all means, but not necessarily asceticism and monasticism. So Tagore boldly declared in those famous lines of his:
   Mine is not the deliverance achieved through mere renunciation. Mine rather the freedom that tastes itself in a thousand associations.1
   Both the poets were worshippers, idolaters, of beauty, especially of natural physical beauty, of beauty heaped on beauty, of beauty gathered, like honey from all places and stored and ranged and stalled with the utmost decorative skill. Yet the difference between the two is not less pronounced. A philosopher is reminded of Bergson, the great exponent of movement as reality, in connection with certain aspects of Tagore. Indeed, Beauty in Tagore is something moving, flowing, dancing, rippling; it is especially the beauty which music embodies and expresses. A Kalidasian beauty, on the contrary, is statuesque and plastic, it is to be appreciated in situ. This is, however, by the way.
   Sri Aurobindo: "Ahana", Collected Poems & Plays, Vol. 2

01.06 - Vivekananda, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The gospel of strength that Vivekananda spread was very characteristic of the man. For it is not mere physical or nervous bravery, although that too is indispensable, and it is something more than moral courage. In the speeches referred to, the subject-matter (as well as the manner to a large extent) is philosophical, meta physical, even abstract in outlook and treatment: they are not a call to arms, like the French National Anthem, for example; they are not merely an ethical exhortation, a moral lesson either. They speak of the inner spirit, the divine in man, the supreme realities that lie beyond. And yet the words are permeated through and through with a vibration life-giving and heroic-not so much in the explicit and apparent meaning as in the style and manner and atmosphere: it is catching, even or precisely when he refers, for example, to these passages in the Vedas and the Upanishads, magnificent in their poetic beauty, sublime in their spiritual truth,nec plus ultra, one can say, in the grand style supreme:
   Yasyaite himavanto mahitv

01.07 - Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   In his inquiry into truth and certitude Pascal takes his stand upon what he calls the geometrical method, the only valid method, according to him, in the sphere of reason. The characteristic of this method is that it takes for granted certain fundamental principles and realitiescalled axioms and postulates or definitionsand proceeds to other truths that are infallibly and inevitably deduced from them, that are inherent and implied in them. There is no use or necessity in trying to demonstrate these fundamentals also; that will only land us into confusion and muddle. They have to be simply accepted, they do not require demonstration, it is they that demonstrate others. Such, for instance, are space, time, number, the reality of which it is foolishness and pedantry to I seek to prove. There is then an order of truths that do not i require to be proved. We are referring only to the order of I physical truths. But there is another order, Pascal says, equally I valid and veritable, the order of the Spirit. Here we have another set of fundamentals that have to be accepted and taken for granted, matrix of other truths and realities. It can also be called the order of the Heart. Reason posits physical fundamentals; it does not know of the fundamentals of the Heart which are beyond its reach; such are God, Soul, Immortality which are evident only to Faith.
   But Faith and Reason, according to Pascal, are not contraries nor irreconcilables. Because the things of faith are beyond reason, it is not that they are irrational. Here is what Pascal says about the function and limitation of reason:
   One is not sure if such reasoning is convincing to the intellect; but perhaps it is a necessary stage in conversion. At least we can conclude that Pascal had to pass through such a stage; and it indicates the difficulty his brain had to undergo, the tension or even the torture he made it pass through. It is true, from Reason Pascal went over to Faith, even while giving Reason its due. Still it seems the two were not perfectly synthetised or fused in him. There was a gap between that was not thoroughly bridged. Pascal did not possess the higher, intuitive, luminous mind that mediates successfully between the physical discursive ratiocinative brain-mind and the vision of faith: it is because deep in his consciousness there lay this chasm. Indeed,Pascal's abyss (l' abme de Pascal) is a well-known legend. Pascal, it appears, used to have very often the vision of an abyss about to open before him and he shuddered at the prospect of falling into it. It seems to us to be an experience of the Infinity the Infinity to which he was so much attracted and of which he wrote so beautifully (L'infiniment grand et l'infiniment petit)but into which he could not evidently jump overboard unreservedly. This produced a dichotomy, a lack of integration of personality, Jung would say. Pascal's brain was cold, firm, almost rigid; his heart was volcanic, the faith he had was a fire: it lacked something of the pure light and burned with a lurid glare.
   And the reason is his metaphysics. It is the Jansenist conception of God and human nature that inspired and coloured all his experience and consciousness. According to it, as according to the Calvinist conception, man is a corrupt being, corroded to the core, original sin has branded his very soul. Only Grace saves him and releases him. The order of sin and the order of Grace are distinct and disparate worlds and yet they complement each other and need each other. Greatness and misery are intertwined, united, unified with each other in him. Here is an echo of the Manichean position which also involves an abyss. But even then God's grace is not a free agent, as Jesuits declare; there is a predestination that guides and controls it. This was one of the main subjects he treated in his famous open letters (Les Provinciales) that brought him renown almost overnight. Eternal hell is a possible prospect that faces the Jansenist. That was why a Night always over-shadowed the Day in Pascal's soul.
   Pascal's faith had not the calm, tranquil, serene, luminous and happy self-possession of an Indian Rishi. It was ardent and impatient, fiery and vehement. It had to be so perhaps, since it was to stand against his steely brain (and a gloomy vital or life force) as a counterpoise, even as an antidote. This tension and schism brought about, at least contri buted to his neuras thenia and physical infirmity. But whatever the effect upon his inner consciousness and spiritual achievement, his power of expression, his literary style acquired by that a special quality which is his great gift to the French language. If one speaks of Pascal, one has to speak of his language also; for he was one of the great masters who created the French prose. His prose was a wonderful blend of clarity, precision, serried logic and warmth, colour, life, movement, plasticity.
   A translation cannot give any idea of the Pascalian style; but an inner echo of the same can perhaps be caught from the thought movement of these characteristic sayings of his with which we conclude:

01.07 - The Bases of Social Reconstruction, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Our ideals have been mental constructions, rather than spiritual realitiesrealities of the deepest and highest being. And the power by which we sought to realise those ideals was mainly the insistence of our emotional urges, rather than Nature's Truth-Power. For this must be understood that the mental, the vital and the physical form a nexus of reality which works in its own inexorable law and so long as we are within them we cannot but obey the laws that guide them. Of these three strata which form the human adhara, it is the vital which holds the key to man's nature. It is the executive power, the force that fashions the realities on the physical plane; it is what creates the character. The power of thought and sentiment is often much too exaggerated, even so the power of the body, that of physical and external rules and regulations. The mental or the physical or both together can mould the vital only to a limited extent, to the extent which is allowed by the inherent law of the vital. If the demands of the mental and the physical are stretched too far and are not suffered by the vital, a crash and catastrophe is bound to come in the end.
   This is the meaning of the Reformist's pessimism. So long as we remain within the domain of the triple nexus, we must always take account of an original sin, an aboriginal irredeemability in human nature. And it, is this fact which a too hasty optimistic idealism is apt to ignore. The point, however, is that man need not be necessarily bound to this triple chord of life. He can go beyond, transcend himself and find a reality which is the basis of even this lower poise of the mental and vital and physical. Only in order to get into that higher poise we must really transcend the lower, that is to say, we must not be satisfied with experiencing or envisaging it through the mind and heart but must directly commune with it, be it. There is a higher law that rules there, a power that is the truth-substance of even the vital and hence can remould it with a sovereign inevitability, according to a pattern which may not and is not the pattern of mental and emotional idealism, but the pattern of a supreme spiritual realism.
   What then is required is a complete spiritual regeneration in man, a new structure of his soul and substancenot merely the realisation of the highest and supreme Truth in mental and emotional consciousness, but the translation and application of the law of that truth in the power of the vital. It is here that failed all the great spiritual or rather religious movements of the past. They were content with evoking the divine in the mental being, but left the vital becoming to be governed by the habitual un-divine or at the most to be just illumined by a distant and faint glow which served, however, more to distort than express the Divine.

01.08 - A Theory of Yoga, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   There are some primary desires that seek satisfaction in man. They are the vital urges of life, the most prominent among them being the instinct of self-preservation and that of self-reproduction or the desire to preserve one's body by defensive as well as by offensive means and the desire to multiply oneself by mating. These are the two biological necessities that are inevitable to man's existence as a physical being. They give the minimum conditions required to be fulfilled by man in order that he may live and hence they are the strongest and the most fundamental elements that enter into his structure and composition.
   It would have been an easy matter if these vital urges could flow on unhindered in their way. There would have been no problem at all, if they met satisfaction easily and smoothly, without having to look to other factors and forces. As a matter of fact, man does not and cannot gratify his instincts whenever and wherever he chooses and in an open and direct manner. Even in his most primitive and barbarous condition, he has often to check himself and throw a veil, in so many ways, over his sheer animality. In the civilised society the check is manifold and is frankly recognised. We do not go straight as our sexual impulsion leads, but seek to hide and camouflage it under the institution of marriage; we do not pounce upon the food directly we happen to meet it and snatch and appropriate whatever portion we get but we secure it through an elaborate process, which is known as the economic system. The machinery of the state, the cult of the kshatriya are roundabout ways to meet our fighting instincts.
   There are three lines, as the Psycho-analysts point out along which this control or censuring of the primary instincts acts. First, there is the line of Defence Reaction. That is to say, the mind automatically takes up an attitude directly contrary to the impulse, tries to shut it out and deny altogether its existence and the measure of the insistence of the impulse is also the measure of the vehemence of the denial. It is the case of the lady protesting too much. So it happens that where subconsciously there is a strong current of a particular impulse, consciously the mind is obliged to take up a counteracting opposite impulse. Thus in presence of a strong sexual craving the mind as if to guard and save itself engenders by a reflex movement an ascetic and puritanic mood. Similarly a strong unthinking physical attraction translates itself on the conscious plane as an equally strong repulsion.
   Secondly, there is the line of Substitution. Here the mind does not stand in an antagonistic and protestant mood to combat and repress the impulse, but seeks to divert it into other channels, use it to other purposes which do not demand equal sacrifice, may even, on the other hand, be considered by the conscious mind as worthy of human pursuit. Thus the energy that normally would seek sexual gratification might find its outlet in the cultivation of art and literature. It is a common thing in novels to find the heroine disappointed in love taking finally to works of charity and beneficence and thus forgetting her disappointment. Another variety of this is what is known as "drowning one's sorrow in drinking."
   Thus then we may distinguish three types of control on three levels. First, the natural control, secondly the conscious, i.e. to say the mental the ethical and religious control, and thirdly the spiritual or divine control. Now the spirit is the ultimate truth and reality, behind the forces that act in the mind and in the body, so that the natural control and the ethical control are mere attempts to establish and realise the spiritual control. The animal impulses feel the hidden stress of the divine urges that are their real essence and thus there rises first an unconscious conflict in the natural life and then a conscious conflict in the higher ethical life. But when both of these are transcended and the conflict is carried on to a still higher level, then do we find their real significance and arrive at the consummation to which they move. Yoga is the ultimate transvaluation of physical (and of moral) values, it is the trans-substantiation of life-power into its spiritual substance.

01.08 - Walter Hilton: The Scale of Perfection, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Close the senses. Turn within. And then go forward, that is to say, more and more inward. In that direction lies your itinerary, the journey of your consciousness. The sense-ridden secular man, who goes by his physical eye, has marked in his own way the steps of his forward march and progress. His knowledge and his power grew as he proceeded in his survey from larger masses of physical objects to their component molecules and from molecules to their component atoms and from atoms once more into electrons and protons or energy-points pure and simple, or otherwise as, in another direction, he extended his gaze from earth to the solar system, from the solar system to other starry systems, to far-off galaxies and I from galaxies to spaces beyond. The record of this double-track march to infinityas perceived or conceived by the physical sensesis marvellous, no doubt. The mystic offers the spectacle of a still more marvellous march to another kind of infinity.
   Here is the Augustinian mantra taken as the motto of The Scale of Perfection: We ascend the ascending grades in our heart and we sing the song of ascension1. The journey's end is heavenly Jerusalem, the House of the Lord. The steps of this inner ascension are easily visible, not surely to the outer eye of the sense-burdened man, but to the "ghostly seeing" of the aspirant which is hazy in the beginning but slowly clears as he advances. The first step is the withdrawal from the outer senses and looking and seeing within. "Turn home again in thyself, and hold thee within and beg no more without." The immediate result is a darkness and a restless darknessit is a painful night. The outer objects of attraction and interest have been discarded, but the inner attachments and passions surge there still. If, however, one continues and persists, refuses to be drawn out, the turmoil settles down and the darkness begins to thin and wear away. One must not lose heart, one must have patience and perseverance. So when the outward world is no more-there and its call also no longer awakes any echo in us, then comes the stage of "restful darkness" or "light-some darkness". But it is still the dark Night of the soul. The outer light is gone and the inner light is not yet visible: the night, the desert, the great Nought, stretches between these two lights. But the true seeker goes through and comes out of the tunnel. And there is happiness at the end. "The seeking is travaillous, but the finding is blissful." When one steps out of the Night, enters into the deepest layer of the being, one stands face to face to one's soul, the very image of God, the perfect God-man, the Christ within. That is the third degree of our inner ascension, the entry into the deepest, purest and happiest statein which one becomes what he truly is; one finds the Christ there and dwells in love and union with him. But there is still a further step to take, and that is real ascension. For till now it has been a going within, from the outward to the inner and the inmost; now one has to go upward, transcend. Within the body, in life, however deep you may go, even if you find your soul and your union with Jesus whose tabernacle is your soul, still there is bound to remain a shadow of the sinful prison-house; the perfect bliss and purity without any earthly taint, the completeness and the crowning of the purgation and transfiguration can come only when you go beyond, leaving altogether the earthly form and worldly vesture and soar into Heaven itself and be in the company of the Trinity. "Into myself, and after... above myself by overpassing only into Him." At the same time it is pointed out, this mediaeval mystic has the common sense to see that the going in and going above of which one speaks must not be understood in a literal way, it is a figure of speech. The movement of the mystic is psychological"ghostly", it is saidnot physical or carnal.
   This spiritual march or progress can also be described as a growing into the likeness of the Lord. His true self, his own image is implanted within us; he is there in the profoundest depth of our being as Jesus, our beloved and our soul rests in him in utmost bliss. We are aware neither of Jesus nor of his spouse, our soul, because of the obsession of the flesh, the turmoil raised by the senses, the blindness of pride and egoism. All that constitutes the first or old Adam, the image of Nought, the body of death which means at bottom the "false misruled love in to thyself." This self-love is the mother of sin, is sin itself. What it has to be replaced by is charity that is the true meaning of Christian charity, forgetfulness of self. "What is sin but a wanting and a forbearing of God." And the whole task, the discipline consists in "the shaping of Christ in you, the casting of sin through Christ." Who then is Christ, what is he? This knowledge you get as you advance from your sense-bound perception towards the inner and inmost seeing. As your outer nature gets purified, you approach gradually your soul, the scales fall off from your eyes too and you have the knowledge and "ghostly vision." Here too there are three degrees; first, you start with faith the senses can do nothing better than have faith; next, you rise to imagination which gives a sort of indirect touch or inkling of the truth; finally, you have the "understanding", the direct vision. "If he first trow it, he shall afterwards through grace feel it, and finally understand it."
   Indeed, it would be interesting to compare and contrast the Eastern and Western approach to Divine Love, the Christian and the Vaishnava, for example. Indian spirituality, whatever its outer form or credal formulation, has always a background of utter unity. This unity, again, is threefold or triune and is expressed in those great Upanishadic phrases,mahvkyas,(1) the transcendental unity: the One alone exists, there is nothing else than theOneekamevdvityam; (2) the cosmic unity: all existence is one, whatever exists is that One, thereare no separate existences:sarvam khalvidam brahma neha nnsti kincaa; (3) That One is I, you too are that One:so' ham, tattvamasi; this may be called the individual unity. As I have said, all spiritual experiences in India, of whatever school or line, take for granted or are fundamentally based upon this sense of absolute unity or identity. Schools of dualism or pluralism, who do not apparently admit in their tenets this extreme monism, are still permeated in many ways with that sense and in some form or other take cognizance of the truth of it. The Christian doctrine too says indeed, 'I and my Father in Heaven are one', but this is not identity, but union; besides, the human soul is not admitted into this identity, nor the world soul. The world, we have seen, according to the Christian discipline has to be altogether abandoned, negatived, as we go inward and upward towards our spiritual status reflecting the divine image in the divine company. It is a complete rejection, a cutting off and casting away of world and life. One extreme Vedantic path seems to follow a similar line, but there it is not really rejection, but a resolution, not the rejection of what is totally foreign and extraneous, but a resolution of the external into its inner and inmost substance, of the effect into its original cause. Brahman is in the world, Brahman is the world: the world has unrolled itself out of the Brahmansi, pravttiit has to be rolled back into its, cause and substance if it is to regain its pure nature (that is the process of nivitti). Likewise, the individual being in the world, "I", is the transcendent being itself and when it withdraws, it withdraws itself and the whole world with it and merges into the Absolute. Even the Maya of the Mayavadin, although it is viewed as something not inherent in Brahman but superimposed upon Brahman, still, has been accepted as a peculiar power of Brahman itself. The Christian doctrine keeps the individual being separate practically, as an associate or at the most as an image of God. The love for one's neighbour, charity, which the Christian discipline enjoins is one's love for one's kind, because of affinity of nature and quality: it does not dissolve the two into an integral unity and absolute identity, where we love because we are one, because we are the One. The highest culmination of love, the very basis of love, according to the Indian conception, is a transcendence of love, love trans-muted into Bliss. The Upanishad says, where one has become the utter unity, who loves whom? To explain further our point, we take two examples referred to in the book we are considering. The true Christian, it is said, loves the sinner too, he is permitted to dislike sin, for he has to reject it, but he must separate from sin the sinner and love him. Why? Because the sinner too can change and become his brother in spirit, one loves the sinner because there is the possibility of his changing and becoming a true Christian. It is why the orthodox Christian, even such an enlightened and holy person as this mediaeval Canon, considers the non-Christian, the non-baptised as impure and potentially and fundamentally sinners. That is also why the Church, the physical organisation, is worshipped as Christ's very body and outside the Church lies the pagan world which has neither religion nor true spirituality nor salvation. Of course, all this may be symbolic and it is symbolic in a sense. If Christianity is taken to mean true spirituality, and the Church is equated with the collective embodiment of that spirituality, all that is claimed on their behalf stands justified. But that is an ideal, a hypothetical standpoint and can hardly be borne out by facts. However, to come back to our subject, let us ow take the second example. Of Christ himself, it is said, he not only did not dislike or had any aversion for Judas, but that he positively loved the traitor with a true and sincere love. He knew that the man would betray him and even when he was betraying and had betrayed, the Son of Man continued to love him. It was no make-believe or sham or pretence. It was genuine, as genuine as anything can be. Now, why did he love his enemy? Because, it is said, the enemy is suffered by God to do the misdeed: he has been allowed to test the faith of the faithful, he too has his utility, he too is God's servant. And who knows even a Judas would not change in the end? Many who come to scoff do remain to pray. But it can be asked, 'Does God love Satan too in the same way?' The Indian conception which is basically Vedantic is different. There is only one reality, one truth which is viewed differently. Whether a thing is considered good or evil or neutral, essentially and truly, it is that One and nothing else. God's own self is everywhere and the sage makes no difference between the Brahmin and the cow and the elephant. It is his own self he finds in every person and every objectsarvabhtsthitam yo mm bhajati ekatvamsthitah"he has taken his stand upon oneness and loves Me in all beings."2
   This will elucidate another point of difference between the Christian's and the Vaishnava's love of God, for both are characterised by an extreme intensity and sweetness and exquisiteness of that divine feeling. This Christian's, however, is the union of the soul in its absolute purity and simplicity and "privacy" with her lord and master; the soul is shred here of all earthly vesture and goes innocent and naked into the embrace of her Beloved. The Vaishnava feeling is richer and seems to possess more amplitude; it is more concrete and less ethereal. The Vaishnava in his passionate yearning seeks to carry as it were the whole world with him to his Lord: for he sees and feels Him not only in the inmost chamber of his soul, but meets Him also in and I through his senses and in and through the world and its objects around. In psychological terms one can say that the Christian realisation, at its very source, is that of the inmost soul, what we call the "psychic being" pure and simple, referred to in the book we are considering; as: "His sweet privy voice... stirreth thine heart full stilly." Whereas the Vaishnava reaches out to his Lord with his outer heart too aflame with passion; not only his inmost being but his vital being also seeks the Divine. This bears upon the occult story of man's spiritual evolution upon earth. The Divine Grace descends from the highest into the deepest and from the deepest to the outer ranges of human nature, so that the whole of it may be illumined and transformed and one day man can embody in his earthly life the integral manifestation of God, the perfect Epiphany. Each religion, each line of spiritual discipline takes up one limb of manone level or mode of his being and consciousness purifies it and suffuses it with the spiritual and divine consciousness, so that in the end the whole of man, in his integral living, is recast and remoulded: each discipline is in charge of one thread as it were, all together weave the warp and woof in the evolution of the perfect pattern of a spiritualised and divinised humanity.

01.09 - The Parting of the Way, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Indeed it is a divine creature that should be envisaged on the next level of evolution. The mental and the moral, the psychical and the physical transfigurations which must follow the change in the basic substratum do imply such a mutation, the birth of a new species, as it were, fashioned in the nature of the gods. The vision of angels and Siddhas, which man is having ceaselessly since his birth, may be but a prophecy of the future actuality.
   This then, it seems to us, is the immediate problem that Nature has set before herself. She is now at the parting of the ways. She has done with man as an essentially human being, she has brought out the fundamental possibilities of humanity and perfected it, so far as perfection may be attained within the cadre by which she chose to limit herself; she is now looking forward to another kind of experiment the evolving of another life, another being out of her entrails, that will be greater than the humanity we know today, that will be superior even to the supreme that has yet been actualised.

0.10 - Letters to a Young Captain, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  of physical Education. He began writing to the Mother at the
  age of nineteen.
  The annual demonstration of physical culture, held at the Ashram Sportsground.
  "The Titans are stronger than the gods because they have agreed with God to front
  problem and various possible methods of physical education. The fundamental problem is this: how can we
  The Queen of Jhansi who died on the battlefield in 1858 while fighting British
  In a discussion with a friend about our physical
  education programme and the countless other activities we have here, he asked me: "Can you give me a
  it is utterly indispensable, as in physical education, for example.
  21 July 1963
  Just as there are tangible and concrete bodily exercises and disciplines for physical culture, is there not
  something tangible and concrete for the progress of the
  with it. physically, continue with what you are doing, develop
  and control your body methodically, make yourself useful by
  is why we have so much physical and bodily suffering.14
  Is it really the cause? Does food have such an important
  the physical life and you understand and appreciate only that.
  The two extremes always alternate in experience until one has
  for mental and physical education, isn't there a similar
  method to progress towards Sri Aurobindo's yoga? It
  for physical, mental and vital development; but this mechanical
  "Experience in thy soul the truth of the Scripture; afterwards, if thou wilt, reason
  in the physical world.
  The "supreme and radical" change of the whole nature
  What he means is that when one will have the power to withdraw the physical body from the influence of death, the power of
  transformation will be such that one will also be able to change
  politically, morally and physically, mustn't she?
  Without any doubt - and just now, there is much to be done!
  a need for physical closeness? What is the value of this
   physical contact?
  (1) When one is more conscious in the physical than in the vital
  and mental, the physical relation seems more real and tangible.
  (2) For those who have seriously begun the yoga in the body,
  the physical relation is of course a powerful aid.
  I ask the first to make an effort to establish not only a psychic
  I try to teach the others to widen their physical consciousness
  so as to be able to benefit from my physical presence even at a
  emptiness inside. Even if one has all the physical comforts, there is still something missing. One doesn't feel
  very joyful. One wants to come back as soon as possible.
  When You are physically stricken, I always feel very
  sad. I tell myself that it is not an ordinary illness, that
  it is an experience leading towards physical transformation. But when I think of Your suffering body, I am
  sad. And then, is this not part of the Sacrifice of the

01.10 - Nicholas Berdyaev: God Made Human, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Eastern spirituality does not view sorrow and sufferingevilas an integral part of the Divine Consciousness. It is born out of the Divine, no doubt, as nothing can be outside the Divine, but it is a local and temporal formation; it is a disposition consequent upon certain conditions and with the absence or elimination of those conditions, this disposition too disappears. God and the Divine Consciousness can only be purity, light, immortality and delight. The compassion that a Buddha feels for the suffering humanity is not at all a feeling of suffering; pain or any such normal human reaction does not enter into its composition; it is the movement of a transcendent consciousness which is beyond and purified of the normal reactions, yet overarching them and entering into them as a soothing and illumining and vivifying presence. The healer knows and understands the pain and suffering of his patient but is not touched by them; he need not contract the illness of his patient in order to be in sympathy with him. The Divine the Soulcan be in flesh and yet not smirched with its mire; the flesh is not essentially or irrevocably the ooze it is under certain given conditions. The divine physical body is composed of radiant matter and one can speak of it even as of the soul that weapons cannot pierce it nor can fire burn it.

01.11 - Aldous Huxley: The Perennial Philosophy, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   "The touch of Earth is always reinvigorating to the son of Earth, even when he seeks a supra physical Knowledge. It may even be said that the supra physical can only be really mastered in its fullnessto its heights we can always reachwhen we keep our feet firmly on the physical. 'Earth is His footing' says the Upanishad, whenever it images the Self that manifests in the universe." Huxley's commentary is as follows:
   "To its heights we can always come. For those of us who are still splashing about in the lower ooze, the phrase has a rather ironical ring. Nevertheless, in the light of even the most distant acquaintance with the heights and the fullness, it is possible to understand what its author means. To discover the Kingdom of God exclusively within oneself is easier than to discover it, not only there, but also in the outer worlds of minds and things and living creatures. It is easier because the heights within reveal themselves to those who are ready to exclude from their purview all that lies without. And though this exclusion may be a painful and mortificatory process, the fact remains that it is less arduous than the process of inclusion, by which we come to know the fullness as well as the heights of spiritual life. Where there is exclusive concentration on the heights within, temptations and distractions are avoided and there is a general denial and suppression. But when the hope is to know God inclusivelyto realise the divine Ground in the world as well as in the soul, temptations and distractions must not be avoided, but submitted to and used as opportunities for advance; there must be no suppression of outward-turning activities, but a transformation of them so that they become sacramental."

01.11 - The Basis of Unity, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   In India the spirit of renascence came very late, late almost by three centuries; and even then it could not flood the whole of the continent in all its nooks and corners, psychological and physical. There were any number of pockets (to use a current military phrase) left behind which guarded the spirit of the past and offered persistent and obdurate resistance. Perhaps, such a dispensation was needed in India and inevitable also; inevitable, because the religious spirit is closest to India's soul and is its most direct expression and cannot be uprooted so easily; needed, because India's and the world's future demands it and depends upon it.
   Only, the religious spirit has to be bathed and purified and enlightened by the spirit of the renascence: that is to say, one must learn and understand and realize that Spirit is the thing the one thing needfulTamevaikam jnatha; 'religions' are its names and forms, appliances and decorations. Let us have by all means the religious spirit, the fundamental experience that is the inmost truth of all religions, that is the matter of our soul; but in our mind and life and body let there be a luminous catholicity, let these organs and instruments be trained to see and compare and appreciate the variety, the numberless facets which the one Spirit naturally presents to the human consciousness. Ekam sat viprh bahudh vadanti. It is an ancient truth that man discovered even in his earliest seekings; but it still awaits an adequate expression and application in life.
   Islam comes with a full-fledged spiritual soul and a mental and vital formation commensurable with that inner being and consciousness. It comes with a dynamic spirit, a warrior mood, that aims at conquering the physical world for the Lord, a temperament which Indian spirituality had not, or had lost long before, if she had anything of it. This was, perhaps, what Vivekananda meant when he spoke graphically of a Hindu soul with a Muslim body. The Islamic dispensation, however, brings with it not only something complementary, but also something contradictory, if not for anything else, at least for the strong individuality which does not easily yield to assimilation. Still, in spite of great odds, the process of assimilation was going on slowly and surely. But of late it appears to have come to a dead halt; difficulties have been presented which seem insuperable.
   If religious toleration were enough, if that made up man's highest and largest achievement, then Nature need not have attempted to go beyond cultural fusion; a liberal culture is the surest basis for a catholic religious spirit. But such a spirit of toleration and catholicity, although it bespeaks a widened consciousness, does not always enshrine a profundity of being. Nobody is more tolerant and catholic than a dilettante, but an ardent spiritual soul is different.

01.13 - T. S. Eliot: Four Quartets, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Eliot's is a very Christian soul, but we must remember at the same time that he is nothing if not modern. And this modernism gives all the warp and woof woven upon that inner core. How is it characterised? First of all, an intellectualism that requires a reasoned and rational synthesis of all experiences. Another poet, a great poet of the soul's Dark Night was, as we all know, Francis Thompson: it was in his case not merely the soul's night, darkness extended even to life, he lived the Dark Night actually and physically. His haunting, weird lines, seize within their grip our brain and mind and very flesh
   My days have crackled and gone up in smoke,5

01.14 - Nicholas Roerich, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   It is not a mere notion or superstition, it is an occult reality that gives sanctity to a particular place or region. The saintly soul has always been also a pilgrim, physically, to holy places, even to one single holy place, if he so chooses. The puritan poet may say tauntingly:
   Here pilgrims roam, that strayed so far to seek In Golgotha him dead who lives in heaven

0.11 - Letters to a Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  Unless one practises yoga in the physical being (outer being), it
  remains ignorant - even its aspiration is ignorant and so is its
  time to do all that You do? Perhaps physical time does
  not exist for You!
  But in any case, mutual misunderstanding and lack of collaboration can only come from the outer physical and vital being
  which is formed in this life and is not yet under the rule and
  the physical body.
  20 September 1967
  These words do not apply to the physical world as it is at present.
  The explanation is only an approximation. Still, one can
  Besides, although he has not taken up another physical
  body, the Buddha himself has returned to work in the earthatmosphere.
  three of them because there is a physical mind, a vital mind and
  a mental mind.
  yoga is not an escape from the physical consciousness but a
  divinisation of that consciousness.

0.12 - Letters to a Student, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  I have seen that I am not able to force my physical
  body to do a little better than my actual capacity. I would
  What is the difference between sports and physical

0.13 - Letters to a Student, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  in the subtle physical or the mental. There are any number of
  different possibilities in dreams.
  and manifests the physical being.
  Ordinarily, one becomes aware of the presence of this consciousness only when one has to face some danger or an unexpected event or a great sorrow.

0.14 - Letters to a Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  The more the psychic has taken part in these physical lives
  on earth, the more numerous and precise its memories are.
  The first condition is to have a physical nature that gives
  energy rather than draws energy from others.
  vital and the physical have to be free of all desire - otherwise
  one is courting disaster.
  The first thing the physical consciousness must understand is
  that all the difficulties we meet with in life come from the fact

0 1954-08-25 - what is this personality? and when will she come?, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   She has come, bringing with Her a splendor of power and love, an intensity of divine joy heretofore unknown to the Earth. The physical atmosphere has been completely changed by her descent, permeated with new and marvelous possibilities.
   But if She is ever to reside and act here, She has to find at least a minimal receptivity, at least one human being with the required vital and physical qualities, a kind of super-Parsifal gifted with an innate and integral purity, yet possessing at the same time a body strong enough and poised enough to bear unwaveringly the intensity of the Ananda She brings.
   Thus far, She has not found what is needed. Men remain obstinately men and do not want to or are unable to become supermen. All they can receive and express is a love at their own dimension: a human lovewhereas the supreme bliss of divine Ananda eludes their perception.
   But the vibrations of divine Bliss and those of pleasure cannot cohabit in the same vital and physical house. We must therefore TOTALLY renounce all feelings of pleasure to be ready to receive the divine Ananda. But rare are those who can renounce pleasure without thereby renouncing all active participation in life or sinking into a stern asceticism. And among those who realize that the transformation is to be wrought in active life, some pretend that pleasure is a form of Ananda gone more or less astray and legitimize their search for self-satisfaction, thereby creating a virtually insuperable obstacle to their own transformation.
   Now, if there is anything else you wish to ask me Anyone may ask, anyoneanyone who has something to saynot just the students.
   Only when we went down from the vital plane into the physical plane, all this went awaybecause on the physical plane, the work is much harder and we had so much to do, so many things to change.
   But if a force like Hers could manifest and be received here, it would have INESTIMABLE results!

0 1955-06-09, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Your case is not unique; there are others (and among the best and the most faithful) who are likewise a veritable battlefield for the forces opposing the advent of the truth. They feel powerless in this battle, sorrowful witnesses, victims without the strength to fight, for this is taking place in that part of the physical consciousness where the supramental forces are not yet fully active, although I am confident they soon will be. Meanwhile, the only remedy is to endure, to go through this suffering and to await patiently the hour of liberation.
   While reading your prayer, I too prayed that it be heard.

0 1956-05-02, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   But for this only like can know like. Only the Supramental Consciousness in an individual can perceive the Supramental acting in the earth atmosphere. Those who, for whatever reason, have developed this perception can see it. But those who are not even remotely conscious of their inner beings, who would be quite at a loss to say what their souls look like, are certainly not ready to perceive the difference in the earth atmosphere. They still have quite a way to go for that. Because, for those whose consciousness is more or less exclusively centered in the outer beingmental, vital and physicalthings need to have an absurd or unexpected appearance to be noticeable. And then they call it a miracle.
   But we do not call a miracle the constant miracle of the forces that intervene to change circumstances and human natures and which have very far-reaching consequences, for we see only the appearance, and this appearance seems quite natural. But in truth, if you were to reflect upon the least thing that happens, you would be forced to acknowledge that it is miraculous.

0 1956-08-10, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   In fact, following the 'Supramental Manifestation' of February 29, 1956, all of Mother's physical difficulties increased, as though all the obscurities in the physical consciousness were surging forth beneath the pressure of the new light. The same observation applies to the disciples who were around Mother and undoubtedly to the world as a whole. A strange 'mysterious acceleration' was beginning to take hold of the world.

0 1956-09-12, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   A light, not like the golden light of the Supermind: rather a kind of phosphorescence. I felt that had it been night, it would have been physically visible.
   And it was denser than my physical body: the physical body seemed to me almost unrealas though crumblylike sand running through your fingers.
   I would have been incapable of speaking, words seemed so petty, narrow, ignorant.
   I had had a somewhat similar experience at the time of the union of the supreme creative principle with the physical consciousness. But that was a subtle experience, while this was materialin the body.
   I did not have the experience, I did not look at it: I WAS it.

0 1957-07-03, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   This vision took place early in the night and woke me up with a rather unpleasant feeling. Then I fell back to sleep and forgot about it; but a little while ago, when I was thinking of the question put to me, it returned. It returned with a great intensity and so imperatively that now, just as I wanted to tell you what kind of collectivity we wish to realize according to the ideal described by Sri Aurobindo in the last chapter of The Life Divinea gnostic, supramental collectivity, the only kind that can do Sri Aurobindos integral yoga and be realized physically in a progressive collective body becoming more and more divine the recollection of this vision became so imperative that I couldnt speak.
   Its symbolism was very clear, though of quite a familiar nature, as it were, and because of its very familiarity, unmistakable in its realism Were I to tell you all the details, you would probably not even be able to follow: it was rather intricate. It was a kind of (how can I express it?)an immense hotel where all the terrestrial possibilities were lodged in different apartments. And it was all in a constant state of transformation: parts or entire wings of the building were suddenly torn down and rebuilt while people were still living in them, such that if you went off somewhere within the immense hotel itself, you ran the risk of no longer finding your room when you wanted to return to it, for it might have been torn down and was being rebuilt according to another plan! It was orderly, it was organized yet there was this fantastic chaos which I mentioned. And all this was a symbola symbol that certainly applies to what Sri Aurobindo has written here1 regarding the necessity for the transformation of the body, the type of transformation that has to take place for life to become a divine life.
   She clearly remembered where her room was, but each time she set out to go there, either the staircase disappeared or things were so changed that she could no longer find her way! So she went here and there, up and down, searched, went in and out but it was impossible to find the way to her room! Since all of this assumed a physical appearanceas I said, a very familiar and very common appearance, as is always the case in these symbolic visions there was somewhere (how shall I put it?) the hotels administrative office and a woman who seemed to be the manager, who had all the keys and who knew where everyone was staying. So the daughter went to this person and asked her, Could you show me the way to my room?But of course! Easily! Everyone around the manager looked at her as if to say, How can you say that? However, she got up, and with authority asked for a key the key to the daughters roomsaying, I shall take you there. And off she went along all kinds of paths, but all so complicated, so bizarre! The daughter was following along behind her very attentively, you see, so as not to lose sight of her. But just as they should have come to the place where the daughters room was supposed to be, suddenly the manageress (let us call her the manageress), both the manageress and her key vanished! And the sense of this vanishing was so acute that at the same time, everything vanished!
   So to help you understand this enigma, let me tell you that the mother is physical Nature as she is, and the daughter is the new creation. The manageress is the worlds organizing mental consciousness as Nature has developed it thus far, that is, the most advanced organizing sense to have manifested in the present state of material Nature. This is the key to the vision.
   Naturally, when I awoke, I immediately knew what could resolve this problem which appeared so absolutely insoluble. The vanishing of the manageress and her key was an obvious sign that she was altogether incapable of leading what could be called the creative consciousness of the new world to its true place.

0 1957-10-17, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   But with the supramental manifestation, something new has taken place in the body: it feels it is its own master, autonomous, with its two feet solidly on the ground, as it were. This gives a physical impression of the whole being suddenly drawing itself up, with its head lifted high I am my own master.
   We live perennially with a burden on our shoulders, something that bows our heads down, and we feel pulled, led by all kinds of external forces, we dont know by whom or what, nor where tothis is what men call Fate, Destiny. When you do yoga, one of the first experiences the experience of the kundalini, as it is called here in Indiais precisely one in which the consciousness rises, breaks through this hard lid, here, at the crown of the head, and at last you emerge into the Light. Then you see, you know, you decide and you realizedifficulties may still remain, but truly speaking one is above them. Well, as a result of the supramental manifestation, it is THIS experience that came into the body. The body straightened its head up and felt its freedom, its independence.

0 1957-11-12, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   The qualities more particularly required for the tests of physical Nature are endurance and plasticity, cheerfulness and fearlessness.
   For the spiritual tests: aspiration, confidence, idealism, enthusiasm and generosity in self-giving.

0 1957-12-21, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   There is a whole gradation of planes of consciousness, from the physical consciousness to my radiant consciousness at the very highest level, that which knows the Will of the Supreme. I keep all these planes of consciousness in front of me, working simultaneously, coordinatedly, and I am acting on each plane, gathering the information proper to each plane, so as to have the integral truth of things. Thus, when I have a decision to make in regard to one of you, I plug into you directly from that level of the supreme consciousness which sees the deep truth of your being. But at the same time, my decision is shaped, as it were, by the information given to me by the other planes of consciousness and particularly by the physical consciousness, which acts as a recorder.
   This physical consciousness records all it sees, all your reactions, your thoughts, all the factswithout preference, without prejudice, without personal will. Nothing escapes it. Its work is almost mechanical. Therefore I know what to tell or to ask you according to the integral truth of your being and its present possibilities. Ordinarily, in the normal man, the physical consciousness does not see things as they are, for three reasons: because of ignorance, because of preference, and because of an egoistic will. You color what you see, eliminate what displeases you. In short, you see only what you desire to see.
   Now, I recently had a very striking experience: a discrepancy occurred between my physical consciousness and the consciousness of the world. In some instances decisions made in the Light and the Truth produced unexpected results, upheavals in the consciousness of others that were neither foreseen nor desired, and I did not understand. No matter how hard I tried, I could not understand and I emphasize this word understand. At last, I had to leave my highest consciousness and pull myself down into the physical consciousness to find out what was happening. And there, in my head, I saw what appeared to be a little cell bursting, and suddenly I understood: the recording had been defective. The physical consciousness had neglected to register certain of your lower reactions. It could not have been through preference or through personal will (these things were eliminated from my consciousness long, long ago). But I saw that this most material consciousness was already completely permeated with the transforming supramental truth, and it could no longer follow the rhythm of normal life. It was much more attuned to the true consciousness than to the world! I couldnt possibly blame it for lagging behind; on the contrary, it was in front, too far ahead! There was a discrepancy between the rhythm of the transformation of my being and the worlds own rhythm. The supramental action on the world is slow, it does not act directlyit acts by infiltration, by traversing the successive layers, and the results are slow to come about. So I had to pull myself violently down in order to wait for the others.
   One must at times know how not to know.

0 1958-01-01, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   And suddenly, as if resounding from every corner of the earth, I heard these great notes which are sometimes heard in the subtle physicalra ther like those of Beethovens Concerto in Dwhich come at moments of great progress, as though fifty orchestras were bursting forth all at once without a single discordant note, to sound the joy of this new communion of Nature and Spirit, the meeting of old friends who, after a long separation, find each other once more.
   Then came these words: O Nature, Material Mother, thou hast said that thou wilt collaborate, and there is no limit to the splendor of this collaboration.

0 1958-02-03b - The Supramental Ship, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   The supramental world exists in a permanent way, and I am there permanently in a supramental body. I had proof of this today when my earthly consciousness went there and consciously remained there between two and three oclock in the afternoon: I now know that for the two worlds to join in a constant and conscious relationship what is missing is an intermediate zone between the existing physical world and the supramental world as it exists. This zone has yet to be built, both in the individual consciousness and in the objective world, and it is being built. When formerly I used to speak of the new world that is being created, I was speaking of this intermediate zone. And similarly, when I am on this side that is, in the realm of the physical consciousness and I see the supramental power, the supramental light and substance constantly permeating matter, I am seeing and participating in the construction of this zone.
   I found myself upon an immense ship, which is the symbolic representation of the place where this work is being carried out. This ship, as big as a city, is thoroughly organized, and it had certainly already been functioning for quite some time, for its organization was fully developed. It is the place where people destined for the supramental life are being trained. These people (or at least a part of their being) had already undergone a supramental transformation because the ship itself and all that was aboard was neither material nor subtle- physical, neither vital nor mental: it was a supramental substance. This substance itself was of the most material supramental, the supramental substance nearest the physical world, the first to manifest. The light was a blend of red and gold, forming a uniform substance of luminous orange. Everything was like that the light was like that, the people were like thateverything had this color, in varying shades, however, which enabled things to be distinguished from one another. The overall impression was of a shadowless world: there were shades, but no shadows. The atmosphere was full of joy, calm, order; everything worked smoothly and silently. At the same time, I could see all the details of the education, the training in all domains by which the people on board were being prepared.
   This immense ship had just arrived at the shore of the supramental world, and a first batch of people destined to become the future inhabitants of the supramental world were about to disembark. Everything was arranged for this first landing. A certain number of very tall beings were posted on the wharf. They were not human beings and never before had they been men. Nor were they permanent inhabitants of the supramental world. They had been delegated from above and posted there to control and supervise the landing. I was in charge of all this since the beginning and throughout. I myself had prepared all the groups. I was standing on the bridge of the ship, calling the groups forward one by one and having them disembark on the shore. The tall beings posted there seemed to be reviewing those who were disembarking, allowing those who were ready to go ashore and sending back those who were not and who had to continue their training aboard the ship. While standing there watching everyone, that part of my consciousness coming from here became extremely interested: it wanted to see, to identify all the people, to see how they had changed and to find out who had been taken immediately as well as those who had to remain and continue their training. After awhile, as I was observing, I began to feel pulled backwards and that my body was being awakened by a consciousness or a person from here1and in my consciousness, I protested: No, no, not yet! Not yet! I want to see whos there! I was watching all this and noting it with intense interest It went on like that until, suddenly, the clock here began striking three, which violently jerked me back. There was the sensation of a sudden fall into my body. I came back with a shock, but since I had been called back very suddenly, all my memory was still intact. I remained quiet and still until I could bring back the whole experience and preserve it.
   But one thing and I wish to stress this point to youwhich now seems to me to be the most essential difference between our world and the supramental world (and it is only after having gone there consciously, with the consciousness that ordinarily works here, that this difference appeared to me in what might be called its enormity): everything here, except for what happens within and at a very deep level, seemed absolutely artificial to me. Not one of the values of ordinary physical life is based upon truth. Just as we have to buy cloth, sew it together, then put it on our backs in order to dress ourselves, likewise we have to take things from outside and then put them inside our bodies in order to feed ourselves. For everything, our life is artificial.
   A true, sincere, spontaneous life, as in the supramental world, is a springing forth of things through the fact of conscious will, a power over substance that shapes this substance according to what we decide it should be. And he who has this power and this knowledge can obtain whatever he wants, whereas he who does not has no artificial means of getting what he desires.

0 1958-02-25, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   The only thing in the world that still appears intolerable to me now is all physical deterioration, physical suffering, the ugliness the powerlessness to express this capacity of beauty inherent in every being. But this, too, will be conquered one day. Here, too the power will come one day to shift the needle a little. Only, one has to climb higher in consciousness: the deeper into matter you want to descend, the higher must you ascend in consciousness.
   It will take time. Sri Aurobindo was surely right when he spoke of a few centuries.

0 1958-03-07, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   As for me, I am totally out of my element in this new life, as though I were uprooted from myself. I am living in the temple, in the midst of pujas,1 with white ashes on my forehead, barefoot dressed like a Hindu, sleeping on cement at night, eating impossible curries, with some good sunburns to complete the cooking. And there I am, clinging to you, for if you were not there I would collapse, so absurd would it all be. You are the only realityhow many times have I repeated this to myself, like a litany! Apart from this, I am holding up quite well physically. But inside and outside, nothing is left but you. I need you, thats all. Mother, this world is so horrifyingly empty. I really feel that I would evaporate if you werent there. Well, no doubt I had to go through this experience Perhaps I will be able to extract some book from it that will be of use to you. We are like children who need a lot of pictures in order to understand, and a few good kicks to realize our complete stupidity.
   Swami must soon take to the road again, through Ceylon, towards March 20 or 25. So I shall go wandering with him until May; towards the beginning of May, he will return to India. I hope to have learned my lesson by then, and to have learned it well. Inwardly, I have understood that there is only you but its these problem children on the surface who must be made to toe the line once and for all.

0 1958-05-01, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   To do the divine Will I have been doing the sadhana for a long time, and I can say that not a day has passed that I have not done the Divines Will. But I didnt know what it was! I was living in all the inner realms, from the subtle physical to the highest regions, yet I didnt know what it was I always had to listen, to refer things, to pay attention. Now, no morebliss! There are no more problems, and everything is done in such harmony! Even if I had to leave my body, I would be in bliss! And it would happen in the best possible way.
   Only now am I beginning to understand what Sri Aurobindo has written in The Synthesis of Yoga! And the human mind, the physical mind, appears so stupid, so stupid!

0 1958-05-10, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I saw and understood very well that by concentrating, I could have given it the attitude of the absolute authority of the eternal Mother. When Sri Aurobindo told me, You are She, at the same time he bestowed upon my body this attitude of absolute authority. But as I had the inner vision of this truth, I concerned myself very little with the imperfections of the physical body I didnt bother about that, I only used it as an instrument. Sri Aurobindo did the sadhana for this body, which had only to remain constantly open to his action.1
   Afterwards, when he left and I had to do the Yoga myself, to be able to take his physical place, I could have adopted the attitude of the sage, which is what I did since I was in an unparalleled state of calm when he left. As he left his body and entered into mine, he told me, You will continue, you will go right to the end of the work. It was then that I imposed a calm upon this body the calm of total detachment. And I could have remained like that.
   But in a way, absolute calm implies withdrawal from action, so a choice had to be made between one or the other. I said to myself, I am neither exclusively this nor exclusively that. And actually, to do Sri Aurobindos work is to realize the Supramental on earth. So I began that work and, as a matter of fact, this was the only thing I asked of my body. I told it, Now you shall set right everything which is out of order and gradually realize this intermediate supermanhood between man and the supramental being or, in other words, what I call the superman.
   In a considerable number of people, it is their body, the physical body, that obstinately resists.
   The difficulty is greater for Westerners than for Indians. Its as though their substance were steeped in falsehood. It also happens with Indians, of course, but generally the falsehood is much more in the vital than in the physicalbecause after all, the physical has been utilized by bodies belonging to enlightened beings. The European substance seems steeped in rebellion; in the Indian substance this rebelliousness is subdued by an influence of surrender. The other day, someone was telling me about some Europeans with whom he corresponds, and I said, But tell them to read, to learn, to follow The Synthesis of Yoga!it leads you straight to the path. Whereupon he replied, Oh, but they say its full of talk on surrender, surrender, always surrender and they want none of it.
   They want none of it! Even if the mind accepts, the body and the vital refuse. And when the body refuses, it refuses with the stubbornness of a stone.
   No. From the minute it is conscious, it is conscious of its own falsehood! It is conscious of this law, of that law, of this third law that fourth law, this tenth laweverything is a law. We are subject to physical laws: this will produce such and such a result if you do that, this will happen, etc. Oh! It reeks! I know it well. I know it very well. These laws reek of falsehood. In the body, we have no faith in the divine Grace, none, none, none, none! Those who have not undergone a tapasya2 as I have, say, Yes, all these inner moral things, feelings, psychology, all that is very good; we want the Divine and we are ready to But all the same, material facts are material facts, they have their concrete reality, after all an illness is an illness, food is food, and everything you do has a consequence, and when you are bah, bah, bah, bah, bah!
   We must understand that this isnt trueit isnt true, its a falsehood, all this is sheer falsehood. It is NOT TRUE, it is not true!
   From the negative point of view I mean the difficulties to be overcomeone of the most serious obstacles is that the ignorant and falsifying outer consciousness, the ordinary consciousness legitimizes all the so-called physical laws, causes, effects and consequences, all that science has discovered physically and materially. All this is an unquestionable reality to the consciousness, a reality that remains independent and absolute even in the face of the eternal divine Reality.
   And it is so automatic that it is unconscious.

0 1958-06-06 - Supramental Ship, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   From that moment on, I was conscious that all one does is the expression of the indwelling Divine Will. But it is the Divine Will AT THE VERY CENTER of oneself, although for a while there remained an activity in the physical mind. But this was stilled two or three days after I saw Sri Aurobindo for the first time in 1914, and it never started up again. Silence settled. And the consciousness was established above the head.
   In the first experience [of 1910], the consciousness was established in the psychic depths of the being, and from that poise issued the feeling of no longer doing anything but what the Divine wantedit was the consciousness that the divine Will was all-powerful and that there was no longer any personal will, although there was still some mental activity and everything had to be made silent. In 1914, it was silenced, and the consciousness was established above the head. Here (the heart) and here (above the head), the connection is constant.
   It is the result of the descent of the supramental substance into Matter. Only this substancewhat it has put into physical Mattercould have made it possible. It is a new ferment. From the material standpoint, it removes from physical Matter its tamas, the heaviness of its unconsciousness, and from the psychological standpoint, its ignorance and its falsehood. Matter is subtilized. But it has surely come only as a first experience to show how it will be.
   It is truly a state of absolute omniscience and omnipotence in the body which changes all the vibrations around it.

0 1958-08-08, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   We know nothing. We believe we know, but as soon as it is a question of that (the body), we know nothing. As soon as we are in the subtle physical, we know everything, we live in bliss but here, we know nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing.

0 1958-08-29, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   At the Thursday evening meditation, he appeared as the Guru of Tantric Initiation, magnified and seated upon a symbolic representation of the forces and riches of material Nature (in the middle of the playground, to my left), and he put into my hand something sufficiently material for me to feel the vibrations physically, and it had a great realizing power. It was a kind of luminous and very vibrant globe which I held in my hands during the whole meditation.
   S, who was sitting in front of me, spontaneously asked me afterwards what I had been holding in my hands during the meditation, and she described it thus: It was round, very soft and luminous like the moon.

0 1958-09-16 - OM NAMO BHAGAVATEH, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Just recently one day, the contact became entirely physical, the whole body was in great exaltation, and I noticed that other lines were spontaneously being added to this Dieu de bont et de misricorde, and I noted them down. It was a springing forth of states of consciousness not words.
   Seigneur, Dieu de bont et de misricorde
   So each one must find something that acts on himself, individually. I am only speaking of the action on the physical plane, because mentally, vitally, in all the inner parts of the being, the aspiration is always, always spontaneous. I am referring only to the physical plane.
   The physical seems to be more open to something that is repetitious for example, the music we play on Sundays, which has three series of combined mantras. The first is that of Chandi, addressed to the universal Mother:
   Ya devi sarvabhuteshu matrirupena sansthita
   That is the normal state. It creates an atmosphere of an intensity almost more material than the subtle physical; its like almost like the phosphorescent radiations from a medium. And it has a great action, a very great action: it can prevent an accident. And it accompanies you all the time, all the time.
   But it is up to you to know what you want to do with it.

0 1958-10-04, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   The other day when I was in this state of concentration, I had the vision that I mentioned to you. I felt I was being pulled, that something was pulling me and trying to draw my attention. I felt it very strongly. So I opened my eyes, my mental eyes (the physical eyes may remain opened or closed, it makes no difference either way; when I am concentrated, things on the physical plane no longer exist), I deliberately opened the minds eyes, for that is where I felt myself being pulled, and then I had this vision I told you of. Someone was trying to draw my attention, to tell me something. It takes someone really quite powerful, with a very great power of concentration, to do thatthere are certainly a great many people here and elsewhere who try to do this, yet I dont feel a thing.3
   In the outer, practical domain, I might suddenly think of someone, so I know that this person is calling or thinking of me. When you left on your trip, I created a special link-up so that if ever, at any moment, you called me for anything, I would know it instantly, and I remained attentive and alert. But I do that only in exceptional cases. Generally speaking, when I havent made this special link-up, things keep coming in and coming in and coming in and coming in, and the answer goes out automatically, here or there or there or therehundreds and hundreds of things that I dont keep in my memory because then it would really be frightful. I dont keep these things in my consciousness; it is rather a work that is done automatically.

0 1958-10-10, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   In all religious and especially occult initiations, the ritual of the different ceremonies is prescribed in every detail; all the words pronounced, all the gestures made have their importance, and the least infraction of the rule, the least fault committed can have fatal consequences. It is the same in material lifeif one had the initiation into the true way of living, one could transform physical existence.
   If we consider the body as the tabernacle of the Lord, then medical science, for example, becomes the initiatory ritual of the service of the temple, and doctors of all kinds are the officiating priests in the different rituals of worship. Thus, medicine is really a priesthood and should be treated as such.
   The same can be said of physical culture and of all the sciences that are concerned with the body and its workings. If the material universe is considered as the outer sheath and the manifestation of the Supreme, then it can generally be said that all the physical sciences are the rituals of worship.
   We always come back to the same thing: the absolute necessity for perfect sincerity, perfect honesty and a sense of the dignity of all we do so that we may do it as it should be done.
   If we could truly, perfectly know all the details of the ceremony of life, the worship of the Lord in physical life, it would be wonderfulto know, and no longer to err, never again to err. To perform the ceremony as perfectly as an initiation.
   To know life utterly Oh, there is a very interesting thing in this regard! And its strange, but this particular knowledge reminds me of one of my Sutras1 (which I read out, but no one understood or understood only vaguely, like that):

0 1958-10-17, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   10) When an abyss separates the true being from the physical being, Nature immediately fills it with all the hostile suggestions, of which the most deadly is fear and the most pernicious, doubt.
   I wrote that before reading Sri Aurobindos aphorism on the sentinels of Nature.1 I found it very interesting and I said to myself, Well! Thats exactly what came to me!

0 1958-10-25 - to go out of your body, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I had a Danish friend, an artist, to whom this happened. He wanted me to teach him how to go out of his body. He had interesting dreams so he thought it might be worthwhile to go there consciously. I helped him to go out but it was frightful! When he dreamed, a part of his mind indeed remained conscious, active, and a kind of link remained between this active part and his outer being, so he remembered some of his dreams, but it was only a very partial phenomenon. To go out of your body means that you must gradually pass through ALL the states of being, if you are to do it systematically. But already in the subtle physical it was almost non-individualized, and as soon as he went a bit further, there was no longer anything! It was unformed, nonexistent.
   So they sit down (they are told to interiorize, to go within themselves), and they panic!Naturally they feel that they that they are disappearing: there is nothing! There is no consciousness!

0 1958-11-04 - Myths are True and Gods exist - mental formation and occult faculties - exteriorization - work in dreams, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   All these regions, all these realms are filled with beings who exist separately in their own realms, and if you are awake and conscious on a given plane for example, if while going out of a more material body you awaken on some higher planeyou can have the same relationship with the things and people of that plane as with the things and people of the material world. In other words, there exists an entirely objective relationship that has nothing to do with your own idea of things. Naturally, the resemblance becomes greater and greater as you draw nearer the physical world, the material world, and there is even a moment when one region can act directly upon the other. In any case, in what Sri Aurobindo calls the kingdoms of the overmind, you find a concrete reality entirely independent of your personal experience; whenever you come back to it, you again find the same things, with some differences that may have occurred DURING YOUR ABSENCE. And your relationships with the beings there are identical to those you have with physical beings, except that they are more flexible, more supple and more direct (for example, there is a capacity to change the outer form, the visible form, according to your inner state), but you can make an appointment with someone, come to the meeting and again find the same being, with only certain differences that may have occurred during your absence but it is absolutely concrete, with absolutely concrete results.
   However, you must have at least a little experience of these things to understand them. Otherwise, if you are convinced that all this is just human fancy or mental formations, if you believe that these gods have such and such a form because men have imagined them to be like that, or that they have such and such defects or qualities because men have envisioned it that wayas with all those who say God is created in the image of man and exists only in human thoughtall such people wont understand, it will seem absolutely ridiculous to them, a kind of madness. You must live a little, touch the subject a little to know how concrete it is.
   To give another comparison, it could be said that the physical body is at the centerit is the most material and the most condensed, as well as the smallestand the more subtle inner bodies increasingly overlap the limits of this central physical body; they pass through it and extend further and further out, like water evaporating from a porous vase which creates a kind of steam all around it. And the more subtle it is, the more its extension tends to fuse with that of the universe: you finally become universal. It is an entirely concrete process that makes the invisible worlds an objective experience and even allows you to act in those worlds.
   In Sri Aurobindo's and Mother's terminology, 'psychic' or 'psychic being' means the soul or the portion of the Supreme in man which evolves from life to life until it becomes a fully self-conscious being. The soul is a special capacity or grace of human beings on earth.

0 1958-11-08, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   And so, physically, the body followed. My body has been taught to express the inner experience to a certain extent. In the body there is the body-force or the body-form or the body-spirit (according to the different schools, it bears a different name), and this is what leaves the body last when one dies, usually taking a period of seven days to leave.2 With special training, it can acquire a conscious lifeindependent and consciousto such a degree that not only in a state of trance (in trance, it frequently happens that one can speak and move if one is slightly trained or educated), but even in a cataleptic state it can produce sounds and even make the body move. Thus, through training, the body begins to have somnambulistic capacitiesnot an ordinary somnambulism, but it can live an autonomous life.3 This is what took place, yesterday evening it was like that I had gone out of my body, but my body was participating. And then I was pulled downwards: my hand, which had been on the arm of the chair, slipped down, then the other hand, then my head was almost touching my knees! (The consciousness was elsewhere, I saw it from outsideit was not that I didnt know what I was doing, I saw it from outside.) So I said, In any case, this has to stop somewhere because if it continues, my head (laughing) is going to be on the ground! And I thought, But what is there at the bottom of this hole?
   Scarcely had these words been formulated when there I was, at the bottom of the hole! And it was absolutely as if a tremendous, almighty spring were there, and then (Mother hits the table) vrrrm! I was cast out of the abyss into a vastness. My body immediately sat straight up, head on high, following the movement. If someone had been watching, this is what he would have seen: in a single bound, vrrrm! Straight up, to the maximum, my head on high.

0 1958-11-22, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   The other indication is what I told you the other day. When you thought of leaving to join Swami, I immediately saw a stream of light: Ah, the road is opening up! So I said, It is good. And while you were away in Ceylon, I followed you from day to day. You called much more than the second time, when you were in the Himalayas; and with the physical hardships you were undergoing, I was very, very close to you I constantly felt what was happening.
   And then I saw a GREAT light, like a glory, when you were at Rameswaram. A great light. And when you returned here, this light was upon you, very strong and imposing. But at the same time, I felt that it needed protectingto be shielded, protected that it was not yet established. Established, ready to resist all that decomposes an experience. I would have liked to have kept you apart, under a glass case, but then I saw that this would have drawbacks as well as advantages. Also, I liked the way you wanted to fight against an uncomprehending reception due to your orange robes and your shaved head. Of course, it was a much shorter path than the other, but it was more difficult.
   And then, more and more, I felt that if what I saw, as I saw it, could be realized I saw two things: a journeynot at all a pilgrimage as it is commonly understooda journey towards solitude in arduous conditions, and a sojourn in a very severe solitude, facing the mountains, in arduous physical conditions. The contact with this majesty of Nature has a great influence upon the ego at certain moments: it has the power to dissolve it. But all this complication, all these organized pilgrimages, all that it brings in the whole petty side of human life which spoils everything
   Yes, that whole journey was odious
   But do you feel it as something to do physically?
   Yes, I dont know, this project of the Belgian Congo,4 for example, it seemed to me
   I dont know. Thats not how I see it, in any case To live in the forest physically, an intense physical life where one is free, where one is pure, where one is far away Above all, to stop this thing from grinding on, finished with the head, and finished with thinking whatever it might be. If there is a yoga, it would be done spontaneously, naturally, physically, and without the least questioning from up thereabove all, a complete cessation of that (the head).
   The first tantric guru whom the disciple joined in Ceylon and with whom he travelled in the Himalayas.

0 1958-11-27 - Intermediaries and Immediacy, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   For example, one thing had always appeared unimportant to me in actionintermediaries between the spiritualized individual being, the conscious soul, and the Supreme. According to my personal experience, it had always seemed to me that if one is exclusively turned towards the Supreme in all ones actions and expresses Him directly, whatever is to be done is done automatically. For example, if you are always open and if at each second you consciously want to express only what the Supreme Lord wants to be expressed, it is done automatically. But with all that I have learned about pujas, about certain scriptures and certain rituals as well, the necessity for a process has become very clear to me. Its the same as in physical life; in physical life, everything needs a process, as we know, and it is the knowledge of processes that constitutes physical science. Similarly, in a more occult working, the knowledge and especially the RESPECT for the process seem to be much more important than I had first thought.
   And when I studied this, when I looked at this science of processes, of intermediaries, suddenly I clearly understood the working of karma, which I had not understood before. I had worked and intervened quite often to change someones karma, but sometimes I had to wait, without exactly knowing why the result was not immediate. I simply used to wait without worrying about the reasons for this slowness or delay. Thats how it was. And generally it ended, as I said, with the exact vision of the karmas source, its initial cause; and scarcely would I have this vision when the Power would come, and the thing would be dissolved. But I didnt bother about finding out why it was like that.
   It remains to be seen if all this has first to be mastered before there is even the possibility of holding the Supramental, of FIXING it in the manifestation. That is the great difference. For example, those with the power to materialize forces or beings lack the capacity to fix them, for these are fluid things which act and are then dissolved. That is the difference with the physical world where it is this condensation of energy that makes things (Mother strikes the arms of her chair) stable. All the things in the extra physical realms are not stable, they are fluidfluid and consequently uncertain.3
   The disciple's tantric guru.

0 1958-11-28, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   As it is, the physical body is really only a very disfigured shadow of the eternal life of the Self, but this physical body is capable of a progressive development; the physical substance progresses through each individual formation, and one day it will be able to build a bridge between physical life as we know it and the supramental life that is to manifest.

0 1959-01-06, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   The Bulletin of physical Education, which appeared quarterly.

0 1959-01-14, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Your last letter gave us great pleasure, knowing that you have finally recovered physically. But we deeply hope that you will not again take up the countless activities that formerly consumed all your timeso many people come to you egoistically, for prestige, to be able to say that they are on familiar terms with you. You know this, of course
   As for myself, a step has definitely been taken, and I am no longer swept away by this painful torrent. Depressions and attacks still come, but no longer with the same violence as before. X told me that 2/3 of the work has been done and that everything would be purged in twelve days or so, then the thing will be enclosed in a jar and buried somewhere or thrown into the sea, and he will explain it all to me. I will write and tell you about it.

0 1959-01-27, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Sweet Mother, I have a kind of fear that all these mantras are not bringing me nearer to you I mean you in your physical body, for it is not upon you physically that I was told to concentrate. Also, I almost never see you in my dreams any longer, or else only very vaguely. Last night, I dreamed that I was offering you flowers (not very pretty ones), one of which was called mantra, but I did not see you in my dream. Mother, I would like to be true, to do the right thing, to be as you want me to be.
   I am your child. I belong to you alone.

0 1959-03-10 - vital dagger, vital mass, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I, who know the consequences of these things, stopped him just in time I gave him a blow. Then I had enough of all this and it was over, I cleaned the place out. It was almost a physical cleaning, for I had my hands clasped together (I was in a semitrance) and I threw them apart in an abrupt movement, left and right, powerfully, as if to sweep something away, and frrt! immediately everything was gone.
   But had that not happened I was watching, not exactly with curiosity, but in order to learnto learn what kind of atmosphere people live in! And it is ALWAYS like that! They are always pestered by HORDES of little formations that are absolutely swarming and disgusting, each one making its nasty little suggestion.

0 1959-03-26 - Lord of Death, Lord of Falsehood, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   The power of this Titan comes from an Asura. There are four Asuras. Two have already been converted, and the other two, the Lord of Death and the Lord of Falsehood, made an attempt at conversion by taking on a physical bodythey have been intimately associated with my life. The story of these Asuras would be very interesting to recount The Lord of Death disappeared; he lost his physical body, and I dont know what has become of him.1 As for the other, the Lord of Falsehood, the one who now rules over this earth, he tried hard to be converted, but he found it disgusting!
   At times he calls himself the Lord of Nations. It is he who sets all wars in motion, and only by thwarting his plans could the last war be won This one does not want to be converted, not at all. He wants neither the physical transformation nor the supramental world, for that would spell his end. Besides, he knows We talk to each other; beyond all this, we have our relationship. For after all, you see (laughing), I am his mother! One day he told me, I know you will destroy me, but meanwhile, I will create all the havoc possible.
   This Asura of Falsehood is the one who delegated the Titan that is always near me. He chose the most powerful Titan there is on earth and sent him specially to attack this body. So even if one manages to enchain or kill this Titan, it is likely that the Lord of Falsehood will delegate another form, and still another, and still another, in order to achieve his aim.

0 1959-04-21, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   According to the ancient traditions, this universalization of the physical body was considered the supreme realization, but it is only a foundation, the base upon which the Supramental can come down without breaking everything.

0 1959-05-19 - Ascending and Descending paths, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   The thing can still be brought down as far as the mental and vital planes (although Sri Aurobindo said that thousands of lifetimes would be needed merely to bring it down to the mental plane, unless one practiced a perfect surrender1). With Sri Aurobindo, we went down below Matter, right into the Subconscient and even into the Inconscient. But after the descent comes the transformation, and when you come down to the body, when you attempt to make it take one step forwardoh, not even a real step, just a little step!everything starts grating; its like stepping on an anthill And yet the presence, the help of the supreme Mother, is there constantly; thus you realize that for ordinary men such a task is impossible, or else millions of lives would be needed but in truth, unless the work is done for them and the sadhana of the body done for the entire earth consciousness, they will never achieve the physical transformation, or else it will be so remote that it is better not even to speak of it. But if they open themselves, if they give themselves over in an integral surrender, the work can be done for themthey have only to let it be done.
   The path is difficult. And yet this body is full of good will; it is filled with the psychic in every one of its cells. Its like a child. The other day, it cried out quite spontaneously, O my Sweet Lord, give me the time to realize You! It did not ask to hasten the process, it did not ask to lighten its work; it only asked for enough TIME to do the work. Give me the time!

0 1959-05-25, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Only someone who loves you and has the knowledge can find the true solution to the problem. X1 fulfills these conditions excellently. Go to him and simply be what you are, without blackening nor embellishing, with the sincerity and simplicity of a child. He knows your soul and its aspiration; speak to him of your physical life and of your need for space, solitude, untamed nature, the simple and free life. He will understand and, in his wisdom, will see the best thing to do.
   And what he decides will be done.

0 1959-06-04, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   As for the predictions, I am extremely interested. Tell this to X, and also that details of this kind are a great help in my work, for they give physical clues enabling a greater precision in the action. Needless to say, I will be very grateful for any indications he may wish to give me.
   For you, my dear child, it is true that something must happen and will happen. Will you please tell X on my behalf that I will participate with all my power in what he wants to undertake. He will understand.

0 1959-06-07, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1) X spoke to me of the Vedic times when a single emperor or sage ruled the entire world with the help of governors; then these governors gradually became independent kings, and conflicts were born. So I asked him what was going to happen after this next war and whether the world would be better. He replied as follows: Yes, great sages like Sri Aurobindo who are wandering now in their subtle bodies will appear. Some sages may take the physical body of political leaders in the West. It will be the end of ignorant atomic machines and the beginning of a new age with great sages leading the world. So it seems that Xs vision links up with Sri Aurobindos prediction for 1967.
   He did not give me any further details about this war, except to say that the countries which will suffer the most will be the countries of the North and the East, and he cited Burma, Japan, China and Russia. He said rather categorically that Russia would be swept away and that America would triumph.

0 1959-10-06 - Sri Aurobindos abode, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   For the West, with all its outward development, a few centuries may be needed before the junction between the two worlds can be made. And yet these two worlds the physical world and the world of Truthare not distant from one another. They are as if superimposed. The world of Truth is there, close by, like a lining of the other.
   Shortly before the 15th of August I had a unique experience that exemplifies all this.1 For the first time the supramental light entered directly into my body, without passing through the inner beings. It entered through the feet (a red and gold colormarvelous, warm, intense), and it climbed up and up. And as it climbed, the fever also climbed because the body was not accustomed to this intensity. As all this light neared the head, I thought I would burst and that the experience would have to be stopped. But then, I very clearly received the indication to make the Calm and Peace descend, to widen all this body-consciousness and all these cells, so that they could contain the supramental light. So I widened, and as the light was ascending, I brought down the vastness and an unshakable peace. And suddenly, there was a second of fainting.
   I found myself in another world, but not far away (I was not in a total trance). This world was almost as substantial as the physical world. There were roomsSri Aurobindos room with the bed he rests on and he was living there, he was there all the time: it was his abode. Even my room was there, with a large mirror like the one I have here, combs, all kinds of things. And the substance of these objects was almost as dense as in the physical world, but they shone with their own light. It was not translucent, not transparent, not radiant, but self-luminous. The various objects and the material of the rooms did not have this same opacity as the physical objects here, they were not dry and hard as in the physical world we know.
   And Sri Aurobindo was there, with a majesty, a magnificent beauty. He had all his beautiful hair as before. It was all so concrete, so substantialhe was even being served some kind of food. I remained there for one hour (I had looked at my watch before and I looked at it afterwards). I spoke to Sri Aurobindo, for I had some important questions to ask him about the way certain things are to be realized. He said nothing. He listened to me quietly and looked at me as if all my words were useless: he understood everything at once. And he answered me with a gesture and two expressions on his face, an unexpected gesture that did not at all correspond to any thought of mine; for example, he picked up three combs that were lying near the mirror (combs similar to those I use here, but larger) and he put them in his hair. He planted one comb in the middle of his head and the two others on each side, as if to gather all his hair over his temples. He was literally COIFFED with these three combs, which gave him a kind of crown. And I immediately understood that by this he meant that he was adopting my conception: You see, I embrace your conception of things, and I coif myself with it; it is my will. Anyway, I remained there for one hour.
   Sri Aurobindo gave me two days of thistotal bliss. But all the same, by the end of the second day I realized that I could not continue to remain there, for the work was not advancing. The work must be done in the body; the realization must be attained here in this physical world, for otherwise it is not complete. So I withdrew from that world and set to work here again.
   And yet, it would take little, very little, to pass from this world to the other, or for the other to become the real world. A little click would be enough, or rather a little reversal in the inner attitude. How should I put it? It is imperceptible to the ordinary consciousness; a very little inner shift would be enough, a change in quality.
   In fact, when I walk back and forth in my room, I dont cut myself off from the rest of the worldalthough it would be so much more convenient! All kinds of things come to mesuggestions, wills, aspirations. But automatically I make a movement of offering: things come to me and just as they are about to touch my head, I turn them upwards and offer them to the Light. They dont enter into me. For example, if someone speaks to me while I am saying my japa, I hear quite well what is being said, I may even answer, but the words remain a little outside, at a certain distance from the head. And yet sometimes, there are things that insist, more defined wills that present themselves to me, so then I have to do a little work, but all that without a pause in the japa. If that happens, there is sometimes a change in the quality of my japa, and instead of being fully the power, fully the light, it is certainly something that produces results, but results more or less sure, more or less long to fructify; it becomes uncertain, as with all things of this physical world. Yet the difference between the two japas is imperceptible; its not a difference between saying the japa in a more or less mechanical way and saying it consciously, because even while I work I remain fully conscious of the japa I continue to repeat it putting the full meaning into each syllable. But nevertheless, there is a difference. One is the all-powerful japa; the other, an almost ordinary japa There is a difference in the inner attitude. Perhaps for the japa to become true, a kind of joy, an elation, a warmth of enthusiasm has to be added but especially joy. Then everything changes.
   Well, it is the same thing, the same imperceptible difference, when it comes to entering the world of Truth. On one side there is the falsehood, and on the other, close by, like the lining of this one, the true life. Only a little difference in the inner quality, a little reversal, is enough to pass to the other side, into the Truth and Light.

0 1959-10-15, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Sweet Mother, I have such a yearning for everything in my consciousness to harmonize and for the tantric discipline, the japa, etc., not to separate me from you. I want to be your child, open to you, without any contradictions. I would like so much to find your almost physical Presence within me again, as before. May all be clear, pure, one.
   I would wish to be like Sujata, completely transparent, your child with her at your feet. Mother, help me. I need you. Sujata is healing something that was very painful in me, as though it were flayed or wounded, and which threw me into revolt. With this calming influence, I would like to begin a new life of self-giving. This change of residence is for me like the symbol of another change. Oh, Mother! may the painful road be over, and may all be achieved in the joy of your Will.

0 1959-11-25, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   The deathless state is what can be envisaged for the human physical body in the future: it is constant rebirth. Instead of again tumbling backwards and falling apart due to a lack of plasticity and an incapacity to adapt to the universal movement, the body is undone futurewards, as it were.
   There is one element that remains fixed: for each type of atom, the inner organization of the elements is different, which is what creates the difference in their substance. So perhaps similarly, each individual has a different, particular way of organizing the cells of his body, and it is this particular way that persists through all the outer changes. All the rest is undone and redone, but undone in a forward thrust towards the new instead of collapsing backwards into death, and redone in a constant aspiration to follow the progressive movement of the divine Truth.

0 1960-01-28, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Of all forms of ego, you might think that the physical ego is the most difficult to conquer (or rather, the body ego, because the work was already done long ago on the physical ego). It might be thought that the form of the body is a point of concentration, and that without this concentration or hardness, physical life would not be possible. But thats not true. The body is really a wonderful instrument; its capable of widening and of becoming vast in such a way that everything, everything the slightest gesture, the least little taskis done in a wonderful harmony and with a remarkable plasticity. Then all of a sudden, for something quite stupid, a draft, a mere nothing, it forgetsit shrinks back into itself, it gets afraid of disappearing, afraid of not being. And everything has to be started again from scratch. So in the yoga of matter you start realizing how much endurance is needed. I calculated it would take 200 years to say ten crore of my japa. Well, Im ready to struggle 200 years if necessary, but the work will be done.
   Sri Aurobindo had made it clear to me when I was still in France that this yoga in matter is the most difficult of all. For the other yogas, the paths have been well laid, you know where to tread, how to proceed, what to do in such-and-such a case. But for the yoga of matter, nothing has ever been done, never, so at each moment everything has to be invented.
   Of course, things are now going better, especially since Sri Aurobindo became established in the subtle physical, an almost material subtle physical.2 But there are still plenty of question marks The body understands once, and then it forgets. The Enemys opposition is nothing, for I can see clearly that it comes from outside and that its hostile, so I do whats necessary. But where the difficulty lies is in all the small things of daily material lifesuddenly the body no longer understands, it forgets.
   Yet its HAPPY. It loves doing the work, it lives only for thatto change, to transform itself is its reason for being. And its such a docile instrument, so full of good will! Once it even started wailing like a baby: O Lord, give me the time, the time to be transformed It has such a simple fervor for the work, but it needs timetime, thats it. It wants to live only to conquer, to win the Lords Victory.3

0 1960-03-03, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   But what is surprising is that in a flash, no one was there any longer. No one, you understand I was gone. Perhaps I was everywhere (but in fact I am always everywhere, I am always conscious of being everywhere at the same time), though normally there is the sense of the body, a physical center, but that evening there was no more center! Nothing, no one, not even the sense that there was no onenothing. I was gone. There was indeed something handing out the medals which felt the joy of giving the medal, the joy of receiving it, the joy of mutually looking at each other. It was simply the joy of the action taking place, the joy of looking, this joy everywhere, but me?Nothing, no one, gone. Only later, afterwards, did I see what had happened, for everything had disappeared, even the higher mind that understands and organizes things (by understand I mean contain, which contains things). That also was gone. And this lasted the entire distribution. Only when that [the body] had gone back upstairs to the room did the consciousness of what is me return.
   There is a line by Sri Aurobindo in Savitri which expresses this very well: to annul oneself so that only the Supreme Lord may be.

0 1960-04-07, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Things are better physically. But its always a terrible physical shock for me to take the train.

0 1960-04-20, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   To compensate for that, however, I had the joy of finding your two letters. Yes, for some time I have been feeling your physical Presence more clearly. But then, why am I so blocked, where is the flaw? It constantly feels as though I am living at the outskirts of myself, or more precisely in a miniscule region of myself, and Im unable to be conscious of the resta perpetual amnesic. It is unpleasant and quite stupid. What is it that will explode this shell?
   I am anxious to return to you.

0 1960-05-06, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I saw this Secret (which is getting more and more perceptible as the Supramental becomes clear), I saw it in the everyday, outer life, precisely in this very physical life which all spirituality rejects a kind of accuracy or exactitude right down to the atom.
   I am not saying that the Divine becomes perfect in Matter the Divine is already there but that THE SUPREME becomes perfect in Matter.

0 1960-05-16, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I was sick two days ago with a cold and fever. I know whya point to be transformed. The body may have put too much zeal into it, so it teetered a little. But thanks to that, I had an interesting experience. X 1 had put his force on me to speed up the healing. And of course, according to each ones nature, the force gets colored, so to speakit clothes itself in a different color. In me, this was translated by a new physical experience which lasted from 4 in the morning till 6:30, when I had to start speaking with people and deal with outer things. It was a kind of eternity, a kind of absolute physical immobility which contained no possibility of illness within itas a matter of fact, nothing remained in this immobility, it was a sort of nirvana. But it did not keep me from going through all my usual motions of getting dressed.
   I spent the whole day yesterday trying to understand this experience.
   And in that kind of physical eternity (which lasted two and a half hoursits a long time for an experience), I was aware of something missing, something not there: the joy of the consciousness. Because throughout my life I have developed the habit of being conscious of everything, always, at each second. And the joy of the consciousness was not there. So I thanked the Grace that made me see that this kind of nirvana was quite simply physical tamas.2

0 1960-05-21 - true purity - you have to be the Divine to overcome hostile forces, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Well, I tried hard but I couldnt really find the way. At times, I almost seemed to have it, a mere nothing would have been enough; it was just a matter of getting the knack (and at heart, this is what Power is all aboutto get the knack, to suddenly seize upon the means, the right vibration, what in India is called siddhi). Well, after his departure, all of a sudden it came. It happened while I was doing my japa, while I was walking up and down my room As if I were holding all that in my armsit was so concrete and lifting it up towards the Light, along with this ascending OM, rising from the very depths, OM!and I was carrying all these people, and it was spreading forth, physicalLY spreading, and I was carrying the earth, I was carrying the whole universe, but in such a tangible, concrete wayall towards the Supreme Lord.
   And this was not the invisible power: it was concrete, it was tangible, it was MATERIAL.

0 1960-05-24 - supramental flood, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   It happened last night. For approximately three hours, the physical ego disintegrated for the first time in such a total way.
   Nothing remained but the Force, nothing remained but Sat-Chit-Ananda,1 and not only in the consciousness but in the physical sensation the divine Satchidananda spreading in a constant flood throughout the universe.
   These experiences are always absolute, as long as they last; then, through certain signs that I know (I am accustomed to it), I notice that the body consciousness begins closing up again. Or rather, somethingevidently a Supreme Wisdomdecides its sufficient for this time and that the body has had enough. It ought not to break, which is why certain precautions are taken. So this comes in several little stages that I know quite well. The final one is always a bit unpleasant because my body gets into rather peculiar positions as a result of the work. As its only a sort of machine, towards the end I have some difficulty straightening my knees, for example, or opening my fingers I think they even make a noise, like something forced into one position whose life has become purely spontaneous and mechanical. There are plenty of people like that, plenty, who enter into trance and then can no longer get out by themselves; they get themselves into a certain position and someone has to free them. This has never happened to me; I have always managed to extricate myself. But yesterday evening, the experience lasted a very long time. There was even a little cracking at the end, as when people have rheumatism.
   You see, when something goes beyond thought, a sort of conception of it, or superconception rather, remains behind. But in this case, in my experience, there was no question of thoughtit was a question of physical sensation. It was not beyond thought, it was beyond sensation. I was LIVING this thing. And there was no more I. There was nothing but this thing, and yet there was a sensation. I cant explain it!
   When I went back to bed, the transitional period lasted 45 minutes. During this time, I tried to locate the role of the individual consciousness on earth. In a flash, I understood its purpose. For you see, as long as the experience lasted, I did not feel any necessity at all of an individuality for this supreme flood to manifest. Then I understood, precisely, that the individuality served to put into contact, in this flood, all that reached out towards what is called Ithis individualized representation of the Divinein order to receive help and support from it, and to be put into contact. I did not say put into contact WITH this flood but put into contact IN this flood, for it was not happening outsidenothing was outside this flood, nothing exists outside it.
   And of course, the whole ordinary and higher mind (as well as the physical mind, it goes without saying, for that must be abolished before going into trance), everything here in the head, above the head, around the headabsolutely immobile.
   After all that, towards the end of the night, at two in the morning, only a kind of faint suggestion was left: How can this statewhich I knew in trance, in samadhi, and which necessitates lying downbecome constant in a physical body which moves about? There is something to discover there. And what form will it take? For in my consciousness, you see, it is constantly like that, this universal flood, but the problem is IN THE BODY: its the problem of the Force in its most material form.
   And during the time my experience lasted, I had no feeling of anything exceptional, but rather simply the fact that after all its preparation, the body consciousness was ready for a total identification with Thatin my consciousness its always the same, a perpetual, constant and eternal state in that it never leaves me. Its like that, and it never varies. What diminishes the immensity of the Vibration are the limitations of the material consciousness which can color it and even sometimes change it by giving it a personal appearance. Thus, when I see someone and speak to him, for example, when my eyes concentrate on the person, I have almost the sensation of this flood flowing from me towards the person or of it passing through me to go onto the person. There is an awareness of the eyes, the body. And it is this which limits or even changes a little the immensity of the thing But already this feeling has almost disappeared; this immensity seems to be acting almost constantly. There are moments when I am less interiorized, when I am more on the surface, and it feels like its passing through a bodymoments when the body consciousness comes back a little. And this is what diminishes the thing.

0 1960-05-28 - death of K - the death process- the subtle physical, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
  object:0_1960-05-28 - death of K - the death process- the subtle physical
  author class:The Mother
   But as he was accustomed to going out of his body, he didnt know! He even used to make experimentshe would go out, circle around in his room, see his body from outside, observe the difference between the subtle physical and the material physical, etc. So he didnt know. And its only when they burned his body
   I tried to delay the moment, but he was in the hospital, so it was difficult. I was in my room when they burned his body, and then suddenly I saw him arrivesobbingsaying, But But I m dead. I DIDNT WANT to die! Why am I dead, I DIDNT WANT to die! It was dreadful. So I kept him and held him against me to quiet him down.

0 1960-06-07, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   something has to break, physicalLY break. It could keep on turning like that for centuries.
   Hmm! But life is like that. physical life is like that for everyone. This feeling of it turning round and round and round and round and its the same for people, objects, countries, the whole world.
   Something changes, of course, but its so phew! I mean, at the speed its going, it will take us millions of years to make any perceptible progress. We might just as well say its not moving.
   Im talking about our relationship, nothing exterior or physical.
   Its strange, but I rarely see you in a very physical wayyou, just as you are.2
   Do you only see me physically?
   No, on the contrary, I have difficulty
   But my little one, its useless to see me physically!
   Its rather something which has no image that I call Mother.
   But note that this is not something particular to you, for as I have told you, all physical life feels like that to me, as though people were confined in a kind of shellthis feeling of separation, isolation. This division everywhere, everywhere, everywhere. Its dreadful. Every encounter is a shock.
   The disciple means in meditationto imagine Mother in her physical form or to use her physical form as an 'object' of meditation. In fact, he was very afraid of getting caught.

0 1960-06-Undated, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Isnt this reason enough to be discouraged? In any case, these questions are stirring in meand the vital is not happy [nor the mental, nor the physical].
   Excuse me if I speak too frankly.

0 1960-07-12 - Mothers Vision - the Voice, the ashram a tiny part of myself, the Mothers Force, sparkling white light compressed - enormous formation of negative vibrations - light in evil, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I had a startling experience one day when X was doing his pujas to encircle the titans. He was in difficulty and I was about to intervene to help him when I was abruptly stopped. I was faced by a massive blackness (blacker than the blackest physical thing) and suddenly, right at its center, I saw the Divine Love shining with such a splendor I had never seen it so splendid.
   And now it has become constant; each time I hear or see something ugly or horrible, or each time something ugly or horrible happens, something which is a negation of the divine life just behind is this flameso wonderful. And then the effect is annulled.

0 1960-07-15, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Although it is still in a region of the physical mind, it is a mind striving towards a luminous organization and clearly aspiring to rise towards the higher realms.
   And last night especially I had a very positive impression (a sort of feeling) that I can count on you.

0 1960-07-23 - The Flood and the race - turning back to guide and save amongst the torrents - sadhana vs tamas and destruction - power of giving and offering - Japa, 7 lakhs, 140000 per day, 1 crore takes 20 years, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   The vehicles path was not on earth, but up above (probably in interstellar regions!), a special path for this vehicle. And I didnt know where the water was coming from; I couldnt see its origin, which was off beyond the horizon. But it came raging down in torrentsnot precipitously like a waterfall, but rather like a rushing torrent. My path passed between the torrents of water and the earth below. And I saw the water before me, everywhere, in front and behindit was so extraordinary, for it looked like it was everywhere, you see, except along my path (and even then, there was some seepage). Water speeding everywhere. But there was a kind of conscious will in this onrush, and I had to reach the Great Passage before this conscious will. This water resembled something physical, but there was a consciousness, a conscious will, and I had to it was like a battle between the will I represented and that will. And I passed each fissure just in time. Only when I reached the Great Turning did I see the will that impelled this water. And I reached there just before it. And passed through at a fantastic speedlike lightning. Even time ceased I crossed over like a flash of lightning. And then, suddenly, respite and it was blue. A square.
   At the time, I didnt know what it all meant. Then this morning, I thought, It must have something to do with the world situation.

0 1960-09-20, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Later on, when Sri Aurobindo left his body, I said to myself, If only I knew what he had known, it would be easier! So when Swami and later X came, I thought, I am going to take advantage of this opportunity. I had written to Swami that I was working on transforming the cells of the body and that I had noticed the work was going faster with Xs influence. So it was understood that X would help when he came thats how things began, and this idea has remained with X. But I have raced on I dont wait. Ive raced on, Ive gone like wildfire. And now the situation is reversed. What I wanted to find out, I found out. I experienced what I wanted to experience, but he is still He is very kind, actually, he wants really to help me. So, when I identified with him the other day during our meditation, I realized that he wanted to give silence, control and perfect peace to the physical mind. My own trick, if you will, is to have as little relationship with the physical mind as possible, to go up above and stay therethis (Mother indicates her forehead), silent, motionless, turned upwards, while That (gesture above the head) sees, acts, knows, decidesall is done from there. Only there can you feel at ease.
   Along the way, I once went down into this physical mind for awhile to try to set it right, to organize it a little (it was done rather quickly, I didnt stay there long). So when I went inside X, I saw It was rather curious, for its the opposite of the method we follow. In his material consciousness ( physical and vital), he has trained himself to be impersonal, open, limitless, in communication with all the universal forces. In the physical mind, silence, immobility. But in the speculative mind, the one there at the very top of the head what an organization, phew! All the tradition in its most superb organization, but such a ri-gi-dity! And it had a pretty quality of light, a silver blueVERY pretty. Oh, it was very calm, wonderfully calm and quiet and still. But what a ceiling it had!the outer form resembled rigid cubes. Everything inside was beautiful, but that There was a very large cube right at the top, I recall, bordered by a purple line, which is a line of powerall this was quite luminous. It looked like a pyramid; the smaller cubes formed a kind of base, the lower part of which faded into something cloudy, and then this passed imperceptibly downwards to a more material realm, or in other words, the physical mind. The cube on top was the largest and most luminous, and the least yieldingeven inflexible, you could say. The others were somewhat less defined, and at the bottom it was very blurred. But up at the top!thats where I wanted to go, right to the top.
   When I got there, I felt a moment of anguish; my feeling was that nothing could be done. Not for him in particular, but universally, for all those in his categoryit seemed hopeless.6 If that was perfection, then nothing more could be done. This lasted only a second, but it was painful. And then I tried that is, I wanted to bring my consciousness down into the highest cubethis eternal, universal and infinite consciousness which is the first and foremost expression of the manifestation but nothing doing. It was impossible. I tried for several minutes and saw that it was absolutely impossible. So I had to make a curious movement (I couldnt get through it, it was impassable), I had to come back down into the so-called lower consciousness (not lower, actuallyit was vast and impersonal), and from there I came out and regained my equilibrium. This is what gave me that splitting headache I told you about. I came out of there as if I were carrying the weight the weight of an irreducible absoluteit was dreadful. Unfortunately, I was unable to rest afterwards, and as people were waiting to see me, I had to talkwhich is very tiring for me. And this produced a bubbling in my head, like a this dark blue light of power in matter was there, shot through with streaks of white and gold, and all this was flashing back and forth in my head, this way and that way I thought I was going to have a stroke! (Mother laughs)
   This lasted a good half hour before I could calm it down, make it quiet, quiet. And I saw that this came from the fact that he wanted to bring the Power down, to transmit the Power into the physical mind! But as soon as Im put in contact with the Power, you understand, it makes everything explode! (Mother laughs) It felt exactly like my head was going to explode!
   I felt better that night because I was concentrated, but my head was still hurting a little. Then the following day I said to myself, or rather I told him inwardly, Whether you like it or not, I am bringing down whats up above; it is the only way I can feel comfortable! And I told you what happenedas soon as I sat down I was so surprised, for he didnt start doing what he had done the day before; I myself did the same thing, I participated, so to speak, in his will (so as to find out), but with the resolve to remain consciously in contact with the highest consciousness, as always, and to bring it down. And it came in a marvelous flood. He was quite happy, he did not protest! All the pain was gone, there was nothing left, it was perfect. Only towards the end of the meditation did he again want to start doing his little trick of enclosing my physical mind in this construction, but it didnt last I watched all this from above.
   And he isnt aware of this, actually, he isnt aware at all. If he were told, he would absolutely deny it for him, its an opening onto Infinity! But in fact, its always like that, we are always shut in, each of useach one is enclosed inside certain limits which he doesnt feel, for should he feel it, he would get out! Oh, I know this feeling very well, for when I was with Sri Aurobindo I was open in this way (gesture towards the heights), and I always had this feeling of Yes, my child He tolerated me the way I was and waited for it to change. Thats truly how things are, you know. And now I feel my limits, which are the limits of the world as it is at present, but beyond that theres an unmanifested immensity, eternity and infinityto which we are closed. It merely seeps init is not the great opening. What I am trying to bring about is the great opening. Only when it has opened wide will there really be the (how should I put it?) the irreducible thing, and all the worlds resistance, all its inertia, even its obscurity will be unable to swallow it up the determining and transforming thing I dont know when it will come.
   Its an almost physical discipline. Moreover, I have seen that the japa has an organizing effect on the subconscient, on the inconscient, on matter, on the bodys cellsit takes time, but by persistently repeating it, in the long run it has an effect. It is the same principle as doing daily exercises on the piano, for example. You keep mechanically repeating them, and in the end your hands are filled with consciousness it fills the body with consciousness.
   I have a hard time making X understand that I have work to do when Im with him. He doesnt understand that one can work.
   From the material point of view, its almost hellish the noise, the smella nauseating smell. I had to apply all my will not to be physically disturbed they made me climb up narrow little stairs, go down, climb back up, look into deep pits. At some places there werent even guardrails, so I had really to control myself.
   I was watching all this sugar canepiles of sugar canewhich is thrown into the machine, and then it travels along and falls down to be crushed, crushed, and crushed some more. And then it comes back up to be distilled. And then I saw all this is living when its thrown in, you see, its full of its vital force, for it has just been cut. As a result, the vital force is suddenly hurled out of the substance with an extreme violence the vital force comes out the English word angry is quite expressive of what I meanlike a snarling dog. An angry force.10

0 1960-10-11, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Doing japa seems to exert a pressure on my physical consciousness, which goes on turning! How can I silence it? As soon as my concentration is not absolute, the physical mind starts upit grabs at anything, anything at all, any word, fact or event that comes along, and it starts turning, turning. If you stop it, if you put some pressure on it, then it springs back up two minutes later And there is no inner consent at all. It chews on words, it chews on ideas or feelingsinterminably. What should I do?
   Yes, its the physical mind. The japa is made precisely to control the physical mind.
   I myself use it for a very special reason, because You see, I invoke (the words are a bit strange) the Lord of Tomorrow. Not the unmanifest Lord, but the Lord as he will manifest tomorrow, or in Sri Aurobindos words, the divine manifestation in its supramental form.

0 1960-10-19, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Those people deny the reality of all physical needs.
   Its quite all right when youve come TO THE END, when you have totally mastered the body by means of the spiritual consciousness. But until then, I dont agree I do not at all agree.

0 1960-10-22, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I entered into your sleep last night. I saw you and told you certain things, I even gave you some explanations: You see, you must do it this way you must go like this I also said, One day, we shall meditate together. But more precisely, you had once spoken to me about the problem in your physical mind that it keeps on turning interminably and you had told me that it happens during your japa. So last night I told you, I would like you to do your japa for a few minutes with me one day so that I may see what goes on inside you, in your physical mind.
   But I wasnt speaking to you with words Everything I see at night has a special color and a special vibration. Its strange, but it looks sketched When I said that to you, for example, there was a kind of patch,1 a white patch, as I recallwhite, exactly like a piece of white papera patch with a pink border around it, then this same blue light I keep telling you aboutdeep blueencircling the rest, as it were. And beyond that, it was swarminga swarming of black and dark gray vibrations in a terrible agitation. When I saw this, I said to you, You must repeat your mantra once in my presence so that I may see if there is anything I can do about this swarming. And then I dont know whyyou objected, and this objection was red, like a tongue of fire lashing out from the white, like this (Mother draws an arabesque). So I said, No, dont worry, it doesnt matter, I wont disturb a thing2! (Mother laughs mischievously)
   All this took place in a realm which is constantly active, everywhere; it is like a permanent mental transcription of everything that physically takes place They arent actually thoughts; when I see this, I dont really get the impression of thinking, but its a transcription its the result of thoughts on a certain mental atmosphere which records things.
   And I see it all the time now. If someone is speaking or if Im doing something, I see the two things at the same time I see the physical thing, his words or my action, and then this colored, luminous transcription at the same time. The two things are superimposed. For example, when someone speaks to me, it gets translated into some kind of picture, a play of light or color (which is not always so luminous!)this is why most of the time, in fact, I dont even know what has been said to me. I recall the first time this phenomenon happened, I said to myself, Ah, so thats what these modern artists see! Only, as they themselves arent very coherent, what they see is not very coherent either!
   And thats how it worksit is translated by patches and moving forms, which is how it gets registered in the earths memory. So when things from this realm enter into peoples active consciousness, they get translated into each ones language and the words and thoughts that each one is accustomed tobecause that doesnt belong to any language or to any idea: it is the exact IMPRINT of what is happening.
   I didnt notice you being bothered by these things of the physical mind you had mentioned. However, I had first done this (gesture of cleansing the atmosphere), right at the beginning, so that nothing would come to disturb us Did you feel anything?
   I felt that you were there. I felt your Force.
   If you want to prevent these disturbances in your physical mind, then when you sit for japa You know my Force, dont you? Well then, wrap it around you, like this, twelve times, from top to bottom.
   Original English.

0 1960-10-25, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   But I know in an absolute way that once this whole mass of the physical mind is mastered and the Brahmic consciousness is brought into it in a continuous way, you CAN you become the MASTER of your health.
   This is why I tell people (not that I expect them to do it, at least not now, but its good they know) that its NOT a matter of fate, NOT something that completely escapes our control, NOT some sort of Law of Nature over which we have no powerit is not so. We are truly the masters of everything which has been brought together to create our transitory individuality; we have been given the power of control, if only we knew how to use it.

0 1960-10-30, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Then suddenly I went into a little trance. And in it I saw you, but you were physically, you were on one plane, and then I saw another man on a different plane (I saw him quite concretely; he was rather tall, broad-shoulderednot so tall as broad, with a dark, European suit). And he took your hands and started shaking them enthusiastically!but you were quite indifferent, just as you are now, dressed in Indian fashion and sitting cross-legged. He took both your hands and started shaking them! And then I distinctly heard the words: Congratulations, its a great success!it had to do with your book.3 And at the same time, I saw all sorts of people and things who were touched by your bookall kinds of people, obviously French, or Westerners in any case women, men. There was even one woman (she must have been an actress or a singer or anyway, someone whose life was she was even dressed for the stage, with some kind of tightsa beautiful girl!) and she said to someone, Ah, it has even given me a taste for the spiritual life! It was extremely interesting All kinds of things of this nature. And then once again I came out of this trance and In the end, I tried to do some certain thing for you and it turned out well. It turned out quite well.
   But then, just before that, there was this powdering of golden light coming down. And as it descended, it was white with a touch of gold (but it was white) and it came down in a column, with such POWER! And then, just at the end, this powdering of gold came and settled into this white light which had remained there the whole timeoh, it was so abundant. A great power of realization. I had a hard time coming out of it! At the start, I had decided to come out of it at half past, so I came out, but still not completely
   The physical vibration is important. The circumstances relating to the work of transformation make the physical vibration important. I feel it, for as soon as I want to do something with someone on the physical plane ( physical, mind you), it all comes into the body. And the body is simply seized I see that absolutely physical vibrations are being used all the time. Its really so different. All the work which is done at a distance (gesture indicating action stemming from the mind)it acts, of course, but
   You know, even now, all this (Mother touches her body, her hands) feels so vibrant and alive that its difficult to sense its limits as if it extends beyond the body in all directions. It no longer has any limits.

0 1960-11-12, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Theres a certain sensibility which makes any increase in humidity felt. Before it starts raining, even several hours before, it feels like there are drops falling on my body. I can always say when its going to rain. Its entirely physical, actually, merely a heightened sensitivity. It feels like very tiny drops (you know, like drizzle), the feeling of a very fine spray falling on the body. And yet the sky is clear; I say, Hmm, its going to rain. And it rains I felt it. I feel the water, and it never fails to come a few hours later.
   But three times now, Ive really felt that I was on the verge of falling apart. The first time it brought a fever, a fever so I dont know, as if I had at least 115!I was roasting from head to toe; everything became red hot, and then it was over. That was the day when suddenlysuddenly I was You see, I had said to myself, All right, you must be peaceful, lets see what happens, so then I brought down the Peace, and immediately I was able to pass into a second of unconsciousness and I woke up in the subtle physical, in Sri Aurobindos abode.4 There he was. And then I spent some time with him, explaining the problem.
   But that was really an experience, a decisive experience (it was many months ago, perhaps more than a year ago).
   The Ashram's annual physical education demonstration at the Sportsground.
   The actual aphorism reads: 'When I read a wearisome book through and with pleasure, yet perceived all the perfection of its wearisomeness, then I knew that my mind was conquered.'

0 1960-11-15, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   So I understood that this must correspond to a certain realm of experience; I understood all those who say, If it has to be like this, if it can never be otherwise, then (this opposition, this abyss between a TRUE life, a TRUE consciousness, a TRUE activity, something living, powerful, fulfilling and life as it now is), if there must always be this difference between the physical expression as it is or as it can be in the present circumstances, and the true life, then For if despite everythingdespite this tremendous distance Ive covered in my life (these memories go back more than sixty years) and all the evolutionary effort upwards I have made since that time IN MATTER (Im not speaking of leaving Matter behind, but IN MATTER, IN action)if that doesnt further reduce this gap between the true consciousness and the possible material realization, then I understand I understand why people say, Its hopeless. (Of course, this hopeless is meaningless to me.)
   But I (how can I put this?) I lived their experience, I lived it; and even events which seem quite extraordinary when seen from afar, which is the way they appear to most people, even historical things which have furthered the earths transformation and its upheavals the crucial events, the great works, you might sayare woven from the SAME fabric, they are the SAME thing! When you look at all this from afar, on the whole it can make an impression, but the life of each minute, of each hour, of each second is woven from this SAME fabric, drab, dull, insipid, WITHOUT ANY TRUE LIFEa mere reflection of life, an illusion of lifepowerless, void of any light or anything that resembles joy in the least. Oh! if it has always to remain like that, then we dont want any of it.

0 1960-11-26, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Not last night but the night before, I touched at least one of the causes (at that time it felt like THE cause) of a certain powerlessness to act directly on Matter You see, when the Will and the Power come, they are extremely effective everywhere UP TO A CERTAIN REGION (in other words, whether people are receptive or not, open or not, makes no differencewhen the Will is applied it is all-powerful UP TO a certain region) but once it arrives here, at the most material material, its efficacy depends on many thingsand a power which depends on something is no power! For a long, long time I have been searching for the reasons behind this powerlessness. Ive located a few, one after another, and upon these points there was an immediate effect. But some things resisted (oh, quite a number, in a number of ways), for example it had difficulty acting on illnesses, on the cells, on doubt (not mental doubt, but rather the doubt of the physical consciousness which cant accept certain things that seem impossible to itwhat Sri Aurobindo calls disbelief,1 not a mental doubt, but the disbelief of the physical consciousness which cant accept what is contrary to its own nature and its own working). And as for illnesses, sometimes it has an immediate effect, but sometimes it drags on and has to follow its so-called normal course. On all these three points, I clearly felt that something was hampering it. These are the Enemys strongholds; all that doesnt want the Divine seizes upon it and even the working of the Power coming from above is obstructed, for when it must work here in the body, it is stopped or deformed or altered or diminished.
   All this goes on in the subconscient; these are things that were pushed out of the physical consciousness down into the subconscient, so theyre there and they come back up whenever they please.
   Two nights ago (no, three the night before Darshan), I had one of those experiences that that leaves you pensive the whole day
   So, its very simple. The sickness was due to one part of your being going faster than the rest. A part of the physical consciousness probably remained behind, and that created this imbalance and triggered the sickness.
   It took a huge effort in my dream.
   But its only to make me find the to make me go through the experience and to find the strength. And also to give the body this absolute faith in its Divine Realityto show it that the Divine is there and that He wants to be there and that He shall be there. And its only at such moments as thesewhen logically, according to the ordinary physical logic, its all over that you can seize the key.
   You have to go right through everything without flinching.
   This interests me, for these things do not at all enter through the mind (he doesnt receive a thing there, hes closed there). So in his letter he says that this thing or that is necessary (he describes it in his own words), and he adds, This is why we must be so grateful to have among us the the great Mother7 (as he puts it), the great Mother who knows these things.Good! I said to myself. (It had to do with something specific concerning the capacity for discrimination in the outside world, the different qualities and different functions of different beings, all of which depends on ones inner construction, as it were.) So I see that even this, even these physical experiences, is received (and yet I hadnt tried, I had never tried to make him receive it); it merely works like this, you see (gesture of a widespread diffusion), and the experience is veryhow should I say?drastic, with a kind of (power of radiation). Imperative.
   Original English.

0 1960-12-13, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Its what Sri Aurobindo calls disbelief, and its located in the most material physical consciousness it isnt doubt (which mainly belongs to the mind), it is almost like a refusal to accept the obvious as soon as it doesnt belong to the little daily routine of ordinary sensations and reactionsa sort of incapacity to accept and recognize the exceptional.
   This disbelief is the bedrock of the consciousness. And it comes with a (thought is too big a word for such an ordinary thing) a mental- physical activity which makes you (I am forced to use the word) think things and which always foresees, imagines or draws conclusions (depending on the case) in a way which I myself call DEFEATIST. In other words, it automatically leads you to imagine all the bad things that can happen. And this occurs in a realm which is absolutely run-of-the-mill, in the most ordinary, restricted, banal activities of lifesuch as eating, moving in short, the coarsest of things.
   Later, Mother added the following: 'In this regard I don't know where, but somewhereSri Aurobindo spoke of this physical mind, and he said that there was nothing you could do with it; it must only be destroyed.'
   Mother may be alluding to the following passage from The Synthesis of Yoga: 'There is nothing to be done with this fickle, restless, violent and disturbing factor but to get rid of it whether by detaching it and then reducing it to stillness or by giving a concentration and singleness to the thought by which it will of itself reject this alien and confusing clement.'

0 1960-12-17, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Its a sort of oscillationreally, its so interestingbetween two extremes, one of which is the all-powerfulness and capital or primordial importance of the physical, and the other its utter unreality.
   And its constantly going back and forth between the two (seesaw motion). And both are equally false, equally true.

0 1960-12-31, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Mother later discovered that this world of complications is the symbol of the physical mind.
   Mother later narrated the end of her 'dream' with X:

0 1961-01-10, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But as its all-powerful, a certain receptivity must be prepared on earth so its effects are not devastating. Sri Aurobindo has explained it in one of his letters. Someone asked him, Why doesnt this Love come now?, and he replied something like this: If divine Love in its essence were to manifest on earth, it would be like an explosion; for the earth is not supple enough or receptive enough to widen to the measure of this Love. The earth must not only open itself but become wide and supple. Matternot just physical Matter, but the substance of the physical consciousness as wellis still much too rigid.
   (A little later, Mother made the following remark concerning the Agenda of December 13, 1960, where she speaks of the physical Minds. disbelief and defeatist reactions as intimately linked to the bodys illnesses.)
   This defeatist Mind is still functioning and in full swing!

0 1961-01-12, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   If one always remained in this state of consciousness, keeping alive the flame of Agni, the flame of purification and progress, then after some time, not only could one prevent these movements from taking an active form in oneself and becoming expressed physically, but one could act upon the very nature of the movement and transform it. Needless to say, however, that unless one has attained a very high degree of realization it is virtually impossible to keep this state of consciousness for long. Almost immediately one falls back into the egoistic consciousness of the separate self, and all the difficulties return: disgust, the revolt against certain things and the horror they create in us, and so on.
   It is probableeven certain that until one is completely transformed these movements of disgust and revolt are necessary to make one do WITHIN ONESELF what is needed to slam the door on them. For after all, the point is to not let them manifest.

0 1961-01-19, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   No. Its purely physical. Its because people. When I came down, I felt fine. Only they kept me standing there, on and on. When I am seated, its all right; but beyond a certain point, speaking also becomes difficult.

0 1961-01-22, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother had been unwell the past few days. She speaks here of the causes behind the physical disorder.)
   Ah! How are you?
   Japa: the continuous repetition of a mantra. Mother's mantra is a song of the cells, the sole material or physical process used by her for awakening the cells and stabilizing the Supramental Force in her body.
   Later, Mother specified: 'These are elements in the material substance entirely possessed by adverse forces and opposed to the transformation.'

0 1961-01-24, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Then yesterday afternoon, when I went upstairs to walk,1 a couple of things occurrednot personal, but of a general natureconcerning, for instance, certain old-fashioned conventions having to do with women and their particular nature (not psychological, physical)old ideas like that which had always seemed utterly stupid to me suddenly provoked a kind of reprobation completely out of proportion to the fact itself. Then one or two other things2 happened in regard to certain people, certain circumstances (nothing to do with me personally: it came from here and there). Then suddenly, I saw a Force coming (coming, well, manifesting) which was the same as that thing I had felt within me but even bigger; it began whirling upon the earth and within circumstances oh, like a cyclone of compact power moving forward with the intention of changing all this! It had to change. At all costs, it must change!
   I was above, as usual (Mother points above her head, indicating the higher consciousness), and I looked at that (Mother bends over, as if looking down at the earth), and said to myself, Hmm, this is getting dangerous. If it continues like this, it will result in in a war or a revolution or some catastrophea tidal wave or an earthquake. So I tried to counteract it by applying the highest consciousness to it, that of a perfect serenity. And I saw especially that this consciousness has been missioned to transform the earth through the Supermind and by the supramental Force, avoiding all catastrophes as far as possible: the Work is to be done as luminously and harmoniously as the earth would allow, even by going at a slower pace if need be. That was the idea. And I tried to counteract that whirlwind power with this consciousness.
   At midnight I was lying in bed. (And I remained there from midnight until I oclock fully awake. I dont know if my eyes were open or closed, but I was wide awake, NOT IN TRANCEI could hear all the noises, the clocks, and so forth.) Then, lying flat, my entire body (but a slightly enlarged body, exceeding the purely physical form) became ONE vibration, extremely rapid and intense but immobile. I dont know how to explain this, because it did not move in space but was a vibration (that is, it wasnt motionless); yet it was motionless in space. And the exact form of my body was absolutely the most brilliant white Light of the supreme Consciousness, the consciousness OF the Supreme. It was IN the body and it was as though in EACH cell there was a vibration, and it was all part of a single BLOCK of vibration. It extended this much beyond the body (gesture indicating about six centimeters). I was absolutely immobile in my bed. Then, WITHOUT MOVING, without shifting, it began consciously to rise upwithout moving, you understand: I remained like this (Mother holds her two joined and motionless hands at the level of her forehead, as if her entire body were mounting in prayer)consciously like an ascension of this consciousness6 towards the supreme Consciousness.
   The body was stretched out flat.
   I have studied the problem very closely, because when you come from Europe you bring all your European ideas with you and you dont know or understand a thing about the way it really is. I immediately came into contact with Brahmin servants and pariah servants, but I didnt know that some were Brahmins and others pariahs, nobody had told me anything; it depended upon the people I was with and the places I went. But the contact, the atmosphere (gesture of fingering the air). You know, I didnt even need to touch them physically! There was such a difference that I asked Sri Aurobindo, But what is it? So he explained the whole thing to me.
   You see, originally these pariahs were people who took their delight (their pleasure) in filth and falsehood, in crime, in violence and robberyit was a joy for them. They had castes among themselves; there is still a caste of brigands nearby I once went to their village to have a lookpeople who always keep a dagger on them, they love to play with daggers. They stea l not so much out of need as out of pleasure. And dirty-they abhor cleanliness! And they will lie even if they have to contradict themselves fifteen minutes later, for the sheer delight of lying.
   Indra represents the king of the gods, the master of mental power freed from the limitations and obscurities of the physical consciousness.
   The body-consciousness.

0 1961-01-29, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   This consciousness of immortality is OUR becoming conscious of the realms where immortality exists; but to bring immortality into the physical consciousness requires not only a transformation of physical consciousness but a transformation of physical substance as well. So.

0 1961-01-31, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   At the moment of my coming out of the trance, I had a very concrete, positive perception (not a mental understanding, it didnt come from the beings intellectual part, the part that understands and explains everything and Is symbolized, I think, by Indra; it wasnt in any way conveyed through that higher intelligence, it wasnt mental). A kind of perception (not really a sensation, it was more than a sensation) of the almost total unimportance of the external, material expression of the bodys condition: the consciousness OF THE BODY was absolutely indifferent to external, physical signs, whether they were like this or like that (the BODYS consciousness was what had experienced the identity). And this body-consciousness had the perception of the EXTREME RELATIVITY of the most material expression.
   I am translating it to make myself understoodit wasnt like that at the time of the experience. Suppose, for example, that there was a disorder here or there in the body, not actually an illness (because illness implies some important inner factor such as an attack or the necessity for some transformation, many different things), but the outer expression of a disorder, such as swollen legs or a malfunctioning liver not an illness, a disorder, a functional disorder. Well, it was all utterly unimportant: IT IN NO WAY CHANGES THE BODYS TRUE CONSCIOUSNESS. Although we are in the habit of thinking that the body is very disturbed when its ill, when something is going wrong, its not so. It isnt disturbed in the way we understand it.
   Oh, its the physical mind, this stupid mind! It makes all the trouble, always.
   It isnt the body at all?
   Suffering also comes through the physical mind, because if this entity is calmed down, we no longer sufferexactly what happened to me!
   The physical mind, you see, makes use of the nervous substance; if we withdraw it from the nervous substance, we no longer feel anything, for thats what gives us the perception of sensation. We know something is wrong, but we no longer suffer from it.
   This was a very important experience. Afterwards (especially yesterday afternoon and this morning), I gradually began to realize that this kind of indifferent detachment is the ESSENTIAL condition for the establishment of true Harmony in the most material Matter the most external, physical Matter (Mother pinches the skin of her hand).
   This experience has been like a stagean indispensable stage for establishing this complete detachment; an indispensable stage so that the harmony of the body-consciousness (which came with the bodys experience of the Divine) might have its effect upon the most external, superficial part of the body.
   With my japa the contrast is the same, its absolutely astounding: I feel I am saying the words in the same way, with the same sound, exactly the same rhythm, but in some cases, with a particular inner attitude, the time by the clock is different! Yet nevertheless, bound up as we are in our physical Matter, we imagine it has taken exactly the same amount of time! Thats what is so strange, this extraordinary relativity vis--vis the clock.
   This must be what they tried to express by Joshua making the sun stand still.
   In the equations of Einstein's Theory of Relativity, quantities as 'immutable' as the mass of a body, the frequency of a vibration, or the time separating two events, are linked to the speed of the system where the physical event takes place. Recent experiments in outer space have allowed the validity of Einstein's equations to be verified. Thus a clock on a satellite in constant rotation around the Earth will measure sixty seconds between two audio signals, while an identical clock on Earth measures sixty-one seconds between the same two signals: time 'slows down' as speed increases. It is like the story of the space traveler returning to Earth less aged than his twin: you pass into another 'frame of reference.'
   It is striking that Mother's body-experiences very often parallel recent theories of modern physics, as if mathematical equations were the means of formulating in human language certain complex phenomena, remote from our day to day reality, which Mother was living spontaneously in her bodyperhaps 'at the speed of light.'

0 1961-02-04, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   What does the serpent represent physically? What does it embody in the material world?
   The vibration of evolution.
   I dont mean symbolically, but physically, materially: the animal itself.
   A formidable concentration of vitalityof all animals, the serpent has the most vitality. Its tremendous! And energy progressive energy, energy of movement (progressive in the mechanical sense). Its meaning has been changed to a psychological one, but its a force of movement.

0 1961-02-11, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But I have had no indication of this, neither by night nor by day, neither awake nor in tranceno indication. The indication rather points to all that must be clarified, purified so the physical may keep what it received from that experience [of January 24, 1961].
   From an ordinary standpoint, I believe the situation is dangerous, because (laughing) the doctor refuses to tell me what the consequences might be. I asked him but he wouldnt tell me, so thats what it must mean! But I really have no indications and I hope I wont be told, Now you must go, only at the very last minute!
   But I have no doubts about that! It just came to menot because I was consciously concerned about Your physical future: this dream simply came so unexpectedly and vividly.
   No, no I know that! I tell you, it can only be one of two things: either a good kick from the Enemy who is still trying to find a support in someones mentality, or else premonitory.

0 1961-02-18, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Completely. (Mother reflects a moment) Well, completely material, noonly through me. He is conscious of material things through me, not directly. He is very conscious in the subtle physical, but thats not quite the same, not quite (Mother makes a vague gesture), there is a difference.
   To give a rather curious example, there was a kind of spell of illness over the Ashram, stemming mainly from peoples thoughts, from their way of thinking. It was quite widespread and it was horrible, gloomy, full of fear, pettiness, blind submission, oh! Everyone was in a state of expectation.1 In short, the atmosphere was such that there was an attempt to prevent me from leaving my room I had to sneak out! It was disgusting! Well, on the very night I saw the spell over the Ashram, Sri Aurobindo was lying sick in his bed, just as I had seen him in 1950. Normally, we spend almost every night together, doing this, seeing that, arranging things, talkingits a kind of second life behind this one, and it makes existence pleasant. But that night when I had to sneak out of my room (in my nightgown!), and people were trying to find me to (laughing) force me back into bed, he was lying sick in bedand this struck me hard, for it means these things still affect him in his consciousness. He was in a kind of trance and not at all well. It didnt last, but nonetheless.
   A great deal has been brought to light since that experience. It has been the starting point for such turmoil, even physically, such strong jolts that I might have wondered, Was I dreaming or was it real?. And more and more I am coming to understand that this is the INDISPENSABLE preparation in the most material world for that experience to become definitively established, to express itself outwardly, constantlythis is obvious.
   If the experience remained permanently, it would be something very close to omnipotence. I felt at the time that there was no such thing as an impossibility: it was truly the sensation of omnipotence. It is not omnipotence, because there is always a greater Omnipotence (one knows this only in the higher realms). But in terms of the material world, it was clearly something very, very different from all that has ever been seen or heard or told by all extant traditionsit all seems like the babbling of a child in comparison. At that moment itself there was only the Something which sees, decidesand it is done.
   It has given the physical consciousness a certain self-confidence in the sense that when I see something now, I am sure of it, there are no hesitations: Is this right or not? Is this true, is this.All that has vanishedwhen I see, there is certainty. That is, there has really been a great change in the material CONSCIOUSNESS; but that formidable power is not there. I tell you, had that power stayed here, had I remained constantly as I was during those hours that night, well, many things would obviously have changed.
   All this must be a preparation; there is a lot to be cleared out before the experience can be firmly established. Thats logical, it is quite natural.

0 1961-02-25, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The Darshan went rather well, much better than I was expecting; but the following two days it was difficult here [in the body]. Then one night (I dont remember which), I I cant say grumbled, but (it wasnt my body grumbling, it is very docile and doesnt protest), but I sometimes find that well, I found it a little exaggerated that day. All the same, I said, this may be demanding a bit too much of it! And then (Mother laughs) the whole night through, each time I awoke and looked (not with my physical eyes), I saw serpents! They were drawn up straight in a circlemagnificent cobras with white bellies, pearl gray backs and flecks of gold on their hoods! They surrounded me, watching, exactly as though they were saying, All the necessary energy is there! You neednt worry! So I concluded that this whole affair11 must have its utilityit cant be simply the bodys lack of plasticity and incapacity to receive. It must have a usefulness but what? I havent understood. Perhaps I will get the explanation later, once its over.
   And the next afternoon, I closed my eyes while I was bathing and what did I see but an enormous, magnificent cobra! It gazed at me, almost smiling, and stuck out its tongue! Good, I said, then everything is all right! (laughing) I have only to hold on.
   The physical disorder that had principally attacked Mother's legs.
   The following is the exact text of Mother's reply to this American gentleman:

0 1961-03-07, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I have brought you a whole discourse! (Mother gives Satprem some flowers) First, the goal of the Vedas: Immortality.1 That was their goal: the Truth that led to Immortality. Immortality was their ambition. I dont think it was physical immortality but I am not sure, because they do speak of the forefa thers and this refers to the initiatory tradition prior to the Vedas as well as the Kabbala, and immortality on earth is spoken of there: the earth transformedSri Aurobindos idea. So although they didnt explicitly state it, perhaps they knew.
   (Mother gives more flowers) This one is more on the personal side: Friendship with the Divine2, the friendly relationship you can have with the Divineyou understand each other, you dont fear each other, youre good friends! And this one is a wonder! (Mother gives Divine Love Governing the World3) What strength! Its generous, expansive, without narrowness, pettiness, or limitationswhen that comes.

0 1961-03-11, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Then I had to return here that is, to my home in India, to Sri Aurobindos home: I had to return to Sri Aurobindos home. Pavitra was also working there and he didnt want to let me leave; when he saw me going he came and tried to stop me. You, on the contrary, were helping. Shall I take anything with me or not? I asked myself Oh, I dont need anything, Ill go all alone. That worried you a little because of the journey ahead, and you said, There will be many complications. It doesnt matter! I replied (laughing). But if you only knew how living and concrete it was! The impressions were so there was the feeling of making a long voyageit was a LONG voyage, as if I were crossing the sea (but not physically), a long voyage. I remember setting off (I was with you, you were there) and telling myself, At last hes here! At last I have found a reasonable being who doesnt try to stop me from doing what I must do! I had (laughing mischievously) a very high opinion of you, thats why I am telling you this!
   I was abruptly awakened by the clock striking (I didnt count), and my immediate feeling was, Well, he is really very nice! Now theres a good companion!
   This is the origin of such legends as Shangri-la. But 'psychics' most often confuse two planes of reality, attri buting to their SUBTLE vision a physical reality which it does not have or no longer has: they have merely entered into contact with the memory of a place for places, like beings, have a memory.
   At first, Mother had said, 'But it's impossible.' Then, laughing, she had the word deleted.

0 1961-03-14, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Generally speaking, the progress is undeniable, but the physical body has a terrible need of rest. Its annoying, for it prevents me from working.
   How to explain it? Its rather strange: the cells attitude and their state of consciousness is changing with extraordinary rapidity; yet from the ordinary viewpoint of health, there is no corresponding progress, quite the contrary. One could say things arent going too well, but I see clearly that its not true. I see that it isnt true, its only an appearance but reconciling the two is difficult.
   And within oh! Its like waves, constantly, the equivalent of those nuances of color I was speaking about, waves of this joy of life, the joy of life rippling past, touching; but instead of being. At times, you see, the body is in a sort of equilibrium (what we, in our ordinary outer consciousness, call equilibrium that is, good health), and then this joy is constant, like swells on the sea (Mother shapes great waves): it seems to flow on behind everything; it comes and shows its face for a moment, then vanishes. In the very tiny things of lifeyes, physical life the joy of these things, the joy life contains, this luminous, special kind of vibration, rises up as if to remind us that its here; it is here, it mustnt be forgotten, its here but its kept down by this tension.
   Then, from time to time, everything seems to be on the edge of a precipice; the body doesnt fall simply because it keeps its balance but without this higher state of perfect faith, one would surely fall!
   In other words, this coexistence or simultaneity of joy and tension, combat and peace, progress in the cellular consciousness and physical disequilibrium, form a physiological whole which is ... strange.

0 1961-03-21, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   First of all, on the mental plane (the physical-mind, the material mind) I saw an individual. I am not entirely certain of his identity (when I saw him last night I didnt associate him with anyone in particular) but from his outer appearance he is evidently a sannyasi. He was pursuing me, blocking my way and trying to stop me from doing my work (it was a long, long affair). But I was very conscious and could foresee everything he was about to do, so it had no effect. After a long while I emerged from this I had something else to do and I leftand on my way home he was everywhere, hiding and trying to catch me; but he didnt succeed in doing anything. And I knew he had been acting in this manner for a long time.
   Then I woke up (I always wake up three or four times during the night) and when I went back to bed I had an attack of what the doctor and I have taken to be filariasis but a strange type of filariasis, for as soon as I master it in one spot it appears in another, and when I master it there it reappears somewhere else. Last night it was in the arms (it lasted quite a while, between 2:30 and 4 a.m.); but I was fully conscious, and each time the attack came, I went like this (gestures over the arms, to drive away the attack) and my arms were not affected at all. When it was over, I consciously entered the most material subtle physical, just beyond the body. I was sitting in my room there (an immense, cubic room) reading or writing something, when I heard the door open and close, but I was busy and didnt pay attention, presuming it was one of the people usually around me. Then suddenly I had such an unpleasant sensation in my body that I raised my head and looked, and I saw someone there. Do you know how the magicians in Europe dress, in short satin breeches and a shirt? He was wearing something like that. He was Indian, tall and rather dark, with slicked-down hairwhat you would normally call a handsome young man. He seemed to have been drawn1 there becausehe was standing in front of me staring into space, not looking at me. And the moment I saw him, there was the same sensation in all my cells as I have with what Ive been calling filariasis (its a special, minute kind of pain) and simultaneously all the cells felt disgusta tremendous will of rejection. Then I sat up straight (I didnt stand up) and said to him as forcefully as possible, How do you dare to come in here! I said it so loudly that the noise woke me up! I dont know what happened then, but things went much better afterwards.
   The moment I saw this person I knew he was only an instrument, but a well-paid instrumentsomeone paid a great deal to have him do that! I would recognize him again among hundreds I can still see him I see him more clearly than with physical eyes. He is an unintelligent man with no personal animosity, merely a very well-paid instrumentsomeone is hiding behind him, using him as a screen.
   Before that experience, as part of the attack, I also got a sore throat. I didnt believe it would manifest, but around 9:30 this morning when I came downstairs for meditation with X,2 it did. Its nothing at all, though. The whole time I was with X (and even before, when I was waiting for him), it was halted completelyeverything in that room came to a halt. It started up again only after he left and I came here. But its nothing.

0 1961-03-27, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I probably needed the experience. You remember that type of detachment I spoke of when I had that experiencewhen the BODY had that experience of January 24, 1961well, it has increased to such an extent that it now applies to anything and everything linked with action on earth. This detachment was probably necessary. It began with something like things dissolving (Mother makes a gesture of crumbling something between her fingers); certain kinds of links between my consciousness and the Work were dissolving (not links with me, because I dont have any, but with the body; the whole physical consciousness, all that attaches it to the things in its environment, to the Work and to the entourage I spoke to you about that in regard to physical immortality; well, thats what is happening now). Its like things dissolvingdissolving, dissolving, dissolving. And its more and more pronounced. During these last days, things have been becoming increasingly difficultdifficulties have been coming one after another, one after another. Formerly, I had the power to get a grip on them and hold them (Mother tightens her grip as though mastering circumstances); but now that this type of detachment has begun, things drift away everywhereeverywhere, everywhere.
   So this episode with X is probably part of the same process. What has been affected is a certain confidence in the REALITY of the Power, the REALITY of spiritual action; there seems to be no communication between here (above) and there (below).
   Yes, its as if I were living, as if the BODY were living (despite all the illnesses and attacks, all the ill will besetting it), living in a bath of the divine vibrationbathing in something immenseimmense, immense limitless, and so stable! The body lives in it like this (gesture as if Mother were floating). So even when there is what we call physical pain, even when there are blows to morale (like having a cashier ask you for money and you have none to give him5), well, despite it all, despite all the possible complications (coming all at the same time), EVERYTHING, everything that happens now, even things which seem extremely unpleasant to our mental conceptions or our mental reactions, everything is a bath, a bath of the vibration of divine Love. So much so that if I didnt control my body, I would be smiling at everything all the time like an idiot. A beatific smile for everything (I dont show it because I control myself).
   (silence, the clock strikes the hour)

0 1961-04-18, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Would remain the same? You mean they would physically be the same as they are now, but would be seen in a different way?
   That's it. I don't know if we will ever be able to express ourselves with our present vocabulary! ... We need another language!
   Once again, Mother's experience coincides with modern science, which is beginning to discover that time and space are not fixed and INDEPENDENT quantitiesas, from the Greeks right up to Newton, we had been accustomed to believe but a four-dimensional system, with three coordinates of space and one of time, DEPENDENT UPON THE physical PHENOMENA DEVELOPING THEREIN. Such is 'Riemann's Space,' used by Einstein in his General Theory of Relativity. Thus, a trajectoryi.e., in principle, a fixed distance, a quantity of space to be traversed-is a function of the time taken to traverse it: there is no straight line between two points, or rather the I straight' line is a function of the rate of speed. There is no 'fixed' quantity of space, but rather rates of speed which determine their own space (or their own measure of space). Space-time is thus no longer a fixed quantity, but, according to science, the PRODUCT ... of what? Of a certain rate of unfolding? But what is unfolding? A rocket, a train, muscles?... Or a certain brain which has generated increasingly perfected instruments adapted to its own mode of being, like a flying fish flying farther and farther (and faster and faster) but finally failing back into its own oceanic fishbowl. Yet what would this space-time be for another kind of fishbowl, another kind of consciousness: a supramental consciousness, for example, which can be instantaneously at any point in 'space'there is no more space! And no more time. There is no more 'trajectory': the trajectory is within itself. The fishbowl is shattered, and the whole evolutionary succession of little fishbowls as well. Thus, as Mother tells it, space and time are a 'PRODUCT Of the movement of consciousness.' A variable space-time, which not only changes according to our mechanical equipment, but according to the consciousness utilizing the equipment, and which ultimately utilizes only itself; consciousness, at the end of the evolutionary curve, has become its own equipment and the sole mechanism of the universe.

0 1961-04-25, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   This paucity, this narrowness. Its relatively easy to get out of mental paucity, mental narrowness: one has only to pierce a hole, go beyond, and view things from above; and yes, immediately, it all widens. Thats relatively easy. But this vital and physical paucity, material narrowness ohh!
   For mental narrowness, we know the meansone has only to go beyond itwe know the means. But this (Mother touches her body), however much one keeps bringing in, bringing in, bringing in the Light and the Force. Yes, for a few moments one can live a universal life, even in the sensations but in the body.
   And so, in an individual consciousness its expressed by an infinitesimal pointa physical body and everything dependent on it; but its exactly the same thing as the Supreme Point and everything depending on that. Its the same thing. It is only like the shifting of a glanceif it can be called a glancelike a needle point occupying no space.12 And yet it is the same consciousness: is it consciousness? Something like that. It is not consciousness as we understand it, nor is it perception; it is a kind of will to see (good God, what words!), and with such absolute freedom and omnipotence: it can be this or that, or yet another, and it is EXACTLY the same thing.
   Dont try to understand!

0 1961-04-29, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Oh, Ive had some very interesting revelations on this point, on the way people think and feel about it. I remember someone once made a little statue of Sri Aurobindo; he gave it a potbelly and anyway, to me it was ridiculous. So I said, How could you make such a thing?! He explained that even if its a caricature for the ordinary eye, since its an image of the one you consider God, or a god, or an Avatar, since its the image of the one you worship, even if only a guru, it contains the spirit and the force of his presence, and this is what you worship, even in a crude form, even if the form is a caricature to the physical eye.
   Someone made a large painting of Sri Aurobindo and myself, and they brought it here to show me. I said, Oh, its dreadful! It was to the physical eye it was really dreadful. Its dreadful, I said, we cant keep it. Then immediately someone asked me for it, saying, Im going to put it up in my house and do my puja before it. Ah! I couldnt help saying, But how could you put up a thing like that! (It wasnt so much ugly as frightfully banal.) How can you do puja before something so commonplace and empty! This person replied, Oh, to me its not empty! It contains all the presence and all the force, and I shall worship it as that: the Presence and the Force.
   All this is based on the old idea that whatever the imagewhich we disdainfully call an idolwhatever the external form of the deity may be, the presence of the thing represented is always there. And there is always someonewhe ther priest or initiate, sadhu or sannyasisomeone who has the power and (usually this is the priests work) who draws the Force and the Presence down into it. And its true, its quite real the Force and the Presence are THERE; and this (not the form in wood or stone or metal) is what is worshipped: this Presence.

0 1961-05-12, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But I dont know. I dont know if they had it physicalLYin the inner worlds of course, certainly! Its all very well, one is very happy living in those worlds. But it is hereHERE! How to make of this life here, this world here, something really worth living. Havent yet found the trick.
   Thats all I can say. Thats what I am up against.
   Yet there are worthwhile things in the physical life. I dont know, but I still feel a nostalgia for
   Nostalgia for what? Have you actually known something worth being nostalgic about? What?
   But its a wide physical life, and not without its beauty!
   The physical lifeyes, its nothing at all. All these things of the physical lifenothing at all, nothing at all! Its childish, not worth thinking about for a second.
   Unless one has the sense of the TRUE LIFE, of the Truthit is nothing, nothing. All the rest is nothing, nothingpastimes, childish amusements, the business of people who have nothing else to do. Ah, no! Its not worth a seconds thought.

0 1961-05-19, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   This feeling was so warm, so intimate, so I dont know how to express it. At once so soft and so powerful and so. Oh, it was concrete! The whole atmosphere, the whole atmosphere became solidall, all had the taste of the Lord. I dont know how to make it clear. It was quite material, as if you had a mouthful of it, everything was full of itit was like that. In such a physical way! Like. You might compare it to the most delicious taste you could ever haveit was the sense of touch and of tastevery, very material. It was like closing your hand on something solidsuch a warm, soft vibration, and SO STRONG, so powerful, so concrete!
   It is evidently proof of an evolution in this direction, within this whole cluster of cells, but.
   This was the first time I had this experience. It was much more substantial than the physical contact, which, as I told you, I had already had.1 It was much more material, and related to taste. It was as if the whole atmosphere and all the things in it were a marvelous food an ecstatic nourishment.
   I had already had the experience for the sense of smell the divine vibration, the vibration of Ananda in odors. Just under my window, you know, Nripendra has his kitchen, where every morning and afternoon food is prepared for the children2it all comes wafting up on gusts of air. And when the Samadhi tree is in flower, the scent wafts up to me on gusts of air; when people burn incense down below, it comes wafting up here on gusts of aireach and every fragrance (fragrancelets say odor). And generally it all comes while I am walking for my japaan Ananda of odors, each one with its meaning, its expression, its (how to say it?) its motivation and its goal. Marvelous! And there are no longer any good or bad odors that notion is gone completely. Each one has its meaningits meaning and its raison dtre. I have been experiencing this for a long time.
   The physical mind.
   Mother is alluding in particular to the physical mind ('this kind of mind-like activity in matter').

0 1961-05-23, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I never knew Vivekananda. I only know what I have heard or read about him, but that isnt what I call knowing. So I cant say anything, and above all I dont want to seem to give credence to all the gossip that has been spread about him. I have had no personal contact with him, neither in the physical nor elsewherenot with him personally. Naturally I could if I made an effort, but.
   To tell the truth, this question seems stupid to me, because one can have mastery over circumstances only if one becomes the Supremebecause the Supreme alone has mastery over circumstances. So the question is senseless.

0 1961-06-06, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Take absolutely identical circumstances: the same outer circumstances, the same inner circumstances the psychological condition is the same; circumstances of life, the same; events, the same; people, no appreciable difference. Identical circumstances, a few hoursnot even a dayapart. And in one case, the body that is, the cellular consciousness feels a sort of eurhythmy and general harmony, everything dovetails in such a marvelous way, without rubbing, without frictioneverything functions and organizes itself in a total harmony. Its a peace and a joy (without the vital intensity, of courseits something physical). All, all is so harmonious and truly you feel a sense of the divine organization of everything, of all the cellsall is marvelous and the body feels well. Then in the other case everything is the same, the consciousness is the same and something escapes the perception of harmony is no longer there. For what reason? One doesnt understand anymore. And then the body begins to function wrongly. Yet everything is absolutely identicalmental conditions, vital conditions, physical conditions, all identical and suddenly it all seems meaningless. One still has the consciousness, the full consciousness of the divine Presence, and one senses somewhere something escaping, and all becomes its like running after something that escapes. Things become meaningless. In absolutely identical conditionseven the movements of the body (functional movements, I mean) may be identical, but they are felt to be disharmonious (these words are much too crude, its more subtle than that), meaningless, disharmonious. And what escapes? You cant make it out.
   What is it?
   And when the body makes this movement (gesture of stepping back from physical appearances)what to call it? This movement of fusion (is it fusion?), of no longer being a separate body, of being the Divine there is something which. There is a sort of abstraction of something (and even that is putting it too concretely). And sometimes it succeeds, the body floats in the Light; sometimes its only partial. Sometimes all the inner consciousness is there, full and total but HERE things remain as they are, stupid, stupid, utterly stupid! Blind, in shifting sands, painful (and its not a thought, its not even a sensation; I dont know what it is).
   And THERE the conscious will can do nothing. Nothing. All it could do it has done, and it continues to do all it can at each minute, and its nothing, it is not THATwhat is it??
   Mother is alluding to two extracts from Questions and Answers (dated June 19 and July 17, 1957) which she has just reviewed for inclusion in the Bulletin. In them she speaks of the causes of illness and of using the conscious will for physical development.

0 1961-06-20, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Ive known that and have always taken great care to avoid it, for it opens the door to all deformations. Lele3 was like thatLele did the same thing: he behaved like a lout; he said it wasnt himself, it was Naturehe had nothing to do with it. This is all very well, but still theres a sort of affinity between your physical comportment and what you are inside, isnt there?!
   Sri Aurobindo didnt accept this tradition at all.
   Oh, he is splendid! There is such a sweet warmth in him, so good, and a mastery (mastery of inner movements, of the vital movement) and the ability to bring into the physical this peace, this absolute immobility. Its splendid! I have been doing this for something like forty years and you cant imagine how difficult it is, how much effort it takes to achieve it! With him it comes all by itself. Thats the tantric mastery.
   And to a certain extent it has a healing power (to a certain extent). But its not that supramental thing Sri Aurobindo had: he would pass his hand like this (gesture), and the disorder would be gone completely!

0 1961-06-24, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I was keeping I.B. near me because I already had the idea of putting him immediately back into another bodyhis soul was not satisfied, it had not finished its experience (there was a whole combination of circumstances) and it wanted to continue to live on earth. Then, that night, his inner being went to find V., lamenting, saying he was dead and hadnt wanted to die, that he had lost his body and wanted to continue to live. V. was very perplexed. He let me know about it in the morning: Heres what has happened. I sent word to him of what I was doing, that I was keeping I.B. in my atmosphere and that he should stay very calm and not get excited, for I was going to put him back into a body as soon as possible I already had something in view. The same evening I.B. again went to find V., with the same complaint. V. told him very clearly, Here is what Mother says, here is what she is going to do; come now, be calm and dont torment yourself. And he saw in I.B.s face that he had understood (the inner being was taking on I.B.s physical appearance, naturally); his face relaxed, he became content.
   He went away and he never came back. That is, he stayed tranquilly with me, until I was able to put him into C.s child.
   Have I told you about the experience I had the day I suddenly found myself in Sri Aurobindos home in the subtle physical?7Well, its as if I took a step and entered a far more concrete world than the physicalmore concrete because things contain more truth. I spent a good while there with Sri Aurobindo and then, when it was over, I took another step and I found myself back here slightly dumbfounded. It took me quite some time to regain my bearings here, because it was this world that seemed unreal to me, not the other.
   But its simply thatyou take a step, and you enter another room. And when you live in your soul there is a continuity, because the soul remembers, it keeps the whole memory; it remembers all occurrences, even outer occurrences, all the outer movements it has been associated with. So its a continuous, uninterrupted movement, here and there, from one room to another, from one house to another, from one life to another.
   At least fifty people wait for the last days of the month to see me and they imagine. One thing I have not yet comprehended: what to do to make physical time lose its physical reality? It may come. As you see, I still have to watch the clock, and when I am late, well, time gets short! Maybe Ill get the power of (what is it called?) ubiquity. I believe thats the solution! To be here, and then therejust like that! It would be very amusing.
   Satprem no longer has the text of this letter.

0 1961-06-27, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   At any rate, this simultaneity of past, present and future cant be a physical simultaneity, can it?
   Ah, no! Not here.
   I have had an oft repeated experience of reliving the past1 (its a phenomenon of consciousness, possible because everything is preserved and continues to exist somewhere), with a kind of willwhich would be the sign of a powerto change it. I dont know, but at the moment of reliving it, instead of reliving the past just as it had been preserved, a power to make it different was introduced. I am not speaking of the power to change the consequences of the past (that is obvious and functions all the time)it wasnt that; it was the power to change the circumstances themselves (circumstances not quite material but of the subtle physical, with a predominantly psychological content). And since the will was there, from the standpoint of consciousness it actually happened that is, instead of circumstances developing in one direction, they developed in another. So it must correspond to something real, otherwise I would not have had the experience. It wasnt a product of the imagination; it wasnt something one thinks of and would really like to be differentit wasnt that; it was a phenomenon of consciousness: my consciousness was reliving certain circumstances (which are still quite living and obviously continue to exist within their own domain), but reliving them with the power and the knowledge acquired between that past moment and the present, and with a power to change the past moment. A new power entered the scene and turned the circumstance being relived in a new direction. I have had this experience many times and it has always surprised meits not a phenomenon of mental imagination, which is something else entirely.
   It opens the door to everything.
   I have what could be called a tactile sensation that the contents of the subtle atmosphere are increasing. This atmosphere is not part of material space as we conceive of or see it physically, where one thing has to give place to another (Mother changes the position of an eraser on the table)and even that (laughing) I believe is an illusion! It only SEEMS like that to us! Its not on the wholly material plane, but just behind or within (how to put it?), and its contents are increasing. And as its happening within inner dimensions, it can augment, so to speak, indefinitely; things become more and more interwoven, if you see what I meanwhere there was one phenomenon of consciousness there may now be hundreds, interwoven with each other in the inner dimensions; which means, for example, considering only our tiny planet, that the earth is becoming more and more compact and rich with all that has been since the beginning of its formationbecause its all there, it is all still there.
   Actually, as soon as one is not totally, totally tied down by the physical sense organs. For example, I am more and more frequently experiencing changes in the quality of vision. Quite recently, yesterday or the day before, I was sitting in the bathroom drying my face before going out and I raised my eyes (I was sitting before a mirror, although I dont usually look at myself); I raised my eyes and looked, and I saw many things (Mother laughs, greatly amused). At that moment, I had an experience which made me say to myself, Ah! Thats why, from the physical, purely material standpoint, my vision seems to be a bit blurred. Because what I was seeing was MUCH clearer and infinitely more expressive than normal physical sight. And I recalled that it is with these clearer eyes that I see and recognize all my people at balcony darshan. (From the balcony I recognize all my people.) And its that vision (but with open eyes!) which. It is of another order.
   I am going to study what Sri Aurobindo says when I come to it in The Yoga of Self-Perfection. He says there comes a time when the senses changeits not that you employ the senses proper to another plane (we have always known we had senses on all the different planes); its quite different from that: the senses THEMSELVES change. He foretells this changehe says it will occur. And I believe it begins in the way I am experiencing it now.
   The CONTENT is different, mon petit. I see I see, but. The state of consciousness of the person Im looking at, for instance, changes his physical appearance for my physical eyes. And this has nothing to do with the banalities of ordinary psychology, where your physiognomy is said to be changed by the feelings you experience. The CONTENT of what I see is different. And then the eyes of the person I am looking at are not the sameit is rather. I couldnt sketch it, but perhaps if I made a painting it would give some idea (I would need to use a somewhat blurred technique, not too precise). The eyes are not quite the same, and the rest of the face too, even the color and the shape thats what sometimes makes me hesitate. I see people (I see my people every morning) and I recognize them, and yet they are different, they are not the same every day (some are always, always the same, like a rock, but others are not). And I even I hesitate sometimes: Is it really he? But he is very. It is indeed he, but I dont quite know him. This generally coincides with changes in the persons consciousness.
   In conclusion: we know nothing.

0 1961-07-07, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   While walking in my room, a series of invocations or prayers have come to me2 (I didnt choose themthey were dictated to me) in which I implore the Lord to manifest his Perfection (and I am quite aware of how foolish this expression is, but it does correspond to an aspiration).3 When I say manifest, I mean to manifest in our physical, material world Im asking for the transformation of this world. And the moment I utter one of these invocations, the sense of the particular approach it represents is there; thats why I am now able to give such a lecture on PerfectionPerfection is one of these approaches. Manifest this, I tell Him, Manifest that, manifest Your Perfection. (The series is very long and it takes me quite a while to go through it all.) Well, each time I say Manifest Your Perfection, I have an awareness of what constitutes Perfectionit is something global.
   Its like the word purityone could lecture endlessly on the difference between divine purity and what people call purity. Divine purity (at the lowest level) is to admit but one influence the divine Influence (but this is at the lowest level, and already terribly distorted). Divine purity means that only the Divine existsnothing else. It is perfectly pureonly the Divine exists, nothing other than He.

0 1961-07-15, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Stopped him physically, you mean?
   Yes. What made him stop?
   Everything depends upon the balance (not the equilibrium, the proportion) between the amount of resistance in physical substance, and the Power.
   But are these merely material resistances or are they rather hostile forces?
   In the final analysis, everything obviously depends upon the Supremes Will because, if one looks deeply enough into the question, even physical laws and resistances are nothing for Him. But this kind of direct intervention takes place only at the extreme limit; if His Will is to be expressed in opposition, as it were, to the whole set of laws governing the Manifestationwell, that only comes at the very last second. Sri Aurobindo has expressed this so well in Savitri, so well! At least three times in the book he has expressed this Will that abolishes all established laws, all of them, and all the consequences of these laws, the whole formidable colossus of the Manifestation, so that in the face of it all, That can express itself and this takes place at the very last second, so to speak, at the extreme limit of possibility.
   I must say that there was a time when, as Sri Aurobindo had entrusted his work to me, there was a kind of tension to do it (it cant be called an anxiety); a tension in the will. This too has now ended (Mother stretches her arms into the Infinite). Its finished. But there MAY still be something tense lurking somewhere in the subconscient or the inconscient I dont know, its possible. Why? I dont know. I mean I have never been told, at any time, neither through Sri Aurobindo nor directly, whether or not I would go right to the end. I have never been told the contrary, either. I have been told nothing at all. And if at times I turn towards Thatnot to question, but simply to know the answer is always the same: Carry on, its not your problem; dont worry about it. So now I have learned not to worry about it; I am consciously not worried about it.

0 1961-07-18, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I have always known that cruelty, like sadism, is the need to cut through a thick layer of totally insensitive tamas1 by means of extremely violent sensationan extreme is needed if anything is to be felt through that tamas. I was always told, for example (in Japan it was strongly emphasized to me), that the people of the Far East are very tamasic physically. The Chinese in particular are said to be the remnants of a race that inhabited the moon before it froze over and forced them to seek refuge on earth (this is supposed to account for their round faces and the shape of their eyes!). Anyway (laughing), its a story people tell! But theyre extremely tamasic; their physical sensibility is almost nilappalling things are required to make them feel anything! And since they naturally presume that what applies to them applies to everyone, they are capable of appalling cruelty. Not all of them, of course! But this is their reputation. Have you read Mirbeaus book? (I believe thats his name.) I read it sixty years ago something on Chinese torture.
   Yes, its well-known.

0 1961-08-02, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Broadly speaking, does this mean that physical Matter will become conscious?
   Yes, in a certain way. It will become receptive. The mode of life wont necessarily change, but the form of life will change. Matter will become responsive. Do we say that in French?
   In fact, this is what legitimizes the ego; because if we had never formed an ego, we would have lived all mixed up (laughing), now this person, now another! Oh, it was so comical, seeing this the other day! At first it was a bit bewildering, but when I looked closely, it became utterly amusing: two little people with no physical resemblance, yet of a similar typesmall and in short, a similarity. Its like the four men I used to see in Japan: there was an Englishman, a Frenchman, a Japanese and one more, each from a different country; well, at night they were all the same, as if viewed one through the other, all intermingledvery amusing!
   But individualization is a slow and difficult process. Thats why you have an ego, otherwise you would never become individualized, but always be (Mother laughs) a kind of public place!
   Speaking of individualization, theres a question Ive been wondering about: when one speaks of the central being, this central being is not something here in physical life, is it? Its above.
   It is above and within and everywhere! (Mother laughs)
   Otherwise there could be no permanent material life for this [individuality] is the very nature of materialization. Were it destined to disappear, then the phenomenon of physical dissolution would become permanent, and there would never be physical immortality; because, after exhausting a certain basically, a certain number of illusions or disorders or falsehoods, one would return to the Truth. But according to Sri Aurobindo, it isnt like that: this individualization, this individual personalization is the Truth, a real, au thentic divine phenomenon the only falsehood is the deformation of consciousness. Well, when we rediscover the true consciousness of Unity that Unity which is both in and above the manifest and the non-manifest (above in that it contains both the manifest and non-manifest equally), well, this Truth includes material personalization, otherwise that2 could not exist.
   But each individual has a different personality.
   Shiva, on the other hand, refused. No, he said, I will come only when you have finished your work. I will not come into the world as it is now, but I am ready to help. He was standing in my room that day, so tall (laughing) that his head touched the ceiling! He was bathed in his own special light, a play of red and gold magnificent! Just as he is when he manifests his supreme consciousnessa formidable being! So I stood up and (I too must have become quite tall, because my head was resting on his shoulder, just slightly below his head) then he told me, No, Im not tying myself to a body, but I will give you ANYTHING you want. The only thing I said (it was all done wordlessly, of course) was: I want to be rid of the physical ego.
   Well, mon petit (laughing), it happened! It was extraordinary! After a while, I went to find Sri Aurobindo and said, See what has happened! I have a funny sensation (Mother laughs) of the cells no longer being clustered together! Theyre going to scatter! He looked at me, smiled and said, Not yet. And the effect vanished.
   'That' seems to refer to physical immortality.
   Consciousness or Light, Life, Love or Bliss, and Truth, which then became the first four asuras or demons.
   Again, the dissolution of the physical ego.

0 1961-08-05, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Another detail. In several places, Sri Aurobindo speaks of the circumconscient or environmental consciousness through which we enter into contact with the external world. Is this the same as the subtle physical, the subtle envelope? What is this circumconscient?
   Its the encircling consciousness. Isnt it called the milieu in French?
   You see, the subtle physical extends a long way beyond the body.
   Then comes what Theon called the nervous sub-level, which lies between this subtle physical and the vital. And it acts as a protection: if it is stable, harmonious and strong, it protects youit protects you even physicallyfrom contagious diseases, for instance, and even from accidents. I experienced it when I was living at Val-de-Grce. It was the year I resolved to attain union with the psychic being and I was concentrated on this from morning to night and night to morning. Every day I spent some time in the Luxembourg Gardens. They were right near the house, but to get there I had to go all the way down Rue du Val-de-Grce and cross Boulevard Saint Michel, where there were streetcars, automobiles, buses the whole circus. I would remain in my concentration the whole time, and once, while crossing the boulevard, I felt a shock about this far from my body [slightly more than arms length], so spontaneously I jumped backjust enough for the streetcar to pass by. I hadnt heard anything; I was totally absorbed, and without that warning I would surely have been run over; instead, I jumped back just in time, and the streetcar sped by. I understood then that this nervous sheath was something entirely concrete, because what I had felt was not an idea of danger but a shocka material SHOCK.
   So its true that as long as this envelope is strong and undamaged, you are protected. But for instance, if you are over-tired or worried or flusteredanything that brings disorder into the atmosphere seems to make holes in this envelope, and all kinds of things can enter.
   But isnt this the subtle physical?
   It surrounds the subtle physical.
   First there is the subtle physical and then the circumconscient?
   Yes; the subtle physical is visiblevisible. You have seen heat vibrations when its very hot, havent you? Thats the subtle physicalone form of it.
   The subtle physical is right here (gesture on the surface of the skin). Some people are sensitive in the subtle physical; you move your hand near them and they feel it immediately. Others dont even noticeit depends on the subtle physicals sensitivity. And the circumconscient surrounds it like an envelope. If there are no tears in it, this envelope is a magnificent protection.4 And its not dependent on any spiritual or intellectual rationale, but on a harmony with Nature and life, a kind of stability in the material being. People with strong envelopes are almost always in good health and succeed in what they do. It isnt something mentalwhen they do a work it comes out nicely, if they want to meet someone, they meet him. Things of this nature.
   The circumconscient must be that.
   Yet no two sleeps are the same, mon petit! And its the same with deaths, no two are the same. But sleep and death are different because they are different STATES. As long as you have a body, you are not in the same state as when you are dead. There is a period of seven days after the doctors declare you dead when you are still in an intermediary state; but the actual state of death itself is completely different BECAUSE there is no longer this physical base.
   Once when I was at Tlemcen with Theon (this happened twice, but Im not sure about the second time because I was alone), my body was in a cataleptic state and I was in conscious trance. It was a peculiar kind of catalepsy in the sense that my body could speak, though very slowly Theon had taught me how to do it. But this is because the life of the form always remains (this is what takes seven days to leave the body) and it can even be trained to make the body move the being is no longer there, but the life of the form can make the body move (in any case, utter words). However, this state is not without danger, the proof being that while I was working in trance, for some reason or other (which I no longer remember, but obviously due to some negligence on the part of Theon who was there to watch over me), the cord I dont know what to call itwent snap! The link was cut, malevolently,5 and when it was time and I wanted to return, I could no longer re-enter my body. But I was still able to warn him: The cord is cut. Then he used his power and knowledge to help me come back but it was no joke! It was very difficult.6 And this is when I had the experience of the two different states, because the part that had gone out was now without the bodys support the link was cut. Then I knew. Of course, I was in a special state; I was doing a fully conscious work with all the vital power, and I was in control not only of my surroundings but. You see, what happens is a kind of reversal of consciousness: you begin to belong to another world; you feel this quite distinctly. Theon instantly told me to concentrate (I was finding it all interestingMo ther laughs I was making experiments and getting ready to go wandering off, but he was terribly scared that I would die on him!). He begged me to concentrate, so I concentrated on my body.
   Three years later I had that experience Ive told you about itof the Light piercing through me; I physically saw it enter into me. It was obviously the descent of a Beingnot a past incarnation, but a Being from another plane. It was a golden light the incarnation of a divine consciousness. Which proves that she succeeded for both her children.
   But she
   There was another reason. My father was wonderfully healthy and strongwell-balanced. He wasnt very tall, but stocky. He did all his studies in Austria (at that time French was widely spoken in Austria, but he knew German, he knew English, Italian, Turkish), and there he had learned to ride horses in an extraordinary manner: he was so strong that he could bring a horse to the ground simply by pressing his knees. He could break anything at all with a blow of his fist, even one of those big silver five-franc pieces they had in those daysone blow and it was broken in two. Curiously enough, he looked Russian. I dont know why. They used to call him Barine. What an equilibriuman extraordinary physical poise! And not only did this man know all those languages, but I never saw such a brain for arithmetic. Never. He made a game of calculationsnot the slightest effortcalculations with hundreds of digits! And on top of it, he loved birds. He had a room to himself in our apartment (because my mother could never much tolerate him), he had his separate room, and in it he kept a big cage full of canaries! During the day he would close the windows and let all the canaries loose.
   And could he tell stories! I think he read every novel available, all the stories he could findextraordinary adventure stories, for he loved adventures. When we were kids he used to let us come into his room very early in the morning and, while still sitting in bed, tell us stories from the books he had read but he told them as if they were his own, as if hed had extraordinary adventures with outlaws, with wild animals. Every story he picked up he told as his own. We enjoyed it tremendously!
   We are not sure, finally, if this envelope and the circumconscient are one and the same thing, but this is how Sri Aurobindo speaks of it: 'The first thing one sees when one has broken the barrier is the vital- physical body. It is around the physical body and with the physical it forms as it were the "nervous envelope." The force of a disease has to break through it to reach the bodyexcept for the attacks on the most material parts. You can then feel the disease coming and also feel in the nervous envelope the part of the body which it is going to, or intending to, attack because what is in the nervous envelope has a material counterpart in the body. Thus it is the vital- physical which is first attacked and then the force takes the form of a disease in the system. I had myself the experience of fever all around the body.'
   A.B. Purani, Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo, Volume I, p. 232

0 1961-08-08, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   He has tried very hard to understand. But his spiritual conception has remained like this: one canone MUSTmaster life, and in life, to some extent, a certain adaptation to the higher forces can be achieved; but there is no question of transformation: the physical world remains the physical world. It can be a little better organized, more harmonious, but there is no question of something else, of divinizationno question at all.
   And this is probably why there are things he cant make out in his contact with me, because he simply doesnt understand. For example, these physical disorders baffle him, they seem incompatible with my realization. As long as the question of transformation does not come into play, the realization I had was sufficient to establish a kind of very stable orderreaction against the transformative will is what causes these disorders. And this he does not understandto him something seems not to be functioning properly. He must feel a contradiction between certain things he perceives in my consciousness and my contact with the material world. This being this, he thinks, that ought to be like that; so why? He doesnt understand.1
   X's astonishment raises an extremely important point, drawing the exact dividing line between all the traditional yogas and the new yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Mother. To a tantric, for example, it seems unthinkable that Mother, with a consciousness so powerful as to scoff at the laws of nature and comm and the elements (if she wishes), could be subjected to absurd head colds or an eye hemorrhage or even more serious disorders. For him, it is enough to simply lift a finger and emit a vibration which instantly muzzles the disorderyes, of course, but for Mother it is not a question of 'curing' a head cold by imposing a higher POWER on Matter, but of getting down to the cellular root and curing or transforming the source of the evil (which causes death as easily as head colds, for it is the same root of disorder). It is not a question of imposing oneself on Matter through a 'power,' but of transforming Matter. Such is the yoga of the cells.

0 1961-09-10, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The night before last, around 3 in the morning, I was in a place where there were a lot of people from here (you were there), and I was trying to play some music, precisely in order to SAY something. There were three pianos there, which seemed to be interlocked into each other, so I leaned over sideways to get at one of the three and began playing on it. It was in a large hall with people seated at a distance, but you were just at my left alongside a young lady who was a symbol figure (that is, the vibration or impression I received from her and the relationship I had with her could be applied as well to four or five persons here: it was like relating to an amalgam something that is very interesting and often happens to me). Anyway, I was leaning over one of the keyboards and trying trying to work something out, to illustrate how this would translate into that. Finally I realized that playing half-standing, half-leaning was unnecessary acrobatics, because a grand piano was right there in front, so I sat down before it. Well, the most amusing part of it was that the keys (there were two keyboards) were all bluelike the marbled paper we are making now, all blue, and with every possible marbled effect. Black keys, white keys, high keys, low keys (all of them were the same width, quite wide, like this), all seemed to be coated but it wasnt paperwith this blue. Facing the piano I said to myself, Well now, this cant be played with physical eyesit has to be played FROM ABOVE.
   While I was playing, I kept telling myself, But this is what Ive tried to do with music all my lifeplay on the blue keyboard!
   Suddenly, along came a SOUND! Not physical, but so complete, so full, as if as if something exploded, like a. I dont know what, much more resounding than an orchestra something exploding. It was overwhelming!
   I was so sorry to have to get up. Because (laughing) I thought, At least I would have heard something good for once! It was such an outburst of sound! So extraordinary and so powerful that. But it was 4 oclock and time to get up.

0 1961-10-02, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   This concentration on finding the mechanism sprang from the fact that there were disorders in the body which were vanishing and then reappearingpermanent cure seemed impossible. So I told myself, Somewhere, probably in the subconscient, something must be justifying their presence. Then, after concentrating and searching and concentrating some more, suddenly a memory rose up from the subconscient (a memory which is a kind of continued existence under a certain form), the memory of a particular set of movements and actions (not physical movements, but attitudes) that go back many years and had never attracted my attention. None of it had ever been included in the general clearing-out because, like so many other things, it all seemed to be due to normal, ongoing circumstances. But thats just where I saw (what to call it?) the hue, the taint of Falsehood. Its very subtle. These are very subtle things. But suddenly, oh! It caught hold of me and created a revolution in the whole being. All those vibrations were cast up and transformedan extraordinary thing. It stirred up much more commotion and revolution than I had ever expected. And ah! A relief. Something was clarified, bringing a brilliant, new comprehension, and then quite interesting physical results. Before this, I was really feeling rather poorly, extremely tired, with the impression of a decline into decrepituderelatively speaking! (It was in a very superficial part of the being, but it was enough to be disagreeable.) And all of itpfft! Gone in a single stroke.
   And that very day, I had this experience with the possessed personit all came together. And then afterwards, a sort of mastery over the problem and the impression of a breakthroughan opening up of the WAY to change, which is this enlargement. First, the movement of generosity (not that shriveling movement, but its exact opposite the movement of expansion), and from there you go on to universality, and from universality to Totality.
   Then there is a doctor, V., who comes here twice a year to give a check-up to all who take part in the physical education program and all the children. He is an extremely honest and sincere man who believes in the mission of medical science. Each time he comes, I write something in his diary on the day of his departure (his whole diary is full of things Ive written they usually appear in the Bulletin or somewhere). On that very same day I learned that V. was leaving, and it suddenly came to meso clearly! Falsehood in the body that sort of juxtaposition of contraries, the inversion of the Vibration (only it doesnt really invertits a curious phenomenon: the vibration remains what it is but its received inverted)this falsehood in the body is a falsehood in the CONSCIOUSNESS. The falsity of the consciousness naturally has material consequences and thats what illness is! I immediately made an experiment on my body to see if this held, if it actually works that way. And I realized that its true! When you are open and in contact with the Divine, the Vibration gives you strength, energy; and if you are quiet enough, it fills you with great joyand all of this in the cells of the body. You fall back into the ordinary consciousness and straightaway, without anything changing, the SAME thing, the SAME vibration coming from the SAME source turns into a pain, a malaise, a feeling of uncertainty, instability and decrepitude. To be sure of this, I repeated the experiment three or four times, and it was absolutely automatic, like the operation of a chemical formula: same conditions, same results.
   This interested me greatly.

0 1961-10-15, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The first time you read your manuscript, I called Sri Aurobindo to hear it. He was in the subtle physical and he listened. Yesterday when I sat down to listen, I thought, It would be much better if he entered my brain because that way. In fact, I called him; he entered my brain. It took some time; all through the beginning of the reading we were still two; then he came in more and more, more and more, more and more. My headmy physical headseemed to be swelling up! There was no longer space for anyone but him. It was the light that dark blue light of mental power (but true mental power) in the physical the tantrics use it, you always see it with Xs action, but Ive never seen it this way before! My head was full, you knowfull, full, not an atom of space to spare I could feel it swelling up!
   And this light was absolutely immobilevibrationless, totally compact and coherent. When I see Xs light, for example, there are always vibrations in it; it vibrates, vibrates, things are shifting about; out with this, not a single vibration, not one movement: a MASS that seemed eternally immobile but which was (how to put it?) attentive, listening. It was a volume with the form of the head, as if that had wholly taken over the head. It was full, so full, yet with no feeling of tension or of anything resisting, none at all; there was only a kind of immobile eternity and COMPACT, compact, absolutely coherent, no vibrations. And it increased, increased more and more, it became heavy, but with a very particular heavinessnot a weight, the feeling of a mass.
   Receiving his thought (thinking his thought, for instance) happens all the time, all the time, but this was different; it was a PRESENCEA presence in the skull. And my skull seemed to gradually grow bigger and heavier, heavy with an unaccustomed power. And this stayed with me; oh, it stayed for a long, long time! Never before have I had this physically, never this kind of power, a material power of thought-forcematerial thought-force in the brain.
   One sees glimpses of it. I told you Ive often seen it with X. I also saw it with another tantric who came here (someone said to be greatly renowned in the North)this sort of very well organized mental power, a mental- physical power. But it was always vibrating or intermittent or partial, passing flashes or fluctuating formations. Here it wasnt that; it was a feeling of eternity.
   For a long, long time I have been asking for. When I would say, Lord, take possession of this brain, I expected something of the sort, but I was expecting it with the supramental light (which, partially and momentarily, I have had). But this! It was really. I dont know what he did with my brainnot brain, my mental power. Probably during that period he absorbed it (I suppose thats what happened because there was no sense of difference). My impression was that as a result of this the physical cells were going to develop materially and be transformed (I think it will happen I had a sort of assurance that it will). Because now, as Im talking to you, Im looking at it and I see the effect is still there: no longer with the same overwhelming power, but the effect is there and it gives a sort of (it cant be compared to anything physical) a sort of warmth; its not heat, but warmth. Everything is seized by it, both ears (Mother touches her head), everythinghere, there, all around! Tremendous. And this immobility! As soon as one stops, it is immor (Mother cuts off her word), it is eternity.
   It is truly bringing THAT down here [into Matter].
   I dont know, I didnt hear the beginning, but certainly everything dealing with physical events [of Sri Aurobindos life] will be expressed in a very reasonable and normal style so that there will be no danger of people saying, Hes a half-cracked visionary! I dont know, the first part of what you read to me was so good! Gusts of golden light kept coming. Perhaps you wanted to explain too much. You dont know what happened?
   Yes, its precisely this need to explain.
   After speaking of the descent of the Supermind, he said that an INTERMEDIARY must be prepared between our present mental state (even the most elevated higher mind) and the supramental region, because if one entered directly into Gnosis, well, it would produce such an abrupt change that our physical constitutions would be unable to support itan intermediary is needed. The experiences Ive had make me absolutely convinced of it; twice the supramental world took veritable possession of me and both times it was as if the bodytruly the physical bodywas going to completely disintegrate, due to what you could almost call the opposition of the two conditions.
   And yesterday again I clearly saw (Mother touches this mass in her head). My eyes are full of it my eyes are full, you know, and I see that as it works to settle itself in here, it produces this little vibrationa twinkling of vibrationswhich seems to be indispensable for it to enter into this Matter.

0 1961-10-30, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Curious, this impression the feeling of the body and the atmosphere when I was propelled into the future. Its something more more compact, denser than the physical: the New Creation. One always tends to think of it as something more ethereal, but its not! Theon spoke of it, but he didnt express himself very well; his way of speaking didnt have the power of revelation (it was based on experience, but the experience wasnt his, it was Madame Theons. She was a marvelous woman from the standpoint of experienceunique but with no real intelligence oh, she was intelligent and cultivated, but no more than that, and it didnt amount to much). But they really had come as forerunners, and Theon always insisted, It will have a greater density. Scientifically, this seems like heresy, for density is not used in that sense but this was what he said, A greater density. And the impression I get of this atmosphere is of something more compactmore compact and at the same time without heaviness or thickness. All this is evidently absurd scientificallyyet there is a feeling of compactness.
   It was like that yesterday something so solid was with me (Mother touches her head); how to put it? Its solid, but not in the way we usually speak of solidity! Its not like that.
   I got the impression of there being the same difference between the physical fact of Christ or the physical fact of Buddha and everything we know and say and think and feel about them todayas there is between what we now know of Sri Aurobindo and what will be known of him in the time I was propelled into.
   This book was like the initiator of the legend. Sri Aurobindo was there, Sri Aurobindo as I know him now the eternal Sri Aurobindo I know now.
   But we have not yet reached the heart of the Vedic secret. The birth of Agni, the soul (and so many men are still unborn) is merely the start of the voyage. This inner flame seeks, it is the seeker within us, for it is a spark of the great primordial Fire and will never be satisfied until it has recovered its solar totality, the lost sun of which the Veda incessantly speaks. Yet even when we have risen from plane to plane and the Flame has taken successive births in the triple world of our lower existence (the physical, vital and mental world), it will still remain unsatisfiedit wants to ascend, ascend further. And soon we reach a mental frontier where there seems to be nothing to grasp any longer, nor even to see, and nothing remains but to abolish everything and leap into the ecstasy of a great Light. At this point, we feel almost painfully the imprisoning carapace of matter all around us, preventing that apotheosis of the Flame; then we understand the cry, My kingdom is not of this world, and the insistence of Indias Vedantic sagesand perhaps the sages of all worlds and all religions that we must abandon this body to embrace the Eternal. Will our flame thus forever be truncated here below and our quest always end in disappointment? Shall we always have to choose one or the other, to renounce earth to gain heaven?
   Yet beyond the lower triple world, the Rishis had discovered a certain fourth, touryam svid; they found the vast dwelling place, the solar world, Swar: I have arisen from earth to the mid-world [life], I have arisen from the mid-world to heaven [mind], from the level of the firmament of heaven I have gone to the Sun-world, the Light (Yajur-veda 17.67). And it is said, Mortals, they achieved immortality (Rig-veda I.110.4). What then was their secret? How did they pass from a heaven of mind to the great heaven without leaving the body, without, as it were, going off into ecstasies?

0 1961-11-05, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Not a physical place. See conversation of November 7, p. 380.
   Richard died in the United States in 1967, then made a vain attempt to reincarnate in Auroville. Thus the danger of 'attracting him,' at least under this form, seems remote.

0 1961-11-06, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But GENERALLY it is by REDESCENDING through the levels of the being with a supramentalized consciousness that one can accomplish the permanent transformation of physical nature.
   There is no proof that the Rishis used another method, although, to effect this transformation (if they ever did), they must necessarily have fought their way through the powers of inconscience and obscurity.

0 1961-11-07, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   This lasted for a few months. Then we descended into the physical and all the trouble began.5 But we didnt stay in the physical, we descended into the Subconscient and from the Subconscient to the Inconscient. That was how we worked. And it was only when I descended into the Inconscient that I found the Divine Presence there, in the midst of Darkness.
   It wasnt the first time; when I was working with Theon at Tlemcen (the second time I was there), I descended into the total, unindividualized that is, general Inconscient (it was the time he wanted me to find the Mantra of Life). And there I suddenly found myself in front of something like a vault or a grotto (of course, it was only something like that), and when it opened, I saw a Being of iridescent light reclining with his head on his hand, fast asleep. All the light around him was iridescent. When I told Theon what I was seeing, he said it was the immanent God in the depths of the Inconscient, who through his radiations was slowly waking the Inconscient to Consciousness.
   It is by rising to the summit of consciousness through a progressive ascent (thats what I meant just now by leaving the body, but without going into details), that one unites with the Supermind. But as soon as the union is achieved, one knows and one sees that the Supermind exists in the heart of the Inconscient as well. When one is in that state, there is neither high nor low. But GENERALLY, (I emphasized this to make it clear that I am not making an absolute assertion) it is by REDESCENDING through the levels of the being with a supramentalized consciousness that one can accomplish the permanent transformation of physical nature. (This can be experienced in all sorts of ways, but what WE want and what Sri Aurobindo spoke of is a change that will never be revoked, that will persist, that will be as durable as the present terrestrial conditions. That is why I put permanent.) There is no proof that the Rishis used another method, although, to effect this transformation (if they ever did) they must necessarily have fought their way through the powers of inconscience and obscurity.
   Yes, the Rishis give an absolutely living description of what you experience and experience continuallyas soon as you descend into the Subconscient: all these battles with the beings who conceal the Light and so on. I experienced these things continually at Tlemcen and again with Sri Aurobindo when we were doing the Workits raging quite merrily even now!
   Besides, according to what Ive been told (not physically), I believe that the Rishis practiced going into trance. But I suppose they wanted to achieve what Sri Aurobindo speaks of: a physical transformation of the physical body permitting one to LIVE this consciousness instead of the ordinary consciousness. Did they ever do it? I dont know. The Veda simply recounts what the forefa thers have done. But who are these forefa thers?
   But surely this supramental consciousness is something to be found in the body?8
   When one has these experiences, like the ones Ive had in the subtle physical, for example, the body is certainly in trance but the part having the experience doesnt AT ALL feel deprived or lacking in anything. The experience comes with a fullness of life, consciousness, independence, individuality. Its not like going out in trance to accomplish a work and feeling linked to the body its not that: the body no longer exists nor has any reason to! Its simply not there. And its a nuisance to go back into itwhat is this useless burden! you wonder. As a result, if this experience becomes permanent, you live in a world thats just as concrete, just as real and just as TANGIBLE as our physical world, with the same qualities of duration, permanence and stability.
   Its very difficult to express, because as soon as we notice it.
   While having this experience, you are free (as I said, the body no longer exists, it has even no reason to exist, and you dont think of it), and you have just as concrete an OBJECTIVE functioningeven more so! It is more concrete because you have a MUCH CLEARER and more tangible perception of knowledge than ordinary physical perception; our ordinary way of understanding always seems so hazy in comparison. Its not the same phenomenon as going off into trance and being linked to the body, depending upon it for expression, and so forth.
   But a certain work [of adaptation] is required to express this experience, and the first impression upon returning is that theres no way to do it. It simply doesnt correspond to anything.9
   In January 1925, mother had an inflammation of the knee. On May 25 of the same year, Sri Aurobindo noted in a letter, 'The condition here is not very good. I am at present fighting the difficulties on the physical plane.' (Cited by A.B. Purani, Life of Sri Aurobindo, p. 203.) Note that in 1925 the Nazi Party was founded.
   We aren't sure, but this may refer to the experience of July 12, 1960, or to that of November 5, 1958, 'the almighty spring' (in fact, they are probably one and the same experience) which gave rise to the 1959 New Year Message: 'At the very bottom of the Inconscient, most hard and rigid and narrow and stifling, I struck upon an almighty spring that cast me up forthwith into a formless, limitless Vast, vibrating with the seeds of a new world.'
   Mother does not reply directly to this question (although she would probably have answered in the affirmative, since the point is indeed to LIVE this supramental consciousness), but she does reply directly to what is BEHIND Satprem's question that is, this fundamental, deep-rooted assumption that physical life is the sole, concrete reality.
   This conversation was interrupted before Mother could conclude.

0 1961-11-16a, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Im more or less familiar with them all, and I can seenot with images their inner natures much more clearly than usual. The inner perception, the perception of what people are feeling and thinking, is very acute, so much so that I see thoughts and feelings more that I see physical appearances.
   But worknot a stroke. Ah, yes, I am translating The Synthesis of Yoga and it seems much easier. I go slower, a certain tension has disappeared, and the meaning is far clearer than usual. In other words, Im interiorized there you have it.

0 1961-12-20, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There would inevitably be far too much of the physical person in it, and that isnt interesting. It would only be interesting if the Person, with a capital P, came to express Itself. That would be tremendous.
   I feel that it will be done one daywhen that Person does the writing. But now there is still too much mixture, too much of this (Mother touches her body), this collection of little theres still too much reaction from the small physical personnot in what I might say but in the BRAIN that would have to transcribe it.
   But something else could be done. Its a great pity you never met him. Perhaps its best. Its very difficult to rise above appearances.3
   Here, just to give you an example: when I first began to work (not with Theon personally but with an acquaintance of his in France, a boy4 who was a friend of my brother), well, I had a series of visions (I knew nothing about India, mind you, nothing, just as most Europeans know nothing about it: a country full of people with certain customs and religions, a confused and hazy history, where a lot of extraordinary things are said to have happened. I knew nothing.) Well, in several of these visions I saw Sri Aurobindo just as he looked physically, but glorified; that is, the same man I would see on my first visit, almost thin, with that golden-bronze hue and rather sharp profile, an unruly beard and long hair, dressed in a dhoti with one end of it thrown over his shoulder, arms and chest bare, and bare feet. At the time I thought it was vision attire! I mean I really knew nothing about India; I had never seen Indians dressed in the Indian way.
   Well, I saw him. I experienced what were at once symbolic visions and spiritual FACTS: absolutely decisive spiritual experiences and facts of meeting and having a united perception of the Work to be accomplished. And in these visions I did something I had never done physically: I prostrated before him in the Hindu manner. All this without any comprehension in the little brain (I mean I really didnt know what I was doing or how I was doing itnothing at all). I did it, and at the same time the outer being was asking, What is all this?!
   I wrote the vision down (or perhaps that was later on) but I never spoke of it to anyone (one doesnt talk about such things, naturally). But my impression was that it was premonitory, that one day something like it would happen. And it remained in the background of the consciousness, not active, but constantly present.
   I dont know, Im putting it poorly, but this experience was concrete to the point of being physical. It happened in a Japanese country-house where we were living, near a lake. There was a whole series of circumstances, events, all kinds of thingsa long, long story, like a novel. But one day I was alone in meditation (I have never had very profound meditations, only concentrations of consciousness Mother makes an abrupt gesture showing a sudden ingathering of the entire being); and I was seeing. You know that I had taken on the conversion of the Lord of Falsehood: I tried to do it through an emanation incarnated in a physical being [Richard]7, and the greatest effort was made during those four years in Japan. The four years were coming to an end with an absolute inner certainty that there was nothing to be done that it was impossible, impossible to do it this way. There was nothing to be done. And I was intensely concentrated, asking the Lord, Well, I made You a vow to do this, I had said, Even if its necessary to descend into hell, I will descend into hell to do it. Now tell me, what must I do?The Power was plainly there: suddenly everything in me became still; the whole external being was completely immobilized and I had a vision of the Supreme more beautiful than that of the Gita. A vision of the Supreme.8 And this vision literally gathered me into its arms; it turned towards the West, towards India, and offered meand there at the other end I saw Sri Aurobindo. It was I felt it physically. I saw, sawmy eyes were closed but I saw (twice I have had this vision of the Supremeonce here, much later but this was the first time) ineffable. It was as if this Immensity had reduced itself to a rather gigantic Being who lifted me up like a wisp of straw and offered me. Not a word, nothing else, only that.
   Then everything vanished.

0 1961-12-23, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There is something deeper. And within this deeper thing there was: quiet, quiet, quiet, we will wait; and the impression (but vague, distant and uncertain) of some attempt being made to introduce a very good possibility into the atmosphere. I never see on the purely physical plane, you know (its always on the subtle physical, the plane of possibilities thats more real to me; the purely physical generally eludes me, but I see the subtle physical clearly), and I was seeing I dont know, it was like something higher, from above, trying to make someone enter the field of possibilities, a brain that would suddenly be touched by the book and reverse the situation. I dont know who, I dont know what, I dont know how. Ah, you know that yellow rose I just gave you? Its fringed in pink. Well, what came was like a slender pink fringe winding through the atmosphere of this situation.
   Its possibleall is possible!
   And in the experience there was no difference between my physical and my inner being (actually, its that way more and more for me); even physically, externally, there was a kind of love full of adoration, and so spontaneousnot even any sense of wonder! And there was such a formidable Power in it, formidable from the standpoint of the entire earth. It lasted one hour. After an hour, the experience slowly began to fade (it had to fade for purely practical reasons). But it left me so confident of a radical changenot a total change, for it wasnt permanent but so radical that even outwardly, way down below in me, something was saying, Ah, how will the meditations with X be now? I caught Myself not thinking, not myself: someone thought like that, somewhere way down below. This pulled me out of the experience and I wondered, Thats strange, whos thinking like that? It was one of the personalities4 (in terms of work, its the one that gives each action its proper place), someone way down below, spontaneously feeling: But thats going to change the meditations! What will they be like now? When I returned and began to look at things with the usual discernment, I told myself that perhaps there actually will be a change.
   But truly, EVERYTHING was changed at that moment: something was achieved. It was the perception of Power the Power that comes from Love (what Love is to the Supreme Consciousness, which has nothing to do with what we usually mean by the word love). And it was it was simple! None of those complications resulting from thought, intellect, understandingall that was gone, all gone. A formidable Power! And it made me understand one thing, that the state I had been put in (by the Lord of Yoga, in fact) was for obtaining the particular power that comes through an identity with all material things, a power possessed by certain personsnot always yogis, certain mediums, for instance. I saw it with Madame Theon: she would will a thing to come to her instead of going to the thing herself; instead of going to get her sandals when she wanted them, she made the sandals come to her. She did this through a capacity to radiate her mattershe exercised a will over her matterher central will acted upon matter anywhere, since she WAS THERE. With her, then, I saw this power in a methodical, organized way, not as something accidental or spasmodic (as it is with mediums), but as an organization of Matter. And so I began to understand: With this comes the power to put each thing in its place! provided one is universal enough.
   It translates itself into Love. And of course I am not at all speaking of the human, physical quagmire; I am speaking of the most wonderfully beautiful and pure Love imaginable. This Power is the origin of that Love, and it is in the Supreme.
   (Mother sits at the organ)

0 1962-01-09, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Someone happened to be there last time so I didnt fall and hurt myself. But this time I was alone in my bathroom and actually I was going through a phenomenon of consciousness in which I was spreading over the worldspreading physicalLY, thats the strange thing! The sensation is in the CELLS. There was a movement of diffusion in me, becoming more and more rapid and intense, and then suddenly I found myself on the floor.
   Theres a seat in my bathroom upstairs, and between the seat and the wall are two small tables (not tables, but small stools where a few things are kept), and a porcelain towel bar (luckily, everything has rounded corners). I found myself wedged in between the seat and the two small tables (a space about this wide!). And all that matter the material substance of the table and the objects on the table and the porcelain seatit all seemed so unreceptive! It doesnt give way like it should for things to be comfortable; but it wasnt that my body was uncomfortable there was no body! The whole set-up was bizarre, everything was in a bizarre and absurd situation which I couldnt really understand, couldnt make out: Whats this big lump doing here, I seemed to be wondering, taking up so much room, getting in the way?
   These past few days Ive had some interesting experiences from this standpoint. I had what is commonly called fever, but it wasnt feverit was a resurfacing from the subconscient of all the struggles, all the tensions this body has had for what will soon be eighty-three years. I went through a period in my life when the tension was tremendous, because it was psychological and vital as well as physical: a perpetual struggle against adverse forces; and during my stay in Japan, particularly oh, it was terrible! So at night, everything that had been part of that life in Japanpeople, things, movements, circumstancesall of it seemed to be surrounding my body in the form of vital3 vibrations, and to be taking the place of my present state, which had completely vanished. For hours during the night, the body was reliving all the terrible tensions it had during those four years in Japan. And I realized how much (because at the time you pay no attention; the consciousness is busy with something else and not concentrated on the body), how much the body resists and is tense. And just as I was realizing this, I had a communication with Sri Aurobindo: But youre keeping it up! he told me. Your body still has the habit of being tense. (Its much less now, of course; its quite different since the inner consciousness is in perfect peace, but the BODY keeps the habit of being tense.) For instance, in the short interval between the time I get up and the time I come down to the balcony,4 when I am getting ready (I have to get this body ready to come down) well, the body is tense about being ready in time. And thats why accidents happen at that moment. So the following morning I said, All right, no more tension, and I was exclusively concerned with keeping my body perfectly tranquil I was no later than usual! So its obviously just one of the bodys bad habits. Everything went off the same as usual, and since then things are better. But its a nasty habit.
   And so I looked. Is it something particular to this body? I wondered. To everyone who has lived closely with it, my body gives the impression of two things: a very concentrated, very stubborn will, and such endurance! Sri Aurobindo used to tell me he had never dreamed a body could have such endurance. And thats probably why. But I dont want to curtail this ability in any way, because it is a CELLULAR will, and a cellular endurance toowhich is quite intriguing. Its not a central will and central endurance (thats something else altogether)its cellular. Thats why Sri Aurobindo used to tell me this body had been specially prepared and chosen for the Workbecause of its capacity for obstinate endurance and will. But thats no reason to exercise this ability uselessly! So I am making sure it relaxes now; I tell it constantly, Now, now! Just let go! Relax, have some fun, wheres the harm in it? I have to tell it to be quiet, very quiet. And its very surprised to hear that: Ah! Can I live that way? I dont have to hurry? I can live that way?
   Given the worlds present set-up, this is normal but if the supramental world were to be realized, it shouldnt remain normal. Clearly, a considerable change has to take place in the physical substance. That will probably be the essential difference between the bodies fashioned by Natures methods and those to be fashioned by supramental knowledgea new element will come in, and we will no longer be natural. But so long as this natural element is present, well, a certain amount of patience is probably requiredlet the body catch its breath, otherwise something gives way.
   It gets much less winded, of course, when you have the inner equality of the divine Presence. So much fatigue is due to excess tension produced by desire or effort or struggle, by the constant battle against all opposing forces. All that can go.
   Yesterday evening I read something in the book9. Sri Aurobindo is writing to someone who said, How lucky people are who live near the Mother. You dont know what youre talking about! he replies. To live in the Mothers physical presence is one of the most difficult things. Do you remember this passage? I didnt know he had written that. Well, well I thought. He writes, It is hard to stay near her, because the difference between the physical consciousness of all you people and her physical consciousness is so enormous.10 Indeed, thats what tires me out. Thats what tires my body, because it is used to living in a certain rhythm, a universal rhythm.
   And nothing, nothing imaginable in the eternal history of the universe can be compared to that shock: to have lived a perfect divine life as something completely natural and everyday, something OBVIOUS (it was never even in question), and then all of a sudden, physicallyyour base is snatched away. Well, to stay on after that! You just go, quite naturally: the base goes, you go.
   Here is the text of Sri Aurobindo's letter: "There is a confusion here. The Mother's grace is one thing, the call to change another, the pressure of nearness to her is yet another. Those who are physically near to her are not so by any special grace or favour, but by the necessity of their work that is what everybody here refuses to understand or believe, but it is the fact: that nearness acts automatically as a pressure, if for nothing else, to adapt their consciousness to hers which means change, but it is difficult for them because the difference between the two consciousnesses is enormous especially on the physical level and it is on the physical level that they are meeting her in the work."
   Centenary Edition, Vol. XXV, p. 297

0 1962-01-12 - supramental ship, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   As for the physical, its an old and well-known storyascetics have always rejected it; but they also reject the vital. And theyre all like that here, even X may have changed somewhat by now, but at the beginning he was no different either. Only things classically recognized as holy or admitted by religious tradition were accepted the sanctity of marriage, for example, and things like that. But a free life? Not a chance! It was wholly incompatible with religious life.
   Well, all that has been completely swept away, once and for all.
   And, over and above this, for the realization to be total, there are two other conditions, which arent easy either. Intellectually, theyre not too difficult; in fact, for someone who has practiced yoga, followed a discipline (I am not speaking here of just anyone), theyre relatively easy. Psychologically too, given this equality, theres no great difficulty. But as soon as you come to the material plane the physical plane and then to the body, it isnt easy. These two conditions are first, the power to expand, to widen almost indefinitely, enabling you to widen to the dimensions of the supramental consciousness which is total. The supramental consciousness is the consciousness of the Supreme in his totality. By totality, I mean the Supreme in his aspect of Manifestation. Naturally, from a higher point of view, from the viewpoint of the essence the essence of that which in Manifestation becomes the Supermindwhats necessary is a capacity for total identification with the Supreme, not only in his aspect of Manifestation, but in his static or nirvanic aspect, outside of the Manifestation: Nonbeing. But in addition, one must be capable of identifying with the Supreme in the Becoming. And that implies both these things: an expansion that is nothing less than indefinite, and that should simultaneously be a total plasticity enabling one to follow the Supreme in his Becoming. You dont merely have to be as vast as the universe at one point in time, but indefinitely in the Becoming. These are the two conditions. They must be potentially present.
   Down to the vital, we are still in the realm of things that are more than feasible they are done. But on the material level it results in my misadventures of the other day.2
   So long as theres no question of physical transformation, the psychological and in large part, the subjective point of view is sufficientand thats relatively easy. But when it comes to incorporating matter into the work, matter as it is in this world where the very starting point is false (we start off in unconsciousness and ignorance), well, its very difficult. Because, to recover the consciousness it has lost, Matter has had to individualize itself, and for that for the form to last and retain this possibility of individualityit has been created with a certain indispensable measure of rigidity. And that rigidity is the main obstacle to the expansion, to the plasticity and suppleness necessary for receiving the Supermind. I constantly find myself facing this problem, which is utterly concrete, absolutely material when youre dealing with cells that have to remain cells and not vaporize into some non physical reality, and at the same time have to have a suppleness, a lack of rigidity, enabling them to widen indefinitely.
   There have been times, while working in the most material mind (the mind ingrained in the material substance), when I felt my brain swelling and swelling and swelling, and my head becoming so large it seemed about to burst! On two occasions I was forced to stop, because it was (was it only an impression, or was it a fact?) in any event it seemed dangerous, as if the head would burst, because what was inside was becoming too tremendous (it was that power in Matter, that very powerful deep blue light which has such powerful vibrations; it is able to heal, for example, and change the functioning of the organsreally a very powerful thing materially). Well then, thats what was filling my head, more and more, more and more, and I had the feeling that my skull was (it was painful, you know) that there was a pressure inside my skull pushing out, pushing everything out. I wondered what was going to happen. Then, instead of following the movement, helping it along and going with it, I became immobile, passive, to see what would happen. And both times it stopped. I was no longer helping the movement along, you see, I simply remained passive and it came to a halt, there was a sort of stabilization.
   It was taking place in the subtle physical. The people who had patches on their bodies and had to be sent back were always the ones who lacked the plasticity those two movements required. But the main thing was the movement of expansion; the progressive movement, the movement of following the Becoming, seemed to be a subsequent preoccupation for those who had landed. The preparation on the boat concerned that capacity for expansion.
   Another thing I didnt mention to you when I related the experience was that the ship had no engine. Everything was set in motion through will powerpeople, things (even the clothes people wore were a result of their will). And this gave all things and every persons shape a great suppleness, because there was an awareness of this willwhich is not a mental will but a will of the Self, what could be called a spiritual will or a soul-will (to give the word soul that particular meaning). I have that experience right here when theres an absolute spontaneity in action, I mean when the action for instance, an utterance or a movementis not determined by the mind, and not even (not to mention thought or intellect), not even by the mind that usually sets us in motion. Generally, when we do something, we can perceive in ourselves a will to do it; when you watch yourself, you see this: there is always (it can happen in a flash) the will to do. When you are conscious and watch yourself doing something, you see in yourself the will to do itthis is where the mind intervenes, its normal intervention, the established order in which things happen. But the supramental action is decided by a leap over the mind. The action is direct, with no need to go through the mind. Something enters directly into contact with the vital centers and activates them without going through the mindyet in full consciousness. The consciousness doesnt function in the usual sequence, it functions from the center of spiritual will straight to matter.
   For thought, its elementary, very simple. Its not difficult for the feelings either; for the heart, the emotional being, to expand to the dimensions of the Supreme is relatively easy. But this body! Its very difficult, very difficult to do without the body losing its center (how can I put it?) its center of coagulationwithout it dissolving into the surrounding mass. Although, if one were in a natural environment, with mountains and forests and rivers, with lots of space and lots of natural beauty, it could be rather pleasant! But its physically impossible to take a single step outside ones body without meeting unpleasant, painful things. At times you come in contact with a pleasant substance, something harmonious, warm, vibrating with a higher light; it happens. But its rare. Flowers, yes, sometimes flowers sometimes, not always. But this material world, oh! It batters you from all sides; it claws you, mauls youyou get clawed and scraped and battered by all sorts of things which which just dont blossom. How hard it all is! Oh, how closed human life is! How shriveled, hardened, without light, without warmth let alone joy.
   While sometimes, when you see water flowing along, or a ray of sunlight in the treesoh, how it sings! The cells sing, they are happy.
   If we continue along this path, we will surely be able to do some worthwhile work, because its all new. Its quite new I never spoke of this with Sri Aurobindo because at the time I didnt have those experiences. I had all the psychological experiences, experiences in the mind, even the most material mind, or in the vital or the physical consciousness the physical CONSCIOUSNESS but not in the body. Thats something new, it started only three or four years ago.
   All the rest is easy. Everything up to that point is settledsettled very nicely.
   Since the physical transformation is so difficult, one is tempted to wonder whether it wouldnt be advantageous to materialize something, to work occultlyto create a new body by occult means.
   That was the idea: for a few beings to first attain, here in this physical world, a level of realization giving them the power to materialize a supramental being.
   I once told you I put a body on a vital being7but I couldnt have made that body material; it would have been impossible: something is lacking. Something is lacking. Even if it were made visible, it would probably not be possible to make it permanentat the slightest opportunity, it would dematerialize. What we cant get is that permanence.
   Its something Sri Aurobindo and I have discussed (discussed is one way of putting it), something we spoke about, and his view was the same as mine: there is a power, yes, to FIX the form here on earth, a power we dont have. Even people with the ability to materialize things (like Madame Thon, for instance) cant make their materializations last; it cant be done, they dont lastthey dont have the quality of physical things.
   And without this quality, well the creations continuity could not be assured.
   The faint: Mother spreading physically over the world.
   Mother later clarified the meaning of this sentence: "I saw that to follow the Supreme in the Becoming one has to be able to expand, because the universe expands in the Becoming the amount of expansion in the universe is not matched by an equal amount of dissolution. So it is really necessary to be able to grow, as a child grows, to expand; but at the same time, for things to progress, this process of expansion demands a constant inner reorganization. As the quantity is increased (if we can speak of quantity here), so must the quality be simultaneously maintained by an ongoing internal reorganization of intercellular relationships."

0 1962-01-15, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   He stopped at the subtle physicalhe refused to go any farther. It was Satan, the Asura1 of Light who, in cutting himself off from the Supreme, fell into Unconsciousness and Darkness (Ive told the story many times). But anyway, when I was with Thon, I summoned that being and asked him if he wanted to enter into contact with the earth. Its worth mentioning that Thon himself was an incarnation of the Lord of Death Ive had good company in my life! And the other one [Richard] was an incarnation of the Lord of Falsehood but it was only partial. With Thon too it was partial. But with Satan it was the central being; of course, he had millions of emanations in the world, but this was the central being in person. The others lets keep that for another time.
   He agreed to take on a body. Theon wanted to keep him there: Dont let him go, he told me. I didnt answer. This being told me he didnt want to be more material than that, it was sufficientyou could feel him move the way you feel a draft, it was that concrete.

0 1962-01-21, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It is true that the subliminal in man is the largest part of his nature and has in it the secret of the unseen dynamisms which explain his surface activities. But the lower vital subconscious which is all that this psycho-analysis of Freud seems to know, and even of that it knows only a few ill-lit corners,is no more than a restricted and very inferior portion of the subliminal whole. The subliminal self stands behind and supports the whole superficial man; it has in it a larger and more efficient mind behind the surface mind, a larger and more powerful vital behind the surface vital, a subtler and freer physical consciousness behind the surface bodily existence. And above them it opens to higher superconscient as well as below them to lower subconscient ranges. If one wishes to purify and transform the nature, it is the power of these higher ranges to which one must open and raise to them and change by them both the subliminal and the surface being. Even this should be done with care, not prematurely or rashly, following a higher guidance, keeping always the right attitude; for otherwise the force that is drawn down may be too strong for an obscure and weak frame of nature. But to begin by opening up the lower subconscious, risking to raise up all that is foul or obscure in it, is to go out of ones way to invite trouble. First, one should make the higher mind and vital strong and firm and full of light and peace from above; afterwards one can open up or even dive into the subconscious with more safety and some chance of a rapid and successful change.
   The system of getting rid of things by anubhava [experience] can also be a dangerous one; for on this way one can easily become more entangled instead of arriving at freedom. This method has behind it two well-known psychological motives. One, the motive of purposeful exhaustion, is valid only in some cases, especially when some natural tendency has too strong a hold or too strong a drive in it to be got rid of by vicra [intellectual reflection] or by the process of rejection and the substitution of the true movement in its place; when that happens in excess, the sadhak has sometimes even to go back to the ordinary action of the ordinary life, get the true experience of it with a new mind and will behind and then return to the spiritual life with the obstacle eliminated or else ready for elimination. But this method of purposive indulgence is always dangerous, though sometimes inevitable. It succeeds only when there is a very strong will in the being towards realisation; for then indulgence brings a strong dissatisfaction and reaction, vairagya, and the will towards perfection can be carried down into the recalcitrant part of the nature.

0 1962-02-03, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But Sujata, for example, was completely, COMPLETELY free of the whole (what shall I say?) what could be called the unhappy aspect of her karmacompletely free. For I know the people around me and what they carry with them very well, and there was nothingjust one thing remained, the one part that was rather constructive, so I had left that totally intact. And when the events of her past life were revealed to her, I took the greatest care to destroy the revelation as it was being given. And I did it ruthlessly. You see, it was like dumping a load of mud on someone completely unsullied, and I didnt let it happen (I couldnt stop what entered through her physical brain, but inwardly I utterly annihilated it). The only thing I left untouched was the constructive part of the bond that had existed between you two, and so when she met you, she. Thats all I left, because it was good, pure, lovelyit was good. But all the rest. And you saw how strongly I protested when I was told she had committed suicide. No, no, no! I said; even if somebody with perfect knowledge were to tell me so, Id still say NO.
   She is untainted by all thatpure and I wont stand for someone pure to be soiled. She was so much my child that after her death everything was carefully cleansed, arranged, put back in place, organized, purified. So she returned unblemished and pure, and I dont want her soiled.
   From another, almost identical point of view, it fills the physical atmosphere with the Divine Presence. So time spent in japa is time consecrated to helping the material substance enter into more intimate rapport with the Divine.
   And if one adds to this, as I do, a mantric program, that is, a sort of prayer or invocation, a program for both personal development and helping the collective, then it becomes a truly active work. Then theres also what I call external work: contact with others, reading and answering letters, seeing and speaking to people, and finally all the activities having to do with the organization and running of the Ashram (in meditation this work becomes worldwide, but physically, materially, it is limited for the moment to the Ashram).
   In the course of my observation, I also saw the position of X and people like him, who practically spend their lives doing japa, plus meditation, puja,4 ceremonies (I am talking only about sincere people, not fakers). Well, thats their way of working for the world, of serving the Divine, and it seems the best way to themperhaps even the only way but its a question of mental belief. In any case, its obvious that even a bit of not exactly puja, but some sort of ceremony that you set yourself to dohabitual gestures symbolizing and expressing a particular inner statecan also be a help and a way of offering yourself and relating to the Divine and thus serving the Divine. I feel its important looked at in this waynot from the traditional viewpoint, I cant stand that traditional viewpoint; I understand it, but it seems to me like putting a brake on true self-giving to the Divine. I am speaking of SELF-IMPOSED japa and rules (or, if someone gives you the japa, rules you accept with all your heart and adhere to). These self-imposed rules should be followed as a gesture of love, as a way of saying to the Divine, I love You. Do you see what I mean? Like arranging flowers in a certain way, burning incense, dozens of little things like that, made beautiful because of what is put into themit is a form of self-giving.
   Let it be your own manner of serving the Divine, of relating to Him, loving Him, of joining Him to your physical life, being close to Him and drawing Him close to you that way its beautiful. Each time you say the Word, let it be an invocation, let it be like the recitation of a word of love; then its beautiful.
   Thats how I see it.
   For me, you know, japa means a moment when all physical life is EXCLUSIVELY for the Divine. A moment when nothing but the Divine existsevery single cell of the body, each second, is EXCLUSIVELY for the Divine, there is nothing but the Divine.
   When you succeed in doing that, its good.

0 1962-02-06, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I can have that experience at any moment whatsoever: one second of concentration, stepping back from action, and its Bliss. And when I dont step back, then its something like an eternal omnipotence geared to action and entirely upheld and englobed by That. This power geared to action is the first manifestation of That thats what manifests first when That begins to exist consciously. (Mother places her palms together and, without separating them, turns her hands from side to side, as if to show two faces of the same thing.) So its indissoluble: its not two things, not even two aspects, because it isnt an aspect at all (words are idiotic, imbecilic, meaningless). The experience is renewable at will: one single thing in its essence, innumerable in its expression, and apparently increasing in power. I have experienced this at will, in every possible circumstance, including physically fainting (I told you the other day). Its called fainting, but I didnt lose consciousness for a minute! Not for one minute did I physicalLY lose consciousness and behind it all, witnessing everything, was this experience.
   (Pavitra enters the room to ask Mother an urgent question)
   Thats how it is: I wasnt here, yet all the same, physically physicalLYI saw something passing by. My eyes were closed, werent they?
   Yes, you must have felt something.
   It makes very little difference nowmy physical eyesight has become rather poor.

0 1962-02-13, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Strange. This morning it was strange, for both were there: the feeling of physical weaknessalmost a physical decomposition and AT THE SAME TIME, SIMULTANEOUSLY (not even one behind the other, but both together), a glory of divine splendor.
   Both together.
   I always have the most acute experiences when I am getting ready to go down for the balcony [darshan]. Thats when they come, during the most prosaic part of daily life. When I am meditating or walking or even seeing someone, its different: physical things fade away, they lose their significance. But in this case, its when I am in the very midst of physical life.
   It was odd this morning because on one side I felt (one sideits not even a side; I dont know how to explain, they are both together) the body was unwell, most unharmonious (someone in an ordinary consciousness would have said the body was ill, or at any rate very weak, very not at all in good condition), and simultaneously, in the SAME physical SENSATION: a glory! A marvelous glory of blissfulness, joy, splendor! But how could the two be together?
   Really, you must stay perfectly, perfectly calm inside; externally, you do things, brush your teeth and so forth, but within you must keep very calm if you dont want to fall over.1

0 1962-02-24, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The last time X came, I was very ill the day he arrived and he was called to my room upstairsactually I wanted him to come upstairs for several reasons, so he could see certain things. But he didnt see a thing, or if he did, he was reluctant to say so. Oh, its a physical ailment, he said (it isnt true, I had no physical ailmentperhaps he didnt want to say it), its a physical ailment; something may be acting from outside, but it doesnt amount to much. But it seems to me the formation was made a long time ago I was always feeling attacked and it must have been skillfully made!4
   It was that or else, as I often thought, some necessary preparation for the work something that had to be done.
   This explanation is clear; and the healing was the result of tapasya. Its self-explanatory. Something was even saying to my body, to the bodys SUBSTANCE, O unbelieving substance, now you wont be able to say there are no miracles. Throughout all the work that was being done on the 20th, something was saying (I dont know who, because it doesnt come like something foreign to me any more, its like a Wisdom, it seems like a Wisdom, something that knows: not someone in particular, but that which knows, whatever its form), something that knows was insisting to the body, by showing it certain things, vibrations, movements, From now on, O unbelieving substance, you cant say there are no miracles. Because the substance itself is used to each thing having its effect, to illnesses following a particular course and certain things even being necessary for it to be cured. This process is very subtle, and it doesnt come from the intellect, which can have a totally different interpretation of it; its rather a kind of consciousness ingrained in physical substance, and thats what was being addressed and being shown certain movements, certain vibrations and so forth: You see, from now on you cant say there are no miracles. In other words, a direct intervention of the Lord, who doesnt follow the beaten path, but does things in His own way.
   There was also that attack (it was rather serious and threw the doctor into a fit of anxiety) which took place, I think, the day before sari distribution.6 The next morning, throughout the distribution, someone else seemed to have taken possession of my body and to be doing what had to be done, taking care of all the difficulties; I was comfortable, serene, simply like a carefree spectator. I had nothing to worry about, someone was. (What someone? Someone, something, I dont know, theres no more difference, its not delineated like that any more; but anyway, it was a being, a force, a consciousness perhaps a part of myself, I dont know; none of this is clear-cut; its quite precise, but not divided, very smoothMo ther makes a rounded gestureno breaks.) Something, then, a will or a force or a consciousness plainly a powerhad taken possession of the body and was doing all the work, looking after everything. I was witnessing everything, smiling. But its gone now. It came specifically for that work (I was in pretty bad shape); when the work was over, it dissolvedit didnt leave abruptly but it became inactive. Afterwards, I felt rather confident. Well in any case, I thought, something similar could happen on the 21st, since it just happened now.
   And with this change, the bodily substance, the very stuff of the cells, was constantly being told, Dont you forget, now you see that miracles CAN happen. In other words, the way things work out in physical substance may not at all conform to the laws of Nature. Dont forget, now! It kept coming back like a refrain: Dont forget, now! This is how it is. And I saw how necessary this repetition was for the cells: they forget right away and try to find explanations (oh, how stupid can you be!). Its a sort of feeling (not at all an individual way of thinking), its Matters way of thinking. Matter is built like that, its part of its make-up. We call it thinking for lack of a better word, but its not thinking: it is a material way of understanding things, the way Matter is able to understand.
   Oh, thats enough talk for now!
   You can achieve excellent control of the heart. But I never practiced it violently, never strained myself. I think holding for 16 is too long. I used to do it simply like this: brea the in very slowly to the count of 4, then hold for 4 like this (I still have the knack of it!), lifting the diaphragm and lowering the head8 (Mother bends her neck), closing everything and exerting pressure (this is an almost instantaneous cure for hiccupsits handy!). Then while I held the air, I would make it circulate with the force (because it contained force, you see) and with the peace as well; and I would concentrate it wherever there was a physical disorder (a pain or something wrong somewhere). Its very effective. The way I did it was: inhale, hold, exhale and emptyyou are completely empty. Its very useful; very handy for underwater swimmers, for instance!
   I had trouble breathing in slowly enough thats a bit hard. I began with 4 and eventually managed to do 12. I did 12-12-12-12. It took me months to reach that, it cant be done quickly. To brea the in very slowly and hold all that air isnt easy.
   Yes, I thought I didnt see you! But when I went out on the balcony, something suddenly began making me do pranayama! I started doing it and it was funny I had great fun. It was like the Lord entering into me as air, and when it was held inside like that (I was doing it physically at the same time), all the air began to flow out into everybody and do its work in each onewith such a sensation of ease, of tranquil power, and so sure of itself! So comfortably peaceful.
   The balcony darshans are interesting.

0 1962-02-27, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Anyway, to go back to what I was saying, depending on the plane of ones vision, one can judge approximately how much time it will take to be realized. Immediate things are already realized, they are self-existent and can be seen in the subtle physical they already exist there, and the reflection (not even transcription) or projection of this image is what will take place in the material world the next day or a few hours later. In this case you see the thing accurately, in all its details, because its already there. Everything hinges on the precision and power of your vision: if your vision is objective and sincere, you will see the thing as it is; if you add personal sentiments or impressions, it gets colored. Accuracy in the subtle physical depends exclusively on the instrument, the one who sees.
   But as soon as you move into a subtler realm, like the vital (and the mental even more so), there is a narrow margin of possibilities. You can see the rough outlines of what is going to take place, but in the details it can be this way or that way: it is possible for certain wills or influences to interfere and create discrepancies.
   Take the case of someone you know well and are used to seeing materially: seeing him in the subtle physical, certain aspects become more prominent, more visible, more marked; physically they went unseen because in the material grayness they had blended with many other things. Certain character traits that never showed up physically now become so marked as to be quite visible. When you look at someone physically, you see the color of his complexion, the shape of his features, his expression. Seeing him at the same moment in the subtle physical, you suddenly notice different colors on different parts of the face, in the eyes an expression or a particular light you hadnt seen beforea strong impression of a very different overall appearance, which to our physical eyes would seem rather outlandish. But for the subtle vision its all very expressive and revealing of the persons character, or even of the influences hes under (what I am talking about is something I observed a few days ago).
   So, according to the plane where you are conscious and can see, you perceive images and see events from varying distances and with varying degrees of accuracy. The only true and sure vision is the vision of the Divine Consciousness. The problem, therefore, is to become conscious of the Divine Consciousness and constantly maintain it in all lifes details.
   With a universal mental vision, you can see (and this is very interesting) how the mental world operates to get realized on the physical plane. You see the various mental formations, how they converge, conflict, combine and relate to one another, which ones get the upper hand, exert a stronger influence and achieve a more total realization. Now, if you really want a higher vision, you must get out of the mental world and see the original wills as they descend to take expression. In this case, you may not have all the details, but the central FACT, the fact in its central truth, is indisputable, undeniable, absolutely correct.
   Some people also have the faculty of predicting things already existing on earth but at a distance, far from physical eyestheyre generally those who have the capacity to expand and extend their consciousness. Their vision is slightly more subtle than physical vision, and depends on an organ subtler than its purely material counterpart (what could be called the life of this organ). So, by projecting their consciousness, and having the will to see, they can clearly see things that already exist but are beyond our ordinary field of vision. Those who have this capacitysincere people who tell what they see, not blufferssee with perfect precision and exactness.
   Ultimately, absolute sincerity is the great deciding factor for those who predict or foresee. Unfortunately, because of peoples curiosity, their insistence and the pressure they exert (which very few can resist), an almost involuntary mechanism of inner imagination comes to add just that small missing element to something not seen with precision or exactness. Thats what causes flaws in prediction. Very few have the courage to say, Ah no, I dont know this, I dont see that, this eludes me. They dont even have the courage to say it to themselves! So then, with a tiny drop of imagination, which acts almost subconsciously, the vision or information gets rounded outit can turn out to be anything at all! Very few people can resist this tendency. I have known many, many psychics, many extraordinarily gifted beings, and only a handful were able to stop just at the point where their knowledge stopped. Or else they embellish. Thats what gives these faculties their slightly dubious quality. One would have to be a great saint, a great sage, and completely free from other peoples influences (I dont speak of those who seek fame: they fall into the most flagrant traps); because even goodwillwanting to satisfy people, please them, help themis enough to distort the vision.
   Im tempted to ask one question. Once events are already prepared in the subtle physical and one sees them, is it too late to alter their course? Can one still act?
   Theres one very interesting example I always give. The man involved told me about it himself. A long time ago (you must have been a baby), every day the newspaper Le Matin published a small cartoon of a boy dressed like a lift attendant (he told me the story in English), or a sort of bellboy, pointing with his finger to the date or whatever. This man was traveling and staying at a big hotel in some city (I dont remember which), a big city. And he told me that one night or early one morning he had a dream: he saw this bellboy showing him a hearse (you know, what they use in Europe for taking people to the cemetery) and inviting him to step inside! He saw that. And when he got ready that morning and left his room (which was on the top floor) there on the landing was the same boy, identically dressed, inviting him to go down in the elevator. It gave him a shock. He refused: No, thanks! The elevator fell to the ground. It was smashed to pieces, and the people inside were all killed.
   He asked me about it and my explanation was that an entity had forewarned him. The image of the bellboy indicates an intelligent, conscious intermediaryit doesnt seem to come from the mans subconscient.1 Or else he had seen it in the subtle physical and his subconscient knew but then why did it present him with such an image? I dont know. Perhaps something in his subconscient knew, because the accident already existed in the subtle physical. Before it occurred here, the accident the law of the accidentexisted.
   Of course, in every case there is invariably a time-lag, sometimes a few hours (thats the maximum), sometimes a few seconds. Quite frequently things announce their presence, but to come in contact with your consciousness, it may take them a couple of minutes or just seconds. I am constantly, constantly aware of whats going to happenutterly uninteresting things, as a matter of fact; knowing them in advance changes nothing. But they exist all around us, and with a wide enough consciousness we can know it all. For example, I know that so and so is going to bring me a parcel, that someone is about to come, and so forth. And its like this every day. Because my consciousness is spread far and wideit comes into contact with things.
   I have had hundreds and hundreds of experiences like thatinformed just at the last moment (not one second too soon)and in very different circumstances. Once in Paris I was crossing the Boulevard Saint Michel (I had resolved to attain union with the psychic presence, the inner Divine, within a certain number of months, and these were the last weeks I was thinking of nothing but that, engrossed in that alone). I lived near the Luxembourg Gardens and was going there for a stroll, to sit in the gardens that eveningstill indrawn. I came to a kind of intersectionnot a very sensible place to cross when youre interiorized! So, in that state, I started to cross when all of a sudden I had a shock, as if something had hit me, and I instinctively jumped back. As I jumped back a streetcar rushed by. I had felt the streetcar at a little more than arms length. It had touched my aura, the protective aura (that aura was very strong at the time I was deep into occultism and knew how to maintain it). My protective aura was touched, and it literally threw me backwards, just like a physical shock. Accompanied by the drivers insults!
   I leapt back just in time, and the streetcar passed by.
   It can happen in different ways. Quite often I was informed by a small entity or some being or other. Sometimes the aura protected meall sorts of things. My life was rarely limited to the physical body. And this is useful, its good. Necessary alsoit enhances your capacities. Thon told me right from the start: You people deprive yourselves of the most useful kind of senses, EVEN FOR ORDINARY LIFE. If you develop your inner senses (he gave them fabulous names), you can. And its true, absolutely true, we can know infinitely more than we normally do, merely by using our own senses. And not only mentally but vitally and even physically as well.
   But what is the method?
   For the subtler senses, the method is to create an exact image of what you want, make contact with the corresponding vibration and then concentrate and practice. For instance, you practice seeing through an object, or hearing through a sound2 or seeing at a distance. As an example, I was once bedridden for several months, which I found quite boring I wanted to see. I was staying in one room and beyond that room was another little room and after that a sort of bridge; in the middle of the garden the bridge changed into a stairway going down into a very spacious and beautiful studio built in the middle of the garden.3 I wanted to go see what was happening in the studio I was bored stiff in my room! So I stayed very still, shut my eyes and gradually, gradually sent out my consciousness. I did the exercise regularly, day after day, at a set hour. You begin with your imagination, and then it becomes a fact. After a while, I distinctly sensed my vision physically moving: I followed it and saw things going on downstairs I knew absolutely nothing about. I would verify it in the evening, asking, Did it happen like this? Was that how it was?
   But each of these things must be practiced for months, patiently, almost stubbornly. You take the senses one after another: hearing, sight, and eventually even the subtle aspects of taste, smell and touch.
   Theres a kind of extension of the physical senses. In American Indians, for instance, the senses of hearing and smell are far more extended than ours (in dogs too!). When I was eight or ten years old, I had an Indian friend who came with Buffalo Bill in the days of the Hippodrome that was a long time ago, I was around eight. He was so sharp that he could put his ear to the ground and tell, from the intensity of the vibrations, how far the sound of footsteps was coming from. All the children immediately said, Id really like to know how to do that! And so you try.
   Thats how you prepare yourself. You think youre just having fun, but you are preparing yourself for later.
   "Hearing behind a sound," Mother explained, "means to make contact with the subtle reality behind the material fact: behind the word or the physical sound, or behind music, for example. You concentrate and then hear what is behind. It means contacting the vital reality behind appearances (there can also be a mental reality, but usually what is immediately behind the physical noise is a vital reality)."
   The studio on Rue Lemercier in Paris, in 1898.

0 1962-03-06, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   This in itself has to be conquered; I mean, the state in itself represents something to be conquered. Because you remember, I told you the other day about having such a tremendous experience in the body-consciousness1this this dull consciousness in the material world, which really gives the feeling of something inert, unchanging, incapable of responding; you could wait millions and millions of years and nothing would budge. And that experience came at the end of a rather critical passageit takes catastrophes to get it moving, thats whats so strange! And not only that, but the wisp of imagination it does have (if you can call it imagination) is invariably catastrophic. Whatever it anticipates is always for the worst the pettiest, meanest, nastiest kind of worstalways the worst. Its really, its the most sickening condition human consciousness and matter can be in. Well, I have been swimming in it for months, and my way of being in it is to go through every possible illness and to have every possible physical aggravation, one after another.
   Just recently, as I told you, things truly became a little disgusting, dangerous, and for an hour or an hour and a half I did a sadhana like this (Mother clenches her fists), keeping hold of this body and body-consciousness. And the whole time the Force was at work there (it was like kneading a very resistant dough), something was saying to me, Look, you cant deny miracles any longer. It was being said to this consciousness (not to me, of course), this body-consciousness: Now you cant deny it miracles do happen. It was forced to see; there it was, gaping like an idiot being shown the skyAh! And its so stupid that it didnt even have any joy of discovery! But it was forced to see, the thing was right under its nosethere was no escaping it, it had to be admitted. But you know what, mon petit, as soon as I let up on the pressureforgotten!
   Whats annoying, though, is that in order to shake it all up, I have to go through some pretty bad moments physically. So dont worry, I understand how it is for others! I myself never lose either consciousness or contact with not with Knowledge, but with the total EXPERIENCE of identification. Only here in Matter does the work have this particular nature. So l understand how it is for people who live heedlessly from day to day, from minute to minute, for whom its not a constant, permanent work of each second, totally conscious and deliberate. And besides, this body is so willing the poor thing, sometimes I have found it crying like a child, imploring, How do you get out of this mess? Thats exactly why all the people who have achieved the inner realization have called this work impossible. Its their own impossibility! I know its not impossible, I know it will come, but how long will it take? That I dont know.
   My feeling is that if you try to hurry, to rush, to speed things up a little, it jams, it becomes like stoneit turns to stone again. It took the stone a long time to become a man. So I dont want that. You cant get too impatientits not even impatience, but pressure. Beyond a certain pressure, it turns to stone. So I understand people who attain realization and, blissfully enjoying it, kick the whole thing out: Fine, Ill do without it!
   He mentions it when he explains mental equality3that a state is reached where one is unable to initiate any activity; only the stimulus of an impulsion from above can move you. So you do nothing, you just stay like that, perfectly immobile in your mind (not only physicallyespecially in your mind): you dont initiate anything.
   Before, the mind was always creating, setting actions, wills and movements into motion, producing consequences; and its very frightening when that stopsyou feel youre becoming an idiot. But its quite the opposite! No more ideas, no more will, no more impulsions, nothing. You act only when something makes you act, without knowing why or how.

0 1962-03-11, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The same goes for all those beings the Tantrics deal withtheir origin is not vital, they belong to Nature. They are personified natural forces obedient to the laws of Nature. In other words, they originate from below, not from the vital but the physical world. They are vital forces in the physical, but not of vital origin.
   The other day, didnt I tell you the story of those entities working for me? (It wasnt you? Id had a vision.) In fact, I very often see entities like Nature spirits when I enter the subtle physical and work there (usually for people here and the Ashram, and for the world at large), I very, very often have them with me, or else I meet them in the course of my work. They are forces, generally feminine in appearance, that do some work and have a great deal of power. They are usually the ones that respond to Tantric invocations (I dont mean the Tantrics who call on Kali or Durga, thats something else altogether, those belong to a totally different world). Most of the time these Nature forces are very willing to helpat any rate, they are wonderfully obliging with me! But they are limited beings, with their own ideas and laws, their own volition, and when vexed they can do unpleasant things. Yet they are not hostile beings, nor are they vital beings: they are personified forces of physical Nature, in the subtle physical.
   A world of things could be said.
   Certain stages of your development even require the gurus physical presence: you must no longer go into trance unless he is there, sitting beside you. Out of the question! Cant you just imagine me saddled with loads of people! Its impossible; I couldnt even do the job properly. No, its impossible, it would simply mean exposing a lot of people to permanent danger and I dont want to.
   So well put this Talk aside.

0 1962-04-03, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Since March 16, Mother has been going through a grave ordeal that threatened her physical existence. Even so, she went down to the balcony on the 18th and 20th of March, which were to be the last times. She has not left her room since then. All her conversations with Satprem will henceforth take place in her upstairs room. The latest attack occurred the previous night, April 2-3, and took the form of a total cardiac arrest. Despite her condition, this morning Mother has found the strength to speak. She speaks in English. Her words have been noted down from memory.)
   Just between eleven and twelve [last night] I had an experience by which I discovered that there is a group of peoplepurposely their identity was not revealed to mewanting to create a kind of religion based on the revelation of Sri Aurobindo. But they have taken only the side of power and force, a certain kind of knowledge and all which could be utilized by Asuric forces. There is a big Asuric being that has succeeded in taking the appearance of Sri Aurobindo. It is only an appearance. This appearance of Sri Aurobindo has declared to me that the work I am doing is not his. It has declared that I have been a traitor to him and to his work and has refused to have anything to do with me.
   Between 12:15 and two I was with the true Sri Aurobindo in the fullest and sweetest relationship there also in perfect consciousness, awareness, calm, and equanimity. At two I woke up and noted that just before, Sri Aurobindo himself showed me that still he was not completely master of the physical realm.
   I woke up at two and noticed that the heart had been affected by the attack of this group that is wanting to take my life away from this body, because they know that as long as I am in a body upon earth their purpose cannot succeed. Their first attack was many years ago in vision and action. It happened during the night and I spoke of it to no one. I noted the date, and if I can come out of this crisis, I will find it and give it out. They would have liked me dead years ago. It is they who are responsible for these attacks on my life. Until now I am alive because the Lord wants me to be alive, otherwise I would have gone long ago.

0 1962-05-13, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Then began the process of descent,1 and the Voice was explaining it to me I lived through it all in detail, and it wasnt pleasant. It took an hour and a half to change from that true Consciousness to the individual consciousness. Because throughout the experience this present individuality no longer existed, this body no longer existed, there were no more limits, I was no longer herewhat was here was THE PERSON. An hour and a half was needed to return to the body-consciousness (not the physical consciousness but the body-consciousness), to the individual body-consciousness.
   The first sign of the return to individuality was a prick of pain, a tiny point (Mother holds between her fingers a minuscule point in the space of her being). Yes, because I have a sore, a sore in a rather awkward place, and it hurts2 (Mother laughs). So I felt the pain: it was the sign of individuality coming back. Other than that, there was nothing any moreno body, no individual, no limits. But its strange, I have made a strange discovery3: I used to think it was the individual (Mother touches her body) who experienced pain and disabilities and all the misfortunes of human life; well, I perceived that what experiences misfortunes is not the individual not my body, but that each misfortune, each pain, each disability has its own individuality as it were, and each one represents a battle.

0 1962-05-15, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Night of July 24-25, 59: first penetration of the supramental force into the body. Sri Aurobindo alive in a concrete and permanent subtle physical body.
   I told you about that experience of meeting Sri Aurobindo (the true Sri Aurobindo) in the subtle physical. This is the exact dateearly that morning I jotted it down on this paper. And it gives me the approximate date of the other vision: that is, I must have had my first experience with those people somewhere around the end of June or the beginning of July, 1959.
   Did I tell you about it? It was a sort of vision that I took for a beginning of work on the subconscient. I had come to a place where Sri Aurobindo was staying and found him closeted in his room. There was a sort of large hall, an immense hall with rooms opening onto it, and his apartment was off to one side (gesture). I asked to see him. I was told it wasnt possible and I had to wait. I was astonished. Then certain things happened in the hall concerning A. and M. (rather interesting things, but concerning them personally). And at the same time, I was waiting. When it was all over, I asked once again to go into the room. Then through the doorway I saw I saw a tall Sri Aurobindomuch taller than he actually wasstrong but rather thin, thin in a way that not the way he really wasit was rather a gauntness, very harsh, very cold; and he was somewhat darker than he used to be. I saw him there, walking up and down; and when he was told I was asking to see him, I saw him in the distance saying, No, I dont want to see her. I wont acknowledge her and I dont want anything to do with hershe has betrayed me. Something like that (I couldnt hear the actual words, but the gestures were plain enough). Well, that was the very first timenothing of the kind had ever occurred before.
   So it was in 59 that I first saw them, and it must have been the end of June or the beginning of July. This note [the desk-calendar page] is what gave me the clue, because I know that the other experience [of Sri Aurobindo in the subtle physical] came a few weeks later.
   You say there was a whole group organized around that asuric beingpeople, ceremonies.
   But what I would like to ask is whether those people exist in the subtle physical or in our physical world.
   No, nomy visions are in the subtle physical, but those people exist here on earth, although I dont know who they are. As I said, I knew only one of them. But its certain that a physical organization corresponding to these visions does exist. I dont know the details they just havent been given to me. But it corresponds to a group of physical people.
   But how powerful are they outwardly? The people around that fellow [the fake Sri Aurobindo], who leveled all those reproaches at me, used to be in the Ashram they have since left. They were quite real. But the ones in the last group [in the most recent vision], I dont know I dont know them physically, so I cant say.
   One day, perhaps, Ill find out.
   But are you making a distinction between the body-consciousness and the physical consciousness?
   Oh yes! The physical consciousness is something very complex; it includes the whole physical, conscious world.
   My physical consciousness has been universalized for a long, long time, it encompasses all terrestrial movements3; but the body is limited solely to this small concentration of substance (Mother touches her body)thats what I call the body-consciousness.
   And when I said, I have left the body,4 it certainly didnt mean I have left the physical consciousness my overall contact with the terrestrial world has remained the same. It concerns only the purely bodily aspect, the specific concretization or concentration of substance giving each of us a different bodya different APPEARANCE.
   And a rather illusory appearance, besides. As soon as you rise to a certain height (I saw it quite clearly during that progressive reconcretization5), this appearance quickly loses its reality. Our external appearance is very, very illusory. Our particular form (this ones form, that ones form), the form we see with our physical eyes is very superficial, you know. From the vital world onwards, its completely different.
   Well. I think thats all I can say for today.
   (Somewhat later, Mother gives Satprem the old desk-calendar page on which she had noted the experience of July 24-25, 59the first meeting with Sri Aurobindo in the subtle physicalalong with another sheet of paper on which she had written: I am only realizing what He has conceived. I am only the protagonist and the continuator of His work.6 Mother explains.)
   Some people wanted to get me nominated for the Nobel peace prize; I was asked for a statement and thats what I wrote. I wanted to say that it wasnt this person who did thingsit was all Sri Aurobindo.
   Once again, with Mother, we find ourselves deep into modern physics. All theories of physics attempting to describe the structure of our universe and the composition of matter, whether they emanate from official scientific laboratories or from the work of independent researchers, point to the wavelike or sinusoidal movement as the constituent and dynamic foundation of physical reality. Indeed, whether in electromagnetic or gravitational fields, or in atomic interactions, everything, from the heart of the atom to the farthest reaches of the universe, moves or is propagated as waves. With striking succinctness Mother says, The wave movement is the movement of life.
   A movement of waves without beginning or end, with a condensation like this (gesture from above down), with a condensation like that (horizontal gesture). We cannot fail to be reminded of the electromagnetic field with its two perpendicular components, the electric and magnetic fields, which are propagated along an infinite sinusoidal wave. And then again: A movement of expansion a sort of contraction, concentration, and then expansion, diffusion. Unmistakably, this is an exact description of the propagation in space of a sinusoidal wave.
   In being THAT, it might be said, Mother thus resolves the famous question of the unified-field theory, the theory to which Einstein devoted the last years of his life in vain, that would describe the movements of both planets and atoms in a single mathematical equation. Mothers body-consciousness is one with the movement of the universe, Mother lives the unified-field theory in her body. In so doing she opens up to us not merely one more physical theory, but the very path to a new species on earth, a species that will physically and materially live on the scale of the universe. The posthuman species might not simply be one with a few organs more or less, but rather one capable of being at every point in the universe. A sort of material ubiquity. It may not be so much a new as an ubiquitous species, a species that embraces everything, from the blade of grass under our feet to the far galaxies. A multifarious, undulating existence. A resume or epitome of evolution, really, which at the end of its course again becomes each point and each species and each movement of its own evolution.
   There was, in fact, a whole group of Ashram people (they might be called the Ashram "intelligentsia") who, influenced by Subhas Bose, were strongly in favor of the Nazis and the Japanese against the British. (It should be recalled that the British were the invaders of India, and thus many people considered Britain's enemies to be automatically India's friends.) It reached the point where Sri Aurobindo had to intervene forcefully and write: "I affirm again to you most strongly that this is the Mother's war.... The victory of one side (the Allies) would keep the path open for the evolutionary forces: the victory of the other side would drag back humanity, degrade it horribly and might lead even, at the worst, to its eventual failure as a race, as others in the past evolution failed and perished.... The Allies at least have stood for human values, though they may often act against their own best ideals (human beings always do that); Hitler stands for diabolical values or for human values exaggerated in the wrong way until they become diabolical.... That does not make the English or Americans nations of spotless angels nor the Germans a wicked and sinful race, but...." (July 29, 1942 and Sept. 3, 1943, Cent. Ed., Vol. XXVI.394 ff.) And on her side also, Mother had to publicly declare: "It has become necessary to state emphatically and clearly that all who by their thoughts and wishes are supporting and calling for the victory of the Nazis are by that very fact collaborating with the Asura against the Divine and helping to bring about the victory of the Asura.... Those, therefore, who wish for the victory of the Nazis and their associates should now understand that it is a wish for the destruction of our work and an act of treachery against Sri Aurobindo." (May 6, 1941, original English.)

0 1962-05-18, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I could almost tell it as a joke: for years and years I felt my consciousness to be outside my body I always used to say it was there (gesture above the head), and not in my body. But from the time of that first experience [April 3], when the doctor said the heart had been physically affected and would stop working if I wasnt careful, from that moment on I felt I felt that my body was outside me! It sounds like a joke, but thats how it is.
   So to be understood I said, I am no more in my body. But it isnt that. I hadnt been in my body, my consciousness had been outside my body, for quite a long time! But there was a kind of connection, you know, something that made me feel it as my body. (If I spoke carelessly, I could now say what used to be my body, although I know well enough its still alive!). Well, from April 3 on, when everyone claimed I was so sick and I was forbidden to get out of bed, I had the impression that what was called my body was now outside me.
   And I have the perception a sensation, really, the sensation of something not at all me, but entrusted to me. More and more now, there is the feeling of something being entrusted to me in the universal organization for a definite purpose. Thats really the sensation I have now (the mind is very calm, so its difficult to express I dont think all these things, they are more like perceptions). And its not the usual kind of sensation: the ONLY (I insist on this), the ONLY sensation that remains in the old way is physical pain. And really, those points of pain they seem like the SYMBOLIC POINTS of what remains of the old consciousness.
   Pain is the one thing I sense the way I used to. Food, for instance, taste, smell, vision, hearingall thats completely changed. They belong to another rhythm. And this condition has come progressively, like a crystallization of something behind the senses that doesnt come from herein taste, smell, vision, hearing, touch. Except this one point. Even the sense of touch is different now but PAIN.

0 1962-05-22, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Theres such a wonderful passage in The Synthesis of Yoga (The Yoga of Self-Perfection), where he mentions four things (you surely remember this), four things the disciple needs (I have just translated it). I knew this, of course, but the passage is especially timely nowparticularly after that last experience, which is a jolt for a physical being. The fourth thing is wonderful. The first three we know: equality, peace and (a hard one) a spiritual ease in all circumstances. He added the word spiritual so people wouldnt think only of material easeits an ease in feelings, in sensations, in everything. But when you have a lot of pain its obviously not so easy! When physical pain keeps you from sleeping and eating, when you are plagued by constant physical painor rather by a whole host of physical pains!well, that bodily ease becomes difficult. Its the one thing thathas seemed difficult to me; but anyway, its being investigated I think it was sent for me to investigate.
   But the last thing he mentions is a marvel the joy and laughter of the soul. And its so true, so true! Always, all the time, no matter what happens, even when this body is in dreadful pain, the soul is laughing joyously within. Always, always, always.

0 1962-05-24, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I have looked at this very, very often. There was even a time when I thought that if one could get a total, complete and perfect knowledge of the whole working of physical Nature as we perceive it in the world of Ignorance, then this might be a means to rediscover or reattain the Truth of things. After my last experience [of April 13] I can no longer think this way.
   I dont know if I am making myself clear. I thought for a time, a very long time, that if Science went to its furthest possible limits (if this is conceivable), it would join up with true Knowledge. In the study of the composition of matter, for exampleby pressing the investigation further and further ona point would be reached where the two would meet. But when I had that experience of passing from the eternal Truth-Consciousness to the consciousness of the individualized world,1 well it appeared impossible to me. And if you ask me now, I think that this possibility of Science pushed to its extreme limits joining up with true Knowledge, and this impossibility of any true conscious connection with the material world are both incorrect. There is something else.
   In what way has your vision of the physical world changed since that experience [of April 13]?
   I cant give you more than an approximation of that awareness.

0 1962-05-27, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (The subject here is a letter, no longer extant, in which Satprem expresses his desire to go write his new book1 in the Himalayas, far from present circumstances. These circumstances included poor health, but mainly, lurking behind, was the violent and almost physical inner wound caused by his break with X. The idea was to go away for a change of air.)
   (With an ironic smile) On the meandering path of the world, this trip doesnt look too bad! For you personally, its an experience that yes, that would give you a concrete sense of the vanity of a number of things that still. You see, throughout all ones lives and all of lifes circumstances, theres one thing after another, one thing after another, one thing after another (zigzag gesture) to remove the scales from your eyes.
   It is the labyrinthine path through the circumstances of physical life.
   Thats just as clear as can be.
   But the reason behind the idea was my physical condition. I hadnt thought of Sujata at first; I simply saw I dont know. Im tired all the time, its true. My reserves are all used up. Anything extra exhausts me. And on top of it, theres also a discouraging psychological state. For one thing, my nights are totally unconscious the mind turns round and round and I cant sleep. My meditations are always the same. You know, the feeling of nothing, nothing, nothing. So I think the cause of all this lies in the kind of physical life I lead.2
   A lack of vitality.
   A lack of vitality, too much tension; I dont knowmaybe the climate saps me. A certain number of physical things making it. Anyway, thats whats behind the idea.
   What youre asking of Sujata is nothing short of sacrifice. Not outwardly, perhaps, but it would be a sacrifice for her. She would be sacrificing something to you, something very precious. To help you she would have to sacrifice her own realization. Well, that in itself has a place in the spectrum of realizations.
   Let me put it to you more clearly: your physical body, for example, should have been either stronger or more supple or endowed with certain very strong vital compensations, so that you wouldnt suffer from your working conditions. Of course, for someone following a yogic ascent, whose soul is in the process of formation, the external conditions of life are normally what is best for inner development, whatever that may beeven if, on the surface, those conditions arent good. So the only advice you can give such a person is, Well, either renounce the spiritual life or else putup with it. But thats not your case. There is a Mission, a work, and a kind of gap between a certain physical formation and that Mission. So if you ask me plainly what I see, I can tell you plainly, instead of saying as I would to certain sadhaks or anyone sincerely wanting to do yoga, Take it or leave it; you must learn to transform yourself inwardly to the point where you can master the body and its needs. I cant tell you that, because thats not how it is for you.
   I mean it may beit may be that even an inner transformation (a complete conversion of the vital being, for instance) wouldnt necessarily bring an improvement in your health. It is here where. Its not something I see imperatively. And to go back to ordinary life would be the end of everythingof your physical life and your inner life too.
   I have absolutely no desire to do that!
   Thats where the physical side.
   It is in the vital, mon petit. Something happened while you were being formedyour vital isnt strong enough.
   No, its not that. No, the one thing I dont like is your physical exhaustion.
   I tire quickly, I have no reserves, when theres just a little thing I am immediately. And then other peoplecontact with other people exhausts me. Going to Xs place was torture for me.
   I feel sort of impatient because there is no bridge between something that I feel I KNOW and the physical life. So Im going round in circles. Its always the same.
   A link is missing. There (gesture above) one knows, here (gesture into Matter) one doesnt know, and theres always the feeling that a change of place or a change of physical conditions is going to establish the contact. It happenstrue, it does happen: suddenly, flash! But it happens under ANY circumstances. It doesnt depend on outer changes. I know very well that nothing in either the climate or the living conditions here is absolutely intolerableits only our ideas about it, our mental reactions (mental and vital). But if there were just that joy, the joy of total opening, all the rest would be all right.
   Yet it may also be that up there in the mountains, all alone with the mountains, it would suddenly come. It is possibleeverything is possible. There is nothing that doesnt hold a possibility of truth.

0 1962-05-29, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   No, only one thing worries me, one thing alone: your physical health. But to tell the truth (the true truth of what I KNOW), I dont think theres any climate a body cant adapt to.
   But I dont think so either!
   But when you have the experience, you know, its completecomplete, total, physical, concrete.
   I want to emphasize that the effect is physical: the experience is concrete and has a physical effect. Thats what I would like to give you.
   I am quite willing to do it, but.

0 1962-05-31, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   No more distinctions. And also, even physically, something with no beginning; there is no sense of from this moment on, from that point on that no longer exists. Its like like relaxing into an indefinite past.
   I am speaking now of a BODILY sensation.
   Words that repeat themselves automatically, with no effort of will (but the body itself is quite aware that although these three particular Words happen to have been given to it, it might also have been something elseit was originally the choice of a higher Intelligence). This has become an automatic accompaniment. It is not so much the words in themselves as what they will represent and bring with them in their vibration. I mean it would be quite inaccurate to say, Only these Words are helpful, no, not that. But they provide an accompaniment, an accompaniment of subtle, physical vibrations, which has built up a certain state or experience, a sort of association between the presence of those words and this movement of eternal Life, that undulating vibration.
   Obviously, another center of consciousness, another (how shall I put it?) another concretization, another amalgam, mightwould of coursehave another vibration.

0 1962-06-02, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Material knowledge, I think I mean the higher use of the physical mind, which keeps you from entering the true room.2 Because I simply kept repeating, I have to say: I WANT TO GO THERE (in other words, it was a crystal clear, imperative will coming from the highest level) I have to say: I WANT TO GOnot that, not your methods! (Mother laughs.)
   Last night I spent almost all my time in such a building. And all the people who help the work were symbolized there but its always a material help, either work or money or. I remember being particularly struck by one character last night. (Again, there were a lot of aggravations, but someone or something was always on the scene when I arrived and it all sorted itself outit was the exact opposite of the dreams I was talking about the other day: all the difficulties sorted themselves out when I arrived.) Then I came to a rather difficult place to cross (you had to flounder about on slippery scaffoldings) and suddenly, facing me, there was a man (of course, it was probably a symbol rather than a man, but it might really be someone physical). He was one of the workers, a master mason (when I woke up this morning, I thought of the symbolism of Freemasonry and wondered if it might give a clue to the experience). Nearby, people were coming to supervise, observe, direct, people who thought themselves highly superior but they were never any help in solving practical problems! They were creating more problems than they were helping to solve. Anyway, this master mason appeared to be around fifty, with a beautiful facea workers face, beautiful and concentrated. There was a difficult place to cross, and he had worked the thing out very efficiently, with a lot of care. Then, when it was all done and I was able to go on my way, I felt a great surge of love go out to him, with neither gesture nor word and he received it, he felt and received it. His face lit up and he implored me, with wonderful humility, Never let me forget this moment, the most beautiful moment of my life. (I dont know what language he used because it didnt come to me in words.) It was such an intense experience. His humility, his receptivity, his response were all so beautiful and pure that when I woke upwhen I came out of the experience, at any rate I was left with a most delightful impression.
   What he represents might be partly manifested by somebody here. A beautiful face a man around fifty. Or it may be symbolic: such characters are sometimes put together with features from several people, to make it very clear that they represent a state of consciousness and not an individual. Its far more often a state of consciousness than an individual.
   But that is a singular state: there is no mental intervention at all; you live things POSITIVELY, just as you experience them physically, in the same way that this (Mother knocks on the table next to her) is physically a table. Its that kind of perception something positive. I positively said, I am going to my cousins place, and the relationship had an absolutely positive vibrationit wasnt at all something thought or even remembered: theres no remembering anything, its simply there, alive. A strange state. I have had it on several occasions, and when I have it I am aware that this must be the state people who know what is happening and make predictions are inin this state there is no possibility of doubt. No thoughts intervenenone at all, not one. Absolutely nothing intellectual: simply certain vital- physical vibrations, and then you know. And you dont even wonder how you know; its not that kind of thingits self-evident. And since I was in that state when I saw the reincarnation of the cousin, I am perfectly sure of what I saw. And god knows (Mother laughs), when I came out of it and began to look at it all with my usual consciousness, I said to myself, My word! I would never have thought of such a thing! It was millions of miles from any thought of mine. Besides, I never used to think of that cousin; he was a fine boy but I never paid much attention to him, he had no place in my active consciousness.
   Its fun.

0 1962-06-06, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   All this belongs to another kind of sense. Not a physical sense, but a sort of sensation. Its all sensation.
   For example, just now I was sitting and waiting for you. When I have nothing to do I cant stay one second without immediately turning withininstead of the consciousness being turned outside, its turned within and well, I noticed that the body, which was sitting and waiting, had the feeling of going into something woolly, rounded, soft. And in both cases I was motionless. I was simply sitting here waiting. Its like going from something crisp, clear, precise (forget about thought or vision: this is pure sensation), from something crisp, precise, defined, into something soft, mellow like a light white smokenot milky white, but soft, transparent and oh, such peace. As if nothing in the world could resist that peace.

0 1962-06-23, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There is a whole range of things from the subconscient (vital and physical subconscient) quite new, things I didnt have before. It isnt my subconscient, its much more general, and it comes with what are practically revelations; I mean I suddenly see certain things concerning people (people I know extremely well, whose inner beings I know very well) and I get a lot of surprises: Well! So that was there!
   People, people lots of people.

0 1962-06-27, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Even I, when I see myself, I am very tallwhat has happened? It is the new being. I tell you, since the 12th [of April] there is. When is it going to manifest in the physical? I dont know.
   It is a subtle- physical beingnot a vital but a subtle- physical being, and I am tall and strong.

0 1962-06-30, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There was another time at Blois. They make Anjou wine at Blois. It was the same story: I never drank anything but water or herb tea, but there was a luncheon and they served us sparkling Anjou wine it seemed so light! Afterwards (I was with an artist friend, we were all artists) we went to see the museum, and it appears I was sparkling with wit! And I suddenly halted in front of a painting by now lets see, who was it? Cou? No, Clouet! Clouet: the princess one of the princesses.4 And I started making a few remarks out loud (it took me a little while to notice that people were listening). Look at this! I was saying. Just look at this! Look what this fellow has done to me! See what hes done to meit wasnt at all like that! It was actually a beautiful painting, but I was quite unhappy about it: Look what hes done to me! Lookhe made this like that, but thats not at all how it was, it was LIKE THIS! Details. And then I became aware (I wasnt too conscious physically) I realized that people were standing around listening, so I got a grip on myself, and left without a word. But I told my friends, Listen, it was definitely me! It was MY portrait, it was ME!
   Almost all my memories of past lives came like that; the particular being reincarnated in me rises to the surface and begins acting as if it were all on its own! Once in Italy, when I was fifteen, it happened in an extraordinary way. But that time I did some research. I was in Venice with my mother and I researched in museums and archives, and I discovered my name, and the names of the other people involved. I had relived a scene in the Ducal Palace, but relived it in such a such an absolutely intense way (laughinga scene where I was being strangled and thrown into a canal!) that my mother had to hurry me out of there as fast as she could! But that experience I wrote down, so the exact memory has been kept (I didnt write down the other experiences, so the details have all faded away, but this one was noted, although I didnt include any names). The next morning I did some research and uncovered the whole story. I told it all to Thon and Madame Thon, and he also had the memory of a past life there, during the same period. And as a matter of fact, I had seen a portrait there that was the spitting image of Thon! The portrait of one of the doges. It was absolutely (it was a Titian) absolutely Thon! HIS portrait, you know, as if it had just been done.5
   But with this present incarnation of the Mahashakti. She is the Supremes first manifestation, creations first stride, and it was She who first gave form to all those beings. Now, since her incarnation in the physical world, and through the position She has taken here in relation to the Supreme by incarnating in a human body, all the other worlds have been influenced, and influenced in an extremely interesting way.8 I have been in contact with all those gods, all those great beings, and for the most part their attitude has changed. And even with those who didnt want to change, it has nonetheless influenced their way of being.
   Human experience, with this direct incarnation of the Supreme,9 is ultimately a UNIQUE experience, which has given a new orientation to universal history. Sri Aurobindo speaks of thishe speaks of the difference between the Vedic era, the Vedic way of relating to the Supreme, and the advent of Vedanta (I think its Vedanta): devotion, adoration, bhakti, the God within.10 Well, this aspect of rapport with the Supreme could exist ONLY WITH MAN, because man is a special being in universal History the divine Presence is in him. And several of those great gods have taken human bodies JUST TO HAVE THAT.11 But not many of themthey were so fully aware of their own perfect independence and their almightiness that they didnt NEED anything (unlike man, you see, struggling to escape his slavery): they were absolutely free.

0 1962-07-04, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   In ordinary consciousness, what really gets in the way of the experience is our excessive attachment to the physical form as we see it, which looks to us like a permanent reality of the being.
   I try to make people understand this through a practical demonstration. You know, I very rarely appear to people in a form even vaguely similar to the one I physically I was about to say had! It always depends on what they are akin to, what theyre most intimate withall sorts of forms. And I try to make them comprehend that THAT form is just as much mine as this one (Mother touches her body). To tell the truth, it is much more truly mine. As for the true form the TRUE Formto bear the sight of it, one must be able to relate directly to the Supreme. So when people say, I want to see you, or I see you, they mean the aspect of mine they know. But these torrents of forms are ALL true, and most of them truer than this body has ever been. To my consciousness it was always, oh, so pitiably approximatea caricature! Not even a caricature: no resemblance at all.
   It had its good qualities (I seem bent on speaking in the past tenseits spontaneous), qualities it was built and chosen for. For practical purposes, this body was very necessary, but when it comes to manifesting!

0 1962-07-11, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   This has never happened before, its brand-new. Before, there was always that Power transmitted through the higher mind (what Sri Aurobindo calls the Overmind); it was up there, dissolving, dispersing, changing, doing a whole lot of work, without any difficulty, effortlessly (gesture above the head showing the tranquil, irresistible flowing of a stream), nothing to it. That was my constant, second-to-second action, everywhere, all the time, for everything that came to me. But THIS is completely, completely new. Its a sort of imposition, almost like an imposition on the physical brain (I presume it must be for changing the brain cells). And I am allowed to do only one thing (Mother grips the mental construction presented to her); its right in front of me like this and wont leave me, it clings like a leech, stock-still. So I have to bring in the supreme, divine Vibration, the Vibration I experienced the other day [April 13], and hold it steadily (sometimes it takes quite a while) until all is hushed in a divine silence.

0 1962-07-14, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I have seen you very often in visions, symbolic visions in the mental realm, but thats not what it was. It was in the subtle physical, this close (same gesture); you came deliberately, and you looked at me. Oh, I told you, how nice!
   I had a dream about you, but I felt the subconscient made it up.
   A strange dream, very strange. A crowd of people was waiting for you to come out, and you did come, you appeared. Then suddenly you fainted. Im not sure why you fainted, you were physically sick or something. So you were carried away. A crowd was waiting to see you and they shoved me to the back (by the way, I noticed I was dressed as a Sannyasin). Finally, I came up close to you all of a sudden, leaving the crowd behind; I came up very close and then you told me certain things, I dont know what. You seemed so frailall white, very frail and tired, as if you had just fainted. Anyway, things like that, you see.1
   No, I wasnt sleeping, I was concentrating; and in this concentration, while I was fully enveloped in those forces, THROUGH THAT you came to me. It was truly fine!
   In fact, this too is tied in with to die unto death. Because, just imagine, why on earth do I invariably see the experience of the 12th to 13th on my left (gesture to the left)? And rather distant, as though I had returned along a LEVEL path (horizontal gesture) from there back to my body. Out there (to the left), I didnt have it any more! I didnt have it I existed in FULL consciousness, but I no longer had my body. Thats what makes me say my body was dead. I no longer had it. The experience was far, FAR away from here (I dont mean in the garden!) somewhere. Somewhere very far away to the left, in the physical consciousness. And when I had traveled back here along a level path, I noticed that there was still a body.2
   But this body is no longer MY body it is A body.
   I saw you just as I am seeing you now, exactly the same, only with a more intense and vibrant vibration. For me, you know, the physical world is always veiled, as if it were being snuffed out like a candle; well, there was no snuffer, it was you exactly, same features, same expression, but intense, intense. And you were looking at me (Mother makes a gesture showing Satprem peering right into her face), as if to say, Ah! So thats what you look like. (Laughter.)
   I was very glad. Very glad. Ah, at last weve made it! That was my feelinghere we are at last.
   In a few days it will materialize a few days, I dont know. Over there (gesture to the left), days, months, all have another meaning. Listen, there are minutes. You know, I walk around the room repeating the Words,3 and sometimes I go around ten times in a second! Yet its always the same pace; I doubt if anyone would see any physical difference. But sometimes there are ten, twenty, thirty rounds a second! And other times one single round will drag and dragoh, its endless!
   And simultaneously there is an automatic perception of timeclock timewhich is rather curious (everything is regulated by the comings and goings of the people around me, you see: such a thing at this time, such a thing at that time), I dont need to hear the clock I am warned just before it strikes. I repeat one part of the japa in a particular way while lying down, because the Power is greater (these arent meditations, they are actions), and another part while walking. So I stay stretched out for a certain time, I walk for a certain time, and at a fixed hour this one goes, another comes, and so on. But none of them are people; I dont tell them so, but theyre not people: they are movements of the Lord. And its extremely interestingone of the Lords movements will have this particular character, another movement will have a different type of vibration, and they all harmonize very nicely into a whole. But I know what time it is just before the clock strikes: six oclock, 6:30, 7:00, 7:30, like that. Not with the words six, seven, but: its time, its time, its time. And along with thisthis clockwork precision I have that other notion of time which is quite different, its. Although its a very rigid convention, our time is a living formation with its own living power here in the world of action. The other time is the rhythm of consciousness. So according to the intensity of the Presence (theres a concentration and an expansion, I mean), according to this pulsationwhich can vary, its not regular and mechanicalwalking around the room takes either no time at all, or else an ENORMOUS amount of time. But this doesnt interfere with the other time, theres no contradiction. Our time is on a different plane, something far more external; but it has its usefulness and its own law, and the one doesnt hinder the other.4
   No, I am not speaking of what one is when one has died unto death, not that. I mean normally, physicallyhow many years before 2000?
   Looking at it now (1979), this "dream" doesn't seem to be from the subconscient but actually from the subtle physical, with that whole crowd of people relentlessly assailing Mother and exhausting her (and pushing Satprem away, besides). But DESPITE the crowd, Satprem crossed through and came up "very close" to Mother, which concurs with her vision. "Dressed as a Sannyasin" means in his essentiality, divested of day-to-day material circumstances.
   When one goes out of the body (and probably at death), there is always the impression of moving "upwards," or "inwards," which means into a deeper plane (either way, it is simply the expression of a change of dimension). What is striking about Mother's experience is this LEVEL movement, indicating that she had not left the physical world. We are faced with a strange enigma: a physical world WITHIN the physical worldano ther world, or the same one lived differently? A physical world where death no longer exists: one has died unto death. The world to come?...
   Mother's japa.
   Ever since Einstein's Theory of Relativity, we have known that such an experience of time's relative nature is " physically" feasible. We need only consider the example of time aboard a spaceship approaching the speed of light: time "slows down," and the same event will take less time aboard the spaceship than on earth. In this instance, speed is what makes time slow down. In Mother's experience (which is every bit as " physical"), the "intensity of the Presence" seems to be the origin of time change. In other words, consciousness is what makes time slow down. Thus we are witnessing two experiences with identical physical results, but formulated in different languages. In one, we speak of "speed," in the other of "consciousness." But what is speed, after all?... (Moreover, the implications of this "language" difference are quite colossal, for it would indeed be simpler to press on a "consciousness button" than on an accelerator that had to take us to the speed of light.) Speed is a question of distance. Distance is a question of two legs or two wings: it implies a limited phenomenon or a limited being. When we say "at the speed of light," we imagine our two legs or our two wings moving very, very fast. And all the phenomena of the universe are seen and conceived of in relation to these two legs, these two wings or this rocketship they are creations of our present-day biped biology. But for a being (a supramental being, of the future biology) containing everything within himself, who is immediately everywhere, without distance, where is "speed"? ... The only "speed of light" is biped. Speed increases and time slows down, they say. The future biology says: consciousness intensifies and time slows down or ceases to existdistances are abolished, the body doesn't age. And the world's whole physical cage collapses. "Time is a rhythm of consciousness," says Mother. We change rhythm and the physical world changes. Might this be the whole problem of transformation?
   Asked later about this unfinished sentence, Mother said, "I stopped because it was an impression and not a certainty. We'll talk about it again later." Was Mother hinting at a stage when she would live in both times simultaneously?...

0 1962-07-18, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its hard to imagine how a physical body can, for instance, extend or enlarge itself. It all seems unimaginable.
   It is unimaginable because the body cant do it yet.
   Oh, such humorous things happen. The other day I saw T. Her old mother lives in Moscow; shes very old and on her deathbed, and has asked T. to come see her. So T. is going to go there. Its a risky adventure. She wrote to ask if she could see me before leaving (I dont see anyone and I had no intention of receiving her, but it was decided in spite of me and I let her come). She had been told not to speak, but thats impossible for such a chatterbox! So she began by lamenting (probably thinking it was the thing to do) over my serious illness and god knows what else I didnt listen. I simply told her, No, its not that, its the yoga. Then, with the effervescence of an ignorant child: Yoga! But you shouldnt be doing yoga! You shouldnt be. Just then, the Lords face came (the Lords face often takes on Sri Aurobindos appearancean idealized Sri Aurobindo, not exactly as he was physically), and it came here (right up against Mothers face), and it was blue. Then It made my finger touch her cheek, like this (Mother seems to tap T.s cheek), and It told that child, Little children dont know what theyre talking about. And it was so thoroughly Him! He was speaking and I saw only Him, his appearance: Little children dont know what theyre talking about.
   I dont know how I looked (I was enjoying myself enormously), but she must have felt something (she didnt say a word), she must at least have felt something strange because a shudder went through her being. And I was told that when she left, she said, I may come back before I leave, but I wont ask to see Mother! (Mother laughs.)

0 1962-07-21, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The old way of yoga failed to bring about the harmony or unity of Spirit and life: it instead dismissed the world as Maya [Illusion] or a transient Play. The result has been loss of life-power and the degeneration of India. As was said in the Gita, These peoples would perish if I did not do worksthese peoples of India have truly gone down to ruin. A few sannyasins and bairagis [renunciants] to be saintly and perfect and liberated, a few bhaktas [lovers of God] to dance in a mad ecstasy of love and sweet emotion and Ananda [Bliss], and a whole race to become lifeless, void of intelligence, sunk in deep tamas [inertia]is this the effect of true spirituality? No, we must first attain all the partial experiences possible on the mental level and flood the mind with spiritual delight and illumine it with spiritual light, but afterwards we must rise above. If we cannot rise above, to the supramental level, that is, it is hardly possible to know the worlds final secret and the problem it raises remains unsolved. There, the ignorance which creates a duality of opposition between the Spirit and Matter, between truth of spirit and truth of life, disappears. There one need no longer call the world Maya. The world is the eternal Play of God, the eternal manifestation of the Self. Then it becomes possible to fully know and fully realize Godto do what is said in the Gita, To know Me integrally. The physical body, the life, the mind and understanding, the supermind and the Ananda these are the spirits five levels. The higher man rises on this ascent the nearer he comes to the state of that highest perfection open to his spiritual evolution. Rising to the Supermind, it becomes easy to rise to the Ananda. One attains a firm foundation in the condition of the indivisible and infinite Ananda, not only in the timeless Parabrahman [Absolute] but in the body, in life, in the world. The integral being, the integral consciousness, the integral Ananda blossoms out and takes form in life. This is the central clue of my yoga, its fundamental principle.
   This is no easy change to make. After these fifteen years I am only now rising into the lowest of the three levels of the Supermind and trying to draw up into it all the lower activities. But when this siddhi will be complete, then I am absolutely certain that through me God will give to others the siddhi of the Supermind with less effort. Then my real work will begin. I am not impatient for success in the work. What is to happen will happen in Gods appointed time. I have no hasty or disorderly impulse to rush into the field of work in the strength of the little ego. Even if I did not succeed in my work I would not be shaken. This work is not mine but Gods. I will listen to no other call; when God moves me then I will move.

0 1962-07-25, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Is it different for men? I dont know. Sri Aurobindos case was quite special, and apart from him I dont see any convincing example. But generally speaking, what is most developed in a man, along with the mind, is the physical consciousness; the vital is very impulsive, practically ungoverned. Thats my experience of the hundreds and hundreds of men I have met. Theres normally a physical strength built up through games and exercises, and side by side a more or less advanced, but primarily mental development, very mental. The vital is terribly impulsive and barely organized, except in artists, and even there. I lived among artists for ten years and found this ground to be mostly fallow. I mingled with all the great artists of the time, I was like a kid sister to them (it was at the turn of the century, with the Universal Exposition in 1900; and these were the leading artists of the epoch); so I was by far the youngest, much younger than any of themthey were all thirty, thirty-five, forty years old, while I was nineteen or twenty. Well I was much more advanced in their own fieldnot in what I was producing (I was a perfectly ordinary artist), but from the viewpoint of consciousness: observations, experiences, studies.
   I am not sure, but it seems to me that the problem of consciousness ought to come first.

0 1962-07-31, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   No, to them concrete means telling what Sri Aurobindo did physically. Thats what they call concrete. Psychology is something abstract for them.
   Oh, I dont know what to do!

0 1962-08-04, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Ive been observing all this in a neuro- physical realm, subtle- physical, that is but its still physical and in a complete mental silence where all judgments (you know, judgments) have disappeared, along with a certain way of observing things. Thats why I cant talk about it.
   These vibrations have various qualities; if they were expressed through a mental observation, it would be done through such things as taste, color, and so forth, everything Ive just mentioned1but thats not how theyre expressed. They come almost exclusively as sensations, but those sensations some, I mean some vibrations, have rounded edges. Some come horizontally (I was in fact studying everything that comes horizontally), others result from the state of consciousness (vertical gesture from top to bottom). While at the same time, others are. Yes, its like looking through a high-powered microscope: some are rounded, others pointed; some are darker, some brighter. Some are very upsetting to the body, and some even feel dangerous. On the other hand, certain ones make the body receptive to the vibration, which we might call the Lords Vibration, the supreme Vibration. You see, all this is the outcome of a discipline, a tapasya, for preparing the body to receive the Lords Vibrations (the first step is receiving, being able to receive them; afterwards you have to hold on to and then manifest them). Those vibrations are unmistakable, they are something else entirely. But other vibrations are helpful, beneficial, while still others are disruptive, contradictory.
   It is very interesting to note that all these perceptions we consider physical, material (taste, color, etc.), Mother attributes to the mind. What then, is true physical perception?
   Like the needle of an electroencephalograph.

0 1962-08-08, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It was one of the very saddest things that could manifest physically in association with a spiritual life.
   It came and tried to descend. I said absolutely nothing, but Sri Aurobindo knew (though he never mentioned anything to me, he had seen it), and he simply (gesture) did what had to be done, brushed it aside. I hadnt thought about it for more than ten years: with that gesture of his, it had vanished.
   I never thought this would have any consequences, but it did!1 Something probably needed to be exhausted. So physically speaking, yesterday was a pretty bad dayoh, only quite externally! In fact, the body was luminously conscious, profoundly happy and joyous, to the point where all suffering becomes negligibleyou dont notice it. And so it was a real opportunity for the whole entourage to make progress. That helps.
   Superficially, it [the bodys characteristic of attracting ordeals] could be called a sort of karma, but thats not what it is. Its actually like one of the pivotsnot a central one, but one of the pivots of the bodys invisible action, of its consciousness. And it is expressed by attracting certain circumstances. A whole range of things having to do with the physical body has thus become very clear and precise to meand thats what the body was made for: to go full speed ahead.
   Intellectually, I dont at all believe in taking others misfortunes upon oneself thats childish. But certain vibrations in the world must be accepted, exhausted and transformed. Inwardly, thats the work I have been doing all my lifeconsciously, gloriously. But now its on a purely physical level, independent of all the realities of other worlds: its in the body, you see. And this has given me a key, one of the necessary keys to the Work.
   Maybe there will be something else another time.
   For several days before that incident, something else had been coming, a kind of imaginative and creative vision of the most material physical possibilities for the future.
   Ive had this great formative power ever since my earliest childhood, but I had channeled it and stopped it because I considered it useless. But it came back recently, along with the sure sign that it was coming from the very highest origin: This is it, this is how things will be. But thats for later, of course. To our external reason, those things seem totally unrealizable, but they will be realizable in perhaps a few hundred years, I dont knowits the future being prepared. And indeed, that vision has a tremendous power of creation and realization, and it is always felt physically (the rest is very still), its always physical. But it triggered a kind of very rapid movement of the physical consciousness (within the most material substance), and caused a dislocation. And so2 the day before yesterday, that old formation suddenly returned and made me understand one aspect of the bodys nature, the way the body is CONSTRUCTED and the usefulness of that construction. So now things are all right. It has been one more step.
   But when you receive those bad vibrations affecting your body,3 are they exhausted by your accepting them?
   Its not that I receive bad vibrations, but that the physical substance is not entirely (how can I explain?) in the proper movement or rhythm. For instance, between the vision of that old formation I spoke of and this (I cant call it a toothache, but anyway, something went wrong) there was no visible connection to speak of. The toothache wasnt caused by a particular vibration, its rather as if one thing or another provided the opportunity for absorbing a certain quantity or type of vibration (its more a quantity than a typeprobably both), a vibratory MODE, in order to put it in contact with THE vibratory mode the divine one.
   But I understand your question. You want to know if this has an effect on all identical vibratory modes in the world. In principle, yes. But the effects may not be immediately visible; in the first place, our field of observation is nothingmaterially, what do we know? Only our immediate surroundings thats nothing. In 1920, for example, I had an experience of that type, which resulted in a symbolic but terrestrial action. It was a vision (I dont remember enough details to make it interesting) where each nation was represented by a symbolic entity, and there was a certain type of horrorof terror, rather. A certain will of terror was trying to manifest in that gathering of all nations. And I was witness to the whole thing. I remember it being a very conscious and rather long and detailed vision with a more intense reality than physical things have (it was in the subtle physical). And after it was over and I had done what needed to be done (I am not saying what because I dont remember all the details, and without accuracy it loses its value), when I came out of it I could say with TOTAL conviction: Terror has been overcome in the world. Of course, its not literally true, plenty of people still feel terror, but a certain type of terror was as if UNDERMINED at the foundations. What had already manifested kept on and is gradually being exhausted, but the terror that was trying to increase and dominate the life of nations was stopped cold.
   I have had other similar experienceson Durgas day, for instance, when Sri Aurobindo was still here (you know, thats the day when Durga masters an asura; she doesnt kill him, she masters him). Well, each year one particular type of thing was undermined (and my experiences were never mental: the experience would suddenly come, and AFTERWARDS I would realize it was Durgas day), and each time I used to tell Sri Aurobindo, Looktoday this (or that) thing has been cut off at the roots. Thats how it works with the adverse forcesyes, like something being uprooted from the world. Whatever has already spread out keeps going and follows its karma, but the SOURCE is dried up. Thats also what happened (it was in 1904, I believe) when the Asura of Consciousness and Darkness made his surrender and was converted; he told me, I have millions and millions of emanations, and these will keep on living, but their source has now run dry.4 How much time will it take to exhaust it all? We cant say, but the source has dried up and that is something extremely important. In 1920, that terror was trying to spread all over the world and to become really catastrophic; and then in my inner vision I could see that a whole movement had dried up at its source. This means that little by little, little by little, little by little the karma is being exhausted.
   The same goes for these little physical movements. Things dont seem to be initiated any more, I mean theyre no longer being generated. But everything thats already present in the world has to be exhausted.
   I can see more rapid methods, but they are essentially part of the supramental world.
   Mother's cheek is swollen from an abscessed tooth.... Note that Satprem had assumed that "I never thought this would have any consequences" referred to the visit from the old formation. Mother corrected: "It is subtler than that! I didn't think THAT EXPERIENCE would have any consequences, because the old formation is meaningless nowit was connected with Sri Aurobindo (I didn't want to say it, but it was connected with Sri Aurobindo's physical presence), so now it has no more meaning, it cannot be realized. He did what was necessary to make its realization utterly impossible. But this experience is like a REMINDER of what was. I didn't think it would have any consequences, but it did!"
   Mother touches her cheek.

0 1962-08-14, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   For all the states of being, the mental, the vital, and even the subtle physical, that sense of separation has long been gone. But now I am speaking of the body. I say I, of course but what says I is its something as vast as the universe. And it CANNOT be otherwise. Its not that I want it this way, or because I insist on it, its not the result of a tapasya or not at all: it CANNOT BE OTHERWISE, thats how it is. Its my spontaneous way of being. The experience has become completely (how to put it?) externalized.
   And thats what makes the ESSENTIAL difference for this body. Thats why it feels different from other bodies. Its (Mother shakes her head) no, its not the same thing, it distinctly feels its not the samebecause its reactions are different!

0 1962-08-18, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Mon petit, we had a meditation here on the 15th, at ten oclock.2 At a quarter to ten, I was sitting here at the table in a total silence. And then I cant say Sri Aurobindo came, for he is always here, but he manifested in a special way. Concretely, in the subtle physical, he became so tall that, sitting cross-legged as they do here, he covered the whole compoundeven extended a bit beyond it! He was literally sitting upon the compound; so to the extent that the people meditating were not closed, they were all inside him. He was sitting like that (not on their heads!), and I could feel (I was here, you see) the FRICTION of his presence in the subtle physicalan utterly physical friction! And I saw him (as you well know, I am not shut up in here [the body]), I saw him sitting there, very tall and perfectly proportioned; and then he started gently, gently descendingthis descent is what caused the frictiongently, very gently, so as not to give people a shock. Then he settled there and stayed for a little more than half an hour, a few minutes more, like that, absolutely still, but fully concentrated on all the people they were inside him.
   I was sitting here smiling, almost almost laughing, really; you could feel him like that everywhere (Mother touches her whole body), everywhere. And with such peace! Such peace, such force, such power. And a sense of eternity, immensity, and absoluteness. A sense of absoluteness, as if all were fulfilled, so to speak, and one lived in Eternity.
   I have often seen him in his supramental light; he has come very often (he used to come when I went to the balcony; sometimes he was above the Samadhi; he came very often). But that first of all, the proportions were enormoussitting down, I tell you, he extended beyond the compound; and he materialized in a way that could be physicalLY felt. And there was such confidence, such joy, such certainty; everything was so sure, so altogether certain, as though all had been accomplished. There was none of that anguish, that tension for things to get done.
   It lasted about three quarters of an hour; afterwards things returned to normal.

0 1962-08-28, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (It is extremely unfortunate that the beginning of this conversation, which would have thrown a clear light on what follows, was not kept. As far as Satprem remembers, the subject was his sleep. It seems Mother was saying that while his "strolls by the sea" took place during sleep and by passing into another state, for herand this is where the notes beginthere was no more "sleep" and no more "passing" into another state, from the ordinary physical to the subtle physical, because everything seemed to have become or was becoming one and the same continuous Matter. The true Matter, probably.)
   Thats one thing thats happening. The two [the ordinary physical and the subtle physical] seem to be fusing more and more.
   I have already explained this to you on several occasions: instead of SHIFTING from one to the other, its as if one were permeated by the other, like this (Mother slips the fingers of her right hand in between the fingers of her left hand), and you can almost feel both simultaneously. Its one of the results of whats going on these days. A very slight concentration, for example, is all it takes to feel both at the same time, which leads me to a near conviction that true change in the physical results from a kind of PENETRATION. The most material physical substance no longer has that unreceptive sort of density, a density that resists penetration: it is becoming porous, and thus can be penetrated. Several times, in fact, Ive had the experience of one vibration quite naturally changing the quality of the other the subtle physical vibration was bringing about a sort of almost a transformation, or in any case a noticeable change in the purely physical vibration.
   That seems to be the process, or at least one of the most important processes.
   And its growing more and more prominent. I spend almost every night in that realm; and even during the day, as soon as the body is motionless, theres this perception of the two vibrations, and of the physical vibration almost becoming porous.
   It seems to be the process, or certainly one important process, for the physical transformation.
   You see, the subtle physical seems to DOSE OUT its power and light and capacity of consciousness according to the amount of receptivity in the purely physical vibration. Thats why the effects stretch over a long period of time. Its being done very, very gradually. But its an almost continuous work. Only when theres some bodily activity and the consciousness must turn outwards (not in the same way as before, thats impossible, but still in a way that seems like a continuation of the old consciousness), then, if the work continues at all, its invisible and maybe it doesnt continue. I dont know. But as soon as all activity stops and the body is concentrated or immobileperhaps no more than simply passive that penetration is perceptible: its visible. Visible. And its not like something more subtle penetrating something less subtle without altering it; the essential point is that this penetration actually changes the composition. Its not merely a degree of subtlety, its a change in the internal composition. Ultimately, this action probably has an effect on the atomic level. And thats how the practical possibility of transformation can be accounted for.
   Its an experience I have all the time.

0 1962-08-31, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Uninterrupted, with one link the link of supreme Eternity. But the sense of consequences is false, it already implies a lowering of consciousness. So for meeven physically, in the midst of this whole hodgepodge of confusion, ignorance and stupidityit all translates into: I do things, and the results are none of my business. Thats how its expressed here in the body.
   Its a kind of liberation I dont mean from worry or preoccupation, theres no question of that but from the very IDEA of a consequence: its this way because thats the way it is; it has to be this way, so it is. Thats all. And at each second its this way because it has to be, and so it is. And That repeats itself eternally, and it is this eternal Pulsation which is expressed in time by those gusts I feel this very strongly, very strongly. Its a constant, spontaneous and very natural experience for me. The idea of something behind or ahead in time and so on is a Truth changing from immutable Eternity into Eternity of manifestation. And it changes like this (Mother makes a pulsating gesture), exactly like gustspuff, puff, puff.

0 1962-09-05, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Then Satprem reads a passage relating to the subtle physical and exteriorization; among other things, he cites the experience of D., who, when he exteriorized for the first time, was unable to get back into his body because he tried to reenter through the legs! Here is the story:)
   I was lying on my chaise longue in concentration when all at once I found myself in my friend Zs house. He and several others were playing music. I could see everything very clearly, even more clearly than in the physical, and I moved around very quickly, unimpeded. I stayed there watching for a while, and even tried to attract their attention, but they were unaware of me. Then suddenly something pulled me, a sort of instinct: I must go back. I felt pain in my throat. I remember that to get out of their room, which was all closed except for one small opening high up, my form seemed to vaporize (because I still had a form, though unlike our material onemore luminous, less opaque), and I went out like smoke through the open window. Then I found myself back in my room, next to my body, and I saw that my head was twisted and rigid against the cushion, and I was having trouble breathing. I wanted to get into my body: impossible. So I became afraid. I entered through the legs, and when I reached the knees I seemed to bounce back out; two, three times like that: the consciousness rose and then bounced back out like a spring. If I could only tip over this stool, I thought (there was a small stool under my feet), the noise would wake me up! But nothing doing. And I was breathing more and more heavily. I was terribly afraid. Suddenly I remembered Mother and cried out, Mother! Mother! and found myself back in my body, awake, with a stiff neck.
   (Mother laughs and laughs.)
   The other things, exteriorization and so forth, are innate, just as some people are born artists or painters or aviators. Its one of Natures special combinations. Ive known some downright stupid girls who could exteriorize remarkably well and be fully conscious of their experiences in the subtle physical or the mind or the material vital (when one is undeveloped its more often in the material vital than the subtle physical). And they would tell you all about what they saw. But incapable of yoga.
   Natures fancies, I tell you.

0 1962-09-08, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It doesnt touch me because that whole realm has been completely set in order, but it does touch the atmosphere and puts me in contact with things I usually dont deal with. And as its a difficult time for the body now. As I told you in our last conversations, the physical is being penetrated by the subtle physical.
   The body obviously doesnt need any more difficulties than it already has.
   Its a strange sensation, a bizarre perception of both the true functioning and the functioning distorted by the sense of being an individual body. Theyre not even you cant even say theyre superimposed, theyre almost simultaneous, and thats why it is so hard to explain. A number of things are malfunctioning in the body; I dont know if they can be called illnesses (maybe the doctors would call them illnesses), but in any case, theyre malfunctionings in the bodys organs: the heart, the stomach, the intestines, the lungs and so on. And at the same time theres (it cant be called a functioning) the true state. And thus certain disorders appear only when the consciousness as if the consciousness were pulled or pushed or poised in a certain way, and then, those malfunctionings INSTANTLY appearnot as a consequence: I mean the consciousness becomes aware of their existence. And if the consciousness stays in that position long enough, there are what we conventionally call consequences: the malfunctioning has its consequences (tiny things, such as physical discomforts, for instance). And if through (is it yogic discipline, is it the Lords intervention? Call it what you will) but if the consciousness regains its true position, the consequences cease IMMEDIATELY. Sometimes, though, its like this (Mother makes a gesture of an overlapping or interpenetration by interlacing the fingers of her two hands), in other words, this way, then that, this way, then that (Mother slips the fingers of her right hand back and forth through the fingers of her left to show the consciousness alternating between two states), this position, then that position, this one, then that one. This movement takes only a few seconds, so I can almost perceive the two functionings simultaneously. Thats what gave me the knowledge of the process, otherwise I wouldnt understand; I would simply think I am falling from one state into another. Thats not it, its just. The substance, the vibrations, everything is probably following its normal course, you see, and all that is really changing is the way consciousness perceives things.
   So pushing this knowledge to its limit that is, applying it generallylife (what we usually call life, the physical life of the body) and death are THE SAME THING, simultaneous its just that the consciousness moves back and forth, back and forth (same gesture). I dont know if I am making myself clear. But its fantastic.
   And this experience comes with examples just as concrete and as utterly banal as can be. Theres no room for imagination or enthusiasm they are details of the utmost banality. For example (its only ONE example), this sudden shift of consciousness takes place (something imperceptible, you cant perceive it, for if you had time to perceive it, I suppose it wouldnt happen; it isnt objectified), and you feel youre going to faint, all the blood rushes from the head to the feet and: whoops! But if the consciousness is caught IN TIME, it doesnt happen; and if its not caught in time, it does.
   Outwardly, of course, these troubles (these apparent troubles) upset people, especially the doctor! Ive explained to him that it was all yoga and transformation, and he shouldnt worry, but evidently its upsetting to ordinary eyes. One fact in particular is bewildering to ordinary vision: I am very, very regularly losing weight. Its already down to a ridiculous figure I weigh only 85 pounds! With my height and bone structure, my normal weight should be 130 pounds; when I was twenty-five I weighed 130 or 135. Now I am down to only 85, and its going down quite regularly. I understand how disturbing this might be for people who see things in the ordinary way! I dont eat much (not a little, not a lot, just average), and I dont seem to benefit from what I eat thats how it looks on the surface. And then there are these strange phenomena; I dont usually talk about them (youre the only one I have explained them to, nobody else), I dont talk about them, but from time to time I appear to I must appear to be fainting. And not in the usual way, you know, thats the thing! Nothing happens in the usual way, so its very upsetting! (Mother laughs) The Energy is tremendous, more tremendous than it has ever been; and there is practically no physical strength. I can act, but only if I bring in the Energy: the least physical act demands the Energy. I think the body is completely flimsy; it seems sometimes I touch it to see if its still if its hard or if its soft!

0 1962-09-26, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I have no physical memory I dont remember at all. But I had the impression. I saw a word turning into living bluish light, so I thought, Ah, a good word for my translation! (Mother again tries to remember, then gives up.)
   Anyway, the important thing is what you told me: the experience at Alipore is supramental.

0 1962-10-06, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The knowledge referred to here is intellectual or spiritual, but for the supramental yoga, knowledge is what kind of knowledge is it? A knowledge in the body, a physical knowledge?
   Sri Aurobindo is speaking here of knowledge through inspiration or revelation. In other words, when something suddenly descends and illuminates your understanding: all of a sudden, you feel you know a certain thing for the very first time, because it comes to you directly from the domain of Light, the domain of true knowledge, and it comes with all its innate force of truthit illuminates you. And indeed, when youve just received it, it seems as though nothing could resist that Light. And if you make sure to let it work in you, it brings about as much transformation as it can in its own domain.
   Take the gods raiment, for example. Their raiment, which they change at will in the same way they change their forms, is made not of physical but of overmental substance, and that substance contains its own light. Its like that with everything, its all. Theres no sun casting light and shadows: the substance is self-luminous.
   And beyond, in the Supramental?
   But physically, for instance, you see this object [Satprem picks up a paperweight]. Now, I see it in a certain way but you, with a supramental consciousness?
   I just see through it, thats all.
   Its the same when I look at people: I dont see them as they see themselves, I see them with the vibration of all the forces that are in them and pass through them, and quite frequently with the supreme Vibration of the Presence. And thats why my physical sight is not exactly failing, but changing in character, for the physical precision that normal physical sight gives is its false for me. Instinctively (not because I think of it that way), thats how it Is. So I no longer have the precision of a vision designed to see just the superficial crust of things.
   But this doesnt keep me from seeing physicallyalthough, yes, it does at times make me unsure of whos in front of me, because I see a vibration that is sometimes very similar, almost identical, in three or four people (who arent all necessarily present, but anyway). So theres a slight external difference theres a very great external difference in the way the form looks, of course, but in the combination of vibrations theres only a slight external difference. And so sometimes I am not sure, I dont know whether its this person or that one; thats why I often ask, Whos there? Its not that I dont see anything, but I dont see in the same way.
   In a way, I think I see better. But in a particular way. If, for instance, I have to thread a needle (I have experimented with this kind of thing), well, if I try to thread the needle while looking at it, its literally impossible. But sometimes (when I am in a certain attitude), if I have to thread a needle, it threads itself I have nothing to do with it: I hold the needle, I hold the thread, and thats that.

0 1962-10-12, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I have lived this in recent days. I have seen it. Last night or the night before, I spent at least two hours in a world the subtle physical worldwhere the living mingle with the dead with no sense of difference, it makes absolutely no difference there. For instance, when Mridu1 was in her body I used to see her at night maybe once a year (maybe not even that much). For years she was utterly nonexistent in my consciousness but since she left her body, I see her almost every night! There she is, just as she was, you know (rotund gesture), but no longer troubled, thats all. No longer troubled. And there were both living and what we call the living and the deadthey were both there together, eating together, moving around together, having fun together; and all in a lovely, tranquil lightpleasant, very pleasant. There! I thought, and humans have drawn a sharp line, saying, Now hes dead! Dead! And what really takes the cake is the way they treat the body like an unconscious object, and its still conscious!
   Its treated like an object: Now then! Lets get rid of this just as quickly as we can: its a nuisance and it gets in the way. And even those who feel the most sorrow dont want to see it; its too painful for them.
   One sometimes even goes to a great deal of trouble to explain things to Him: Its this way, You see, thats how it is. And when youre finished, you realize. Oh, that reminds me of an experience I had one night two years ago. It was the first time the Supermind entered the cells of my body, and it had risen up to the brain. So the brain found itself in the presence of something (laughing) considerably more powerful than it was used to receiving! And, like the idiot it is, it got worried. As for me (gesture above or beyond), I saw it all, I saw that the brain was getting worried, so I tried to tell it what a nitwit it was and to just keep still. It did keep still, but you know, it was really seething away in there, as if it were about to explode. So I said, All right now, lets go see Sri Aurobindo and ask him what to do. Immediately everything became utterly calm and I woke up in Sri Aurobindos house in the subtle physicala very material sensation, with everything quite concrete. So I arrived, or rather not I but the body-consciousness arrived2 and started explaining to Sri Aurobindo what had happenedit was very excited, talking and talking. The response was a sort of inscrutable smile and then nothing. He simply looked. An inscrutable smilenot a word. All the excitement died away. A face out of eternity. The excitement died away. Then it was time for Sri Aurobindos lunch (people eat therein another way). So as not to disturb him, I went into the next room. He came in after some time and stood before me (Imy physical being, that is, my physical consciousness had had time to calm down). I knelt down and took his hand (a MUCH clearer sensation than anything physical, mon petit!); I kissed his hand. He simply said, Oh! This is better. (Mother laughs.)
   I am skipping all the details (it was a long thing, lasting an hour), but suddenly he went out of the room, leaving me alone (after expressing what he wanted to tell me with a gesture, which I understood). And then I simply seemed to take a step (gesture of crossing a threshold), and I found myself lying in my bed again. And at that moment I said to myself, Really! We make all kinds of complications, and its so simple: you just have to go like this (same gesture) and there you are; then you go like that (same gesture in the opposite direction) and youre back here.
   Personally, you know, I have come to feel Him everywhere, all the time, all the time, to the point of actual physical contact (its subtle physical, but physical): in things, in the air, in people, in like this (Mother presses her hands against her face). So I dont have far to go! I just have to do this (Mother turns her hands slightly inwards), one seconds concentration and there He is! Because He is here, you know, He is everywhere.
   He is far only if we think Hes far.
   It is quite remarkable that it was the body-consciousness that discoverednine years after his passingSri Aurobindo's abode (experience of July 24-25, 1959). The world where Mother went is thus a material world, not an "inner" world. The other Matter, the true Matter? We recall that in her very last Playground class, on November 28, 1958, Mother said: "Through each individual formation, physical substance progresses, and one day it will be able to build a bridge between physical life as we know it and the supramental life that is to manifest."

0 1962-10-16, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   If at death you withdraw from physical circumstances, from ordinary physical consciousness, and unite with the great universal Force, or the divine Presence, then all these little things. Its not that youre not conscious of themyou are very conscious: conscious of what others are doing, conscious of everything, but its not important.
   But for those who are attached to people and things when they die, it must be a hellish torment.

0 1962-10-27, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   When I play I generally hear what I am playing. Its hard to say. Its not just an ordinary sound, its a combination of sounds, and its not no, its true, its not the same sound but something like the essence of that sound. But for instance, I have a sort of feeling that what I am hearing should be expressed by a large orchestra. I SEE it, you know, I see something like large orchestras around me, on my right, on my leftand I am supposed to transcribe it on a harmonium! Its like an orchestra made up of groups of musicians, with each group expressing one part of that combination, which is a much more complete sound than the ear can perceive. Thats what it is. Its not something you can express just by humming a little tune, but a whole body of musical vibrations. And as I hear it, I see how it should be expressed. I see large orchestras around me. But its another kind of vision; its not the precise vision of the physical eye, but something very its how consciousness sees. How can I describe it! All you can say is that its not our normal kind of vision, or hearing, either.
   Its quite a total knowledge, which includes a vision, an awareness of the combination of sounds and how they should be expressed.

0 1962-10-30, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But it was a true nirvana: Nothingness. Not a single sensation, not a movementno thoughts, of coursenothing, not a vibration: just like that, Nirvana. So I quite naturally concluded that there is a nirvana behind the mind, since he went there directly. And through my own experiments in the different zones of the being I became aware that, indeed, there is a nirvana behind everything (there must be a nirvana behind the physical cell toomaybe thats what death is! Who knows, its possible). A nothingness, nothing stirs any more. And nothings there any morenothings there, theres nothing to stir (Mother laughs). Its the Nothing.
   But whats the use of it?
   I can still physically hear whats going on around me.
   Then youre not in Nirvana.
   Its the experience I had in 1912. The first contact, when you go within and then THATS IT that concrete reality, that intensity beyond any possible physical intensity. And then the sense of: thats ITthe Divine. This is the Divine. This is the divine Reality; this is it, the Divine. You ARE the Divine.
   Thats the experience. Its the base, the basic experience. Once you have it, you may progress more or less rapidly; although if you truly give yourself, you progress very rapidly. Externally you are in a position where, having that experience, you could cover the whole path in a matter of years and straight-away begin the work of transformation (Mother touches her body).
   But I was entirely concentrated on that. I was in Paris, and I did nothing else but that; when I walked down the street, I was thinking only of that. One day, as I was crossing the Boulevard Saint Michel, I was almost run over (Ive told you this), because I was thinking of nothing but thatconcentrating, concentrating like sitting in front of a closed door, and it was painful! (intense gesture to the chest) physically painful, from the pressure. And then suddenly, for no apparent reason I was neither more concentrated nor anything elsepoof! It opened. And with that. It didnt just last for hours, it lasted for months, mon petit! It didnt leave me, that light, that dazzling light, that light and immensity. And the sense of THAT willing, THAT knowing, THAT ruling the whole life, THAT guiding everythingsince then, this sense has never left me for a minute. And always, whenever I had a decision to make, I would simply stop for a second and receive the indication from there.
   But that was ages ago. I have done a lot of things since then. It was long ago, in 1912. And now oh, this old carcass!

0 1962-11-03, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And physically?
   Not so good.
   And sometimes it becomes terribly personal, as if you were being personally attacked. I have a whole theme of such things which cant even be spoken about because theyre too personalpersonal in that they appear to involve this body. Last night (ah, by the way, I remember noticing I was physically youngit was in the subtle physical, of course, and I was quite young) but what a life I led, with so many oh, revolutions, battles; I was involved in everything, there was tremendous activity. But I was being personally harassed by four or five of the most vile and disgusting old swine, and I had to confront them, hold them in place, keep them under control and make them obey. Ohh, was I glad to wake up! (It was time to get up; these things always stop automatically because I make it a point to get out of there at four-thirty) But the images, the sensations that went along with it. Oh, how is it possible! And I was fully conscious of the usefulness of this work: I was keeping them under control.1 But the things it involves ugh! Because for me, all knowledge is through identityeven in the subconscient its a knowledge through identityso you can imagine what that means.
   Yes oh, there are some horrible beings there!

0 1962-11-17, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   When I thought, Its interesting to have such a close view of it all, there was also a sense of being physically close, a part of me felt physically very close. But you know, I have been close to all the wars (the two previous onesthis is the third), as close as can be: shells were falling on Paris when I was there, during the first war.
   So thats what was shown to me in images.

0 1962-11-23, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Thats what I am experiencing in my body nowexactly what you say: each step forward forces you to make not a step backward, but a step into the Shadow. And on the physical level its terrible.

0 1962-11-27, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Nothing was left but an immensity, without beginning, without end, neither in space nor in timeoutside time. Outside time and space: an immensity of light. It was something of the same nature as light, but not lightfar brighter, far not bright: far more intense than light. It was white, but not our physical white; it was a white at the time I couldnt define it. Afterwards, looking at it again in my consciousness, it seemed to be the light of a gold turned white, you understand: like when you bring something to white heat. Well, it was like gold becoming white through its intensity. It was ABSOLUTELY immobile that is, I had the feeling you get in Sat.2 Yet that immobility contained (how shall I put it?) yes, it actively containedalthough its action wasnt perceptiblea sort of infinite Power, which could be the creative Power. And directed by an unmanifest Consciousness. If you can make anything out of this, good for you!
   Everything was like that, and without thought I am now trying to put it into words. And at the center of that immensity was a concentration of white light as we know it (far more intense), but denser, forming a sort of cube that was relatively tiny in the immensity, but nonetheless quite perceptible. It was vibrant, fluid, condensed, concentrated, and tremendously active. And all that immensity converged there (how?) without moving. And from there, it was spreading everywhere, without going out.
   In order to be discernible, the cube was enveloped in something that looked like a kind of tulle, a tulle made of a pale gray substance, which expressed the individual nonexistence, the perfect humility that completely abolishes the ego: because of that there wasnt the least possibility of egoif you ask me why, I cant say, but thats how it was. And I was seeing that tulle all the time something extremely delicate, scarcely perceptible, yet maintaining the cubes form. It was perfect humility (in the divine sense) and total absence of egothere wasnt even the memory or idea of it, nothing whatever: the abolition of the ego. And it served to receive that immobile immensity which manifested through an action of the Power. And then, the action of the Power. I was conscious (I was consciouswhere was I? I dont know; the cube represented my physical being: I had been TOLD it was my physical being), and I was watching it without being situated I myself had no precise place but could see and understand the whole thing. And I could discern all the action being done through the cube: this action for that thing, this for that, this for that the whole earth (gesture expressing forces radiating outward, each for a special purpose), things from the past and things FAR into the future.
   And it was so imperative!
   One day, I dont remember on what occasion, I saw what had motivated the forefa thers who wrote the Vedas: it was the need for immortality; they were in quest of immortality.6 From there, I went on to Buddha and saw what had set the Buddha on his way: this kind of need for permanence, purely and simply; the vision of the impermanence of things had profoundly troubled him, and he felt the need for Permanence. His whole quest was to find the Permanent (why was he so anxious to have the Permanent?). There are a few things like that in human nature, in the deep human need. And then I saw another such need: a need for the Certitude which is security. I dont know how to explain it. Because I had the experience of it, I saw it was one of the human needs; and I understood it very intensely, for when I met Sri Aurobindo, this Certitude is what made me feel I had found the Truth I needed. And I didnt realize how DEEP this need was until he left his bodyjust then, at the moment of the transition. Then the entire physical consciousness felt its certitude and security collapse. At that moment I saw (we spoke about it with Nolini a year later and he had had exactly the same impression), I saw this was similar to Buddhas experience when he realized that everything was impermanent and so all of life collapsed in other words, Something Else HAD to be found. Well, at that moment. Id already had all my experiences, but with Sri Aurobindo, for the thirty years I lived with him (a little more than thirty years), I lived in an absolute, an absolute of securitya sense of total security, even physical, even the most material security. A sense of absolute security, because Sri Aurobindo was there. And it held me up, you know, like this (gesture of being carried): not for ONE MINUTE in those thirty years did it leave me. That was why I could do my work with a Base, really, a Base of absolutenessof eternity and absoluteness. I realized it when he left: THAT suddenly collapsed.
   And then I understood that it is one of lifes needs (there are several); and its what spurs the human being to get out of his present state and find another one. These needs are (whats the word?) the seeds, the germs of evolution. They compel us to progress. The whole time Sri Aurobindo was here, as I said, individual progress was automatic: all the progress Sri Aurobindo made, I made. But I was in a state of eternity, of absoluteness, with a feeling of such security, in every circumstance. Nothing, nothing unfortunate could happen, for he was there. So when he left, all at oncea fall into a pit. And thats what projected me wholly (Mother gestures forward).

0 1962-11-30, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   3) Struggle is more in the spiritual (subtle) than on the physical and the struggle need not be a shooting war.
   4) Himalayan states will enjoy independence.

0 1962-12-04, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   At that moment, the physical being and the individual, personal body had the experience once and for all.
   The body always used to let itself be carried along. It was one in consciousness with Sri Aurobindos presence, and depended on it without the least worry; it felt that its life depended on it, its progress depended on it, its consciousness, its action, its power all depended on it. And no questionsit didnt question. For the body, it was absolutely IMPOSSIBLE that things could be otherwise. The very idea that Sri Aurobindo might leave his body, that that particular way of being might no longer exist for the body, was absolutely unthinkable. They had to put him in a box and put the box in the Samadhi for the body to be convinced that it had really happened.
   Apart from that. Theres nothing, no physical destruction I can think of, comparable to that collapse.
   It took me twelve days to get out of ittwelve days during which I didnt speak a single word.
   So the experience I mentioned is the physical experience.
   In the true movement, you feel the Absolute and Eternity physically. How? Its impossible to describe, but thats how it is. And the minute you get out of That, when you fall back even slightly into the ordinary movement, the old movement, theres a feeling of ABSOLUTE uncertainty! Uncertainty at every second. It would be impossible for an ordinary human being to live in that consciousness, with that sense of total and absolute uncertainty, of total and absolute impermanenceits no longer a destruction,1 but its not yet an ascending transformation. Absolute instability. It doesnt last more than a fraction of a secondjust enough time to become aware of oneself, thats all.
   If the other movement werent getting more and more established, it would be unbearable, as they say in English.

0 1962-12-08, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It was a real physical destruction; so I am saying its not that any more, but its not yet the realization.

0 1962-12-12, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   How about youdid it take a psychological or a physical form?
   Psychological. It fell on me all at once, and nothing seemed to make sense any more; a sort of disgust, of decomposition as you say.

0 1962-12-15, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   In his physical state, man is the supreme evolutor.
   There is but one law, the law of Charity, and it is one with Justice.

0 1962-12-22, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I have had some rather strange things have been happening. I dont know whether you understand the difference between the memory of an inner experience (from the subtle physical, the subconscient, all the inner regions) and the memory of a physical fact. There is a very great difference in quality, the same difference that exists between inner vision and physical vision. physical vision is precise, well defined, and at the same time flat I dont know how to explain it: its very flat, totally superficial, but very accurate, with the kind of accuracy and precision that defines things which are really not defined at all. Well, theres the same difference in quality between the two types of memory as between the two types of vision. And in the last few days Ive realized that I had the memory of having gone downstairs, of having seen certain people and things, spoken and organized certain thingsseveral different scenes of the physical memory. Not at all things I saw with the inner vision while exteriorized, but the MATERIAL memory of having done certain things.
   Afterwards, I had to look into it: it really was a memory. It suddenly struck me, and I wondered, Did I really go downstairs physically? There are plenty of people here to prove that I didnt, that I didnt stir from here. And yet I have the physical memory of having done so, and of having done certain other things as well; I even remember going outside.
   Well, it confronts me with a real problem. Not only is that memory absolutely physical, but the EFFECTS of what I said and did are there.
   The effects are there?
   And they are facts. Theres nothing to discuss: they are facts. And yet materially, according to physical appearances, that is, I didnt stir from here.
   So WHO was it, who did all that? I dont know.
   Could it be some exteriorization in the subtle physical?
   Not at all! The memory of an exteriorization in the subtle physical is VERY different. I have a lot of experience of it, you know! I have been familiar with the phenomenon for something like sixty yearsits completely different. But this is entirely the type of experience one has in the physical Falsehood, if you will, in the ordinary physical consciousness.
   I havent said anything because people here tend to think I am going off my rocker, and I dont want to add to their impression! But even for me, it left me it took me a little while (it didnt happen just once, but two or three times, for different things), I kept very still for a while to look into the phenomenon and try to analyze it.

0 1963-01-12, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Ive had a very interesting experience (not personal). Did you know Benjamin3? His psychic being had left him quite some time ago and, as a result, to the surface consciousness he seemed a bit derangedhe wasnt deranged but diminished. And he lived, as I said, out of habit. The physical consciousness still held a minimum of vital and mind and he lived out of habit. But the remarkable thing is that sometimes, for a few seconds, he would live admirably, in full light, while at other times he couldnt even control his gestures. Then he left altogether: all the accumulated energy dwindled little by little, little by little, and whatever remained left his body. It was just on his birthday, on December 30 (the night of December 30). He left. So they did as is always done: they cleaned his room, took out the furniture. Since then, there had been no sign of him. Yesterday evening, after dinner (which is about the same time he left twelve days ago), I was in concentration, resting, when suddenly here comes a very agitated Benjamin who tells me, Mother, theyve taken all the furniture out of my room! What am I to do now!? I told him gently, Do not fret, you dont need anything any more. Then I put him to rest and sent him to join the rest of his being.
   Which means it took twelve days for all his elements to form again. You see, they burned his body. (He was Christian, but his familyhis wife is alive and his brother toofound it less costly to let us handle it than to bury him as a Christian! So they had him cremated.) We cremated him, but I demanded a certain interval of time,4 although in his case it was really a gradual exhaustion and nothing much remained in his body; nonetheless, even then the consciousness is flung out of the cells violentlyit took twelve days to form again. It wasnt his soul (it had already left) but the spirit of his body that came to me, the body consciousness gathered in a well-dressed, neat Benjamin with his hair neatly brushed. He was quite trim when he came to me, just as he would have been in life: he always wanted to be well-groomed and impeccable to see me, that was his way. It took twelve days to gather together because I didnt see to it (I can do it in a few hours but only if I see to it), but in his case, his soul having been at rest for a long time, it didnt matter much. So over twelve days it took form again and when he was ready (laughing), he came to reoccupy his room! And there was no furniture left, nothing!
   For instance, two or three nights ago (I dont remember), I was with Sri Aurobindo, we were doing a certain work (it was in a mental zone with certain vital reactions mixed in), well, a general work. I was with Sri Aurobindo and we were doing the work together. He wanted to explain to me how a particular movement is turned into a distorted movement; he was explaining this to me (but theres nothing mental or intellectual about it, nothing to do with theories). And without even (how can I put it?) without even a thought or an explanation to forewarn you, a true movement is changed into a movement that is not false but distorted. I was speaking to Sri Aurobindo and he was answering, then I turn my head away like this (not physicallyall this is an inner life, naturally), I turned my head as if to see the [vibratory] effect. Then I turn back and send Sri Aurobindo the movement necessary to carry on with the experience, and I receive a reply which surprises me because of the quality of its vibration (it was a reply of ignorance and weakness). So I turn my attention back again, and as a matter of fact in Sri Aurobindos place I saw the doctor. Then I understood! Superficially, one may say, So, Sri Aurobindo and the doctor are the same! (To people who would see such a thing it would occur that they are the sameof course its all, all the same! All is one, people just dont understand this complete oneness.) Naturally it didnt surprise me for the thousandth of a second, there wasnt any surprise, but oh, I understood! This way (Mother slightly tilts her hand to the left), its Sri Aurobindo, and that way (slightly to the right), its the doctor. This way its the Lord, and that way its a man!!
   Really interesting.5
   And I realize You see, I need physical help to relieve the body of all effort thats not strictly indispensable. But I cant make their [the attendants] life completely chaotic in appearance: there has to be some schedule. And a schedule means terrible limitations. I cant help it. I cant help it, because for the time being, simply the will expressing itself isnt enough to make matter respond. Once it is like that, time wont matter any more, butBUT.
   We mustnt be impatient.
   You see, Sri Aurobindo was explaining something to me, but the explanation wasn't like a theory: it's immediately translated into movements of matter, that is, movements of forms and forces. So I was listening (I was listening to him, we were talking), and I turned my head away to follow the demonstration of forces, of what he said; naturally it led to another movement which was the consequence, and then I described what I was seeing. When I began describing the consequence, I received a reply (it was a sort of dialogue between us, but without different voices and all the things we know physically), but the quality of the vibration was different, it had become ... instead of being supramental, if you like, it had become sattvic [moral], the reply was sattvic. In other words, a diminution, a limitation. I was surprised so I turned back again, and instead of finding Sri Aurobindo, I saw the doctor, with his hair very neatoh, a super-doctor, you know! But it was he, I mean at his best. So immediately I thought, "Here we are! Here is how things get more and more diminishedyes, diminished, altered, altering also physical appearanceshere is how the Lord changes all His physical appearances." Oh, it was really funny, because it was a practical and precise little illustration. But then there was immediately the feeling that everything, the whole universe is like this! That's how all forms are changed.
   So now you see!

0 1963-01-14, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   In fact, even the greatest difficulty, even the greatest grief, even the greatest physical pain, if you can look at them from THERE, take your stand THERE, you see the unreality of the difficulty, the unreality of the grief, the unreality of the pain and all becomes a joyful and luminous vibration.
   It is ultimately the most powerful means of dissolving difficulties, overcoming grief and getting rid of pain. The first two [difficulties and grief] are relatively easy (relatively), the last [pain] is more difficult because of our habit of regarding the body and its sensations as extremely concrete and positive but actually it is the same thing, its just that we havent been taught and accustomed to seeing our body as something fluid, plastic, uncertain, malleable. We havent learned to permeate it with this luminous Laughter which dissolves all shadows and difficulties, all discords, all disharmony, all that grates, cries and weeps.

0 1963-01-18, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Theres a practical question Id like to ask you regarding the subtle physical. I understand the mind centers, which correspond to a particular world, the vital centers, which receive all sorts of influences, but which center corresponds to the subtle physical, and what are the influences coming from the subtle physical? Is there a center that corresponds to the subtle physical?
   Where do you situate the center for the vital?
   Well, for the subtle physical it goes from the navel down to the last center,1 that whole region.
   And what are the influences that come from the subtle physical?
   Generally they are of a far higher quality than material influences. I have noticed (I dont know whether its a personal or a general thing) that the subtle physical I see is always of a somewhat higher quality than the physical proper. I mean somewhat more harmonious: things are smoother. All that comes from the vital is more often than not aggressive, quarrelsome and so on and difficult. But this realm is generally calmcalm, orderly, where things are more harmoniousGENERALLY (I cant say whether its the case with everybody, but in my own case its like that).
   As I told you, Sri Aurobindo lives there permanently, as though in a house of his own: you can see him, you can stay with him, he is busy. It is very much like the physical, but a physical that would be less grating, you understand, where things are more harmonious and satisfying, less excited. There is less of that feeling of haste and uncertainty. In that house where Sri Aurobindo lives, life unfolds very, very harmoniously: people come and go, there are meals even. But all that obeys more general laws, and a sense of security and certainty not to be found in physical life. And the symbolism is more exact (I dont know how to express it), the symbolic transcription of things is less distorted, more exact.
   This is the subtle physical as I know it, I cant say if it is the same for everyone. Sri Aurobindo said, There is a true physical, well, I have a feeling that this is what he calls the true physicala subtler physical, the true physical which is behind.
   But does it influence the whole earth?
   I think that as the Supramental descends, the subtle physical will have a greater and greater action on earth, because it is the world where the new creation will be formed before it descends, before it becomes absolutely visible and concrete.
   I often have a sense that it would take only a very tiny thingwhich is hard to definea very tiny movement of materialization to make this new creation concrete to us as we are. And it is probablyit will probably be formed completely in that subtle world before it materializes.
   I think few people are able to make the distinction. They have rather an impression that its their dream way of seeing things; I mean they say, Oh, its just a dream. In most cases its like that. The subtle physical has the character of a realm where things are more fluid and harmonious than physical things, but with the same concrete quality; its nature is not like that of vital things, which have vibrations of power but again not that very concrete and objective quality characteristic of material things. In the subtle physical, things are very concrete. For instance, if someone stands in your way, you have to push him aside: he doesnt just vanish, you cant walk through him. If you see an object thats not in its place, you have to move it. Voil.
   The muladhara, at the base of the spine.

0 1963-02-15, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And naturally this time around, when I started translating it came back. At first there was a shudder (Mother makes a gesture of stiffening). Then I told myself, Havent you got beyond that! And I let myself flow into the thing. Then I had a series of nights with Sri Aurobindo so marvelous! You understand, I see him constantly and I go into that subtle physical world where he has his abode; the contact is almost permanent (at any rate, thats how I spend all my nights: he shows me the work, everything), but still, after this translation of Savitri he seemed to be smiling at me and telling me, At last you have understood! (Mother laughs) I said, It isnt that I didnt understand, its that I didnt want it! I didnt want, I dont WANT things to be like that any more, for thousands of years I have wanted things to be otherwise!
   The night before last, he had put on a sari of mine. He told me (laughing), Why not? Dont you find it suits me! I answered, It suits you beautifully! A sari of brown georgette, lustrous bronze, with big golden braid! It was a very beautiful sari (I used to have it, it was one of my saris), and he was wearing it. Then he asked me to do his hair. I remember seeing that the nape of his neck and his hair had become almost luminoushis hair was never quite white, there was an auburn shimmer to it, it was almost golden, and it stayed that way, very fine, not at all like the hair people have here. His hair was almost like mine. So while I was doing his hair, I saw the luminous nape of his neck, and his hair, so luminous! And he said to me, Why shouldnt I wear a sari!

0 1963-02-19, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   So the conclusion is that I shall have to start again. I had stopped long ago taking care of everythinglong before I came upstairs, I told people, See to your business yourselves. And what chaos it has become! That, too, made worse by the fact that they stopped seeing me physically. The physical presence was simply keeping a rein on them.
   Its unthinkable now.

0 1963-02-21, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The supreme Power has descended into the most material consciousness but it has stood there behind the density of the physical veil, demanding before manifestation, before its great open workings can begin, that the conditions of the supreme Grace shall be there, real and effective.
   A total surrender, an exclusive self-opening to the divine influence, a constant and integral choice of the Truth and rejection of the falsehood, these are the only conditions made. But these must be fulfilled entirely, without reserve, without any evasion or presence, simply and sincerely down to the most physical consciousness and its workings.
   Sri Aurobindo

0 1963-02-23, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   She went to Sri Aurobindos home in the subtle physical the thing is true, real, concrete, as concrete as here.
   As soon as I got her letter, I saw: thats where she went. Besides, I knew she had gone there. Plenty of people go there and are unaware of it! They forget. But she had a nice memory.
   Yesterday evening (was it yesterday? No, the day before), when I went out on the balcony-terrace,3 the difference in perception between the consciousness I have now and the one I had before felt enormous! Before, as I have always said, I would stay there, call the Lord, be in His presence, and only when He withdrew would I come in again thats how it was. And I had a certain relationship with people, things, the outside world (outside, well, not outsideanyway, the world). The day before yesterday, when I went to the balcony, I wasnt thinking of anything or observing anything, I simply went I didnt want to know what was going on, it didnt interest me, I wasnt observing. The other experience [of the previous balcony, one year ago] seemed to go back centuries! It was so much OTHER! And so spontaneous, so natural, and so immense too! The earth was tiny. Yet it was very much here: I wasnt over there, the BODY itself was feeling that way. And at the same time (I was two floors above people), every time I looked, I recognized scores and scores of people, they seemed to leap to my eyesa crystal clear vision, much sharper (the vision I had before was always a bit hazy because what I saw wasnt entirely physical: I saw the movement of forces), and yesterday, it was as if as if I had risen above the very possibility of haziness! It was far less physicalFAR MORE accurate.4
   Formerly too, I used to sense the Force, the Consciousness, the Power concentrated in a particular point and then spreading out. While here, there was an IMMENSITY of Power, of Light, of Consciousness, of perception, concentrated in a tiny point: the people gathered there.
   This far less physical vision was more accurate IN THE physical WORLD.
   Gradually Mother will stop struggling and intrusion will become the rule. As a result, these conversations will suffer greatly.

0 1963-03-06, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   We might say that the sense of miracle can only belong to a finite world, a finite consciousness, a finite conception. It is the abrupt, unexpected entryor appearance or intervention or penetrationof something that did not exist in this physical world. So it follows that any manifestation of a will or consciousness belonging to a realm more infinite and eternal than the earth is necessarily a miracle on the earth. But if you go beyond the finite world or the understanding proper to the finite world, then miracle does not exist. The Lord can play at miracles if He enjoys it, but theres no such thing as a miracleHe plays all possible games.
   You can begin to understand Him only when you FEEL it that way, that He plays all possible gamesand possible not according to human conception but according to His own conception!
   In Sri Aurobindos case, I only know what he told me several times: what people call miracles are just interventions in the physical or vital worlds. And those interventions are always mixed with ignorant or arbitrary movements.
   But the number of miracles Sri Aurobindo performed in the Mind is incalculable. Of course, only if you had a very honest, sincere and pure vision could you see them I saw them. Others too saw them. But he refused (this I know), he refused to perform any vital or material miracle, because of the admixture.

0 1963-03-09, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Take the example of someone ill, even feeling pain. When Sri Aurobindo was in possession of this supramental Power (at certain times he said it was totally under his control, he could do whatever he wanted with it and apply it wherever he wanted), then he would put this Will on some disorder or other, physical or vital, say (or mental, of course), he would put this Force of a superior harmony, a superior, supramental order, keep it there, and it would act instantly. And it was an orderit created an order and harmony superior to natural harmony. Which means that if the object was to cure, for example, the cure was more perfect and total than a cure brought about by the ordinary physical and mental methods.
   There were hosts of instances. But people are so blind, you know, so bogged down in their ordinary consciousness, that they always have ready explanations. They can always explain it away. Only those who had faith and aspiration and something very pure in them, that is, those who really wanted to know, were aware of it.
   Which means there is a difference between the miracle taking place through or in the mind, and the miracle taking place directly in the physical and vital. For instance, all those who perform miracles like levitation, moving objects, generating lights (Mother keeps silent for a while, then drops the subject). Its a field that I dont find very living, it doesnt interest me very much.2
   But thats how it worked with healing. When the Power was there, he said it was even effortless, all he had to do was to put that Power of order, of supramental harmony, and it would act instantly.3
   There was another occurrence (less striking), once in a room as long as this one and wider,5 the salon in my familys house. Some little friends had come and we were playing. I told them, Ill show you how one should dance. I went to a corner of the room to get the longest distance to another corner, and I told them, One single step in the middle. And I did it! (Mother laughs) I sprang (I didnt even feel I was jumping, it was like dancing, you know, like when they dance on point), landed on the tips of my toes, bounced up and reached the other corneryou cant do that alone, even champions cannot. The length of the jump went beyond records, because afterwards I asked here, when we started physical exercises at the Ashram, I asked what the longest jump wasmine was longer! And they take a run up, you see, they run and then jump. But I didnt run: I was standing in the corner, and hop! up I went (I said hop! to myself, soundlessly), and frrrt! I landed on the tips of my toes, bounced and landed the other sidequite evidently I was carried.
   All this took place before the age of thirteen or fourteen (from eight to thirteen or fourteen). Many things of the kind, all of which seemed to me perfectly naturalit didnt feel as though I was doing something miraculous. Perfectly natural.
   In other words, the physical mind, creator of the medical, gravitational and mortal cage we live in.
   Later, Mother repeated the same remark: "I am not much concerned with this field, I see it from the OTHER angle What I refer to here is seen from below upward, while I see it the other way (gesture from above downward), so it assumes a very different character. We'll talk about it again later."

0 1963-03-23, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There are enough physical miseries to experience what people call physical painquite enough (!) Yet, materially, everything is organized to give every possible joy! For example (ever since the age of five it has been like that), whenever the body felt, Oh, if I had this. Oh, it would be nice to have that, the thing would come in no time. Fantastic! It has always been that way, only it has become more conscious. Before, it would happen without my noticing it, quite naturally. Now, of course, the body has changed, its no longer a baby, it no longer has a childs fancies. But when that kind of Rhythm comes, when something says, Oh, this is fine! mon petit, it comes in TORRENTS from all sides without my saying a word. Just like that. There was a time when the body enjoyed it, it was delighted by it, made very happy by it (even two years ago, a little more perhaps), very happy, it found that amusingit was lovely, you see. But now: To You Lord. Only this, a sort of quiet, constant joy: To You Lord, to You Lord, to You Lord. And on both accounts: for physical pain as well. In that regard, the body is making progress. Although to tell the truth, its life is made so easy! So easy that it would have to be quite hard to please not be satisfied the Lord is full of infinite grace.
   No, in spite of everything, the body doesnt have that sort of eternal stability, the sense of its immortality (immortality isnt the right word), of its permanence. Not that it has a sense of impermanence, far from it, the cells feel eternal that much is there. But a certain something that would be sheltered from all attacks. It still feels the attacks. It feels an instability, it doesnt have a sense of absolute security, it hasnt yet reached a state of absolute security thats it: the sense of security. There are still vibrations of insecurity. Yet that seems so mean, so silly! It still lives in insecurity. Security, the sense of security only comes through union with the Supremenothing in life as it is, nothing in the world as it is, can offer the sense of security, its impossible. But to feel the Supremes presence so constantly, to be able to pass everything on to Him, To You, to You, to You, and yet not to have a sense of security! A shock or a blow comes (not necessarily personally, but in life), and theres still a particular vibration: the vibration of insecurityit still exists. The body finds that disquieting, painful: Why? Not that it complains, but it complains about itself, it finds itself not up to the mark.

0 1963-03-30, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Thats what I meant, his physical presence was the sign of Security taking root, but the world wasnt ready. So, as the effect of his presence kept increasing, it brought about an increasing contradictionan increasing OPPOSITION.
   But its so dull! So dull, so lackluster, so unchanging, souninteresting, really dull that the slightest light shines like a bright star! The smallest, slightest, tiniest progress seems like an extraordinary thing. Like, for example, the attitude in certain cells towards a physical disorder which, naturally, like all physical disorders, tends to recur. The attitude in the cells changesnot the disorder (!), the disorder changes only because of the cells reaction, thats what makes it change; but it recurs with clockwork regularity thats its job. It is the way its received by the cells, their reaction to it, that brings about the change. And there is now a difference in the cells reaction. The result of my observation (an impersonal, general observation) is that there are two types of change (I cant call it progress), two types of change in the reaction: a change that goes on improving, in the sense that the reaction grows less sharp, the cells are less affected and become not only more conscious but more IN COMMAND of the reaction (something people are not generally conscious of, but which is what brings about the cure). And, on the other hand, deterioration: under the unrelenting attack, the cells panic, become more and more affected and afraid, and it eventually results in a terrible mess and a catastrophe. Well, the whole thing is observed, studied, experienced; but (laughing) in ordinary medicine its explained away in two words! You see, what I see now is the process they dont know the process, only the result. And, well, I notice that as the consciousness grows, the cells panic less and less and a sort of mastery develops. Of course, its a pleasing observation, if I may say so, but it doesnt even make me happy! It seems rather obvious. Also the proportion is such that to get a really telling result, it would take years and years and years! Oh, how many years! How slow things are.
   So I dont feel impelled to talk about it. Id rather concern myself with something else I do the work, but thats all.

0 1963-04-06, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There is progress in the impersonalization of the physical, bodily consciousness, with consequences that are probably interesting, but impossible to explain to people who dont understand. For instance
   All this takes place in the material consciousness. physically, the body has all the sensations but not the hemorrhage, you understand. But it does have the sensations, that is, the effects: all the sensory effects. It goes on for a while and then follows a whole curve. All right. Once the battle is over, I take a look and wonder (I observe the whole thing, I see my body, which has been fairly shaken, mind you), I say to myself, What in the world is all this? But just for a second, then I forget about it.
   A few days afterwards, I receive a letter from someone very close, who has an ardent faith and really holds on to me with almost perfect faith, exceptional. In the letter: the whole story, the attack, the hemorrhage, how suddenly the being is SEIZED, the consciousness is SEIZED with an irresistible will, and hears words the very words that were uttered HERE. The result: saved (he was dying), saved, cured.
   Which means the body has got its own difficulties (no aggregate of cells is free from difficulties in the present conditions of life), and I think that its capacity to keep still (to an extent) is its only safeguard but that doesnt reduce the difficulties at all, since the contact doesnt even depend on the physical presence!1 But then what tremendous, prodigious power has to be EMBODIED in the physical cells to withstand all that!
   But there too, a shift is taking place (what I told you once: those abrupt experiences that do not settle in but are first contacts2). After the lesson was drawn from this story, suddenly something arose in the body consciousness which isnt ONE bodys consciousness but a general body consciousnessan aspiration, something so pure, so sweet so sweet something like an entreaty that Truth and Light may at last be manifested here, in this. Not here in this (Mother touches her own body): it was everywhere.

0 1963-04-16, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There is always a vibration subtler than his vibration of peace, and that one must remain free, without getting enclosed in the other. For example, if something pulls and causes a mental tension in the head, just keep in contact with that peace (oh, he does have a capacity of mental immobility), and let it penetrate you, but without concentrating all your being on it: allow the rest of your activity to unfold as usual in an infinity. Its only the vibrations of the physical mind that you should keep in that stability.
   Its difficult to put it into words. But if you are able to do that, it could do you good, it could be restful.
   My experience, you see, is that his mental silence is rigidrigid, closed but the mental substance, the brains physical substance really rests, his silence can rid you of a headache, for instance.
   Its a very, very material vibration, he has some mastery there.

0 1963-04-25, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I received your card of the 23rd yesterday, and it coincided with an improvement in the atmosphere and even a physical improvement. I have rarely felt your Force and your Presence so concretely, continuously and powerfully as since I arrived here. To say that it is the only reality is almost superfluousThat alone really LIVES. All the rest is a false show. I am anxious to leave this place, but X said he wants to make certain changes in my japa, so I have to wait for the right moment. It is difficult to hurry X, as you know. I will wire you as soon as the time comes. Otherwise, I am experiencing Xs power of mental stillness, which is quite remarkable. All the rest I find rather poor.
   More and more I feel, live and see that That alone is real. It is a very engrossing experience.

0 1963-05-03, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   From the standpoint of sensitivity or sensation (I dont know what to call it), when the body rests and enters the static state of pure Existence Before, it was (or gave) a sense of total immobilitynot something motionless: a non-movement, I dont know; not the opposition between something motionless and something in motion, not that the absence of any possibility of movement. But now, as it happens, the body has the sense not only of a terrestrial movement, but of a universal movement so fantastically rapid that it is imperceptible, beyond perception. As if beyond Being and Non-Being, there were a something thats both I mean, that doesnt move WITHIN a space but is both beyond immobility and beyond movement, in the sense that its so rapid as to be absolutely imperceptible to ALL the senses (I dont mean merely the physical senses), all the senses in all the worlds.
   This is something new.
   When I lie down, I go from one state to the other with extraordinary speed. And Ive noticed (the thing is just at its beginning, so I cant really say), Ive noticed that in that state, the Movement2 exceeds the force or power that concentrates the cells into an individual form. And that state seems to be all-powerful, although devoid of conscious will or vision (for the moment). Its a state (how can I explain this?) whose characteristics exceed the power that concentrates the cells into an individual body. The effect is automatic (not willed): as soon as something takes the form of a physical pain, it disappears INSTANTLY. But then, and this is most interesting, the second the body reverts to a certain stateits ordinary state, which isnt the ordinary human state, of course, but its ordinary, habitual stateit recaptures the MEMORY of its pain, and along with the memory comes the possibility of reverting to it if a certain number of conditions are not automatically fulfilled. I dont know if what I am saying makes any sense, but thats how the experience is. It is probably the passage from the true thing to the thing no longer truenot what is meant by Falsehood here on earth (thats something else altogether), but a first alteration compared to the pure Vibration. It gives the impression of a wrong habit, what remains is merely a question of a wrong habit. Its not the principle of distortion that works here, but the wrong habit due to the effect of ANOTHER principle. And something is to be found to checkcheck, eliminate, prevent that effect from recurring automatically.
   Because it happens CONSTANTLY. Its a constant phenomenon: passing from this to that, this to that, this to that, to such a pointits so strong that a second comes, or a minute, or anyway a certain interval of time (I dont know), when you are neither this nor that; then you have a feeling of nothingness. It lasts just an instant; if it lasted longer, it would probably result in fainting or something, I cant say what. But it happens all the time: this, that (oscillating gesture). And between this and that, there is a passage.

0 1963-05-11, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Why not? It doesnt occur to him [X] because hes used to sitting and writing on the ground. Its the same as if I thought it impossible to meditate unless I sat cross-legged and bolt upright! Fortunately, I lived with Sri Aurobindo, who never used to sit cross-legged. He told me right away that it was all a question of habitssubconscious habits. It has no importance whatsoever. And how well he explained: if a posture is necessary for you, it will come by itself. And its perfectly true, for instance, that when necessary, the body will suddenly sit up straightit comes spontaneously. As he said, the important thing is not the external frame but the inner experience, and if there is a physical necessity and your inner experience is entirely sincere, that physical necessity will come ALL BY ITSELF.2 This is something I am absolutely sure of. And he gave me his own example (I had mine, too) of certain things considered dangerous or bad, which we both did independently and spontaneously, and which were a great help to us! Consequently, all those stories of posture and so on are the petty mechanical bounds of the human mind.
   It came to me while I was walking [for the japa]. I had a kind of vision of you squatting askew and writing. And I thought, But thats awful! Hell ruin his health!
   And finally, we have 9 here: gestation. Gestation in Matternot on the heights: here, physically.
   (Mother begins drawing herself the diagram with the figures and the Sanskrit mantra.)

0 1963-05-15, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And for the being that sort of individual aggregateto be transformed, it needs in effect to grow simpler and simpler. All those complexities of Nature which man is now beginning to understand and study, which for the smallest thing are so complex (the smallest of our physical workings is the result of such a complex system that its almost unthinkable certainly it would be impossible for the human mind to think up and contrive all those things), are now being discovered by science. And its quite plain to see that for the functioning to become divine, that is, to escape Disorder and Confusion, it must grow simpler and simpler.
   (long silence)

0 1963-05-18, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   You suffer from, say, a physical trouble, purely physical (morally speaking, it goes without saying, the thing is quite clear; I mean something purely material). Something is disorganized in the working or the structure of the organs. The result is pain. At first you endure, then out of endurance comes perfect equality, and out of perfect equality comes ecstasyits perfectly possible; its not only possible, it has been proved. But the experiment should be carried through TO THE END to know whether ecstasy has the power to restore the bodys order, or whether it ends in dissolution: you are in ecstasy and die in ecstasy. That is, you leave your body while in ecstasy. Is that so? Its not only possible, its perfectly obvious. But thats not what we want! We want to restore order, to eliminate disorder IN MATTERdoes ecstasy have the power to restore order in the physical working and triumph over the forces of dissolution?
   The only way to find out is to make the experiment!

0 1963-05-22, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its a new experience. It came very strongly, as though the final decision were referred to meto the physical consciousness. So I said, Very well, then! Let him be cured, thats my decision.
   What struck me was the suddenness of it: all at once I felt an easing.

0 1963-06-03, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But is this the mind the Tantrics use? For instance, when you speak of the deep blue light in the physical mind, is it the same cellular mind?
   I dont think so.
   Because its also through japa, mantras, the awakening of the physical consciousness, that the Tantric power operates.
   I think their power comes from a higher layer [higher than the cellular mind]. Because their action is very cerebral: its effect is always here (gesture at the forehead and temples), it takes you here (same gesture)its even painful!

0 1963-06-08, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I didnt know I didnt know anything any more, didnt understand anything any more, had no bearings any more; there was only a Force on the move, and what Force! It was a Force that came from beyond and acted upon all the forces of the earth: on big things, on small things, on small, precise points, on enormous things, and it was going on and on and on, on this point, that point, all points together and everywhere. I suppose that if the mind had been associated with the experience, it would have gone a bit mad! It gave that impression, you see, because it was so overwhelming that And all the time, all the time in the physical center (the physical center, that is, in the corporeal base), with something in an ecstatic state; it was very interesting how that ecstasyan ecstasy that sparkled like a diamondwas there, so sweet, so sweet, so peaceful, as though it were there all the while, telling the body, Dont be afraid, (laughing) dont worry, dont be afraid, all is well. As though the supreme Power were saying all the while, Dont worry, dont worry, leave it to me, leave it to me. It lasted more than three hours.
   I wondered, What will my condition be like when I get up? Completely dazed, or what?Very quiet, nothing different, with only a sort of something that was smiling and saying, Oh, so things CAN be that way.

0 1963-06-15, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Oh, you cant imagine the crush! Twenty people at the same time. I thought, Indeed, I am not protected physically. Unless a murderer comes and says, Ive come to murder, (laughing) they wouldnt stop him from coming up!
   Nolini felt a bit embarrassed; he told me, I tried to stop someone from passing but he pushed me aside, saying, I too am a Minister!! (laughter)

0 1963-06-19, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It is the work in the physical mind we spoke of the other day the material mind.

0 1963-07-03, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother looks at the Time magazine photo again:) With these photos its very interesting, I have intriguing experiences: all at once Ill see crystal clear (much clearer than I see physically), Ill see the individual very clearlyhe comes alive, the eyes speak to meand Ill say, Oh, hes like this and like that. Everybody brings me photos, because I am used to reading peoples characters in their photos, thats very easy for me, elementary; but sometimes when I am given a photo, suddenly I see somebody and I say, Oh, but its such and such person, hes like this and like that. But if I am shown the SAME photo a few days afterwards, its just a photo and I see nothing. Its a method thats used to let me know certain things, and once I know them, its finished. For instance, the first time I saw this photo of the Pope, when they brought it to me, I saw the man (I know him, you see) JUST AS I see him over there. But if I look at it nowit doesnt evoke anything in me any more, only the kind of things you see in a photo: a mouth thats not good, far from it. Certainly, that he chose this photo means he LIKES authorityhe wants to be seen in his aspect of authority.
   The odd thing is that he is seated [in the photo], while all the time I see him standing. He is seated with his hand on the armrest, but I keep seeing him standingholding his head high, facing life, standing. He must be fairly tall: the man I know is fairly tall, he looks very much like this one. Its unmistakable, I mean, when I saw the photo I saw the man I knew.
   I saw two examples of this, one physically and the other intellectually (I am referring to things I was in contact with materially). Intellectually, it was a studio friend; for years we had done painting together, she was a very gentle girl, older than I, very serious, and a very good painter. During the last years of my life in Paris, I saw her often and I spoke to her, first of occult matters and the Cosmic philosophy, then of what I knew of Sri Aurobindo (I had a group there and I used to explain certain things), and she would listen with great understandingshe understood, she approved. Now, one day, I went to her house and she told me she was in a great torment. When she was awake, she had no doubts, she understood well, she felt the limitations and obscurities of religion (she came from a family with several archbishops and a cardinalwell, one of those old French families). But at night, she told me, I suddenly wake up with an anguish and somethingfrom my subconscient, obviouslytells me, But after all this, what if you go to hell? And she repeated, When I am awake it doesnt have any force, but at night, when it comes up from the subconscient, it chokes me.
   Then I looked, and I saw a kind of huge octopus over the earth: that formation of the Churchof hellwith which they hold people in their grip. The fear of hell. Even when all your reason, all your intelligence, all your feeling is against it, there is, at night, that octopus of the fear of hell which comes and grips you.

0 1963-07-06, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But I can still see Sri Aurobindo, a little taller than me, and myself bent forward and smiling, pointing to the left, and he said, Yes. And I could see I saw lots of people. Because its a strange thing, the eyesight is absolutely different (its in the subtle physical), the sight is absolutely different from physical sight: you see thousands of miles away and very near at the same time, and distance is implied only by a given place in the atmosphere (I dont know how to explain this), but whats far away is as near from the standpoint of action as whats very close by. You see, the action is just as concrete and close, but it is as though differently placed (Mother shows different levels in the atmosphere). I never gave it a thought, but probably in that activity of the subtle physical we are physically much taller, I think; yet the proportions remain the same; but things are smaller [than Mother or Sri Aurobindo]. Its the same for going up or down, it doesnt have the meaning it has here. And that country I was pointing to was to the left, a little not backward, a little forward and lower down, like this (gesture).
   Sri Aurobindo was very tall there. But I, too, was tall.
   For some time (I mean a year or maybe a year and a half), I have quite often been seeing some very ugly faces pass before me, and also all kinds of queer objectsthings I didnt use to see formerly. I had seen ugly beings only once, when I was with Sri Aurobindo: during the day I caught a sort of influenza (it was more vital than physical), because I had attended and, so to say, presided over the festival of arms2 of the workers here. And they threw all their woes on me, asking to be protected, relieved and so onthere is a sort of spontaneous sincerity in those people, and I answered straightforwardly, without protecting myself. I didnt even think for a minute of protecting myself: I answered all of them (inwardly, of course). I came back inside. In the night, I had a frightful fever. But in the midst of that fever I was entirely conscious; I had the fever people call delirium, and I saw what delirium is: there were hordes of beings from the most material vital rushing at me with such violence! It was a real battle against an army of beings from the lowest, most material and also most violent vitalthey came in waves and I kept throwing them back (which probably people are unable to do): one wave and I threw them back, another wave and I threw them back, and so on the whole night long. I had a fantastic fever. Sri Aurobindo was there, sitting beside my bed, and I told him, Well, thats what gives what people call delirium. It attacks the cerebral region, its really a frightful battle. The next morning, I had an influenza that looked like typhoid fever I knew where it was coming from, I had seen it, I saw the whole thing, you understand.
   It happened once and then it was over: quite naturally the atmosphere gave protection. This time it had the same character, in the sense that twisted faces, very base instincts, very ugly things come and ENTER, which means there must be some work going on on that level, and for it to be done some contact is necessary (naturally when I have my white atmosphere around me, try as they may, they cannot touch it), but this time they entered. Well, I peered at the thing (laughing), not without some curiosity. (The first times, I was surprised, I thought, Why am I starting to see such ugly things! But then I soon understood it was because a work had to be done.) I peer at the thing with some curiosity, and I see I just have to do this (gesture like the flick of a feather duster), simply a little effortless movement and prrt! off it runs with fantastic speed.

0 1963-07-17, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   During the part of the night reserved for the work (generally between 2 and 4:30 in the morning it varies a little), daily now I see people whom I dont know physicallyall the time, all the time, and with lots of work. The work I used to do with the people around me now seems to be spreading: I go to some places that I dont know at all. And always, always something under constructionalways under construction, always. Sometimes I am even testing some new constructions, I mean I try to go this way, that way, do something, try this, try that.1 And at the same time, I am working with people who, on the other hand, arent part of those constructions theyre on the sidelines. To such a point that when I woke up this morning I said to myself, But isnt this going to stop? Wont I get some rest! But it was always an answer (an answer not in words but in FACTS), an instantaneous answertaking no time, not gradual: instantaneous.2
   And along with this, theres a vast, dead-calm rest (if you know what I mean?) in that Lightprobably the Light as it will manifest. Its a golden Light, not very intense or very pale either; a little less pale than the one that I said comes when I concentrate3; a little more intense than that, though not darka golden Light, absolutely immobile, with such an inner intensity of vibration that its beyond all perception. And then its perfect restinstantly. So as soon as I complain, the same ironic remark always comes: Oh, when one can have that in the midst of work, one ought not to complain! The two states are I cant say simultaneous (naturally its not one after the other, both are there together), but its not like two things next to each other, its two ways of looking, I could say, two pointsnot points of view a horizontal look, and a look thats or rather, a specific look and an overall look. A specific look, that of the immediate activity, and an overall and constant look, that of the whole; and as soon as you look at the whole, its (dead-calm gesture) immutable peace, unvarying rest. And then things seem to become swollenswollen with an infinite content.

0 1963-07-20, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But curiously enough, that yantram seems to exasperate the physical mind.
   Doesnt it set something at rest in your mind?

0 1963-07-24, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The importance of the body is obvious; it is because he has developed or been given a body and brain capable of receiving and serving a progressive mental illumination that man has risen above the animal. Equally, it can only be by developing a body or at least a functioning of the physical instrument capable of receiving and serving a still higher illumination that he will rise above himself and realise, not merely in thought and in his internal being but in life, a perfectly divine manhood. Otherwise either the promise of Life is cancelled, its meaning annulled and earthly being can only realise Sachchidananda by abolishing itself, by shedding from it mind, life and body and returning to the pure Infinite, or else man is not the divine instrument, there is a destined limit to the consciously progressive power which distinguishes him from all other terrestrial existences and as he has replaced them in the front of things, so another must eventually replace him and assume his heritage.
   (The Life Divine, XVIII.231)

0 1963-07-27, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its something Ive already been shown, I have already been shown it; when I go like this (gesture) and enfold the earth, I was shown a glorious earth, lit with an inner light. So instead of a burning sun, it was a Light that allowed Life to existyou understand, it was the physical itself that had become luminous. I saw that, I remember VERY DISTINCTLY seeing it.
   But thats a long way ahead! (Mother laughs) Is that all?
   But constantly (I make the problem more precise for the sake of clarity), there are constantly in the atmosphere, as I have always said, all the suggestions, all that atmosphere of the physical mind which is full of every possible stupidity. You have to be permanently on your guard and sweep it all away: Go away, dont interfere. The doctors opinions, the example of other people, that whole really, that whole terrible muddle of Ignorance all around, which you have to drive back: Dont meddle, mind your own business.

0 1963-07-31, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There was a sort of periodicity in the attackscan I call them physical? Theyre not physical, although theyre on the body. They didnt recur at exactly regular intervals, because the periods of time in between werent always the same, but there was a sort of analogy, of similarity in the circumstances. And now I have come to a kind of certainty.
   The work consists, I could say, in either removing or transforming (I am not sure which of the two) all the bodys cells that are or have been under the influence of Falsehood (not lie but falsehood), of the state contrary to the Divine. But since probably a radical purge or transformation would have resulted in nothing but the bodys dissolution, the work goes on in stages, progressively (I am going very far back in time, to my first attacks). So the sequence is the following: first, a series of activities or visions (but those visions are always activities at the same time: both activities and visions) in the subconscious domain, showing in a very living and objective way the Falsehood that has to be removed (transformed or removed). At first, I took them as adverse attacks, but now I see they are states of falsehood to which certain elements in the physical being are linked (at the time, I thought, I am brought into contact with that because of the correspondence in me, and I worked on that level but its another way of seeing the same thing). And it produces certainly there is a dissolution there is a transformation, but a dissolution tooand that dissolution naturally brings about an extreme fatigue or a sort of exhaustion in the body; so between two of those stages of transformation, the body is given time to recover strength and energy.1 And I had noticed that those attacks always come after the observation (an observation I made these last few days) of a great increase in power, energy and force; when the body grows more and more solid, there always follows the next day or the day after, first, a series of nights I could call unpleasant (they are not, for theyre instructive), and then a terrible battle in the body. This time I was consciousnaturally, I am conscious every time, but (smiling) more so every time.
   I had observed lately that the body was getting much stronger, much more solid, that it was even putting on weight (!), which is almost abnormal. Then, I had a first vision (not vision: an activity, but very clear), then another, and then a third. Last night, I was fed a subtle food, as if to tell me that I would need it because I wouldnt take any physical food2 (not that I thought about it, I simply noticed I had been fed, given certain foods). And with the visions I had the two preceding nights, I knew that at issue were certain elements forming part of the bodys construction (psychological construction), and that they had to be eliminated. So I worked hard for their elimination. And today, the battle was waged.
   But then, as I had worked hard for the elimination, the battle was quite formidablewhen it exceeds a certain measure, the heart has trouble, and then I need to rest. Thats how it happened. But it was so clear, so obvious! And the entire process was SEEN from the beginning, every single step of it, its a marvel! A marvel of consciousness, of measure, of dosage, to allow the purification and transformation to take place without disrupting the balance, so that dissolution does not occur. Its based on the capacity to endure and withstand (naturally, if the body were unable to endure, that work couldnt be done).
   And I was told something this morning (I think it was this morning, or in the night, I dont remember); it was said to the body, not to me. The body was told that it would go on till complete purification, and that AT THAT POINT it will have the choice between continuing its work or You see, once it has attained complete purification from the cellular point of view (not what people call physical purity, thats not it), from the point of view of the divine Influence, which means that each cell will be under the exclusive influence of the Supreme (thats the work under way now), the body was told that that work would be done, and once it was completed, the body ITSELF, entirely under the Supremes influence, would decide whether it wants to continue or be dissolved. It was very interesting, because dissolution means a scattering, but to scatter (thats easy to understand) is a way to SPREAD the consciousness over a very large area. So the cells will be given the choice either to act in that way (gesture of diffusion) or to act in agglomeration (Mother makes a fist).
   A few days later, Mother added: "There is also something I left unsaid: an urgent need to cease all material activity in order to enable the body to receive fullyas fully as possible the divine Force that will replace what has been removed. There is something absolute about that need: to stay totally still, quiet, letting the Force descendpermeate the body, rather. All physical activity must be suspended in some way, and if the material organization, or the habit, tends to make it continue, a kind of material impossibility, an excessive fatigue or discomfort, comes to oblige the body to keep still. Because simply to remove or change what shouldn't be there won't do; it must also be replaced by what SHOULD be there. Otherwise, there would be a dwindling or gradual reduction of substance resulting in dissolution. What has been sublimated or removed has to be replaced by something which is the true Vibration, the one that comes straight from the Supreme."
   Mother did not eat anything this morning.

0 1963-08-03, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   physical Matter, physical substance the very elementary consciousness thats in physical substancehas been so ill-treated (since mans presence on earth, I suppose, because before man, there probably wasnt enough self-consciousness to be aware of being ill-treated; the substance wasnt conscious enough, I suppose, to make a distinction between a normal peaceful state and unfavorable conditions; but anyway, that goes back quite long time), so ill-treated that it finds it very hard to believe things can be different. That consciousness has an aspirationan aspiration especially for a LUMINOUS peace, something that isnt the dark peace of Unconsciousness, which it doesnt like (I dont know if it ever liked it, but it no longer does). It aspires to a luminous peace; not to a consciousness full of various things, not that: simply to a peaceful consciousness, very peaceful, very quiet, very luminous thats what it wants. Yet at the same time, it has some difficulty believing that its possible. I am experiencing it: the concrete and absolutely tangible intervention of the supreme Power, supreme Light and supreme Goodnessit [the consciousness in physical substance] has the experience of that, and every time it has a new sense of wonder, but in that sense of wonder I can see something like: Is it really possible?
   It gives me the impression, you know, of a dog that has been beaten so much that it expects nothing but blows.

0 1963-08-07, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It seems to me (Ive been feeling that for a long time now, more than a year, almost a year and a half), it seems to me that all the work was done only to teach every single element of the body to have a physical, material consciousness, but at the same time to maintain that state of peacea positive, full, thoroughly comfortable peace: something that can last indefinitely. That is to say, I progressively teach the body what I could call all the divine states; I teach it to feel and live in the divine states. Well, the closest things (two things are close enough, but one is more comfortable, if I may say soits the word ease in Englishthan the other; the other is more tense [Mother makes a fist], there is a will in it) the closest things are the sense of eternity and the sense of silence. Because behind the whole creation (I mean the material creation), there is a perfect Silence, not the opposite of noise but a positive silence, which is at the same time a complete immobility thats very good as an antidote to disorder. But the sense of eternity is still better, and it has a sweetness the other hasnt; the sense of eternity includes the sense of sweetness (but not sweetness as we understand it). Its extremely comfortable. That is, there is no reason why it should changeor cease or start anew. It is selfexistent, perfect in itself. And these are the best antidotes to the other state [of disorder]: peace, simple peace, isnt always sufficient.
   After all, the body is an utterly wretched thing. Yesterday, I think, it was complaining, really complaining (I said it was a whiner, but yesterday it was complaining), really asking, Why, why was such a wretched thing ever made?Incapacity, incomprehension, oh! Nothing but limitations and impossibilities. A sterile goodwill, a complete lack of power, and as soon as some little vital power comes, its turned into violencedisgusting.
   For a very long timea very long time I preferred one path to the other, and all the while when I lived with Sri Aurobindo physically, I quite certainly preferred the path of harmonious growth to that of the general throwing back into the melting pot!

0 1963-08-10, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its true that the doctor himself said ([laughing], the doctor1 symbolizes Doubt with a capital D) that if you teach your body to bear pain, it grows more and more enduring and doesnt get disrupted so fast thats a concrete result. People who know how not to be thoroughly upset as soon as they have a pain here or there, who are able to bear quietly and keep their balance, it seems that in their case the bodys capacity to bear disorder without breaking down increases. Thats very important. You remember, in a previous Agenda I asked myself the question from a purely practical and physical point of view, and it does seem to be true. Inwardly, I have been told many a timetold and shown with all sorts of little experiences that the body can bear far more than people think, provided they dont add fear or anxiety to the pain; if you can get rid of that mental factor, the body, left to itself, without either fear or fright or anxiety for what will happenwithout anguishcan bear a great deal.
   The second step is that once the body has decided to bear pain (it really takes the decision to do so), instantly the acuteness, the acute sensation in the pain vanishes. I am speaking on an absolutely material level.
   And if you have calm (it requires an inner calm, which is another factor), if you have inner calm, then the pain turns into an almost pleasant sensationnot pleasant in the ordinary sense of the word, but there comes an almost comfortable impression. Once again, I am speaking on a purely physical, material level.
   The last stage: when the cells have faith in the divine Presence and the divine sovereign Will and trust that all is for the good, then ecstasy comes the cells open up, become luminous and ecstatic.
   When it was over, I saw that even physically, bodily, there is a strength: the result is an increased strength. A very clearly increased strength.
   But its still going on. Now, theres a great battle against all the ideas, the habits, the sensations, the possibilities, everything, concerning deathdeath (laughing), not death in the sense of the consciousness departing (that, of course, people talk about, but those things no longer exist), no: WHAT THE CELLS MUST FEEL.2 And all the possibilities are presented to me With that consciousness (the consciousness accumulated, compressed in all those cells), when the heart stops beating and its understood that, according to human ignorance, you are dead, how does the force that groups all those cells together abdicate its will to hold them all together? Naturally, I was told right away (because the problemall the problemscome from everywhere, and its purposely that I am shown the problem and made to struggle with it; its not just as an idea), I was told right away that that force, that consciousness which holds everything together in really superconscious cells (they dont have at all the ordinary type of consciousness; ordinarily, its the inner, vital being [Mother touches the heart center] thats conscious of oneness, that is, conscious of being a being), that this aggregate of cells is now an aggregate OF ITS OWN WILL, with an organized consciousness which is a sort of collective gathering of that cellular consciousness; well Obviously this is an exceptional condition, but even in the past, in those beings who were very developed outwardly, there was a beginning of willed, conscious cellular gathering, and thats certainly why in ancient Egypt, where occultism was very developed. exceptional beings such as the pharaohs, the high priests, etc., were mummified, so as to preserve the form as long as possible. Even here in India, generally they were petrified (in the Himalayas there were petrifactive springs). There was a reason.3
   I asked myself if for everybody the supramental process will always automatically involve a lot of physical suffering.
   No! That Sri Aurobindo wrote very clearly: for all those who have faith and open themselves in surrender and faith, the work will be done automatically.4 As long as he was here, mon petit, all the thirty years I spent with him working, NOT ONCE did I have to make an effort for a transformation. Simply, whenever there was a difficulty, I repeated, My Lord, my Lord, my Lord I just thought of himhop! it went away. physical pain: he annulled it. You know, some things that were hampering the body, some old habits that had come back, I only had to tell him: off they would go. And through me, he did the same for others. He always said that he and I did the Work (in fact, when he was here, it was he who did it; I only did the external work), that he and I did the Work, and that all that was asked from the others was faith and surrender, nothing more.
   If they had trust and gave themselves in perfect trust, the Work was done automatically.

0 1963-08-13a, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There is a nirvana behind the vital, a nirvana behind the psychic, a nirvana behind the mind; there is a nirvana on every level, even behind the physicalits death. And those who withdraw, who try to attain Nirvana, NEVER go into the psychic the psychic is something essentially linked to divine manifestation, not to divine nonintervention, not to Nirvana.
   All that is fit for the wastepaper basket!1

0 1963-08-13b, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Yet, on the physical plane, the difference is obvious. For we are still all that we no longer want to be, while He is all that we want to become.
   Signed: Mother

0 1963-08-24, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   At times For the body its a constant worka constant laborvery tiny, of every instant, an unceasing effort, with, so to say, an imperceptible result (externally at any rate, quite nonexistent), so for someone who doesnt have my consciousness, its perfectly obvious that the body appears to wear out and age, to be slowly heading for decomposition: thats in everyones atmosphere and consciousness (Mother laughs), its the kind of appreciation and vibration thats being thrown all the time on this poor body, which besides is quite conscious of its infirmityit doesnt entertain any illusions! But that quiet, peaceful, but UNCEASING endurance in the effort of transformation makes it sometimes yearn for a little ecstasynot as an abolition or annihilation, not at all, but it seems to be saying, Oh, Lord, I beg you, let me be You in all tranquillity. In fact, thats its prayer every evening when people are supposed to leave it in peace (unfortunately they leave it in peace physically, but mentally they dont). But that I could cut off, I learned to cut off long, long ago, I could cut off, but something, I mean somewhere, someone doesnt approve! (Mother laughs) Obviously what the Someone the great Someonewants to see realized is perfect peace, perfect rest, and joy, a passive joy (not too active; a passive joy is enough), a passive, constant joy, WITHOUT forsaking the work. In other words, the individual experience isnt regarded as all-importantvery far from it: the help given to the whole, the leaven which makes the whole rise, is AT LEAST equally important. Ultimately, thats probably the major reason for persisting in this body.
   Nothing inside asks any questions, there are no problems there; all the problems I am talking about are posed by the body, for the body; otherwise, inside, everything is perfect, everything is exactly as it should be. And totally so: what people call good, what they call evil, the beautiful, the ugly, the all that is a small immensity (not a big immensity), a small immensity that is moving more and more towards a progressive realization thats the correct phrasewithin an integral Consciousness which integrally (how should I put it?) enjoys, or I could say, feels the plenitude of what He doesdoes, is and so forth (its all the same thing). But this poor body
   What people see [when they look at Mothers body] is only the appearance, but this appearance is a reflection of something else. (silence) Theres a sort of knowledge (is it a knowledge?) or foreknowledge given to the body of how this appearance will be changed. And it sounds so simple, so easy, it can be done in a flash, because its not AT ALLit wont AT ALL be done in the way people think or expect. Its rather like the vision of the TRUE internal movement that would IMPOSE itself in such a way that it would veil the false vision which sees things like that [on the surface]. Its very hard to explain, but its Ive felt it several times for a few seconds (I have a sort of sensation of the thing): there is something true, the true physical, which, although its not perceptible to our eyes as they see, could make itself perceptible through an INTENSIFICATION. And that intensification would be what would effect the transformation outwardly that would replace the false appearance with the real form.
   But I have no idea whether the false appearance wouldnt still exist for those not ready to see the true thing. At any rate, it would be an intermediary period: those whose eyes were open would be able to see (what is called open eyes in the Scriptures), they would be able to see; and they would be able to see not through effort or seeking, but the thing would impose itself on them. While those whose eyes were not open for a time, at least, it would be that way, they wouldnt seethey would still see the old appearance. The two may be simultaneous.
   Now, of course, when I say that, people imagine its a psychic or mental vision thats not it, I dont mean that! I mean a physical vision, with these very eyes (Mother touches her eyes). But a TRUE physical vision, instead of the distorted vision we have now.
   This means, basically, that the true reality is far more marvelous than we can imagine, because all that we can imagine is always a transformation or glorification of what we see but thats not it. Thats not it!
   I am not quite sure that I do not already exist physically with a true body2I say not quite sure because the outer senses have no proof of it! But in fact I dont try, I have never attempted to see or know, but from time to time, it somehow imposes itself: for a minute, I see myself, feel myself, objectify myself as I am. But it just lasts a few seconds, and pfft! goneits replaced by the old habit.
   You know, we can only conceive of things changing from one to another: you grow young again, all the signs of aging disappear and so on thats old hat, thats not how it works. Thats not it!

0 1963-08-28, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Those people are entirely vulnerable (by vulnerable, I mean defenseless) to spiritual force. The day when it manifests physically, there will be a debacle.
   Even here, with these people who through their tradition are so accustomed to the Power, the true spiritual Power, when it just manifests a little, they they tremble all over. But there they deny it which means they are completely defenseless.

0 1963-08-31, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But the body does profit from the experience, in the sense that it feels stronger afterwardsnot much stronger physically, we dont care about that strength! Its a very odd phenomenon: the sense of the concrete fades awayit fades farther and farther away. Concrete vision, concrete sense of smell, concrete taste, concrete hearing, it all seems far awayfar behind in a an unreal past. And that kind of dry and lifeless concrete is replaced by something thats very supple (round, global gesture), very complete in that all the senses function together, and VERY INTIMATE WITH EVERYTHING.
   For a while I was shown the two functionings to enable me to perceive the difference: how the senses function now, and how they did formerly: and it gives a fuzzy impression, but its an impression of something both very intimate and very complete (same round gesture), whereas, before, each thing was separate, divided (choppy, hard gesture), unconnected with the other, it was very superficialvery precise but very superficial, like a pinpoint. Its not at all that way any more.

0 1963-09-04, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I dont know, I cant say, because for all these experiences I try to drive all thoughts as far away as possible, because they dont help to get the correct perception. So that I cant say whether or not there was a reason for that memoryto tell the truth, the mind always finds reasons for everything, so You know, I am not occupied with those things, I dont try to know, and therefore they dont comethey come of their own accord. There was obviously a necessity: all that comes is necessary, I know that, otherwise it wouldnt come. But that memory didnt bring with it any sense or perception of a danger to your physical life, not in the least. I dont have that perception, while I did have it two years ago. Now I dont have it.
   But I remember that for a few days I was occupied with that memory, as part of a vast work on certain physical vibrations, in all the physical domains with which I deal. And it came (strangely, its always LOCATED, located somewhere), and the perception I have is very acute, absolutely like the perception of something that happened to me personally (but all that comes to me now comes in this way). Only, there was the knowledge that it was your own body that had gone through that experience. And then yes, I remember, there was a certain quality of vibration (Mother looks silently), and it was connected with a study on the experience the cells gain in the process of death. I remember, I was studying the cellular experiences (which the cells have more often than not semiconsciously and often unconsciously), those semiconscious experiences that stay in the subconscient and help to make some cells more and more receptive and prepared for the new Force. And as I was studying that, your experience of the camps came, and I saw in fact that a certain number of your cells, a rather considerable number (cells that are partly in the brain, partly in the throat center and partly here [gesture to the upper part of the chest]) have had the preliminary experience of death.
   And that gives them a very special capacity of consciousness.
   In fact, the physical blow will come a year later and Satprem will nearly die from it.
   Occultly, to see if there is a real threat over Satprem.

0 1963-09-18, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Because NOTHING in the consciousness budged during those changeovers [back and forth from the true to the false movement]; the consciousness is like that, turned not upward, not inward, turned simply turned to the Lord, living in His Light, which, in the physical world, becomes a golden splendor. The consciousness is turned to That. There is nothing but That, its the sole reality, the sole truth. And It vibrates like this (Mother touches her hands, her arms), It vibrates in all the cells, everywhere. I go like this (Mother makes a gesture of collecting it in the air around), as if I picked it up. It isnt ethereal, its very material; it feels like an air that is thick but vibrant, very vibrant. The consciousness is like that. And all this goes on in the body. But with the presence of that old idiot which is immediately pessimistic, catastrophic, defeatisthow defeatist, oh it sees everything as a calamity. And then that wonderful character, after imagining the worse (in the space of a second, of course), it submits it all to the Lord and tells Him, Here, Lord, here is Your work, its all Yours, do what You will with it! The silly idiot, why did it have to prepare its catastrophes! A catastrophe, invariably a catastrophe, everything is catastrophic but it offers its catastrophe to the Lord!
   And the answer is invariably a smile full of such patience, oh! That patience gives me a sense of wonder every second.

0 1963-09-25, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But the night before, I was with Sri Aurobindo, who gave me a revelation. I was with him, he was reclining (not stretched out but on a sort of chaise longue) and I was supposed to bring him something to eat (not at all like physical food, its something else I dont know what it is its rather different in that world the subtle physical), and it was expressed to me (there were no words in my consciousness; I dont know why, no words), he told me something which I understood perfectly, not only understood but it made me very happy, a joy came into me, and I answered, Yes, exactly! It corresponds to the experience I had today and which is??? (Mother leaves her sentence hanging) You see, I was conscious while I was having all the activity, but it was expressed in words [there] that arent words [here], so I dont know what to do! And he told me in the tone you take when expressing a definitive and overwhelming experience (his tone was one of absolute power) something that was translated like this: Now, the nourishment (it wasnt nourishment but food) comes from the whole of Nature at once. (Mother utters those words like a riddle or an open sesame that has not yet opened the door) And he told me to bring it to him (that too was a translation): Yes, you will bring it (the it was that food coming from the whole Nature at onceits a seemingly silly transcription, but anyway), you will bring it in this translucent bowl. And I replied, Yes, I knew, I knew that I had to use this translucent bowl to bring you the food. But what on earth does that correspond to?? Yet it was so evident! There was such a joy! (Because as I was conscious, I thought, Well, all the same, I am still following him closely in his development, its going on as when he was here: when he wins a victory, it is materialized in me.) Thus I was perfectly conscious and I told him, Ah, I am glad! (I am faltering, of course, it wasnt that at allit was admirable.) Oh, I am glad, I knew that I had to bring you the food in this translucent bowl. And the translucent bowl was a marvel! I had it, you see, it was beautiful! It was like opaline, living glass, all luminous but with all the lights alive and moving, and what colors! Pink, mauve, silver and gold, oh, it was so very beautiful. And I brought it to him.
   It impressed me very strongly. Very strongly: I was under a spell, probably because the experience was still too strong and powerful for the material brain. And I saw it immediately; at the very moment of the experience, I saw it was a transcription, and an extraordinarily poor transcription, but nothing better could be done.
   It wasnt on the ground, it wasnt in the physical world.
   But a swarm, you know! Its certainly some mental world or other.

0 1963-10-05, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It was a constructiona huge construction. It resembled one of those huge hotels they build nowadays, with inner courtyards and all sorts of things. And I had my room right at the top. (It called to my mind an old experience I had had. Do you remember that big hotel?1 It was somewhat like that.) And everyone there was APPARENTLY full of respect, of obedience, of thoughtfulness but everyone was going his own sweet way thats nothing new. At first, I was downstairs (my room was way upstairs, I dont know how many floors there were), and there I met some people, people whom I know. But each and every detail was so revealing, it was marvelous! And it was time for me to have my bath (I dont know what time it was!), so I wanted to go back upstairs to do so, but I needed someone to prepare the bath (its symbolic; I dont know yet, I havent yet understood the symbol of that bath, because it occurs very often; but there may be some meaning hidden in that symbol). But then one person was too old (someone who had offered to prepare the bath, but he was too old), another wasnt strong enough, anotherto be able to prepare the bath required VERY special qualities. It isnt the first time; it has happened two or three times before: to be able to prepare that bath took absolutely exceptional qualities of courage, strength, physical power, endurance. And the people downstairs (gesture expressing incapacity). So I said to myself, All right, Ill go upstairs and see what happens.
   On the way, the same thing happened again: I went the usual wayplop! cut off, nothing left, I cant get through; I come back, start another wayplop! cut off, I cant get through. Yet I kept going up (how, I dont know). Then I reached a sort of square terrace-balcony, perfectly square, and ALL its doors were closed. There was no way of going farther: all the doors were closed. Then I see water rising, rising, rising in the ENTIRE building, except the places where the doors were closed. Downstairs (I dont know, I was very high up, maybe on the fourth or fifth floor) the doors were closed, so naturally water could not get in. All the courtyards (large, immense courtyards) were turned into swimming pools. What water! I kept watching it, admiring it; I said to myself, What wonderful water! So clear, so clear, clearer than any I ever saw. Water that was I cant say, it was transparent like like purity itself, it was marvelous. It was rising and rising and rising. I saw in one of the courtyards on my left (a very large courtyard: it had become an immense swimming pool!), I saw a person in a bathing suit come out of the water, as if he had taken his bath in it, and wrap himself up (a very tall person, very tall, who was neither a man nor a woman), he wrapped himself up in a bathrobe, then walked away on the water (!) I was watching this till suddenly I realized that the water was beginning to reach my feet. Then I KNEW: Ah, yes! Theyve decided to do this. I was a little upset: They really could have told me they were going to do this! I thought. Its something they must do regularly. Did they inform some people? (All this in my head, of course.)

0 1963-10-16, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its still there; even in those who have developed their higher mind, who are able to emerge from that darkness and ignorance, its still there its still there in a sort of mental or vital subconscient. And its so dark! Thoroughly stupid, you know: it can be given hundreds and thousands of proofs, it remains unaffecteda kind of incapacity to understand. And then it constantly rises to the surface, and I am constantly obliged (gesture of offering to the Heights) to present it: This is still there, that is still there, that And I see very well that the distinction between what goes on in this body and its atmosphere, and what goes on in all other bodies is I dont know if the distinction still exists, but its imperceptible. And the consciousness is aware of all those movements as if they were personal to the physical person. But the physical person (Mother touches her body) isnt just this body I am not yet sure whether the physical person isnt the whole earth (for certain things, it is the whole earth), or whether the physical person is the entirety of all the bodies of the people I am in contact with. During the last hours of the night, that is, between 2 and 4, I see precise forms; but those precise forms are themselves representative, meaning there are TYPES and those types take on the image of someone I am in contact with or was in personal contact with. But to me they are types: Oh, its such and such a type but that can be thousands of people. And the action (its always for an action), the action on the person-type has repercussions on all that he represents.
   And thats a labor which seems infiniteendless, at any rate.

0 1963-10-19, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Of the three, health is the most directly connected to the inner transformation, but not completely so because it constantly depends on what comes in from outside: influences, vibrations the contagion from the outside. You have to eat: everything you receive along with foodits fantastic! Theres so much that eating represents a considerable work the physical digestion is nothing, but the work of assimilation and adaptation of all the rest is considerable. Consequently, of the three, health is the most directly under the influence of the inner progress, but, as I said, not completely so. Therefore, that too has to be conquered.
   As for money, when Sri Aurobindo was here there was no problem: all that we needed came. Yet the last two years were beginning to be more difficult and he kept saying, I think I already told you, that it resulted from the wrong attitude of the people around; that this wrong attitude represented a considerable problemit has gone from bad to worse, it has become quite acute.
   So it would be the same thing physicalLY, you understand.
   You know, at those times, I feel such a force in me, even a physical strength, greater than I have ever felt in my life, even when I was young and strong enough, and it makes me feel that peoples physical strength is nothing! The first time it came after my illness (I wasnt on my guard), it did so for no apparent reason (possibly as a test) and there was this instrument on my table (Mother points to a penholder mounted on a steel pivot). So the Force came, and for some reason or other I wanted to push this thing down. I put my hand on it without any effort, any force (but the Force was there, it was in my arm): snapped off! (It isnt easy to break.) Snapped clean off! Without the shadow of an effort. The doctor was here, he asked me Why? I told him, Oh, I didnt do it deliberately, a force took hold of my arm and went snap! And I did it consciously; I saw, I saw the Force, saw a sort of golden bolt of lightning, very strong, that came andsnap! I didnt make the slightest effort. The doctor was upset! (He is a man with a sattvic nature.) He told me, That is stupid, it breaks your things Ill get others!
   That was the first time. Afterwards, I was on my guard.

0 1963-11-04, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But then, the remarkable thing is that the Vibration (what we could call the quality of the vibration that comes from the Lord) is constructive: it constructs, it is peaceful and luminous; while that other vibration, of desire and such like, complicates, destroys and confuses, it twists thingsconfuses and distorts them, twists them. And it takes away the light: it makes for a dullness, which can be intensified with violent movements to the point of very dark shadows. But even where there is no passion, where passion doesnt interfere, thats how it is. You see, the physical reality has become nothing but a field of vibrations mingling together and, unfortunately, clashing together too, in conflict with one another. And the clash, the conflict, is the climax of that kind of turmoil, of disorder and confusion created by certain vibrations, which are ultimately vibrations of ignorance (they come because people dont know, they are vibrations of ignorance), and are too small, too narrow, too limitedtoo short. The problem isnt seen from a psychological standpoint at all: its nothing but vibrations.
   If we look at it from a psychological standpoint On the mental plane, its very easy; on the vital plane, its not too difficult; on the physical plane, its a little heavier, because desires are passed off as needs. But there too, there has been a field of experience these last few days: the study of medical and scientific conceptions on the bodys makeup, its needs, and whats good or bad for it. And all this, in its essence, again boils down to the same question of vibrations. It was quite interesting: there was an appearance (because all things as the ordinary consciousness sees them are nothing but appearances), there was an appearance of food poisoning (mushrooms that are thought to have been bad). It was the object of a particular study to find out whether there was something absolute about the poisoning, or whether it was relative, that is, based on ignorance, a wrong reaction and the absence of the true Vibration. And the conclusion was as follows: its a question of proportion between the amount, the sum of the vibrations that belong to the Supreme, and the sum of the vibrations that still belong to darkness. Depending on the proportion, the poisoning appears as something concrete, real, or else as something that can be eliminated, in other words, that doesnt resist the influence of the Vibration of Truth. And it was very interesting, because, immediately, as soon as the consciousness became aware of the cause of the trouble in the bodys functioning (the consciousness perceived where it came from and what it was), immediately the observation began, with the idea: Lets see what happens. First set the body perfectly at rest with the certainty (which is always there) that nothing happens except by the Lords Will and that the effect too is the Lords Will, all the consequences are the Lords Will, and consequently one should be very still. So the body is very still: untroubled, not agitated, it doesnt vibrate, nothingvery still. Once this is achieved, to what extent are the effects unavoidable? Because a certain quantity of matter that contained an element unfavorable to the bodys elements and life was absorbed, what is the proportion between the favorable and the unfavorable elements, or between the favorable and the unfavorable vibrations? And I saw very clearly: the proportion varies according to the amount of cells in the body that are under the direct Influence, that respond to the supreme Vibration alone, and the amount of other cells that still belong to the ordinary way of vibrating. It was very clear, because I could see all the possibilities, from the ordinary mass [of cells], which is completely upset by that intrusion and where you have to fight with all the ordinary methods to get rid of the undesirable element, to the totality of the cellular response to the supreme Force, which renders the intrusion perfectly innocuous. But this is still a dream for tomorrowwere on the way. But the proportion has become rather favorable (I cant say all-powerful, far from it, but rather favorable), so that the consequences of the ill-being didnt last very long and the damage was, so to say, minimal.
   But all the experiences nowadays, one after the otherall the physical experiences, of the bodypoint to the same conclusion: everything depends on the proportion between the elements that respond exclusively to the Supremes Influence, the half-and-half elements, on the road to transformation, and the elements that still follow Matters old vibratory process. The latter appear to be decreasing in number, to a great extent, but there are still enough of them to bring about unpleasant effects or unpleasant reactionsthings that are untransformed, that still belong to ordinary life. But all problems, whether psychological or purely material or chemical, all problems boil down to this: they are nothing but questions of vibrations. And there is the perception of that totality of vibrations and of what we could call (in a very rough and approximative way) the difference between the constructive and the destructive vibrations. We can say (to put it very simply) that all the vibrations that come from the One and express Oneness are constructive, while all the complications of the ordinary, separative consciousness lead to destruction.
   (long silence)
   There are examples, in the terrestrial action, of things that were done just like that: no one ever understood how it was done or why it was donejust like that, so simply, very simply, it all worked out. And in other cases, to obtain a mere visa or permit, you have to move heaven and earth! So, from the smallest thing, the slightest physical discomfort, to the most global action, its all the same principle, it all boils down to the same principle.
   Naturally, when you have the experience, its very easy to understand, but its hard to explainby the way, I dont think we can put this in the Bulletin.

0 1963-11-13, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The entire process of development, at least on the earth (I dont know how it is on other planets) is that way. And perhaps (I dont know very much about the history of astronomy) universes toodo they know if universes perish physically, if the physical history of the end of a universe has been recorded? Traditions tell us that a universe is created, then withdrawn into pralaya, and then a new one comes; and according to them, ours is the seventh universe, and being the seventh universe, it is the one that will not return to pralaya but will go on progressing, without retreat. This is why, in fact, there is in the human being that need for permanence and for an uninterrupted progressits because the time has come.
   (Mother remains in contemplation)

0 1963-11-20, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I tried to find out why your physical life began (well, not quite began, but you were very, very young, just the same) with such a painful experience [the concentration camps]. And I saw why: it was like a separationnot separation, but disentanglement, you understand? There are two things in every human being: what comes from the past and has persisted because it is formed and conscious, and then all that dark, unconscious mass, really muddy, that is added in every new life. Then the other thing gets into that and finds itself imprisoned, you knowadulterated and imprisoned and generally it takes more than half ones life to emerge from that entanglement. Well, for you, care was taken to more than double the dose at the beginning, and it caused a kind of tearing apart: one part went up above, another part fell down below. And the part (it acted almost like a filter), the part that rose up was very cleansed, very cleansed of all that swarming: its becoming very, very conscious of the mixture. Just see, today, the whole morning until I was swamped with work by people, till then there was a sharp awareness of the part of the being that still belongs, as I said, to Unconsciousness, to Ignorance, to Darkness, to Stupidity, and is not even as harmonious as a tree or a flower; something thats not even as tranquil as a stone, not even as harmonious and not even as strong as the animal something that is really a downfall. That is really human inferiority. And maybe (no, I shouldnt say maybe: I know) it was necessary for things to settle downsettle, you know, as when you let a liquid settle? Thats exactly it: its the Light that settles, the Consciousness that settles. And indeed its true, there is in you a part that has entirely settled. Every time I see it (it comes in the course of the work, you understand), its lovely in its quality of light, its quality of vibration, and it has settled considerably. But its true that there is also a kind of sediment, a deposit (deposit, you know?) which is a bit heavy thats what youre conscious of.
   But you shouldnt say me! Its not you, that residue isnt you! But you are indeed conscious of the Light, arent you?
   You must be having revelations without even noticing them! You have all this here (gesture above Satprems head), its full of revelations, mon petit! And there you are, trying to see with the eyes of the vital, to have experiences in the subtle physical, all kinds of things, which cannot even come because you are here (gesture above), and that is the sediment.

0 1963-11-30, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Because I saw It was so precise, so concrete, material, that for a moment I wondered whether it was physical or not. There was only the arm and shoulder of someone who stood behind you, but veiled, that is, as if behind a mist so as not to be seen. It was a womans arm, very young, a very milky white, and a little roundednot fat (!), but without angles. There was a hand and an arm, very white-skinneda milky white and I could see the beginning of a sort of silver dress. She had words and sheets of paper, and she was arranging words on the sheets, and then the words were written in black on the sheetsshe had the words and the sheets separately, and she arranged the words on the sheets and then put the sheets in front of you. She was standing behind you. But not a vague and imprecise vision, it was very, very material. (smiling) So I wondered if you have a Muse?
   It was only her right armshe wasnt very tall, but very young, and a shape without angles (I cant say plump!), a well-rounded shape. And with her small fingers she took the words and arranged them on the sheets, then when it was arranged (the sheets werent covered all over with words: in places only), she put the sheet in front of you.
   It was a being from the subtle physical, she didnt seem human at all.
   And there were no letters: the words were ready-made, she took them and arranged them; then when there was a certain number of them on the paper, she would put the paper in front of you.

0 1963-12-14, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   That way, you can gauge precisely how much is left of the old habit of personal reaction, especially in the emotive part of the universal being: its the emotive part that still remains the most personal, even more so than the purely physical, material part. As soon as the emotive part comes into play, it personalizes, because it ENJOYS individual reactions; it is the part that LOVES to feel it loves, that LOVES to feel its own emotions, and because of it there remains a faint personal coloration. And when there occurs a somewhat darker or backward movement, the body is indignant and doesnt understand that its part of the whole, that the whole must go forward together and you cant separate a piece of it to perfect itit cant be done! Its impossible. Its not that it shouldnt be doneit CANNOT be done. Everything goes together.
   The way the world is now physically organized, with the difference and specialization in the forms, in sexes, encourages a kind of opposition between the two poles, the union of which results in creation. So, naturally, each pole has enormous difficulty understanding the other (although it thinks and believes it does), especially understanding the pole I place underneath (gesture signifying the basis of the world), which is the effectively creative pole, that is to say, what is expressed by woman. She feels very well that without this (gesture above) the full understanding isnt there; but this, which is above, doesnt AT ALL understand the creative power of that which is belowit knows it in principle, but doesnt understand it. And there is a lack of adaptation, a sort of conflict, which shouldnt exist. It never existedneverbetween Sri Aurobindo and me, but I could see it didnt exist because he had adopted the attitude of complete surrender to the eternal Mother (the stage, in the creation, of complete surrender). I would see it, and it embarrassed me! It embarrassed me, I thought, But why does he think he has to do that (laughing), as if I couldnt understand! On the contrary, I thirst for the other attitude for identifying myself this way instead of that way (Mother presses her fist upward against her hand above): for identifying myself from below upward instead of from above downward. It was an aspiration, which has been there almost for eternities for the universal creative Force to identify itself with the Creator. And to identify itself not through the descent of the Creator, but through the ascent of the Force the conscious ascent. But Sri Aurobindo willed it that way, so it was that way and then I was very busy with my work. For the thirty years we lived together, it went on that way, perfectly smoothly; and I kept my aspiration quiet because I knew that it was his will. But since he left and I was obliged to do his work, so to speak, things have changed. But I didnt in the least want the Creator, because of my taking up the work, to be obliged to adapt himself to the creative Force (that wont do at all!), and my whole aspiration has been for the creative Force to consciously BECOME the Creator. Its becoming increasingly that way. And at the last meeting [with Sri Aurobindo], for a time (not the whole time, but some time), it was that way. Then I understood; it made me understand the play of all the forces in the two elements the two polesand how they could be joined, through what process that opposition could disappear so that the total Being might exist.
   Were on the way. And its growing clearer and clearer. It will be tremendously interesting. But thats for later on.

0 1963-12-21, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   You know, the fact of no longer having the physical support of Sri Aurobindos presence was a blow that might have been mortal (I prevented it from being mortal by closing a door, because he had asked me to continue and I decided to continue), but it made certain things rather difficult because it became necessary to have a constant perception of what has to be done and a constant effort to change what is into what should be. Probably its a period of work that must be completed now, and he was asking of me the capacity to live in the positive side. The trouble is, the body is itself a kind of contradiction but it was suggested to me that those contradictions of the body arise from the fact that I admit in the consciousness all the contradictions, and that consequently they are there in the body, too. Instead of looking at the body and saying, Oh, this (this limitation, that narrowness) is still here, I should look only at WHAT SHOULD BE, and the body would be forced to follow.
   This seems to be the preparation of the program for next yeara long, long way to go yet. But anyway, there are still a few days left (!)

0 1963-12-25, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There is a whole zone in the most material vital which penetrates, as it were, the subtle physical thats where illnesses are formed. You see swarms of completely crooked formationsa lack of sincerity. And it expresses itself in images: I see all kinds of people and do all kinds of things in a special zone the same people who are elsewhere are here too under a special aspect. Its a mixture of the deformation of consciousness, the deformation of language, the deformation of formsswarms and swarms! For hours.
   But I was always accompanied by a form, not a very precise one, but which was the materialization in that realm of the Lords Presence. I remember having for the work entered a huge room, completely bare, without anything, in a half-light, when suddenly I felt something grabbing hold of me here (gesture at the nape of the neck), something I even felt physically (I was lying in my bed, but I felt it physically). So I pointed it out to that Form which was accompanying me everywhereso attentive, so closeto explain and show things to me; I complained, saying, Look, something has grabbed hold of me, it even hurts physically. So I saw a kind of arm come and take that thing on my neck, pull it away and present it to me: it was like one of those big bats that are called flying fox (there are some here, they eat little birds, chicks), it was clinging to my neck! He said, Oh, its nothing! Its only that. (Mother laughs) And it was a big thing like this (about three feet) which had grabbed hold of me here and had its two claws still out (he had wrenched it off my neck). It had become flat and almost inert, but it was still as vicious as anything.
   It was quite simply an incidentto mention just one.
   But the remarkable thing is that my physical pain went away immediately; I felt a pain in the nape of my neck, like a weight that hurt and pressed on the nerves, and it went away instantly: Oh, its nothing, just that!
   Then He seemed to lead me to other places, where I saw a sort of scorpion with a very odd shape (it was also a sort of entity in that realm and it gave other illnesses) trying to climb up somewhere. There was also a truncated snake which had been cut through, and out of the cut something like its life was escaping, yet it was still alive. All kinds of horrors. But there wasnt the slightest feeling of disgust: it was more like a consciousness studying, observing, and the I that observed was the force exerted by the consciousness on the play of those things.
   It isnt a pleasant realm. Its the realm thats just like this (Mother places one hand over the other), immediately beyond (how can I put it? Its neither higher nor deeper inside) beyond the subtle physical, and its the realm in which formations of illness MATERIALIZE. I spent more than three hours of the night in it.
   Its a kind of study a useful one, maybe. And I noticed, I remember having complained, Oh, it hurts! (Apparently I was sound asleep, but I was very conscious of my body.) So it interested me, and I turned to the Lord: It hurts quite a bit. So He extended his hand, took that thing away and presented it to me, saying, Oh, its only that! It wasnt pretty. But then, INSTANTLY, the pain went away. I had been feeling some pain in the evening before going to bed (the nerves ached, the neck muscles hurt, it was like something weighing down heavily and clinging to me painfully); I saw His hand take it and present that animal to me, and I heard the voice say, Oh, its only that (He speaks to me in English), its only thatgone!

0 1964-01-15, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And this field of experience also includes the physical mindall the mental constructions that have a direct action on life and on the body; there is there an almost unlimited field of experiences. And everything takes the form not of a speculation or a thought, but of an experience. Ill give you an example to make myself understood. I wont tell you the thing as it occurred, but as I now know it to be. There is in France someone very devoted, born Catholic, and who was seriously ill. He wrote to me asking what he should do; he said that people around him naturally wanted him to receive extreme unction (they thought he was about to die), and he wrote to ask me if it had any influence on the progress of his inner being and whether he should refuse categorically. I knew none of this [as Mother had not yet received the letter], but I had an experience here, in which a priest and altar boys came to give me extreme unction! (Thats how it presented itself to me.) They wanted to give me extreme unction, so I watched I watched, I wanted to see; I thought, Well, before dismissing them abruptly, lets see what it is. (I had no idea why they had come, you understand; someone had sent them to give me extreme unctionnot that I felt particularly sick! But anyhow thats how it was.) So before dismissing them, I watched carefully to find out if really it had a power of action, if extreme unction had the power to disturb the progress of the soul and tie it down to old religious formations. I watched and I saw how thin and tenuous it was, without force; I saw clearly that it could have some force only if the priest who performed it was a conscious soul and did it consciously, in relationship with an inner power or force (vital or other), but that if it was an ordinary man doing his job and giving the sacraments with the ordinary belief and nothing more, it was perfectly harmless.
   Once I had seen that, suddenly (it was as if on a screen) the whole story vanished and it was over. It had come only to make me see it, thats all. But it presented itself in that way in order to make me watch intently, seriously, not as a mental consideration: a vision and an experience.
   The Pope I wonder why: what happened? What does it mean? Why did it happen? But I still see the scene; it was a very living reality: he was tall, in the room over there (the music room), and there was a somewhat gloomy atmosphere around him, with a kind of worry. But the inner contact was very strong, very strong, very intense, and it went beyond the manbeyond the man, beyond the physical Supreme Pontiffquite beyond. It touched something. Yet I had never thought of him, of course, nothing.
   And all this happens IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY, not while I am sleeping. All at once, you know This story happened to me when I had just had my bath! You understand, its completely unconnected. All at once something comes, takes hold of me, and then theres a sort of life in which I live, until something is donesome action and when that action is done, everything goes away. And it goes away without leaving any traces, as if (Mother pulls away a screen abruptly).

0 1964-01-25, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   In sum, it is the glorification of physical suffering as a means of salvation.
   I must say I kind the whole story repugnant that crucifixion being flaunted everywhere. Theres nothing so clever about Christ! There are millions others who died without making such a fuss!

0 1964-02-05, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Some time ago, I was saying to myself, Some people see physical things at a distance, but I have never seen anything of the sort. I have seen things in the subtle physical (very close to the physical, with a very small difference), but that wasnt a physical vision: it was a vision in the subtle physical. Some time ago I said to myself, Thats odd, physically I have no special capacities, I have never observed interesting phenomena! (Mother laughs) But that was in passing. And now this story! But, mon petit, it took me forty-eight hours to be convinced that it wasnt in the book! I havent yet got over it! Because my eyes have the eyes memory, a very precise memory; they were educated by painting and they see things very exactly as they are (well, as they pretend to be materially). You know, I could have sworn that it was in the book. And clearly it isnt. Four people, apart from me, have seen the book, and its not there!
   I found that interesting, its new.
   I wasnt in a special state when I saw it. But the second time, in the morning, when I looked at it, I was in a very special state: there was a tension in all the physical cells to know the truth, the truth, the truth no illusions, and a call to the Lord, and a will for all this world of illusions to disappear the Truth, we want the Truth. And when I opened the book, there was a great call to the Lord for things to be exactly as they arenot as they are, but as they are according to the Truth. But the photo wasnt there!
   It gave me an extraordinary intensity of aspiration in the body. I spent a part of the night in that tension: may all those illusions disappear, may there be only something wholly true, true, true ESSENTIALLY true, not what people are in the habit of calling trueone shouldnt confuse the real with the true (in this regard the body has made great progress!). But the photo isnt there.
   But when you have the experience perfectly sincerely, that is, when you dont kid yourself, its necessarily one single point, ONE WAY of putting it, thats all. And it can only be that. There is, besides, the very obvious observation that when you habitually use a certain language, the experience expresses itself in that language: for me, it always comes either in English or in French; it doesnt come in Chinese or Japanese! The words are necessarily English or French, with sometimes a Sanskrit word, but thats because physically I learned Sanskrit. Otherwise, I heard (not physically) Sanskrit uttered by another being, but it doesnt crystallize, it remains hazy, and when I return to a completely material consciousness, I remember a certain vague sound, but not a precise word. Therefore, the minute it is formulated, its ALWAYS an individual angle.
   It takes a sort of VERY AUSTERE sincerity. You are carried away by enthusiasm because the experience brings an extraordinary power, the Power is there its there before the words, it diminishes with the words the Power is there, and with that Power you feel very universal, you feel, Its a universal Revelation. True, it is a universal revelation, but once you say it with words, its no longer universal: its only applicable to those brains built to understand that particular way of saying it. The Force is behind, but one has to go beyond the words.

0 1964-02-22, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The whole day yesterday, I had an impressionnot a vague impression: a very precise sensationof the Pressure of something that was trying to manifest. But it was so material that it was almost like a physical pressure. And then a kind of Force that not only resisted, but revolted, trying to make a muddle of everythingto create unpleasant circumstances, trouble people, all sorts of perfectly unpleasant little nothings. I was watching all that.
   And in the evening the resistance and revolt took a concrete form, as it were. Then, in response, there was in all the cells of the body a call, a desperate call for the Truth, as if all the cells were crying out, Ah, no! Weve had enough of this Falsehood, enough, enough, enough!the Truth, the Truth, the Truth. It put my body in a very deep trance. And it had the impression of a very, very intense struggle.

0 1964-02-26, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I have a feeling, a vague feeling that it will give someone, somewhere, very far away physically, a coup de grace, because I had that feeling while having the experiencewhat I told you and what you noted down was only the memory of the experience, but while I was having the experience and responding (gesture of mental communication), I had the feeling that, somewhere, someone was touched in a radical way, and that it was important for the intellectual atmosphere of the earth. Who is it? I dont know.
   Thats why I let that article be published, because otherwise You see, when I read something or when, for instance, Nolini reads me a translation, I read with the others consciousness how flat it had become! Flat, flat: all the Power was gone.

0 1964-03-07, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Amidst all that that mass of experience there was, standing out from the rest, the impression of the gorilla, of the fantastic power of progress that would turn him into a man. It was very odd, it was an extraordinary physical power, with an intense joy of progress, of the thrust forward, and it made a kind of simian form moving forward towards man. And then it was like something repeating itself in the spiral of evolution: the same brute power, the same vital force (theres no comparison, of course, man has lost all that completely), the fantastic force of life thats found in those animals was coming back into the human consciousness and, probably, into the human form, BUT with all that has been brought by the evolution of Mind (a painful enough detour), and transformed into the light of a higher certitude and a higher peace.
   And, you know, it wasnt a thing that came, diminished and came back again, it wasnt like that. It was an immensity, a full, solid, ESTABLISHED immensity. Not something that comes and presents itself to you to tell you, This is how it will be, it wasnt thatit was HERE.
   This, in the realm of thought, is something that has been there for a very long timevery long, years and years: the shock that comes from outside exactly as if it were its YOUR thought, but it comes from over there, it isnt actually here; and then the response. Since soon after the beginning of the century, this work has been going on. Afterwards, there was all the psychic work, in the same way (gesture of widening): the identification and the response. Then the vital work, which I began with Sri Aurobindo when we were staying over there [at the Guest House]; then the physical work, but there its gropingly learning ones job. Now there is a sort of certainty (not absolute and constant, but not far away), a sort of certainty: you see, you come into contact with something, and then you know instantly what should be done and how it should be done; the vibration comes, meets a response, and goes back and this is going on every minute, all the time.
   A sort of assurance and confirmation came last night with that experience.

0 1964-03-11, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I wasnt seeing physically. But that expression thats the state I was in when I said (I was concentrated and something came out of here [gesture to the heart] and said to the Lord), Well, we will wait another four years.
   Four years, that means 1968. Sri Aurobindo said there would be a beginning of supramental manifestation in 67; so perhaps in 68 the two experiences will meet. Its possible.

0 1964-03-25, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It implies that our habitual perception of the physical world is a false perception.
   Yes, naturally.
   The true perception of the physical worldof trees, of people, of a stonewhat would it be like to a supramental eye?
   Thats exactly what cannot be said! When you have the vision and consciousness of the Truth-Order, of that which is DIRECT, the direct expression of the Truth, you immediately feel something inexpressible, because all words belong to the other sphere; all images, all comparisons, all expressions belong to the other sphere.
   I dont know if I can make myself understood, but it is something I have felt very, very clearly, and which one cannot feel as long as the physical ego is there, because the physical ego has the sense of its own importance, and that disappears entirely with the physical ego. When it disappears, one has a clear perception that the intervention or manifestation of the true Vibration doesnt depend on egos or individualities (human or national individualities, or even individualities of Nature: animals, plants and so on), it depends on a certain play of the cells and Matter in which there are aggregates particularly favorable for the transformation to occurnot transformation: the substitution, to be precise, the substitution of the Vibration of Truth for the vibration of Falsehood. And the phenomenon may be very independent of groupings and individualities (it may happen in one part here, another part there, one thing here, another thing there); and it always corresponds to a certain quality of vibration that causes a sort of swellinga receptive swelling and then, the thing can occur.
   Unfortunately, as I said at the beginning, all words belong to the world of appearances.

0 1964-03-31, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It is expected that people (here in the Ashram) would have made some progress! And would not need the physical presence [of Mother] to feel the Help and the Force.

0 1964-04-08, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   A little earlier, Satprem had complained about some physical disorganization, which Mother had attributed to the work of transformation.

0 1964-05-14, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   You ask me if I see you. You do not come to me in a subtle body, but I am with you very concretely, so concretely that I see through your eyes and speak through your mouth. In this way, you made me meet people whom I dont know at all physically and have strange conversations with them. A useful preparation is certainly going on.
   Through repeated, everyday experience, I am increasingly convinced that all disorders in the body and all diseases are the result of DOUBT in the cells or a certain group of cells. They doubt the Divines concrete reality, they doubt the Divine Presence in them, they doubt their being divine in their very essence, and this doubt is the cause of all disorders.2

0 1964-07-18, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And I saw that human imagination has great difficulty getting out of a sort of enslavement to the physical machinery. Thats what Sri Aurobindo means here.
   Thats the method exactly: to broaden your receptivity indefinitely and depend on the forces that circulate constantly in the world, so that only the most physical materiality is dependent on food and sleep. Because even what you eat feeds you differently according to your receptivity, your inner attitude; there is a capacity for extracting the Force from things, which can be gained from a broadening of the receptivity.
   He CAN do that, he can.

0 1964-07-22, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   So once and for all, Ive given up all hope of anyone at all understanding why and how I act. Because its true, now I can say (it has come about progressively), I can say in an absolute way, after looking at it for several months, that my actions are not the result of a reactionnei ther an intellectual reaction nor a mental reaction, nor a vital reaction, nor, of course, an emotional reaction, nor even a physical reaction. Now, even the body instantly refers all that comes to it to the Supreme, automatically.
   This experience came regarding a simply personal question, to make me understand how things happen and how useless it is to hope that people will ever understand; it was on the occasion of a host of silly little events that occur constantly and make people repeat, Mother said, Mother felt, Mother did, Mother and so on and all the squabbles. And I was put forcibly into that whole muddle. For a time, I used to worry, I wondered, Cant I make them understand? Well, I have seen that its impossible, so I dont bother about it anymore. I simply said to those who have goodwill, Dont listen to what people tell you; when they come and tell you, Mother said, Mother wanted, dont believe a word of it, thats all; let them say what they like, it doesnt matter.
   And I said that that sort of rain of Truth-Light which came a few months ago1 announced somethingit has obviously prepared, started this kind of permeation of a superior Harmony into the material vibrations. It has prepared not a new descent, but the possibility of a new perception, a perception that allows an outward and physical action.
   And the physical world is made to express Beauty; if it became harmonious instead of being the ignoble thing it is, if it became harmonious, it would have an exceptional vibratory quality! Its rather curious: the vital world is magnificent, the mental world has its splendors, the overmental world with all its gods (who are existing beings, I know them well) is truly very beautiful; but I tell you, since I had that Contact, I have found all that hollowhollow and lacking the essential.
   And that essential thing, in its principle, is here, on earth.

0 1964-08-05, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (D., a disciple, sent Mother an eighteenth-century account by a Japanese monk of the Zen Buddhist sect describing a method called "Introspection," which enables one to overcome cold and hunger and attain physical immortality. Mother reads a few pages, then gives up.)
   [Herms magazine, Spring 1963.]

0 1964-08-14, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Last night, and maybe the night before, oh, you and I talked for a very, very long time about all sorts of subjects, and I became aware that there is a place, somewhere in the physical Mind, but very close to the earth, where people must almost inevitably go at night. There are sorts of big meeting rooms where people come and discuss all kinds of problems: they meet, work out programs and discuss problems. I dont know why, Ive been going there for the last two nights (I am afraid it is because of all those seminars and all that business where they play tape-recordings of me1), something pulls me there. And I am literally bombarded with questions by all those people (some I know, others I dont), and I start answering this one, answering that one, addressing a crowd, oh! When I wake up from it, I say to myself, Well, how silly can I be! physically I am out of it all, but now I am doing it at night! This morning, I was thoroughly disgusted: I woke up delivering a speech, oh! There was a crowd, and people were asking me questionsseriously, very seriously!
   But you were there, you are always there. So I wonder why you dont remember.

0 1964-08-15, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Avoid the imagination that the supramental life will be only a heightened satisfaction of the desires of the vital and the body; nothing can be a greater obstacle to the Truth in its descent than this hope of glorification of the animal in the human nature. Mind wants the supramental state to be a confirmation of its own cherished ideas and preconceptions; the vital wants it to be a glorification of its own desires; the physical wants it to be a rich prolongation of its own comforts and pleasures and habits. If it were to be that, it would be only an exaggerated and highly magnified consummation of the animal and the human nature, not a transition from the human into the Divine.
   Sri Aurobindo

0 1964-08-22, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I had the experience (I knew what it was, but I didnt know the consequences or how to express it), I had the experience of my body consciousness going completely out of the body (that must be what happens when one dies, mustnt it?), and for apparently for ten or fifteen minutes, I dont know, it was over, the physical world no longer existed, the body no longer existed. But I was very conscious of a movement of forces and of an action; that corporeal consciousness was even repeating its mantra, that was very interesting: it was repeating its mantra and watching the effect of the mantra on the vibrations of forces. But the consciousness left the body over there (gesture to the bathroom) and came back into it here (on the bed). I was carried.. and what happened between the two, I dont know. But when you reenter your body (that is, when the most material part of the consciousness has left the body, when you faint or go into a state of cataleptic trance, and then reenter your body), its very painful, very painfulall the nerves hurt. So then, suddenly, I felt a lot of pain like that (it lasts two seconds, thats nothing), and then I felt that I was lying on cushions! (Laughing) My last impression was of standing over there!
   Its the first time in my life that has happened. Always, whenever I fainted, I would remain conscious of what was happening to my body; often, I would even see it I would see it lying on the floor, for instance; but I would remain conscious. This is the first time.

0 1964-08-26, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its true on the mental or vital level, but on the physical level its not true.
   On the physical level, its a pure waste. The mind and vital are another affair, thats not interesting: we have known for a very long time that their life doesnt depend on the body it depends on the body only in order to manifest. Thats another affair. I am speaking of the body, thats what interests me: the bodys cells. Well, death is a waste and thats that.
   Yes. Yes, the transformation must be done in one lifetime.
   What is said is all very well for the mind and vital, because the mind and vital are immortal they can be, at any rate; they have the possibility of being immortal. Whereas for the physical, that possibility is what is needed: a certain quality of cells should be able to allow the form to become different (the form can change, it changes all the time, its never the same), but with the conscious interrelationships of the cells persisting.3
   But thats not impossible.
   When you are born again, your mind is more developed, your vital is more developed; well, the physical consciousness will be more capable of doing the work again.
   Provided dust retains consciousness and it doesnt retain consciousness.
   So then, that would be the difference between the subtle physical and the physicalimmortality in the subtle physical is even perfectly obvious: its not only easy to imagine, its a fact; but the PASSAGE? The passage, which for most people is like passing from the waking consciousness to the sleep consciousness and from the sleep consciousness to the waking consciousness. The most concrete experience I have had was like taking a step here and then taking a step therethere is still a step; there is still this-that (gesture of reversal).
   But this subtle physical is very, very concrete, in the sense that you find things again in the same place and in the same way: YEARS LATER, I found again some places where I had been, with certain little inner differences, if I may say so, but the thing, for instance a house or a landscape, remains the same, with little differences in the arrangementas there are in life. Anyway it has a continuity, a sort of permanence.

0 1964-09-16, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   In this connection, there has been a whole period of study of this subject, on the purely physical level. To rise above all possibility of error, you tend to eliminate the opportunities for error; for instance, if you dont want to utter unnecessary words, you stop speaking. People who make a vow of silence imagine it gives a control over speech thats not true! It only eliminates the opportunities to speak, and therefore of saying unnecessary things. For food, its the same problem: how to eat only just what is needed? In the transitional state we find ourselves in, we no longer want to live that wholly animal life based on material exchanges and food, but it would be folly to think we have reached the state in which the body can live on without any food at all (still, there is already a big difference, since they are trying to find the nutritional essence in foods in order to reduce their volume); but the natural tendency is fastingwhich is a mistake!
   For fear of acting wrongly, we stop doing anything; for fear of speaking wrongly, we stop saying anything; for fear of eating for the pleasure of eating, we stop eating anything thats not freedom, its simply reducing the manifestation to its minimum. And the natural outcome is Nirvana. But if the Lord wanted only Nirvana, there would be only Nirvana! He obviously conceives the coexistence of all opposites and that, to Him, must be the beginning of a totality. So, of course, you may, if you feel that you are meant for that, choose only one of His manifestations, that is to say, the absence of manifestation. But thats still a limitation. And its not the only way of finding Him, far from it!

0 1964-09-23, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I have noticed that this japa automatically triggered the physical mind into a great activity.
   The physical mind!
   Yes, that is to say, when I begin the japa, I am assailed by a number of material questions, tiny little material things that happened during the day and come back. Uninteresting things. The japa seems to act on that mind, on that bit of physical mind.
   Yes, it WANTS to act there. Thats why its action is stupefyingit is meant to stupefy that mind. But there are people who cant be stupefied, mon petit! Its very good for average humanity, it can help average humanity, but on those who have an intellectuality, it cannot act.
   There is a whole part of the most material consciousness, the utterly physical consciousness (precisely the one that participates in incalculable, minuscule activity of every day) which, of course, is very hard to bear. In ordinary life, its tolerable, its bearable because you take interest in it and sometimes pleasureall that life on the surface that makes you you see a pretty thing, it gives you pleasure; you have something tasty in your mouth, it gives you pleasure; anyway, all these little pleasures that are so futile, but help people bear existence. Those who dont have the inner consciousness and the contact with whats behind all that wouldnt be able to live if they didnt have little pleasures. So a host of tiny little problems crop up, problems of material existence, which explain perfectly well that those who no longer had any desire, and therefore no longer took any pleasure in anything, had one single idea: Whats the use of it all! And indeed, if we didnt have the feeling that all that must be borne because it leads to something else of an altogether different nature and expression, it would be so insipid and puerile, so petty that it would become quite unbearable. Thats certainly what explains the aspiration for Nirvana and the flight from this world.
   So there is this problem, a problem of every second, which I must solve every second by the corresponding attitude that leads to the True Thing; and at the same time, there is the other attitude of acceptance of all that is for instance, of what leads to disintegration: the acceptance of disintegration, defeat, decomposition, weakening, decayall things that, naturally, to the ordinary man, are detestable and against which he reacts violently. But since you are told that everything is the expression of the divine Will and must be accepted as the divine Will, there comes this problem, which crops up almost constantly and every minute: if you accept those things as the expression of the divine Will, quite naturally things will follow their habitual course towards disintegration, but what is the TRUE ATTITUDE that can give you that perfect equanimity in all circumstances, and at the same time give a maximum of force and power and will to the Perfection that must be realized?
   Nights, for instance, are a long awareness, a great action, a discovery of all kinds of things, a taking stock of the situation as it is but there arent any problems! But the minute the body (I cant say wakes up because it isnt asleep: its only in a state of rest sufficiently complete for its personal difficulties not to interfere), but from time to time, what well call waking up takes place, that is to say, the purely physical consciousness comes back and the whole problem comes back instantly. Instantly the problem is there. And without your remembering it: the problem doesnt come back because you remember it, its that the problem is there, in the very cells.
   And in the morning, oh! All mornings are difficult. Its odd: life as a whole goes by with almost dizzying speedweeks and months go by like thatand mornings, about three hours every morning, last like a century! Each minute is won at the cost of an effort. It is the time of the work in the body, for the body, and not just one body: for instance, all the vibrations from sick people, all those problems of life come from everywhere. And for those three hours, there is tension, struggle, acute seeking for what should be done or for the attitude to be taken. Its at that time that I have tested the power of the mantra. For those three hours, I repeat my mantra automatically, without stopping; and every time the difficulty increases, a kind of Power comes into those words and acts on Matter. And thats how I know: without the mantra, that work couldnt be done. But thats why I say it has to be YOUR mantra, not something you received from whomever the mantra that arose spontaneously from your deeper being (gesture to the heart), from your inner guide. Thats what holds out. When you dont know, when you dont understand, when you dont want to let the mind intervene and you are THAT is there; the mantra is there; and it helps you to get through. It helps to get through. It saves the situation at critical moments, its a considerable support, considerable.

0 1964-09-26, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Last night again I went through strange places with people I know very well and whom I am seeing in that way for the first time. As if I went into all sorts of places Id never been to before, in which fantastic things occur: in which people, whom I know very well physically, appear there in a light and with activities that are truly unexpectedits dumbfounding.
   Last night, it lasted hours.
   Oh, what a beautiful realization to achieve! A beautiful work can be done in that way. To be able to feel and SEE the thing to be said, and THATS what should be saidnot with the thought, This man is going to die, I shouldnt make him too unhappy, I should, all that is perfectly useless. Perfectly useless, and you put yourself in a kind of mental muddle; besides, it doesnt really help, it doesnt have the expected effect. While this inner vision to see why that being is ill and what that physical disorder expresses in the destiny of the soul of that man or this womanits magnificent, magnificent!
   And ultimately, saying, You will be cured, is just as useless as saying, You wont be cured, both are equally incorrect from the point of view of the true Truth, and unsatisfactory for someone who has had a first contact with a life other than physical life.
   Even when the patient asks you, Ill be cured, wont I? or when he asks how long he is going to last, there is a way of answering, even materially, which is neither yes nor no, but is TRUE and has a power of inner opening.
   There is a domain in which disease and cure no longer exist, but only disorder, confusion, and harmony, organization. A domain in which everything, but everything that takes place in the body works in that way, and necessarily, first of all, everything that involves the functioning of the organs themselves (disorder in the organs themselves). And there, there is a whole way of seeing things that leads you very close to the Truth. There remain only the diseases that come from outside, like diseases that are contagious through germs, microbes, bacilli, all that business, viruses thats still under the aspect of attacks from adverse forces, its another plane of action. But there is a point where it all meets. I would like, oh, I would very much like to discuss certain things or certain details of the bodys functioning and organization with a man who thoroughly knows anatomy, biology, physical and bodily chemistryall those things thoroughly and who UNDERSTANDS, who is ready to understand that all those things are a projection of other forces, subtler forces; who is able to feel things as I feel them in my own body. That would be very interesting.2

0 1964-09-30, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But if we look at it from another point of view, I had noticedor rather WE [Mother and Satprem] had noticed that Xs presence or contact always brought conflicts, difficulties, a sort of struggle with Nature (personal or surrounding Nature). But judging by the effect of his mantras, that would correspond to his line of action; and because of what he is himself, his line of action is located in a relatively very material domain: the physical, the immediate vital and the physical mindnot the higher, speculative or intellectual mind, no: the physical mind, the one that has an action on Matter, then the vital with all the vitals entities (he always mentions them, and he also gives the ways of mastering them, of overcoming them), and then the physical. And when people around him complained about headaches or difficulties, as he once said to me (he himself said it to me, it was downstairs, I remember), I put them in contact with the nonhabitual Nature. Therefore, its part of his mode of action. And it struck me, I remember, it struck me, because several times when I felt a pressure, a discomfort, something unpleasant, I asked myself, Is it because the bodys cells arent accustomed to the force thats acting? So I would do a work of opening, of broadening, and indeed it always succeeded: the discomfort always stopped.
   Sri Aurobindo said that all the Tantrics start from below; they start right down below, and so right down below, thats how things must be, obviously. While with him, you went from above downward, so that you dominated the situation. But if you start right down below, its obvious that, right down below, thats how things are: anything thats a little stronger or a little vaster or a little truer or a little purer than ordinary Nature brings about a reaction, a revolt, a contradiction and a struggle.
   It is very material, its in the subtle physical. And it always takes that form; it doesnt say, You should do this or You should do that, or You shouldnt do thisnothing like that: You SHALL do what the Lord wills, just like that, You SHALL do and, you know, you shall do it, so beware!
   It is a strong Light, with what looks like precise little details (which probably must be translated as details of action, I dont know): they are like lines that make little marks like this (gesture). Its a formation.

0 1964-10-07, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Other physical planets?
   physical. Yes, physical.
   I dont know if youve heard this, its something P. told me. She was still in Switzerland, and shortly before she came back here, she had a vision (she was in her home, simply meditating, and she had a vision), and in her vision she saw five big luminous cigars going past like this, slowly, one behind the other, in single file. When she woke up, she wondered what it was. And a few days later (maybe the next day or the day after, I dont know), she read in a newspaper the account of people in southern France (I dont remember in which part) who saw above the sea five luminous cigars go by, in single file, exactly the same color as those she had seen. But in their case, they saw it with their physical eyes. So that seems interesting.
   It was clearly a phenomenon of a subtle physical order (in its origin) or material vital (in its origin), but which manifested physically, and which may very well have come from other planets that are a little more subtle than the earth.
   There are many other experiences; this one I remember clearly.
   And then (Mother points to her own body), this seems to be the lesson for these aggregates (bodies, you know, seem to me to be simply aggregates). And as long as there is, behind, a will to keep this together for some reason or other, it stays together, but These last few days (yesterday or the day before), there was this: a sort of completely decentralized consciousness (I am always referring to the physical consciousness, of course, not at all to the higher consciousness), a decentralized consciousness that happened to be here, there, there, in this body, that body (in what people call this person and that person, but that notion doesnt quite exist anymore), and then there was a kind of intervention of a universal consciousness in the cells, as though it were asking these cells what their reason was for wanting to retain this combination (if we may say so) or this aggregate while in fact making them understand or feel the difficulties that come, for example, from the number of years, wear and tear, external difficultiesfrom all the deterioration caused by friction, wear and tear. But they seemed to be perfectly indifferent to that! The response of the cells was interesting enough, in the sense that they seemed to attach importance ONLY TO THE CAPACITY TO REMAIN IN CONSCIOUS CONTACT WITH THE HIGHER FORCE. It was like an aspiration (not formulated in words, naturally), and like a what in English they call yearning, a longing for that Contact with the divine Force, the Force of Harmony, the Force of Truth and the Force of Love, and [the cells response was] that because of that, they valued the present combination.
   It was an altogether different point of view.
   And at the same time, a reliefa physical reliefas if the air were easier to breathe. Yes, it was a bit like being shut inside a shella suffocating shell and at any rate, an opening has been made in it. You can breathe. I dont know if its more than that, but at any rate, something has been as if torn open, and you can breathe.
   It was a totally, totally material and cellular action.

0 1964-10-10, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   At times, on the contrary, I try; for instance, nobody is here to read me a paper, and I would like to read itimpossible; and the more I try, the more it fades into the mist. At other times, I WANT to see something (with a certain will), and I see it very clearly. Its an apparent incoherence. It must depend on another law, which for the moment I dont know, and which rules the physical. But for example, for some time now (a rather long time), at night I have been reading in my sleep, and I see very clearly: when I wake up, I am reading something that I am holding in my hand and I see very clearly. Therefore, its not the physical state that influences the nights condition, its something else.
   For a very long time, I used to seesee images, scenes and so on I used to see, but I didnt hear. Then, all of a sudden, I began to hear; and I would hear the slightest noise, I would hear in a perfectly coherent and natural way. It was as though the sense had suddenly developed. Well, there is a certain state of vision as a result of which I read I read written things; now that I no longer read physically, I read at night. Which means that all this inner development of the physical and subtle physical is still a whole unknown world to be learned.
   I dont know its laws, I am only a spectator. And it obeys a will of an absolutely different order from the will at work in the physical world.
   I am constantly struggling against pernicious suggestions. This physical mind gives me a lot of troublea lot of trouble. It has terrible apprehensions and fears.
   Oh, absolutely.
   But with you, its the same thing, because you were already conscious when you were small (without being conscious of it), and when all those terrible things2 happened to you, there was something that remained conscious, but those things cultivated the pessimism that pessimism of the physical mind. And now you have to undo all that work. And what a work it is, phew!
   You understand, it was IMPOSSIBLE, impossible for me to believe in (believeeven understand) all those movements of betrayal, of jealousy, all the movements of negation of the Divine in human beings and thingsit was impossible, I didnt understand! But it came from every side, striking and striking and striking. So all that had to be undone.
   We must erase the imprint little by little. And in fact, the only way to erase the imprint is to make contact with the Truth. There is no other wayall reasoning, all intelligence, all understanding, all that is totally useless with this physical mind. The only thing is to make contact. Thats just what the cells value: the possibility of making contact.
   Making contact.

0 1964-10-14, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its as if the body were being dealt with like a child who has to be educated. Because that mind I am talking about is the physical mind, the material mind (not the speculative mind: the vibration isnt the same at all), its the mind OF THE EARTH, the mind of everyday life, the mind you carry along in your every movement and which tires the body so much! Such a tension, an anguishliving is an anguish. Yes, the feeling of a living death.
   This morning, when I came out of it, I said to myself, Thats odd. But the body is learning its lesson; that way, its learning its lesson. And yet it goes on with that nasty habit of wanting rules, of wanting to know in advance what it should do, of wanting to know in advance how it should do it, of organizing its life within a straitjacket, instead of letting itself live.

0 1964-10-17, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Every night, I meet scores of people whom physically I dont know at all, but with whom I have a relationship of a sort of intimacy of work, as with someone you meet daily. And it goes on, and every night its different people. So it makes hundreds and hundreds of people with whom I work.
   Its very concrete: concrete like physical life (its in the subtle physical). Concrete in the sense that when you eat, you have the taste of it; when you touch, you have the feel of it; you have the smell. And what stories! Stories fantastic inventions! I dont note all that down because it would take hours and anyway I dont find it worthwhile, but what stories it would make!
   But there are some points one should nevertheless know and for which there is no certainty. For instance, to what extent does the presence of a physical body [Mothers body], in the world as it is now, act on the Work that is being done? To what extent? Is it indispensable? Is it really indispensable? And if it is, what is the effect and the extent? In other words, are there things that one can do only in a physical body, or can the same things be done anyway (except we dont have the opportunity to chat about it, so!)?
   Certainly, there are things one can do only in a body.
   You see, it is said that Shiva lived on earth, that Krishna lived on earth. As for Buddha and Christ, we know they lived on earthit raised enough rumpus! People even made more fuss about Christs death than about his life. As for Buddha, he professed himself in favor of going away for good (although he didnt actually). But the others? They have of course told the story of Krishnas death but they have told many stories.

0 1964-10-24a, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But there was a whole mass of adverse forces (I saw all sorts of things, I dont want to go into details) that were trying to PREVENT me from declaring it. And I had to make an effort (Mother makes a gesture of driving back an obstructing mass) not an effort to fight, but an effort to overcome something, as when you are hemmed in, an effort to break a shell so as to be able to proclaim it. And the minute I did that, the minute I took my paper and started writingpfft! it all went, as if swept away! That, yes, that I understand! Thats the Lords Power. No intermediate power can do thatit was a splendor, you know! As if all of a sudden the physical world had become a solar world, splendid and radiant, and so light, so harmonious! It was a marvel. For hours.
   And it made me understand that one of the most considerable obstacles is that deviation of aspiration into a thirst for something. But who doesnt deviate? You see, I always start by looking at myself and at all that I know of this beings conscious life (thats my first observation), and all the images come; well, the self-offering, the perfectly pure aspiration that doesnt expect any resultabsolutely free from the slightest idea of result the aspiration in its essential purity thats not frequent. Its not frequent.

0 1964-10-24b, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (As Satprem reads back to Mother the last conversation, she stops him at the following passage: It was a splendor! As if all of a sudden the physical world had become a solar world, splendid and radiant, and so light, so harmonious! It was a marvel.)
   And the experience has brought a stability that didnt exist beforea stability and a certainty, an Assurance that all will be well.

0 1964-10-28, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its as if a fantastic amount of things were made known to me: people whom I dont know physically, things that I dont know physically. And with the clear vision of the true Consciousness behind it all: the workings of the Consciousness. Its interesting, but anyway It would be wonderful for a writer, he would have books and books to write! I even hear sentences; when things are written, I see them writtenits even more precise than in a film. And all the answers. And then the two consciousnesses side by side: the superficial consciousness, the way it works in people, and the true Consciousness that moves it all as it would puppets.
   Its interesting, obviously.

0 1964-10-30, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But it keeps increasing, and that sort of crouching is greatly lessened by the knowledge and experience that if you are per-fect-ly calm, all goes wellalways, even in the worst difficulties. Very recently, the day before yesterday, there was (always on the physical level; it cant be called health, but its the bodys functioning) a rather serious attack, which found expression in a rather unpleasant pain; it came with unusual brutality. Then, immediately, the body remembered and said, Peace, peace Lord, Your Peace, Lord, Your Peace and it relaxed in Peace. And in an objectively perceptible way, the pain went away.
   It tried to come back and then went away, tried to come back and went away. The process lasted the whole night.
   But it was extraordinarily obvious! The physical conditions were absolutely the same, and one minute earlier, there was an almost intolerable pain, which went away like that, in the Lords Peace.
   Its already two days since it went away, and it hasnt come back. I dont know if it will come back.
   Its in this problem that I have been living these past few days. And mark you, it isnt at all the speculation of a higher being or a being who belongs to other worlds: its the substance of physical life that wants to know its own inner, deeper law.

0 1964-11-04, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   For the first time yesterday, I had in a flashit lasted just a flash for the first time in my life, I had the physical experience of the Supremes presence in a personal form.
   It wasnt a defined form, but it was a personal form. And it came in the wake of a series of experiences in which I saw the different attitudes of different categories of people or thinkers, according to their conviction. And it came as if that form were saying to my body (it was a physical presence), as if it were saying, really with words (it was a translation; the words are always a translation I dont know what language the Supreme speaks (!), but it is translated, it must be translated in everyones brain according to his own language), as if He were telling me, Through you (that is, through this, the body) I am charging (it was like a conquest, a battle), I am charging to conquer the physical world. Thats how it was. And the sensation was really of an all-powerful Being whose proportions were like ours, but who was everywhere at once, and really of a physical charge to chase away all the dark little demons of Ignorance, and those little demons were like black vibrations. But He had something like a form, a color and above all, there was a contacta contact, a sensation. Thats the first time.
   I have never tried to see a personal form, and it always seemed to me an impossibility, as if it were childishness and a diminishing; but this came quite unexpectedly, spontaneously, stunningly: a flash. I was so astonished. The astonishment made it go away.
   It was a physical presence, with a form, but a form It was odd, it was a form As soon as you try to describe it, it seems difficult. But I still have the memory of having seen a sort of form with a quite special but MATERIALlight and quality, and which Yes, maybe it is (Mother looks silently) maybe that is the form of the supramental being? It was very young, but with such power! A power, almost a muscular power (but there were no muscles), and there was a charge: he literally charged down on people and things, and everything was immediately scattered and upset. And he laughed! He laughed, there was such joy! A joy, a laughter, and, yes, he said, Through you (it was through my physical presence), I am charging , I am charging down on Darkness or Falsehood, or whateverwords come afterwards and spoil everything but the idea was (no, it wasnt an idea, it was something that was said). It lasted just long enough for me to notice ita flash. Then I said, Ah! I had, you know, that reaction of astonishment.
   The first timecompletely unexpected.
   And now, during the whole meditation, the presence was there, that presence was there, but so concrete! So concrete, so powerful. Maybe it is maybe there is a will to make me see the supramental form? Its possible. It was physicalit was physical. And there was that CONTACT, the physical contact. But the contact, I have it all the timeas soon as I stop, there is a massive contact, and weightless at the same time.
   Didnt you feel anything particular?

0 1964-11-07, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   For the past three days there has been a constant phenomenon: something I dont know what it is as if the whole head were being emptied (Mother shows the blood going downward). physically, thats what you feel before fainting, as if all the blood were leaving the head: the head empties, and then you faint.
   The first time it came was the day before yesterday; I was resting (after lunch I rest for half an hour), and at the end of my rest, suddenly I see myself I see myself standing near my bed, very tall, with a magnificent dress, and with someone dressed in white beside me. And I saw this just when I seemed about to faint: I was at once the person standing and the person on the bed who was watching, and at the same time I felt that thing flowing downward, flowing downward from the head the head empties completely. And the person standing smiled, while the person in the bed wondered, What! I am fainting but I am in my bed! There. And as it was time for me to wake up (that is, to return to the outer consciousness), I came back.
   I got up and didnt feel anything physically, it didnt correspond to anything.
   I havent had any explanation. I dont have any clue. What does it mean? I dont know.
   It continued this morning, a very bizarre impression. Yet, physically, I feel fine, I took my food, I
   But you look very pale.
   Its always the same thing, you know: I strongly feel that the explanation, or even the physical phenomenon, is the translation of something going on elsewhere. But I dont know what it is. It is a new process.
   But once, you had a similar experience with all the symptoms of fainting: when the center of your physical consciousness left you.
   Yes, but thats not
   But the mind (if we can call that mind), the physical stupidity cannot understand the process: whats happening, whats going on, it doesnt understand. The body only has, as soon as it is at peace, the feeling of bathing in the Lord. Thats all. But in the body (not in its attributes, I mean when neither force nor energy nor power or any of that is there), in it there is, not something powerful, but a very gentle tranquillity. But not even the feeling of a certainty, nothing. Its negative, rather: the sensation of an absence of limits, something very vast, very vast, very tranquil, very tranquilvery vast, very tranquil. A sort ofyes, like a gentle trust, but not the certainty of transformation, for instance, nothing of that kind.
   Its strange, it isnt a passivity; it isnt passive, but its so tranquil, so tranquil, with a sort ofyesgentleness.


--- Overview of adj physical

The adj physical has 7 senses (first 5 from tagged texts)
1. (29) physical ::: (involving the body as distinguished from the mind or spirit; "physical exercise"; "physical suffering"; "was sloppy about everything but her physical appearance")
2. (5) physical ::: (relating to the sciences dealing with matter and energy; especially physics; "physical sciences"; "physical laws")
3. (5) physical ::: (having substance or material existence; perceptible to the senses; "a physical manifestation"; "surrounded by tangible objects")
4. (3) physical ::: (according with material things or natural laws (other than those peculiar to living matter); "a reflex response to physical stimuli")
5. (2) physical ::: (characterized by energetic bodily activity; "a very physical dance performance")
6. forcible, physical, strong-arm ::: (impelled by physical force especially against resistance; "forcible entry"; "a real cop would get physical"; "strong-arm tactics")
7. physical ::: (concerned with material things; "physical properties"; "the physical characteristics of the earth"; "the physical size of a computer")

--- Similarity of adj physical

7 senses of physical                          

Sense 1
physical (vs. mental)
   => animal(prenominal), carnal, fleshly, sensual
   => bodily, corporal, corporeal, somatic
   => material
   => personal
   => physiologic, physiological
   => somatogenic, somatogenetic

Sense 2

Sense 3
   => material (vs. immaterial)

Sense 4
   => natural (vs. supernatural)

Sense 5
   => energetic (vs. lethargic)

Sense 6
forcible, physical, strong-arm
   => forceful (vs. forceless)

Sense 7
   => material (vs. immaterial)

--- Antonyms of adj physical

6 of 7 senses of physical                      

Sense 1
physical (vs. mental)

mental (vs. physical)
    => intellectual, rational, noetic
    => moral
    => psychic, psychical
    => psychogenic
    => psychological

Sense 3

INDIRECT (VIA material) -> immaterial, nonmaterial

Sense 4

INDIRECT (VIA natural) -> supernatural

Sense 5

INDIRECT (VIA energetic) -> lethargic, unenrgetic

Sense 6
forcible, physical, strong-arm

INDIRECT (VIA forceful) -> forceless, unforceful

Sense 7

INDIRECT (VIA material) -> immaterial, nonmaterial

--- Pertainyms of adj physical

7 senses of physical                          

Sense 1
physical (vs. mental)

Sense 2
   Pertains to noun physics (Sense 1)
   =>physics, natural philosophy
   => natural science

Sense 3

Sense 4

Sense 5

Sense 6
forcible, physical, strong-arm

Sense 7

--- Derived Forms of adj physical

4 of 7 senses of physical                      

Sense 1
physical (vs. mental)
   RELATED TO->(noun) physicality#1
     => animalism, physicality
   RELATED TO->(noun) physicalness#1
     => materiality, physicalness, corporeality, corporality

Sense 2
   RELATED TO->(noun) physics#1
     => physics, natural philosophy

Sense 3
   RELATED TO->(noun) physicalness#1
     => materiality, physicalness, corporeality, corporality

Sense 7
   RELATED TO->(noun) physicalness#1
     => materiality, physicalness, corporeality, corporality

--- Grep of noun physical
physical ability
physical anthropology
physical attraction
physical body
physical change
physical chemistry
physical composition
physical condition
physical contact
physical education
physical entity
physical exercise
physical exertion
physical fitness
physical geography
physical object
physical pendulum
physical phenomenon
physical process
physical property
physical rehabilitation
physical restoration
physical science
physical structure
physical therapist
physical therapy
physical topology
physical value

IN WEBGEN [10000/1534]

Wikipedia - 100-man kumite -- An extreme test of physical and mental endurance in Kyokushin karate
Wikipedia - 2011 Parapan American Games -- International multi-sport event for athletes with a physical disability
Wikipedia - 4D film -- 3D film with physical effects that occur in the theater
Wikipedia - Abdominal distension -- Physical symptom
Wikipedia - Abdominojugular test -- Physical examination test useful in diagnosing right ventricle dysfunction
Wikipedia - Abstract and concrete -- Classifications that denote whether a term describes an object with a physical referent or one with no physical referents
Wikipedia - Acoustic seabed classification -- The partitioning of a seabed acoustic image into discrete physical entities or classes
Wikipedia - Action (physics) -- Physical quantity of dimension energy M-CM-^W time
Wikipedia - Adams Forward Bend Test -- Physical test to diagnose scoliosis
Wikipedia - Adolescence -- Transitional stage of physical and psychological development
Wikipedia - Aerobics -- Form of physical exercise
Wikipedia - Agility drill -- Form of physical exercise which aims to improve agility
Wikipedia - Aichi Medical College for Physical and Occupational Therapy -- Higher education institution in Aichi Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Alam al Mulk -- The physical realm in Islamic cosmology
Wikipedia - Alcohol intoxication -- Physical effects due to ethanol (alcohol)
Wikipedia - Alenka Luzar -- Slovenian-American physical chemist
Wikipedia - Alexander Katan -- A Dutch Jewish physically disabled accountant, translator, and teacher, who was murdered by the Nazis in The Holocaust
Wikipedia - Alexandra Navrotsky -- Physical chemist in the field of nanogeoscience
Wikipedia - Algebra of physical space
Wikipedia - Alice Mossie Brues -- Physical anthropologist and botanist
Wikipedia - Alice Roberts -- English physician, anatomist, physical anthropologist, television presenter, author
Wikipedia - American Association of Physical Anthropologists
Wikipedia - American Geophysical Union -- Nonprofit organization of geophysicists
Wikipedia - American Physical Society
Wikipedia - Amount of substance -- Extensive physical property
Wikipedia - Amy Bower -- American physical oceanographer
Wikipedia - Anaerobic exercise -- Physical exercise intense enough to cause lactate formation
Wikipedia - Andrew Marvell -- English Metaphysical poet, satirist and politician
Wikipedia - Angular momentum -- Physical quantity
Wikipedia - Angular velocity -- Physical quantity
Wikipedia - Annual Review of Physical Chemistry
Wikipedia - Archaeological record -- Body of physical (i.e. not written) evidence about the past
Wikipedia - Archon (Gnosticism) -- Builders of the physical realm that serve the demiurge
Wikipedia - Asiago Astrophysical Observatory
Wikipedia - Assault -- Physical attack of another person
Wikipedia - Assisted suicide -- Suicide committed by someone with assistance from another person or persons, typically in regard to people suffering from a severe physical illness
Wikipedia - Astromaterials Research and Exploration Science Directorate -- Physical science research facility at NASA's Johnson Space Center
Wikipedia - Astronomical object -- Large natural physical entity in space
Wikipedia - Astrophysical plasma
Wikipedia - Astrophysical sciences
Wikipedia - Athletics (physical culture)
Wikipedia - Atlantic Meridional Transect -- A multi-decadal oceanographic programme that undertakes biological, chemical and physical research during annual voyages between the UK and destinations in the South Atlantic
Wikipedia - Atolls of the Maldives -- Physical geographic entity
Wikipedia - Atomic line filter -- Optical band-pass filter used in the physical sciences
Wikipedia - Attachment Unit Interface -- A physical and logical interface defined in the original Ethernet standard
Wikipedia - Auger effect -- Physical phenomenon
Wikipedia - Auriculotherapy -- Pseudocientific alternative medicine practice based on the idea that the ear is a micro system, which reflects the entire body, and that physical, mental or emotional health conditions are treatable by stimulation of the surface of the ear.
Wikipedia - Avidya (Buddhism) -- Ignorance or misconceptions about the nature of metaphysical reality
Wikipedia - Avionics Full-Duplex Switched Ethernet -- special-purpose Ethernet physical layer for avionics, by Airbus
Wikipedia - Avogadro constant -- Fundamental physical constant (symbols: L,NM-aM-4M-^@) representing the molar number of entities
Wikipedia - Badge -- Physical or digital insignia indicating membership, rank or accomplishment
Wikipedia - Barre (exercise) -- Form of physical exercise
Wikipedia - Basal ganglia disease -- Group of physical problems resulting from basal ganglia dysfunction
Wikipedia - Battered woman syndrome -- Condition resulting from emotional, physical, or sexual abuse
Wikipedia - Benthic lander -- Autonomous observational platforms that sit on the seabed to record physical, chemical or biological activity
Wikipedia - Benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome -- Signs and symptoms due to benzodiazepines discontinuation in physically dependent persons
Wikipedia - Bernarr Macfadden -- American physical culturist and magazine publisher
Wikipedia - Bessie Blount Griffin -- American physical therapist
Wikipedia - Beta decay transition -- Physical phenomenom
Wikipedia - BET theory -- Theory for physical adsorption of gas molecules on a solid surface
Wikipedia - Big-box store -- physically large retail establishment
Wikipedia - Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications -- Scientific journal covering biochemistry and biophysics.
Wikipedia - Bioeconomics (biophysical)
Wikipedia - Biological anthropology -- Branch of anthropology that studies the physical development of the human species
Wikipedia - Biome -- Distinct biological communities that have formed in response to a shared physical climate
Wikipedia - Biophysical chemistry
Wikipedia - Biophysical chemist
Wikipedia - Biophysical environment -- Surrounding of an organism or population
Wikipedia - Biophysical profile -- Prenatal ultrasound evaluation of fetal well-being
Wikipedia - Biophysical Society
Wikipedia - Biophysical
Wikipedia - Biophysics -- Study of biological systems using methods from the physical sciences
Wikipedia - Black body -- idealized physical body that absorbs all incident electromagnetic radiation
Wikipedia - Black hole thermodynamics -- Area of physical study that seeks to reconcile the laws of thermodynamics with the existence of black hole event horizons
Wikipedia - Black hole -- Compact astrophysical object with gravity so strong nothing can escape
Wikipedia - Blood-ocular barrier -- A physical barrier between the local blood vessels and most parts of the eye itself
Wikipedia - Blood-testis barrier -- A physical barrier between the blood vessels and the seminiferous tubules of the animal testes
Wikipedia - Blunt trauma -- Physical trauma caused to a body part, either by impact, injury or physical attack
Wikipedia - Boltzmann constant -- Physical constant relating particle kinetic energy with temperature
Wikipedia - Bragg's law -- Physical law regarding scattering angles of radiation through a medium
Wikipedia - Brahman -- Metaphysical concept, unchanging Ultimate Reality in Hinduism
Wikipedia - Brane -- Extended physical object in string theory
Wikipedia - Branka Ladanyi -- American physical chemist
Wikipedia - Brass plate company -- Company of no physical substance
Wikipedia - Bridge -- structure built to span physical obstacles
Wikipedia - British Geophysical Association
Wikipedia - Broken heart -- Metaphor for intense emotional/physical stress or pain one feels at experiencing longing
Wikipedia - Buddy line -- A line physically tethering two scuba divers together underwater to avoid separation in low visibility conditions
Wikipedia - Buffer stop -- Device to prevent railway vehicles from going past the end of a physical section of track
Wikipedia - Campuses of Georgetown University -- Physical facilities of Georgetown University
Wikipedia - Canadian Geophysical Union
Wikipedia - Candidate Physical Ability Test -- Physical assessment for aspiring firefighters
Wikipedia - Canonical coordinates -- sets of coordinates on phase space which can be used to describe a physical system
Wikipedia - Caroline Bond Day -- American physical anthropologist, author and educator
Wikipedia - Caroline Chick Jarrold -- Physical chemist
Wikipedia - Cash -- Physical money
Wikipedia - Category:American physical chemists
Wikipedia - Category:Awards of the American Physical Society
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory
Wikipedia - Category:Fellows of the American Physical Society
Wikipedia - Category:Metaphysical fiction novels
Wikipedia - Category:Metaphysical poetry
Wikipedia - Category:Metaphysical realism
Wikipedia - Category:Metaphysical theories
Wikipedia - Category:People associated with physical culture
Wikipedia - Category:Physical cosmology
Wikipedia - Category:Physicalism
Wikipedia - Category:Presidents of the Metaphysical Society of America
Wikipedia - Category:Scientists of the National Physical Laboratory (United Kingdom)
Wikipedia - Causal closure -- Metaphysical theory
Wikipedia - Centimetre-gram-second system of units -- Physical system of measurement that uses the centimetre, gram, and second as base units
Wikipedia - Chain fountain -- physical phenomenon
Wikipedia - Chain of custody -- Chronological documentation or paper trail, showing custody, control, transfer, analysis, and disposition of physical or electronic evidence
Wikipedia - Characterization of nanoparticles -- Measurement of physical and chemical properties of nanoparticles
Wikipedia - Charmian O'Connor -- New Zealand physical organic chemist
Wikipedia - Chemical potential -- Intensive physical property
Wikipedia - Chinese Physical Society -- Scientific society
Wikipedia - Choreography -- Art or practice of designing sequences of movements of physical bodies
Wikipedia - Christian Science -- Set of beliefs and practices belonging to the metaphysical family of new religious movements
Wikipedia - Christophany -- Appearance or non-physical manifestation of Christ
Wikipedia - Civil engineering -- Engineering discipline focused on physical infrastructure
Wikipedia - Claire Vallance -- Professor of Physical Chemistry
Wikipedia - Clairvoyance -- Ability to gain information about an object, person, location or physical event through extrasensory perception
Wikipedia - Classical field theory -- Physical theory describing classical fields
Wikipedia - Cloud physics -- Study of the physical processes in atmospheric clouds
Wikipedia - Coffee roasting -- Transforms the chemical and physical properties of green coffee beans into roasted coffee products
Wikipedia - Collision -- An instance of two or more bodies physically contacting each other within short period of time
Wikipedia - Comfort -- Sense of physical or psychological ease
Wikipedia - Compassion fatigue -- Condition characterized by emotional and physical exhaustion
Wikipedia - Computer hardware -- Physical components of a computer
Wikipedia - Condensation -- Change of the physical state of matter from gas phase into liquid phase; reverse of evaporation
Wikipedia - Conservation law -- Scientific law regarding conservation of a physical property
Wikipedia - Contact sport -- Sport that emphasizes or requires physical contact between players
Wikipedia - Control room -- Room where a large or physically dispersed facility or service can be monitored and controlled
Wikipedia - Convolution reverb -- Process used for digitally simulating the reverberation of a physical or virtual space
Wikipedia - Corona poling -- physical optoelectronics technique
Wikipedia - Coulomb gap -- Physical phenomenon
Wikipedia - C. P. Snow -- English novelist and physical chemist
Wikipedia - Crimean Astrophysical Observatory
Wikipedia - Cultural heritage -- Physical artifact or intangible attribute of a society inherited from past generations
Wikipedia - Cultural property -- Physical cultural heritage; monuments, artworks, libraries etc.
Wikipedia - Cum sole -- A Latin phrase meaning with the sun, sometimes used in meteorology and physical oceanography to refer to anticyclonic motion
Wikipedia - Cuteness -- Subjective physical trait
Wikipedia - Cutman -- person responsible for preventing and treating physical damage to a fighter
Wikipedia - Cyber-physical system -- Engineered systems built and operated with seamless integration physical components and computation
Wikipedia - Cycle sport -- Competitive physical activity using bicycles
Wikipedia - Dandy -- Historically, a man who emphasised physical appearance, refined language and leisurely hobbies
Wikipedia - Data buffer -- Region of a physical memory storage used to temporarily store data while it is being moved from one place to another
Wikipedia - Data mule -- Vehicle that physically moves digital storage media between locations
Wikipedia - David Ginger -- American physical chemist
Wikipedia - Decibel -- Logarithmic unit expressing the ratio of a physical quantity
Wikipedia - Deep-sea exploration -- Investigation of physical, chemical, and biological conditions on the sea bed
Wikipedia - Degenerate matter -- Collection of free, non-interacting particles with a pressure and other physical characteristics determined by quantum mechanical effects
Wikipedia - Degree symbol -- Typographical symbol used to represent different physical quantities
Wikipedia - Demiurge -- An artisan-like figure responsible for fashioning and maintaining the physical universe
Wikipedia - Depositional environment -- The combination of physical, chemical and biological processes associated with the deposition of a particular type of sediment
Wikipedia - Desktop virtualization -- Software technology that separates the desktop environment and associated application software from the physical client device that is used to access it.
Wikipedia - Digital distribution of video games -- Process of delivering video game content as digital information, without the exchange or purchase of new physical media
Wikipedia - Digital twin -- A digital replica of a living or non-living physical entity
Wikipedia - Dimensional analysis -- Analysis of the relationships between different physical quantities by identifying their base quantities
Wikipedia - Disability robot -- Robot designed to help people who have physical disabilities
Wikipedia - Display size -- Physical size of the area where pictures and videos are displayed
Wikipedia - Dissociation (psychology) -- Mild detachment from immediate surroundings to more severe detachment from physical and emotional experience
Wikipedia - Distance education -- Mode of delivering education to students who are not physically present
Wikipedia - Distance -- Straight line that connects two points in a measurable space or in an observable physical space
Wikipedia - Dominion Astrophysical Observatory
Wikipedia - Donation -- Gift given by physical or legal persons, typically for charitable purposes and/or to benefit a cause
Wikipedia - Dormancy -- State of minimized physical activity of an organism
Wikipedia - Draft:Bommetje -- Dutch waterpark physical challenge TV game show
Wikipedia - Draft:UC Santa Cruz Division of Physical & Biological Sciences -- World-leading public research university in Santa Cruz, California, United States
Wikipedia - Draft:Verkada -- Cloud-based physical security startup
Wikipedia - Dunfermline College of Physical Education -- Teacher training college
Wikipedia - Eating disorder -- Mental disorder defined by abnormal eating habits that negatively affect a person's physical or mental health
Wikipedia - Edgar William Richard Steacie -- Canadian physical chemist
Wikipedia - Effective field theory -- Type of approximation to an underlying physical theory
Wikipedia - Elasticity (physics) -- Physical property when materials or objects return to original shape after deformation
Wikipedia - Elasto-capillarity -- Physical phenomenon
Wikipedia - Electrical resistivity tomography -- A geophysical technique for imaging sub-surface structures
Wikipedia - Electric charge -- Physical property that quantifies an object's interaction with electric fields
Wikipedia - Electricity -- Physical phenomena associated with the presence and flow of electric charge
Wikipedia - Electrocapillarity -- Physical phenomenon
Wikipedia - Elisabeth Bing -- 20th and 21st-century American physical therapist
Wikipedia - Energy drink -- Type of beverage containing stimulant drugs such as caffeine and marketed as providing mental and physical stimulation
Wikipedia - Energy -- Physical property transferred to objects to perform heating or work
Wikipedia - Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Wikipedia - Engineering controls -- Hazard controls that are physical changes to the workplace
Wikipedia - Environment (biophysical)
Wikipedia - Equation of state -- An equation describing the state of matter under a given set of physical conditions
Wikipedia - Equimolar counterdiffusion -- Type of physical process
Wikipedia - Erich Huckel -- German physical chemist and physicist
Wikipedia - Estampage -- Physical impression
Wikipedia - Ethernet physical layer -- physical network layer of the Ethernet communications technologies
Wikipedia - European Review of Aging and Physical Activity -- Medical journal
Wikipedia - Excursion -- Trip by a group of people, usually made for leisure, education, or physical purposes
Wikipedia - Exercise -- Bodily activity that enhances or maintains physical fitness and overall health and wellness
Wikipedia - Existence -- Ability of an entity to interact with physical or mental reality
Wikipedia - Explanatory gap -- Difficulty that physicalist theories have in explaining how physical properties give rise to the way things feel when they are experienced
Wikipedia - Fabless manufacturing -- Semiconductor company which designs and sells chips whose physical manufacturing is outsourced to a foundry
Wikipedia - F. A. Hornibrook -- Irish physical culturalist and writer
Wikipedia - Fatigue -- Range of afflictions, usually associated with physical and/or mental weakness
Wikipedia - Fellow of the American Physical Society
Wikipedia - Ferromagnetism -- Physical phenomenon
Wikipedia - Field-theoretic simulation -- Numerical strategy to calculate structure and physical properties of a many-particle system
Wikipedia - Fighting in ice hockey -- Physical play in ice hockey
Wikipedia - Fine-tuned universe -- The hypothesis that life in the Universe depends upon certain physical constants having values within a narrow range and the belief that the observed values warrant an explanation.
Wikipedia - Finite element method -- Numerical method for solving physical or engineering problems
Wikipedia - Fitness culture -- A sociocultural phenomenon surrounding exercise and physical fitness.
Wikipedia - Fluid Dynamics Prize (APS) -- Award of the American Physical Society
Wikipedia - Food physical chemistry
Wikipedia - Foot-pound-second system -- Physical system of measurement that uses the foot, pound, and second as base units
Wikipedia - Foreplay -- Set of emotionally and physically intimate acts between people meant to create sexual arousal and desire for sexual activity
Wikipedia - Form factor (design) -- aspect of design which defines the size, shape, and other physical specifications of hardware
Wikipedia - Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents
Wikipedia - Fourth Industrial Revolution -- Current trend of automation and data exchange in manufacturing technologies. It includes cyber-physical systems, the Internet of things and cloud computing
Wikipedia - Fractional quantum Hall effect -- Physical phenomenon in which the Hall conductance of 2D electrons shows precisely quantized plateaus at fractional values of eM-BM-2/h
Wikipedia - Frame of reference -- Abstract coordinate system and the set of physical reference points that uniquely fix (locate and orient) the coordinate system and standardize measurement (s)
Wikipedia - Francoise Remacle -- Belgian theoretical physical chemist
Wikipedia - Frans C. De Schryver -- Physical chemist
Wikipedia - Frederick Gardner Cottrell -- American physical chemist, inventor and philanthropist
Wikipedia - Freight transport -- Physical process of transporting commodities and merchandise goods and cargo
Wikipedia - Fundamental interaction -- Any of the physical interactions or forces: gravitational, electromagnetic, strong nuclear, and weak nuclear
Wikipedia - Gas constant -- Physical constant equivalent to the Boltzmann constant, but in different units
Wikipedia - Gas laws -- Scientific description of the bahaviour of gases as physical conditions vary
Wikipedia - Geological history of Mars -- Physical evolution of the planet Mars
Wikipedia - Geology -- Study of the composition, structure, physical properties, and history of Earth's components and processes
Wikipedia - Geophysical fluid dynamics -- The fluid dynamics of naturally occurring flows, such as lava flows, oceans, and planetary atmospheres, on Earth and other planets
Wikipedia - Geophysical MASINT
Wikipedia - Geophysical Service -- American oil and gas exploration company
Wikipedia - Geophysical survey (archaeology) -- Non-invasive physical sensing techniques used for archaeological imaging or mapping
Wikipedia - Geophysical survey -- The systematic collection of geophysical data for spatial studies
Wikipedia - George Cowan -- physical chemist and businessperson
Wikipedia - Gerhard Herzberg -- German-Canadian physicist and physical chemist
Wikipedia - German Physical Society -- Physics organisation in Germany
Wikipedia - Gilbert N. Lewis -- American physical chemist
Wikipedia - Global developmental delay -- Umbrella term used when children are significantly delayed in their cognitive and physical development
Wikipedia - Gordana Dukovic -- American physical chemist
Wikipedia - Government College of Physical Education for Women -- Institute in West Bengal
Wikipedia - Gravitational memory effect -- Predicted physical phenomenon
Wikipedia - Group velocity -- Physical quantity
Wikipedia - Gunshot wound -- Form of physical trauma sustained from the discharge of arms or munitions
Wikipedia - Gymnastics -- Type of sport that requires a wide variety of physical strength and flexibility
Wikipedia - Hackerspace -- Community-operated physical space for people with common interests
Wikipedia - Hard copy -- Paper or other physical form of information
Wikipedia - Harold Urey -- American physical chemist
Wikipedia - Hatha yoga -- Branch of yoga focusing on physical techniques
Wikipedia - Health club -- A place which houses exercise equipment for the purpose of physical exercise
Wikipedia - Helen H. Fielding -- Professor and Head of Physical Chemistry
Wikipedia - Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences
Wikipedia - History of classical mechanics -- History of classical mechanics, which is concerned with the set of physical laws describing the motion of bodies under the action of a system of forces
Wikipedia - History of metaphysical naturalism
Wikipedia - History of metaphysical realism
Wikipedia - History of physical training and fitness -- History of physical training
Wikipedia - History of the physical sciences
Wikipedia - History of writing -- The creation and development of permanent, physical records of language
Wikipedia - Holding hands -- Form of physical intimacy
Wikipedia - Hubble's law -- Observation in physical cosmology
Wikipedia - Human behavior -- Array of every physical action and observable emotion associated with humans
Wikipedia - Human Markup Language -- XML specification developed to contextually describe physical, kinesic, cultural, and social information about instances of human communicatio
Wikipedia - Human physical appearance -- Look, outward phenotype
Wikipedia - Hybrid drive -- Logical or physical storage device containing both solid-state and hard disk storage
Wikipedia - Hydrography -- Applied science of measurement and description of physical features of bodies of water
Wikipedia - Hypoventilation training -- Physical training method in which reduced breathing frequency are interspersed with periods with normal breathing
Wikipedia - Imaginary line -- A mathematical curve which does not physically exist
Wikipedia - Infrastructure policy of Donald Trump -- President Trump's policies for physical infrastructure
Wikipedia - Inokuchi Akuri -- Japanese physical educator
Wikipedia - Interconnection -- In telecommunications, physical linking of a carrier's network with equipment or facilities not belonging to that network
Wikipedia - International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans -- International non-governmental organization
Wikipedia - International Centre for Theoretical Physics -- International research institute for physical and mathematical sciences
Wikipedia - International Geophysical Year
Wikipedia - International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
Wikipedia - International Prototype of the Kilogram -- Physical artifact that formerly defined the kilogram
Wikipedia - International Symposium on Physical Design
Wikipedia - Internet of things -- Proposed Internet-like structure connecting everyday physical objects
Wikipedia - Inverse-square law -- Physical law
Wikipedia - Isabel Hadfield -- British physical chemist
Wikipedia - Isabella Karle -- American physical chemist
Wikipedia - Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff -- Dutch physical and organic chemist
Wikipedia - Janine Krippner -- Physical volcanologist from New Zealand
Wikipedia - Jeanne Hardy -- American professor of biological and biophysical chemistry
Wikipedia - Jin Hongguang -- Chinese physical chemist
Wikipedia - Jiva -- Metaphysical entity believed to be imbued with a life force
Wikipedia - J. Keith Fraser -- Canadian physical geographer
Wikipedia - Jati (Buddhism) -- Physical birth In Buddhism
Wikipedia - John M. Deutch -- American physical chemist and civil servant
Wikipedia - Josephson effect -- Quantum physical phenomenon
Wikipedia - Joshua Jortner -- Israeli physical chemist
Wikipedia - Journal of Geophysical Research
Wikipedia - Journal of Physical Chemistry A
Wikipedia - Journal of Physical Oceanography -- A peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the American Meteorological Society.
Wikipedia - Judy Hirst -- Physical Chemist
Wikipedia - Jury stress -- Physical and mental tension affecting juries
Wikipedia - Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry
Wikipedia - Karen Heywood -- British physical oceanographer
Wikipedia - Katharine Bartlett -- American physical anthropologist
Wikipedia - Katheryn Edmonds Rajnak -- American theoretical physical chemist
Wikipedia - Kenneth M. Watson -- American theoretical physicist and physical oceanographer
Wikipedia - Keyboard layout -- Any specific physical, visual, or functional arrangement of the keys of a computer keyboard
Wikipedia - Kick -- Physical strike using the leg, foot or knee
Wikipedia - Kinesthetic learning -- Learning by physical activities
Wikipedia - Kinetic energy -- Energy of a moving physical body
Wikipedia - Kirsten Bos -- Canadian physical anthropologist
Wikipedia - Kondo effect -- Physical phenomenon due to impurities
Wikipedia - Kusal Goonewardena -- Australian physical therapist
Wikipedia - Landau-Hopf theory of turbulence -- Physical theory
Wikipedia - Landscape history -- Study of the way in which humanity has changed the physical appearance of the environment
Wikipedia - Lanny D. Schmidt -- American physical chemist
Wikipedia - Larmor precession -- Physical phenomenon
Wikipedia - Lattice constant -- Physical dimensions of unit cells in a crystal
Wikipedia - Learning environment -- Term referring to several things; educational approach, cultural context, or physical setting in which teaching and learning occur
Wikipedia - Learning space -- Physical setting for a learning environment
Wikipedia - Lee Rogers Berger -- Paleoanthropologist, physical anthropologist, archaeologist
Wikipedia - Legs On The Wall -- Australian physical theatre company
Wikipedia - Leidenfrost effect -- Physical phenomenon
Wikipedia - Leopoldina Ferreira Paulo -- physical or biological anthropologist.
Wikipedia - Liang Jingkui -- Chinese physical chemist and professor
Wikipedia - Library of the Printed Web -- Physical archive
Wikipedia - Lidija LiepiM-EM-^Fa -- Latvian physical chemist
Wikipedia - Life -- Characteristic that distinguishes physical entities having biological processes
Wikipedia - Lin Chambers -- American physical scientist
Wikipedia - Liquid oxygen -- One of the physical forms of elemental oxygen
Wikipedia - Lisette Burrows -- New Zealand physical education academic
Wikipedia - List of American Physical Society Fellows
Wikipedia - List of American Physical Society prizes and awards
Wikipedia - List of authors from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis
Wikipedia - List of authors of Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of biophysically important macromolecular crystal structures -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of human positions -- Physical configurations of the human body
Wikipedia - List of members of the National Academy of Sciences (Applied physical sciences)
Wikipedia - List of ocean circulation models -- Models used in physical oceanography.
Wikipedia - List of physical constants -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of physically disabled politicians -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of physical properties of glass -- Physical properties of common glasses
Wikipedia - List of presidents of the American Geophysical Union
Wikipedia - List of scientists whose names are used in physical constants -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Logic gate -- Computational equipment, physical or theoretical, that performs a boolean logic function
Wikipedia - Lookism -- Discrimination based on physical attractiveness
Wikipedia - Lucy Carpenter -- Professor of physical chemistry
Wikipedia - Luminous flux -- Physical quantity
Wikipedia - Lynda Soderholm -- American physical chemist
Wikipedia - Lyubomir Krastanov -- Bulgarian physical scientist
Wikipedia - MAC address -- Unique identifier assigned to network interfaces for communications on the physical network segment
Wikipedia - Magnetic moment -- Physical quantity; measured in ampere square metre
Wikipedia - Magnetism -- Class of physical phenomena
Wikipedia - Magnetization -- Physical quantity, density of magnetic moment per volume
Wikipedia - Magnet Theatre -- Independent physical theatre company based in Cape Town, South Africa
Wikipedia - Mantrap (access control) -- Physical security access control system
Wikipedia - Manual labour -- Physical work done by people
Wikipedia - Manual therapy -- Physical treatment used to treat musculoskeletal pain and disability
Wikipedia - Marangoni effect -- Physical phenomenon between two fluids
Wikipedia - Mark Ratner -- American physical chemist
Wikipedia - Martin Quack -- German physical chemist, spectroscopist
Wikipedia - Martin Suhm -- German physical chemist, spectroscopist
Wikipedia - Mary Archer -- British physical chemist and university academic
Wikipedia - Material culture -- Physical aspect of culture in the objects and architecture that surround people
Wikipedia - Materials science -- Interdisciplinary field which deals with discovery and design of new materials, primarily of physical and chemical properties of solids
Wikipedia - Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences -- Book by Mary L. Boas
Wikipedia - Max Born Medal and Prize -- Institute of Physics (IOP) and German Physical Society (DPG) award
Wikipedia - McKenzie method -- Method of physical therapy
Wikipedia - Measuring instrument -- Device for measuring a physical quantity
Wikipedia - Mechanics -- Science concerned with physical bodies subjected to forces or displacements
Wikipedia - Medical findings -- Collective physical and psychological occurrences of patients surveyed by a medical doctor
Wikipedia - Medicine -- Science and practice of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of physical and mental illnesses
Wikipedia - Memory management unit -- Hardware translating virtual addresses to physical address
Wikipedia - Metallurgy -- Domain of materials science that studies the physical and chemical behavior of metals
Wikipedia - Metaphysical aesthetics
Wikipedia - Metaphysical anti-realism
Wikipedia - Metaphysical art
Wikipedia - Metaphysical conceptualism
Wikipedia - Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science
Wikipedia - Metaphysical libertarianism
Wikipedia - Metaphysically
Wikipedia - Metaphysical naturalism
Wikipedia - Metaphysical necessity
Wikipedia - Metaphysical nihilism
Wikipedia - Metaphysical objectivism
Wikipedia - Metaphysical poets -- Term used to describe a loose group of British lyric poets of the 17th century
Wikipedia - Metaphysical poet
Wikipedia - Metaphysical realism
Wikipedia - Metaphysical Society of America -- Philosophical organization founded by Paul Weiss in 1950
Wikipedia - Metaphysical Society
Wikipedia - Metaphysical solipsism
Wikipedia - Metaphysical subjectivism
Wikipedia - Metaphysical voluntarism
Wikipedia - Metaphysical
Wikipedia - Metaverse -- Collective virtual shared space, created by the convergence of virtually enhanced physical reality and physically persistent virtual space
Wikipedia - Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysical Agency -- Indonesian government agency
Wikipedia - Metocean -- The syllabic abbreviation of meteorology and (physical) oceanography.
Wikipedia - Miliana Kroumova Kaisheva -- Bulgarian physical chemist
Wikipedia - Mind-body dualism -- Philosophical theory that mental phenomena are non-physical and that matter exists independently of mind
Wikipedia - Mind-body interventions -- Health and fitness interventions that are supposed to work on a physical and mental level such as yoga, tai chi, and pilates.
Wikipedia - Mind-body problem -- Open question in philosophy of how abstract minds interact with physical bodies
Wikipedia - Mind sport -- Game of skill where the mental exercise component is more significant than the physical
Wikipedia - Mixture -- Substance formed when two or more constituents are physically combined together
Wikipedia - MKS system of units -- Physical system of measurement that uses the metre, kilogram, and second as base units
Wikipedia - Mohamed M. Atalla -- Egyptian engineer, physical chemist, cryptographer, inventor and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Molar mass constant -- Physical constant defined as the ratio of the molar mass and relative mass
Wikipedia - Momentum -- Conserved physical quantity related to the motion of a body
Wikipedia - Monika Rhein -- German physical oceanographer
Wikipedia - MossRehab -- Physical rehab facility in Philadelphia
Wikipedia - Mouthfeel -- Physical sensations caused in the mouth by food or drink
Wikipedia - Multi-messenger astronomy -- Coordinated observation and interpretation of disparate "messenger" signals, created by different astrophysical processes
Wikipedia - Multiple drafts model -- A physicalist theory of consciousness based upon cognitivism
Wikipedia - Muscle architecture -- Physical arrangement of muscle fibers at the macroscopic level
Wikipedia - Mutilation -- Act of physical injury that degrades the appearance or function of any living body
Wikipedia - Nanjing Sport Institute -- Chinese sports and physical education university
Wikipedia - National Physical Laboratory, UK
Wikipedia - National Physical Laboratory (United Kingdom)
Wikipedia - National Socialist League of the Reich for Physical Exercise -- Umbrella organization for sports and physical education in Nazi Germany
Wikipedia - Natural philosophy -- Philosophical study of nature and physical universe that was a precursor to science.
Wikipedia - Natural units -- Physical units of measurement based only on universal physical constants
Wikipedia - Nature -- Natural, physical, or material world and its phenomena
Wikipedia - Negiah -- Forbids or restricts physical contact with a member of the opposite sex
Wikipedia - Neper -- Logarithmic unit for ratios of measurements of physical field and power quantities
Wikipedia - Network mapping -- Study of a computer network's physical connections
Wikipedia - Network topology -- Arrangement of the various elements of a computer network; topological structure of a network and may be depicted physically or logically
Wikipedia - Neurobiological effects of physical exercise -- Neural, cognitive, and behavioral effects of physical exercise
Wikipedia - Neutral monism -- umbrella term for a class of metaphysical theories in the philosophy of mind
Wikipedia - Newspaper format -- Physical characteristics of a newspaper
Wikipedia - Newton's law of cooling -- Physical law
Wikipedia - Newton's law of universal gravitation -- classical mechanics physical law
Wikipedia - Newton's laws of motion -- Physical laws in classical mechanics
Wikipedia - Nikolay Semyonov -- Soviet physical chemist
Wikipedia - No-go theorem -- Theorem of physical impossibility
Wikipedia - Non-physical entity -- Spirit or being that exists outside physical reality.
Wikipedia - Non-reductive physicalism
Wikipedia - Nonreductive physicalism
Wikipedia - Nordic walking -- Physical activity or sport involving cross-country walking with specially designed walking poles similar to ski poles
Wikipedia - North West Shelf Operational Oceanographic System -- Facility that monitors physical, sedimentological and ecological variables for the North Sea area
Wikipedia - Ocean general circulation model -- Model to describe physical and thermodynamical processes in oceans
Wikipedia - Oceanic physical-biological process -- Hydrodynamic and hydrostatic effects on marine organisms
Wikipedia - Oceanography -- The study of the physical and biological aspects of the ocean
Wikipedia - Omni Processor -- A group of physical, biological or chemical treatments to process fecal sludge
Wikipedia - On Physical Lines of Force
Wikipedia - On the Connexion of the Physical Sciences -- A book by Mary Somerville, written in 1834
Wikipedia - Operation (game) -- Battery-operated game of physical skill
Wikipedia - Operator (physics) -- Function acting on the space of physical states in physics
Wikipedia - Organism -- Any individual living physical entity
Wikipedia - Osteopathy -- Alternative medicine and pseudoscience that emphasizes physical manipulation of muscle and bones
Wikipedia - Outline of physical science -- Hierarchical outline list of articles related to the physical sciences
Wikipedia - Out-of-body experience -- A phenomenon in which the soul (astral body) is said to exit the physical body
Wikipedia - Overhead (diving) -- A physical or physiological constraint to an immediate direct ascent to the surface
Wikipedia - Owen Martin Phillips -- American physical oceanographer and geophysicist
Wikipedia - Pain and suffering -- Legal term for the physical and emotional stress caused from an injury
Wikipedia - Palaeogeography -- The study of physical geography
Wikipedia - Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology -- A peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the American Geophysical Union
Wikipedia - Panorama -- Wide-angle view or representation of a physical space
Wikipedia - Paralytic illness of Franklin D. Roosevelt -- 32nd US President's physical disability
Wikipedia - Parity (physics) -- Symmetry of physical systems under mirror reflections.
Wikipedia - Particle in a box -- Physical model in quantum mechanics which is analytically solvable
Wikipedia - Penetration diving -- Diving under a physical barrier to a direct vertical ascent to the surface
Wikipedia - Penny (United States coin) -- Lowest-value physical American currency
Wikipedia - Performance Health -- Company; medical and physical therapy supply manufacturing company
Wikipedia - Pernilla Wittung-Stafshede -- Swedish biophysical chemist
Wikipedia - Peter Adolf Thiessen -- German physical chemist
Wikipedia - Peter Debye -- Dutch-American physical chemist
Wikipedia - Peter Hore (chemist) -- Biophysical chemist
Wikipedia - Phase boundary -- In thermal equilibrium, each phase of physical matter comes to an end at a transitional point, or spatial interface, called a phase boundary, due to the immiscibility of said matter with the matter on the other side of said boundary
Wikipedia - Phase (matter) -- Region of space (a thermodynamic system), throughout which all physical properties of a material are essentially uniform; region of material that is chemically uniform, physically distinct, (often) mechanically separable
Wikipedia - Phase transition -- Physical process of transition between basic states of matter
Wikipedia - Philippa Wiggins -- New Zealand biochemist and physical chemist
Wikipedia - Physical abuse
Wikipedia - Physical access -- Ability of people to physically gain access to a computer system
Wikipedia - Physical activity
Wikipedia - Physical Address Extension -- Memory management feature
Wikipedia - Physical address
Wikipedia - Physical and logical qubits -- Notions distinguishing qubits as they should behave in quantum algorithms and their physical implementations
Wikipedia - Physical and logical storage
Wikipedia - Physical anthropology
Wikipedia - Physical attractiveness -- Degree to which a person's physical traits are considered aesthetically pleasing or beautiful
Wikipedia - Physical biochemist
Wikipedia - Physical bodies
Wikipedia - Physical body (Theosophy)
Wikipedia - Physical body
Wikipedia - Physical capital
Wikipedia - Physical characteristics of the Buddha
Wikipedia - Physical chemistry -- Study of macroscopic, atomic, subatomic, and particulate phenomena in chemical systems in terms of laws and concepts of physics
Wikipedia - Physical chemist
Wikipedia - Physical comedy
Wikipedia - Physical computing
Wikipedia - Physical constant -- Universal and unchanging physical quantity
Wikipedia - Physical cosmology -- Branch of astronomy
Wikipedia - Physical culture
Wikipedia - Physical data model
Wikipedia - Physical dependence
Wikipedia - Physical design (electronics)
Wikipedia - Physical determinism
Wikipedia - Physical development
Wikipedia - Physical disability -- Limitation on a person's physical functioning, mobility, dexterity or stamina
Wikipedia - Physical disorder
Wikipedia - Physical (Dua Lipa song) -- 2020 single by Dua Lipa
Wikipedia - Physical Education
Wikipedia - Physical education -- Educational course related to the physique of the human body
Wikipedia - Physical environment
Wikipedia - Physical Evidence -- 1989 film directed by Michael Crichton
Wikipedia - Physical examination -- Process by which a medical professional investigates the body of a patient for signs of disease
Wikipedia - Physical exercise
Wikipedia - Physical fitness -- State of health and well-being and, more specifically, the ability to perform aspects of sports, occupations and daily activities
Wikipedia - Physical geodesy -- The study of the physical properties of the Earth's gravity field
Wikipedia - Physical geography -- The study of processes and patterns in the natural environment
Wikipedia - Physical hazard -- Hazard due to a physical agent
Wikipedia - Physical immortality
Wikipedia - Physical impacts of climate change
Wikipedia - Physical information security
Wikipedia - Physical information -- Form of information
Wikipedia - Physicalism -- Theory in philosophy
Wikipedia - Physical laws
Wikipedia - Physical law
Wikipedia - Physical layer -- the lowest-level electronic or optical transmission functions of a network
Wikipedia - Physically based rendering -- Computer graphics technique
Wikipedia - Physical medicine and rehabilitation -- Branch of medicine
Wikipedia - Physical modelling
Wikipedia - Physical model
Wikipedia - Physical neural network
Wikipedia - Physical object -- Identifiable collection of matter
Wikipedia - Physical oceanography -- The study of physical conditions and physical processes within the ocean
Wikipedia - Physical (Olivia Newton-John song) -- Single
Wikipedia - Physical ontology
Wikipedia - Physical optics
Wikipedia - Physical organic chemistry
Wikipedia - Physical pain
Wikipedia - Physical plane -- Theosophical philosophical concept
Wikipedia - Physical premotion
Wikipedia - Physical properties
Wikipedia - Physical property -- Attribute of a physical system or body; OR non-chemical property of a material
Wikipedia - Physical quality-of-life index
Wikipedia - Physical rehabilitation
Wikipedia - Physical restraint
Wikipedia - Physical Review Applied
Wikipedia - Physical Review A
Wikipedia - Physical Review B
Wikipedia - Physical Review D
Wikipedia - Physical Review E
Wikipedia - Physical Review Letters
Wikipedia - Physical Review
Wikipedia - Physical Review X
Wikipedia - Physical schema
Wikipedia - Physical Sciences-Oncology Center
Wikipedia - Physical sciences
Wikipedia - Physical science
Wikipedia - Physical security
Wikipedia - Physical Society of London
Wikipedia - Physical (Sri Aurobindo)
Wikipedia - Physical stimulation
Wikipedia - Physical strength
Wikipedia - Physical substance
Wikipedia - Physical symbol systems hypothesis
Wikipedia - Physical symbol system -- System that takes physical patterns and combines them into structures and manipulates them
Wikipedia - Physical systems
Wikipedia - Physical system -- Portion of the physical universe chosen for analysis; everything outside the system is known as the environment
Wikipedia - Physical test
Wikipedia - Physical therapist
Wikipedia - Physical therapy -- Health profession that aims to address the illnesses or injuries that limit a person's physical abilities to function in everyday life
Wikipedia - Physical vapor deposition -- Term in physics
Wikipedia - Physical world
Wikipedia - Physics engine -- Software for approximate simulation of physical systems
Wikipedia - Physiotherapy Evidence Database -- Physical therapy-centered bibliographic database
Wikipedia - PHY -- Integrated circuit required to implement physical layer functions of the OSI model in a network interface controller
Wikipedia - Pictogram -- Ideogram that conveys its meaning through its pictorial resemblance to a physical object
Wikipedia - Pilates -- Physical fitness system
Wikipedia - Pion decay constant -- Physical constant
Wikipedia - Pixel -- Physical point in a raster image
Wikipedia - Planck constant -- Physical constant representing the quantum of action
Wikipedia - Plasmid -- Small DNA molecule within a cell that is physically separated from a chromosomal DNA and can replicate independently
Wikipedia - Plastic arts -- Form of art form based on the creation and modification of three-dimensional physical objects
Wikipedia - Plato's unwritten doctrines -- Metaphysical theory, alleged by his pupils and others to be esoterically taught by Plato, but not clearly given in his writings; the Tubingen School reconstructs it to comprise The One-a monistic principle-and The Indefinite Dyad of indeterminacy
Wikipedia - Plume tectonics -- Geophysical theory of movement of mantle plumes under tectonic plates
Wikipedia - Polydactyly -- Physical anomaly involving extra fingers or toes
Wikipedia - Polytrope -- Solution of the Lane-Emden pressure-density equation for astrophysical bodies
Wikipedia - Portal:Contents/Overview/Natural and physical sciences
Wikipedia - Practical joke -- Trick played on someone generally using physical action, and generally causing embarrassment, confusion, or discomfort
Wikipedia - Preferential hyperacuity perimetry -- Psychophysical test
Wikipedia - Premenstrual syndrome -- Emotional and physical symptoms that occur in the one to two weeks before a menstrual period.
Wikipedia - Principle of least action -- Variational principle for physical systems that minimizes the action of the system
Wikipedia - Prison -- Place in which people legally are physically confined and usually deprived of a range of personal freedoms
Wikipedia - Proceedings of the Physical Society -- Scientific journal
Wikipedia - Programmable matter -- Matter which can change its physical properties in a programmable fashion
Wikipedia - Properties of water -- Physical and chemical properties of pure water
Wikipedia - Property -- Physical or intangible entity, owned by a person or a group of people
Wikipedia - Propinquity -- Physical or psychological proximity between people
Wikipedia - Prospecting -- The physical search for minerals
Wikipedia - Protein-protein interaction -- Physical interactions and constructions between multiple proteins
Wikipedia - Proxmox Backup Server -- Linux distribution for backup of VMs, container, and physical hosts.
Wikipedia - Proxy (climate) -- Preserved physical characteristics allowing reconstruction of past climatic conditions
Wikipedia - Proxy marriage -- Wedding in which one or both of the individuals being united are not physically present
Wikipedia - Psychophysical parallelism -- Philosophical theory
Wikipedia - Quantum reflection -- Physical phenomenon
Wikipedia - Quantum spin tunneling -- Physical phenomenon
Wikipedia - Quantum vortex -- Quantized flux circulation of some physical quantity
Wikipedia - Race (human categorization) -- Grouping of humans based on shared physical or social qualities into categories
Wikipedia - Radiance -- Physical quantity in radiometry
Wikipedia - Radiant flux -- Physical quantity
Wikipedia - Rapidity -- Physical quantity, defined as the hyperbolic arctangent of ratio of a given speed to the speed of light)
Wikipedia - Rapid prototyping -- Group of techniques to quickly construct physical objects
Wikipedia - Raymond E. Goldstein -- Professor of Complex Physical Systems
Wikipedia - Recording head -- Physical interface in recording
Wikipedia - Reductive physicalism
Wikipedia - Reincarnation -- Belief that the non-physical essence of a living being starts a new life in a different physical form or body after biological death
Wikipedia - Relic -- Physical remains or personal effects of a saint or venerated person
Wikipedia - Res extensa -- Cartesian metaphysical concept
Wikipedia - Restoring force -- physical force acting to bring a system back toward equilibrium
Wikipedia - Royal Dutch League for Physical Education -- Defunct Dutch sports association
Wikipedia - RRS Charles Darwin -- A Royal Research Ship belonging to the British Natural Environment Research Council. Since 2006, she has been the geophysical survey vessel, RV Ocean Researcher,
Wikipedia - R. Stephen Berry -- Professor of physical chemistry
Wikipedia - Rudolf Martin (anthropologist) -- Swiss physical anthropologist
Wikipedia - Russell J. Hemley -- American geophysicist and physical chemist
Wikipedia - Ruth Sawtell Wallis -- American academic and physical anthropologist
Wikipedia - Ruth Wheeler -- American physical chemist
Wikipedia - Samu (Zen) -- Physical work done with mindfulness
Wikipedia - Scalar (physics) -- One-dimensional physical quantity
Wikipedia - Scale model -- Physical representation of an object
Wikipedia - School bullying -- Type of bullying that occurs in an educational setting. Usually causes either physical or emotional pain.
Wikipedia - Scientific echosounder -- Device using sonar technology for the measurement of underwater physical and biological components
Wikipedia - SCSI -- Set of standards for physically connecting and transferring data between computers and peripheral devices
Wikipedia - Sedentary lifestyle -- Type of lifestyle involving little or no physical activity
Wikipedia - Sensor -- converter that measures a physical quantity and converts it into a signal
Wikipedia - Service (economics) -- Transaction involving no transferal of physical goods
Wikipedia - Sex and gender distinction -- Differentiation between sex, physical characteristics of an individual, from gender, one's behaviour or identity
Wikipedia - Sex segregation -- Physical, legal, and cultural separation of people according to their biological sex
Wikipedia - Sexual desire -- Psychological feature arousing organisms to physical pleasure and reproduction
Wikipedia - Shapeshifting -- The ability to physically transform through an inherent ability, divine intervention or generic tendencies
Wikipedia - Showgirl -- A performer who highlights their physical attributes through dance and movement
Wikipedia - Signal -- Varying physical quantity that conveys information
Wikipedia - Simulation Open Framework Architecture -- Open source framework primarily targeted at real-time physical simulation
Wikipedia - Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory -- Astronomical observatory in Massachusetts, US
Wikipedia - Sneakernet -- An informal term for the transfer of electronic information by physically moving media.
Wikipedia - Soil horizon -- Soil layer whose physical characteristics differ from the layers above and beneath
Wikipedia - Solar dynamo -- Physical process that generates a star's magnetic field
Wikipedia - Sophie Nowicki -- Physical scientist
Wikipedia - Space -- General framework of distances and directions according to a physical observer in its proper time
Wikipedia - Specific energy -- Physical quantity representing energy content per unit mass
Wikipedia - Speed of gravity -- Physical constant equal to the speed of light
Wikipedia - Sports in Los Angeles -- Competitive physical activities in the Los Angeles metropolitan area
Wikipedia - Sportswear -- Clothing worn for sport or physical exercise
Wikipedia - Sport -- Forms of competitive activity, usually physical
Wikipedia - Stage combat -- Technique used in theatre to create the illusion of physical combat
Wikipedia - Standard asteroid physical characteristics
Wikipedia - Stefan Grimme -- German physical chemist
Wikipedia - Stock-taking -- Physical verification of the quantities and condition of items held in an inventory or warehouse
Wikipedia - Stop motion -- Animation technique to make a physically manipulated object appear to move on its own
Wikipedia - Stress (mechanics) -- Physical quantity that expresses internal forces in a continuous material
Wikipedia - Stretching -- Form of physical exercise where a muscle is stretched to improve it
Wikipedia - Strike (attack) -- Directed physical attack
Wikipedia - Structural analysis -- Determination of the effects of loads on physical structures and their members
Wikipedia - Subtle physical
Wikipedia - Sufi whirling -- Physically active Sufi meditation, practiced by Dervish orders, involving spinning in circles to music
Wikipedia - Sunney Chan -- Chinese-American biophysical chemist (born 1936)
Wikipedia - Superposition principle -- Fundamental physics principle stating that physical solutions of linear systems are linear
Wikipedia - Surface science -- Study of physical and chemical phenomena that occur at the interface of two phases
Wikipedia - Surface -- Outermost or uppermost layer of a physical object or space
Wikipedia - Susan Lozier -- Physical oceanographer
Wikipedia - Symbol -- Something that represents an idea, a process, or a physical entity
Wikipedia - Tanner scale -- Physical development scale of children, adolescents, and adults
Wikipedia - Telegraphy -- Long distance transmission of text without the physical exchange of an object
Wikipedia - Temperature -- Physical quantity that expresses hot and cold
Wikipedia - Template talk:American Physical Society
Wikipedia - Template talk:Physical cosmology
Wikipedia - Template talk:Presidents of the American Physical Society
Wikipedia - Template talk:Scientists whose names are used in physical constants
Wikipedia - Test (assessment) -- Procedure for measuring a subject's knowledge, skill, aptitude, physical fitness, or other characteristics
Wikipedia - The Astrophysical Journal
Wikipedia - The Character of Physical Law -- Book by Richard Feynman
Wikipedia - The Metaphysical Club: A Story of Ideas in America -- 2001 book by Louis Menand
Wikipedia - The Metaphysical Club
Wikipedia - The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living -- Artwork by Damien Hirst
Wikipedia - The Physical Principles of the Quantum Theory -- Book by Werner Heisenberg
Wikipedia - Therese Ann Markow -- American physical anthropologist and ecologist
Wikipedia - The Song of Love -- Painting by the Italian metaphysical painter Giorgio de Chirico
Wikipedia - Three-dimensional space -- Geometric model of the physical space
Wikipedia - Three-dimensional virtual tourism -- Releastic 3D geovisualisation and navigation of virtual reality environments for purposes of exploring physical places in space and time without physically traveling there
Wikipedia - Tiffany Shaw -- Geophysical scientist
Wikipedia - Time reversibility -- Type of physical or mathematical process
Wikipedia - Tokyo Women's Junior College of Physical Education -- College in Tokyo, Japan
Wikipedia - Tool -- Physical item that can be used to achieve a goal
Wikipedia - Traction (engineering) -- Physical process in which a tangential force is transmitted across an interface between two bodies through dry friction or an intervening fluid film resulting in motion, stoppage or the transmission of power
Wikipedia - Trans bashing -- Emotional, physical, sexual or verbal violence against transgender persons
Wikipedia - Treasure hunting -- Physical search for treasure
Wikipedia - Trial in absentia -- Criminal proceeding in which the person who is subject to it is not physically present
Wikipedia - Trista Sutter -- American physical therapist and television personality
Wikipedia - True Cross -- Physical remnants said to be from the cross upon which Jesus was crucified
Wikipedia - Turam method -- Geophysical electro-magnetic method used for mineral exploration
Wikipedia - Two-dimensional space -- Geometric model of the planar projection of the physical universe
Wikipedia - Type physicalism
Wikipedia - Typesetting -- Composition of text by means of arranging physical types or digital equivalents
Wikipedia - Typology (archaeology) -- Classification of archaeological artifacts according to their physical characteristics
Wikipedia - Ultra-mobile PC -- Obsolete type of computer, similar to smartphones but with a desktop operating system and a physical keyboard
Wikipedia - Vacuum permeability -- Physical constant
Wikipedia - Vestibular rehabilitation -- Form of physical therapy for vestibular disorders
Wikipedia - Victor Henri -- French physical chemist, physiologist and experimental psychologist
Wikipedia - Victor McCrary -- Physical Chemist
Wikipedia - Vijay Prasad Dimri -- Indian geophysical scientist
Wikipedia - Virtual choir -- Choir whose members do not meet physically
Wikipedia - Virtual reality -- Computer-simulated environment simulating physical presence in real or imagined worlds
Wikipedia - Virtual trading point -- non-physical hub for trading in natural gas markets
Wikipedia - Visionary art -- Art that purports to transcend the physical world
Wikipedia - VMEbus -- Computer bus standard physically based on Eurocard sizes
Wikipedia - Vortex theory of the atom -- Incorrect but seminal physical theory
Wikipedia - Water mass -- Identifiable body of water with a common formation history which has physical properties distinct from surrounding water
Wikipedia - Wayne B. Nottingham Prize -- Awarded at the Physical Electronics Conference (PEC)
Wikipedia - Weakness -- Physical symptom
Wikipedia - Well logging -- Measuring of physical parameters of the formations crossed by a borehole
Wikipedia - Well-posed problem -- Term regarding the properties that mathematical models of physical phenomena should have
Wikipedia - Whip -- Tool used to train animals either by sound or physical pain.
Wikipedia - Why there is anything at all -- Metaphysical question
Wikipedia - Wien approximation -- Physical law
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Physical Chemistry -- Wikimedia subject-area collaboration
Wikipedia - Wilder Dwight Bancroft -- American physical chemist
Wikipedia - Willard Libby -- 20th-century American physical chemist
Wikipedia - William Pullum -- English physical culturist and strongman
Wikipedia - Wilson Cycle -- Geophysical model of the opening and closing of rifts
Wikipedia - Wire-frame model -- Visual presentation of a 3-dimensional or physical object used in 3D computer graphics
Wikipedia - Work accident -- Occurrence during work that leads to physical or mental harm
Wikipedia - Workplace bullying -- Persistent pattern of mistreatment of others in the workplace that causes either physical or emotional harm.
Wikipedia - Workplace -- Physical location where someone works
Wikipedia - Write Ahead Physical Block Logging
Wikipedia - X-ray fluorescence -- Physical phenomenom
Wikipedia - Xtralis -- Fire safety and physical security equipment manufacturer
Wikipedia - Yakov Zeldovich -- Soviet physicist, physical chemist and cosmologist
Wikipedia - Yoga as exercise -- Physical activity consisting of yoga poses
Wikipedia - Yolanda Shea -- Research Physical Scientist
Wikipedia - Zhang Cunhao -- Chinese physical chemist (born 1928)
Wikipedia - Zhang Lina -- Chinese physical chemist
Kheper - astral_physical -- 52
Kheper - dense_physical -- 63
Kheper - emotional_physical -- 85
Kheper - material_physical -- 48
Kheper - mental_physical -- 90 -- 0
Kheper - objective_physical -- 31 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - physical -- 94 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - subtle_physical -- 64 -- 0
Kheper - Etheric_Plane -- 5
Kheper - Physical index -- 5
Kheper - mundane_physical_plane -- 5
Kheper - Physical -- 5
Kheper - Physical_Plane -- 5 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - Physical -- 23
Kheper - physical_Mind -- 36
Kheper - physical_Vital -- 28
Kheper - resistance_of_the_physical_body -- 37
Kheper - Subtle_Physical -- 22
Kheper - definitions -- 60
Kheper - intraphysical index -- 25
Kheper - psychophysical -- 35
Kheper - causal_physical -- 30 -- 0
Kheper - gross_physical -- 50 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - physical -- 114 -- 0
Kheper - subtle_physical -- 84
Kheper - transcendent_physical -- 43 -- 0
Kheper - physical_body -- 23 -- 0
Kheper - physicalhol -- 32
Kheper - physical -- 43
auromere - physical-culture
auromere - physical-marks-appearing-after-injuries-sustained-in-dreams
auromere - physical-culture
auromere - gender-differences-and-physical-training-for-women
auromere - physical-culture
Integral World - Ultimate reality cannot be explained by physicalism, Reply to David Lane, John Abramson
Integral World - Integrated Metaphysical Reflections, Elliot Benjamin
Integral World - Collective Enlightenment Through Postmetaphysical Eyes, Michel Bauwens and Edward Berge
Integral World - Collective Ritual Invocation of an Integral Post-Metaphysical Spirituality, Joe Corbett
Integral World - Towards a Post-Metaphysical Re-enchantment of the Kosmos, Joe Corbett
Integral World - A Post-metaphysical Metaphysics of the Kosmic Witness, Joe Corbett
Integral World - A Post-metaphysical Metaphysics of the Kosmic Witness, Part II, Joe Corbett
Integral World - The Post-metaphysical Meaning of Soul and Spirit in the Kosmic Mandala, Joe Corbett
Integral World - Wilber's post-metaphysical turn, Adrian J. Ivakhiv
Integral World - The Skeptical Yogi, Part Five: Missing Train Times, Astrological Armlets, and Physically Charged Guru Manifestations, David Lane
Integral World - The Faith of Physical Causes, Presenting the Evidence for Biological Evolution, David Lane & Andrea Diem-Lane
Integral World - Is Consciousness Physical?, David & Andrea Lane
Integral World - The Subtlety of Physical Cues, Exploring the Physics of Being a Psychic Surfer, David Lane
Integral World - Depths of Emptiness, An Integral Metaphysical Map of Experience, Milos Petrovic
Integral World - Retrocausal Human Power, Alleged Otherworldly Interactions and Hidden Extraterrestrial Interests: A Search for Integral, Scientific and Metaphysical Answers, Giorgio Piacenza
Integral World - Toward a Trans Metaphysical Approach Possibly Needed for Contact with Civilizations not Exceedingly Limited to Spacetime, Giorgio Piacenza
Integral World - Minimalist Metaphysics? Comments on Ken Wilber's Post-Metaphysical Relativism, Magnus Riisager
Synchronicity: A Post-Metaphysical Interpretation
selforum - physical being
selforum - divine life which implies physical
selforum - transformation of physical inertia
selforum - without some metaphysical god or
selforum - subtler truths about physical
selforum - physical itself will then be wonderful
selforum - force is anterior not physical
selforum - never take physical happenings at their
selforum - our physical nature offers inert
selforum - process of last decisive physical
selforum - fully fleshed out metaphysical edifice
selforum - new metaphysical sound from any nation
selforum - feynman had highest intuitive physical
selforum - jumping to non physical consciousness
dedroidify.blogspot - tips-and-tricks-for-physical-experience
wiki.auroville - Dehashakti_School_of_Physical_Education
wiki.auroville - Physical
wiki.auroville - Physical_body
wiki.auroville - Physical_education
wiki.auroville - Physical_mind
wiki.auroville - Physical_plane
wiki.auroville - Subtle_physical_plane
wiki.auroville - True_physical
Dharmapedia - Adi_(metaphysical_plane
Dharmapedia - Physical_characteristics_of_the_Buddha
Dharmapedia - Physical_plane
Dharmapedia - Physical_(Sri_Aurobindo
Dharmapedia - Subtle_physical
Psychology Wiki - Category:Metaphysical_theories
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Physical_approaches
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Physical_Hypotheses_about_Consciousness
Psychology Wiki - Depression_and_physical_illness
Psychology Wiki - Environment_(biophysical)
Psychology Wiki - Human_physical_appearance
Psychology Wiki - Human_sex_differences#General_differences_in_physical_brain_parameters
Psychology Wiki - Human_sex_differences#Physical_differences
Psychology Wiki - Integral_psychology_(Sri_Aurobindo)#Physical
Psychology Wiki - Integral_psychology_(Sri_Aurobindo)#Subtle_physical
Psychology Wiki - Integral_yoga#Physical
Psychology Wiki - Meditation#Physical_postures
Psychology Wiki - Metaphysical
Psychology Wiki - Physical_attractiveness
Psychology Wiki - Physical_intimacy
Psychology Wiki - Physicalism
Psychology Wiki - Physical_science
Psychology Wiki - Physical_sex_differences_in_humans
Psychology Wiki - Positive_psychology#Physical_education
Psychology Wiki - Type_physicalism
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - computation-physicalsystems
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - physicalism
Double Dare (Nickelodeon Game Show) (1986 - 2019) - Double Dare is one wacky game show, and the most popular & longest running Nickelodeon game show on television. The show pitts two teams of two (later two families of four) against each other in a contest of answering questions & completing stunts known as physical challenges. All while trying win l...
American Gladiators (1989 - 1996) - Two teams (one male, one female) compete in games of physical strength against the "Gladiators" - very athletic body builders who attempt to halt the contestants from scoring points in any of the competitions.
3rd Rock from the Sun (1996 - 2001) - A group of aliens have come to Earth to learn about its population, customs, etc. To avoid detection, they have taken on human form which gives them human emotions, physical needs etc. WITHOUT the understanding of what they mean or the inhibitions normally present in humans. Their leader takes the p...
Cyberchase (2002 - Current) - One day, three children from Earth named Matt, Jackie, and Inez are called to the land of Cyberspace by Motherboard, its guardian, to defend her from a virus as unleashed by a villain named Hacker. Motherboard is the guardian of Cyberspace, a dimension where computer networks exist as physical locat...
The Three Stooges (1930 - 1959) - The comedic misadventures of the various Stooge Members Moe, Larry, Curly, Shemp, Joe and Curly Joe which were produced as theatrical shorts; in which the various Stooges would pursue in their well known physical comedy.
The Cosby Mysteries (1994 - 1995) - Retired hot-shot New York criminalogist GUY HANKS (Bill Cosby!) isn't managing his retirement too well. He should be spending his time enjoying the good life with the two women in his life, his holistic housekeeper Angie and his physical therapist/main squeeze (Whitfield) but his old buddy/colleague...
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (2002 - 2005) - In the not so distant future, mankind has advanced to a state where complete body transplants from flesh to machine is possible. This allows for great increases in both physical and cybernetic prowess and blurring the lines between the two worlds. However, criminals can also make full use of such te...
Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-Chan (2005 - 2007) - tells the story of 13-year-old junior high schooler Sakura Kusakabe, who twenty years in the future develops a technology that causes all women to stop physically aging after they reach twelve years old in an attempt to create a "Pedophile's World". However, this act accidentally creates immortality...
The Amazing Race (2001 - Current) - Eleven teams of two people compete in a race around the world split into 12 legs and each with intense physical challenges. Each leg of the race is covered by one episode.
Batman(1989) - After witnessing his parents' murder on the streets of Gotham City as a boy, Millionaire Philanthropist Bruce Wayne uses his mental and physical capabilities to become the masked vigilante Batman.
Celtic Pride(1996) - Two basketball fans, whose enthusiasm overwhelms their intelligence, come up with a new but legally problematic way of helping their favorite team in this comedy. Physical education instructor Mike O'Hara (Daniel Stern) and plumber Jimmy Flaherty (Dan Aykroyd) are close friends and obsessive followe...
Radio Flyer(1992) - A father reminisces about his childhood when he and his younger brother moved to a new town with their mother, her new husband and their dog, Shane. When the younger brother is subjected to physical abuse at the hands of their brutal stepfather, Mike decides to convert their toy trolley, the "Radio...
Super Size Me(2004) - Independent documentary starring Morgan Spurlock. Spurlock's film follows a 30-day period from February 1 to March 2, 2003 during which he ate only McDonald's food. The film documents this lifestyle's drastic effect on Spurlock's physical and psychological well-being, and explores the fast food indu...
The Thirteenth Floor(1999) - The increasingly blurry lines between what is real and what is an artificial construct - both physically and philosophically - are the point of focus in the science fiction drama The Thirteenth Floor. In 1937, a man named Fuller (Armin Mueller-Stahl) gives a note to Ashton (Vincent D'Onofrio), the b...
Magnolia(1999) - On a rainy day in the San Fernando Valley, the lives of nine people will connect over the course of 24 hours physically, emotionally, and even biblically. We'll see young boy genius, Stanley, feeling the pressure to set a record on the game show "What Do Kids Know?"; the show's host Jimmy Gator, who...
Girlfriend from Hell(1989) - With its catchy title and over-the-top premise, this fairly amusing horror comedy plays like a kinder, gentler variation on the type of fare offered by the bad-taste moguls at Troma Studios. The story begins in the thick of a metaphysical battle between a decidedly female Satan (Lezlie Deane) and on...
Bringing Out the Dead(1999) - This tense urban drama stars Nicolas Cage as Frank Pierce, a paramedic on the brink of physical and emotional collapse. Frank has worked for years in one of New York's most brutal neighborhoods, and the pressure of his job has taken its toll; plagued with self-doubt, he is haunted by the spirits of...
Super Ducktales(1989) - For their mother's birthday, the Beagle Boys secretly alter the city plans for a major roadway so that it runs directly through Scrooge McDuck's Money Bin. With no alternative, Scrooge must have his Bin physically moved and he decides to hire an accountant to keep track of his assets for the move. T...
David(1988) - 1988 made for TV movie based on the true story of David Rothenberg whose disturbed father set him on fire.The movie chronicles 8 year old David's struggle to recovery physically,and emotionally,from having third- degree burns over 90% of his body.
Just The Way You Are(1984) - Susan is a young, beautiful and successful flute player, but because of her physical handicap, a lame leg, she is having difficulties finding Mr. Right. While on tour in France, she decides to spend a few days on a ski resort wearing a fake cast around her lame leg to make sure her handicap goes unn...
Love Crimes(1992) - A tough female district attorney is investigating a man who picks out women from public places by posing as a famous photographer, then takes pictures of them, then pushes on their submissive tendencies and takes advantage of them physically and financially. The trouble is that none of these women w...
The Best Little Girl in the World(1981) - Casey Powell is a young teenage girl who is secretly suffering from anorexia nervosa, a mental and physical illness of deliberately starving herself or self-induced vomiting, because of her troubled home life and problems at school in which her bickering parents and her unwed, pregnant sister must p...
Maid In Sweden(1971) - Maid in Sweden tells the story of Inga, a 16-year-old Swedish girl who leaves her rural home to spend a weekend in the Swedish capital. An innocent with no experience, but with prodigious physical attributes, she has a series of romantic adventures as she throws off the frustrations of her small-tow...
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring(2001) - In the Second Age, the Dark Lord Sauron attempts to conquer Middle-earth using his One Ring. In battle against Sauron, Prince Isildur cuts the Ring from Sauron's hand, destroying his physical form. However, Sauron's life force is bound to the Ring, allowing him to survive while the Ring also survive...
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon(2000) - Two warriors in pursuit of a stolen sword and a notorious fugitive are led to an impetuous, physically-skilled, teenage nobleman's daughter, who is at a crossroads in her life.
The Absent-Minded Professor(1961) - Professor Brainard (pronounced BRAY-nerd) is an absent-minded professor of physical chemistry at Medfield College who invents a substance that gains energy when it strikes a hard surface. This discovery follows some blackboard scribbling in which he reverses a sign in the equation for enthalpy to en...
Lady Chatterley's Lover(1981) - After a crippling injury leaves her husband impotent, Lady Chatterley is torn between her love for her husband and her physical desires. With her husband's consent, she seeks out other means of fulfilling her needs.
Deadpool(2016) - Wade Wilson hunts the man who gave him mutant abilities and a scarred physical appearance, becoming the beloved antihero Deadpool. A spinoff of the "X-Men" series that puts the focus on the main villain Deadpool.
All the Bright Places (2020) ::: 6.5/10 -- TV-MA | 1h 47min | Drama, Romance | 28 February 2020 (USA) -- The story of Violet and Theodore, who meet and change each other's lives forever. As they struggle with the emotional and physical scars of their past, they discover that even the smallest places and moments can mean something. Director: Brett Haley Writers:
American Flyers (1985) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 53min | Drama, Sport | 16 August 1985 (USA) -- Marcus takes his kid brother, David, with him for a physical test and a brain scan, suspecting cerebral aneurysm like their dad died of. They head off on bikes for the big Rockies bike race with Marcus' Sarah driving the van. Director: John Badham Writer:
Captain Fantastic (2016) ::: 7.9/10 -- R | 1h 58min | Comedy, Drama | 29 July 2016 (USA) -- In the forests of the Pacific Northwest, a father devoted to raising his six kids with a rigorous physical and intellectual education is forced to leave his paradise and enter the world, challenging his idea of what it means to be a parent. Director: Matt Ross Writer:
Cast Away (2000) ::: 7.8/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 23min | Adventure, Drama, Romance | 22 December 2000 (USA) -- A FedEx executive undergoes a physical and emotional transformation after crash landing on a deserted island. Director: Robert Zemeckis Writer: William Broyles Jr.
Detective Conan ::: Meitantei Conan (original tit ::: TV-14 | 25min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (1996 ) -- The cases of a detective whose physical age was chemically reversed to that of a prepubescent boy but must hide his true mental development. Creator:
Doctor Strange (2016) ::: 7.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 55min | Action, Adventure, Fantasy | 4 November 2016 (USA) -- While on a journey of physical and spiritual healing, a brilliant neurosurgeon is drawn into the world of the mystic arts. Director: Scott Derrickson Writers: Jon Spaihts, Scott Derrickson | 3 more credits
Doctor Strange (2016) ::: 7.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 55min | Action, Adventure, Fantasy | 4 November 2016 (USA) -- While on a journey of physical and spiritual healing, a brilliant neurosurgeon is drawn into the world of the mystic arts. Director: Scott Derrickson Writers: Jon Spaihts, Scott Derrickson | 3 more credits
Eastbound & Down ::: TV-MA | 28min | Comedy, Drama, Sport | TV Series (20092013) -- Many years after he turned his back on his hometown, a burned-out major league ballplayer returns to teach Physical Education at his old middle school. Creators:
Five Feet Apart (2019) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 56min | Drama, Romance | 15 March 2019 (USA) -- A pair of teenagers with cystic fibrosis meet in a hospital and fall in love, though their disease means they must avoid close physical contact. Director: Justin Baldoni Writers:
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood ::: Hagane no renkinjutsushi (original tit ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2009-2012) Episode Guide 69 episodes Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Poster -- Two brothers search for a Philosopher's Stone after an attempt to revive their deceased mother goes awry and leaves them in damaged physical forms. Creator:
Kim Bok-nam salinsageonui jeonmal (2010) ::: 7.3/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 55min | Drama, Horror, Thriller | 2 September 2010 -- Kim Bok-nam salinsageonui jeonmal Poster -- A woman subject to mental, physical and sexual abuse on a remote island seeks a way out. Director: Cheol-soo Jang (as Chul-soo Jang) Writer:
King of Kings (1961) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 48min | Biography, Drama, History | 30 October 1961 (USA) -- The temporary physical life of the Biblical Savior, Jesus Christ. Director: Nicholas Ray Writer: Philip Yordan (screenplay)
Naked (1993) ::: 7.8/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 12min | Comedy, Drama | 4 February 1994 (USA) -- Parallel tales of two sexually obsessed men, one hurting and annoying women physically and mentally, one wandering around the city talking to strangers and experiencing dimensions of life. Director: Mike Leigh Writer:
Newness (2017) ::: 6.4/10 -- Unrated | 1h 57min | Drama, Romance | 3 November 2017 (Mexico) -- In contemporary Los Angeles, two millennials navigating a social media-driven hookup culture begin a relationship that pushes both emotional and physical boundaries. Director: Drake Doremus Writer:
Pink Floyd: The Wall (1982) ::: 8.1/10 -- R | 1h 35min | Drama, Fantasy, Music | 17 September 1982 (USA) -- A confined but troubled rock star descends into madness in the midst of his physical and social isolation from everyone. Director: Alan Parker Writers: Roger Waters (album "The Wall"), Roger Waters (screenplay)
Taboo-Tattoo ::: TV-MA | 24min | Animation, Action, Comedy | TV Series (2016- ) Episode Guide 12 episodes Taboo-Tattoo Poster "Tattoos" - ancient weapons that drastically enhance the physical abilities of their users, known as the "Sealed," allowing them to bring forth supernatural phenomena when activated through... S Stars: Justin Briner, Monica Rial, Christopher Bevins
The Confession Tapes ::: TV-MA | 46min | Documentary, Crime | TV Series (2017 ) -- A critical look into some true crime cases where American law enforcement made up for lack of actual physical evidence by using devious psychological tactics during interrogation in order to extract confessions from naive suspects. Creator:
The Dark Knight (2008) ::: 9.0/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 32min | Action, Crime, Drama | 18 July 2008 (USA) -- When the menace known as the Joker wreaks havoc and chaos on the people of Gotham, Batman must accept one of the greatest psychological and physical tests of his ability to fight injustice. Director: Christopher Nolan Writers:
The Double (2013) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 33min | Comedy, Drama, Mystery | 4 April 2014 (UK) -- A clerk in a government agency finds his unenviable life takes a turn for the horrific with the arrival of a new co-worker who is both his exact physical double and his opposite - confident, charismatic and seductive with women. Director: Richard Ayoade Writers:
The Experiment (2001) ::: 7.7/10 -- Das Experiment (original title) -- The Experiment Poster -- For two weeks, 20 male participants are hired to play prisoners and guards in a prison. The "prisoners" have to follow seemingly mild rules, and the "guards" are told to retain order without using physical violence. Director: Oliver Hirschbiegel
The Impostors (1998) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 41min | Comedy | 2 October 1998 (USA) -- Wrongly accused of physically abusing a fellow actor, starving thespians Arthur and Maurice find themselves pursued by the law aboard a cruise ship. Director: Stanley Tucci Writer:
The Legend of Korra ::: TV-Y7-FV | 23min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (20122014) -- Avatar Korra fights to keep Republic City safe from the evil forces of both the physical and spiritual worlds. Creators: Michael Dante DiMartino, Bryan Konietzko
The Mirror Has Two Faces (1996) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 6min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 15 November 1996 (USA) -- A shy, middle-aged professor enters into a romantic but non-physical relationship with an unlucky-in-love colleague. Director: Barbra Streisand Writers: Andr Cayatte (screenplay "Le Miroir a Deux Faces"), Grard Oury
Three Women (1977) ::: 7.8/10 -- 3 Women (original title) -- Three Women Poster -- Two roommates/physical therapists, one a vain woman and the other a mysterious teenager, share a bizarre relationship. Director: Robert Altman Writer:,_Vital,_Mental,_Geophysical_and_Astronomical_Services_Administration,_Indelible,_Magical,_Physical_Mystery_Trip_(1973),_or_What_Quill_Did_(TV_story)
3-gatsu no Lion -- -- Shaft -- 22 eps -- Manga -- Drama Game Seinen Slice of Life -- 3-gatsu no Lion 3-gatsu no Lion -- Having reached professional status in middle school, Rei Kiriyama is one of the few elite in the world of shogi. Due to this, he faces an enormous amount of pressure, both from the shogi community and his adoptive family. Seeking independence from his tense home life, he moves into an apartment in Tokyo. As a 17-year-old living on his own, Rei tends to take poor care of himself, and his reclusive personality ostracizes him from his peers in school and at the shogi hall. -- -- However, not long after his arrival in Tokyo, Rei meets Akari, Hinata, and Momo Kawamoto, a trio of sisters living with their grandfather who owns a traditional wagashi shop. Akari, the oldest of the three girls, is determined to combat Rei's loneliness and poorly sustained lifestyle with motherly hospitality. The Kawamoto sisters, coping with past tragedies, also share with Rei a unique familial bond that he has lacked for most of his life. As he struggles to maintain himself physically and mentally through his shogi career, Rei must learn how to interact with others and understand his own complex emotions. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 492,391 8.42
Aho Girl -- -- Diomedéa -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy Romance School Shounen -- Aho Girl Aho Girl -- Yoshiko Hanabatake is an idiot beyond all belief. Somehow managing to consistently score zeroes on all of her tests and consumed by an absurd obsession with bananas, her senseless acts have caused even her own mother to lose all hope. Only one person is up to the task of keeping her insanity in check: childhood friend Akuru "A-kun" Akutsu. -- -- Though he bemoans the ridiculous behavior he has to endure, the studious but terrifying A-kun is always ready to put an end to any stupidity Yoshiko gets up to, with no qualms about using physical force. Unfortunately, no matter how many times he attempts to knock some sense into her, the girl bounces right back to her usual shenanigans, even dragging in some other eccentrics along for the ride. Try as he might to rein in her nonsense, every moment is unpredictable with Yoshiko and her profound idiocy on the loose. -- -- 355,295 6.87
A Kite -- -- Arms -- 2 eps -- Original -- Action Drama Hentai Police -- A Kite A Kite -- After her parents were brutally murdered, school girl Sawa was taken into custody by Akai and Kanie, a pair of detectives assigned to her case. Corrupt and immoral, they train the girl to become a weapon, dangling the promise of vengeance in front of the hapless orphan. From celebrities and politicians to influential businessmen, Sawa is tasked with assassinating targets selected arbitrarily by her crooked overseers. She executes every mission without fail, and her distinctive weapon has become infamous among the city's police officers. -- -- Physically abused by Akai, who is no more righteous than her victims, Sawa begins to dream of a life unhindered by the shadow of her "guardians." One day, Sawa meets Oburi, a fellow orphan and vigilante. They quickly form a bond born of desperation and disgruntlement at the unjust world, envisioning a future free from the stain of murder. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- OVA - Feb 25, 1998 -- 49,784 6.55
Appleseed -- -- Gainax -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Police Mecha -- Appleseed Appleseed -- Appleseed takes place in the aftermath of World War III, where the General Management Control Office has constructed the experimental city known as Olympus. Built to be a paradise on Earth, Olympus is inhabited by humans, cyborgs, and bioroids (genetically engineered humans designed for increased physical capabilities and decreased emotional capabilities). Bioroids run and control all of the administrative functions of Olympus, ensuring that the city remains the utopian society it was meant to be for all of its citizens. But for some people living in Utopia, the city has become less of a home and more of a cage. -- -- Police officer Calon Mautholos has grown to despise Olympus following his wife's suicide, blaming her death on the lack of creative freedom caused by the rules binding the citizens of the city. As his hatred for the city grows, Calon conspires with the terrorist A.J. Sebastian to destroy the Legislature of the Central Management Bureau to send the rules of Olympus that killed his wife tumbling down. But when Calon discovers it is not political malcontent, but rather hatred for bioroids that motives Sebastian, Calon turns renegade and gains the attention of city officials. Deunan Knute and her partner Briareos of the ESWAT counter-terrorism unit are dispatched to hunt down and stop Calon and Sebastian... by any means necessary! -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Manga Entertainment -- OVA - Apr 21, 1988 -- 25,245 6.60
Arve Rezzle: Kikaijikake no Yousei-tachi -- -- Zexcs -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Drama Mystery Sci-Fi Thriller -- Arve Rezzle: Kikaijikake no Yousei-tachi Arve Rezzle: Kikaijikake no Yousei-tachi -- One day, when Remu Mikage is on a video call with his sister, Shiki, who has traveled to the futuristic Okinotori-island Mega Float City for school, she confesses that both the audio and visuals of her are completely artificial. In order to be more efficient in her studies, Shiki has used neural-linked nanomachines to upload her consciousness onto a computer and is storing her physical body in a "body pool." While shocked, Remu is supportive of his sister's decision, until the disaster known as the "Early Rapture" happens. -- -- The Early Rapture causes everyone who has uploaded their consciousnesses to either fall into a coma or perish. Remu visits his sister's empty apartment one last time, but is shocked when Shiki arrives at the door. With no memory of her family or past, and being pursued by a violent group of researchers, Shiki and her brother are forced to flee using her newfound power of nanomachine manipulation. -- -- Movie - Mar 2, 2013 -- 24,206 6.29
Black Clover -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 170 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Black Clover Black Clover -- Asta and Yuno were abandoned at the same church on the same day. Raised together as children, they came to know of the "Wizard King"—a title given to the strongest mage in the kingdom—and promised that they would compete against each other for the position of the next Wizard King. However, as they grew up, the stark difference between them became evident. While Yuno is able to wield magic with amazing power and control, Asta cannot use magic at all and desperately tries to awaken his powers by training physically. -- -- When they reach the age of 15, Yuno is bestowed a spectacular Grimoire with a four-leaf clover, while Asta receives nothing. However, soon after, Yuno is attacked by a person named Lebuty, whose main purpose is to obtain Yuno's Grimoire. Asta tries to fight Lebuty, but he is outmatched. Though without hope and on the brink of defeat, he finds the strength to continue when he hears Yuno's voice. Unleashing his inner emotions in a rage, Asta receives a five-leaf clover Grimoire, a "Black Clover" giving him enough power to defeat Lebuty. A few days later, the two friends head out into the world, both seeking the same goal—to become the Wizard King! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 957,323 7.96
Buzzer Beater 2nd Season -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 13 eps -- Web manga -- Action Sci-Fi Sports Shounen -- Buzzer Beater 2nd Season Buzzer Beater 2nd Season -- After being drafted into the Earth Team, a basketball team comprised solely of humans, street-punk-turned-pro Hideyoshi couldn't be more cocky. The team is still up against the Gorons, a physically superior race of aliens who have dominated the game for some time. New challenges and problems stand in their way. Hideyoshi is unhappy with the team and the Gorons have new tricks up their sleeves. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 7,573 6.82
Cheer Danshi!! -- -- Brain's Base -- 12 eps -- Novel -- Sports Drama School -- Cheer Danshi!! Cheer Danshi!! -- After suffering from a shoulder injury, shy first-year university student Haruki Bandou gladly takes the opportunity to give up judo, failing to find happiness in the sport regardless of his family owning a dojo. He did not expect, however, that his best friend Kazuma Hashimoto would also decide to leave their university's judo club at the same time as him. Despite Haruki's protests, Kazuma already has plans for a new and revolutionary activity: a cheerleading team made up of only men. Although heavily reluctant, Haruki ends up helping his friend set up the team. Through sheer determination, and with support from their newfound club members, Haruki and Kazuma persist in founding the Breakers, the first ever all-male cheerleading team of Meishiin University, slowly making history in spite of the feminine tag attached to the sport of cheerleading and the prejudices, physical challenges, and self-doubts that inevitably follow. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 55,104 6.69
Chihayafuru -- -- Madhouse -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Drama Game Josei School Slice of Life Sports -- Chihayafuru Chihayafuru -- Chihaya Ayase, a strong-willed and tomboyish girl, grows up under the shadow of her older sister. With no dreams of her own, she is contented with her share in life till she meets Arata Wataya. The quiet transfer student in her elementary class introduces her to competitive karuta, a physically and mentally demanding card game inspired by the classic Japanese anthology of Hundred Poets. Captivated by Arata's passion for the game and inspired by the possibility of becoming the best in Japan, Chihaya quickly falls in love with the world of karuta. Along with the prodigy Arata and her haughty but hard-working friend Taichi Mashima, she joins the local Shiranami Society. The trio spends their idyllic childhood days playing together, until circumstances split them up. -- -- Now in high school, Chihaya has grown into a karuta freak. She aims to establish the Municipal Mizusawa High Competitive Karuta Club, setting her sights on the national championship at Omi Jingu. Reunited with the now indifferent Taichi, Chihaya's dream of establishing a karuta team is only one step away from becoming true: she must bring together members with a passion for the game that matches her own. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Oct 5, 2011 -- 361,019 8.23
Digimon Adventure 02: Diablomon no Gyakushuu -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Drama Kids Sci-Fi -- Digimon Adventure 02: Diablomon no Gyakushuu Digimon Adventure 02: Diablomon no Gyakushuu -- After the events of 02, everything is finally getting back to normal. That is, until a strangely familiar icon starts showing up on computer systems around the Japan. And not just computer systems... TVs, mobile phones, video games; anything with a screen with online capabilities. And this icon seems to be looking for somone... Yagami Taichi, and Ishida Yamato, who defeated it several years before. Yes, it turns out that this jellyfish digimon is in fact Diablomon, the Virus-type Digimon that was defeated in the second movie. But this time, he's learned to make himself physical, and is sending thousands of copies of himself into the real world. -- -- Koushiro and Ken devise a plan to rid the world of the virus once and for all, but it'll take the help of all the Destined, past and present. Once again, it's a race against time to put a stop to Diablomon's plot... but even that is cloaked in shadow. -- -- Will the revival of Omagamon be enough to stop Diablomon a second time, or will the millions of copies prove enough of a power boost to shrug off the "Digimon Champion of Justice"? Of course, he hasn't seen the new breed of Chosen, nor the new techniques. It's a fight to the finish, with the destruction of Tokyo resting on the line. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Saban Brands -- Movie - Mar 3, 2001 -- 46,582 7.28
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood -- -- Bones -- 64 eps -- Manga -- Action Military Adventure Comedy Drama Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood -- "In order for something to be obtained, something of equal value must be lost." -- -- Alchemy is bound by this Law of Equivalent Exchange—something the young brothers Edward and Alphonse Elric only realize after attempting human transmutation: the one forbidden act of alchemy. They pay a terrible price for their transgression—Edward loses his left leg, Alphonse his physical body. It is only by the desperate sacrifice of Edward's right arm that he is able to affix Alphonse's soul to a suit of armor. Devastated and alone, it is the hope that they would both eventually return to their original bodies that gives Edward the inspiration to obtain metal limbs called "automail" and become a state alchemist, the Fullmetal Alchemist. -- -- Three years of searching later, the brothers seek the Philosopher's Stone, a mythical relic that allows an alchemist to overcome the Law of Equivalent Exchange. Even with military allies Colonel Roy Mustang, Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye, and Lieutenant Colonel Maes Hughes on their side, the brothers find themselves caught up in a nationwide conspiracy that leads them not only to the true nature of the elusive Philosopher's Stone, but their country's murky history as well. In between finding a serial killer and racing against time, Edward and Alphonse must ask themselves if what they are doing will make them human again... or take away their humanity. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America, Funimation -- 2,372,958 9.18
Futari Ecchi -- -- Chaos Project -- 4 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi Romance Seinen Slice of Life -- Futari Ecchi Futari Ecchi -- Makoto and Yura Onoda are a newly-wed couple with zero sexual experience. Yura is a shy and naive 25-year-old woman whose good looks grab men's attention, something that she dislikes because she gets embarrassed very easily. Her husband Makoto is of the same age, but as opposed to his wife, he loves having dirty thoughts about other women. Physically though, Makoto is truly faithful to Yura. -- -- Both of them may be virgins, but now that they are married, they are ready to dive into the world of sex, "practicing" as often as possible. However, the world of sex is complex, so they need all the help they can get to find their way through it. Thankfully, their friends, acquaintances, and porn media lend them a helping hand. -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- OVA - Jul 26, 2002 -- 30,094 6.37
Gakusen Toshi Asterisk -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Comedy Ecchi Fantasy Harem Romance School Sci-Fi Supernatural -- Gakusen Toshi Asterisk Gakusen Toshi Asterisk -- In the previous century, an unprecedented disaster known as the Invertia drastically reformed the world. The powers of existing nations declined significantly, paving the way for a conglomerate called the Integrated Empire Foundation to assume control. But more importantly, the Invertia led to the emergence of a new species of humans who are born with phenomenal physical capabilities—the Genestella. Its elite are hand-picked across the globe to attend the top six schools, and they duel amongst themselves in entertainment battles called Festas. -- -- Ayato Amagiri is a scholarship transfer student at the prestigious Seidoukan Academy, which has recently been suffering from declining performances. Through a series of events, he accidentally sees the popular Witch of Resplendent Flames, Julis-Alexia von Riessfeld, half-dressed! Enraged, Julis challenges him to a duel for intruding on her privacy. After said duel is voided by the student council president, Ayato reveals that he has no interest in Festas. Instead, he has enrolled in the academy to investigate the whereabouts of his missing elder sister. But when a more devious plot unravels, Ayato sets out to achieve victory, while being surrounded by some of the most talented Genestella on the planet. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 507,111 6.88
Gatchaman Crowds Insight -- -- Tatsunoko Production -- 12 eps -- Original -- Adventure Sci-Fi -- Gatchaman Crowds Insight Gatchaman Crowds Insight -- One day, a huge UFO spins over Japan and crashes into a rural farmland outside Nagaoka, disrupting Tsubasa Misudachi's ordinary life. As the Gatchaman, the legendary defenders of Tachikawa City, supervise the ordeal, a peaceful alien creature emerges from the spacecraft. In the ensuing chaos, Tsubasa is given a special high-tech notebook, or NOTE, from Gatchaman founder J.J. Robinson, signaling Tsubasa's sudden recruitment into their group. Under the tutelage of fellow hero Hajime Ichinose, Tsubasa slowly begins to adjust to life as a defender of justice. -- -- Meanwhile, the CROWDS technology, which enables users to manifest their consciousness' into a physical form, is spreading amongst the public, as well as being endorsed by Prime Minister Sugayama. However, a mysterious organization known as VAPE has gained notoriety by using unique red CROWDS to wreak havoc, shifting public opinion against the CROWDS technology. The Gatchaman, along with new recruit Tsubasa, must put a stop to their destructive activities before it's too late. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 64,839 7.29
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Seiran 3 -- -- Production I.G -- 4 eps -- Novel -- Action Drama Military Sci-Fi Space -- Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Seiran 3 Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Seiran 3 -- At the behest of Admiral Yang Wen-li, defected intelligence officer Commander Baghdash makes an emergency broadcast announcing that the National Salvation Military Council staged a coup under the direction of the Galactic Empire. Despite the lack of physical evidence, this debilitating declaration inspires former Rear Admiral Andrew Lynch to reveal his own role in sowing discord within the Free Planets Alliance. A fatal shootout between Lynch and Admiral Dwight Greenhill acts as the final death knell to the short-lived period of martial rule. -- -- Within the Galactic Empire, footage of Duke Otto von Braunschweig's nuclear bombing of Westerland results in the dissolution of the Lippstadt League. Marquis Reinhard von Lohengramm's decision to allow the massacre for personal gain creates a rift between him and High Admiral Siegfried Kircheis, souring the taste of their inevitable victory. Now on the cusp of achieving absolute power, Reinhard is embattled by his apparent personal failings and the heavy responsibilities of leadership. -- -- Though the civil wars in both the Alliance and the Empire are coming to a close, neither side can ever regain what is lost. Yang Wen-li and Reinhard von Lohengramm each take bitter solace in the knowledge that just on the other side of the galaxy is a worthy opponent—and a true equal. -- -- Movie - Nov 29, 2019 -- 15,742 8.22
Ginga Tetsudou Monogatari -- -- Planet -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Drama Sci-Fi Space -- Ginga Tetsudou Monogatari Ginga Tetsudou Monogatari -- In the distant future, trains are no longer bound by their physical tracks. Instead, they take to the skies and travel across the universe on the Galaxy Railways, transporting mankind from planet to planet. However, the Galaxy Railways are no safer than traditional trains: criminals, terrorists, and vile aliens always find a way to stir up trouble. -- -- Manabu Yuuki, a rash and hot-headed man, is the latest addition to the Galaxy Railways' elite Space Defence Force (SDF). These brave men and women are responsible for protecting the railways and responding to any unprecedented danger, risking their lives to protect the innocent from evil. But as this drama unfolds and the SDF's greatest crisis draws nearer, Manabu must truly learn what it means to be a member of the SDF before it is too late. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Oct 4, 2003 -- 9,901 7.15
Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka? -- -- White Fox -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka? Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka? -- Kokoa Hoto is a positive and energetic girl who becomes friends with anyone in just three seconds. After moving in with the Kafuu family in order to attend high school away from home, she immediately befriends the shy and precocious granddaughter of Rabbit House cafe's founder, Chino Kafuu, who is often seen with the talking rabbit, Tippy, on her head. -- -- After beginning to work as a waitress in return for room and board, Kokoa also befriends another part-timer, Rize Tedeza, who has unusual behavior and significant physical capabilities due to her military upbringing; Chiya Ujimatsu, a waitress from a rival cafe who does everything at her own pace; and Sharo Kirima, another waitress at a different cafe who has the air of a noblewoman despite being impoverished. -- -- With fluffy silliness and caffeinated fun, Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka? is a heartwarming comedy about five young waitresses and their amusing adventures in the town they call home. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 10, 2014 -- 190,522 7.51
Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka? -- -- White Fox -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka? Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka? -- Kokoa Hoto is a positive and energetic girl who becomes friends with anyone in just three seconds. After moving in with the Kafuu family in order to attend high school away from home, she immediately befriends the shy and precocious granddaughter of Rabbit House cafe's founder, Chino Kafuu, who is often seen with the talking rabbit, Tippy, on her head. -- -- After beginning to work as a waitress in return for room and board, Kokoa also befriends another part-timer, Rize Tedeza, who has unusual behavior and significant physical capabilities due to her military upbringing; Chiya Ujimatsu, a waitress from a rival cafe who does everything at her own pace; and Sharo Kirima, another waitress at a different cafe who has the air of a noblewoman despite being impoverished. -- -- With fluffy silliness and caffeinated fun, Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka? is a heartwarming comedy about five young waitresses and their amusing adventures in the town they call home. -- -- TV - Apr 10, 2014 -- 190,522 7.51
Hajime no Ippo: Champion Road -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Comedy Shounen Sports -- Hajime no Ippo: Champion Road Hajime no Ippo: Champion Road -- The challenger has become the champion as Ippo Makunouchi now wears the featherweight championship belt of Japan. -- Some time has passed since Ippo's victory, and he has found his friends and coach as supportive as ever; his crush, Kumi Mashiba, seems to enjoy spending time with him as well. Things are looking bright for the new champion, but just as he once set his sights on becoming the best, his first challenger poses an intimidating threat. -- -- Kazuki Sanada works as a doctor at the same hospital as Kumi and fights strategically. Known for integrating his knowledge of the human body into his fights, Sanada is a fearsome contender—however, more unnerving than his physical ability, he has garnered the support of the nurses. Despite being the champion, Ippo feels the pressure as he must face the daunting challenge, retain his belt, and win over the girl he loves. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Geneon Entertainment USA -- Special - Apr 18, 2003 -- 100,589 8.28
Hikari to Mizu no Daphne -- -- J.C.Staff -- 24 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Mystery Comedy Police Psychological Drama Ecchi -- Hikari to Mizu no Daphne Hikari to Mizu no Daphne -- In the future, water has covered much of the Earth due to the effects of global warming. The orphaned Maia Mizuki, 15, just graduated from middle school and has already applied for employment in the elite paramilitary Ocean Agency, part of the futuristic world government. Only the best, most intelligent, and physically fit students are eligible for admission. Maia, the series' protagonist, is set to become one of the few. -- -- But her ideal life quickly falls apart. To her disappointment, Maia unexpectedly fails her entrance exams. Making matters worse, she promptly gets evicted from her house, pick pocketed, taken hostage, then shot. She is "saved" by two women (Rena and Shizuka) that are part of an unorthodox help-for-hire organization called Nereids (inspired by the Greek mythological Nereids ). With nowhere to go, Maia joins up with Nereids, taking jobs from capturing wanted criminals to chasing stray cats, often with unexpected results. Gloria and Yu later join up with Nereids. -- -- "Daphne" in the title refers to a subplot that starts midway into the series and eventually become important to Maia. "Brilliant Blue" refers to the fact that this is a world covered by water with almost no land. The world consists of vast oceans, a few islands, and floating cities. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA, Sentai Filmworks -- 12,564 6.75
Hypnosis Mic: Division Rap Battle - Rhyme Anima -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 13 eps -- Other -- Action Sci-Fi Music -- Hypnosis Mic: Division Rap Battle - Rhyme Anima Hypnosis Mic: Division Rap Battle - Rhyme Anima -- In a world overtaken by war and conflict, "Hypnosis Microphones"—devices through which a user channels lyrics that can affect the listener's brain and even cause physical damage—were introduced to the masses by the Party of Words. Revolutionizing warfare, Hypnosis Mics have transformed words and music into the sole weapons used by gangsters, terrorists, and the military, with physical weapons having been banned from use. -- -- As a result of swooping in during the chaos, the all-female Party of Words rules over the Japanese government. Women in Japan now live in Chuuouku, while men battle over surrounding territories outside the ward through rap battles. -- -- With intentions unknown, the Party of Words begins to gather the former members of the now-disbanded legendary rap crew The Dirty Dawg to fight not for territory or war, but for their respective crew's pride and honor in the greatest rap battle of all time. The first Division Rap Battle is about to commence, and practice isn't something these rappers are going to need. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 37,829 6.76
Inuyashiki -- -- MAPPA -- 11 eps -- Manga -- Action Drama Psychological Sci-Fi Seinen -- Inuyashiki Inuyashiki -- Ichirou Inuyashiki is a 58-year-old family man who is going through a difficult time in his life. Though his frequent back problems are painful, nothing hurts quite as much as the indifference and distaste that his wife and children have for him. Despite this, Ichirou still manages to find solace in Hanako, an abandoned Shiba Inu that he adopts into his home. However, his life takes a turn for the worse when a follow-up physical examination reveals that Ichirou has stomach cancer and only three months to live; though he tries to be strong, his family's disinterest causes an emotional breakdown. Running off into a nearby field, Ichirou embraces his dog and weeps—until he notices a strange figure standing before him. -- -- Suddenly, a bright light appears and Ichirou is enveloped by smoke and dust. When he comes to, he discovers something is amiss—he has been reborn as a mechanized weapon wearing the skin of his former self. Though initially shocked, the compassionate Ichirou immediately uses his newfound powers to save a life, an act of kindness that fills him with happiness and newfound hope. -- -- However, the origins of these strange powers remain unclear. Who was the mysterious figure at the site of the explosion, and are they as kind as Ichirou when it comes to using this dangerous gift? -- -- 443,053 7.69
Jashin-chan Dropkick' -- -- Nomad -- 11 eps -- Web manga -- Comedy Supernatural -- Jashin-chan Dropkick' Jashin-chan Dropkick' -- Jashin-chan is a demon who was summoned by Yurine Hanazono, a gothic looking girl. Unable to return home as the relevant spell was not included in the summoning grimoire, Jashin-chan resorts to violence to liberate herself from her earthly shackles. -- -- However, this is easier said than done, as Yurine is no weakling herself. She in fact possesses formidable physical power and uses it to massacre Jashin-chan in a variety of ways, be it shoving her arm in a blender, spreading her intestines across the room or even cooking her. Though these actions would be fatal to anyone without the ability to regenerate, Jashin-chan isn't exactly undeserving of this treatment. Stuck with each other, Yurine lets Jashin-chan live with her in exchange for work around the apartment, and this cohabitation results in situations where, more often than not, Jashin-chan ends up in pieces. -- -- ONA - Apr 6, 2020 -- 25,669 7.41
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 3: Stardust Crusaders -- -- David Production -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Supernatural Drama Shounen -- JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 3: Stardust Crusaders JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 3: Stardust Crusaders -- Years after an ancient evil was salvaged from the depths of the sea, Joutarou Kuujou sits peacefully within a Japanese jail cell. He's committed no crime yet demands he not be released, believing he's been possessed by an evil spirit capable of harming those around him. Concerned for her son, Holly Kuujou asks her father, Joseph Joestar, to convince Joutarou to leave the prison. Joseph informs his grandson that the "evil spirit" is in fact something called a "Stand," the physical manifestation of one's fighting spirit which can adopt a variety of deadly forms. After a fiery brawl with Joseph's friend Mohammed Avdol, Joutarou is forced out of his cell and begins learning how to control the power of his Stand. -- -- However, when a Stand awakens within Holly and threatens to consume her in 50 days, Joutarou, his grandfather, and their allies must seek out and destroy the immortal vampire responsible for her condition. They must travel halfway across the world to Cairo, Egypt and along the way, do battle with ferocious Stand users set on thwarting them. If Joutarou and his allies fail in their mission, humanity is destined for a grim fate. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- 758,045 8.10
Junior high school student Kimichika Haijima moves back to his hometown, Fukui, after causing trouble in the Tokyo Junior High School volleyball club. There, he is reunited with his childhood friend, Yuni Kuroba, who possesses outstanding physical abilities, but is vulnerable under pressure. Haijima, with his overwhelming passion and talent for volleyball, forms an ace combination with Kuroba. -- -- The two enroll at Seiin High School, where they join the volleyball club. Awaiting them are the 163 cm hot-blooded captain Shinichirou Oda, the talented and sharp-tongued vice-captain Misao Aoki and his third-year pair, and second-year students, including Akito Kanno, who is always wearing long sleeves due to his allergy to sunlight. -- -- The newborn team breaks its former shell of weakness and becomes Fukui's rising star. This is a certain team's journey to victory, with a series of fascinating rivals standing in their way. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- 77,064 6.21
Junior high school student Kimichika Haijima moves back to his hometown, Fukui, after causing trouble in the Tokyo Junior High School volleyball club. There, he is reunited with his childhood friend, Yuni Kuroba, who possesses outstanding physical abilities, but is vulnerable under pressure. Haijima, with his overwhelming passion and talent for volleyball, forms an ace combination with Kuroba. -- -- The two enroll at Seiin High School, where they join the volleyball club. Awaiting them are the 163 cm hot-blooded captain Shinichirou Oda, the talented and sharp-tongued vice-captain Misao Aoki and his third-year pair, and second-year students, including Akito Kanno, who is always wearing long sleeves due to his allergy to sunlight. -- -- The newborn team breaks its former shell of weakness and becomes Fukui's rising star. This is a certain team's journey to victory, with a series of fascinating rivals standing in their way. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 77,064 6.21
Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san 2 -- -- Shin-Ei Animation -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance School Shounen -- Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san 2 Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san 2 -- Even after spending a considerable amount of time with Takagi, Nishikata is still struggling to find a perfect plan to defeat the expert teaser. A battle of wits, a contest of physical prowess, a test of courage—any strategy he employs to expose her weaknesses is to no avail. On the contrary, Nishikata's pitiful attempts only reveal more of his own flaws, which Takagi takes advantage of to become increasingly daring in her teasing attempts. To make things worse for Nishikata, rumors about him and Takagi may have spread in class due to the frequent interactions between them. -- -- However, the optimistic Nishikata believes that wisdom comes with age and that as the days go by, his experience with her constant teasing will eventually bear fruit, leading him to the awaited moment of victory. Thus, Nishikata continues to strive for the seemingly impossible—to outsmart Takagi and make her blush with embarrassment. -- -- 197,501 8.13
Kara no Kyoukai 3: Tsuukaku Zanryuu -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Mystery Supernatural Drama Thriller -- Kara no Kyoukai 3: Tsuukaku Zanryuu Kara no Kyoukai 3: Tsuukaku Zanryuu -- On a solemn night in July 1998, teenager Fujino Asagami is mercilessly raped by a street gang in a dilapidated bar. No matter what physical or sexual abuse they deal, however, the girl regards her captors with the same apathetic expression. The next day, mangled bodies are discovered in that same building, so torn apart that investigators find it infeasible to even consider the culprit human. -- -- Elsewhere, a client request reaches Touko Aozaki's detective agency, tasking Shiki Ryougi with either capturing or killing the perpetrator of last night's incident. But soon, word spreads that a single survivor escaped the slaughter, and now the murderer is plowing down everything in their path to locate and exterminate him. A brutal race against time begins, pitting Shiki against a dangerous foe imperceptible even to her legendary eyes. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Feb 9, 2008 -- 185,647 8.07
Kara no Kyoukai 3: Tsuukaku Zanryuu -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Mystery Supernatural Drama Thriller -- Kara no Kyoukai 3: Tsuukaku Zanryuu Kara no Kyoukai 3: Tsuukaku Zanryuu -- On a solemn night in July 1998, teenager Fujino Asagami is mercilessly raped by a street gang in a dilapidated bar. No matter what physical or sexual abuse they deal, however, the girl regards her captors with the same apathetic expression. The next day, mangled bodies are discovered in that same building, so torn apart that investigators find it infeasible to even consider the culprit human. -- -- Elsewhere, a client request reaches Touko Aozaki's detective agency, tasking Shiki Ryougi with either capturing or killing the perpetrator of last night's incident. But soon, word spreads that a single survivor escaped the slaughter, and now the murderer is plowing down everything in their path to locate and exterminate him. A brutal race against time begins, pitting Shiki against a dangerous foe imperceptible even to her legendary eyes. -- -- Movie - Feb 9, 2008 -- 185,647 8.07
Keppeki Danshi! Aoyama-kun -- -- Studio Hibari -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Seinen Sports -- Keppeki Danshi! Aoyama-kun Keppeki Danshi! Aoyama-kun -- He is charming, cool, athletic, a good cook, but more importantly, he's a clean freak. Aoyama is idolized and respected by everyone, but they can only admire him from afar due to his mysophobia. Despite that, he plays soccer—a rather dirty sport! -- -- As the playmaker for Fujimi High School's soccer club, Aoyama avoids physical contact at all cost and cleanly dribbles toward victory. However, the path to Nationals will not be easy for Fujimi's underdog team. But alongside striker Kaoru Zaizen, Aoyama will show everyone that even as a clean freak, there are things he's willing to get dirty for. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Ponycan USA -- 130,773 6.98
Koukaku Kidoutai: SAC_2045 -- -- Production I.G, Sola Digital Arts -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Military Sci-Fi Police Mecha Seinen -- Koukaku Kidoutai: SAC_2045 Koukaku Kidoutai: SAC_2045 -- The year is 2045, and artificial intelligence has undergone tremendous developments. Governments use them as weapons, engaging in never-ending warfare to sustain their economies. The mercenary group GHOST, headed by Major Motoko Kusanagi, is no stranger to this landscape. However, the rapid innovation of this technology causes a new threat to loom over the horizon. -- -- Having left Public Security Section 9, Kusanagi and her group are involved in many operations worldwide related to these proxy wars. But a seemingly simple job of locating an arms dealer drags GHOST into a hidden conflict against cybernetically enhanced individuals, who have inexplicably gained extreme intelligence and physical abilities. Dubbed "post-humans," their emergence sets off a chain of events leading to the reunion of Section 9. Armed with a new mission, it is up to Kusanagi and her reestablished team to prevent global chaos at the hands of these post-humans. -- -- ONA - Apr 23, 2020 -- 26,133 6.67
Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex -- -- Production I.G -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Military Sci-Fi Police Mecha Seinen -- Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex -- In the not so distant future, mankind has advanced to a state where complete body transplants from flesh to machine is possible. This allows for great increases in both physical and cybernetic prowess and blurring the lines between the two worlds. However, criminals can also make full use of such technology, leading to new and sometimes, very dangerous crimes. In response to such innovative new methods, the Japanese Government has established Section 9, an independently operating police unit which deals with such highly sensitive crimes. -- -- Led by Daisuke Aramaki and Motoko Kusanagi, Section 9 deals with such crimes over the entire social spectrum, usually with success. However, when faced with a new A level hacker nicknamed "The Laughing Man," the team is thrown into a dangerous cat and mouse game, following the hacker's trail as it leaves its mark on Japan. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Manga Entertainment -- TV - Oct 1, 2002 -- 332,809 8.44
Koutetsu Tenshi Kurumi -- -- OLM, Production Reed -- 24 eps -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Drama Historical Mecha Military Romance Shounen -- Koutetsu Tenshi Kurumi Koutetsu Tenshi Kurumi -- During Japan's Taisho Era (1912-1926), a scientist named Ayanokoji developed the Steel Angel - an artificial humanoid with superhuman physical abilities. While the Imperial Army wanted to use the Steel Angel as a new means of modern warfare, Ayanokoji wanted his creation to be a new step in the future of mankind. Thus, he defied orders from the Army and secretly made the Steel Angel codenamed "Kurumi". Then one day, a young boy named Nakahito Kagura snuck into Ayanokoji's house as a dare by his friends and stumbled upon Kurumi's lifeless body. A sudden attack by the Imperial Army shook the house, causing Kurumi to fall on Nakahito. At that moment, their lips met, and Kurumi woke up from "the kiss that started a miracle". -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 21,387 6.78
Koutetsu Tenshi Kurumi -- -- OLM, Production Reed -- 24 eps -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Drama Historical Mecha Military Romance Shounen -- Koutetsu Tenshi Kurumi Koutetsu Tenshi Kurumi -- During Japan's Taisho Era (1912-1926), a scientist named Ayanokoji developed the Steel Angel - an artificial humanoid with superhuman physical abilities. While the Imperial Army wanted to use the Steel Angel as a new means of modern warfare, Ayanokoji wanted his creation to be a new step in the future of mankind. Thus, he defied orders from the Army and secretly made the Steel Angel codenamed "Kurumi". Then one day, a young boy named Nakahito Kagura snuck into Ayanokoji's house as a dare by his friends and stumbled upon Kurumi's lifeless body. A sudden attack by the Imperial Army shook the house, causing Kurumi to fall on Nakahito. At that moment, their lips met, and Kurumi woke up from "the kiss that started a miracle". -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- 21,387 6.78
Kuzu no Honkai -- -- Lerche -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Romance School Seinen -- Kuzu no Honkai Kuzu no Honkai -- To the outside world, Hanabi Yasuraoka and Mugi Awaya are the perfect couple. But in reality, they just share the same secret pain: they are both in love with other people they cannot be with. -- -- Hanabi has loved her childhood friend and neighbor Narumi Kanai for as long as she can remember, so she is elated to discover that he is her new homeroom teacher. However, Narumi is soon noticed by the music teacher, Akane Minagawa, and a relationship begins to blossom between them, much to Hanabi's dismay. -- -- Mugi was tutored by Akane in middle school, and has been in love with her since then. Through a chance meeting in the hallway, he encounters Hanabi. As these two lonely souls spend more time together, they decide to use each other as a substitute for the one they truly love, sharing physical intimacy with one another in order to stave off their loneliness. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 494,783 7.28
Kyoushoku Soukou Guyver (1989) -- -- - -- 6 eps -- Manga -- Action Horror Sci-Fi Super Power -- Kyoushoku Soukou Guyver (1989) Kyoushoku Soukou Guyver (1989) -- Shou and his friend, Tetsurou, stumble upon a strange orb-like mechanism, the Guyver Unit, in the woods. It physically bonds with Shou and turns him into the alien soldier, Guyver. His mission is to protect the Guyver Unit from the Japanese corporation known as Chronos. They are after it and two other units just like it. To retrieve the object, they send out vicious monsters known as Zoanoids. So no one is safe in Shou's life; not even himself. -- -- Licensor: -- Manga Entertainment -- OVA - Sep 25, 1989 -- 10,976 7.12
Kyuukyoku Shinka shita Full Dive RPG ga Genjitsu yori mo Kusoge Dattara -- -- ENGI -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Game Comedy Fantasy -- Kyuukyoku Shinka shita Full Dive RPG ga Genjitsu yori mo Kusoge Dattara Kyuukyoku Shinka shita Full Dive RPG ga Genjitsu yori mo Kusoge Dattara -- In an unexpected turn of events, dull high school student Hiro Yuuki obtains the full dive role-playing game Kiwame Quest. Created by the best of technology, the game claims to take "reality to its extremes," from stunning graphics, NPCs' behavior, to the scent of vegetation, and even the sensation of wind brushing against the skin—everything was the result of an ultimate workmanship. -- -- Except, the game is a little too realistic and messy to clear. Kiwame Quest features over ten quadrillion flags and reflects the players' real-life physical abilities in the game. Being hit in the game also hurts in real life and slash wounds take days to heal. -- -- The only reward here is the sense of accomplishment. Conquer the most stressful game in history that can't be played casually! -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- 76,180 7.20
Kyuukyoku Shinka shita Full Dive RPG ga Genjitsu yori mo Kusoge Dattara -- -- ENGI -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Game Comedy Fantasy -- Kyuukyoku Shinka shita Full Dive RPG ga Genjitsu yori mo Kusoge Dattara Kyuukyoku Shinka shita Full Dive RPG ga Genjitsu yori mo Kusoge Dattara -- In an unexpected turn of events, dull high school student Hiro Yuuki obtains the full dive role-playing game Kiwame Quest. Created by the best of technology, the game claims to take "reality to its extremes," from stunning graphics, NPCs' behavior, to the scent of vegetation, and even the sensation of wind brushing against the skin—everything was the result of an ultimate workmanship. -- -- Except, the game is a little too realistic and messy to clear. Kiwame Quest features over ten quadrillion flags and reflects the players' real-life physical abilities in the game. Being hit in the game also hurts in real life and slash wounds take days to heal. -- -- The only reward here is the sense of accomplishment. Conquer the most stressful game in history that can't be played casually! -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 76,180 7.20
Loups=Garous -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Sci-Fi Mystery Thriller -- Loups=Garous Loups=Garous -- In a future governed through the lens of a camera, where people eat synthetic food and pursue an online existence in lieu of physical contact, a group of children begin meeting up in the real world. The aloof Ayumi Kono, the genius hacker Mio Tsuzuki, and the socially awkward Hazuki Makino set out to find the fourth member of their group, Yuko Yabe, who has gone missing. With the help of Myao Rei, an unregistered citizen proficient in martial arts, they are able to find Yuko. However, when their situation takes a sudden turn for the worse, the group stumbles headlong into a dark mystery that challenges everything they know about their world. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Movie - Aug 28, 2010 -- 16,244 6.29
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei -- -- Madhouse -- 26 eps -- Light novel -- Action Magic Romance School Sci-Fi Supernatural -- Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei -- In the dawn of the 21st century, magic, long thought to be folklore and fairy tales, has become a systematized technology and is taught as a technical skill. In First High School, the institution for magicians, students are segregated into two groups based on their entrance exam scores: "Blooms," those who receive high scores, are assigned to the First Course, while "Weeds" are reserve students assigned to the Second Course. -- -- Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei follows the siblings, Tatsuya and Miyuki Shiba, who are enrolled in First High School. Upon taking the exam, the prodigious Miyuki is placed in the First Course, while Tatsuya is relegated to the Second Course. Though his practical test scores and status as a "Weed" show him to be magically inept, he possesses extraordinary technical knowledge, physical combat capabilities, and unique magic techniques—making Tatsuya the irregular at a magical high school. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 798,705 7.50
Mahou Shoujo Site -- -- production doA -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Horror Psychological Supernatural -- Mahou Shoujo Site Mahou Shoujo Site -- Every day, Aya Asagiri thinks about killing herself. She is bullied relentlessly at school, and at home, her older brother Kaname physically abuses her to relieve the academic stress put on him by their father. -- -- One night, as she lies awake wishing for death, a mysterious website called Magical Girl Site appears on her laptop, promising to give her magical powers. At first, she dismisses it as a creepy prank, but when she finds a magical gun in her shoe locker the next day, she doesn't know what to believe. Deciding to take it with her, she soon runs into her bullies once again. But this time, desperate for anything to save her, she uses the gun—and her assailants are transported to a nearby railroad crossing, where they are run over. -- -- Aya's conscience is unable to handle the fact that she murdered two of her classmates with magic, and she desperately tries to understand the situation. However, when she finds herself in trouble again, she is saved by Tsuyuno Yatsumura, a classmate who can use magic to stop time. This duo has a lot to do: not only do they have to fight alongside and against other magical girls, but they also need to uncover the truth behind the website and the apocalyptic event known as "The Tempest" that is soon to occur. -- -- 161,527 6.49
Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou OVA -- -- Lerche -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi Fantasy Harem Romance Seinen -- Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou OVA Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou OVA -- During a physical exam, Miia, Centorea, and Mero discover that they have gained too much weight due to Kimihito Kurusu's delicious cooking. To remedy this, Polt offers them first use of her new pool and gym facility before its grand opening. However, it's not all fun and games, as the three girls' competitive spirits start to flare up! -- -- Meanwhile, when Rachnera Arachnera receives a letter from her previous host family, she finds out that they would like to meet with her and apologize for the events that caused her transfer. But, as it turns out, not only do they want to apologize, they want her back as well! When the family's daughter, Ren Kunanzuki, shows up at the front door, the gang must convince her to let Rachnera stay at Kimihito's house. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- OVA - Nov 12, 2016 -- 83,823 7.17
Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou OVA -- -- Lerche -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi Fantasy Harem Romance Seinen -- Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou OVA Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou OVA -- During a physical exam, Miia, Centorea, and Mero discover that they have gained too much weight due to Kimihito Kurusu's delicious cooking. To remedy this, Polt offers them first use of her new pool and gym facility before its grand opening. However, it's not all fun and games, as the three girls' competitive spirits start to flare up! -- -- Meanwhile, when Rachnera Arachnera receives a letter from her previous host family, she finds out that they would like to meet with her and apologize for the events that caused her transfer. But, as it turns out, not only do they want to apologize, they want her back as well! When the family's daughter, Ren Kunanzuki, shows up at the front door, the gang must convince her to let Rachnera stay at Kimihito's house. -- -- OVA - Nov 12, 2016 -- 83,823 7.17
Rakuen Tsuihou -- -- Graphinica -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Mecha -- Rakuen Tsuihou Rakuen Tsuihou -- In a future where a massive disaster has devastated Earth, most of humanity has abandoned their physical bodies and relocated in digital form to DEVA, an advanced space station orbiting the ravaged planet. Free from the limitations of traditional existence, such as death and hunger, the inhabitants of this virtual reality reside in relative peace until Frontier Setter, a skilled hacker, infiltrates the system and spreads subversive messages to the populace. -- -- Labeled a threat to security by authorities, Frontier Setter is pursued by Angela Balzac, a dedicated member of DEVA's law enforcement. When the hacker's signal is traced to Earth, Angela takes on physical form, transferring her consciousness to a clone body and traveling to the world below in order to deal with the menace. On Earth, she is assisted by Dingo, a charismatic agent, and during her journey to uncover the mystery behind Frontier Setter, she gradually discovers startling realities about the wasteland some of humanity still refers to as home, as well as the paradise above. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Nov 15, 2014 -- 83,758 7.37
Rakuen Tsuihou -- -- Graphinica -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Mecha -- Rakuen Tsuihou Rakuen Tsuihou -- In a future where a massive disaster has devastated Earth, most of humanity has abandoned their physical bodies and relocated in digital form to DEVA, an advanced space station orbiting the ravaged planet. Free from the limitations of traditional existence, such as death and hunger, the inhabitants of this virtual reality reside in relative peace until Frontier Setter, a skilled hacker, infiltrates the system and spreads subversive messages to the populace. -- -- Labeled a threat to security by authorities, Frontier Setter is pursued by Angela Balzac, a dedicated member of DEVA's law enforcement. When the hacker's signal is traced to Earth, Angela takes on physical form, transferring her consciousness to a clone body and traveling to the world below in order to deal with the menace. On Earth, she is assisted by Dingo, a charismatic agent, and during her journey to uncover the mystery behind Frontier Setter, she gradually discovers startling realities about the wasteland some of humanity still refers to as home, as well as the paradise above. -- -- Movie - Nov 15, 2014 -- 83,758 7.37
Re: Cutey Honey -- -- Gainax, Toei Animation -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Comedy Ecchi Shoujo Ai -- Re: Cutey Honey Re: Cutey Honey -- A mysterious organization known as Panther Claw make their presence known by terrorizing Tokyo and giving the cops a run for their money. Police are further baffled by the appearance of a lone cosplaying vigilante who thwarts all of Panther Claw's evil schemes before disappearing. That cosplayer is Honey Kisaragi, the result of the late Professor Kisaragi's prize experiment. A master of disguise, Honey can magically alter her physical appearance and outfits. But with a push of the heart-shaped button on her choker, she transforms herself into Cutie Honey, the scantily-clad, sword-wielding warrior of love and justice. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - Jul 24, 2004 -- 23,240 7.11
Saint Seiya: Tenkai-hen Josou - Overture -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Sci-Fi Shounen -- Saint Seiya: Tenkai-hen Josou - Overture Saint Seiya: Tenkai-hen Josou - Overture -- After the Saints' victory against Hades, Seiya is left wounded and motionless in a wheel chair with no possible chance of recovery. Athena's sister Artemis, the Virgin Goddess of the Moon and twin sister of Apollo, makes an elaborate proposal - to restore Seiya's physical health in exchange for the supremacy of Sanctuary. Athena accepts and Artemis and her "Knights of the Sky" swiftly take control of Sanctuary. Now Seiya and his fellow Bronze Saints combat the forces of Zeus to regain their homeland but it will not be so easy. Bronze Saints Hydra Ichi and Unicorn Jabu, and Silver Saint Ophiuchus Shaina have join forces with Artemis and Apollo. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Feb 14, 2004 -- 19,915 7.22
Seiken Tsukai no World Break -- -- Diomedéa -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Fantasy Harem Romance School Supernatural -- Seiken Tsukai no World Break Seiken Tsukai no World Break -- Seiken Tsukai no World Break takes place at Akane Private Academy where students who possess memories of their previous lives are being trained to use Ancestral Arts so that they can serve as defenders against monsters, called Metaphysicals, who randomly attack. Known as saviors, the students are broken up into two categories: the kurogane who are able to use their prana to summon offensive weapons and the kuroma who are able to use magic. -- -- The story begins six months prior to the major climax of the series during the opening ceremonies on the first day of the school year. After the ceremony is over, the main character, Moroha Haimura, meets a girl named Satsuki Ranjou who reveals that she was Moroha's little sister in a past life where Moroha was a heroic prince capable of slaying entire armies with his sword skills. Soon afterwards he meets another girl, Shizuno Urushibara, who eventually reveals that she also knew Moroha in an entirely different past life where he was a dark lord capable of using destructive magic but saved her from a life of slavery. Can those whose minds live in both the present and the past truly reach a bright future? Delve into the complex world of Seiken Tsukai no World Break to find out! -- 244,980 6.88
Seiken Tsukai no World Break -- -- Diomedéa -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Fantasy Harem Romance School Supernatural -- Seiken Tsukai no World Break Seiken Tsukai no World Break -- Seiken Tsukai no World Break takes place at Akane Private Academy where students who possess memories of their previous lives are being trained to use Ancestral Arts so that they can serve as defenders against monsters, called Metaphysicals, who randomly attack. Known as saviors, the students are broken up into two categories: the kurogane who are able to use their prana to summon offensive weapons and the kuroma who are able to use magic. -- -- The story begins six months prior to the major climax of the series during the opening ceremonies on the first day of the school year. After the ceremony is over, the main character, Moroha Haimura, meets a girl named Satsuki Ranjou who reveals that she was Moroha's little sister in a past life where Moroha was a heroic prince capable of slaying entire armies with his sword skills. Soon afterwards he meets another girl, Shizuno Urushibara, who eventually reveals that she also knew Moroha in an entirely different past life where he was a dark lord capable of using destructive magic but saved her from a life of slavery. Can those whose minds live in both the present and the past truly reach a bright future? Delve into the complex world of Seiken Tsukai no World Break to find out! -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 244,980 6.88
Shin Megami Tensei: Tokyo Mokushiroku -- -- J.C.Staff -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Horror Demons Supernatural -- Shin Megami Tensei: Tokyo Mokushiroku Shin Megami Tensei: Tokyo Mokushiroku -- Handsome and effeminate, quiet but proud, the sinister Akito Kobayashi has a passion for the occult and has developed a computer program to summon demons and the living dead. But little does he know that fellow high school students Kojirou Souma and Saki Yagami are reincarnations of powerful and benevolent spirits. When the pair's friends have become targeted by demons trying to harvest their life energies, they must harness their dark metaphysical powers to destroy Kobayashi's threatening program, or risk losing their loved ones forever. -- -- OVA - Apr 21, 1995 -- 5,519 5.41
Slam Dunk -- -- Toei Animation -- 101 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama School Shounen Sports -- Slam Dunk Slam Dunk -- Hanamichi Sakuragi, infamous for his temper, massive height, and fire-red hair, enrolls in Shohoku High, hoping to finally get a girlfriend and break his record of being rejected 50 consecutive times in middle school. His notoriety precedes him, however, leading to him being avoided by most students. Soon, after certain events, Hanamichi is left with two unwavering thoughts: "I hate basketball," and "I desperately need a girlfriend." -- -- One day, a girl named Haruko Akagi approaches him without any knowledge of his troublemaking ways and asks him if he likes basketball. Hanamichi immediately falls head over heels in love with her, blurting out a fervent affirmative. She then leads him to the gymnasium, where she asks him if he can do a slam dunk. In an attempt to impress Haruko, he makes the leap, but overshoots, instead slamming his head straight into the blackboard. When Haruko informs the basketball team's captain of Hanamichi's near-inhuman physical capabilities, he slowly finds himself drawn into the camaraderie and competition of the sport he had previously held resentment for. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Flatiron Film Company, Geneon Entertainment USA -- TV - Oct 16, 1993 -- 210,906 8.52
Slam Dunk -- -- Toei Animation -- 101 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama School Shounen Sports -- Slam Dunk Slam Dunk -- Hanamichi Sakuragi, infamous for his temper, massive height, and fire-red hair, enrolls in Shohoku High, hoping to finally get a girlfriend and break his record of being rejected 50 consecutive times in middle school. His notoriety precedes him, however, leading to him being avoided by most students. Soon, after certain events, Hanamichi is left with two unwavering thoughts: "I hate basketball," and "I desperately need a girlfriend." -- -- One day, a girl named Haruko Akagi approaches him without any knowledge of his troublemaking ways and asks him if he likes basketball. Hanamichi immediately falls head over heels in love with her, blurting out a fervent affirmative. She then leads him to the gymnasium, where she asks him if he can do a slam dunk. In an attempt to impress Haruko, he makes the leap, but overshoots, instead slamming his head straight into the blackboard. When Haruko informs the basketball team's captain of Hanamichi's near-inhuman physical capabilities, he slowly finds himself drawn into the camaraderie and competition of the sport he had previously held resentment for. -- -- TV - Oct 16, 1993 -- 210,906 8.52
Soul Eater -- -- Bones -- 51 eps -- Manga -- Action Fantasy Comedy Supernatural Shounen -- Soul Eater Soul Eater -- Death City is home to the famous Death Weapon Meister Academy, a technical academy headed by the Shinigami—Lord Death himself. Its mission: to raise "Death Scythes" for the Shinigami to wield against the many evils of their fantastical world. These Death Scythes, however, are not made from physical weapons; rather, they are born from human hybrids who have the ability to transform their bodies into Demon Weapons, and only after they have consumed the souls of 99 evil beings and one witch's soul. -- -- Soul Eater Evans, a Demon Scythe who only seems to care about what's cool, aims to become a Death Scythe with the help of his straight-laced wielder, or meister, Maka Albarn. The contrasting duo work and study alongside the hot headed Black☆Star and his caring weapon Tsubaki, as well as the Shinigami's own son, Death the Kid, an obsessive-compulsive dual wielder of twin pistols Patty and Liz. -- -- Soul Eater follows these students of Shibusen as they take on missions to collect souls and protect the city from the world's threats while working together under the snickering sun to become sounder in mind, body, and soul. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 1,273,830 7.87
Sword Art Online: Alicization -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Game Adventure Romance Fantasy -- Sword Art Online: Alicization Sword Art Online: Alicization -- The Soul Translator is a state-of-the-art full-dive interface which interacts with the user's Fluctlight—the technological equivalent of a human soul—and fundamentally differs from the orthodox method of sending signals to the brain. The private institute Rath aims to perfect their creation by enlisting the aid of Sword Art Online survivor Kazuto Kirigaya. He works there as a part-time employee to test the system's capabilities in the Underworld: the fantastical realm generated by the Soul Translator. As per the confidentiality contract, any memories created by the machine in the virtual world are wiped upon returning to the real world. Kazuto can only vaguely recall a single name, Alice, which provokes a sense of unease when mentioned in reality. -- -- When Kazuto escorts Asuna Yuuki home one evening, they chance upon a familiar foe. Kazuto is mortally wounded in the ensuing fight and loses consciousness. When he comes to, he discovers that he has made a full-dive into the Underworld with seemingly no way to escape. He sets off on a quest, seeking a way back to the physical world once again. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 699,385 7.56
Tabi -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Fantasy Psychological -- Tabi Tabi -- Surreal cutout (kiri-gami) animation following a young girl's physical journey, which is also an inner voyage through which she will learn all the pain and joy of life. She travels to an anonymous Western city, a bizarre dreamscape cluttered with elements from works by Dali, Magritte, de Chirico and Escher. The journey will change her completely but when she returns she will be the only one who knows how she has changed. -- (The poem in the film is by Su Tong-Po, a famous Chinese poet) -- -- -AniDB -- Movie - ??? ??, 1973 -- 1,013 5.40
Taimanin Asagi -- -- - -- 4 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Demons Hentai Martial Arts Supernatural -- Taimanin Asagi Taimanin Asagi -- The city streets of Tokyo are more dangerous than they’ve ever been before. Humans and demons exist side-by-side, with a sworn trust that they will not harm each other. But some humans have disregarded these sacred pledges and have teamed with demons to form groups and organizations, bent on death, destruction, and unholy human tragedy. -- -- To help quell this tide of evil, there exists a group of female ninjas who hunt down and slay those demons who mean to harm others. Asagi Igawa is one of these ninjas, or at least, she was. Her demon hunting days have been put aside in favor of being with her boyfriend, Sawaki. Unfortunately for the couple, Asagi’s past is not as far behind her as she would like to think. Her previously defeated nemesis, Oboro, has somehow come back from the grave to get revenge. -- -- Revenge in the twisted world of Taimanin Asagi is not something so simple as death however. By the time Oboro is done, Asagi and her shinobi sister Sakura will be sexually and physically transformed and tortured to the utter depths of depravity. Asagi is about to find out that none of her training as a ninja could ever prepare her for the power that pleasure holds when used as a weapon. -- OVA - Feb 24, 2007 -- 16,819 6.86
Tamayura no Yume -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Psychological Drama -- Tamayura no Yume Tamayura no Yume -- A girl is informed by her doctor that she is pregnant. Surprised by the unexpected announcement, falls into an anguish. The fleeting dream is a despairing dream. -- -- (Source: Geidai Animation) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2011 -- 292 N/A -- -- Byulbyul Iyagi 2 -- -- - -- 6 eps -- - -- Psychological Drama -- Byulbyul Iyagi 2 Byulbyul Iyagi 2 -- This film consists of 6 animated shorts produced by the Human Rights Commission of Korea. Like the previous movie, the stories deal with seeing the world through the eyes of people who are different from social norms. The film was nominated for Best Animated Feature in 2008 from the Asia Pacific Screen Awards. -- -- 1. "The Third Wish” (AN Dong-hui, RYU Jeong-wu). A fairy godmother appears before a visually impaired young woman to grant her three wishes. But this is no fairytale. The irritable middle-aged fairy wants to finish her job as soon as possible. Yet she proves to be helpful as she leads the woman through a busy marketplace, which is delightfully reminiscent of "Amelie". But it's no walk in the park, as busy urbanites show no consideration for our protagonist. Yet she prevails through obstacles. With a walking stick, she taps together the heels of her shiny new shoes and follows the "yellow brick road" (guiding tiles for the visually impaired) around the city. -- -- 2. "Ajukari” (HONG Deok-pyo) is a street-style cartoon. It comically depicts how a certain macho "complex" can cripple men. Male circumcision becomes the ultimate standard for being "manly" and those who have failed to do the deed are forever fearful of going to public baths. -- -- 3. "Baby" (LEE Hong-su, LEE Hong-min) portrays the difficulties a career woman faces in having a child. "I'm not saying you can't have maternity leave, but can you afford to raise a child while working?" asks her boss. This smart story portrays everything from mother and daughter-in-law relationships to a parody of "Tazza: The High Rollers" and hilarious episodes where an "ambulance bus" picks up several patients en route. -- -- 4. "Shine Shine Shining" (KWON Mi-jeong) is drawn like a warm, watercolor storybook for children. Grade schooler Eun-jin is smart and popular, but she has a secret. She hides her curly hair, which she gets from her Filipino mother, in braids. -- -- 5. "Merry Golasmas" is an adorable claymation, or stop motion animation of models constructed from clay, plasticine, etc. It explores physical discrimination or stereotypes. In an open audition to find a Santa Claus, the real Santas ― one who's black, another who's Asian, a female Santa and one in a wheelchair ― lose to a fake Santa, a pot-bellied, Caucasian. -- -- 6. “Lies" explores homosexuality. Drawn in pastel-like sketches with art deco-esque details, it is a stunning digital cut-out animation, A homosexual man is forced by his parents to marry a woman, while others are pressured to fake having a girlfriend or receive "therapy" to become straight. -- -- (Source: The Korean Times) -- Movie - Apr 17, 2008 -- 257 N/A -- -- Hyoutan -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Psychological -- Hyoutan Hyoutan -- Independent animation by Suzuki Shin'ichi. -- Movie - ??? ??, 1976 -- 252 N/A -- -- Pianoman Trailer -- -- Echoes -- 1 ep -- Original -- Music Psychological -- Pianoman Trailer Pianoman Trailer -- Trailer for Echoes' PIANOMAN with original animation that was not reused in the resulting short film. -- ONA - Dec 28, 2017 -- 243 5.41
Tenka Hyakken: Meiji-kan e Youkoso! -- -- LIDENFILMS -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Historical Supernatural Martial Arts Fantasy -- Tenka Hyakken: Meiji-kan e Youkoso! Tenka Hyakken: Meiji-kan e Youkoso! -- The Tenka Hyakken franchise centers around the "Mitsurugi," maidens who are physical incarnations of ancient swords. They have pledged to live peaceful lives after the era of warfare, but are now returning to battle to fight a new foe that has arisen during an alternate version of the Meiji Era, three hundred years after the Battle of Sekigahara. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 6,858 5.04
UFO Princess Valkyrie -- -- TNK -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi Magic Sci-Fi -- UFO Princess Valkyrie UFO Princess Valkyrie -- UFO Princess Warukyure, aka UFO Princess Walkyrie is about a princess from outer space who accidentally crashes on earth, where Kazuto desperately tries to maintain the public bath of his grandfather. Due to circumstances, Kazuto receives part of princess Walkyrie's soul which forces her to stay there with him. But that's not the only problem ... because her soul lost strength, the princess transforms both mentally and physically into a little kid! -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- 17,350 6.74
Utawarerumono -- -- OLM -- 26 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Drama Fantasy Sci-Fi -- Utawarerumono Utawarerumono -- An injured man is found in the woods by a girl named Eruruu, and everything about him is mysterious. Without knowledge of his past nor even his own name, he is welcomed to Eruruu's home and is given the name Hakuoro by her grandmother, and younger sister, Aruruu. While the inhabitants of the village have large ears and tails, Hakuoro's defining physical trait is quite different as he has neither ears nor tail, but only a mask that he cannot remove. -- -- Soon after he becomes a part of the villagers' lives, a revolution against the tyrannical emperor of the land begins, and the conflict finds its way to his new home. Hakuoro must do whatever he can to save the people and the village that he has come to love, all while uncovering the mysteries that shroud his past. -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation -- 142,242 7.66
Yozakura Quartet -- -- Nomad -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Magic Comedy Super Power Supernatural Shounen -- Yozakura Quartet Yozakura Quartet -- The world of Yozakura Quartet is actually not one, but two worlds: one of humans, and one of youkai. Despite appearing mostly human, youkai may have animal like physical traits, along with a number of special abilities. Normally youkai are confined to their world, but some have found their way into the realm of humanity. As a symbol of peace, and a bridge between the two realms, a city was constructed within the protective barrier of seven magical trees, otherwise known as the Seven Pillars. This city of Sakurashin is home to both humans and youkai, with the peace between them maintained by the Hizumi Life Counseling Office. -- -- The director of this office is Akina Hiizumi, a teenager with the inherited family ability to perform “tuning,” which can send harmful youkai back to their world permanently. He is aided by a group of girls, including the town’s 16 year old youkai mayor, Hime Yarizakura, their town’s announcer and resident telepath, Ao Nanami, and Kotoha Isone, a half-youkai who can summon objects just by stating the object’s name. -- -- As new residents enter and mysterious events begin to take place, this quartet of protectors and their closest friends must continue to guard the city of Sakurashin, and maintain the fragile balance of peace between humans and youkai. -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Oct 3, 2008 -- 122,344 6.83
Yozakura Quartet -- -- Nomad -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Magic Comedy Super Power Supernatural Shounen -- Yozakura Quartet Yozakura Quartet -- The world of Yozakura Quartet is actually not one, but two worlds: one of humans, and one of youkai. Despite appearing mostly human, youkai may have animal like physical traits, along with a number of special abilities. Normally youkai are confined to their world, but some have found their way into the realm of humanity. As a symbol of peace, and a bridge between the two realms, a city was constructed within the protective barrier of seven magical trees, otherwise known as the Seven Pillars. This city of Sakurashin is home to both humans and youkai, with the peace between them maintained by the Hizumi Life Counseling Office. -- -- The director of this office is Akina Hiizumi, a teenager with the inherited family ability to perform “tuning,” which can send harmful youkai back to their world permanently. He is aided by a group of girls, including the town’s 16 year old youkai mayor, Hime Yarizakura, their town’s announcer and resident telepath, Ao Nanami, and Kotoha Isone, a half-youkai who can summon objects just by stating the object’s name. -- -- As new residents enter and mysterious events begin to take place, this quartet of protectors and their closest friends must continue to guard the city of Sakurashin, and maintain the fragile balance of peace between humans and youkai. -- TV - Oct 3, 2008 -- 122,344 6.83
Zero kara Hajimeru Mahou no Sho -- -- White Fox -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Magic Fantasy -- Zero kara Hajimeru Mahou no Sho Zero kara Hajimeru Mahou no Sho -- In a world of constant war between humans and witches, there exist the "beastfallen"—cursed humans born with the appearance and strength of an animal. Their physical prowess and bestial nature cause them to be feared and shunned by both humans and witches. As a result, many beastfallen become sellswords, making their living through hunting witches. -- -- Despite the enmity between the races, a lighthearted witch named Zero enlists a beastfallen whom she refers to as "Mercenary" to act as her protector. He travels with Zero and Albus, a young magician, on their search for the Grimoire of Zero: a powerful spell book that could be extremely dangerous in the wrong hands. During their journey, his inner kindness is revealed as he starts to show compassion and sympathy towards humans and witches alike, and the unlikely companions grow together. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 206,628 7.09,_Mathematical,_physical,_and_engineering_sciences,_geophysical_exploration_near_Khatanga.jpg'(Introductory_Text-book_of_Physical_Geography.)'_(11063068984).jpg'A_Class-Book_of_Physical_Geography_..._New_edition,_revised_and_largely_rewritten_by_R._A._Gregory'_(11163271004).jpg'Physical_Geography._By_W._M._Davis_..._assisted_by_William_Henry_Snyder._(With_plates.)'_(11161733244).jpg
Adapted physical education
Adaptive Physical Education Australia
Advanced Physical Layer
African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Physical-Engineering and Radiotechnical Metrology
All-Union Council on Physical Culture and Sports
American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
American Association for Physical Activity and Recreation
American Association of Physical Anthropologists
American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties
American Geophysical Union
American Geophysical Union v. Texaco, Inc.
American Journal of Physical Anthropology
American Osteopathic Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
American Physical Society
American Physical Therapy Association
Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
Annual Review of Physical Chemistry
Anstey College of Physical Education
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
ASA physical status classification system
Asiago Astrophysical Observatory
Astrophysical jet
Astrophysical maser
Astrophysical plasma
Astrophysical X-ray source
Athletics (physical culture)
Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine
Australian College of Physical Education
Bachelor of Physical Education
Benefits of physical activity
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
Biophysical chemistry
Biophysical environment
Biophysical Journal
Biophysical profile
Biophysical Reviews and Letters
Biophysical Society
Brazilian Physical Society
BYU College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology
Candidate Physical Ability Test
Canine physical therapy
Catania Astrophysical Observatory
Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity
Chinese Physical Society
College of Engineering and Physical Sciences (University of Guelph)
Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical, and Natural Sciences
Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education
Common control physical channel
Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material
Crimean Astrophysical Observatory
Critical Reviews in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
Cyber-physical system
Danish Physical Society
Debrecen Heliophysical Observatory
Deendayal Upadhyaya Institute for the Physically Handicapped
Department of Physical Education
Dimensionless physical constant
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Dominion Astrophysical Observatory
Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory
Dunfermline College of Physical Education
DV8 Physical Theatre
Electron-beam physical vapor deposition
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Entrainment (physical geography)
Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society
Epigenetics of physical exercise
Equatorial Geophysical Research Laboratory
Ethernet physical layer
European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
European Physical Education Review
European Physical Journal
European Physical Journal A
European Physical Journal B
European Physical Journal C
European Physical Journal D
European Physical Journal E
European Physical Journal H
European Physical Society
European Programme for Life and Physical Sciences in Space
European Review of Aging and Physical Activity
Exchange of futures for physicals
Faculty of Health Sciences and Physical Culture of Kazimierz Puaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom
Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity and the Prevention of Cancer: a Global Perspective
Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents
Fundamental physical constant
Geco (Geophysical Company of Norway)
General physical preparedness
Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics
Geophysical definition of 'planet'
Geophysical dynamics
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Coupled Model
Geophysical global cooling
Geophysical imaging
Geophysical Institute
Geophysical Journal International
Geophysical Research Letters
Geophysical Service
Geophysical signal analysis
Geophysical survey
Geophysical survey (archaeology)
Geophysical Tomography Group
Georgian National Astrophysical Observatory
German Geophysical Society
German Physical Society
Get Physical Music
Hampton Inn Court at the Steinke Physical Education Center (SPEC)
Health and Physical Education Arena
Hebei Institute of Physical Education
Hefei Institutes of Physical Science
History of physical training and fitness
H.J. Lutcher Stark Center for Physical Culture and Sports
Hofstra Physical Fitness Center
Human physical appearance
Hybrid physicalchemical vapor deposition
ICRC International T20 Cricket Tournament for people with physical disabilities
Individual physical proficiency test
Institute for Chemical-Physical Processes
Institute for Physical Problems
Institute of Divine Metaphysical Research
Institute of Physical Education Udon Thani Stadium
International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans
International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education
International Geophysical Year
International Heliophysical Year
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management
International Symposium on Physical Design
International Union for Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine
IntraMural Physical Education Building (IMPE)
ION Geophysical
Italian Physical Society
Joint Committee on Atomic and Molecular Physical Data
Journal of Geophysical Research
Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy
Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data
Journal of Physical Oceanography
Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry
Journal of the Korean Physical Society
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
Jzef Pisudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw
Kalutara Physical Culture Club
Korean Physical Society
Lack of physical education
Lakshmibai National College of Physical Education
Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education
Lebanese Physically Handicapped Union
Lebedev Physical Institute
Let's Get Physical
Lindheimer Astrophysical Research Center
List of American Physical Society Fellows
List of American Physical Society Fellows (19211971)
List of American Physical Society Fellows (19721997)
List of American Physical Society Fellows (19982010)
List of American Physical Society Fellows (2011)
List of American Physical Society prizes and awards
List of authors of Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis
List of physical quantities
Macao Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau
Master of Physical Therapy
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Medically unexplained physical symptoms
Metaphysical aesthetics
Metaphysical detective story
Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science
Metaphysical Graffiti
Metaphysical naturalism
Metaphysical painting
Metaphysical poets
Metaphysical Society of America
Metaphysical terms in the works of Ren Gunon
Meteorological & Geoastrophysical Abstracts
Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysical Agency
Mikael Ter-Mikaelian Institute for Physical Research
Military Institute of Physical Culture
Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport (Nepal)
Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health
National Geophysical Data Center
National Physical Fitness Award
National Physical Laboratory
National Physical Laboratory of India
National Physical Laboratory (United Kingdom)
National University of Physical Education and Sport
National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport
Naval Physical and Oceanographic Laboratory
Neurobiological effects of physical exercise
New physical principles weapons
News (National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped)
Non-physical entity
North Hwanghae Provincial College of Physical Education
On Physical Lines of Force
On the Connexion of the Physical Sciences
Orbiting Geophysical Observatory
Our Neighborhood Arts and Physical Education
Outline of physical science
Personal Development, Health and Physical Education
Physical abuse
Physical activity
Physical activity epidemiology
Physical address
Physical Address Extension
Physical (album)
Physical (Alcazar song)
Physical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics
Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics
Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine
Physical and logical qubits
Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory (Oxford)
Physical attractiveness
Physical attractiveness stereotype
Physical biochemistry
Physical Biology
Physical change
Physical characteristics of the Buddha
Physical chemistry
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
Physical Coding Sublayer
Physical comedy
Physical computing
Physical configuration audit
Physical constant
Physical cosmology
Physical culture
Physical dependence
Physical design
Physical design (electronics)
Physical disability
Physical education
Physical Education Association of the United Kingdom
Physical Education Organization
Physical effect
Physical Etoys
Physical Evidence
Physical examination
Physical fitness
Physical force Irish republicanism
Physical geodesy
Physical geography
Physical Geography (journal)
Physical geography of Assam
Physical geography of the Basque Country
Physical Graffiti
Physical hazard
Physical impacts of climate change
Physical information
Physical information security
Physical intimacy
Physical Jerks
Physical layer
Physical Layer Convergence Protocol
Physically based rendering
Physically integrated dance
Physically unable to perform
Physical markup language
Physical medicine and rehabilitation
Physical medium
Physical Medium Dependent
Physical metallurgy
Physical model
Physical modelling synthesis
Physical neural network
Physical object
Physical oceanography
Physical (Olivia Newton-John song)
Physical oncology
Physical optics
Physical organic chemistry
Physical paradox
Physical pest control
Physical plant
Physical premotion
Physical properties of greenhouse gases
Physical property
Physical Quality of Life Index
Physical quantity
Physical restraint
Physical Review
Physical Review A
Physical Review Applied
Physical Review B
Physical Review E
Physical Review Focus
Physical Review Letters
Physical Review X
Physical schema
Physical Sciences-Oncology Centers
Physical Science Study Committee
Physical security
Physical security information management
Physical Security Professional
Physical Society
Physical Society of Japan
Physical Society of London
Physical strength
Physical symbol system
Physical system
Physical theatre
Physical therapy
Physical therapy education
Physical therapy in carpal tunnel syndrome
Physical therapy in the Philippines
Physical Therapy (journal)
Physical training instructor
Physical unclonable function
Physical urticaria
Physical vapor deposition
Physical verification
Physical water scarcity
Polish Institute of Physical Chemistry
Proceedings of the Physical Society
Progress in Physical Geography
Psychophysical parallelism
Quantities, Units and Symbols in Physical Chemistry
Radiophysical Research Institute
Rntgen equivalent physical
Rossby wave instability in astrophysical discs
Royal Army Physical Training Corps
Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh
Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A
Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B
Sandow's Magazine of Physical Culture
Shamakhy Astrophysical Observatory
Sheltering Arms Physical Rehabilitation Centers
Siberian Academy of Physical Culture
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Star Catalog
Southern Astrophysical Research Telescope
Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Science
Specific physical preparedness
Sports physical examination
Strictly Physical
Sukhothai Institute of Physical Education Stadium
Supreme Council of Physical Culture (Soviet Union)
Swiss Physical Society
Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University
Templeton Physical Education Center
TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company
The American Metaphysical Circus
The Astrophysical Journal
The Character of Physical Law
Thee Physical
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
The Metaphysical Club
The Metaphysical Engine, or What Quill Did
The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living
The Physical World
Tokyo Women's College of Physical Education
Tokyo Women's Junior College of Physical Education
Total physical response
Type physicalism
Types of physical unclonable function
UCL Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Union of the Physically Impaired Against Segregation
University of Aberdeen College of Physical Sciences
University of Santo Tomas Institute of Physical Education and Athletics
USC Physical Education building
User:UBX/Physical comedy
William Lewis (physical chemist)
Write Ahead Physical Block Logging
YMCA College of Physical Education

convenience portal:
recent: Section Maps - index table - favorites
Savitri -- Savitri extended toc
Savitri Section Map -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
authors -- Crowley - Peterson - Borges - Wilber - Teresa - Aurobindo - Ramakrishna - Maharshi - Mother
places -- Garden - Inf. Art Gallery - Inf. Building - Inf. Library - Labyrinth - Library - School - Temple - Tower - Tower of MEM
powers -- Aspiration - Beauty - Concentration - Effort - Faith - Force - Grace - inspiration - Presence - Purity - Sincerity - surrender
difficulties -- cowardice - depres. - distract. - distress - dryness - evil - fear - forget - habits - impulse - incapacity - irritation - lost - mistakes - obscur. - problem - resist - sadness - self-deception - shame - sin - suffering
practices -- Lucid Dreaming - meditation - project - programming - Prayer - read Savitri - study
subjects -- CS - Cybernetics - Game Dev - Integral Theory - Integral Yoga - Kabbalah - Language - Philosophy - Poetry - Zen
6.01 books -- KC - ABA - Null - Savitri - SA O TAOC - SICP - The Gospel of SRK - TIC - The Library of Babel - TLD - TSOY - TTYODAS - TSZ - WOTM II
8 unsorted / add here -- Always - Everyday - Verbs

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last updated: 2022-05-06 19:17:59
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