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QUOTES [7 / 7 - 4 / 4]

KEYS (10k)

   4 Nirodbaran
   1 The Mother
   1 Sri Aurobindo


   2 Nirodbaran

1:It was not death they saw, not a resurrection, nor a withdrawal into Nirvana but a grand repose, a death that was pulsating with power, light and beauty in every limb as if death had become immortal in the body of the King of kings. ~ Nirodbaran,
2:The colossal labour Sri Aurobindo put forth to build this unique structure reminds me of one of those majestic ancient temples like Konarak or of a Gothic architecture like Notre Dame before which you stand and stare in speechless ecstasy, your soul takes a flight beyond time and space.

As it is, Savitri is, I suppose, the example par excellence of the future poetry he speaks of in his book The Future Poetry. Generation after generation will drink in its soul's nectar from this perennial source. ~ Nirodbaran,
3:(Nirodbaran:) Doesn't the Grace act unconditionally?

(Sri Aurobindo:) It does, especially on those who have been predestined for some definite work in life. Yes, the Grace is unconditional; but at the same time how will it work if a man is throwing it away or doesn't recognise it? It would be like constantly spilling from a cup in which something is being poured. If one recognises the Grace and expresses gratitude, it acts more quickly and more powerfully."[4] ~ Nirodbaran, Talks with Sri Aurobindo, p.8, 11 December 1938,
4:DR. MANILAL: How can one succeed in meditation?

SRI AUROBINDO: By quietude of mind. There is not only the Infinite in itself, but also an infinite sea of peace, joy, light, power above the head. The golden Lid, Hiranmaya Patram, intervenes between the mind and what is above the mind. Once you break this lid ( making a movement of the hands above the head ) they can come down any time at your will. But for that, quietude is essential. Of course, there are people who can get them without first establishing the quietude, but it is very difficult. ( On 13-12-1938 ) ~ Sri Aurobindo, TALKS WITH SRI AUROBINDO VOLUME 1, BY NIRODBARAN (Page no.17),
5:PURANI: There was some effort. Only, you can say that the effort was negligible in proportion to the success.
   SRI AUROBINDO: It is not a question of proportion. One may have put in a great deal of effort and yet there could be no result because there was not a complete and total sincerity. On the other hand, when the result comes with little effort it is because the whole being has responded-- and Grace found it possible to act. All the same, effort is a contributory factor. Sometimes one goes on making an effort with no result or even the condition becomes worse. And when one has given it up, one finds suddenly that the result has come. It may be that the effort was keeping up the resistance too. And when the effort is given up, the resistance says, "This fellow has given up effort. What is the use of resisting anymore?" ( Laughter ) ~ Nirodbaran, TALKS WITH SRI AUROBINDO VOLUME 1, 405,
6:I have got three letters from you, but as I was busy with many things I couldn't answer them-today I am answering all the three together. It was known that it wouldn't be possible for you to come for darshan this time, it can't be easy to come twice within this short time. Don't be sorry, remain calm and remember the Mother, gather faith and strength within. You are a child of the Divine Mother, be tranquil, calm and full of force. There is no special procedure. To take the name of the Mother, to remember her within, to pray to her, all this may be described as calling the Mother. As it comes from within you, you have to call her accordingly. You can do also this - shutting your eyes you can imagine that the Mother is in front of you or you can sketch a picture of her in your mind and offer her your pranam, that obeissance will reach her. When you've time, you can meditate on her with the thinking attitude that she is with you, she's sitting in front of you. Doing these things people at last get to see her. Accept my blessings, I send the Mother's blessings also at the same time. From time to time Jyotirmoyee will take blessing flowers during pranam and send them to you. ~ The Mother, Nirodbaran Memorable contacts with the Mother,
7:(Nirodbaran:) "It was the first week of January 1930.
     At about 3 p.m., I reached Dilip Kumar Roy's place. "Oh, you have come! Let us go," he said, and cutting a rose from his terrace-garden he added, "Offer this to the Mother." When we arrived at the Ashram he left me at the present Reading Room saying, "Wait here." My heart was beating nervously as if I were going to face an examination. A stately chair in the middle of the room attracted momentarily my attention. In a short while the Mother came accompanied by Nolini, Amrita and Dilip. She took her seat in the chair, the others stood by her side. I was dazzled by the sight. Was it a ‘visionary gleam’ or a reality? Nothing like it had I seen before. Her fair complexion, set off by a finely coloured sari and a headband, gave me the impression of a goddess such as we see in pictures or in the idols during the Durga Puja festival. She was all smiles and redolent with grace. I suppose this was the Mahalakshmi smile Sri Aurobindo had spoken of in his book The Mother. She bathed me in the cascade of her smile and heart-melting look. I stood before her, shy and speechless, made more so by the presence of the others who were enjoying the silent sweet spectacle. Minutes passed. Then I offered to her hand my rose and did my pranam at her feet which had gold anklets on them. She stooped and blessed me. On standing up, I got again the same enchanting smile like moonbeams from a magic sky. After a time she said to the others, "He is very shy." "[1]

(Amal Kiran:) "Now to come back to all the people, all – the undamned all who were there in the Ashram. Very soon after my coming Dilip Kumar Roy came with Sahana Devi. They came and settled down. And, soon after that, I saw the face of my friend Nirod. It was of course an unforgettable face. (laughter) I think he had come straight from England or via some place in Bengal, but he carried something of the air of England. (laughter) He had passed out as a doctor at Edinburgh. I saw him, we became friends and we have remained friends ever since. But when he came as a doctor he was not given doctoring work here. As far as I remember he was made the head of a timber godown! (laughter) All sorts of strange jobs were being given to people. Look at the first job I got. The Mother once told me, "I would like you to do some work." I said, "All right, I am prepared to do some work." Then she said,"Will you take charge of our stock of furniture?" (laughter)"[2]

(Amal Kiran:) "To return to my friend Nirod – it was after some time that he got the Dispensary. I don't know whether he wanted it, or liked it or not, but he established his reputation as the frowning physician. (laughter) People used to come to him with a cold and he would stand and glare at them, and say, "What? You have a cold!" Poor people, they would simply shiver (laughter) and this had a very salutary effect because they thought that it was better not to fall ill than face the doctor's drastic disapproval of any kind of illness which would give him any botheration. (laughter) But he did his job all right, and every time he frightened off a patient he went to his room and started trying to write poetry (laughter) – because that, he thought, was his most important job. And, whether he succeeded as a doctor or not, as a poet he has eminently succeeded. Sri Aurobindo has really made him a poet.

    The doctoring as well as the poetry was a bond between us, because my father had been a doctor and medicine ran in my blood. We used to discuss medical matters sometimes, but more often the problems and pains of poetry."[3] ~


*** NEWFULLDB 2.4M ***

1:The colossal labour Sri Aurobindo put forth to build this unique structure reminds me of one of those majestic ancient temples like Konarak or of a Gothic architecture like Notre Dame before which you stand and stare in speechless ecstasy, your soul takes a flight beyond time and space.

As it is, Savitri is, I suppose, the example par excellence of the future poetry he speaks of in his book The Future Poetry. Generation after generation will drink in its soul’s nectar from this perennial source. ~ Nirodbaran,
2:DR. MANILAL: How can one succeed in meditation?

SRI AUROBINDO: By quietude of mind. There is not only the Infinite in itself, but also an infinite sea of peace, joy, light, power above the head. The golden Lid, Hiranmaya Patram, intervenes between the mind and what is above the mind. Once you break this lid ( making a movement of the hands above the head ) they can come down any time at your will. But for that, quietude is essential. Of course, there are people who can get them without first establishing the quietude, but it is very difficult. ( On 13-12-1938 ) ~ Sri Aurobindo, TALKS WITH SRI AUROBINDO VOLUME 1, BY NIRODBARAN (Page no.17),
3:PURANI: There was some effort. Only, you can say that the effort was negligible in proportion to the success.
   SRI AUROBINDO: It is not a question of proportion. One may have put in a great deal of effort and yet there could be no result because there was not a complete and total sincerity. On the other hand, when the result comes with little effort it is because the whole being has responded-- and Grace found it possible to act. All the same, effort is a contributory factor. Sometimes one goes on making an effort with no result or even the condition becomes worse. And when one has given it up, one finds suddenly that the result has come. It may be that the effort was keeping up the resistance too. And when the effort is given up, the resistance says, "This fellow has given up effort. What is the use of resisting anymore?" ( Laughter ) ~ Nirodbaran, TALKS WITH SRI AUROBINDO VOLUME 1, 405,
4:I have got three letters from you, but as I was busy with many things I couldn't answer them-today I am answering all the three together. It was known that it wouldn't be possible for you to come for darshan this time, it can't be easy to come twice within this short time. Don't be sorry, remain calm and remember the Mother, gather faith and strength within. You are a child of the Divine Mother, be tranquil, calm and full of force. There is no special procedure. To take the name of the Mother, to remember her within, to pray to her, all this may be described as calling the Mother. As it comes from within you, you have to call her accordingly. You can do also this - shutting your eyes you can imagine that the Mother is in front of you or you can sketch a picture of her in your mind and offer her your pranam, that obeissance will reach her. When you've time, you can meditate on her with the thinking attitude that she is with you, she's sitting in front of you. Doing these things people at last get to see her. Accept my blessings, I send the Mother's blessings also at the same time. From time to time Jyotirmoyee will take blessing flowers during pranam and send them to you. ~ The Mother, Nirodbaran Memorable contacts with the Mother,


   13 Integral Yoga

   6 George Van Vrekhem
   3 Satprem
   3 A B Purani
   2 Sri Aurobindo

   6 Preparing for the Miraculous
   3 Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo

0.00a - Participants in the Evening Talks, #Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo, #unset, #Integral Yoga
   Nirodbaran Dr. Manilal Parekh
   Champaklal Dr. Srinivasa Rao

0 1970-09-19, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   In fact a conversation: see Talks with Sri Aurobindo by Nirodbaran, part I, p 179-180.

1.02 - The Development of Sri Aurobindos Thought, #Preparing for the Miraculous, #George Van Vrekhem, #Integral Yoga
  He was not. Nirodbaran Talukdar and A.B. Purani have
  published their notes of Sri Aurobindos conversations in

1.03 - Preparing for the Miraculous, #Preparing for the Miraculous, #George Van Vrekhem, #Integral Yoga
  Dilip Kumar Roy and Nirodbaran Talukdar, to whom Sri
  Aurobindo gave some glimpses of his gigantic yogic ef-

1.08 - Sri Aurobindos Descent into Death, #Preparing for the Miraculous, #George Van Vrekhem, #Integral Yoga
  Aurobindo said to Nirodbaran: My main work is being
  delayed. For, as Nirodbaran wrote: Many interruptions
  came in the way. The preliminary work of reading old ver-
  urgency in Sri Aurobindos remark startled Nirodbaran, as
  he had never seen Sri Aurobindo hurry for anything. When
  of Nirodbaran, its incomplete completion.
  The worse than worst situation did not subside. The
  derstand, was the curt reply. On this Nirodbaran reflects:
  The big mystery as to his strange attitude and non-inter-
  According to the testimony of Nirodbaran, a medical
  doctor, Sri Aurobindo was never unconscious in the course
  spectators of that crucial scene, writes Nirodbaran.
  At 1 a.m. on the 5th of December the Mother came
  Call me when the time comes. On this Nirodbaran reflects:
  It may appear strange to our human mind that the Mother
  not left in the ordinary way. Nirodbaran wrote in his Twelve
  23 Mothers Agenda, 15 July 1961.sri aurobi ndos de sce nt into death

1.09 - Sri Aurobindo and the Big Bang, #Preparing for the Miraculous, #George Van Vrekhem, #Integral Yoga
  to the astonishment of Nirodbaran, his amanuensis, who
  writes in his memoirs that he had never seen Sri Auro

1.10 - Theodicy - Nature Makes No Mistakes, #Preparing for the Miraculous, #George Van Vrekhem, #Integral Yoga
  the answers about what Nirodbaran had to do in his dispen-
  sary or at the local hospital, and who also answered the doc-
  spiritual literature, there is a page where Nirodbaran vented
  29 Sri Aurobindo: Letters on Yoga, pp. 28-29.232
  30 Nirodbaran: Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo, p. 277.t h e o d ic y: natur e doe s not mak e mistakes

1.11 - The Kalki Avatar, #Preparing for the Miraculous, #George Van Vrekhem, #Integral Yoga
  and unmovably in his big chair, Nirodbarans Golden Pu-
  rusha. But if this is the sole aspect of Sri Aurobindo, or the
  correspondence with Nirodbaran, in his letters, poems and
  Savitri? When and where did he wage his battles against

1.16 - The Season of Truth, #On the Way to Supermanhood, #Satprem, #Integral Yoga
  27 Nirodbaran, Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo, II.112.

1.17 - The Transformation, #Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness, #Satprem, #Integral Yoga
  Correspondence with Nirodbaran, vol. I 1st ed. 1954
  Correspondence with Nirodbaran, vol. II 1st ed. 1959
  Letters (translated from Bengali) 1st ed. 1961

18.05 - Ashram Poets, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 05, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The Heavenly Steed
   India's Night Is Gone

2.18 - January 1939, #Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo, #unset, #Integral Yoga
   Disciple: Yes, it read "Nirodashram" instead of Nirodbaran.
   Disciple: When is X coming?

2.24 - Note on the Text, #Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo, #unset, #Integral Yoga
   The talks of the First Series and Second Series, well edited on the whole by Purani, have been very lightly revised by the present editors. The talks of the Third Series contained more errors, inconsistencies and awkwardly worded sentences than the talks in the first two series; for this reason, they have been revised more extensively. In revising the Third Series, the editors have introduced, in a few places, new material from Purani's original notebooks. These notebooks, as well as Nirodbaran's Talks with Sri Aurobindo, have been consulted wherever necessary in order to clear up doubtful points.
   Publishing History

Talks With Sri Aurobindo 1, #unset, #Anonymous, #Various
  by Nirodbaran
  Sri Aurobindo Ashram
  the talks were the regular attendants, Purani, Satyendra, Nirodbaran, Champaklal, Mulshankar and Dr. Becharlal, and three occasional visitors. Dr.
  Manilal, Dr. Rao and Dr. Savoor.
  what we call "overhead". (Looking at Nirodbaran) And if one is in contact
  with it one can get these things always.
  This talk took place before the others had come up, when Nirodbaran was
  all alone with Sri Aurobindo. Nirodbaran read out some of Tagore's last poems, which were supposed to express spiritual experiences.
   Nirodbaran: Is there anything here? ;
  DR. MANILAL: I see my friend Nirodbaran goes at once into meditation and
  starts drooping his head.
  SRI AUROBINDO (to Nirodbaran): Do you go to sleep?
  DR. MANILAL: Can one go to sleep in despair?
  SRI AUROBINDO: Meditation of some sort. (Turning to Nirodbaran) But you
  had a look of deep concentration on your face. Are appearances deceptive
  Time about 5:30 p.m.; silent atmosphere, Dr. Manilal meditating, Nirodbaran sitting by his side. Sri Aurobindo cast a glance at Dr. Manilal. After a
  few minutes Nirodbaran tried to kill a mosquito and made a clapping sound.
  Sri Aurobindo looked at him. Dr. Manilal opened his eyes. Nirodbaran felt
  both embarrassed and amused.
  SRI AUROBINDO (addressing Nirodbaran): You seem to have had Ananda in
  your meditation. Your face is beaming.
  DR. MANILAL: Yes, Sir. Nirodbaran nowadays beams with Ananda.
   Nirodbaran: I fell into deep sleep, I think. But I had also some visions which
  Then the talk drifted to the subject of intuition and doctors getting their diagnoses in sleep. Nirodbaran mentioned The Mother's advice to him to get
  intuition through silence of the mind. The results were discussed.
  THE MOTHER: Nirodbaran seems to be a humanitarian.
  SRI AUROBINDO: Life is life, whether in a cat or a dog or a man. There is no
  SRI AUROBINDO: You know, I was talking to Nirodbaran about the tail of the
  Supermind. I know what the Supermind is. And the physical being has
  After Sri Aurobindo 's lunch at about 4:30 p.m. Nirodbaran was reading to
  him the memorial orations on a prominent figure in local politics and business. One person after another, beginning with the Governor, had praised
  We saw a ray of hope in this attempt, but looking at Champaklal's combination of eagerness and hesitation Nirodbaran could not check his amusement.
  So he moved away from Sri Aurobindo's presence and, lying down on the
  PURANI: Nirodbaran is rolling with laughter!
  SRI AUROBINDO: Descent of Ananda?
  nature with all its difficulties as well as capacities. (Looking at Nirodbaran)
  That's how your difficulties are explained!
  Satyendra and Purani agreed with the remark and said that as regards application medical science was not exact as yet. Nirodbaran observed that
  this was so because of individual variation.
  and Nirodbaran were seated on the carpet behind the head of Sri Aurobindo's bed and were whispering among themselves. Over some topic
  Champaklal broke into suppressed laughter and had to run away from the
  room. Satyendra and Nirodbaran controlled themselves with difficulty. Then
  at about 6:30 we all assembled by the side of Sri Aurobindo. Purani was
  Champaklal complained to Sri Aurobindo that Nirodbaran was making him
  laugh. Sri Aurobindo replied, "See that he does not make you go off like a
  and in consequence Nirodbaran began to yawn. Champaklal started mocking him. The result was again laughter, but a subdued gurgle of it.
  SRI AUROBINDO: What's the joke?
  Ours is a very big Yoga. One has to crawl all over (gesture with a movement of the hands.) I think Nirodbaran is not prepared to take all that trouble!
  DR. BECHARLAL: Never, Sir! I have come here because I wanted to avoid trouble.
   Nirodbaran and smiling) Will you set Nirodbaran spinning, to begin with?
   Nirodbaran: I have been spinning all the time. (Laughter)
  Here Nirodbaran gave an instance of a homoeopathic cure. Dilip's cousin
  had a tumour which was cured by homoeopathy. There was no question of
  (Looking at Nirodbaran) Nishikanto also aspires to write an epic
   Nirodbaran: He may be able to do it. For he seems to have the necessary
  This interesting report set us off on the subject of fainting. Nirodbaran
  enumerated a few instances of fainting even while slight finger-cuts were being dressed. He said that Dilip too had fainted.
  gone, the Mother asked Nirodbaran: "Up to what age can the skull-bone
  grow?" She said that she had seen cases where even at the age of fifty-five
  Purani told Nirodbaran to take the lead and said that if Nirodbaran had
  nothing to ask, he had a question ready. Nirodbaran told him he had one
  question to ask. So as soon as the Mother left and Sri Aurobindo was ready
  to talk, Nirodbaran began.
   Nirodbaran: Yesterday, did you mean, that by the psychic realisation one
  seemed to have exhausted all our questions. In that puzzled mood; Nirodbaran once looked up and Sri Aurobindo looked at him. Suddenly Nirodbaran burst into laughter and the rest joined in. Finding an opening or an
  inspiration, Purani began.
  SATYENDRA: That means Nirodbaran doesn't like your presence!
  CHAMPAKLAL: No, he snores even long before.
  What do you say, Purani? You too can go into trance or send Nirodbaran
  into trance.
  There the talk ended. After an interval Nirodbaran asked a question about
  Sri Aurobindo's leg, which had still some defect after the accident of 24 November 1938.
   Nirodbaran: Yes, the telegram read "Nirodasram" instead of Nirodbaran".
  CHAMPAKLAL: When is Chand coming here?
  SRI AUROBINDO: Nirodbaran, do you know the name of the man who apologised to us for having written a book against us?
   Nirodbaran: Apologised? Who's that?
  fast?" The day before, Nirodbaran had told Sri Aurobindo that Dilip would
  fast on the following day which was his birthday. But Nirodbaran had forgotten all about it.
   Nirodbaran: In the morning Dilip took bread, butter, tea, etc., and at noon I
  PURANI: Perhaps Nirodbaran means spiritually right.
  SRI AUROBINDO: How can one say that Hitler's voice is not right? He has seen
  bewildered Nirodbaran. He wanted to get out of his bewilderment by asking
  a few more questions. But he was hesitant and expressed his feeling
  PURANI: Nirodbaran intends to ask you a question but he hesitates. It is the
  contradiction in what you said yesterday that he is unable to understand.
  PURANI: Nirodbaran expected intellectual consistency in your views.
  SRI AUROBINDO: Truth is not always consistent. But contradiction here does
  (Turning to Nirodbaran) To come back to Hitler: Hitler is responsible so
  long as he feels he is Hitler. In his youth, he was considered an amusing
  nowhere. (To Nirodbaran) So you see, the universe is not a question of logic
  but of consciousness.
  A long silence followed. Nirodbaran, after some hesitation, blurted out a
  question that had been revolving in his mind.
  SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, people look at art as Nirodbaran looks at philosophy.
  ready to begin talking. But Sri Aurobindo seemed preoccupied with something, or was thinking, or perhaps just in a mood of silence. Nirodbaran
  said to Purani, "Come out with your news." Purani kept smiling. After a few
  Then Nirodbaran started speaking.
   Nirodbaran: Purani seems to have some news.
  earlyat about 6:15 p.m.and both Sri Aurobindo and the Mother concentrated together till 7:00 or thereabouts. So Nirodbaran was obliged to massage Sri Aurobindo's leg after 7:00 which left hardly any time for conversation. This evening Purani began telling Sri Aurobindo about Jean Herbert's
  DR. MANILAL (addressing Nirodbaran after a short pause): Try Arnica oil for
  your hair.
  SRI AUROBINDO: No, somebody had an experience of liberation. (To Nirodbaran) You passed her experience on and kept the crust perhaps for yourself?
   Nirodbaran: Her experience came first.
  Just as the sponging of Sri Aurobindo started, Nirodbaran prompted to Purani to begin the talk.
   Nirodbaran: What are these newspaper cuttings you have brought?
  SATYENDRA (to Nirodbaran): Why not thinking? One has to begin somewhere
  and, being human, one can start with the mind.
  SATYENDRA (to Nirodbaran): Why not realisation? When one identifies oneself with the Divine and then comes back to the ordinary consciousness,
  wouldn't you call it realisation?
  SATYENDRA (to Nirodbaran): Don't worry. If you feel you are lonely, I am
  with you.
  PURANI: Then it can't be sleep. Nirodbaran must be having an inner opening.
   Nirodbaran: What sort of opening is this? What have I to do with Norway? I
  PURANI: In connection with what you said on Presence and form, Nirodbaran
  has given the analogy of flower and smell to correspond to form and Presence. It did not seem correct to me. I told him, "Smell is the result of form,
  PURANI: Nirodbaran was wondering what you meant by saying yesterday that
  he had got into a higher consciousness.
  (To Nirodbaran after a while) I am told Satyendra does meditation while
  working and has that experience of nothingness, but feels giddy. If she feels
  own name came, he kept silent. Then Nirodbaran said: "Champaklal." Sri
  Aurobindo turned and remarked, "You should have said, 'Who is this Champaklal?'" There was laughter again.
  Sanskrit quotations for The Life Divine. At the end Satyendra and Nirodbaran laughed aloud.
  SRI AUROBINDO: What is the matter?
  SATYENDRA: Nirodbaran is laughing because he doesn't understand a bit of the
  talk. It is all Greek to him.
  CHAMPAKLAL: Nirodbaran was trying for some time to pick up Sanskrit and
  now has given up.
  At noon Nirodbaran read out a letter to Sri Aurobindo. It was written by
  Sisir Maitra to Anilbaran in the course of their discussion on Reason, Buddhi, Kant, Hegel, the Gita, etc. Ultimately Sri Aurobindo was referred to. In
  PURANI (after a while) Nirodbaran was asking: if Reason comes to different
  conclusions, don't spiritual experiences also do the same?
  At this moment, Nirodbaran, by inattention,, happened to spill some water
  from a bowl.
  breaths looking at Sri Aurobindo. Champaklal and Nirodbaran were stealing a smile at each other over him when suddenly Champaklal burst out
  laughing and Purani looked at him. Sri Aurobindo also looked and, raising
  PURANI:: Between Hegel and Kant, poor Nirodbaran's question was lost.
  SRI AUROBINDO: What was it?
  PURANI: Nirodbaran says that, just like reasonings, experiences differ and
  come to different conclusions. How then can experience be a criterion any
  Satyendra drew Nirodbaran 's attention to a single thin thread hung by a
  spider from the ceiling. Nirodbaran was reminded of a story in the New
  Statesman and Nation of a spider listening to Paderewsky's music. Sri Aurobindo was asked whether he had read it.
  Later, when Purani and Nirodbaran were alone with Sri Aurobindo, Nirodbaran spoke of Sarkar again.
   Nirodbaran: Sarkar's resignation seems a little inopportune.
  of which both Satyendra and Nirodbaran looked at each other and broke
  into smiles. Purani thought it was as if Nirodbaran had thrown a jet of refreshing water on Satyendra.
  PURANI: Jetting the Supermind on Satyendra?
  At noon after Sri Aurobindo's writing had been finished, Nirodbaran showed
  him Sen's letter and Sri Aurobindo explained the significance of his visions
  of flowers. Then the Mother came. Nirodbaran told the Mother aqain about
  Sen's letter and said that he was much worried by thoughts and couldn't
  SATYENDRA: But I find that Nirodbaran's vital is quietand his intellect too.
  Perhaps the desires are less so.
  SATYENDRA: Then Nirodbaran can try hot water on his own head. (Laughter)
   Nirodbaran: I was thinking of trying it, but it makes the head so hot.
  SATYENDRA: If Nirodbaran proves successful, we'll all try the remedy.
   Nirodbaran: No chance of success. Getting bald is hereditary.
  problem remains. Perhaps Nirodbaran can discover something.
   Nirodbaran: I may when I get my intuition opened or when the Supermind
  When Sri Aurobindo was lying down, Nirodbaran read to him a letter from
  A few days ago Nirodbaran showed to Sri Aurobindo Nishikanto's new poem
  in mantra-vritta blank verse, a new experiment.
  Grace. Formerly Nirodbaran was unable to meditate, now he can because of
  the Grace.
  SATYENDRA: Nirodbaran is very much in earnest. You should give him some
  help, Sir.
  try to find out what is the cause of Nirodbaran's baldness. (Laughter)
   Nirodbaran: The cause won't do.
  PURANI: When Sri Aurobindo said that Y has a remarkable mind, Nirodbaran
  said: "I have a remarkably thick physical crust."
  PURANI: Nirodbaran doesn't seem to be satisfied with your answers.
  SRI AUROBINDO: "Sarvadharman parityajya." ("Abandon all dharmas, all standards.") (Laughter)
  PURANI: By "mystic" Nirodbaran means perhaps the expression of the
  essence of things hidden behind.
  SATYENDRA (looking at Nirodbaran): I see a roguish smile on his face.
  SRI AUROBINDO: He wants to ask a question or say something?
  PURANI: Nirodbaran says that if there is poetic force, it will be felt; I say that
  not everybody will feel it. "The Hound of Heaven" won't be appreciated by
  of some instruments. Nirodbaran told Sri Aurobindo about it. So when Rao
  came Sri Aurobindo spoke to him.
  PURANI (to Nirodbaran): Have you read the review?
   Nirodbaran: Yes, and Satyendra has also seen it.
  The morning talk did not satisfy Nirodbaran: there were still some points to
  be cleared up, especially regarding Grace versus effort. Nirodbaran told
  Champaklal that he would raise the topic again and inform Sri Aurobindo
  present. In the evening Champaklal himself was in the mood to ask something and everybody saw him slowly approaching Sri Aurobindo: his expression made Nirodbaran laugh.
  SRI AUROBINDO: What is the matter?
  Later, after Purani had come, there was an expectation that Nirodbaran
  funny that Nirodbaran burst into laughter.
  PURANI: Nirodbaran is on the point of asking some question.
  SRI AUROBINDO: Is it a formidable question?
  PURANI: Why does Nirodbaran think that effort is always associated with
  struggle, unpleasantness?
  Vedas, but I don't find it unpleasant; another may. (To Nirodbaran) When
  you write poetry, you have to make an effort, but it is not unpleasant.
  CHAMPAKLAL: I saw Nirodbaran meditating under a canopy in a Buddha-like
  posture. Does it mean anything?
  While Sri Aurobindo was lying in bed, Nirodbaran read out Tagore's letter.
  SRI AUROBINDO: It seems Nishikanto was vexed because his book was not
  SATYENDRA: The descent of Supermind will be like that. Nirodbaran will fall
  asleep and on waking up he will see that it has descended.
  robindo replied, "The Life Divine is still hanging." Now Nirodbaran announced that Manilal was due to arrive on the 10th or the 12th.
  SRI AUROBINDO: And I am going to start hanging my leg tomorrow. (Laughter) The last two chapters of The Life Divine were sent off today.
  At this time only Dr. Becharlal, Dr. Manilal, Champaklal and Nirodbaran
  were present. In the morning we had already indicated to Sri Aurobindo the
  [1] A few days back, in meditation, Nirodbaran had seen that all were puzzled about the diagnosis of an imaginary case. Then he heard Sri Aurobindo say, "Are you sure it is not typhoid?"
  SRI AUROBINDO: I see. (After a pause, to Nirodbaran) What does Buddhadev
  say? Is he satisfied with the Ashram or does he find the people too small for
  DR. MANILAL: No, Sir, I was talking about Nirodbaran's poetry.
  SRI AUROBINDO: Oh, but he was not writing frequently. What are the bloodforming substances?
  SATYENDRA: Nirodbaran thinks he can open simply by asking.
   Nirodbaran: There are successful doctors with an impure vital.
  that because Nirodbaran creates poetry with such difficulty and struggle?
  SRI AUROBINDO: I am not talking God. I am talking of Nirodbaran. (Laughter)
  SATYENDRA (to Manilal): What is your idea about creation?
  CHAMPAKLAL: Nirodbaran says that no more service may be required of you
  and so we will all be driven out of your room. He may be right.
  SATYENDRA: Anusuya's. Nirodbaran says he no longer needs to meditate about
  it. The decision is automatic now. (Laughter)
  PURANI (after a while): I believe Nirodbaran feels a little dull tonight for
  want of discussion of Jainism.
  July 1926. Like Nirodbaran's report, it also brings us some significant particulars. It runs:
  SRI AUROBINDO: Then there is the incident of the personality of

Talks With Sri Aurobindo 2, #Talks With Sri Aurobindo, #unset, #Integral Yoga
  more with Germany. (To Nirodbaran) Have you seen the new constitution of
  France that Ptain has proposed?
  At this point SATYENDRA began to smile, looking at Nirodbaran.
  SRI AUROBINDO: That was the golden period of the Ashram. And now
  (looking at Nirodbaran significantly) it is the age of the "physical crust".
  (Laughter) The scientists have a special term for it.
  After some had left, Nirodbaran brought up the topic of Gandhi again.
   Nirodbaran: Gandhi seems to have been in a hurry to bring out his article before the report of the Working Committee.
  Dr. Rao had come in the morning. Nirodbaran asked him: "What does
  Madras think of Hitler? It seems it is anti-British." Rao said plenty of people were much surprised by Sri Aurobindo's contri bution and were wondering how it was possible for Sri Aurobindo, who once had been so antiBritish, to do such a thing. But there were others who supported Sri Aurobindo. Then Sri Aurobindo explained to Rao at great length all the points
  DR. MANILAL (looking at Nirodbaran): Why not? When there is no proof
  to the contrary.
  After this Nirodbaran referred to Professor Amarnath Jha's lecture in the
  Hindu on Indian English where he has mentioned Gandhi's prose style as
  After some time Nirodbaran asked what was meant by space being coexistent with souls. Sri Aurobindo explained it but Nirodbaran could not follow.
  DR. MANILAL: Souls have no space. Sir?
  DR. MANILAL (as Nirodbaran was bending to touch Sri Aurobindo's
  knee): I see a trident. Sir, on Nirod's forehead.
  postponed for a year. Nirodbaran asked Dr. Manilal's view.
  DR. MANILAL: I don't know the case, but if it is chronic it is better to remove the appendix. But it may not be appendicitis at all. Many mistaken operations have been performed even in cases of pneumonia, typhoid, pleurisy.
  (Larer on, to Nirodbaran) Now that X has got this experience she ought to
  be able to bring down the right kind of forces and prevent the disease from
  In January 1941 Nirodbaran stopped recording the talks on a regular basis.
  What follows are seven talks and a letter from the period 1941-48. All but


IN WEBGEN [10000/17]

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The Need for Men’s Liberation
Passport to Pimlico (1949) ::: 7.1/10 -- Approved | 1h 24min | Comedy | 26 October 1949 (USA) -- Residents of a part of London declare independence when they discover an old treaty. This leads to the need for a "Passport to Pimlico". Director: Henry Cornelius Writer: T.E.B. Clarke (original screenplay)
The Chi ::: TV-MA | 1h | Drama | TV Series (2018 ) -- From Emmy winner Lena Waithe, The Chi is a timely coming-of-age drama series centered on a group of residents who become linked by coincidence but bonded by the need for connection and redemption. Creator:
The Need for Speed

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