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Baron Georg Philipp Friedrich von Hardenberg (2 May 1772 25 March 1801) was an author, philosopher and poet of early German Romanticism. He is most commonly known by the pseudonym Novalis (denoting a "clearer of new land" derived from a tradition of his ancestors, who had called themselves de Novali).

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(In Aesthetics): A movement in both art and general aesthetic theory which was particularly widespread and influential in the last years of the 18th and the first half of the 19th centuries. So interpreted, it is especially associated with Novalis, the Schlegels, and Jean Paul Richter in Germany, Rousseau, Chateaubriand, Hugo, Lamartine in France; Blake, Scott, the Lake Poets, Shelley, and Byron in England. As a general attitude toward art and its function, as an interpretation of the goodness, beauty, and purpose of life, romanticism has always existed and can be confined to no one period. The essence of romanticism, either as an attitude or as a conscious program, is an intense interest in nature, and an attempt to seize natural phenomena in a direct, immediate, and naive manner. Romanticism thus regards all forms, rules, conventions, and manners as artificial constructs and as hindrances to the grasp, enjoyment, and expression of nature, hence its continual opposition to any kind of classicism (q.v.), whose formalities it treats as fetters. Romanticism stresses the values of sincerity, spontaneity, and passion, as against the restraint and cultivation demanded by artistic forms and modes. It reasserts the primacy of feeling, imagination, and sentiment, as opposed to reason. It maintains that art should concern itself with the particular and the concrete, observing and reporting accurately the feelings aroused by nature, with no idealization or generalization. It commands the artist to feel freely and deeply, and to express what he has felt with no restraints, either artistic or social. It seeks in works of art a stimulus to imagination and feeling, a point of departure for free activity, rather than an object that it can accept and contemplate.

Romanticism: As a general philosophical movement, romanticism is best understood as the initial phase of German Idealism, serving as a transition from Kant to Hegel, and flourishing chiefly between 1775 and 1815. It is associated primarily with the Schlegel brothers, Novalis, Fried, Schelling, and Schleiermacher, with Schelhng as its culmination and most typical figure. The philosophical point of departure for romanticism is the Kantian philosophy, and romanticism shares with all German Idealism both the fundamental purpose of extending knowledge to the realm of noumena, and the fundamental doctrine that all reality is ultimately spiritual, derivative from a living spirit and so knowable by the human spirit. The essence of philosophical romanticism as expressed by Schelhng, that which differentiates it from other types of Idealism, resides in its conception of Spirit; upon this depend its metaphysical account of nature and man, and its epistemological doctrine of the proper method for investigating and understanding reality. Romanticism holds that Spirit, or the Absolute, is essentially creative; the ultimate ground of all things is primarily an urge to self-expression, and all that it has brought into being is but a means to its fuller self-realization. If the Absolute of Fichte is a moralist, and that of Hegel a logician, then that of the romanticists is primarily an artist. From this basic view there springs a metaphysic that interprets the universe in terms of the concepts of evolution, process, life, and consciousness. The world of nature is one manifestation of Spirit, man is another and a higher such manifestation, for in man Spirit seeks to become conscious of its own work. The metaphysical process is the process by which the Absolute seeks to realize itself, and all particular things are but phases within it. Hence, the epistemology of romanticism is exclusively emotional and intuitive, stressing the necessity for fullness of experience and depth of feeling if reality is to be understood. Reason, being artificial and analytical, is inadequate to the task of comprehending the Absolute; knowing is living, and the philosopher must approach nature through inspiration, longing, and sympathy.

QUOTES [16 / 16 - 250 / 250]

KEYS (10k)

   14 Novalis
   1 Susan Sontag
   1 Joseph Campbell


  221 Novalis
   4 Joseph Campbell
   3 Hermann Hesse
   3 Colin Wilson
   2 Susan Sontag
   2 Jostein Gaarder
   2 George Eliot

1:Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason. ~ Novalis,
2:A hero is one who knows how to hang on one minute longer. ~ Novalis,
3:I found myself, a mere suggestion sensed in past and future ages. ~ Novalis,
4:The artist belongs to his work, not the work to the artist. ~ Novalis, [T5],
5:One should seek God among men. ~ Novalis, the Eternal Wisdom
6:The external is an internal raised to the level of mystery - maybe it is also the other way round ~ Novalis,
7:More heavenly and those flashing stars the endless eyes seem, which Night opens up in us. ~ Novalis, Hymns to the Night 1,
8:Each descent of the gaze on oneself is at the same time an ascension, an assumption, a gaze on the true objectivity. ~ Novalis, "Fragments.", the Eternal Wisdom
9:I was fascinated by quotations and lists. And then I noticed that other people were fascinated by quotations and lists: people as different as Borges and Walter Benjamin, Novalis and Godard. ~ Susan Sontag,
10:Of what use is it to run painfully about the troubled world of visible things when there is a purer world within ourselves? ~ Novalis, "The Disciples at Sais.", the Eternal Wisdom
11:To Romanticize means to endow base matters with noble meaning, ordinary matters with a mysterious status, familiar matters with the dignity of the unknown, finite matter with the appearance of infinity. ~ Novalis,
12:The holy scripture needs no explanation. He who speaks truth, is full of eternal life, his written word seems wonderfully akin to the mysteries, for it is a chord taken from the symphony of the universe. ~ Novalis, The Novices of Sais,
13:The supreme task of culture is to take possession of one's transcendental self, to be truly the self of the self...Without a complete intelligence of oneself one will never learn to understand others aright. ~ Novalis, Fragments, the Eternal Wisdom
14:There is only one temple in the universe and that is the body of man. Nothing is holier than this noble form. To bow down before man is a homage offered to this revelation in the flesh. We touch heaven when we lay our hand on a human body. ~ Novalis, the Eternal Wisdom
15:He feels himself to be master of the universe, his "I" floats in power above this gulf and Will range across eternity above these infinite vicissitudes. His spirit endeavours to announce and spread harmony. And through endless ages his union with Self and his creation which surrounds him will increase in perfection. ~ Novalis, the Eternal Wisdom
16:Shakespeare said that art is a mirror held up to nature. And that's what it is. The nature is your nature, and all of these wonderful poetic images of mythology are referring to something in you. When your mind is trapped by the image out there so that you never make the reference to yourself, you have misread the image.

The inner world is the world of your requirements and your energies and your structure and your possibilities that meets the outer world. And the outer world is the field of your incarnation. That's where you are. You've got to keep both going. As Novalis said, 'The seat of the soul is there where the inner and outer worlds meet. ~ Joseph Campbell, The Power of Myth,


1:I was fascinated by quotations and lists. And then I noticed that other people were fascinated by quotations and lists: people as different as Borges and Walter Benjamin, Novalis and Godard. ~ susan-sontag, @wisdomtrove

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1:Humanity is a comic role. ~ Novalis,
2:Apparently, we go forward. ~ Novalis,
3:Our body is a moulded river ~ Novalis,
4:Our bodies are molded rivers. ~ Novalis,
5:One should seek God among men. ~ Novalis,
6:Nature is a petrified magic city. ~ Novalis,
7:Play is experimenting with chance. ~ Novalis,
8:Everything at a distance turns into ~ Novalis,
9:The badge of honesty is simplicity. ~ Novalis,
10:Accident is simply unforeseen order. ~ Novalis,
11:Mathematics is the Life of the Gods. ~ Novalis,
12:To philosophize means to make vivid. ~ Novalis,
13:Character is perfectly educated will. ~ Novalis,
14:The process of history is combustion. ~ Novalis,
15:Character is a perfectly educated will. ~ Novalis,
16:Where are we really going? Always home. ~ Novalis,
17:You are alone with everything you love. ~ Novalis,
18:Flight from the communal spirit is death! ~ Novalis,
19:Perceptibility is a kind of attentiveness. ~ Novalis,
20:A character is a completely fashioned will. ~ Novalis,
21:Character is a wish for a perfect education. ~ Novalis,
22:Man is a sun and his senses are the planets. ~ Novalis,
23:Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason. ~ Novalis,
24:The poem of the understanding is philosophy. ~ Novalis,
25:Where children are, there is the golden age. ~ Novalis,
26:Ohne die Träume würden wir gewiss früher alt. ~ Novalis,
27:Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason. ~ Novalis,
28:Man is lyrical, woman epic, marriage dramatic. ~ Novalis,
29:And now I awaken, for I am both yours and mine. ~ Novalis,
30:Der wahre Leser muss der erweiterte Autor sein. ~ Novalis,
31:Knowledge is only one half. Faith is the other. ~ Novalis,
32:La donna è il nutrimento corporale più elevato. ~ Novalis,
33:Novels arise out of the shortcoings of history. ~ Novalis,
34:Raţiunea practică este fantezie creatoare pură. ~ Novalis,
35:Fate and temperament are the names of a concept. ~ Novalis,
36:Novels arise out of the shortcomings of history. ~ Novalis,
37:I was still blind, but twinkling stars did dance ~ Novalis,
38:Only an artist can interpret the meaning of life. ~ Novalis,
39:We are near waking when we dream we are dreaming. ~ Novalis,
40:Hypotheses are nets: only he who casts will catch. ~ Novalis,
41:To know a truth well, one must have fought it out. ~ Novalis,
42:We are near awakening when we dream that we dream. ~ Novalis,
43:Character and fate are two words for the same thing ~ Novalis,
44:Toda enfermedad puede llamarse enfermedad del alma. ~ Novalis,
45:Not only England, but every Englishman is an island. ~ Novalis,
46:We touch heaven when we lay our hand on a human body! ~ Novalis,
47:The history of every individual man should be a Bible. ~ Novalis,
48:Every beloved object is the center point of a paradise. ~ Novalis,
49:Every individual is the center of a system of emanation. ~ Novalis,
50:To get to know a truth properly, one must polemicize it. ~ Novalis,
51:A hero is one who knows how to hang on one minute longer. ~ Novalis,
52:Philosophy is really nostalgia, the desire to be at home. ~ Novalis,
53:A hero is one who knows how to hang on one minute longer. ~ Novalis,
54:We are close to waking when we dream that we are dreaming. ~ Novalis,
55:Ein Kommandowort bewegt Armeen; das Wort Freiheit Nationen. ~ Novalis,
56:The artist belongs to his work, not the work to the artist. ~ Novalis,
57:La esencia de la enfermedad es tan oscura como la de la vida. ~ Novalis,
58:Learning is pleasurable but doing is the height of enjoyment. ~ Novalis,
59:Wer Schmetterlinge lachen hört, der weiß wie Wolken schmecken. ~ Novalis,
60:All power appears only in transition. Permanent power is stuff. ~ Novalis,
61:In a work of art, chaos must shimmer through the veil of order. ~ Novalis,
62:Everywhere we seek the Absolute, and always we find only things. ~ Novalis,
63:Our life is no dream, but it should and will perhaps become one. ~ Novalis,
64:There is more truth in their romances than in learned chronicles. ~ Novalis,
65:The true Poet is all-knowing; he is an actual world in miniature. ~ Novalis,
66:The artist belongs to his work, not the work to the artist. ~ Novalis, [T5],
67:Our life is no dream; but it ought to become one, and perhaps will. ~ Novalis,
68:Simbolicul incită, stimulează - înduioşătorul emoţionează şi mişcă. ~ Novalis,
69:We are more closely connected to the invisible than to the visible. ~ Novalis,
70:Many things are too delicate to be thought; many more, to be spoken. ~ Novalis,
71:The artist stands on the human being as a statue does on a pedestal. ~ Novalis,
72:We are on a mission: we are called to the cultivation of the earth . ~ Novalis,
73:Every disease is a musical problem; every cure is a musical solution. ~ Novalis,
74:Philosophy is really homesickness: the urge to be at home everywhere. ~ Novalis,
75:Raţiunea şi fantezia sunt religie - raţiunea şi inteligenţa, ştiinţă. ~ Novalis,
76:There is but one temple in the universe, and that is the body of man. ~ Novalis,
77:The seat of the soul is there, where the inner and outer worlds meet. ~ Novalis,
78:De la "eu sunt" porneşte drumul răului în jos şi cel al binelui în sus. ~ Novalis,
79:Love is the final end of the world's history, the Amen of the universe. ~ Novalis,
80:Gott-trunkener Mensch. ~ A God-intoxicated man. ~ Novalis, in reference to Spinoza,
81:Philosophy is properly home-sickness; the wish to be everywhere at home. ~ Novalis,
82:Totul este bun, dar nu pretutindeni, dar nu oricând, dar nu pentru toţi. ~ Novalis,
83:A complete need should not exist... love, life in common with loved ones? ~ Novalis,
84:Life must not be a novel that is given to us, but one that is made by us. ~ Novalis,
85:Only the most perfect human being can design the most perfect philosophy. ~ Novalis,
86:Inni nie przeżyli niczego podobnego, choć wysłuchali tych samych opowieści ~ Novalis,
87:All the events of our life are materials of which we can make what we will. ~ Novalis,
88:Aynı masalları dinlemelerine rağmen ötekiler hiç böyle bir şey yaşamadılar. ~ Novalis,
89:In cheerful souls there is no wit. Wit shows a disturbance of the equipoise. ~ Novalis,
90:The brains -the thinking organs- are the world producers -nature's genitals. ~ Novalis,
91:Christianity is the root of all democracy, the highest fact in the rights of men. ~ Novalis,
92:We never completely comprehend ourselves, but we can do far more than comprehend. ~ Novalis,
93:Prayer is to religion what thinking is to philosophy. To pray is to make religion. ~ Novalis,
94:The individual soul should seek for an intimate union with the soul of the universe. ~ Novalis,
95:The world must be romanticized. In this way the originary meaning may be found again. ~ Novalis,
96:I live all the daytime
In faith and in might
And in holy fire
I die every night. ~ Novalis,
97:Doing philosophy is only a threefold or double kind of waking--being awake--consciousness. ~ Novalis,
98:What delights, what pleasures does your life offer you that outweigh the raptures of death? ~ Novalis,
99:When you understand how to love one thing, then you also understand how to love everything. ~ Novalis,
100:'Character," says Novalis, in one of his questionable aphorisms - character is destiny'. ~ George Eliot,
101:Friends, the soil is poor, we must sow seeds in plenty for us to garner even modest harvests. ~ Novalis,
102:There are ideal series of events which run parallel with the real ones. They rarely coincide. ~ Novalis,
103:I often feel, and ever more deeply I realize, that fate and character are the same conception. ~ Novalis,
104:Nothing is more indispensable to true religiosity than a mediator that links us with divinity. ~ Novalis,
105:Philosophy ... bears witness to the deepest love of reflection, to absolute delight in wisdom. ~ Novalis,
106:The world must become romanticized, and in that way we find again its original meaning for us. ~ Novalis,
107:It is certain my belief gains quite infinitely the very moment I can convince another mind thereof ~ Novalis,
108:The external is an internal raised to the level of mystery - maybe it is also the other way round ~ Novalis,
109:Holy sleep, do not so seldom bring happiness to the night’s beloved in this earthly labour of the day. ~ Novalis,
110:One can not understand language because language cannot understand itself; does not want to understand ~ Novalis,
111:The most intimate community of all knowledge—the republic of learning is the high purpose of scholars. ~ Novalis,
112:Building worlds is not enough for the deeper urging mind; but a loving heart sates the striving spirit. ~ Novalis,
113:To become properly acquainted with a truth, we must first have disbelieved it, and disputed against it. ~ Novalis,
114:Nature is an aeolian harp, a musical instrument whose tones are the re-echo of higher strings within us. ~ Novalis,
115:Only as far as a man is happily married to himself is he fit for married life and family life in general. ~ Novalis,
116:Orice om care gândeşte va găsi întotdeauna adevărul - indiferent unde va voi să se ducă şi cum va voi să meargă. ~ Novalis,
117:Though the heroes and their fates are inventions, yet the spirit in which they are composed is true and natural. ~ Novalis,
118:He learned from Novalis that every man is potentially hero and genius; that only inertia keeps men mediocre. ~ Colin Wilson,
119:Light had its allotted time; but timeless and infinite is the reign of the night − the duration of sleep eternal. ~ Novalis,
120:The highest purpose of intellectual cultivation is to give a man a perfect knowledge and mastery of his own inner self. ~ Novalis,
121:Every stage of education begins with childhood. That is why the most educated person on earth so much resembles a child. ~ Novalis,
122:Genius in general is poetic. Where genius has been active it has been poetically active. The truly moral person is a poet. ~ Novalis,
123:Many books are longer than they seem. They have indeed no end. The boredom that they cause is truly absolute and infinite. ~ Novalis,
124:Who does not love to wander at twilight, when the light of day and the deep shades of night mingle together in deep coloring? ~ Novalis,
125:The seat of the soul is where the inner world and the outer world meet. Where they overlap, it is in every point of the overlap. ~ Novalis,
126:Each descent of the gaze on oneself is at the same time an ascension, an assumption, a gaze on the true objectivity. ~ Novalis, “Fragments.”,
127:Humanity is the higher meaning of our planet, the nerve that connects this part of it with the upper world, the eye it raises to heaven. ~ Novalis,
128:The mysterious path goes inward. It is in us, and not anywhere else, where the eternity of the worlds, the past and the future are found. ~ Novalis,
129:Philosophy can bake no bread; but she can procure for us God, Freedom, Immortality. Which, then, is more practical, Philosophy or Economy? ~ Novalis,
130:Inspiration without intellect is useless and dangerous; and the poet will be able to perform few wonders, when he is astonished by wonders. ~ Novalis,
131:The ideal of morality has no more dangerous rival than the ideal of highest strength, of most powerful life. It is the maximum of the savage. ~ Novalis,
132:mad, were not my perception and reasonings so clear; and this state of mind appears to have brought with it superior knowledge on all subjects. ~ Novalis,
133:The connection between romantic politics and aesthetics is plain in Schiller's and Novalis's concept of the aesthetic or poetic state. ~ Frederick C Beiser,
134:One should, when overwhelmed by the shadow of a giant, move aside and see if the colossal shadow isn't merely that of a pygmy blocking out the sun. ~ Novalis,
135:–But you needn’t be worried that you will meet the same fate as Novalis’s fiancee.
–Why not?
–Because there are several more chapters. ~ Jostein Gaarder,
136:One makes a great error if one believes there are 'ancients.' Only now is antiquity starting to arise. It arises in the eyes and soul of the artist. ~ Novalis,
137:But you needn’t be worried that you will meet the same fate as Novalis’s fiancee.”
“Why not?”
“Because there are several more chapters. ~ Jostein Gaarder,
138:Novalis and Dostoyevsky, awaited me just as do the mother, or the wife, the children, maids, dogs and cats in the case of more sensible people. ~ Hermann Hesse,
139:Of what use is it to run painfully about the troubled world of visible things when there is a purer world within ourselves? ~ Novalis, “The Disciples at Sais.”,
140:Longing for Death
Down into the womb of the earth,
Out of the kingdom of light,
Anger, pain, and a savage blow
Signal the happy departure. ~ Novalis,
141:Up to now our thinking was either purely mechanical - discursive - atomistic - or purely intuitive - dynamic. Perhaps now the time for union has come? ~ Novalis,
142:Every disease is a musical problem. Its cure a musical solution. The more rapid and complete the solution, the greater the musical talent of the doctor. ~ Novalis,
143:Philosophy can bake no bread; but she can procure for us God, Freedom, Immortality. Which, then, is more practical, Philosophy or Economy? ~ Novalis, Novalis (1829),
144:There is an energy which springs from sickness and debility: it has a more powerful effect than the real, but, sadly, expires in an even greater infirmity. ~ Novalis,
145:Pentru poet, obiectivitatea este totul, pentru filoyof, subiectivitatea. Poertul este glasul universului, filoyoful este glasul Unului elementar, al principiului. ~ Novalis,
146:Hinüber wall ich,
Und jede Pein
Wird einst ein Satchel
Der Wollust sein.
Noch wenig Zeiten,
So bin ich los,
Und liege trunken
Der Lieb' im Schoß ~ Novalis,
147:The Bible begins gloriously with Paradise, the symbol of youth, and ends with the everlasting kingdom, with the holy city. The history of every man should be a Bible. ~ Novalis,
148:–Memory’s distances, youth’s wishes, childhood’s dreams, the short joys of a whole long life and hopeless hopes come grey-clad, like evening mist after the sun has set. ~ Novalis,
149:True anarchy is the generative element of religion. Out of the annihilation of all existing institutions she raises her glorious head, as the new foundress of the world. ~ Novalis,
150:I show that I have understood a writer only when I can act in his spirit, when, without constricting his individuality, I can translate him and change him in diverse ways. ~ Novalis,
151:Hätten wir auch eine Phantastik wie eine Logik, so wäre die Erfindungskunst – erfunden. Zur Phantastik gehört auch die Ästhetik gewissermaßen wie die Vernunftlehre zur Logik. ~ Novalis,
152:I have found that fate is as liquid and elusive a word as love. Plato thought they were the same ... Novalis wrote that fate and soul are two names for the same principle. ~ Liz Greene,
153:The best thing about the sciences is their philosophical ingredient, like life for an organic body. If one dephilosophizes the sciences, what remains left? Earth, air, and water. ~ Novalis,
154:Academia ar trebui să fie un institut eminamente filozofic - Doar o unică facultate - întreg aşezământul organizat în vederea stimulării şi exersării adecvate a forţei de gândire. ~ Novalis,
155:The greatest of sorcerers would be the one who would cast a spell on himself to the degree of taking his own phantasmagoria for autonomous apparitions. Might that not be our case? ~ Novalis,
156:Whoever sees life other than as a self-destroying illusion is himself still preoccupied with life.

Life must not be a novel that is given to us, but one that is made by us. ~ Novalis,
157:But even more heavenly than the flashing
stars are those infinite eyes which the night opens within us, and which see further even than the palest of those
innumerable hosts. ~ Novalis,
158:Man has his being in truth--if he sacrifices truth he sacrifices himself. Whoever betrays truth betrays himself. It is not a question of lying--but of acting against one's conviction. ~ Novalis,
159:Să fie oare corpul şi sufletul în vreun fel anume separate - şi nu este semn de slăbiciune faptul că afecşiunea unuia este totodată şi afecţiunea celuilalt - fără niciun amestec al voinţei? ~ Novalis,
160:For the tragedy of our lives is not created entirely from within. "Character," says Novalis, in one of his questionable aphorisms,–"character is destiny." But not the whole of our destiny. ~ George Eliot,
161:Life is the beginning of death. Life is for the sake of death. Death is at once the end and the beginning—at once separation and closer union of the self. Through death the reduction is complete ~ Novalis,
162:I was fascinated by quotations and lists. And then I noticed that other people were fascinated by quotations and lists: people as different as Borges and Walter Benjamin, Novalis and Godard. ~ Susan Sontag,
163:Life is the beginning of death. Life is for the sake of death. Death is at once the end and the beginning—at once separation and closer union of the self. Through death the reduction is complete. ~ Novalis,
164:I was fascinated by quotations and lists. And then I noticed that other people were fascinated by quotations and lists: people as different as Borges and Walter Benjamin, Novalis and Godard. ~ Susan Sontag,
165:How do we see physically? No differently that we do in our consciousness - by means of the productive power of imagination. Consciousness is the eye and ear, the sense for inner and outer meaning. ~ Novalis,
166:Every stage of education begins with childhood. That is why the most educated person on earth so much resembles a child. ~ Novalis, “Miscellaneous Observations,” Philosophical Writings, M. Stolijar, trans. (Albany: 1997) #48,
167:The art of writing books is not yet invented. But it is at the point of being invented. Fragments of this nature are literary seeds. There may be many an infertile grain among them: nevertheless, if only some come up! ~ Novalis,
168:The supreme task of culture is to take possession of one's transcendental self, to be truly the self of the self...Without a complete intelligence of oneself one will never learn to understand others aright. ~ Novalis, Fragments,
169:If the world is a precipitation of human nature, so to speak, then the divine world is a sublimation of the same. Both occur in one act. No precipitation without sublimation. What goes lost there in agility, is won here. ~ Novalis,
170:What is nature? An encyclopedic systematic index or plan of our spirit. Why should we be content with the mere catalogue of our treasures—let us examine them for ourselves—and work with them and use them in diverse ways. ~ Novalis,
171:Der mystische Ausdruck ist ein Gedankenreiz mehr. Alle Wahrheit ist uralt. Der Reiz der Neuheit liegt nur in den Variationen des Ausdrucks. Je kontrastierender die Erscheinung, desto größer die Freude Des Wiedererkennens. ~ Novalis,
172:We dream of travels throughout the universe: is not the universe within us? We do not know the depths of our spirit. The mysterious path leads within. In us, or nowhere, lies eternity with its worlds, the past and the future. ~ Novalis,
173:How can a person have a sense of something if he does not have the germ of it within himself. What I am to understand must develop organically within me--and what I seem to learn is only nourishment--stimulation of the organism. ~ Novalis,
174:To romanticize the world is to make us aware of the magic, mystery and wonder of the world; it is to educate the senses to see the ordinary as extraordinary, the familiar as strange, the mundane as sacred, the finite as infinite. ~ Novalis,
175:There is but one temple in the world, and that is the body of man. Nothing is holier than this high form. Bending before men is a reverence done to this revelation in the flesh. We touch heaven when we lay our hand on a human body. ~ Novalis,
176:Darwin remarks that we are less dazzled by the light at waking, if we have been dreaming of visible objects. Happy are those who have here dreamt of a higher vision! They will the sooner be able to endure the glories of the world to come. ~ Novalis,
177:There is only one temple in the universe and that is the body of man. Nothing is holier than this noble form. To bow down before man is a homage offered to this revelation in the flesh. We touch heaven when we lay our hand on a human body. ~ Novalis,
178:Arta este: desăvârşirea activităţii noastre - a voi într-un anume fel - potrivit unei idei - a voi şi a făptui e aici acelaşi lucru. Numai prin exersarea repetată a activităşii noastre, ce devine tot mai precisă şi mai viguroasă, apare arta. ~ Novalis,
179:Wir träumen von Reisen durch das Weltall: ist denn das Weltall nicht in uns? Die Tiefen unseres Geistes kennen wir nicht. – Nach Innen geht der geheimnisvolle Weg. In uns, oder nirgends ist die Ewigkeit mit ihren Welten, die Vergangenheit und Zukunft. ~ Novalis,
180:he who has tasted it, who has stood at the watershed of this world and looked across into the new land, into the dwelling of the night − truly, he will never return to the labours of the world, to the land where the light is housed in ceaseless unrest. ~ Novalis,
181:Before abstraction everything is one, but one like chaos; after abstraction everything is united again, but this union is a free binding of autonomous, self-determined beings. Out of a mob a society has developed, chaos has been transformed into a manifold world. ~ Novalis,
182:The more narrow-minded a system is the more it will please worldly-wise people. Thus the system of the materialists, the doctrine of Helvetius and also Locke has recieved the most acclaim amongst his class. Thus Kant even now will find more followers than Fichte. ~ Novalis,
183:Friendship, love, and piety ought to be handled with a sort of mysterious secrecy; they ought to be spoken of only in the rare moments of perfect confidence, to be mutually understood in silence. Many things are too delicate to be thought; many more, to be spoken. ~ Novalis,
184:Wer ein mathematisches Buch nicht mit Andacht ergreift, und es wie Gottes-Wort liest, der versteht es nicht. - Whoever seizes a mathematical book without devotion, whoever does not read it as if it were God's word, doesn't understand it. ~   Novalis, Fragmente vermischten Inhalts.,
185:Ferice de limba noastră căci e lipsită de supleţe - ceş puternic o supune, cel slab e supus de ea - în primul caz manifestarea forţei e mai vădită, mai frumoasă; în al doilea, neputunţa mai izbitoare - şi astfel tărâmul frumuseţii rămâne mai pur, mai nobil, mai neamestecat. ~ Novalis,
186:The highest task of education is—to take command of one’s transcendental self—to be at once the I of its I. It is all the less to be wondered at that we lack complete insight and understanding for others. Without perfect self-understanding one will never learn to truly understand others. ~ Novalis,
187:A certain degree of solitude seems necessary to the full growth and spread of the highest mind; and therefore must a very extensive intercourse with men stifle many a holy germ, and scare away the gods, who shun the restless tumult of noisy companies and the discussion of petty interests. ~ Novalis,
188:All the chance events of our lives are materials from which we can make what we like. Whoever is rich in spirit makes much of his life. Every acquaintance, every incident would be for the thoroughly spiritual person—the first element in an endless series—the beginning of an endless novel. ~ Novalis,
189:Oh draw at my heart, love,
Draw till I'm gone,
That, fallen asleep, I
Still may love on.
I feel the flow of
Death's youth-giving flood
To balsam and ether
Transform my blood --
I live all the daytime
In faith and in might
And in holy fire
I die every night. ~ Novalis,
190:...meine kleine Scheinheimat, wo der Lehnstuhl und der Ofen, das Tintenfaß und die Malschachtel, der Novalis und der Dostojewski auf mich warteten, so, wie auf andere, auf richtige Menschen, wenn sie heimkommen, die Mutter oder Frau, die Kinder, die Mägde, die Hunde, die Katzen warten. ~ Hermann Hesse,
191:Pudoarea e probabil un sentiment de profanare. Prietenia, iubirea, evlavia ar trebui tratate în chip tainic. Ar trebui să vorbim despre ele doar în clipe rare, intime, să ne înţelegem în tăcere cu privire la ele - Multe lucruri sunt prea gingaşe spre a fi gândite, şi mai multe spre a fi rostite. ~ Novalis,
192:The normal present connects the past and the future through limitation. Contiguity results, crystallization by means of solidification. There also exists, however, a spiritual present that identifies past and future through dissolution, and this mixture is the element, the atmosphere of the poet. ~ Novalis,
193:Trebuie să poţi începe şi sfârşi când vrei - sau trebuie să-ţi faci rost de o voinţă. Voinţa e întotdeauna raţională - şi puternică. Dacă vrei, atrunci poţi. Dar n-ai o voinţă fermă, sau n-ai deloc, dacă eşti şi acţionezi neraţional - dacă nu începi şi nu încvhizi cartea când e bine şi-nşelept s-o faci. ~ Novalis,
194:The possibility of all philosophy ... namely, that the intelligence, by affecting itself, gives itself a movement in accordance with its own law—that is, gives itself a form of activity all its own. ~ Novalis, Schriften, p. 63, as translated in Walter Benjamin: Selected Writings: Volume 1, 1913-1926 (1996), p. 133.,
195:From the most ancient days of China to the myths of the Greeks we find the concept of an ideal, heavenly life for men under the hegemony of music. The Glass Bead Game is intimately bound up with this cult of music (“in eternal transmutations the secret power of song greets us here below,” says Novalis). ~ Hermann Hesse,
196:Imagination places the future world for us either above or below or in reincarnation. We dream of travels throughout the universe: is not the universe within us? We do not know the depths of our spirit. The mysterious path leads within. In us, or nowhere, lies eternity with its worlds, the past and the future. ~ Novalis,
197:Morality must be the heart of our existence, if it is to be what it wants to be for us. The highest form of philosophy is ethics. Thus all philosophy begins with "I am." The highest statement of cognition must be an expression of that fact which is the means and ground for all cognition, namely, the goal of the I. ~ Novalis,
198:He feels himself to be master of the universe, his “I” floats in power above this gulf and Will range across eternity above these infinite vicissitudes. His spirit endeavours to announce and spread harmony. And through endless ages his union with Self and his creation which surrounds him will increase in perfection. ~ Novalis,
199:When one begins to reflect on philosophy—then philosophy seems to us to be everything, like God, and love. It is a mystical, highly potent, penetrating idea—which ceaselessly drives us inward in all directions. The decision to do philosophy—to seek philosophy is the act of self-liberation—the thrust toward ourselves. ~ Novalis,
200:Bütün tutkular bir trajedi gibi son bulur. Tek yanlı her şey, ölümle biter -işte duygu felsefesi- işte hayal gücü felsefesi, işte düşünce felsefesi. Bütün hayat, yaşlılık ve ölümle son bulur. Her şiirde trajik bir yan vardır. Hakikî şakanın temelinde ciddiyet yatar. Farsın, kukla oyunun, en renkli hayatın, âdînin, trajik etkisi. ~ Novalis,
201:Blood will stream over Europe until the nations become aware of the frightful madness which drives them in circles. And then, struck by celestial music and made gentle, they approach their former altars all together, hear about the works of peace, and hold a great celebration of peace with fervent tears before the smoking altars. ~ Novalis,
202:Bütün tutkular bir trajedi gibi son bulur. Tek yanlı her şey, ölümle biter -işte duygu felsefesi- işte hayal gücü felsefesi, işte düşünce felsefesi. Bütün hayat, yaşlılık ve ölümle son bulur. Her şiirde trajik bir yan vardır. Hakikî şakanın temelinde ciddiyet yatar. Farsın, kukla oyununun, en renkli hayatın, âdînin, trajik etkisi. ~ Novalis,
203:Centripetal force is the synthetic striving of the spirit - centrifugal force the analytical striving of the spirit. Striving toward unity - striving towards diversity. Through the mutual determination of each by the other - that higher synthesis of unity and diversity itself will be produced - whereby one is in all and all in one. ~ Novalis,
204:The world must be romanticized. Only in that way will one rediscover its original senses. Romanticization is nothing less than a qualitative raising of the power of a thing . . . I romanticize something when I give the commonplace a higher meaning, the known the dignity of the unknown, and the finite the appearance of the infinite. ~ Novalis,
205:The inner world is the world of your requirements and your energies and your structure and your possibilities that meets the outer world. And the outer world is the field of your incarnation. That’s where you are. You’ve got to keep both going. As Novalis said, ‘The seat of the soul is there where the inner and outer worlds meet. ~ Joseph Campbell,
206:Everything that we experience is a communication. In fact, so is the world too a communication -- the revelation of spirit. The time is gone when the spirit of God was comprehensible to us. The meaning of the world has been lost to us. We have seen only its letters. We have lost that which is appearing behind the appearance. ~ Novalis,
207:Bütün tutkular bir trajedi gibi son bulur. Tek yanlı her şey, ölümle biter -işte duygu felsefesi- işte hayal gücü felsefesi, işte düşünce felsefesi. Bütün hayat, yaşlılık ve ölümle son bulur. Her şiirde trajik bir yan vardır. Hakikî şakanın temelinde ciddiyet yatar. Farsın, kukla oyununun, en renkli hayatın, âdînin, arabeskin trajik etkisi. ~ Novalis,
208:In most religious systems we are regarded as parts of the godhead which, if they do not obey the impulses of the whole, and even if they do not intentionally act against the laws of the whole, but only go their own way and do not want to be parts of it, are medically treated by the godhead—and either endure a painful cure or even are cut off. ~ Novalis,
209:While the poets were above all interested in the fluid and fugitive aspects of Nature, others desired, by slogging away with a hatchet and pickax, to discover the interior structure of Nature and the relationship between the separate morsels. The spirit of our friend Nature dissolved in their hands, leaving nothing but throbbing or dead parts. ~ Novalis,
210:That which the external world perceives as quite motionless has the appearance of being quite at rest. However much it may change, in relation to the external world it always stays at rest. This principle governs all self-modifications. That is why the beautiful appears so much at rest. Everything beautiful is a self-illuminated, perfect individual. ~ Novalis,
211:It is not merely the multiplicity of tints, the gladness of tone, or the balminess of the air which delight in the spring; it is the still consecrated spirit of hope, the prophecy of happy days yet to come; the endless variety of nature, with presentiments of eternal flowers which never shall fade, and sympathy with the blessedness of the ever-developing world. ~ Novalis,
212:We may see very clearly how the wrong sound, or “anti-music,” is pathogenic and migrainogenic; while the right sound—proper music—is truly tranquillising, and immediately restores cerebral health. These effects are striking, and quite fundamental, and put one in mind of Novalis’s aphorism: “Every disease is a musical problem; every cure is a musical solution. ~ Oliver Sacks,
213:Denotation by means of sounds and markings is a remarkable abstraction. Three letters designate God for me; several lines a million things. How easy becomes the manipulation of the universe here, how evident the concentration of the intellectual world! Language is the dynamics of the spiritual realm. One word of command moves armies; the word liberty entire nations. ~ Novalis,
214:The inner world is the world of your requirements and your energies and your structure and your possibilities that meets the outer world. And the outer world is the field of your incarnation. That’s where you are. You’ve got to keep both going. As Novalis said, "The seat of the soul is there where the inner and outer worlds meet."
Joseph Campbell, 1991, The Power of Myth, pp.68-69 ~ Joseph Campbell,
215:Tot ce-i la modă mi-a repugnat întodeauna.Probabil că sufăr de ceea ce am numit egoism artistic,în privinţa artei vreau totul numai pt mine,vreau să-l am singur pe Schopenhauer al meu,pe Pascal al meu,pe Novalis al meu şi pe mult iubitul meu Gogol,vreau să posed numai eu singur aceste produse de artă,aceste agresiuni artistice geniale,vreau să-i am eu singur pe Michelangelo,Renoir,Goya. ~ Thomas Bernhard,
216:Who anyway can define the borderline between gnosis and poetic knowledge? The two modes are not identical, and yet they interpenetrate one another. Are we to call the gnosis of Novalis, Blake, and Shelley a knowledge that is not poetic? In domesticating the Sufis in our imagination, Corbin renders Ibn 1 Arabi and Suhrawardi as a Blakl· and a Shelley whose precursor is not Milton but the Koran. ~ Harold Bloom,
217:Die Welt muß romantisiert werden. So findet man den ursprünglichen Sinn wieder. Romantisieren ist nichts, als eine qualitative Potenzierung. Das niedre Selbst wird mit einem bessern Selbst in dieser Operation identifiziert. (…) Indem ich dem Gemeinen einen hohen Sinn, dem Gewöhnlichen ein geheimnisvolles Ansehn, dem Bekannten die Würde des Unbekannten, dem Endlichen einen unendlichen Schein gebe so romantisiere ich es. ~ Novalis,
218:Most observers of the French Revolution, especially the clever and noble ones, have explained it as a life-threatening and contagious illness. They have remained standing with the symptoms and have interpreted these in manifold and contrary ways. Some have regarded it as a merely local ill. The most ingenious opponents have pressed for castration. They well noticed that this alleged illness is nothing other than the crisis of beginning puberty. ~ Novalis,
219:Sometimes with the most intense pain a paralysis of sensibility occurs. The soul disintegrates--hence the deadly frost--the free power of the mind--the shattering, ceaseless wit of this kind of despair. There is no inclination for anything any more--the person is alone, like a baleful power--as he has no connection with the rest of the world he consumes himself gradually--and in accordance with his own principle he is--misanthropic and misotheos. ~ Novalis,
220:The fate which oppresses us is the inertia of our spirit. Through extending and cultivating our activity we shall transform ourselves into fate.

Everything seems to stream inward into us, because we do not stream outward. We are negative because we want to be—the more positive we become, the more negative will the world around us become—until at last there will be no more negation—but instead we are all in all.

God wants there to be gods. ~ Novalis,
221:The region belonging to the pure intellect is straitened: the imagination labours to extend its territories, to give it room. She sweeps across the boarders, searching out new lands into which she may guide her plodding brother. The imagination is the light which redeems from the darkness for the eyes of the understanding. Novalis says, 'The imagination is the stuff of the intellect' -affords, that is, the material upon which the intellect works. ~ George MacDonald,
222:The ideal of morality has no more dangerous rival than the ideal of supreme strength, of a life of maximum vigor, which has also been called the ideal of aesthetic greatness. That life is in truth the ultimate attainment of the barbarian, and unfortunately in these days of civilization’s withering it has won a great many adherents. In pursuance of this ideal man becomes a hybrid thing, a brute-spirit, whose cruel mentality exerts a horrible spell upon weaklings. ~ Novalis,
223:Is not our body in itself nothing but a common central effect of our senses—if we have mastery over our senses—if we are able to transform them into activity at will—to center them at a common point, then it only depends on us—to give ourselves the body we want.

Indeed, in our senses are nothing other than modifications of the mental organ—of the absolute element—then with mastery over this element we shall also be able to modify and direct our senses as we please. ~ Novalis,
224:Content, our life advancing
To a life that shall abide,
Each flame its worth enhancing,
The soul is glorified.
The starry host shall sink then
To bright and living wine,
The golden draught we drink then,
And stars ourselves shall shine.

Love released, lives woundless,
No separation more;
While life swells free and boundless
As a sea without a shore.
One night of glad elation,
One joy that cannot die,
And the sun of all creation
Is the face of the Most High. ~ Novalis,
225:The world must be romanticized. In this way its original meaning will be rediscovered. Romanticization is nothing but a qualitative realization of potential. The lower self is identified, in this operation, with a better self. As we are ourselves are such a qualitative series of empowerings. This operation is as yet quite unknown. Insofar as I give a higher meaning to what is commonplace, and a mysterious appearance to what is ordinary, the dignity of the unknown to what is known, a semblance of infinity to what is finite, I romanticize it. ~ Novalis,
226:Only fools fail to recognize you, knowing no sleep but the shadow which you, taking pity, cast over us in the twilight before true night. They do not taste you in the golden flood of grapes, in the magic oil of the almond tree and the brown juice of the poppy. They do not know that it is you who hovers over a tender maiden’s bosom, making a heaven of her lap − never suspect that it is you who comes to them out of old stories, opening the doors to heaven and carrying the key to the dwellings of the blessed, a silent messenger of infinite mysteries. ~ Novalis,
227:Sonechka, meanwhile, placid soul that she was—cocooned by the thousand volumes of her reading, lulled by the hazy murmurings of the Greek myths, the hypnotically shrill recorder fluting of the Middle Ages, the misty windswept yearning of Ibsen, the minutely detailed tedium of Balzac, the astral music of Dante, the siren song of the piercing voices of Rilke and Novalis, seduced by the moralistic despair of the great Russian writers calling out to the heart of heaven itself—this placid soul had no awareness that her great moment was at hand. ~ Lyudmila Ulitskaya,
228:Dünya uzaklarda - derin bir mezara indirilmiş-, yeri, bir çöl gibi ve yapayalnız. Göğsünün tellerinden derin bir hüznün esintileri yükselmekte. Çiğ taneleriyle birlikte ta aşağılara damlamak ve küllere karışmak istiyorum. -Anıların uzaklığı, gençliğin arzuları, çocukluktaki düşler, bütün bir yaşamın kısacık sevinçleri ve nafile umutları, güneşin ardından etrafı saran akşam sisi gibi, sırtlarında kurşuni giysilerle gelmekteler. Başka yerlerde ışık, neşeli çadırlarını kurmuş. Ya onu masumiyetin inancıyla beklemekte olan çocuklarına bir daha hiç dönmezse? ~ Novalis,
229:Tools arm the man. One can well say that man is capable of bringing forth a world; he lacks only the necessary apparatus, the corresponding armature of his sensory tools. The beginning is there. Thus the principle of a warship lies in the idea of the shipbuilder, who is able to incorporate this thought by making himself into a gigantic machine, as it were, through a mass of men and appropriate tools and materials. Thus the idea of a moment often required monstrous organs, monstrous masses of materials, and man is therefore a potential, if not an actual creator. ~ Novalis,
230:I turn away from the light to the holy, inexpressible, mysterious night. Far away lies the world − sunk into a
deep vault, its place waste and lonely. Across my heart strings a low melancholy plays. I will fall in drops of dew and merge with the ashes. Distant memories, the wishes of youth, the dreams of childhood, the brief joys and vain hopes of a long life – all arise dressed in grey, like evening mist after sunset. In other lands light has
pitched its merry tents. And if it never returned to its children, who would await its dawning with the innocence of faith? ~ Novalis,
231:Ich weiß nicht, aber mich dünkt, ich sähe zwei Wege um zur Wissenschaft der menschlichen Geschichte zu gelangen. Der eine, mühsam und unabsehlich, mit unzähligen Krümmungen, der Weg der Erfahrung; der andere, fast ein Sprung nur, der Weg der innern Betrachtung. Der Wanderer des ersten muß eins aus dem andern in einer langwierigen Rechnung finden, wenn der andere die Natur jeder Begebenheit und jeder Sache gleich unmittelbar anschaut, und sie in ihrem lebendigen, mannigfaltigen Zusammenhange betrachten, und leicht mit allen übrigen, wie Figuren auf einer Tafel, vergleichen kann. ~ Novalis,
232:Aside I turn to the holy, unspeakable, mysterious Night. Afar lies the world -- sunk in a deep grave -- waste and lonely is its place. In the chords of the bosom blows a deep sadness. I am ready to sink away in drops of dew, and mingle with the ashes. -- The distances of memory, the wishes of youth, the dreams of childhood, the brief joys and vain hopes of a whole long life, arise in gray garments, like an evening vapor after the sunset. In other regions the light has pitched its joyous tents. What if it should never return to its children, who wait for it with the faith of innocence? ~ Novalis,
233:I stood before a mirror and said fearfully: “I want to see how I look in the mirror with my eyes closed.”

These wrods of Richter’s, when I first came upon them, made an indescribable commotion in me. As did the following, which seems almost like a corollary of the above—from Novalis:

The seat of the soul is where inner world and outer world touch each other. For nobody knows himself, if he is only himself and not also another one at the same time.

To take possession of one’s transcendental I, to be the I of one’s I, at the same time, as Novalis expressed it again. ~ Henry Miller,
234:What is it that wells up so suddenly and menacingly under my heart, swallowing the soft air of melancholy? Are you pleased with us, dark night? What is it you conceal under your mantle, that grabs invisibly and powerfully at my soul? A rich balm drips off your fingers from a bundle of poppies. You raise up the heavy wings of the soul – darkly and inexpressibly we are moved. I see an earnest face startled with joy – softly and reverently it inclines toward me, and under endlessly entangled locks
appears the cherished face of our Mother. How poor and childish the light seems to me now − how welcome and
blessed is the day’s departure. ~ Novalis,
235:Shakespeare said that art is a mirror held up to nature. And that’s what it is. The nature is your nature, and all of these wonderful poetic images of mythology are referring to something in you. When your mind is trapped by the image out there so that you never make the reference to yourself, you have misread the image.

The inner world is the world of your requirements and your energies and your structure and your possibilities that meets the outer world. And the outer world is the field of your incarnation. That’s where you are. You’ve got to keep both going. As Novalis said, 'The seat of the soul is there where the inner and outer worlds meet. ~ Joseph Campbell,
236:Shakespeare said that art is a mirror held up to nature. And that's what it is. The nature is your nature, and all of these wonderful poetic images of mythology are referring to something in you. When your mind is trapped by the image out there so that you never make the reference to yourself, you have misread the image.

The inner world is the world of your requirements and your energies and your structure and your possibilities that meets the outer world. And the outer world is the field of your incarnation. That's where you are. You've got to keep both going. As Novalis said, 'The seat of the soul is there where the inner and outer worlds meet. ~ Joseph Campbell, The Power of Myth,
237:Die Phantasie setzt die künftige Welt entweder in die Höhe, oder in die Tiefe, oder in der Metempsychose zu uns. Wir träumen von Reisen durch das Weltall: ist denn das Weltall nicht in uns? Die Tiefen unseres Geistes kennen wir nicht. – Nach Innen geht der geheimnisvolle Weg. In uns, oder nirgends ist die Ewigkeit mit ihren Welten, die Vergangenheit und Zukunft. Die Außenwelt ist die Schattenwelt, sie wirft ihren Schatten in das Lichtreich. Jetzt scheint es uns freilich innerlich so dunkel, einsam, gestaltlos, aber wie ganz anders wird es uns dünken, wenn diese Verfinsterung vorbei, und der Schattenkörper hinweggerückt ist. Wir werden mehr genießen als je, denn unser Geist hat entbehrt. ~ Novalis,
238:The imagination places the world of the future either far above us, or far below, or in a relation of metempsychosis to ourselves. We dream of traveling through the universe—but is not the universe within ourselves? The depths of our spirit are unknown to us—the mysterious way leads inwards. Eternity with its worlds—the past and future—is in ourselves or nowhere. The external world is the world of shadows—it throws its shadow into the realm of light. At present this realm certainly seems to us so dark inside, lonely, shapeless. But how entirely different it will seem to us—when this gloom is past, and the body of shadows has moved away. We will experience greater enjoyment than ever, for our spirit has been deprived. ~ Novalis,
239:Sacrifice of the self is the source of all humiliation, as also on the contrary is the foundation of all true exaltation. The first step will be an inward gaze—an isolating contemplation of ourselves. Whoever stops here has come only halfway. The second step must be an active outward gaze—autonomous, constant observation of the external world.

No one will ever achieve excellence as an artist who cannot depict anything other than his own experiences, his favorite objects, who cannot bring himself to study assiduously even a quite strange object, which does not interest him at all, and to depict it at leisure. An artist must be able and willing to depict everything. This is how a great artistic style is created, which rightly is so much admired in Goethe. ~ Novalis,
240:Fox would say, let any man open his eyes to the world he lives in, and he’ll become an Outsider immediately. He will begin by thinking he sees ‘too deep and too much’; he will end by realizing that you cannot see too deep and too much.

This is obviously another way of saying (with Novalis) ‘All men could be men of genius if they weren’t so lazy’: a doubtful and difficult proposition, fraught with difficulties. Because the answer is that it may have been true for Novalis, and for Nietzsche; it may happen to be true for me and for you because we both happen to be men of genius; but to say it is always true for everybody is a different thing. And the same goes for salvation and holiness. If salvation means self-knowledge, then it looks as if most men are predestinately damned. ~ Colin Wilson,
241:Almost all genius up to now was one-sided—the result of a sickly constitution. One type had too much sense of the external, the other too much inner sense. Seldom could nature achieve a balance between the two—a complete constitution of genius. Often a perfect proportion arose by chance, but this could never endure because it was not comprehended and fixed by the spirit—they remained fortunate moments. The first genius that penetrated itself found here the exemplary germ of an immeasurable world. It made a discovery which must have been the most remarkable in the history of the world—for with it there begins a whole new epoch for humanity—and true history of all kinds becomes possible for the first time at this stage—for the way that had been traversed hitherto now makes up a proper whole that can be entirely elucidated. That point outside the world is given, and now Archimedes can fulfill his promise. ~ Novalis,
242:In the earliest times of the discovery of the faculty of judgment, every new judgment was a find. The worth of this find rose, the more practical and fertile the judgment was. Verdicts which now seem to us very common then still demanded an unusual level of intellectual life. One had to bring genius and acuity together in order to find new relations using the new tool. Its application to the most characteristic, interesting, and general aspects of humanity necessarily aroused exceptional admiration and drew the attention of all good minds to itself. In this way those bodies of proverbial sayings came into being that have been valued so highly at all times and among all peoples. It would easily be possible for the discoveries of genius we make today to meet with a similar fate in the course of time. There could easily come a time when all that would be as common as moral precepts are now, and new, more sublime discoveries would occupy the restless spirit of men. ~ Novalis,
243:The true reader must be an extension of the author. He is the higher court that receives the case already prepared by the lower court. The feeling by means of which the author has separated out the materials of his work, during reading separates out again the unformed and the formed aspects of the book—and if the reader were to work through the book according to his own idea, a second reader would refine it still more, with the result that, since the mass that had been worked through would constantly be poured into fresh vessels, the mass would finally become an essential component—a part of the active spirit.

Through impartial rereading of his book the author can refine his book himself. With strangers the particular character is usually lost, because the talent of fully entering into another person’s idea is so rare. Often even in the author himself. It is not a sign of superior education and greater powers to justifiably find fault with a book. When receiving new impressions, greater sharpness of mind is quite natural. ~ Novalis,
244:The letter is only an aid to philosophical communication, the actual essence of which consists in arousing a particular train of thought. Someone speaking thinks and produces—someone listening reflects—and reproduces. Words are a deceptive medium for what is already though—unreliable vehicles of a particular, specific stimulus. The true teacher is a guide. If the pupil genuinely desires truth it requires only a hint to show him how to find what he is seeking. Accordingly the representation of philosophy consists purely of themes—of initial propositions—principles. It exists only for autonomous lovers of truth. The analytical exposition of the theme is only for those who are sluggish or unpracticed. The latter must learn thereby how to fly and keep themselves moving in a particular direction.

Attentiveness is a centripetal force. The effective relation between that which is directed and the object of direction begins with the given direction. If we hold fast to this direction we are apodictically certain of reaching the goal that has been set.

True collaboration in philosophy then is a common movement toward a beloved world—whereby we relieve each other in the most advanced outpost, a movement that demands the greatest effort against the resisting element within which we are flying. ~ Novalis,
245:in the light of Hesse’s contribution, the implications of the Outsiders of the first two chapters are altogether clearer. Their problem is the unreality of their lives. They become acutely conscious of it when it begins to pain them, but they are not sure of the source of the pain. The ordinary world loses its values, as it does for a man who has been ill for a very long time. Life takes on the quality of a nightmare, or a cinema sheet when the screen goes blank. These men who had been projecting their hopes and desires into what was passing on the screen suddenly realize they are in a cinema. They ask: Who are we? What are we doing here? With the delusion of the screen identity gone, the causality of its events suddenly broken, they are confronted with a terrifying freedom. In Sartre’s phrase, they are ‘condemned to be free’. Completely new bearings are demanded; a new analysis of this real world of the cinema has to be undertaken. In the shadow world on the screen, every problem had an answer; this may not be true of the world in the cinema. The fact that the screen world has proved to be a delusion arouses the disturbing possibility that the cinema world may be unreal too. ‘When we dream that we dream, we are beginning to wake up,’ Novalis says. Chuang Tzu had once said that he had dreamed he was a butterfly, and now wasn’t sure if he was a man who dreamed he was a butterfly or a butterfly dreaming he was a man. ~ Colin Wilson,
246:It is the most capricious prejudice to believe that a human being is denied the capacity to be outside himself, to be consciously beyond the senses. He is capable at any moment of being a suprasensual being. Without this he would not be a citizen of the world—he would be an animal. It is true that under these circumstances reflection, the discovery of oneself—is very difficult, since they are so ceaselessly, so necessarily connected with the change in our other circumstances. But the more conscious of these circumstances we can be, the more lively, powerful, and ample is the conviction which derives from them—the belief in true revelations of the spirit. It is not seeing—hearing—feeling—it is a combination of all three—more than all three—a sensation of immediate certainty—a view of my truest, most actual life—thoughts change into laws—wishes are fulfilled. For the weak person the fact of this moment is an article of faith.

The phenomenon becomes especially striking at the sight of many human forms and faces—particularly so on catching sight of many eyes, expressions, movements—on hearing certain words, reading certain passages—at certain views of life, world, and fate. Very many chance incidents, many natural events, particular times of the day and year bring us such experiences. Certain moods are especially favorable to such revelations. Most last only an instant—few linger—fewest of all remain. In this respect there are great differences between people. One is more capable of experiencing revelations than another. One has more sense of them, the other more understanding. The latter kind will always remain in their soft light; even if the former has only intermittent flashes of illumination, they are brighter and more varied. This capacity is also susceptible to illness, which signifies either excessive sense and deficient understanding—or excessive understanding and deficient sense. ~ Novalis,
247:Ich sehe die Szene schon vor mir, wie ich oben ankomme, mit dem Typ, der meinen Namen auf der Liste sucht und nicht findet.
"Wie heißen Sie nochmal?"
"Nosjinskij, Notarbartolo, Novalis, Nozza..."
"Es ist nämlich so, daß ich auf einem Schiff geboren bin."
"Wie bitte?"
"Ich bin aif einem Schiff geboren und da auch gestorben, ich weiß nicht, ob das da aus der Liste hervorgeht..."
"Nein. Explodiert. Dreizehn Zentner Dynamit. Bum."
"Aha. Ist soweit alles in Ordnung?"
"Ja, ja, bestens... das heißt... da ist noch die Sache mit dem Arm... ein Arm ist weg... aber man hat mir versichert..."
"Ein Arm fehlt ihnen?"
"Ja. Wissen Sie, bei de Explosion..."
"Da müßte noch ein Paar liegen... welcher fehlt Ihnen denn?"
"Der linke."
"Ach herrje."
"Was soll das heißen?"
"Ich fürchte, es sind zwei rechte, wissen Sie."
"Zwei rechte Arme?"
"Tja. Unter Umständen können Sie Schwierigkeiten haben,..."
"Ich meine, wenn Sie einen rechten Arm nehmen würden..."
"Einen rechten Arm anstelle des linken?"
"Aber... nein, oder doch,... lieber einen rechten als gar keinen..."
"Das meine ich auch. Warten Sie einen Moment, ich hole ihn."
"Ich komme am besten in ein paar Tagen wieder vorbei, dann haben Sie vielleicht einen linken da..."
"Also, ich habe hier einen weißen und einen schwarzen..."
"Nein, nein, einfarbig... nichts gegen Schwarze, hm, es ist nur eine Frage der..."
Pech gehabt. Eine ganze Ewigkeit im Paradies mit zwei rechten Armen. (Näselnd gesprochen.) Und jetzt schlagen wir ein schönes Kreuz! (Er setzt zu dieser Geste an, hält aber inne. Er betrachtet seine Hände.) Nie weiß man, welche man nehmen soll. (Er zögert einen Augenblick, dann bekreuzigt er sich schnell mit beiden Händen.) Sich eine ganze ewigkeit, Millionen Jahre, zum Affen machen. (Wieder schlägt er mit beiden Händen ein Kreuz.) Die Hölle. Da gibt's nichts zu lachen.

(Er dreht sich um, geht auf die Kulissen zu, bliebt einen Schritt vor dem Abgang stehen, dreht sich erneut zum Publikum, und seine Augen leuchten.)

Andererseits... du weißt ja, daß Musik... mit diesen Händen, mit zwei rechten... wenn da nur ein Klavier ist... ~ Alessandro Baricco,
248:159. За да определим Аза, трябва да го съотнесем към нещо. Съотнасянето става чрез различия - и двете с помощта на тезата за абсолютна сфера на съществуването. Това е голото съществуване или хаосът.
Ако би имало и една по-висша сфера, то това би била сферата между битие и небитие, витаенето между двете - нещо неизразимо; и тук именно имаме понятието за живот.
Животът не може да бъде нищо друго. Човекът умира, материята остава, междинното звено, ако мога да се изразя така, между материя и унищожение го няма, материята става неопределяема, всичко си присвоява каквото може.
Тук философията спира и трябва да спре; защото животът се състои тъкмо в това, че не може да бъде разбран.
Всяка философия може да има за предмет само битието. Човекът усеща границата, която обгражда всичко за него и самия него - това е първото действие; той трябва да вярва в нея, колкото и сигурно да знае всичко друго. Следователно тук ние още не сме трансцендентни, а сме един Аз и за Аза.
За да разбере самия себе си, Азът трябва да си представи една друга, еднаква с него същност, сякаш да я анатомизира. Тази друга, еднаква нему същност не е нищо друго освен самият Аз. Той възприема акта на тази алиенация и съответно производство също така само посредством този мисловен препарат, открива, че при него самия трябва да бъде същото, че действието при него не се осъществява по друг начин, който да предхожда тази рефлексия...
Естествено движение на рефлексията към резултата и от резултата към рефлексията - като резултат на резултата.
Животът е нещо съставено от синтеза, теза и антитеза и все пак нито едно от трите.
Всички последващи тези, синтези и антитези трябва да имат съдържанието на тезата и формата на първата синтеза и антитеза. Следователно битието трябва да бъде характерът на всички тези, а разделянето и съотнасянето - характерът на всички антитези и синтези.
Не е ли всяка философия възможна само за употреба или за нуждите на рефлексията?
Ето защо тя трябва да бъде догматична и да изглежда трансцендентна.
Какво разбираме ние под "Аз"?
Не е ли вложил Фихте твърде произволно всичко в Аза? На какво основание?
Може ли един Аз да се определи като Аз без друг Аз или Не-Аз? (Как Аз и Не-Аз са противопоставими?)
Аз-ът притежава йероглифна способност.
Трябва да има някакъв Не-Аз, за да може Азът да се определя като Аз. (Теза, антитеза, синтеза.)
Действието, чрез което Азът се определя като Аз, трябва да бъде свързано с антитезата на един независим Не-Аз и с отношението към една обгръщаща ги сфера: тази сфера може да бъде наречена Бог или Аз. ~ Novalis,
249:In ultima perioadă a vieţii, Gogol a fost cuprins de remuşcări: personajele sale, credea el, nu erau decat viciu, vulgaritate, gunoi. Trebuia să aibă grijă să le dăruiască şi virtuţi, să le smulgă din noroiul lor. Şi astfel scrise partea a doua a Sufletelor moarte; din fericire, a pus-o pe foc. Nu exista «salvare» pentru eroii săi. Unii au pus gestul pe seama nebuniei, cînd, de fapt, îşi avea obîrşia în scrupulele conştiinţei sale de artist: scriitorul l-a învins pe profet. Ne plac la el cruzimea, dispreţul faţă de oameni, viziunea unei lumi osîndite; cum să fi suportat o caricatură moralizatoare? Pierdere ireparabilă, spun unii; pierdere salutară, mai curînd. In ultima sa perioadă, Gogol mai păstrează o forţă obscură pe care însă nu ştie s-o folosească; se prăbuşeşte într-o letargie străbătută cînd şi cînd de tresăriri; tresăririle unei fantome. Umorul ce-i îngăduia să-şi stăpînească «accesele de spaimă» dispare. O jalnică perioadă începe. Prietenii îl părăsesc. Face un gest necugetat: publică Pagini alese din corespondenţa cu prietenii, care au fost, o recunoaşte chiar el, o «palmă pentru public, o palmă pentru prieteni, o palmă pentru mine». Slavofili şi prooccidentali îl reneagă deopotrivă. Cartea era o apologie a puterii, un delir reacţionar. Spre nenorocirea lui, Gogol s-a legat de un anume părinte Matvei, nesimţitor la artă, mărginit, agresiv, şi care a avut asupra lui o autoritate de duhovnic, de călău. Scrisorile primite de la acesta le purta asupra sa în permanenţă, le citea şi le răscitea; cură de stupiditate, de idioţie. Cînd talentul unui scriitor se epuizează, inepţiile unui duhovnic umplu golul inspiraţiei. Influenţa părintelui Matvei asupra lui Gogol a fost mai mare decît a lui Puşkin; acesta îi încuraja geniul; al doilea se străduia să-i înăbuşe orice rămăşiţă de geniu... Neajungîndu-i predicile, Gogol a simţit nevoia să se pedepsească şi mai mult; opera lui conferea farsei, grimasei un sens universal; frămîntările sale religioase nu puteau rămîne străine de asta. Unii ar putea susţine că Gogol îşi merita încercările, că prin ele îşi ispăşea cutezanţa de-a fi schimonosit chipul omului. Adevărat îmi pare mai curînd contrariul; trebuia să plătească pentru că avusese dreptate: în materie de artă, ne ispăşim nu greşelile, ci «adevărurile», realitatea pe care am surprins-o. Personajele sale îl urmăreau. După propria-i mărturisire, îi purta neîncetat în el pe Klestakovi şi Cicikovi: subumanitatea lor îl strivea. Nu-l salvase pe niciunul; ca artist, nici nu ar fi putut s-o facă. Apoi, pierzandu-şi geniul, a vrut să se mîntuiască măcar. Eroii săi l-au împiedicat. De aceea, contrar voinţei sale, a trebuit să rămînă credincios neantului din ei. Ajunşi aici, nu ne gîndim la Regent (despre care Saint-Simon scria că «se născuse plictisit»), nici la Baudelaire ori la Ecclesiast, ci la o fiinţă ce şi-ar întoarce rugăciunile împotriva ei înseşi, în această fază, plictisul dobandeşte un soi de demnitate mistică. «Orice senzaţie absolută, spune Novalis, este religioasă.» La Gogol, plictisul s-a substituit, cu timpul, credinţei, devenind pentru el senzaţie absolută, religie. ~ Emil M Cioran,
250:Fritzerl Schnall
ASH on de Alapama biz,
Deep sinnin long I sat,
I dinks von ding for dinkin
Py afery Diplomat;
Und dat ist: dat voll many a ding
Vot ist de facto done,
May pe de jure unbossible,
Und officiel unknown,
Von dimes in San Franciscus,
Im Californian land,
Among de Californaments
Dere woned a Deutscher band;
Und shief among dese heroes
Dere shone Herr Fritzerl Schnall,
Who nefer vouldt pelief in nichts
Dat vas not logical.
Vell den: von tay as Fritzerl
Vas valk Dolores Shtreet,
Mein Gott! how he vas over-rush
Ein gut oldt friendt to meet;
Hans Liederschnitz aus Augsburg,
Vot professed in Bayrisch bier'Gottskreuz! du alter Schlingel!'
Cried Fritz: 'Was mochst du hier?'
Now in des dimes I scribe of,
Dree ways der vere bakannt,
Und only dree, to get to
Das Californigen Landt.
De virst de Plains coom ofer;
De next, de Istmoos troo;
De dird aroundt Cape Horne,
All ofer de ocean plue.
But de first lot of surveyors
For de railroad overland,
Vas seek a new vay northwarts,
All for de Eisenbahn,
Und mit dem, der professor
Of Lager vent along;
So he kommed to San Franciscus,
Und den into dis song.
But ash unto Herr Fritzerl
Dis news vas unerheard,
He couldt not know de tidings
Wherevon he had no vord;
Und derefore dis here quesdion
He makes to Hans: 'Old hoss,
I kess de vay you kit hier,
You kommed de Blains agross?'
'Nein, nein,' sayt Liederschnitzerl;
'I komm not ash you say.'
'Vell, den,' antworded Fritzerl,
'It pe's anoder vay.
If you komm de Blains not uber,
I see vot you hafe do:
You make an longer um-way
Und gross de Istmoos troo.'
'Nein, nein,' acain saidt Schnitzerl,
'Dat road I nefer know,
Und vas not ride de Istmoose!'
Cried Fritz, erstaunisched, 'SO
You komm de Blains not uber,
Nor gross de Istmoose troo?
Vell, den - to make de Horn aroundt
Vas all dat you could do!'
'I shvears py Gott!' says Schnitzerl,
'So sure as you vas porn,
Exshept oopon some ochsen
I nefer saw a horn.
Dat ish - mitwiles, too - while-en-I hafe von in mine hand,
Und trink to dy Gesundheit,
Im lieben Vaterland.'
Erstaunished stoot der Fritzerl:
No wort herout brought he:
Und sinned, und sinned - den sighftserd.
'Potz blitz! how vash dis pe?'
Ontill a light from Himmel
Vlash down into him shtraight,
Ash Heafen in Yacob Bohme
Vlash from a bewter blate.
Den laut he cry, eye-shbarklin,
Ash droonk mit Truth tifine,
Like der Wahrheitseher Novalis:
'Herr Gott! es leuch't mir ein!
If you komm de Blains not over,
Nor py Horn, nor py canal,
Den I shwears you dis, Hans Schnitzerl,
Du bist not here at all!'
Go in for Wahrheit,
Und for Pure Reason seek;
If it land you in a pog-hole,
Den die dere - like a brick!
Gott brosber all logikers,
Und pless deir nople breed;
Und so ist komm zu ende
Dis Breitmanns letzte Lied.
~ Charles Godfrey Leland,


BOOK I. -- PART I. COSMIC EVOLUTION, #The Secret Doctrine, #H P Blavatsky, #Theosophy
  is, as Novalis said, and no one since has said it better, as repeated by Carlyle: - (18 von 19) [06.05.2003 03:31:13]
  The Secret Doctrine by H. P. Blavatsky, Vol 1, bk 1, sec 6c

the Eternal Wisdom, #unset, #Anonymous, #Various
  17) One should seek God among men. ~ Novalis
  18) Follow the great man and you will see what the world has at heart in these ages. There is no omen like that. ~ Emerson
  21) There is only one temple in the universe and that is the body of man. Nothing is holier than this noble form. To bow down before man is a homage offered to this revelation in the flesh. We touch heaven when we lay our hand on a human body. ~ Novalis
  22) Within man is the soul of the whole, the wise silence, the universal beauty to which every part and particle is equally related, the eternal ONE. ~ Emerson
  12) Of what use is it to run painfully about the troubled world of visible things when there is a purer world within ourselves? ~ Novalis, "The Disciples at Sais."
  13) The soul will enjoy veritable felicity when, separating itself from the darkness which surrounds it, it is able to contemplate with a sure gaze the divine light at its source. ~ Seneca
  14) Each descent of the gaze on oneself is at the same time an ascension, an assumption, a gaze on the true objectivity. ~ Novalis, "Fragments."
  15) I looked into my own heart and I saw reflected there in its entirety the vast world with all its passions,-pride, hope, fear and the conflagration of the desires. So gazing I understood the word of the ancient sage, "Man is a mirror in which there appears the image of the world." ~ Ryonen
  10) The supreme task of culture is to take possession of one's transcendental self, to be truly the self of the self...Without a complete intelligence of oneself one will never learn to understand others aright. ~ Novalis, Fragments
  11) If then we wish to give ourselves to the study of philosophy, let us apply ourselves to self-knowledge and we shall arrive at a right philosophy by elevating ourselves from the conception of ourselves to the contemplation of the universe. ~ Porphyry
  17) He feels himself to be master of the universe, his "I" floats in power above this gulf and Will range across eternity above these infinite vicissitudes. His spirit endeavours to announce and spread harmony. And through endless ages his union with Self and his creation which surrounds him will increase in perfection. ~ Novalis
  18) Such is the last good of those who possess knowledge: to become God. ~ Hermes,

The Mirror of Enigmas, #Labyrinths, #Jorge Luis Borges, #Poetry
  psychological fragments by Novalis and in that volume of Machen's
  autobiography called The London Adventure there is a similar hypothesis:


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Ivanhoe (1982) ::: 6.7/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 22min | Adventure, Drama, Romance | TV Movie 23 February -- Ivanhoe Poster Wilfred of Ivanhoe, a worthy and noble knight, the champion of justice returns to England after the holy wars. He finds England under the reign of Prince John and his henchmen and finds ... S Director: Douglas Camfield Writers: John Gay, Walter Scott (novel) (as Sir Walter Scott)
Pinocchio (1940) ::: 7.4/10 -- G | 1h 28min | Animation, Comedy, Family | 23 February 1940 (USA) -- A living puppet, with the help of a cricket as his conscience, must prove himself worthy to become a real boy. Directors: Norman Ferguson, T. Hee | 5 more credits Writers: Carlo Collodi (from the story by) (as Collodi), Ted Sears (story
Pinocchio (1940) ::: 7.4/10 -- G | 1h 28min | Animation, Comedy, Family | 23 February 1940 (USA) -- A living puppet, with the help of a cricket as his conscience, must prove himself worthy to become a real boy. Directors: Norman Ferguson, T. Hee | 5 more credits Writers: Carlo Collodi (from the story by) (as Collodi), Ted Sears (story
Reality (2014) ::: 6.9/10 -- Ralit (original title) -- Reality Poster -- A wanna-be director is given 48 hours by a producer to find the best groan of pain, worthy of an Oscar, as the only condition to back his film. Director: Quentin Dupieux Writer:
Swing Time (1936) ::: 7.5/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 43min | Comedy, Musical, Romance | 12 October 1936 -- Swing Time Poster -- Roguish gambler/dancer "Lucky" Garnett is challenged by his fiance's father to come up with $25,000 to prove he's worthy of her hand. But after he falls in love with a dance instructor, Lucky'll do anything to keep from earning the bucks. Director: George Stevens
The Naked Spur (1953) ::: 7.3/10 -- Passed | 1h 31min | Thriller, Western | 26 June 1953 (Australia) -- A bounty hunter trying to bring a murderer to justice is forced to accept the help of two less-than-trustworthy strangers. Director: Anthony Mann Writers: Sam Rolfe, Harold Jack Bloom
The Souvenir (2019) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 2h | Drama, Mystery, Romance | 30 August 2019 (UK) -- A young film student in the early '80s becomes romantically involved with a complicated and untrustworthy man. Director: Joanna Hogg Writer: Joanna Hogg (screenplay)
The Voice ::: TV-PG | 1h | Game-Show, Music, Reality-TV | TV Series (2011 ) Next Episode Monday, March 15 -- Four famous musicians search for the best voices in America and will mentor these singers to become artists. America will decide which singer will be worthy of the grand prize.'s_Trustworthy_Goods,_His_Deeds's_Mega_Mansion
Akagami no Shirayuki-hime -- -- Bones -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Fantasy Romance Drama Shoujo -- Akagami no Shirayuki-hime Akagami no Shirayuki-hime -- Although her name means "snow white," Shirayuki is a cheerful, red-haired girl living in the country of Tanbarun who works diligently as an apothecary at her herbal shop. Her life changes drastically when she is noticed by the silly prince of Tanbarun, Prince Raji, who then tries to force her to become his concubine. Unwilling to give up her freedom, Shirayuki cuts her long red hair and escapes into the forest, where she is rescued from Raji by Zen Wistalia, the second prince of a neighboring country, and his two aides. Hoping to repay her debt to the trio someday, Shirayuki sets her sights on pursuing a career as the court herbalist in Zen's country, Clarines. -- -- Akagami no Shirayuki-hime depicts Shirayuki's journey toward a new life at the royal palace of Clarines, as well as Zen's endeavor to become a prince worthy of his title. As loyal friendships are forged and deadly enemies formed, Shirayuki and Zen slowly learn to support each other as they walk their own paths. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 485,510 7.78
Akaneiro ni Somaru Saka -- -- TNK -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Harem Comedy Romance Ecchi School -- Akaneiro ni Somaru Saka Akaneiro ni Somaru Saka -- Yuuhi Katagiri is not your average girl – she's the treasured daughter of the Katagiri family. She's generally kept under strict supervision, but one day ends up walking home from school on her own. This proves to be instant trouble when a group of boys start harassing her. Junichi Nagase, who was on his way home from a convenience store, sees the troubled Yuuhi and comes to her rescue. One of the boys recognized Junichi as the famed "Geno Killer" and they dash off. Yuuhi thanks Junichi and when she asked for his name, he just waves and leaves. Of course, he regrets trying to act cool in front of the beautiful girl right away, wishing he asked her name. -- -- The following day, a transfer student joins Junichi's class – it's Yuuhi! She calls Junichi out as the "Geno Killer", the only name she remembers him by, and rumors about the two spread quickly. Matters are made worse when Junichi kisses Yuuhi due to a misunderstanding. And on top of all that, it turns out that Junichi is Yuuhi's fiancé! -- -- Yuuhi doesn't see Junichi as someone worthy. But, she could not go against her father's wishes. The only thing that Yuuhi can do is live with Junichi in the house he shares with his little sister Minato, and prove that Junichi is not worthy to be her husband. Will she succeed in proving his unworthiness, or will she fall in love on the way? -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Oct 3, 2008 -- 135,369 6.45
Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou 2nd Season -- -- Asread -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Harem Fantasy -- Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou 2nd Season Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou 2nd Season -- Second season of Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou. -- TV - Jan ??, 2022 -- 93,600 N/A -- -- Kyou kara Maou! -- -- Studio Deen -- 78 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Comedy Demons Fantasy Shoujo -- Kyou kara Maou! Kyou kara Maou! -- Kyou kara Maou! revolves around Yuri Shibuya, your average Japanese teenager. One day, Yuri sees a classmate being harassed by bullies. Thanks to this intervention, his friend is able to escape, but unfortunately Yuri becomes the new target of the bullies in the process and gets his head shoved into a toilet. But instead of water, the toilet contains a swirling portal that sucks him into another world, largely resembling medieval Europe. There, he is told that he will become the next Demon King due to his black hair and black eyes, traits only possessed by the demon's royal lineage. -- -- Yuri's arrival is met with some skepticism by some of the demons, who view him as unworthy to be their king. However, after Yuri wins a duel by utilizing his magical powers, the demons slowly begin to acknowledge him as their monarch. Yuri must now learn what it takes be a true Demon King, as he tries to keep the peace between demons and humans in this strange new realm. -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- TV - Apr 3, 2004 -- 93,555 7.69
Bakemono no Ko -- -- Studio Chizu -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Supernatural -- Bakemono no Ko Bakemono no Ko -- Two souls, living very different lives, wander alone and isolated in their respective worlds. For nine-year-old Ren, the last person who treated him with any form of kindness has been killed and he is shunned by what is left of his family. With no parents, no real family, and no place to go, Ren escapes into the confusing streets and alleyways of Shibuya. Through the twists and turns of the alleys, Ren stumbles into the intimidating Kumatetsu, who leads him to the beast realm of Shibuten. -- -- For Kumatetsu, the boy represents a chance for him to become a candidate to replace the Lord of the realm once he retires. While nearly unmatched in combat, Kumatetsu's chilly persona leaves him with no disciples to teach and no way to prove he is worthy of becoming the Lord's successor. -- -- While the two share different goals, they agree to help each other in order to reach them. Kumatetsu searches for recognition; Ren, now known as Kyuuta, searches for the home he never had. As the years pass by, it starts to become apparent that the two are helping each other in more ways than they had originally thought. Perhaps there has always been less of a difference between them, a boy and a beast, than either of the two ever realized. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Jul 11, 2015 -- 320,389 8.31
B-Legend! Battle B-Daman Fire Spirits! -- -- - -- 51 eps -- - -- Adventure Fantasy Game Kids -- B-Legend! Battle B-Daman Fire Spirits! B-Legend! Battle B-Daman Fire Spirits! -- It is not uncommon to wish upon shooting stars. But for B-DaPlayers all around the world, what they seek is not for their wishes to be granted. Gazing upon what many would assume are just rocks shrunk to the size of a pebble by atmospheric entry and fallen to the earth, the fated ones see instead what are known as Strike Shots—powerful marbles originating from the vast and mystical outer space. -- -- After achieving triumph in the war against his ultimate foes, Yamato Daiwa continues his journey as a rising B-DaPlayer, looking to obtain a new power worthy of his improved battle gear. -- -- 4,239 6.37
Boruto: Naruto the Movie -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Comedy Martial Arts Shounen Super Power -- Boruto: Naruto the Movie Boruto: Naruto the Movie -- The spirited Boruto Uzumaki, son of Seventh Hokage Naruto, is a skilled ninja who possesses the same brashness and passion his father once had. However, the constant absence of his father, who is busy with his Hokage duties, puts a damper on Boruto's fire. Upon learning that his father will watch the aspiring ninjas who will participate in the upcoming Chunin exams, Boruto is driven to prove to him that he is worthy of his attention. In order to do so, he enlists the help of Naruto's childhood friend and rival, Sasuke Uchiha. -- -- The Chunin exams begin and progress smoothly, until suddenly, the Konohagakure is attacked by a new foe that threatens the long-standing peace of the village. Now facing real danger, Naruto and his comrades must work together to protect the future of their cherished home and defeat the evil that terrorizes their world. As this battle ensues, Boruto comes to realize the struggles his father once experienced—and what it truly means to be a ninja. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- Movie - Aug 7, 2015 -- 338,945 7.48
Boruto: Naruto the Movie -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Comedy Martial Arts Shounen Super Power -- Boruto: Naruto the Movie Boruto: Naruto the Movie -- The spirited Boruto Uzumaki, son of Seventh Hokage Naruto, is a skilled ninja who possesses the same brashness and passion his father once had. However, the constant absence of his father, who is busy with his Hokage duties, puts a damper on Boruto's fire. Upon learning that his father will watch the aspiring ninjas who will participate in the upcoming Chunin exams, Boruto is driven to prove to him that he is worthy of his attention. In order to do so, he enlists the help of Naruto's childhood friend and rival, Sasuke Uchiha. -- -- The Chunin exams begin and progress smoothly, until suddenly, the Konohagakure is attacked by a new foe that threatens the long-standing peace of the village. Now facing real danger, Naruto and his comrades must work together to protect the future of their cherished home and defeat the evil that terrorizes their world. As this battle ensues, Boruto comes to realize the struggles his father once experienced—and what it truly means to be a ninja. -- -- Movie - Aug 7, 2015 -- 338,945 7.48
Brave Witches -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Ecchi Magic Military Sci-Fi -- Brave Witches Brave Witches -- As humanity's war with the Neuroi—a mysterious, hostile alien race possessing weapons of unparalleled power—continues being fought across Europe and Africa, a new fighter squadron is formed. The 502nd Joint Fighter Wing, also known as the Brave Witches, operates on the eastern front, scouring the icy vastness of Orussia in search of alien invaders. -- -- However, one of the Brave Witches' members suffers severe injuries on her way to the squadron's headquarters, rendering her unable to participate in any operations. As a result, her sister, Hikari Karibuchi, volunteers to take her place. Though not possessing any special abilities or significant magical powers, she is determined to live up to the expectations of her new comrades and prove herself worthy of the name of a Witch. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 49,556 6.80
Canaan -- -- P.A. Works -- 13 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Sci-Fi Super Power Supernatural Seinen -- Canaan Canaan -- Oosawa Maria is a Japanese photographer currently working in Shanghai, China. Along with her partner Mino, she searches for potential newsworthy stories throughout the city. When strange events occur at a local festival, Maria and Mino immediately investigate. Quickly, the two are immersed in a battle between unknown masked men and a strange, white-haired woman. Just when Maria is about to be caught in the crossfire, an old friend by the name of Canaan appears and helps Maria escape. But a sinister plot over a deadly virus soon develops, and Canaan learns she must confront her past if she wants any chance at stopping the perpetrator and saving her friends. -- -- 190,335 7.26
Canaan -- -- P.A. Works -- 13 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Sci-Fi Super Power Supernatural Seinen -- Canaan Canaan -- Oosawa Maria is a Japanese photographer currently working in Shanghai, China. Along with her partner Mino, she searches for potential newsworthy stories throughout the city. When strange events occur at a local festival, Maria and Mino immediately investigate. Quickly, the two are immersed in a battle between unknown masked men and a strange, white-haired woman. Just when Maria is about to be caught in the crossfire, an old friend by the name of Canaan appears and helps Maria escape. But a sinister plot over a deadly virus soon develops, and Canaan learns she must confront her past if she wants any chance at stopping the perpetrator and saving her friends. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 190,335 7.26
Code Geass: Fukkatsu no Lelouch -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Super Power Drama Mecha -- Code Geass: Fukkatsu no Lelouch Code Geass: Fukkatsu no Lelouch -- Since the demise of the man believed to be Britannia's most wicked emperor one year ago, the world has enjoyed an unprecedented peace under the guidance of the United Federation of Nations. However, this fragile calm is shattered when armed militants successfully kidnap former princess Nunnally vi Britannia and Suzaku Kururugi, the chief advisor of the Black Knights, sparking an international crisis. -- -- The powerful and untrustworthy Kingdom of Zilkhstan is accused of orchestrating their capture. To investigate, world authorities send Kallen Stadtfeld and her associates on a covert operation into the country. There, they encounter the immortal witch C.C., who is on a mission to complete the resurrection of the man responsible for the greatest revolution in history—a legend who will rise up, take command, and save the world from peril once again. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Feb 9, 2019 -- 225,953 7.95
Concrete Revolutio: Choujin Gensou -- -- Bones -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Demons Drama Fantasy Mystery Sci-Fi Super Power Supernatural -- Concrete Revolutio: Choujin Gensou Concrete Revolutio: Choujin Gensou -- On a sunny July day in the 41st year of the Shinka Era, Jirou Hitoyoshi is tasked with covertly listening in on a secret meeting between a top government scientist and an industrial spy. However, his cover is blown, and the spy reveals himself to be an alien in disguise. Amidst the ensuing chaos, Jirou enlists the aid of cafe waitress and magical girl Kikko Hoshino, one of many "superhumans" who blend into society and secretly protect humanity from extraterrestrial threats. As a member of the government agency known as the Super Population Research Laboratory, Jirou has the dual task of protecting superhumans that defend humanity and disposing of any deemed too dangerous to live. Having proven herself a worthy ally, Kikko is invited to join the agency as its newest recruit. -- -- Fast forward five years: disapproval and distaste for superhumans are now commonplace in Tokyo. From government corruption and conflicting ideas of justice, to the morality of superhuman rights, the relationship between humans and the supernatural minority balances precariously in a world pervaded by whispers of unrest and unease. Under mysterious circumstances, Jirou has betrayed the agency, and is now a fugitive on the run. As he skulks through the rainy back alleys of Shinjuku, he is pursued by the very same superhumans that he himself once recruited. -- -- 76,484 6.70
Concrete Revolutio: Choujin Gensou -- -- Bones -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Demons Drama Fantasy Mystery Sci-Fi Super Power Supernatural -- Concrete Revolutio: Choujin Gensou Concrete Revolutio: Choujin Gensou -- On a sunny July day in the 41st year of the Shinka Era, Jirou Hitoyoshi is tasked with covertly listening in on a secret meeting between a top government scientist and an industrial spy. However, his cover is blown, and the spy reveals himself to be an alien in disguise. Amidst the ensuing chaos, Jirou enlists the aid of cafe waitress and magical girl Kikko Hoshino, one of many "superhumans" who blend into society and secretly protect humanity from extraterrestrial threats. As a member of the government agency known as the Super Population Research Laboratory, Jirou has the dual task of protecting superhumans that defend humanity and disposing of any deemed too dangerous to live. Having proven herself a worthy ally, Kikko is invited to join the agency as its newest recruit. -- -- Fast forward five years: disapproval and distaste for superhumans are now commonplace in Tokyo. From government corruption and conflicting ideas of justice, to the morality of superhuman rights, the relationship between humans and the supernatural minority balances precariously in a world pervaded by whispers of unrest and unease. Under mysterious circumstances, Jirou has betrayed the agency, and is now a fugitive on the run. As he skulks through the rainy back alleys of Shinjuku, he is pursued by the very same superhumans that he himself once recruited. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 76,484 6.70
Danna ga Nani wo Itteiru ka Wakaranai Ken 2 Sure-me -- -- Seven -- 13 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy Romance Seinen Slice of Life -- Danna ga Nani wo Itteiru ka Wakaranai Ken 2 Sure-me Danna ga Nani wo Itteiru ka Wakaranai Ken 2 Sure-me -- The Tsunashi couple is as lively and offbeat as ever. Hardcore otaku shut-in Hajime and workaholic office lady Kaoru still get themselves into hilarious situations thanks to both their own eccentric natures and the bizarre group of friends surrounding them. -- -- After learning about Kaoru's pregnancy, Hajime works harder than ever to become a good husband and a worthy father. Meanwhile, Kaoru reflects on their relationship and remembers all of the trials and tribulations that brought them closer. The two of them continue to put their best foot forward in their lives and their marriage—all for the sake of long-lasting, selfless love. -- -- 162,349 7.38
Dragon Ball Z Movie 14: Kami to Kami -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Super Power Martial Arts Fantasy Shounen -- Dragon Ball Z Movie 14: Kami to Kami Dragon Ball Z Movie 14: Kami to Kami -- Following the defeat of a great adversary, Gokuu Son and his friends live peaceful lives on Earth. Meanwhile, in space, Beerus the God of Destruction awakens from his long slumber, having dreamed of an entity known as a Super Saiyan God. With the help of his assistant, Whis, Beerus looks for this powerful being, as he wishes to fight a worthy opponent. After discovering that the Saiyan home planet was destroyed, he tracks down the remaining Saiyans on Earth, looking for Gokuu specifically. -- -- Having only heard of the Super Saiyan God in legends, Gokuu and his comrades summon Shen Long the Eternal Dragon, who they find out is afraid of Beerus. After learning the secret of the Super Saiyan God, an intense battle between Gokuu and Beerus commences, the immense power of which puts the Earth in terrible danger. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Mar 30, 2013 -- 161,588 7.40
Dragon Ball Z Movie 14: Kami to Kami -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Super Power Martial Arts Fantasy Shounen -- Dragon Ball Z Movie 14: Kami to Kami Dragon Ball Z Movie 14: Kami to Kami -- Following the defeat of a great adversary, Gokuu Son and his friends live peaceful lives on Earth. Meanwhile, in space, Beerus the God of Destruction awakens from his long slumber, having dreamed of an entity known as a Super Saiyan God. With the help of his assistant, Whis, Beerus looks for this powerful being, as he wishes to fight a worthy opponent. After discovering that the Saiyan home planet was destroyed, he tracks down the remaining Saiyans on Earth, looking for Gokuu specifically. -- -- Having only heard of the Super Saiyan God in legends, Gokuu and his comrades summon Shen Long the Eternal Dragon, who they find out is afraid of Beerus. After learning the secret of the Super Saiyan God, an intense battle between Gokuu and Beerus commences, the immense power of which puts the Earth in terrible danger. -- -- Movie - Mar 30, 2013 -- 161,588 7.40
Etotama -- -- Encourage Films, Shirogumi -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Fantasy -- Etotama Etotama -- Every 60 years, the heavens conduct a sacred ritual called ETM12. This custom involves selecting worthy Eto-musume—celestial beings representing different animals—to become one of the members of the Chinese zodiac, or Eto-shin. However, since the first ETM12 two thousand years ago, the original batch of Eto-shin reigns with no one being able to replace them. -- -- Nyaa-tan is a cat Eto-musume who aspires to become a member of the zodiac in the ongoing ETM12. Fulfilling her ambition requires her to secure 12 seals, one for each Eto-shin. To that end, she must win various types of battles using Sol/Lull—divine energy created by people's positive emotions. This task is not easy however, as her powers as an Eto-musume are far below the abilities of a single Eto-shin. As such, she needs a constant source of energy. -- -- But in a chance encounter, Nyaa-tan meets Takeru Amato, a man who has just transferred to the apartment where she is secretly staying. To Nyaa-tan's delight, Takeru discovers that he gives out high quality Sol/Lull—something that sets him apart from most people. With this, the story of Takeru and Nyaa-tan begins. As Takeru supports Nyaa-tan in her dreams, he meets the Eto-shin and begins to uncover a mysterious past. -- -- 70,946 6.84
Etotama -- -- Encourage Films, Shirogumi -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Fantasy -- Etotama Etotama -- Every 60 years, the heavens conduct a sacred ritual called ETM12. This custom involves selecting worthy Eto-musume—celestial beings representing different animals—to become one of the members of the Chinese zodiac, or Eto-shin. However, since the first ETM12 two thousand years ago, the original batch of Eto-shin reigns with no one being able to replace them. -- -- Nyaa-tan is a cat Eto-musume who aspires to become a member of the zodiac in the ongoing ETM12. Fulfilling her ambition requires her to secure 12 seals, one for each Eto-shin. To that end, she must win various types of battles using Sol/Lull—divine energy created by people's positive emotions. This task is not easy however, as her powers as an Eto-musume are far below the abilities of a single Eto-shin. As such, she needs a constant source of energy. -- -- But in a chance encounter, Nyaa-tan meets Takeru Amato, a man who has just transferred to the apartment where she is secretly staying. To Nyaa-tan's delight, Takeru discovers that he gives out high quality Sol/Lull—something that sets him apart from most people. With this, the story of Takeru and Nyaa-tan begins. As Takeru supports Nyaa-tan in her dreams, he meets the Eto-shin and begins to uncover a mysterious past. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Ponycan USA -- 70,946 6.84
Eve no Jikan (Movie) -- -- Studio Rikka -- 1 ep -- Original -- Sci-Fi Slice of Life -- Eve no Jikan (Movie) Eve no Jikan (Movie) -- In the Japan of the future, employing androids for various purposes is nothing out of the ordinary. However, treating androids on the same level as humans is frowned upon, and there is constant paranoia surrounding the possibility of robots defying humans, their masters. Those who appear too trustworthy of their androids are chided and labeled "dori-kei," or "android-holics." -- -- High school student Rikuo Sakisaka notices when his house droid, Sammy, starts behaving curiously—she has been leaving the house without his instruction. When he inspects the movement logs in her database, a cryptic line grabs his attention: "Are you enjoying the time of EVE?" Accompanied by his friend Masakazu Masaki, Rikuo tracks the whereabouts of his houseroid to a cafe called Time of Eve, where it is forbidden for customers to display prejudice against one another. The cafe, Rikuo realizes, is frequented by both man and machine, with no evidence to tell either apart. -- -- Each customer—from the cheerful Akiko, to a robot dangerously close to breaking down—has their own story and challenges to overcome. While Rikuo tries to reveal Sammy's intentions, he begins to question the legitimacy of the fear that drives humans to regard androids as nothing more than mere tools. -- -- -- Licensor: -- NYAV Post, Pied Piper -- Movie - Mar 6, 2010 -- 108,248 8.04
Eve no Jikan (Movie) -- -- Studio Rikka -- 1 ep -- Original -- Sci-Fi Slice of Life -- Eve no Jikan (Movie) Eve no Jikan (Movie) -- In the Japan of the future, employing androids for various purposes is nothing out of the ordinary. However, treating androids on the same level as humans is frowned upon, and there is constant paranoia surrounding the possibility of robots defying humans, their masters. Those who appear too trustworthy of their androids are chided and labeled "dori-kei," or "android-holics." -- -- High school student Rikuo Sakisaka notices when his house droid, Sammy, starts behaving curiously—she has been leaving the house without his instruction. When he inspects the movement logs in her database, a cryptic line grabs his attention: "Are you enjoying the time of EVE?" Accompanied by his friend Masakazu Masaki, Rikuo tracks the whereabouts of his houseroid to a cafe called Time of Eve, where it is forbidden for customers to display prejudice against one another. The cafe, Rikuo realizes, is frequented by both man and machine, with no evidence to tell either apart. -- -- Each customer—from the cheerful Akiko, to a robot dangerously close to breaking down—has their own story and challenges to overcome. While Rikuo tries to reveal Sammy's intentions, he begins to question the legitimacy of the fear that drives humans to regard androids as nothing more than mere tools. -- -- Movie - Mar 6, 2010 -- 108,248 8.04
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Seiran 3 -- -- Production I.G -- 4 eps -- Novel -- Action Drama Military Sci-Fi Space -- Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Seiran 3 Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Seiran 3 -- At the behest of Admiral Yang Wen-li, defected intelligence officer Commander Baghdash makes an emergency broadcast announcing that the National Salvation Military Council staged a coup under the direction of the Galactic Empire. Despite the lack of physical evidence, this debilitating declaration inspires former Rear Admiral Andrew Lynch to reveal his own role in sowing discord within the Free Planets Alliance. A fatal shootout between Lynch and Admiral Dwight Greenhill acts as the final death knell to the short-lived period of martial rule. -- -- Within the Galactic Empire, footage of Duke Otto von Braunschweig's nuclear bombing of Westerland results in the dissolution of the Lippstadt League. Marquis Reinhard von Lohengramm's decision to allow the massacre for personal gain creates a rift between him and High Admiral Siegfried Kircheis, souring the taste of their inevitable victory. Now on the cusp of achieving absolute power, Reinhard is embattled by his apparent personal failings and the heavy responsibilities of leadership. -- -- Though the civil wars in both the Alliance and the Empire are coming to a close, neither side can ever regain what is lost. Yang Wen-li and Reinhard von Lohengramm each take bitter solace in the knowledge that just on the other side of the galaxy is a worthy opponent—and a true equal. -- -- Movie - Nov 29, 2019 -- 15,742 8.22
Glass no Kamen (2005) -- -- Tokyo Movie Shinsha -- 51 eps -- Manga -- Drama Shoujo -- Glass no Kamen (2005) Glass no Kamen (2005) -- Two Girls. One Dream. And the entire world for a stage. -- -- At 13 years old, Maya Kitajima seems destined to spend the rest of her life toiling in a crowded restaurant alongside her bitter and unstable mother. But when her incredible acting talent is discovered by the legendary diva Chigusa Tsukikage, Maya finds a new future filled with both golden opportunities and terrifying risks. -- -- For Ayumi Himekawa, success has always been assured, yet she longs to be recognized for her own talents and skills, not her famous parents' connections. -- -- For both, the ultimate prize is the role of The Crimson Goddess in the play of the same name, a part created by Chigusa. To achieve this goal, both Maya and Ayumi must seek out and conquer every acting challenge, pushing the limits of their talent and endurance to the utmost, until they are worthy of the part… -- -- But for one to win, the other must fail! -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 6, 2005 -- 31,711 8.08
Granbelm -- -- Nexus -- 13 eps -- Original -- Fantasy Magic Mecha -- Granbelm Granbelm -- Long ago, magic was abundant and enriched the lives of all people until its usage in war. To end the chaos, seven of the most powerful mages gave up their lives in order to seal all magic. Now, almost one thousand years later, their magic seal Magiaconatus hosts Granbelm, a monthly series of battles meant to determine who among its participants is worthy of the title of Princeps, the one true mage. -- -- On the night of a full moon, high school student Mangetsu Kohinata is suddenly transported to an illusionary world where six mages are participating in Granbelm. Mistaken for an enemy mage, Mangetsu is attacked by two mages until she is rescued by Shingetsu Ernesta Fukami and her Armanox Viola Katze. However, when Shingetsu is ambushed for protecting her, Magiaconatus grants Mangetsu the Armanox White Lily, allowing her to fight off Shingetsu's assailant. Overwhelmed by the revelations presented to her, Mangetsu decides to help her new friend fight in Granbelm and make her wish come true. -- -- 42,896 6.73
Haikyuu!!: Riku vs. Kuu -- -- Production I.G -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Sports Drama School Shounen -- Haikyuu!!: Riku vs. Kuu Haikyuu!!: Riku vs. Kuu -- An intense battle rages on at the Tokyo Qualifiers for the three remaining spots in the national volleyball competition. Nekoma High School, Fukurodani High School, Nohebi Academy, and Itachiyama Academy all passionately strive to participate in the tournament. Despite various issues on the court, Nekoma especially wishes to prove they are worthy of moving on to the national level. -- -- As the teams aim to secure their place by overcoming both their opponents and their own weaknesses, the Tokyo Qualifiers determine which teams will reign victorious and join the national competition. -- -- OVA - Jan 22, 2020 -- 175,515 7.81
Hangyakusei Million Arthur -- -- J.C.Staff -- 10 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Fantasy Magic -- Hangyakusei Million Arthur Hangyakusei Million Arthur -- Tales of old speak of the legends of Excalibur, a sacred sword. The sword is wielded by those who are worthy of its power, bestowing them extraordinary strength and granting them the title of Arthur. However, a divine miracle results in the creation of multiple Excaliburs, thus distorting the fabric of time. -- -- Aiming to revert time to its original course, a group of six Arthurs composed of Danchou, Renkin, Kakka, Yamaneko, Tekken, and Rurou are sent back in time when the abnormal Excaliburs were spawned. They are assigned with one sole task: to destroy the Excaliburs of the past—all of which total up to one million. -- -- 26,548 6.06
Hatena☆Illusion -- -- Children's Playground Entertainment -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Supernatural Romance Ecchi -- Hatena☆Illusion Hatena☆Illusion -- Years ago, many magical "Artifacts" were stolen and scattered throughout the world. They fell into the hands of people who were not supposed to know of their existence, causing misfortune to those who abused their power. The Hoshisato family of magicians has special access to the Artifacts, and they take it upon themselves to return them to their rightful place. -- -- Despite her inexperience, Kana "Hatena" Hoshisato wishes to aid her parents Mamoru and Maeve in their quest, doing her best to improve. Meanwhile, her childhood friend Makoto Shiranui has come to their mansion to study magic under her father's tutelage as part of a promise they made years ago. Hatena is excited to see her friend again, only to be utterly disappointed when the person she thought to be a girl all these years turns out to be a boy, leading to a bitter reunion. -- -- Before long, Makoto comes to know of the Artifacts and the true identities of the magicians he admires. Unfazed, he continues to strive to fulfill his promises and stay true to why he learns magic—to ease the sadness of people around him and, most importantly, to become a person worthy of being Hatena's partner. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 31,182 5.37
Hikyou Tanken Fam & Ihrlie -- -- Ajia-Do -- 4 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Magic -- Hikyou Tanken Fam & Ihrlie Hikyou Tanken Fam & Ihrlie -- Fam and Ihrie are willing to do almost anything to make a buck. So when these debt-driven damsels discover the potential profits to be hand in recovering a particularly dangerous mystical object, it means mortal peril for an entire civilization. -- -- There's no guarantee that they'll live long enough to squander the fabulous wealth they've been promised, and danger lurks around every turn as they cross dark seas in pursuit of legendary evil. Haunted by an unspeakable curse, plagued by doomsday prophecies, plotted against by untrustworthy traveling companions and looked in desperate race to gain the Ultimate Power, Fam and Ihrie are the Ruin Explorers! -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Maiden Japan -- OVA - Jun 25, 1995 -- 6,815 6.65
Hime-chan no Ribbon -- -- Gallop -- 61 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Fantasy Magic Romance School Shoujo -- Hime-chan no Ribbon Hime-chan no Ribbon -- Erika, the princess of the Magic Kingdom has come to Earth in order to find a human girl who looks just like her. That girl turns out to be Himeko Nonohara, a tomboy's tomboy. Erika must give Himeko a magical item she has created in order to prove her worth as a successor to the crown. Himeko must test this item, a hair ribbon that allows her to transform into any other person she sees, to see if it is worthy. The series follows Himeko's adventures and her budding romance with Daichi, the boy who discovers her secret. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 6,967 7.44
Hokuto no Ken Movie -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Adventure Shounen -- Hokuto no Ken Movie Hokuto no Ken Movie -- Following a cataclysmic nuclear war, the world teeters on the brink of complete destruction. Civilization is polarized into a degenerate society where opposing packs of marauding scavengers prey on helpless, homeless nomads. For those who are lucky enough to survive the constant brutality and danger, it is a bleak existence. Life an death blur into abstractions. The only hope left for mankind is to find a hero worthy of becoming the next "Fist of the North Star" - an enlightened warrior - who is capable of leading those with the will to survive out of this barrenness into a new world. But in this savage no-man's land of shifting loyalties and power-hungry demi-gods, heroes are in short supply. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- Movie - Mar 8, 1986 -- 17,312 7.20
Hokuto no Ken Movie -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Adventure Shounen -- Hokuto no Ken Movie Hokuto no Ken Movie -- Following a cataclysmic nuclear war, the world teeters on the brink of complete destruction. Civilization is polarized into a degenerate society where opposing packs of marauding scavengers prey on helpless, homeless nomads. For those who are lucky enough to survive the constant brutality and danger, it is a bleak existence. Life an death blur into abstractions. The only hope left for mankind is to find a hero worthy of becoming the next "Fist of the North Star" - an enlightened warrior - who is capable of leading those with the will to survive out of this barrenness into a new world. But in this savage no-man's land of shifting loyalties and power-hungry demi-gods, heroes are in short supply. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- Movie - Mar 8, 1986 -- 17,312 7.20
Hoozuki no Reitetsu -- -- Wit Studio -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Demons Supernatural Fantasy Seinen -- Hoozuki no Reitetsu Hoozuki no Reitetsu -- Hell is a bureaucracy, and business is running smoother than ever thanks to the demonic efficiency of Hoozuki, chief deputy to Lord Enma, the King of Hell. Whether offering counsel to the Momotarou of Japanese folklore or receiving diplomatic missions from the Judeo-Christian Hell, the demon who runs the show from behind the king's imposing shadow is ready to beat down any challenges coming his way into a bloody pulp. Metaphorically, of course... -- -- The poster boy for micromanagement and armed with negotiation skills worthy of Wall Street, Hoozuki no Reitetsu follows the sadistic and level-headed Hoozuki as he spends his days troubleshooting hell. With an abundance of familiar faces from popular Japanese legends and East Asian mythology working middle management positions, this referential and anachronistic dark comedy brings new meaning to the phrase "employer liability." Just how hard could it be to manage employees from hell, anyway? -- -- 107,557 7.79
Hoozuki no Reitetsu -- -- Wit Studio -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Demons Supernatural Fantasy Seinen -- Hoozuki no Reitetsu Hoozuki no Reitetsu -- Hell is a bureaucracy, and business is running smoother than ever thanks to the demonic efficiency of Hoozuki, chief deputy to Lord Enma, the King of Hell. Whether offering counsel to the Momotarou of Japanese folklore or receiving diplomatic missions from the Judeo-Christian Hell, the demon who runs the show from behind the king's imposing shadow is ready to beat down any challenges coming his way into a bloody pulp. Metaphorically, of course... -- -- The poster boy for micromanagement and armed with negotiation skills worthy of Wall Street, Hoozuki no Reitetsu follows the sadistic and level-headed Hoozuki as he spends his days troubleshooting hell. With an abundance of familiar faces from popular Japanese legends and East Asian mythology working middle management positions, this referential and anachronistic dark comedy brings new meaning to the phrase "employer liability." Just how hard could it be to manage employees from hell, anyway? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 107,557 7.79
Kaleido Star -- -- Gonzo, Production I.G -- 51 eps -- Original -- Comedy Sports Drama Fantasy Shoujo -- Kaleido Star Kaleido Star -- The Kaleido Stage is known throughout the world for captivating audiences with its amazing acrobatics, innovative routines, and extravagant costumes and sets. It is a place for guests to believe in magic, and Sora Naegino wants nothing more than to be a part of that magic—by becoming an acrobat for the famed circus herself. -- -- To realize her dream, she travels from Japan to California to audition for a place in the group. However, Sora learns that she needs much more than her natural talent to bring joy to the faces in the crowd. She quickly discovers just how difficult it is to be a professional performer where the stakes—and the stunts—are higher and mistakes spell danger! To put on performances worthy of the Kaleido Stage, she will need to endure rigorous training, unconventional assignments, fierce competition, and the antics of a mischievous spirit named Fool. -- -- Can Sora reach new heights, make new friends, conquer her fears, and surpass her limits to become a Kaleido Star? -- -- 70,745 7.94
Kaleido Star -- -- Gonzo, Production I.G -- 51 eps -- Original -- Comedy Sports Drama Fantasy Shoujo -- Kaleido Star Kaleido Star -- The Kaleido Stage is known throughout the world for captivating audiences with its amazing acrobatics, innovative routines, and extravagant costumes and sets. It is a place for guests to believe in magic, and Sora Naegino wants nothing more than to be a part of that magic—by becoming an acrobat for the famed circus herself. -- -- To realize her dream, she travels from Japan to California to audition for a place in the group. However, Sora learns that she needs much more than her natural talent to bring joy to the faces in the crowd. She quickly discovers just how difficult it is to be a professional performer where the stakes—and the stunts—are higher and mistakes spell danger! To put on performances worthy of the Kaleido Stage, she will need to endure rigorous training, unconventional assignments, fierce competition, and the antics of a mischievous spirit named Fool. -- -- Can Sora reach new heights, make new friends, conquer her fears, and surpass her limits to become a Kaleido Star? -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation -- 70,745 7.94
Kyou kara Maou! -- -- Studio Deen -- 78 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Comedy Demons Fantasy Shoujo -- Kyou kara Maou! Kyou kara Maou! -- Kyou kara Maou! revolves around Yuri Shibuya, your average Japanese teenager. One day, Yuri sees a classmate being harassed by bullies. Thanks to this intervention, his friend is able to escape, but unfortunately Yuri becomes the new target of the bullies in the process and gets his head shoved into a toilet. But instead of water, the toilet contains a swirling portal that sucks him into another world, largely resembling medieval Europe. There, he is told that he will become the next Demon King due to his black hair and black eyes, traits only possessed by the demon's royal lineage. -- -- Yuri's arrival is met with some skepticism by some of the demons, who view him as unworthy to be their king. However, after Yuri wins a duel by utilizing his magical powers, the demons slowly begin to acknowledge him as their monarch. Yuri must now learn what it takes be a true Demon King, as he tries to keep the peace between demons and humans in this strange new realm. -- TV - Apr 3, 2004 -- 93,555 7.69
Lupin III: Lupin vs. Fukusei-ningen -- -- Tokyo Movie Shinsha -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Mystery Comedy Seinen -- Lupin III: Lupin vs. Fukusei-ningen Lupin III: Lupin vs. Fukusei-ningen -- Lupin, the master thief/spy/Jack of all Trades, has been executed, but he is still alive, and not even Lupin himself knows how that is possible. While trying to figure out, however, he and his gang are thrust into a conspiracy involving clones, Lupin's un-trustworthy rival Fujiko, and a miniature madman's plot to take over the world. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Geneon Entertainment USA -- Movie - Dec 16, 1978 -- 10,133 6.98
Maria-sama ga Miteru 3rd -- -- Studio Deen -- 5 eps -- Light novel -- Drama School Shoujo Ai Slice of Life -- Maria-sama ga Miteru 3rd Maria-sama ga Miteru 3rd -- Summer has arrived, and the students of Lillian Girls' Academy are on break! Yumi and Sachiko head out to the Ogasawara family's summer home, but what was supposed to be a relaxing vacation takes a turn for the worse when some of Sachiko's old acquaintances drop by for tea. These rich and snobby debutantes don't think Yumi is worthy of Sachiko's affection and they're out to make this summer one she'll regret. -- -- (Source: RightStuf) -- -- Licensor: -- Nozomi Entertainment -- OVA - Dec 29, 2006 -- 18,895 7.84
Mezzo Forte -- -- Arms -- 2 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Hentai Sci-Fi -- Mezzo Forte Mezzo Forte -- For some individuals, baseball is more than just a game. Momokitchi Momoi, an underworld boss and the owner of a professional team known as the "Peach Twisters," seems to be the perfect example. There is only one punishment for players who have let him down: death. Terrible as he may sound, there is someone even more wicked than him—his daughter, Momomi. -- -- The three members of the Danger Service Agency—Mikura Suzuki, Tomohisa Harada, and Kenichi Kurokawa—are tasked with kidnapping Momokitchi and taking down his criminal empire. Surrounded by armed bodyguards, he is bound to be a risky target. However, born with a gun in hand, Mikura is used to dancing with danger. The only unknown quantity is Momomi, reputed to be a cold-blooded killer with a twisted mind. Should she stand in the DSA's way, Suzuki might finally find herself a worthy opponent. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters, SoftCel Pictures -- OVA - May 25, 2000 -- 25,176 6.64
Nezha Zhi Mo Tong Jiang Shi -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Other -- Action Comedy Drama Fantasy Historical -- Nezha Zhi Mo Tong Jiang Shi Nezha Zhi Mo Tong Jiang Shi -- From the heavenly object known as the Chaos Pearl, two elements are extracted: the Spirit Pearl and the Demon Orb. In an attempt to suppress their power, the Lord of Heaven sends the Spirit Pearl to Earth to reincarnate as Ne Zha, the third son of Li Jing, while the Demon Orb is scheduled to be destroyed by a lightning strike. However, because of a conspiracy by the Dragon King to steal the Spirit Pearl for his own son, Ne Zha is instead reincarnated with the Demon Orb. -- -- With no way to remove the cursed effects of the Demon Orb, Ne Zha is raised under the belief that he will become the great demon hunter the Spirit Pearl destined for him to be. Fighting against his chaotic and mischievous nature, Ne Zha must decide whether to accept his evil fate or repel against it to prove he is worthy of the future his parents foretold. -- -- Movie - Jul 26, 2019 -- 8,578 7.66
Nurarihyon no Mago -- -- Studio Deen -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Demons Shounen Supernatural -- Nurarihyon no Mago Nurarihyon no Mago -- Rikuo Nura, a part-youkai and part-human boy, grew up as the young master of the Nura Clan. Comprising youkai of all shapes and sizes, Rikuo treated the clan like family, however, he learned that he was the only one among his classmates who saw them in this light. To most, they were terrifying creatures of folklore who ate children and relished in bloodshed. Taking this to heart, he swore to live his life as a normal human. -- -- Normalcy, however, is hard to come by for young Rikuo. Complicating his goal are his youkai attendant, who under the name Tsurara Oikawa, goes to school alongside him; the young onmyouji Yura Keikain; and his close friend Kiyotsugu, who idolizes youkai and hopes to prove their existence. To make matters worse, rival youkai and other entities threaten to harm those Rikuo holds dear. -- -- If he wants to protect what's important to him, Rikuo must acknowledge his ancestry—that he is the grandson of the legendary Nurarihyon—and transform at night into a youkai, becoming worthy of being the next leader of the Nura Clan. -- -- 227,805 7.64
Nurarihyon no Mago -- -- Studio Deen -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Demons Shounen Supernatural -- Nurarihyon no Mago Nurarihyon no Mago -- Rikuo Nura, a part-youkai and part-human boy, grew up as the young master of the Nura Clan. Comprising youkai of all shapes and sizes, Rikuo treated the clan like family, however, he learned that he was the only one among his classmates who saw them in this light. To most, they were terrifying creatures of folklore who ate children and relished in bloodshed. Taking this to heart, he swore to live his life as a normal human. -- -- Normalcy, however, is hard to come by for young Rikuo. Complicating his goal are his youkai attendant, who under the name Tsurara Oikawa, goes to school alongside him; the young onmyouji Yura Keikain; and his close friend Kiyotsugu, who idolizes youkai and hopes to prove their existence. To make matters worse, rival youkai and other entities threaten to harm those Rikuo holds dear. -- -- If he wants to protect what's important to him, Rikuo must acknowledge his ancestry—that he is the grandson of the legendary Nurarihyon—and transform at night into a youkai, becoming worthy of being the next leader of the Nura Clan. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- 227,805 7.64
Ookiku Furikabutte -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Seinen Sports -- Ookiku Furikabutte Ookiku Furikabutte -- Ren Mihashi was the ace of his middle school's baseball team, but due to his poor pitching, they could never win. Constant losses eventually lead to his teammates bullying him and reached the point where his teammates no longer tried to win, causing Mihashi to graduate with little self-esteem. As a result, Mihashi decides to go to a high school in a different prefecture where he has no intention of playing baseball. Unfortunately, upon his arrival at Nishiura High, he is dragged into joining their new team as the starting pitcher. -- -- Although unwilling at first, Mihashi realizes that this is a place where he will be accepted for who he is; with help from the catcher Takaya Abe, he starts to have more confidence in his own abilities. Abe, seeing the potential in Mihashi, makes it a goal to help him become a pitcher worthy of being called an ace. -- -- TV - Apr 13, 2007 -- 84,910 7.94
Puchi Pri*Yucie -- -- Gainax -- 26 eps -- Original -- Comedy Magic Fantasy Shoujo -- Puchi Pri*Yucie Puchi Pri*Yucie -- Despite recently turning 17, the otherwise ordinary Yucie still has the body of a child. Having stopped growing past the age of 10, Yucie yearns to fully mature into an adult body. One day, she is chosen as a candidate for the title of "Platinum Princess," given once in a thousand years to whoever is worthy of the Eternal Tiara—a mysterious crown said to grant any wish. She's not alone either, as four other candidates also compete to have their own wishes granted by the crown. -- -- As a result, Yucie enrolls at the nearby Princess Academy in order to grow her heart and work towards becoming qualified for the Eternal Tiara. With her family, rivals, and even the principal of the academy there to lend a hand, will Yucie's much-desired wish finally come true? -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- 12,366 7.41
Rozen Maiden -- -- Nomad -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Drama Magic Seinen -- Rozen Maiden Rozen Maiden -- Traumatized by school, Jun Sakurada spends his days at home as a shut-in, purchasing things online, only to send them back before the free trial period ends. So when a note appears on his desk, asking whether or not he would wind something, he assumes it was something he ordered and carelessly circles "yes," changing his life forever. -- -- A box arrives with a wind up doll inside, but this is no ordinary toy: after Jun winds her up, she begins walking and talking as if a normal person. With a haughty attitude, she introduces herself as Shinku, the fifth doll in the Rozen Maiden collection, a group of special dolls made by the legendary dollmaker Rozen. These sisters must battle each other in a competition called the Alice Game with the help of a human to ensure victory. The winner becomes Alice, a real girl who is worthy of meeting their creator. -- -- As more sentient dolls end up taking residence in Jun's house, and a foe from Shinku's past makes her appearance, Jun's life becomes far more complicated than he ever thought possible. -- -- 179,332 7.43
Rozen Maiden -- -- Nomad -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Drama Magic Seinen -- Rozen Maiden Rozen Maiden -- Traumatized by school, Jun Sakurada spends his days at home as a shut-in, purchasing things online, only to send them back before the free trial period ends. So when a note appears on his desk, asking whether or not he would wind something, he assumes it was something he ordered and carelessly circles "yes," changing his life forever. -- -- A box arrives with a wind up doll inside, but this is no ordinary toy: after Jun winds her up, she begins walking and talking as if a normal person. With a haughty attitude, she introduces herself as Shinku, the fifth doll in the Rozen Maiden collection, a group of special dolls made by the legendary dollmaker Rozen. These sisters must battle each other in a competition called the Alice Game with the help of a human to ensure victory. The winner becomes Alice, a real girl who is worthy of meeting their creator. -- -- As more sentient dolls end up taking residence in Jun's house, and a foe from Shinku's past makes her appearance, Jun's life becomes far more complicated than he ever thought possible. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA, Sentai Filmworks -- 179,332 7.43
Sekaiichi Hatsukoi 2 -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance Shounen Ai -- Sekaiichi Hatsukoi 2 Sekaiichi Hatsukoi 2 -- First loves are messy. While settling in as a shoujo manga editor at the famous Marukawa Publishing House, Ritsu Onodera is quite troubled. Working under the stern and superb Masamune Takano is hard enough as it is. However, Masamune is not only Ritsu's first love from middle school but he also suddenly declares that he will make Ritsu fall for him again. -- -- Unknown to them, another editor in the department, Yoshiyuki Katori, is in a relationship with the popular manga artist Chiaki Yoshino. The carefree Chiaki fails to notice, however, that his high school friend—Yuu Yanase—thinks of him as more than a friend. The stoic but caring Hatori will not surrender his love so easily. -- -- Falling in love for the first time when you are 30 is certainly troublesome. Shouta Kisa, yet another editor, is going out with 21-year-old Kou Yukina, an art student. Despite Yukina's assurances, Kisa cannot help but doubt whether someone like himself is truly worthy of his younger, "sparkling" boyfriend. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Oct 8, 2011 -- 130,512 7.94
Shokugeki no Souma: Ni no Sara OVA -- -- J.C.Staff -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Ecchi School Shounen -- Shokugeki no Souma: Ni no Sara OVA Shokugeki no Souma: Ni no Sara OVA -- Having completed their Stagiaire assignments, the residents of Polar Star Dormitory and their friends visit a hot springs inn. Though they planned on relaxing, these young chefs step up to the plate when the inn's entire kitchen staff suffer accidents. Unbeknownst to them, they will not be cooking for any ordinary patrons. -- -- Sometime after this trip, Souma Yukihira's desire for worthy opponents is stoked when he, Megumi Tadokoro, and the other Autumn Election quarter-finalists are invited to the annual Autumn Leaves Viewing event. The eight Tootsuki freshmen have a special opportunity to enjoy tea with the Elite Ten Council—including the Tenth Seat Erina Nakiri, who participates alongside her first-year classmates. Though it is framed as a friendly introduction between nine promising underclassmen and nine prestigious upperclassmen, Director Senzaemon Nakiri sees this meeting for what it is: a first encounter between the current reigning elite and their eventual usurpers. -- -- OVA - May 1, 2017 -- 125,039 7.51
Super Robot Taisen OG The Animation -- -- Brain's Base -- 3 eps -- Game -- Mecha Sci-Fi Shounen Space -- Super Robot Taisen OG The Animation Super Robot Taisen OG The Animation -- Dr. Jurgen of DC developed a global defense system to combat potential alien threats. This system has two elements. First is the VTX-001 Vartoul unmanned anti alien PT. Governing these drones is the ODE worldwide network system. However, this system has a noteworthy secret. A living human is needed to control the ODE core. Furthermore, the ODE core needs human organs to support itself. At the present day, the drone have gone on a mass abduction spree. Kyosuke and co has been sent in to take care of the problem. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Bandai Visual USA, Media Blasters -- OVA - May 27, 2005 -- 3,541 6.66
Uma Musume: Pretty Derby (TV) -- -- P.A. Works -- 13 eps -- Game -- Comedy Slice of Life Sports -- Uma Musume: Pretty Derby (TV) Uma Musume: Pretty Derby (TV) -- Famous racehorses that have left behind worthy legacies, unique as they can be, are reincarnated as horse girls in a parallel world. In this life, they start their journey anew as they continue to race and perhaps relive the success they once lived through. -- -- Aspiring to become the best racehorse in Japan, a horse girl named Special Week moves to Tokyo to enroll in the Tracen Academy—an institution that nurtures horse girls like her to become better racers. There, Special Week witnesses the sophisticated running style of Silence Suzuka and is inspired to become a racer like her. Shortly after, Special Week finds herself recruited into Silence Suzuka's team, Spica. From there, she begins her path to the top—one lap at a time. -- -- 89,269 7.29
Val x Love -- -- Hoods Entertainment -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Harem Comedy Supernatural Romance Ecchi School Shounen -- Val x Love Val x Love -- Valkyries—legendary female warriors from the land of gods, Asgard—are sent by Odin to protect Earth against the growing threat of demons. To overcome these threats, nine valkyries under the guise of the Saotome sisters will have to level up by performing a variety of romantic acts with their official lover, Einherjar. -- -- Meanwhile, the socially anxious Takuma Akutsu learns that Odin has chosen him as the valkyries' lover. Despite his utter horror, however, he agrees to let the sisters stay in his big yet empty house to help them in their war against demons. With nine beautiful women sharing his roof, will Takuma manage to prevail over his fear of society and become someone worthy of saving the world? -- -- 64,777 5.88
Val x Love -- -- Hoods Entertainment -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Harem Comedy Supernatural Romance Ecchi School Shounen -- Val x Love Val x Love -- Valkyries—legendary female warriors from the land of gods, Asgard—are sent by Odin to protect Earth against the growing threat of demons. To overcome these threats, nine valkyries under the guise of the Saotome sisters will have to level up by performing a variety of romantic acts with their official lover, Einherjar. -- -- Meanwhile, the socially anxious Takuma Akutsu learns that Odin has chosen him as the valkyries' lover. Despite his utter horror, however, he agrees to let the sisters stay in his big yet empty house to help them in their war against demons. With nine beautiful women sharing his roof, will Takuma manage to prevail over his fear of society and become someone worthy of saving the world? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 64,777 5.88
Violet Evergarden Gaiden: Eien to Jidou Shuki Ningyou -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Slice of Life Drama Fantasy -- Violet Evergarden Gaiden: Eien to Jidou Shuki Ningyou Violet Evergarden Gaiden: Eien to Jidou Shuki Ningyou -- Isabella, the daughter of the noble York family, is enrolled in an all-girls academy to be groomed into a dame worthy of nobility. However, she has given up on her future, seeing the prestigious school as nothing more than a prison from the outside world. Her family notices her struggling in her lessons and decides to hire Violet Evergarden to personally tutor her under the guise of a handmaiden. -- -- At first, Isabella treats Violet coldly. Violet seems to be able to do everything perfectly, leading Isabella to assume that she was born with a silver spoon. After some time together, Isabella begins to realize that Violet has had her own struggles and starts to open up to her. Isabella soon reveals that she has lost contact with her beloved younger sister, Taylor Bartlett, whom she yearns to see again. -- -- Having experienced the power of words through her past clientele, Violet asks if Isabella wishes to write a letter to Taylor. Will Violet be able to help Isabella convey her feelings to her long-lost sister? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Sep 6, 2019 -- 209,316 8.40
Violet Evergarden Gaiden: Eien to Jidou Shuki Ningyou -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Slice of Life Drama Fantasy -- Violet Evergarden Gaiden: Eien to Jidou Shuki Ningyou Violet Evergarden Gaiden: Eien to Jidou Shuki Ningyou -- Isabella, the daughter of the noble York family, is enrolled in an all-girls academy to be groomed into a dame worthy of nobility. However, she has given up on her future, seeing the prestigious school as nothing more than a prison from the outside world. Her family notices her struggling in her lessons and decides to hire Violet Evergarden to personally tutor her under the guise of a handmaiden. -- -- At first, Isabella treats Violet coldly. Violet seems to be able to do everything perfectly, leading Isabella to assume that she was born with a silver spoon. After some time together, Isabella begins to realize that Violet has had her own struggles and starts to open up to her. Isabella soon reveals that she has lost contact with her beloved younger sister, Taylor Bartlett, whom she yearns to see again. -- -- Having experienced the power of words through her past clientele, Violet asks if Isabella wishes to write a letter to Taylor. Will Violet be able to help Isabella convey her feelings to her long-lost sister? -- -- Movie - Sep 6, 2019 -- 209,316 8.40
Adrian Goldsworthy
Andy Goldsworthy
Anthony Galsworthy
Arthur Galsworthy
Arthur Holworthy
Arthur Stallworthy
Axworthy (horse)
Bill Kenworthy
Bob Clotworthy
Brisworthy stone circle
Bury Castle, Selworthy
Castanopsis foxworthyi
Chamber of Most Worthy Peers
Charles Chatworthy Wood Taylor
Charles Elworthy
Charles Elworthy, Baron Elworthy
Charles Elworthy (scientist)
Charles Garnsworthy, Baron Garnsworthy
Chris Axworthy
Christina Kenworthy-Browne
Christopher Kenworthy
Church of All Saints, Selworthy
Church of St Mary Magdalene, Clatworthy
Clatworthy Camp
Dave Leworthy
David Kenworthy, 11th Baron Strabolgi
David Nosworthy
Diospyros foxworthyi
Ditsworthy Warren House
Dunneworthy, Victoria
Edward Allworthy Armstrong
Edward Ryley Langworthy
Ellice Nosworthy
Esther Kenworthy Waterhouse
Frederick Thomas Elworthy
Fred Noseworthy
George Worthylake
Goldsworthy Gurney
Goldsworthy Lowes Dickinson
Goldsworthy (name)
Goldsworthy, Western Australia
Graeme Goldsworthy
Hamworthy United F.C.
Headbourne Worthy
HelmeWorthy Store and Residence
Holsworthy A.F.C.
Holsworthy Barracks
Holsworthy Barracks terror plot
Holsworthy, New South Wales
Holworthy Gate
James Holworthy
James Worthy
James Worthy (record producer)
Jeff Foxworthy
Jeff Foxworthy discography
Jim Nazworthy
John Clotworthy, 1st Viscount Massereene
John Cokeworthy
John Dagworthy
John Elsworthy
John Galsworthy
John Galsworthy (diplomat)
John H. Noseworthy
John Kenworthy
John Noseworthy
John Noseworthy (disambiguation)
John Stallworthy
John Stallworthy (obstetrician)
Jonathan Elworthy
Jonathan Kenworthy
Joseph Allworthy
Joseph Cookworthy
Joseph Kenworthy, 10th Baron Strabolgi
Joseph W. Noseworthy
Judy Edworthy
Julia Goldsworthy
K. David Elworthy
Kenworthy Hall
Khama Worthy
Kings Worthy
Kym Worthy
Langworthy, Salford
Langworthy tram stop
Leon Goldsworthy
Leroy Goldsworthy
Lewis Garnsworthy
Life unworthy of life
List of airworthy Ju 52s
Lloyd Axworthy
Marc Edworthy
Mark Goldsworthy
Mary-Anne Kenworthy
Matthew Worthy
Michael Axworthy
Michael Kenworthy
Mike Galsworthy
North Radworthy
NoteWorthy Composer
Noteworthy (vocal group)
N. Paul Kenworthy
Of Whom the World Was Not Worthy
Philip Goldsworthy
RAF Hamworthy
RAF Worthy Down
Rashleigh, Wembworthy
Robert Clatworthy
Robert Clotworthy
Robert F. Goldsworthy
Robert Galsworthy
Robert Pearce Elworthy
Roger Goldsworthy
Roseworthy College
Roseworthy, Cornwall
Sarah Elsworthy
Stanley Goldsworthy
Steve Elworthy
St Paul's Church, Gulworthy
St Peter's and St Paul's Church, Holsworthy
The Jeff Foxworthy Show
Timothy Elworthy
Tom Axworthy
Trevor H. Worthy
Trustworthy computing
Trustworthy Repositories Audit & Certification
Trustworthy Software Foundation
T. V. John Langworthy
United Front for a Worthy Future for Kyrgyzstan
Unworthy Republic
USNS Worthy (T-AGOS-14)
Wellworthy Athletic F.C.
William Cookworthy
William Gouldsworthy
William Leworthy Goode Drew
William Nosworthy
William Worthy
Woolfardisworthy, Torridge
Worthy (album)
Worthy de Jong
Worthy Down Barracks
Worthy / Lift Me from the Ground

convenience portal:
recent: Section Maps - index table - favorites
Savitri -- Savitri extended toc
Savitri Section Map -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
authors -- Crowley - Peterson - Borges - Wilber - Teresa - Aurobindo - Ramakrishna - Maharshi - Mother
places -- Garden - Inf. Art Gallery - Inf. Building - Inf. Library - Labyrinth - Library - School - Temple - Tower - Tower of MEM
powers -- Aspiration - Beauty - Concentration - Effort - Faith - Force - Grace - inspiration - Presence - Purity - Sincerity - surrender
difficulties -- cowardice - depres. - distract. - distress - dryness - evil - fear - forget - habits - impulse - incapacity - irritation - lost - mistakes - obscur. - problem - resist - sadness - self-deception - shame - sin - suffering
practices -- Lucid Dreaming - meditation - project - programming - Prayer - read Savitri - study
subjects -- CS - Cybernetics - Game Dev - Integral Theory - Integral Yoga - Kabbalah - Language - Philosophy - Poetry - Zen
6.01 books -- KC - ABA - Null - Savitri - SA O TAOC - SICP - The Gospel of SRK - TIC - The Library of Babel - TLD - TSOY - TTYODAS - TSZ - WOTM II
8 unsorted / add here -- Always - Everyday - Verbs

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