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In entries relating to the books of the Bible, the numbers in parentheses
indicate the chapter and verse(s) referred to.

Aaron, 107, 228

abaissement du niveau mental, 28,

Abarbanel, Isaac, 74, 107
Abba, Rabbi, 80
Abercius inscription, 73, 89ft, 103,

ablution, 187

Abot de Rabbi Nathan, 113ft

Abraham, 59

Abraham ben Hiyya, Rabbi, 74

Abu Ma'shar/Abu Mansor, see

accentuation, moral, of opposites,

acetum, 160; see also vinegar
Achamoth, see Sophia
act of God, 25
Acts of the Apostles, (2 : 3), 135ft;

(7 : 43). 75"; (17 : 2 9> 30), 19m
Acts of Thomas, see Thomas, Acts

Adam, 199; Adam/Eve syzygy, 254;
carries Eve with him, 206; Christ
and, 39, 197, 232; Eve's birth
from, 205/; first and second, 37;
higher, 197, 214, 232, 237, 240,
248, 255; - , and lower, 227,
233; lower, 244, 255; male/female,
204; mystic, 36; original man/
Anthropos/Archanthropos, 200,
203, 208, 218ft; relation to creator
and creatures, 189; as "rock," 88,
208; second, 201, 204; and ser-
pent, 233, 244/

Adamantius, dialogue of, 54*1

Adamas (arch-man), 208

adamas (steel), 161

Adam Scotus, 100/

adaptation, weak, and emotion, 9

Adar, month of, 119

Adech, 213

Adler, Alfred, 165

Adonis, 121, 199

"Aenigmata ex Visione Arislei,"

126, 12772, 137-38, 142
Aeon: Autopator as, 191; birth from

Kore, 104
aeon, Christian, ix
"aes Hermetis," 156
Aesculapius, serpent of, 245ft
affects, 9; and anima/animus, 16;

feeling-tone, 33
Africa, 96, 175
agape, 90
Agathodaimon, 186; serpent as, 188,

230, 245ft
ages, two, in pseudo-Clement, 55
aggregation, states of, 250/, 257
dyvoia, 191

ayvuxTia, 190-92, 193ft; God's, 194
Ailly, Pierre d', 75ft, 76ft, 77ft, 82,

3> 9 6 > 97 9% n > 99

Aipolos, 216

air, 249

Akathriel, 60

albedo, 148, 235

Albertus Magnus, 7772, 80ft, 87, 256

Albigenses, 150

Albumasar (Ja'far ibn Muhammad
[Abu Ma'shar] al-Balkhi), 75, 76-
78ftft, 80ft, 95ft, 96, 97, 99



alchemy/alchemists, 89 et passim;
beginnings of, 173; Catharism
and, 150; Chinese, 264; and
Christ, 182; Christ-image in, 67;
compensation in, 124; conjunction
of opposites in, 40; dragon in,
120; eagle in, 64/2; fish in, 126/f;
Latin, beginnings of, 87; motive
of, 171; and natural science, 176;
Negroes in, 210; pagan currents
in, 176; phenomenology of sym-
bols in, 179; physical speculations
of, 249/?; quaternio in, 232/f; rise
of, 150; significance of matter in,
66; and "theoria," 179; uncon-
scious in, 142

Alciati, Andrea, 158

alcohol, 225

alembics, three, 241

Alexandria, 89, 104, 15671

Alexius Comnenus, 148

"Allegoriae sapientum supra librum
Turbae," 126

"Allegoriae super librum Turbae,"
12571, 126, 12771

allegories, see symbols

Allenby, Amy Ingeborg, 26871

Almaricus, see Amalric of Bene

Amalric of Bene, 83

ambivalence, 13; of fish symbol,

Ambrose, St., 88, 23572

Amen, 206

Amitabha land, vision of, 15 m

Amon, 78

Amoraim, 8on

Amos, Book of, (5 : 26), 74/

Anacreon, beaker of, 211

analogy formation, 261

analysis, 260

anamnesis, 40, 180

Andrew, St., 89

androgyny, of Christ, 204, 205

angels, 146, 195

Angelus Silesius, 206

Anger, Rudolph, 7471

Ani, Papyrus of, 7672

anima, 8, 10, i%ff, 30/, 187, 266; and
Eros, 14; feeling-value of, 28;
liberty as, 30; Miriam as, 210,
228; novelists and, 267; personi-
fication of unconscious, nn; pos-
session by, 23; see also anima/

anima/animus: appearance of con-
tents, 19; cannot be integrated,
20; effects on ego, 16/; fear of,
33; feeling-value of, 28; as func-
tions, 20; positive aspect, 268;
recognition of, 22, 267; relation
to each other, 15

anima Christiana, 36

anima mundi, 136, 142, 160, 198,

anima rationalis, 38/, 21272

anima rerum, 157-5871

animals, helpful, 145, 186

animosity, 16, 267

animus, 8, 10, 14/f, 30/, 33, 266,
267; and logos, 14, 16, 21; posi-
tive aspect of, 16; see also anima/

annunciation, of Christ-figure, 189

Anthropos, 246, 247, 259; Christ as,
204; figures, ix, 65, 204; Gnostic,
197/; - , names of, 189; and
Hermes, 230; king as, 198; ser-
pent/snake and, 232/; symbol for
God, 195; vessel as counterpart
of, 242; see also Adam; Archan-
thropos; Man, original; Protan-

Anthropos quaternio, 231, 233, 244,

Anthropus primus, Saturn as, 197
Antichrist, ix, 36, 61, 62, 63, 94,
106; astrological origin, 76; astro-
logical prediction of, 99; as half
archetype of self, 44; as King of
the Jews, 7972, 107; Nostradamus
on, 101; problem of, 42/; prophe-
cies of, 109; second, 96, 102; as
shadow of self, 42, 44
antimimon pneuma, 35, 42



Antony, Mark, 144

Anu, 124

Apelles, 75

Apep, 76

Aphrodite, 21, 104, 112, 217

Apocalypse, ix, 36, 90, 105-6, 110;
see also Revelation of St. John

apocatastasis, 40, 169, 259

Apollo, 81, 252

Apollonius of Tyana, 12672

Apophis-serpent, 230

apperception, 169

aqua, 160; abyssi, 215; doctrinae,
159, 180, 185, 187, 188, 215, 241;
permanens, 88, 150, 158, 18772,
235, 23971, 241; roris nostri, 158

Aquarius (?), 82, 87, 91, 92, 93

Aquilo, 100, 125

Arab tradition, fish in, 123

Aratus, 9272

arcane substance/araz/iwm, 152, 157,
159, 160, 163, 18771; artifex as,
155; fishes as, 150; healing power
of, 180; called lapis, 236; mag-
nesia as, 156; in man and with-
out, 162; refers to self, 145

Archanthropos, 197, 203, 209; see
also Adam\ Anthropos; Man, or-
iginal; Protanthropos

Archegonos, 20172

archetic appetite, 133, 134

archetype(s), 8, 16/, et passim; in
art history, 68; assimilation of,
222; autonomous factors, 21; de-
notes completeness, 68; good and
bad effects of, 267; image of in-
stinct, 179; numinosity of, 18472,
196; self as, 167, 169; of the Spirit,
85; totality of, 196; unconscious
organizers of our ideas, 179; see
also anima; animus; brothers,
hostile; Christ; God-man; mar-
riage quaternio; mother, chthon-
ic; mother-son marriage; Re-
deemer; self; shadow; spirit of
gravity; wholeness; wise old man

Archeus, 13372, 213

archon(s): Christ and, 65; demiurge,
190; of future/this Aeon, 254;
Gnostic, 57, 230; Ialdabaoth, 75,
208; Sabaoth, 76

argument, animus and, 15

Aries (f), 7472, 82, 9072, 98, 103;
see also Ram

Arisleus, 143; vision of, 13072; - ,
see also "Aenigmata ex Visione

"Aristoteles de perfecto Magisterio,"

Aristotle, 51

Armilus, 107

Ars chemica, 18772

art, history of, archetype in, 68

Artefius, 13272

Artis aurijerae, 12672, 130/2, 19772,
23872, 24072, 24172

"as if," 203

ascendent, 8272, 148

ascension, 65

Ascension of Isaiah, 57

aspersion, 187

ass, 75/

assimilation, 189; ego/self, 24/; by
projection-making factor, 24

Assumptio Mariae, see Mary

assumptions, 15

Astarte, 112

astrology, 262; Fishes in, 111; Ori-
ental, 93; Saturn in, 75/f

Atargatis, 73, 104, 111, 112, 121

atheism, 109

Athens: Little Metropolis, 91; St.
Paul and, 176, 191

atman, 32, 69, 144, 167, 194, 222

atom, 237, 242, 249, 260

attention, 24

Attis, 213, 21777; as Ichthys, 15272;
"holy shepherd," 8972; polymor-
phous, 199; Shepherd and, 103

Augurellus, Joannes Aurelius, 23271

Augustine, St., 38-40^7172, 46, 49-51,
52, 7272, 7971, 80, 9072, 100, 113,
120, 147, 158, 182

Augustus, 144



Aurelia occulta, 18771

Aurora consurgens, 88tj, 156/1, 22071,
23872, 2 39 n > H 1

aurum nostrum, 127

Authades, 19771

authority, inner, 25-26

autism, 9

autoerotism, projections and, 9

Autogenes, 19771

autonomy: of anima/animus, 20, 28;
of archetypes, 21; of character-
istics of shadow, 8

Autopator, 190/

Autun, 89

avatar, 176

Aztecs, 144


Baal, 119

Baba Bathra, see Talmud

Baba Kamma, see Talmud

Babylon, 121

Babylonian tradition, 124

Bacchus, 199

Bacon, Roger, 87, 97, 256

Bactria, 74

Bahman Yast, 108

Balaam, 59, 117

Balak, 59

baptism, 89, 90, 1 88; see also font

Barabbas, 91

barbel, 122

Barbelo, 195, 19771; Barbelo-Gnosis,

19671, 19771
Bardesanes, 54

Bar-Kuni, see Theodor Bar-Kuni
Baruch, Apocalypse of, 115, 116,

Basil the Great, St., 46-48, 82, 129
Basilides/Basilidians, 64, 66, 18571,

190, 230, 23472, 269
Basilius (Bogomil bishop), 148
bath kol, 106
Baubo, chthonic, 13
Bauer, Walter, 21371

bear, as symbol, 226

Bear, Great, see Great Bear

Beasts, Lady of the, 116

Beatus, Giorgius, 18771

beetle, 226

Beghards, 84, 150

Beguins, 150

Behemoth, 11571, 118, 120, 121, 123,

14771; battle with Leviathan, 80,

118; eucharistic food, 116
being, in God, 193
Belinus, 12671
beloved, 12, 13
Benat na'sh, 124
Benedict, St., 82-83, 85
Benoist, Jean, 145
Berakoth, see Talmud
Bereshith Rabba(ti), 5972, 106
Bernard of Clairvaux, St., 125
Bernardus Trevisanus, 143, 23971
Berthelot, Marcellin, 6571, 12771,

14371, 15671, 15971, 23871, 26472
Bethlehem, 106
Bible, Protestants and, 178
bin, 121
bird(s): allegory of Christ, 72; two

fighting, 150; white and black,

body, 64-65; in Basilides, 66
body/spirit triads, 55
Bogomils, 58, 147, 150
Bohme, Jakob, 61, 125, 171, 25271
Boll, Franz Johannes, 8172, 9072,

9172, 10472, 105
Bouch-Leclercq, Auguste, 7572, 7672,

8 172, 10472, 11272

Bousset, Wilhelm, 7572, 10872, 109,

19772, 19872, 2o8n, 21972, 22072

Brahe, Tycho, 8172

brahman, 222

"Bread through God," 84

breasts, Christ's, 205

Brethren of the Free Spirit, 84, 150

brh, 119

Brihaddranyaka Upanishad, 223

Brimos, 217

brother-sister pair, 31, 210



brothers, hostile, Son, 81, 87, 254;

monsters as, 119
Brugsch, Heinrich, 207/2
Buddha, symbol for God, 195
Buddhism, 136; and yoga, 176; see

also Zen
Budge, Ernest Alfred Wallis, 88/1,

122/2., 123, 207n

bull: Behemoth as, 120; Mithras
and, 124; one-horned, 199; as
symbol, 226

Bundahish, 246/1

Cabala/cabalism/cabalists, 58, 61,

125, 173, 218/2, 268
Cabiros/Cabiri, 201, 212
Cabrol, Fernand, and Leclercq,

Henri, 89/1
Caesarius of Heisterbach, 239/1
calendar, revolutionary, 98
Caligula, 144
Campbell, Colin, 198
Cana, miracle of, 211
Canopic jars, 122
Canticles, see Song of Solomon
Capricorn (y$) ,92, 111
caput corvi, 210
carbon-nitrogen cycle, 260
Carcassonne, 145

Cardan, Jerome, 76/2, 77/1, 82, 95/2
Carthage, 121
Cams, Paul, 6
Cassino, Monte, 83
castle, as symbol, 224
Castor, 81
cat, black, 30
Cathari/Cathars, 58, 83, 146^; and

alchemy, 150
causation, psychological, 62
causes, 165

Caussin, Nicholas, 128, 192
Celsus, 75
centre, 224; in alchemy, 169; in

man, and God-image, 171; in one-

self and environment, 170; in
Plotinus, 219; psychic and al-
chemical, 171

cerebellum, "Son" and, 186

cerebrum, "Father" and, 186

Chaldaeans, 111

chalybs, 132

chaos, 79, 148, 155, 194, 234, 236-
37; and cosmos, 32; magnesia as,
156; see also massa confusa

Charles, R. H., 115/2, 118/2, 147/2

Chartier, Jean, 139/2

chemical processes, alchemy and,

cherub/cherubim, 123, 241
child: divine, 31; symbol for God,


China: circular opus in, 264;
dragon symbolism in, 245; re-
ligions of, 70

"chirographum," 230 & n

Chiun, 74, 75/2

choice: four elements and, 56; free,

Christ, 32, 255; and age of fishes,
92, 114; as Anthropos, 204; and
Antichrist, 61, 115; archetype of
self, 37; - of wholeness, x, 40;
assimilation into psyche, 221;
attri butes of, and self, 44; as
avatar of Vishnu, 176; childhood
of, 103; common symbols with
devil, 72; and contents of uncon-
scious, 181; death of, 35; descent
into hell, 39; dualistic aspects,
111; both ego and self, 110; as
fish, see fish(es); and horoscope,
136-37; horoscopes of, 77/2; hu-
man soul of, 39; as inner man,
203; as king and priest, 39, 147;
lamb and, 105-6; male /female,
205; and Mary, in Gnostic legend,
202; as new aeon, 90; the perfect
man, 69; pre-existent, 148; as
quaternion of opposites, 63; as
rock, 88; scriptural symbols of,
221; second, 65; and self, parallel,



Christ (cont.): pseudo-Clement, see Clementine

42, 44; and serpent, 186, 232; Homilies

and shadow, 4m, 110; spouse of Clementine Homilies, 54/f, 10m,

the Church, 21; subjective par- 19271, 254

allel of, 182; symbol for God, 195; cloud, 155

- of self, 36/f, 62n; synoptic and Cnidaria, 128

Johannine, 72; transfiguration of, Codex Ashburnham 1166, 232

i22n; "uncomeliness" of, 140; cognition, 61, 69

"within," 183; as younger son of collective unconscious, 7, 164, 223,

God, 57, 147; see also Adam; 234; archetypes and, 8; autonomy

androgyny; Ichthys

Christ-figure: annunciation of, 189;
significance of, 203-4

Christ-image: anthropomorphic, 67;
perfection of, 68-69

Christensen, Arthur, 7772, 24671

Christian doctrine: and nature, 173;
and the psyche, 174

Christianity: astrological origin, 76;
divine syzygy in, 21; Germanic
acceptance of, 175; myths under-
lying, 179; place in Western life,

Christmas Eve, 111
Chronos, 139

chthonic world, shadow and, 34
Church: as Bride of Christ/Lamb,
21, 204; as female, 2 in; in mod-
ern world, 176; soul as, 206; as
symbol, 224
Chwolsohn, Daniel, 75^ ig7n
cinedian fish/stone, 138-39
circle(s): character of wholeness,
224n; God as, 153; magic, 32; in
Maier, 264; soul as, 219; and

of, 20; dogma and, 174-75; and
mythology, 179

Collesson, Johannes, 160, 162

collision, of conscious and uncon-
scious, 194

colly Hum, 127

Colossians, Epistle to the, (2 : 14),

commissure, 93, 148

compass, 134

Compendium theologicae veritatis,

compensation: function of uncon-
scious, 20; in man and woman, 14

completeness: and perfection, 68,
69, 111; voluntary, 70; see also

complexio oppositorum, 6m, 225,
267; see also coniunctio opposi-

compulsion, 140; c. neurosis, 10

concept, 33; merely a name, 32;
metaphysical, 34

Concorricci, 83, 14671

concupiscentia, 112, 129

square /squaring of, 224-25, 239, confusion, 194

241, 264; squared, of self, 204; coniunctio, of Adam and Eve, 206

symbols, 194; - of God, 195; - ,

self in, 190
circumambulation, 224
citrinitas, 127
city: heavenly, 37; in Oxyrhynchus

sayings, 145; as symbol, 224
Clement of Alexandria, 22, H3n,

121, 222, 234n
Clement of Rome, 125; Second

Epistle to Corinthians, 2 in; for

coniunctio(nes) maxima(e), 82, 96,

97, 98, 111
coniunctio oppositorum, 31, 152,

159, 167, 268; see also opposites,

conjunction of
conscientiousness, 24
consciousness: in Autopator, 191;

broadening of, and opus, 148;

cannot comprehend whole, 110-

11; and causes and ends, 165;



differentiation of, 191; and dis-
crimination, 260; ego and, 3, 24;
ego as subjective, 164; founded
on unconsciousness, 30; God-
image and, 194; limits of its field,
3; monsters and development of,
18 1; myths and coming of, 148;
relation of unconscious manifes-
tations to, 225; and splitting of
Original Man, 204; threshold of,
4; see also ego

consensus omnium j consensus gen-
eralis, 29, 30, 47, 178

constellations, 29

consummation of universe, 254

conversion, 40

copulation, 206; self-, 207

coral, 12571

Corinthians, First Epistle to, (5 : 2),
23^; (10 : 4), 88; (10 : 16), 11571;
(15 : 47), 3972; Second Epistle to
(Clement of Rome), 2in

Cornarius, 191

corpus mysticum, 32

correspondence: in opus alchemi-
cum, 262; principle of, 258; see
also synchronicity

cortex, 127, 137-38

corybants, 2 1 1

Corybas, see Korybas

cosmos, and chaos, 32; see also

Cramer, H., 21371

crazes, 169

creation: Heliopolitan story of, 207;
and opus, 148; of world by devil,

creator: as dreaming, 192; Gnostic
symbols for, 196

creed, 174, 179

crocodile, 244

cross, 6572, 182, 189; as quaternity
symbol, 204, 224; and snake, 7872;
as symbol of God, 195

crucifixion, 69, 70; punishment for
slaves, 7871

crystal, 224

culture hero, Christ as, 36
Cumont, Franz, gin, 11571, 121
Curetes, 211
Cybele, 121
Cyprian, St., 11 272
Cyranides, 138

Dactyls, 212

Dagon, 11572, 121

daimon(ion), 27, 199, 226

Damdad-Nashk, 24672

damnation, eternal, 6in

Daniel, Book of, 74; (2 : 34),
20872; (2 : 35), 20972; (2 : 45), 8872;
(3 ; 24/)> 199; (3 : 25), 12372;
(11 : 36/f), 3672

Dardaris, 50

daughter, 12; and father, 14, 16

David, 79

dawn-state, 148

dealbatio, 148

Dee, John, 221

Degenhardus, 139

De Gubernatis, Angelo, 114

"De igne et sale," 13272

deliberation, 16

Demeter, 12

demiurge, 110, 230; Basilidian, 190;
devil as, 150, 232; Esaldaios, 208;
Gnostic, 150, 196, 197-98; igno-
rant, myth of, 189; Satanael as,
147-48; son of, 190

Democritus (alchemist), 14372, 159

Denderah, 7672, 91

Denzinger, Heinrich, and Bann-
wart, Klemens, 5272, 8372, 25372

Derceto, 73, 104, 111

descensus ad inferos, 39

Deus absconditus, 135

Deussen, Paul, 15272

Deuteronomy, (32 : 17), 107;

(32 : 39). 55
devaluation, of sexuality, 226



devil: as Adversary, 42; his body
of fire, 132^; in Christian dogma,
124; counterpart of God, 61; as
demiurge, 150, 232; and evil, 48;
fourth person, 208; God ruling
world through, 254; in Joachim
of Flora, 86; Origen and fate of,
110; in Protestantism, 41; serpent
as, 188, 230; symbols, in common
with Christ, 72; world created by,
146; see also Satan

dharma, 21771

Didymus of Alexandria, 235/1

Dieterich, Albrecht, 89, 124ft

dilemma, of one and three, 195,
224, 225

din, 58

Diodoros (Megarian philosopher),

Diodorus, 76

Dionysius the Areopagite, 46, 49, 51

Dionysus, 81, 158

Diorphos, 121

Dioscorides, 156ft

Dioscorus, 159ft

Dioscuri, 81

Diotima, 27

discrimination, 121, 258, 260; of the
natures, 79

distillation, circular, 265

disturbance, symptoms of, 29

divisio, 168, 187; see also separatio

doctrinairism, 86

doctrine, Christian, see Christian

Doelger, Franz Josef, 73, 89, 113ft,
114ft, J1 5> J 2i

dog, 150

dogma(s), 169, 174-75; barbarian
peoples and, 175; "belief" in, 178;
believers and, 178ft; drift from,
179; prejudice against, 175; rea-
son for insistence on, 179; and
"sacred history," 179; see also

Dominican order, 83

Domitian, 110

Dorn, Gerhard, 157, 159, 160-64,
166, 169-71, 174, 181, 187ft, 197^,
220, 221ft, 239, 264

dove, 115ft, *39 *97

Dozy, Reinhart, and de Goeje,
M. J., 75ft

drachates j draconites / dracontias,
138, 139, 140

draconite, see drachates

Dragomanov, M., 147ft

dragon, 155, 197; in China, 245;
head of, 100; and snake, 233ft,
244; stone of, 138/; winged and
wingless, 120; and woman, 12,
103-4; see also snake

dream-analysis, 203

dreams, 25, 30, 35, 142, 223, 243;
anima/animus in, 19; childhood,
190; of disoriented student, 134;
fire in, 137ft; f fishes, 151-52;
image of self in, 67; instinctual
foundation of, 203ft; mandalas in,
31; of Passion play and snake,
78ft; quaternary symbols in, 132ft;
shadow in, 120; symbolism in,

Drews, Arthur, 90ft

dualism: in archetypal self, 42; in
Christ-figure, 111; God's human-
ity and, 110; Manichaean, 49, 55,
57ft, 58, 61, 269

duality: man's, 255; symbol for
God, 195

du Cange, Charles, 128ft, 138ft, 154ft

"Duodecim portarum axiomata phi-
losophica," 131ft

"Duodecim tractatus," 156ft, 158

duty, conflicts of, 25, 45

dyad, 194

Dyophysites, 110

Ea, 121

eagle, 64, 72, 120



earth, 264

East, Philosophical, 132

Ebionites, 44, 81, 147, 197

Ecclesiasticus (9 : i8[25]), 1 $5>
(48: 1), 129

echeneis, 140-42, 144, 145, 154-55

echinus, see echeneis

Eckhart, Meister, 87, 135, 189, 193-

ecliptic, 93, 124

Eden, 225, 234; see also Paradise

education, modern, and dissocia-
tion, 181

egg, 220/2, 2397*

ego, 190; acquired during lifetime,
5; approximation to self, 23;
archetypes and, 8; as centre of
personality, 6; Christ's corre-
spondence to, 110; complex na-
ture of, 3; conscious and uncon-
scious in, 4; dependence on
unconscious, 7; effects of anima/
animus on, 16; exponent of self,
223; individuality of, 6; inflation
of, 23-24; its knowledge of itself,
163-64; and metaphysical ideas,
34; not coincident with conscious
personality, 4; overpowering of,
23; perplexity of, 189; relative
abolition of, 45; somatic and psy-
chic bases of, 3, 4; subjective con-
sciousness, 164; subordinate to
self, 5; as total consciousness, 5;
what it is, 3; see also assimilation;

ego-consciousness: differentiation
from unconscious, 24; and psyche,
164; shadow and, 28

Egypt, 209/2; fish-cult in, 121; flight
of Christ to, 103; and Israel, com-
mon symbols, 123; Jews in, 78;
slaying of firstborn in, 58/1

eidos, 34

eight, 224

Eisler, Robert, 90/2, gin, 10311, 104/2,
116/2, 12m

Eleazar, Abraham, 131

electron, 187/1

elements, four, 251, 254, 264/, Plate
I; contained in lapis, 166, 237 8c
n; hate and love of, 17; quaternity
of, 86, 197/2; as stages of fire, 249

elephant, 226

Elephantine, 121

Eleusis: mysteries of, 217; priests of,

Elias, 106, 122/2

elixir vitae, 127, 180

Elogabal, 89/2

Elysian Fields, 30

Emmaus, 113

emotion: not an activity, 9; and the
shadow, 8-9

emotionality, female, 55

Empedocles, 17

enantiodromia, ix, 43, 93, 95, 102,
108, 149, 225, 258

ends, 165

energy, 251

enkekalymmenos, 18

Enlightenment, the, 43, 150

hvoia, 191, 197/2; see also conscious-

"Entkrist," 101

Enurna Elish, 124

environment: influence of, 21; pro-
jections and, 9-10

Ephesians, Epistle to the: (3 : 18),
88/2; (4 : 23), 193/2; (5 : 14), 208

Ephrem the Syrian, St., 140

Epictetus, 213/2

Epidaurus, 188

Epiphanius, 44/2, 57, 66, 72/2, 76/2,
81/2,88, 104, 114, 147, 159/2, 190/2,
197, 202, 208/

Epiphany, 104

epiphenomenon, psyche as, 174

equation, quaternio as, 257/^

equinoctial point, 77^/2

Erman, Adolf, 78



Eros, 11, 12, 19; anima and, 14, 16,

21; a mighty daimon, 27
Esaldaios, 197; "the fourth," 208
eschatological state, 169
eschatology, in New Testament, 36
Esdras II, 12m; (6:49/7), 14772;

(13 : 2ff), 120; (13 : 25), 11572
"Ethiopian woman," 228, 251, 252
Ethiopians, 210
Eubulides, i8n
eucharist, fish and, 113, 11572, 121,


eucharistic: act of integration, 144;
feast, of Ophites, 188; food, Levi-
athan as, 119/

Eucherius, 7272, 100

Euchites, 44, 148

Euphrates, 104, 184-85, 199/, 211,
225, 235, 251, 252

Euthymios Zigabenos, 148

evangelists, four, 36, 195; symbols
of, 123

Eve, 204, 205/, 206, 235; see also

Everlasting Gospel, see Gospel

evil, 41, 46/f; absolute, 10; anima/
animus and, 267; Christianity
and, 109; and disposition of soul,
61; Gnostics and, 230; and good,
44-4572, 46/7, 267; and the north,
124; principle of, as creator, 256;
shadow and, 266-67; see also
privatio boni

evolution, 180

exallatio, of Aphrodite, 112

exaltation, 15672

Exodus, Book of: (2 : 4ff), 210;
(12:22), 58; (15:6), 59;
(15 : 20/), 210; (18 : 27), 22972;

(33 = 5) 58

experience: intersexual, 21/?; sen-
sory and immediate, 3

extrasensory perception, 18472

eyes, seven, 10572

Ezekiel, 101, 10572, 124, 132, 195,
241; (1 : 22), 123; (1 : 26), 123


factors: causal and final, of psychic
existence, 165; see also subjective

fairytales, 149, 169, 180

faith: is absolute, 174; crumbling
away of content, 178; and dogma,
178; rift from knowledge, 173/

Fall, the, 37, 39

Fallopius, Gabriel, 158

Fanianus, Joannes Chrysippus, 157

Farnese Atlas (Naples), 91

father: and daughter, 14; demiurge
as, 190; in female argumentation,
15; God as, 193; idea of, 18/; in
Moses quaternio, 227; "signs of
the," 190; as unconscious, 191

father-animus, 210

father-mother, symbol for God, 195

fear, of unconscious, 33

feeling, 31, 178; function of value,

feeling-tones, 28, 33; subjective and

objective, 29
feeling-value, 28, 31
female, see male and female
femininity, man's, 2in
Ferguson, John, 13372
"Fidelissima et jucunda instructio

de arbore solari," 14072, 154
Fierz-David, Hans Eduard, 25171
Fierz-David, Linda, 1372
fifth, the, 225

filius macrocosmi, 66, 127, 155, 237
fdius philosophorum, 66, 127, 155,

fire, 101, 264; in alchemy, 130^, 252;

as dream-symbol, 13272, 13772;

four aspects of, 132, 249/f; and

water, 225
firmament, 164

Firmicus Maternus, Julius, 88
firstborn, slaying of the, 5872
fish(es): 189, 244; aeon of the, 62;

allegory of the damned, 122; in

Arab tradition, 123; assimilation



of Christ-figure, 182; Atargatis
cult and, 121; bad qualities of,
112; beneath the earth, 145;
Christ and, 92, 113, 120; Christ
and age of, 92, 111; and Christ as
Ichthys, 115; Christian significance
of, 114; direction of, 91; "drawn
from the deep," 7gn, 120; eaten
by Christ, 12m; and fire, 135-36;
golden, dream of, 151-52; great,
as shadow of God, 119; - , split-
ting of, 119; historical significance
of, 103/f; in Jewish symbolism,
115, 121; Lambspringk's symbol
of reversed, 150; and Leviathan,
120; miraculous draught of, 89;
as mother and son, 111, 114;
originally one, 111; pagan sym-
bolism, 115/; Platonic month of,
ix, 149; in primitive Christianity,
188; "round," 127/f, 137-38, 140,
144; as ruling powers, 147, 149; as
sepulchral symbol, 115; and ser-
pent, 186; sign (K) of the, 72/f,
91; - , a double sign, 111; - ,
twelfth, of zodiac, 118; Southern,
n in, 112; symbol, ambivalence
of, n8#; -, of Christ, 67, 72/?,
89; - , in Eastern religions, 73;
- , of love and religion, 129; - ,
of self, 226; - , of soul, 122; sym-
bolism of, and self, 183; yoked,
145, 147, 148-49; zodiacal, in
Lambspringk, 145

fish-deities, Semitic, 121

fisherman, 112

fish-glue, 127/1

five, 224

fixation, 168

Flaccianus, 72*2

flatus vocis, 32

"flesh," the, 233

flood, god who dwells in, 211

flower, as symbol of self, 226

Fludd, Robert, 26271

Fomalhaut, 11 in, 112

font, baptismal, 73

formlessness, 66

four, see elements s.v. four

"fourth," the, 184, 252

Franciscan order, 83

Franz, Marie-Louise von, ix, 88n,
2 ion, 22on, 262n

Free Spirit: Brethren of the, 84,
150; and Eckhart, 194

freedom: of ego, limited, 7; moral,
26; subjective feeling of, 5

French Revolution, 43, 98, 233

Freud, Sigmund, 165, 20371; sexual-
istic approach to psyche, 226

frivolity, and evil, 61-62

Frobenius, Leo, 11 in

fructificatio, 83

functions: anima/animus as, 20;
differentiated and undifferenti-
ated, 195; four, of consciousness,
258, 259; quaternity of, 196; ra-
tional, 28; reflex, 233; sensory,
rivers as, 199; and space-time
quaternio, 253

Gaedechens, Rudolf, 9m

Galileo, 34

gall, fish's, 137

Gamaliel the Elder, ii3n

Gamow, George, 26on

garbha griha, 2i^n

Gargaros, 2o6n

Garnerius, 100, 125ft

gate, narrow, 200

Gayomart, 246

Gehenna, fire of, 131

Gemini (X), 77, 8on, 81, 83n

Genesis, Book of, 204, 235; (1 : 2),
148, 237; (1 : 7), i8 4 n; (18 : 23),
59; (28 : 17), 21472; (44 : 5), 21m

Genesis, Johannine, 80

"genius," man's, 45

geomancy, 261

Gerard of Borgo San Donnino, 82

Gerhardt, Oswald, 74n, 75n, 77

Germanic peoples, 175



Geryon, 211

Gihon, 199, 225, 235

"Gloria mundi," 8872, 130

Gnosticism/Gnostics, 58, 93, 181,
192, 196/f, 269; and alchemy, 173,
232; Christ-figure in, 203; and
demiurge, 15072; Eckhart and,
194; and evil, 41, 46, 109/; and
Holy Ghost, 86; and magnetism,
154; and psyche, 174; as psycholo-
gists, 222; quaternio among,
242/f, 254/f; and symbols of self,
184/f; and unconscious, 190-91;
and water, 159/2

god: dying, 206; "earthly," Mercu-
rius as, 232

God: absolute, 143; of Basilidians,
190; fish as shadow of, 119; and
man, affinity, 209; in Old and
New Testaments, 192; pneuma
and soma in, 254; quaternary
view of, 25372; symbols for, 195;
threefold sonship, 64; two sons of,
147; union of natures in, 110;
will of, 26/; without conscious-
ness, 192; of wrath and of love,

God-eating, 144

Godhead: in Eckhart, 193; Second
Person of, 196; unconscious, 193

God-image: alchemy and, 125;
anthropomorphic, 55, 67; centre
as, 219; in Christ and man, 38;
Christian doctrine as expressing,
174; an experience, 194; human
element in, 121; incomplete, 120;
reformation of, 40; results of de-
struction of, 109; self as, 63, 109;
and transcendent centre in man,
171; transformations of, and
changes in consciousness, 194;
and wholeness, 198; Yahwistic,
58; see also Imago Dei

God-man, archetype, 181-82

"gods": anima/animus as, 21; ithy-
phallic, 211; theriomorphic at-
tri butes of, 29

goddess, heavenly, 13
Goethe, J. W. von, 208, 234
Gog and Magog, 79, 8072, 107
gold, in alchemy, 264
good and evil, see evil
Goodenough, Erwin R., 7372, 9072,

11372, 11572, 117, 12072, 12272, 14572

Gospel, Everlasting, 82, 85, 88
gospels: miraculous element in, 177;

synoptic, 93
grace: divine, 129; restoration

through, 39; state of, 34
grape, 200

Grasseus, Johannes, 139
Gratarolus, Gulielmus, 14672, 23272
gravity, spirit of, 11672
Great Bear, 123, 124
Great Mother(s), 8972, 112, 199, 210
green /greenness, 30, 245
Gregory the Great, St., 101, 20572,

Grenfell, B. P., and Hunt, A. S., 3771
ground, universal, 195, 200; Gnostic

symbols for, 196/?
Guignebert, Charles, 21372
gyne (woman), 10472


Habakkuk, Book of, (2 : 3), 60

Haggard, H. Rider, 26772

Hahn, Christoph Ulrich, 84, 14572,

Haly, 23972

Hanan ben Tahlifa, Rabbi, 8072
handwriting, 230
Hapi, 123

Harnack, Adolf, 5472, 25472
Harran, 126
Hartmann, E. von, 6
Hathor, Temple of, 91
heaven(s), 155; in Ascension of

Isaiah, 57; four pillars of, 123;

iron plate in, 122-23; kingdom

of, 145; lapis in, 170; northern,




Heb-Sed festival, 198

Hecate, 21

Heidegger, Johann Heinrich, 7671

Heimarmene, 9371, 137/1

Helen (Selene), 21

Helen (in Simon Magus), 19771

Heliogabalus, 8971

hell, 135; St. Basil on, 129; eternity
of, 110; fire of, 131, 132; God's
love in, 125

hemispheres, 134

hemlock, 21771

Hennecke, Edgar, 5771

Henry II, of France, 95

heptad, 19771

Hera, 20671; Babylonian, 116

Heracles, 81

Heraclitus, 219, 250

heresies, 150

hermaphrodite, 159, 211, 234, 248;
and elevated places, 206; Original
Man as, 204; stone as, 246; sym-
bol for God, 195

Hermaphroditus, 127

Hennas, "Shepherd" of, 88ti, 103,

Hermes, 21, 155, 209, 234, 245; bird
of, 221; ithyphallic, 230; Krioph-
oros, 103; Kyllenian/Kyllenios,
201, 211, 212, 232; Naassene view
of, 208; "Ter Unus," 177; see also
Mercurius/ Mercury

Hertz, Martin, 13671

Heru-ur, 78, 122-23, 13271

hesed, 58

hexad, 228

hexagrams, 260

Hiddekel, 225, 235

hieros gamos, 12, 39-40, 8971, 206

Hierosolymus, 7671

Hinduism, and Buddhism, 176

Hipparchus, 81, 91

Hippocrates, 20m

Hippolytus, 1, 64, 6571, 66, 7571,
88/i, 114, 139, 173, 184, 186, 187,
191, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 208/f,
222, 22371, 226, 23071, 233, 254

hiranyagarbha, 246

Hitler, Adolf, 102

Hoghelande, Theobald de, 137,
23971, 240

Holderlin, Friedrich, 29

Hollandus, Johannes Isaacus, 23571

Holy Ghost, 135, 162; age of, 82-
83, 85-86; espousal of, 86; fire of,
129, 131; indwelling of, 88;
movement, 85-86, 87, 89, 150

Homer: Iliad, 20671, 21871; Odyssey,
20871, 209, 216

homo: altus, 232; coelestis, 39;
maximus, 198; quadratus, 264

homosexual, 12

homunculus, 232, 246

Honorius of Autun, 101 n

hook, fish-, 11271

horos, 6571

horoscope, 136-37, 224; zodia in,

horse, 226

Horus, 104, 122; four sons of, 122,
123, 124, 132, 240, 243; "older,"
78; quaternio, 243; see also Heru-

house, as symbol, 224/

Hugh of Strasbourg, 8071, 10271

human figure, as symbol of self, 225,

Hurwitz, Sigmund, 22671, 26871

hyacinth, 139

hydromedusa, 134

hyle, 79

hypochondriac ideas, 169

hysteria, 20371; collective, 181

Ialdabaoth, 75, 208

Ibn Ezra, 108

/ Ching, 11871, 260

Ichthys: Adonis as, 121; Christ as,

183; Christ or Attis as, 15271;

Christian, 112, 119-20, 121; son

of Derceto, 104, 111; see also




ideals, collective, 29

Idechtrum, 213

Ideler, Christian Ludwig, 124ft

identification, with intellectual

standpoint, 31
identity, 18; of hunter and prey,

112; of lowest and highest, 246
Ides/Ideus, 213
idiosyncrasy (-ies), 169, 200
Ignatius Loyola, St., 165
ignis, see fire
ignorance, 191

illusion, 11, 16; see also may a
image of God: Christ and the soul

as, 37; see also imago Dei
imagination, active, 19, 223, 243
imago, of mother, 11, 12, 14
imago Dei, 31, 37, 3871, 41, 260; see

also God-image; image of God
Imhullu, 120
"immutability in the new rock," 84,


impulses, 27

"In Turbam philosophorum exer-
citationes," 126

incarnation, 179; fish and, 121

incest, 206, 210, 228, 229

incompletude, sentiment d', 9

increatum, 237

India: development of symbol in,
176, 217ft; Eckhart and, 194; fish
in, 114; religions of, 70; thought
of, 175

Indian influences, 223

Indies, 133-34

individuality, and ego, 6

individuation, 39, 40, 45, 200; apoc-
atastasis in, 169; Christianity and,
70; as mysterium coniunctionis,
64; opus and, 264; repressed, 70;
self and, 167; stone compared
with, 170; symbolized in dreams,

infans, 127

infection, psychic, 24871
inferiority, 9, 17
inflation, 25; of ego, 23-24; nega-

tive, 62; peril of, 24; religious, 84
inhabitant, of house, 225
initiation, in mysteries, 261
Innocent III, Pope, 83, 99
innocents, massacre of, 103
Inquisition, 145
insight, intellectual, insufficiency of,

instinct(s), 21, 26, 31, 40-41, 145,

179, 234; archetype image of, 179;

individual and common, 7; snake

symbol of, 244
"Instructio de arbore solari," 14071,

integration, 30, 40, 200; of collective

unconscious, 39; of contents of

anima/animus, 20; mandala and,

32; of shadow, 22; of unconscious

contents, 23
intellect, and values, 32
intellectualism, 86, 150
intensity, of idea, 28
"Interpretatio . . . epistolae Alex-
andria 16771
Interrogationes maiores Mariae,

202, 207
Irenaeus, 4m, 45-46, 54, 6571, 6671,

lion, 15071, 196, 19771, 2i8n, 21971
Iron Age, fourth, 108
iron-stone, magnetic, 15671
irrationality, 17
Isaac, 9071
Isaiah, Ascension of, see Ascension

of Isaiah
Isaiah, Book of: (14 : 12/f), 100;

(14 : 31), ioiti; (26 : 20), 59;

(27 : 1), 118, 119; (28 : 10), 21071;

(30 : 18), 60; (33 : 14), 14471;

(66 : 7), 105 ^
Ishmael, Rabbi, 60
Ishtar, 112

Isidore of Seville, St., 15471
Isidorus (Gnostic), 234
Isis, 104

Islam, 5471, 76, 9571, 99, 176
Israel and Egypt, common symbols,




Jacob, 214

Jacobi, Jolande, 253*2

Ja'far ibn Muhammad (Abu Ma'-

shar) al-Balkhl, see Albumasar
James, Epistle of, 135; (3 : 5), 13572;

(3 = 6), 135

James of Sarug, 75

James, Montague Rhodes, 3772,

Jeans, Sir James, 25872

jelly-fish, 128, 134, 137-38, 15472

Jeremiah, Book of: (1 : 13), 101;
(1 : 14), 100

Jeremias, Alfred, 7372, 74, 112, 12472

Jesuits, 58

Jesus, 1, 65, 144, 201; faith and per-
sonality of, 178-79; as God-man,
35; Makarios, 200; Passion of, 64,
65, 67; in Pistis Sophia, 78-79;
relation to Christ, 67; and separa-
tion of categories, 64; as third
sonship, 67; a trichotomy, 65; as
"truth sprouting from earth," 79;
see also Christ

Jethro, 20972, 210, 228/, 244

Joachim of Flora, 82-83, 84, 86, 87,
149, 150, 253, Plate II

Job, 60, 108, 120

Job, Book of, 42, 58, 118; (26:7),
100; (26 : 12), 120; (26 : 13), 12072;
(27 : 21), 101; (41), 11972

Jochanan, Rabbi, 60

Johannes de Lugio, 14672

John, St., 145; Epistles of, 43, 68;
First Epistle of (4 : 3), 3672; Reve-
lation of, see Revelation

John, Gospel of, 148; (1), 21872;
{11 iff), 211; (1:2), 148; (i: 4 )
211; (3 : 12), 202, 203; (4 : 10),
18472, 185, 19972; (5 : 2), 13 m;
(6:54), 202; (7:38), 214; (10:9).
18572; (10 : 34), 89, 20972; (14 : 6),
200; (18 : 36), 3772

John the Baptist, 19272

John Chrysostom, St., 48/

John of Paris, 8072

Jonah, 117; sign of, 111

Jonathan, Rabbi, 60

Jordan, 210-11

Joseph (father of Jesus), 78-79

Josephus, 76

Joshua, 111

jot, 218

Jothor, 209, 210

Judaeus (son of Set), 7672

Judaism, 58/f; Messianism in, 107

judgments: good/evil as, 53; moral,

Jung, Carl Gustav:

cases: student who dreamed of
jelly-fish, 134; young woman
with intense inner life who
dreamed of fishes, 151-52
works: "Answer to Job," 8772;
Commentary on The Secret of
the Golden Flower, 18272;
"Concerning Mandala Symbol-
ism," 4072, 21972; "Concerning
Rebirth," 11172; "Instinct and
Unconscious," 872; Memories,
Dreams, Reflections, 13472; Mys-
terium Coniunctionis, 1372,
23572; "On the Nature of the
Psyche," 4, 872, 2472, 16472, 17472,
17972; "On Psychic Energy,"
2972; "Paracelsus the Physi-
cian," 13372, 21372; "Paracelsus
as a Spiritual Phenomenon,"
21172, 21472, 23972, 24272; "The
Phenomenology of the Spirit in
Fairytales," 5572, 8572, 9972,
15972, 20372, 22472, 22972; "The
Philosophical Tree," 23572; "A
Psychological Approach to the
Dogma of the Trinity," 3772,
8672, 15272, 15372, 22472, 24672,
253^; Psychological Types, 2872,
11672, 15972, 22372, 22472, 25372;
Psychology and Alchemy, 3172,
3772, 4072, 6372, 6472, 6772, 7872,
87, 11672, 12572, 13472, 13672,
14072, 15272, 15572, 182, 19071,



Jung, Carl Gustav (cont.):

19771, 19971, 23771, 23971, 24m,
24371, 24571, 25971, 262, 26471;
"The Psychology of the Child
Archetype," 3 m; "The Psy-
chology of Eastern Medita-
tion," 13571, 15 in, 20471;
"Psychology and Religion,"
8771, 18271; "Psychology of the
Transference," 1371, 2271, 6471,
15971, 16771, 20971, 22571, 22871,
22971, 24271, 24371; "The Psy-
chology of the Trickster Fig-
ure," 20371; "The Relations
between the Ego and the Un-
conscious," 2171, 2371, 6371,
18271; "The Spirit Mercurius,"
4371, 8671, 13671, 15271, 16871,
20371, 21271, 23271, 23571, 25371;
"A Study in the Process of In-
dividuation," 6571, 6771, 19071,
20471, 21971, 25371, 25971; Sym-
bols of Transformation, 10171,
inn, 13271; "Synchronicity,"
18471, 25871; "Transformation
Symbolism in the Mass," 14471,
22071, 23871; "t)ber das Selbst,"

Jupiter (u), 74, 76, 77, 78, 81, 82,
8371, 95, 97; moons of, 34

jurisprudence, and consciousness, 5

justice, of Yahweh, see Yahweh

Justin Martyr, 173, 177, 230


Ka-mutef, 206
Kant, Immanuel, 6
karma, 14071, 27m
Kaulakau, 210
Kelchner, Ernst, 10271
Kena Upanishad, 223
Kepler, Johann, 7771, 173, 207
kerygmatics, 177
Keshava, 114
Kewan, 7571
Khidr legend, 1 1 1

Khunrath, Heinrich Conrad, 88,
156, 220

kibla, 124

king(s), deification of, 198; divine

right of, 177
kingdom(s), heavenly/of God, 37;

two, in pseudo-Clement, 55
"kingless race," 260
Kings, First Book of, 59; (22 : 19),

kingship, and self, 198
Kircher, Athanasius, 262/
Kirchmaier, Georg Caspar, 11671
Klaus, Brother, 25
Knapp, Martin Johann, 8171
Kohut, Alexander, 24671
Kolorbas, 195
Korah, children of, 106
Koran, 11171
Kore, 104
Korion, 104
Korybas, 199, 211-12
krater, 6571, 19171
Kurma, 176
Kyrios, 182

lac virginis, 160

"Ladder of the Twin Gods," 122

Lagarde, Paul A. de, 5671

Laiblin, Wilhelm, 14971

lake, as symbol of self, 226

Lamb, 103; in Apocalypse, 9071,

105/; Church as Bride of, 204;

marriage of the, 12, 36, 268
Lambspringk, 9271, 145, 150
lamp, 112
lapis (philosophorum), 68, 87, 127,

i39 J43' *55 *59> l8 2> 2o8 > 2 3 6 #>
247#, 263; fish as symbol of, 126/f;
found only in heaven, 170; par-
allel of Christ, 237; quaternio,
238^; as rock, 88; and serpent,
245; symbol of self, 268; thousand
names of, 182, 189; "uncomeli-
ness" of, 140; union of opposites
in, 247/; see also stone

lapis angularis (Christ), 208

lapis animalis, 157




lapis exilis, 30

lapis vegetabilis, 159

Lateran Council, Fourth, 52/1, 82,
83^ 253/1

lawlessness, man of, 3672

Layard, John Willoughby, 24271

lead, 139

Leda, 81

left, see right and left

legends, 169

Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 6, 16411,

lethargia, 20872

Lethe, and unconscious, 20872

Leto, 104

Leviathan, 123, 147ft, J ^ 2 ' battle
with Behemoth, 80, 108; eucha-
ristic food, 112, 120; fish and, 120;
male and female, 118

Levy-Bruhl, Lucien, 29

Lexicon medico-chymicum, 15472

Libavius, Andreas, 158

liberty, idea of, 29

libido, 13271, 256; kinship, 243

Libra (=o=), 7772, 83

Libya, 138

life-process, psychic interpretation
of, 4

light, transcendent nature of, 6371

Lightfoot, Joseph Barber, 21371

lime, unslaked, 130; see also quick-

lingam, 21772

lion(s), 120; Michael and, 75; sym-
bol of Christ, 72; of the tribe of
Judah, 105; two, 150

lodestone, 18972; see also magnet

Logos, 148, 187/, 201, 252; animus
and, 14, 16, 21; cosmogonic, 211;
Gnostic, 202; Hermes as, 201; as
magnetic agent, 188; Protan-
thropos as, 209; serpent as, 188,

X670S airepfiariKos, 207

love: fish as symbol of, 129; at first
sight, 15; God's, in hell, 125; lan-
guage of, 15

love-magic, 140

love-potion, 138

Loyola, see Ignatius

Lucian, 212

lucidus, 13872, 13972

Lucifer, 72, 125

Lugio, Johannes de, 146

Luke, Gospel of: (5 : 10), 89;
(6 : 35) 8 9> 20972; (11 : 29/), inn;
(16 : 8), 14672; (16 : 17), 21872;
(17 : 2o#), 37; (19: i2#), 166;
(19 : 27), 10672; (24 : 42), 12172;
(24:43), 113

Lully (Lull), Raymond, 23972

Luna, 235; see also moon

Luther, Martin, 89, 235; as Anti-
christ, 102

Lycia, 121


Maag, Victor, 18272

Macrobius, Ambrosius Theodosius,

macrocosm, 214
Magi, 89, 132
magic, 140, 242
magnesia, 155-57, 159, 160
magnet, 133, 154/?, 184, 18772; of the

wise, 142, 155
magnetic agent, three forms of, 188
magnetism, 13372; of fish, 154;

Gnostics and, 184/?
Magog, see Gog and Magog
Magus, 16772

Mahomet, 97; see also Mohammed
Maier, Michael, 18772, 220, 249, 252,

264, pi. I
Maimonides, Moses, 11671, 11971
Mainyo-i-Khard, 24672
Majui, 8ot2
maladaptation, 27
Malchuth, 268
male and female, 55
man: complete, water as, 200;

higher, in Moses quaternio, 228;



man (cont.):

inner, 208/, 228; One, 205; Orig-
inal, 198, 200, 201, 203, 204, 211,
214, 216, 237, 239, see also Adam,
Anthropos, Archanthropos, Pro-
tanthropos; perfect, 212/; pneu-
matic, 256; primordial, 36

"man," in II Esdras, 120

mana, 25171

Mandaeans, 124

mandala(s), 64, 152, 219, 241, 253;
Christ in Christian, 36; rotation
of, 259; in student's dream, 134;
symbols of order, 31/, 135; totality
images, 40, 268; and unconscious
personality, 204; vessel as, 240

Manget, Jean Jacques (Joannes
Jacobus Mangetus), i26n

Manichaeans/Manichaeism, 48, 49,
55 57"-> 5 8 > 6in ; 99, see also

Manu, 73; fish of, 113/

Marcionites, 49

Marduk, 120, 124

Maria, axiom of, 153, 251

Maria the prophetess, 240

Mariam, see Miriam

Mariette, Francois A. F., 7671

Marinus, 54

Mark, Gospel of, (10 : 18), 58/1

marriage: of Christ and the Church,
39; classes, 22; as conscious rela-
tionship, 243; constellation of un-
conscious in, 242; cross-cousin, 22,
2ogn, 229, 242/; mingling of
subtle with dense, 16771; of
mother and son, 12; quaternio,
22, 64, 209, 210, 229, 242, 252

Mars ( $ ), 7972, 95

Marxism, 181

Mary: as fountain, 116; in Gnostic
symbolism, 202, 204, 205; in Pistis
Sophia, 78

Mary, the Virgin, 205; Assumption,
87; Immaculate Conception, 8771;
as substitute for Church, 2 in

masculinity, woman's, 2 m

Masenius, Jacobus, 15471

mass man and evil, 166

massa confusa, 148, 155, 234, 236

Mater Alchimia, 173, 232

materialism, 109, 150, 176, 181, 233,

257, 260
mathematics, 261
Matsya, 176

matter, numinosity of, 66, 260
Matthew, Gospel of, loin, 20 in;

(2 : iff), 89; (3 : 2), i 9 2n; (4 : 19),

89; (5 : 3) 193; (5 = 8). 2i7n;
(5:18), 2i8tz; (5:48), 6 9 n;
(7 : 14), 20on; (10 : 34), 187;
(12:39), inn; (13:24). 37";
03:45)' 37"; (16:4), in";
(17:4), i22n; (18:23), 37";
(19 : 17), 58n, 20m; (21 : 19),
io6n; (22 : 2), 37n; (22 : 7), 26n;

(27 = i5ff)> 90
may a, 11, 13
meaning, 27

Mechthild of Magdeburg, St., 205/
mediator, 237n, 239; animus as, 16;

man as, 255/
medicament, incorrupt, 170
medulla, 205, 233
medusa, 126$
Meerpohl, Franz, 219
megalomania, 17
Meir ben Isaac, 118
Melusina, 235
memory, 4

mendicant orders, 82, 83
Mephistopheles, 234
Mercurius/ Mercury ( ), 76, 77n,

7 8 > 95> 97 i3 131* i6i> 171* i 8 7'
232, 249/, 252; as anima mundi,
136; and double aspect of water,
180; double/duplex nature of,
150, 252/, 254; "non vulgi," 155,
234; philosophical, see Mercurius
"non vulgi"; and the Pole, 133,
135; synonyms for, 241; as tree-
numen, 235; as trickster, 203n;
as Virgo, 127
mercy, of Yahweh, 59, 60



Mesopotamia, 74, 214

Messahala, 82/2

Messiah(s), 106/f, 121; ben Joseph
and ben David, 107; birth of,
105, 149; coming of, 74, 118;
two, 107, 108; in Zohar, 214

Mestha, 123

metals, 246

fierdvoia, 192

metaphysical ideas, 34, 35

metaphysics: Jung and, 195/1; psy-
chology and, 54, 61, 67, 194, 198

Metatron, 214

Meyer, Karl H., 146

Michael (angel), 75

Michaias, 57

microcosm/microcosmos, 155, 164,
214; wandering, 213

microphysics, 174

Midrashim, 59; Midrash Tanchuma
(Shemoth), 5971, 118/2, 119/2

mind, transformation of, 192

Miriam, 209, 210, 228, 244

Mithraic: liturgy, 124; monuments,

9 1

Mithras, 121, 124

modesty, 25

Mohammed, 102; see also Mahomet

molecular movement, 250/

mollusc, 128

monad(s), 189, 218/; Kircher's, 262-
63; in Sabellius, 253/1

monasticism, 82/, 85, 89

monks, as fishes, 113

Monoimos, 218/, 222/

Monophysites, 110

monotheism, 268

monsters: attri butes of death, 120;
horned, 105; sea, see Behemoth,
Leviathan; splitting of, 119/

moods, 17

Moon ( ]) ), 76, 77, 155, 249; celes-
tial horn of, 211

morality, 25

Morienus Romanus, 166, 168

morphomata, 81

Moses, 74, 107, 122/2, 209/1, 210,

227#, 244
Moses quaternio, 227/?, 243/, 251,

Moses ha-Darshan, 106
mother, 155; chthonic, 22; higher,

in Moses quaternio, 228; search

for, 11; as symbol, 1 1 ; and son,

12; see also Great Mother(s);

mountain, 203, 209; as symbol of

self, 226
Muenter, Friedrich, 74
mumia, 213/

mummy, 122; see also mumia
Mundus, 137
Musaeum hermeticum, 88/2, 130/2,

13m, 133/1, 145/1, 150/1, 22m,

mussel-shell, 127/
Mut, 206

"mutilation of the soul," evil as, 48
Mylius, Johann Daniel, 88/2, 139,

156/1, 187/1, 197/2, 221, 235/2, 237/2,

mysteries, Eleusinian, 217
mysterium coniunctionis, 64
mysterium iniquitatis, 44, 86
mysticism, Jewish, 108
mythologem: of Amen, 206; dying

god, 206; fish as, 138
"mythological" aspects, 30
mythology, 35; comparative, 34;

and dogma, 179
myths, 35, 149; cosmogonic, 148;

gods in, 177; and unconscious

processes, 180


Naas, 199, 230, 232

Naassenes, 64, 75, 88, 89, 184/, 197,

198, 199, 200, 201, 208/, 241,

226/; see also quaternio
name, and thing, 32
Nanni, Giovanni, 102/2



naphtha, 185

Naples: Farnese Atlas, 91

Nathan, Rabbi, 11371

nature: Christianity and, 174; im-
provement of, 143; individual, of
Christ's disciples, 211; rejoices in
nature, 159; two powers of, 123

natures, changing of the, 166

Nazis, 102

necromancy, 262

negligence, evil and, 62

Negroes, 210

nekyia, 209

Nelken, Jan, 3371

Nematophora, 128

Neoplatonists, 126

Nero, 102

Neumann, Erich, 11671, 14871, 18371

neurosis(es), 20, 180, 181, 189

neurotic disturbances, 169

New Testament: devil in, 86; escha-
tology, 36; Jesus in, 179; snake in,
245; see also names of individual

Nicholas of Cusa, 22571

Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 260

night-heron, 72

night sea journey, 111

Nigidius Figulus, Publius, 136

nigredo, 148, 149, 194, 210; see also

Nina, 121

Nippur, 124

nirdvandva, 191

nodes, 253

North, the, 99/f; in ancient history,
125; Ezekiel and, 124; King of
the, 125; Mithras and, 124

North Star, 133

Nostradamus, Michel, 95/f, 125, 126

"nothing but," 179

nous, 21; descent to Physis, 233;
krater filled with, 19 m; Mercu-
rius symbol of, 168; serpent as,
186, 188, 230, 232; unconscious,

"Novi luminis chemici Tractatus

alter de sulphure," 13171
Numbers, Book of: (12 : 10), 210;

(16), 10671; (24 : 16), 5971; (24 : 17),

Numbers, see dyad; triad; quater-

nity; heptad; ogdoad; three; four;

five; eight; twelve
Nun, 111, 121

Oannes, 73, 112, 121, 201

observation, uncertainty of, 226

obsessions, 169

obsidian, 138, 13971

ocean /Oceanus, 209, 212, 214, 218

Oehler, Franciscus, 191

ogdoad, 110, 196, 19771, 226; archon
of the, 190

Old Testament, 70; see also names
of individual books

olive, 200

Olympiodorus, 23971, 264

Olympus, 164

omega element, 238

Onians, Richard Broxton, 21271

Ophites, 188

Ophiuchus, 111

opinionatedness, 16

opinions, 21: archetypes and, 17;
Logos and, 15

opposites: alchemical, linked to-
gether, 244; anima/animus, 268;
annihilation of, 70; Christ/Satan,
44-4571; cinedian stone and, 139;
coincidence of, 124; - , in God-
head, 193; conjunction of, 40, 70,
194, see also coniunctio opposi-
torum; day/night, 123; equiva-
lence of, 61; Father as without,
191; good/evil, 47, 123; Heru-ur/
Set, 123; husband/ wife, 204;
identity of, symbols and, 129/;
kosmos/chaos, 123; life/death,
123; light /darkness, 223; moral



accentuation of, 70; never unite
at own level, 180; pairs of, see
also syzygy(ies); problem of, and
neurosis, 180; serpents, 11872;
tension of, 31, 91, 247/; union of,
264; - , in astrology, 77, 87; - ,
and salvation, 195; - , in stone,
170; - , and unconsciousness, 193

opsianus, 138

opus, 237; as apocatastasis, 169; and
creation of world, 148, 234; and
individuation, 264

Oracula sibyllina, 7372

order: mandalas symbols of, 31;
principle of, 195

Origen, 37, 38/2, 41, 44-4572, 75, 81,
9071, 11472, 204/, 215, 234; and
the devil, 110

Orion, 136

Orosius, 23071

Orpheus, 103

Orphos, 121

Osiris, 122, 123, 198, 199, 201

Osob, 146, 147/1,, 200

Ostanes, 15971, 23771, 24572

oxen, fishes and, 145, 147, 148/

Oxford English Dictionary, 25

oxyrhynchus (fish), 122

Oxyrhynchus, fish- worship at, 121

Oxyrhynchus fragments, 3772, 144,

paganism, 96; return of, in Europe,

pair, royal, in Moses quaternio, 228
Palestine, 74, 138
Pan, 199
Pandolfus, 156
Pandora, 241
panic, 33
panspermia, 200

Pantheus, Joannes Augustinus, 13972
Papa, 213
Papyri Graecae Magicae, 126

Paracelsus, 164, 181, 213, 214, 237

para-da, 152

Paradise: four rivers of, 184, 199,
215, 227, 235, 243; Garden of
Eden, 25472; Leviathan eaten in,
113; quaternio, 234/, 236/, 243,
245, 254; as symbol, 189

paradox, 70

Parmenides, 13772, 143

par thenogenesis, 35

Par thenon, 20372

Passion, of Jesus, see Jesus

Passover, 119

Patarenes, 83

patience, 24

Paul, St., 39, 174, 176, 177, 178, 191;
Epistles of, 68; see also names of
separate Epistles

Pauli, W., 20772

Paulicians, 148

Paulinus of Nola, 6572

pearl, round, 12772

Pectorios inscription, 8972, 113, 11672

pelican, 239

penetration, 12072

Pentecost, 129

Pepi I, 88n, 122

Peratic doctrine, 185/

perception(s): conversion of stimuli
into, 4; endosomatic, 3; psyche
and, 32

Perdition, Son of, 36

peregrinatio, 133

perfection: Christ as, 39; and com-
pleteness, 68/; evil as lack of, 41

perforation, 1 2072

Pernety, Antoine Joseph, 155, 160/

Perpetua, St., Passion of, 210

Persephone, 12, 21, 217

personality: changes of, 6; dissocia-
tion of, 180; double, 120; ego as
centre of, 6; inferior, see shadow;
of Jesus, 178/; not coincident
with ego, 5; self as total, 5; total
description of, impossible, 5

perversions, intellectual, 169

Pesahim, see Talmud



Peter, St., 89; in Clementine

Homilies, 56
Peter, First Epistle of; (2 : 4), 88;

(2:4/), 17m; (2:5), 88
Peter Damian, St., 113
Peter Lombard, 25371
Peters, C. H. F., and Knobel, E. B.,

11", 9371
phallicism: Gnostic, 232; uncon-
scious, 226
phallus, 201/, 226
pharmakon athanasias, 116
phenomenology, individual, and

collective unconscious, 179
Philale thes, Eirenaeus, 132, 13371,

Philippians, Epistle to the (3 : 12),

phlogiston theory, 250/
phobias, 169
Phrat, see Euphrates
Phrygians, 198, 213; see also Naas-

phylokrinesis, 64, 79, 25871
physics: collision of psyche with,

174; nuclear, 261; and psychology,

Physis, 198, 233, 247, 249, 259
Phyton, 131
Picinellus, Philippus, 11 2ft, 11371,

12272, 129, 135
Pisces: aeon, middle of, 150; zodi-
acal sign for, 91, 114; see also

pisciculi Christianorum, 103
piscina, 89

Piscis Austrinus, mn
Pison, 199, 225, 235
Pistis Sophia, 7572, 78/, 9371, 12271,

13772, 19772
Pius IX, Pope, 8772
planets, influence of, 148
Plato, 246; Phaedrus, 64; Timaeus,


Platonic Tetralogies, Book of, see
"Platonis liber quartorum"

"Platonis liber quartorum," 19772,
238, 26172

Pleiades, 136

pleroma, 4172, 46, 6672, 21972

Pliny, 128, 138, 144, 15672, 177

Plotinus, 219

plough, 148/

Plutarch, 76, 121, 12272

pneuma, 21, 83; and Barbelo, 19772;
feminine, 206; in God, 254; hid-
den in stone, 245; of Jesus, 79;
winged beings as, 120

Trvev/JLariKos (-ot), 21 2^72, 21 972

Pohl, Otto, 11372

Poimandres, 103

Poimen, see Hermas

point, 189, 198/, 218, 222; in al-
chemy, 220/

pole, 133-34; centre in North, 171;
heavenly, 123/, 224; North, hid-
den God at, 135; - , magnetism
of, 154

Polemon, 7672

Pollux, 81

polydemonism, 175

polytheism, 175, 268

Poor Men of Lyons, 83, 146, 150

Pordage, John, 16372, 235

Poseidon, 216

Prajapati, 20772

precession of equinoxes, 81, 92, 95

prefigurations, 261

Preisendanz, Karl, 12672

Priapus, 230

prima materia, 132, 142, 161, 162,
237; alchemical laborant as, 168;
anima and, 187; lapis as, 127, 236,
264; production of, 155; as psy-
chic situation, 155; synonyms of,

primum mobile, 131

principium individuationis, 64

Priscillian, 88, 136, 23072

privatio from'/privation of good, 41,
4572, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 58, 61, 6272,
110, 269; see also evil

problems, moral, 25/



projection (s): anima and, 13; ani-
ma/animus, 17, 242; dissolution
of, 18/; effect of, 9/; impersonal
withdrawal of, 23; mandala and,
32; in Mary, 204; and mother-
imago, 12; reality of factor mak-
ing, 24; and reality of psyche,
66n; shadow and, 9

Protanthropos, 213; and Korybas,
211; as Logos, 209; Sophia and,
197; see also Adam; Anthropos;
Man, original; Archanthropos

Protestantism/Protestants, 150, 178

Proteus, 216/

Protoplast, 214

Protothoma, 213

Prunicus/npouyiKos, 19671; see also

Psalms: (2 : 9), 105; (82 [81] : 6),
209; (89), 108/

Psellus, Michael, 4472, 14871

psyche, 142, 255; aspects of, 32;
begetter of all knowledge, 173;
ego-consciousness of, 164; and
evil, 62; field of consciousness, 6;
horoscope and, 136; and life-proc-
esses, 4; man's knowledge of, 165;
and matter, 261; objective reality
of, scientists and, 174; outside
consciousness, 6; reality of, 66n;
reasons for undervaluation of, 62

"psychic," use of term, 4

psychoanalysis, 20371

psychology, and good/evil, 53

psychopathology, 30

psychopomp(os): anima as, 30; ani-
mus as, 16; fishes as symbols for,
145; Proteus as, 216

psychosis, 33; mass, 24871

psycho therapy: and anima/animus,
267; and problem of opposites,

Ptolemy, 7472,, 9471

puer, 127

"puffed-up-ness," 24; see also infla-

pulmo marinus, 128

punctum J punctus solis, 22on; see

also point
purusha, 167, 194
Pyramid Texts, 122
Python, 104

Qazvini, 123

Qebhsennuf, 123

'qltn, 119

quaternio/quaternity, 159, 194, 210,
211, 226^; its character of whole-
ness, 224; of Christ, 204; Chris-
tian, 253; and circle, motif, 224;
defective, three as, 224; in fire,
132; in Irenaeus, 19771; Kircher's,
262/; in man, 22; Naassene, 2271,
7971; of opposites, in self and
Christ, 63/; as organizing schema,
242; Osiris and, 123; self as, 42;
static quality of, 257; as symbols,
31, 195; - , for God, 195; - , self
in, 190; unity complement of,
224; see also Anthropos quater-
nio; Horus quaternio; lapis qua-
ternio; marriage quaternio;
Moses quaternio; Paradise qua-
ternio; shadow quaternio; space-
time quaternio

quick-lime, 158

quicksilver, 139, 155

"quicksilver system," Indian, 152

quid/quis distinction, 164, 169

Quinta Essentia, 15971

Quispel, Gilles, 66 & n, 190, 191

Ra, 122

Radhakrishnan, Sarvapalli, 22371
radius, see ray
Rahab, 120



Rahner, Hugo, 21572, 23571
Raison, Deesse, 98
Ram ( c f), 7772; see also Aries
ram: Christ as, 90, 92; daemonic,

105/; symbol of Christ and Attis,

103; see also lamb
Rameses II, 78

Ramsay, William Mitchell, 7371
Raphael, 113

Rashi, see Solomon ben Isaac
Ras Shamra, 119
rationalism, 86, 150, 221
rationality, 24872; male, 55
raven, 72
ray, 18772

realism, 150, 176, 233
reality: psychic, 48; requires po-
larity, 267
realization, conscious, 23972
rebirth, 212
Rebis, 159, 268
Red Sea, 74
Redeemer: archetype of, 183; as

fish and serpent, 186; Gnostic/

Gnosticism and, 79, 184; and un-

scious, affinity of, 181
redemption, 35, 70, 175, 191, 256;

of the dead, 39
reflection, 16
Reformation, the, 93, 102, 178;

Holy Ghost movement and, 87
reformation, of God-image, 40
Reguel, 229; see also J e thro
Reitzenstein, Richard, 7572, 103;

and Schader, H. H., 24672
relationship, 17; function of, 14,

16; inadequate, 19; to partner, 22
remora, 140/, 144, 15472
Rempham, 7572
Renaissance, the, 43, 94, 98
renovatio, 9872
renovation of the age, 98
repentance, 192
representations collectives, 29
repression, 226
resentment, 16

resistances, shadow and, 9
responsibility, in jurisprudence, 5
Revelation of St. John: (5 : 5), 105;

(5 : 6), 10571; (5 : 6ff), 105;

(6:i5#), 105; (12:1), 103;

(12:9), 23072; (14:4)' 217'

(17: 14), 105; (20:7/), 7972; see

also Apocalypse
revolution, 9872
Rex gloriae, 195, 204
Rhabanus Maurus, 100
Rhea, 199
Rhine, J. B., 18472
right and left, 54, 59, 25871
righteousness, 70
Rig-Veda, 19272
Ripley, Sir George, 13m, 139, 144,

14872, 149, 23572, 249
Ripley "Scrowle," 235, 265
ritual, 256; Protestantism and, 178
rivers, four, of Paradise, 184, 199,

215, 225, 227, 235, 243
Roberts, R., 22m
rock: Christ as, 87/; inner man as,

roes, two, 107
Romans, Epistle to: (7:21), 6971;

(12 : 2), 40
Romulus, 10772
room, as symbol, 224/
Rosarium philosophorum, 15672,

i97 n ^ 23972, 24572
Roscher, Wilhelm Heinrich, 21172,


Rosenkreutz, Christian, 210

Rosinus, 156, 157, 167/

rota nativitatis, 136

rotation, 24672, 257

rotundum, 238, 23972, 246, 248/, 257

Rousselle, Erwin, 11 72

Ruland, Martin, 13372, 13872, 139,

Rupescissa, Johannes de, 146, 241,

Ruska, Julius, 12672, 13072, 13772,




Sabaeans, 75, 124, 19771

Sabaoth, 76

Sabbath, 75

Sabellius, 25371

Sagittarius, 7471

sailor, 112

sal ammoniac, 15471

sal sapientiae, 133, 161

Salmanas, procedure of, 12771

salt, 133, 157; in alchemy, 161; "of

the metals," 139
salvation, 195
Salvator mundi, 127
Sammael, 57
Samothrace, 211, 212
Sanhedrin, see Talmud
sapientia, 160, 220
Sapientia Dei, 127
Sassanids, 116
Satan, 43/, 10571; as elder son of

God, 57, 61; in Old Testament,

192; state before fall, 145; and

two fishes, 148
Satanael, 43, 147
satori, 169

Satorneilos, see Saturninus
Saturn ( 1? ), 74^, 7771, 81, 82, 83,

96, 97, 98, 99; and Esaldaios, 208;

as Gnostic symbol, 197; Jewish

thought and, 74/; and quicksilver,

139; stone and, 138/
Saturnia (plant), 139
Saturninus, 219
Saulasau, 210
Saviour, compounded of four

things, 19771
Scharf, Riwkah, 4272, 12 in, 192,

Scheftelowitz, I., 11372, 116, 117,

n8n, 119
Schelling, F. W. J., 6
schizophrenia, 33
Schoettgen, Christian, 10772, 21472
scholasticism, 172
Schopenhauer, Arthur, 6

Schreber, Daniel Paul, 3372

Schwestrones, 8472

science: alchemy and, 176; and
faith, 173/; natural, 27; - , rise
of, 150; modern, 89; trinity in,

scintilla vitae, 219

Scott, Walter, 19172

sculptures, obscene, 21772

scurrility: in dreams, 203; of Gnos-
tic nomenclature, 230

scyphomedusa, 128

sea, 155; "our," 142

sea-hawk, 18772; centre of the, 189

seal, seventh, opening of, 82

seals, 216

sea-nettle, 128/2

sea-urchin, 15472

Second Coming, ix; expectation of,

Secret of the Golden Flower, 18272,
224, 264

secret of the wise, 143

sects, 96/

Secundus, non

Selene, 21

self, 23/f, 33, 34; Anthropos and,
189; antinomial character, 225;
apotheosis of individuality, 62;
appearance of in unconscious
products, 190; appears in all
shapes, 226; as archetype, 167; as
brahman and atman, 222; Christ
as archetype /symbol of, 36/f, 6272,
182; Christ's correspondence to,
110; dream-symbols and, 132;
"fixation" of, in mind, 168/;
Gnostic symbols of, 184/f, 226/f; a
God-image, 22, 205; impersonal
unconscious and, 169; lapis as,
127, 167; a product of cognition,
69; as quaternion of opposites,
63/; relation to ego, 6; religious
mythologem, 30; round fish as,
142, 144; supraordinate to ego, 3;
as total personality, 5; transcen-
dental), 62/, 170; union of con-



self (cont.):

scious and unconscious, 268; see
also assimilation; atman; God-

self-aggrandizement, 24; see also in-

self-criticism, 25

self-fertilization, 207

self-knowledge, 16, 162/f, 222; and
alchemy, 166/?; and ends, 165/;
increased, 19, 23/f; and knowl-
edge of ego, 164; shadow and, 8

Senard, Marcelle, 92/1

senarius, 228, 230

Sendivogius, Michael, 13m

Senior, 240

sense-perception, see perception

sentimentality, 16

separa^'o/separation, 168, 170; see
also divisio

Sephiroth, Tree of the, 58

Sephora, 209, 210

septenarius, 240

serpens mercurialisjMercurii, 160,
234> 245

serpent(s), 111, 189, 232, 255; fight-
ing, 118; as magnetic agent, 188;
Naas, 199; in Peratic doctrine,
185/; in shadow quaternio, 230,
244; and stone, 245; and tension
of opposites, 247; see also dragon;
snake; uroboros

Set, 76, 78, 99, 122/, 124, 132

Sethians, 186/, 219

sexual theory, of psychic substance,

sexuality, 90-9171; undervaluation
of, 226

Shaare Kedusha, 21872

shadow, 8-10, 17, 30, 33, 155, 233/,
255, 259, 260; Antichrist as, 41;
of arcane substance, 18772; as-
similation into conscious person-
ality, 9; in Christ's birth, 4.111,
110; consciousness of, 8; doubling
of, 120; fear of, 33; fish as shadow

of God, 119; good qualities of,
266; integration of, 22; and Moses
quaternio, 228, 244; has negative
feeling-value, 28; personal un-
conscious and, 169; quaternio,
22972, 230/, 233/, 244, 255/, 260;
represents chthonic world, 34

Shatapatha Brahmana, 11372, 11472

sheep, land of, 16

Shekinah, 268

shepherd, 103; good, 103

Shu, 207

Shulamite, 210

Sibyls, Erythraean, 7272

Silberer, Herbert, 16472

Simon Magus, 197, 220

sister, 12

skull, 238

slave's post, 7672, 78

Smith, E. M., 9272, 9472

smoke, 101

snail, 226

snake, 72, 233^; Aesculapian, 188;
allegory of Christ, 233, 245, 247;
on cross, 7872; Mercurius as, 232;
in New Testament, 245; signifies
evil/wisdom, 234; and Son, 188;
symbolism of, 186; as symbol, of
instinct, 244; - , of self, 226; - ,
of wisdom, 245

Soderberg, Hans, 14772

Sodom, 59

sol niger, Saturn as, 197

Solomon ben Gabirol, 74

Solomon ben Isaac, 80, 81

solvents, 160

soma, in God, 254

son, 185, 186; as Father's thought of
own being, 193; and mother, 11/;
symbol for God, 195

son of God, serpent as, 188

son of Man, 203, 218; pictures of,


sons of God, two, 42/, 57, 58
Song of Solomon: (1 : 1), 205; (1 : 5),
210; (4: 5), 107; (8 : 7), 129



sonship, threefold, of God, 64/
Sophia, 6571; Achamoth, 19771;

Prounikos, 54, 196/
"Soul, My Lady," 13
soul: 64, 142; and anima, 13; ani-
mal, 11 72; as bride of Christ, 39;
"excrescent," 234; fish as symbol
of, 122; human, of Christ, 39; as
second Eve, 206; as sphere, 136;
"twittering," 209; world-, see
anima mundi
"soul in fetters," 19772, 20871
space-time continuum, 24, 25871
space-time quaternio, 251, 252, 253,

spark, 219/

Sphere, the, 9371; soul as, 136
spider, 226

Spiegelberg, W., 12271
spinal cord, 233
Spinning Woman, 11
spirit, 64, 142; animus and, 16;

archetype of, 85/; of the world,

"Spirit in the Bottle, the," 235
spirits, seven, 10571
spiritus, 160, 187
Spitteler, Carl, 13, 26771
splitting, 119/, 12071; of conscious/

unconscious, 247-4871; of Original

Man, 204
spondilo, 138
spring-point, 93
square, and circle, 224/, 264
stabilization, 243
stag, 150
Stahl, G. E., 251
star, rising of, and birth of hero,

"star of the sea," 128
starfish, 128/, 15471
steel, 133; alchemical, 161; see also

stella marina, 128/
Stella maris, 135, 137
Stephen, St., 7571

Stephen of Canterbury, 112

sterility, feeling of, 9

stimuli: endosomatic, 3; uncon-
scious, 4

stone: animate, 159; as Christ-
image, 67; cinedian, 138/; com-
plement of serpent, 245; derived
from circle and quaternity motif,
224; dragon's, 138; Heracleian,
185; inner man as, 208; making
the, a "human attitude," 166;
projection of unified self, 170;
psychic relationship to man, 167;
symbol of self, 246; unity of, 170;
see also lapis

Strauss, Heinz Arthur, 8271

subject, necessary to consciousness,
3; and object, differentiation in
consciousness, 193

"subjective factor," 223

sublimation, 259

subliminal, see unconscious

substance, metaphysical, 161

sucking-fish, 140

sulphur(s), 171, 23971, 250

Summa Fratris Reneri, 14671

Summum Bonum, God as, 45/, 52

sun, 249, 260

Sutech, 78

swan, 81

Swedenborg, Emanuel, 198

Switzerland, 225

sword, 187

Syene, 121

symbol(s): in alchemy, 179; autono-
mous, 31; of Christ and the devil,
72; dogma as, 175; Gnostic, 196^;
for God, 195; Indian, 175; mean-
ing of, 73; of opposite sex, 10;
pictorial, psychology and, 194;
polarity of, 129/; quaternary, in
dreams, 132; theriomorphic, 186;
triadic, 24371; uniting, 194; of
unity and totality, 31; see also
anima; animus; mandala

symbolism: sexual, Christ and, 202;
theriomorphic, of self, 226



"symbolum": as aqua doctrinae,
180; creed as, 174

symptoms, localization of, 186

synchronicity, 85, 150, 168, 258; of
archetype, 184

Synesius of Cyrene, 116, 1597*

synthesis, 260

Syria: cult of fish in, 121; dove and
fish in, 115; round fish in, 138

s y z ygy(- ies )> 33> l 9 1 > 254; Adam/
Eve, 254; anima/animus, n/f,
266; in Clementine Homilies, 54;
divine, in Christianity, 21; proto-
type of divine couples, 34; Valen-
tinian, 228; wholeness superior to,
31; see also opposites

Tabari, Chronique of, 79ft, 107

Tabula smaragdina, 126, 265

Tacitus, 76

talents, parable of the, 166

Talmud, Babylonian, 5872, 5971, 6072,
79, 8on, 83, 107, 116, 117, 118,
149; and astrology, 81

Tanit, 121

tanninim, 79, 80, 81

Tantrism, 21771

Tao, 58, 69; symbol for God, 195;
as "valley spirit," 180

Targums, 10771

Tatian, 46

tebund, 120

Tefnut, 207

Tehom, 237

WXetos, 212, 21371

reXe/oxm, see completeness

temperature, Arctic, 52

tension: conscious/ unconscious, 20;
signified by Christ's advent, 44;
in uroboros, 248/; see also oppo-

tentacles, 128

teoqualo, 144

Tertullian, 37, 76, gon

tetrads, 191

tetrameria, 254; alchemical, 259

Tetramorph, 36

Thabit ibn Qurrah, 126

Thales, 157, 199

Theatrum chemicum, 13071, 13m,
1327*, 13771, 13971, 14071, 14371,
15671, 15771, 15872, 16072, 16371,

18772, 19772, 22072, 22172, 23572,
23772, 23872, 23972, 24072, 26l72,

thema, 136

Theodor Bar-Kuni, 197

Theologia Germanica, 89

Theophilus of Antioch, 46

Theophrastus, 141, 222

theoria, 142, 171, 179, 181

Thessalonians, Second Epistle to

the: (2 : 3/f), 3672
Thiele, Georg, gin
thieves, two, at crucifixion, 44, 69,


thinking, 32

third, superordinate, 180

Thomas, Acts of, 116, 197

Thomas Aquinas, St., 51/, 87,

Thorndike, Lynn, 9672, 98/2, 10272

Thracian riders, 73

three: as defective quaternity, 224;
and one, motif, 225, 253; see also

Tiamat, 120

Tifereth, 268

Tigris, 199

Timaeus, 136

Timochares, planisphere of, 91

tincture, synonyms for, 137

Titus of Bostra, 48

Tobit, 113

tongue(s), 135, 137; fiery, 129, i35n

tortoise, 226

totality, 34, 143/; becoming con-
scious, 259; Christ as divine, 37,
39, 41; chthonic, 224; idea of,



62n; images of, 40; spiritual, 224;

symbols of, 31, 190; see also

"Tractatulus Avicennae," 16771
"Tractatus Aristotelis . . .," 235*1
Tractatus aureus, 18771, 220, 237/1,

tradition, 181
transference, 229
transformation: Christian, 169;

formula of, 259; prefigurations

in, 261; skull as vessel of, 238;

tree as symbol of, 235
transition, from waking to sleeping,

treasure, guarded by dragon /snake,


tree: philosophical, 235; and ser-
pent, 235; as symbol of self, 226

Trevisanus, see Bernardus Trevi-

triad: lower, 99, 224; male and
female, in pseudo-Clement, 55;
in man, 22; Naassene, 209; op-
posed to trinity, 224

trichotomies, 65/

trickster, Mercurius as, 20371

Trinity, the, 35, 131, 253, Plate II;
devil lacking in, 86; divine sphere
of, 57; dogma of, 177; Jesus' soul
as, 201; Kepler and, 207; Naas-
sene, 197, 226; space/ time/causal-
ity, 258; spiritual totality, 224;
triad opposed to, 224

Troad, the, 15671

truth(s), 171; first, 178; psychologi-
cal, 27

Tuamutef, 123

Tuat, 122

Turba philosophorum, 126, 137,

143, 22071, 250

Turukalukundram, 21771

twelve, 224

Twins, the, see Gemini; Saviour of

the, 7971, 12271
Typhon, 99, 121, 122


Ugarit, 119

Uhlhorn, 25471

umbra Jesu, 106

Unas, 122

uncertainty relationship, between
conscious and unconscious, 226

uncomeliness, outward, 140

unconscious: alchemy and symbol-
ism of unconscious processes, 179;
cannot be "done with," 20; col-
lective, see collective unconscious;
compensation in, 124; contents
of, and man's totality, 140; con-
tents of ego, three groups, 4, 7;
dawn-state and, 148; fear of, 33;
fishes as product of, 149; frighten-
ing figures in, 225; Gnostics and,
190; in Hippolytus and Epiphan-
ius, 66; importance of, 5; integra-
tion of contents, 23; organizing
principle of, 204; "our sea"
symbol of, 142; personal and im-
personal, 7, 169; problems of inte-
gration of, 181; processes, com-
pensatory to conscious, 204;
Proteus personifying, 216; self
and the, 3; soul as projection of,
142; theriomorphism and, 145; as
the unknown in the inner world,
3; without qualities, 191

unconsciousness: and proneness to
suggestion, 247-4871; sin of, 19271

uncontrollable natural forces, ac-
tion of, 25/

underworld, gods of, 224

unicorn, 150

unity, 31, 34; complement of qua-
ternity, 224; in Kircher, 263; as
symbol of self, 226; transcendent,
stone as, 170

Unknown, the: ego and, 3; two
groups of objects in, 3

Upanishads, see Brihaddranyaka
and Kena

Urania, 8971



uroboros, 190, 246, 248, 257, 259,

Valentinians, 6571, 190, 191, 19771,

Valentinus, 4m, 110, 23471, 269
value, 27/f; feeling as function of,

value quanta, 29
values, reversal of, 233
Vamana, 176
vas, 238; naturale, 241; see also

Vaughan, Thomas, 13372
Vedas, 204
"veiled one," 18
Venus ( $ ), 76, 7771, 112, 155
Veritas, 160, 161, 171, 181; prima,

vessel: in alchemy, 238/f; Hermetic/

nigromantic, 240; as symbol, 224/
Vigenere, Blaise de, 132, 139, 197*1,

vinegar, 23972; see also ace turn
viper, 72
Vir Unus, 205

virgin, mother-goddess as, 104
Virgo (TTJ2), 77^, 8072, 10472, 105;

Mercurius as, 127
Virolleaud, Charles, 119
virtues, 24, 25
Vishnu, 113, 11472, 176
"Visio Arislei," see "Aenigmata ex

Visione Arislei"
visions, 223
Vitus, Richardus, 1372
voice, fourfold, of Christ, 206
"volatile," winged beings as, 120
Voltaire, 9872
Vollers, Karl, 11 in
Vulcan, 249/, 252


Wackerbarth, Graf August J. L.
von, 80

Waite, Arthur Edward, 13372

Waldenses, 83, 150

wand, golden, of Hermes, 208

water: in alchemy, 159/, 180, 249;
baptismal, 180; bright, 139; in
dreams, 225; of life, 155; living,
184, 199/, 207; magical, 187; as
magnetic agent, 188; prime sub-
stance, 199; real, used in ritual,
188; of rivers of Paradise, 199/;
symbol and, 180

"wedding, chymical," 40, 268

Weiss, Johannes, 21372

Werblowsky, Zwi, 58

West, and Eastern thought, 176

whale-dragon, 111, 118

wheat-sheaf, 105

wheel: as symbol, 224; of birth, 136,
137, 224; of heaven, 136

White, Victor, O.P., 6m, 17872

whitening, 148; see also albedo;

whole: present in ego, 111; pro-
creative nature of, 201

wholeness, 169, 183; archetype of,
40; in Christ, 41, 6272; empirical,
31; image of, x, 24; of individual,
195; knowledge as, 222; para-
doxical, 145; psychic, and God-
image, 198; restoration of, 259;
symbols of, 40, 171, 194, 195, 198;
- , and God, 195; see also com-
pleteness; totality

Wickes, Frances G., 22072

Wilhelm, Richard, 26472

will: free, 5/; of God, 26/; and im-
pulses, 27; omnipotence of, 26;
and psyche, 4

wind, north, 100, 120, 12572

wine, 225

Wirth, Albrecht, 11672, 11772

Wischnitzer-Bernstein, Rahel, 11572

wise old man, 22, 152, 210, 229

witches, 175

wolf, 150

woman: in Apocalypse, 105; clothed
with the sun, 103; image of, 13;



from side of Christ, 204; star-
crowned, 12, 103/
Word, the, 200; see also Logos
world situation, present, 70
world-soul/world spirit, see anima

world-views, parallel, 173
World War, second, 36
wrath, of Yahweh, see Yahweh
"wrath-fire," God's, 61
Wunsche, August, 106/1, 107/1

Yahweh, 46, 229; changing concept
of, 192; demiurge, 65, 75; in-
justice of, 55; justice of, 59;
monsters of, 116, 118, 123, see
also Behemoth, Leviathan; Saturn
and, 197; unreliability of, 108;
wrath of, 58/, 105

Yajiiavalkya, 223

Yajui, Son

Yama, 217/1

yang/yin relationship, 58, 180

year: Christ as, 204; Platonic, 8 in

Yehoshua/Yeshua, see Joshua

Yima, 24671

yod, 2i8n

yoga, Buddhism and, 176

Zarathustra, 246/1
Zechariah, Book of: (4 : 10), 105/1
Zeesar, 210-11
Zen Buddhism, 169
Zeus, 206/1

Zipporah, 209/1, 227/, 244, 251, 252
zodia, 118, 148

zodiac, 94/1; signs of, 81, 230/1
Zohar, 107/1, 117, 214
Zoroaster, 220/1

Zosimos, 65/1, 157/1, 182, 197/*, 237/1,
238, 245/1




A he publication of the first complete edition, in English, of the works
of C. G. Jung was undertaken by Routledge and Kegan Paul, Ltd., in
England and by Bollingen Foundation in the United States. The Ameri-
can edition is number XX in Bollingen Series, which since 1967 has been
published by Princeton University Press. The edition contains revised
versions of works previously published, such as Psychology of the Uncon-
scious, which is now entitled Symbols of Transformation; works originally
written in English, such as Psychology and Religion; works not previously
translated, such as Aion; and, in general, new translations of virtually all
of Professor Jung's writings. Prior to his death, in 1961, the author super-
vised the textual revision, which in some cases is extensive. Sir Herbert
Read (d. 1968), Dr. Michael Fordham, and Dr. Gerhard Adler compose
the Editorial Committee; the translator is R. F. C. Hull (except for Volume
2) and William McGuire is executive editor.

The price of the volumes varies according to size; they are sold sepa-
rately, and may also be obtained on standing order. Several of the volumes
are extensively illustrated. Each volume contains an index and, in most
cases, a bibliography; the final volume will contain a complete bibliography
of Professor Jung's writings and a general index to the entire edition.

In the following list, dates of original publication are given in paren-
theses (of original composition, in brackets). Multiple dates indicate


On the Psychology and Pathology of So-Called Occult Phenomena

On Hysterical Misreading (1904)
Cryptomnesia (1905)
On Manic Mood Disorder (1903)

A Case of Hysterical Stupor in a Prisoner in Detention (1902)
On Simulated Insanity (1903)

A Medical Opinion on a Case of Simulated Insanity (1904)
A Third and Final Opinion on Two Contradictory Psychiatric Diag-
noses (1906)
On the Psychological Diagnosis of Facts (1905)


Translated by Leopold Stein in collaboration with Diana Riviere


The Associations of Normal Subjects (by Jung and F. Riklin)

Experimental Observations on Memory

The Psychological Diagnosis of Evidence

An Analysis of the Associations of an Epileptic

The Association Method (1910)

The Family Constellation (1910)

Reaction-Time in the Association Experiment

Disturbances in Reproduction in the Association Experiment

The Psychopathological Significance of the Association Experiment

Psychoanalysis and Association Experiments

Association, Dream, and Hysterical Symptom


On Psychophysical Relations of the Association Experiment
Psychophysical Investigations with the Galvanometer and Pneumo-
graph in Normal and Insane Individuals (by F. Peterson and
Further Investigations on the Galvanic Phenomenon and Respiration
in Normal and Insane Individuals (by C. Ricksher and Jung)

The Psychology of Dementia Praecox (1907)
The Content of the Psychoses (1908/1914)
On Psychological Understanding (1914)
A Criticism of Bleuler's Theory of Schizophrenic Negativism (1911)

* Published 1957; 2nd edn., 1970. f Published i960.

On the Importance of the Unconscious in Psychopathology (1914)

On the Problem of Psychogenesis in Mental Disease (1919)

Mental Disease and the Psyche (1928)

On the Psychogenesis of Schizophrenia (1939)

Recent Thoughts on Schizophrenia (1957)

Schizophrenia (1958)


Freud's Theory of Hysteria: A Reply to Aschaffenburg (1906)

The Freudian Theory of Hysteria (1908)

The Analysis of Dreams (1909)

A Contri bution to the Psychology of Rumour (1910-11)

On the Significance of Number Dreams (1910-11)

Morton Prince, "The Mechanism and Interpretation of Dreams": A

Critical Review (1911)
On the Criticism of Psychoanalysis (1910)
Concerning Psychoanalysis (1912)
The Theory of Psychoanalysis (1913)
General Aspects of Psychoanalysis (1913)
Psychoanalysis and Neurosis (1916)
Some Crucial Points in Psychoanalysis: A Correspondence between

Dr. Jung and Dr. Loy (1914)
Prefaces to "Collected Papers on Analytical Psychology" (1916, 1917)
The Significance of the Father in the Destiny of the Individual

( 1 99/ 1 949)
Introduction to Kranefeldt's "Secret Ways of the Mind" (1930)
Freud and Jung: Contrasts (1929)




Two Kinds of Thinking

The Miller Fantasies: Anamnesis

The Hymn of Creation

The Song of the Moth

The Concept of Libido
The Transformation of Libido
The Origin of the Hero (continued)

* Published 1961.

f Published 1956; 2nd edn., 1967. (65 plates, 43 text figures.)

5. (continued)

Symbols of the Mother and of Rebirth

The Battle for Deliverance from the Mother

The Dual Mother

The Sacrifice


Appendix: The Miller Fantasies


The Problem of Types in the History of Classical and Medieval

Schiller's Ideas on the Type Problem
The Apollinian and the Dionysian
The Type Problem in Human Character
The Type Problem in Poetry
The Type Problem in Psychopathology
The Type Problem in Aesthetics
The Type Problem in Modern Philosophy
The Type Problem in Biography
General Description of the Types
Four Papers on Psychological Typology (1913, 1925, 1931, 1936)


On the Psychology of the Unconscious (1917/1926/1943)
The Relations between the Ego and the Unconscious (1928)
Appendices: New Paths in Psychology (1912); The Structure of the
Unconscious (1916) (new versions, with variants, 1966)

On Psychic Energy (1928)
The Transcendent Function ([1916]/ 1957)
A Review of the Complex Theory (1934)

The Significance of Constitution and Heredity in Psychology (1929)
Psychological Factors Determining Human Behavior (1937)
Instinct and the Unconscious (1919)
The Structure of the Psyche (1927/1931)
On the Nature of the Psyche (1947/1954)

* Published 1953; 2nd edn., 1966.
f Published i960; 2nd edn., 1969.

General Aspects of Dream Psychology (1916/1948)

On the Nature of Dreams (1945/1948)

The Psychological Foundations of Belief in Spirits (1920/1948)

Spirit and Life (1926)

Basic Postulates of Analytical Psychology (1931)

Analytical Psychology and Weltanschauung (1928/1931)

The Real and the Surreal (1933)

The Stages of Life (1930-1931)

The Soul and Death (1934)

Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle (1952)

Appendix: On Synchronicity (1951)


Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious (1934/1954)

The Concept of the Collective Unconscious (1936)

Concerning the Archetypes, with Special Reference to the Anima

Concept (1936/1954)
Psychological Aspects of the Mother Archetype (1938/1954)
Concerning Rebirth (1940/1950)
The Psychology of the Child Archetype (1940)
The Psychological Aspects of the Kore (1941)
The Phenomenology of the Spirit in Fairytales (1945/1948)
On the Psychology of the Trickster-Figure (1954)
Conscious, Unconscious, and Individuation (1939)
A Study in the Process of Individuation (1934/1950)
Concerning Mandala Symbolism (1950)
Appendix: Mandalas (1955)

*g. part 11. AION (1951)


The Ego

The Shadow

The Syzygy: Anima and Animus

The Self

Christ, a Symbol of the Self

The Sign of the Fishes

The Prophecies of Nostradamus

The Historical Significance of the, Fish

The Ambivalence of the Fish Symbol (continued)

* Published 1959; 2nd edn., 1968. (Part I: 79 plates, with 29 in colour.)

9. (continued)

The Fish in Alchemy

The Alchemical Interpretation of the Fish

Background to the Psychology of Christian Alchemical Symbolism

Gnostic Symbols of the Self

The Structure and Dynamics of the Self


The Role of the Unconscious (1918)
Mind and Earth (1927/1931)
Archaic Man (1931)

The Spiritual Problem of Modern Man (1928/1931)
The Love Problem of a Student (1928)
Woman in Europe (1927)

The Meaning of Psychology for Modern Man (1933/1934)
The State of Psycho therapy Today (1934)

Preface and Epilogue to "Essays on Contemporary Events" (1946)
Wotan (1936)

After the Catastrophe (1945)
The Fight with the Shadow (1946)
The Undiscovered Self (Present and Future) (1957)
Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth (1958)
A Psychological View of Conscience (1958)
Good and Evil in Analytical Psychology (1959)
Introduction to Wolff's "Studies in Jungian Psychology" (1959)
The Swiss Line in the European Spectrum (1928)
Reviews of Keyserling's "America Set Free" (1930) and "La Revo-
lution Mondiale" (1934)
The Complications of American Psychology (1930)
The Dreamlike World of India (1939)
What India Can Teach Us (1939)
Appendix: Documents (1933-1938)



Psychology and Religion (The Terry Lectures) (1938/1940)

A Psychological Approach to the Dogma of the Trinity (1942/1948)

Transformation Symbolism in the Mass (1942/1954)

* Published 1964; 2nd edn., 1970. (8 plates.)
f Published 1958; 2nd edn., 1969.

Forewords to White's "God and the Unconscious" and Werblowsky's

"Lucifer and Prometheus" (1952)
Brother Klaus (1933)
Psycho therapists or the Clergy (1932)
Psychoanalysis and the Cure of Souls (1928)
Answer to Job (1952)


Psychological Commentaries on "The Tibetan Book of the Great
Liberation" (1939/1954) and "The Tibetan Book of the Dead"

(i935/ 1 953)

Yoga and the West (1936)

Foreword to Suzuki's "Introduction to Zen Buddhism" (1939)

The Psychology of Eastern Meditation (1943)

The Holy Men of India: Introduction to Zimmer's "Der Weg zum

Selbst" (1944)
Foreword to the "I Ching" (1950)


Prefatory Note to the English Edition ([1951?] added 1967)
Introduction to the Religious and Psychological Problems of Alchemy
Individual Dream Symbolism in Relation to Alchemy (1936)
Religious Ideas in Alchemy (1937)


Commentary on "The Secret of the Golden Flower" (1929)
The Visions of Zosimos (1938/1954)
Paracelsus as a Spiritual Phenomenon (1942)
The Spirit Mercurius (1943/1948)
The Philosophical Tree (1945/1954)



The Components of the Coniunctio

The Paradoxa

The Personification of the Opposites

Rex and Regina (continued)

* Published 1953; 2nd edn., completely revised, 1968. (270 illustrations.)
f Published 1968. (50 plates, 4 text figures.)
j Published 1963; 2nd edn., 1970. (10 plates.)

14. (continued)
Adam and Eve
The Conjunction

Paracelsus (1929)
Paracelsus the Physician (1941)
Sigmund Freud in His Historical Setting (1932)
In Memory of Sigmund Freud (1939)
Richard Wilhelm: In Memoriam (1930)
On the Relation of Analytical Psychology to Poetry (1922)
Psychology and Literature (1930/1950)
"Ulysses": A Monologue (1932)
Picasso (1932)



Principles of Practical Psycho therapy (1935)

What Is Psycho therapy? (1935)

Some Aspects of Modern Psycho therapy (1930)

The Aims of Psycho therapy (1931)

Problems of Modern Psycho therapy (1929)

Psycho therapy and a Philosophy of Life (1943)

Medicine and Psycho therapy (1945)

Psycho therapy Today (1945)

Fundamental Questions of Psycho therapy (1951)


The Therapeutic Value of Abreaction (1921/1928)
The Practical Use of Dream-Analysis (1934)
The Psychology of the Transference (1946)

Appendix: The Realities of Practical Psycho therapy ([1937] added,

Psychic Conflicts in a Child (1910/1946)

Introduction to Wickes's "Analyse der Kinderseele" (1927/1931)
Child Development and Education (1928)

Analytical Psychology and Education: Three Lectures (1926/1946)
The Gifted Child (1943)

* Published 1966.

f Published 1954; 2nd edn., revised and augmented, 1966. (13 illustrations.)

X Published 1954.

The Significance of the Unconscious in Individual Education (1928)
The Development of Personality (1934)
Marriage as a Psychological Relationship (1925)


Posthumous and Other Miscellaneous Works


Complete Bibliography of C. G. Jung's Writings
General Index to the Collected Works


This edition, in eighteen or more volumes, will contain
revised versions of earlier works by Jung, works not
previously translated, and works originally written in
English. In general, it will present new translations of
the major body of Jung's writings. The entire edition
constitutes No. XX in Bollingen Series.

1. Psychiatric Studies ( 1 957)

2. Experimental Researches (in preparation)

3. The Psychogenesis of Mental Disease

4. Freud and Psychoanalysis (1961)

5. Symbols of Transformation
(1956; 2nd edn., 1967)

6. Psychological Types (in preparation)

7. Two Essays on Analytical Psychology
(1953; 2nd edn., 1966)

8. The Structure and Dynamics of the
Psyche (7960/ 2nd edn., 1969)

9. part I. The Archetypes and the Collective
Unconscious (7 959; 2nd edn., 1968)

9. part ii. Aion: Researches into the
Phenomenology of the Self (7959;
2nd edn., 1968)

10. Civilization in Transition (1964)

1 1 . Psychology and Religion: West and East
(1958; 2nd edn., 1969)

12. Psychology and Alchemy
(7953; 2nd edn., 1968)

13. Alchemical Studies (7 968)

14. Mysterium Coniunctionis
(7 963; 2nd edn., 1970)

15. The Spirit in Man, Art, and Literature

16. The Practice of Psycho therapy
(1954; 2nd edn., 1966)

17. The Development of Personality
(1954; 2nd pr., 1964)

Final Volumes: Miscellaneous Works,
Bibliography, and General Index


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