classes ::: media,
children :::
branches ::: games, videogames

bookmarks: Instances - Definitions - Quotes - Chapters - Wordnet - Webgen



meta tic-tac-toe ::: 9 tic-tac-toe boards so its about getting 3 in a row across a 3x3 matrix

Dungeons and Dragons
  math games (math chains, digit multiplication)
Wikipedia - mathematical game
chess for analysis
thought experiments
story telling adventure game
story telling
travelling worlds
  limb chopping + sword fighting
  parkour tag (manhunt)
floor is lava
  guessing game (numbers, or images, or words) (with help from other person (projecting))
  freestyle on a topic chosen by other. (rules: has to make sense, but you can slow time as much as you want)
perhaps any practice


- rules, degrees of ethics and standards of conduct.
- difficulty


the Game (OWRPGRLVR - biggest)
Game Analysis (best from each game list)
Game Concepts Analysis (beauty, wonder-exploration, living world)
Game Ideas (lots of cool fun ideas spoken of)
Game Dev (game dev main)
Life as an RPG

see also ::: Games Analysis,
see also ::: Mage,
see also ::: Lila, Play, videogames,
see also ::: the Game, Life as an RPG,
see also ::: train, training, Education, stimulus,

see also ::: Education, Games_Analysis, Life_as_an_RPG, Lila, Mage, Play, stimulus, the_Game, training, train, videogames

questions, comments, suggestions/feedback, take-down requests, contribute, etc
contact me @ or
join the integral discord server (chatrooms)
if the page you visited was empty, it may be noted and I will try to fill it out. cheers

now begins generated list of local instances, definitions, quotes, instances in chapters, wordnet info if available and instances among weblinks










a case for not playing videogames
List 100 most important games 2
list of 100 most important games
List of 50 most important games
List of video games considered the best
The Epic of Gilgamesh



games "games" "The time you enjoy wasting is not time wasted." -- {Bertrand Russell}. Here are some games-related pages on the {Web}: {Imperial Nomic (}, {Thoth's games and recreations page (}, {Games Domain (}, {Zarf's List of Games on the Web (}, {Dave's list of pointers to games resources (}, {Collaborative Fiction (}. See also {3DO}, {ADL}, {ADVENT}, {ADVSYS}, {alpha/beta pruning}, {Amiga}, {CHIP-8}, {Core Wars}, {DROOL}, {empire}, {I see no X here.}, {Infocom}, {Inglish}, {initgame}, {life}, {minimax}, {moria}, {mudhead}, {multi-user Dimension}, {nethack}, {ogg}, {plugh}, {rogue}, {SPACEWAR}, {virtual reality}, {wizard mode}, {wumpus}, {xyzzy}, {ZIL}, {zorkmid}. See also {game theory}. (1996-03-03)

games ::: (games) The time you enjoy wasting is not time wasted. -- Bertrand Russell.Here are some games-related pages on the Web: , , , .See also 3DO, ADL, ADVENT, ADVSYS, alpha/beta pruning, Amiga, CHIP-8, Core Wars, DROOL, empire, I see no X here., Infocom, Inglish, initgame, life, minimax, moria, mudhead, multi-user Dimension, nethack, ogg, plugh, rogue, SPACEWAR, virtual reality, wizard mode, wumpus, xyzzy, ZIL, zorkmid.See also game theory. (1996-03-03)

gamesome ::: a. --> Gay; sportive; playful; frolicsome; merry.

gamester ::: n. --> A merry, frolicsome person.
A person who plays at games; esp., one accustomed to play for a stake; a gambler; one skilled in games.
A prostitute; a strumpet.


3DO "company, games, standard" A set of specifications created and owned by the 3DO company, which is a partnership of seven different companies. These specs are the blueprint for making a 3DO Interactive Multiplayer and are licensed to hardware and software producers. A 3DO system has an {ARM60} 32-bit {RISC} {CPU} and a graphics engine based around two custom designed graphics and animation processors. It has 2 Megabytes of {DRAM}, 1 Megabyte of {VRAM}, and a double speed {CD-ROM} drive for main storage. The {Panasonic} 3DO system can run 3DO Interactive software, play audio CDs (including support for CD+G), view {Photo-CDs}, and will eventually be able to play {Video CDs} with a special add-on {MPEG}1 {full-motion video} cartridge. Up to 8 {controllers} can be {daisy-chain}ed on the system at once. A keyboard, mouse, light gun, and other peripherals may also some day be hooked into the system, although they are not currently available (December 1993). The 3DO can display {full-motion video}, fully {texture map}ped 3d landscapes, all in 24-bit colour. {Sanyo} and {AT&T} will also release 3DO systems. Sanyo's in mid 1994 and AT&T in late 1994. There will be a 3DO add-on cartridge based on the {PowerPC} to enable the 3DO to compete with {Sony}'s {Playstation} console and {Sega}'s {Saturn} console, both of which have a higher specification than the original 3DO. The add-on is commonly known as the M2 or Bulldog. It should hit the shops by Christmas 1995 and will (allegedly) do a million flat shaded polygons per second. {3DO Home (}. {Usenet} newsgroup: {}. (1994-12-13)

A3D ::: (hardware) (Aureal 3-Dimensional?) A technology developed by Aureal that delivers sound with a three-dimensional effect through two speakers. Many modern sound cards and PC games now support this feature.A3D differs from the various forms of surround sound in that it only requires two speakers, while surround sound typically requires four or five. It is one speaker to another favour A3D, while pre-recorded video favours surround sound. . (1999-01-26)

A3D "hardware" (Aureal 3-Dimensional?) A technology developed by {Aureal} that delivers sound with a three-dimensional effect through two speakers. Many modern {sound cards} and PC games now support this feature. A3D differs from the various forms of {surround sound} in that it only requires two speakers, while surround sound typically requires four or five. It is sometimes less convincing than surround sound but is supposedly better in {interactive} environments. For example, PC games in which sounds often move from one speaker to another favour A3D, while pre-recorded video favours surround sound. {(}. (1999-01-26)

AberMUD "games" The first popular {open source} {MUD}. The first version of AberMUD, named after Aberystwyth, UK, was written in {B} by Alan Cox, Richard Acott, Jim Finnis, and Leon Thrane, at University of Wales, Aberystwyth for an old {Honeywell} {mainframe} and opened in 1987. The gameplay was heavily influenced by {MUD1}, written by Roy Trubshaw and Richard Bartle, which Alan Cox had played at the University of Essex. In late 1988, Alan Cox ported AberMUD to {C} so it could run under {UNIX} on Southampton University's Maths machines. This version was named AberMUD2. Various other versions followed. (2008-11-24)

Acorn Computers Ltd. "company" A UK computer manufacturer, part of the {Acorn Computer Group} plc. Acorn was founded on 1978-12-05, on a kitchen table in a back room. Their first creation was an electronic slot machine. After the {Acorn System 1}, 2 and 3, Acorn launched the first commercial {microcomputer} - the {ATOM} in March 1980. In April 1981, Acorn won a contract from the {BBC} to provide the {PROTON}. In January 1982 Acorn launched the {BBC Microcomputer} System. At one time, 70% of microcomputers bought for UK schools were BBC Micros. The Acorn Computer Group went public on the Unlisted Securities Market in September 1983. In April 1984 Acorn won the Queen's Award for Technology for the BBC Micro and in September 1985 {Olivetti} took a controlling interest in Acorn. The {Master} 128 Series computers were launched in January 1986 and the BBC {Domesday} System in November 1986. In 1983 Acorn began to design the Acorn RISC Machine (ARM), the first low-cost, high volume {RISC} processor chip (later renamed the {Advanced RISC Machine}). In June 1987 they launched the {Archimedes} range - the first 32-bit {RISC} based {microcomputers} - which sold for under UKP 1000. In February 1989 the R140 was launched. This was the first {Unix} {workstation} under UKP 4000. In May 1989 the A3000 (the new {BBC Microcomputer}) was launched. In 1990 Acorn formed {Advanced RISC Machines} Ltd. (ARM) in partnership with {Apple Computer, Inc.} and {VLSI} to develop the ARM processor. Acorn has continued to develop {RISC} based products. With 1992 revenues of 48.2 million pounds, Acorn Computers was the premier supplier of {Information Technology} products to UK education and had been the leading provider of 32-bit RISC based {personal computers} since 1987. Acorn finally folded in the late 1990s. Their operating system, {RISC OS} was further developed by a consortium of suppliers. {Usenet} newsgroups: {news:comp.sys.acorn}, {news:comp.sys.acorn.announce}, {}, {news:comp.binaries.acorn}, {news:comp.sources.acorn}, {news:comp.sys.acorn.advocacy}, {}. {Acorn's FTP server (}. {HENSA software archive (}. {Richard Birkby's Acorn page (}. {RiscMan's Acorn page (}. {Acorn On The Net (}. {"The Jungle" by Simon Truss (}. [Recent history?] (2000-09-26)

Acorn Computers Ltd. ::: (company) A UK computer manufacturer, part of the Acorn Computer Group plc. Acorn was founded on 1978-12-05, on a kitchen table in a back room. Their January 1982 Acorn launched the BBC Microcomputer System. At one time, 70% of microcomputers bought for UK schools were BBC Micros.The Acorn Computer Group went public on the Unlisted Securities Market in September 1983. In April 1984 Acorn won the Queen's Award for Technology for the The Master 128 Series computers were launched in January 1986 and the BBC Domesday System in November 1986.In 1983 Acorn began to design the Acorn RISC Machine (ARM), the first low-cost, high volume RISC processor chip (later renamed the Advanced RISC Machine). In launched. This was the first Unix workstation under UKP 4000. In May 1989 the A3000 (the new BBC Microcomputer) was launched.In 1990 Acorn formed Advanced RISC Machines Ltd. (ARM) in partnership with Apple Computer, Inc. and VLSI to develop the ARM processor. Acorn has continued to develop RISC based products.With 1992 revenues of 48.2 million pounds, Acorn Computers was the premier supplier of Information Technology products to UK education and had been the leading provider of 32-bit RISC based personal computers since 1987.Acorn finally folded in the late 1990s. Their operating system, RISC OS was further developed by a consortium of suppliers.Usenet newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn, comp.sys.acorn.announce,, comp.binaries.acorn, comp.sources.acorn, comp.sys.acorn.advocacy, . . . . .[Recent history?](2000-09-26)

ADL ::: 1. (games) Adventure Definition Language.2. (language) Ada Development Language.R.A. Lees, 1989.3. (programming) API Definition Language.A project for Automatic Interface Test Generation. (1995-11-17)

ADL 1. "games" {Adventure Definition Language}. 2. "language" {Ada} Development Language. R.A. Lees, 1989. 3. "programming" {API} Definition Language. A project for Automatic Interface Test Generation. (1995-11-17)

Advanced RISC Machine "processor" (ARM, Originally {Acorn} RISC Machine). A series of low-cost, power-efficient 32-bit {RISC} {microprocessors} for embedded control, computing, {digital signal processing}, {games}, consumer {multimedia} and portable applications. It was the first commercial RISC microprocessor (or was the {MIPS R2000}?) and was licensed for production by {Asahi Kasei Microsystems}, {Cirrus Logic}, {GEC Plessey Semiconductors}, {Samsung}, {Sharp}, {Texas Instruments} and {VLSI Technology}. The ARM has a small and highly {orthogonal instruction set}, as do most RISC processors. Every instruction includes a four-bit code which specifies a condition (of the {processor status register}) which must be satisfied for the instruction to be executed. Unconditional execution is specified with a condition "true". Instructions are split into load and store which access memory and arithmetic and logic instructions which work on {registers} (two source and one destination). The ARM has 27 registers of which 16 are accessible in any particular processor mode. R15 combines the {program counter} and processor status byte, the other registers are general purpose except that R14 holds the {return address} after a {subroutine} call and R13 is conventionally used as a {stack pointer}. There are four processor modes: user, {interrupt} (with a private copy of R13 and R14), fast interrupt (private copies of R8 to R14) and {supervisor} (private copies of R13 and R14). The {ALU} includes a 32-bit {barrel-shifter} allowing, e.g., a single-{cycle} shift and add. The first ARM processor, the ARM1 was a prototype which was never released. The ARM2 was originally called the Acorn RISC Machine. It was designed by {Acorn Computers Ltd.} and used in the original {Archimedes}, their successor to the {BBC Micro} and {BBC Master} series which were based on the eight-bit {6502} {microprocessor}. It was clocked at 8 MHz giving an average performance of 4 - 4.7 {MIPS}. Development of the ARM family was then continued by a new company, {Advanced RISC Machines Ltd.} The {ARM3} added a {fully-associative} on-chip {cache} and some support for {multiprocessing}. This was followed by the {ARM600} chip which was an {ARM6} processor {core} with a 4-kilobyte 64-way {set-associative} {cache}, an {MMU} based on the MEMC2 chip, a {write buffer} (8 words?) and a {coprocessor} interface. The {ARM7} processor core uses half the power of the {ARM6} and takes around half the {die} size. In a full processor design ({ARM700} chip) it should provide 50% to 100% more performance. In July 1994 {VLSI Technology, Inc.} released the {ARM710} processor chip. {Thumb} is an implementation with reduced code size requirements, intended for {embedded} applications. An {ARM800} chip is also planned. {AT&T}, {IBM}, {Panasonic}, {Apple Coputer}, {Matsushita} and {Sanyo} either rely on, or manufacture, ARM 32-bit processor chips. {Usenet} newsgroup: {news:comp.sys.arm}. (1997-08-05)

ADVENT ::: (games) /ad'vent/ The prototypical computer Adventure game, first implemented by Will Crowther for a CDC computer (probably the 6600?) as an attempt at computer-refereed fantasy gaming.ADVENT was ported to the PDP-10, and expanded to the 350-point Classic puzzle-oriented version, by Don Woods of the Stanford Artificial Intelligence operating system permitted only six-letter filenames. All the versions since are based on the SAIL port.David Long of the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business Computing Facility (which had two of the four DEC20s on campus in the late 1970s and early the point count up to 500, then 501 points. Most of his work was in the data files, but he made some changes to the parser as well.This game defined the terse, dryly humorous style now expected in text adventure games, and popularised several tag lines that have become fixtures of in a little maze of twisty passages, all different. The magic words xyzzy and plugh also derive from this game.Crowther, by the way, participated in the exploration of the Mammoth & Flint Ridge cave system; it actually *has* a Colossal Cave and a Bedquilt as in the game, and the Y2 that also turns up is cavers' jargon for a map reference to a secondary entrance.See also vadding.[Was the original written in Fortran?][Jargon File] (1996-04-01)

ADVENT "games" /ad'vent/ The prototypical computer {adventure} game, first implemented by Will Crowther for a {CDC} computer (probably the {CDC 6600}?) as an attempt at computer-refereed fantasy gaming. ADVENT was ported to the {PDP-10}, and expanded to the 350-point {Classic} puzzle-oriented version, by Don Woods of the {Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory} (SAIL). The game is now better known as Adventure, but the {TOPS-10} {operating system} permitted only six-letter filenames. All the versions since are based on the SAIL port. David Long of the {University of Chicago} Graduate School of Business Computing Facility (which had two of the four {DEC20s} on campus in the late 1970s and early 1980s) was responsible for expanding the cave in a number of ways, and pushing the point count up to 500, then 501 points. Most of his work was in the data files, but he made some changes to the {parser} as well. This game defined the terse, dryly humorous style now expected in text adventure games, and popularised several tag lines that have become fixtures of hacker-speak: "A huge green fierce snake bars the way!" "I see no X here" (for some noun X). "You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike." "You are in a little maze of twisty passages, all different." The "magic words" {xyzzy} and {plugh} also derive from this game. Crowther, by the way, participated in the exploration of the Mammoth & Flint Ridge cave system; it actually *has* a "Colossal Cave" and a "Bedquilt" as in the game, and the "Y2" that also turns up is cavers' jargon for a map reference to a secondary entrance. See also {vadding}. [Was the original written in Fortran?] [{Jargon File}] (1996-04-01)

Adventure Definition Language ::: (language, games) (ADL) An adventure game language interpreter designed by Ross Cunniff and Tim Brengle in 1987. ADL is semi-object-oriented with Lisp-like syntax and is a superset of DDL. It is available for Unix, MS-DOS, Amiga and Acorn Archimedes. , . (1995-03-20)

Adventure Definition Language "language, games" (ADL) An {adventure} game language {interpreter} designed by Ross Cunniff "" and Tim Brengle in 1987. ADL is semi-{object-oriented} with {Lisp}-like {syntax} and is a superset of {DDL}. It is available for {Unix}, {MS-DOS}, {Amiga} and {Acorn} {Archimedes}. {(}, {(}. (1995-03-20)

ADVSYS ::: (language, games) An adventure game language designed by David Betz in 1986. ADVSYS is object-oriented and Lisp-like. . (1995-03-20)

ADVSYS "language, games" An {adventure} game language designed by David Betz in 1986. ADVSYS is {object-oriented} and {Lisp}-like. {(}. (1995-03-20)

Agnus-Castus Plant A species of Vitex, a willow-like tree sometimes called the chaste tree [from hagnos chaste vs agnos willow-like]. “Prometheus is represented as crowned with the Agnus-Castus plant (logos), the leaves of which formed the Crown of the Victors in the ‘Agonia’ of the Olympic games; . . . This Agnus-Castus plant was used also in the fete of the Thesmophoria, in honour of Demeter — the law — ‘nomos’ — bringer, whose priestesses slept on its leaves as encouraging chaste desires. In Christian times this custom survived among Nuns, who used to drink a water distilled from its leaves, and Monks used knives with handles made of its wood with the same intention of encouraging chastity” (BCW 9:267, 10:90)

agonistics ::: n. --> The science of athletic combats, or contests in public games.

agonist ::: n. --> One who contends for the prize in public games.

agon ::: n. --> A contest for a prize at the public games.

agonothete ::: n. --> An officer who presided over the great public games in Greece.

alpha/beta pruning ::: (games, algorithm) An optimisation of the minimax algorithm for choosing the next move in a two-player game. The position after each move is assigned a choose moves with maximum value and you will choose moves with minimum value (for me).If it is my move and I have already found one move M with value alpha then I am only interested in other moves with value greater than alpha. I now consider less than M so I can reject it without considering any other replies you might make.The same reasoning applies when considering my replies to your reply. An alpha cutoff is when your reply gives a lower value than the current maximum (alpha) and a beta cutoff is when my reply to your reply gives a higher value than the current minimum value of your reply (beta).In short, if you've found one possible move, you need not consider another move which your opponent can force to be worse than the first one. (1997-05-05)

alpha/beta pruning "games, algorithm" An optimisation of the {minimax} {algorithm} for choosing the next move in a two-player game. The position after each move is assigned a value. The larger this value, the better the position is for me. Thus, I will choose moves with maximum value and you will choose moves with minimum value (for me). If it is my move and I have already found one move M with value alpha then I am only interested in other moves with value greater than alpha. I now consider another of my possible moves, M', to which you could reply with a move with value beta. I know that you would only make a different reply if it had a value less than beta. If beta is already less than alpha then M' is definitely worth less than M so I can reject it without considering any other replies you might make. The same reasoning applies when considering my replies to your reply. An alpha cutoff is when your reply gives a lower value than the current maximum (alpha) and a beta cutoff is when my reply to your reply gives a higher value than the current minimum value of your reply (beta). In short, if you've found one possible move, you need not consider another move which your opponent can force to be worse than the first one. (1997-05-05)

amateur packet radio ::: (communications) (PR) The use of packet radio by amateurs to communicate between computers. PR is a complete amateur radio computer network with digipeaters (relays), mailboxes (BBS) and other special nodes.In Germany, it is on HF, say, 2m (300 and 1200 BPS), 70cm (1200 to 9600 BPS), 23cm (normally 9600 BPS and up, currently most links between digipeaters) and higher frequencies. There is a KW (short wave) Packet Radio at 300 BPS, too.Satellites with OSCAR (Orbiting Sattelite Carring Amateur Radio) transponders (mostly attached to commercial satellites by the AMateur SATellite (AMSAT) group) carry Packet Radio mailboxes or digipeaters.There are both on-line and off-line services on the packet radio network: You can send electronic mail, read bulletins, chat, transfer files, connect to about the hottest international KW connections currently coming up (so you can pile up).PR uses AX.25 (an X.25 derivative) as its transport layer and sometimes even TCP/IP is transmitted over AX.25. AX.25 is like X.25 but the adressing uses HAM calls like DG8MGV.There are special wormholes all over the world which tunnel amateur radio traffic through the Internet to forward mail. Sometimes mails travels over allow HAMs to bridge from Internet to AMPR-NET, e.g. or, but only if you are registered HAM.Because amateur radio is not for profit, it must not be interconnected to the Internet but it may be connected through the Internet. All people on the (completely free) amateur radio net must be licensed radio amateurs and must have a call which is unique all over the world.There is a special domain AMPR.ORG (44.*.*.*) for amateur radio reserved in the IP space. This domain is split between countries, which can further subdivide it. For example 44.130.*.* is Germany, 44.130.58.* is Augsburg (in Bavaria), and is (you may verify this with nslookup).Mail transport is only one aspect of packet radio. You can talk interactively (as in chat), read files, or play silly games built in the Packet Radio 1000 km are unlikely to be useable for real-time communication and long paths can introduce significant delay times (answer latency).Other uses of amateur radio for computer communication include RTTY (baudot), AMTOR, PACTOR, and CLOVER. .Usenet newsgroup:

amateur packet radio "communications" (PR) The use of {packet radio} by amateurs to communicate between computers. PR is a complete amateur radio computer network with "digipeaters" (relays), mailboxes (BBS) and other special nodes. In Germany, it is on HF, say, 2m (300 and 1200 BPS), 70cm (1200 to 9600 BPS), 23cm (normally 9600 BPS and up, currently most links between digipeaters) and higher frequencies. There is a KW (short wave) Packet Radio at 300 BPS, too. Satellites with OSCAR (Orbiting Sattelite Carring Amateur Radio) transponders (mostly attached to commercial satellites by the AMateur SATellite (AMSAT) group) carry Packet Radio mailboxes or {digipeaters}. There are both on-line and off-line services on the packet radio network: You can send {electronic mail}, read bulletins, chat, transfer files, connect to on-line DX-Clusters (DX=far distance) to catch notes typed in by other HAMs about the hottest international KW connections currently coming up (so you can pile up). PR uses {AX.25} (an {X.25} derivative) as its {transport layer} and sometimes even {TCP/IP} is transmitted over AX.25. AX.25 is like X.25 but the adressing uses HAM "calls" like "DG8MGV". There are special "wormholes" all over the world which "tunnel" amateur radio traffic through the {Internet} to forward mail. Sometimes mails travels over satelites. Normally amateur satellites have strange orbits, however the mail forwarding or mailbox satellites have very predictable orbits. Some wormholes allow HAMs to bridge from Internet to {AMPR-NET}, e.g. or, but only if you are registered HAM. Because amateur radio is not for profit, it must not be interconnected to the {Internet} but it may be connected through the Internet. All people on the (completely free) amateur radio net must be licensed radio amateurs and must have a "call" which is unique all over the world. There is a special {domain} AMPR.ORG (44.*.*.*) for amateur radio reserved in the IP space. This domain is split between countries, which can further subdivide it. For example 44.130.*.* is Germany, 44.130.58.* is Augsburg (in Bavaria), and is (you may verify this with {nslookup}). Mail transport is only one aspect of packet radio. You can talk interactively (as in {chat}), read files, or play silly games built in the Packet Radio software. Usually you can use the autorouter to let the digipeater network find a path to the station you want. However there are many (sometimes software incompatible) digipeaters out there, which the router cannot use. Paths over 1000 km are unlikely to be useable for {real-time} communication and long paths can introduce significant delay times (answer latency). Other uses of amateur radio for computer communication include {RTTY} ({baudot}), {AMTOR}, {PACTOR}, and {CLOVER}. {A huge hamradio archive (}. {Usenet} newsgroup: {}. (2001-05-12)

Amiga "computer" A range of home computers first released by {Commodore Business Machines} in early 1985 (though they did not design the original - see below). Amigas were popular for {games}, {video processing}, and {multimedia}. One notable feature is a hardware {blitter} for speeding up graphics operations on whole areas of the screen. The Amiga was originally called the Lorraine, and was developed by a company named "Amiga" or "Amiga, Inc.", funded by some doctors to produce a killer game machine. After the US game machine market collapsed, the Amiga company sold some {joysticks} but no Lorraines or any other computer. They eventually floundered and looked for a buyer. Commodore at that time bought the (mostly complete) Amiga machine, infused some money, and pushed it through the final stages of development in a hurry. Commodore released it sometime[?] in 1985. Most components within the machine were known by nicknames. The {coprocessor} commonly called the "Copper" is in fact the "{Video} Timing Coprocessor" and is split between two chips: the instruction fetch and execute units are in the "Agnus" chip, and the {pixel} timing circuits are in the "Denise" chip (A for address, D for data). "Agnus" and "Denise" were responsible for effects timed to the {real-time} position of the video scan, such as midscreen {palette} changes, {sprite multiplying}, and {resolution} changes. Different versions (in order) were: "Agnus" (could only address 512K of {video RAM}), "Fat Agnus" (in a {PLCC} package, could access 1MB of video RAM), "Super Agnus" (slightly upgraded "Fat Agnus"). "Agnus" and "Fat Agnus" came in {PAL} and {NTSC} versions, "Super Agnus" came in one version, jumper selectable for PAL or NTSC. "Agnus" was replaced by "Alice" in the A4000 and A1200, which allowed for more {DMA} channels and higher bus {bandwidth}. "Denise" outputs binary video data (3*4 bits) to the "Vidiot". The "Vidiot" is a hybrid that combines and amplifies the 12-bit video data from "Denise" into {RGB} to the {monitor}. Other chips were "Amber" (a "flicker fixer", used in the A3000 and Commodore display enhancer for the A2000), "Gary" ({I/O}, addressing, G for {glue logic}), "Buster" (the {bus controller}, which replaced "Gary" in the A2000), "Buster II" (for handling the Zorro II/III cards in the A3000, which meant that "Gary" was back again), "Ramsey" (The {RAM} controller), "DMAC" (The DMA controller chip for the WD33C93 {SCSI adaptor} used in the A3000 and on the A2091/A2092 SCSI adaptor card for the A2000; and to control the {CD-ROM} in the {CDTV}), and "Paula" ({Peripheral}, Audio, {UART}, {interrupt} Lines, and {bus Arbiter}). There were several Amiga chipsets: the "Old Chipset" (OCS), the "Enhanced Chipset" (ECS), and {AGA}. OCS included "Paula", "Gary", "Denise", and "Agnus". ECS had the same "Paula", "Gary", "Agnus" (could address 2MB of Chip RAM), "Super Denise" (upgraded to support "Agnus" so that a few new {screen modes} were available). With the introduction of the {Amiga A600} "Gary" was replaced with "Gayle" (though the chipset was still called ECS). "Gayle" provided a number of improvments but the main one was support for the A600's {PCMCIA} port. The AGA chipset had "Agnus" with twice the speed and a 24-bit palette, maximum displayable: 8 bits (256 colours), although the famous "{HAM}" (Hold And Modify) trick allows pictures of 256,000 colours to be displayed. AGA's "Paula" and "Gayle" were unchanged but AGA "Denise" supported AGA "Agnus"'s new screen modes. Unfortunately, even AGA "Paula" did not support High Density {floppy disk drives}. (The Amiga 4000, though, did support high density drives.) In order to use a high density disk drive Amiga HD floppy drives spin at half the rotational speed thus halving the data rate to "Paula". Commodore Business Machines went bankrupt on 1994-04-29, the German company {Escom AG} bought the rights to the Amiga on 1995-04-21 and the Commodore Amiga became the Escom Amiga. In April 1996 Escom were reported to be making the {Amiga} range again but they too fell on hard times and {Gateway 2000} (now called Gateway) bought the Amiga brand on 1997-05-15. Gateway licensed the Amiga operating system to a German hardware company called {Phase 5} on 1998-03-09. The following day, Phase 5 announced the introduction of a four-processor {PowerPC} based Amiga {clone} called the "{pre\box}". Since then, it has been announced that the new operating system will be a version of {QNX}. On 1998-06-25, a company called {Access Innovations Ltd} announced {plans (} to build a new Amiga chip set, the {AA+}, based partly on the AGA chips but with new fully 32-bit functional core and 16-bit AGA {hardware register emulation} for {backward compatibility}. The new core promised improved memory access and video display DMA. By the end of 2000, Amiga development was under the control of a [new?] company called {Amiga, Inc.}. As well as continuing development of AmigaOS (version 3.9 released in December 2000), their "Digital Environment" is a {virtual machine} for multiple {platforms} conforming to the {ZICO} specification. As of 2000, it ran on {MIPS}, {ARM}, {PPC}, and {x86} processors. {(}. {Amiga Web Directory (}. {amiCrawler (}. Newsgroups: {news:comp.binaries.amiga}, {news:comp.sources.amiga}, {news:comp.sys.amiga}, {news:comp.sys.amiga.advocacy}, {news:comp.sys.amiga.announce}, {news:comp.sys.amiga.applications}, {}, {news:comp.sys.amiga.datacomm}, {news:comp.sys.amiga.emulations}, {}, {}, {news:comp.sys.amiga.hardware}, {news:comp.sys.amiga.introduction}, {news:comp.sys.amiga.marketplace}, {news:comp.sys.amiga.misc}, {news:comp.sys.amiga.multimedia}, {news:comp.sys.amiga.programmer}, {}, {}, {news:comp.sys.amiga.telecomm}, {news:comp.Unix.amiga}. See {aminet}, {Amoeba}, {bomb}, {exec}, {gronk}, {guru meditation}, {Intuition}, {sidecar}, {slap on the side}, {Vulcan nerve pinch}. (2003-07-05)

apollinarian ::: a. --> In honor of Apollo; as, the Apollinarian games. ::: n. --> A follower of Apollinaris, Bishop of Laodicea in the fourth century, who denied the proper humanity of Christ.

asiarch ::: n. --> One of the chiefs or pontiffs of the Roman province of Asia, who had the superintendence of the public games and religious rites.

Atari ::: (company, computer) A maker of arcade games, home video game systems, and home computers, especially during the 1970s and 1980s. Atari are best known for ST, STe, STacy, Mega STe, TT, and Falcon. There are also emulators for the Apple Macintosh and IBM PC/XT/AT available. .Usenet newsgroups:,,,, comp.sys.atari.advocacy, comp.sys.atari.programmer. UK Netherlands . (1999-07-12)

Atari "company, computer" A maker of arcade games, home video game systems, and home computers, especially during the 1970s and 1980s. Atari are best known for their range of 16- and 32-bit {microcomputers}, notable for having a built-in {MIDI} interface. As of February 1994 the range included the Atari 520ST, 1040ST, Mega ST, STe, STacy, Mega STe, TT, and Falcon. There are also emulators that run on the Apple {Macintosh} and {IBM PC}/XT/AT. Atari ceased to be a separate company in 1996 when merged with {JTS}. In 1998, JTS sold the Atari assets to Hasbro. In 2001, {Infogrames} North America operations officially changed their name to Atari. {(}. {Usenet newsgroups}: {}, {}, {}, {}, {news:comp.sys.atari.advocacy}, {news:comp.sys.atari.programmer}. {Michigan U (}, {UK (}, {Germany (} [], {Netherlands (} [], {UK (}. (2008-07-23)

Atari ST "computer" A {personal computer} released by {Atari} in 1985. The "ST" stands for "Sixteen/Thirty-two", from the {Motorola 68000}'s 16-bit {external bus} and 32-bit processor. The original 520ST model had an external {floppy drive} and power supply whereas the 1040ST had them built-in. The 520 and later 520STFM came with 512 KB of {RAM}, the 1040 had 1 MB. Several upgraded models followed, up to the 1993 {Motorola 68030} based {Falcon}. The ST was the first home computer with built-in {MIDI ports} and plenty of MIDI software. A wide range of other software from office to games was also available. (2006-10-30)

athlete ::: n. --> One who contended for a prize in the public games of ancient Greece or Rome.
Any one trained to contend in exercises requiring great physical agility and strength; one who has great activity and strength; a champion.
One fitted for, or skilled in, intellectual contests; as, athletes of debate.

athletic ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to athletes or to the exercises practiced by them; as, athletic games or sports.
Befitting an athlete; strong; muscular; robust; vigorous; as, athletic Celts.

athleticism ::: n. --> The practice of engaging in athletic games; athletism.

athletics ::: n. --> The art of training by athletic exercises; the games and sports of athletes.

avoid ::: a. --> To empty.
To emit or throw out; to void; as, to avoid excretions.
To quit or evacuate; to withdraw from.
To make void; to annul or vacate; to refute.
To keep away from; to keep clear of; to endeavor no to meet; to shun; to abstain from; as, to avoid the company of gamesters.
To get rid of.
To defeat or evade; to invalidate. Thus, in a replication,

ball ::: n. --> Any round or roundish body or mass; a sphere or globe; as, a ball of twine; a ball of snow.
A spherical body of any substance or size used to play with, as by throwing, knocking, kicking, etc.
A general name for games in which a ball is thrown, kicked, or knocked. See Baseball, and Football.
Any solid spherical, cylindrical, or conical projectile of lead or iron, to be discharged from a firearm; as, a cannon ball; a

batting ::: p. pr. & vb. n. --> of Bat ::: n. --> The act of one who bats; the management of a bat in playing games of ball.
Cotton in sheets, prepared for use in making quilts, etc.; as, cotton batting.

behavior tree (BT) ::: A mathematical model of plan execution used in computer science, robotics, control systems and video games. They describe switchings between a finite set of tasks in a modular fashion. Their strength comes from their ability to create very complex tasks composed of simple tasks, without worrying how the simple tasks are implemented. BTs present some similarities to hierarchical state machines with the key difference that the main building block of a behavior is a task rather than a state. Its ease of human understanding make BTs less error-prone and very popular in the game developer community. BTs have shown to generalize several other control architectures.[57][58]

games "games" "The time you enjoy wasting is not time wasted." -- {Bertrand Russell}. Here are some games-related pages on the {Web}: {Imperial Nomic (}, {Thoth's games and recreations page (}, {Games Domain (}, {Zarf's List of Games on the Web (}, {Dave's list of pointers to games resources (}, {Collaborative Fiction (}. See also {3DO}, {ADL}, {ADVENT}, {ADVSYS}, {alpha/beta pruning}, {Amiga}, {CHIP-8}, {Core Wars}, {DROOL}, {empire}, {I see no X here.}, {Infocom}, {Inglish}, {initgame}, {life}, {minimax}, {moria}, {mudhead}, {multi-user Dimension}, {nethack}, {ogg}, {plugh}, {rogue}, {SPACEWAR}, {virtual reality}, {wizard mode}, {wumpus}, {xyzzy}, {ZIL}, {zorkmid}. See also {game theory}. (1996-03-03)

games ::: (games) The time you enjoy wasting is not time wasted. -- Bertrand Russell.Here are some games-related pages on the Web: , , , .See also 3DO, ADL, ADVENT, ADVSYS, alpha/beta pruning, Amiga, CHIP-8, Core Wars, DROOL, empire, I see no X here., Infocom, Inglish, initgame, life, minimax, moria, mudhead, multi-user Dimension, nethack, ogg, plugh, rogue, SPACEWAR, virtual reality, wizard mode, wumpus, xyzzy, ZIL, zorkmid.See also game theory. (1996-03-03)

gamesome ::: a. --> Gay; sportive; playful; frolicsome; merry.

gamester ::: n. --> A merry, frolicsome person.
A person who plays at games; esp., one accustomed to play for a stake; a gambler; one skilled in games.
A prostitute; a strumpet.

board ::: a sheet of wood, cardboard, paper, or other material on which some games are played.

bring success in games of chance, according to

bug "programming" An unwanted and unintended property of a {program} or piece of {hardware}, especially one that causes it to malfunction. Antonym of {feature}. E.g. "There's a bug in the editor: it writes things out backward." The identification and removal of bugs in a program is called "{debugging}". Admiral {Grace Hopper} (an early computing pioneer better known for inventing {COBOL}) liked to tell a story in which a technician solved a {glitch} in the {Harvard Mark II machine} by pulling an actual insect out from between the contacts of one of its relays, and she subsequently promulgated {bug} in its hackish sense as a joke about the incident (though, as she was careful to admit, she was not there when it happened). For many years the logbook associated with the incident and the actual bug in question (a moth) sat in a display case at the Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC). The entire story, with a picture of the logbook and the moth taped into it, is recorded in the "Annals of the History of Computing", Vol. 3, No. 3 (July 1981), pp. 285--286. The text of the log entry (from September 9, 1947), reads "1545 Relay

bug ::: (programming) An unwanted and unintended property of a program or piece of hardware, especially one that causes it to malfunction. Antonym of feature. E.g. There's a bug in the editor: it writes things out backward. The identification and removal of bugs in a program is called debugging.Admiral Grace Hopper (an early computing pioneer better known for inventing COBOL) liked to tell a story in which a technician solved a glitch in the logbook and the moth taped into it, is recorded in the Annals of the History of Computing, Vol. 3, No. 3 (July 1981), pp. 285--286.The text of the log entry (from September 9, 1947), reads 1545 Relay

bye ::: n. --> A thing not directly aimed at; something which is a secondary object of regard; an object by the way, etc.; as in on or upon the bye, i. e., in passing; indirectly; by implication.
A run made upon a missed ball; as, to steal a bye.
A dwelling.
In certain games, a station or place of an individual player.

caber ::: n. --> A pole or beam used in Scottish games for tossing as a trial of strength.

carrow ::: n. --> A strolling gamester.

chess "games" A two-player {game} with {perfect information}. {Usenet} newsgroup: {}. See also {Internet Chess Server}. (1995-03-25)

chess ::: (games) A two-player game with perfect information.Usenet newsgroup: also Internet Chess Server. (1995-03-25)

CHIP-8 ::: (language, games) A low-level interpretive language (really a high-level machine code) developed at RCA in the late 1970s for video games on computers using RCA's CDP1802 processor. It could also be used on the DREAM 6800. .(2002-04-09)

CHIP-8 "language, games" A low-level {interpretive language} (really a high-level {machine code}) developed at {RCA} in the late 1970s for {video games} on computers using {RCA}'s {CDP1802} processor. It could also be used on the {DREAM 6800}. {Amiga interpreter (}. (2002-04-09)

circus ::: n. --> A level oblong space surrounded on three sides by seats of wood, earth, or stone, rising in tiers one above another, and divided lengthwise through the middle by a barrier around which the track or course was laid out. It was used for chariot races, games, and public shows.
A circular inclosure for the exhibition of feats of horsemanship, acrobatic displays, etc. Also, the company of performers, with their equipage.

Compact Disc interactive ::: (CD-i) An embedded application of CD-ROM allowing the user limited interaction with films, games and educational applications via a special controller. (1994-11-02)

Compact Disc interactive "storage" (CD-i) An embedded application of {CD-ROM} allowing the user limited interaction with films, games and educational applications via a special {controller}. (1994-11-02)

Complement - Two goods are considered complements if a change in the price of one causes an opposite shift in the demand for the other. For example, if the price of computers goes up, the demand for computer games will fall; if the price of computers goes down, the demand for computer games will increase.

console 1. "hardware, operating system, history" The {operator}'s station of a {mainframe} as opposed to an ordinary user's {terminal}. In times past, the console was a privileged location that conveyed godlike powers to anyone with fingers on its keys. Under {Unix} and other modern {time-sharing} {operating systems}, such privileges are guarded by {passwords} instead, and the console is just the {tty} the system was booted from. On Unix the device is called /dev/console. On a {microcomputer} {Unix} box, the console is the main screen and keyboard. Other, character-only, terminals may be connected to {serial ports}. Typically only the console can do real {graphics} or run {X}. See also {CTY}. 2. "games" A self-contained {microcomputer} optimised for gaming, with powerful graphical output designed to be displayed on a television; equipped with one or more {joystick} controllers for input and an {optical drive} to load software. Later generations also feature {Internet} connection via {wireless} or wired {Ethernet} for downloading games and multiplayer networked play. Typically such devices have no keyboard so text must be input using the controller to operate an on-screen keyboard, e.g. to enter player names. The most successful recent examples are the {Sony Playstation} and {Microsoft Xbox} families. [{Jargon File}] (2014-07-01)

Core War ::: (games) (Or more recently, Core Wars) A game played between assembly code programs running in the core of a simulated machine (and vicariously by their authors). The objective is to kill your opponents' programs by overwriting them.The programs are written using an instruction set called Redcode and run on a virtual machine called MARS (Memory Array Redcode Simulator).Core War was devised by Victor Vyssotsky, Robert Morris Sr., and Dennis Ritchie in the early 1960s (their original game was called Darwin and ran on a PDP-1 1984 by D. G. Jones and A. K. Dewdney of the Department of Computer Science at The University of Western Ontario (Canada).Dewdney wrote several Computer Recreations articles in Scientific American which discussed Core War, starting with the May 1984 article. Those articles are the most readable introduction to Core War, even though the Redcode dialect described in there is no longer current.The International Core War Society (ICWS) creates and maintains Core War standards and the runs Core War tournaments. There have been six annual tournaments and two standards (ICWS'86 and ICWS'88).[The Armchair Universe: An Exploration of Computer Worlds, A. K. Dewdney, W. H. Freeman, New York, 1988, ISBN 0-7167-1939-8, LCCN QA76.6 .D517 1988][The Magic Machine: A Handbook of Computer Sorcery, A. K. Dewdney, W. H. Freeman, New York, 1990, ISBN 0-7167-2125-2 (Hardcover), 0-7167-2144-9 (Paperback), LCCN QA76.6 .D5173 1990]. (1998-10-30)

Core War "games" (Or more recently, "Core Wars") A game played between {assembly code} programs running in the {core} of a simulated machine (and vicariously by their authors). The objective is to kill your opponents' programs by overwriting them. The programs are written using an {instruction set} called "{Redcode}" and run on a {virtual machine} called "{MARS}" (Memory Array Redcode Simulator). Core War was devised by Victor Vyssotsky, Robert Morris Sr., and {Dennis Ritchie} in the early 1960s (their original game was called "{Darwin}" and ran on a {PDP-1} at {Bell Labs}). It was first described in the "Core War Guidelines" of March, 1984 by D. G. Jones and A. K. Dewdney of the Department of Computer Science at The University of Western Ontario (Canada). Dewdney wrote several "Computer Recreations" articles in "Scientific American" which discussed Core War, starting with the May 1984 article. Those articles are contained in the two anthologies cited below. A.K. Dewdney's articles are still the most readable introduction to Core War, even though the {Redcode} dialect described in there is no longer current. The International Core War Society (ICWS) creates and maintains Core War standards and the runs Core War tournaments. There have been six annual tournaments and two standards (ICWS'86 and ICWS'88). ["The Armchair Universe: An Exploration of Computer Worlds", A. K. Dewdney, W. H. Freeman, New York, 1988, ISBN 0-7167-1939-8, LCCN QA76.6 .D517 1988] ["The Magic Machine: A Handbook of Computer Sorcery", A. K. Dewdney, W. H. Freeman, New York, 1990, ISBN 0-7167-2125-2 (Hardcover), 0-7167-2144-9 (Paperback), LCCN QA76.6 .D5173 1990]. (1998-10-30)

counters ::: anything used in keeping account, as a disk of metal or wood, used in some games, as checkers, for marking a player"s position or for keeping score.

cover-point ::: n. --> The fielder in the games of cricket and lacrosse who supports "point."

DDL ::: 1. [A Digital System Design Language (DDL), J.R. Duley, IEEE Trans on Computers c-17(9), pp. 850-861, Sep 1968].2. (language, games) An adventure language developed by M. Urban, C. Kostanick et al of the UCLA Computer Club. DDL was the forerunner of ADL.3. Data Definition Language.4. Document Description Language.5. Dynamic Data Exchange. (Originally Linking). (1997-06-05)

DDL 1. ["A Digital System Design Language (DDL)", J.R. Duley, IEEE Trans on Computers c-17(9), pp. 850-861, Sep 1968]. 2. "language, games" An {adventure} language developed by M. Urban, C. Kostanick et al of the {UCLA} Computer Club. DDL was the forerunner of {ADL}. 3. {Data Definition Language}. 4. {Document Description Language}. 5. {Dynamic Data Exchange}. (Originally "Linking"). (1997-06-05)

decennial ::: a. --> Consisting of ten years; happening every ten years; as, a decennial period; decennial games. ::: n. --> A tenth year or tenth anniversary.

deckle ::: /dek'l/ (From dec- and nibble; the original spelling seems to have been decle) Two nickles; 10 bits. Reported among developers for Mattel's GI 1600 (the Intellivision games processor), a chip with 16-bit wide RAM but 10-bit wide ROM.[Jargon File] (1994-11-23)

deckle /dek'l/ (From "dec-" and "{nibble}"; the original spelling seems to have been "decle") Two {nickles}; 10 {bits}. Reported among developers for {Mattel}'s {GI 1600} (the {Intellivision} games processor), a chip with 16-bit wide {RAM} but 10-bit wide {ROM}. [{Jargon File}] (1994-11-23)

DeepMind Technologies ::: A British artificial intelligence company founded in September 2010, currently owned by Alphabet Inc. The company is based in London, with research centres in Canada,[146] France,[147] and the United States. Acquired by Google in 2014, the company has created a neural network that learns how to play video games in a fashion similar to that of humans,[148] as well as a neural Turing machine,[149] or a neural network that may be able to access an external memory like a conventional Turing machine, resulting in a computer that mimics the short-term memory of the human brain.[150][151] The company made headlines in 2016 after its AlphaGo program beat human professional Go player Lee Sedol, the world champion, in a five-game match, which was the subject of a documentary film.[152] A more general program, AlphaZero, beat the most powerful programs playing Go, chess, and shogi (Japanese chess) after a few days of play against itself using reinforcement learning.[153]

Delphi (Greek) One of the most sacred spots of ancient Greece, renowned as the seat of the most famous of the ancient Greek oracles, often called by the Greeks themselves the center or navel of the earth, though these sacred centers, mountains, etc., are numerous and are localizations of a general idea. Delphi is situated in a kind of bowl on Mount Parnassus in Phocis; its original name as found in Homer was Pytho, which connects it with Apollo, whose temple and oracle were there. It was also the place where the Pythian games were celebrated and one of the two meeting places of the Amphictyonic Council.

demo mode ::: (Sun) 1. The state of being heads down in order to finish code in time for a demo, usually due yesterday.2. (games) (Or attract mode) A mode in which video games sit by themselves running through a portion of the game. Some serious apps have a demo example, the Microsoft Windows opening screen - which lets you impress your neighbors without actually having to put up with Microsloth Windows).[Jargon File] (1995-02-22)

demo mode ({Sun}) 1. The state of being {heads down} in order to finish code in time for a {demo}, usually due yesterday. 2. "games" (Or "attract mode") A mode in which video games sit by themselves running through a portion of the game. Some serious {apps} have a demo mode they use as a screen saver, or may go through a demo mode on startup (for example, the {Microsoft Windows} opening screen - which lets you impress your neighbors without actually having to put up with {Microsloth Windows}). [{Jargon File}] (1995-02-22)

dice ::: n. --> Small cubes used in gaming or in determining by chance; also, the game played with dice. See Die, n. ::: v. i. --> To play games with dice.
To ornament with squares, diamonds, or cubes.

dicer ::: n. --> A player at dice; a dice player; a gamester.

DirectX "programming, hardware" A {Microsoft} programming interface {standard}, first included with {Windows 95}. DirectX gives (games) programmers a standard way to gain direct access to enhanced hardware features under Windows 95 instead of going via the Windows 95 {GDI}. Some DirectX code runs faster than the equivalent under {MS DOS}. DirectX promises performance improvements for graphics, sound, video, 3D, and network capabilites of games, but only where both hardware and software support DirectX. DirectX 2 introduced the Direct3D interface. Version 5 was current at 1998-02-01. Version 8.1 is included in {Windows XP}. {(}. (2001-12-31)

DirectX ::: (programming, hardware) A Microsoft programming interface standard, first included with Windows 95. DirectX gives (games) programmers a standard way to going via the Windows 95 GDI. Some DirectX code runs faster than the equivalent under MS DOS.DirectX promises performance improvements for graphics, sound, video, 3D, and network capabilites of games, but only where both hardware and software support DirectX.DirectX 2 introduced the Direct3D interface. Version 5 was current at 1998-02-01. Version 8.1 is included in Windows XP.Current version: 8.1 (as of 2001-12-31). .(2001-12-31)

DISCIPLESHIP In order to attain the fifth natural kingdom in just a few incarnations, the aspirant must strive after discipleship under the planetary hierarchy. Only those who have acquired the physical, emotional, and mental prerequisites can be accepted as disciples. Physically and dietetically, the athlete training for the
Olympic Games may serve as an example. Emotionally, they must discard all manifestations of repulsion (hatred) and acquire the qualities of attraction. Mentally, they must acquire perspective consciousness and a well-developed ability to meditate in the correct way. All qualities and abilities have to be put solely at the service of evolution, since their egoistic use counteracts evolution. K 7.22.12

djerrid ::: n. --> A blunt javelin used in military games in Moslem countries.
A game played with it.

dogwash /dog'wosh/ (A quip in the "urgency" field of a very optional software change request, ca. 1982. It was something like "Urgency: Wash your dog first") A project of minimal priority, undertaken as an escape from more serious work. Many games and much {freeware} get written this way, including {this dictionary}. [{Jargon File}] (1994-12-08)

dogwash ::: /dog'wosh/ (A quip in the urgency field of a very optional software change request, ca. 1982. It was something like Urgency: Wash your dog first) A project of minimal priority, undertaken as an escape from more serious work. Many games and much freeware get written this way, including this dictionary.[Jargon File] (1994-12-08)

DOOM ::: (games) A simulated 3D moster-hunting action game for IBM PCs, created and published by id Software. The original press release was dated January 1993. A cut-down shareware version v1.0 was released on 10 December 1993 and again with some bug-fixes, as v1.4 in June 1994.DOOM is similar to Wolfenstein 3d (id Software, Apogee) but has better texture mapping; walls can be at any angle, of any thickness and have windows; lighting 486/33); DOOM isn't just a collection of connected closed rooms like Wolfenstein but sounds can travel anywhere and alert monsters of your approach.The shareware version is available from these sites: , , .A FAQ by Hank Leukart: , . . .Usenet newsgroups:,,,,, List: (sub DOOML in the message body, no subject).Telephone: +44 (1222) 362 361 - the UK's first multi-player DOOM and games server. (1994-12-14)

DOOM "games" A simulated 3D moster-hunting action game for {IBM PCs}, created and published by {id Software}. The original press release was dated January 1993. A cut-down shareware version v1.0 was released on 10 December 1993 and again with some bug-fixes, as v1.4 in June 1994. DOOM is similar to Wolfenstein 3d (id Software, Apogee) but has better {texture mapping}; walls can be at any angle, of any thickness and have windows; lighting can fade into the distance or come from point sources; floors and ceilings can be of any height; many surfaces are animated; up to four players can play over a network or two by serial link; it has a high {frame rate} (comparable to TV on a {486}/33); DOOM isn't just a collection of connected closed rooms like Wolfenstein but sounds can travel anywhere and alert monsters of your approach. The shareware version is available from these sites: {Cactus (}, {Manitoba (}, {UK (}, {South Africa (}, {UWP ftp (}, {UWP http (}, {Finland (}, {Washington (}. A {FAQ} by Hank Leukart: {UWP (}, {Washington (}. {FAQ on WWW (}. {Other links (}. {Usenet} newsgroups: {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}. Mailing List: "" ("sub DOOML" in the message body, no subject). Telephone: +44 (1222) 362 361 - the UK's first multi-player DOOM and games server. (1994-12-14)

DROOL "games" Dave's Recycled Object-Oriented Language. Language for writing adventure games. An updated implementation of AdvSys. {multiple inheritance}, garbage collection. ["Dave's Recycled OO Language", David Betz, Dr. Dobbs J, Oct 1993, pp.74-78].

DROOL ::: (games) Dave's Recycled Object-Oriented Language. Language for writing adventure games. An updated implementation of AdvSys. multiple inheritance, garbage collection.[Dave's Recycled OO Language, David Betz, Dr. Dobbs J, Oct 1993, pp.74-78].

DV cartridge "games" (Digital Video?) A plug-in circuit cartridge required by some games consoles in order to play {MPEG} video material. (1994-11-02)

DV cartridge ::: (games) (Digital Video?) A plug-in circuit cartridge required by some games consoles in order to play MPEG video material. (1994-11-02)

Eabani (Babylonian) Created by Ea; the hero-companion of Izdubar (Gilgamesh) in the epic of Gilgamesh. Here he is created by Ea upon supplication by the people to send them a champion to deliver them from the tyranny of Izdubar. Eabani, however, becomes his bosom-friend and fellow-traveler, acting as guide when Izdubar descends to the regions of the dead. See also MARDUK

empire ::: (games) Any of a family of military simulations derived from a game written by Peter Langston many years ago. Five or six multi-player variants of implemented for both Unix and VMS; the latter is even available as MS-DOS freeware. All are notoriously addictive.[Jargon File] (1995-08-06)

empire "games" Any of a family of military simulations derived from a game written by Peter Langston many years ago. Five or six multi-player variants of varying degrees of sophistication exist, and one single-player version implemented for both {Unix} and {VMS}; the latter is even available as {MS-DOS} {freeware}. All are notoriously addictive. [{Jargon File}] (1995-08-06)

equestrian ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to horses or horsemen, or to horsemanship; as, equestrian feats, or games.
Being or riding on horseback; mounted; as, an equestrian statue.
Belonging to, or composed of, the ancient Roman equities or knights; as, the equestrian order. ::: n.

faction ::: n. --> One of the divisions or parties of charioteers (distinguished by their colors) in the games of the circus.
A party, in political society, combined or acting in union, in opposition to the government, or state; -- usually applied to a minority, but it may be applied to a majority; a combination or clique of partisans of any kind, acting for their own interests, especially if greedy, clamorous, and reckless of the common good.
Tumult; discord; dissension.

feep /feep/ 1. The soft electronic "bell" sound of a display terminal (except for a VT-52); a beep (in fact, the microcomputer world seems to prefer {beep}). 2. To cause the display to make a feep sound. ASR-33s (the original TTYs) do not feep; they have mechanical bells that ring. Alternate forms: {beep}, "bleep", or just about anything suitably onomatopoeic. (Jeff MacNelly, in his comic strip "Shoe", uses the word "eep" for sounds made by computer terminals and video games; this is perhaps the closest written approximation yet.) The term "breedle" was sometimes heard at SAIL, where the terminal bleepers are not particularly soft (they sound more like the musical equivalent of a raspberry or Bronx cheer; for a close approximation, imagine the sound of a Star Trek communicator's beep lasting for five seconds). The "feeper" on a VT-52 has been compared to the sound of a '52 Chevy stripping its gears. See also {ding}. [{Jargon File}]

fish ::: n. --> A counter, used in various games.
A name loosely applied in popular usage to many animals of diverse characteristics, living in the water.
An oviparous, vertebrate animal usually having fins and a covering scales or plates. It breathes by means of gills, and lives almost entirely in the water. See Pisces.
The twelfth sign of the zodiac; Pisces.
The flesh of fish, used as food.

floral ::: a. --> Pertaining to Flora, or to flowers; made of flowers; as, floral games, wreaths.
Containing, or belonging to, a flower; as, a floral bud; a floral leaf; floral characters.

Fraps ::: (application, video) A Windows application that can be used with games using DirectX or OpenGL to display the current screen redraw rate in frames per second (FPS). Fraps can also measure the frame rate between any two points and can capture stills, audio and video to disk.Current version: 2.7.4 (2006-06-18), as of 2006-07-12. .(2006-07-12)

Fraps "application, video" A {Windows} application that can be used with games using {DirectX} or {OpenGL} to display the current screen redraw rate in frames per second (FPS). Fraps can also measure the frame rate between any two points and can capture stills, audio and video to disk. {Fraps Home (}. (2006-07-12)

full-motion video "video" (FMV) Any kind of {video} that is theoretically capable of changing the entire content on the screen fast enough that the transitions are not obvious to the human eye, i.e. about 24 times a second or more. In practise most {video encoding} relies on the fact that in most video there is relatively little change from one {frame} to the next. This allows for {compression} of the video data. The term is used, chiefly in {computer games}, in contrast to techniques such as the use of {sprites} that move against a more-or-less fixed background. (2011-01-04)

fweep ({WPI}) One step below a {gweep}, a person who uses the system solely to play games and use {electronic mail}. Compare {dweeb}, {twink}, {terminal junkie}, {tourist}, {weenie}. (1995-01-31)

fweep ::: (WPI) One step below a gweep, a person who uses the system solely to play games and use electronic mail.Compare dweeb, twink, terminal junkie, tourist, weenie. (1995-01-31)

gameful ::: a. --> Full of game or games.

game theory: In The mathematical study of mathematical objects called games which consists of a set of players, a set of actions available to players during specified stages of the game and specified method for determining the payoffs for the players.

Game theory (or the theory, of games) - The theory that studies rational decision making in situations in which one must anticipate the reactions of one's competitors to the moves that one makes.

game tree "games" A {tree} representing contingencies in a game. Each {node} in a game tree represents a possible position (e.g., possible configuration of pieces on a chessboard) in the game, and each branching ("edge" in graph terms) represents a possible move. (1998-11-14)

game tree ::: (games) A tree representing contingencies in a game. Each node in a game tree represents a possible position (e.g., possible configuration of pieces on a chessboard) in the game, and each branching (edge in graph terms) represents a possible move. (1998-11-14)

gaming ::: p. pr. & vb. n. --> of Game ::: n. --> The act or practice of playing games for stakes or wagers; gambling.

GE Information Services "networking, company" One of the leading on-line services, started on 1st October 1985, providing subscribers with hundreds of special interest areas, computer hardware and software support, award-winning multi-player games, the most software files in the industry (over 200 000), worldwide news, sports updates, business news, investment strategies, and {Internet} {electronic mail} and fax (GE Mail). Interactive conversations (Chat Lines) and {bulletin boards} (Round Tables) with associated software archives are also provided. GEnie databases (through the ARTIST gateway) allow users to search the full text of thousands of publications, including Dun & Bradstreet Company Profiles; a GEnie NewsStand with more than 900 newspapers, magazines, and newsletters; a Reference Center with information ranging from Agriculture to World History; the latest in medical information from MEDLINE; and patent and trademark registrations. {(}. {Shopping 2000 (}. Telephone: +1 (800) 638 9636. TDD: +1 (800) 238 9172. E-mail: "". [Connection with: GE Information Services, Inc., a division of General Electric Company, Headquarters: Rockville, Maryland, USA?] (1995-04-13)

Gilgamesh ::: Ancient Mesopotamian epic tail of a widespread flood similar to that described in the Torah.

goal ::: n. --> The mark set to bound a race, and to or around which the constestants run, or from which they start to return to it again; the place at which a race or a journey is to end.
The final purpose or aim; the end to which a design tends, or which a person aims to reach or attain.
A base, station, or bound used in various games; in football, a line between two posts across which the ball must pass in order to score; also, the act of kicking the ball over the line between the goal

Go "games, application" A thinking game with an oriental origin estimated to be around 4000 years old. Nowadays, the game is played by millions of people in (most notably) China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan. In the Western world the game is practised by a yearly increasing number of players. On the {Internet} Go players meet, play and talk 24 hours/day on the {Internet Go Server} (IGS). {(}. {Usenet} newsgroup: {}. (1995-03-17)

Go ::: (games, application) A thinking game with an oriental origin estimated to be around 4000 years old. Nowadays, the game is played by millions of people in practised by a yearly increasing number of players. On the Internet Go players meet, play and talk 24 hours/day on the Internet Go Server (IGS). .Usenet newsgroup: (1995-03-17)

graphics "graphics" Any kind of visible output including {text}, {images}, {movies}, {line art} and {digital photographs}; stored in {bitmap} or {vector graphic} form. Most modern computers can display non-{text} data and most use a {graphical user interface} (GUI) for virtually all interaction with the user. Special {hardware}, typically some kind of {graphics adaptor}, is required to allow the computer to display graphics (as opposed to, say, printing text on a {teletype}) but since GUIs became ubiquitous this has become the default form of visual output. The most demanding applications for computer graphics are those where the computer actually generates moving images in {real time}, especially in {video games}. There are many kinds of {software} devoted to manipulating graphical data, including image editing (e.g. {Photoshop}), {drawing} (e.g. {Illustrator}), user interface toolkits (e.g. {X Window System}), {CAD}, {CGI}. (2009-06-24)

grick /grik/ ({WPI}, first used by Tim Haven to describe "grick trigonometry", a shortcut method of determing attack angles in grid-based games like Star Trek) Any integral increment of measurement. E.g. "Please turn the stereo up a few gricks". (1995-01-31)

grick ::: /grik/ (WPI, first used by Tim Haven to describe grick trigonometry, a shortcut method of determing attack angles in grid-based games like Star Trek) Any integral increment of measurement. E.g. Please turn the stereo up a few gricks. (1995-01-31)

gymnastical ::: a. --> Pertaining to athletic exercises intended for health, defense, or diversion; -- said of games or exercises, as running, leaping, wrestling, throwing the discus, the javelin, etc.; also, pertaining to disciplinary exercises for the intellect; athletic; as, gymnastic exercises, contests, etc.

hack "jargon" 1. Originally, a quick job that produces what is needed, but not well. 2. An incredibly good, and perhaps very time-consuming, piece of work that produces exactly what is needed. 3. To bear emotionally or physically. "I can't hack this heat!" 4. To work on something (typically a program). In an immediate sense: "What are you doing?" "I'm hacking TECO." In a general (time-extended) sense: "What do you do around here?" "I hack TECO." More generally, "I hack "foo"" is roughly equivalent to ""foo" is my major interest (or project)". "I hack solid-state physics." See {Hacking X for Y}. 5. To pull a prank on. See {hacker}. 6. To interact with a computer in a playful and exploratory rather than goal-directed way. "Whatcha up to?" "Oh, just hacking." 7. Short for {hacker}. 8. See {nethack}. 9. (MIT) To explore the basements, roof ledges, and steam tunnels of a large, institutional building, to the dismay of Physical Plant workers and (since this is usually performed at educational institutions) the Campus Police. This activity has been found to be eerily similar to playing adventure games such as {Dungeons and Dragons} and {Zork}. See also {vadding}. See also {neat hack}, {real hack}. [{Jargon File}] (1996-08-26)

hack ::: (jargon) 1. Originally, a quick job that produces what is needed, but not well.2. An incredibly good, and perhaps very time-consuming, piece of work that produces exactly what is needed.3. To bear emotionally or physically. I can't hack this heat!4. To work on something (typically a program). In an immediate sense: What are you doing? I'm hacking TECO. In a general (time-extended) sense: What do you equivalent to foo is my major interest (or project). I hack solid-state physics. See Hacking X for Y.5. To pull a prank on. See hacker.6. To interact with a computer in a playful and exploratory rather than goal-directed way. Whatcha up to? Oh, just hacking.7. Short for hacker.8. See nethack.9. (MIT) To explore the basements, roof ledges, and steam tunnels of a large, institutional building, to the dismay of Physical Plant workers and (since this activity has been found to be eerily similar to playing adventure games such as Dungeons and Dragons and Zork. See also vadding.See also neat hack, real hack.[Jargon File] (1996-08-26)

hazarder ::: n. --> A player at the game of hazard; a gamester.
One who hazards or ventures.

hellanodic ::: n. --> A judge or umpire in games or combats.

hell ::: v. t. --> The place of the dead, or of souls after death; the grave; -- called in Hebrew sheol, and by the Greeks hades.
The place or state of punishment for the wicked after death; the abode of evil spirits. Hence, any mental torment; anguish.
A place where outcast persons or things are gathered
A dungeon or prison; also, in certain running games, a place to which those who are caught are carried for detention.
A gambling house.

Hunt the Wumpus "games, history" (Or "Wumpus") /wuhm'p*s/ A famous fantasy computer game, created by {Gregory Yob} in about 1973. Hunt the Wumpus appeared in Creative Computing, Vol 1, No 5, Sep - Oct 1975, where Yob says he had come up with the game two years previously, after seeing the grid-based games Hurkle, Snark and Mugwump at {People's Computing Company} (PCC). He later delivered Wumpus to PCC who published it in their newsletter. ESR says he saw a version including termites running on the {Dartmouth Time-Sharing System} in 1972-3. Magnus Olsson, in his 1992-07-07 {USENET} article "", posted the {BASIC} {source code} of what he believed was pretty much the version that was published in 1973 in David Ahl's "101 Basic Computer Games", by {Digital Equipment Corporation}. The wumpus lived somewhere in a cave with the topology of an dodecahedron's edge/vertex graph (later versions supported other topologies, including an icosahedron and M"obius strip). The player started somewhere at random in the cave with five "crooked arrows"; these could be shot through up to three connected rooms, and would kill the wumpus on a hit (later versions introduced the wounded wumpus, which got very angry). Unfortunately for players, the movement necessary to map the maze was made hazardous not merely by the wumpus (which would eat you if you stepped on him) but also by bottomless pits and colonies of super bats that would pick you up and drop you at a random location (later versions added "anaerobic termites" that ate arrows, bat migrations and earthquakes that randomly changed pit locations). This game appears to have been the first to use a non-random graph-structured map (as opposed to a rectangular grid like the even older Star Trek games). In this respect, as in the dungeon-like setting and its terse, amusing messages, it prefigured {ADVENT} and {Zork} and was directly ancestral to both (Zork acknowledged this heritage by including a super-bat colony). There have been many {ports} including one distributed with {SunOS}, a {freeware} one for the {Macintosh} and a {C} emulation by {ESR}. [Does "101 Basic Computer Games" give any history?] (2004-10-04)

Hunt the Wumpus ::: (games, history) (Or Wumpus) /wuhm'p*s/ A famous fantasy computer game, created by Gregory Yob in about 1973.Hunt the Wumpus appeared in Creative Computing, Vol 1, No 5, Sep - Oct 1975, where Yob says he had come up with the game two years previously, after seeing the grid-based games Hurkle, Snark and Mugwump at People's Computing Company (PCC). He later delivered Wumpus to PCC who published it in their newsletter.ESR says he saw a version including termites running on the Dartmouth Time-Sharing System in 1972-3.Magnus Olsson, in his 1992-07-07 USENET article , posted the BASIC source code of what he believed was pretty much the version that was published in 1973 in David Ahl's 101 Basic Computer Games, by Digital Equipment Corporation.The wumpus lived somewhere in a cave with the topology of an dodecahedron's edge/vertex graph (later versions supported other topologies, including an (later versions added anaerobic termites that ate arrows, bat migrations and earthquakes that randomly changed pit locations).This game appears to have been the first to use a non-random graph-structured map (as opposed to a rectangular grid like the even older Star Trek games). In prefigured ADVENT and Zork and was directly ancestral to both (Zork acknowledged this heritage by including a super-bat colony).There have been many ports including one distributed with SunOS, a freeware one for the Macintosh and a C emulation by ESR.[Does 101 Basic Computer Games give any history?](2004-10-04)

hypogeum ::: n. --> The subterraneous portion of a building, as in amphitheaters, for the service of the games; also, subterranean galleries, as the catacombs.

IBM 1620 ::: (computer) A computer built by IBM and released in late 1959. The 1620 cost from around $85,000(?) up to hundreds of thousands of dollars(?) according distinguish it from the business-oriented IBM 1401. It was regarded as inexpensive, and many schools started out with one.It was either developed for the US Navy to teach computing, or as a replacement for the very successful IBM 650 which did quite well in the low end scientific market. Rumour has it that the Navy called this computer the CADET - Can't Add, Doesn't Even Try.The ALU used lookup tables to add, subtract and multiply but it could do address increments and the like without the tables. You could change the number base by cards. The divide instruction required additional hardware, as did floating point operations.The basic machine had 20,000 decimal digits of ferrite core memory arranged as a 100 by 100 array of 12-bit locations, each holding two digits. Each digit was stored as four numeric bits, one flag bit and one parity bit. The numeric bits stored a decimal digit (values above nine were illegal).Memory was logically divided into fields. On the high-order digit of a field the flag bit indicated the end of the field. On the low-order digit it indicated a addressing if you had that option installed. A few illegal bit combinations were used to store things like record marks and numeric blanks.On a subroutine call it stored the return address in the five digits just before the entry point to the routine, so you had to build your own stack to do recursion.The enclosure was grey, and the core was about four or five inches across. The core memory was kept cool inside a temperature-controlled box. The machine took a few minutes to warm up after power on before you could use it. If it got too hot there was a thermal cut-out switch that would shut it down.Memory could be expanded up to 100,000 digits in a second cabinet. The cheapest package used paper tape for I/O. You could also get punched cards and later models could be hooked up to a 1311 disk drive (a two-megabyte washing machine), a 1627 plotter, and a 1443 line printer.Because the 1620 was popular with colleges, IBM ran a clearing house of software for a nominal cost such as Snobol, COBOL, chess games, etc.The model II, released about three years later, could add and subtract without tables. The clock period decreased from 20 to 10 microseconds, instruction fetch the console teletype changed from a model C to a Selectric. Later still, IBM marketed the IBM 1710.A favorite use was to tune a FM radio to pick up the interference from the lights on the console. With the right delay loops you could generate musical notes. Hackers wrote interpreters that played music from notation like C44.1620 consoles were used as props to represent Colossus in the film The Forbin Project, though most of the machines had been scrapped by the time the film was made. . . (Thanks Victor E. McGee, pictured).[Basic Programming Concepts and the IBM 1620 Computer, Leeson and Dimitry, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1962]. (1997-08-05)

IBM 1620 "computer" A computer built by {IBM} and released in late 1959. The 1620 cost from around $85,000(?) up to hundreds of thousands of dollars(?) according to the configuration. It was billed as a "small scientific computer" to distinguish it from the business-oriented {IBM 1401}. It was regarded as inexpensive, and many schools started out with one. It was either developed for the US Navy to teach computing, or as a replacement for the very successful {IBM 650} which did quite well in the low end scientific market. Rumour has it that the Navy called this computer the CADET - Can't Add, Doesn't Even Try. The {ALU} used lookup tables to add, subtract and multiply but it could do address increments and the like without the tables. You could change the number base by adjusting the tables, which were input during the boot sequence from {Hollerith} cards. The divide instruction required additional hardware, as did {floating point} operations. The basic machine had 20,000 decimal digits of {ferrite core memory} arranged as a 100 by 100 array of 12-bit locations, each holding two digits. Each digit was stored as four numeric bits, one flag bit and one parity bit. The numeric bits stored a decimal digit (values above nine were illegal). Memory was logically divided into fields. On the high-order digit of a field the flag bit indicated the end of the field. On the low-order digit it indicated a negative number. A flag bit on the low order of the address indicated {indirect addressing} if you had that option installed. A few "illegal" bit combinations were used to store things like record marks and "numeric blanks". On a {subroutine} call it stored the {return address} in the five digits just before the entry point to the routine, so you had to build your own {stack} to do {recursion}. The enclosure was grey, and the core was about four or five inches across. The core memory was kept cool inside a temperature-controlled box. The machine took a few minutes to warm up after power on before you could use it. If it got too hot there was a thermal cut-out switch that would shut it down. Memory could be expanded up to 100,000 digits in a second cabinet. The cheapest package used {paper tape} for I/O. You could also get {punched cards} and later models could be hooked up to a 1311 {disk drive} (a two-{megabyte} {washing machine}), a 1627 {plotter}, and a 1443 {line printer}. Because the 1620 was popular with colleges, IBM ran a clearing house of software for a nominal cost such as {Snobol}, {COBOL}, chess games, etc. The model II, released about three years later, could add and subtract without tables. The {clock period} decreased from 20 to 10 microseconds, instruction fetch sped up by a few cycles and it added {index registers} of some sort. Some of the model I's options were standard on the model II, like {indirect addressing} and the {console} {teletype} changed from a model C to a {Selectric}. Later still, IBM marketed the {IBM 1710}. A favorite use was to tune a FM radio to pick up the "interference" from the lights on the console. With the right delay loops you could generate musical notes. Hackers wrote {interpreters} that played music from notation like "C44". {IBM 1620 console (img:/pub/misc/IBM1620-console.jpg)} 1620 consoles were used as props to represent {Colossus} in the film "The Forbin Project", though most of the machines had been scrapped by the time the film was made. {A fully configured 1620 (}. {IBM 1620 at Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, USA (/pub/misc/IBM1620-Tuck1960s.jpg)} (Thanks Victor E. McGee, pictured). ["Basic Programming Concepts and the IBM 1620 Computer", Leeson and Dimitry, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1962]. (2018-09-11)

id Software "games" Creators and publishers of the {DOOM} game for {IBM PCs}. E-mail: "". Telephone: +1 800-ID-GAMES (Orders only).

id Software ::: (games) Creators and publishers of the DOOM game for IBM PCs.E-mail: . Telephone: +1 800-ID-GAMES (Orders only).

Inglish "games" An English-like language used for {Adventure} games like "The Hobbit". Inglish could distinguish between "take the rope and axe" and "take the money and run". (1995-06-27)

Inglish ::: (games) An English-like language used for Adventure games like The Hobbit. Inglish could distinguish between take the rope and axe and take the money and run. (1995-06-27)

initgame ::: (games) /in-it'gaym/ [IRC] An IRC version of the venerable trivia game 20 questions, in which one user changes his nick to the initials of a famous Male, American, Alive, Real (as opposed to fictional). Initgame can be surprisingly addictive. See also hing.[Jargon File]

initgame "games" /in-it'gaym/ [IRC] An {IRC} version of the venerable trivia game "20 questions", in which one user changes his {nick} to the initials of a famous person or other named entity, and the others on the channel ask yes or no questions, with the one to guess the person getting to be "it" next. As a courtesy, the one picking the initials starts by providing a 4-letter hint of the form sex, nationality, life-status, reality-status. For example, MAAR means "Male, American, Alive, Real" (as opposed to "fictional"). Initgame can be surprisingly addictive. See also {hing}. [{Jargon File}]

intercollegiate ::: a. --> Existing or carried on between colleges or universities; as, intercollegiate relations, rivalry, games, etc.

International Core War Society "games, standard, body" (ICWS) The official standards body for {Core War}. (1996-02-16)

International Core War Society ::: (games, standard, body) (ICWS) The official standards body for Core War. (1996-02-16)

Internet Chess Server ::: (networking, games) An interactive meeting-place on the Internet where people can play chess against each other.Usenet newsgroup: alt.chess.ics.[Server address?] (1995-03-25)

Internet Chess Server "networking, games" An interactive meeting-place on the {Internet} where people can play {chess} against each other. {Usenet} newsgroup: {news:alt.chess.ics}. [Server address?] (1995-03-25)

Internet Go Server ::: (games, networking) (IGS) A place for Go players to meet and play via the Internet. . (1995-03-17)

Internet Go Server "games, networking" (IGS) A place for {Go} players to meet and play via the {Internet}. {IGS Home (}. (1995-03-17)

invoked in games of chance. For good results,

I see no X here. ::: (games) Hackers (and the interactive computer games they write) traditionally favour this slightly marked usage over other possible equivalents asked it to do something involving an object not present at your location in the game.[Jargon File]

I see no X here. "games" Hackers (and the interactive computer games they write) traditionally favour this slightly marked usage over other possible equivalents such as "There's no X here!" or "X is missing." or "Where's the X?". This goes back to the original PDP-10 {ADVENT}, which would respond in this wise if you asked it to do something involving an object not present at your location in the game. [{Jargon File}]

Izdubar (Babylonian) An ancient hero of Erech, whose exploits are recorded in the Epic of Gilgamesh, one of the most important literary works to have been excavated in Nineveh, coming from the royal collection of Assurbanipal (668-26 BC), in the form of twelve tablets (although not all are completely preserved). The hero’s name, written ideographically, was formerly read Izdubar, until another fragment of the same cycle gave the rendition Gilgamesh.

joystick "hardware, games" A device consisting of a hand held stick that pivots about one end and transmits its angle in two dimensions to a computer. Joysticks are often used to control games, and usually have one or more push-buttons whose state can also be read by the computer. Most I/O interface cards for {IBM PCs} have a joystick (game control) port. (1995-03-08)

joystick ::: (hardware, games) A device consisting of a hand held stick that pivots about one end and transmits its angle in two dimensions to a computer. Joysticks state can also be read by the computer. Most I/O interface cards for IBM PCs have a joystick (game control) port. (1995-03-08)

LambdaMOO ::: (games) The most frequently used server software for running a MOO and also the nerve-center (of sorts) of the MOO community. . . (1999-05-25)

LambdaMOO "games" The most frequently used {server} {software} for running a {MOO} and also the nerve-center (of sorts) of the MOO community. {(}. {Telnet (telnet://}. (1999-05-25)

life 1. "simulation" {Conway's Game of Life}. 2. "jargon" The opposite of {Usenet}/the {Internet}/{video games}/whatever the speaker considers a waste of time. As in "{Get a life!}" 3. "language" Logic of Inheritance, Functions and Equations (LIFE) An {object-oriented}, {functional}, {constraint}-based language by Hassan Ait-Kacy "" et al of {MCC}, Austin TX, 1987. LIFE integrates ideas from {LOGIN} and {LeFun}. See also {Wild_LIFE}. ["Is There a Meaning to LIFE?", H. Ait-Kacy et al, Intl Conf on Logic Prog, 1991]. (2015-05-04)

Life ::: (games) The first popular cellular automata based artificial life game. Life was invented by British mathematician John Horton Conway in 1970 and was first introduced publicly in Scientific American later that year.Conway first devised what he called The Game of Life and ran it using plates placed on floor tiles in his house. Because of he ran out of floor space and That first implementation of Life as a computer program was written by M. J. T. Guy and S. R. Bourne (the author of Unix's Bourne shell).Life uses a rectangular grid of binary (live or dead) cells each of which is updated at each step according to the previous state of its eight neighbours as dies. A dead cell with exactly three neighbours becomes alive. Other cells do not change.While the rules are fairly simple, the patterns that can arise are of a complexity resembling that of organic systems -- hence the name Life.Many hackers pass through a stage of fascination with Life, and hackers at various places contributed heavily to the mathematical analysis of this game than the magazine, the breakfast cereal, the 1950s-era board game or the human state of existence. . .[Scientific American 223, October 1970, p120-123, 224; February 1971 p121-117, Martin Gardner].[The Garden in The Machine: the Emerging Science of Artificial Life, Claus Emmeche, 1994].[Winning Ways, For Your Mathematical Plays, Elwyn R. Berlekamp, John Horton Conway and Richard K. Guy, 1982].[The Recursive Universe: Cosmic Complexity and the Limits of Scientific Knowledge, William Poundstone, 1985].[Jargon File] (1997-09-07)

LP MUD "games" A kind of player-programmable multi-user adventure game. [More details?] See {MUD}.

LP MUD ::: (games) A kind of player-programmable multi-user adventure game.[More details?]See MUD.

luckless ::: a. --> Being without luck; unpropitious; unfortunate; unlucky; meeting with ill success or bad fortune; as, a luckless gamester; a luckless maid.

Mac Playmate "games" An early (~1985) example of a pornographic computer game. Mac Playmate runs on the {Macintosh} and involves trying to stimulate a simulated woman to orgasm by applying various implements to her erogenous zones. (2002-03-08)

Mac Playmate ::: (games) An early (~1985) example of a pornographic computer game. Mac Playmate runs on the Macintosh and involves trying to stimulate a simulated woman to orgasm by applying various implements to her erogenous zones.(2002-03-08)

maidmarian ::: n. --> The lady of the May games; one of the characters in a morris dance; a May queen. Afterward, a grotesque character personated in sports and buffoonery by a man in woman&

marker ::: n. --> One who or that which marks.
One who keeps account of a game played, as of billiards.
A counter used in card playing and other games.
The soldier who forms the pilot of a wheeling column, or marks the direction of an alignment.
An attachment to a sewing machine for marking a line on the fabric by creasing it.

megalesian ::: a. --> Pertaining to, or in honor of, Cybele; as, the Megalesian games at Rome.

minimax "games" An {algorithm} for choosing the next move in a two player game. A player moves so as to maximise the minimum value of his opponent's possible following moves. If it is my turn to move, I give a value to each legal move I might make. If the result of a move is an immediate win for me I give it positive infinity and, if it is an immediate win for you, negative infinity. The value to me of any other move is the minimum of the values resulting from each of your possible replies. The above algorithm will give every move a value of positive or negative infinity since the value of every move will be the value of some final winning or losing move. This can be extended if we can supply a {heuristic} {evaluation function} which gives values to non-final game states without considering all possible following complete sequences. We can then limit the minimax algorithm to look only a certain number of moves ahead. This number is called the "look-ahead" or "ply". See also {alpha/beta pruning}. [Is "maximin" used? Is it significantly different?] (2000-12-07)

minimax ::: (games) An algorithm for choosing the next move in a two player game. A player moves so as to maximise the minimum value of his opponent's possible value to me of any other move is the minimum of the values resulting from each of your possible replies.The above algorithm will give every move a value of positive or negative infinity since the value of every move will be the value of some final winning to look only a certain number of moves ahead. This number is called the look-ahead or ply.See also alpha/beta pruning.[Is maximin used? Is it significantly different?](2000-12-07)

Missing definition "introduction" First, this is an (English language) __computing__ dictionary. It includes lots of terms from related fields such as mathematics and electronics, but if you're looking for (or want to submit) words from other subjects or general English words or other languages, try {(}, {(}, {(}, {(} or {(}. If you've already searched the dictionary for a computing term and it's not here then please __don't tell me__. There are, and always will be, a great many missing terms, no dictionary is ever complete. I use my limited time to process the corrections and definitions people have submitted and to add the {most frequently requested missing terms (missing.html)}. Try one of the sources mentioned above or {(}, {(} or {(}. See {the Help page (help.html)} for more about missing definitions and bad cross-references. (2014-09-20)! {exclamation mark}!!!Batch "language, humour" A daft way of obfuscating text strings by encoding each character as a different number of {exclamation marks} surrounded by {question marks}, e.g. "d" is encoded as "?!!!!?". The language is named after the {MSDOS} {batch file} in which the first converter was written. {esoteric programming languages} {wiki entry (!!!Batch)}. (2014-10-25)" {double quote}

moria ::: (games) /mor'ee-*/ Like nethack and rogue, one of the large PD Dungeons and Dragons-like simulation games, available for a wide range of machines and days, elvish. The game is extremely addictive and a major consumer of time better used for hacking.[Jargon File]

moria "games" /mor'ee-*/ Like {nethack} and {rogue}, one of the large {PD} {Dungeons and Dragons}-like simulation games, available for a wide range of machines and operating systems. The name is from Tolkien's Mines of Moria; compare {elder days}, {elvish}. The game is extremely addictive and a major consumer of time better used for hacking. [{Jargon File}]

morris ::: n. --> A Moorish dance, usually performed by a single dancer, who accompanies the dance with castanets.
A dance formerly common in England, often performed in pagenats, processions, and May games. The dancers, grotesquely dressed and ornamented, took the parts of Robin Hood, Maidmarian, and other fictious characters.
An old game played with counters, or men, which are placed angles of a figure drawn on a board or on the ground; also, the board

MUD "games" {Multi-User Dimension} or "Multi-User Domain". Originally "Multi-User Dungeon". [{Jargon File}] (1995-04-16)

MUD ::: (games) Multi-User Dimension or Multi-User Domain. Originally Multi-User Dungeon.[Jargon File] (1995-04-16)

muddie "games" Synonym {mudhead}. More common in Great Britain, possibly because system administrators there like to mutter "bloody muddies" when annoyed at the species. [{Jargon File}]

muddie ::: (games) Synonym mudhead. More common in Great Britain, possibly because system administrators there like to mutter bloody muddies when annoyed at the species.[Jargon File]

mudhead "games" A {MUD} player who eats, sleeps, and breathes MUD. Mudheads have been known to fail their degrees, drop out, etc. with the consolation, however, that they made wizard level. When encountered in person, on a MUD or in a chat system, all a mudhead will talk about is three topics: the tactic, character, or wizard that is supposedly always unfairly stopping him/her from becoming a wizard or beating a favourite MUD; why the specific game he/she has experience with is so much better than any other; and the MUD he or she is writing or going to write because his/her design ideas are so much better than in any existing MUD. See also {wannabee}. To the anthropologically literate, this term may recall the Zuni/Hopi legend of the mudheads or "koyemshi", mythical half-formed children of an unnatural union. Figures representing them act as clowns in Zuni sacred ceremonies. [{Jargon File}] (1994-11-29)

mudhead ::: (games) A MUD player who eats, sleeps, and breathes MUD. Mudheads have been known to fail their degrees, drop out, etc. with the consolation, however, to write because his/her design ideas are so much better than in any existing MUD. See also wannabee.To the anthropologically literate, this term may recall the Zuni/Hopi legend of the mudheads or koyemshi, mythical half-formed children of an unnatural union. Figures representing them act as clowns in Zuni sacred ceremonies.[Jargon File] (1994-11-29)

MUD Object Oriented ::: (games) (MOO) One of the many MUD spin-offs (e.g. MUSH, MUSE, and MUX) created to diversify the realm of interactive text-based gaming. A MOO is similar to a MUSH in that the users themselves can create objects, rooms, and code to add to the environment.The most frequently used server software for running a MOO is LambdaMOO but alternatives include and . (1999-05-25)

MUD Object Oriented "games" (MOO) One of the many {MUD} spin-offs (e.g. {MUSH}, {MUSE}, and {MUX}) created to diversify the realm of interactive text-based gaming. A MOO is similar to a MUSH in that the users themselves can create objects, rooms, and code to add to the environment. The most frequently used {server} {software} for running a MOO is {LambdaMOO} but alternatives include {WinMOO (} and {MacGoesMOO (}. (1999-05-25)

Multimedia and Hypermedia information coding Expert Group ::: (multimedia, standard) (MHEG) is an ISO standard encoding for multimedia and hypermedia information, designed to facilitate use and interchange of such information in varied domains such as games, electronic publishing and medical applications. .(2002-12-30)

Multimedia and Hypermedia information coding Expert Group "multimedia, standard" (MHEG) is an {ISO} {standard} encoding for {multimedia} and {hypermedia} information, designed to facilitate use and interchange of such information in varied domains such as games, electronic publishing and medical applications. {MHEG Home (}. (2002-12-30)

Multi-User Dimension "games" (MUD) (Or Multi-User Domain, originally "Multi-User Dungeon") A class of multi-player interactive game, accessible via the {Internet} or a {modem}. A MUD is like a real-time {chat} forum with structure; it has multiple "locations" like an {adventure} game and may include combat, traps, puzzles, magic and a simple economic system. A MUD where characters can build more structure onto the database that represents the existing world is sometimes known as a "{MUSH}". Most MUDs allow you to log in as a guest to look around before you create your own character. Historically, MUDs (and their more recent progeny with names of MU- form) derive from a hack by Richard Bartle and Roy Trubshaw on the University of Essex's {DEC-10} in 1979. It was a game similar to the classic {Colossal Cave} adventure, except that it allowed multiple people to play at the same time and interact with each other. Descendants of that game still exist today and are sometimes generically called BartleMUDs. There is a widespread myth that the name MUD was trademarked to the commercial MUD run by Bartle on {British Telecom} (the motto: "You haven't *lived* 'til you've *died* on MUD!"); however, this is false - Richard Bartle explicitly placed "MUD" in the {PD} in 1985. BT was upset at this, as they had already printed trademark claims on some maps and posters, which were released and created the myth. Students on the European academic networks quickly improved on the MUD concept, spawning several new MUDs ({VAXMUD}, {AberMUD}, {LPMUD}). Many of these had associated {bulletin-board systems} for social interaction. Because these had an image as "research" they often survived administrative hostility to {BBSs} in general. This, together with the fact that {Usenet} feeds have been spotty and difficult to get in the UK, made the MUDs major foci of hackish social interaction there. AberMUD and other variants crossed the Atlantic around 1988 and quickly gained popularity in the US; they became nuclei for large hacker communities with only loose ties to traditional hackerdom (some observers see parallels with the growth of {Usenet} in the early 1980s). The second wave of MUDs (TinyMUD and variants) tended to emphasise social interaction, puzzles, and cooperative world-building as opposed to combat and competition. In 1991, over 50% of MUD sites are of a third major variety, LPMUD, which synthesises the combat/puzzle aspects of AberMUD and older systems with the extensibility of TinyMud. The trend toward greater programmability and flexibility will doubtless continue. The state of the art in MUD design is still moving very rapidly, with new simulation designs appearing (seemingly) every month. There is now a move afoot to deprecate the term {MUD} itself, as newer designs exhibit an exploding variety of names corresponding to the different simulation styles being explored. {UMN MUD Gopher page (gopher://}. {U Pennsylvania MUD Web page (}. See also {bonk/oif}, {FOD}, {link-dead}, {mudhead}, {MOO}, {MUCK}, {MUG}, {MUSE}, {chat}. {Usenet} newsgroups: {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}. (1994-08-10)

Multi-User Dimension ::: (games) (MUD) (Or Multi-User Domain, originally Multi-User Dungeon) A class of multi-player interactive game, accessible via the Internet or a modem. MUDs allow you to log in as a guest to look around before you create your own character.Historically, MUDs (and their more recent progeny with names of MU- form) derive from a hack by Richard Bartle and Roy Trubshaw on the University of Essex's as they had already printed trademark claims on some maps and posters, which were released and created the myth.Students on the European academic networks quickly improved on the MUD concept, spawning several new MUDs (VAXMUD, AberMUD, LPMUD). Many of these had associated This, together with the fact that Usenet feeds have been spotty and difficult to get in the UK, made the MUDs major foci of hackish social interaction there.AberMUD and other variants crossed the Atlantic around 1988 and quickly gained popularity in the US; they became nuclei for large hacker communities with only aspects of AberMUD and older systems with the extensibility of TinyMud. The trend toward greater programmability and flexibility will doubtless continue.The state of the art in MUD design is still moving very rapidly, with new simulation designs appearing (seemingly) every month. There is now a move afoot to deprecate the term MUD itself, as newer designs exhibit an exploding variety of names corresponding to the different simulation styles being explored. . .See also bonk/oif, FOD, link-dead, mudhead, MOO, MUCK, MUG, MUSE, chat.Usenet newsgroups:,,,,, (1994-08-10)

multi-user "operating system" A term describing an {operating system} or {application program} that can be used by several people concurrently; opposite of {single-user}. {Unix} is an example of a multi-user operating system, whereas most (but not all) versions of {Microsoft Windows} are intended to support only one user at a time. A multi-user system, by definition, supports {concurrent processing} of multiple tasks (once known as "{time-sharing}") or true {parallel processing} if it has multiple {CPUs}. While {batch processing} systems often ran jobs for serveral users concurrently, the term "multi-user" typically implies {interactive} access. Before {Ethernet} networks were commonplace, multi-user systems were accessed from a {terminal} (e.g. a {vt100}) connected via a {serial line} (typically {RS-232}). This arrangement was eventually superseded by networked {personal computers}, perhaps sharing files on a {file server}. With the wide-spread availability of Internet connections, the idea of sharing centralised resources is becoming trendy again with {cloud computing} and {managed applications}, though this time it is the overhead of administering the system that is being shared rather than the cost of the hardware. In gaming, both on PCs and {games consoles}, the equivalent term is {multi-player}, though the first multi-player games (e.g. {ADVENT}) were on multi-user computers. (2009-11-23)

MUSH ::: 1. (games) Multi-User Shared Hallucination.2. (messaging) Mail Users' Shell.

MUSH 1. "games" {Multi-User Shared Hallucination}. 2. "messaging" {Mail Users' Shell}.

neep-neep /neep neep/ [onomatopoeic, from New York SF fandom] One who is fascinated by computers. Less specific than {hacker}, as it need not imply more skill than is required to {boot} {games} on a {personal computer}. The derived noun "neeping" applies specifically to the long conversations about computers that tend to develop in the corners at most SF-convention parties (the term "neepery" is also in wide use). Fandom has a related proverb to the effect that "Hacking is a conversational black hole!". [{Jargon File}] (1994-11-29)

nemean ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to Nemea, in Argolis, where the ancient Greeks celebrated games, and Hercules killed a lion.

NetHack "games" /net'hak/ (Unix) A dungeon game similar to {rogue} but more elaborate, distributed in {C} source over {Usenet} and very popular at {Unix} sites and on {PC}-class machines (nethack is probably the most widely distributed of the {freeware} dungeon games). The earliest versions, written by Jay Fenlason and later considerably enhanced by Andries Brouwer, were simply called "hack". The name changed when maintenance was taken over by a group of hackers originally organised by Mike Stephenson. Version: NetHack 3.2 (Apr 1996?). {(}. {FAQ (}. {FTP U Penn (} No large downloads between 9:00 and 18:00 local or the directory will be removed. {Usenet} newsgroup: {}. E-mail: "". (1996-06-13)

NetHack ::: (games) /net'hak/ (Unix) A dungeon game similar to rogue but more elaborate, distributed in C source over Usenet and very popular at Unix sites name changed when maintenance was taken over by a group of hackers originally organised by Mike Stephenson.Version: NetHack 3.2 (Apr 1996?). . . No large downloads between 9:00 and 18:00 local or the directory will be removed.Usenet newsgroup: . (1996-06-13)

Netrek ::: (games) A 16-player graphical real-time battle simulation with a Star Trek theme. The game is divided into two teams of eight (or less), who dogfight client to connect to one of several Netrek servers on the Internet. There is a metaserver which distributes details of games in progress on other servers.See also ogg.[Dates? Versions? Authors? Addresses?] (1998-02-01)

Netrek "games" A 16-player graphical {real-time} battle simulation with a Star Trek theme. The game is divided into two teams of eight (or less), who dogfight each other and attempt to conquer each other's planets. There are several different types of ships, from fast, fragile scouts up to big, slow battleships; this allows a great deal of variance in play styles. Netrek is played using a {client} to connect to one of several Netrek {servers} on the {Internet}. There is a metaserver which distributes details of games in progress on other servers. See also {ogg}. [Dates? Versions? Authors? Addresses?] (1998-02-01)

nickle /ni'kl/ ["nickel", common name for the US 5-cent coin] A {nibble} + 1; 5 bits. Reported among developers for Mattel's {GI 1600} (the {Intellivision} games processor), a chip with 16 bit-wide {RAM} but 10 bit-wide {ROM}. See also {deckle}.

nickle ::: /ni'kl/ [nickel, common name for the US 5-cent coin] A nibble + 1; 5 bits. Reported among developers for Mattel's GI 1600 (the Intellivision games processor), a chip with 16 bit-wide RAM but 10 bit-wide ROM. See also deckle.

Nimrod (Hebrew) Nimrod The traditional founder of the kingdom of Babylon, known in Babylonia as Izdubar or Gilgamesh. According to the Bible, the son of Cush; in legend a mighty hunter (Genesis 10:9). The name Nimrod has not been found prior to the period of the Israelites (500 BC). Blavatsky equates him with Bacchus, and calls him “the most powerful and strongest of physical men on this side of the flood — the last remnant of the antediluvian giants” (IU 1:150).

Nintendo "company, games" A Japanese {video game} hardware manufacturer and software publisher. Nintendo started by making playing cards, but was later dominant in video games throughout the 1980s and early 1990s worldwide. They make lots of games consoles including the Gameboy, Gameboy Advance SP, DS, DS Lite and the Wii. {Nintendo home (}. (2008-03-08)

ogg ::: (games) /og/ (CMU) 1. In the multi-player space combat game Netrek, to execute kamikaze attacks against enemy ships which are carrying armies or However, the traditional answer to the newbie question What does ogg mean? is just Pick up some armies and I'll show you.2. In other games, to forcefully attack an opponent with the expectation that the resources expended will be renewed faster than the opponent will be able to regain his previous advantage. Taken more seriously as a tactic since it has gained a simple name.3. To do anything forcefully, possibly without consideration of the drain on future resources. I guess I'd better go ogg the problem set that's due tomorrow. Whoops! I looked down at the map for a sec and almost ogged that oncoming car. (1995-01-31)

ogg "games" /og/ ({CMU}) 1. In the multi-player space combat game {Netrek}, to execute kamikaze attacks against enemy ships which are carrying armies or occupying strategic positions. Named during a game in which one of the players repeatedly used the tactic while playing Orion ship G, showing up in the player list as "Og". This trick has been roundly denounced by those who would return to the good old days when the tactic of dogfighting was dominant, but as Sun Tzu wrote, "What is of supreme importance in war is to attack the enemy's strategy." However, the traditional answer to the newbie question "What does ogg mean?" is just "Pick up some armies and I'll show you." 2. In other games, to forcefully attack an opponent with the expectation that the resources expended will be renewed faster than the opponent will be able to regain his previous advantage. Taken more seriously as a tactic since it has gained a simple name. 3. To do anything forcefully, possibly without consideration of the drain on future resources. "I guess I'd better go ogg the problem set that's due tomorrow." "Whoops! I looked down at the map for a sec and almost ogged that oncoming car." (1995-01-31)

olympiad ::: n. --> A period of four years, by which the ancient Greeks reckoned time, being the interval from one celebration of the Olympic games to another, beginning with the victory of Cor/bus in the foot race, which took place in the year 776 b.c.; as, the era of the olympiads.

olympionic ::: n. --> An ode in honor of a victor in the Olympic games.

one-liner wars ::: (games, programming) A game popular among hackers who code in the language APL (see write-only language and line noise). The objective is to see chosen from APL's exceedingly hairy primitive set. A similar amusement was practiced among TECO hackers and is now popular among Perl aficionados.Ken Iverson, the inventor of APL, has been credited with a one-liner that, given a number N, produces a list of the prime numbers from 1 to N inclusive. It looks like this: (2 = 0 +.= T o.| T) / T - iN where o is the APL null character, the assignment arrow is a single character, and i represents the APL iota.[Jargon File](2000-03-19)

one-liner wars "games, programming" A game popular among {hackers} who code in the language {APL} (see {write-only language} and {line noise}). The objective is to see who can code the most interesting and/or useful routine in one line of {operators} chosen from APL's exceedingly {hairy} primitive set. A similar amusement was practiced among {TECO} hackers and is now popular among {Perl} aficionados. {Ken Iverson}, the inventor of APL, has been credited with a one-liner that, given a number N, produces a list of the prime numbers from 1 to N inclusive. It looks like this: (2 = 0 +.= T o.| T) / T "- iN where "o" is the APL null character, the assignment arrow is a single character, and "i" represents the APL iota. [{Jargon File}] (2000-03-19)

pentathlon ::: n. --> A fivefold athletic performance peculiar to the great national games of the Greeks, including leaping, foot racing, wrestling, throwing the discus, and throwing the spear.

perspective ::: (games) In computer games, the virtual position from which the human player views the playing area. There are three different perspectives: first person, second person, and third person.First person perspective: Viewing the world through the eyes of the primary character in three dimensions. e.g. Doom, Quake.Second person perspective: Viewing the game through a spectator's eyes, in two or three dimensions. Depending on the game, the main character is always in view. e.g. Super Mario Bros., Tomb Raider.Third person perspective: a point of view which is independent of where characters or playing units are. The gaming world is viewed much as a satellite would view a battlefield. E.g. Warcraft, Command & Conquer. (1997-06-19)

perspective "games" In computer games, the {virtual} position from which the human player views the playing area. There are three different perspectives: first person, second person, and third person. First person perspective: Viewing the world through the eyes of the primary character in three dimensions. e.g. Doom, Quake. Second person perspective: Viewing the game through a spectator's eyes, in two or three dimensions. Depending on the game, the main character is always in view. e.g. Super Mario Bros., Tomb Raider. Third person perspective: a point of view which is independent of where characters or playing units are. The gaming world is viewed much as a satellite would view a battlefield. E.g. Warcraft, Command & Conquer. (1997-06-19)

PINBOL "language, games" A {decision table} language for controlling pinball machines used at Atari. PINBOL included a {multitasking} executive and an {interpreter} that worked on data structures compiled from condition:action lists. (1996-11-03)

PINBOL ::: (language, games) A decision table language for controlling pinball machines used at Atari. PINBOL included a multitasking executive and an interpreter that worked on data structures compiled from condition:action lists. (1996-11-03)

play by electronic mail ::: (games) A kind of game where the players use electronic mail to communicate. This may be done via a human moderator or an automatic mailing list exploder on some central machine or it may be fully distributed with each player just addressing his mail to all other players.This is a natural extension of play by mail games conducted via snail mail. (1994-10-27)

play by electronic mail "games" A kind of game where the players use {electronic mail} to communicate. This may be done via a human {moderator} or an automatic {mailing list} {exploder} on some central machine or it may be fully distributed with each player just addressing his mail to all other players. This is a natural extension of "play by mail" games conducted via {snail mail}. {(}. {Usenet} newsgroup: {}. (1994-10-27)

player ::: n. --> One who plays, or amuses himself; one without serious aims; an idler; a trifler.
One who plays any game.
A dramatic actor.
One who plays on an instrument of music.
A gamester; a gambler.

Playstation ::: (games, hardware) The leading family of games consoles, from Sony Corporation consisting of the original Playstation (PS1) and the Playstation 2 (PS2).The basic Playstations consist of a small box containing the processor and a DVD reader, with video outputs to connect to a TV, sockets for two game controllers, and a socket for one or two memory cards. The PS2 also has USB sockets.The PS2 can run PS1 software because the PS2's I/O processor is the same as the PS1's CPU. . .[Dates? Features?](2003-07-29)

Playstation "games, hardware" The leading family of {games consoles}, from {Sony Corporation} consisting of the original Playstation (PS1) and the Playstation 2 (PS2). The basic Playstations consist of a small box containing the processor and a {DVD} reader, with video outputs to connect to a TV, sockets for two game controllers, and a socket for one or two memory cards. The PS2 also has {USB} sockets. The PS2 can run PS1 software because the PS2's I/O processor is the same as the PS1's CPU. {(}. {FAQ (}. [Dates? Features?] (2003-07-29)

plugh "games" /ploogh/ A magic word from the {ADVENT} game. [{Jargon File}] (1996-04-01)

plugh ::: (games) /ploogh/ A magic word from the ADVENT game.[Jargon File] (1996-04-01)

Pong ::: (games) A computer game invented in 1972 by Atari's Nolan Bushnell. The game is a minimalist rendering of table tennis. Each of the two players are represented as a white slab, controllable by a knob, which deflects a bouncing ball. The goal of the game is to AVOID MISSING BALL FOR HIGH SCORE. . (1997-11-23)

Pong "games" A computer game invented in 1972 by {Atari}'s Nolan Bushnell. The game is a minimalist rendering of table tennis. Each of the two players are represented as a white slab, controllable by a knob, which deflects a bouncing ball. The goal of the game is to "AVOID MISSING BALL FOR HIGH SCORE". {Yahoo (}. (1997-11-23)

pool ::: n. --> A small and rather deep collection of (usually) fresh water, as one supplied by a spring, or occurring in the course of a stream; a reservoir for water; as, the pools of Solomon.
A small body of standing or stagnant water; a puddle.
The stake played for in certain games of cards, billiards, etc.; an aggregated stake to which each player has contributed a snare; also, the receptacle for the stakes.
A game at billiards, in which each of the players stakes a

pornography "application" Still and moving images, usually of women, in varying states of nudity, posing or performing erotic acts with men, women, animals, machines, or other props. Some say it degrades women, some say it corrupts young boys (who down-load it from the {web} or exchange it on {floppy disks}). Most of it is in the form of {JPEG} images. Many websites offer porn of all sorts, almost always for a subscription. It is said that these are a driving force in the evolution of new technology and techniques for the web. Advertisments for them certainly constitute a significant proportion of all {spam}. There are even pornographic computer games, an early example being {Mac Playmate}. Beware - many institutions, particularly universities, have strict rules against their computers and networks being used to transfer or store such things, and you might get corrupted. (2002-03-08)

pornography ::: (application) Still or moving images, usually of women, in varying states of nudity, posing or performing erotic acts with men, women, animals, machines, all spam. There are even pornographic computer games, an early example being Mac Playmate.Beware - many institutions, particularly universities, have strict rules against their computers and networks being used to transfer or store such things, and you might get corrupted.(2002-03-08)

Pythia also refers to the Pythian Games, celebrated every four years at Pytho (Delphi) in honor of the Pythian Apollo.

quadrennial ::: a. --> Comprising four years; as, a quadrennial period.
Occurring once in four years, or at the end of every four years; as, quadrennial games.

quinquennalia ::: n. pl. --> Public games celebrated every five years.

racket ::: n. --> A thin strip of wood, having the ends brought together, forming a somewhat elliptical hoop, across which a network of catgut or cord is stretched. It is furnished with a handle, and is used for catching or striking a ball in tennis and similar games.
A variety of the game of tennis played with peculiar long-handled rackets; -- chiefly in the plural.
A snowshoe formed of cords stretched across a long and narrow frame of light wood.

RCA 1802 "processor" An extremely simple {microprocessor} fabricated in {CMOS}, running at 6.4 MHz at 10V (very fast for 1974). It could be suspended with the clock stopped. It was an 8-bit processor, with 16-bit addressing. Simplicity was the primary design goal, and in that sense it was one of the first {RISC} chips. It had sixteen 16-bit {registers}, which could be accessed as thirty-two 8-bit registers, and an {accumulator} D used for arithmetic and memory access - memory to D, then D to registers and vice versa, using one 16-bit register as an address. This led to one person describing the 1802 as having 32 bytes of {RAM} and 65535 I/O ports. A 4-bit control register P selected any one general register as the {program counter}, while control registers X and N selected registers for I/O Index and the operand for the current instruction. All instructions were 8 bits - a 4-bit {op code} (total of 16 operations) and 4-bit {operand register} stored in N. There was no real {conditional branching}, no {subroutine} support and no actual {stack} but these could be implemented by clever use of registers, e.g. changing P to another register allowed jump to a subroutine. Similarly, on an interrupt P and X were saved, then R1 and R2 were selected for P and X until an {RTI} restored them. The {RCA 1805} was an enhanced version. The 1802 was used in the {COSMAC} (VIP?) {microcomputer} kit, some video games from {RCA} and {Radio Shack}, and the {ETI-660} computer. It was chosen for the Voyager, Viking and Galileo space probes as it was also fabricated in {Silicon on Sapphire}, giving radiation and static resistance, ideal for space operation. {More history (}. (2002-04-09)

RCA 1802 ::: (processor) An extremely simple microprocessor fabricated in CMOS, running at 6.4 MHz at 10V (very fast for 1974). It could be suspended with the subroutine. Similarly, on an interrupt P and X were saved, then R1 and R2 were selected for P and X until an RTI restored them.The RCA 1805 was an enhanced version.The 1802 was used in the COSMAC (VIP?) microcomputer kit, some video games from RCA and Radio Shack, and the ETI-660 computer. It was chosen for the Voyager, Viking and Galileo space probes as it was also fabricated in Silicon on Sapphire, giving radiation and static resistance, ideal for space operation. .(2002-04-09)

Real Programmers Don't Use Pascal ::: (humour) Back in the good old days - the Golden Era of computers, it was easy to separate the men from the boys (sometimes called Real Men and out that Real Men don't relate to anything, and aren't afraid of being impersonal.)But, as usual, times change. We are faced today with a world in which little old ladies can get computers in their microwave ovens, 12-year-old kids can blow danger of becoming extinct, of being replaced by high-school students with TRASH-80s.There is a clear need to point out the differences between the typical high-school junior Pac-Man player and a Real Programmer. If this difference is why it would be a mistake to replace the Real Programmers on their staff with 12-year-old Pac-Man players (at a considerable salary savings).LANGUAGESThe easiest way to tell a Real Programmer from the crowd is by the programming language he (or she) uses. Real Programmers use Fortran. Quiche Eaters use need all these abstract concepts to get their jobs done - they are perfectly happy with a keypunch, a Fortran IV compiler, and a beer.Real Programmers do List Processing in Fortran.Real Programmers do String Manipulation in Fortran.Real Programmers do Accounting (if they do it at all) in Fortran.Real Programmers do Artificial Intelligence programs in Fortran.If you can't do it in Fortran, do it in assembly language. If you can't do it in assembly language, it isn't worth doing.STRUCTURED PROGRAMMINGThe academics in computer science have gotten into the structured programming rut over the past several years. They claim that programs are more easily in the world won't help you solve a problem like that - it takes actual talent. Some quick observations on Real Programmers and Structured Programming:Real Programmers aren't afraid to use GOTOs.Real Programmers can write five-page-long DO loops without getting confused.Real Programmers like Arithmetic IF statements - they make the code more interesting.Real Programmers write self-modifying code, especially if they can save 20 nanoseconds in the middle of a tight loop.Real Programmers don't need comments - the code is obvious.Since Fortran doesn't have a structured IF, REPEAT ... UNTIL, or CASE statement, Real Programmers don't have to worry about not using them. Besides, they can be simulated when necessary using assigned GOTOs.Data Structures have also gotten a lot of press lately. Abstract Data Types, Structures, Pointers, Lists, and Strings have become popular in certain circles. Languages, as we all know, have implicit typing based on the first letter of the (six character) variable name.OPERATING SYSTEMSWhat kind of operating system is used by a Real Programmer? CP/M? God forbid - CP/M, after all, is basically a toy operating system. Even little old ladies and grade school students can understand and use CP/M.Unix is a lot more complicated of course - the typical Unix hacker never can remember what the PRINT command is called this week - but when it gets right systems: they send jokes around the world on UUCP-net and write adventure games and research papers.No, your Real Programmer uses OS 370. A good programmer can find and understand the description of the IJK305I error he just got in his JCL manual. A great outstanding programmer can find bugs buried in a 6 megabyte core dump without using a hex calculator. (I have actually seen this done.)OS is a truly remarkable operating system. It's possible to destroy days of work with a single misplaced space, so alertness in the programming staff is people claim there is a Time Sharing system that runs on OS 370, but after careful study I have come to the conclusion that they were mistaken.PROGRAMMING TOOLSWhat kind of tools does a Real Programmer use? In theory, a Real Programmer could run his programs by keying them into the front panel of the computer. Back the first operating system for the CDC7600 in on the front panel from memory when it was first powered on. Seymore, needless to say, is a Real Programmer.One of my favorite Real Programmers was a systems programmer for Texas Instruments. One day he got a long distance call from a user whose system had includes a keypunch and lineprinter in his toolkit, he can get along with just a front panel and a telephone in emergencies.In some companies, text editing no longer consists of ten engineers standing in line to use an 029 keypunch. In fact, the building I work in doesn't contain a system is called SmallTalk, and would certainly not talk to the computer with a mouse.Some of the concepts in these Xerox editors have been incorporated into editors running on more reasonably named operating systems - Emacs and VI being two. The the Real Programmer wants a you asked for it, you got it text editor - complicated, cryptic, powerful, unforgiving, dangerous. TECO, to be precise.It has been observed that a TECO command sequence more closely resembles transmission line noise than readable text [4]. One of the more entertaining will probably destroy your program, or even worse - introduce subtle and mysterious bugs in a once working subroutine.For this reason, Real Programmers are reluctant to actually edit a program that is close to working. They find it much easier to just patch the binary object Programmer to do the job - no Quiche Eating structured programmer would even know where to start. This is called job security.Some programming tools NOT used by Real Programmers:Fortran preprocessors like MORTRAN and RATFOR. The Cuisinarts of programming - great for making Quiche. See comments above on structured programming.Source language debuggers. Real Programmers can read core dumps.Compilers with array bounds checking. They stifle creativity, destroy most of the interesting uses for EQUIVALENCE, and make it impossible to modify the operating system code with negative subscripts. Worst of all, bounds checking is inefficient.Source code maintenance systems. A Real Programmer keeps his code locked up in a card file, because it implies that its owner cannot leave his important programs unguarded [5].THE REAL PROGRAMMER AT WORKWhere does the typical Real Programmer work? What kind of programs are worthy of the efforts of so talented an individual? You can be sure that no Real or sorting mailing lists for People magazine. A Real Programmer wants tasks of earth-shaking importance (literally!).Real Programmers work for Los Alamos National Laboratory, writing atomic bomb simulations to run on Cray I supercomputers.Real Programmers work for the National Security Agency, decoding Russian transmissions.It was largely due to the efforts of thousands of Real Programmers working for NASA that our boys got to the moon and back before the Russkies.Real Programmers are at work for Boeing designing the operating systems for cruise missiles.Some of the most awesome Real Programmers of all work at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California. Many of them know the entire operating system of the bytes of unused memory in a Voyager spacecraft that searched for, located, and photographed a new moon of Jupiter.The current plan for the Galileo spacecraft is to use a gravity assist trajectory past Mars on the way to Jupiter. This trajectory passes within 80 +/-3 kilometers of the surface of Mars. Nobody is going to trust a Pascal program (or a Pascal programmer) for navigation to these tolerances.As you can tell, many of the world's Real Programmers work for the U.S. Government - mainly the Defense Department. This is as it should be. Recently, programmers and Quiche Eaters alike.) Besides, the determined Real Programmer can write Fortran programs in any language.The Real Programmer might compromise his principles and work on something slightly more trivial than the destruction of life as we know it, providing Fortran, so there are a fair number of people doing graphics in order to avoid having to write COBOL programs.THE REAL PROGRAMMER AT PLAYGenerally, the Real Programmer plays the same way he works - with computers. He is constantly amazed that his employer actually pays him to do what he would be breath of fresh air and a beer or two. Some tips on recognizing Real Programmers away from the computer room:At a party, the Real Programmers are the ones in the corner talking about operating system security and how to get around it.At a football game, the Real Programmer is the one comparing the plays against his simulations printed on 11 by 14 fanfold paper.At the beach, the Real Programmer is the one drawing flowcharts in the sand.At a funeral, the Real Programmer is the one saying Poor George, he almost had the sort routine working before the coronary.In a grocery store, the Real Programmer is the one who insists on running the cans past the laser checkout scanner himself, because he never could trust keypunch operators to get it right the first time.THE REAL PROGRAMMER'S NATURAL HABITATWhat sort of environment does the Real Programmer function best in? This is an important question for the managers of Real Programmers. Considering the amount of money it costs to keep one on the staff, it's best to put him (or her) in an environment where he can get his work done.The typical Real Programmer lives in front of a computer terminal. Surrounding this terminal are:Listings of all programs the Real Programmer has ever worked on, piled in roughly chronological order on every flat surface in the office.Some half-dozen or so partly filled cups of cold coffee. Occasionally, there will be cigarette butts floating in the coffee. In some cases, the cups will contain Orange Crush.Unless he is very good, there will be copies of the OS JCL manual and the Principles of Operation open to some particularly interesting pages.Taped to the wall is a line-printer Snoopy calendar for the year 1969.Strewn about the floor are several wrappers for peanut butter filled cheese bars - the type that are made pre-stale at the bakery so they can't get any worse while waiting in the vending machine.Hiding in the top left-hand drawer of the desk is a stash of double-stuff Oreos for special occasions.Underneath the Oreos is a flowcharting template, left there by the previous occupant of the office. (Real Programmers write programs, not documentation. Leave that to the maintenance people.)The Real Programmer is capable of working 30, 40, even 50 hours at a stretch, under intense pressure. In fact, he prefers it that way. Bad response time project done on time, but creates a convenient excuse for not doing the documentation. In general:No Real Programmer works 9 to 5 (unless it's the ones at night).Real Programmers don't wear neckties.Real Programmers don't wear high-heeled shoes.Real Programmers arrive at work in time for lunch [9].A Real Programmer might or might not know his wife's name. He does, however, know the entire ASCII (or EBCDIC) code table.Real Programmers don't know how to cook. Grocery stores aren't open at three in the morning. Real Programmers survive on Twinkies and coffee.THE FUTUREWhat of the future? It is a matter of some concern to Real Programmers that the latest generation of computer programmers are not being brought up with the same ever learning Fortran! Are we destined to become an industry of Unix hackers and Pascal programmers?From my experience, I can only report that the future is bright for Real Programmers everywhere. Neither OS 370 nor Fortran show any signs of dying out, one of them has a way of converting itself back into a Fortran 66 compiler at the drop of an option card - to compile DO loops like God meant them to be.Even Unix might not be as bad on Real Programmers as it once was. The latest release of Unix has the potential of an operating system worthy of any Real in - like having the best parts of Fortran and assembly language in one place. (Not to mention some of the more creative uses for

Real Programmers Don't Use Pascal "humour" Back in the good old days - the "Golden Era" of computers, it was easy to separate the men from the boys (sometimes called "Real Men" and "Quiche Eaters" in the literature). During this period, the Real Men were the ones that understood computer programming, and the Quiche Eaters were the ones that didn't. A real computer programmer said things like "DO 10 I=1,10" and "ABEND" (they actually talked in capital letters, you understand), and the rest of the world said things like "computers are too complicated for me" and "I can't relate to computers - they're so impersonal". (A previous work [1] points out that Real Men don't "relate" to anything, and aren't afraid of being impersonal.) But, as usual, times change. We are faced today with a world in which little old ladies can get computers in their microwave ovens, 12-year-old kids can blow Real Men out of the water playing Asteroids and Pac-Man, and anyone can buy and even understand their very own Personal Computer. The Real Programmer is in danger of becoming extinct, of being replaced by high-school students with {TRASH-80s}. There is a clear need to point out the differences between the typical high-school junior Pac-Man player and a Real Programmer. If this difference is made clear, it will give these kids something to aspire to -- a role model, a Father Figure. It will also help explain to the employers of Real Programmers why it would be a mistake to replace the Real Programmers on their staff with 12-year-old Pac-Man players (at a considerable salary savings). LANGUAGES The easiest way to tell a Real Programmer from the crowd is by the programming language he (or she) uses. Real Programmers use {Fortran}. Quiche Eaters use {Pascal}. Nicklaus Wirth, the designer of Pascal, gave a talk once at which he was asked how to pronounce his name. He replied, "You can either call me by name, pronouncing it 'Veert', or call me by value, 'Worth'." One can tell immediately from this comment that Nicklaus Wirth is a Quiche Eater. The only parameter passing mechanism endorsed by Real Programmers is call-by-value-return, as implemented in the {IBM 370} {Fortran-G} and H compilers. Real programmers don't need all these abstract concepts to get their jobs done - they are perfectly happy with a {keypunch}, a {Fortran IV} {compiler}, and a beer. Real Programmers do List Processing in Fortran. Real Programmers do String Manipulation in Fortran. Real Programmers do Accounting (if they do it at all) in Fortran. Real Programmers do {Artificial Intelligence} programs in Fortran. If you can't do it in Fortran, do it in {assembly language}. If you can't do it in assembly language, it isn't worth doing. STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING The academics in computer science have gotten into the "structured programming" rut over the past several years. They claim that programs are more easily understood if the programmer uses some special language constructs and techniques. They don't all agree on exactly which constructs, of course, and the examples they use to show their particular point of view invariably fit on a single page of some obscure journal or another - clearly not enough of an example to convince anyone. When I got out of school, I thought I was the best programmer in the world. I could write an unbeatable tic-tac-toe program, use five different computer languages, and create 1000-line programs that WORKED. (Really!) Then I got out into the Real World. My first task in the Real World was to read and understand a 200,000-line Fortran program, then speed it up by a factor of two. Any Real Programmer will tell you that all the Structured Coding in the world won't help you solve a problem like that - it takes actual talent. Some quick observations on Real Programmers and Structured Programming: Real Programmers aren't afraid to use {GOTOs}. Real Programmers can write five-page-long DO loops without getting confused. Real Programmers like Arithmetic IF statements - they make the code more interesting. Real Programmers write self-modifying code, especially if they can save 20 {nanoseconds} in the middle of a tight loop. Real Programmers don't need comments - the code is obvious. Since Fortran doesn't have a structured IF, REPEAT ... UNTIL, or CASE statement, Real Programmers don't have to worry about not using them. Besides, they can be simulated when necessary using {assigned GOTOs}. Data Structures have also gotten a lot of press lately. Abstract Data Types, Structures, Pointers, Lists, and Strings have become popular in certain circles. Wirth (the above-mentioned Quiche Eater) actually wrote an entire book [2] contending that you could write a program based on data structures, instead of the other way around. As all Real Programmers know, the only useful data structure is the Array. Strings, lists, structures, sets - these are all special cases of arrays and can be treated that way just as easily without messing up your programing language with all sorts of complications. The worst thing about fancy data types is that you have to declare them, and Real Programming Languages, as we all know, have implicit typing based on the first letter of the (six character) variable name. OPERATING SYSTEMS What kind of operating system is used by a Real Programmer? CP/M? God forbid - CP/M, after all, is basically a toy operating system. Even little old ladies and grade school students can understand and use CP/M. Unix is a lot more complicated of course - the typical Unix hacker never can remember what the PRINT command is called this week - but when it gets right down to it, Unix is a glorified video game. People don't do Serious Work on Unix systems: they send jokes around the world on {UUCP}-net and write adventure games and research papers. No, your Real Programmer uses OS 370. A good programmer can find and understand the description of the IJK305I error he just got in his JCL manual. A great programmer can write JCL without referring to the manual at all. A truly outstanding programmer can find bugs buried in a 6 megabyte {core dump} without using a hex calculator. (I have actually seen this done.) OS is a truly remarkable operating system. It's possible to destroy days of work with a single misplaced space, so alertness in the programming staff is encouraged. The best way to approach the system is through a keypunch. Some people claim there is a Time Sharing system that runs on OS 370, but after careful study I have come to the conclusion that they were mistaken. PROGRAMMING TOOLS What kind of tools does a Real Programmer use? In theory, a Real Programmer could run his programs by keying them into the front panel of the computer. Back in the days when computers had front panels, this was actually done occasionally. Your typical Real Programmer knew the entire bootstrap loader by memory in hex, and toggled it in whenever it got destroyed by his program. (Back then, memory was memory - it didn't go away when the power went off. Today, memory either forgets things when you don't want it to, or remembers things long after they're better forgotten.) Legend has it that {Seymore Cray}, inventor of the Cray I supercomputer and most of Control Data's computers, actually toggled the first operating system for the CDC7600 in on the front panel from memory when it was first powered on. Seymore, needless to say, is a Real Programmer. One of my favorite Real Programmers was a systems programmer for Texas Instruments. One day he got a long distance call from a user whose system had crashed in the middle of saving some important work. Jim was able to repair the damage over the phone, getting the user to toggle in disk I/O instructions at the front panel, repairing system tables in hex, reading register contents back over the phone. The moral of this story: while a Real Programmer usually includes a keypunch and lineprinter in his toolkit, he can get along with just a front panel and a telephone in emergencies. In some companies, text editing no longer consists of ten engineers standing in line to use an 029 keypunch. In fact, the building I work in doesn't contain a single keypunch. The Real Programmer in this situation has to do his work with a "text editor" program. Most systems supply several text editors to select from, and the Real Programmer must be careful to pick one that reflects his personal style. Many people believe that the best text editors in the world were written at Xerox Palo Alto Research Center for use on their Alto and Dorado computers [3]. Unfortunately, no Real Programmer would ever use a computer whose operating system is called SmallTalk, and would certainly not talk to the computer with a mouse. Some of the concepts in these Xerox editors have been incorporated into editors running on more reasonably named operating systems - {Emacs} and {VI} being two. The problem with these editors is that Real Programmers consider "what you see is what you get" to be just as bad a concept in Text Editors as it is in women. No the Real Programmer wants a "you asked for it, you got it" text editor - complicated, cryptic, powerful, unforgiving, dangerous. TECO, to be precise. It has been observed that a TECO command sequence more closely resembles transmission line noise than readable text [4]. One of the more entertaining games to play with TECO is to type your name in as a command line and try to guess what it does. Just about any possible typing error while talking with TECO will probably destroy your program, or even worse - introduce subtle and mysterious bugs in a once working subroutine. For this reason, Real Programmers are reluctant to actually edit a program that is close to working. They find it much easier to just patch the binary {object code} directly, using a wonderful program called SUPERZAP (or its equivalent on non-IBM machines). This works so well that many working programs on IBM systems bear no relation to the original Fortran code. In many cases, the original source code is no longer available. When it comes time to fix a program like this, no manager would even think of sending anything less than a Real Programmer to do the job - no Quiche Eating structured programmer would even know where to start. This is called "job security". Some programming tools NOT used by Real Programmers: Fortran preprocessors like {MORTRAN} and {RATFOR}. The Cuisinarts of programming - great for making Quiche. See comments above on structured programming. Source language debuggers. Real Programmers can read core dumps. Compilers with array bounds checking. They stifle creativity, destroy most of the interesting uses for EQUIVALENCE, and make it impossible to modify the operating system code with negative subscripts. Worst of all, bounds checking is inefficient. Source code maintenance systems. A Real Programmer keeps his code locked up in a card file, because it implies that its owner cannot leave his important programs unguarded [5]. THE REAL PROGRAMMER AT WORK Where does the typical Real Programmer work? What kind of programs are worthy of the efforts of so talented an individual? You can be sure that no Real Programmer would be caught dead writing accounts-receivable programs in {COBOL}, or sorting {mailing lists} for People magazine. A Real Programmer wants tasks of earth-shaking importance (literally!). Real Programmers work for Los Alamos National Laboratory, writing atomic bomb simulations to run on Cray I supercomputers. Real Programmers work for the National Security Agency, decoding Russian transmissions. It was largely due to the efforts of thousands of Real Programmers working for NASA that our boys got to the moon and back before the Russkies. Real Programmers are at work for Boeing designing the operating systems for cruise missiles. Some of the most awesome Real Programmers of all work at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California. Many of them know the entire operating system of the Pioneer and Voyager spacecraft by heart. With a combination of large ground-based Fortran programs and small spacecraft-based assembly language programs, they are able to do incredible feats of navigation and improvisation - hitting ten-kilometer wide windows at Saturn after six years in space, repairing or bypassing damaged sensor platforms, radios, and batteries. Allegedly, one Real Programmer managed to tuck a pattern-matching program into a few hundred bytes of unused memory in a Voyager spacecraft that searched for, located, and photographed a new moon of Jupiter. The current plan for the Galileo spacecraft is to use a gravity assist trajectory past Mars on the way to Jupiter. This trajectory passes within 80 +/-3 kilometers of the surface of Mars. Nobody is going to trust a Pascal program (or a Pascal programmer) for navigation to these tolerances. As you can tell, many of the world's Real Programmers work for the U.S. Government - mainly the Defense Department. This is as it should be. Recently, however, a black cloud has formed on the Real Programmer horizon. It seems that some highly placed Quiche Eaters at the Defense Department decided that all Defense programs should be written in some grand unified language called "ADA" ((C), DoD). For a while, it seemed that ADA was destined to become a language that went against all the precepts of Real Programming - a language with structure, a language with data types, {strong typing}, and semicolons. In short, a language designed to cripple the creativity of the typical Real Programmer. Fortunately, the language adopted by DoD has enough interesting features to make it approachable -- it's incredibly complex, includes methods for messing with the operating system and rearranging memory, and Edsgar Dijkstra doesn't like it [6]. (Dijkstra, as I'm sure you know, was the author of "GoTos Considered Harmful" - a landmark work in programming methodology, applauded by Pascal programmers and Quiche Eaters alike.) Besides, the determined Real Programmer can write Fortran programs in any language. The Real Programmer might compromise his principles and work on something slightly more trivial than the destruction of life as we know it, providing there's enough money in it. There are several Real Programmers building video games at Atari, for example. (But not playing them - a Real Programmer knows how to beat the machine every time: no challenge in that.) Everyone working at LucasFilm is a Real Programmer. (It would be crazy to turn down the money of fifty million Star Trek fans.) The proportion of Real Programmers in Computer Graphics is somewhat lower than the norm, mostly because nobody has found a use for computer graphics yet. On the other hand, all computer graphics is done in Fortran, so there are a fair number of people doing graphics in order to avoid having to write COBOL programs. THE REAL PROGRAMMER AT PLAY Generally, the Real Programmer plays the same way he works - with computers. He is constantly amazed that his employer actually pays him to do what he would be doing for fun anyway (although he is careful not to express this opinion out loud). Occasionally, the Real Programmer does step out of the office for a breath of fresh air and a beer or two. Some tips on recognizing Real Programmers away from the computer room: At a party, the Real Programmers are the ones in the corner talking about operating system security and how to get around it. At a football game, the Real Programmer is the one comparing the plays against his simulations printed on 11 by 14 fanfold paper. At the beach, the Real Programmer is the one drawing flowcharts in the sand. At a funeral, the Real Programmer is the one saying "Poor George, he almost had the sort routine working before the coronary." In a grocery store, the Real Programmer is the one who insists on running the cans past the laser checkout scanner himself, because he never could trust keypunch operators to get it right the first time. THE REAL PROGRAMMER'S NATURAL HABITAT What sort of environment does the Real Programmer function best in? This is an important question for the managers of Real Programmers. Considering the amount of money it costs to keep one on the staff, it's best to put him (or her) in an environment where he can get his work done. The typical Real Programmer lives in front of a computer terminal. Surrounding this terminal are: Listings of all programs the Real Programmer has ever worked on, piled in roughly chronological order on every flat surface in the office. Some half-dozen or so partly filled cups of cold coffee. Occasionally, there will be cigarette butts floating in the coffee. In some cases, the cups will contain Orange Crush. Unless he is very good, there will be copies of the OS JCL manual and the Principles of Operation open to some particularly interesting pages. Taped to the wall is a line-printer Snoopy calendar for the year 1969. Strewn about the floor are several wrappers for peanut butter filled cheese bars - the type that are made pre-stale at the bakery so they can't get any worse while waiting in the vending machine. Hiding in the top left-hand drawer of the desk is a stash of double-stuff Oreos for special occasions. Underneath the Oreos is a flowcharting template, left there by the previous occupant of the office. (Real Programmers write programs, not documentation. Leave that to the maintenance people.) The Real Programmer is capable of working 30, 40, even 50 hours at a stretch, under intense pressure. In fact, he prefers it that way. Bad response time doesn't bother the Real Programmer - it gives him a chance to catch a little sleep between compiles. If there is not enough schedule pressure on the Real Programmer, he tends to make things more challenging by working on some small but interesting part of the problem for the first nine weeks, then finishing the rest in the last week, in two or three 50-hour marathons. This not only impresses the hell out of his manager, who was despairing of ever getting the project done on time, but creates a convenient excuse for not doing the documentation. In general: No Real Programmer works 9 to 5 (unless it's the ones at night). Real Programmers don't wear neckties. Real Programmers don't wear high-heeled shoes. Real Programmers arrive at work in time for lunch [9]. A Real Programmer might or might not know his wife's name. He does, however, know the entire {ASCII} (or EBCDIC) code table. Real Programmers don't know how to cook. Grocery stores aren't open at three in the morning. Real Programmers survive on Twinkies and coffee. THE FUTURE What of the future? It is a matter of some concern to Real Programmers that the latest generation of computer programmers are not being brought up with the same outlook on life as their elders. Many of them have never seen a computer with a front panel. Hardly anyone graduating from school these days can do hex arithmetic without a calculator. College graduates these days are soft - protected from the realities of programming by source level debuggers, text editors that count parentheses, and "user friendly" operating systems. Worst of all, some of these alleged "computer scientists" manage to get degrees without ever learning Fortran! Are we destined to become an industry of Unix hackers and Pascal programmers? From my experience, I can only report that the future is bright for Real Programmers everywhere. Neither OS 370 nor Fortran show any signs of dying out, despite all the efforts of Pascal programmers the world over. Even more subtle tricks, like adding structured coding constructs to Fortran have failed. Oh sure, some computer vendors have come out with Fortran 77 compilers, but every one of them has a way of converting itself back into a Fortran 66 compiler at the drop of an option card - to compile DO loops like God meant them to be. Even Unix might not be as bad on Real Programmers as it once was. The latest release of Unix has the potential of an operating system worthy of any Real Programmer - two different and subtly incompatible user interfaces, an arcane and complicated teletype driver, virtual memory. If you ignore the fact that it's "structured", even 'C' programming can be appreciated by the Real Programmer: after all, there's no type checking, variable names are seven (ten? eight?) characters long, and the added bonus of the Pointer data type is thrown in - like having the best parts of Fortran and assembly language in one place. (Not to mention some of the more creative uses for

rogue "games" [Unix] A Dungeons-and-Dragons-like game using character graphics, written under BSD Unix and subsequently ported to other Unix systems. The original BSD "curses(3)" screen-handling package was hacked together by Ken Arnold to support "rogue(6)" and has since become one of Unix's most important and heavily used application libraries. Nethack, Omega, Larn, and an entire subgenre of computer dungeon games all took off from the inspiration provided by "rogue(6)". See also {nethack}. [{Jargon File}]

rogue ::: (games) [Unix] A Dungeons-and-Dragons-like game using character graphics, written under BSD Unix and subsequently ported to other Unix systems. The subgenre of computer dungeon games all took off from the inspiration provided by rogue(6). See also nethack.[Jargon File]

RPG ::: 1. (games) Role-Playing Game.2. (tool) Report Program Generator.3. (person) Richard Gabriel. (1999-10-12)

RPG 1. "games" {Role-Playing Game}. 2. "tool" {Report Program Generator}. 3. "person" {Richard Gabriel}. (1999-10-12)

scrolling "chat, games" To flood a {chat room} or {Internet game} with text or {macros} in an attempt to annoy the occupants. This can often cause the chat room to be "uninhabitable" due to the "noise" created by the scroller. Compare {spam}. (2001-03-27)

scrolling ::: (chat, games) To flood a chat room or Internet game with text or macros in an attempt to annoy the occupants. This can often cause the chat room to be uninhabitable due to the noise created by the scroller. Compare spam.(2001-03-27)

SEGA "company, games" manufacturer of video game hardware and software. {Usenet} newsgroup: {}. (1995-03-01)

SEGA ::: (company, games) manufacturer of video game hardware and software.Usenet newsgroup: (1995-03-01)

Sega Genesis/MegaDrive ::: (games) A games console made by SEGA.The Genesis used a Z80 [or a clone?] for its sound generator. This made the Genesis compatible with Sega Master System games through a device called a Power Base Converter which basically shut down the Genesis/MegaDrive's 68000 CPU and made the Z80 the CPU.(2003-07-29)

Sega Genesis/MegaDrive "games" A {games console} made by {SEGA}. The Genesis used a {Zilog Z80} for its sound generator. This made the Genesis compatible with {Sega Master System} games through a device called a "Power Base Converter" which basically shut down the Genesis/MegaDrive's {68000} {CPU} and made the Z80 the CPU. (2008-07-28)

sharper ::: n. --> A person who bargains closely, especially, one who cheats in bargains; a swinder; also, a cheating gamester.

She was the mother of the hero Gilgamesh,

Sierra ::: (company, games) (Or Sierra On-Line) A computer game developer founded in the early 1980s by Ken and Roberta Willams in the small mountain town of Oakhurst California. Sierra was named after the local mountian range, 15 miles from the famous Yosemite National Park.In 1997 Sierra was purchased by CUC and its main office is now in Seattle, WA, USA.Products include Kings Quest, Space Quest, Police Quest, Quest for Glory, Robin Hood, Phantasmagoria, Leisure Suit Larry, Eco Quest and many more. . (1997-11-23)

Sierra "company, games" (Or "Sierra On-Line") A computer game developer founded in the early 1980s by Ken and Roberta Willams in the small mountain town of Oakhurst California. Sierra was named after the local mountian range, 15 miles from the famous Yosemite National Park. In 1997 Sierra was purchased by {CUC} and its main office is now in Seattle, WA, USA. Products include Kings Quest, Space Quest, Police Quest, Quest for Glory, Robin Hood, Phantasmagoria, Leisure Suit Larry, Eco Quest and many more. {( /)}. (1997-11-23)

SimCity 2000 "games" An upgraded version of the game/simulation {SimCity} by {Maxis Software}. In the new version you can raise, lower and level terrain; build roads and railways at 45-degree angles; name things in your city by planting "signs"; build raised highways, subways, and train and bus stations, schools, colleges, hospitals, electricity, water, recreational marinas and zoos. There are three levels of zoom, and the view may be rotated to look at your city from any of the four directions. A query feature which will tell you the zoning, land value, etc. of any square. You get newspapers, advice from council members, graphs, and charts. (1995-02-08)

SimCity 2000 ::: (games) An upgraded version of the game/simulation SimCity by Maxis Software. In the new version you can raise, lower and level terrain; build roads build raised highways, subways, and train and bus stations, schools, colleges, hospitals, electricity, water, recreational marinas and zoos.There are three levels of zoom, and the view may be rotated to look at your city from any of the four directions. A query feature which will tell you the zoning, land value, etc. of any square. You get newspapers, advice from council members, graphs, and charts. (1995-02-08)

SimCity ::: (games) Maxis Software's simulation game which lets you design and build your own city, which must be administered well if it is to thrive. Land must be protection, and your city may burn to the ground. There is no predefined way to win the game, building the largest city you can is just one possible strategy.SimCity runs on Archimedes, Amiga, Atari ST, IBM PC and Macintosh. There was also a NeWS version for Sun SPARC workstations running OpenWindows.SimCity 2000 is an upgrade of SimCity. (1995-06-11)

SimCity "games" {Maxis Software}'s simulation game which lets you design and build your own city, which must be administered well if it is to thrive. Land must be zoned, transportation systems built, and police and fire protection provided. Once you've zoned some land, and provided electrical power, the simulation takes over, and simcitizens move in. If you perform your mayoral duties poorly, however, they will move out again. If you don't provide enough police, crime will rise and sims will vote with their feet. Try to save money on fire protection, and your city may burn to the ground. There is no predefined way to win the game, building the largest city you can is just one possible strategy. SimCity runs on {Archimedes}, {Amiga}, {Atari ST}, {IBM PC} and {Macintosh}. There was also a {NeWS} version for {Sun} {SPARC} {workstations} running {OpenWindows}. {SimCity 2000} is an upgrade of SimCity. (1995-06-11)

Sinclair Research "company" A British microelectronics developer and manufacturer. Evolving from Sinclair Radionics in 1979, Sinclair Research was owned by Sir {Clive Sinclair}. Sinclair Radionics produced electronic components and devices (such as calculators and pocket radios and televisions), but Sinclair Research began by producing some of the first {8-bit} home {microcomputers}. Sinclair produced five microcomputers from 1980 to 1987, all based on the {Zilog Z80} {microprocessor} (except for the {QL}, which used the {Motorola 68008} - a variant on the {68000}). The 1K kit-build {ZX80}, introduced in 1980, was followed by the 1K {ZX81} (expandable to 16K) in 1981, the 16K (expandable to 48K) {ZX Spectrum} in 1982 (then superseded by two distinct 48K models and a 128K model in 1986) and the {QL} (Quantum Leap) in 1984. A portable {laptop computer}, the {Z88}, was released in 1987 under the {Cambridge Computers} banner. Of them all, the ZX Spectrum was the best known, and it went on to become the most popular microcomputer of its time in the United Kingdom and in many other territories. This was partly due to its ease of use, and also due to its enormous {software} catalogue, covering games, {word processing}, music, {programming} and {graphics}. Glorious "mine's-better-than-yours" battles were fought (and still are today) between owners of Spectrums and {Commodore 64s} over who had the best machine. Sir Clive's financial problems in the mid-80s led him to sell the rights to the Sinclair brand to {Amstrad} in April 1986. This led to further models of the Spectrum being released from 1986 to 1988 and also an {IBM} {PC}-compatible based internally on Amstrad's own PC range. Sir Clive was not involved with the production of these computers, and no computer with the Sinclair name has been produced since. {(}. {Planet Sinclair (}. {comp.sys.sinclair FAQ (}. (1998-12-09)

singleton ::: n. --> In certain games at cards, as whist, a single card of any suit held at the deal by a player; as, to lead a singleton.

skunk ::: n. --> Any one of several species of American musteline carnivores of the genus Mephitis and allied genera. They have two glands near the anus, secreting an extremely fetid liquid, which the animal ejects at pleasure as a means of defense. ::: v. t. --> In games of chance and skill: To defeat (an opponent) (as

solitaire ::: n. --> A person who lives in solitude; a recluse; a hermit.
A single diamond in a setting; also, sometimes, a precious stone of any kind set alone.
A game which one person can play alone; -- applied to many games of cards, etc.; also, to a game played on a board with pegs or balls, in which the object is, beginning with all the places filled except one, to remove all but one of the pieces by "jumping," as in draughts.

SPACEWAR ::: (games) A space-combat simulation game for the PDP-1 written in 1960-61 by Steve Russell, an employee at MIT. SPACEWAR was inspired by E. E. Doc first video game. Steve now lives in California and still writes software for HC12 emulators.SPACEWAR aficionados formed the core of the early hacker culture at MIT. Nine years later, a descendant of the game motivated Ken Thompson to build, in his than nine years after that, SPACEWAR was commercialised as one of the first video games; descendants are still feeping in video arcades everywhere.[SPACEWAR or Space Travel?][Jargon File](2004-07-19)

SPACEWAR "games" A space-combat simulation game for the {PDP-1} written in 1960-61 by Steve Russell, an employee at {MIT}. SPACEWAR was inspired by E. E. "Doc" Smith's "Lensman" books, in which two spaceships duel around a central sun, shooting torpedoes at each other and jumping through hyperspace. MIT were wondering what to do with a new {vector video display} so Steve wrote the world's first video game. Steve now lives in California and still writes software for {HC12} {emulators}. SPACEWAR aficionados formed the core of the early hacker culture at {MIT}. Nine years later, a descendant of the game motivated {Ken Thompson} to build, in his spare time on a scavenged {PDP-7}, the {operating system} that became {Unix}. Less than nine years after that, SPACEWAR was commercialised as one of the first video games; descendants are still {feep}ing in video arcades everywhere. ["SPACEWAR" or "Space Travel"?] [{Jargon File}] (2004-07-19)

spam ::: 1. (messaging) (From Hormel's Spiced Ham, via the Monty Python Spam song) To post irrelevant or inappropriate messages to one or more Usenet newsgroups, mailing lists, or other messaging system in deliberate or accidental violation of netiquette.It is possible to spam a newsgroup with one well- (or ill-) planned message, e.g. asking What do you think of abortion? on soc.women. This can be done by alt.politics.homosexuality will almost inevitably spam both groups. (Compare troll and flame bait).Posting a message to a significant proportion of all newsgroups is a sure way to spam Usenet and become an object of almost universal hatred. Canter and Siegel spammed the net with their Green card post.If you see an article which you think is a deliberate spam, DO NOT post a follow-up - doing so will only contribute to the general annoyance. Send a the apparent sender's account might have been used by someone else without his permission.The word was coined as the winning entry in a 1937 competition to choose a name for Hormel Foods Corporation's spiced meat (now officially known as SPAM Times Herald describing Public Relations as throwing a can of spam into an electric fan just to see if any of it would stick to the unwary passersby.Usenet newsgroup: also netiquette.2. (A narrowing of sense 1, above) To indiscriminately send large amounts of unsolicited e-mail meant to promote a product or service. Spam in this sense is sort of like the electronic equivalent of junk mail sent to Occupant.In the 1990s, with the rise in commercial awareness of the net, there are actually scumbags who offer spamming as a service to companies wishing to addresses, Usenet news, or mailing lists. Such practises have caused outrage and aggressive reaction by many net users against the individuals concerned.3. (Apparently a generalisation of sense 2, above) To abuse any network service or tool by for promotional purposes.AltaVista is an index, not a promotional tool. Attempts to fill it with promotional material lower the value of the index for everyone. [...] We will disallow URL submissions from those who spam the index. In extreme cases, we will exclude all their pages from the index. -- Altavista.4. (jargon, programming) To crash a program by overrunning a fixed-size buffer with excessively large input data.See also buffer overflow, overrun screw, smash the stack.5. (chat, games) (A narrowing of sense 1, above) To flood any chat forum or Internet game with purposefully annoying text or macros. Compare Scrolling.(2003-09-21)

spam 1. "messaging" (From Hormel's Spiced Ham, via the Monty Python "Spam" song) To post irrelevant or inappropriate messages to one or more {Usenet} {newsgroups}, {mailing lists}, or other messaging system in deliberate or accidental violation of {netiquette}. It is possible to spam a newsgroup with one well- (or ill-) planned message, e.g. asking "What do you think of abortion?" on soc.women. This can be done by {cross-post}ing, e.g. any message which is crossposted to alt.rush-limbaugh and alt.politics.homosexuality will almost inevitably spam both groups. (Compare {troll} and {flame bait}). Posting a message to a significant proportion of all newsgroups is a sure way to spam Usenet and become an object of almost universal hatred. Canter and Siegel spammed the net with their Green card post. If you see an article which you think is a deliberate spam, DO NOT post a {follow-up} - doing so will only contribute to the general annoyance. Send a polite message to the poster by private e-mail and CC it to "postmaster" at the same address. Bear in mind that the posting's origin might have been forged or the apparent sender's account might have been used by someone else without his permission. The word was coined as the winning entry in a 1937 competition to choose a name for Hormel Foods Corporation's "spiced meat" (now officially known as "SPAM luncheon meat"). Correspondant Bob White claims the modern use of the term predates Monty Python by at least ten years. He cites an editor for the Dallas Times Herald describing Public Relations as "throwing a can of spam into an electric fan just to see if any of it would stick to the unwary passersby." {Usenet} newsgroup: {}. See also {netiquette}. 2. (A narrowing of sense 1, above) To indiscriminately send large amounts of unsolicited {e-mail} meant to promote a product or service. Spam in this sense is sort of like the electronic equivalent of junk mail sent to "Occupant". In the 1990s, with the rise in commercial awareness of the net, there are actually scumbags who offer spamming as a "service" to companies wishing to advertise on the net. They do this by mailing to collections of {e-mail} addresses, Usenet news, or mailing lists. Such practises have caused outrage and aggressive reaction by many net users against the individuals concerned. 3. (Apparently a generalisation of sense 2, above) To abuse any network service or tool by for promotional purposes. "AltaVista is an {index}, not a promotional tool. Attempts to fill it with promotional material lower the value of the index for everyone. [...] We will disallow {URL} submissions from those who spam the index. In extreme cases, we will exclude all their pages from the index." -- {Altavista}. 4. "jargon, programming" To crash a program by overrunning a fixed-size {buffer} with excessively large input data. See also {buffer overflow}, {overrun screw}, {smash the stack}. 5. "chat, games" (A narrowing of sense 1, above) To flood any {chat} forum or {Internet game} with purposefully annoying text or macros. Compare {Scrolling}. (2003-09-21)

sport ::: n. --> That which diverts, and makes mirth; pastime; amusement.
Mock; mockery; contemptuous mirth; derision.
That with which one plays, or which is driven about in play; a toy; a plaything; an object of mockery.
Play; idle jingle.
Diversion of the field, as fowling, hunting, fishing, racing, games, and the like, esp. when money is staked.
A plant or an animal, or part of a plant or animal, which

sprite "graphics, file format" A small {bitmap} image, often used in animated games but also sometimes used as a synonym for {icon}. (1997-06-29)

ST-506 "storage" The first full-height 5.25 inch {hard disk drive} for {personal computers}, introduced in 1980 by Shugart Technology (now {Seagate Technology}). The ST-506 stored up to 5 {megabtyes} after {formatting} using {MFM encoding}. It transferred data at 625 {kilobytes per second}. The ST-506 (like the {ST-412}) was interfaced to a computer via a {disk controller}. The interface was a faster version of the Shugart Associates {SA1000} interface, which was in turn based upon the {floppy disk drive} interface. Two cables connected the controller to the disk. The 34-pin control cable controlled mechanical motion and data was read or written serially using two pins of the 20-pin data cable. Other companies copied the interface, creating a universal {de facto standard} that was further strengthened by its revision to support Seagate's 10 MB ST-412 drive that was adopted for the {IBM PC XT}. Around 1990, {SCSI} and {ATA} superseded ST-506. These eliminated the problems of matching controllers to drives by physically integrating a controller with the drive, allowing {interleave ratios} and other disk parameters to be optimised by the manufacturer rather than the system integrator. {Connector pin-out (}. (2007-03-06)

StrongARM "processor" A collaborative project between {Digital Equipment Corporation} and {Advanced RISC Machines} Ltd. (ARM) announced on 1995-02-06 licensing the {ARM} {RISC} architecture to {Digital Semiconductor} for the development of high-performance, low power {microprocessors}. The StrongARM family of 32-bit RISC products developed under the agreement are faster versions of the existing ARM processors with a somewhat different {instruction set}. They are targetted at applications such as next-generation {personal digital assistants} with improved user interfaces and communications; {interactive television} and set-top products; video games and {multimedia} {edutainment} systems with realistic imaging, motion and sound; and digital imaging, including low cost digital image capture and photo-quality scanning and printing. The StrongARM family has limited software compatibility with the {ARM6}, {ARM7} and {ARM8} families due to its separate {caches} for data and instructions which causes {self-modifying code} to fail. The {SA-110} is the first member of the family. (1998-09-07)

tableman ::: n. --> A man at draughts; a piece used in playing games at tables. See Table, n., 10.

three-handed ::: a. --> Said of games or contests where three persons play against each other, or two against one; as, a three-handed game of cards.

tourist "jargon" A guest on the system, especially one who generally logs in over a network from a remote location for {comm mode}, {electronic mail}, {games} and other trivial purposes. A tourist is one step below a {luser}. Hackers often spell this {turist}, perhaps by some sort of tenuous analogy with {luser} (this also expresses the {ITS} culture's penchant for six-letterisms). Compare {twink}, {read-only user}. [{Jargon File}] (1995-03-10)

tourist ::: (jargon) A guest on the system, especially one who generally logs in over a network from a remote location for comm mode, electronic mail, games and other trivial purposes. A tourist is one step below a luser.Hackers often spell this turist, perhaps by some sort of tenuous analogy with luser (this also expresses the ITS culture's penchant for six-letterisms).Compare twink, read-only user.[Jargon File] (1995-03-10)

Towers of Hanoi "games" A classic computer science problem, invented by Edouard Lucas in 1883, often used as an example of {recursion}. "In the great temple at Benares, says he, beneath the dome which marks the centre of the world, rests a brass plate in which are fixed three diamond needles, each a cubit high and as thick as the body of a bee. On one of these needles, at the creation, God placed sixty-four discs of pure gold, the largest disc resting on the brass plate, and the others getting smaller and smaller up to the top one. This is the Tower of Bramah. Day and night unceasingly the priests transfer the discs from one diamond needle to another according to the fixed and immutable laws of Bramah, which require that the priest on duty must not move more than one disc at a time and that he must place this disc on a needle so that there is no smaller disc below it. When the sixty-four discs shall have been thus transferred from the needle on which at the creation God placed them to one of the other needles, tower, temple, and Brahmins alike will crumble into dust, and with a thunderclap the world will vanish." The recursive solution is: Solve for n-1 discs recursively, then move the remaining largest disc to the free needle. Note that there is also a non-recursive solution: On odd-numbered moves, move the smallest sized disk clockwise. On even-numbered moves, make the single other move which is possible. ["Mathematical Recreations and Essays", W W R Ball, p. 304] {The rec.puzzles Archive (}. (2003-07-13)

Towers of Hanoi ::: (games) A classic computer science problem, invented by Edouard Lucas in 1883, often used as an example of recursion.In the great temple at Benares, says he, beneath the dome which marks the centre of the world, rests a brass plate in which are fixed three diamond placed them to one of the other needles, tower, temple, and Brahmins alike will crumble into dust, and with a thunderclap the world will vanish.The recursive solution is: Solve for n-1 discs recursively, then move the remaining largest disc to the free needle.Note that there is also a non-recursive solution: On odd-numbered moves, move the smallest sized disk clockwise. On even-numbered moves, make the single other move which is possible.[Mathematical Recreations and Essays, W W R Ball, p. 304] .(2003-07-13)

transparent ::: 1. (jargon) Not visible, hidden; said of a system which functions in a manner not evident to the user. For example, the Domain Name System transparently resolves a fully qualified domain name into an Internet address without the user being aware of it.Compare this to what calls invisibility, which he illustrates from the user's point of view:You use computers when you use many modern automobiles, microwave ovens, games, CD players and calculators. You don't notice the computer because you think of yourself as doing the task, not as using the computer. [The Design of Everyday Things, New York, Doubleday, 1989, p. 185].2. (theory) Fully defined, known, predictable; said of a sub-system in which matters generally subject to volition or stochastic state change have been systems, output is a known function of the inputs, and users can both predict the behaviour and depend upon it. (1996-06-04)

transparent 1. "jargon" Not visible, hidden; said of a system which functions in a manner not evident to the user. For example, the {Domain Name System} transparently resolves a {fully qualified domain name} into an {IP address} without the user being aware of it. Compare this to what {Donald Norman (} calls "invisibility", which he illustrates from the user's point of view: "You use computers when you use many modern automobiles, microwave ovens, games, CD players and calculators. You don't notice the computer because you think of yourself as doing the task, not as using the computer." ["The Design of Everyday Things", New York, Doubleday, 1989, p. 185]. 2. "theory" Fully defined, known, predictable; said of a sub-system in which matters generally subject to volition or stochastic state change have been chosen, measured, or determined by the environment. Thus for transparent systems, output is a known function of the inputs, and users can both predict the behaviour and depend upon it. (1996-06-04)

trieterics ::: n. pl. --> Festival games celebrated once in three years.

Ultra64 "hardware, games" A {Nintendo} games machine, unveiled in May 1995. [Details?] (1995-05-10)

Ultra64 ::: (hardware, games) A Nintendo games machine, unveiled in May 1995.[Details?] (1995-05-10)

Unix manual page "operating system" (Or "man page") A part of {Unix}'s extensive on-line documentation. To read a manual page from the Unix command line, type: man [-s"section"] "page" e.g. "man ftp" (the section number can usually be omitted). Pages are traditionally referred to using the notation "page(section)", e.g. ftp(1). Under {SunOS} (which is fairly typical), Section 1 covers commands, 2 {system calls}, 3 C library routines, 4 devices and networks, 5 file formats, 6 games and {demos}, 7 miscellaneous, 8 system administration. Each section has an introduction which can be obtained with, e.g., "man 2 intro". Manual pages are stored as {nroff} source files. Formatted versions are also usually cached. Man pages for most versions of Unix are available on-line in {HTML}. {Unix manual page}: man(1). {Linux man pages (}. {Solaris man pages (}. (2010-01-19)

Unix manual page ::: (operating system) (Or man page) A part of Unix's extensive on-line documentation. To read a manual page, type man [-ssection>] page> omitted). Pages are traditionally referred to using the notation page(section), e.g. ftp(1).Under SunOS (which is fairly typical), Section 1 covers commands, 2 system calls, 3 C library routines, 4 devices and networks, 5 file formats, 6 games and demos, 7 miscellaneous, 8 system administration. Each section has an introduction which can be obtained with, e.g., man 2 intro.Manual pages are stored as nroff source files. Formatted versions are also usually cached.Unix manual page: man(1). . .(2000-03-13)

Unix "operating system" /yoo'niks/ (Or "UNIX", in the authors' words, "A weak pun on Multics") Plural "Unices". An interactive {time-sharing} {operating system} invented in 1969 by {Ken Thompson} after {Bell Labs} left the {Multics} project, originally so he could play games on his scavenged {PDP-7}. {Dennis Ritchie}, the inventor of {C}, is considered a co-author of the system. The turning point in Unix's history came when it was reimplemented almost entirely in C during 1972 - 1974, making it the first {source-portable} OS. Unix subsequently underwent mutations and expansions at the hands of many different people, resulting in a uniquely flexible and {developer}-friendly environment. By 1991, Unix had become the most widely used {multi-user} general-purpose operating system in the world. Many people consider this the most important victory yet of hackerdom over industry opposition (but see {Unix weenie} and {Unix conspiracy} for an opposing point of view). Unix is now offered by many manufacturers and is the subject of an international standardisation effort [called?]. Unix-like operating systems include {AIX}, {A/UX}, {BSD}, {Debian}, {FreeBSD}, {GNU}, {HP-UX}, {Linux}, {NetBSD}, {NEXTSTEP}, {OpenBSD}, {OPENSTEP}, {OSF}, {POSIX}, {RISCiX}, {Solaris}, {SunOS}, {System V}, {Ultrix}, {USG Unix}, {Version 7}, {Xenix}. "Unix" or "UNIX"? Both seem roughly equally popular, perhaps with a historical bias toward the latter. "UNIX" is a registered trademark of {The Open Group}, however, since it is a name and not an acronym, "Unix" has been adopted in this dictionary except where a larger name includes it in upper case. Since the OS is {case-sensitive} and exists in many different versions, it is fitting that its name should reflect this. {The UNIX Reference Desk (}. {Spanish fire extinguisher (}. [{Jargon File}] (2001-05-14)

Unix ::: (operating system) /yoo'niks/ (Or UNIX, in the authors' words, A weak pun on Multics) Plural Unices. An interactive time-sharing operating system originally so he could play games on his scavenged PDP-7. Dennis Ritchie, the inventor of C, is considered a co-author of the system.The turning point in Unix's history came when it was reimplemented almost entirely in C during 1972 - 1974, making it the first source-portable OS. Unix subsequently underwent mutations and expansions at the hands of many different people, resulting in a uniquely flexible and developer-friendly environment.By 1991, Unix had become the most widely used multi-user general-purpose operating system in the world. Many people consider this the most important victory yet of hackerdom over industry opposition (but see Unix weenie and Unix conspiracy for an opposing point of view).Unix is now offered by many manufacturers and is the subject of an international standardisation effort [called?]. Unix-like operating systems include AIX, A/UX, OSF, POSIX, RISCiX, Solaris, SunOS, System V, Ultrix, USG Unix, Version 7, Xenix.Unix or UNIX? Both seem roughly equally popular, perhaps with a historical bias toward the latter. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group, case-sensitive and exists in many different versions, it is fitting that its name should reflect this. . .[Jargon File](2001-05-14)

usr User. The "/usr" directory hierarchy on {Unix} systems. Once upon a time, in the early days of Unix, this area actually held users' home directories and files. Since these tend to expand much faster than system files, /usr would be mounted on the biggest disk on the system. The root directory, "/" in contrast, contains only what is needed to {boot} the {kernel}, after which /usr and other disks could be mounted as part of the multi-user start-up process. /usr has been used as the "everything else" area, with many "system" files such as compiler libraries (/usr/include, /usr/lib), utilty programs (/usr/bin, /usr/ucb), games (/usr/games), local additions (/usr/local), manuals (/usr/man), temporary files and queues for various {daemons} (/usr/spool). These optional extras have grown in size as Unix has evolved and disks have dropped in price. Under later versions of {SunOS}, the user files have fled /usr altogether for a new "/home" {partition} and temporary files have moved to "/var". This allows /usr to be mounted read-only with some gain in security and performance since access times are not updated for files on read-only file systems.

vadding "games" /vad'ing/ (From VAD, a permutation of ADV, i.e. {ADVENT}, used to avoid a particular {admin}'s continual search-and-destroy sweeps for the game) A leisure-time activity of certain hackers involving the covert exploration of the "secret" parts of large buildings - basements, roofs, freight elevators, maintenance crawlways, steam tunnels, and the like. A few go so far as to learn locksmithing in order to synthesise vadding keys. The verb is "to vad" (compare {phreaking}; see also {hack}, sense 9). This term dates from the late 1970s, before which such activity was simply called "hacking"; the older usage is still prevalent at {MIT}. Vadding (pronounced /vay'ding/) was also popular {CMU}, at least as early as 1986. People who did it every night were called the "vaders," possibly after "elevator," which was one of the things they played with, or "invader," or "Darth Vader". This game was usually played along with no-holds-barred hide-and-seek. CMU grad students were the known to pry open the inner doors of elevators between floors to see the graffiti on the inside of the outer doors. The most extreme and dangerous form of vadding is "elevator rodeo", also known as "elevator surfing", a sport played by wrasslin' down a thousand-pound elevator car with a 3-foot piece of string, and then exploiting this mastery in various stimulating ways (such as elevator hopping, shaft exploration, rat-racing, and the ever-popular drop experiments). Kids, don't try this at home! See also {hobbit}. [{Jargon File}] (1996-01-07)

vadding ::: (games) /vad'ing/ (From VAD, a permutation of ADV, i.e. ADVENT, used to avoid a particular admin's continual search-and-destroy sweeps for the game) A which such activity was simply called hacking; the older usage is still prevalent at MIT.Vadding (pronounced /vay'ding/) was also popular CMU, at least as early as 1986. People who did it every night were called the vaders, possibly after hide-and-seek. CMU grad students were the known to pry open the inner doors of elevators between floors to see the graffiti on the inside of the outer doors.The most extreme and dangerous form of vadding is elevator rodeo, also known as elevator surfing, a sport played by wrasslin' down a thousand-pound rat-racing, and the ever-popular drop experiments). Kids, don't try this at home!See also hobbit.[Jargon File] (1996-01-07)

VIC-20 ::: (computer) A home computer made by Commodore with a 6502 CPU, similar in style to the Commodore 64 and Commodore C16. The VIC-20 was released before the C64, and after the Commodore PET(?). It was intended to be more of a low-end home computer than the PET.The VIC-20 had connectors for game cartridges and a tape drive (compatible with a C64). It came with five kilobytes of RAM, but 1.5 KB were used by the system expansion port as games. Port expander boxes were available to allow more than one cartridge to be connected at a time.RAM cartridges were available in several sizes: 3K, 8K, 16K and 32K. The internal memory map was re-organised with the addition of each size cartridge, switches to allow the RAM to be enabled in sections so that any expansion size could be achieved.BASIC programs could use at most 24 KB of RAM. Any extra occupied the location usually used by ROM cartridges (i.e. games). This allowed people to copy ROM cartridges to tape and distribute them to their friends, who could load the tape into the top 8k of their 32k RAM packs.The name VIC came from the Video Interface Chip that was also used in the other, later, Commodore 8-bit computers.(2000-03-28)

VIC-20 "computer" A home computer made by {Commodore} with a {6502} {CPU}, similar in style to the {Commodore 64} and {Commodore C16}. The VIC-20 was released before the C64, and after the {Commodore PET}(?). It was intended to be more of a low-end home computer than the PET. The VIC-20 had connectors for game cartridges and a {tape drive} (compatible with a C64). It came with five {kilobytes} of {RAM}, but 1.5 KB were used by the system for various things, like the video display (which had an unusual 22x20 char/line screen layout), and other dynamic aspects of the {operating system} (such as it was). The RAM was expandable with a plug-in cartridge which used the same expansion port as games. Port expander boxes were available to allow more than one cartridge to be connected at a time. RAM cartridges were available in several sizes: 3K, 8K, 16K and 32K. The internal memory map was re-organised with the addition of each size cartridge, leading to the situation that some programs would only work if the right amount of memory was available. The 32K cartridges were all third-party and had switches to allow the RAM to be enabled in sections so that any expansion size could be achieved. {BASIC} programs could use at most 24 KB of RAM. Any extra occupied the location usually used by ROM cartridges (i.e. games). This allowed people to copy ROM cartridges to tape and distribute them to their friends, who could load the tape into the top 8k of their 32k RAM packs. The name "VIC" came from the Video Interface Chip that was also used in the other, later, Commodore 8-bit computers. (2000-03-28)

virtual reality ::: (VR)1. (application) Computer simulations that use 3D graphics and devices such as the data glove to allow the user to interact with the simulation.2. (games) A form of network interaction incorporating aspects of role-playing games, interactive theater, improvisational comedy, and true character without the consent of the person who owns it, otherwise, anything goes.See bamf, cyberspace.[Jargon File] (1995-01-30)

virtual reality (VR) 1. "application" Computer simulations that use 3D graphics and devices such as the {data glove} to allow the user to interact with the simulation. 2. "games" A form of network interaction incorporating aspects of role-playing games, interactive theater, improvisational comedy, and "true confessions" magazines. In a virtual reality forum (such as {Usenet}'s {news:alt.callahans} newsgroup or the {MUD} experiments on {Internet} and elsewhere), interaction between the participants is written like a shared novel complete with scenery, "foreground characters" that may be personae utterly unlike the people who write them, and common "background characters" manipulable by all parties. The one iron law is that you may not write irreversible changes to a character without the consent of the person who "owns" it, otherwise, anything goes. See {bamf}, {cyberspace}. [{Jargon File}] (1995-01-30)

wardialer ::: (security) Almost certainly a shortened version of WarGames dialer, from the film WarGames.1. carrier scanner2. A program which attempts to break a password of known length by iterating thru all possible combinations of characters that could make up that password.This approach is not feasable for cracking most passwords these days. However, as late as the mid-1980s, some long-distance companies required only very short long-distance providers' local connect numbers and iteratively try possible access codes. Codes which worked were logged for later illicit use.These wardialers had a high success rate because of the small range of possibilities to iterate through, e.g. 10000 for a five digit access code, compared to hundreds of trillions of combinations for an eight-character alphanumeric code.Long-distance providers soon required longer passwords and took advantage of technology for rapidly tracing the phone numbers that wardialers were being run from, such that running wardialers became pointless and dangerous. (1997-03-16)

wardialer "security" Almost certainly a shortened version of "WarGames dialer", from the film {WarGames}. 1. {carrier scanner} 2. A program which attempts to break a {password} of known length by iterating thru all possible combinations of characters that could make up that password. This approach is not feasable for cracking most passwords these days. However, as late as the mid-1980s, some long-distance companies required only very short numeric access codes (e.g. five digits) to verify the identity of their customers. Wardialers were created which would, running unattended, call up long-distance providers' local connect numbers and iteratively try possible access codes. Codes which worked were logged for later illicit use. These wardialers had a high success rate because of the small range of possibilities to iterate through, e.g. 10000 for a five digit access code, compared to hundreds of trillions of combinations for an eight-character alphanumeric code. Long-distance providers soon required longer passwords and took advantage of technology for rapidly tracing the phone numbers that wardialers were being run from, such that running wardialers became pointless and dangerous. (1997-03-16)

warez "software, legal" /weirz/ A term {software pirates} use to describe {cracked} games or applications made available to the {Internet}, at no cost, usually via {FTP} or {telnet}. Often the pirate will make use of a site with lax security. (1994-11-29)

WarGames "recreation" (Not "War Games") A 1983 film about a schoolboy {cracker} using a {wardialer} to try to break into a games company's computer and accidentally connecting to a {backdoor} into "Whopper", a ficticious {C3} computer at Norad (USAF). He then procedes to unwittingly initiate global thermonuclear warfare. Playing naughts and crosses finally teaches Whopper that the only way to win the game is never to play. {IMDb (}. (1999-03-08)

WarGames ::: (recreation) (Not War Games) A 1983 film about a schoolboy cracker using a wardialer to try to break into a games company's computer and warfare. Playing naughts and crosses finally teaches Whopper that the only way to win the game is never to play. . (1999-03-08)

wavetable ::: (hardware, music) A type of sound generator often built in a sound card. A wavetable contains digitised samples of real instrument sounds or effect (FX) sounds. A wavetable chip often also contains a drum kit sound to faciliate rhythm accompaniment.A recorded wavetable sound may be edited and enhanced by various effects (reverb, chorus) and layered with other waveforms before writing it to ROM or RAM. The latter type serves as user sound memory.A wavetable generator is typically controlled by MIDI input. When a MIDI note-on signal is detected, the output part of a wavetable generator generates a sound with definitive pitch, typically a musical note.Wavetable sounds are used in games and music. The more realistic wavetable sounds have all but replaced the earlier synthetic FM (frequency modulation) sound generation in sound cards but to ensure compatibility with older games etc., an FM part is usually included.The best known wavetable sound generators includes the E-mu 8000 chip, used in Creative Labs' Sound Blaster AWE-32 card family and in E-mu keyboards. Other wavetable cards are Gravis Ultra-Sound (GUS), ESS Cards, Opti, Zoltrix and many Roland cards. . . . (1997-11-04)

wavetable "hardware, music" A type of {sound generator} often built in a {sound card}. A wavetable contains digitised samples of real instrument sounds or effect (FX) sounds. A wavetable chip often also contains a drum kit sound to faciliate rhythm accompaniment. A recorded wavetable sound may be edited and enhanced by various effects (reverb, chorus) and layered with other waveforms before writing it to {ROM} or {RAM}. The latter type serves as user sound memory. A wavetable generator is typically controlled by {MIDI} input. When a MIDI note-on signal is detected, the output part of a wavetable generator generates a sound with definitive pitch, typically a musical note. Wavetable sounds are used in games and music. The more realistic wavetable sounds have all but replaced the earlier synthetic FM (frequency modulation) sound generation in sound cards but to ensure compatibility with older games etc., an FM part is usually included. The best known wavetable sound generators includes the {E-mu 8000} chip, used in {Creative Labs}' {Sound Blaster} AWE-32 card family and in E-mu keyboards. Other wavetable cards are Gravis Ultra-Sound (GUS), ESS Cards, Opti, Zoltrix and many Roland cards. {E-Mu ( /)}. {AWE-32(}. {Creative Labs (}. (1997-11-04)

Whopper {WarGames}

wild card "operating system, programming, text" (From card games in which certain cards, often the joker, can act as any other card) A special character or character sequence which matches any character in a string comparison, like ellipsis ("...") in ordinary written text. In {Unix} filenames '?' matches any single character and '*' matches any zero or more characters. In {regular expressions}, '.' matches any one character and "[...]" matches any one of the enclosed characters. See also {Backus-Naur Form}. (1997-07-16)

wild card ::: (operating system, programming, text) (From card games in which certain cards, often the joker, can act as any other card) A special character or character sequence which matches any character in a string comparison, like ellipsis (...) in ordinary written text.In Unix filenames '?' matches any single character and '*' matches any zero or more characters. In regular expressions, '.' matches any one character and [...] matches any one of the enclosed characters.See also Backus-Naur Form. (1997-07-16)

wizard mode ::: (games) [rogue] A special access mode of a program or system, usually password protected, that permits some users godlike privileges. Generally not instead). This term is often used with respect to games that have editable state.

wizard mode "games" [{rogue}] A special access mode of a program or system, usually password protected, that permits some users godlike privileges. Generally not used for {operating systems} themselves ("root mode" or "wheel mode" would be used instead). This term is often used with respect to games that have editable state.

xyzzy "games" The {canonical} "magic word" from the {ADVENT} adventure game, in which the idea is to explore an underground cave with many rooms and to collect the treasures you find there. If you type "xyzzy" at the appropriate time, you can move instantly between two otherwise distant points. If, therefore, you encounter some bit of {magic}, you might remark on this quite succinctly by saying simply "Xyzzy!" "Ordinarily you can't look at someone else's screen if he has protected it, but if you type quadruple-bucky-clear the system will let you do it anyway." "Xyzzy!" Xyzzy has actually been implemented as an undocumented no-op command on several OSes; in Data General's AOS/VS, for example, it would typically respond "Nothing happens", just as {ADVENT} did if the magic was invoked at the wrong spot or before a player had performed the action that enabled the word. In more recent 32 bit versions, by the way, AOS/VS responds "Twice as much happens". See also {plugh}. [{Jargon File}]

xyzzy ::: (games) The canonical magic word from the ADVENT adventure game, in which the idea is to explore an underground cave with many rooms and to collect word. In more recent 32 bit versions, by the way, AOS/VS responds Twice as much happens. See also plugh.[Jargon File]

ZIL "games" Zork Implementation Language. Language used by {Infocom}'s Interactive Fiction adventure games. Interpreted by the {zmachine}, for {Unix} and {Amiga}. {(}.

ZIL ::: (games) Zork Implementation Language. Language used by Infocom's Interactive Fiction adventure games. Interpreted by the zmachine, for Unix and Amiga. .

Zork ::: (games) /zork/ The second of the great early experiments in computer fantasy gaming; see ADVENT. Zork was originally written on MIT-DM during the Infocom. The Fortran source was later rewritten for portability and released to Usenet under the name Dungeon.Both Fortran Dungeon and translated C versions are available from many FTP archives.[Jargon File] (1998-09-21)

Zork "games" /zork/ The second of the great early experiments in computer fantasy gaming; see {ADVENT}. Zork was originally written on {MIT-DM} during the late 1970s, later distributed with {BSD Unix} as a patched, sourceless {RT-11} {Fortran} binary (see {retrocomputing}) and commercialised as "The Zork Trilogy" by {Infocom}. The Fortran source was later rewritten for portability and released to {Usenet} under the name "Dungeon". Both Fortran "Dungeon" and translated {C} versions are available from many {FTP archives}. [{Jargon File}] (1998-09-21)

zorkmid "games" /zork'mid/ The canonical unit of currency in hacker-written games. This originated in {Zork} but has spread to {nethack} and is referred to in several other games. [{Jargon File}] (1998-09-21)

zorkmid ::: (games) /zork'mid/ The canonical unit of currency in hacker-written games. This originated in Zork but has spread to nethack and is referred to in several other games.[Jargon File] (1998-09-21)

QUOTES [18 / 18 - 1500 / 3857]

KEYS (10k)

   3 Gary Gygax
   1 Stephen King
   1 Seymour Papert
   1 Robert Adams
   1 Nyoshul Khen Rinpoche
   1 Michio Kaku
   1 Longchenpa
   1 James P. Carse
   1 Friedrich Nietzsche
   1 Essential Integral
   1 Dr Seuss
   1 Confucius
   1 The Mother
   1 Plato
   1 Epictetus
   1 Aleister Crowley


   51 Suzanne Collins
   23 Anonymous
   19 Richard Wagamese
   16 Ernest Cline
   15 Jane McGonigal
   13 Terry Pratchett
   8 Rick Riordan
   8 Nina Jacobson
   7 Nolan Bushnell
   7 Jesse Schell
   7 Haruki Murakami
   7 Gary Gygax
   6 Pierre de Coubertin
   6 Kristen Ashley
   6 Klaus Teuber
   6 Garry Kasparov
   6 Alex Ferguson
   5 Sid Meier
   5 Sherrilyn Kenyon
   5 Satoshi Tajiri

1:Gentlemen should not waste their time on trivial games - they should play go[3] ~ Confucius,
2:Some of the roots of role-playing games (RPGs) are grounded in clinical and academic role assumption and role-playing exercises. ~ Gary Gygax,
3:Games give you a chance to excel, and if you're playing in good company you don't even mind if you lose because you had the enjoyment of the company during the course of the game. ~ Gary Gygax,
4:Forget about reincarnation. Reincarnation is not for you. It is for the deluded ones. You are free of all karma, free of all samskaras, free of playing games. Feel your freedom. All is well. ~ Robert Adams,
5:Oh the places you'll go! There is fun to be done! There are points to be scored. There are games to be won. And the magical things you can do with that ball will make you the winning-est winner of all. ~ Dr Seuss,
6:To be prepared against surprise is to be trained. To be prepared for surprise is to be educated." ~ James P. Carse, Professor Emeritus of history and literature of religion at New York University. His book "Finite and Infinite Games", (1986), was widely influential, Wikipedia,
7:Every maker of video games knows something that the makers of curriculum don't seem to understand. You'll never see a video game being advertised as being easy. Kids who do not like school will tell you it's not because it's too hard. It's because it's--boring ~ Seymour Papert,
8:What does 'the final victory' mean? What is victory and what is defeat? What do they represent in our sports?

   I was not referring to victory in games, but to the victory of the consciousness over ignorance and stupidity.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother III,
9:Life must be lived as play, playing certain games, making sacrifices, singing and dancing, and then a man will be able to propitiate the gods, and defend himself against his enemies, and win in the contest." ~ Plato, (428/427 or 424/423 - 348/347) Greek philosopher, Wikipedia.,
10:Look not so deeply into words and letters; for this Mystery hath been hidden by the Alchemists. Compose the sevenfold into a fourfold regimen; and when thou hast understood thou mayest make symbols; but by playing child's games with symbols thou shalt never understand. ~ Aleister Crowley,
11:We should cast aside all childish games that fetter and exhaust body, speech and mind. Stretching out in inconceivable nonaction, in the unstructured matrix, the actuality of emptiness, where the natural perfection of reality lies, we should gaze at the uncontrived sameness of every experience, all conditioning and ambition resolved with finality. ~ Longchenpa,
12:Activities are endless, like ripples on a stream. They end only when you drop them.
Human moods are like the changing highlights and shadows on a sunlit mountain range.
All activities are like the games children play, like castles being made of sand.
View them with delight and equanimity, like grandparents overseeing their grandchildren, or a shepherd resting on a hill watching over his grazing flock. ~ Nyoshul Khen Rinpoche,
13:It's easy to imagine that, in the future, telepathy and telekinesis will be the norm; we will interact with machines by sheer thought. Our mind will be able to turn on the lights, activate the internet, dictate letters, play video games, communicate with friends, call for a car, purchase merchandise, conjure any movie-all just by thinking. Astronauts of the future may use the power of their minds to pilot their spaceships or explore distant planets. Cities may rise from the desert of Mars, all due to master builders who mentally control the work of robots. ~ Michio Kaku,
14:How long are you going to wait before you demand the best for yourself and in no instance bypass the discriminations of reason? You have been given the principles that you ought to endorse, and you have endorsed them. What kind of teacher, then, are you still waiting for in order to refer your self-improvement to him? You are no longer a boy, but a full-grown man. If you are careless and lazy now and keep putting things off and always deferring the day after which you will attend to yourself, you will not notice that you are making no progress, but you will live and die as someone quite ordinary.
   From now on, then, resolve to live as a grown-up who is making progress, and make whatever you think best a law that you never set aside. And whenever you encounter anything that is difficult or pleasurable, or highly or lowly regarded, remember that the contest is now: you are at the Olympic Games, you cannot wait any longer, and that your progress is wrecked or preserved by a single day and a single event. That is how Socrates fulfilled himself by attending to nothing except reason in everything he encountered. And you, although you are not yet a Socrates, should live as someone who at least wants to be a Socrates.
   ~ Epictetus, (From Manual 51),
15:middle vision logic or paradigmatic ::: (1:25) Cognition is described as middle-vision logic, or paradigmatic in that it is capable of co-ordinating the relations between systems of systems, unifying them into principled frameworks or paradigms. This is an operation on meta-systems and allows for the view described above, a view of human development itself. Self-sense at teal is called Autonomous or Strategist and is characterized by the emergent capacity to acknowledge and cope with inner conflicts in needs, ... and values. All of which are part of a multifacted and complex world. Teal sees our need for autonomy and autonomy itself as limited because emotional interdependence is inevitable. The contradictory aspects of self are weaved into an identity that is whole, integrated and commited to generating a fulfilling life.

Additionally, Teal allows individuals to link theory and practice, perceive dynamic systems interactions, recognize and strive for higher principles, understand the social construction of reality, handle paradox and complexity, create positive-sum games and seek feedback from others as a vital source for growth. Values embrace magnificence of existence, flexibility, spontaneioty, functionality, the integration of differences into interdependent systems and complimenting natural egalitarianism with natural ranking. Needs shift to self-actualization, and morality is in both terms of universal ethical principles and recognition of the developmental relativity of those universals. Teal is the first wave that is truly able to see the limitations of orange and green morality, it is able to uphold the paradox of universalism and relativism. Teal in its decision making process is able to see ... deep and surface features of morality and is able to take into consideration both those values when engaging in moral action. Currently Teal is quite rare, embraced by 2-5% of the north american and european population according to sociological research. ~ Essential Integral, L4.1-53, Middle Vision Logic,
16:The madman.-
   Have you not heard of that madman who lit a lantern in the bright morning hours, ran to the market place. and cried incessantly: "I seek God! I seek God!" -As many of those who did not believe in God were standing around just then, he provoked much laughter. Has he got lost? asked one. Did he lose his way like a child? asked another. Or is he hiding? Is he afraid of us? Has he gone on a voyage? emigrated? -Thus they yelled and laughed.
   The madman jumped into their midst and pierced them with his eyes. "Whither is God?" he cried; "I will tell you. We have killed him-you and I. All of us are his murderers. But how did we do this? How could we drink up the sea? Who gave us the sponge to wipe away the entire horizon? What were we doing when we unchained this earth from its sun? Whither is it moving now? Whither are we moving? Away from all suns? Are we not plunging continually? Backward, sideward. forward. in all directions? be there still any up or down? Are we not straying as through an infinite nothing? Do we not feel the breath of empty space? Has it not become colder? Is not night continually closing in on us? Do we not need to light lanterns in the morning? Do we hear nothing as yet of the noise of the gravediggers who are burying God? Do we smell nothing as yet of the divine decomposition? Gods, too. decompose. God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him.
   "How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it? There has never been a greater deed; and whoever is born after us-for the sake of this deed he will belong to a higher history than all history hitherto."
   Here the madman fell silent and looked again at his listeners; and they, too, were silent and stared at him in astonishment. At last he threw his lantern on the ground, and it broke into pieces and went out. "I have come too early," he said then: "my time is not yet. This tremendous event is still on its way, still wandering; it has not yet reached the ears of men. Lightning and thunder require time; the light of the stars requires time; deeds, though done, still require time to be seen and heard. This deed is still more distant from them than the most distant stars-and yet they have done it themselves... It has been related further that on the same day the madman forced his way into several churches and there struck up his reqttiem aeternam deo. Led out and called to account, he is said always to have replied nothing but: "What after all are these churches now if they are not the tombs and sepulchers of God? ~ Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science, trans. Kaufmann,
17:reading :::
   50 Psychology Classics: List of Books Covered:
   Alfred Adler - Understanding Human Nature (1927)
   Gordon Allport - The Nature of Prejudice (1954)
   Albert Bandura - Self-Efficacy: The Exercise of Control (1997)
   Gavin Becker - The Gift of Fear (1997)
   Eric Berne - Games People Play (1964)
   Isabel Briggs Myers - Gifts Differing: Understanding Personality Type (1980)
   Louann Brizendine - The Female Brain (2006)
   David D Burns - Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy (1980)
   Susan Cain - Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking (2012)
   Robert Cialdini - Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion (1984)
   Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - Creativity (1997)
   Carol Dweck - Mindset: The New Psychology of Success (2006)
   Albert Ellis & Robert Harper - (1961) A Guide To Rational Living(1961)
   Milton Erickson - My Voice Will Go With You (1982) by Sidney Rosen
   Eric Erikson - Young Man Luther (1958)
   Hans Eysenck - Dimensions of Personality (1947)
   Viktor Frankl - The Will to Meaning (1969)
   Anna Freud - The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense (1936)
   Sigmund Freud - The Interpretation of Dreams (1901)
   Howard Gardner - Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences (1983)
   Daniel Gilbert - Stumbling on Happiness (2006)
   Malcolm Gladwell - Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking (2005)
   Daniel Goleman - Emotional Intelligence at Work (1998)
   John M Gottman - The Seven Principles For Making Marriage Work (1999)
   Temple Grandin - The Autistic Brain: Helping Different Kinds of Minds Succeed (2013)
   Harry Harlow - The Nature of Love (1958)
   Thomas A Harris - I'm OK - You're OK (1967)
   Eric Hoffer - The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements (1951)
   Karen Horney - Our Inner Conflicts (1945)
   William James - Principles of Psychology (1890)
   Carl Jung - The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious (1953)
   Daniel Kahneman - Thinking, Fast and Slow (2011)
   Alfred Kinsey - Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (1953)
   RD Laing - The Divided Self (1959)
   Abraham Maslow - The Farther Reaches of Human Nature (1970)
   Stanley Milgram - Obedience To Authority (1974)
   Walter Mischel - The Marshmallow Test (2014)
   Leonard Mlodinow - Subliminal: How Your Unconscious Mind Rules Your Behavior (2012)
   IP Pavlov - Conditioned Reflexes (1927)
   Fritz Perls - Gestalt Therapy: Excitement and Growth in the Human Personality (1951)
   Jean Piaget - The Language and Thought of the Child (1966)
   Steven Pinker - The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature (2002)
   VS Ramachandran - Phantoms in the Brain (1998)
   Carl Rogers - On Becoming a Person (1961)
   Oliver Sacks - The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat (1970)
   Barry Schwartz - The Paradox of Choice: Why More is Less (2004)
   Martin Seligman - Authentic Happiness (2002)
   BF Skinner - Beyond Freedom & Dignity (1953)
   Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton & Sheila Heen - Difficult Conversations (2000)
   William Styron - Darkness Visible (1990)
   ~ Tom Butler-Bowdon, 50 Psychology Classics,
18:Mental Education

OF ALL lines of education, mental education is the most widely known and practised, yet except in a few rare cases there are gaps which make it something very incomplete and in the end quite insufficient.

   Generally speaking, schooling is considered to be all the mental education that is necessary. And when a child has been made to undergo, for a number of years, a methodical training which is more like cramming than true schooling, it is considered that whatever is necessary for his mental development has been done. Nothing of the kind. Even conceding that the training is given with due measure and discrimination and does not permanently damage the brain, it cannot impart to the human mind the faculties it needs to become a good and useful instrument. The schooling that is usually given can, at the most, serve as a system of gymnastics to increase the suppleness of the brain. From this standpoint, each branch of human learning represents a special kind of mental gymnastics, and the verbal formulations given to these various branches each constitute a special and well-defined language.

   A true mental education, which will prepare man for a higher life, has five principal phases. Normally these phases follow one after another, but in exceptional individuals they may alternate or even proceed simultaneously. These five phases, in brief, are:

   (1) Development of the power of concentration, the capacity of attention.
   (2) Development of the capacities of expansion, widening, complexity and richness.
   (3) Organisation of one's ideas around a central idea, a higher ideal or a supremely luminous idea that will serve as a guide in life.
   (4) Thought-control, rejection of undesirable thoughts, to become able to think only what one wants and when one wants.
   (5) Development of mental silence, perfect calm and a more and more total receptivity to inspirations coming from the higher regions of the being.

   It is not possible to give here all the details concerning the methods to be employed in the application of these five phases of education to different individuals. Still, a few explanations on points of detail can be given.

   Undeniably, what most impedes mental progress in children is the constant dispersion of their thoughts. Their thoughts flutter hither and thither like butterflies and they have to make a great effort to fix them. Yet this capacity is latent in them, for when you succeed in arousing their interest, they are capable of a good deal of attention. By his ingenuity, therefore, the educator will gradually help the child to become capable of a sustained effort of attention and a faculty of more and more complete absorption in the work in hand. All methods that can develop this faculty of attention from games to rewards are good and can all be utilised according to the need and the circumstances. But it is the psychological action that is most important and the sovereign method is to arouse in the child an interest in what you want to teach him, a liking for work, a will to progress. To love to learn is the most precious gift that one can give to a child: to love to learn always and everywhere, so that all circumstances, all happenings in life may be constantly renewed opportunities for learning more and always more.

   For that, to attention and concentration should be added observation, precise recording and faithfulness of memory. This faculty of observation can be developed by varied and spontaneous exercises, making use of every opportunity that presents itself to keep the child's thought wakeful, alert and prompt. The growth of the understanding should be stressed much more than that of memory. One knows well only what one has understood. Things learnt by heart, mechanically, fade away little by little and finally disappear; what is understood is never forgotten. Moreover, you must never refuse to explain to a child the how and the why of things. If you cannot do it yourself, you must direct the child to those who are qualified to answer or point out to him some books that deal with the question. In this way you will progressively awaken in the child the taste for true study and the habit of making a persistent effort to know.

   This will bring us quite naturally to the second phase of development in which the mind should be widened and enriched.

   You will gradually show the child that everything can become an interesting subject for study if it is approached in the right way. The life of every day, of every moment, is the best school of all, varied, complex, full of unexpected experiences, problems to be solved, clear and striking examples and obvious consequences. It is so easy to arouse healthy curiosity in children, if you answer with intelligence and clarity the numerous questions they ask. An interesting reply to one readily brings others in its train and so the attentive child learns without effort much more than he usually does in the classroom. By a choice made with care and insight, you should also teach him to enjoy good reading-matter which is both instructive and attractive. Do not be afraid of anything that awakens and pleases his imagination; imagination develops the creative mental faculty and through it study becomes living and the mind develops in joy.

   In order to increase the suppleness and comprehensiveness of his mind, one should see not only that he studies many varied topics, but above all that a single subject is approached in various ways, so that the child understands in a practical manner that there are many ways of facing the same intellectual problem, of considering it and solving it. This will remove all rigidity from his brain and at the same time it will make his thinking richer and more supple and prepare it for a more complex and comprehensive synthesis. In this way also the child will be imbued with the sense of the extreme relativity of mental learning and, little by little, an aspiration for a truer source of knowledge will awaken in him.

   Indeed, as the child grows older and progresses in his studies, his mind too ripens and becomes more and more capable of forming general ideas, and with them almost always comes a need for certitude, for a knowledge that is stable enough to form the basis of a mental construction which will permit all the diverse and scattered and often contradictory ideas accumulated in his brain to be organised and put in order. This ordering is indeed very necessary if one is to avoid chaos in one's thoughts. All contradictions can be transformed into complements, but for that one must discover the higher idea that will have the power to bring them harmoniously together. It is always good to consider every problem from all possible standpoints so as to avoid partiality and exclusiveness; but if the thought is to be active and creative, it must, in every case, be the natural and logical synthesis of all the points of view adopted. And if you want to make the totality of your thoughts into a dynamic and constructive force, you must also take great care as to the choice of the central idea of your mental synthesis; for upon that will depend the value of this synthesis. The higher and larger the central idea and the more universal it is, rising above time and space, the more numerous and the more complex will be the ideas, notions and thoughts which it will be able to organise and harmonise.

   It goes without saying that this work of organisation cannot be done once and for all. The mind, if it is to keep its vigour and youth, must progress constantly, revise its notions in the light of new knowledge, enlarge its frame-work to include fresh notions and constantly reclassify and reorganise its thoughts, so that each of them may find its true place in relation to the others and the whole remain harmonious and orderly.

   All that has just been said concerns the speculative mind, the mind that learns. But learning is only one aspect of mental activity; the other, which is at least equally important, is the constructive faculty, the capacity to form and thus prepare action. This very important part of mental activity has rarely been the subject of any special study or discipline. Only those who want, for some reason, to exercise a strict control over their mental activities think of observing and disciplining this faculty of formation; and as soon as they try it, they have to face difficulties so great that they appear almost insurmountable.

   And yet control over this formative activity of the mind is one of the most important aspects of self-education; one can say that without it no mental mastery is possible. As far as study is concerned, all ideas are acceptable and should be included in the synthesis, whose very function is to become more and more rich and complex; but where action is concerned, it is just the opposite. The ideas that are accepted for translation into action should be strictly controlled and only those that agree with the general trend of the central idea forming the basis of the mental synthesis should be permitted to express themselves in action. This means that every thought entering the mental consciousness should be set before the central idea; if it finds a logical place among the thoughts already grouped, it will be admitted into the synthesis; if not, it will be rejected so that it can have no influence on the action. This work of mental purification should be done very regularly in order to secure a complete control over one's actions.

   For this purpose, it is good to set apart some time every day when one can quietly go over one's thoughts and put one's synthesis in order. Once the habit is acquired, you can maintain control over your thoughts even during work and action, allowing only those which are useful for what you are doing to come to the surface. Particularly, if you have continued to cultivate the power of concentration and attention, only the thoughts that are needed will be allowed to enter the active external consciousness and they then become all the more dynamic and effective. And if, in the intensity of concentration, it becomes necessary not to think at all, all mental vibration can be stilled and an almost total silence secured. In this silence one can gradually open to the higher regions of the mind and learn to record the inspirations that come from there.

   But even before reaching this point, silence in itself is supremely useful, because in most people who have a somewhat developed and active mind, the mind is never at rest. During the day, its activity is kept under a certain control, but at night, during the sleep of the body, the control of the waking state is almost completely removed and the mind indulges in activities which are sometimes excessive and often incoherent. This creates a great stress which leads to fatigue and the diminution of the intellectual faculties.

   The fact is that like all the other parts of the human being, the mind too needs rest and it will not have this rest unless we know how to provide it. The art of resting one's mind is something to be acquired. Changing one's mental activity is certainly one way of resting; but the greatest possible rest is silence. And as far as the mental faculties are concerned a few minutes passed in the calm of silence are a more effective rest than hours of sleep.

   When one has learned to silence the mind at will and to concentrate it in receptive silence, then there will be no problem that cannot be solved, no mental difficulty whose solution cannot be found. When it is agitated, thought becomes confused and impotent; in an attentive tranquillity, the light can manifest itself and open up new horizons to man's capacity. Bulletin, November 1951

   ~ The Mother, On Education,


1:Individuals score points, but teams win games. ~ zig-ziglar, @wisdomtrove
2:All games are meaningless if you do not know the rules. ~ b-k-s-iyengar, @wisdomtrove
3:Not all games are innocent. Some come dangerously close to cruelty. ~ elie-wiesel, @wisdomtrove
4:Generally speaking, individual performances don't win basketball games ~ john-wooden, @wisdomtrove
5:Gentlemen should not waste their time on trivial games - they should play go[3] ~ confucius, @wisdomtrove
6:If a man watches three football games in a row, he should be declared legally dead. ~ erma-bombeck, @wisdomtrove
7:We should cast aside all childish games that fetter and exhaust body, speech and mind. ~ longchenpa, @wisdomtrove
8:What's the point of dating without games? How do you know if you're winning or losing? ~ jerry-seinfeld, @wisdomtrove
9:I play a lot of computer games. I love computer graphics. I've had Pixar in me for a long time. ~ robin-williams, @wisdomtrove
10:I'm afraid that sometimes you'll play lonely games too. Games you can't win 'cause you'll play against you. ~ dr-seuss, @wisdomtrove
11:Auto racing, bull fighting, and mountain climbing are the only real sports... all the others are games. ~ ernest-hemingway, @wisdomtrove
12:But didn't you say you were satisfied with your life?" "Word games," I dismissed. "Every army needs a flag. ~ haruki-murakami, @wisdomtrove
13:There are only three sports: bullfighting, motor racing, and mountaineering; all the rest are merely games. ~ ernest-hemingway, @wisdomtrove
14:How do you beat Bobby Fischer? You play him at any game but chess. I try to stay in games where I have an edge. ~ warren-buffet, @wisdomtrove
15:I continually stress to my players that all I expect from them at practice and in the games is their maximum effort. ~ john-wooden, @wisdomtrove
16:Games are won by players who focus on the playing field - not by those whose eyes are glued to the scoreboard. ~ warren-buffet, @wisdomtrove
17:When some one boasted that at the Pythian games he had vanquished men, Diogenes replied, "Nay, I defeat men, you defeat slaves." ~ diogenes, @wisdomtrove
18:We have three games left (in the regular season) to give us some momentum going into March (Madness), which has always been our month. ~ paul-davies, @wisdomtrove
19:I would certainly end up forever crying the blues into a coffee cup in a park for old men playing chess or silly games of some sort. ~ charles-bukowski, @wisdomtrove
20:But games always cover something deep and intense, else there would be no excitement in them, no pleasure, no power to stir us. ~ antoine-de-saint-exupery, @wisdomtrove
21:Winning games, titles and championships isn't all it's cracked up to be, but getting there, the journey, is a lot more than it's cracked up to be. ~ john-wooden, @wisdomtrove
22:The next time you're mad at me, talk to me,' he said. &
23:We win our games in practice. We learn and follow the fundamentals of our game better than anyone in the league. All of our games are won in practice. ~ vince-lombardi, @wisdomtrove
24:Sectional football games have the glory and the despair of war, and when a Texas team takes the field against a foreign state, it is an army with banners. ~ john-steinbeck, @wisdomtrove
25:The close games are usually lost, rather than won. What I mean by that is games are mostly won because of the opponent making mistakes during crucial moments. ~ john-wooden, @wisdomtrove
26:It may be true that the only reason the comic book industry now exists is for this purpose, to create characters for movies, board games and other types of merchandise. ~ alan-moore, @wisdomtrove
27:No games. He wanted her and didn't care who knew it. He definitely and absolutely wanted her, longed for her, wanted to do more things than there were names for with her. ~ douglas-adams, @wisdomtrove
28:I recently talked to an eighteen-year-old - a huge FIFA fan - and realized that he spends more time playing the FIFA video game than he does watching actual FIFA games. ~ malcolm-gladwell, @wisdomtrove
29:In most cases, energy is lost in little games of manipulation, in little struggles of will, in the attempts to possess others, to wrap them up, to delude them, to shine them on. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
30:Last year, more Americans went to symphonies than went to baseball games. This may be viewed as an alarming statistic, but I think that both baseball and the country will endure. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
31:The naming of cats is a difficult matter. It isn't just one of your holiday games. You may think at first I'm mad as a hatter. When I tell you a cat must have three different names... ~ t-s-eliot, @wisdomtrove
32:Themistocles being asked whether he would rather be Achilles or Homer, said, "Which would you rather be, a conqueror in the Olympic games, or the crier that proclaims who are conquerors? ~ plutarch, @wisdomtrove
33:Never idealize others. They will never live up to your expectations. Don't over-analyze your relationships. Stop playing games. A growing relationship can only be nurtured by genuineness. ~ leo-buscaglia, @wisdomtrove
34:Odinary people don't have a feeling of being loved by the people who manage to get into positions of leadership. They get in there, they make a lot of money, and then they play games with us. ~ alice-walker, @wisdomtrove
35:City's just a jungle; more games to play Trapped in the heart of it, tryin' to get away I was raised in the country, I been workin' in the town I been in trouble ever since I set my suitcase down ~ bob-dylan, @wisdomtrove
36:We will prosper or suffer in controlled investments in relation to the operating performances of our businesses - we will not attempt to profit by playing various games in the securities markets. ~ warren-buffet, @wisdomtrove
37:When people ask me now if I miss coaching UCLA basketball games, the national championships, the attention, the trophies, and everything that goes with them, I tell them this: I miss the practices. ~ john-wooden, @wisdomtrove
38:Oh the places you'll go! There is fun to be done! There are points to be scored. There are games to be won. And the magical things you can do with that ball will make you the winning-est winner of all. ~ dr-seuss, @wisdomtrove
39:The human race, to which so many of my readers belong, has been playing at children's games from the beginning, and will probably do it till the end, which is a nuisance for the few people who grow up. ~ g-k-chesterton, @wisdomtrove
40:Some people think literature is high culture and that it should only have a small readership. I don't think so... I have to compete with popular culture, including TV, magazines, movies and video games. ~ haruki-murakami, @wisdomtrove
41:So we fall asleep in Jesus. We have played long enough at the games of life, and at last we feel the approach of death. We are tired out, and we lay our heads back on the bosom of Christ, and quietly fall asleep. ~ henry-ward-beecher, @wisdomtrove
42:To whom can I expose the urgency of my own passion? There is nobodyhere among these grey arches, and moaning pigeons, and cheerful games and tradition and emulation, all so skilfully organised to prevent feeling alone. ~ virginia-woolf, @wisdomtrove
43:Find a subject you care about and which you in your heart feel others should care about. It is this genuine caring, and not your games with language, which will be the most compelling and seductive element in your style. ~ kurt-vonnegut, @wisdomtrove
44:Don't ask me silly questions I won't play silly games I'm just a simple choo choo train And I'll always be the same. I only want to race along Beneath the bright blue sky And be a happy choo choo train Until the day I die. ~ stephen-king, @wisdomtrove
45:That’s what learning is, after all; not whether we lose the game, but how we lose and how we’ve changed because of it, and what we take away from it that we never had before, to apply to other games. Losing, in a curious way is winning. ~ richard-bach, @wisdomtrove
46:Becoming part of it, you have something to do about it. All the alumni, some may not catch all your games except the Michigan game. You're playing for them, too, for everyone who's graduated here, everyone who's going to come here in the future. ~ paul-davies, @wisdomtrove
47:The greatest catalyst for change in a relationship is complete acceptance of your partner as he or she is, without needing to judge or change them in any way. That immediately takes you beyond ego. All mind games and all addictive clinging are then over. ~ eckhart-tolle, @wisdomtrove
48:I recently learned something quite interesting about video games. Many young people have developed incredible hand, eye, and brain coordination in playing these games. The air force believes these kids will be our outstanding pilots should they fly our jets. ~ ronald-reagan, @wisdomtrove
49:The fools standpoint is that all social institutions are games. He sees the whole world as game playing. That's why, when people take their games seriously and take on stern and pious expressions, the fool gets the giggles because he knows that it is all a game. ~ alan-watts, @wisdomtrove
50:It ought to be remembered by all [that] the Games more than 2,000 years ago started as a means of bringing peace between the Greek city-states. And in those days, even if a war was going on, they called off the war in order to hold the Games. I wish we were still as civilized. ~ ronald-reagan, @wisdomtrove
51:Honesty has a beautiful and refreshing simplicity about it. No ulterior motives. No hidden meanings. An absence of hypocrisy, duplicity, political games, and verbal superficiality. As honesty and real integrity characterize our lives, there will be no need to manipulate others. ~ charles-r-swindoll, @wisdomtrove
52:I remember as a kid watching one of the Olympic games, and I was cheering for a big track athlete. He was the favorite to win, and he lost. I realized in that moment the pain he felt was so much greater than the pain that those who never thought they were going to win would have felt had they lost. ~ malcolm-gladwell, @wisdomtrove
53:Here and there in the ancient literature we encounter legends of wise and mysterious games that were conceived and played by scholars, monks, or the courtiers of cultured princes. These might take the form of chess games in which the pieces and squares had secret meanings in addition to their usual functions. ~ hermann-hesse, @wisdomtrove
54:I accepted the forgiveness of God. I got off track as an adult and because I believe in God's grace, I believe that gave me strength then to get that little part of my life realigned, to not play games about it, to confess it, to ask for forgiveness from God and ask others to forgive me as well and then move on. ~ max-lucado, @wisdomtrove
55:They say of me, and so they should, It's doubtful if I come to good. I see acquaintances and friends Accumulating dividends And making enviable names In science, art and parlor games. But I, despite expert advice, Keep doing things I think are nice, And though to good I never come Inseparable my nose and thumb. ~ dorothy-parker, @wisdomtrove
56:This is not the time for political fun and games. This is the time for a new beginning. I ask you now to put aside any feelings of frustration or helplessness about our political institutions and join me in this dramatic but responsible plan to reduce the enormous burden of Federal taxation on you and your family. ~ ronald-reagan, @wisdomtrove
57:The energy requirements for interstellar travel are so great that it is inconceivable to me that any creatures piloting their ships across the vast depths of space would do so only in order to play games with us over a period of decades. If they want to make contact, they would make contact; if not, they would save their energy and go elsewhere. ~ isaac-asimov, @wisdomtrove
58:We should cast aside all childish games that fetter and exhaust body, speech and mind. Stretching out in inconceivable nonaction, in the unstructured matrix, the actuality of emptiness, where the natural perfection of reality lies, we should gaze at the uncontrived sameness of every experience, all conditioning and ambition resolved with finality. ~ longchenpa, @wisdomtrove
59:e should cast aside all childish games that fetter and exhaust body, speech and mind; and stretching out in inconceivable nonaction, in the unstructured matrix, the actuality of emptiness, where the natural perfection of reality lies, we should gaze at the uncontrived sameness of every experience, all conditioning and ambition resolved with finality. ~ longchenpa, @wisdomtrove
60:There is but one truly serious philosophical problem, and that is suicide. Judging whether life is or is not worth living amounts to answering the fundamental question of philosophy. All the rest - whether or not the world has three dimensions, whether the mind has nine or twelve categories - comes afterward. These are games; one must first answer. ~ albert-camus, @wisdomtrove
61:When I was a teenager, I didn't get to do a lot of the things that other kids my age were doing because my dad was very controlling and he wouldn't allow me to go to school activities, like games and dances. So I didn't have positive expectations for my future or really dream about what I could do with my life. I was just trying to survive until I could get out on my own. ~ joyce-meyer, @wisdomtrove
62:Pythagoras used to say that life resembles the Olympic Games: a few people strain their muscles to carry off a prize; others bring trinkets to sell to the crowd for gain; and some there are, and not the worst, who seek no other profit than to look at the show and see how and why everything is done; spectators of the life of other people in order to judge and regulate their own. ~ michel-de-montaigne, @wisdomtrove
63:We must honor our dragons, encourage them to be worthy destroyers, expect they'll strive to cut us down. It is their duty to ridicule us, it is their job to demean us, to force us if they can to stop being different! And when we walk our way no matter their fire and their fury, our dragons shrug when we're out of sight, return to their card-games philosophical: &
64:... As every one of us knows, there are some festivals and games in which everything goes right, and every element lifts up, animates, and exalts every other, just as there are theatrical and musical performances which without any clearly discernible cause seem to ascend miraculously to glorious climaxes and intensely felt experiences, whereas others, just as well prepared, remain no more than decent tries. ~ hermann-hesse, @wisdomtrove
65:Grown-ups love figures... When you tell them you've made a new friend they never ask you any questions about essential matters. They never say to you "What does his voice sound like? What games does he love best? Does he collect butterflies? " Instead they demand "How old is he? How much does he weigh? How much money does his father make? " Only from these figures do they think they have learned anything about him. ~ antoine-de-saint-exupery, @wisdomtrove
66:But I have to say this in defense of humankind: In no matter what era in history, including the Garden of Eden, everybody just got here. And, except for the Garden of Eden, there were already all these games going on that could make you act crazy, even if you weren't crazy to begin with. Some of the crazymaking games going on today are love and hate, liberalism and conservatism, automobiles and credit cards, golf, and girls' basketball. ~ kurt-vonnegut, @wisdomtrove
67:Some people read for instruction, which is praiseworthy, and some for pleasure, which is innocent, but not a few read from habit, and I suppose that this is neither innocent or praiseworthy. Of that lamentable company am I. Conversation after a time bores me, games tire me and my own thoughts, which we are told are the unfailing resource of a sensible man, have a tendency to run dry. Then I fly to my book as the opium-smoker to his pipe. ~ william-somerset-maugham, @wisdomtrove
68:For men and women are not only themselves; they are also the region in which they are born, the city apartment or farm in which they learnt to walk, the games they played as children, the old wives tales they overheard, the food they ate, the schools they attended, the sports they followed, the poets they read, and the God they believed in. It is all these things that have made them what they are, and these are the things that you can't come to know by hearsay. ~ william-somerset-maugham, @wisdomtrove
69:The physicist is like someone who's watching people playing chess and, after watching a few games, he may have worked out what the moves in the game are. But understanding the rules is just a trivial preliminary on the long route from being a novice to being a grand master. So even if we understand all the laws of physics, then exploring their consequences in the everyday world where complex structures can exist is a far more daunting task, and that's an inexhaustible one I'm sure. ~ martin-rees, @wisdomtrove
70:There is nothing in England that exercises a more delightful spell over my imagination than the lingerings of the holiday customs and rural games of former times. They recall the pictures my fancy used to draw in the May morning of life, when as yet I only knew the world through books, and believed it to be all that poets had painted it; and they bring with them the flavour of those honest days of yore, in which, perhaps with equal fallacy, I am apt to think the world was more home-bred, social, and joyous than at present. ~ washington-irving, @wisdomtrove
71:Listening (had there been any one to listen) from the upper rooms of the empty house only gigantic chaos streaked with lightning could have been heard tumbling and tossing, as the winds and waves disported themselves like the amorphous bulks of leviathans whose brows are pierced by no light of reason, and mounted one on top of another, and lunged and plunged in the darkness or the daylight (for night and day, month and year ran shapelessly together) in idiot games, until it seemed as if the universe were battling and tumbling, in brute confusion and wanton lust aimlessly by itself. ~ virginia-woolf, @wisdomtrove
72:After dinner or lunch or whatever it was - with my crazy 12-hour night I was no longer sure what was what - I said, "Look, baby, I'm sorry, but don't you realize that this job is driving me crazy? Look, let's give it up. Let's just lay around and make love and take walks and talk a little. Let's go to the zoo. Let's look at animals. Let's drive down and look at the ocean. It's only 45 minutes. Let's play games in the arcades. Let's go to the races, the Art Museum, the boxing matches. Let's have friends. Let's laugh. This kind of life like everybody else's kind of life: it's killing us. ~ charles-bukowski, @wisdomtrove

*** NEWFULLDB 2.4M ***

1:THE “GAMES” BEGIN ~ John Feinstein,
2:BAD GAMES: HELLBENT ~ Jeff Menapace,
3:the Hunger Games. ~ Suzanne Collins,
4:I love X-Games music. ~ Jon Anderson,
5:All my games are real ~ Bobby Fischer,
6:Nine games? It's too long. ~ Derek Jeter,
7:I hate games I can't win. ~ Simone Elkeles,
8:It was all for the games ~ Suzanne Collins,
9:I want to win football games. ~ Victor Cruz,
10:We live for games like these. ~ Alex McLeish,
11:Always trust computer games. ~ Ridley Pearson,
12:Let the Hunger Games Begin! ~ Suzanne Collins,
13:Power is a dangerous games ~ Victoria Aveyard,
14:Games give you a chance to excel. ~ Gary Gygax,
15:loss and 22d loss in 29 games away ~ Anonymous,
16:we have war games after dinner. ~ Rick Riordan,
17:I'll attend all my team's games ~ Ranbir Kapoor,
18:Video games are ubiquitous now. ~ Eugene Jarvis,
19:Let the motherfucking games begin. ~ Gail McHugh,
20:Life is more fun if you play games. ~ Roald Dahl,
21:Rap is like a set-up...a lot of games, ~ KRS One,
22:The gods play games with men as balls. ~ Plautus,
23:I didn't know much about video games. ~ Anna Torv,
24:Winning 9 games is very respectable. ~ Mark Richt,
25:All my works are games, serious game. ~ M C Escher,
26:Bridge is the king of all card games. ~ Bill Gates,
27:Customers do not want online games. ~ Satoru Iwata,
28:Games are all about taking risks. ~ James Altucher,
29:I don't hide or play stupid games. ~ Demian Bichir,
30:I warned you I like to play games. ~ Tiffany Reisz,
31:All games contain the idea of death. ~ Jim Morrison,
32:I am not a big 'Hunger Games' fan. ~ Gillian Jacobs,
33:I've pitched in a lot of big games. ~ Andy Pettitte,
34:I will not be pawn in their games ~ Suzanne Collins,
35:Mind games simply weren’t his style. ~ Tessa Bailey,
36:You a lame so yo dame playin mind games; ~ Lil Flip,
37:You never win any games you don't play. ~ Mark Cuban,
38:There are much worse games to play. ~ Suzanne Collins,
39:We're playing those mind games together ~ John Lennon,
40:Blame and shame are simply mind games. ~ Asa Don Brown,
41:Games lubricate the body and mind. ~ Benjamin Franklin,
42:I almost forgot! Happy Hunger Games! ~ Suzanne Collins,
43:I know what it takes to win ball games. ~ Johnny Damon,
44:Perhaps in some games there are two winners ~ Ker Dukey,
45:Rigged games are the easiest ones to beat ~ Neil Gaiman,
46:The games are over now; this is too raw. ~ Harper Sloan,
47:Closeout games are actually kind of easy. ~ Andrew Bynum,
48:Sooner or later, all games become serious. ~ J G Ballard,
49:Players win games, teams win championships. ~ Bill Taylor,
50:Relax, Davis, you’re not in The Hunger Games, ~ Anonymous,
51:At the games end we shall see who gaines. ~ George Herbert,
52:Games are nature's most beautiful creation ~ Leonard Cohen,
53:Games have no other purpose than to please. ~ Jesse Schell,
54:Games lubricate the body and the mind. ~ Benjamin Franklin,
55:I probably play games more than I practice. ~ Kevin Durant,
56:Records don’t mean anything in rivalry games. ~ Dez Bryant,
57:Yesterday's home runs don't win today's games. ~ Babe Ruth,
58:Bitch wants to play games, let’s play games. ~ Nalini Singh,
59:I declare the 22nd Olympic Winter Games open. ~ Shani Davis,
60:I like games of chance, including women. ~ Raymond Chandler,
61:I never let any of my sons beat me at video games. ~ Coolio,
62:I’ve been entered into the next Magic Games. ~ Ella Summers,
63:Stats are for losers. I like winning games. ~ Will Muschamp,
64:I like to have fun, but I don't play games. ~ Yolanda Foster,
65:I'm more than just a piece in their Games. ~ Suzanne Collins,
66:Jeremy, are we going to play your games? ~ Alastair Campbell,
67:And that’s my title, now. Master of the Games. ~ Margaret Weis,
68:Computers and games don't waste time - people do. ~ Bill Gates,
69:I have an interest in making first-person games. ~ Fumito Ueda,
70:It is nerve-wracking watching my kids' games. ~ Michael Jordan,
71:The universe plays games, but not by the rules. ~ Sarah Noffke,
72:You cannot lose games in the NFL, and still win ~ Trent Dilfer,
73:As long as there are games to play its not over ~ Alex Ferguson,
74:Attack wins you games, defence wins you titles. ~ Alex Ferguson,
75:I just want to fit in and win games for my team. ~ Chris Webber,
76:Everything is in place to have a peaceful Games. ~ Jacques Rogge,
77:If you don't like vampire games, don't play ~ Vivian Vande Velde,
78:place, 60 games out of first place and with a 50-102 ~ Anonymous,
79:Sourav Ganguly is the new Steve Waugh of mind games. ~ Ian Healy,
80:Video games lend themselves completely to 3-D. ~ Howard Stringer,
81:Games are providing rewards that reality is not. ~ Jane McGonigal,
82:Only games worth playin’ are games of the heart. ~ Kristen Ashley,
83:There are games in which it is better to lose than win. ~ Plautus,
84:And it's all fun and games until someone loses an I. ~ Don Winslow,
85:I don't play racing games, unless it's 'Mario Kart. ~ Scott Porter,
86:I'm more interested in the games than the people. ~ Magnus Carlsen,
87:I play with friends, but we don't play friendly games. ~ Ben Hogan,
88:Little girls get hurt when they play grown-up games. ~ V C Andrews,
89:The bowl games are only supposed to be a fun reward. ~ Woody Hayes,
90:The children in the woods play wild, secret games. ~ Gillian Flynn,
91:Facebook is terrifying to the traditional games biz. ~ Jesse Schell,
92:Games are the most elevated form of investigation. ~ Jane McGonigal,
93:Guess it wasn't all fun
and games being a champion. ~ Amy Harmon,
94:I enjoy the last quarter of all basketball games. ~ Sarah Silverman,
95:I live more than anything else to produce the Games. ~ Dick Ebersol,
96:I never want to sit out. I want to play baseball games. ~ Matt Kemp,
97:The only meaningful statistic is number of games won. ~ Woody Hayes,
98:Games are the most elevated form of investigation. ~ Albert Einstein,
99:I don't play games with people's lives like you do. ~ Simone Elkeles,
100:I like winning pointless little games like that. ~ Rachel Held Evans,
101:The Merseyside derby games are unique in the city. ~ Brendan Rodgers,
102:Holding an Olympic Games means evoking history. ~ Pierre de Coubertin,
103:I am the capitoul52 and the master of the floral games! ~ Victor Hugo,
104:People think I played 10 years. I played 68 ball games. ~ Gale Sayers,
105:Sweet and geeky Jeff, lover of games, knew how to move. ~ Chloe Neill,
106:While games look like films, they do not work like films. ~ Anonymous,
107:With that locker room I could sleep there after games. ~ LeBron James,
108:You don't boo at a Kemp rally. You boo at football games. ~ Jack Kemp,
109:I like video games, I like tech, I like being positive. ~ Jimmy Fallon,
110:I'm more of a fan of combat games than first-person shooters. ~ Lights,
111:I’m not in the mood for guessing games with a cat. ~ Rebecca Roanhorse,
112:I've also been busy doing stuff for Steve Jackson Games. ~ Phil Foglio,
113:The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games. ~ Ernest Cline,
114:You don't win or lose the games bcoz of 11 you select. ~ Rahul Dravid,
115:All games are meaningless if you do not know the rules. ~ B K S Iyengar,
116:I honestly feel very humble when I study Capablanca's games. ~ Max Euwe,
117:Limits the Romans' anxieties to two things - bread and games. ~ Juvenal,
118:Make the practices like games and the games like practices. ~ Don Meyer,
119:The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games. ~ Eugene Jarvis,
120:Games are starting to creep into every aspect of our day. ~ Jesse Schell,
121:I'm going to be honest, playing in D-League games is tough. ~ Jeremy Lin,
122:My knowledge of video games ends with Nintendo Mario Bros. ~ Gina Carano,
123:Now, games have been democratized. Everyone plays games. ~ Chris DeWolfe,
124:No wonder I won the Games. NO decent person ever does. ~ Suzanne Collins,
125:The games of gods play out upon the backbones of mortals. ~ Ella Summers,
126:I am quite competitive. In stupid things like card games. ~ Laura Marling,
127:If I wanted to play mind games, I'd buy a Rubik's cube ~ Sherrilyn Kenyon,
128:I play some fighting games, but mostly I just play sports. ~ Vince Carter,
129:Politicians are fools and the games they play are fools games. ~ M J Rose,
130:As long as we win games while I'm on the mound, I feel good. ~ CC Sabathia,
131:Every coach should be recording games to watch...use your VCR. ~ Don Meyer,
132:Good players win volleyball games for you, not tall players. ~ John Kessel,
133:I use Secret... I'm always powder-fresh during the games. ~ DeAndre Jordan,
134:The offense sells tickets and the defense wins the games. ~ Lindsey Nelson,
135:Good rules make good games. Games without rules degenerate. ~ Nick Harkaway,
136:I am very good at playing monkey games with my morality. ~ Paul David Tripp,
137:I play computer games, watch TV and do what normal people do. ~ Gareth Bale,
138:I spent my whole life trying to play the games males play. ~ Elisabeth Shue,
139:I vividly remember bowling 20 + games a day, 2 or 3 times a week. ~ Joe Tex,
140:Politics is a game, and games attract children, Meredith. ~ Michael Anderle,
141:The first six million years had been all fun and games. ~ Alastair Reynolds,
142:To be great we need to win games we aren't supposed to win. ~ Julius Erving,
143:Video games and computers have become babysitters for kids. ~ Taylor Kitsch,
144:We must play as if there are no more games, no more tomorrows. ~ Jock Stein,
145:We're going to continue to see games turned into movies. ~ Cliff Bleszinski,
146:It’s all fun and games till someone shoots back, Holden thought. ~ Anonymous,
147:Like most celebrities, of course, I adore all the Mario games. ~ Josie Maran,
148:Video games are one step before a whole other virtual universe. ~ Vin Diesel,
149:Close’ only counts in horseshoe games and fireball spells ~ Elaine Cunningham,
150:Dancing and singing were always like games to me. I sang constantly. ~ Tarkan,
151:Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor. ~ Suzanne Collins,
152:I don't use simple words. I make games and puzzles with my songs. ~ Lisa Loeb,
153:If great lecture is theatre, the future of learning is games. ~ Anant Agarwal,
154:It’s all fun and games until the drunk Viking Santa shows up. ~ Ilona Andrews,
155:The games we have the ability to play in our minds amaze me. ~ Anita Moorjani,
156:Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favour! ~ Suzanne Collins,
157:In a lot of close games, I can make a difference with my speed. ~ Johnny Damon,
158:Like most meaningful activities, campaigns are team games. ~ Alastair Campbell,
159:One-run games can go either way, and most of the time they do. ~ Lance Berkman,
160:The modern video games kind of - they're too three dimensional. ~ Dan Auerbach,
161:We’re talkin’ hearts, here. You don’t play games with hearts. ~ Kristen Ashley,
162:Games are a compromise between intimacy and keeping intimacy away. ~ Eric Berne,
163:I like to play video games like 'Rock Band' and 'Guitar Hero.' ~ Carmen Electra,
164:I'm into video games, but only real specific lame video games. ~ Emily Browning,
165:I'm not playing for the All-Star Game, I'm playing to win games. ~ Michael Redd,
166:I've always played games. I've been brought up around gaming. ~ Asa Butterfield,
167:Video games are a waste of time for men with nothing else to do. ~ Ray Bradbury,
168:But relationship is more than just liking the same board games. ~ Gina L Maxwell,
169:Games are good or bad as to their nature; all may be perverted. ~ Samuel Johnson,
170:Normally I would hate games, but with her, it feels like foreplay ~ Harper Sloan,
171:People don't just stop playing Facebook games. They divorce them. ~ Jesse Schell,
172:Augusten very distant tonight. Probably because of my games. ~ Augusten Burroughs,
173:Bridge is one of the last games in which the computer is not better. ~ Bill Gates,
174:Children played games for themselves, not their opponents. Lola ~ Jessica Hawkins,
175:Not all games are innocent. Some come dangerously close to cruelty. ~ Elie Wiesel,
176:Video games are meant to be just one thing. Fun. Fun for everyone! ~ Satoru Iwata,
177:We play very dangerous games with life and no one knows our rules. ~ Parke Godwin,
178:What are we, if we don't have games?”

“Something else. ~ Stylo Fantome,
179:Winning the Games will make you famous, losing will mean death. ~ Suzanne Collins,
180:Always games, baby. But the rules are ours to break.' Julian Harte ~ Brooke Harris,
181:antimacassars and pot holders. There were games with prizes ~ William Kent Krueger,
182:Good games are productive. They’re producing a higher quality of life. ~ Anonymous,
183:I like a girl who doesn't play any games. I like a very sweet girl. ~ Mark Salling,
184:I live in L.A., so I go to basketball games. But I love baseball. ~ Penny Marshall,
185:It may be that all games are silly. But then, so are humans. ~ Robert Wilson Lynd,
186:Let us celebrate the spirit of sport through the National Games ~ Sachin Tendulkar,
187:To me, video games are like shoes. But with more pixels and a plot. ~ Annie Bellet,
188:when the games going against you, stay calm - and cheat. ~ George MacDonald Fraser,
189:You must invent your own games and teach us old ones how to play. ~ Nikki Giovanni,
190:All jobs are odd, or they would be games or naps or picnics. ~ Catherynne M Valente,
191:Games are lost and won in your mind as much as they are on the field. ~ Carl Deuker,
192:I play golf with friends sometimes, but there are never friendly games. ~ Ben Hogan,
193:I still like to play games that have a beginning, an end and a story. ~ John Romero,
194:There are some games you don't get to play unless you are all in. ~ Jordan Peterson,
195:When you don't win games, yeah, you lose confidence. That's normal. ~ Didier Drogba,
196:bulletproof vest?” “War games tonight,” Hazel said. “That’s Hannibal. ~ Rick Riordan,
197:But that's the thing about basketball: you don't play games on paper. ~ Bill Simmons,
198:Everything's all fun and games until someone gets an ax in the chest. ~ Lynsay Sands,
199:Girls don't think boys' games are too hard, they think they are stupid. ~ Andy Grove,
200:Me and Paul (Dean) will probably win forty games (they won forty-nine). ~ Dizzy Dean,
201:She is playing games with someone who knows how to play them better. ~ Tarryn Fisher,
202:The Republic-of-China - back in the Olympic Games for the first time ~ David Coleman,
203:If I had a day to myself I would just play video games with my brothers. ~ Jeremy Lin,
204:If you play games with men,” he replied, “you’ll play by men’s rules. ~ Louis L Amour,
205:I'm a comic geek, I love playing video games and I love reading comics. ~ Kellan Lutz,
206:I miss video games where the jump-kick was the trickiest combo to master. ~ Jay Asher,
207:In games there are rules, but in life the rules keep changing. ~ Kim Stanley Robinson,
208:I play games with her fabulous eyes and she longs to be in a monastery ~ Jack Kerouac,
209:Pastimes and games are substitutes for the real living of real intimacy. ~ Eric Berne,
210:Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships. ~ Michael Jordan,
211:There are some games you don't get to play unless you are all in. ~ Jordan B Peterson,
212:"There are some games you don't get to play unless you are all in." ~ Jordan Peterson,
213:In the near future, we'll have games that don't depend on any platform. ~ Hideo Kojima,
214:I see no need up in the sky for more torture chambers and Bingo games. ~ Kurt Vonnegut,
215:I would never censor something to please someone. I don't play games. ~ Joyce Tenneson,
216:love will play no games cause love knows life has been hard enough already ~ Rupi Kaur,
217:They hate and fear a world where games are truly made by and for everyone. ~ Anonymous,
218:To show them that I’m more than just a piece in their Games?” I say. ~ Suzanne Collins,
219:Games are a way of escaping reality - that's why you need heroic factor. ~ Hideo Kojima,
220:High school games would just as big a deal to me as any major league game. ~ Jim Bouton,
221:I bet they love those games on Friday night more than they do segregation. ~ Pat Conroy,
222:I did pretty well at the Sydney Olympics, but those were my first Games. ~ Marion Jones,
223:I love listening to games on the radio... you can't see what's going on ~ Andy Townsend,
224:I love sci-fi, computer games. I love any escapes. Give me them all. ~ Alexander Siddig,
225:I'm always suspicious of games where you're the only ones that play it. ~ Jack Charlton,
226:I've always sucked at games of chance. Always hated them for that reason. ~ Rick Yancey,
227:Like a stern father, war shames men into hating their childhood games. ~ R Scott Bakker,
228:There are many people in the industry that know nothing about games. ~ Hiroshi Yamauchi,
229:"There are some games you don't get to play unless you are all in." ~ Jordan B Peterson,
230:Video games are perfect to make into films because they are so visual. ~ Milla Jovovich,
231:I appreciate the fact that technology and games are a big part of life. ~ Nolan Bushnell,
232:I do really well in the traditional board games: Backgammon, Checkers. ~ Chelsea Clinton,
233:If you never concede a goal, you're going to win more games than you lose. ~ Bobby Moore,
234:I'm not trying to win a popularity poll. I'm trying to win football games. ~ Woody Hayes,
235:In role-playing games, SF and fantasy have exploded into psychotherapy. ~ Brian W Aldiss,
236:The only person who gets away with Locke Lamora games—” “—is Locke Lamora— ~ Scott Lynch,
237:The wise man," the dragon rumbled, "does not play games with dragons. ~ Jacqueline Carey,
238:Video games are a huge, incredibly popular, world-transforming medium. ~ Austin Grossman,
239:Brutal duplicity was his coinage. He played his games with little else. ~ Caroline Graham,
240:Games are for childhood, and sometimes I think I lost my childhood young. ~ Julian Barnes,
241:I never play video games! I'm so bad at it. I have, like, no manual dexterity. ~ Kelly Hu,
242:They wouldn't let me play; only Alice would play games with me anymore. ~ Stephenie Meyer,
243:Baseball games are like snowflakes and fingerprints, no two are ever alike. ~ W P Kinsella,
244:Life is a battlefield. I don't have enough time on the planet to play games. ~ Jon Foreman,
245:One day, you're 11 games, 12 games out, and the next day you're in first! ~ Jeff Francoeur,
246:This is ridiculous. I look like the Games Workshop version of a Jedi Knight. ~ Jim Butcher,
247:you will be able to meet one another, and then, tomorrow, the games begin!” I ~ Kiera Cass,
248:Fitness needs to be perceived as fun and games or we subconsciously avoid it. ~ Alan Thicke,
249:I don't play games. I ran away from home because my Dad brought me an Xbox. ~ Adrien Broner,
250:It’s all fun and games until someone sticks a dick up your ass,” he drawled. ~ Laura Harner,
251:My wife loved games, mostly mind games, but also actual games of amusement, ~ Gillian Flynn,
252:Games–like life–are all about waiting for chances and then pouncing on them. ~ Alex Ferguson,
253:Gentlemen should not waste their time on trivial games -- they should play go[3] ~ Confucius,
254:I like - not so much jewelry and that - but jackets, clothes, games as well. ~ Jamie Waylett,
255:I'm on the Web a lot. I like to play games online. Sometimes I play Sims. ~ Miranda Cosgrove,
256:Now, on nights that I can't sleep, I play video games alone until the morning. ~ Namie Amuro,
257:Players who have more great games than other players are the great players. ~ Graeme Souness,
258:That’s what church was to Wavy: a set of games she didn’t quite understand. ~ Bryn Greenwood,
259:What a great way to see all of our legacies live on, through the video games. ~ Randy Savage,
260:You want to play head games?" Molly snarled, her blue eyes blazing. "Let's go. ~ Jim Butcher,
261:Everything in Gatlin was rigged. Why would the carnival games be any different? ~ Kami Garcia,
262:I can shoot pool, and I can play ping-pong. I'm pretty good at those games. ~ Thelonious Monk,
263:I do love playing games, but once I have a girlfriend, she will be my princess. ~ Cho Kyuhyun,
264:I finished 'The Hunger Games' trilogy, and I love most anything with zombies. ~ Rachel Gibson,
265:I just want to keep working hard, stay humble, and keep trying to win games. ~ Damian Lillard,
266:I love wushu a lot and I would love to see it included in future Olympic Games. ~ Jackie Chan,
267:I'm a total nerd. I love comic books and video games and most of all zombies! ~ Katie Leclerc,
268:I'm with Houston now. I just have to come in here and play hard and win games. ~ James Harden,
269:In video games, one of the most helpless against injustice can even mighty. ~ Glenn Greenwald,
270:Baseball is one of the most beautiful games. It is. It is a very Zen-like game. ~ Jim Jarmusch,
271:It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye. Then it's a game of find the eye. ~ Unknown,
272:I used to play games when I was young—it might as well be a thousand years ago. ~ John Gardner,
273:Snape, of course, would no sooner let them play games in class than adopt Harry. ~ J K Rowling,
274:The war seemed as far away as the football games of someone else's college. ~ Ernest Hemingway,
275:If you can come to the Olympic Games and leave with a medal then that is alright. ~ Yohan Blake,
276:It had not occurred to me that sexual games could be played with an unborn child. ~ J G Ballard,
277:It's still fun to come to games, and it's still fun to be in the Seattle crowd. ~ Steve Largent,
278:It takes more than some mind games, a couple of parlor tricks, to get under my skin. ~ Triple H,
279:The Olympic Games are always in the head of every sports athlete. We work for that. ~ Tina Maze,
280:The real sports of the Hunger Games is watching the tributes kill one another ~ Suzanne Collins,
281:Video games just can't compare with the variety and intensity of reading. ~ Kareem Abdul Jabbar,
282:When I play too many video games I begin to feel chubby-minded, caffeinated, bad. ~ Tom Bissell,
283:Being a mermaid might seem like all fun and games, but it was a job like any other. ~ Mira Grant,
284:During a lot of years I would write music while playing video games at the same time. ~ Rob Crow,
285:If I want to play mind games, I'd buy a Rubik's cube. ~ Acheron, a character. ~ Sherrilyn Kenyon,
286:I graduated a the top of my class in the '84 Olympic Games; I won a gold medal. ~ Scott Hamilton,
287:I'm a middle-class former housewife who goes to my daughter's softball games. ~ Charlaine Harris,
288:I played pretend games as a kid, army, whatever, but I never wanted to be an actor. ~ Ray Liotta,
289:Ordinary parties, he thought, were subtle games of sexual and social badminton... ~ Annie Proulx,
290:So that explains all the mind games."
"You say mind games, I say research. ~ Jennifer E Smith,
291:Take any job, get started and stop with the video games and pot. I'm not for that. ~ Dana Perino,
292:I like these games we play, the ones that involve our heads and our hearts ~ Page 212 ~ S L Scott,
293:inventing games in the cellars where Richard’s father kept his wine when it rained. ~ Helen Bryan,
294:I try to play, always, beautiful games...always I wanted to create masterpieces. ~ Garry Kasparov,
295:People in New England think that the Red Sox won that series, three games to four. ~ Carlton Fisk,
296:The balls used in top class games are generally smaller than those used in others. ~ Paul Fussell,
297:The Hunger Games. Kill or die, a difficult choice. This type books are the best ~ Suzanne Collins,
298:The physics chip adds a level of reality in games we just haven't been able to get. ~ Rob Enderle,
299:To ensure that he won, he submitted to games only where he could dictate the rules. ~ Ron Chernow,
300:Why should I bother with made-up games when there are so many real ones going on? ~ Kurt Vonnegut,
301:You get the feeling that the knot-tying class is not the Hunger Games hot spot. ~ Suzanne Collins,
302:You never understood games. Maybe that's why the world was such a mystery to you. ~ Daniel Suarez,
303:Anybody who watches three games of football in a row should be declared brain dead. ~ Erma Bombeck,
304:As his team prepares, a coach's entire being must be concentrated on winning games. ~ Bobby Knight,
305:Chris Hughton has been sacked by Norwich. Now? With 5 games to go? Utterly bonkers! ~ Gary Lineker,
306:I don't smoke, drink alcohol well, or play games. But I watch dramas. It is hard to quit. ~ Yoseob,
307:If a man watches three football games in a row, he should be declared legally dead. ~ Erma Bombeck,
308:The first audition my manger sent me on was 'The Hunger Games,' and I got the role. ~ Dayo Okeniyi,
309:After I read 'The Hunger Games,' I went out and got 'Catching Fire' the next day. ~ Jodelle Ferland,
310:Carra doesn't like me to fist him before the games, so I give him a high-five instead. ~ Pepe Reina,
311:certain games are going on behind your back in this house. Henrik Ibsen, Rosmersholm ~ Henrik Ibsen,
312:I believe you win games by what you do from your first practice until your first game ~ Jack Ramsay,
313:I go over many games collections and pick up something from the style of each player. ~ Mikhail Tal,
314:I have figured out it's not what you do on the field, it's how many games you play in. ~ Eric Davis,
315:Let the Seventy-forth Hunger Games begin, Cato, I think. Let them begin for real. ~ Suzanne Collins,
316:The Bowling Green game was a big-time environment. We wanna see that for all the games. ~ Nate Oats,
317:The first Olympic Games were held in 776 BC. Do you know who lit the flame? Betty White. ~ Jay Leno,
318:The Hunger Games has epic spectacle, yearning romance and suspense that won't quit! ~ Peter Travers,
319:The Olympic Games are for the world and all nations must be admitted to them. ~ Pierre de Coubertin,
320:The Olympic Games were created for the exhaltation of the individual athlete. ~ Pierre de Coubertin,
321:This is my last Commonwealth Games. Five CWG and nine medals, it is enough for me. ~ Abhinav Bindra,
322:Video games are engineered now, but the step I am trying to take, no one can engineer. ~ Bill Budge,
323:We should cast aside all childish games that fetter and exhaust body, speech and mind. ~ Longchenpa,
324:Zombies are all fun and games until they’re standing right in front of you. ~ Jennifer L Armentrout,
325:Clint Eastwood's a good friend, too - he and I used to play in softball games together. ~ Lee Majors,
326:Everyone here contributes to win the games, so there is no pressure on any one player. ~ Bobby Abreu,
327:Games, by nature, have more plot options and non-linear qualities than TV and film. ~ David Duchovny,
328:I am a Yankees fan. I should say - have been to more Yankees games than Mets games. ~ Harold Ford Jr,
329:I don't care! I don't have to show anybody my games just because they're a big shot! ~ Bobby Fischer,
330:If we play in the right way and do what the manager asks us then we will win games. ~ Steven Gerrard,
331:I knew I was in love with The Hunger Games when I did not want to get off the treadmill ~ Roxane Gay,
332:I like some shooters, and I respect games like Doom, but I don't think it's right for me ~ Sid Meier,
333:Im a Harry Potter fan, a Twilight fan, and I think The Hunger Games surpasses them all. ~ Malese Jow,
334:My father was a dreamy fellow - he read Plato and Socrates and watched Phillies games. ~ Patti Smith,
335:No human being is innocent, but there is a class of innocent human actions called Games. ~ W H Auden,
336:We cannot play games well when it comes to this love: and this is how we shall win. ~ Waylon H Lewis,
337:We were in the NBA Finals. Two games away from winning it. I think we did pretty well. ~ David Blatt,
338:Don't play semantic games with the prospect. Advertising is not a debate. It's a seduction. ~ Al Ries,
339:Finite and Infinite Games: A Vision of Life as Play and Possibility BY JAMES P. CARSE ~ Daniel H Pink,
340:Games are unquestionably the single most important cultural form of the digital age. ~ Cathy Davidson,
341:It's all fun and games 'till someone loses an eye, then it's just fun you can't see. ~ James Hetfield,
342:words ‘organized games’ held the same appeal to me as the words ‘compulsory smear test’. ~ Jojo Moyes,
343:You have a responsibility to confront the war games - the American killing machine. ~ Philip Berrigan,
344:Children don't run around outside as much as they did. They sit in front of computer games. ~ Toyo Ito,
345:Cinna, being dragged, bloody and unconscious, from the Launch Room before the Games. ~ Suzanne Collins,
346:Guns don’t kill people. Video games, the media and Barack Obama’s budget kill people. ~ Wayne LaPierre,
347:I'd rather miss one or two games than to come back and pop it and miss four or five. ~ Darren McFadden,
348:Jury verdicts, basketball games, and even music are enough to set off black rage, it seems. ~ Ron Paul,
349:Right now, more people enjoy movies, music, television and movies than they do video games. ~ J Allard,
350:The Olympic Games are the quadrennial celebration of the springtime of humanity. ~ Pierre de Coubertin,
351:There are too many games being developed by people that have no business creating games. ~ John Romero,
352:Thoughtful reflection has been replaced with mindless games and digital consumerism. ~ Blake Northcott,
353:When I thought I was retired, I wanted to travel around the world and watch soccer games. ~ Drew Carey,
354:Bush's memoir is 512 pages. To be fair, 200 of those pages are just games and puzzles. ~ Craig Ferguson,
355:I'm a very competitive person, whether it's school, baseball or even playing video games. ~ David Price,
356:I'm such a video game fan that being able to do voices in video games is just fantastic. ~ Will Friedle,
357:I played lots of games and I was a fan of gaming, so I was always looking for new games. ~ Duncan Jones,
358:It’s bad enough to be a girl, anyway, when I like boys’ games and work and manners! ~ Louisa May Alcott,
359:Look, lady, we're not going to go all HUNGER GAMES on each other. Isn't going to happen. ~ Rick Riordan,
360:Look, lady, we’re not going to go all Hunger Games on each other. Isn’t going to happen. ~ Rick Riordan,
361:Readers Series:   The Mind Readers, book 1   The Mind Thieves, book 2   The Mind Games, ~ Lori Brighton,
362:Reality is stuck in the present. Games help us imagine and invent the future together. ~ Jane McGonigal,
363:The more games I will play, the faster I will be back on a top spot in the world rankings. ~ Jan Timman,
364:What's the point of dating without games? How do you know if you're winning or losing? ~ Jerry Seinfeld,
365:When you have a run of games where you keep winning and winning, you know it must end. ~ Rafael Benitez,
366:You be at the games looking right all season, but you always with me on the night yall leaving. ~ Drake,
367:You can only play a certain amount of Yatzee games in a row before you become a lunatic. ~ Brandon Mull,
368:A girl needs options. To me, video games are like shoes. But with more pixels and a plot. ~ Annie Bellet,
369:Game creation keeps on expanding, just like the Universe. That is why I keep making games ~ Hideo Kojima,
370:I can sit all day in a comfortable chair and watch ball games, but I don't need a blanket. ~ Don Rickles,
371:I like to download as many apps as I can - especially the ones with games and gadgets. ~ Stefano Gabbana,
372:In college, before video games, we would amuse ourselves by posing programming exercises. ~ Ken Thompson,
373:I never cheat. I practice Gamesmanship - the art of winning games without actually cheating. ~ L J Smith,
374:I only looked when I was sure he couldn't see me. Some games are too dangerous to play. ~ Seanan McGuire,
375:It is no wonder he wins every game. He has never done a thing in his life exept play games ~ Henry James,
376:Throw me to the wolves and I’ll return leading the pack. (Katness in The Hunger Games) ~ Suzanne Collins,
377:When the computer and tablets are all about playing games, thats not interesting to me. ~ Julianne Moore,
378:When you have bad teams, you've got to be creative to win games you're not supposed to win. ~ Don Nelson,
379:Board games were invented to keep people from thinking so they won't plan a revolution. ~ Heather O Neill,
380:Despair leads to boredom, electronic games, computer hacking, poetry and other bad habits. ~ Edward Abbey,
381:Honestly, I'm on the road so much that I never really get a chance to go to baseball games. ~ Young Jeezy,
382:I feel sorry for players who are always lying awake at night, brooding over their games. ~ Magnus Carlsen,
383:I love Age of Empires and I play RTS games all the time, I respect what they've accomplished. ~ Sid Meier,
384:Of course I have played outdoor games. I once played dominoes in an open air cafe in Paris. ~ Oscar Wilde,
385:Playing video games is something I enjoy in my spare time. I'm a gamer, always have been. ~ Kevin Garnett,
386:There was no desire in me to play for control, to play games. I only wanted to feel him come. ~ Anonymous,
387:The way to win battles, wars and games is by attacking and overrunning the opposing side. ~ Alex Ferguson,
388:A writer always begins by being too complicated—he’s playing at several games at once. ~ Jorge Luis Borges,
389:By drop out, I mean to detach yourself from involvement in secular, external social games. ~ Timothy Leary,
390:Every city and country just has a different reason for wanting to host the [Olympic] games. ~ Gary Hustwit,
391:First, Finland had timber. Then there was Nokia. Today its most visible export is video games. ~ Anonymous,
392:games and animated programs designed to educate adolescents on issues regarding safe sex. This ~ Anonymous,
393:I could pull all kinds of games on my mother. I couldn't pull any games on my father. ~ John Henrik Clarke,
394:If you didn't believe in objective truth, arguments would be just toys, or games, or jokes. ~ Peter Kreeft,
395:I'm creating the kind of games that I like right now. I'm not being held back by technology. ~ John Romero,
396:I'm very careful about violence in games. I'm not interested in creating violent effects. ~ Satoshi Tajiri,
397:I was so fired up to protect myself from you playin’ games with my heart, I played yours. ~ Kristen Ashley,
398:reality does not have the same closed and symmetric laws and regulations as games. ~ Nassim Nicholas Taleb,
399:The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games. —Eugene Jarvis, creator of Defender ~ Ernest Cline,
400:Winning means fame and fortune. Losing means certain death. The Hunger Games have begun. ~ Suzanne Collins,
401:Yet church youth groups rarely teach apologetics, majoring instead on games and goodies. ~ Nancy R Pearcey,
402:90 percent reduction in violence among the boys who had television and video games removed, ~ Dave Grossman,
403:A freak who thought about death and murder twenty-four-seven, not football games and baseball ~ Tillie Cole,
404:And here I am, strapped into a tree, a stone's throw from the biggest idiot in the games. ~ Suzanne Collins,
405:Bedroom games. That’s all it is. But they’re serious, and when played right, everyone wins.” He ~ C D Reiss,
406:For me, I always study the last games that have been played, not what happened in the past. ~ Fabio Capello,
407:I am a man who likes to play consistently; I always play better when I'm on a run of games. ~ Frank Lampard,
408:I can be ruthless, unforgiving, and a manipulative bastard. But I don’t play games with sex. ~ Naima Simone,
409:I don't play online games. 'Warcraft,' I've played that, but I mainly play action games. ~ Steven Spielberg,
410:If I couldn't broadcast baseball games, I think I would make a good impression on people. ~ Mackenzie Astin,
411:If the only reason I coached was to win basketball games, my life would be pretty shallow ~ Mike Krzyzewski,
412:If we were being attached by space aliens, we wouldn't be playing these kinds of games. ~ William J Clinton,
413:I just don't want to get used to feeling this feeling, you know, losing basketball games. ~ Carmelo Anthony,
414:I'm a big sports guy - golf, tennis, baseball, basketball, snowboarding - and I love games. ~ Jason Dohring,
415:I read the three Hunger Games books in a week and because I liked them so much I wrote Just a Game. ~ Birdy,
416:My refusal to play the Games on the Capitol’s terms is to be my last act of rebellion. So ~ Suzanne Collins,
417:No, I do not want to sacrifice four days for two games. My time is too valuable to do that ~ Anatoly Karpov,
418:Are there rules about betting on baseball games? Yeah--you have to stay away from the Padres. ~ James Siegel,
419:Everybody is playing games. There are games now for pretty much every age, every demographic. ~ Jesse Schell,
420:He's (his father Jorge Posada IV) happy for me. He remembers all of my big games. When I hit ~ Jorge Posada,
421:I thought the traveler pretty much deserved what he got and that you should never play games. ~ Albert Camus,
422:Maybe we’ll both be allowed to live — if I play it right — to watch the Games go on. . . . ~ Suzanne Collins,
423:Nevertheless, the mode, the justification, and all the games involved in this war were dishonest. ~ Dario Fo,
424:Of all our games, love's play is the only one which threatens to unsettle the soul... ~ Marguerite Yourcenar,
425:Peeta doesn't need a brush to paint images from the Games. He works just as well in words. ~ Suzanne Collins,
426:Peeta doesn’t need a brush to paint images from the Games. He works just as well in words. ~ Suzanne Collins,
427:Shit, shit, shit, it’s all fun and games until you’re alone in a dark room with a manipede. ~ James A Hunter,
428:Can the military art be learned in the games and hunts in which you pass your youth?” The ~ Barbara W Tuchman,
429:Children's games are hardly games. Children are never more serious than when they play. ~ Michel de Montaigne,
430:I want to make accessible movies for bright people, but I don't want to play games and be coy. ~ Peter Hedges,
431:Nico hesitated. He wasn’t used to getting a direct answer, without games or riddles or quests. ~ Rick Riordan,
432:Politics is not about big money or power games; it's about the improvement of people's lives ~ Paul Wellstone,
433:Technically a team could lose both games and still advance, but that hadn't happened in years. ~ Nora Sakavic,
434:You're gonna lose some ball games and you're gonna win some ball games and that's about it. ~ Sparky Anderson,
435:Doors,” Januscheitis said. “Squirrel,” Faith replied. “Why are we playing word association games? ~ John Ringo,
436:I have had some bad shooting games but that doesn't stop me from getting the ball to my teammates ~ Jason Kidd,
437:So . . . you want me to fall in love with you, while you play kissing games with another girl? ~ Sherry Thomas,
438:The Kenyans haven't done much in the last two games, in fact they haven't competed since 1972 ~ Brendan Foster,
439:games aren’t the opposite of work, but experiences that set aside the ordinary purposes of things. ~ Ian Bogost,
440:I get a lot more confidence winning games playing defense than winning the run-and-gun game. ~ Chauncey Billups,
441:Kids don't even read comic books anymore. They've got more important things to do - like video games. ~ Ang Lee,
442:People can read anything, but no one does. All they do is play games and watch cat holograms. ~ Neal Shusterman,
443:We don't care what the framers would have thought of violent video games. Times are changing. ~ Dahlia Lithwick,
444:You can't join a team and give up on it because you lose a few games or things aren't going well. ~ Eli Manning,
445:Butterfly, advice. Don’t start playin’ new games when you’re already winnin’ the one you’re in. ~ Kristen Ashley,
446:I play a lot of computer games. I love computer graphics. I've had Pixar in me for a long time. ~ Robin Williams,
447:This was all too immature for my taste. Games were for people who couldn't stop playing them. ~ Jennifer Laurens,
448:Because to outwit your rivals, first you had to know their ways and how to play their games. ~ Elizabeth Chadwick,
449:But I know he loves me. I know he needs our games, that they answer some deep-seated hunger in him. ~ J P Delaney,
450:Donald Trump abuses his power, games the system, puts his own interests ahead of the country's. ~ Hillary Clinton,
451:Don’t come here to fuck with my head and play games. You don’t test someone’s love by leaving them. ~ Leah Raeder,
452:Even if you say you “don’t play games,” that is a type of game—it is the “I don’t play games” game. ~ Aziz Ansari,
453:If I want to play mind games, I'd buy a Rubik's cube. ~ Sherrilyn Kenyon Acheron, a character. ~ Sherrilyn Kenyon,
454:It seems foolish to play games of better and worse. It’s simply a matter of is and is no longer. ~ David Levithan,
455:Our approach to making games is to find the fun first and then use the technology to enhance the fun. ~ Sid Meier,
456:"The invention of good games . . . cannot be done by men out of touch with their instinctive selves." ~ Carl Jung,
457:The technology in making games and in making anime is really similar. There are common concepts. ~ Satoshi Tajiri,
458:We don’t need to play her witch’s games. They always want to get you and your little dog, too.> ~ Kevin Hearne,
459:All my games were political games; I was, like Joan of Arc, perpetually being burned at the stake. ~ Indira Gandhi,
460:At the Olympic Games, it isn't the most beautiful or strongest who are crowned, but those who compete. ~ Aristotle,
461:Every month I look through some ten thousand games, so not as to miss any new ideas and trends. ~ Vladimir Kramnik,
462:I do love video games. But after a while, you feel like you really need to get up and do something. ~ Patrick Chan,
463:I don't want to lie, play games, hurt somebody, or get hurt. You can only go forward in one direction. ~ Sean Penn,
464:I sing the Star Spangled Banner, so I can get into football, basketball and baseball games for free. ~ John Cullum,
465:It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye," Ferbus said too loudly. "Then it's one-eyed fun. ~ Gina Damico,
466:My name is Reggie. I'm about kicking ass, I'm about taking names, and we're about making games. ~ Reggie Fils Aime,
467:Playing 10 years in the NHL, almost 600 games, there's going to be some wear and tear for everybody. ~ Mike Comrie,
468:Reading the books, I’ve always loved reading. It was easier than talking. Like a child playing games. ~ Elise Kova,
469:There are not many mediums whose Dantes and Homers one can ring up and talk to. With games, one can. ~ Tom Bissell,
470:What is any of this to us? Time is endless and ours. Love and Death are only the games we play in it. ~ Tanith Lee,
471:Winning means fame and fortune.
Losing means certain death.
The Hunger Games have begun… ~ Suzanne Collins,
472:Do you have any idea how much I hate you? I think. You, who have given your talents to the Games? ~ Suzanne Collins,
473:I covet truth; beauty is unripe childhood's cheat; I leave it behind with the games of youth. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
474:I've always been, in games, the bad guy. If there was ever cops and robbers I was always a robber. ~ Jake M Johnson,
475:The Nanjing games are homework by Garry Kasparov and me, [...] Today's game was provided by Garry. ~ Magnus Carlsen,
476:I am a season ticket holder to Dodger games. I go to every Dodger game I can go to. Every single one. ~ Shia LaBeouf,
477:I'll play out the string and leave baseball without a tear. A man can't play games his whole life. ~ Brooks Robinson,
478:I'm still no good at ball-and-stick games. If I go play golf with the guys, it's intended to be a joke. ~ Neil Peart,
479:It is important to arrange games and competition so that all Scouts of the troop take part. ~ Baden Powell de Aquino,
480:Languages are like games. You learn the rules for one, and they all work the same way. Like women. ~ Haruki Murakami,
481:Magic was all fun and games until you had the H-bomb of spell materials on the bottom of your shoes. ~ Marisha Pessl,
482:Tom Brady was suspended 4 games for hiding evidence. Hillary should have to sit out first 4 primaries. ~ Jim Gilmore,
483:Which would you rather be, a conqueror in the Olympic games, or the crier that proclaims who are conquerors? ~ Homer,
484:You don't just be a team. You become a team. Through tough games you find that you need each other ~ Mike Krzyzewski,
485:all games share four defining traits: a goal, rules, a feedback system, and voluntary participation. ~ Jane McGonigal,
486:I love my home, just playing games and just sleeping. No matter where you go, nothing is better than sleeping. ~ Rain,
487:I love video games. I love, love, love them! I also love 'Star Wars.' I wish Jedi was a true religion. ~ Kunal Nayyar,
488:I quit drinking, and I figure if I go to ten Yankee games this year without drinking I'll save $32,000. ~ Artie Lange,
489:[On The Hunger Games success]: "It hit on the zeitgeist of the disparity b/w the haves and have nots. ~ Nina Jacobson,
490:These close games that we're losing, the teams are not beating us. We're kind of beating ourselves. ~ Carmelo Anthony,
491:When I was a child I liked the games of Capablanca, and later I was captivated by Alekhine's play. ~ Vladimir Kramnik,
492:A wave of bipolar disorders and addiction to video games and gambling has also taken a toll on families. ~ Rinker Buck,
493:children who were never taught and would never now learn the games that had held the society together'. ~ Rebecca Mead,
494:games?” The man gave a jaunty tip of his straw cowboy hat. She hadn’t known she’d be expected to attend ~ Pamela Aares,
495:If you're going to win games, you're going to have to come up with the big hits. That's the bottom line. ~ Derek Jeter,
496:I like basketball, and I've been to three games, which is so much more fun than seeing it on TV, I think. ~ Heidi Klum,
497:I'm afraid that sometimes you'll play lonely games too. Games you can't win 'cause you'll play against you. ~ Dr Seuss,
498:I missed 9000 shots in my career, lost almost 300 games and missed the shot to win the game 26 times. ~ Michael Jordan,
499:I'm so proud of how well Canada did at the Games here. It think we're going to do even better in 2010. ~ Cindy Klassen,
500:It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt,” Aggie said.
“And then it’s hilarious,” Eric said. ~ Olivia Cunning,
501:Kirah growled. "Politics." ... "It's nothing but games for boys grown in body, but still small in mind. ~ Tim Marquitz,
502:The games industry is already bigger than the music industry, and it's mainly directed at teenage boys. ~ Thomas Dolby,
503:What people really need and demand from life is not wealth, comfort, or esteem, but games worth playing ~ Thomas Szasz,
504:I'm a games and theory kind of guy. I love puzzles, so it was fun dissecting Shakespeare's prose. ~ Neil Patrick Harris,
505:The best feeling is watching a real football game, because the games they show in the movies aren't real. ~ John Madden,
506:we need Governor Baker to say it is his responsibility to get the T running, putting an end to blame games. ~ Anonymous,
507:You’ve played the games. You’re a competitive soul.” “What’s the point of playing if winning isn’t the goal? ~ J D Robb,
508:Another force to contend with. Another power player who has decided to use me as a piece in her games, ~ Suzanne Collins,
509:How can you take a guy seriously when he gets more excited over video games than your new sexy underwear? ~ Vivian Arend,
510:I don't think most people take honest well. They prefer the games. They want to believe the pretty lies. ~ Richelle Mead,
511:It's funny how you can know your friends so well, but you still end up playing the same games with them. ~ Lauren Oliver,
512:[On the racial backlash about Hunger Games casting]: "People should have ignored the five racist idiots. ~ Nina Jacobson,
513:You never know, the way technology is going, we might all use the games for scouting by the time I retire. ~ Tony Parker,
514:Games were being played, that was all, and games of which he was largely ignorant and wished to remain so. ~ Barbara Vine,
515:I didn't meddle. If I did meddle there wouldn't be all this violence. All this horrible sexism in games. ~ Lincoln Chafee,
516:If I feel I'm not influencing games, not scoring goals or making goals, then that's the time I'd pack it in. ~ Ryan Giggs,
517:If you're going to play at all, you're out to win. Baseball, board games, playing Jeopardy, I hate to lose. ~ Derek Jeter,
518:I'm a chill guy, a very normal guy. I hang out with my friends, play video games. I'm just a normal kid. ~ Andrew Wiggins,
519:Kids get caught up in technical & electronic things like games & videos when all we had were magazines. ~ Christian Hosoi,
520:The mind is reluctant to embrace deep change, and will play devious games to maintain the status quo. ~ Kristin Linklater,
521:There's a difference between playing and playing games. The former is an act of joy, the latter — an act. ~ Vera Nazarian,
522:You shouldn’t try to play games with me because I’m not a player, I’m the coach.” ~ Adriana Locke Cane ~ Adriana Locke,
523:Auto racing, bull fighting, and mountain climbing are the only real sports... all the others are games. ~ Ernest Hemingway,
524:I'd rather play in the major leagues and have some bad games than play consistently good ball in the minors. ~ Simon Sinek,
525:I know a lot of games have been going to the facial capture. And movies like 'TinTin' are using it, as well. ~ Nolan North,
526:Oh father high in heaven - smile down upon your sonWho's busy with his money games - his women and his gun. ~ Ian Anderson,
527:Once we start seeing video games that have more memorable characters, you'll see better movie adaptations. ~ David S Goyer,
528:We want everybody to act like adults, quit playing games, realize that it's not just my way or the highway. ~ Barack Obama,
529:When I got to professional ball I used to play 150 games every year. It depends on how many games there was. ~ Willie Mays,
530:And, in nineteen seventy two Olympic Games I wasn't really going to be a star, and overnight I became a star. ~ Olga Korbut,
531:Being able to help, being able to go out there every five games, is definitely something I was waiting for. ~ Johan Santana,
532:Fun from games arises out of mastery. It arises out of comprehension.... With games, learning is the drug. ~ Jane McGonigal,
533:I could never get excited about games you play with other people. I can't get into them. I lose interest. ~ Haruki Murakami,
534:I didn’t play video games because my parents didn’t allow it. That was banned from my childhood experience. ~ Kristin Kreuk,
535:I talk, watch TV, spout opinions, schmooze, negotiate, talk some more, play games, and have a little cocktail. ~ Andy Cohen,
536:Maybe we should hold the next [Olympic] games in Afghanistan and hope the Soviets pull out of that one too. ~ Johnny Carson,
537:Mr. Lemoncello always works a clever back-door shortcut into his games. For instance, in Family Frenzy… ~ Chris Grabenstein,
538:Violent ground-acquisition games such as football are in fact a crypto-fascist metaphor for nuclear war. ~ Robert Downey Jr,
539:Food to eat and games to play. Tell me why, tell me why. Serve it out and eat it up. Have a try, have a try. ~ Brian Jacques,
540:He had lots of deaths, but that was OK, games were like that, you died a lot until you got the hang of it ~ Orson Scott Card,
541:I’ll be training someone on how to disembowel a man in three seconds flat. The games I play are far more vicious ~ Ker Dukey,
542:My activities tend to revolve around crossword puzzles, reading and playing piano and games with my friends. ~ Rashida Jones,
543:One thing we said as an offense is we want to start games fast ... we want the other team to play catch-up to us. ~ Ray Rice,
544:The goal every year is to win the Super Bowl, not just to get to the playoffs, not just to win a few games. ~ Calvin Johnson,
545:We obtain better knowledge of a person during one hour's play and games than by conversing with him for a whole year ~ Plato,
546:What is the purpose of video games if not to train you in the skills you will need to survive? - King Hercalon V ~ L R W Lee,
547:Words are so powerful. It can win wars, create kings, and sustain civilizations. - Wordwick Games by Kailin Gow ~ Kailin Gow,
548:An agent won't help you get drafted higher, won't make you win more games, and won't make you faster or stronger. ~ Lou Holtz,
549:Be a bit of a challenge; not because you're playing games but because you realize you're worth the extra effort. ~ Mandy Hale,
550:But didn't you say you were satisfied with your life?" "Word games," I dismissed. "Every army needs a flag. ~ Haruki Murakami,
551:I don’t want to spread myself out to other games that don’t have the passion… You know, like the Aliens game. ~ Michael Biehn,
552:If you two keep fighting, you're going to get us all killed, and I have a lot more card games I need to lose. ~ Leigh Bardugo,
553:I like watching sports. I like going to sports games and that's kind of my life during football season for sure. ~ Kris Allen,
554:In the wilderness, only the most terrible beasts of prey cavort and gambol. Deer and rabbits play no games. ~ Neal Stephenson,
555:Let the Seventy-fourth Hunger Games begin, Cato, I think. Let them begin for real. A cold breeze has sprung ~ Suzanne Collins,
556:Mammals of every species indulge in play. Games are Nature's way of preparing us to face difficult realities. ~ Daniel Suarez,
557:My only goal is to play 162 games and help this team win. If I can do that, everything will take care of itself. ~ Eric Davis,
558:You can be a top, top player for 10, 20 years, then you become a coach, lose two or three games and you're out. ~ Roger Milla,
559:You can't win integrity and honor from games. You can only earn them from living a life dedicated to those ideals. ~ P C Cast,
560:I had no idea 'The Hunger Games' was so big. I didn't even know the book. I had been living under my own rock. ~ Lenny Kravitz,
561:I think that baseball games are like soap operas. If you watch five in a row, you know enough to get hooked. ~ Jennifer Garner,
562:I've been a fan of video games since the old school, I even have a lot of the old school arcade games at my house. ~ Ray Lewis,
563:The books [and games] that give us the most pleasure combine uncertainty and satisfaction, tension and release. ~ Peter Turchi,
564:There are only three sports: bullfighting, motor racing, and mountaineering; all the rest are merely games. ~ Ernest Hemingway,
565:Although I played a lot of computer games in my 20s, now I have children of my own I hate them with a passion. ~ Tom Hodgkinson,
566:I'd noticed him watching me for a year or so, especially when we'd play games where there was running or jumping. ~ Jesse Owens,
567:If you defend, rebound and limit turnovers, you're going to put yourself in a position where you can win games ~ Stan Van Gundy,
568:I wanna design a video game where you'd have to take care of all the people shot in all the other video games. ~ Demetri Martin,
569:Kids love games and chess is a game where you have to sit down and concentrate and it just helps in every way. ~ Magnus Carlsen,
570:Knowledge of peace passes from country to country, like children's games, which are so much alike, everywhere. ~ Yehuda Amichai,
571:Most Americans will let liberals and conservatives play their games because most Americans don't pay attention. ~ Dennis Miller,
572:Things happen in NFL games. I don't try to dwell on it. I try to say, It happened. Let's move onto the next one. ~ Devin Hester,
573:We are moving away from myths and toward fantasy role-playing games, away from movies and toward videogames. ~ Douglas Rushkoff,
574:...what fair-minded person could possibly call me “nothing but” a psychopath? I’m very good at board games, too. ~ Jeff Lindsay,
575:By playing games you can artificially speed up your learning curve to develop the right kind of thought processes. ~ Nate Silver,
576:Games are won by players who focus on the playing field -- not by those whose eyes are glued to the scoreboard. ~ Warren Buffett,
577:Games are won by players who focus on the playing field –- not by those whose eyes are glued to the scoreboard. ~ Warren Buffett,
578:How do you beat Bobby Fischer? You play him at any game but chess. I try to stay in games where I have an edge. ~ Warren Buffett,
579:I don’t play games, Rowe. I’m just…I just don’t,” he says against my ear. “I will wait, but I won’t wait forever. ~ Ginger Scott,
580:I don't recognize myself. I don't know who I am anymore."
And it's all fun and games until someone loses an I. ~ Don Winslow,
581:I want my games to teach a message about life, by presenting situations where the answer isn't a clear yes or no. ~ Hideo Kojima,
582:I want to see my kids for dinner, I want to put them down at night, I want to see their soccer games after school. ~ Megyn Kelly,
583:Matthew groaned inwardly. He hated games that served no purpose other than to make fools out of the participants. ~ Lisa Kleypas,
584:One of the most difficult tasks men can perform, however much others may despise it, is the invention of good games. ~ Carl Jung,
585:She won the four-horse chariot race in 396 BC and again in 392 BC in what we call the ancient Olympic Games. ~ Chris Grabenstein,
586:So, what, Trevor was the quid and Shayna was the pro quo? I don’t think so, Syd. Playing games is not my style. ~ Steph Campbell,
587:Tribeca has always celebrated the most exciting new forms of storytelling, from video games to virtual reality. ~ Jane Rosenthal,
588:When you win 20 games in a row and then lose four, people ask you, 'What happened?'...That's the beauty of sports. ~ Tony Parker,
589:I’d only watch the Kardashians and the Real Housewives if they were in a Hunger Games-style death match. Sitting ~ Brenda Rothert,
590:I haven't had a lot of 'Games Of Thrones' groupies. The fans seem to be really nice. They don't seem that invasive. ~ Alfie Allen,
591:I'm a season ticket holder to the Washington Wizards, and I love going to Washington Nationals and Redskins games. ~ Wolf Blitzer,
592:I was at the Olympic Games winning medals and I still doubted my image. I doubted what I looked like. That's sad. ~ Shawn Johnson,
593:The journey of the flame is what brings the Games closer to society and allows society to take part in the Games. ~ Jacques Rogge,
594:They’re men and not pussies like boys are today. Video games, manscaping, and metrosexuals have fucked up society. ~ Chelle Bliss,
595:An intellectual understanding that is not backed by experiential knowledge can lead to mind games and deceptive states. ~ Sadhguru,
596:For young players, classic games are brand new. For older players, they bring back memories and make you feel good. ~ Satoru Iwata,
597:Games are advancing in terms of storytelling and trying to create a character, and its a brand new audience for me. ~ Kevin Spacey,
598:In the big leagues everyone has ability. It always comes down to mind games. Who ever is more mentally strong-wins. ~ Muhammad Ali,
599:I think video games are going to completely take over storytelling in our society. Video games are not a fad. ~ Guillermo del Toro,
600:Not everyone reads comics, although most people know the major superheroes, but the majority of people play video games. ~ Jim Lee,
601:People will always go to games. And not just Duke versus North Carolina. Even Appalachian State against Chatworth. ~ Sonny Vaccaro,
602:Repression and denial set up elaborate games to pretend that negative thoughts and feelings are not occurring. ~ Elizabeth Gilbert,
603:The music business is just the worst as far as Machiavellian, sharky, evil games going on, as far as manipulation. ~ Robert Greene,
604:the Olympic Committee was getting ready to announce there would never be another round of the international games. ~ Chris Dietzel,
605:The younger generation is surrounded by the Internet, apps, and video games. But somehow, my books make them read. ~ Chetan Bhagat,
606:video games are the comic books of our time... It's a medium that gains no respect among the intelligentsia". ~ Guillermo del Toro,
607:(Butch Thinking) Those claws wre like daggers. they made Freddie Krueger’s set of fun and games look like pipe cleaners. ~ J R Ward,
608:I am sick of playing games where you’re not allowed to show how you feel. I don’t have to play anymore. He just won. ~ Kirsty Eagar,
609:I knew I was never going to play professional sport, but I loved playing and I went to all the games I could afford to. ~ Spike Lee,
610:I'm seeing too many geeky, nerdy kids get addicted to video games and they're going nowhere. It's making me crazy. ~ Temple Grandin,
611:Kevin dragged his stare back to Wymack's face and said, "and my father comes to all of my games. That is enough." On ~ Nora Sakavic,
612:Most other competitions are individual achievements, but the Olympic Games is something that belongs to everybody. ~ Scott Hamilton,
613:Water lapped as she sat forward. “Don’t play games with me, Roarke.”

“Eve, it’s my fondest wish to do just that. ~ J D Robb,
614:When I'm off the clock, I usually play video games - or do something nature-y so I can contribute to Mother Nature. ~ Harry Shum Jr,
615:But didn't you say you were satisfied with your life?"

"Word games," I dismissed. "Every army needs a flag. ~ Haruki Murakami,
616:David has scored 62 goals in 148 games for Ipswich and those statistics tell me that he plays games and scores goals. ~ David Platt,
617:Let me tell you, son, I got more games than Milton-fucking-Bradley and more time to play them than Father-fucking-Time! ~ M D Massey,
618:Some people say video games rot your brain, but I think they work different muscles that maybe you don't normally use. ~ Ezra Koenig,
619:Stop playing verbal games with me, madam, or I shall go out into that ballroom, find your mother, and bring her here ~ Gail Carriger,
620:The foreign players seem to be reveling in the European games and they've put in some massive performances for us. ~ Steven Gerrard,
621:The games industry is the only industry with the tools and the talent to create real-time immersive 3D environments. ~ Palmer Luckey,
622:Vigorous Scout games are the best form of physical education because most of them bring in moral education. ~ Baden Powell de Aquino,
623:You're going up against powerful people here, and the odds are not in your favour.'
'Sounds very Hunger Games... ~ Robert Bryndza,
624:home videogame consoles had already made most coin-op games obsolete. After the OASIS went online, they stopped making ~ Ernest Cline,
625:I’d rather play video games, write software, and read books than try and get an A if there’s no point in getting an A. ~ Ashlee Vance,
626:If we consume toxic magazine articles, movies, or video games, they will feed our craving, our anger, and our fear. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh,
627:I'm very honest and I know where I am. If you look at the table and the games we have got left to win, we need a miracle. ~ Gus Poyet,
628:The ground is bare and hard / and will hold all secrets / and the sky cares not / for the games of those beneath it. ~ Steven Erikson,
629:Children played guessing games, telling each other whether the gun fired was and AK-47, a G3, an RPG, or a machine gun. ~ Ishmael Beah,
630:I dislike Tolkien, another Oxonian Old Norse obsessive, with his war games and made-up language in a world without women. ~ Sarah Moss,
631:I don't talk to media or anyone before games. I just put my headphones on, turn up some hip-hop, and get in the zone. ~ Kris Humphries,
632:Let's not play games. I was suggesting - you're absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith. ~ Barack Obama,
633:My brother and I are always playing F1 on the PlayStation and now I am going to be in one of those cars on the games! ~ Lewis Hamilton,
634:Power is a game, and in games you do not judge your opponents by their intentions but by the effects of their actions. ~ Robert Greene,
635:Sports is about people who lose and lose and lose. They lose games; then they lose their jobs. It can be very intriguing. ~ Gay Talese,
636:The danger of video games was that they shut the world out. The beauty of video games was that they shut the world out. ~ Harlan Coben,
637:The Gods play games with us, but if we open ourselves then we can become a part of the game instead of its victims. ~ Bernard Cornwell,
638:We are at home in our games because it is the only place we know just what we are supposed to do,” Albert Camus once said. ~ Anonymous,
639:Whether it's sleeping or playing video games or riding my bike or studying. Giving my brain up. That's what's important. ~ Ned Vizzini, absurd and dishonest as claiming that the trouble with computer games is that they stop people watching television. ~ Stephen Fry,
641:But mostly people hacked Tools to Make Tools. Or games. And they would come into computer stores to show off their hacks. ~ Steven Levy,
642:Hockey is its own game. It's completely different than all the other games, although it's getting way too close to soccer. ~ Brett Hull,
643:In reliving the old days and replaying the old games, he avoided a hard look at whatever future might lay ahead of him. ~ Louis L Amour,
644:I really like computer games, but then if I made really great computer games, how much effect would that have on the world. ~ Elon Musk,
645:It's a happy relationship when it's easy and when there's that trust and love and no jealousy or games or anything. ~ Lindsay Ellingson,
646:It'sthe fate of most Ping-Pong tables in home basements eventually to serve the ends of other, more desperate games. ~ Jonathan Franzen,
647:Manners are merely a game, Nell. As with all games, one applies the rules in particular situations, but not in others. ~ Meredith Duran,
648:The new guys bring energy, intensity and emotion. The last couple games, they showed what they can bring to the team. ~ Carmelo Anthony,
649:Then I said, “I covet truth;
Beauty is unripe childhood’s cheat;
I leave it behind with the games of youth. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
650:World War I showed everyone the priority of things on this planet, which party was playing idle games and which wasn’t. ~ Ernest Becker,
651:A stereotyped but unconscious despair is concealed even under what are called the games and amusements of mankind. ~ Henry David Thoreau,
652:Classified ads of the Ku Klux Klan: Tired of all the games? Do you like racial purity, horses and dressing up like a ghost? ~ Dana Gould,
653:I accepted games (quite a number of boys do) as one of the necessary evils of life, comparable to Income Tax or the Dentist. ~ C S Lewis,
654:I am terrible at video games and I am really competitive. And if I am not the best at something, I go absolutely crazy! ~ Gemma Arterton,
655:I have had moderately meaningful relationships in which I invested less time than what I have spent on some BioWare games. ~ Tom Bissell,
656:It’s the fate of most Ping-Pong tables in home basements eventually to serve the ends of other, more desperate games. ~ Jonathan Franzen,
657:Just spend a few more months playing video games. That hand-eye coordination will come in handy when you get to third base. ~ John Green,
658:Make the boy interested in natural history if you can; it is better than games; they encourage it in some schools. ~ Robert Falcon Scott,
659:Practice gotta be harder than the games and it never is unless you want it to be as a player. The coach can't drive that ~ John Calipari,
660:The games are always been played, and no one plays the games like me. You just have to be the best.
And I usually am. ~ Irvine Welsh,
661:With words as valueless as poker chips, we play games whose object it is to keep us from seeing each other's cards. ~ Frederick Buechner,
662:You don't win games as a coach during games. You win games as a coach before games. Players win during games, not coaches ~ Red Auerbach,
663:David Mamet’s film House of Games is a wonderful exploration of cons and con artists that shows forced teaming at work. ~ Gavin de Becker,
664:He forced his fists to unclench. "Look, lady, we're not going to go all Hunger Games on each other. Isn't going to happen. ~ Rick Riordan,
665:He forced his fists to unclench. “Look, lady, we’re not going to go all Hunger Games on each other. Isn’t going to happen. ~ Rick Riordan,
666:I'll bring what I bring to the tale, but it's good to know you have two guys with the experience and know-how in big games. ~ Eli Manning,
667:We're still getting better as a team. We're still learning how to play basketball as a team and how to win tough games. ~ Carmelo Anthony,
668:You're not doing the scene exactly the way it is in the book [The Hunger Games], but the intention of the scene is there. ~ Nina Jacobson,
669:But there are higher stakes than youth or Latah, games where only two players in the world know what the stakes are. ~ William S Burroughs,
670:Every team that I've gone to has had trouble winning games. I guess that's what I've been put on this earth to do, to fix it. ~ Jason Kidd,
671:Games played with the ball, and others of that nature, are too violent for the body and stamp no character on the mind. ~ Thomas Jefferson,
672:In the great non zero sum games of history, if you're part of the problem, then you'll likely be a victim of the solution. ~ Robert Wright,
673:I play a lot of strategy games and team and reactionary games. So it's a different sort of skill that you're practicing. ~ Asa Butterfield,
674:I really like computer games, but then if I made really great computer games, how much effect would that have on the world, ~ Ashlee Vance,
675:Some games are fun even when you lose. Even when you know you're going to lose before you start. It's fun just playing them. ~ Nevil Shute,
676:This is a war universe. War all the time. There may be other universes, but ours seems to be based on war and games. ~ William S Burroughs,
677:Video games are so popular these days, getting the opportunity to star in one is something special. More people should do it. ~ Carrot Top,
678:Desi, babe. Still playing your little games, I see. Now why don't you be a good Daimon and show yourself to me? (Kyrian) ~ Sherrilyn Kenyon,
679:Games? War is not a game, my friend. Games are for small children and old men like me. War is a young man's blighted delight ~ Ren e Ahdieh,
680:I didn't play or like a lot of board games as a child. I liked playing with my G.I. Joes and making up adventures for them. ~ Jonathan Ames,
681:I don't have the time or patience for games. Now, tell me, why do you...glow ?"
"I touched a radioactive alien cock once. ~ Kresley Cole,
682:I need music. It's like my heartbeat, so to speak. It keeps me going no matter what's going on - bad games, press, whatever! ~ LeBron James,
683:It's like a game. Repetitive. Even a little tedious after more than twenty years. But there are much worse games to play. ~ Suzanne Collins,
684:It’s like a game. Repetitive. Even a little tedious after more than twenty years. But there are much worse games to play. ~ Suzanne Collins,
685:I used to go to Maple Leafs games all the time when Nic shot To Die For here in Toronto. This is a great city. I love it here. ~ Tom Cruise,
686:I want to always be youthful and have the energy to run around and play hide and seek, which is one of my favorite games. ~ Michael Jackson,
687:Quite simply the Games are the biggest opportunity sport in this country has ever had. It is one that we must not squander. ~ Sebastian Coe,
688:There ought to be some other means of reckoning quality in this the best and loveliest of games; the scoreboard is an ass. ~ Neville Cardus,
689:When some one boasted that at the Pythian games he had vanquished men, Diogenes replied, "Nay, I defeat men, you defeat slaves." ~ Diogenes,
690:And even if she says no, and really means yes, then quite frankly she's playing games and isn't worth the price of dinner. ~ Stephen Chbosky,
691:And the fact remained, whatever games the gods played, it was hard-working dirt-poor bastards like him who suffered for it. ~ Steven Erikson,
692:Children's games are stronger than you remember once you've grown up and left them behind. They're always fair, and never kind. ~ Mira Grant,
693:I actually don't play any new video games except 'Call of Duty.' I'm addicted to 'Call of Duty.' It's the only game I need. ~ Deron Williams,
694:I don't want to play games with anybody, to our fans, to Pierre Lacroix, or any other NHL team that might have interest in me. ~ Patrick Roy,
695:I'm not a negative-minded person. But maybe to keep me humble, I look more at my bad games in big situations than good ones. ~ Andy Pettitte,
696:I'm sick to death of lords and kings and emperors. What do they do but play games and let their people pay the price in blood? ~ Julie C Dao,
697:I spoil a lot of people with my play. If you have three bad games in a seven-year career, people are going to point that out. ~ LeBron James,
698:Ladies and gentlemen....." His voice is quiet, but mine rings through the room. "Let the Seventy-sixth Hunger Games begin! ~ Suzanne Collins,
699:Sharks are as tough as those football fans who take their shirts off during games in Chicago in January, only more intelligent. ~ Dave Barry,
700:The danger of video games was that they shut the world out. The beauty of video games was that they shut the world out. Sally ~ Harlan Coben,
701:Those who had never seen a tribe of cats at war, or at least playing war games, would look upon what came next as utter chaos. ~ Jim Butcher,
702:War may be the game of kings, but, like the games at ancient Rome, it is generally exhibited to please and pacify the people. ~ Arthur Helps,
703:Well, let me tell you, gentlemen, the games of the devil are not restricted to those confined to hell. Others can play them. ~ Robert Ludlum,
704:Coming into the Games I knew I was in five events but I didn't expect to get a medal in every distance, especially the 5,000. ~ Cindy Klassen,
705:It became a gamble to myself whether I was able to do the exact same film ["Funny Games"]under very different circumstances. ~ Michael Haneke,
706:Men who have a thirty-six-tele vised-football- games-a- week-habit should be declared legally dead and their estates probated. ~ Erma Bombeck,
707:Some of the roots of role-playing games (RPGs) are grounded in clinical and academic role assumption and role-playing exercises. ~ Gary Gygax,
708:Common sense should tell us that positively reinforcing sadistic behavior, as these games do, cannot be good for our children. ~ Sam Brownback,
709:I was an all-around player - if I was just a scorer, there's no way the Hawks would have won 50 games four years in a row. ~ Dominique Wilkins,
710:Some of the roots of role-playing games (RPGs) are grounded in clinical and academic role assumption and role-playing exercises. ~ Gary Gygax,
711:There can be distractions, but if you're isolated from the heart of the Games, the Olympics become just another competition. ~ Mary Lou Retton,
712:There is no similarity between golf and putting; they are two different games, one played in the air, and the other on the ground. ~ Ben Hogan,
713:We ate, we drank, we played Pictionary (these four are oddly fierce when they are playing games), and just had a nice evening. ~ Alice Clayton,
714:I don't have a good attention span and can't spend long in record stores or video shops or games emporiums without getting grumpy. ~ Beth Ditto,
715:I'm a geek of all general types. I like a little bit of everything, I love comic books, I love pro-wrestling, I love video games. ~ Ron Funches,
716:I'm not super social, don't really go to parties, or basketball games, or football games very often, the big social occasions. ~ Taylor Phinney,
717:In November 1981, Philippine president Ferdinand Marcos banned video games and gave arcade owners two weeks to destroy them.2 A ~ Steven L Kent,
718:Players lose you games, not tactics. There's so much crap talked about tactics by people who barely know how to win at dominoes. ~ Brian Clough,
719:The intelligent perusal of fine games cannot fail to make the reader a better player and a better judge of the play of others. ~ Emanuel Lasker,
720:Zero-sum games deal with resources that neither increase nor decrease in amount—they only shift from one player to the other. ~ Douglas Preston,
721:Because I can. Because I want you. Because I don’t want to court my way up to our first fuck. And because I don’t want to play games. ~ J Kenner,
722:Children's games are stronger than you remember once you've grown up and left them behind. They're always fair, and never kind. ~ Seanan McGuire,
723:I'm fascinated with video games, though I can't really play them. It's definitely an art form that intrigues me to no end, though. ~ Mark Leyner,
724:People who know how to make games need to start focusing on the task of making real life better for as many people as possible. ~ Jane McGonigal,
725:Riggedy riggedy white Come and spend the night We'll play some games Some wild some tame Cause if you will, you might. By, Laberge ~ D J MacHale,
726:That's why baseball is more like life than other games. Sometimes I feel like that's all I do in life, keep track of my errors. ~ Michael Chabon,
727:There's no question in my mind: not only am I going to be able to make it through 16 games, I'll make it through another five years. ~ Tony Romo,
728:A sudden thought shocked him to the bone. I could leave Carthak when I'm a master. I'd never have to think about the games again. ~ Tamora Pierce,
729:Becoming fast friends when you're that small is easy, because the only requirement is that the other person likes to play games. ~ Jackson Pearce,
730:Gurgeh never ceased to be fascinated by the way a society’s games revealed so much about its ethos, its philosophy, its very soul. ~ Iain M Banks,
731:I'd much rather have the consumer buy a Wii, some accessories, and a ton of games, vs. buying any of my competitor's products. ~ Reggie Fils Aime,
732:If theres an injury, for a couple games, you can have guys step in. But for a long period of time, it always catches up with you. ~ Dirk Nowitzki,
733:The games we play are lessons we learn. The assumptions we make, things we ignore, and things we change make us what we become. ~ Terry Pratchett,
734:When we're not trying to kill each other with spells, we just sit in in Daniel's dressing room watching cricket games on television. ~ Tom Felton,
735:Give me all your competition dates in advance. It’ll be the Hunger Games on ice. I’ll buy everyone in the family front row seats, ~ Mariana Zapata,
736:God does not play games with His loyal servants", said the Metatron, but in a worried tone of voice.
"Whoopee", said Crowley. ~ Terry Pratchett,
737:In this age of video games and cell phones, there must still be a place for knots, tree houses, and stories of incredible courage. ~ Conn Iggulden,
738:It's the journey that matters. Learning is more important than the test. Practice well, and the games will take care of themselves. ~ Tony Dungy,
739:My idea of childcare at festivals is to sit at a trestle table with an ale while the kids run around and make up their own games. ~ Tom Hodgkinson,
740:We don't want to be free from fear. All that we want to do is to play games with it and talk about freeing ourselves from fear. ~ U G Krishnamurti,
741:All along the avenue, cotton candy stands, fun houses, and games of chance were tightly shuttered, like clowns without makeup. ~ William Hjortsberg,
742:I jokingly call this convergence of games into reality the "Gamepocalypse": the moment when every moment of life is actually a game. ~ Jesse Schell,
743:I've never actually played a Zelda game. I've played other N64 games, like Goldeneye, Mario Kart, they were my favourites. ~ Thomas Brodie Sangster,
744:Ladies and gentlemen....."
His voice is quiet, but mine rings through the room.
"Let the Seventy-sixth Hunger Games begin! ~ Suzanne Collins,
745:The cool kids have co-opted all the neat stuff ? computers, gadgets, video games. Theres no such thing as a computer geek anymore. ~ Tiffany Shlain,
746:The only reason these kids keep score in these games is for the parents and coaches satisfaction. Who cares? They're 10 years old. ~ Peter Jacobsen,
747:We're prosperous enough that we can afford to have one in six able-bodied men of working age sitting at home playing video games. ~ Todd G Buchholz,
748:X Games, it's an event but it's still ... it's a show. I try to put on the best show possible, ... I'm thrilled. This is awesome. ~ Travis Pastrana,
749:Come along,” he said. “The games will start soon.” Plato then led Jack and Annie out of the Greek house back onto the dirt road. ~ Mary Pope Osborne,
750:Emotions might lead to chaos sometimes, but can be a beautiful kind of chaos. - The Return, Book 3 of The Wordwick Games by Kailin Gow. ~ Kailin Gow,
751:I don't like games. You're robbing the precious time of children to be children. They need to be in touch with the real world more. ~ Hayao Miyazaki,
752:I know that makes me sound like a jerk and maybe in some way I was, but girls play games too. Guys are just more likely to admit to it. ~ Nyrae Dawn,
753:I'll have to say winning the Olympic gold in Atlanta is a crowning achievement, along with the gold in the relay in the same games. ~ Donovan Bailey,
754:in today’s society, computer and video games are fulfilling genuine human needs that the real world is currently unable to satisfy. ~ Jane McGonigal,
755:I pride myself as being a very supportive parent. I go to my daughter's soccer games. I hit most of them. I try to go to all of them. ~ Bill Simmons,
756:I think the reason that I like so many different games is because I like the way my brain works when I'm playing games. It's more fun. ~ John Romero,
757:My goals were last year to win the world champs and this year to win the Olympic Games and I've done that and I couldn't be happier. ~ Sally Pearson,
758:Say Say Say What you want But don't play games With my affection Take take take What you need But don't leave me With no direction ~ Michael Jackson,
759:Sometimes I am amazed how easy it is to play these games, if they did not have press freedom, we would have to invent it for them. ~ Malcolm W Nance,
760:the main form of family interaction was playing cards and board games, at which it was assumed that everyone was trying to cheat. ~ Jonathan Franzen,
761:The strongest storms make the best sailors. The strongest games make the best players. Tougher challenges make the best leaders. ~ Israelmore Ayivor,
762:The teachers thought there was something wrong with me because I wouldn’t talk to other kids. I was almost playing mind games with them. ~ Mikey Way,
763:We have drained common sense out of our politics. The more we focus on tactics and games, the more good people check out and give up ~ Deval Patrick,
764:Baseball, it is said, is only a game. True. And the Grand Canyon is only a hole in Arizona. Not all holes, or games, are created equal. ~ George Will,
765:But, Mr. Boomschmidt,” protested Mrs. Wiggins, “we can’t play games—not now. I thought maybe you could help us find this Byram boy. ~ Walter R Brooks,
766:(J)ust as we tend to underestimate the role of luck in life in general, we tend to overestimate it in games of chance. ~ Nassim Nicholas Taleb,
767:keep wishing I could think of a way to . . . to show the Capitol they don’t own me. That I’m more than just a piece in their Games. ~ Suzanne Collins,
768:One of my favorite games when I was a kid was 'murder/suicide'. Dad would show us a photo and ask us: 'Is it a murder or a suicide ?' ~ Colleen Doran,
769:One of the main things that's appealing about games is that you know a game can be won. It's an unusual game that's impossible to win. ~ Jesse Schell,
770:Only I keep wishing I could think of a show the Capitol they don't own me. That I'm more than just a piece in their Games. ~ Suzanne Collins,
771:we can see how games could be a purposeful escape, a thoughtful and active escape, and most importantly an extremely helpful escape. ~ Jane McGonigal,
772:Finished playing your sex games?" she asked point-blank.
"I wasn't doing anything to your mind, Elena. Not that time."
Oh, shit. ~ Nalini Singh,
773:...he did not dare to play forbidden games with a woman who had proven too many times that she knew the dark side of the moon ~ Gabriel Garc a M rquez,
774:I think that 'Halo' is a hard property because they don't need to make a film. They make far more money out of the games so why risk? ~ Rupert Sanders,
775:Life must be lived as play, playing certain games, making sacrifices, singing and dancing, and then a man will be able to propitiate the gods. ~ Plato,
776:Nothing I have done professionally will top the feeling I got when singing with John Farnham at the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney. ~ Olivia Newton John,
777:The men who are dropped in a jungle or a desert and expected video games and got mundanity and depravity and friends dying like animals. ~ Dave Eggers,
778:You might not believe it, but there are times when I feel the TV and radio shows demand more of me than those Sunday afternoon games. ~ Boomer Esiason,
779:You’re playing games.”
“I only play games I intend on winning.”
“And the loser?”
“If there’s a loser, you’re doing it wrong. ~ Katee Robert,
780:Baseball should adopt replay, plain and simple. If we can see it at home or on hand-held PDAs, the technology should be used in games. ~ Michael Wilbon,
781:Come on, Haymitch. Nobody decent ever wins the Games... Nobody ever wins the Games, period. There are survivors...there's no winners. ~ Suzanne Collins,
782:I love football. The games are a pure rush. By the time I'm done playing, I want to be among the best tight ends ever to play the game. ~ Tony Gonzalez,
783:I think we have a very skewed idea of what sex is nowadays. TV, video games and the Internet are set up to raise men to be predators. ~ Pamela Anderson,
784:It should be noted that children at play are not playing about; their games should be seen as their most serious-minded activity. ~ Michel de Montaigne,
785:It was funny how bomb and wars looked so thrilling in movies and computer games, when the reality was so heart-stoppingly terrifying. ~ Sophie McKenzie,
786:I would certainly end up forever crying the blues into a coffee cup in a park for old men playing chess or silly games of some sort. ~ Charles Bukowski,
787:Later, I began to succeed in decisive games. Perhaps because I realized a very simple truth: not only was I worried, but also my opponent ~ Mikhail Tal,
788:Many track and field people know that if I stay relaxed and run my race like I'm supposed to, I will be the winner at the Olympic Games. ~ Asafa Powell,
789:Not like those Dungeons and Dragons games. The real thing. He bought some of those tarot cards.” She pronounced it like carrot. Amateurs. ~ Jim Butcher,
790:The Games are still on. We have left the arena, but since Peeta and I weren’t killed, his last wish to preserve my life still stands. ~ Suzanne Collins,
791:The triple is the most exciting play in baseball. Home runs win a lot of games, but I never understood why fans are so obsessed with them. ~ Hank Aaron,
792:Video games don't make people go nuts. I played Super Mario forever. Not once hopping on a turtle or smash my head through a brick ceiling. ~ Dane Cook,
793:Whatever games are played with us, we must play no games with ourselves, but deal in our privacy with the last honesty and truth. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
794:You have to make shots to win basketball games and we didn't do that. You also have to get back on defense, so it was a double-whammy. ~ Gregg Popovich,
795:Certainly we're not satisfied with just winning games. We've been playing some pretty good hockey, but we think we can play much better. ~ Mario Lemieux,
796:Chase:“I don’t have the time or patience for games. Now, tell me, why do you … glow?”
Regin:“I touched a radioactive alien cock once. ~ Kresley Cole,
797:For pleasure you can read the games collections of Andersson and Chigorin, but for benefit you should study Tarrasch, Keres and Bronstein. ~ Mikhail Tal,
798:He said, See that little girl? I wanted to marry her mother, but she ran off with a coal miner."
-Peeta Mellark in The Hunger Games ~ Suzanne Collins,
799:I was like, 'Whoa, I'm auditioning for 'Hunger Games?'' That's like my dream come true. That's like a Trekkie auditioning for 'Star Trek. ~ Leven Rambin,
800:Seahawks beat Cardinals, 58-0. If Patriots beat Texans, 58-0, it will be first time in NFL history there were two 58-0 games in same week. ~ Norman Chad,
801:There were none of the card games marines usually played in downtimes. They were too tired to concentrate, and poker was serious business. ~ Mark Bowden,
802:Avoid compulsion and let early education be a matter of amusement. Young children learn by games; compulsory education cannot remain in the soul. ~ Plato,
803:Games are subject to far more scrutiny than network television or Hollywood films and often are condemned by people who do not play them. ~ Mary Flanagan,
804:Gods play games with the fates of men. But first they have to get all the pieces on the board and look all over the place for the dice. ~ Terry Pratchett,
805:I listen to NPR and baseball games when I'm in my car. I mean, exclusively NPR and baseball games, and that's it, as far as the radio. ~ Juliana Hatfield,
806:I mean I'm talking about playing games, about imagining other people, and it's part of the way that it helps you actually see the world. ~ Simon McBurney,
807:NBA games are exciting to watch and have global appeal. They are very popular in China. I do watch NBA games on television when I have time. ~ Xi Jinping,
808:You go through so much with the heartache, the pain, the nonsense, the games, and it's easy to lose sight of the possibility of love. ~ Demetria McKinney,
809:But games always cover something deep and intense, else there would be no excitement in them, no pleasure, no power to stir us. ~ Antoine de Saint Exupery,
810:If you said, 'What is the most important aspect of winning football games?' I don't think I could give you an answer to that question. ~ Cris Collinsworth,
811:Predators will look for any way to talk to children online whether through sites like Myspace, instant messaging, or even online games. ~ Mike Fitzpatrick,
812:We will have to overcome the lingering cultural bias against games, so that nearly half the world is not cut off from the power of games. ~ Jane McGonigal,
813:While films are a very visual and emotional artistic medium, video games take it one step further into the realm of a unique personal experience. ~ Jet Li,
814:A group of young people playing a game of frisbee”—that caption was written by a computer with no understanding of people, games or frisbees. ~ Max Tegmark,
815:Europeans like to think they play games with others, but the truth is that for years Russia has been pulling strings inside the European Union. ~ Anonymous,
816:I do not play games. There is not time for it. When I get through with work, I don't want anything that requires the working of the mind. ~ Albert Einstein,
817:If you find yourselves in cuttings or in tunnels, don't you play no secret games, Keep your whistles going, and let's know where you are. ~ Charles Dickens,
818:I like to be home with my son, kickin' it and watching ESPN, a very normal life. I like to take him to school every day, watch his games. ~ Taraji P Henson,
819:I mean we all played as kids. You play games, you take on different characters, you imitate; the fun and the love of play has never left me. ~ Kevin Spacey,
820:I want to serve chess through games, books that are works of art. I would like to bring the game closer to many people all over the world. ~ Garry Kasparov,
821:The most important thing about Olympics, of course, is the games and not the opening ceremony. It's weird the way it gets inverted sometimes. ~ Danny Boyle,
822:Then I'll just tell you that it doesn't matter whose fault it is. Blame is just a way to keep score, and adults don't play games like that. ~ Tommy Wallach,
823:There was always a real reason for everything - why spoons tarnished, and jam furred, and people declined into God, or drink, or card games. ~ Edna O Brien,
824:They are very good reasons why voice acting in games can be so terrible. Writers are in a great position to be able to bridge this gap. ~ Rhianna Pratchett,
825:I really do miss playing basketball. I don't play a lot of pick-up games. But I do like using basketball as a form of cross training. ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee,
826:I've lied all my life. I'm just now learning how to tell the truth, and I'm not going to start playing games again, especially not with you. ~ Collette West,
827:My name is Katniss Everdeen. I am seventeen years old. My home is District 12. I was in the Hunger Games. I escaped. The Capitol hates me. ~ Suzanne Collins,
828:The fans of 'The Hunger Games,' of the book, are very passionate. It's funny: Even at my concerts there are people holding up 'Cinna' signs. ~ Lenny Kravitz,
829:The original games were gladiatorial fights to the death. We had to revise that after a few years because, well, people stopped signing up. ~ Craig Schaefer,
830:Young man, the games we play are lessons we learn. The assumptions we make, things we ignore, and things we change make us what we become. ~ Terry Pratchett,
831:Don’t waste your time playing inane games with these kids. Cricket is waiting for you at the nets. Practise hard and see what magic can transpire ~ Anonymous,
832:I cant justify taking money away from hungry kids and needy schools to pay for the Games when corporations are willing to write the checks. ~ Mary Lou Retton,
833:I play video games a lot... I love to read... I enjoy spending time with my husband and daughter, who are my most favorite people in the world. ~ Lea Salonga,
834:She eyed him steadily, wondering at his sudden . . . humanity. Maybe dying did away with the usual games, the pretenses of the living dance. ~ Steven Erikson,
835:Tell me the truth - do you think I've lost my Southern accent? I feel it comes back to me only when I'm shouting at fights or at baseball games. ~ Cleo Moore,
836:Why me?” I ask the obvious question.
“Because I know you won’t play games with me. I know that if you let me in, it’s genuine and real. ~ Natasha Madison,
837:Business is a game, and as with all games, the team that puts the best people on the field and gets them playing together wins. It's that simple. ~ Jack Welch,
838:But children nowadays don't believe in magic. They are forever watching TV and playing computer games. They never look to the skies any more. ~ David Walliams,
839:Happy Hunger Games!” He plucks a few blackberries from the bushes around us. “And may the odds —” He tosses a berry in a high arc toward me. ~ Suzanne Collins,
840:I'm obsessed with Greek mythology. My favorite goddess is Artemis. She's strong and reminds me of Katniss, the heroine of The Hunger Games. ~ Isabelle Fuhrman,
841:I would certainly end up forever crying the blues into a
coffee cup in a park for old men playing
chess or silly games of some sort. ~ Charles Bukowski,
842:The books I write because I want to read them, the games because I want to play them, and stories I tell because I find them exciting personally. ~ Gary Gygax,
843:You and me Haymitch.Very cozy.Picnics, birthdays, long winter nights sitting around the fire retelling old Hunger Games tale. -Peeta Mellark ~ Suzanne Collins,
844:I watch NFL football on Sundays. I enjoy gaming with friends, meaning role-playing games; I still enjoy going to conventions and traveling. ~ George R R Martin,
845:She kept him on his toes every time they met, so it was only fair he got to do the same. Never mind how much he was growing to like their games. ~ Lisa Maxwell,
846:We are forced to participate in the games of life before we can possibly learn how to use the options in the rules governing them. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
847:And from that nineteen sixty four, this was my goal to go to Olympic Games. And I realized what does it mean, Olympic Games, like big celebration. ~ Olga Korbut,
848:But didn’t you say you were satisfied with your life?” “Word games,” I dismissed. “Every army needs a flag.” She didn’t respond. We swam on in ~ Haruki Murakami,
849:Games are not so bad because the adrenalin keeps you going, but training on a daily basis when every time you move it hurts, that is a real battle. ~ John Terry,
850:I definitely like to stay active. Im a huge fan of the NBA and the sport of basketball. I love to play pick-up games in Brooklyn where I live. ~ Brendan Dooling,
851:I just want to not be me. Whether it’s sleeping or playing video games or riding my bike or studying. Giving my brain up. That’s what’s important. ~ Ned Vizzini,
852:I've done a lot of video games and stuff, and I'm getting better and better at it. I don't have a prejudice about it being a different medium. ~ Lance Henriksen,
853:Our kids are in a little band, and they like to play video games, and my wife and I do our best to live a low-key, non-Hollywood kind of life. ~ Justin Chambers,
854:People spend a collective 3 billion hours a week playing video games. A week. Additionally, more than 174 million Americans are gamers. Jane ~ Philip G Zimbardo,
855:The next time you're mad at me, talk to me,' he said. 'Don't shut me out. I don't like playing games. And by the way, I had a great time, too. ~ Nicholas Sparks,
856:...there are some people in the world that don't hug you all the time or play games but they still love you. They just don't know how to say it. ~ Cecelia Ahern,
857:Things that appear on the front page of the newspaper as 'fact' are far more dangerous than the games played by a novelist, and can lead to wars. ~ E L Doctorow,
858:Baseball is the greatest of American games. Some say football, but it is my firm belief, and it shall always be, that baseball has no superior. ~ Thomas A Edison,
859:European football games or evening games seem to take a lot more out of you because you don't sleep that night. And as you get older, it gets worse. ~ Ryan Giggs,
860:God does not play games with His loyal servants,” said the Metatron, but in a worried tone of voice. “Whooo-eee,” said Crowley. “Where have you been? ~ Anonymous,
861:I'm into video games, but only real specific lame video games. In a more traditional nerd sense, I just read lots of books and I enjoyed school. ~ Emily Browning,
862:I'm obviously not going to give you everything about my whole life, but as far as my personality, you see me all the time from watching the games. ~ Kevin Durant,
863:I'm probably the worst at games. I don't really like computer games either. And when I lose, I won't go again but just say I don't want to play anymore. ~ Yoseob,
864:I played maybe one and a half games of Little League. The whole atmosphere of anxious parents and more anxious children was just too much for me. ~ Harrison Ford,
865:Maybe it all went back to the days when games were decided, not by the best score in nine innings, but by the first team to score twenty-one runs ~ Robert Coover,
866:Well, games of chance and I are no strangers. This trading in papers . . . is it a bit like gambling?” “It’s exactly like gambling, Prince Jalan. ~ Mark Lawrence,
867:You and me Haymitch.Very cozy.Picnics, birthdays, long winter nights sitting around the fire retelling old Hunger Games tale.
-Peeta Mellark ~ Suzanne Collins,
868:I've been lucky to work with people that I like most of the time. If I don't like them, I'll play head games with them to get their minds spinning. ~ Vince Vaughn,
869:I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else. ~ Gary Gygax,
870:Tests were always easy for me. I saw them as games, saw myself as being in a contest against a mythical adversary, and welcomed the challenge. ~ Walter Dean Myers,
871:An' though the rules of the road have been lodged,
It's only people's games that you got to dodge.

From "It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) ~ Bob Dylan,
872:I did get to go to the Olympic trials in '88 and '92. I was 7th and 11th, so I didn't place high enough to go to the games, but, still, it was a blast. ~ Dot Jones,
873:My name is Katniss Everdeen. I am seventeen years old. My home is District 12. I was in the Hunger Games. I escaped. The Capitol hates me........ ~ Suzanne Collins,
874:Probably the greatest thing working in games is watching someone enjoy your game and to think, "Wow I had a part in giving someone that enjoyment". ~ Eugene Jarvis,
875:It's just like high school. If you're a freshman or a sophomore, it's hard to tell the seniors who've been through two, three, playoff games what to do. ~ Tony Romo,
876:It was good to be a kid because I did not realise all the things that came with the success. Going to the Games, I was asked what I expected to do. ~ Nadia Comaneci,
877:Of course you are. The tributes were necessary to the Games, too. Until they weren't," I say. "And then we were very disposable - right, Plutarch? ~ Suzanne Collins,
878:Playing video games and making comics didn’t look like raw materials for success. In fact, what we were doing looked very similar to fucking around. ~ Jerry Holkins,
879:Riggedy riggedy white
Come and spend the night
We'll play some games
Some wild some tame
Cause if you will, you might.

By, Laberge ~ D J MacHale,
880:Sean's our boy, big into computer games and football, wants to help the Redskins build a dynasty, though he doesn't really know what that means. ~ Catherine Coulter,
881:The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part; the essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well. ~ Pierre de Coubertin,
882:There is a vast difference between games and play. Play is played for fun, but games are deadly serious and you do not play them to enjoy yourself. ~ Maurice Baring,
883:The Xbox 360 is the first console that I've ever worked with that actually has development tools that are better for games than what we've had on PC. ~ John Carmack,
884:be at home, medicating myself into a monotone. Drowning my sorrows in video games. Working shifts at Smart Aid. Dying inside, day by day, from regret. ~ Ransom Riggs,
885:Bezos is like a chess master playing countless games simultaneously, with the boards organized in such a way that he can efficiently tend to each match. ~ Brad Stone,
886:But only certain kinds of bottom-up focus act to restore energy for focused attention. Surfing the Web, playing video games, or answering email does not. ~ Anonymous,
887:Do grown men always have to play games? Does everything have to be an excuse for another kind of game? Do any men grow up or do they only come of age? ~ Stephen King,
888:Games sometimes can reveal things. To watch someone in movement, unconscious movement, can be very stimulating and revealing, whether they win or not ~ John Turturro,
889:I guess when you chase through the millennia playing such strange games with a man you once loved it's bound to make you a little upset when you eat him. ~ Al K Line,
890:I played all games seriously, even nastily. They provided me an enclosed world whose triumphs compensated me somewhat for a life of defeat elsewhere. ~ Quentin Crisp,
891:It may be that other developers are finding that their games play better on one platform over the other, so they're choosing to migrate to that platform. ~ Sid Meier,
892:One of the favorite games I play, when I improv or take on a character, is what I like to call arrogant ignorance. That's the game I enjoy playing most. ~ Rob Riggle,
893:sometimes though
love will hurt you but
love will never mean to
love will play no games
cause love knows life
has been hard enough already ~ Rupi Kaur,
894:These days I smile benignly at the fights that I see in NBA games. There aren't any broken noses or black eyes, which happened quite often when I played. ~ Bob Cousy,
895:Genuine self-acceptance is not derived from the power of positive thinking, mind games or pop psychology. IT IS AN ACT OF FAITH in the God of grace. ~ Brennan Manning,
896:If you look at the evolution of games from console to Internet to mobile, and look at social networking from Web to mobile, everything is fragmenting. ~ Chris DeWolfe,
897:I know I probably never will win the league MVP or passing title. That is not why I play the game. I try to win football games and championships. ~ Ben Roethlisberger,
898:In front of the roaring fireplace, teenage einherjar hung out playing board games or just chillaxing (which is like chilling, except with battle-axes). ~ Rick Riordan,
899:Video games are like a religion; you want to get people tattooing your little logo on their body so they’ll get somebody else interested in it too. ~ Cliff Bleszinski,
900:All of world's eyes are trained on the Games. So winning at that stage is heroic. It is a different feeling altogether and cannot be explained in words. ~ Gagan Narang,
901:At the age of twelve I was finding the world too small: it appeared to me like a dull, trim back garden, in which only trivial games could be played. ~ Elizabeth Bowen,
902:God does not play games with His loyal servants,’ said the Metatron, but in a worried tone of voice. ‘Whooo-eee,’ said Crowley. ‘Where have you been? ~ Terry Pratchett,
903:God does not play games with His loyal servants,” said the Metatron, but in a worried tone of voice. “Whooo-eee,” said Crowley. “Where have you been? ~ Terry Pratchett,
904:I don't try to get players emotionally up for a game; it creates too many peaks and valleys... I strive for even keel; they will get up for the big games. ~ Denny Crum,
905:I'm very careful about how I portray violence in my films. I do believe that violence, especially violent video games, are not a good thing for young kids. ~ Spike Lee,
906:I play a lot of games on my iPhone. There is a game called Rat on a Scooter that I will promote as much as possible because it has brought me so much joy. ~ Jonah Hill,
907:Somewhere down the road...I hope you find [that girls] don't all have the same thing between their ears. The good ones don't put up with macho mind games. ~ Alex Flinn,
908:The 2012 London Olympic Games fostered a generation of hope. I witnessed women participating for the very first time, representing every nation. ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee,
909:We win our games in practice. We learn and follow the fundamentals of our game better than anyone in the league. All of our games are won in practice. ~ Vince Lombardi,
910:Yo, Kyle,” said Miguel. “Exactly how many board games have you played?” “Enough to know that you don’t ever quit until somebody else actually wins. ~ Chris Grabenstein,
911:Edith says that there are some people in the world that don't you all the time or play games but they still love you. they just don't know how to say it ~ Cecelia Ahern,
912:I didn't exactly give you a choice, seein' as you were playing games, fuckin' another guy and I needed to stake me claim. I did, I'm here, I'm stayin'. ~ Kristen Ashley,
913:I'd work on my game online and at casinos, build my bankroll, find good games, and try to put myself in a position to keep winning and earn a steady income. ~ Phil Ivey,
914:It wasn't fair to play games with the hearts of people who loved me. And they did love me--I had to admit that, or nothing would ever make sense again. ~ Seanan McGuire, complicates our games, old friend, it insinuates itself, disrupting the most carefully laid plans and unmanning the most disciplined heart. ~ Juliet Marillier,
916:At the end of the day, I'm very convinced that you're going to be judged on how you are as a husband and as a father and not on how many bowl games we won. ~ Urban Meyer,
917:Father liked word games. He was fourteen times world Scrabble champion. When he died, we buried him at Queenzieburn to make use of the triple word score. ~ Jasper Fforde,
918:Games is like hardwired plumbing in the house of pop. It's not pop itself, its sort of like the behind-the-scenes arteries and capillaries of pop music. ~ Daniel Lopatin,
919:Games make us happy because they are hard work that we choose for ourselves, and it turns out that almost nothing makes us happier than good, hard work. ~ Jane McGonigal,
920:"God does not play games with His loyal servants," said the Metatron, but in a worried tone of voice. "Whooo-eee," said Crowley. "Where have you been?" ~ Terry Pratchett,
921:I hate this place,” Tiara whimpered. “It’s super creepy. Like a haunted Chuck E. Cheese’s where the games all want to kill you and you never get your pizza. ~ Libba Bray,
922:I played basketball and soccer but they are very different games, obviously. However, playing any kind of sport always helps you develop physically. ~ Alexander Ovechkin,
923:I think rap music is brought up, gangster rap in particular, as well as video games, every other thing they try to hang the ills of society on as a scapegoat. ~ Ice Cube,
924:Little decisions were made, every day. In this movie [The Hunger Games], we really focused on Cinna and we didn't get time to focus on the other stylist. ~ Nina Jacobson,
925:Say Say Say
What you want
But don't play games
With my affection
Take take take
What you need
But don't leave me
With no direction ~ Michael Jackson,
926:Deb Zane, our casting director on the Hunger Games was very sanguine, from the beginning, about just blocking out what everybody else says that they want. ~ Nina Jacobson,
927:Every footballer wants to play forever. And if you are going to keep on playing - to enjoy it to the full - you want to win games, and as a result, trophies. ~ Ryan Giggs,
928:Free-form games in which the player can make choices about what the game is going to be, become a kind of gaming equivalent of the narrative possibility. ~ Salman Rushdie,
929:I think computing power is ready to do 3D justice. It was great for shooters and racing games in the past, but I didn't think it was right for strategy games. ~ Sid Meier,
930:Our first concern is his happiness of course; but not just today." Because it wasn't that simple, was it? Raising children was the longest of long games. ~ Laurie Frankel,
931:She hated games like this – if she wanted to do something, she did it. She didn't need encouragement or approval from everyone around her, she just did it ~ Stylo Fantome,
932:G-d does not play games with His loyal servants," said the Metatron, but in a worried tone of voice.
"Whooo-eee," said Crowley. "Where have you been? ~ Terry Pratchett,
933:I have been a fan all my life, but now I have been out of football for over 10 years, and out of baseball for a little over six years and I don't go to games. ~ Bo Jackson,
934:I stopped playing video games, I stopped playing other sports, and I just dove head first into wrestling and it's been my passion ever since I discovered it. ~ Kevin Owens,
935:Sectional football games have the glory and the despair of war, and when a Texas team takes the field against a foreign state, it is an army with banners. ~ John Steinbeck,
936:When I come back like Jordan, wearing the 4-5. It ain't to play games with you, it's to aim at you, probably maim you. If I owe you I'm blowin' you to smithereens. ~ Jay Z,
937:When you reach a certain status in Hollywood, you have to play a lot of games to stay in the limelight. It becomes more about being famous than being an actor. ~ Jason Lee,
938:Exhilaration bubbled in his blood. Exhilaration and the determination to win this lassie. He’d always enjoyed games. This one promised champion fun. Devilry ~ Anna Campbell,
939:Games are the only force in the known universe that can get people to take actions against their self-interest, in a predictable way, without using force. ~ Gabe Zichermann,
940:I always find time to hang with friends at least once a week or just watch TV and play video games. The combination of Netflix and food is just the best. ~ Keiynan Lonsdale,
941:I am a girl without game. I'm not interested in games. I think that, if you are someone who playing hard to get comes naturally to, go with God and do that. ~ Anne Hathaway,
942:I grew up with baseball; I played in Little League and went to games with my dad. But I, as I grew up, became more of a basketball fanatic than a baseball one. ~ Jonah Hill,
943:Intelligence and war are games, perhaps the only meaningful games left. If any player becomes too proficient, the game is threatened with termination. ~ William S Burroughs,
944:Most single people I know, myself included, have a difficult time even meeting up with the people they like, be it busy schedules, texting games, or whatever. ~ Aziz Ansari,
945:My manager introduced me to the 'Rise to Honor' team. I was curious about what it took to be involved in video games, a completely new form of entertainment to me. ~ Jet Li,
946:My real experience with video games was watching other people play. That's why a lot of my work isn't really about playing. It's about watching video games. ~ Cory Arcangel,
947:Sometimes there’s another reason that people take so long to text you back: They aren’t playing mind games or busy. They’re just GOOGLING THE FUCK OUT OF YOU. ~ Aziz Ansari,
948:Stole my heart just to throw it away,
No explanation for the games you play.
Am I just a Friday night to you,
Or are we going to see this through? ~ Sarah Robinson,
949:The night was over, for he did not dare to play forbidden games with a woman who had proven too many times that she knew the dark side of the moon. ~ Gabriel Garc a M rquez,
950:Yeah, I play a lot of their games. Going way back to Bulls vs. Lakers to the later Live stuff, I go at it quite a bit. More than anything tough, I play Madden. ~ Jason Kidd,
951:You don’t drag someone you love into that kind of hell, and play the kinds of games he did with her mind and body. You climb out of hell to be with them. ~ Lisa Renee Jones,
952:Chess is a game with simple rules and pieces, a small sixty-four-space board, but there are more possible chess games than there are atoms in the universe. ~ Austin Grossman,
953:I was a kid who loved to play games. Any kind of game, any kind of ball. Give me a baseball, give me a basketball, give me something I can bounce and throw. ~ Terry Bradshaw,
954:Shirley goes over the edge.” “I don’t like games like this.” “Now George Sand starts to go up in flames.” I sighed and closed my eyes. “Wuthering Heights ~ Diane Setterfield,
955:There has been times when you play in charity games where you have friends and you always entertain the idea of playing with each other and trying to team up. ~ Mark Jackson,
956:There needs to be a reason for a grade. I’d rather play video games, write software, and read books than try and get an A if there’s no point in getting an A. ~ Ashlee Vance,
957:With the players Madden is definitely king and that's probably why it's been one of the top selling games all these years and will probably continue to be. ~ Michael Strahan,
958:You've got to enjoy time with your family and friends, and if you're involved in sports franchises, those peak moments in playoff games. You have to enjoy life. ~ Paul Allen,
959:And I suggested to change very simple way to Olympic Games, in one competition, two different levels. Separate from, until sixteen, and after sixteen years old. ~ Olga Korbut,
960:Have McNab take the edge if you need one. Can he handle bad cop?"

"He does it really well during personal role-playing games when I'm the reluctant witness. ~ J D Robb,
961:I beat my sons in real-life table tennis, but virtually, I get murdered. I download games on the iPhone that I'm addicted to - I'm a master at "Angry Birds." ~ Salman Rushdie,
962:I have to leave the games now if the announcer says something I don't agree with. I'm thinking, 'Peyton, it is not healthy to be all worked up before a game. ~ Peyton Manning,
963:I'm just a simple guy. I love being at my house with my family. I love playing dominos and card games and hunting and fishing. That's just what I like to do. ~ Jase Robertson,
964:I realised I was tiring of our games, fed up with trying to second guess his motives, weary of trying to hold myself aloof so that I wouldn't lose face. ~ Catherine Sanderson,
965:I was quite good at football once, although other than that my speciality would be maths. I'm great at sudokus and find all the spin-off games pretty easy too. ~ Gary Lineker,
966:A day and a half ago I was at work playing browser games on the PC and trying to think of what to get Amy for her birthday. Suddenly it’s the freaking apocalypse. ~ David Wong,
967:As it’d turned out, despite Lee's total incompetence in drinking games, Ty and Zan had more than made up for him and seriously drank me under the table. Bastards. ~ Tate James,
968:Boycotting the Beijing Games in the name of Tibet seemed as logical to him as shunning the Salt Lake City Olympics to protest America’s treatment of the Cherokee. ~ Evan Osnos,
969:He was through playing games. When it came to Soteria, he had no sense of humor whatsoever. Anyone who threatened her, ended their life. It was that simple. ~ Sherrilyn Kenyon,
970:If you think and achieve as a team, the individual accolades will take care of themselves. Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships. ~ Michael Jordan,
971:I have a lot of confidence in myself, a lot of confidence in the race team, our equipment, and as my mind plays its games on me, I just fall back on the team. ~ Jimmie Johnson,
972:I have brought a PS2 on set with me before. But games can be really addicting, and that's dangerous. So I tend to keep it fairly limited on a certain level. ~ Christian Slater,
973:I've reached an unexpected point in my life where I no longer have the passion that I once did for the company, for the games and for the challenge of creation. ~ Greg Zeschuk,
974:Men do communicate, often very directly, but women sometimes cannot accept how simple what we have to say is. We seldom play games--we aren't that sophisticated. ~ Chris Abani,
975:The Olympics were great, because you had to make the team, and then go to the games. Now, I don't know, these guys today don't want to do anything like that. ~ Oscar Robertson,
976:There is a well known saying among designers in the educational games business: 'If you want to take all of the fun out of it, get a bunch of educators involved. ~ Kurt Squire,
977:While barely noticed by most Americans, the five games drew more than 280 million Chinese viewers. Overnight, China plunged into an artificial intelligence fever. ~ Kai Fu Lee,
978:But none of those deductions were methodical, Watson. That was all psychology. I loathe psychology.” “It’s okay,” I told her. “I hate losing at games, too. ~ Brittany Cavallaro,
979:Casinos have no windows, no clocks. The masters of the games want their customers to forget the passage of time, to lay down just one more bet, and then one more. ~ Dean Koontz,
980:Denial and affirmation are games which people play.
There are people who deny that they are capable of denying, and who would insist that people do not insist. ~ Idries Shah,
981:I think the Olympic Games have been married to political statements. If I go back to Berlin in 1936, it was very politically orientated then, just with the Nazis. ~ John Carlos,
982:I've been in navigation systems, robotics, restaurants, communications systems, touch screens, and now I'm back in games. I like to say I have five-year A.D.D. ~ Nolan Bushnell,
983:I would love to see us, as blacks, get to the place where we say, 'I'm not going to play race games with you. Here I am. This is who I am. Take it or leave it.' ~ Shelby Steele,
984:Listen,” I said. “It really was luck. I’ve got a knack for classic arcade games. That’s my specialty.” I shrugged. “Stop hitting yourself like Rain Man, OK?” She ~ Ernest Cline,
985:The count said in careful English, "That was perhaps not, as you English say, very sporting."
"Games are played to win," Cameron said. "And we're Scottish. ~ Jennifer Ashley,
986:There are many games I love to play. Which one I put on the table depends on the mood and the level of experience of my opponents; I don't have a clear favorite. ~ Klaus Teuber,
987:The X-Games - I watch that; I'm not impressed. That's white dudes' desperation. They're running out of sports. They gotta find something that black dudes won't touch. ~ Godfrey,
988:Writing directly from a feeling of anger or sadness is difficult, but if you distract part of your brain with word games, the ignored emotion often tiptoes in. ~ Matthea Harvey,
989:You are anxious before every game because you had to win it. If you didn't you went down the ladder. I felt proud of the way we beat some teams in tough games. ~ Sourav Ganguly,
990:Everybody wants you to do good things, but in a small town you pretty much graduate and get married. Mostly you marry, have children and go to their football games. ~ Faith Hill,
991:Games were moved to New Year's Eve as part of a plan by college football executives where they want to create a tradition of watching football on New Year's Eve. ~ Audie Cornish,
992:I think games are starting to branch out. It's not just guys sitting at their computer stations. Games are so fun, that everybody gets into them a little bit. ~ Christian Slater,
993:It's taken years for people to figure out how to make good content with a gamepad, even though they've been using gamepads for decades to make traditional games. ~ Palmer Luckey,
994:I was actually the manager of the games department of an amusement park when I was at college, so I understood the coin-op side of the games business very well. ~ Nolan Bushnell,
995:There's nothing better than a Nebraska summer so I wanted to live there in the summer time and visit my family and go to as many Nebraska games as I could. ~ Larry the Cable Guy,
996:We would spend hours playing pretend games about missions to deep space, or landing on Pluto. That became our favorite planet to travel to. Pluto was our Tatooine. ~ R J Palacio,
997:Yelling doesn't win ball games. It doesn't put any points on the scoreboard. And I don't think words win ball games all the time. Players do. Preparation does. ~ Jerry Tarkanian,
998:All over America, churchgoers chafe at a Sunday morning service that runs an hour and ten minutes, but have no problem with three-hour football games on television. ~ Jim Cymbala,
999:Life exists without rules; games cannot exist without rules. So real religion is always without rules; only false religion has rules, because false religion is a game. ~ Rajneesh,
1000:Lutherans don't hold bingo games in the church basement. Lutherans are against fun in general, which is why for them, birth control has never been a big issue. ~ Garrison Keillor,
1001:PlayStation 4 won't impose any new restrictions on used games. This is a good thing... When a gamer buys a PS4 disc, they have the rights to that copy of the game. ~ Jack Tretton,
1002:The gaming industry is a fairly liberal, hip place, and if you're making games people really don't care what your gender is. At least this has been my experience. ~ Brenda Romero,
1003:A new report reveals that New Jersey Governor Chris Christie spent over $82,000 on food at NFL games. Christie said, 'Hey, both of those games went into overtime.' ~ Conan O Brien,
1004:He was through playing games. When it came to Soteria, he had no sense of humor whatsoever. Anyone who threatened her, ended their life.
It was that simple. ~ Sherrilyn Kenyon,
1005:Ideas really do matter. But in any organization a good idea will only go so far unless its proponents are willing to fight the political games to get the idea adopted. ~ John Daly,
1006:I did Call of Duty Modern Warfare as Gaz, then I did Ghost in Modern Warfare 2, which has become one of the most iconic figures in the history of computer games. ~ Craig Fairbrass,
1007:I watched four volleyball games running simultaneously. Remembering how many injuries I had sustained—and inflicted—playing volleyball, I felt faintly nauseated. ~ Stephenie Meyer,
1008:Some people think its just fun and games and others don't know how much I pushed to get here. They have to be in my shoes, but by listening to my music they can find out. ~ Chingy,
1009:The days of my youth I remember as nearly always in need of explanation, and not as much fun as advertised in the promotions for board games and breakfast cereal. ~ Lewis H Lapham,
1010:the Olympic Games: ‘The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part; the essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well. ~ Fali S Nariman,
1011:There are so many games that I've seen that I've learned from. I never - that's also part of the same - never single out a particular player or a particular game. ~ Magnus Carlsen,
1012:Until 1986, developing games was a mere hobby for me. Back then, I didn't know that game designers existed, because the designers' names didn't appear on the boxes. ~ Klaus Teuber,
1013:Whatever games are played with us, we must play no games with ourselves, but deal in our privacy with the last honesty and truth. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, The Conduct of Life (1860),
1014:What would be enough? He had an answer he wanted to hear, but I withheld it. Games and more games. We would always be dancing with each other, the Goblin King and I. ~ S Jae Jones,
1015:As a co-chair of the State's 2010 Olympics Task Force, I am working to make sure our border crossings are ready to handle the risks and benefits the Games will bring. ~ Rick Larsen,
1016:By amusing myself with all these games, all this nonsense, all these picture puzzles, I became famous... I am only a public entertainer who has understood his time. ~ Pablo Picasso,
1017:I can go to a lot of games, but I'm not a player. I'm kind of an observer. That's why I think I do what I do in life. I just observe. That's what I find fascinating. ~ Howie Mandel,
1018:I declare the 20th Winter Games closed. I call upon the youth of the world to assemble four years from now in Vancouver, to celebrate the 21st Olympic Winter Games. ~ Jacques Rogge,
1019:I don’t think [Requiem for a Dream] is for children, but I think if you went home and looked at the video games that your kids are playing, you’d be much more shocked. ~ Jared Leto,
1020:If we're serious about building an economy that lasts, we have got to get serious about education. We are going to have to pick up our games and raise our standards. ~ Barack Obama,
1021:In some countries, such as Germany, Australia, and China, government bodies pe r form a comprehensive check of games to confirm tha t they comply with their legislation ~ Anonymous,
1022:it was only me, a thousand blinking stars, and the beauty of darkness stretched to the ends of the universe, snuffing out the endless games of courts and kingdoms. ~ Mary E Pearson,
1023:Life's too short to pretend and play games like that. I want to spend my time hanging out with people who make me feel good about myself. People who make me happy. ~ Gena Showalter,
1024:Now I know the difference between a rousing reception and a pat on the back. Now I know the difference between a gold in Commonwealth Games and a bronze in Olympics. ~ Gagan Narang,
1025:The biggest battle I have is restricting their video game time because they want to play all the time. The rule is they have to read more than they play video games. ~ Ashlee Vance,
1026:The Cards had one pitcher who won fourteen straight games in a period of twenty-four days. Then when he lost his fifteenth game 1-0, his manager fined him fifty bucks. ~ Dizzy Dean,
1027:Think what it would be like if you got back to your island and there was no old man, no girl any more. No mysterious fun and games. The whole place locked up forever. ~ John Fowles,
1028:how to score the game: love, fifteen, thirty, forty, game. Six games wins a set, but you have to win by two games. Two sets wins a match for women, three for men. ~ Elin Hilderbrand,
1029:I do not play games, but always just say what's on my mind. Ostentatious modesty - for fools. If a man afraid of your honesty, it means that he is not the one you need. ~ Mila Kunis,
1030:It may be true that the only reason the comic book industry now exists is for this purpose, to create characters for movies, board games and other types of merchandise. ~ Alan Moore,
1031:John Carlos provided the world with one of the most iconic images of the 1960s with his Black Power salute after a medal-winning performance at the 1968 summer games. ~ Tavis Smiley,
1032:One surefire way to annoy a game developer is to ask, in response to discovering his or her chosen career path, what it’s like to spend all day playing video games. ~ Jason Schreier,
1033:Video games in some ways are too powerful, they have too much resonance with kids. And it's very easy to overdose on video games and to let the outside world go by. ~ Nolan Bushnell,
1034:We once went 13 games without winning. There's always pressure here. Winning is always important here. How do you handle yourself and compose yourself is important. ~ Alex Ferguson,
1035:You see what happens in college and high school games today - a three-point shot or a dunk. I think that's the reason that you see a lot of that in the pros today. ~ Oscar Robertson,
1036:Do kids ever tire of Christmas? The excitement of this job is never dull because in all the years and thousands of games I've called I've never done the same one twice. ~ Dick Enberg,
1037:I may play some exhibition games so I don't want to quit the game of chess completely. I just decided and it's a firm decision not to play competitive chess anymore. ~ Garry Kasparov,
1038:I'm glad to see the casual game play coming back now on the Internet, games that aren't violent, that aren't complex that you can sit down and you can have some fun. ~ Nolan Bushnell,
1039:I’m not a bitch,” I replied, and it took everything I had to keep my voice steady. “I’m a mother. I can’t afford to play games with you, Ruger. You’ll break me. ~ Joanna Wylde,
1040:I never dreamed of being a flagbearer. Every athlete has a wish to get to the Olympic Games. I had that wish, but to carry the flag of your country is doubly thrilling. ~ Shani Davis,
1041:In the spirit of the Olympic Games, they traditionally ask that all fighting and warfare around the world stop. So, there's hope for a ceasefire within the Jackson family. ~ Jay Leno,
1042:Just a suggestion: When the Devil says, “Let the games begin,” see if you can run in the opposite direction. If not, put on your big girl panties. Someone might die. ~ Kristy Cunning,
1043:Leaders like Belichick and Merkel know that steak is what wins games and moves nations forward. Sizzle, on the other hand, makes it harder to make the right decisions. ~ Ryan Holiday,
1044:Many methods have been proposed by the emulation community in order to make the old games graphics be better displayed on modern video devices. These methods were created ~ Anonymous,
1045:Mom removed all games that remotely suggest violence and death-but Cody's doing a good job of making harmless cartoon characters suffer in fresh and inventive ways. ~ Neal Shusterman,
1046:No one reads novels anymore. And I don't see the situation improving. People prefer video games, reality TV, and films. There are so many reasons now not to read novels. ~ Gore Vidal,
1047:Physically I feel pretty good; that's the main key, is just making sure your body is ready to play every night since you play so many games and I feel like I'm there. ~ Stephen Curry,
1048:Right now I don’t want to think about Ali’s future, the football games and parties she’ll be going to without me, the people she’ll meet that I won’t even know. There’s a ~ Laura Day,
1049:Smaller cities, places like Sarajevo, for example, even amid all that destruction there's still so much pride that the [Olympic] games were there and that they did it. ~ Gary Hustwit,
1050:Winning a postseason game is like winning five regular season games. There is just no feeling like it. Everything is magnified. Every free throw, turnover, shot and play. ~ Don Meyer,
1051:Yet we meet with luxury and extravagance amid this economic and social decline, and costly games and festivals were still furnished the populace in the large cities. ~ Lynn Thorndike,
1052:All pro sports, as well as the NCAA, should thank God every day we have sports betting here... We have the only agency in the world that regulates the honesty of games. ~ Meyer Lansky,
1053:games so widespread among the young distract them from dangerous activities like reading and thinking: games do away with those intolerable viruses called ideas. This ~ Guillaume Faye,
1054:I find it a turnoff whenever men aren't into some kind of sport. And, no, video games don't count. I dated a guy who was into video games, and I wanted to shoot myself. ~ Eva Longoria,
1055:I fucking love that we’re not playing games. There’s something incredibly freeing about this kind of relationship. Maybe this is the way it should be— clear and easy. ~ Lauren Blakely,
1056:I still remember Botvinnik's reaction to each of my games, right from the opening moves. At first he would express amazement, then annoyance, and, finally irritation. ~ Anatoly Karpov,
1057:I was a catastrophe at Science and Games, but the good thing about Quaker schools is that they encourage you in those subjects for which you show an aptitude. ~ Richard Rodney Bennett,
1058:The destructive effects of video games are not on boys' cognitive abilities or their reaction times, but on their motivation and their connectedness with the real world. ~ Leonard Sax,
1059:The destructive effects of video games are not on boys' cognitive abilities or their reaction times, but on there motivation and their connectedness with the real world. ~ Leonard Sax,
1060:We are no longer worried that children are missing school because of video games, though. We are worried that they are murdering their classmates because of video games. ~ Tom Bissell,
1061:When I'm on television, I think that I appeal to the everyday guy, 'cause that's who I am. The guys who go to the football games on the weekends are my viewers, for sure. ~ Bobby Flay,
1062:When I started finishing games and coming off the field shaking hands, it was a beautiful thing. I mean, you start seeing that you're an important part of the team. ~ Dennis Eckersley,
1063:After the games and idle flourishes of modern youth, we use them only as shipping cartons to transport our brains and our few employable muscles back and forth to work. ~ Wendell Berry,
1064:Honestly, right now, I don't want to be around baseball. Not that I don't like it. But I'm having fun right here, hanging around my family and watching my kids' games. ~ Prince Fielder,
1065:I am neither dead, nor alive, and I’m not something little Madison can hide. But you will be dead by the time this is done. The timer starts now. The games have just begun. ~ Amo Jones,
1066:I can’t go down without a fight. Only I keep wishing I could think of a way to… to show the Capitol they don’t own me. That I’m more than just a piece in their Games. ~ Suzanne Collins,
1067:The population is ignorant of intrigues and power games, therefore we believe it easy to manipulate, but it is in fact, far more perceptive than many of our great minds. ~ Keniz Mourad,
1068:This is where the gods play games with the lives of men, on a board which is at one and the same time a simple playing area and the whole world. And Fate always wins. ~ Terry Pratchett,
1069:We need a plan for determining how games will impact our real societies and our real lives. We need a framework for making these decisions and for shaping these plans. ~ Jane McGonigal,
1070:When I was in college, for the games of that era, I was as hard core as anyone was. I wouldn't say I outgrew it, but you always have to have a finite number of addictions. ~ Bill Gates,
1071:You can always think of something like the Xbox 360 as a super set-top box that can do everything the set-top box does, but then have the graphics to do the games as well. ~ Bill Gates,
1072:And of course in America you've got American football and baseball and all those other ball games, soccer has become a little niche that the women have kind of filled. ~ Parminder Nagra,
1073:Here I am, precious. I give myself freely. All of me, Alayna. No more walls or secrets or games or lies. I give you all of me, honestly. For forever, if you’ll take it. ~ Laurelin Paige,
1074:Here I am, precious. I give myself freely. All of me, Alayna. No more walls or secrets or games or lies. I give you all of me, honestly. For forever, if you'll take me. ~ Laurelin Paige,
1075:I believe that in games, when you're talking about pitting my wits and my brain against your wits and your brain, that simplicity of the game becomes a dominant factor. ~ Nolan Bushnell,
1076:In the games of queens and kings, we leave our dreams at the door and we make do with what we have. Sometimes if we’re fortunate, we still manage to have a good life. ~ Melina Marchetta,
1077:I spent my childhood scrambling round badgers and foxes and playing fantastic country kid games like knocking on people's doors and running away. God that was a good game. ~ Bill Bailey,
1078:I was also an only child and my father really wanted a son - he's from that generation - it was always about kung-fu theater on Sundays and boxing games on the weekend. ~ Milla Jovovich,
1079:Swimming and athletics are the big gigs at the Olympic games. Cycling and rowing are pretty big for Britain, but globally, the two big things are athletics and swimming. ~ Clare Balding,
1080:While it is a cause for regret that Fischer did not continue to produce scintillating games, he perhaps had a greater impact on chess than any other twentieth century player ~ John Nunn,
1081:And it's no war games, because they all keep the same place. But like the solar system is going through a change soon and it's going to affect the Earth in about 30 years. ~ Jimi Hendrix,
1083:For you, however you think of it, it’s still fun and games, which it should be. For me it’s something else which I haven’t figured out, and the fact that I can’t scares me. ~ Andr Aciman,
1084:I've heard the joke a million times that "Jews in Sports" must be the thinnest book in the world. Actually, I've seen a lot of great players working at the Maccabi Games. ~ Dolph Schayes,
1085:Personally, I really enjoy sci-fi. I watch it, I read comic books, and I play video games. I love this kind of world, so too be able to work in it is a dream. I enjoy it. ~ Aaron Ashmore,
1086:The boss says that games in hand are no good unless you turn them into points. What he's getting at is that games in hand aren't much good unless you turn them into points. ~ David Platt,
1087:Today, if you don't understand the controller, you're not able to enjoy video games. ... We expect the Revolution controller to become the standard in video game controls. ~ Satoru Iwata,
1088:when it comes to the caprices and manipulations of the gods or God, whichever philosophy you may embrace, we are all of us merely pawns in their games, rather than players. ~ Peter David,
1089:Congress should fund research on the effects that violent video games have on young minds... We don't benefit from ignorance. We don't benefit from not knowing the science. ~ Barack Obama,
1090:Don't play games with me! You just killed someone I like, that is not a safe place to stand! I'm the Doctor, and you're in the biggest library in the Universe. Look me up. ~ Steven Moffat,
1091:I recently talked to an eighteen-year-old - a huge FIFA fan - and realized that he spends more time playing the FIFA video game than he does watching actual FIFA games. ~ Malcolm Gladwell,
1092:Ky can play this game. He can play all of their games, including the one in front of him that he just lost. He knows exactly how to play, and that's why he loses every time. ~ Ally Condie,
1093:People talk about retiring. I never said that r-word. People though I went away after the Olympic Games. I took time off to do something I've always wanted to be - a mother. ~ Gail Devers,
1094:That's what I do now: I lead and I teach. If we win basketball games from doing that, then that's great, but I lead and teach. Those are the two things I concentrate on. ~ Mike Krzyzewski,
1095:To see Good Tennis! What divine joy Can fill our leisure, or our minds employ? Let other people play at other things; The King of Games is still the Game of Kings. ~ James Kenneth Stephen,
1096:Wasn't much of a life anyway. Wasn't much of a brain."
"But didn't you say you were satisfied with your life?"
"Word games," I dismissed. "Every army needs a flag. ~ Haruki Murakami,
1097:We cannot and will not ban the creation of violent video games. But, we can prevent the distribution of these disturbing games to children, where their effects can be negative ~ Herb Kohl,
1098:When we are playing [games], we are stretching our emotional expressive ranges, loosening up our biochemical flow of information, getting unstuck, and healing our feelings. ~ Candace Pert,
1099:When you're tired, sleep. Don't watch stupid tv or play games on your phone. Sleep, and then get up early, and do the stuff you hope you'll be known for after you die. ~ Maggie Stiefvater,
1100:Harvey manipulated the joystick and the robotic arm. The young man was surprisingly good at it. Maybe video games, and youth in general, are good for something, Nigel thought. ~ A G Riddle,
1101:I claim that nothing else is so effective in encouraging the growth of chess strength as such independent analysis, both of the games of the great players and your own. ~ Mikhail Botvinnik,
1102:Individuals score points, but teams win games. In The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork, individuals will learn how to score more points so their teams will win more games. ~ John C Maxwell,
1103:Ultimately, there's always been a link between comic books and video games, and comic books and movies, and then basically all three steadily becoming this sort of transmedia. ~ Troy Duffy,
1104:We're beating a lot of poor teams. So what? We won a lot of games last year, too. Will Horace and Bill still be playing at this level in the playoffs...Can Pip keep it up? ~ Michael Jordan,
1105:When I look back, I didn't enjoy any of the big games. I didn't enjoy any of the finals. You enjoy lifting the trophy and the celebrations. But it was always the next game. ~ Frank Lampard,
1106:Besides, life’s too short to pretend and play games like that. I want to spend my time hanging out with people who make me feel good about myself. People who make me happy. ~ Gena Showalter,
1107:I don't actually watch many shows. I will either watch movies or football. I enjoy to watch games in the Premier League and will also watch movies a lot as well. That is how I relax. ~ Xavi,
1108:I missed being a parent as much as a person crossing the desert misses water. I missed soccer games and family meals and coming in out of the snow after sledding, dancing in ~ Joyce Maynard,
1109:I'm pretty proud of having completed a marathon myself, so I can only imagine the pride that real athletes feel when they are picked for the Olympic or the Paralympic Games. ~ Johann Lamont,
1110:I've always been proud to represent my country, whether it be World Cups, European Championships or just friendly games, I've always been a proud person, I'm very patriotic. ~ David Beckham,
1111:The London Games will be designed for the athletes and we will provide them with the very best venues and the very best conditions to pursue their sporting dreams in London. ~ Sebastian Coe,
1112:The park achieved a kind of reality. Like these virtual reality games the children are playing with. I told them we were doing this 40 years ago! Disneyland is virtual reality. ~ John Hench,
1113:These games sprang from their deep need to close their eyes and flee from unsolved problems and anxious forebodings of doom into an imaginary world as innocuous as possible. ~ Hermann Hesse,
1114:While there have been many potential scenarios discussed, today we have only confirmed that we designed Xbox One to enable our customers to trade in and resell games at retail. ~ Larry Hryb,
1115:all children are required to attend School, which is like a party to which everyone forgot to bring punch, or hats, or fiddles, and none of the games have good prizes. ~ Catherynne M Valente,
1116:Attentive fathers handle more of the enjoyable tasks, such as taking children to games and playing sports, while mothers are stuck with most of the feeding, cleaning and nagging. ~ Anonymous,
1117:In all my games, my day-dreams, and my plans for the future I never changed myself into a man; all my imagination was devoted to the fulfilment of my destiny as a woman. ~ Simone de Beauvoir,
1118:No. No games. He wanted her and didn't care who knew it. He definitely and absolutely wanted her, longed for her, wanted to do more things than there were names for with her. ~ Douglas Adams,
1119:OSCAR. Don't you know what's happening to the old gang? It's breaking up. Everyone's getting divorced....I swear, we used to have better games when we couldn't get out at night. ~ Neil Simon,
1120:...real teenage boys aren't like characters in the books you read. They smell funny and are obsessed with video games and say dumb things. They're still learning, just like you. ~ Stacey Jay,
1121:Teenagers make it clear that games, worlds, and social networking (on the surface, rather different) have much in common. They all ask you to compose and project an identity. ~ Sherry Turkle,
1122:When you're winning games, everyone thinks everything the manager says and does is fantastic. Then it goes the other way, and those earlier criticisms of players can backfire. ~ Gary Lineker,
1123:Human instinct is to neutralize tension by apologizing or making nice, but you’ll do the opposite. Fill the situation with even more tension to show that you’re immune to her games. ~ Roosh V,
1124:I just think winners win. And guys who won all the way through high school and college, the best player at every level, they have a way of making things happen and winning games. ~ Tony Dungy,
1125:One of history's most dangerous games begins with dividing the world into the good guys and the bad guys and ends with using any means necessary to take the villains out. ~ Stephen R Prothero,
1126:That's the beauty of music, art, and video games: forget about your worries for a few minutes; it shouldn't add to them or make you feel worried or sad: it should make you feel good. ~ Lights,
1127:The Earth is God's pinball machine and each quake, tidal wave, flash flood and volcanic eruption is the result of a TILT that occurs when God, cheating, tries to win free games. ~ Tom Robbins,
1128:Games give you a chance to excel, and if you're playing in good company you don't even mind if you lose because you had the enjoyment of the company during the course of the game. ~ Gary Gygax,
1129:God didn't play games. He wasn't a co-conspirator. God either hit you hard and fast, and that was that, or he sat back and watched things spool out, laughing all the way out. ~ Robert Ferrigno,
1130:I am a professional sportswriter, among other things, and I take the games seriously. It is only one of my many powerful addictions, and I don't mind admitting any of them. ~ Hunter S Thompson,
1131:I love the Premier League, I absolutely love Premier League games. Removing myself a footballer, I watch the Premier League. It's a great league, fantastic football is played in it. ~ Joe Hart,
1132:I've always tried to really focus on The Hunger Games movie, knowing that, yes, these are amazing books and I would feel like a failure, if I didn't get all three of them made. ~ Nina Jacobson,
1133:Love makes you crazy. Love crawls into your brain and plays games with your neurons. All the things you thought you knew about yourself fly out the window when love flies in. ~ Barbara Bretton,
1134:That’s what I like about Polynesians. They wear their hearts on their sleeve knowing that, for adults, there are better games to play than hiding their emotions from each other ~ Carol Vorvain,
1135:To keep me alive? And then I understand. The Games are still on. We have left the arena, but since Peeta and I weren’t killed, his last wish to preserve my life still stands. ~ Suzanne Collins,
1136:All those pathetic lonely people fooling one another into their clumsy games of afterlife and cosmic relevance just to avoid noticing the nauseating sadness of their real lives. ~ Edgar Cantero,
1137:Games give you a chance to excel, and if you're playing in good company you don't even mind if you lose because you had the enjoyment of the company during the course of the game. ~ Gary Gygax,
1138:If you play games with the law of non-contradiction, then every time you open your mouth and say anything, you're cheating. Every time you make a choice in life you're cheating. ~ Ronald H Nash,
1139:In Japan there is a lot of manga, but around manga there are video games, manga on cellphones, manga in card games... so people not only enjoy manga but also the products around it. ~ Tite Kubo,
1140:In Japan, violence in games is pretty much self-regulated.There's more violence in games in the U.S., in things like Mortal Kombat, where they rip out hearts and cut off heads. ~ Satoshi Tajiri,
1141:In my games I have sometimes found a combination intuitively simply feeling that it must be there. Yet I was not able to translate my thought processes into normal human language. ~ Mikhail Tal,
1142:I've won plenty of games by knowing when to take out my pitcher; whom to replace him with; or how to place my infield or outfield to defend properly against the opposing hitter. ~ Walter Alston,
1143:Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to present the victors of the Seventy-fourth Hunger Games, Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark! I give you — the tributes of District Twelve! ~ Suzanne Collins,
1144:My very first book was a games collection of Anatoly Karpov. On the whole I was attracted by positonal play with some tactics, and already then I was aiming for universality. ~ Vladimir Kramnik,
1145:Sneak out when things go good. It bothers me when people have good games and stand in front of their locker waiting for the media, then they have bad games and sneak out the back. ~ Derek Jeter,
1146:The captain was a good chess player, and the games were always interesting. Yossarian had stopped playing chess with him because the games were so interesting they were foolish. ~ Joseph Heller,
1147:The naming of cats is a difficult matter. It isn't just one of your holiday games. You may think at first I'm mad as a hatter. When I tell you a cat must have three different names. ~ T S Eliot,
1148:A grandmaster needs to retain thousands of games in his head, for games are to him what the words of their mother tongue are to ordinary people, or notes or scores to musicians. ~ Garry Kasparov,
1149:But problems are not to be feared. Problems are not curses. Problems
are simply tough games for the athletes of the mind and true athletes
always long to get a game going. ~ Steve Chandler,
1150:I'd been ready too, because before Olympic Games, I wasn't compete in big competition like, World Championship, like European Championship. I just competed in national competition. ~ Olga Korbut,
1151:I don't bat an eye at stuff like that. I've had my share of wins. If I worried about the games I should have won, it would probably drive me crazy. It was a fun game to pitch in. ~ Roger Clemens,
1152:I don't know why a computer game can't be an art form just as a puppet show or an opera is. I'm still interested in computer games as something I would like to work on someday. ~ Fred Saberhagen,
1153:If the sum of our experiences are, say, our Work-In-Progress, our Facebook pages, our video games, our movies, our Other People's Books, then we don't know jack shit. Is that you? ~ Chuck Wendig,
1154:In most cases, energy is lost in little games of manipulation, in little struggles of will, in the attempts to possess others, to wrap them up, to delude them, to shine them on. ~ Frederick Lenz,
1155:My favorite memory from school was going to football games with my friends. We always had so much spirit and dressed up to go to the games, even though our team was pretty bad. ~ Erin Heatherton,
1156:The changes that happened in my life from doing these movies are so permanent that I don't think I'll ever really say goodbye, it'll always be a part of me, the Hunger Games. ~ Jennifer Lawrence,
1157:The enemy of our games was always Japan, and the courses were so thorough that after the start of World War II, nothing that happened in the Pacific was strange or unexpected. ~ Chester W Nimitz,
1158:We [US] can't compete with low-wage countries in different parts of the world. We cannot compete with countries that play games with currencies or regulations. We can't. We shouldn't. ~ Tom Wolf,
1159:I can’t go down without a fight. Only I keep wishing I could think of a way to . . . to show the Capitol they don’t own me. That I’m more than just a piece in their Games,” says ~ Suzanne Collins,
1160:Last year, more Americans went to symphonies than went to baseball games. This may be viewed as an alarming statistic, but I think that both baseball and the country will endure. ~ John F Kennedy,
1161:One of the things that attracted me to Barack [Obama] was his emotional honesty. Right off the bat he said what he felt. There are no games with him - he is who he appears to be. ~ Michelle Obama,
1162:The experience of creating my adventure games was, other than marrying my husband and bringing into the world my two sons, the most fulfilling, wonderful experience I ever had. ~ Roberta Williams,
1163:there were three bad mistakes you could make, but if you made only two of the three you could be forgiven. The mistakes were: to be foreign; to be clever; and to be bad at games. ~ Salman Rushdie,
1164:The Umbrella Ward is holding except that one blip in that popular game that’s going around. Annoying as the Shuos are, they are correct that people can be manipulated through games. ~ Yoon Ha Lee,
1165:This is the temple of Zeus. And that is a statue of Zeus himself,” said Plato. “The Olympic Games are played in his honor. He is the chief god of the Greek gods and goddesses. ~ Mary Pope Osborne,
1166:We’ve been in all the big games, we’ve been in small games, and we’ve treated them all the same and I think that mentality is what’s helped us get to the point where we are now. ~ Richard Sherman,
1167:When you strip away the genre differences and the technological complexities, all games share four defining traits: a goal, rules, a feedback system, and voluntary participation. ~ Jane McGonigal,
1168:And had come to realize, through their daily games, that he wasn't quite the monster she'd thought him at first. That a uniform didn't make a man by nature a friend or an enemy. ~ Roseanna M White,
1169:Are you going to take Sang to the football games, Dakota? It'd make a nice date."

(...) "Holy shit," Gabriel said. "The first time Sang gets asked out and it's by Kota's mother. ~ C L Stone,
1170:As soon as the mind and mind identification return; you're no longer yourself but a mental image of yourself, and you start playing games and roles again to get your ego needs met. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
1171:At his Philadelphia alma mater, Temple University, Cosby gave commencement addresses and attended games. He served on the university`s board of trustees for more than three decades. ~ Chaka Fattah,
1172:I don't think they should be against the NFL because the NFL, those are two big games. I don't think it would be good for the NFL and I don't think it would be good for the debates. ~ Donald Trump,
1173:I like video games, but they're really violent. I'd like to play a video game where you help the people who were shot in all the other games. It'd be called 'Really Busy Hospital. ~ Demetri Martin,
1174:I love the idea of expanding the universe of games to some extent. At one point, they were kind of limited to boys, fanboys and whatever. I like the idea of liberation for games. ~ James Patterson,
1175:I'm one of six children. I'd love to sound educated and say I dive into a good book when I'm there, but in truth, I spend time with the kids playing cards, ping-pong, and board games. ~ Kate Spade,
1176:The simple-minded always look for something - if it's not pornography, it's DVDs or the Internet or video games - but I don't think there's anything inherently evil about Facebook. ~ David Fincher,
1177:We Facebook. We Tweet. We play online games with other people. Millions of ways to “connect.” And yet we as a society are more lonely and isolated than perhaps ever before. ~ Michaelbrent Collings,
1178:Gamers co-author the games they play by the choices they make and how they choose to solve problems, since what they do can affect the course and sometimes the outcome of the game. ~ James Paul Gee,
1179:Golf is recognized as one of the more difficult games to play or teach. One reason for this is that each person necessarily plays by feel, and a feel is almost impossible to describe. ~ Bobby Jones,
1180:If the belly is full,” she said, “if we could know that it would always be full, men would be idle and laugh and play games like children, and then we would have peace and happiness. ~ Pearl S Buck,
1181:I’m not a bad person.” Zagaev looked up at me with imploring eyes. Claims of ethical purity are a common strategy in games like this. But they’re paper, forever losing to scissors. ~ Jeffery Deaver,
1182:In Cuba, taking into account the long fight for our independence and sovereignty, we will defend the one-party system in the face of the games, demagogy and the marketing of politics. ~ Raul Castro,
1183:I think my biggest break though came probably on Patriot Games because it was the biggest, longest second unit up to that point. It was like five months of shooting and a huge crew. ~ David R Ellis,
1184:It is always a most delightful moment for me when people contact me via mail or approach me at game fairs and thank me for the many enjoyable hours I have brought them with my games. ~ Klaus Teuber,
1185:My father was prime minister, and to take care of his home, to be his hostess, automatically meant to have my hands in politics - to meet people, to know their games, their secrets. ~ Indira Gandhi,
1186:Of all our games, love's play is the only one which threatens to unsettle the soul, and is also the only one in which the player has to abandon himself to the body's ecstasy. ~ Marguerite Yourcenar,
1187:Themistocles being asked whether he would rather be Achilles or Homer, said, "Which would you rather be, a conqueror in the Olympic games, or the crier that proclaims who are conquerors? ~ Plutarch,
1188:There exists in this country, sadly, a callous, corrupt and corrupting shadow industry that sells and stows violence against its own people. Through vicious, violent video games... ~ Wayne LaPierre,
1189:The statistics were not merely inadequate; they lied. And the lies they told led the people who ran major league baseball teams to misjudge their players, and mismanage their games. ~ Michael Lewis,
1190:When I moved to New York, the reputation just followed me, and I am regularly invited to play in home games, by writers in particular, though finance folk also invite me on occasion. ~ Katy Lederer,
1191:A scarcity of guesses in both games meant they could not neglect either one, whereas abundance in one game led them to neglect that game in favor of the one they felt poor on. ~ Sendhil Mullainathan,
1192:Football Coaches do play football matches; their attitudes toward the game in times of tendencies of losing can cause a change in the scores of the games they monitor and mentor! ~ Israelmore Ayivor,
1193:I always told the guards, “Americans are just big babies. In my country it’s not appropriate for somebody my age to sit in front of a console and waste his time playing games. ~ Mohamedou Ould Slahi,
1194:it was good for games. What seemed complicated became simple; what appeared insoluble became soluble; what had been unknowable became obvious. A utility drug; an abstraction-modifier; ~ Iain M Banks,
1195:Politics was like those little wooden sliding-picture games for children: you had to move all of the pieces in the hope of finding a place where the whole picture slotted together. ~ Terry Pratchett,
1196:The purpose of the media is to make us all spectators, to watch. So that's why we have millions of fat children watching the games, eating and consuming and not playing themselves. ~ Malachy McCourt,
1197:As life speeds by, nostalgia has a shorter pregnancy. Games still in progress are given the straight-to-sepia status of "Instant Classics" no matter how oxymoronic that phrase appears. ~ Steve Rushin,
1198:I’m not playing your games. You were wrong.” I crossed my arms over my chest. “You want to know what I’ve learned? I don’t win by playing your games. I win by making you play mine. ~ Penelope Douglas,
1199:I think a lot of people feel that they are just not listened to, and that the politicians in Washington are just playing games with each other and forgetting about their constituents. ~ Joe Lieberman,
1200:I thought we came out with too much respect at the beginning of the game and were on our heels instead of coming out attacking the way we did the last few games without Ricky and Kevin. ~ Dwane Casey,
1201:The Olympic games held in Berlin in August 1936 afforded the Nazis a golden opportunity to impress the world with the achievements of the Third Reich, and they made the most of it. ~ William L Shirer,
1202:Today, I look forward and I see a future in which games once again are explicitly designed to improve quality of life, to prevent suffering, and to create real, widespread happiness. ~ Jane McGonigal,
1203:All collective undertakings require trust. From the games that children play to complex social institutions, humans cannot work together unless they suspend their judgments of one another. ~ Tony Judt,
1204:chuckled, referring to the time Markel had used up sixty percent of the system’s resources to simulate a series of space battles in real time for one of his war games. Markel flushed. ~ Anne McCaffrey,
1205:I don't know if anyone has ever mentioned this, we need to be careful with drugs! They're not just all fun and games! And of course poetry would be immeasurably worse without humor. ~ Matthew Zapruder,
1206:The bookcase was filled with computer games, history books, and sci-fi novels in about equal proportions. Odd reading choices, maybe, but I just thought of it as past and future history. ~ Mike Mullin,
1207:Whether I make two dollars or no dollars, it's better than losing. I've got enough people playing the games at the casino that I don't lose any money. So it's good for me, and it's fun. ~ Larry Holmes,
1208:willpower takes metabolic power, thanks to the glucose demands of the frontal cortex. This was the finding that when people are hungry, they become less generous in economic games. ~ Robert M Sapolsky,
1209:You remember, Freddy,” said Mrs. Wiggins, climbing out and shaking herself, “the games we used to play in the pond when the two boys were here? Remember the water polo games?” Freddy ~ Walter R Brooks,
1210:Accumulation is actively seeking and learning new sports, lifts, moves, ideas and games. One literally accumulates a number of new training moves and attempts a low level of mastery of each. ~ Dan John,
1211:And at this point, self-stimulation of various sorts began: mental games, counting, fantasies, and, sooner or later, visual hallucinations—usually a “march” of hallucinations from simple ~ Oliver Sacks,
1212:I guarantee you, if you could give me 10 points in all those seventh games against the Boston Celtics, instead of Bill Russell having 11 rings, I could've at least had nine or eight. ~ Wilt Chamberlain,
1213:I wasn't playing mind games with anybody, I just said what I said. I am responsible for it, but I wish everybody would fall asleep for that one and let me go out there and do my thing. ~ Pedro Martinez,
1214:The more I learned about games, the more frustrated I became because the games weren't very good. I could tell a good game from a bad game. My conclusion was: let's make our own games. ~ Satoshi Tajiri,
1215:There was open collusion between the Russian players. They agreed ahead of time to draw the games they played against each other. Every time they drew they gave each other half a point. ~ Bobby Fischer,
1216:The way I see it, Messi is the best player in history. He is the one who changes the course of games; he's the best. There is no comparison in my view; he's the world number one and by a margin. ~ Xavi,
1217:we, as consumers, are not completely satisfied with our scrutiny of women’s appearances in TV and film. We also find it enjoyable to pit women against each other in fashion Hunger Games. ~ Mindy Kaling,
1218:We had a wealth of something we didn't want, but the wealth itself was intoxicating and we invented games just so we could experience the sensation of having too much of something. ~ Augusten Burroughs,
1219:What a woman should know -When to just let him zone out on video games, his computer, or phone. -When to let him control the day or situation. -When to just shut up and kiss him. ~ Jennifer Love Hewitt,
1220:When in a fight for your life, you never, ever fight fairly. Honor and sportsmanship are wonderful in games that don’t matter, but it’s the honorable guys who always die in real battles. ~ Kevin Hearne,
1221:A lot of, a big problems that people have nowadays is that they can't stand moments of no stimulation in their life so they're constantly lurking, looking for entertainment, video games. ~ Robert Greene,
1222:I got into a few games after they were hopelessly won or hopelessly lost, you know, when they put the substitutes in, and finally the water boy, and then me. That is the way it worked. ~ Richard M Nixon,
1223:It was a great Olympics - Team USA finished the games with 17 more medals than China. China said it was tough to swallow - especially when they had to make all of our "We're #1" T-shirts. ~ Jimmy Fallon,
1224:We had a wealth of something we didn't want, but the wealth itself was intoxicating and we invented games, just so we could experience the sensation of having too much of something. ~ Augusten Burroughs,
1225:Avoid sloth, bad company, dangerous conversations, and games; remembering that time passes and never returns, that you have a soul, and that if you lose your soul, you lose all. ~ Leonard of Port Maurice,
1226:The hardest thing about being a grown up is realizing there are no magic formulas to release the ones we love from pain. Maybe that's why I enjoy computer games so much; you get to be God. ~ Val McDermid,
1227:We all grew up, our grandmothers and mothers had about three channels to watch, so we watched those soaps and now, a generation has grown up with the Internet and computers and video games. ~ Jack Wagner,
1228:We have a real culture of thrift. The goal that I had in bringing a lot of the packaged goods folks into Activision about 10 years ago was to take all the fun out of making video games. ~ Robert A Kotick,
1229:He always wanted to play video games,” said Emma. “I hate video games.”
“No one is perfect, Emma.”
“But some people are perfect for each other. Don’t you think that has to be true? ~ Cassandra Clare,
1230:He was through playing games. When it cam to Soteria he had no sense of humor what so ever. Anyone who threatened her ended their own life. For her, he'd do anything even end the world. ~ Sherrilyn Kenyon,
1231:I do not trust technology. I mean, I don't think we're in any danger of kids, you know, doing without video games in the future, but I am saying that their lives are largely out of balance. ~ Richard Louv,
1232:I'm not satisfied. I'm still enjoying this. I still feel like I'm in the best part of my career and I can play at a high level. This is what I love to do: playing football and winning games. ~ Eli Manning,
1233:In the United States alone, there are 183 million active gamers (individuals who, in surveys, report that they play computer or video games “regularly”—on average, thirteen hours a week). ~ Jane McGonigal,
1234:It is said that the gods play games with the lives of men. But what games, and why, and the identities of the actual pawns, and what the game is, and what the rules are – who knows? Best ~ Terry Pratchett,
1235:I've played long enough to know that certain games are certain ways. You're gonna throw it less in others, more in others, and just look at what the team needs that day to win a football game. ~ Tony Romo,
1236:Now, I’m gonna kiss you ‘coz I’ve been without those sweet lips while you play stupid little bullshit games with me. I won’t be without for another minute. Open your lips, baby, and kiss me. ~ Bella Jewel,
1237:People appreciating my performance is good enough for me. I don't care much for awards and have never given it much thought. And anyway, I can't play the games people play to win awards. ~ Manisha Koirala,
1238:There is that in the Notre Dame fan which makes him intolerable to others, namely, his unassailable confidence that in a well-ordered universe Notre Dame is meant to win all of its games. ~ Ralph McInerny,
1239:To be born to create, to love, to win at games is to be born to live in time of peace. But war teaches us to lose everything and become what we were not. It all becomes a question of style. ~ Albert Camus,
1240:Will TV kill the theater? If the programs I have seen, save for "Kukla, Fran and Ollie," the ball games and the fights, are any criterion, the theater need not wake up in a cold sweat. ~ Tallulah Bankhead,
1241:You can't not be into basketball and grow up in Chicago or live in L.A., because people are so fanatical about the teams. You know what's going on with the games even if you don't watch. ~ Virginia Madsen,
1242:And I was tired already, tired of the games to come. If Jean-Claude would just let me shoot everyone in Musette’s party tonight, it would save a lot of trouble. I just knew it would. I ~ Laurell K Hamilton,
1243:Certain things have to happen before other things. Gods play games with the fates of men. But first they have to get all the pieces on the board, and look all over the place for the dice. ~ Terry Pratchett,
1244:Clearly, I'm a genius at picking boyfriends. In my defense, have you seen what there is to choose from? The sea is big, but the fish are scraggly, immature, and obsessed with video games. ~ Nicole Christie,
1245:Don’t set limits on what you can or can’t do. Don’t set limits on what is or isn’t worthy of your time. Dare yourself to “play games” with your day: watch, wait, listen; allow things to happen. ~ Anonymous,
1246:I grew up with video games. My generation kind of grew up with the Nintendo and the Sega Genesis. Then, I had a Dreamcast and, finally, the PlayStation. So yeah, I've always been a big gamer. ~ CC Sabathia,
1247:I'm probably always guilty for rooting for a long series. Not either side - I don't really care who wins the game, but it makes for more compelling TV the more games you go deeper into a series. ~ Joe Buck,
1248:It may have once been true that computer games encouraged us to interact more with machines than with each other. But if you still think of gamers as loners, then you’re not playing games. ~ Jane McGonigal,
1249:My parents got divorced. Early and ugly. My mum was nuts so I lived with my dad. We used to play a father/son games. Pin the blame on me, rock, paper, get me another beer, casino night. ~ Christopher Titus,
1250:Never idealize others. They will never live up to your expectations. Don't over-analyze your relationships. Stop playing games. A growing relationship can only be nurtured by genuineness. ~ Leo F Buscaglia,
1251:Sport allows us to engage in dialogue and to build bridges, and it may even have the capacity to reshape international relations. The Olympic Games embody perfectly this universal mission. ~ Richard Attias,
1252:The dimensions of video game characters, even when they're scanned from real people, are beefed up with exaggerated proportions in games like Def Jam: Fight for NY to give them more pop. ~ Cliff Bleszinski,
1253:You know, you’re kind of an asshole.”
“And you’re completely out of your element … so let’s stop playing games, huh? Either slit my throat or suck my dick because we don’t have all night. ~ Elle Kennedy,
1254:Boys are rewarded for playing games where they line up by height and then run into walls. Perhaps I'm making that up--or perhaps you should do a Google search for "Guy Runs into Wall for Fun. ~ Gina Barreca,
1255:deception and 'con games' are a way of life in all species and throughout nature. Organisms that do not improve their ability to deceive - and to detect deception - are less apt to survive. ~ Harriet Lerner,
1256:I'd take him over there and I'd help him out, and he'd make up stories and such, and play games. The Long Earth was my Narnia. You know Narnia?"
"That's the one with the hobbits, right? ~ Terry Pratchett,
1257:I grew up playing games, and I remember Christmas 1981 when my dad got us an Intellivision, and we all sat around and played 'Astrosmash' for hours on end. It was a big part of my youth. ~ Roger Craig Smith,
1258:I had people in my life who didn't give up on me: my mother, my aunt, my science teacher. I had one-on-one speech therapy. I had a nanny who spent all day playing turn-taking games with me. ~ Temple Grandin,
1259:I have a bad habit of playing little emotional games with men. When they date me it's cool in the beginning, we do our thing in the first month, and then I send them on a rollercoaster ride to hell. ~ JWoww,
1260:I must still look perplexed because Gale delivers the next line very slowly. “Katniss…he’s still trying to keep you alive.” To keep me alive? And then I understand. The Games are still on. ~ Suzanne Collins,
1261:I think I was brought up with games and I don't think that they're just Pac-Man or Space Invaders. I think we've moved on, I think that there are stories being told and worlds being explored. ~ Duncan Jones,
1262:I've never felt my job was to win basketball games - rather, that the essence of my job as a coach was to do everything I could to give my players the background necessary to succeed in life. ~ Bobby Knight,
1263:JONAS DID NOT want to go back. He didn’t want the memories, didn’t want the honor, didn’t want the wisdom, didn’t want the pain. He wanted his childhood again, his scraped knees and ball games. ~ Lois Lowry,
1264:Nowadays games immediately appear on the Internet and thus the life of novelties is measured in hours. Modern professionals do not have the right to be forgetful - it is 'life threatening'. ~ Garry Kasparov,
1265:Odinary people don't have a feeling of being loved by the people who manage to get into positions of leadership. They get in there, they make a lot of money, and then they play games with us. ~ Alice Walker,
1266:That's sounds right. Another $5,000 went to dress up the Little League park where he had played so many games. Seems like he paid off the MORTAGE on his parents' home, which wasn't that much. ~ John Grisham,
1267:The memory of the previous nights fun and games rose again. Hell this whole week had been weird. With the attack at the boat launch being the shit flavored ice cream on top of the crazy pie. ~ Diana Rowland,
1268:Twilight' has a supernatural reference to it with werewolves and vampires. 'Harry Potter' has magic. 'The Hunger Games' is about real people put into extreme situations and circumstances. ~ Isabelle Fuhrman,
1269:City's just a jungle; more games to play Trapped in the heart of it, tryin' to get away I was raised in the country, I been workin' in the town I been in trouble ever since I set my suitcase down ~ Bob Dylan,
1270:For film and games, there is now a fantastic method of actors portraying characters which don't necessarily look like themselves. And yet you've still got the heart and soul of the performance. ~ Andy Serkis,
1271:I didn't have a cell phone because I never needed to play video games or surf the Net, or exchange nude photos with a congressman. - Odd Thomas - Odd Apocalypse by Dean Koontz pg 137 chapter 19 ~ Dean Koontz,
1272:I play video games and watch TV, but there's more to life than that. Faxing and the Internet have created a global community. The kid next door has become the kid in Latin America or Asia. ~ Craig Kielburger,
1273:It was reported that the New York Knicks have won all 12 of the home games attended by magician David Blaine. A spokesman for the Knicks said, 'if this is what it takes to win, it's not worth it.' ~ Tina Fey,
1274:I won twenty-eight games in thirty-five and I couldn't believe my eyes when the Cards sent me a contract with a cut in salary. Mr. Rickey said I deserved a cut because I didn't win thirty games. ~ Dizzy Dean,
1275:Japanese gamers aren't really into action games right now. They're into role-playing or strategy games with a lot of stats, but action titles are still really popular across the US and Europe. ~ Hideo Kojima,
1276:Obviously, I think this [162 games a year four times] caused my early retirement, but I couldn't do it any other way. Just for the record, I never asked for any of the days off in my career. ~ Prince Fielder,
1277:There were games and activities as well as sermons, because, as he pointed out regularly, most of Jesus’s preaching happened outside, and that meant there was more to Christianity than church. ~ Stephen King,
1278:Video games is a big part of a kids' life. Videos games let you be something that you're not, so does acting, but it puts you in like a real situation type thing or something totally different. ~ Ty Simpkins,
1279:You can do as many sprints as you want but there's nothing like playing in a 90-minute soccer game. There's no better way to gain your fitness, in my opinion, than playing in consistent games. ~ Abby Wambach,
1280:I wish the night would end, I wish the day'd begin, I wish it would rain or snow, or the wind would blow, or the grass would grow, I wish I had yesterday, I wish there were games to play. ~ Virginia C Andrews,
1281:No matter how good you are, you're going to lose one-third of your games. No matter how bad you are you're going to win one-third of your games. It's the other third that makes the difference. ~ Tommy Lasorda,
1282:One good thing about mothers is that you know they like sex. Even though she may be easy, she’ll make it seem as if she’s looking for something serious and that she’s tired of “boys” who play games. ~ Roosh V,
1283:One of the privileges of being an athlete is that on days when I have practice and games, I’m present whether I’m present or not. It’s not fair, but that’s the system. What can I do about it? ~ Erin O Riordan,
1284:You give up your childhood. You miss proms and games and high-school events, and people say it's awful... I say it was a good trade. You miss something but I think I gained more than I lost. ~ Mary Lou Retton,
1285:You have to learn things in every game because you are not going to be able to practice two-and-a-half to three hours (during the season), so the games have to be the ultimate learning experience. ~ Don Meyer,
1286:At the beginning of a long-running play, everyone's nervous and paces around in a panic and reapplies lipstick. After a while, you'll get long-running card games or word games like Boggle. ~ Elizabeth McGovern,
1287:For me, there's nothing that beats playing. When I'm not playing, I'll watch games on the television, watch stuff on You-Tube, everything. I just live for football, love watching great players. ~ Jermain Defoe,
1288:Games aren't created by writers rocking up to developers saying 'I have this great game story.' It's about establishing relationships and working hand in hand to create something wonderful. ~ Rhianna Pratchett,
1289:Gay James: Well, why don’t you stop playing games and give us a little of your private self?

Straight James: Kind of impossible, don’t you think? As soon as I share it, it becomes public. ~ James Franco,
1290:It's a token for the arcade games at Laser Sport Time!" Dan hissed.
"Uncle Alistair doesn't think so," Amy murmured. "He's a numismatist."
"He takes his clothes off in public?" Dan said. ~ Peter Lerangis,
1291:– I understand the world can be cruel place and there are people out there counting on naive kids like you to take advantage of. Don't just think because it's video games people can't get hurt. ~ Cory Doctorow,
1292:I was really into Space Invaders in about 1978. It got me more and more interested in video games. There wasn't any media to get information about games, so I came up with Game Freak magazine. ~ Satoshi Tajiri,
1293:That will change over time the entire flow of information and the entire quality of knowledge in the country and it will change the way people will try to play games in the legislative process. ~ Newt Gingrich,
1294:The first few games that we played against some of the teams, the young guys, you know, want a stick sign or photo sign, and I think that they respect what I have achieved throughout my career. ~ Mario Lemieux,
1295:They talk about those All-Star Games being exhibition affairs, and maybe they are, but I've seen very few players in my life who didn't want to win, no matter whom they were playing or what for. ~ Carl Hubbell,
1296:If your Olympic Hero were to use the Worm in the 1996 Olympic Games, it would be so embarassing to all the other atheletes - and our country, mind you- that the USA would have finished behind Guam. ~ Kurt Angle,
1297:I just meant as far as coming to the games on time; it was just like I was under the microscope, every little thing, it was like they were looking for me to come in here with my shoes untied. ~ Latrell Sprewell,
1298:I love card games, and I've always loved board games and stuff like that as a kid, and I think it's that part of your brain that's engaged in con movies. It's like this 'Who's outsmarting whom?' ~ John C Reilly,
1299:I'm blown away by the graphical detail of today's games. I can't imagine that it's going to get any better, but it's just going to continually progress and soon we'll be living in that world. ~ Christian Slater,
1300:Kids are great. That's one of the best things about our business, all the kids you get to meet. It's a shame they have to grow up to be regular people and come to the games and call you names. ~ Charles Barkley,
1301:There are no ultimate ends. Only games and more games. The winner this round is the loser the next round. Only the game is eternal. And the game is always the same, if you never change the rules. ~ Gerard Jones,
1302:What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it? ~ Friedrich Nietzsche,
1303:For the party, the Beijing Games are the biggest political happening of 2008. Everything revolves around them. This will be a huge celebration for the President Hu Jintao and the Premier Wen Jiabao. ~ Liu Xiaobo,
1304:Games are not about being told things. If you want to tell people things, write a book or make a movie. Games are dialogues - and dialogue requires both parties to take the floor once in a while ~ Warren Spector,
1305:I'd advise all aspiring game designers not to aim for money when developing a game, because unfortunately it is very rare for game designers to be able to earn a living by developing analog games. ~ Klaus Teuber,
1306:I have been an avid reader since my youth. Because I also liked to play tabletop games, I soon felt the desire to make the story narrated in a book or an aspect of that story come alive in a game. ~ Klaus Teuber,
1307:In games against humans, you often win because the opponent blunders a piece, and you can often survive when you do it yourself. Against the computer, you make only one mistake - the last one. ~ Vladimir Kramnik,
1308:Slaying dragons, melting witches, and banishing demons is all fun and games until someone loses a sidekick—then it’s personal. The bad guy isn’t just the “bad guy” anymore, he’s the BAD GUY! ~ Michael J Sullivan,
1309:Well, killing a man isn't clean and quick and simple. It's bloody and awful. And maybe if enough people come to realize that shooting somebody isn't just fun and games, maybe we'll get somewhere. ~ Sam Peckinpah,
1310:Are you gonna say what's on your mind, or are you gonna make me guess? Because I'm not good at guessing games. People should say what they mean to say and not make other people stumble around. ~ Stephanie Perkins,
1311:Are you gonna say what’s on your mind, or are you gonna make me guess? Because I’m not good at guessing games. People should say what they mean to say and not make other people stumble around. ~ Stephanie Perkins,
1312:As I drift off, I try to imagine that world, somewhere in the future, with no Games, no Capitol. A place like the meadow in the song I sang to Rue as she died. Where Peeta’s child could be safe. ~ Suzanne Collins,
1313:As the vampire trailed a fingertip along the girl’s collarbone, she appeared to fall into a trance.
It was not mind games on Zypher’s part. Females of both races couldn’t help themselves around him. ~ J R Ward,
1314:I don't believe in the so-called Olympic spirit. I speak from personal experience. When China hosted the Games, it failed to include the people. The event was constructed without regard for their joy. ~ Ai Weiwei,
1315:Im the youngest of four, but my closest sibling is 10 years older. I had a lot of imagination. I was running around playing little games by myself. But I never thought I was going to be an actor. ~ Daniel Breaker,
1316:I've been involved in lots of GAMES OF THE HEART, gorgeous. Rolled the dice time and again, took a lot of risks, took a lot of falls. Finally seems I'm winning. I'm not about to play it safe now. ~ Kristen Ashley,
1317:Not all activities are equal... Those that involve genuine concentration - studying a musical instrument, playing board games, reading, and dancing - are associated with a lower risk for dementia. ~ Norman Doidge,
1318:Oh the places you'll go! There is fun to be done! There are points to be scored. There are games to be won. And the magical things you can do with that ball will make you the winning-est winner of all. ~ Dr Seuss,
1319:We will prosper or suffer in controlled investments in relation to the operating performances of our businesses - we will not attempt to profit by playing various games in the securities markets. ~ Warren Buffett,
1320:Don't get caught up in fashion games. These kids probably think we're old, nark conformists or something, but really, they're just conforming in their own ways. They're conforming to nonconformity. ~ Richelle Mead,
1321:Female success stories from sporting events like the Olympic Games have played a role in shifting the Indian perception to see the female athlete as a hero and a role model for young Indian girls. ~ Richard Attias,
1322:I am not a fan of video games, I had to learn a lot about them. I would love to play video games, but I don't want to go around shooting people, and ripping off their heads, and it's just gross. ~ Anita Sarkeesian,
1323:I consider video games a form of design that is amazingly important today and that is going to become even more important in the future, because it is a way we interact with machines and screens. ~ Paola Antonelli,
1324:If a pro ball player stays up the night before a game, playing video games or watching TV, the other players would kick his tail, the coach would fine him, and that nonsense would stop immediately. ~ Dave Grossman,
1325:If the Olympics fail, human rights will suffer. The government would stop paying any attention to the rest of the world. I personally think: we want the Games and we want human rights to be respected. ~ Liu Xiaobo,
1326:I would like to compare football and cinema. I think it's very similar. It's two games... different games. You have to work very hard and find the confidence to enjoy it on the pitch or in the film. ~ Eric Cantona,
1327:never spoke of it. He took the miracle to his grave. All Andrew ever said about the voyage was that a nun had taught him how to play mah-jongg. Something must have happened during one of their games. ~ John Irving,
1328:Sure, I like to win when I play basketball or board games or video games, but my day isnt ruined if I lose. Im always up for a rematch. In all seriousness, thats something thats nice about maturing. ~ Aaron Staton,
1329:The emphasis on winning is preventing kids from learning how to pass, which is the skill they ultimately need at the highest levels. The proposed solution is for top youth players to play fewer games. ~ Po Bronson,
1330:To be true to myself, to be the person that was on the inside of me, and not play games. That's what I'm trying to do mostly in the whole world, is not bullshit myself and not bullshit anybody else. ~ Janis Joplin,
1331:By all means examine the games of the great chess players, but don't swallow them whole. Their games are valuable not for their separate moves, but for their vision of chess, their way of thinking. ~ Anatoly Karpov,
1332:If you assume any rate of improvement at all then the games will become indistinguishable from reality. It would seem to follow that the odds that we are in base reality would be one in billions. ~ Jean Baudrillard,
1333:It didn’t help that in AP English Lit, junior year, they’d read Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery,” which was basically The Hunger Games except it was written in the forties and had a twist at the end. ~ Mary H K Choi,
1334:Life must be lived as play, playing certain games, making sacrifices, singing and dancing, and then a man will be able to propitiate the gods, and defend himself against his enemies, and win in the contest. ~ Plato,
1335:very often our victories were squeaked out in the last few minutes, after we had drained the life from our opponents. Games – like life – are all about waiting for chances and then pouncing on them. ~ Alex Ferguson,
1336:What a woman should know

-When to just let him zone out on video games, his computer, or phone.
-When to let him control the day or situation.
-When to just shut up and kiss him. ~ Jennifer Love Hewitt,
1337:What's shocking is cruelty and torture, and that's become our entertainment. Kids can play violent video games, but God forbid they look at a naked woman. That's pornography, that's perverse. No! ~ David LaChapelle,
1338:What the eye delights in, no longer dictates My greed to enjoy: boys, grass, the fenced-off deer. It leaves those figures that distantly play On the horizon's rim: they sign their peace, in games. ~ Stephen Spender,
1339:Yeah, yeah, it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye type of thing. There's that kind of irreverence to it the humor and in the reality of what's really going on that plays into this movie. ~ Jeremy Renner,
1340:Yep, my daddy was an undependable drunk. But he'd never missed any of my organized games, concerts, plays, or picnics. He may not have loved me perfectly, but he loved me as well as he could. (189) ~ Sherman Alexie,
1341:Football games are on TV, and it doesn't affect stadium attendance at all. It's the same with movies. People who really love movies and like to go out on a Saturday night will go to the movie theater. ~ George Lucas,
1342:Getting inside the mind of a terrorist wasn't difficult at all. Even as children, human beings fabricate elaborate revenge fantasies. We're not a particular species. Check out popular video games. ~ Alan Dean Foster,
1343:I left and went to the roof, where it was only me, a thousand blinking stars, and the beauty of darkness stretched to the ends of the universe, snuffing out the endless games of courts and kingdoms. ~ Mary E Pearson,
1344:Reinventing yourself requires problems. They are the games you play in this great tournament. The tournament is called the dance, the dance of life. Each game you win advances you in the tournament. ~ Steve Chandler,
1345:The crowd and its team had finally understood that in games, as in many things, the ending, the final score, is only part of what matters. The process, the pleasure, the grain of the game count too. ~ Thomas Boswell,
1346:The Hunger Games' for me is I love the books so much and the character and the story were incredible. That's kind of the game plan is just do really interesting stories with interesting characters. ~ Josh Hutcherson,
1347:The relationship with WWE obviously has gotten better because after my name has been shoved down their throats from 2K Games for the past years, they finally passed off on it. They finally okayed it. ~ Bill Goldberg,
1348:The Twitch community loves watching video games, chatting, and broadcasting. The average viewer watches over an hour and a half of video each day. Over two-thirds of our logged-in users chat each day. ~ Emmett Shear,
1349:When I was preparing for one term's work in the Botvinnik school I had to spend a lot of time on king and pawn endings. So when I came to a tricky position in my own games I knew the winning method. ~ Garry Kasparov,
1350:And in nineteen seventy two I almost wasn't, on the team, but I knew about it just before Olympic Games for three months before this why this is was not very good for me. I'd been ready to go, you know. ~ Olga Korbut,
1351:Even though the Olympics take place during Ramadan, some Muslim athletes said they will not fast during games. Then, after sampling the British food, they said, on second thought, fasting sounds good. ~ Conan O Brien,
1352:I also developed an interest in sports, and played in informal games at a nearby school yard where the neighborhood children met to play touch football, baseball, basketball and occasionally, ice hockey. ~ Steven Chu,
1353:If North Korea were The Hunger Games, Pyongyang would be the Capitol: a place reserved for the elite to enjoy good food, nice clothes, and electricity. Out in the districts, the people have nothing. ~ Andrew McCarthy,
1354:If the movie [The Hunger Games] were stylized violence that was pretty and fun and cool, which is great when you go see 300 or The Matrix, it would just be out of sync with the fact that they're kids. ~ Nina Jacobson,
1355:If you are weak in the endgame, you must spend more time analysing studies; in your training games you must aim at transposing to endgames, which will help you to acquire the requisite experience. ~ Mikhail Botvinnik,
1356:I grew up in the Cayman Islands. I didn't play video games or watch TV. I would basically come home from school, throw down my backpack, grab my machete, and go hike and chop down trees to make a fort. ~ Armie Hammer,
1357:I learned how quickly I actually released my shot off the dribble. I know that's something I work on, and really use in games, but I didn't know exactly how quick it was, down to like the millisecond. ~ Stephen Curry,
1358:I was focused on The Hunger Games movie with my director, with the studio, and with the cast and crew. We all just focused on making the best possible movie we could, and earning the right to do more. ~ Nina Jacobson,
1359:Jesse backed her against the wall and placed a hand either side of her head, crowding her. “I don’t play games, Harley, so I’ll tell you straight, I want you. In my bed. In my life. Where you belong. ~ Suzanne Wright,
1360:there was a clipping from Time magazine where somebody asked Father what games he played for relaxation, and he said, ‘Why should I bother with made-up games when there are so many real ones going on? ~ Kurt Vonnegut,
1361:When you're connected to a source and to each other through conversation, through making love, through meditation, playing games with your kids, all that stuff, then your self-esteem's going to go up. ~ Jack Canfield,
1362:'Avatar' was gorgeous. There are good stories in there, but when used in other movies they're similar to those violent video games. Characters using deadly weapons. The children follow these movies. ~ Louis Gossett Jr,
1363:Daughters of the Steppes had their three-year-olds playing these games to help them understand the concept of “divide, conquer, and destroy so that the next city or town over just gives us what we ask for. ~ G A Aiken,
1364:I would say I'm pretty much the exact same as the stereotypical American kid. I mean I'm really lazy, I play a lot of video games, I like girls. I like, you know, the violence and action type thing. ~ Callan McAuliffe,
1365:Palindrome as well. My sister's name is Hannah. Father liked word games. He was fourteen times World Scrabble Champion. When he died, we buried him at Queenzieburn to make use of the triple word score. ~ Jasper Fforde,
1366:Reviewers love us. Right, Dex?” Thrive had already produced three games, one of which, World of Thieves, had made Dex a major player in the gaming world—and earned him millions of dollars. His biggest ~ Melissa Foster,
1367:Riding a horse is a relationship with a foreign creature, and with musicians it's a similar thing: "OK, I'm going to put something on the page that will spook you into rushing." Little games you can play. ~ Nico Muhly,
1368:tear rolled down her broad cheek. “As a matter of fact, they have a pretty easy time,” put in Mrs. Wiggins. “Play games and lie round and get lots to eat. I don’t think you need be so sorry for them. ~ Walter R Brooks,
1369:The Games are just a nice, positive way to build friendships, camaraderie and, of course, self-esteem. Plus, the Games are a great opportunity for people to participate in sports who normally wouldn't. ~ Greg Louganis,
1370:The offers of friendship, the smiles, the nice words – all games. Deep down I always knew it, but part of me hoped for more. I allowed hope. Stupid Beth making another stupid mistake. Story of my life. ~ Katie McGarry,
1371:We don't sell wins or losses. The one thing you can't control in sports is which games you are going to win or which games you are going to lose. But what I could control was the experience the fans have. ~ Mark Cuban,
1372:When I was a kid, we never had a videogame in my house. But my cousin did, and each time I went to her house I was able to play 'Tetris' and 'Mario.' Those were the only two games I played as a child. ~ Olga Kurylenko,
1373:Indeed, the single best predictor of an individual’s chess skill is not the amount of chess he’s played against opponents, but rather the amount of time he’s spent sitting alone working through old games. ~ Joshua Foer,
1374:I really enjoyed high-school football, but I didn't really enjoy college football. I liked to play the games, but I didn't like the practice. In baseball, I enjoy the practice almost as much as the games. ~ Todd Helton,
1375:I think a lot of people have had their eyes open, shocked that the team they thought they were on didn't exist, and that the games were not being played to win. I guess it's shocking to a lot of people. ~ Rush Limbaugh,
1376:It represents a Bible verse I wear on my shoe. Philippians 4:13. It says 'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.' It's also my mantra, how I get up for games and why I play the way I do. ~ Stephen Curry,
1377:The amusements of broadcast consist mainly of songs, stories, and games, just as in tribal life. The songs and stories are mostly about courtship, the games mostly played by men, just as in tribal life. ~ Stewart Brand,
1378:The human race, to which so many of my readers belong, has been playing at children's games from the beginning, and will probably do it till the end, which is a nuisance for the few people who grow up. ~ G K Chesterton,
1379:The issue of the Betrayal was so central to that, I felt the need to comment upon it. My choices were to ignore the games and put them 'outside' of continuity or to integrate them. I chose the latter. ~ Raymond E Feist,
1380:The Olympic Games are not just ordinary world championships but a quadrennial festival of universal youth. . . celebrated by each succeeding generation as it arrives on the threshold of adulthood. ~ Pierre de Coubertin,
1381:Ender, for the past few months you have been the battle commander of our fleets. This was the Third Invasion. There were no games, the battles were real, and the only enemy you fought was the buggers. ~ Orson Scott Card,
1382:I loved the DOS games, Super Nintendo. And I have a very addictive personality, so I recognize now that I just can't engage in that kind of stuff because I'll never stop. So I no longer play any games. ~ Mackenzie Davis,
1383:The Heisman attention has definitely been a little bit of a surprise. It's been out of my hands. It's something I'm not focused on. I'm focused on the season and trying to win as many games as possible. ~ Johnny Manziel,
1384:There are a couple of watersheds in human evolution. Most people are comfortable thinking about tool use and language use as watersheds. But the ability to play non-zero-sum games was another watershed. ~ Jonathan Haidt,
1385:Twenty-one out of twenty-two of the stadiums, arenas, sports halls and swimming pools built for the Games are either derelict, in a state of disrepair, boarded up or unable to find a buyer and underused. ~ Jules Boykoff,
1386:Were all brought up to believe that the best players show up in the biggest games, and what bigger game than the Super Bowl? Ive just been blessed and very lucky to have two of my best games on that stage. ~ Justin Tuck,
1387:While in the city and its suburbs, I fed as if in danger of imminent execution. And I was able to confirm earlier reconnaissance: Vancouver is among the best eating towns in the history of the Winter Games. ~ Sam Sifton,
1388:A lot of coaches want guys to be loose for games. I never wanted them to be loose. I wanted their hands sweating, their knees shaking, their eyes bulging. I wanted them to act like we were going to war. ~ Jerry Tarkanian,
1389:Among the games I did not develop myself, my most frequently played game is definitely "Doppelkopf," a traditional German card game; for more than 40 years now, I play it regularly with old school friends. ~ Klaus Teuber,
1390:Beautiful people blossomed forth from out of the polyglot, people who really had a lot to them, only it had been smothered by all the eternal social games that had been set up. Suddenly they found each other. ~ Tom Wolfe,
1391:But that kind of thinking . . . you could turn it into an argument for killing anyone at any time. You could justify sending kids into the Hunger Games to prevent the districts from getting out of line, ~ Suzanne Collins,
1392:I've gotten to watch a lot of football games. Growing up, watching sports, watching people compete, whether it's my brothers or teammates. I grew up observing and taking it all in. It's kind of my attitude. ~ Eli Manning,
1393:Some people think literature is high culture and that it should only have a small readership. I don't think so... I have to compete with popular culture, including TV, magazines, movies and video games. ~ Haruki Murakami,
1394:The cat looked as if it were about to say something sarcastic. Then it flicked its whiskers and said, "Challenge her. There's no guarantee she'll play fair, but her kind of thing loves games and challenges. ~ Neil Gaiman,
1395:There were probably a few games I played where I should not have played, because of some nagging injuries or something. I used to always talk the managers into playing me, because I wanted to play so badly. ~ Gary Carter,
1396:When I was 15, 16, 17 years old, I spent five hours a day juggling, and I probably spent six hours a day seriously listening to music. And if I were 16 now, I would put that time into playing video games. ~ Penn Jillette,
1397:Why are video games so violent? The ones I've seen remind me of the 4th of July, with everything exploding, buildings, cars, airplanes, men and women. Kill, kill, and kill for sport and entertainment. ~ Madeleine M Kunin,
1398:and, much as in real dating, experience something together. If so inclined, she might even suggest that they try to play some online games together, explore magical kingdoms, slay dragons, and solve problems. ~ Dan Ariely,
1399:Another piece of clarification around playing games at a friend's house - should you choose to play your game at your friend's house, there is no fee to play that game while you are signed in to your profile. ~ Larry Hryb,
1400:At a very high level, demographics are going to help us on this, because sooner or later, people who have actually played games are going to be in most of the decision-making positions in the Western world. ~ Greg Zeschuk,
1401:If you understand that a wasted time is a wasted life, you will start running away from television, you will begin to run away from movies, you will run away from games like criminal case and candy crush. ~ Sunday Adelaja,
1402:I'm a big believer in the Wii. I love the physicality of the Wii controller, and how you can get the feeling of throwing a bowling ball or swinging a golf club. Those are the kinds of games I really like. ~ Nolan Bushnell,
1403:I’m not sure why you are playing hard to get,” he breathed, his lips so close to my skin that I fought hard not to shudder. “You shouldn’t try to play games with me because I’m not a player. I’m the coach. ~ Adriana Locke,
1404:It's a story of little girls who are pressed into working in sweat shops in games, who spend all day doing repetitive grinding tasks like making shirts, which are then converted into gold and sold on eBay. ~ Cory Doctorow,
1405:I was able to do Classics, the U.S. national championships and the Pan American Games and feel like I improved with each meet, but I was still struggling with a lot of residual pain from the two surgeries. ~ Shawn Johnson,
1406:I wish the night would end,
I wish the day'd begin,
I wish it would rain or snow,
or the wind would blow,
or the grass would grow,
I wish I had yesterday,
I wish there were games to play... ~ V C Andrews,
1407:One thing I have learned in my painful career as a gambler is that bragging when you get lucky and win a few games will plunge you into gloom and unacceptable beatings very soon. It happens every time. ~ Hunter S Thompson,
1408:When you listen to G. T. Stoop, you understand the importance of being a honorable person, you get charged to fight for the truth, you get angry that so many politicians are playing games with people's trust. ~ Joan Bauer,
1409:Capablanca's play produced and still produces an irresistable artistic effect. In his games a tendency towards simplicity predominated, and in this simplicity there was a unique beauty of genuine depth. ~ Mikhail Botvinnik,
1410:I don't remember ever feeling lonely; in fact, on the rare occasions when I met other children I found their games and their talk far less interesting than the adventures and dialogues I read in my books. ~ Alberto Manguel,
1411:If you like a football team, you watch their games.
If you like football, you watch all the games.
If you love football, you watch the draft.
If you can't get enough football, you watch the combine. ~ T C Slonaker,
1412:When Sigeru Miyamoto, the creator of Mario, Luigi, and Zelda, heard the complaints about video games, he simply shrugged his shoulders. “Video games are bad for you? That’s what they said about rock ’n’ roll. ~ David Sheff,
1413:Above all I am hoping for trees, which may afford me some means of concealment and food and shelter. Often there are trees because barren landscapes are dull and the Games resolve too quickly without them. ~ Suzanne Collins,
1414:Following the Post Modernist route, we may indeed never arrive at meaning, but not because meaning is not there... only because we are lost in endless linguistic games that are entirely beside the point. ~ Massimo Pigliucci,
1415:For an athlete myself, it is especially meaningful for our country to host an Olympics. Every athlete hopes to participate in an Olympics, so I still can't believe the games of dreams is going to take place in Korea. ~ Yuna,
1416:If you had to point to one thing that made it less likely that the Red Sox would win the World Series, I would say it was those people that go to Fenway Park to watch the games. And then the media around it. ~ Michael Lewis,
1417:Technological errors made by government, industry [DDT, ABM, SST, CIA, etc.] are those of children, who, even thought they don't know what the score is, go on playing pre-technological games of power and profit. ~ John Cage,
1418:We have branded Jesus beyond recognition. Church has become a business. Jesus is our marketing scheme. We create bookstores, T-shirts, bracelets, bumper stickers, and board games all in the name of Jesus. ~ Jefferson Bethke,
1419:When it comes to Christ, you've got to do the same. Call him crazy, or crown him as king. Dismiss him as a fraud, or declare him to be God. Walk away from him, or bow before him, but don't play games with him. ~ Max Lucado,
1420:But the paradox from a North American perspective is that the undisputed king of televised sports remains football, where games routinely exceed three hours and feature very little actual play during that window. ~ Anonymous,
1421:He had always tried to treat Havaa as a child and she always went along with it, as though childhood and innocence were fantastical creatures that had died long ago, resurrected only in games of make believe. ~ Anthony Marra,
1422:I like games that are simple. Not games that are trivial, but also not games that require you to invest a week or to relearn something. I like games that you can just pick up, sit down in front of, and get going. ~ Sid Meier,
1423:I used to think it would be neat to play my whole career with one team. But as a baseball player you want to come to the ballpark every day knowing you have a chance to win and that the games mean something. ~ Carlos Beltran,
1424:I was always a fan but me and Kevin Pattero, he was a friend of mine who trained for the Olympic games in 1972… he and I became very close friends and roommates and I kind of rode his coattails into the business. ~ Ric Flair,
1425:James had, of course, heard of television and video games, but having had mostly wizard friends, he’d assumed Muggle children only engaged in those activities when there was absolutely nothing better to do ~ G Norman Lippert,
1426:Jenkins, Ken Holtzman, and Bill Hands, the team’s top three pitchers, made 123 starts that season and completed 53. (In 2018, all major-league starters—more than 250 of them—combined to throw 42 complete games.) ~ Kevin Cook,
1427:J.J. Watt is larger than life and Houstons newest sports hero, in every sense of the word. He is a guy who spends NFL Fridays at high school football games and actively seeks out those in need of his kindness. ~ Hannah Storm,
1428:Just as at the Olympic games it is not the handsomest or strongest men who are crowned with victory but the successful competitors, so in life it is those who act rightly who carry off all the prizes and rewards. ~ Aristotle,
1429:Never play a blame game. Your feet are aching because you put them into a tight shoe... Nobody has it on; it's you who have it on! Your aims will help you to get out of trouble games, but not your blames! ~ Israelmore Ayivor,
1430:The human race, to which so many of my readers belong, has been playing at children's games from the beginning, and will probably do it till the end, which is a nuisance for the few people who grow up. ~ Gilbert K Chesterton,
1431:The other video game adaptation I did was Mortal Kombat, and I did that because I loved playing the games in the arcade. I play all of the Resident Evil games because I'm very much immersed in that world. ~ Paul W S Anderson,
1432:The World Series is played in my doubtless too-nostalgic imagination in some kind of autumn afternoon light, and seeing it exclusively in the bitter chill of midnight breaks the spell of even the best of games. ~ Adam Gopnik,
1433:To win a major tournament you have to face the top teams at some point, but if you avoid those at the beginning then you can win games and build confidence. I think the key is just to get off to a good start. ~ Jermain Defoe,
1434:We will all suffer before we win these Games, but no team here will break us. For what is Hope if not unbreakable? And what is Hope if not the natural extension of suffering, that which eventually overcomes? ~ Amanda Bouchet,
1435:What that means initially is that you have alot of products that are only slightly better games in the same genre on another machine - and the titles that really take advantage of the machine come along later. ~ Trip Hawkins,
1436:You see a lot of these movies that are really just 90-minute video games. The effects are incredible. I get it: There's an art to that, terrific. I'm not interested in it, but there's an art to that I suppose. ~ Jeff Daniels,
1437:I could take an umbrella and balance it on my chin or on my foot. And I just got interested in that kind of thing. And as I played games more and more and got stronger physically, I just became more coordinated. ~ John Cleese,
1438:If you want to appeal to people of different languages and cultures, you have to move toward tropes that are universally recognized. Games, references, subtleties that only work in your language are hardly useful. ~ Tim Parks,
1439:In the cathedral-size lobby, the usual scene was going on. In front of the roaring fireplace, teenage einherjar hung out playing board games or just chillaxing (which is like chilling, except with battle-axes). ~ Rick Riordan,
1440:To all the readers,
whom despite
the attraction of tv,
of internet,
of family troubles,
of video games,
of sport,
of night clubs,
have found some hours
so we can all dream together. ~ Bernard Werber,
1441:We do not see the PC as the leading platform for games. That statement will enrage some people, but it is hard to characterize it otherwise; both console versions will have larger audiences than the PC version. ~ John Carmack,
1442:And beyond that,” she said, “I don’t see what else there is to do, for the present. Has anyone any suggestions?” And as no one had, she said: “Then I think for the rest of the evening we might play games.” So ~ Walter R Brooks,
1443:Individuals score points, but teams win games. This is true in athletic events and in life. If you make it in life, your “team” of parents, teachers, ministers, etc., will have played a major role in your success. ~ Zig Ziglar,
1444:It wasn't until I was 14 and watched the 1976 Olympic games on television that I really started to dream about the big time. I remember seeing Evelyn Ashford in the 100 meters, and she was going to UCLA. ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee,
1445:One more victim sucked in by John. You get into the room with him and you just fall into a warm pool of beer and video games and penis jokes, staring at the universe with him and saying, "Do you believe this shit? ~ David Wong,
1446:They played exquisite basketball in this series and in particular these last three games. They are the better team. There is no other way to say it. They played great basketball, and we couldn't respond to it. ~ Erik Spoelstra,
1447:To avoid arousal more generally, women were instructed to get plenty of fresh air, avoid stimulating pastimes like reading and card games, and above all never to use their brains more than was strictly necessary. ~ Bill Bryson,
1448:Werewolves were not just in books and movies, cartoons and games. They were real and they had “come out” five years ago to governments around the world, represented by a group that called themselves the Trust. ~ Charlie Adhara,
1449:As many as three million people are expected to attend the 2010 Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver, British Columbia. The security concerns and economic opportunities are great for both Canada and Washington state. ~ Rick Larsen,
1450:Everyone in Hollywood wanted a role in this movie. Everyone wanted to have a part in it. I feel so lucky that I got one, but what I find so cool about 'Hunger Games' is that the real star is the story itself. ~ Alexander Ludwig,
1451:If you're playing a one-minute game, I could squeeze in five to six games before anybody walked by my cubicle. So I got really good at blitz, one-minute chess games. But that's kind of like the cheap chess version. ~ Paul Banks,
1452:I imagine myself as the broadcaster for a Cubs-White Sox World Series, a Series that would last seven games, with the final game going extra innings before being suspended because of darkness at Wrigley Field. ~ Jack Brickhouse,
1453:I'm not a big gamer myself. I've (become) increasingly interested in games. And I certainly am passionate about, about storytelling in gaming. And, and the marriage of, you know, immersive characters, with gaming. ~ Andy Serkis,
1454:Much of my knowledge of locations in Britain and Europe comes not from school, but from away games or the sports pages, and hooliganism has given me both a taste for sociology and a degree of fieldwork experience. ~ Nick Hornby,
1455:President Obama recently sat down with ESPN and said the NCAA should reduce the shot clock for basketball games. Then he said, 'And while we're at it, is there any way they can reduce the 'being president clock?' ~ Jimmy Fallon,
1456:You've got to have some fun before games or you make the season too long. We don't start work until seven o'clock. If you're game-ready at three, it's not good for you. This is the only way I know how to do it. ~ Prince Fielder,
1457:Anyone else who misspent their largely-sexless adolescence playing role playing games would be aware that games nights are often accompanied by peculiar states of consciousness and even the odd poltergeist effect. ~ Gordon White,
1458:By strictly observing Botvinnik's rule regarding the thorough analysis of one's own games, with the years I have come to realize that this provides the foundation for the continuous development of chess mastery. ~ Garry Kasparov,
1459:Ever since I was really really little, I was just singing all the time. Like one of my favorite games when I was little would be to just have one of my sisters pick a title, and I would impromptu create that song. ~ Kina Grannis,
1460:Every new medium has, within a short time of its introduction, been condemned as a threat to young people. Pulp novels would destroy their morals, TV would wreck their eyesight, video games would make them violent. ~ Hanna Rosin,
1461:I am not a huge gamer. My son knows a LOT more than I do about what is cool on Xbox. I played Halo but the sports games that the whole family can use are the things I use the most. I threw the javelin very very far! ~ Bill Gates,
1462:I’m not looking to fail you. I don’t teach with the hope everyone will play games on their phone during lectures and then skate by with Cs.” “If you did, you’d probably be much happier.” “I’m going to ignore that. ~ Dahlia Adler,
1463:In this drawing we just let our imagination run wild. We visualized Superman toys, games, and a radio show - that was before TV - and Superman movies. We even visualized Superman billboards. And it's all come true. ~ Joe Shuster,
1464:We certainly haven't used that as a motivation, ... The games themselves and the time that they've put in in preparation for these games is motivation enough. I don't think that has anything to do with it at all. ~ Barry Alvarez,
1465:Whatever you do," Seth said around a chewy mouthful, "try not to leave me down here too long. You can only play a certain amount of Yahtzee games in a row before you become a lunatic."
"I'll keep that in mind. ~ Brandon Mull,
1466:Especially with the video games and social media we have now, I think that turning point from kid to sort of adult has gotten earlier with TV shows that are on right now and video games. They all contribute to that. ~ Gage Munroe,
1467:If children really want to learn something, and have the opportunity to learn it in use, they do so even if the teaching is poor. For example many learn difficult video games with no professional teaching at all! ~ Seymour Papert,
1468:I learned from Chuck Noll in Pittsburgh that speed and explosiveness on defense is the way to build a team. Both are difficult for your opponent to assimilate in practice and then in games it is even harder to match. ~ Tony Dungy,
1469:I played mostly games like Asteroids and Pac-Man. Today, when I go into an arcade, the games are much more difficult and complex. I don't think I could even play some of the video games that are out there today. ~ Brandi Chastain,
1470:I reminded myself that I did not come from a place where mind games were a prerequisite for survival to such an extreme degree, a place where the slightest act of rebellion could have unimaginable consequences. Slowly, ~ Suki Kim,
1471:Life must be lived as play, playing certain games, making sacrifices, singing and dancing, and then a man will be able to propitiate the gods, and defend himself against his enemies, and win in the contest”. Thus ~ Johan Huizinga,
1472:Video games provide an easy lead-in to computer literacy. They can get you thinking like a video game designer and can even lead to designing since many games come with software to modify the game or redesign it. ~ James Paul Gee,
1473:We don’t need to play her witch’s games. They always want to get you and your little dog, too." "I knew I never should have let you watch The Wizard of Oz." "Toto didn’t deserve that kind of trauma. He was so tiny. ~ Kevin Hearne,
1474:You want to play video games twenty-four hours a day?"
"Or watch. I just want to not be me. Whether it's sleeping or playing video games or riding my bike or studying. Giving my brain up. That's what's important. ~ Ned Vizzini,
1475:Acting is a really simple job - it's just hard to do. You just have to be that person with their background in that situation. That's all it is. My kids do it all the time when they're dressing up and playing games. ~ Jason Isaacs,
1476:Before games, people ask whether I get nervous. To be honest, I don't get nervous, I just enjoy it. I am living the dream. When I was a kid I always wanted to play for my country and now I am here, I will enjoy it. ~ Jermain Defoe,
1477:Honestly, to tell you the truth, being trapped in any video game sounds like a living nightmare to me. In most video games, the point is it's a fight for survival, so I think it would be a terrifying place to live. ~ John C Reilly,
1478:I’m a simple man, Janet. I say what I mean and have no talent for games. I want to show you how I feel about you so there’s no chance for misunderstanding. If you think I’m trying to romance you, you’re right. I am. ~ Pamela Clare,
1479:It's almost like these games are the modern day comic books, especially when you play Alone in the Dark. There's a real story that goes along with it and a movie seemed like the right kind of transition to make. ~ Christian Slater,
1480:Pop culture, it's crazy. There's all this violence in video games. In 'Call of Duty,' people are literally just blowing other people up. Hey, let's protect your country from your couch while eating your sandwich. ~ Natasha Leggero,
1481:Someone who finally wasn’t afraid to say what everyone else was thinking: why the fuck were we out here, playing cat and mouse games, theoretically protecting a country of people who didn’t even fucking want us here? ~ Callie Hart,
1482:Beauty is a living abiding presence completely untouchable by all the devices of man, such as moral codes, creeds, intellectual analysis, games and cliches, the acquisitive instinct, or lust for anything whatsoever. ~ Lawren Harris,
1483:Come in, Bean. Come in Julian Delphiki, longed-for child of good and loving parents. Come in, kidnapped child, hostage of fate. Come and talk to the Fates, who are playing such clever little games with your life. ~ Orson Scott Card,
1484:I don't like going to football games. I like watching them on television. When you go to a game, it's hard to focus. There's so much going on, and it's cold. I'd rather sit and watch it and get replays and commentary. ~ John Legend,
1485:Most of the exercise I get is from standing and walking around laboratory tables all day. I derive more benefit and entertainment from this than some of my friends and competitors get from playing games like golf. ~ Thomas A Edison,
1486:My mother's father taught English literature. When I was about ten or eleven, I could recite Macaulay's 'Lays of Ancient Rome.' While other kids were playing pedestrian war games, I'd be Horatius keeping the bridge. ~ Bernie Taupin,
1487:That's another thing, we made up games. We didn't have equipment. When it snowed, we would play slow motion tackle football. We would play hockey, but we wouldn't skate. We just made things up. I loved doing that. ~ Mike Krzyzewski,
1488:That's when I make a list in my head of every act of goodness I've ever seen someone do. It's like a game. Repetitive. Even a little tedious after more than twenty years.
But there are much worse games to play. ~ Suzanne Collins,
1489:When it kind of went to 'Street Fighter', where you had to push 13 buttons with all 13 of your fingers and ripped the spine out of somebody, you know, violent games lost the women. Complexity lost the casual gamer. ~ Nolan Bushnell,
1490:Come in, Bean." Come in Julian Delphiki, longed-for child of good and loving parents. Come in, kidnapped child, hostage of fate. Come and talk to the Fates, who are playing such clever little games with your life. ~ Orson Scott Card,
1491:Find a subject you care about and which you in your heart feel others should care about. It is this genuine caring, not your games with language, which will be the most compelling and seductive element in your style. ~ Kurt Vonnegut,
1492:I made a gym, it's the best gym in Nicaragua, I have kids that this year July 6th through the 11th will be fighting and then will go on to the Central American Games and I'm sure at least one will win a gold medal. ~ Alexis Arguello,
1493:I was playing video games LONG before I ever thought about playing football. If it wasn't for my parents making sure that I got outside every now and then as a child, I probably would've pursued some sort of tech path. ~ Chris Kluwe,
1494:We talked about some of our experiences, focusing, hanging together down the stretch, important games. It's not necessarily who has the most talent but what team sticks together and executes their fundamentals the best. ~ Tony Dungy,
1495:A woman keeps to home and family, and tends to matters inside the home. A man keeps to war games and tends to matters outside."

A queen tends to both, I wanted to say, but did not. She would not understand. ~ Susan Fraser King,
1496:In the morn when they woke,
It was Halloween Day.
There was bobbing for apples
and rides in the hay.
There were costume parties,
and games to be played.
Cupcakes and candy and,
of course, a parade! ~ Natasha Wing,
1497:I think it backfired. It wasn't what I expected, it was difficult. I didn't expect them to throw somany mind games into it. I didn't expect to be so emotional, but I asked for it really. I'ma glutton for punishment. ~ Sophie Anderton,
1498:One of the purposes of the Olympic Games is to bring the nations of the world closer together, so that they can conduct an open dialogue. We [germans] should be careful about constantly imposing our values on others. ~ Herbert Hainer,
1499:One of these games is called, "Okay, okay, I'm guilty." This game is to make it look like you have taken responsibility for yourself when you haven't. Admitting you are guilty is a great way to avoid being responsible. ~ Brad Blanton,
1500:So we fall asleep in Jesus. We have played long enough at the games of life, and at last we feel the approach of death. We are tired out, and we lay our heads back on the bosom of Christ, and quietly fall asleep. ~ Henry Ward Beecher,

IN CHAPTERS [142/142]

   44 Poetry
   38 Integral Yoga
   12 Occultism
   12 Christianity
   11 Philosophy
   7 Philsophy
   5 Psychology
   4 Mysticism
   3 Fiction
   2 Yoga
   2 Education
   1 Thelema
   1 Mythology
   1 Cybernetics
   1 Alchemy

   28 The Mother
   15 William Wordsworth
   11 Satprem
   10 Saint Augustine of Hippo
   8 Sri Aurobindo
   8 Nolini Kanta Gupta
   7 Ralph Waldo Emerson
   7 Aleister Crowley
   6 Robert Browning
   5 James George Frazer
   4 Rabindranath Tagore
   4 Lucretius
   4 Jordan Peterson
   3 Jorge Luis Borges
   2 Walt Whitman
   2 H P Lovecraft
   2 Henry David Thoreau

   15 Wordsworth - Poems
   9 City of God
   7 Emerson - Poems
   7 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 07
   6 Browning - Poems
   5 The Golden Bough
   4 Tagore - Poems
   4 Of The Nature Of Things
   4 Maps of Meaning
   4 Magick Without Tears
   3 Some Answers From The Mother
   3 Questions And Answers 1957-1958
   3 Questions And Answers 1955
   3 Agenda Vol 04
   2 Whitman - Poems
   2 Walden
   2 The Confessions of Saint Augustine
   2 Questions And Answers 1950-1951
   2 On Education
   2 Lovecraft - Poems
   2 Liber ABA
   2 Labyrinths
   2 Essays In Philosophy And Yoga
   2 Agenda Vol 10

0.00 - The Book of Lies Text, #The Book of Lies, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
    ping-pong and diabolo. Those games in which per-
    fection is impossible never cease to attract.

0.06 - Letters to a Young Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  It is very difficult to choose games which are useful and beneficial
  for a child. It asks for much consideration and reflection, and all

0.10 - Letters to a Young Captain, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  in the students, whether in games, athletics or gymnastics. Even our own enthusiasm dwindles when we see
  their lack of interest in everything.

0.12 - Letters to a Student, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  Sports are all the games, competitions, tournaments, etc. that
  are based on competition and lead to placings and prizes.

0 1962-07-25, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   That is my first memoryat five years old. Its impact was more on the ethical side than the intellectual; and yet it took an intellectual form too, since. You see, apparently I was a child like any other, except that I was hard to handle. Hard in the sense that I had no interest in food, no interest in ordinary games, no liking for going to my friends houses for snacks, because eating cake wasnt the least bit interesting! And it was impossible to punish me because I really couldnt have cared less: being deprived of dessert was rather a relief for me! And then I flatly refused to learn reading, I refused to learn. And even bathing me was very hard, because I was put in the care of an English governess, and that meant cold bathsmy brother took it in stride, but I just howled! Later it was found to be bad for me (the doctor said so), but that was much later. So you get the picture.
   But whenever there was unpleasantness with my relatives, with playmates or friends, I would feel all the nastiness or bad willall sorts of pretty ugly things that came (I was rather sensitive, for I instinctively nurtured an ideal of beauty and harmony, which all the circumstances of life kept denying) so whenever I felt sad, I was most careful not to say anything to my mother or father, because my father didnt give a hoot and my mother would scold me that was always the first thing she did. And so I would go to my room and sit down in my little armchair, and there I could concentrate and try to understand in my own way. And I remember that after quite a few probably fruitless attempts I wound up telling myself (I always used to talk to myself; I dont know why or how, but I would talk to myself just as I talked to others): Look here, you feel sad because so-and-so said something really disgusting to you but why does that make you cry? Why are you so sad? Hes the one who was bad, so he should be crying. You didnt do anything bad to him. Did you tell him nasty things? Did you fight with her, or with him? No, you didnt do anything, did you; well then, you neednt feel sad. You should only be sad if youve done something bad, but. So that settled it: I would never cry. With just a slight inward movement, or something that said, Youve done no wrong, there was no sadness.
   Is it different for men? I dont know. Sri Aurobindos case was quite special, and apart from him I dont see any convincing example. But generally speaking, what is most developed in a man, along with the mind, is the physical consciousness; the vital is very impulsive, practically ungoverned. Thats my experience of the hundreds and hundreds of men I have met. Theres normally a physical strength built up through games and exercises, and side by side a more or less advanced, but primarily mental development, very mental. The vital is terribly impulsive and barely organized, except in artists, and even there. I lived among artists for ten years and found this ground to be mostly fallow. I mingled with all the great artists of the time, I was like a kid sister to them (it was at the turn of the century, with the Universal Exposition in 1900; and these were the leading artists of the epoch); so I was by far the youngest, much younger than any of themthey were all thirty, thirty-five, forty years old, while I was nineteen or twenty. Well I was much more advanced in their own fieldnot in what I was producing (I was a perfectly ordinary artist), but from the viewpoint of consciousness: observations, experiences, studies.
   I am not sure, but it seems to me that the problem of consciousness ought to come first.

0 1963-03-06, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   We might say that the sense of miracle can only belong to a finite world, a finite consciousness, a finite conception. It is the abrupt, unexpected entryor appearance or intervention or penetrationof something that did not exist in this physical world. So it follows that any manifestation of a will or consciousness belonging to a realm more infinite and eternal than the earth is necessarily a miracle on the earth. But if you go beyond the finite world or the understanding proper to the finite world, then miracle does not exist. The Lord can play at miracles if He enjoys it, but theres no such thing as a miracleHe plays all possible games.
   You can begin to understand Him only when you FEEL it that way, that He plays all possible gamesand possible not according to human conception but according to His own conception!
   Then there is no room for the miracle, except for a pretend miracle.

0 1963-07-06, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Well, I have lived many years, and we know those things to exist, but I didnt attach any importance to them because to me they seemed powerless. Indeed, they have never affected me (a few Tantrics did do some magic and succeeded in making me ill, but that had quite another character; this boys story is in the lowest, most material vital domain, you see), and only lately did I notice those little games. They didnt affect me in the leastit was like images shown on a cinema screen, unsightly images, and I just thought, Whats the point? Still, I did my cleanup, out of habit. But then, when I heard that story, I thought, Well, I must be teaching a good lesson or two to all those people who do dirty magic!
   In other words, one domain after another, one difficulty after another, one kind of obstacle after another (obstacles that are either subconscious or in the most material consciousness or the lower vital), it all comes for an ACTION. An action which is very sustained and varied; even when some other thing (some other difficulty or problem) is in the foreground, predominant in the consciousness, everything is there [in the surrounding atmosphere], and all the time there is that Light (Mother makes a gesture of cleaning in the atmosphere) which has always been with meof which I became totally conscious with Madame Thon, who told me what it wasa Light I have always kept with me, a white Light, absolutely pure, so dazzlingly white that eyes cannot look at it, a Light which is

0 1963-10-16, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   You see, what I do is this: the thing comes, its taken up, presented (gesture to the Heights) as though it were mine: But look, see how I am (but its the Ithe great I), its presented to the Lord, very humbly, with the sense and feeling of complete helplessness I simply say, Here, change it. The feeling that only He can do it, that everything that people have tried everywhere appears childisheverything appears to be childish. The most sublime intelligence seems to me childish. All the attempts that are made to enlighten, organize, educate mankind, to awaken it to a higher consciousness, to give it mastery over Nature and its forces, all of itall of it, which for a human vision is sometimes utterly sublime, seems absolutely like children playing and having fun in a nursery. And children who love dangerous games, who believe TERRIBLY in what they do (as do children, naturally). I have never met more serious and stern a justice than the justice children have in their games. They really take life seriously. Well, thats exactly the impression it makes on me: the impression of a mankind in infancy which takes what it does with ferocious seriousness. And which will never get out of itit will never get out of it, it lacks the little something (which may be really nothing at all), a very little something thanks to which ah, everything becomes clear and organizedall that comes from mankind always BORDERS on Truth.
   So the only thing I can do is this (gesture of presenting): Look, Lord, see how ignorant and powerless we are, how utterly stupid we areits up to You to change it. How do you change it? You cant even imagine the change, you cant even do that. So all my time (same gesture)not from time to time: constantly, day and night, without letup, day and night without letup. If for an interval of one or two minutes this isnt done, there is something that catches up: Oh, all that time wasted! And if I take a close look at what happened, then I see; I see that for these few minutes, I was blissful in the Lord, letting myself live blissfully in the Lord; so I no longer presented things to Himit happens two or three times a day. A relaxation, you know, you let yourself flow blissfully in the Lord. And its so natural and spontaneous that I dont even notice it; I notice it when I resume my attitude (same gesture to the Heights) of transferring everything to the Lord every minute.

0 1965-06-23, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Then in the north (thats where there is the most space, naturally), in the direction of Madras: the cultural zone. There, an auditorium (the auditorium I have dreamed of doing for a long time: plans had already been made), an auditorium with a concert hall and grand organ, the best you find now (it seems they make wonderful things). I want a grand organ. There will also be a theater stage with wings (a revolving stage and so on, the very best you can find). So, here, a magnificent auditorium. There will be a library, there will be a museum, exhibition rooms (not in the auditorium: in addition to it), there will be a cinema studio, a cinema school; there will be a gliding club: already we almost have the governments authorization and promiseanyway its already at a very advanced stage. Then, towards Madras, where there is plenty of space, a stadium. And a stadium that we want to be the most modern and the most perfect possible, with the idea (an idea Ive had for a long time) that twelve years (the Olympic games take place every four years), twelve years after 1968 (in 1968, the Olympiad will be held in Mexico), twelve years after, we would have the Olympic games in India, here. So we need space.
   In between these sections, there are intermediary zones, four intermediary zones: one for public services (the post, etc.), a zone for transportation (railway station and, if possible, an airfield), a zone for food supplies (that one would be towards the Lake and would include dairies, poultry farms, orchards, cultivation, would spread to incorporate the Lake estate3: what they wanted to do separately will be done as a part of Auroville); then a fourth zone (Ive said public services, transportation, food supplies), and the fourth zone: shops. We dont need many shops, but a few are necessary to get what we dont produce. These zones are like quarters, you see.

0 1966-03-26, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It may be good to remind you that we are here for a special work, a work not done anywhere else: we want to come into contact with the supreme consciousness, the universal consciousness, we want to receive it and manifest it. For that, we need a very solid base, and our base is our physical being, our body. We therefore need to prepare a solid, healthy, enduring body, skillful, agile and strong, so it may be ready for anything. There is no better way to prepare the body than physical exercises: sports, athletics, gymnastics and all other games are the best means to develop and streng then the body.
   Therefore I invite you to participate in the competitions beginning today wholeheartedly, with all your energy and will.

0 1969-03-19, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I was asked for a message for the opening (I was about to say, the opening of the Olympic games!), the opening of the season of games. I wrote this (Mother shows a note). I thought it was an opportunity to tell them something:
   (Mother reads her text by lamp light, with great difficulty)

0 1969-05-31, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Two nights ago, I spent more than three hours with Sri Aurobindo, and I showed him all that was going to descend for Auroville. It was rather interesting. There were games, there was art, there was even cooking! But all that was very symbolic. I explained it to him as if on a table, in front of a large landscape; I explained the principle on whose basis physical exercises and games were going to be organized. It was very clear, very precise, I even did a demonstration, as if showing him on a very small scale: a representation on a very small scale of what was going to be done. I moved people, things (gesture as if on a chessboard). But it was very interesting, and he was interested: he gave kinds of broad laws of organization (I dont know how to explain).
   There was art and it was lovely, it was fine. And how to make houses pleasant and beautiful, with what principle of construction. And cooking too, it was very amusing! There were the different manners of presenting a dish; take a fish, for instance, with the different ways of preparing it, and everyone came with his own invention. It went on for more than three hours (three hours of the night, thats huge). I woke up at 4 oclock with that (4 oclock, and I had gone back to bed at I oclock: I to 4 is three hours I can still calculate!). Very interesting.
   No It was just there, it didnt seem foreign to the earth. It was a harmony A conscious harmony behind things: a conscious harmony behind physical exercises and games; a conscious harmony behind decoration and art; a conscious harmony behind food
   I mean that all this looks poles apart from what is now on earth.

0 1971-12-11, #Agenda Vol 12, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   This body, this obscure beast of burden we inhabit, is the experimental field of Sri Aurobindos yogawhich is a yoga of the whole earth, for one can easily understand that if a single being among our millions of sufferings succeeds in negotiating the evolutionary leap, the mutation of the next age, the face of the earth will be radically altered. Then all the so-called powers of which we boast today will seem like childish games before the radiance of this almighty embodied spirit. Sri Aurobindo tells us that it is possiblenot only possible but that it will be done. It is being done. And perhaps everything depends not so much on a sublime effort of humanity to transcend its limitations for that means still using our own human strength to free ourselves from human strengthas on a call, a conscious cry of the earth to this new being which the earth already carries within itself. All is already there, within our hearts, the supreme Source which is the supreme Poweronly we must call it into our forest of cement, we must understand the meaning of man, the meaning of ourselves. The amplified cry of the earth, of its millions of men and women who cannot bear it anymore, who no longer accept their prison, must open a crack to let the new vibration in. Then all the apparently ineluctable laws that bind us in their hereditary and scientific groove will crumble before the Joy of the sun-eyed children.12 Expect nothing from death, says Mother, life is your salvation. It is in life that you must transform yourself. It is on earth that you progress and on earth that you realize. It is in the body that you win the Victory.13
   Nor let worldly prudence whisper too closely in thy ear, says Sri Aurobindo, for it is the hour of the unexpected.14

0 1972-09-06, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The world seems to be engulfed in a sort of violent chaos. Theyre fighting at the Olympic games! An athlete was killed by bullets.2 Thats how it is.
   Yes, they killed an Israeli.

03.03 - The House of the Spirit and the New Creation, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  The game of games was played to its breaking-point,
  Where through self-finding by divine self-loss

05.10 - Children and Child Mentality, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Children are often found to be very cruel to animals. Why is it so? Their treatment of birds especially is notorious. To seek out nests and pull them down, to capture nestlings and put them to all kinds of torture, to pick up eggs and dash them to pieces are for children most interesting games. They seem to take particular delight in varying and enhancing as much as possible the torture they can inflict. One reason that can be adduced for the callousness of a child's sensibility is his self-centredness: he is wholly himself, isolated from others, has not yet learnt the social needs and virtues. All he does and feels is for himself, for his own pleasure and free self-assertion. His growing individuality, in order to grow, cuts itself aloof from others and loses the sense of others having the same value as itself. Being self-regarding, to that extent he ceases to be other-regarding. Fellow-feeling is a sentiment that grows later on, as the result of shocks in mutual interchange. Real sympathy is a movement of mature consciousness.
   The inquisitiveness that so strongly possesses a child is also the drive of an awakening and growing consciousness. He indulges in breaking, tearing, ripping because of this curiosity, this keen edge of a developing and experimenting consciousness. It seems to be hard and unfeeling, even an aberration, precisely because of the egocentric nature of the child consciousness yet unfamiliar with values normal to age and experience.

10.01 - A Dream, #Writings In Bengali and Sanskrit, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Horrified by this sight Harimohon looked at the boy and exclaimed, Why, Keshta! I used to think this man the happiest of all! The boy replied, Just there lies my power. Tell me now which of the two is mightierthis Tinkari Sheel or Sri Krishna, the master of Vaikuntha? Look, Harimohon, I too have the police, sentinels, government, law, justice, I too can play the game of being a king; do you like this game? No, my child, answered Harimohon, it is a very cruel game. Why, do you like it? The boy laughed and declared, I like all sorts of games; I like to whip as well as to be whipped. Then he continued. You see, Harimohon, people like you look at the outward appearance of things and have not yet cultivated the subtle power of looking inside. Therefore you grumble that you are miserable and Tinkari is happy. This man has no material want; still, compared to you, how much more this millionaire is suffering! Can you guess why? Happiness is a state of mind, misery also is a state of mind. Both are only mind-created. He Who possesses nothing, whose only possessions are difficulties, even he, if he wills, can be greatly happy. But just as you cannot find happiness after spending your days in dry piety, and as you are always dwelling upon your miseries so too this man who spends his days in sins which give him no real pleasure is now thinking only of his miseries. All this is the fleeting happiness of virtue and the fleeting misery of vice, or the fleeting misery of virtue and the fleeting happiness of vice. There is no joy in this conflict. The image of the abode of bliss is with me: he who comes to me, falls in love with me, wants me, lays his demands on me, torments mehe alone can succeed in getting my image of bliss. Harimohon went on eagerly listening to these words of Sri Krishna. The boy continued, And look here, Harimohon, dry piety has lost its charm for you, but in spite of that you cannot give it up, habit4 binds you to it; you cannot even conquer this petty vanity of being pious. This old man, on the other hand, gets no joy from his sins, yet he too cannot abandon them because he is habituated to them, and is suffering hells own agonies in this life. These are the bonds of virtue and vice; fixed and rigid notions, born of ignorance, are the ropes of these bonds. But the sufferings of that old man are indeed a happy sign. They will do him good and soon liberate him.
  So far Harimohon had been listening silently to Sri Krishnas words. Now he spoke out, Keshta, your words are undoubtedly sweet, but I dont trust them. Happiness and misery may be states of mind, but outer circumstances are their cause. Tell me, when the mind is restless because of starvation, can anyone be happy? Or when the body is suffering from a disease or enduring pain, can any one think of you? Come, Harimohon, that too I shall show you, replied the boy.

1.00a - Introduction, #Magick Without Tears, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  777 is practically unpurchaseable: copies fetch 10 or so. Nearly all important correspondences are in Magick Table I. The other 2 books are being sent at once. "Working out games with numbers." I am sorry you should see no more than this. When you are better equipped, you will see that the Qabalah is the best (and almost the only) means by which an intelligence can identify himself. And Gematria methods serve to discover spiritual truths. Numbers are the network of the structure of the Universe, and their relations the form of expression of our Understanding of it.*[G1] In Greek and Hebrew there is no other way of writing numbers; our 1, 2, 3 etc. comes from the Phoenicians through the Arabs. You need no more of Greek and Hebrew than these values, some sacred words knowledge grows by use and books of reference.
  One cannot set a pupil definite tasks beyond the groundwork I am giving you, and we should find this correspondence taking clear shape of its own accord. You have really more than you can do already. And I can only tell you what the right tasks out of hundreds are by your own reactions to your own study and practice.

1.00 - Preliminary Remarks, #Liber ABA, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  In analysing the nature of this work of controlling the mind, the student will appreciate without trouble the fact that two things are involved the person seeing and the thing seen the person knowing and the thing known; and he will come to regard this as the necessary condition of all consciousness. We are too accustomed to assume to be facts things about which we have no real right even to guess. We assume, for example, that the unconscious is the torpid; and yet nothing is more certain than that bodily organs which are functioning well do so in silence. The best sleep is dreamless. Even in the case of games of skill our very best strokes are followed by the thought, I dont know how I did it; and we cannot repeat those strokes at will.
  The moment we begin to think consciously about a stroke we get nervous and are lost.

1.01 - BOOK THE FIRST, #Metamorphoses, #Ovid, #Poetry
  For Python slain, he Pythian games decred.
  Where noble youths for mastership shou'd strive,

1.01 - Economy, #Walden, and On The Duty Of Civil Disobedience, #Henry David Thoreau, #Philosophy
  The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation. From the desperate city you go into the desperate country, and have to console yourself with the bravery of minks and muskrats. A stereotyped but unconscious despair is concealed even under what are called the games and amusements of mankind. There is no play in them, for this comes after work. But it is a characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things.
  When we consider what, to use the words of the catechism, is the chief end of man, and what are the true necessaries and means of life, it appears as if men had deliberately chosen the common mode of living because they preferred it to any other. Yet they honestly think there is no choice left. But alert and healthy natures remember that the sun rose clear. It is never too late to give up our prejudices. No way of thinking or doing, however ancient, can be trusted without proof. What everybody echoes or in silence passes by as true to-day may turn out to be falsehood to-morrow, mere smoke of opinion, which some had trusted for a cloud that would sprinkle fertilizing rain on their fields. What old people say you cannot do you try and find that you can. Old deeds for old people, and new deeds for new. Old people did not know enough once, perchance, to fetch fresh fuel to keep the fire a-going; new people put a little dry wood under a pot, and are whirled round the globe with the speed of birds, in a way to kill old people, as the phrase is. Age is no better, hardly so well, qualified for an instructor as youth, for it has not profited so much as it has lost.

1.01 - MAPS OF EXPERIENCE - OBJECT AND MEANING, #Maps of Meaning, #Jordan Peterson, #Psychology
  ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness
  of this deed too great for us? Must not we ourselves become gods simply to seem worthy of it?

1.01 - The Castle, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  When our supper ended in a muteness which the sounds of chewing and the smacking of lips gulping wine did not make more pleasant, we remained seated, looking one another in the face, with the torment of not being able to exchange the many experiences each of us had to communicate. At that point, on the table which had just been cleared, the man who seemed the lord of the castle set a pack of playing cards. They were tarot cards, larger than the kind we use for ordinary games or that gypsies employ for predicting the future, but it was possible to discern more or less the same figures that are painted in the enamels of the most precious miniatures. Kings, Queens, Knights, and Pages were all young people magnificently dressed, as if for a princely feast; the twenty-two Major Arcana seemed the tapestries of a court theater; and cups, coins, swords, clubs shone like heraldic devices adorned with scrolls and arabesques.
  We began to spread out the cards on the table, face up, and to give them their proper value in games, or their true meaning in the reading of fortunes. And yet none of us seemed to wish to begin playing, and still less to question the future, since we were as if drained of all future, suspended in a journey that had not ended nor was to end. There was something else we saw in those tarots, something that no longer allowed us to take our eyes from the gilded pieces of that mosaic.
  One of the guests drew the scattered cards to himself, leaving a large part of the table clear; but he did not gather them into a pack nor did he shuffle them; he took one card and placed it in front of himself. We all noticed the resemblance between his face and the face on the card, and we thought we understood that, with the card, he wanted to say "I" and that he was preparing to tell his story.

1.02 - MAPS OF MEANING - THREE LEVELS OF ANALYSIS, #Maps of Meaning, #Jordan Peterson, #Psychology
  our stories (just like the procedural elements of the emergent games of interacting children become explicit
  rules later in development). The generation and constant refinement of these stories, told and retold over
  then codification) of childrens games.180 It is the organization of such games and their elaboration,
  through repeated communication that constitutes the basis for the construction of culture itself.

1.03 - A Parable, #The Lotus Sutra, #Anonymous, #Various
  They are attached to playing games.
  Hearing this, the afuent man was startled
  Still attached to their games,
  They kept right on playing.
  These children were attached to playing their games.
  But by causing them to escape from the disaster,

1.04 - THE APPEARANCE OF ANOMALY - CHALLENGE TO THE SHARED MAP, #Maps of Meaning, #Jordan Peterson, #Psychology
  Dont play games with me, young man, responded the matron. Its turtles all the way down.393
  Douglas Hofstadter presented a similar idea, in a fictional discussion between Achilles, the Greek hero, and
  transformation). Such limitation which is the inability to play games with the rules of the games means
  dangerous restriction of behavioral and representational flexibility, and increased susceptibility to the

1.04 - The Divine Mother - This Is She, #Twelve Years With Sri Aurobindo, #Nirodbaran, #Integral Yoga
  Let me illustrate. I shall restrict myself to the field of tennis. After Sri Aurobindo's passing I thought of giving up tennis for good. The Mother said, "Why? You will play with me." Every day I went to the tennis ground and she called me for a game. This led to the revival of my old passion which had been arrested due to Sri Aurobindo's illness. I was not satisfied with merely playing a few games with the Mother. Besides, as I had no regular duty to bind me, I began to indulge in it with abandon. Suddenly the Mother stopped playing with me and for many days at a stretch, I was mystified. Every day I waited, hoping to be called; she would call many others, but ignore me. The contrast was too flagrant. I felt rather humiliated. Curiously enough, whenever I had stopped playing at other times, she gave me a chance. The apparent connection between the two made me suspect that she wanted me to give up playing with others except with herself. As to how she knew which day I had played or abstained from playing, that was no riddle to anyone who knew her well. But I could not give up the game so easily. Also, I thought, "Why should I give it up? What's wrong with it? It is a good pleasant exercise!" Moreover, I wanted to be quite sure of my suspicion and continued playing till I found that there was a clear connection. She called me only when I had not played with others. This "cutting" became so painful to me and palpable to others that I thought of not going to the courts while she played, but some force dragged me there, not exactly in expectation of a game but so as not to give in to my sense of pride and prestige. I observed that she took note of my presence and I was one of the referees during her play. I also thought, "If she had some accident while playing (an accident did happen later) and I was not there? What account should I give to Sri Aurobindo in my inner communion with him? I must swallow my amour-propre."
  During the sports season, she went to the sports ground after her tennis. Instead of following her, I stayed to enjoy a game. But when I had followed her, she took note of my presence by a fugitive glance for no apparent reason. This happened so often that even a dull person would not fail to perceive the meaning. Thus the battle raged on: sense of humiliation, struggle to keep the right attitude, doggedness to stick to my self-will and a host of other psychological complexes. At last the relentless silent pressure won and I gave up tennis. This is our human nature. When it is evident that the Divine wants to do something for my good, I refuse either out of attachment, self-justification or sheer disobedience. Change of nature is such an uphill job. It is not for nothing that the Guru said in 1936, that changing the nature of 150 inmates of the Ashram was a job! The interesting point was that the Mother never voiced her wish in words. Her way is usually subtle. She has said that unless she could control a movement by a silent gesture or look, she had not gained a complete mastery. Neither did I ask her what should have been my attitude towards the play. If I did, she would probably have answered. When she said, "You will play with me", I could not grasp the inner meaning that I should play with her alone. This is one of the methods she employs to open us to higher perceptions than those of reason.
  The Mother now began to identify herself more and more with this new generation. In the evening when Sri Aurobindo was enjoying his solitude, the Mother, after her tennis, busied herself in the Playground meeting the children, watching their games and exercises, taking classes, etc. and through all these means, establishing an intimate contact with them. The exercises were done in cumbersome pyjamas which consequently checked free movement. One evening when I went to visit the Playground, I found the gate closed. The gate-keeper told me that the Mother did not want anyone except the group-members to enter the Playground. When it was thrown open we found, to our surprise, that the girls were doing exercises in shorts! How did this revolutionary change come about? Here, in brief, is the story from one who played an active part in it. One day, one of the girls, doing her exercises in pyjamas in the Playground, fell down and got hurt owing to the impractical dress. When the Mother was told about it, she listened quietly. After a couple of days, she called Bratati, one of the sadhikas of her intimate circle (she had such small intimate groups of young boys, girls and adults) and said, "I have solved the problem of the uniform. The girls will put on white shorts, a white shirt and a kitty-cap on the head for their hair. Prepare them and try them on yourself. Pyjamas are unwieldy. When you are ready, let me know about it." When everything was ready, she informed the Mother and a day was fixed for the rehearsal in strict privacy. The Mother was pleased with the design. Calling the girls together she gave a short impressive talk on the new experiment and the necessity for trying it. They at once fell in with the proposal and adopted the new uniform. But what was the reaction to this drastic step? Some, particularly old people, were shocked to see their daughters scantily dressed and doing exercises jointly with boys; a few conservative guardians were planning to take their wards away from such a modernised Ashram. I, personally, admired, on the one hand, the revolutionary step taken by the Mother far in advance of the time in Eastern countries, in anticipation of the modern movement in dress; on the other hand, my cautious mind, or as Sri Aurobindo would say, my coward-mind, could not but feel the risk involved in this forward venture. At the same time I knew that the Mother's very nature is to face danger, if necessary. And whenever we had tried to argue with her that we were doing things which were not done outside, she replied sharply, "Why should we follow the others? They have no ideas, we have ideas. I have come to break down old conventions and superstitions." Besides, whatever measures she adopts are not done for the sake of novelty or from mental reasons. "Mother is guided by her intuition," Sri Aurobindo reminded us very often. Also, I believe, she prepares the ground in the occult planes and manipulates the forces to her advantage before she takes any hazardous step. That is why we hear her say, "Wait, wait!" for the opportune moment, I suppose. We can realise now the wisdom of her vision in taking that revolutionary step. Further, I think it was one of the most effective means to eliminate sex-consciousness between the male and the female. We are in this respect much better than before now that shorts have become almost our normal dress.
  To cut short the story, thanks to her long and sustained labour, these two institutions have gained today their well-deserved recognition abroad; particularly the physical culture. On the occasion of the April Darshan in 1949, the members of this organisation called J.S.A.S.A.[^7] were given the privilege of a march past in their group uniforms before the Master and the Mother. Sri Aurobindo seemed to have been much impressed by the smartness of the young boys' group.

1.05 - Mental Education, #On Education, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  Undeniably, what most impedes mental progress in children is the constant dispersion of their thoughts. Their thoughts flutter hither and thither like butterflies and they have to make a great effort to fix them. Yet this capacity is latent in them, for when you succeed in arousing their interest, they are capable of a good deal of attention. By his ingenuity, therefore, the educator will gradually help the child to become capable of a sustained effort of attention and a faculty of more and more complete absorption in the work in hand. All methods that can develop this faculty of attention from games to rewards are good and can all be utilised according to the need and the circumstances. But it is the psychological action that is most important and the sovereign method is to arouse in the child an interest in what you want to teach him, a liking for work, a will to progress. To love to learn is the most precious gift that one can give to a child: to love to learn always and everywhere, so that all circumstances, all happenings in life may be constantly renewed opportunities for learning more and always more.
  For that, to attention and concentration should be added observation, precise recording and faithfulness of memory. This faculty of observation can be developed by varied and spontaneous exercises, making use of every opportunity that presents itself to keep the child's thought wakeful, alert and prompt. The growth of the understanding should be stressed much more than that of memory. One knows well only what one has understood. Things learnt by heart, mechanically, fade away little by little and finally disappear; what is understood is never forgotten. Moreover, you must never refuse to explain to a child the how and the why of things. If you cannot do it yourself, you must direct the child to those who are qualified to answer or point out to him some books that deal with the question. In this way you will progressively awaken in the child the taste for true study and the habit of making a persistent effort to know.

1.05 - THE HOSTILE BROTHERS - ARCHETYPES OF RESPONSE TO THE UNKNOWN, #Maps of Meaning, #Jordan Peterson, #Psychology
  form of practice, for real-world activity. As games increase in complexity, in fact, it becomes increasingly
  difficult to distinguish them from real-world activity.
  can be altered. Piaget discusses the formulation of the rules of childrens games:
  From the point of view of the practice or application of rules four successive stages can be
  questioned. This act of higher-order conceptualization means emergence of ability to play games, with the
  rules of games and belief in the justifiability of such activity (this rebuff to traditional order). This more
  abstract ability allows for answer to the meta-problem of morality, posed (much) earlier: not how to

1.08a - The Ladder, #A Garden of Pomegranates - An Outline of the Qabalah, #Israel Regardie, #Occultism
  Tender sky and intoxicating kisses of air. My gods, my lovers, my friends. By day it was enough to be with them, their playmate, the glad confederate, their privileged listener to secrets never quite revealed, to wisdom never wholly understood ; one with them, strong young hands in theirs, strong young feet racing beside, the same joy in the heart and ardour in the blood, the same unutterable love of life ! But at night in the cool scented darkness, before the land became bewitched beneath the blue moon of the Fens, a restlessness came out of the air and invaded the senses, that neither talking nor walking, nor reading nor laughter would appease. As though the pipes of Pan rang still, thin, and sweet and with a music more alluring, for all its minor key, than any heard in sunlight. As though the games and delights of day with the invisible companions were not enough, but at night led further on to territories yet unknown, where mortal sense could not follow. . . . Not forbidden territories, but secret, lost, and hid from the coarser human understanding. 8 Come, come! Follow, follow ! . . .' An inexpressible peace went back with me after that idle wandering, for the spirit of the water had paced the sands beside me, in silent rhythm of feet and heart, a spirit that had entered mine and brought unutter- able joy and fullness and grave content, and went with me up the sandy path and the crooked stairs, and to the vast kingdoms of sleep, . . ."
  The methods adopted by the Qabalah extend to the world a new science, providing an enormous field of investigation for all who care to undertake it. The man of science will discover unclassified phenomena to record and analyse.

1.08 - Information, Language, and Society, #Cybernetics, or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine, #Norbert Wiener, #Cybernetics
  subject to the general theory of games, developed by von Neu-
  mann and Morgenstern. This theory is based on the assumption
  ultimate interest, after the fashion of von Neumann's gamesters,
  the fool operates in a manner which, by and large, is as predict-

1.11 - Higher Laws, #Walden, and On The Duty Of Civil Disobedience, #Henry David Thoreau, #Philosophy
  They mistake who assert that the Yankee has few amusements, because he has not so many public holidays, and men and boys do not play so many games as they do in England, for here the more primitive but solitary amusements of hunting fishing and the like have not yet given place to the former. Almost every New England boy among my contemporaries shouldered a fowling piece between the ages of ten and fourteen; and his hunting and fishing grounds were not limited, like the preserves of an English nobleman, but were more boundless even than those of a savage. No wonder, then, that he did not oftener stay to play on the common. But already a change is taking place, owing, not to an increased humanity, but to an increased scarcity of game, for perhaps the hunter is the greatest friend of the animals hunted, not excepting the Humane Society.
  Moreover, when at the pond, I wished sometimes to add fish to my fare for variety. I have actually fished from the same kind of necessity that the first fishers did. Whatever humanity I might conjure up against it was all factitious, and concerned my philosophy more than my feelings. I speak of fishing only now, for I had long felt differently about fowling, and sold my gun before I went to the woods. Not that I am less humane than others, but I did not perceive that my feelings were much affected. I did not pity the fishes nor the worms. This was habit. As for fowling, during the last years that I carried a gun my excuse was that I was studying ornithology, and sought only new or rare birds. But I confess that I am now inclined to think that there is a finer way of studying ornithology than this. It requires so much closer attention to the habits of the birds, that, if for that reason only, I have been willing to omit the gun. Yet notwithstanding the objection on the score of humanity, I am compelled to doubt if equally valuable sports are ever substituted for these; and when some of my friends have asked me anxiously about their boys, whether they should let them hunt,

1.11 - The Broken Rocks. Pope Anastasius. General Description of the Inferno and its Divisions., #The Divine Comedy, #Dante Alighieri, #Christianity
    Who games, and dissipates his property,
    And weepeth there, where he should jocund be.

1.12 - The Superconscient, #Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness, #Satprem, #Integral Yoga
  Practically, the one essential thing is to open oneself to these higher planes; once there, each person will receive according to his or her capacity and needs or particular aspiration. All the quarrels between materialists and religious men, between philosophers and poets and painters and musicians, are the childish games of an incipient humanity in which each one wants to fit everyone else into his own mold. When one reaches the luminous Truth, one sees that It can contain all without conflict, and that everyone is Its child: the mystic receives the joy of his beloved One, the poet receives poetic joy, the mathematician mathematical joy, and the painter receives colored revelations all spiritual joys.
  However "clear austerity" remains a powerful protection, for unfortunately not everyone has the capacity to rise to the high regions where the forces are pure; it is far easier to open oneself at the vital level, which is the world of the great Force of Life and desires and passions (well known to mediums and occultists), where the lower forces can readily take on divine appearances with dazzling colors, or frightening forms. If the seeker is pure, he will see through the hoax either way, and his little psychic light will dissolve all the threats and all the gaudy mirages of the vital melodrama. But how can one ever be sure of one's own purity? Therefore, not to pursue personal forms but only a higher and higher truth, and letting It manifest under any form It chooses, will help us avoid error and superstition.

1.13 - The Kings of Rome and Alba, #The Golden Bough, #James George Frazer, #Occultism
  magistrates presiding at the games in the Circus, wore the costume
  of Jupiter, which was borrowed for the occasion from his great

1.14 - The Succesion to the Kingdom in Ancient Latium, #The Golden Bough, #James George Frazer, #Occultism
  tradition the earliest games at Olympia were held by Endymion, who
  set his sons to run a race for the kingdom. His tomb was said to be

1.24 - (Epic Poetry continued.) Further points of agreement with Tragedy., #Poetics, #Aristotle, #Philosophy
  Accordingly, the poet should prefer probable impossibilities to improbable possibilities. The tragic plot must not be composed of irrational parts. Everything irrational should, if possible, be excluded; or, at all events, it should lie outside the action of the play (as, in the Oedipus, the hero's ignorance as to the manner of Laius' death); not within the drama,--as in the Electra, the messenger's account of the Pythian games; or, as in the Mysians, the man who has come from Tegea to Mysia and is still speechless. The plea that otherwise the plot would have been ruined, is ridiculous; such a plot should not in the first instance be constructed. But once the irrational has been introduced and an air of likelihood imparted to it, we must accept it in spite of the absurdity. Take even the irrational incidents in the Odyssey, where Odysseus is left upon the shore of Ithaca. How intolerable even these might have been would be apparent if an inferior poet were to treat the subject. As it is, the absurdity is veiled by the poetic charm with which the poet invests it.
  The diction should be elaborated in the pauses of the action, where there is no expression of character or thought. For, conversely, character and thought are merely obscured by a diction that is over brilliant.

1.25 - Temporary Kings, #The Golden Bough, #James George Frazer, #Occultism
  in all kinds of games and amusements. For the first seven days the
  mock sultan remains in the college; then he goes about a mile out of

1.28 - The Killing of the Tree-Spirit, #The Golden Bough, #James George Frazer, #Occultism
  day with processions, games, and dances. In the Murom district
  Kostroma was represented by a straw figure dressed in woman's
  wailing, after which games and dances were begun, "calling to mind
  the funeral games celebrated in old times by the pagan Slavonians."
  In Little Russia the figure of Yarilo was laid in a coffin and

1.34 - The Tao 1, #Magick Without Tears, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  In every sport worth the name one may observe similar facts. Consider the delicacy required for big breaks at billiards; the problem is always to secure favourable readjustment with a minimum of disturbance. Of course, there are positions which demand drastic treatment; but that is the best evidence that the balls have got into the worst possible mess from your point of view. But it was an exquisitely delicate "safety shot" that got them like that. True, there are games in which brute force is the way to victory; but such games never make progress in themselves. The "tug-of-war" or "tossing the caber" are exactly as they were fifty or five hundred years ago. Contrast the advance in "positional" chess!
  Oh yes, this is all old stuff! Of course it is; but it remains a useful sort of basis for meditation when you are seeking to understand one aspect of the Way of he Tao.

1.47 - Lityerses, #The Golden Bough, #James George Frazer, #Occultism
  making their games, as they always did, _to the spirit of
  harvest._'" Here, as Miss Burne remarks, "'arnack, we haven!' is

1.49 - Thelemic Morality, #Magick Without Tears, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  I need hardly say that these cases may be multiplied indefinitely; nothing is easier, and few games more amusing, than to devise dilemmas calculated to stump the Master, or to catch him bending.
  In fact, the "Schoolmen" wasted several centuries on this agreeable pastime; and they enjoyed the additional pleasure of torturing and burning anybody who happened not to be quite up-to-date with his views on Utrum Virgo Maria in congressu cum Spiritu Sancto semen emiserit, or some equally critical tickler.

1.72 - Education, #Magick Without Tears, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  P.P.P.P.S. There is a game, an improvement on the "Spelling Bee" I have anti-christened it "Fore and aft" so as to be natty and naval which is in my opinion one of the three or four best indoor games for two ever invented. Here are the rules, in brief: any disputed points? Apply to me.
  1. A "Word" consists of four or more letters.

1916 12 30p, #Prayers And Meditations, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I feel, I see my soul living deep within my being, and my soul sees Thee, recognises Thee and loves Thee in all things, in everything that is; it is fully conscious of this, and as the outer being is surrendered to it, it too is conscious; the mind knows and never forgets; the purified vital being no longer has any attractions and repulsions, and more and more does it taste of the joy of Thy Presence in all things and always. But the heart seems to have fallen asleep in a slumber of exhaustion, and the soul no longer finds sufficient activity within it to respond fully to its impulsion. Why? Was it so poor that the struggle could thus wear it out, or so deeply wounded that it has become quite stiff? And yet it would like to answer the inner call; it wants this with a faith and ardour which have never wavered; but it is like an old man smiling benevolently at the games of youth but unable to take part in them. And yet it is full of joy and confidence, it overflows with gratitude for all the treasures of affection which Nature has so generously lavished upon it; it would like, in exchange for these precious gifts, to pour out in inexhaustible streams the golden wine of tenderness which restores and fortifies, enlivens and consoles, the true wine of life for human beings. It would like to and tries but how poor is what it does beside what it dreams of doing, how mediocre what it is able to do beside what it hopes, for it hopes always. It knows that Thy call is never heard in vain, and it has no doubt it can one day realise the splendours of which Thou hast given it a glimpse.
   Who will open these closed flood-gates?

1951-01-15 - Sincerity - inner discernment - inner light. Evil and imbalance. Consciousness and instruments., #Questions And Answers 1950-1951, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  Take games. There too you find days when everything goes well; you have done nothing special previously, but even so you succeed in everything; but if you have practised well beforehand, the result is still more magnificent. If, for example, you find yourself facing someone who has trained himself slowly, seriously, with patience and endurance, and who all of a sudden has a strong aspiration, well, this one will beat you in spite of your aspiration unless your aspiration is very much superior to that of your adversary. If you have opposite you someone who knows only the technique of the game but has no conscious aspiration, while you are in a fully conscious state, evidently it is you who will defeat him because the quality of consciousness is superior to the quality of technique. But one cannot replace the other. The one which is superior is more important, granted, but you must also have nerves which respond quickly, spontaneous movements; you must know all the secrets of the game to be able to play perfectly. You must have both the things. What is higher is the consciousness which enables you to make the right movement at the right moment but it is not exclusive. When you seek perfection, you must not neglect the one under the pretext that you have the other.
  Should one play in order to win?
  When you have a three or four-year old consciousness, this is an altogether necessary stimulant. But you may have a four-year old consciousness even at the age of fifty, may you not? No, when you have a ripe consciousness you must not play in order to win. You must play for the sake of playing and to learn how to play and to progress in games and in order that your play may become the expression of your inner consciousness at its highestis this which is important. For example, people who like to play well do not go and choose bad players to play with, simply for the pleasure of winning they choose those who are the best players and play with them. I remember having learned to play tennis when I was eight, it was a passion; but I never wished to play with my little comrades because I learned nothing (usually I used to defeat them), I always went to the best players. At times they looked surprised, but in the end they played with me I never won but I learned much.

1951-04-02 - Causes of accidents - Little entities, helpful or mischievous- incidents, #Questions And Answers 1950-1951, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   If one answers deeply Outwardly there are many causes, but there is a deeper cause which is always there. I said the other day that if the nervous envelope is intact, accidents can be avoided, and even if there is an accident it wont have any consequences. As soon as there is a scratch or a defect in the nervous envelope of the being and according to the nature of this scratch, if one may say so, its place, its character, there will be an accident which will correspond to the diminution of resistance in the envelope. I believe almost everybody is psychologically aware of one thing: that accidents occur when one has a sort of uncomfortable feeling, when one is not fully conscious and self-possessed, when one feels uneasy. In any case, generally, people have a feeling that they are not fully themselves, not fully aware of what they are doing. If one were fully conscious, the consciousness wide awake, accidents would not occur; one would make just the right gesture, the necessary movement to avoid the accident. Hence, in an almost absolute way, it is a flagging of consciousness. Or quite possibly it may be that the consciousness is fixed in a higher domain; for example, not to speak of spiritual things, a man who is busy solving a mental problem and is very concentrated upon his mental problem, becomes inattentive to physical things, and if he happens to be in a street or in a crowd, his attention fixed upon his problem, he will not make the movement necessary to avoid the accident, and the accident will occur. It is the same for sports, for games; you can observe this easily, there is always a flagging of the consciousness when accidents occur, or a lack of attention, a little absent-mindedness; suddenly one thinks of something else, the attention is drawn elsewhereone is not fully conscious of what one is doing and the accident happens.
   As I was telling you at the beginning, if for some reason or other for example, lack of sleep, lack of rest or an absorbing preoccupation or all sorts of things which tire you, that is to say, when you are not above themif the vital envelope is a little damaged, it does not function perfectly and any current of force whatever which passes through is enough to produce an accident. In the final analysis, the accident comes always from that, it is what one may call inattentiveness or a slackening of consciousness. There are days when one feels quite not exactly uneasy, but as though one were trying to catch something which escapes, one cant hold together, one is as though half-diluted; these are the days of accidents. You must be attentive. Naturally, this is not to tell you to shut yourself up in your room and not to stir out when you feel like that! This is not what I mean. Rather I mean that you must watch all the more attentively, be all the more on your guard, not allow, precisely, this inattentiveness, this slackening of consciousness to come in.

1954-03-24 - Dreams and the condition of the stomach - Tobacco and alcohol - Nervousness - The centres and the Kundalini - Control of the senses, #Questions And Answers 1954, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  It is much in fashion. Now in the schools certain disciplines are invented to develop childrens power of observation, the quickness of decision, of choice, the capacity to reckon with the eyes, appreciation, all that. All kinds of games are made for children now, to teach them all that. The sense of hearing can also be developed, the sense of smell, the sense of sightall these can be methodically developed. If, instead of merely living in ones sensationsthis is pleasant or unpleasant, this is pleasing or displeasing and all kinds of things which are perfectly uselessone succeeds in calculating, measuring, comparing, noting, studying in detail all the vibrations. You see, human beings live like blind men, constantly, absolutely unconscious, and they plunge into sensations and reactions, all the impulses, and so it is pleasant, it is unpleasant, it is pleasing, it is displeasing, all that. What is all that, then? Whats the see in it?None at all. One ought to be able to appreciate, calculate, judge, compare, note, know exactly and scientifically the full value of the vibrations, the relations between things, study everything, everything for instance, study all sensations in connection with the reactions they produce, follow the movement from the sensation to the brain, and then follow the movement of response from the brain to the sensations. And in this way one succeeds in controlling ones will, ones sensations completely, to such an extent that if there is something one does not want to feel, it is enough, with ones will, to cut it off: one feels it no longer. There are many disciplines of this kind. Some of them keep you busy for a lifetime, and if they are well followed, you dont waste a moment and are altogether interested. You no longer have time for impulses, this takes away all impulses. When you become scientific in these studies, you are no longer like a cork: one wave sending you here, another sending you there! There is a passing movement of Nature. Nature, oh how she plays with men! Good heave, when you see how it is, oh! Truly it is enough to make you revolt. I dont understand how they do not revolt. She sends round a wave of desire, and they are all like sheep running after their desires; she sends round a wave of violence, they are once again like other sheep living in violence, and so on, for everything. Angershe just does poof, and everybody gets into a rage. She has but to make a gesturea gesture of her caprice and the human mobs follow. Or else it passes from one to another, just like that; they dont know why. They are asked, Why?Well, suddenly I felt angry. Suddenly I was seized by desire. Oh! It is shameful.
  Good night.

1954-11-24 - Aspiration mixed with desire - Willing and desiring - Children and desires - Supermind and the higher ranges of mind - Stages in the supramental manifestation, #Questions And Answers 1955, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  If one can orient them-it requires much discernment, much patience, but it can be done-and if one can orient them towards something like this, to succeed in very difficult games or to work out something which requires much care and attention, and can push them in some line like this so that it exercises a persevering will in them, then this can have results: turn their attention away from certain things and towards others. This needs constant care and it seems to be a way that's most-I can't say the easiest, for it is certainly not easy-but the most effective way. To say "No" does not cure and to say "Yes" does not cure either; and sometimes it becomes extremely difficult also, naturally.
  I knew people, for example, whose children wanted to eat everything they saw. They were allowed to do it. So they fell very ill. After that, they felt disgusted. But this is a little risky, isn't it? There are children who fidget with everything. Now, one day, you see, one child got hold of a box of matches. Then, instead of telling him, "Don't touch it", they let him do it: he burnt himself. He never touched them again.

1955-05-04 - Drawing on the universal vital forces - The inner physical - Receptivity to different kinds of forces - Progress and receptivity, #Questions And Answers 1955, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  Some people discover that with certain movements, certain gestures, certain activities, they enter into contact more closely. I knew people who gesticulated while walking this truly gave them the impression that they were in contactcertain gestures they made while walking But children do this spontaneously: when they give themselves completely in their games, running, playing, jumping, shouting; when they spend all their energies like that, they give themselves entirely, and in the joy of playing and moving and running they put themselves in contact with this universal vital force; they dont know it, but they spend their vital force in a contact with the universal vital force and that is why they can run without really feeling very tired, except after a very long time. That is, they spend so much that if they were not in contact with the universal force, they would be absolutely exhausted, immediately. And that is why, besides, they grow up; it is also because they receive more than they spend; they know how to receive more than they spend. And this does not correspond to any knowledge. It is a natural, spontaneous movement. It is the movement a movement of joy in what they are doingof joyful expenditure. One can do many things with that.
  I knew young people who had always lived in citiesin a city and in those little rooms one has in the big cities in which everyone is huddled. Now, they had come to spend their holidays in the countryside, in the south of France, and there the sun is hot, naturally not as here but all the same it is very hot (when we compare the sun of the Mediterranean coasts with that of Paris, for example, it truly makes a difference), and so, when they walked around the countryside the first few days they really began to get a terrible headache and to feel absolutely uneasy because of the sun; but they suddenly thought: Why, if we make friends with the sun it wont harm us any more! And they began to make a kind of inner effort of friendship and trust in the sun, and when they were out in the sun, instead of trying to bend double and tell themselves, Oh! How hot it is, how it burns!, they said, Oh, how full of force and joy and love the sun is! etc., they opened themselves like this (gesture), and not only did they not suffer any longer but they felt so strong afterwards that they went round telling everyone who said It is hottelling them Do as we do, you will see how good it is. And they could remain for hours in the full sun, bare-headed and without feeling any discomfort. It is the same principle.

1955-10-05 - Science and Ignorance - Knowledge, science and the Buddha - Knowing by identification - Discipline in science and in Buddhism - Progress in the mental field and beyond it, #Questions And Answers 1955, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  It is quite obvious that from the purely mental point of view, of the physical mind, well, we have come a long way since the Stone Age. It is said that we havent made much progress because theres something else which has not been much developed; just because we were much too occupied in playing with a new instrument; yes, it is so interesting to have a new game here! People played with it, they tried all the ways of using it. From the practical point of view their games were above all applications of this, yes! Even the atomic bomb is yet a way of playing; it is a little macabre but still it is a game. It is not with a clear, definite vision, a plan, an organisation to make the whole thing advance towards the goal, the true goal. It is not that. It was absolutely it is still like children in a recreation courtyard: they invent, they search, play, find out, they jostle one another, fight, make up, quarrel, discover, destroy, construct. But there is a plan behind; there was a plan; there is still a plan; there is more and more of a plan. And perhaps all this that is playing on the surface, despite all, is leading to something which will come forth one day; perhaps if we speak of it now and think so much about it, it is perhaps at a given moment surely it must come about, eh! It may take place slowly, by stages, but still there is a moment when it begins to take place. So it is perhaps that we have reached this moment.
  However, we must not anticipate, we shall speak about it next time.

1956-06-13 - Effects of the Supramental action - Education and the Supermind - Right to remain ignorant - Concentration of mind - Reason, not supreme capacity - Physical education and studies - inner discipline - True usefulness of teachers, #Questions And Answers 1956, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  Mother, some say that our general inadequacy in studies comes from the fact that too much stress is laid on games, physical education. Is this true?
  Who said that? People who dont like physical education? Stiff old teachers who cant do exercises any longer? These?I am not asking for names!

1957-02-06 - Death, need of progress - Changing Natures methods, #Questions And Answers 1957-1958, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  But even of the best games one tires. There comes a time when one needs to change them and one could dream of a game in which it would no longer be necessary to destroy in order to progress, where the zeal for progress would be enough to find new means, new expressions, where the lan would be ardent enough to overcome inertia, lassitude, lack of understanding, fatigue, indifference.
  Why does this body, as soon as some progress has been made, feel the need to sit down? It is tired. It says, Oh! you must wait. I must be given time to rest. This is what leads it to death. If it felt within itself that ardour to do always better, become more transparent, more beautiful, more luminous, eternally young, one could escape from this macabre joke of Nature.

1957-04-10 - Sports and yoga - Organising ones life, #Questions And Answers 1957-1958, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  With children it is above all ignorance and bad example which cause the harm. So it would be good if, before they begin their games, all the group-leaders, the captains, call together all those they are in charge of and tell them, explain to them exactly what Sri Aurobindo says here, with detailed explanations like those we have given in the two little books The Code of Sportsmanship and The Ideal Child [or What a Child Should Always Remember]. These things must be repeated often to the children. And then, you must warn them against bad company, bad friends, as I told you in another class.
  And above all, set them the right example. Be yourself what you would like them to be. Give them the example of disinterestedness, patience, self-control, constant good humour, the overcoming of ones little personal dislikes, a sort of constant goodwill, an understanding of others difficulties; and that equality of temper which makes children free from fear, for what makes children deceitful and untruthful, and even cunning, is the fear of being punished. If they feel secure, they will hide nothing and you will then be able to help them to be loyal and honest. Of all things the most important is good example. Sri Aurobindo speaks of that, of the invariable good humour one must have in all circumstances, this self-forgetfulness: not to throw ones own little troubles on others; when one is tired or uncomfortable, not to become unpleasant, impatient. This asks for quite some perfection, a self-control which is a great step on the path of realisation. If one fulfilled the conditions needed to be a true leader, even if only a leader of a small group of children, well, one would already be far advanced in the discipline needed for the accomplishment of the yoga.
  A true organisation gives a place to each thing to the extent that it is required. You all know very well that with ten to fifteen minutes of well-coordinated exercises, you can give your body all the necessary training. This you have been taught here and it has been proved to you. For the balance of the body this is enough. Naturally there are all sorts of other qualities given by games, but you dont play for more than an hour each day at the most, as far as I know, and that is not much time spent in the day.
  It is an excuse! Organise your life and you will see that you have room for everything even for being a good student.

1957-05-08 - Vital excitement, reason, instinct, #Questions And Answers 1957-1958, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  Mother, usually we see that many of us take an interest in the games and activities in which there is some excitement, but few take interest in serious activities, serious exercises. Why is that?
  Because in the vast majority of cases, what gives interest is vital satisfaction. For you to be interested in training exercises which dont have the stimulus of games, the reason must govern the being. In ordinary men reason is the summit of human consciousness, and this is the part of the being which must govern the rest, for it is orderly and reasonable, that is, it does things with a feeling for order, for goodness, usefulness, and in accordance with a plan, a specific plan, recognised and used by each one, whereas the vital part of the being likes excitement, the unexpected, adventureall that makes games attractiveabove all, competition, the effort to win, victory over the opponent, all these things; it is the vital impulse, and the vital in man being the seat of enthusiasm, ardour, normal energy, when the attraction of the unexpected, of struggle and victory is not there, it goes to sleep, unless it is in the habit of obeying, regularly and spontaneously, the will of the reason. And this is even one of the first things for which all physical training is useful: the fact that it cannot be done really well unless the body is in the habit of obeying the reason rather than the vital impulse. For instance, the whole development of bodily perfection, of physical culture with dumb-bells and the exercises which have nothing particularly exciting and demand a discipline, habits which must be regular, reasonable, which give no scope to passion, desire, impulseone must order ones life according to a very strict and very regular disciplinewell, in order to do them really well one must be in the habit of governing ones life by the reason.
  This is not very common. Usually, unless one has taken good care to make it otherwise, the impulses the impulses of desireall the enthusiasms and passions with all their reactions are the masters of human life. One must already be something of a sage to be able to undergo a rigorous discipline of the body and obtain from it the ordered, regular effort which can perfect it. There is no longer any room there for all the fancies of desire. You see, as soon as one gives way to excesses, to immoderation of any kind and a disorderly life, it becomes quite impossible to control ones body and develop it normally, not to mention that, naturally, one spoils ones health and as a result the most important part of the ideal of a perfect body disappears; for with bad health, impaired health, one is not much good for anything. And it is certainly the satisfaction of desires and impulses of the vital or the unreasonable demands of certain ambitions which make the body suffer and fall ill.

1970 03 10, #On Thoughts And Aphorisms, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   381It is well not to be too loosely playful in ones games or too grimly serious in ones life and works. We seek in both a playful freedom and a serious order.
   Excess in any direction is a violence; and only in peace, poise and harmony can the truth be discovered and lived.

1f.lovecraft - The Loved Dead, #Lovecraft - Poems, #unset, #Zen
   because I had no interest in the rough, childish games they played, or
   any stamina to participate in them, had I so desired.

1f.lovecraft - The Mound, #Lovecraft - Poems, #unset, #Zen
   life was organised in ceremonial patterns; with games, intoxication,
   torture of slaves, day-dreaming, gastronomic and emotional orgies,

1.hs - The Pearl on the Ocean Floor, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Rober Bly Original Language Persian/Farsi We have turned the face of our dawn studies toward the drunkard's road. The harvest of our prayers we've turned toward the granary of the ecstatic soul. The fire toward which we have turned our face is so intense It would set fire to the straw harvest of a hundred reasonable men. The Sultan of Pre-Eternity gave us the casket of love's grief as a gift; Therefore we have turned our sorrow toward this dilapidated traveller's cabin that we call "the world." From now on I will leave no doors in my heart open for love of beautiful creatures; I have turned and set the seal of divine lips on the door of this house. It's time to turn away from make-believe under our robes patched so many times. The foundation for our work is an intelligence that sees through all these games. We have turned our face to the pearl lying on the ocean floor. So why then should we worry if this wobbly old boat keeps going or not? We turn to the intellectuals and call them parasites of reason; Thank God they are like true lovers faithless and without heart. The Sufis have settled for a fantasy, and Hafez is no different. How far out of reach our goals, and how weak our wills are! [2402.jpg] -- from The Soul is Here for its Own Joy: Sacred Poems from Many Cultures, Edited by Robert Bly <
1.iai - Those travelling to Him, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   English version by Victor Danner Original Language Arabic Those travelling to Him are guided by the light of turning their faces toward Him. Those who have arrived have the light of face-to-face encounter. The former belong to lights, but the lights belong to the latter because they belong to Allah, and are His alone. "Say: 'Allah' then leave them plunging in their games." [2166.jpg] -- from Ibn 'Ata' Illah the Book of Wisdom/Kwaja Abdullah Ansari Intimate Conversations, Translated by Victor Danner / Translated by Wheeler M. Thackston <
1.jk - The Cap And Bells; Or, The Jealousies - A Faery Tale .. Unfinished, #Keats - Poems, #John Keats, #Poetry
  Surprises me! -- they too at these high games!
  Am I an Emperor? Do I wear a crown?

1.pbs - Alastor - or, the Spirit of Solitude, #Shelley - Poems, #Percy Bysshe Shelley, #Fiction
  The gray trunks, and, as gamesome infants' eyes,
  With gentle meanings, and most innocent wiles,

1.rb - A Lovers Quarrel, #Browning - Poems, #Robert Browning, #Poetry
  We devised games out of straws.
   We would try and trace

1.rb - Introduction: Pippa Passes, #Browning - Poems, #Robert Browning, #Poetry
  As if earth turned from work in gamesome mood
  All shall be mine! But thou must treat me not
  And play out my fancy's fullest games;
  I may fancy all dayand it shall be so

1.rb - Love Among The Ruins, #Browning - Poems, #Robert Browning, #Poetry
   Viewed the games.
  And I know, while thus the quiet-coloured eve

1.rb - Paracelsus - Part I - Paracelsus Aspires, #Browning - Poems, #Robert Browning, #Poetry
  As at old games the runner snatched the torch
  From runner still: this way success might be.

1.rb - Sordello - Book the First, #Browning - Poems, #Robert Browning, #Poetry
  The novelty. Such games, her absence stopped,
  Begin afresh now Adelaide, recluse

1.rb - Waring, #Browning - Poems, #Robert Browning, #Poetry
  Still more distinguished, like the games
  Of children. Turn our sport to earnest

1.rmpsd - Meditate on Kali! Why be anxious?, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  who will break up these fun and games?
  There are no lessons between teacher and student

1.rt - Broken Song, #Tagore - Poems, #Rabindranath Tagore, #Poetry
  It's all tricks and games, like a cat hunting a bird.
  We used to hear songs in the old days, today they have no idea.'

1.rt - Playthings, #Tagore - Poems, #Rabindranath Tagore, #Poetry
    With whatever you find you create your glad games, I spend both my time and my strength over things I never can obtain.
    In my frail canoe I struggle to cross the sea of desire, and forget that I too am playing a game.

1.rt - The Beginning, #Tagore - Poems, #Rabindranath Tagore, #Poetry
    You were in the dolls of my childhood's games; and when with
  clay I made the image of my god every morning, I made the unmade

1.rt - The Homecoming, #Tagore - Poems, #Rabindranath Tagore, #Poetry
  But just as the fun was about to begin, Makhan, Phatiks younger brother, sauntered up, and sat down on the log in front of them all without a word. The boys were puzzled for a moment. He was pushed, rather timidly, by one of the boys and told to get up but he remained quite unconcerned. He appeared like a young philosopher meditating on the futility of games. Phatik was furious. Makhan, he cried, if you dont get down this minute Ill thrash you!
  Makhan only moved to a more comfortable position. - Each And All, #Emerson - Poems, #Ralph Waldo Emerson, #Philosophy
  I leave it behind with the games of youth."
  As I spoke, beneath my feet - May-Day, #Emerson - Poems, #Ralph Waldo Emerson, #Philosophy
  To hear, when, 'mid our talk and games,
  Without the baffled north-wind calls. - Merlin I, #Emerson - Poems, #Ralph Waldo Emerson, #Philosophy
  Blameless master of the games,
  King of sport that never shames; - Monadnoc, #Emerson - Poems, #Ralph Waldo Emerson, #Philosophy
  And games with which he breathes his boys.
  They bide their time, and well can prove, - Nature, #Emerson - Poems, #Ralph Waldo Emerson, #Philosophy
  She is gamesome and good,
  But of mutable mood,-- - The World-Soul, #Emerson - Poems, #Ralph Waldo Emerson, #Philosophy
  To the boy with his games undaunted,
   Who never looks behind. - Voluntaries, #Emerson - Poems, #Ralph Waldo Emerson, #Philosophy
  Break sharply off their jolly games,
  Forsake their comrades gay,

1.whitman - Poems Of Joys, #Whitman - Poems, #unset, #Zen
   Joy of sweet musicjoy of the lighted ball-room, and the dancers?

1.whitman - Unnamed Lands, #Whitman - Poems, #unset, #Zen
       games, wars, manners, crimes, prisons, slaves, heroes, poets,
      I suspect their results curiously await in the yet unseen

1.ww - 5- The White Doe Of Rylstone, Or, The Fate Of The Nortons, #Wordsworth - Poems, #unset, #Zen
  To practise games and archery:
  How proud and happy they! the crowd          

1.ww - Book First [Introduction-Childhood and School Time], #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  We hissed along the polished ice in games
  Confederate, imitative of the chase

1.ww - Book Fourth [Summer Vacation], #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  And sports and games (too grateful in themselves,
  Yet in themselves less grateful, I believe,

1.ww - Book Second [School-Time Continued], #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  A round of tumult. Duly were our games
  Prolonged in summer till the daylight failed:      

1.ww - Calais- August 15, 1802, #Wordsworth - Poems, #unset, #Zen
  Her approbation, and with pomps and games.
  Heaven grant that other Cities may be gay!

1.ww - Character Of The Happy Warrior, #Wordsworth - Poems, #unset, #Zen
   Plays, in the many games of life, that one
   Where what he most doth value must be won:

1.ww - Influence of Natural Objects, #Wordsworth - Poems, #unset, #Zen
  We hissed along the polished ice, in games
  Confederate, imitative of the chase

1.ww - Laodamia, #Wordsworth - Poems, #unset, #Zen
   Who from ignoble games and revelry
   Could draw, when we had parted, vain delight,

1.ww - Memorials Of A Tour In Scotland- 1803 XIV. Fly, Some Kind Haringer, To Grasmere-Dale, #Wordsworth - Poems, #unset, #Zen
  The kitten frolic, like a gamesome sprite,
  And Rover whine, as at a second sight

1.ww - On A Celebrated Event In Ancient History, #Wordsworth - Poems, #unset, #Zen
  And to the people at the Isthmian games
  Assembled, He, by a herald's voice, proclaims

1.ww - Stanzas Written In My Pocket Copy Of Thomsons Castle Of Indolence, #Wordsworth - Poems, #unset, #Zen
  Noisy he was, and gamesome as a boy;
  His limbs would toss about him with delight

1.ww - The Excursion- V- Book Fouth- Despondency Corrected, #Wordsworth - Poems, #unset, #Zen
  Of gamesome Deities; or Pan himself,
  The simple shepherd's awe-inspiring God!"

1.ww - The Happy Warrior, #Wordsworth - Poems, #unset, #Zen
    Plays, in the many games of life, that one
    Where what he most doth value must be won;

1.ww - The Mother's Return, #Wordsworth - Poems, #unset, #Zen
  They run up stairs in gamesome race;
  I, too, infected by their mood,

1.ww - The Prelude, Book 1- Childhood And School-Time, #Wordsworth - Poems, #unset, #Zen
  We hiss'd along the polish'd ice, in games
  Confederate, imitative of the chace

2.03 - Atomic Forms And Their Combinations, #Of The Nature Of Things, #Lucretius, #Poetry
  In games of arms and leap in measure round
  With bloody mirth and by their nodding shake

2.03 - THE MASTER IN VARIOUS MOODS, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
  "Let me tell you how powerful inborn tendencies are. A prince had, in a previous birth, been the son of a washerman. While playing with his chums in his incarnation as the prince, he said to them: 'Stop those games. I will show you a new one. I shall lie on my belly, and you will beat the clothes on my back as the washerman does, making a swishing sound.'
  "Many youngsters come here. But only a few long for God. These few are born with a spiritual tendency. They shudder at the talk of marriage. Niranjan has said from boyhood that he will not marry.

2.06 - The Wand, #Liber ABA, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  81:Again let it be said that Liber III is a most admirable method for the beginner, footnote: This book must be carefully read. Its essence is that the pupil swears to refrain from a certain thought, word, or deed; and on each breach of the oath, cuts his arm sharply with a razor. This is better than flagellation because it can be done in public, without attracting notice. It however forms one of the most hilariously exciting parlour games for the family circle ever invented. Friends and relations are always ready to do their utmost to trap you into doing the forbidden thing. and it will be best, even if he is very confident in his strength, to take the vow for very short periods, beginning with an hour and increasing daily by half-hours until the day is filled. Then let him rest awhile, and attempt a two-day practice; and so on until he is perfect.
  82:He should also begin with the very easiest practices. But the thing which he is sworn to avoid should not be a thing which normally he would do infrequently; because the strain on the memory which subserves his vigilance would be very great, and the practice become difficult. It is just as well at first that the pain of his arm should be there "at the time when he would normally do the forbidden thing," to warn him against its repetition.

2.09 - Human representations of the Divine Ideal of Love, #Bhakti-Yoga, #Swami Vivekananda, #Hinduism
  The next type of love is Sakhya (sOy), friendship Thou art our beloved friend. Just as a man opens his heart to his friend and knows that the friend will never chide him for his faults, but will always try to help him, just as there is the idea of equality between him and his friend, so equal love flows in and out between the worshipper and his friendly God. Thus God becomes our friend, the friend who is near, the friend to whom we may freely tell all the tales of our lives! The innermost secrets of .our hearts we may place before Him with the great assurance of safety and support; He is the friend whom the devotee accepts as an equal; God is viewed here as our playmate. We may well say that we are all playing in this universe. Just as children play their games, just as the most glorious kings and emperors play their own games, so is the Beloved Lord Himself in sport with this universe. He is perfect; He does not want anything.
  Why should He create? Activity is always with us for the fulfilment of a certain want, and want always presupposes imperfection. God is perfect; He has no wants. Why should He go on with this work of an ever-active creation? What purpose has He in view? The stories about God creating this world, for some end or other that we imagine, are good as stories, but not otherwise. It is all really in sport; the universe is His play going on. The whole universe must, after all, be a big piece of pleasing fun to Him. If you are poor, enjoy that as fun; if you are rich, enjoy the fun of being rich; if dangers come, it is also good fun; if happiness comes, there is more good fun. The world is just a playground; and we are here having good fun, having a game; and God is with us playing all the while; and we are with Him playing. - Teaching, #On Education, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  I let these three boys drug themselves with their games, hoping that they would grow out of it more quickly.
  And in fact that is what happened at the beginning of the third week: the three children are putting their names down for individual games and forgetting their noisy games.
  May I continue to do this: to let this out of school abscess form and then burst, not caring about the time that goes by and that seems to be wasted from the academic point of view?
  Within the framework of the school, should we allow out of school games of a certain type, such as hide-and-seek, ball games (cricket), building a house. Seeing the children clamouring for them, it gave us the idea that our children may have been cut off from a certain kind of activity: being able sometimes to play in complete freedom in a big park! Is this a real need in the children?
  It is very difficult to choose games which are useful and profitable for a child. It asks for much consideration and reflection, and all that one does unthinkingly can have unhappy consequences.

29.04 - Mothers Playground, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 07, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Long ago, some twenty-five years ago, a well-known leader of India, a great educationist came and saw our playground activities and made the remark: "I have travelled all over India, visited various educational institutions, seen women doing gymnastics but it is the first time that I see here in the Ashram girls doing vaulting, especially on parallel bars, I have never seen it anywhere else." Of course, it goes without saying, circus-girls are different. In other words people used to consider vaulting as a specially masculine virtue and along with it many other physical games and exercises. Today it is being gradually found that this is a superstition and the judgment is wrong. The Wimbledon women champions will bear witness. The most important thing is that you have to change the attitude, you have to change consciousness. Of course, there are difficulties on the way, the force of habit, the force of atavism, all that means an extra dose of your consciousnes's or a new consciousness. What is done here and what is done elsewhere, in this respect of freedom being given to women and freedom being given to the younger generation, there is a difference. I will come to it. Mother was repeating so often: the freedom, the liberty you enjoy here is extraordinary, exceptional, there is almost no limit to your freedom. That is to say, it is dangerous, because the unlimited use of freedom means also misuse of freedom. But the Mother took the risk, for that is the only way towards a radical solution, not merely a half-way compromise. Only when you are free, when you are completely, absolutely free, you choose between the good and the bad, and you choose the good of your own will, then the good has a real importance for you, for your consciousness and for your development. Otherwise when you accept and follow the good through compulsion, through fear or social decency or for your own sake in order to be good, through vanity - that is to say, in order to be good you observe certain rules, and you feel you are virtuous, you are dutiful, then it is not the true way, not the true attitude and consciousness. The true consciousness is that you do the right thing not because it is your duty to do it, not because it is worthy to do it and it is expected of you to do it, but because your nature impels you towards it. The flower blooms spontaneously without any sense of duty. It possesses no sense of duty because its nature is to do so, to be beautiful. Human being also could be like that, spontaneous and natural in its action and behaviour. When you do a great thing, you do not feel that you are doing something marvellous or that you are exercising or stretching your power. You do not do a thing because it is your duty to do it but because it is your nature to do so, you cannot but do it. I give an example here. You are students of English and English grammar. Now, tell me, what is the difference between these two statements? "I have to do the thing" and "I am to do the thing"... "I have to do the thing" means 'I am obliged to, I am compelled to, I cannot do otherwise.' "I am to do" means I am doing it, it is for me to do it, I will do it, that is to say it is my nature to do it.' Something of that kind is taught in the Gita - the ideal of kartavyam karma and niskma karma or one's Swadharma. Kartavya is usually translated as duty but it is not correct. Kartavya is one's Dharma or the spontaneous expression of one's nature, what one is to do, not what one has to do. Mother gave this infinite freedom to her children because that was the only way of creating a new nature and she showed also the difference between the right use of freedom and its wrong use. The wrong use is found in all the movements of freedom outside in the normal life, either in the student movement or the women's emancipation movement. Now when women are fighting for freedom for themselves they consider themselves as women fighting for freedom against men. "We are women, you are men, you enjoy privileges, rights, we are denied them, we want them, we claim them." In the youth movement also the young people say: all the powers the old people enjoy, positions and emoluments, that will not do, we want to share these also along with the old. Mother said, "No, it is not the right attitude." You must change your position, your point of view. Going out for a quarrel, for a fight means that you consider yourselves different beings, with different powers, capacities, constitutions etc., etc. First of all you must consider yourselves, all, both the parties, as human beings, not two different species. This is being acknowledged to some extent now-a-days but it is not sufficient, Mother says. If you are content to be human beings, just human beings, differences will arise again and again and not only differences but serious differences. Human nature is composed of these differences, and culture and civilisation meant nothing more than a reconciliation, a compromise among these differences. And the result has been that we have not gone very far for the solution. A deeper truth is to be found, a higher truth and a more powerful truth. We must rise to a new state, Mother spoke always of the truth - the truth of your soul. To the truth of your soul, in the truth of your soul you are neither man nor woman, neither young nor old - tvam kumra uta v kumri, tvam jrna... you are all that in appearance, for you are something more or something else.
   You are to take your stand on your soul, that was the lesson that the Mother was trying to impart in the playground education. So long as you are in the normal consciousness imbedded in your body-consciousness and view things from there, your life also will be built in the pattern created by the body-consciousness. Life in that pattern can proceed only through difference and distinction, contrast and contradiction, conflict and battle. So long as you stick to your habitual position it will be so; the remedy is a radical remedy; it is to reverse your position. You have to stand not on your legs but on your head, then you will find the way to march through not confrontation but co-operation, not through separation but union, not through difference but identity. So long as you are mere human beings this supreme soul-identity cannot come. You have to forget the differences... some one asked the Mother in one of the playground talks of the Mother: how is it possible for one to forget this fundamental difference that one is a man and another a woman. Mother answered: "How do you say so? Look here, when I talk to Tara, do you think I am always considering her as a woman and talking accordingly." And she could have added: "And when I answer you do you think I am speaking to a masculine person?" I may narrate here a little incident concerning me personally. It was with regard to the question of age. When someone informed Mother that they wanted to celebrate, perhaps it was my eightieth birthday, in a magnificent manner, a gala celebration, Mother roared out: "No, no, you are spoiling my work. All the while I was trying to make him forget his age and you are trying to insist on his age." Age also is a thing to be forgotten. The birthday-celebration is not for recording the progress in our age, how we are progressing year by year in our age, that is, how we are getting old - No, it is to note the progress made in the inner being and consciousness. Each birthday is to be a landmark of the forward march of your consciousness, not the greyness of your head. The touch of your soul will inspire you not merely to do the right inner movement, the enlightening of your consciousness but also it will inspire you to do the right physical movement, even lead you to the choice of the right kind of physical exercises and do them in the right manner. The lesson to learn then is to get back to your soul inside you, you will find there everything that is worth having: freedom, joy, harmony and even untold capacity.

3.02 - The Great Secret, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
    I was born in a family of athletes. Both my parents were very good performers in all sorts of games, sports and physical exercises. The speciality of my mother lay in swimming, diving, archery, fencing and dancing. She was well known for her skill in these events and she also held several local championships.
    My father was a wonderful fellow. Whatever he touched turned out a success. In his student days he was a renowned footballer, basketball and tennis player. In boxing and cross- country running he was already the best in our district. Then, later, he entered a circus troupe and became famous in the flying trapeze and in horse-riding displays. But his speciality was in body-building and wrestling. He won a wide reputation for these activities.
    Now I was eighteen years old. I wanted to compete in the national games championship. As a believer in all-round development I selected the Decathlon event as my item in the national championship. It is the toughest of all events, - it demands a supreme test of speed, strength, endurance, co-ordination and many other qualities. I got down to training and after six months of hard work I took the championship easily, keeping my second man far behind.
    Naturally my success made the national organisers of physical education think of sending me to compete in the world Olympics. I got an offer to represent my country in the world Olympiad which was going to be held within the next two years, in the Decathlon event. It is no joke to compete in the world championship, where the cream of the world's best athletes come together. There was not much time to waste.
    My reputation caused a batch of young people to gather round me. They asked me to help them in different activities of physical training, which I gladly did. Then I found that there was a great joy in helping others in my favourite occupation, that is, games, sports and physical exercises. I was also doing well as a coach. Many of my students were showing wonderful results in different events of games, sports and physical activities. Seeing my success as a teacher of physical education and because I liked games and sports so much that I did not want to lose touch with them, I thought of taking up this teaching as my life's work. In order to prepare myself in the theoretical side of it, I took my admission in a famous college of physical education and in four years I got my degree in physical education.
    Being a master of both practice and theory in the subject of physical education I got down to work. So long as I was an athlete, my sole purpose had been to gain health, strength, skill, physical beauty and to reach a high perfection in my own body.
    Now I started helping others in order to make them do the same. I organised teachers' training centres all over my country and trained very good instructors and directors of physical education. With the help of them I opened innumerable centres of physical education in every corner of my country. The object of these centres was to spread the popularity and practice of health, physical education and recreation in a scientific way among the general masses of our country. They did their work very well and after several years the general health of my country was very much improved. They showed good results at home and abroad in games and sports. Soon my country got a very high international reputation in the sporting world. I must admit that I was helped and backed by the government of my country and a special portfolio was given to me as the Minister of Physical Education. That is why I could do so much.
    Soon my name spread to every part of the world as a great physical educator and organiser, and I was considered an authority on physical education in the international sphere. I was invited to many countries by the authorities to speak on and introduce my system of physical education to their land. Letters were pouring in from every corner of the earth asking me about my method and seeking my advice on their special problems in the field of Physical Education.

32.05 - The Culture of the Body, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 07, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   First, the question of health. The body must remain free from disease, which means that all its organs must function without let or hindrance, as in the heart's function of the circulation of blood, the lungs in their work of respiration, the digestive system in its work of assimilation and elimination. Besides, if there is any defect or shortcoming in any part of the body, it too has to be remedied; if there is an irregularity or disfunction in the shape or movement of a particular limb, it has to be rectified, the disparity removed and the functioning made normal. For this purpose, there are special remedial exercises to serve the particular ends. No medical prescriptions can have the last say in this matter, the aid of the physical culturist is also called for. But even medical men are now prescribing yogic exercises like asana and pranayama for health purposes. Once the body is in good health, it needs to be made strong and given fitness and capacity. To this end we have recourse to special exercises known as gymnastics. The third stage of physical culture consists in making the body able and efficient; this may be described as the utilisation of the body's strength and capacity. This is where calis thenics or agility exercises come in, with their dexterity and beauty of bodily movements. The major games like football, hockey and cricket may also be brought within this category.
   All this is known to us all. But what I have in view is something different, something a little deeper. It concerns another phase or aspect of physical culture. What I mean is that the body must not only be healthy, strong and efficient, it must also become conscious. Ordinarily, our bodily functionings and movements take place mostly without our knowledge, as in an unconscious instrument or machine. The aim of physical exercises should be to render the body a conscious instrument, through a willed and conscious process. Such conscious movements of the body not only make the objects of the movements fruitful in themselves, but also ensure the results in a fuller, more perfect and speedy manner.

33.02 - Subhash, Oaten: atlas, Russell, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 07, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   He had been a colleague of Barin Ghose of Manicktolla Gardens fame, and also a member of the Atmonnati Samiti, an "Association for Self-improvement". This Samiti was really a centre for the recruitment and training of revolutionaries. I too had been one of the junior members of the Samiti. Bepin Behari Ganguli was among its organisers. We had just given up football as being a non-Indian sport and had taken up lathi and dagger play. I had already attained such proficiency in these games that I was once asked to give a demonstration of lathi play before Mrs. Sarala Devi Chowdhurani on the occasion of one of her visits. But Indra Nandi was engaged in something much more serious; he was trying to make bombs. And he ended by blowing up his fingers in an explosion during a test. Caught in this maimed condition, he was sent up for trial in the Alipore Bomb case, although he could not be convicted. Our counsel managed to prove that the state of his hands was due to their being crushed under an iron chest.2
   Let me in this connection announce one of the feats of my college life. It was in that same year, 1905. Loud protests had arisen on account of the Bengal Partition and there was going to be observed a Day of Fasting or Rakhi-day or something like that. In what manner did I register my protest? I went to college dressed as if there had been a death in my family, that is to say, without shoes or shirt and with only a chuddaron. As I entered the class, everybody seemed a little stunned. The professor cast an occasional furtive glance at me but said not a word. My action must have appeared as rather unconventional, perhaps even incorrect to many, but I felt at the same time there were quite a few who gave me an admiring look.

33.07 - Alipore Jail, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 07, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Close on this second phase of our life came the third. The authorities had known us long enough by now to get convinced that we could make no trouble, not even the kind of indiscipline which they expected of the ordinary prisoners. There was the big hall where all the forty of us were lodged. Each had his allotted space, with his own "altar," that is, a mound of earth that served as the bedstead and was covered with a blanket; at one end the mound was raised slightly to do duty for the pillow. I had at first nothing but disdain for this piece of earth, but later I came to appreciate its value, as I shall soon relate. Outside the hall, there was a huge courtyard where the water taps were and an aqueduct to carry off the surplus 'water where one could even take bath. The kitchen was near at hand and its smells filled the whole place. Up above there was the open sky. One could always come out into the open during the day; the sentries were extremely courteous. We had a regular supply of vegetables and even fish and meat, from outside, and we were sometimes allowed to cook. Inside, within the hall, all manner of games and frolic were on - it was a regular fair. There was acting and caricature, recitation and song, an endless mirth.
   In the midst of all this, Sri Aurobindo occupied his little corner engrossed most of the time in his sadhana and meditations. But occasionally he too did not hesitate to join in our childish pranks. One day I asked to hear from him something in the Greek language. He gave us a recital of ten or twelve lines from Homer. That was the first time I listened to Greek verse.

33.11 - Pondicherry II, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 07, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Among our first acquaintances in Pondicherry were some of the young men here. The very first among them was Sada - you have known him, for he kept up with us till the end. Next came Benjamin, Rassendren and a few others. Rassendren has joined us again at the end of his career; in his early days he had been our playmate. Gradually, they formed a group of Sri Aurobindo's devotees. The strange thing about it was that they were all Christians. We did not have much of a response from the local Hindus; perhaps they were far too orthodox and old-fashioned. The Cercle Sportif was our rendezvous. There we had games, we arranged picnics, as you do today, we staged plays, and also held study circles. Only students took part.
   Afterwards, when the Mother came in 1914, it was with a few men chosen from out of this group that she laid the first foundation of her work here; they formed the Society called "L'Ide Nouvelle". Already, in her Paris days, a similar group had been formed around her, a group that came to be known as the Cosmique, a record of whose proceedings has appeared in part in the Mother's Words of Long Ago (Paroles d'Autrefois). Here, in Pondicherry, she started building up an intimate circle of initiates simultaneously with the publication of the Arya.
   It will not be out of place here to say something about the sort of education and training we received in those early days of our life in Pondicherry. One of the first needs we felt on coming here was for books, for at that time we had hardly anything we could call our own. We found that at the moment Sri Aurobindo was concentrating on the Rigveda alone and we managed to get for him two volumes of the original text. He had of course his own books and papers packed in two or three trunks. It was felt we might afford to spend ten rupees every month for the purchase of books. We began our purchases with the main classics of English literature, especially the series published in the Home University Library and the World Classics editions. Today you see what a fine Library we have, not indeed one but many, for there is a Library of Physical Education, there is a Medical Library, there is a Library for the School, and there are so many private collections. All this had its origin in the small collections' we began every month. At first, the books had to lie on the floor, for we had nothing like chairs or tables or shelves for our library" I may add that we had no such thing as a bedding either for our use. Each of us possessed a mat, and this mat had to serve as our bedstead, mattress, coverlet and pillow; this was all our furniture. And mosquito curtains? That was a luxury we could not even dream of. If there were too many mosquitos, we would carry the mats out on to the terrace for a little air, assuming, that is, that there was any. Only for Sri Aurobindo we had somehow managed a chair and a table and a camp cot. We lived a real camp life. I should add that there were a few rickety chairs too, for the use of visitors and guests. And lights? Today you see such a profusion of electric lighting in every room and courtyard; we have mercury lights and flash lights and spotlights and torch lights; we are even getting well into the limelight! There is light everywhere, "all here is shining with light", sarvamidam vibhati. In those days, on the other hand, we did not even have a decent kerosene lamp or lantern. All I can recall is a single candlestick, for the personal use of Sri Aurobindo. Whatever conversations or discussions we had after nightfall had to be in the dark; for the most part we practised silence. The first time there was an electric connection, what a joy it gave us! It came like a revelation almost. We were in the Guest House at the time, had shifted there only a, little while ago. We were out one afternoon for our games (that is, football), and it was already dark by the time we returned. As we opened the door and entered the compound, what a surprise it was! The place was full of light, there were lights everywhere, a real illumination. The electricians had come and fitted the connections whilst we had been away. They had fitted as many as four points for the entire building, the Guest House that you see, two for the first floor and two downstairs!
   We were able to purchase some French books at a very cheap rate, not more than two anna; for each volume in a series. We had about a hundred of them, all classics of French literature. I find a few of them are still there in our Library. Afterwards, I also bought from the second-hand bookshops in the Gujli Kadai area several books in Greek, Latin and French. Once I chanced on a big Greek lexicon which I still use.

33.14 - I Played Football, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 07, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   I shall end this story of football with an account of my last performance in this line. By then I had practically given up and was on the "retired list". I began as an ordinary player, then I was captain for a year, an Inspector of games (in our club) for another year, and finally a retired man. I never played in matches any longer. The juniors now took our places. I would however pay an occasional visit and play just a little. They once held a six-a-side competition. The final was between our team, 'Cercle Sportif' of Pondicherry, and the Missionaries' team, 'Socit Ie Nid'. For a long time, the two teams had been keen rivals. The Missionaries never liked us, as you know, and their supporters naturally took their side. The boys of the 'Cercle Sportif' were the enlightened, nationalist element in the local population. Now, the play began. One of the conditions of the match, laid down in advance, was that if any of the players on either side were to get disabled in the course of the game, he could be replaced by another. The Sportif boys had arranged among themselves that in case the game did not go well and they found themselves giving way, they would get someone "disabled" and take me in, as a substitute. That is what happened in fact. Our team lost a goal and immediately afterwards one of our boys - h e was later the Hon'ble Mr. Justice Antoine Tamby, now in retirement - sat down with a thump. He said he had got hurt and could not play any more. So they shouted for me. "Roy, where is Roy?" I was "Roy" and ready at hand. I entered the field, with my red and white uniform, the Mohun Bagan colours. I changed immediately the whole tactics of the game. What our boys had been doing was to cluster close around the ball for purposes of short passing - all the three or four out of the six were doing that. There was to be a centre kick following the goal. I stood with the ball at the centre and told the two boys on my right and on my left to keep as far away as possible from the centre and to go on making long passes. I sent the ball from the centre straight to the right wing. Our outside man was ready. He took the ball and passed it back to me at the centre. I was already far ahead, almost beyond the half-back. As soon as the goalkeeper saw me rushing with the ball towards the goal, he lost his nerve: "Oh, Roy coming!" It was an easy score. What an excitement among our boys, what uproarious hurrahs! We won by two goals in the end and the cup was ours. After the game was over, how they danced with me on their shoulders! Moni led the boys. He too, like me, had given up playing, and was on the retired list, acting only as a spectator. Moni was so pleased with this performance of mine that he took me straightway to a nearby hotel or bar. There was no Ganpatram in those days, alas!
   Let me conclude this narrative with a few incidental remarks, some reflections concerning "style" in games. In my native town in Bengal I had a friend who played tennis. Once I made this comment on seeing him play, "There is no grammar about his play." My dictum became a classic among our sporting circles. He used to play in what may be described as a "hit and miss" style. Not that he broke any of the rules of the game, but there was about his manner something loose' and slovenly; he had no style or system. But often enough he hacked his way to victory by sheer force of vital energy. Bejoy and our Benjamin with his leech like grip - they were the two half-backs in our team followed exactly the same method. In fact, there are two essentials to a good game: grammar and style, or grammar and rhythm, to use the terms of ancient rhetoric. In our time, grammar was no doubt important in school, but we were never to be bothered by any such bugbear in the field of sports, at least as far as our country was concerned. In those days, men became champions through sheer genius, that is, by virtue of an innate skill. Without any systematic training or practice on scientific lines, they developed a skill in the game through an inner urge or influence. Perhaps all men of genius are creatures of this type. They say this about Napoleon too. He went on winning his victories without end and no one could stop his onward march. The old experienced generals of the enemy Powers, the Austrians for example, practically gave up trying. On being criticised for their failure, they said, "But what on earth can we do? The fellow does not observe any of the principles of warfare. How can one fight under such conditions? He breaks every rule of battle." But today we are in an age where not untrained skill but close mastery of detail and unfailing practice are the things that count. Here in the Ashram, through your games and physical exercises, you are being trained to make every posture and movement of all the parts of your body orderly, precise and disciplined. You practise day after day, month after month, for years on end. We in our days had no knowledge of any such thing, we were utterly ignorant and. illiterate in this regard. The time has now come when man has to make his advance by conscious method, not drag his feet along somehow in a blind ignorant way, nor rest satisfied with what comes automatically. In our country, in ancient times at least, grammar was considered important in two fields: in the study of language and in the art of Yoga. The rules were extremely strict and there was no end of manuals and glosses. But in our ordinary life, in the art of day-to-day living, there grew up an enormous amount of slackness and indiscipline, at least during the more recent times.
   I have just now spoken of two things, grammar and rhythm; style is mainly a matter of rhythm but it presumes grammar, for you cannot have a good style without taking note of grammar. Grammar is like the! skeleton and bony structure in a man's body; without that support and foundation, the body becomes limp like a mass of flesh. By grammar I mean the right arrangement of the different limbs. Whether it be tennis or cricket or any other game, or even ordinary jumping and running, one must know in minute detail and apply in practice the knowledge as to how the arms and the chest and the back and abdomen are to be held, in what position the legs should be, down to the smallest fingers and toes. And it is not enough that you control the separate movements of the different parts of the body, you have to combine all these movements into a single harmonious whole and give them a fine well-formed and one-pointed rhythm. This last quality is what characterises rhythm or style. It' is said that the style is the man. It is really something that belongs to the inner man; in a game, it is a quality of the inner body-consciousness. It needs a harmony between the consciousness of the body and the inner vital being, it implies a natural sense of measure and rhythm. - In our days, we did not know anything of all this. We did have the gift of imagination and feeling, but now is the day of science. You have the great good fortune that you can now acquire both these gifts, effect between the two a supreme synthesis and harmony and arrive at a higher fulfilment.

33.15 - My Athletics, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 07, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   At that time I had not the faintest notion that one day I would develop into a regular athlete, that is to say, undergo all kinds of training and exercise. I told you once about the difference between the physical training activities here and the way we used to set about them in our. time. This is an age of science and those were the days of untrained skill. Let me illustrate from an experience I had in football. We never observed the rule that a proper warming up is needed before one joins the game. We entered the field straightway, and it has happened' several times that after the first long run at the beginning of the game I felt absolutely worn out and wondered how on earth I was going to last through the game. Of course, everything was all right after a while and the body received a new influx of energy as it got warmed up - we used to call it "heating up the blood". Today, the first and most important principle of any kind of game or other exercise is "training", a detailed and minute training. Formerly, one could pass off as a master by simply mastering the rules of the game. This applied not only to games like cricket or football; even in our own native wrestling and lathi-play, "training" meant nothing more than getting acquainted with all the tricks and applying them correctly in practice. But that is not what is now meant by "training". "Training" implies a special preparation of the body, making it apt for a special kind of activity. First of all, One has to acquire a general all-round physical fitness. Next, one has to find out which particular parts of the body and which of the muscles are specially called -into action in any particular movements and these have to be specially trained with a view to give them the necessary strength, endurance and skill, exactly like a material instrument, as if they were bits of dead matter. In whatever activity you wish to specialise, - for specialisation seems to be the aim of physical culture today, - you have to prepare yourself for it; the preparation itself becomes the main objective, the end in view is relegated to the second position. You take part in a 100 metres race, actually a matter of a few seconds only. But in order to prepare for the race, you have to train for several hours every day, for days on end over a period of months and perhaps years.
   Formerly, the entire emphasis was on the game itself, not so much on the person who played the game; it used to be said that it was the game that made the player. But now the scales have turned the other way: the player has become the main interest. The concentration is on the player himself and his training is the main thing. He has first of all to build up the body, next his vital forces, and finally even his mind and will power have to be geared to the end in view; the inner psychological factors are taken particularly into account today. In science too the same 'thing is noticeable, even in the study of physical sciences. Formerly, the whole effort of science lay in discovering and establishing the existence of the separate, self-existing and independent elements in Nature and in finding out the mechanism of their action through the methods of observation and experiment. Now it is being said, observation and experiment are all right so far as they go, but at the same time one cannot ignore the person who makes the observation and experiment; he too has an importance, perhaps a prime importance. - The Significance of Rebirth, #Essays In Philosophy And Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  There are other statements or colourings of the idea of rebirth which admit a more positive sense for existence and nourish a robuster confidence in the power and delight of being which are its secret fountains; but they all stumble in the end over the limitations of humanity and an inability to see any outlet from their bondage in the order of the universe, because they suppose this to be a thing fixed from of years sempiternalvatbhya sambhya, not an eternally developing and creative, but an immutable cycle. The Vaishnava idea of the play of God, striking as it does into the secret of the hidden deligh the core of things, is a luminous ray shot into the very heart of the mystery; but isolated it cannot solve all its enigma. There is more here in the world than a play of secret delight; there is knowledge, there is power, there is a will and a mighty labour. Rebirth so looked at becomes too much of a divine caprice with no object but its playing, and ours is too great and strenuous a world to be so accounted for. Such chequered delight as is given to our becoming, is a game of disguises and seekings with no promise here of any divine completeness; its circles seem in the end not worth following out and the soul turns gladly to its release from the games unsatisfying mazes. The Tantric solution shows us a supreme superconscient Energy which casts itself out ere into teeming worlds and multitudinous beings and in its order the soul rises from birth to birth and follows its million forms, till in a last human series it opens to the consciousness and powers of its own divinity and returns through them by a rapid illumination to the eternal superconscience. We find at last the commencement of a satisfying synthesis, some justification of existence, a meaningful consequence in rebirth, a use and a sufficient though only temporary significance for the great motion of the cosmos. On lines very like these the modern mind, when it is disposed to accept rebirth, is inclined to view it. But there is a too minor stress on the souls divine potentialities, a haste of insistence on the escape into superconscience; the supreme Energy constructs too long and stupendous a preparation for so brief and so insufficient a flowering. There is a lacuna here, some secret is still missing.
  There are certain limitations of our own thought over which all these solutions stumble, and the chief of these obstacles are our sense of the mechanical nature of the universe and our inability to see forward to a greater than our present type of humanity. We see the superconscient Spirit in its effulgence and freedom and we see the universe in its inconscient bondage to the cycle of its mechanical recurrences, or we see existence as an abstract entity and Nature as a mechanical force; the conscient soul stands between as a link between these opposites, but it is itself so incomplete that we cannot find in this linksecret or make of it a strong master of reconciliation. Then we pronounce birth to be an error of the soul and see our one chance of liberation in a shaking off of these natal shackles and a violent reversion to supracosmic consciousness or the freedom of abstract being. But what if rebirth were in truth no long dragging chain, but rather at first a ladder of the souls ascension and at last a succession of mighty spiritual opportunities? It will be so if the infinite existence is not what it seems to the logical intellect, an abstract entity, but what it is to intuition and in deeper soul experience, a conscious spiritual Reality, and that Reality as real here as in any far off absolute Superconscience. For then universal Nature would be no longer a mechanism with no secret but its own inconscient mechanics and no intention but the mere recurrent working; it would be the conscient energy of the universal Spirit hidden in the greatness of its processes, mahimnam asya. And the soul ascending from the sleep of matter through plant and animal life to the human degree of the power of life and there battling with ignorance and limit to take possession of its royal and infinite kingdom would be the mediator appointed to unfold in Nature the spirit who is hidden in her subtleties and her vastnesses. That is the significance of life and the world which the idea of evolutionary rebirth opens to us; life becomes at once a progressive ascending series for the unfolding of the Spirit. It acquires a supreme significance: the way of the Spirit in its power is justified, no longer a foolish and empty dream, an eternal delirium, great mechanical toil or termless futility, but the sum of works of a large spiritual Will and Wisdom: the human soul and the cosmic spirit look into each others eyes with a noble and divine meaning.

3 - Commentaries and Annotated Translations, #Hymns to the Mystic Fire, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Masters of light - the great cosmic gamesters, the lesser lords
  of the Lila, of which Yajna is Maheswara, the one Almighty

4.03 - The Senses And Mental Pictures, #Of The Nature Of Things, #Lucretius, #Poetry
  To make such games! Or will the truth be this:
  Because in one least moment that we mark-

4.04 - Some Vital Functions, #Of The Nature Of Things, #Lucretius, #Poetry
  Day after day for long to games have given
  Attention undivided, still they keep
  Those games with their own senses, open paths
  Within the mind wherethrough the idol-films
  Of just those games can come. And thus it is
  For many a day thereafter those appear

4.05 - The Passion Of Love, #Of The Nature Of Things, #Lucretius, #Poetry
  And games of chance, and many a drinking cup,
  And unguents, crowns and garlands. All in vain,

4.2 - Karma, #Essays Divine And Human, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  380. It is well not to be too loosely playful in one's games or too grimly serious in one's life and works. We seek in both a playful freedom and a serious order.
  381. For nearly forty years I believed them when they said I was weakly in constitution, suffered constantly from the smaller & the greater ailments & mistook this curse for a burden that Nature had laid upon me. When I renounced the aid of medicines, then they began to depart from me like disappointed parasites.

5.01 - Message, #Essays In Philosophy And Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  I take the opportunity of the publication of this issue of the Bulletin dducation Physique of the Ashram to give my blessings to the Journal and the AssociationJ.S.A.S.A. (Jeunesse Sportive de lAshram de Sri Aurobindo). In doing so I would like to dwell for a while on the deeper raison dtre of such Associations and especially the need and utility for the nation of a widespread organisation of them and such sports or physical exercises as are practised here. In their more superficial aspect they appear merely as games and amusements which people take up for entertainment or as a field for the outlet of the bodys energy and natural instinct of activity or for a means of the development and maintenance of the health and strength of the body; but they are or can be much more than that: they are also fields for the development of habits, capacities and qualities which are greatly needed and of the utmost service to a people in war or in peace, and in its political and social activities, in most indeed of the provinces of a combined human endeavour. It is to this which we may call the national aspect of the subject that I would wish to give especial prominence.
  In our own time these sports, games and athletics have assumed a place and comm and a general interest such as was seen only in earlier times in countries like Greece, Greece where all sides of human activity were equally developed and the gymnasium, chariot-racing and other sports and athletics had the same importance on the physical side as on the mental side the Arts and poetry and the drama, and were especially stimulated and attended to by the civic authorities of the city state. It was Greece that made an institution of the Olympiad and the recent re-establishment of the Olympiad as an international institution is a significant sign of the revival of the ancient spirit. This kind of interest has spread to a certain extent to our own country and India has begun to take a place in international contests such as the Olympiad. The newly founded State in liberated India is also beginning to be interested in developing all sides of the life of the nation and is likely to take an active part and a habit of direction in fields which were formerly left to private initiative. It is taking up, for instance, the question of the foundation and preservation of health and physical fitness in the nation and the spreading of a general recognition of its importance. It is in this connection that the encouragement of sports and associations for athletics and all activities of this kind would be an incalculable assistance. A generalisation of the habit of taking part in such exercises in childhood and youth and early manhood would help greatly towards the creation of a physically fit and energetic people.
  But of a higher import than the foundation, however necessary, of health, strength and fitness of the body is the development of discipline and morale and sound and strong character towards which these activities can help. There are many sports which are of the utmost value towards this end, because they help to form and even necessitate the qualities of courage, hardihood, energetic action and initiative or call for skill, steadiness of will or rapid decision and action, the perception of what is to be done in an emergency and dexterity in doing it. One development of the utmost value is the awakening of the essential and instinctive body consciousness which can see and do what is necessary without any indication from mental thought and which is equivalent in the body to swift insight in the mind and spontaneous and rapid decision in the will. One may add the formation of a capacity for harmonious and right movements of the body, especially in a combined action, economical of physical effort and discouraging waste of energy, which result from such exercises as marches or drill and which displace the loose and straggling, the inharmonious or disorderly or wasteful movements common to the untrained individual body. Another invaluable result of these activities is the growth of what has been called the sporting spirit. That includes good humour and tolerance and consideration for all, a right attitude and friendliness to competitors and rivals, self-control and scrupulous observance of the laws of the game, fair play and avoidance of the use of foul means, an equal acceptance of victory or defeat without bad humour, resentment or ill-will towards successful competitors, loyal acceptance of the decisions of the appointed judge, umpire or referee. These qualities have their value for life in general and not only for sport, but the help that sport can give to their development is direct and invaluable. If they could be made more common not only in the life of the individual but in the national life and in the international where at the present day the opposite tendencies have become too rampant, existence in this troubled world of ours would be smoother and might open to a greater chance of concord and amity of which it stands very much in need. More important still is the custom of discipline, obedience, order, habit of team-work, which certain games necessitate. For without them success is uncertain or impossible. Innumerable are the activities in life, especially in national life, in which leadership and obedience to leadership in combined action are necessary for success, victory in combat or fulfilment of a purpose. The role of the leader, the captain, the power and skill of his leadership, his ability to comm and the confidence and ready obedience of his followers is of the utmost importance in all kinds of combined action or enterprise; but few can develop these things without having learned themselves to obey and to act as one mind or as one body with others. This strictness of training, this habit of discipline and obedience is not inconsistent with individual freedom; it is often the necessary condition for its right use, just as order is not inconsistent with liberty but rather the condition for the right use of liberty and even for its preservation and survival. In all kinds of concerted action this rule is indispensable: orchestration becomes necessary and there could be no success for an orchestra in which individual musicians played according to their own fancy and refused to follow the indications of the conductor. In spiritual things also the same rule holds; a sadhak who disregarded the guidance of the Guru and preferred the untrained inspirations of the novice could hardly escape the stumbles or even the disasters which so often lie thick around the path to spiritual realisation.
  I need not enumerate the other benefits which can be drawn from the training that sports can give or dwell on their use in the national life; what I have said is sufficient. At any rate, in schools like ours and in universities sports have now a recognised and indispensable place; for even a highest and completest education of the mind is not enough without the education of the body. Where the qualities I have enumerated are absent or insufficiently present, a strong individual will or a national will may build them up, but the aid given by sports to their development is direct and in no way negligible. This would be a sufficient reason for the attention given to them in our Ashram, though there are others which I need not mention here. I am concerned here with their importance and the necessity of the qualities they create or stimulate for our national life. The nation which possesses them in the highest degree is likely to be the strongest for victory, success and greatness, but also for the contri bution it can make towards the bringing about of unity and a more harmonious world order towards which we look as our hope for humanitys future.

5.4.01 - Occult Knowledge, #Letters On Yoga I, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Raman. Raman said once that all these scientific discoveries are only games of chance. Only, when he says these things are games of chance, he is merely saying that human beings don't know how it works out. It is not a rigid predetermination, but it is not a blind inconscient Chance either. It is a play in which there is a working out of possibilities in Time.
  What X said is true, the play of the forces is very complex and one has to be conscious of them and, as it were, see and watch how they work before one can really understand why things happen as they do. All action is surrounded by a complexity of forces and if one puts a force for one of them to succeed, one must be careful to do it thoroughly and maintain it and not leave doors open for the other contrary ones to find their way in. I left at least two doors open and the forces that wanted him [a sadhak] here pushed in through them. As for what they were, it can only be said that it was probably a mixture. Each man is himself a field of many forces - some were working for his sadhana, some were working for his ego and desires. There are besides powers which seek to make a man an instrument for purposes not his own without his knowing it. All of these may combine to bring about a particular result. These forces work each for the fulfilment of its own drive - they need not be at all what we call hostile forces, - they are simply forces of Nature.

5 - The Phenomenology of the Spirit in Fairytales, #The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, #Carl Jung, #Psychology
  out their games of dice, burned a stinking incense made of old
  shoe leather, and ran and hopped about all over the church." 2

Aeneid, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  of Actium with Trojan games. My comrades
  strip naked; sleek with oil, they try their strength
  the trumpet blares; the games have now begun.
  The first event is entered by four galleys,
  to celebrate these games as he had done
  beside the Trojan boys when he was young.
  great Rome received these games and carried on
  this same ancestral celebration; now
  is paid with varied games before the tomb,
  Saturnian Juno orders Iris down
  Circensian games were under way; and sudden
  war then broke out again between the Romans
  with gladness, games, applause; in ail the temples
  were bands of matrons, and in all were altars;

Blazing P2 - Map the Stages of Conventional Consciousness, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  and aspire beyond what ones assigned class permits. He values gamesmanship, competition,
  the entrepreneurial attitude, efficiency, work simplification, the calculated risk, the scheming
  classes around the world; colonialism, political gamesmanship; sales and marketing field;
  fashion and cosmetics industries; Chambers of Commerce; the Cold War; materialism; The

Blazing P3 - Explore the Stages of Postconventional Consciousness, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  market niches, historical moment, larger social movements; creates positive-sum games;
  aware of own power (and perhaps tempted by it); seeks feedback from others and

BOOK I. - Augustine censures the pagans, who attributed the calamities of the world, and especially the sack of Rome by the Goths, to the Christian religion and its prohibition of the worship of the gods, #City of God, #Saint Augustine of Hippo, #Christianity
  Know then, ye who are ignorant of this, and ye who feign ignorance be reminded, while you murmur against Him who has freed you from such rulers, that the scenic games, exhibitions of shameless folly and licence, were established at Rome, not by men's vicious cravings, but by the appointment of your gods. Much more pardonably might you have rendered divine honours to Scipio than to such gods as these. The gods were not so moral as their pontiff. But give me now your attention, if your mind, inebriated by its deep potations of error, can take in any sober truth. The gods enjoined that games be exhibited in their honour to stay a physical pestilence; their pontiff prohibited the theatre from being constructed, to prevent a moral pestilence. If, then, there remains in you sufficient mental enlightenment to prefer the soul to the body, choose whom you will worship. Besides, though the pestilence was stayed, this was not because the voluptuous madness of stage-plays had taken possession of a warlike people hitherto accustomed only to the games of the circus; but these astute and wicked spirits, foreseeing that in due[Pg 45] course the pestilence would shortly cease, took occasion to infect, not the bodies, but the morals of their worshippers, with a far more serious disease. And in this pestilence these gods find great enjoyment, because it benighted the minds of men with so gross a darkness, and dishonoured them with so foul a deformity, that even quite recently (will posterity be able to credit it?) some of those who fled from the sack of Rome and found refuge in Carthage, were so infected with this disease, that day after day they seemed to contend with one another who should most madly run after the actors in the theatres.
  33. That the overthrow of Rome has not corrected the vices of the Romans.

BOOK II. - A review of the calamities suffered by the Romans before the time of Christ, showing that their gods had plunged them into corruption and vice, #City of God, #Saint Augustine of Hippo, #Christianity
  First of all, we would ask why their gods took no steps to improve the morals of their worshippers. That the true God should neglect those who did not seek His help, that was but justice; but why did those gods, from whose worship ungrateful men are now complaining that they are prohibited, issue no laws which might have guided their devotees to a virtuous life? Surely it was but just, that such care as men showed to the worship of the gods, the gods on their part should have to the conduct of men. But, it is replied, it is by his own will a man goes astray. Who denies it? But none the less was it incumbent on these gods, who were men's guardians, to publish in plain terms the laws of a good life, and not to[Pg 52] conceal them from their worshippers. It was their part to send prophets to reach and convict such as broke these laws, and publicly to proclaim the punishments which await evildoers, and the rewards which may be looked for by those that do well. Did ever the walls of any of their temples echo to any such warning voice? I myself, when I was a young man, used sometimes to go to the sacrilegious entertainments and spectacles; I saw the priests raving in religious excitement, and heard the choristers; I took pleasure in the shameful games which were celebrated in honour of gods and goddesses, of the virgin Clestis,[85] and Berecynthia,[86] the mother of all the gods. And on the holy day consecrated to her purification, there were sung before her couch productions so obscene and filthy for the ear I do not say of the mother of the gods, but of the mother of any senator or honest mannay, so impure, that not even the mother of the foul-mouthed players themselves could have formed one of the audience. For natural reverence for parents is a bond which the most abandoned cannot ignore. And, accordingly, the lewd actions and filthy words with which these players honoured the mother of the gods, in presence of a vast assemblage and audience of both sexes, they could not for very shame have rehearsed at home in presence of their own mothers. And the crowds that were gathered from all quarters by curiosity, offended modesty must, I should suppose, have scattered in the confusion of shame. If these are sacred rites, what is sacrilege? If this is purification, what is pollution? This festivity was called the Tables,[87] as if a banquet were being given at which unclean devils might find suitable refreshment. For it is not difficult[Pg 53] to see what kind of spirits they must be who are delighted with such obscenities, unless, indeed, a man be blinded by these evil spirits passing themselves off under the name of gods, and either disbelieves in their existence, or leads such a life as prompts him rather to propitiate and fear them than the true God.
  5. Of the obscenities practised in honour of the mother of the gods.
  But, some one will interpose, these are the fables of poets, not the deliverances of the gods themselves. Well, I have no mind to arbitrate between the lewdness of theatrical entertainments and of mystic rites; only this I say, and history bears me out in making the assertion, that those same entertainments, in which the fictions of poets are the main attraction, were not introduced in the festivals of the gods by the ignorant devotion of the Romans, but that the gods themselves gave the most urgent commands to this effect, and indeed extorted from the Romans these solemnities and celebrations in their honour. I touched on this in the preceding book, and mentioned that dramatic entertainments were first inaugurated at Rome on occasion of a pestilence, and by authority of the pontiff. And what man is there who is not more likely to adopt, for the regulation of his own life, the examples that are represented in plays which have a divine sanction, rather than the precepts written and promulgated with no more than human authority? If the poets gave a false representation of Jove in describing him as adulterous, then it were to be expected that the chaste gods should in anger avenge so wicked a fiction, in place of encouraging the games which circulated it. Of these plays, the most inoffensive are comedies and tragedies, that is to say, the dramas which poets write for the stage, and which, though they often handle impure subjects, yet do so without the filthiness of language which characterizes many other performances; and it is these dramas which boys are obliged by their seniors to read and learn as a part of what is called a liberal and gentlemanly education.[96]
  9. That the poetical licence which the Greeks, in obedience to their gods, allowed, was restrained by the ancient Romans.
  But possibly we are to find the reason for this neglect of the Romans by their gods, in the saying of Sallust, that "equity and virtue prevailed among the Romans not more by force of laws than of nature."[107] I presume it is to this inborn equity and goodness of disposition we are to ascribe the rape of the Sabine women. What, indeed, could be more equitable and virtuous, than to carry off by force, as each man was fit, and without their parents' consent, girls who were strangers and guests, and who had been decoyed and entrapped by the pretence of a spectacle! If the Sabines were wrong to deny their daughters when the Romans asked for them, was it not a greater wrong in the Romans to carry them off after that denial? The Romans might more justly have waged war against the neighbouring nation for having refused their daughters in marriage when they first sought them, than for having demanded them back when they had stolen them. War should have been proclaimed at first: it was then that Mars should have helped his warlike son, that he might by force of arms avenge the injury done him by the refusal of marriage, and might also thus win the women he desired. There might have been some appearance of "right of war" in a victor carrying off, in virtue of this right, the virgins who[Pg 68] had been without any show of right denied him; whereas there was no "right of peace" entitling him to carry off those who were not given to him, and to wage an unjust war with their justly enraged parents. One happy circumstance was indeed connected with this act of violence, viz., that though it was commemorated by the games of the circus, yet even this did not constitute it a precedent in the city or realm of Rome. If one would find fault with the results of this act, it must rather be on the ground that the Romans made Romulus a god in spite of his perpetrating this iniquity; for one cannot reproach them with making this deed any kind of precedent for the rape of women.
  Again, I presume it was due to this natural equity and virtue, that after the expulsion of King Tarquin, whose son had violated Lucretia, Junius Brutus the consul forced Lucius Tarquinius Collatinus, Lucretia's husb and and his own colleague, a good and innocent man, to resign his office and go into banishment, on the one sole charge that he was of the name and blood of the Tarquins. This injustice was perpetrated with the approval, or at least connivance, of the people, who had themselves raised to the consular office both Collatinus and Brutus. Another instance of this equity and virtue is found in their treatment of Marcus Camillus. This eminent man, after he had rapidly conquered the Veians, at that time the most formidable of Rome's enemies, and who had maintained a ten years' war, in which the Roman army had suffered the usual calamities attendant on bad generalship, after he had restored security to Rome, which had begun to tremble for its safety, and after he had taken the wealthiest city of the enemy, had charges brought against him by the malice of those that envied his success, and by the insolence of the tribunes of the people; and seeing that the city bore him no gratitude for preserving it, and that he would certainly be condemned, he went into exile, and even in his absence was fined 10,000 asses. Shortly after, however, his ungrateful country had again to seek his protection from the Gauls. But I cannot now mention all the shameful and iniquitous acts with which Rome was agitated, when the aristocracy attempted to subject the people, and the people resented their encroachments, and the advocates of either party[Pg 69] were actuated rather by the love of victory than by any equitable or virtuous consideration.
  But the worshippers and admirers of these gods delight in imitating their scandalous iniquities, and are nowise concerned that the republic be less depraved and licentious. Only let it remain undefeated, they say, only let it flourish and abound in resources; let it be glorious by its victories, or still better, secure in peace; and what matters it to us? This is our concern, that every man be able to increase his wealth so as to supply his daily prodigalities, and so that the powerful may subject the weak for their own purposes. Let the poor court the rich for a living, and that under their protection they may enjoy a sluggish tranquillity; and let the[Pg 73] rich abuse the poor as their dependants, to minister to their pride. Let the people applaud not those who protect their interests, but those who provide them with pleasure. Let no severe duty be commanded, no impurity forbidden. Let kings estimate their prosperity, not by the righteousness, but by the servility of their subjects. Let the provinces stand loyal to the kings, not as moral guides, but as lords of their possessions and purveyors of their pleasures; not with a hearty reverence, but a crooked and servile fear. Let the laws take cognizance rather of the injury done to another man's property, than of that done to one's own person. If a man be a nuisance to his neighbour, or injure his property, family, or person, let him be actionable; but in his own affairs let every one with impunity do what he will in company with his own family, and with those who willingly join him. Let there be a plentiful supply of public prostitutes for every one who wishes to use them, but specially for those who are too poor to keep one for their private use. Let there be erected houses of the largest and most ornate description: in these let there be provided the most sumptuous banquets, where every one who pleases may, by day or night, play, drink, vomit,[108] dissipate. Let there be everywhere heard the rustling of dancers, the loud, immodest laughter of the theatre; let a succession of the most cruel and the most voluptuous pleasures maintain a perpetual excitement. If such happiness is distasteful to any, let him be branded as a public enemy; and if any attempt to modify or put an end to it, let him be silenced, banished, put an end to. Let these be reckoned the true gods, who procure for the people this condition of things, and preserve it when once possessed. Let them be worshipped as they wish; let them demand whatever games they please, from or with their own worshippers; only let them secure that such felicity be not imperilled by foe, plague, or disaster of any kind. What sane man would compare a republic such as this, I will not say to the Roman empire, but to the palace of Sardanapalus, the ancient king who was so abandoned to pleasures, that he caused it to be inscribed on his tomb, that now that he was[Pg 74] dead, he possessed only those things which he had swallowed and consumed by his appetites while alive? If these men had such a king as this, who, while self-indulgent, should lay no severe restraint on them, they would more enthusiastically consecrate to him a temple and a flamen than the ancient Romans did to Romulus.
  21. Cicero's opinion of the Roman republic.
  But what is relevant to the present question is this, that however admirable our adversaries say the republic was or is, it is certain that by the testimony of their own most learned[Pg 78] writers it had become, long before the coming of Christ, utterly wicked and dissolute, and indeed had no existence, but had been destroyed by profligacy. To prevent this, surely these guardian gods ought to have given precepts of morals and a rule of life to the people by whom they were worshipped in so many temples, with so great a variety of priests and sacrifices, with such numberless and diverse rites, so many festal solemnities, so many celebrations of magnificent games. But in all this the demons only looked after their own interest, and cared not at all how their worshippers lived, or rather were at pains to induce them to lead an abandoned life, so long as they paid these tri butes to their honour, and regarded them with fear. If any one denies this, let him produce, let him point to, let him read the laws which the gods had given against sedition, and which the Gracchi transgressed when they threw everything into confusion; or those Marius, and Cinna, and Carbo broke when they involved their country in civil wars, most iniquitous and unjustifiable in their causes, cruelly conducted, and yet more cruelly terminated; or those which Sylla scorned, whose life, character, and deeds, as described by Sallust and other historians, are the abhorrence of all mankind. Who will deny that at that time the republic had become extinct?
  Possibly they will be bold enough to suggest in defence of the gods, that they abandoned the city on account of the profligacy of the citizens, according to the lines of Virgil:
  Where and when those initiated in the mysteries of Clestis received any good instructions, we know not. What we do know is, that before her shrine, in which her image is set, and amidst a vast crowd gathering from all quarters, and standing closely packed together, we were intensely interested spectators of the games which were going on, and saw, as we pleased to turn the eye, on this side a grand display of harlots, on the other the virgin goddess: we saw this virgin worshipped with prayer and with obscene rites. There we saw no shamefaced mimes, no actress overburdened with modesty: all that the obscene rites demanded was fully complied with. We were plainly shown what was pleasing to the virgin deity, and the matron who witnessed the spectacle returned home from the temple a wiser woman. Some, indeed, of the more prudent women turned their faces from the immodest movements of the players, and learned the art of wickedness by a furtive regard. For they were restrained, by the modest demeanour due to men, from looking boldly at the immodest gestures; but much more were they restrained from condemning with chaste[Pg 87] heart the sacred rites of her whom they adored. And yet this licentiousnesswhich, if practised in one's home, could only be done there in secretwas practised as a public lesson in the temple; and if any modesty remained in men, it was occupied in marvelling that wickedness which men could not unrestrainedly commit should be part of the religious teaching of the gods, and that to omit its exhibition should incur the anger of the gods. What spirit can that be, which by a hidden inspiration stirs men's corruption, and goads them to adultery, and feeds on the full-fledged iniquity, unless it be the same that finds pleasure in such religious ceremonies, sets in the temples images of devils, and loves to see in play the images of vices; that whispers in secret some righteous sayings to deceive the few who are good, and scatters in public invitations to profligacy, to gain possession of the millions who are wicked?
    27. That the obscenities of those plays which the Romans consecrated in order to propitiate their gods, contri buted largely to the overthrow of public order.
  Cicero, a weighty man, and a philosopher in his way, when about to be made edile, wished the citizens to understand[111] that, among the other duties of his magistracy, he must propitiate Flora by the celebration of games. And these games are reckoned devout in proportion to their lewdness. In another place,[112] and when he was now consul, and the state in great peril, he says that games had been celebrated for ten days together, and that nothing had been omitted which could pacify the gods: as if it had not been more satisfactory to irritate the gods by temperance, than to pacify them by debauchery; and to provoke their hate by honest living, than soo the it by such unseemly grossness. For no matter how cruel was the ferocity of those men who were threatening the state, and on whose account the gods were being propitiated: it could not have been more hurtful than the alliance of gods who were won with the foulest vices. To avert the danger which threatened men's bodies, the gods were conciliated in a fashion that drove virtue from their spirits; and the gods did not enrol themselves as defenders of the battlements against the besiegers, until they had first stormed and sacked the morality[Pg 88] of the citizens. This propitiation of such divinities,a propitiation so wanton, so impure, so immodest, so wicked, so filthy, whose actors the innate and praiseworthy virtue of the Romans disabled from civic honours, erased from their tribe, recognised as polluted and made infamous;this propitiation, I say, so foul, so detestable, and alien from every religious feeling, these fabulous and ensnaring accounts of the criminal actions of the gods, these scandalous actions which they either shamefully and wickedly committed, or more shamefully and wickedly feigned, all this the whole city learned in public both by the words and gestures of the actors. They saw that the gods delighted in the commission of these things, and therefore believed that they wished them not only to be exhibited to them, but to be imitated by themselves. But as for that good and honest instruction which they speak of, it was given in such secrecy, and to so few (if indeed given at all), that they seemed rather to fear it might be divulged, than that it might not be practised.
  28. That the Christian religion is health-giving.
  No longer, then, follow after false and deceitful gods; abjure them rather, and despise them, bursting forth into true liberty. Gods they are not, but malignant spirits, to whom your eternal happiness will be a sore punishment. Juno, from whom you deduce your origin according to the flesh, did not so bitterly grudge Rome's citadels to the Trojans, as these devils whom yet ye repute gods, grudge an everlasting seat to the race of mankind. And thou thyself hast in no wavering voice passed[Pg 90] judgment on them, when thou didst pacify them with games, and yet didst account as infamous the men by whom the plays were acted. Suffer us, then, to assert thy freedom against the unclean spirits who had imposed on thy neck the yoke of celebrating their own shame and filthiness. The actors of these divine crimes thou hast removed from offices of honour; supplicate the true God, that He may remove from thee those gods who delight in their crimes,a most disgraceful thing if the crimes are really theirs, and a most malicious invention if the crimes are feigned. Well done, in that thou hast spontaneously banished from the number of your citizens all actors and players. Awake more fully: the majesty of God cannot be propitiated by that which defiles the dignity of man. How, then, can you believe that gods who take pleasure in such lewd plays, belong to the number of the holy powers of heaven, when the men by whom these plays are acted are by yourselves refused admission into the number of Roman citizens even of the lowest grade? Incomparably more glorious than Rome, is that heavenly city in which for victory you have truth; for dignity, holiness; for peace, felicity; for life, eternity. Much less does it admit into its society such gods, if thou dost blush to admit into thine such men. Wherefore, if thou wouldst attain to the blessed city, shun the society of devils. They who are propitiated by deeds of shame, are unworthy of the worship of right-hearted men. Let these, then, be obliterated from your worship by the cleansing of the Christian religion, as those men were blotted from your citizenship by the censor's mark.
  But, so far as regards carnal benefits, which are the only blessings the wicked desire to enjoy, and carnal miseries, which alone they shrink from enduring, we will show in the following book that the demons have not the power they are supposed to have; and although they had it, we ought rather on that account to despise these blessings, than for the sake of them to worship those gods, and by worshipping them to miss the attainment of these blessings they grudge us. But that they have not even this power which is ascribed to them by those who worship them for the sake of temporal advantages, this, I say, I will prove in the following book; so let us here close the present argument.

BOOK III. - The external calamities of Rome, #City of God, #Saint Augustine of Hippo, #Christianity
  In the Punic wars, again, when victory hung so long in the balance between the two kingdoms, when two powerful nations were straining every nerve and using all their resources against one another, how many smaller kingdoms were crushed, how many large and flourishing cities were demolished, how many states were overwhelmed and ruined, how many districts and lands far and near were desolated! How[Pg 118] often were the victors on either side vanquished! What multitudes of men, both of those actually in arms and of others, were destroyed! What huge navies, too, were crippled in engagements, or were sunk by every kind of marine disaster! Were we to attempt to recount or mention these calamities, we should become writers of history. At that period Rome was mightily perturbed, and resorted to vain and ludicrous expedients. On the authority of the Sibylline books, the secular games were re-appointed, which had been inaugurated a century before, but had faded into oblivion in happier times. The games consecrated to the infernal gods were also renewed by the pontiffs; for they, too, had sunk into disuse in the better times. And no wonder; for when they were renewed, the great abundance of dying men made all hell rejoice at its riches, and give itself up to sport: for certainly the ferocious wars, and disastrous quarrels, and bloody victoriesnow on one side, and now on the otherthough most calamitous to men, afforded great sport and a rich banquet to the devils. But in the first Punic war there was no more disastrous event than the Roman defeat in which Regulus was taken. We made mention of him in the two former books as an incontestably great man, who had before conquered and subdued the Carthaginians, and who would have put an end to the first Punic war, had not an inordinate appetite for praise and glory prompted him to impose on the worn-out Carthaginians harder conditions than they could bear. If the unlooked-for captivity and unseemly bondage of this man, his fidelity to his oath, and his surpassingly cruel death, do not bring a blush to the face of the gods, it is true that they are brazen and bloodless.
  Nor were there wanting at that time very heavy disasters within the city itself. For the Tiber was extraordinarily flooded, and destroyed almost all the lower parts of the city; some buildings being carried away by the violence of the torrent, while others were soaked to rottenness by the water that stood round them even after the flood was gone. This visitation was followed by a fire which was still more destructive, for it consumed some of the loftier buildings round the Forum, and spared not even its own proper temple, that of[Pg 119] Vesta, in which virgins chosen for this honour, or rather for this punishment, had been employed in conferring, as it were, everlasting life on fire, by ceaselessly feeding it with fresh fuel. But at the time we speak of, the fire in the temple was not content with being kept alive: it raged. And when the virgins, scared by its vehemence, were unable to save those fatal images which had already brought destruction on three cities[150] in which they had been received, Metellus the priest, forgetful of his own safety, rushed in and rescued the sacred things, though he was half roasted in doing so. For either the fire did not recognise even him, or else the goddess of fire was there,a goddess who would not have fled from the fire supposing she had been there. But here you see how a man could be of greater service to Vesta than she could be to him. Now if these gods could not avert the fire from themselves, what help against flames or flood could they bring to the state of which they were the reputed guardians? Facts have shown that they were useless. These objections of ours would be idle if our adversaries maintained that their idols are consecrated rather as symbols of things eternal, than to secure the blessings of time; and that thus, though the symbols, like all material and visible things, might perish, no damage thereby resulted to the things for the sake of which they had been consecrated, while, as for the images themselves, they could be renewed again for the same purposes they had formerly served. But with lamentable blindness, they suppose that, through the intervention of perishable gods, the earthly well-being and temporal prosperity of the state can be preserved from perishing. And so, when they are reminded that even when the gods remained among them this well-being and prosperity were blighted, they blush to change the opinion they are unable to defend.
  Let those who have no gratitude to Christ for His great benefits, blame their own gods for these heavy disasters. For certainly when these occurred the altars of the gods were kept blazing, and there rose the mingled fragrance of "Saban incense and fresh garlands;"[154] the priests were clothed with honour, the shrines were maintained in splendour; sacrifices,[Pg 133] games, sacred ecstasies, were common in the temples; while the blood of the citizens was being so freely shed, not only in remote places, but among the very altars of the gods. Cicero did not choose to seek sanctuary in a temple, because Mucius had sought it there in vain. But they who most unpardonably calumniate this Christian era, are the very men who either themselves fled for asylum to the places specially dedicated to Christ, or were led there by the barbarians that they might be safe. In short, not to recapitulate the many instances I have cited, and not to add to their number others which it were tedious to enumerate, this one thing I am persuaded of, and this every impartial judgment will readily acknowledge, that if the human race had received Christianity before the Punic wars, and if the same desolating calamities which these wars brought upon Europe and Africa had followed the introduction of Christianity, there is no one of those who now accuse us who would not have attri buted them to our religion. How intolerable would their accusations have been, at least so far as the Romans are concerned, if the Christian religion had been received and diffused prior to the invasion of the Gauls, or to the ruinous floods and fires which desolated Rome, or to those most calamitous of all events, the civil wars! And those other disasters, which were of so strange a nature that they were reckoned prodigies, had they happened since the Christian era, to whom but to the Christians would they have imputed these as crimes? I do not speak of those things which were rather surprising than hurtful,oxen speaking, unborn infants articulating some words in their mothers' wombs, serpents flying, hens and women being changed into the other sex; and other similar prodigies which, whether true or false, are recorded not in their imaginative, but in their historical works, and which do not injure, but only astonish men. But when it rained earth, when it rained chalk, when it rained stonesnot hailstones, but real stonesthis certainly was calculated to do serious damage. We have read in their books that the fires of Etna, pouring down from the top of the mountain to the neighbouring shore, caused the sea to boil, so that rocks were burnt up, and the pitch of ships began to run,a phenomenon incredibly surprising, but at the same time no[Pg 134] less hurtful. By the same violent heat, they relate that on another occasion Sicily was filled with cinders, so that the houses of the city Catina were destroyed and buried under them,a calamity which moved the Romans to pity them, and remit their tri bute for that year. One may also read that Africa, which had by that time become a province of Rome, was visited by a prodigious multitude of locusts, which, after consuming the fruit and foliage of the trees, were driven into the sea in one vast and measureless cloud; so that when they were drowned and cast upon the shore the air was polluted, and so serious a pestilence produced that in the kingdom of Masinissa alone they say there perished 800,000 persons, besides a much greater number in the neighbouring districts. At Utica they assure us that, of 30,000 soldiers then garrisoning it, there survived only ten. Yet which of these disasters, suppose they happened now, would not be attri buted to the Christian religion by those who thus thoughtlessly accuse us, and whom we are compelled to answer? And yet to their own gods they attri bute none of these things, though they worship them for the sake of escaping lesser calamities of the same kind, and do not reflect that they who formerly worshipped them were not preserved from these serious disasters.
  [Pg 135]

BOOK IV. - That empire was given to Rome not by the gods, but by the One True God, #City of God, #Saint Augustine of Hippo, #Christianity
  Now, therefore, let us see how it is that they dare to ascribe the very great extent and duration of the Roman empire to those gods whom they contend that they worship honourably, even by the obsequies of vile games and the ministry of vile men: although I should like first to inquire for a little what reason, what prudence, there is in wishing to glory in the greatness and extent of the empire, when you cannot point out the happiness of men who are always rolling, with dark fear and cruel lust, in warlike slaughters and in blood, which, whether shed in civil or foreign war, is still human blood; so that their joy may be compared to glass in its fragile splendour, of which one is horribly afraid lest it should be suddenly broken in pieces. That this may be more easily discerned, let us not come to nought by being carried away with empty boasting, or blunt the edge of our attention by loud-sounding names of things, when we hear of peoples, kingdoms, provinces. But let us suppose a case of two men; for each individual man, like one letter in a language, is as it were the element of a city or kingdom, however far-spreading in its occupation of the earth. Of these two men let us suppose that one is poor, or rather of middling circumstances; the other very rich. But the rich man is anxious with fears, pining with discontent, burning with covetousness, never secure, always uneasy, panting from the perpetual strife of his enemies, adding to his patrimony indeed by these miseries to an immense degree, and by these additions also heaping up most bitter cares. But that other man of moderate wealth is contented with a small and compact estate, most dear to[Pg 139] his own family, enjoying the sweetest peace with his kindred neighbours and friends, in piety religious, benignant in mind, healthy in body, in life frugal, in manners chaste, in conscience secure. I know not whether any one can be such a fool, that he dare hesitate which to prefer. As, therefore, in the case of these two men, so in two families, in two nations, in two kingdoms, this test of tranquillity holds good; and if we apply it vigilantly and without prejudice, we shall quite easily see where the mere show of happiness dwells, and where real felicity. Wherefore if the true God is worshipped, and if He is served with genuine rites and true virtue, it is advantageous that good men should long reign both far and wide. Nor is this advantageous so much to themselves, as to those over whom they reign. For, so far as concerns themselves, their piety and probity, which are great gifts of God, suffice to give them true felicity, enabling them to live well the life that now is, and afterwards to receive that which is eternal. In this world, therefore, the dominion of good men is profitable, not so much for themselves as for human affairs. But the dominion of bad men is hurtful chiefly to themselves who rule, for they destroy their own souls by greater licence in wickedness; while those who are put under them in service are not hurt except by their own iniquity. For to the just all the evils imposed on them by unjust rulers are not the punishment of crime, but the test of virtue. Therefore the good man, although he is a slave, is free; but the bad man, even if he reigns, is a slave, and that not of one man, but, what is far more grievous, of as many masters as he has vices; of which vices when the divine Scripture treats, it says, "For of whom any man is overcome, to the same he is also the bond-slave."[158]
  4. How like kingdoms without justice are to robberies.
  I shall not therefore stay to inquire what sort of men Romulus gathered together, seeing he deliberated much about them,how, being assumed out of that life they led into the fellowship of his city, they might cease to think of the punishment they deserved, the fear of which had driven them to greater villanies; so that henceforth they might be made more peaceable members of society. But this I say, that the Roman empire, which by subduing many nations had already grown great and an object of universal dread, was itself greatly alarmed, and only with much difficulty avoided a disastrous overthrow, because a mere handful of gladiators in Campania, escaping from the games, had recruited a great army, appointed three generals, and most widely and cruelly devastated Italy. Let them say what god aided these men, so that from a small and contemptible band of robbers they attained to a kingdom, feared even by the Romans, who had such great forces and fortresses. Or will they deny that they were divinely aided because they did not last long?[160] As if, indeed, the life of any man whatever lasted long. In that case, too, the gods aid no one to reign, since all individuals quickly die; nor is sovereign power to be reckoned a benefit, because in a little time in every man, and thus in all of them one by one, it vanishes like a vapour. For what does it matter to those[Pg 141] who worshipped the gods under Romulus, and are long since dead, that after their death the Roman empire has grown so great, while they plead their causes before the powers beneath? Whether those causes are good or bad, it matters not to the question before us. And this is to be understood of all those who carry with them the heavy burden of their actions, having in the few days of their life swiftly and hurriedly passed over the stage of the imperial office, although the office itself has lasted through long spaces of time, being filled by a constant succession of dying men. If, however, even those benefits which last only for the shortest time are to be ascribed to the aid of the gods, these gladiators were not a little aided, who broke the bonds of their servile condition, fled, escaped, raised a great and most powerful army, obedient to the will and orders of their chiefs and much feared by the Roman majesty, and remaining unsubdued by several Roman generals, seized many places, and, having won very many victories, enjoyed whatever pleasures they wished, and did what their lust suggested, and, until at last they were conquered, which was done with the utmost difficulty, lived sublime and dominant. But let us come to greater matters.
  6. Concerning the covetousness of Ninus, who was the first who made war on his neighbours, that he might rule more widely.
  "But," says Cicero, "Homer invented these things, and transferred things human to the gods: I would rather transfer things divine to us."[172] The poet, by ascribing such crimes to the gods, has justly displeased the grave man. Why, then, are the scenic plays, where these crimes are habitually spoken of, acted, exhibited, in honour of the gods, reckoned among things divine by the most learned men? Cicero should exclaim, not against the inventions of the poets, but against the customs of the ancients. Would not they have exclaimed in reply, What have we done? The gods themselves have loudly demanded that these plays should be exhibited in their honour, have fiercely exacted them, have menaced destruction unless this was performed, have avenged its neglect with great severity, and have manifested pleasure at the reparation of such neglect. Among their virtuous and wonderful deeds the following is related. It was announced in a dream to Titus Latinius, a Roman rustic, that he should go to the senate and tell them to recommence the games of Rome, because on the first day of their celebration a condemned criminal had been led to punishment in sight of the people, an incident so sad as to disturb the gods who were seeking amusement from the games. And when the peasant who had received this intimation was afraid on the following day to deliver it to the senate, it was renewed next night in a severer form: he lost his son, because of his neglect. On the third night he was warned that a yet graver punishment was impending, if he should still refuse obedience. When even thus he did not dare to obey, he fell into a virulent and horrible disease. But then, on the advice of his friends, he gave information to the magistrates, and was carried in a litter into the senate, and having, on declaring his dream, immediately recovered strength, went away on his own feet whole.[173] The senate, amazed at so great a miracle, decreed that the[Pg 166] games should be renewed at fourfold cost. What sensible man does not see that men, being put upon by malignant demons, from whose domination nothing save the grace of God through Jesus Christ our Lord sets free, have been compelled by force to exhibit to such gods as these, plays which, if well advised, they should condemn as shameful? Certain it is that in these plays the poetic crimes of the gods are celebrated, yet they are plays which were re-established by decree of the senate, under compulsion of the gods. In these plays the most shameless actors celebrated Jupiter as the corrupter of chastity, and thus gave him pleasure. If that was a fiction, he would have been moved to anger; but if he was delighted with the representation of his crimes, even although fabulous, then, when he happened to be worshipped, who but the devil could be served? Is it so that he could found, extend, and preserve the Roman empire, who was more vile than any Roman man whatever, to whom such things were displeasing? Could he give felicity who was so infelicitously worshipped, and who, unless he should be thus worshipped, was yet more infelicitously provoked to anger?
  27. Concerning the three kinds of gods about which the pontiff Scvola has discoursed.

Book of Imaginary Beings (text), #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  grave and witnessed the games held periodically in her

BOOK VIII. - Some account of the Socratic and Platonic philosophy, and a refutation of the doctrine of Apuleius that the demons should be worshipped as mediators between gods and men, #City of God, #Saint Augustine of Hippo, #Christianity
  It is certainly a remarkable thing how this Egyptian, when expressing his grief that a time was coming when those things would be taken away from Egypt, which he confesses to have been invented by men erring, incredulous, and averse to the service of divine religion, says, among other things, "Then shall that land, the most holy place of shrines and temples, be full of sepulchres and dead men," as if, in sooth, if these things were not taken away, men would not die! as if dead bodies could be buried elsewhere than in the ground! as if, as time advanced, the number of sepulchres must not necessarily increase in proportion to the increase of the number of[Pg 348] the dead! But they who are of a perverse mind, and opposed to us, suppose that what he grieves for is that the memorials of our martyrs were to succeed to their temples and shrines, in order, forsooth, that they may have grounds for thinking that gods were worshipped by the pagans in temples, but that dead men are worshipped by us in sepulchres. For with such blindness do impious men, as it were, stumble over mountains, and will not see the things which strike their own eyes, that they do not attend to the fact that in all the literature of the pagans there are not found any, or scarcely any gods, who have not been men, to whom, when dead, divine honours have been paid. I will not enlarge on the fact that Varro says that all dead men are thought by them to be gods Manes, and proves it by those sacred rites which are performed in honour of almost all the dead, among which he mentions funeral games, considering this the very highest proof of divinity, because games are only wont to be celebrated in honour of divinities. Hermes himself, of whom we are now treating, in that same book in which, as if foretelling future things, he says with sorrow, "Then shall that land, the most holy place of shrines and temples, be full of sepulchres and dead men," testifies that the gods of Egypt were dead men. For, having said that their forefa thers, erring very far with respect to the knowledge of the gods, incredulous and inattentive to the divine worship and service, invented the art of making gods, with which art, when invented, they associated the appropriate virtue which is inherent in universal nature, and by mixing up that virtue with this art, they called forth the souls of demons or of angels (for they could not make souls), and caused them to take possession of, or associate themselves with holy images and divine mysteries, in order that through these souls the images might have power to do good or harm to men;having said this, he goes on, as it were, to prove it by illustrations, saying, "Thy grandsire, O sculapius, the first discoverer of medicine, to whom a temple was consecrated in a mountain of Libya, near to the shore of the crocodiles, in which temple lies his earthly man, that is, his body,for the better part of him, or rather the whole of him, if the whole man is in the intelligent life, went back to heaven,affords[Pg 349] even now by his divinity all those helps to infirm men, which formerly he was wont to afford to them by the art of medicine." He says, therefore, that a dead man was worshipped as a god in that place where he had his sepulchre. He deceives men by a falsehood, for the man "went back to heaven." Then he adds, "Does not Hermes, who was my grandsire, and whose name I bear, abiding in the country which is called by his name, help and preserve all mortals who come to him from every quarter?" For this elder Hermes, that is, Mercury, who, he says, was his grandsire, is said to be buried in Hermopolis, that is, in the city called by his name; so here are two gods whom he affirms to have been men, sculapius and Mercury. Now concerning sculapius, both the Greeks and the Latins think the same thing; but as to Mercury, there are many who do not think that he was formerly a mortal, though Hermes testifies that he was his grandsire. But are these two different individuals who were called by the same name? I will not dispute much whether they are different individuals or not. It is sufficient to know that this Mercury of whom Hermes speaks is, as well as sculapius, a god who once was a man, according to the testimony of this same Trismegistus, esteemed so great by his countrymen, and also the grandson of Mercury himself.
  Hermes goes on to say, "But do we know how many good things Isis, the wife of Osiris, bestows when she is propitious, and what great opposition she can offer when enraged?" Then, in order to show that there were gods made by men through this art, he goes on to say, "For it is easy for earthly and mundane gods to be angry, being made and composed by men out of either nature;" thus giving us to understand that he believed that demons were formerly the souls of dead men, which, as he says, by means of a certain art invented by men very far in error, incredulous, and irreligious, were caused to take possession of images, because they who made such gods were not able to make souls. When, therefore, he says "either nature," he means soul and body,the demon being the soul, and the image the body. What, then, becomes of that mournful complaint, that the land of Egypt, the most holy place of shrines and temples, was to be full of sepulchres and[Pg 350] dead men? Verily, the fallacious spirit, by whose inspiration Hermes spoke these things, was compelled to confess through him that even already that land was full of sepulchres and of dead men, whom they were worshipping as gods. But it was the grief of the demons which was expressing itself through his mouth, who were sorrowing on account of the punishments which were about to fall upon them at the tombs of the martyrs. For in many such places they are tortured and compelled to confess, and are cast out of the bodies of men, of which they had taken possession.

BOOK VI. - Of Varros threefold division of theology, and of the inability of the gods to contri bute anything to the happiness of the future life, #City of God, #Saint Augustine of Hippo, #Christianity
  In divine things, the same order he preserved throughout, as far as concerns those things which are performed to the[Pg 235] gods. For sacred things are performed by men in places and times. These four things I have mentioned he embraced in twelve books, allotting three to each. For he wrote the first three concerning men, the following three concerning places, the third three concerning times, and the fourth three concerning sacred rites,showing who should perform, where they should perform, when they should perform, what they should perform, with most subtle distinction. But because it was necessary to sayand that especially was expectedto whom they should perform sacred rites, he wrote concerning the gods themselves the last three books; and these five times three made fifteen. But they are in all, as we have said, sixteen. For he put also at the beginning of these one distinct book, speaking by way of introduction of all which follows; which being finished, he proceeded to subdivide the first three in that fivefold distribution which pertain to men, making the first concerning high priests, the second concerning augurs, the third concerning the fifteen men presiding over the sacred ceremonies.[233] The second three he made concerning places, speaking in one of them concerning their chapels, in the second concerning their temples, and in the third concerning religious places. The next three which follow these, and pertain to times,that is, to festival days,he distributed so as to make one concerning holidays, the other concerning the circus games, and the third concerning scenic plays. Of the fourth three, pertaining to sacred things, he devoted one to consecrations, another to private, the last to public, sacred rites. In the three which remain, the gods themselves follow this pompous train, as it were, for whom all this culture has been expended. In the first book are the certain gods, in the second the uncertain, in the third, and last of all, the chief and select gods.
  4. That from the disputation of Varro, it follows that the worshippers of the gods regard human things as more ancient than divine things.
  O Marcus Varro! thou art the most acute, and without doubt the most learned, but still a man, not God,now lifted up by the Spirit of God to see and to announce divine things, thou seest, indeed, that divine things are to be separated from human trifles and lies, but thou fearest to offend those most corrupt opinions of the populace, and their customs in public superstitions, which thou thyself, when thou considerest them on all sides, perceivest, and all your literature loudly pronounces to be abhorrent from the nature of the gods, even[Pg 241] of such gods as the frailty of the human mind supposes to exist in the elements of this world. What can the most excellent human talent do here? What can human learning, though manifold, avail thee in this perplexity? Thou desirest to worship the natural gods; thou art compelled to worship the civil. Thou hast found some of the gods to be fabulous, on whom thou vomitest forth very freely what thou thinkest, and, whether thou willest or not, thou wettest therewith even the civil gods. Thou sayest, forsooth, that the fabulous are adapted to the theatre, the natural to the world, and the civil to the city; though the world is a divine work, but cities and theatres are the works of men, and though the gods who are laughed at in the theatre are not other than those who are adored in the temples; and ye do not exhibit games in honour of other gods than those to whom ye immolate victims. How much more freely and more subtly wouldst thou have decided these hadst thou said that some gods are natural, others established by men; and concerning those who have been so established, the literature of the poets gives one account, and that of the priests another,both of which are, nevertheless, so friendly the one to the other, through fellowship in falsehood, that they are both pleasing to the demons, to whom the doctrine of the truth is hostile.
  That theology, therefore, which they call natural, being put aside for a moment, as it is afterwards to be discussed, we ask if any one is really content to seek a hope for eternal life from poetical, theatrical, scenic gods? Perish the thought! The true God avert so wild and sacrilegious a madness! What, is eternal life to be asked from those gods whom these things pleased, and whom these things propitiate, in which their own crimes are represented? No one, as I think, has arrived at such a pitch of headlong and furious impiety. So then, neither by the fabulous nor by the civil theology does any one obtain eternal life. For the one sows base things concerning the gods by feigning them, the other reaps by cherishing them; the one scatters lies, the other gathers them together; the one pursues divine things with false crimes, the other incorporates among divine things the plays which are made up of these crimes; the one sounds[Pg 242] abroad in human songs impious fictions concerning the gods, the other consecrates these for the festivities of the gods themselves; the one sings the misdeeds and crimes of the gods, the other loves them; the one gives forth or feigns, the other either attests the true or delights in the false. Both are base; both are damnable. But the one which is theatrical teaches public abomination, and that one which is of the city adorns itself with that abomination. Shall eternal life be hoped for from these, by which this short and temporal life is polluted? Does the society of wicked men pollute our life if they insinuate themselves into our affections, and win our assent? and does not the society of demons pollute the life, who are worshipped with their own crimes?if with true crimes, how wicked the demons! if with false, how wicked the worship!
  That theology, therefore, which is fabulous, theatrical, scenic, and full of all baseness and unseemliness, is taken up into the civil theology; and part of that theology, which in its totality is deservedly judged to be worthy of reprobation and rejection, is pronounced worthy to be cultivated and observed;not at all an incongruous part, as I have undertaken to show, and one which, being alien to the whole body, was unsuitably attached to and suspended from it, but a part entirely congruous with, and most harmoniously fitted to the rest, as a member of the same body. For what else do those images, forms, ages, sexes, characteristics of the gods show? If the poets have Jupiter with a beard, and Mercury beardless, have not the priests the same? Is the Priapus of the priests less obscene than the Priapus of the players? Does he receive the adoration of worshippers in a different form from that in which he moves about the stage for the amusement of spectators? Is not Saturn old and Apollo young in the shrines where their images stand, as well as when represented by actor's masks? Why are Forculus, who presides over doors, and Limentinus, who presides over thresholds and lintels, male gods, and Cardea between them feminine, who presides over hinges? Are not those things found in books on divine things, which grave poets have deemed unworthy of their verses? Does the Diana of the[Pg 244] theatre carry arms, whilst the Diana of the city is simply a virgin? Is the stage Apollo a lyrist, but the Delphic Apollo ignorant of this art? But these things are decent compared with the more shameful things. What was thought of Jupiter himself by those who placed his wet nurse in the Capitol? Did they not bear witness to Euhemerus, who, not with the garrulity of a fable-teller, but with the gravity of an historian who had diligently investigated the matter, wrote that all such gods had been men and mortals? And they who appointed the Epulones as parasites at the table of Jupiter, what else did they wish for but mimic sacred rites? For if any mimic had said that parasites of Jupiter were made use of at his table, he would assuredly have appeared to be seeking to call forth laughter. Varro said it,not when he was mocking, but when he was commending the gods did he say it. His books on divine, not on human, things testify that he wrote this,not where he set forth the scenic games, but where he explained the Capitoline laws. In a word, he is conquered, and confesses that, as they made the gods with a human form, so they believed that they are delighted with human pleasures.
  For also malign spirits were not so wanting to their own business as not to confirm noxious opinions in the minds of men by converting them into sport. Whence also is that story about the sacristan of Hercules, which says that, having nothing to do, he took to playing at dice as a pastime, throwing them alternately with the one hand for Hercules, with the other for himself, with this understanding, that if he should win, he should from the funds of the temple prepare himself a supper, and hire a mistress; but if Hercules should win the game, he himself should, at his own expense, provide the same for the pleasure of Hercules. Then, when he had been beaten by himself, as though by Hercules, he gave to the god Hercules the supper he owed him, and also the most noble harlot Larentina. But she, having fallen asleep in the temple, dreamed that Hercules had had intercourse with her, and had said to her that she would find her payment with the youth whom she should first meet on leaving the temple, and that she was to believe this to be paid to her by Hercules. And so the first youth that met her on going out was the wealthy[Pg 245] Tarutius, who kept her a long time, and when he died left her his heir. She, having obtained a most ample fortune, that she should not seem ungrateful for the divine hire, in her turn made the Roman people her heir, which she thought to be most acceptable to the deities; and, having disappeared, the will was found. By which meritorious conduct they say that she gained divine honours.

BOOK XIII. - That death is penal, and had its origin in Adam's sin, #City of God, #Saint Augustine of Hippo, #Christianity
  [99] According to Livy (vii. 2), theatrical exhibitions were introduced in the year 392 a. u. c. Before that time, he says, there had only been the games of the circus. The Romans sent to Etruria for players, who were called "histriones," "hister" being the Tuscan word for a player. Other particulars are added by Livy.
  [100] See the Republic, book iii.

BOOK XIX. - A review of the philosophical opinions regarding the Supreme Good, and a comparison of these opinions with the Christian belief regarding happiness, #City of God, #Saint Augustine of Hippo, #Christianity
  The philosophers who wished us to have the gods for our friends rank the friendship of the holy angels in the fourth circle of society, advancing now from the three circles of society on earth to the universe, and embracing heaven itself. And in this friendship we have indeed no fear that the angels will grieve us by their death or deterioration. But as we cannot mingle with them as familiarly as with men (which itself is one of the grievances of this life), and as Satan, as we read,[637] sometimes transforms himself into an angel of light, to tempt those whom it is necessary to discipline, or just to deceive, there is great need of God's mercy to preserve us from making friends of demons in disguise, while we fancy we have good angels for our friends; for the astuteness and deceitfulness of these wicked spirits is equalled by their hurtfulness. And is this not a great misery of human life, that we are involved in such ignorance as, but for God's mercy, makes us a prey to these demons? And it is very certain that the philosophers of the godless city, who have maintained that the gods were their friends, had fallen a prey to the malignant demons who rule that city, and whose eternal punishment is to be shared by it. For the nature of these beings is sufficiently evinced by the sacred or rather sacrilegious observances which form their worship, and by the filthy games in which their crimes are celebrated, and which they themselves originated and exacted from their worshippers as a fit propitiation.
  [Pg 314]

BOOK XVIII. - A parallel history of the earthly and heavenly cities from the time of Abraham to the end of the world, #City of God, #Saint Augustine of Hippo, #Christianity
  At Abraham's birth, then, the second kings of Assyria and Sicyon respectively were Ninus and Europs, the first having been Belus and gialeus. But when God promised Abraham, on his departure from Babylonia, that he should become a great nation, and that in his seed all nations of the earth should be blessed, the Assyrians had their seventh king, the Sicyons their fifth; for the son of Ninus reigned among them after his mother Semiramis, who is said to have been put to death by him for attempting to defile him by incestuously lying with him. Some think that she founded Babylon, and indeed she may have founded it anew. But we have told, in the sixteenth book, when or by whom it was founded. Now the son of Ninus and Semiramis, who succeeded his mother in the kingdom, is also called Ninus by some, but by others Ninias, a patronymic word. Telexion then held the kingdom of the Sicyons. In his reign times were quiet and joyful to such a degree, that after his death they worshipped him as a god by offering sacrifices and by celebrating games, which are said to have been first instituted on this occasion.
    3. What kings reigned in Assyria and Sicyon when, according to the promise, Isaac was born to Abraham in his hundredth year, and when the twins Esau and Jacob were born of Rebecca to Isaac in his sixtieth year.
  During this period, that is, from Israel's exodus from Egypt down to the death of Joshua the son of Nun, through whom that people received the land of promise, rituals were instituted to the false gods by the kings of Greece, which, by stated celebration, recalled the memory of the flood, and of men's deliverance from it, and of that troublous life they then led in migrating to and fro between the heights and the plains. For even the Luperci,[502] when they ascend and descend the sacred path, are said to represent the men who sought the mountain summits because of the inundation of water, and returned to the lowlands on its subsidence. In those times, Dionysus, who was also called Father Liber, and was esteemed a god after death, is said to have shown the vine to his host in Attica. Then the musical games were instituted for the Delphic Apollo, to appease his anger, through which they thought the regions of Greece were afflicted with barrenness, because they had not defended his temple which Danaos burnt when he invaded those lands; for they were warned by his oracle to institute these games. But king Ericthonius first instituted games to him in Attica, and not to him only, but also to Minerva, in which games the olive was given as the prize to the victors, because they relate that Minerva was the discoverer of that fruit, as Liber was of the grape. In those years Europa is alleged to have been carried off by Xanthus king of Crete (to whom we find some give another name), and to have borne him Rhadamanthus, Sarpedon, and Minos, who are more commonly reported to have been the sons of Jupiter by the same woman. Now those who worship such gods regard what we have said about[Pg 230] Xanthus king of Crete as true history; but this about Jupiter, which the poets sing, the theatres applaud, and the people celebrate, as empty fable got up as a reason for games to appease the deities, even with the false ascription of crimes to them. In those times Hercules was held in honour in Tyre, but that was not the same one as he whom we spoke of above. In the more secret history there are said to have been several who were called Father Liber and Hercules. This Hercules, whose great deeds are reckoned as twelve (not including the slaughter of Antus the African, because that affair pertains to another Hercules), is declared in their books to have burned himself on Mount ta, because he was not able, by that strength with which he had subdued monsters, to endure the disease under which he languished. At that time the king, or rather tyrant Busiris, who is alleged to have been the son of Neptune by Libya the daughter of Epaphus, is said to have offered up his guests in sacrifice to the gods. Now it must not be believed that Neptune committed this adultery, lest the gods should be criminated; yet such things must be ascribed to them by the poets and in the theatres, that they may be pleased with them. Vulcan and Minerva are said to have been the parents of Ericthonius king of Athens, in whose last years Joshua the son of Nun is found to have died. But since they will have it that Minerva is a virgin, they say that Vulcan, being disturbed in the struggle between them, poured out his seed into the earth, and on that account the man born of it received that name; for in the Greek language is "strife," and "earth," of which two words Ericthonius is a compound. Yet it must be admitted that the more learned disprove and disown such things concerning their gods, and declare that this fabulous belief originated in the fact that in the temple at Athens, which Vulcan and Minerva had in common, a boy who had been exposed was found wrapped up in the coils of a dragon, which signified that he would become great, and, as his parents were unknown, he was called the son of Vulcan and Minerva, because they had the temple in common. Yet that fable accounts for the origin of his name better than this history. But what does it matter to us? Let the one in books that speak the[Pg 231] truth edify religious men, and the other in lying fables delight impure demons. Yet these religious men worship them as gods. Still, while they deny these things concerning them, they cannot clear them of all crime, because at their demand they exhibit plays in which the very things they wisely deny are basely done, and the gods are appeased by these false and base things. Now, even although the play celebrates an unreal crime of the gods, yet to delight in the ascription of an unreal crime is a real one.
  13. What fables were invented at the time when judges began to rule the Hebrews.
  In support of this story, Varro relates others no less incredible about that most famous sorceress Circe, who changed the companions of Ulysses into beasts, and about the Arcadians, who, by lot, swam across a certain pool, and were turned into wolves there, and lived in the deserts of that region with wild beasts like themselves. But if they never fed on human flesh for nine years, they were restored to the human form on swimming back again through the same pool. Finally, he expressly names one Demnetus, who, on tasting a boy offered up in sacrifice by the Arcadians to their god Lycus according to their custom, was changed into a wolf, and, being restored to his proper form in the tenth year, trained himself as a pugilist, and was victorious at the Olympic games. And the same historian thinks that the epithet Lycus was applied in Arcadia to Pan and Jupiter for no other reason than this metamorphosis of men into wolves, because it was thought it could not be wrought except by a divine power. For a wolf is called in Greek
  , from which the name Lycus appears to be formed. He says also that the Roman Luperci were as it were sprung of the seed of these mysteries.

COSA - BOOK I, #The Confessions of Saint Augustine, #Saint Augustine of Hippo, #Christianity
  And yet, I sinned herein, O Lord God, the Creator and Disposer of all things in nature, of sin the Disposer only, O Lord my God, I sinned in transgressing the commands of my parents and those of my masters. For what they, with whatever motive, would have me learn, I might afterwards have put to good use. For I disobeyed, not from a better choice, but from love of play, loving the pride of victory in my contests, and to have my ears tickled with lying fables, that they might itch the more; the same curiosity flashing from my eyes more and more, for the shows and games of my elders. Yet those who give these shows are in such esteem, that almost all wish the same for their children, and yet are very willing that they should be beaten, if those very games detain them from the studies, whereby they would have them attain to be the givers of them. Look with pity, Lord, on these things, and deliver us who call upon Thee now; deliver those too who call not on Thee yet, that they may call on Thee, and Thou mayest deliver them.
   As a boy, then, I had already heard of an eternal life, promised us through the humility of the Lord our God stooping to our pride; and even from the womb of my mother, who greatly hoped in Thee, I was sealed with the mark of His cross and salted with His salt. Thou sawest, Lord, how while yet a boy, being seized on a time with sudden oppression of the stomach, and like near to death--Thou sawest, my God (for Thou wert my keeper), with what eagerness and what faith I sought, from the pious care of my mother and Thy Church, the mother of us all, the baptism of

COSA - BOOK IV, #The Confessions of Saint Augustine, #Saint Augustine of Hippo, #Christianity
  where to repose it, I found not. Not in calm groves, not in games and
  music, nor in fragrant spots, nor in curious banquetings, nor in the

ENNEAD 03.02 - Of Providence., #Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 04, #Plotinus, #Christianity
  It is those men who occupy this middle place who are forced to undergo the rapine and violence of depraved men, who resemble wild beasts. Though the former1056 are better than those whose violence they suffer, they are, nevertheless, dominated by them because of inferiority in other respects, lacking courage, or preparedness.48 It would be no more than a laughing matter if children who had streng thened their bodies by exercise, while leaving their souls inviolate in ignorance, should in physical struggle conquer those of their companions, who had exercised neither body nor soul; if they stole their food or soft clothing. No legislator could hinder the vanquished from bearing the punishment of their cowardliness and effeminacy, if, neglecting the gymnastic exercises which had been taught them, they did not, by their inertia, effeminacy and laziness, fear becoming fattened sheep fit to be the prey of wolves? They who commit this rapine and violence are punished there for first because they thereby become wolves and noxious beasts, and later because (in this or some subsequent existence) they necessarily undergo the consequences of their evil actions (as thought Plato49). For men who here below have been evil do not die entirely (when their soul is separated from their bodies). Now in the things that are regulated by Nature and Reason, that which follows is always the result of that which precedes; evil begets evil, just as good begets good. But the arena of life differs from a gymnasium, where the struggles are only games. Therefore, the above-mentioned children which we divided into two classes, after having grown up in ignorance, must prepare to fight, and take up arms, an display more energy than in the exercises of the gymnasium. As some, however, are well armed, while the others are not, the first must inevitably triumph. The divinity must not fight for the cowardly; for the (cosmic) law decrees that in war life is saved by valor, and not by prayers.50 Nor is it by prayers that the fruits of the earth are obtained; they are produced only by labor. Nor can one have1057 good health without taking care of it. If the evil cultivate the earth better, we should not complain of their reaping a better harvest.51 Besides, in the ordinary conduct of life, it is ridiculous to listen only to one's own caprice, doing nothing that is prescribed by the divinities, limiting oneself exclusively to demanding one's conservation, without carrying out any of the actions on which (the divinities) willed that our preservation should depend.
  What then (will it be objected) is the necessity of this natural internecine warfare of animals, and also of men? First, animals have to devour each other in order to renew themselves; they could not, indeed, last eternally, even if they were not killed. Is there any reason to complain because, being already condemned to death, as they are, they should find an end which is useful to other beings? What objection can there be to their mutually devouring each other, in order to be reborn under other forms? It is as if on the stage an actor who is thought to be killed, goes to change his clothing, and returns under another mask. Is it1066 objected that he was not really dead? Yes indeed, but dying is no more than a change of bodies, just as the comedian changes his costume, or if the body were to be entirely despoiled, this is no more than when an actor, at the end of a drama, lays aside his costume, only to take it up again when once more the drama begins. Therefore, there is nothing frightful in the mutual transformation of animals into each other. Is it not better for them to have lived under this condition, than never to have lived at all? Life would then be completely absent from the universe, and life could no longer be communicated to other beings. But as this universe contains a multiple life, it produces and varies everything during the course of its existence; as it were joking with them, it never ceases to beget living beings, remarkable by beauty and by the proportion of their forms. The combats in which mortal men continually fight against each other, with a regularity strongly reminding of the Pyrrhic dances (as thought Plato65), clearly show how all these affairs, that are considered so serious, are only children's games, and that their death was nothing serious. To die early in wars and battles is to precede by only a very little time the unescapable fate of old age, and it is only an earlier departure for a closer return. We may be comforted for the loss of our possessions during our lifetime by observing that they have belonged to others before us, and that, for those who have deprived us thereof, they form but a very fragile possession, since they, in turn, will be bereft thereof by others; and that, if they be not despoiled of their riches, they will lose still more by keeping them.66 Murders, massacres, the taking and pillaging of towns should be considered as in the theatre we consider changes of scene and of personages, the tears and cries of the actors.106767
  In this world, indeed, just as in the theatre, it is not the soul, the interior man, but his shadow, the exterior man, who gives himself up to lamentations and groans, who on this earth moves about so much, and who makes of it the scene of an immense drama with numberless different acts (?) Such is the characteristic of the actions of a man who considers exclusively the things placed at his feet, and outside of him, and who does not know that his tears and serious occupations are any more than games.68 The really earnest man occupies himself seriously only with really serious affairs, while the frivolous man applies himself to frivolous things. Indeed, frivolous things become serious for him who does not know really serious occupations, and who himself is frivolous. If, indeed, one cannot help being mixed up in this child's play, it is just as well to know that he has fallen into child's play where one's real personality is not in question. If Socrates were to mingle in these games, it would only be his exterior man who would do so. Let us add that tears and groans do not prove that the evils we are complaining of are very real evils; for often children weep and lament over imaginary grievances.

Liber 46 - The Key of the Mysteries, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   Bohemians which gave rise to our games of cards. It is composed of
   twenty-two allegorical letters, and of four series of ten hieroglyphs

Sophist, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  But the real question is, not whether the word 'Sophist' has all these senses, but whether there is not also a specific bad sense in which the term is applied to certain contemporaries of Socrates. Would an Athenian, as Mr. Grote supposes, in the fifth century before Christ, have included Socrates and Plato, as well as Gorgias and Protagoras, under the specific class of Sophists? To this question we must answer, No: if ever the term is applied to Socrates and Plato, either the application is made by an enemy out of mere spite, or the sense in which it is used is neutral. Plato, Xenophon, Isocrates, Aristotle, all give a bad import to the word; and the Sophists are regarded as a separate class in all of them. And in later Greek literature, the distinction is quite marked between the succession of philosophers from Thales to Aristotle, and the Sophists of the age of Socrates, who appeared like meteors for a short time in different parts of Greece. For the purposes of comedy, Socrates may have been identified with the Sophists, and he seems to complain of this in the Apology. But there is no reason to suppose that Socrates, differing by so many outward marks, would really have been confounded in the mind of Anytus, or Callicles, or of any intelligent Athenian, with the splendid foreigners who from time to time visited Athens, or appeared at the Olympic games. The man of genius, the great original thinker, the disinterested seeker after truth, the master of repartee whom no one ever defeated in an argument, was separated, even in the mind of the vulgar Athenian, by an 'interval which no geometry can express,' from the balancer of sentences, the interpreter and reciter of the poets, the divider of the meanings of words, the teacher of rhetoric, the professor of morals and manners.
  2. The use of the term 'Sophist' in the dialogues of Plato also shows that the bad sense was not affixed by his genius, but already current. When Protagoras says, 'I confess that I am a Sophist,' he implies that the art which he professes has already a bad name; and the words of the young Hippocrates, when with a blush upon his face which is just seen by the light of dawn he admits that he is going to be made 'a Sophist,' would lose their point, unless the term had been discredited. There is nothing surprising in the Sophists having an evil name; that, whether deserved or not, was a natural consequence of their vocation. That they were foreigners, that they made fortunes, that they taught novelties, that they excited the minds of youth, are quite sufficient reasons to account for the opprobrium which attached to them. The genius of Plato could not have stamped the word anew, or have imparted the associations which occur in contemporary writers, such as Xenophon and Isocrates. Changes in the meaning of words can only be made with great difficulty, and not unless they are supported by a strong current of popular feeling. There is nothing improbable in supposing that Plato may have extended and envenomed the meaning, or that he may have done the Sophists the same kind of disservice with posterity which Pascal did to the Jesuits. But the bad sense of the word was not and could not have been invented by him, and is found in his earlier dialogues, e.g. the Protagoras, as well as in the later.

The Act of Creation text, #The Act of Creation, #Arthur Koestler, #Psychology
  ponential function. Yet the rules of these very complex games can
  be represented in 'coded' symbols: x + y, or x.y or x y or x^/y, the
  assumes a playful form in word games like Lexicon, anagram, and
  crossword puzzle; and a serious form in comparative philology and
  playing simultaneously two games governed by opposite rules. We
  shall see that such reversals of logic play a considerable part in scientific
  fied in the pun, then in word games (ranging from the crossword
  puzzle to the decyphering of the Rosetta stone); lastly in alliteration,
  mathematical games. Even chess problems can be both 'witty* and
  'funny' if they contain some sudden reversal of logic, an ironical twist,
  Lyon. It was called Considerations of the Mathematical Theory of games of
  Chance, and demonstrated, among other things, that habitual gamblers
  seek open rook files, etc. In games simpler than chess the same type of
  situation will recur over and again, and the appropriate stratagems will
  are products of widely different games of the mind; but they all have
  this in common, that the beam of focal awareness is exploring the inner
  The Importance of Dreaming
  ancient codes which govern the games of the dreamer were allowed
  to operate in the waking state they would play havoc with civilized
  UNDERGROUND games l8l
  cerned with the creative aspect only; but I should mention in passing
  plexes originate in traumatic experiences; the underground games of
  the mind reflect the facts of mental evolution.
  the codes which govern the underground games of the mind. We
  have seen that the dream operates with a type of logic which is in-
  I8 3
  sometimes occurs in dreams; and we could equally well call Kekule's
  underground games which permit us to transcend the limits of per-
  sonal identity while we dream or stare into the footlights of the
  explanation. In fact, however, the underground games of the mind were
  seen to be of a highly sophisticated, visionary and witty nature, al-
  vague visual images for precise verbal formulations; symbolization,
  biotic channels still remain navigable in the dream and other games of
  the underground, from which mysticism, discovery, and art draw their
  emotion which otherwise are only active in the games of the under-
  the primordial games of the underground: the transformation of one
  person or object into another (Chapter VIII, p. 187 ). The fear and
  die notorious games of the underground, manifested in dreams, in
  the punning mania of children, and in mental disorders. The rhyme is
  (pp. 186 f.) that other games based on sound-affinity have exercised a
  perennial attraction on the most varied cultures; anagrams, acrostics,
  The capacity to regress, more or less at will, to the games of the
  underground, without losing contact with the surface, seems to be the
  know how the games of the underground enter into the picture. But
  if we consider the history of art as a whole in its aspect of a collective
  pre-verbal, pre-rational games of the unconscious, the wonderland-
  logic of the dream. The challenge which sets the process going is in
  birds play elaborate games, throwing up and catching sticks; so do
  puppies; kittens will 'pretend* that a ball of wool is a mouse. Leerlauf
  such esoteric games as non-Euclidian geometry or quantum mechanics
  are physiologically represented, by appropriate coding methods, in the
  follow the rules of their respective games.
  To sum up: associative thinking is the exercise of a habit. It may be
  simplification), and so forth, to the special rules of such special games as
  vector-analysis or bio-chemistry. But even these very special and com-
  find illustrations of the highest doctrines of science in games and gym-
  nastics, in travelling by land and by water, in storms of the air and of the
  I, Civilization and its Discontents (1930). 2, Albert Einstein: Philosopher-Scientist

The Dwellings of the Philosophers, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  with such a holy consideration; for if God making games can, with a little buccaneer of the
  sea and the pirate of nature, arrest and stop all of our plans, which are flying with full sails

The First Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians, #The Bible, #Anonymous, #Various
  24 Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win. 25 Everyone who competes in the games exercises self-control in all things. They then do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. 26 Therefore I run in such a way, as not without aim; I box in such a way, as not beating the air; 27 but I discipline my body and make it my slave, so that, after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified.

The Immortal, #Labyrinths, #Jorge Luis Borges, #Poetry
  There is nothing very remarkable about being immortal; with the exception of mankind, all creatures are immortal, for they know nothing of death. What is divine, terrible, and incomprehensible is to know oneself immortal. I have noticed that in spite of religion, the conviction as to one's own immortality is extraordinarily rare. Jews, Christians, and Muslims all profess belief in immortality, but the veneration paid to the first century of life is proof that they truly believe only in those hundred years, for they destine all the rest, throughout eternity, to rewarding or punishing what one did when alive. In my view, the Wheel conceived by certain religions in Hindustan is much more plausible; on that Wheel, which has neither end nor beginning, each life is the effect of the previous life and engenderer of the next, yet no one life determines the whole.... Taught by centuries of living, the republic of immortal men had achieved a perfection of tolerance, almost of disdain. They knew that over an infinitely long span of time, all things happen to all men. As reward for his past and future virtues, every man merited every kindness - yet also every betrayal, as reward for his past and future iniquities. Much as the way in games of chance, heads and tails tend to even out, so cleverness and dullness cancel and correct each other. Perhaps the rude poem of El Cid is the counterweight demanded by a single epithet of the Eclogues or a maxim from Heraclitus. The most fleeting thought obeys an invisible plan, and may crown, or inaugurate, a secret design. I know of men who have done evil in order that good may come of it in future centuries, or may already have come of it in centuries past.... Viewed in that way, all our acts are just, though also unimportant. There are no spiritual or intellectual merits. Homer composed the Odyssey; given infinite time, with infinite circumstances and changes, it is impossible that the Odyssey should not be composed at least once. No one is someone; a single immortal man is all men. Like Cornelius Agrippa, I am god, hero, philosopher, demon, and world - which is a long-winded way of saying that Aim not.
  The notion of the world as a system of exact compensations had an enormous influence on the Immortals. In the first place, it made them immune to pity. I have mentioned the ancient quarries that dotted the countryside on the far bank of the stream; a man fell into the deepest of those pits; he could not be hurt, could not die, and yet he burned with thirst; seventy years passed before he was thrown a rope. Nor was he much interested in his own fate. His body was a submissive domestic animal; all the charity it required each month was a few hours' sleep, a little water, and a scrap of meat. But let no one imagine that we were mere ascetics. There is no more complex pleasure than thought, and it was to thought that we delivered ourselves over. From time to time, some extraordinary stimulus might bring us back to the physical world - for example, on that dawn, the ancient elemental pleasure of the rain. But those lapses were extremely rare; all Immortals were capable of perfect quietude. I recall one whom I never saw standing - a bird had made its nest on his breast.

The Lottery in Babylon, #Labyrinths, #Jorge Luis Borges, #Poetry
  As improbable as it may seem, nobody until then had attempted to produce a general theory of games. The Babylonian is not speculative. He reveres the dictates of chance, surrendering his life, his hopes, his panicked terror to them, but it never occurs to him to delve into their labyrinthine laws, nor the giratory spheres from which they are revealed. Nonetheless, the officious declaration that I have mentioned inspired many discussions of a juridico-mathematical nature. From one of them was born the following conjecture: if the lottery is an intensification of chance, its periodic infusion into the cosmos, would it not be desirable then for chance to intervene in all stages of the drawing and not only in one? Is it not ridiculous that chance should dictate that a person die while the circumstances of that death - its confidentiality, its publicity, its timing an hour or a century into the future - are not subject to chance? These eminently reasonable scruples prompted in the end a considerable reform whose complexities (aggravated by centuries of practice) are understood only by a handful of specialists; I will attempt to summarise them regardless, even though I do so only symbolically.
  Let us imagine a first drawing, one which condemns a man to death. In order for the sentence to be realised, another drawing is held that proposes, say, nine possible executioners. Of these nine, four might initiate a third drawing that will give the name of the eventual executioner, two might replace the drawing's adverse result with a fortunate one (say, a treasure's discovery), another might exacerbate the sentence of death (that is, a sentence made more infamous or embellished with torture), still others might refuse to carry it out...

The Pilgrims Progress, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  And, moreover, at this fair there is at all times to be seen juggling cheats, games, plays, fools, apes, knaves, and rogues, and that of every kind.
  Here are to be seen, too, and that for nothing, thefts, murders, adulteries, false swearers, and that of a blood-red colour.


--- Overview of noun game

The noun game has 11 senses (first 4 from tagged texts)
1. (38) game ::: (a contest with rules to determine a winner; "you need four people to play this game")
2. (26) game ::: (a single play of a sport or other contest; "the game lasted two hours")
3. (14) game ::: (an amusement or pastime; "they played word games"; "he thought of his painting as a game that filled his empty time"; "his life was all fun and games")
4. (7) game ::: (animal hunted for food or sport)
5. game ::: ((tennis) a division of play during which one player serves)
6. game ::: ((games) the score at a particular point or the score needed to win; "the game is 6 all"; "he is serving for the game")
7. game ::: (the flesh of wild animals that is used for food)
8. plot, secret plan, game ::: (a secret scheme to do something (especially something underhand or illegal); "they concocted a plot to discredit the governor"; "I saw through his little game from the start")
9. game ::: (the game equipment needed in order to play a particular game; "the child received several games for his birthday")
10. game, biz ::: (your occupation or line of work; "he's in the plumbing game"; "she's in show biz")
11. game ::: (frivolous or trifling behavior; "for actors, memorizing lines is no game"; "for him, life is all fun and games")

--- Overview of verb game

The verb game has 1 sense (no senses from tagged texts)
1. bet on, back, gage, stake, game, punt ::: (place a bet on; "Which horse are you backing?"; "I'm betting on the new horse")

--- Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of noun game

11 senses of game                          

Sense 1
   => activity
     => act, deed, human action, human activity
       => event
         => psychological feature
           => abstraction, abstract entity
             => entity

Sense 2
   => contest, competition
     => social event
       => event
         => psychological feature
           => abstraction, abstract entity
             => entity

Sense 3
   => diversion, recreation
     => activity
       => act, deed, human action, human activity
         => event
           => psychological feature
             => abstraction, abstract entity
               => entity

Sense 4
   => animal, animate being, beast, brute, creature, fauna
     => organism, being
       => living thing, animate thing
         => whole, unit
           => object, physical object
             => physical entity
               => entity

Sense 5
   => part, section, division
     => concept, conception, construct
       => idea, thought
         => content, cognitive content, mental object
           => cognition, knowledge, noesis
             => psychological feature
               => abstraction, abstract entity
                 => entity

Sense 6
   => score
     => number
       => definite quantity
         => measure, quantity, amount
           => abstraction, abstract entity
             => entity

Sense 7
   => meat
     => food, solid food
       => solid
         => matter
           => physical entity
             => entity

Sense 8
plot, secret plan, game
   => scheme, strategy
     => plan of action
       => plan, program, programme
         => idea, thought
           => content, cognitive content, mental object
             => cognition, knowledge, noesis
               => psychological feature
                 => abstraction, abstract entity
                   => entity

Sense 9
   => game equipment
     => equipment
       => instrumentality, instrumentation
         => artifact, artefact
           => whole, unit
             => object, physical object
               => physical entity
                 => entity

Sense 10
game, biz
   => occupation, business, job, line of work, line
     => activity
       => act, deed, human action, human activity
         => event
           => psychological feature
             => abstraction, abstract entity
               => entity

Sense 11
   => play, frolic, romp, gambol, caper
     => diversion, recreation
       => activity
         => act, deed, human action, human activity
           => event
             => psychological feature
               => abstraction, abstract entity
                 => entity

--- Hyponyms of noun game

7 of 11 senses of game                        

Sense 1
   => curling
   => bowling
   => pall-mall
   => athletic game
   => child's game
   => card game, cards
   => table game
   => parlor game, parlour game
   => game of chance, gambling game
   => zero-sum game

Sense 2
   => away game, road game
   => home game
   => exhibition game, practice game
   => nightcap
   => twin bill, doubleheader, double feature
   => playoff game
   => cup tie

Sense 3
   => catch
   => party game
   => computer game, video game
   => pinball, pinball game
   => guessing game
   => ducks and drakes
   => mind game
   => paper chase, hare and hounds
   => ring-around-the-rosy, ring-around-a-rosy, ring-a-rosy
   => prisoner's base
   => treasure hunt

Sense 4
   => big game
   => game bird

Sense 7
   => venison
   => buffalo
   => rabbit, hare

Sense 8
plot, secret plan, game
   => counterplot, counterplan
   => intrigue, machination
   => conspiracy, cabal

Sense 9
   => puzzle

--- Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of noun game

11 senses of game                          

Sense 1
   => activity

Sense 2
   => contest, competition

Sense 3
   => diversion, recreation

Sense 4
   => animal, animate being, beast, brute, creature, fauna

Sense 5
   => part, section, division

Sense 6
   => score

Sense 7
   => meat

Sense 8
plot, secret plan, game
   => scheme, strategy

Sense 9
   => game equipment

Sense 10
game, biz
   => occupation, business, job, line of work, line

Sense 11
   => play, frolic, romp, gambol, caper

--- Coordinate Terms (sisters) of noun game

11 senses of game                          

Sense 1
  -> activity
   => variation, variance
   => space walk
   => domesticity
   => operation
   => operation
   => practice, pattern
   => diversion, recreation
   => cup of tea, bag, dish
   => follow-up, followup
   => game
   => turn, play
   => music
   => acting, playing, playacting, performing
   => liveliness, animation
   => burst, fit
   => work
   => works, deeds
   => service
   => occupation, business, job, line of work, line
   => occupation
   => writing, committal to writing
   => role
   => wrongdoing, wrongful conduct, misconduct, actus reus
   => waste, wastefulness, dissipation
   => attempt, effort, endeavor, endeavour, try
   => control
   => protection
   => sensory activity
   => education, instruction, teaching, pedagogy, didactics, educational activity
   => training, preparation, grooming
   => representation
   => creation, creative activity
   => dismantling, dismantlement, disassembly
   => puncture
   => search, hunt, hunting
   => use, usage, utilization, utilisation, employment, exercise
   => operation, military operation
   => measurement, measuring, measure, mensuration
   => calibration, standardization, standardisation
   => organization, organisation
   => grouping
   => support, supporting
   => continuance, continuation
   => procedure, process
   => ceremony
   => ceremony
   => worship
   => energizing, activating, activation
   => concealment, concealing, hiding
   => placement, location, locating, position, positioning, emplacement
   => provision, supply, supplying
   => demand
   => pleasure
   => enjoyment, delectation
   => lamentation, mourning
   => laughter
   => market, marketplace, market place
   => politics
   => preparation, readying
   => aid, assist, assistance, help
   => support
   => behavior, behaviour, conduct, doings
   => behavior, behaviour
   => leadership, leading
   => precession, precedence, precedency
   => solo
   => buzz
   => fun
   => sin, hell
   => release, outlet, vent
   => last
   => mystification, obfuscation
   => negotiation
   => verbalization, verbalisation
   => perturbation, disturbance
   => timekeeping

Sense 2
  -> contest, competition
   => game
   => athletic contest, athletic competition, athletics
   => bout
   => championship
   => chicken
   => cliffhanger
   => dogfight
   => race
   => tournament, tourney
   => playoff
   => series
   => field trial
   => match
   => tournament
   => race
   => spelling bee, spelldown, spelling contest
   => trial

Sense 3
  -> diversion, recreation
   => antic, joke, prank, trick, caper, put-on
   => bathing
   => celebration, festivity
   => dancing, dance, terpsichore, saltation
   => entertainment, amusement
   => escapade, lark
   => escape, escapism
   => eurythmy, eurhythmy, eurythmics, eurhythmics
   => fun, merriment, playfulness
   => gambling, gaming, play
   => game
   => jest, joke, jocularity
   => nightlife, night life
   => pastime, interest, pursuit
   => play, child's play
   => play, frolic, romp, gambol, caper
   => sport, athletics

Sense 4
  -> animal, animate being, beast, brute, creature, fauna
   => pest
   => critter
   => creepy-crawly
   => darter
   => peeper
   => homeotherm, homoiotherm, homotherm
   => poikilotherm, ectotherm
   => range animal
   => varmint, varment
   => scavenger
   => work animal
   => domestic animal, domesticated animal
   => feeder
   => migrator
   => molter, moulter
   => pet
   => stayer
   => stunt
   => marine animal, marine creature, sea animal, sea creature
   => female
   => male
   => adult
   => young, offspring
   => thoroughbred, purebred, pureblood
   => giant
   => survivor
   => mutant
   => herbivore
   => insectivore
   => acrodont
   => pleurodont
   => zooplankton
   => embryo, conceptus, fertilized egg
   => chordate
   => invertebrate
   => metazoan
   => omnivore
   => predator, predatory animal
   => prey, quarry
   => game
   => hexapod
   => biped
   => larva
   => racer
   => fictional animal
   => captive
   => mate

Sense 5
  -> part, section, division
   => frame
   => beginning
   => middle
   => end
   => high point
   => component, constituent, element, factor, ingredient
   => chukker, chukka
   => inning, frame
   => game
   => turn, bout, round
   => first period
   => second period
   => final period
   => half
   => period
   => quarter
   => over

Sense 6
  -> score
   => bowling score
   => football score
   => baseball score
   => basketball score
   => stroke
   => birdie
   => bogey
   => deficit
   => double-bogey
   => duck, duck's egg
   => eagle
   => double eagle
   => game
   => lead
   => love
   => match
   => par

Sense 7
  -> meat
   => stew meat
   => bird, fowl
   => game
   => dark meat
   => raw meat
   => red meat
   => variety meat, organs
   => cut, cut of meat
   => cold cuts
   => beef, boeuf
   => carbonado
   => halal
   => jerky, jerked meat, jerk
   => pemmican, pemican
   => veal, veau
   => horsemeat, horseflesh
   => mouton, mutton
   => lamb
   => pork, porc
   => sausage
   => sausage meat
   => escargot, snail

Sense 8
plot, secret plan, game
  -> scheme, strategy
   => contrivance, stratagem, dodge
   => counterterrorism
   => game plan
   => game plan
   => house of cards, bubble
   => playbook
   => plot, secret plan, game
   => pyramid scheme
   => waiting game
   => wheeze
   => incentive program, incentive scheme

Sense 9
  -> game equipment
   => backboard, basketball backboard
   => ball
   => bowling equipment
   => counter
   => crossbar
   => game
   => goal
   => horseshoe
   => jack, jackstones
   => man, piece
   => net
   => paintball gun
   => pinball machine, pin table
   => pool table, billiard table, snooker table
   => quoit
   => roulette wheel, wheel
   => spinner

Sense 10
game, biz
  -> occupation, business, job, line of work, line
   => confectionery
   => sport
   => farming, land
   => game, biz
   => career, calling, vocation
   => employment, work
   => appointment
   => position, post, berth, office, spot, billet, place, situation
   => treadmill, salt mine
   => trade, craft
   => profession
   => metier, medium
   => accountancy, accounting
   => photography
   => catering

Sense 11
  -> play, frolic, romp, gambol, caper
   => flirt, flirting, flirtation, coquetry, dalliance, toying
   => folly, foolery, tomfoolery, craziness, lunacy, indulgence
   => game
   => horseplay
   => teasing
   => word play

--- Grep of noun games
isthmian games
nemean games
olympian games
olympic games
pythian games
secular games
theory of games
winter olympic games

Grep of noun game
american football game
athletic game
away game
ball game
banking game
baseball game
basketball game
big game
blame game
board game
bunco game
bunko game
card game
chess game
child's game
computer game
con game
confidence game
court game
crap game
day game
end game
exhibition game
fair game
field game
football game
gambling game
game bird
game equipment
game fish
game fowl
game law
game license
game misconduct
game of chance
game plan
game room
game show
game theory
game warden
go game
golf game
guessing game
head game
hockey game
home game
match game
matched game
mind game
mug's game
new ballgame
night game
no-hit game
numbers game
outdoor game
parlor game
parlour game
party game
passing game
perfect game
pinball game
playoff game
poker game
practice game
road game
running game
shell game
softball game
stickball game
table game
video game
volleyball game
waiting game
war game
word game
zero-sum game

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Wikipedia - 1994 in video games
Wikipedia - 1994 State of Origin series -- 1994 rugby game in the State of Origin series
Wikipedia - 1995 in video games
Wikipedia - 1996 in video games
Wikipedia - 1996 Summer Olympics -- Games of the XXVI Olympiad, in Atlanta
Wikipedia - 1997 in video games
Wikipedia - 1998 in video games
Wikipedia - 1999 in video games
Wikipedia - 1999 Island Games -- 1999 Island Games in Gotland
Wikipedia - 1st National Hockey League All-Star Game
Wikipedia - 1 vs. 100 (American game show) -- American game show
Wikipedia - 1 vs. 100 (Australian game show) -- Australian game show
Wikipedia - 2000 in video games
Wikipedia - 2000s in video games -- Video game-related events in 2000s
Wikipedia - 2001 in video games
Wikipedia - 2001 World Interuniversity Games -- International sports event
Wikipedia - 2002 Commonwealth Games results -- Results of the 17th Commonwealth Games
Wikipedia - 2002 in video games
Wikipedia - 2002 Winter Olympic Games
Wikipedia - 2003 in video games
Wikipedia - 2003 Pan American Games -- 14th edition of the Pan American Games
Wikipedia - 2003 Parapan American Games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2004 in video games
Wikipedia - 2004 Summer Olympics -- Games of the XXVIII Olympiad, held in Athens in 2004
Wikipedia - 2005 in video games
Wikipedia - 2006 Commonwealth Games medal table -- ranking of participants by medal total
Wikipedia - 2006 Commonwealth Games -- 18th edition of the Commonwealth Games
Wikipedia - 2006 in video games
Wikipedia - 2007 in video games
Wikipedia - 2007 Pan American Games torch relay -- 39-day torch run, from June 5 to July 13, 2007
Wikipedia - 2007 Parapan American Games -- The third edition of the Parapan American Games
Wikipedia - 2007 South Pacific Games -- 13th Pacific Games held in Apia, Samoa
Wikipedia - 2008 in video games
Wikipedia - 2008 Summer Olympics -- Games of the XXIX Olympiad, held in Beijing in 2008
Wikipedia - 2008 Victoria Cup -- Series of ice hockey games in 2008
Wikipedia - 2009 in video games
Wikipedia - 2009 Jeux de la Francophonie -- Athletic games event
Wikipedia - 2010 Central American and Caribbean Games -- Sports events hosted in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - 2010 Commonwealth Games medal table -- Ranking of participants by medal total
Wikipedia - 2010 in video games
Wikipedia - 2010s in video games -- Video games-related events in 2010s
Wikipedia - 2010 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games mascots
Wikipedia - 2011 in video games
Wikipedia - 2011 Pan American Games -- 16th edition of the Pan American Games
Wikipedia - 2011 Parapan American Games -- International multi-sport event for athletes with a physical disability
Wikipedia - 2012 in video games
Wikipedia - 2012 Summer Olympics -- Games of the XXX Olympiad, held in London in 2012
Wikipedia - 2013 in video games
Wikipedia - 2013 Mediterranean Games -- 17th edition of the Mediterranean Games
Wikipedia - 2014 Asian Games -- 17th edition of the Asian Games
Wikipedia - 2014 Commonwealth Games medal table -- ranking of participants by medal total
Wikipedia - 2014 Commonwealth Games opening ceremony -- Opening ceremony for UK Sporting event
Wikipedia - 2014 Commonwealth Games -- 20th edition of the Commonwealth Games sports event
Wikipedia - 2014 Gay Games -- International LGBT multi-sport and cultural event
Wikipedia - 2014 in video games
Wikipedia - 2014 IQA Global Games -- International sport event
Wikipedia - 2015 in video games
Wikipedia - 2015 Pan American Games -- 17th edition of the Pan American Games
Wikipedia - 2015 Parapan American Games -- 5th edition of the Parapan American Games
Wikipedia - 2016 Etihad Airways GAA World Games -- Gaelic Athelitic Association global competition
Wikipedia - 2016 in video games
Wikipedia - 2016 Summer Olympics -- Games of the XXXI Olympiad, held in Rio de Janeiro in 2016
Wikipedia - 2017 Asian Youth Games -- Multi-sport event
Wikipedia - 2017 in video games
Wikipedia - 2017 VTB United League Playoffs -- Final games of the 2016-17 VTB United League
Wikipedia - 2018 Asian Games -- 18th edition of the Asian Games
Wikipedia - 2018 Commonwealth Games medal table -- ranking of participants by medal total
Wikipedia - 2018 in video games
Wikipedia - 2018 Pro Bowl -- Game
Wikipedia - 2019 Canada Winter Games -- Multi-sports competition
Wikipedia - 2019 European Games -- The second edition of the European Games
Wikipedia - 2019 in video games
Wikipedia - 2019 MLB London Series -- Two-game series between the Yankees and Red Sox in London in 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 Pan American Games -- 18th edition of the Pan American Games
Wikipedia - 2019 Parapan American Games -- An international multi-sport event for athletes with disabilities
Wikipedia - 2019 Pro Bowl -- Game
Wikipedia - 2019 South Asian Games -- XIII South Asian Games
Wikipedia - 2019 Southeast Asian Games -- 30th edition of the Southeast Asian Games
Wikipedia - 2019 World Beach Games -- The inaugural event of the World Beach Games
Wikipedia - 2020 in video games
Wikipedia - 2020 Khelo India Youth Games -- Multi-sport event season
Wikipedia - 2020 Nintendo data leak -- Online leak of video game development data
Wikipedia - 2021 FIA Motorsport Games -- Motorsports competition held in France in 2021
Wikipedia - 2021 in video games
Wikipedia - 2021 Junior Pan American Games -- 1st edition of the Junior Pan American Games
Wikipedia - 2021 South Asian Games -- XIV South Asian Games
Wikipedia - 2021 Southeast Asian Games -- 31st edition of the Southeast Asian Games
Wikipedia - 2022 Asian Para Games -- Multi-sport event in Hangzhou, China
Wikipedia - 2022 in video games
Wikipedia - 2023 World Beach Games -- The Second edition of the World Beach Games
Wikipedia - 2048 (video game) -- Online puzzle game
Wikipedia - 2064: Read Only Memories -- 2015 video game
Wikipedia - 20th Game Developers Choice Awards
Wikipedia - 20XX (video game) -- 2014 video game
Wikipedia - 221B Baker Street (board game)
Wikipedia - 221B Baker Street (video game)
Wikipedia - 22Cans -- British video game developer
Wikipedia - 2300 AD -- Science fiction tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - 24: The Game -- Third-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - 2.5D musical -- Japanese type of musical based on anime, manga or video games
Wikipedia - 25 to Life -- Video game
Wikipedia - 25 Words or Less -- 1996 board game
Wikipedia - 2B (Nier: Automata) -- Fictional gynoid in video game Nier: Automata
Wikipedia - 2 Fast 2 Furious (video game) -- 2004 video game
Wikipedia - 2 Fast 4 Gnomz -- 2010 video game
Wikipedia - 2Fort -- Video game map in the Team Fortress series
Wikipedia - 2K (company) -- American video game publisher
Wikipedia - 2nd NWHL All-Star Game -- Ice hockey match in Pittsburgh
Wikipedia - 2 on 2 Open Ice Challenge -- Ice hockey arcade game by Midway Games from 1995
Wikipedia - 31st Union -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - 32X -- Add-on for the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis video game console
Wikipedia - 343 Guilty Spark -- Fictional character in the Halo video game series
Wikipedia - 3D&T -- Brazilian tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - 3-D Docking Mission -- 1978 video game
Wikipedia - 3D Dot Game Heroes -- 2009 video game
Wikipedia - 3DM -- Chinese video game warez group
Wikipedia - 3DO Interactive Multiplayer -- Video game console
Wikipedia - 3D Tetris -- 1996 puzzle video game
Wikipedia - 4A Games -- Ukrainian-Maltese video game developer
Wikipedia - 4-Digits -- Singaporean lottery game
Wikipedia - -- Japanese video game website
Wikipedia - 4mat -- British electronic musician, sound designer, and video game composer
Wikipedia - 4Players -- German electronic journal for video games
Wikipedia - 4th National Hockey League All-Star Game
Wikipedia - 4X game
Wikipedia - 4X -- Genre of strategy-based video and board games
Wikipedia - 60 Seconds! -- 2015 action video game
Wikipedia - 6180 the moon -- 2014 puzzle-platforming video game
Wikipedia - 64DD -- Video game peripheral
Wikipedia - 64 de Hakken!! Tamagotchi: Minna de Tamagotchi World -- 1997 board video game published by Bandai
Wikipedia - 6 Nimmt! -- Card game
Wikipedia - 6th National Hockey League All-Star Game
Wikipedia - 704Games -- Company
Wikipedia - 7554 -- First-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - 7 Billion Humans -- 2018 puzzle video game
Wikipedia - 7th Sea (collectible card game) -- 1999 collectible card game
Wikipedia - 7 Wonders (board game) -- 2011 board game
Wikipedia - 868-HACK -- 2013 video game
Wikipedia - 8-Bit Armies -- Video game
Wikipedia - 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown -- British television panel game show
Wikipedia - 8 Out of 10 Cats -- British television comedy panel game
Wikipedia - 99Vidas -- 2016 video game
Wikipedia - A3! -- Japanese life simulation mobile game
Wikipedia - AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity -- Video game
Wikipedia - AAA (video game industry) -- Classification term used for video games
Wikipedia - Aarklash: Legacy -- 2013 tactical role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Aaron Allston -- American science fiction writer and game designer
Wikipedia - Aaron Rasmussen -- American entrepreneur, inventor, and game designer
Wikipedia - Abalone (board game)
Wikipedia - Abandonia -- Online database of DOS video games
Wikipedia - A Bloody Night -- 2017 2D action video game
Wikipedia - Abomination: The Nemesis Project -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Abstract strategy game -- strategy game in which the theme is not important to the experience of playing
Wikipedia - Abuse (video game)
Wikipedia - Academy of Interactive Entertainment -- Australian videos game and animation school
Wikipedia - Acao Games -- Brazilian video game magazine (1991-2003)
Wikipedia - Acclaim Entertainment -- Defunct American video game publisher
Wikipedia - Ace Attorney -- Series of adventure games by Capcom
Wikipedia - Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies -- 2001 video game
Wikipedia - Ace Combat 2 -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere -- Flight simulation game
Wikipedia - Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War -- Video game
Wikipedia - Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation -- Combat flight simulation video game
Wikipedia - Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - Ace Combat Advance -- Video game
Wikipedia - Ace Combat: Assault Horizon -- Video game
Wikipedia - Ace Combat Infinity -- Video game
Wikipedia - Ace Combat: Joint Assault -- Video game
Wikipedia - Ace Combat -- Flight action Video game series
Wikipedia - Ace Combat Xi: Skies of Incursion -- Video game
Wikipedia - Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception -- Video game
Wikipedia - Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War -- 2006 video game
Wikipedia - Ace-Ten games
Wikipedia - Acey Deucey (card game) -- Betting card game
Wikipedia - Achi (game)
Wikipedia - Achtung Panzer: Kharkov 1943 -- 2010 real-time strategy video game
Wikipedia - Acrophobia (game) -- Online multiplayer word game
Wikipedia - Action 52 -- Unlicensed multicart video game compilation
Wikipedia - Action-adventure game -- Video game genre
Wikipedia - Action Bass -- 2000 fishing video game
Wikipedia - Action Button Entertainment -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - Action game
Wikipedia - Action role-playing game
Wikipedia - Action Taimanin -- 2019 3D action role-playing mobile game
Wikipedia - Active Lancer -- 2003 video game
Wikipedia - Activision Blizzard -- American video game company
Wikipedia - Activision -- American video game publisher
Wikipedia - ActRaiser -- 1990 SNES video game
Wikipedia - Actua Sports -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Adam Montoya -- Video game commentator
Wikipedia - Adam Sulzdorf-Liszkiewicz -- American game designer
Wikipedia - A Dangerous Game (1922 film) -- 1922 silent film
Wikipedia - A Dangerous Game (1924 film) -- 1924 film by Harry Piel
Wikipedia - A Dangerous Game (1941 film) -- 1941 film
Wikipedia - A Dangerous Game (2014 film) -- 2014 film
Wikipedia - A Dangerous Game (novel) -- 1956 novel by Friedrich Durrenmatt
Wikipedia - A Dark Room -- 2013 video game
Wikipedia - Ad Astra (play-by-mail game) -- Fantasy role-playing game
Wikipedia - A Deadly Game (1924 film) -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - A Demon's Game: Episode 1 -- 2017 action indie 3D game
Wikipedia - Adopt Me! -- Role-playing game on the Roblox game platform
Wikipedia - Adrian Carmack -- Video game artist and co-founder of id Software
Wikipedia - Adrift (video game) -- 2016 video game
Wikipedia - A Duel Hand Disaster: Trackher -- 2017 action indie 3D video game
Wikipedia - Adult Swim Games -- Video game publishing division of Adult Swim
Wikipedia - Advanced Lawnmower Simulator -- 1988 video game
Wikipedia - Advance Wars: Days of Ruin -- Video game
Wikipedia - Adventure (1980 video game) -- Landmark Atari video game from 1980
Wikipedia - AdVenture Capitalist -- Incremental video game
Wikipedia - Adventure Class Ships, Vol. II -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Adventure Class Ships, Vol. I -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Adventure Gamers
Wikipedia - Adventure Game Studio
Wikipedia - Adventure game -- Video game genre
Wikipedia - Adventure International -- American video game publisher
Wikipedia - Adventure Island 3 -- 1992 NES game
Wikipedia - Adventure Island II -- 1991 video game
Wikipedia - Adventure Island: The Beginning -- 2009 platform video game
Wikipedia - Adventure Island (video game)
Wikipedia - Adventureland (video game) -- Video game
Wikipedia - AdventureQuest -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I Don't Know! -- 2013 video game
Wikipedia - Adventure Time: Finn & Jake Investigations -- 2015 video game
Wikipedia - Adventure Time: Hey Ice King! Why'd You Steal Our Garbage?!! -- Video game
Wikipedia - Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion -- 2018 video game
Wikipedia - Adventure Time: The Secret of the Nameless Kingdom -- 2014 top-down adventure video game
Wikipedia - Advergame
Wikipedia - AdvertCity -- Procedurally generated business simulation video game published in 2015
Wikipedia - Advertising in video games
Wikipedia - Aero-Cross -- Unreleased platform game
Wikipedia - Aero Fighters -- 1993 video game
Wikipedia - Aeronautica Imperialis -- 2007 miniatures wargame
Wikipedia - Aeronautical pentathlon -- Sporting event at some multi-sport events, such as the Military World Games
Wikipedia - Aeroplane chess -- 20th-century board game
Wikipedia - AeroTech -- 1996 wargame
Wikipedia - African dodger -- U.S. carnival game: throwing things at a black man
Wikipedia - African Games
Wikipedia - Afrikan tM-CM-$hti -- 1951 Finnish board game
Wikipedia - Afro-Asian Games
Wikipedia - Afterlost -- Japanese mobile game and anime series
Wikipedia - Aftermath! -- Science fiction tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - Afterparty (video game) -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - After... (visual novel) -- 2003 video game
Wikipedia - Against the Giants -- Role-playing game adventure by Gary Gygax
Wikipedia - A Game at Chess -- Play written by Thomas Middleton
Wikipedia - A Game Chicken -- 1922 film by Chester M. Franklin
Wikipedia - Agamedes -- Ancient Greek mythological figure
Wikipedia - Agamede
Wikipedia - Agamemnon (play)
Wikipedia - Agamemnon -- Figure from Greek mythology
Wikipedia - Agamemnon (Zeus) -- Ancient Greek cultic epithet
Wikipedia - Agamenon: The Film -- 2012 film by Victor Lopes
Wikipedia - A Game of Death -- 1945 film by Robert Wise
Wikipedia - A Game of Thrones (card game) -- Collectible card game
Wikipedia - A Game of Thrones (role-playing game) -- 2005 tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - A Game of Thrones -- Novel by George R. R. Martin
Wikipedia - A Game of Wits -- 1917 silent ilm by Henry King
Wikipedia - Agametrus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Agame
Wikipedia - A-Game -- Canadian hip hop duo
Wikipedia - A Game with Stones -- 1965 film by Jan M-EM- vankmajer
Wikipedia - -- 2015 video game
Wikipedia - Agatha Christie: Murder on the Orient Express -- 2006 video game
Wikipedia - Agent 47 -- Fictional assassin from the Hitman game franchise
Wikipedia - Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition -- 2019 real-time strategy video game
Wikipedia - Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition -- 2020 real-time strategy video game
Wikipedia - Age of Empires III -- 2005 real-time strategy video game
Wikipedia - Age of Empires II -- 1999 real-time strategy video game
Wikipedia - Age of Empires (video game)
Wikipedia - Age of Empires -- Real-time strategy video game series
Wikipedia - Age of Mythology: The Titans -- Video game
Wikipedia - Age of Mythology -- Spinoff video game of Age of Empires
Wikipedia - Age of Paladins (video game) -- 2008 Iranian video game
Wikipedia - Aggravation (board game) -- strategy board game, variant of Pachisi
Wikipedia - Aggression - Reign over Europe -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - A Golden Wake -- 2014 video game
Wikipedia - Agon (game)
Wikipedia - A Google A Day -- Online game from Google
Wikipedia - Ahane GAA -- Gaelic games club in County Limerick, Ireland
Wikipedia - A Hat in Time -- 2017 platforming video game
Wikipedia - AI Dungeon -- Text adventure game generated by artificial intelligence.
Wikipedia - AirAttack 2 -- 2015 mobile video game
Wikipedia - Airfix Dogfighter -- 2000 flight-combat video game
Wikipedia - Airport City (video game) -- 2011 free-to-play city-building simulation game
Wikipedia - Airport Tycoon -- PC game
Wikipedia - Air-Sea Battle -- Video game for the Atari VCS/2600 from 1977
Wikipedia - Airsoft -- Activity which can be played as a game or shooting hobby
Wikipedia - Air Warrior III -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - Ajey Nagar -- Indian Comedy YouTuber and Gamer
Wikipedia - Akaklike -- 1998 video game
Wikipedia - Akalabeth: World of Doom -- 1979 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Akari Kaida -- Japanese video game music composer
Wikipedia - Akashic Re:cords -- 2016 mobile video game
Wikipedia - Akihiko Mori -- Japanese video game composer
Wikipedia - Akihiko Narita -- Japanese video game composer
Wikipedia - Akinator -- 2007 video game
Wikipedia - Akira Toriyama -- Japanese manga artist and video game character designer, known for his work Dragon Ball
Wikipedia - Akira Ueda -- Japanese video game designer
Wikipedia - Akira (video game) -- 1988 adventure video game
Wikipedia - Akito Nakatsuka -- Japanese video game composer
Wikipedia - Aksharit -- 2009 word game for Indian languages
Wikipedia - Akupara Games -- American video game publisher
Wikipedia - Alan Miller (game designer)
Wikipedia - Alan Wake's American Nightmare -- Psychological horror video game developed by Remedy Entertainment
Wikipedia - Alba: A Wildlife Adventure -- 2020 open-world adventure game
Wikipedia - Albania at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Albania at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Albania at the Youth Olympics -- performance of Albania at the Youth Olympic Games
Wikipedia - Alchemist (company) -- Japanese video game developer
Wikipedia - A League of Their Own (British game show) -- British sports-based comedy panel game on Sky One
Wikipedia - Alec Holowka -- Canadian video game developer
Wikipedia - Alekhine's Gun (video game) -- 2016 video game
Wikipedia - Alexander Gamelin -- American-born South Korean ice dancer
Wikipedia - Alexander the Great (board game) -- 1971 wargame
Wikipedia - Alex Balfanz -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - Alexey Gamen -- Russian lieutenant general and commander
Wikipedia - Alexey Pajitnov -- Russian video game designer and computer engineer, creator of the video game "Tetris"
Wikipedia - Alex Hutchinson (video game director) -- Australian video game director and designer
Wikipedia - Alexis Kagame
Wikipedia - Alexis Kennedy -- Video game developer
Wikipedia - Alfred Chicken -- 1993 platform video game
Wikipedia - ALF: The First Adventure -- 1987 video game
Wikipedia - ALF (video game) -- 1989 video game
Wikipedia - Algorithmic game theory
Wikipedia - Alhambra (board game) -- 2003 board game
Wikipedia - Alice & Smith -- Canadian video game developer
Wikipedia - Alice in Wonderland (1985 video game)
Wikipedia - Alice in Wonderland (2000 video game)
Wikipedia - Alice in Wonderland (2010 video game)
Wikipedia - Alien (1984 video game) -- 1984 strategy/adventure video game
Wikipedia - Alien 8 -- 1985 video game
Wikipedia - Alien Arena (video game)
Wikipedia - Alienation (video game) -- Shooter video game
Wikipedia - Alien Breed 2: Assault -- 2010 video game
Wikipedia - Alien Breed 3: Descent -- 2010 video game
Wikipedia - Alien Realms -- Science-fiction role-playing game
Wikipedia - Aliens Versus Predator: Extinction -- Video game
Wikipedia - Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem (video game) -- Video game
Wikipedia - Alien Swarm -- 2010 video game
Wikipedia - Alignment (role-playing games)
Wikipedia - Allan B. Calhamer -- Board game designer
Wikipedia - Allegiance (video game) -- free and open-source multiplayer online game
Wikipedia - Allegiance: War of Factions -- 2004 collectible card game
Wikipedia - Allen Ludden -- American game show host
Wikipedia - All Eyez -- 2016 single by The Game
Wikipedia - Alleyway (video game) -- 1989 Breakout clone video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - All Fours -- English card game
Wikipedia - AllGame
Wikipedia - Allgame
Wikipedia - Alliance of Valiant Arms -- Online video game
Wikipedia - Allister Brimble -- British video game music composer
Wikipedia - All Star Pro-Wrestling -- 2000 video game
Wikipedia - All-time Commonwealth Games medal table -- ranking of participants by medal total from all past competitions
Wikipedia - All your base are belong to us -- Internet meme about a bad translation of a video game cutscene transcript
Wikipedia - Alone Against the Wendigo -- Horror tabletop role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Aloy -- Protagonist of the Horizon video games
Wikipedia - Alphabear 2 -- 2018 video game
Wikipedia - Alpha Black Zero -- 2004 tactical shooter video game
Wikipedia - AlphaDream -- Defunct Japanese video game development company
Wikipedia - AlphaZero -- Game-playing artificial intelligence
Wikipedia - Alpine Racer 2 -- 1996 video game
Wikipedia - Alpine skiing at the 1972 Winter Olympics -- 1972 edition of the ski jumping competitions during the Olympic Winter Games
Wikipedia - Altered Beast -- 1988 beat 'em up arcade game
Wikipedia - Altered Space -- 1991 video game
Wikipedia - Alternate reality game
Wikipedia - Alto's Odyssey -- 2018 video game
Wikipedia - Alvin and the Chipmunks (video game) -- 2007 video game
Wikipedia - AM2R -- Fan-made video game
Wikipedia - A Man's Game -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - A. Mark Ratner -- American game designer
Wikipedia - Amaterasu (M-EM-^Lkami) -- Fictional character in M-EM-^Lkami video game
Wikipedia - Amateur flight simulation -- Video game genre
Wikipedia - Amazing (gamer) -- German professional League of Legends player and coach
Wikipedia - Amazon Digital Game Store
Wikipedia - Amazon Game Studios -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - Amazon Lumberyard -- Cross-platform triple-A game engine
Wikipedia - Amber Diceless Roleplaying Game
Wikipedia - Ambrella -- Japanese video game development company
Wikipedia - Ameprod Television Game 10 -- Home video game console by PPZ Ameprod
Wikipedia - American Challenge: A Sailing Simulation -- 1986 computer game
Wikipedia - American Civil War: From Sumter to Appomattox -- 1996 video game
Wikipedia - American Game -- American breed of fighting chicken
Wikipedia - American Gladiators (video game) -- 1991 video game
Wikipedia - American Laser Games
Wikipedia - American Truck Simulator -- 2016 vehicle simulation game
Wikipedia - America's Army -- Series of video games
Wikipedia - Amiga Power -- British video game magazine
Wikipedia - Amnesia (2011 video game) -- Japanese visual novel series
Wikipedia - Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs -- Video game
Wikipedia - Amnesia: The Dark Descent -- Video game
Wikipedia - A Modest Video Game Proposal -- 2005 open letter by Jack Thompson
Wikipedia - Among the Sleep -- 2014 video game
Wikipedia - Among Us -- 2018 multiplayer video game
Wikipedia - Amplitude (2003 video game) -- 2003 music video game
Wikipedia - Amplitude (2016 video game) -- 2016 music video game remake
Wikipedia - Amycus Probe -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Anachronism (game) -- Tabletop game
Wikipedia - Anachronox -- Role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Ana (gamer) -- Professional ''Dota 2'' player
Wikipedia - Anagrams (game) -- Tile-based word game
Wikipedia - Analog stick -- Input device for a video game controller
Wikipedia - Analogue (company) -- American video game hardware company
Wikipedia - Ancient Olympic Games -- Athletic competitions inM-BM- Ancient Greece
Wikipedia - Ancients of Ooga -- 2010 platforming video game
Wikipedia - Ancient Wars: Sparta -- 2007 video game
Wikipedia - Andorra at the Youth Olympics -- performance of Andorra at the Youth Olympic Games
Wikipedia - Andretti Racing -- 1996 racing video game
Wikipedia - Andrew Hulshult -- American video game composer
Wikipedia - Android Nim -- 1978 video game
Wikipedia - And They're Off! -- BBC game show
Wikipedia - Andy Chambers -- English author and game designer
Wikipedia - Andy Collins (game designer)
Wikipedia - Andy Schatz -- Video game developer
Wikipedia - A New Beginning (video game) -- 2010 German video game
Wikipedia - Angband (video game) -- Dungeon-crawling roguelike computer game
Wikipedia - Angels of Death (video game) -- 2016 Japanese horror adventure game by Hoshikuzu KRNKRN (Makoto Sanada) for Microsoft Windows
Wikipedia - Angry Birds 2 -- Puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Angry Birds Evolution -- 2017 video game
Wikipedia - Angry Birds Fight! -- 2015 video game
Wikipedia - Angry Birds Friends -- Puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Angry Birds Star Wars -- video game
Wikipedia - Angry Birds (video game) -- puzzle video game by Rovio
Wikipedia - Angry Birds -- video game series and franchise by Rovio
Wikipedia - Angry Video Game Nerd -- Internet review comedy web series about video games
Wikipedia - Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival -- 2015 video game
Wikipedia - Animal Crossing: City Folk -- 2008 life simulation video game for Nintendo Wii
Wikipedia - Animal Crossing: New Horizons -- 2020 video game
Wikipedia - Animal Crossing: New Leaf -- 2013 video game for the Nintendo 3DS
Wikipedia - Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp -- 2017 mobile game by Nintendo in the Animal Crossing series
Wikipedia - Animal Crossing (video game) -- 2001 Nintendo 64 and GameCube video game
Wikipedia - Animal Crossing -- Video game series developed by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Animal Crossing: Wild World -- 2005 social simulation video game
Wikipedia - Animal Husbandry (game) -- 1943 dice game
Wikipedia - Animal Olympic Games -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Ani-Mayhem -- Anime-themed trading card game
Wikipedia - Anisogamy -- Sexual reproduction involving a large, "female" gamete and a small, "male" gamete
Wikipedia - Ankh: Battle of the Gods -- Video game
Wikipedia - Anna Anthropy -- American video game designer
Wikipedia - AnnaTommy -- 1995 video game
Wikipedia - Anne Westfall -- American game programmer and software developer
Wikipedia - Anno 1404 -- 2009 city-building game
Wikipedia - Anno 1503 -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Anno 2205 -- City-building and economic simulation video game
Wikipedia - Anomalies (Traveller) -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Another Eden -- 2017 video game
Wikipedia - Another War -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Another World (video game) -- Action-adventure video game by Eric Chahi
Wikipedia - Anteater (video game) -- Video game first released in 1982
Wikipedia - Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction -- Surgical process
Wikipedia - Anterior cruciate ligament -- Type of cruciate ligament in the human knee
Wikipedia - Anterior sternoclavicular ligament -- Broad band of fibers, covering the anterior (front) surface of the joint between the sternum and clavicle
Wikipedia - Antheridium -- Part of a plant producing and containing male gametes
Wikipedia - Antichamber -- Single-player first-person puzzle-platform video game
Wikipedia - Anti-Monopoly -- Board Game
Wikipedia - Antoine Bauza -- French game designer
Wikipedia - Antz Extreme Racing -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - AOL Games
Wikipedia - A One Man Game -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - AO Tennis 2 -- 2020 sports video game
Wikipedia - Ape Out -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - Apex Legends -- 2019 first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - APF TV Fun series -- Series of home video game consoles
Wikipedia - A Pilot's Guide to the Drexilthar Subsector -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Apocalyptica (video game) -- Third-person shooter computer game
Wikipedia - AppGameKit
Wikipedia - Apple Arcade -- Video game subscription service by Apple Inc.
Wikipedia - Apple-Oids -- Video game clone of Asteroids made for the Apple II computer in 1980
Wikipedia - Apron of Magic -- 2010 collectible card cooking video game
Wikipedia - AQ Interactive -- Defunct Japanese video game developer
Wikipedia - Aquaman: Battle for Atlantis -- 2003 video game
Wikipedia - Aquamarine (video game) -- Turn based survival video game
Wikipedia - Aquarian Age: Sign for Evolution -- Media franchise based on the collectible card game of the same name
Wikipedia - Aquaria (video game) -- Video game
Wikipedia - Aquarium (video game) -- 1996 video game
Wikipedia - Aquathlon at the 2019 World Beach Games -- World Beach Games competitions
Wikipedia - Aquatics at the 1997 Southeast Asian Games -- Aquatic events held at the 1997 Southeast Asian Games
Wikipedia - A Quiet Weekend in Capri -- Computer adventure game
Wikipedia - Arac (video game) -- 1986 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Arbiter (Halo) -- Fictional character in the Halo video game series
Wikipedia - Arcade cabinet -- Housing within which an arcade game's electronic hardware resides
Wikipedia - Arcade games
Wikipedia - Arcade game -- Coin-operated entertainment machine
Wikipedia - Arcadia (card game) -- 1996 collectible card game
Wikipedia - Arcane Legends -- Mobile video game
Wikipedia - Archaeogaming -- Archaeology of gaming or the use of video games in archaeology
Wikipedia - Archegonium -- Organ of the gametophyte of certain plants, producing and containing the ovum
Wikipedia - Archer Maclean's Mercury -- 2005 video game
Wikipedia - Archery at the 2010 Commonwealth Games - Men's recurve team -- Men's Recurve Team (Archery) at 2010 Commonwealth Games
Wikipedia - Archery at the 2019 Pan American Games -- The Archery competitions at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Archmagic -- 1993 role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Arden: The World of Shakespeare -- 21st-century partially complete educational computer game
Wikipedia - Ardotalia -- Roman fort in Gamesley, near Glossop in Derbyshire, England
Wikipedia - Area 51 (2005 video game) -- 2005 video game
Wikipedia - ArenaNet -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - Arena of Valor -- Multiplayer online battle arena video game
Wikipedia - Ares (magazine) -- Science fiction wargame magazine
Wikipedia - Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader? (American game show) -- American quiz game show
Wikipedia - Argentina at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Argentina at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Arika -- Japanese video game developer
Wikipedia - Ariolasoft -- German video game developer
Wikipedia - Arirang Mass Games -- Mass gymnastics and artistic festival
Wikipedia - Arithmetic progression game -- Positional game
Wikipedia - Arkane Studios -- French video game developer
Wikipedia - Arkanoid DS -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - Arkanoid Plus! -- 2009 WiiWare video game
Wikipedia - Arkanoid -- 1986 video game
Wikipedia - Ark Area -- 1987 video game
Wikipedia - Arkham Horror: The Card Game -- 2016 card game
Wikipedia - Arknights -- Mobile video game, 2020
Wikipedia - Ark: Survival Evolved -- Action-adventure survival video game
Wikipedia - Arlene Francis -- American actress, radio and television talk show host, and game show panelist
Wikipedia - Armenia at the Youth Olympics -- performance of Armenia at the Youth Olympic Games
Wikipedia - Armor Attack -- 1980 video game
Wikipedia - Armored Core 2 -- 2000 video game
Wikipedia - Armored Core: Nine Breaker -- 2004 video game
Wikipedia - Army of Two -- Third-person shooter video game series
Wikipedia - Around the World in 80 Days (board game) -- 2004 board game
Wikipedia - Arsys Software -- Defunct Japanese video game developer
Wikipedia - Art Alive! -- 1992 video game
Wikipedia - Art game
Wikipedia - Arthouse game
Wikipedia - Artificial intelligence in video games
Wikipedia - Artificial intelligence (video games)
Wikipedia - Artificial life game
Wikipedia - Artillery game
Wikipedia - Artistic roller skating at the 2001 World Games - Pairs -- Artistic roller skating at the 2001 World Games in Akita
Wikipedia - Artistic swimming at the 2019 Pan American Games -- The Artistic swimming competitions at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Art of Balance -- 2010 physics-based puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Artoon -- Defunct Japanese video game developer
Wikipedia - Art Style -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Arx Fatalis -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Arya Vaiv -- 1994 video game
Wikipedia - Arzest -- Japanese video game development company
Wikipedia - Ascension: Chronicle of the Godslayer -- 2010 deck-building card game and 2011 video game
Wikipedia - Ascent To Anekthor -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Asda Story -- Video game
Wikipedia - A Short Hike -- Video game
Wikipedia - Asia Game Changer Awards -- North American award ceremony
Wikipedia - Asian Games Village (New Delhi) -- Located in the Siri Fort area
Wikipedia - A Simple Game -- 1968 song by the Moody Blues
Wikipedia - Aslan Mercenary Ships -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Asmodee -- Board games publisher and distributor
Wikipedia - A Song of Ice and Fire fandom -- Informal community for A Song of Ice and Fire, and Game of Thrones
Wikipedia - A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying -- tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - Asphalt 6: Adrenaline -- 2010 racing video game
Wikipedia - Asphalt 7: Heat -- 2012 racing video game
Wikipedia - Asphalt (series) -- Racing video game series
Wikipedia - Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood -- 2010 historical action-adventure open world stealth video game
Wikipedia - Assassin's Creed III -- Historical action-adventure video game
Wikipedia - Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag -- 2013 video game
Wikipedia - Assassin's Creed Odyssey -- action-adventure video game released in 2018
Wikipedia - Assassin's Creed Syndicate -- 2015 video game
Wikipedia - Assassin's Creed (video game) -- 2007 action-adventure video game
Wikipedia - Assassin's Creed -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Asset flip -- Poor-quality video game developed using pre-made assets
Wikipedia - Astal -- 1995 2D side-scrolling platformer video game
Wikipedia - Astar (game)
Wikipedia - Asterix & Obelix XXL -- video game based on French comic book series
Wikipedia - Asterix at the Olympic Games (film) -- 2008 film
Wikipedia - Asteroid (board game) -- Board game
Wikipedia - Asteroids (arcade game)
Wikipedia - Asteroids (video game) -- 1979 video game
Wikipedia - Astonia III -- Fantasy MMORPG video game
Wikipedia - A Story About My Uncle -- 2012 indie video game
Wikipedia - Astral Chain -- 2019 action-adventure hack and slash video game
Wikipedia - Astro Bot Rescue Mission -- 2018 platform game developed by Japan Studio
Wikipedia - Astroneer -- 2016 space-based sandbox adventure game
Wikipedia - Astrosmash -- Video game from 1981 for the Intellivision console
Wikipedia - Astro's Playroom -- 2020 video game
Wikipedia - Asymmetric gameplay
Wikipedia - AT-43 -- 2006 wargame
Wikipedia - Ataraxia (gamer) -- former professional Smite player
Wikipedia - Atari 2600 homebrew -- Video game genre
Wikipedia - Atari 2600 -- Home video game console
Wikipedia - Atari 5200 -- Home video game console
Wikipedia - Atari 7800 -- Home video game console
Wikipedia - Atari CX40 joystick -- Cross-platform game controller made by Atari
Wikipedia - Atari Game Brain -- Unreleased dedicated first-generation home video game console that was supposed to be released by Atari in June 1978
Wikipedia - Atari, Inc. -- Defunct American video game and home computer company
Wikipedia - Atari Jaguar CD -- Peripheral for the Atari Jaguar video game console
Wikipedia - Atari Jaguar -- Home video game console
Wikipedia - Atari video game burial -- 1983 mass burial of unsold video game cartridges in New Mexico
Wikipedia - Atelier Double -- Video game studio (1996-2004)
Wikipedia - Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout -- 2019 video game by Gust Co. Ltd.
Wikipedia - ATF (video game) -- 1988 computer game
Wikipedia - AtGames -- American video game and video game console manufacturer
Wikipedia - A Theory of Fun for Game Design
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1962 British Empire and Commonwealth Games - Men's 4 M-CM-^W 110 yards relay -- Commonwealth Games
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1962 British Empire and Commonwealth Games - Women's 100 yards -- Athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1970 British Commonwealth Games - Women's 400 metres -- Athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1975 South Pacific Games -- 1975 athletics competitions in Guam
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1977 Southeast Asian Games -- Medal results of sporting event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1983 Pan American Games - Men's 4 M-CM-^W 100 metres relay -- Athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1985 Bolivarian Games -- Bolivarian Games
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1998 Asian Games - Women's 200 metres -- Athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1998 Micronesian Games -- Game
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1999 Pan American Games - Women's triple jump -- Athletic event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 2003 All-Africa Games - Women's triple jump -- Athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 2006 Asian Games - Women's 4 M-CM-^W 400 metres relay -- Athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 2006 Commonwealth Games - Men's discus throw -- Sport
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 2006 Commonwealth Games - Women's shot put -- Athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 2007 All-Africa Games - Men's decathlon -- Athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 2007 Pan American Games - Women's 100 metres -- Women's 100 metres event at the 2007 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 2007 Pan American Games - Women's 400 metres -- 400 meter human race
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 2009 Mediterranean Games - Results -- MEDITERRANEAN GAMES
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 2010 Central American and Caribbean Games - Results -- Listing of official results of the athletics competition at the 2010 Central American and Caribbean Games
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 2011 All-Africa Games - Women's 20 kilometres walk -- Women Walk competition
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 2011 Pan American Games - Men's discus throw -- International athletic competition
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 2015 Pan American Games - Women's 100 metres -- Athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 2018 Asian Games -- none
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 2018 Commonwealth Games - Women's 1500 metres (T54) -- Athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 2019 Pan American Games -- The Athletics competitions at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 2019 Pan American Games - Women's javelin throw -- Athletics competition
Wikipedia - Atlantis: The Lost Tales -- 1997 fantasy adventure video game
Wikipedia - Atlas (video game) -- 2018 early access video game by Instinct Games
Wikipedia - Atlus -- Japanese video game company
Wikipedia - Atmosfear: Khufu the Mummy -- 2006 board game
Wikipedia - Atmosfear (series) -- 1991 video board game
Wikipedia - Atmosfear: The Gatekeeper -- 2004 video board game
Wikipedia - Atomic Robo-Kid -- 1988 video game
Wikipedia - Atrapa los Millones -- Chilean game show
Wikipedia - Atreus -- King of Mycenae, father of Agamemnon and Menelaus
Wikipedia - Attack of the Mutant Artificial Trees -- Online video game
Wikipedia - Attacktix -- 2005 collectible action figure game
Wikipedia - Attentat 1942 -- 2017 Czech WWII video game
Wikipedia - Attention to Detail -- British video game developer
Wikipedia - Attribute (role-playing games) -- Quantified characteristic in role-playing games
Wikipedia - ATV Offroad Fury: Blazin' Trails -- 2005 video game
Wikipedia - ATV Offroad Fury Pro -- 2006 video game
Wikipedia - ATV: Quad Power Racing 2 -- 2003 video game
Wikipedia - Audio game
Wikipedia - Audiogenic -- Video game developer
Wikipedia - Audiosurf -- Video game
Wikipedia - Augustus Cole -- Fictional character in the Gears of War video game series
Wikipedia - Aurore Sourcebook -- Role playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Austin Powers Collectible Card Game -- 1999 collectible card game
Wikipedia - Austin Powers: Oh, Behave! -- 2000 action video game
Wikipedia - Austin Powers Operation: Trivia -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Austin Powers: Welcome to My Underground Lair! -- 2000 video game
Wikipedia - Australia at the 1906 Intercalated Games -- Australia at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Australia at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Australia at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Australian Game fowl -- Australian breed of fighting chicken
Wikipedia - Austria at the 1906 Intercalated Games -- Austria at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Austria at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Austria at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Austria at the Youth Olympics -- performance of Austria at the Youth Olympic Games
Wikipedia - Auto Club Revolution -- 2013 video game
Wikipedia - Autodesk Gameware
Wikipedia - Autogamy -- Fusion of gametes from the same individual
Wikipedia - Automation (video game) -- A car company tycoon game
Wikipedia - Auto Test -- 1954 electro-mechanical game
Wikipedia - Avalon Hill -- Board game company
Wikipedia - Avalon: The Legend Lives -- Fantasy multi-player role-playing game
Wikipedia - Avatar (1979 video game)
Wikipedia - Avatar: The Last Airbender Trading Card Game -- 2006 collectible card game
Wikipedia - Avengers: Endgame (soundtrack)
Wikipedia - Avengers: Endgame -- 2019 superhero film produced by Marvel Studios
Wikipedia - AVICII Invector -- 2019 multi-player music video game
Wikipedia - Awake: The Million Dollar Game -- 2019 American game show
Wikipedia - Awem -- Video games developer
Wikipedia - Axe (gamer) -- American esports player
Wikipedia - Axell Hodges -- Motocross and X Games competitor
Wikipedia - Axis & Allies: D-Day -- 2004 board game
Wikipedia - Axis & Allies: Europe 1940 -- 2010 board wargame
Wikipedia - Axis & Allies: Europe -- 2001 board game
Wikipedia - Axis & Allies: Pacific 1940 -- 2010 board game
Wikipedia - Axis & Allies -- World War II strategy board game series
Wikipedia - Aye, Dark Overlord! -- Card game
Wikipedia - Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco GP II -- 1992 video game
Wikipedia - Azerbaijan at the Youth Olympics -- performance of Azerbaijan at the Youth Olympic Games
Wikipedia - Azhanti High Lightning -- Tabletop wargame
Wikipedia - Aztarac -- Color vector arcade shooter game from 1983
Wikipedia - Azul (board game) -- 2017 board game
Wikipedia - Azure Dreams -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - Azurian Attack -- 1982 arcade game
Wikipedia - Azur Lane -- 2017 Chinese side-scrolling shoot 'em up video game
Wikipedia - Baazi Dimaag Ki -- Television game show
Wikipedia - Baba Yetu -- Theme song of the video game Civilization IV
Wikipedia - Baby Bonnie Hood -- Character from the Darkstalkers video game series
Wikipedia - Babycastles -- game developer collective and space
Wikipedia - Babylon 5 Roleplaying Game -- Tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - Babylonian Castle Saga -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Baccarat (card game)
Wikipedia - Bachelor Pad -- American reality television game show
Wikipedia - Back 4 Blood -- 2021 first-person shooter game
Wikipedia - Backbone Entertainment -- Defunct American video game developer
Wikipedia - Backgammon opening theory -- Initial moves strategy of a backgammon game
Wikipedia - Backgammon (video game) -- 1979 video game
Wikipedia - Backgammon -- One of the oldest board games for two players
Wikipedia - Back to Skool -- video game
Wikipedia - Back to Stone -- 2006 GBA action role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Back to the Future: The Game -- Video game
Wikipedia - Backyard Hockey (series) -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Backyard Soccer -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Backyard Wrestling 2: There Goes the Neighborhood -- 2004 video game
Wikipedia - Badminton at the 2010 Central American and Caribbean Games -- Event held in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Badminton at the 2019 Pan American Games -- Badminton competitions at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Bad Piggies -- Puzzle video game developed by Rovio Entertainment
Wikipedia - Bag (fishing and hunting) -- Quantity of fish caught in fishing or game killed in hunting
Wikipedia - Bahrain at the 2009 Asian Indoor Games -- Competitor in an Asian indoor sporting event
Wikipedia - Baja Buggies -- 1982 video game
Wikipedia - Baja: Edge of Control -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - Balaji Telefilms -- Indian company which produces soap operas, reality TV show, comedy, game shows, entertainment and factual programming
Wikipedia - Balance (game design)
Wikipedia - Balbo's Game
Wikipedia - Balbo's game -- Chess variant
Wikipedia - Baldur's Gate (video game)
Wikipedia - Bali Mauladad -- Big game hunter
Wikipedia - Ball game
Wikipedia - Ballistics (video game) -- 2001 futuristic racing computer video game
Wikipedia - Balloon Cup -- 2003 card game
Wikipedia - Balloon (game) -- ancient sport
Wikipedia - Balls (gamer) -- American League of Legends player
Wikipedia - Ballyduff GAA (Kerry) -- Gaelic games club in County Kerry, Ireland
Wikipedia - Ballymun Kickhams GAA -- Gaelic games club in Ballymun, Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - Bamboozle! -- UK teletext quiz game
Wikipedia - BAM! Entertainment -- American dormant video game publisher
Wikipedia - Bananagrams -- 2006 tabletop word game
Wikipedia - Banana Kong -- mobile game
Wikipedia - Bandai Namco Entertainment -- Japanese video game developer and publisher
Wikipedia - Bandai -- Japanese toy making and video game company
Wikipedia - Bandy at the 2011 Asian Winter Games -- 2011 edition of bandy at the 2011 Asian Winter Games
Wikipedia - Bandy -- Ballgame on ice played using skates and sticks
Wikipedia - Bang Bang Busters -- Video game
Wikipedia - Bang! (card game) -- 2002 card game
Wikipedia - BanG Dream! Girls Band Party! -- 2017 rhythm mobile game
Wikipedia - Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts -- Video game
Wikipedia - Banjo-Kazooie (video game) -- 1998 platform video game developed by Rare
Wikipedia - Banjo-Kazooie -- Video game franchise
Wikipedia - Banjo-Tooie -- 3D platform video game developed by Rare Limited
Wikipedia - BankGiro Miljonairs -- Dutch television game show
Wikipedia - Bankshot Billiards -- Cue sports video game, released 2004
Wikipedia - Barbara Burlingame -- Nutrition scientist
Wikipedia - Barbarian: The Ultimate Warrior -- 1987 video game
Wikipedia - Barbarossa (board game) -- Plasticine-shaping board game
Wikipedia - Barbie Horse Adventures -- Series of video games based on Mattel's Barbie line of dolls
Wikipedia - Barcode Battler -- Handheld game console by Epoch Co.
Wikipedia - Barkley 2 -- 2016 video game
Wikipedia - Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden -- Video game
Wikipedia - Barnstorming (video game) -- Video game
Wikipedia - Barony (role-playing game) -- Game
Wikipedia - Baroque (video game)
Wikipedia - Barotrauma (video game) -- 2019 side-scrolling role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Barrow Hill: Curse of the Ancient Circle -- 2006 video game by Shadow Tor Studios
Wikipedia - Baseball (computer game)
Wikipedia - Bashni -- Russian board game
Wikipedia - BASIC Computer Games
Wikipedia - Basque bowls -- Basque variants of bowling games.
Wikipedia - Basque pelota at the 2019 Pan American Games -- The Basque pelota competition at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Bastila Shan -- Fictional video game character
Wikipedia - Bastion (video game) -- Action role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Bat-and-ball games -- Field games played by two opposing teams
Wikipedia - Batey (game) -- Taino ballcourt/plaza
Wikipedia - Batman: Arkham Asylum -- 2009 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Batman: Arkham City -- 2011 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Batman: Arkham Knight -- 2015 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker (video game)
Wikipedia - Batman: The Enemy Within -- 2016 Batman adventure video game
Wikipedia - Bats & Terry -- 1987 video game
Wikipedia - Battle Arena Toshinden (anime) -- Two-part original video animation based on the video game series of the same name
Wikipedia - Battle Bakraid -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Battle Bears Gold -- Multi-player video game
Wikipedia - Battleborn (video game) -- 2016 multiplayer first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Battle Chasers: Nightwar -- 2017 role-playing mobile game
Wikipedia - Battle Chef Brigade -- 2017 puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Battle Chess -- Chess video game
Wikipedia - Battle Dex -- 2010 video game
Wikipedia - Battlefield 1942 -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Battlefield 1 -- 2016 first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Battlefield 2142 -- 2006 first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Battlefield 2: Modern Combat -- 2005 video game
Wikipedia - Battlefield 3 -- 2011 video game
Wikipedia - Battlefield 4 -- 2013 first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Battlefield: Bad Company 2 -- 2010 video game
Wikipedia - Battlefield Hardline -- 2015 video game
Wikipedia - Battlefield (video game series) -- First-person shooter video game series by EA DICE
Wikipedia - Battle for Andromeda -- 1976 board wargame
Wikipedia - BattleForce -- 1987 wargame
Wikipedia - BattleForge -- Video game
Wikipedia - Battlefront (1986 video game) -- 1987 video game
Wikipedia - Battle Gear -- Game series
Wikipedia - Battlelords -- 1995 collectible card game
Wikipedia - Battle Master -- 1990 fantasy action adventure game
Wikipedia - Battlemorph -- 1995 video game
Wikipedia - Battle of Asakai -- Massive-scale virtual battle in the game Eve Online
Wikipedia - Battle of M2-XFE -- Massive-scale virtual battle in the game Eve Online
Wikipedia - Battle of the Immortals -- 2010 video game
Wikipedia - Battle of the sexes (game theory)
Wikipedia - Battle pass -- Type of video game monetization
Wikipedia - Battle Realms: Winter of the Wolf -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Battlerite -- 2017 multiplayer action video game
Wikipedia - Battle royale game -- Video game genre with the last-man-standing gameplay
Wikipedia - Battleship (film) -- 2012 military science fiction film by Peter Berg based on the board game of the same name
Wikipedia - Battleship (game) -- Strategy type guessing game for two players
Wikipedia - Battle Soccer: Field no Hasha -- 1992 video game
Wikipedia - BattleSpace -- 1993 wargame
Wikipedia - Battle Spirits (card game) -- 2008 collectible card game
Wikipedia - Battle Stadium D.O.N -- Video game starring One Piece, Dragon Ball and Naruto
Wikipedia - Battlestar Galactica Collectible Card Game -- 2006 collectible card game
Wikipedia - Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game -- Board games
Wikipedia - Battlestars (game show) -- American television series
Wikipedia - Battlestations: Midway -- Video game
Wikipedia - BattleTanx -- 1998 video game
Wikipedia - Battletoads (2020 video game) -- 2020 video game
Wikipedia - Battletoads Arcade -- 1994 arcade game
Wikipedia - BattleTroops -- 1989 wargame
Wikipedia - Battlezone (1980 video game) -- Atari tank combat vector arcade game from 1980
Wikipedia - Beach handball at the 2019 World Beach Games -- World Beach Games competitions
Wikipedia - Beach sambo at the 2014 Asian Beach Games -- Sambo competitions
Wikipedia - Beach sambo at the 2016 Asian Beach Games -- Sambo competitions
Wikipedia - Beach volleyball at the 2019 Pan American Games - Qualification -- Beach volleyball competition
Wikipedia - Beach volleyball at the 2019 Pan American Games -- The Beach volleyball competitions at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Beach wrestling at the 2008 Asian Beach Games -- Wrestling competitions
Wikipedia - Beach wrestling at the 2014 Asian Beach Games -- Wrestling competitions
Wikipedia - Beach wrestling at the 2016 Asian Beach Games -- Wrestling competitions
Wikipedia - -- Vehicle simulation game
Wikipedia - Bear games
Wikipedia - Beast Busters -- Rail shooter arcade video game from 1989
Wikipedia - Beating the Game (1921 crime film) -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Beating the Game -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Beatmania IIDX 15: DJ Troopers -- Video game
Wikipedia - Beatmania IIDX 17: Sirius -- Video game
Wikipedia - Beatmania IIDX 18 Resort Anthem -- Video game
Wikipedia - Beatmania IIDX Club Version -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Beatmania IIDX (video game) -- 1999 music video game
Wikipedia - Beat Shazam -- American television game show
Wikipedia - Beats of Rage -- Video game
Wikipedia - Beat The Genius -- Indian game show
Wikipedia - Beautiful Katamari -- 2007 puzzle-action video game published by Namco Bandai Games
Wikipedia - Bee Movie Game -- 2007 video game
Wikipedia - Beenox -- Video game developer, established in Quebec City, Quebec
Wikipedia - Beer and pretzels game
Wikipedia - Beer distribution game -- Game
Wikipedia - Beer pong (paddle game) -- Drinking game
Wikipedia - Begin A Game -- 2018 South Korean television show
Wikipedia - Beheading game -- A motif of medieval romance
Wikipedia - Behemoth: Or the Game of God -- 2016 Mosotho short film
Wikipedia - Behind Enemy Lines (role-playing game) -- Tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - Beholder Kft. -- Video game developer company
Wikipedia - Beijing 2008 (video game) -- 2008 sports video game
Wikipedia - Bejeweled 2 -- 2004 puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Bejeweled 3 -- 2011 puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Bejeweled Blitz -- 2010 puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Bejeweled (series) -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Bejeweled Twist -- 2008 puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Bejeweled -- 2001 puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Belarus at the Youth Olympics -- performance of Belarus at the Youth Olympic Games
Wikipedia - Belgium at the 1906 Intercalated Games -- Belgium at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Belgium at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Belgium at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Belgium at the Youth Olympics -- performance of Belgium at the Youth Olympic Games
Wikipedia - Belgooly GAA -- Gaelic games club in County Cork, Ireland
Wikipedia - Belmullet GAA -- Gaelic games club in County Mayo, Ireland
Wikipedia - BeltStrike: Riches and Danger in the Bowman Belt -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Ben 10: Omniverse (video game) -- Video game
Wikipedia - Ben Bailey -- American comedian, television personality and game show host
Wikipedia - Ben Brode -- American video game designer
Wikipedia - Bend Studio -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - Bendy and the Ink Machine -- 2017 Horror Game (For PC and Mobile)
Wikipedia - Bennett Foddy -- Australian video game developer and philosopher
Wikipedia - Berge equilibrium -- Solution concept capturing altruism in game theory
Wikipedia - Berlin 36 -- 2009 film set in the Olympic games in fascist Germany directed by Kaspar Heidelbach
Wikipedia - Berlin Connection -- 1998 German educational adventure game
Wikipedia - Berlin Game -- 1983 spy novel by Len Deighton
Wikipedia - Bermuda at the 1992 Winter Olympics -- Participant in '92 Olympic Games
Wikipedia - Berzerk (video game) -- Arcade video game
Wikipedia - Bestia (game) -- Italian card game
Wikipedia - Bestiary of Dragons and Giants -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - Bethesda Game Studios
Wikipedia - Bethesda Softworks -- American video game publisher
Wikipedia - Betrayer (video game) -- 2014 video game
Wikipedia - Bettelmann -- Card game
Wikipedia - Between the Sky and Sea -- Japanese manga series and video game
Wikipedia - Beyblade Trading Card Game -- Collectible card game
Wikipedia - Beyond Dark Castle -- 1987 computer game
Wikipedia - Beyond Oasis -- 1994 video game
Wikipedia - Beyond (Paranoia Press) -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Beyond the Stellar Empire -- Fantasy role-playing game
Wikipedia - Beyond: Two Souls -- 2013 interactive drama and action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Bhutan at the 2018 Asian Para Games -- Bhutan at 2018 Asian Para Games
Wikipedia - Bible Black -- 2000 eroge video game from Japan
Wikipedia - Bids for the Youth Olympic Games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Bierlachs -- Card game variant
Wikipedia - Big 12 Championship Game
Wikipedia - Big Ant Studios -- Australian video game developer
Wikipedia - Bigbig Studios -- Defunct British video game developer
Wikipedia - Big Brother (franchise) -- Dutch reality game show franchise
Wikipedia - Big Fish Games -- American gaming company
Wikipedia - Big five game -- African game-hunting species
Wikipedia - Big Game (1921 film) -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Big Game (2014 film) -- 2014 film
Wikipedia - Big Game (American football)
Wikipedia - Big Game (football)
Wikipedia - Big-game hunting -- Hunting of large animals
Wikipedia - Big-game tunny fishing off Scarborough -- Sport of English gentleman in 1930s
Wikipedia - Big Game TV -- British phone-in quiz television channel
Wikipedia - Bigg Boss (Telugu season 3) -- Reality TV game show - Telugu language
Wikipedia - Bigg Boss (Telugu season 4) -- Reality TV game show - Telugu language
Wikipedia - Bigg Boss (Telugu TV series) -- Reality TV game show - Telugu language
Wikipedia - Bigg Boss -- Indian reality television game show
Wikipedia - Big Job (video game) -- 1996 video game
Wikipedia - Big Kahuna Reef -- 2004 tile-matching puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Big Mutha Truckers 2: Truck Me Harder -- 2005 video game
Wikipedia - Big Mutha Truckers -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Big Viking Games -- Canadian independent video game development company
Wikipedia - Bil Dwyer -- American stand-up comedian and game-show host
Wikipedia - Bill Nye: The Science Guy - Stop the Rock! -- 1996 video game
Wikipedia - Bill Sharkey's Last Game -- 1909 film
Wikipedia - Bill Williams (game designer)
Wikipedia - Billy Mitchell (gamer) -- American video game player
Wikipedia - Bingo (British version) -- Game of probability played in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - BioMetal (video game) -- 1993 video game
Wikipedia - Bionicle: Matoran Adventures -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea -- Episodic expansion to the first-person shooter video game "BioShock Infinite"
Wikipedia - BioShock Infinite -- First-person shooter video game and the third installment in the ''BioShock'' series
Wikipedia - BioShock: The Collection -- 2016 video game compilation
Wikipedia - BioShock -- 2007 first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Birds of Steel -- Video game
Wikipedia - Biseokchigi -- Traditional Korean game
Wikipedia - BishM-EM-^Mjo Senshi Sailor Moon: Another Story -- Sailor Moon video game released in 1995
Wikipedia - Bismarck (board game) -- Board game, variant of "Battleship"
Wikipedia - Bit City -- 2017 incremental city-builder mobile game
Wikipedia - Bit Corporation -- Taiwanese game developer and console manufacturer
Wikipedia - Bite the Bullet (video game) -- Upcoming platformer
Wikipedia - Bizarre Creations -- Defunct British video game development studio
Wikipedia - Blackball (pool) -- Pool game
Wikipedia - Blackboard Jungle (game show) -- Irish quiz show
Wikipedia - Black Box (game)
Wikipedia - Black Crypt -- Role-playing video game for the Commodore Amiga from 1992
Wikipedia - Blackhand's Street Weapons 2020 -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Black Isle Studios -- American game developer
Wikipedia - Blackjack -- Gambling card game
Wikipedia - Black Mesa (video game) -- remake of Half-Life
Wikipedia - Black Mirror (2017 video game) -- 2017 gothic adventure horror game
Wikipedia - Blackmoor (supplement) -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - Black Myth: Wukong -- Video game
Wikipedia - Black Out! -- Video game
Wikipedia - Blackrock GAA (Limerick) -- Gaelic games club in County Limerick, Ireland
Wikipedia - Blackroom (video game)
Wikipedia - Blacks and Whites GAA -- Gaelic games club in County Kilkenny, Ireland
Wikipedia - Black the Fall -- 2017 puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Blackthorne -- 1994 SNES game
Wikipedia - Black > White (video game)
Wikipedia - Blackwood Crossing -- 2017 narrative adventure video game
Wikipedia - Blade Runner (1985 video game)
Wikipedia - Blade Runner (1997 video game)
Wikipedia - Blade Symphony -- Video game
Wikipedia - Blast Corps -- 1997 action game
Wikipedia - Blaster Learning System -- Educational video game franchise
Wikipedia - Blaster Master Zero -- 2020 action adventure video game
Wikipedia - Blasteroids -- Video game similar to Asteroids first developed by Atari in 1987
Wikipedia - BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle -- 2018 2D fighting game
Wikipedia - BlazBlue -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Blaze Europe -- Former video game hardware and software developer
Wikipedia - Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII -- 2006 video game
Wikipedia - Blazing Lazers -- 1989 Japanese-American video game
Wikipedia - Bleach: Blade Battlers (series) -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Bleach: Brave Souls -- Mobile game
Wikipedia - Bleach: Dark Souls -- Video game
Wikipedia - Bleach DS 4th: Flame Bringer -- 2009 video game
Wikipedia - Bleach: Soul Resurreccion -- Video game
Wikipedia - Bleach: The 3rd Phantom -- Video game
Wikipedia - Bleach: The Blade of Fate -- Video game
Wikipedia - Bleach Trading Card Game -- Out of print card game based on Bleach
Wikipedia - Bleeding Edge (video game) -- 2020 video game developed by Ninja Theory
Wikipedia - Blek -- Video game
Wikipedia - Blender Game Engine
Wikipedia - Bless Unleashed -- Massively multiplayer online role-playing game
Wikipedia - Blind Date (British game show) -- UK game show
Wikipedia - Blind man's buff -- Children's game
Wikipedia - Blitzkrieg 3 -- 2017 Online RTS computer game
Wikipedia - Blizzard Entertainment -- American video game publisher and developer
Wikipedia - Blockbuster LLC -- Defunct US-based provider of home movie and video game rental services; now a franchise brand name
Wikipedia - Blockbusters (British game show) -- British television game show
Wikipedia - Blockbusting (game) -- A combinatorial game solved using overheating
Wikipedia - Blockhead! -- Tabletop stacking game using colorful wooden blocks
Wikipedia - Block'hood -- 2017 city-building indie simulation video game
Wikipedia - Blockout -- Puzzle video game first published in 1989
Wikipedia - Blocksworld -- 2013 sandbox video game
Wikipedia - Blood & Truth -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - Bloodbath of B-R5RB -- Massive virtual battle in the EVE Online game
Wikipedia - Bloodborne -- 2015 action role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon -- 2018 platform game
Wikipedia - Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - Blood Wars Card Game
Wikipedia - Bloodwych -- 1989 RPG video game
Wikipedia - Bloons Tower Defense -- Tower defense video game series featuring popping of enemy balloons
Wikipedia - Bloons -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Blotto game -- A zero-sum game
Wikipedia - Blue and Gray (board game)
Wikipedia - Blue Dragon (video game) -- Video game
Wikipedia - Blue Omega -- American film and video game company
Wikipedia - Bluepoint Games -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - Blue Reflection -- 2017 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Blues Brothers 2000 (video game) -- Video game
Wikipedia - Blue's Clues Kindergarten -- educational video game series
Wikipedia - Blue's Clues (video game series) -- educational adventure video game series
Wikipedia - Bluff (poker) -- Tactic in poker and other card games
Wikipedia - BM-aM-:M-'u cua tom ca -- Vietnamese dice gambling game
Wikipedia - BM-CM-$renpark -- Board game
Wikipedia - BM-CM-$st i Test -- Swedish comedy panel game show
Wikipedia - BM-CM-*te -- French card game
Wikipedia - Board game awards -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Board game development
Wikipedia - Board Game Geek
Wikipedia - BoardGameGeek
Wikipedia - Boardgamegeek
Wikipedia - Board games
Wikipedia - Board game -- game that involves counters or pieces moved or placed on a pre-marked surface or "board", according to a set of rules
Wikipedia - Board wargame -- Wargame played on a printed surface or board
Wikipedia - Bob Barker -- American game show host
Wikipedia - Bob Bates -- American computer games designer
Wikipedia - Bob Boden -- American game show producer
Wikipedia - Bob Rafei -- Iranian video game developer
Wikipedia - Bodybuilding at the 2019 Pan American Games - Qualification -- Bodybuilding competition
Wikipedia - Bodybuilding at the 2019 Pan American Games -- The Bodybuilding competitions at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Bodycount (video game) -- 2011 first-person shooter video game by Codemasters
Wikipedia - Bohemia Interactive -- Czech video game development studio
Wikipedia - Boherbue GAA -- Gaelic games club in County Cork, Ireland
Wikipedia - Boktai -- Action role-playing video game series
Wikipedia - Boku (game)
Wikipedia - Bombastic (video game) -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Bomber Crew -- 2018 RTS Video game
Wikipedia - Bomberman 64 (1997 video game) -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - Bomberman GB -- 1994 video game for Game Boy
Wikipedia - Bomberman Max 2 -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Bomberman -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Bongfish -- Video game developer from Austria
Wikipedia - Bonk's Adventure -- 1989 computer and video game
Wikipedia - BoomBots -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Boost Beast -- 2017 puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Boot Hill (role-playing game)
Wikipedia - Booty (video game) -- 1984 video game
Wikipedia - Bop It -- Handheld audio game
Wikipedia - Borderlands 3 -- 2019 first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Borderlands (series) -- First-person shooter video game series
Wikipedia - Borderlands: The Handsome Collection -- 2015 video game
Wikipedia - Borderlands (video game) -- 2009 action role-playing first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Borench -- 1990 puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Bork3D Game Engine
Wikipedia - Borobi (mascot) -- Mascot of the 2018 Commonwealth Games
Wikipedia - Borrisokane GAA -- Gaelic games club in County Tipperary, Ireland
Wikipedia - Bosnia and Herzegovina at the Youth Olympics -- performance of Bosnia and Herzegovina at the Youth Olympic Games
Wikipedia - Bossa Studios -- British video game developer
Wikipedia - Boss (video games)
Wikipedia - Bosworth (game)
Wikipedia - Bottle Fairy -- 2005 video game
Wikipedia - Boulder Dash: Rocks! -- 2007 video game
Wikipedia - Boulder Dash -- 1984 video game
Wikipedia - Boules sports at the 2009 World Games - Men's lyonnaise progressive -- Men's lyonnaise progressive event in boules sports
Wikipedia - Bounces (video game) -- 1985 video game
Wikipedia - Bowling at the 2005 World Games - Women's nine-pin singles -- 2005 World Games Bowling
Wikipedia - Bowling at the 2006 Asian Games - Women's team -- Bowling event in Doha, Qatar
Wikipedia - Bowling at the 2010 Asian Games - Men's doubles -- Event at 2010 Asian Games
Wikipedia - Bowling at the 2019 Pan American Games -- The Bowling competitions at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Bowling (video game) -- Video game for the Atari 2600 from 1979
Wikipedia - Bowser (character) -- Video game character from the Mario franchise
Wikipedia - BoxBoy! -- Puzzle platformer video game franchise
Wikipedia - Boxing at the 1977 Southeast Asian Games -- List of medalists at sporting event
Wikipedia - Boyfriend Dungeon -- Dungeon crawler-dating sim indie game
Wikipedia - Boys' toys and games -- Subset of toy and games that appeal to male children
Wikipedia - Bradley Game -- Australian BMX rider
Wikipedia - BradyGames
Wikipedia - Braid (video game) -- 2008 puzzle platform video game
Wikipedia - Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day! -- 2005 puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Brain Age -- video game series by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Brandon Sheffield -- American video game producer and webcomic writer
Wikipedia - Brany Skeldalu 2: PatM-CM-= UM-DM-^Mednik -- Czech adventure video game
Wikipedia - Bratz: Super Babyz -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - Bratz (video game) -- 2003 Bratz video game
Wikipedia - Brave Fencer Musashi -- 1998 video game
Wikipedia - Braveheart (video game) -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Bravo Air Race -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - Bravoman -- 1988 beat'em up arcade game
Wikipedia - Brawl Brothers -- 1992 video game
Wikipedia - Brawlhalla -- 2015 2D fighting video game
Wikipedia - Brawlout -- 2017 fighting video game
Wikipedia - Brawl Stars -- Mobile game created by Supercell
Wikipedia - Brax (game)
Wikipedia - Brazil at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Brazil at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Breakaway (cancelled video game) -- Cancelled video game
Wikipedia - Breakout (video game) -- 1976 Atari arcade game
Wikipedia - Breakthrough (board game)
Wikipedia - Breakthru (board game)
Wikipedia - Breast physics -- Bouncing breasts in video games
Wikipedia - Breath of Fire III -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - Breath of Fire -- Role-playing video game series developed by Capcom
Wikipedia - Brenda Laurel -- Video game developer
Wikipedia - Brendan Iribe -- American game programmer and founder
Wikipedia - Brendan Q. Ferguson -- American computer game designer, writer, programmer
Wikipedia - Brenda Romero -- American video game designer and developer
Wikipedia - Brett Somers -- Canadian-American actress, singer and game-show personality
Wikipedia - Brian Allgeier -- American video game designer
Wikipedia - Brian Blume -- American game designer, writer
Wikipedia - Brian Eddy -- American game designer and programmer
Wikipedia - Brian Green (game developer)
Wikipedia - Brian Jacks Uchi Mata -- 1986 video game
Wikipedia - Brian Lara International Cricket 2007 -- 2007 video game
Wikipedia - Brianna Wu -- American video game developer and computer programmer
Wikipedia - Brian Reynolds (game designer) -- American videogame designer
Wikipedia - BRICS Games -- Multi-sport event involving athletes from the BRICS Nations
Wikipedia - Bridge Constructor Portal -- 2018 engineering simulation puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Brigador -- Video game
Wikipedia - Bright Memory -- 2019 first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Brigitte (Overwatch) -- Fictional player character in the 2016 video game Overwatch
Wikipedia - Briscan -- French card game
Wikipedia - Briscola -- Card game
Wikipedia - Brisingamen -- Torc or necklace in Norse mythology
Wikipedia - British Academy Video Games Awards
Wikipedia - British Bulldog (game) -- Playground game
Wikipedia - Brix (video game) -- 1991 video game
Wikipedia - BrM-CM-$us -- Old Swedish card game from the island of Gotland
Wikipedia - Brogue (video game) -- Roguelike video game
Wikipedia - Broken Age -- 2015 point-and-click adventure video game
Wikipedia - Broken Helix -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's Curse -- 2015 video game
Wikipedia - Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars -- 1996 video game
Wikipedia - Broken Tree Inn -- fantasy role-playing game
Wikipedia - Brosna Gaels GAA -- Gaelic games club in County Offaly, Ireland
Wikipedia - Brotherhood of Steel -- Fictional technology-worshiping organization in the post-apocalyptic Fallout video game franchise
Wikipedia - Brothers in Arms: Furious 4 -- 2015 video game
Wikipedia - Browser game -- Video game played in a web browser
Wikipedia - Bruce Carver -- Video game designer and programmer
Wikipedia - Bruce Lee Lives -- 1989 video game
Wikipedia - Bruce Straley -- American video game designer
Wikipedia - Brusquembille -- French card game
Wikipedia - Brutal Legend -- 2009 video game
Wikipedia - Bryan Fury -- Video game character from the Tekken series
Wikipedia - BSS 01 -- First-generation home video game console; only video game console released in East Germany
Wikipedia - BTS World: Original Soundtrack -- 2019 mobile game soundtrack album by various artists
Wikipedia - BTS World -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - Bubble Bobble Part 2 -- 1993 video game
Wikipedia - Bubble Bobble -- 1986 video game
Wikipedia - Bubbles (video game)
Wikipedia - Bubsy in Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind -- 1993 video game
Wikipedia - Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back -- 2017 platform video game
Wikipedia - Bubsy -- Series of platforming video games
Wikipedia - Buck buck -- Outdoor children's game
Wikipedia - Buck Rogers XXVC -- Science fiction tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - Buck (video game) -- 2017 2D side-scrolling action-adventure brawler video game
Wikipedia - Bud Spencer & Terence Hill: Slaps and Beans -- 2018 cooperative video game
Wikipedia - Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2002 video game) -- 2002 Xbox video game
Wikipedia - Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Wrath of the Darkhul King -- 2003 video game
Wikipedia - Bugsnax -- 2020 video game developed by indie studio Young Horses
Wikipedia - Bug Too! -- 1996 video game
Wikipedia - Bug! -- 1995 video game
Wikipedia - Build (game engine)
Wikipedia - Bulanci -- 2001 action video game
Wikipedia - Bullfrog Productions -- British video game developer
Wikipedia - Bullseye (1981 British game show) -- Game show in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Bullshot (video games)
Wikipedia - Bully (video game) -- 2006 action-adventure video game
Wikipedia - BurgerTime -- 1982 arcade game
Wikipedia - Buriki One -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Burlingame Daily News -- Daily newspaper in Burlingame, California
Wikipedia - Burning Rangers -- 1998 action game
Wikipedia - Burnout Paradise -- 2008 racing video game
Wikipedia - Burnout (series) -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Burnout (video game) -- Crash-oriented racing video game released in 2001
Wikipedia - Bushido Blade (video game) -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - Business game
Wikipedia - Business simulation game
Wikipedia - Bus Simulator 16 -- 2016 vehicle simulation video game
Wikipedia - Bus Simulator 18 -- 2018 vehicle simulation video game
Wikipedia - Bus Simulator 21 -- Upcoming vehicle simulation video game
Wikipedia - Bus Simulator -- Vehicle-simulation video game series by Stillalive Studios
Wikipedia - Bust a Groove -- Video game
Wikipedia - Butterfly (game)
Wikipedia - Butterfly Soup -- 2017 indie videogame by Brianna Lei
Wikipedia - Button Men -- Dice game
Wikipedia - Buzz!: The Mega Quiz -- 2007 video game
Wikipedia - Bye-Bye BoxBoy! -- 2017 puzzle video game
Wikipedia - C3 Racing -- 1998 racing video game
Wikipedia - C4 Engine -- Proprietary computer game engine developed by Terathon Software
Wikipedia - Caanoo -- Handheld game console
Wikipedia - Cabela's Big Game Hunter III -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Cabela's Outdoor Trivia Challenge -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Caesar IV -- 2006 city-building video game
Wikipedia - California Games -- Sports video game
Wikipedia - Californium (video game) -- 2016 video game
Wikipedia - Call of Cthulhu (role-playing game) -- Horror tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - Call of Cthulhu (video game) -- 2018 horror video game
Wikipedia - Call of Duty 2 -- 2005 video game
Wikipedia - Call of Duty 3 -- 2006 video game
Wikipedia - Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare -- 2014 First-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 -- First-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War -- First-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Call of Duty: Black Ops III -- 2015 first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Call of Duty: Black Ops II -- 2012 video game
Wikipedia - Call of Duty: Black Ops -- 2010 first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Call of Duty: Ghosts -- 2013 first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare -- 2016 video game
Wikipedia - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 -- 2009 first-person shooter game
Wikipedia - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 -- 2011 first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Mobilized -- 2009 first-person shooter game
Wikipedia - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered -- 2016 first-person shooter game
Wikipedia - Call of Duty Online -- Video game by Activision Shanghai
Wikipedia - Call of Duty (video game) -- 2003 video game
Wikipedia - Call of Duty -- First-person shooter video game franchise
Wikipedia - Call of Duty: World at War -- 2008 first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Call of Duty: WWII -- 2017 WWII first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Call of Juarez: The Cartel -- Video game
Wikipedia - Calry/St. Joseph's GAA -- Gaelic games club in County Sligo, Ireland
Wikipedia - Camelot (board game)
Wikipedia - Camelot Software Planning -- Japanese video game developer
Wikipedia - Cameroon at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Democratic Republic of the Congo at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Campaign setting -- Fictional environment setting for a role-playing game
Wikipedia - Camping (video games) -- Video gaming tactic where a player obtains an advantageous static strategic position
Wikipedia - Campo Santo (company) -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - Canada at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Canada at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Canada Games Centre -- Sports centre in Halifax, Nova Scotia
Wikipedia - Candy Crush (game show) -- Television series
Wikipedia - Candy Crush Saga -- Free-to-play match-three puzzle video game involving matching candies
Wikipedia - Canoeing at the 2010 Central American and Caribbean Games -- Event held in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Canoeing at the 2015 Pan American Games - Women's slalom C-1 -- Women's sporting event
Wikipedia - Canoeing at the 2019 Pan American Games - Men's K-2 1000 metres -- 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Canoeing at the 2019 Pan American Games -- The Canoeing competitions at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Canoeing at the 2019 Southeast Asian Games -- Canoeing at the 2019 Southeast Asian Games
Wikipedia - Can't Stop (board game)
Wikipedia - Capcom Arcade Stadium -- 2021 video game
Wikipedia - Capcom Five -- Five Capcom video games for GameCube
Wikipedia - Capcom's Gold Medal Challenge '92 -- 1992 video game
Wikipedia - Capcom vs. SNK 2 -- Video game
Wikipedia - Capcom vs. SNK: Millennium Fight 2000 -- 2000 video game
Wikipedia - Capcom -- Japanese developer and publisher of video games
Wikipedia - Capitalism II -- 2001 business simulation video game
Wikipedia - Capitalism (video game) -- Video game
Wikipedia - Capitol Hill (video game) -- 1993 video game
Wikipedia - Capitoline Games -- Ancient Roman games
Wikipedia - Cappamore GAA -- Gaelic games club in County Limerick, Ireland
Wikipedia - Cap (sport) -- Term for a player's appearance in a game at international level
Wikipedia - Captain America and The Avengers -- 1991 video game
Wikipedia - Captain America in: The Doom Tube of Dr. Megalomann -- 1987 video game
Wikipedia - Captain Falcon -- Videogame character
Wikipedia - Captain Novolin -- 1992 educational platform video game
Wikipedia - Captain N: The Game Master -- American-Canadian joint-venture animated television series
Wikipedia - Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker -- 2014 action puzzle video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Carbury GAA -- Gaelic games club in County Kildare, Ireland
Wikipedia - Carcassonne (board game)
Wikipedia - Card games
Wikipedia - Card game -- Game using playing cards as the primary device
Wikipedia - Card sharp -- Person who uses skill and deception to win at poker or other card games
Wikipedia - Carioca (card game) -- A Latinoamerican card game similar to Rummy.
Wikipedia - Carla Meninsky -- Lawyer and Atari 2600 video game designer and programmer
Wikipedia - Carl Johnson (Grand Theft Auto) -- Protagonist of the 2004 video game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Wikipedia - Carmageddon -- 1997 vehicular combat video game
Wikipedia - Carmen Sandiego Math Detective -- 1998 video game
Wikipedia - Carmen Sandiego's Great Chase Through Time -- 1997 edutainment point-and-click adventure video game, originally released as "Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego?"
Wikipedia - Carmen Sandiego -- American educational mystery video game series
Wikipedia - Carnival Game (song) -- Single by Cheap Trick
Wikipedia - Carnivores: Cityscape -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Carol Merrill -- American game show model
Wikipedia - Carol Shaw -- American video game designer
Wikipedia - Carom3D -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Carrick Davins GAA -- Gaelic games club in County Tipperary, Ireland
Wikipedia - Carrigdhoun GAA -- Gaelic games organisation division in County Cork, Ireland
Wikipedia - Carrom -- Table game
Wikipedia - Cars 3: Driven to Win -- Racing video game based on the 2017 film Cars 3 by Walt Disney
Wikipedia - Cars (video game) -- 2006 open world racing video game
Wikipedia - Cartamundi -- Belgian game publisher and package manufacturer
Wikipedia - Cart Life -- Simulation video game
Wikipedia - Cartoon Network: Battle Crashers -- 2016 beat 'em up video game developed by Magic Pockets
Wikipedia - Cartoon Network: Punch Time Explosion -- 2011 crossover fighting video game
Wikipedia - Cartoon Network Racing -- 2006 racing video game that uses Cartoon Network cartoon characters
Wikipedia - Car Town -- Video game
Wikipedia - Cash Trapped -- British game show
Wikipedia - Casino Games -- 1989 video game compilation
Wikipedia - Casino game
Wikipedia - Casino Mogul -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Casio Loopy -- Video game console
Wikipedia - Cassette Vision -- Home video game console by Epoch Co.
Wikipedia - Castle Caldwell and Beyond -- Tabletop role-playing game adventure for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - Castleconnor GAA -- Gaelic games club in County Sligo, Ireland
Wikipedia - Castle Explorer -- 1996 video game
Wikipedia - Castle Falkenstein (role-playing game) -- Tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - Castlegar GAA -- Gaelic games club in County Galway, Ireland
Wikipedia - Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (2013 video game) -- 2013 video game
Wikipedia - Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse -- 1990 video game
Wikipedia - Castlepollard GAA -- Gaelic games club in County Westmeath, Ireland
Wikipedia - Castle Story -- 2017 RTS videogame
Wikipedia - Castlevania (1999 video game) -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow -- 2003 video game
Wikipedia - Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow -- 2005 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Castlevania Judgment -- 2008 fighting video game
Wikipedia - Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness -- 1999 video game by Konami
Wikipedia - Castlevania: Symphony of the Night -- Platform-adventure action role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles -- 2007 platform-adventure video game compilation
Wikipedia - Castlevania -- Action-adventure gothic horror video game series
Wikipedia - Castle Wolfenstein -- Video game developed by Muse Software
Wikipedia - Casual game -- Video game genre
Wikipedia - Catacomb (video game)
Wikipedia - Catan -- Board game
Wikipedia - Catan: World Explorers -- location-based augmented reality mobile game
Wikipedia - Catchphrase (British game show) -- British game show
Wikipedia - Catch Phrase (game)
Wikipedia - Category:1975 video games
Wikipedia - Category:1980s video games
Wikipedia - Category:1990s video games
Wikipedia - Category:1993 video games
Wikipedia - Category:2000s video games
Wikipedia - Category:2008 video games
Wikipedia - Category:2013 video games
Wikipedia - Category:2016 video games
Wikipedia - Category:2018 video games
Wikipedia - Category:2020 video games
Wikipedia - Category:3D fighting games
Wikipedia - Category:3DO Interactive Multiplayer games
Wikipedia - Category:3D platform games
Wikipedia - Category:4X video games
Wikipedia - Category:Abstract strategy games
Wikipedia - Category:Acorn Archimedes games
Wikipedia - Category:Action-adventure games
Wikipedia - Category:African games
Wikipedia - Category:Alternate reality games
Wikipedia - Category:American board games
Wikipedia - Category:American video game designers
Wikipedia - Category:American video game directors
Wikipedia - Category:American video game programmers
Wikipedia - Category:Amiga 1200 games
Wikipedia - Category:Amiga games
Wikipedia - Category:AmigaOS 4 games
Wikipedia - Category:Android (operating system) games
Wikipedia - Category:Articles using Infobox video game using locally defined parameters
Wikipedia - Category:Articles using Video game reviews template in multiple platform mode
Wikipedia - Category:Atari Jaguar games
Wikipedia - Category:Biological simulation video games
Wikipedia - Category:Board games introduced in 1961
Wikipedia - Category:Board games introduced in 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Board game stubs
Wikipedia - Category:Board games
Wikipedia - Category:Board wargames
Wikipedia - Category:Card games introduced in 1993
Wikipedia - Category:Censored video games
Wikipedia - Category:Children's board games
Wikipedia - Category:Chinese games
Wikipedia - Category:Classic Mac OS games
Wikipedia - Category:Collectible card games
Wikipedia - Category:Combinatorial game theorists
Wikipedia - Category:Combinatorial game theory
Wikipedia - Category:Commercial video games with freely available source code
Wikipedia - Category:Construction and management simulation games
Wikipedia - Category:Cooperative video games
Wikipedia - Category:Creative Commons-licensed video games
Wikipedia - Category:Cyberpunk video games
Wikipedia - Category:Doom engine games
Wikipedia - Category:DOS games
Wikipedia - Category:Dungeons > Dragons video games
Wikipedia - Category:Early access video games
Wikipedia - Category:Electronic Arts games
Wikipedia - Category:Electronic games
Wikipedia - Category:Emergent gameplay
Wikipedia - Category:Fanmade computer game remakes and sequels
Wikipedia - Category:First-person shooter multiplayer online games
Wikipedia - Category:Flash games
Wikipedia - Category:Fourth-generation video game consoles
Wikipedia - Category:Freeware games
Wikipedia - Category:Game artificial intelligence
Wikipedia - Category:Game Boy Advance games
Wikipedia - Category:Game design
Wikipedia - Category:Game Developers Conference Lifetime Achievement Award recipients
Wikipedia - Category:Game engines for Linux
Wikipedia - Category:Game jams
Wikipedia - Category:Game researchers
Wikipedia - Category:Games and sports introduced in 1947
Wikipedia - Category:Games and sports introduced in 1970
Wikipedia - Category:Games commercially released with DOSBox
Wikipedia - Category:Games of mental skill
Wikipedia - Category:Games related to chaturanga
Wikipedia - Category:Game theorists
Wikipedia - Category:Game theory game classes
Wikipedia - Category:Game theory
Wikipedia - Category:God games
Wikipedia - Category:GT Interactive Software games
Wikipedia - Category:History of board games
Wikipedia - Category:History of video games
Wikipedia - Category:Horror role-playing games
Wikipedia - Category:Horror video games
Wikipedia - Category:HTC Vive games
Wikipedia - Category:Id Software games
Wikipedia - Category:Imagineer games
Wikipedia - Category:Indie role-playing games
Wikipedia - Category:Indie video games
Wikipedia - Category:IOS games
Wikipedia - Category:IPhone video game engines
Wikipedia - Category:IRIX games
Wikipedia - Category:Japanese games
Wikipedia - Category:Linux games
Wikipedia - Category:Lists of game variants
Wikipedia - Category:Ludum Dare video games
Wikipedia - Category:MacOS games
Wikipedia - Category:Marvel Comics adapted into video games
Wikipedia - Category:Maxis Sim games
Wikipedia - Category:Milton Bradley Company games
Wikipedia - Category:Mobile games
Wikipedia - Category:MorphOS games
Wikipedia - Category:MUD games
Wikipedia - Category:Multiplayer and single-player video games
Wikipedia - Category:Multiplayer null modem games
Wikipedia - Category:Multiplayer online games
Wikipedia - Category:Nintendo Switch games
Wikipedia - Category:Obscenity controversies in video games
Wikipedia - Category:Oculus Rift games
Wikipedia - Category:Open-source tabletop games
Wikipedia - Category:Open-source video games
Wikipedia - Category:Open-world video games
Wikipedia - Category:PLATO games
Wikipedia - Category:PlayStation 3 games
Wikipedia - Category:PlayStation 4 games
Wikipedia - Category:PlayStation 4 Pro enhanced games
Wikipedia - Category:PlayStation 5 games
Wikipedia - Category:PlayStation (console) games
Wikipedia - Category:PlayStation VR games
Wikipedia - Category:Race games
Wikipedia - Category:Roguelike video games
Wikipedia - Category:Role-playing games introduced in 1986
Wikipedia - Category:Role-playing games introduced in 2005
Wikipedia - Category:Role-playing game terminology
Wikipedia - Category:Role-playing video games
Wikipedia - Category:Science fantasy video games
Wikipedia - Category:Science fiction video games
Wikipedia - Category:Sega 32X games
Wikipedia - Category:Sega Saturn games
Wikipedia - Category:Side-scrolling video games
Wikipedia - Category:Single-player online games
Wikipedia - Category:Single-player video games
Wikipedia - Category:Space massively multiplayer online role-playing games
Wikipedia - Category:Split-screen multiplayer games
Wikipedia - Category:Spore (2008 video game)
Wikipedia - Category:Steam Workshop games
Wikipedia - Category:Steve Jackson (American game designer) games
Wikipedia - Category:Steve Jackson Games games
Wikipedia - Category:Study of video games
Wikipedia - Category:Super Nintendo Entertainment System games
Wikipedia - Category:Survival video games
Wikipedia - Category:Symbian games
Wikipedia - Category talk:Game engines for Linux
Wikipedia - Category:Tarot card games
Wikipedia - Category:Tile-based video games
Wikipedia - Category:Traditional board games
Wikipedia - Category:Universal role-playing games
Wikipedia - Category:Video game artists
Wikipedia - Category:Video game bosses
Wikipedia - Category:Video game consoles by generation
Wikipedia - Category:Video game control methods
Wikipedia - Category:Video game controversies
Wikipedia - Category:Video game culture
Wikipedia - Category:Video game development competitions
Wikipedia - Category:Video game development software
Wikipedia - Category:Video game development
Wikipedia - Category:Video game engines
Wikipedia - Category:Video game franchises introduced in 2008
Wikipedia - Category:Video game franchises
Wikipedia - Category:Video game gameplay
Wikipedia - Category:Video game genres
Wikipedia - Category:Video game graphics
Wikipedia - Category:Video game IDE
Wikipedia - Category:Video game lists by license
Wikipedia - Category:Video game lists by platform
Wikipedia - Category:Video games about demons
Wikipedia - Category:Video games about evolution
Wikipedia - Category:Video games about extraterrestrial life
Wikipedia - Category:Video games about microbes
Wikipedia - Category:Video games about witchcraft
Wikipedia - Category:Video games based on Hulk (comics)
Wikipedia - Category:Video games containing loot boxes
Wikipedia - Category:Video games developed in Canada
Wikipedia - Category:Video games developed in Finland
Wikipedia - Category:Video games developed in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Category:Video games developed in the United States
Wikipedia - Category:Video games scored by Allister Brimble
Wikipedia - Category:Video games scored by Robert Prince
Wikipedia - Category:Video games set in Hell
Wikipedia - Category:Video games set on fictional planets
Wikipedia - Category:Video games using Havok
Wikipedia - Category:Video games using procedural generation
Wikipedia - Category:Video games
Wikipedia - Category:Video games with 2.5D graphics
Wikipedia - Category:Video games with alternate versions
Wikipedia - Category:Video games with cross-platform play
Wikipedia - Category:Video games with digitized sprites
Wikipedia - Category:Video games with expansion packs
Wikipedia - Category:Video games with tile-based graphics
Wikipedia - Category:Video games with underwater settings
Wikipedia - Category:Video games with user-generated gameplay content
Wikipedia - Category:Video games with voxel graphics
Wikipedia - Category:Video game terminology
Wikipedia - Category:Virtual reality games
Wikipedia - Category:Williams video games
Wikipedia - Category:Windows games
Wikipedia - Category:Windows-only games
Wikipedia - Category:Wizards of the Coast games
Wikipedia - Category:Xbox 360 games
Wikipedia - Category:Xbox 360 Live Arcade games
Wikipedia - Category:Xbox One games
Wikipedia - Category:Xbox One X enhanced games
Wikipedia - Category:Xbox Series X and Series S games
Wikipedia - Cat hair mustache puzzle -- Puzzle from video game Gabriel Knight 3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned
Wikipedia - Cathedral (board game)
Wikipedia - Cathryn Mataga -- American video game programmer
Wikipedia - CatLab Interactive -- Video game developer
Wikipedia - Cat Quest -- 2017 action role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Cat Tobin -- Irish publisher and game designer
Wikipedia - Causality (video game) -- 2017 puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Cave (company) -- Japanese video game company
Wikipedia - Cavedog Entertainment -- Defunct video game company
Wikipedia - Caveira (Rainbow Six Siege) -- Video game character
Wikipedia - Cave Story 3D -- 2011 Metroidvania platform-adventure game
Wikipedia - Cave Story -- 2004 platform-adventure game
Wikipedia - CCP Games
Wikipedia - CC-PP game -- A theoretical concept in resource allocation to explain economic decision-making
Wikipedia - CD gamedriver and mudlib
Wikipedia - CD-i -- Video game console and interactive multimedia CD player
Wikipedia - CD Projekt -- Polish video game company
Wikipedia - Ceb (gamer) -- Professional ''Dota 2'' player
Wikipedia - Cecilia D'Anastasio -- American video game journalist
Wikipedia - Celebrity Family Feud -- American game show
Wikipedia - Celebrity Juice -- British television comedy panel game
Wikipedia - Celebrity Name Game (American game show) -- Television series
Wikipedia - Celeste (video game) -- 2018 platforming video game
Wikipedia - Celia Pearce -- American game designer (b. 1961)
Wikipedia - Centauri Production -- Game development company (e. 2000)
Wikipedia - Centipede (1998 video game) -- 1998 video game
Wikipedia - Centipede game
Wikipedia - Centipede: Infestation -- Video game
Wikipedia - Centipede (video game) -- 1980 video game
Wikipedia - Chainmail (game)
Wikipedia - Chain Reaction (game show) -- American television game show
Wikipedia - Challenge Anneka -- British reality game show
Wikipedia - Challenge (game magazine) -- Game magazine
Wikipedia - Champions of Anteria -- 2016 action role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Champions of Krynn -- video game
Wikipedia - Champions of Mystara -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - Champions (role-playing game)
Wikipedia - Chancellorsville (game) -- War-game set during the US Civil War.
Wikipedia - Change the Game -- 2001 single by Jay-Z, Memphis Bleek, Beanie Sigel, Static Major
Wikipedia - Changing the Game (film) -- 2012 film directed by Rel Dowdell
Wikipedia - Chantelise - A Tale of Two Sisters -- 2011 video game
Wikipedia - Chaos;Child Love Chu Chu!! -- 2017 video novel game
Wikipedia - Chaos;Head -- 2008 Japanese visual novel video game
Wikipedia - Chao (Sonic the Hedgehog) -- fictional life forms in the Sonic the Hedgehog video game series
Wikipedia - Chaos Rings III -- 2014 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Chaos Rings -- Role playing video game
Wikipedia - Character creation -- Process of defining a game character
Wikipedia - Character Role Playing -- 1981 fantasy role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Characters of Final Fantasy VIII -- List of video game characters
Wikipedia - Charles Pitman (game warden)
Wikipedia - Charlestown Sarsfields GAA -- Gaelic games club in County Mayo, Ireland
Wikipedia - Charlie Murder -- Action role-playing-beat 'em up video game for the Xbox Live Arcade
Wikipedia - Charlotte Fullerton -- American writer of television, novels, comic books and video games
Wikipedia - Charlotte's Web (video game) -- 2006 video game
Wikipedia - Charterstone -- 2017 board game
Wikipedia - Chase: Hollywood Stunt Driver -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Chase H.Q. -- 1987 video game
Wikipedia - Chasm (video game) -- 2018 Metroidvania video game
Wikipedia - Chaturanga -- Ancient Indian strategy board game
Wikipedia - Chaupar -- Board game played in India
Wikipedia - Cheat (game) -- Card game
Wikipedia - Cheating at the Paralympic Games -- Scandals affected the Paralympic Games
Wikipedia - Cheating in online games -- Practice of subverting video game rules or mechanics to gain an unfair advantage
Wikipedia - Cheating in video games -- Various methods to create an advantage or disadvantage beyond normal gameplay, in order to make the game easier or harder
Wikipedia - Cheating (video games)
Wikipedia - Checkmate -- Winning game position in chess
Wikipedia - Cherokee marbles -- Traditional Cherokee game
Wikipedia - Cherry Petals Fall Like Teardrops -- 2002 Japanese video game
Wikipedia - Cheskers -- Board game
Wikipedia - Chess 2: The Sequel -- 2014 video game
Wikipedia - Chessboard -- Any checkboard used in the game chess
Wikipedia - Chess boxing -- Hybrid game of chess and boxing
Wikipedia - Chess endgame literature
Wikipedia - Chess endgame
Wikipedia -
Wikipedia - Chess Game -- 2014 Brazilian thriller film
Wikipedia - Chess middlegame
Wikipedia - Chess opening -- Initial moves of a chess game
Wikipedia - Chess piece -- Game piece for playing chess
Wikipedia - Chess set -- Board and pieces for playing the game of chess
Wikipedia - Chess variant -- Games related to, derived from or inspired by chess
Wikipedia - Chess -- Strategy board game
Wikipedia - Chet Faliszek -- American videogame writer
Wikipedia - Chewy: Esc from F5 -- 1995 adventure video game
Wikipedia - Chex Quest -- 1996 video game
Wikipedia - Chibi-Robo! -- video game series
Wikipedia - Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash -- 2015 video game
Wikipedia - Chicago Syndicate (video game) -- 1995 video game
Wikipedia - Chicken (game)
Wikipedia - Chicory: A Colorful Tale -- 2020s adventure video game
Wikipedia - Chie Satonaka -- Fictional character from the 2008 video game Persona 4
Wikipedia - Childish Games -- 2012 film
Wikipedia - Children of a Dead Earth -- 2016 video game
Wikipedia - Children of Mana -- 2006 action role-playing video game for the Nintendo DS
Wikipedia - Children's Games (Bruegel) -- Painting by Pieter Bruegel the Elder
Wikipedia - Chile at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Chile at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - China at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- China at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - China at the Olympics -- Participation of athletes from the People's Republic of China in the Olympic Games
Wikipedia - Chinese checkers -- Abstract strategy game
Wikipedia - Chinese Paladin 3 -- Video game
Wikipedia - Chinese Parents -- 2018 video game
Wikipedia - Chip's Challenge -- 1989 video game
Wikipedia - Chivalry: Medieval Warfare -- Video game
Wikipedia - Chocobo Racing -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Choice of Games -- Video game developer
Wikipedia - Choko (game)
Wikipedia - Choplifter -- Video game first made in 1982 for the Apple II computer
Wikipedia - Chopper Hunt -- 1984 side-view shoot 'em up video game
Wikipedia - Chopsticks (Hand game)
Wikipedia - Chor Police (game) -- Role-playing pastime game
Wikipedia - Chovgan -- Horse-riding game
Wikipedia - Chowka bhara -- Indian Board Game
Wikipedia - Chris Crawford (game designer)
Wikipedia - Chris Crawford on Game Design
Wikipedia - Chris Kamara's Street Soccer -- 2000 video game by Pixel Storm
Wikipedia - Chris Klug (game designer)
Wikipedia - Chris Perkins (game designer) -- Canadian American game designer
Wikipedia - Chris Roberts (video game developer) -- Computer game designer, game programmer, film producer and film director
Wikipedia - Chris Taylor (game designer)
Wikipedia - Christian Allen -- American video game designer
Wikipedia - Christian Moore -- American game designer
Wikipedia - Christian video game
Wikipedia - Christian Whitehead -- Australian video game programmer
Wikipedia - Chrono Cross -- 1999 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Chronology of god video games
Wikipedia - Chronology of tactical role-playing video games
Wikipedia - Chrono (series) -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Chrono Trigger -- role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Chuck Barris -- American game show creator, producer, and host (1929-2017)
Wikipedia - Chuck Woolery -- American game-show host
Wikipedia - CIC (Nintendo) -- Security lockout chip used in Nintendo game consoles
Wikipedia - CID The Dummy -- video game
Wikipedia - CI Games -- Polish video game developer and publisher
Wikipedia - Cinderella Nine -- 2017 Japanese mobile game
Wikipedia - Cindy's Love Games -- 1979 film by Aldo Grimaldi
Wikipedia - Cing -- Defunct Japanese video game developer
Wikipedia - Circus Caper -- 1989 video game
Wikipedia - Citadel of the Dead -- 1994 video game
Wikipedia - CIT GAA -- Gaelic games club in County Cork, Ireland
Wikipedia - Cities in Motion -- 2011 business simulation video game
Wikipedia - Cities: Skylines -- City-building video game
Wikipedia - Cities XXL -- 2015 city-building video game
Wikipedia - City-building game
Wikipedia - City Connection -- 1985 video game
Wikipedia - City of Heroes -- Video game
Wikipedia - City States of Arklyrell -- board game
Wikipedia - Civilization: A New Dawn -- 2017 strategy board game
Wikipedia - Civilization (series) -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Civilization (video game) -- 1991 strategy video game
Wikipedia - Civilization VI -- 2016 turn-based strategy video game
Wikipedia - Civil War (board game) -- 1961 board wargame
Wikipedia - Clannad (video game) -- 2004 Japanese visual novel
Wikipedia - Clanna Gael Fontenoy GAA -- Gaelic games club in Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - Clapping game -- Cooperative game of clapping hands
Wikipedia - Clara GAA (Offaly) -- Gaelic games club in County Offaly, Ireland
Wikipedia - Claremorris GAA -- Gaelic games club in County Mayo, Ireland
Wikipedia - Clarinbridge GAA -- Gaelic games club in County Galway, Ireland
Wikipedia - Clash at Demonhead -- Action-adventure platformer video game
Wikipedia - Clash of Clans -- 2012 freemium mobile strategy game
Wikipedia - Clash of Kings (Timemaster) -- Role-playing game
Wikipedia - Clash Royale -- Real-time strategy mobile game
Wikipedia - Classic Enemies -- Role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Claw crane -- Type of arcade game
Wikipedia - Claw (video game) -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - Clementine (The Walking Dead) -- fictional character in The Walking Dead video game
Wikipedia - Cleopatra no MahM-EM-^M -- 1987 Japanese role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Clerihan GAA -- Gaelic games club in County Tipperary, Ireland
Wikipedia - CLG An tSean Phobail -- Gaelic games club in County Waterford, Ireland
Wikipedia - CLG Droim Caorthainn -- Gaelic games club in County Leitrim, Ireland
Wikipedia - CLG Naomh Anna, Leitir Moir -- Gaelic games club in County Galway, Ireland
Wikipedia - Clicker Heroes -- 2015 video game
Wikipedia - Cliff Johnson (game designer) -- American game designer
Wikipedia - Clint Hocking -- Canadian video game director and designer
Wikipedia - Clique game -- Positional game
Wikipedia - Clive Barker's Jericho -- Multi-platform video game
Wikipedia - Clock management -- Management of game clock in sports
Wikipedia - Clock Tower (series) -- Horror adventure video game series
Wikipedia - Clogherinkoe GFC -- Gaelic games club in County Kildare, Ireland
Wikipedia - Clone (computer and video games)
Wikipedia - Cloning Clyde -- 2006 video game
Wikipedia - Cloonacool GAA -- Gaelic games club in County Sligo, Ireland
Wikipedia - Close Combat: A Bridge Too Far -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - Close Combat (series) -- Series of realtime strategy video wargames.
Wikipedia - Close to the Sun (video game) -- First-person horror adventure video game
Wikipedia - Closure (video game) -- Video game by Eyebrow Interactive
Wikipedia - Cloud gaming -- Streaming of video games as video to clients via cloud computing
Wikipedia - Cloud (video game) -- 2005 indie puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics -- 2020 video game
Wikipedia - Club Penguin (franchise) -- Disney media franchise based on the MMO game of the same name
Wikipedia - Club Penguin Island -- 2017 online role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Club Penguin -- Massively multiplayer online game
Wikipedia - Clu Clu Land -- 1984 video game
Wikipedia - Cluedo -- Board game
Wikipedia - Clue (mobile games) -- 2009 iOS game
Wikipedia - Clyde (mascot) -- Mascot of the 2014 Commonwealth Games
Wikipedia - Coaster (video game) -- 1993 video game
Wikipedia - Cobalt Flux -- Game controller manufacturer
Wikipedia - Cobalt WASD -- 2017 action video game
Wikipedia - Cockfighting in India -- Animal fighting game in India
Wikipedia - Coconut shy -- Funfair game where the player dislodges coconuts with balls
Wikipedia - CodeCombat -- 2013 educational video game
Wikipedia - Codemasters -- British video game developer and publisher
Wikipedia - Codename: Kids Next Door - Operation: S.O.D.A. -- American platformer video game
Wikipedia - Codenames (board game) -- 2015 spy-themed board game
Wikipedia - Coffee Crisis -- 2017 racing game for Sega Genesis
Wikipedia - Coin Drop! -- 2011 mobile video game
Wikipedia - Colby Burnett -- American game show contestant
Wikipedia - Coleco Gemini -- Second generation home video game console
Wikipedia - Coleco Telstar Marksman -- Home video game consoles by Coleco
Wikipedia - Coleco Telstar series -- Series of home video game consoles
Wikipedia - Col (game)
Wikipedia - Colin McRae: Dirt -- 2007 racing video game by Codemasters
Wikipedia - Colin McRae Rally 3 -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Colin McRae Rally -- Racing video game series by Codemasters
Wikipedia - Collectible card games
Wikipedia - Collectible card game -- Game played using specialized playing cards
Wikipedia - Coloball 2002 -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Colobot -- Computer game
Wikipedia - Colombia at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Colombia at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Colonial Atlas -- Role playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Colorful Dragon -- 1989 Nintendo Entertainment System game
Wikipedia - Color TV-Game -- Series of Nintendo home video game consoles
Wikipedia - Colossal Cave Adventure -- 1975 video game
Wikipedia - Combat Arms -- 2008 multiplayer first-person shooter game
Wikipedia - Combat (Atari 2600) -- Video game for the Atari VCS/2600 from 1977
Wikipedia - Combat flight simulation game
Wikipedia - Combat Shield and Mini-adventure -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - Combinatorial game theory
Wikipedia - Come Dine with Me -- British reality television game show
Wikipedia - Coming Out Simulator 2014 -- Indie video game by Nicky Case
Wikipedia - Comix Zone -- 1995 Sega Genesis video game
Wikipedia - Command & Conquer (1995 video game) -- 1995 video game
Wikipedia - Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath -- 2008 video game expansion pack
Wikipedia - Command & Conquer: Generals -- 2003 video game
Wikipedia - Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - Command & Conquer Remastered Collection -- Video game
Wikipedia - Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Commander Keen in Invasion of the Vorticons -- 1990 episodic side-scrolling platform game
Wikipedia - Commandos 3: Destination Berlin -- Video game (2003)
Wikipedia - Commodore 64 Games System -- Video game console
Wikipedia - Commodore CDTV -- Multimedia entertainment and video game console
Wikipedia - Commonwealth Games record progression in track cycling -- improvement of event performance over time
Wikipedia - Commonwealth Games records -- best performances in specific editions of the event's history
Wikipedia - Commonwealth Games -- Multi-sport event involving athletes from the Commonwealth of Nations
Wikipedia - Community card poker -- Any game of poker that uses community cards
Wikipedia - Company of Heroes 2 -- Real-time strategy video game
Wikipedia - Comparison of handheld game consoles
Wikipedia - Compati Hero -- Banpresto video game series
Wikipedia - Complete information -- Level of information in economics and game theory
Wikipedia - Compulsion Games
Wikipedia - Computational game theory
Wikipedia - Computer and video game genres
Wikipedia -
Wikipedia - Computer and Video Games
Wikipedia - Computer game bot Turing Test
Wikipedia - Computer game bot
Wikipedia - Computer Games Magazine
Wikipedia - Computer games
Wikipedia - Computer game
Wikipedia - Computer Othello -- Abstract strategy game
Wikipedia - Computer puzzle game
Wikipedia - Computer role playing game
Wikipedia - Computer role-playing game
Wikipedia - Computer Space -- 1971 space combat arcade game
Wikipedia - Computer video game
Wikipedia - Computer wargame -- Wargame played on a computer or other digital device
Wikipedia - Conan (2007 video game) -- 2007 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Conarium (video game) -- 2017 Horror adventure video game
Wikipedia - Concrete Genie -- 2019 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Con Games -- 2001 American direct to video action drama film
Wikipedia - Congestion game
Wikipedia - Conglomerates Collide -- 1981 simulation video game
Wikipedia - Congo Bongo -- 1983 arcade game
Wikipedia - Conker's Bad Fur Day -- 2001 video game
Wikipedia - Conker (series) -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Conker the Squirrel -- Main protagonist of the Conker video game series.
Wikipedia - Connect 4x4 -- Board game
Wikipedia - Connection game
Wikipedia - Connectix Virtual Game Station
Wikipedia - Conqueror's Blade -- Video game
Wikipedia - Conquest (board game)
Wikipedia - Conquest of Nerath -- Board game
Wikipedia - Console games
Wikipedia - Console game -- Type of video game
Wikipedia - Console role playing game
Wikipedia - Console video game
Wikipedia - Conspiracies II - Lethal Networks -- 2011 full motion video adventure video game
Wikipedia - Conspiracies (video game) -- 2003 full motion video adventure video game
Wikipedia - Constantin Regamey -- Polish musician, composer, critic (1907-1982)
Wikipedia - Construct (game engine)
Wikipedia - Construction and management simulation game
Wikipedia - Content rating -- Rating of the suitability of TV broadcasts, movies, comic books, or video games to its audience
Wikipedia - Continuo (game)
Wikipedia - Contract bridge -- Card game
Wikipedia - Contra III: The Alien Wars -- 1992 run and gun video game
Wikipedia - Contra (series) -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Contra (video game) -- Multilevel shooter video game released in 1987
Wikipedia - Control (video game) -- 2019 action-adventure video game
Wikipedia - Controversies surrounding Grand Theft Auto V -- Controversies surrounding the 2013 action-adventure game, Grand Theft Auto V
Wikipedia - Conway's Game of Life -- Two-dimensional cellular automaton devised by J. H. Conway in 1970
Wikipedia - Cookie and Bibi 3 -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - Cookie (video game) -- ZX Spectrum video game
Wikipedia - Cooking Mama Limited -- Japanese video game developer
Wikipedia - Cooking Mama (video game) -- 2006 cookery simulation video game
Wikipedia - Cooking Mama -- Japanese video game series
Wikipedia - Cooking with Wild Game -- Novel series
Wikipedia - Cook, Serve, Delicious! 2 -- 2017 restaurent simulation video game
Wikipedia - Cool Boarders 2 -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - Cool Math Games -- Online math games portal
Wikipedia - Cooperative board game -- Type of board game
Wikipedia - Cooperative game theory
Wikipedia - Cooperative video game
Wikipedia - Coordination game
Wikipedia - Copyright and video games
Wikipedia - Core (game theory)
Wikipedia - Core (video game platform) -- Online video game
Wikipedia - Core War -- 1984 programming game
Wikipedia - Cornhole -- Lawn game in which players take turns throwing bags of corn (or bean bags)
Wikipedia - Correlated equilibrium -- Game theory solution
Wikipedia - Corrin (Fire Emblem) -- a fictional character from the Fire Emblem series of video games
Wikipedia - Corrinne Yu -- American game programmer
Wikipedia - Corruption (1988 video game) -- 1988 video game
Wikipedia - Corsairs of the Turku Waste -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Cortex Command -- Video game by Swedish studio Data Realms
Wikipedia - Corybantic Games -- Ballet by Christopher Wheeldon
Wikipedia - Cosmic Avenger -- Sidescrolling shooter arcade game from 1981
Wikipedia - Cosmic Express -- 2017 puzzle mobile video game
Wikipedia - Cosmic Star Heroine -- 2017 science fiction role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Costoclavicular ligament -- A ligament of the shoulder girdle
Wikipedia - Cost of the Olympic Games
Wikipedia - Costume Quest 2 -- 2014 action role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Costume Quest -- 2010 action role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Cotswold Olimpick Games -- Annual celebration of sports and games
Wikipedia - Countdown (game show) -- British television game show
Wikipedia - CounterSpy (video game) -- 2014 side-scrolling stealth game
Wikipedia - Counter-Strike: Global Offensive -- 2012 first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Counter-Strike -- Video game series by Valve
Wikipedia - Counting-out game -- Children's method of appointing position in a game
Wikipedia - Courier Crisis -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - Covenant (Halo) -- Fictional alliance of alien races from the Halo video game series
Wikipedia - Cover Girl Strip Poker -- 1991 erotic video game
Wikipedia - Cow Clicker -- Incremental video game
Wikipedia - Crackdown (video game) -- 2007 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Cram (game)
Wikipedia - Cranium (board game)
Wikipedia - Craps -- Dice game
Wikipedia - Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back -- 1997 platform video game
Wikipedia - Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time -- Platforming video game
Wikipedia - Crash Bandicoot (character) -- Fictional video game character
Wikipedia - Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy -- 2017 platform game
Wikipedia - Crash Bandicoot: On the Run! -- Upcoming endless runner mobile video game
Wikipedia - Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex -- Video game
Wikipedia - Crash Bandicoot (video game) -- 1996 platform video game
Wikipedia - Crash Bandicoot: Warped -- 1998 platform video game
Wikipedia - Crash Bandicoot -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Crash Bash -- 2000 video game
Wikipedia - Crash Club -- 2017 multiplayer mobile game
Wikipedia - Crash Time III -- 2009 video game
Wikipedia - Crave Entertainment -- Defunct American video game publisher
Wikipedia - Crawl (video game) -- 2017 brawler indie video game
Wikipedia - Crazy Frog Racer -- 2005 video game
Wikipedia - Crazy Taxi 2 -- 2001 video game
Wikipedia - Crazy Taxi 3: High Roller -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Crazy Taxi: City Rush -- Video game
Wikipedia - Crazy Taxi (video game) -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Crazy Taxi -- Series of racing video games
Wikipedia - Creations Unlimited -- Game publisher founded by Robert J. Kuntz
Wikipedia - Creative Mobile -- Independent video game developer and publisher
Wikipedia - Creativerse -- 2017 survival sandbox game
Wikipedia - Creature Catalogue -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - Creatures (1990 video game) -- 1990 platform game
Wikipedia - Creatures (company) -- Japanese video game developer
Wikipedia - Creepers (video game) -- 1993 strategy video game
Wikipedia - Creeping Terror (video game) -- 2017 Nintendo 3DS survival horror game by Nikkatsu Corporation
Wikipedia - Crest (video game) -- 2018 strategy video game
Wikipedia - Cricket 19 -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - CrimeCraft -- 2009 video game
Wikipedia - Crime Patrol (video game) -- 1993 live-action video game
Wikipedia - Crimson Desert -- Upcoming open-world action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Crimson Skies -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Crisis Beat -- 1998 video game
Wikipedia - Cris Velasco -- American video game composer
Wikipedia - Criterion Games -- British video game developer owned by Electronic Arts
Wikipedia - Critical Path (video game) -- 1994 adventure video game
Wikipedia - Croatia at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Croatia at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Croi Ro Naofa GAA -- Gaelic games club in County Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - Cronosoft -- Video game and utility software company
Wikipedia - Croron Mein Khel -- Pakistani television gameshow
Wikipedia - Cross and circle game -- board game design
Wikipedia - Cross-country skiing at the 1998 Winter Olympics -- 1998 edition of the cross-country skiing competitions during the Olympic Winter Games
Wikipedia - Crossfire (1992 video game)
Wikipedia - Crossfire (computer game)
Wikipedia - CrossFire (video game) -- Online game
Wikipedia - Crossings (game)
Wikipedia - Crossout -- 2017 vehicular combat video game
Wikipedia - Crosstrack -- Abstract strategy game
Wikipedia - Croupier -- Someone appointed at a gambling table to assist in the conduct of the game
Wikipedia - Crown and Council -- 2016 Mojang strategy video game
Wikipedia - CRSED: F.O.A.D. -- 2019 battle royale video game
Wikipedia - Crucible (video game) -- 2020 third-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Crucis Margin -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Cruis'n Exotica -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Cruis'n USA -- 1994 video game
Wikipedia - Crusader Kings III -- 2020 grand strategy video game
Wikipedia - Crusader Kings II -- video game
Wikipedia - Crusader: No Regret -- 1996 video game
Wikipedia - Crusader: No Remorse -- 1995 video game
Wikipedia - Crush (video game) -- 2007 platformer-puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Crying Suns -- 2019 tactical rogue-lite video game
Wikipedia - Cry of Fear -- Video game
Wikipedia - Cryptark -- 2017 action roguelike video game
Wikipedia - Cryptic Studios -- Video game developing company
Wikipedia - CryptoKitties -- 2017 blockchain game on Ethereum
Wikipedia - Crysis 3 -- 2013 first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Crysis (video game) -- 2007 first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Crystal Crisis -- 2019 puzzle game
Wikipedia - Crystal Frasier -- American artist and game designer
Wikipedia - CSI (video games) -- Several video games based on the CSI franchise
Wikipedia - CT510 -- Video game console
Wikipedia - CTF 2187 -- Fantasy role-playing game
Wikipedia - Cthulhu by Gaslight -- Horror tabletop role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Cuala G.A.A. -- Gaelic games club
Wikipedia - Cube Life: Island Survival -- 2015 indie sandbox video game
Wikipedia - Cube (video game)
Wikipedia - Cube World -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - Cue sports -- Games in which billiard balls are struck with a cue
Wikipedia - Culdcept Second -- 2001 turn-based strategy video game
Wikipedia - Culdcept -- Series of turn-based strategy video games
Wikipedia - Cultist Simulator -- 2018 video game
Wikipedia - Cultures 2: The Gates of Asgard -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Cuphead (character) -- Video Game Character
Wikipedia - Cuphead -- 2017 run and gun video game
Wikipedia - Curse LLC -- An online game portal and network of gaming websites managed by Wikia, Inc.
Wikipedia - Cutscene -- Sequence in a video game that is not interactive, breaking up the gameplay.
Wikipedia - Cyanide (gamer) -- Former professional League of Legends player
Wikipedia - Cyan Worlds -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - CyberCIEGE -- 2004 video game
Wikipedia - Cyber Core -- Scrolling shooter video game from 1990
Wikipedia - Cyberdimension Neptunia: 4 Goddesses Online -- 2017 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Cybermorph -- 1993 video game
Wikipedia - Cyber Police ESWAT -- 1989 video game
Wikipedia - Cyberpunk 2077 -- 2020 action role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Cyberpunk (role-playing game) -- Dystopian tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - Cyberspace (role-playing game)
Wikipedia - Cycling at the 1956 Summer Olympics -- competitive cycling practiced during the 1956 Olympic Summer Games
Wikipedia - Cyclone Gamede -- South-West Indian cyclone in 2007
Wikipedia - Cypronia -- Slovakian indie video game developer based in Michalovce
Wikipedia - Czech Republic at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Czech Republic at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - D20 Future -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - D3 Publisher -- Video game publisher
Wikipedia - D3T -- British video game developer
Wikipedia - Daam Sahi Hai -- Indian interactive game show
Wikipedia - Dactyl Joust -- Unreleased action-platform video game
Wikipedia - Dadagiri Unlimited -- Bengali reality quiz television game show
Wikipedia - Daffy Duck: Fowl Play -- Video game
Wikipedia - Da Game of Life (film) -- 1998 direct-to-video short film starring Snoop Dogg directed by Master P
Wikipedia - Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2: NaruhodM-EM-^M RyM-EM-+nosuke no Kakugo -- 2017 adventure video game
Wikipedia - Daikatana (Game Boy Color)
Wikipedia - Daiki Kasho -- Japanese video game composer
Wikipedia - Daily fantasy sports -- subset of fantasy sport games
Wikipedia - Daily Grand -- Canadian lottery game
Wikipedia - Dala (game)
Wikipedia - Dames Making Games -- Feminist gaming non-profit organization
Wikipedia - Damon Baird -- Fictional character in the Gears of War video game series
Wikipedia - D&D Beyond -- Official digital toolset and game companion for Dungeons & Dragons fifth edition
Wikipedia - Dance Dance Revolution Extreme -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Dance Dance Revolution Freedom -- Video game for iOS
Wikipedia - Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix -- 2005 music exergaming video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Dance Dance Revolution -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Dance Factory (video game) -- 2006 video game
Wikipedia - Dance Praise -- Series of dance video games
Wikipedia - Dancing Eyes -- 1996 puzzle arcade game
Wikipedia - Dandara (video game) -- 2018 video game
Wikipedia - Dandelion Game -- 1998 film
Wikipedia - Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony -- 2017 visual novel adventure video game
Wikipedia - Danganronpa -- Video game series and media franchise
Wikipedia - Dangerous Curves (video game) -- 1995 racing video game
Wikipedia - Dangerous Dave in the Haunted Mansion -- Computer game
Wikipedia - Dangerous Driving (video game) -- 2019 closed-course racing game developed by Three Fields Entertainment
Wikipedia - Dangerous Game (1937 film) -- 1937 film
Wikipedia - Dangerous Game (1993 film) -- 1993 film by Abel Ferrara
Wikipedia - Danger Zone (video game) -- 2017 vehicle crashing video game
Wikipedia - Dan Houser -- English video game producer
Wikipedia - Danielle Bunten Berry -- American game designer and programmer
Wikipedia - DanTDM -- English professional gamer and YouTuber
Wikipedia - Dante's Inferno (video game)
Wikipedia - Daphne Fowler -- British game show champion
Wikipedia - Dara (game)
Wikipedia - Dara O Briain's Go 8 Bit -- British comedy panel game show
Wikipedia - Daredevil (video game) -- 2003 video game for the Game Boy Advance
Wikipedia - Daring Game -- 1968 drama film by Laszlo Benedek
Wikipedia - Dario De Toffoli -- Italian board game designer, gamebook author, and elite games player
Wikipedia - Darius (series) -- Shoot 'em up video game franchise
Wikipedia - Darius (video game) -- 1986 arcade video game
Wikipedia - Dark Ages (1991 video game) -- 1991 video game
Wikipedia - Dark and Light (2017 video game) -- 2017 fantasy survival sandbox RPG
Wikipedia - Dark Arena -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Darkest Dungeon -- 2016 video game
Wikipedia - Dark Legions -- 1994 video game
Wikipedia - Darkling Ship -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Dark Millennium -- Collectable card game
Wikipedia - Dark Nebula (board game) -- 1980 board game by Game Designers' Workshop
Wikipedia - Dark Room Sex Game -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - Dark Seal -- Data East arcade games
Wikipedia - Dark Secrets of Africa -- 1999 video game by New Generation Software
Wikipedia - Dark Sector -- Third-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Darksiders (video game) -- Video game
Wikipedia - Darksiders -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Dark Souls III: The Ringed City -- 2017 action role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Dark Souls III -- 2016 action role playing video game
Wikipedia - Dark Souls -- 2011 video game
Wikipedia - Darkstalkers -- Fighting video game series
Wikipedia - Dark Summit -- 2001 snowboarding video game
Wikipedia - Darkwind: War on Wheels -- 2007 video game
Wikipedia - Dark Witch Music Episode: Rudymical -- 2017 rhythm video game
Wikipedia - Darkwood -- 2017 survival horror video game
Wikipedia - Dartball -- Darts game variation
Wikipedia - Darthanon Queen -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Darts -- Throwing game
Wikipedia - Darwin 4078 -- 1986 video arcade game
Wikipedia - Darwin Bromley -- American attorney and game designer
Wikipedia - Darwinia (video game)
Wikipedia - Darwin (programming game)
Wikipedia - Das Stundenglas -- Video game
Wikipedia - Dating game show -- television game shows
Wikipedia - Dave Arneson -- 20th and 21st-century American game designer
Wikipedia - Dave Hyatt -- American software engineer and a Shadowrun game expansion author
Wikipedia - Dave Taylor (game programmer) -- American video game programmer
Wikipedia - David Adams (video game designer) -- American video game designer
Wikipedia - David Cook (game designer)
Wikipedia - David Crane (programmer) -- American video game designer and programmer
Wikipedia - David Doak -- Northern Irish video game designer
Wikipedia - David Fox (game designer) -- American multimedia producer
Wikipedia - David Gaider -- Canadian writer and game designer
Wikipedia - David Noonan (game designer)
Wikipedia - David Perry (game developer)
Wikipedia - David Whittaker (video game composer)
Wikipedia - David Wolf: Secret Agent -- 1989 video game
Wikipedia - Dawn of the Emperors: Thyatis and Alphatia -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - Daybreak Game Company -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - Day of Infamy (video game) -- 2017 action shooter strategy video game
Wikipedia - Day of the Figurines -- Massively multiplayer online game
Wikipedia - Days of Thunder (1990 video game) -- 1990 racing video game
Wikipedia - Days of War -- 2017 multiplayer shooter video game
Wikipedia - Daytona USA -- 1994 arcade video game
Wikipedia - Daze Before Christmas -- 1994 video game
Wikipedia - D. D. Crew -- 1991 video game
Wikipedia - Deactivators -- 1986 action-puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Dead Cells -- 2018 roguelike-metroidvania video game
Wikipedia - Dead Game -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Deadlock (game theory)
Wikipedia - Deadlock II: Shrine Wars -- 1998 video game
Wikipedia - Deadly Creatures -- 2009 video game
Wikipedia - Deadly Dozen: Pacific Theater -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Dead Man's Hand (video game) -- 2004 video game
Wikipedia - Dead or Alive 5 -- 2012 Fighting video game
Wikipedia - Dead or Alive (franchise) -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Dead Rising: Endgame -- 2016 American action zombie film by Pat Williams
Wikipedia - Dead Rising -- Open world survival horror video game series
Wikipedia - Dead Space 2 -- 2011 science fiction survival horror video game
Wikipedia - Dead Space 3 -- 2013 science fiction survival horror video game
Wikipedia - Dead Space (franchise) -- Science fiction horror video game series and multimedia franchise
Wikipedia - Dead Space (video game) -- 2008 science fiction survival horror video game
Wikipedia - Dead Trigger 2 -- 2013 zombie-themed survival horror game
Wikipedia - Deal or No Deal (American game show) -- American game show
Wikipedia - Deal or No Deal (British game show) -- British game show
Wikipedia - Deal or No Deal (German game show) -- German television series
Wikipedia - Deal or No Deal (Irish game show) -- Irish television series
Wikipedia - Deal or No Deal (New Zealand game show) -- New Zealand television series
Wikipedia - Deal or No Deal (Singaporean game show) -- Television series from Singapore
Wikipedia - Deal or No Deal (Thai game show) -- Thai television series
Wikipedia - Dear Esther -- 2012 video game
Wikipedia - Death and Taxes (video game) -- Grim reaper office job simulation game
Wikipedia - Deathbringer (1991 video game) -- 1991 video game
Wikipedia - Deathclaw -- Fictional species of reptilian monsters in the post-apocalyptic Fallout video game franchise
Wikipedia - Death Game (1996 film) -- 1996 film
Wikipedia - Death Game -- 1977 film
Wikipedia - Deathgarden -- 2018 asymmetrical multiplayer first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Death Horizon -- 2017 mobile FPS VR game
Wikipedia - Deathrow (video game) -- 2002 sports video game
Wikipedia - Death Squared -- 2017 puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Death Stranding -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - Deborah Teramis Christian -- American author and game designer
Wikipedia - Decade (solitaire) -- Patience card game
Wikipedia - Decima (game engine) -- Video game engine
Wikipedia - Decipher, Inc. -- American game publisher
Wikipedia - Deck building game
Wikipedia - Dedicated console -- Type of video game console
Wikipedia - Dee Jay -- Character from the Street Fighter fighting game series
Wikipedia - Deep Blue versus Kasparov, 1996, Game 1
Wikipedia - Deep Duck Trouble Starring Donald Duck -- 1993 platform video game
Wikipedia - Deep Rock Galactic -- Cooperative first-person shooter video game by Ghost Ship Games
Wikipedia - Defender (2002 video game) -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Defender's Quest -- 2012 video game
Wikipedia - Defense Grid: The Awakening -- Tower defense video game first released in 2008
Wikipedia - Defense of the Ancients -- Mod for video game Warcraft III
Wikipedia - Defiant Development -- Australian video game developer
Wikipedia - Def Jam: Fight for NY -- 2004 video game
Wikipedia - Def Jam: Icon -- 2007 video game
Wikipedia - Def Jam Vendetta -- 2003 video game
Wikipedia - Deformers -- 2017 multiplayer brawler video game
Wikipedia - Dejobaan Games -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - De Jongens tegen de Meisjes -- Dutch television game show
Wikipedia - Delay of game (ice hockey) -- Ice hockey rule to prevent traditional longevity
Wikipedia - Delay of game -- Time-based penalty in sports
Wikipedia - Deltarune -- 2018 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Delta timing -- Concept in game programming
Wikipedia - De Mambo -- 2017 platform video game
Wikipedia - Demigod (video game) -- Video game
Wikipedia - Demise: Rise of the Ku'tan -- 2000 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Democratic Republic of the Congo at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Democratic Republic of the Congo at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Demon Attack -- Fixed shooter video game from 1982
Wikipedia - Demon's Souls (2020 video game) -- 2020 remake of the original 2009 video game
Wikipedia - Demon's Souls -- 2009 video game
Wikipedia - Demon Stalkers -- 1987 video game
Wikipedia - Denki -- Scottish video game developer
Wikipedia - Denmark at the 1906 Intercalated Games -- Denmark at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Densha de Go! -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Deponia Doomsday -- 2016 video game
Wikipedia - Derek Paxton -- Video game designer
Wikipedia - Derek Smart -- Video game developer and businessperson
Wikipedia - Derry GAA -- Gaelic games board in Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Descent (video game)
Wikipedia - Descriptive notation -- Notation for recording chess games
Wikipedia - Desktop Tower Defense -- Video game
Wikipedia - Desperate Housewives: The Game (2017 video game) -- 2017 role-playing mobile game
Wikipedia - Dessert Games -- US television program
Wikipedia - Destination: Deep Space -- 2019 FIRST Robotics Competition game
Wikipedia - Destiny 2 -- 2017 online-only multiplayer first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Destiny (video game)
Wikipedia - Destruction AllStars -- 2021 video game
Wikipedia - Destruction Derby 2 -- 1996 video game
Wikipedia - Destruction Derby -- 1995 video game
Wikipedia - Detention (video game) -- 2017 adventure horror video game
Wikipedia - Detroit: Become Human -- 2018 adventure game
Wikipedia - Deus Ex: Human Revolution -- 2011 video game
Wikipedia - Deus Ex: Mankind Divided -- 2016 video game
Wikipedia - Deus Ex (video game) -- 2000 action role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Deus Ex -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Deutscher Spiele Preis -- Award for board games
Wikipedia - Development of Duke Nukem Forever -- Protracted video game development period
Wikipedia - Development of Grand Theft Auto V -- Development of 2013 video game
Wikipedia - Development of Red Dead Redemption 2 -- Development of 2018 action-adventure game, Red Dead Redemption 2
Wikipedia - Development of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion -- Development of 2005 video game
Wikipedia - Development of The Last of Us Part II -- Video game development
Wikipedia - Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening -- Video game
Wikipedia - Devil May Cry (video game) -- 2001 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Devil May Cry -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers -- 1997 role-playing game
Wikipedia - Devolver Digital -- American video game publisher and film distributor
Wikipedia - Devsisters -- South Korean video game developer
Wikipedia - Dexter's Laboratory: Deesaster Strikes! -- 2001 action-adventure video game
Wikipedia - Dexter's Laboratory: Mandark's Lab? -- 2002 action-adventure video game
Wikipedia - Dexter's Laboratory: Robot Rampage -- 2000 action video game
Wikipedia - Diablo III: Rise of the Necromancer -- Diablo III game downloadable content
Wikipedia - Diablo (video game)
Wikipedia - Diamond (game)
Wikipedia - Diamond Trust of London -- 2012 turn-based strategy video game
Wikipedia - Dice 10000 -- Tabletop game
Wikipedia - D.I.C.E. Awards -- Annual video game award show
Wikipedia - DICE (company) -- Swedish video game developer owned by Electronic Arts
Wikipedia - Dice game
Wikipedia - Dictator game
Wikipedia - Diddy Kong Racing -- 1997 N64 video game
Wikipedia - Diddy Kong -- Video game character
Wikipedia - Didier Gamerdinger -- Monegasque windsurfer
Wikipedia - Diehard GameFAN
Wikipedia - Die Kathedrale -- 1991 text adventure game
Wikipedia - -- Battle Royale video game
Wikipedia - Diesel (game engine)
Wikipedia - Dies irae (visual novel) -- Japanese visual novel video game
Wikipedia - Different Worlds -- Tabletop role-playing game magazine
Wikipedia - Dig Dug Island -- Massively multiplayer online video game
Wikipedia - Digest Group Publications -- Role playing game company
Wikipedia - Digimon Adventure: Our War Game! -- 2000 anime film
Wikipedia - Digimon Racing -- 2004 racing video game
Wikipedia - Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory -- 2017 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth -- 2015 video game
Wikipedia - Digital collectible card game
Wikipedia - Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei II -- 1990 role-playing game
Wikipedia - Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei -- 1987 role-playing game
Wikipedia - Digital distribution of video games -- Process of delivering video game content as digital information, without the exchange or purchase of new physical media
Wikipedia - Digital Eclipse -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - Digital Games Research Association
Wikipedia - Digital tabletop game
Wikipedia - Diketo (game) -- Indigenous game of Botswana
Wikipedia - DikuMUD -- Multiplayer text-based role-playing computer game from 1991
Wikipedia - Dino Crisis (video game) -- 1999 survival horror video game
Wikipedia - Dinokeng Game Reserve -- South Africa wildlife sanctuary
Wikipedia - Dino Master -- Nintendo DS game
Wikipedia - Dino Rex -- 1992 arcade video game
Wikipedia - Diplomacy (game) -- Strategic board game
Wikipedia - Dirt 4 -- 2017 racing video game made by Codemasters
Wikipedia - Dirt 5 -- 2020 racing video game made by Codemasters
Wikipedia - Dirt Rally -- Racing video game
Wikipedia - Dirt (series) -- Racing video game series by Codemasters
Wikipedia - Dirt Track Racing 2 -- 2002 racing video game
Wikipedia - Dirt Track Racing: Sprint Cars -- 2000 racing video game
Wikipedia - Dirt Track Racing (video game) -- 2000 racing video game
Wikipedia - Dirty Harry (1990 video game) -- 1990 video game
Wikipedia - Disaster Report 4 Plus: Summer Memories -- Video game
Wikipedia - Disaster Report -- Video game
Wikipedia - Disc Jam -- 2017 sports video game
Wikipedia - Disco Elysium -- 2019 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Disc Room -- 2020 video game
Wikipedia - Dishaster -- 1983 video game for the Atari 2600
Wikipedia - Dishonored: Death of the Outsider -- 2017 action adventure stealth video game
Wikipedia - Dishonored -- 2012 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Disk Wars -- Tabletop miniature wargame
Wikipedia - Disney Infinity 2.0 -- 2014 toys-to-life sandbox video game
Wikipedia - Disney Infinity 3.0 -- 2015 action-adventure toys-to-life video game
Wikipedia - Disney Infinity (video game) -- 2013 toys-to-life sandbox video game
Wikipedia - Disney Interactive Studios -- Defunct American video game developer
Wikipedia - Disney Magic Kingdoms -- 2016 world builder mobile and computer game based on the Disney theme parks
Wikipedia - Disney's Aladdin (1994 video game) -- 1994 Game Gear video game
Wikipedia - Disney's Aladdin (Capcom video game) -- 1993 SNES video game
Wikipedia - Disney's Bonkers: Wax Up! -- 1995 video game
Wikipedia - Disney's Lilo & Stitch (Game Boy Advance video game) -- 2002 Game Boy Advance video game tie-in to Lilo & Stitch
Wikipedia - Disney's Math Quest with Aladdin -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - Disney's Pocahontas (video game) -- 1996 video game
Wikipedia - Disney's Stitch: Experiment 626 -- 2002 prequel video game tie-in to Lilo & Stitch
Wikipedia - Disney's Villains' Revenge -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Disney Tsum Tsum Festival -- Party video game for the Nintendo Switch based on the Disney Tsum Tsum toyline
Wikipedia - Disney Tsum Tsum -- Japanese stuffed toys and video games
Wikipedia - Distrust (video game) -- 2017 survival video game
Wikipedia - Dive Alert: Becky's Version -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Dive Alert: Matt's Version -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Divine Gate -- Japanese smartphone game
Wikipedia - Diving at the 2010 Central American and Caribbean Games -- Competition held in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Diving at the 2014 Asian Games - Men's synchronized 10 metre platform -- Sports competition event
Wikipedia - Diving at the 2015 Pan American Games - Men's 10 metre platform -- Event at 2015 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Diving at the 2019 Pan American Games -- The diving competitions at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Divinity: Original Sin II -- 2017 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Dixie (card game) -- Card game
Wikipedia - Dizzy (video game)
Wikipedia - DJMax Respect -- 2017 rhythm video game
Wikipedia - DK Rap -- Song made for the 1999 video game Donkey Kong 64
Wikipedia - Dnd (PLATO video game)
Wikipedia - DND (video game)
Wikipedia - Dnd (video game)
Wikipedia - Doc the Destroyer -- 1987 RPG video game
Wikipedia - Doctor Who and the Warlord -- 1985 video game
Wikipedia - DoDonPachi DaiOuJou -- arcade game
Wikipedia - Dofus -- Video game
Wikipedia - Dog Eat Dog (American game show) -- American game show
Wikipedia - Dogo Argentino -- white short-coated muscular dog bred for big-game hunting
Wikipedia - Dogs of War (2000 video game) -- Science fiction real-time strategy game
Wikipedia - Dog Star Adventure -- text adventure game by Lance Micklus
Wikipedia - Dollar auction -- Game illustrating paradox in rational choice theory
Wikipedia - Dolphin (emulator) -- Nintendo GameCube and Wii emulation software
Wikipedia - Dominoes -- Chinese game played with rectangular tiles
Wikipedia - Dona Bailey -- American video game programmer
Wikipedia - Donald Featherstone (wargamer) -- British physiotherapist, military historian, author & wargamer
Wikipedia - Donald's Golf Game -- 1938 Donald Duck cartoon
Wikipedia - Don Dailey -- American researcher and game programmer
Wikipedia - Don Doko Don -- Video game
Wikipedia - Donkey Kong (1994 video game) -- 1994 platform puzzle video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Donkey Kong 3 -- 1993 video game
Wikipedia - Donkey Kong (character) -- Video game character
Wikipedia - Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest -- 1995 platform video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Donkey Kong Country Returns -- 2D platformer video game developed by Retro Studios
Wikipedia - Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze -- 2014 video game
Wikipedia - Donkey Kong Country -- 1994 video game
Wikipedia - Donkey Kong Jr. Math -- 1983 edutainment video game by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Donkey Kong Jr. -- 1982 arcade platform video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Donkey Kong Land 2 -- 1996 platform video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Donkey Kong Land -- 1995 platform video game for the Game Boy
Wikipedia - Donkey Kong (video game) -- 1981 arcade platform video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Don Larsen's perfect game -- Perfect game pitched in the 1956 World Series
Wikipedia - Don't Buy This -- 1985 video game for Spectrum
Wikipedia - Don't Forget Your Toothbrush -- British game show
Wikipedia - Don't (game show) -- 2020 American game show
Wikipedia - Don't Knock Twice (video game) -- 2017 survival horror video game
Wikipedia - Dontnod Entertainment -- French video game developer
Wikipedia - Don't Play No Game That I Can't Win -- Single by Beastie Boys and Santigold
Wikipedia - Don Turnbull (game designer)
Wikipedia - Don't Wake Daddy -- Board game
Wikipedia - Doom (1993 video game)
Wikipedia - Doom (2016 video game) -- 2016 first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Doom 3 -- 2004 horror science fiction first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Doom engine -- 1993 game engine
Wikipedia - Doom Eternal -- 2020 first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Doom (film) -- 2005 film based on the video game series directed by Andrzej Bartkowiak
Wikipedia - Doomfist -- Fictional character in the 2016 video game Overwatch
Wikipedia - Doom (franchise) -- Series of video games and other media
Wikipedia - Doomguy -- Fictional character from the Doom video game series
Wikipedia - Doom modding -- Modding in the Doom video game series
Wikipedia - Doom: The Boardgame -- Board game
Wikipedia - Door Kickers -- 2014 video game
Wikipedia - Dorothea Coelho -- American game show host
Wikipedia - Dorsal calcaneocuboid ligament -- Fasciculus
Wikipedia - Dota 2 -- Multiplayer online battle arena video game
Wikipedia - Dota -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Dots (game)
Wikipedia - Dots (video game) -- Touchscreen puzzle mobile game from 2013
Wikipedia - Double Cross (video game) -- Platform video game
Wikipedia - Double Doink -- Blocked would-be game-winning field goal during NFC Wild card game between the Philadelphia Eagles and the Chicago Bears on January 6, 2019
Wikipedia - Double Dragon IV -- 2017 beat 'em up video game
Wikipedia - Double Dragon Neon -- Video game
Wikipedia - Double Dragon (video game) -- 1987 beat 'em up video game
Wikipedia - Double Dragon -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Double Dutch (jump rope) -- Rope jumping game of skill
Wikipedia - Double Fine -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - Double Game -- 1977 film by Carlo Ausino
Wikipedia - Double Helix Games -- Defunct American video game developer
Wikipedia - Dou dizhu -- Card game
Wikipedia - Doug Bell -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - Doughlings: Arcade -- Metroidvania platform video game
Wikipedia - Dough Re Mi -- US television game show program
Wikipedia - Doug Neubauer -- American video game designer
Wikipedia - Down Down Baby -- Nursery rhyme and clapping game
Wikipedia - Downfall (game)
Wikipedia - D-pad -- Input device for a video game controller
Wikipedia - Draconian (video game) -- Multidirectional shooter video game
Wikipedia - Dracula 2: The Last Sanctuary -- 2013 video game
Wikipedia - Draft:8 Ball Pool -- 2010 online mobile game
Wikipedia - Draft:Alex Kanaris-Sotiriou -- British video game designer
Wikipedia - Draft:Am-Develop -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - Draft:Ark II (video game) -- Action-adventure survival video game
Wikipedia - Draft:Automobilista 2 -- Motorsport racing simulator video game
Wikipedia - Draft:BallisticNG -- 2018 racing video game
Wikipedia - Draft:Bilaru Jai Singh -- Indian Comedy YouTuber and Gamer
Wikipedia - Draft:Blood & Song -- British tabletop Role-Playing Game web series
Wikipedia - Draft:Blood of Steel -- video game
Wikipedia - Draft:Bommetje -- Dutch waterpark physical challenge TV game show
Wikipedia - Draft:Boom Beach Frontlines -- Mobile videogame
Wikipedia - Draft:Business Heroes: Food Truck Simulation -- 2020 single player, business simulation tycoon video game
Wikipedia - Draft:Carrom Pool Game -- Carrom Game
Wikipedia - Draft:Cartoon Network Games -- Organisation that developes and publishes interactive gaming within the channel Cartoon Network
Wikipedia - Draft:Catalyst Black -- Multiplayer online battle arena video game
Wikipedia - Draft:Critical Velocity (video game) -- 2005 action driving game game
Wikipedia - Draft:Dipesh Murmu -- Indian Comedy YouTuber and Gamer
Wikipedia - Draft:Euphoria (visual novel) -- 2011 eroge video game from Japan
Wikipedia - Draft:Eve Echoes -- 2020 persistent-world massively multiplayer online mobile video game
Wikipedia - Draft:Gamejam -- Mobile Video Game Company
Wikipedia - Draft:Gaurav Taneja -- Indian Fitness YouTuber and Gamer
Wikipedia - Draft:Geo-Political Simulator 4: Power and Revolution -- Government simulation game
Wikipedia - Draft:Habib Alejalil -- Iranian video game developer
Wikipedia - Draft:Hide & Dance! -- 2016 rhythm game
Wikipedia - Draft:How To Game -- Video game how tos, releases, and reviews website
Wikipedia - Draft:Ikenfell -- 2020 Role-playing game (RPG) with rhythm commands
Wikipedia - Draft:Indietopia Games -- Dutch indie video game publisher
Wikipedia - Draft:Injustice 3 -- upcoming 2021 Video game
Wikipedia - Draft:Iron Chef Indonesia -- Cooking, Game show TV series
Wikipedia - Draft:List of video game compilations -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Draft:List of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? winners -- List of top prize winners on versions of the game show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?
Wikipedia - Draft:Majin Tensei (video game) -- 1994 tactical role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Draft:Major abdullah -- Indian Comedy YouTuber and Gamer
Wikipedia - Draft:Maksym Botviniev -- Game Developer and Software Engineer
Wikipedia - Draft:Master Bladesmith (Game) -- 2020 video game
Wikipedia - Draft:Micheal Lual Mayen -- South Sudanese video game creator
Wikipedia - Draft:Puffballs United -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - Draft:Scarra (Gamer) -- American Twitch streamer
Wikipedia - Draft:Shiho Fujii -- Japanese video game composer
Wikipedia - Draft:SimpleRockets 2 -- space flight simulator game
Wikipedia - Draft:Soul mortal -- indian gamer
Wikipedia - Draft:Stone Pagamentos -- Financial technology company.
Wikipedia - Draft:Strategic Imperial Conquest -- Fantasy role-playing game
Wikipedia - Draft:The Muppets On The Go! -- 1996 video game
Wikipedia - Draft:Therogames -- French video game developer
Wikipedia - Draft:The Shapeshifting Detective -- 2018 FMV mystery video game
Wikipedia - Draft:The Westing Game (TV series) -- Upcoming television series
Wikipedia - Draft:Twilight Twinkle -- puzzle video game by vadakan interactive
Wikipedia - Draft:Wide Left -- Missed field goal at the conclusion of the Seahawks-Vikings Wild Card game
Wikipedia - Draft:Zachary Tarnopol -- Video game commentator
Wikipedia - Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 -- 2016 fighting role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Dragon Ball Z: Budokai (video game) -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Dragon Ball Z Collectible Card Game -- Out-of-print trading card game
Wikipedia - Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot -- 2020 video game
Wikipedia - Dragon Booster Trading Card Game -- Collectible trading card game
Wikipedia - DragonBox Pyra -- PDA and handheld game console
Wikipedia - DragonHeart: Fire & Steel -- 1996 action video game
Wikipedia - Dragonica Mobile SEA -- 2017 massively multiplayer online role-playing game
Wikipedia - Dragon Knight 4 -- 1994 video game
Wikipedia - Dragonmarked -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Dragon Quest II -- Role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Dragon Quest Monsters -- spin-off series of the Dragon Quest video games
Wikipedia - Dragon Quest (video game)
Wikipedia - Dragon Quest -- Japanese video game series
Wikipedia - Dragon Quest XI -- 2017 video game
Wikipedia - Dragon's Crown -- 2013 action role-playing game
Wikipedia - Dragon's Dogma -- Action role-playing hack and slash video game
Wikipedia - Dragon's Lair II: Time Warp -- 1991 video game
Wikipedia - Dragonslayer (board game) -- 1981 board game
Wikipedia - Dragons of Flame (video game)
Wikipedia - Dragons of Kir -- Strategy board game
Wikipedia - DragonStrike (video game)
Wikipedia - Dragon Sword -- Cancelled video game
Wikipedia - Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 -- role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Dragon Warrior Monsters -- first video game in the Dragon Quest Monsters series
Wikipedia - Dragon Warriors -- fantasy role playing game system
Wikipedia - Dragster (video game) -- 1980 video game by Activision
Wikipedia - Drakengard (video game) -- 2003 action role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Drakengard -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Dra'k'ne Station -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Draugen (video game) -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - Draughts -- Board game
Wikipedia - Drawception -- Web-based game
Wikipedia - Drawn to Death -- 2017 third-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Drawn to Life: SpongeBob SquarePants Edition -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter (Nintendo DS video game) -- 2009 Nintendo DS video game
Wikipedia - Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter (Wii video game) -- 2009 Wii video game
Wikipedia - Drawn to Life -- 2007 platform video game
Wikipedia - Dr. Brain: Action Reaction -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Dreadnought (video game) -- 2017 combat flight simulation video game
Wikipedia - DreadOut -- Indonesian horror video game
Wikipedia - Dread (role-playing game)
Wikipedia - Dreamcast Collection -- Video game compilation
Wikipedia - Dreamcast -- Sixth-generation home video game console by Sega
Wikipedia - Dreamfall Chapters -- 2017 episodic 3D adventure video game
Wikipedia - Dreams (video game) -- Sandbox video game and game creation system
Wikipedia - Dream (YouTuber) -- American video game YouTuber (born 1999)
Wikipedia - Drelbs -- 1983 video game
Wikipedia - Dress-up -- A game involving costumes played by people
Wikipedia - Drew Carey -- American actor, comedian, game show host and photographer
Wikipedia - Drift City -- 2007 video game
Wikipedia - Drinking game -- Game which involves the consumption of alcoholic beverages
Wikipedia - Driver: San Francisco -- 2011 racing video game
Wikipedia - Driver (video game) -- 1999 action driving video game
Wikipedia - Driving game
Wikipedia - Dr Kawashima's Brain Training for Nintendo Switch -- Video game
Wikipedia - Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist -- 2015 exploration video game
Wikipedia - Dr. Luigi -- 2013 puzzle video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - DRL (video game)
Wikipedia - Dr. Mario 64 -- 2001 puzzle video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Dr. Mario Express -- 2008 action puzzle video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Dr. Mario Online Rx -- 2008 puzzle video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Dr. Mario -- 1990 puzzle video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Dr. Mario World -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - Droids (role-playing game) -- Tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - DropMix -- 2017 music mixing video game
Wikipedia - DROsoft -- Spanish video game company
Wikipedia - Drowned God -- 1996 science fiction adventure game
Wikipedia - Dr. Plummet's House of Flux -- 1989 video game
Wikipedia - Drugwars -- Turn-based strategy computer game created in 1984
Wikipedia - Drunken Robot Pornography -- 2014 first-person shooter game
Wikipedia - Drunk or Dead -- 2017 first-person shooter video game for mobiles
Wikipedia - Duck, duck, goose -- Children's chasing game
Wikipedia - Duck Hunt -- Video game
Wikipedia - DuckTales: The Quest for Gold -- 1990 platform video game
Wikipedia - Due Process (video game) -- Online multiplayer video game
Wikipedia - Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes -- 2000 video game
Wikipedia - Duke Nukem -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Duncan Botwood -- British voice actor and video game designer
Wikipedia - Dun Darach -- 1985 arcade adventure game
Wikipedia - Dune 2000 -- Real-time strategy game
Wikipedia - Dune II -- Video game
Wikipedia - Duneraiders -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Dungeon (computer game)
Wikipedia - Dungeon Fighter Online -- Video game
Wikipedia - Dungeon Geomorphs -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - Dungeon (magazine) -- Magazine related to the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game
Wikipedia - Dungeon Masters Screen -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - Dungeon Master (video game)
Wikipedia - Dungeon of Death -- 1978 video game
Wikipedia - Dungeonquest -- Fantasy adventure board game
Wikipedia - Dungeons 3 -- 2017 Construction and management simulation video game
Wikipedia - Dungeons & Dragons (1974) -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - Dungeons & Dragons Basic Set -- Boxed set for tabletop role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - Dungeons & Dragons Companion Set -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - Dungeons & Dragons Expert Set -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - Dungeons & Dragons Immortals Rules -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - Dungeons & Dragons Master Rules -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia -- Rule book for tabletop role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - Dungeons & Dragons (TV series) -- 1980s animation based on game
Wikipedia - Dungeons & Dragons -- Fantasy role-playing game
Wikipedia - Dungeons > Dragons Adventure Game
Wikipedia - Dungeons > Dragons Computer Fantasy Game
Wikipedia - Dungeons > Dragons Game (1991 boxed set)
Wikipedia - Dungeons > Dragons gameplay
Wikipedia - Dungeon Siege -- 2002 action role-playing game
Wikipedia - Dungeons of Dredmor -- Roguelike indie video game
Wikipedia - Dungeon Tiles (Task Force Games) -- Fantasy role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Dungeon (video game)
Wikipedia - Dunnet (video game)
Wikipedia - Dupa biskupa -- Polish card games
Wikipedia - Dust II -- Video game map in the Counter-Strike series
Wikipedia - Dustnet -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - D.Va -- Fictional character in the 2016 video game Overwatch
Wikipedia - Dwarf Fortress -- 2006 roguelike management simulation video game
Wikipedia - Dworkin's Game Driver
Wikipedia - Dying Light 2 -- upcoming survival horror action zombie video game developed by Techland
Wikipedia - Dying Light -- Survival horror video game
Wikipedia - Dynamic Chord -- Video game and anime series
Wikipedia - Dynamic game difficulty balancing
Wikipedia - Dynamite Cop -- Video game
Wikipedia - Dynamix -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - Dynasty Warriors: Godseekers -- Tactical role-playing game
Wikipedia - Dynasty Warriors Vol. 2 -- 2006 hack and slash video game
Wikipedia - Dynasty Wars -- 1989 video game
Wikipedia - E3 2018 -- Video game trade show in Los Angeles
Wikipedia - E3 2019 -- Video game trade show in Los Angeles
Wikipedia - E3 -- American annual computer and video game industry trade event
Wikipedia - EA Gothenburg -- Swedish video game developer
Wikipedia - Early Games -- 1982 educational video game
Wikipedia - Early history of video games -- Games from the 1940s to the 1970s
Wikipedia - Early mainframe games
Wikipedia - Earnest Evans -- 1991 video game
Wikipedia - EarthBound -- Video game
Wikipedia - Earth Defense Force 5 -- 2017 Earth Defense Force video game series
Wikipedia - EA Sports MMA -- Video game
Wikipedia - EA Sports UFC 2 -- 2016 video game
Wikipedia - EA Sports UFC 3 -- 2018 mixed martial arts video game
Wikipedia - EA Sports UFC -- 2014 video game
Wikipedia - East Asian Games
Wikipedia - East Asian Youth Games
Wikipedia - East Front (video game) -- 1997 computer wargame
Wikipedia - East vs. West - A Hearts of Iron Game -- Cancelled 2014 grand strategy video game
Wikipedia - Echo (2017 video game) -- 2017 stealth indie video game by Ultra Ultra
Wikipedia - Echo Night -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Eclipse Phase (role-playing game)
Wikipedia - Eco (video game)
Wikipedia - ECrew Development Program -- Rare educational video game
Wikipedia - Ed Boon -- American video game producer
Wikipedia - Ed Cha -- American role-playing games author
Wikipedia - Ed, Edd n Eddy: Jawbreakers! -- 2002 Game Boy Advance video game
Wikipedia - Ed, Edd n Eddy: Scam of the Century -- 2007 Nintendo DS video game based on Ed, Edd n Eddy
Wikipedia - Ed, Edd n Eddy: The Mis-Edventures -- 2005 3D platform video game based on American-Canadian animated television series Ed, Edd n Eddy
Wikipedia - Ed Fries -- American video game executive
Wikipedia - Edge (magazine) -- UK video game magazine
Wikipedia - Ed McMahon -- American announcer, game show host, actor, spokesman
Wikipedia - Educational games in the Sonic series -- Edutainment video games
Wikipedia - Educational game
Wikipedia - Educational video game -- Video game genre
Wikipedia - Edward Bennet -- Irish Gaelic games administrator, second president of the GAA
Wikipedia - Een tegen 100 -- Dutch television game show
Wikipedia - Ef: A Fairy Tale of the Two -- Video game
Wikipedia - Effect and Cause -- Level from 2016 video game Titanfall 2
Wikipedia - Egg, Inc. -- Idle clicker mobile game
Wikipedia - Eggplant run -- Video game challenge
Wikipedia - Ego (game engine)
Wikipedia - Egypt 1156 B.C. -- 1997 adventure video game
Wikipedia - Eight-ball -- Pool game popular in much of the world
Wikipedia - Eighth generation of video game consoles -- Eight video game console generation, including the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One
Wikipedia - Eight Man (video game) -- Side-scrolling beat 'em up arcade video game developed by Pallas
Wikipedia - Elan Lee -- American game designer
Wikipedia - Eldritch Wizardry -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - Electrocop -- Action video game from 1989 for the Atari Lynx
Wikipedia - Electronic Arts -- American video game company
Wikipedia - Electronic Games -- US video game magazine
Wikipedia - Electronic game
Wikipedia - Electronic Gaming Monthly -- American video game magazine
Wikipedia - Elemental tetrad -- Game design conceptual framework
Wikipedia - Elemental: War of Magic -- Video game
Wikipedia - Elephant gun -- Firearm of large caliber for hunting large game
Wikipedia - Elevator Action Old & New -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Elevator Action -- 1983 arcade game
Wikipedia - ELEX -- 2017 science fantasy-themed action role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Elfquest (role-playing game) -- Fantasy tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - El Grande -- Board game
Wikipedia - Elite (video game)
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Betty Ryan -- American game developer and programmer
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Hargrave -- American game designer
Wikipedia - Eliza (video game) -- Video game
Wikipedia - Ellie (The Last of Us) -- Video game character
Wikipedia - El Matador (video game)
Wikipedia - Elsinore (video game) -- 2019 adventure game
Wikipedia - El Tiempo Es Oro (game show) -- Puerto Rican television game show
Wikipedia - Embracer Group -- Swedish video game holding company
Wikipedia - Emergency 2: The Ultimate Fight for Life -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Emergency 3: Mission Life -- 2006 video game
Wikipedia - Emergency 5 -- 2014 video game
Wikipedia - Emergent gameplay
Wikipedia - Emergo (board game)
Wikipedia - Emilie Gamelin -- 19th-century French Canadian social worker and Catholic sister
Wikipedia - Emily Care Boss -- Tabletop role-playing game designer
Wikipedia - Emily is Away Too -- 2017 indie visual novel game
Wikipedia - Emily Wants to Play -- 2015 survival horror video game
Wikipedia - Emit (video game) -- Video game developed by Koei
Wikipedia - Emma Kinema -- American labor organizer and co-founder of Game Workers Unite
Wikipedia - Emperor: Battle for Dune -- 2001 video game
Wikipedia - Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Empire (1972 video game) -- 1972 video game
Wikipedia - Empire (1977 video game) -- Wargame
Wikipedia - Empire Earth: The Art of Conquest -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Empire Earth -- Real-time strategy video game series
Wikipedia - Empire Interactive -- Video game company
Wikipedia - Empire of Sin (video game) -- 2020 video game
Wikipedia - Empire of the Petal Throne -- fantasy roleplaying game
Wikipedia - Empires: Dawn of the Modern World -- 2003 real-time strategy video game by Stainless Steel Studios
Wikipedia - Encounters in the Corelian Quadrant -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Encounters in the Phoenix Quadrant -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Encounters in the Ventura Quadrant -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Encyclopedia Fuckme and the Case of the Vanishing Entree -- Video game
Wikipedia - Ender's Game (novel series) -- 1985-2008 Series of six SF novels by Orson Scott Card
Wikipedia - Ender's Game -- 1985 book by Orson Scott Card
Wikipedia - End Game (2006 film) -- 2006 action-thriller film by Andy Cheng
Wikipedia - End Game (2018 film) -- 2018 short documentary film by Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman
Wikipedia - Endgame database
Wikipedia - Endgame (Jensen books)
Wikipedia - Endgame: Singularity
Wikipedia - End Game (song) -- 2017 single by Taylor Swift featuring Ed Sheeran and Future
Wikipedia - Endgame study
Wikipedia - Endgame tablebase
Wikipedia - Endgame (TV series) -- Canadian television series
Wikipedia - Endless Express -- 2014 first-person simulation video game
Wikipedia - Endless Ocean -- Diving-oriented video game for the Wii first released in 2007
Wikipedia - Endless Space 2 -- 2017 turn-based strategy, science fiction 4X game
Wikipedia - End of Nations -- 2012 video game
Wikipedia - End of the Game -- 1975 film by Maximilian Schell
Wikipedia - Enduro (video game)
Wikipedia - Enemy Zero -- 1996 video game
Wikipedia - En Garde! -- Tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - Engare -- 2017 indie puzzle game by Iranian game designer
Wikipedia - English draughts -- Board game
Wikipedia - Enigma (2007 video game)
Wikipedia - Enkidu -- Character from the Epic of Gilgamesh
Wikipedia - Ensemble Stars! -- Game franchise
Wikipedia - Entertainment for All -- Former public video game trade show
Wikipedia - Entertainment Software Publishing -- Defunct Japanese video game publisher
Wikipedia - Entertainment Software Rating Board -- North American self-regulatory organization that assigns age and content ratings for video games
Wikipedia - Enter the Gungeon -- Video game
Wikipedia - Enter the Matrix -- 2003 video game
Wikipedia - Entex Select-A-Game -- Handheld game system
Wikipedia - Entombed (Atari 2600) -- 1982 video game
Wikipedia - Entombed (video game) -- 1985 video game
Wikipedia - Entropy (1977 board game)
Wikipedia - Entropy (1994 board game)
Wikipedia - Entwined (video game) -- 2014 rhythm game
Wikipedia - Epaminondas (game)
Wikipedia - Epic Card Game -- strategy card game
Wikipedia - Epic Games Store -- Digital video game storefront
Wikipedia - Epic Games v. Apple -- Lawsuit between Epic Games and Apple Inc.
Wikipedia - Epic Games -- American video game company
Wikipedia - Epic (game) -- Tabletop wargame
Wikipedia - Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two -- Video game
Wikipedia - Epic Mickey -- Video game
Wikipedia - Epic of Gilgamesh -- Epic poem from Mesopotamia
Wikipedia - Epics (company) -- Japanese video game developer
Wikipedia - Epoch Co. -- Japanese toy and computer games company
Wikipedia - Epoch Game Pocket Computer -- Handheld game console by Epoch Co.
Wikipedia - Epoch (video game) -- 1981 Apple II game
Wikipedia - Epyx -- Defunct video game developer and publisher
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 2006 Asian Games -- Asian Games
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 2010 Central American and Caribbean Games -- Event held in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 2019 Pan American Games -- The Equestrian competitions at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Eragon (video game) -- Video game
Wikipedia - Erica (video game) -- 2019 interactive fiction video game
Wikipedia - Eric Barone (developer) -- Video games developer
Wikipedia - Eric Holmes (video game designer) -- Scottish video game designer
Wikipedia - Erick Wujcik -- American role-playing game designer
Wikipedia - Eric's Ultimate Solitaire -- Card game-based video game
Wikipedia - Erik Mona -- American game designer
Wikipedia - Erik Wolpaw -- American video game writer
Wikipedia - Ermac -- Fictional character in the Mortal Kombat fighting game franchise
Wikipedia - Ernest Crawley -- Ball game expert
Wikipedia - Eroge -- Type of Japanese video game featuring erotica
Wikipedia - Escape from Paradise City -- Video game
Wikipedia - Escape from Woomera -- 2004 video game
Wikipedia - Escape Velocity Nova -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Escape Velocity (video game)
Wikipedia - Eschatos -- 2011 video game
Wikipedia - ESP Game
Wikipedia - Esports -- form of competition that is facilitated by electronic systems, particularly video games
Wikipedia - ESRB re-rating of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion -- ESRB re-rating of video game
Wikipedia - Estonia at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Estonia at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Est: Playing the Game
Wikipedia - ESWAT: City Under Siege -- 1990 video game
Wikipedia - Eternal Champions: Challenge from the Dark Side -- 1995 video game
Wikipedia - Ethnic Cleansing (video game) -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Etoile Princesse -- 1993 video game
Wikipedia - Etrian Odyssey III -- Video game
Wikipedia - Etrian Odyssey II -- Video game
Wikipedia - Etrian Odyssey Nexus -- video game from the Etrian Odyssey series
Wikipedia - Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl -- 2013 video game
Wikipedia - Etrian Odyssey (video game) -- Video game
Wikipedia - Etrian Odyssey -- Video game series
Wikipedia - E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (video game) -- 1982 video game
Wikipedia - Eufloria -- 2009 British real-time strategy video game
Wikipedia - Eurogamer -- Video games news and reviews website
Wikipedia - Europa (wargame) -- Board wargame series
Wikipedia - Euro Truck Simulator 2 -- 2012 vehicle simulation video game made by SCS Software
Wikipedia - Euro Truck Simulator -- 2008 vehicle simulation video game made by SCS Software
Wikipedia - Eutechnyx -- Video game development studio
Wikipedia - Evan Wells -- American video game designer
Wikipedia - Eveline Fischer -- British video game composer
Wikipedia - Event 0 -- 2016 independent first-person exploration video game developed and published by Ocelot Society
Wikipedia - Eve Online -- 2003 persistent-world massively multiplayer online video game
Wikipedia - Everdell -- 2018 board game
Wikipedia - Ever Oasis -- 2017 action-adventure role-playing video game for the Nintendo 3DS
Wikipedia - EverQuest -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Everybody's Golf (2017 video game) -- 2017 sports video game
Wikipedia - Everybody's Gone to the Rapture -- Adventure video game
Wikipedia - Every Day the Same Dream -- Video game
Wikipedia - Every Second Counts (British game show) -- British television game show
Wikipedia - Everything (video game) -- 2017 simulation video game
Wikipedia - Everywhere (video game) -- Upcoming open world videogame
Wikipedia - Eve: The Second Genesis -- Collectible trading card game
Wikipedia - Eve: Valkyrie -- 2016 shooter game
Wikipedia - Evil Hat Productions -- Tabletop role-playing game publisher
Wikipedia - Evoland 2 -- 2015 video game by Shiro Games
Wikipedia - Evoland -- 2013 video game by Shiro Games
Wikipedia - Evolution and the Theory of Games -- Book by John Maynard Smith
Wikipedia - Evolutionary game theory -- The application of game theory to evolving populations in biology
Wikipedia - Evolution Studios -- Defunct British video game developer
Wikipedia - Evolution: The Game of Intelligent Life
Wikipedia - EVO Smart Console -- Media PC and video game console
Wikipedia - Exapunks -- 2018 programming video game
Wikipedia - Excitebike 64 -- 2000 video game
Wikipedia - Excitebike -- Motocross racing video game series by Nintendo since 1984
Wikipedia - Excite Truck -- Racing video game first published by Nintendo in 2006
Wikipedia - Exergame
Wikipedia - Exhibition game -- Sporting event wherein the result has no external impact
Wikipedia - Exile (1988 video game) -- Single-player action-adventure video game first published in 1988
Wikipedia - Exile (1995 video game series)
Wikipedia - Expeditions: Conquistador -- 2013 tactical role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Experience point -- Role-playing game unit for measuring a character's progress
Wikipedia - Explorer's Guide to Wildemount -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - Exporter (computing) -- Video game development tool
Wikipedia - Extensive-form game
Wikipedia - Extreme Tactics -- 1998 strategy video game
Wikipedia - E.Y.E.: Divine Cybermancy -- Video game
Wikipedia - Eye of the Beholder (2002 video game)
Wikipedia - Eye of the Beholder (video game)
Wikipedia - Eyewire -- Human-based computation game
Wikipedia - F1 2002 (video game) -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - F1 2014 (video game) -- 2014 racing video game
Wikipedia - F1 2017 (video game) -- 2017 video game on 2017 Formula One season
Wikipedia - F1 2018 (video game) -- 2018 video game
Wikipedia - F1 2019 (video game) -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - F1 2020 (video game) -- 2020 racing video game
Wikipedia - F-15 Strike Eagle (video game) -- 1984 war video game
Wikipedia - F-16 Aggressor -- 1999 combat flight simulator video game
Wikipedia - F-1 (arcade game) -- 1976 racing video game
Wikipedia - F1 Manager (2019 video game) -- 2019 racing video game
Wikipedia - F1 Race -- 1984 racing video game published Nintendo
Wikipedia - F1 (video game series) -- Racing video game series by Codemasters
Wikipedia - Fable (2004 video game)
Wikipedia - Fable III -- 2010 video game
Wikipedia - Fable II -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - Fable Legends -- 2016 video game
Wikipedia - Fable (video game series) -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Fabula Nova Crystallis Final Fantasy -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Facade (video game) -- 2005 video game
Wikipedia - Face Off (video game) -- 1988 hockey arcade game
Wikipedia - Factorio -- Construction and management simulation video game
Wikipedia - Fade to Silence -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - Fading Suns -- Tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - Faeria -- 2017 digital collectible card and turn-based strategy game
Wikipedia - Fafi -- Gambling game
Wikipedia - Fahrenheit (2005 video game) -- 2005 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Fairchild Channel F Videocarts -- Overview of the cartridges available for the Fairchild Channel F home video game console
Wikipedia - Fair Game (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Fair Game (1988 film) -- 1984 Italian thriller film by Mario Orfini
Wikipedia - Fair Game (2010 film) -- 2010 film
Wikipedia - Fair Game (short story)
Wikipedia - Fairy chess piece -- Game piece for playing fairy chess
Wikipedia - Falklands '82 -- 1986 video game
Wikipedia - Fallen Legion -- 2017 Role-playing video game series
Wikipedia - Fall Guys -- 2020 battle royale video game
Wikipedia - Falling-sand game
Wikipedia - Fallout 3 -- 2008 action role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Fallout 76 -- 2018 online action multiplayer role-playing game
Wikipedia - Fallout (computer game)
Wikipedia - Fallout (video game)
Wikipedia - Falsion -- 1987 3D shoot-'em-up video game
Wikipedia - Fame and Fortune (Irish game show) -- Irish television program
Wikipedia - Famicom Jump: Hero Retsuden -- 1989 video game
Wikipedia - Famicom Jump II: SaikyM-EM-^M no Shichinin -- 1991 video game
Wikipedia - Famicom Tantei Club Part II: Ushiro ni Tatsu ShM-EM-^Mjo -- 1989 adventure video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Family Business (game) -- dedicated deck card game
Wikipedia - Family Feud Canada -- Canadian television game show
Wikipedia - Family Feud (New Zealand game show) -- Former New Zealand television game show
Wikipedia - Family Feud (Philippine game show) -- Philippine television show
Wikipedia - Family Feud -- American TV game show
Wikipedia - Family Stadium -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Fangame
Wikipedia - Fantasy role-playing game
Wikipedia - Fantasy sport -- Game based on imaginary ownership of real sport teams decided by real world performance and its analysis
Wikipedia - Fantasy Wargaming -- Role-playing game
Wikipedia - Fantasy World Dizzy -- 1989 Codemasters video game
Wikipedia - Fantasy wrestling -- Umbrella term representing the genre of role-playing games set in the world of professional wrestling.
Wikipedia - Faraway: Puzzle Escape -- 2017 escape the room puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Farbs -- Independent video gamer
Wikipedia - Far Cry 2 -- 2008 first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon -- 2013 first-person shooter game
Wikipedia - Far Cry 4 -- 2014 first-person shooter game
Wikipedia - Far Cry 5 -- 2018 first-person shooter game
Wikipedia - Far Cry 6 -- Upcoming 2022 video game
Wikipedia - Far Cry New Dawn -- 2019 first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Far Cry Vengeance -- 2006 first-person shooter game
Wikipedia - Far Cry (video game) -- 2004 first-person shooter game
Wikipedia - Far Cry -- First-person shooter video game series
Wikipedia - Farming Simulator -- Series of farming simulation video games
Wikipedia - Faro (card game) -- 17th-century French gambling card game
Wikipedia - Farpoint (video game) -- 2017 virtual reality first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - FarSight Studios -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - Far Traveller -- Science-fiction role-playing game magazine
Wikipedia - FASA -- American publisher of role-playing games, wargames and board games
Wikipedia - Fast & Furious Crossroads -- 2020 racing video game developed by Slightly Mad Studios
Wikipedia - Fast & Furious: Showdown -- 2013 video game
Wikipedia - Fast Racing League -- 2011 racing video game for Wii
Wikipedia - Fast Racing Neo -- 2015 racing video game
Wikipedia - Fast RMX -- 2017 racing video game for Switch
Wikipedia - FASTT Math -- Video game
Wikipedia - Fate/Extra -- 2010 video game
Wikipedia - Fate/hollow ataraxia -- 2005 visual novel video game
Wikipedia - Fate of the Sky Raiders -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Fate (role-playing game system)
Wikipedia - Fate/tiger colosseum -- Video game
Wikipedia - Fate (video game)
Wikipedia - Father Gets in the Game -- 1908 film
Wikipedia - Faust (video game) -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Fawful -- Fictional character appearing in the Mario & Luigi video game series
Wikipedia - Fay Masterson -- English film, television and video-game actress
Wikipedia - Fear Effect -- Video game
Wikipedia - F.E.A.R. Extraction Point -- 2006 video game
Wikipedia - Fearless And United - Guards -- Indian upcoming mobile video game
Wikipedia - Fearless Fantasy -- 2014 video game
Wikipedia - F.E.A.R. (video game) -- 2005 survival horror first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - F.E.A.R. -- Horror video game series
Wikipedia - Fecundity -- Actual reproductive rate of an organism or population, measured by the number of gametes, seed sets, or asexual propagules
Wikipedia - Femoral sheath -- Formed by a prolongation downward, behind the inguinal ligament, of the abdominal fascia, the transverse fascia being continued down in front of the femoral vessels and the iliac fascia behind them
Wikipedia - Fencing at the 2019 Pan American Games -- The Fencing competitions at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Feral Interactive -- British video game publisher
Wikipedia - Fernbus Simulator -- 2016 vehicle simulation video game
Wikipedia - Ferret Monogatari: Watashi no Okini Iri -- 2000 Game Boy Color game about ferrets
Wikipedia - Fertilisation -- Union of gametes of opposite sexes during the process of sexual reproduction to form a zygote
Wikipedia - FESPIC Games -- Multi-sport event in Asia
Wikipedia - Feudal (game)
Wikipedia - Fe (video game) -- Action-adventure video game developed by Zoink and published by Electronic Arts
Wikipedia - Fez (video game)
Wikipedia - Fictional games -- Index of imaginary games created in fictional works
Wikipedia - Fictional world of The Hunger Games -- Fictional universe
Wikipedia - Field hockey at the 2019 Pan American Games -- The Field hockey competitions at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - FIFA 2000 -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - FIFA 20 -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - FIFA Street (2005 video game) -- 2005 video game
Wikipedia - Fifth Frontier War -- Tabletop wargame
Wikipedia - Fifth generation of video game consoles -- Fifth video game console generation, including the PlayStation
Wikipedia - Fifth generation video game consoles
Wikipedia - Fifty Starbases -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Fig (company) -- Crowdfunding platform for video games
Wikipedia - Fight Club (video game) -- 2004 fighting game based on novel of the same name
Wikipedia - Fighters Uncaged -- Fighting video game
Wikipedia - Fighting Foodons -- Manga, anime, and video game franchise
Wikipedia - Fighting Force -- Video game
Wikipedia - Fighting game community -- collective of video gamers who play fighting games
Wikipedia - Fighting game -- Video game genre
Wikipedia - Fighting Steel -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Fight Night 2004 -- 2004 boxing video game
Wikipedia - Fight Night Round 3 -- 2005 boxing video game developed by EA Sports
Wikipedia - Fight of Gods -- 2017 fighting game by Taiwanese indie developer
Wikipedia - Fiji at the 2019 Pacific Games -- Pacific game
Wikipedia - Filmation (game engine) -- Video game graphics engine
Wikipedia - Final Blaster -- 1990 video game
Wikipedia - Final Fantasy Adventure -- 1991 Game Boy game
Wikipedia - Final Fantasy Agito -- 2014 mobile game
Wikipedia - Final Fantasy All the Bravest -- 2013 video game
Wikipedia - Final Fantasy Awakening -- 2016 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (video game) -- 2003 video game
Wikipedia - Final Fantasy III -- 1990 role-playing game
Wikipedia - Final Fantasy II -- 1988 japanese role-playing game
Wikipedia - Final Fantasy IV (2007 video game) -- 2007 role-playing game remake
Wikipedia - Final Fantasy IV -- 1991 role-playing game
Wikipedia - Final Fantasy IX -- 2000 video game
Wikipedia - Final Fantasy Mystic Quest -- 1992 SNES game
Wikipedia - Final Fantasy Tactics -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - Final Fantasy Type-0 -- 2011 video game
Wikipedia - Final Fantasy (video game) -- 1987 fantasy role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Final Fantasy VII G-Bike -- 2014 mobile racing game
Wikipedia - Final Fantasy VIII -- 1999 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Final Fantasy VII Remake -- 2020 role-playing game
Wikipedia - Final Fantasy VII -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - Final Fantasy VI -- 1994 video game
Wikipedia - Final Fantasy V -- 1992 role-playing game
Wikipedia - Final Fantasy -- Japanese role-playing video game and media franchise
Wikipedia - Final Fantasy X-2 -- 2003 video game
Wikipedia - Final Fantasy XIII-2 -- 2011 video game
Wikipedia - Final Fantasy XIII -- 2009 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Final Fantasy XII -- 2006 video game
Wikipedia - Final Fantasy XIV (2010 video game) -- 2010 massively multiplayer online role-playing game
Wikipedia - Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - Final Fantasy XIV -- Online role-playing game
Wikipedia - Final Fantasy XI -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Final Fantasy XV: A New Empire -- 2017 massively multiplayer online strategy game
Wikipedia - Final Fantasy XV -- 2016 role-playing game
Wikipedia - Final Fantasy X -- 2001 role-playing game
Wikipedia - Final Fight 2 -- 1993 video game
Wikipedia - Finalizer (video game) -- Konami scrolling shooter arcade game from 1985
Wikipedia - Find 815 -- Alternate reality game
Wikipedia - Finders Keepers (American game show) -- Children's game show
Wikipedia - Finding Paradise -- 2017 video game
Wikipedia - Finishing Move Inc. -- Video game music production team
Wikipedia - Finite and Infinite Games -- Book by James P. Carse
Wikipedia - Finite game -- Concept in logic
Wikipedia - Finland at the 1906 Intercalated Games -- Finland at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Finland at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Finland at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Finswimming at the 2009 Asian Indoor Games -- Competition held in MM-aM-;M-9 M-DM-^PM-CM-,nh National Aquatics Sports Complex, Hanoi, Vietnam
Wikipedia - Finswimming at the 2009 World Games -- International competition in Kaohsiung
Wikipedia - Fin swimming at the 2011 Southeast Asian Games -- Watersport competition in Palembang, Indonesia
Wikipedia - Finswimming at the World Games -- A trend sport at the World Games
Wikipedia - Firaxis Games
Wikipedia - Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia -- 2017 video game for the Nintendo 3DS
Wikipedia - Fire Emblem Heroes -- 2017 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon -- Video game
Wikipedia - Fire Emblem (video game) -- 2003 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Fire Emblem Warriors -- 2017 hack and slash action role-playing game published by Nintendo and Koei Tecmo
Wikipedia - Fire Fight -- 1996 video game
Wikipedia - Firefly Online -- Massively multiplayer online video game
Wikipedia - Firefly Role-Playing Game -- Science fiction tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - Fire, Fusion & Steel -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Fire Pro Wrestling World -- 2017 professional wrestling video game
Wikipedia - Firewatch -- 2016 adventure video game
Wikipedia - First generation of video game consoles
Wikipedia - First indoor ice hockey game -- 1875 ice hockey game in Victoria Skating Rink in Montreal
Wikipedia - First-person shooter -- Action video game genre
Wikipedia - First person (video games)
Wikipedia - First-person (video games) -- Graphical perspective
Wikipedia - First Survey -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - First video game
Wikipedia - Fishdom H2O: Hidden Odyssey -- Video game
Wikipedia - Fishdom -- Video game
Wikipedia - Fishing: Barents Sea -- Fishing simulation video game
Wikipedia - Fishing Derby -- 1980 video game
Wikipedia - Fishlabs -- Video game developer
Wikipedia - FitGirl -- Russian distributor of pirated video games
Wikipedia - Fitness Boxing -- 2018 fitness game for the Nintendo Switch
Wikipedia - Five Nights at Freddy's 2 -- 2014 point-and-click survival horror video game
Wikipedia - Five Nights at Freddy's 3 -- 2015 point-and-click survival horror video game
Wikipedia - Five Nights at Freddy's 4 -- 2015 point-and-click survival horror video game
Wikipedia - Five Nights at Freddy's AR: Special Delivery -- 2019 augmented reality survival horror video game
Wikipedia - Five Nights at Freddy's: Help Wanted -- 2019 virtual reality survival horror video game
Wikipedia - Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location -- 2016 point-and-click survival horror video game
Wikipedia - Five Nights at Freddy's (video game) -- 2014 point-and-click survival horror video game
Wikipedia - Five Tribes (board game) -- Board game
Wikipedia - Fizz buzz -- Group word game to teach mathematical division
Wikipedia - Flash cartridge -- Cartridge containing flash memory developed for use in video game consoles
Wikipedia - Flash Gordon (video game) -- 1986 video game
Wikipedia - FlatOut 2 -- 2006 video game
Wikipedia - FlatOut 3: Chaos & Destruction -- 2011 video game
Wikipedia - FlatOut 4: Total Insanity -- 2017 racing video game
Wikipedia - FlatOut (video game) -- 2004 video game
Wikipedia - FlatOut -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Fleetwatch -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Flight of the Stag -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Flight-Plan -- Japanese video game development company
Wikipedia - Flight Unlimited III -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Flight Unlimited II -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - Flight Unlimited -- 1995 aerobatic flight simulator video game
Wikipedia - Flinch (game show) -- Television game show
Wikipedia - Flinthook -- 2017 action platformer and roguelike indie video game by Tribute Games
Wikipedia - Flip Wars -- 2017 action, tile-matching party video game
Wikipedia - Flood (Halo) -- Fictional parasitic alien lifeform in the Halo video game series
Wikipedia - Floor Games
Wikipedia - Flotilla (video game) -- Turn-based strategy space combat video game created by Blendo Games
Wikipedia - Flotsam (video game) -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - Flower (video game) -- 2009 video game
Wikipedia - Flow (video game) -- 2006 indie video game
Wikipedia - Floyd of the Jungle -- 1982 platform video game
Wikipedia - Flying Tigers: Shadows Over China -- 2017 combat flight simulation video game
Wikipedia - Flywrench -- 2015 video game
Wikipedia - FM Towns Marty -- Japanese video game console
Wikipedia - FNaF World -- 2016 indie role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Focal point (game theory) -- Concept in game theory
Wikipedia - Focus (board game)
Wikipedia - Foes of Ali -- 1995 boxing video game
Wikipedia - Fog of war -- Concept of uncertainty in military operations and game theory
Wikipedia - Folk theorem (game theory) -- Class of theorems about Nash equilibrium payoff profiles in repeated games
Wikipedia - Fonz (video game) -- 1976 video game
Wikipedia - Foolish Games -- 1997 single by Jewel
Wikipedia - Force of Will -- Trading Card Game
Wikipedia - Foreman For Real -- 1995 Boxing Video Game
Wikipedia - Forged of Darkness -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - For Honor -- 2017 action video game by Ubisoft
Wikipedia - Formula D (board game) -- Board game
Wikipedia - Formula One 05 -- 2005 video game
Wikipedia - Formula One: Built to Win -- 1990 racing video game
Wikipedia - Formula One video games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Forsyth-Edwards Notation -- Notation for describing a chess game position
Wikipedia - Fort Boyard (game show) -- French game show
Wikipedia - Fortnite Battle Royale -- 2017 Free-to-play battle royale online video game
Wikipedia - Fortnite Creative -- 2019 sandbox video game
Wikipedia - Fortnite -- 2017 online video game developed by Epic Games
Wikipedia - Fortress (1983 video game) -- 1983 strategy video game
Wikipedia - Forts (video game) -- 2017 2D real-time strategy video game
Wikipedia - Fortune Street -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Forumwarz -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - Forza Horizon 2 -- 2014 racing video game
Wikipedia - Forza Horizon 3 -- 2016 racing video game
Wikipedia - Forza Horizon 4 -- racing video game released in 2018
Wikipedia - Forza Horizon -- 2012 racing video game
Wikipedia - Forza Motorsport 2 -- 2007 racing video game
Wikipedia - Forza Motorsport 3 -- 2009 racing video game
Wikipedia - Forza Motorsport 4 -- 2011 racing video game
Wikipedia - Forza Motorsport 5 -- 2013 racing video game
Wikipedia - Forza Motorsport 6 -- 2015 racing video game
Wikipedia - Forza Motorsport 7 -- 2017 racing video game from Microsoft Studios
Wikipedia - Forza Motorsport -- 2005 racing video game
Wikipedia - Forza (series) -- Racing video game series published by Xbox Game Studios
Wikipedia - Fotonica -- Cross platform video game
Wikipedia - Foundation 9 Entertainment -- Defunct American video game company
Wikipedia - Four Knights Game
Wikipedia - Four Last Things (video game) -- 2017 point-and-click adventure video game
Wikipedia - Four square -- Elimination-based ball game played in a box
Wikipedia - Fourth generation of video game consoles
Wikipedia - Fox games
Wikipedia - Fox Hunt (video game) -- 1996 video game
Wikipedia - Fox McCloud -- Fictional character and the protagonist of the Star Fox video game series
Wikipedia - Fox N Forests -- 2018 video game
Wikipedia - Fractured Minds -- 2017 puzzle role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Frag (game) -- Board game
Wikipedia - Fragments of Him -- Indie video game
Wikipedia - France at the 1906 Intercalated Games -- France at the Olympics
Wikipedia - France at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- France at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Francis Tresham (game designer) -- British board game designer
Wikipedia - Frank Chadwick -- American game designer and author
Wikipedia - Frank Klepacki -- American musician, video game music composer and sound director
Wikipedia - Frank Murphy (GAA) -- Irish Gaelic games referee and administrator
Wikipedia - Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator -- 2017 point-and-click business simulation survival horror video game
Wikipedia - FreeCell -- Solitaire card game
Wikipedia - Freedom Force vs the 3rd Reich -- Real-time tactical role-playing game
Wikipedia - Freedom Planet -- 2014 video game
Wikipedia - Freefall 3050 A.D. -- 2000 action game for Nuon DVD players
Wikipedia - Free game engine -- Free software video game engines
Wikipedia - Free-to-play -- Method of video game distribution that give players access to a significant portion of their content without paying, but often with pay microtransactions to access additional content
Wikipedia - Freeways (video game) -- 2017 simulation video game by Captain Games
Wikipedia - French Bread (game developer) -- Japanese video game developer
Wikipedia - Frets on Fire -- 2006 video game
Wikipedia - Friday the 13th (1989 video game) -- 1989 video game
Wikipedia - Friday the 13th: The Game -- 2017 survival horror video game
Wikipedia - Friend or Foe? (game show) -- Television series
Wikipedia - Friendship Games -- 1984 international multi-sport event
Wikipedia - Frog (card game)
Wikipedia - Frog Detective 2: The Case of the Invisible Wizard -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - Frog Fractions -- Browser game developed by Twinbeard Studios
Wikipedia - Frogger -- 1981 video game
Wikipedia - Frontier Developments -- British video game developer based in Cambridge, England
Wikipedia - Front Mission -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Frostbite (game engine)
Wikipedia - Fruit Ninja: Puss in Boots -- 2011 video game
Wikipedia - Fruit Ninja -- 2010 video game
Wikipedia - FSpace Publications -- Game company
Wikipedia - Fuck, Marry, Kill -- A forced choice question-and-answer game
Wikipedia - Fudge (role-playing game system)
Wikipedia - Full motion video based game
Wikipedia - Fumito Ueda -- Japanese video game designer
Wikipedia - Fun & Games (The Connells album) -- album by The Connells
Wikipedia - Fun and Games (Chuck Mangione album) -- album by Chuck Mangione
Wikipedia - Fun House (American game show) -- American children's television game show that aired from September 5, 1988, to April 13, 1991
Wikipedia - Funny Games (1997 film) -- 1997 film
Wikipedia - Funny Games (2007 film) -- 2007 film
Wikipedia - Fun > Serious Game Festival
Wikipedia - Fuser (video game) -- Video game
Wikipedia - FusionFall -- 2009 video game
Wikipedia - Futurama: Bender's Game
Wikipedia - Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow -- 2017 mobile game based on Futurama series
Wikipedia - Future Knight -- 1986 video game
Wikipedia - Future Worlds -- Role-playing game
Wikipedia - FX Fighter -- Video game series developed by Argonaut Games
Wikipedia - F-Zero GX -- 2003 video game
Wikipedia - F-Zero (video game) -- 1990 racing video game
Wikipedia - F-Zero -- Video game series
Wikipedia - GAA Beo -- Gaelic games television programme
Wikipedia - GAA... (TV programme) -- Gaelic games highlights television programme
Wikipedia - Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers -- 1993 video game
Wikipedia - Gacha game -- Video game genre
Wikipedia - Gadget Invention, Travel, & Adventure -- 1993 video game
Wikipedia - Gaelic games -- Set of sports originating, and mainly played, on the island of Ireland
Wikipedia - Gaijinworks -- American video game publishing company
Wikipedia - Gakken Compact Vision TV Boy -- Home video game console by Gakken
Wikipedia - Galactic Junk League -- 2017 spaceship building and combat game
Wikipedia - Galactic Warriors -- 1985 arcade game
Wikipedia - Galaga '91 -- 1991 video game
Wikipedia - Galaga -- 1981 arcade game created by Namco
Wikipedia - Galaxian -- Fixed shooter arcade game released in 1979
Wikipedia - Galaxy Fight: Universal Warriors -- 1995 video game
Wikipedia - Galaxy Force -- 1988 shoot 'em up arcade game
Wikipedia - Galaxy Game -- 1971 arcade game
Wikipedia - Galaxy Trucker -- Science-fiction board game
Wikipedia - Gallop Racer 2001 -- 2001 video game by Tecmo
Wikipedia - Gambling in Pennsylvania -- Lottery, casinos, Bingo, horse racing, and games of chance in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Gambling -- Wagering of money on a game of chance or event with an uncertain outcome
Wikipedia - Game accessibility
Wikipedia - GameAgent
Wikipedia - Game AI
Wikipedia - Game & Wario -- 2013 video game
Wikipedia - Game & Watch Gallery -- 1997 video game compilation published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Game & Watch: Super Mario Bros. -- 2020 Game & Watch game
Wikipedia - Game & Watch -- Series of handheld electronic games by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Game art design
Wikipedia - Game artificial intelligence
Wikipedia - Game artist
Wikipedia - Game balance -- Concept in game design
Wikipedia - Gamebook
Wikipedia - Game Boy accessories -- Overview of Game Boy accessories
Wikipedia - Game Boy Advance family -- Video game console series
Wikipedia - Game Boy Advance SP -- Handheld game console by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Game Boy Advance -- Handheld game console by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Game Boy Advance Wireless Adapter -- Accessory for the Game Boy Advance
Wikipedia - Game Boy Color -- Handheld game console
Wikipedia - Game Boy family -- Family of handheld game consoles by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Game Boy line
Wikipedia - Game Boy Micro -- Handheld game console developed by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Game Boy Player -- Nintendo GameCube accessory
Wikipedia - Game Boy Pocket
Wikipedia - Gameboys -- 2020 Philippine web series
Wikipedia - Game Boy
Wikipedia - Gamebryo
Wikipedia - Game canon
Wikipedia - GameCenter CX -- Japanese gaming-variety television show
Wikipedia - Game Center -- Apple online multiplayer social gaming network
Wikipedia - GameClub -- Mobile video game subscription service
Wikipedia - Game complexity
Wikipedia - Game console
Wikipedia - Game controller -- Device used with games or entertainment systems
Wikipedia - Game creation system
Wikipedia - Game Critics Awards -- Video game awards held after E3
Wikipedia - GameCube accessories -- List of accessories made for the Nintendo GameCube
Wikipedia - GameCube controller -- Primary game controller for the GameCube
Wikipedia - GameCube -- Home video game console developed by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Game demo
Wikipedia - Game description language
Wikipedia - Game design document
Wikipedia - Game designer
Wikipedia - Game Design Expo -- Recurring event in Vancouver
Wikipedia - Game design -- Game development process of designing the content and rules of a game
Wikipedia - Game Developer (magazine)
Wikipedia - Game Developers Choice Awards
Wikipedia - Game Developer's Conference
Wikipedia - Game Developers Conference
Wikipedia - Game development kit
Wikipedia - Game development tool
Wikipedia - Game development
Wikipedia - Game drive system
Wikipedia - Game Editor
Wikipedia - Game engine recreation
Wikipedia - Game engine -- Software-development environment designed for building video games
Wikipedia - Gameface -- album by Jay R Sillona
Wikipedia - GameFAQs
Wikipedia - Game feel
Wikipedia - GameFly
Wikipedia - Game for a Laugh -- British light entertainment television series
Wikipedia - Gameframe -- Hybrid computer system
Wikipedia - Game Gear
Wikipedia - Game genre
Wikipedia - Game Grumps -- Let's Play web series hosted by Arin Hanson and Dan Avidan
Wikipedia - GameHouse -- Casual game developer, publisher, digital video game distributor, and portal, based in Seattle, Washington, United States
Wikipedia - Game Informer -- American monthly video game magazine
Wikipedia - Game integrated development environment
Wikipedia - Game jam -- Video game production contest limited in time
Wikipedia - Game Jolt
Wikipedia - Game Ka Na Ba? -- Philippine television game show
Wikipedia - Gamekeeper
Wikipedia - Gamekings -- Dutch television show
Wikipedia - Gamelan -- Traditional ensemble music of Indonesia
Wikipedia - Gameleira station -- Belo Horizonte metro station
Wikipedia - Game Link Cable -- Accessory for the Game Boy line
Wikipedia - Game localization
Wikipedia - Gameloft -- French video game publisher
Wikipedia - Gamelords -- Role playing game company
Wikipedia - Gamemaker (disambiguation)
Wikipedia - GameMaker Studio
Wikipedia - GameMaker: Studio
Wikipedia - Game-Maker
Wikipedia - GameMaker
Wikipedia - Game Master (console)
Wikipedia - Gamemaster's screen -- Equipment of tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - Game Masters
Wikipedia - Game master
Wikipedia - Gamemaster
Wikipedia - Game mechanics -- Construct, rule, or method designed for interaction with a game's state
Wikipedia - Game mechanic
Wikipedia - Game Middleware
Wikipedia - Game mode
Wikipedia - GameMonkey Script
Wikipedia - Gameness -- Quality of dog breeds
Wikipedia - Game of chance
Wikipedia - Game of Hunting -- 2017 Chinese television series
Wikipedia - Game of skill
Wikipedia - Game of the Amazons
Wikipedia - Game of the Generals
Wikipedia - Game of the Seven Kingdoms -- Variant of the Chinese game xiangqi
Wikipedia - Game of the Three Kingdoms
Wikipedia - Game of Thrones (2014 video game) -- 2014 video game by Telltale
Wikipedia - Game of Thrones (season 5) -- Fifth season of the U.S. TV series, aired 2015
Wikipedia - Game of Thrones (season 6) -- Sixth season of the fantasy drama TV series
Wikipedia - Game of Thrones (season 8) -- Television series season
Wikipedia - Game of Thrones -- American fantasy television series adapted from ''A Song of Ice and Fire''
Wikipedia - Game On! (2020 game show) -- 2020 American game show
Wikipedia - Game on Board -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Game On Dude -- American Thoroughbred racehorse
Wikipedia - Game On (exhibition)
Wikipedia - Game Oriented Assembly Lisp
Wikipedia - Game Over: Kasparov and the Machine
Wikipedia - Game Over (Vitaa song) -- 2013 single by Vitaa and MaM-CM-.tre Gims
Wikipedia - Game over
Wikipedia - Gameover ZeuS -- Peer-to-peer botnet
Wikipedia - Gamepad -- Type of video game controller
Wikipedia - Game physics
Wikipedia - Gameplanet (New Zealand)
Wikipedia - Game Players -- American video-game magazine
Wikipedia - Gameplay of Final Fantasy
Wikipedia - Gameplay
Wikipedia -
Wikipedia - Game port
Wikipedia - Game producer
Wikipedia - Game programmer
Wikipedia - Game programming
Wikipedia - GamePro
Wikipedia - Gamer (2009 film) -- 2009 American science fiction action film
Wikipedia - Gamera 2000 -- Video game
Wikipedia - Gamera 2: Attack of Legion -- 1996 film by ShM-EM-+suke Kaneko
Wikipedia - Gamera 3: Revenge of Iris -- 1999 film by ShM-EM-+suke Kaneko
Wikipedia - Gamera: Guardian of the Universe -- 1995 film by ShM-EM-+suke Kaneko
Wikipedia - GameRankings -- Defunct American website that collected review scores from both offline and online sources to give an average rating
Wikipedia - Gamera: Super Monster -- 1980 film by Noriaki Yuasa
Wikipedia - Gamera the Brave -- 2006 film by RyM-EM-+ta Tasaki
Wikipedia - Gamera vs. Barugon -- 1966 film by Shigeo Tanaka
Wikipedia - Gamera vs. Guiron -- 1969 film by Noriaki Yuasa
Wikipedia - Gamera vs. Gyaos -- 1967 film by Noriaki Yuasa
Wikipedia - Gamera vs. Jiger -- 1970 film by Noriaki Yuasa, Bret Morrison
Wikipedia - Gamera vs. Viras -- 1968 film by Noriaki Yuasa
Wikipedia - Gamera vs. Zigra -- 1971 film by Noriaki Yuasa
Wikipedia - Gamera -- Fictional monster originating from a series of Japanese films of the same name
Wikipedia - GamerDNA
Wikipedia - Gamereactor
Wikipedia - Game replay
Wikipedia - Game Research/Design -- Board wargame publisher
Wikipedia - Game Revolution
Wikipedia - GameRevolution
Wikipedia - Gamergate controversy -- Online harassment campaign in the video game industry
Wikipedia - Gamergate movement
Wikipedia - Gamergate -- Reproductively viable female worker ant
Wikipedia - Gamer girl
Wikipedia - Gamer Network -- British mass media company
Wikipedia - Gamerscore
Wikipedia - GamersGate
Wikipedia - Gamers (US retailer) -- Video game retailer
Wikipedia - Gamers! -- Japanese light novel series
Wikipedia - Gamer -- Person who plays video games
Wikipedia - GameSalad
Wikipedia - Games and Amusements Board -- Agency of the Philippine government
Wikipedia - Games and Culture
Wikipedia - Games as a service -- Providing video games or game content on a continuing revenue model
Wikipedia - Games behind -- Sports league statistic
Wikipedia - Games (Chuckii Booker song) -- Song by American R&B singer Chuckii Booker
Wikipedia - Gamescom 2014
Wikipedia - Games Convention -- Former annual video game event
Wikipedia - Games Done Quick -- Semiannual video game speedrun charity marathon
Wikipedia - Game semantics
Wikipedia - Game Set Watch
Wikipedia - GameSetWatch
Wikipedia - Games for Change
Wikipedia - Games for Windows Marketplace
Wikipedia - GameShadow
Wikipedia - Gameshark
Wikipedia - GameShark -- Brand of video game cheating devices
Wikipedia - Game Show Models -- 1977 film directed by David N. Gottlieb
Wikipedia - Game show
Wikipedia -
Wikipedia - Games Industry International
Wikipedia - Gamesley -- Village in Derbyshire, England
Wikipedia - GAMES Magazine
Wikipedia - Games (magazine)
Wikipedia - GamesMaster (magazine) -- Multi-format computer and video game magazine
Wikipedia - GamesMaster
Wikipedia - Games of chance
Wikipedia - Games of Love and Loneliness -- 1977 film
Wikipedia - Games of skill
Wikipedia - Games of strategy
Wikipedia - Games of the Heart -- 2001 film by Celine Baril
Wikipedia - Games People Play (book) -- 1964 Eric Berne book
Wikipedia - Games People Play (Joe South song)
Wikipedia - Game Spirit Chase -- Steeplechase horse race in Britain
Wikipedia -
Wikipedia - GameSpot -- Video game website
Wikipedia - GameSpy -- Defunct video game company
Wikipedia - GamesRadar
Wikipedia - GamesRadar+
Wikipedia - Games Rednecks Play -- album by Jeff Foxworthy
Wikipedia - Games Research Inc -- Board game publisher from Boston, United States
Wikipedia - GameStar
Wikipedia - Gamestar
Wikipedia - Games That Lovers Play (film) -- 1970 film directed by Malcolm Leigh
Wikipedia - GameStop short squeeze
Wikipedia - GameStop -- American video game retailer
Wikipedia - Game studies -- Study of games and the act of playing them
Wikipedia - Games Workshop -- British maker of miniature wargames
Wikipedia - Games-X -- defunct computer and video games magazine 1991-1992
Wikipedia - Game System License
Wikipedia - Gametangium -- Multicellular sex organs in plant life
Wikipedia - GameTap
Wikipedia - Game tester
Wikipedia - Game testing
Wikipedia - Gametes
Wikipedia - Gamete -- Cell that fuses during fertilisation, such as a sperm or egg cell
Wikipedia - Game Theory (band) -- 1980s power pop band founded by Scott Miller
Wikipedia - Game Theory Society
Wikipedia - Game theory -- The study of mathematical models of strategic interaction between rational decision-makers
Wikipedia - Game the system
Wikipedia - Gametime -- mobile ticket marketplace app
Wikipedia - Gametocyte -- Eukaryotic germ stem cell
Wikipedia - Gametogenesis -- Biological process
Wikipedia - Gametogonium -- Stem cell that gives rise to a gamete, such as a sperm or egg cell
Wikipedia - Gametophyte -- Haploid stage in the life cycle of plants and algae
Wikipedia - Gametraders -- Australian entertainment retailer
Wikipedia - GameTrailers
Wikipedia - Game tree complexity
Wikipedia - Game-tree complexity
Wikipedia - Game tree
Wikipedia - Gamevice -- Tablet and tablet peripherals manufacturer specializing in gaming products
Wikipedia - Game -- structured form of play
Wikipedia - Game with a purpose
Wikipedia - Game Without Rules -- 1967 short story collection by Michael Gilbert
Wikipedia - Game Workers Unite -- Labor rights group for the video game industry
Wikipedia - Game world
Wikipedia - Gaming chair -- Chair designed for the comfort of video game players
Wikipedia - Gaming computer -- Desktop or laptop computer meant for running demanding video games and other applications
Wikipedia - Gaming Universal -- Play-by-mail game magazine
Wikipedia - Gamma World -- Science fantasy tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - Gang Beasts -- 2017 multiplayer beat 'em up party game
Wikipedia - Gangbusters (role-playing game)
Wikipedia - Gangstar Vegas -- 2013 video game
Wikipedia - Gangsters: Organized Crime -- 1998 video game
Wikipedia - GarageGames
Wikipedia - Garda GAA -- Gaelic games club in County Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - Gardenscapes: New Acres -- Mobile game
Wikipedia - Garena Free Fire -- 2017 multiplayer online battle royale game
Wikipedia - Gareth Hanrahan -- Irish game designer and novelist
Wikipedia - Garfield Gets Real (video game) -- Video game for the Nintendo DS
Wikipedia - Gargoyles (video game) -- 1995 video game
Wikipedia - Garry Kitchen's GameMaker
Wikipedia - Garry Moore -- Entertainer, comedian, game show host (1915-1993)
Wikipedia - Garry's Mod -- Sandbox physics game
Wikipedia - Gary Gadget -- Series of computer games
Wikipedia - Gary Gygax -- American game designer and writer
Wikipedia - Gary L. Thomas (game designer) -- American game designer
Wikipedia - Gary Whitta -- English writer and video game journalist
Wikipedia - Gasketball -- Video game
Wikipedia - Gauntlet (1985 video game) -- 1985 arcade game by Atari Games
Wikipedia - Gauntlet (2014 video game) -- 2014 video game
Wikipedia - Gauntlet (cancelled video game) -- Unreleased Nintendo DS hack and slash video game
Wikipedia - Gauntlet Dark Legacy -- 2000 video game
Wikipedia - Gauntlet II -- 1986 arcade video game
Wikipedia - Gauntlet IV -- 1994 video game
Wikipedia - Gauntlet Legends -- 1998 video game
Wikipedia - Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows -- 2005 video game
Wikipedia - Gauntlet: The Third Encounter -- 1990 video game
Wikipedia - GayBlade -- 1992 video game
Wikipedia - Gaymer -- LGBT gamer
Wikipedia - GCW Bloodsport -- Game Changer Wrestling event series
Wikipedia - Gearbox Software -- American video game company
Wikipedia - Gear.Club Unlimited -- 2017 racing video game for Nintendo Switch
Wikipedia - Gears of War -- Third-person shooter video game series
Wikipedia - Gender representation in video games -- Portrayal of men, women and LGBT people in video games
Wikipedia - Gender -- Indonesian musical instrument used in Gamelan
Wikipedia - Genei Tougi: Shadow Struggle -- 1996 Japanese video game for the Sony PlayStation
Wikipedia - General game playing
Wikipedia - Generalized game
Wikipedia - General video game playing
Wikipedia - Generation Zero (video game) -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - Generic role-playing game system
Wikipedia - Geneshift -- 2017 action video game
Wikipedia - Gene Wood -- American game show announcer
Wikipedia - Genius Sonority -- Japanese video game development studio
Wikipedia - Genji: Days of the Blade -- 2006 video game
Wikipedia - Genji (Overwatch) -- Fictional character in the 2016 video game Overwatch
Wikipedia - Genocide (online game)
Wikipedia - Genshin Impact -- 2020 action role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Geoff Edwards -- American actor and game show host
Wikipedia - GeoGuessr -- 2013 video game
Wikipedia - George Foreman's KO Boxing -- 1992 boxing video game
Wikipedia - Geptorem -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Gerald's Game (film) -- 2017 film by Mike Flanagan
Wikipedia - Gerald's Game -- 1992 suspense novel by Stephen King
Wikipedia - Geri's Game -- 1997 short film by Jan Pinkava
Wikipedia - German-style board game
Wikipedia - Germany at the 1906 Intercalated Games -- Germany at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Germany at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Germany at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Germline mosaicism -- Situation in which some gamete-producing cells are affected by a mutation
Wikipedia - Gertrude's Puzzles -- 1982 video game by The Learning Company
Wikipedia - Get a Clue (game show) -- American game show
Wikipedia - Get 'Em -- 2016 video game
Wikipedia - Get Even (video game) -- 2017 first-person shooter psychological thriller video game
Wikipedia - Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko -- 1999 platform video game
Wikipedia - Gex: Enter the Gecko -- 1998 platform video game
Wikipedia - Gex (series) -- Platformer video game series
Wikipedia - Gex (video game) -- 1995 platform video game
Wikipedia - Ghajini - The Game -- 2008 third-person action game
Wikipedia - Ghetto Blaster (video game) -- Video game
Wikipedia - Ghostbusters: The Video Game -- 2009 action-adventure video game
Wikipedia - Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (2004 video game) -- PS2 video game
Wikipedia - Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (2005 video game) -- PSP video game
Wikipedia - Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - First Assault Online -- 2016 video game
Wikipedia - Ghost in the Shell (video game) -- Video game
Wikipedia - Ghost of a Tale -- 2016 video game
Wikipedia - Ghost of Tsushima -- 2020 action-adventure video game by Sucker Punch
Wikipedia - Ghostrunner -- Cyberpunk video game
Wikipedia - Ghosts (Pac-Man) -- Antagonists in the Pac-Man games
Wikipedia - Ghostwire: Tokyo -- Upcoming action video game
Wikipedia - Giant Bomb -- American video game website
Wikipedia - Giants: Citizen Kabuto -- 2000 video game
Wikipedia - Gibsons Games
Wikipedia - Gift-exchange game
Wikipedia - GigaMesh Software Framework
Wikipedia - Gigantic (video game) -- 2017 free-to-play strategic hero shooter video game
Wikipedia - G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout -- Video game
Wikipedia - Gilgamesh epic
Wikipedia - Gilgamesh flood myth -- Flood myth in the Epic of Gilgamesh
Wikipedia - Gilgamesh in the arts and popular culture -- Creative works inspired by the Epic of Gilgamesh
Wikipedia - Gilgamesh the King -- Novel by Robert Silverberg
Wikipedia - Gilgamesh -- Sumerian ruler and protagonist of the Epic of Gilgamesh
Wikipedia - Ginga Fukei Densetsu Sapphire -- 1995 video game
Wikipedia - GIPF (game)
Wikipedia - Girls' Frontline -- 2016 mobile strategy video game
Wikipedia - Girls' toys and games -- Subset of toy and games that appeal to female children
Wikipedia - Girls' video games -- 1990s video game genre
Wikipedia - Girl Talk (board game)
Wikipedia - Give It Up! (video game) -- 2014 rhythm video game
Wikipedia - GLaDOS -- Artificially superintelligent computer system in the Portal series of video games
Wikipedia - Glass Bead Games -- album by Clifford Jordan
Wikipedia - Gleek (card game) -- English card game
Wikipedia - Glicko rating system -- Rating system for players of skill-based games
Wikipedia - Glider (Conway's Life) -- Moving pattern of five live cells in Conway's Game of Life
Wikipedia - Glimmerdrift Reaches -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Global game
Wikipedia - Global Touring Challenge: Africa -- 2001 racing video game
Wikipedia - Global warming game
Wikipedia - Glorantha: Genertela, Crucible of the Hero Wars -- Fantasy tabletop role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Gloria Union -- Video game
Wikipedia - Glossary of blackjack terms -- List of definitions of terms and concepts used in the game of blackjack
Wikipedia - Glossary of board games -- List of definitions of terms and concepts common to many board games
Wikipedia - Glossary of card game terms -- List of definitions of terms and jargon used in card games
Wikipedia - Glossary of darts -- List of definitions of terms and concepts used in the game of darts
Wikipedia - Glossary of Gaelic games terms -- Wikipedia glossary
Wikipedia - Glossary of game theory -- List of definitions of terms and concepts used in game theory
Wikipedia - Glossary of patience terms -- List of definitions of terms and concepts used in the card games Patience and solitaire
Wikipedia - Glossary of video game terms -- List of definitions of terms and concepts related to video games
Wikipedia - Glu Mobile -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - G-Man (Half-Life) -- Fictional character in the Half-Life series of video games
Wikipedia - GMR (magazine) -- Defunct video game magazine
Wikipedia - Gnog -- 2017 puzzle video game
Wikipedia - GNOME Games Collection
Wikipedia - GNOME Games
Wikipedia - Gnomz -- 2011 platforming video game
Wikipedia - Go (board game)
Wikipedia - God Eater -- Video game series
Wikipedia - God Game (novel)
Wikipedia - God game
Wikipedia - God of War (2005 video game) -- 2005 video game
Wikipedia - God of War (2018 video game)
Wikipedia - God of War: Ascension -- 2013 action-adventure video game
Wikipedia - God of War: Betrayal -- 2007 video game
Wikipedia - God of War: Chains of Olympus -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - God of War (franchise) -- Action-adventure video game franchise
Wikipedia - God of War: Ghost of Sparta -- 2010 video game
Wikipedia - God of War III -- 2010 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - God of War II -- 2007 action-adventure video game
Wikipedia - Godot (game engine) -- Free, cross-platform and open-source game engine
Wikipedia - Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - Gods of Boom -- 2017 online multiplayer first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - God Wars: Future Past -- 2017 Japan folklore-inspired tactical role-playing game
Wikipedia - Godzilla (1983 video game) -- 1983 strategy game
Wikipedia - Godzilla (1990 video game) -- 1990 Game Boy video game
Wikipedia - Godzilla (2014 video game) -- 2014 video game
Wikipedia - Godzilla 2: War of the Monsters -- 1992 video game
Wikipedia - Godzilla: Battle Legends -- Video game
Wikipedia - Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Godzilla Generations -- 1998 video game
Wikipedia - Godzilla: Kaijuu no Daishingeki -- 1995 video game
Wikipedia - Godzilla: Monster of Monsters -- 1988 video game
Wikipedia - Godzilla: Monster War -- 1994 video game
Wikipedia - Godzilla: Save the Earth -- 2004 video game
Wikipedia - Godzilla Trading Battle -- Video game
Wikipedia - Godzilla: Unleashed -- Video game
Wikipedia - Go equipment -- Game equipment used in go
Wikipedia - Go (game) -- Abstract strategy board game for two players
Wikipedia - -- Digital video game distribution platform
Wikipedia - Go! Go! Hypergrind -- 2003 video game
Wikipedia - Go! Go! Kokopolo 3D: Space Recipe for Disaster -- 2017 action puzzle platform video game
Wikipedia - Golden age of arcade video games
Wikipedia - Golden age of video arcade games
Wikipedia - Golden Axe -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Golden-Kilfeacle GAA -- Gaelic games club in County Tipperary, Ireland
Wikipedia - Golden Nugget (video game) -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - Golden Sun (video game) -- 2001 video game
Wikipedia - Gold Rush! -- 1988 video game
Wikipedia - Golf (1984 video game) -- 1984 sports video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Golf (Atari 2600) -- 1980 video game
Wikipedia - Golf at the 2019 Pan American Games - Qualification -- Golf competition
Wikipedia - Golf at the 2019 Pan American Games -- The golf competitions at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Golf course -- Series of holes designed for the game of golf
Wikipedia - Golf Story -- 2017 role-playing sports adventure video game
Wikipedia - Golf: Tee It Up! -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - Golf with Your Friends -- 2020 casual video game
Wikipedia - Golf Zero -- 2017 platformer golfing game
Wikipedia - Gomoku -- Board game
Wikipedia - Gonzo's Quest -- An online video slot game
Wikipedia - Goodbye Volcano High -- 2021 video game
Wikipedia - Good-Feel -- Japanese video game developer
Wikipedia - Goodfellow Game -- Sporting event
Wikipedia - Good Game (TV program) -- Australian video game review television series
Wikipedia - Good Job! (video game) -- 2020 video game
Wikipedia - Goodwill Games -- International sports competition
Wikipedia - Google Feud -- Website game
Wikipedia - Google Play Games -- Online gaming service
Wikipedia - Google Play Pass -- Games and apps subscription service
Wikipedia - Go opening -- Initial moves of a Go game
Wikipedia - Go ranks and ratings -- Ranks and rating systems used by the game Go
Wikipedia - Gordon Freeman -- Video game protagonist of the Half-Life series
Wikipedia - Gorf -- Fixed shooter video game first released in 1981
Wikipedia - Goro Akechi -- Fictional character in the Persona video game series
Wikipedia - Gorogoa -- 2017 puzzle game released in December
Wikipedia - Gothic II -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Government simulation game
Wikipedia - GP2X -- Handheld game console
Wikipedia - G-Police -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - GPotato -- Video game website
Wikipedia - Graceful Explosion Machine -- 2017 2-D, side-scrolling shoot 'em up game
Wikipedia - Gradius Deluxe Pack -- 1996 video game compilation by Konami
Wikipedia - Gradius: The Interstellar Assault -- 1991 video game
Wikipedia - Gradius (video game) -- Sidescrolling shooter video game by Konami
Wikipedia - Graeme Norgate -- British video game music composer
Wikipedia - Graffiti Kingdom -- 2004 action role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Granada (video game) -- 1990 video game
Wikipedia - Grand Knights History -- 2011 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Grandmaster Chess -- 1993 video game
Wikipedia - Grand Slam (American game show) -- American game show
Wikipedia - Grandslam Interactive -- British video game publisher
Wikipedia - Grand strategy wargame
Wikipedia - Grand Theft Auto Advance -- 2004 action-adventure video game for Game Boy Advance
Wikipedia - Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars -- 2009 video game for Nintendo DS, PlayStation Portable, iOS and Android
Wikipedia - Grand Theft Auto III -- 2001 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Grand Theft Auto IV -- 2008 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories -- 2005 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Grand Theft Auto modding -- Modding in the Grand Theft Auto game series
Wikipedia - Grand Theft Auto Online -- 2013 multiplayer action-adventure video game
Wikipedia - Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas -- 2004 open world action-adventure video game
Wikipedia - Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories -- 2006 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Grand Theft Auto: Vice City -- 2002 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Grand Theft Auto (video game) -- 1997 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Grand Theft Auto V -- 2013 open world action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Grand Theft Auto -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Granny (video game) -- 2017 indie survival horror video game
Wikipedia - Gran Turismo (1997 video game) -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - Gran Turismo (2009 video game) -- 2009 racing video game
Wikipedia - Gran Turismo 2 -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Gran Turismo 4 -- 2004 video game
Wikipedia - Gran Turismo 5 Prologue -- 2007 video game
Wikipedia - Gran Turismo 6 -- 2013 racing video game
Wikipedia - Gran Turismo 7 -- Upcoming video game developed by Polyphony Digital
Wikipedia - Gran Turismo (series) -- Series of racing video games
Wikipedia - Gran Turismo Sport -- 2017 racing video game developed by Polyphony Digital
Wikipedia - Graphic adventure game
Wikipedia - Graphical game theory
Wikipedia - Gravitar -- Color vector arcade game by Atari 1982
Wikipedia - Gravity Bone -- 2008 adventure video game
Wikipedia - Gravity Games Bike: Street Vert Dirt -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Gravity gun -- Type of device in video games
Wikipedia - Gravity Guy -- 2010 endless runner video game
Wikipedia - Gravity Rush 2 -- 2017 action-adventure video game
Wikipedia - Grease Dance -- Video game
Wikipedia - Great Britain at the 1906 Intercalated Games -- Great Britain at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Great Britain at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Great Britain at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Greatest Nine -- Video game
Wikipedia - Great Game
Wikipedia - Great Naval Battles: Guadalcanal 1942-1943 -- 1994 strategy video game
Wikipedia - Great Naval Battles: North Atlantic 1939-1943 -- 1992 video game
Wikipedia - Greece at the 1906 Intercalated Games -- Greece at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Greece at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Greece at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Greece at the Olympics -- performance of Greece at the Olympic Games
Wikipedia - GreedFall -- Role-playing fantasy video game
Wikipedia - Greek hold 'em -- Community card poker game
Wikipedia - Greenwar -- Role-playing game
Wikipedia - Greg Porter (game designer) -- Role-playing game designer
Wikipedia - Greg Wohlwend -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - Grenada at the Pan American Games -- Pan American Game
Wikipedia - Grey Goo (video game)
Wikipedia - Grey Goo -- Science fiction RTS video game
Wikipedia - Greyhawk (supplement) -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - Grey Seas, Grey Skies -- Canadian 1983 strategy video game
Wikipedia - Grezzo -- Japanese video game developer
Wikipedia - Grid 2 -- 2013 video game
Wikipedia - Grid Autosport -- 2014 racing video game
Wikipedia - Gridlock (game show) -- Irish television game show
Wikipedia - Grid (series) -- Racing video game series by Codemasters
Wikipedia - Grid (video game) -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - Gridz -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - Griefer -- One who harasses other players in a game
Wikipedia - Grim Dawn -- 2016 action role-playing game
Wikipedia - Grim Fandango -- 1998 adventure game
Wikipedia - Grimoire: Heralds of the Winged Exemplar -- 2017 dungeon-crawling role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Grindstone (video game) -- 2019 puzzle-adventure game
Wikipedia - Grip: Combat Racing -- 2018 racing video game
Wikipedia - Gris -- 2018 indie adventure-platformer game
Wikipedia - Groomer Has It -- American reality game television series
Wikipedia - Groove Coaster -- 2011 video game
Wikipedia - Grosstarock -- Three-handed card game of the Tarock family
Wikipedia - Ground billiards -- Family of European lawn games
Wikipedia - Grow Home -- Video game
Wikipedia - Growtopia -- MMO sandbox video game published by Ubisoft
Wikipedia - Grundy's game
Wikipedia - GSN Radio -- American internet radio game show
Wikipedia - GSN Video Games -- American television block on GSN
Wikipedia - Guacamelee! 2 -- Metroidvania platform video game
Wikipedia - Guandan -- Chinese poker game
Wikipedia - Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series -- 2017 episodic graphic adventure video game
Wikipedia - Guerrilla Cambridge -- Defunct British video game developer
Wikipedia - Guerrilla Games -- Dutch video game developer
Wikipedia - Guess 2/3 of the average -- Mathematical game
Wikipedia - Guessing game
Wikipedia - Guildlings -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - Guild Wars -- Series of online 3D fantasy role-playing video games
Wikipedia - Guile (Street Fighter) -- Character from the Street Fighter fighting game series
Wikipedia - Guilty Gear -- Series of fighting video games
Wikipedia - Guilty Gear X -- 2000 video game
Wikipedia - Guinness World Records Gamer's Edition
Wikipedia - Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock -- 2007 video game
Wikipedia - Guitar Hero: Metallica -- Video game
Wikipedia - Guitar Hero Smash Hits -- 2009 music rhythm game for PlayStation, Wii and Xbox
Wikipedia - Guitar Hero (video game) -- 2005 music rhythm video game
Wikipedia - Guitar Hero -- Music video game series
Wikipedia - Guitar Hero World Tour -- 2008 music rhythm game
Wikipedia - Gujian 3 -- 3D role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Gun Beat -- Unreleased arcade video game
Wikipedia - Gunboat (video game) -- 1990 video game
Wikipedia - Gunbound -- Video game
Wikipedia - Gun fu -- Style of fictional fighting found in film, television, and videogames
Wikipedia - Gungrave -- third-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Gunnm: Martian Memory -- 1998 video game
Wikipedia - Gunpei Yokoi -- Japanese video game designer
Wikipedia - Gunslinger Stratos -- Video game series
Wikipedia - GURPS Traveller: Interstellar Wars -- Tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - GURPS Traveller -- Tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - Gus Rodriguez -- Mexican screenwriter and video game journalist
Wikipedia - Gust Co. Ltd. -- Japanese video game company
Wikipedia - Guts and Glory -- 3D simulation video game
Wikipedia - Guwange -- Video game
Wikipedia - Guy Bradley -- American game warden and deputy sheriff
Wikipedia - Guy's Grocery Games -- American reality cooking show
Wikipedia - Gymkhana (equestrian) -- Equestrian event consisting of speed racing and timed games for riders on horses
Wikipedia - Gymnastics at the 2015 Pan American Games - Men's parallel bars -- Pan american games
Wikipedia - Gymnastics at the 2019 Pan American Games -- The Gymnastics competitions at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Gyruss -- Video game first released in 1983
Wikipedia - Haaf's Game Engine
Wikipedia - Habitat (video game) -- 1986 video game
Wikipedia - Hacker International -- Japanese video game developer
Wikipedia - Hack (Unix video game)
Wikipedia - Hack (video game) -- Computer game
Wikipedia - Hacky sack -- Ball game
Wikipedia - Haden Blackman -- American writer and video game designer
Wikipedia - Hades (video game) -- 2020 action role-playing game developed by Supergiant Games
Wikipedia - Hafu (gamer) -- American Twitch streamer
Wikipedia - Haiti at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Haiti at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Hakoniwa Company Works -- 2017 tactical role-playing game
Wikipedia - Halfbrick Studios -- Video games developer
Wikipedia - Half-Life 2: Episode One -- 2006 first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Half-Life 2: Episode Two -- 2007 video game
Wikipedia - Half-Life 2: Lost Coast -- Additional level for the 2004 video game Half-Life 2
Wikipedia - Half-Life 2 -- 2004 first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Half-Life: Alyx -- Video game developed by Valve
Wikipedia - Half-Life: Blue Shift -- 2001 video game
Wikipedia - Half-Life: Opposing Force -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Half-Life (series) -- Series of first-person shooter games
Wikipedia - Half-Life (video game) -- 1998 first-person shooter game
Wikipedia - Hal March -- American actor, comedian and game show host
Wikipedia - Halo 2 -- 2004 first-person shooter game
Wikipedia - Halo 3: ODST -- 2009 video game
Wikipedia - Halo 3 -- 2007 video game
Wikipedia - Halo 4 -- 2012 first-person shooter video game developed by 343 Industries
Wikipedia - Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary -- 2011 first-person shooter game
Wikipedia - Halo: Combat Evolved -- 2001 first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Halo (franchise) -- Series of video games
Wikipedia - Halo Infinite -- upcoming first-person shooter game
Wikipedia - Halo: Reach -- 2010 first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Halo Wars 2 -- 2017 real-time strategy video game
Wikipedia - Halo Wars -- 2009 real-time strategy video game
Wikipedia - HaMerotz LaMillion 7 -- Israeli reality game television show
Wikipedia - Hamlet (video game)
Wikipedia - Hammer of the Gods (video game) -- Video game
Wikipedia - Hanabi (card game) -- Card game
Wikipedia - Hana Ichi Monme -- Japanese children's game
Wikipedia - HanbitSoft -- Video game company
Wikipedia - Handball at the 2019 African Games -- African Games event
Wikipedia - Handball at the 2019 Pan American Games -- The Handball competitions at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Handball (video game series) -- Handball simulator video game
Wikipedia - Hand (card games)
Wikipedia - Handheld electronic game
Wikipedia - Handheld game console -- Small, portable video game console
Wikipedia - Handheld Games -- North American video game developer
Wikipedia - Handheld game
Wikipedia - Handheld TV game -- Type of video game console
Wikipedia - Handsome Jack -- Main antagonist of the 2012 video game Borderlands 2
Wikipedia - Hangman (video game) -- 1978 video game
Wikipedia - Hang-On -- 1985 arcade racing game
Wikipedia - Hanjuku Hero -- Video game
Wikipedia - Hank Woon -- American author, game designer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Hanzo (Overwatch) -- Fictional character in the 2016 video game Overwatch
Wikipedia - Happy Family Plan -- Japanese television game show
Wikipedia - Hardcoded (video game) -- Adult dating simulator visual novel game
Wikipedia - Hardcore gamer
Wikipedia - Hard Drivin' -- 1990 video game
Wikipedia - Hard Edge -- Video game
Wikipedia - Hardlight -- British mobile game developer owned by Sega
Wikipedia - Hard Quiz -- Australian game quiz show
Wikipedia - Hard Truck: 18 Wheels of Steel -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Hard Truck -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Hare games
Wikipedia - Harold Johnson (game designer)
Wikipedia - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (video game) -- 2002 action-adventure video game
Wikipedia - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (video game) -- 2001 action-adventure video game
Wikipedia - Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (video game) -- 2004 action-adventure video game
Wikipedia - Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery -- Role - Playing Video Game
Wikipedia - Harry Potter Trading Card Game -- Collectible trading card game
Wikipedia - Harry Potter video games -- Licensed video games based on the Harry Potter novels
Wikipedia - Harry Potter: Wizards Unite -- location-based augmented reality mobile game
Wikipedia - Harumi Futo -- Residential area rejuvenated for the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games, Tokyo, Japan
Wikipedia - Harvest Moon: Light of Hope -- 2017 farming simulation video game
Wikipedia - Harvey Smith (game designer)
Wikipedia - Has-Been Heroes -- 2017 action video game
Wikipedia - Hasbro Family Game Night -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - Hate It or Love It -- 2005 single by The Game
Wikipedia - Hatred (video game) -- Shooter game with an isometric perspective
Wikipedia - Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F -- 2012 video game
Wikipedia - Haunted House (video game)
Wikipedia - Havannah (game)
Wikipedia - Haven (video game) -- 2020 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Havic: The Bothering -- Collectible trading card game
Wikipedia - Hawkmoon (role-playing game) -- Science fantasy tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - HBO Boxing (video game) -- 2000 video game
Wikipedia - Head Games (film) -- 2012 American documentary film directed by Steve James
Wikipedia - Headline Harry and the Great Paper Race -- Educational video game
Wikipedia - Headstrong Games -- Defunct British video game developer
Wikipedia - Heads-up display (video games) -- User interface element common in video games
Wikipedia - Health (games)
Wikipedia - Health (game terminology) -- Gaming-related attribute
Wikipedia - Heartbound (video game) -- 2017 video game
Wikipedia - Hearthstone -- Digital collectible card game by Blizzard Entertainment
Wikipedia - Heart of the Alien -- 1994 video game
Wikipedia - Hearts (card game)
Wikipedia - Hearts of Iron IV -- Grand strategy wargame set in World War 2
Wikipedia - Heat Signature (video game) -- 2017 action stealth video game
Wikipedia - Heatwave Interactive -- Video game developer
Wikipedia - Heavenly Sword -- 2007 video game
Wikipedia - Heaven's Vault -- 2019 adventure video game
Wikipedia - Heavy Rain -- 2010 interactive drama and action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Hebereke -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Hecatomb (card game) -- Collectible trading card game
Wikipedia - He Got Game -- 1998 film directed by Spike Lee
Wikipedia - Heiwa Pachinko World 64 -- A virtual pachinko video game
Wikipedia - Helena Roque Gameiro -- Portuguese watercolorist (1895-1986)
Wikipedia - Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice -- 2017 video game
Wikipedia - Hell Cab -- 1993 video game
Wikipedia - Hellevator -- American horror game show
Wikipedia - Hell Let Loose -- Video game
Wikipedia - Hello Games -- British video game developer
Wikipedia - Hello Neighbor -- 2017 video game
Wikipedia - Helltaker -- 2020 puzzle-adventure video game
Wikipedia - Hengameh Mofid
Wikipedia - Hentai -- Japanese pornographic animation, comics, and video games
Wikipedia - Herald: An Interactive Period Drama -- 2017 single-player adventure video game
Wikipedia - Herbert Edwin Bradley -- American big-game hunter and zoo director
Wikipedia - Herb Stempel -- American game show contestant
Wikipedia - Hercules & Xena Roleplaying Game -- Tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - Heretic (video game)
Wikipedia - Her Game -- 1919 film by Frank Hall Crane
Wikipedia - HeroClix -- Game
Wikipedia - Heroes of Newerth -- Multiplayer online battle arena video game
Wikipedia - Heroes of the Storm -- Multiplayer online battle arena video game
Wikipedia - Heroes Phantasia -- Role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Hero Games
Wikipedia - HeroQuest II: Legacy of Sorasil -- 1994 video game
Wikipedia - HeroQuest (role-playing game)
Wikipedia - HeroQuest (video game) -- 1991 video game
Wikipedia - Her Story (video game) -- 2015 video game
Wikipedia - Het Moment Van De Waarheid -- Dutch television game show
Wikipedia - Hex (board game)
Wikipedia - Hexic 2 -- Video game
Wikipedia - Hexic -- 2003 video game
Wikipedia - Hey! Pikmin -- 2017 action video game developed by Arzest and published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Hey You, Pikachu! -- Virtual pet video game for the Nintendo 64
Wikipedia - Hibana (Rainbow Six Siege) -- Video game character
Wikipedia - Hidden Agenda (game show) -- American hidden camera game show
Wikipedia - Hide-and-seek -- Children's game
Wikipedia - Hideo Kojima -- Japanese video game designer
Wikipedia - Hidetaka Miyazaki -- Japanese video game director
Wikipedia - Hidetaka Suehiro -- Japanese video game creator
Wikipedia - High Impact Games -- Video game developer
Wikipedia - High Jump (game)
Wikipedia - Highlife (cellular automaton) -- 2D cellular automaton similar to Conway's Game of Life
Wikipedia - High Passage -- Science-fiction role-playing game magazine
Wikipedia - High Score (TV series) -- Netflix docuseries about video game history
Wikipedia - High Stakes (game show) -- British game show
Wikipedia - High Stakes Poker -- American cash game poker television show
Wikipedia - High Voltage Software -- American video game development company
Wikipedia - Hikaru no Go -- 2001 Japanese manga and anime series based on the board game Go
Wikipedia - Hill Climb Racing (video game) -- 2012 video game
Wikipedia - Hiroji Kiyotake -- Japanese game designer
Wikipedia - Hiroshi Kawaguchi (composer) -- Japanese video game music composer
Wikipedia - Hiroyuki Owaku -- Japanese video game designer
Wikipedia - Historicon -- Gaming convention for historical wargames
Wikipedia - History of alternate reality games
Wikipedia - History of arcade games
Wikipedia - History of computer and video games
Wikipedia - History of computer games
Wikipedia - History of Eastern role-playing video games
Wikipedia - History of games -- Aspect of history
Wikipedia - History of massively multiplayer online games
Wikipedia - History of mobile games
Wikipedia - History of Monopoly -- History of board game Monopoly
Wikipedia - History of online games
Wikipedia - History of role-playing games -- Aspect of history
Wikipedia - History of Sega -- History of Japanese video game company
Wikipedia - History of the Tokyo Game Show -- Aspect of history
Wikipedia - History of video game consoles (fifth generation)
Wikipedia - History of video game consoles (fourth generation)
Wikipedia - History of video game consoles (seventh generation)
Wikipedia - History of video game consoles (third generation)
Wikipedia - History of video game consoles -- Aspect of history
Wikipedia - History of video games (16-bit era)
Wikipedia - History of video games (8-bit era)
Wikipedia - History of video games -- Aspect of history
Wikipedia - History of Western role-playing video games
Wikipedia - Hitman (2016 video game) -- 2016 stealth video game
Wikipedia - Hitman 2 (2018 video game) -- 2018 video game
Wikipedia - Hitman 2: Silent Assassin -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Hitman 3 -- 2021 video game
Wikipedia - Hitman (franchise) -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Hitman Go -- 2014 video game
Wikipedia - Hive (game)
Wikipedia - Hiveswap -- 2017 video game spinoff of Homestuck
Wikipedia - H. J. Burlingame
Wikipedia - Hlava Kasandry -- Czech video game
Wikipedia - HMS Agamemnon (1781) -- 1781 ship
Wikipedia - HMS Agamemnon (1852) -- 1852 ship
Wikipedia - HMS Agamemnon (1879) -- 1879 Ajax-class ironclad
Wikipedia - HMS Agamemnon (1906) -- Lord Nelson-class pre-dreadnought battleship
Wikipedia - HMS Agamemnon (S124) -- Astute-class submarine
Wikipedia - Hobby Games: The 100 Best
Wikipedia - Hob (video game) -- 2017 action-adventure video game
Wikipedia - Hogan's Alley (video game) -- 1984 video game by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Hogs of War -- 2000 video game
Wikipedia - Hogwarts Legacy -- Upcoming open-world video game
Wikipedia - Hole carding -- Card games technique
Wikipedia - Hole in the Wall (Australian game show) -- Australian television game show
Wikipedia - Hole in the Wall (Philippine game show) -- Philippine television show
Wikipedia - Holey Moley -- Minigolf gameshow
Wikipedia - Holiday Island (video game) -- 1996 strategy video game
Wikipedia - Hollow Knight: Silksong -- Upcoming video game developed by Team Cherry
Wikipedia - Hollow Knight -- 2017 Metroidvania action-adventure video game
Wikipedia - Hollow World Campaign Set -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - Hollywood Game Night -- US television series
Wikipedia - Hollywood Showdown -- American game show
Wikipedia - Hollywood Squares -- American television game show
Wikipedia - Hol (role-playing game) -- Tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (video game) -- 1992 video game
Wikipedia - Homebrew (video games)
Wikipedia - Home Game (TV series) -- 2020 documentary web television series
Wikipedia - Home Improvement: Power Tool Pursuit! -- 1994 video game
Wikipedia - Home Run King -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Homescapes -- Video game
Wikipedia - Home Sweet Home (2017 video game) -- 2017 survival, horror and puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Home video game console -- Stationary video game console
Wikipedia - Homeworld 3 -- Upcoming video game (2022)
Wikipedia - Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak -- Real-time strategy computer game
Wikipedia - Homeworld -- 1999 real-time strategy computer game
Wikipedia - Homme d'Auvergne -- French card game
Wikipedia - Honey Select -- 2016 eroge video game
Wikipedia - Honkai Impact 3rd -- 3D action role-playing mobile game
Wikipedia - Honor of Kings -- Multiplayer online battle arena video game
Wikipedia - Hook (video game) -- video games based on the 1991 film Hook
Wikipedia - HoopWorld -- 2010 video game
Wikipedia - Hordes (game) -- Tabletop miniature wargame
Wikipedia - Horizon Forbidden West -- Upcoming action role-playing game
Wikipedia - Horizon Zero Dawn -- 2017 action role-playing game
Wikipedia - Horror game
Wikipedia - Horror on the Orient Express -- Horror tabletop role-playing game campaign
Wikipedia - Horror's Heart -- Horror tabletop role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Horror video game
Wikipedia - Horus Heresy (card game) -- Collectible trading card game
Wikipedia - Hot Coffee (mod) -- Minigame in Grand Theft Auto
Wikipedia - Hotel Mario -- 1994 puzzle video game published by Philips Interactive Media
Wikipedia - Hot Lava (video game) -- 2019 action-adventure video game
Wikipedia - Hotline Miami -- 2012 video game
Wikipedia - Hot Lotto -- American lottery game
Wikipedia - Hounds and jackals -- Ancient Egyptian board game
Wikipedia - House House -- Australian video game developer
Wikipedia - House of the Dead: Scarlet Dawn -- 2018 arcade video game
Wikipedia - House Party (video game) -- 2017 3D comedy adventure dating sim by Eek! Games
Wikipedia - How Did This Get Played? -- Comedy and video game podcast
Wikipedia - How Much Is Enough? -- American game show
Wikipedia - How We Do (song) -- Song by The Game, feat. 50 Cent
Wikipedia - H.P. Lovecraft's Dreamlands -- Horror tabletop role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - HQ (video game) -- Live trivia game show app
Wikipedia - Hsien-Ko -- Video game and anime character
Wikipedia - Hudson Soft -- Defunct Japanese video game company
Wikipedia - Hugo (video game) -- 1991 video game
Wikipedia - Hulk (video game) -- 2003 video game
Wikipedia - Human: Fall Flat -- 2016 platform-puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Humankind (video game) -- 2021 video game
Wikipedia - Humble Bundle -- Digital storefront company selling video games and e-books
Wikipedia - Hunchback (video game)
Wikipedia - Hungary at the 1906 Intercalated Games -- Hungary at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Hungary at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Hungary at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Hungary at the Youth Olympics -- performance of Hungary at the Youth Olympic Games
Wikipedia - Hunger Games trilogy
Wikipedia - Hunter Hunted (video game) -- Video game
Wikipedia - Hunter of Invisible Game -- 2014 film by Bruce Springsteen
Wikipedia - Hunter Planet -- Tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - Hunt the Wumpus -- 1973 text-based adventure game
Wikipedia - Hurling -- Outdoor team stick and ball game
Wikipedia - Hurray (game) -- Bulgarian children's game
Wikipedia - Husarln -- Card game, an Austrian variant of Hungarian Tarok
Wikipedia - Hyborian War -- Fantasy role-playing game
Wikipedia - Hydra (video game) -- Vehicular combat Atari arcade game from 1990
Wikipedia - Hydronaut (adventure) -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Hydro Thunder Hurricane -- 2010 video game
Wikipedia - Hyper-casual game
Wikipedia - Hyper Hippo Productions -- Canadian online video game and software development company
Wikipedia - HyperRogue -- Independent video game
Wikipedia - HyperScan -- Video game console
Wikipedia - Hyper Scape -- 2020 first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Hypnospace Outlaw -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity -- 2020 hack and slash video game published by Nintendo and Koei Tecmo
Wikipedia - Hyrule Warriors -- 2014 hack and slash video game published by Nintendo and Koei Tecmo
Wikipedia - Hytale -- 2021 video game
Wikipedia - I Am Dead -- 2020 puzzle adventure video game
Wikipedia - I and Me -- 2017 platform puzzle game
Wikipedia - Ibara (video game) -- 2005 vertical scrolling shooter video game
Wikipedia - IBM CityOne -- 2010 video game
Wikipedia - I Can See Your Voice (American TV series) -- American television music game show
Wikipedia - I Can See Your Voice (Indonesian game show) -- Indonesian television music game show
Wikipedia - Iceland at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Iceland at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Icewind Dale (series) -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Icey -- Video game
Wikipedia - I-Chu -- Japanese mobile game
Wikipedia - Iconoclasts (video game) -- 2018 action platformer video game
Wikipedia - Icosian game -- Mathematical game
Wikipedia - Ico -- 2001/2002 video game
Wikipedia - Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms -- Idle game based on Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - If It Moves, Shoot It! -- 1989 video game
Wikipedia - Ignite (game engine)
Wikipedia - IgroMir -- Annual Russian video game exhibition
Wikipedia - I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream (video game) -- Point-and-click adventure video game
Wikipedia - IISS Ship Files -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Iji (video game)
Wikipedia - Ik hou van Holland -- Dutch television game show
Wikipedia - Illuminati (play-by-mail game) -- Fantasy role-playing game
Wikipedia - Illusion (video game series) -- Series of platforming video games licensed by Disney
Wikipedia - Illustrated Tarock -- Austrian card game
Wikipedia - Ilomilo -- Video game
Wikipedia - I Love Katamari -- 2008 puzzle-action video game published by Namco Bandai Games
Wikipedia - I Love You, Colonel Sanders! -- Dating sim game
Wikipedia - I Made a Game with Zombies in It! -- 2009 zombie-themed action shoot 'em up Xbox 360 game by Ska Studios
Wikipedia - Imaginiff -- Board game
Wikipedia - Imangi Studios -- Video game company
Wikipedia - IMDb -- Online database for movies, television, and video games
Wikipedia - Imitation game
Wikipedia - Immortal Cities: Children of the Nile -- 2004 city-building video game
Wikipedia - Immortal Game -- Chess game played by Adolf Anderssen and Lionel Kieseritzky
Wikipedia - Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the video game industry -- Impact of COVID-19
Wikipedia - Imperial (board game) -- Board game designed by Mac Gerdts
Wikipedia - Imperium (board game) -- Tabletop wrgame
Wikipedia - Imperium Games -- Game company
Wikipedia - Implementer (video games)
Wikipedia - Importer (computing) -- Video game development tool
Wikipedia - Impressions Games -- British video game developer
Wikipedia - I'm the Boss! -- Negotiation board game
Wikipedia - Inaugural games of the Flavian Amphitheatre -- Roman games held in 80CE
Wikipedia - Incognito Entertainment -- Defunct American video game developer
Wikipedia - Incredibox -- Musical beatbox game and website
Wikipedia - Incremental game -- Video game type
Wikipedia - Increpare Games -- British video game programmer
Wikipedia - Independent game developer
Wikipedia - Independent game development
Wikipedia - Independent Games Festival
Wikipedia - Independent video game development
Wikipedia - Index of DOS games -- Wikipedia index
Wikipedia - Index of Windows games -- Wikipedia index
Wikipedia - Indiana Jones in Revenge of the Ancients -- 1987 video game
Wikipedia - Indianapolis 500 Evolution -- 2009 racing video game
Wikipedia - Indian Marriage -- Card game
Wikipedia - IndieGala -- Series of video game bundles similar to the Humble Bundle
Wikipedia - Indie game development
Wikipedia -
Wikipedia - Indie game -- Class of video game, generally independently published
Wikipedia - Indie Pogo -- video game
Wikipedia - Indie role-playing game
Wikipedia - Indieszero -- Japanese video game development company
Wikipedia - Indivisible (video game) -- 2019 RPG action-platformer video game
Wikipedia - Indonesia at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Indonesia at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Indy 4 (video game) -- 1976 video game
Wikipedia - Indy 500 (1977 video game) -- 1977 video game
Wikipedia - Indy 500 (1995 video game) -- 1995 video game
Wikipedia - Indy 800 -- 1975 video game
Wikipedia - IndyCar Series (video game) -- 2003 video game
Wikipedia - Infamous (series) -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Infinite Crisis (video game) -- 2014 video game
Wikipedia - Infinity Blade -- Video game
Wikipedia - Information set (game theory)
Wikipedia - In-game advertising -- Advertising in electronic games
Wikipedia - Ingenious (board game)
Wikipedia - Ingress (video game) -- Location-based augmented reality mobile game
Wikipedia - INiS Corporation -- Japanese video game developer
Wikipedia - Injustice 2 -- 2017 DC Universe fighting video game
Wikipedia - InkBall -- Video game
Wikipedia - In Memoriam (video game)
Wikipedia - InnerSpace (video game) -- 2018 adventure video game
Wikipedia - InnoGames -- German video game developer based in Hamburg
Wikipedia - Innova (game localization company) -- Company
Wikipedia - Innsmouth no Yakata -- 1995 horror video game
Wikipedia - InQuest Gamer
Wikipedia - Inside Game -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Inside Mac Games
Wikipedia - Inside the Box Board Games -- British publisher of board games
Wikipedia - Inside (video game) -- Puzzle-platformer adventure video game
Wikipedia - Insomniac Games -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - Intelligent Systems -- Japanese video game developer
Wikipedia - Intellivision Amico -- Video game console
Wikipedia - Intellivision -- Home video game console
Wikipedia - Interactive film -- Video game genre
Wikipedia - Interceptor Micros -- Video game publisher
Wikipedia - Interclavicular ligament -- Flattened band, which varies considerably in form and size in different individuals
Wikipedia - Interfoveolar ligament -- Lateral to the inguinal aponeurotic falx
Wikipedia - Interior Night -- Video game developer
Wikipedia - Interlude (visual novel) -- Visual novel (video game) and anime
Wikipedia - International Army Games -- Russian organized international military event
Wikipedia - International Board Game Studies Association
Wikipedia - International Center for the History of Electronic Games
Wikipedia - International Game Developers Association
Wikipedia - International Game Technology (1975-2015) -- American gaming company founded in 1975
Wikipedia - International Game Technology -- London-headquartered gaming company
Wikipedia - International Superstar Soccer 64 -- 1997 association soccer video game
Wikipedia - Interphase (video game) -- 3D first-person shooter puzzle video game from 1989
Wikipedia - Interstate '76 -- Video game
Wikipedia - Intertoys -- Dutch toy and video game retailer
Wikipedia - In the Labyrinth (supplement) -- Fantasy tabletop role-playing game rules expansion
Wikipedia - In the Shadows (Call of Cthulhu) -- Horror tabletop role-playing game adventure
Wikipedia - Inti Creates -- Japanese video game development studio
Wikipedia - Into the Dead -- 2012 mobile video game
Wikipedia - Into the Void (video game) -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - Invictus Games
Wikipedia - InvisiClues -- Booklets created for Infocom games
Wikipedia - Invizimals: The Lost Kingdom -- 2013 adventure video game
Wikipedia - In Your House 10: Mind Games -- 1996 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Iphianassa (daughter of Agamemnon) -- Greek mythological figure
Wikipedia - IQue Player -- Chinese home video game console
Wikipedia - IRacing -- Video game
Wikipedia - Iridion 3D -- 2001 video game
Wikipedia - Irish Setter -- Large red dog breed for finding and pointing gamebirds
Wikipedia - Iron Bull -- Fictional character from Dragon Age video game
Wikipedia - Iron Kingdoms -- Tabletop fantasy role-playing game
Wikipedia - Iron Man 2 (video game)
Wikipedia - Iron Man 3: The Official Game
Wikipedia - Iron Man (video game)
Wikipedia - Iron Man VR -- 2020 shooter video game developed by Camouflaj
Wikipedia - Iron Sky: Invasion -- Video game
Wikipedia - Iron Soldier 2 -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - Irrational Games
Wikipedia - Isamu Kamikokuryo -- Japanese video game artist
Wikipedia - I.S.C.V.: King Richard -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - I.S.C.V.: Leander -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Islanders (video game) -- 2019 city-building game
Wikipedia - Island Saver -- 2020 video game
Wikipedia - Isometric graphics in video games and pixel art
Wikipedia - Isometric graphics in video games
Wikipedia - Isometric video game graphics
Wikipedia - I.S.P.M.V.: Fenris / S.F.V. Valkyrie -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - I.S.P.M.V.: Tethys -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - I Spy Spooky Mansion -- 2009 puzzle video game
Wikipedia - I spy -- Children's guessing game
Wikipedia - Israel at the 1954 Asian Games -- Israel's competition at the 1954 Asian Games
Wikipedia - Israel at the 1958 Asian Games -- Israel's competition at the 1958 Asian Games
Wikipedia - Israel at the 1966 Asian Games -- Israel's competition at the 1966 Asian Games
Wikipedia - Israel at the 1970 Asian Games -- Israel's competition at the 1970 Asian Games
Wikipedia - Israel at the 1974 Asian Games -- Israel's competition at the 1974 Asian Games
Wikipedia - Israel at the 2015 European Games -- Israel's competition at the 2015 European Games
Wikipedia - Israel at the 2019 European Games -- Israel's competition at the 2019 European Games
Wikipedia - Israel at the Asian Games -- Israel's competition at the Asian Games
Wikipedia - Israel at the Olympics -- Participation of athletes from Israel in the Olympic Games
Wikipedia - Israel at the Paralympics -- Summary of Israel's participation at the Paralympic Games
Wikipedia - Isthmian games
Wikipedia - Italian Game
Wikipedia - Italy 1990 (video game) -- Soccer video game
Wikipedia - Italy at the 1906 Intercalated Games -- Italy at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Itbox -- Networked gambling games terminal
Wikipedia - -- Website for distributing video games
Wikipedia - Item (game terminology)
Wikipedia - It's a Crime (play-by-mail game) -- Fantasy role-playing game
Wikipedia - It's a Knockout -- British game show
Wikipedia - It's All in the Game (game show) -- Dutch television game show
Wikipedia - It's Okay (One Blood) -- 2006 single by The Game
Wikipedia - It's the Old Army Game -- 1926 film by A. Edward Sutherland
Wikipedia - I've Got a Secret -- American game show
Wikipedia - I Wanna Be the Boshy -- 2010 video game
Wikipedia - IW (game engine) -- Game engine developed by Infinity Ward
Wikipedia - Izzy's Quest for the Olympic Rings -- 1995 action video game
Wikipedia - Jack Black filmography -- Jack Black's roles in film, TV, and video games
Wikipedia - Jackbox Games -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - Jack Clark (television personality) -- American television game show host and announcer
Wikipedia - Jack Emmert -- American game designer
Wikipedia - Jack the Ripper (2003 video game) -- 2003 video game
Wikipedia - Jacques Antoine -- French game show creator and producer
Wikipedia - Jade Empire -- 2005 action role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Jade (game engine)
Wikipedia - Jagame Thandhiram -- Upcoming 2020 Tamil-language action film
Wikipedia - Jagex -- British video game developer and publisher
Wikipedia - Jak 3 -- 2004 platforming video game
Wikipedia - Jake (gamer) -- American Overwatch player
Wikipedia - James Bond 007: Nightfire -- 2002 first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - James Cameron's Dark Angel -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - James Clavell's ShM-EM-^Mgun -- 1989 interactive fiction computer game
Wikipedia - James Ernest -- American game designer and juggler
Wikipedia - James Holzhauer -- American professional sports gambler and game show contestant (born 1984/1985)
Wikipedia - James Portnow -- Writer, game designer and consultant
Wikipedia - James Wyatt (game designer)
Wikipedia - Jamie Chambers -- American game designer
Wikipedia - J. Andrew Keith -- American game designer
Wikipedia - Jane (Ender's Game)
Wikipedia - Jane Jensen -- American video game designer and author
Wikipedia - Jane's ATF: Advanced Tactical Fighters -- Video game
Wikipedia - Janet Okell -- English professional wargamer
Wikipedia - Japan at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Japan at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo, 2020 Summer Olympics host
Wikipedia - Jarmo (game)
Wikipedia - Jason D. Anderson -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - Jason Kapalka -- Canadian game developer
Wikipedia - Jason Rohrer -- American video game designer
Wikipedia - Jason Rubin -- American video game director
Wikipedia - Jason Schreier -- Video game journalist
Wikipedia - Javaground -- Mobile game industry services provider
Wikipedia - -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - Jay Stewart -- American game show announcer
Wikipedia - Jean Blashfield Black -- American game designer and author
Wikipedia - Jedah Dohma -- Darkstalkers video game character
Wikipedia - Jedi (game engine)
Wikipedia - Jeeto Pakistan -- Pakistani game show
Wikipedia - Jeff Dee -- American artist and game designer
Wikipedia - Jeff Gerstmann -- American video game journalist
Wikipedia - Jeff Minter -- British video game designer
Wikipedia - Jeffrey Anderson (game designer) -- American video game designer and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Jekyll and Hyde (video game) -- 2001 video game
Wikipedia - Jenga World Tour -- 2007 video game
Wikipedia - Jennifer MacLean -- American game developer
Wikipedia - Jenny of Oldstones -- ''Game of Thrones'' song performed by Florence and the Machine
Wikipedia - Jenny's Journeys -- Educational Computer Game
Wikipedia - Jenova Chen -- Chinese video game designer
Wikipedia - Jensen (gamer) -- Danish professional League of Legends player
Wikipedia - Jeringonza -- Spanish secret language game
Wikipedia - Jesper Juul (game researcher)
Wikipedia - Jesper Juul (video game theorist)
Wikipedia - Jessica Curry -- British video game composer
Wikipedia - Jesters: The Game Changers -- 2019 South Korean historical comedy
Wikipedia - Jetpack Joyride -- 2011 endless runner video game
Wikipedia - Jet Set Radio -- 2000 action game
Wikipedia - Jet Set Willy II -- 1985 video game
Wikipedia - -- French video game website
Wikipedia - Jidaigeki -- Japanese film, TV, games, and theatre genre
Wikipedia - Jim Bambra -- Role-playing game designer
Wikipedia - Jim Lange -- American game show host and DJ
Wikipedia - Jimmy White's 2: Cueball -- 2000 video game
Wikipedia - Jim Sterling -- Video game journalist, critic, pundit, and wrestling personality
Wikipedia - Jim Ward (game designer)
Wikipedia - JinrM-EM-^M Shokei Game -- 2015 film by Guillaume Tauveron
Wikipedia - Jinsei Game -- Japanese board game
Wikipedia - JJonak -- Professional gamer
Wikipedia - J.League Jikkyou Winning Eleven '97 -- 1996 video game
Wikipedia - J. Morewood Dowsett -- English big-game hunter, naturalist and writer
Wikipedia - Joe Fugate -- Author and game designer
Wikipedia - Joel Billings -- American video game designer
Wikipedia - Joel (The Last of Us) -- Video game character
Wikipedia - Joe Madureira -- Comic book writer and artist and video game developer
Wikipedia - Joey Janela's Spring Break -- Game Changer Wrestling event series
Wikipedia - Joey Lawrence -- American actor, musician, singer-songwriter, record producer and game show host
Wikipedia - John Charles Daly -- American journalist and game show host
Wikipedia - John Harshman -- Game designer
Wikipedia - John Ingamells -- British art historian
Wikipedia - John McLeod (card game researcher)
Wikipedia - John O'Hurley -- American actor, comedian, singer, author, game show host and television personality
Wikipedia - John O'Neill (video game designer) -- British video game designer
Wikipedia - John Romero -- American video game designer
Wikipedia - John R. Zagame -- American politician
Wikipedia - John Smedley (video games)
Wikipedia - John Tobias -- American artist and video game designer
Wikipedia - John Walker (journalist) -- British computer games journalist
Wikipedia - John Wick Hex -- 2019 fast-paced action-oriented strategy game video game
Wikipedia - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Records -- 2017 3D action video game
Wikipedia - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (video game) -- 1998 fighting video game
Wikipedia - Joker (Persona) -- Character introduced in Atlus's 2016 video game Persona 5
Wikipedia - Jonatan Soderstrom -- Swedish video game designer
Wikipedia - Jonathan Blow -- American game designer (Braid, The Witness) and programmer (Jai language)
Wikipedia - Jon Everist -- American video game composer
Wikipedia - Jon Freeman (game designer)
Wikipedia - Jon Hare -- English computer game designer
Wikipedia - Jordan Fisher -- American actor, singer, dancer,and gamer
Wikipedia - Jordan Weisman -- American video game designer
Wikipedia - Jose Gameiro -- Portuguese Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Jose Luis M-CM-^MM-CM-1iguez Gamez -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Joseph D. Kucan -- American actor and video game developer
Wikipedia - Josh Mosqueira -- Video game designer
Wikipedia - Josue Carrion -- Puerto Rican businessman, singer and television game show host
Wikipedia - Journey (1989 video game)
Wikipedia - Journey (2012 video game) -- 2012 indie adventure game
Wikipedia - Jousting -- Martial game between two horsemen wielding lances with blunted tips
Wikipedia - Joust (video game) -- Arcade game first released in 1982 and featuring cooperative play
Wikipedia - Joyce Weisbecker -- American engineer and early video game designer
Wikipedia - Joystick -- Control lever used in aircraft and video games
Wikipedia - Jr. Pac-Man -- Video game
Wikipedia - J-Stars Victory VS -- 2014 video game
Wikipedia - J. Todd Coleman -- American computer game designer
Wikipedia - Juanito Arcade Mayhem -- 2017 action video game
Wikipedia - Judge Dredd (1990 video game) -- 1990 platform shoot 'em up game
Wikipedia - Judge Dredd: Dredd vs. Death -- 2003 video game
Wikipedia - Judge Dredd (role-playing game) -- Tabletop role-playing games
Wikipedia - Judges Guild -- Role playing game publisher
Wikipedia - Judgment (video game) -- 2018 video game
Wikipedia - Judo at the 2010 South American Games - Women's 52kg -- Judo at the 2010 South American Games - Women's 52kg
Wikipedia - Judo at the 2010 South American Games - Women's 70kg -- Judo at the 2010 South American Games - Women's 70kg
Wikipedia - Judo at the 2010 South American Games - Women's +78kg -- Judo at the 2010 South American Games - Women's +78kg
Wikipedia - Judo at the 2010 South American Games - Women's 78kg -- Judo at the 2010 South American Games - Women's 78kg
Wikipedia - Judo at the 2010 South American Games - Women's open -- Judo at the 2010 South American Games - Women's open
Wikipedia - Judo at the 2010 South American Games - Women's team -- Judo at the 2010 South American Games - Women's team
Wikipedia - Judo at the 2011 Pan American Games - Women's 48 kg -- Judo at the 2011 Pan American Games - Women's 48 kg
Wikipedia - Judo at the 2011 Pan American Games - Women's 52 kg -- Judo at the 2011 Pan American Games - Women's 52 kg
Wikipedia - Judo at the 2011 Pan American Games - Women's 57 kg -- Judo at the 2011 Pan American Games - Women's 57 kg
Wikipedia - Judo at the 2011 Pan American Games - Women's 63 kg -- Judo at the 2011 Pan American Games - Women's 63 kg
Wikipedia - Judo at the 2011 Pan American Games - Women's 70 kg -- Judo at the 2011 Pan American Games - Women's 70 kg
Wikipedia - Judo at the 2011 Pan American Games - Women's +78 kg -- Judo at the 2011 Pan American Games - Women's +78 kg
Wikipedia - Judo at the 2011 Pan American Games - Women's 78 kg -- Judo at the 2011 Pan American Games - Women's 78 kg
Wikipedia - Judo at the 2014 Commonwealth Games - Women's 48 kg -- Judo at the 2014 Commonwealth Games - Women's 48 kg
Wikipedia - Judo at the 2014 Commonwealth Games - Women's 52 kg -- Judo at the 2014 Commonwealth Games - Women's 52 kg
Wikipedia - Judo at the 2014 Commonwealth Games - Women's 57 kg -- Judo at the 2014 Commonwealth Games - Women's 57 kg
Wikipedia - Judo at the 2014 Commonwealth Games - Women's 63 kg -- Judo at the 2014 Commonwealth Games - Women's 63 kg
Wikipedia - Judo at the 2014 Commonwealth Games - Women's 70 kg -- Judo at the 2014 Commonwealth Games - Women's 70 kg
Wikipedia - Judo at the 2014 Commonwealth Games - Women's +78 kg -- Judo at the 2014 Commonwealth Games - Women's +78 kg
Wikipedia - Judo at the 2014 Commonwealth Games - Women's 78 kg -- Judo at the 2014 Commonwealth Games - Women's 78 kg
Wikipedia - Judo at the 2015 Pan American Games - Women's 48 kg -- Judo at the 2015 Pan American Games - Women's 48 kg
Wikipedia - Judo at the 2015 Pan American Games - Women's 52 kg -- Judo at the 2015 Pan American Games - Women's 52 kg
Wikipedia - Judo at the 2015 Pan American Games - Women's 57 kg -- Judo at the 2015 Pan American Games - Women's 57 kg
Wikipedia - Judo at the 2015 Pan American Games - Women's 63 kg -- Judo at the 2015 Pan American Games - Women's 63 kg
Wikipedia - Judo at the 2015 Pan American Games - Women's 70 kg -- Judo at the 2015 Pan American Games - Women's 70 kg
Wikipedia - Judo at the 2015 Pan American Games - Women's +78 kg -- Judo at the 2015 Pan American Games - Women's +78 kg
Wikipedia - Judo at the 2015 Pan American Games - Women's 78 kg -- Judo at the 2015 Pan American Games - Women's 78 kg
Wikipedia - Judo at the 2019 European Games - Women's 57 kg -- Judo event at the 2019 European Games
Wikipedia - Judo at the 2019 European Games - Women's 63 kg -- Judo event at the 2019 European Games
Wikipedia - Judo at the 2019 European Games - Women's 70 kg -- Judo event at the 2019 European Games
Wikipedia - Jueteng -- Numbers game played in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Julia Martin -- American game designer and editor
Wikipedia - Julian Le Fay -- Video game programmer
Wikipedia - Jumbo Games
Wikipedia - Jump Force -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - Jump Rope Challenge -- 2020 fitness video game
Wikipedia - JumpStart Games -- American educational software developer
Wikipedia - Jump Super Stars -- 2D fighting game for the Nintendo DS
Wikipedia - Jump Ultimate Stars -- 2006 video game, sequel to Jump Super Stars
Wikipedia - Junction Point Studios -- Video game developer
Wikipedia - June's Journey -- 2017 hidden object video game
Wikipedia - Jungle (board game)
Wikipedia - Jun Senoue -- Japanese video game musician
Wikipedia - Jun Takeuchi -- Japanese video game director and producer
Wikipedia - Junya Nakano -- Japanese video game composer
Wikipedia - Jupiter Corporation -- Japanese video game development studio
Wikipedia - Jurassic Park III: Dino Defender -- 2001 side-scrolling game
Wikipedia - Just Cause 2 -- 2010 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Just Cause 3 -- 2015 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Just Cause 4 -- 2018 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Just Cause (video game series) -- Action-adventure video game series
Wikipedia - Just Cause (video game) -- 2006 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Just Dance 2014 -- 2013 video game
Wikipedia - Just Dance 2017 -- 2016 dance video game
Wikipedia - Just Dance 2018 -- 2017 dance rhythm game developed by Ubisoft
Wikipedia - Just Dance 2019 -- 2018 video game
Wikipedia - Just Dance 2020 -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - Just Dance Now -- 2014 video game
Wikipedia - Just Dance (video game series) -- Dancing video game series
Wikipedia - Justice Duel -- 2017 platformer video game
Wikipedia - Justice League Task Force (video game) -- 1995 video game
Wikipedia - Just One (board game) -- 2018 board game
Wikipedia - Jydge -- 2017 twin-stick shooter video game
Wikipedia - Ka-Bala -- Talking board game manufactured and released by Transogram in 1967
Wikipedia - Kabuki Warriors -- 2001 video game
Wikipedia - Kaiji: Final Game -- 2020 live action adaptation of the Kaiji manga
Wikipedia - KaijM-EM-+-M-EM-^M Godzilla -- 1993 video game
Wikipedia - Kai Pflaume -- German television presenter and game show host
Wikipedia - Kaizo -- genre of difficult, modified Super Mario video games
Wikipedia - Kajiri Kamui Kagura -- 2011 visual novel video game
Wikipedia - Kajko i Kokosz (video game) -- Polish point-and-click adventure video game
Wikipedia - Kalai-Smorodinsky bargaining solution -- Game theory solution
Wikipedia - Kalisto Entertainment -- Defunct French video game development company
Wikipedia - Kameo -- 2005 action-adventure video game for Xbox 360
Wikipedia - Kamiko -- 2017 action video game
Wikipedia - Kane & Lynch: Dead Men -- Video game
Wikipedia - KanJam -- Flying disc game
Wikipedia - Kanji Tatsumi -- Fictional character in the 2008 video game Persona 4
Wikipedia - Kano (Mortal Kombat) -- Mortal Kombat fighting game character
Wikipedia - Kantai Collection -- Free-to-play Japanese browser game (and franchise), developed by Kadokawa Games
Wikipedia - Karak (mascot) -- Mascot for the 2006 Commonwealth Games
Wikipedia - Karate at the 2015 Pan American Games - Men's 75 kg -- none
Wikipedia - Karate at the 2019 European Games - Women's kumite 68 kg -- Sporting event
Wikipedia - Karin Prinsloo (karateka) -- South African Karateka and winner of the 2001 World Games, living in Australia
Wikipedia - Kart Fighter -- Video game
Wikipedia - Kart racing game -- Go-kart racing game
Wikipedia - Karuba (board game) -- 2015 board game
Wikipedia - Kaschlan -- Card game
Wikipedia - Kasparov versus the World -- Game of chess played in 1999 over the Internet over 4 months, with Garry Kasparov (White) against the rest of the world (Black) in consultation, with the World Team moves decided by plurality vote; Kasparov won after 62 moves
Wikipedia - Katamari Amore -- 2011 puzzle-action video game published by Namco Bandai Games
Wikipedia - Katamari Damacy Mobile -- 2007 puzzle-action video game published by Bandai Namco Games
Wikipedia - Katamari Damacy -- 2004 puzzle-action video game published by Namco
Wikipedia - Katamari Forever -- 2009 puzzle-action video game published by Namco Bandai Games
Wikipedia - Katamari -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Katana Zero -- Video game
Wikipedia - Katniss Everdeen -- Main character in the Hunger Games universe
Wikipedia - Katsura Hashino -- Japanese video game director and producer
Wikipedia - Kaun Banega Crorepati -- Indian game show
Wikipedia - Kazuhisa Hashimoto -- Japanese video game developer
Wikipedia - Kazuki Takahashi -- Japanese manga artist and game creator
Wikipedia - Kazuko Shibuya -- Japanese video game artist
Wikipedia - Kazuma Kiryu -- Fictional character in the Yakuza video game series
Wikipedia - Keep away -- Children's game
Wikipedia - Keg stand -- Drinking game
Wikipedia - Keiji Inafune -- Japanese video game producer, illustrator, and businessman
Wikipedia - Keitai DenjM-EM-+ Telefang -- 2000 video game for the Game Boy Color
Wikipedia - Keith Baker (game designer)
Wikipedia - Kellee Santiago -- Venezuelan American video game designer and producer
Wikipedia - Kelly Bailey (composer) -- Composer, musician, game designer, sound designer, conceptual artist, and programmer
Wikipedia - Kelton Flinn -- American computer game designer
Wikipedia - Kemps (card game) -- Card game
Wikipedia - Kena: Bridge of Spirits -- 2021 video game
Wikipedia - Kendama -- Japanese cup and ball game
Wikipedia - Kendo Rage -- 1993 video game
Wikipedia - Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth -- 2017 episodal adventure video game
Wikipedia - Ken Jennings -- American game show contestant/host and writer
Wikipedia - Kenji Eno -- Video game composer and designer
Wikipedia - Kenneth I. Pargament
Wikipedia - Kenneth Pargament
Wikipedia - Kenshi (Mortal Kombat) -- Player character from the Mortal Kombat series of fighting games
Wikipedia - Kenshi (video game) -- 2018 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Kensington (game)
Wikipedia - Kentucky Route Zero -- Magical realist independent episodic adventure game
Wikipedia - Ken Williams (game developer)
Wikipedia - Keny (game)
Wikipedia - Kerbal Space Program -- space flight simulator game
Wikipedia - Keroro RPG: Kishi to Musha to Densetsu no Kaizoku -- 2010 video game
Wikipedia - Kerry GAA -- Governing body of Gaelic games in County Kerry
Wikipedia - KFConsole -- Home video game console developed by KFC Gaming and Cooler Master
Wikipedia - Kharbaga -- Two-player abstract strategy game from North Africa
Wikipedia - Khelo India University Games -- National multi-sport event held in India
Wikipedia - Khet (game)
Wikipedia - Kick the can -- Children's game
Wikipedia - Kid Chameleon -- 1992 video game
Wikipedia - Kid Grid -- 1982 maze video game
Wikipedia - KidM-EM-^M Senshi Gundam: SenjM-EM-^M no Kizuna -- 2006 video game
Wikipedia - KID -- Japanese game development company
Wikipedia - KiKi KaiKai -- 1986 video game
Wikipedia - Kiki Wolfkill -- Video game developer
Wikipedia - Kildorrery GAA -- Gaelic games club in County Cork, Ireland
Wikipedia - Killer7 -- 2005 video game
Wikipedia - Killer Bunnies and the Journey to Jupiter -- Board game
Wikipedia - Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot -- Card game
Wikipedia - Killer Camp -- British game show
Wikipedia - Killer Instinct (1994 video game) -- 1994 video game
Wikipedia - Killer Instinct Gold -- 1996 video game
Wikipedia - Killer List of Videogames -- Website
Wikipedia - Killer sudoku -- Arithmetical puzzle game
Wikipedia - Killing Floor 2 -- 2016 first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Killing Floor (video game) -- Video game
Wikipedia - Kill stealing -- Practice in online games
Wikipedia - Kilnadeema-Leitrim GAA -- Gaelic games club in County Galway, Ireland
Wikipedia - Kilshannig GAA -- Gaelic games club in County Cork, Ireland
Wikipedia - Kim Swift -- American video game designer
Wikipedia - Kinect: Disneyland Adventures -- 2011 open world video game taking place at Disneyland Park in California
Wikipedia - King and pawn versus king endgame -- Chess endgame
Wikipedia - King Arthur's Knights -- Arthurian board game
Wikipedia - King (company) -- Video game developer
Wikipedia - Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories -- 2004 video game
Wikipedia - Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue -- 2017 video game compilation
Wikipedia - Kingdom Hearts III -- 2019 action role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Kingdom Hearts II -- 2005 video game
Wikipedia - Kingdom Hearts (video game) -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Kingdom Hearts -- Action role-playing video game series
Wikipedia - Kingdom Rush -- Video game
Wikipedia - Kingdoms (board game)
Wikipedia - Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning -- Video game
Wikipedia - Kingdom (video game)
Wikipedia - King Kong (2005 video game) -- 2005 action-adventure video game developed by Ubisoft
Wikipedia - Kingmaker (board game) -- Game about the War of the Roses
Wikipedia - King of the Hill (game)
Wikipedia - Kings & Things (play-by-mail game) -- Fantasy role-playing game
Wikipedia - King's Bounty II -- Upcoming video game
Wikipedia - King's Endgame -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - King's Pawn Game
Wikipedia - Kings Reverse -- Card game
Wikipedia - Kingsway (video game) -- 2017 fantasy role-playing video game
Wikipedia - King (Tekken) -- Two characters in the Tekken fighting game series
Wikipedia - Kirby Fighters 2 -- 2020 video game
Wikipedia - Kirby (series) -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Kirby Star Allies -- 2018 video game
Wikipedia - Kirby Super Star -- 1996 video game
Wikipedia - Kissing Game (TV series) -- Brazilian web television series
Wikipedia - Kiwaka -- Educational game about astronomy
Wikipedia - Klaus-Jurgen Wrede -- German board game creator
Wikipedia - Klax (video game) -- Puzzle video and arcade game by Atari from 1990
Wikipedia - Klondike (solitaire) -- Solitaire card game
Wikipedia - Klonoa -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Knack II -- 2017 action-platform game
Wikipedia - Knee Deep (video game) -- 2017 adventure video game
Wikipedia - Knife game -- Game involving a knife and one's fingers
Wikipedia - Knight Lore -- 1984 action-adventure video game
Wikipedia - Knight Rider (1986 video game) -- 1986 video game released in Europe for Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64, and ZX Spectrum
Wikipedia - Knight Rider (1988 video game) -- 1988 video game for the NES
Wikipedia - Knight Rider Special -- 1994 video game for NES
Wikipedia - Knight Rider: The Game -- 2002 video game on PlayStation 2 and PC
Wikipedia - Knights of Pen & Paper 2 -- 2015 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Knights of Pen & Paper -- 2012 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Knights of the Cross (video game) -- Video game
Wikipedia - Knockout Kings 2000 -- 1999 fighting video game
Wikipedia - Knockout Kings 2001 -- EA Sports video game
Wikipedia - Knowledge is Power (video game) -- 2017 multiplayer video quiz game
Wikipedia - Knuckles' Chaotix -- 1996 platform video game
Wikipedia - Knytt Underground -- 2D adventure-exploration game
Wikipedia - Koala Lumpur: Journey to the Edge -- 1997 adventure video game
Wikipedia - Ko Banchha Crorepati -- Nepali television game show
Wikipedia - Kodu Game Lab
Wikipedia - Koei Tecmo -- Japanese video game holding company
Wikipedia - Koihime MusM-EM-^M -- Japanese video game, manga and anime series
Wikipedia - Koji Igarashi -- Japanese video game designer
Wikipedia - Kojima Productions -- Japanese video game developer
Wikipedia - Kona (video game) -- 2017 adventure video game
Wikipedia - Konigrufen -- Card game
Wikipedia - KO OP -- game studio cooperative
Wikipedia - Kopknack -- Swedish card game
Wikipedia - Koramgame -- International software developer
Wikipedia - Korogashi Puzzle Katamari Damacy -- 2009 puzzle video game published by Namco Bandai Games
Wikipedia - Korokke! Ban-M-EM-^L no Kiki o Sukue -- 2004 video game by Konami
Wikipedia - Korsakovia -- Video game
Wikipedia - Kosakeln -- Card game, a variant of Illustrated Tarock
Wikipedia - Kosovo at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- North Macedonia at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Kotaku -- Video game website and blog
Wikipedia - Kotaro Hayashida -- Japanese video game designer
Wikipedia - Kotaro Uchikoshi -- Japanese video game director
Wikipedia - Kottabos -- Target game played by ancient Greeks and Etruscans
Wikipedia - Koudelka -- 1999 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Koutetsu Yousai Strahl -- 1992 shoot 'em up video game
Wikipedia - K-pop Dance Festival -- 2013 dance video game
Wikipedia - Krafton -- South Korean video game holding company
Wikipedia - Kriegsspiel (wargame)
Wikipedia - Kris Burm -- Belgian game designer
Wikipedia - Krur -- Traditional African mancala game
Wikipedia - Kruzno (board game)
Wikipedia - Kuma Reality Games -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - Kung Food -- Vegetable fighting video game for the Atari Lynx from 1992
Wikipedia - Kung-Fu Chess -- Real-time chess variant developed by Shizmoo Games
Wikipedia - Kung-Fu Master (video game) -- Video game
Wikipedia - Kurikuma Station -- Railway station in Marugame, Kagawa Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Kwalee -- British video gamer developer
Wikipedia - K' -- Video game character from The King of Fighters fighting game series
Wikipedia - Kya Bolti Public -- Indian game show season 2
Wikipedia - Kyle Petty's No Fear Racing -- 1995 racing video game
Wikipedia - Kylotonn -- French video game development studio
Wikipedia - Kyoei Toshi -- 2017 PlayStation 4 video game
Wikipedia - Kyrgyzstan at the Youth Olympics -- performance of Kyrgyzstan at the Youth Olympic Games
Wikipedia - Labor dispute disruptions of sports on television -- List of labor disputes affecting sports games on TV
Wikipedia - Labor of Love (TV series) -- American dating game show
Wikipedia - Labyrinth (paper-and-pencil game)
Wikipedia - Labyrinth: The War on Terror, 2001 - ? -- 2010 wargame board game
Wikipedia - Ladies vs Gentlemen -- Indian Hindi-language interactive game show
Wikipedia - Lady Stalker: Challenge from the Past -- 1995 action-RPG video game
Wikipedia - Lag -- Noticeable delay in video games between the action of players and the reaction of the server
Wikipedia - LA Law: The Computer Game -- 1992 video game
Wikipedia - La malM-CM-)diction -- 1991 adventure video game
Wikipedia - LandLords -- 1984 fantasy play-by-mail game
Wikipedia - Land of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse -- 1992 video game
Wikipedia - Landstalker -- 1992 video game
Wikipedia - LAN gaming center -- local area network for playing multiplayer computer games
Wikipedia - Langrisser III -- 1996 video game
Wikipedia - Langrisser II -- 1994 role-playing game for the Sega Mega Drive
Wikipedia - Langrisser IV -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - Language-game (philosophy)
Wikipedia - Language game (philosophy) -- Philosophical concept referring to simple examples of language use and the actions into which the language is woven
Wikipedia - Language games
Wikipedia - Language-games
Wikipedia - Language-game
Wikipedia - Language game -- Obfuscation of language for fun and secrecy
Wikipedia - Lankhmar - City of Adventure -- Tabletop role-playing game accessory by Douglas Niles
Wikipedia - L.A. Noire -- neo-noir detective video game
Wikipedia - Larn (video game)
Wikipedia - Larry Bond -- American author and wargame designer
Wikipedia - Larry Kaplan -- American video game designer and programmer
Wikipedia - Larva Mortus -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - Lasca -- Board game invented by Emanuel Lasker
Wikipedia - Laser Blast -- Activision video game from 1981 made for the Atari VCS/2600
Wikipedia - Laser Hawk -- 1986 video game for Atari 8-bit computers
Wikipedia - Last Action Hero (video game)
Wikipedia - Last Day of June -- 2017 adventure puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Last man standing (video games)
Wikipedia - La storia della Arcana Famiglia -- Video game, anime, and manga series
Wikipedia - Last Period -- Japanese smartphone game
Wikipedia - Last Year: The Nightmare -- Asymmetric survival horror video game
Wikipedia - Lateral sacrococcygeal ligament -- Pair of ligaments in the human torso
Wikipedia - Late Shift -- 2017 full-motion video game
Wikipedia - Latvia at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Latvia at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Laura Kate Dale -- Video game journalist and author
Wikipedia - Lauren Elliott -- American game designer
Wikipedia - Lawrence Whitaker (game designer) -- Role-playing game designer
Wikipedia - Laws of Cricket -- Rules of the game of cricket
Wikipedia - Layton Brothers: Mystery Room -- Video game
Wikipedia - Layton's Mystery Journey -- 2017 puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Leader Board -- 1986 golf video game
Wikipedia - League of Legends -- Multiplayer online battle arena video game
Wikipedia - League of Legends: Wild Rift -- Multiplayer online battle arena video game
Wikipedia - Leap Frog (board game)
Wikipedia - Learning Express Toys -- American specialty toy, game and book retailer
Wikipedia - Learning the Game -- Song in the 1960s
Wikipedia - Leaving Lyndow -- 2017 first person adventure video game
Wikipedia - Lee's Guide to Interstellar Adventure -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Left 4 Dead -- 2008 first-person shooter game
Wikipedia - Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Legacy of Kain -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Legacy Trust UK -- UK charity, intended to create a legacy from the London 2012 games
Wikipedia - Legasista -- 2012 action role-playing game
Wikipedia - Legendary Duck Tower -- 1980 dungeon adventure game
Wikipedia - Legend Entertainment -- Video game developer company
Wikipedia - Legend of Fae -- 2011 video game
Wikipedia - Legend of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse -- 1995 video game
Wikipedia - Legend of Ogre Battle Gaiden: Prince of Zenobia -- 2000 strategy video game
Wikipedia - Legends of Runeterra -- digital collectible card game
Wikipedia - Legends of Wrestling II -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Legends of Wrestling -- 2001 video game
Wikipedia - Legionnaire (video game) -- Real-time tactics strategy computer game from 1982 for Atari computers
Wikipedia - Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes -- 2012 video game
Wikipedia - Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham -- 2014 video game
Wikipedia - Lego Batman: The Videogame -- 2008 Lego-themed action-adventure video game
Wikipedia - Lego Bionicle: The Legend of Mata Nui -- Canceled video game by Saffire Corporation
Wikipedia - Lego Brawls -- Mobile fighting game published by Lego
Wikipedia - Lego Builder's Journey -- Mobile narrative game published by Lego
Wikipedia - Lego Chess -- 1998 video game
Wikipedia - Lego Dimensions -- 2015 video game
Wikipedia - Lego Island -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - Lego Jurassic World -- 2015 video game
Wikipedia - Lego Legacy: Heroes Unboxed -- Role-playing battle game published by Lego
Wikipedia - Lego Legends of Chima Online -- 2013 video game
Wikipedia - Lego Loco -- 1998 video game
Wikipedia - Lego Marvel's Avengers -- 2016 video game
Wikipedia - Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2 -- 2017 action-adventure video game
Wikipedia - Lego Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game -- 2011 video game
Wikipedia - Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy -- 2006 Lego video game
Wikipedia - Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga -- 2007 video game
Wikipedia - Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga -- 2021 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Lego The Incredibles -- Lego-themed video game based on The Incredibles
Wikipedia - Lego Worlds -- 2017 Lego-themed sandbox game
Wikipedia - Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust -- Video game
Wikipedia - Leisure Suit Larry Goes Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places) -- 1988 video game by Al Lowe
Wikipedia - Leisure Suit Larry III: Passionate Patti in Pursuit of the Pulsating Pectorals -- 1989 video game by Al Lowe
Wikipedia - Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards -- adult video game
Wikipedia - Leisure Suit Larry -- video game series
Wikipedia - Lemmings (video game) -- 1991 puzzle-platformer video game
Wikipedia - Lemonade Tycoon 2 -- 2004 video game
Wikipedia - Leona Heidern -- Fictional fighting video game character
Wikipedia - Leopard hunt game
Wikipedia - Lester W. Smith -- Role-playing game designer
Wikipedia - Let's Make a Deal -- American game show
Wikipedia - Let's Play -- Walkthrough of a video game
Wikipedia - Let's Sing Country -- 2019 music video game
Wikipedia - Let's Tap -- Video game
Wikipedia - Level-5 Comcept -- Video game developer
Wikipedia - Level (computer and video games)
Wikipedia - Level (video games) -- In a video game, space available to the player in completing an objective
Wikipedia - Ley Sector -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - L game
Wikipedia - Liam Mulvihill -- Gaelic games administrator
Wikipedia - Liar Game -- Manga series
Wikipedia - Liar's dice -- class of dice games
Wikipedia - Liar's poker -- American bar game
Wikipedia - Liberate Hong Kong -- Video game
Wikipedia - Lifeforce Tenka -- First-person shooter video game from 1997 by Psygnosis
Wikipedia - Life Is Strange: Before the Storm -- 2017 graphic adventure video game
Wikipedia - Life Is Strange -- Episodic interactive drama graphic adventure video game
Wikipedia - Life-like cellular automaton -- Type of cellular automaton with similarities to Conway's Game of Life
Wikipedia - Lifeline (video game)
Wikipedia - Life's Greatest Game -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Life simulation game
Wikipedia - Lifespan (video game) -- Atari 8-bit game by Roklan Corporation
Wikipedia - Life (video games) -- play turn of a character in a game
Wikipedia - Life without Death -- 2D cellular automaton similar to Conway's Game of Life
Wikipedia - Ligamen
Wikipedia - Light Crusader -- 1995 RPG video game
Wikipedia - Light entertainment -- Term, classification used to describe a broad range of television and radio programming that includes comedies, variety shows, game shows, quiz shows
Wikipedia - Light Force -- 1986 shooter game
Wikipedia - Light gun -- Video game pointing device
Wikipedia - Light of the Seven -- Musical piece by Ramin Djawadi from Game of Thrones
Wikipedia - Lightweight Java Game Library -- Open-source Java software game library
Wikipedia - Limbo (skating) -- Roller skating game
Wikipedia - Limbo (video game) -- 2010 video game
Wikipedia - Lineage 2: Revolution -- 2016 mobile MMORPG video game
Wikipedia - Lineage (video game)
Wikipedia - Linear production game
Wikipedia - Line of sight (video games)
Wikipedia - Line Rider -- Internet game involving a fictional sled rider interacting with simulated physics
Wikipedia - Lingo (Dutch game show) -- Dutch television game show
Wikipedia - Link (The Legend of Zelda) -- Video game character
Wikipedia - Linux Game Publishing
Wikipedia - Lionhead Studios -- Defunct British video game developer
Wikipedia - Lipogram -- Word game
Wikipedia - Lisette Titre-Montgomery -- American video game artist and designer
Wikipedia - Lisgoold GAA -- Gaelic games club in County Cork, Ireland
Wikipedia - List of 2001 World Games medal winners -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2005 World Games medal winners -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2009 World Games medal winners -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2010 Commonwealth Games broadcasters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2011 Pan American Games medalists -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2013 Games of the Small States of Europe medal winners -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2013 World Games medal winners -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2015 European Games medal winners -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2015 Pan American Games medalists -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2015 Pan and Parapan American Games broadcasters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2017 World Games medal winners -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2K games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 32X games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 3DO Interactive Multiplayer games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 3D Realms games -- Video games by developer/publisher
Wikipedia - List of 4X video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 505 video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of abstract strategy games
Wikipedia - List of accessories to video games by system -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Acclaim Entertainment games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of accolades received by Avengers: Endgame -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of accolades received by The Hunger Games film series -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of accolades received by The Imitation Game -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Acorn Electron games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Activision games: 1980-1999 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Activision video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of actors who have played video game characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Adventure Soft games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of AFL Women's players to have played 30 games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of African Games medalists in athletics (men) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of African Games medalists in athletics (women) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of African Games records in athletics -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Air Force Falcons bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Alabama Crimson Tide bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of A-League highest scoring games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Algerian Ligue Professionnelle 1 highest scoring games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Alien, Predator, and Alien vs. Predator games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of alternate reality games
Wikipedia - List of Amazon Luna games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of American game shows -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Amiga CD32 games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Amiga games (A-H) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Amiga games (I-O) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Amiga games (P-Z) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Amiga games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Amstrad CPC games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Amstrad PCW games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ancient games of Assam -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Android games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Angry Video Game Nerd episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of animated series based on video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of AO-rated video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Apple Arcade games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Apple II games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Apple IIGS games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of arcade games
Wikipedia - List of arcade video games: A -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of arcade video games: B -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of arcade video games: K -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of arcade video games: M -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of arcade video games: N -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of arcade video games: O -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of arcade video games: P -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of arcade video games: R -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of arcade video games: U -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of arcade video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of arcade video games: X -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of arcade video games: Z -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Arizona State Sun Devils bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Arizona Wildcats bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Army-Navy Game broadcasters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of art games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of artillery video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ASCII Media Works games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games mascots -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in alpine skiing -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in archery -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in artistic swimming -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in athletics -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in badminton -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in bandy -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in beach volleyball -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in biathlon -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in board games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in bodybuilding -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in bowling -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in boxing -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in canoeing -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in cricket -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in cross-country skiing -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in cue sports -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in curling -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in cycling -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in dancesport -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in diving -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in dragon boat -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in equestrian -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in fencing -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in field hockey -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in figure skating -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in freestyle skiing -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in golf -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in gymnastics -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in handball -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in ice hockey -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in jet ski -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in judo -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in karate -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in martial arts -- Wikimedia list
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in modern pentathlon -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in paragliding -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in roller sports -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in rowing -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in rugby union -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in sailing -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in sepak takraw -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in shooting -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in short track speed skating -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in ski jumping -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in ski orienteering -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in snowboarding -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in softball -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in soft tennis -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in speed skating -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in sport climbing -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in squash -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in swimming -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in table tennis -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in taekwondo -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in tennis -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in triathlon -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in volleyball -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in water polo -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in weightlifting -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in wrestling -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in wushu -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games records in archery -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games records in athletics -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games records in bowling -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games records in Olympic weightlifting -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games records in shooting -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games records in short track speed skating -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games records in speed skating -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games records in swimming -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games records in track cycling -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games records in indoor athletics -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games records in swimming -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of A Song of Ice and Fire video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asterix games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Atari 2600 games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Atari 5200 games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Atari 7800 games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Atari arcade games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Atari games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Atari, Inc. (Atari SA subsidiary) games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Atari, Inc. games -- Video games by developer/publisher
Wikipedia - List of Atari Jaguar games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Atari Jaguar homebrew games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Atari Lynx games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Atari SA video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Atari ST games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Atari XEGS games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of athletes who competed in both the Summer and Winter Olympic games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of athletes with the most appearances at Olympic Games -- Wikimedia list
Wikipedia - List of Atlus games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Australian game shows -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Australian national handball team games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Avalon Hill games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of awards and nominations received by Game of Thrones -- Awards received by the television series Game of Thrones
Wikipedia - List of Back to the Future video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of backward-compatible games for Xbox One -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Bandai Namco video game compilations -- List of all video game compilations by Bandai Namco Holdings
Wikipedia - List of Bandai Namco video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of banned video games in Australia -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of banned video games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of barcode games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of basketball players who have scored 100 points in a single game
Wikipedia - List of Batman video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Battlefield video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of battle royale games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Battlestar Galactica video games -- List of Battlestar Galactica video games
Wikipedia - List of BattleTech games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of BBS door games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Beatmania video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of best-selling Atari 2600 video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of best-selling Game Boy Advance video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of best-selling Game Boy video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of best-selling game consoles by region -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of best-selling game consoles -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of best-selling GameCube video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of best-selling Nintendo 3DS video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of best-selling Nintendo 64 video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of best-selling Nintendo DS video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of best-selling Nintendo Entertainment System video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of best-selling Nintendo Switch video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of best-selling PC games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of best-selling PlayStation 2 video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of best-selling PlayStation 3 video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of best-selling PlayStation 4 video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of best-selling PSP video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of best-selling Sega Genesis games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of best-selling Super Nintendo Entertainment System video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of best-selling video game franchises -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of best-selling video games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of best-selling Wii U video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of best-selling Wii video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of best-selling Xbox 360 video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of best-selling Xbox One video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of best-selling Xbox video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Bethesda Softworks video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Beyblade: Metal Fusion video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Big Blue Bubble games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of big-game hunters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of BioWare video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of black video game characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Bleach video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Blind Date (British game show) episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Blizzard Entertainment games -- Video games by developer/publisher
Wikipedia - List of board game publishers
Wikipedia - List of board games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of board wargames -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Boise State Broncos bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Bolivarian Games records in athletics -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Bomberman video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of books about video games -- Books about video games
Wikipedia - List of Boston College Eagles bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of box office records set by Avengers: Endgame -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of British game shows -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of browser games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Bullfrog Productions games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Bungie video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of business simulation video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cabela's video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of California Department of Fish and Game protected areas -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of California Golden Bears bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Canada Games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of cancelled 3DO Interactive Multiplayer games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of cancelled Atari Jaguar games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of cancelled Atari Lynx games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of cancelled games for Commodore platforms -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of cancelled games for Nintendo consoles -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of cancelled N-Gage games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of cancelled Sega Genesis games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of cancelled X68000 games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Capcom games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Capstone Software games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Captain N: The Game Master episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of card-collecting video games -- Video game list
Wikipedia - List of Care Bears video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Carry Lab games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cartoon Network video games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Case Closed video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of CD-i games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of celebrities portrayed in video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Celebrity Name Game Australia episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of cel-shaded video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Central American and Caribbean Games records in athletics -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Central American and Caribbean Games records in swimming -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Central American Games records in athletics -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Central American Games records in swimming -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of characters in Epic of Gilgamesh -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of chess endgame study composers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of chess games between Anand and Kramnik -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of chess games between Kasparov and Kramnik -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of chess games -- Chronological list of notable chess games
Wikipedia - List of Chocobo media -- Franchise of video games and media
Wikipedia - List of Choro Q video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Christian video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of city-building video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Civilization media -- Franchise of video games and media
Wikipedia - List of Clemson Tigers bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Climax games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cobra video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Codemasters video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Coleco Adam games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ColecoVision games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of collectible card games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of college bowl games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Colorado Buffaloes bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of commercial failures in video games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of commercial games released as freeware
Wikipedia - List of commercial GP32 games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of commercial video games released as freeware -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of commercial video games with available source code -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of commercial video games with later released source code -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Commodore 64 games (A-M) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Commodore 64 games (N-Z) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Commodore 64 games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Commodore PET games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Commodore VIC-20 games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Commonwealth Games mascots -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Commonwealth Games medallists in archery -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Commonwealth Games medallists in athletics (men) -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Commonwealth Games medallists in athletics (women) -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Commonwealth Games medallists in badminton -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Commonwealth Games medallists in boxing -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Commonwealth Games medallists in cycling -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Commonwealth Games medallists in diving -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Commonwealth Games medallists in fencing -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Commonwealth Games medallists in field hockey -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Commonwealth Games medallists in gymnastics -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Commonwealth Games medallists in judo -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Commonwealth Games medallists in lawn bowls -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Commonwealth Games medallists in netball -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Commonwealth Games medallists in rowing -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Commonwealth Games medallists in rugby sevens -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Commonwealth Games medallists in shooting -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Commonwealth Games medallists in squash -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Commonwealth Games medallists in swimming (men) -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Commonwealth Games medallists in swimming (women) -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Commonwealth Games medallists in synchronised swimming -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Commonwealth Games medallists in table tennis -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Commonwealth Games medallists in triathlon -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Commonwealth Games medallists in weightlifting -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Commonwealth Games medallists in wrestling -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Commonwealth Games records in athletics -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Commonwealth Games records in swimming -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Commonwealth Games records in track cycling -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Commonwealth Games venues -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of controversial video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Crash Bandicoot video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cross Game episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of crossovers in video games
Wikipedia - List of CryEngine games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cryo Interactive video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Crystal Dynamics video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of cult video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Dance Dance Revolution video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of dedicated video game consoles -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Deep Silver games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Destination Software games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of dice games -- Wikimedia list 6
Wikipedia - List of Digimon video games -- Video games in the Digimon series
Wikipedia - List of Disgaea video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Disney Interactive Studios games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Disney video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Disney villain characters -- List of villains in Disney productions, games and comic books
Wikipedia - List of Donkey Kong video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Doraemon video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of downloadable PlayStation Portable games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of download-only PlayStation 3 games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Dragon Age media -- Franchise of video games and media
Wikipedia - List of Dragon Ball video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Dragon Quest media -- Franchise of video games and media
Wikipedia - List of dragons in games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Dreamcast games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Dreamcast homebrew games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Dreamcast online games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of DSiWare games and applications -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of DSiWare games (North America) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of DSiWare games (PAL region) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of DS:Style products -- Series of educational games
Wikipedia - List of Dungeons & Dragons video games -- Wikipedia video game list article
Wikipedia - List of Dungeons > Dragons video games
Wikipedia - List of dystopian music, TV programs, and games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of East Asian Games records in athletics -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Eidos Interactive games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Electronic Arts games: 1983-1999 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Electronic Arts games: 2000-2009 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Electronic Arts games: 2010-present -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Electronic Arts games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Eliteserien highest scoring games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ellen's Game of Games episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ender's Game characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English-language Canadian game shows -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Enix games -- Video games by publisher
Wikipedia - List of Enix home computer games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of erotic video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of esports games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of European Games records in athletics -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of European Games records in swimming -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Family Computer Disk System games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Family Computer games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Family Guy video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of female role-playing game professionals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of fictional dogs in video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of fictional humanoid species in video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of fictional primates in video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of fictional rodents in video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Fighting Fantasy gamebooks -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of fighting games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of films based on video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Final Fantasy media -- Franchise of video games and media
Wikipedia - List of Final Fantasy video games -- Series of video games
Wikipedia - List of Fire Emblem video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of first generation home video game consoles -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Fist of the North Star video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Florida State Seminoles bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of FM Towns games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Fort Boyard video games {{DISPLAYTITLE:List of ''Fort Boyard'' video games -- List of Fort Boyard video games {{DISPLAYTITLE:List of ''Fort Boyard'' video games
Wikipedia - List of four-dimensional games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of free massively multiplayer online games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of free multiplayer online games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of free PC games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of freeware games
Wikipedia - List of freeware video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of French-language Canadian game shows -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Fresno State Bulldogs bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Front Mission media -- Franchise of video games and media
Wikipedia - List of Gaelic games clubs in Ireland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Gaelic Games clubs in Mayo -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Gaelic games clubs outside Ireland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Gaelic games competitions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Galaxian video games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Game & Watch games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of game awards -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Game Boy Advance games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Game Boy Color games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Game Boy colors and styles -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Game Boy games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of GameClub games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of game companies in Singapore -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of game companies in the United Kingdom -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of game controllers
Wikipedia - List of GameCube games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of game designers -- list article
Wikipedia - List of game engine recreations
Wikipedia - List of game engines -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Game Gear games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Gameloft games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of GameMaker games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of game manufacturers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of game middleware -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Game of the Year awards (board games) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Game of the Year awards -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Game of Thrones characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Game of Thrones episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Game On episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Game Plan episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of game reserves of Pakistan
Wikipedia - List of Game Room games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of games at Funspot -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of games based on Dune -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of games by 2XL Games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of games by Epic Games -- Video games by developer/publisher
Wikipedia - List of games by Firaxis Games -- Video games by developer
Wikipedia - List of games by Midway Games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of games by Rockstar Games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of games compatible with EyeToy -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of games compatible with FreeTrack -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of games containing time travel -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of games distributed by Red Ant Enterprises -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Games for Windows - Live titles -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Games for Windows titles -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Game Shakers episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of game show hosts -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of games included with Windows
Wikipedia - List of games in game theory
Wikipedia - List of Games of the Small States of Europe records in athletics -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Games of the Small States of Europe records in swimming -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of games released by Data East -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of games televised on ESPN Saturday Primetime -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of games that support Wii Balance Board -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of games that support Wii MotionPlus -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of games using Havok -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of games using Scaleform -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of games using SDL -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of games
Wikipedia - List of games with EAX support -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of games with hardware-accelerated PhysX support -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of game theorists -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Gatchaman video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ghostbusters video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of G.I. Joe video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Gizmondo games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of god video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Godzilla games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of golf video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of grand strategy video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of graphic adventure games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Gundam video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of gun games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Guy's Grocery Games episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of handheld game consoles -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Hanna-Barbera-based video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Haruhi Suzumiya video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Hasbro games
Wikipedia - List of Hasbro Interactive video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Hawaii Rainbow Warriors bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of highest-grossing mobile games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of highest-grossing video game franchises -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of home video game consoles
Wikipedia - List of horror video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Houston Cougars bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of HP3000 games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of HTC Vive games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Hudson Soft games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Hugo video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of HummingBirdSoft games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Hungarian game shows -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ice hockey video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of id Software games -- Video games by developer
Wikipedia - List of Impulse Reactor and Goo games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indie game developers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Intellivision games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of international game shows -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Interplay games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of iOS games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Irem games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Japanese board games
Wikipedia - List of Jewelpet video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of J.League licensed video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Kansas State Wildcats bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Kaypro games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Kemco games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Kentucky Wildcats bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Key video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of KK Crvena zvezda players with 100 games played -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of K League licensed video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Koei Tecmo games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Konami games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of LCD games featuring Mario -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Lego video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of licensed professional wrestling video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of lines of miniatures -- Miniatures for role-playing games or figure painting
Wikipedia - List of Linux games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Lionhead Studios games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of liverworts of South Africa -- Non-vascular land plants with a gametophyte-dominant life cycle recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of local multiplayer video games by system -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Logitech Racing Wheels compatible games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of longest-running video game franchises -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Looking Glass Studios video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Looney Tunes video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of LSU Tigers bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of LucasArts games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Luigi video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Lupin the Third video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Lusofonia Games records in athletics -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Maccabiah Games medalists in karate -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Macintosh games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Macross video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Magnavox OdysseyM-BM-2 games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of M&M's video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of mancala games
Wikipedia - List of Mario educational games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Mario racing games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Mario role-playing games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Mario sports games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Marshall Thundering Herd bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Martin Gardner Mathematical Games columns -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Marvelous Entertainment games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Mary-Kate and Ashley video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Maryland Terrapins bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Mass Effect media -- Franchise of video games and media
Wikipedia - List of massively multiplayer online first-person shooter games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of massively multiplayer online games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of massively multiplayer online real-time strategy games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of massively multiplayer online role-playing games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of massively multiplayer online turn-based strategy games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Master System games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of maze chase games
Wikipedia - List of maze video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Mediterranean Games records in athletics -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Mediterranean Games records in swimming -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Mega Man video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Megami Tensei video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of messaging applications for Nintendo game consoles -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Metal Max video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Metal Slug video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Miami Hurricanes bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Michigan state game and wildlife areas -- list article
Wikipedia - List of Michigan State Spartans bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Micronesian Games records in athletics -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Middle-earth role-playing games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of million-selling game consoles
Wikipedia - List of Mind Game episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of miniature wargames
Wikipedia - List of Minnesota Golden Gophers bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Minute to Win It (Philippine game show) episodes and contestants -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of most expensive video game acquisitions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of most expensive video games to develop -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of most-played mobile games by player count -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of most-played video games by player count -- Most-played video games by player count
Wikipedia - List of MSX games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of MT-32-compatible computer games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of multiplayer Game Boy games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of multiplayer online battle arena games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of multiple Olympic gold medalists at a single Games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of multiple Olympic medalists at a single Games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of multiple Paralympic gold medalists at a single Games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of multiple Southeast Asian Games medalists -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Mystery Dungeon video games -- Series of video games
Wikipedia - List of Namco games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Nancy Drew video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Naruto video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of National Rugby League golden point games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Naughty Dog video games -- Video games developed by Naughty Dog
Wikipedia - List of Navy Midshipmen bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Nebraska Cornhuskers bowl games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Need for Speed video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Neo Geo games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Neo Geo Pocket Color games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Neon Genesis Evangelion video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of New Game! episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of N-Gage games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ninja video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Nintama RantarM-EM-^M video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Nintendo 3DS games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Nintendo 3DS Wi-Fi Connection games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Nintendo 64 games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Nintendo DS games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Nintendo DS Wi-Fi Connection games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Nintendo Entertainment System games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Nintendo Network games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Nintendo Switch games (A-F) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Nintendo Switch games (G-P) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Nintendo Switch games (Q-Z) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of non-Gaelic games played in Croke Park -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of non-video game media featuring Mario -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of North Carolina Tar Heels bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Nvidia 3D Vision Ready games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Oculus Quest games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Oculus Rift games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ohio State Buckeyes bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Oklahoma Sooners bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Olympic Games host cities -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Olympic Games records in track cycling -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Olympic Games scandals and controversies -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of One Piece video games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of open source games
Wikipedia - List of open-source video games
Wikipedia - List of Oregon Ducks bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Oregon State Beavers bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of OS/2 games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of outdoor ice hockey games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Pacific Games records in athletics -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Pacific Games records in swimming -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Pac-Man video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Pan American Games commentators -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Pan American Games medalists in athletics (men) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Pan American Games medalists in athletics (women) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Pan American Games medalists in boxing -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Pan American Games medalists in canoeing -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Pan American Games medalists in cycling -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Pan American Games medalists in diving -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Pan American Games medalists in fencing -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Pan American Games medalists in gymnastics -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Pan American Games medalists in karate -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Pan American Games medalists in modern pentathlon -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Pan American Games medalists in rowing -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Pan American Games medalists in swimming -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Pan American Games medalists in table tennis -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Pan American Games medalists in taekwondo -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Pan American Games medalists in tennis -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Pan American Games records in athletics -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Pan American Games records in swimming -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Pan American Games venues in handball -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Paradox Interactive games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Paralympic Games host cities -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Paralympic Games records in track cycling -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of participating nations at the Asian Games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of participating nations at the Summer Olympic Games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of participating nations at the Summer Paralympic Games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of participating nations at the Summer Youth Olympic Games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of participating nations at the Winter Olympic Games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of participating nations at the Winter Paralympic Games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of participating nations at the Winter Youth Olympic Games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of party video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of patience games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PC-88 games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PC-98 games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PC booter games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PC-FX games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PC games (A) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PC games (B) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PC games (C) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PC games (D) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PC games (E) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PC games (F) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PC games (G) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PC games (H) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PC games (I) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PC games (J) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PC games (K) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PC games (L) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PC games (M) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PC games (Numerical) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PC games (N) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PC games (O) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PC games (P) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PC games (Q) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PC games (R) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PC games (S) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PC games (T) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PC games (U) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PC games (V) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PC games with force feedback support -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PC games (W) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PC games (X) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PC games (Y) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PC games (Z) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Penn State Nittany Lions bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of people who have opened the Olympic Games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of platform game series -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of play-by-mail games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of players who have played 300 NRL games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PlayStation 2 games (A-K) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PlayStation 2 games for PlayStation 4 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PlayStation 2 games (L-Z) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PlayStation 2 online games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PlayStation 3 games released on disc -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PlayStation 3 games with 3D support -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PlayStation 4 free-to-play games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PlayStation 4 games (M-Z) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PlayStation 4 games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PlayStation 5 games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PlayStation games (A-L) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PlayStation games incompatible with PlayStation 2 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PlayStation games (M-Z) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PlayStation Home Game Spaces -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PlayStation Move games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PlayStation Portable games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PlayStation Store TurboGrafx-16 games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PlayStation Vita games (A-D) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PlayStation Vita games (E-H) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PlayStation Vita games (I-L) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PlayStation Vita games (M-O) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PlayStation Vita games (P-R) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PlayStation Vita games (S) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PlayStation Vita games (T-V) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PlayStation Vita games (W-Z) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PlayStation VR games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PokM-CM-)mon Trading Card Game sets -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PokM-CM-)mon video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PopCap games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PowerPC-based game consoles -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Power Rangers video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of programs broadcast by Game Show Network -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of programs broadcast by Nickelodeon Games and Sports for Kids -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Punisher video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of puzzle video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of quiz arcade games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of racing video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of racket sports -- Game in which players use rackets to hit a ball or other object
Wikipedia - List of Ranma M-BM-= video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ravenscourt games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Raven Software games -- Video games by developer
Wikipedia - List of Rayark games -- Video game company
Wikipedia - List of real-time strategy video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of real-time tactics video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of recalled video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Red Dead Redemption 2 characters -- Characters in the 2018 video game Red Dead Redemption 2
Wikipedia - List of regionally censored video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Relic Entertainment games -- Video games by developer
Wikipedia - List of RenderWare games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ren'Py games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of retro style video game consoles -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of River King video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of RoboCop video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of role-playing game artists -- List article
Wikipedia - List of role-playing game designers -- list article
Wikipedia - List of role-playing game publishers -- List article
Wikipedia - List of role-playing game software -- List article
Wikipedia - List of role-playing games -- list
Wikipedia - List of role-playing video games: 1975 to 1985 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of role-playing video games: 1986 to 1987 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of role-playing video games: 1988 to 1989 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of role-playing video games: 1990 to 1991 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of role-playing video games: 1992 to 1993 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of role-playing video games: 1994 to 1995 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of role-playing video games: 1996 to 1997 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of role-playing video games: 1998 to 1999 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of role-playing video games: 2000 to 2001 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of role-playing video games: 2002 to 2003 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of role-playing video games: 2004 to 2005 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of role-playing video games: 2006 to 2007 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of role-playing video games: 2008 to 2009 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of role-playing video games: 2010 to 2011 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of role-playing video games: 2012 to 2013 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of role-playing video games: 2014 to 2015 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of role-playing video games: 2016 to 2017 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of role-playing video games: 2018 to 2019 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of role-playing video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rural sports and games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sacred Games episodes -- Episodes of Sacred Games
Wikipedia - List of Sailor Moon video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Saint Seiya video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of SAM CoupM-CM-) games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of San Diego State Aztecs bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sanritsu/SIMS games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Seattle Mariners uniform promotion games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sega arcade video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sega CD games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sega Genesis games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sega mobile games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sega Pico games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sega Saturn games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sega video game consoles -- Video game consoles by developer
Wikipedia - List of Sega video game franchises -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Shadow World races -- Types of fictional living being in a role-playing game
Wikipedia - List of Shaman King video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of shogi video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sierra Entertainment video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of simulation video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sim video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Slayers video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of SMU Mustangs bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of SNK games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Softdisk games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of songs in SingStar games (PlayStation 2) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of songs in SingStar games (PlayStation 3) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of songs in The Idolmaster video games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sonic Team games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sonic the Hedgehog video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sony Interactive Entertainment video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sony Pictures mobile games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of South American Games records in athletics -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of South American Games records in swimming -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of South Asian Games records in athletics -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of South Asian Games records in swimming -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Southeast Asian Games mascots -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Southeast Asian Games medalists in swimming (men) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Southeast Asian Games records in athletics -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Southeast Asian Games records in swimming -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of South Park video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of space flight simulation games
Wikipedia - List of space flight simulator games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Space Invaders video games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Square Enix Europe games -- Video games by publisher
Wikipedia - List of Square Enix mobile games -- Video games by developer/publisher
Wikipedia - List of Square Enix video game franchises -- Video game franchises by developer/publisher
Wikipedia - List of Square Enix video games -- Video games by developer/publisher
Wikipedia - List of Square video games -- Video games by developer/publisher
Wikipedia - List of Stadia games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of stamps depicting the Commonwealth Games -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Stanford Cardinal bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Stanley Cup challenge games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Star Fox video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Stargate games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Star Trek games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Star Wars video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of stereoscopic video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Still Game characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Still Game episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Story of Seasons video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Strategic Simulations games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Strategy First games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Strawberry Shortcake video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Street Fighter video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of sumo video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sunsoft video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Super Game Boy games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Superman video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Super Nintendo Entertainment System games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Super Robot Wars video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of survival games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Syracuse Orange bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tabletop role-playing games -- List article
Wikipedia - List of tactical role-playing video games: 1980s to 1994 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tactical role-playing video games: 1995 to 1999 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tactical role-playing video games: 2000 to 2004 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tactical role-playing video games: 2005 to 2009 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tactical role-playing video games: 2010 to 2019 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tactical role-playing video games: 2020 to 2029 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tactical role-playing video games
Wikipedia - List of Taito games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Take-Two Interactive games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Techland video games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of TecToy Master System 131 games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of television broadcasters of the 2008 Olympic Games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of television game show franchises -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of television series based on video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Telltale Games video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Tennessee Volunteers bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Terminator video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Texas Tech Red Raiders bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of text-based computer games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of text-based massively multiplayer online role-playing games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Elder Scrolls video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Game characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Game episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Games episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Hunger Games characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The King of Fighters video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Land Before Time video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Last of Us characters -- Characters in The Last of Us video game
Wikipedia - List of The Lying Game episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Master Game episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of theme park management video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Name of the Game episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Powerpuff Girls video games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Price Is Right pricing games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Prince of Tennis video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Simpsons video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Sims video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Smurfs video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of THQ games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of THQ Nordic games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Tiny Toon Adventures video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Tom and Jerry video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of trackball arcade games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of TrackIR Enhanced games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of traditional children's games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of traditional Japanese games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Transformers video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of TRS-80 games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of TT Pro League highest scoring games -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Tulane Green Wave bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of TurboGrafx-16 games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of turn-based strategy video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of turn-based tactics video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of types of games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ubisoft Montreal video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UCF Knights bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UCLA Bruins bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UConn Huskies bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UMass Minutemen bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Uncharted media -- Franchise of video games and media
Wikipedia - List of Unity games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unlicensed and prototype Neo Geo games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Unreal Engine games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unreleased role-playing video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unreleased tactical role-playing video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of USC Trojans bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Utah Utes bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Valve games -- Video games developed by Valve
Wikipedia - List of vampire video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Vectrex games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of vehicular combat games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of VFL/AFL players to have played 200 games for one club -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of VFL/AFL players to have played 300 games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video game awards
Wikipedia - List of video game collector and limited editions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video game companies of Sweden -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video game companies
Wikipedia - List of video game console emulators -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video game console palettes
Wikipedia - List of video game crowdfunding projects -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video game designers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video game developers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video game franchises -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video game genres -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video game industry people -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video game magazines -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video game mascots -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video game museums -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video game musicians -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video game publishers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video game remakes and remastered ports -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video games based on anime or manga -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video games based on cartoons -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video games based on comics -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video games based on DC Comics -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video games based on films -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video games based on tabletop games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video games based on Wipeout (2008 American game show) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video games considered artistic -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video games considered the best -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video games derived from mods -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video games developed by Rare -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video games developed in Austria -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video games developed in Belgium -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video games developed in France -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video games developed in Hong Kong -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video games developed in Portugal -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video games developed in Slovakia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video games developed in Spain -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video games developed in the Czech Republic -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video games developed in the Netherlands -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video games developed in the Republic of Ireland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video games featuring Mario -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video games featuring Miis -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video games in development -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video games in the Museum of Modern Art -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video games markets by country -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video games notable for negative reception -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video games notable for speedrunning -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video game soundtracks released on vinyl -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video games set in London -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video games set in New York City -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video games that support cross-platform play -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video games using NFC -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video games
Wikipedia - List of video games with LGBT characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video games with restricted online functionality -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video game webcomics -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video game websites -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Vietnamese traditional games
Wikipedia - List of Vietnam War games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Virginia Cavaliers bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Virginia Tech Hokies bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Virtual Boy games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Virtual Console games for Nintendo 3DS (Japan) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Virtual Console games for Nintendo 3DS (North America) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Virtual Console games for Nintendo 3DS (PAL region) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Virtual Console games for Nintendo 3DS (South Korea) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Virtual Console games for Nintendo 3DS (Taiwan and Hong Kong) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Virtual Console games for Wii (Japan) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Virtual Console games for Wii (North America) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Virtual Console games for Wii (PAL region) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Virtual Console games for Wii (South Korea) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Virtual Console games for Wii U (Japan) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Virtual Console games for Wii U (North America) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Virtual Console games for Wii U (PAL region) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Volition games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of volleyball video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Wake Forest Demon Deacons bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of wargame publishers -- list article
Wikipedia - List of Wario video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Washington Huskies bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Washington State Cougars bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of WCG Ultimate Gamer episodes -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Western video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of West Virginia Mountaineers bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Westwood Studios games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Wii games on Wii U eShop -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Wii games using WiiConnect24 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Wii games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Wii games with traditional control schemes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Wii U games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of WiiWare games (North America) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of WiiWare games (PAL region) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of WiiWare games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Wii Wi-Fi Connection games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of WildTangent games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Windows 3.x games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Windows Games on Demand -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Windows Mobile Professional games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Wisconsin Badgers bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of women in the video game industry -- Notable women in the video game industry
Wikipedia - List of WonderSwan Color games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of WonderSwan games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of World War II video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of World War I video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of WWE 2K Games video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Wyoming Cowboys bowl games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of X68000 games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Xbox 360 games (A-L) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Xbox 360 games (M-Z) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Xbox 360 games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Xbox 360 System Link games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Xbox games compatible with Xbox 360 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Xbox games on Windows Phone -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Xbox Game Studios video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Xbox games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Xbox Live games on Windows 10 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Xbox Live games on Windows 8.x -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Xbox network games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Xbox One games (A-L) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Xbox One games (M-Z) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Xbox One games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Xbox One X enhanced games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Xbox Series X and Series S games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Xbox System Link games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of X-Men video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of XTALSOFT games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of years in games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of years in video games
Wikipedia - List of Yoshi video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Youth Olympic Games gold medalists who won Olympic gold medals -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Yu-Gi-Oh! video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Yu Yu Hakusho video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Zatch Bell! video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Zeebo games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Zoids video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of zombie video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Zushi Games games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ZX Spectrum games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of best-selling video games by platform -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of bids for the Olympic Games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of Canadian game shows -- Wikipedia list of lists article
Wikipedia - Lists of downloadable PlayStation 3 games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of free games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of Gaelic games clubs -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of games considered the best -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of game shows -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of games on Nintendo consoles -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of Maccabiah Games medalists -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of PlayStation 3 games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of PlayStation Store games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of PlayStation Vita games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of Sega games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of Southeast Asian Games medalists -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of video game companies -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of video game consoles -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of Virtual Console games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lithuania at the Youth Olympics -- performance of Lithuania at the Youth Olympic Games
Wikipedia - Little Battlers Experience -- 2011 video game series
Wikipedia - LittleBigPlanet (2008 video game) -- 2008 puzzle-platformer video game
Wikipedia - LittleBigPlanet 2 -- 2011 puzzle-platformer game
Wikipedia - LittleBigPlanet 3 -- 2013 puzzle-platformer video game
Wikipedia - LittleBigPlanet -- Puzzle platform video game series
Wikipedia - Little Devil Inside -- Upcoming Action-adventure video game
Wikipedia - Little Friends: Dogs & Cats -- Pet simulator video game for the Switch
Wikipedia - Little Misfortune -- 2019 dark fantasy adventure video game
Wikipedia - Little Nightmares -- 2017 puzzle-platformer video game developed by Tarsier Studios
Wikipedia - Little Witch Academia: Chamber of Time -- 2017 action role-playing video game developed by A+ Games and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment
Wikipedia - Liubo -- An ancient Chinese board game played by two players
Wikipedia - Live-action game
Wikipedia - Live action role-playing game -- Form of role-playing game where participants act out the roles
Wikipedia - Live-action virtual reality game
Wikipedia - Live A Live -- 1994 RPG video game
Wikipedia - Livelock (video game) -- 2016 top-down shooter video game
Wikipedia - LMNO -- Cancelled video game
Wikipedia - Loadstar: The Legend of Tully Bodine -- 1994 video game
Wikipedia - Lobotomy Corporation -- Management simulation game
Wikipedia - Location-based game
Wikipedia - Lockheart Indigo -- 2020 murder mystery video game
Wikipedia - Lode Runner -- 1983 2D puzzle platform video game
Wikipedia - Log Jammers -- 2017 video game
Wikipedia - Loki Entertainment -- Defunct American video game developer
Wikipedia - Loki Games
Wikipedia - Lombard RAC Rally (video game) -- 1988 video game
Wikipedia - Lomodo IVa -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - London bid for the 2012 Summer Olympics -- Successful bid to host the Olympic Games
Wikipedia - Lone Echo -- Virtual reality adventure game
Wikipedia - Lone Soldier (video game) -- 1996 video game
Wikipedia - Lone Wolf (gamebooks) -- Fantasy gamebook series
Wikipedia - Long Live the Queen (video game) -- 2012 visual novel
Wikipedia - Longplay (video games) -- Play-through of a video game, with the intent of completing it as fully as possible
Wikipedia - Look at Your Game, Girl -- 1970 song by Charles Manson
Wikipedia - Looney Tunes Dash -- 2014 video game
Wikipedia - Loot box -- Redeemable virtual item as video game prizes
Wikipedia - Loot (video games) -- Acquiring items in video games
Wikipedia - Lord of the Rings (board game) -- Game designed by Reiner Knizia
Wikipedia - Lord of Vermilion -- Video game
Wikipedia - Lords Mobile -- 2016 freemium mobile strategy game
Wikipedia - Lords of the Fallen -- 2014 video game
Wikipedia - Lords of Waterdeep -- Board game
Wikipedia - Loren Wiseman -- American role-playing game designer
Wikipedia - Lost Ark (video game) -- Unreleased MMO video game
Wikipedia - Lost Experience -- Alternate reality game
Wikipedia - Lost in the Game (film) -- 2005 film directed by MC Ren
Wikipedia - Lost Luggage (video game) -- 1982 action game
Wikipedia - Lost Odyssey -- 2007 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Lost Secret of the Rainforest -- Video game
Wikipedia - Lost Souls (role-playing game) -- role-playing game
Wikipedia - Lost: Via Domus -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - Loteria -- Traditional Mexican game of chance
Wikipedia - Lotus (board game)
Wikipedia - LouchM-CM-)bem -- Secret language game
Wikipedia - Louie Anderson -- American stand-up comedian, actor, author and game show host
Wikipedia - Louis Castle -- American video games designer
Wikipedia - Love (2008 video game) -- 2008 indie platform game
Wikipedia - LoveGame -- 2009 single by Lady Gaga
Wikipedia - Love Me, Love Me Not (British game show) -- British game show
Wikipedia - L. Ross Babcock III -- Game designer
Wikipedia - LucasArts -- American video game producer
Wikipedia - LucasFilm Games
Wikipedia - Lucas Pope -- Video game developer
Wikipedia - Luc Bernard -- British game designer and artist
Wikipedia - Lucena position -- Position in rook and pawn versus rook chess endgame
Wikipedia - Lucha Libre AAA: HM-CM-)roes del Ring -- Video game
Wikipedia - Lucienne's Quest -- 3DO and Sega Saturn role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Lucina (Fire Emblem) -- fictional character from the Fire Emblem series of video games
Wikipedia - Lucky Chloe -- Fictional character in the Tekken fighting game series
Wikipedia - Lucky Dime Caper -- 1991 platform video game
Wikipedia - Lucky's Tale -- 2016 3D platforming video game for Oculus Rift
Wikipedia - Lucy Bradshaw (game developer) -- American video game producer
Wikipedia - Ludo (board game) -- strategy board game
Wikipedia - Ludo King -- Free-to-play video game application
Wikipedia - Ludum Dare -- Game jam competition
Wikipedia - Lufia -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Lugaru -- Free and open-source video game
Wikipedia - Luigi's Mansion 3 -- 2019 action-adventure video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon -- 2013 action-adventure video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Luigi's Mansion -- 2001 action-adventure video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Luigi -- Video game character
Wikipedia - Lula 3D -- 2005 video game
Wikipedia - Lumines II -- 2006 puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Lumines: Puzzle Fusion -- 2004 puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Lumines -- Puzzle video game series
Wikipedia - Luminous Arc 2 -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - Lunacy (FIRST) -- 2009 FIRST Robotics Competition game
Wikipedia - Lunar Knights -- 2006 video game
Wikipedia - Lunar Lander (1979 video game) -- 1979 Atari vector arcade game
Wikipedia - Lusofonia Games -- International sporting event
Wikipedia - Luxor 2 -- 2006 video game
Wikipedia - Luxor (video game) -- video game
Wikipedia - Lux-Pain -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - Lve (game engine)
Wikipedia - Lyle Rains -- Video game designer
Wikipedia - M2 (game developer) -- Video game developer
Wikipedia - Mabel Addis -- First woman computer games designer
Wikipedia - Maccabiah Games
Wikipedia - Machi Koro -- 2012 City-management board game
Wikipedia - Machi (video game)
Wikipedia - Mach Rider -- 1985 video game
Wikipedia - M.A.C.H. (video game) -- 2007 video game
Wikipedia - Mackerelmedia Fish -- 2020 video game
Wikipedia - Macromanagement (gameplay)
Wikipedia - Madagascar Kartz -- 2009 video game
Wikipedia - Maddy Thorson -- Canadian video game developer
Wikipedia - Madeline (Celeste) -- Character in the 2018 video game Celeste
Wikipedia - Madeline (video game series) -- French educational video game series
Wikipedia - Madison Paige -- Fictional character in the 2010 video game Heavy Rain
Wikipedia - Mad Max (2015 video game) -- 2015 video game
Wikipedia - Maelstrom (1992 video game) -- Enhanced clone of Asteroids specialized for the Macintosh
Wikipedia - Mafia: Definitive Edition -- 2020 video game
Wikipedia - Mafia III -- 2016 action-adventure video game
Wikipedia - Mafia II -- 2010 action-adventure video game
Wikipedia - Mafia (party game) -- Party game
Wikipedia - Magatsu Wahrheit -- 2019 smartphone game
Wikipedia - Magical Battle Arena -- Third-person shooter game
Wikipedia - Magic (game terminology)
Wikipedia - Magic Knight Rayearth (video game) -- 1995 video game for the Sega Saturn
Wikipedia - Magic: The Gathering (1997 video game) -- Computer game published by MicroProse
Wikipedia - Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers -- Video game adaptation of Magic: The Gathering
Wikipedia - Magic: The Gathering Online -- Video game adaptation of Magic: The Gathering
Wikipedia - Magic: The Gathering video games
Wikipedia - Magic: The Gathering -- Collectible card game
Wikipedia - MagiQuest -- Live action magic role-playing game
Wikipedia - Magnavox Odyssey -- First commercial home video game console
Wikipedia - Magnetic Fields (video game developer)
Wikipedia - MAG (video game) -- 2010 massively multiplayer online first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Mahjong HishM-EM-^M-den: Naki no RyM-EM-+ -- Japanese manga, anime, and video game franchise
Wikipedia - Mahjong solitaire -- Solitaire game played with mahjong tiles
Wikipedia - Mahjong -- Tile-based game
Wikipedia - Maid of Sker (video game) -- Survival horror video game by Wales Interactive
Wikipedia - Maire Ni ChinnM-CM-)ide -- Gaelic games administrator and Irish language activist
Wikipedia - Maister (gamer) -- Mexican professional Super Smash Bros. player
Wikipedia - Majesco Entertainment -- American video game publisher and distributor
Wikipedia - Majestic (video game)
Wikipedia - Majin Tensei -- Video game spinoff series
Wikipedia - Make It Rain: The Love of Money -- 2014 incremental video game
Wikipedia - Mako (Mass Effect) -- Fictional vehicle from Mass Effect game series
Wikipedia - Malay gamelan -- Malay musical instrument and dance
Wikipedia - Malaysia at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Malaysia at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Malcolm Florence -- Australian game fisherman
Wikipedia - Maldita Castilla -- 2012 video game
Wikipedia - MalM-CM-)fices -- French horror tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - MAME -- Arcade game emulation software
Wikipedia - Manabu Namiki -- Japanese video game composer
Wikipedia - Mana (series) -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Mancala -- Type of count-and-capture game
Wikipedia - Manhunt 2 -- 2007 stealth-based psychological horror video game
Wikipedia - Manhunt (video game)
Wikipedia - Maniac Mansion -- 1987 video game
Wikipedia - Manuel de Adalid y Gamero -- Honduran composer and conductor
Wikipedia - Manveer Heir -- Indian-American video game developer
Wikipedia - Mao (card game) -- Card game
Wikipedia - MapleStory 2 -- video game
Wikipedia - MapleStory Adventures -- Social network game
Wikipedia - MapleStory DS -- Video game
Wikipedia - Mappy -- 1983 Namco video game
Wikipedia - Map seed -- Number or string used to procedurally generate a game world
Wikipedia - Maranantha-Alkahest Sector -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Marathon Trilogy -- Macintosh game series by Bungie
Wikipedia - Marathon (video game)
Wikipedia - Marblecake also the game
Wikipedia - Marble Madness -- 1984 arcade video game
Wikipedia - Marchantiophyta -- Botanical division of non-vascular land plants that have a gametophyte-dominant life cycle and lack stomata
Wikipedia - Marc Miller (game designer) -- American game designer
Wikipedia - Marco Donadoni -- Italian game designer
Wikipedia - Marco Polo (game) -- Game of tag played in a swimming pool
Wikipedia - Marcus Fenix -- Fictional character and primary protagonist from the first three games in the Gears of War series
Wikipedia - Mariage (card game) -- German card game
Wikipedia - Marinagua! -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story -- 2009 role-playing video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario & Luigi: Dream Team -- 2013 role-playing video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam -- 2015 video game
Wikipedia - Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time -- 2005 role-playing video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga -- 2003 role-playing video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games -- 2011 sports party video game published by Nintendo and Sega
Wikipedia - Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 -- 2019 sports video game published by Sega
Wikipedia - Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games -- 2007 sports party video game published by Nintendo and Sega
Wikipedia - Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games -- 2009 sports party video game published by Nintendo and Sega
Wikipedia - Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games -- 2016 sports party video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games -- 2013 sports party video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario & Wario -- 1993 puzzle video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario and Donkey Kong: Minis on the Move -- 2013 puzzle video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario Andretti Racing -- 1994 racing video game by EA Sports
Wikipedia - Mario Clash -- 1995 platform action video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario (franchise) -- Video game franchise
Wikipedia - Mario Gamero -- Italian painter
Wikipedia - Mario Golf: Advance Tour -- 2004 sports video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour -- 2003 sports video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario Golf (video game) -- 1999 sports video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario Golf: World Tour -- 2014 sports video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario Hoops 3-on-3 -- 2006 sports video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario Is Missing! -- 1993 educational video game published by The Software Toolworks and Mindscape
Wikipedia - Mario Kart 64 -- 1996 kart racing video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario Kart 8 -- 2014 video game
Wikipedia - Mario Kart: Double Dash -- 2003 kart racing video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario Kart DS -- 2005 kart racing video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit -- 2020 kart racing mixed reality video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario Kart: Super Circuit -- 2001 kart racing video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario Kart Tour -- 2019 kart racing mobile game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario Kart Wii -- 2008 kart racing video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario Kart -- Racing video game series
Wikipedia - Mario no Photopi -- Creativity video game
Wikipedia - Mario Paint -- 1992 art tool video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario Party 10 -- 2015 party video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario Party 2 -- 1999 party video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario Party 3 -- 2000 party video game
Wikipedia - Mario Party 4 -- 2002 party video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario Party 5 -- 2003 party video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario Party 6 -- 2004 party video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario Party 7 -- 2005 party video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario Party 8 -- 2007 party video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario Party 9 -- 2012 party video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario Party Advance -- 2005 adventure video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario Party DS -- 2007 party video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario Party: Island Tour -- 2013 party video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario Party: Star Rush -- 2016 video game
Wikipedia - Mario Party (video game) -- 1998 party video game
Wikipedia - Mario Power Tennis -- 2004 sports video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle -- 2017 video game
Wikipedia - Mario's Cement Factory -- 1983 LCD platform video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario's Early Years! -- 1993-94 educational video games published by Software Toolworks and Mindscape
Wikipedia - Mario's Game Gallery -- 1995 video game compilation published by Interplay Productions, Mindscape, and Stepping Stone
Wikipedia - Mario's Picross -- 1995 puzzle video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario Sports Mix -- 2010 sports video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario Sports Superstars -- 2017 video game
Wikipedia - Mario's Super Picross -- 1995 puzzle video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario's Tennis -- 1995 sports video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario's Time Machine -- 1993 educational video game published by The Software Toolworks
Wikipedia - Mario Strikers Charged -- 2007 sports video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario Super Sluggers -- 2008 sports adventure video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario Tennis Aces -- 2018 sports video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario Tennis Open -- 2012 sports video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario Tennis: Power Tour -- 2005 sports video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash -- 2015 sports video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario Tennis -- 2000 sports video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis -- 2006 puzzle video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Mini-Land Mayhem! -- 2010 puzzle video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars -- 2015 puzzle video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario vs. Donkey Kong (video game) -- 2004 puzzle platform video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mario vs. Donkey Kong -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Mario -- Fictional video game character from Nintendo's ''Mario'' franchise and the company's mascot
Wikipedia - Mark Allen (software developer) -- American software engineer, game programmer, and game designer
Wikipedia - Mark Cerny -- American video game designer
Wikipedia - Marketing of Halo 3 -- Marketing campaign for the video game
Wikipedia - Mark Jacobs (video game designer)
Wikipedia - Mark Kern -- video game designer
Wikipedia - Mark L. Walberg -- American actor, television personality, and game show host
Wikipedia - Mark McLachlan -- Product and game designer (born 1990)
Wikipedia - -- Polish video game website
Wikipedia - Mark Pelczarski -- American video game creator
Wikipedia - Mark Randel -- American computer game designer
Wikipedia - Markus Persson -- Swedish video game programmer
Wikipedia - Marooned on Ghostring -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Marshall Islands at the Olympics -- Participation of athletes from the Marshall Islands in the Olympic Games
Wikipedia - Mars Rising -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - Marsupilami (video game) -- 1995 video game
Wikipedia - Martial arts at the Asian Games -- Martial arts competitions
Wikipedia - Martian Gothic: Unification -- 2000 Survival Horror Video Game
Wikipedia - Martin Kenwright -- British video game designer
Wikipedia - Martin Leung -- Video Game Pianist
Wikipedia - Martin O'Donnell -- American video game composer
Wikipedia - Marugame Station -- Railway station in Marugame, Kagawa Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects -- 2005 video game
Wikipedia - Marvelous (company) -- Japanese Anime producer and video game company
Wikipedia - Marvelous: MM-EM-^Mhitotsu no Takarajima -- 1996 video game
Wikipedia - Marvel Super Heroes (arcade game)
Wikipedia - Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - Marvel Super War -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - Marvel Universe Roleplaying Game
Wikipedia - Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes -- 2000 video game
Wikipedia - Mary-Kate and Ashley: Sweet 16 - Licensed to Drive -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Masaaki Kukino -- Japanese video game producer
Wikipedia - Masaharu Iwata -- Japanese video game composer
Wikipedia - Masahiro Sakurai -- Japanese video game designer
Wikipedia - Masayoshi Soken -- Japanese video game composer
Wikipedia - Masks of Nyarlathotep -- Horror tabletop role-playing game campaign
Wikipedia - Mass Effect (video game) -- 2007 video game
Wikipedia - Mass Effect -- Media franchise series based on the video game
Wikipedia - Mass Games
Wikipedia - Massively multiplayer online first-person shooter game
Wikipedia - Massively multiplayer online games
Wikipedia - Massively multiplayer online game -- Multiplayer video game which is capable of supporting large numbers of players simultaneously
Wikipedia - Massively multiplayer online real-time strategy game
Wikipedia - Massively multiplayer online role-playing games
Wikipedia - Massively multiplayer online role playing game
Wikipedia - Massively multiplayer online role-playing game -- Video game genre
Wikipedia - Massive multiplayer online game
Wikipedia - Mass Media Games -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - MasterChef (Polish TV series) -- Polish cooking game show television series
Wikipedia - Master Chief (Halo) -- Fictional character in the Halo video game series
Wikipedia - Mastermind (board game)
Wikipedia - Mastermind (British game show) -- British quiz show
Wikipedia - Mastermind (Irish game show) -- Irish version of a British television quiz show
Wikipedia - Master Minds (game show) -- American game show
Wikipedia - Master of Monsters -- 1991 video game
Wikipedia - Master of the Game (George Duke album) -- 1979 studio album by George Duke
Wikipedia - Master of the Skies: The Red Ace -- Amateur flight simulation video game, released in 2000
Wikipedia - Master Player Screen -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - Masters of Anima -- 2018 real-time tactics video game developed by Passtech Games and published by Focus Home Interactive
Wikipedia - Masters of Doom -- 2003 book about video-game company's co-founders
Wikipedia - Master System -- Home video game console
Wikipedia - Match 4 (Washington's Lottery) -- Lottery numbers game
Wikipedia - Match Game -- Television series
Wikipedia - Matchmaker (game show) -- 1987 television dating show
Wikipedia - Matchmaking (video games)
Wikipedia - Mathematical Games (column)
Wikipedia - Mathematical Games column
Wikipedia - Mathieu Ferland -- Canadian video game producer
Wikipedia - Math Mysteries -- Collection of five math-related educational video games
Wikipedia - Math Rabbit -- 1986 educational video game
Wikipedia - Matilda (mascot) -- Mascot of the 1982 Commonwealth Games
Wikipedia - MatPat's Game Lab -- Television series
Wikipedia - MatPat -- American actor, gamer, writer, Internet Web host, and YouTuber
Wikipedia - Matt Harding -- American traveler, video game designer and Internet celebrity
Wikipedia - Matthew Smith (games programmer)
Wikipedia - Matthew Sprange -- Game designer
Wikipedia - Matt Jackson (Jeopardy! contestant) -- American game show contestant
Wikipedia - Maurice Gamelin -- French general
Wikipedia - Maximo: Ghosts to Glory -- 2001 video game
Wikipedia - Maximum Games -- Video game publisher and distributor
Wikipedia - Maximum Pool -- Video game
Wikipedia - Maxis -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - Max Payne 3 -- 2012 video game
Wikipedia - Max Payne (video game)
Wikipedia - Mayday (game) -- Tabletop wargame
Wikipedia - Mayfair Exponential Game System
Wikipedia - Maze games
Wikipedia - Maze -- Puzzle game in the form of a complex branching passage
Wikipedia - M.C. Kids -- 1992 platform video game
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Ftherverse -- Tabletop miniature wargame
Wikipedia - MCV/Develop -- British trade magazine that focuses on the video game industry
Wikipedia - Me & My Katamari -- 2005 puzzle-action video game published by Namco and Electronic Arts
Wikipedia - Mean-field game theory
Wikipedia - Mean Machines -- defunct video game magazine 1990-1992
Wikipedia - MechCommander -- 1998 real-time tactics video game
Wikipedia - MechWarrior (1993 video game) -- 1993 SNES video game
Wikipedia - MechWarrior 2: 31st Century Combat -- 1995 video game
Wikipedia - MechWarrior: Dark Age -- Tabletop wargame
Wikipedia - MechWarrior (role-playing game) -- Science fiction tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - MechWarrior -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Medal game -- Arcade game
Wikipedia - Medal of Honor (1999 video game)
Wikipedia - Media Molecule -- British video game developer
Wikipedia - Median umbilical ligament -- Structure in human anatomy
Wikipedia - Mediatonic -- British video game developer
Wikipedia - MediEvil (2019 video game) -- 2019 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - MediEvil 2 -- 2000 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - MediEvil: Resurrection -- 2005 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Mega Dead Pixel -- 2013 video game
Wikipedia - Mega (magazine) -- defunct video game magazine 1992-1995
Wikipedia - Mega Man 10 -- 2010 action-platform video game published by Capcom
Wikipedia - Mega Man (1987 video game) -- 1987 action-platform video game published by Capcom
Wikipedia - Mega Man (1990 video game) -- 1990 action-platform video game published by Hi Tech Expressions and Capcom
Wikipedia - Mega Man (1995 video game) -- 1995 action-platform video game published by U.S. Gold
Wikipedia - Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters -- 1996 fighting arcade game published by Capcom
Wikipedia - Mega Man 2 -- 1988 action-platform video game published by Capcom
Wikipedia - Mega Man 3 -- 1990 action-platform video game published by Capcom and Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mega Man 4 -- 1991 action-platform video game published by Capcom and Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mega Man 5 -- 1992 action-platform video game published by Capcom and Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mega Man 8 -- 1996 action-platform video game published by Capcom and Infogrames
Wikipedia - Mega Man 9 -- 2008 action-platform video game published by Capcom
Wikipedia - Mega Man & Bass -- 1998 action-platform video game published by Capcom
Wikipedia - Mega Man II (Game Boy) -- 1991 action-platform video game published by Capcom and Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mega Man (video game)
Wikipedia - Mega Man -- Video game franchise
Wikipedia - Mega Man X4 -- Video game
Wikipedia - Mega Man X (video game) -- Video game
Wikipedia - Mega Man ZX Advent -- 2007 video game
Wikipedia - MegaMek
Wikipedia - Mega Millions -- American multi-jurisdictional lottery game
Wikipedia - Megami Tensei Gaiden: Last Bible -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Mega Run -- 2012 video game
Wikipedia - MegaTech -- British video games magazine
Wikipedia - MegaTraveller 1: The Zhodani Conspiracy -- 1990 video game
Wikipedia - Meguey Baker -- American roleplaying game designer
Wikipedia - Mehen (game)
Wikipedia - Meiosis -- Type of cell division in sexually-reproducing organisms used to produce gametes
Wikipedia - Mei (Overwatch) -- Fictional character in the 2016 video game Overwatch
Wikipedia - Melani BergM-CM-)s Gamez -- Spanish Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Melanie Barnett -- Fictional character in the American sitcom The Game
Wikipedia - Melee (game)
Wikipedia - Melty Blood -- Visual novel and fighting video game
Wikipedia - Meme Run -- Meme-oriented procedurally generated indie video game of 2014
Wikipedia - M-EM-^Lkami -- 2006 action-adventure video game
Wikipedia - Menacer -- Video game accessory
Wikipedia - Mensch M-CM-$rgere Dich nicht -- German board game, variant of Pachisi
Wikipedia - Mental Samurai -- American television game show
Wikipedia - Menzoberranzan (video game)
Wikipedia - Mercenary Technology -- Video game developer company
Wikipedia - Merchant Class Ships -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Merchants & Merchandise -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Mercy (Overwatch) -- Fictional character in the 2016 video game Overwatch
Wikipedia - Merlin (console) -- Early handheld electronic video game
Wikipedia - Meru National Park -- Kenyan game park
Wikipedia - Merv Griffin's Crosswords -- American television game show
Wikipedia - Merv Griffin -- 20th-century American singer and television game show producer
Wikipedia - Metabarons Roleplaying Game
Wikipedia - Metacritic -- Website that aggregates reviews of music albums, games, movies, TV shows, DVDs, and formerly, books
Wikipedia - Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance -- 2013 video game
Wikipedia - Metal Gear Solid (1998 video game) -- 1998 video game
Wikipedia - Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty -- 2001 video game
Wikipedia - Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater -- 2004 video game
Wikipedia - Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots -- 2008 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Metal Gear Solid HD Collection -- 2011 video game compilation
Wikipedia - Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker -- 2010 action-adventure stealth video game
Wikipedia - Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops -- 2006 action-adventure stealth video game
Wikipedia - Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection -- 2013 video game compilation
Wikipedia - Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes -- 2014 video game
Wikipedia - Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain -- 2015 open world action-adventure stealth video game
Wikipedia - Metal Gear (video game) -- Pioneering stealth video game from 1987 by Konami
Wikipedia - Metal Gear -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Metal Morph -- 1994 video game
Wikipedia - Metal Slug -- Series of video games
Wikipedia - Metal Stoker -- Japanese video game
Wikipedia - Metamorphosis Alpha -- Science fiction tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - Metro Exodus -- 2019 story-driven first person shooter stealth survival horror video game developed by 4A Games
Wikipedia - Metroid Dread -- Canceled video game
Wikipedia - Metroid II: Return of Samus -- 1991 video game
Wikipedia - Metroid Prime 2: Echoes -- 2004 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Metroid Prime 3: Corruption -- 2007 action-adventure game developed by Retro Studios and Nintendo
Wikipedia - Metroid Prime 4 -- Upcoming video game by Retro Studios
Wikipedia - Metroid Prime: Trilogy -- 2009 video game bundle
Wikipedia - Metroid Prime -- 2002 action-adventure game developed by Retro Studios
Wikipedia - Metroid: Samus Returns -- 2017 video game
Wikipedia - Michael Abrash -- Game programmer and technical writer
Wikipedia - Michael Berlyn -- American video game designer and writer
Wikipedia - Michael Brough (game designer) -- New Zealand-born game designer
Wikipedia - Michael Condrey -- American game designer
Wikipedia - Michael George DupM-CM-)e -- American game show contestant and author
Wikipedia - Michael Giacchino -- American composer of music for films, television and video games
Wikipedia - Michael Hicks (game designer) -- American video game developer and musician
Wikipedia - Michael Jackson: The Experience -- 2010's game
Wikipedia - Michael Jordan: Chaos in the Windy City -- 1994 side-scrolling action video game
Wikipedia - Michel Ancel -- French video game designer
Wikipedia - Mickey Mania -- 1994 Mickey Mouse video game
Wikipedia - Mickey Mousecapade -- 1987 video game
Wikipedia - Mickey's 123: The Big Surprise Party -- 1990 video game
Wikipedia - Mickey's Big Game Hunt -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Mickey's Speedway USA -- 2000 racing video game
Wikipedia - Microconsole -- Type of video game console
Wikipedia - Micro Golf -- 1981 video game
Wikipedia - Micro Machines V4 -- 2006 video game
Wikipedia - Micromanagement (gameplay)
Wikipedia - MicroProse Golf -- Golf video game
Wikipedia - MicroProse -- American video game company
Wikipedia - Microsoft Adventure -- 1979 computer game
Wikipedia - Microsoft Flight Simulator 1.0 -- Video game
Wikipedia - Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004: A Century of Flight -- 2003 flight simulation computer game
Wikipedia - Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020 video game) -- 2020 flight simulator
Wikipedia - Microsoft Flight Simulator X -- Flight simulation computer game
Wikipedia - Microsoft SideWinder -- Digital video game controllers
Wikipedia - Microsporangia -- Sporangia that produce spores that give rise to male gametophytes
Wikipedia - Microtransaction -- Video game business model
Wikipedia - Midas Interactive Entertainment -- European video game publisher
Wikipedia - Middle-earth: Shadow of War -- 2017 action role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Midgard (game) -- Fantasy role-playing game
Wikipedia - Midnight Club -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Midnight Resistance -- 1989 video game
Wikipedia - Midnight Star (video game) -- Video game
Wikipedia - Midtown Madness -- 1999 racing game
Wikipedia - Midway Games -- Former American video game developing and publishing company
Wikipedia - Might and Magic III: Isles of Terra -- 1991 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven -- Video game
Wikipedia - Mighty Atom (1988 video game) -- 1988 video game
Wikipedia - Mighty Flip Champs! -- 2009 video game
Wikipedia - Mighty No. 9 -- 2016 action-platform video game published by Deep Silver and Spike Chunsoft
Wikipedia - Miitopia -- Role-playing video game by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Mikado (game) -- Pick-up sticks game
Wikipedia - Mike Bithell -- British video game designer and developer
Wikipedia - Mike Laidlaw -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - Mike Nystul -- American role playing game designer
Wikipedia - Mike Perry (game developer)
Wikipedia - Mike Pohjola -- Finnish writer and game designer
Wikipedia - Mike Pondsmith -- Game designer
Wikipedia - Mike Wallace -- American journalist, game show host and actor
Wikipedia - Milestone (Italian company) -- Italian video game developer
Wikipedia - Military World Games -- Multi-sport event for military sportspeople
Wikipedia - Miljoenenjacht -- Dutch television game show
Wikipedia - Milk caps (game) -- Game
Wikipedia - Milkman Conspiracy -- Level from 2005 video game Psychonauts
Wikipedia - Millennium Challenge 2002 -- Major war game exercise
Wikipedia - Millionaire Life -- Canadian lottery game
Wikipedia - Million Arthur -- Japanese video game franchise
Wikipedia - Million Pound Menu -- English game-show reality television series
Wikipedia - Millipede (video game) -- Video game
Wikipedia - Mills-Peninsula Medical Center -- Teaching hospital in Burlingame, California
Wikipedia - Milton Bradley Company -- American board game company established by Milton Bradley in Springfield, Massachusetts, in 1860
Wikipedia - Milton Bradley -- American publisher and game designer
Wikipedia - Milton (game)
Wikipedia - Mind Game (film) -- 2004 film by Masaaki Yuasa
Wikipedia - Mind Games (John Lennon song) -- 1973 single by John Lennon
Wikipedia - Mind Games (TV series) -- American drama television series
Wikipedia - Mind games -- Intellectual competition
Wikipedia - Mind sport -- Game of skill where the mental exercise component is more significant than the physical
Wikipedia - Minecraft Dungeons -- 2020 dungeon crawler video game
Wikipedia - Minecraft Earth -- 2019 AR game based on Minecraft
Wikipedia - Minecraft (franchise) -- Video game franchise
Wikipedia - Minecraft modding -- User-made modifications to the video game Minecraft
Wikipedia - Minecraft server -- Game servers for Minecraft
Wikipedia - Minecraft: Story Mode -- 2015 video game
Wikipedia - Minecraft -- 2011 video game
Wikipedia - Minesweeper (game)
Wikipedia - Ming Mang (game)
Wikipedia - Minh Le -- Vietnamese-Canadian computer game developer who created the mod ''Counter-Strike''
Wikipedia - Miniature golf -- Offshoot of the sport of golf focusing solely on the putting aspect of its parent game
Wikipedia - Miniatures game
Wikipedia - Miniature wargame
Wikipedia - Miniature wargaming -- Wargame genre
Wikipedia - Miniclip -- Swiss browser game website
Wikipedia - Minigame -- Short video game often contained within another video game
Wikipedia - Mini Mario & Friends: Amiibo Challenge -- 2016 video game
Wikipedia - Mini Metro (video game) -- 2015 puzzle strategy video game
Wikipedia - Mini Ninjas -- 2009 video game
Wikipedia - Minions Paradise -- 2015 mobile game
Wikipedia - Ministry of Broadcast -- 2020 adventure platform game
Wikipedia - Minit -- 2018 adventure video game
Wikipedia - Minoria -- 2019 indie Metroidvania game
Wikipedia - Minority Report: Everybody Runs -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Miracle at the Meadowlands -- Fumble that allowed Philadelphia Eagles to win a 1978 game over the New York Giants
Wikipedia - Miracle on Ice -- Ice hockey game during the 1980 Winter Olympics at Lake Placid, New York
Wikipedia - Mirage Technologies (Multimedia) Ltd. -- British video game development company
Wikipedia - Mirror's Edge (2010 video game) -- 2010 platform game
Wikipedia - Misato Katsuragi's Reporting Plan -- 2009 video game
Wikipedia - Mischief Makers -- 1997 platform game
Wikipedia - Misfit Studios -- Canadian role-playing game publisher
Wikipedia - Misha -- Mascot of the 1980 Moscow Olympic Games
Wikipedia - Missile Command -- Atari tower defense arcade video game first released in 1980
Wikipedia - Mission to Zephor -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Mission Vao -- Fictional video game character
Wikipedia - Mistigri (card game) -- german card game
Wikipedia - Mistwalker -- American-Japanese video game development studio
Wikipedia - Mixed reality game
Wikipedia - MLB The Show 18 -- 2018 sports video game
Wikipedia - M,n,k-game
Wikipedia - Mobile games
Wikipedia - Mobile game
Wikipedia - Mobile Legends: Bang Bang -- Multiplayer online battle arena mobile game
Wikipedia - Mobile video game
Wikipedia - MobyGames -- Video game website
Wikipedia - Mode 7 -- Graphics mode on the Super NES video game console
Wikipedia - Modeligo GAA -- Gaelic games club in Ireland
Wikipedia - Modern Game -- British breed of ornamental chicken
Wikipedia - Modern pentathlon at the 2019 Pan American Games -- The Modern pentathlon competitions at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Modiphius Entertainment -- British game company
Wikipedia - Mod (video games)
Wikipedia - Moero!! Juudou Warriors -- 1990 video game
Wikipedia - Mohammad Alavi (game developer) -- Iranian video game developer
Wikipedia - Mojang Studios -- Swedish video game developer
Wikipedia - Molly's Game -- 2017 film by Aaron Sorkin
Wikipedia - Mombasa (board game) -- 2015 board game
Wikipedia - Mombasa Marine National Park and Reserve -- Kenyan game park
Wikipedia - Momiji (Ninja Gaiden) -- Video game character from the Ninja Gaiden series
Wikipedia - Momodora -- Platforming video game series
Wikipedia - Mom's Got Game -- Television series
Wikipedia - Monaco GP (video game) -- 1979 video game
Wikipedia - Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine -- 2013 stealth video game
Wikipedia - Money Game (TV series) -- 2020 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Mongameli Bobani -- South African politician
Wikipedia - Mongolia at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Mongolia at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Mongoose Publishing -- Tabletop role-playing game publisher
Wikipedia - Monica Bergamelli -- Italian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Monkey Magic (video game) -- 1979 arcade game
Wikipedia - Monkeystone Games
Wikipedia - MonoGame -- Free C# framework used by game developers
Wikipedia - Monoicous -- Species that bear both sperm and eggs on the same gametophyte
Wikipedia - Monopoly (game)
Wikipedia - Monopoly Junior -- Board game
Wikipedia - Monster 4x4: World Circuit -- 2006 video game
Wikipedia - Monster & Treasure Assortment -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - Monster Energy Supercross: The Official Videogame -- Motocross videogame series
Wikipedia - Monster Games -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - Monster Hunter -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Monster Hunter: World -- 2018 action role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Monster Island (play-by-mail game) -- Fantasy role-playing game
Wikipedia - Monster Rancher 2 -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Monster Truck Madness -- 1996 racing video game
Wikipedia - Monthly Arcadia -- Japanese arcade game magazine
Wikipedia - Monty Hall -- Canadian-American game show host
Wikipedia - Monty Python's Complete Waste of Time -- 1994 video game
Wikipedia - Monument Valley 2 -- 2017 video game sequel to Monument Valley
Wikipedia - Monument Valley (video game) -- Puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Moon Ho Joon -- South Korean gamer
Wikipedia - Moonlighter (video game) -- 2018 indie game
Wikipedia - Moon Patrol -- Sidescrolling video game first released in 1982
Wikipedia - Moon: Remix RPG Adventure -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - Moorhuhn -- Video game franchise
Wikipedia - Morabaraba -- Traditional two-player strategy board game played Africa
Wikipedia - Mordheim: City of the Damned -- Tactical role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Mordheim: Warband Skirmish -- Strategy role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Moria (1983 video game)
Wikipedia - Mornington Crescent (game) -- Improvisational game
Wikipedia - Morocco at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Morocco at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Mortal Kombat 11 -- 2019 fighting video game developed by NetherRealm Studios
Wikipedia - Mortal Kombat (1992 video game)
Wikipedia - Mortal Kombat Kard Game -- Collectible card game
Wikipedia - Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks -- Video game
Wikipedia - Mortal Kombat -- Video game series and franchise
Wikipedia - Mortal Kombat X -- 2015 fighting video game
Wikipedia - Mortimer Beckett -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Moscow Racer -- 2009 video game
Wikipedia - Moshi Monsters -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - Most Extreme Elimination Challenge -- American comedy television series that re-dubbed Japanese game show Takeshi's Castle as a parody
Wikipedia - Mother 3 -- 2006 video game
Wikipedia - Mother May I? -- Children's game
Wikipedia - Motocross Go! -- Arcade game
Wikipedia - MotoGP 09/10 -- 2010 racing video game
Wikipedia - MotoGP (2000 video game) -- 2000 racing video game
Wikipedia - MotoGP 20 -- 2020 racing video game
Wikipedia - MotoGP: Ultimate Racing Technology 2 -- 2003 video game by THQ
Wikipedia - Motor Mania (video game) -- 1982 video game
Wikipedia - Motorsport Manager -- 2016 video game
Wikipedia - Mouche (card game) -- French card game
Wikipedia - Mount & Blade -- 2008 medieval action role-playing game
Wikipedia - Mouse Trap (game) -- 1963 board game
Wikipedia - Move or Die -- 2016 multiplayer video game
Wikipedia - Moving Out (video game) -- 2020 video game
Wikipedia - Mozambique at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Mozambique at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Mr. Driller Drill Spirits -- 2004 puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Mr. Driller -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Mr Love: Queen's Choice -- 2019 mobile game
Wikipedia - Mr. Nutz: Hoppin' Mad -- 1994 video game
Wikipedia - Mr. Nutz -- 1994 video game
Wikipedia - Mr. Resetti -- Fictional character from the Animal Crossing video game series
Wikipedia - Ms. Monopoly -- Board game
Wikipedia - MSN Games -- Casual gaming web site
Wikipedia - Ms. Pac-Man -- 1982 video game
Wikipedia - MUD1 -- 1978 video game
Wikipedia - MUD -- Video game genre
Wikipedia - Mugwump (video game) -- 1973 video game
Wikipedia - Muhammad Ali Heavyweight Boxing -- 1992 Sega Genesis video game
Wikipedia - Mulatschak -- Austrian card game
Wikipedia - M.U.L.E. -- Turn-based economics strategy simulation computer game of 1983
Wikipedia - Mulligan (games)
Wikipedia - Multi-Man Publishing -- American wargame publisher
Wikipedia - Multiplayer online game
Wikipedia - Multiplayer video game -- Video game where multiple players can play
Wikipedia - Mumblety-peg -- Knife-throwing game
Wikipedia - Munchkin (card game) -- Card game spoofing table-top RPG play
Wikipedia - Murdered: Soul Suspect -- 2014 video game
Wikipedia - Musashi, the Samurai Lord -- Anime and video game
Wikipedia - Muscular lacuna -- Lateral compartment of the thigh inferior to the inguinal ligament
Wikipedia - Musical chairs -- Party game
Wikipedia - Musical: Touken Ranbu -- Japanese stage musical series based on the video game Touken Ranbu
Wikipedia - Music of Grim Fandango -- 1998 Grim Fandango video game music by Peter McConnell
Wikipedia - Music of Portal 2 -- Soundtrack and related music of the video game Portal 2
Wikipedia - Music of Red Dead Redemption 2 -- Music in the 2018 action-adventure game Red Dead Redemption 2
Wikipedia - Music of Sonic the Hedgehog -- Music composed for video game franchise
Wikipedia - Music video game
Wikipedia - Mutant Fighter (arcade game) -- 1991 fighting game
Wikipedia - Mutant Night -- 1987 video game
Wikipedia - Mutazione -- 2019 adventure video game
Wikipedia - MuZero -- Game-playing artificial intelligence
Wikipedia - MXGP The Official Motocross Videogame -- Racing video game
Wikipedia - MX vs. ATV -- Racing video game series developed by Rainbow Studios, focusing on motocross bikes and all-terrain vehicles
Wikipedia - My Brother's Husband -- Manga series by Gengoroh Tagame
Wikipedia - My Chinese Coach -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - My Disney Kitchen -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - My Music (radio programme) -- Musical panel game on British radio and television
Wikipedia - My PokM-CM-)mon Ranch -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - MySims Agents -- is a pair of 2009 mystery-simulation video games developed for the Wii and Nintendo DS
Wikipedia - My Singing Monsters -- Simulation video game involving collecting musical monsters
Wikipedia - Mystery Case Files -- American video game series
Wikipedia - Mystery Date (game)
Wikipedia - Mystery Dungeon -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Mystic Midway: Rest in Pieces -- Video game
Wikipedia - Myst III: Exile -- Third title in the Myst series of graphic adventure puzzle video games
Wikipedia - Myst IV: Revelation -- Adventure video game in the Myst series by Ubisoft
Wikipedia - Myst V: End of Ages -- 2005 video game
Wikipedia - Myst -- 1993 video game
Wikipedia - Myth II: Soulblighter -- 1998 video game
Wikipedia - Mythos (card game) -- Collectible card game
Wikipedia - Na Gaeil M-CM-^Sga CLG -- Gaelic games club in County Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - Nain Jaune -- French card game
Wikipedia - Nairi: Tower of Shirin -- 2018 video game by HomeBearStudio
Wikipedia - Naked War -- 2006 turn-based strategy video game
Wikipedia - Namco Bandai Games
Wikipedia - Namco Classic Collection Vol. 2 -- 1996 video game
Wikipedia - Namco Generations -- Video game brand name
Wikipedia - Namco Museum Battle Collection -- 2005 video game
Wikipedia - Namco Museum Vol. 1 -- 1995 PlayStation video game compilation
Wikipedia - Namco Museum -- Series of compilation games
Wikipedia - Namco -- Defunct Japanese video game developer and publisher
Wikipedia - Namibia at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Namibia at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - NAM (video game) -- First person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Nanako Dojima -- Character in the video game Persona 4
Wikipedia - Nanay tatay -- A traditional Filipino children's game
Wikipedia - Nancy Drew: Ghost of Thornton Hall -- 2013 point-and-click adventure game
Wikipedia - Nano Assault Neo -- 2012 video game
Wikipedia - Nano Assault -- 2011 video game
Wikipedia - Naoki Kodaka -- Japanese video game composer
Wikipedia - Narbacular Drop -- 2005 environmental puzzle game
Wikipedia - Nard (game) -- Tables-style board game for two players
Wikipedia - Narjes Emamgholinejad -- Iranian sports shooter gains silver medal at China Asian Game 2010 and tow silver medals at Korea Asian Game 2014
Wikipedia - Naruto: Clash of Ninja (video game) -- 2003 video game
Wikipedia - Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 -- 2016 video game
Wikipedia - Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations -- Video game
Wikipedia - Nash equilibrium -- Solution concept of a non-cooperative game involving two or more players for given conditions
Wikipedia - Nasir Gebelli -- American video game designer
Wikipedia - Nathalie Lawhead -- Net artist and independent game designer
Wikipedia - Nathan Adams (programmer) -- British video game developer
Wikipedia - National Basketball Association Christmas games
Wikipedia - National Football League Christmas games
Wikipedia - National Videogame Museum
Wikipedia - Nations: A Simulation Game in International Politics
Wikipedia - Naughty Dog -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - Nauru at the Commonwealth Games -- Sporting event delegations
Wikipedia - Navigator's Starcharts -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement .
Wikipedia - NBA Jam (1993 video game)
Wikipedia - NCSoft -- South Korea-based video game developer and publisher
Wikipedia - NDcube -- Video game developer
Wikipedia - NDreams -- Video game company
Wikipedia - NebulasRay -- Arcade game
Wikipedia - Necromancer Games -- American role-playing game publisher
Wikipedia - Necromunda -- Tabletop war game
Wikipedia - Ned Stark -- Character in A Song of Ice and Fire and Game of Thrones
Wikipedia - Need for Speed (2015 video game) -- 2015 racing video game
Wikipedia - Need for Speed: Carbon -- 2006 racing video game
Wikipedia - Need for Speed Heat -- 2019 racing video game developed by Ghost Games
Wikipedia - Need for Speed: High Stakes -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit (2010 video game) -- 2010 racing video game
Wikipedia - Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 -- 2002 racing video game
Wikipedia - Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit -- 1998 racing video game
Wikipedia - Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2012 video game) -- 2012 racing video game by Criterion Games
Wikipedia - Need for Speed: No Limits -- 2015 racing video game
Wikipedia - Need for Speed Payback -- 2017 racing video game
Wikipedia - Need for Speed: Porsche Unleashed -- 2000 racing video game
Wikipedia - Need for Speed Rivals -- 2013 racing video game developed by Ghost Games and Criterion Games
Wikipedia - Need for Speed: Shift -- 2009 racing video game
Wikipedia - Need for Speed: The Run -- 2011 racing video game
Wikipedia - Need for Speed: Undercover -- 2008 racing video game
Wikipedia - Need for Speed: Underground 2 -- 2004 racing video game
Wikipedia - Need for Speed: Underground -- 2003 racing video game
Wikipedia - Need for Speed -- Racing video game franchise published by Electronic Arts
Wikipedia - Need for Speed: World -- 2010 massively multiplayer online racing video game
Wikipedia - Nee Pon? M-CM-^W Rai Pon! -- 2007 Japanese visual novel video game
Wikipedia - Neighbours from Hell -- 2003 video game
Wikipedia - Neil Druckmann -- American video game designer
Wikipedia - Neknominate -- Drinking game
Wikipedia - Neko (gamer) -- Professional Overwatch player (b. 1998)
Wikipedia - Nemean Games -- One of the four Panhellenic Games
Wikipedia - Nemo (arcade game) -- Fantasy arcade game released by Capcom in 1990
Wikipedia - Neo Geo CD -- Home video game console
Wikipedia - Neo Geo Pocket Color -- handheld video game console
Wikipedia - Neo Geo (system) -- Cartridge-based arcade system board and home video game console
Wikipedia - Neo Geo -- Family of video game hardware
Wikipedia - Neon Genesis Evangelion 2 -- PlayStation 2 video game
Wikipedia - Neon Genesis Evangelion: Ayanami Raising Project -- 2001 video game
Wikipedia - Neon Genesis Evangelion: Battle Orchestra -- Video game
Wikipedia - Neon Genesis Evangelion: Girlfriend of Steel 2nd -- 2005 video game
Wikipedia - Neon Genesis Evangelion: Girlfriend of Steel -- 1998 video game
Wikipedia - Neon Genesis Evangelion: Shinji Ikari Raising Project -- Windows based PC game
Wikipedia - Neon Genesis Evangelion (video game) -- Nintendo 64 video game
Wikipedia - Neptune's Pride -- 2010 4X video game
Wikipedia - Nerd Poker -- Comedy and games podcast
Wikipedia - Nerf Arena Blast -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - NES Classic Edition -- Home video game console by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Nester's Funky Bowling -- 1996 video game
Wikipedia - NES Zapper -- Video game light gun accessory
Wikipedia - Netball in Kenya -- Women's ball game
Wikipedia - NetHack -- Classical roguelike ASCII graphics computer game released in 1987
Wikipedia - Netherlands at the 1906 Intercalated Games -- Netherlands at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Netherlands at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Netherlands at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - NeuroRacer -- 2013 video game
Wikipedia - Neutron (game)
Wikipedia - Never have I ever -- Drinking game
Wikipedia - Never Mind the Buzzcocks -- British comedy panel game television show
Wikipedia - Neversoft -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - Neverwinter Nights (1991 video game)
Wikipedia - Neverwinter Nights (2002 video game) -- Dungeons & Dragons video game
Wikipedia - Neverwinter Nights -- Dungeons & Dragons-based video game series
Wikipedia - Neverwinter (video game)
Wikipedia - New Adventure Island -- 1992 platform video game
Wikipedia - New Game Plus
Wikipedia - New Game! -- Japanese manga series
Wikipedia - New Infinities Productions -- Game company
Wikipedia - New Nintendo 2DS XL -- Handheld video game console
Wikipedia - New Nintendo 3DS -- Handheld game console developed by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Newport GAA -- Gaelic games club in County Tipperary, Ireland
Wikipedia - Newsgame
Wikipedia - New Space Order -- Unreleased arcade video game
Wikipedia - New Star Games -- British independent video game developer
Wikipedia - New Super Luigi U -- 2013 side-scrolling platform video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - New Super Mario Bros. 2 -- 2012 platform video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - New Super Mario Bros. U -- 2012 platform video game published by Nintendo and Tencent Games
Wikipedia - New Super Mario Bros. Wii -- 2009 platform video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - New Super Mario Bros. -- 2006 platform video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - New World (video game) -- 2021 video game developed by Amazon Game Studios
Wikipedia - New Zealand at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- New Zealand at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Nexon -- Japanese-South Korean video game company
Wikipedia - Next Level Games -- Canadian video game developer
Wikipedia - Nexuiz (2012 video game)
Wikipedia - Niantic (company) -- Mobile app and video game development company
Wikipedia - Nicholas Fortugno -- American game designer and educator
Wikipedia - Nickelodeon Kart Racers -- 2018 racing video game developed by Bamtang Games
Wikipedia - Nicky Case -- Canadian indie game developer
Wikipedia - Nicky Robinson (game programmer) -- Computer game programmer
Wikipedia - Nier: Automata -- 2017 action role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Nier (video game) -- 2010 action role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Night Games (1966 film) -- 1966 film
Wikipedia - Night Howlers -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - Night King -- Fictional character from the Game of Thrones series
Wikipedia - Night Life (video game) -- Erotic graphic adventure game
Wikipedia - Nights into Dreams -- 1996 action game
Wikipedia - Nights: Journey of Dreams -- 2007 video game
Wikipedia - Night Trap -- 1992 video game
Wikipedia - Nihon Falcom -- Japanese video game company
Wikipedia - Nile: An Ancient Egyptian Quest -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - Nimatron -- First computer game
Wikipedia - Nimber -- Number used in combinatorial game theory
Wikipedia - Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors -- 2009 Japanese visual novel video game.
Wikipedia - Nine Hundred Nights -- 2001 film by Michael Burlingame
Wikipedia - Nine men's morris -- strategy board game
Wikipedia - Ninja Gaiden (2004 video game) -- 2004 video game developed by Team Ninja for the Xbox
Wikipedia - Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge -- 2012 video game
Wikipedia - Ninja Gaiden 3 -- 2012 video game developed by Team Ninja
Wikipedia - Ninja Gaiden II -- 2008 video game developed by Team Ninja
Wikipedia - Ninja Gaiden (NES video game) -- 1988 video game
Wikipedia - Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 -- 2008 video game for PlayStation 3
Wikipedia - Ninja Gaiden -- Series of video games by Tecmo
Wikipedia - Ninja (gamer) -- American streamer
Wikipedia - Ninja-Kid -- 1984 video game
Wikipedia - Ninja Senki -- Indie video game
Wikipedia - Ni no Kuni -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Nintendo 2DS -- Handheld game console by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Nintendo 3DS system software -- Operation system for Nintendo's Nintendo 3DS handheld game console
Wikipedia - Nintendo 64 accessories -- List of accessories for the Nintendo 64 video game console
Wikipedia - Nintendo 64 controller -- Primary game controller for the Nintendo 64
Wikipedia - Nintendo 64 Game Pak -- Cartridge for the Nintendo 64
Wikipedia - Nintendo 64 -- Home video game console produced by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Nintendo DS family -- Video game console series
Wikipedia - Nintendo DSi system software -- Operation system for Nintendo's Nintendo DSi handheld game console
Wikipedia - Nintendo Entertainment System Game Pak -- Software storage medium for the Nintendo Entertainment System
Wikipedia - Nintendo Entertainment System hardware clone -- Hardware clones of the Nintendo Entertainment System home video game console
Wikipedia - Nintendo Entertainment System -- Home video game console developed by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Nintendo Game Boy
Wikipedia - Nintendogs + Cats -- 2011 video game
Wikipedia - Nintendogs -- 2005 real-time pet simulation video game
Wikipedia - Nintendo Player's Guide -- Video game strategy guides by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Nintendo Puzzle Collection -- 2003 compilation of puzzle video games published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Nintendo Research & Development 1 -- Nintendo's oldest video game development team
Wikipedia - Nintendo Switch system software -- Operating system for Nintendo's Nintendo Switch video game console
Wikipedia - Nintendo video game consoles -- Overview of the various video game consoles released by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Ninth generation of video game consoles
Wikipedia - Nioh 2 -- 2020 video game
Wikipedia - Nioh -- 2017 video game
Wikipedia - Nippon Ichi Software -- Japanese video game developer
Wikipedia - Nithus -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Nobber GAA -- Gaelic games club in County Meath, Ireland
Wikipedia - Noble's Book -- Arthurian tabletop role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Nobuo Uematsu -- Japanese video game composer
Wikipedia - Noctis (video game)
Wikipedia - No Game No Life -- Japanese light novel series and its adaptations
Wikipedia - No Game No Life: Zero -- 2017 film directed by Atsuko Ishizuka
Wikipedia - No Gravity (video game)
Wikipedia - Noise (video game company) -- Japanese video game development company
Wikipedia - Noita (video game) -- 2019 video game by Nolla Games
Wikipedia - Nokia Game
Wikipedia - No Man's Sky -- 2016 action-adventure survival video game
Wikipedia - Nomic -- Game
Wikipedia - No More Heroes: Heroes' Paradise -- Video game
Wikipedia - No More Heroes (series) -- Video game
Wikipedia - Non-cooperative game
Wikipedia - Non-game
Wikipedia - Nonlinear gameplay -- Gameplay involving a number of unordered sequences
Wikipedia - Non-player character -- Game character not run by a player
Wikipedia - Nontan to Issho: KuruKuru Puzzle -- 1994 puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Nontransitive game
Wikipedia - Nonviolent video game
Wikipedia - No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way -- 2002 first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Nord and Bert Couldn't Make Head or Tail of It -- 1987 video game
Wikipedia - Noriyuki Iwadare -- Japanese video game composer
Wikipedia - Normal-form game
Wikipedia - Norseman's Knock -- Classic Swedish card game
Wikipedia - North Korea at the Olympics -- Participation of athletes from North Korea in the Olympic Games
Wikipedia - North Macedonia at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- North Macedonia at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Norway at the 1906 Intercalated Games -- Norway at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Notrium -- 2003 video game
Wikipedia - N-player game
Wikipedia - N-Space -- Defunct American video game developer
Wikipedia - Nuclear Destruction -- Fantasy role-playing game
Wikipedia - Nuclear Throne -- 2016 video game
Wikipedia - Numen: Contest of Heroes -- 2009 action role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Numenera -- Science fantasy tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - Nuon (DVD technology) -- Video game console
Wikipedia - Nurney GAA -- Gaelic games club in County Kildare, Ireland
Wikipedia - Nvidia GameWorks
Wikipedia - NXT TakeOver: WarGames (2017) -- 2017 WWE Network event
Wikipedia - NXT TakeOver: WarGames (2018) -- 2018 WWE Network event
Wikipedia - NXT TakeOver: WarGames (2019) -- 2019 WWE Network event
Wikipedia - NXT TakeOver: WarGames (2020) -- 2020 WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Nystalux -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Obduction (video game) -- Adventure video game
Wikipedia - Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - Octodad: Dadliest Catch -- 2014 video game
Wikipedia - Octodad -- 2010 video game
Wikipedia - Oddity (video game) -- upcoming video game
Wikipedia - Odds and evens (hand game) -- A hand game of chance.
Wikipedia - Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee -- Video game
Wikipedia - Oddworld Inhabitants -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - Odyssey series -- Series of home video game consoles
Wikipedia - Official Dreamcast Magazine (UK magazine) -- Video game magazine
Wikipedia - Off-TV Play -- Feature of the Wii U GamePad
Wikipedia - Off (video game) -- 2008 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Ogre Battle -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Oh My God! (video game) -- 1993 puzzle video game
Wikipedia - OhShape -- Virtual reality game
Wikipedia - Okada Station (Kagawa) -- Railway station in Marugame, Kagawa Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Old English Game -- British breed of domestic chicken
Wikipedia - Old maid (card game) -- Card game
Wikipedia - Old School RuneScape -- Massively multiplayer online role-playing game by Jagex
Wikipedia - Old World (video game) -- 2020 early access video game by Mohawk Games
Wikipedia - Olivier Deriviere -- French video game composer
Wikipedia - Olly olly oxen free -- catchphrase used in children's games
Wikipedia - Olympiad -- Period of four years associated with the Olympic Games of the Ancient Greeks
Wikipedia - Olympic Games ceremony -- Ceremonial events of the ancient and modern Olympic Games
Wikipedia - Olympic Games (film) -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Olympic Games -- Major international sport event
Wikipedia - Olympic medal -- An award given to successful competitors at one of the Olympic Games
Wikipedia - Olympic Stadium (Montreal) -- Stadium built for the 1976 Olympic Games in Montreal
Wikipedia - Omaha hold 'em -- Community card poker game
Wikipedia - Ombre -- Trick-taking card game
Wikipedia - Omega Boost -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Omega Labyrinth -- 2015 video game
Wikipedia - Om Nom: Run -- 2020 endless runner video game
Wikipedia - One Epic Game -- 2011 video game
Wikipedia - One Piece: Become the Pirate King! -- 2000 video game
Wikipedia - One Piece: Pirate Warriors 2 -- 2013 video game
Wikipedia - One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 -- 2015 video game
Wikipedia - One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 -- 2020 video game
Wikipedia - One Piece: Pirate Warriors (video game) -- 2012 video game
Wikipedia - One Piece: Unlimited World Red -- 2013 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Ongamenet Starleague -- South Korean StarCraft individual league
Wikipedia - Ong's Hat -- Secret history conspiracy theory game
Wikipedia - Onigiri (video game) -- 2013 video game
Wikipedia - Online game -- Video game played over the Internet
Wikipedia - Online skill-based game
Wikipedia - Online text-based role-playing game
Wikipedia - Only a Game -- Weekly US public radio sports program
Wikipedia - On numbers and games
Wikipedia - On Numbers and Games -- Book by John Conway
Wikipedia - Onrush -- 2018 racing video game
Wikipedia - On the Edge (game) -- Collectible card game
Wikipedia - Onyx (game)
Wikipedia - Oocyte -- Female gametocyte or germ cell involved in reproduction. In other words, it is an immature ovum, or egg cell. An oocyte is produced in the ovary during female gametogenesis
Wikipedia - Ooga Booga -- 2001 video game
Wikipedia - Oogamy -- Sexual reproduction involving a large, non-motile female gamete and a small, motile male gamete
Wikipedia - Oolite (video game) -- Space trading and combat video game
Wikipedia - Oo-Topos -- Interactive fiction computer game first made for the Apple II in 1981
Wikipedia - OpenFeint -- Social platform for mobile games
Wikipedia -
Wikipedia - Open Game License -- Public copyright license for tabletop role-playing games
Wikipedia - Open Game
Wikipedia - Opening credits -- The list of the most important members of a film TV, or video game production shown at the beginning of the work
Wikipedia - Open Roads -- Mystery-thriller video game
Wikipedia - Open source video game
Wikipedia - Open-source video game
Wikipedia - Open world -- Type of computer game design
Wikipedia - Opera GX -- Web browser marketed toward gamers
Wikipedia - Operation Board Games -- federal fraud investigation
Wikipedia - Operation (game) -- Battery-operated game of physical skill
Wikipedia - Operation Rainfall -- Organization made by fans of video games campaigning for the global release of Japan-exclusive titles
Wikipedia - Operation Sea Lion (wargame) -- Attempt to simulate the never-carried-out 1940 Nazi invasion in the UK.
Wikipedia - Operation Wolf -- Arcade video game
Wikipedia - Opposite-colored bishops endgame
Wikipedia - Opposite Day -- Children's game
Wikipedia - Opus Magnum (video game)
Wikipedia - Orbiter (simulator) -- Video game
Wikipedia - Organization XIII -- Fictional group of video game characters
Wikipedia - Origins Award -- Games award
Wikipedia - Origins Game Fair
Wikipedia - Orly's Draw-A-Story -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Orwell (video game) -- Simulation video game
Wikipedia - Osmos -- Video game
Wikipedia - Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan -- Rhythm video game
Wikipedia - Osu! -- 2007 rhythm game
Wikipedia - Otoboke Ninja Colosseum -- 1995 video game
Wikipedia - Otogi: Myth of Demons -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Otome game -- Japanese video games made for women
Wikipedia - Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru -- 2005 Japanese adult visual novel (video game)
Wikipedia - Our Colors -- Manga series by Gengoroh Tagame
Wikipedia - Outer Wilds -- 2019 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Outlast -- 2013 first-person survival horror video game
Wikipedia - Outline of video games
Wikipedia - Out of Space (video game) -- 2020 video game
Wikipedia - Out of the Box Publishing -- Game publisher
Wikipedia - Outpost (1981 video game) -- Apple II shoot'em up
Wikipedia - Outpost (1994 video game) -- 1994 sci-fi game
Wikipedia - Outpost Gamma -- 1981 board game
Wikipedia - Outriders (video game) -- Upcoming 2021 third-person RPG shooter video game developed by People Can Fly
Wikipedia - OutRun 2019 -- 1993 video game
Wikipedia - Out Run -- 1986 video game
Wikipedia - Out There Somewhere -- 2016 platformer puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Outward -- 2019 open-world RPG videogame
Wikipedia - OverClocked ReMix -- Video game music arrangement community
Wikipedia - Overcooked -- 2016 video game
Wikipedia - Overkill's The Walking Dead -- 2018 video game
Wikipedia - Overlord (video game series) -- Action role-playing video game series by Codemasters
Wikipedia - Override Mech City Brawl -- Fighting video game
Wikipedia - Over the Hedge (DS game) -- 2006 video game
Wikipedia - Over the Hedge (video game) -- 2006 video game
Wikipedia - Overturn -- 2008 video game for WiiWare
Wikipedia - Overwatch and pornography -- Pornography of the first person shooter game Overwatch.
Wikipedia - Overwatch (video game) -- Multiplayer first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Owl and Weasel -- Game newsletter
Wikipedia - Oxenfree -- Graphic adventure video game
Wikipedia - OXO -- 1952 video game/naughts-and-crosses simulator
Wikipedia - Oxygen Not Included -- 2017 video game
Wikipedia - Pac & Pal -- 1983 video game
Wikipedia - Pac-Attack -- 1993 puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Pachinko -- Japanese arcade/gambling game
Wikipedia - Pachisi -- Board game that originated in medieval India
Wikipedia - Pack-in game
Wikipedia - Pac-Land -- 1985 video game
Wikipedia - Pac-Man 40th Anniversary -- Celebration of video game series
Wikipedia - Pac-Mania -- Video game
Wikipedia - Pac-Man Plus -- 1982 video game
Wikipedia - Pac-Man VR -- 1996 video game
Wikipedia - Pac-Man -- 1980 video game made by Namco
Wikipedia - Pac 'n Roll -- 2005 DS video game
Wikipedia - Paddle (game controller)
Wikipedia - Paddles (game)
Wikipedia - Pagamea -- Genus of Rubiaceae plants
Wikipedia - Pairing strategy -- Positional game strategy
Wikipedia - Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game
Wikipedia - Palladium Tele-Cassetten Game -- Home video game console released by Neckermann's technology and multimedia home brand Palladium
Wikipedia - Panama at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Panama at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Pan American Games -- Multi-sport event of the Americas
Wikipedia - Panasonic M2 -- Video game console design
Wikipedia - Panathenaic Games
Wikipedia - Pandemic (board game) -- Cooperative board game
Wikipedia - Pandoer -- Dutch card game
Wikipedia - Pandora's Tower -- Video game
Wikipedia - Pan European Game Information -- European video game content rating system
Wikipedia - Panhellenic Games -- Four distinct Ancient Greek sports festivals
Wikipedia - Panic in Nakayoshi World -- 1994 video game
Wikipedia - Pank-a-Squith -- Board game about the suffragette movement
Wikipedia - Panorama Cotton -- 1994 rail shooter video game
Wikipedia - Panoramical -- video game
Wikipedia - Panta Rhei (game engine)
Wikipedia - Panzer Dragoon Saga -- 1998 video game
Wikipedia - Panzer Paladin -- 2020 video game
Wikipedia - Paon DP -- Japanese video game development company
Wikipedia - Paparazzi!: Tales of Tinseltown -- Video game
Wikipedia - Paper and pencil game
Wikipedia - Paper-and-pencil game
Wikipedia - Paper doll (video games)
Wikipedia - Paper Mario: Color Splash -- 2016 action-adventure video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door -- 2004 role-playing video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Paper Mario -- 2000 role-playing video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Paper Mayhem -- American out of print play-by-mail game magazine
Wikipedia - Paper soccer -- Strategy game played on a paper grid representing a soccer or hockey field
Wikipedia - Papers, Please -- Border inspector simulation adventure game
Wikipedia - Paradise Killer -- 2020 mystery video game
Wikipedia - Paradox Development Studio -- Swedish video game developer
Wikipedia - Paradox Interactive -- Swedish video game publisher
Wikipedia - Paragliding at the 2018 Asian Games - Women's individual accuracy -- Paragliding
Wikipedia - Paragon Software -- Video game developer
Wikipedia - Paragon Studios -- Video game developer
Wikipedia - Paraguay at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Paraguay at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Paralives -- Upcoming life simulation computer game
Wikipedia - Parallel importing in video games -- Overview about parallel importing in video games
Wikipedia - Paralympic Games -- Major international sport event for people with disabilities
Wikipedia - Paralympics Ireland -- National committee for the paralympic games movement in Ireland
Wikipedia - Paranoia (role-playing game) -- Science fiction tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - PaRappa the Rapper -- 1996 rhythm video game
Wikipedia - Parascientific Escape: Cruise in the Distant Seas -- Video game
Wikipedia - Paratrooper (video game) -- 1982 video game
Wikipedia - Parcheesi -- Abstract strategy board game
Wikipedia - Pariah (video game) -- First-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Paris Games Week
Wikipedia - Parity game
Wikipedia - Park Rangers GAA -- Gaelic games club in Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - Parlour games
Wikipedia - Parlour game -- Group game played indoors
Wikipedia - ParquM-CM-)s -- Colombian strategy board game, variant of Pachisi
Wikipedia - Parroty Interactive -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - Parthasarathy's theorem -- Says when particular class of games on the unit square has a mixed value
Wikipedia - Partisan game
Wikipedia - Part Time UFO -- 2017 video game
Wikipedia - Party Animals (video game) -- An upcoming multiplayer brawler
Wikipedia - Party game
Wikipedia - Party (role-playing games)
Wikipedia - Pasang (game)
Wikipedia - Passage (video game)
Wikipedia - Password (American game show) -- American television game show
Wikipedia - Password (video games)
Wikipedia - Past Cure -- 2018 indie video game developed by Phantom 8 Studio
Wikipedia - Patapon 2 -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - Patapon 3 -- Video game
Wikipedia - Patapon (video game) -- Video game
Wikipedia - Patapon -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
Wikipedia - Path of Exile -- Online action role-playing game
Wikipedia - Path of Titans -- Online survival simulation game
Wikipedia - Pathways into Darkness -- 1993 video game
Wikipedia - Patience (game)
Wikipedia - Patrician IV -- Historical trading simulation computer game
Wikipedia - Patrick Breen (GAA President) -- Gaelic games administrator
Wikipedia - Patriot Games (film) -- 1992 film by Phillip Noyce
Wikipedia - Patriot Games -- 1987 novel by Tom Clancy
Wikipedia - Paul Kagame -- Rwandan politician, 4th and current President of Rwanda
Wikipedia - Paul Reubens -- American actor, writer, film producer, game show host, and comedian
Wikipedia - Paul Wedgwood -- Video game developer
Wikipedia - Pawnless chess endgame -- Chess positions with few pieces where none of them are a pawn
Wikipedia - Payback 2 -- Video game by Apex Designs
Wikipedia - PBA on Vintage Sports -- Branding used for presentation of PBA games produced by Vintage Sports
Wikipedia - PC-50x Family -- Series of home video game console
Wikipedia - PC-FX -- |1994 video game console
Wikipedia - PC Gamer UK
Wikipedia - PC Gamer US
Wikipedia - PC Gamer -- British-American video game magazine
Wikipedia - PCGamesN
Wikipedia - PC Games
Wikipedia - PC games
Wikipedia - PC game
Wikipedia - PC Master Race -- Tongue-in-cheek term of superiority for PC gaming used among gamers
Wikipedia - PCSO Lottery Draw -- Philippine television lottery game show
Wikipedia - Pease Porridge Hot -- Nursery rhyme and clapping game
Wikipedia - Pegasus (game magazine) -- Game magazine
Wikipedia - Peggle Blast -- Puzzle video game
Wikipedia - PelM-CM-)'s Soccer -- 1981 sports video game from Atari, Inc.
Wikipedia - Pencak silat at the 2018 Asian Games -- Game competition in 2018 Asian Games
Wikipedia - Penneech -- English card game
Wikipedia - Pennsylvania State Game Lands Number 148 -- Lands Numbers
Wikipedia - Penultima (game)
Wikipedia - Pepe Pimentel -- Filipino game show host and actor (1929-2013)
Wikipedia - Perfect Cherry Blossom -- Video game
Wikipedia - Perfect Entertainment -- British video game developer
Wikipedia - Perfection (board game)
Wikipedia - Perfect World Entertainment -- American video game developer and publisher
Wikipedia - Pergament Home Centers -- American retail chain
Wikipedia - Persona 2: Eternal Punishment -- 2000 video game
Wikipedia - Persona 2: Innocent Sin -- 1999 role-playing game
Wikipedia - Persona 3: Dancing in Moonlight -- 2018 video game
Wikipedia - Persona 3: The Weird Masquerade -- stage musicals based on video game of the same name
Wikipedia - Persona 3 -- Role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Persona 4 Arena -- 2012 video game
Wikipedia - Persona 4: Dancing All Night -- Music video game
Wikipedia - Persona 4 -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - Persona 5: Dancing in Starlight -- 2018 video game
Wikipedia - Persona 5 Strikers -- 2020 action video game
Wikipedia - Persona 5 -- Role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Personal Computer Games -- Defunct British magazine
Wikipedia - Personal computer game
Wikipedia - Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth -- 2018 video game
Wikipedia - Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth -- 2014 video game for Nintendo 3DS
Wikipedia - Persona (series) -- Video game and media franchise
Wikipedia - Peru at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Peru at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Pervasive game
Wikipedia - Pesterminator: The Western Exterminator -- 1990 video game
Wikipedia - PETA satirical browser games -- Satirical browser games created by PETA
Wikipedia - Pete Nash (game designer) -- Role-playing game designer
Wikipedia - Peter Crouch: Save Our Summer -- British TV comedy panel game show
Wikipedia - Peter David -- American writer of comic books, novels, television, movies and video games
Wikipedia - Peter Marshall (entertainer) -- American game show host, performer, singer
Wikipedia - Peter Molyneux -- English video game designer and game programmer
Wikipedia - Peter Oliphant -- American actor and video game designer
Wikipedia - Peter Pan and the Pirates (video game)
Wikipedia - Peter Parker (Insomniac Games character) -- superhero developed and created by Insomniac Games
Wikipedia - Pet in TV -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - Pet Society -- Playfish/Electronic Arts game on Facebook
Wikipedia - Petz Rescue: Ocean Patrol -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - PewDiePie: Legend of the Brofist -- 2015 action-adventure platform game
Wikipedia - PewDiePie's Tuber Simulator -- 2016 freemium simulation mobile game
Wikipedia - PewPew -- 2009 video game
Wikipedia - Peyton Young -- American game theorist, economist, and professor
Wikipedia - Phantasie (video game)
Wikipedia - Phantasmagoria (video game) -- 1995 video game
Wikipedia - Phantasy Star Collection -- Video game compilation
Wikipedia - Phantasy Star IV -- Video game
Wikipedia - Phantasy Star (video game) -- 1987 role-playing game
Wikipedia - Phantom Breaker -- Video game
Wikipedia - Phantom Brigade -- 2020 turn-based tactics video game
Wikipedia - Phantom Doctrine -- 2018 strategy video game
Wikipedia - Pharaoh (video game) -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Phase 10 -- Card game
Wikipedia - Phaser (game framework)
Wikipedia - Phasmophobia (video game) -- 2020 indie survival horror game
Wikipedia - Philadelphia Flyers-Ottawa Senators brawl -- Hockey game
Wikipedia - Philippe Keyaerts -- Belgian board game designer
Wikipedia - Philippine House Committee on Games and Amusements -- Standing committee of the House of Representatives of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippines at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Philippines at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Philippine Senate Committee on Games and Amusement -- Standing committee of the Senate of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philips Tele-Game series -- Series of first-generation home video game consoles
Wikipedia - Phoenix IV: The History of the Videogame Industry -- Book by Ace Herman
Wikipedia - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney M-bM-^HM-^R Spirit of Justice -- 2016 video game
Wikipedia - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney -- 2001 visual novel adventure video game by Capcom
Wikipedia - Photo Kano -- 2012 Japanese video game
Wikipedia - Picaria -- Two-player abstract strategy game from the Zuni Native American Indians or Pueblo Indians
Wikipedia - Pico-8 -- Virtual machine emulating a "fantasy video game console"
Wikipedia - Pie in the Sky (game engine)
Wikipedia - Pig Latin -- Secret language game
Wikipedia - Pikmin 2 -- 2004 puzzle strategy video game developed and published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Pikmin 3 -- 2013 real-time strategy video game developed and published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Pikmin (video game) -- 2001 real-time strategy video game developed and published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Pikmin -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Pikuniku -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - Pilotwings -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Pinetta Colonna-Gamero -- Italian painter
Wikipedia - Ping-O-Tronic -- Home video game console by Zanussi
Wikipedia - Pingus (video game)
Wikipedia - Pingus -- Computer game
Wikipedia - Pioneer (video game)
Wikipedia - Pip-Boy -- Fictional wearable computer in the post-apocalyptic Fallout video game franchise
Wikipedia - Pipeworks Studios -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - Piposh (upcoming video game) -- Upcoming video game
Wikipedia - Piposh -- Israeli video game series
Wikipedia - Pirate game
Wikipedia - Pirates and Plunder -- Role-playing game published by Yaquinto Publications
Wikipedia - Pirates of Black Cove -- 2011 real-time strategy video game
Wikipedia - Pirates of the Caribbean: Armada of the Damned -- Cancelled action-adventure video game
Wikipedia - Pirates of the Caribbean Online -- 2007 multiplayer online video game
Wikipedia - Pitbull Studio -- British video game development company
Wikipedia - Pitch and putt -- Game derived from golf in Ireland in 1929
Wikipedia - Pit (game)
Wikipedia - Pivotal Games -- Former video game developers
Wikipedia - PixelJunk 4am -- 2012 music video game
Wikipedia - Pixelopus -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - Pixie Hollow Games
Wikipedia - Plague Inc. -- iOS and Android strategy video game
Wikipedia - Plan 9 from Outer Space (video game) -- 1992 video game
Wikipedia - Planescape: Torment -- 1999 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - PlaneShift (video game)
Wikipedia - Planetarian: The Reverie of a Little Planet -- 2004 video game
Wikipedia - Planetarium Manager -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - PlanetSide 2 -- MMO FPS game from the year 2013
Wikipedia - Planet Zoo -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - Planning game
Wikipedia - Plants vs. Zombies 2 -- 2013 video game
Wikipedia - Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville -- 2019 third-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 -- 2016 video game
Wikipedia - Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare -- 2014 third-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Plants vs. Zombies Heroes -- 2016 video game
Wikipedia - Plants vs. Zombies -- Tower defense video game first released in 2009
Wikipedia - Plarium -- International software company that designs both mobile and browser games
Wikipedia - Plateau (game)
Wikipedia - Platform game
Wikipedia - PlatinumGames -- Japanese video game company
Wikipedia - Playboy: The Mansion -- Video game
Wikipedia - Play-by-mail game -- Games played through postal mail, email or other digital media
Wikipedia - Playdead -- Danish video game developer and publisher
Wikipedia - Playdom -- defunct online social network game developer
Wikipedia - Player Character Record Sheets -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - Player (game) -- Person who plays a game
Wikipedia - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds -- Online battle royale video game
Wikipedia - Playground Games -- British video game developer
Wikipedia - Playing card -- Card used for playing many card games
Wikipedia - Playing Games -- 2019 song by Summer Walker
Wikipedia - Playing Gods -- Boardgame
Wikipedia - Playrix -- Russian games developer and publisher
Wikipedia - Playskool -- American company that produces educational toys and games
Wikipedia - PlayStation 2 -- Sixth-generation and second home video game console developed by Sony Interactive Entertainment
Wikipedia - PlayStation 3 -- Seventh-generation and third home video game console developed by Sony
Wikipedia - PlayStation 4 -- Sony's eighth-generation and fourth home video game console
Wikipedia - PlayStation 5 -- 2020 Sony video game console
Wikipedia - PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale -- 2012 fighting crossover video game.
Wikipedia - PlayStation Classic -- Dedicated video game console
Wikipedia - PlayStation (console) -- Fifth-generation and first home video game console developed by Sony
Wikipedia - PlayStation Experience -- Annual event for the video game industry
Wikipedia - PlayStation Move -- Motion game controller by Sony Computer Entertainment
Wikipedia - Playtest -- Process of testing in game design
Wikipedia - Play the Game (1946 TV series) -- US television program
Wikipedia - Play the Game (song) -- 1980 song by Queen
Wikipedia - Please, Don't Touch Anything -- Puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Pleasure Goal: 5 on 5 Mini Soccer -- 1996 futsal arcade video game
Wikipedia - Ploy (board game)
Wikipedia - Plumbers Don't Wear Ties -- 1993 video game
Wikipedia - Ply (game theory)
Wikipedia - Pocket World -- Video game magazine
Wikipedia - Poietic Generator -- Social network game played on a two-dimensional matrix
Wikipedia - Point Blank DS -- 2006 video game for the Nintendo DS
Wikipedia - Pointless (Australian game show) -- Australian TV series
Wikipedia - Point of no return (computer games)
Wikipedia - Poisson games
Wikipedia - Poi (video game) -- 2017 3D platform game
Wikipedia - Pokeno game -- Card game
Wikipedia - Poker Night at the Inventory -- poker video game
Wikipedia - Poker Superstars season 2 results -- game show competition results
Wikipedia - Poker -- Family of card games
Wikipedia - PokM-CM-)mon Brick Bronze -- Roblox role-playing video game
Wikipedia - PokM-CM-)mon Channel -- 2003 video game for the GameCube
Wikipedia - PokM-CM-)mon Colosseum -- 2003 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - PokM-CM-)mon Diamond and Pearl -- Game developed by Game Freak and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo DS
Wikipedia - PokM-CM-)mon Go -- Augmented reality mobile game based on the PokM-CM-)mon franchise
Wikipedia - PokM-CM-)mon Home -- 2020 PokM-CM-)mon storage app and game
Wikipedia - PokM-CM-)mon: Magikarp Jump -- 2017 video game
Wikipedia - PokM-CM-)mon Mini -- 2001 handheld game console
Wikipedia - PokM-CM-)mon Platinum -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - PokM-CM-)mon Puzzle League -- 2000 puzzle game for the Nintendo 64
Wikipedia - PokM-CM-)mon Shuffle -- 2015 free-to-play video game
Wikipedia - PokM-CM-)mon Sleep -- Upcoming 2020 mobile video game
Wikipedia - PokM-CM-)mon Snap -- 1999 photography-based first-person rail shooter simulation video game
Wikipedia - PokM-CM-)mon Stadium 2 -- 2000 strategy video game
Wikipedia - PokM-CM-)mon Stadium -- 1999 strategy video game
Wikipedia - PokM-CM-)mon TCG Online -- Online video game
Wikipedia - PokM-CM-)mon Trading Card Game (video game) -- Video game
Wikipedia - PokM-CM-)mon Trading Figure Game -- Game designed by PokM-CM-)mon USA
Wikipedia - PokM-CM-)mon Unite -- upcoming multiplayer online battle arena video game
Wikipedia - PokM-CM-)mon (video game series) -- Japanese video game series
Wikipedia - PokM-CM-)mon X and Y -- Role-playing video games
Wikipedia - PokM-CM-)mon Yellow -- 1998 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Poland at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Poland at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Police Quest III: The Kindred -- 1991 video game
Wikipedia - Pollen -- The grains containing the male gametophytes of seed plants
Wikipedia - Pollotarianism -- Diet that incorporates poultry and game as the only source of meat in an otherwise vegetarian diet
Wikipedia - Poly Bridge 2 -- 2020 puzzle video game by Dry Cactus
Wikipedia - Poly Bridge -- 2016 puzzle video game by Dry Cactus
Wikipedia - Polygon (website) -- Video game website
Wikipedia - Polyphony Digital -- Japanese video game developer
Wikipedia - Pong Toss! Frat Party Games -- 2008 party video game
Wikipedia - Pong -- 1972 arcade game
Wikipedia - Poole versus HAL 9000 -- Fictional chess game from Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey
Wikipedia - PopCap Games -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - Pop'n Tanks! -- 1999 Japanese video game
Wikipedia - Pop'n TwinBee: Rainbow Bell Adventures -- 1994 Super Famicom game
Wikipedia - Populous: The Beginning -- 1998 video game
Wikipedia - Populous (video game) -- 1989 video game
Wikipedia - Portable Draughts Notation -- Computer data format for recording draughts games
Wikipedia - Portable Game Notation -- Computer format for recording chess games
Wikipedia - Portal 2 -- 2011 puzzle-platform game
Wikipedia - Portal:Games
Wikipedia - Portal:Olympic Games/Did you know -- Wikimedia portal subpage
Wikipedia - Portal:Olympic Games/Selected article -- Wikimedia portal subpage
Wikipedia - Portal:Olympic Games/Selected athlete -- Wikimedia portal subpage
Wikipedia - Portal:Olympic Games/Selected picture -- Wikimedia portal subpage
Wikipedia - Portal:Olympic Games/Selected quote -- Wikimedia portal subpage
Wikipedia - Portal:Olympic Games
Wikipedia - Portal (series) -- Video game series by Valve
Wikipedia - Portal:Video games
Wikipedia - Portal (video game) -- 2007 puzzle-platform video game
Wikipedia - Port Royale: Gold, Power and Pirates -- 2003 video game
Wikipedia - Port Xanatath -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Positional game
Wikipedia - Postal 2 -- 2003 video game
Wikipedia - Posterior cruciate ligament -- One of four major ligaments of the knee
Wikipedia - Posterior longitudinal ligament -- Bones of the vertebral column, and ligaments of the head and neck and torso
Wikipedia - Posterior sternoclavicular ligament -- Ligament connecting the breastbone and the collarbone
Wikipedia - Post Scriptum (video game) -- Tactical first-person shooter set in the Second World War
Wikipedia - Potato Sack -- Alternate reality game
Wikipedia - Potential game
Wikipedia - Pot Farm -- 2010 farming simulation game
Wikipedia - Pou (video game) -- Virtual pet game
Wikipedia - Power Armor (Fallout) -- Fictional armored exoskeleton in the post-apocalyptic Fallout video game franchise
Wikipedia - Powerball -- American lottery game
Wikipedia - Power Nine -- A set of nine cards in Magic: The Gathering, that were only printed early in the game's history
Wikipedia - Power of 10 (Philippine game show) -- 2009 Philippine television show
Wikipedia - Power Play: How Video Games Can Save the World -- Non-fiction book
Wikipedia - Power Play with Champions -- Indian cricket game show
Wikipedia - Power Rangers Collectible Card Game -- American trading card game
Wikipedia - Power Stone 2 -- 2000 video game
Wikipedia - Power Stone -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Power Unlimited -- Dutch computer and video games magazine
Wikipedia - P.O.W.: Prisoners of War -- 1988 video game
Wikipedia - P. P. Hammer and his Pneumatic Weapon -- 1991 video game
Wikipedia - Precedence (solitaire) -- Card game
Wikipedia - Predator: Hunting Grounds -- 2020 video game
Wikipedia - Preppie! II -- 1983 video game
Wikipedia - Press Your Luck -- American game show
Wikipedia - Pretty Princess Party -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (arcade game) -- 1995 video game
Wikipedia - Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon S (3DO game) -- 1995 Sailor Moon video game
Wikipedia - Prey (2006 video game)
Wikipedia - Prey (2017 video game) -- 2017 video game
Wikipedia - Prima Games
Wikipedia - Primal Rage -- 1994 arcade video game
Wikipedia - Prime Directive (role-playing game) -- Tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - Primeval Hunt -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - Prime World -- Multiplayer online video game
Wikipedia - Primordia (video game) -- 2012 video game
Wikipedia - Prince Interactive -- | 1994 multimedia CD-ROM video game
Wikipedia - Prince of Persia (1989 video game)
Wikipedia - Prince of Persia Classic -- Video game
Wikipedia - Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time -- 2003 video game
Wikipedia - Prince of Qin (video game) -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Princess and Monster game
Wikipedia - Princess Connect! Re:Dive -- Japanese real-time action role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Princess Peach -- Video game character
Wikipedia - Princess Zelda -- Video game character
Wikipedia - Prison Architect -- Construction and management simulation game
Wikipedia - Prisoner's dilemma -- Canonical example of a game analyzed in game theory
Wikipedia - Prius Online -- 2010 video game
Wikipedia - Prized Apart -- British television game show
Wikipedia - Prize Island -- British television game show
Wikipedia - Prize Wali Paathshala -- Indian interactive game show
Wikipedia - Professor Kageyama's Maths Training: The Hundred Cell Calculation Method -- 2007 puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Professor Layton and the Curious Village -- 2007 Japanese puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box -- 2007 Japanese puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Professor Layton and the Last Specter -- Japanese puzzle adventure video game
Wikipedia - Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask -- 2011 Japanese puzzle adventure video game
Wikipedia - Professor Layton and the Unwound Future -- 2008 Japanese puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Professor Layton -- Japanese video game series developed by Level-5
Wikipedia - Professor Pac-Man -- 1983 video game
Wikipedia - Programming game
Wikipedia - Project CARS 2 -- Motorsport racing simulator video game
Wikipedia - Project CARS 3 -- 2020 racing video game
Wikipedia - Project CARS (video game) -- 2015 racing video game
Wikipedia - Project CARS -- Racing video game series by Slightly Mad Studios
Wikipedia - Project Eagle -- Interactive game
Wikipedia - Project Hospital -- 2018 video game
Wikipedia - Project Sekai: Colorful Stage feat. Hatsune Miku -- Japanese mobile game
Wikipedia - Project Snowblind -- Video game
Wikipedia - Project Starfighter -- 2001 video game
Wikipedia - Project Wingman -- 2020 video game
Wikipedia - Project-X -- 1992 video game
Wikipedia - Project X Zone 2 -- Tactical role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Project X Zone -- Video game
Wikipedia - Pro Manager -- Video game
Wikipedia - Pronoun game
Wikipedia - Protagonist (Persona 3) -- Persona 3 video game character
Wikipedia - Proteus (video game) -- 2013 exploration video game
Wikipedia - Pro Wrestling (NES video game) -- 1986 video game
Wikipedia - Pro Zombie Soccer -- 2010 video game
Wikipedia - Psionics (role-playing games) -- Aspect of role-playing gaming
Wikipedia - Pssst -- 1983 video game
Wikipedia - Psychic Force -- 1996 video game
Wikipedia - Psychonauts -- 2005 video game developed by Double Fine Productions
Wikipedia - Psychosis (video game) -- Sidescrolling shooter for the TurboGrafx-16 from 1990
Wikipedia - Psychotoxic -- 2004 first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Psygnosis -- Defunct British video game developer and publisher
Wikipedia - Pterygospinous ligament -- Ligament from the upper part of the posterior border of the lateral pterygoid plate to the spinous process of the sphenoid
Wikipedia - P.T. (video game) -- 2014 video game
Wikipedia - Public goods game
Wikipedia - Puerto Rico at the 2011 Pan American Games -- Competed in Guadalajara, Mexico
Wikipedia - Puerto Rico at the 2019 Parapan American Games -- Competition
Wikipedia - Puerto Rico at the Olympics -- Participation of athletes from Puerto Rico in the Olympic Games
Wikipedia - Puerto Rico (board game) -- German-style board game designed by Andreas Seyfarth
Wikipedia - Punch buggy -- Car game
Wikipedia - Punch-Out!! (arcade game) -- 1984 boxing arcade video game
Wikipedia - Punch-Out!! (NES) -- 1987 boxing sports fighting video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Punch-Out!! (Wii) -- 2009 boxing video game
Wikipedia - Punch-Out!! -- Boxing video game series made by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Purple Lamp Studios -- Austrian video game developer
Wikipedia - Push Me Pull You -- 2D multiplayer video game by House House from 2016
Wikipedia - Puss in Boots (video game) -- 2011 video game
Wikipedia - Puyo Puyo Chronicle -- 2016 videogame
Wikipedia - Puyo Puyo DA! -- Dance video game
Wikipedia - Puyo Puyo Tetris -- 2014 crossover puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Puzzle & Dragons -- 2012 puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Puzzle & Dragons X -- Game and anime television series
Wikipedia - Puzzle & Dragons Z + Super Mario Bros. Edition -- 2015 role-playing puzzle video game published by GungHo Online Entertainment and Nintendo
Wikipedia - Puzzled (video game) -- Neo Geo falling-block puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Puzzle'n Desu! -- 1995 puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Puzzle Quest: The Legend Returns -- 2019 video game remaster
Wikipedia - Puzzle Quest -- Match 3 and role-playing video game series
Wikipedia - Puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Puzznic -- Puzzle video game first released in 1989 by Taito
Wikipedia - Pygame
Wikipedia - Pylos (board game)
Wikipedia - Pyramid of Fire -- Drinking game
Wikipedia - Pyre (video game) -- 2017 action role playing video game
Wikipedia - Pyst -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - Pythian Games -- One of the Panhellenic Games of Ancient Greece
Wikipedia - Q*bert -- Action puzzle arcade game first released in 1982
Wikipedia - Q (game engine)
Wikipedia - QI -- British comedy panel game television quiz show
Wikipedia - Qix -- 1981 puzzle video game published by Taito
Wikipedia - QuackShot -- 1991 video game
Wikipedia - Quadradius -- 2010 4X video game
Wikipedia - Quadrax -- Series of freeware video games
Wikipedia - QuakeCon -- Video game convention
Wikipedia - Quake II -- 1997 first-person shooter video game by id Software
Wikipedia - Quake Live -- 2010 first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Quake modding -- Modding in the Quake video game series
Wikipedia - Quake (video game)
Wikipedia - QuakeWorld -- Multiplayer add-on for Quake video game
Wikipedia - Quantic Dream -- French video game developer
Wikipedia - Quantum Break -- 2016 video game
Wikipedia - Quantum Conundrum -- 2012 puzzle-platformer video game
Wikipedia - Quantum game theory
Wikipedia - Quarto (board game)
Wikipedia - Quebec Games -- Biennial multi-sport event in Quebec, Canada
Wikipedia - Queen and pawn versus queen endgame -- Chess endgame where both sides have a queen and one side has an extra pawn
Wikipedia - Queen's Pawn Game
Wikipedia - Queen versus pawn endgame
Wikipedia - Quest: Brian's Journey -- 2000 GBC role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Quest for Camelot Dragon Games -- 1998 children's computer game by Knowledge Adventure
Wikipedia - Quest for Glory -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Questions (game)
Wikipedia - Questprobe featuring The Hulk -- 1984 video game
Wikipedia - Questron (video game)
Wikipedia - QuickStrike -- Collectible card game
Wikipedia - Quidditch (real-life sport) -- Sport based on the fictional game featured in Harry Potter
Wikipedia - Quit Playing Games (with My Heart) -- 1996 single by Backstreet Boys
Wikipedia - Qui veut gagner des millions ? -- French TV game show
Wikipedia - Quiz on Korea -- South Korean TV game show
Wikipedia - Quod (board game)
Wikipedia - Quoridor -- Board game
Wikipedia - QWOP -- Video game
Wikipedia - Rabbid Peach -- Video game character
Wikipedia - Rabbids Go Home -- 2009 video game
Wikipedia - Rabbids Land -- 2012 video game
Wikipedia - Rabbit Transit (game) -- Video game
Wikipedia - Race Driver: Grid -- Racing video game by Codemasters
Wikipedia - Race game -- Type of board game
Wikipedia - Race Pro -- 2009 video game
Wikipedia - Racetrack (game)
Wikipedia - Racing Evoluzione -- 2003 video game
Wikipedia - Racing game -- Video game genre
Wikipedia - Racing video game
Wikipedia - Racing wheel -- Video game controller
Wikipedia - Racino -- Gambling venue that offers both racing and casino games
Wikipedia - Racjin -- Japanese video game developer
Wikipedia - Racquetball at the 2010 Central American and Caribbean Games -- Event held in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Racquetball at the 2019 Pan American Games - Qualification -- Racquetball competition
Wikipedia - Racquetball at the 2019 Pan American Games -- The Racquetball competitions at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Radar Scope -- 1980 shooter arcade game
Wikipedia - Radial collateral ligament of elbow joint -- Ligament of elbow
Wikipedia - Radiant Historia -- 2010 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Radical Dreamers -- 1996 text-based adventure video game
Wikipedia - Radical Entertainment -- Canadian video game developer
Wikipedia - Rad Mobile -- 1991 video game
Wikipedia - RAFM Company -- Game company
Wikipedia - Raft (video game) -- 2018 survival video game
Wikipedia - Rag Doll Kung Fu -- 2005 fighting game
Wikipedia - Rage 2 -- First-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Rage (video game) -- 2011 video game
Wikipedia - Ragnarok Online -- Korean massive multiplayer online role-playing game
Wikipedia - Raheny GAA -- Gaelic games club in County Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - Raiden (series) -- Scrolling shooter video games
Wikipedia - Raiden (video game) -- Vertically scrolling shooter arcade game released in 1990
Wikipedia - Raiders of the Lost Ark (video game)
Wikipedia - Raid on Bungeling Bay -- 1984 video game designed by Will Wright
Wikipedia - Raid: Shadow Legends -- 2019 mobile video game
Wikipedia - Railroad Tycoon -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Rain World -- 2017 survival platformer video game
Wikipedia - Raji: An Ancient Epic -- Indie video game
Wikipedia - Ralph Stock -- German game designer
Wikipedia - Rambo (1985 video game) -- 1985 computer game
Wikipedia - Rambo: First Blood Part II (Master System video game) -- 1986 video game
Wikipedia - Rami Ismail -- Dutch video game developer
Wikipedia - Ramonovo Kouzlo -- 1995 Slovakian video game
Wikipedia - Rampage (1986 video game) -- 1986 video game
Wikipedia - Rampo Kitan: Game of Laplace -- Japanese anime television series
Wikipedia - Randomized algorithms as zero-sum games
Wikipedia - Randy Lew -- American poker and competitive fighting game player
Wikipedia - Ranma M-BM-=: Hard Battle -- 1992 video game
Wikipedia - RapeLay -- 2006 video game
Wikipedia - Raph Koster -- American video game designer and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Rare Replay -- 2015 video game
Wikipedia - Rastan (video game) -- 1987 videogame
Wikipedia - Ratbag Games -- Company
Wikipedia - Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction -- 2007 video game
Wikipedia - Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando -- 2003 video game
Wikipedia - Ratchet & Clank -- Series of platform video games
Wikipedia - Rave (board game) -- 1991 board game
Wikipedia - Ravenloft (module) -- 1983 adventure module for the Dungeons & Dragons game
Wikipedia - Raving Rabbids: Alive & Kicking -- 2011 video game
Wikipedia - Raving Rabbids: Travel in Time -- 2010 video game
Wikipedia - Raw Danger! -- Video game
Wikipedia - Raw Deal (card game) -- Collectible card game
Wikipedia - RayForce -- 1993 video game
Wikipedia - Rayman M -- 2001 video game
Wikipedia - Rayman Origins -- 2011 video game
Wikipedia - Rayman -- franchise of platform video games published by Ubisoft
Wikipedia - Razer Inc. -- Singaporean-American company which specializes in products marketed to gamers
Wikipedia - RCA Studio II -- Home video game consoles by RCA
Wikipedia - R.C. Pro-Am II -- 1992 racing video game
Wikipedia - R.C. Pro-Am -- Racing video game for NES from 1988
Wikipedia - Reactor (video game) -- Video game set inside a nuclear reactor, first released in 1982
Wikipedia - Reader Rabbit: 1st Grade -- 1998 educational video game
Wikipedia - Reader Rabbit 2 -- 1991 educational video game
Wikipedia - Reader Rabbit: Jumpsmarter -- 2018 educational video game
Wikipedia - Reader Rabbit Kindergarten -- 1997 education video game
Wikipedia - Reader Rabbit Playtime for Baby -- 1999 educational video game
Wikipedia - Reader Rabbit Preschool: Sparkle Star Rescue -- 2001 educational video game
Wikipedia - Reader Rabbit's Interactive Reading Journey 2 -- 1994 educational video game
Wikipedia - Reader Rabbit's Interactive Reading Journey -- 1994 educational video game
Wikipedia - Reader Rabbit's Ready for Letters -- 1992 educational video game
Wikipedia - Reader Rabbit Toddler -- 1997 education video game
Wikipedia - Reader Rabbit -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Real Bout Fatal Fury Special -- 1997 fighting game by SNK
Wikipedia - Really Bad Chess -- Mobile video game by Zach Gage
Wikipedia - Realm of the Mad God -- Massively multiplayer online video game
Wikipedia - Real Racing 3 -- 2013 racing video game
Wikipedia - Real-time game
Wikipedia - Real-time strategy game
Wikipedia - Real-time strategy -- Strategy video game sub-genre
Wikipedia - Real-time vs. turn-based gameplay
Wikipedia - Rebecca Goodgame Ebinger -- United States District Judge
Wikipedia - Rebecca Heineman -- American video game programmer
Wikipedia - Rebellion Developments -- Video game company
Wikipedia - Record of Lodoss War -- Franchise of fantasy novels by Ryo Mizuno based in an role-playing games (RPGs) world called Forcelia
Wikipedia - Red Ace Squadron -- Flight simulation video game, released in 2001
Wikipedia - Red Candle Games -- Video game developer
Wikipedia - Red Dead Online -- Online multiplayer action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Red Dead Redemption 2 -- 2018 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Red Dead Redemption -- 2010 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Red Dead Revolver -- 2004 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Redemption (card game) -- Collectible card game based on the Bible
Wikipedia - Red Entertainment -- Japanese video game developer
Wikipedia - Red Faction II -- Video game
Wikipedia - Red Faction (video game) -- First-person shooter released in 2001
Wikipedia - Redline (1999 video game) -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Redmond A. Simonsen -- American board game designer
Wikipedia - Red Orb Entertainment -- Video game publishing company
Wikipedia - Red Rover -- Children's game
Wikipedia - Redshirt (video game) -- 2013 social simulation game
Wikipedia - Red Storm Rising (board game) -- WW3 boardgame based on the novel by Tom Clancy
Wikipedia - Reflex (game show) -- UK BBC television game show
Wikipedia - Reiko Nagase -- Fictional video game character
Wikipedia - Relentless Studios -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - Reliance Games -- Indian video game developer
Wikipedia - Religion and video games
Wikipedia - Remedy Entertainment -- Finnish video game developer
Wikipedia - Remember Me (video game)
Wikipedia - Remnant: From the Ashes -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - Remote Play -- Feature of Sony video game consoles that allows the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 to transmit its video and audio output to a PlayStation Portable or PlayStation Vita
Wikipedia - Remothered: Broken Porcelain -- Survival horror video game
Wikipedia - Remothered: Tormented Fathers -- 2018 horror video game
Wikipedia - Renee Gittins -- American game developer
Wikipedia - Renegade Legion: Interceptor -- 1990 video game
Wikipedia - Renju -- Traditional board game
Wikipedia - Ren'Py -- Game engine for the creation of visual novels
Wikipedia - Repeated game
Wikipedia - Replay Publishing -- American game company
Wikipedia - Requiem of Hell -- 2004 video game
Wikipedia - Rescue on Galatea -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Research and Development (mod) -- 2009 Half-Life mod and puzzle game
Wikipedia - Resident Evil (1996 video game) -- 1996 survival horror video game
Wikipedia - Resident Evil 2 (2019 video game) -- Survival horror game by Capcom
Wikipedia - Resident Evil 2 -- 1998 survival horror video game
Wikipedia - Resident Evil 4 -- 2005 third-person shooter game
Wikipedia - Resident Evil 5 -- 2009 video game
Wikipedia - Resident Evil (film series) -- Film series based on video game
Wikipedia - Resident Evil Survivor 2 - Code: Veronica -- 2002 survival horror video game
Wikipedia - Resident Evil Village -- 2021 survival horror video game
Wikipedia - Resident Evil -- Video game and media franchise
Wikipedia - Resistance: Fall of Man -- 2006 first-person shooter game
Wikipedia - Retro City Rampage -- 2012 action-adventure video game
Wikipedia - Retro Gamer magazine
Wikipedia - Retro Gamer
Wikipedia - Retro Studios -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - Return of the Obra Dinn -- 2018 video game
Wikipedia - Return to Zork -- Graphic adventure video game
Wikipedia - Revelations: Persona -- 1996 role-playing game
Wikipedia - Revenge of the Killer Robots from Hell -- MS-DOS game
Wikipedia - Revenge of the Titans -- 2010 video game
Wikipedia - Rev Limit -- Unreleased sim racing video game
Wikipedia - Revolver Ocelot -- recurring character in Konami's Metal Gear video game series
Wikipedia - RewardVille -- Retired virtual game currency
Wikipedia - Rex Ingamells -- Australian poet
Wikipedia - Reyong -- Indonesian musical instrument used in Balinese gamelan
Wikipedia - Re:Zero M-bM-^HM-^R Starting Life in Another World: Lost in Memories -- Upcoming video game
Wikipedia - RFactor -- 2005 video game
Wikipedia - Rhumb Line (board game)
Wikipedia - Rhythm game accessories
Wikipedia - Rhythm game -- Genre of music-themed action video game
Wikipedia - Richard Baker (game designer) -- American author and game designer
Wikipedia - Richard Borg -- American board game designer
Wikipedia - Richard Brightfield -- American writer of children's gamebooks
Wikipedia - Richard Dawson -- English-born American actor, comedian, game show host and panelist
Wikipedia - Richard Garfield -- American game designer
Wikipedia - Richard Garriott -- American video game developer and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Richard Karn -- American actor, author and former game show host
Wikipedia - Richard Osman's House of Games -- British game show
Wikipedia - Rich Diamond -- 2003 puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Rich Uncle Pennybags -- Mascot for the board game Monopoly
Wikipedia - Rick Dyer (video game designer) -- American video game designer and writer
Wikipedia - Rick Goodman -- American video game developer (born 1955)
Wikipedia - Rick Loomis -- American game designer
Wikipedia - Riddick Bowe Boxing -- 1993 boxing video game
Wikipedia - Riddim Ribbon feat. The Black Eyed Peas -- 2010 music video game
Wikipedia - Riddim Ribbon -- 2010 video game
Wikipedia - Ride to Hell: Retribution -- 2013 video game
Wikipedia - Ride (video game) -- 2015 racing video game
Wikipedia - Ridge Racer (1993 video game) -- 1993 racing video game
Wikipedia - Ridge Racer (2004 video game) -- 2004 racing video game
Wikipedia - Ridge Racer (2011 video game) -- 2011 racing video game
Wikipedia - Ridge Racer 2 (2006 video game) -- 2006 racing video game
Wikipedia - Ridge Racer 2 -- 1994 racing video game
Wikipedia - Ridge Racer 3D -- 2011 racing video game
Wikipedia - Ridge Racer -- Racing video game series
Wikipedia - Riding Spirits -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Rifts (role-playing game) -- Tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - RimWorld -- 2018 construction and management simulation video game
Wikipedia - Ring Games -- 2016 Jamaicam television series
Wikipedia - Ringo (game)
Wikipedia - Rings of Saturn (video game) -- 1981 video game
Wikipedia - Ringworld (role-playing game) -- Tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - Riot Games -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - Ripened Tingle's Balloon Trip of Love -- Nintendo video game
Wikipedia - Ripley's Game (film) -- 2002 thriller film
Wikipedia - Rise and Decline of the Third Reich -- 1974 grand strategy wargame set during World War II
Wikipedia - Rise of the Tomb Raider -- 2015 video game
Wikipedia - Rising Sun (video game) -- 2000 computer wargame
Wikipedia - Risk (game) -- Grand-strategy board-game with the goal of conquering the world.
Wikipedia - Risk of Rain 2 -- 2019 third-person roguelike video game
Wikipedia - Ritual Entertainment -- Former video game developer
Wikipedia - Rivals of Aether -- 2017 video game
Wikipedia - Rival Turf! -- 1992 video game
Wikipedia - Riven -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - River Raid -- Scrolling shooter video game by Activision from 1982
Wikipedia - Road Fighter -- 1984 racing video game
Wikipedia - Road Rash (1991 video game) -- 1991 racing video game
Wikipedia - Road Rash (1994 video game) -- 1994 racing video game
Wikipedia - Road Rash II -- 1992 racing game
Wikipedia - Robbers' rummy -- Card game
Wikipedia - Rob Daviau -- American game designer
Wikipedia - Robert Abbott (game designer) -- Game inventor
Wikipedia - Roberta Williams -- American video game designer, writer and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Robert Dover (Cotswold Games) -- English attorney, author and wit
Wikipedia - Robert Duffy (programmer) -- American video game programmer
Wikipedia - Robert Gamez -- American professional golfer
Wikipedia - Robert Kurvitz -- Novelist, musician, and game designer
Wikipedia - Robert Prince (video game composer)
Wikipedia - Robert Yang -- Indie game developer and artist
Wikipedia - Robin Walker (game designer) -- Video game designer
Wikipedia - Roblox -- Multiplayer game creation platform
Wikipedia - Robocalypse -- 2008 RTS DS game
Wikipedia - Robodemons -- 1989 video game
Wikipedia - RoboGames
Wikipedia - RoboRally -- Board game
Wikipedia - Robotica -- 1995 Sega Saturn video game
Wikipedia - Robotics;Notes -- 2012 video game
Wikipedia - Robot Odyssey -- 1984 video game
Wikipedia - Robotron: 2084 -- 1982 video game
Wikipedia - Robox -- Side-scrolling game
Wikipedia - Rock Band 3 -- 2010 music video game
Wikipedia - Rock Band 4 -- 2015 music video game
Wikipedia - Rock Band Unplugged -- 2009 video game
Wikipedia - Rock Band (video game) -- 2007 music video game
Wikipedia - Rock Band -- Series of music video games
Wikipedia - Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots -- Two-player action toy and game
Wikipedia - RocketBowl -- 2004 video game
Wikipedia - Rocket League -- 2015 free vehicular soccer video game
Wikipedia - Rocket Riot -- 2009 video game
Wikipedia - Rockman Battle & Fighters -- 2000 fighting video game published by Capcom
Wikipedia - Rock of Ages 2: Bigger & Boulder -- 2017 video game
Wikipedia - Rock of Ages (video game) -- 2011 video game
Wikipedia - Rock of Love with Bret Michaels -- American reality television dating game show
Wikipedia - Rock paper scissors -- Hand game for two players
Wikipedia - Rock, Paper, Shotgun -- Video game website and blog
Wikipedia - Rockstar Advanced Game Engine
Wikipedia - Rockstar Games
Wikipedia - Rockstar India -- Indian video game developer
Wikipedia - Rockstar New England -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - Rockstar North -- British video game developer
Wikipedia - Rockstar San Diego -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - Rockstar Vancouver -- Defunct Canadian video game developer
Wikipedia - Rocksteady Studios -- British computer and video game developer
Wikipedia - Rocky and Bullwinkle (video game) -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - Rod Fergusson -- Canadian video game producer
Wikipedia - RodskM-CM-$gg -- Swedish card game
Wikipedia - Rody Nealon -- Irish hurler and Gaelic games administrator
Wikipedia - Roger Craig (Jeopardy! contestant) -- American computer scientist, businessman and game show contestant
Wikipedia - Rogue Company -- free-to-play third-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Rogue (computer game)
Wikipedia - Rogue Legacy -- 2013 video game
Wikipedia - Roguelike deck-building game
Wikipedia - Roguelike -- Subgenre of role-playing video games
Wikipedia - Rogue Moon of Spinstorme -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Rogue (video game) -- 1980 video game
Wikipedia - Roki -- 2020 adventure video game
Wikipedia - Rolemaster -- Tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - Role-playing game (pen and paper)
Wikipedia - Role playing games
Wikipedia - Role-playing games
Wikipedia - Role-playing game system
Wikipedia - Role-playing game terms
Wikipedia - Role-playing game theory
Wikipedia - Role playing game
Wikipedia - Role-playing game -- Game in which players assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting
Wikipedia - Role-playing video game -- Video game genre
Wikipedia - Roll20 -- Website for playing tabletop roleplaying games
Wikipedia - RollerCoaster Tycoon (video game)
Wikipedia - Roller skating at the 2010 Central American and Caribbean Games -- Event held in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Roller sports at the 2019 Pan American Games - Men's free skating -- The men's artistic skating free skating at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Roller sports at the 2019 Pan American Games -- The Roller sports competitions at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Roller sports at the 2019 Pan American Games - Women's free skating -- The women's artistic skating free skating at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Rolo to the Rescue -- 1993 video game
Wikipedia - Romania at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Romania at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - ROM cartridge -- Digital data storage device used for the distribution and storage of video games
Wikipedia - Romero Games Ltd.
Wikipedia - ROM hacking -- Video game editing technique
Wikipedia - Rook and bishop versus rook endgame
Wikipedia - Rook and pawn versus rook endgame -- Chess endgame theory
Wikipedia - Rook (card game)
Wikipedia - Rooster Teeth Games -- Video game developer, publisher and distributor
Wikipedia - Roulette -- Game of chance
Wikipedia - Rovio Entertainment -- Finnish video game developer and entertainment company
Wikipedia - Rowing at the 2010 Central American and Caribbean Games -- Event held in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Rowing at the 2013 Mediterranean Games - Men's double sculls -- Rowing event
Wikipedia - Rowing at the 2019 Pan American Games -- The Rowing competitions at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Rowing at the 2019 Southeast Asian Games -- Rowing event
Wikipedia - Rowing at the Youth Olympic Games -- rowing events
Wikipedia - Royal Game of Ur -- ancient Mesopotamian board game
Wikipedia - Royal Quest -- Fantasy themed massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG)
Wikipedia - Royal Wins -- Digital games studio
Wikipedia - R. Talsorian Games
Wikipedia - R-Type Delta -- 1998 video game
Wikipedia - R-Types -- 1998 shoot'em up video game compilation
Wikipedia - R-Type -- Sidescrolling shooter video game first released in 1987
Wikipedia - Rugby 15 -- 2014 video game
Wikipedia - Rugby League Live 2 -- 2012 sports video game
Wikipedia - Rugby sevens at the 2019 Pan American Games -- The Rugby sevens at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Rugby sevens at the 2019 Southeast Asian Games -- Competitions at the 2019 Southeast Asian Games
Wikipedia - Rugrats Adventure Game -- 1998 educational adventure video game
Wikipedia - Ruiner (video game) -- Video game
Wikipedia - Rulers of Nations -- 2010 video game
Wikipedia - Rules of chess -- Rules of play for the game of chess
Wikipedia - Rules of Go -- Details of the rules for the abstract strategy board game for two players
Wikipedia - Rules of Survival -- Online battle royale video game
Wikipedia - Rumble Roses -- 2004 video game
Wikipedia - Rummikub -- tile-based game for two to four players
Wikipedia - Rumpless Game -- British breed of chicken
Wikipedia - Run and gun (video game)
Wikipedia - RuneScape -- Massively multiplayer online role-playing game
Wikipedia - Running with Rifles -- Tactical shooter game
Wikipedia - Rush: A Disney-Pixar Adventure -- 2012 video game
Wikipedia - Russell Ginns -- American author and game designer
Wikipedia - Russian athletes at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Russia at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Russian Bank -- Card game
Wikipedia - Russian Railroads -- German board game
Wikipedia - Russian Roulette (game show) -- Game show
Wikipedia - Russ Wetmore -- American computer programmer and video game designer
Wikipedia - Rust (video game) -- 2018 Survival video game
Wikipedia - Rygar -- Sidescrolling platform video game first released in 1986
Wikipedia - R-Zone -- Portable game console
Wikipedia - S1mple -- Ukrainian gamer
Wikipedia - Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs - The Game -- Video game
Wikipedia - Sable (video game) -- video game
Wikipedia - Sabotage (video game)
Wikipedia - Sabotain: Break the Rules -- 2004 video game
Wikipedia - Sabre Wulf (Game Boy Advance) -- 2004 video game
Wikipedia - Sabre Wulf -- 1984 video game
Wikipedia - Sabrina Calvo -- French author, illustrator and games writer
Wikipedia - Sackboy: A Big Adventure -- 2020 3D platform game
Wikipedia - Sackboy -- Fictional video game character
Wikipedia - Sacred Games (novel) -- 2006 thriller novel by Vikram Chandra
Wikipedia - Sacred Games (soundtrack) -- 2018 soundtrack album by various artists
Wikipedia - Sacred Games (TV series) -- Indian crime thriller television series
Wikipedia - Sacred (video game)
Wikipedia - Sacrifice (video game) -- 2000 real-time strategy video game
Wikipedia - Sad Satan -- Computer game
Wikipedia - Saga (microgame) -- Board game
Wikipedia - SaGa: Scarlet Grace -- 2016 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - SaGa -- Video game series
Wikipedia - SAGE (game engine)
Wikipedia - Sailing at the 2015 Pacific Games -- Sailing competition
Wikipedia - Sailing at the 2019 Pacific Games -- Sailing competition
Wikipedia - Sailing at the 2019 Pan American Games -- The Sailing competitions at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Sailor Moon Collectible Card Game -- Collectible card game
Wikipedia - Saints Row 2 -- 2008 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Saints Row: Gat out of Hell -- 2015 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Saints Row IV -- 2013 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Saints Row: The Third -- 2011 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Saints Row (video game) -- 2006 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Saints Row -- Action-adventure video game series
Wikipedia - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines at the 2003 Pan American Games -- Pan American Game
Wikipedia - Sakura Sakura (visual novel) -- 2009 video game
Wikipedia - Sakura Wars (1996 video game) -- 1996 video game
Wikipedia - Sakura Wars (2019 video game) -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - Sakura Wars (TV series) -- 2000 TV series based on the video game series
Wikipedia - Salamander 2 -- 1996 horizontal-scrolling shooter arcade game
Wikipedia - Salamander (video game) -- 1986 shoot 'em up video game
Wikipedia - Salta (game) -- Two-player abstract strategy board game
Wikipedia - Salvage Mission -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Sam & Max Beyond Time and Space -- 2007-2008 episodic video game
Wikipedia - Sam & Max: Freelance Police -- Unreleased 2004 video game
Wikipedia - Sam & Max Save the World -- 2006-2007 episodic video game
Wikipedia - Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse -- 2010 point and click episodic video game
Wikipedia - Samba de Amigo -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Sam Barlow (game designer) -- British video game designer
Wikipedia - Sambo at the 2013 World Combat Games -- Sambo competitions
Wikipedia - Sambo at the 2015 European Games - Men's +100 kg -- Sambo competitions
Wikipedia - Sambo at the 2015 European Games - Men's 57 kg -- Sambo competitions
Wikipedia - Sambo at the 2015 European Games - Men's 74 kg -- Sambo competitions
Wikipedia - Sambo at the 2015 European Games - Men's 90 kg -- Sambo competitions
Wikipedia - Sambo at the 2015 European Games - Qualification -- Sambo competitions
Wikipedia - Sambo at the 2015 European Games -- Sambo competitions
Wikipedia - Sambo at the 2015 European Games - Women's 52 kg -- Sambo competitions
Wikipedia - Sambo at the 2015 European Games - Women's 60 kg -- Sambo competitions
Wikipedia - Sambo at the 2015 European Games - Women's 64 kg -- Sambo competitions
Wikipedia - Sambo at the 2015 European Games - Women's 68 kg -- Sambo competitions
Wikipedia - Sambo at the 2017 Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games -- Sambo competitions
Wikipedia - Sambo at the 2018 Asian Games - Men's 52 kg -- Sambo competitions
Wikipedia - Sambo at the 2018 Asian Games - Men's 90 kg -- Sambo competitions
Wikipedia - Sambo at the 2018 Asian Games -- Sambo competitions
Wikipedia - Sambo at the 2018 Asian Games - Women's 48 kg -- Sambo competitions
Wikipedia - Sambo at the 2018 Asian Games - Women's 68 kg -- Sambo competitions
Wikipedia - Sam Hocevar -- French software and video game developer (born 1978)
Wikipedia - Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time -- Action-adventure video game based on Samurai Jack
Wikipedia - Samurai Jack: The Amulet of Time -- 2003 action video game based on Samurai Jack
Wikipedia - Samurai Jack: The Shadow of Aku -- 2004 action-adventure video game
Wikipedia - Samurai Shodown (video game)
Wikipedia - Samurai Shodown -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Sanctum (game) -- 1998 video game
Wikipedia - Sandbox Game
Wikipedia - Sandbox game -- Type of video game encouraging creativity
Wikipedia - Sandlot (company) -- Japanese video game developer
Wikipedia - Sangokushi Online -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - Sansar (video game)
Wikipedia - Sans (character) -- Video game character
Wikipedia - Santa Paravia en Fiumaccio -- 1978 video game
Wikipedia - Santorini (game)
Wikipedia - Sanuki-Shioya Station -- Railway station in Marugame, Kagawa Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Sapies -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Sarah Purcell -- American game show host
Wikipedia - Sargon (chess) -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Saron (instrument) -- Indonesian musical instrument used in Gamelan
Wikipedia - Satan's Hollow -- Fixed shooter arcade game first released in 1982
Wikipedia - Satellaview -- Add-on for the SNES video game console
Wikipedia - Satoru Iwata -- Japanese video game designer and businessman
Wikipedia - Savage Mojo -- Publisher of role-playing games
Wikipedia - Saved game
Wikipedia - Saw II: Flesh & Blood -- Video game
Wikipedia - Sayonara Wild Hearts -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - Says You! -- Word game radio quiz show
Wikipedia - Scania Truck Driving Simulator -- 2012 vehicle simulation game made by SCS Software
Wikipedia - Scarface: The World Is Yours -- 2006 video game
Wikipedia - Scarlet Nexus -- upcoming video game
Wikipedia - Scarlett (gamer) -- Canadian professional esports player
Wikipedia - Schell Games -- Video game developer
Wikipedia - Schlafmutze -- German game
Wikipedia - Schoolgirl Strikers -- 2014 video game
Wikipedia - Schotten-Totten -- A two player card game
Wikipedia - Schweinchen -- Card game
Wikipedia - Schwimmen -- Gambling card game
Wikipedia - Scientific Games Corporation
Wikipedia - Scientific Games -- American electronic gaming and gambling company
Wikipedia - Scooby-Doo and the Cyber Chase (video game) -- 2001 Scooby-Doo video game
Wikipedia - Scorched Earth (video game)
Wikipedia - Score (game)
Wikipedia - Scotch Game
Wikipedia - Scott Adams (game designer)
Wikipedia - Scott Cawthon -- American independent video game designer
Wikipedia - Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game -- 2010 video game
Wikipedia - Scouts & Assassins -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - SCP - Containment Breach -- 2012 supernatural horror video game
Wikipedia - Scrabble (game show) -- US television series
Wikipedia - Scrabble -- Board game with words
Wikipedia - Scramble (video game) -- Sidescrolling arcade shooter from 1981
Wikipedia - Scram (video game) -- Atari 8-bit nuclear reactor simulation game from 1981
Wikipedia - Scrap Mechanic -- Sandbox video game
Wikipedia - Scratches (video game) -- 2006 video game
Wikipedia - Screening game
Wikipedia - Scribblenauts Showdown -- 2018 party game
Wikipedia - Scribblenauts -- Puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Scripted sequence -- Series of events rendered in real time in a video game's engine
Wikipedia - Scum (video game) -- 2020 video game
Wikipedia - SD Gundam Dimension War -- 1995 tactical role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Seagull (gamer) -- American video game streamer and retired professional Overwatch player
Wikipedia - Seaman 2 -- 2007 video game
Wikipedia - Seaman (video game) -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Sean O'Connor (wrestler) -- Irish wrestler, Olympic Games participant
Wikipedia - Sea of Thieves -- 2018 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Seaquest (video game)
Wikipedia - Search game -- Two-person zero-sum game
Wikipedia - Season pass (video games) -- Video game DLC model
Wikipedia - Sea Wolf (video game) -- 1976 video game
Wikipedia - Second generation of video game consoles
Wikipedia - Second Life -- 2003 video game
Wikipedia - Secret Games 3 -- 1994 film
Wikipedia - Secret Games -- 1992 film
Wikipedia - Secret of Mana -- Video game
Wikipedia - Secret of the Solstice -- 2007 video game
Wikipedia - Secrets of RM-CM-&tikon -- Video game published by Broken Rules
Wikipedia - Secrets of the Luxor -- 1996 adventure video game
Wikipedia - Sega AM2 -- Japanese video game developer
Wikipedia - Sega AM3 -- Defunct Japanese video game developer
Wikipedia - Sega CD -- Add-on for the Sega Genesis video game console
Wikipedia - Sega Channel -- Online game service for the Sega Genesis
Wikipedia - Sega development studios -- Internal video game studios of Sega
Wikipedia - Sega Force -- Defunct video game magazine 1992-1993
Wikipedia - Segagaga -- 2001 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Sega Game Gear
Wikipedia - Sega Genesis -- Fourth-generation home video game console and fourth developed by Sega
Wikipedia - Sega GT 2002 -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Sega Pico -- Educational video game console
Wikipedia - Sega Power -- defunct video game magazine 1989-1997
Wikipedia - Sega Pro -- Video game magazine
Wikipedia - Sega Saturn -- Video game console
Wikipedia - Sega Technical Institute -- Video game developer
Wikipedia - Sega -- Japanese video game developer and publisher
Wikipedia - Sega Zone -- Defunct video game magazine 1992-1994
Wikipedia - Seiichi Ishii -- Japanese video game designer
Wikipedia - Seisen Cerberus -- Japanese mobile game by GREE, and manga and anime series based on the game
Wikipedia - Sekai Project -- American video game publisher, known for licensing and translating Japanese visual novels into English
Wikipedia - Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - Selous Game Reserve -- World Heritage Site in Tanzania, East Africa
Wikipedia - Senate Committee on Forest Reservations and the Protection of Game -- Defunct committee of the United States Senate
Wikipedia - Senran Kagura -- Video game series and media franchise
Wikipedia - Sequence (board game)
Wikipedia - Sequential game
Wikipedia - Serbia at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Serbia at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Serious Games Showcase and Challenge
Wikipedia - Serious games
Wikipedia - Serious game
Wikipedia - SETA Corporation -- defunct video game company
Wikipedia - Seven Kingdoms (video game)
Wikipedia - Seven Lights -- Multiplayer online game developer
Wikipedia - Seventh generation of video game consoles -- Seventh video game console generation, including the Wii
Wikipedia - Severity (video game)
Wikipedia - Sex and nudity in video games -- Video game theme
Wikipedia - Sexism and video games -- Gender-based prejudice or discrimination related to video games
Wikipedia - SG-1000 -- Home video game console developed by Sega
Wikipedia - Shacknews -- Video game website
Wikipedia - Shadow Era -- 2011 video game
Wikipedia - Shadowfist -- Collectible card game
Wikipedia - Shadow Hearts (video game) -- 2001 video game
Wikipedia - Shadow Master -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - Shadow of the Beast (1989 video game) -- 1989 computer game
Wikipedia - Shadow of the Colossus (2018 video game) -- 2018 video game
Wikipedia - Shadow of the Colossus -- Video game
Wikipedia - Shadow of the Devil -- 1996 video game
Wikipedia - Shadow of the Tomb Raider -- action-adventure video game released in 2018
Wikipedia - Shadow Realms -- Cancelled video game
Wikipedia - Shadowrun: Hong Kong -- 2015 video game
Wikipedia - Shadowrun -- Tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - Shadow the Hedgehog (video game) -- 2005 video game
Wikipedia - Shadow: War of Succession -- 1994 3DO fighting game
Wikipedia - Shady Part of Me -- Platform-puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Shanda -- Chinese video game developer
Wikipedia - Shannon switching game
Wikipedia - Shantae and the Seven Sirens -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - Shantae: Risky's Revenge -- 2010 video game
Wikipedia - Shantae (video game) -- First video game in the Shantae video game series
Wikipedia - Shantae -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Shapley value -- Concept in game theory
Wikipedia - Shariki -- 1994 video game
Wikipedia - Shasn -- Board game
Wikipedia - Shatra (game) -- Chess-like game played in Altai region
Wikipedia - Shattered Galaxy -- Video game
Wikipedia - Shattered Union -- Video game
Wikipedia - Shaun the Sheep (video game) -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - Shawn Green (game designer)
Wikipedia - Shax (board game)
Wikipedia - Shell Game (short story)
Wikipedia - Shell game -- Confidence trick
Wikipedia - ShellShock Live -- 2015 multiplayer artillery video game
Wikipedia - Shengqu Games -- Chinese online games company
Wikipedia - Shenmue III -- 2019 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Shenmue II -- 2001 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Shenmue (TV series) -- Animated video game adaptation
Wikipedia - Shenmue (video game) -- 1999 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Sheriff of Nottingham (board game) -- multiplayer board game
Wikipedia - Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (soundtrack)
Wikipedia - Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows -- 2011 film by Guy Ritchie
Wikipedia - Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective (gamebook)
Wikipedia - Sherlock Holmes (video game series)
Wikipedia - Sherlockian game -- Analysis of characters from the Sherlock Holmes series
Wikipedia - Sherlock (video game)
Wikipedia - SHG Black Point -- Home video game console released in 1982 by Suddeutsche Elektro-HausgerM-CM-$te GmbH & Co. KG
Wikipedia - Shift 2: Unleashed -- 2011 racing video game
Wikipedia - Shift (series) -- Video game
Wikipedia - Shigeru Miyamoto -- Japanese video game designer
Wikipedia - Shin'en Multimedia -- German video game developer
Wikipedia - Shining Ark -- Video game
Wikipedia - Shining Blade -- 2012 tactical role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Shining Force EXA -- 2007 video game
Wikipedia - Shining Force Feather -- 2009 video game
Wikipedia - Shining Hearts -- 2010 video game
Wikipedia - Shining Resonance Refrain -- 2014 Japanese role-playing game developed by Media.Vision and published by Sega
Wikipedia - Shining the Holy Ark -- First person role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Shining (video game series) -- Series of fantasy console games by Sega
Wikipedia - Shining Wisdom -- Video game
Wikipedia - Shinji and Good Friends -- Video game
Wikipedia - Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Children -- Video game
Wikipedia - Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner -- 1995 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2 -- 2011 role-playing game
Wikipedia - Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor -- 2009 tactical role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga -- Role-playing game series
Wikipedia - Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne -- 2003 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Shin Megami Tensei II -- 1994 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine -- 2007 online role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse -- 2016 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Shin Megami Tensei IV -- 2013 role-playing video game by Atlus
Wikipedia - Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2 -- 2018 mobile game
Wikipedia - Shin Megami Tensei: Nine -- 2002 role-playing game
Wikipedia - Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey -- 2009 role-playing game
Wikipedia - Shin Megami Tensei (video game) -- 1992 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Shin Megami Tensei V -- 2021 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Shinobi (video game)
Wikipedia - Shinya Kumazaki -- Video game director
Wikipedia - Shithead (card game) -- Shedding-type card game
Wikipedia - ShM-EM-+jin e no Pert-em-Hru -- 1998 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - SHODAN -- Fictional artificial intelligence and main antagonist of the System Shock video games
Wikipedia - Shogi variant -- Games based on, or similar to, shogi
Wikipedia - Shogi -- Game native to Japan
Wikipedia - Shoot 'em up -- Subgenre of shooter game
Wikipedia - Shooter game -- Action video game genre
Wikipedia - Shooting at the 2003 South Pacific Games -- Shooting competition
Wikipedia - Shooting at the 2004 Summer Paralympics -- Paralympic Games
Wikipedia - Shooting at the 2007 South Pacific Games -- Shooting competition
Wikipedia - Shooting at the 2011 Pacific Games -- Shooting competition
Wikipedia - Shooting at the 2015 Games of the Small States of Europe -- Sports
Wikipedia - Shooting at the 2015 Pacific Games -- Shooting competition
Wikipedia - Shooting at the 2015 Pan American Games - Men's 50 metre pistol -- Empty
Wikipedia - Shooting at the 2018 Asian Games - Men's 25 metre rapid fire pistol -- Shooting event
Wikipedia - Shooting at the 2018 Commonwealth Games - Women's 10 metre air pistol -- Sporting event
Wikipedia - Shooting at the 2019 Pacific Games -- Shooting competition
Wikipedia - Shooting at the 2019 Pan American Games -- The Shooting competitions at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Shotgun slug -- Type of ammunition used mainly in hunting game
Wikipedia - Shove ha'penny -- Pub game
Wikipedia - Shovel Knight -- 2014 platform video game
Wikipedia - Showdown: Legends of Wrestling -- 2004 video game
Wikipedia - Shox (gamer) -- French gamer
Wikipedia - Shrek 2 (video game) -- 2004 video game
Wikipedia - Shrek Forever After (video game) -- 2010 video game
Wikipedia - Shrek: Hassle at the Castle -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Shrek Smash n' Crash Racing -- 2006 video game
Wikipedia - Shrek Super Party -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Shrek SuperSlam -- 2005 video game
Wikipedia - Shrek the Third (video game) -- 2007 video game
Wikipedia - Shrek: Treasure Hunt -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Shrek (video game) -- 2001 video game
Wikipedia - Shroud (gamer) -- Canadian streamer and former professional esports player
Wikipedia - Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues -- Fantasy role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Shuffleboard -- Game
Wikipedia - Shuttle (video game) -- 1992 video game
Wikipedia - Siberian Strike -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Side-scrolling video game
Wikipedia - Sid Meier -- Canadian-American game programmer and designer
Wikipedia - Signaling game
Wikipedia - Sigurlina Ingvarsdottir -- Icelandic engineer and video games specialist
Wikipedia - Silent Hill 2 -- 2001 survival horror video game published by Konami and developed by Team Silent
Wikipedia - Silent Hill 4: The Room -- 2004 video game
Wikipedia - Silent Hill: Book of Memories -- 2012 dungeon crawler video game
Wikipedia - Silent Hill: Origins -- 2007 survival horror video game
Wikipedia - Silent Hill (video game) -- 1999 survival horror video game
Wikipedia - Silent Hill -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Silent protagonist -- Player character who lacks any dialogue for the entire duration of a game
Wikipedia - Silicon Knights -- Defunct Canadian video game developer
Wikipedia - Silverball Studios -- British video game developer
Wikipedia - Silversword -- 2012 iOS video game
Wikipedia - Simba Safari -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - SimCity (1989 video game) -- 1989 city-building simulation video game
Wikipedia - SimCity (2013 video game) -- 2013 city-building/urban planning simulation video game
Wikipedia - SimCity 4 -- Video game
Wikipedia - SimCity: BuildIt -- 2014 city-building simulation mobile video game
Wikipedia - SimCity -- Computer and video game series
Wikipedia - SimEarth -- Life simulation video game
Wikipedia - Simon (game) -- Electronic game of memory skill
Wikipedia - Sim (pencil game)
Wikipedia - Sim racing -- Video game genre
Wikipedia - SimRefinery -- 1990s business simulation video game developed by Maxis for Chevron Corporation
Wikipedia - Simulation game
Wikipedia - Simulations Publications, Inc. -- American boardgame publisher
Wikipedia - Simulation video game
Wikipedia - Simultaneous exhibition -- Board game exhibition where one player plays multiple games simultaneously against a number of other players.
Wikipedia - Simultaneous game
Wikipedia - Simutrans -- Cross-platform transport simulation game
Wikipedia - Sinatraa -- Competitive videogame player
Wikipedia - Singapore at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Singapore at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Single-player video game -- Video game that permits only one player
Wikipedia - Single suiter -- A hand in contract bridge, a card game
Wikipedia - Sing Party -- 2012 video game
Wikipedia - Singularity (video game) -- 2010 first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Sinistar: Unleashed -- 1999 action space shooter video game for Microsoft Windows
Wikipedia - Sinistar -- Multi-directional shooter arcade game released in 1983
Wikipedia - Sintel The Game
Wikipedia - Siren: Blood Curse -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon -- Parlour game on degrees of separation
Wikipedia - Sixers Post Game Live -- TV show
Wikipedia - Six-plus hold 'em -- Community card poker game
Wikipedia - Sixth generation of video game consoles -- Sixth video game console generation, including the PlayStation 2
Wikipedia - SJ Games vs. The Secret Service
Wikipedia - Sjoerd De Jong -- European video game developer
Wikipedia - S. John Ross (game designer)
Wikipedia - Skat (card game) -- German three-player card game
Wikipedia - Skaut Kwatermaster -- 1995 video game by L.K. Avalon
Wikipedia - Skellig Rangers GAA -- Gaelic games club in County Kerry, Ireland
Wikipedia - Ski jumping at the 2003 Asian Winter Games - Normal hill team -- A game
Wikipedia - Skill (role-playing games)
Wikipedia - Skill testing question -- Legal requirement attached to many contests in Canada converting games of chance to games of skill.
Wikipedia - Skin gambling -- Betting of virtual goods via professional matches or other games of chance
Wikipedia - Skin Game -- 1971 film by Gordon Douglas, Paul Bogart
Wikipedia - Skip Ltd. -- Japanese video game developer
Wikipedia - Skipping rope -- Game in which one or more participants jump over a swung rope
Wikipedia - Skullgirls -- 2D fighting video game
Wikipedia - Skybox (video games)
Wikipedia - Skynet (video game) -- 1996 first-person shooter computer game
Wikipedia - Sky Racket (video game) -- 2019 shooter game
Wikipedia - Skyrim modding -- User-generated creations for the 2011 video game Skyrim
Wikipedia - Sky (video game) -- 2019 social adventure game
Wikipedia - Slayers (video game) -- 1994 role-playing video game for the Super Famicom
Wikipedia - Slay the Spire -- Video game
Wikipedia - Slay (video game) -- Shareware turn-based strategy video game
Wikipedia - Sledgehammer Games -- American video game development company
Wikipedia - Sleeper hit -- Film, song or game that becomes successful gradually with little promotion
Wikipedia - Sleeping Dogs (video game) -- 2012 video game
Wikipedia - Slender: The Arrival -- 2013 video game
Wikipedia - Slender: The Eight Pages -- 2012 video game
Wikipedia - Slenthem -- Indonesian musical instrument used in Gamelan
Wikipedia - Slightly Mad Studios -- British video game company
Wikipedia - -- Browser/mobile game
Wikipedia - Slovakia at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Slovakia at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Slovenia at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Slovenia at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Sly 2: Band of Thieves -- 2004 platform stealth video game
Wikipedia - Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves -- 2005 platform stealth video game
Wikipedia - Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus -- 2002 platform stealth video game
Wikipedia - Sly Cooper -- Series of platform stealth video games
Wikipedia - Small Rockets -- Defunct computer game developer company
Wikipedia - Smash TV -- 1990 video game
Wikipedia - SM-CM-% ska det lM-CM-%ta -- Swedish game show
Wikipedia - Smite (video game) -- Multiplayer online battle arena video game
Wikipedia - Smoke (Mortal Kombat) -- Character from the Mortal Kombat series of video games
Wikipedia - Snakes and ladders -- Ancient Indian board game
Wikipedia - Snake (video game genre) -- 1978 video game
Wikipedia - Snake (video game)
Wikipedia - Snap-dragon (game) -- Game involving grabbing fruit out of burning brandy
Wikipedia - Snapshot (board game) -- Tabletop wargame
Wikipedia - Snatcher (video game)
Wikipedia - Sniper: Ghost Warrior Contracts 2 -- 2021 tactical shooter game by CI Games
Wikipedia - Sniper: Ghost Warrior Contracts -- 2019 tactical shooter game by CI Games
Wikipedia - Sniper: Ghost Warrior (video game) -- 2010 video game
Wikipedia - Sniper: Ghost Warrior -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Snipes (video game) -- Computer game
Wikipedia - SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters Clash -- Digital collectible card game based on video games by Capcom and SNK
Wikipedia - SNK -- Japanese video game developer and publisher
Wikipedia - Snooker 19 -- Snooker video game, released April 2019
Wikipedia - Snowdrop (game engine)
Wikipedia - So Blonde -- Video game
Wikipedia - SoccerProject -- 2004 video game
Wikipedia - Social network game
Wikipedia - Social-network game
Wikipedia - Socialpoint -- Spanish game company
Wikipedia - Social simulation game -- Video game genre involving social interactions
Wikipedia - Softball at the 2010 Central American and Caribbean Games -- Event held in Mayaguez and Hormigueros, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Softball at the 2019 Pan American Games -- The Softball competitions at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Soggy biscuit -- Sex game
Wikipedia - Solar Winds -- Video game
Wikipedia - Solas (Dragon Age) -- Video game fictional character
Wikipedia - Solatorobo: Red the Hunter -- 2010 video game
Wikipedia - Soldat (video game)
Wikipedia - Soldier Blade -- 1992 scrolling shooter game
Wikipedia - Solid Clouds -- Icelandic video game developer
Wikipedia - Solitaire Royale -- Digital solitaire games
Wikipedia - Solitaire -- Solo tabletop card game
Wikipedia - Sol Trigger -- 2012 video game
Wikipedia - Solved game
Wikipedia - Solve game
Wikipedia - Soma (video game)
Wikipedia - Sombra (Overwatch) -- Fictional character in the 2016 video game Overwatch
Wikipedia - Something Something Soup Something -- 2017 browser video game
Wikipedia - Song of the Deep -- 2016 video game by Insomniac Games
Wikipedia - Sonic 3D Blast -- 1996 video game
Wikipedia - Sonic Advance 2 -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Sonic Advance 3 -- 2004 video game
Wikipedia - Sonic Advance -- 2001 video game
Wikipedia - Sonic Adventure 2 -- 2001 video game
Wikipedia - Sonic Adventure -- 1998 video game
Wikipedia - Sonic: After the Sequel -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed -- 2012 video game
Wikipedia - Sonic & Knuckles -- 1994 video game
Wikipedia - Sonic and the Black Knight -- 2009 platform video game
Wikipedia - Sonic and the Secret Rings -- 2007 platform video game
Wikipedia - Sonic Blast Man II -- 1994 video game
Wikipedia - Sonic Blast Man -- 1990 beat 'em up video game
Wikipedia - Sonic Blast -- 1996 platform video game
Wikipedia - Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice -- 2016 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric -- 2014 video game
Wikipedia - Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal -- 2014 video game
Wikipedia - Sonic CD -- 1993 video game
Wikipedia - Sonic Chaos -- 1993 platform game
Wikipedia - Sonic Classic Collection -- 2010 collection of Sega Genesis Sonic the Hedgehog games
Wikipedia - Sonic Colors -- Action adventure platform video game for Wii and Nintendo DS
Wikipedia - Sonic Dash -- 2013 endless runner mobile game
Wikipedia - Sonic Forces -- 2017 platform game
Wikipedia - Sonic Heroes -- 2003 video game
Wikipedia - Sonic Jam -- 1997 video game compilation
Wikipedia - Sonic Mania -- 2017 platform game
Wikipedia - Sonic Rivals 2 -- 2007 video game
Wikipedia - Sonic Rivals -- 2006 video game
Wikipedia - Sonic Rush Adventure -- 2007 video game
Wikipedia - Sonic Rush -- 2005 video game
Wikipedia - Sonic R -- 1997 racing video game
Wikipedia - Sonic Team -- Japanese video game developer
Wikipedia - Sonic the Hedgehog (1991 video game) -- 1991 video game
Wikipedia - Sonic the Hedgehog (2006 video game) -- 2006 platform video game by Sega
Wikipedia - Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (8-bit video game) -- 1992 platform game
Wikipedia - Sonic the Hedgehog 2 -- 1992 video game
Wikipedia - Sonic the Hedgehog 3 -- 1994 video game
Wikipedia - Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I -- 2010 platform video game
Wikipedia - Sonic the Hedgehog (8-bit video game) -- 1991 platform game
Wikipedia - Sonic the Hedgehog (character) -- Video game character
Wikipedia - Sonic the Hedgehog (OVA) -- 1996 animation based on video game
Wikipedia - Sonic the Hedgehog -- Video game series and media franchise by Sega
Wikipedia - Sonic Triple Trouble -- 1994 platform game
Wikipedia - Sonic Unleashed -- 2008 platform video game
Wikipedia - Sonic X-treme -- Canceled video game in the Sonic the Hedgehog series
Wikipedia - Sonny Fox -- American game show host and television personality
Wikipedia - Sons of Azca -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - Sony Interactive Entertainment -- Video game subsidiary of Sony
Wikipedia - Sopwith (video game)
Wikipedia - SORAG -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Sora Ltd. -- Japanese video game company
Wikipedia - Sorcerous Stabber Orphen -- Manga, anime and video game series
Wikipedia - Sorry! (game)
Wikipedia - SOS (game) -- Game
Wikipedia - Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny -- 2009 video game
Wikipedia - Soulcalibur (video game) -- Video game
Wikipedia - Soulcalibur -- Fighting video game series
Wikipedia - Soul Fjord -- 2014 video game
Wikipedia - Soul Sacrifice (video game)
Wikipedia - Souls (series) -- Action role-playing video game series
Wikipedia - Sound Shapes -- 2012 video game
Wikipedia - Source 2 -- Video game engine
Wikipedia - Source (game engine) -- Video game engine
Wikipedia - South Carolina Gamecocks men's soccer
Wikipedia - South Korea at the Olympics -- Participation of athletes from South Korea in the Olympic Games
Wikipedia - South Park: Chef's Luv Shack -- 1999 game show-style party video game
Wikipedia - South Park: Phone Destroyer -- mobile action and collectible card game
Wikipedia - South Park Rally -- 1999 kart-style racing video game
Wikipedia - South Park: The Fractured but Whole -- 2017 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - South Park: The Stick of Truth -- 2014 video game
Wikipedia - SouthPeak Games
Wikipedia - Space: 1889 -- Steampunk tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - Space Battleship Yamato: Iscandar e no Tsuioku -- 2004 video game
Wikipedia - Space Battleship Yamato: NijM-EM-+ Ginga no HM-EM-^Mkai -- 2005 video game
Wikipedia - Space Battleship Yamato (video game) -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Space Channel 5 -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Space Fever -- 1979 arcade game
Wikipedia - Space flight simulation game
Wikipedia - Space flight simulator game
Wikipedia - Space Gun (video game) -- 1990 first-person shooter arcade game
Wikipedia - Space Invaders DX -- 1993 fixed shooter arcade game
Wikipedia - Space Invaders Part II -- 1979 arcade game
Wikipedia - Space Invaders -- Landmark fixed shooter arcade video game from 1978
Wikipedia - Space Lords -- 1992 arcade video game by Atari Games
Wikipedia - Spacelords -- Online action-adventure video game
Wikipedia - Space Odyssey: The Video Game -- Upcoming sandbox video game
Wikipedia - Space Opera (role-playing game) -- Science fiction tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - Spaceplan -- 2017 clicker video game
Wikipedia - Space Rangers (video game)
Wikipedia - Space Rogue -- 1989 science fiction video game
Wikipedia - Space Station 13 -- 2003 multiplayer video game
Wikipedia - Space Travel (video game) -- Mainframe video game
Wikipedia - Space (video game) -- 1979 video games
Wikipedia - Spacewar (video game)
Wikipedia - Spacewar! -- 1962 space combat video game
Wikipedia - Space War -- 1978 Atari 2600 port of the 1962 Spacewar! video game
Wikipedia - Spades (card game) -- Card game
Wikipedia - Spain at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Spain at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Spain at the Olympics -- Participation of athletes from Spain in the Olympic Games
Wikipedia - Spam (video games) -- Repeated use of the same item or action in a video game
Wikipedia - Sparkling Society -- Game development company
Wikipedia - Spartacus Legends -- 2013 video game
Wikipedia - Sparx (video game)
Wikipedia - Spawn of Azathoth -- Horror tabletop role-playing game adventure
Wikipedia - Spawn: The Eternal -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - Spear of Destiny (video game)
Wikipedia - Spectre (1982 video game) -- Apple II video game
Wikipedia - Spectre (1991 video game) -- 1991 video game
Wikipedia - Spectrobes: Beyond the Portals -- 2008 action role-playing video game published by Disney Interactive Studios
Wikipedia - Spectrobes (franchise) -- Video game franchise published by Disney Interactive Studios
Wikipedia - Spectrobes: Origins -- 2009 action role-playing video game published by Disney Interactive Studios
Wikipedia - Spectrobes -- 2007 action role-playing video game published by Disney Interactive Studios
Wikipedia - Speed (card game)
Wikipedia - Speed Dreams -- 2010 racing video game
Wikipedia - Speed Race -- 1974 racing video arcade game
Wikipedia - Speedrun -- Play-through of a video game performed as quickly as possible
Wikipedia - Spellenspektakel -- Dutch board game event
Wikipedia - Spellfire -- Collectible card game
Wikipedia - SpellForce 3: Soul Harvest -- 2019 video game expansion pack
Wikipedia - SpellTower -- 2011 puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Spelunky 2 -- 2020 video game
Wikipedia - Spewer -- 2009 video game
Wikipedia - Spice Harvest -- Board game expansion pack
Wikipedia - Spider-Man (2000 video game) -- 2000 video game
Wikipedia - Spider-Man (2018 video game) -- 2018 video game developed by Insomniac Games
Wikipedia - Spider-Man (Insomniac Games character)
Wikipedia - Spider-Man in video games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Spider-Man: Miles Morales -- 2020 video game developed by Insomniac Games
Wikipedia - Spike Chunsoft -- Japanese video game development company
Wikipedia - Spike (company) -- Video game developer and publisher in Japan
Wikipedia - Spike Video Game Awards -- Former American award show
Wikipedia - Spin Off (Canadian game show) -- Canadian game show television series
Wikipedia - Spinout (video game) -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - Spin the Wheel (game show) -- American television game show
Wikipedia - Spin Up (video game) -- 2012 video game
Wikipedia - Spiritfarer -- 2020 video game
Wikipedia - Splatoon 2 -- 2017 third-person shooter video game for the Nintendo Switch
Wikipedia - Splatoon (video game) -- Wii U video game
Wikipedia - Splatoon -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Split Personality (game show) -- Australian television series
Wikipedia - SPOGS Racing -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - Spoiling the Game -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom - Rehydrated -- 2020 video game
Wikipedia - SpongeBob SquarePants video games -- Licensed video games based on the SpongeBob SquarePants television series
Wikipedia - SpongeBob SquigglePants -- 2011 video game
Wikipedia - SpongeBob's Surf & Skate Roadtrip -- 2011 video game
Wikipedia - Spore (2008 video game) -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - Sports game
Wikipedia - Sports video game
Wikipedia - Sprague-Grundy theorem -- Every impartial game position is equivalent to a position in the game of nim
Wikipedia - Sprain -- Damage to one or more ligaments in a joint
Wikipedia - Spring (game engine)
Wikipedia - Sprouts (game)
Wikipedia - Spy Fox -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Spy Games (TV series) -- Reality television series in the United States
Wikipedia - Spy Games -- 1999 Finnish espionage film by Ilkka JM-CM-$rvi-Laturi
Wikipedia - Spy Game (TV series) -- American action-adventure television series
Wikipedia - Spy Game -- 2001 film by Tony Scott
Wikipedia - Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over -- 2003 film by Robert Rodriguez
Wikipedia - SpyParty -- 2018 video game
Wikipedia - Spyro: A Hero's Tail -- 2004 video game
Wikipedia - Spyro the Dragon -- 1998 PlayStation video game
Wikipedia - Spyro -- Series of platform video games
Wikipedia - Spyro: Year of the Dragon -- 2000 PlayStation video game
Wikipedia - SquareCells -- 2015 puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Square Enix Montreal -- Canadian video game developer
Wikipedia - Square Enix -- Japanese video game company
Wikipedia - Square (video game company) -- Japanese video game company
Wikipedia - Squash at the 2010 Central American and Caribbean Games -- Event held in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Squash at the 2017 World Games - Men's singles -- Squash Game
Wikipedia - Squash at the 2019 Pan American Games -- The Squash competitions at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Squash at the 2022 World Games -- International squash competition to be held in USA
Wikipedia - Squash Doubles -- Type of racket sport gameplay
Wikipedia - SSX on Tour -- 2005 sports video game published by EA Sports BIG
Wikipedia - Stainless Games
Wikipedia - Stamper brothers -- Video game developers
Wikipedia - Standard Galactic Alphabet -- Computer game script
Wikipedia - Staraoke -- Finnish children's television game show
Wikipedia - Starblade: Operation Blue Planet -- Unreleased arcade video game
Wikipedia - Star (board game)
Wikipedia - Starbomb -- American video game based comedy music group
Wikipedia - Starcade -- American game show television program
Wikipedia - Star Castle -- Vector arcade game from 1980
Wikipedia - Star Citizen -- multiplayer space game
Wikipedia - Star Control 3 -- 1996 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Star Control II -- 1992 video game
Wikipedia - Star Control -- Science fiction video game
Wikipedia - StarCraft: Ghost -- Cancelled video game
Wikipedia - StarCraft: Insurrection -- Extension video game to StarCraft
Wikipedia - StarCraft: Remastered -- Video game
Wikipedia - StarCraft (video game) -- 1998 real-time strategy game
Wikipedia - Stardew Valley -- 2016 video game
Wikipedia - Stardock -- Video game developer
Wikipedia - Stardust (1993 video game) -- Shoot 'em up computer game for the Amiga
Wikipedia - Starfinder Roleplaying Game -- Tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - Starfire (board wargame) -- Board wargame created by Stephen V. Cole in 1979
Wikipedia - Star Fox (1993 video game)
Wikipedia - Star Fox -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Star Frontiers -- Science fiction tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - Starglider -- 1986 video game
Wikipedia - Star Heritage 1: The Black Cobra -- 2005 video game by Step Creative Group
Wikipedia - Star Ixiom -- Video game
Wikipedia - Starleader: Assault! -- Combat module for science-fiction table-top role-playing game.
Wikipedia - Star Mahila -- Indian Game show
Wikipedia - Starmancer -- Upcoming construction and management simulation game
Wikipedia - Star Ocean -- Japanese video game franchise
Wikipedia - Star Patrol -- Tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - Star Paws -- 1987 video game
Wikipedia - Starr Long -- American game developer
Wikipedia - Star Rovers (role-playing game) -- Role-playing game published in 1981
Wikipedia - Starship 1 -- First-person shooter arcade game by Atari from 1977
Wikipedia - Starship Catan -- Two-player card game
Wikipedia - Starships & Spacecraft -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement .
Wikipedia - Starship Troopers: The Roleplaying Game -- Tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - Star Ship -- 1977 Atari VCS video game port of Atari's Starship 1 arcade game
Wikipedia - Startown Liberty -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Star Trek (1971 video game) -- 1971 command line computer game
Wikipedia - Star Trek Customizable Card Game -- Collectible card game
Wikipedia - Star Trek Online -- Massively multiplayer online role-playing game
Wikipedia - Star Trek (text game)
Wikipedia - Star Trek: The Role Playing Game -- Tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - Star Wars (1991 video game) -- 1991 video game
Wikipedia - Star Wars: Battlefront (2004 video game) -- 2004 action shooter video game
Wikipedia - Star Wars Battlefront (2015 video game) -- 2015 action shooter video game
Wikipedia - Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron -- 2009 action shooter video game
Wikipedia - Star Wars: Battlefront II (2005 video game) -- 2005 action shooter video game
Wikipedia - Star Wars Battlefront II (2017 video game) -- 2017 action shooter video game
Wikipedia - Star Wars: Battlefront -- Series of first- and third-person shooter video games
Wikipedia - Star Wars Customizable Card Game -- Collectible card game
Wikipedia - Star Wars: Droid Works -- 1998 video game
Wikipedia - Star Wars: Empire at War -- 2006 real-time strategy video game
Wikipedia - Star Wars Episode I: Battle for Naboo -- 2000 arcade-style action video game
Wikipedia - Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy -- 2003 video game
Wikipedia - Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords -- 2004 video game
Wikipedia - Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic -- 2003 video game
Wikipedia - Star Wars Math: Jabba's Game Galaxy -- 2000 educational video game
Wikipedia - Star Wars: Return of the Jedi: Ewok Adventure -- Cancelled Star Wars video game
Wikipedia - Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader -- 2001 action video game
Wikipedia - Star Wars: Rogue Squadron (series) -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Star Wars: Rogue Squadron -- 1998 video game
Wikipedia - Star Wars: The Old Republic -- 2011 video game
Wikipedia - Star Wars video games -- Video games based on the Star Wars franchise
Wikipedia - Star Wolves -- 2006 video game
Wikipedia - State of Mind (video game) -- 2018 graphic adventure game
Wikipedia - Statistic (role-playing games)
Wikipedia - Stay Alive (game)
Wikipedia - Stealth game -- Video game genre
Wikipedia - Steam (service) -- Video game digital distribution service
Wikipedia - Steam Spy -- website tracking video game sales
Wikipedia - SteamWorld Dig 2 -- 2017 video game
Wikipedia - SteamWorld Dig -- 2013 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - SteamWorld Heist -- 2015 video game
Wikipedia - Steel Gunner -- 1991 first-person shooter arcade game
Wikipedia - Stefan Feld -- German-style board game designer
Wikipedia - Steins;Gate 0 -- 2015 visual novel video game
Wikipedia - Stephen Crow (game programmer)
Wikipedia - Stephen King's F13 -- 2000 video game
Wikipedia - Stereoscopic video game
Wikipedia - Steve Jackson (British game designer) -- British game designer
Wikipedia - Steve Jackson Games, Inc. v. United States Secret Service
Wikipedia - Steve Jackson Games -- American game publishing company
Wikipedia - Steve Jackson (US game designer)
Wikipedia - Steve Meretzky -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - Steve Moraff -- American video game designer
Wikipedia - Steven Universe: Attack the Light -- Tactical role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Steven Universe: Save the Light -- Action-adventure videogame
Wikipedia - Steve Peters (game designer)
Wikipedia - Stickmen Studios -- Video game company
Wikipedia - StM-CM-=rivolt -- Old Danish card game from the Faroe Islands
Wikipedia - Stochastic game
Wikipedia - Stoo Cambridge -- British video game designer
Wikipedia - Storm in a Teacup (company) -- Video game developer
Wikipedia - Strafing (video games)
Wikipedia - Stranded Deep -- First person open world survival video game
Wikipedia - Stranded II -- 2007 video game
Wikipedia - Stranded (video game) -- 2003 video game
Wikipedia - Strategic fair division -- Game theory problem
Wikipedia - Strategic game
Wikipedia - Strategic Simulations -- Video game developer
Wikipedia - Strategos (game) -- 19th century U.S. military wargame
Wikipedia - Stratego -- Classic board game
Wikipedia - Strategy (game theory)
Wikipedia - Strategy game
Wikipedia - Strategy video game
Wikipedia - Strat-O-Matic -- Sports simulation game company
Wikipedia - Streaming audio in video games
Wikipedia - Street Fighter Collection -- Fighting video game compilation by Capcom
Wikipedia - Street Fighter II: The World Warrior -- 1991 arcade video game
Wikipedia - Street Fighter: The Movie (arcade game) -- 1995 arcade fighting game
Wikipedia - Street Fighter (video game) -- 1987 arcade video game
Wikipedia - Street Fighter X Mega Man -- 2012 crossover action-platform video game published by Capcom
Wikipedia - Street game -- Sport or game that is played on city streets
Wikipedia - Street Hockey '95 -- 1994 video game
Wikipedia - StreetPass Mii Plaza -- Nintendo 3DS game
Wikipedia - Streets of Rage 2 -- 1992 video game
Wikipedia - Streets of Rage 4 -- 2020 video game
Wikipedia - Streets of Rage -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Strictly determined game
Wikipedia - Stride & Prejudice -- endless running video game
Wikipedia - Stride (game engine) -- Open-source software
Wikipedia - Strife (1996 video game)
Wikipedia - Strife (2015 video game) -- Multiplayer online battle arena video game
Wikipedia - Striker (miniatures game) -- Science fiction tactical wargame
Wikipedia - Strohmandeln -- Austrian two-hand card game
Wikipedia - Stronghold (1993 video game)
Wikipedia - Stunt Copter -- 1986 video game
Wikipedia - Stunt Race FX -- 1994 video game
Wikipedia - Stylohyoid ligament -- Ligament
Wikipedia - Stymie -- Archaic rule in the game of golf
Wikipedia - Subgame perfect equilibrium
Wikipedia - Subnautica: Below Zero -- Survival video game
Wikipedia - Subnautica -- 2018 survival action-adventure video game
Wikipedia - Subverse -- Upcoming adult RPG video game
Wikipedia - Subway Surfers -- 2012 endless runner game
Wikipedia - Succinct game
Wikipedia - Sucker Punch Productions -- Video game developer
Wikipedia - Sugoi Hebereke -- 1994 video game
Wikipedia - Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League -- Action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Suki Lee -- American video game designer
Wikipedia - Summer Games (2011 film) -- 2011 film
Wikipedia - Summer Olympic Games -- International multi-sport event
Wikipedia - Summon Night 5 -- 2013 video game
Wikipedia - Summon Night -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Sumo Digital -- British independent game development studio based in Sheffield, United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Sunless Sea -- 2015 video game
Wikipedia - Sunless Skies -- 2019 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Sunset Overdrive -- 2014 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Sunt celebru, scoate-ma de aici! -- Romanian reality game show
Wikipedia - Super 5 -- Maltese lottery game
Wikipedia - Super 8 (video game accessory) -- Unlicensed video game peripheral for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Wikipedia - Super Adventure Island II -- 1995 platform adventure video game
Wikipedia - Super Adventure Island -- 1992 video game
Wikipedia - Super Adventure Rockman -- 1998 interactive movie video game published by Capcom
Wikipedia - Superbrothers -- Video game
Wikipedia - Super Cars -- Video game
Wikipedia - Super Casino 2 -- 1994 video game
Wikipedia - Super Cassette Vision -- Home video game console by Epoch Co.
Wikipedia - Super Columbine Massacre RPG! -- 2005 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Super Contra -- 1988 video game sequel to Contra, produced by Konami
Wikipedia - Super Fan (game show) -- 2020 Indian game show
Wikipedia - Super (fighting games)
Wikipedia - Superfight -- Party card game
Wikipedia - Super FX -- 3D graphics chip used in Super Nintendo games
Wikipedia - Super Game Boy -- Accessory for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Wikipedia - Super Godzilla -- 1993 video game
Wikipedia - Superhot -- 2016 first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Super Lemonade Factory -- 2012 puzzle platformer game
Wikipedia - Superliminal -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - Super Lucky's Tale -- 2017 3D platformer video game
Wikipedia - Superman (1979 video game)
Wikipedia - Superman 64 -- 1999 action-adventure video game
Wikipedia - Superman (Atari 2600) -- Innovative 1979 action adventure Atari video game
Wikipedia - Super Mario 3D All-Stars -- 2020 compilation of platform video games published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Super Mario 3D Land -- 2011 platform video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Super Mario 3D World -- 2013 platform video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Super Mario 64 DS -- 2004 platform video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 -- 2003 platform video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Super Mario All-Stars -- 1993 video game compilation
Wikipedia - Super Mario Bros. 2 -- 1988 platform video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Super Mario Bros. 35th Anniversary -- Celebration of video game series
Wikipedia - Super Mario Bros. 3 -- 1988 platform game developed by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels -- 1986 platform video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Super Mario Bros. -- 1985 video game
Wikipedia - Super Mario Galaxy -- 2007 platform video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Super Mario Kart -- 1992 kart racing video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins -- 1992 platform video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Super Mario Land -- 1989 platform video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Super Mario Maker 2 -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - Super Mario Maker -- 2015 video game
Wikipedia - Super Mario Odyssey -- 2017 platform video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Super Mario Party -- 2018 party video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Super Mario RPG -- 1996 video game
Wikipedia - Super Mario Run -- 2016 video game
Wikipedia - Super Mario Strikers -- 2005 sports video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Super Mario Sunshine -- 2002 platform video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Super Mario -- Video game series created by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Super Mario World -- 1990 platform video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Supermarket Sweep -- American television game show
Wikipedia - Supermassive Games -- British video game developer
Wikipedia - Super Monaco GP -- 1990 video game
Wikipedia - Super Monkey Ball 2 -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Super Monkey Ball (video game) -- 2001 video game
Wikipedia - Super Monkey Ball -- Videogame series
Wikipedia - Super Nintendo Entertainment System -- Home video game console developed by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Super Off Road -- 1989 racing video game
Wikipedia - Super Pac-Man -- 1982 video game
Wikipedia - Super Paper Mario -- 2007 action role-playing video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Super Princess Peach -- 2005 platform video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Super QuickHook -- 2010 2D platforming game
Wikipedia - Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Endless Frontier Exceed -- Video game
Wikipedia - Super Robot Wars -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Super Robot Wars XO -- 2006 video game from Banpresto
Wikipedia - Superscape -- Video game developer
Wikipedia - Super Smash Bros. Brawl -- 2008 crossover fighting video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U -- 2014 video games
Wikipedia - Super Smash Bros. in esports -- Esports scene involving the Super Smash Bros. series of video games
Wikipedia - Super Smash Bros. Melee -- 2001 crossover fighting video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate -- 2018 video game
Wikipedia - Super Smash Bros. (video game) -- 1999 crossover fighting video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Super Star Wars: Return of the Jedi -- 1994 video game
Wikipedia - Super Star Wars -- 1992 video game
Wikipedia - SuperTuxKart -- Open source arcade racing game
Wikipedia - Supremacy (board game) -- Board game
Wikipedia - Supremacy MMA -- 2011 video game
Wikipedia - Supreme Commander (video game) -- Video game
Wikipedia - Surakarta (game)
Wikipedia - Surfing at the 2019 Pan American Games -- The Surfing competitions at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Surround (video game) -- Snake-style video game for the Atari VCS/2600 from 1977
Wikipedia - Survival game
Wikipedia - Survival horror games
Wikipedia - Surviving High School -- 2005 video game
Wikipedia - Surviving the Game -- 1994 film by Ernest Dickerson
Wikipedia - Survivor: Game Changers -- 34th season of the television series Survivor
Wikipedia - Sushi Striker: The Way of Sushido -- 2018 video game
Wikipedia - Suspensory ligament of clitoris -- Fibrous band anchoring the clitoris to the pubic symphysis
Wikipedia - Suspensory ligament of penis -- Holds the penis close to the pubic bone and supports it when erect
Wikipedia - Suzak Inc. -- Defunct Japanese video game development company
Wikipedia - Suzuka 8 Hours (video game) -- 1992 video game
Wikipedia - SvM-CM-$ngknack -- Swedish card game
Wikipedia - Swamp Thing (video game) -- Video game of 1992
Wikipedia - Swashbucklers: Blue vs. Grey -- 2007 video game
Wikipedia - SWAT 3: Close Quarters Battle -- 1999 tactical shooter video game
Wikipedia - Sweden at the 1906 Intercalated Games -- Sweden at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Sweden at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Sweden at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Sweet Home (video game) -- 1989 survival horror role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Swimming at the 1964 Summer Olympics - Women's 100 metre backstroke -- Swimming event at the 1964 Olympic Games
Wikipedia - Swimming at the 1971 Pan American Games - Men's 4 M-CM-^W 100 metre medley relay -- Swimming events at the 1971 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Swimming at the 1995 Pan American Games - Women's 200 metre individual medley -- Swimming competition
Wikipedia - Swimming at the 2002 Commonwealth Games - Men's 50 metre backstroke -- 2002 sporting event
Wikipedia - Swimming at the 2010 Asian Games - Men's 200 metre breaststroke -- Event at the 2010 Asian Games
Wikipedia - Swimming at the 2010 Asian Games - Women's 100 metre backstroke -- 2010 sports event
Wikipedia - Swimming at the 2018 Commonwealth Games - Women's 400 metre individual medley -- Event held on 5 April at the Gold Coast Aquatic Centre
Wikipedia - Swimming at the 2019 African Games - Men's 1500 metre freestyle -- Swimming competition
Wikipedia - Swimming at the 2019 African Games - Men's 200 metre individual medley -- Swimming competition
Wikipedia - Swimming at the 2019 African Games - Men's 400 metre individual medley -- Swimming competition
Wikipedia - Swimming at the 2019 African Games - Men's 50 metre freestyle -- 2019 swimming competition
Wikipedia - Swimming at the 2019 African Games - Women's 400 metre individual medley -- Swimming competition
Wikipedia - Swimming at the 2019 Pan American Games - Qualification -- Swimming competition
Wikipedia - Swimming at the 2019 Pan American Games -- The swimming competitions at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Swimming at the 2019 Pan American Games - Women's 4 M-CM-^W 100 metre medley relay -- Swimming competition
Wikipedia - Swimming at the Youth Olympic Games -- Swimming competition
Wikipedia - Switzerland at the 1906 Intercalated Games -- Switzerland at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Switzerland at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Switzerland at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - SWIV -- Video game
Wikipedia - Sword Girls -- Korean digital card game
Wikipedia - Sword of Sodan -- 1988 video game
Wikipedia - Sword of the Stars -- 2006 video game
Wikipedia - Swords & Spells -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - Swords and Sorcery (video game) -- 1985 video game
Wikipedia - Sylvanas Windrunner -- Character in Warcraft series of video games
Wikipedia - Symmetra -- Fictional character in the 2016 video game Overwatch
Wikipedia - Symmetric game
Wikipedia - Synchronized swimming at the 2010 Central American and Caribbean Games -- Event held in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Synthetik: Legion Rising -- 2018 top-down shooter video game
Wikipedia - System 3 (company) -- British video game developer and publisher
Wikipedia - System Shock 2 -- 1999 action role-playing survival horror video game
Wikipedia - System Shock -- 1994 video game
Wikipedia - Table game -- Games played against the house with live croupiers.
Wikipedia - Table tennis at the 2019 Pacific Games -- Table tennis competition
Wikipedia - Table tennis at the 2019 Pan American Games -- The Table tennis competitions at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Tabletop game
Wikipedia - Tabletop role-playing games in Japan -- Aspect of role-playing gaming
Wikipedia - Tabletop role playing game
Wikipedia - Tabletop roleplaying game
Wikipedia - Tabletop role-playing game -- Form of role-playing game for leisure
Wikipedia - Taboo (game)
Wikipedia - Tabula Rasa (video game)
Wikipedia - Tacoma (video game) -- 2017 adventure video game
Wikipedia - Tac/Scan -- Space combat color vector shooter arcade game from 1982
Wikipedia - Tactical role-playing game
Wikipedia - Tactics (game) -- 1954 board wargame
Wikipedia - TacTix -- Two-player strategy game invented by Danish polymath Piet Hein
Wikipedia - TAC (video game) -- 1983 combat videogame
Wikipedia - Tadaima Yuusha Boshuuchuu Okawari -- 1994 video game
Wikipedia - Taekwon-Do (video game) -- 1994 video game
Wikipedia - Tafl games -- A group of asymmetric boardgames
Wikipedia - Tag (game) -- Game of chasing other people
Wikipedia - Tag Team Wrestling -- 1983 arcade video game
Wikipedia - Taiko no Tatsujin: Drum 'n' Fun! -- 2018 video game
Wikipedia - Taiko no Tatsujin -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Tails Adventure -- 1995 video game
Wikipedia - Tails' Skypatrol -- 1995 video game
Wikipedia - Takashi Iizuka (game designer) -- Japanese video game designer
Wikipedia - Takayuki Yagami -- Fictional character in the 2018 video game Judgment
Wikipedia - Take It Easy (game) -- Board game
Wikipedia - Take Me Out (British game show) -- British television show
Wikipedia - Take Me Out (Philippine game show) -- 2010 Philippine television show
Wikipedia - Take Me Out to the Ball Game (film) -- 1949 film by Busby Berkeley
Wikipedia - Take Me Out to the Ball Game -- Song written by Albert Von Tilzer and Jack Norworth in 1908
Wikipedia - Takeshi Abo -- Japanese video game composer
Wikipedia - Takeshi Kitano -- Japanese film director, comedian, singer, actor, film editor, presenter, screenwriter, author, poet, painter and video game designer
Wikipedia - Takeshi no ChM-EM-^MsenjM-EM-^M -- 1986 video game
Wikipedia - Takeshi's Castle -- Japanese television game show
Wikipedia - Take-Two Interactive -- American video game company
Wikipedia - Tak (game) -- Two-player abstract strategy game
Wikipedia - Tak-Tik-BOOM (Indonesian game show) -- Game show
Wikipedia - Talent for the Game -- 1991 film by Robert M. Young
Wikipedia - Tales from the Loop (role-playing game) -- 2017 role-playing game
Wikipedia - Tales of Berseria -- Japanese role-playing video game developed by Bandai Namco
Wikipedia - Tales of Eternia -- 2000 video game
Wikipedia - Tales of Monkey Island -- 2009 graphic adventure video game
Wikipedia - Tales of Phantasia -- 1995 SNES game in the role-playing video game genre
Wikipedia - TaleSpin (video game) -- 1991 video game
Wikipedia - Talisman (board game) -- Fantasy adventure board game
Wikipedia - Talisman Dungeon -- Expansion to Talisman board game
Wikipedia - Talisman The Adventure -- Expansion to Talisman board game
Wikipedia - Tali'Zorah -- Video game character
Wikipedia - Tall Tales of the Wee Folk -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - Tamagotchi Connection: Corner Shop 2 -- 2006 video game
Wikipedia - Tamagotchi Connection: Corner Shop 3 -- 2007 video game
Wikipedia - Tamagotchi Connection: Corner Shop -- 2005 video game
Wikipedia - Tancred (Judges Guild) -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Tandy-12 -- Arcade game
Wikipedia - Tanita: Plasticine Dream -- 2006 video game
Wikipedia - Tank controls -- control system used in video games
Wikipedia - Tanki Online -- Massively multiplayer online game
Wikipedia - Tanki X -- Arcade tank simulator game
Wikipedia - Tantalus Media -- Australian video game developer
Wikipedia - Tapp (card game)
Wikipedia - Tapper (video game) -- 1983 video game
Wikipedia - Tap Tap Revenge -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - Tap Tap (series) -- Series of video games
Wikipedia - Tapulous -- American software and video game company
Wikipedia - Target (video game) -- 1976 video game for S-100 microcomputers
Wikipedia - Tarn Adams -- American computer game programmer
Wikipedia - Taroc l'Hombre -- Extinct card game of the European Tarot card game family
Wikipedia - Tarot card games
Wikipedia - Tarot -- Cards used for games or divination
Wikipedia - Tarsier Studios -- Swedish video game developer
Wikipedia - Tarsus: World Beyond the Frontier -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Tarzan: Untamed -- 2001 video game
Wikipedia - Taskmaster (American TV series) -- American comedy panel game show
Wikipedia - Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - Tattletail -- 2016 video game
Wikipedia - Teamfight Tactics -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - Team Fortress 2 -- 2007 first-person shooter game
Wikipedia - Team Fortress Classic -- Multiplayer video game
Wikipedia - Team Ninja -- Japanese video game developer
Wikipedia - Team Sonic Racing -- 2019 kart racing video game developed by Sumo Digital
Wikipedia - Tearaway Unfolded -- 2015 platform-adventure video game
Wikipedia - Tearaway (video game) -- 2013 platform-adventure video game
Wikipedia - Tear Ring Saga -- 2001 tactical role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Techno Cop -- 1988 driving game
Wikipedia - Techno Drive -- 1998 video game by Namco
Wikipedia - Technosoft -- Japanese video game company
Wikipedia - Ted Alspach -- American game designer
Wikipedia - Ted Woolsey -- American video game translator
Wikipedia - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (arcade game) -- Konami as a 1989 coin-operated video game
Wikipedia - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: Radical Rescue -- 1993 Game Boy video game
Wikipedia - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Legends -- 2016 video game
Wikipedia - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (NES video game) -- 1989 platform beat-em-up game
Wikipedia - Tehran Game Convention -- Annual Iranian video games convention
Wikipedia - Tejbz -- Swedish video game commentator
Wikipedia - Tekken 3 -- 1997 fighting video game
Wikipedia - Tekken 4 -- 2001 fighting video game
Wikipedia - Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection -- 2005 fighting video game
Wikipedia - Tekken 5 -- 2004 fighting video game
Wikipedia - Tekken 6 -- 2007 fighting video game
Wikipedia - Tekken 7 -- Fighting video game
Wikipedia - Tekken Mobile -- 2018 mobile video game of the Tekken series
Wikipedia - Tekken (video game) -- 1994 fighting video game
Wikipedia - Tekken -- Fighting video game series
Wikipedia - Tele-Fever -- Second-generation home video game console
Wikipedia - Telegames -- American video game company
Wikipedia - Telengard -- Dungeon crawler computer game from 1982
Wikipedia - Telescore 750 -- Home video game console by Groupe SEB
Wikipedia - Telling Lies (video game) -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - Tell Me Why (video game) -- 2020 video game
Wikipedia - Telltale Games (2018-present) -- American video game publisher
Wikipedia - Tell the Truth (British game show) -- 1957 British television series
Wikipedia - Tempest (video game) -- Innovative tube shooter Atari vector arcade game from 1981
Wikipedia - Template:Infobox country at games -- Sporting event delegation|noreplace
Wikipedia - Template talk:Art and video games
Wikipedia - Template talk:Board-game-stub
Wikipedia - Template talk:Chronology of role-playing video games
Wikipedia - Template talk:Conway's Game of Life
Wikipedia - Template talk:Dungeons > Dragons video games
Wikipedia - Template talk:Game controllers
Wikipedia - Template talk:Game design
Wikipedia - Template talk:Game theory
Wikipedia - Template talk:Hello Games
Wikipedia - Template talk:History of video games
Wikipedia - Template talk:Multiplayer online games
Wikipedia - Template talk:No cost computer games
Wikipedia - Template talk:Pervasive games
Wikipedia - Template talk:Role-playing video games
Wikipedia - Template talk:Sherlock Holmes video games
Wikipedia - Template talk:Simulation video games
Wikipedia - Template talk:Tarot and Tarock card games
Wikipedia - Template talk:Types of games
Wikipedia - Template talk:Video game consoles
Wikipedia - Template talk:Video game engines
Wikipedia - Template talk:Video game gameplay
Wikipedia - Template talk:Video game genre
Wikipedia - Template talk:Video game graphics
Wikipedia - Template talk:Video game history
Wikipedia - Template talk:Video game industry
Wikipedia - Template talk:Video games
Wikipedia - Temple Run (series) -- Endless runner video game series
Wikipedia - Temple Run -- 2011 3D endless runner video game
Wikipedia - Temtem -- Massively multiplayer online role-playing game
Wikipedia - Temujin (video game) -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - Tenable -- British game show
Wikipedia - Tennis (1984 video game) -- 1984 sports game published by Nintendo and Hudson Soft
Wikipedia - Tennis at the 2010 Central American and Caribbean Games -- Event held in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Tennis at the 2019 African Games - Men's singles -- none
Wikipedia - Tennis at the 2019 Pan American Games - Men's doubles -- The men's doubles tennis event of the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Tennis at the 2019 Pan American Games - Men's singles -- The men's singles tennis event of the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Tennis at the 2019 Pan American Games - Mixed doubles -- The mixed doubles tennis event of the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Tennis at the 2019 Pan American Games -- The Tennis competitions at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Tennis at the 2019 Pan American Games - Women's doubles -- The women's doubles tennis event of the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Tennis at the 2019 Pan American Games - Women's singles -- The women's singles tennis event of the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Tennis (paper game)
Wikipedia - Tequila Works -- Spanish video game developer
Wikipedia - Terminator 3: The Redemption -- 2004 video game
Wikipedia - Terminator 3: War of the Machines -- 2003 first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Terminus (2000 video game) -- 2000 video game
Wikipedia - Terrace (board game)
Wikipedia - Terraforming Mars (board game) -- 2016 strategy board game
Wikipedia - Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri -- 1996 tactical first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Terraria -- 2011 video game
Wikipedia - Terror Australis: Call of Cthulhu in the Land Down Under -- Horror tabletop role-playing game adventure
Wikipedia - Test Drive 4 -- 1997 racing video game
Wikipedia - Test Drive: Ferrari Racing Legends -- 2012 racing video game
Wikipedia - Test Drive III: The Passion -- 1990 racing video game
Wikipedia - Test Drive (series) -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown -- Upcoming open world racing game
Wikipedia - Tetris 99 -- 2019 Tetris battle royale video game
Wikipedia - Tetris & Dr. Mario -- 1994 puzzle video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Tetris Attack -- 1996 puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Tetris DS -- 2006 puzzle video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Tetris (Electronic Arts) -- 2006 video game
Wikipedia - Tetris (Game Boy video game) -- 1989 puzzle video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Tetris (Game Boy)
Wikipedia - Tetris -- Tile-matching video game
Wikipedia - Texas hold 'em -- Variation of the card game of poker
Wikipedia - Text-based game -- Video game that uses text characters
Wikipedia - Text sim -- Text-based computer games
Wikipedia - Thailand at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Thailand at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Tharsis (video game) -- 2016 strategy video game
Wikipedia - That Dragon, Cancer -- 2016 video game
Wikipedia - Thatgamecompany -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - The 3DO Company -- American video game company
Wikipedia - The $64,000 Question -- American game show
Wikipedia - The 7th Guest -- Video game
Wikipedia - The Academy: The First Riddle -- Adventure game
Wikipedia - The Activision Decathlon -- 1983 sports video game
Wikipedia - The Adventure Game -- 1980s UK game show
Wikipedia - The Adventures of Batman > Robin (video game)
Wikipedia - The Adventures of Peter Rabbit & Benjamin Bunny -- 1996 video game
Wikipedia - The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends (video game) -- 1994 video game
Wikipedia - The Adventures of Shuggy -- Puzzle platform video game
Wikipedia - The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn (video game)
Wikipedia - The Amazing Eternals -- Cancelled video game
Wikipedia - The Amazing Race (American TV series) -- American reality game show
Wikipedia - The Amazing Race Vietnam 2019 -- Reality television game show
Wikipedia - The Amazing Race -- Adventure reality game show
Wikipedia - The Ambassadors of Agamemnon in the tent of Achilles -- painting by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres
Wikipedia - The American Game -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - The Angel's Game -- 2008 novel by Carlos Ruiz Zafon
Wikipedia - The Apprentice (American TV series) -- American reality game show
Wikipedia - The Army Game (film) -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - The Army-Navy Game (M*A*S*H)
Wikipedia - The Art of Video Games
Wikipedia - The Astrogators Chartbook -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - The Atlas of the Imperium -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - The Atruaghin Clans -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - The Bachelor Winter Games -- Reality television series
Wikipedia - The Badger Game (film) -- 2014 film
Wikipedia - The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes -- Prequel to The Hunger Games Trilogy
Wikipedia - The Banner Saga -- Tactical role-playing video game
Wikipedia - The Bard's Tale (1985 video game)
Wikipedia - The Battle for Wesnoth -- Open source, turn-based strategy game with a high fantasy theme
Wikipedia - The Battle of Polytopia -- Strategy video game
Wikipedia - The Beast (game)
Wikipedia - The Beatles: Rock Band -- 2009 video game
Wikipedia - The Beautiful Game (film) -- 2012 documentary film
Wikipedia - The Beginner's Guide -- 2015 interactive storytelling video game
Wikipedia - The Bible Game -- 2005 Christian party video game published by Crave Entertainment
Wikipedia - The Big Game (1936 film) -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - The Big Game (1942 film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - The Binding of Isaac (video game)
Wikipedia - The Blobjob -- 1998 video game
Wikipedia - The Blues Brothers: Jukebox Adventure -- 1993 video game
Wikipedia - The Book of Marvelous Magic -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - The Book of Wondrous Inventions -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - The Bronze Grimoire -- Fantasy tabletop role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - The Bunny Game -- 2011 American horror film
Wikipedia - The Bureau: XCOM Declassified -- 2013 tactical shooter game
Wikipedia - The Button (Reddit) -- Experimental meta-game on
Wikipedia - The cake is a lie -- Internet meme from the video game Portal
Wikipedia - The Callisto Protocol -- Upcoming third-person survival horror video game
Wikipedia - The Call (South Korean TV series) -- Music collaboration project themed music variety game show on Mnet and tvN
Wikipedia - The Cameron Files: Pharaoh's Curse -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - The Cave (video game) -- 2013 video game
Wikipedia - The Chair (game show) -- American television game show
Wikipedia - The Challenge (TV series) -- Reality game show
Wikipedia - The Chamber (game show) -- Game show
Wikipedia - The Chase (American game show) -- American television quiz show
Wikipedia - The Chase (British game show) -- British television quiz show
Wikipedia - The Children (Game of Thrones)
Wikipedia - The Clockwork Man -- Greek video game series
Wikipedia - The Coles -- Video game designers
Wikipedia - The Collective (company) -- Defunct American video game developer
Wikipedia - The Colonel's Bequest -- 1989 video game by Roberta Williams
Wikipedia - The Comedy Game -- Australian television show
Wikipedia - The Company War -- 1983 board wargame
Wikipedia - The Compleat Spell Caster -- 1983 role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - The Complete Masks of Nyarlathotep -- Horror tabletop role-playing game campaign
Wikipedia - The Computer Language Benchmarks Game -- Free software project
Wikipedia - The Cottage (video game) -- Text based video game
Wikipedia - The Croquet Game -- 1873 painting by Edouard Manet
Wikipedia - The Crossing (video game) -- Cancelled video game
Wikipedia - The Crow: City of Angels (video game) -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - The Culling (video game) -- 2017 first-person action game
Wikipedia - The Cyber Shinobi -- 1990 video game
Wikipedia - The Cypher (video game) -- 1996 video game by EPG Media Inc.
Wikipedia - The Danger Game (film) -- 1918 American silent film directed by [[Harry A. Pollard]]
Wikipedia - The Dangerous Game (1933 film) -- 1933 film
Wikipedia - The Dare Game -- 2000 novel by Jacqueline Wilson
Wikipedia - The Darkness II -- 2012 first-person shooter game
Wikipedia - The Darkness (video game) -- Video game
Wikipedia - The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan -- Survival horror video game
Wikipedia - The Dark Pictures Anthology -- A series of interactive drama survival horror video games
Wikipedia - The Darkside Detective -- 2017 video game by Spooky Doorway
Wikipedia - The Dating Game
Wikipedia - The Deadly Game (1941 film) -- 1941 film by Phil Rosen
Wikipedia - The Deal (Japanese game show) -- Japanese television series
Wikipedia - The Desert Environment -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - The Desperate Game -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - The Destiny Map -- Cross-genre tabletop role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - The Dice Game of Life -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - The Dirty Game -- 1965 film
Wikipedia - The Discoverers (video game) -- 1994 video game
Wikipedia - The Disney Afternoon Collection -- 2017 video game compilation
Wikipedia - The Divorce Game -- 1917 film by Travers Vale
Wikipedia - The Dreaming Stone -- Fantasy tabletop role-playing game adventure
Wikipedia - The Drenslaar Quest -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - The Duke (board game)
Wikipedia - The Dungeon (Dimension Six) -- role playing game supplement
Wikipedia - The Dungeon Master (video game) -- ZX Spectrum video game
Wikipedia - The Dwarves of Rockhome -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - The Earth Fighter Rayieza -- 1987 video game
Wikipedia - The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind -- 2002 fantasy action role-playing video game
Wikipedia - The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion -- 2006 action role-playing video game
Wikipedia - The Elder Scrolls: Legends -- 2017 free-to-play digital collectible card video game
Wikipedia - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dawnguard -- Expansion for the video game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Wikipedia - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim -- video game
Wikipedia - The Elder Scrolls -- Video game series
Wikipedia - The Elves of Alfheim -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - The Emirates of Ylaruam -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - The End Is Nigh (video game) -- 2017 platforming adventure video game
Wikipedia - The End of the Game (1919 film) -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - The End of the Game (1975 film) -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - The Ernie Game -- 1967 film
Wikipedia - The Escapist (magazine) -- American video game magazine
Wikipedia - The Escapists 2 -- 2017 strategy role-playing video game
Wikipedia - The Escapists -- Strategy video game
Wikipedia - The Evening Star (Traveller) -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - The Everlasting (role-playing game) -- Tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - The Evil Within 2 -- 2017 third-person survival horror video game
Wikipedia - The Expression Amrilato -- 2017 visual novel game
Wikipedia - The Eye of Judgment -- Video game
Wikipedia - The Favourite Game
Wikipedia - The FCI Consumer Guide -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - The Fifth Element (video game) -- 1998 video game
Wikipedia - The Fighting Gamecocks Lead the Way -- Fight song at the University of South Carolina
Wikipedia - The Final Game -- 1998 film
Wikipedia - The First Game -- 1968 painting by Arnold Friberg
Wikipedia - The Five Shires -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - The Flintstones (1994 Ocean Software video game) -- Platforming video game
Wikipedia - The Flintstones: The Treasure of Sierra Madrock -- 1994 SNES video game
Wikipedia - The floor is lava -- Game in which players imagine that the floor is made of lava and avoid touching the ground
Wikipedia - The Fool's Errand -- Meta-puzzle computer game from 1987
Wikipedia - The Ford Simulator -- 1987 video game
Wikipedia - The Franz Kafka Videogame -- 2017 indie adventure game
Wikipedia - The Game (1997 film)
Wikipedia - The Game (American TV series) -- American comedy-drama created by Mara Brock Akil
Wikipedia - The Game Awards 2016
Wikipedia - The Game Awards 2017 -- Award show
Wikipedia - The Game Awards 2018 -- American video game awards
Wikipedia - The Game Awards 2019 -- American video game awards
Wikipedia - The Game Awards 2020 -- American video game awards
Wikipedia - The Game Changers
Wikipedia - The Gamechangers -- 2015 British docudrama
Wikipedia - The Game Changer -- 2017 Chinese action film
Wikipedia - The Game Creators
Wikipedia - The Game Game -- American television game show
Wikipedia - The Game Is Over (song) -- 2020 song by Evanescence
Wikipedia - The Gamekeeper (film) -- 1980 film
Wikipedia - The Game (King novel)
Wikipedia - The Game (London novel) -- Novel by Jack London
Wikipedia - The Game (mind game) -- Mental game where the objective is to avoid thinking about The Game itself
Wikipedia - The Game of Cootie -- Children's dice rolling and collection game
Wikipedia - The Game of Life (1922 film) -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - The Game of Life (disambiguation)
Wikipedia - The Game of Life
Wikipedia - The Game of Logic
Wikipedia - The Game of Love (1924 film) -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - The Game of Love (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - The Game of Love (album) -- 2006 album of Elena Paparizou
Wikipedia - The Game of Love (Santana song) -- 2002 single by Santana
Wikipedia - The Game of the Century (chess) -- 1956 chess game
Wikipedia - The Game of Votes -- A book by Farhat Basir Khan
Wikipedia - The Game-Players of Titan
Wikipedia - The Game (rapper) -- American rapper and actor from California
Wikipedia - The Gamer's Connection -- Game magazine
Wikipedia - The Games Machine -- Magazine
Wikipedia - The Games We Play -- 2018 song by Pusha T
Wikipedia - The Game That Kills -- 1937 film by D. Ross Lederman
Wikipedia - The Game: Towards Zero -- 2020 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - The Game with Women -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - The Glass Bead Game
Wikipedia - The Godfather (1991 video game) -- 1991 video game based on the Godfather movie trilogy
Wikipedia - The Godfather (2006 video game) -- 2006 open world action-adventure video game
Wikipedia - The Godfather II (video game) -- Video game
Wikipedia - The Go Game
Wikipedia - The Golden Khan of Ethengar -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - The Golf Club 2 -- 2017 sports video game
Wikipedia - The Gone Game -- 2020 Indian comedy series
Wikipedia - The Grand Duchy of Karameikos -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - The Grand Hustle -- American reality game show
Wikipedia - The Great Game (1930 film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - The Great Game -- Political and diplomatic confrontation between the United Kingdom and Russian Empire over the Central Asia region from 1830 to 1895
Wikipedia - The Great Old Ones (Call of Cthulhu) -- Horror tabletop role-playing game adventure
Wikipedia - The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy (video game) -- 2005 fighting video game
Wikipedia - The Grim Game -- 1919 film directed by Irvin Willat
Wikipedia - The Grinder (video game) -- Unreleased video game from the 2010s
Wikipedia - The Hanging Tree (The Hunger Games song) -- 2014 song composed by James Newton Howard
Wikipedia - The Hardy Boys: The Hidden Theft -- Video game
Wikipedia - The Haunted Island, a Frog Detective Game -- 2018 Comedy video game
Wikipedia - The Hobbit (1982 video game)
Wikipedia - The Hobbit (2003 video game) -- 2003 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - The Hong Kong Massacre -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - The House of Da Vinci -- 2017 puzzle adventure game
Wikipedia - The Hunchback of Notre Dame: Topsy Turvy Games
Wikipedia - The Hunger Games: Catching Fire -- 2013 film by Francis Lawrence
Wikipedia - The Hunger Games (film) -- 2012 film by Gary Ross
Wikipedia - The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 1 (soundtrack)
Wikipedia - The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 -- 2014 film by Francis Lawrence
Wikipedia - The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2 -- 2015 film by Francis Lawrence
Wikipedia - The Hunger Games (novel) -- 2008 novel by Suzanne Collins
Wikipedia - The Hunger Games universe
Wikipedia - The Hunger Games -- Adult dystopian books by Suzanne Collins (2008-2020)
Wikipedia - The Hustler (American game show) -- American game show
Wikipedia - The Idolmaster Cinderella Girls: Starlight Stage -- 2015 dancing simulation video game
Wikipedia - The Idolmaster Cinderella Girls -- Mobile game by Cygames and Bandai Namco
Wikipedia - The Idolmaster Dearly Stars -- Simulation video game
Wikipedia - The Idolmaster Live For You! -- Simulation video game
Wikipedia - The Idolmaster Must Songs -- 2015 video game
Wikipedia - The Idolmaster One For All -- 2014 simulation video game
Wikipedia - The Idolmaster Platinum Stars -- 2016 simulation video game
Wikipedia - The Idolmaster Shiny Festa -- 2012 rhythm game by Namco Bandai Games
Wikipedia - The Idolmaster SP -- Simulation video game
Wikipedia - The Idolmaster -- Video game series
Wikipedia - The Imitation Game (play) -- 1980 British television play based loosely on Alan Turing
Wikipedia - The Imitation Game -- 2014 film by Morten Tyldum
Wikipedia - The Incredible Hulk (1994 video game)
Wikipedia - The Incredible Hulk (2008 video game) -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker -- 2017 FMV murder mystery video game
Wikipedia - The Invincible Iron Man (video game)
Wikipedia - The Invisible Man (game show) -- Russian game show
Wikipedia - The Ivory Game -- 2016 film
Wikipedia - The Jackbox Party Pack -- Video game series
Wikipedia - The Joker's Wild -- American television game show
Wikipedia - The Judge Dredd Roleplaying Game -- Tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - The Karate Kid Part II: The Computer Game -- 1986 beat 'em up game
Wikipedia - The Karate Kid (video game) -- 1987 video game
Wikipedia - The Kidnapping of Princess Arelina -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - The Killing Game (1967 film) -- 1967 film
Wikipedia - The Kingdom of Ierendi -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - The King of Fighters XIV -- 2016 fighting game
Wikipedia - The King's Bird -- American indie video game
Wikipedia - The Landlord's Game -- Board game
Wikipedia - The Last Blade 2 -- 1998 versus fighting game video game
Wikipedia - The Last of Us: Left Behind -- 2014 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - The Last of Us Part II -- 2020 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - The Last of Us -- 2013 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - The Last Story -- Video game
Wikipedia - The Left Right Game (podcast) -- Fictional podcast
Wikipedia - The Legend of Heroes: Ao no Kiseki -- 2011 video game
Wikipedia - The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV -- 2018 video game by Nihon Falcom
Wikipedia - The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel -- 2013 role-playing video game by Nihon Falcom
Wikipedia - The Legend of Heroes -- Role-playing video game series by Nihon Falcom
Wikipedia - The Legend of Heroes: Zero no Kiseki -- 2010 video game
Wikipedia - The Legend of Oasis -- 1996 video game
Wikipedia - The Legend of Sword and Fairy 6 -- 2015 video game
Wikipedia - The Legend of Sword and Fairy 7 -- Chinese video game
Wikipedia - The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds -- 2013 action-adventure video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past and Four Swords -- 2002 action-adventure video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past -- 1991 action-adventure video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild -- 2017 action-adventure video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (2019 video game) -- 2019 action-adventure video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening -- 1993 action-adventure video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D -- 2015 action-adventure video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask -- 2000 action-adventure video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D -- 2011 action-adventure video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages -- 2001 action-adventure video games published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass -- 2007 action-adventure video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword -- 2011 action-adventure video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks -- 2009 action-adventure video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap -- 2004 action-adventure video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD -- 2013 action-adventure video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker -- 2002 action-adventure video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes -- 2015 action-adventure video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD -- 2016 action-adventure video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess -- 2006 action-adventure video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - The Legend of Zelda (video game) -- 1986 action-adventure video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - The Lego Movie 2 Videogame -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - The Lego Movie Videogame -- 2014 video game
Wikipedia - The Lego Ninjago Movie Video Game -- 2017 action-adventure video game
Wikipedia - The Letter (2017 video game) -- 2017 horror visual novel video game
Wikipedia - The Linux Game Tome
Wikipedia - The London Game -- British board game
Wikipedia - The Lord of the Rings: Gollum -- 2021 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II -- 2006 real-time strategy game
Wikipedia - The Lord of the Rings Trading Card Game -- Collectible card game
Wikipedia - The Lost Island of Alanna -- Promotional video game
Wikipedia - The Lost (video game)
Wikipedia - The Lost World: Jurassic Park (arcade game) -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - The Love Game -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - The Lugubrious Game -- 1929 painting by Salvador Dali
Wikipedia - The Lying Game (book series) -- Book series by Sara Shepard
Wikipedia - The Mad Game -- 1933 film by Irving Cummings
Wikipedia - The Mad Magazine Game -- Board game
Wikipedia - The Magic Circle (video game) -- 2015 video game
Wikipedia - The Manhole -- 1988 video game
Wikipedia - The Marriage Game -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - The Marriage Ref (British TV series) -- ITV comedy panel game
Wikipedia - The Mask Singer Myanmar -- Burmese reality music game show
Wikipedia - The Master Game -- BBC chess programme
Wikipedia - The Matrix Online -- 2005 massively multiplayer online role-playing game
Wikipedia - The Matrix: Path of Neo -- 2005 action-adventure video game
Wikipedia - The Mechanoid Invasion -- Tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - Theme Park Inc -- 2001 video game
Wikipedia - Theme Park Mystery -- 1990 video game
Wikipedia - The Messenger (2018 video game) -- Action-platformer indie game
Wikipedia - The Metabarons Roleplaying Game
Wikipedia - The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers -- upcoming American sports streaming television series
Wikipedia - The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot -- 2015 video game
Wikipedia - The Million Pound Cube -- British game show
Wikipedia - The Mind Game -- 1980 novel by Norman Spinrad
Wikipedia - The Minrothad Guilds -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - The Misery Index (TV series) -- American game show
Wikipedia - The Morrow Project -- Science fiction tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - The Most Dangerous Game (film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - The Most Dangerous Game (novel) -- 1964 novel by Gavin Lyall
Wikipedia - The Mountain Environment -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - The Movie Monster Game -- 1986 video game
Wikipedia - Them's Fightin' Herds -- indie fighting game
Wikipedia - The Mummy Demastered -- 2017 Metroidvania video game by WayForward
Wikipedia - The Mummy (video game) -- 2000 video game
Wikipedia - The Museum of Curiosity -- English radio panel game show
Wikipedia - The Mystery of the Druids -- 2001 video game
Wikipedia - The Nameless One -- Video-game character
Wikipedia - The Name of the Game (TV series) -- American television series (1968-1971)
Wikipedia - The Need for Speed -- 1994 racing video game
Wikipedia - The Nethernet -- Online game
Wikipedia - The Newlywed Game -- American television game show
Wikipedia - The Nile Empire -- Cross-genre tabletop role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - The Ninja Warriors (1987 video game) -- 1987 video game
Wikipedia - The Ninja Warriors (1994 video game) -- 1994 SNES game
Wikipedia - The Nomad Soul -- 1999 adventure game
Wikipedia - The Northern Reaches -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - Theodore Gamelin -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - The Old Army Game -- 1943 Donald Duck cartoon
Wikipedia - The Omega War -- Board game by Steve Jackson Games
Wikipedia - The One Game
Wikipedia - The Ooze -- 1995 Sega Genesis video game
Wikipedia - The Operative: No One Lives Forever -- 2000 first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - The Orange Box -- Video game compilation by Valve
Wikipedia - The Orcs of Thar -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - Theory of Games and Economic Behavior
Wikipedia - The Outer Worlds -- 2019 action role-playing game
Wikipedia - The Outlast Trials -- Upcoming horror video game
Wikipedia - The Pajama Game (film) -- 1957 film based on the musical of the same name
Wikipedia - The Pathless -- 2020 action-adventure video game developed by Giant Squid
Wikipedia - The Pawn -- 1985 video game
Wikipedia - The Peace Keepers -- 1993 Super NES game
Wikipedia - The Pendragon Campaign -- Arthurian tabletop role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - The Player of Games
Wikipedia - The Playroom (2013 video game) -- 2013 casual video game
Wikipedia - The Political Machine 2008 -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - The Political Machine 2020 -- Government simulation videogame
Wikipedia - The Possibility Chalice -- Cross-genre tabletop role-playing game adventure
Wikipedia - The Powerpuff Girls: Chemical X-Traction -- 2001 American fighting video game
Wikipedia - The Powerpuff Girls: Relish Rampage -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - The Price Is Right (1956 American game show) -- Game show in the United States (1956)
Wikipedia - The Price Is Right (American game show) -- Game show in the United States
Wikipedia - The Principalities of Glantri -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - The Prisoner (computer game)
Wikipedia - The Prisoner (video game) -- 1980 video game
Wikipedia - The Ren & Stimpy Show: Time Warp -- 1994 video game
Wikipedia - The Republia Times -- 2012 video game
Wikipedia - The Republic of Darokin -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - The Resistance (game) -- Social role-playing game
Wikipedia - The Revenge of Rusak -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - The Revenge of Shinobi -- 1989 video game
Wikipedia - The Rich List (American game show) -- American television game show
Wikipedia - The Room Tribute -- 2010 flash video game
Wikipedia - The Room (video game) -- 2012 video game
Wikipedia - The Royal Game -- 1941 novella by Stefan Zweig
Wikipedia - The Rules of the Game -- 1939 French film directed by Jean Renoir
Wikipedia - The Sandbox (video game)
Wikipedia - The Scroll of Taiwu -- 2018 video game
Wikipedia - The Sea People -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - The Seashell Game -- Poetry anthology
Wikipedia - The Secret World -- 2012 video game
Wikipedia - The Settlers (1993 video game) -- 1993 city-building and real-time strategy video game
Wikipedia - The Settlers 7: Paths to a Kingdom -- 2010 city-building and real-time strategy video game
Wikipedia - The Settlers: Heritage of Kings -- 2004 real-time strategy video game
Wikipedia - The Settlers II (10th Anniversary) -- 2006 city-building and real-time strategy video game
Wikipedia - The Settlers III -- 1998 real-time strategy and city-building video game
Wikipedia - The Settlers II -- 1996 city-building and real-time strategy video game
Wikipedia - The Settlers IV -- 2001 real-time strategy and city-building video game
Wikipedia - The Settlers Online -- 2011 video game
Wikipedia - The Settlers: Rise of an Empire -- 2007 city-building and real-time strategy video game
Wikipedia - The Settlers -- city-building and real-time strategy video game series introduced in 1993
Wikipedia - The Shadow Elves -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - The Shady Dragon Inn -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - The Shell Game (film) -- 1918 silent film directed by George D. Baker
Wikipedia - The Ship (video game) -- 2006 first-person shooter video game by Outerlight
Wikipedia - The Shivah -- 2006 video game
Wikipedia - The Silent Cartographer -- Level in the video game Halo: Combat Evolved
Wikipedia - The Simpsons: Bartman Meets Radioactive Man -- 1992 platform video game
Wikipedia - The Simpsons: Bart's Nightmare -- 1992 video game
Wikipedia - The Simpsons Game -- 2007 Video game
Wikipedia - The Simpsons: Hit & Run -- 2003 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - The Simpsons: Road Rage -- Vehicular combat video game
Wikipedia - The Simpsons: Tapped Out -- Video game
Wikipedia - The Simpsons Trading Card Game -- Out-of-print Simpsons-themed collectible card game
Wikipedia - The Simpsons (video game) -- 1991 video game
Wikipedia - The Simpsons: Virtual Springfield -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - The Simpsons Wrestling -- 2001 video game
Wikipedia - The Sims 2 -- Video game
Wikipedia - The Sims 3 -- 2009 video game
Wikipedia - The Sims 4: Island Living -- Video game expansion pack
Wikipedia - The Sims 4 -- 2014 video game
Wikipedia - The Sims Bustin' Out -- 2003 video game
Wikipedia - The Sims (video game) -- 2000 video game
Wikipedia - The Sinking City -- 2019 action-adventure video game
Wikipedia - The Skin Game (1921 film) -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - The Skin Game (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - The Skin Game (play) -- 1920 play by John Galsworthy
Wikipedia - The Sky Crawlers: Innocent Aces -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - The Slave Community -- 1972 book by John Wesley Blassingame
Wikipedia - The Smash Brothers -- 2013 video game documentary
Wikipedia - The Snowfield -- 2011 experimental video game
Wikipedia - The Space Gamer -- Magazine dedicated to science fiction and fantasy games
Wikipedia - TheSpeedGamers
Wikipedia - The Spy Who Loved Me (video game) -- Video game
Wikipedia - The Station (video game) -- 2018 atmospheric video game
Wikipedia - The Story of Kamikuishiki Village -- Visual Novel Video Game
Wikipedia - The Sumerian Game -- 1964 video game
Wikipedia - Theta Borealis Sector -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - The Talos Principle -- 2014 video game
Wikipedia - The Temple of Elemental Evil (video game)
Wikipedia - The Terminator: Future Shock -- 1995 first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - The Textorcist: The Story of Ray Bibbia -- 2019 bullet hell and typing video game
Wikipedia - The Three Stooges (arcade game) -- 1984 video game
Wikipedia - The Three Stooges (video game) -- 1987 video game
Wikipedia - The Throne of Bloodstone -- Module for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game
Wikipedia - The Tiny Bang Story -- A puzzle point-and-click adventure game developed by Colibri Games
Wikipedia - The Titan Games -- Sports competition television program
Wikipedia - The Totally Techie World of Young Dilbert -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - The Touryst -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - The Trail of the Sky Raiders -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - The Traveller Adventure -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - The Traveller Book -- Science-fiction role-playing game
Wikipedia - The Traveller Logbook -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - The Tricky Game of Love -- 1971 Czechoslovak comedy film
Wikipedia - The Undersea Environment -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - The Victims' Game -- Taiwanese television series
Wikipedia - The Vor Game -- Novel by Lois McMaster Bujold
Wikipedia - The Walking Dead: Road to Survival -- 2015 video game
Wikipedia - The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners -- 2020 video game
Wikipedia - The Walking Dead (video game series) -- Video game series
Wikipedia - The Walking Dead (video game) -- Episodic adventure video game
Wikipedia - The Wall (American game show) -- American game show
Wikipedia - The Wall (British game show) -- -- The Wall (British game show) --
Wikipedia - The Wall (Chilean game show) -- 2018 Chilean game show
Wikipedia - The Wave (2018 TV series) -- British game show television series
Wikipedia - The Waylanders -- 2020 video game
Wikipedia - The Weakest Link (video game) -- 2001 video game
Wikipedia - The Westing Game -- 1978 mystery novel
Wikipedia - The Westport Independent -- 2016 video game
Wikipedia - The White Door -- 2020 Dutch puzzle video game
Wikipedia - The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings -- 2011 action role-playing video game
Wikipedia - The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt -- 2015 action role-playing game
Wikipedia - The Witcher Battle Arena -- Multiplayer online battle arena video game
Wikipedia - The Witcher (video game series) -- Video game series by CD Projekt RED
Wikipedia - The Witcher (video game) -- 2007 action role-playing game
Wikipedia - The Witness (2016 video game)
Wikipedia - The Wolf Among Us -- 2013 video game
Wikipedia - The Woman Game -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - The Wonderful End of the World -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - The World Ends with You -- 2007 action role-playing video game
Wikipedia - The World Is Not Enough (2001 video game) -- 2001 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - The World Next Door (video game) -- 2019 visual novel and puzzle game
Wikipedia - The X-Files Game -- 1998 video game
Wikipedia - The X-Files: Resist or Serve -- 2004 video game
Wikipedia - The X-Files: Unrestricted Access -- 1998 video game
Wikipedia - Thief II -- 2000 video game
Wikipedia - Thief (series) -- Series of action-adventure stealth video games
Wikipedia - Thieves' World (role-playing game) -- Fantasy tabletop role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Thinkin' Things -- Series of educational video games
Wikipedia - Think Tank (game show) -- 2016 BBC quiz show
Wikipedia - Third generation of video game consoles
Wikipedia - Thirty Flights of Loving -- 2012 adventure video game
Wikipedia - This Is Vegas -- Video game
Wikipedia - Thomas Gamey -- Ontario politician and farmer
Wikipedia - Thomas Wagner (designer) -- German video game designer, entrepreneur and academic
Wikipedia - Thor: Son of Asgard (video game)
Wikipedia - Thoth (video game) -- 2016 shooter video game
Wikipedia - THQ Nordic -- Austrian video game publisher
Wikipedia - THQ -- defunct American video game company
Wikipedia - Three-ball -- Folk game of pool
Wikipedia - Three Musketeers (game)
Wikipedia - Three's a Crowd (game show) -- American television series
Wikipedia - Threes -- Video game
Wikipedia - Thrill Kill -- Unreleased video game
Wikipedia - Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales -- 2018 video game
Wikipedia - Thronecast -- British television series about Game of Thrones
Wikipedia - Through the Looking Glass (video game)
Wikipedia - Thud (game)
Wikipedia - Thula Thula -- Private game reserve in South Africa
Wikipedia - Thunder Force VI -- 2008 shoot 'em up game
Wikipedia - Thunder Force -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Thunderful Group -- Swedish video game company
Wikipedia - Thunderhawk (video game) -- 1992 military helicopter simulator video game
Wikipedia - Thurn and Taxis (board game)
Wikipedia - Tia Blassingame -- American book artist, publisher, and professor
Wikipedia - Ticket to Ride (board game) -- Board game
Wikipedia - Tickling game -- Interpersonal or social activities
Wikipedia - Tic-tac-toe -- Paper-and-pencil game for two players
Wikipedia - Tidalis -- Match-three puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Tiddlywinks -- Game
Wikipedia - Tiger game played with forty
Wikipedia - Tiger game
Wikipedia - Tile-based game
Wikipedia - Tile-based video game
Wikipedia - Tile-matching video game
Wikipedia - Tilted Mill Entertainment -- Video game developer
Wikipedia - Tilting Point -- Mobile games publisher
Wikipedia - Tilt to Live -- 2010 video game
Wikipedia - Tim Cain -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - Time Crisis -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Timeline of arcade video game history -- Timeline
Wikipedia - Timeline (video game) -- 2000 video game
Wikipedia - Time Machine VR -- Adventure, indie, simulation video game
Wikipedia - Time management game
Wikipedia - Time Management (video game genre)
Wikipedia - Time Pilot '84 -- Multidirectional shooter arcade game sequel to Time Pilot
Wikipedia - Time Pilot -- Multidirectional shooter video game first released in 1982
Wikipedia - TimeShift -- 2007 video game
Wikipedia - Time's Up! (game)
Wikipedia - Time Tunnels -- Board game
Wikipedia - Tim Follin -- English video game music composer
Wikipedia - TiMi Studios -- Game developer, subsidiary of Tencent
Wikipedia - Timothy Brown (game designer) -- American game designer and editor
Wikipedia - Tim Skelly -- Video game programmer
Wikipedia - Tim Sweeney (game developer) -- American games developer
Wikipedia - Tiny Wings -- Video game
Wikipedia - Tipping Point (game show) -- Television series
Wikipedia - Tippit -- Traditional Welsh game
Wikipedia - Titanfall (video game) -- 2014 multiplayer first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Titan (game engine)
Wikipedia - Titanic: Challenge of Discovery -- 1998 video game
Wikipedia - Titan Quest -- 2006 action role playing hack and slash video game
Wikipedia - TM-CM-)kumel: Empire of the Petal Throne -- Role-playing game, released 2005
Wikipedia - TM-EM-^Mka Gettan -- Japanese adult video game
Wikipedia - Tobal No. 1 -- 1996 video game
Wikipedia - Tobit (game) -- A draughts game
Wikipedia - Toby Fox -- American video game designer and composer
Wikipedia - TOCA (series) -- Racing video game series by Codemasters
Wikipedia - Todd Howard -- American video game designer, director, and producer
Wikipedia - Todd Rogers (gamer) -- American video game player
Wikipedia - Todd Rogers (video game player)
Wikipedia - ToD -- French video gamer (born 1985)
Wikipedia - ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove -- Video game
Wikipedia - ToeJam & Earl III: Mission to Earth -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - ToeJam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron -- 1993 video game
Wikipedia - ToeJam & Earl Productions -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - ToeJam & Earl -- 1991 video game
Wikipedia - To Heart 2 -- Video game
Wikipedia - Tokimeki Memorial (series) -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Toki (video game) -- 1989 shoot 'em up platformer arcade video game
Wikipedia - Tokyo 42 -- Video game
Wikipedia - Tokyo Afterschool Summoners -- Japanese role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Tokyo Game Show -- Video game convention
Wikipedia - Tokyo Mirage Sessions M-bM-^YM-/FE -- 2015 video game
Wikipedia - Tokyo Xtreme Racer 3 -- 2003 racing video game
Wikipedia - Tomb Raider Reloaded -- upcoming video game
Wikipedia - Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness -- 2003 action-adventure video game
Wikipedia - Tomb Raider -- Video game franchise
Wikipedia - Tom Clancy's EndWar -- Video game
Wikipedia - Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint -- 2019 online tactical shooter game
Wikipedia - Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands -- 2017 tactical shooter video game
Wikipedia - Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege -- Online tactical shooter video game by Ubisoft
Wikipedia - Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist -- 2013 action-adventure stealth video game
Wikipedia - Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory -- 2005 stealth video game
Wikipedia - Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell (video game) -- 2002 stealth video game
Wikipedia - Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell -- Stealth video game series
Wikipedia - Tom Clancy's The Division 2 -- 2019 online action video game
Wikipedia - Tom Kennedy (television host) -- American game show host
Wikipedia - Tom Markham -- Irish patron of Gaelic games (b. 1878, d. 1939)
Wikipedia - Tommy Tallarico -- American video game composer
Wikipedia - Tommy Vercetti -- Fictional video game character
Wikipedia - Tomodachi Collection -- 2009 life simulation video game
Wikipedia - Tomodachi Life -- 2013 life simulation video game
Wikipedia - Tomohito Nishiura -- Japanese video game music composer
Wikipedia - Tomonobu Itagaki -- Japanese video game designer
Wikipedia - Tom Waddell -- Founder of Gay Games
Wikipedia - Tonga at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Tonga at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Tonic Trouble -- 1999 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Tony Hawk's American Wasteland -- 2005 video game
Wikipedia - Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2 -- 2020 skateboarding video game developed by Vicarious Visions
Wikipedia - Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 -- Video game
Wikipedia - Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5 -- 2015 skateboarding video game
Wikipedia - Tony Hawk's (series) -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Tony Hawk's Underground -- Video game released in 2003
Wikipedia - Tony Stewart's Sprint Car Racing -- 2020 racing video game
Wikipedia - Tool-assisted speedrun -- Preprogrammed sequence of controller inputs used to perform tasks in video games
Wikipedia - Toon Strikes Again -- Role-playing game
Wikipedia - Toonstruck -- Video game
Wikipedia - Toontown Online -- 2003 Disney video game
Wikipedia - Tooth and Tail -- Real-time strategy video game
Wikipedia - Top Ballista -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - Top Gear Rally -- 1997 racing video game
Wikipedia - Top Gear (video game series) -- Racing video game series
Wikipedia - Topological game
Wikipedia - Top Secret (game)
Wikipedia - Top Secret (magazine) -- Polish video game magazine
Wikipedia - Top Trumps -- Card game
Wikipedia - Torg -- Fantasy tabletop role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Tormenta -- Role-playing game campaign setting
Wikipedia - Torque (game engine)
Wikipedia - Toru Minegishi -- Japanese video game composer
Wikipedia - Tose (company) -- Japanese video game developer
Wikipedia - Total Annihilation -- 1997 strategy video game
Wikipedia - Total Carnage -- 1992 arcade video game
Wikipedia - Total Control (video game) -- Russian video game
Wikipedia - Total Eclipse (1994 video game) -- 1993 video game
Wikipedia - Totally Accurate Battle Simulator -- Simulation video game
Wikipedia - Total War Saga: Thrones of Britannia -- 2018 strategy video game
Wikipedia - Total War: Three Kingdoms -- Turn-based strategy real-time tactics video game, based on the Three Kingdoms era of Chinese history
Wikipedia - Total! -- Defunct video game magazine 1991-1996
Wikipedia - To Tell the Truth -- Television game show series
Wikipedia - Totems (video game) -- Video game
Wikipedia - To the Moon -- 2011 video game
Wikipedia - Touch! Generations -- Nintendo brand for videogames
Wikipedia - TouchM-CM-): The Adventures of the Fifth Musketeer -- 1995 video game
Wikipedia - Touch My Katamari -- 2011 puzzle-action video game published by Namco Bandai Games
Wikipedia - Touring (card game) -- Specialty card game designed in 1906
Wikipedia - Tovertafel -- games console used in social care settings
Wikipedia - Tower of Despair -- 1984 text adventure video game
Wikipedia - Tower of Guns -- 2014 video game
Wikipedia - Tower of Hanoi -- Mathematical game or puzzle
Wikipedia - Tower of Heaven -- 2009 platforming video game
Wikipedia - Towers II: Plight of the Stargazer -- 1995 first-person role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Towertale -- Action-platform video game
Wikipedia - Town of Salem -- 2014 video game
Wikipedia - Townscaper -- Minimalistic city builder video game
Wikipedia - Township (video game) -- Freemium city-building game
Wikipedia - Toxic Grind -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Toy Story 3 (video game) -- 2010 video game
Wikipedia - Toy Story (video game) -- 1995 video game
Wikipedia - Tracer (Overwatch) -- Fictional character in 2016 video game Overwatch
Wikipedia - Track & Field (video game) -- 1983 arcade video game
Wikipedia - TrackMania (2003 video game) -- 2003 racing video game
Wikipedia - TrackMania 2 -- 2011 racing video game
Wikipedia - TrackMania DS -- 2008 Nintendo DS racing game
Wikipedia - TrackMania Sunrise -- 2005 racing video game
Wikipedia - TrackMania Turbo (2010 video game) -- 2010 Nintendo DS racing game
Wikipedia - TrackMania Turbo (2016 video game) -- 2016 racing video game
Wikipedia - TrackMania -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Trading card game
Wikipedia - Trading Team -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traditional games in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Trailblazers (video game) -- 2018 video game
Wikipedia - Trail of Tsathogghua -- Horror tabletop role-playing game adventure
Wikipedia - Trails (series) -- Role-playing video game series by Nihon Falcom
Wikipedia - Trainer (games) -- Program that modifies computer game memory to allow cheating
Wikipedia - Train Sim World -- 2018 simulation video game
Wikipedia - Trainz -- Train simulator video game series
Wikipedia - Tranquilizer Gun (video game) -- 1980 multi-directional shooter arcade game
Wikipedia - Transference (video game) -- 2018 psychological thriller adventure video game
Wikipedia - Transformers: Mystery of Convoy -- 1986 video game
Wikipedia - Transport Fever 2 -- 2019 transport simulation video game
Wikipedia - Transport Fever (video game) -- 2016 transport simulation video game
Wikipedia - Transport Fever -- Business video game series by Urban Games
Wikipedia - Transposition table -- Cache of previously seen positions, and associated evaluations in a game tree
Wikipedia - Tranz Am -- 1983 video game
Wikipedia - Trap Adventure 2 -- Adventure-survival platform game for iOS
Wikipedia - Travel Go -- Board game
Wikipedia - Traveller Adventure 10: Safari Ship -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Adventure 11: Murder on Arcturus Station -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Adventure 12: Secret of the Ancients -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Adventure 13: Signal GK -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Adventure 1: The Kinunir -- Science fiction tabletop role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Adventure 2: Research Station Gamma -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Adventure 3: Twilight's Peak -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Adventure 4: Leviathan -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Adventure 5: Trillion Credit Squadron -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Adventure 6: Expedition to Zhodane -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Adventure 7: Broadsword -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Adventure 8: Prison Planet -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Adventure 9: Nomads of the World-Ocean -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Alien Module 1: Aslan -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Alien Module 2: K'kree -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Alien Module 3: Vargr -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Alien Module 4: Zhodani -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Alien Module 6: Solomani -- Science-fiction role-playing game
Wikipedia - Traveller Alien Module 7: Hivers -- Science-fiction role-playing game
Wikipedia - Traveller Alien Module 8: Darrians -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Book 0: An Introduction to Traveller -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Book 4: Mercenary -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Book 5: High Guard -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Book 6: Scouts -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Book 7: Merchant Prince -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Book 8: Robots -- Science-fiction role-playing game
Wikipedia - Traveller Deluxe Edition -- Science-fiction role-playing game
Wikipedia - Traveller Double Adventure 1: Shadows/Annic Nova -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Double Adventure 2: Mission on Mithril/Across the Bright Face -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Double Adventure 3: Death Station/The Argon Gambit -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Double Adventure 4: Marooned/Marooned Alone -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Double Adventure 5: The Chamax Plague/Horde -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Double Adventure 6: Divine Intervention/Night of Conquest -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Personal Data Files -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Record Sheets -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Referee Screen -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement .
Wikipedia - Traveller (role-playing game) -- Science fiction tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - Traveller's Tales -- British video game developer
Wikipedia - Traveller Starter Edition -- Science-fiction role-playing game
Wikipedia - Traveller Supplement 10: The Solomani Rim -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Supplement 1: 1001 Characters -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Supplement 11: Library Data (N-Z) -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Supplement 12: Forms and Charts -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Supplement 13: Veterans -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Supplement 2: Animal Encounters -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Supplement 3: The Spinward Marches -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Supplement 4: Citizens of the Imperium -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Supplement 6: 76 Patrons -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Supplement 7: Traders and Gunboats -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Supplement 8: Library Data (A-M) -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Supplement 9: Fighting Ships -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Trax (game)
Wikipedia - Traysia -- 1992 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Treasure (company) -- Japanese video game developer
Wikipedia - Treasure Cove! -- 1992 computer game
Wikipedia - Treasure hunt (game)
Wikipedia - Treehouse (game) -- Board game
Wikipedia - Trek-80 (1979 video game) -- 1979 video game
Wikipedia - TreppenrommM-CM-) -- Card game
Wikipedia - Trespasser (video game) -- 1998 action-adventure video game
Wikipedia - Tressette -- Card game
Wikipedia - Trials of Mana (2020 video game) -- 2020 action role-playing game
Wikipedia - Trials of Mana -- 1995 action role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Triangular chess (game) -- Chess variant
Wikipedia - Triathlon at the 2010 Central American and Caribbean Games -- Held in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Triathlon at the 2019 Pacific Games -- Triahlon competition
Wikipedia - Triathlon at the 2019 Pan American Games -- The Triathlon competitions at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Triathlon at the 2019 Southeast Asian Games -- Triathlon competition at the 2019 Southeast Asian Games
Wikipedia - Triathlon at the Island Games -- Multi-sports event
Wikipedia - Tribes: Ascend -- First-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Tribes (video game series) -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Trickjump -- A form of movement, often in video games.
Wikipedia - Trick-taking game
Wikipedia - Trigger (game controller)
Wikipedia - Trine 2 -- Video game
Wikipedia - Trioncube -- 2006 video game
Wikipedia - Triple Play 97 -- 1996 computer game
Wikipedia - Triple Punch -- 1982 arcade game
Wikipedia - Triple Threat (game show) -- American television program
Wikipedia - Tripwire Interactive -- American video game developer and publisher
Wikipedia - Trivial Pursuit (American game show) -- US television series
Wikipedia - Trivial Pursuit: Unhinged -- 2004 video game
Wikipedia - Trivial Pursuit -- Board game
Wikipedia - Trog (video game) -- 1990 Maze arcade game from Midway, later ported to NES and DOS
Wikipedia - Troll Lord Games
Wikipedia - Trollpak -- Fantasy tabletop role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Tron: Solar Sailer -- 1982 video game
Wikipedia - Tron (video game)
Wikipedia - Tropical nations at the Winter Olympics -- Participation of athletes from tropical nations in the Winter Olympic Games
Wikipedia - Tropico 4 -- 2011 city management video game
Wikipedia - Tropico (video game) -- 2001 simulation video game
Wikipedia - Trouble (board game)
Wikipedia - Trouble for HAVOC -- Superhero tabletop role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Troy Christensen -- American author and game designer
Wikipedia - Truck Simulator -- Vehicle simulation game series
Wikipedia - Trump (card games) -- Playing card with an elevated rank
Wikipedia - Trump: The Game -- Board game based on American politician Donald Trump
Wikipedia - Tsukihime -- 2003 game, anime, and manga series
Wikipedia - Tsuki wa Higashi ni Hi wa Nishi ni -- Japanese adult visual novel video game
Wikipedia - Tug of war at the 1908 Summer Olympics -- Game during 1908
Wikipedia - Tumblebugs -- video game
Wikipedia - TumbleSeed -- 2017 video game
Wikipedia - Tuque Games -- Canadian video game developer
Wikipedia - TurboDuo -- Fourth-generation video game console
Wikipedia - TurboGrafx-16 -- Fourth-generation home video game console
Wikipedia - Turkey at the 1906 Intercalated Games -- Turkey at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Turkmenistan at the Youth Olympics -- performance of Kyrgyzstan at the Youth Olympic Games
Wikipedia - Turnaround: Crisis, Leadership, and the Olympic Games -- 2004 book by Mitt Romney
Wikipedia - Turn-based game
Wikipedia - Turns, rounds and time-keeping systems in games
Wikipedia - Turok 2: Seeds of Evil -- 1998 video game
Wikipedia - Turok: Dinosaur Hunter -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - Turtle Rock Studios -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - TurtleStrike -- 2013 video game
Wikipedia - Turtling (gameplay)
Wikipedia - Tutnese -- A primarily English language game easily modified for almost any language
Wikipedia - TV Scoreboard -- Home video game console by Tandy
Wikipedia - TV Tennis Electrotennis -- First Japanese video game console
Wikipedia - TV Vader -- Home video game console by Epoch Co.
Wikipedia - Tweety and the Magic Gems -- Video game
Wikipedia - Twenty questions -- Spoken guessing game using yes-no questions
Wikipedia - Twilight: 2000 -- Science fiction tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - Twilight Struggle -- Board game
Wikipedia - Twin Mirror -- 2020 adventure video game
Wikipedia - Twisted Metal 4 -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Twisted Metal: Black -- Vehicle combat video game from 2001 for Playstation 2
Wikipedia - Twisted Pixel Games
Wikipedia - Twister (game)
Wikipedia - Twister Mania -- 2011 video game
Wikipedia - Twitch gameplay -- type of video gameplay scenario that tests a player's response time
Wikipedia - TwixT -- One of the two-player strategy board games in the 3M bookshelf game series
Wikipedia - Two Can Play That Game (song) -- 1994 single by Bobby Brown
Wikipedia - Two Crude -- 1991 video game
Wikipedia - Two knights endgame
Wikipedia - Two-player game
Wikipedia - Two Point Hospital -- 2018 simulation video game
Wikipedia - TX-1 -- Arcade video game
Wikipedia - Typhoon Studios -- Canadian video game development company
Wikipedia - Typing game -- Video game genre
Wikipedia - Typo Attack -- 1982 video game
Wikipedia - Ubbi dubbi -- language game based on English
Wikipedia - Ubiquity (role-playing game system)
Wikipedia - Ubisoft Montreal -- Canadian video game developer; studio of Ubisoft
Wikipedia - Ubisoft Quebec -- Canadian video game development company
Wikipedia - Ubisoft Toronto -- Canadian video game developer; studio of Ubisoft
Wikipedia - Ubisoft -- French video game company
Wikipedia - UBOAT -- World War II submarine simulation game
Wikipedia - UFC 2009 Undisputed -- Video game
Wikipedia - UFC Personal Trainer -- 2011 video game
Wikipedia - UFC: Sudden Impact -- 2004 video game
Wikipedia - UFC: Tapout 2 -- 2003 video game
Wikipedia - UFC: Tapout -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - UFC: Throwdown -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - UFC Undisputed 2010 -- 2010 video game
Wikipedia - UFC Undisputed 3 -- Video game
Wikipedia - U-Force -- Game controller for the Nintendo Entertainment System
Wikipedia - U.F.O.s (video game) -- 1997 computer game
Wikipedia - Ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction -- Surgical procedure
Wikipedia - Ultimate Brain Games (1995 video game) -- Unreleased board video game
Wikipedia - Ultimate Combat! -- Collectible card game
Wikipedia - Ultimate (game)
Wikipedia - Ultimate I Spy -- Children's puzzle video game on the Nintendo Wii
Wikipedia - Ultimate Muscle: Legends vs. New Generation -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Ultimate Play the Game
Wikipedia - Ultimatum game -- A game in economic experiments
Wikipedia - Ultima Underworld II: Labyrinth of Worlds -- 1993 first-person role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss -- 1992 first-person role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Ultra Coliseum DX: Ultra Senshi Daishuketsu -- 2010 video game
Wikipedia - Ultraman Nexus (video game) -- 2005 video game
Wikipedia - Umbrella Corps -- multiplayer tactical shooter video game
Wikipedia - Unavowed -- 2018 indie point-and-click adventure game
Wikipedia - Unchained Blades -- 2011 video game
Wikipedia - Uncharted 2: Among Thieves -- 2009 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception -- 2011 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Uncharted 4: A Thief's End -- 2016 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Uncharted: Drake's Fortune -- 2007 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Uncharted: Golden Abyss -- 2011 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Uncharted: The Lost Legacy -- 2017 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Uncharted -- action-adventure video game series
Wikipedia - Under Fire (video game) -- 1994 video game
Wikipedia - Under Night In-Birth -- Japanese video game released in 2012
Wikipedia - Undertale -- 2015 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Underwater rugby -- Game where two teams try to score a negatively buoyant ball into the opponentsM-bM-^@M-^Y goal at the bottom of a swimming pool on breath-hold
Wikipedia - Underwater sports at the 2013 Bolivarian Games -- Finswimming, free-diving and spearfishing events
Wikipedia - Unholy Night: The Darkness Hunter -- Video game
Wikipedia - Unigine -- Proprietary cross-platform game engine by Unigine Corp
Wikipedia - Unique games conjecture
Wikipedia - Uni's On Air -- Japanese rhythm game released in 2019
Wikipedia - United States at the 1906 Intercalated Games -- United States at the Olympics
Wikipedia - United States men's national soccer team results (1960-69) -- Compilation of international soccer game played by the United States men's national soccer team from 1960 through 1969
Wikipedia - Unity (Game engine)
Wikipedia - Unity (game engine) -- Cross-platform video game and simulation engine
Wikipedia - Unity of Command II -- 2019 strategy video game
Wikipedia - Unity of Command (video game) -- 2011 video game
Wikipedia - Universal Paperclips -- Browser-based video game
Wikipedia - Universe (role-playing game) -- Science fiction tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - Unlimited Saga -- 2002 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Unlockable (video games) -- Content that is available in video games but is inaccessible unless an action is performed by the player
Wikipedia - Uno Flip -- A card game produced by Mattel
Wikipedia - Uno (video game) -- Video game adaptation of the card game
Wikipedia - Unreal (1998 video game)
Wikipedia - Unreal Engine -- game engine developed by Epic Games
Wikipedia - Unreal II: The Awakening -- Video game
Wikipedia - UnReal World -- 1992 roguelike survival video game
Wikipedia - Unreleased Half-Life games -- Canceled video game projects
Wikipedia - Unruly Heroes -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - Unstoppable Gorg -- 2012 video game
Wikipedia - Unterhaltungssoftware Selbstkontrolle -- German video game content rating system
Wikipedia - Until Dawn -- 2015 interactive drama game
Wikipedia - Untitled God of War sequel -- 2021 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Untitled Goose Game -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - Unvanquished (video game)
Wikipedia - Uprising: Join or Die -- 1997 action real-time strategy game
Wikipedia - Upshift Strikeracer -- 2007 video game
Wikipedia - Upwords -- Board game
Wikipedia - Uragyad'n of the Seven Pillars -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Urban Chaos -- Video game
Wikipedia - Urban Dead -- HTML/text-based massively multiplayer online role-playing game
Wikipedia - Uru: Ages Beyond Myst -- 2003 video game
Wikipedia - Us and Them M-bM-^HM-^R Cold War -- 2010 turn-based strategy video game
Wikipedia - US Gamer
Wikipedia - USGamer
Wikipedia - USgamer
Wikipedia - Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth -- 2016 video game
Wikipedia - Utility -- Concept in economics and game theory
Wikipedia - VA-11 Hall-A -- 2016 videogame
Wikipedia - Vagrant Story -- 2000 video game
Wikipedia - Vainglory (video game) -- Multiplayer online battle arena video game
Wikipedia - Val d'Isere Skiing and Snowboarding -- 1994 video game
Wikipedia - Valhalla Game Studios -- Japanese-Canadian video game development company
Wikipedia - Valiant Hearts: The Great War -- 2014 puzzle-adventure game
Wikipedia - Valis (video game series) -- Platform video game series
Wikipedia - Valkyrae -- American video game streamer (b. 1992)
Wikipedia - Valkyria Chronicles 4 -- Video game
Wikipedia - Valkyrie Anatomia: The Origin -- Mobile video game, 2016
Wikipedia - Valkyrie no Densetsu -- 1989 action-adventure arcade game
Wikipedia - Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria -- 2006 video game
Wikipedia - Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - Valkyrie Profile (video game) -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Valkyrie Profile -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Valorant -- 2020 first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Valve Corporation -- American video game company
Wikipedia - Valyrian languages -- Fictional languages in "Game of Thrones"
Wikipedia - Vampires in popular culture -- |Vampires in popular culture include appearances in ballet, films, literature, music, opera, theatre, paintings, and video games
Wikipedia - Vampire: The Eternal Struggle -- Multiplayer collectible card game
Wikipedia - Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines -- 2004 action role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Vampire: The Masquerade (Choice of Games) -- Video game franchise
Wikipedia - Vampire: The Masquerade - Coteries of New York -- 2019 adventure video game
Wikipedia - Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption -- 2000 video game
Wikipedia - Vampire: The Masquerade - Swansong -- Upcoming action role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Vanguard Reaches -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Vanguard (video game) -- Video game first developed in 1981
Wikipedia - Van Helsing (video game) -- 2004 video game
Wikipedia - Vanillaware -- Japanese video game developer
Wikipedia - Vanna White -- American model and game show hostess
Wikipedia - VanossGaming -- Canadian YouTuber and video game commentator
Wikipedia - Vanpool (company) -- Japanese video game developer
Wikipedia - Vascular lacuna -- Compartment beneath the inguinal ligament
Wikipedia - Vector game
Wikipedia - Vectorman -- Multilevel platform video game series for Sega
Wikipedia - Vector Unit -- Video game developer
Wikipedia - Vega Strike -- 2005 video game
Wikipedia - Vehicle simulation game
Wikipedia - Vehicular combat game
Wikipedia - Veil of Darkness -- 1993 video game
Wikipedia - Velocity (video game) -- 2012 video game
Wikipedia - Vendetta (1989 video game) -- 1989 beat 'em up computer game by System 3
Wikipedia - Vendetta (1991 video game) -- 1991 side-scrolling beat-'em-up Konami arcade game
Wikipedia - Venetica -- 2009 action role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Venezuela at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Venezuela at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Venice (video game) -- Puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Venture (video game) -- 1981 video game
Wikipedia - Venues of the 2006 Asian Games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Venues of the 2010 Commonwealth Games -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Verlan -- French language game involving reversing syllables in a word
Wikipedia - Vermeer (video game series) -- Series of business strategy video games
Wikipedia - Verytex -- 1991 video game
Wikipedia - Vesre -- Secret language game
Wikipedia - VG247 -- Video game blog
Wikipedia - VGChartz -- Video game sales tracking website
Wikipedia - Vicarious Visions -- American video game development company
Wikipedia - Victoria Cup (ice hockey) -- Series of ice hockey games
Wikipedia - Victoria II -- 2010 video game
Wikipedia - Video game addiction -- Addiction to computer and video games
Wikipedia - Video game arcade cabinet
Wikipedia - Video game artist
Wikipedia - Video game art
Wikipedia - Video game behavioral effects
Wikipedia - Video game bot
Wikipedia - Video game cartridge
Wikipedia - Video game clone -- Video game that resembles another video game
Wikipedia - Video game collecting -- Hobby
Wikipedia - Video game composer
Wikipedia - Video game console emulator
Wikipedia - Video game consoles
Wikipedia - Video game console -- Interactive entertainment computer or customized computer system for running video games
Wikipedia - Video game content rating system -- System used for the classification of video games into suitability-related groups
Wikipedia - Video game controversies
Wikipedia - Video game controversy
Wikipedia - Video game crash of 1977
Wikipedia - Video game crash of 1983 -- 1983 video gaming economic recession
Wikipedia - Video game creative director
Wikipedia - Video game culture -- Culture
Wikipedia - Video game designer
Wikipedia - Video game design
Wikipedia - Video game developers
Wikipedia - Video game developer -- Software developer specializing in the creation of video games
Wikipedia - Video game development -- Process of developing a video game
Wikipedia - Videogamedunkey -- American YouTuber
Wikipedia - Video game genres
Wikipedia - Video game genre
Wikipedia - Video game graphics
Wikipedia - Video game history
Wikipedia - Video game industry practices
Wikipedia - Video game industry -- Economic sector involved with the development, marketing and sales of video games
Wikipedia - Video game journalism -- Journalism genre
Wikipedia - Video game live streaming -- Internet broadcasting of video game play
Wikipedia - Video game localization
Wikipedia - Video game monetization
Wikipedia - Video Game Museum of Rome -- Video Game Museum in Via Sabotino, Rome
Wikipedia - Video game music
Wikipedia - Video Game Orchestra -- American video game music orchestra
Wikipedia - Video game packaging
Wikipedia - Video game preservation
Wikipedia - Video game producer
Wikipedia - Video game programmer -- Software engineer, programmer, or computer scientist who primarily develops codebase for video games
Wikipedia - Video game programming
Wikipedia - Video game publishers
Wikipedia - Video game publisher
Wikipedia - Video game remake -- Closely adapted game
Wikipedia - Video games and charity -- Video game-related fundraising events
Wikipedia - Video games as an art form
Wikipedia - Video games in Australia -- Overview of video games in Australia
Wikipedia - Video games in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Video games in Belgium -- Overview of video games in Belgium
Wikipedia - Video games in Brazil
Wikipedia - Video games in Canada -- Overview of video games in Canada
Wikipedia - Video games in China -- Overview of video gaming in China
Wikipedia - Video games in Colombia
Wikipedia - Video games in education
Wikipedia - Video games in Finland -- Overview of video games in Finland
Wikipedia - Video games in France -- Overview of video games in France
Wikipedia - Video games in Germany -- Overview of video games in Germany
Wikipedia - Video games in Ghana -- Overview of video games in Ghana
Wikipedia - Video games in Greece
Wikipedia - Video games in India -- Overview of video games in India
Wikipedia - Video games in Indonesia -- Overview of video games in Indonesia
Wikipedia - Video games in Italy -- Overview of video games in Italy
Wikipedia - Video games in Japan -- Overview of video games in Japan
Wikipedia - Video games in Kenya
Wikipedia - Video games in Latin America -- Overview of video games in Latin America
Wikipedia - Video games in Lithuania
Wikipedia - Video games in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Video games in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Video games in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Video games in Norway
Wikipedia - Video games in Russia -- Overview of video games in Russia
Wikipedia - Video games in South Africa
Wikipedia - Video games in South Korea -- Overview of video games in South Korea
Wikipedia - Video games in Spain -- Overview of video games in Spain
Wikipedia - Video games in Sweden -- Overview of video games in Sweden
Wikipedia - Video games in Switzerland -- Overview of video games in Switzerland
Wikipedia - Video games in Thailand -- Overview of video games in Thailand
Wikipedia - Video games in the Czech Republic -- Overview of video games in the Czech Republic
Wikipedia - Video games in the Netherlands -- Overview of video games in the Netherlands
Wikipedia - Video games in the Philippines -- Overview of video games in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Video games in the Republic of Ireland -- Overview of video games in the Republic of Ireland
Wikipedia - Video games in the United Kingdom -- Overview of video games in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Video games in the United States
Wikipedia - Video games in Turkey -- Overview of video games in Turkey
Wikipedia - Video games in Ukraine -- Overview of video games in Ukraine
Wikipedia - Video Games Live -- Video game music concert series
Wikipedia - Video Games (song) -- 2011 single by Lana Del Rey
Wikipedia - Video Games: The Movie
Wikipedia - Video Games
Wikipedia - Video games
Wikipedia - Videogames
Wikipedia - Video game tester
Wikipedia - Video game violence
Wikipedia - Video game walkthrough -- Guide to assist players in completing either an entire video game or specific elements of it
Wikipedia - Videogame
Wikipedia - Video game -- Electronic game that involves a user interface and visual feedback
Wikipedia - VideoSport MK2 -- Dedicated home video game console by Henry's
Wikipedia - Vienna Game
Wikipedia - Vigil: Blood Bitterness -- Video game
Wikipedia - Vijf tegen Vijf -- Dutch television game show
Wikipedia - Village (board game) -- Board game
Wikipedia - Vincent Delecroix -- French gamer and writer
Wikipedia - Violence and video games
Wikipedia - VIP Noche -- Spanish game show
Wikipedia - Viral gametocytic hypertrophy -- Pathological condition observed in the Pacific oyster
Wikipedia - Virtua Fighter 2 -- 1994 arcade video game
Wikipedia - Virtual Boy Wario Land -- 1995 platform game
Wikipedia - Virtual Boy -- Video game console developed by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Virtual Console -- Line of downloadable video games for several Nintendo platforms
Wikipedia - Virtual Pool -- Series of video games developed by Celeris
Wikipedia - Virtual Programming (company) -- Video game publisher
Wikipedia - Virtual Pro Wrestling 2: M-EM-^LdM-EM-^M KeishM-EM-^M -- 2000 video game
Wikipedia - Virtua Racing -- 1992 racing game
Wikipedia - Visage (video game) -- Survival horror video game
Wikipedia - VIS Entertainment -- British video game developer
Wikipedia - Vision (game engine)
Wikipedia - Visual3D Game Engine
Wikipedia - Visual Concepts -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - Visual novel -- Type of interactive fiction video game
Wikipedia - Viva PiM-CM-1ata: Pocket Paradise -- Video game
Wikipedia - Viva PiM-CM-1ata: Trouble in Paradise -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - Viva PiM-CM-1ata (video game) -- 2006 video game
Wikipedia - Viva PiM-CM-1ata -- Video game franchise
Wikipedia - Vivendi Games
Wikipedia - Vivi Ornitier -- Video game character
Wikipedia - V Jump -- Japanese manga magazine about video game
Wikipedia - Volfied -- Arcade game similar to Qix released by Taito in 1989
Wikipedia - Volleyball at the 2019 Pan American Games -- The Volleyball competitions at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Voltage Fighter Gowcaizer -- 1995 video game
Wikipedia - Voodoo (company) -- French video game developer
Wikipedia - VoxelStorm -- British independent video game development studio
Wikipedia - Voyeur II -- 1996 video game
Wikipedia - V-Play Game Engine
Wikipedia - V-Rally (video game) -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - VR Kanojo -- Virtual reality simulation game
Wikipedia - Vs. System -- System used for collectible card games
Wikipedia - VTech 3D Gamate -- 1983 video game console
Wikipedia - VVVVVV -- 2010 2D puzzle-platform video game
Wikipedia - Wacky Races (1991 video game) -- 1991 video game for the NES
Wikipedia - Wadjet Eye Games -- Video game developer and publisher based in New York City
Wikipedia - Wahoo Studios -- Computer and video game development company
Wikipedia - Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me! -- American news panel radio game show
Wikipedia - Waking Titan (ARG) -- Alternate reality game associated with the game No Man's Sky
Wikipedia - Wali (game)
Wikipedia - Walk of Game
Wikipedia - Walter Day -- American video game referee
Wikipedia - Walter Milliken -- Writer and game designer
Wikipedia - Waluigi -- Fictional video game character from the Mario franchise
Wikipedia - Wander (1974 video game) -- Text adventure game
Wikipedia - Wanted: Adventurers -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Wanted (game show) -- British game show
Wikipedia - War (card game) -- Card game
Wikipedia - Warcraft: Orcs & Humans -- 1994 video game
Wikipedia - Warfare 1917 -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - Wargame Construction Set III: Age of Rifles 1846-1905 -- 1996 computer wargame
Wikipedia - Wargame: Red Dragon -- PC game
Wikipedia - Wargamer's Digest -- Wargaming magazine
Wikipedia - Wargamer (website) -- Web site specializing in war and strategy gaming
Wikipedia - WarGames (2003) -- 2003 Major League Wrestling supercard event
Wikipedia - WarGames (2018) -- 2018 Major League Wrestling supercard event
Wikipedia - Wargames Factory -- American manufacturer of miniature wargaming pieces
Wikipedia - War Game (short story)
Wikipedia - WarGames match -- Professional wrestling match type
Wikipedia - WarGames: The Dead Code -- 2008 American direct-to-video thriller film by Stuart Gillard
Wikipedia - WarGames -- 1983 American Cold War science fiction film by John Badham
Wikipedia - Wargame (video games)
Wikipedia - Wargame -- Strategy game that realistically simulates war.
Wikipedia - Wargaming (company) -- Belarusian video game company
Wikipedia - Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III -- 2017 video game
Wikipedia - Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay -- Science fiction tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - Warhammer 40,000 -- Miniature wargame
Wikipedia - Warhammer Age of Sigmar -- Miniature wargame
Wikipedia - Warhammer: Chaosbane -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - Warhammer Fantasy (setting) -- High-fantasy setting, created by Games Workshop
Wikipedia - Warhammer (game) -- Miniature wargame
Wikipedia - Wario Land 3 -- 2000 platform game
Wikipedia - Wario Land 4 -- 2001 video game
Wikipedia - Wario Land II -- 1998 platform game
Wikipedia - Wario Land: Shake It! -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 -- 1994 platform video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Wario (series) -- Video game franchise
Wikipedia - WarioWare Gold -- 2018 video game by Nintendo
Wikipedia - WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgames! -- 2003 minigame compilation party video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - WarioWare: Touched! -- 2004 Nintendo video game
Wikipedia - WarioWare: Twisted! -- 2004 video game
Wikipedia - Wario -- Fictional video game character from the Mario franchise
Wikipedia - Wario World -- 2003 video game
Wikipedia - Warlocked -- 2000 video game
Wikipedia - Warlords (game series)
Wikipedia - Warmachine -- Tabletop steampunk wargame by Privateer Press
Wikipedia - War of attrition (game)
Wikipedia - War of the Lance (video game)
Wikipedia - Warp (video games)
Wikipedia - Warriors: Legends of Troy -- Video game
Wikipedia - Warsow (game)
Wikipedia - Warsow (video game)
Wikipedia - War Thunder -- Vehicular combat multiplayer game
Wikipedia - Warzone 2100 -- Free strategy video game
Wikipedia - Waspwinter -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement .
Wikipedia - Wasteland (series) -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Wasteland (video game)
Wikipedia - Watch Dogs 2 -- 2016 video game developed by Ubisoft Montreal
Wikipedia - Watch Dogs: Legion -- 2020 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Watch Dogs (video game) -- 2014 video game developed by Ubisoft Montreal
Wikipedia - Watch Dogs -- Series of action-adventure games by Ubisoft
Wikipedia - Water polo at the 2010 Central American and Caribbean Games -- Event held in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Water polo at the 2013 Southeast Asian Games -- Water polo competition
Wikipedia - Water polo at the 2019 Pan American Games -- The Water polo competitions at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Water polo -- Ballgame-team sport played in water by teams competing to put the ball into the opponent's goal
Wikipedia - Water skiing at the 2010 Central American and Caribbean Games -- Event held in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Water skiing at the 2019 Pan American Games -- The Water skiing competitions at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Waterworks! -- 2020 video game
Wikipedia - Waterworld (video game) -- 1995 video game
Wikipedia - WaveBird Wireless Controller -- Radio frequency-based wireless controller for the GameCube
Wikipedia - Waxworks (1992 video game) -- 1992 first-person dungeon crawl horror role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Way of the Samurai 3 -- 2009 video game
Wikipedia - Wayward Sky -- 2016 action video game
Wikipedia - WB Games MontrM-CM-)al -- Canadian video game development studio
Wikipedia - WCW/nWo Revenge -- 1998 video game
Wikipedia - WCW vs. nWo: World Tour -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - Weakest Link (British game show) -- British television quiz show
Wikipedia - We Are Chicago -- 2017 video game
Wikipedia - Weaving Tides -- Adventure video game
Wikipedia - WeGame
Wikipedia - We Happy Few -- 2018 video game
Wikipedia - Weightlifting at the 2006 Asian Games - Men's 56 kg -- Weightlifting event
Wikipedia - Weightlifting at the 2007 Pan American Games -- The Weightlifting competitions at the 2007 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Weightlifting at the 2010 Asian Games - Women's 69 kg -- Asian Games 2010
Wikipedia - Weightlifting at the 2010 Central American and Caribbean Games -- Event held in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Weightlifting at the 2010 Commonwealth Games - Women's 53 kg -- Weightlifting event
Wikipedia - Weightlifting at the 2011 Pan American Games - Men's 62 kg -- In Guadalajara, Mexico
Wikipedia - Weightlifting at the 2011 Pan American Games - Women's 75 kg -- The women's 75 kg competition of the weightlifting events
Wikipedia - Weightlifting at the 2018 Asian Games - Men's 62 kg -- Event at the 2018 Asian Games
Wikipedia - Weightlifting at the 2019 African Games -- Sporting competition
Wikipedia - Weightlifting at the 2019 Pacific Games -- Weightlifting competition
Wikipedia - Weightlifting at the 2019 Pan American Games -- The Weightlifting competitions at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Weightlifting at the Youth Olympic Games -- rowing events
Wikipedia - Weismann barrier -- distinction between germ cell lineages producing gametes and somatic cells
Wikipedia - We Love Katamari -- 2005 puzzle-action video game published by Namco and Electronic Arts
Wikipedia - West Front (video game) -- 1998 computer wargame
Wikipedia - West of Loathing -- Comedy adventure role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Wet Head -- Game brand
Wikipedia - WFF 'N PROOF -- Dice game, intended to teach symbollic logic
Wikipedia - Whac-A-Mole -- Game of skill
Wikipedia - Whamageddon -- Christmas season game
Wikipedia - Whammy! The All-New Press Your Luck -- American game show
Wikipedia - What a Wonderful Game -- 1995 film
Wikipedia - What Remains of Edith Finch -- 2017 adventure game
Wikipedia - What's Cooking? with Jamie Oliver -- 2008 cooking video game
Wikipedia - What's My Line? -- American panel game show
Wikipedia - What They Play -- Video game website
Wikipedia - What? Where? When? -- Intellectual game show in the USSR and Russia
Wikipedia - Wheelman (video game) -- 2009 video game
Wikipedia - Wheel of Fortune (1952 game show) -- Former game show
Wikipedia - Wheel of Fortune (American game show) -- American television game show
Wikipedia - Wheel of Fortune (Australian game show) -- Australian game show
Wikipedia - Wheel of Fortune (British game show) -- British television game show
Wikipedia - When Ski Lifts Go Wrong -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - When the Gods Played a Badger Game -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? (1986 video game) -- 1986 video game
Wikipedia - Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? (1985 video game) -- 1985 video game
Wikipedia - Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? Deluxe -- 1990 video game
Wikipedia - Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? (Gameloft) -- Video game
Wikipedia - Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show) -- American children's television game show
Wikipedia - Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show) -- US television program
Wikipedia - Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego? (video game) -- 1989 computer and video game
Wikipedia - Which Witch? (board game) -- Children's board game
Wikipedia - White Day: A Labyrinth Named School -- Video game
Wikipedia - White Dwarf (magazine) -- Fantasy games magazine
Wikipedia - White Horse Hill National Game Preserve -- White Horse Hill National Game Preserve
Wikipedia - White Walker -- Fictional entity in Game of Thrones
Wikipedia - Whitewash (sport) -- Sports term for series in which the winning team wins all the games
Wikipedia - White Wizard Games -- board and card game company
Wikipedia - White Wolf Publishing -- American roleplaying game and book publisher
Wikipedia - Who Dares Wins (British game show) -- British television game show
Wikipedia - Who is the Millionaire (Vietnamese game show) -- TV game show program
Wikipedia - Who's Your Daddy? (video game) -- 2015 video game
Wikipedia - Whot! -- Card game
Wikipedia - Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (American game show) -- Game show from the United States
Wikipedia - Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (Australian game show) -- Australian game show
Wikipedia - Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (British game show) -- British television quiz show
Wikipedia - Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (Irish game show) -- Irish game show
Wikipedia - Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? -- International game show franchise
Wikipedia - Wicked Game -- 1989 official album release and 1990 official single release by Chris Isaak
Wikipedia - Wicked Wicked Games -- American telenovela
Wikipedia - Wicked Witch Software -- Australian video game developer
Wikipedia - Widowmaker (Overwatch) -- Fictional character in the 2016 video game Overwatch
Wikipedia - Wie is de Mol? (Dutch TV series) -- Dutch reality television game show
Wikipedia - Wii Chess -- 2008 chess video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Wii Fit Plus -- 2009 exergaming video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Wii Fit Trainer -- Video game character
Wikipedia - Wii Fit U -- 2013 exergaming video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Wii Fit -- 2007 exergaming video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Wii Music -- 2008 music video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Wii Party U -- 2013 party video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Wii Party -- 2010 party video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Wii Play: Motion -- 2011 party video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Wii Play -- 2006 party video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Wii Remote -- Primary game controller for the Nintendo Wii
Wikipedia - Wii Sports Club -- 2013 sports video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Wii Sports Resort -- 2009 sports video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Wii Sports -- 2006 sports video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Wii system software -- Operating system for Nintendo's Wii home video game console
Wikipedia - Wii U system software -- Operation system for Nintendo's Wii U home video game console
Wikipedia - Wii U -- Home video game console released by Nintendo in 2012
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Notability (video games) -- Wikipedia essay on video game notability
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Wiki Game -- Fun game
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Biography/Sports and games -- Sub-project of WikiProject Biography
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Board and table games -- Wikimedia subject-area collaboration
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Gaelic games -- Wikimedia subject-area collaboration
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Games -- Wikimedia subject-area collaboration
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Game theory -- Subject-area collaboration
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Role-playing games -- Wikimedia subject-area collaboration
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Video games/Peer review -- historical document
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Video games/Sega -- Sub-project of WikiProject Video games
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Video games -- Wikipedia subject-area collaboration
Wikipedia - Wild Arms 4 -- 2005 video game
Wikipedia - Wild Arms (video game) -- 1996 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Wild Guess -- Canadian children's television game show
Wikipedia - WildTurtle -- Canadian video game player
Wikipedia - Willem Ruis -- Dutch game show presenter
Wikipedia - William Julius Champion Jr. -- American game designer
Wikipedia - William Pugh (game designer) -- Indie video game developer
Wikipedia - Will Rock -- 2003 action/adventure video game
Wikipedia - Will Wright (game designer) -- American video game designer and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Wilmot's Warehouse -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - Wily & Right no RockBoard: That's Paradise -- 1993 business simulation video game published by Capcom
Wikipedia - Win Ben Stein's Money -- American television game show
Wikipedia - Wind and Water: Puzzle Battles -- 2007 video game
Wikipedia - Wing Commander Academy (video game) -- 1993 video game
Wikipedia - Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom -- 1996 video game
Wikipedia - Wing Commander (video game)
Wikipedia - Wing Nuts: Battle in the Sky -- 1995 video game
Wikipedia - Wings of Power II: WWII Fighters -- 2006 video game
Wikipedia - Wings Over Vietnam -- 2004 video combat game
Wikipedia - Wingspan (board game) -- 2019 board game
Wikipedia - Wink Martindale -- American disc jockey, radio personality, game show host, and television producer
Wikipedia - Winnie the Pooh's Home Run Derby -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - Winning Run -- 1988 video game
Wikipedia - Winston (Overwatch) -- Fictional character in the 2016 video game Overwatch
Wikipedia - Wintario -- Canadian lottery game
Wikipedia - Winter Heat -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - Winter Olympic Games -- Major international sporting event
Wikipedia - Wipeout (2008 American game show) -- American television game show
Wikipedia - Wipeout (2021 game show) -- American television game show
Wikipedia - Wipeout 2048 -- 2012 video game
Wikipedia - Wipeout 3 -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Wipeout (video game) -- Futuristic racing video game from 1995 by Psygnosis
Wikipedia - Without Prejudice? -- British game show
Wikipedia - WIXOSS -- Japanese collectible card game, launched by Tomy in 2014
Wikipedia - Wizard (2005 video game) -- Video game designed by Chris Crawford in 1980 for the Atari 2600 but released in 2005
Wikipedia - Wizard (board game)
Wikipedia - Wizard of Legend -- 2018 roguelike video game
Wikipedia - Wizardry -- series of role-playing video games
Wikipedia - Wizard's Crown -- Video game
Wikipedia - Wizards of the Coast -- American publisher of games
Wikipedia - Wolfenstein 3D -- 1992 first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus -- 2017 action-adventure first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Wolfenstein -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Wolfenstein: Youngblood -- 2019 first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Wolfgang Baur -- American game designer
Wikipedia - Wolfire Games
Wikipedia - Women and video games -- Relationship between women and video games
Wikipedia - Wonder Boy III: Monster Lair -- 1988 arcade video game
Wikipedia - Wonder Boy (video game) -- 1986 arcade platformer video game
Wikipedia - Wonderland Revisited and the Games Alice Played There
Wikipedia - Wonderland (video game)
Wikipedia - Wondership Q -- 2015 video game
Wikipedia - WonderSwan -- Handheld game console
Wikipedia - Wonder Wizard (7702) -- Home video game console by General Home Products
Wikipedia - Woof Meow -- 1988 role-playing game
Wikipedia - Worcestershire v Somerset, 1979 -- Cricket game in England
Wikipedia - Word Association -- Word game involving an exchange of words that are associated together
Wikipedia - Wordfeud -- Video game
Wikipedia - Word game
Wikipedia - Words with Friends -- Multiplayer crossword style video game
Wikipedia - Words Worth -- Japanese adult role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Wordtris -- 1991 Tetris spinoff for IBM PC, Game Boy and SNES
Wikipedia - World Beach Games -- An international multi-sport event organized
Wikipedia - World Cyber Games 2005 -- International video game event in 2005
Wikipedia - World Forge -- Russian computer game developer (2004-2009)
Wikipedia - World Game -- Educational simulation game
Wikipedia - World League Soccer -- 1991 video game
Wikipedia - World Mind Sports Games
Wikipedia - World of A Song of Ice and Fire -- Fictional world of A Song of Ice and Fire and Game of Thrones
Wikipedia - World of Darkness (video game) -- Canceled massively multiplayer online role-playing game
Wikipedia - World of Goo -- 2008 puzzle video game
Wikipedia - World of Horror -- 2020 horror roguelike video game
Wikipedia - World of Illusion -- 1992 platform video game
Wikipedia - World of Outlaws: Sprint Cars 2002 -- 2002 racing video game
Wikipedia - World of Tanks -- Massively multiplayer online game
Wikipedia - World of Warcraft Trading Card Game -- Collectible card game
Wikipedia - World of Warcraft -- Massively multiplayer online role-playing video game by Blizzard Entertainment
Wikipedia - Worlds of Wonder (game) -- Tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - World Transplant Games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - World Urban Games -- An international multi-sport event organized
Wikipedia - World War Z (2019 video game) -- 2019 cooperative third-person shooter video game developed by Saber Interactive
Wikipedia - Worms 4 (2015 video game) -- 2015 video game
Wikipedia - Worms 4: Mayhem -- 2005 video game
Wikipedia - Worms Reloaded -- 2010 video game
Wikipedia - Worms (video game)
Wikipedia - Would I Lie to You? (game show) -- Television series
Wikipedia - Wounded Game -- 1977 film
Wikipedia - Wrath of the Immortals -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - Wreckfest -- 2017 video game
Wikipedia - Wrecking Ball (Overwatch) -- Fictional hero Blizzards 2016 video game Overwatch
Wikipedia - Wrestling at the 2010 Central American and Caribbean Games -- Held in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Wrestling at the 2015 African Games -- Wrestling competitions
Wikipedia - Wrestling at the 2019 Pan American Games -- The Wrestling competitions at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Writer Rabbit -- 1986 educational video game
Wikipedia - Wunder (gamer) -- Danish professional League of Legends player
Wikipedia - Wushu at the 2007 Southeast Asian Games -- 2007 Southeast Asian Games competition
Wikipedia - WWE '12 -- 2011 professional wrestling video game
Wikipedia - WWE '13 -- 2012 professional wrestling video game
Wikipedia - WWE 2K14 -- 2013 professional wrestling video game
Wikipedia - WWE 2K15 -- 2014 professional wrestling video game
Wikipedia - WWE 2K16 -- 2015 professional wrestling video game
Wikipedia - WWE 2K19 -- 2018 professional wrestling video game
Wikipedia - WWE 2K20 -- 2019 professional wrestling video game
Wikipedia - WWE 2K Battlegrounds -- 2020 professional wrestling video game
Wikipedia - WWE 2K -- WWE licensed professional wrestling video game series
Wikipedia - WWE All Stars -- 2011 professional wrestling video game
Wikipedia - WWE Day of Reckoning -- 2004 video game
Wikipedia - WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2007 -- 2006 professional wrestling video game

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authors -- Crowley - Peterson - Borges - Wilber - Teresa - Aurobindo - Ramakrishna - Maharshi - Mother
places -- Garden - Inf. Art Gallery - Inf. Building - Inf. Library - Labyrinth - Library - School - Temple - Tower - Tower of MEM
powers -- Aspiration - Beauty - Concentration - Effort - Faith - Force - Grace - inspiration - Presence - Purity - Sincerity - surrender
difficulties -- cowardice - depres. - distract. - distress - dryness - evil - fear - forget - habits - impulse - incapacity - irritation - lost - mistakes - obscur. - problem - resist - sadness - self-deception - shame - sin - suffering
practices -- Lucid Dreaming - meditation - project - programming - Prayer - read Savitri - study
subjects -- CS - Cybernetics - Game Dev - Integral Theory - Integral Yoga - Kabbalah - Language - Philosophy - Poetry - Zen
6.01 books -- KC - ABA - Null - Savitri - SA O TAOC - SICP - The Gospel of SRK - TIC - The Library of Babel - TLD - TSOY - TTYODAS - TSZ - WOTM II
8 unsorted / add here -- Always - Everyday - Verbs

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