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object:100.00 - Synergy
book class:Synergetics - Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking
author class:R Buckminster Fuller

100.00 SYNERGY

100.01 Introduction: Scenario of the Child
100.010 Awareness of the Child
100.020 Human Sense Awareness
100.030 Resolvability Limits

100.10 Subdivision of Tetrahedral Unity
100.101 Synergetic Unity
100.120 Icosa and Tetra

100.20 Scenario of the Child

100.30 Omnirational Subdividing
100.3011 Necklace
100.304 Cheese Tetrahedron
100.310 Two Tetra into Cube
100.320 Modular Subdivision of the Cosmic Hierarchy
100.330 "Me" Ball

100.40 Finite Event Scenario
100.41 Foldability of Triangles into Tetrahedra
100.415 Unfoldable Limit
100.50 Constant Triangular Symmetry
100.60 Finite Episoding
101.00 Definition: Synergy

120.00 Mass Interattraction●
130.00 Precession and Entropy
140.00 Corollary of Synergy: Principle of the Whole System
150.00 Synergy-of-Synergies
160.00 Generalized Design Science Exploration
180.00 Design Science and Human-Tolerance Limits

100.00 SYNERGY

100.01 Introduction: Scenario of the Child
[100.01-100.63 Child as Explorer Scenario]

100.010 Awareness of the Child: The simplest descriptions are those expressed by only one word. The one word alone that describes the experience "life" is "awareness." Awareness requires an otherness of which the observer can be aware. The communication of awareness is both subjective and objective, from passive to active, from otherness to self, from self to otherness.

Awareness = self + otherness
Awareness = observer + observed

100.011 Awareness is the otherness saying to the observer, "See Me."
Awareness is the observer saying to self, "I see the otherness." Otherness induces awareness of self. Awareness is always otherness inductive. The total complex of otherness is the environment.

Universe to each must be
All that is, including me.
Environment in turn must be
All that is, excepting me.

(Compare Secs. 264.10 and 1073.12.)

100.013 Life begins only with otherness. Life begins with awareness of environment. In Percival W. Bridgman's identification of Einstein's science as operational science, the comprehensive inventory of environmental conditions is as essential to "experimental evidence" as is the inventory of locally-focused-upon experimental items and interoperational events.

100.014 The child's awareness of otherness phenomena can be apprehended only through its nerve-circuited sense systems and through instrumentally augmented, macro- micro, sense-system extensions __ such as eyeglasses. Sight requires light, however, and light derives only from radiation of celestial entropy, where Sunlight is starlight and fossil fuels and fire-producing wood logs are celestial radiation accumulators; ergo, all the sensings are imposed by cosmic environment eventings.

100.015 The child apprehends only sensorially. The combined complex of different sensorial apprehendings (touch, smell, hear, see) of each special case experience are altogether coordinated in the child's brain to constitute "awareness" conceptions. The senses can apprehend only other-than-self "somethings" __ for example, the child's left hand discovering its right hand, its toe, or its mother's finger. Brains differentially correlate the succession of special case informations communicated to the brain by the plurality of senses. The brain distinguishes the new, first-time-event, special case experiences only by comparing them with the set of all its recalled prior cognitions.

100.016 Although children have the most superb imaginative faculties, when
they explore and arrive at new objective formulations, they rely __ spontaneously
and strategically __ only upon their own memory of relevant experiences. With
anticipatory imagination children consider the consequences of their experiments,
such as a physical experiment entailing pure, unprecedented risk yet affording a
reasonable possibility of success and including a preconception of the probable
alternative physical consequences of their attempt. For example, they may
conceivably jump over a ditch today even though it is wider than any over which
they have previously leapt. They only make the attempt because they have also
learned experientially that, as they grow older and bigger, they are often surprised
to find that they can jump farther and higher than ever before. "How do all my
muscles feel about it now?" and "Shall I or shall I not try?" become exquisitely
aesthetic questions leading to synergetically integrated, physical-metaphysical,
split-second self-appraisals and exclusively intuitive decisions. If it's "Everything
go!" all thoughts of negative consequences are brushed aside.

100.017 Children conduct their spontaneous explorations and experiments with
naive perceptivity. They have an innate urge first subjectively to sort out, find
order in, integratively comprehend, and synergetically memory-bank their
experience harvests as intertransformability system sets. Thereafter they eagerly
seek to demonstrate and redemonstrate these sets as manifest of their
comprehension and mastery of the synergetic realizability of the system's physical
principles. Consequently children are the only rigorously pure physical scientists.
They accept only sensorially apprehensible, experimentally redemonstrable
physical evidence.

100.018 Things = events = patterns = somersaults = intertransformability
systems ... that's what delights a girl as she accepts her uncle's invitation to face
him, take hold of his two hands, walk up his front until, falling backward __ and
still holding his hands __ the child finds herself looping the loop, heels over head,
to land with feet on the ground and head high.... "Wow, let's do it again!"

100.020 Human Sense Awareness
(Only micro-instrument-apprehensible)

Preponderantly sensing the crystalline and triple-bonded atom-and-
molecule state, including all the exclusively infraoptical frequency
ranges of the electromagnetic wave spectrum's human receptivity
from cold "solids" through to the limit degrees of heat that are safely
(nonburningly) touchable by human flesh.
Olfactoral: Preponderantly sensing the liquid and double-bonded atom-and-
molecule state, including all of the humanly tunable ranges of the
harmonic resonances of complex chemical liquid substances.

Preponderantly sensing the gaseous and single-bonded atom-and-
molecule state, including all ranges of humanly tunable simple and
complex resonance harmonics in gasses.

Preponderantly sensing the radiantly deflecting-reflecting, unbonding-
rebonding, atom-and-molecule energy export states, including all
ultratactile, humanly-tune-in-able, frequency ranges of
electromagnetic wave phenomena.

(Only macro-instrument-apprehensible)
(See Secs. 267.02, 801.01-24, and 1053.85.)

100.021 The direct sensing of information may sometimes be deceptive and
illusory due to such factors as coincidence, congruence, or the time-and-angle
distortions of perspective. For instance, the parallel railroad tracks seem
(mistakenly) to converge at the horizon, and the apparently "motionless" remote
stars seem (mistakenly) fixed, while they are in fact speeding at celestial

100.022 Children can learn from their successive observations of the rotational
progression of angles that the hour and minute hands of a clock have moved; that
the tree and the vine have grown; and that the pond's top has frozen into ice that
surprisingly floats __ getting colder usually means getting denser and heavier per
given volume, which erroneously suggests that ice should sink to the pond's
bottom. But the crystallization of water forms a "space frame" whose members do
not fill allspace. This vacated space embraces and incorporates oxygen from the
atmosphere __ which makes ice lighter than water. The crystallization of water
takes up more room than does the water in its liquid nonform condition.
Crystallization is structurally and vectorially linear: it is not allspace- filling.
Crystalline structurings are interspersed by additional atmospheric molecules
occupying more volume (ergo, having less mass); the process of crystallization
cracks open its closed containers. If ice did not float, if ice sank to the bottom, life
would have long since disappeared from planet Earth.

100.023 Comprehensively concerned children can learn how to avoid the
miscarriages of misconceptioning as induced by too-brief reviews of their
progressive experiences as observed from too few viewpoints or loci. They can
learn __ as did Einstein __ of the plurality of different, instrumentally measured, time-
angle-and-size aspects of the same phenomena as viewed from different given
environmental surrounding points by different observers at as close to the "same"
time as possible, taken at "almost the same time" as well as at distinctly different
times. The foregoing is what led Einstein to the discovery of relativity.

100.030 Resolvability Limits
Fig. 100.031

100.031 The visual limits of "now-you-see-it-now-you-don't," yes-no-yes-no,
something-nothing-something-nothing, dot-dash-dot-dash are relative size-scale
discernibilities spoken of technically as resolution. These resolvability limits of
the human eye may be pictured as (in Fig. 100.031)(follows:) The finest "smooth"-
surface, intercolor-crossblending, continuum photogravure printing is
accomplished with a benday screen that uses 200 unique color dots per square
inch of printed surface. (See Secs. 260.11 and 260.22.)

Fig. 100.031 Resolvability Limits: Engineer's inch scale.
Copyright © 1997 Estate of R. Buckminster Fuller

100.032 A point-to-able something may be much too small to be optically
resolved into its constituent polyhedral characteristics, yet be unitarily
differentiated as a black speck against a white background. Because a speck
existed yet defied their discernment of any feature, mathematicians of the
premicroscope era mistakenly assumed a speck to be self-evidently unitary,
indivisible, and geometrically employable as a nondimensional "point." (See Secs.
262.02-05, 264, 527.25, and 530.11.)

100.033 A plurality of points became the "building blocks" with which the
mathematicians of the day before microscopes imaginatively constructed their
lines. "Lines" became the one-dimensional, substanceless "logs" that they floored
together in their two-dimensional, planar, thicklessness "rafts." Finally they
stacked these planar rafts one upon another to build a "solid" three-dimensional
"cube," but having none of the essential characteristics of four-dimensional
reality __ i.e., having neither temperature, weight, nor longevity.

100.10 Subdivision of Tetrahedral Unity

100.101 Synergetic Unity: Quantum mechanics commences with the totality of
energy of physical Universe __ energy intertransformable either as matter or as
radiation. Quantum mechanics assumes conservation. Energy can be neither
created nor lost. Cosmic energy is plural unity, always-and-only coexistent,
complementarily complex unity, i.e., synergetic unity, consisting of an
overlapping mix of infrequent big events and frequent little ones. Multiplication
of energy events can be accomplished only by progressive subdividing of its
cosmic unity.

100.102 The child-scientist's show opens with reiteration of rigorous science's
one- and-only acceptable proof: experientially redemonstrable physical evidence.
All of the scenario's proofs __ and their rationally interrelated number
values __ derive exclusively from progressive equatorial-symmetry-halvings of
Universe's minimum structural system: the tetrahedron. Multiplication occurs only
through progressive fractionation of the original complex unity of the minimum
structural system of Universe: the tetrahedron.
Fig. 100.103

100.103 Rational numerical and geometrical values derive from (a) parallel and
(b) perpendicular halving of the tetrahedron. (See Fig. 100.103.)
(a) The parallel method of tetrahedral bisecting has three axes of spin __ ergo,
three equators of halving. Parallel equatorial halving is both statically and
dynamically symmetric.
(b) The perpendicular method of tetrahedral bisecting has six axes of spin __ ergo,
six equators of halving. Perpendicular equatorial halving is only dynamically

100.104 The three-way, symmetry-imposed, perpendicular bisecting of each of
the tetrahedron's four triangular faces results in an inadvertent thirding. This
halving and inadvertent thirding physically isolate the prime number three and its
multiples and introduce the 24 A Quanta Modules. (See Sec. 911, Fig. 913.01 ,
and Table 943.)

100.1041 The initial halvings of the triangular facets inadvertently accomplish
both thirdings and quintasectings. Halving a triangle by perpendicular bisectors
finds three ways of doing so. (See Fig. 100.1041.)
Fig. 100.1041

100.1042 Great circles inherently halve unity. The six positive and six negative
great circles spin around the 12 positive and 12 negative poles vertexially
identified by the 12- great-circle and four-great-circle intersections of the vector
equilibrium producing the pentagons from the quintasectings.

100.105 All the geometries in the cosmic hierarchy (see Table 982.62) emerge
from the successive subdividing of the tetrahedron and its combined parts. After
the initial halvings and inadvertent thirdings inherent in the bisecting of the
triangles as altogether generated by all seven sets of the great circle equators of
symmetrical-systems spin (Sec. 1040), we witness the emergence of:
__ the A quanta modules
__ the octa
__ the "icebergs"
__ the Eighth-Octa
__ the cube
__ the Quarter-Tetra

Fig. 100.103 Parallel and Perpendicular Halving of Tetrahedron:
Compare Figs. 527.08 and 987.230B.
Copyright © 1997 Estate of R. Buckminster Fuller
Fig. 100.1041 Three-way Bisecting of a Triangle.
Copyright © 1997 Estate of R. Buckminster Fuller
Fig. 100.120
__ the rhombic dodeca
__ the B quanta modules
__ the icosahedron
__ the T quanta modules
__ the octa-icosa, skewed-off "S" modules
__ the rhombic triacontahedron
__ the E quanta modules
__ the Mites (quarks)
__ the Sytes
__ the Couplers

100.120 Icosa and Tetra: The icosahedron concentric within, but flushly
askew, in the four-frequency truncated tetrahedron completes the whole cosmic
hierarchy as subdivisioning of the primitive unity of the tetrahedron __ one
quantum __ the minimum structural system of Universe. Looked at perpendicularly
to the middle of any of the tetrahedron's four truncated faces __ as a line of
sight __ the icosahedron appears at the center of volume of the tetrahedron as a four-
dimensional symmetrical structure. (See Fig. 100.120)

100.20 Scenario of the Child

100.201 Our scenario, titled "Experimentally Certified Scientific Proofs," opens
with a child standing outdoors, glancing all around, pausing to look more intently
at an aggregate of generalized somethings, and finally focusing upon a special
case something:
a point-to-ability
a surface of something
a substance having "insideness and outsideness." The smallest thing we
know of __ the atom __ has a withinness nucleus and one or more withoutness
a big something fastened to the Earth

Fig. 100.120 Image of Icosa and Tetra: Photograph of a truncated glass tetrahedron with
frosted triangular facets producing an image of clustered tetrahedra that approximate an
icosahedron. (See discussion at Sec. 934.)
Copyright © 1997 Estate of R. Buckminster Fuller❍ picture of the Matterhorn
❍ minimum of three faces around a corner
❍ child breaks off piece of something
❍ separate individual "things"
❍ child takes hammer and breaks rock
❍ nature breaks big rocks
❍ humans blast apart rock cliff with dynamite
❍ picture of rocks on Earth❍ picture of rocks on Moon
❍ picture of rocks on Mars
❍ picture of big rocks broken into smaller rocks.
❍ picture of small rocks broken into sand
❍ picture of sandy beach
❍ picture of individual grains of sand

minimum separable something has a minimum of four corners, each
surrounded by a minimum of three faces; each face is surrounded at❍

minimum by three edges. "Minimum somethings" consist altogether of a
minimum of four corners, four faces, six edges, 12 angles, insideness,
outsideness, concavity, convexity, and two poles of spinnability __ a
minimum total of 32 unique geometrical features (Sec. 1044)
picture of one tetrahedron
picture of tetrahedron turning inside out in four different ways as each of
four corner vertexes plunges through their respective four opposite
triangular openings to produce four different positive and four different
negative tetrahedra, for a total of eight different tetrahedra
picture of four great circle planes of tetrahedron all going through a
common center to produce both the zero volume tetrahedron and the vector
equilibrium's eight tetrahedra with only nuclear-congruent vertexes
minimum of four cosmically different tetrahedra:
__ a tetrahedral
■ the tuned-in, at-presently-considered-complex system
time-size somethingness
■ the infra-tuned-in micro-tetra-nothingness
■ the ultra-tuned-in macro-tetra-nothingness
■ the metaphysical, only primitively conceptual, timeless-sizeless

100.30 Omnirational Subdividing
Fig. 100.301

100.301 Omniquadrilaterally interconnecting the mid-edge-points of any
dissimilarly- edge-lengthed quadrilateral polygon always produces four dissimilar
quadrangles. Omnitriangularly interconnecting the mid-edge-points of any
dissimilarly-edge-lengthed triangle always produces four similar triangles. (See
Fig. 990.01.) Whereas omniinterconnecting the mid-edge-points of a cube always
subdivides the cube into eight similarly equiedged cubes, interconnecting the mid-
edge-points of any dissimilarly-edge- lengthed quadrangular-faced hexahedra
always subdivides the hexahedron into eight always dissimilar, quadrangular-
faced hexahedra. (See Fig. 100.301.)
Fig. 100.301A-D Dissimilar Subdivision of Irregular Hexahedra
Copyright © 1997 Estate of R. Buckminster Fuller

100.3011 Necklace: Here we observe the sequence of the child's necklace ( Sec.
608). The child starts with an enlargement of his mother's necklace consisting of a
dozen half- inch-by- 12-inch aluminum tubes strung tightly together on dacron
cords. The child drapes the necklace over his shoulders to assume various shapes.
Then, removing one tube at a time, he finds that the necklace remains flexible . . .
until all but the last three are removed and __ as a triangle __ it suddenly holds its
shape. (Thus we arrive at the triangular definition of a structure.)

100.302 A triangle is a microaltitude tetrahedron with its apex almost congruent
with one of its base triangle's vertexes. A right-angled triangle, an isosceles
triangle, and a scalene triangle are all the same triangle. The seeming difference in
edge lengths and angles is a consequence only of shifting the base-plane locus of
the observer.

100.303 Most economically intertriangulating the midpoints of any regular
equiedged or any dissimilarly edged tetrahedra will always subdivide that
tetrahedron into four similar tetrahedra and one octahedron whose volume is
always four times that of any of the four similar and equivolumed tetrahedra.

100.304 Cheese Tetrahedron: If we make all the symmetrical Platonic solids of
firm cheese, and if we slice the cube parallel to one of its faces, the remaining
hexahedron is no longer equiedge-lengthed. So too with all the other Platonic
solids __ the dodecahedron, the octahedron, or the icosahedron __ with one, and only
one, exception: the tetrahedron. The cheese tetrahedron may be sliced parallel to
any one, or successively all four, of its faces without losing its basic symmetry;
ergo, only the tetrahedron's four-dimensional coordination can accommodate
asymmetric aberrations without in any way disrupting the symmetrical integrity of
the system.

100.310 Two Tetra into Cube: The child wants to get inside things. What is the
minimum something it can get inside of? The necklace tetrahedron strung together
with long-tube-beads. A child tries the necklace cube, and it collapses. The child
then takes the edge tubes of the collapsed cube and reassembles them as an
octahedron __ which holds its shape. The child also takes two sets of six tubes and
makes two tetrahedra producing an omnitriangulated superficially induced cube
with eight corners.

100.320 Modular Subdivision of the Cosmic Hierarchy

100.321 Any four points in Universe are always most economically interrelated
by an ever-transforming tetrahedron, the whole, low-order, rational volume of
whose primitive, cosmic, equiwavelengthed-and-frequenced corresponding vector
equilibrium, cube, octahedron, rhombic triacontahedron, and rhombic
dodecahedron __ stated in tetravolumes __ are always 1, 2 1⁄2, 2 1⁄2 , 3, 4, 5, 6 __ which
hierarchy of constituent geometrical structures remains eternally invariable. (See
Table 1033.192.)

100.322 The omnirational subdivision of any regular or irregular tetrahedron by
the systemic triangular interconnecting of the tetrahedron's similarly frequenced,
modular subdivision points of its six edges, respectively, will always subdivide
the tetrahedron into the same rationally volumed geometrical constituents
constituting the cosmic hierarchy and its A and B Quanta Modules as well as its
T, E, and S Modules.

100.323 Only the tetrahedron can accommodate the asymmetric aberrations of
otherness without losing the integrity of its own four-dimensional symmetry and
its subdivisible volumetric rationality. The asymmetric aberrations of otherness
are essential to awareness, awareness being the minimum statement of the
experience life. In the accommodation of asymmetric aberration the tetrahedron
permits conceptual focus upon otherness, which is primitively essential to the
experience of life, for it occasions life's initial awareness. (See Fig. 411.05.)

100.330 "Me" Ball

100.331 Here we observe the child taking the "me" ball (Sec. 411) and running
around in space. There is nothing else of which to be aware; ergo, he is as yet
unborn. Suddenly one "otherness" ball appears. Life begins. The two balls are
mass-interattracted; they roll around on each other. A third ball appears and is
mass-attracted; it rolls into the valley of the first two to form a triangle in which
the three balls may involve-evolute. A fourth ball appears and is also mass-
attracted; it rolls into the "nest" of the triangular group. . . and this stops all motion
as the four balls become a self-stabilized system: the tetrahedron. (See Fig.

100.40 Finite Event Scenario
100.401 Events are changes of interrelationships.

100.402 Events are changes of interrelationships between a plurality of systems
or between constituents of any one system. Events are changes of
interrelationships, between any one of the separate "thing" system's constituent
characteristics __ a minimum thing has separable parts. A thing is always special
case. Special cases always have time-frequency relative sizing; whereas the
minimum system __ the tetrahedron __ is generalized, prefrequency, timeless, yet
conceptual, ergo, does not have separable parts __ but being primitive and timeless
does have primitive fractionability into structurally conceptual, timeless,
omnirationally accountable, symmetrical, differential polyhedra of the cosmic

100.403 The cosmic hierarchy is comprised of the tetrahedron's inherent,
intertransformable interrelationships __ four active, four passive __ all of which
occur within the six primitive, potential, omnidirectional vectorial moves found in
each primitive system`s (timeless) event potential.

100.41 Foldability of Triangles into Tetrahedra

100.411 Every triangle is always a projected tetrahedron. Any triangle having no
angle greater than 90 degrees can be folded into a tetrahedron. No squares or
quadrangles may be folded into a hexahedron.

100.412 The scalene right triangle is a limit case that folds into an almost-flat
tetrahedron. (See Fig. 100.412. )
Fig. 100.412

100.413 The equiangular triangle folds into a regular tetrahedron consisting of
four similar, equivolume, regular tetrahedra. Their total volume equals the
volume of the central octahedron (inadvertently described). (See Fig. 100.413.)
Fig. 100.413Fig. 100.412
Copyright © 1997 Estate of R. Buckminster Fuller
Fig. 100.413
Copyright © 1997 Estate of R. Buckminster Fuller

100.414 The isosceles triangle, with all angles less than 90 degrees, folds into an
irregular tetrahedron consisting of four similar irregular tetrahedra. Their total
volume equals the volume of the central irregular octahedron (inadvertently
described). (See Fig. 100.414.)
Fig. 100.414
Fig. 100.415

100.415 Unfoldable Limit: The scalene triangle, having one angle greater than
90 degrees, will not fold into a tetrahedron, but it consists of 16 similar triangles.
(See Fig. 100.415.)

100.416 The triangle folded into a tetrahedron inadvertently describes the four
exposed faces of the tetrahedron's internal octahedron. (See Figs; 100.416A-D.)
Fig. 100.416

100.50 Constant Triangular Symmetry
Fig. 100.51

100.51 Dr. Frank Morley, a professor of mathematics at Johns Hopkins
University, was the author of a theorem on triangular symmetry: The three
interior intersection points of the trisectors of any triangle's three angles will
always describe an equiangular triangle. It may be demonstrated graphically as in

Fig. 100.51. This theorem is akin to the tetrahedral coordinate system of
synergetics (Sec. 420), which describes how the superficial dissimilarities and
aberrations of the tetrahedron in no way alter any of its constant symmetries of
omnirational subdivisioning .

100.60 Finite Episoding

100.61 Nonunitarily conceptual but finite Scenario Universe's only separate,
differently enduring, and only overlappingly occurring, conceptual episodes, their
scenery, costumes, and character parts __ all being special case and temporal __ are
each and all demonstrably separable __ ergo, finite __ and only altogether coordinate,
to provide the ever-aggregating finiteness of Scenario Universe's complex,
nonsimultaneous __ ergo, nonunitarily conceptual __ episodes.Fig. 100.414
Copyright © 1997 Estate of R. Buckminster FullerFig. 100.415
Copyright © 1997 Estate of R. Buckminster FullerFig. 100.416
Copyright © 1997 Estate of R. Buckminster FullerFig. 100.51 Morley Theorem: The trisectors of any triangle's three angles describe an
equiangular triangle.
Copyright © 1997 Estate of R. Buckminster Fuller

100.62 This moment in the evolutionary advance and psychological
transformation of humanity has been held back by non-physically-
demonstrable __ ergo non- sensorial __ conceptionless mathematical devices and by
the resultant human incomprehensibility of the findings of science. There are two
most prominent reasons for this incomprehensibility: The first is the non-
physically demonstrable mathematical tools. The second is our preoccupation
with the sense of static, fixed "space" as so much unoccupied geometry imposed
by square, cubic, perpendicular, and parallel attempts at coordination, rather than
regarding "space" as being merely systemic angle-and-frequency information that
is presently non-tuned-in within the physical, sensorial range of tunability of the
electromagnetic sensing equipment with which we personally have been
organically endowed.

100.63 The somethingness here and the nothingness there of statically
interarrayed "space" conceptioning is vacated as we realize that the infratunable is
subvisible high- frequency eventing, which we speak of as matter, while the
ultratunable is radiation, which we speak of as space. The tunable is special case,
sensorially apprehensible episoding.
Next Section: 101.00
Copyright © 1997 Estate of Buckminster Fuller

101.00 Definition: Synergy

101.01 Synergy means behavior of whole systems unpredicted by the behavior
of their parts taken separately.

102.00 Synergy means behavior of integral, aggregate, whole systems
unpredicted by behaviors of any of their components or subassemblies of their
components taken separately from the whole.

103.00 A stone by itself does not predict its mass interattraction for and by
another stone. There is nothing in the separate behavior or in the dimensional or
chemical characteristics of any one single metallic or nonmetallic massive entity
which by itself suggests that it will not only attract but also be attracted by another
neighboring massive entity. The behavior of these two together is unpredicted by
either one by itself. There is nothing that a single massive sphere will or can ever
do by itself that says it will both exert and yield attractively with a neighboring
massive sphere and that it yields progressively: every time the distance between
the two is halved, the attraction will be fourfolded. This unpredicted, only mutual
behavior is synergy. Synergy is the only word in any language having this

104.00 The phenomenon synergy is one of the family of generalized principles
that only co-operates amongst the myriad of special-case experiences. Mind alone
discerns the complex behavioral relationships to be cooperative between, and not
consisting in any one of, the myriad of brain-identified special-case experiences.

105.00 The words synergy (syn-ergy) and energy (en-ergy) are companions.
Energy studies are familiar. Energy relates to differentiating out subfunctions of
nature, studying objects isolated out of the whole complex of Universe __ for
instance, studying soil minerals without consideration of hydraulics or of plant
genetics. But synergy represents the integrated behaviors instead of all the
differentiated behaviors of nature's galaxy systems and galaxy of galaxies.106.00 Chemists discovered that they had to recognize synergy because they
found that every time they tried to isolate one element out of a complex or to
separate atoms out, or molecules out, of compounds, the isolated parts and their
separate behaviors never explained the associated behaviors at all. It always failed
to do so. They had to deal with the wholes in order to be able to discover the
group proclivities as well as integral characteristics of parts. The chemists found
the Universe already in complex association and working very well. Every time
they tried to take it apart or separate it out, the separate parts were physically
divested of their associative potentials, so the chemists had to recognize that there
were associated behaviors of wholes unpredicted by parts; they found there was
an old word for it __ synergy.

107.00 Because synergy alone explains the eternally regenerative integrity of
Universe, because synergy is the only word having its unique meaning, and
because decades of querying university audiences around the world have
disclosed only a small percentage familiar with the word synergy, we may
conclude that society does not understand nature.

108.00 Four Triangles Out of Two
Fig. 108.01
108.01 Two triangles can and frequently do associate with one another, and in
so doing they afford us with a synergetic demonstration of two prime events
cooperating in Universe. Triangles cannot be structured in planes. They are
always positive or negative helixes. You may say that we had no right to break
the triangles open in order to add them together, but the triangles were in fact
never closed because no line can ever come completely back into itself.
Experiment shows that two lines cannot be constructed through the same point at
the same time (see Sec. 517, "Interference"). One line will be superimposed on
the other. Therefore, the triangle is a spiral __ a very flat spiral, but open at the
recycling point.Fig. 108.01 Triangle and Tetrahedron: Synergy (1 + 1 = 4): Two triangles may be
combined in such a manner as to create the tetrahedron, a figure volumetrically
embraced by four triangles. Therefore one plus one seemingly equals four.
Copyright © 1997 Estate of R. Buckminster Fuller108.02 By conventional arithmetic, one triangle plus one triangle equals two
triangles. But in association as left helix and right helix, they form a sixedged
tetrahedron of four triangular faces. This illustrates an interference of two events
impinging at both ends of their actions to give us something very fundamental: a
tetrahedron, a system, a division of Universe into inside and outside. We get the
two other triangles from the rest of the Universe because we are not out of this
world. This is the complementation of the Universe that shows up time and again
in the way structures are made and in the way crystals grow. As separate actions,
the two actions and resultants were very unstable, but when associated as positive
and negative helixes, they complement one another as a stable structure. (See Sec.

108.03 Our two triangles now add up as one plus one equals four. The two
events make the tetrahedron the four-triangular-sided polyhedron. This is not a
trick; this is the way atoms themselves behave. This is a demonstration of
synergy. Just as the chemists found when they separated atoms out, or molecules
out, of compounds, that the separate parts never explained the associated
behaviors; there seemed to be "lost" energies. The lost energies were the lost
synergetic interstabilizations.

109.00 Chrome-Nickel-Steel

109.01 Synergy alone explains metals increasing their strengths. All alloys are
synergetic. Chrome-nickel-steel has an extraordinary total behavior. In fact, it is
the high cohesive strength and structural stability of chrome-nickel-steel at
enormous temperatures that has made possible the jet engine. The principle of the
jet was invented by the squid and the jellyfish long ago. What made possible
man's use of the jet principle was his ability to concentrate enough energy and to
release it suddenly enough to give him tremendous thrust. The kinds of heat that
accompany the amount of energies necessary for a jet to fly would have melted all
the engines of yesterday. Not until you had chrome-nickel-steel was it possible to
make a successful jet engine, stable at the heats involved. The jet engine has
changed the whole relationship of man to the Earth. And it is a change in the
behavior of the whole of man and in the behavior of whole economics, brought
about by synergy.109.02 In chrome-nickel-steel, the primary constituents are iron, chromium, and
nickel. There are minor constituents of carbon, manganese, and others. It is a very
popular way of thinking to say that a chain is no stronger than its weakest link.
That seems to be very logical to us. Therefore, we feel that we can predict things
in terms of certain minor constituents of wholes. That is the way much of our
thinking goes. If I were to say that a chain is as strong as the sum of the strengths
of its links, you would say that is silly. If I were to say that a chain is stronger than
the sum of the strengths of all of its links, you might say that that is preposterous.
Yet that is exactly what happens with chrome-nickel- steel. If our regular logic
held true, then the iron as the weakest part ought to adulterate the whole: since it
is the weakest link, the whole thing will break apart when the weakest link breaks
down. So we put down the tensile strength of the commercially available iron __ the
highest that we can possibly accredit is about 60,000 pounds per square inch
(p.s.i.); of the chromium it is about 70,000 p.s.i.; of the nickel it is about 80,000
p.s.i. The tensile strengths of the carbon and the other minor constituents come to
another 50,000 p.s.i. Adding up all the strengths of all the links we get 260,000
p.s.i. But in fact the tensile strength of chrome-nickel-steel runs to about 350,000
p.s.i. just as a casting. Here we have the behavior of the whole completely
unpredicted by the behavior of the parts.

109.03 The augmented coherence of the chrome-nickel-steel alloy is accounted
for only by the whole complex of omnidirectional, intermass-attractions of the
crowded- together atoms. The alloy chrome-nickel-steel provides unprecedented
structural stability at super-high temperatures, making possible the jet engine one
of the reasons why the relative size of our planet Earth, as comprehended by
humans, has shrunk so swiftly. The performance of the alloy demonstrates that the
strength of a chain is greater than the sum of the strengths of its separate links.
Chrome-nickel-steel's weakest part does not adulterate the whole, allowing it to be
"dissolved" as does candy when the sugar dissolves. Chains in metal do not occur
as open-ended lines. In the atoms, the ends of the chains come around and fasten
the ends together, endlessly, in circular actions. Because atomic circular chains
are dynamic, if one link breaks, the other mends itself.109.04 When we break one link of a circular chain continuity, it is still one piece
of chain. And because atomic circular chains are dynamic, while one link is
breaking, the other is mending itself. Our metal chains, like chrome-nickel-steel
alloys, are also interweaving spherically in a number of directions. We find the
associated behaviors of various atoms complementing each other, so that we are
not just talking about one thing and another one thing, but about a structural
arrangement of the atoms in tetrahedral configurations .
Fig. 110.00

110.00 We take one tetrahedron and associate it with another tetrahedron. Each
of the two tetrahedra has four faces, four vertexes, and six edges. We interlock the
two tetrahedra, as illustrated, so that they have a common center of gravity and
their two sets of four vertexes each provide eight vertexes for the corners of a
cube. They are interpositioned so that the vertexes are evenly spaced from each
other in a symmetrical arrangement as a structurally stable cube .

111.00 Each of those vertexes was an energy star. Instead of two separate
tetrahedra of four stars and four stars we now have eight stars symmetrically
equidistant from the same center. All the stars are nearer to each other. There are
eight stars in the heavens instead of four. Not only that, but each star now has
three stars nearer to it than the old stars used to be. The stars therefore interattract
one another gravitationally in terms of the second power of their relative
proximity __ in accordance with Newton's law of gravity. As the masses are getting
closer to each other, synergy is increasing their power of interattraction very

112.00 The distance between the stars is now in terms of the leg instead of the
hypotenuse. The second power of the hypotenuse is equal to the sums of the
second powers of the legs, so we suddenly discover how very much more of an
attraction there is between each star to make each one more cohesive in the
second power augmentation. There was no such augmentation predicted by the
first power addition. Thus, it is no surprise to discover that the close
interassociation of the energy stars gives us a fourfolding of the tensile strength of
our strongest component of the alloy chrome-nickel- steel of 350,000 p.s.i. in
relation to nickel's 80,000 p.s.i. Gravity explains why these metals, when in
proper association, develop such extraordinary coherence, for we are not really
dealing in a mystery __ outside of the fact that we are dealing in the mystery of how
there happened to be gravity and how there happened to be Universe. How there
happened to be Universe is certainly a great mystery __ there is no question aboutFig. 110A
Fig. 110B
Copyright © 1997 Estate of R. Buckminster Fullerthat __ but we are not dealing with any miracle here outside of the fact that
Universe is a miracle.

113.00 When we take two triangles and add one to the other to make the
tetrahedron, we find that one plus one equals four. This is not just a geometrical
trick; it is really the same principle that chemistry is using inasmuch as the
tetrahedra represent the way that atoms cohere. Thus we discover synergy to be
operative in a very important way in chemistry and in all the composition of the
Universe. Universe as a whole is behaving in a way that is completely unpredicted
by the behavior of any of its parts. Synergy reveals a grand strategy of dealing
with the whole instead of the tactics of our conventional educational system,
which starts with parts and elements, adding them together locally without really
understanding the whole.

114.00 It is a corollary of synergy (see Sec. 140.00) that once you start dealing
with the known behavior of the whole and the known behavior of some of the
parts, you will quite possibly be able to discover the unknown parts. This strategy
has been used __ in rare breakthroughs __ very successfully by man. An example of
this occurred when the Greeks developed the law of the triangle: the sum of the
angles is always 180 degrees, and there are six parts (three edges and three
vertexes __ forming three angles); thus the known behavior of the whole and the
known behavior of two of the parts may give you a clue to the behavior of the
other part.

115.00 Newton's concept of gravity also gave him the behavior of the whole.
Other astronomers said that if he were right, they should be able to explain the
way the solar system is working. But when they took the masses of the known
planets and tried to explain the solar system, it didn't work out. They said you
need two more planets, but we don't have them. There are either two planets we
cannot see or Newton is wrong. If he was right, someday an astronomer with a
powerful telescope would be able to see sufficient distance to pick up two more
planets of such and such a size. In due course, they were found. The known
behavior of the whole explained in terms of gravity and the known behavior of
some of the parts permitted the prediction of the behavior of some of the other __ at
that time unknown __ parts.116.00 Physicists had predicated their grand strategies upon the experience of
trying to make something like a perpetual motion machine. They found that all
local machines always had friction, therefore energies were always going out of
the system. They call that entropy: local systems were always losing energy to the
rest of the Universe. When the physicists began to look at their total experience
instead of at just one of their experiences, they found that while the energy may
escape from one system, it does not go out of the Universe. It could only
disassociate in one place by associating in another place. They found that this was
experimentally true, and finally, by the mid-19th century, they dared to develop
what they called the Law of Conservation of Energy, which said that no energy
could be created and no energy could be lost. Energy is finite. Physical Universe
is finite. Physical Universe is just as finite as the triangle of 180 degrees.

117.00 Dealing with a finite whole in terms of our total experience has taught us
that there are different kinds of frequencies and different rates of reoccurrence of
events. Some events reoccur very rapidly. Some are large events, and some small
events. In a finite Universe of energy, there is only so much energy to expend. If
we expend it all in two big booms, they are going to be quite far apart:
Given the same finite amount of time, we could alternatively have a great many
very small booms fairly close together:
In others words, we can take the same amount of copper and make a propeller
with just two blades, with three smaller blades, or with four much smaller blades.
That is, we can with the same amount of copper invest the whole in higher
frequency and get smaller wavelength. This is the quantum in wave mechanics; it
is a most powerful tool that men have used to explore the nucleus of the atom,
always assuming that 100 percent of the behaviors must be accounted for. We are
always dealing with 100 percent finite. Experiment after experiment has shown
that if there was something like .000172 left over that you could not account for,
you cannot just dismiss it as an error in accounting. There must be some little
energy rascal in there that weighs .000172. They finally gave it a name, the
"whatson." And then eventually they set about some way to trap it in order to
observe it. It is dealing with the whole that makes it possible to discover the parts.
That is the whole strategy of nuclear physics.
Next Section: 120.00Copyright © 1997 Estate of Buckminster Fuller

120.00 Mass Interattraction

120.01 Synergy is disclosed by the interattraction for one another of two or more
separate objects. But any two masses will demonstrate that halving the distance
between them will fourfold their attraction for each other. (Which is the way
Newton might have said it, but did not.) He discovered the mathematical gain in
attraction, but he stated it "inversely," which is awkward and nonspontaneously
illuminating. The inverseness led him to speak in terms of progressive diminution
of the attraction: as the distance away was multiplied by two, the attraction
diminished by four; ergo, he could speak of it as "squared." The attraction of one
mass for the other increases as the second power of the rate of increase of their
proximity to one another: halve the distance and the interaction is fourfolded.

121.00 Our senses are easily deceived because mass interattraction is not
explained and cannot be predicted by any characteristic of any one massive body
considered alone. Local observation of mass attraction is also obscured by the
overwhelming presence of Earth's gravity. For instance, two 12-inch-in-diameter
spheres of so dense a material as ivory do not appear to attract each other until
they are only about a paper-thin distance apart. The thickness of a paper match
superimposed on a 12-inch globe represents the point at which a rocket precesses
into orbit, going from its 180-degree tendency to fall into its 90-degree orbital
independence as an astronomical entity. This is the critical- behavior point at
which it becomes an independent entity in Universe, a satellite. Small Earth
satellites orbit at an altitude of only about 100 miles, which is only about 1/80th of
the diameter of the Earth. This critical proximity event of transition from 180-
degree to 90-degree independence is called precession. Mass attraction is also
involved in precession, another member of the family of generalized principles.
But scientists still have not the slightest idea why mass attraction occurs; they
only know that it does. They do not know why. This requires admission of an
utter a priori mystery within which the masses demonstrate their utterly
mysterious attraction for one another. It appears that no single part of the Universe
can predict the behavior of the whole. As we attain greater experience and
opportunity to observe the synergetic effects of Universe, there is always a greater
discernment of generalized principles. The discovery of a plurality of generalized
principles permits the discovery of the synergetic effect of their complex
interactions.Next Section: 130.00
Copyright © 1997 Estate of Buckminster Fuller

130.00 Precession and Entropy

130.01 Critical proximity occurs where there is angular transition from "falling
back in" at 180-degree to 90-degree orbiting __ which is precession. (Gravity may
be described as "falling back in" at 180 degrees.) The quantity of energy that
ceased to "fall in" is the system's entropy. Critical proximity is when it starts
either "falling in" or going into orbit, which is the point where either entropy or
antientropy begins.

131.00 An aggregate of "falling ins" is a body. What we call an object or an
entity is always an aggregate of interattracted entities; it is never a solid. And the
critical proximity transition from being an aggregate entity to being a plurality of
separate entities is precession, which is a "peeling off" into orbit rather than
falling back in to the original entity aggregate. This explains entropy intimately. It
also explains intimately the apparent energy losses in chemical transformations,
associations, disassociations and high-order element disintegration into a plurality
of lower-order elements __ and nothing is lost. Entity has become invisible. The
switch is precessional.

132.00 The unprotected far side of the Moon has more craters of the "fallen-in"
asteroids. Ergo, the far side weighs more than the near side, which is shielded by
the Earth. The additional far-side weight of the Moon acts centrifugally to keep
the weighted side always away from the Earth around which it orbits. Ergo, there
is always one side, the same side, facing us. The Moon is always oriented toward
us, like a ship that has its masts pointed inwardly toward us and its weighted keel
away from us. This explains why the first photographs showed a greater number
of craters on the far side of the Moon. The Earth acts as a shield. On Earth, the
craters are not so concentrated because the Earth gets its cosmic fallout quite
evenly. Earth's weight and massive pull are progressively increased to offset the
Moon's farside weight increase and tendency otherwise to forsake Earth.

133.00 "Solids" are simply the fraternities of the "fallen-into-one-anothers."
Next Section: 140.00
Copyright © 1997 Estate of Buckminster Fuller

140.00 Corollary of Synergy: Principle of the Whole System

141.00 There is a corollary of synergy known as the Principle of the Whole
System, which states that the known behaviors of the whole plus the known
behaviors of some of the parts may make possible discovery of the presence of
other parts and their behaviors, kinetics, structures, and relative dimensionalities.

142.00 The known sum of the angles of a triangle plus the known characteristics
of three of its six parts (two sides and an included angle or two angles and an
included side) make possible evaluating the others. Euler's topology provides for
the synergetic evaluation of any visual system of experiences, metaphysical or
physical, and Willard Gibbs' phase rule provides synergetic evaluation of any
tactile system.

143.00 The systematic accounting of the behavior of whole aggregates may
disclose discretely predictable angle-and-frequency magnitudes required of some
unknown components in respect to certain known component behaviors of the
total and known synergetic aggregate. Thus the definitive identifications permitted
by the Principle of the Whole System may implement conscious synergetic
definition strategies with incisive prediction effectiveness.
Next Section: 150.00
Copyright © 1997 Estate of Buckminster Fuller

150.00 Synergy-of-Synergies

150.01 There are progressive degrees of synergy, called synergy-of-synergies,
which are complexes of behavior aggregates holistically unpredicted by the
separate behaviors of any of their subcomplex components. Any subcomplex
aggregate is only a component aggregation of an even greater event aggregation
whose comprehensive behaviors are never predicted by the component aggregates
alone. There is a synergetic progression in Universe __ a hierarchy of total complex
behaviors entirely unpredicted by their successive subcomplexes' behaviors. It is
manifest that Universe is the maximum synergy-of- synergies, being utterly
unpredicted by any of its parts.

151.00 It is readily understandable why humans, born utterly helpless, utterly
ignorant, have been prone to cope in an elementary way with successive
experiences or "parts." They are so overwhelmed by the synergetic mystery of the
whole as to have eschewed educational strategies commencing with Universe and
the identification of the separate experiences within the cosmic totality.

152.00 Synergetics is the exploratory strategy of starting with the whole and the
known behavior of some of its parts and the progressive discovery of the integral
unknowns and their progressive comprehension of the hierarchy of generalized

153.00 Universe apparently is omnisynergetic. No single part of experience will
ever be able to explain the behavior of the whole. The more experience one has,
the more opportunity there is to discover the synergetic effects, such as to be able
to discern a generalized principle, for instance. Then discovery of a plurality of
generalized principles permits the discovery of the synergetic effects of their
complex interactions. The synergetic metaphysical effect produced by the
interaction of the known family of generalized principles is probably what is
spoken of as wisdom.
Next Section: 160.00
Copyright © 1997 Estate of Buckminster Fuller

160.00 Generalized Design Science Exploration

161.00 Science has been cogently defined by others as the attempt to set in order
the facts of experience. When science discovers order subjectively, it is pure
science. When the order discovered by science is objectively employed, it is
called applied science. The facts of experience are always special cases. The order
sought for and sometimes found by science is always eternally generalized; that
is, it holds true in every special case. The scientific generalizations are always
mathematically statable as equations with one term on one side of the equation
and a plurality of at least two terms on the other side of the equation.

162.00 There are eternal generalizations that embrace a plurality of
generalizations. The most comprehensive generalization would be that which has
U = MP, standing for an eternally regenerative Universe of M times P, where M
stands for the metaphysical and P stands for the physical. We could then have a
subgeneralization where the physical P = E r · E m , where E r stands for energy as
radiation and E m stands for energy as matter. There are thus orders of
generalization in which the lower orders are progressively embraced by the higher
orders. There are several hundred first-order generalizations already discovered
and equatingly formalized by scientist-artists. There are very few of the higher
order generalizations. Because generalizations must hold true without exception,
these generalizations must be inherently eternal. Though special-case experiences
exemplify employment of eternal principles, those special cases are all inherently
terminal; that is, in temporary employment of the principles.

163.00 No generalized principles have ever been discovered that contradict other
generalized principles. All the generalized principles are interaccommodative.
Some of them are synchronously interaccommodative; that is, some of them
accommodate the other by synchronized nonsimultaneity. Many of them are
interaccommodative simultaneously. Some interact at mathematically exponential
rates of interaugmentation. Because the physical is time, the relative endurances
of all special-case physical experiences are proportional to the synchronous
periodicity of associability of the complex principles involved. Metaphysical
generalizations are timeless, i.e., eternal. Because the metaphysical is abstract,
weightless, sizeless, and eternal, metaphysical experiences have no endurance
limits and are eternally compatible with all other metaphysical experiences. What
is a metaphysical experience? It is comprehending the relationships of eternalprinciples. The means of communication is physical. That which is
communicated, i.e., understood, is metaphysical. The symbols with which
mathematics is communicatingly described are physical. A mathematical principle
is metaphysical and independent of whether X,Y or A,B are symbolically

164.00 The discovery by human mind, i.e., intellect, of eternally generalized
principles that are only intellectually comprehendable and only intuitively
apprehended __ and only intellectually comprehended principles being further
discovered to be interaccommodative __ altogether discloses what can only be
complexedly defined as a design, design being a complex of interaccommodation
and of orderly interaccommodation whose omni-integrity of interaccommodation
order can only be itself described as intellectually immaculate. Human mind
(intellect) has experimentally demonstrated at least limited access to the eternal
design intellectually governing eternally regenerative Universe .

165.00 Generalized design-science exploration is concerned with discovery and
use by human mind of complex aggregates of generalized principles in specific-
longevity, special-case innovations designed to induce humanity's consciously
competent participation in local evolutionary transformation events invoking the
conscious comprehension by ever-increasing proportions of humanity of the
cosmically unique functioning of humans in the generalized design scheme of
Universe. This conscious comprehension must in turn realize ever-improving
implementations of the unique human functioning as well as an ever-increasingly
effective concern for the relevant ecological intercomplementation involved in
local Universe support of humanity's functioning as subjective discoverer of local
order and thereafter as objective design-science inventor of local Universe
solutions of otherwise unsolvable problems, design-science solutions of which
will provide special-case, local-Universe supports of eternally regenerative
generalized Universe.

166.00 The prime eternal laws governing design science as thus far accrued to
that of the cosmic law of generalized design-science exploration are realizability
and relative magnitude of reproducibility, which might be called the law of
regenerative design: the relative physical time magnitude of reproducibility is
proportional to the order of magnitude of cosmic function generalizability.
Because the higher the order of synergetic function generalization, the more
embracing and simple its statement; only the highest orders can embracingly
satisfy the plurality of low-order interaccommodation conditions.167.00 There are several corollaries to the prime law of regenerative design
durability and amplitude of reproducibility. Corollary A: The simpler, the more
enduringly reproducible. Corollary B: The special-case realizations of a given
design complex correlate as the more symmetrical, the more reproducible.
Corollary C: There being limit cases of optimum symmetry and simplicity, there
are simplicities of conceptual realization. The most enduringly reproducible
design entities of Universe are those occurring at the min-max limits of simplicity
and symmetry.

168.00 Corollary D: There being unique minimum-maximum system limits
governing the transformation of conceptual entities in Universe, which
differentiate the conceptually unique entities of Universe into those conceptions
occurring exclusively outside the system considered and all of the Universe inside
of the conceptual entity, together with the structural pattern integrity system
separating the inside from the outside, there being a limited minimum set of
structural and operating principles eternally producing and reproducing
recognizable pattern integrity. And there are likewise a minimum set of principles
that interact to transform already orderly patterns into other structured patterns,
and there being minimum constituent patterns that involve the complex
intertransformings and structural formings of symmetrical orders and various
magnitudes of asymmetrical deviations tolerated by the principles complexedly
involved. There are scientifically discoverable nuclear aggregates of primary
design integrity as well as complex symmetrical reassociabilities of the nuclear
primary integrities and deliberately employable relationships of nuclear simplexes
which designedly impose asymmetrical- symmetrical pulsative periodicities.

169.00 Corollary E: The more symmetrical and simple and nuclear, the more
frequently employable; ergo, the more frequently occurring in eternally
regenerative Universe's transformative problem solutions.

170.00 Corollary F: The smaller and simpler, more symmetrical, frequently
occurring in Universe and the larger and more complex, less frequently originally
occurring and periodically reoccurring: for example, the hydrogen minimum limit
simplex constituting not only nine-tenths of physical Universe but most frequently
and most omnipresent in Universe; with asymmetrical battleships (fortunately)
least frequently and compatibly recurrent throughout the as yet known cosmos,
being found only on one minor planet in one typical galaxy of one hundred billion
stars amongst an already-discovered billion galaxies, there having been only a few
score of such man-made battleships recurrent in the split-second history of
humans on infinitesimally minor Earth.171.00 All the fundamental nuclear simplexes of the 92 inherently
selfregenerative physical Universe elements are a priori to human mind
formulation and invention and are only discoverable by mind's intuitive
initiatives. Many myriads of complex associability of chemical compounding of
the nuclear simplexes can be experimentally discovered, or, after comprehending
the order of the principles involved, deliberately invented by human mind. The
chemical compounds are temporary and have limited associabilities. Human
minds can then invent, by deliberate design, momentarily appropriate complex
associative events __ as, for instance, hydraulics, crystallines, and plasmics, in turn
involving mechanics of a complex nature and longevity. Omniautomated self
parts replacing sensingly fedback industrial complexes can be comprehensively
designed by human mind, the mass reproducibility and service longevity of which
will always be fundamental to the design laws, both primary and corollary.

172.00 Biological designs a priori to human alteration contriving are directly
reproducible in frequency design magnitude. Blades of grass are reproduced on
planet Earth in vast quantities due to the universal adequacy of Sun and other star
photosynthetic impoundment. Daisies, peanuts, glowworms, etc. are reproduced
in direct complement to their design complexity, which involves biological and
eternal environmental interplay of chemical element simplexes and compounds
under a complex of energy, heat, and pressure conditions critical to the complex
of chemical associating and disassociating involved. Humans have thus far
evolved the industrial complex designing which is only of kindergarten magnitude
compared to the complexity of the biological success of our planet Earth. In its
complexities of design integrity, the Universe is technology.

173.00 The technology evolved by man is thus far amateurish compared to the
elegance of nonhumanly contrived regeneration. Man does not spontaneously
recognize technology other than his own, so he speaks of the rest as something he
ignorantly calls nature. Much of man's technology is of meager endurance, being
comprised at the outset of destructive invention such as that of weaponry, or for
something in support of the quick-profit, man-invented game of selfishly
manipulative game-playing and rule-inventing for the playing of his only-
ignorantly-preoccupying value systems.174.00 The greatest and most enduring discoveries and inventions of humans on
our planet are those of the scientist-artists, the name joined, or artist, or scientist.
The name of artist or scientist, though often self-professed, can only be accredited
to an individual by others who in retrospect discover the enduring quality of the
symmetries with which the individual converted his conceptioning to the
advantage of others, and realizations of increasing interadvantage in respect to
survival __ the gradual discovery of the function in Universe which humanity has
been designed to fulfill.
Next Section: 180.00
Copyright © 1997 Estate of Buckminster Fuller

180.00 Design Science and Human-Tolerance Limits

181.00 Humans are often spoken of as behaving like animals. Vast experimental
study of animal reflexes and proclivities has disclosed reliable benign behaviors to
be predictable when the creatures' vital necessities are both habitually and readily
available well within critical limits of safe, healthy input periodicities of the
chromosomically and DNA-RNA programmed optimum metabolic processing of
the subject species creatures.

182.00 Such scientifically conducted zoological behavior studies use the words
reward and punishment. By the word reward they do not refer to a gold medal.
And their word punishment does not refer to whipping. The animal behavior
scientist's word reward means that the creature is acquiring the vital life-support
chemistries of air, food, and water well within the critical metabolic timing
tolerance. Punishment, to these scientists, means that the creature's subconsciously
generated hunger, thirst, and respiratory instincts are not met within comfortably
tolerable time limits, whereafter the creature panics. Its original subconscious,
spontaneous, innate trust that its environment will always provide what it wants
and needs exactly when it is needed having been violated, the creature panics, and
forever after its behavior pattern is unpredictable.

183.00 It is clear that with the pushing of the panic button a secondary act of
subconscious behavior controls has been activated. It is one of the self-disciplined
responsibilities of comprehensive, anticipatory design science always to include
fail-safe , automatically switched-in, alternate circuitry for mechanical functioning
whenever a prime-function facility is found wanting. When a series of failures has
blown out all the alternate circuits' fuses, then a sense of lethal frustration sets in
that is identified as panic. Once panicked, the individuals __ creatures or
humans __ tend to trust nothing, and their behavior then becomes utterly
unpredictable. They become spontaneously suspicious of their environment in
general and prone to be spontaneously hostile and aggressive.184.00 When they are aggressive __ or even worse, when they panic __ both
humans and animals demonstrate a subconscious drive only for self-survival. For
instance, when a great theater fire disaster occurs and the flames quickly exhaust
all the oxygen, people suffocate within two minutes. When the fire is over and
many of the human dead are found inside unscorched, their deaths having been
caused by suffocation, we discover that the otherwise loving fathers lost personal
consciousness and stampeded over their own children and crushed them to
death __ the children for whom the conscious fathers would gladly have given their
lives a hundred times over.

185.00 This frustratedly insecure or panicked animal survival drive is not a
primary human behavior; it is only a secondary, subordinate, "fail-safe" behavior
that occurs only when the very broad limits of physical tolerance are exceeded.
When supplies are available, humans daily consume about two dry pounds of food
as well as five pounds of water and seven pounds of oxygen, which their blood
extracts from the 50 pounds of atmosphere that they inhale every day. Humans
can go 30 days without food, seven days without water, but only two minutes
without air. With 30 days' tolerance, humans have plenty of time to decide how to
cope with vital food problems; with a week's waterless tolerance, they have to
think and act with some expedition; with only one-and-a-half minutes' oxygenless
tolerance, they rarely have time to think and cope successfully. Because the
substances that humans require the least can be gone without for 30 days, nature
has for millions of years used humans' hunger and the fertility potentials to force
them to learn by trial and error how most competently to solve problems. But
because the absence for more than a minute or so of oxygen (the substance
humans use the most) could not be tolerated, nature provided the air everywhere
around the world __ in effect, "socialized" it.

186.00 As long as the 30-day, seven-day, two-minute tolerances, respectively,
for lack of food, water, and air are not exceeded, humans' minds tend to remain in
ascendance over their brain-reflexive sensing, and people are considerate of their
fellow humans. When the human is stressed beyond these tolerable limits, the
preconditioned-reflexing brain function takes over from the thoughtful, loving,
orderly reasoning of mind. Then the secondary utterly thoughtless behavior
occurs.187.00 It is at least scientifically plausible, and possibly even scientifically
validated, to say that not only all humans but all creatures are designed to behave
spontaneously in a benign manner and that all creatures have toleration limits
within which they continue to function with subconsciously spontaneous
amiability, but that many have been stressed and distressed beyond those limits
early in their lives and consequently have developed aggressive, belligerent, or
outright mad proclivities. This is not to say that this switch by both creatures and
humans from dominance by their primary proclivities to dominance by their
secondary proclivities is an irreparable condition of life on Earth. Though Humans
as yet know little about complete repair of their innate propensities, there are
promising signs that such cures are not beyond attainment by the human mind.

Next Chapter: 200 Synergetics
Copyright © 1997 Estate of Buckminster Fuller

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